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Student on a cliff
Student exchanges and internships at Université Laval Several programs give you the opportunity to have an experience on campus.


Université Laval maintains strong international ties through its partnerships and offers a wealth of student internship and mobility opportunities. It also welcomes numerous international students, visiting professors, and interns every year.

International partnerships
and collaborations

ULaval partnerships take many forms, and there are more of them every year. In addition to its preferred partnerships, the University maintains extensive mobility, teaching, and research partnerships and is an active member of many collaborative networks. International cooperation activities are an important part of our international partnerships. 

International Office

Mission and areas of responsability

The International Office is responsible for the conception, implementation and coordination of Université Laval’s internationalization strategy.

Mission and areas of responsability of the office

Contact information

Maison Eugène-Roberge
2325, rue des Arts
Université Laval
Québec (Québec)  G1V 0A6

Contact people at the International Office

Business hours

Monday to Friday

8:30 a.m.-noon and 1:00-4:30 p.m.

To contact us :