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. . . Local<br />

. . March<br />

. . Julian<br />

'Set-Up and Quartet' Are Leaders WASHINGTON<br />

Of Broadway's Single Bill Shows<br />

NEW YORK—"The Set-Up," a hard-hitting<br />

prizefight film, and "Quartet," a sophisticated<br />

British picture, led the Broadway<br />

field and did good business despite the mild<br />

weather and the taxicab strke, both of which<br />

seriously affected legitimate theatre and night<br />

club business. "Quartet" broke the house<br />

record at the small Sutton and joined two<br />

other J. Ai-thur Rank hits. "Hamlet," which<br />

was boosted by the Academy award for the<br />

picture and Laurence Olivier, in its 27th<br />

week of two-a-day at the Park Avenue, and<br />

"The Red Shoes," which held up well in its<br />

24th week at the Bijou. "Portrait of Jennie"<br />

had a good opening week at the Rivoli as<br />

did "I Shot Jesse James" at the Palace.<br />

Most of the others were far below average.<br />

(Avereage is 100)<br />

Astor—Knock on Any Door (Col), 6th wk 80<br />

Bijou—The Red Shoes (EL). 24th wk. oi two-a-day 85<br />

Capitol—Outpost in Morocco (UA), plus stage<br />

show, 2nd wk 9C<br />

Criterion—The Set-Up (RKO) HO<br />

Globe—Impact (UA), 3rd wk 75<br />

Little Carnegie-The Quiet One (MB), Bth wk 70<br />

Loews State Take Me Out to the Ball Game<br />

(MOM). 4th wk 90<br />

Mayfair—Casablanca (WB), reissue, 2nd wk 90<br />

Palace— I Shot lesse James (SG) 105<br />

Paramount—El Paso (Para), plus stage show,<br />

-<br />

2nd wk 80<br />

Park Avenue—Hamlet (U-I), 27th wk. of<br />

two-a-day<br />

v;;:;v;v<br />

Radio City Music Hall—Little Women (MGM),<br />

plus stage show, 4th wk 95<br />

Rivoli—Portrait of Jennie (SRC) - 105<br />

Roxy—The Fan (20th-Fox), plus stage show 100<br />

Strand—A Kiss in the Dark (WB), plus stage<br />

show. 2nd wk =0<br />

Sutton—Quartet (EL) 120<br />

Victoria—loan oi Arc (RKO), 21st wk 75<br />

All Grosses Good in Buffalo,<br />

'Pacific' High With 110<br />

BUFFALO — It was an all-around good<br />

week here, with "Canadian Pacific" taking<br />

a slight lead at the Buffalo. "Alias Nick<br />

Beal" was good at the Great Lakes. "Johnny<br />

Belinda" and "Treasure of Sierra Madre,"<br />

the two Academy awarders, pulled some more<br />

after being brought back to the Hippodrome.<br />

"Knock on Any Door" continued strong in a<br />

second week at the Lafayette.<br />

Buffalo Canadian Pacific (20th-Fox); Texas,<br />

Brooklyn and Heaven (UA) 110<br />

Great Lakes—Alias Nick Beal (Para); My Own<br />

True Love (Para) 103<br />

Hippodrome—Johnny Belinda (WB); Treasure<br />

of Sierra Madre (WB), 2nd run 100<br />

Lafayette Knock on Any Door (Col): Blondie's<br />

Big Deal (Col), 2nd dl wk 100<br />

Teck—Take Me Out to the Ball Game<br />

(MGM), 3rd dt. wk . 100<br />

20th-century—The Set-Up (RKO): The Hunted<br />

(RKO)<br />

1<br />

Big Premiere Ballyhoo Gives<br />

'Belvedere' Strong Sendoff<br />

BALTIMORE—Despite spring weather and<br />

the opening of the racing season, notwithstanding,<br />

the lure of the downtown picture<br />

theatres proved stronger and resulted in a<br />

week of good business. "Mr. Belvedere Goes<br />

to College" was world premiered here with<br />

all the attendant ballyhoo, including celebrities,<br />

executives of 20th-Fox and a champagne<br />

dinner given by Morris Mechanic,<br />

owner of the New Theatre in honor of his<br />

theatre's 20th anniversary.<br />

Century—Take Me Out to the Ball Game (MGM),<br />

2nd wk 128<br />

Hippodrome—Million Dollar Weekend (EL), plus<br />

stage show ,<br />

117<br />

.<br />

New— Mr, Belvedere Goes to College (20th-Fox) .150<br />

"Voice of Theatre Speakers"<br />

JOE HORNSTEIN has them!<br />

Mayfair—High Fury (UA)<br />

Keiths—Red Canyon (U-1)<br />

Town Poison (M-B)<br />

Stanley—Kis in the Dark (WB)..<br />

Valencia—The Search (MGM)<br />

..101<br />

..114<br />

.125<br />

..13C<br />

lOP<br />

'Little Women' Hits High of 190<br />

•<br />

As Philadelphia Grosses Soar<br />

PHILADELPHIA—Business was definitely<br />

on the upgrade this session, with figures ol<br />

190 and 175 turned in by the Karlton and<br />

Earle, respectively. A couple of openers<br />

proved disappointing, but in general, returns<br />

were better than usual at this time of year,<br />

Aldine—Caught (MGM) 100<br />

Arcadia—A Letter to Three Wives (20th-Fox) 130<br />

Boyd—The Dark Past (Col) IOC<br />

Earle—The Lucky Stiff (UA), plus s'age show 175<br />

Fox—Down to the Sea in Ships (20th-Fox),<br />

2nd wk<br />

- 100<br />

Goldman—The Bribe (MGM), 3rd wk 80<br />

Karlton—Little Women (MGM) 190<br />

Keith-Force of Evil (MGM). 2nd wk 110<br />

Mastbaum—A Kiss in the Dark (WB) 75<br />

Stanley—Alias Nick Beal (Para), 2nd wk 85<br />

Stanton Untamed Breed (Col); Jungle Jim<br />

(Col) 80<br />

Cinema Lodge Officers<br />

To Be Feted April 26<br />

NEW YORK—Cinema Lodge of B'nai<br />

B'rith will install its new officers April 26<br />

at the annual presidents' dinner to be held<br />

at the Hotel Astor.<br />

The officers are: Saul E. Rogers, president;<br />

Max B, Blackman of Warners, George<br />

Brandt of Brandt Theatres, Julius M. Collins<br />

of Ascap, Hal Danson of Eagle Lion, Leo<br />

Jaffe of Columbia, Hal Hodes of Columbia,<br />

Harry Friedman, Marvin Kirsch of Radio<br />

Da ly, Milton Livingston of Universal-International,<br />

Louis A. Novins of Paramount,<br />

Robert K. Shapii'o of Paramount Theatre and<br />

Al Wilde of Moe Gale Agency, vice-presidents:<br />

Jack H. Hoffberg, treasurer: Dr. Morris<br />

Senft, secretary: Isidore Grove, monitor,<br />

and Rabbis Bernard Birstein and Ralph Silverstein,<br />

chaplains.<br />

Jack H. Levin of Confidential Reports is<br />

chairman of the dinner committee. S. Arthur<br />

Glixon, the retiring president, will be honored<br />

along with Rogers.<br />

Partington Forms Company<br />

To Produce Video Shows<br />

NEW YORK—Jack Partington Television<br />

Productions, a new company for the production<br />

of live or film television shows, has been<br />

formed by Jack Partington jr., formerly director<br />

of photography for the Roxy Theatre.<br />

The late Jack Partington sr. was production<br />

director for the Roxy as well as president of<br />

Fanchon & Marco, Inc.<br />

Bids for Variety Conclave<br />

ALBANY—A preliminary bid for the 1951<br />

convention of International 'Variety Clubs in<br />

Saratoga was broached by Jack Leahy, convention<br />

manager for the city of Saratoga and<br />

manager of the Grand Union hotel there.<br />

Leahy attended the weekly dinner of the<br />

Variety Club in the Ten Eyck hotel and<br />

outlined Saratoga's merits as a convention<br />

city. Harry Lamont, former chief barker,<br />

said that Saratoga might be a good spot if<br />

the convention were officially awarded to<br />

Albany, only 40 miles distant.<br />

T Arthur Rank's "Scott of the Antarctic" will<br />

' be premiered April 20 at the Playhouse as i<br />

a benefit for the District of Columbia divisiosi I<br />

of the American Cancer soc ety. The British *<br />

ambassador and wife will sponsor the event.<br />

Many film dignitaries will attend. Mrs. Harry<br />

Truman has accepted the honorary vicechairmanship<br />

for the 1949 cancer drive, it<br />

was announced by Eric Johnston, president<br />

of the Motion Picture Ass'n of America and<br />

cha rman of the American Cancer Society's<br />

board of directors,<br />

. .<br />

Ralph E. Peckham has been appointed<br />

manager of the local Kay exchange. He recently<br />

was manager for Film Classics in Atlanta<br />

and Dallas ... Sol Edwards, SRO division<br />

manager, was here several days conferring<br />

with exhibitors on "Portrait of Jennie."<br />

Bill Michalson is handling the publicity<br />

in this area . D. A. Clodfelter, Druid Theatre,<br />

Damascus, Md., was rushed to Doctor's<br />

hospital at 4 p, m. Tuesday for an appendectomy.<br />

Bob Hope and his radio troupe will appear<br />

. . .<br />

at Constitution Hall the night of April 28.<br />

On the 26th they will appear at the Mosque<br />

in Richmond . of Time Washington<br />

representative Allen Dibble is back in town<br />

after traveling all over the country for several<br />

months. Young Jeiry Dibble celebrated his<br />

7th birthday recently Bernie Depkin,<br />

Rives Theatre, Martinsville, Va., returned<br />

from a Florida vacation.<br />

Joe Fields, former owner of the Rivoli in<br />

Baltimore, who now is living in Los Angeles,<br />

came east to visit his friend Harry Brown<br />

F13 called a meeting Monday night<br />

for the reading and discussion of the new<br />

contract. A motion was made to amend the<br />

bylaws to include $100 death benefit for each<br />

member in good standing . . . Rose Gonella.<br />

She broke<br />

U-I, is walking around on crutches.<br />

an ankle recently.<br />

The Leonard Gordons, Newport News, are<br />

parents of a baby daughter, Judith Ann. They<br />

have two other children .<br />

Gordon<br />

was in town to buy and book for the Gordon<br />

circuit . . . Kenneth Baker, Potomac Drivein,<br />

Cumberland, was a recent visitor.<br />

Gus Lynch went to Albany to attend a<br />

testimonial dinner given to his uncle George<br />

Lynch, Schine circuit booker.<br />

An addition to the Thalhimer chain is the<br />

Jefferson Tlieatre in Falls Church, Va. which<br />

will open April 14. The 818-seater is a part<br />

of the Jefferson Village development. A. O.<br />

Budina designed the house and the builder is<br />

the Jefferson Village Corp. Inside decorations<br />

were done by the Novelty Scenic Co. of New<br />

York. Harold Henderson, former SRO booker<br />

will manage the new theatre. Wade Pearson<br />

is the Arlington county city manager, assisted<br />

by Don Womack.<br />

Max Joice, Paramount, reports that H.<br />

Donald Hunter, branch manager at Port of<br />

Spain, Trinidad, and formerly a booker in<br />

Washington, visited Manager A. C. Benson<br />

here while in the States on vacation. His<br />

father is Harry Hunter, Paramount managing<br />

director in Australia and New Zealand<br />

who was Washington manager years ago . . .<br />

Head shipper Jimmy Burns was at the office<br />

last Friday, the first time he had been out<br />

of doors since January 3.<br />

46<br />

BOXOFHCE :: April 9, 1949

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