My 2013 Family Organiser helps me get organised and enjoy life more. I’ll be off to visit the world, take time out to enjoy family and friends, who knows who I’ll meet along the way. This day I made some time, stopped, got out of the car and took a photo on the beach. This is Avalon,
Working full time, as a mum, you can get a bit guilty about not spending enough time doing fun things with your kids. I’ve decided to do more cool stuff with my son, this is one of them we do together and there’s no cooking on the stove, so it’s not hot when you mix
Here is our January postcard, Need something to keep track of everything? You’re a mum of two, work two jobs, studying for a teaching degree and still have time to coach basketball, be on the parents committee and take the children to their various dance & signing lessons, you need a Tomfo Family Organiser