

Should You Tell Your Kids to Drink Responsibly?

Prom season is almost upon us. What can be done about the dangers of teenage drinking?

Health Tips for a Positive Prom Experience

Make Positive Prom memories by staying healthy and safe.

Design Your Own Prom Perfection

Want to stand out from the crowd on prom night? Design your own one-of-a-kind prom dress, shoes, clutch and hair piece.

Pre-Prom Photo Party

Throw a Pre-Prom Photo Party. Create the perfect backdrop, it will be an event to remember, as well as a way to take some of your best photos of the evening.

Banishing Embarrassing “Bacne”

Prom season is just around the corner; you've picked out the perfect dress but you're back acne is making you think twice about going. Get "back" on track with these tips.


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