This American sitcom is set in a fictional police department in Brooklyn, from where carefree detective Jake, his partner-in-crime Amy, and the by-the-book commanding officer Ray operate.
This American sitcom is set in a fictional police department in Brooklyn, from where carefree detective Jake, his partner-in-crime Amy, and the by-the-book commanding officer Ray operate.
role | name |
Jake Peralta | Andy Samberg |
Rosa Diaz | Stephanie Beatriz |
Terry Jeffords | Terry Crews |
Amy Santiago | Melissa Fumero |
Charles Boyle | Joe Lo Truglio |
Raymond Holt | Andre Braugher |
Hitchcock | Dirk Blocker |
Scully | Joel McKinnon Miller |
Gina Linetti | Chelsea Peretti |
Kevin Cozner | Marc Evan Jackson |
role | name |
Writer | Dan Goor |
Writer | Michael Schur |