Change and edit specific colors with HSL. Adjust hue, saturation, and lightness.
Edit with HSL to change specific colors in photos and videos with hue, saturation, and lightness sliders that can make any color pop.
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Color Your World
With the HSL image editor, you take full control of the colors in your composition — dial back saturation on distracting colors and watch them fade into the background, or adjust hue to find the perfect shade of any color in your image.
Shift hues
H is for Hue. Use the hue editor on any color channel to subtly change the selected color itself and nudge it toward a neighboring hue (or color). Go from blue to purple, or red to orange.
Saturate any color
S is for Saturation. Make any color pop or fade to gray with the saturation slider. Control the intensity of individual colors in your edit to draw viewers in or dial back any distractions.
Adjust lightness
L is for Lightness. Use the lightness slider to lighten or darken any specific color in your image. Transform washed out blue skies into something more intense and textured by reducing lightness on only blue hues.
How to Use VSCO's HSL Editor
Capture or import photos or videos with the VSCO mobile app and use the photo editor to access the HSL editor. Use the color swatches to select a specific color channel to edit — it helps if the color is prominent in your composition. Experiment with hue, saturation, and lightness sliders to adjust the character of each color.