The Republic
This timeless dialogue features Socrates engaging in conversations with three different people about a perfect community and ideal individual. Explore notions of goodness, reality, and knowledge, while pondering the role of education and guardianship. With deft use of allegory, the author presents a portrait of a harmonious state ruled by philosopher kings.
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I’m actually gobsmacked that this isn’t required in order to be sworn into office, like the Constitution is required for us American immigrants when it comes time to gain American citizenship. – source
Here’s my list for the best books in philosophy, in no particular order. – sourceI’d like to recommend a Ladybird book, by Angie Hobbs. It’s a book about Plato’s Republic. Don’t be put off by the fact that it’s a Ladybird book, this is a new type of Ladybird book which is designed for, I guess, teenagers and adults, rather than for children. But it’s got the same format. It’s a short book of 50 pages, and around 24 of those are illustrations. – source
Reading the Plato's Republic was the very first time I had encountered reason, and I discovered that I could make sense of myself and the world around me through careful introspection, abstraction, and structure. Its influence on me was so strong that I continued to study philosophy for the next ten years! – source2022-03-25T13:03:27.000Z
#Plato's #Republic is one of the greatest books in the history of Western Civilization.
It recounts a discussion between some ancient Greeks about how people can live good lives and create a good society.
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