In far northwest China along the Mongolian border with little surrounding it but desert sand and mountains, Dunhuang feels like it's on a completely different planet when compared to the rest of China. In times of antiquity it was a stop on the Silk Road due to its proximity to the Crescent Lake oasis, and as such it represented one of the farthest western extensions of the Great Wall.
What does one do in the desert? Ride camels, of course!
Just outside the Mogao Caves area, a photograph I took just to show the bleakness of the landscape.
Flying angel decor in our Dunhuang hotel.
One of the highlights of the trip, an amazing dance and culture show that brings the concept of flying angels to life.
A few shots of the hinterlands well outside the city. Beautiful certainly, but I assume that life here would not be easy.
Back at our hotel for a final splash of color.
Good night!