Science, Tech, Math › Computer Science › A Complete List of Helvetica Fonts Helvetica is one of the most popular sans serif fonts Print Table of Contents Expand Introduction of Neue Helvetica Traditional Helvetica Fonts Helvetica Neue Fonts Helvetica CE Fonts Science, Tech, Math PHP Programming Perl Python Java Programming Javascript Programming Delphi Programming C & C++ Programming Ruby Programming Visual Basic View More By Jacci Howard Bear Jacci Howard Bear Writer A graphic designer, writer, and artist who writes about and teaches print and web design. Learn about our Editorial Process Updated on March 17, 2020 Helvetica is an immensely popular sans serif font that's been around since 1957. Its clean modern simplicity made it a go-to choice for designers, and the font was soon seen everywhere. Although it began with only a light and medium weight, it wasn't long before italic and bold were added. In time, Helvetica would have more versions of the font than any designer knew what to do with. Linotype licensed Helvetica to Adobe and Apple early on, and it became one of the standard PostScript fonts, guaranteeing widespread use. You can see different versions of Helvetica at work in logos for JCPenney, Jeep, Kawasaki, Target, Motorola, Toyota, Lufthansa, Skype, and Panasonic. In addition to the versions listed here, Helvetica exists for Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Japanese, Hindi, Urdu, Cyrillic, and Vietnamese alphabets. There's no telling how many Helvetica fonts are out there. The Introduction of Neue Helvetica When Linotype acquired the Helvetica font family, it was in disarray with two different names for the same version and variations in design features. To make order out of it all, the company redrew the entire Helvetica font family and dubbed it Neue Helvetica. It also added a numbering system to identify all the styles and weights. The numbers distinguish the many variations within Neue Helvetica. There may be (and probably are) subtle and not-so-subtle differences between Helvetica Condensed Light Oblique and Helvetica Neue 47 Light Condensed Oblique. When trying to match fonts, you may be happier using one over the other. Helvetica is not one of the web-safe fonts. It is included on Macs but not on Windows PCs. If the viewer or reader doesn't have Helvetica, your web page or document displays in a similar font—most likely Arial. List of Traditional Helvetica Fonts Some fonts are listed more than once with a slight variation (Black Condensed and Condensed Black, for example) because different vendors list one name instead of the other. This list may not be complete, but it's a start in listing all the various flavors of Helvetica. LightLight ObliqueMediumBlackBlack CondensedBlack Condensed ObliqueBlack ItalicBlack ObliqueBlack RomanBoldBold CondensedBold Condensed ObliqueBold ItalicBold ObliqueBold RomanBook ItalicBook RomanCentral European Bold (Central European = CE)Central European Narrow BoldCentral European Narrow RomanCentral European RomanCompressedCompressed RomanCondensedCondensed BlackCondensed Black ItalicCondensed Black ObliqueCondensed Black RomanCondensed BoldCondensed Bold ItalicCondensed Bold ObliqueCondensed Bold RomanCondensed Book ItalicCondensed Book RomanCondensed Light ItalicCondensed Light ObliqueCondensed Light RomanCondensed MediumCondensed ObliqueCondensed RomanCyrillicCyrillic BoldCyrillic Bold InclinedCyrillic InclinedCyrillic Inserat UprightCyrillic UprightExtra CompressedExtra Compressed RomanFractionFraction BoldFraction BookFractions MediumFractions BoldGreek Bold InclinedGreek InclinedGreek UprightGreek Monotonic BoldGreek Monotonic Bold InclinedGreek Monotonic InclinedGreek Monotonic UprightGreek Polytonic BoldGreek Polytonic Bold InclinedGreek Polytonic InclinedGreek Polytonic Upright(Greek Polytonic = GreekP)InseratInserat Cyrillic UprightInserat RomanLightLight CondensedLight Condensed ObliqueLight ItalicLight ObliqueLight RomanNarrowNarrow BoldNarrow Bold ItalicNarrow Bold ObliqueNarrow Bold RomanNarrow Book ItalicNarrow Book RomanNarrow ObliqueNarrow RomanNarrow Roman ObliqueObliqueRomanRoman ObliqueRounded BlackRounded Black ObliqueRounded BoldRounded Bold ObliqueRounded Bold CondensedRounded Bold Condensed ObliqueTextbook BoldTextbook Bold ObliqueTextbook RomanTextbook Roman ObliqueUltra CompressedUltra Compressed Roman List of Helvetica Neue Fonts Some vendors carry the Neue fonts without the number designation or without the Neue designation. Additionally, some vendors reverse the names slightly. 37 Thin Condensed and 37 Condensed Thin are the same fonts. Often Oblique and Italic are used interchangeably as well. Only one version name is included here. There are both "old" Neue versions and the versions that include the Euro symbol. Ask your vendor if you're getting the "with Euro" version. 23 Ultra Light Extended23 Ultra Light Extended Oblique25 Ultra Light26 Ultra Light Italic27 Ultra Light Condensed27 Ultra Light Condensed Oblique33 Thin Extended33 Thin Extended Oblique35 Thin36 Thin Italic37 Thin Condensed37 Thin Condensed Oblique43 Light Extended43 Light Extended Oblique43 Extended Light43 Extended Light Oblique45 Light46 Light Italic47 Light Condensed47 Light Condensed Oblique53 Extended53 Extended Oblique55 Roman56 Italic57 Condensed57 Condensed Oblique63 Medium Extended63 Medium Extended Oblique65 Medium66 Medium Italic67 Medium Condensed67 Medium Condensed Oblique73 Bold Extended73 Bold Extended Oblique75 Bold75 Bold Outline76 Bold Italic77 Bold Condensed77 Bold Condensed Oblique83 Heavy Extended83 Heavy Extended Oblique85 Heavy86 Heavy Italic87 Heavy Condensed87 Heavy Condensed Oblique93 Black Extended93 Black Extended Oblique95 Black96 Black Italic97 Black Condensed97 Black Condensed Oblique107 Extra Black Condensed107 Extra Black Condensed Oblique List of Helvetica CE (Central European) Fonts CE 25 Ultra LightCE 26 Ultra Light ItalicCE 35 ThinCE 36 Thin ItalicCE 45 LightCE 46 Light ItalicCE 55 RomanCE 56 ItalicCE 65 MediumCE 66 Medium ItalicCE 75 BoldCE 76 Bold ItalicCE 85 HeavyCE 86 Heavy ItalicCE 95 BlackCE 96 Black Italic Cite this Article Format mla apa chicago Your Citation Bear, Jacci Howard. "A Complete List of Helvetica Fonts." ThoughtCo, Jun. 26, 2024, Bear, Jacci Howard. (2024, June 26). A Complete List of Helvetica Fonts. Retrieved from Bear, Jacci Howard. "A Complete List of Helvetica Fonts." ThoughtCo. (accessed January 23, 2025). copy citation