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Tikbalang D&D creature stats: Herbarium
With 100 packed pages, including: - Foraging mechanics - A dictionary of plants & magical applications - How to create fictional plants with 5e mechanics - Adventure hooks & prewritten encounters - How to use challenging new climates, biomes, & seasons - Folklore-inspired new subclasses, including the Oath of the Endling & Deep Roots Sorcerous Origin - Nature-inspired character backgrounds - Monstrous creatures from the dark side of folk horror - Over 100 craftable potions, items, & poisons
Wolf of the Forest, spirit of plant growth (CR 12)
This primal spirit embodies an aspect of nature. It can be summoned by druids using a new 9th-level spell. From page 200 of The Elements and Beyond, a D&D Unleashed Compendium. D&D Unleashed is free and fanmade. Get more (including the full 246-page compendium) at dndunleashed.com, or follow @EvilBenevolent on twitter for the newest updates. You can also find this monster in the homebrew section on D&D Beyond! Art Credit: "Alectorfencer's Plant Spirit" by sandara #dnd #dnd5e #dndhomebrew #ttrpg