The Javanese cat, also known as the colorpoint longhair, is related to the Siamese, colorpoint shorthair, and Balinese. The Javanese looks like a Siamese cat with medium-long hair in lynx point, tortie point, or red/cream point. The Javanese’s semi-long coat is fine and silky, without an undercoat, so it lies close to the body.
At one time considered its own breed by the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA), the Javanese is now a color division of the Balinese, which itself is essentially a semi-longhaired Siamese.
Learn more about the Javanese cat, from the breed’s history to their care needs and more.
Breed Overview
OTHER NAMES: Colorpoint longhair
PERSONALITY: Outgoing, inquisitive, and affectionate
WEIGHT: About 5 to 12 pounds
LENGTH: Up to 14 inches
COAT LENGTH: Medium hair
COAT COLORS: Red, cream, cinnamon, fawn, smoke
COAT PATTERNS: Lynx point, tortie point, solid point
EYE COLOR: Deep, vivid blue
LIFESPAN: 10+ years
ORIGIN: United States
Characteristics of the Javanese
Like their parent breeds the Siamese, colorpoint shorthair, and Balinese, the Javanese is alert, curious, and extremely loving. Like the Siamese, Javanese are highly attached to their people. This is a breed that wants to be part of everything you do and will follow you everywhere (even into the bathroom).
A friendly and accepting breed, Javanese cats usually coexist well with other pets, whether fellow cats or cat-friendly dogs. Though the Javanese is talkative, breed lovers say they are a bit less vocal than the Siamese and not quite as loud.
Javanese are very smart; you would have fun teaching them tricks and games using positive training methods, such as clicker training, and of course, lots of tasty food rewards.
Affection Level | High |
Friendliness | High |
Kid-Friendly | High |
Pet-Friendly | High |
Exercise Needs | High |
Playfulness | High |
Energy Level | High |
Intelligence | High |
Tendency to Vocalize | High |
Amount of Shedding | Low |
History of the Javanese
Some breeders in the 1970s began experimenting with introducing new colors and patterns into the Balinese breed, which itself had originated when breeders in the 1950s capitalized on a spontaneous mutation for long hair in the Siamese. Though they worked with the CFA to accept these “new-color Balinese” as a division of the Balinese breed standard, the cats ended up being categorized as a separate breed with a new name. In 1986 and now christened “Javanese,” the CFA granted the breed championship status. The breed was named after the island of Java, which is close to Bali.
The Javanese was shown as a separate breed for more than 30 years until the two breed councils for the Javanese and Balinese eventually decided to combine the breeds under one standard. Today, the Javanese is a division of the Balinese.
The International Cat Association (TICA) does not recognize the Javanese separately from the Balinese because all pointed colors and patterns, including those found in the Javanese, are accepted by the TICA Balinese breed standard. In TICA, a Javanese is simply a Balinese.
The Javanese and Balinese are physically identical outside of the permitted colors and patterns. Where the Balinese division comes in only the four traditional Siamese solid pointed colors (seal point, chocolate point, blue point, and lilac point), the Javanese division comes in other solid points (red, cream, cinnamon, fawn, and smoke), as well as various lynx point colors and parti-color point colors.
Javanese Care
Caring for a Javanese cat is not complicated. They don’t have complicated grooming needsare content in the presence of a variety of toys to play with and daily exercise.
Javanese are energetic and need plenty of activity to stay happy. To help indoor cats get enough exercise, provide places to climb, including cat trees, perches, and tall scratchers.
Consider using multiple scratchers of varying types so your cat can scratch in the right places and leave your furniture alone. Some cats prefer to scratch vertically (such as scratching posts or cat trees), some enjoy scratching horizontally on the ground (such as cardboard or sisal scratchers) and some cats enjoy both types.
Play with your Javanese as much as you can, using different toys like feather wands or fishing poles, fuzzy mice, balls, and interactive toys, including puzzle toys.
The Javanese’s single coat is medium in length but looks shorter due to its fine texture and how close it lies to the skin. The hair appears longer on the hindquarters and tail. The Javanese coat is easy to groom. The coat rarely mats or tangles and sheds very little.
The Javanese is not a hypoallergenic cat breed.
Brush weekly with a soft slicker brush or stainless steel comb to remove loose hair. Bathe as needed or if your Javanese gets into something messy.
Trim your Javanese's nails weekly or at least biweekly, and check inside the ears periodically, keeping an eye out for dirt or redness. You can clean the ears with a pet-safe ear cleaner, using a cotton ball or gauze square (don’t use cotton swabs as you can accidentally damage the ear drum). If your Javanese’s ears seem red, inflamed, or very dirty, or if you notice your cat scratching at their ears, schedule a checkup with your veterinarian.
Common Health Problems
Certain purebred cats are more at risk for certain genetically linked health issues. Though Javanese are usually healthy, they can develop some of the same issues known to affect the Siamese, Balinese and colorpoint shorthair, including:
- Crossed eyes and other eye issues: These cats can have crossed eyes, and they can develop vision problems like progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) that causes blindness.
- Renal amyloidosis: This is a disorder affecting the kidneys, causing an accumulation of proteins. There’s no cure.
- Amyloidosis: This is a disease that occurs when the protein amyloid is deposited in body organs, primarily the liver.
- Dental problems: All cats can develop oral health problems like gum disease and tooth resorption, so it’s important to brush their teeth and have them examined by a vet.
- Heart problems: Congenital heart defects that are present at birth, and heart diseases like hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, can affect this breed. You can have your vet check your cat’s heart for symptoms like murmurs.
- Anesthesia sensitivity: Some Javanese and Balinese experience sensitivity to anesthesia, so it’s important to discuss this with your veterinarian before your cat has surgery.
Reputable cat breeders test their adult cats for health issues that may be genetic in nature and do not breed affected cats. Good breeders also usually offer some type of health guarantee on their kittens.
The Javanese shares the same body type as the Siamese and Balinese: a medium-sized, long, tubular body with refined muscles. The breed is svelte, graceful, and athletic, with fine bones and tapering lines. The legs are long and well-muscled, but finely boned. The rear legs are slightly higher than the front legs.
The Javanese’s ears are termed “strikingly large” in the breed standard, and the head is a long, tapering wedge with the nose and ears forming a triangle. The medium-sized, almond shaped eyes are always a deep, vivid blue. The medium-length single coat is fine, silky and close-lying.
Diet and Nutrition
The Javanese is athletic and should be lean. Because most Javanese tend to be naturally active, they usually get enough exercise to stay at a healthy weight as long as they have enough playtime with you and plenty of opportunities to run, climb, and play indoors.
Pay attention to your cat’s weight to make sure they stay lean, which can help prevent certain health issues, including diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis. Rather than free-feeding (leaving food out all the time), always give your Javanese measured amounts of food at regular meal times (twice a day for adult cats). Ask your veterinarian for a recommendation of a healthy food for your Javanese.
Where to Adopt or Buy a Javanese
The Javanese is somewhat rare, so if you have your heart set on bringing home a Javanese kitten or adult cat, it might take some time. They might cost as much as $1,500 from a breeder.
If you want to purchase a kitten, look for a Balinese breeder. The Cat Fanciers' Association and The International Cat Association both publish lists of Balinese breeders on their websites.
If you prefer to adopt, you might be able to find an adult Javanese by searching animal shelters or breed-specific cat rescue groups, though it might be hard to find one this way.
The Javanese is a good choice for anyone looking for an affectionate and playful cat. These svelte cats come in a variety of colors and have striking blue eyes. They get along well with everyone, including kids and other pets, making them lovely family cats.
Pros of Javanese Cats
- Loving and affectionate
- Good with kids and other pets
- Easy-care coat with very little matting or shedding
Cons of Javanese Cats
- Rare/hard to find
- Needs lots of attention
- Doesn’t do well when left alone for long periods of time
More Cat Breeds and Further Research
Make sure that you do lots of research before deciding if a Javanese is the right cat for you. Seek out reputable breeders, talk to other Javanese owners, and reach out to known rescue groups for further information.
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Are Javanese cats good pets?
Javanese are wonderful cats. They are affectionate, friendly, social, and talkative, and they love being around you.
Do Javanese cats like to be held?
Because Javanese cats are so loving and want your attention, they won’t mind being held.
Are Balinese and Javanese cats the same?
The Javanese is a division of the Balinese. The Balinese comes in four traditional Siamese solid pointed colors. The Javanese comes in other solid points and various lynx point colors and parti-color point colors.