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Including Iht Sectional News Pagtt 01 All Editieni<br />
5<br />
/^ TuAe ef ine m&toon. HctuM yncLd^ ACADEMY AWARD WINNERS<br />
"A Man for All Seasons" won<br />
the Oscar as best picture of<br />
the year at the Academy Awards<br />
telecast festivities and<br />
received five other Oscars<br />
A scene from the film is<br />
shown at left. Top acting<br />
honors went to Elizabeth<br />
Taylor (top left) for her<br />
role in "Who's Afraid of<br />
Virginia Woolf?" and to Paul<br />
Scofield for his performance<br />
in "A Man for All Seasons "<br />
Story on Poge 6<br />
m THIS ISSUl<br />
THi<br />
MOPiIRM<br />
The cowboy who came to tani<br />
OBRIAN<br />
JOHN<br />
f<br />
MILLS<br />
mm<br />
TEXAS smEi<br />
ucking bronc called Africa<br />
I<br />
MUSIC BY<br />
Urges Parents Learn<br />
More About Films<br />
NORFOl K. \ A.—Speaking before the<br />
annual convention of the Virginia Federation<br />
of Women's Clubs here Wednesday<br />
(12), Mrs. Margaret G. Twyman, director<br />
of the community relations department of<br />
the Motion Picture Ass'n of America, urged<br />
parents to direct more attention to the mass<br />
communications media and their potential<br />
for education of children.<br />
"All of the media fulfill a ver\ real responsibility<br />
to entertain, to enlighten, to inspire<br />
and to reflect the human condition as<br />
it is." Mrs. Twyman told the clubwomen.<br />
"To read a book, see a film, view a television<br />
program or hear music which sharpens<br />
our wits and moves us deeply (yes. even to<br />
anger) is to enoy an experience which is<br />
granted only to human beings.<br />
"There have been many changes in all of<br />
the mass media." she pointed out, adding:<br />
"One of the most important changes in<br />
movies is that they have become a 'selective<br />
medium.' No longer can we just go to a<br />
movie because we feel like going to a movie.<br />
We must apply to films what we learned<br />
about books long ago . . . namely that one<br />
doesn't reach into a book shelf and pull<br />
down any old book just because one feels<br />
like reading: Movies, like books, TV pro-<br />
. . . for adults and for young<br />
grams, theatres, et cetera, must be selected<br />
with care<br />
people. To state it simply, movies are now,<br />
for the most part, being produced for specific<br />
audiences."<br />
Mrs. Twyman continued:<br />
"As responsible<br />
parents you should know what your children<br />
are seeing in motion picture theatres, what<br />
they are reading in literature, what they are<br />
enjoying in the way of music, magazines<br />
and all of the audio-visual arts. If you don't,<br />
how can you help them to learn to distinguish<br />
good from bad. to develop taste,<br />
and most important of all, appreciation?"<br />
Rosemarie Markgraf Points<br />
Up Role Played by Parents<br />
RUIDOSO. N.M,—Speaking before the<br />
general convention of the New Mexico Federation<br />
of Women's Clubs here, Rosemarie<br />
Markgraf, associate in the MPAA community<br />
relations department, stressed the<br />
importance of parents becoming better informed<br />
about motion pictures, saying:<br />
"Our young people are growing up in an<br />
image-saturated culture and because they<br />
are. it is becoming increasingly imperative<br />
that you, as parents and community leaders,<br />
interest yourselves in the movies your children<br />
are seeing. You must become more<br />
informed, more articulate on the subject of<br />
movies so that you can discuss them interestingly<br />
and intelligently with your children.<br />
And we would all agree, I am sure, that<br />
parents should strive to develop as many<br />
common interests with children as possible.<br />
One fun way is for you to learn more about<br />
today's films. By doing so you are keeping<br />
a line of communication with your children,<br />
and helping to span the gap that so often<br />
exists between generations."<br />
Rosenfield Heads Publicity<br />
For Rogers Fund Drive<br />
NHW YORK—Jonas Rosenfield jr.. vicepresident<br />
and director of advertising, publicity<br />
and exploitation for 20th Century-<br />
Fox, has been appointed national publicity<br />
chairman of the entertainment-communications<br />
industries' 1967-68 fund-raising drive<br />
on behalf of the Will Rogers Memorial Hospital<br />
and the O'Donnell Memorial Research<br />
Laboratories at Saranac Lake, N.Y.,<br />
it was announced Tuesday (11) by Joseph<br />
M. Sugar, national campaign chairman of<br />
the drive and 20th-Fox vice-president in<br />
charge of domestic sales.<br />
Rosenfield, in turn, named the following<br />
associates at 20th-Fox to assist him in the<br />
publicity campaign for the drive: Mike<br />
Shapiro, coordinator and promotion; Jay<br />
Remer, publicity, and Bruce Graham, special<br />
events.<br />
In assuming his duties as publicity chairman,<br />
Rosenfield commended the<br />
tradepress<br />
for its generous and continuing cooperation<br />
"in this most important industry cooperative<br />
effort." He pointed out that this year "we<br />
will seek not only to reach the industry<br />
through the trade publications, but also will<br />
spare no efforts to educate and inform the<br />
general public on the noteworthy progress<br />
made by the Will Rogers institution which,<br />
in the long run, benefits everyone."<br />
Howard to New UA Post;<br />
Nachbaur Successor<br />
PARIS—Tony Howard has assumed the<br />
newly created post of special projects publicity<br />
coordinator for Continental Europe at<br />
United Artists.<br />
Irwin Marks, Continental manager for<br />
United Artists, announced the appointment<br />
of Jean Nachbaur to the post of Continental<br />
publicity and advertising manager. Nachbaur<br />
will be headquartered in Paris.<br />
After studying law, Nachbaur worked for<br />
the publicity department of the Societe<br />
Nouvelle Pathe Cinema, where he served<br />
as press and publicity attache. He served in<br />
the French army as a reporter in Algeria.<br />
After the completion of his military duties,<br />
Nachbaur was appointed publicity manager<br />
of Walt Disney Productions.<br />
Howard's most recent assignment has<br />
been as Continental publicity and advertising<br />
manager for the company. He was unit<br />
publicist for the Walter Shenson productions<br />
starring the Beatles— "A Hard Day's Night"<br />
and "HELP!"<br />
Headquartered in Paris, Howard's<br />
first two projects in his new post will be "A<br />
Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the<br />
Forum" and "Marat/Sade."<br />
'Dozen' to Bow June 15<br />
NEW YORK—MGM's "The Dirty<br />
Dozen"<br />
will have its world premiere at the<br />
Loew's Capitol Theatre on Broadway June<br />
15. The Kenneth Hyman color production,<br />
a World War II drama, was directed by<br />
Robert Aldrich on location in England.<br />
CATV Provisions Out<br />
Of Copyright Law<br />
WASHINGTON—The House of<br />
Representatives,<br />
by a vote of 379-to-29, approved'<br />
a compromise measure overhauling the U.S.i<br />
copyright laws but eliminating provisions<br />
which would have governed community antenna<br />
television. The bill now moves to the<br />
Senate, where a Judiciary Subcommittee is<br />
considering a companion bill.<br />
Elimination of the CATV provisions<br />
came about as the result of a jurisdictional<br />
debate between the House Judiciary Committee<br />
and the Commerce Committee, with<br />
the latter group contending that the bill's<br />
standards for determining CATV copyright<br />
liability would have intruded on its authority<br />
in the regulation of CATV.<br />
This leaves the CATV copyright responsibility<br />
problem still unsettled. Last year, a<br />
federal court in New York ruled that, in the<br />
absence of specific congressional directives,<br />
copyright law liabilities should be extended<br />
to CATV generally. The dispute revolves<br />
around whether CATV systems must pay<br />
royalties for copyrighted television programs<br />
they pick up on a master antenna<br />
and channel to home TV sets by cable.<br />
Other changes made in the measure by<br />
the House included trimming of juke box<br />
royalties by more than half and granting of<br />
broader waivers for educational television.<br />
Mich. DST Opponents File<br />
Suit to Halt Petitions<br />
LANSING, MICH.—The National Ass'n<br />
of Theatre Owners of Michigan, and a long<br />
list of other individuals and businesses have<br />
filed an action in the Michigan Court of Appeals<br />
here seeking to halt attempts by other<br />
groups in the state to nullify the legislative<br />
action which would keep Michigan on standard<br />
time.<br />
The suit requests that the Secretary of<br />
State and the State Board of Canvassers be<br />
enjoined from accepting referendum petitions<br />
now being circulated and calling for<br />
a stay of the legislative action. It points out<br />
that under a provision of the Michigan Constitution<br />
referendum petitions cannot be<br />
circulated and filed until after adjournment<br />
of the legislature and that this session is not<br />
expected to adjourn until next fall.<br />
Fairbanks Will Narrate<br />
New Film About Chaplin<br />
NEW YORK—Douglas Fairbanks jr. has<br />
been signed by Vernon P. Becker-Mel May<br />
Productions to narrate their new film on the<br />
life of Charlie Chaplin, "The Funniest Man<br />
in the World." Fairbanks, lifelong intimate<br />
of the famed comedian, will host the film,<br />
a history of Chaplin's long career in motion<br />
pictures, including footage never before<br />
seen on the screen. With an original score<br />
by Albert Hague, the film will be ready forj<br />
release in September and will be distributed!<br />
by the Darer Corp.<br />
j<br />
10 BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967
^^<br />
METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER presents<br />
,.<br />
Their violence brougiit tiiem<br />
togetlier fora mission tliat<br />
wouidset tiiem apart<br />
from aiiwariieroes!<br />
screenplay by<br />
TnUNQflM Um TD<br />
» I<br />
^^H Produced by Directed by<br />
.„ .„<br />
,<br />
»if7 -4 A<br />
,<br />
\\ ^1 KENNETH ROBERT<br />
, ,. ,_^^ T,;»**^ HYMAN-ALDRICH<br />
ll / .s tkwkm^ IN METROCOLOR<br />
iL'Sf'^' A
Is selling
Womelco Eni. Reports<br />
Record First Quarter<br />
MIAMI—Wometco Enterprises, Inc.. has<br />
reported new highs in earnings and revenues<br />
for the first 12 weeks of 1967, posting a<br />
5.2 per cent increase in per share earnings<br />
amounting to 45 cents,<br />
up from 43 cents in<br />
the first quarter a year ago. Net income for<br />
the quarter totaled $1,000,091, compared<br />
with $950,212 a year ago, and gross income<br />
climbed 18.3 per cent to $12,148,890, from<br />
$10,273,637 for the first quarter in 1967.<br />
President Mitchell Wolfson, in announcing<br />
first quarter results at the annual meeting<br />
here Monday (10), expressed optimism<br />
for the remainder of the year, saying, "We<br />
are still holding to our prediction that Wometco<br />
earnings will be 10 per cent better<br />
than 1966 without any additional acquisitions."<br />
Directors declared a regular quarterly<br />
cash dividend of 15Vi cents on class A stock<br />
and 5-14 cents on class B stock. In other<br />
action, the board promoted two officers.<br />
Harvey Fleischman, vice-president in<br />
charge of theatres, was named senior vicepresident<br />
in charge of theatres and Stanley<br />
L. Stern, vice-president in charge of real<br />
estate and insurance, was promoted to<br />
senior vice-president in charge of real estate<br />
and insurance.<br />
'The Tattered Hawk' Is Next<br />
Heartland Production<br />
DES MOINES—Russell S. Doughten jr.,<br />
president of Heartland Productions, has announced<br />
the completion of the screenplay,<br />
"The Tattered Hawk," by Ronald Honthaner<br />
of Los Angeles.<br />
Doughten said, " 'The Hawk' is a new<br />
wave western with an exciting action story<br />
in a mountain setting. It is a departure in<br />
style from the standard western. The script<br />
has been conceived along the lines of classic<br />
tragedy and has been carefully constructed<br />
to provide strong characterization, sparce<br />
dialog and tight action. The picture will be<br />
filmed in color with an emphasis toward<br />
creating sharp, visual contrasts."<br />
The script has been added to the production<br />
schedule of the Iowa-based motion picture<br />
company.<br />
United Screen Arts Names<br />
Officers in Reorganizing<br />
NEW YORK—United Screen Arts, having<br />
completed a period of reorganization,<br />
has announced a new slate of officers. They<br />
are president Richard A. Herland; vicepresident<br />
Everett C. Callow; vice-president<br />
in charge of finance, Milton Klein; secretary,<br />
Helen Panella; and, board of directors,<br />
Jerome C. Eppler, Robert LeBuhn, Marshall<br />
Jacobs and Richard A. Herland.<br />
USA's principal offices here are now located<br />
at 1650 Broadway.<br />
— Producer Sidney Pink,<br />
seated, is shown at a press<br />
conference in New York<br />
to announce that he will<br />
produce si.\ films for the<br />
Producers Releasing Organization.<br />
Standing, left<br />
to right, are Harry Kaufman,<br />
director of advertising;<br />
Nat Dorfman, publicity<br />
director; Irvin Dorfman;<br />
Philip Pink, the producer's<br />
son, and Nat Nathanson,<br />
PRO president.<br />
^<br />
Joseph A. Adelman<br />
J. A. Adelman Is Assistant<br />
To UA West Coast V-P<br />
HOLLYWOOD — Joseph A. Adelman<br />
has been named assistant to the vice-president<br />
of United Artists<br />
West Coast operations,<br />
it was announced<br />
by Herb Jaffe,<br />
UA's West Coast<br />
vice-president.<br />
Adelman, who has<br />
been West Coast<br />
counsel for the past<br />
three years, will now<br />
work with Jaffe in all<br />
business<br />
and<br />
production<br />
administrative<br />
matters.<br />
Joining United Artists in 1958 as a member<br />
of the New York legal department after<br />
graduating from Harvard Law School, Adelman<br />
assumed legal duties in Hollywood<br />
four years later. He has been active in the<br />
entertainment industry for the United Jewish<br />
Welfare Fund campaigns and permanent<br />
charities; he also serves on the board of<br />
directors of the Ass'n of Motion Picture<br />
and Television Producers. Adelman is married<br />
and has two daughters.<br />
United Airlines Expands<br />
Inflight Movie Service<br />
NEW YORK — United Air Lines announces<br />
that movies are now being shown<br />
on non-stop flights between Boston and<br />
Philadelphia and the West Coast.<br />
United's eastern regional vice-president<br />
of sales and services said the expansion affects<br />
nine daily flights which operate between<br />
the East Coast cities and Los Angeles<br />
and San Francisco, and extends the bigscreen<br />
Inflight Motion Pictures, Inc., program<br />
to 55-daily departures on the United<br />
Air Line system.<br />
United also offers movies and audio entertainment<br />
on non-stop transcontinental<br />
flights between New York/ Newark. Washington<br />
'Baltimore and Los Angeles and San<br />
Francisco and between California and<br />
Hawaii.<br />
Barbara Rush Making Tour<br />
To Promote 'Hombre'<br />
HOLLYWOOD—Barbara Rush, one of<br />
the stars of 20th Century-Fox's "Hombre,"<br />
began a ten-day tour Tuesday (11) on behalf<br />
of the western adventure film. Her first<br />
stop was Dallas, to be followed by Houston.<br />
St. Louis, Indianapolis and Cincinnati.<br />
The actress is participating in a series of<br />
newspaper, television and radio interviews,<br />
as well as other local publicity and promotion<br />
activities in each of the cities.<br />
Also starring in "Hombre" are Paul Newman,<br />
Fredric March, Richard Boone, Diane<br />
Cilento, Cameron Mitchell and Martin Balsam.<br />
Martin Ritt, who recently visited seven<br />
other cities to promote the film, directed<br />
from a screenplay by Irving Ravetch and<br />
Harriet Frank jr. The Panavision and De<br />
Luxe Color film was produced by Ritt and<br />
Ravetch on location in Arizona and Nevada.<br />
Promote Joyce Selznick<br />
HOLLYWOOD—Joyce Selznick, worldwide<br />
director of talent for Paramount Pictures,<br />
has been named an executive producer<br />
for the company, it has been announced<br />
by Robert Evans, vice-president in charge<br />
of production. She will retain her former<br />
position also, and her first assignment in<br />
her new post will be in a coordinating and<br />
creative capacity for Ivan Tors Productions.<br />
AT<br />
*46c a word with MPS background<br />
and music . . . duplicates 50% less!<br />
S2.25<br />
"gy 125 HYDE ST SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF. 94102<br />
BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967 15
V<br />
^<br />
NEW YORK, N\<br />
/ mANTA,G?<br />
~-DAt.l.AS,TEXiiJ<br />
b^TROIT, MICH<br />
LOS ANGELES. C/|<br />
H<br />
I<br />
ELIZABETll<br />
TAYLOR<br />
theIaminj<br />
also Starring<br />
U In L uUufluiA<br />
Executive Producer RICHARD McWHORTER<br />
lED IfflCB<br />
FROM |€bLUI\/|
CHERI II<br />
I<br />
$110,660<br />
—$47,377<br />
-$12,937<br />
_$39,525<br />
-$18,315<br />
_$16,693<br />
-$28,174<br />
-$41,961<br />
_$25,213<br />
-$38,311<br />
_$17,541<br />
$29,546<br />
$25,130<br />
29 DAYS<br />
21 DAYS<br />
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BURTON<br />
i= THE Shrew<br />
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PlflR ^PIMfll U\?Wf\[\ W\l-UWWf\ PYI\f<br />
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*(vvilli3ckmvvMgemeniitoWilii3mShalespMre«iiihoutwhomifte(iwoiiIhjvel)eenatalossli)tivori)s)<br />
ImLII IVIIj nLL 1\ in HO nil<br />
Onglnal soundifack recording available as an RCA Vicior Red S^YM^<br />
'\E total look in ENTERTAINMENT!
. . . Writer<br />
j<br />
'i^&U^iMod ^e^iont<br />
Paramount Signs Joshua Logan<br />
To Meg 'Paint Your Wagon'<br />
JoshiKi Logan, in association with Alan<br />
Jay I.erner Productions, will direct the<br />
musical. "Paint Your Wagon." for Paramount<br />
Pictures. Logan will check in for prefilming<br />
conferences with Lerner, upon completing<br />
his current directorial assignment,<br />
"Camelot." at Warner Bros. Lerner. who<br />
produced "Paint Your Wagon" on Broadway,<br />
is also writing the screenplay of the<br />
musical, slated by Paramount as a major<br />
roadshow attraction. Eddie Fisher has been<br />
assigned as executive producer, with camera<br />
work slated for late in 1967 . . . Arthur<br />
Nadel set mid-July as the starting date of<br />
his next directorial stint, "Underground,"<br />
for which Ron Bishop is currently preparing<br />
the script. This is a Levy-Gardner-Laven<br />
production for United Artists, which is to<br />
be filmed in Europe. Nadel is presently<br />
directing "Clambake," the Elvis Presley film,<br />
which is also for L-G-L and UA . . . Don<br />
Knotts' comedy, "The Shakiest Gun in the<br />
West," will be directed by Alan Rafkin at<br />
Universal. Edward J. Montagne. producer,<br />
is planning to put the picture before the<br />
Technicolor cameras late this month, based<br />
on an original screenplay by James Fritzell<br />
and Everett Greenbaum. Rafkin also directed<br />
Knotts' first record-breaking comedy<br />
for Universal, "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken"<br />
. . . Jack Donohue, who directed two<br />
recent feature films, Warner Bros.' "Marriage<br />
on the Rocks," and Paramount's "Assault<br />
on a Queen," and who for three seasons<br />
was producer-director of "The Lucy<br />
.Show," was signed to direct the entire 24<br />
stanzas of the new season, with Tommy<br />
Thompson producing.<br />
Lee Marvin Acquires Rights<br />
To Jack London's 'U.P. Trail'<br />
Lee Marvin's independent film company,<br />
Mazatlan Film Co., has acquired all theatrical<br />
rights to Jack London's novella, "The<br />
U.P. Trail" from London's estate, for the<br />
development as a motion picture. The<br />
award-winning actor, who is currently starring<br />
in "Point Blank!" for MGM, will not<br />
necessarily appear in the film, but he is<br />
planning to select a screenplay writer within<br />
the next few weeks, so that the project, his<br />
initial one for his newly formed company,<br />
can go before the cameras in late 1967 . . .<br />
Richard D. Zanuck, executive vice-president<br />
in charge of production at 20th-Fox, announced<br />
that "The Kremlin Letter" novel<br />
by Noel Behn has been purchased by the<br />
studio. Zanuck immediately assigned John<br />
Huston to write the screenplay, and also<br />
produce and direct. The suspense thriller is<br />
scheduled for filming early next year, with<br />
Sam Wiesenthal as co-producer . . . Robert<br />
Parrish, who recently directed the Peter<br />
SeUers-Wamer Bros.' feature "The Bobo,"<br />
.By SYD CASSYD<br />
announced the purchase of the Samuel Selvon<br />
book, "The Lonely Londoners," which<br />
he plans to produce and direct, in London,<br />
in late summer. Sclvon will do the screenplay<br />
with Parrish collaborating. Negotiations<br />
are currently in progress for Sidney<br />
Poitier to play the lead . . . Another film<br />
has been added to producer Dick Berg's<br />
schedule at Universal, with the purchase of<br />
"The Pleasure Garden," a novel by Oakley<br />
Hall, with the author already set to write<br />
the screen treatment of his book. Berg also<br />
is<br />
preparing "House of Cards." based on the<br />
novel by Stanley Ellin, for production later<br />
this year and is completing post-production<br />
phases of "The Battle Horns" and "Banning."<br />
Editing of 'Bamboo Saucer'<br />
Is Completed for NTA<br />
Richard Harris has completed editing on<br />
the Jerry Fairbanks independent production,<br />
"The Bamboo Saucer," science-adventure<br />
story starring Dan Duryea. Presented by<br />
NTA, Inc., and Harris Associates, the film<br />
was written and directed by Frank Telford,<br />
based on an original story by Rip van<br />
Ronkle, John Fulton and Telford, Fulton<br />
conceived some of the most intricate special<br />
effects ever devised for a picture, and Hal<br />
Mohr photographed . . . Charles Lang will<br />
he the cinematographer for "A Flea in Her<br />
Ear," 20th-Fox comedy to star Rex Harrison<br />
and directed by Jacques Charon. Lang,<br />
an Oscar winner, had his last assignment at<br />
20th-Fox with "How to Steal a Million"<br />
William Goldman has completed<br />
the final script at Warner Bros, for "The<br />
Chill," which is to be produced by Jerry<br />
Gershwin and Elliott Kastner. The story is<br />
from a novel by Ross MacDonald . . . Eric<br />
Bercovici and Leonard Hughes will collaborate<br />
on the writing of the screenplay of<br />
Paramount's "The Alibis," which producers<br />
Phil D'Antoni and Norman Baer have<br />
scheduled for filming in the spring of 1968.<br />
on location in Europe.<br />
Kirk Douglas and Martin Ritt<br />
To Co-Produce 'Brotherhood'<br />
Kirk Douglas and director Martin Ritt<br />
have joined forces to co-produce the original<br />
story and screenplay, "The Brotherhood,"<br />
by Lewis John Carlino. Douglas will play<br />
the oldest son in this story of an Italian-<br />
American family with a Mafia background.<br />
Backgrounds will be shot in Sicily, but most<br />
of the filming will be done in New York.<br />
. . . The<br />
Negotiations are currently in progress for<br />
a major releasing organization<br />
musical version of "Baker Street," based on<br />
the adventures of Sherlock Holmes, will be<br />
produced by Alexander H. Cohen and Gabriel<br />
Katzka for MGM and will be filmed<br />
at MGM's Culver City Studios. Leslie Bricusse<br />
is set to write the original screenplay<br />
and compose an entirely new score for the<br />
film. "Baker Street" was originally produce<br />
by Cohen, in association with Katzka, o<br />
Broadway in 1965.<br />
John Garfield Jr.<br />
To 'Mackenna's Gold' Cast<br />
Is Added<br />
John Garfield jr., will appear in an in<br />
portant role in "Mackenna's Gold," ii<br />
which two stars who had appeared with hi<br />
late father, John Garfield, Gregory Pec<br />
and Edward G. Robinson, will be in starrin!<br />
roles. The Carl Foreman film for Columbi'<br />
Pictures also has Omar Sharif set for a staij<br />
ring role in the international cast. J. L-e<br />
Thompson directs the production from Cai<br />
Foreman's screenplay, starting the middl;<br />
of May, on locations in Arizona, Utah anj<br />
Anthony Quinn and Michaj<br />
Oregon . . .<br />
Caine are being co-starred in 20th-Fox'<br />
forthcoming "The Magus," which Jud Kin<br />
berg and John Kohn plan to produce as<br />
major motion picture, according to Richar<br />
D. Zanuck, executive vice-president<br />
charge of production. John Fowles, wh<br />
wrote the suspense story which was put<br />
. . . Joseph Cotte<br />
lished last year by Little Brown, is als<br />
writing the screenplay. Kohn and Kinber<br />
were previously paired as producers cj<br />
William Wyler's '"The Collector," also base<br />
on a novel by Fowles<br />
joins co-stars Julie Christie and Georg<br />
Scott in "Me and the Arch-Kook Petulia<br />
currently before the cameras in San Frar<br />
Cisco, for Warner Bros, release. Ray Waj<br />
ner is producing and Richard Lester direc<br />
ing, with the picture scheduled for locatio<br />
shooting in Mexico in the near future<br />
Elke Sommer Being Starred<br />
In 'Vegas 66' for WB<br />
Producers Nat Wachsberger and Arthi<br />
Brauner are starring Elke Sommer in "Veg£<br />
66" a modern comedy-drama, which will b<br />
lensed on location in Las Vegas, NevI<br />
France and Spain. Antonio Isasi was signe<br />
to direct this Eichberg film production f(<br />
Warner Bros, release, with the picture schec;<br />
uled to start the end of May, a week aftr<br />
the actress completes her current starrirl<br />
role in "The Wicked Dreams of Pauf,<br />
Schultz" for Edward Small-United Artisl<br />
. . . Mrs. Sadie Truitt, the 82-year-old res'<br />
dent who is mentioned prominently in Tri<br />
man Capote's non-fictional novel, "In Coll<br />
Blood," will play herself in writer-directorj<br />
Richard Brooks' film version of the tri<br />
story which occurred in Kansas sever<br />
years ago. The picture is currently beir<br />
filmed on location in Holcomb, Kas., i\<br />
Columbia release . . . Producer-direct*!<br />
Roger Corman chose Barbara Morris<br />
li<br />
portray a customer in a laundromat wi";<br />
whom Peter Fonda dallies, in the Americ^<br />
International film, "The Trip." Besidfj<br />
Fonda, the picture stars Susan Strasber<br />
Dennis Hopper and Bruce Dem<br />
Susan Saint James, one of Universal's youi.j<br />
contract actresses, was selected by producelj<br />
director George Seaton to co-star wrlr<br />
George Peppard and Mary Tyler Moore<br />
the studio's "What's So Bad About Feeliijj<br />
Good," which starts shooting in New Yo:jj<br />
early next month.<br />
20 BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 19f
I<br />
Broadmoor<br />
MAY 2, 3 AND 4, 1967<br />
R. M. M. P. A.<br />
P. O. BOX 1150<br />
80901<br />
"Actress of the Year" "Actor of the Year"<br />
"Best Supportirtg<br />
"Best Supporting<br />
Actress of the Year"<br />
Actor of the Year"<br />
heur^<br />
Winr\er of "Director of the Year" "TV Star of the Year"<br />
"Golden Nugget Award"<br />
SHERRILL C. CORWIN, President of NATO, Deliver the Keynote<br />
and a Number of Top Film Distribution Company Executives<br />
Address;<br />
Major Summer Feature Releases and the Promotional Plans<br />
Thereon<br />
mjoY^<br />
An Exciting Program, Beautiful Surroundings, Entertainment and<br />
MURRYf<br />
Reservations Becoming Limited. Contact R.M.M.P.A., Colorado Springs, or<br />
a Denver Exchange Representative TODAY!!<br />
AT THE R. M. M. P. A.<br />
Fun<br />
JXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967 21
This chart records the performance of current attractions in the opening week of their first runs in<br />
the 20 l
I<br />
Sponsoring<br />
I<br />
NEW<br />
i<br />
I<br />
—<br />
NYC Film Productions<br />
Showing Big Gains<br />
NEW YORK—A total of 243 street permits<br />
for production on eight major films<br />
plus five television productions and nimierous<br />
commercials have been processed by<br />
the New York City Department of Commerce<br />
& Industrial Development in the first<br />
three months of 1967. The number of permits<br />
issued so far represents a substantial<br />
increase over 187 permits issued in the same<br />
quarter last year. Producers planning 1 1<br />
additional feature films have informed the<br />
Department they will file applications for<br />
permits within the next three months.<br />
The increased activities are credited to the<br />
promotional campaign being conducted here<br />
on a personal level by Mayor John V. Lindsay<br />
and by his assistant, Barry Gottehrer.<br />
Last week the mayor received prime publicity<br />
with his four-day free Festival of New<br />
York Films.<br />
Among the films receiving permits in the<br />
past three months are Amalfi Productions'<br />
"Black Point" with Gloria Swanson; WB's<br />
"Wait Until Dark" starring Audrey Hepburn;<br />
the film version of "Valley of the<br />
Dolls" from 20th-Fox; Universal's "Criss<br />
Cross"; WB's "Sweet November"; Seven<br />
Arts' "Bye Bye Braverman"; "People<br />
Meet," a Swedish production, and an untitled<br />
French film with Yves Montand.<br />
Bill Filed to Eliminate<br />
Pittsburgh Ticket Tax<br />
HARRISBURG, PA.—A bill<br />
to eliminate<br />
Pittsburgh's authority to levy its 10 per cent<br />
amusement tax. which brings in an estimated<br />
$1.1 million a year to the city with<br />
films a major revenue source, has been introduced<br />
in the state Senate.<br />
the measure are four Republican<br />
leaders— president pro tern Robert D.<br />
Fleming of Pittsburgh and Sens. Albert R.<br />
Pechan, John T. Van Sant and John H.<br />
Ware 111. The bill would have an effective<br />
[late of Jan. I, 1968.<br />
Bookers Club Announces<br />
Sweepstake Winner<br />
YORK — The Motion Picture<br />
jJookers Club of New York Academy<br />
i\wards Sweepstake Contest prize of $250<br />
|vent to Dorothy McNamara, a waitress at<br />
jhe Garden City Bowl, Garden City. L. L<br />
Smaller amounts were received by 20<br />
i)thers. Nearly $2,000 will be sent to the<br />
IVill Rogers Memorial Hospital from the<br />
lontest.<br />
i?aramount's Weltner Back<br />
r^rom Latin American Trip<br />
NEW YORK— Paramount Pictures presi-<br />
|ent George Weltner has concluded his curent<br />
three-week tour of the company's<br />
|.atin-American territories and returned to<br />
Jew York. While on his extensive tour,<br />
'Veltner conferred with Paramount's perannel<br />
and key exhibitors in Brazil, Argenna,<br />
Chile, Peru, Panama and Mexico.<br />
iOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967<br />
Three Exhibitors Ass'ns<br />
Set July Convention<br />
RICHMOND. VA. — A Mid-Atlantic<br />
NATO (National Ass'n of Theatre Owners)<br />
convention has been scheduled July 18-20<br />
Planning (he iVIid-Atlantic NATO<br />
convention at the Cavalier, Virgina<br />
Beach, Va., July 18-20, left to right,<br />
are: A. Julian Brylawski, president of<br />
MPTO of D. C; Glenn Norris, general<br />
chairman; Jerome Gordon, president<br />
of NATO of Virginia, and Jack<br />
Whittle, executive secretary of AMPTO<br />
of Maryland.<br />
at the Cavalier Hotel, Virginia Beach, by<br />
three area exhibitor organizations. Joining<br />
together in the convention are the Motion<br />
Picture Theatre Owners of Washington.<br />
D.C., headed by A. Julian Brylawski, president;<br />
the Ass'n of Motion Picture Theatre<br />
Owners of Maryland, Elmer Nolte jr., president;<br />
and NATO of Virginia, Jerome Gordon,<br />
president.<br />
C. Glen Norris is general chairman for<br />
the event, and co-chairmen are Leon Bach,<br />
Maryland: Jerome Baker, Washington,<br />
D.C., and Harmon R. Martin, Virginia.<br />
Jack Whittle of Maryland and Carlton Duffus<br />
of Virginia are coordinators.<br />
Committees are Presidents' reception<br />
William Daike jr., Virginia, Meyer Leventhal,<br />
D.C., and Douglas Connelle, Maryland;<br />
registration and greetings— -J. K.<br />
Crockett, Bob Morgan and Wade Pearson;<br />
decorations— phil Bress; maitre d'hotel liaison—Sidney<br />
Bowden and Gus Nolte; golf<br />
tournament—Lee Hofheimer and Leonard<br />
Gordon; game night—Julian Gordon.<br />
Attendance—Aaron Seidler and Jerry<br />
Baker; Aaron Seidler and T. I. Martin;<br />
program ads and special gifts—Lou Bress,<br />
Al Crosby, Dave Ginsburg, Ned Glasser,<br />
Dave Kamsky, Woody Wise, and Ben Norris;<br />
ladies— Mrs. J. K. Crockett and Mrs.<br />
Carlton Duffus, and publicity—Sidney<br />
Gates.<br />
William Conway Jr. Dies<br />
SHAMOKIN, PA.—William A. Conway<br />
jr., 57, president of the National Ticket Co.<br />
since 1958 and son of one of the firm's<br />
founders, died at his home here Sunday (9).<br />
His brother Jack Conway, who is vicepresident<br />
of the company, has been named<br />
president of the firm, which was founded<br />
in 1896. Other survivors are his wife and<br />
two daughters.<br />
ALK Corp. to Start<br />
Philadelphia Corp.<br />
PlIll.ADl l.PlllA Plans ft)r the construction<br />
of a new 5()0-seat theatre at 1S12-<br />
14 Chestnut St., were announced by Robert<br />
Abel, Sidney Lcventon and Melvin Koff,<br />
principals of ALK Corp.<br />
To be called Theatre 1812, a June opening<br />
is expected. The theatre will be constructed<br />
on the ground floor site of the<br />
tornier 1812 Arcade at a cost of $200,000.<br />
The property was leased from Baiisch &<br />
1 omb for a long term at an aggregate rental<br />
of $660,000 in a transaction negotiated by<br />
Strouse, Greenberg and Co. Bausch &<br />
Lomb. in addition to owning the property,<br />
occupies the entire second floor for its<br />
Philadelphia headquarters.<br />
The theatre will be contemporary in design<br />
with the decor similar to the Vivian<br />
Beaimiont Theatre in New York's Lincoln<br />
Center and will feature the same charcoal<br />
and red color scheme. Architect for the new<br />
house is Sydney Jelineck. Construction and<br />
engineering will be in charge of Gordon<br />
Weinberg of Leonard Shaffer Associates.<br />
Abel said Theatre 1812 is the first in a<br />
series of downtown theatres ALK Corp.<br />
plans to open. Two other sites<br />
already have<br />
been selected and the theatres are on the<br />
drawing boards. ALK now operates the<br />
Keswick Theatre in Glenside, the Lawrence<br />
Park in Broomall and opened the Parkwood<br />
Theatre last year at North East, Pa.<br />
Retiring Md. Censor Hopes<br />
To See Film Classification<br />
BALTIMORE— Mrs. Louis B. Shecter.<br />
who is to retire Sunday (30) after six years<br />
on the state film censor board, made a plea<br />
for a new nationwide system of film censorship<br />
based on a British idea of film classification.<br />
She urged that films be classified "for<br />
adults only" or "for family viewing," instead<br />
of the present system. She said it was<br />
"a hopeless task" for parents to know which<br />
films are satisfactory for youngsters and<br />
"the state and the nation should adopt a<br />
form of film classification."<br />
The Maryland board, the only one of its<br />
kind in the nation, is empowered to pass on<br />
every film that is publicly shown in the<br />
state. A bill to abolish the censor board this<br />
year was killed. 7-0. by the state Senate<br />
judicial proceedings committee.<br />
'King's Story' Premieres<br />
May 24 at Festival<br />
NEW YORK—"A King's Story." a film<br />
based on the story of the Duke and Duchess<br />
of Windsor, will have its gala royal premiere<br />
at the Festival Theatre May 24 as a benefit<br />
for the Hospital of Special Surgery. The<br />
Duke of Windsor and the Duchess of<br />
Windsor will attend the premiere, which will<br />
take place just ten days prior to the Duke<br />
and Duchess' 30th wedding anniversary.<br />
Produced by Jack Le Vien and presented by<br />
the Walter Reade Organization, the film will<br />
begin its regular engagement on May 25.<br />
N.r<br />
—<br />
—<br />
—<br />
—<br />
—<br />
—<br />
—<br />
—<br />
— — —<br />
—<br />
—<br />
'Millie/ Vlysses Drawing Capacity<br />
In New York;<br />
NEW YORK—The temperatures may<br />
have been moving up with the advent ol<br />
spring but boxolloce grosses were hcaileil<br />
in the opposite direction as first-run houses<br />
on the Great White Way and chic east side<br />
faced the inevitable slump v^hich follows the<br />
Easter and spring vacation periods. With<br />
the tourists back home and the kids in<br />
school, the high grosses of the first week of<br />
April gave way to a very sharp decline in<br />
manv instances. However, a few entries.<br />
including some of the roadshow hits, sustained<br />
their holiday business, while lacking<br />
the added punch of the extra holiday performances.<br />
The week's winner was Julie Andrews'<br />
"Thoroughly Modern Millie" at the Criterion,<br />
which had capacity business in its<br />
third week of two-a-day. The surprise hit<br />
was "Ulysses" in its third week of capacity<br />
at that now-famous $5.50 top for a twohour,<br />
black and white film, at the Trans-<br />
Lux 85th Street house.<br />
While "A Man for All Seasons" and "The<br />
Taming of the Shrew" slipped slightly, their<br />
business was solid and the six-Oscar-winning<br />
"Man" undoubtedly will be back at<br />
capacity. The older roadshows were down<br />
considerably, again in great measure because<br />
of no extra matinees for nonholiday<br />
weeks. "Hawaii" and "The Sand Pebbles"<br />
were under the "Bible" gross, with figures<br />
for all three below expectations, in their<br />
26th, 16th and 28th weeks respectively.<br />
"Grand Prix," at the Warner, held steadily<br />
in its 16th week.<br />
"In Like Flint" wrapped up a short but<br />
prosperous run at the Capitol, followed into<br />
that house by a couple of reruns, "The Professionals"<br />
and "Georgy Girl." "Hombre,"<br />
dualing at the Astor and 68th Street Playhouse,<br />
continued to do good business while<br />
"Hurry Sundown," playing at the Plaza and<br />
Victoria, was still scoring firm grosses.<br />
On the art-house circuit, the amazing<br />
"Blow-Up" was still accumulating substantial<br />
grosses at the Beekman and New Embassy.<br />
Other art entries were decidedly off<br />
but "The War Game," at the Carnegie Hall<br />
Cinema, is bound to reap the rewards of<br />
winning the Oscar for "best documentary"<br />
in Monday's Academy Awards presentations.<br />
Also profiting from an Oscar, the one<br />
inlkEast ./fs<br />
wqriiLiCjaiii/tJlW^o.<br />
630 9th AVENUE<br />
A'fW YORK . /OOSG<br />
JU2 2880<br />
Hombre Still Strong<br />
il received for "best foreign film," is certain<br />
to be "A Man and a Woman," now in its<br />
4()th week at the Paris and showing promise,<br />
on basis of current receipts, of staying on<br />
there several months.<br />
"A Countess From Hong Kong." in a<br />
third week at the Sutton, was doing good<br />
business but "Falstaff," after three weeks<br />
at the Little Carnegie, closed a failure.<br />
1 25<br />
(Average Is 100)<br />
Astor Hombre (20th-Fox), 3rd wk 190<br />
Baronet You're a Big Boy Now (Seven Arts),<br />
3rd wk 175<br />
Beekman Blow-Up (Premier), moveover, 16th wk. 200<br />
Capitol In Like Flint (20th-Fox), 4th wk 165<br />
Carnegie Hall Cinema The War Game<br />
(P-C), 3rd wk 175<br />
Cinema I Le Vie de Chateau (Royal), 3rd wk 190<br />
Cinema Loves of a Blonde (Prominent),<br />
II<br />
moveover, 1 6th wk<br />
Cinema Rendezvous The Sound ot Music<br />
(20fh-Fox), 16th wk. of scheduled shows 185<br />
Coronet The Taming ot the Shrew (Col),<br />
5th wk. of two-Q'day 250<br />
Criterion Thoroughly Modern Millie (Univ),<br />
3rd wk. of two-a-day 300<br />
DeMille Hawaii (UA), 26th wk. of two-a-day ... .190<br />
Festival Persona (Lopert), 5th wk 160<br />
Fine Arts A Man tor All Seasons (Col),<br />
8th wk. of two-a-day 275<br />
1<br />
Forum Atrica Addio (Rizzoli), 4th wk 150<br />
Guild Altie (Para), moveover, 33rd wk 160<br />
Little Carnegie Falstaff (P-W), 3rd wk 110<br />
Loew's State The Bible (20th-Fox),<br />
28th wk. of two-o-doy 200<br />
Loew's Tower East My Sister, My Love (Sigma 111),<br />
6th wk 150<br />
Murray Hill La Guerre Est Finie (Brandon), 6th wk. 160<br />
New Embassy Btow-Up (Premier) moveover,<br />
16th wk 200<br />
Pans A Man and a Woman (AA), 39th wk 210<br />
Plaza Hurry Sundown (Para), 3rd wk 160<br />
Radio City Music Hall How to Succeed (UA),<br />
plus Easter stage show, 5th wk 190<br />
Rivoli The Sand Pebbles (20th-Fox),<br />
6th wk. of two-a-doy 1<br />
68th Street Playhouse Hombre (20th-Fox), 3rd wk.<br />
Sutton A Countess From Hong Kong<br />
1 75<br />
200<br />
(Univ), 3rd wk 165<br />
34th Street East Africa Addio (Rizzoli), 4th wk. . .150<br />
Trans-Lux East Marot/Sode (UA), 7th wk.<br />
of scheduled shows 1 60<br />
Trans-Lux 85th Street Ulysses (Cont'l),<br />
3rd wk. of scheduled shows 250<br />
Victoria Hurry Sundown (Para), 3rd wk 180<br />
Warner Grand Prix (MGM), 16th wk.<br />
of two-a-day 1 70<br />
World Love Now, Pay Later (Mishkin), 15th wk.<br />
York The Chelsea Girls (FC), moveover, 16th wk.<br />
. . 1 30<br />
.110<br />
'In Like Flint' Combined 165<br />
In Buffalo Duo Booking<br />
BUFFALO—"In Like Flint," in the third<br />
week at Shea's Buffalo and the Wehrle<br />
Drive-In. continued to set a fast pace for<br />
Buffalo first-run product. The indoor theatre<br />
recorded 180 with the "Flint" film while<br />
the drive-in grossed a solid 150 for a combined<br />
165. "Grand Prix" also had another<br />
good week and came up with a solid 160,<br />
good for second place.<br />
Buffalo, Wehrle in Like Flint (20th-Fox), 3rd wk. .165<br />
Center— Hotel (WB), 3rd wk 110<br />
Century Grond Prix (MGM), 3rd wk 160<br />
Cinema, Amherst How to Succeed (UA), 4th wk. .115<br />
Colvin The Sand Pebbles (20th-Fox), 6fh wk 140<br />
Granada Doctor Zhivago (MGM), 46th wk 110<br />
Teck The Bible (20th-Fox), 16th wk 140<br />
Five Holdovers Achieve 250 Level<br />
At Baltimore First-Run Houses<br />
BALTIMORE — The highest<br />
gross percentage<br />
mark here for the week was 250<br />
and no less than five first-run programs<br />
attracted business at that excellent rate.<br />
Sharing the 250 level<br />
were "A Man for All<br />
Seasons," "A Man and a Woman," "Georgy<br />
Girl," "Hotel" and "The Taming of the<br />
Shrew," all holdover films. "Mademoiselle,"<br />
the only first-week picture,<br />
doubled averagej<br />
at the .Seven East Theatre.<br />
Boulevard, Westview Cinema The Night of the<br />
. . . 22J<br />
Generals (Col), 3rd wk 12J<br />
Charles A Man for All Seasons (Col), 6th wk 25C<br />
Crest, NorthPoint Ploza Doctor Zhivago (MGM),<br />
4th wk. at popular prices 20C<br />
Five-West A Man ond a Woman (AA), 7th wk. .<br />
.25C<br />
Hillendole, Reisterstown Plaza The Sound of Music<br />
(20fh-Fox), 6th wk., popular prices 225<br />
Hippodrome—The Bible (20th-Fox), 22nd wk 20C<br />
Little Blow-Up (Premier), 1 1 th wk 1 5(<br />
Mayfair The Sond Pebbles (20th-Fox), 8th wk.<br />
New— Hawoii (UA), 16th wk 22;<br />
Northwood, Pike's How to Succeed (UA), 4th wk. .16C<br />
Playhouse Georgy Girl (Col), 16th wk 25C<br />
Senator, Town Hotel (WB), 2nd wk 25C<br />
Seven East Mademoiselle (Lopert) 20C<br />
Uptown The Toming of the Shrew (Col), 3rd wk. .<br />
.25C<br />
Students, Filmmakers<br />
See Losey's 'Accidentl<br />
NEW YORK — A special screening<br />
Joseph Losey's "Accident" was held Friday<br />
(14) for editors of college newspapers anq<br />
New York's independent filmmakers anfl<br />
film writers. Following the screening Losej<br />
and Harold Pinter took part in a discussioi]<br />
with the audience participating. "Accident'i<br />
stars Dirk Bogarde, Jacqueline Sassard am<br />
Stanley Baker. It is the official British entr;<br />
at the Cannes Film Festival this year.<br />
Lee Artoe Says 'No Price<br />
Increase on Carbons Now'<br />
CHICAGO—The Lee Artoe Carbon Co.<br />
which has headquarters here, has announced<br />
that there will be no price increase on Let<br />
Artoe Roman carbons at the present time.<br />
"We have always been usinj<br />
minor cost increases to boost the final prici<br />
to the theatre manyfold," Lee Artoe, presi<br />
dent of the company, declared. "Unless th^<br />
cost of taking our money to the bank is<br />
creased substantially, we shall hold our lov<br />
prices as long as possible."<br />
Food Firm Buys Theatre<br />
PITTSBURGH—The giant downtowi<br />
Penn Theatre has been sold by Allegheny<br />
County to H. J. Heinz II and the HowaM<br />
Heinz Foundation for a reported $850,000<br />
For 30 years the Penn was operated y<br />
Loew's and once was .the No. 1 theatre<br />
the Golden Triangle. It had been dark fo'<br />
several years, except for special stage shows<br />
Lorberfeld on MGM Acc't<br />
NEW YORK—W. H. Schneider, Inc<br />
announced last week that Al Lorberfeld ha;<br />
been named associate account executive o)<br />
the MGM film account. He will report<br />
Lloyd McKean, account executive. In ad(<br />
tion to his general work on MGM's adv<<br />
tising, Lorberfeld will have specific respoi<br />
ibility for local theatre advertising.<br />
Glass Door Warning<br />
ALBANY—On Gov. Nelson A. Rod<br />
feller's desk among 945 "30-day" bills is a<br />
which amends the state labor law to requi<br />
that "transparent" glass doors in theati<br />
and other public places be marked clea<br />
to<br />
warn persons that the doors are of gla<br />
m<br />
E-2 BOXOFFICE :; April 17, 1
i<br />
Loew's Capitol May Be<br />
Site for Office Bldg.<br />
NEW YORK—First the Roxy. then the<br />
Paramount, and now it looks as if Loew's<br />
Capitol Theatre on Broadway may follow<br />
in the path of destruction which took those<br />
two famous movie palaces. Uris Buildings<br />
Corp. has an option to acquire the Capitol<br />
and the land on which it stands, according<br />
to current rumors published last week here.<br />
Unconfirmed reports say that Loew's<br />
Theatre and Uris have not officially announced<br />
the deal but supposedly one New<br />
York realty firm has already canvassed<br />
prospective tenants for the office building<br />
which will be erected on the site if the<br />
option is exercised.<br />
The 50-year-old Capitol underwent extensive<br />
renovation several years ago which<br />
lowered its seating capacity, installed an escalator<br />
and Cinerama screen and projection<br />
equipment.<br />
Piatt B'nai B'rith Speaker<br />
At Installation Luncheon<br />
NEW YORK — Harvey Piatt,<br />
executive<br />
secretary of district Grand Lodge, Number<br />
1, B'nai B'rith, will be the installing officer<br />
and principal speaker at the installation of<br />
officers luncheon of New York's Cinema<br />
Lodge of B'nai B'rith at the Hotel Warwick<br />
April 21. Norman Robbins, vice-president<br />
and general manager of National Screen<br />
Service, will be reinstalled as president,<br />
along with the newly elected and re-elected<br />
officers for 1967-68,<br />
Todman to Get Israel Bible<br />
At UJA Luncheon in N.Y.<br />
NEW YORK—Television producer William<br />
S. Todman. guest of honor at the<br />
Tuesday (18) luncheon of the entertainment<br />
and communications division of the<br />
lUniied Jewish Appeal here in the Americana<br />
Hotel, is to receive a Bible handmade<br />
;in Israel from Leo Jaffe, executive vice-<br />
Ipresident of Columbia Pictures, Division<br />
:hairmen are Saul Jeffee and Mortimer<br />
Becker,<br />
jW. A. Riple Is Dead<br />
ALBANY—William A, Riple. 68, general<br />
'nanager of WAST-TV, Channel 13, a divii.ion<br />
of Stanley Warner Corp,, died April 7.<br />
J'ollowing surgery at the Albany Medical<br />
Center Hospital. Riple retired on January I<br />
|is general manager and had continued as<br />
'in active consultant to the broadcasting<br />
itation. Survivors are his wife, the former<br />
Naomi Collinson; a daughter, a sister and<br />
iwo grandchildren.<br />
OXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967<br />
BRO ADW Ay<br />
^^HAI a pleasant surprise to see Irene<br />
Dunne looking lovelier than ever as she<br />
substituted for Elizabeth Taylor on the<br />
Oscar telecast last week. In this day and age<br />
of teenyhoppers, unkempt appearances and<br />
strange behavior, what a refreshing moment<br />
to see a woman of grace, charm, dignity and<br />
intelligence capture the spotlight all too<br />
briefly. In presenting the Jean Hcrsholt Humanitarian<br />
Award to the very deserving<br />
George Bagnall, Miss Dunne personified all<br />
that was the glamor of Hollywood at its<br />
zenith,<br />
•<br />
On a i>looinier note, another favorite<br />
seems to he goint^ into the seamier side of<br />
comedy from all reports. Since Radio City<br />
Music Hall announced that a film "Siii^gested<br />
for Mature Adults" would follow<br />
"How to Succeed" there, rumors have been<br />
flying as to the "adultness" of 20th-Fox's<br />
"Two for the Road" and its star Audrey<br />
Hepburn, who is one actress yet to appear<br />
in bed with a nuin in any of her films. This<br />
Stanley Donen production will break the ice.<br /> Hepburn and Albert Finney take off<br />
on a pre-marital tour of Europe in the film.<br />
And the dialog goes something like this<br />
"You're a bitch," Finney tells her and she<br />
replies. "You're a bastard." The Music<br />
Hall's president James Gould has been reported<br />
as saying.<br />
"Subtle changes are taking<br />
place" and "this picture is beautifully done,<br />
in good taste and with great style and polish."<br />
But somehow it does seem as if there<br />
should be one big Broadway theatre left for<br />
the whole family and one star, our choice<br />
naturally Miss Hepburn, who remains Victorian<br />
to the end. Of course, somewhere in<br />
the background comes a voice saying where<br />
do you find a strong boxoffice picture for<br />
the whole family to play those last holdouts<br />
for the "Family Trade?"<br />
•<br />
Columbia is still hard at it, selling "Casino<br />
Royale," that is. And everybody seems<br />
to be having fun. The latest shindig was a<br />
champagne hotdog luncheon atop the Screen<br />
Building in the heart of Broadway. With two<br />
Casino gals and some drizzly weather to<br />
contend with, the tradepress then had to<br />
watch a number of misquotes by them about<br />
the film be shown over Broadway on the<br />
mammoth billboard advertising the Bondwagon<br />
spoof. But no one complained about<br />
seeing their names in lights over Broadway,<br />
Richard Kahn delivered a monologue with<br />
a few side comments by Sheldon Roskin.<br />
proving publicitymen do anything, almost,<br />
for a laugh. "Casino Royale" opens at<br />
Loew's Capitol and Cinema I on .April 26,<br />
•<br />
As a result of Allied's "A Man atui a<br />
Wonmn" winning the Oscar as Best Foreign<br />
Film of the Y'ear. the announcemeiu has<br />
come from Roger Hurlock. AA's executive<br />
committee chairman, that this film will be<br />
delayed in being put on TV. Too had for<br />
exhibitors more films can't win awards to<br />
keep them off the TV screens longer!<br />
On the international travel scene, producer<br />
Andre Dii Rona is back in Buenos Aires<br />
for meetings with director Leopoldo Torrc-<br />
Nilsson, They have already completed two<br />
films "Monday's Child" and "The Traitors<br />
of San Angel," The former is headed to<br />
Cannes as the official Argentinian entry in<br />
that Festival, 20th-Fox's David Raphel, international<br />
vice-president, is on a six-week<br />
tour of the Orient.<br />
•<br />
Speaking of the Orient, "The Sword of<br />
Doom" a Japanese action drama, had its<br />
American premiere last week (14) at the<br />
55th Street Playhouse, which heretofore has<br />
been specializing in playing only Chinese<br />
films. The film is a Toho release.<br />
»<br />
Broadway producer David Merrick, who<br />
was in Hollywood, supposedly turned down<br />
an invitation to attend the Academy<br />
Awards, saying "These annual awards are<br />
merely for photographed version of our<br />
Broadway stage plays," His proof: "Man for<br />
All Seasons," "Virginia Woolf," "My Fair<br />
Lady," "West Side Story," "Miracle Worker,"<br />
and a few more,<br />
•<br />
But Merrick should have returned to<br />
Broadway last week to read the notices for<br />
"lllya Darling." the musical stage version<br />
of the film "Never on Sunday." To quote<br />
two of the Broadway critics. "Movies are<br />
Better than Ever" {Herbert Kupferberg.<br />
World Journal Tribune) and "But lllya<br />
"<br />
Darling inadvertently and unluckily makes<br />
iiwvies seem better than ever." Meliiui Mercouri<br />
repeats her famous film role for the<br />
stage.<br />
•<br />
IFIDA's Michael Mayer is<br />
author of the<br />
just published, "Divorce and Annulment in<br />
the Fifty States," issued by the Arco Publishing<br />
Co, He also participated in the Boston<br />
College Writers' conference this past<br />
weekend, discussing "Foreign Films on<br />
American Screens,"<br />
•<br />
Phyllis Diller is in town, enough .said!<br />
H'ell. for the record .the's been running<br />
around plugging her latest co-starring comedy<br />
with Bob Hope for UA. She scared the<br />
ladies at Sterns Department store, .somebody<br />
reported. But she certainly brings them into<br />
the theatres according to the grosses of UA's<br />
'Boy, Did I Get a Wrong Number!"<br />
•<br />
Jacqueline Sue Ludwig, daughter of Mr.<br />
and Mrs, Irving H, Ludwig, president of<br />
Buena Vista, was married April 15 to Edward<br />
Ciilbert Weiss, son of Mr, and Mrs.<br />
Cieorge Weiss of Yonkers. N.Y.<br />
Arriving here from London last week was<br />
Joseph Losey to prepare for the opening of<br />
his latest. "Accident." a very important<br />
film this year. Cinema V is distributing it<br />
over here and it is the British entry at<br />
Cannes.<br />
. . The<br />
. . Thelma<br />
Jerome Baker, managing director of RKO<br />
Keith's Theatre and who was area exhibitor<br />
chairman of Academy Awards night,<br />
spoke before the D.C. Motion Picture and<br />
Television Council Friday (14) in the<br />
MPAA. He also previewed his theatre's<br />
next attraction. United Artists' "8 on the<br />
Lam."<br />
Tent 11, with AlP branch manager Jerome<br />
Sandy as chief barker, has acquired<br />
12 new members. They are Joseph Charles.<br />
WDCA-TV; Carl Fowler. lATSE; C. Nelson<br />
Gardner, theatre manager. Broumas<br />
Theatres: Fred Goodman and William A.<br />
L.emer, l.emer Advertising: Jimmie James,<br />
president of National Detective Agencies:<br />
Fred Kelly, projectionist at the K/B Ontario:<br />
Raymond Murry. manager of the<br />
Randallstown (Md.) Plaza Theatre; Ben G.<br />
Norris. general manager of Harley Davidson<br />
Theatres: Thomas O'Malley, treasurer<br />
of Broumas Theatres: Ernest Price, head of<br />
Azalea Drive-in at Norfolk, and Oscar<br />
Stempler. head of Carter Industrial Laundry.<br />
Ted Krassner, Paramount branch manager,<br />
screened "Barefoot in the Park" Friday<br />
(7) at Loew's Embassy, where "Hurry<br />
.Sundown" is playing. On hand to greet<br />
the guests were Paramount office manager<br />
Jack Howe, publicist Ernest S. Johnston.<br />
Loew's general manager Fred Erling and<br />
house manager Lloyd Gaines.<br />
Paramount eastern and southern division<br />
manager Isaacs was a visitor to the local<br />
exchange.<br />
Alexander Schimel, Universal branch<br />
manager, reports his salesman Ray Forhman<br />
is able to return to his duties after an<br />
auto accident. Schimel is the brother of<br />
Adolph Schimel. an MPAA director and<br />
vice-president and general counsel of Universal<br />
Pictures.<br />
Joseph Brecheen, Buena Vista manager,<br />
has set "The Absent-Minded Professor" and<br />
"The Shaggy Dog" as a rerelease package<br />
starting May 24 and "Snow White and the<br />
Seven Dwarfs" will be reissued June 21 in<br />
Washington and a week later in Baltimore.<br />
"The Gnome-Mobile" will be released first<br />
run July 26. Brecheen says he is able to<br />
drive his car now and has recovered from<br />
the heart attack he suffered.<br />
Robert FoUlard is getting his Folliard<br />
Films under way by setting up about 70<br />
MGM reissues, including the Garbo series.<br />
Jack Schlaiser. sales manager of the rercleases,<br />
visited him in his new quarters.<br />
WOMPI president Catharine Murphy of<br />
MGM says her group presented Easter baskets<br />
to the children and gifts to the mothers<br />
at St. Ann's Infant and Maternity Home.<br />
Manager Jerry Baker says the RKO<br />
Keith's will have the exclusive closed-circuit<br />
telecast of the Indianapolis 500 here<br />
Memorial Day . Powell, secretary<br />
to Harley Davidson, head of Independent<br />
Theatres, is recovering from injuries suffered<br />
in an auto crash. She was in traction<br />
about three weeks while in a hospital.<br />
R. H. Robinson of the Louisa (Va.)<br />
Drive-In and Floyd Davis of Neighborhood<br />
Theatres in Richmond were seen booking<br />
on Filmrow.<br />
Bob Hope entertained members of the<br />
White House News Photographers Ass'n at<br />
its annual stag banquet Thursday (6) in the<br />
Sheraton Park Hotel.<br />
ALBANY<br />
XA/alter Reade jr., board chairman of the<br />
Walter Reade Organization,<br />
and Nicholas<br />
Schermerhorn. vice-president and general<br />
manager of Reade Theatres, joined the<br />
Ulster town supervisor in a ribbon-cutting<br />
ceremony at the opening of the 1,000-seat<br />
Mayfair. two miles north of Kingston. Jan<br />
Doyle. Reade Kingston city manager, also<br />
participated with two hostesses. More than<br />
1.000 persons were on hand. The Mayfair<br />
is in a shopping center, across from Reade's<br />
9-W Drive-ln. Gordon Craig jr. is manager.<br />
Elia Kazan, Academy Award-winning<br />
director and an author, was featured in a<br />
telephone interview on "Book Review" on<br />
WGY in Schenectady concerning his latest<br />
novel "The Arrangement." Earle Pudney<br />
was in charge of the program.<br />
Gene Lowe, salesman for<br />
Max Westebbe.<br />
Inc.. and his wife saw off their 22-year-old<br />
son George, as he left for Navy duty in<br />
Vietnam. George attended Hudson Valley<br />
Community College.<br />
R. E. Krieger, Knickerbocker News, in a<br />
feature story on the Academy Awards,<br />
wrote, "The whole publicity stunt is ridiculous,<br />
but last year 62 million people are supposed<br />
to have watched it on television—and<br />
that must mean something."<br />
Stanley Warner district manager Joe Stowell<br />
has assumed direction of the Cinema<br />
Delaware temporarily after Richard Kelly<br />
left . . . Marie Tanner has resumed cashiering<br />
at the SW Strand after a week's bout<br />
with the flu.<br />
About 25 exhibitors and exchangeites attended<br />
the first-night screening of 20th-<br />
Fox's "The Sand Pebbles" at the Hellman.<br />
Letters of invitation were exchanged for<br />
seats.<br />
Drive-in openings include Cliff Hall's El<br />
Rancho. Palatine Bridge, and Al Flamme's<br />
Unadilla at Unadilla.<br />
Richard Weber set a two-day date at the<br />
Strand in Plattsburgh for an Alaskan fishing<br />
and hunting film.<br />
adults and 75 cents<br />
Prices were $1.50 for<br />
for children.<br />
Location filming begins May 15 for Columbia's<br />
"Mackenna's Gold" as extensive<br />
production is planned in Arizona, Utah and<br />
Oregon.<br />
The Evening News published these film<br />
as suitable for children: "THE BIBLl<br />
... In the Beginning," "The Adventures<br />
Bullwhip Griffin," "Monkeys, Go Home!!<br />
"Romeo and Juliet." "The Russians Ar<br />
Coming the Russians Are Coming" ani<br />
"Snow White and the Three Stooges." Thi<br />
listing also gave the theatre and matinel<br />
times. The News began publishing the lis<br />
after a mother wrote in complaining it wa<br />
nearly impossible to find films suitable fo!<br />
her children.<br />
Robert K. King, Tent 7's "man of th<br />
year," second assistant chief barker an<br />
general manager of WKBW-TV, scored<br />
second place in the 1966 Variety Club<br />
International communications media awards<br />
Plans are being made for a local presenta<br />
tion of the award. The TV station carriq<br />
the annual Tent 7 telethon.<br />
Barbara Quinlivan, past president of th<br />
Women of Variety and wife of Frank B<br />
Quinlivan. Dipson division manager, is re<br />
covering from an illness in St. Franci<br />
Hospital.<br />
In addition to those already announce^<br />
as scheduled to attend the Variety Club<br />
International convention in Mexico Citj<br />
May 14-19. two others from Tent 7 ar<br />
planning to be there. They are first assistar^<br />
chief barker Melvyn Berman and past chiej<br />
barker James J. Hayes, who has been name<br />
sergeant-at-arms for the convention.<br />
American Federation of Musicians Loci<br />
533 celebrated its 50th anniversary Sundaj<br />
(16) in the Hearthstone Manor at Depew<br />
Herman D. Kenin, international president<br />
headed the list of honored guests. Perr;<br />
Gray is president of the local.<br />
The local Saints & Sinners group will holi<br />
its annual Fall Guy Show May 2 in thI<br />
Statler-Hilton Hotel. John M. Galvin, heal<br />
of the Marine Midland Trust Co.. is thi<br />
years "fall guy."<br />
Connie Stoll, Miss Variety of 1967, pre<br />
sented a $7,000 check from Tent 7 to Moii<br />
Tanner, executive director of the Children!<br />
Hospital, representing the proceeds from th'<br />
weekly bingo games.<br />
Jim Martina, who operates theatres<br />
Dansville, and Bill Moose, who has iheatr^<br />
in Dansville and Attica, were here on<br />
booking tour.<br />
Elmer F. Lux, former chief barker (<br />
Tent 7 and past president of city council,<br />
recovering from surgery in Millard Fillmor<br />
Hospital.<br />
The Barker, official publication of Variet<br />
Clubs International, in March featured<br />
story on Tent 7's fifth annual teletho:<br />
written by Edward F. Meade, press guy fo<br />
the local tent.<br />
Mona Chong. who will have a featurei<br />
role in Universal's "I'll Never Forget What'<br />
'Is Name," was born in Singapore.<br />
E-6 BOXOFFICE :: April 17, I96|
I<br />
1<br />
: In<br />
;<br />
The<br />
. . Abel<br />
—<br />
[oseph W. Feldman has been appointed sectional<br />
chairman for the ten counties<br />
iround the Pittsburgh area for the two-year<br />
:omprehensive planning study of vocational<br />
ehabilitation. Chairman and president of<br />
~eldman & K.ahn advertising agency from<br />
1952 until this year, he previously was here<br />
vith Warner Bros. Theatres as publicity<br />
nan and assistant zone manager. Feldman<br />
vas handed the new post by Pennsylvania<br />
lecretary of labor and industry William J.<br />
ian.<br />
Norman Mervis, general theatre<br />
manager<br />
)f Associated Theatres, does not deny that<br />
he circuit may be interested in entering into<br />
exhibition at Wilkinsburg. This eastern<br />
lorough has been without a theatre for two<br />
'ears.<br />
Film distributors seem to be happy at<br />
his time with practically all of the area<br />
irive-ins now open, at least on weekends,<br />
exhibitors are optimistic regarding the uploming<br />
outdoor season.<br />
Several years ago Rep. John Dent of<br />
eannette. Pa., chairman of the House labor<br />
ubcommittee. held hearings on the prolosed<br />
labeling of domestic film product and<br />
I similar hearing is now in the hopper in<br />
Vashington. The bills would require labelng<br />
films and advertising as to the country<br />
ir countries in which they were physically<br />
iroduced or manufactured.<br />
Harold Weinberger, employed here man><br />
ears ago at the MGM exchange, is liquidatng<br />
Krate/ Weinberger, advertising, and has<br />
Dined Dobbs Ad Co., Inc., as executive<br />
lice-president and a principal of the agency.<br />
Joel Navarl of the Navari Eastwood<br />
J'heatre got publicity for the theatre when<br />
news article told of how Lt. Edward<br />
iilank, who is in Vietnam and a movie fan<br />
jnd critic, sends money orders for the pur-<br />
Jiase of theatre tickets for movies he desires<br />
lis parents to see. He is a Duquesne Uniiersity<br />
graduate.<br />
the summer Frank Cerra, developer of<br />
le Penn Hills Shopping Center, built and<br />
pened the Penn Hills Theatre. It was one<br />
}f two new ones in the Pittsburgh city area<br />
list year. This week it was acquired from<br />
erra by Associated Theatres, headed by<br />
rnie and George Stern. Right now Associed<br />
is building a twin theatre at Slate Col-<br />
:ge. Pa., adjoining the campus of Pennsyllania<br />
State University. Cerra has a large<br />
liopping center development with stores<br />
lid offices and has 200 tenants.<br />
Dattola Theatre, New Kensington,<br />
ia.. was to be under new management this<br />
eek. Filmrow indications were that Paul<br />
NEW FOX IN LANGHORNE. PA.—The above architect's<br />
drawing shows<br />
how the new 1,200-seat Fox Theatre of the Melvin Fox chain will look, located<br />
in the Country Club Shopping Center, Middletown Township. Langhorne, Pa.,<br />
and scheduled to open in May. The theatre will be equipped with high-fidelity<br />
stereophonic sound, 35/70mni projection, American Loungers and a suspendedtype<br />
screen. An art gallery will feature works of both local and general artists.<br />
A. DelVitto had closed the theatre which he<br />
held under lease from Mrs. Bart Dattola.<br />
widow of the pioneer exhibitor, and that<br />
under a sales or leasing arrangement Steve<br />
Rodnok jr. would be the proprietor. Rodnok<br />
of the Oaks Theatre at Oakmont purchased<br />
the Liberty Theatre at New Kensington a<br />
year ago. It had been a WB or SW house<br />
for<br />
decades.<br />
The Paramount Theatre, a<br />
former Shuberl<br />
"legit"' house, closed at the end of<br />
March as a movie house, to make room for<br />
urban renewal. However, there will be<br />
presentations of "How to Succeed in Business<br />
Without Really Trying" by the Pompeian<br />
Players for eight performances in<br />
April so that it will finally close as a "legit"<br />
house.<br />
Visitors in town included Charley Funk<br />
of 20th Century-Fox, Buffalo, for "The<br />
Sand Pebbles" opening Friday (14) at Shoppingtown<br />
and David J. Kane of Columbia<br />
Pictures, for "A Man for All Seasons,"<br />
which started. Wednesday (12) at Kallet<br />
Genesee. Manager George Read held a<br />
preview showing for a specially invited<br />
group, including nuns.<br />
For every theatre that's being demolished<br />
due to urban renewal, at least two are going<br />
up.<br />
Kallet has plans for an art theatre and a<br />
regular motion picture house, together, in<br />
the new downtown museum-music hall complex.<br />
The Slotnicks. who have built<br />
Cinema North and Cinema East, now<br />
plan a West Side theatre, the Westhill Cinema.<br />
It is expected to be opened in July at a<br />
new shopping center at Grand Avenue and<br />
Velasko Road.<br />
Jrwin Cohen of R/C Enterprises, before<br />
leaving on a New York business trip,<br />
reported his son Scott has been on the honor<br />
roll at the Boys Latin School the entire<br />
term .<br />
Caplan of the Westway Theatre<br />
says he and his wife plan to attend the<br />
Variety Clubs International convention in<br />
Mexico City May 14-19.<br />
Ben Adier, former general manager of<br />
Clark Transfer in Washington and well<br />
known by local exhibitors, has been appointed<br />
a booker by Alex Schimel, Universal<br />
branch manager in Washington.<br />
Stanley Baker of the Hicks circuit and his<br />
wife are on a South American cruise. John<br />
Richer is filling in while Baker is gone.<br />
JF Theatres news—Ted Schiller, vicepresident,<br />
announced the promotion of Arthur<br />
Lefkowitz from assistant district manager<br />
to head of the northwest district. He<br />
formerly was manager of the Crest Theatre<br />
and had been with the Comerford circuit<br />
25 years . . . JF's Squire Cinema at<br />
Reisterstown has been closed.<br />
Vernon Nolte of the Durkee circuit re-<br />
. . . George Brehm,<br />
ports top business at the Senator Theatre for<br />
Warner Bros.' "Hotel"<br />
general manager of the Westview Cinema,<br />
held a press screening of "The Spy With a<br />
Cold Nose."<br />
T. T. Vogel, president of NATO of<br />
Maryland, announced these theatres have<br />
joined the association: Elwood Grimm's Hiway<br />
Drive-In at Hagerslown; Ronald Freedman<br />
and William Hewitt's Lord Baltimore<br />
and Rex: Tony Martin's Plaza and Lena<br />
Lee's Biddle. (She also is a member of the<br />
state legislature).<br />
CAMONX ta«. *<br />
^^ ^ta. K, C«daf Knob, NJ.<br />
Blumbeig Bros., Inc., 1305 Vine Street, Philodclphio—Wolnut S-7240<br />
Notional Theatre Supply, Philodelphio— Locust 7-6156<br />
Superior Theatre Equipment Compony, Philodclphio— Locust 3-1420<br />
Nationol Theatre Supply Co., SOO Pearl Street, Buffolo, N.Y.—TL 4-1736<br />
Charleston Theatre Supply, 506 Lee Street, Charleston 21, West Virginia<br />
Phone 344-4413<br />
Standard Theatre Supply, Greensboro, N. C, 215 t. Washington St.<br />
Phone: Broadway 2-6165<br />
JXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967 E-7
)<br />
LABOR<br />
A MYTH.<br />
As long as hundreds of thousands<br />
of unskilled American<br />
workers are unemployed, any<br />
talk of a skilled labor "shortage"<br />
is 100% nonsense.<br />
You say typists are in short<br />
supply? How long does it take<br />
to train somebody to become a<br />
good typist? About two months.<br />
In two months, the shortage of<br />
typists could disappear. (Of<br />
course, many of the new typists<br />
might be from some minority<br />
group or other, but would that<br />
really matter?)<br />
No welders around? Four<br />
months of crash training is all<br />
it would take to hatch a new,<br />
skilled batch.<br />
Draftsmen, machinists, welders,<br />
assemblers, molders— the<br />
story is the same. A few months'<br />
training could work wonders.<br />
Times are changing. Since World<br />
War II, thousands of new products<br />
and hundreds of new industries have<br />
appeared.<br />
Yet during this time, there has been<br />
a systematic neglect of training for<br />
skilled trades. Doesn't make sense,<br />
does it?<br />
(The companies in best shape today<br />
are those that sponsored training for<br />
unskilled workers during the nonshortage<br />
years. Score one for good old<br />
American horse sense!<br />
Things are changing, too. If you<br />
think it's still a buyer's market in<br />
labor you're due for a couple of rude<br />
shocks.<br />
And if you still "don't like" to hire<br />
minority workers— for whatever reason—you'll<br />
learn<br />
that your business<br />
survival may well depend on these<br />
same minorities.<br />
Many of America's top corporations<br />
are already spending millions to<br />
train people, including Negroes and<br />
other minorities, for skilled jobs.<br />
350 of these corporations have<br />
formed a voluntary organization<br />
called Plans for Progress. They are<br />
working hard to spread the word<br />
about equal job opportunity and how<br />
to make it work for everybody. If you<br />
would like more information, write:<br />
Plans for Progress, 1800 G Street<br />
N.W, 'Washington, D. C. 20006.<br />
jt^jf^* Training the unskilled has<br />
?j^3|07many advantages; there are<br />
^!^*^-*no disadvantages.<br />
If you hear of one, it's a myth.<br />
Things are changing.<br />
E8 BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 19^
(Hollywood Office— 1714 Ivar St., Room 205. Phone: HO 5-1186)<br />
Heston to Narrate, Host<br />
TV Special on 'Bogart'<br />
HOLLYWOOD — Charlton Heston has<br />
been signed by Fiaum-Grinberg Productions<br />
to narrate and host the forthcoming Sunday<br />
(23) television special, "Bogart," sponsored<br />
on ABC-TV by Autolite-Ford Parts Division<br />
of the Ford Motor Co. An hour-long,<br />
in-depth profile of the late Humphrey Bogart,<br />
who has become a legend in the ten<br />
years since his death, the production traces<br />
the actor's life from film fame to the current<br />
Bogie-mania craze among the young<br />
people and intellectuals of today. Joining<br />
Heston for the special are such Bogart contemporaries<br />
as Ingrid Bergman, Ida Lupino,<br />
Joan Blondell, George Raft, Stanley Kramer,<br />
Mike Romanoff and Joseph Mankiewicz.<br />
Written and directed for television by<br />
Oscar-Emmy winner Marshal Flaum the<br />
hour-long "Bogart" special will also spotlight<br />
a musical score composed and arranged<br />
by Nelson Riddle.<br />
Richard Burton, originally signed as narrator<br />
for the "Bogart" special, requested<br />
that he be allowed to withdraw from the<br />
commitment due to the press of overseas<br />
motion picture assignments limiting his<br />
availability.<br />
Henry Willson Joins CMA,<br />
Dissolves Own Agency<br />
HOLLYWOOD—Creative<br />
Management<br />
Associates has signed Henry Willson as a<br />
vice-president, it was announced by Freddie<br />
Fields, head of the agency. Willson assumed<br />
his post with CMA Monday (10).<br />
With this move, Willson dissolves his own<br />
theatrical<br />
agency, which over the years represented<br />
many top stars in motion pictures<br />
and television. Prior to forming his own<br />
agency, he functioned for six years as an executive<br />
with the David O. Selznick Organization.<br />
Joyce Selznick Becomes<br />
Para. Executive Producer<br />
HOLLYWOOD— Robert Evans, vicepresident<br />
of production for Paramount Pictures,<br />
announced that Joyce Selznick will<br />
assume the title and duties of an executive<br />
Miss Selznick currently is Paramount's<br />
worldwide director of talent, a position she<br />
will retain.<br />
Foreign Problems Chief MPAA Woe,<br />
Volenti Informs Teachers<br />
HOLLYWOOD — The maze of<br />
foreign<br />
problems facing the Motion Picture Ass'n<br />
of America's president Jack Valenti and his<br />
office takes up 75 per cent of the staff time,<br />
the 400 English teachers were told by the<br />
head of the industry group.<br />
The Los Angeles Times hosted the group<br />
Saturday (8) at the teachers' fifth annual<br />
communications seminar, where they heard<br />
Valenti repeat a pattern which Jim Hagerty<br />
and Pierre Salinger told of White House<br />
activities and the heavy overseas load.<br />
Exchange With Comedian<br />
Valenti was in top form after his brush<br />
producer in addition to her other activities.<br />
Her first assignment will be in a coordinating<br />
and creative capacity for Ivan Tors Productions.<br />
with Stan Freberg on Friday (7) at the<br />
Publicists Guild luncheon, where the comic<br />
had brought down the house with his statement,<br />
"I sleep a little better at the movies<br />
knowing Jack Valenti is my president." Valenti<br />
answered at that time with "I heard<br />
that Stan Freberg wanted to be a comedian<br />
in the worst way—I can only state that he<br />
succeeded."<br />
To the teachers, Valenti gave the background<br />
of his original statement prefacing<br />
it with a paraphrase of Lincoln's "The world<br />
will little note nor long remember" and then<br />
his own, "I will sleep better with Johnson in<br />
the White House." In a speech to an ad<br />
group in Boston where 200 people were<br />
present, Valenti had inserted that remark.<br />
When he returned to the White House, several<br />
of the correspondents asked about the<br />
background of the quote. Before that same<br />
night, 45 requests for clarification came in<br />
from the rest of the nation's press.<br />
Focus on Censorship<br />
In an exchange with a teacher, who complained<br />
that "Arriverderci, Baby!" had been<br />
on the same program as a children's film,<br />
Valenti launched into a discussion of censorship.<br />
"One has to bring rational dimensions<br />
to bear," he said.<br />
The responsibility for policing children's<br />
attendance at theatres was that of<br />
the parent, not the church or the school,<br />
he said. The applause was loud and<br />
clear. "Would you like one guilty man to go<br />
unpunished or that ten innocent men be<br />
punished?" asked Valenti. "Is that the alternative?"<br />
As an alternative to such censorship,<br />
Seminar<br />
Valenti<br />
mentioned the importance of The<br />
Green Sheet in giving information to parents.<br />
He suggested that no governmental<br />
body can make a decision on the maturity<br />
of individuals. Like The Green Sheet, instead<br />
of "you must." the influence must be<br />
suggestive.<br />
Newspaper Responsibility<br />
His office was given the task of bringing<br />
rational dimensions to bear. Implicit in the<br />
decisions that are made is the fact that there<br />
is sometimes an "error" in the decisions, but<br />
this should not bring classifications by governmental<br />
edict.<br />
While only 1 per cent of all films find<br />
disfavor because of their obvious sex overtones,<br />
any advertising of these films should<br />
be the responsibility of newspapers, said<br />
Valenti. "If an ad is salacious, they shouldn't<br />
run it."<br />
At the same time, he said he would like<br />
to see that someone who will "do away with<br />
the fast-buck film, "Wild Angels" or "Riot<br />
on Sunset Strip."<br />
Noting that on Monday night two of the<br />
films in the Oscar derby were "A Man for<br />
All Seasons" and "The Russians Are Coming<br />
the Russians Are Coming," he said,<br />
"These are examples of great films." "A<br />
Man and a Woman," nominated in the same<br />
category, will probably gross S4 to $5 million,<br />
despite the fact that it is a type of<br />
picture which only interests 5 per cent of<br />
the theatregoing public in the intellectual<br />
class.<br />
To Produce 12 More Films<br />
He concluded by telling the group that<br />
he hoped that American film employment<br />
would stabilize. In this respect, one of the<br />
studios here will produce 12 more films than<br />
last year. Filming abroad is the result of the<br />
quest for authentic locales for epics, he said.<br />
Added to that, the costs and the cooperation<br />
of foreign governments, which even throw<br />
in their armies when needed at no cost to<br />
the producer, is another factor in increased<br />
foreign production.<br />
John Huston has been signed by 20th<br />
Century-Fox to produce, direct and write<br />
the screenplay for the best-selling novel.<br />
"The Kremlm Letter," by Noel Behn.<br />
BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967 W-1
ofijULiP_P-ft-°-° «''''' oooooooooooooofloag:<br />
' gTrriroTrrrgTyyTrsirB'7rrB'VTrB~iryyiry..'°<br />
PERHAPS it was the glamor of the event<br />
or just good old-fashioned politics, bin<br />
the RepubMcan party helped the Democratic<br />
party for the dinner by getting them into the<br />
crowded ballroom of the Beverly Hilton<br />
where 1.800 people assembled to honor the<br />
winners. It took a personal call to Washington<br />
from Vice-President Hubert Humphrey's<br />
sistor-in-law to Sen. George Murphy, who<br />
called Hollywood to make the arrangements.<br />
* * *<br />
Liz Taylor's decision not to attend may<br />
have been colored by the television strike.<br />
On Thursday (6). her public relations firm<br />
was informed that the Academy had determined<br />
to go ahead with the Oscars, come<br />
hell or television. Miss Taylor was poised at<br />
an airport over in Italy awaiting word. The<br />
press here was informed that she would<br />
arrive on Friday or Saturday. Unfortunately,<br />
she changed her plans and was not in evidence<br />
when the statuettes were handed out.<br />
The guys in the press room felt she would<br />
have added a note of real glamor to the<br />
event.<br />
Edgar Bergen and his wife were like any<br />
set of pleased parents as they watched their<br />
beautiful daughter Candice make her entry<br />
in the Beverly Hilton Ballroom. The poised<br />
young lady sat with Oscar winner Claude<br />
LeLouch who had just directed her in a<br />
picture in Paris. Others at the table included<br />
Gregory Peck and his wife.<br />
* * *<br />
The cliff-hanger aspects of the 4 p.m.<br />
signing of the AFTRA agreement which<br />
allowed the telecast had its effect on additional<br />
personnel. Though the strike was<br />
over, the newsmen did not return to their<br />
jobs until the next morning. Therefore,<br />
the men behind the network cameras<br />
in the newsreel room to film the Oscars<br />
were management personnel. Noted was one<br />
cameraman, who heads the film activities<br />
of one of the networks, whose salary is<br />
about 50,000 a year. He worked hard on<br />
his stories— in the newsroom.<br />
Julie Christie had next to the shortest<br />
mini-skirt, but the plaque for this in the<br />
unofficial poll of the newsmen went to Inger<br />
Stevens.<br />
* * >::<br />
Patricia Neal, following the standing ovation,<br />
was the most composed person in the<br />
newsroom. She said she wants to get back to<br />
work.<br />
* * *<br />
Gregory Peck, who flew to England to see<br />
his horse in a race and then came back in<br />
time for the awards, said this long trip to<br />
Europe was for nothing. His horse fell and<br />
broke a leg during the race.<br />
What was it like in the newsroom watching<br />
the entire show on TV, closed-circuit,<br />
ol course'.' There was a visual crowd. All the<br />
wire .services and columnists catch the show<br />
on monitors. They are so busy that, when<br />
the winners finish their stint with the 100<br />
photogs and come into the press section before<br />
going before the newsreels and then<br />
to the radio reporters, not more then ten<br />
people interview them. Most of these are the<br />
foreign<br />
press.<br />
* * *<br />
Warner Bros, came up with 15 nominations<br />
on three pictures before the awards<br />
and it paid off, for "Who's Afraid of Virginia<br />
Woolf?" picked up six Oscars for the<br />
studio. Columbia started off with 17 nominations<br />
for four pictures and received eight<br />
Oscars, six of them for "A Man for All<br />
Seasons."<br />
* * *<br />
Mike Frankovich, Eugene Klein and Irving<br />
Levin conferred at the dinner in the<br />
Beverly Hilton. Others at the dinner from<br />
out-of-town were Emilio Rabassa, head of<br />
the Bancocinematografico in Mexico City,<br />
who was seated with his wife at Sidney<br />
Solow's table.<br />
U.S. Sen. Thomas Kuchel<br />
Speaker at Industry Affair<br />
HOLLYWOOD — An industrywide<br />
luncheon of motion picture executives from<br />
Hollywood organizations in the field of labor-management<br />
relations will be held at<br />
12:30 p.m. Tuesday (25) in the Tail o' the<br />
Cock Restaurant to hear a legislative report<br />
from and honor Sen. Thomas H. Kuchel (R.<br />
Calif.).<br />
According to John W. Lehners, president<br />
of the Hollywood AFL Film Council,<br />
the council guilds and unions originally had<br />
invited Sen. Kuchel to speak to the delegates<br />
at a regular semimonthly luncheon meeting.<br />
There were so many other friends of the<br />
senior senator throughout the motion picture<br />
industry who wanted to be present,<br />
Lehners said, that the council agreed to the<br />
joint labor-management.<br />
Hubleys' Short Selected<br />
For Cannes Competition<br />
HOLLYWOOD—John and Faith Hubley's<br />
Academy Award-winning "Herb Alpert's<br />
Tijuana Brass Double Feature," released<br />
by Paramount Pictures, has been<br />
selected as the United States short subject<br />
entry in this year's Cannes Film Festival to<br />
be held Thursday f27)-May 12.<br />
The shorts were animated to the music<br />
of Alpert's "Tijuana Taxi" and "Spanish<br />
Flea."<br />
Mexico City Editor Speaks<br />
Of Variety Club Conclave<br />
HOLLYWOOD— Here for the Academy<br />
Awards was Sam Askinazy, editor of the<br />
Mexico City News. He spoke highly of the<br />
plans for the Variety Clubs International<br />
convention in Mexico City May 14-19 and<br />
said many personalities of the entertainment<br />
world are expected to take part. Rafael<br />
Raya is chief barker of the Variety Club of<br />
Mexico.<br />
Theatre Commercials<br />
Grow in Philippines<br />
HOLLYWOOD— Producer-director Lui<br />
Nepomuceno of Manila, P. I., accompanies<br />
by Charito Solis, star of his latest fil<br />
"Dahil Sa Isang Bulaklak" (Because of<br />
Flower), stopped off in town to be honoret<br />
guest at the Oscar presentation of the Acad<br />
emy. The producer said he will dub hi<br />
film into English at Titra Films in Nev<br />
York.<br />
Presently the film is being subtitled t<<br />
show to distributors. De Luxe Laboratories<br />
General Film handles the processing of hi<br />
color films here.<br />
Commercial films for the 700 theatres<br />
the Philippines now have grown to a $3<br />
million business. Most of this comes froni<br />
soft drinks and beer, said Nepomuceno<br />
with the average theatre use of commercial<br />
during a show running to 5 minutes. Aboui<br />
95 per cent of the theatres use this methoc<br />
of generating additional income. This yeai<br />
50 new theatres were opened in the islands<br />
Nepomuceno's new sound stage was opene<<br />
and in addition to his features he is produci<br />
ing 130 commercial subjects a year.<br />
At the American Cinema Editors lunch<br />
eon, the producer was honored. He attendee<br />
the fourth annual Publicists Guild awan<br />
luncheon at the Century Plaza and joinei<br />
the guests of the Motion Picture Academ;<br />
honoring producers, directors and actors o<br />
five foreign films nominated for this year'<br />
awards.<br />
Discussing the various co-productioi<br />
deals which are being sought by Americai<br />
producers in the islands, Nepomuceno saii<br />
they probably will be made with a Philip<br />
pine female star playing opposite an Ameri<br />
can lead.<br />
In honor of his father Jose Nepomuceno<br />
the production executive established tW'<br />
cinematograph scholarships at UCLA'!<br />
theatre arts department in the name of tb<br />
Jose Nepomuceno Foundation of Manila<br />
William Morris Executives!<br />
Hold Hollywood Meeting<br />
HOLLYWOOD—New York based<br />
lim Morris Agency executives flew hei<br />
Saturday (8) to meet with West Coa<br />
counterparts for a regular planning sessic<br />
Monday (10).<br />
The New York contingent includes Walt<br />
Jordan, Lou Weiss, Leonard Kramer, Si<br />
Leon, Larry Auerbach, Tony Fantozzi an<br />
Harry Kalcheim. Nat Lefkowitz, executi\<br />
vice-president, also attended the meetings,<br />
West Coast representatives were heade<br />
by Sam Weisbord, executive vice-presiden<br />
and included from the TV department Sta<br />
Kamen, Norman Brokaw, Jerry Zeitmai<br />
W<br />
Phil Weltman, Marty Dubow, Sy Marsi<br />
Elliot Wax, George Shapiro, among other<br />
Morris Stoller, executive vice-presidei<br />
based in Beverly Hills, and president At<br />
Lastfogel conducted the sessions.<br />
Columbia's "The Ambushers" is the ne<br />
Matt Helm picture starring Dean Martin.<br />
W-2 BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 196
I<br />
I<br />
I<br />
', Three<br />
1<br />
George<br />
;<br />
October<br />
. tutional<br />
. . Simon<br />
. .<br />
Fox Building Olympus<br />
Drive-In at Salt Lake<br />
SALT LAKE CITY — Construction<br />
the L056-i;ar Fox Olympus Drive-In in<br />
Murray, Utah, Salt Lake City suburb, is<br />
now under way, it is announced by William<br />
T. Thedford and Dan A. Poller, vice-presidents<br />
and co-directors of theatre operations<br />
for National General Corp., Los Angeles.<br />
Facing the Wasatch Range and the majestic<br />
Mount Olympus, the drive-in will be<br />
operated by the Fox Mountain-Midwest division<br />
of Fox West Coast Theatres Corp., a<br />
subsidiary of National General Corp.<br />
Estimated cost is approximately $500,000,<br />
and the opening is scheduled for early in<br />
June.<br />
Fox Mountain-Midwest Theatres operated<br />
in Utah include the Rialto, Uptown, Villa<br />
and Southeast, all in Salt Lake City, the<br />
Egyptian in Ogden and the Academy in<br />
Provo.<br />
Another Blaine, Wash. Suit<br />
Over Seizure of Film<br />
SEATTLE—Another suit over constitutional<br />
rights has been filed against two<br />
former Whatcom County officials,<br />
of<br />
originating<br />
from a raid on the Sea-Vue Theatre,<br />
Blaine, and the next-door Double J. Bookstore.<br />
The action was filed against Richard<br />
Nelle, former prosecutor, and J. H. Tasker,<br />
former under-sheriff, in U.S. district court<br />
here.<br />
James Dunne, Hollywood, is seeking<br />
,$10,000 for seizure of the film, "Passion<br />
Street," which he produced. Cambist Films,<br />
Inc., New York, has sued over the seizure<br />
of the movie, " The Unsatisfied," asking the<br />
court to decide the amount of damages.<br />
previous civil actions, totaling more<br />
than<br />
, $1 million in damages, have been filed<br />
(already against the two officials.<br />
Borden, theatre owner, and his<br />
jwife, who filed suits, claim their arrests on<br />
1 1 were a violation of their constirights.<br />
The third suit was filed by<br />
the distributor of the motion picture.<br />
Boys' Clubs of America<br />
Honors Tent 25 Barkers<br />
LOS ANGELES—Four barkers<br />
of Tent<br />
25 were honored with bronze Keystone<br />
Awards by the Boys" Clubs of America at a<br />
Beverly Hills Hotel luncheon Thursday<br />
(13). Al Lapidus is chief barker of the tent.<br />
Dave Bershon, Albert Hanson, Ezra Stern<br />
and Fred Stein received the awards for their<br />
longtime service to the Variety Boys Club<br />
on Los Angeles' east side. Ricardo Montalban<br />
presented the awards, and Jerry Lester<br />
was master of ceremonies.<br />
Foreign Press Publication<br />
To Feature Mark Robson<br />
HOLLYWOOD—The National Board<br />
of Review has assigned Herbert Luft, president<br />
of the<br />
Hollywood Foreign Press Ass'n,<br />
to write a cover story on Mark Robson for<br />
the group's publication. Films in Review.<br />
I<br />
'BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967<br />
Tommy Steele Joins Cast<br />
In Tinian's Rainbow'<br />
With Fred Astaire in the title role<br />
in Warner Bros.' version of the musical hit<br />
"Finian's Rainbow," Jack L, Warner added<br />
Tommy Steele to the cast and assigned him<br />
the part of the leprechaun. Petula Clark will<br />
portray Finian's daughter, the part Ella<br />
Logan created in the Broadway production.<br />
Joseph Landon, producer, is collaborating<br />
with Harburg and Saidy on the screenplay,<br />
and Francis Ford Coppola will direct, starting<br />
in June . . . Academy Award nominee<br />
George Segal will portray the lead character<br />
in producer-director Sidney Lumet's comedy<br />
for Seven Arts, "Bye Bye Braverman." The<br />
film is based on Wallace Markfield's novel,<br />
"To an Early Grave," and has been adapted<br />
for the screen by Herbert Sargent, with<br />
shooting due to begin the end of April, on<br />
location in New York. Segal's previous<br />
starring role was with Jason Robards in<br />
Roger Gorman's "The St. Valentine's Day<br />
Massacre" at 20th-Fox . Oakland,<br />
currently being seen in "The Sand Pebbles,"<br />
was set by producer Aaron Rosenberg for a<br />
key role in "Tony Rome," Arcola-Millford<br />
production starring Frank Sinatra and Jill<br />
St. John for 20th-Fox . . . Wally Cox joins<br />
Walter Brennan, Buddy Ebsen, Lesley Ann<br />
Warren, John Davidson and Janet Blair in<br />
the Walt Disney Production of "The One<br />
and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band."<br />
Michael O'Herlihy directs for producer Bill<br />
Anderson.<br />
* * *<br />
William McGivern to Write<br />
Fourth Matt Helm Script<br />
The screenplay for the fourth film in the<br />
Matt Helm series, which Irving Allen is<br />
producing with Dean Martin starred, will be<br />
written by William McGivern. Titled "The<br />
Wrecking Ctew," it will be released by<br />
Columbia, the same as the three previous<br />
ones. McGivern, who has sold 1 1 of his<br />
books to Hollywood for films, including<br />
"The Big Heat" and soon-to-be-released<br />
"Caper of the Golden Bulls," reports to the<br />
studio this week on his assignment . . . Producer<br />
William Mahan assigned James Lee<br />
Barrett to write the screenplay for "The<br />
Iron Orchard," prize-winning oil field novel,<br />
which Mahan owns. The novel was written<br />
by a Fort Worth businessman, who uses the<br />
pseudonym of Tom Pendleton, and was<br />
recently honored by the Texas Institute of<br />
Letters with its "Best Book of Fiction " prize.<br />
The picture marks Mahan's debut as a feature<br />
film producer; production is planned<br />
for this fall . . . Producer Martin Manulis<br />
signed Gerald Gardner and Dee Caruso,<br />
who are the head writers and story editors<br />
on Screen Gems' television series, "The<br />
Monkees," to make their initial motion<br />
picture writing assignment with "Such a<br />
Goreeous Kid Like Me," based on Henry<br />
Farrell's latest novel. This will be Manulis'<br />
third film under his multiple deal with Columbia<br />
Studios. Manulis is currently preparing<br />
"Avec Avec," to star James Coburn, and<br />
completed "I.uv," starring Jack Lcmnion,<br />
which Columbia will release in August .<br />
William Norton, author of "The Scalphunters,"<br />
which goes before the cameras<br />
this month, signed a term screenwriting contract<br />
with L-G-L Productions. Jules Levy,<br />
Arthur Gardner and Arnold Lavcn, who<br />
head the company, are co-producing the picture<br />
with Norlan Productions for United<br />
Artists release. Under the new pact,<br />
Norton's first film will be an adaptation<br />
of his original story, "Maggie<br />
and Hymn Books" . Joanne<br />
the .<br />
Woodward initiated activities for her new<br />
independent production company with the<br />
signing of Stewart Stern to write the screenplay<br />
for its first film, "A Jest of Gold,"<br />
based on the novel by Margaret Lawrence.<br />
The actress will star in the picture, which is<br />
being produced under her own aegis.<br />
Anjanette Comer, Sharon Tate,<br />
Glynis Johns Among Castings<br />
Anjanette Comer was switched at Universal,<br />
where she is under a multiple-picture<br />
contract, from the top feminine role in<br />
"Journey to Shiloh." to the starring role in<br />
the studio's forthcoming "In Enemy Country."<br />
World War II story which Harry Keller<br />
is producing and directing. The switch was<br />
made because of the greater importance of<br />
the new role. She will portray the daughter<br />
of a French general who becomes an agent<br />
for the French government, even though<br />
she is married to a German officer. The<br />
screenplay was written by Edward Anhalt<br />
and Alfred Hayes . . . Sharon Tate has been<br />
loaned to 20th-Fox for the co-starring role<br />
of Jennifer in "Valley of the Dolls." according<br />
to a special arrangement made between<br />
the studio and Filmways. Inc.. and its production<br />
chief Martin Ransohoff. Signing of<br />
the Texas-born actress completes the<br />
principal<br />
casting in the drama based on Jacqueline<br />
Susann's best-selling novel. A Mark Robson-<br />
David Weisbart production, the picture is<br />
currently filming on location in New York<br />
City . . . Producer Stan Margulies is having<br />
Glynis Johns join<br />
Robert Wagner and Mary<br />
Tyler Moore in Universal's "don't just<br />
STAND there." which is being directed by<br />
Ron Winston. Miss Johns is leaving the cast<br />
of the London stage production of Anita<br />
Loos' "The King's Mare" to fly here for her<br />
S\lva Koscina goes into a cameo-<br />
role . . .<br />
starring role in the Woodfall-United Artists<br />
production of "The Charge of the Light<br />
Brigade." which producer-director Tony<br />
Richardson rolls on location in Turkey in<br />
late April. John Osborne scripted the story.<br />
The actress is currently in Hollywood starring<br />
opposite Paul Newman in Universal's<br />
"Meanwhile. Far From the Front."<br />
—<br />
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.<br />
'<br />
'<br />
—<br />
——<br />
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W-4 BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 196'<br />
\<br />
'/Won for All Seasons 510 in 17th<br />
Week at Los Angeles Music Hall<br />
1 OS ANCiKLKS—A rainy spell, something<br />
foreign to most Los Angeles residents,<br />
plus unusually cold weather for this time of<br />
year, hri'iught grosses down at the l.os<br />
Angeles boxoffices. Even so, still outstanding<br />
were ".A Man for .Ml Seasons," scoring a<br />
powerful 510 in the 17th week at the Music<br />
Hall and winning the Oscar as "best picture"<br />
in the .Acadenn .Awards competition, and<br />
"A Man and a Woman," which brought in<br />
a strong 400 in the 15th week at the Regent<br />
and won the "best foreign language picture"<br />
award.<br />
(Average Is 100)<br />
Baldwin, Los Angeles In Like Flint (20th-Fox),<br />
3rd wk 90<br />
Beverly—The Bible (20th-Fox), 27th wk 280<br />
Beverly Conon La Fuga (IC) 100<br />
bfuin You're a Biq Boy Now (Seven Arts),<br />
5th wk 200<br />
Carthay The Sound at Music (20th-Fox),<br />
I6th wk, at popular prices . 180<br />
Chinese How to Succeed (UA), 3rd wk 120<br />
Cinemo The Chelseo Girls 'FC), 3rd wk 150<br />
Cinerama Grond Prix (MGM), 16th wk 240<br />
Crest Hurry Sundown (Para), moveover, 3rd wk. .365<br />
tgyptian Hawaii (UA), 26fh wk 160<br /> Arts— Morot/Sode (UA), 4th wk 75<br />
i'our Star A Young World (Lopert), 2nd wk 65<br />
Hollvwood-Paramour.t Doctor Zhivago (MGM),<br />
68th wk 145<br />
Ivor The Bubble (MagicVuers), 4th wk 300<br />
L.dc Elow-Up (Premier), I6th wk 225<br />
Loyola Gambit (Univ), 2nd wk 65<br />
Music Hal;— A Mon for All Seasons (Col), 17th wk. 510<br />
Pondages A Countess From Hong Kong (Univ),<br />
4th wk 80<br />
P cfo r Alfie (Para), 8fh wk 290<br />
P.x-Africo Addio (Rizzolil, 3rd wk 75<br />
Regent A Mon ond a Woman (AA), 15th wk 400<br />
State Riot on Sunset Strip (AlP) 90<br />
Villoge, Vogue The Night of the Generals (Col),<br />
3rd wk 120<br />
Warner Beverly The Taming of the Shrew (Col),<br />
3rd wk 220<br />
Warner Hollywood—Deadlier Than the Mole<br />
(Univ), 6th wk 65<br />
Wilshire—The Sand Pebbles (20th-Fox), 15th wk. . .300<br />
Five Pictures Double Average<br />
As Denver Has Good Week<br />
DENVER — Five first-run screen programs<br />
attracted patronage at a better than<br />
twice-average clip, top honors going to<br />
FINER<br />
Ask Your Supply Dealer or Write<br />
COMPANY, Inc.<br />
26 SoToh Orire Farmlngdola, L. I., N. Y., 11735<br />
"Hawaii" for its 220 eighth week at the<br />
Denham Theatre and "Georgy Girl" rating<br />
210 in its 21st Vogue week. The other three<br />
films in the top quintet scored 200 each<br />
"Hotel" for the third week at the Crest and<br />
Towne theatres, "The Game Is Over" for<br />
the second week at the Ogden and "A Man<br />
for All Seasons" for its eighth week at the<br />
Esquire Theatre. "Thunder Alley," the<br />
week's only first-week picture, wound up<br />
with a good 125 at the Denver Theatre.<br />
. . .<br />
Aladdin The Sound of Music<br />
(20th-Fox), 1 07th wk 100<br />
Centre<br />
Century 21<br />
Hurry Sundown (Para),<br />
How to Succeed<br />
4th<br />
(UA),<br />
wk<br />
4th wk<br />
150<br />
150<br />
Cherry Creek, Villa Italia Deadlier Then the Male<br />
(Univ), 2nd wk 90<br />
Continental The Bible (20th-Fox), 26th wk 95<br />
Cooper Grond Prix (MGM), 1 1 th wk 1 80<br />
Crest, Towne Hotel (VVB), 3rd wk 200<br />
Denham Howoii (UA), 8th wk 220<br />
Denver Thunder Alley (AlP) 125<br />
Esquire—A Man for All Seasons (Col), 8th wk 200<br />
International 70 A Countess From Hong Kong<br />
"<br />
(Univ), 4th wk<br />
. 70<br />
Ogden The Gome Is Over (Royal), 2nd wk. 200<br />
Paramount In Like Flint (20th-Fox), 3rd wk 115<br />
Vogue Georgy Girl (Col), 21st wk 210<br />
The Bible,' "Grand Prix' 300<br />
Lead San Francisco List<br />
SAN FRANCISCO—The box score for<br />
first-run films read: 14 above average business;<br />
two. average, and seven below average.<br />
Of the 14 pictures experiencing good business,<br />
eight were in the 200-300 bracket<br />
two to three times above average—with<br />
"The Bible" and "Grand Prix" snaring the<br />
pair of 300s. "Riot on Sunset Strip" was<br />
the sole new film, appearing for the first<br />
week at the Crown, Guild and Spruce theatres<br />
for a combined 140, a highly praiseworthy<br />
percentage for a multiple engagement.<br />
Alexandria The Hoppening (Col), 2nd wk 70<br />
Alhombra Hurry Sundown (Poro), 3rd wk 140<br />
Balboa The Sound of Music (20th-Fox), 14th wk. . 70<br />
Bridge Georgy Girl (Col), 15th wk 100<br />
Cinema 21 Fahrenheit 451 (Univ), 5th wk 90<br />
Clay Blow-Up (Premier), 12th wk. .<br />
90<br />
Coronet Howaii (UA), 24th wk 200<br />
Crown, Guild, Spruce Riot on Sunset Strip (AlP) 140<br />
Empire How to Succeed (UA), 4th wk 100<br />
Golden Gate Grand Prix (MGM), 10th wk 300<br />
Golden Gote Penthouse The Sand Pebbles<br />
(20th-Fox), 5th wk 250<br />
Larkin Goal! (Col), 3rd wk 50<br />
Metro The Taming of the Shrew (Col), 2nd wk. 200<br />
Music Hall Marot/Sode (UA), 3rd wk 80<br />
Orpheum Doctor Zhivago (MGM), 60th wk 140<br />
Porkside Oh Dad, Poor Dod (Poro), 3rd wk 50<br />
Presidio, North Beach I, o Woman (Audubon),<br />
6th wk. .200<br />
Stage Door A Man for All Seasons (Col), 10th wk 220<br />
St. Froncis, Mission Hotel (WB) 3rd wk 150<br />
Surf Crazy Quilt (Cont'l), 4th wk. . 120<br />
United Artists—The Bible (20th-Fox), 15th wk 300<br />
Vogue A Mon ond a Woman (AA), 25fh wk 120<br />
Warfield In Like Flint (20th-Fox), 2nd wk 240<br />
'Hawaii' Percentage Soars<br />
To 350 Mark in Seattle<br />
SEATTLE— "Hawaii" took an upward<br />
spurt, increasing to 350 per cent for its<br />
seventh week at the Blue Mouse. "Blow-Up"<br />
continued strong at the Uptown, pulling 20(<br />
for its seventh week, while at the Music Bo><br />
"Doctor Zhivago" chalked up 175 for its<br />
54th week of a long, successful run. "Sounc<br />
of Music" was still doing good business a<br />
the Fifth Avenue, pulling 125 for its 106tf<br />
week.<br />
Blue Mouse Hawaii (UA), 7th wk 35(<br />
Coliseum In Like Flint (20th-Fox), 3rd wk 15(<br />
Fifth Avenue The Sound of Music (20th-Fox),<br />
106th wk 12;<br />
Music Box Doctor Zhivago (MGM), 54th wk. 17:<br />
Orpheum— Hotel (WB); Wild Affoir (SR), 2nd wk. . .10(<br />
Poramount A Mon for All Seasons (Col), 4th wk. .I5(<br />
Town A Funny Thing Happened (UA), 7th wk. ... 81<br />
Uptown eiow-Up (Premier), 7th wk 201<br />
"^^onian in the Dunes," a Japanese movi<<br />
that won the 1964 Cannes Festiva<br />
award, opened a "Spring Festival of Ar<br />
Films" series at the Neptune Theatre in th«<br />
university district. A series price for th(<br />
package of six films, with once-a-weel<br />
showings on Thursdays at 4 p.m., is $5 foi<br />
adults and students or $1.25 single admis<br />
sion for adults and $1 for students. Othei<br />
films in the series are: "Casanova '70,'<br />
"Marriage Italian Style," "Banana Peel,'<br />
"8'/2" and "Umbrellas of Cherbourg."<br />
"Casino Royale" (Col) is scheduled to<br />
follow "In Like Flint" at the Coliseum<br />
Other 20th-Fox pictures already booked foi<br />
the Coliseum through September are "Horn<br />
bre," "Guide to the Married Man," "Fa<br />
thorn," "Two for the Road" and "The St<br />
Valentine's Day Massacre."<br />
Louise E. Nottingham, retired dancer<br />
died March 31 after an illness of six years<br />
She came to Seattle in 1918 and worked a<br />
a dancer for 20 years in night clubs, th(<br />
Pantages Theatre, Orpheum Theatre anc<br />
coast cities on the circuit. Arthur Notting<br />
ham, her husband, a retired Seattle police<br />
man, survives.<br />
Sterling's Music Hall Theatre, temporaril;<br />
shut down, will be completely refurbishec<br />
and renamed. When it reopens in late May<br />
the 2,200-seat house will have new seatinj<br />
on the main floor, the two balconies will b(<br />
remodeled, and the entire exterior will havi<br />
been steam-cleaned. Several new names an<br />
being considered by Sterling, since confu<br />
sion exists by the public between the Musi(<br />
Hall and the Music Box. According to Johi<br />
Lenze, Music Hall manager, the theatre wil<br />
continue to play first-run motion picture;<br />
inasmuch as Sterling has taken a long-tern<br />
lease on the structure. Stage performance:<br />
will be subsidiary to the showing of movies<br />
The interior design is being done by Gerait<br />
M. Hood Design Associates.<br />
Universal has purchased "The Pleasun<br />
Garden," a novel by Oakley Hall.<br />
in Colifornio—B. F. Sheorer Company, Los Angeles—Republic 3-1145<br />
B. F. Shearer Compony, Son Francisco—Underhill 1-1816<br />
in Washington— B. F. Shearer Company, Seattle—Moin 3-8247<br />
CARBONS, Inc. V ^^Box K, Cedor Knolls, NJ.<br />
in Colorado— Denver Shipping t. Inspection Bureou, Denver—Aeoma 2-561«<br />
"BRIGHTY"<br />
is<br />
prospecting<br />
for<br />
Box Office<br />
Gold this<br />
Summer!<br />
Released by<br />
Beverly Hills, Calif.<br />
CALL<br />
213-273-8572<br />
p(ofaedt*SI[PHENF,B001H'tet.iS,<br />
Filmed in actual<br />
locations in the<br />
Spectacular<br />
Grand Canyon!<br />
Color<br />
by DEL-UXE<br />
or<br />
292 S. LA CI EN EGA<br />
/ 57-4700<br />
255 HYDE ST.<br />
PR 6-4409<br />
DENVER<br />
828 21st ST.<br />
MA 3-1221<br />
2316 2nd AVE.<br />
MA 4-6234<br />
^ National Tie-in with Rand McNally, Publishers<br />
of the Prize Best Selling Book<br />
•^ Original Theme Song on aSingle Record,<br />
"Bright Angel" plus Sound Track Album<br />
^ Special Teaser Trailer Hailing "Brighty" as<br />
New Champ of Family Film Fare<br />
^ Free Color TV Spots and Hard Sell Radio Promo Discs<br />
^ Free Round Trip Vacations to the Grand Canyon<br />
via the Santa Fe Railroad<br />
•^ Live Appearances of Burro Used in Film at Your<br />
Theatres, Shopping Centers, etc.<br />
^ Merchandising of "Brighty" Toys, Games, etc.<br />
iOXOFFICE :: April 17. 1967 W-5
. . Skip<br />
JJImcr Hollender has taken over the distribution<br />
of Audubon Pictures. He has<br />
formed the Hollender Film Co. and will be<br />
located at 8400 Sunset Blvd. He will be<br />
the exclusive distributor for Audubon for<br />
13 western stales. Audubon's "I, a Woman"<br />
now is showing and will be followed<br />
by "Carmen 13." "Hot Frustration" also<br />
will be released soon.<br />
Al Shapiro has taken over the Baronet<br />
Theatre in Canoga Park from Sayles-Cooperman"s<br />
Continental Theatres. Exhibitors<br />
Service will do the booking and buying.<br />
Red Jacobs and his crew at the local<br />
Favorite Films attended the world premiere<br />
of "Caialina Capers" at the Balboa Theatre<br />
in San Diego. Producers Jack Bartlett and<br />
Bond Blacknian and stars of the picture.<br />
Tommy Kirk. Del Moore and Benita Wolf,<br />
also aiiended . Reagan, booker and<br />
buyer for the Siegel Theatres in Oceanside.<br />
and Harry Levinson, sales manager of<br />
Favorite Films, have finalized plans for<br />
personal appearances of the stars of "Catalina<br />
Capers" to appear at the Mission Drivein<br />
at Oceanside.<br />
Mr. & Mrs. Don Miterlin were in from<br />
Fallbrook for booking and buying at the<br />
Universal exchange on old Filmrow . . .<br />
Lester Tobias of Seven Arts Pictures observed<br />
his 75th birthday with a small party<br />
at the Paladium . . . Joe Moss, Chunk-E-Nut<br />
Co., was on business in Brawley, Calif., calling<br />
on Evelyn Jones of the Brawley Family<br />
Drive-ln. He also called on Sam kiesso<br />
Theatres in<br />
San Diego.<br />
.Samuel Z. Arkoff, board chairman of<br />
American International Pictures, returned<br />
from several weeks of co-production business<br />
conferences in London. Madrid, Rome<br />
and Berlin . . . AIP has completely redecorated<br />
the former Brave New World Nightclub<br />
in central Hollywood for use as a<br />
. . Leon<br />
psychedelic gathering place for its picture<br />
"The Trip." starring Peter Fonda .<br />
P. Blender. AIP senior vice-president of<br />
sales and distribution, and David J. Melamed,<br />
senior vice-president of finance, left<br />
for Dallas to officiate at a meeting of Texas<br />
exhibitors and AIP sales people, climaxing<br />
a 12-day "round-up-time-in-Texas" sales<br />
drive.<br />
Radio station KLAC donated 43 spot<br />
announcements to the Crippled Children's<br />
Society of the Orthopedic Hospital to aid in<br />
promoting the Thursday (13) opening of<br />
Ross Hunter's "Thoroughly Modern Millie"<br />
at the Warner Hollywood Theatre.<br />
A daughter was born to Dr. and Mrs.<br />
Marvin Kazmin, making Max Raskoff,<br />
member of Paramount Studios' legal department<br />
and his wife, grandparents. Producerdirector<br />
Stanley Kramer and his wife<br />
actress Karen Sharpe also have a daughter<br />
John P. Filbert Co.. Inc<br />
i Also<br />
[<br />
SAN<br />
!<br />
This<br />
I<br />
Reynolds,<br />
left, newly installed chief barker<br />
of Variety Tent 32, and Rotus Harvey,<br />
right, former international chief barker,<br />
present U. S. Sen. George Murphy with<br />
the card officially designating the former<br />
film actor as an honorary member<br />
of the San Francisco tent.<br />
You've Got to Be Smart'<br />
Bow Set for Albuquerque<br />
ALBUQUERQUE—A world premiere is<br />
jet here Friday (28), when Producers Reeasing<br />
Organization (PRO) will open<br />
'You've Got to Be Smart" at the State<br />
rheatre.<br />
Lou Avolio, director of Frontier Theatre's<br />
jperation here (of which the State is a part),<br />
;aid Preston Foster will attend the festivities<br />
IS will Gloria Castillo. She is from New<br />
VIexico and married to the film's producer<br />
Sllis Kadison.<br />
on hand for the opening will be the<br />
Jantams, a group of young singers who are<br />
ising fast in the entertainment world. PRO<br />
president Nat Nathanson has been in the<br />
dty checking arrangements with Avolio.<br />
lent 32 1st Frisco Host<br />
[n JC Servicemen Series<br />
FRANCISCO—Twenty-five Viet-<br />
'lam-wounded soldiers from Letterman<br />
iVrmy Hospital were guests of the Variety<br />
Tlub at a luncheon. A screening followed<br />
n Gerald Karski's Motion Picture Service<br />
creening room.<br />
was the first in a series of outings<br />
jcheduled for the soldiers. Wally Levin,<br />
inanager of the Hub Theatre and a BoxiFFicE<br />
representative, is the Letterman<br />
;ntertainment director for the Junior Cham-<br />
|ier of Commerce and a member of Tent 32.<br />
lie plans to have a monthly luncheon and<br />
Icreening for the convalescing soldiers. Jack<br />
i'alle was host for the Variety Club.<br />
lA^alter Lantz Starts 300th<br />
lA^oody Woodpecker Film<br />
Film cartoonist Walter<br />
i-antz, the last of the pioneer animators still<br />
Ictive today, began filming his 300th segment<br />
of Woody Woodpecker titled "Onelorse<br />
Town," featuring his actress-wife<br />
;jrace Stafford as the voice of Woody.<br />
|antz began his film-animation career several<br />
years before Walt Disney.<br />
John Polando, local publicity man for Columbia<br />
Pictures, had George Maharis<br />
in tow around the city visiting radio and<br />
TV stations to plug his new film "The Happening."<br />
Maharis was honored guest at a<br />
Tent 32 luncheon. After Jack Valle gave a<br />
house report. Chief Barker Clifton Reynolds<br />
introduced Maharis, who gave a short talk.<br />
Reynolds then made him an honorary member<br />
of the Variety Club. "The Happening"<br />
opened at the Alexandria and the star was<br />
welcomed by Manager Fred Sawaskc.<br />
During his stay in San Francisco he spent<br />
an afternoon at Letterman Army Hospital<br />
visiting wounded servicemen from Vietnam.<br />
Jack Sampson, director of advertising,<br />
promotion and press information for KGO-<br />
TV. was speaker at the monthly meeting of<br />
the East Bay Motion Picture & TV Council.<br />
His subject was "Television's 20 questions."<br />
Mildred Miller is the publicity chairman for<br />
the council.<br />
The New Follies Theatre Manager Kenneth<br />
Zug was held up by two men as he was<br />
about to place the day's receipts in a bank<br />
night depository. He told police he noticed<br />
the men as he walked from the theatre, but<br />
he thought they were waiting for a bus. He<br />
was about to place a canvas bag containing<br />
the money in the depository of the Bank of<br />
America when one of the men walked up to<br />
him with a gun.<br />
W. G. Mcknight, manager of the Oaks<br />
Theatre in Berkeley, introduced a roadshow<br />
policy, starting with the engagement of "A<br />
Man for All Seasons." Performances will be<br />
daily at 8 p.m., with matinees on Wednesday,<br />
Saturday, Sunday and holidays,<br />
Arthur Unger, head of California Concession<br />
Supply Co., was visited by Los Angelesbased<br />
Herb Jack of National Theatre Supply,<br />
display case division. He was in the Bay<br />
Area on business.<br />
The police department banned children<br />
from seeing a film not because it was smutty,<br />
but because it was expressly for parents.<br />
It is titled "Decision" and concerns<br />
narcotics. The film was shown at Daly City's<br />
Franklin D. Roosevelt School in cooperation<br />
with the school's PTA. A question and answer<br />
period followed.<br />
I he Film (iuild ol San Francisco State<br />
College presented the second annual international<br />
animated film exhibition Thursday<br />
through Saturday (6-8). The program was<br />
shown five times in the main auditorium at<br />
the college. The exhibit played to sellout<br />
houses in New York and Los Angeles and<br />
has been assembled from more than 40<br />
worldwide entries. The two-hour program<br />
consisted of 15 winning films from nine<br />
countries. This San Francisco showing is the<br />
tmal booking of the exhibition in this country.<br />
Richard Harris is president of the State<br />
College Film Guild.<br />
Jame.s H. Nicholson and Samuel Z.<br />
Arkoff. American International Pictures<br />
president and board chairman, respectively,<br />
together with Leon P. Blender, senior vicepresident<br />
of sales and distribution, and Murray<br />
Gerson, AIP western division manager,<br />
planed to San Francisco Thursday (13) for<br />
the official opening of the AIP exchange<br />
here. At the top of the agenda was a cocktail<br />
party for San Francisco exhibitors and<br />
exchange personnel hosted by Nicholson,<br />
Arkoff and Blender.<br />
Orson Welles, Oliver Reed, Carol White<br />
and Harry Andrews will star in Universal's<br />
"I'll Never Forget What's 'Is Name."<br />
1<br />
U S37 20 lOmm , 2J S72 03<br />
8n,n, 14 -$42.00<br />
9mmi,l4, .554.3: 1 1 mm . 2 3 . . . . S8 2.3 3<br />
Can be dropped or thrown from Car Windows on to solid concrete 100 or more<br />
times without causing Cone/ Mechanism to go Dead or OFF-tone. Low cost<br />
'break-a-way' Hanger Ann (easily replaced in field) minimizes damage to Speaker<br />
Case when run over.<br />
Also repair parts for other makes, cords, theft resistant cables, volume controls.<br />
New Cone/ Mechanisms, etc., etc. Factory re-manufacturing of your old<br />
(Speoken — Junction Htods — Portl)<br />
Rt. 1, Box 561—Golden, Colo.<br />
lOXOFFICE :; April 17, 1967<br />
.<br />
HAWAII<br />
J^GM's Cinerama presentation of "Grand<br />
Prix" will he Hawaiian-premiered<br />
Wednesday (19) at the Cinerama Theatre<br />
as a benefit performance sponsored by Tent<br />
5t). The second night's screening also vsill be<br />
sponsored as a benefit show by the 169<br />
ACW Squadron. NCO Club.<br />
Onc-tinie manager of the Roosevelt and<br />
the old Golden Wall Theatre. Glen Von<br />
Gayer. 76. died in Seattle. A World War 1<br />
veteran, his body was brought back to<br />
Hawaii for burial at the National Cemetery<br />
of the Pacific in Punchbowl.<br />
Brief movie reviews and film chatter are<br />
covered by the new Honolulu Advertiser<br />
columnist Wayne Harada. His weekly<br />
column, titled "Showbiz." is augmented<br />
sometimes by feature articles about theatres<br />
and personalities around town.<br />
One of the most popular male stars in<br />
Japan, 't'uzo Kayama and his comedy sidekick,<br />
Kunie Tanaka, arrived for seven days<br />
of location filming. The 23-man technical<br />
crew and the stars from Toho Co. will be<br />
mostly on Oahu and Kauai islands for the<br />
picture. "The South Pacific's Great Guy."<br />
Other locationing is scheduled for Tahiti.<br />
Silent flickers, popcorn and pink lemonade<br />
arc combined at the Church of the<br />
Crossroads Freeway Coffeehouse at the<br />
weekly Silent Film Night. Early Chaplin.<br />
Keaton, Arbuckle, W. C. Fields, Will Rogers<br />
and Laurel and Hardy films have been<br />
billed beside the Pearl White and Dracula<br />
cpisoders. Musical accompaniment will be<br />
furnished by former silcnl-pic piano player<br />
Helen 1 anc.<br />
'Millie' Song Writers<br />
In San Francisco Ballyhoo<br />
SAN FRANCISCO—Sammy Cahn and<br />
James Van Heusen planed to San Francisco<br />
to meet with the press and participate in<br />
other activities to promote the opening of<br />
lioss Hunter's "Thoroughly Modern Millie"<br />
at the Orpheum Theatre May 17.<br />
The benefit premiere will be sponsored<br />
by the Committee to Rescue Italian Art.<br />
Cahn and Van Heusen wrote the title song<br />
and "The Tapioca" for the Technicolor<br />
musical, a Universal release.<br />
Free Lee Artoe Brochure<br />
On Speaker Safeguards<br />
CHICAGO—A free brochure containing<br />
ten different "tried and proven" ways to<br />
save drive-in theatre speakers from theft<br />
and vandalism has been announced by Lee<br />
Artoe, president of the Lee Artoe Carbon<br />
Co.<br />
Any exhibitor desiring to obtain this free<br />
brochure should send his name, his theatre<br />
name, street and town address and zip code<br />
number to the Lee Artoe Carbon Co.. 1243<br />
Belmont Ave., Chicago, 111. 60657.<br />
NGC Obtains 800-Car<br />
Ogden, Utah, Drive-Ii<br />
OGDEN. UTAH—The 800-auto Motoj<br />
Vu Drive-In here started operating unde<br />
the banner of Fox Mountain-Midwest The<br />
atres Wednesday (12), it is announced b<br />
William H. Thedford and Dan A. Poliei<br />
vice-presidents and co-directors of theatr<br />
operations for National General Corp.<br />
Howard Coleman will continue as man<br />
ager of the drive-in which has been acquirei<br />
from Sam Gilette and Bill Hazan.<br />
The Fox Mountain-Midwest division<br />
Fox West Coast Theatres, a subsidiary<br />
National General, also operates six othej<br />
theatres in Utah. These include the Egyptia<br />
in Ogden, the Uptown, Rialto. Villa an<br />
Southeast, all in Salt Lake City, and th<br />
Academy in Provo. Also under constructio<br />
in Provo is NGC's 796-seat Fox Theatr<br />
which is scheduled for opening in Maj<br />
John Telia is the district manager for th<br />
area.<br />
National General presently has a $5<br />
million three-year expansion program t<br />
add 100 new theatres in the United States<br />
It now operates 245 theatres in 20 states<br />
Eugene V. Klein is president of the con<br />
pany, and Irving H. Levin is executive vicf<br />
president.<br />
Universal's "The Battle Horns" will sta<br />
Charlton Heston, Maximilian Schell, Katl<br />
ryn Hays and Leslie Nielsen.<br />
TO:<br />
The Girls Friday of Showbiz<br />
for their<br />
Charitable Contributions<br />
Towards Corrective and Reconstructive<br />
Surgery for Children<br />
from the<br />
where the famed group<br />
held their installation dinner<br />
TO:<br />
Dee Somers of Stanley Warner Theatres, president;<br />
Natalie Drapkin, Personal Manager, executive<br />
vice-president; Anne Pinkus, David<br />
Branower Management, and Louise 'Varriano,<br />
Walt Disney Productions, vice-presidents; Helen<br />
Melnick, Frank Sinatra Enterprises, treasurer;<br />
Melinda Pfahler, Walt Disney, and Kandee Arnold,<br />
Navy Public Affairs,<br />
secretaries.<br />
Shirley Corrigcm, Universal Pictures, is<br />
philanthropy<br />
chairman; Louise WoU, California<br />
Fashion Publications, publicity-bulletin; Bella<br />
Rackoff, executive secretary to Gregory Peck,<br />
and Winifred Robertson, Paramount Pictures,<br />
advisory board of past presidents.<br />
Hollywood Knickerbocker<br />
Headquarters of the Francis X. Bushman Club Hollywood, Calif.<br />
W-8 BOXOFFICE :: April 17, l9f
'<br />
popular<br />
I<br />
' wk.<br />
i<br />
Sam<br />
I<br />
—<br />
—<br />
——<br />
—<br />
'In Like Flint' 300<br />
At Chicago UA House<br />
CHICAGO—"In Like Flint," the newcomer<br />
at the United Artists Theatre, was a<br />
real blockbuster, lining patrons up to the<br />
right and left during opening days and<br />
nights. At the State Lake, "The Game Is<br />
Oxer" started out with 200 per cent and<br />
early patrons turned in approving comments.<br />
The World Playhouse had the cooperation<br />
of movie critics and a steady<br />
stream of patrons, giving this theatre's<br />
management pride in selecting "Galia."<br />
.Among the holdovers in the Loop. "Hotel."<br />
in the fourth week at the Chicago, grossed<br />
175 per cent; "One Million Years B. C."<br />
grossed the same in the fourth week at the<br />
Roosevelt; "Blow-Up" did 200 in the eighth<br />
week at the Woods. With the Oscar Awards<br />
commentary dwelling on such films as "A<br />
Man and a Woman" and "A Man for All<br />
Seasons," attendance rose in theatres showing<br />
these films. The 400 Theatre on Chicago's<br />
far north side, and not often in the<br />
news, had a good week with the first showing<br />
here of "Clouds Over IsraeL"<br />
(Average Is 100)<br />
Bismarck Howoii (UA), 22nd wk 165<br />
Chicago Hotel (WB), 4fh wk 1 75<br />
Cinema A Man ond a Woman (AA), 16th wk 170<br />
Cinestage Grand Prix (MGM), 9th wk 285<br />
Esquire—A Man for All Seosons (Col), 7th wk 200<br />
Loop The Sound of Music (20th-Fox), 14th wk. . ..125<br />
Michael Todd The Bible (20th-Fox), 14th wk 275<br />
Drientol How to Succeed (UA), 4th wk 150<br />
Roosevelt One Million Years B.C. (20th-Fox),<br />
4th wk 175<br />
State Lake The Game Is Over (Royal) 200<br />
United Artists In Like Flint (20th-Fox) 300<br />
Woods Blow-Up (Premier), 8th wk 200<br />
vVorld Ployhouse Galia (Zenith) 200<br />
'Georgy Girl' Scores 500<br />
As Only KG New Film<br />
KANSAS CITY—"Georgy Girl" made<br />
ia<br />
big splash here in its opening week, recording<br />
a five-times-average gross percentage<br />
:and gaining much publicity from the early<br />
patrons who saw it at the Kimo. While this<br />
jbig score was compiled by the week's only<br />
newcomer, holdovers still were doing excel-<br />
.ent business. "A Man for All Seasons,"<br />
ivhich has been a success from the start at<br />
ihe Fine Arts Theatre, turned in a 600<br />
fourth week; "The Sand Pebbles" earned<br />
400 at the Empire 1, where the picture was<br />
.n a fourth week, and "Doctor Zhivago"<br />
(ran up 275 in the third week at popular<br />
orices at the Brookside Theatre.<br />
3rocks)de Doctor Zhivago (MGM), 3rd wk. at<br />
prices 275<br />
;apn Hawaii (UA), 7th wk. of roadshow 250<br />
Jimbossy I, 2 Blow-Up (Premier), 9th wk 90<br />
impire The Sand Pebbles (MGM), 4th wk 400<br />
iimpire 2 Grand Prix (MGM), 9th wk 200<br />
me Arts A Man for All Seasons (Col), 4tti wk. . . .600<br />
iSlenwocd The Sound of Music (20th-Fox), 13fh<br />
at popular prices<br />
.Heart, Lake Park, State II, Twin II— Island of Terror<br />
200<br />
'<br />
(Univ); The Projected Man (Univ); The Evil of<br />
Frankenstein (Univ), reissue; Kiss of the Vompire<br />
(Univ), reissue I<br />
|;imo Georgy Girl (Col)<br />
1 00<br />
500<br />
Metro 2 Doctor, You've Got to Be Kidding! (MGM),<br />
4th wk 100<br />
;.1idland—The Bible (20th-Fox), 16th wk 175<br />
I'aramcunt To Kill a Mockingbird (Univ); That<br />
Touch of Mink (Univ), reissues<br />
'laza How to Succeed in Business Without Really<br />
100<br />
Trying (UA), 4th wk 125<br />
.ockhill Night Gomes (Mondial), 4th wk 150<br />
oxy In Like Flint (20th-Fox), 3rd wk<br />
Uptown The Quiller Memorandum (20th-Fox),<br />
100<br />
'<br />
3rd wk 120<br />
Jaffe will have a cameo role in<br />
polumbia's "Mackenna's Gold."<br />
ST .<br />
LOUIS<br />
fjarold Gibbons, president of the Teamsters<br />
joint council 13. presented $30,000 to<br />
Tent 4 Chief Barker Ed Dorsey and fund<br />
chairman Joe Simpkins at the joint luncheon<br />
meeting with Women of Variety at Variety<br />
Club Children's World. The contribution,<br />
which will be used in support of children's<br />
charities, was a part of the proceeds from<br />
the Teamsters' benefit show which netted<br />
$250,000.<br />
—<br />
Marcella DeVinney, Buena Vista, and<br />
Linda Pinzon. manager, Harry Wald's Beverly<br />
Art Theatre, will be co-hostesses at the<br />
WOMPI annual meeting for the election of<br />
officers, to be held Wednesday (19) at<br />
5:30 p.m. in Arthur Enterprises screening<br />
room at the Fox Theatre. WOMPI publicity<br />
chairman Fan Krause of MGM reports<br />
great success at the twin-bake sales, with<br />
proceeds earmarked for WOMPI charities.<br />
Mel Kramer, artist, writer, tour director<br />
and staff officer for the Air Force aeronautical<br />
chart and information center and<br />
popular speaker, will address the meeting<br />
of the Better Films Council of St. Louis<br />
Friday (21) in the Music Hall at downtown<br />
Vandervoort's at 10:30 a.m. Featured will<br />
be his portraits of Christ's 1 2 disciples, and<br />
detailing how and why he painted the portraits.<br />
He is leading a Holy Land adventure<br />
tour of the Middle East countries in October<br />
to collect information for a portrait of Jesus<br />
and for a book to be basically a collection<br />
of sketches illustrating. "In His Footsteps<br />
Today." Mrs. Fred C. G. Lanz. president<br />
of the Better Films Council, and Mrs. William<br />
E. Moore, publicity chairman, invited<br />
industry members to attend the meeting.<br />
Jimmie James, vice-president and secretary<br />
of the National Ass'n of Theatre Owners<br />
of eastern Missouri and southern Illinois,<br />
presided at the latest meeting of the<br />
board in the absence of president Frank<br />
Plumlee of Farmington, Mo., who was recovering<br />
from an illness. Action on the<br />
proposed agenda for the coming year was<br />
tabled until the next regular meeting May<br />
8—a noon klncheon in the 20th Century-<br />
Fox screening room on Filmrow.<br />
Phil Nanos, general counsel of the local<br />
NATO unit and president of American<br />
Hellenic Educational & Progressive Ass'n,<br />
figured prominently in a telecast from the<br />
office of Mayor Al Cervantes. Featured<br />
was a group of folk dancers in native dress<br />
who performed a salute to the activities<br />
scheduled in the Spanish International Pavilion,<br />
which is to be rebuilt opposite Busch<br />
Stadium in downtown St. Louis.<br />
Abbott Sber Is New<br />
President of UMPA<br />
KANSAS CITY—Abbott J. Sher. independent<br />
theatre owner and vice-president of<br />
Exhibitors Film Delivery and Central Shipping<br />
and Inspection, was elected president<br />
of the United Motion Picture Ass'n at a<br />
meeting of the board last week. He also is<br />
on the board of Northtown Theatre Corp.<br />
Jim Cook. Maryville exhibitor, was chosen<br />
first vice-president; Dick Conley. Fox Midwest<br />
Theatres district manager, second vicepresident;<br />
Leon Hoofnagle, Commonwealth<br />
Theatres district manager, treasurer; M. B.<br />
Smith. Commonwealth TJieatres vice-president<br />
of advertising and publicity, director<br />
of public relations, and Charles "Chuc"<br />
Barnes, re-elected executive secretary.<br />
Glen W. Dickinson jr.. the outgoing<br />
president, is chairman of the board. A<br />
committee was appointed to investigate the<br />
recent trend of underground movies at restaurants<br />
and night clubs. Douglas Lightner<br />
is committee chairman, assisted by Fred<br />
Souttar and Louis Sutter.<br />
Rio Syrup Company<br />
RIO<br />
1806 S. Jeffenon Ave. St. Louis 4, Mo.<br />
Can be dropped or thrown from Car Windows on to solid concrete 100 or more<br />
times without causing Cone/ Mechanism to go Dead or OFF-tone. Low cost<br />
'break-a-way' Hanger Arm (easily replaced in field) minimizes damage to Speaker<br />
Case when run over.<br />
Also repair parts for other makes, cords, theft resistant cables, volume controls.<br />
New Cone/ Mechanisms, etc., etc. Factory re-manufacturing of your old<br />
(Speokers — Junction Heads — Porti)<br />
Rf. 1, Box 561—Golden, Colo.<br />
!lOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967 C-l
'<br />
JJulional Theatre Supply announces ihc<br />
installation<br />
of a teletypewriter machine<br />
and WATS telephone system as the first<br />
phase in expediting customer orders via a<br />
fully automated operation. Customer orders<br />
for items not stocked in Kansas City are<br />
transmitted several times daily to the company's<br />
warehouse and main office in Paramus.<br />
N.J.. for processing the same day. Bill<br />
Davis, branch manager, says the system is<br />
working to perfection.<br />
Screenings: "The Hired Killer" (Para).<br />
Fox Midwest screening room. Monday<br />
(10). 10 a.m.: "Tanmiy and the Millionaire"<br />
(Univ), Commonwealth screening<br />
room. Tuesday (II): "Frankenstein Created<br />
Woman" '{20lh-Fox) at Midwest Wednesday<br />
(12). 1:30 p.m. Warner Bros, has<br />
reset the screening of "The Family Way"<br />
from Tuesday (IS) lo Monday (24). 1:30<br />
p.m. at Commonwealth. Paramount will<br />
screen "Gunn" at Commonwealth Monday<br />
(17). 1:30 p.m.<br />
Jerry and Charlene Darner are the parents<br />
of a daughter. Suzanne Michelle, born<br />
Sunday (9). Darner is the manager of<br />
Commonwealth's Crest Drive-In in Kansas<br />
City.<br />
Orville Wells of Missouri Theatre Supply<br />
spent last week in Kirksville setting up<br />
new equipment for the Silver Star Drive-In.<br />
David Sparks, son of Melbourne Sparks<br />
of the Centre Theatre at Oakley, Kas.. is<br />
home from the University of Kansas Medical<br />
Center after surgery.<br />
Bev Miller of Mercury Film was in<br />
Wichita last week to meet with Joe Solomon<br />
of U. S. Films in regard to exploitation of<br />
"Hell's Angels on Wheels."<br />
Hal McClure, Comnionwealih booker,<br />
was in Dcs Moines and Omaha on a booking<br />
trip last week. He plans a trip to Denver<br />
this week.<br />
Comnionwealih Theatres initiated a new<br />
telephone system last week. All long distance<br />
calls are to be placed through the Wide<br />
Area Telephone Service (WATS) lines.<br />
Commonwealth has three different bands,<br />
each for several states.<br />
Pat Mulligan, contract clerk at United<br />
Artists, is in the Olathe Community Hospital<br />
after surgery on Tuesday (11).<br />
Tommy Taylor, former Universal salesman,<br />
called the Universal office last week<br />
to thank the employes for the get well card<br />
they had sent his wife. She is in Room 447<br />
at Research Hospital, and he also entered<br />
Research and is in Room 331. Talk about<br />
togetherness!<br />
Mollis Foley, former secretary to M. B.<br />
Smith. Commonwealth, visited the office on<br />
Monday (10). Ruth Perkins, formerly of<br />
Warner Bros., has returned to work at Warners.<br />
Missouri Theatre Supply has a correction<br />
on the Merry Poppins Popcorn. It was incorrectly<br />
printed the 500 pounds were being<br />
shipped. The correct figure is 5,000 pounds,<br />
sold in 50-pound bags, and 30-pound case<br />
packs.<br />
Out-of-town exhibitors seen on Filmrow:<br />
From Missouri: Bob Smith. Buffalo:<br />
Frank Weary jr., Richmond: Mr. and Mrs.<br />
A. E. Jarboe, Cameron: Jerry Wise, Brookfield:<br />
Basil Fogelson, Marceline: Elmer<br />
Bills, Salisbury: Shelby Bourne, Warrensburg:<br />
Pete Pekarek. Sedalia: Marvin Smith.<br />
Sedalia. From Kansas: Bill Flynn. Emporia:<br />
Sizes<br />
All<br />
(1) No More Stubs—No More Carbon Savers<br />
(2) Very low Burning Rate<br />
(3) Produces Extremely Bright And Stabilized Arc<br />
// yoti wish to save on carbons use ENDLESS!<br />
NEW 14<br />
INCH<br />
7s - 8s - 9s - 10s - lis - and negatives<br />
PLUS: 7x20 - 8x20 - 9x20 - and negatives<br />
All items available from us or your distributor. Write for samples.<br />
909 N.W. 19th St. Phone: CA 2-6428 Portland 9, Oregon<br />
Exclusive distributor territories now open. Inquiries welcome.<br />
Dennis Montee, Hutchinson;<br />
Mr. and Mrs.<br />
Bill Wagner. Independence: Ernie Block,<br />
Sabctha: Bob Bisagno. Augusta. From Arkansas:<br />
Joe Presley, Huntsville.<br />
Dr. James K. Loutzenhiser,<br />
chairman of<br />
the film advisory committee of the Mis,souri<br />
Council on the Arts, spoke Tuesday evening<br />
(11) at the Rockhurst College for its film<br />
series. "Miracle in the Land" was shown.<br />
On Sunday evening he spoke to a young<br />
people's group at the Unitarian Church.<br />
During May he will speak on films at the<br />
University of Missouri at Kansas City and<br />
at the Country Club Christian Church.<br />
Addison, 111., to Get<br />
New Twin Drive-In<br />
ADDISON. ILL.— Louis R. Jelinek of<br />
Algonquin has been granted a special use<br />
zoning permit for 27.9 acres at Sidney and<br />
Route 53 to build a twin-screen 1.400-car<br />
drive-in here.<br />
He said a fence would surround the site,<br />
which has homes to the south and west, a<br />
hilly area to the north and manufacturing<br />
across the highway to the east. The drive-in<br />
entrance is to be from Route 53.<br />
The village trustees said their decision to<br />
change the present manufacturing zoning<br />
classification was based on favorable recommendations<br />
from the planning commission<br />
and zoning board.<br />
Although Jelinek said staggered times of<br />
arrival and departure were planned for the<br />
drive-in with its two-screen setup, the zoning<br />
board recommended he provide ade-<br />
control supervised by Addison<br />
quate traffic<br />
police.<br />
John Forsythe in Kansas<br />
For 'In Cold Blood' Role<br />
GARDEN CITY, KAS.—John Forsythe<br />
has arrived here to begin work in his role<br />
of Kansas Bureau of Investigation agent<br />
Alvin Dewey in Truman Capote's "In Cold<br />
Blood," which writer-director Richard<br />
Brooks is currently filming on location<br />
here. Also here to begin work on her new<br />
role is actress Ruth Storey, who will play<br />
the role of Mrs. Bonnie Clutter in Brooks' .<br />
screen adaptation of Capote's non-fiction m<br />
novel which will be released by Columbia<br />
Pictures.<br />
Adkins Opens Brunswick<br />
Drive-In. Adds a Theatre '"<br />
BRUNSWICK. MO. — R. L. Adkins,<br />
owner of the Hillcrest Drive-In at Higgins- »<br />
ville. Mo., and the Linn Theatre at Pleasan- ]\l<br />
ton. Kas.. has reopened the El Jon Theatre<br />
in Brunswick, Mo., after extensive remodeling.<br />
He also has purchased the Uptown<br />
Theatre in Sweet Springs, Mo., which he<br />
plans to remodel and update before its<br />
opening.<br />
Oakley Hall has been signed to write the<br />
screenplay for his novel, "The Pleasure<br />
Garden." which will be filmed by Universal.<br />
_<br />
r:-3 BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967
9^a^ CONCESSION<br />
]V[ ickelberry 's<br />
ALL BEEF less shrinkage more flavorful<br />
8 Fully Cooked Patties to the Pound<br />
TVf ickelberry<br />
^<br />
OR OVER 70 YEARS!<br />
]y[ icke Iberry 's<br />
All Meat -No Filler<br />
Guaranteed Count 10 or 12 to the Pound.<br />
=REEI<br />
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'REE!<br />
M ickelberry 's<br />
Tasty and Zesty with Cheese<br />
fully cooked — just heat and serve<br />
100% ALL BEEF AND 100% DELICIOUS<br />
4200 WKEIHNAU AVE., MILWAUKEE, WISC. 53209<br />
Area Code 414-353-8810<br />
U. S. D. A. INSPECTED<br />
WRITE<br />
WIRE<br />
OR<br />
PHONE<br />
FOR FULL<br />
Area Code 913 FInley 2-3450<br />
:;<br />
The kohlberg circuit, headed by Stanford<br />
Rohlberg. has taken over the Dclavan<br />
Drive-In from I. & M Management. Kohlberg<br />
also added the Crystal Theatre, which<br />
had been owned by Ruth DeMarce. While<br />
it is planned to keep both spots in operation,<br />
numerous changes will be made to bring all<br />
facilities up to present-day standards.<br />
Herb Elisburg reports his doctor has<br />
given him a clean bill of health. The Elisburgs<br />
entertained the Ed Seguins at an<br />
Oscar awards party. .Shortly after Elisburg's<br />
health forced him to take an extended rest,<br />
he ga\e up operating his Roseland and<br />
Rockne theatres. He does maintain ownership<br />
of the building in which the Rockne is<br />
housed. Arthur Ehrlich. the Rockne's new<br />
owner, is having the lobby rebuilt and a free<br />
coffee bar is to be part of the setup.<br />
United Artists press chief Wally Heim<br />
hosted a special showing of "8 on the Lam."<br />
. . . Seymour Simon, an alderman, who has<br />
handled a good majority of the theatre and<br />
film cases here, will be the man-of-the-hour<br />
at the Israel Bonds "Salute of Stars" May<br />
14 in the Opera House.<br />
Milie Frankovich of Columbia Pictures<br />
attended the sneak preview of Jack Lemmon's<br />
"Luv" at the Chicago Theatre. With<br />
him to study audience reaction were producer<br />
Martin Manulis and director Clive<br />
Donner.<br />
"Doctor Zhivago" will soon go into its<br />
third outlying run. During its first showing<br />
out of the Loop, all theatres played the film<br />
for 19 weeks. Most houses playing it the<br />
second time around held it for ten weeks . . .<br />
MGM publicist Phil Brochstein set up a<br />
campaign for the Friday (21) opening of<br />
"Hot Rods to Hell" in 40 theatres in<br />
Chicagoland.<br />
— Our "23rd" Year —<br />
For Theatres and Drive-ins<br />
—SEND FOR NEW—<br />
Distributors For<br />
ORANGE CRUSH and<br />
We Carry Full Lirte Hot & Cold Cups<br />
Freight Paid on Orders of $150.00 or More<br />
WE—9-4643<br />
1220 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago 5, III,<br />
The Max Boniors announced the engagement<br />
of their daughter Carolann to Dan<br />
Kwiat. Bonior is secretary to John<br />
Waner, unsuccessful Republican candidate<br />
lor mayor , . . L<br />
& M Management sold the<br />
Peoria Drive-In to the Kerasotes circuit.<br />
Charles Teitel saw his daughter Roberta<br />
off for a six-weeks' tour of Europe. A graduate<br />
of the University of Wisconsin School<br />
of Journalism, she had planned to marry<br />
Ted Oshanski, but he had to leave for military<br />
duty in Vietnam, and the wedding was<br />
postponed until his return.<br />
Henry C. Plitt, president of Balaban &<br />
Katz, announced Ross Hunter's "Thoroughly<br />
Modern Millie" will be shown as a<br />
reserved-seat attraction at the United Artists<br />
Theatre in the Loop starting August 9. It<br />
will mark the first two-a-day attraction at<br />
the<br />
theatre.<br />
The Roosevelt University film group has<br />
contracted to show "Tabu," "Nanook of the<br />
North," "Sunrise" and "The Last Laugh."<br />
The Directors Guild of America Midwest<br />
office, in cooperation with Behrend's, Inc.,<br />
held its first in a series of screenings. Midwest<br />
directors presented films in terms of<br />
how they solved their creative and production<br />
problems. The first session featured<br />
Mike Birch and his "The Sea" for Encyclopaedia<br />
Britannica Films, and Rolf Forsberg<br />
and his "The Ant Keeper."<br />
Dicit Taylor, who has served as Paramount<br />
publicist in the Midwest area several<br />
. .<br />
years, is transferring to the company's offices<br />
in New York . "The Game Is Over,"<br />
English version, opens for its initial showing<br />
in this area at the B&K State Lake Theatre<br />
in the Loop.<br />
Lincoln Scheurle, president of the Filmmakers,<br />
Inc., with headquarters in Chicago,<br />
announced the appointment of Ernest P.<br />
Santell as new production coordinator. He<br />
formerly worked as assistant director at<br />
Wilding, Inc., also a Chicago-based film<br />
producing studio.<br />
S. B. Greiver's buying and booking<br />
responsibilities continue to grow as he took<br />
over the job for the Harlem Cermak Cinema<br />
in North Riverside Plaza, a General Cinema<br />
Corp. property; the Y&W's Palace in Gary,<br />
Ind., and the Y»&.W Drive-In near Merrillville,<br />
Ind.<br />
Universal publicist Ben Katz underwent<br />
kidney surgery at the Miami Heart Institute.<br />
He was hospitalized while in Florida on a<br />
combination business and pleasure trip.<br />
. . Helen<br />
Tom Ray of the MGM staff is vacationing<br />
in various spots in the South .<br />
Queenan, popular Warner Bros, cashier,<br />
was welcomed back to work. She was forced<br />
to take ten weeks off because of a broken<br />
knee.<br />
Frances Gates joined the Warner Bros,<br />
accounting department staff. Her friends at<br />
MGM, where she worked for a number of<br />
years, sent her off with good wishes in her<br />
new post. Marie Samion also left MGM<br />
with the kind thoughts of her associates. She<br />
is retiring after ten consecutive years with<br />
the company.<br />
Town Theatre in Chicago<br />
Now Is Town Underground<br />
CHICAGO—The Town Theatre, located<br />
in Chicago's Old Town area, changed its<br />
name and its image when it inaugurated a<br />
new film policy as the Town Underground.<br />
First feature under the new setup was "Guns<br />
of the Trees," a 1960 free-form work by the<br />
"spiritual father" of the New York underground<br />
filmmakers Jonas Mekas.<br />
The Town was remodeled as an art-type ,<br />
house in 1961 by theatreman Charles Teitel.<br />
After he sold it, the theatre became the<br />
home for "nudie" movies.<br />
The present management was encouraged<br />
to change its programing by the success of<br />
the Monday night underground film showings<br />
by the Aardvark Cinematheque. If<br />
the success of the new programing continues,<br />
the Town Underground hopes to<br />
bring in other films by such directors as<br />
Shirley Clarke, Andy Warhol and Gregory<br />
J. Markopoulos.<br />
Buster Brotman Is Dead;<br />
Ex-Moline Theatreman<br />
MOLINE, ILL. — Services were held<br />
March 30 for Aleck "Buster" Brotman, 59,<br />
former theatreman, who was employed in<br />
the advertising department of the Moline<br />
Dispatch. He had been in the interior decorating<br />
business in Miami after leaving thei<br />
theatre business, returning to Moline two<br />
years ago.<br />
Brotman had owned and operated the<br />
Roxy Theatre here many years. Later he<br />
operated the Avalon Ballroom in Moline<br />
and had operated the Oasis Drive-In ati<br />
nearby Davenport, Iowa, for two years.<br />
He leaves his wife June; three brothers'<br />
Barney and Isadore of Rock Island and Abe'<br />
of Moline and two sisters.<br />
Lee Artoe Says 'No Price<br />
Increase on Carbons Now'<br />
CHICAGO—The Lee Artoe Carbon Co.<br />
has announced that there will be no price<br />
increase in Lee Artoe Roman carbons atj<br />
the present time.<br />
"We have always been against using<br />
minor cost increases to boost the final prices<br />
to the theatre manyfold," Lee Artoe, presi-|<br />
dent of the company, declared.<br />
"Unless the<br />
cost of taking our money to the bank is in-j<br />
creased substantially, we shall hold our lov<br />
prices as long as possible,"<br />
—<br />
—<br />
—<br />
——<br />
Anli-DST Battle Starts<br />
In Florida Legislature<br />
TALLAHASSEE, FLA.—Lobbyists for<br />
the Sunshine State's No. 1 industry—agriculture—and<br />
the No. 2 industry—entertainment—struct;<br />
hard here at the opening<br />
of the Florida legislature's hearing on new<br />
bills at its Wednesday (5) session when they<br />
castigated efforts to force Florida into daylight<br />
saving time. The legislature convened<br />
Tuesday (4).<br />
Heading the list of opponents of DST<br />
appearing before a House commerce committee<br />
was LaMar Sarra of Jacksonville,<br />
legislative chairman of the National Ass'n<br />
of Theatre Owners of Florida, who said<br />
that advanced time was a matter of convenience,<br />
not of necessity. He pointed out<br />
that the legislature has rejected daylight<br />
savings' bills in its last seven regular sessions.<br />
Sarra also is a vice-president and general<br />
counsel of Florida State Theatres.<br />
Dick Pope, owner of Cypress Gardens, a<br />
leading tourist attraction, backed Sarra and<br />
said he would lose an hour of business every<br />
day in the year. Pope pointed out that tourists<br />
leave outdoor attractions by the clock<br />
at 4:30 p.m. so they can find accommodations<br />
for the night. He said he had been in<br />
the business for 32 years and had never<br />
found a way to change the habit.<br />
Henry Glover of Largo, an independent<br />
motion picture exhibitor who is president<br />
of NATO of Florida, said that daylight<br />
time has cut gross business by 9 to 30 per<br />
cent, which also hurts the state's tax take.<br />
T. K. McClain, executive vice-president<br />
of the Florida Farm Bureau Federation,<br />
said he represented a large bloc of farm<br />
families, all of whom are opposed to fast<br />
time. He said Florida is already about half<br />
an hour ahead of solar time, which the<br />
farmers go by, and that putting the clock<br />
ahead by another full hour would work<br />
hardships.<br />
Mirisch Signs John Hurt<br />
For 'Davey Haggart' Role<br />
From Western Edition<br />
HOLLYWOOD—John Hurt,<br />
26-year-old<br />
acting discovery from England who was<br />
seen in his first important film role in "A<br />
Man for All Seasons," has been chosen to<br />
play the title role in "The Sinful Adventures<br />
of Davey Haggart," a ribald tale of 19thcentury<br />
"mod" which Mirisch Corp. will<br />
start filming the middle of June in Ireland<br />
and Scotland.<br />
'Accident' at Cinema II<br />
From Eastern Edition<br />
NEW YORK—"Accident ' will have its<br />
U.S. premiere April 17 at Cinema II here.<br />
The Joseph Losey production, released by<br />
Cinema V Distributing and London Independent<br />
Producers, stars Dirk Bogarde,<br />
Stanley Baker and Jacqueline Sassard. The<br />
screenplay is by Harold Pinter who also<br />
wrote "The Servant," one of Losey's most<br />
successful<br />
films.<br />
BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967<br />
Raleigh Council Studying<br />
Smoking in Theatres<br />
RALEIGH, N. C.—A city council committee<br />
is studying a request that smoking be<br />
permitted in theatres.<br />
W. G. Enloe, former Raleigh mayor and<br />
district manager of North Carolina Theatres<br />
(Wilby-Kincey), asked the council's law and<br />
finance committee to take under consideration<br />
an ordinance that would allow theatres<br />
to put in special rooms where people could<br />
smoke while watching a movie.<br />
"We have theatres in Charlotte and<br />
Greensboro where we have smoking rooms,"<br />
Enloe said. "I've checked with (Raleigh fire)<br />
chief Jack Keeter and asked him to check<br />
with the fire chiefs in those cities to see if<br />
they have any complaints."<br />
New Orleans Leaders<br />
Are 'Flint/ 'Georgy'<br />
NEW ORLEANS — "Georgy Girl"<br />
and<br />
"In Like Flint" were the leading grossers<br />
for the week at 275 per cent. Next in line,<br />
with 200s, were "Alfie" and "A Countess<br />
From Hong Kong." Noteworthy, too, was<br />
the fact that although not a single new picture<br />
arrived on the New Orleans' scene, six<br />
of the seven first-run programs grossed well<br />
above average and the remaining one was<br />
right on the line.<br />
(Average Is 100)<br />
Gentilly Georgy Girl (Coi), 1 5th wk 275<br />
Joy—A Countess From Hong Kong (Univ), 2nd wk. .200<br />
Joy's Aereon Alfie (Pare), 4th wk 200<br />
Lakeside The Sound of Music (20th-Fox),<br />
popular prices 1 50<br />
Martin's Cinerama Hawaii (UA), 14th wk 100<br />
Orpheum In Like Flint (20th-Fox), 3rd wk 275<br />
Pitt Doctor, You've Got to Be Kidding! (MGM),<br />
3rd wk 150<br />
"In Like Flint' 275 Topper<br />
In Good Memphis Week<br />
MEMPHIS—Ten of the II first runs<br />
grossed better than average for the week.<br />
At the top of the list was "In Like Flint,"<br />
which had 275 per cent during a second<br />
week at the Malco. Three other films— "The<br />
Bible," "Blow-Up" and "Hawaii"—tied for<br />
second-best gross percentages with 200s.<br />
Crosstown—The. Bible (20th-Fox), 15th wk 200<br />
Guild Blow-Up (Prenaier), 3rd wk 200<br />
Malco In Like Flint (20th-Fox), 2nd wk 275<br />
Palace How to Succeed (UA), 2nd wk 100<br />
Paramount Howoii (UA), 7th wk 200<br />
Park Bullwhip Griffin (BY), 2nd wk 160<br />
Plaza hurry Sundown (Para), 2nd wk 150<br />
State Hotel (WB), 3rd wk 1 50<br />
Studio—Eric Soya's 17 (P-W) 150<br />
Worner Easy Come, Eosy Go (Para), 2nd wk 110<br />
Whitehaven Cinema The Sound of Music<br />
(20th-Fox), 3rd wk. at popular prices 150<br />
Holbrooks Buys Theatre<br />
PIEDMONT, ALA. — Fain Holbrooks,<br />
formerly in business in Birmingham, has<br />
purchased the Allison Theatre from businessman<br />
Arnold Woolf. The house is undergoing<br />
a complete remodeling, with the<br />
theatre remaining open.<br />
Georgia Drive-In Reopens<br />
CLAYTON. GA.—The Tiger Drive-in,<br />
managed by Bill Wilson, has reopened for<br />
the season with new projector and sound<br />
systems.<br />
Referendum to Decide<br />
On CATV in Raleigh<br />
RAI.i:iGH, N. C. — Raleigh residents<br />
will decide May 2 whether they want cablevision.<br />
The city council has passed an ordinance<br />
to grant Southeastern Cablevision a<br />
franchise, providing the voters approve the<br />
issue in a referendum.<br />
Southeastern agreed to put up a $2,500<br />
deposit with the Wake County board of<br />
elections to be adjusted later as its part of<br />
the cost of the election. The cablevision<br />
company will pay up to one-half the cost.<br />
Three minor changes, further restricting<br />
the company's limits, were incorporated into<br />
the proposed ordinance. The council agreed<br />
to include a provision it cannot change three<br />
sections of the ordinance without a vote of<br />
the people. The three sections prohibit the<br />
CATV company from receiving or transmitting<br />
any other than network programs or<br />
advertisements, engaging in the sales, service,<br />
rental or leasing of television and radio<br />
sets or attempting to direct its subscribers<br />
to any particular companies which do so.<br />
James K. Dorsett, attorney for Southeastern,<br />
was on hand to satisfy the council that<br />
his company can comply with the financial<br />
responsibility aspect of the ordinance.<br />
He said the Jefferson Carolina Corp.,<br />
which owns most of the stock in Southeastern<br />
Cablevision, has assets of over $1 million.<br />
In turn it is owned by Carolina<br />
Telephone & Telegraph and the Jefferson<br />
Standard Broadcasting Co.<br />
Six Flags Over Georgia<br />
Opening Expected in June<br />
ATLANTA — Six Flags Over Georgia,<br />
the Great Southwest Atlanta Corp.'s 276-<br />
acre amusement center west of here on the<br />
Chattahooche River, is expected to open in<br />
June, announced Angus G. Wynne, president<br />
of the corporation. He said the center,<br />
because of favorable weather conditions,<br />
will be opened sooner than anticipated.<br />
Roughly 75 "adventures," mostly historical,<br />
shows, rides and other attractions will<br />
be featured in the center, comparable in<br />
scope to the corporation's Six Flags Over<br />
Texas in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Parking<br />
space for 6,000 cars has been provided.<br />
Commuter trams will transport the visitors<br />
from the lots to the park entrance and return<br />
them to their cars when they're ready to<br />
leave.<br />
The management has begun hiring 1,200<br />
college students, with 86 young men to be<br />
assigned as "sanitation engineers," whose<br />
role will be to keep the park clean and well<br />
maintained. Wynne said. The other young<br />
people will act as hosts and hostesses, operating<br />
the rides, concessions and participating<br />
in the live shows to be presented. "In<br />
general, they will be on hand to insure that<br />
every member of the family has a good<br />
time," he added.<br />
The park's name is based on the dominant<br />
flags of Georgia's past. The flags, "to be<br />
flown everywhere," represent the United<br />
States, England, France, Spain and the<br />
Confederate States of America.<br />
3t Dales<br />
Wore<br />
QLood weather has resulted in drive-ins,<br />
most of them now under way for the<br />
summer in the Memphis trade territory, reporting<br />
a fine start. The Sunset at Martin,<br />
Tenn., and Raco at Covington, Tenn.,<br />
opened Wednesday (12). The Jacksonville<br />
at Jacksonville, Ark., is to open this week.<br />
to ivlcike Ljooa S^eatln^ ,<br />
and Masseys new de luxe<br />
^ock^pLoimaer<br />
^>A/aJ<br />
The Theatre Chair<br />
Of Tomorrow . . .<br />
Here Today!<br />
See it soon or<br />
write for our<br />
Illustrated<br />
Brochure<br />
l/Ukat J^t ^ahesl<br />
MASSEYoea/m 9<br />
f'^<br />
SE-2<br />
100 Taylor St., Nashville, Tenn.<br />
L-O. Tel,: CHopel 2-2561<br />
Theron Lyles, Ritz at Oxford; Frank<br />
Heard, Lee Drive-In, Tupelo, and Leon<br />
Rountree, Holly, Holly Springs, were<br />
among Mississippi exhibitors booking in<br />
Memphis . . . Louise Mask, Luez, Bolivar,<br />
Tenn., was in town . . . Mart Moimger,<br />
Mart, Calhoun City, and Dan Landers, Radio,<br />
HarrisbLirg, were here from Arkansas, ^j<br />
Drhe-in operators are making plans to<br />
><br />
"make the best of it" in Arkansas, Mississippi<br />
and Tennessee this summer where all<br />
three states will have daylight saving time.<br />
Theatre owners in all three states fought in<br />
the legislatures to keep central standard<br />
time and lost.<br />
PGA Selects Candidates<br />
For Officers, Directors<br />
From Western Edition<br />
HOLLYWOOD—Under the new provisions<br />
in the bylaws of the Producers Guild<br />
of America governing the election of officers<br />
and executive board members, candidates<br />
have been selected by a nominating<br />
committee headed by Lawrence A. Weingarten<br />
and including Irwin Allen, Art Arthur,<br />
William Sackheim, Jack Warner jr.,<br />
and David Victor.<br />
They are: president, Norman Felton and<br />
Milton Sperling; vice-president, Robert<br />
Cohn and David Dortort; secretary, Frank<br />
McCarthy and Stanley Niss; treasurer, Aubrey<br />
Schenck and Phihp Barry jr.<br />
For executive board vacancies, candidates<br />
are Philip Barry jr., Robert Cohn, William<br />
Froug, Frank McCarthy, Stanley Niss, Milton<br />
Sperling, David Weisbart and William<br />
Wright.<br />
In addition, any 20 members of the guild<br />
shall have the right by written nomination<br />
to nominate one or more candidates in opposition<br />
to<br />
the candidates nominated by the<br />
committee.<br />
According to the new amendments to the<br />
bylaws any candidate named for one of the<br />
guild offices either by nomination or petition<br />
also is eligible to stand for the board.<br />
Herald R. Goodman Takes<br />
Chamber of Commerce Post<br />
From Southwest Edition<br />
CARROLLTON, TEX. — Herald R.<br />
Goodman, formerly with the Stanley Warner<br />
Theatres as resident manager of the<br />
Denton Road Drive-In here, has left the circuit<br />
to accept the post of manager of the<br />
Carrollton Chamber of Commerce.<br />
While with the circuit, Goodman received<br />
many awards for his v/ork in public relations<br />
and promotions. He and his wife have<br />
four children, two residing in California and<br />
two in Dallas County. «<br />
BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967
95 ft miles<br />
from Danang,<br />
Americans are<br />
fighting anotlier<br />
enemy.<br />
Inflation is a threat to every family's paycheck ... to the<br />
strength of our nation itself. And while other Americans<br />
are engaged in the fight for freedom half way around the<br />
world, we must be increasingly alert to the dangers of<br />
inflation here at home.<br />
American businessmen can help maintain a stable<br />
economy and curtail inflationary pressures through the<br />
Payroll Savings Plan for United States Savings Bonds.<br />
Money invested in Savings Bonds is actually an investment<br />
in the United States. It results in more efl'ective<br />
management of the public debt,<br />
maintains the value of<br />
the dollar and provides a firm base for family security.<br />
In your plant or oftice, you can initiate and promote<br />
this program for systematic savings. Complete information<br />
is available from your State Savings Bonds Director<br />
or by writing the<br />
Treasury Department,<br />
United States Savings<br />
Bonds Division, Washington,<br />
D.C. 20226.<br />
'^@^' in your plant . . . promote the PAYROLL SAVINGS PLAN for U.S. Savings Bonds (fP<br />
• Tht U S. Govtrnmenc does not pay lor this adverlUemenl. It is presented as a public seroice in cooperation with the Treasury Depmriment and The Adierlisint Council. »<br />
BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967<br />
rniil.v Casanova is llic new billcr .iiul •Ciirl<br />
Friday" at Mctro-Goldwyn-Mayer. She<br />
is taking over the duties of Ellen Couvillion<br />
who replaced Pal Hebert. Pat resigned lo<br />
become a lull-lledged housewife.<br />
Page Baker, Theatre Owners" Service, has<br />
Complete Concession Supplies, Candy to Popcorn<br />
"Repair Service lor All Makes!"<br />
2927 Jackson Ave, New Orleans Phone 524-835i<br />
been released Ironi a hospital and is recuperating<br />
at home after surgery.<br />
Carl Mabry, president and general manager<br />
of MPA and the dough guy of Tent<br />
45, is in a hospital recuperating from<br />
surgery.<br />
"Doctor Zhivago," in its second year<br />
at the Robert E. Lee Theatre, closed Monday<br />
(10). "A Man for All Seasons" started<br />
its run Wednesday (12).<br />
Opening here were "Easy Come, Easy<br />
Go" at the Saenger Theatre and "Deadlier<br />
Than the Male" at the Joy Theatre. "Blow-<br />
Up" was back at five drive-ins and the<br />
Peacock Theatre. "Riot on Sunset Strip"<br />
opened a multiple rim of 12 hardtops and<br />
lour drive-ins.<br />
Summerville Expects<br />
To Have 2 Theatres<br />
SUMMERVILLE, S.C. — After several<br />
years of not having a movie theatre,<br />
Summerville soon may have two—a 700-<br />
seat new one and an old one being completely<br />
remodeled.<br />
A. L. Gibson, who operates a drive-in at<br />
Walterboro, said he is remodeling the old<br />
Summerville Theatre on Main Street, and<br />
the $20,000 job is expected to be completed i<br />
by the end of May. Included will be all newS<br />
seats, complete air-conditioning and wallto-wall<br />
carpeting, which he says will runi|<br />
over the sidewalk to the street giving the|<br />
patron a plush welcome.<br />
Also, Fred A. Blevins and a group oj<br />
businessmen are planning to build a new"<br />
theatre. They have an option on a piece of<br />
property on North Main Street for the ultramodern<br />
house. The cost is estimated in .<br />
excess of $200,000. \l<br />
Blevins was manager of the Summerville<br />
Theatre ten years when it was part of a;<br />
circuit.<br />
The Sugar is<br />
K<br />
real and so are the profits<br />
It<br />
Dri-Syrups''<br />
costs you only Wit per drink to serve<br />
Cramores . . . but you can give your customer<br />
a choice of marvelous true-fruit<br />
flavors sparked with energy-giving goodtasting<br />
real sugar that satisfies, and<br />
makes him come back for more. Cramores<br />
Dri-Syrup beverages come in orange,<br />
lemon, lemon-lime, pink lemon, lime,<br />
grape, orange-pineapple, fruit punch,<br />
cherry, strawberry and black raspberry;<br />
and every delicious one is fortified with<br />
Vitamin "C". All are easy to prepare,<br />
serve and store; you simply add contents<br />
of portion-packed foil-lined containers to<br />
water in your dispenser, cool and serve.<br />
That's Cramores. Better tasting; greater<br />
'Movable' Billboard Ads<br />
Given Up by WHCT-TV<br />
From New England Edition<br />
HARTFORD—RKO General has relinquished<br />
its months-long "hold" on a "mova<br />
ble" billboard atop an office building at<br />
Main and Pearl streets.<br />
The billboard space, which had advertised<br />
subscription television, the multimillion-dollar<br />
experiment beamed via Hartford's^<br />
WHCT-TV (Channel 18), has now been con-,<br />
traded for by Richard D. Buckley Associates,<br />
owners of WDRC.<br />
The billboard panels continue to "move,<br />
but now merits of WDRC programing are<br />
highlighted.<br />
RKO General has bought newspaper<br />
space in metropolitan Hartford on a sporadic<br />
basis. The agency is D'Arcy Advertising,<br />
New York.<br />
A prime public relations-promotion "out<br />
let" continues to be the "STV Magazine<br />
published twice a month.<br />
Bandit Gets $9<br />
MOBILE, ALA. — An armed gunman,;<br />
displaying a small pistol, robbed an enin<br />
ploye of the Saenger Theatre here and<br />
escaped with $9 in cash.<br />
profits. Order from your supplier now.<br />
"In Enemy Country," an exciting spy<br />
c<br />
INC.<br />
A subsidiary of<br />
Angostura-Wuppermann Corp.<br />
Elmhurst, New York<br />
story with a World War 11 background, iS<br />
on Universal's 1967 production schedule.<br />
Ca/ioiirux.<br />
^BOOKING SEinricE<br />
221 S. Church St., ChorloHe, N.C.<br />
PHONE FR. 5-7787<br />
SE-4 BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967
i THURMONT,<br />
—<br />
Atlanta Couple Seeks<br />
Return of Matinees<br />
ATLANTA— Mr. and Mrs. Hue R. Lee,<br />
founders of the Montessori School here called<br />
Ashdun Hall, are doing something that<br />
;ould very well trigger the return of the<br />
Saturday morning kiddie matinee, popular<br />
n the not-so-long-ago era in suburban<br />
heatres. Their idea started with a plan to<br />
show movies at the school every other Saturday<br />
morning, and remembering their own<br />
:hildhood. decided to do it right by having<br />
popcorn, candy and soft<br />
drinks for the chil-<br />
Jren to purchase from a concession stand.<br />
Pictures selected include "Clarence, the<br />
Cross-Eyed Lion." "Rebecca of Sunnybrook<br />
Farm," Shirley Temple in "Heidi" and so<br />
on. Up to now no cowboy pictures or cartoons<br />
have been shown, but they will be<br />
included subsequently as well as some edu-<br />
:ational films. "I think entertainment by itself<br />
is a waste of time," Mrs, Lee says, "but<br />
there is no reason why entertainment<br />
shouldn't be educational as well."<br />
It is her hope that the Saturday movie<br />
idea will spread and that parents of school<br />
:hildren can take it over and operate it as<br />
one of their fund-raising enterprises. Admission<br />
is 50 cents.<br />
Owners and operators of film houses in<br />
the metropolitan area are watching the Lee's<br />
Montessori School experiment with interest.<br />
Howard Hyle Appointed<br />
To New Coca-Cola Post<br />
ATLANTA—The appointment of Howard<br />
H. Hyle as national manager for food<br />
store sales for the Coca-Cola Co. was announced<br />
here by William S. Judkins, vicepresident<br />
and manager for national sales.<br />
Hyle's principal responsibility in his new<br />
post will be to coordinate the company's<br />
program for food stores in the U.S. from<br />
his headquarters here in Atlanta.<br />
Formerly advertising operations manager<br />
for the Coca-Cola Co.. Hyle joined the<br />
organization in the fountain sales department<br />
in Baltimore in 1949, advancing to<br />
special representative at Pittsburgh prior to<br />
becoming assistant and subsequently manager<br />
of promotional and point of sale advertising<br />
for the company's advertising department.<br />
In 1965 he was appointed manager<br />
of advertising operations.<br />
jRemodeled Drive-In<br />
j-rom Eastern Edition<br />
Opens<br />
MD. — The Monocacy<br />
|Drive-In, owned and operated by Maurice<br />
A, Cohen, has reopened for the season with<br />
new projection and sound equipment and a<br />
'remodeled concession stand.<br />
gill Cole is the new manager of Martin's<br />
Georgia Drive-In at nearby Marietta,<br />
having been transferred from the circuit's<br />
Smyrna Drive-In. George Kirkley, a former<br />
Martin employe who purchased the Troy<br />
Theatre in Monroe from the circuit but lost<br />
it in a lire, has rejoined the company as<br />
manager of the Smyrna Drive-ln.<br />
American International Pictures' "Hot<br />
Rods to Hell" opened in one of the largest<br />
multiple rims ever accorded a film here<br />
?even hardtops and 14 drive-ins.<br />
Louise Bramblett, WOMPI president, presided<br />
at the regular monthly meeting Tuesday<br />
(11) in the Seven Arts exchange, with<br />
Polly Puckett, vice-president of the club, as<br />
hostess. They had met previously at a luncheon<br />
to formulate plans for the installation of<br />
officers in June, and reported their progress<br />
to the board members.<br />
Juanita Elwell, WOMPI bulletin chairman,<br />
is planning a trip to Tampa for the<br />
graduation of her granddaughter Kathie<br />
Fink from the University of South Florida.<br />
Another WOMPI. Polly Puckett, plans to<br />
visit her son John in Shreveport.<br />
Filmrow visitors included J. E. Duncan,<br />
owner-operator of the Carroll Theatre and<br />
the Family Drive-In at Carrollton, and<br />
Charles Grogan of the Fairfax (Ala.) Theatre.<br />
Joel Poss, southeastern fieldman for Columbia,<br />
was in New Orleans setting up the<br />
new James Bonder "Casino Royale" with<br />
Frank Henson, manager of the Loew's<br />
State. The picture will open Wednesdas<br />
(26). the same time as the bow here at<br />
Martin's Rialto Theatre.<br />
Press and tradescreenings at Columbia's<br />
Filmrow Playhouse included "Suburban<br />
Roulette" (Unusual Films, distributed by<br />
Albert E. Rook. Jacksonville Beach, Fla.).<br />
"Hillbillys in a Haunted House" (AIP),<br />
"Triple Cross" (Warner Bros.). "Taxi to<br />
Tobruk" (Don Kay). "Psycho Circus"<br />
(AIP), "8 on the Lam" (United Artists),<br />
"The Last Challenge" (MGM), "Treasure<br />
of Makuba" (AIP) and "Wild, Wild Planet"<br />
(MGM).<br />
SEE<br />
For all your THEATRE and<br />
CONCESSION needs<br />
2409 First Ave., N. Birmingham, Alobomo 35203<br />
Telephone 251-8665 and 328-5675<br />
Ed Dudonicz, former film critic for Spotlight<br />
Magazine (Pennsylvania-New Jersey),<br />
who gave up his job to become a playwright,<br />
was here for the opening of his<br />
comedy "Is Love Everything" at the Atlanta<br />
Dinner Theatre. It received good reviews<br />
from critics.<br />
Pat O'Brien, here to promote his novel<br />
'The Wind at My Back," appeared on the<br />
WAFA-TV "Dialog Show" Saturday (8)<br />
and discussed his hook with news director<br />
Paul Shields.<br />
Tent 21 has started a bimonthly series of<br />
Sunday tea-dances, with proceeds going to<br />
the Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation.<br />
An arrangement was worked out by James<br />
L. Dodd. chief barker, with the Federation<br />
of Musicians, which will contribute its services<br />
for the dances. The Women of Variety<br />
held its<br />
monthly meeting Tuesday (4), with<br />
president Rose Pries and vice-president<br />
Evelyn Koslow in charge.<br />
Among those planning to attend the Variety<br />
Clubs International convention May<br />
14-19 in Mexico City are Mr. and Mrs.<br />
Jacob Pries, parents of Ralph Pries of Philadelphia,<br />
who will succeed James Carreras<br />
as international president. They will be the<br />
guests of their son. an executive of ABC<br />
Consolidated. The senior Pries, a long-time<br />
(Continued on following page)<br />
N.y.<br />
n group ol Filmrowitcs wore in .St. Petersburg<br />
Thursday evening (6) for the<br />
grand opening of Florida State Theatres<br />
Plaza II (the Plaza 1 is expected to be<br />
opened soon). Will Brown, who formerly<br />
managed the Florida Theatre in .St. Petersburg,<br />
will be in charge of the twin theatre<br />
under city manager Walter Tremor. Plaza<br />
II. the larger of the two with 715 rocking<br />
chair-type seats, opened with "How to Succeed<br />
in Business Without Really Trying."<br />
Plaza I. a 55.'5-seater, also is equipped with<br />
70mm projectors and six-track stereo sound.<br />
The two auditoriums share a common lobby<br />
and refreshment area, but each unit has<br />
separate air-conditioning systems, restrooms,<br />
projection booth and boxoffices. An adjoining<br />
parking area is designed to handle capacity<br />
crowds and is fully lighted for night<br />
use. FST"s Florida Theatre has gone to a<br />
sub-run policy and is being managed by Eva<br />
Jones, who was Brown's assistant.<br />
The Solomon circuit's new Harbor Cinema<br />
at Punta Gorda on Florida's lower west<br />
coast is scheduled to have its buying and<br />
booking handled by Pete Dawson's United<br />
Booking Service of Miami. The grand opening<br />
of the 570-seater is set for Wednesday<br />
(26). Buck Pruitt is the house manager.<br />
630 9th AVENUE<br />
M£W YORK .<br />
JU2 2880<br />
I00?&<br />
365 Park St. Jocksonville, Flo.<br />
WOMPI news—Mary Hart, president, reports<br />
the cross-stitch quilt which the entire<br />
club has been making in weekly sewing bees<br />
will be raffled off at the international convention<br />
in New Orleans September 15-17.<br />
Shirle> Gordon, secretary to Carroll Ogburn.<br />
Warner Bros, branch manager, left<br />
on a spring vacation to south Florida, with<br />
plans to fly over to Jamaica for a few days.<br />
Art Castner, manager of the Edgewood<br />
Theatre, now playing "The Sound of Music"<br />
in its fourth month, announced he soon<br />
would open the first north Florida run of<br />
"A Man for All Seasons."<br />
Howard Palmer, manager of Kent Theatres'<br />
Plaza, sneaked "Barefoot in the<br />
Park," a Paramount release, and the showing<br />
resulted in some high praise from Bob<br />
Pate, Jacksonville Journal film reviewer.<br />
Opening first run here were "A Countess<br />
From Hong Kong" at FST's downtown Center,<br />
"Penelope" at Kent's suburban Plaza,<br />
"The Cool Ones" at Meiselman's Fox and<br />
Midway drive-ins and the first downtown<br />
run of "Georgy Girl" at the Florida.<br />
AlLAHl<br />
k<br />
(Continued from preceding page)<br />
projectionist and member of lATSE Local<br />
225, is recuperating from major surgery.<br />
WOMPI president Louise Bramblett also<br />
has made reservations for the convention.<br />
Christopher Manos, general manager of<br />
the Municipal Theatre, which annually presents<br />
six musical comedies in the Chastain<br />
Memorial Park Amphitheatre, plans to depart<br />
from bringing in a resident director for<br />
all the shows and engage six different ones<br />
this season. Eric Mattson, who created the<br />
role of Mr. Snow in the Broadway production<br />
of "Carrousel" and who has several<br />
film credits, will continue as producer.<br />
"Hombre" (20th-Fox) was the only new<br />
picture opening here. It bowed Friday (14)<br />
at Wilby-Kincey's 4,000-seat Fox, succeeding<br />
Warner Bros.' "Hotel." The Festival<br />
Cinema is bringing back "To Die in Ma-<br />
Can be dropped or thrown from Car Windows on to solid concrete 100 or more<br />
times without causing Cone/ Mechanism to go Dead or OFF-tone. Low cost<br />
'break-a-way' Hanger Arm (easily replaced in field) minimizes damage to Speaker<br />
Case when run over.<br />
Also repair parts for other makes, cords, theft resistant cables, volume controls.<br />
New Cone/ Mechanisms, etc., etc. Factory re-manufacturing of your old<br />
(Speokers — Junction Heads — Ports)<br />
Rt 1, Box 561—Golden, Colo.<br />
drid," the documentary study of the Spanish<br />
Civil War, as part of its spring film series. :<br />
Bert Parks was here to take part in the<br />
centennial celebration of the Temple, climaxed<br />
with a program "The Joy of Sharing,"<br />
followed by a reception. A special<br />
"Moods in Jewish Music" program was presented.<br />
Allen's Meadway Co.<br />
To Make 'Cromwell'<br />
From Western Edition<br />
HOLLYWOOD — Irving Allen has acquired<br />
John Buchan's biographical "Cromwell"<br />
and a completed script by Jack Briley<br />
marking the initial projected film on the life<br />
of the great figure in British history.<br />
Simultaneously, Allen, whose independ<br />
ent Meadway Films headquartered at Columbia<br />
Studios where he is producing th^<br />
Dean Martin starrer "The Ambushers," announced<br />
far-reaching plans to utilize the.<br />
noted Royal Shakespeare Co. of England i<br />
the production.<br />
Allen's negotiations with the Royal<br />
Shakespeare Co. involves Peter Hall to di<br />
rect the film, and either Richard Burton or<br />
Albert Finney to play the title role. Paul<br />
Scofield would essay the role of Charles I,<br />
with various other actor-members of the<br />
English theatre organization to take on all<br />
the major and featured roles.<br />
Allen is planning on distributing "Cromwell"<br />
through Columbia Pictures, continuing<br />
an association with the company he<br />
started in 1951.<br />
"Cromwell" will start later this year, following<br />
completion of "The Ambushers," the<br />
third in the "Matt Helm" films Allen has<br />
made for Columbia.<br />
Motion Picture Pensions<br />
Now Provide for Spouse<br />
From Western Edition<br />
HOLLYWOOD—In one of the most significant<br />
developments in the 15-year existence<br />
of the Motion Picture Industry Pension<br />
Plan, the directors announced an amendment<br />
to the plan to provide that the spouse<br />
or minor children of a qualified participant<br />
shall receive payment of $100 a month up<br />
to ten years in the event participant dies<br />
before retirement.<br />
In the amendment, a qualified active participant<br />
is defined as one who worked in the<br />
industry at least 20 years and at least 20,000<br />
hours after Jan. 1, 1937, has not been terminated<br />
from the plan for failure to work<br />
200 hours in each of two consecutive years,<br />
has not withdrawn his individual contributions,<br />
has not previously retired under any<br />
provision of the plan, including disability<br />
and one dies after June 30, 1966.<br />
Undergoing Remodeling<br />
VERSAILLES, KY. — Read Miller of!<br />
Versailles and Dan Kreuger of Danville<br />
have leased the old Bacon Theatre and will<br />
operate it under the Versailles Cinema Corp.<br />
The house is being completely remodeled,<br />
with the reopening expected around May<br />
15.<br />
!<br />
SE-6<br />
BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 19671<br />
]<br />
'<br />
First New Hampshire<br />
Shop Center Twin<br />
From New England Edition<br />
BEDFORD, N.H. — The Twin Cinema<br />
Theatre, with 11,000 square feet of area and<br />
ample parking faciUties, will be included in<br />
another multimillion-dollar development<br />
that will make the Jordan Marsh-Sheraton-<br />
Wayfarer complex here the largest shopping<br />
center in New Hampshire, if not the largest<br />
in New England.<br />
Plans for the huge project have been announced<br />
by the Dunfey family, which operates<br />
hotels and other business enterprises in<br />
northern New England.<br />
John P. Dunfey, spokesman for the family,<br />
said it would be a twofold $3,000,000<br />
development on a tract of some 30 acres of<br />
land, with an L-shaped Bedford Plaza, east<br />
of Route 3 and Bedford Mall on the west<br />
end of Meetinghouse Road.<br />
The Twin Cinema of Interstate Theatres<br />
will be located in the mall and will be the<br />
first indoor twins in New Hampshire.<br />
The new development, scheduled to be<br />
completed within a year to a year and a<br />
half, is expected to increase the value of<br />
Ihe complex to more than $11,000,000.<br />
The developer of the plaza and mall will<br />
be Leatherbee & Co. of Brookline, Mass.<br />
Jerry Gershwin and Elliott Kastner are<br />
producing "The Chill" for Warner Bros.<br />
MIAMI<br />
Qeorge Bourke, Miami Herald columnist,<br />
wrote that novels apparently are the<br />
preferred source of filmmakers. He said 12<br />
of the pictures nominated for Academy A-<br />
wards this time were based on books and 1 3<br />
feature films playing in Miami originated<br />
from novels. Walt Disney Productions has<br />
long believed that presold books make the<br />
best films, he added.<br />
"Tony Rome," starring Frank Sinatra<br />
and Jill St. John, began production last<br />
week. The 20th-Fox release is set for a 48-<br />
day shooting schedule here at 65 locations.<br />
Aaron Rosenberg is the producer and Gordon<br />
Douglas the director.<br />
"Ulysses," which did so well last month<br />
in a three-day run, has reopened at the<br />
Roosevelt on Miami Beach at the same high<br />
admission price of $5 . . . "Casino Royale."<br />
the new James Bonder from Columbia Pictures,<br />
is scheduled to open Wednesday (26)<br />
at ten theatres and drive-ins in greater Miami.<br />
The Miami Variety Club, according to<br />
Miami Herald columnist Jack Bell, is leading<br />
in the Sir Billy Butlin incentive drive,<br />
with the first prize $50,000. The campaign<br />
closed Saturday (1) and Tent 33 was "tops"<br />
followed by Baltimore and San Francisco<br />
(tied for second) and Philadelphia, wrote<br />
Bell, a former Tent 33 chief barker. Last<br />
year, the Buffalo and Los Angeles tents<br />
shared first prize. This year's winner will be<br />
announced at Variety Clubs international<br />
convention May 14-19 in Mexico City.<br />
"The Dirty Dozen," an MGM release, has<br />
been set for an exclusive showing at Wometco's<br />
Miracle and I63rd Street theatres June<br />
30, according to a newspaper announcement.<br />
Jimmie Brown, the former Cleveland<br />
Browns football great, teams with lee Marvin<br />
and Charles Bronson in the picture,<br />
scheduled for a five-week run by Wometco.<br />
Jacliie Cleason, it was reported, will speed<br />
up his participation in his next season's television<br />
show so he will be free by December<br />
30 for filmmaking. He is expected to make<br />
several movies in the Miami area.<br />
College Film Series<br />
From New England Edition<br />
NEW BRITAIN — Central<br />
Connecticut<br />
State College is running a series of film classics.<br />
Translation for Paleface:<br />
"Don't waste time with old-fashioned<br />
way sending message. BEST way to<br />
SELL used equipment, find HELP, SELL<br />
or BUY theatres, is with<br />
You get year-round service/'<br />
RATES: 20e per word, minimum $2.00, cosh with copy. Four eonseeutiv* insertion! for price of thn<br />
825 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 64124<br />
Please insert the following ad times in the CLEARING HOUSE<br />
Clossificotlon<br />
Enclosed is check or money order for $ (BImd adt 12< extra)<br />
jOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967 SE-7
1965 by The New York Times Co. Reprinted by pormlBslon,<br />
^^mm^<br />
It takes a good education, to get a good job today<br />
As a businessman, you know what it takes to get ahead<br />
in today's industry. But most young people don't.<br />
Of all those who will enter the labor force by<br />
1970, 7.5 million will not have completed high<br />
school. It's a big problem for our country. A<br />
real problem for our economy . . . and for<br />
industry, too.<br />
What can you do about it?<br />
Plenty ! In your own community, make it your<br />
business to show how important a good education<br />
is in business today. Talk about it.<br />
Write about it. Urge your business and civic<br />
organizations to cooperate.<br />
Convincing young people of the value of get-<br />
ting all the education and training they can is<br />
not only good for your community, it's good<br />
for your business, too. After all, the quality of<br />
your future employees depends a lot on their<br />
education. Even your present employees can<br />
benefit greatly by up-grading their skills<br />
through on-the-job training or night school.<br />
For more information on how you can help<br />
solve the continuing education problem in<br />
your community, write : The Advertising<br />
Council, 25 West 45th Street, New York, New<br />
York 10036.<br />
s<br />
^I^*<br />
g<br />
%QiEja^<br />
Published as a public service<br />
in cooperation with The Advertising Council<br />
it<br />
SE-8<br />
BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 196' .1
I<br />
^<br />
heatre,<br />
. . Jim<br />
New Texas Bill Would Place Films<br />
Under Obscenity Code Regulation<br />
"CHIEF" CORWIN—During the<br />
recent convention of the United Theatre<br />
Owners of Oklahoma and the Panhandle<br />
of Texas at the Sheraton Hotel<br />
in Oklahoma City, an Indian headdress<br />
was presented to Sherrill<br />
C. Corwin,<br />
president of the National Ass'n of<br />
Theatre Owners, making him an honorary<br />
chief of the Kiowa tribe. Shown<br />
left, making the presentation to Corwin,<br />
is Blue Hale, a Kiowa whose English<br />
name is Dixie Palmer. The photo was<br />
taken by J. Eldon Peek, Oklahoma Theatre<br />
Supply, Oklahoma City.<br />
^illiam Friedkin, director of "Good<br />
. . Sonny<br />
Times," said his next movie with Sonny<br />
ind Cher will be called "Ignatz" .<br />
ind Cher arrived at the International Airsort<br />
on Sunday (9) at 6:45 p.m. on a statevide<br />
promotional visit in behalf of their<br />
.'irst film. "Good Times."<br />
A 1967 Mustang convertible is the prize<br />
n the Sonny and Cher "Good Times" Fam-<br />
)us Movie Teams Identification Contest<br />
leing conducted by the Houston Chronicle.<br />
Contestants must correctly identify eight<br />
'amous movie teams whose picture will<br />
ap-<br />
Jear in the Chronicle during eight<br />
lays and write an appropriate fifth line for<br />
:ach stanza of a jingle printed each day.<br />
;rhe contest is open to all Texas residents.<br />
[Vo alternate prize is being offered. In case<br />
;)f ties, a suitable identical tie-breaker<br />
vill be mailed to each tying contestant for<br />
completion. The contest will close May 15.<br />
The Houston Post also conducted a con-<br />
|est in conjunction with the presentation at<br />
1 local theatres of "Good Times." Contest-<br />
."<br />
. . The winner had lunch<br />
ints were asked to write in 25 words or less<br />
'I'd like to have lunch with Sonny and<br />
Cher because<br />
vith the folk singers at Brennan's during<br />
iheir stop here.<br />
I Actress Barbara Rush flew in Tuesday<br />
11) to plug her movie, "Hombre," which<br />
I'pened at the Cinema I and II April 13 . . .<br />
play Fluker screened "Blow-Up" Wednes-<br />
;lay at the Delman. It is next on the agenda<br />
[here—but "Georgy Girl" is still big at the<br />
lioxoffice ... Pat Boone slipped through the<br />
jity of Houston quietly. He spent the day at<br />
Austin, assistant<br />
ihe Warwick Hotel .<br />
eneral manager of the Houston Music<br />
spends his weekends working in<br />
j^huck Connor's movie, "Something Worth<br />
jlemembering."<br />
AUSTIN, TEX.—Testimony was heard<br />
by the Texas House of Representatives<br />
criminal jurisprudence committee on four<br />
bills aimed at tightening obscenity laws by<br />
increasing fines for sale and distribution.<br />
One of the main bills (HB 1140), by San<br />
Antonio Rep. Lamoine Holland, proposes to<br />
increase maximum fine from $1,000 to<br />
$2,000 and increase the penalty for sale of<br />
obscene material to a minor from $2,500<br />
to $4,500.<br />
Motion picture theatres and newspapers,<br />
which are presently exempt from Texas<br />
obscenity laws, would be brought by Holland's<br />
bill under the Texas statutes pertaining<br />
to obscene literature.<br />
Criticism of Holland's bill came from<br />
Texas theatre groups, including Texas<br />
COMPO and the Texas Drive-In Theatre<br />
Owners Ass'n, who objected to having<br />
movies included under obscenity laws.<br />
Edwin Tobolowsky of Dallas, counsel for<br />
the TDITOA, argued that present laws<br />
regulating interstate travel of obscene matter<br />
and the National Council of Motion Picture's<br />
"seal of approval" practice is "ample<br />
regulation to keep obscene movies out of<br />
Texas."<br />
Tobolowsky argued: "Who's going to<br />
judge what is obscene? Gentlemen, censorship<br />
of the kind advocated here reflects a<br />
society's lack of confidence in itself."<br />
He said that "present law allows the motion<br />
picture industry to operate out from<br />
under the unobtrusive thumb of police officers."<br />
Tobolowsky stated that the present<br />
obscenity law "already gives the right to<br />
prosecute in obscenity cases. I believe we<br />
can't substitute legislation for parental control<br />
and religious guidance."<br />
Jack Staeey, assistant city attorney of<br />
Dallas, said he was not opposing control of<br />
Southwestern Theatre Equipment Co., Inc.<br />
CAPITOL 2-9461<br />
1702 Rusk Ave. Houston 2, Texos<br />
"We Appreciate Your Business"<br />
Your Complete Equipment and Supply<br />
BIG<br />
House<br />
WITH<br />
FREE!<br />
Sampkis of QUICK MIX<br />
dry flavor concentrates<br />
with each machine.<br />
obscenity but that the bills would destroy a<br />
Dallas city ordinance which is effectively<br />
controlling standards for movies shown to<br />
children.<br />
The four bills were referred to a subcommittee<br />
for further study.<br />
Cleary, Sperdakos Named<br />
From Canadian Edition<br />
MONTREAL— United<br />
Amusement-Consolidated<br />
Theatres have named Tom Cleary<br />
general manager of the central district and<br />
John C. Sperdakos advertising and publicity<br />
director of Montreal and district.<br />
The New 1967 REED<br />
DRIVE-IN<br />
Can be dropped or thrown from Car<br />
Windows on to solid concrete 100 or<br />
more times without causing Cone/<br />
Mechanism to go Dead or OFF-tone.<br />
Low Cost 'break-a-way' Hanger Arm<br />
(easily replaced in field) minimizes<br />
damage to Speaker Case when run over.<br />
Also repair parts for other makes, cords,<br />
theft resistant cables, volume controls,<br />
New Cone / Mechanisms, etc., etc. Factory<br />
re-manufacturing of your old<br />
Cone/ Mechanisms.<br />
(Speokcrs — Junction Heads — Ports)<br />
Rt. 1, Box 561—Golden, Colo.<br />
f^<br />
WRITE — PHONE — NOW:<br />
CO.<br />
HA 8-5584<br />
Fair Park Station, Box 264)0, Dallas, Texas<br />
;JOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967 SW-1
1<br />
Dallas Filmrow Fish Fry-1945<br />
Last week «e prinled this photo of the Dallas Filmrow gang enjoying a fish<br />
fry on the night of Jan. 22, 1945, and asked how many of the 13 men seated at the<br />
table >ou could identif). Here's the promised reprint of the picture—this time<br />
with the identifications. Starting at the left: Duke Clark; Truman Hendrix; Ben<br />
Ferguson; Frank Rule, with United Artists in Oklahoma City; Bob Davis, owner,<br />
Perrin Drive-In, Sherman; Sebc Miller, sales manager, Buena Vista; Walter Weins;<br />
Fred Lamed; Jack Cole, Cole Theatres, Rosenburg; Brandon Doak, buyer and<br />
booker for Stanley Warner; Elmer Lindsay; John Daumeyer, now in Cincinnati;<br />
Heywood Simmons, Heywood Simmons Booking Agency. Standing is the owner<br />
of the cafe.<br />
DALLAS<br />
Heme Pictures is now a corporation and<br />
the name has been changed to Acme<br />
Film Distributors. The company has been<br />
enjoying outstanding<br />
success with "The<br />
Endless Summer" in<br />
this trade territory and<br />
more good business is<br />
expected from "Acci-<br />
^ dent," which will be<br />
^'^^^^ Acme's midsummer<br />
Tj^^^^B release. James T. Gal-<br />
^'^^^^^ higher jr.. who has<br />
B^^^^l<br />
J. T. Gallagher jr.<br />
joined Acme vicepresident<br />
and general<br />
manager, is a native<br />
of Dallas. He attended North Texas State<br />
University in Denton and Southern Methodist<br />
University in Dallas, then served as<br />
Projection Equipment Repaired<br />
Expert Mechanics—Work Guoranteed<br />
Replacement Parts For—BRENKERT-<br />
We buy, sell, trade, repair all makes<br />
LOU WALTERS Sales & Service Co.<br />
4207 Lawnview Ave., Dollas 27, Texas<br />
credit manager for the Fed-Mart Corp. and<br />
also had three years in public relations work<br />
for the Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. here.<br />
Gallagher also has had experience in theatre<br />
management.<br />
Jimmy Skinner of Modern Sales & Service<br />
attended the world premiere of Sonny<br />
and Cher's "Good Times" in Austin . . .<br />
Terry Gray and W. D. McCary of San<br />
Antonio were in San Marcos to install completely<br />
new 35mm projection equipment,<br />
replacing the 16mm projectors used by the<br />
Job Corps in San Marcos.<br />
It was old home week in Dallas when Bob<br />
Mann came back. Now with General Cinema<br />
as manager of the Park Plaza in Arlington,<br />
he was formerly with 20th Century-Fox<br />
and Columbia here. Then he joined Statewide<br />
Drive-In Theatres in San Antonio. We<br />
welcome Bob back to this area and wish him<br />
well.<br />
Lou Walters of Lou Walters Sales & Service<br />
returned to Dallas briefly after a buying<br />
trip to Oklahoma, then planned to be off<br />
for Indianapolis and Cincinnati. It keeps<br />
Lou on the hop buying sufficient equipment<br />
to complete the many orders he receives<br />
not only from Texas exhibitors but<br />
from foreign areas, too. He now has orders<br />
for rebuilt and refurbished equipment from<br />
San Antonio to Mexico and even from Thai-<br />
land. Lou recently installed an infra-red<br />
oven which pLits a new wrinkle finish to<br />
equipment, making it look like new. To Lou,<br />
the oddest thing is the fact that he's still<br />
grinding sprockets. He shudders to think<br />
how many he has ground, as he says he<br />
quit counting when he reached 50,000. Lou<br />
will celebrate his 68th birthday May 8 and<br />
he's still going strong. In November he will<br />
have been in this business 56 years— quite<br />
a record, we'd say.<br />
fjollywood screen star Barbara Rush received<br />
the Chamber of Commerce red<br />
carpet treatment on her arrival at the international<br />
airport at 9:27 p.m. Thursday (13).<br />
Miss Rush spent Friday in press, radio and<br />
TV interviews relating to "Hombre," the<br />
movie in which she co-stars with Paul Newman.<br />
Frederic March, Richard Boone,<br />
Diane Cilento, Cameron Mitchell and Martin<br />
Balsam. The picture opens at Cinema I<br />
in North Star Mall, managed by Ted Waggoner<br />
for General Cinema Corp., May 19.<br />
KONO-Radio presented the South Texas<br />
premiere showing of "Good Times" with<br />
Sonny and Cher Thursday (13) at the Texas<br />
Theatre. All of the KONO disc jockeys were<br />
on hand to meet their fans. Tickets were<br />
sold for $1.50 each for all seats, only the<br />
capacity of the theatre being sold.<br />
Janis Paige, Hollywood screen star, was<br />
due in yesterday (16) at 3:30 p.m. to remain<br />
through Monday for a publicity tour for<br />
"Welcome to Hard Times," a western<br />
comedy. Miss Paige will ride a float in the<br />
River Parade Monday night, which heralds<br />
the opening of the week long Fiesta celebration.<br />
James Williams has been named assistant<br />
manager of the Aztec. He began his show<br />
the Woodlawn Theatre in<br />
business career at<br />
March 1968 and worked there until June<br />
1962. Williams attended San Antonio College<br />
from 1962 until 1963 and then enlisted<br />
in the Marine Corps Reserve Training program<br />
for six months of active duty. He<br />
recently returned to show business by helping<br />
out Herman Sollock, then manager of<br />
the Woodlawn Theatre, during the roadshow<br />
engagement of "Doctor Zhivago."<br />
David O. Stoffle, manager of the suburban<br />
Josephine, has announced that major<br />
improvements have been completed at the<br />
Josephine with the installation of a new<br />
widescreen, new carpeting and repainting of<br />
the interior of the auditorium. A major<br />
portion of the auditorium seats have been<br />
re-covered.<br />
MODERN SALES &L SERVICE^ INC. 2200 Young St. Oallas Rl 7-3191<br />
SW.2 BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 19671
"<br />
"<br />
is<br />
prospecting<br />
for<br />
Box Office<br />
Gold this<br />
Summer!<br />
Released by<br />
Beverly Hills, Calif.<br />
CALL<br />
213-273-8572<br />
Filmed in actual<br />
locations in the<br />
Spectacular<br />
Grand Canyon!<br />
Color<br />
by DELUXE ><br />
or<br />
20131 2 YOUNG ST. (DALLAS)<br />
Rl 8-8342<br />
^ National Tie-in with Rand McNally, Publishers<br />
of the Prize Best Selling Book<br />
^ Original Theme Song on a Single Record,<br />
"Bright Angel" plus Sound Track Album<br />
^ Special Teaser Trailer Hailing "Brighty" as<br />
New Champof Family Film Fare<br />
^ Free Color TV Spots and Hard Sell Radio Promo Discs<br />
^ Free Round Trip Vacations to the Grand Canyon<br />
via the Santa Fe Railroad<br />
^ Live Appearances of Burro Used in Film at Your<br />
Theatres, Shopping Centers, etc.<br />
^ Merchandising of "Brighty" Toys, Games, etc.<br />
JlOXOFFICE ;: April 17, 1967 SW-3
Your correspondent had a<br />
couple of upper<br />
jaw teeth yanked out Friday (7) and,<br />
if this column isn't up to par this vveeiv, you<br />
can hlame our dentist.<br />
Ralph Bellamy of movie and TV acting<br />
fame is sclieduled to appear here Saturday<br />
(22) at an appreciation dinner for Stanley<br />
C. Draper, who is known as "Mr. Oklahoma<br />
City Chamber of Commerce." in the Persian<br />
Room at the Skirvin Tower Hotel. The<br />
dinner will feature a dramatic presentation<br />
of Drapers philosophy, dreams, goals and<br />
accomplishments and Bellamy will be the<br />
narrator.<br />
A recent issue of The Oklahoma Courier.<br />
a Roman Catholic publication, carried<br />
movie ratings by the National Catholic Office<br />
for Motion Pictures. Here are some of<br />
the ratings on pictures currently showing or<br />
recently on screens in Tulsa and Oklahoma<br />
City: A-II (Morally unobjectionable for<br />
your complete<br />
equipment house<br />
for SUPPLIES<br />
628 W. Grand Oklahoma City<br />
SW-4.<br />
Phone: CE 6-8691<br />
Standord<br />
Medal<br />
adults and adolescents) — "In Like Flint,"<br />
"How to Succeed in Business Without<br />
Really Trying" and "The Wrong Box." A-I<br />
(morally unobjectionable for general patronage<br />
— "Bullwhip Griffin" and "Gambit."<br />
"The Pawnbroker," a Landau film distributed<br />
in Oklahoma by Screen Guild Productions,<br />
was classified A-IIl (morally unobjectionable<br />
for adults). Watch this column<br />
for future NCO ratings.<br />
In making a sales trip to southeastern<br />
Oklahoma recently, we heard a variety of<br />
opinions and discussions as to the effect<br />
daylight saving time will have on drive-in<br />
theatres, which we presume will be far more<br />
affected by fast time than indoor theatres.<br />
John Thompson, who operates the Thompson<br />
Theatre in Atoka and who also has the<br />
Choctaw Drive-ln, has decided against<br />
opening the airer this season. He says that<br />
what he could lose at the drive-in under fast<br />
time would just about wipe out the profits<br />
he expects to make on the hardtop operation.<br />
Others are watching and waiting. Some<br />
who have been running fulltime may cut to<br />
weekend playing times. Others plan to<br />
schedule full-time weeks to start but may<br />
have to cut back. Some exhibitors who have<br />
been playing three features on Saturday<br />
definitely will cut to two films; some accustomed<br />
to showing double features may<br />
have to cut to a single picture. We'll also<br />
wait and see what happens—and won't<br />
have to wait long as the time for moving<br />
the clock is fast approaching.<br />
In Antlers, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jobe<br />
MONTAY<br />
continue to operate the Kay, formerly the<br />
Cooper. They plan, if business will justify it,<br />
to add one more show each Tuesday night<br />
after school is out for the summer. At present<br />
the Cooper is open only on a Sunday-<br />
Monday, Thursday-Friday-Saturday basis.<br />
For each Cooper show, its monthly calendar<br />
bears the name of someone in the community<br />
who receives a pass for that night.<br />
The promotion has helped a lot in interesting<br />
people who probably would not otherwise<br />
have attended the theatre. Back in January,<br />
the Jobes rented the Cooper for four<br />
The Montay Standard Speaker has earned its<br />
reputation for quality by providing many years<br />
of dependable service.<br />
The Montay Re-Entry Speaker gives unrivaled<br />
protection from damage by vandalism and<br />
weather w/hile delivering new and surprisingly<br />
clear<br />
sound Qualities.<br />
Rugged Die Cast Aluminum—Exceptionally Low In<br />
Price<br />
MONTAY CO.-PO box 21-Cuthbert, Ga.-Tel. 732-2501 Area Code 912<br />
days (Monday-Thursday) to parties who ran<br />
the Billy Graham film, "The Restless<br />
Years." The sponsors sold 1,039 tickets in<br />
those four days and, of course, the concessions<br />
stand did excellent business.<br />
Leon Kidwell, who operates theatres in<br />
Allen. Stonewall and Konawa, recently remodeled<br />
his Allen Majestic. He revamped<br />
the lobby, closing it from the street and<br />
moved his boxoffice back out front, after<br />
it had been located for a while at the rear<br />
of the lobby. Leon and his wife Lillian had<br />
to take back their cafe, which they thought<br />
had been sold once and for all, but the new<br />
owner failed to make a go of it. Operating<br />
theatres in the three towns and with the<br />
cafe and a variety store in Allen, they are<br />
quite busy but they manage to come to<br />
Oklahoma City often to see their daughter<br />
and granddaughter—we really think it's the<br />
granddaughter who draws them to Oklahoma<br />
City so often.<br />
|<br />
find John Thompson at the Thompson The-<br />
When we arrived in Atoka, we couldn't<br />
atre. As it was near noon, we decided to<br />
go out to a pleasant hilltop north of town<br />
and eat lunch and there, ahead of us having<br />
lunch, were John and his wife and<br />
John's parents Mr. and Mrs. Glen D.<br />
Thompson, who reside here in Oklahoma<br />
City. We had not seen the elder Thompsons<br />
for a long time and it was a great pleasure<br />
to visit with them.<br />
The Thompson circuit, of which Glen<br />
was general manager, consisted of theatres<br />
in Healdton, Wilson, Walters, Atoka, Tonkawa,<br />
Britton, Lindsay, Tishomingo and<br />
Wagoner. Glen has been retired several<br />
years but in all he put in around 50 years<br />
in exhibition, starting in Healdton about<br />
1911. The theatres and drive-ins in Healdton,<br />
Lindsay, Wilson and Walters were<br />
turned over to son R. O. "Dick" Thompson,<br />
who since has closed the theatre in Wilson.<br />
The Atoka, Tishomingo and Tonkawa situations<br />
were turned over to son John. The<br />
Tonkawa Theatre has been sold; the Tishomingo<br />
house is closed and for sale. Britton<br />
and Wagoner operations were turned over<br />
to Glen Thompson jr., who evidently did<br />
not like show business, as both the Wagoner<br />
and Britton theatres have been dismantled.<br />
We are happy to report that Nina Milner.<br />
Screen Guild Productions cashier, has<br />
returned home after four weeks in an Oklahoma<br />
City hospital. She's well on her way<br />
to recovery and should be back at her desk<br />
very soon.<br />
Exhibitors on Filmrow recently: Woodie<br />
Sylvester, Tech and 40 West Drive-In,<br />
Weatherford; G. N. Funk, American, Guymon,<br />
on one of his infrequent trips to Oklahoma<br />
City; O. K. Kemp and son Jerry, Victory,<br />
Poteau; Jimmy Leonard, H&S, Chandler;<br />
V. E. Hamm, Mount Scott and Han-<br />
Lawton; G. E. Ortman, Ortman, Hen-<br />
kins,<br />
nessey. Al Wolf, Acme Pictures, Dallas, also<br />
was a Filmrow visitor.<br />
Janice Rule will play a shapely secret<br />
agent in Columbia's "The Ambushers."<br />
BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967
1 Cooper<br />
!<br />
Gopher—<br />
I<br />
Lyric—<br />
I<br />
i<br />
;<br />
(MGM),<br />
i<br />
World—How<br />
(Zenith)<br />
—<br />
—<br />
—<br />
—<br />
—<br />
'Music' Rounds Out<br />
2nd Year in Omaha<br />
OMAHA — Grosses continued to hold<br />
strong at the Dundee Theatre where "The<br />
Sound of Music" wound up its second year<br />
and marked up its 1,172nd performance.<br />
City manager Jack Klingel of the Cooper<br />
Foundation Theatres said that receipts are<br />
holding up so well that it's difficult to guess<br />
just how much longer the big musical will<br />
continue on the Dundee screen. Also still<br />
going strong was "Doctor Zhivago," which<br />
finished its 52nd week at the Cooper Theatre.<br />
All grosses were average or better and<br />
"In Like Flint" looked good in its second<br />
week at the Omaha.<br />
(Average Is 100)<br />
Admiral Oh Dad, Poor Dad (Poro) 100<br />
Cooper Doctor Zhivogo (MGM), 52nd wk 160<br />
Dundee Tlie Sound of Music<br />
(20th-Fox), 1 04th wk 1 50<br />
Indian Hills The Bible (20th-Fox), 15th wk 190<br />
Omaha In Like Flint (20th-Fox), 2nd wk 155<br />
Orpheum The 2Sth Hour (MGM) 95<br />
State— Bullwhip GriHin (BV), 3rd wk 100<br />
"Grand Prix' 300 "Hawaii'<br />
200 in Minneapolis Slowdown<br />
MINNEAPOLIS — Spring fever hit the<br />
boxoffice as the first real break weatherwise<br />
after an extended winter sent hordes in pursuit<br />
of outdoor activities. Grosses melted<br />
along with the final vestiges of blizzardy<br />
days; though recent barometer reports have<br />
been dominated by readings in the 200 and<br />
300 brackets, there were only one of each<br />
this time around. "Grand Prix" continued<br />
to sizzle at the Cooper Cinerama and<br />
"Hawaii" was pulling 'em in at the Academy.<br />
"Hurry Sundown" continued robust<br />
and earned a further extension of its holdover<br />
run. But generally, somewhat of a<br />
"lull" or "pause" was reported after a brisk<br />
winter season.<br />
Academy Hawoii (UA), 8th wk 200<br />
\<br />
Cinema II, Uptown A Man and a Woman (AA),<br />
6th wk 160<br />
Cinerama Grand Prix (MGM), 9th wk 300<br />
In Like Flint (20th-Fox), 3rd wk 125<br />
Hotel (WB), 2nd wk 100<br />
Mann—The Sand Pebbles (20th-Fox), 6th wk 175<br />
Orpheum Hurry Sundown (Para), 4th wk 130<br />
Pork Cinerama The Bible (20th-Fox), 24th wk. ... 1 85<br />
State Doctor, You've Got to Be Kidding!<br />
2nd wk 125<br />
•<br />
Suburban World Galia 110<br />
to Succeed (UA), 3rd wk 120<br />
Jacksonville Women's Club<br />
Seeking Opinions on Films<br />
From Southeast Edition<br />
William Jenkins,<br />
president of the Gateway Woman's<br />
Club, has taken an active lead in the "Movies<br />
and You" project of the Motion Picture<br />
Ass'n of America. She and fellow clubwomen<br />
are going to high schools to find out<br />
what pupils seek in motion picture entertainment.<br />
A questionnaire developed by the clubwomen<br />
has received school board approval<br />
and is being distributed to pupils for appraisal.<br />
"We hope to effect guideship by parents,<br />
pupils and theatre owners, not government<br />
censorship," said a spokesman for the woman's<br />
group. The information will be compiled<br />
here and results sent to the Motion<br />
Picture Ass'n.<br />
gomeone once said, "All work and no play,<br />
won't help you keep the doctor away,"<br />
and Johnny Roche, manager of Prudential's<br />
Southgate Theatre, found that out the hard<br />
way. Like scores of aggressive showmen,<br />
who found out too late, the idea is to know<br />
when to let up on the fast pace. Roche will<br />
have plenty of time now to think it over,<br />
since he's at Nicolet Hospital, suffering a<br />
mild heart attack. He said: "They're going<br />
to keep me out of circulation for a few<br />
weeks, but the funny part of it is that 1 feel<br />
fine." He had just completed a follow-up<br />
promotion on "Grand Prix," and was in the<br />
midst of further exploitation when stricken.<br />
Lee Rothman, Variety Club chief barker<br />
and assistant general manager of radio station<br />
WRIT, "sounds off" in a new-approach<br />
newsletter to bring members up to date on<br />
Items may be sent to Ed Dittlof at<br />
activities.<br />
462-6666 or Jerry Levy at 543-1116. Current<br />
projects under discussion are: A telethon,<br />
an epi-hab (workshop), annual awards<br />
for theatre groups, Vince Lombardi (Green<br />
Bay Packers coach) king-for-a-day luncheon<br />
and the premiere of "Thoroughly Modern<br />
Millie."<br />
New Variety Club members are Russell<br />
Zehetner of Milwaukee Sound Service;<br />
Edward Stroller, United Artists branch manager;<br />
C. David Cline, Capitol Records; Jack<br />
Eckhardt, 20th Century-Fox, and Clifford<br />
Burmek, booking agent.<br />
Members of the Better Films Council<br />
Nebraska Bill Would<br />
Tax All Admissions<br />
LINCOLN — Nebraska's first sales-income<br />
tax bill includes a IVi per cent tax on<br />
all admission tickets. The measure was<br />
scheduled for final vote Friday (14), in time,<br />
says Gov. Norbert Tiemann, to go into<br />
effect May 1.<br />
The bill did not include an admission tax<br />
until Friday (7), when this, along with a $6<br />
to $7 food sales tax credit per person, was<br />
passed. In the same amendment action, the<br />
earlier film rental tax to exhibitors was<br />
lifted.<br />
Irwin<br />
Dubinsky, Nebraska Theatre Owners<br />
Ass'n president, said the admission tax<br />
is preferable to the industry since it can<br />
be passed on to the consumer of entertainment<br />
services. He doesn't anticipate much<br />
public resistance to the levy, since "there<br />
are few states today without a sales tax."<br />
Another bill, proposing a new state<br />
obscenity law, is being held up until it can<br />
be studied by the Nebraska Bar Ass'n. The<br />
bill, to replace the 1965 youth obscenity<br />
law. would present real problems for theatres<br />
in that it asks the separation of pictures<br />
not suitable for audience of up to hSyear-olds,<br />
said Dubinsky.<br />
Charles Thone, Nebraska NATO attorney,<br />
were guests ol Harold Janccky, general<br />
manager of Kohlberg Theatres, and "Bob"<br />
Brill, manager of the Point Theatre, Monday<br />
(3). where the group met for its monthly<br />
meeting. A screening of "Barefoot in the<br />
Park, " followed the business meeting. Next<br />
on the agenda is a champagne breakfast<br />
sponsored by Catherine Clark, president of<br />
Brownbcrry Ovens Bakery, at the Bar<br />
Ass'n's headquarters, followed by a screening<br />
of "Doctor, You've Got to Be Kidding!"<br />
with Joe Reynolds as host at the Towne<br />
Theatre.<br />
Stars in our midst: Red Buttons and<br />
conductor-composer Stan Kenton, entertained<br />
at a benefit dinner-dance in the Wisconsin<br />
Club for the benefit of the City of Hope.<br />
It was planned by the Milwaukee Executives<br />
Council. The fee: $100 a couple. "Andy"<br />
Spheeris, president of the Towne Theatre<br />
Corp, and radio station WEMP, heads the<br />
council.<br />
Also visiting Milwaukee was Rosemary<br />
De Camp. In the days of radio, she spent 17<br />
years with the "Dr. Christian" series, and<br />
has made about 50 movies. Gene Sheldon<br />
was the headline attraction at the annual<br />
Home Show. The baggy-pants banjo artist<br />
has been in show business for more than 40<br />
years. In his comments during an interview,<br />
Sheldon intimated that it is tougher to get<br />
into show business because of the lack of<br />
amateur programs. "Nowadays, it's the<br />
small nightclubs. They don't pay much, but<br />
many a star has broken in that way."<br />
asked the section dealing with motion pictures<br />
be cut. He pointed out "THE BIBLE<br />
... In the Beginning" contains scenes which<br />
violate what the bill prescribes as acceptable<br />
picture for young people.<br />
OMAHA<br />
Joe Jacobs, who retired seven months ago<br />
as branch manager after more than 30<br />
years with Columbia Pictures, and Sol Francis,<br />
who has been the Allied Artists representative<br />
here for years, have become associated.<br />
Their quarters are at 1524 Davenport.<br />
Jacobs said "A Man and a Woman"<br />
broke a 16-year house record at the Center<br />
Theatre for a five-week period, and the Saturday<br />
(I) attendance was the biggest in the<br />
history of the house.<br />
Spring spruce-up is taking place at two<br />
downtown theatres. The State has been repainted<br />
and a large sign is being updated.<br />
The Cooper Theatre is being repainted in<br />
the front.<br />
Art Sundc, Papillion exhibitor, has purchased<br />
a power boat and is hauling it down<br />
to his Arkansas farm . . . Walt Austin,<br />
Plainview exhibitor, has started his weekly<br />
Wednesday and Thursday fishing trips to<br />
Gavins Point Dam at Lewis and Clark<br />
Lake.<br />
(Continued on next page)<br />
|BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967 NC-1
. . . John<br />
;<br />
The trucking strike was being felt along<br />
Filmrow, with some exchanges reporting<br />
only "inconvenience" as the lockout got<br />
under way and others saying it already had<br />
created "serious headaches." Most companies<br />
were turning to buses to transport<br />
film and some employed rail services. Biggest<br />
problem: Films left on trucks as service<br />
was suspended. .Another woe was the growing<br />
number of films not picked up.<br />
Forrest Myers, Paramount exchange<br />
chief, pointed to "the great change that's<br />
taken place in our business—locally and<br />
nationally—during the past year." He referred<br />
to the fact that "Hurry Sundown" has<br />
run four weeks in both the Minneapolis and<br />
St. Paul Orpheum (both Mann houses) and<br />
still is robust. The Orpheums must move<br />
"Sundown" out because of an "Hombre"<br />
commitment, but the circuit is shifting the<br />
Otto Preminger picture to its World in<br />
Minneapolis and the Lyceum in St. Paul.<br />
Myers observed: "And "Hurry Sundown" is<br />
a 'C film. We haven't had a single complaint.<br />
A year ago this would have been<br />
unheard of."<br />
A footnote to the above item: For more<br />
than a month, the Norstar Theatre in heavily<br />
Catholic St. Paul, played the "C" rated<br />
"Blow-Up." In bygone years, any theatre<br />
playing a "C" film was itself placed on a<br />
forbidden or off-limits-to-Catholics list. But<br />
just a couple of weeks ago, an advance<br />
screening of "A Man for All Seasons" was<br />
held at the Norstar for local Roman Catholic<br />
nuns—and the theatre was packed.<br />
Leo Ross, veteran exhibitor and operator<br />
pod'ner, of upcoming westerns from their<br />
respective studios. Dean Lutz, 20th Century-<br />
WRITE-<br />
The Exhibitor Has His Say<br />
TO:<br />
BOXOFFICE. 825 Van Brunt Blvd.,<br />
TiUe<br />
Comment<br />
Days of Week Played<br />
Exhibitor<br />
NC-2<br />
Kansas City, Mo. 64124<br />
—<br />
of Ross Theatres, is dead. He started his<br />
career in Sauk Rapids, Minn., and in recent<br />
\ears made his home and his offices in St.<br />
Cloud. His circuit consists of 12 theatres<br />
three in St. Cloud (including the Cinema<br />
70): two in Austin, Minn.; three in Faribault:<br />
two in Wahpeton, N.D., and one each<br />
in Breckenridge and Hibbing, Minn.<br />
Ev Seibel, director of publicity for Minnesota<br />
Amusement Co., is vacationing in<br />
Hollywood— Hollywood, Fla., that is. He<br />
often has mentioned a yearning to travel to<br />
Europe. A MACOite, reporting around the<br />
office he had been in contact with Seibel,<br />
added: "They said the last they saw of him,<br />
he was out swimming in the Atlantic." "Migosh!"<br />
exclaimed the other, one of those to<br />
whom Seibel had talked about Europe.<br />
"Which way was he headed?"<br />
Ella Manley, executive secretary of the<br />
North Central Ass'n of Theatre Owners,<br />
caught her breath after the hubbub of the<br />
recent convention and reported happily that<br />
"everybody seemed to be pleased." It was<br />
an understatement. Exhibitors and others<br />
felt it was an excellent convention, several<br />
using the adjective "impressive." It was the<br />
best-attended such conclave in<br />
recent years.<br />
Al Calder, Columbia tub-thumper, is<br />
shifting from his "A Man for All Seasons"<br />
. . .<br />
campaign to a push for "Casino Royale"<br />
Helen Feigel, United Artists biller, is on<br />
a Los Angeles vacation.<br />
Two (b) ranch bosses are mighty proud,<br />
Fox, is tall in his saddle after rave reaction<br />
to "Hombre" in its early dates hereabouts.<br />
And Bob Malone, United Artists, let loose<br />
a "yippee" after eyeing "The Way West."<br />
Mrs. DeVore Gustafson of the Cokato<br />
Theatre in Cokato, Minn., is recuperating<br />
from an illness in Mt. Sinai hospital here . . .<br />
Milt Feinberg, National Screen Service<br />
general manager and vice-president, was a<br />
Company..<br />
Theatre<br />
Weather..<br />
— Right Now<br />
visitor here for the concluding sessions of i<br />
the NCATO convention.<br />
Paul Perrizo, exhibitor from southern<br />
Minnesota (the Strand Theatre in Blue<br />
Earth, Roxy in Winnebago), drew admiring<br />
and envious glances as he visited the Warners<br />
exchange offices direct from a sevenweek<br />
Arizona vacation.<br />
OMAHA<br />
(Continued from preceding page)<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Phil March returned fromi<br />
a vacation at Phoenix. Now March and his<br />
son Jack, exhibitors in eastern Nebraska,<br />
have started their golf competition at Wayne<br />
Irwin of the Avon Theatre at Elgin<br />
is busy painting his home.<br />
Ken Scholz, manager of the State Theatre,<br />
which had an Academy Award candidate<br />
booked on awards night, was in a<br />
quandary. He didn't want to miss an opportunity<br />
to publicize, but the situation looked<br />
dubious because of the strike. So he posted<br />
this big sign on the marquee: "Academy<br />
Award Telecast Monday, 9 p.m., on KETV<br />
— Maybe."<br />
Visitors to Filmrow included Nebraskans<br />
Don Johnson, Schuyler; Mr. and Mrs. Lo-;<br />
ton Todd, Lexington; Art Sunde, Papillion;;<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Griffin, Plattsmouth;<br />
John Casey, West Point; lowan Arnold<br />
Johnson, Onawa; South Dakotan Eskelj<br />
Lund, Viborg, and former Omahans Mr.;<br />
and Mrs. Herman Gould, now of Kansas}<br />
City.<br />
John B. Preston, 56, of Columbus, Neb.,<br />
former theatreman who was general manager<br />
of the Loup River Public Power District<br />
and president-elect of the American<br />
Public Power Ass'n, is dead. He and a part-,<br />
ner had operated a theatre at Elgin, Neb.'<br />
Later, Preston had the Coronado Theatrej<br />
at Humphrey, Neb., when he became interested<br />
in the state's public power program.!<br />
He was elected a director in the Loup dis-'<br />
trict and later became secretary, president'<br />
and finally general manager. He leaves fus^<br />
wife, two sons and four daughters. Services<br />
were held at Columbus.<br />
j<br />
Commonwealth Transfers<br />
Managers in Wyoming<br />
From Central Edition<br />
KANSAS CITY—Commonwealth Theatres,<br />
whose headquarters is in Kansas City,<br />
announces the following managerial changes^<br />
in Wyoming:<br />
'<br />
Paul Palmer, formerly assistant manager,<br />
in Casper, has taken over the management<br />
of the Mesa Theatre in Douglas, and Rudyi<br />
Fisher has been appointed manager of thei<br />
Terrace Drive-In at Casper. The latter for-'<br />
merly worked for the Ross Campbell circuit<br />
in Wyoming. Karen Cobb, whose husband<br />
operates radio station KYCN in Wheatland,<br />
has assumed management of the theatre in<br />
Wheatland. Lloyd Brown, formerly manager<br />
of the Terrace Drive-In, Casper, has been<br />
transferred to Columbia, Mo,, as manager<br />
of the Missouri Theatre.<br />
BOXOFFICE :; April 17, 1967
I<br />
f^harles Thone, legal counsel of the Nebraska<br />
Ass'n of Theatre Owners, has<br />
been named chairman of the city's new<br />
commission on himian relations.<br />
Chuck Meisfer, manager of the West O<br />
Drive-ln, is overseeing preparatory work<br />
before the opening of the airer by the end of<br />
this month. The other Dubinksy drive-in<br />
here—the Starview—managed by Robert<br />
Kassebaum, already is in operation.<br />
Cooper Foundation Theatres is donating<br />
the Stuart Theatre and local projectionists<br />
union members, their time, for a special<br />
Thursday morning (20) showing of "Women<br />
Only," a Cancer Society film project showing<br />
the importance of early detection of<br />
cancer.<br />
The Nebraska Theatre followed the Academy<br />
Awards ceremonies by offering<br />
"Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" which<br />
won five awards, including the best actress<br />
Oscar for Elizabeth Taylor. Sandy Dennis,<br />
who won best-supporting-actress honors for<br />
the same picture, hails from this city. The<br />
picture opened Wednesday (12).<br />
Creighton University in Omaha was the<br />
scene of a three-day seminar for commercial,<br />
non-commercial and experimental filmmakers.<br />
The program was sponsored by the<br />
school's fine arts department.<br />
Sammy Davis jr. has been booked for a<br />
one-night performance Thursday (20) in the<br />
Pershing Auditorium here, sponsored by the<br />
University of Nebraska's union special<br />
events committee.<br />
National Film Theatre Is<br />
In Financial Difficulty<br />
From Canadian Edition<br />
TORONTO—The National Film Theatre,<br />
which has held weekly screenings at the<br />
Radio City here the past few months, is in<br />
financial trouble. Clive Denton, the theatre's<br />
Toronto program director, told Arthur Zeldin<br />
of the Toronto Star that the NFT<br />
j<br />
has<br />
lost approximately $5,000 this year — the<br />
i<br />
' second season of its operation. This loss<br />
came as a surprise to the theatre's parent<br />
organization, the Canadian Film Institute<br />
[Ottawa, since the theatre had a very successjful<br />
operation here last year.<br />
The Canadian Film Institute, whose subisidiaries<br />
are the Canadian Film Archives<br />
(and the National Film Theatres in Ottawa<br />
land Toronto, is a non-profit, private organi-<br />
.zation dependent upon the Canada Council<br />
'and other cultural foundations for its supjport.<br />
Denton said at first the CFI attempted<br />
|to<br />
reduce the financial pressure on the NFT<br />
by arranging to halt its bi-weekly screenings.<br />
But to do this, the Radio City called for a<br />
new contract, with a 50 per cent increase<br />
in<br />
rental.<br />
As a result, the NFT instead is sponsoring<br />
a series of eight evenings of Canadian films<br />
jcompiled by Montreal's Cinematheque Cainadienne<br />
with a grant from the centennial<br />
icommission. The screenings began on Sun-<br />
JBOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967<br />
in<br />
day evening (9) at the National Film Board<br />
Theatre.<br />
Denton and his associates remain optimistic<br />
for the future of the NFT in Toronto,<br />
and say both the Toronto programers and<br />
the CFI "are still convinced that the NFT<br />
must continue in Toronto." "But," he added,<br />
"it must start again on a better economic<br />
footing, which means in a noncommercial<br />
theatre."<br />
The same newspaper item points out commercial<br />
repertory elsewhere in Toronto is<br />
holding its own. Bob Huber of the Electra<br />
Repjitory reports that after a month-long<br />
break from mid-May to mid-June his house<br />
w.ll program a full summer season. Currently<br />
Huber is screening Alain Rcsnais'<br />
French film "Muriel," never shown here<br />
commercially before.<br />
—<br />
"^he Des Moines theatrcman "for all seasons"<br />
is Bob Fridley, who had opening<br />
at his Varsity Theatre here Thursday (13)<br />
the Academy Award-winning best picture<br />
"A Man for All Seasons." In any business,<br />
this is known as good timing. Old-timer<br />
Fridley is playing "The Sound of Music"<br />
in its third year at his other theatre here<br />
the Capri. In well-founded Oscar anticipation,<br />
the Paramount Theatre had booked in<br />
"Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"<br />
Exhibitors on Filmrow included Al Gran<br />
of Sioux Rapids; M. L. Dickson, Mount<br />
Pleasant; Carl Schwanebeck, Knoxville;<br />
Bob Hutte, Leon; Tim Evans, Anamosa,<br />
and Harrison Wolcott, Eldora.<br />
Lloyd Hirstine announced that Highland<br />
Park Presbyterian Church will again hold<br />
summer church services at his Capitol<br />
Drive-In. This will be the fourth year for<br />
the outdoor Sunday services, after which the<br />
Capitol management serves donuts, coffee<br />
and hot chocolate. The services run from<br />
Memorial Day to Labor Day and notice<br />
of time and place of such services is posted<br />
in hotels and motels within a 60-mile radius.<br />
James Kington, former manager of the<br />
Fox Theatre in Springfield, Mo., has been<br />
named manager of the Fox Theatre at Fort<br />
Madison, Iowa.<br />
Ned Hargrove of Algona has assumed<br />
managerial duties at the Starlight Drive-In<br />
at Algona.<br />
The Theatre Owners of Iowa, Nebraska<br />
and South Dakota scheduled a meeting for<br />
10 a.m. Wednesday (12) in the Varsity Theatre<br />
here.<br />
NTS Moves Office<br />
From Eastern Edition<br />
NEW YORK—The New York branch of<br />
National Theatre Supply Co. moves into the<br />
Broadway area this week, opening offices<br />
at 165 West 46th St. Making the move are<br />
NTS staffers Harry Pear, Sy Rindncr, Barney<br />
Kleid, Paul Garst, Ann McLaughlin<br />
and Marvin Taubman.<br />
in<br />
(First Run Reports)<br />
*<br />
*<br />
In All Ways the Best<br />
Ethics. Where have they gone?<br />
Ethics, says the dictionary, is<br />
"the science<br />
of human duty; moral science."<br />
In today's world, so complicated with<br />
gadgetry and machines that we often<br />
lose sight of others and of our own best<br />
selves, it isn't always easy to keep "human<br />
duty" in mind.<br />
As life gets more complicated, men lose<br />
their sense of identity, value and purpose.<br />
Life, in a sense, becomes "cheap" and<br />
"unimportant." And with that, it becomes<br />
ever easier to take the easy way,<br />
to ignore the principles of right—and<br />
our human duty to others.<br />
The one place where human values are<br />
kept in proper focus is where you worship.<br />
Nowhere is the individual more<br />
valued. Ami if you care, the place where<br />
you worship can become, with your<br />
help, a rallying point tor lifting all<br />
the deteriorating values you see<br />
around you. Worship this week<br />
—and put your faith to work<br />
all week.<br />
Worship this week<br />
^•^^'a.<br />
f<br />
'"c. ^<br />
Published as a public service in cooperation with The Advertising Council and Religion in American Life<br />
NC-4 BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1961
Meurer Says Industry<br />
Must Turn to Serials<br />
DETROIT—The intelligent use of serials<br />
1^<br />
Raymond J. Meurer<br />
has twice rescued the motion picture industry<br />
and built up a<br />
following that lasted<br />
in each case for decades<br />
by solidly instilling<br />
the theatregoing<br />
habit in the young,<br />
Raymond J. Meurer<br />
told the NATO of<br />
Michigan convention<br />
Wednesday (5). The<br />
story typified by<br />
"^he Perils of Pauline"<br />
is a longtime<br />
classic, while in the 1930s the industry was<br />
brought up from the depths of depression<br />
in a similar manner, Meurer said, proposing<br />
that modern-style serials be developed<br />
today to bring about a similar and vitally<br />
needed recovery.<br />
Authority as Showman<br />
Meurer speaks with authority as a showman<br />
with experience in many fields—counsel<br />
for 16 years for United Detroit Theatres,<br />
the city's long-dominant circuit, and counsel<br />
and executive officer of the companies<br />
controlling such success as "The Lone Ranger"<br />
and "The Green Hornet" for 22 years<br />
in their heyday. Since November 1960 he<br />
has been advertising and sales promotion<br />
manager for the Michigan Consolidated Gas<br />
Co.<br />
Meurer developed his theme from the<br />
need for a recovery of morality in American<br />
life and showed, as perhaps only a<br />
lawyer could, how this could be derived<br />
Phoenix-like from or through the need of<br />
the motion picture industry to re-create a<br />
lasting and desirable audience.<br />
"I know this can be done . . . and my<br />
certainty is based on two things— my years<br />
of experience in the motion picture industry<br />
and the detailed sampling and surveys<br />
we have made of the teenagers. This is<br />
what they want—let's give it to them," said<br />
Meurer.<br />
Advocates 'Michigan Plan'<br />
He said he would like to see Michigan<br />
NATO to appoint a committee "to work<br />
with your executive secretary and myself in<br />
formulating a 'Michigan Plan' to do just<br />
this. Let's not sit in our theatres bemoaning<br />
the loss of an audience, but rather let's<br />
build one.<br />
"Let's be proud of what we are selling.<br />
Let's put names on our marquees that mean<br />
:lean,<br />
decent American entertainment. Let's<br />
not wish for the old audience, let<br />
us build a<br />
new one. When we do, let's build it on a<br />
foundation that is firm—one that will last<br />
through the years as it lasted through the<br />
;enturies behind on the greatest of all founiations—morality."<br />
Elvis Presley has remained in a dominant<br />
Position as a boxoffice and RCA Victor<br />
Records star since his first films were reeased<br />
in 1956 and 1957.<br />
Jack McCarthy Honored<br />
By NATO of Michigan<br />
DETROIT—The two-day 48th annual<br />
convention of NATO of Michigan, which<br />
closed here Thursday (6) in the Sheraton-<br />
Cadillac Hotel, had a registration of more<br />
than 400. Sherrill C. Corwin, NATO president,<br />
was the principal speaker.<br />
The opening event Wednesday (5) was the<br />
annual showmanship luncheon, hosted by<br />
ABC Consolidated Corp. and Pep Trucking<br />
Lines. Jack K. McCarthy, manager of the<br />
Majestic Theatre at Grand Rapids, was<br />
named top showman for his campaign on<br />
Disney's "Follow Me, Boys!" Entries were<br />
so numerous that it was impractical to present<br />
the campaigns orally, and judging was<br />
made on submission in scrapbooks or equivalent.<br />
Runnerup for the award was Mrs.<br />
Dale Killeen, long-time manager of the<br />
Norwest Theatre. Awards of a television set<br />
and a woman's watch were presented to Mc-<br />
Carthy and Mrs. Killeen, respectively, in<br />
addition to a trophy and plaque.<br />
Speakers at the showmanship luncheon<br />
included Michigan NATO president Milton<br />
H. London; Sidney J. Cohen, head of NATO<br />
of New York State: Henry E. Capogna,<br />
advertising-publicity director for W. S.<br />
Butterfield<br />
Theatres; Robert Hallstead, general<br />
manager of WTAC radio in Flint; Hugh<br />
Munce, Newhouse Newspapers representative;<br />
George Crandell, sales manager for<br />
WJBK-TV, and Daniel Jackson, regional<br />
manager of R. L. Polk & Co., mail order<br />
service firm.<br />
At the celebrity luncheon, state attorney<br />
general Frank J. Kelley spoke on show<br />
business and suggested that exhibitors may<br />
be taking a greater interest in politicians<br />
"now that many actors are entering our<br />
field."<br />
David Newman, counsel for Michigan<br />
NATO, cited two legislature guests who<br />
were leaders in the successful fight against<br />
double daylight time in the state—Rep. Don<br />
R. Pears of Buchanan, a former exhibitor,<br />
and Rep. James Del Rio of Detroit.<br />
London paid tribute to convention chairman<br />
Alden Smith, now regional vice-president<br />
of national NATO, and presented him<br />
an engraved silver tray in recognition of<br />
his work for the association.<br />
Ralph Quinn, coordinator of commercial<br />
and industrial development, offered official<br />
greetings from the city to the delegates and<br />
presented Corwin a key and seal of the city.<br />
Shirley Eder, Detroit columnist, was<br />
named by London as "entertaining, provocative<br />
and never vicious. I cannot recall<br />
a picture in which she could not find something<br />
to (write) about." She was presented<br />
a plaque.<br />
Convention Highlights J<br />
On Page ME-4 3<br />
Among the celebrities introduced were<br />
Henry H. "Hi" Martin, vice-president and<br />
general manager of Universal Pictures;<br />
Charles Boasberg, Paramount president;<br />
Jack Armstrong, NATO board chairman;<br />
Norman Jackter, Columbia general manager;<br />
Marshall H. Fine, past president of<br />
NATO; Edmond D. Cruea, Allied Artists<br />
general manager.<br />
Also, Mickey Zide, AIP assistant sales<br />
manager; Edward Schober, vice-president<br />
of marketing, and Ralph Gomez, theatre<br />
sales manager, the Pepsi-Cola Co.; Burton<br />
W. London, Detroit Bowling Proprietors<br />
Ass'n director; Eddy Shepherd, Michigan<br />
Licensed Beverage Ass'n executive; Richard<br />
Sloan, Suburban Detroit Theatres;<br />
Adolph and Irving Goldberg. Community<br />
Theatres; William W. Wetsman, Michigan<br />
NATO treasurer, and Dale Hughes, executive<br />
director of the committee to retain<br />
standard time in the state.<br />
In other business the theatremen elected<br />
Stacey Kertes of Plainwell as a director of<br />
NATO of Michigan. Directors renamed<br />
were Sam H, Barrett. William Brown, Carl<br />
Buermele, William M. Clark, John Dembek.<br />
Adolph Goldberg, M. F. Gowthorpe.<br />
Richard Kline, Norman Ladouceur, Milton<br />
H. London. Lou Mitchell, Del A. Ritter,<br />
Leon Serin.<br />
Richard Sloan, Lyle Smith, Edward<br />
Stuckey, Fred Sweet and William M.<br />
Wetsman, all of Detroit; Irving Belinsky,<br />
East Detroit; William Jenkins, Adrian; Jack<br />
Krass and Alden W. Smith, Royal Oak;<br />
Elton L. Samuels, Jackson; Wayne C. Smith,<br />
Pontiac, and John Taylor, Rochester.<br />
Carol Channing Named Star of Year<br />
At Michigan NATO Convention<br />
DETROIT—Carol Channing, co-starred<br />
in Universal's "Thoroughly Modern Millie."<br />
was awarded the 1967 Star of the Year<br />
Award "for distinguished service to the<br />
world of entertainment" at the celebrity<br />
luncheon of the 48th annual convention of<br />
the National Ass'n of Theatre Owners of<br />
Michigan in the Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel in<br />
Detroit Thursday (6).<br />
The presentation was made by Sherrill<br />
C. Corwin of Los Angeles, NATO president,<br />
representing 15,000 motion picture theatres<br />
in the United States. The award was a large,<br />
inscribed sterling silver tray in a mahogany<br />
presentation case.<br />
In announcing the award. Milton H.<br />
London, president of Michigan NATO, said,<br />
"Miss Channing, world-famous for her stage<br />
role in "Dolly.' is sensational in Ross Hunter's<br />
'Thoroughly Modern Millie' and her<br />
performance will firmly establish Miss<br />
Channing as one of the very brightest stars<br />
in the motion picture heavens."<br />
Henry H. "Hi" Martin, Universal Pictures<br />
vice-president and general sales manager,<br />
represented the company.<br />
BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967 ME-1
—<br />
—<br />
—<br />
'Doctor Zhivago 500 in Detroit<br />
Second Week at<br />
DETROIT—Well-above average percentage<br />
tigiires were reported by theatre owners<br />
in Detroit. Leading the pack was "Doctor<br />
Zlii\ago" with a 500 per cent gross in the<br />
second week at popular prices at the Quo<br />
\'adis. Following closely was "A Man for<br />
All Seasons," playing in the second week<br />
at the Studio-New Center. Third was "Blow-<br />
Up" in its fifth week at the Trans-Lux Krim,<br />
the percentage being an impressive 400.<br />
(Average Is 100)<br />
Adorns— The Happening (Col) 1 75<br />
Allen Park, Fort George, Galaxy, Cinema II, Algier,<br />
Wyondone-Annex Bullwhip Griffin (BV) 130<br />
Bel Air, Grand River, Gratiot, Jolly Roger Fantastic<br />
Voyage (20th-Fox) 1 30<br />
Cinema I, Grand Circus, Royol Oak, Wyondotte-<br />
Main— In Like Flint (20th-Fox) 190<br />
Fcx One Million Years B.C. {20th-Fox); Secret<br />
Agent, Super Dragon (USA) 300<br />
Popular Prices<br />
Changeable Admission Signs<br />
•"^^^<br /><br />
O/i^yi<br />
Model WO 32 ST<br />
wmesBsmmmk<br />
T-.oo s^.sm^.<br />
Model WO 32 H<br />
White Translucent<br />
Plexiglas<br />
Blue Script Lettering<br />
Your Iheatre on Top Line<br />
Name of<br />
on Blue Bakelite—White Letters<br />
WO 32 Sr Mode/<br />
\N0 32 H Hanging Model<br />
Copy—3 Lines $17.50<br />
4 Lines $2.50 Additionol<br />
Price change
. .<br />
Loew's Theatres Name<br />
Managers in Columbus<br />
COLUMBUS—Harold Walton, manager<br />
of Loew's Arlington, has been appointed<br />
manager of Loew's Morse Road here, suc-<br />
Carmen Amatrano<br />
Harold Walton<br />
ceeding Rein Rabakukk, who has been<br />
named manager of Loew's North Glenn,<br />
under construction at Denver. Colo.<br />
Carmen Amatrano. manager of Loew's<br />
Majestic in Evansville. Ind.. is the new<br />
manager of Loew's Arlington. A native of<br />
Batavia. N.Y.. Amatrano formerly managed<br />
several New York state theatres for the<br />
Schine circuit.<br />
Walton, native of Columbus, formerly<br />
was manager of Loew's Victory and Loew's<br />
Majestic in Evansville. He started as an<br />
usher for Loew's Theatres in Columbus and<br />
later was assistant manager of Loew's<br />
Broad and Loew's Ohio.<br />
Two Raleigh Theatres Hold<br />
Screenings for Lawmakers<br />
RALEIGH, N.C.—A couple of Raleigh<br />
theatres customarily treat the general assembly<br />
members and their families to special<br />
screenings of current films sometime during<br />
the legislative session. This session was no<br />
exception—the lawmakers were guests of<br />
the<br />
Village Theatre (Consolidated Theatres)<br />
for a showing of "Dakota Incident," featuring<br />
John Wayne and Robert Mitchum.<br />
Prior to the screening, a champagne party<br />
was held in the theatre's spacious lobby,<br />
after which a variety of food was served<br />
buffet style. Along with the lawmakers and<br />
their families, the event was attended by<br />
Mrs. Dan K. Moore, the governor's wife,<br />
and the members of his<br />
office staff.<br />
Hosts at the affair were Philip N. Nance,<br />
district manager of Consolidated Theatres,<br />
and Leonard Register, manager of the Village.<br />
Earlier in the session, members of the legislature<br />
attended a special showing of "Doctor<br />
Zhivago," current attraction at the Ambassador<br />
Theatre here. W. G. Enloe, former<br />
Raleigh mayor and district manager of<br />
North Carolina Theatres (Wilby-Kincey),<br />
and Ervin Stone, manager of the Ambassador,<br />
were the hosts.<br />
Morwich to Improve Parking<br />
•rom New England Edition<br />
NORWICH, CONN.—The city council<br />
las approved the expenditure of $90,000 to<br />
mprove downtown parking conditions.<br />
Ariz. Bill Signed as Aid<br />
To Attract Film Companies<br />
From Western Edition<br />
PHOENIX — Gov. Jack Williams has<br />
signed into law a bill designed to attract<br />
more motion picture production to the state.<br />
The measure exempts film companies from<br />
a requirement that all employers provide<br />
state industrial insurance. Instead, film companies<br />
would have to provide insurance at<br />
least equal to that required by workmen's<br />
compensation acts in states where the companies<br />
are based.<br />
Conceding the measure was far from perfect.<br />
Gov. Williams said he realized that<br />
opponents of the bill contend it is unconstitutional<br />
and the issue probably would<br />
have to be resolved in the courts. If this does<br />
happen, the governor said he would like to<br />
see the legislature perfect the bill and refer<br />
the issue to the voters.<br />
N. Howe,<br />
JJ<br />
salesman for National Theatre<br />
Supply for a number of years, has<br />
retired. With this city as home base, he and<br />
his wife plan to tour the country in their<br />
25-foot house trailer.<br />
Also retiring are Ruth Handyside, National<br />
Theatre Supply secretary, and Virginia<br />
Roseberry, UA booker's secretary .<br />
Joyce Smith has resigned from the 20th-Fox<br />
office staff.<br />
New to Filmrow are Janice Smith, receptionist,<br />
and Lee Robb, booker's secretary,<br />
both at UA.<br />
Mrs. Frank Schreiber, wife of the Universal<br />
salesman, is recuperating from surgery<br />
at Spears Hospital in Dayton, Ky. . . .<br />
Dorothy Maddox, WB biller, is convalescing<br />
in her home following surgery . . . Lena<br />
Hermann, mother of Florence Hermann,<br />
MGM cashier, is ill in St. Francis Hospital.<br />
Exhibitors seen on the Row included J. C.<br />
Weddle, Lawrenceburg, Ind.; Ted Christ.<br />
Spencerville; Walter Wyrick, Carlisle, Ky.,<br />
and Max Goldberg. Falmouth, Ky., who<br />
just returned from a Florida vacation.<br />
James Stallings, operator of the Plaza at<br />
Norwood and Highway 28 at Goshen, has<br />
completed remodeling the Avalon Theatre<br />
at Cleves. The theatre is operating for the<br />
present on weekends, with special matinees<br />
for children. Elmer Roberts is manager.<br />
UA's "Marat/ Sade" will have its Ohio<br />
premiere at the University Theatre in<br />
Columbus Wednesday (19) . . . "Ulysses"<br />
is scheduled for the downtown Grand May<br />
9-11.<br />
The Fine Arts College, University of Cincinnati,<br />
is presenting its annual spring arts<br />
festival, including films. The film department<br />
will play Warhol's "The Chelsea<br />
Girls" and the Danish director Carl Dreyer's<br />
"Gertrud." In addition the department<br />
will present experiments in moviemaking<br />
techniques.<br />
J^n August opening is planned for the Eastland<br />
Cinema. l.OOO-seat de luxe suburban<br />
theatre under construction in the huge<br />
new Eastland Shopping Center at Refugee<br />
and Hamilton Roads in the .Southeast section<br />
of Franklin County. The theatre will<br />
Kenley Players announced additional<br />
be operated by Cincinnati Theatres, division<br />
of Associated Theatres, operator of Northland<br />
Cinema here.<br />
plays for the summer stage season at Veterans<br />
Memorial. Screen star George Hamilton<br />
will appear in "The Philadelphia Story"<br />
the week of August 15. Gene Barry, screen<br />
and video star, will appear in "Bye Bye<br />
Birdie" starting July 11. Janis Paige will star<br />
in "Sweet Charity" the week of July 25 and<br />
Noel Harrison, son of Rex Harrison and<br />
seen in the TV series, "Girl From U. N.<br />
C. L. E.," will appear in "Half a Sixpence"<br />
the week of August 8.<br />
Thomas Lazarus Named<br />
Univ. Ad Coordinator<br />
HOLLYWOOD — Thomas Lazarus has<br />
been named executive coordinator of advertising<br />
for Universal Pictures, it was announced<br />
by David A. Lipton, vice-president.<br />
Lazarus has been the account executive assigned<br />
to Universal by the Charles Schlaifer<br />
Agency, headquartering in Los Angeles.<br />
Before—<br />
you remodel, rebuild or retire.<br />
.CONSULT<br />
US<br />
WANTED<br />
Neot-Appearjng Young Man Wanted—to Manage<br />
Neighborhood Theotrc in Detroit. Second Run<br />
House. Send References & Recent Snopshot.<br />
BOXOFFICE, 1480<br />
BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967 ME-3
: '_E<br />
gob knius, MGM exchange manager, has<br />
made good use of photographs from<br />
the Critics Circle Award affair earlier this<br />
year. He has taken a photograph of the<br />
award certificate autographed hy the three<br />
critics and used it at the center for a grouping<br />
of the portraits of the three characters<br />
in "Doctor Zhivago." Portraits are of Julie<br />
Christie. Omar Sharif and Rod Steiger. The<br />
critics are Tony Mastroianni, (Press), Arthur<br />
Spaeth (Sun-Press), and Ward Marsh<br />
(Plain Dealer).<br />
The Silverthorne family—Jack, (Hippodrome)<br />
daughter Sharon and son-in-law<br />
(Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kraber), are back in<br />
Cleveland after a Florida vacation. Katy<br />
(Mrs. Silverthorne) stayed in Cleveland to<br />
boss the job of moving into a new apartment.<br />
Twentieth Century-Fox still is reported as<br />
"going to move to offices in the Film Bldg."<br />
B NATO of Michigan<br />
K Convention Notes<br />
. . .<br />
Dorothy Armstrong received a special<br />
ovation from the chairman when she came<br />
into the hall at the end of the opening<br />
luncheon Jerry and Bert Levy represented<br />
the numerous Lefkowitz and Levy<br />
families at the press table.<br />
* * *<br />
Jack McCarthy, manager of the Majestic<br />
Theatre at Grand Rapids, receiving a TV set<br />
as an award for his winning showmanship,<br />
quipped, "I'll put it in my office and be<br />
able to watch 'Wednesday Night at the<br />
Movies.' " * * *<br />
Arnold Hirsch of the Detroit News and<br />
Ken Barnard of the Detroit Free Press<br />
found the press seats filled when they arrived<br />
. . . The charming daughter of Mrs.<br />
,20 S72.03<br />
8„„.14-$ 42.00<br />
9mm«l4,...S54.0} 1 ) mm « 2 3 , , , S8 2-3 3<br />
»Bt3E •l.*»i'. atsfos rui.1. uo'iev e»c- >f not i»T(i.(eo<br />
MGIVI Secretary Marge Bartko of Fernhill<br />
Drive-In at Parma is doing some publicity<br />
for WOMPI. She reports the club will<br />
have its election of officers Tuesday (18).<br />
She also is looking forward to a weekend in<br />
Detroit, from Friday (21).<br />
Columbia's Helen Stone (Mrs. Walter<br />
Stone) has been hospitalized at Mount Sinai<br />
for a checkup and possible surgery.<br />
Visitors to Filmrow included Al Vermes<br />
of the Mercury and Yorktown theatres,<br />
Ralph Russell of the Palace Theatre at Can-<br />
Raven-<br />
ton and Paul Vogel of the Wellsville,<br />
na and Salem group.<br />
Bill Van Dyke, 15 years with National<br />
Theatre Supply, is retiring. His friends feel<br />
that at last he will have time to devote to<br />
becoming a full-time fisherman. He has<br />
fished "all over" with favorite spots in Ohio<br />
and Pennsylvania, especially near Cambridge<br />
Springs,<br />
Pa.<br />
H. J. Farwell, president of the Greater Detroit<br />
Motion Picture Council, remembered<br />
lunching with the press at the 1966 luncheon.<br />
"I hope you are all viewers," salesmanager<br />
George Crandell of WJBK-TV<br />
told exhibitors. "I go to your movies. Turnabout<br />
is fair play."<br />
Ray Branch, once perennial president of<br />
Michigan Allied, reminisced of his days as<br />
an exhibitor in Detroit back in 1908, and<br />
many incidents of the years since . . . Alden<br />
Smith apologized for the wrong glasses when<br />
he completely overlooked introducing<br />
NATO president Sherrill Corwin in the long<br />
lineup . . . Corwin was delighted at being<br />
driven in from the airport in a "big black<br />
limousine — yesterday I was met at Minneapolis<br />
by a pickup truck."<br />
* * *<br />
Milton London, with pride, introduced<br />
his sergeant from his Army days "three<br />
wars ago" — Hazel French. She was his<br />
WAC secretary.<br />
* * *<br />
The appointments were announced by<br />
Bernard Diamond, assistant vice-president<br />
and general manager of Loew's Theatres.<br />
Wometco<br />
William Frank Is<br />
Employment Manager<br />
From Southeast Edition<br />
MIAMI — William E. Frank, former<br />
teacher at Hialeah (Fla.) High School, has<br />
joined Wometco Enterprises as employment<br />
manager. He will report to Walter Cunningham,<br />
director of employe relations.<br />
Frank's responsibilities will include employe<br />
orientation, personnel records, unemployment<br />
compensation and employe counseling.<br />
He is a graduate of Slippery Rock<br />
(Pa.) State College.<br />
J. Lee Thompson will direct "Mackenna's<br />
Gold" in color from a screenplay by Carl<br />
Foreman.<br />
Columbus Police Confiscate<br />
Film, Charge Exhibitors<br />
COLUMBU.S—Gene Kent and his wife<br />
Dora were arrested by the Columbus vicesquad<br />
and charged with violating local obscenity<br />
laws in<br />
the showing of "I, a Woman"<br />
at the World Theatre. The film was confiscated.<br />
Police said they acted on the complaint<br />
of the city film review board. The film had<br />
been running three weeks.<br />
Following the raid, film board members<br />
voted to adopt "a more aggressive policy in<br />
future screenings of movies." The board<br />
elected Sam Fountas, owner of the Coventry<br />
Inn, as its 1967 board chairman. The board<br />
is made up of 15 members appointed by the<br />
mayor and confirmed by city council.<br />
The city's obscenity ordinances "possibly<br />
are unconstitutional," said assistant city<br />
attorney Frank Reda. Violation of the city<br />
law is a misdemeanor, while violation of<br />
state obscenity laws is a felony.<br />
John Young, city attorney, in an earlier<br />
opinion, said it was difficult to tell if "I, a<br />
Woman" is obscene under current interpretations<br />
of the city obscenity law. "Much of<br />
the obscenity question is a matter of subjective<br />
thinking." he said.<br />
Police said they had received about 20<br />
complaining letters and phone calls about<br />
the picture. Four members of the review<br />
board said they could "find no story in the<br />
film." One said it is "only a celluloid chronicle<br />
of sin and skin."<br />
In suburban Bexley outside the jurisdiction<br />
of the city, the showing of the Swedish<br />
film continued. Police chief Homer Snoots<br />
said he planned no action unless ordered to<br />
do so by city officials.<br />
Suburban Detroit Theatre<br />
Trying Institutional TV<br />
DETROIT — The Shores-Madrid. 740-<br />
seat house in suburban St. Clair Shores, is<br />
experimenting with an institutional program<br />
on television to promote the house. By applying<br />
some of the time-honored promotional<br />
techniques and do-it-yourself concepts of<br />
showmanship. Bob Anthony, partner in<br />
RAE Enterprises, operating the house, has<br />
achieved entry into a medium normally prohibitively<br />
expensive at minimum cost.<br />
Arrangement was made with station<br />
WKBD-TV, on a reciprocal basis. The station<br />
conducted a special contest to promote<br />
its own audience and received 250 passes<br />
to the theatre to be awarded as prizes. In<br />
turn the station gave the theatre equivalent<br />
value — figured as $250 — in air time,<br />
which was worked out as eight 20-second<br />
spot announcements in color.<br />
The spots were prepared to be used repeatedly,<br />
not plugging any current films.<br />
The features of the house, its convenient<br />
location, film policies, luxurious atmosphere<br />
and rocking chair-type seats were played up.<br />
The phone number was given, and viewers<br />
were urged to check the daily newspapers<br />
for current bills.<br />
Anthony himself filmed the shorts with<br />
editing assistance from Bert Penzien. an<br />
independent producer.<br />
ME-4 BOXOFFICE :; April 17, 1967
Colonial Brockton<br />
To Be Cinema Twin<br />
BROCKTON, MASS.—The downtown<br />
Colonial Theatre, acquired recently by Esquire<br />
Theatres of America, will be converted<br />
into a de luxe cinema at a cost of $100,000.<br />
The resulting dual indoor situation will be<br />
known as the Colonial Twin Cinema, it was<br />
announced by the Boston-based circuit.<br />
In the renovation, the theatre will be converted<br />
into a 70-seat downstairs theatre and<br />
a 30-seater on the upper floor. The changeover<br />
is expected to require around six weeks.<br />
The Colonial will continue to operate on<br />
weekends imtil the formal reopening, when<br />
it will run one matinee daily and two shows<br />
in the evening.<br />
Philip J. Scuderi, vice-president of Esquire<br />
Theatres, said that his circuit's interest<br />
in the Colonial Theatre was prompted by<br />
renewal of the city's downtown area and the<br />
need for an up-to-date theatre to serve<br />
Brockton residents who do not have access<br />
to outlying or suburban houses or drive-ins.<br />
Scuderi told the Brockton Enterprise &<br />
Times that Patricia A. Callahan, manager<br />
of the Colonial Theatre under its previous<br />
owners for the past year, will be manager<br />
of the new dual cinemas. A policy of booking<br />
sophisticated adult and family entertainment<br />
will be instituted at the twin theatres<br />
by Esquire. Advance phone reservation<br />
service will be available to patrons for all<br />
attractions, not only for roadshow film.<br />
John Downing of Embassy<br />
Dies in Boston Hospital<br />
BOSTON—Services were held in Hyde<br />
Park, Mass., for John Downing, 71, former<br />
assistant secretary and assistant treasurer<br />
of Embassy Pictures and still active in the<br />
company, who died Friday, March 24, at<br />
Deaconess Hospital in Boston, following a<br />
long illness.<br />
Downing joined Embassy here and<br />
moved with the company when the home office<br />
shifted to Nw York in 1959. Prior to<br />
joining Embassy, Downing had served at<br />
RKO Pictures for many years as traveling<br />
auditor and as office manager in Boston. He<br />
also worked briefly for Republic Pictures.<br />
Downing is survived by two sisters, two<br />
brothers, two children and two grandchildren.<br />
New Haven Development<br />
Plan for Edgerton Parks<br />
NEW HAVEN—The city park commission<br />
and city plan commission have approved<br />
a development plan for Edgerton<br />
Garden Parks, including construction of an<br />
amphitheatre and a restaurant.<br />
The program would cost about $458,000,<br />
the work to be completed by 1970.<br />
The park is located on the 22-acre former<br />
Brewer estate, on Whitney Avenue, close to<br />
the suburban Hamden town line. The Bailey<br />
Theatres' first-run Whitney is situated on<br />
Whitnev Avenue here.<br />
Ben Sack Adding Third De Luxe Unil<br />
To Downtown Boston Cheri Complex<br />
BOSTON—A triple-theatre complex was<br />
announced by Ben Sack, president of Sack<br />
Theatres, with the start of construction on<br />
his Cheri Three, a 600-seat theatre to be<br />
added to his existing Cheri One and Cheri<br />
Two, making the first triple theatre located<br />
in the downtown area of a major metropolis<br />
anywhere in the U.S.<br />
Sack said his decision to go ahead with<br />
the Cheri Three, which brings to eight the<br />
number of houses in his circuit in downtown<br />
Boston, was based on several factors. First,<br />
he said, was the instantaneous success of<br />
Cheri One, followed soon afterward by immediate<br />
success with Cheri Two. Both theatres<br />
are playing reserved-seat engagements,<br />
"A Man for All Seasons" and "The Taming<br />
of the Shrew."<br />
"The manifest approval by the filmgoing<br />
public of the concept of a theatre with its<br />
own garage above with elevators right into<br />
the theatre lobby was evidenced by the results<br />
at the boxoffice." Sack said. With the<br />
addition of the Cheri Three, the entire capacity<br />
of the I.OOO-car Auditorium Garage<br />
above the theatre will be reserved for Cheri<br />
patrons when the occasion demands, he<br />
pointed out. A second consideration, he revealed,<br />
was the "proven acceptance of the<br />
location," which is directly opposite the<br />
War Memorial Auditorium and diagonally<br />
across from the Sheraton Boston Hotel at<br />
the Prudential Center.<br />
Sack cited as a further reason for his<br />
STV Magazine Classifies<br />
Films Shown on WHCT-TV<br />
HARTFORD—STV Magazine, the twicemonthly<br />
program publication distributed by<br />
RKO General to the 7,000 subscribers of<br />
subscription television here, is now classifying<br />
each motion picture as to recommended<br />
viewing category.<br />
The magazine's editor, Tony Davenport,<br />
public relations and program director of<br />
WHCT-TV (Channel 18), home base for<br />
the STV experiment, is listing the words,<br />
"Family" or "Adults" or "Adults, Mature<br />
Young People," under the title of each attraction<br />
programed for early showing via<br />
STV.<br />
A similar plan went into effect recently<br />
in the Hartford Times, via amusements<br />
editor Allen M. Widem's daily Coast-to-<br />
Coast column. Widem classifies all first-i'un<br />
and holdover film attractions playing metropolitan<br />
Hartford theatres.<br />
'Seasons' Benefit Debut<br />
SPRINGFIELD—"A Man for All Seasons"<br />
will have its western Massachusetts<br />
premiere April 27 at the Redstone Theatres'<br />
Cinema 2, the evening's performance to be<br />
sponsored by the Marian Retreat League<br />
for the benefit of the Marian Retreat House,<br />
Holyoke.<br />
building of Cheri Three the "need for another<br />
downtown theatre to alleviate the<br />
backlog of quality films which have either<br />
been presented to Boston filmgoers long<br />
after the openings in other key cities or have<br />
been presented in inferior theatres or have<br />
yet to see the light of day.<br />
"1 am acutely conscious of this problem<br />
and am determined to make it possible for<br />
Greater Bostonians to see films as soon as<br />
possible after they are put into release and<br />
without having to go 'to the boondocks' to<br />
do so. The Cheri Three will be an important<br />
step in this direction."<br />
The new Cheri Three will be an extension<br />
of the Cheri One and Cheri Two in motif<br />
and decor. A new facade on Dalton Street<br />
will create a united concept for the threetheatre<br />
complex and a huge new marquee<br />
and attraction panel will adjoin the existing<br />
display. The characteristically French theme<br />
of the Cheri One and Cheri Two, inspired<br />
originally by the cinema aboard the S. S.<br />
France, will be carried over into Cheri<br />
Three, where red carpet, white formica and<br />
mosaic tile, red drapery and red and white<br />
chairs will be accented by hues of French<br />
blue. Although the Cheri Three will have<br />
a separate entrance on Dalton Street, there<br />
will be direct access to the new theatre from<br />
the garage above and also from the Cheri<br />
One and Two. A dramatic feature of the<br />
new theatre. Sack said, would be a gallery<br />
containing memorabilia of the past 25 years<br />
of the motion picture industry.<br />
Cheri Three is scheduled to open late in<br />
June, making eight Sack Boston houses.<br />
Hartford Local 486<br />
Marks Half Century<br />
HARTFORD—Richard E. Walsh, International<br />
Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employes<br />
president, was to head a New York<br />
trade delegation to an April 15 dinner here,<br />
marking the 50th anniversary of Local 486,<br />
lATSE^<br />
Working with Peter DeCarIi, Allyn, Local<br />
486 president, on dinner arrangements<br />
were fellow officers Thomas Harries, Allyn<br />
vice-president; Daniel MacDonnell, SW<br />
Strand, secretary-treasurer; and trustees,<br />
Jack Mitchell, Cinerama; Gus Soderberg,<br />
Allyn; Alfred LaVesque, Meadows Drivein;<br />
George Goodrow, Blue Hills Drive-In;<br />
Walter J. Kane, Pike Drive-ln; Charles<br />
Pfiefer, Manchester State, and Theodore<br />
Bailey, Manchester Drive-In.<br />
The oldest working member of Local<br />
486, which is the projectionists union here,<br />
is James Girardi of the SW Strand. He is<br />
in his fourth decade of booth employment.<br />
None of the charter members is still alive.<br />
Remodeling in Dorchester<br />
Loew's Dorchester has been closed for extensive<br />
remodeling.<br />
BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967 NE-1
1 1 1 n<br />
\ y<br />
I<br />
.<br />
.250<br />
. . Mrs.<br />
'Thoroughly Modem Millie Grosses NEW HAMPSHIRE<br />
250 in Boston Debut Despite Snow °'T,te Mr„",,'eV°Si"„' «"»»'<br />
Chester after 14 years at the airer. Freeman<br />
BOSTON—Business at the Boston box- at the Savoy with 125 alter tour weeks ol is a former manager of indoor motion picoffices<br />
was off again, due this time to a good business and "A Countess From Hong ture theatres and also served as manager of<br />
freak snowstorm Friday (7). which hurt the Ivong" was to open April 14. the Pine Island Amusement Park. Residing<br />
standard big weekend which exhibitors here (Average is lOO) at 226 Coolidge Ave. in Manchester, Freeare<br />
accustomed to expect. With very cold Astor—Marof/Sode (ua), 3rd wk ... 90<br />
.<br />
'^<br />
„,;,„ also is a retired member of the lATSE<br />
-" Beccori Hill—How to Succeed (UA), 4th wk 140<br />
weather following the snowstorm, Imes were Boston—Grond Prix (mgm), i6th wk 135 ... The Roger Williams (Mr. Piano) show<br />
cut al boxoffice windows throughout the ^Xte7lpace ^"'*, ?SR^*^'^'^'•^'''.°''. .^'°'" is t25 scheduled at the Queen Cinema in Manweekend.<br />
?u°''''A~^°"l''!.° ^1^ !';?'c'^°* "' presenting holdovers.<br />
X /<br />
"How to Succeed in new season in the Manchester area. The<br />
Vi I l^'^ilERS..-"~><br />
Business Without Really Trying" ran up the<br />
'<br />
y^i<br />
Sky Ray started off with a big three-feature<br />
"~"<br />
week's highest gross,<br />
V in1he£asT<br />
140 for the combined program . . . Bob Carson, film and television<br />
/fst T~'^^^\^-^^^/^<br />
X/^^FJ ' ^ y" '^<br />
'-'A ?* showing in the fourth week at the Burnside actor, was the keynote speaker at the annual<br />
^»^filil(IlWu(l£{§zo\/TQj^^^^''^'^ 'ind Central theatres. American Cancer Society division crusade<br />
r f MTmnTTTnri j-^ ;-^^-^ AHyn; Manchester State and East Windsor; Mansfield, kickoff at the Manchester Country Club.<br />
1<br />
M<br />
tUo (\n,Ui<br />
KKpBI|l/'' z. y<br />
(20th-Fox); various co-feotures 80 Carson has a personal interest in the fight<br />
WK^^^^^^m-T^ \/ ^''^cSrT,''! o^5*''r-" '°'^u\ -"""^'^ '^'"' *^°i'""'"«'°,-, against cancer, his wife having died of the<br />
^^ QSZDB2SXE9H / ^---'^^^ l Pil
I<br />
[<br />
I<br />
Also<br />
[<br />
capacity<br />
I<br />
H ARTFORD /.&G Construction Start in June<br />
jyjrs. Joseph A. Adorno, wife of the counsel<br />
for Adorno Theatres of downstate<br />
Middlelown. has been designated the Middietown<br />
Bnai B'rith chapter's 14th Woman<br />
of the Year. She was cited at a reception for<br />
her many contributions to civic betterment.<br />
Pal Verducci of the Columbia home office<br />
exploitation staff huddled with Robert<br />
Carney, Stanley Warner Hartford resident<br />
manager, on the April 12 bow of "A Man<br />
for All Seasons'" at the downtown Strand.<br />
James H. Sliulman, son of the late Maurice<br />
W. Shulman, for many years president<br />
of the Shulman Theatres, has been elected<br />
alumni representative on the board of<br />
trustees of Hartford's Watkinson School.<br />
Thieves broke into the E. M. Loew's,<br />
taking approximately $800 in an overnight<br />
safe<br />
break.<br />
Hartford Crown Yields<br />
Site to Urban Renewal<br />
HARTFORD—A 720-seat, subsequentrun<br />
downtown Hartford theatre, the Crown,<br />
at 358 Main Street, has been closed permanently,<br />
preparatory to the block being torn<br />
down for a multimillion-dollar urban renewal<br />
project. The theatre had been operating<br />
since 1913.<br />
Independent exhibitor Casimir Szyrnanski<br />
had operated the theatre in recent years,<br />
with Joseph Giobbi as house manager.<br />
Giobbi is expected to link up with another<br />
Hartford independent circuit. He came here<br />
20 years ago, after managing the Metro<br />
Theatre, Los Angeles, for the Hughes-<br />
Franklin circuit.<br />
The city of Hartford has bought the<br />
Crown for an undisclosed sum.<br />
Springfield Court Square<br />
Capacity Goes to 9,000<br />
SPRINGFIELD, MASS.—Estimated cost<br />
of the civic-sports arena planned for the<br />
Court Square area has been increased to<br />
about $8 million, from the original $5 million<br />
to $6 million figure, while seating capacity<br />
has been boosted from 6,500 to<br />
i<br />
9,000.<br />
The latest plans for the arena, to be integrated<br />
into the proposed downtown Court<br />
Square urban renewal project, were revealed<br />
at a meeting of the city council, the civic<br />
center committee and the mayor.<br />
discussed was a proposed 600-car<br />
parking garage to be situated ad-<br />
jacent to the arena.<br />
Massachusetts Boothman<br />
Max Bentzman, 72. Dies<br />
SPRINGFIELD — Max Bentzman, 72,<br />
veteran western Massachusetts motion picture<br />
projectionist, died of a heart attack.<br />
His many decades of booth service included<br />
jobs at the Art Theatre, Springfield, and<br />
at the Rivoli, Chicopee.<br />
On Waterville, Me., Indoor Twin<br />
WATER VI LLE, ME. — Lockwood &<br />
Gordon Enterprises, with 33 conventional<br />
theatres and 16 drive-ins, will begin construction<br />
here of a free-standing theatre in<br />
June, so an opening date can be set for mid-<br />
November.<br />
The building will have one auditorium<br />
seating 400; the other, 750. Each will be<br />
equipped with comfortably spaced, de luxe<br />
chairs. Each auditorium also will be provided<br />
with all-purpose projection, from<br />
standard 35mm to Cinerama and all other<br />
known processes. This ultramodern showplace,<br />
designed around maximum patron<br />
convenience, service and comfort, is to he<br />
provided with parking space for 500 cars,<br />
a drive-under canopy, liberally protected<br />
entry to an open-counter boxoffice and a<br />
spacious holding lounge to accommodate<br />
the approximate capacity of the twin auditoriimis.<br />
Pa. Drive-In Owner Told<br />
To Stop Sunday Showings<br />
From Eastern Edition<br />
Temple,<br />
owner of the Temple Drive-ln here, has<br />
been notified by the Patton Township supervisors<br />
that he can't continue to show movies<br />
on Sunday because he failed to file a petition<br />
to have the question of Sunday showings<br />
on the May ballot. Supervisors said<br />
they had received complaints from residents<br />
in nearby Woodycrest.<br />
At the supervisors' regular meeting a discussion<br />
was held on an ordinance to regulate<br />
showings of adult-only films. William<br />
O. Rogers jr. is chairman of the township<br />
group.<br />
Bushnell Auditorium Site<br />
In New Hartford Project<br />
HARTFORD—Plans for developing 115<br />
acres into a $200 million Connecticut<br />
Capitol Center have been announced by<br />
Governor Dempsey.<br />
The project, if approved by the Legislature,<br />
would mean demolishment of the<br />
Bushnell Memorial auditorium (used for<br />
legitimate stage attractions, cultural events<br />
and motion pictures) and a number of<br />
blocks containing commercial structures<br />
and present state office buildings.<br />
Conn. House Name Change<br />
PUTNAM, CONN.—The name of the<br />
Bradley Theatre has been changed to the<br />
Imperial Cinema.<br />
Theatre Critic John Gassner<br />
NEW HAVEN—John Gassner, 64, theatre<br />
critic, teacher and anthologist, long associated<br />
with the Yale University Graduate<br />
School of Drama, died of a heart attack.<br />
The lobby is to feature a high ceiling<br />
enclosed almost entirely by glass. In addition<br />
to the circular counter boxoffice, there<br />
will be a large circular "island" concession<br />
stand, providing service to both auditoriums<br />
as well as to the standee lounge.<br />
Other noteworthy features to be included<br />
will be the latest in sound and projection<br />
equipment, extreme pitch floor for perfect<br />
projection, the liberal use of draperies and<br />
special exit passages directly to the outside<br />
rather than through the lobby. There will be<br />
two projection booths but it has not been<br />
decided as<br />
to whether the same or different<br />
films will be shown in each of the auditoriums.<br />
The complex is designed by Mel G!atz &<br />
A>sociates of Denver, theatre specialists<br />
with an international<br />
reputation for creating<br />
theatres of comfort and convenience for the<br />
UA Groton Cinema<br />
Opened April 12<br />
GROTON, CONN.—Connecticut's<br />
patron and functional design for the exhibitor.<br />
newest<br />
theatre, the 1,000-seat United Artists'<br />
Groton Cinema, opened Wednesday (12)<br />
in the Groton Shoppers Mart, premiere proceeds<br />
going to the Groton Community Center.<br />
Frank Abreu, formerly assistant manager<br />
of the Stanley Warner Garde, New<br />
London, is managing the Cinema, the third<br />
UA showcase to be opened in this state in<br />
the last few years. The other two are in the<br />
Trumbull and Manchester shopping centers.<br />
Art Guild Circuit Adds<br />
San Francisco Theatre<br />
From Western Edition<br />
SAN FRANCISCO—The Movie,<br />
owned<br />
and operated by Bill and Joanne Ranney<br />
five years, has been sold to the Art Theatre<br />
Guild, which also operates the Presidio here.<br />
Both theatres will he managed by Les Natali.<br />
An operational policy of noon to midnight<br />
daily will be instituted for films comparable<br />
to those now shown at the Presidio.<br />
The first film under the new owner is the<br />
English-language version of "I, a Woman."<br />
The 165-seat Movie is to be remodeled in<br />
the new future.<br />
Harold Bell Quits IFD<br />
To loin Film Canada<br />
From Canadian Edition<br />
TORONTO—Harold Bell, head bookersalesman<br />
with International Film Distributors<br />
and Allied Artists of Canada, has resigned<br />
to become sales manager of Film<br />
Canada Presentations, Ltd., with offices<br />
here. Danny Weinzweig. former IFD and<br />
AA hooker, succeeds Bell as head booker.<br />
BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967 NE-3
—<br />
ii<br />
The marked alleiilion<br />
by key New England<br />
cireuils lo group sales is pointed up by<br />
some encouraging (rends manilesied at the<br />
de luxe Showcase Cinemas, a dual theatre<br />
complex in Lawrence. Mass., owned and<br />
operated by Redstone Theatres.<br />
John P. Lowe, western New England division<br />
manager tor Redstone, tells us that<br />
Lawrence group sales have heavily outpaced<br />
anything in recent memory with<br />
HavNaii" at Showcase Cinema I. Opening<br />
night v\as sponsored as a Greater Lawrence<br />
Rotary Club benefit. All lady patrons were<br />
given Hawaiian orchids and champagne was<br />
served during intermission.<br />
Lillian Pavelonis. sales director for Showcase<br />
Cinemas, "sold" group parties for the<br />
New England Home for Little Wanderers,<br />
the March of Dimes, the Essex County<br />
Demolay. the Lawrence General Hospital's<br />
Nurses" Ass'n and Sanders Associates of<br />
Nashua, N.H. (just across the state border).<br />
And to further "sell" this attraction,<br />
special letters were mailed to clubs, senior<br />
citizens groups and industrial employe relations<br />
personnel, suggesting theatre parties.<br />
A huge display, built from a 24-sheet cutout<br />
by house manager Robert VV. Butler,<br />
was displayed in the lobby for a full month<br />
ahead of opening. A special window display<br />
was arranged with the Bon Marche Co..<br />
Lowell, nine miles from Lawrence.<br />
Window displays were also arranged in<br />
12 ticket agencies within a 40-miIe radius<br />
Lawrence. Ayer. Haverhill, Salem. Lynn.<br />
Newburyport. Beverly. Lowell. Tewksbury.<br />
Gloucester. Ipswich and Nashua.<br />
A special tie-up was planned with the<br />
i<br />
\<br />
D<br />
I<br />
n<br />
I<br />
D<br />
ll%%%%%^^V^^^^^«n^^MXXXM<br />
nearby Sears Roebuck stores for employe<br />
groLip nights.<br />
A whopping 20. ()()() "preferred patron"<br />
mailing, with a special herald insert, went<br />
out via the Lawrence postoffice.<br />
Butler hosted area nuns and high school<br />
newspaper editors at special screenings,<br />
preparatory to suggesting class parties at the<br />
Showcase Cinemas in May or June.<br />
Upcoming events:<br />
* * *<br />
• Don't be surprised to hear of Wally<br />
Beach, managing director of the Storrowton<br />
Music Fair, summer music tent on the Eastern<br />
States Exposition Grounds, West Springfield,<br />
Mass.. embarking on a multimilliondollar<br />
entertainment construction expansion<br />
program. Details are being readied.<br />
• Western Connecticut exhibition may<br />
1968 world<br />
well make a concerted pitch for<br />
premiere of 20th-Fox"s "Valley of the<br />
Dolls." which stars Barbara Parkins (of the<br />
studio's ABC-TV "Peyton Place" series).<br />
Judy Garland, Tony Scotti and others. Director<br />
Mark Robson recently completed extensive<br />
exterior "shooting" in the Danbury,<br />
Redding and Redding Ridge regions.<br />
• National Ass'n of Theatre Owners of<br />
Connecticut, normally hosting a golf outing<br />
and banquet in August, is gearing its sights<br />
for an expanded convention concept, notably<br />
in the heretofore passed-over speakers<br />
atmosphere.<br />
• Metropolitan Hartford, soon to see<br />
New England's first four-theatre complex,<br />
all hardtops (the projected plans of Bernie<br />
Menschell. president of Outdoor Theatres<br />
Corp. of Manchester, and Hartford real<br />
estate developer David T. Chase), will also<br />
have several hardtops going up in strategic<br />
locations very shortly. We're assured by<br />
exhibition elements that architect renderings<br />
will be ready very shortly.<br />
• New England Theatres has found a<br />
pronounced public response to its recently<br />
Start BOXOFFICE coming..<br />
3 years for $10 (SAVE $5)<br />
2 years for $8 (SAVE $2) Q<br />
1 year for $5<br />
I These rates for U.S., Canada, Pan-America only. Other countries: $10 a year.<br />
I<br />
I<br />
j<br />
I<br />
I<br />
825 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 64124<br />
WE-4<br />
completed and opened Lincoln Plaza Theatre,<br />
Worcester. The Leo Lajoie-managcd<br />
facility, handsomely resplendent with tlie<br />
latest features (plus ample, adequate, adjacent,<br />
free parking), is briskly grossing topdollars<br />
in its area, resoundingly reflecting<br />
the argument that given modernistic surroundings,<br />
parking and attendant factors, a<br />
motion picture theatre can indeed outpace<br />
the fondest boxoffice expectations.<br />
• Fox East Coast Theatres hopes to have<br />
its Springfield. Mass., theatre ready for<br />
operation later in the year. And don't be<br />
surprised to hear of the company going into<br />
other New England cities!<br />
Harvey Appell, New England division<br />
sales supervisor for American International,<br />
has mailed a "magic pencil" to regional<br />
exhibition interests, an attached card designating<br />
the pencil, imprinted with the AIP<br />
trade banner, as "a money-making pencil"<br />
and urging the recipient to "sharpen it, then<br />
write your playdates for 'Hallucination Generation.'<br />
'Thunder Alley.' 'Riot on Sunset<br />
Strip' and 'Devil's Angels.' Results: Money<br />
to you in big grosses!"<br />
The card, moreover, admonishes the exhibitor<br />
not to lose the pencil. "Coming: 'The<br />
Trip.' 'Born Loser' and 'Those Fantastici<br />
Flying Fools'!"<br />
Cognizant of the suburbia living motif ii<br />
the Connecticut Valley. Sperie P. Perakos,<br />
vice-president and general manager, Perakos<br />
Theatre Associates, is inserting newspaper<br />
ads in a rather imique position.<br />
While continLiing to buy display amuse<br />
ment page space in metropolitan Bridgeport<br />
and Hartford, Perakos is also spendingi<br />
money for small, significantly worded ad<br />
on the town news pages, which cover, o;<br />
course, the suburban towns.<br />
His thinking: To directly tie in with thi<br />
suburban dweller's habit of reading news o<br />
peripheral communities.<br />
The Perakos idea, relatively unused in<br />
Connecticut exhibition, has provided some<br />
interesting results, which we'll be reporting<br />
on in "Roundabout New England" forthwith.<br />
Steinmann Heads Division<br />
For Film Acquisitions<br />
From Eastern Edition<br />
NEW YORK — Herbert R. Steinmann.<br />
senior vice-president of the Landau/ Unger<br />
Co., has been named to head a new division<br />
of the independent production organization<br />
geared for the acquisition of international<br />
films for specialized showings.<br />
Steinmann will also arrange co-production<br />
deals for the company through letter of<br />
credit financing. In connection with his new<br />
position, the executive will go to Cannes<br />
several weeks prior to the Film Festival<br />
there to meet with producers and other film<br />
executives regarding possible deals.<br />
Willimantic Defeats Parking<br />
WILLIMANTIC, CONN. — The cit<br />
parking authority's proposal to construct<br />
104-car capacity parking facility at a co^<br />
of $113,000 has been defeated by a six<br />
vote margin in a special city meeting.<br />
BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 196fl
.<br />
Experimental Policy<br />
For Toronto Cinecity<br />
TORONTO—The postoffice building,<br />
which has stood on the northeast corner of<br />
Yonge and Charles streets in midtown Toronto<br />
for the past 62 years, soon will become<br />
the newest and one of the liveliest motion<br />
picture theatres in this area.<br />
At first, the new 285-seat Cinecity will be<br />
used as a commercial art house to present<br />
films distributed in English Canada by Film<br />
Canada Presentations. This distribution<br />
company also is the partner in the Cineshow<br />
Corp.. which owns the theatre and leases<br />
the premises.<br />
The theatre is to open April 18 with the<br />
French film, "La Guerre Est Finie." Other<br />
films, to be shown soon after the opening<br />
will include "The Hawks and the Sparrows."<br />
by Pier Paolo Pasolini. who made "The<br />
Gospel According to St. Matthew": "The<br />
Peach Thief" and possibly "The Chelsea<br />
Girls." A screening for the industry will be<br />
held on April 18 and for an invited audience<br />
the evening following. The house will be officially<br />
opened to the public April 20.<br />
However, the revolutionary new policies<br />
of Cinecity, to be introduced early in May,<br />
will include a continuous showing from<br />
Thursday noon until Saturday midnight of<br />
short and feature-length experimental and<br />
underground films and the world's first predawn<br />
black-tie benefit underground film<br />
premiere. As a part of the new theatre's<br />
premiere, there will be special discussion<br />
sessions with guest moviemakers and a<br />
"panel audience symposium."<br />
"It is important to show the work of the<br />
American underground," said William<br />
Poolman. president and managing director<br />
of Film Canada, and vice-president of Cinecity.<br />
Leasing part of the postoffice building<br />
means an investment of some $200,000 for<br />
David Fry, president of David Fry, Eraser<br />
& Co.. investment dealers, and the plan is<br />
eventually to purchase the entire building.<br />
The upper floors would then be converted<br />
to lounges, as well as editing, screening and<br />
library facilities.<br />
$3,500 MPRF Donations<br />
Honor Late Ken Thompson<br />
From Western Edition<br />
HOLLYWOOD— In honor of the late<br />
Kenneth Thompson, who was a member of<br />
the Motion Picture Relief Fund's board of<br />
trustees, $3,500 has been contributed to the<br />
fund by three separate theatrical guilds, it<br />
was announced by George L. Bagnall. fund<br />
president.<br />
The directors of the Screen Actors Guild<br />
authorized a contribution of $2,000 in memory<br />
of Thompson, who was a founding<br />
member of the SAG.<br />
Individual members of the Composers and<br />
Lyricists Guild of America, for which<br />
Thompson was executive secretary, presented<br />
$1,000 in his memory to the fund. The<br />
balance was donated by the American Federation<br />
of Television and Radio Artists.<br />
Vieppe: the Shame and the<br />
Glory<br />
To Be Filmed by Canadian Falcon<br />
MONTREAL— A recently formed company.<br />
Falcon Pictures of Canada, has provided<br />
initial financing of what will be a<br />
$5,000,000 to $6,000,000 movie production<br />
based on Terence Robertson's best-selling<br />
account of the famous World War II raid<br />
on Dieppe. France, entitled "Dieppe; The<br />
Shame and the Glory."<br />
Twenty-five years ago next August 5.000<br />
Canadians headed across the English Channel<br />
for the beaches of Dieppe. Seven hours<br />
later. 3,000 of them were killed, wounded<br />
or captured.<br />
1.000 never managed to get off<br />
the landing craft and the remnant straggled<br />
back to England's south coast ports from<br />
which they had set off such a short time<br />
ago.<br />
Twelve months from now, if all goes according<br />
to plan, that tragic and dramatic<br />
raid will be re-created in widescreen and<br />
color for all the world to see. Of all the actions<br />
of World War II, Dieppe is naturally<br />
the one that has left the deepest imprint on<br />
the Canadian mind and it is a group of<br />
Canadians, some of them veterans of the<br />
engagement, who have determined to bring<br />
the story to the movie screen.<br />
The Falcon Pictures of Canada has engaged<br />
the services of the eminent British<br />
director Ronald Neame to take charge of<br />
actual production. With Falcon president<br />
Brigadier Dollard Menard in Montreal (a<br />
Dieppe veteran as are several other board<br />
members). Neame said that Terence Robertson<br />
himself will write the screenplay in<br />
collaboration with Neame.<br />
FPC 1966 Nel Profil<br />
Exceeds $3,1<br />
MONTREAL— Famous Players Canadian<br />
Corp.'s annual report for the year ending<br />
Dec. 31. 1966, shows consolidated net<br />
profit of $3,078,716, which is equal to<br />
$1.77 a share—up 26 per cent above $2.-<br />
432,040 a share for 1965.<br />
Theatre admissions, etc.. resulted in gross<br />
revenue, excluding amusement taxes, of<br />
$35,925,399—up 26 per cent over $28.-<br />
347.758 for 1965.<br />
R. W. Bolstad, president and managing<br />
director, stated in the report that the improvement<br />
was due to a buoyant economy,<br />
higher admission prices and a better flow<br />
of boxoffice attractions. Also there was a<br />
large contribution to profits from confection<br />
and equipment merchandising operations,<br />
television companies and community<br />
antenna systems.<br />
Famous Players and affiliated companies<br />
have a number of new theatre projects underway.<br />
Also, negotiations are in progress<br />
for other theatres. Interests were held in 259<br />
regular and 40 drive-in theatres at Dec. 3 1<br />
1966. a net increase of four during 1966.<br />
The balance sheet at Dec. 31, 1966, reflected<br />
the consolidation of United Amuse-<br />
It will mark, in effect, a return to the<br />
wars for Ronald Neame, who first sprang<br />
to cinematic fame with the celebrated "In<br />
Which We Serve," the account of Lord<br />
Louis Mountbatten's ship Kelly, sunk in action<br />
early in the war and on which Neame<br />
worked with Noel Coward and David Lean.<br />
Neame's other credits include "One of<br />
Our Aircraft Is Missing." "This Happy<br />
Breed." "Oliver Twist," "Great Expectations,"<br />
"The Horse's Mouth," "Tunes of<br />
Glory" and most recently, "Gambit," with<br />
Michael Caine and Shirley MacLaine.<br />
Neame said that on a Canadian visit<br />
earlier this year, he had talks with Prime<br />
Minister of Canada Lester Pearson and<br />
Canada's Defense Minister Paul Hellyer and<br />
others, "all of whom gave their support and<br />
encouragement and assurances of material<br />
help in the form of ships, vehicles, arms and<br />
men.<br />
"If at all possible we will shoot the film<br />
in Canada, sending a unit to the south of<br />
England and perhaps the French coast for<br />
location work on the principal action. We<br />
hope to use as many Canadians as we can<br />
on the technical side but there is no doubt<br />
in my mind that the treatment demands<br />
several stars of international calibre."<br />
Neame said that the logistics involved in<br />
the film production are formidable and it is<br />
unlikely that shooting will start before April<br />
1968. The plan is to tell the tragic story<br />
through the eyes of five or six Canadian<br />
soldiers billeted in southern England.<br />
ment Corp. of Montreal through acquisition<br />
of the major share interest for $2,749.-<br />
096. Net current assets of $5,700,249 (including<br />
cash and marketable securities of<br />
$5,383,056) were $2,060,513 below last<br />
year. Net additions to fixed assets were<br />
$2,770,438. Total assets of $40,856,474<br />
were up $5,913,578. Retained earnings<br />
totaled $22,645,884 at December 31.<br />
Peck Signs With Columbia<br />
For 'Mackenna's Gold'<br />
From Western Edition<br />
HOLLYWOOD—Gregory Peck has been<br />
signed to play the title role in "Mackenna's<br />
Gold." which Carl Foreman will produce<br />
for Columbia Pictures release in Cinerama,<br />
it was announced by Mike Frankovich,<br />
Columbia first vice-president.<br />
Peck will be reunited with the creators of<br />
one of the industry's all-time blockbusters,<br />
"The Guns of Navarone"—Carl Foreman<br />
as producer-writer, J. Lee Thompson as<br />
director and Dimitri Tiomkin. co-producer<br />
and composer of the music score. Omar<br />
Sharif was signed earlier for the international<br />
star cast in the role of John Colorado.<br />
The multi-million-dollar adventure story<br />
will be filmed entirely in the United States<br />
on locations in Utah, Oregon and Arizona.<br />
BOXOFFICE ;; April 17, 1967 K-1
. . The<br />
|<br />
|<br />
I? >V. McCiill, acting genciiil inaiKigcr ut<br />
llic Canadian Broailcastiiig Corp. l-nglish<br />
networks, announced the appointment<br />
of Marcc Miinro as director of news and<br />
public affairs in Toronto. Munro succeeds<br />
Douglas Nixon, who becomes director of<br />
television. Bruce Ra\iiiond succeeds Nixon<br />
as television program director.<br />
Britain will offer in its Pavilion at Expo<br />
"67 in Montreal beginning April 28 an impressive<br />
program of films to take care of<br />
any and all aspects of life in the United<br />
Kingdom. The interesting thing about the<br />
nunie program, in which documentaries<br />
\ar\ing from nine to 40 minutes will be<br />
presented, is that it will present the visitor<br />
with films as a means of dramatizing and<br />
rounding out his experience with, and exposure,<br />
to the exhibits. The films will cover<br />
The Easter week was one of the strongest<br />
in years locally, with grosses about 10<br />
per cent above the same week last year. Best<br />
returns came from "In Like Flint,"<br />
"Hawaii," "Hotel" and "A Man for All<br />
Seasons."<br />
Manitoba Motion Picture Pioneers held<br />
its annual curling bonspiel, with the Abe<br />
Kovnats rink and the Mike Gosset rink<br />
winning the Morton and Miles trophies,<br />
respectively.<br />
Managerial changes announced by the<br />
Odeon-Morton chain included appointment<br />
of Richard W. Cooper as assistant to Kings<br />
manager Murray W. Vint and the appointment<br />
of William Feccio as manager of the<br />
circuit's confectionary sales department.<br />
Pace Cinema, Famous Players' suburban<br />
Uimm house, continues to have good success<br />
with reruns of old musicals, with above<br />
.3<br />
1<br />
everytliing for a tlieatre • generators<br />
Try Us! We Never Sleep!<br />
NAME<br />
BRANDS<br />
Reasonable Prices & No Strings Attached.<br />
4810 St. Denis St., Montreol 34<br />
Phone: Victor 2-6762<br />
ticket boxes replacements rectifiers<br />
the gamut of British life in terms of industry,<br />
science, the performing arts, the colorful<br />
pomp, pageantry and spectacle, and<br />
e\er\lhing else from a tour of .Scotland at its<br />
most quaint, to swinging London, as it is<br />
today. Another part of the film program,<br />
which has been considered and which should<br />
be of the greatest interest to cinema buffs,<br />
is<br />
the possibility of a series organized by the<br />
British Film Institute to illustrate the<br />
ticvelopment of the British cinema.<br />
The two newest first-run houses of Montreal—the<br />
French-language Cinema Fleur<br />
de Lys on St. Catherine Street East of the<br />
Costom group and the Cinema Odeon in the<br />
Place du Canada Building complex of<br />
Odeon Canada—were extremely well patronized.<br />
Meanwhile, Odeon Canada is<br />
pushing finishing cleaning work on its other<br />
Montreal west end cinema, which will be<br />
opened this month in the Alexis Nihon Plaza<br />
at the corner of St. Catherine and Atwater.<br />
average showings made by "The Great<br />
Waltz" and "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers"<br />
in the last several weeks.<br />
Current first-run effort at the Rialto,<br />
generally a second showing situation, is "Isle<br />
of Sun."<br />
The Starlite and North Main drive-ins<br />
have reopened for the summer . Hyland<br />
had a good Easter week success with<br />
matinee showings of Astral's "Alakazan the<br />
Great."<br />
Qix national church and welfare organizations<br />
have joined with the National<br />
Film Board in coordinating a program of<br />
family life education in Canada. The aim of<br />
the consolidated body will be to investigate<br />
the development and use of film material in<br />
the family life programs of the individual<br />
groups. The groups include the United<br />
Church of Canada, the Anglican Church of<br />
Canada, the Vanier Institute on the Family,<br />
the National Council of Jewish Women, the<br />
Canadian Mental Health Ass'n and the<br />
Canadian Welfare Council. They will hold<br />
their first official joint meeting in June.<br />
Delegates from each of these organizations<br />
have met individually with NFB officers<br />
and each group has made extensive use of<br />
film in their projects. At the present time,<br />
each organization is experimenting with the<br />
use of four recent NFB films within their<br />
membership. Results of their studies will<br />
likely provide guidelines for film use and<br />
the production of new material.<br />
Yvonne Taylor, wife of Nat Taylor,<br />
president of 20th Century Theatres, died<br />
March 30 in her North Toronto home. She<br />
was a pioneer of art cinemas in Toronto, and<br />
at the lime of her death she operated both<br />
the International and the Towne cinemas.<br />
Mrs. Taylor persuaded her husband to let<br />
her experiment with the showing of arty, unusual<br />
and foreign films and. in 1945. he<br />
turned over to her the Oriole on north<br />
Yonge Street. She renamed it the International<br />
Cinema and it lost $6,000 during<br />
its first few weeks. This loss was quickly<br />
reclaimed when Laurence Olivier's "Henry<br />
V" remained there for 19 weeks. Later<br />
Mrs. Taylor also operated the Towne Cinema<br />
on Bloor Street, which was designed<br />
and built according to her own specifications.<br />
Mrs. Taylor is survived by her husband<br />
and a son Michael.<br />
The Variety Club of Ontario had its<br />
closing meeting for the season March 30<br />
when the Heart Award was presented to<br />
s'-'-wu \jj-<br />
Morris Stein, left, receives the Variety<br />
Club Heart Award from Sam<br />
Shopsowitz.<br />
Morris Stein by Sam "Shopsy" Shopsowitz,<br />
who won the award last year.<br />
An exciting new look at the Royal Canadian<br />
Mounted Police musical ride and<br />
'•<br />
a<br />
look at Canada's top folk dancers, Les Feux :<br />
Follets. are the subjects of two new National<br />
Film Board shorts. Titled "Precision"<br />
and "Feux Follets," they are being distributed<br />
to theatres by Columbia.<br />
The Northeast Drive-In reopened Thursday<br />
(6) for the season. Most of the other<br />
drive-ins in this vicinity remained open<br />
throughout the winter. The 5 Drive-In near<br />
Oakville opened Wednesday evening .<br />
After more than five terrific months at the<br />
International Cinema, "A Man and a Woman"<br />
also opened Wednesday (5) at the Westwood.<br />
However, the two showings are somewhat<br />
different. The original French version i<br />
with English subtitles will continue to bej<br />
shown at International, while the print!<br />
screened at the Westwood will be entirely iti|<br />
English.<br />
Jewish Fund Group Meets<br />
From Western Edition<br />
HOLLYWOOD — The motion picture^<br />
campaign committee met for lunch in behalf<br />
of the Jewish Federation-Councirs|<br />
United Jewish Welfare Fund at the Beverly|<br />
Hills Hotel Tuesday (4). The group was ad-j<br />
dressed by Harvey B. Schechter, executive<br />
of the B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation League,}<br />
according to Marvin Mirisch, chairman o^<br />
the drive-in in the amusement industry.<br />
K-2 BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1961
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Foreign Films Worry<br />
British Chief Censor<br />
From Western Edition<br />
LONDON—John Trevelyan, the chief<br />
censor, has plenty of worries on his mind<br />
these days and aired them to an audience of<br />
trade executives attending an exhibitors'<br />
luncheon in the Midlands last week. Trevelyan<br />
said he was concerned about pressures in<br />
this country and everywhere to get rid of<br />
censorship of all kinds which would inevitably<br />
intensify. He regretted publicity arising<br />
from hoard decisions called into question<br />
by filmmakers and indicated that there were<br />
problems with Swedish films and also films<br />
from Hollywood.<br />
On the new American industry Motion<br />
Picture Code, Trevelyan said that it appeared<br />
to him to be a document rather like<br />
the Ten Commandments, but film companies<br />
find a way round them." He was<br />
particularly concerned with the label "Suggested<br />
for Mature Audiences." This, he felt,<br />
could be exploited to the disadvantage of<br />
children. Increased freedom in the U.S.,<br />
Trevelyan said, had led to an increase in<br />
really bad pornography in films. If this<br />
spread there was a possibility of getting back<br />
to a situation existing in the late '20s when<br />
pressure on the industry required it to protect<br />
itself by a code.<br />
On violence, he said some new westerns<br />
made in Italy and Spain had taken violence<br />
to a higher level than ever. They had been<br />
commercially very successful on the Continent,<br />
but they would not get an "X" certificate<br />
(adults only) without cuts. Trevelyan<br />
did, however, pay tribute to the makers of<br />
"Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" for<br />
basing the film on the original dialog, and<br />
Antonioni's "Blow-Up," he believed, had<br />
used certain scenes not for the deliberate<br />
use of "sex," but to portray a serious dramatic<br />
purpose.<br />
UMPA Exec. Sec. Salutes<br />
CBS Filmmaking Entry<br />
From Central Edition<br />
KANSAS CITY—Writing in the "Reel<br />
News," United Motion Picture Ass'n<br />
publication for members, Chuc<br />
Barnes, executive secretary, saluted the entry<br />
of CBS into theatrical filmmaking,<br />
Barnes wrote:<br />
"While it is too early to go out on a limb<br />
and predict what the over-all effect will be,<br />
first thoughts would seem to imply a good<br />
advantage will FINALLY result for motion<br />
arid theatre exhibition when made<br />
part of the television world.<br />
"First impressions of the CBS announcement<br />
that they will produce films for the<br />
theatre screens instead of taking them OFF<br />
the screen seem to indicate that at long<br />
last we will get something back from this<br />
industry. Let's hope this is to be true, beit<br />
is long overdue and this venture<br />
be rewarding to both the theatre inand<br />
to CBS . . . The theatre screen<br />
be the BIG revenue producing avefor<br />
the production of these films with<br />
later benefit accruing to TV."<br />
Easy Come/ Lightning Bolt' Gross<br />
High as Toronto First Week Films<br />
TORONTO — <strong>Boxoffice</strong> receipts continued<br />
to run on a very high level, most<br />
first-run houses reporting excellent business.<br />
"Easy Come, Easy Go" proved to be a good<br />
post-holiday offering for the Imperial and<br />
other FP houses in its group, while "Alfie"<br />
still was very strong in its 23rd week at the<br />
Hollywood, South Cinema. "Lightning Bolt"<br />
had a very good single week at the Downtown<br />
and at several other Twinex locations:<br />
interest also still was high in "Blow-Up" in<br />
its 11th week at the Towne and Yorkdale<br />
cinemas. Most Odeon houses had new bookings<br />
doing very well, especially "The Game<br />
Is Over" in the third week at the Carlton.<br />
Capitol Fine Art The Sand Pebbies (20th-Fox),<br />
6tFi wk Excellent<br />
Capri Paris Secret (IFD), 2nd wk Good<br />
Carlton The Game Is Over (Col). 3rd wk Excellent<br />
Coronet group Georgy Girl Col);<br />
Morgon! (SR) Excellent<br />
Donforthi The Taming of the Shrew<br />
(Col), 3rd wk Excellent<br />
Downtown group Lightning Bolt (IFD) Very Cjood<br />
Eglinton The Sound of Music (20tti-Fox),<br />
OStti wk Excellent<br />
1<br />
FoTlawn A Mon tor All Seasons (Col),<br />
16tti wk Excellent<br />
Glendale Cineroma Grand Prix<br />
(MGM), 10th wk Excellent<br />
Hollywood, Nortti Cinema In Like Flint<br />
(20tti-Fox), 2nd wk Good<br />
Hollywood, South Cinema Alfie (Pare), 23rd wk. Good<br />
Hyland The Deadly Affair (Col), 2nd wk. ...Excellent<br />
Imperial group Easy Come, Easy Go (Para)<br />
Internotional Cinema A Man and a Woman<br />
Good<br />
(IFD), 22nd wk Excellent<br />
Nortown Doctor Zhivago (MGM), 25th wk Good<br />
Towne, Yorkdole Blow-Up (SR), 11 th wk. ...Excellent<br />
University Hawaii (UA), 25th wk Good<br />
Voughon—The Bible (20th-Fox), 8th wk Excellent<br />
Week Business Good<br />
First<br />
At New Montreal Thecrtres<br />
MONTREAL—With the advent of two<br />
new first-run cinemas here, boxoffice grosses<br />
generally were good for the week. At the<br />
Cinema Odeon Place du Canada, "The<br />
Game Is Over" was very well patronized:<br />
at the Fleur de Lys Theatre, the initial offering<br />
of "Tendre Voyou" also attracted record<br />
crowds.<br />
Alouette hlawaii (UA), 24th wk Good<br />
Avenue The Taming of the Shrew<br />
(Col), 2nd wk Excellent<br />
Capitol In Like Flint (20th-Fox), 2nd wk Good<br />
Cinema Festival Loving<br />
Cinema Place du Canada<br />
Couples (IFD), 9th wk.<br />
The Game Is Over<br />
. .Good<br />
(Col)<br />
Excellent<br />
Cinema Place Ville Marie Blow-Up (SR), 2nd wk. Good<br />
Dorvol (Red) Deadlier Than the Male (Univ) . . . .Good<br />
Dorval (Doree) La Mondragola (SR) Good<br />
Elysee (Resnais) A Man and a Woman (IFD),<br />
34th wk Good<br />
Elysee (Eisenstein) Le Bestiaire d'Amour<br />
(SR), 4th wk Good<br />
The Sound of Music (20th-Fox),<br />
Foirview 1<br />
1 5th wk. at popular prices Good<br />
Fairview 2 Hawoii (UA), 2nd wk Good<br />
Fleur de Lys Tendre Voyou (SR)<br />
Good<br />
Imperiol Russian Adventure (SR), 23rd wk Good<br />
Kent Doctor Zhivago (MGM), 24th wk Good<br />
Loew's Hotel (WB), 2nd wk Good<br />
Palace Hurry Sundown (Para), 2nd wk Good<br />
Parisien Monsieur (SF), 3rd wk Good<br />
Seville The Bible (20th-Fox), 9th wk Good<br />
Van Home Georgy Girl (Col), 15th wk Good<br />
Vendome Technique d'un Meurtre (SR) Good<br />
Westmount A Countess From Hong Kong<br />
(Univ), 2nd wk Good<br />
York The Sand Pebbles (20th-Fox), 2nd wk Good<br />
'Hotel,'<br />
'Man for All Seasons'<br />
Pace Good Winnipeg Week<br />
WINNIPEG—Returns continued amazingly<br />
steady for the time of year—ahead<br />
of the same week last year and about the<br />
same as the previous week. Continuing to<br />
pace the first runs were "Hawaii," "Htitel"<br />
and "A Man for All Seasons," all holdovers.<br />
Also strong were "In Like Flint" and "Easy<br />
Come, Easy Go" and newcomers "Blow-<br />
Up" and "Carry On Screaming." "How to<br />
Succeed in Business Without Really Trying"<br />
ended a two-week run on an average note.<br />
Capitol In Like Flint (20th-Fox), 2nd wk. . Good<br />
Gaiety Blow-Up (SR) Very Good<br />
Garnck How to Succeed (UA), 2nd wk Averoge<br />
Hyland Carry On Screaming (20th-Fox) . Good<br />
Kings Hawaii (UA), 7th wk Excellent<br />
Lyceum Bullwhip Griffin (BV), 2nd wk Good<br />
Metropolitan Easy Come, Easy Go (Para),<br />
2nd wk Very Good<br />
Odeon Hotel (WB), 2nd wk Excellent<br />
Pork—A Man for All Seasons (Col), 6th wk. . .Excellent<br />
Towne Loving Couples (FD), 4th wk Cjood<br />
First Outburst of Spring<br />
Hurts Vancouver Grosses<br />
VANCOUVER—Bright spring sunshine,<br />
which sent everyone out on the highways,<br />
plus the opening of Westwood Raceways,<br />
was too much for the first-run mainstem to<br />
cope with. Everything sagged as a consequence.<br />
Capitol Grand Prix (MGM), 9th wk. . Average<br />
Coronet How to Succeed (UA), 2nd wk Good<br />
Dominion—Monkeys, Go Home! (Emp), 2nd wk. . ..Fair<br />
Hyland—A Man for All Seasons<br />
(Col), 5th wk Average<br />
Odeon A Funny Thing Happened<br />
(UA), 7th wk Average<br />
Orpheum Easy Come, Easy Go (Para), 2nd wk. Average<br />
Pork Howaii (UA), 1 5th wk Above Average<br />
Ridge The Bible (20th-Fox), 8th wk. . .Above Average<br />
Stanley Doctor Zhivago (MGM), 51st wk Average<br />
Strand Hotel (WB), 2nd wk Good<br />
Studio A Mon and a Woman (IFD), 2nd wk. Very Good<br />
Vogue Georgy Girl (Col), 8th wk Average<br />
D-150 and 20th-Fox Close<br />
Deal for 2nd Roadshow<br />
From Western Edition<br />
HOLLYWOOD—Marshall Naify, president<br />
of D-150, Inc., has announced that an<br />
agreement has been concluded with 20th<br />
Century-Fox for production of a roadshow<br />
film in the Dimension- 150 process. Naify<br />
said the film is expected to be a major release<br />
and that principal photography probably<br />
will get under way in July 1968. Currently,<br />
20th-Fox is releasing "THE BIBLE<br />
... In the Beginning" in D-150 in major<br />
cities<br />
across the country.<br />
J. M. RICE and CO. LTD.<br />
m<br />
"Everything for the Theatre"<br />
Ballantyne<br />
Hilux<br />
Sound Systems.<br />
Anamorphic Lenses.<br />
Williams Silver Screens.<br />
New & Rebuilt Theatre Chairs.<br />
430 Kensington St.<br />
Winnipeg 21, Man.<br />
TU 8-7987<br />
10029 Jasp«r Ave.<br />
Edmonton, Alto.<br />
GA 2-8502<br />
:: April 17, 1967<br />
Clunle> Manager Jack Burdick celcbraicil<br />
iho start o( the second year for "Doctor<br />
Zhivago" with a lobby party and gifts for<br />
the women.<br />
The local scene was saddened by the<br />
death within the past week of Gordon Doctor,<br />
57. brother of Capitol Manager Charles<br />
Doctor, on March 29. Gordon, who had<br />
managed Famous Players' suburban theatres<br />
in the '3()s and '40s, also leaves wife Constance<br />
and two .sons Gordon N. and Brian,<br />
both of Vancouver. Services were held Saturday<br />
(I).<br />
Jack Lucas, 93. dean of western Canadian<br />
showmen, died Wednesday (5). He started<br />
in exhibition via a reel of film he .shot himself<br />
of the fire following the San Francisco<br />
earthquake in 1906. After exhibiting it up<br />
the coast, he settled in Vancouver where he<br />
opened an independent theatre. As ownerprojectionist<br />
he operated several suburban<br />
houses in the city, the last was the Star. Of<br />
late years he had been a projectionist around<br />
town. Although retired for several years<br />
he had been active until last fall. A charter<br />
member of the Vancouver Canadian Picture<br />
Pioneers, he will be missed by many, particularly<br />
past president Don Foli with whom<br />
he had a friendship of 30 years.<br />
Daisy Dalgleish, wife of Warner Bros,<br />
branch manager Earle Dalgleish and long<br />
active in the city's cultural and charity<br />
activities, has been elected to a three-year<br />
term on the board of directors of the United<br />
Community Services.<br />
Cinema Services president Shirley Wilson<br />
planed to Tokyo for a fast look at the Japanese<br />
theatre equipment he represents locally.<br />
He is expected back within a couple<br />
of<br />
weeks.<br />
Back from hospitalization where he<br />
underwent surgery is United Artists branch<br />
manager Harry Woolfe. Empire Manager<br />
Bill Grant and Paramount Manager Doug<br />
White, also hospitalized, were reported on<br />
the mend. Cascades owner Bill Steele was<br />
still in Vancouver General, and reported improving.<br />
Picture Pioneer Jack Mawson<br />
underwent surgery and is expected to be<br />
hospitalized for quite a while.<br />
Strand Theatre Manager Ted Bielby had<br />
a strong promotional tie-up going with his<br />
engagement of "Hotel." Radio station<br />
CHQM and the Vancouver Hilton Hotel<br />
were offering free accommodations, meals<br />
and a night on the town to the winners of a<br />
contest.<br />
Visiting Filmrow was Gordy West, who<br />
formerly operated theatres in Sechelt and<br />
Gibsons, assisted by Terry Frost, who now<br />
is managing the Park at White Rock.<br />
on AW A<br />
Y^hile there was no local competition for<br />
theatregoers on prospective winners<br />
of Academy Awards. Ottawa fans showed<br />
keen interest in features which figured<br />
prominently in Oscar nominations. The big<br />
FPC Capitol brought back "Who's Afraid of<br />
Virginia Woolf?" one week prior to the<br />
scheduled big night at Santa Monica while<br />
other theatres added to the excitement by<br />
playing contending attractions, some for<br />
lengthy engagements. The holdovers included<br />
"Hawaii" at the Nelson; "Georgy Girl" at<br />
one Elgin and "A Man for All Seasons" at<br />
the Elmdale. A recent and timely arrival<br />
was "A Man and a Woman" in its French<br />
veision at the Rideau and the one in English<br />
at the Britannia.<br />
News of the death at Toronto of Yvonne<br />
Taylor, devoted wife of N. A. Taylor,<br />
brought sadness to many exhibitors and<br />
friends<br />
here who knew of her long association<br />
with her husband as well as her brother<br />
Raoul Auerbach, both of whom are leading<br />
executives in Canadian film entertainment.<br />
She had been successful in her own right as<br />
owner of two theatres. At her funeral Sunday<br />
(2) the large gathering at Holy Blossom<br />
Starf BOXOFFICE coming<br />
D 3 years for $10 (SAVE $5)<br />
D 2 years for $8 (SAVE $2) D<br />
1<br />
year for $5<br />
These rates for U.S., Canada, Pan-Amerlco only. Other countries: $10 a year.<br />
NAME<br />
825 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 64124<br />
• • •<br />
Temple, Toronto, bore witness to the esteem<br />
in which she was held.<br />
Ottawa has had two ozoners operating<br />
throughout the winter, but the so-called<br />
drive-in season has made its start at last<br />
with the opening of the Odeon Auto-Sky<br />
here. George Delaney's Skylark at Gananoque.<br />
the "66" at Kingston for a second year<br />
and the Lindsay (Ont.) Drive-ln.<br />
The ten-day International Film Festival<br />
of Laughter, a project of Canada's centennial<br />
commission, made a healthy start at the<br />
Ottawa Somerset Saturday (I) to the accompaniment<br />
of much fanfare with three different<br />
programs. An opening feature was the<br />
premiere of "Tant Qu'on a la Sante" ("As<br />
Long As You're Healthy") from France for<br />
which Pierre Etaix. producer and star, made<br />
a personal appearance. The series was<br />
scheduled to close Monday (10) with the<br />
presentation of "Press for Time" with<br />
British star Norman Wisdom expected to<br />
attend. Admission prices were $1 for adults<br />
and 50 cents for children.<br />
Gordon Millar and Jack Critchley. the<br />
two former theatre managers, have opened<br />
the Attic Coffee House on Bank Street in<br />
downtown Ottawa. Larry Kettlers of Peterborough<br />
has succeeded Millar as manager of<br />
the Odeon Elmdale, while Bob Maynard is<br />
in charge of the Somerset.<br />
Ernie Warren, veteran manager of the<br />
dual Elgins, who usually takes his holidays<br />
by installments, has returned from a week's<br />
vacation. Svend Pedersen, manager of the<br />
Nelson and secretary of the Ottawa Theatre<br />
Managers Ass'n, has set plans for an early<br />
holiday trip to Europe. An Ottawa visitor<br />
from Toronto was Don Watts, director of<br />
publicity and promotion for 20th Century<br />
Theatres.<br />
Before opening with "A Man and a<br />
Woman." the Rideau and Britannia reported<br />
considerable business on "Easy Come. Easy<br />
Go" in an extended run. and Doug Pinder<br />
of the Rideau said that candy sales were<br />
"fantastic," with the confectionary bar frequently<br />
running short of supplies.<br />
The Ottawa Capitol, managed by Jim<br />
McDonough. had the final concert of the<br />
season by the Montreal Symphony Orchestra<br />
Wednesday night (5), for which prices<br />
scaled ud to $6.<br />
De Luxe Film Laboratories<br />
Announces Six Promotions<br />
From Western Edition<br />
HOLLYWOOD—Ray Gaul, production<br />
manager, and his assistant Ned Johnston<br />
have been promoted to superintendents of<br />
De Luxe Film Laboratories, it was announced<br />
by G. Carleton Hunt, president.<br />
Other promotions also were announced.<br />
Ellis Mills, customer service manager,<br />
now is production assistant. His former post<br />
has been taken by Ken Trefsger, who<br />
handled 16mm television work, now taken<br />
over by Ron Jarvis.<br />
Ted Hageman has assumed a new position<br />
as production assistant. He was in the<br />
printing department.<br />
K-4 BOXOFFICE :: April 17. 1967
Gfftdi^luc^a^n,<br />
mm<br />
• CauU>ment • CottceddieHA' • nftitvknaAt£c<br />
r,.i.-.^t.^^7X.^:>K^v^^<br />
Landscaped, fenced "kiddy play:^roiind" is located in from of screen lower ai W'ineland's S
Continued from preceding page<br />
and c;irpcting. The all-wool seat material is<br />
by Chatham Mills. Seat pans are painted<br />
in a matching purple, and the backs are<br />
unpainted wood grained stainless steel.<br />
A passageway at the stage left rear of<br />
the auditorium leads to the projection booth<br />
and to the cry room. The cry room is located<br />
on the second floor. It has facilities and<br />
space for 38 people to sit and view the<br />
screen in comfort through the windows,<br />
while the youngsters cannot disturb the<br />
audience.<br />
The foyer at the auditorium rear has four<br />
paintings on the wall which are illuminated<br />
by recessed ceiling lights. Six Roman torcheres<br />
are mounted on the rear of the foyer<br />
wall on either side of the main entrance<br />
doors and at cither end of the foyer.<br />
The ceiling of the auditorium is covered<br />
with white Johns-Manville acoustical material.<br />
The side walls are stepped and have<br />
pink fluorescent lighting controlled by a<br />
dimmer. Lights are kept at high brilliance<br />
prior to showtime and during intermissions,<br />
then dimmed to a soft pink during the show.<br />
The walls are of cinder block covered<br />
with Velvetex. a rather new process which<br />
gives an appearance as well as a touch like<br />
velvet. This is toned purple to match the<br />
seating.<br />
The stage drapes are of satin in a hot pink<br />
shade. The Hurley screen is 25 by 55 feet.<br />
The general auditorium carpeting pattern is<br />
a Wilton by Mohawk, with a purple ground<br />
and a top shade of hot pink. Vinyl tile<br />
flooring is used in the concessions area, boxoffice,<br />
manager's office, projection room.<br />
CREDITS:<br />
Acoustical Material: Johns-Manville<br />
Background Panels: Wagner<br />
Carpeting: Mohawk<br />
Chandelier: Feldman<br />
Changeable Letters: Wagner<br />
Drapes: Northwest Studios<br />
Interior Decoration: Dorothy Shafer<br />
Lamps: Strong<br />
Lenses: Kollmorgen<br />
Projectors: CENTURY<br />
Rectifiers: Strong<br />
Rewinds: Goldberg<br />
Screen: Hurley<br />
Seats: Heywood-Wakefield<br />
Seat Upholstery Material: Chatham<br />
Sign: Mills<br />
Sound: Century<br />
Wall Covering: Velvetex<br />
Playgrounds Lure Young Set . . . and Parents<br />
Distinctively fenced spacious playground (left)<br />
at Black Horse Pike Drive-In Theatre, Camden,<br />
N. J., is equipped with Miracle swings, climbers,<br />
merry-go-rounds, whirls, teeter-totters,<br />
benches. The Sameric Corp. airer serves 1,400<br />
cars. Drawing (below) shows basic group by<br />
Recreation Equipment for 75 or more children.<br />
"Space age" climbers, slides— plus traditional swings, sandbox, whirls — serve children in huge fenced playgroimd of<br />
Twentieth Century Theatres' new 1,476-car Windsor Twin Drive-In Theatre, 5 miles from downtown Windsor, Ont.<br />
..v.-v-s<br />
.M-':..^<br />
It's<br />
hard to keep those cups filled with so many<br />
people demanding RC. And Royal Crown Cola syrup<br />
offers more servings per gallon and lower initial<br />
cost than its largest competitor. That means bigger<br />
profits for you! Royal Crown Cola heads a<br />
brilliant cast at your refreshment center. . .co-starring<br />
with such audience favorites as popcorn, candy and snacks.<br />
RC is the critics' choice for profitable performance.<br />
And the movie-goers' choice ifor quick, fresh energy.<br />
More and more people are asking for RC. They like<br />
that taste of zippy refreshment only RC has. So book<br />
it now for a long, profit-making run. You'll like<br />
that taste of money only RC syrup has.
.<br />
I<br />
New Camelot is<br />
a<br />
prestige<br />
roadshow house'<br />
A FLOOR -TO- CEILING, deeply<br />
curved screen, special projection lenses,<br />
automatically controlled screen masking,<br />
and a special stereophonic sound system<br />
keynote the luxurious new 630-seat Camelot<br />
Theatre of Sherrill Corwin, president of<br />
Metropolitan Theatres Corp., and the National<br />
Ass'n of Theatre Owners, in Palm<br />
.Springs, Calif. Opened February 4 with a<br />
$100 per couple benefit premiere for the<br />
Palm Springs United Fund, the Camelot<br />
is reported the first theatre of its kind in<br />
Southern California.<br />
The Camelot is equipped with the "D-150<br />
All-Purpose Projection System," which provides<br />
for pre5entation of all picture sizes<br />
and aspects including the new "Dimension<br />
50"<br />
1 process. The system's automatic mask-<br />
Con\in's new luxury Camelot Theatre graces Palm Springs. Calif., sliopping center<br />
Continuecl on page 12<br />
Camelot's main title curtain and<br />
color motif are shades of green and<br />
blue. Theatre's "D-150" system<br />
permits presentation of all picture sizes.<br />
Lu.xurioiis lounge area is provided for<br />
Camelot's patrons. Theatre is reported<br />
first of kind in Soutliern California.<br />
Floor-to-ceiling screen has curvilinear<br />
width of 68 feet, was custom made in<br />
England. Seats hy Heywood-Wakefield
.<br />
Mationai<br />
|<br />
sells a Carpet<br />
for popcorn spillers,<br />
ice cream droppers and<br />
wild little Indians.<br />
The name of the carpet is Crestwood. It's a<br />
theatre carpet. With acoustical and wearing<br />
quahties that theatres need.<br />
But before you buy it, you'll want some facts<br />
and figures from someone who knows theatres.<br />
That's where your NTS man can help. Theatres<br />
are his business. He knows what you need in<br />
floor coverings. He'll show you the industry's<br />
most complete selection of colors and patterns.<br />
He'll suggest one that will enhance the appearance<br />
of your theatre. And he'll not only help you<br />
save money, but he'll also arrange a payment<br />
plan suited to your needs.<br />
He can even tell you which theatres in your<br />
area already have Crestwood so you can see for<br />
yourself how well it looks and wears.<br />
If you're buying a theatre carpet, buy it<br />
from a theatre man. A National theatre man.<br />
I want some facts and figures about<br />
Crestwood carpet from a theatre man.<br />
Name<br />
Company<br />
Position<br />
Address<br />
City<br />
^<br />
State, Zip Code<br />
IMational<br />
^^P^<br />
411 Sette Dri\'e. Paramus. New Jersey<br />
lOXOFFICE :; April 17, 1967 11
. . . top<br />
Continued from pa,i;c 12<br />
Kansas City; J. C. Evans, Gold Medal<br />
Products Co.. Cincinnati: J. J. Fitzgibhons<br />
jr.. Theatre Confections. Ltd., Toronto,<br />
Canada: Larry Cioldmeicr, Poppers Supply<br />
Co., Philadelphia; Irving Gordon, Lily-Tulip<br />
Cup Corp.. New York: Rufus Harris,<br />
Cretors & Co., Nashville; Bernard Helfand,<br />
American Broadcasting Companies, New<br />
York: William Hughes. Dr Pepper Co.,<br />
Dallas: Ward F. Parker, Beech-Nut Life<br />
Savers, Inc., New York; Lee Parrish, Associated<br />
Popcorn Co,, Dallas; Leonard Pollack,<br />
Loew's Theatres, New York; D. W.<br />
Stevenson, Crush International, Evanston,<br />
III.: Robert D. Thomson, Pepsi-Cola Co.,<br />
New York; Harvey W. Westfall, The Coca-<br />
Cola Co.. Atlanta: and Jack Yellin, Stanley<br />
Warner Theatres, New York.<br />
Selby Expands Tower Line<br />
To 28 Standard Sizes<br />
Adding 12 new in-stock tower sizes, Selby<br />
Industries, Inc., has expanded its standard<br />
line of drive-in theatre screen towers to 28<br />
sizes,<br />
says William H. Selby. The new sizes<br />
range from 54 feet wide by 22 feet high,<br />
with two vertical trusses to 132 feet wide<br />
by 58 feet high, with five vertical trusses.<br />
The expanded line now ranges from 50 feet<br />
wide by 22 feet high, with two trusses, to<br />
140 feet wide by 60 feet high, with six<br />
trusses. The screen towers, says Selby, are<br />
precision-engineered, feature low maintenance<br />
and maximum wind resistance, and<br />
are available for immediate shipment worldwide.<br />
The firm has made over 500 tower<br />
installations in North and South America<br />
and in the British West Indies, he adds.<br />
Miniature Golf Booming Now;<br />
Vnmatilied Traffic • Getter<br />
'<br />
^fliNiATURE Golf is a self-supporting,<br />
self-liquidating, unmatched traffic-getter,<br />
and its popularity is booming to the extent<br />
that it is now being included in the operations<br />
of drive-in theatres and various other<br />
commercial and recreational enterprises,<br />
says Ralph Lomma, president, Lomma Enterprises,<br />
Inc., the largest manufacturer of<br />
miniature golf courses and equipment.<br />
Quoting from the National Golf Foundation<br />
Handbook, he says that "miniature golf<br />
is more profitable, percentage wise, than any<br />
other type of golf facility , . , and golf facilities<br />
in general are in the top bracket of<br />
profit-producing recreation enterprises."<br />
As an indication of the "resurging popularity"<br />
of miniature golf, Lomma says that<br />
owners of courses are reporting to him turnstile<br />
counts ranging from several hundred to<br />
close to 1,500 people daily, with most of<br />
the operators charging 50 cents a person for<br />
about a half hour of golf fun.<br />
Lomma notes, too, that drive-in theatres,<br />
motels, roadside restaurants and shopping<br />
center plazas usually have sufficient space<br />
to include at least a 9-hole course on their<br />
land. If not, many make provision to acquire<br />
the land, he adds.<br />
Miniature golf today is a more businesslike<br />
operation than it was in the 1930s and<br />
1940s, Lomma also states. Today the miniature<br />
course is tied closely to the public appetite<br />
for regular golf and, while still providing<br />
the fun of wild obstacles, it is also designed<br />
as a putting course to satisfy the desire<br />
of golfers to improve their game. One<br />
common denominator that remains, though,<br />
he adds, is that it is plenty of fun for millions<br />
of youngsters and adults who play the<br />
game each week.<br />
In a structural sense, says Lomma, miniature<br />
golf courses are radically different<br />
from those of three decades ago, "at least<br />
Lomma courses are." They are portable, and<br />
the courses may be laid into playing position<br />
in one day. The same courses can also be<br />
moved inside in one day for winter use in a<br />
basement or any appropriate room. Costs<br />
for Lomma courses range from $3,250 to<br />
$9,900, he says. Only one attendant is needed<br />
to handle several hundred customers a<br />
day. And courses can be financed.<br />
Open For Business<br />
t-The Best, Most Profitable<br />
Barbecue Business You<br />
w<br />
Ever<br />
Had!<br />
Open Castleberry's genuine Pit-Cooked<br />
Barbecue . . . heat<br />
.<br />
. . ladle it on a bun<br />
and SERVE! Nothing is easier,<br />
faster. This delicious Barbecue v^ins customers<br />
instantly, brings them back again and<br />
again. You net a minimum profit of IS^"'<br />
per sandwich, $3.60 per 30-oz. can, $86.40<br />
per case. This is business too good to miss.<br />
Get your share now with Castleberry's —<br />
America's best-tasting, best-selling genuine<br />
Barbecue.<br />
FOOD COMPANY *^^^<br />
AUGUSTA. GEORGIA 30303<br />
I<br />
Fanta is the<br />
argest selling<br />
brand orange<br />
soft drink<br />
ntlie<br />
uvorid!<br />
Fanta Orange smells so much better. . . it just has to<br />
sell<br />
better. Contact your local wholesaler for<br />
The Coca-Cola Company for Fanta Orange. Also Fanta<br />
Grape and Fanta Root Beer.<br />
4. Try a wild idea to develop new popcorn<br />
Continued on following page<br />
^<br />
paper<br />
coating developed<br />
for EXCLUSIVE use<br />
on BUTTERCUP.<br />
jBOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967<br />
'Amount of Purchase Often Hinges on Initial Approach'<br />
—<br />
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How to Train Your Concessions Attendants<br />
To Be Salesmen Instead of Order Talcers<br />
Concessions Merchandising Manager<br />
Commonwealth Theatres, Inc.<br />
Kansas City<br />
Often the concessions attendant's first approach<br />
or contact with the patron or customer determines<br />
the amount of purchase that will be made at the counter.<br />
If the attendant is rude or abrupt or in too great a hurry<br />
to serve the customer during the intermission, the customer<br />
will likely purchase only one item. One of the rules for our<br />
concessions attendants, therefore, is: "Work fast, but never<br />
rush the customer." Following is a checklist of additional<br />
rules for attendants:<br />
1. "May I Help You, Please?" These should always be<br />
your first words to the patron. Then, after the customer<br />
has been given his or her full order, always follow up by<br />
asking: "Something else, please?" Many times after the<br />
original order has been completed you have an opportunity<br />
to use "suggestive selling," thereby increasing the amount<br />
of the sale. Strive to be more than an order taker, but rather<br />
a salesperson.<br />
Address a regular customer by name if at all possible.<br />
A person enjoys hearing his or her name, and it also reminds<br />
the individual that you remember him and appreciate<br />
his patronage. When a regular customer has been absent<br />
for some time, never fail to greet him with "We have<br />
missed you" or "We are glad to see you again." Make the<br />
person feel that he has been missed.<br />
Be Certain to Furnish Convenience<br />
2. Completing the Order: After the customer has been<br />
given sufficient time to study the menu, place his order<br />
and have it filled. Stop and think how it will be carried by<br />
the patron. This should also be a part of your service to the<br />
customer. Never leave a customer helpless—trying to determine<br />
how to carry the purchase back to his car or to his<br />
seat. Offer him a carry type tray for this purpose. Sometimes<br />
this works to great advantage in our indoor theatres<br />
as well as in our drive-ins. The customer expects and deserves<br />
convenience. We must be certain to furnish this<br />
commodity.<br />
3. "Suggestive Selling": Do not be just another order<br />
taker. Never fail to suggest to a customer who seems to be<br />
encountering difficulty in deciding or who seems confused<br />
as to what to purchase. Help him—and help increase the<br />
sale. Speak up and suggest your main items: buttered popcorn,<br />
giant cold drinks, hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza, etc.<br />
Suggest them as partners: buttered popcorn and a giant<br />
cold drink. And watch the sales increase. This can be fun<br />
for you, helpful for the customer, and will certainly increase<br />
the size of the sale.<br />
4. Increasing the Size of the Purchase: The only sales<br />
medium in our snack bars is the merchandise displays and<br />
the point of purchase material. This is not sufficient, in<br />
most instances, and it is the duty of the concessions personnel<br />
to assist in this important phase selling. A good<br />
concessions attendant — again — is a salesperson, not an<br />
order taker. Remember, all items in the snack bar are for<br />
sale; therefore, you should recommend and sell.<br />
When a customer orders a hamburger or a hot dog, you<br />
should ask, "What would you like to drink?" Then, list by<br />
name the drinks you have for sale. Suggest a giant drink!<br />
Most customers will respond to your suggestions. Nothing<br />
happens until somebody sells something!<br />
Remember, also: Know the large sizes of all the merchandise<br />
in your snack bar. Sell the large or giant size<br />
This article is based on the Concessions Manager's<br />
Manual of Commonwealth Theatres, Inc., Kansas City.<br />
It is the second in a series by Lee H. Joehnck, the circuit's<br />
concessions merchandising manager. The first appeared in<br />
the December, 1966, issue.<br />
items, because you are then doing a doubly good job as a<br />
salesperson. When a customer asks for popcorn, your immediate<br />
question should be : "Buttered?"<br />
When the customer pays for his purchase, any currency<br />
above $1 should be placed on the sill of the register while<br />
you are making change. Take an extra few seconds and<br />
avoid the mistake of either undercharging or overcharging<br />
the customer.<br />
During intermission the popcorn kettle should always be<br />
popping, the griddle should always be sizzling, the butter<br />
should be melting right in front where the customer can<br />
see it. Sufficient boxes of corn (plain and buttered) should<br />
be ready for the first rush. Large cold drinks should be<br />
drawn and displayed on the serving area of the drink machine<br />
or on the counter. Items should be ready to be purchased<br />
and carried away by the patron.<br />
Tact and discretion—in selling and suggesting—should<br />
always be used, as management never wants the patron to<br />
feel that he is being oversold. Be exceedingly polite when<br />
you approach the prospective customer.<br />
Last but not least: Always stop, think and be prepared!<br />
You will find that most customers are understanding and<br />
realize that they can not all be served at the same time and<br />
will wait their turn for service. If you get excited and confused,<br />
you cannot carry on your work properly. Be prepared—this<br />
is the secret—and you will never have anything<br />
but smiles, fun and the happy inner thought that you are<br />
taking care of your customers in the best way possible and<br />
doing your job right. You are prepared when you have<br />
everything filled and ready at your fingertips. Check with<br />
the concessions supervisor or the theatre manager to find<br />
out how much to prepare ahead of time.<br />
Be alert. Ask questions. That's the way to get the<br />
answers. Good luck and good selling!<br />
paCUD LJCJIV1I=>/\IMY<br />
,<br />
or<br />
'<br />
I<br />
',<br />
1<br />
'<br />
boxes<br />
1<br />
trailers<br />
I<br />
I<br />
:<br />
popcorn<br />
I<br />
3.<br />
;<br />
butter<br />
j<br />
I<br />
'Urge to buy is waiting'<br />
How to sell more<br />
popcorn and serve<br />
it in best way<br />
Executive<br />
Vice-President,<br />
Wyandot Popcorn Co., Marion, Ohio<br />
placed in the most advantageous location in<br />
the center aisle if possible and spotlighted<br />
tastefully. If you can, take the tickets next<br />
to the machine. Use the Popcorn Institute<br />
acetate sign kits, the Gold Medal Illuminated<br />
popcorn sign, or the many other electrical<br />
popcorn signs and mobiles that are<br />
available. Do not hesitate to use movie<br />
trailers featuring popcorn and butter corn.<br />
Remember, cleanliness of your equipment,<br />
counters, and concessions personnel are a<br />
must. Build mass displays of loose popcorn<br />
in the machine and of butter cups displayed<br />
in a rack under heat lamps.<br />
Appeal to the sense of smell: Pop at peak<br />
times and use a filter that removes grease<br />
particles, but not all the odor.<br />
Appeal to the sense of taste: Give three<br />
to four kernels as a sample in a nut cup to<br />
stimulate the appetite. Time your intermission<br />
in drive-in theatres late enough so<br />
that everyone has a good appetite. Never<br />
serve stale, tough popcorn. Throw it away<br />
if you cannot rewarm it to a crisp tender<br />
condition.<br />
Personal Sales Pitch for Popcorn<br />
Appeal to the sense of hearing: Have your<br />
doorman or concessions attendants give a<br />
personal sales pitch for popcorn. Train your<br />
concessions attendant to use conversions.<br />
For e.xample, when a patron asks for a<br />
drink, suggest a drink and popcorn. When<br />
they ask for butter corn, suggest the large<br />
giant size. Use one step at a time to avoid<br />
insulting or angering the customer.<br />
Appeal to the sense of value:<br />
. Put a free pass to the show in every 20<br />
and advertise this with signs, movie<br />
and banners. Don"t forget the verbal<br />
plug-<br />
2. Give a coupon with the admission<br />
ticket that is good for 5^ off on a box of<br />
or 100 off on a cup of butter corn.<br />
Give a free drink with each 250 or 350<br />
corn purchase.<br />
4. Try a wild idea to develop new popcorn<br />
this "NAME-BRAND" means PROFIT<br />
to<br />
the nation's most successful concessionaires<br />
ucuuu<br />
24..<br />
25=<br />
fs^^<br />
Continued on following page
—<br />
Continued from precedins page<br />
customers who normally buy some other<br />
item.<br />
a. Give money in all 350 or 500 butter<br />
corn guaranteeing to have at least 100 and<br />
up to $ 1 .00 in each cup.<br />
b. Give a free regular popcorn with 500<br />
purchase of concession items or a free butter<br />
corn with $1.00 purchase of concession<br />
items.<br />
c. Give favors, such as plastic flowers,<br />
with butter corn.<br />
Tips on Running Contests<br />
5. Have a contest—Writing a theme on<br />
how to sell more butter corn. As a prize,<br />
award a yearly pass to the theatre with a<br />
drink and popcorn each time they go. Use<br />
photo identification badges so that this will<br />
not be abused. Or have a contest on how<br />
many kernels in a pound or a 5-pound jar<br />
of popcorn. It is more effective if you do<br />
not stale exactly how much popcorn is in<br />
the container.<br />
Do not hesitate to sell popcorn in art<br />
houses, but do it with a flair for elegance<br />
and showmanship.<br />
Warmers or on-location popping: Warmers<br />
using centrally popped corn obviously<br />
have greater efficiency and consistent<br />
product than might be true where individual<br />
operators are popping on location. However,<br />
the action, aroma and concept of<br />
fresh popcorn is an advantage that onlocation<br />
popping will always have.<br />
Popping techniques: You must start with<br />
good raw materials. The very best quality<br />
popcorn is cheap even if the cost is $1.00<br />
per cwt. more than competing corns. We<br />
suggest cocoanut oil or peanut oil using ii<br />
pounds of oil to 100 pounds of raw popcorn.<br />
We also think 40-Red coloring is<br />
better than 25-Red or uncolored oil. This is<br />
a personal preference that will vary from<br />
place to place throughout the country. Use<br />
six or seven pounds of fine flake salt wi-th<br />
or without monosodium glutimate with<br />
every 100 pounds of corn. Be sure you buy<br />
popcorn boxes that are made of food board<br />
rather than lower grades of board which<br />
give off an odor to the popcorn.<br />
How to pop: Turn on the popping kettle<br />
and add the normal charge of oil plus five<br />
or six kernels of raw corn. When these<br />
kernels pop, add the normal amount of<br />
popcorn and salt. After these have popped<br />
add oil, plus cern and salt one immediately<br />
after the other. Time the cycle from the<br />
time you add the corn until the kernels have<br />
quit popping and you are ready to dump.<br />
When to Add Raw Popcorn<br />
If it is less than two minutes, you should<br />
add more raw popcorn and if it is over<br />
IVi minutes, you should reduce the amount<br />
of raw popcorn. If you change the amount<br />
of corn used, be sure to compensate the oil<br />
so that you are using 33 per cent. When<br />
you're ready to quit popping, turn off the<br />
heat at the mid-point on the last pop.<br />
How to hag or box popcorn: It is very<br />
important to use a speed scoop or a scooping<br />
technique that will not crumble or break up<br />
the kernels of popcorn. Do not box too far<br />
ahead, as the corn can be kept fresh better<br />
in bulk than it can in the box or bag.<br />
Choose the "Right" Oil<br />
Choosing the "right" popping oil: We<br />
prefer cocoanut oil because it is inexpensive,<br />
cleans off the kettles easily, and has no<br />
rancidity problems. However it is solid below<br />
76°F., and many times has to be melted<br />
in order to use in concessions operations.<br />
Peanut oil is also very popular and is liquid<br />
at most concessions stand temperatures. It<br />
does tend to gum on the kettle after repeated<br />
usage and occasionally will give<br />
rancidity problems upon repeated re-warmings.<br />
Normal on-location popping, however,<br />
would have no rancidity problem with peanut<br />
oil.<br />
Attendants' enthusiasm: This is the key<br />
ingredient to successful popcorn concessions<br />
sales. Your employes need to know<br />
your sales goals, believe in your sales goals,<br />
and reflect courtesy and neatness. They<br />
should be taught how to convert sales to<br />
costlier items as mentioned above. We<br />
recommend a bonus schedule with real<br />
benefits tied to sales increases. Time off is<br />
Continued on page 20<br />
By D & D<br />
• Strong-Economical Design by Registered Steel Engineers<br />
^<br />
M[?[i[^_,<br />
presents<br />
35/70<br />
(^l^li^SWS fi^^<br />
35/70<br />
^[^= M^WfiiKFi<br />
with the Exclusive Ashcraft \Patented<br />
Core-Lite Optical System!<br />
'BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967
.<br />
. . MONEY<br />
I<br />
Available NOW!<br />
COMET #59<br />
8 OUNCE<br />
$215.00<br />
Star's NEW Comet #59—8 ounce Popper<br />
produces 175-One Ounce soles per Hour<br />
. . . really puts you in the hottest profit<br />
bracket going.<br />
.<br />
^TheWonder Theatre's<br />
sound<br />
is as good as any<br />
in the country"<br />
NORELCO all transistor theatre sound system,<br />
as installed at the new Wonder Theatre,<br />
San Antonio, Texas... an Interstate Circuit,<br />
inc., theatre.<br />
When the Wonder Theatre selected<br />
new Norelco transistor sound to go<br />
with their Norelco AMI 70/35mm<br />
projectors, it was the first installation<br />
of the system in the southwest. How<br />
did it work out? Here are a few quotes<br />
from the supply dealer (Modern Sales<br />
& Service, Inc.) and from owners and<br />
film company representatives . .<br />
"It was a pleasure to install beautiful<br />
equipment and find that when you<br />
push the button, it works."<br />
"Extremely pleased with the installation.<br />
Went together beautifully, no<br />
problems involved whatsoever."<br />
"With the combination of sound<br />
equipment and acoustic treatment in<br />
the auditorium, I believe we have as<br />
good sound as is presented anywhere<br />
in the country."<br />
"Everyone praised the sound."<br />
"Completely pleased with the lack of<br />
problems on the job."<br />
"The two principal operators came off<br />
of the oldest established downtown<br />
theatre just to be able to work in this<br />
beautiful new booth."<br />
Academy Award Winning Norelco<br />
AAII 70/35mm projectors were the<br />
obvious choice for projection. The new<br />
Norelco sound system gives the Wonder<br />
Theatre all the benefits of superior<br />
/Voreh<br />
MOTION<br />
Norelco sound as well as sight. Benefits<br />
such as six individually adjustable<br />
channels capable of attaining perfect<br />
acoustical balance anywhere. Pushbutton<br />
sound selection of 3 non-sync<br />
sources and every type of film track<br />
from single channel optical to 6<br />
channel magnetic. All transistor plugin<br />
amplifier units. A built-in selftesting<br />
system. And the remarkable<br />
achievement of compacting this entire<br />
versatile system into two 15" wallmounted<br />
cabinets.<br />
Your authorized Norelco supply<br />
dealer will gladly provide all the facts.<br />
toSi'«LE«f,<br />
BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967 21
made<br />
Increased Earnings in '67<br />
Are Seen for Dr Pepper;<br />
2 New Directors Named<br />
Dr Pepper is heading toward anothei<br />
year of increased sales and earnings if<br />
WHY...<br />
are there more RCA designed speakers used<br />
in America than any other make?<br />
Because they cost less in the long run! For over 20 years,<br />
RCA designed speakers have brought more sound, better<br />
sound, and more profits to more drive-in owners than<br />
any other name. Only DRIVE-IN THEATRE MFG. CO.<br />
offers speakers . from actual RCA dies. So when<br />
it's time to specify or replace speakers . . .<br />
get the best,<br />
get speakers designed and developed by RCA and exclusively<br />
manufactured by DRIVE-IN THEATRE MFG. CO.<br />
DRIVE-IN "2^^?^<br />
MFG. CO., INC.<br />
709 North 6th Street • Kansas City, Kansas 66101 Area Code 913—FA 1-3978<br />
Coming: June 19<br />
DRIVE-IN<br />
the action apparatus<br />
it swings<br />
it whirls<br />
it see-saws<br />
playground equipment<br />
The DELMER F.<br />
Box 288<br />
Concordia,<br />
Kansas<br />
write for free brochure<br />
HARRIS Co.<br />
Advertising Dea:^line: May 29<br />
825 VAN BRUNT BLVD., Kansas City, Mo. 64124<br />
1967, H. S. Billingsiey, president, tolc<br />
stockholders at the annual meeting in Dallas<br />
last month. Terming 1966 the firm's most<br />
successful year on record, with a 1 3 per cent II<br />
increase in national syrup gallonage and<br />
22 per cent boost in earnings, Billingsle<br />
said gallonage is well ahead of last year an<br />
should maintain the 1966 rate of increase<br />
"Earnings for the year," he estimated]<br />
"should be about $2.25 per share, up frore<br />
$1.94 last year."<br />
Stemmons, Thompson Named Directors<br />
Two Dallas businessmen, John M. Stemn<br />
mons and John P. Thompson, were elected<br />
directors at the meeting. Retirement of two<br />
veteran board members. S. M. Leftwich,<br />
Dallas attorney, and Don C. Bryan, Montgomery.<br />
Ala., was announced. All othei<br />
directors were re-elected.<br />
Stemmons is president of Industrial Prop^<br />
erties Corp., Dallas. Thompson is president<br />
of Southland Corp., Dallas, operators of the<br />
nationwide chain of 7-Eleven stores.<br />
All officers of the firm were re-elected at<br />
a board meeting following the stockholder<br />
meeting.<br />
G. Henry Cretors Heads<br />
Improvement<br />
.^'"nmw 1^^^<br />
Program<br />
G. Henr;<br />
Cretors is in charge of<br />
the continuous program<br />
of improvemeni<br />
in all Cretors & Co.<br />
models and special<br />
purpose popping!<br />
equipment and also<br />
^^h|^ ^KKm heads the national ac-<br />
^^^H^ ^^^^H count program, t h ei<br />
l^HK^L^^^I^H firm announces. He'<br />
G. Henry Cretors<br />
has been actively engaged<br />
in the business<br />
since 1962, when he completed his education<br />
at Knox College, in Galesburg, 111. The<br />
firm was founded by his great-grandfather<br />
75 years ago and is now headed by C. J.<br />
Cretors. Rufus Harris is sales director for<br />
the firm.<br />
ive-in screen brightness can lie doubled<br />
and ligbt uniformity improved 33"o for<br />
a penny more per hour by s^^^'itcbing- from<br />
Brenkert, IVIagnarc, Mogul or other lo-w current<br />
lanrips to the Futura.<br />
Incidentally, your equipment dealer* ^will<br />
tell you about a package deal on lamps and<br />
associated BI-POWR rectifiers ^vhich saves<br />
you. big nnoney.<br />
Send for brochure no>v and<br />
forget about D.S.T.<br />
I<br />
—<br />
Worth Chewing Over<br />
Melting<br />
the myth<br />
It's<br />
never too I<br />
early for a<br />
little spring<br />
talkwithcandy<br />
salesmen and<br />
candy buyers.<br />
Salesmen have<br />
a problem and<br />
(much as we hate lo say it)<br />
you<br />
buyers seem to be it!<br />
We'd like to take this time to<br />
try and convince buyers to<br />
I know a candy manufacturer<br />
whose chocolate covered<br />
mint has its<br />
highest per capita<br />
sales in the state of Arizona...<br />
all year 'round. 105 degrees in<br />
the summer is not unusual . . .<br />
and Arizona keeps re-ordering<br />
chocolate.<br />
Meanwhile, back North, the<br />
chocolate cut-back is in full<br />
swing. Now, we ask you, does<br />
this practice make sense? Ten<br />
years ago .<br />
. . yes,<br />
but then so<br />
did the Edsel. This is the era of<br />
temperature controlled trucking,<br />
air conditioning and even<br />
special chocolate coatings designed<br />
to resist suinmer's heat.<br />
Let's up-date our thinking<br />
and keep the counters full of<br />
chocolate this summer. Kids<br />
will love you for it!<br />
e«pectfully wtn^s,<br />
i/ice President, Mason Candies, Inc.<br />
PQ<br />
.<br />
For profits<br />
• ^J • melt away<br />
thai<br />
. .<br />
will<br />
slock<br />
never<br />
up on<br />
Mason Mints, Dots, Black Crows, Almond<br />
Cocoaniit and Peaks. Mason<br />
Candies, Inc., Bo.x 549, Mineola, L.I.,<br />
N.Y.<br />
'Treat your projector as if<br />
it were a fine watch, car'<br />
How to<br />
By Wesley Trout<br />
Prevent<br />
Damage to Film:<br />
Watih Equipment<br />
WW E<br />
FIND<br />
projectors not having<br />
properly adusted lateral<br />
guide rollers,<br />
L'ates and other components<br />
that guide the<br />
lilni down from the<br />
upper magazines<br />
through<br />
magnetic<br />
sound heads, mechanism,<br />
and down<br />
through t h e optical<br />
sound head. Film must, in order to avoid<br />
film damage, travel in a straight line. Moreover,<br />
the film from the upper lateral guide<br />
rollers must travel in a straight line and be<br />
held steady in order to prevent side motion.<br />
Accurate Alignment of Film Patli<br />
Gauges are available for checking and adjusting<br />
these parts and are distributed<br />
through many theatre supply dealers at a<br />
reasonable price. They are simple to use,<br />
and they are essential to accurate alignment<br />
of the film path from the upper feed sprocket<br />
down through the guide rollers, intermittent<br />
sprocket and lower takeup sprocket.<br />
Also, do not neglect the proper alignment<br />
of the projector mechanism to the optical<br />
sound head on which it is attached, because<br />
incorrect alignment of these two units can<br />
also cause film damage when the film does<br />
not track straight. The mechanism must be<br />
installed on the sound head so that the film<br />
will come off the lower sprocket in a straight<br />
line down to the optical sound head. Likewise,<br />
excessive pull on the film by the takeup<br />
reel will also cause damage to sprocket<br />
holes, etc.<br />
The large gauge is used to align the film<br />
path from the fixed gate guide rollers to the<br />
intermitent sprocket. The gauge is so designed<br />
that it may be used to align most<br />
leading makes of 35mm projector mechanisms.<br />
Critical plus-minus tolerance on the<br />
gauges is held to 0.0001 inch. Bear in mind,<br />
the gauge is designed in a manner to assure<br />
alignment adjustment which will accommodate<br />
plus-minus film width tolerances and<br />
normal film shrinkage.<br />
One should also be aware of the fact that<br />
there is always some minute difference in<br />
film width in various prints. This is taken<br />
If<br />
FOR YOU<br />
you would like to sell more food<br />
products—keep them fresh longer,<br />
speed up your service, make more<br />
money and have a happier customer,<br />
we can show you how.<br />
Just call<br />
&<br />
AC 314 YO 4-4510<br />
INC<br />
3610 Tree Court Industrial Boulevard<br />
St. Louis, Missouri 63122<br />
RO LL-<br />
m<br />
f«f<br />
.ER S«*<br />
SH EETS i<br />
'i'^'^*<br />
OVER 70% PROFIT!<br />
• Zesty, salty tang builds repeat<br />
business, stimulates cold drink<br />
sales<br />
• Fast, easy operation<br />
• tocation proved in leading<br />
drive-in theatres<br />
^1<br />
Get the profit- packed bonus:<br />
"How to make money in Snack Sales.'<br />
1849 Freeman Ave. '<br />
Cincinnati, Ohio 45214<br />
. . Phone<br />
care of by the lateral guide rollers which are<br />
held in position by a small spring. This difference<br />
in film width, in most cases, is due<br />
to shrinkage and age, etc., but is really,<br />
more or less, negligible. The lateral guide<br />
rollers— properly adjusted, free of dirt accumulation<br />
and rollers running freely with<br />
no grooves—will take care of keeping the<br />
film running in a straight line despite any<br />
negligible changes in width.<br />
In our inspections, we find that the fixed<br />
guide rails on most mechanisms have often<br />
been the source of trouble and need to be<br />
properly adjusted for the smooth film travel<br />
so necessary for a perfect projected image<br />
on the screen. In many situations these rails<br />
were found spaced too closely together—to<br />
an extent that the film would be forced into<br />
a cupped position by the rails. Or we found<br />
the lateral guide roller assembly needed adjustment<br />
in connection with the inside rail.<br />
When such condition existed, sharp focus<br />
could not be obtained and would cause unnecessary<br />
wear on the sides of the film. If<br />
you have this condition, you should immediately<br />
correct it by using the precision alignment<br />
gauge for more accurate adjustment.<br />
It can be accomplished in a very short<br />
length of time and will assure smoother film<br />
travel and eliminate unnecessary wear on<br />
film.<br />
By checking your mechanism you will<br />
probably find these rails are held in place<br />
by machine screws, and — on some late<br />
Continued on following page<br />
Caught with your screen tower down?<br />
• Selby — from drawing board to finished<br />
product — (quickly).<br />
• Screen Towers from Selby stock,<br />
erected on location by experienced<br />
Selby crews.<br />
• Modern Selby Towers are designed<br />
and Installed in accordance with rigid<br />
structural specifications.<br />
• Selby offers a complete line of structures<br />
for drIve-in theatres.<br />
New Equipment for<br />
Calvin<br />
eJcoy<br />
Drive-In Theatre Structures And Service s<br />
PREFAB<br />
SELBv<br />
DESIGN<br />
On Call 24 Hours A Day .<br />
industries, inc.<br />
Area Code 216-659-6631 WEST RICHFIELD. OHIO 44286<br />
Peter G. Becker, booker and supervisor<br />
of equipment in Dipson Management Co.<br />
theatres, checks new equipment installed<br />
in Colvin Theatre, with Walter Croft,<br />
projectionist. Located in Kenmore. N.Y.,<br />
a Buffalo suburb, the Colvin installed<br />
Simplex projectors, Ashcraft lamps,<br />
Kneisley rectifiers. Simplex four-channel<br />
magnetic sound, A Itec-Lansing<br />
speakers, Bausch & Lomb and Kollmorgen<br />
lenses. Jerry Goerge, manager.<br />
National Theatre Supply's Buffalo<br />
branch, and Ken Kavanagh, of Buffalo's<br />
motion picture operators union, worked<br />
with Becker and theatre on installation.<br />
Change of Address?<br />
Zip Code Correct?<br />
We can assure you of prompt<br />
delivery of your magazine if we<br />
have your correct address and<br />
ZIP CODE on your mailing label.<br />
Postal regulations require us to<br />
mail according to ZIP CODE.<br />
If you move, be sure to send us<br />
your old mailing label, your new<br />
A TT><br />
address and ZIP CODE! STATE ZIP<br />
(or.<br />
Name<br />
Street<br />
City<br />
State .<br />
MAIL TO: BOXOFFICE, 825 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 64124<br />
rBOXOFFICE :: AprU 17, 1967
9AV 06AR<br />
WANT TO 00 "TO THE<br />
jJntV^-m T0N4OMT<br />
^ E<br />
I"M APRA<br />
See why in 1965 to 1966 PIC sales to<br />
drive-ins bit an all-time high.<br />
Write topic<br />
28-30 Confield St Orange, N.J. 07050<br />
IN<br />
CANADA<br />
Atlantic Import Co.<br />
131 John St. S., Hamilton, Ont.<br />
Canada Fishing Tackle & Sports Ltd.<br />
91 Wellington St. W., Toronto, Ont.<br />
Rooney & Mervyn, Ltd.<br />
801 805 Queen St. E., Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.<br />
models — "locating" pins. Keep this in<br />
mind: When other alignment conditions are<br />
corrected, the locating pins have to be removed<br />
or driven in sufficiently to allow<br />
proper spacing adjustment between the rails<br />
for proper film running clearance. By whatever<br />
means necessary, it is essential, of<br />
course, that the gauge fit between the fi.\ed<br />
rails when the intermittent sprocket is correctly<br />
aligned with the lateral guide rollers<br />
at the top of the film gate. The intermittent<br />
sprocket operates, of course, in a permanent<br />
location and with very, very little end-play<br />
in the sprocket. The intermittent sprocket<br />
should have just enough end-play that you<br />
can barely feel it, or you will have side<br />
motion of the projected image. In all modern<br />
projectors there is provision for properly<br />
adjusting the intermittent sprocket.<br />
Important to Rotate Sprockets<br />
Be sure to remember: During the alignment<br />
procedure, the sprockets should be<br />
rotated to a point which places the tooth<br />
at such angle that the notched edge of the<br />
gauge engages the sprocket at the widest<br />
point, or base of the sprocket. This is essential<br />
in your alignment procedure for a perfect<br />
job.<br />
Now, the gauges used to align the upper<br />
feed sprocket to the fixed lateral<br />
guide rollers<br />
are very simple to use and no trouble<br />
should be experienced if directions sent with<br />
the gauges are carefully followed. The<br />
gauges are available in three different<br />
lengths to accommodate various standard<br />
makes of mechanisms. On a few types of<br />
mechanisms it is possible to adjust the placement<br />
of the intermittent sprocket on the<br />
starwheel shaft. But keep in mind that many<br />
intermittent sprockets can be slightly moved<br />
to take out end-play. On types of mechan-<br />
A 'Red Carpet' Wekome<br />
As part of Dr Pepper's annual "Red<br />
Carpet Week" for salesmen visiting its<br />
Dallas headquarters, Jackie Murphy,<br />
receptionist, pins posy on two Dallas<br />
Ford representatives (right and second<br />
from right). Watching are Dr Pepper<br />
officials (left to right): A. J. Kincaid,<br />
purchasing manager; H. M . Browder,<br />
vice-president/ administration; H. S.<br />
Billingsley, president; W. W. Clements,<br />
executive vice-president; E. M. Dosser,<br />
vice-president/ purchasing.<br />
Slow burning, brighter burning<br />
National* projector carbons — like the new<br />
L-0110 — give more light per lamp trim. At less<br />
cost. The special rare earth core of this new<br />
11-mm carbon permits operation in the 110-<br />
130 amp range, with top performance at 125<br />
amps, compared to the 120-amp maximum for<br />
standard 11-mm by 20 in. positives. Checi< to<br />
see if you can get the extra advantages of this<br />
new 1 1-mm carbon for your screen.<br />
Slow burning and higher amperages<br />
result in greater clarity and brilliance for today's<br />
longer throws and wider screens. More than<br />
ever, it pays to specify National projector carbons.<br />
Unior. Carbide Corporation, 270 Park Ave.,<br />
New York, N. Y. 10017. In Canada; Union Carbide<br />
Canada Limited, Toronto.<br />
IQQ/C/<br />
"DRIZZLE<br />
CARD"®<br />
* New foolproof instructions<br />
* Easily attached, stays on<br />
* Pleases patron, handsome profit<br />
DRI-VIEW<br />
For full deloils write to<br />
1800 Dutch Lone, Jeffersonville, Ind.<br />
WRITE US<br />
NEEDS<br />
Portable<br />
Ticket Racks Correct in every particular<br />
501 SU 3-4113 • P. O. Bon 168<br />
I<br />
i<br />
The<br />
!<br />
' Jack<br />
i<br />
.<br />
isms where it is possible to slightly change<br />
placement of intermittent sprocket, alignment<br />
is usually facilitated by first adjusting<br />
the fixed guide roller in alignment with the<br />
upper sprocket, then aligning film path<br />
through gate, sprocket, etc. This is explained<br />
in the instructions sent with the guides, of<br />
course.<br />
EPRAD sound systems sound better indoors or out.<br />
Intermiltent Idler Shoes<br />
When the placement of the intermittent<br />
sprocket can be slightly changed, if necessary<br />
for perfect alignment of film travel, the<br />
intermittent idler shoes must be carefully<br />
checked for proper alignment with the<br />
sprocket teeth (Teeth must ride in the center<br />
of the shoe). We find many mechanisms<br />
with shoes "riding" the film, when they<br />
should be adjusted to hold the film snugly<br />
and not with excessive tension that will<br />
damage the film and cause unnecessary<br />
wearing of the shoes. If the film trap shoes,<br />
or film running plates, are badly worn, they<br />
must be replaced and properly adjusted,<br />
before you align the film path. Moreover,<br />
in projectors equipped with a film trap, this<br />
component must be perfectly aligned up and<br />
down with a straightedge. In some projectors,<br />
the film trap holder should be carefully<br />
checked and have no lost motion. It also<br />
should fit snugly but still not have any bind.<br />
All transistor design. Exclusive<br />
power circuit. Plug-in construction.<br />
Unsurpassed quality<br />
sound for 35 up to 3,500 seats.<br />
Complete with pre-amp and<br />
power amplifiers, fader control<br />
extension kit, coax cables.<br />
Works with all type sound<br />
heads.<br />
Only all-transistor power amplifier<br />
designed specifically for<br />
drive-ins. 200 watts with a<br />
rated peak audio power of 475<br />
watts. Will handle over 1,000<br />
drive-in speakers. Fits in a<br />
standard amplifier rack.<br />
Emergency switching panel<br />
optional.<br />
Transistorized front-end system<br />
handles with ease the<br />
critical step in sound reproduction<br />
. . . pre-arnplification.<br />
Six models: 6-track and 4-track<br />
magnetic and optical in high<br />
and low level systems. Compatible<br />
with all type sound<br />
heads and power amplifiers.<br />
Sprocket Teeth Spacing<br />
These special gauges also serve to check<br />
the proper spacing between sprocket teeth.<br />
If the gauge does not fit the sprocket teeth<br />
spacing, the sprocket should be replaced, as<br />
it will do considerable damage to sprocket<br />
perforations in the film. However, this is<br />
unlikely when you purchase your parts<br />
from a reliable<br />
theatre supply house.<br />
Note: The make and model of the projector<br />
mechanism on which the smaller<br />
gauges are to be used should be designated<br />
when ordering from your supply dealer. This<br />
is<br />
absolutely necessary in order to obtain the<br />
ones that will work on your projector.<br />
We also wish to stress the importance of<br />
the lateral guide rollers located above the<br />
gate of your mechanism. One side of the<br />
assem.bly is fixed, and the other side— in<br />
most standard mechanisms—is movable, so<br />
that the rollers can be correctly adjusted to<br />
compensate for slight changes in film width.<br />
These rollers should be checked frequently<br />
to see that they turn freely and there is no<br />
bind that may cause grooves in the rollers.<br />
iThey require a small amount of lubrication<br />
.every day. Use a small stiff bristle brush for<br />
;cleaning out any accumulation of dirt that<br />
!may cause the rollers to cease turning.<br />
lateral guide rollers' spring that alilows<br />
slight expansion if the film is slightly<br />
|different in width should be checked occaisionally<br />
to sec that the spring (or springs)<br />
|has not become too weak to keep the rollers<br />
jproperly adjusted for straight film travel.<br />
iWe have often taken this spring out and<br />
'lightly stretched it. to obtain sufficient ten-<br />
|iion on the rollers but not enough to cause<br />
Continued on following page<br />
i<br />
\<br />
Monitor amplifier DC-AC Exciter lamp power supply Monitor speaker<br />
Want proof? Phone a few users. Send us the bill.'^'<br />
Best way to check a product is to talk to users. Here are a few users. For a longer<br />
\\st,write to us today.<br />
'<br />
Armstrong, Armstrong Theatres, Inc., Bowling Green, 0. (419)352-5195<br />
Bill Toney, Martin Theatres, Columbus, Ga. (404) 323-7365<br />
Oscar A. Brotman, Brotman & Sherman Theatres, Chicago, III. (312) 321-1200<br />
Julian Rifkin, Rifkin Theatres, Boston, Mass. (617) 426-2698<br />
Martin Shafer, Wayne Amusement Company, Wayne, Mich. (313) 721-2100<br />
Tom Finucane, Cinema I, Columbia, Penna. (717) 684-2732<br />
"State whom you called, the time and charges. Refund limited to $5.50<br />
to pay for five 3-minute nite rate station calls to anywhere in the continental U. S.)<br />
FOR MORE INFORMATION about products described<br />
Service Bureau coupon on page 39.<br />
(sufficient<br />
Sofd tnternationaUy Thru Theatre Supply Dealers<br />
ncorporated<br />
1214 Cherry Street .Toledo, Ohio 43608<br />
this issue, use postage-poid Reoders'<br />
For all-sleel<br />
kettles<br />
WITH<br />
Cretors<br />
For aluminum<br />
kettles<br />
For outside of<br />
kettles and<br />
machine';<br />
Cretors<br />
S ca*H>pcauf,<br />
SINCE 1S85<br />
15 Popcorn BIdg., Nashville, Tenn.<br />
Factory: Chicogo, IHinois<br />
BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967 27
FOR<br />
O SCREEN<br />
O SOUND<br />
Equipment Co. Chicago, til.<br />
IJpply Reg'd. Montreal, Canada<br />
ers. Inc.<br />
Philadelphia, Pa.<br />
Kompany<br />
pply Co., Inc.<br />
Seaftle, Wash.<br />
Ailania, Go.<br />
Picture Supply<br />
aire Sup. Co.<br />
New York, N.Y.<br />
Charleston, W.Va.<br />
aire Supply<br />
Theatre Sup. Co.<br />
J^atre Supply Co,<br />
Theatre Equipment Co<br />
Filbert<br />
Company<br />
en. Sound & Theatre Equip. Ltd.<br />
Hadden Film Service<br />
Hardin Theatre Supply Co.<br />
Hodges Theatre Supply<br />
Joe Hornstein, Inc.<br />
Joe Hornstein, Inc.<br />
Jones Projecior Company<br />
L. & S. Theatre Supply<br />
Massachusetts Theatre Equip.<br />
Harry Melcher Enterprises<br />
Minneapolis Theat. Sup. Co,<br />
Missouri Theatre Supply Co.<br />
Modern Sales and Service<br />
Moore Theatre Equip. Co.<br />
National Theatre Supply Co.<br />
National Theatre Supply Co.<br />
National Theatre Supply Co.<br />
Ohio Theatre Supply Co.<br />
Oklahoma Theatre Supply Co.<br />
Charlotte, N.C.<br />
Des Moines, Iowa<br />
Charlotte, N.C.<br />
El Paso, Texas<br />
Los Angeles, Calif.<br />
Toronto, Can.<br />
Louisville, Ky.<br />
Dallas, Texas<br />
New Orleans, La.<br />
New York, N.Y.<br />
Miami, Florida<br />
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio<br />
Salt Lake City, Utah<br />
Co. Boston, Mass.<br />
Milwaukee, Wise.<br />
Minneapolis, Minn.<br />
Kansas City, Mo.<br />
Dallas, Texas<br />
Charleston, W.Va.<br />
Los Angeles, Calif.<br />
New York, N.Y.<br />
Paramus, N.J.<br />
Cleveland, Ohio<br />
Okla. City, Ok!a.<br />
Pacific Theatre Equip. Co. San Francisco, Calif.<br />
Pemhrex Theatre Sup. Corp. Los Angeles, Calif.<br />
Perdue Cinema Service<br />
Roanoke, Va.<br />
Quality Theatre Supply Omaha, Neb.<br />
Rhodes Sound & Pro}. Service Savannah, Ga.<br />
Ringold Theatre Equip. Co. Grand Rapids, Mich.<br />
B. F. Shearer Company Los Angeles, Calif.<br />
Southwestern Theatre Equip. Co. Houston, Tex.<br />
Standard Theatre Supply Co. Charlotte, N.C.<br />
Standard Theatre Supply Co. Greensboro, N.C.<br />
Theatre Equipment Company Detroit, Mich.<br />
The Queens Feature Service Birmingham, Ala.<br />
Lou Walters Sales & Service<br />
Dallas, Texas<br />
Western Service & Supply<br />
Denver, Cola.<br />
West. Theatrical Equip. Co. San Francisco, Calif.<br />
Wil-Kin Theatre Supply Co. Atlanta, Go.<br />
WU-Kin Theatre Supply Co. Charlotte, N.C.<br />
For<br />
YOUR<br />
Engraved b y<br />
our exclusiva<br />
process on lucite<br />
to your<br />
specificatioiu.<br />
Our enlarged<br />
p<br />
servic<br />
Plastic Signs<br />
Send for Folder<br />
DURA El<br />
LAMOl<br />
133 West 20th
can adjust the tension shoes on the gate (not<br />
the shoes that hold the film against the<br />
sprocket). Here, again, there should be just<br />
enough tension on these shoes to keep the<br />
film steady on the screen. Older prints may<br />
require a little more tension than new prints,<br />
but be cautious about applying more tension,<br />
of course.<br />
In order to arrive at some correct figures<br />
for the proper amount of tension on trap<br />
shoes, quite a few tests have been made on<br />
various makes of projectors and on new, old<br />
and very old prints. After running a long<br />
series of tests in the field, it was decided<br />
that a pressure sufficient to cause a film pull<br />
tension of 8 ounces would produce best<br />
results. Similar tests were made with film<br />
that had passed the first-run stage. It was<br />
found that a tension of 12 ounces was most<br />
satisfactory. Badly buckled film on projectors<br />
not equipped with a curved gate or<br />
some type of aperture cooling device often<br />
required a greater tension—of approximately<br />
20 to 22 ounces—to produce a steady<br />
picture.<br />
to flatten out the film as it passes through<br />
the gate and help to keep a sharp focus. The<br />
only way to keep badly buckled film in<br />
focus is with projectors equipped with a<br />
curved gate and some cooling device, plus<br />
the "right" type of lens and lens speed for<br />
obtaining a better focus with buckled or<br />
warped film.<br />
Causes of Projector Noise<br />
Worn intermittent sprocket, takeup or<br />
feed sprocket, trap and intermittent shoes<br />
are often the cause of projector noise and<br />
picture jump. Worn lateral guide rollers,<br />
end-play in the intermittent sprocket, improperly<br />
adjusted intermittent and lateral<br />
guide rollers cause side motion and film<br />
damage. Worn intermittent sprocket, cam<br />
or starwheel will cause noise and an unsteady<br />
picture. The sprockets, shoes and<br />
film trap should be inspected at least once<br />
a week. Do not let dirt and oil accumulate<br />
on teeth of sprockets or shoes. Use the<br />
"right" type of lubrication as recommended<br />
by the manufacturer or theatre supply dealer.<br />
Never use an oil that is too thin or flood<br />
your projector with oil.<br />
In closing this article, let us mention the<br />
importance of keeping your takeup mechanism<br />
properly adjusted and just enough tension<br />
to turn the reel when it is full. Excessive<br />
takeup tension will cause film damage and<br />
excessive wear on the takeup sprocket teeth.<br />
EPRAD speakers speak longer to save you money.<br />
Making Changes in Tension<br />
The changes in tension, of course, can<br />
only be made with a modern projector<br />
equipped with a thumb screw for re-adjusting<br />
tension. On old models of projectors, it<br />
is best to bend the springs, to properly take<br />
care of new and old films for a steady<br />
projected picture. A happy medium can be<br />
arrived at by adjusting these springs properly<br />
and hoping they will take care of the<br />
necessary tension satisfactorily without<br />
having to bend these springs every time<br />
you run either a first-run or a very old<br />
print. The intermittent sprocket shoe on<br />
the old model standard Simplex should be<br />
carefully formed to fit the curvature of the<br />
intermittent sprocket, in order to eliminate<br />
noise or excessive tension on film. The shoes<br />
must ride in the center of the two grooves<br />
in the shoes.<br />
Several mechanisms have two film lateral<br />
rollers—one at the top and one set at the<br />
bottom. When properly adjusted, this assures<br />
smooth and straight film travel and<br />
eliminates side motion. They should be occasionally<br />
lubricated and be clean and free<br />
of any accumulation of dirt and oil that<br />
might prevent them from turning freely or<br />
from forming grooves in the sides of the<br />
lateral guide rollers.<br />
Wear on the Film<br />
While it is true that wear on film is increased<br />
as shoe tension is increased, one<br />
should know that all these parts are especially<br />
hardened for long wear and that<br />
excessive tension over a long period of time<br />
would wear these parts down. However,<br />
this excessive tension, or extra tension<br />
necessary for old films, is not usually used<br />
for any long periods of time, because many<br />
films are run that require only normal shoe<br />
tension. In other words, heavier tension is<br />
used only on films that are near the end of<br />
their useful life. Moreover, excessive tension<br />
will wear away the sprocket teeth and create<br />
more pull on the starwheel and cam.<br />
The function of the trap tension shoes is<br />
tr<br />
MERIT<br />
Exclusive 4 in. animal-fibre<br />
cone, 1.47<br />
oz. magnet, cork gasket,<br />
enclosed deluxe<br />
volume control with<br />
silver-plated terminals<br />
and contacts,<br />
die-cast a+uminum<br />
case, fiberglass tone<br />
pad, 2 year warranty.<br />
Special 4 in. cone.<br />
1.47 oz. magnet, rubber<br />
gasket, enclosed<br />
deluxe volume control<br />
witfi silver-plated<br />
terminals and contacts,<br />
die-cast aluminum<br />
case, 2 year<br />
warranty.<br />
BLAZER<br />
4 in. kapoc cone, 1<br />
oz. magnet, treated<br />
fibre gasket, enclosed<br />
deluxe volume control<br />
with silver-plated<br />
terminals and contacts,<br />
die-cast aluminum<br />
case, 2 year<br />
warranty.<br />
Other Eprad speaker features: special extra wealherproofing cone guards,<br />
aluminum grill guards, quick disconnect terminals, theftproof screws.<br />
PAR<br />
4 in. cone, 1 oz. magnet,<br />
treated fibre gasket,<br />
enclosed standard<br />
volume control,<br />
fiberglass case, 1<br />
year warranty.<br />
Want proof? Phone a few users. Send us the bill/^<br />
Best way to check a product is to talk to users. Here are a few users. For a longer<br />
Iist,«;r(7e to us today.<br />
Edward Redstone, Redstone Management, Boston, Mass. (617) 482-5400<br />
Dan Goodwin, Stanley Warner Theatres, Inc, Dallas, Tex, (214) 748-0781<br />
Douglass N.Amos, Lockwood & Gordon Theatres, Boston, Mass. (617) 542-4480<br />
Ray Howard, Y & W Theatres, Gary, Ind. (219) 882-2188<br />
Harry M. Pickett, Jr., Steward & Everett Theatres, Inc., Charlotte, N. C. (704) 334-9771<br />
Leonard Albertini, Wolfberg Theatres, Denver, Colo. (303) 222-0588<br />
*State whom you called, the time and charges. Refund limited to $5.50 (sufficient<br />
to pay for five 3-minute nite rate station calls to anywhere in the continental U. S.).<br />
So'd Infernationafty Thru Theatre Supply Oeafers<br />
incorporated<br />
1214 Cherry Street • Toledo. Ohio 43608<br />
BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967 29
—<br />
New Fast Drying Theatre Chair Enamel<br />
Malces Seat Repainting Quick, Easy<br />
When<br />
the script<br />
for \<br />
how does<br />
your<br />
Sound<br />
System<br />
react<br />
9<br />
Does your sound system remain completely<br />
silent when it's supposed to? When<br />
you can't risk even a smidgen of static?<br />
RCA theatre sound service is planned to<br />
assure award-winning performances from<br />
your optical and magnetic sound systems,<br />
single or multiple track equipment,<br />
standard or wide screen.<br />
You can keep your equipment rolling as<br />
the script calls for it by contracting for<br />
the services of an RCA Theatre Service<br />
Technician— as thousands of other exhibitors<br />
do now. Write or phone for details.<br />
A Div. of Radio Corporation of America<br />
Technical Products Service<br />
Industrial Center, Camden, N. J. 08101<br />
Phone: (609) 963-8000<br />
Vice-president, Spatz Paint Industries, Inc.<br />
f^ FEW WEEKS AGO H. E. Mc-<br />
Manus, district manager for General Cinema<br />
in the St. Louis area, and myself —<br />
Rolland Woodcock of Spatz Paint, producers<br />
of paint for drive-in theatre screens —<br />
were batting the breeze about overhead<br />
costs.<br />
Mac posed a question, "Rolland, do you<br />
realize that there are millions of scuffed<br />
and scarred seats in movie theatres all over<br />
the world that should be repainted, but repainting<br />
costs are ruinous? Why can't someone<br />
come up with a chair enamel that dries<br />
quick and also a way in which the painting<br />
can be done by our own employes without<br />
much muss or fuss?"<br />
"That is a challenge," I answered. "Let's<br />
see if we can steam up some action in the<br />
lab and see what we can do about it."<br />
Sure enough, a few days later, the paint<br />
chemist in the Spatz lab called us in to show<br />
beat-up seat backs and a can of off-white<br />
enamel. He took a metal handle with teeth<br />
that gripped a small block of foam, dipped<br />
it into the enamel, neatly spread it over the<br />
seat back without any masking tape—without<br />
a drop getting on the floor or on the<br />
upholstered cover of the chair—and finished<br />
the entire chair in less than 10 minutes.<br />
Then he painted another chair and another.<br />
Stepping back, chemist Amiel Ham proclaimed:<br />
"Now rub your hand over the first<br />
one I painted." Believe it or not, it was already<br />
dry to the touch. Handing the paint<br />
applicator to me, he said, "Here, you do the<br />
next one." Using the newly patented "dis-j<br />
pose-a-brush" applicator with disposable'<br />
foam pad, it was a snap. No smears. Not a<br />
drop on the floor. And fast, too! Thus was<br />
born "Spatz' RE-DU Theatre Chair'<br />
Enamel."<br />
With the Kansas City Show-A-Rama only<br />
weeks away, all hands went to work. A<br />
display was built. A quick circular was prepared.<br />
Miniature seat backs were made of:<br />
paper. These were then painted in the Spatz<br />
booth at the Hotel Muehlebach and handed<br />
out dry! Interest ran high among those who<br />
saw the demonstration.<br />
The result: "RE-DU Theatre Chair<br />
Enamel." Each gallon of "RE-DU" includes<br />
a free painting kit, a plastic "bib" for the<br />
can to prevent drips, a metal "dispose-abrush<br />
handle," six of the throw-away foam<br />
"spreaders" and six pieces of sandpaper<br />
all in a plastic bag.<br />
After wiping off popcorn grease and<br />
sanding rough spots, the "painter" starts<br />
with a new foam applicator. When he is<br />
finished painting for the day (or night),<br />
he flips the foam pad out of the "disposea-brush"<br />
handle. When he is ready to start<br />
in again, he merely slips in a fresh piece of<br />
the foam. It looks like something really new<br />
and quick has been added to theatre<br />
maintenance.<br />
The sample "re-doing" kit and a gallon<br />
of "RE-DU" enamel will cost any "doubting<br />
Thomas" less than $10 to make his own!<br />
discovery, according to Spatz. And the "RE-<br />
DU" system is available in most standard i<br />
colors of the major seating companies from<br />
theatre supply houses everywhere.<br />
The Most Trusted Name<br />
in Electronics<br />
No smears! And not a drop on the floor! New Spatz seat enamel dries fast, goes<br />
on easily with new "dispose-a-brush" applicator with disposable foam pad.<br />
, both<br />
In Greenville, Miss.<br />
Reverse Curve<br />
Floor for Hew<br />
I<br />
Cult Cinema 1-82<br />
drapes, walls in green and gold, curtain lighting<br />
from a ceiling cove, a screen curtain operated<br />
from the projection booth, a 44x21-<br />
foot screen, and seating spaced 40 inches are<br />
all features of the new 700-seat Cinema 1-82<br />
of Gulf States Theatres, Inc., in Greenville,<br />
Miss. Located in a shopping center, the first<br />
run Cinema 1-82 cost $190,000—not counting<br />
concessions facilities, which are by Berlo—<br />
, occupies 60x130 feet, provides parking<br />
for 400 cars, and serves a drawing radius of<br />
50.000 persons. M. L. Virden III, Greenville,<br />
Miss., was the architect. Harry E. Thomas,<br />
Gulfs director of construction, handled the<br />
interior decorating, J. C. Noble is manager.<br />
Walls by Pre-Finlshed Paneling<br />
The building is of brick and steel. Aluminum<br />
doors and glass are on the front. The<br />
lobby, foyer, lounge and standee areas have<br />
wails of pre-finished paneling, acoustical<br />
ceilings, and green and gold carpeting in a<br />
special weave by Alexander Smith. First<br />
floor restrooms are located off the lobby, and<br />
additional restrooms are on the second floor<br />
for balcony patrons. All have ceramic tile<br />
wall to wall and floor to ceiling.<br />
The Formica covered concessions stand is<br />
L-shaped and 18 feet long. It is located off<br />
to the right of the lobby area.<br />
The 12x1 6-foot projection booth<br />
equipped with Simplex projectors. Peerless<br />
lamps, Kollmorgen and Bausch & Lomb<br />
lenses, a Hertner generator and Goldberg rewinds.<br />
Sound is by RCA.<br />
The Cinema I-82's screen is by Technikote.<br />
Seats are by American Seating.<br />
CREDITS:<br />
Acoustical Material: Armstrong<br />
Air Conditioning: Trane<br />
\4rchitect: Virden<br />
Carpeting: Alexander Smith<br />
\Oliangeable Letters: Zip Change<br />
Concessions: Berlo<br />
.Decorator: Thomas<br />
[jenerator: Hertner<br />
Lamps: Peerless<br />
Lenses: Bausch & Lomb,- Kollmorgen<br />
'°lumbing: Kohler<br />
l^rojectors: Simple.x<br />
^'iewinds: Goldberg<br />
^^creen: Technikote<br />
ieats: American Seating<br />
\>ign: Mississippi Neon<br />
iound: RCA<br />
.^tage Equipment: Automatic Devices<br />
FOR MORE INFORMATION about products described in this issue, use postage-paid Readers'<br />
Service Bureau coupon on page 39.<br />
DON'T GAMBLE. .<br />
. GUARANTEE!<br />
The success of your new theatre may be determined by its<br />
design and engineering planning The packaged approach<br />
to new theatre construction enables DRIVE-IN to do the<br />
entire job from layout to equippage DRIVE-IN provides<br />
one stop cofTTprehensive engineering and design for<br />
indoor and outdoor theatres Write for<br />
information and estimates<br />
709 Moclft 6th Street • i iin<br />
DRIVE-IN ^&.2^<br />
Zitf. Xeniu &6101<br />
MFG. CO.. INC.<br />
Arej CM« 513—F* 1.»T»<br />
jiOXOFFICE :: AprU 17, 1967 91
'Drive-Up' Features Samerics New Eric<br />
Glass enclosed "drive-up"<br />
addition on front of new<br />
1 ,400-seat Eric Theatre,<br />
of Sameric Corp., in Pennsauken,<br />
N.J., speeds handling<br />
of patrons. High rising,<br />
three-sided illuminated sign<br />
provides distinctive identification.<br />
Vertical panels on<br />
facade enhance styling.<br />
Projection room (left) at Eric Theatre is<br />
spacious, cheery. Projection and soimd<br />
equipment supplied by Ballantyne.<br />
T-Kiptagon for 70mm projection.<br />
Most widely used in the world. 4"<br />
O.D., focal lengths from 2.14" to 6.9".<br />
Super Kiptar for 35mm projection.<br />
Super fast fl.6 in focal lengths from<br />
1.8" to 4.15", fl.7 in EF 4.35" and<br />
4.55".'and fl.8 in EF 4.75".<br />
Kiptar Anamorphotic for Cinema-<br />
Scope projection. Preferred spherical<br />
construction. Focuses for distances<br />
down to 17".<br />
High Speed fl.5 lens for 16mm projection<br />
in focal lengths of 1", 1.4",<br />
2", 2.75", 3.35" and 3.95".<br />
Motion Picture Equipment Division<br />
100 East 42nd Street, New York, NY. 10017<br />
identifying the theatre and a drive-up, glass<br />
enclosed entrance as an addition to the main<br />
building keynote the new 1,400-seat Eric<br />
Theatre, in Pennsauken, N.J. Owned by<br />
Sameric Corp. and operated by Samuel Shapiro,<br />
the Eric has a facade featuring vertical<br />
panels which are enhanced by trees and<br />
shrubs. The towering sign features individual<br />
letters arranged vertically and each<br />
placed on an illuminated disc. The Eric has<br />
no marquee. The drive-up addition is designed<br />
to facilitate handling of long incoming<br />
lines and large dispersing crowds.<br />
Decor of the spacious lobby and concessions<br />
area includes wood paneled walls,<br />
deep pile plaid carpeting, and—for a special<br />
touch — potted greenery. The concessions,<br />
operated by Berlo Vending, features a trilevel<br />
illusion in three main selling areas:<br />
popcorn, candy, drinks. Shadow boxes on<br />
the ceiling form a unique lighting system<br />
over the stand. Four mirror panels add<br />
depth to the concessions area.<br />
Theatre equipment, which was supplied<br />
by Ballantyne, includes: Ballantyne solid<br />
state all-transistor sound, Noreico 70/ 35mm<br />
twin projectors, Strong arc lamps, Kollmorgen<br />
lenses, Neumade film handling equipment<br />
and a Technikote screen.<br />
Buchman and Grand Will Head]<br />
NAC Convention Committees<br />
Nat Buchman, vice-president, Theatri<br />
Merchandising Corp., Boston, and 1st vice<br />
president of the National Ass'n of Concessionaires,<br />
has been named general convea<br />
tion chairman for the October 16-20 NAC<br />
convention at the Americana Hotel, Ba<br />
Harbour, Fla., says Jack O'Brien, New Eng<br />
land Theatres, Inc., Boston, and NAC!<br />
president. Lester Grand, regional genera<br />
manager. Automatic Retailers of America,<br />
Inc., Chicago, has been named convention<br />
program chairman.<br />
Buchman was general convention cot<br />
chairman for the 1966 convention in New<br />
York. Grand was exhibit chairman for NACj<br />
in New York in 1955 and in Bal Harbour,<br />
Fla., in 1958.<br />
G2<br />
Two New Shopping<br />
Center Hardtops and<br />
Airer for Storey<br />
I<br />
AIRER<br />
Continued front preceding page<br />
Sisaifcj<br />
Planned directional drive-in lighting means a light for<br />
every need. Let DRIVE-IN's complete selection of soft<br />
glow color and guide lights transfornn a dark, uninviting<br />
area into a beautiful and attractive asset. Accelerate the<br />
traffic flow, minimize traffic hazards, provide convenient<br />
and colorful surroundings through specially designed<br />
lighting Welcome patrons with light and invite them to<br />
come again . . . through convenient colorful lighting<br />
from DRIVE-IN.<br />
DRIVE-IN "Z&a?^<br />
MFG. CO., INC.<br />
709 North Gth Street • Kansas City, Kansas 66toi<br />
Area Code 913—FA 1-397B<br />
nue, on Allanla's fast-growing southside. In<br />
keeping with other structures in the shopping<br />
center, the Lakewood is built of dark<br />
brown brick. And it is reported "one of the<br />
most luxurious and most comfortable theatres<br />
in the entire Southeast," Finch, Alexander.<br />
Barnes, Rothschild & Paschal—an<br />
Atlanta architectural firm — designed the<br />
Lakewood, Its subsidiary. Architectural<br />
Space Design, Inc. handled the interior design,<br />
Lakewood Has Red Wall Covering<br />
The de luxe Lakewood can show every<br />
type of film with the exception of Cinerama,<br />
Its<br />
auditorium has rocking chair type seats,<br />
white acoustical wall panels and red wall<br />
covering. Carpeting, like that in the lobby,<br />
is beige.<br />
An off-center ticket counter, a centered<br />
concessions stand, and wall-mounted sculpture<br />
accented with colored lights are lobby<br />
features. The concessions counters have red<br />
vinyl facing and orange laminated plastic<br />
tops. An attractive staircase leads to the<br />
mezzanine, where the manager's office,<br />
lounges and restrooms are located. The mezzanine's<br />
terrazzo floor is covered by a large<br />
red area carpet.<br />
Between 5,000 and 6,000 cars can be<br />
accommodated in the surrounding asphalted<br />
parking area.<br />
USE UP those CARBONS! Full<br />
They save 25 ?o or more of carbon costs.<br />
Per Hundred, postpaid; Not paclced in<br />
Mixed Sizes,<br />
6mm $2,75 8mm $3,25<br />
7mm $3.00 9mm $4.00<br />
No worrying about injury to high priced carbon<br />
savers. Burn 'em up, you still profit.<br />
Refund<br />
if not 100%<br />
Satisfied<br />
Let You Burn All the Carbon<br />
"They're Expendable"<br />
The most popular carbon saver. Used by more<br />
theatres than ALL other makes COMBINED.<br />
The WORLD'S LARGEST Producer of Carbon Savers<br />
At all progressive theatre supply houses.<br />
Coming: June 79<br />
DRIVE-IN<br />
ISSUE<br />
A "Natural" for Selling the BIG Drive-In Theatre Market<br />
Advertising Deadline: May 29<br />
825 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 64124<br />
Storey's new North DeKalb Theatre is<br />
also a rocking chair type hardtop. It is<br />
located in the North DeKalb shopping center,<br />
which is said to have Atlanta's first air<br />
conditioned mall, at the intersection of<br />
North Druid Hills Road and Lawrenceville<br />
Highway. The same architectural firm and<br />
interior designers that created the Lakewood<br />
designed the North DeKalb. Parking is<br />
available in the huge center for 5,000 cars.<br />
New Airer Is Sixth for Storey<br />
The circuit's new 900-car North 85<br />
Drive-In Theatre is located "just off Interstate<br />
85," and is its sixth airer. Others are:<br />
the Fulton Boulevard, Glenwood, Gwinnett,<br />
Peachtree, and Scott.<br />
Several years ago Storey spent $50,000<br />
creating a new lobby and remodeling its<br />
flagship, the 607-seat Rhodes Theatre. The<br />
Rhodes is located in a business section close<br />
to the center of Atlanta. Other Storey<br />
houses in the Greater Atlanta area include:<br />
the Decatur, Hilan, Techwood, and Emory<br />
Theatres,<br />
Frederick G, Storey is president of the<br />
circuit, James H. Edwards is vice-president<br />
in charge of operations, Manuel Rodriguez<br />
is buyer and booker. The circuit recently<br />
moved its general offices from the Rhodes<br />
Center area to the Peachtree-Palisades<br />
Building, on Peachtree Street.<br />
Dr Pepper Co. has named John L. Quigley<br />
jr., director of personnel and training.<br />
He joined the firm last month and previously<br />
was assistant personnel director for Morton<br />
Foods, Inc., Dallas,<br />
s<br />
m<br />
s<br />
;<br />
'" jfin"W K" r-"i| »»i !w iy.g!<br />
f<br />
EQUIPMENT €r<br />
Hard Aluminum Pizza Serving Trays<br />
In 7- to 19-Inch Sizes Available<br />
drawer's front section. Four additional currency<br />
compartments and a compartment for<br />
packaged coins are included in the back section.<br />
Currency and check compartments<br />
have hinged bill weights. A disc tumbler lock<br />
requires only a<br />
half turn of the key to lock<br />
or unlock the drawer. E.xterior and interior<br />
are finished in lacquer. Drawer size: 20<br />
Continued on following page<br />
MATERIALS for<br />
A new line of pizza serving trays made of<br />
high polished hard aluminum is being introduced<br />
by Allied Metal Spinning Corp. Sizes<br />
available include: 7-inch, 10-inch, 11-inch,<br />
12-inch, 13-inch, 15-inch, 17-inch and 19-<br />
inch. The trays are also available in models<br />
with smooth sloping sides for both pizza<br />
and displaying of cold cuts, says Allied.<br />
Warning Gong Sounds Every Time<br />
Under-Counter Cash Drawer Opens<br />
OUTDOOff^<br />
Dolge SS Weed Killer destroys all plant<br />
life.<br />
Prevents destruction of black top surfaces,<br />
ramps, road shoulders; prevents<br />
rotting out of wooden fencing, rusting of<br />
speaker posts. Kills vegetation where<br />
mosquitoes breed.<br />
,^,Jfc°T?(!Ii1<br />
Drive-in Theatres use this method to combat<br />
the annoyance of flies, mosquitoes<br />
and other flying insects. Many advertise<br />
this feature. Dolge Fogging Insecticide<br />
holds fog near ground long enough to get<br />
a good kill. Also covers adjacent areas.<br />
Featuring nine compartments especially<br />
designed to accommodate currency, checks<br />
iind packaged coins, its new free-running<br />
'Model G-2" under-counter cash drawer is<br />
Tiade of kiln dried white oak, operates on<br />
special rollers which enable it to come to a<br />
"ull stop without dropping down or bumpng,<br />
and rings a warning gong each time the<br />
irawer is opened, says Indiana Cash Draw-<br />
:r Co. Four currency compartments and a<br />
:heck compartment are included in the<br />
s?,5fT^\"R<br />
Briteway cleans, disinfects, deodorizes.<br />
Cuts labor costs by 50%. In the same<br />
operation, Briteway removes dirt, kills<br />
bacteria, banishes offensive odors ... A<br />
superior cleaner for counter tops, fixtures,<br />
walls, floors and throughout washrooms.<br />
Fragrant, laborless deodorant discs for<br />
urinals, bowls, garbage pails. Fragrance<br />
Is locked in; no harsh "moth cake" odor.<br />
Packed in individual airtight wrappers<br />
eight to box which also contoins easy-toshape<br />
Hoizit wire holder.<br />
Ammoniated to clean windows in concessions<br />
and ticket booths most efficiently.<br />
Dries fast. Leaves no film.<br />
For more information about products<br />
jjescribed in this issue use Readers' Service<br />
[bureau coupon on page 39.<br />
For information about these and<br />
other chemical maintenance materials,<br />
write to The C. B. Dolge Company,<br />
Westport, Connecticut<br />
BOXOFTICE :: April 17, 1967 35
!<br />
the<br />
BIG<br />
SOUND IN<br />
'66<br />
BIGGER<br />
IN<br />
'67<br />
inches wide,<br />
Continued from preceding page<br />
19% inches long, 6-5/ 16 inches<br />
high. Currency compartments in front section<br />
are each 3 x 6^/2 inches, in back section<br />
3 X 6yH inches. Check compartment is 3%<br />
X 8'/2 inches. Packaged coin compartment<br />
is 3% X 5-1/16 inches. Inside depth of<br />
compartments: 3% inches. Weight of drawer:<br />
35 pounds.<br />
Economy Popcorn Machine Stimulates<br />
Sales With Lighted Yellow Dome<br />
'^nodCCtCct S<br />
. . .try P.$.<br />
plain field, INDIANA<br />
VtOLKS GOT IT!<br />
Avoid Delays!<br />
Be Sure!<br />
Available through your local theatre supply dealer<br />
EDW. H. WOLK INC<br />
1241 S. Wobash—Chicago, III.<br />
Cable "EDWOLK" 312 939-2720<br />
FOR MORE INFORMATION about products described in this<br />
issue, use postage-paid Reader's Service Bureau coupon<br />
on page 39 of this issue of MODERN THEATRE.<br />
Designed to produce popcorn economically,<br />
the 1967 "Pop-A-Lot" popcorn machine<br />
features an improved kettle design and<br />
an illuminated yellow reinforced fibreglass<br />
dome for stimulating customer attention,<br />
says Gold Medal Products Co. The improved<br />
kettle design increases efficiency, the<br />
firm adds, and the unit can be plugged into<br />
virtually any 110 volt outlet. Other features:<br />
(1) precision machined, twin kettle suspension<br />
arms, (2) thermostatically controlled<br />
"Chromolox" heating elements, (3) heavy<br />
duty swing-away plastic doors, (4) improved<br />
stirrer system, wiring and fusing.<br />
Decorative Coatings Offer 'Firewall'<br />
Protection; Paint on Any Surface<br />
Decorative fire-retardant coatings which<br />
make every interior surface a virtual "fire<br />
wall" if attacked by fire are announced by<br />
Baltimore Paint & Chemical Corp. The<br />
coatings can be applied in place of paint to<br />
any type surface, says the firm. And in case<br />
of fire they immediately form a thick,<br />
sponge-like barrier which retards the spread<br />
of flames, inhibits smoke production, andi<br />
insulates against intense heat. A vinyl flat<br />
formulation, semi-gloss finishes, and under<br />
coatings are available.<br />
Ultra-Modern 'HP' <strong>Boxoffice</strong> Canopy<br />
Speeds Sales, Traffic for Airers<br />
Termed "the glamour look in canopies,"<br />
Selby Industries' "HP Hyperbolic Paraboloid"<br />
canopy for drive-in theatres can<br />
speed boxoffice sales, facilitate traffic flow,<br />
and add flexibility to traffic patterns, says<br />
the firm. The "HP" canopy is roll formed,<br />
deep ribbed galvanized steel. It is factory<br />
painted in turquoise. Structural steel is factory<br />
primed with red oxide and painted in<br />
the field to the customer's choice of color<br />
as specified with order. The single unit has<br />
a maximum width of 50 feet. It provides a<br />
minimum vehicle clearance of 8 feet when<br />
traffic lanes are each 9 feet wide and the<br />
boxoffice concrete slab is 7 feet wide. The<br />
Selby boxoffice is sold as a separate unit.<br />
Side-by-side units on common foundation<br />
have maximum width of 97 feet. Joined<br />
units have maximum 68-foot width of<br />
canopies. Other specifications remain same<br />
as for single unit. Single unit can handle<br />
two lanes of traffic, side-by-side units four<br />
parallel lanes. Joined units facilitate angular<br />
approaches—two lanes of traffic from two<br />
directions off one road.<br />
Epoxy Floor Finish Eliminates Dusting,<br />
Provides Gloss, Simplifies Cleaning<br />
Dusting of concrete floors is eliminated<br />
and cleaning is made easier with its new<br />
longer wearing, clear epoxy finish, says<br />
Ranco Industrial Products Corp. Called<br />
P-249 Ranco Epoxy Sealer Kit." the product<br />
is a two-component material which is<br />
reported easily applied with a push broom<br />
or a long handled paint roller. The sealer<br />
is also said to dry overnight with a gloss<br />
finish, withstand tremendous abrasion, and<br />
to cover 300 square feet per gallon.<br />
Portable<br />
Wall Washing Machine Reaches<br />
'Hard' Areas, Simplifies Cleaning<br />
A portable air-powered wall washing machine<br />
that makes it possible for one man<br />
to clean a greater area in less time than<br />
otherwise required by two or three men is<br />
reported by American Cleaning Equipment<br />
Corp. A sprayer attachment also enables<br />
cleaning of hard-to-reach areas such<br />
as behind pipes and radiators, says the firm,<br />
and a bristle type trowel enables cleaning<br />
of brick, painted concrete, sandfloat and<br />
other rough wall surfaces. Called the "Wall-<br />
0-Matic," the unit is said to be completely<br />
dripless and noiseless and to permit cleaning<br />
of walls without using a dropcloth or<br />
interrupting regular routine. It is also said<br />
to eliminate streaking, reusing dirty water<br />
and constant "bending to the bucket." A<br />
self-contained air pump makes air compressors<br />
or electrical outlets unnecessary,<br />
the firm states.<br />
Fryer Occupies Only Foot of Counter<br />
Space, Has 15-Pound Fat Capacity<br />
Occupying only 12 inches of counter<br />
space, the new "Model 115A Designer<br />
Series" fryer will provide a full 15-pound<br />
fat capacity, says Star Manufacturing Co.<br />
Reported additional features: (1) elements<br />
Continued on following page<br />
Bevelite Mfg, Co.<br />
4801 Pacific Blvd.<br />
Vernon. Calif. 90058<br />
Phone < 2I3) 581-0121<br />
BOXOFFICE :: April 17, 1967<br />
37<br />
1 atch<br />
Important Exclusive<br />
Features Make<br />
Marquees by Adier<br />
ADLERlTi<br />
Backgrounds: Most durable you<br />
can buy; hi-impact material resists<br />
storm and vandalism damage.<br />
AdIer Letters: "Snap-Lok" letters<br />
in sizes to 31" (including 12"<br />
letter); will not blow off or slide.<br />
Another Adler First:<br />
new lower-case letters.<br />
Adler Silhouette Letter Co.<br />
11843 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles 90064<br />
Telephone: BR 2-8383 (Area Code 213)<br />
Serving the Theatre Industry With Quality Since 1931<br />
Start<br />
Coming<br />
Send this<br />
convenient<br />
Subscription<br />
Order Form<br />
825 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 6412*<br />
Conilniied from preceding page<br />
swing up. (2) kettle lifts out for ease of<br />
c caning and operation, (3) equipped with<br />
Ihermostal, signal light, and quick draining<br />
diamond mesh baskets. A single basket for<br />
frying is optional. A similar gas fryer<br />
—the new "Model 215A"—will turn out<br />
28 pounds of potatoes per hour, raw to<br />
done, the firm adds.<br />
Compact 'Ozone-Free' Xenon Bulbs<br />
Developed by Carbons, Inc.<br />
Two "ozone-free" type xenon bulbs,<br />
whose only by-product is a nominal amount<br />
of heat, have been developed by Carbon,<br />
Inc., for theatres, studios and screening<br />
rooms, the firm reports. The "XOF-600" is<br />
a 600 watt bulb and a direct replacement for<br />
other 450 watt xenon bulbs, states Carbons,<br />
Inc. The "XOF-1000" is a 1,000 watt bulb<br />
and, when used with special adaptors, is reported<br />
a direct replacement for the 900 watt<br />
bulb. Appearance of the new bulbs remains<br />
the same as that of the 600 watt and 1,000<br />
watt bulbs Carbons, Inc., has been offering<br />
in the past several months, says the firm.<br />
Disposable Plastic-Coated Salad Bowl<br />
For Snack Bars Speeds Food Handling<br />
Designed for easier food handling in<br />
snack bars, cafeterias, vending operations<br />
and other types of volume feeding, a new<br />
6-inch, 10-ounce plastic-coated paper disposable<br />
salad bowl by American Can's<br />
Service Products has no seams or creases<br />
and provides protection against grease, oil,<br />
food stains and penetration, says the firm.<br />
The new bowl "rounds out" its Dixie<br />
"Tempo" design disposable meal service<br />
line. It is also said "readily adaptable for<br />
serving cereals, desserts and casserole type<br />
dishes."<br />
Tlie following concerns have recently filed<br />
copies of interesting descriptive literature<br />
with<br />
The Modern Theatre Information Bureau.<br />
Readers who wish copies may obtain<br />
them promptly by using the Readers' Service<br />
Bureau coupon in this issue of The Modern<br />
Theatre.<br />
RowE Manufacturing offers information<br />
on its cold drink vendor that will deliver<br />
a drink in eight seconds.<br />
Bevei.ite Mfg. Co. offers data on the<br />
firm's red, blue, green and black changeable<br />
letters and its backgrounds, tracks and accessories.<br />
Alexander Smith offers a folder on its<br />
Crestwood carpeting, which it will make in<br />
exclusive custom-order patterns or provide<br />
from 14 in-stock patterns.<br />
Adler Silhoutte Letter Co. will send<br />
information and photos on Adler changeable<br />
letter installations in theatres.<br />
Liberty Display Fireworks Co. is distributing<br />
a 48-page catalog on its line of fireworks<br />
for drive-in theatres.<br />
Wagner Sign Service, Inc., is offering<br />
information on marquee planning and<br />
samples of changeable letters and background<br />
materials.<br />
Bausch & LoMB is offering a catalog on<br />
its<br />
line of "Super Cinephor" projection lenses<br />
for all projectors and all aspect ratios.<br />
Irwin Seating Co. will send a brochure<br />
on theatre seating.<br />
Heyer-Shultz, Inc., offers literature on<br />
its unbreakable metal reflectors.<br />
Please enter my subscription to BOXOFFICE, 51<br />
issues per year (13 of which contain The MODERN<br />
THEATRE section).<br />
Sunnyvale, Calif,, Airer Installs Strong Lamps<br />
D $5.00 FOR 1 YEAR<br />
$8.00 FOR 2 YEARS<br />
D $10.00 FOR 3 YEARS<br />
Remittance<br />
Enclosed<br />
n Send<br />
Invoice<br />
STREET<br />
NAME<br />
MT<br />
William P. Christiansen (left), manager, Sunnyvale Drive-In Theatre. Sunnyvale,<br />
Calif., and projectionist, Thomas Bracking, look over new Strong projection<br />
lamps installed in airer by Pacific Theatre Equipment, San Francisco.<br />
I<br />
Adler Silhouette Letter Co _. .<br />
Bevelite Mig. Co _<br />
Dri-View Mig. Co<br />
Castleberry's Food Co<br />
Dura Engraving Corp<br />
Supurdisplay, Inc.<br />
Server Sales, Inc<br />
Dairy Service Co., Inc<br />
Odell Concession Specialties Co., Inc.<br />
Page<br />
. 38<br />
37<br />
17<br />
20<br />
20<br />
Supurdisplay, Inc.<br />
Server Sales, Inc<br />
17<br />
CANDY<br />
Mason Candies, Inc.<br />
24<br />
Lorraine Arc Carbon Div., Carbons, Inc. 22<br />
Union Carbide Co<br />
26<br />
Call Products _ _<br />
34<br />
National Theatre Supply Co 11<br />
C. B. Dolge Co 31, 5S<br />
Coca-Cola Co 5, 15<br />
Fanta 15<br />
Pepsi-Cola Co _ 13<br />
Royal Crown Cola Co _ 9<br />
Ballantyne Insts. & Elects., Inc 33<br />
Drive-In Theatre Mig. Co _ 22. 31, 34<br />
Selby Industries, Inc 25<br />
ballantyne Insts. & Elects., Inc<br />
D (& D Fabrication & Erection<br />
33<br />
18<br />
-<br />
Urive-ln Theatre Mig. Co. _ 22. 31. 34<br />
i.prad. Inc. 27, 29<br />
National Theatre Supply Co „ 11<br />
Norelco _ 21, 32<br />
i-rojected Sound, Inc _ 36<br />
Radio Service Co., Div.<br />
hadio Corp. oi America 30<br />
Selby Industries, Inc 25<br />
UOerty Display Fireworks Co., Inc 20<br />
Star Manuiacturing Co „ _ _ 20<br />
C. B. Dolge Co. ..._ 31, 35<br />
Ballantyne Insts. & Elects., Inc 33<br />
Dnve-In Theaire Mig. Co 22, 31, 34<br />
Eprad, Inc _ 27, 29<br />
Projected Sound, Inc.<br />
36<br />
Drive-In Theatre Mig. Co.<br />
Pic Corp. _....<br />
Selby Industries, Inc<br />
22, 31, 34<br />
Delmer F. Harris Co<br />
22<br />
Miracle Equipment Co „ 3<br />
Cretors d Co<br />
Gold Medal Products Co<br />
Speed-Scoop „ _<br />
Star Manuiacturing Co<br />
C. S. Ashcrait Mig. Co. .<br />
Strong Electric Corp. .-.„<br />
26<br />
27<br />
24<br />
28<br />
20<br />
19<br />
23<br />
Kollmorgen Corp. 7<br />
Norelco _ 32<br />
LaVezzi Machine Works -<br />
33<br />
Ballantyne Inst. & Elects 33<br />
Norelco 21, 32<br />
North American Philips Co 21, 32<br />
C. S, Ashcrait Mig. Co 19<br />
Heyer-Shultz, Inc _ 36<br />
Strong Electric Corp - 23<br />
Page<br />
RCA Service Co. Div.<br />
Radio Corp. oi America 30<br />
Edw. H. Wolk, Inc _ 36<br />
D (S D Fabrication & Erection<br />
Drive-In Theatre Mig. Co<br />
Selby Industries, Inc -<br />
Castleberry's Food Co.<br />
Gold Medal Products Co.<br />
22. 31<br />
18<br />
34<br />
25<br />
14<br />
24<br />
Ballantyne Insts. & Elects.. - Inc. 33<br />
Drive-In Theatre Mig. Co. ..._ 21. 3', "<br />
Eprad, Inc - 27, 29<br />
National Theatre Supply Co<br />
Projeded Sound, Inc - 3j<br />
Page<br />
Ballantyne Insts. d Elects., Inc 3<br />
National Theatre Supply Co. *<br />
Theatre Equipment Dealers Ass'n 28<br />
Weldon, Williams and Uck 2C<br />
Ballantyne Insts. d Elects., Inc. C3<br />
Eprad, Inc - 27. 29<br />
National Theotre Supply Co 11<br />
Norelco - 21, 32<br />
C. B. Dolge Co _ 31, 35<br />
Roll-O-Sheels, Inc 24<br />
XeTRON Div.. Carbons, Inc. 22<br />
Clip and Mail This Postage -Free Coupon Today<br />
This form is designed to help you get more information on products and services odvertised in<br />
this issue of The Modern Theatre Section or described in the "New Equipment and Developments" end<br />
"Literature" and news poges. Check: The advertisements or the items on which you want more information.<br />
Then: Fill in your name, address, etc., in the space provided on the reverse side, fold as indicated,<br />
staple or tape closed, ond mail. No postage stomp needed.<br />
ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF ADVERTISERS, issue of April 17, 1967<br />
Page<br />
C Adler Silhouette Letter Co 38<br />
n Ashcroft Manufacturing Co., C.S 19<br />
n Ballontyne Insts. & Elects., Inc 33<br />
n Bevelite Manufacturing Co 37<br />
D Coli Products 34<br />
n Castleberry's Food Co 14<br />
Ccca-Cola Co 5, 15<br />
D Cretors & Co 27<br />
n Dairy Service Co., Inc 20<br />
D & D Fabrication & Erection 18<br />
D Dolge Co., C.B 31, 35<br />
D Drive-In Theatre Mfg. Co 22, 31, 34<br />
D Dri-View Mfg. Co 36<br />
Dura Engraving Corp 28<br />
D Eprad, Inc 27, 29<br />
n Fanto 15<br />
D Gold Medol Products Co 24<br />
D Harris Co., Delmer F 22<br />
D Heyer-Shultz, Inc 36<br />
n Kollmorgen Corp 7<br />
n LaVezzi Machine Works 33<br />
n Liberty Display Fireworks Co 20<br />
n Mason Candies, Inc 24<br />
Poge<br />
n Rowe Data on 8-Second Drink Vendor 38<br />
n Bevelite Information on Changeable Letters .. 38<br />
n Alexander Smith Folder on Carpeting 38<br />
n Adler Data on Changeable Letters 38<br />
n Liberty Display Catolog on Fireworks 38<br />
Page<br />
n Hard Aluminum Pizza Serving Troys 35<br />
Under-Counter Cosh Drawer 35<br />
n Economy Popcorn Machine 36<br />
n Decorotive Coatings for "Firewall"<br />
Protection 36<br />
n Ultro-Modern 'HP' <strong>Boxoffice</strong> Canopy<br />
for Drive-Ins 37<br />
Page<br />
Miracle Equipment Co 3<br />
Notional Theatre Supply Co<br />
H<br />
n<br />
n Norelco 21, 32<br />
n North American Philips Co 21, 32<br />
n Odell Concession Specialties Co 20<br />
D Pepsi-Cola Co 13<br />
D Pic Corp 26<br />
n Projected Sound, Inc 36<br />
n RCA Service Co.,<br />
Div. Radio Corp. of America 30<br />
D Roll-0-Sheets, Inc 24<br />
n Royal Crown Colo Co 9<br />
n Selby Industries, Inc 25<br />
n Speed-Scoop 28<br />
Star Manufacturing Co 20<br />
Strong Electric Corp 23<br />
n Supurdisplay, Inc., Server Sales, Inc 17<br />
n Theatre Equipment Dealers Ass'n 28<br />
n Union Carbide Corp 26<br />
D Weldon, Williams & Lick 26<br />
n Edw. H. Wolk, Inc 36<br />
n XeTRON Div., Carbons, Inc 22<br />
n<br />
Page<br />
Wagner Information on Morquee<br />
Planning, Changeable Letters 38<br />
Bousch & Lomb Catalog on Lenses 38<br />
n Ir^in Brochure on Seating 38<br />
n Heyer-Shultz Literature on Unbreakoble<br />
Metal Reflectors 38<br />
Page<br />
U Epoxy Floor Finish Stops Dusting 37<br />
D Portable Wall Washing Machine 37<br />
G Foot-Square Fryer With 15-Pound<br />
Fat Capacity 37<br />
n "Ozone-Free" Xenon Bulb 38<br />
n Disposable Plostic-Cooted "Snack" Bowl 38<br />
50XOFFICE :: April 17, 1967<br />
Page<br />
r'.ti a i:t.. I I ^nnt-r' tsl,«w Fncf Dn/inn Fnnmp' tor ^@atS<br />
Page<br />
. 30
about PEOPLE<br />
Lawrence J. Loinhdid<br />
is named vicepifxidenl<br />
of new<br />
product development<br />
for Pepsi-Cola<br />
Co.. a new position.<br />
He joined the firm<br />
in 1 962 as manager<br />
of its flavor program.<br />
Venoo Co.: James D. Hughes is named<br />
director of advertising and sales promotion.<br />
He formerly was manager of advertising<br />
and PRODUCT<br />
and sales promotion for the Gustin-Bacon<br />
Manufacturing Co., Kansas City. He also is<br />
a past president of the Kansas City chapter<br />
of the American Marketing Ass'n.<br />
MoHASco Industries, Inc., recently<br />
appointed Vincent J. Mclnerney to the new<br />
position of general manager of its contract<br />
Supply division<br />
furniture division, says Robert V. Cortelyou,<br />
Mohasco's group vice-president for subsidiaries.<br />
He formerly was with Simmons Co.<br />
and the Connecticut Hospital Equipment &<br />
of G. Fox & Co. His headquarters<br />
will be at Mohasco's recently<br />
opened contract furniture division showroom<br />
in Chicago's Merchandise Mart.<br />
PepsiCo, Inc., will offer paper surfer<br />
shirts and paper beach ponchos as premiums<br />
on its "Go! !<br />
!" color TV special over the<br />
ABC network April 23. The paper clothing<br />
will be available for $1 each with proof-ofpurchase<br />
of two of any combination of two<br />
designated Pepsi-Cola and/or Frito-Lay<br />
products.<br />
Send me more information about the products and articles checked on<br />
the reverse side of this coupon.<br />
Name..<br />
Positian..<br />
Theatre or Circuit..<br />
Seating or Cor Capacity..<br />
Street Number..<br />
City.. Stotc Zip Code..<br />
^ Fold along this line with BOXOFFICE address out. Staple or tape closed.<br />
A $600.000-plus contract for 15,000<br />
seats for the Pacific National Exhibition-<br />
Exhibition & Sports building, in Vancouver,<br />
has been received by Canadian<br />
Seating Co., Ltd., says Dean H. Dewey,<br />
sales manager. The order is said to be<br />
the largest seating contract in<br />
Canada's history.<br />
Dr Pepper Co.: The Dr Pepper Bottling<br />
Co., San Marcos, Tex., managed by Walter<br />
Feltner and his son, Fred, was awarded<br />
trophies by Dr Pepper's executive vice-president,<br />
W. W. Clements for being the topi<br />
national Dr Pepper per capita plant and the<br />
top Texas per capita plant in 1966. C. B.<br />
Comer, manager of the Dr Pepper Bottling<br />
Co., Austin, Tex., was named winner of Dr<br />
Pepper's president's award for "outstanding<br />
marketing" in January. Byron Wallace and<br />
the Dr Pepper Bottling Co., Mayfield, Ky.,<br />
received the runner-up award.<br />
We'd like to know about them and so would your fellow exhibitors.<br />
If you've installed new equipment or made other improvements in your<br />
theatre, send us the details—with photos, if possible. Or if you have<br />
any tips on how to handle some phase of theatre operations, concessions<br />
sales, etc.—faster, easier or better—let other showmen in on them. Send<br />
this material to:<br />
^<br />
The Editor<br />
Fold along this line with BOXOFFICE oddress out. Stople or tape closed.<br />
First Class Permit No. 874 - Section 34.9 PL8.R - Kansas City, Mo.<br />
Pepsi-Cola Co. has appointed Robert T.<br />
Kesner director for media, reporting to William<br />
C. Munro, vice-president/ marketing.<br />
He joined Pepsi-Cola in 1965 and previously<br />
was with American Home Products, General<br />
Foods Corp. and Vic Chemical Co.<br />
DoBBS Advertising Co., Inc., announces<br />
Harold Weinberger has joined the agency<br />
as executive vice-president and a principal.<br />
He formerly was a partner in Krate/ Weinberger<br />
Advertising. Members of the Krate/<br />
Weinberger staff also moving to Dobbs include<br />
George Delaney, art director, and Arnold<br />
Levine, media and traffic director.<br />
Dobbs is a member of the American Ass'n<br />
of Advertising Agencies. Its total annual<br />
billings are now estimated between $4 and<br />
$5 million.<br />
National Ass'n of Concessionaires<br />
will hold its mid-year board meeting May<br />
24 at the Sheraton-Blackstone Hotel, Chicago.<br />
Nominating and finance committees<br />
will meet May 23. NAC's executive committee<br />
will meet on morning of May 24.<br />
.» TMic ctise rtiiT<br />
825 Van Brunt Blvd.<br />
KANSAS aTY, MO. 64124<br />
• SHORTS<br />
IDEAS<br />
mmiu<br />
Radio Ballyhoo Leads<br />
Ft. Worth Playdate<br />
Zhivago' Takes on Look of Hollywood<br />
Opening in<br />
Fort Walton Beach, Fla.<br />
Manager Harry Gaines, left, of the<br />
Trans-Texas Hollywood Theatre in<br />
Fort Worth awards a gift certificate<br />
from the Fashion Barn in connection<br />
with a tie-in promotion for "The Busy<br />
Body." Accepting the grand prize in<br />
the theatre lobby is pretty Katherine<br />
Riitli Hallmark, as her date looks on.<br />
Harry Gaines, manager of the Trans-<br />
Texas Hollywood Theatre in Fort Worth,<br />
had a campaign for Paramount's "The Busy<br />
Body" keyed to an attention-getting radio<br />
station promotion that tied in an exclusive<br />
women's fashion shop—the Fashion Barn.<br />
He used a shadow box and set piece in<br />
the lobby to point up the promotion, along<br />
with a manikin attired in a fashionable<br />
wardrobe from the women's shop.<br />
Cecil Pearson, account executive of ra-<br />
up the promotion for<br />
dio station KXOL, set<br />
Gaines. A young woman was sent through<br />
the downtown area and shopping centers<br />
with a pressbook on "The Busy Body" and<br />
50 passes to the Hollywood.<br />
Passers-by were to ask the blonde whether<br />
she was "Miss Busy Body." Several<br />
days previously, KXOL described the young<br />
woman and asked its listeners to try and<br />
identify her. Hints were given on her location<br />
in the city. The response was excellent.<br />
The model wrote down the names<br />
and addresses of the persons who identified<br />
her and gave them passes. Later, the names<br />
were placed into a box and a name drawn<br />
for the grand prize from the Fashion Barn.<br />
"Doctor Zhivago" bowed at Gulf States<br />
Tringas Theatre in Fort Walton Beach,<br />
Fla., with all the pomp and pageantry of a<br />
world premiere, including the appearance<br />
of a "starlet" who had a role in the MGM<br />
film.<br />
B. A. Bengtsson, Gulf States Theatres<br />
city manager in Fort Walton Beach, used<br />
his showmanship knowhow and built up a<br />
Hollywood premiere-type promotion that<br />
couldn't take a back seat to none. He keyed<br />
the ballyhoo to 10-year-old Lynn Huddleston,<br />
who with her parents M/Sgt. and Mrs.<br />
Jerry Huddleston. was stationed at Tarrajon<br />
Air Force Base near Madrid, Spain,<br />
when "Zhivago" was being filmed there.<br />
Lynn, then 8, had several parts in the picture<br />
as an extra.<br />
Upon learning that Lynn and her parents<br />
were now stationed at Eglin Air Force Base<br />
near Fort Walton Beach. Bengtsson took advantage<br />
of this and set up the "premiere" activities.<br />
These included a reception at the<br />
Coronado Hotel, with a "Cossack" on hand<br />
to greet guests, a three-piece combo, cocktails<br />
and hors d'oeuvres, photographers,<br />
flower girls, who pinned flowers on all<br />
guests. The flowers were the guests' pass to<br />
the theatre. A band played Russian and<br />
American music throughout the affair.<br />
A police escort led the parade of cars to<br />
the Tringas Theatre. A red carpet was in<br />
place leading into the theatre. Lynn and<br />
her escort Terry Bengtsson were the first<br />
to arrive. She placed her hands in wet cement<br />
and received a bouquet of roses from<br />
Miss Northwest Florida (Jamie Hudson).<br />
Afterward, Lynn led the procession into the<br />
Tringas. Her classmates, fifth grade pupils<br />
from Elliott's Point Elementary, were<br />
treated as honored guests and were seated<br />
with her in a roped area. During the intermission,<br />
she was introduced from the stage.<br />
B. A. Bengtsson had "Cossacks" on hand<br />
to patrol the theatre area and to open the<br />
doors and salute the guests, while kleig lights<br />
flashed excitedly. WFTW went on the air<br />
to cover the semiformal affair.<br />
It was an exciting time for Fort Walton<br />
Beach and even more so for Lynn Huddleston,<br />
who got to see herself for the first<br />
time on the screen.<br />
BOXOFFICE Showmandiser :: April 17, 1967 — 59 —<br />
Ten-year-old Lynn Huddleston, who<br />
worked for MGM as an extra during<br />
the filming of "Doctor Zhivago,"<br />
places her hands in cement at the Fort<br />
Walton Beach (Fla.) Tringas Theatre<br />
as she receives the honors due a leading<br />
lady at the opening of the picture.<br />
On hand to greet Huddleston at<br />
the Gulf States Tringas Theatre are<br />
John K. Tringas. left, and B. A.<br />
Bengtsson. Gulf States city manager.<br />
The daughter of M/Sgt. and Mrs. Jerry<br />
Huddleston. .she was stationed with her<br />
parents in Madrid. Spain, during the<br />
filming of "Zhivago." She served as an<br />
extra in the picture when she was 8.
Daniel H. Cox, advertising director for Bills Theatres in Moherly, Mo., whose dili-<br />
—<br />
the holiday "slack."<br />
•<br />
for the younger set.<br />
•<br />
for his imaginative heralds used to sell playdates.<br />
•<br />
ads are effective in a small town where special art work is not available.<br />
Vancouver, B.C., whose alert tie-in<br />
with a local sports campaign helped put over his "Tokyo Olympiad" date and<br />
build goodwill for the house.<br />
•<br />
gent spadework paid off in selling a roadshow— "The Agony and the Ecstasy"<br />
Jerry Drew, manager of the Esquire Theatre in Stockton, Calij, earns a citation for<br />
his effective attention-getting build-up for Columbia's "Murderers' Row."<br />
Ron Bacon, manager of tin; Van Bitren Drive-In at Riverside, Calif., wins an award<br />
for whipping up interest in a pre-Christmas, three-film horror show to take up<br />
Jerry Miller, manager of the Jose Theatre in San Jose, Calif., whose psychedelic<br />
movie herald and .ixT-toot lobby display helped sell a gigantic seven-unit show<br />
Bill Samuel, manager of Interstate's Palace and El Ray theatres in McAllen, Tex.,<br />
Ivan Aokery, manager of the Orpheiim Theatre in Vancouver, B.C., who dusted<br />
off a 2.5-year-old campaign and brought it uj) to date for "Is Paris Burning?"<br />
F. F. Chenoweth, manager of the Taylorville {lll.\ Theatres, whose newspaper<br />
Syd Freedman, manager of the Studio Theatre in<br />
to a grassroots audience.<br />
•<br />
Robert Butler, manager of the Showcase Cinemas, Lawrence, Mass., and John<br />
Lowe, New England district manager for Redstone Theatres, whose campaign<br />
aimed at sports fans and teenagers for "The Endless Summer."<br />
'Prix' Aciion Displays<br />
In Store Windows<br />
A new approach to promotional window<br />
merchandising was unveiled in New York<br />
at Best & Co., with the eight Fifth Avenue ning<br />
windows devoted to full-action displays for ''-of<br />
MGM's "Grand Prix." Features are eight<br />
rear-projection screens showing racing segments<br />
from the film featurette, "Challenge<br />
of Champions."<br />
Two screens appear in four of the front<br />
windows, each complemented by two carousel-slide<br />
projectors. These are designed<br />
to present 80 full-color scenes from the<br />
film, operating at two-second intervals.<br />
The windows were conceived to intensify<br />
promotional activity in stores throughout<br />
the country and are aimed at a strong sell<br />
for both the film and the participating store.<br />
Best & Co. decorated the four action windows<br />
with gloves, scarves and other accessory<br />
items from its spring line. The remaining<br />
four windows have fashion ensembles<br />
against the bold black and white checkerboard<br />
racing pattern. All windows prominently<br />
display the "Grand Prix" logo,<br />
Goodyear Tires and racing equipment.<br />
Massillon, Ohio, Stores<br />
Join in 'Oscar' Contest<br />
Sol Gordon of Screenad of America in<br />
Cleveland promoted an advance ballot of<br />
Academy Winners in the Evening Independent<br />
at Massillon, Ohio. The two-column<br />
ballot carried all the nominations in<br />
the various categories.<br />
Merchants in Massillon joined in the<br />
newspaper-promoted contest and prizes for<br />
those who come closest in all ballots are to<br />
be awarded by the merchants.<br />
The "bests" ended with the probable winning<br />
song so that contestants did not have<br />
to go into the technical side of the ballot.<br />
The first prize will be an automatic fullstereo<br />
record player and second prize an<br />
jeo<br />
electric blanket.<br />
Other prizes include a charcoal grill,<br />
woman's wrist watch, card table and passes<br />
to the Weslin and Lincoln theatres in Massillon.<br />
•esi-<br />
At the Chicago State Lake Theatre opening of Paramount' s "Oh Dad, Poor Dad,<br />
Mamma's Hung You in the Closet and Tm Feelin' .So Sad" this "event" is carried<br />
out— a formal wear mini-pants stunt. The wire services. Chicago Sun-Times, Daily<br />
News and network and local television outlets were on hand for the coverage.<br />
— 60 —<br />
Manager Plays Up Tie-In<br />
A proclamation setting aside a week in<br />
Milton, Fla., as Walt Disney Week, was well<br />
played by Manager Ralph B. Mann of the<br />
Milton Theatre. He had two Disney pictures<br />
back-to-back, starting with "Follow Me,<br />
Boys!" then "The Fighting Prince of Donegal."<br />
As part of a lobby display, Mann had<br />
a copy of the proclamation by Mayor William<br />
H. Byrom.<br />
In further promotion, he used an inexpensive<br />
stunt for "Follow Me, Boys!" which<br />
brought attention to the date. He made up<br />
foot-long arrows and posted them about the<br />
city. They read: "Follow me, folks, to 'Follow<br />
Me, Boys!' " Large signs using the<br />
same type copy were placed on the rear of<br />
cars, which were driven around Milton and<br />
to nearby communities.<br />
BOXOFFICE Showmandiser :: April 17, 1967
W¥ IfP QPRVTPF<br />
Listed herewith, alphabetically by companies, are all of the feature pictures<br />
FiiUO ODnYlU£i reviewed in BOXOFHCE from January 1 through March 31, 1967. This is<br />
designed as a further convenience for Picture Guide users, the page numbers being the key to reviews kept<br />
therein. Between quarters. Review Digest pages serve as a cumulative P. G. index for feature pictures.<br />
Foreign Language<br />
Date Reviewed<br />
All the Other Girls Do<br />
(Harlequin Int'l) French-Italian Jan. 23<br />
Black God and White Devil<br />
(Rocha Films) Brazilian Mar. 20<br />
Boudu Saved From Drowning<br />
(Pathe Contemporary) French Mar. 6<br />
Do You Keep a Lion at Home?<br />
(Brandon Films) Czechoslovakian Jan. 16<br />
4-H<br />
6-'<br />
INDEX<br />
TO<br />
Eric Soya's '17'<br />
(Peppercom-Wormser) Danish Feb. B<br />
Game Is Over, The<br />
(Royal Films Int'l) French Feb. 20<br />
January , q«- First<br />
through March Jc/O/ Quarter<br />
I (Jag) (Sandrew Film and Teater AB)<br />
Swedish Jan. 23<br />
La Guerre Est Finie (The War Is Over)<br />
(Brandon Films) French Feb. 6<br />
Les Carabiniers (The Soldiers)<br />
(Les Films Marceau) French Jan. 30<br />
Love, Love (Enzo Nasso) Italian Jan. 23<br />
Tall<br />
Women, The<br />
Allied Artists<br />
PC. Page<br />
4000<br />
My Sister, My Love<br />
(Sigma HI) Swedish Mar. 6<br />
American International<br />
Night Games (Mondial Films) Swedish Jan. 30<br />
Riot on Sunset Strip 3099<br />
Persona (Lopert) Swedish Mar. 13<br />
Raven's End (Europe Films) Swedish Mar. 20<br />
Santa Glaus Has Blue Eyes<br />
(Anouchka Films, Paris) French Mar. 13<br />
"04 g'<br />
Thunder Alley 3099<br />
Trunk to Cairo 3096<br />
War Italian Style 3096<br />
Secret Formula, The (Trans-<br />
National Pictures) Mexican Jan. 30<br />
Shadows of Our Forgotten<br />
Ancestors (Artkino) Russian Mar. 27<br />
Silence Has No Wings<br />
(Toho) Japanese Mar. 13<br />
Buena Vista<br />
Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin, The 4001<br />
Monkeys, Go Home! 3092<br />
To Be a Crook (Comet) French Mar. 6<br />
Transport From Paradise (Impact<br />
Films) Czechoslovakian Mar. 20<br />
Very Handy Man, A<br />
(Rizzoli) Italian-French Jan. 16<br />
Young Aphrodites (Janus) Greek Jan. 16<br />
Yo Yo (Magna) French Mar. 27<br />
Columbia<br />
Deadly Affair, The 3091<br />
Goal! 4000<br />
Kiss the Girls and Make Them Die 3085<br />
Man for All Seasons, A 3086<br />
Night of the Generals, The 3096<br />
Taming of the Shrew, The 4008<br />
Continental<br />
nfL^<br />
Ulysses .4007<br />
i<br />
Embassy<br />
Shoot Loud, Louder ... I Don't<br />
Understand 3087<br />
Spy With a Cold Nose. The 3083
'.<br />
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer<br />
P.G. Page<br />
Doctor, You've Got to Be Kidding! 4002<br />
Grand Prix 3092<br />
Hot Rods to Hell<br />
3094<br />
Three Bites of the Apple 3098<br />
25th Hour. The 3094<br />
Venetian Affair, The 3088<br />
Universal<br />
P.G. Page<br />
Deadlier Than the Male 3094<br />
Gunfight in Abilene 4007<br />
Reluctant Astronaut, The 3091<br />
Tobruk 3087<br />
Young Warriors, The 4007<br />
ning<br />
Welcome to Hard Times 4006<br />
Paramount<br />
Arrivederci, Baby 3084<br />
Busy Body, The 3093<br />
Warner Bros.<br />
Cool Ones, The<br />
Corrupt Ones, The<br />
Covenant With Death, A<br />
First to Fight<br />
.3097<br />
.3098<br />
3088<br />
.3092<br />
C'mon, Let's Live a Little! 4005<br />
Deadly Bees, The 3093<br />
Hotel 3088<br />
Mikado, The 4002<br />
Easy Come, Easy Go 4008<br />
Hired Killer, The 4003<br />
Hurry Sundown 3097<br />
Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mamma's Hung<br />
You in the Closet 3097<br />
Red<br />
Tomahawk..<br />
.3090<br />
Miscellaneous<br />
Africa Addio (Rizzoli) 3095<br />
Blow-Up (Premier) 3083<br />
Bubble, The (Arch Oboler) 3089<br />
esi-<br />
Vulture,<br />
Warning<br />
The<br />
Shot<br />
3093<br />
.3086<br />
7/,<br />
«h<br />
Dutchman (Gene Persson Enterprises) 3090<br />
Falstaff (Peppercorn-Wormser) 4000<br />
Feelin' Good (Pike Productions) 4006<br />
Seven Arts<br />
Brides of Fu Manchu, The<br />
Shadow of<br />
Evil<br />
You're a Big Boy Now<br />
.3084<br />
3091<br />
.3090<br />
Game Is Over, The (English language<br />
version) (Royal) 4006<br />
Girl With the Hungry Eyes, The<br />
(<strong>Boxoffice</strong> Int'l) .4005<br />
Hallucination Generation (Trans-<br />
American) 3083<br />
20th<br />
Century-Fox<br />
Come Spy With Me 3089<br />
Devil's Own, The 3084<br />
Frankenstein Created Woman 4008<br />
Hombre 4004<br />
In Like Flint 4005<br />
One Million Years B.C 4001<br />
Prehistoric Women 3095<br />
Sand Pebbles, The 3087<br />
United Artists<br />
Fistful of Dollars, A 3085<br />
How to Succeed in Business<br />
Without Really Trying 3098<br />
Marat/Sade 3095<br />
Heat of Madness (William Mishkin) 3089<br />
Naked Witch, The (William Mishkin) 4001<br />
90 Degrees in the Shade (Landau-Unger....3086<br />
Once Before I Die (Goldstone) 4004<br />
Peace for a Guniighter<br />
(Cable Springs-SR) 3085<br />
Run Like a Thief (Feature Film Corp.) 4003<br />
Sweet Love, Bitter (Film 2 Associates) 3099<br />
Vali (Film-Makers' Dist. Center) 4004<br />
Way Out (Premiere Presentations) 4002<br />
Weekend Warriors, The (Champion<br />
Fihn Productions) 4003<br />
Special<br />
Reviews<br />
Chafed Elbows<br />
(Film-Makers' Dist. Center) Feb. 20<br />
Chelsea Girls, The<br />
(Film-Makers' Dist. Center) Feb. 20
u o A or r i c E B O O K in a V I E<br />
. . Para<br />
An interpretive analysis of toy and tradepress reviews. Running time is In parentheses. The plus and<br />
minus signs indicate degree of merit. Listings cover current reviews, updated regularly. This department<br />
also serves as an ALPHABETICAL INDEX to feature releases. © is tor CinemaScope; ® VIstoVision;<br />
(g Panovision; (t) Techniroma; ® Other anamorphic processes. Symbol O denotes BOXOFFICE Blue Ribbon<br />
Award; © Color Photography. National Catholic Office (NCO) rotings: Al— Urobjcctionoble for General<br />
Potronage; A2— Unobjectionoble for Adults or Adolescents; A3— Unob|ectionable for Adults; A4 Morally<br />
Unobjectionable for Adults, with Reservations; B—Objectionable in Part for All; C Condemned. For<br />
listings by company in the order of release, see FEATURE ChlART.<br />
++ Very Good; + Good; Fair; Poor; = Very Poor.<br />
^£V/£W DIGEST<br />
a. P cc t- a oc£ z<br />
40O1 ©Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin,<br />
The (110) W Com BV 3- 6-67 Al<br />
3095 ©Africa Addio (125) ® Doc. . . . Rizzoli 2-13-67 B<br />
3080 ©After the Fox (103) ® Com .. UA 12-12-66 A2<br />
4010 Aoony of Love, The (S3)<br />
Psych. Melo <strong>Boxoffice</strong> Int'l 4-3-67<br />
3052 ©Aifi. (114) ® Or Para S-Z9-66 A4<br />
All the Other Girls Do (90) CD Harlequin 1-23-67<br />
3062 ©Alvarez Kelly (116) Hi D Col 10-10-66 A3<br />
3066 ©Any Wednesday (109) Com WB 10-31-66 A3<br />
3084 ©Arrivederci, Baby! (105) C .<br />
1- 2-S7 B<br />
X<br />
3065 ©Bible, The . . . In the Beginning<br />
.<br />
(174) D-150 Dr 20th-Fox 10-24-66 Al<br />
3064 Black Cat, The (72) Ho Dr . Hemisphere 10-17-66<br />
Black God and White Devil<br />
(100) Melo Rocha Films 3-20-67<br />
3083 Blow-tJp (110) Murder D Premier Prods 1- 2-67 C<br />
3071 Bold New Approach<br />
(62) Doc. Mental Health Film Board 11-14-66<br />
30S4 ©Brides of Fu Manchu.<br />
The (94) Dr Seven Arts<br />
4011 ©Brijhty of the Grand Canyon (89)<br />
Animal Ad Feature Film Corp.<br />
30S9 ©Bubble, The<br />
(112) 4-D space Vision SF Arch Oboler<br />
3093 ©Busy Body, The (90) ig C Para
AND ALPHABETICAL INDEX Very Good; t Good; Fair; Poor; Very Poor. In the summary H is rated 2 pluses, — os 2 minuses.<br />
: E III<br />
3095OMatal/Sade (115) D UA<br />
3052 OMarco the Ma«ni(iceot<br />
(100) ($ Ad D MGM<br />
Masculine Feminine (104) Meto Royal<br />
4002 OMiliada,<br />
The (125) Comic Operetta WB<br />
3057 Mister Buddwing (100) Or MGM<br />
3092 ©Monkeys. Go Home! (101) Com...BV<br />
4011 Moonlightiiio Wives<br />
(S3) Melo Cradciock Films<br />
30S2 OMurderers' Row (108) Espion.iac C Col<br />
3063 Mystifiers, The (115) Melo. .Goldstone<br />
—N—<br />
o<br />
tUi.<br />
u .<br />
:«<br />
o<br />
J<br />
CM C<br />
:>» S<br />
— ci. 2;<br />
Cos<br />
'1^<br />
§b5<br />
S Eci:<br />
.n<br />
® -TO c<br />
0\<br />
<<br />
a p .<br />
«d;(i<br />
III<br />
c c c<br />
©=" ©-<br />
o<br />
^ vDin<br />
oo<br />
r^<br />
o<br />
to (olo vo<br />
I o = a.<br />
"5 B<br />
5k1<br />
© " ©^<br />
o<br />
"3<br />
O<br />
o<br />
ens<br />
(-1 •£<br />
p<br />
ra ZZ<br />
U. =<br />
©=<br />
o<br />
o<br />
T»y^^r/^rTTrT Tt 1_J<br />
.<br />
.<br />
.<br />
.<br />
.<br />
. Rom<br />
Aug<br />
.<br />
Doc.<br />
©Island of the Doomed Ho. .<br />
Cameron Mitchell<br />
Niohtmare Castle Ho..<br />
llarbara Steele<br />
©Born Losers D .<br />
.leremy Slate. .lane Rni-sell.<br />
Klizaheth Jamos, Tom Lauglllin<br />
©Glass Sphinx Scope D..<br />
Robert Taylor, .^nlta Ekberg<br />
©The Hatfields and the<br />
McCoys ® C.<br />
Phyllis<br />
lliller<br />
COMING<br />
©House of l.OOO Dolls .,Ho-Scx..<br />
Vincent Price, Martha Hyer, VIo<br />
Damone<br />
©Tom Thumb Children's..<br />
©2267 A. D.—When the<br />
Sleeper Wakes ..SF (H. G Wells'<br />
Classic Dr)<br />
Vincent Price<br />
©The Happiest Millionaire ....M..<br />
Frfd MacMiirray, Tommy Steele,<br />
Greer Garson, Geraldlne Page<br />
©Jungle Book. .Animated Feature..<br />
Vnlc« of Phil Harris. Louis Prima.<br />
Sterling Holloway, Sebastian Cabot.<br />
George Sanders<br />
©Band of Gold ® C.<br />
riean Martin, Stella Stevens, Ell<br />
Wallach, Anne Jackson, Betty Field<br />
©Divorce American Style C.<br />
nick Van Dyke, Debbie Reynolds,<br />
Jason Robards, Jean Simmons. Van<br />
Johnson<br />
©Enter Lauohfng C .<br />
Jose Ferrer, Shelley Winters,<br />
Elaine May<br />
©Luv ® C.<br />
Jack I,emmon, Peter Falk, Elaine<br />
May<br />
©Tlie Long Ride Home iery.<br />
Michel PlecnII. Tina Marmianif<br />
La Vie de Chateau C Rom.. Mar 67<br />
(Catherine Deneuve, Philippe Nolret,<br />
Pierre Brasseur<br />
Ciii de-Sac (US) Black C..Sep66<br />
DonflJd Pleaaeoce, FrancolM<br />
Dorleac, Uooel Slander<br />
SIGNAL<br />
Tlie Phony American (72)<br />
William Bendlx. (Tiristlne<br />
Kaufmann, Michael HInz<br />
TIMES<br />
FILMS<br />
Tight Skirts, Loose<br />
Pleasurw<br />
Valeria (Sangoftlnl, Jean Yanne<br />
D..Aug66<br />
Hallucination Generation<br />
(90) ..Exploitation Dr.. Dec 66<br />
(3enrge Montgomery. Danny Stone<br />
Door-to-Door Maniac!<br />
(79) Shock Dr..Dec66<br />
Johnny Ca-sh, Donald Woods. C!ay<br />
Forester. Pamela Mason<br />
(Pit's a Bikini World<br />
(. .) Mus C. Apr 67<br />
Tommy Kirk. Deborah Walley.<br />
TTie Animals<br />
Teenage Rebellion<br />
(. ) Shock Doc Apr 67<br />
©Sadismo (..).. Shock Doc. May 67<br />
U.S.<br />
FILMS<br />
I Crossed the Color Line<br />
(88) Mar 67<br />
Richard (Jllden. Harry Lorejoy. Rlma<br />
Ktitner<br />
©Lightning Bolt (91) A»r 67<br />
Anthony BIsley. Folco Lulll. Sophia<br />
Mari<br />
©Red Dragon<br />
(90) Ac D.. Apr 67<br />
Stewart Granger. Rosanna SctilaftlDO<br />
©Hillbitlys in a Haunted House<br />
(91) May 67<br />
Basil Ratlihone. I>on Oianey, John<br />
Carradlnr. I'l rlin Husky, Jol<br />
I<br />
)<br />
.<br />
Come Dtink With Me (97).. 11-7-66<br />
) . ll^lll Hull Slia« Clwiig reo-pel,<br />
Yttftl llllA<br />
Grand Substitution, The<br />
(116) 12-13-65<br />
irnink 1-w lull) L.1 Lllliia, Ivy<br />
l.irii: I'o. Yen Clliin<br />
©Last Woman of Sham,<br />
The (109) 11-22-65<br />
(I' Uc} Hal. I'at Tine<br />
Itiirik;, Sliin Yinii:-Kjnon<br />
M.idame White Snake (105) 12-20-65<br />
iKrank l,.i-> . . IJn Pai. Cllao Lcl.<br />
Mircaret ^^l Cliuan<br />
Maonificent Concubine,<br />
The (97) 7-11-66<br />
(SlKiH) . (Lilian<br />
.Li LI-lHia. Yen<br />
OThe Mermaid (99) 2-7-66<br />
drank Ix?c) ..Ivy Ling Po, U<br />
hiiit<br />
;Do You Keep a Lion at<br />
Home? (81) 1-16-67<br />
t]>ran(lon) ..Latlislav Ocenasck,<br />
Kllip<br />
.Ii.mT<br />
Loves of a Blonde,<br />
The (S8) 11-21-CC<br />
(I'rnniiiient) liana Breichova,<br />
Vladimir rncliolt<br />
OShop on Main Street, The<br />
(12S) 2-7-66<br />
(Promimnil) ....Josef Kroner, Ida<br />
K.imiFtska<br />
5weet Light in a Dark<br />
Room (93) 7-11-66<br />
ll'rnmciiadc) ..Dana Smntna, Ivan<br />
Mi.'clrik<br />
DANISH<br />
OCr.-ijy Paradise (95) 9-13-65<br />
(Slu-rpi.xJ . ..lacqnes Marin.<br />
Vivianc BonrlMinneux<br />
©Eric Soya's 17' (g7) 2-6-67<br />
( IN'lipercorn-Wormser) . .Die Saltoft.<br />
Cliila Norhy, Lily Broberg.<br />
Suzanne Ile'nrich<br />
Gertrud (110) 7-4-66<br />
(i'athc Ointcmporar>) ..Nina Pens<br />
It.xle. Bcndt Rothe<br />
FRENCH<br />
Alphavillc (100) 12-13-65<br />
(Patlie Contem|iorar>-) Eddie<br />
fonstantine. Anna Karina, Akim<br />
Tamiroff<br />
Band of Outsiders (94) ....5-9-66<br />
Anna Karina. Sami Frey,<br />
Bras^etir<br />
rl.iiide<br />
Boudu Saved From Drowning<br />
(S4) 3-6-67<br />
(Pallip Contemporary) Michel<br />
Simon, Oiarles (Jrandval. MarceUe<br />
Ilainia. .lean riaste<br />
Clooortes (102) 5-2-66<br />
(Int'l Cla.ssic.';) . .Lino Ventura.<br />
Chailes .\znavour. Irina Deraicb<br />
Diary c( a Chambermaid, The<br />
(97) 4-11-66<br />
(Int'l (Hassles) Jeanne Jloreau.<br />
Miehel Piecoll<br />
Enough Rope (104) 5-2-66<br />
(.Arli.xni Gert Frobe. Marina<br />
Vlady. Robert Ilossein<br />
Father of a Soldier (83) ..3-2S-66<br />
(.Vrtkino) ..Sergo ZakarLadze, Keto<br />
Bwhorishvlll<br />
Fever Heat (86) 4-3-67<br />
(Minikin) ....Isabel Corey, Roger<br />
nueliesiie. Oiiy Dfcomble. Oerard<br />
Biihr. Daniel Cauchy. Clmie<br />
ferval<br />
Friend of the Family, A<br />
(95) 12-20-65<br />
(Int'l Glassies) Jean Marais,<br />
Danielle r)arrieu.x<br />
Galia (105) 10-17-66<br />
(Zenith Int'l) Mlreille Dare,<br />
Franeolse Prevost, Jacques<br />
Riberolles, Venantino VenantlM<br />
©Game Is Over.<br />
TTie (98) ® 2-20-67<br />
(Royal) ,..lane Fonda. Peter<br />
McEnery. Michel Piecoll, Tina<br />
Manni.i'Hl. .hwnue'; Mnnod<br />
How NOT to Rob a Department<br />
Store (95) 1-24-66<br />
(ArtKo) . Brialy,<br />
.Jean-CTIaude<br />
Marie Ijiforet<br />
Imrossible on Saturday<br />
(120) 3-28-66<br />
(Macna) ..Robert Htrsch, Dahlia<br />
Friedland<br />
Judex (96) 5-2-66<br />
(Confl) Michel Vltold, Cllanning<br />
Pollock<br />
La Guerre Est Finie (120) 2-6-67<br />
(Brandon) ...Yves Montand, Ingrld<br />
Timlin, fienevleve Rujold. Domininue<br />
Rfi7an, Jiian-Francols Rem!<br />
Le Bonhcur 6-27-66<br />
La Vie de Chateau (92) ....4-3-67<br />
(Royal) Catherine Deneuve,<br />
T'tiilippe Noiret, Pierre Brasseur,<br />
Mary Marquet, Ilenrl Garcin<br />
(Clover) ...lean Clanie Drouot.<br />
Mari" France Boyer<br />
Lcs Bonnes Femnes (95) . .7-11-66<br />
(Hiikim) .Bernadette Lifont,<br />
.<br />
Clnftiiide .Toano<br />
Les Carabiniers (50) 1-30-67<br />
(Lf-' Fllm.5 Marceau) No cast given<br />
©Male Companion (92) ..2-14-66<br />
(im'l Cliuisic-^) Jean-lMerre<br />
l'a>sel, (':iClii'riTie ll.aiemo<br />
Man and a Wom.-in, A (102) 7-25-66<br />
(AA) ,.Anouk Aimce, Jean-Louis<br />
Trintlunant<br />
Masculine, Feminine (104) 11-21-66<br />
lltoyai) Jean Pierre Leaud, (A)<br />
Goya<br />
Ihant.'il<br />
Santa Claus Has Blue Eyes<br />
(50) 3-13-67<br />
(Anouchka Films. Paris) ....Jean-<br />
Pierre Leaud, Gerald Zimmerman,<br />
Henri Martini"/.. Rene Oilson<br />
Shameless Old Lady, The<br />
(96) 11-7-66<br />
(I'lml'l) Sylvic, Victor Lanou.\.<br />
Ma'ka Itilinovska<br />
Sucker, The (101) 6-20-66<br />
(Royal) liourvil. Louis de Funes<br />
Take It All (A Tout Prendre)<br />
(99) 5-16-66<br />
(l/operl) Jolianne, Claude Jutra,<br />
Victor Desy<br />
To Be a Crook (93) 3-6-67<br />
(Comet) Jean-Pierre Kalfon,<br />
Amidon, Pierre Baronli. Janine<br />
Magnan. Y;uie Berry, Jacques<br />
Piirtet<br />
All the Other Girls Do (90) 1-23-67<br />
(llaileiiuin int'l) ...Jacques Perrin,<br />
RosenMrie Dexter. Foleu Liilli<br />
Very Handy Man, A (95) ..1-16-67<br />
(Rizzoli) ..Ugo Tognazzi. Gio^'anna<br />
Ralli. Pierre Brasseur. Anouk<br />
Aimee<br />
Young World. A (S3) 6-20-66<br />
(Lopert) ....Nino Castelnuovo,<br />
Cliristine Delaroche<br />
GERMAN<br />
Ich War Ihm Hoerig (101) 6-7-65<br />
(Casino) Barbara Rutting,<br />
Carlos Thompson<br />
Maedchen in Uniform (91) 9-20-65<br />
(Seven Arts) . .Lilli Palmer, Romy<br />
Schneider<br />
You Are the World for Me<br />
(The Richard Tauber Story)<br />
(107) 7-18-65<br />
(Ring Film Corp) ..Rjidolf Schock.<br />
Annemarie Dueringer, Richard<br />
Romanowsky<br />
GREEK<br />
Rape, The (86) 2-2S-66<br />
(Zenith) ..Leftcris Vournas, Zoras<br />
Tsapelis<br />
Red Lanterns (90) 3-29-65<br />
(Times) . .Jenny Karezi, George<br />
Foondas<br />
Young Aphrodites (89) 1-16-67<br />
(Janus) . .Takis EmmanoMcl, Heni<br />
Prnkopiou<br />
Clouds Over Israel (85) 7-4-66<br />
(Harold Cornsweet I'rtids.<br />
Yifiach Spector, Dina Doronne<br />
Engagement Itallano '85) 7-18-66<br />
(Sedgeway) ..Rossano BrazzI,<br />
Annie Girardot<br />
Facts of Murder, The (110) S-23-6J<br />
(Se^en .\rts) . .Pietro Germi.<br />
Claudia Cardinale. Claudio Gora<br />
Gospel According to St. Matthew,<br />
The (136) 3-14-66<br />
(Cont'I) Enrique Irazoqui,<br />
Marpherita Caruso<br />
High Infidelity (120) 2-2-65<br />
(Magna) ..Charles Aznavour. (Halre<br />
Bloom. Ugo Tognazzi<br />
II Successo (103) 5-24-65<br />
(Embassy) ..Vittorio Gassman,<br />
Anonk .Aimee<br />
Italiano Brava Gente (156) 11-15-65<br />
(Embassy) ..Arthur Kennedy,<br />
Peter Falk<br />
La Fuga (92) 4-4-66<br />
(Int'l Classics) Gloyanna Ralll,<br />
Anouk Aimee, Paul Ouers<br />
La Visita (115) 8-22-66<br />
(Promenade) . Mllo,<br />
.Sandra<br />
Fram*nise Perier<br />
Les Amiche (100) 11-22-65<br />
(Premiere) ..Eleonora Rossl-Drago,<br />
Madeleine Fischer<br />
Love and Marriage (106) ..S-22-66<br />
(l^mbassy) . .Sylva Koscina.<br />
Philippe Lernv, Eleonora Rossi-Draco<br />
Love a la Carte (98) 2-15-65<br />
(Promenade) .Simone SIgnoret,<br />
.<br />
Marcello Mastroianni<br />
Love in 4 Dimensions (105) 10-25-65<br />
(Eldorado) , .Michele Mercier,<br />
Philippe I^erov<br />
Love. Love (SO) 1-23-67<br />
(Enzo Nassn) ..Umherto and Silvia<br />
Bicnardi. Giorgia Bretschneider.<br />
Alrfo D'Angelo. Living Theatre Group<br />
Maonificent Cuckold, The<br />
(113) 6-7-65<br />
(Cont'I) Claud'a Cardinale.<br />
TTgo Tognazzi<br />
Mandragola (97) 7-4-66<br />
(Eiiropix) ....Rosanna Schlaffinn,<br />
Phlllinpe Lerov, Jean-Claude Brialv<br />
Moment of Truth, The (105) 8-23-65<br />
(Rizzoli) . .Miguel Mateo Mieiielin<br />
New Angels. The (94) 6-21-65<br />
(Promenade)<br />
Railroad Man, The (95) ..11-29-65<br />
(Cont'I) ..Pietro Germi, Sylva<br />
Koscina. Bdoardo Nm-ela<br />
Review<br />
Date<br />
©Red Desert (116) 3-15-65<br />
(lilzzoli) ...Monica Vittl, Richard<br />
Harris<br />
Salvatore Giuliano (125) .. .6-20-56<br />
(Royal) . .Frank Wolff, Salvo<br />
Raiidonc<br />
Sandra (100) 2-28-66<br />
(Royal) ..Claudia Cardinale,<br />
Mieliael Craig<br />
Sweet and Sour (93) 2-1-65<br />
(Pathe Cnntempiirary) ..Guy Bedos,<br />
Si>i>liia Haumier, Jean-Paul<br />
, . . .Peppino<br />
llelnioiniii<br />
Variety Lights (93) 7-12-65<br />
ll'athe Contemporary)<br />
De Filippo, Giiilietta Masina<br />
©Five Gents' Trick Book<br />
(95) 1-24-66<br />
(Tnho) ..Hisaya Morishige,<br />
Asanfa Kiiji<br />
©Illusion of Blood (104) .3-14-66<br />
Tatsuya Nakadai. Mariko Okada<br />
©Kwaidan (125) 1-17-65<br />
(Cont'I) Michiyo Aratama,<br />
Rentard Mikuni, Katsuo Nakamura<br />
Ohayo (93) 2-14-66<br />
(Shockiku) . .Kuniko Aiiyake,<br />
Chishii Ryu<br />
Silence Has No Wings<br />
(103) 3-13-67<br />
.Mariko Kaga, Iliroyuki<br />
(Toho) . . .<br />
Nagato<br />
©White Rose of Hong Kong<br />
(110) 1-24-66<br />
CTciho) ..Chang Mei Yao,<br />
Tsnfomu<br />
Yamazaki<br />
©Secret Formula, The (60) 1-30-67<br />
(Trans-Nat '1) ..No cast given<br />
POLISH<br />
Guests Are Coming (110) ..5-24-65<br />
(Kow.ill Mitchell Kowal,<br />
metiz On.alinski<br />
Eroica (82) 2-14-66<br />
(.\merpol) ..Edward Dziewonski,<br />
Barbara Polomska<br />
Last Chapter, The (85) ...4-11-66<br />
(Ben-Law) . .narrated by Tlleodore<br />
Bikel<br />
Lotna (Swift) (88) 6-27-66<br />
(Pol-Ton Films) . Pichelski,<br />
.Jerzy<br />
Bnzena Kiirowska<br />
Salto (104) 10-17-66<br />
(Kanawha) ..Zbignievv Cybulski,<br />
Marta Llpinska<br />
Ballad of Love, A (45) 4-11-66<br />
(.\rtklno} . .Victoria Pyodorova<br />
K.azimeriz Opahnski<br />
©Cavalcade of Russian Ballet<br />
and Dance (100) 7-19-65<br />
(Aitkino) . .Galina Ulanova,<br />
Maya Plisetskaya<br />
©Garnet Bracelet, The (90) 10-17-66<br />
(Artkino) ..Ariadna Shengelaya.<br />
Igor Ozerov<br />
Marriage of Balzaminon,<br />
The (90) 7-25-66<br />
(Artkino) ..(Jeorgi Vitsln, Ljaidmila<br />
Shagalova. Lydia Sralmova<br />
Mother and Daughter<br />
(80) Melo 11-15-65<br />
(Artkino) ..Vera Maretskaya, Ira<br />
Mitsik, Soroya Pavlova<br />
Plisetskaya Dances (70) ...5-24-65<br />
.Maya Plisetskaya<br />
(,\rtkino) .<br />
Bolshoi Ballet<br />
©Sandu Follows the Sun<br />
(60) 5-10-65<br />
Nieka Grimnus<br />
(Artkino) .<br />
Tsar to Lenin (90) 6-27-66<br />
(Axclbank) ..Narrator: Valentine<br />
Dvall<br />
When the Trees Were Tall<br />
(100) 3-15-65<br />
(Artkino) ..Yuri Nikulin, Inna<br />
Gulav.T<br />
Every Day Is a Holiday (77) 7-18-66<br />
(Col) Mari.soi, Angel Peralta<br />
Heroina (105) 11-22-65<br />
(Rolay) .-Kitty de Hoyos, Jaime<br />
Siiiichez. Otto Slrgo<br />
La Tia Tula (98) 7-26-65<br />
(I'niled Int'l) ...Aurora B,iutista,<br />
Cinlos Estrafia<br />
Dear John (115) 3-28-66<br />
(Sigma III) ..Jarl KuUe. Christina<br />
Srlir.llin<br />
©I (Jag) (SO) 1-23-67<br />
(Sandrew Film .and Teater AB) .<br />
Ch'istopher Banek. Tove VValtenburg.<br />
Marnaveta Kronk. Agneta Anion<br />
I, a Woman (90) 12-12-66<br />
(.Vudiihiin) ..E^sy Persson, Preben<br />
Malirt, Jorgens Reenberg<br />
Lovinj Couples (113) ....10-24-66<br />
fPrriminent) ..Harriet Amlersson.<br />
Eva Dahlbeck. Gunnar Bjom.strand,<br />
tJio Petre. .\nita Bjork<br />
Ninht Games (104) 1-30-67<br />
(.Mondial) .Ingrid ,Iorgen<br />
. Thiilin,<br />
Mndstrom<br />
Mv Sister, My Love (96) 3-6-67<br />
(Sigma III) ..Bibi Andersson, Per<br />
Oscaisson. Jarl Kulle, Gnnnar<br />
Riomstrand<br />
Persona (81) 3-13-67<br />
(Lnpert) Bibi Andersson, Liv<br />
rilmann, Gnnnar Bjornstrand.<br />
Margaretha Krook<br />
Write—<br />
— Right Now<br />
TO:<br />
The Exhibitor Has His Say<br />
BOXOFFICE, 825 Van Brunt Blvd.,<br />
Kansas City, Mo. 64124<br />
Title<br />
Comment<br />
Days ol Week Played<br />
Weather<br />
Title<br />
Comment<br />
Days of Week Plcryed<br />
Weather<br />
Exhibitor<br />
Title<br />
Comment<br />
Days of Week Played.<br />
Weather<br />
Title<br />
Comment<br />
Days of Week Played<br />
Weather<br />
Exhibitor<br />
Theatre<br />
Company<br />
Company<br />
Company<br />
Compcmy<br />
Population<br />
City State Zip Code<br />
10 BOXOFFICE BookinGuide :: April 17, 1967
Opinions on Current Productions ^EATURB REVIEWS<br />
Symbol @ denotes color; © CinemaScope; (g) Panavision; ® Technirama; ® other anomorphic processes, for story synopsis on eoch picture, see reverse side.<br />
"Good Times" is an appropriate title for this colorful<br />
comedy which shows every indication of becoming a big<br />
hit. Although this Motion Pictui-e International Produc-<br />
tion had been kicking around some time before Columbia<br />
h<br />
Good Times<br />
1.85-1<br />
^^: 'T''
. . America's<br />
.<br />
.<br />
. .<br />
'<br />
. . The<br />
. . They're<br />
BOXOFFICE BookinGuide :: April 17, 1967<br />
. . "Good<br />
. . She's<br />
FEATURE REVIEWS Sfory Synopsis; Exploitips; Adiines for Newspapers and Programs<br />
THE STORY: "Devil's Angels" (AIP)<br />
John Cassavetes, leader of The Skulls, a motorcycle<br />
club, after noticing Buck Taylor and Salli Sachse involving<br />
themselves in a fatal accident, decrees a "run," a trip<br />
like no other. He knows that "The Man" t police) endlessly<br />
hounding the group, will close in once alerted to<br />
the accioent. With girl friend Beverly Adams, Cassavetes<br />
leads the pack off down the road: along the way, they ^.<br />
i"<br />
help Buck Kartalian escape from a small-town jail. In !<br />
,<br />
^<br />
Brookville, leading citizen Russ Bender emcees a local<br />
beauty contest, and The Skulls' arrival sets off a feeling of<br />
tension. Local blonde Mimsy Parmer, only contestant to<br />
openly greet The Skulls, joins a party on the beach,<br />
hysterically running away under threatened attack.<br />
Sheriff Leo Gordon charges Cassavetes with rape, dismisses<br />
him when learning the real story. He orders The<br />
Skulls to leave the peaceful town. Another motorcycle<br />
group, 'Ihe Stompers, arrives, begimiing a night of fiery<br />
reveli-y. Cassavetes leaves on his motorcycle, this time<br />
alone.<br />
Weather permitting, banner motorcycles for local<br />
street ballyhoo. Advertise this as another hit from the<br />
producers of "The Wild Angels."<br />
This Is the Way Life Is, Man . Fast-Moving.<br />
Past-Charging Motorcycle "Cult." Its Own Story! .<br />
Out for Kicks! Out for Laughs! The "Devil's Angels."<br />
THE STORY: "The Mummy's Shroud" (20th-Fox)<br />
Andre Morell leads his archeological party to a pharaoh's<br />
tomb only to have its guard Roger Delgado place a<br />
cuise on them. Delgado reads the words of life written on<br />
the mummy's shroud, bringing the corpse to deadly life,<br />
and four members of the team die. The two smvivors,<br />
Maggie Kimberley and David Buck, are lured to the<br />
museum where both Delgado and the mummy await<br />
them. The police kUl Delgado, who has brought the<br />
mummy to life a second time, but Kimberley grabs the<br />
shroud and reads the words of death, destroying the<br />
mummy, everyone hopes, forever.<br />
Have a horror film contest asking moviegoers to name<br />
the many mummy films and their stars.<br />
Display a series<br />
of hieroglyphics, with keys for translation, and have a ..cere<br />
contest for reading them. The message could pertain to (•*''<br />
the horror treat in store when the moviegoer attends the<br />
pictme.<br />
The Ultimate in Evil From Monster and Madman . . .<br />
Warning: To E^very Creature of Flesh and Blood—Beware<br />
the Beat of the Cloth-Wrapped Feet . . . The<br />
Deadliest<br />
Mummy of Them All . . . Asleep for Centuries, He Was<br />
Awakened to Kill ... If You Want to Live, Don't Read the<br />
Mimimy's Message, Just See It.<br />
THE STORY: "The Great British Train Robbery" (P-W)<br />
Hiding behind the respected guise of a London antique<br />
dealer. Horst Tappert is in fact a criminal. Gunther<br />
Neutze convinces him that together with a band of professional<br />
crooks they can rob the Royal Mail Ti'ain of a<br />
fortune in banknotes, which Tappert knows to be aboard<br />
on one particular day. Before pulling off the big job, they<br />
(the gang) rob an airport to get funds to set up a hideaway<br />
for making out all their plans. Then the big robbery<br />
is successfully carried out. With all the money, the gang<br />
argues about what should be done to remain anonymous.<br />
Neutze and his proponents take theii' share and retui'n<br />
to London. Scotland Yard captures some of the men. Tappert<br />
and his sidekicks then plan to rescue<br />
are in prison. To date three of the men are still<br />
as is $6,000,000 of the stolen money.<br />
the ones who<br />
at large<br />
Play up the facts that this is the biggest robbei-y in<br />
history and one of the most successful ones. Use lobby<br />
displays and story boards on the real<br />
events as reported<br />
in the newspapers at the time. Promotional material<br />
about all famous robberies could help generate excitement<br />
about the picture. The distributor has used effective<br />
TV spot announcements in metropolitan areas.<br />
The True Story That Is More Fantastic Than Fiction .<br />
The "Greatest" Robbery on Record, Filmed Where It<br />
^ly<br />
Happened As It Really Happened.<br />
Lox<br />
meehv<br />
THE STORY:<br />
'Good Times" (Col)<br />
Sonny and Cher are a happy and very successful singing<br />
team. Sonny wants to make a movie, but his wife<br />
doesn't. Sonny is always di'eaming of being a sheriff in<br />
a western town, or living as a Tarzan-type in the jungle<br />
or being the wildest and smoothest detective ever. Film<br />
producer George Sanders gives them an old chestnut of a<br />
script with a new title only. Sonny backs out and Sanders<br />
threatens to keep them from ever performing publicly<br />
again. But in the end Sanders gives in and Sonny and<br />
Cher, free souls, go about their happy lives.<br />
Columbia has gone all-out to emphasize the unique<br />
appeal of Sonny and Cher: there is, of com-se, the record<br />
album with all the far-reaching deejay, radio, TV, music<br />
store possibilities; the "American Mod" with fashion<br />
shows based on Cher's own designs and Sonny's long hair<br />
style: bmnper strips in fluorescent colors, and fan club<br />
parties and premieres.<br />
Look Who's Making the Movie Scene! . . . Hear Sonny<br />
and Cher in Their First Motion Pictm-e Swinging and<br />
Singing These Hit Songs . . . The Swing Is On and It's<br />
Good Times for Everybody . Times" Is Coming<br />
. . . Sonny As King of the Jungle, Ace of the Dancehalls<br />
and the Fastest Gun in the West.<br />
THE STORY: "40 Guns to Apache Pass" (Col)<br />
When Apache chief Cochise goes on the warpath in the<br />
West following the Civil War, Audie Mui-phy, U.S. Cavalry<br />
captain, leads a group of homesteaders to the safety of<br />
the fort at Apache Wells. Murphy has trouble with Kenneth<br />
Tobey, a traitorous corporal. Two teenage homesteaders<br />
decide to enlist in the Cavalry and they are<br />
picked by Mm-phy to meet a shipment of 40 repeating<br />
rifles needed to save the fort from an Apache attack.<br />
When Mm-phy and his men are ambushed by the Indians<br />
one of the boys is killed while the other (Michael Burns)<br />
stands paralyzed with fear. This gives Tobey the opportunity<br />
to club Murphy and get away with the guns, which<br />
he plans to sell to the Apaches. Murphy faces courtmartial<br />
so he sets out alone to recover the guns and receives<br />
unexpected aid from the frightened Burns. While<br />
the boy takes most of the guns to the fort. Murphy uses<br />
^^^ Others to mow down the Apaches and to kill Tobey.<br />
The Cavalry takes the new gims, rescues Mm-phy and he<br />
and Bm-ns are declared heroes.<br />
Dress up the lobby with Indian gear,<br />
including a tent<br />
with war paint on the outside, and have the ticket-taker<br />
or ballyhoo man outfitted with feathered headgear and a<br />
tom-tom. A display of old guns will get attention.<br />
Land of No Law . . . Password Is Fight—Last Word Is<br />
Kill .<br />
West Ablaze With Coui-age Aflame.<br />
THE STORY: "A Witch Without a Broom" (PRO)<br />
Visiting history professor Jeffrey Hmiter keeps seeing<br />
a beautiful blonde sitting in the front row of his classes,<br />
but no one else sees her. She tm-ns out to be a witch who<br />
doesn't quite have the knack yet of being fully accomplished<br />
in her witchcraft. As a result, poor Hunter is sent<br />
back and forth in time, along with Maria Perschy, as she<br />
tries to control her powers without luck. Hunter has to<br />
face the 16th Century Toledo court rivalry, defend himself<br />
against some stone age harridans, ride the Roman<br />
chariots and make love to Martian maidens in the year<br />
2100. Hunter finally collapses and is seen in a hospital<br />
and his lovely nurse tm-ns out to be Miss Perschy.<br />
PRO has some fumiy ideas termed "Hexploitation" for<br />
this film. The company will supply details to exhibitors<br />
on holding a "Witch Hunt" or having a "Bewitching<br />
Fashion Show" or conducting tie-ins with grocery stores<br />
for a "Witches' Brew" and best of all, tie-ins with a Magic<br />
Show. They also suggest a treasm-e hunt searching for a<br />
broom, of course, and Halloween costume party in the<br />
spring.<br />
A Very Hexy Motion Picture . Betwitched, He's<br />
Hexcited . the Rave of the Cave Set . . . Here's<br />
a Switch on a Witch—She's in Love and Going All the<br />
Way From the Stone Age to the Space Age as Romance<br />
3( Mixes Up her Brew!
I salary,<br />
;<br />
or<br />
Syufy<br />
ES: 20c per word, minimum $2.00, cash with copy. Four consecutive insertions lor price<br />
three. CLOSING DATE: Monday noon preceding publication date. Send copy an<br />
answers to Box Numbers to BOXOFFICE, 825 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 64124<br />
ZED A CAPABLE enthusiastic theatre<br />
age: who can accept responsibihty<br />
assume authority in operation of<br />
theatres in a Midwest town of 75,000.<br />
f initiative and creative crbility will<br />
off handsomely. Write: Midcontinent<br />
jtres, 704 Hennepin, Minneapolis,<br />
1.<br />
ANTED Drive-In the
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