Lacebark Elm
Ulmus parvifoliaView more from Elm Trees
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The Lacebark Elm Tree is a top-rated ornamental shade tree, free of the disease problems of older types of elm. It quickly develops into a tree 40 feet tall, with a full, rounded drown of dark green leaves about 30 feet across, and a graceful habit. The fall color of yellow and red are good, but the bark is the big feature. The gray older bark is constantly flaking and peeling, revealing big patches of inner bark, colored cream, brown, orange or green. This beautiful mottled pattern is ever-changing, and always eye-catching and appealing. As a shade tree for urban gardens this is an especially good choice.
The Lacebark Elm Tree will grow anywhere from zone 4 to 9, and it tolerates partial shade, making it a great addition to a garden with existing trees. It grows almost anywhere, preferring moist but well-drained soil, but adapting well to both wetter and drier conditions, and growing in any soil at all that is not permanently wet. It is completely resistant to Dutch Elm Disease, elm leaf beetles and Japanese beetles, and it normally has no disease problems, making it a great choice for easy, trouble-free gardening. Don’t confuse it with the much-inferior Siberian elm (also sometimes called Chinese elm) – the Lacebark Elm is a top-quality and very desirable tree to plant and grow.
Botanical Name:
Ulmus parvifolia
Mature Width:
30-35 ft
Mature Height:
35-40 ft
Grows Well In:
Zones 4-9
Sun Needs:
Full Sun, Partial Sun
Water Needs:
Growth Rate:
Fast, Medium
Flower Color:
Green, Red
Flowering Season: