Nurses — Tuggeranong Square Medical Practice | Doctor, GP & Medical Centre Tuggeranong ACT 2900


Canberra born and bred, Canberra Hospital trained many years ago. Marguerite brings a wealth of experience to the world of General Practice. She has a keen interest assisting people with their self management of diabetes, helping our seniors navigate the world of My Aged Care and supporting patients through the various procedures undertaken at TSMP.

When not working, Marguerite enjoys spending time with family, bush walking and watching Italian language soapies and game shows.


Shirley has been nursing for 35yrs. She completed her training through the Royal Canberra/ Woden Valley School of nursing. She has worked in many areas of nursing during her career and has been a General practice nurse for 12 yrs 10 of which have been here at Tuggeranong Square Medical Practice.

Shirley has 5 children, 2 foster children as well as 10 grandchildren.

When not working she spends her time with family and her Horses on her small acreage.