sorry if i come off as stupid, its because i am
Lithuania hetalia with his Leafeon!!
this is amazing om thank you for making me draw this
social anxiety to obsessive thoughts pipeline
More silly little hospital doodles including a draw your fav in your clothes with feliks because of an ask I got weeks ago
*guy who is very clearly going through. something* oh yknow. just a little tired haha
Quick Feliks WiP to fill the void
Heeeey I have finally time to draw again!
green-eyed brunets deserve psychological whiplash methinks...
another day another lithuania doodle
I was planning to upload this on the 24th, but I couldn't.
i have your redbubble lietpol stickers on my waterbottle, and they make me so happy when i look at them :)
Ohhh ;v; that's so nice. The thought of someone somewhere on this world looking at the stuff I did going yay :) makes me so happy, thank you!
Started drawing this ages ago but only finished it now, inspired by YABABAINA, I just imagine these three fitting that song really well.