Printer’s Errors in PRINTER’S ERROR
Our book about human error in print contains a number of errors that we caught too late to change for the first printing. As is right and true with the workings of the world.
I’m told this one was on purpose.
Food for Bibliographers
Now they’re fated to become the bibliographic points – the details we check to determine which edition a book is – for Printer’s Error’s first printing. Here are a handful of them that will be corrected in later printings of the book.
The First Printing Points of Printer’s Error
Page 25, 8th line: “Mütter” should read “Mutter.” Only one mother here, folks.
Page 187, 9th line: “fruitful translations” should read “fruitful transgressions.”
Page 191, 1st line: “I CAN HAS DEADLY TERRORS?” should be “I CAN HAZ DEADLY TERRORS?”
Page 205, 3rd line: “title aftermaths” should be “little aftermaths” (a euphemism, incidentally, for children born out of wedlock)
Acknowledgments page: Russell Maret’s name is spelled with only one “L.” (Sorry, Russell. You of all people would have caught mistakes like this.)
The rear jacket flap: the author photo credit for JP’s photo should be “Sean Samuels.”
First published 17 March 2017.