Patio table plans

Patio table plans

Materials list

1 3/4" deck screws34
2 1/2" deck screws36
8' 5/4x6" Cedar decking     3
8' 2x4's4

My sister was asking about plans for a wooden patio table, so I designed a really easy to build patio table for her to build.

Unlike my other plans, I don't have photos of the construction, because I didn't actually build this table.

Building the frame

Except for the apron crosspieces, all the parts of the frame are just 2x4's cut off at right angles.

Attaching the top

I also have the plans in SketchUp of this table that you can download. You will need to download the free Google SketchUp to view the SketchUp Plans.

I don't have an article about building this table, but this article may be of some guidance for building this table.

Greg Golden send me some pictures of patio table he built
based on these plans, though he changed the length to 10 feet for his.