Mats logo matting FAQ.
Should I Rent Or Buy Mats ?
This is a common question from many accounts departments looking at short term savings.
The answer is yes you can buy but only to a certain degree is this cost effective. Vacuum cleaners on average are approximately 30% effective at removing dirt and debris from the top surface of the dust control mats.
Mainly because small particles of grit penetrates deeper into the Dirt barrier mats nylon twist pile. Where it becomes almost impossible for the suction of vacuums to be effective.
This build up of dirt and grime essentially reduces your entrance dirt barrier mats appearance and to function. Effectively becoming a source of dirt to be walked further into your establishment.
Contract Cleaners
The results of a professional Mat Rental Service reduces time taken by contract cleaners maintaining your floors. Whilst focusing on other areas of your business,
Staff involvement
Should you choose to allocate a member of your own staff to maintain your entrance mats be aware that this service can take up a valuable amount of their time.
Example: one member of staff on minimum wage taking approximately one hour to vacuum, wash and dry the dust control mat as opposed to a full rental lift and lay mat service starting from around £3.80 per week.
Inevitably your cleaning regime will fail as your member of staff will be pulled onto other duties within your business. Resulting in your entrance logo mats or standard dirt barrier mats failing to work effectively.
The grime walked in by foot traffic acts like sand paper slowly grinding away at expensive floor coverings especially on wood, laminate and linoleum.
Smaller amounts of dust travel around the atmosphere. Over a period of time this settles on surfaces resulting in further cleaning costs.
mats logo matting FAQ, On ceramic tiled floors slips may also occur.
Information about our Mat Rental Services.