If you’re a fan of the supernatural and spooky, it’s likely that you’ve heard of the story of the Donkey Lady Bridge in San Antonio. This bridge has a varied, historic past, but all origins and accounts lead to the same conclusion: that the bridge is haunted by a spectral being resembling a woman disfigured and resembling a donkey. This folklore story is well-known in the history of San Antonio, so learn more about the ghost and her origin before you dare to venture into the paranormal realm of the Donkey Lady.
Multiple Origins of The Donkey Lady
Potentially one of the most unsettling things about the Donkey Lady and her bridge is that there are so many origin stories for the scary story. One story claims that the Donkey Lady was part of a farming family who lived outside San Antonio that met a terrible fate. In this iteration, the Donkey Lady’s husband, the farmer, set fire to their home and family, leaving her horribly disfigured and grieving. Different iterations of her story claim that she has been around since the 1950s, while others still say she’s been haunting the area since the 1800s. All iterations of the story come to the same conclusion, however, that the Donkey Lady haunts the area out of pain, grief, and restlessness.
The Donkey Bridge At Night
The bridge itself, located a short distance away from San Antonio, attracts many visitors looking to catch a glimpse of the storied ghost. However, you may notice a marked difference in the area’s ambiance and general atmosphere between daytime and nighttime. During the bright light of day, the bridge looks like many others: guard railings on both sides with enough space for cars to drive comfortably across. However, all of this changes when the sun goes down. The charming, lush vegetation seems to press in around you, and there is little light to see your surroundings. Many people claim that the area has a heavy feel to the air and that it always feels like someone is watching you. This, of course, could be the Donkey Lady watching and waiting to terrorize those who venture into her territory.
Paranormal Reports from Locals
Just like the origins of Donkey Lady, there are also many reports of area locals experiencing odd happenings and even terrifying encounters with the lady herself. One local’s account, found on Weird US, tells the story of how he and his friends went to the bridge at night to see if they could find anything, and then were chased through the woods by the Donkey Lady, who was enraged at their presence. Many others have similar stories, and many also have car dents shaped like hooves and even broken windshields as proof of their ordeals.
Can You Summon The Folklore?
It’s said that if you drive to the Donkey Lady Bridge and honk your horn while shouting for her, you’ll be able to summon the being that has haunted the area for decades. If they’re particularly brave, ghost hunters and thrill seekers often will honk or yell before exploring the area in search of the entity. Do you think you’d be brave enough to summon the Donkey Lady? Next time you’re in the area, you can find out and maybe see the ghost herself.
San Antonio is home to many ghost stories and spooky folk tales, and Donkey Lady Bridge is just one of many haunted places in this beautiful area. Learn more about ghost tales, haunted houses, and spooky stories by browsing the RJA Ghost Tours blog, or get in contact with us today (online is fine, if you don’t have a ouija board) to book a tour!