Houseplants For Beginners

Houseplants for beginners. Easy-care indoor plants and beautiful houseplants suitable for beginners.
199 Pins
How To Care For Monstera Deliciosa (Swiss Cheese Plant) - Smart Garden Guide
Complete guide to Monstera care. Follow the instructions in this article to ensure your Monstera grows like crazy and stays looking amazing, year after year. I cover all the essential houseplant care tips you will need to keep your Monstera happy.
How To Grow Plants Indoors - Houseplant Care 101 - Smart Garden Guide
Complete beginners guide to growing houseplants. You may think you have a brown thumb, but I promise you that you don't. This one article can help you grow healthy houseplants that thrive year after year.
Why Is My Peace Lily Not Growing? (5 Easy Fixes) - Smart Garden Guide
Find out why your Peace Lily isn't growing and what steps to take to help it thrive again. Step by step guide to help you work out what is preventing your Peace Lily houseplant from growing.
Why Is My Chinese Evergreen Drooping? - Smart Garden Guide
A sadly drooping Aglaonema is a sign your plant has a problem, but how to fix it? I explain how to work out what is going wrong with your Chinese evergreen and what steps to take to revive your plant.
How To Care For A Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamina) - Smart Garden Guide
Complete guide to Ficus benjamina care. I cover all aspects of Weeping Fig care in this article. I cover all essential aspects of houseplant care, including lighting, watering, soil, fertilizing, humidity, etc. I also cover lots of common ficus problems and help you fix and prevent these.
Why Is My Madagascar Dragon Tree Dying? (10 Solutions) - Smart Garden Guide
Common Madagascar Dragon tree problems and how to fix this. Whilst generally an easy houseplant to care for, the Dragon tree isn't without problems. Incorrect lighting and watering, in particular, can quickly cause major issues for your plant. Learn how to spot problems early and take action to save your plant.
Why Does My Corn Plant Have Brown Tips (Dracaena Fragrans) - Smart Garden Guide
Brown tips on Corn plants and other dracaenas are a really commmon problem. I explain why this happens and give you all the info you need to work out why your Dracaena has brown tips, and explain how to fix your plant.
7 Causes Of Soil Not Drying Out (And How To Fix It) - Smart Garden Guide
If your soil is taking ages to dry out, your houseplants are at risk of root rot. Find out what's wrong and how to make your soil dry faster.
37 Small Indoor Plants To Bring Beauty Into Your Home - Smart Garden Guide
These small houseplants are some of my favorites. It was hard to cut the list down to 27, as there are just so many wonderful little houseplants that can fit in any space. I include houseplants that will thrive in direct sunlight as well as low-light houseplants. Some are a little more difficult to keep happy, but most are easy-care houseplants.
China Doll Plant Care (Radermachera sinica) - Smart Garden Guide
Complete guide to China Doll Plant care. I cover all the essential aspects of houseplant care to help you keep your China Doll plant thriving. I also explain how to avoid common houseplant care problems, including yellow leaves, dropping leaves, overwatering etc.
18 Fast-Growing Houseplants That Look Fantastic
18 of my favorite fast-growing houseplants. These indoor plants can be bought small and they will grow to an impressive size in no time.
Snake Plant Propagation: 4 Ways To Grow Snake Plant Cuttings
4 simple ways to propagate snake plants. Houseplant propagation made easy.
10 Great Ways To Increase Humidity For Indoor Plants - Smart Garden Guide
Learn the best ways to improve humidity for houseplants, as well as the common ways that can actually harm your plants.
Phalaenopsis Orchid Care For Beginners (Easy Guide) - Smart Garden Guide
This Phalaenopsis orchid care guide covers everything you need to grow a healthy orchid that will thrive and bloom again and again.
23 Beautiful Aglaonema Varieties (Chinese Evergreen) - Smart Garden Guide
23 stunning Aglaonema varieties you will love. There is such a wide variety of interesting and colorful Chinese evergreens. I've chosen some of my favorites to showcase in this article.