How to Track Santa Tonight
Also Read: The Christmas Eve Game of Mr & Mrs Right My kids always love knowing exactly where Santa is so they know when to run up to bed. We use noradsanta. It tracks Santa’s route in 3D and even tells how many gifts he has delivered so far. The kids can even learn more about different locations around the world. They love […]How to See Santa This Year
This year is a different from other years; Santa needs to social distance too! But we discovered a way that your kids can still have a visit with Santa–virtually. Santa will virtually visit your family from his North Pole Home, via ZOOM for 10 minutes through North Pole Direct. Have your Christmas list ready and any […]Inspiring Ideas for Your Elf on a Shelf
Remember when your elf was content just sitting on a shelf? Those days are over! We live in a Pinterest perfect work and our elves are not immune! Over these past few years with the elves making our Christmas more stressful — I mean, more magical — they have had some breakout moments. I caught a few […]How to Find Out if You’re on the Naughty or Nice List
Here’s are a few fun ways to keep kids on their best behavior during the month of December. North Pole Times Put in the child’s name and they will give them a rating with fun notes like “has been pretty good but needs to pick up their room more.” Thanks for the nudge, Santa! I was starting to […]Where to Send Your Letter to Santa..and Get a Response!
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. And the Postal Service™ can help you prove it when Santa replies to your child’s letter to Santa — complete with the North Pole Postmark with the Letters from Santa program. Just make sure you send your letter to Santa by December 8! Here’s where to send your letter […]Tips for Talking to Santa
By Kathryn Lancioni, Founder and CEO of Presenting Perfection Welcome to the most wonderful time of the year! Besides the pressure to find the perfect gift for loved ones, friends, teachers, babysitters, tutors, trainers . . . there’s one more thing some of us have to do—visit Santa. Yes, that’s right. It is time for the […]Believing in Santa
By Beth Meleski Reposted from Dec 2013. A few years ago, my daughter started asking us about Santa. “It’s you, isn’t it?” she would ask as we sat at dinner. “I know it’s you,” she would state as we drove to her dance class. “C’mon, just tell me. I want to know. I need to know,” as […]Subscribe!
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