Updates from the UK division of the Trans Advocate: The Conservative government came out this week calling for a consultation on how to best reform the Gender Recognition Act, or G.R.A. of 2004. This comes at a time when the "debate" over trans rights in the UK is front and center in the TERF friendly UK press. The transphobic rhetoric centers over access to, quote, "women's only spaces" end quote. However, the GRA does not even deal with public… Read more.
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We have written before about the humiliating ways the TSA have sometimes interacted with trans and intersex bodies. Apparently, some in the US Congress have become concerned about this ongoing problem. Last month, Representatives Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) and Joe Kennedy III (MA-04) requested information regarding the agency’s treatment of transgender travelers in a letter to Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Administrator David Pekoske. As you may know, in 2015, the National Center for Transgender Equality surveyed 28,000 transgender individuals, 53 percent of… Read more.
Updates from the Brazilian division of the Trans Advocate: The Brazilian Supreme Court approved a policy that would give trans people the ability to correct our legal identification, without having to have surgery. While this policy was decided last March, it wasn’t until June 28th that the National Justice Council approved procedures for updating state identification. This development can’t come soon enough as Brazil is routinely documented as being one of the most dangerous places for trans and intersex… Read more.
Today we talk to a community news reporter who uncovered a story straight news refuses to cover: a cis woman is beaten in Colorado for being "trans," told that she didn't belong in Trump's America. Additionally, we have Gwen Smith's Gender Nation and updates from TransAdvocae Divisions in Brazil and the UK. The TA Podcast is an intergenerational show featuring a trans Baby Boomer, Gen Xer, and Millennial that considers the issues affecting the lives of trans and intersex people.… Read more.
Gender Nation is a bi-weekly column by Gwendolyn Ann Smith, the founder of the Transgender Day of Remembrance, reviewing news affecting the trans, intersex, and genderqueer community. Is a serial killer targeting black trans women? The transgender community in Florida is on edge following a string of murders, leading many to assume this could be the work of a serial killer. Three African American transgender women have been shot in Jacksonville just this month. On the 4th of February, Celine… Read more.
We’re all doomed, so say the pundits… and we all know they never engage in hyperbole, right? Also, Dylan Forbis, the first out trans man to run for public office in Brazoria County, crashes the pod to update us about what the changes he’s making to the Texas Democratic Party. The TA Podcast is an intergenerational show featuring a trans Baby Boomer, Gen Xer, and Millennial that considers the issues affecting the lives of trans and intersex people. … Read more.
Gender Nation is a bi-weekly column by Gwendolyn Ann Smith, the founder of the Transgender Day of Remembrance, reviewing news affecting the trans, intersex, and genderqueer community. Obama-era trans prison policies rolled back A federal lawsuit in Texas is at the heart of an attempt by the Justice Department to roll back protections for transgender inmates and is the latest in a string of rights losses under the Trump administration. In a revised Transgender Offender Manual, the Bureau of Prisons will… Read more.
Gender Nation is a bi-weekly column by Gwendolyn Ann Smith, the founder of the Transgender Day of Remembrance, reviewing news affecting the trans, intersex, and genderqueer community. State health case could have national ramifications The state of Wisconsin may have violated the rights of two state residents by denying medical treatment related to them being transgender, claims a Federal lawsuit. The plaintiffs, Cody Flack and Ann Makenzie, have been turned down for surgical care by the state. Wisconsin Medicaid classified treatment… Read more.
Gender Nation is a bi-weekly column by Gwendolyn Ann Smith, the founder of the Transgender Day of Remembrance, reviewing news affecting the trans, intersex, and genderqueer community. Military Ban is stayed, once again In yet another rebuke of President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, a federal judge has once again barred the implementation of the administration's ban on transgender people serving openly in the United States Military. The Government had been arguing that their ban on transgender service members… Read more.
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