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Includino the Sectional News Pages of All Editions<br />

><br />

/he<br />

TuAe e^ ine metien. HctuM yricLdtu<br />

Dan S. Terrell, who was<br />

elected<br />

vice-president<br />

by the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer<br />

board of directors at the<br />

meeting held last Wednesday (23).<br />

Terrell joined MGM in 1950 and<br />

has been director of advertising<br />

and publicity since 1963.


Published In Nine Sectional Editions<br />

BEN<br />

SHLYEN<br />

Editor-in-Chiei and Publisher<br />

DONALD M. MERSEREAU, Associote<br />

Publisher & General Manager<br />

JESSE SHLYEN Managing Editor<br />

CLYDE C. HALL. . .Equipment Editor<br />

ALLEN C. WARDRIP. .. .Field Editor<br />


Western Editor<br />

MORRIS SCHLOZMAN, Business Mgr.<br />

Publication Ollices: 825 Vau Brunt Blvd.,<br />

Kansas City, Mo. 64124. Jesse SUyen.<br />

ManagUig Editor; Allen C. Wardrlp, Field<br />

Editor: Morris Schlozman, Business Manager:<br />

Clyde C. Hall, Tlie Modern 'Hieatre<br />

Section. Telephone tilesUiut 1-7777.<br />

Editorial Offices: 1270 Sl.\th Ave.. Rockefeller<br />

Center, Nevv York. N.Y. 10020.<br />

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London Office— Anthony Grnner. 1 Woodberry<br />

Way, Finchley, N. 12, Telephone<br />

Hillside 6733.<br />

THE MODBKN TllBATIUS Section is hlcluded<br />

In one Issue each month.<br />

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Ciliciiuiall: Frances llanfurd, 3433 Clifton<br />

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Cleveland: W. Ward Maisli, I'laui Dealer.<br />

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Iieiiver: Bruce Marshall, 2881 S. Cherry<br />

Way.<br />

Des Muines: Tat Cooney, 2727 49th St.<br />

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Mbineapulls: Bill Dkhl. St. I'aul Uispatdi.<br />

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IN<br />

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Member Audit Bureau of Circulations<br />

Published weekly, except one issue at<br />

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$1S. Single copy 35c. Second class postage<br />

paid at Kansas City, Mo.<br />

Vol. 91<br />

AUGUST 2 8,<br />

No. 19<br />

1 967<br />


EVENTS of the past week forecast an<br />

early end to the paucity of product<br />

which, over many years, has adversely affected<br />

the industry's progress. Many of<br />

the trade's pernicious practices have come<br />

about as a result of the product shortage<br />

and aggravated others. So materializing<br />

of plans that provide for substantial additions<br />

to the product supply to come to<br />

fruition early in the forthcoming season<br />

are being eagerly anticipated by exhibitors<br />

throughout the world.<br />

Conclusion of the agreement whereby<br />

a newly formed subsidiary of Cinerama,<br />

Inc., will handle the distribution of pictures<br />

to be made by affiliates of American<br />

Broadcasting Companies, plus two Cinerama<br />

films and others that will come<br />

from Cinerama's own facilities and other<br />

sources, indicate a total of approximately<br />

20 features for 1967-68 release.<br />

Columbia Broadcasting System's theatrical<br />

film production subsidiary is increasing<br />

its previously announced schedule,<br />

following conclusion of deals with<br />

producers, directors and stars and for<br />

story properties that indicate good quality<br />

and audience appeal. The total of<br />

product from this new film source has<br />

been announced as 22 by Gordon Stulberg,<br />

president of the CBS Theatrical<br />

Films Division, who long held an important<br />

production post at Columbia Pictures<br />

Studios.<br />

National General Corp., which last year<br />

got its production subsidiary under way,<br />

has expanded its plans and is setting up<br />

its own distribution organization, also<br />

will add substantially to the theatrical<br />

output.<br />

It is significant that involved in these<br />

three projects are men of extensive experience<br />

in production, distribution and<br />

exhibition, in two instances of which<br />

there is an overlapping or mutuality of<br />

interest. In the Cinerama-ABC project,<br />

Leonard Goldenson, William Forman and<br />

Samuel Clark bring to it their accumulated<br />

and long experience in theatre operations<br />

and their intimate knowledge of<br />

the theatres' product needs; and Seymour<br />

Poe, heading the production-distribution<br />

enterprise, has been eminently successful<br />

in that field. He, too, has an intimate<br />

knowledge of exhibition's product needs,<br />

as is evidenced by his statement, when<br />

the Cinerama-ABC agreement was announced,<br />

that orderly release of films and<br />

integrated programing were of primary<br />

importance, both to distribution and exhibition.<br />

If the new production sources<br />

strongly implement such a policy, it will<br />

have a most salutary effect in restoring<br />

attendance on an ever-widening scale.<br />

This recalls the staunch advocacy for<br />

orderly release that Ed Hyman, as vicepresident<br />

of ABC's theatre unit, espoused<br />

over many years prior to his retirement.<br />

The need has increased in the intervening<br />

years, which is strongly accented by the<br />

"disorderly" releasing practice, the helter-skelter<br />

pattern of which has left its<br />

impairing mark on the industry, both inside<br />

and out.<br />

NGC's continuing growth in the field<br />

of exhibition has given emphasis to the<br />

need for a greater and continuing supply<br />

of product. President Eugene Klein<br />

has, therefore, launched production and<br />

distribution units and has acquired the<br />

distribution of the CBS films, among<br />

others, to give assurance of a steady flow<br />

of pictures, not only for NGC's own theatres<br />

but for theatres generally. Five<br />

NGC pictures will be in production by the<br />

end of this year, with six to eight to be<br />

completed within the next year, and 15<br />

are in various stages of production.<br />

Encouraging, indeed, are the prospects<br />

inherent in these new sources of production<br />

and distribution as well as from the<br />

knowledge of the stepping up in the output<br />

coming from other companies.<br />

Highly Important Factor<br />

It<br />

often has been pointed out that favorable<br />

word-of-mouth is a highly important<br />

plus factor to a motion picture's<br />

theatrical success. When a film has or develops<br />

such a vital patronage-builder,<br />

its potential should not be dissipated by<br />

fast play-off and/or release to television.<br />

This was well brought out in a letter from<br />

Roger W. Hurlock, chairman of the executive<br />

committee of Allied Artists, to<br />

Sherrill C. Corwin, NATO president, viz:<br />

"Despite an erroneous report carried in TV<br />

Guide, "A Man and a Woman" will not be made<br />

available to the network until late 1969 or 1970<br />

at the earliest.<br />

"This is in fulfillment of a pledge which Allied<br />

made to you on April 12 conceding the validity<br />

of your strong stand on additional 'lead time' for<br />

theatrical exhibition of important films prior to<br />

TV, and promising to withhold 'A Man and a<br />

Woman' for an additional year longer than we'd<br />

originally intended, as to any telecasting."<br />

There's an example in this which, if<br />

followed by all distributors, could add<br />

many millions of dollars to boxoffice<br />

grosses and rental incomes.<br />




Get Total of 720,000 Shares;<br />

O'Brien Cites Assurance<br />

Of Investors' Support<br />

NEW YORK — Edgar M. Bronfman,<br />

president of Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc.,<br />

^ U.S. liquor firm, and<br />

Time, Inc., of the<br />

Robert H. O'Brien<br />

pubhshing, broadcasting<br />

and papermaking<br />

fields, have agreed to<br />

purchase 720,000<br />

shares (representing a<br />

14 per cent interest) in<br />

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.<br />

Inc., the majority<br />

of the stock coming<br />

from Philip J. Levin,<br />

New Jersey realtor<br />

and dissident MGM shareholder who has<br />

waged an unsuccessful campaign against<br />

MGM management for nearly two years.<br />

Bronfman, his family and associates will<br />

buy 420,000 shares and Time, Inc., 300,-<br />

000. Levin, who lost a proxy fight for control<br />

of the film company last February, owns<br />

560,000 shares and has been the largest<br />

shareholder in the company, a position which<br />

Bronfman will assume with his current purchase<br />

and the 400,000 shares of MGM<br />

stock which he already holds. Levin will<br />

sell Bronfman 260,000 shares and 300,000<br />

shares to Time, Inc. An associate, Louis<br />

Green, will sell 60,000 shares to Bronfman,<br />

and the remaining 100,000 shares will be<br />

purchased from other sources.<br />

'Most Gratifying' to<br />

MGM<br />

Robert H. O'Brien, president of MGM,<br />

in a statement Tuesday (22) termed the actions<br />

"most gratifying to the board of directors<br />

and management of MGM. The assurance<br />

of support we have received from these<br />

investors is another reason why they and<br />

all of our other shareholders can look forward<br />

to the continued and increasing success<br />

of our company."<br />

Levin said his decision to sell came about<br />

because of a "situation where we couldn't<br />

go forward with it ourselves." He added:<br />

"Mr. Bronfman didn't want to make a public<br />

tender offer and didn't want to take a<br />

position on the possibility of another proxy<br />

fight. The situation wasn't benefiting anyone—the<br />

company or ourselves. Bronfman<br />

made us an attractive offer and we sold."<br />

Bronfman, who earlier in the year bought<br />

some 209,000 MGM shares from Puritan<br />

Fund of Boston, said he saw no need for<br />

management or operational changes in<br />

MGM, terming the film company "the bestmanaged<br />

company in a very exciting industry."<br />

He expressed his fascination with the<br />

in education, offering great opportunities<br />

for MGM to apply its skills in that field.<br />

"This is a marvelous investment," he said,<br />

"We are on the side of constructive management.<br />

We aren't going to wage a proxy<br />

fight and we won't fight anything that is<br />

good for the company."<br />

Time, Inc., vice-president and director of<br />

corporate development Robert R. Baker said<br />

his company does not at present own MGM<br />

stock. He referred to the stock sale to<br />

Time, Inc., as an investment and said, "We<br />

don't consider ourselves to be in any group<br />

or to be an associate of anyone."<br />

Studied Industry, Says Time<br />

Time, Inc., president James A. Linen, in<br />

a statement, said the investment "follows<br />

months of study on the motion picture industry,"<br />

and "reflects the company's desire<br />

to obtain an investment position in the<br />

rapidly developing technology of the moving<br />

image, as well as in television programing<br />

and the music and record industries in<br />

which MGM has important interests."<br />

Both Bronfman and Baker took the position<br />

that it was "premature" to discuss their<br />

representation on the MGM board. Bronfman<br />

emphasized that Seagram is not involved<br />

in his family's interest in MGM and<br />

that there is "no possibility" that his investment<br />

might lead to a merger.<br />

The Samuel Bronfman Family Trust is a<br />

partner in the Canadian-based NGC Cinemas,<br />

a 50-50 property of National General<br />

Corp., the divorced 20th Century-Fox theatre<br />

circuit, and North American Cinema<br />

Centers.<br />

Bill Up to Bar FCC<br />

Okay of Pay TV<br />

WASHINGTON—A bill to prohibit the<br />

Federal Communications Commission from<br />

approving pay TV has been introduced by<br />

Rep. John D. Dingell (D., Mich.). Noting<br />

the recommendations of an FCC three-commissioner<br />

committee which indicated<br />

possible<br />

approval of a nationwide pay TV system,<br />

Dingell said, "The purpose of my legislation<br />

is to remove that threat by making<br />

it clear that Congress has not empowered<br />

the FCC to authorize pay television broadcasting."<br />

The Congressman acknowledged faults<br />

with free TV, but said these faults could<br />

be corrected without recourse to the fee system.<br />

He added that passage of the public<br />

television act with its aid to educational<br />

radio and TV would also lead to upgrading<br />

of programs available to the public.<br />

Dingell said that the "safeguards" proposed<br />

by the FCC committee would fall<br />

short of protecting free TV. He told the<br />

House that "in the areas where it would be<br />

authorized, pay television would replace<br />

free television on at least one station during<br />

prime broadcast time. It would thus limit<br />

the public's present program selection opportunities<br />

and tend to drag viewers away<br />

from free television. This would make sponsorship<br />

of free television less attractive to<br />

advertisers and could lead to a deterioration<br />

of program quality."<br />

Wyatt Earp-<br />

Hero With A Badge<br />

Or<br />

Cold-Blooded Killer?<br />

future of entertainment business and asserted<br />

that audio visual techniques, in his opinion,<br />

will be the "key" to a total revolution<br />

BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967

He Lived Through the Gunfight at the 0.1<br />





iirral . . .That May Have Been A Mistake<br />

!<br />

The National<br />

Association of<br />

Theatre Owners<br />

(NATO)-in its<br />

Fail<br />

Film Fairhas<br />

commended<br />

four pictures for<br />

excellence in<br />




Transamerica/tiMPKf<br />

entertainment.<br />

This picture<br />

is one of them.

NGC Distribution Arm<br />

To Handle 22 CBS Films<br />

HOLLYWOOD—An agreement for longterm<br />

distribution rights for CBS theatrical<br />

films, including exclusive rights in the U.S.<br />

and Canada, was announced Friday (18) by<br />

National General Pictures Corp., the motion<br />

pictiire distribution subsidiary of National<br />

General Corp.<br />

According to Irving H. Levin, executive<br />

vice-president of NGC, who made the announcement,<br />

the agreement involves current<br />

production commitments for approximately<br />

22 films at a total budget in excess of $60<br />

million. Levin said present foreign plans call<br />

for one of two patterns: in certain areas,<br />

arrangements will be made with established<br />

distributors, while in others, a new joint distribution<br />

organization will be established by<br />

CBS Theatrical Films Division and National<br />

General Pictures.<br />

Levin said NGC had just put together its<br />

own distribution arm in May and "with the<br />

flow of product this agreement anticipates.<br />

National General and the joint organization<br />

overseas immediately becomes a<br />

major and<br />

important worldwide distribution organization."<br />

A foreign sales manager and sales<br />

staff for the joint CBS-NGP overseas distribution<br />

organization will be announced in<br />

the near future.<br />

Gordon Stulberg, president of CBS Theatrical<br />

Films, said, "This agreement allows us<br />

to offer our independent producers an aggressive<br />

and flexible worldwide distribution<br />

organization. I am quite pleased that we<br />

are in a position to do so much a short time<br />

after the formation of CBS Theatrical Films<br />

Division."<br />

Among the current production commitments<br />

all to be handled under some part of<br />

the new distribution agreement are the following:<br />

"The Last Revolution," produced<br />

and directed by George Pal; "The Toy<br />

Shop" produced by Malcolm Stuart and directed<br />

by Irvin Kershner; "Friday, the Rabbi<br />

Slept Late," produced by Si Litvinoff and<br />

Ray Wagner; "To Kill a King," produced<br />

by Al S. Ruddy and directed by Brian Hutton,<br />

and "Mr. and Mrs. Bo Jo Jones," produced<br />

by Samuel Goldwyn jr. and directed<br />

by King Vidor.<br />

Stanley Warner, Glen Alden Boards<br />

Unanimously Approve Merger Plan<br />

NEW YORK—A formal agreement of a<br />

merger between the Glen Alden Corp. and<br />

the Stanley Warner Corp. was unanimously<br />

approved by the boards of directors of<br />

the two companies Friday (18). The consummation<br />

of the merger is now subject to<br />

the approval of stockholders of both corporations.<br />

Glen Alden will be the surviving<br />

company, with Stanley Warner retaining its<br />

identity as a division of GA.<br />

Nathaniel Lapkin, who was elected SW<br />

president August 3, will become executive<br />

vice-president of the surviving GA organization,<br />

upon completion of the merger.<br />

Meshulam Riklis and Paul A. Johnston will<br />

continue in their respective posts as GA<br />

chairman of the board and GA president.<br />

The new agreement, which will be submitted<br />

to stockholders of both companies<br />

at special meetings at dates yet to be set in<br />

the month of October, calls for the exchange<br />

of each share of SW common, except<br />

shares owned by GA or SW, for between<br />

.50 and .55 of one share of a new<br />

GA $3 cumulative convertible preference<br />

stock, convertible at any time into seven<br />

shares of GA common stock.<br />

The exchange<br />

rate is dependent upon the average closing<br />

price of GA common during the five business<br />

days immediately preceding the stockholders<br />

meeting of GA or SW, whichever<br />

is earlier. The new preference stock will be<br />

senior to all classes of GA capital stock except<br />

for the $2.25 senior preferred stock.<br />

6<br />

It<br />

will have a maximum liquidating value of<br />

$110 and will be callable beginning Feb. 1,<br />

1973.<br />

GA paid an estimated $42 million for<br />

the Fabian Enterprises' 18 per cent slock interest<br />

in SW, on the basis of market value<br />

on July 23, when the purchase was then<br />

announced. S. H. Fabian, founder and former<br />

president of SW, and Samuel Rosen,<br />

former executive vice-president, became<br />

chairman and vice-chairman, respectively,<br />

on Lapkin's election to the presidency. No<br />

announcement has been made of an official<br />

position for either man in the surviving<br />

company. Trade rumors are that both will<br />

retire, since the sale of their Fabian interest<br />

in SW to GA was considered by many induslryites<br />

as the first step toward retirement.<br />

The merger involves the ownership of<br />

about 240 theatres. The Department of Justice<br />

is currently determining whether or not<br />

it will ask for divestiture of any of the theatres.<br />

GA has agreed in Federal court order<br />

not to oppose any demand for divestiture<br />

which may be made by the Government.<br />

In addition to the theatre holdings<br />

through RKO Theatres, GA is involved in<br />

textile, chemical and other operations. It is<br />

49.7 per cent owned by McCrory Corp.,<br />

which in turn is 56 per cent owned by Rapid-<br />

American Corp., of which Riklis is chairman<br />

and president.<br />

Glen Alden Six Mos.' Net<br />

Reaches $4.9 Million<br />

NHW YORK—Glen Alden Corp.,<br />

parent<br />

company of RKO Theatres, last week reported<br />

sales and operating revenues of<br />

$106,219,000 and consolidated net income<br />

of $4,924,000 for the six months ended<br />

June 30. Operating income amounted to<br />

$5,299,000, federal and foreign taxes on<br />

operating income totaled $2,235,000 and<br />

extraordinary credits, net of applicable<br />

taxes amounted to $1,860,000.<br />

Glen Alden, which earlier in the week<br />

had announced its proposed merger plans<br />

with Stanley Warner Corp., had a net income<br />

per average common share of stock<br />

outstanding during this six months period,<br />

after provision for preferred dividends on<br />

the $2.25 senior, and $3.15 preferred stocks<br />

of 7 cents. Operating income after federal<br />

and foreign income taxes was 31 cents per<br />

common share and extraordinary credits,<br />

net of applicable income taxes amounted to<br />

39 cents per common share.<br />

The above amounts combine on pooling<br />

of interests basis the individual income statements<br />

of BVD Co. only for the three months<br />

from April 2 to June 30 with those of the<br />

Philip Carey Manufacturing Co. and Glen<br />

Alden Corp. for the six months ended June<br />

30, 1967.<br />

BVD and Philip Carey were acquired by<br />

Glen Alden during May and June of this<br />

year, in accordance with agreements approved<br />

by the respective stockholders of<br />

April 12. There was no individual or itemized<br />

listing as to how RKO Theatres fared<br />

in the six months reported.<br />

MGM Earns $2,916,298<br />

For Second Peak Week<br />

NEW YORK — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer<br />

has set a new record for the second biggest<br />

week in the company's history by earning<br />

$2,916,298 in domestic film rentals, it was<br />

announced here Monday (21) by Morris E.<br />

Lefko, MGM vice-president and general<br />

sales manager. This new high, for the week<br />

ending Thursday (17), brings MGM's film<br />

rentals to a grand total of $19,005,405 for<br />

the seven-week period beginning June 30.<br />

The company's all-time record for a single<br />

week was established one week earlier<br />

with $3,164,698 in film rentals. The record<br />

for the second biggest week previously stood<br />

at $2,854,635.<br />

Wometco Now in Control<br />

Of Circuit in Bahamas<br />

MIAMI—Acquisition of its second onethird<br />

interest in Grand Bahama Theatres,<br />

Ltd., Freeport, Grand Bahama, by Wometco<br />

International, Ltd. was announced here<br />

last week by Wometco Enterprises, of which<br />

International is a wholly owned foreign subsidiary.<br />

The purchase price was not disclosed.<br />

The interest was acquired from Greater<br />

Freeport Industries, Ltd., an affiliate of the<br />

Power Corp. of Canada. The remaining<br />

one-third is owned by local Bahamian interests.<br />

BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967

!<br />

Who says they dont make<br />

Westerns like.they used to?<br />

Universal^ just did<br />

topples boxoffice records o! "Shenandoah"<br />

and "War Wagon" in Ibxas premiere!<br />

DALLAS, Majestic<br />

FORT WORTH, Worth<br />

TYLERJyIer<br />

ABILENE, Paramount<br />

BEAUMONT, Jefferson<br />

PORT ARTHUR, Village<br />

$27,840<br />

$17,360<br />

$6,139<br />

$6,178<br />

$8,653<br />

$5,943<br />

First week!<br />

First week!<br />

First 5 days!<br />

First 5 days!<br />

First 4 days!<br />

First 4 days!<br />



Direcied by ARNOLD<br />

•<br />


•<br />

J/VliT Watch the boxoffice records come tumbling<br />

illlll down all across the country with "JERICHO!"

Name Leonard Goldenson<br />

As 'Pioneer of the Year<br />

NEW YORK—Leonard H. Goldenson<br />

has been unanimously selected as 1 967<br />

"Picture Pioneer of<br />

';*<br />

^<br />

the Year" by the<br />

board of directors of<br />

the Motion Picture<br />

Pioneers. The suggestion<br />

of the executive<br />

&^ J^ committee headed by<br />

^^L --^/^^^^^ president George F.<br />

^^^^ _^V^^^H Dembow was adopted<br />

'It the<br />

^^^klJlPj^^U MPP<br />

^^^^^^^^^ (22).<br />

Leonard ^(.uiiaiu Goldenson vjw.uv.ia«u /^ i i<br />

Goldenson is president<br />

of American Broadcasting Companies.<br />

Inc., parent of the television and radio network,<br />

and the Paramount chain of theatres.<br />

This year's annual dinner will be oii November<br />

20 at the Hotel Americana here and will<br />

mark the 20th anniversary dinner. To celebrate<br />

the occasion, the MPP board suggested<br />

that all surviving Pioneers should be<br />

assembled for a general tribute. The previously<br />

honored Pioneers are Adolph Zukor,<br />

Darryl F. Zanuck, Jack L. Warner, Robert<br />

Colorvision Int'l to Buy<br />

Allied Artists Studio<br />

NEW YORK—An agreement was signed<br />

last week (22) by George D. Burrows,<br />

president of Allied Artists,<br />

and Samuel Ray<br />

Calabrese, president of Colorvision International.<br />

Inc. for the sale of the Allied studio<br />

to Colorvision. The purchase price was not<br />

disclosed but it was stated that the amount<br />

involved was "substantial."<br />

Allied will continue to have its headquarters<br />

at the studio as well as continue the<br />

production of pictures there. The studio<br />

consists of three stages plus equipment,<br />

occupying three and a half acres.<br />

Calabrese stated that his company, which<br />

is a producer and distributor of films for<br />

television as well as in theatrical production,<br />

too, will change the name of the studio.<br />

Extensive remodeling plans will include the<br />

building of one of the most modern sound<br />

stages in Hollywood and a large parking<br />

area.<br />

Colorvision International has advised Allied<br />

of its intentions to start production in<br />

the near future of theatrical films at the<br />

studio. Negotiations are under way for the<br />

release of some of these future pictures by<br />

Allied.<br />

AA Omits Dividend<br />

NEW YORK—At the executive<br />

committee<br />

meeting of the Allied Artists board of<br />

directors last week, it was voted to omit<br />

payment of the quarterly dividend of the<br />

company's S'/i per cent cumulative convertible<br />

preferred stock due on Sept. 15, 1967.<br />

S. Benjamin and Arthur B. Krim. Milton R.<br />

Rackmil, the Mirisches and William Forman.<br />

A graduate of Harvard Law School,<br />

Goldenson began his career as a practicing<br />

attorney in New York, then entered the<br />

motion picture field in the early '30s when<br />

he acted as counsel for the reorganization of<br />

Paramount theatres in New England. In<br />

1937, he became assistant to the vice-president<br />

of Paramount in charge of theatre<br />

operations, and subsequently was elected<br />

president of Paramount Theatre Service<br />

Corp., and later, vice-president of Paramount<br />

Pictures, Inc.<br />

He rose rapidly in the organization and<br />

in the mid-'40s was named director of Paramount<br />

Pictures Corp., and president of various<br />

Paramount theatrical subsidiaries, subsequently<br />

heading ABC and its predecessor<br />

organizations. Long active in charitable endeavors.<br />

Goldenson has been a director and<br />

a member of such organizations as United<br />

Cerebral Palsy Ass'n, Will Rogers Memorial<br />

Hospital, the Advertising Council, the Hollywood<br />

Museum Associates and others.<br />

20th-Fox Promotes Coler<br />

Ad-Pub Mgr.<br />

To Int'l<br />

NEW YORK—Joel Coler, international<br />

publicity coordinator for 20th-Fox, has been<br />

promoted to international<br />

advertising<br />

and publicity manager.<br />

Jonas Rosenfield jr.,<br />

20th-Fox's<br />

The surprise appointment<br />

was an "onthe-spot"<br />

promotion<br />

made last week by<br />

vice-president<br />

and director of<br />

advertising, at the<br />

Joel Coler<br />

company's international<br />

sales convention at the Hollywood<br />

studio. After introducing Coler to the convention<br />

delegates and praising his work,<br />

Rosenfield without advance notice named<br />

Coler to<br />

the new position.<br />

Coler, who joined 20th-Fox three years<br />

ago, had been with Gray Advertising as an<br />

assistant account executive for four years<br />

and previously worked for the National<br />

Broadcasting Co. in various capacities.<br />

Rotus Harvey to Retire<br />

After 45 Years in Trade<br />

SAN FRANCISCO—Rotus Harvey, 45-<br />

year veteran exhibitor, has sold his interests<br />

in the Westland Theatres to his brother<br />

Rodda W. Harvey and associates and said<br />

he plans to retire.<br />

Elect Henry H. Martin<br />

M. P. Pioneers Head<br />

NEW YORK—Henry H. "Hi" Martin,<br />

vice-president and general sales manager of<br />

Universal<br />

Pictures,<br />

has been elected president<br />

of the Motion<br />

Picture Pioneers h\<br />

the organizations<br />

board of directors.<br />

Martin, who is a<br />

veteran of more than<br />

30 years in the motion<br />

picture industry, most<br />

recently served for<br />

two years as chairman ^, ,i », ,.<br />

of the industry's fund- "^^^ "' Martin<br />

raising efforts on behalf of the Will Rogers<br />

Hospital and the O'Donnell Memorial Research<br />

Laboratories at Saranac Lake. New<br />

York.<br />

Martin succeeds George F. Dembow who<br />

has served as president of the Motion Picture<br />

Pioneers during the past year.<br />

Martin began his career with Universal<br />

in the early '30s as a poster clerk in the<br />

Oklahoma City branch, rising to booker,<br />

then salesman before his film industry career<br />

was interrupted by military service<br />

during World War II. Rejoining Universal<br />

in Oklahoma City after the war, Martin later<br />

became branch manager in both that city<br />

and in Dallas, then district manager, later<br />

coming to New York as southern division<br />

manager, before becoming general sales<br />

manager and a vice-president in the late<br />

'50s.<br />

Prowse and Damone Win<br />

Injunction Against UPO<br />

HOLLYWOOD—An order to discontinue<br />

using the names and photos of actressdancer<br />

Juliet Prowse and actor Vic Damone<br />

in advertisements of the feature film "Spree"<br />

was issued by the local Santa Monica Superior<br />

Court Judge Wedward J. O'Connor.<br />

The injunction issued at the request of the<br />

and the releasing company was<br />

entertainers<br />

made against United Producers Organization,<br />

headed by Harry Ross. Levinson,<br />

Rowen and Klein represented UPO.<br />

Both stars objected to being identified<br />

with the film since it was claimed that the<br />

impression was given that they participated<br />

in an "unwholesome film." In foreign markets,<br />

the judge ruled that "for adults only,"<br />

or similar phraseology couldn't be used.<br />

Richard Zanuck to Europe<br />

For Production Tour<br />

HOLLYWOOD — Richard D. Zanuck,<br />

20th Century-Fox executive vice-president<br />

in charge of production, left here on a twoweek<br />

trip to Europe where he will visit the<br />

London location sites of various 20th-Fox<br />

attractions currently filming, as well as meet<br />

with overseas production executives.<br />

Zanuck will cover the shooting of .seven<br />

20th-Fox motion pictures now before the<br />

cameras in Europe or about to start there.<br />

8 BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967

'<br />

dend<br />

of 20 cents per share on its outj<br />

standing<br />

\<br />

holders<br />

!<br />


NGC 39-Week Net Drops,<br />

But Has 13 Weeks' Gain<br />

LOS ANGELES — National General<br />

Corp. reported its operating results for the<br />

39 weeks ended June 27. Gross income<br />

was $50,645,219. Net operating income<br />

was $1,668,933, or 48 cents a share on 3,-<br />

476,077 outstanding shares. A year earlier,<br />

gross income was $49,463,035. and net operating<br />

income was $2,501,286. or 72 cents<br />

a common share on 3,459,424 shares outstanding.<br />

For the 13 weeks ended June 27, gross<br />

income was $16,692,715, against $15,884,-<br />

844, recorded in the like period last year.<br />

Third quarter net operating income per<br />

share was 20 cents, equal to the same<br />

amount the previous year.<br />

According to Eugene V. Klein, president.<br />

in the 13 weeks ended June 27, theatre circuit<br />

income began to pick up and this has<br />

continued quite strongly into the current<br />

fourth quarter. Klein said, "The results of<br />

the summer so far are encouraging, giving<br />

rise to our optimism about longer-term prospects,<br />

based not only on our current operations,<br />

but also on some new aspects of National<br />

General's activities."<br />

National General last week announced its<br />

entrance into television production and distribution<br />

with the acquisition of Banner<br />

Productions of Los Angeles, Banner Films<br />

and affiliated companies from Sy Weintraub<br />

of Los Angeles.<br />

According to Klein, this acquisition will<br />

add, on a pooling-of-interest basis, approximately<br />

ten million dollars to this year's<br />

gross income, and should make a significant<br />

contribution to our 1966-67 year earnings.<br />

B&K-Great States Doubles<br />

Will Rogers Drive Quota<br />

NEW YORK — The Balaban & Katz-<br />

Great States Circuit has become the first<br />

organization to produce a 100 per cent increase<br />

over last year in audience collections<br />

for the Will Rogers Memorial Hospital.<br />

Ned E. Depinet, Will Rogers president,<br />

acknowledged the achievement as "concrete<br />

evidence that the '100 Per Cent Increase"<br />

theme in the current Breath of Life campaign<br />

is taking hold." He said, "We are particularly<br />

thankful that a major circuit of the<br />

scope of Balaban & Katz-Great States<br />

has made such a<br />

substantial contribution to<br />

the Will Rogers' support. They doubled last<br />

year ... I hope all circuits will follow<br />

B & K and keep their collections in force<br />

until<br />

everyone develops a '100 Per Cent In-<br />

MCA Votes Two Dividends<br />

HOLLYWOOD—The board of directors<br />

of MCA. Inc., declared a 37V2-cent dividend<br />

per share on outstanding convertible preferred<br />

stock to preferred stockholders of<br />

record on September 15, payable September<br />

'<br />

30. The MCA board also declared a divi-<br />

common stock to common stock-<br />

of record on September 20, payable<br />

October 10.<br />

Malamed Says Paris Bank Stock Buy<br />

Is<br />

Being Discussed by 'Severe/'<br />

Dan S. Terrell Is Elected<br />

Vice-President of MGM<br />

NEW YORK—Dan S. Terrell has been<br />

elected vice-president of Metro-Goldwyn-<br />

Mayer. The announcement came after the<br />

August 23 board of directors meeting. Terrell<br />

has been executive director of advertising<br />

and publicity for the corporation since<br />

1963.<br />

He joined MGM in 1950 as exploitation<br />

director under Howard Dietz and subsequently<br />

was made publicity director. In<br />

1945 he came to New York from Washington<br />

to be an assistant to Ernest Emerling in<br />

the advertising department of Loew's Theatres.<br />

A graduate of The American University,<br />

he was a staff member of the Washington<br />

Times Herald in the 1930s and during<br />

World War II served on the SHAEF staff<br />

in the European theatre of operations.<br />

Senate Committee Okays<br />

Medal Honoring Disney<br />

NEW YORK — Sen. George Murphy's<br />

bill pushing the issuance of a posthumous<br />

gold medal to Walt Disney in recognition of<br />

his services to the government and the nation,<br />

co-sponsored by 51 senators, was<br />

unanimously approved by the Senate Banking<br />

and Currency Committee. In a statement<br />

Murphy praised Disney's work during<br />

World War II when he turned over 95 per<br />

cent of his studio's operations to the production<br />

of military training films. He also<br />

hailed the assistance given by Disney as adviser<br />

on inter-American affairs, and the contribution<br />

of his technical knowledge to<br />

world fairs and expositions.<br />

The bill authorizes $3,000 to pay for the<br />

striking of the medal and up to 100,000<br />

bronze duplicate medals are to be paid for<br />

by the California Institute of the Arts, a<br />

four-year school endowed by Disney, to<br />

used in a fund-raising effort for the school.<br />

Oscar Awards Presentation<br />

To Be Held April 8, 1968<br />

HOLLYWOOD—The 40th annual Oscar<br />

Awards Presentation of the Academy of<br />

Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has been<br />

scheduled for Monday, April 8, 1968,<br />

Academy president Gregory Peck announced.<br />

The national telecast<br />

be<br />

and broadcast again<br />

will originate from the Santa Monica Civic<br />

Auditorium, site of the annual presentation<br />

since 1960. Peck said that a Monday night<br />

was selected in deference to theatre owners.<br />

The presentation will be carried live over<br />

the combined television and radio facilities<br />

of the American Broadcasting Co., and in<br />

Canada by the Canadian Broadcasting Co.<br />

It again will be televised in color.<br />

NEW YORK—Purchase of the Banque<br />

de Paris et des Pays-Bas of Paris' 35.8 per<br />

cent interest in Columbia Pictures Corp. is<br />

being discussed by "several unrelated persons,"<br />

according to a Wall Street Journal<br />

interview last week with S. H. Malamed,<br />

Columbia vice-president and treasurer, who,<br />

while refusing to identify the principals asserted<br />

that all are "acceptable" to the film<br />

company management.<br />

Such a purchase would come in the wake<br />

of Columbia's action last month in obtaining<br />

from the bank the right to buy or have its<br />

designees buy the 744.318 common shares<br />

the bank owns, at $46 per share. That option<br />

expires August 31. but according to the<br />

Malamed interview, if a purchase is not<br />

completed by then, the option period probably<br />

will be extended.<br />

Malamed said neither Columbia, nor its<br />

officers or directors, who currently own<br />

about 5 per cent of the outstanding common<br />

stock, intends to buy a substantial number<br />

of the bank's shares.<br />

Malamed estimated record earnings for<br />

Columbia, between $2.40 and $2.50 per<br />

common share, for the fiscal year ended<br />

June 30, up from the $1.05 per share during<br />

fiscal 1966, and he said the film company<br />

has been looking for "acquisitions that have<br />

some relation to our present activities,"<br />

through exploratory talks with firms which<br />

he failed to name. He did cite publishing as<br />

one field that could be considered related<br />

to Columbia's movie and TV production<br />

and distribution activities and its broadcastmg.<br />

music and records fields.<br />

Malamed mentioned two new releases as<br />

contributing heavily to the better financial<br />

position of the company, "To Sir, With<br />

Love" and "Divorce AMERICAN Style."<br />

as well as earlier successes "A Man for All<br />

Seasons," "The Taming of the Shrew" and<br />

"Casino Royale." Malamed said that "A<br />

Man for All Seasons" is expected to bring<br />

in more U.S. revenue than the company's<br />

record-holder, "The Bridge on the River<br />

Kwai."<br />

He also held out optimistic views on three<br />

major films to be released by the end of<br />

December, "How to Save Your Marriage<br />

and Ruin Your Life," "In Cold Blood" and<br />

"Guess Who's Coming to Dinner."<br />

Joe Solomon Plans Sequel<br />

To 'Hells Angels on Wheels'<br />

HOLLYWOOD—Joe Solomon, president<br />

of U.S. Films and producer of "Hells<br />

Angels on Wheels," will film a sequel to the<br />

highly successful picture, which will be shot<br />

in San Francisco in November and will be<br />

released May 15, 1968, he has announced.<br />

Adam Roarke and John Garwood again<br />

have been signed to play the leads, and a<br />

writer has been assigned to the screenplay.<br />

The Hells Angels of Northern California<br />

again will appear in the film.<br />

:: August 28, 1967

i<br />



Once again<br />

the screen<br />

BURIOl<br />

as Becket<br />

explodes<br />

with rage<br />

and passion<br />

and<br />

greatness!<br />

"A lusty, boldly<br />

provocative film"<br />

-L/fe Magazine<br />

•Till »ICTHII tltlCllTIM<br />

WITH<br />



'<br />

PETER<br />

^^-m<br />

OfXOOLE<br />

as King<br />

/.<br />

A taste for wine<br />

and women<br />

made them friends.<br />

i'j\<br />

A sudden clash<br />

'i<br />


* ,£ ><br />

made them<br />

man and martyr...<br />

which led<br />

yimiii<br />

A<br />

i<br />

\'\<br />

to murder!<br />

TECJHJ^)LQfI^ ,<br />


\d<br />

.<br />

^^<br />

:<br />

hn<br />

>••»>»<br />

li<br />

-ii4iK«-<br />

mm<br />

p-'ARAMOUNT :'g^P':<br />

I RE-RELEASE '•.Jiam.-g,

Fox Chris-Town National General Corp. Fountain Valley Fountain Valley, Calif. Pacific Drive-In Theatres<br />

$64,623,000 INVESTED IN 173 NEW THEATRES<br />

133 Four-Wall Houses and 40 Drive-Ins During First Half of 1967<br />

KANSAS CITY—Exhibitors continued<br />

to invest heavily in new theatrical properties<br />

during the first six months of 1967, with<br />

133 new four-wall houses, costing an estimated<br />

$4S,897,0()(), and 40 new drive-ins, at<br />

$15,726,000. either opened, placed under<br />

construction or announced. With the shopping<br />

center theatre continuing for the fifth<br />

consecutive year to dominate the indoor<br />

construction picture, another new trend also<br />

was being noticed, as exhibitors turned to<br />

multi-auditorium houses — expansions of<br />

twin theatres into three and even four auditoriums,<br />

and the initial construction, usually<br />

in suburban shopping centers, of the multifaceted<br />

houses.<br />

Of the total number of four-wall theatres,<br />

38 were opened during the first half of the<br />

year and the remaining 95 were placed<br />

under construction or announced. Sixteen<br />

drive-ins opened and 24 were started or announced.<br />

For the same period a year ago,<br />

drive-in construction also stood at 40 theatres,<br />

but there was a slightly higher pace<br />

in four-wall building, with 142 such projects<br />

opened, announced or placed under construction.<br />

American Broadcasting Companies, National<br />

General Corp., Loew's Theatres and<br />

the Glen Alden Corp. (parent company of<br />

RKO Theatres), continued major acquisitions<br />

of new theatre properties all across the<br />

country, and all subject to federal court<br />

approval. Projects tabulated in the Box-<br />

OFFicE-Modern Theatre continuing construction-remodeling<br />

survey for these companies<br />

are only those for which federal<br />

approval has been given.<br />

Other circuits and independents continued<br />

to join in the construction of new houses.<br />

Only in the last few weeks, Walter Reade<br />

jr., president of the Walter Reade Organization,<br />

reported that his chain had opened<br />

eight theatres during the first six months of<br />

the year. Two others were opened in August,<br />

in Los Angeles and Las Vegas, and two<br />

more are under construction in New Jersey<br />

for the circuit.<br />

The growth rate of even the smaller circuits<br />

is well illustrated by that of Esquire<br />

Theatres of America, which headquarters in<br />

New England and which in only four years<br />

has grown to be one of the largest circuits<br />

in that area.<br />

Commonwealth Theatres,<br />

headquartering<br />

in Kansas City. Mo., also made further<br />

strides in theatre construction in recent<br />

weeks, opening its new Metcalf in the<br />

Metcalf Shopping Center in surburban<br />

Overland Park, Kas., following the earlierin-the-year<br />

bow of its Antioch in the Kansas<br />

City North Antioch Shopping Center. The<br />

circuit also has theatres under construction<br />

in the Ruskin Heights Shopping Center in<br />

southeast Kansas City and in the Ranch<br />

Mart Shopping Center, also in the Overland<br />

Park-Leawood, Kas., suburban area.<br />

On the West Coast, Pacific Drive-In<br />

Theatres broke ground late in June for a $1<br />

million Lakewood Center Theatre in the<br />

Long Beach area, termed a Cinerama "theatre<br />

of elegance," and in July and August<br />

opened two million dollar drive-ins,<br />

Following are state-by-state reports of<br />

new theatres for the first six months of<br />

1967. Those marked with an asterisk (*)<br />

were opened during this period. Fifty-seven<br />

of the so-marked indoor theatres and two of<br />

the drive-ins, although opened during early<br />

1967, were started and tabulated as 1966<br />

construction projects and were not recounted<br />

in the 1967 tally.<br />



Mobile— Bel Air, 1,000 seots, in Bel Air Shopping<br />

Center, Giddens & Rester Theatres.<br />


Phoenix— Fox Chris-Town, 1,000 seats, in Chris-Town<br />

Shopping Center, National General Corp.*<br />

Tucson—Buena Vista, 802 seats. National General<br />

Corp.*<br />

Tucson—Arizono Paramount, 800 seats, Arizona<br />

Paramount Corp.*<br />


Foyetteville— 600-seat theatre,<br />

Maico Theatres.<br />

Foyetteville—New theatre neor University of Arkansas<br />

campus, MaIco Theatres.<br />

Jonesboro— 600-seat theatre, MaIco Theatres.<br />


Concord—New theatre. General Cinema Corp.<br />

Fremont— Fox Fremont, 850 seats, in Hub Shopping<br />

Center, National General Corp.<br />

Hollywood— New theatre in Calabasas Shopping<br />

Center.<br />

Montclair—Montclair, 1,300 seats, Californio Sterling<br />

Theatres.*<br />

Palm Springs—Camelot, 700 seats, in Palm Springs<br />

Shopping Center, Metropolitan Theatres.*<br />

Son Francisco— Northpoint Paramount, 982 seats,<br />

American Broadcasting Companies.<br />

Son Jose—Century 23, 832 seats, Syufy Enterprises.*<br />

Santo Barbara— Fairview, 750 seats, in Fairview<br />

Shopping Center, Metropolitan Theatres.*<br />

Stockton— Star, 500 seats, replacement far old Star<br />

Theatre, Emil Palarmo<br />


Boulder— Village 70, 800 seats, in Arapahoe Village<br />

Shopping Center, hlighland Theatres.*<br />

Colorado Springs—Ute 70, 890 seats, Cooper Foundation<br />

Theatres.*<br />

Denver— 800-seat theatre in Montbello Shopping<br />

Center, American Broadcasting Companies.<br />

Denver—Cherry Creek Cinema, 1,151 seats, in Cherry<br />

Creek Shopping Center, General Cinema Corp.*<br />

Denver— 1,180-seat theatre in Englewood Shopping<br />

Center, General Cinema Corp.<br />

Denver— 848-seat theatre in North Valley Shopping<br />

Center, General Cinema Corp.<br />

Denver—Westland Cinema, 848 seats, in Westland<br />

Shopping Center, General Cinema Corp.*<br />

Denver— Northglenn, 1,200 seats, in Northglenn<br />

Shopping Center, Loew's Theotres.*<br />

Hideaway Park—Ski Ranch, 50 seats, Paul Allmeyer.*<br />


Bloomfield— 800-seat theatre in midtown redevelopment<br />

project, Beckenstein Bros, of Hertford,<br />

developers.<br />

East Hartford—Twin theatre in Independence Plaza<br />

Shopping Mall, Oak Ridge Development Co.<br />

Enfield— 800-seat theatre in shopping center. Suburban<br />

Development Co,<br />

Farmington—Theatre in $16 million apartment- officemotel-shops<br />

complex near University of Connecticut's<br />

new schools of medicine and dentistry, Talcott<br />

Pork Development Co.<br />

Hartford—Cinema I, II, III, IV, 3000 seats, in Webster<br />

Shopping Center, Interstate Development<br />

Corp. and Outdoor Theatre Corp.<br />

Rocky Hill— 800-seat theatre in Ninety-One Shopping<br />

Center, American Broadcasting Companies.<br />

Westport— 400-seat theatre. Nutmeg Theatre Circuit.<br />


Dover— 700-seat theotre in Blue Hen Shopping Mall,<br />

George M. Schwartz Theatres.<br />


Washington—<br />

1<br />

,200-5eat theatre in Wheoton Plaza,<br />

Ira Sichelman and Lou Neon.<br />


Fort Lauderdale— Lauderhill, 1,000 seats, in Lauderhill<br />

Shopping Center, Lcew's Theatres.*<br />

Fort Myers—Mall, 843 seats, in Edison Mall Shopping<br />

Center, Florida State Theatres.*<br />

Jacksonville— 1,265-seat theatre in Regency Square<br />

Shopping Center, Florida State Theatres.<br />

Key West—Cinema, 850 seats, Key West Theatres*<br />

Miami — Roxy, 550 seats, Leroy Griffith.<br />

Miami— Plaza Art, 300 seats, Brandt Theatres.*<br />

Miami— Theotre I, Theatre II, 1,000 and 500 seats,<br />

in Dadeland Shopping Center, Wometco Theatres.*<br />

Miami—Loew's Westchester, 1,500 seats, in Westchester<br />

Shopping Center, Loew's Theatres.*<br />

Punta Gordo— Harbor Cinema, 600 seats, in Punta<br />

Gorda Moll Shopping Center, Gulf States The<br />

atres.'<br />

St. Petersburg— Plazo I, Plaza II, 555 and 715 seats,<br />

in Central Plaza Shopping Center, Florida State<br />

Theatres.'<br />

Tampa— 1,100-seat theatre on Hillsboro Avenue,<br />

American Broadcasting Companies.<br />


Atlanta—Coronet, 700 seats, Meiselman Theatres.<br />

Atlanta—Miracle, 800 seats, in Miracle City Shopping<br />

Center, Meiselman Theatres.'<br />

Atlanta—North Gate, 700 seats, in suburban Sandy<br />

Springs, Martin Theatres.<br />

Atlanta— 850-seat theatre in Phipps Plaza Shopping<br />

Center, American Broadcasting Companies.<br />

Morietta—Cobb, 800 seats, Meiselman Theatres.*<br />

HAWAII<br />

Honolulu— Hilton Hawaiian Village, 600 seats, Royal<br />

Theatres.<br />


Calumet City—<br />

1<br />

,200-seat theatre in River Oaks Shopping<br />

Center, American Broadcasting Companies.<br />

Champaign—Co-Ed No. 2, Kerasotes Theatres.'<br />

Champaign—County Fair, 850 seats, in County Fair<br />

Shopping Center, National General Corp.*<br />

Chicago—Cinema, 1,500 seats, in Harlem-Cermak<br />

P aza, General Cinema Corp.*<br />

Chicago— Hillcrest, 1,200 seats, in Hillcrest Shopping<br />

Center, Balaban & Katz.*<br />

Kankakee—Meadow View, 900 seats, in Meadow<br />

View Shopping Center, L&M Management.*<br />

Rockford— 950-seat theatre, National General Corp<br />

12 BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967

I heoTres.<br />

and<br />

1 Cinema,<br />


Clarksville—<br />

1 ,000-seat theatre in Green Tree Mall,<br />

Trans-Lux Theatres.<br />

IOWA<br />

Boone— 500-seat theatre, Boone Theatre Corp.<br />

Cedar Rapids— Plaza, 700 seats, in Lindale Shopping<br />

Center, Tn-States Theatre Corp.'<br />

KANSAS<br />

Overland Park—Metcalf, 900 seats, in Metcalf Shopping<br />

Center, Commonwealth Theatres."<br />

Topeka— Fox White Loke, 874 sects, in White Lake<br />

chopping Center, Notional General Corp.,<br />


Alexondria— 700-seat theatre. Gulf States Theatres.<br />

Lafayette—Cinema, in Ogden's Center, 720 seats.<br />

New Orleans—Twin Panorama, 1,000 seats, Joy's<br />

*<br />

New Orleans—Sena Moll Cinema, 600 seats, in Sena<br />

Moll, Gulf States Theatres."<br />

New Orleans— 1,200 seat theatre, Loew's Theatres.<br />

MAINE<br />

Brewer—Twin theatre, 600 and 1,000 seats, in Brewer<br />

Shopping Center, Graphic Theatre Circuit.<br />

Lewiston—Cinema, 950 seats, in Northwood Park<br />

Shopping Center, General Cinema Corp.*<br />

Portland—Cinema 3, in Bradlee Plaza Shopping<br />

Center as third unit to previous twin theatres. Esquire<br />

Theatres of America."<br />

Westbrook—Cinema III, third auditorium in Westbrook<br />

Shopping Center twin theatres. Esquire Theatres<br />

of America.<br />


Baltimore—Tower, 600 seats, in Charles Center, JF<br />

Theatres.<br />

Baltimore—York Rood Cinema, 1,018 seats, in York<br />

Road Shopping Center, General Cinema Corp.*<br />

Corrollton-— New Carrol Iton, 1,000 seats, in Beltway<br />

Plaza Shopping Center, Wineland Theatres."<br />


Boston—Charles, in Charles River Plaza, Walter<br />

Reade Organization.'<br />

Boston—Chen III, 600 seats, addition to Cheri I and<br />

Chen II, Sack Theatres.*<br />

Boston— Kenmore Square Cinema, in upstairs portion<br />

of Kenmore Square Theatres, Esquire Theatres of<br />

America.<br />

Brockton—Colonial Twin, new theatre in existing<br />

Colonial Theatre, Esquire Theatres of America.*<br />

Dartmouth—Twin theatre. Esquire Theatres of America.<br />

Fitchburg—Twin theatre, 600 and 600 seats, in John<br />

Hitch Plaza Shopping Center, Esquire Theatres of<br />

America.<br />

Hingham—Cinema I Cinemo II, Phil Scott.<br />

Springtield^Fox, 1,200 seats. National General Corp.<br />

Stoncham—Cinema, in Redstone Shopping Center,<br />

General Cinema Corp."<br />


Ann Arbor— Fox Village, 950 seats, in Maple Village<br />

Shopping Center, National General Corp."<br />

Detroit—Americana, 1,700 seats, Nicholas George<br />

Theatres."<br />

Fullerton— Tital, 1,000 seats.*<br />

Lansing— Spartan I, Spartan II, 1,700 seats, in Frandor<br />

Shopping Center, National General Corp."<br />

Fort Huron—McMorron Auditorium Theatre, 1,169<br />

seats, Henry McMorron Foundation.*<br />


Hattiesburg—Cinema I, 750 seats, Gulf States Theatres.<br />


Minneapolis—<br />

1<br />

,000-seat theatre in Brookdale Shopping<br />

Center, American Broadcasting Companies.<br />


Columbia— Forum, 750 seats, in Forum Shopping<br />

Center, Dickinson Theatres.'<br />

Ferguson—Crown, Wehrenberg Theatres.*<br />

Kansas City— Empire I, 1,005 seats, in balcony of<br />

existing Empire Theatre, Durwood Theatres.*<br />

Kansas City— Ruskin I, Ruskin II, 364 and 380 seats,<br />

in Ruskin Heights Shopping Center, Commonwealth<br />

Theatres.<br />

Kansos City North—Antioch, 910 seats, in Antioch<br />

Shopping Center, Commonwealth Theatres.*<br />

St. Louis—Stadium Cinema, 452 seats, Arthur Enterprises."<br />

St. Louis^l,200-seat theatre. National General Corp.<br />


Great Falls— 900-seat theatre. National General Corp.<br />


Lincoln—Cooper-Lincoln, 800 seats. Cooper Foundation<br />

Theatres.*<br />

Omaha—Cinema Center, 810 seats, Douglas Theatre<br />

Co.<br />

West Omoha— New theatre. National General Corp.<br />

NEVADA<br />

Las Vegas— 850-seat theatre in shopping complex.<br />

National General Corp.<br />


Bedford—Twin Cinema, In Bedford Plaza, Interstate<br />

Theatres.<br />

Concord—Cinema 93, 450 seats, in Kings Shopping<br />

Center, Esquire Theatres of America.*<br />


Cherry Hill— 800-seat theatre. Glen Alden Corp.<br />

Fairview— Fairview Cinema, 616 seats, Spyros Lenas*<br />

Jersey City— New Theatre, General Cinema Corp.<br />

$6,212,800 in Remodeling 255 Houses<br />

Kansas City—Renewed interest<br />

was<br />

sliown by exhibition during the first<br />

half of 1967 in indoor theatre renovations,<br />

as 217 houses, a considerable rise<br />

over 177 projects for the same period<br />

last year, underwent extensive remodeling.<br />

Investments in the remodeled fourwall<br />

theatres totaled an estimated $5,-<br />

642,300, while another $570,500 was<br />

expended in renovating 38 drive-ins,<br />

down two from the 1966 period.<br />

Seating installations continued to<br />

Parsippony—New theatre in Morris Hill Shopping<br />

Center, General Cinema Corp.<br />

Tom's River—<br />

1<br />

,000-seat theatre in shopping center,<br />

Walter Reade Sterling.*<br />

Watchung—<br />

,<br />

1 500-seat theatre, Loew's Theatres.<br />

NEW YORK<br />

Albany—<br />

1<br />

,000-seat theatre, in Colonie Shopping<br />

Center, National General Corp.<br />

Brooklyn—Pennway, Harold Forma and Saul Horing.*<br />

Buffalo— Palace, 750 seats, Dewey Michaels.<br />

Buffolo— 1,100-seat theatre in Clarence Shopping<br />

Center, National General Corp.<br />

IrondequoJt— Stutson, 732 sects, in Stutson Bridge<br />

Plaza, Jo-Mor Theatres.*<br />

Ithaca—Cinema, 900 seats, Harry Berinstein.*<br />

Kingston—Mayfair, 1,000 seats, in Kingston Plaza<br />

Shopping Center, Walter Reade Organization.*<br />

Merrick—Cinema, in Merrick Mall Shopping Center,<br />

Sidney Dreier.<br />

New York—86th Street East, 600 seats. Town &<br />

Country Theatres.*<br />

New York—<br />

1<br />

,000-seat theatre in Bronx, RKO Theatres.<br />

South Glens Falls—Twin theatre, 750 and 750 seats,<br />

in MIdtown Shopping Center, Panther Theatre<br />

Corp.<br />

Staten Island—Richmond, 750 seats, in Korvette City<br />

Shopping Center, Century Theatres.*<br />

Syracuse—West hi 1 900 seats, in shopping<br />

center, Slotnick Theatres.*<br />

Syracuse—Twin theatre, 1,200 ond 500 seats, in<br />

Community Plaza, Kallet Theatres.<br />

Westbury—Raceway Cinema, 1 ,850 sects, B. S. Moss<br />

Enterprises.<br />


Asheville— Parkway Terrace, 800 seats, near Tunnel<br />

Rood Shopping Center, Wilby-Kmcey Service Corp.*<br />

Greensboro— BOO-sect theatre in Four Seasons Shopping<br />

Center, Consolidated Theatres of Charlotte.<br />

Greensboro—Golden Gate, in Friendly Shopping Center,<br />

North Carolina Theatres."<br />

High Point—Tower, 750 seats, in K-Mart Shopping<br />

Center, Schneider-Merl Corp.<br />

Roleigh—Cardinal, 800 sects, in North Hills Shopping<br />

Center, Wilby-Kincey Service Corp.'<br />

OHIO<br />

Cincinnati— Kenwood Mall, 1,100 seats, in Kenwood<br />

Mall Shopping Center, Stanley Warner Theatres.*<br />

Cleveland— New theatre in Village Square Shopping<br />

Center, Community Circuit Theatres.<br />

Youngstown— 800-seat theatre in Eastwood Mall<br />

Shopping Center, Robbins Theatres.<br />


Bartlesville— Eastland Twin, 750 and 550 sects, in<br />

Eastland Shopping Center, Snyder-Ashley Theatres.<br />

Bartlesville—Penn, 700 seats, in Pennington Hills<br />

Plaza Shopping Center, Video Independent Theatres.*<br />

Guymon—Suburban, 320 seats, L. E. Mchaney.*<br />

Oklahoma City—Edmond Plcza, 700 seats, in Edmond<br />

Plaza Shopping Center, Ferns Enterprises.<br />

Oklahoma City—Twin theatres, 1 ,000 and 1 ,000<br />

sects, and shopping mall in service building at rear<br />

of Riviera Drive-ln, George Sam Caporcl.<br />

Oklahoma City—New Villa, replacement for present<br />

Villa, Ferris Enterprises.<br />

Tulsa—Cinema, 1,200 seats, in Southrocds Mall Shopping<br />

Center, General Cinema Corp.<br />

OREGON<br />

Beaverton Westgate Twin, 1,200 and 500 seats.<br />

Moyer Theatres<br />

Portland— Valley, n Raleigh Hills area, Portland<br />

Paramount Corp.<br />


Ardmore— Eric, 400 seats, in Wynmore Shopping<br />

Center.<br />

Doylestown—Barn Cinema, Budco Theatres.*<br />

Loncaster—<br />

1 ,200-seat theatre in Park City Shopping<br />

Center, Century Theatres.<br />

Langhorne— Fox, 1,200 seats, in Country Club Shopping<br />

Center, Melvin Fox Theatres.*<br />

Philadelphia— Regency, 1,200 seats, William Goldman<br />

Theatres.*<br />

Pittsburgh— Fiesta, 600 seats, in downtown Golden<br />

Triangle, Associated Theatres.*<br />

dominate the renovation pattern, with<br />

42.7 per cent of the houses installing<br />

all new seats. Carpeting ranked second,<br />

at 40.2 per cent; screens, third, at 30.8<br />

per cent; marquees and fronts, 28.2 per<br />

cent; projection and sound, 24.8 per<br />

cent, and concessions and drapery installations,<br />

21.4 per cent each.<br />

Among the remodeled drive-ins, concessions<br />

installations were made in<br />

35.0 per cent of the houses; projection<br />

equipment in 30.0 per cent and new<br />

screens and towers in 30.0 per cent<br />

State College—Twin theatre, 650 and 450 seats, near<br />

Pennsylvania State University campus. Associated<br />

Theatres of Pittsburgh.<br />


Cronston—Cinema, 1,000 seats, in Garden City<br />

Shopping Center, General Cinema Corp.<br />

Providence—Cinema 3 of Four Seasons Theatre, Esquire<br />

Theatres of America.*<br />


Columbia—Coronet, Meiselman Theatres.<br />

Rock Hill—Cinema, Stewart & Everett Theatres.'<br />

Sumter—Wesmark Cinema, 657 seats in Wesmcrk<br />

Plaza Shopping Center, Foster McKissick.*<br />


Sioux Falls-^l ,200-seat theatre in Lansing Moll<br />

Shopping Center, American Broadcasting Companies.<br />

Sioux Falls— 700-seat theatre in Western Mall Shopping<br />

Center, American Broadcasting Companies.<br />


Dyersburg—Martin, in Green Village Shopping Center,<br />

Martin Theatres."<br />

Jackson—Mall, 600 seats, in shopping center, Maico<br />

Theatres.*<br />

TEXAS<br />

Angleton— 630-seat theatre, Angleton Theatre,<br />

Austin—<br />

Inc.<br />

Fox, 1 ,000 sects. National General Corp,<br />

Austin— Southwood, 1 ,000 seats, in Southwood Shopping<br />

Center, Trans-Texas Theatres.*<br />

Clear Lake— New theatre, Interstate Theatres.*<br />

Corpus Christi—Wood lawn, in Woodlawn Shopping<br />

Center, Corpus Christi Theatres.*<br />

Dallas— ,200-seat theatre, in downtown theatremotel<br />

complex, Loew's Theatres.<br />

1<br />

Dallos—Cine, 150, 1,000 sects. United Artists Theatres.<br />

£1 Paso^950-seat theatre. National General Corp.<br />

Fort Worth—Wedgwood, 900 seats, in Wedgwood<br />

Village Shopping Center, Interstate Theatres.'<br />

Houston^— Northshore, 900 seats, in Northshore Village<br />

Shopping Center, Interstate Theatres.*<br />

Irving— New theatre in Northgcte Plczc Shopping<br />

Village.<br />

Longview— 1,400-seat theatre in shopping center,<br />

East Texas Theatres.*<br />

Odessa—Scott No. 2, adjacent to present Scott Theatre,<br />

Oliver E. Scott.<br />

Odessa— 1,000-sect theatre in Grcndview Shopping<br />

Center, H&H Theatres.<br />

Port Arthur—Theatre in Jefferson City Shopping Center,<br />

Jefferson Amusement Co.*<br />

UTAH<br />

Provo-— Fox, 796 sects. National General Corp.*<br />

Salt Lake City—<br />

1<br />

,000-seat dome theatre in Prudential<br />

Plaza, Century 21 Corp.<br />

South Ogden— 800-seat theatre in Main Point Shopping<br />

Center, American Broadcasting Companies.<br />


Burlington— New Theatre, Esquire Theatres of<br />

America.<br />

Pittsfield—Twin theatre in shopping center. Esquire<br />

Theatres of America.<br />

Alexandria—<br />


1,000-seat theatre in Tyson Plaza, Wineland<br />

Theatres.<br />

Annondale—Americano, 550 sects, in Heritage Mall<br />

Shopping Center, Roth Theatres.'<br />

Danville— 1,400-seat theatre in Danville Shopping<br />

Center, American Broadcasting Companies.<br />

Petersburg—Walnut Mall, 800 sects, in Walnut Plaza<br />

Shopping Center, Neighborhood Theatres.*<br />

Roanoke—Terrace, Wilby-Kincey Service Corp.*<br />


Seattle—New theatre in South Shopping Center,<br />

Pacific Drive-ln Theatres.<br />

Seattle-^Crossroads, 830 sects, in Crossroads Shopping<br />

Center, National General Corp.<br />

Seattle— Northgcte, National General Corp.<br />

Tacoma— 1,000-seat theatre in Tacoma Mall Shopping<br />

Center, United Theatres.<br />

Tukwila^l ,200-5ect theatre in South Center Shopping<br />

Center, Pacific Service Co.<br />

(Continued on page 16)<br />

BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967 13






CTION<br />


$64,623,000 Invested<br />

In 173 New Theatres<br />

(Continued from page 13)<br />


Gillette— Pronghorn, 188 seats, Bill Semple.*<br />



Fountain Volley^— Fountain Volley, 1,800 cars, Pacific<br />

Drive-In Theatres.*<br />

Loncaster— Lancaster No. 2, 600 cars, twin addition<br />

to existing Lancaster Drive- In, Griffith-Grossman<br />

Enterprises.*<br />

Newbury Pork—Thousand Oaks, 1,200 cars, Pacific<br />

Drive-In Theatres.'<br />


Boulder— 850-cor drive-in, Highland Theatres.<br />

Denver—West Colfax, 1,000 cars. Highland Theatres.*<br />

Denver—Nor-West, 600 cars, in Broomfield section,<br />

Leonard Steele and Stanley Somers.*<br />

Loveland—Pines, 700 cars, Evergreen Theatres of<br />

Colorodo.*<br />


Donielson— Davidson-Putnam Twin, 900 cars, E. L.<br />

Realty Corp. of Norwich.*<br />


Wilmington—New drive-in, Budco Theatres.<br />


Tompo—<br />

1<br />

,000-car drive-in, Tampa Bay Theatres.<br />

Morietto—Marbo, 750 cars,<br />


Martin Theatres.<br />


Addison- -1,400-car twin-screen drive-in. Louis R,<br />

Jelinek.<br />


Hommond— New drive-in at Columbia Plaza Shopping<br />

Center, General Cinema Corp.<br />

IOWA<br />

Boone— Boone, William Arts of Carroll.*<br />

Cedor Rapids—Collins Rood*<br />


Alexandria—Showtown U.S.A. twin, 1 ,200 cars, Gulf<br />

States Theatres.*<br />

New Orleans—Algiers South, twin addition to existing<br />

Algiers Drive-In, Gulf Stotes Theatres.*<br />

Baltimore<br />


-1,1 75-car drive-in, Vogel Theatres.<br />


Leicester— Leicester, 400 cars, Hanno J. Joseph.<br />

North Dartmouth—Twin, Esquire Theatres of America.<br />


Grand Rapids— Eostgote, 1,000 cors, Jock Loeks.<br />


Jackson—Twin drive-in. Gulf States Theatres.<br />


Jacksonville— 613-car drive-in, Stewart & Everett<br />

Theatres.<br />

OHIO<br />

Cincinnati—Jolly Rogers, 1,700 cars. Levin Bros, of<br />

Dayton.<br />

Columbus— 1,200-cor drive-in. Selected Theatres<br />

of Cleveland.<br />

Youngstown—<br />

Medina— 42nd Drive-ln, 600 cars.*<br />

1 ,800-car drive-in, Wellman Bros.<br />


Oklahoma City— Riviera Drive-ln, 1,000 cars, port of<br />

three-theatre-shopping center complex, George Sam<br />

Coporol.<br />


Charleston—Two new drive-ins. Consolidated Theatres,<br />


Memphis—Whitehoven Twin, 1,100 cars, Maico Theatres,*<br />

TEXAS<br />

Austin—New drive-in, John Floche.<br />

Folturrios—New drive-in, Pedro G. Zamoro jr.<br />

Houston—Twin Telephone Road, 700 and 800 cars,<br />

Stanley Warner of Texos.*<br />

Sequin— Dixie, 500 cars, H. A. Daniels.*<br />

UTAH<br />

Ogden— Fox, 860 cars. Notional Generol Corp.<br />

Solt Lake City— Fox Olympus, 1 , 1 56 cars, National<br />

Generol Corp.*<br />


Everett—New drive-in. Sterling Theatres.<br />

Seattle— 700-cor drive-in, Commonweolth Investors<br />

Group.<br />


Wheeling—Downs, Manos Theatres.<br />


Milwaukee—Highway 59, Standard Theatres.*<br />

Waukesha—Waukesha, Standord Theatres.*<br />

Broadcasting Code Blocks<br />

Using 'Trip' Nude Scene<br />

NEW YORK— More than<br />

396 television<br />

stations have been strongly advised not to<br />

use a commercial which includes two brief<br />

nude scenes for the American International<br />

Pictures release, "The Trip." The advice<br />

was issued by the National Ass'n of Broadcasters<br />

to its member stations, representing<br />

60 per cent of the nation's total stations and<br />

including the three major networks. While<br />

most stations follow NAB's advice, they are<br />

not necessarily bound to do so.<br />

The memorandum came from the<br />

Association's<br />

code authority and deplored the<br />

television-radio promotion for "The Trip"<br />

as an affront to "good taste, community attitudes<br />

and responsibility to children." It<br />

cited the code restriction on commercial<br />

treatment of hallucinogenic drugs that<br />

would "glamorize or excite interest in the<br />

subject."<br />

The code also expressed a growing concern<br />

generally with widespread, questionable<br />

material advertising new movies via television,<br />

with increasing inquiries and complaints<br />

coming in from subscribers as well<br />

as independent station operators.<br />

According to an AIP spokesman, the original<br />

commercials for "The Trip" had been<br />

shown in six cities, with some deletions on<br />

a few stations following complaints from<br />

viewers. No New York station had accepted<br />

the commercials, even before the NAB<br />

warning. A second set has now been sent<br />

to the Association, deleting the nude swimming<br />

scene, another of a nude couple embracing<br />

under pyschedelic lights and all language<br />

referring to the hallucinatory effects<br />

of LSD.<br />

ABC Consolidated to Court<br />

In U.S. Divestiture Suit<br />

NEW YORK—The federal government<br />

is seeking an injunction in district court in<br />

Brooklyn to compel ABC Consolidated<br />

Corp. to divest itself of its theatre concessions<br />

business in the New York and Philadelphia<br />

area.<br />

The government is asking that ABC be<br />

required to pay a $300,000 penalty for<br />

ignoring an anti-monopoly agreement. The<br />

Federal Trade Commission originally accused<br />

the company of monopoly, and the<br />

government now is seeking the penalty because<br />

ABC allegedly failed to abide by the<br />

agreement to divest itself of the movie concessions<br />

in the special territory.<br />

A. R. Barron Promoted<br />

NEW YORK — Arthur R. Barron has<br />

been promoted to director of financial administrator<br />

for Paramount Television, it was<br />

announced last week by Paramount Television<br />

president John T. Reynolds. Barron,<br />

formerly with Lybrand Ross Brothers and<br />

Montgomery, joined Desilu Productions in<br />

July 1963 as assistant controller and was<br />

named assistant general manager of Desilu<br />

sales in 1966.<br />

Trans-Beacon's Sales,<br />

Net Up in Six Mos.<br />

NEW YORK—Trans-Beacon Corp. sales<br />

increased during the six months ended June<br />

30 while, at the same time, its earnings<br />

moved into the profit column from a loss<br />

situation in the similar period last year, it<br />

was reported by Sheldon Smerling, president.<br />

During the six months this year, the company<br />

had gross revenues of $4,319,114 and<br />

earnings of $206,400, or 13 cents a share.<br />

In the comparable period ended June 30,<br />

1966. the company had gross revenues of<br />

$3,999,161 and a loss of $65,808. For comparative<br />

purposes, the loss for the period<br />

last year amounted to four cents a share.<br />

Smerling noted that an agreement in<br />

principle had been reached for Trans-Beacon<br />

to acquire for 300,000 shares of common<br />

stock all of the outstanding shares of<br />

Weston Merchandising Corp. Weston is one<br />

of the nation's largest merchandise licensing<br />

organizations and conducts a highly successful<br />

product development division— primarily<br />

in the toy industry.<br />

"This acquisition," Smerling said, "when<br />

consummated, will further diversify Trans-<br />

Beacon in the entertainment industry and<br />

we fully expect it will have a beneficial effect<br />

on profits in the future."<br />

Trans-Beacon operates motion picture<br />

theatres throughout the United States and<br />

Canada. In addition, its divisions operate<br />

theatre refreshment concessions, are active<br />

m television distribution and film theatrical<br />

distribution.<br />

Sen. Pell of R.I. Praises<br />

American Film Institute<br />

WASHINGTON — Sen.<br />

Claiborne Pell,<br />

Democrat of Rhode Island, last week on the<br />

floor of the Senate praised the new American<br />

Film Institute as "a great step in recognizing<br />

a truly American art form."<br />

He also told the Senate that of the major<br />

filmmaking nations, the U.S. is the only one<br />

which does not have a national body to preserve,<br />

study and nurture the art of films. He<br />

added his hope that the new endeavor will<br />

now fill<br />

the gap.<br />

He complimented the National Foundation<br />

for the Arts chairman Roger L. Stevens<br />

for establishing the Institute, and for the<br />

selection of Gregory Peck as chairman and<br />

of George Stevens jr., as director. "Knowing<br />

and admiring each of these men ... as I<br />

do, I am sure this venture is going to be a<br />

most successful and fruitful one," Pell<br />

added.<br />

Ben Goffstein Dies<br />

LAS VEGAS — Services were held here<br />

Friday (18) for Ben Goffstein, well-known<br />

Las Vegas hotel and casino operator, who<br />

died of cancer at age 65. Active in<br />

Variety Clubs, Goffstein was past chief<br />

barker of the Albany and Las Vegas tent.<br />

He leaves his wife Dorothy and three<br />

daughters.<br />

16 BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967

Reade Calls Price-Fix<br />

Suit a 'Nuisance'<br />

NEW YORK—The price-fixing suit<br />

filed<br />

last week by Sack Theatres against The<br />

Walter Reade Organization in regard to the<br />

distribution of "Ulysses" at the Saxon Theatre<br />

in Boston was described by Walter<br />

Reade jr., president, as "a nuisance suit,<br />

nothing more than an emotional response<br />

to a recent court defeat suffered by Ben<br />

Sack when he tried to set his own policy<br />

on "Ulysses.' "<br />

The Sack suit, filed in Federal District<br />

Court, charges that the Reade Organization's<br />

distribution subsidiary. Continental,<br />

compelled Ben Sack, president of Sack Theatres,<br />

to charge $5.50 for evening performances<br />

and $4.00 for matinees during the<br />

current engagement of "Ulysses" at Sack's<br />

Saxon Theatre while other houses in other<br />

cities were charging lower prices.<br />

Reade noted that Sack originally exhibited<br />

the film at those prices for a three-day<br />

run at the Music Hall Theatre and after<br />

experiencing a huge gross, immediately<br />

sought an extended run of the picture. According<br />

to Reade, Sack bought the film then<br />

for his Saxon Theatre by paying a $25,000<br />

net guarantee versus percentage terms and<br />

signed a contract with the standard "Ulysses"<br />

terms including, among them the $5.50<br />

and $4.00 admission prices. "Prior to the<br />

reopening, he complained about the admission<br />

prices," Reade said, "and we offered<br />

to let him out of the contract and return<br />

the advance. Sack declined."<br />

Reade revealed that shortly after the film<br />

reopened, however. Sack changed the policy<br />

without consulting Continental,<br />

offering the<br />

film to the public in advertisements that<br />

violated the contract terms. "We took him<br />

to court and obtained an injunction against<br />

his exhibiting the film on any terms other<br />

than those specified," Reade said. The injunction<br />

was granted on July 21, 1967 by<br />

the Superior Court in Massachusetts.<br />

"Ulysses" is continuing in its run at the<br />

Saxon with the $5.50 and $4.00 at the present<br />

time.<br />

Ogden Corp. to Acquire<br />

ABC Consolidated<br />

NEW YORK—Ogden Corp., a diversified<br />

company with interests ranging from<br />

food processing to ship-building, will acquire<br />

ABC Consolidated, the food and refreshment<br />

service organization with widespread<br />

representation in theatres.<br />

The transaction, which was announced<br />

last week, involves issuance to ABC Consolidated<br />

shareholders of one-fifth of a share<br />

of new $3.75 cumulative convertible preferred<br />

stock, convertible into 3.0833 shares<br />

of Ogden common, and one-third of a share<br />

of Ogden common for each share of ABC<br />

Consolidated common.<br />

ABC would operate as an Ogden subsidiary,<br />

with its present management expected<br />

to remain. The agreement is subject to approval<br />

by the boards and stockholders of<br />

both companies.<br />

Marines Honor Bob Hope,<br />

Lee Marvin, Other Stars<br />

KANSAS CITY — The 44th annual<br />

Marine Corps League convention held in<br />

Kansas City Wednesday through Sunday<br />

( 16-20) brought to the area four film stars,<br />

who were presented awards for their work<br />

on behalf of marines around the world.<br />

Honored were Martha Raye, Bob Hope, Lee<br />

Marvin and John Russell, and Life photographer<br />

Larry Burrows.<br />

Marvin and Russell received the first<br />

annual Iron Mike awards for their efforts<br />

on behalf of the Marine Corps Reserve Civic<br />

Action Fund for Vietnam and Marine Recruiting.<br />

Both men are former marines.<br />

Marvin, who received the Purple Heart in<br />

World War II, earlier had hosted two benefit<br />

screenings of "The Dirty Dozen" at Durwood's<br />

Roxy Theatre, with proceeds going<br />

to the league's civic action program in Vietnam.<br />

Hope received the Iron Mike for his annual<br />

Christmas trips to Vietnam, and Miss<br />

Raye was the first recipient of the "Dickie"<br />

Chappell award, also for her outstanding<br />

service to marines in Vietnam. The award<br />

is named in honor of the famed war correspondent<br />

killed in Vietnam. Burrows received<br />

an award for his photographic essays<br />

on the war.<br />

SMPTE to Honor Bedford<br />

With Sarnoff Award<br />

NEW YORK—The Society of Motion<br />

Picture and Television Engineers has named<br />

Alda V. Bedford, a fellow of the David<br />

Sarnoff Research Center, in Princeton, N.J.,<br />

as the recipient of the 1967 David Sarnoff<br />

Gold Medal Award. Bedford retired last<br />

June after completing nearly 42 years with<br />

RCA and its predecessor companies.<br />

The award will be presented to him on<br />

September 18 at a special awards program<br />

session to be held in conjunction with the<br />

Society's 102nd technical conference at the<br />

Edgewater Beach Hotel in Chicago.<br />

The award is given in recognition of outstanding<br />

contributions in the development of<br />

new techniques or equipment which have<br />

contributed to the improvement of the engineering<br />

phases of television. Bedford holds<br />

more than 120 U.S. patents and is best<br />

known for his contributions to the principle<br />

of mixed highs, a keystone in the development<br />

of color television.<br />

Bogarde, Hartman, Holm<br />

Cast in MGM's 'Fixer'<br />

NEW YORK—Dirk Bogarde, Elizabeth<br />

Hartman and Ian Holm have been signed<br />

for the major roles in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's<br />

production of Bernard Malamud's<br />

novel, "The Fixer," which Edward Lewis is<br />

producing and John Frankenheimer directing.<br />

Alan Bates had previously been signed for<br />

the title role in the film, which begins production<br />

in Budapest October 9. This will be<br />

the first American film to be shot entirely<br />

on locations in Hungary. Oscar-winning<br />

screenwriter Dalton Trumbo has adapted the<br />

book for the screen.<br />

Family of Filmmakers<br />

Sets First 3 Projects<br />

NEW YORK—Three film projects will<br />

go into production this fall and winter as<br />

co-production deals by members of the Family<br />

of Filmmakers (EOF), a loose association<br />

of some 18 production-distribution<br />

companies and eight studios throughout the<br />

world. FOF's members and their facilities<br />

are located in Europe, Israel, Japan and<br />

Turkey. Marion Gering, executive producer<br />

and spokesman for Gering Productions and<br />

the Family of Filmmakers Productions, Inc.<br />

(FOFP) of New York, both members of<br />

EOF, will serve as the executive producer on<br />

all co-productions made by the member<br />

companies.<br />

The first three film projects are "Encounter<br />

With Eros," "The Lisbon Episode,"<br />

and "The Whim." "Eros" will begin filming<br />

in November with a nine-month shooting<br />

schedule covering Italy, Greece, France,<br />

England, Germany, Denmark, Finland and<br />

the U.S. Made in color, the feature will have<br />

two important stars from each country<br />

named and will be co-produced by FOFP,<br />

Inc., Gering Productions, Thilo Theilen Co.<br />

(Munich), Franstudio (Paris), Forum International<br />

(Rome). Hellas Film (Athens)<br />

and Laterna Studio (Copenhagen).<br />

"Episode" to be directed by George<br />

Freedland, in color January, 1968 will be<br />

shot in Portugal and Spain. Co-producers<br />

are Tobias Prouguesa (Lisbon), Balcazar<br />

Studio (Spain), FOFP, Inc., Gering Productions,<br />

Franstudio and Filmstudio (Rome).<br />

"The Whim" will begin production next<br />

April in color in Israel. Co-producers are<br />

Geva Films (Tel Aviv), Franstudio, Gering<br />

Productions, Thilo Theilen and FOFP, Inc.<br />

Seven other projects are being prepared<br />

for 1968 production. Other EOF members<br />

include OMNIA (Munich), Dear Film<br />

Productions (Rome), Daiei Ltd. and Toei<br />

Co. Ltd. (Tokyo), Benito Perojo (Madrid),<br />

Alfa Studio (Athens), Cinexport (Paris)<br />

and Fitas (Istanbul).<br />

Lester Linsk to Produce<br />

The Plot' for 20th-Fox<br />

HOLLYWOOD—Lester Linsk will produce<br />

one of 20th Century-Fox's most important<br />

new properties, Irving Wallace's<br />

best-selling novel, "The Plot," to be directed<br />

by Mark Robson, it was announced by<br />

Richard D. Zanuck, executive vice-president<br />

in charge of production.<br />

Now in its second printing, "The Plot,"<br />

to be filmed as a Mark Robson production,<br />

starting in the spring, hit the national bestseller<br />

lists after less than two months in<br />

distribution. It is a Book-of-the-Month Club<br />

selection.<br />

Linsk joined 20th-Fox as a producer last<br />

spring after heading his own literary and<br />

talent agency for many years. He also is<br />

preparing the film version of the Martin<br />

Woodhouse novel, "Tree Frog," for 20th-<br />

Fox release. Woodhouse currently is writing<br />

the screenplay, which is slated to go before<br />

the cameras later this year with locations in<br />

London, Vienna and Africa.<br />

18 BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967








:reenplay by<br />

produced by<br />


•<br />


BY<br />




Principal<br />

Photography Completed<br />


. . . Paul<br />

*f¥oUcfevcod ^cftont<br />

MGM Acquires Film Rights<br />

To The Bushbabies' Novel<br />

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayet has acquired motion<br />

picture rights to "The Bushbahies," a<br />

novel by William Stevenson published by<br />

Houghton-Mifflin in 1965. The film, set in<br />

Kenya following its independence from<br />

Britain, will be produced by Robert Maxwell<br />

and John Trent. Author Stevenson is currently<br />

writing the screenplay concerning a<br />

British teenage girl who follows her pet<br />

monkey (bushbaby) into the jungles while<br />

leaving for England. She is subsequently<br />

guided across Africa by her father's former<br />

plantation foreman, a native . . . "Evil<br />

Gun," MGM western starring Glenn Ford,<br />

Arthur Kennedy and Dean Jagger. began<br />

production in the mountain area near<br />

Durango. Mexico. Producer-director Jerry<br />

Thorpe will film here on location<br />

through August, before moving to Torreon.<br />

120 miles to the north. During the<br />

two-month shooting schedule, highlight sequences<br />

will include a massive Indian attack,<br />

the burning of a plague-ridden town and<br />

a showdown gun battle. The western adventure<br />

drama concerns the adventures of<br />

two rivals who join forces to rescue one of<br />

their wives following her kidnaping by the<br />

Comanches. Mexican actress Pilar Pellicer<br />

has the leading feminine role. Eric Bercovici<br />

and Charles Marquis Warren wrote the<br />

screenplay.<br />

George Schaefer Purchases<br />

Novel by Shirley Jackson<br />

Marking his entry into feature motion<br />

picture production, George Schaefer. multiple<br />

Emmy winner and long one of TV's<br />

most prestigious producer-directors, has purchased<br />

Shirley Jackson's novel. "We Have<br />

Always Lived in the Castle." for his Compass<br />

Productions. Schaefer has signed Irene<br />

and Louis Kamp to adapt the suspense<br />

drama for the screen. He plans to begin filming<br />

in March 1968 in two Massachusetts locales,<br />

Cambridge and Marblehead . . . Writer-producer-director<br />

Melville Shavelson, currently<br />

directing Lucille Ball. Henry Fonda<br />

and Van Johnson in "His, Hers and Theirs"<br />

for Desilu-Walden Productions, purchased<br />

the screen rights to Stanley Lovell's novel.<br />

"Of Spies and Stratagems." which he will<br />

develop as both a motion picture and television<br />

vehicle. Shavelson is currently collaborating<br />

on the screenplay with Jay Dratler<br />

. . . A screen original by Ernest Lehman.<br />

"A Man Against Himself." is being<br />

developed by producer Robert Enders for<br />

early production under his multiple-picture<br />

pact with MGM. John T. Kelly has been<br />

assigned to write the screenplay. Among<br />

Lehman's scripts were such successes as<br />

"West Side Story," "Sound of Music" and<br />

"Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" . . .<br />

With the completion of the final draft by<br />

Cecelia Holland, producer Robert Arthur<br />

•By SYD CASSYD<br />

has scheduled the start of "The Crusades."<br />

for next spring for Universal release. The<br />

film will be a remake of Cecil B. DeMille's<br />

1935 feature, but will cover events of the<br />

First Crusade. 1095-1098. DeMille's concerned<br />

the Third Crusade. 100 years later.<br />

The film will be shot on location in Europe.<br />

No casting has been announced.<br />

John Boorman Will Direct<br />

MGM's 'Streamlined Baby'<br />

John Boorman, young English director,<br />

has been signed to direct MGM's "The<br />

Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamlined<br />

Baby," based on Tom Wolfe's collection<br />

of essays on the contemporary scene.<br />

The film, to be produced by Irwin Winkler<br />

and Robert Chartoff, is scheduled to begin<br />

production late this year. Boorman made<br />

his<br />

American directorial debut with MGM's<br />

recently completed "Point Blank," starring<br />

Lee Marvin and Angle Dickinson. His prior<br />

credits include "Having a Wild Weekend,"<br />

starring the Dave Clark Five, and many<br />

acclaimed British TV programs . . . James<br />

Clavell. who will direct and co-produce with<br />

Richard Attenborough "The 31st Floor" for<br />

Paramount, set Tom Keyes to do the screenplay<br />

for the drama, to be filmed in Sweden<br />

sometime next year. Clavell, who is currently<br />

doing the screenplay of "Tai-Pan"<br />

from his own best-selling novel for MGM<br />

and producer Martin Ransohoff, currently<br />

has in release "To Sir, With Love," boxoffice<br />

hit for Columbia, which he wrote,<br />

produced and directed . . . John Beck, who<br />

produced the United Artists release, "Private<br />

Navy of Sergeant O'Farrell" in Puerto<br />

Rico, has returned and reports that conditions<br />

there are ideal for filmmaking. The<br />

film is the first to be shot entirely on the<br />

island, and was made there at the suggestion<br />

of the Defense Department due to the<br />

crowded conditions in Hawaii, producer's<br />

original choice of location. Harry Sukman<br />

has been signed to score.<br />

Edwards, Harrington Prepare<br />

The Guests' for Universal<br />

Universal exercised its option on the<br />

young producer-director team of George<br />

Edwards and Curtis Harrington, who recently<br />

completed "Games." for the studio. They<br />

are now preparing "The Guests." an original<br />

screenplay by Joseph Stefano. as their next<br />

Peter Matz, currently musical<br />

project . . .<br />

director for Yorkshire Productions' Kraft<br />

Music Hall series, makes his feature picture<br />

musical debut with the composing and conducting<br />

of the score for "Bye Bye Braverman,"<br />

the Seven Arts-Sidney Lumet production.<br />

Lumet directed the film, which<br />

stars Alan King, Phyllis Newman, Godfrey<br />

Cambridge, George Segal, Jack Warden<br />

and Jessica Walter. Dwight Hemion and<br />

Gary Smith, Yorkshire toppers, are working<br />

out their scoring schedule to accommodate<br />

Matz' timetable . . . Producer Walter Seltzer<br />

planed to New York to confer with National<br />

Football League officials on plans for "Pro,"<br />

professional football story to be produced by<br />

Seltzer and directed by Tom Gries, starring<br />

Charlton Heston in an original Leslie<br />

Stevens story, for United Artists release.<br />

Seltzer will then go to Athens for meetings<br />

with Heston on an untitled melodrama, with<br />

a European setting, which is on their future<br />

production program.<br />

Schell-Reade's The Castle'<br />

To Be Filmed in Color<br />

Maximilian Schell and Walter Reade jr.,<br />

whose respective German and American<br />

firms are partnered in the projected film<br />

version of Franz Kafka's "The Castle,"<br />

announced<br />

that the picture will be made in<br />

color, the first time a Kafka drama has been<br />

shot other than in black and white. Schell<br />

will produce and star in the drama<br />

Michael Morgotta, a member of<br />

. . .<br />

Screen<br />

Gem's new talent department and on loan<br />

from the television company, makes his<br />

motion picture debut in American International's<br />

"Wild in the Streets," for producers<br />

James H. Nicholson and Samuel Z. Arkoff<br />

Lynde and Wally Cox were set for<br />

"Silent Treatment," Ralph Andrews' independent<br />

film which stars Marty Ingels.<br />

Cameos are being done by Milton Berle,<br />

George Raft, Gene Autry, Maureen Arthur<br />

and Rowan and Martin . . . Bob Lussier,<br />

from the legitimate George Gobel production<br />

of "The Odd Couple," makes his Hollywood<br />

screen debut in "TTie Legend of Lylah<br />

Clare," an Associates and Aldrich production<br />

for MGM, starring Kim Novak, Peter<br />

Finch, Ernest Borgnine and Rossella Falk.<br />

Castings Include James Fox,<br />

Patrick Wayne, Tony Perkins<br />

James Fox, who last week was set for<br />

a major role in "Duffy," producer Martin<br />

Manulis" film shooting in Spain, will co-star<br />

with Jason Robards and Vanessa Redgrave<br />

in Universal's "Isadora," the story of famed<br />

dancer Isadora Duncan, which goes before<br />

the cameras in September. Robert Hakim<br />

will produce the Panavision film for Universal<br />

Pictures, Ltd., and Karel Reisz will<br />

direct. British actor Fox is currently being<br />

seen on the screens in Ross Hunter's production<br />

of "Thoroughly Modern Millie" . . .<br />

Another Wayne joins the motion picture entertainment<br />

supplied by the John Wayne<br />

family. Patrick, who was a star of last season's<br />

"The Rounders" television series, will<br />

co-star with his famous father in "The Green<br />

Berets," a Batjac production for Warner<br />

Bros. -Seven Arts, which the senior Wayne<br />

is co-directing with Ray Kellogg and his<br />

other son, Michael Wayne, is producing.<br />

Also starring in the film is David Janssen<br />

and Jim Hutton . . . Tony Perkins is being<br />

starred opposite Tuesday Weld in the Lawrence<br />

Turman production, "She Let Him<br />

Continue," which is currently being lensed in<br />

Great Barrington, Mass. Marshall Backlar<br />

and Noel Black are co-producers with Turman<br />

as executive producer. Black is also<br />

handling the directorial chores for the 20th-<br />

Fox Release.<br />

20 BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967

what's ne>v?<br />

This is<br />

new.<br />

An away-from-theafre display that's<br />

different, durable, dramatic.<br />


.tells WHAT is<br />

playing, WHEN and WHERE<br />

.holds two llxl4's and two 4x14 daters<br />

.for a single major attraction or a double-feature<br />

.perfect for shopping-center areas, stores, hotels<br />

motels, banks, restaurants, etc.<br />

.available, or course, only from its<br />

creators<br />




This chart records the pcrtormonce of current attractions in the opening week of their first runs in<br />

the 20 key cities checked. Pictures with fewer than five engagements ore not listed. As new runs<br />

are reported, ratings are added and averages revised. Computation is in terms of percentage in<br />

relation to normal grosses as determined by the theatre managers. With 100 per cent as "normal,"<br />

the figures show the gross ratings i.bove or below that mark. (Asterisk * denotes combination bills.)<br />

iS^^^^^^^^^S^^^<br />

|; Barefoot in the Park (Para)

George C. Scott Receives<br />

Award at Premiere<br />

NEW YORK~-The presentation of the<br />

first "Celia and Mom Award" to George C.<br />

Scott, one of the flim-flammed stars of 20th<br />

Century-Fox's "The Flim-Flam Man," was<br />

one of the many unique events taking place<br />

at the world premiere for press agents and<br />

public relations experts on Tuesday night<br />

( 22 ) at the Warner Theatre.<br />

The Mother and Daughter team are internationally<br />

known as<br />

the foremost seekers of<br />

celebrity autographs, and Celia, in spite of<br />

fierce competition, bears the title of "Queen<br />

of the Autograph Collectors."<br />

The scroll was presented in the theatre<br />

lobby prior to the premiere by popular ABC<br />

personality Fred Robbins. who served as<br />

master of ceremonies for the entire evening.<br />

Intensive lobby activity flowing out onto<br />

the street featured such authentic "con" experts<br />

as famed sleight-of-hand master Frank<br />

Garcia, a female sword swallower. an oldtime<br />

"Carney barker;" the Flim-Flam "Boy"<br />

of the Year, voluptuous Gina Martin from<br />

the Gaslight Club; two "put-on" girls<br />

plastered with tattoos giving out flim-flam<br />

scrolls to the more than 1.000 invited<br />

"flacks."<br />

Popular ABC personality Fred Robbins<br />

served as the master of ceremonies for the<br />

events, and presented the award in the form<br />

of a scroll.<br />

Following the premiere, "The Flim-Flam<br />

Man" also began a run at the Plaza Theatre<br />

the next day.<br />

Walsh in Honorary Post<br />

For Laboratories Salute<br />

NEW YORK—Richard F. Walsh, president<br />

of lATSE, will serve as honorary chairman<br />

of the Motion Picture and Television<br />

Industries Tribute to the Laboratory Technicians.<br />

The announcement was made by<br />

G. Carleton Hunt, president of DeLuxe<br />

Laboratories, and C. W. Vitello, president<br />

of Motion Picture Lab Technicians, Local<br />

702, lATSE, who are co-chairmen.<br />

The salute will pay honor to laboratory<br />

technicians for their contributions to the<br />

film industry and will culminate in a gala<br />

affair at the New York Hilton on May 18.<br />

1968. Donald P. Haggerty, business rep of<br />

Local 683, lATSE Lab Technicians in<br />

Hollywood,<br />

is<br />

serving as co-chairman.<br />

Du Art Labs Reports Net<br />

Up 14% for Half Year<br />

NEW YORK—Du Art Film Laboratories.<br />

Inc. reported sales of $3,267,832 and a net<br />

income of $99,772 for the first six months<br />

of 1967, ended June 30, which marks an<br />

increase of 14 per cent over the same period<br />

in 1966. Sales in 1966 were $2,864,255 and<br />

net income $88,146.<br />

According to Irwin Young, Du Art president,<br />

the steady growth of the company is<br />

due to its continuing expansion of plant<br />

facilities in both the New York office and in<br />

its Canadian laboratory subsidiary. Associated<br />

Screen Industries of Montreal.<br />

Lesser Opens 6th Unit<br />

Al Peekskill, N.Y.<br />

PEEKSKILL, N.Y.—Lesser Emerprises,<br />

headed by Howard Lesser, opened its 600-<br />

seat Beach Theatre here Tuesday (8) in the<br />

Beach Shopping Center as the sixth house<br />

in the circuit. The ultra-modern house has<br />

a first-run policy.<br />

Harold Tomkins, acting Peekskill mayor,<br />

officiated at ceremonies opening the house,<br />

which has free parking space available for<br />

2,000 cars. Also taking part in the filmclipping<br />

ceremonies were Louis E. McFadden,<br />

shopping center owner. Lesser and<br />

company officials<br />


Ed Linder, vice-president;<br />

PRESroENTS—Sidney<br />

J. Cohen, left, recently was re-elect-<br />

Ronald Lesser, secretary-treasurer, and Gerald<br />

Savoie, manager. State Sen. Bernard G.<br />

ed president of NATO of New York,<br />

Gordon also was on hand.<br />

and Howard Herman, right, was reelected<br />

head of the New Jersey Ass'n<br />

The new house features free coffee each<br />

evening in the lounge.<br />

of Theatre Owners at the recent annual<br />

convention of both organizations at the<br />

Concord, Kiamesha Lake.<br />

Jim Katz to New UA Post<br />

In European Publicity<br />

NEW YORK—Jim Katz has been appointed<br />

to a newly created European pro-<br />

'Festival' Chosen As Entry<br />

For Venice Film Fair<br />

duction publicity post, it was announced<br />

by Fred Goldberg,<br />

NEW YORK—"Festival," an independent<br />

American film produced, directed and<br />

vice-president. Katz<br />

will be involved in all<br />

photographed by Murray Lerner, has been<br />

areas of production<br />

selected as an American entry to the Venice<br />

publicity in Europe<br />

Film Festival now in progress. The fulllength<br />

feature film will be in a non-competi-<br />

under the supervision<br />

of David Chasman,<br />

tive category.<br />

'— "<br />

United Artists head of<br />

Photographed at the Newport Folk Festival,<br />

the film features most of the top<br />

l^i ^1^^^' production in the<br />

folk<br />

^^k<br />

singers prominent<br />

^^^^^^^ United Kingdom, and<br />

today, including Joan<br />

Baez, Theodore Bikel, Judy Collins, Bob ^^^ ^HHh Saul Cooper, United<br />

,. ,- , Artists supervisor of<br />

Dylan, Donovan, Odetta, Peter, Paul and Jim Katz<br />

'^<br />

, . ... .,<br />

production publicity<br />

Mary, Buffy Sainte-Marie and Pete Seeger.<br />

for the United Kingdom and Continental<br />

"Festival" will be shown the evening of<br />

Europe. Katz will be based in London.<br />

August 31 and Lerner will attend the<br />

A member of the UA publicity department<br />

since 1961, Katz has served succes-<br />

showing.<br />

sively as a staff writer, syndicate and radiotelevision<br />

contact. He then worked in Eng-<br />

Drive-In Projectionists<br />

land and Egypt as publicity coordinator on<br />

Extend Contracts a Year<br />

Julian Blaustein's Cinerama production of<br />

BUFFALO—Ten of the 11 area drive-ins "Khartoum." a UA release. Katz, a graduate<br />

of Ohio State University, was named<br />

and Local 233 of the Motion Picture Machine<br />

Operators have agreed to extend their UA publicity director in July 1966.<br />

contracts for an additional year, according<br />

to Kenneth J. Kavanagh, business representative<br />

of the local. During that time wages,<br />

Loew's Theatres Planning<br />

employment conditions and manpower requirements<br />

will remain unchanged. NEW YORK — Loew's Theatres and<br />

To Move Headquarters<br />

Kavanagh said the 1-290 Drive-In at Hotels will leave its own building in the<br />

Tonawanda is not involved, since its contract<br />

does not expire until September.<br />

to three floors of space in the Tishman<br />

Times Square area next spring and move<br />

BIdg.. at 666 Fifth Ave.<br />

Two<br />

MGM, which was affiliated with Loew's<br />

Join New York ITO<br />

prior to divorcement, moved out of the<br />

NEW YORK—The Cinema Theatre in Loew's Bldg. last year when its own new<br />

Brooklyn, operated by Meyer Ackerman skyscraper on Sixth Avenue was completed.<br />

and Alan Pinsker, and the Beach Theatre in Loew's has taken a 20-year lease on space<br />

Peekskill. N. Y., operated by Howard and presently occupied by the Benton & Bowles<br />

Ronald Lesser, have joined the Independent Advertising Agency in the Fifth Avenue<br />

Theatre Owners of New York. The Beach, building, which also houses offices for WB-7<br />

located in the Beach Shopping Center, opened<br />

Wednesday (9). The Cinema, on the<br />

Arts. Loew's will lease the entire building.<br />

Kings Highway site of the burned-out Jewel<br />

Theatre, opened Wednesday (23).<br />

Universal's "House of Cards" will be<br />

filmed entirely in Europe.<br />

BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967<br />


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Four Radio City Music Hall Records<br />

Tumble fo Vp the Down Staircase<br />

NEW YORK — Unseasonably cool Street Playhouse, did 190 in its first stanza,<br />

weather prevails for August and theatremen "Taming of the Shrew" followed its first<br />

seem to be reaping the rewards of the lack week's solid gross with a 180 in its second<br />

of sunshine and the abundance of rain. New week at the Baronet. And "Doctor Zhiva-<br />

Yorkers and the muhitiide of tourists are go," which has played off in all markets in<br />

spending more time than ever going to the the metropolitan area, did 195 in its second<br />

movies in place of their favorite seashore week on a return date at the Guild,<br />

resorts and camping areas this summer. A very special case was the big grosses<br />

A large portion of New York moviegoers registered by "To Sir, With Love" at the<br />

headed for Radio City Music Hail, where Cinema 57 Rendezous, in its third week,<br />

"Up the Down Staircase" finally opened af- playing against saturation bookings around<br />

ter the record 12-week run of "Barefoot in the city. The picture at this art spot was hitthe<br />

Park." The film did great business, al- ing as good grosses as ever seen by the vetthough<br />

it has played most of its major eran theatre.<br />

first-run engagements around the nation. "The Birds, the Bees and the Italians"<br />

This had been a cause of concern since the was still drawing strongly at the Tower East<br />

tourist trade is an important part of the in its second week. Long lines on weekends<br />

Music Hall business. But worries vanished were seen at this small art theatre,<br />

when "Staircase" broke the all-time opening (Average is loo)<br />

Ht., rp^,-,rH thpn fnlln\A;pH hv «mfi>;hino the Beekman The family Woy (WB-7A), 8th wk. ..175<br />

day record, tnen toiiowea oy smasnmg me<br />

capitoi— in the Heat o* the Night (UA), 3rd wk. 225<br />

all-time weekday record and finally topped cinema 1— Enter Laughing (Coi), 3rd wk I80<br />

both the<br />

, , . , ^ , , , ,.<br />

nonhollday Saturday and nonholl-<br />

Cinema II Accident (Cinema V), 17th wk 175<br />

Cmema 57 Rendezvous—To Sir, With Love (Col),<br />

day Sunday highs to chalk up the best openco?onet-Luv(coi);4th<br />

wk.' ::::::::::::::::: ; wo<br />

ins during a nonholiday period. The film Criterion—Thoroughly Modern Millie (Univ),<br />

^ -^<br />

,<br />

J ... ,.,-. T f »u 22nd wk. of two-a-day 190<br />

was ahead of boxottice business tor trie oeMiiie—Bom Losers (Aip) ISO<br />

Music Hall at this time last year.<br />

^°''~'" **'\ ""^ "' *''^. '^.'^" .'^.'^'.'250<br />

^^Srd^'wk"*<br />

The other really impressive boxoffice Fine Arts a Man tor am Seasons (Col), 37th wk.<br />

story came from the Capitol and 86th Street Fomm^Bonnie' ond ciyde (WB-7a') ".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.225<br />

—<br />

East, where "In the Heat of the Night" in Lin^ln A^rt—Woman Times Seven (Embassy),<br />

^^^<br />

its third week was doing fantastic business. Little Carnegie Jhe whisperers (ijA), 3rd wk. ..165<br />

1 ^ u- .u J . j,.,„„ fU^ Loew's state—The Bible (20th-Fox), 47th wk.<br />

nearly matching the records set during the ^^ two-a-day 1 75<br />

initial two weeks. Not far behind was the LoeWs Tower East—The Birds, the Bees and the<br />

^ .._<br />

Itolions (Cloridge),<br />

J ^i J .. C-, u- u<br />

2nd wk 190<br />

success of Bonnie and Clyde, a film which Murray Hill— Bonnie and Clyde (WB-7A), 8th wk. 225<br />

came into the city on an avalanche of con- ''Tth^";''k''"'":'^^^^°"""'.'^''^'!^^:^^' I80<br />

troversv stirred up by the New York Times Pans—a Man and a Woman (AA), 58th wk 190<br />

.•' .^<br />

II. Radio City Music Hall -^<br />

Up the Down Staircase<br />

and Time magazine comments about its be- (wb-7A) 350<br />

ing a poor choice for the U.S. entry at the<br />

''';f";;I''a^do°y''.''^'''''".'^.°'^:';°'''."*^"''.. . . mo<br />

Montreal Film Festival. However, the film Sutton—Privilege (Umv), 4th wk 175<br />

,.<br />

did outstanding<br />

, . ,<br />

business and is<br />

, 1<br />

obviously a<br />

34th street East Ski on the Wild Side (Sigma III),<br />

3rd wk I60<br />

genuine audience attraction. Returns for its<br />

^rans-Lux East-Beach^ Red_^,UA,,^3rd^wk.. ..... 150<br />

first week at the Forum and Murray Hill Trans-Lux 85th street— Ulysses (Cont'i), 22nd wk. 175<br />

,. 11<br />

t<br />

Victoria<br />

The Love-Ins (Col) 155<br />

indicated a lengthy run. Warner—The St. Valentine's Day Massacre<br />

(20th-Fox),<br />

The other new entry was "Born Losers,"<br />

4th wk 130<br />

replacing "Luv" at the big DeMille Theatre.<br />

Business was good but will probably be bet- 'Fathom' Bows in at 120<br />

ter in the neighborhood and general market At Buffalo Century Theatre<br />

playoff. BUFFALO — "Fathom" was the only<br />

Three roadshow attractions showed lots newcomer to downtown Buffalo and manof<br />

boxoffice pull back on regular runs. "Ha- aged a 120 in its dual engagement at the<br />

waii," daydating at the Astor and 68th Century Theatre and the Buffalo Drive-In.<br />



Tracks * Motors<br />

Permanently Flame<br />

Proofed Fabrics<br />

Complete Installations<br />

Velour<br />

Rope-Stanchions<br />

Rock Wool Insulation<br />


432 E. 91 St., N. Y. 10028 • 212 TR-6-0800 • Inquiries Invited<br />

We Make Old Theatres Look New<br />

Est. 1920<br />

"Hawaii" in its 18th week at the Granada<br />

hit 130. "Thoroughly Modern Millie" and<br />

"Taming of the Shrew" also had 130 in their<br />

fifth week at the Colvin and Shea's Teck<br />

respectively.<br />

Buttalo The Way West (UA), 2nd wk 100<br />

Century Fathom (20th-Fox) 120<br />

Cinema, Amherst Barefoot in the Pork (Para),<br />

6th wk 125<br />

Colvin Thoroughly Modern Millie (Univ), 5th wk. 130<br />

Granoda Hawaii (UA), 18th wk 130<br />

Teck The Taming of the Shrew (Col), 5th wk. . .130<br />

"Dirty Dozen,' To Sir, With Love'<br />

250 in Long Baltimore Runs<br />

BALTIMORE—"The Dirty Dozen" and<br />

"To Sir, With Love" were still rocking merrily<br />

along in their second month and grossing<br />

at a 250 rate. Right on their heels came<br />

"I, a Woman," double average in a 14th<br />

week at the Little Theatre; everything else<br />

on a Baltimore screen rated in the 125-180<br />

range.<br />

Charles—A Man for All Seasons (Col), 25th wk. . . 1 70<br />

Crest A Guide for the Married Man (20th-Fox),<br />

4th wk 125<br />

Edmondson Village Thoroughly Modern Millie<br />

(Univ), 11th wk 170<br />

Five West Mode in Italy (Royal) 1 50<br />

Little I, a Woman (Audubon), 1 4th wk 200<br />

Mayfair The Family Way (WB-7A), 2nd wk. ...175<br />

New—The Trip (AIP) 150<br />

Northwood The Naked Runner (WB-7A),<br />

3rd wk 150<br />

Playhouse To Sir,<br />

Reisterstown Plaza<br />

With Love (Col), 5th wk<br />

Divorce AMERICAN Style<br />

250<br />

(Col), 6th wk 180<br />

Senator Up the Down Staircase (WB-7A),<br />

6th wk 150<br />

Seven East Mandragola (SR), 3rd wk 150<br />

Town Grond Prix (MGM), 1 3th wk 160<br />

Westview Cinema, York Road Cinema The Dirty<br />

Dozen (MGM), 7th wk 250<br />

Warhol's 'L a Man' Bows<br />

At NYC Hudson Theatre<br />

NEW YORK— "I, a Man," Andy Warhol's<br />

new feature film, had its world premiere<br />

Thursday (24) at the Hudson Theatre.<br />

Like all Warhol films, it was written, directed,<br />

photographed and produced by the versatile<br />

pop artist.<br />

The picture stars Tom Baker and a cast<br />

whose names alone have become synonymous<br />

with the Warhol movement: Ingrid<br />

Superstar, Bettina Coffin and Valerie<br />

Solanis. "I, a Man" is described as a comedy<br />

detailing today's youth and its attitudes to<br />

sex and toward one another on the life of<br />

one man."<br />

James Brennan Retires;<br />

Stanley Warner Official<br />

NEW YORK—James M. Brennan, assistant<br />

treasurer and assistant secretary of<br />

Stanley Warner Theatres, retired last week<br />

after 54 years of continuous service.<br />

Brennan started in Philadelphia in 1912<br />

with the Mastbaum Bros, and F. Fleisher in<br />

their real estate firm. In 1914. he joined the<br />

Stanley Co. of America, staying with that<br />

organization through its many changes until<br />

the current Stanley Warner Corp. had<br />

evolved. A brief hiatus for service in World<br />

was Brcnnan's only departure.<br />

War I<br />

Smithers Joins M&R<br />

CHERRY HILL, N.J.—Stanley Smithers,<br />

formerly of Milgram Theatres based in<br />

Philadelphia, has been appointed general<br />

manager of Marshal & Roed Theatres, with<br />

headquarters here, announced Carl Marshall<br />

of the circuit.<br />

E-2 BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967

...This is it!<br />

^<br />

/<br />

1 jT^<br />

1<br />


—<br />

.<br />

Announce First Selections<br />

For NY Film Festival<br />

NEW YORK—The first selections for the<br />

Fifth New York Film Festival at Lincoln<br />

Center were announced last week by program<br />

director Richard Roud who heads the<br />

program committee composed of Arthur<br />

Knight, Andrew Sarris. Susan Sontag and<br />

Amos Vogel. the festival's director.<br />

To be held this year September 20-30 in<br />

Philharmonic Hall, the festival will show 25<br />

features and numerous shorts. Roud named<br />

the following as the first group of selected<br />

films: from France — Roberto Rossellini's<br />

AT 'TRIP' SCREENING — Shown<br />

in the lobby of the Rivoli Theatre in<br />

New York, a fevf minutes before the<br />

start of a special all-media screening<br />

of American Intemationars "The<br />

Trip," which opened at the Rivoli and<br />

72d Street Playhouse on Wednesday<br />

(23), are Ralph Donnely, general manager<br />

of Associated Independent Theatres;<br />

John Endress, managing director<br />

of the Rivoli Theatre, and Howard<br />

Mahler, division manager, Trans-Beacon<br />

(AIP Buffalo-New York-Albany<br />

franchise). "The Trip," which stars<br />

Peter Fonda and Susan Strasberg, was<br />

produced and directed by Roger Gorman.<br />

corporations for its replenishment.<br />

Philip Carey Co. Elevates<br />

Humphrey, Tennesson<br />

NEW YORK—John W. Humphrey and<br />

Charles E. Tennesson jr., have been elected<br />

chairman of the board and president and<br />

'Wizard of Oz' to NBC-TV chief executive officer, respectively, of the<br />

For Next Five Years<br />

Philip Carey Mfg. Co., subsidiary of Glen<br />

Alden Corp., effective September 1<br />

NATIONAL—The National Broadcasting<br />

Co. has won the television rights to<br />

Humphrey came to Carey as executive<br />

vice-president in 1948 and was elected president<br />

in 1949. Tennesson, vice-president of<br />

MGM's "The Wizard of Oz" by agreeing to<br />

pay $800,000 per showing each year for a<br />

Glen Alden, and since June assistant to the<br />

five-year contract period. NBC's competitor,<br />

president of Carey, was formerly president<br />

the Columbia Broadcasting System, controlled<br />

the TV rights to the film for the past<br />

and general manager of Aetna Portland Cement<br />

Co., Bay City, Mich., and also president<br />

of Capitol Cement Co., Washington,<br />

decade, but did not meet the renewal figure<br />

when their contract expired. CBS had been<br />

D.C.<br />

paying $200,000 each year per annual TV<br />

airing of the classic.<br />

Made in 1939 and starring Judy Garland Martin Heller Quits 20th-Fox<br />

in the role for which she is most famous,<br />

To Join Law Corporation<br />

"The Wizard of Oz" is believed to be one of<br />

the most popular films ever shown<br />

NEW YORK—<br />

on<br />

Martin Heller announced<br />

the<br />

his resignation from<br />

small screen with<br />

20th Century-Fox. effective<br />

estimated home viewing<br />

of upwards from<br />

September 5 to<br />

15,700,000 homes<br />

become a partner in<br />

last<br />

the law firm of<br />

year. While some<br />

Regan, Goldfarb, Powell<br />

films have &<br />

received higher<br />

Quinn, where he will specialize as counsel<br />

prices on the TV market place, no picture<br />

in the motion picture, entertainment<br />

has been<br />

and<br />

leased for such a lengthy period<br />

communications industries.<br />

for prime-time airing at such a top price.<br />

Heller joined 20th-Fox as a member of<br />

the legal department in 1963, and became<br />

the executive assistant to Seymour Poe, then<br />


DATE<br />

GETTING executive vice-president in 1965. Prior to<br />

-<br />

joining 20th-Fox from 1951 to 1963, Heller<br />

had been a member of the legal departments<br />

STRIPS of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, the American<br />

P«E<br />

Broadcasting Co. and RKO Radio Pictures.<br />



FILMAGK (312)<br />

Wabash<br />

HA 7-3395<br />

"Rise of Louis XIV," Rene Allio's "L'Une et<br />

L'Autre" ("The Other One"), and "Loin<br />

de Vietnam" ("Far From Vietnam") with<br />

contributions by Godard, Resnais, Lelouch,<br />

Chris Market, et al; West Germany's "Yesterday<br />

Girl" directed by Alexander Kluge;<br />

Yugoslavia's "Affair of the Heart" directed<br />

by Dusan Makavejev; Sweden's "Puss &<br />

Kram" ("Hugs and Kisses") directed by<br />

Jonas Cornell; Russia's "A Mother's Heart"<br />

directed by Mark Donskoi; from Poland<br />

Jerzy Skolimowski's "Barrier" and "Le Depart"<br />

both international film festival prize<br />

winners from this young Polish filmmaker,<br />

and Hungary's "Father" directed by Istvan<br />

Szago and this year's grand prize winner at<br />

the Moscow Film Festival.<br />

The remainder of the program schedule<br />

will be announced in the next two weeks.<br />

The festival is underwritten by the Lincoln<br />

Center Fund which depends upon the contributions<br />

from individuals, foundations and<br />

Martin Ransohoff will produce "Castle<br />

Keep," starring Burt Lancaster, to be released<br />

through Columbia.<br />

Max, Richard Fleischer<br />

To Be Given Tribute<br />

NEW YORK—What is described as "the<br />

first father-son film festival in film history"<br />

was announced last week for the Gallery of<br />

Modern Art by film curator and program<br />

director Raymond Rohauer. Beginning November<br />

20 for two weeks, the Gallery will<br />

present "A Tribute to Max and Richard<br />

Fleischer."<br />

The retrospective tribute will include the<br />

best features and many of the shorts directed<br />

by Richard Fleischer, such as "Compulsion,"<br />

"The Vikings," "20,000 Leagues Under the<br />

Sea," "The Narrow Margin," "The Happy<br />

Time," and "Violent Saturday." His father.<br />

Max Fleischer, the pioneer cartoonist best<br />

remembered for the "Popeye" and "Betty<br />

Boop" series, will be represented by a large<br />

selection of his widely known cartoons. Both<br />

father and son will appear in person on the<br />

opening night when a compilation film of<br />

scenes from their work will be shown.<br />

Richard Fleischer's next film to be released<br />

commercially is 20th-Fox's roadshow<br />

Christmas presentation, "Dr. Dolittle." He<br />

is currently working on the pre-production<br />

of "The Boston Strangler" and on "Tora,<br />

Tora, Tora," both 20th-Fox pictures.<br />

NSS Promotes Gurvey<br />

To New Orleans Mgr.<br />

NEW YORK—Leslie Gurvey, National<br />

Screen salesman in Cincinnati, has been promoted<br />

to the post of New Orleans branch<br />

manager effective October 2. He will succeed<br />

Stewart Harnell, who is being moved to<br />

the post of branch manager in the Atlanta<br />

office.<br />

Gurvey has been part of National Screen's<br />

training program and has served successively<br />

as an apprentice salesman in Chicago and<br />

as a salesman in Cincinnati, before his appointment<br />

to New Orleans. He is the fourth<br />

training program graduate to have achieved<br />

branch manager status during the past six<br />

months.<br />

Paul Baise Is Candidate<br />

For Ampa Presidency<br />

NEW YORK — Paul Baise has been<br />

nominated for the presidency of the Associated<br />

Motion Pictures Advertisers by a committee,<br />

which met to draw up a slate of<br />

officers and directors for the 1967-68 term.<br />

Candidates for officers and directors are:<br />

Vice-president, Bernard Serlin; treasurer,<br />

Hans Barnstyn; secretary, Ira Teller, and<br />

directors, Melvin L. Gold (chairman): Ted<br />

Arnow, Harry K. McWilliams, Sam Horwitz<br />

and Vincent Trotta. Trustees nominated are<br />

Ray Gallo (chairman), Dave Bader and<br />

Charles Powell.<br />


1600 Watt Xenon Hortson Normondie Model complete<br />

with pedestal, power supply, ompliticr, 1600<br />

watt bulb, lens to suit, 5000 foot reel, 2-1/2 hours<br />

film capacity. Like new—Good Buy.<br />


CALL<br />

E. J. Barnes & Company, Inc.<br />

6 West 48th Street New York City, N.Y. 10036<br />

Telephone: PLazo 7-6600<br />

E-4 BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967


^HE TWO likely candidates for the retrospective<br />

programs at the forthcoming<br />

fifth New York Film Festival are Rouben<br />

Mamoulian's masterpiece, "Applause,"<br />

which features Helen Morgan in one of the<br />

great performances of all time, and Abel<br />

Gance"s complete, five-hour version of<br />

"Napoleon," courtesy of the Cinematheque<br />

Francaise. "Applause," by the way, would<br />

probably be a lost film if it were not for the<br />

dedicated efforts of one interested film historian<br />

who helped to resuscitate this littleknown<br />

but vitally impressive early sound<br />

film which Paramount originally released.<br />

For the "Here Today. Gone Tomorrow"<br />

deparlmeiu were the weekend ads (18,19)<br />

for A IP's "The Trip" which carried the<br />

Motion Picture Ass'n of America code symbol.<br />

The company's ad agency made the initial<br />

error that then went un-noticed. The<br />

irony is of course that AIP is not an MPAA<br />

member and that picture would undoubtedly<br />

liave problems with the code if AIP were.<br />

The National Catholic Office of Motion<br />

Pictures has given the picture a "condemned"<br />

rating.<br />

•<br />

For the "End of an Era," but a brief<br />

"Era," is the fast dismantling of the "You<br />

Only Live Twice" billboard over the Astor<br />

and Victoria theatres. Broadway observers<br />

are taking wagers on what goes up next.<br />

BoxoFFicE will put its money on 20th-Fox's<br />

"Doctor Dolittle." That company used the<br />

space for its "THE BIBLE ... In the Beginning"<br />

advertisement last winter.<br />

At least one of the four films for NATO<br />

Fall Film Fair will have a couple of love<br />

scenes the likes of which television viewers<br />

will never see on their home screens. The<br />

nude lovemaking between Angle Dickinson<br />

and Lee Marvin and between Angle Dickinson<br />

and John Vernon is strictly for the<br />

movies, that is, those recommended for mature<br />

audiences. The film is MGM's "Point<br />

Blank," which is the otily non-western<br />

among the NATO foursome.<br />

Director Gordon Douglas is in New York<br />

to scout locations for the latest film to be<br />

made in the city. Douglas will begin filming<br />

here October 9 on "The Detective," starring<br />

Frank Sinatra and his wife Mia Farrow and<br />

Lee Remick. Aaron Rosenberg is the producer,<br />

who should arrive in town next week.<br />

The producer and director recently completed<br />

Sinatra's "Tony Rome," and will be<br />

reteamed next year in its sequel "Lady in<br />

Cement." All three films are 20th-Fox releases.<br />

•<br />

Columbia Pictures explained that telephone<br />

jam-up Friday (IS) at its home office<br />

here was the residt of a highly successful<br />

phone-in contest run by station WPIX in<br />

behalf of the New York premiere of Sam<br />

Katzman's "The Love-Ins" at the Victoria.<br />

BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967<br />

The first 50 to call Columbia were admitted<br />

free and all of New York tried to call in to<br />

see the film for nothing.<br />

A rather interesting case in criminal court<br />

last month brought a ruling from three<br />

judges that any person can shoot film, have<br />

it developed and printed of anything he<br />

desires so long as he does not intend it to<br />

be viewed publicly. Many of the so-called<br />

"underground" filmmakers whose stock-intrade<br />

is exploiting the sexual side of life in<br />

their home-movies can now shoot whatever<br />

footage they want and no lab can call the<br />

cops as was the case against experimental<br />

filmmaker Andy Noren, whose case brought<br />

the important judgment from the court. For<br />

the filmmaker, he will be able to expand his<br />

footage to get results once legally unobtainable<br />

because of censor restrictions on what<br />

can and cannot be developed.<br />

•<br />

On the magazine covers this month. 20th-<br />

Fox's "Valley of the Dolls" has captured the<br />

current issue of Look with the likes of<br />

Sharon Tate, Patty Duke and Barbara<br />

Parkins. Vanessa Redgrave makes a stunning<br />

covergirl on the September McCall's,<br />

while inside is Brigitte Bardot in the upcoming<br />

Paramount release "Two Weeks in September."<br />

•<br />

Harold J. Mirisch and his wife have returned<br />

to the U.S. after an extended visit to<br />

Europe . . . Ruth Pologe, AIP's eastern<br />

advertising and publicity director, is off to<br />

the West Coast for a week of conferences<br />

on the upcoming release "Wild in the<br />

Streets," which stars Shelley Winters, Diane<br />

Varsi and Hal Holbrook . . . Sharon Tate,<br />

one of the dolls from 20th-Fox's "Valley of<br />

the . .<br />

." is in town to ballyhoo the fall<br />

release . . . Joseph Hardy, head of Basil<br />

Productions, has returned from Copenhagen<br />

where his company is producing "Dr. Glas,"<br />

under the direction of Mai Zetterling.<br />

•<br />

Danny Kaye last week made a public<br />

report at the USO headquarters here on<br />

his itMuguration trip to the new USO Pacific<br />

Hospital circuit in southeast Asia. The<br />

new circuit has been organized to arrange<br />

for entertaining and for celebrities to visit<br />

the wounded evacuated from Vietnam. Several<br />

days earlier Joan Crawford was at Kennedy<br />

International Airport to see off a<br />

group of American beauties headed for<br />

Vietnam to entertain service men. This<br />

group was sponsored by USO Shows in association<br />

with the Pepsi-Cola Co., of which<br />

Miss Crawford is a board member. Miss<br />

America Jane Anne Jayroe of Laverne,<br />

Okla., was one of the girls going on the tour.<br />

•<br />

The National Society of Film Critics is<br />

issuing releases recommending current films<br />

in the New York area. Its two most recent<br />

choices are UA's "In the Heat of the Night"<br />

and Altura Films" "The Exterminating<br />

Angel," the controversial Luis Bunuel picture.<br />

The society is made up of a dozen leading<br />

magazine critics<br />

from New York.<br />

•<br />

AIP has sent out a couple of interesting<br />

items: Actor Mike Blodgett, who appears<br />

as Susan Strasberg's secret lover in "The<br />

Trip," was a member of the U.S. Olympic<br />

swimming team in 1956 and AIP's property<br />

master Karl Brainard was the set director on<br />

Henry Fonda's first film, 20th-Fox's "The<br />

Fanner Takes a Wife" in 1935. He now<br />

has moved into another generation, working<br />

with Peter Fonda, Henry's son, on "The<br />

Trip."<br />

•<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Weaver jr. have<br />

announced the birth of a son Matthew Scott,<br />

born Sunday (20) in New Brunswick, N.J.<br />

Weaver is a member of the MGM home office<br />

publicity team. The Weavers have a<br />

2-year-old daughter Melanie. And Sal Billitteri,<br />

AIP's East Coast production head, is<br />

the grandfather of a girl Elizabeth Margaret,<br />

born to Dr. and Mrs. John F. Lundie of<br />

New York.<br />

•<br />

Robert S. Benjamin has been elected a<br />

trustee of Brandeis University at Waltham,<br />

Mass. Benjamin, chairman of the board of<br />

United Artists, president of the J. Arthur<br />

Rank Organization, and a partner in the law<br />

firm of Phillips, Nizer, Benjamin & Kriin,<br />

assumes his board duties immediately. A<br />

Brandeis fellow prior to his election as a<br />

trustee, he is a member of the University's<br />

board of overseers for theatre arts and has<br />

advised the university in the production of<br />

motion pictures.<br />

Kaufman to BV<br />

Jacob J.<br />

Cleveland Exchange<br />

NEW YORK — Jacob J. Kaufman has<br />

been appointed Cleveland exchange sales<br />

representative under east central district<br />

manager Pat Halloran for Buena Visita.<br />

Prior to joining the Disney distribution<br />

subsidiary, Kaufman was booker and buyer<br />

for the Washington Theatre Circuit in<br />

Cleveland. He also served as sales manager<br />

for Universal Film exchanges in New York,<br />

and as theatre supervisor and booker for<br />

S&S Amusement Co. in Cincinnati.<br />

Lara Lindsay will have a featured role<br />

in 20th Century-Fox's "The Sweet Ride."<br />


Screens<br />

Ask Your Supply Dealer or Write<br />


COMPANY, Inc.<br />

26 Sorah Drive Fortningdale, L. I., N. Y., 11735<br />


^(McCM' ^CfrMt<br />

glR CHARLES EVANS, vice-president of<br />

the Film Production Ass'n, has indicated<br />

he would be leaving the association<br />

now that the task of uniting all producers<br />

into one organization in this country has<br />

been completed. Sir Charles at one time was<br />

the director-general of the British Film Producers<br />

Ass'n which amalgamated some nine<br />

months ago with the Federation of Filmmakers.<br />

Surrounded by a galaxy of organized<br />

and administrative talent from both<br />

producer bodies. Sir Charles still possessed<br />

the gift of making the British contribution<br />

to the various world film festivals something<br />

unique and splendid. The former vice-admiral<br />

to NATO came from the same training<br />

school as Lord Louis Mounlbatten and possessed<br />

the similar charm and panache in<br />

tackling the various problems facing the<br />

BFPA on a worldwide basis. His contacts in<br />

the ambassadorial and diplomatic field were<br />

both immense and impressive.<br />

There are few countries in Europe or Asia<br />

which are without men of distinction that<br />

Sir Charles can call on for the occasional<br />

favor or grand gesture. Although he is<br />

leaving<br />

the FPA as its<br />

vice-president, the association<br />

will still use his services for special<br />

international functions and it is understood<br />

that he will also be working in an important<br />

capacity in the film industry.<br />

The early establishment of a national<br />

film school which would be set up and<br />

equipped at public expense was recommended<br />

in a report published under the chairmanship<br />

of Professor Lord Lloyd of Hampstead.<br />

The committee responsible for the report<br />

was appointed in 1965 by the government<br />

to consider the need for such a school. No<br />

government decision has been taken on it<br />

but Miss Jennie Lee, the minister responsible<br />

for the arts, writes in the foreword that<br />

early publication had been arranged so that<br />

those interested in its recommendations may<br />

express their views before any decision is<br />

made. The report sets out arguments against<br />

the establishment of a school: That creative<br />

talent cannot be conferred by training; that<br />

working one's way up is a more effective<br />

training and that a film school could be too<br />

easily academic. But the report also concludes<br />

that there is a real need for a national<br />

film school from which the national culture,<br />

the film industry and the economy would all<br />

benefit.<br />

The report recommends that the national<br />

school should be established as soon as possible<br />

in the London area to provide full time<br />

professional training in the creative aspects<br />

of filmmaking for those showing outstanding<br />

promise.<br />

* * *<br />

News in brief: The latest Elizabeth Taylor<br />

and Richard Burton picture, directed by<br />

Joseph Losey, began production last week<br />

on location in Alghero, Sardinia. The most<br />

ambitious project undertaken by Universal<br />

Pictures, Ltd., to date, it is from an original<br />


screenplay by Tennessee Williams and is<br />

titled "Sunburst," based on his short story,<br />

"Man, Bring This Up Road." Also starring<br />

in the film will be Noel Coward, who plays<br />

the part of "the witch." This part was originally<br />

written for an actress and has now been<br />

revised by Williams to conform with the casting.<br />

John Heyman, whose initial effort for<br />

Universal Pictures, Ltd., was "Privilege," is<br />

the producer. Formerly an agent, Heyman<br />

once represented the Burtons . . . "The<br />

Touchables" a modernistic comedy, is to be<br />

produced by John Bryan for 20th-Fox.<br />

The film will be directed by Bob Freeman,<br />

who also wrote the script. Freeman is well<br />

known as a photographer and a director of<br />

documentaries. This will be his first feature<br />

picture. "The Touchables," described by<br />

Freeman as a "time-slice happening," is a<br />

fast-paced story about four girls who become<br />

involved with a young entertainer<br />

whom they eventually keep as their prisoner.<br />

The picture, to be filmed in color, goes into<br />

production September 4. It will be made in<br />

London and on location in the Lake region.<br />

Michael S. Laughlin is producing and<br />

Mike Same directing "Joanna," a pointed<br />

modern comedy, for 20th Century-Fox. This<br />

will be made for 20th-Fox by Laughlin<br />

Films, Ltd., in color and Panavision. Same,<br />

well-known former pop singer, gained attention<br />

with his short subject, "The Road to St.<br />

Tropez." "Joanna," the story of a provincial<br />

girl who gets entangled in the confused morality<br />

of today's London—marks his first effort<br />

as a director of feature films. "Joanna"<br />

will be made mostly on locations in London<br />

and the comedy will have a good deal of<br />

music integrated in its story . . . United<br />

Artists' "Twist of Sand" is scheduled to<br />

transfer to the south of Spain for three<br />

weeks, after five weeks of location shooting<br />

on the island of Malta. The Christina production,<br />

produced by Fred Engel and directed<br />

by Don Chaffey, stars Richard Johnson,<br />

Honor Blackman, Jeremy Kemp, Roy<br />

Dotrice, Peter Vaughan and Clifford Evans.<br />

The contemporary adventure story set in the<br />

Mediterranean and the southwest coast of<br />

Jenkins.<br />

Back at<br />

MGM's Boreham Wood studios<br />

Africa, was scripted by Marvin H. Albert<br />

and Eric Bercovici from the novel of Geoffrey<br />

after two weeks of location shooting in Scotland,<br />

Mirisch-United Artists "Submarine<br />

X-l" stars James Caan and features David<br />

Sumner, Norman Bowler, Brian Grellis,<br />

Paul Young, William Dysart and Kenneth<br />

Farrington. The World War II drama is<br />

produced by John C. Champion, with Irving<br />

Temaner as executive producer, while William<br />

Graham directs from a screenplay by<br />

Donald S. Sanford and Guy Elmes . . .<br />

The publicity departments of Rank Film<br />

Distributors is to be re-formed. The new<br />

arrangements are designed to give more<br />

publicity support to<br />

the growing number of<br />

British, American and foreign films handled<br />

by the Rank Organization in many parts of<br />

the world. The specialized activities of the<br />

overseas division department, to be headed<br />

by Lawrence A. Bellew, will be expanded to<br />

include the appointment of a head office<br />

executive who will be based in Paris and<br />

who will have special responsibilities to assist<br />

with the coordination of publicity of<br />

continental films in the many countries<br />

where the Rank Organization distributes<br />

them.<br />

British KRS Is Seeking<br />

End of Film Quota<br />

LONDON—Following the earlier move<br />

taken by the Cinematograph Exhibitors<br />

Ass'n in recommending to the Board of<br />

Trade that the British film quota system be<br />

held in abeyance a year at a time, the Kinematograph<br />

Renters Society has declared its<br />

intention to press for the abolition and suspension<br />

of the film quota machinery.<br />

In its recommendations to the Board on<br />

"future film legislation," the Renters stated:<br />

"Quota is no longer necessary. It is not and<br />

should not be a reason for making films.<br />

Producers now enjoy the substantial financial<br />

benefits of the levy, in addition to<br />

substantial overseas markets and important<br />

TV residuals, whereas none of these advantages<br />

was available when quota was first<br />

introduced. Nor was there financial assistance<br />

through the National Film Finance<br />

Corp."<br />

The Film Production Ass'n of Great<br />

Britain, however, wants to maintain the<br />

quota "because this is a safety net which<br />

deters exhibitors from seeking foreign<br />

films<br />

at lower prices in preference to British<br />

films."<br />

KRS said, "Quota achievements clearly indicate<br />

that British films are now played on<br />

their commercial merits and that exhibitors<br />

are no longer influenced by the existence of<br />

quota."<br />

500 India Theatres to Close<br />

In Protest of Tax Hike<br />

BOMBAY—Approximately 500 theatres<br />

in Maharashtra will close indefinitely, beginning<br />

September I, in protest over an increase<br />

in the entertainment tax by the state<br />

government. Levies of from 75 per cent to<br />

155 per cent on the admission price may<br />

be imposed by municipalities, plus a 25 per<br />

cent levy on the admission price for trailers<br />

and advertising slides. The decision to shut<br />

down the theatres in protest against the tax<br />

hike, "which would ruin the industry," was<br />

made jointly by the IMPPA, Producers'<br />

Guild, IMPDA, CEAI, TOA and KRS, Ltd.,<br />

together with the Employees' Ass'n.<br />

Dimitri to AI-TV in Paris<br />

NEW YORK— Michele Dimitri<br />

has been<br />

named European representative for American<br />

International-TV. Prior to her appointment,<br />

she was a representative for TV Cinema<br />

in Paris, where she will he headquartered<br />

in<br />

her new post.<br />

E-G BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967

ALBANY<br />

T ocal industryites were saddened at the<br />

death of Benny Goffstein, 59, Las<br />

Vegas, Nov., motel operator, who at one<br />

time was an active Albany Variety Club<br />

member while serving as circulation manager<br />

for the Times-Union. After moving to<br />

Las Vegas, he helped organize the tent there<br />

and served as chief barker . . . Esquire Theatres<br />

reportedly will reopen the Players<br />

Theatre, New Hartford, in October following<br />

renovations, which included removal of<br />

the stage and addition of several hundred<br />

seats. In recent years the house has been<br />

used for Civic Players stage productions.<br />

Seen at the Warner Bros.-Seven Arts twin<br />

preview of "Wait Until Dark" and "Firecreek"<br />

in the Cinema Delaware: Ben Resnik,<br />

Mendel Shulman, Ray Smith, Howard<br />

Goldstein, Sid Sommer, Irene Econome, Bill<br />

Barrington, Joe Stowell, John Kennedy. Bill<br />

Moran, Herb Gaines, Bob Adler, Robert<br />

Krieger and Martin P. Kelley . . . M. Fred<br />

Rosenblatt, brother and partner of Samuel<br />

E. Rosenblatt, Acme Theatres, Inc., president,<br />

recently returned from a flying trip to<br />

Israel. Among the places he visited was<br />

Natanya, where Ben Resnik of Cobleskill<br />

still has a partnership in the Guild and<br />

Studio theatres. Natanya, ten miles from the<br />

border, was the bombing target for Arab<br />

planes, and a bomb fell near a Resnik theatre,<br />

but caused no damage to the house.<br />

Paramount Pictures' suit for recovery of<br />

$98,401 paid in license charges under the<br />

invalidated New York motion picture licensing<br />

law is on the court of claims calendar<br />

for September 6 . . . Dick Deacey. Columbia<br />

salesman, is back on the job tanned<br />

and rugged after two weeks training with<br />

the Marine Corps Reserve at Little Creek,<br />

Va. . . . Gene Lowe, Westebbe salesman,<br />

celebrated a birthday August 19. He began<br />

his film distribution career in Buffalo in<br />

May, 1919, and has been a resident of<br />

Schenectady for years . . . Twentieth Century-Fox<br />

sneak previewed "The Flim-Flam<br />

Man" at the Stanley Warner Strand August<br />

18. Arrangements were made by 20th-Fox<br />

sales representative Jack Keegan with SW<br />

zone manager Joe Stowell and Strand Manager<br />

John F. Kennedy.<br />

Mrs. Jane Baker of the Howard Goldstein<br />

Glen Drive-In, Glens Falls, is believed<br />

to be the only woman managing a drive-in<br />

Walter Terping has taken over the<br />

in this exchange territory. Mrs. Baker formerly<br />

headed Tri-State"s concession stand<br />

there. Lou Jefford manages the Lake<br />

George Drive-In for Goldstein, and Ken<br />

Mosher handles the Dix. The Fort Warren<br />

Drive-In at Castleton, Vt., will switch to<br />

weekend operations after Labor Day, when<br />

Manager Herb Goldstein resumes his teaching<br />

position in the Troy public school system.<br />

Capitol<br />

in Richfield Springs and is being assisted<br />

by his wife . . . Max Westebbe, distributor<br />

of independent product in the Albany-<br />

Buffalo territories, was discharged from Albany<br />

Medical Center after a ten-day stay . . .<br />

Jack McGrath. president of Albany Theatre<br />

Supply Co., faced an additional eye<br />

operation at Child's Hospital . . . Rose Norcus<br />

has resigned as 20th-Fox booker . . .<br />

The father of Alan V. Iselin, Iselin Enterprises,<br />

is planning a visit here from his home<br />

in Hollywood, Fla.<br />

Jonathan Demme Returns<br />

To P-C Publicity Post<br />

NEW YORK—Jonathan Demme has returned<br />

to his former position of publicity<br />

director for Pathe Contemporary Films.<br />

Demme was formerly a member of Embassy<br />

Pictures' publicity department and has<br />

served as film critic for the Coral Gables<br />

Time-Guide in Florida.<br />

Pathe Contemporary's "The War Game,"<br />

which has been doing strong business in<br />

selected locations this summer, will enter<br />

widespread national release this fall with a<br />

first wave of over 30 locations already set.<br />

Also on P-C's slate are the American<br />

premieres of four as yet unannounced features,<br />

as well as Thomas Mann's "Tonio<br />

Kroger," which stars Nadja Tiller, Gert<br />

Frobe and Jean-Claude Brialy.<br />

Universal Names Connell<br />

To Literary Division<br />

NEW YORK — Richard Connell, who<br />

joined Universal Pictures in New York six<br />

months ago, has been named executive head<br />

of the company's literary division here. He<br />

will be in charge of acquiring motion picture<br />

rights to literary and stage properties and<br />

also will initiate the development of original<br />

screen stories by working directly with eastern-based<br />

novelists, writers and playwrights.<br />

Prior to joining Universal, Connell was<br />

with the Beverly Hills office of MCA<br />

Artists, Ltd. and the Ashley-Famous Agency<br />

for eight years.<br />

Ross Signed for 'Ski Bum'<br />

NEW YORK—Katharine Ross, who just<br />

completed her role in the Mike Nichols-<br />

Lawrence Turman production of "The<br />

Graduate" for Joseph E. Levine's Embassy<br />

Pictures, has been signed to play opposite<br />

Peter O'Toole in "The Ski Bum." Embassy<br />

will begin filming on the Martin Poll production<br />

directed by Anatole Litvak in early fall<br />

in Switzerland. Embassy's executive vicepresident,<br />

Leonard Lightstone, is serving as<br />

executive producer.<br />

Frank Babich Is Dead<br />

AVELLA, PA.—Frank Babich, 50, of<br />

the Avella Theatre died July 29 of a heart<br />

attack. He leaves his wife Thresa and four<br />

children.<br />


lyTannie A. Brown Associates has purchased<br />

the Home Drive-In at Home<br />

from William Shaw and has taken over its<br />

operation.<br />

Chester L. Beatty has been appointed<br />

manager of Panther's Palace Theatre in<br />

Lockport. succeeding William D. Walsh<br />

who died in an auto crash. Beatty was with<br />

the former Schine circuit three years before<br />

it was taken over by Panther. His last assignment<br />

was in Piqua, Ohio.<br />

Albert J. Petrella, former Tent 7 chief<br />

barker, was honored guest at a party given<br />

by Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Malczewski<br />

Saturday evening (19) in Stan and Ed's<br />

Restaurant in connection with Petrella's<br />

candidacy for city council president.<br />

Three elephants were featured Friday<br />

(18) when Tent 7's Children's Foundation<br />

and the Erie County Fair held a show for<br />

75 handicapped children at the Rehabilitation<br />

Center.<br />

Ken Renter, United Artists branch manager,<br />

tradescreened "Marat/ Sade" Tuesday<br />

evening (22) in the Operators screening<br />

room.<br />

Bausch & Lomb, Rochester, is adding<br />

40,000 square feet to its instrument manufacturing<br />

plant at Pittsford . . . William W.<br />

Voelckers, assistant manager of the Kodak<br />

processing plant at Findlay, Ohio, has been<br />

transferred to Kodak Park in Rochester as<br />

assistant superintendent of the film processing<br />

division. And Robert N. Ferry has been<br />

appointed technical coordinator for the<br />

newly formed customer equipment service<br />

division.<br />

A subrun of "A Man for All Seasons"<br />

followed "Hawaii" into Panther's Granada<br />

here. "Hawaii" played 19 weeks at the theatre<br />

managed by Joseph P. Garvey.<br />

A ten-day film festival of pictures based<br />

on children's books will end Thursday (31)<br />

at the west side branch of the Buffalo and<br />

Erie County Library.<br />

Dennis Carey, assistant manager at Shea's<br />

Buffalo, believes American film critics give<br />

foreign films "too many raves." He says<br />

there seems to be a general contention<br />

among critics that anything made overseas<br />

"is great." Although many foreign films are<br />

good, "most of them released in this country<br />

are primitive in production."<br />

Tops in<br />

Quality and Service<br />

Send your next order to usi<br />


125 HYDE ST SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. 94102<br />

BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967 E-7


\A7illiani I>. Hewitt ol ihc Rex Theatre has<br />

appealed the decision of the Maryhind<br />

Censor Board, which refused to allow the ex-<br />

^^^fand pearleicent, onti-jtaflc screen ^^ been promoted to branch manager in St.<br />

Wheeler to Handle CIP<br />

Product in Washington<br />

WA.SHINGTON — Wheeler Film Co.,<br />

headed by Samuel and Ross Wheeler, has<br />

been appointed the Crown International<br />

Pictures distributor for the Washington exchange<br />

area, it was announced by Newton<br />

hibition of "Sex Is a Game People Play."<br />

The film is to be reviewed by a circuit judge P. Jacobs, president.<br />

. . . Elbert Quinn, head of the censor unit, "The Wild Rebels," "Catalina Caper,"<br />

said he has learned that many films are being "Hell on Wheels," "Road to Nashville"<br />

shown without a state seal. This is in violation<br />

and "Mondo Balordo" are among the<br />

of the Maryland statute governing cen-<br />

Crown features Wheeler will be handling.<br />

sorship, he said, and "action will be taken<br />

to the full extent of the law."<br />

C. Elmer Nolle, president of NATO of<br />

Maryland and head of the Durkee circuit, is<br />


recovering from a heart attack, which confined<br />

him to a hospital.<br />

The Wilkinsburg Promotional Corp. has<br />

started a drive to have the Sundaymovie<br />

Gerald Kelly, manager of the Lord Baltimore<br />

question on the ballot for the Novem-<br />

Theatre, also will manage the newly ber 7 municipal election. The issue has been<br />

remodeled Irvington-Cinema, which is to defeated about four times previously. The<br />

open Friday (Sept. 1). The house's seating community's only theatre, the Rowland, has<br />

was reduced to 500, and a new enclosed been closed several years. The promotional<br />

lounge was built at the rear.<br />

group feels the situation may be improved<br />

John Wright, manager of Durkee's Waverly<br />

with elimination of the ban. This may enant<br />

Theatre, has been transferred as assistcourage<br />

an exhibitor to open a theatre here.<br />

manager of the circuit's Senator<br />

Susan Rodnok, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Theatre.<br />

Stephen Rodnok jr., Oakmont and New<br />

Jerome N. Carter, part owner and manager<br />

Kensington theatre owners, is a graduate<br />

of the Plaza Theatre more than 40 of Bethany College. Another daughter<br />

years before his retirement three years ago, Betsy is a junior at Westminster College.<br />

died Saturday (19).<br />

Paul Simindinger, supervising manager of<br />

Alex Schimel, Washington branch manager<br />

Associated Theatres' downtown units Fulton<br />

for Universal, was in town calling on and Gateway, also is head of the circuit's<br />

accounts . . . Fred Herman, owner of the new Fiesta.<br />

Stanton Art Theatre in Washington, also<br />

was a visitor . . . Tony Martin, manager of Ken Winograd, former Rochester and<br />

the Plaza, has returned from a business trip Beaver Falls exhibitor, has enrolled in<br />

to Boston.<br />

Northeastern University to seek his master's<br />

degree . . . Orlando "Slam" Boyle, veteran<br />

Herbert Thompson, Associated Pictures<br />

booker with 20th Century-Fox, plans to<br />

general manager, has recovered from injuries<br />

suffered in an auto accident and is<br />

retire Thursday (31). Rhea Aaronson, assist-<br />

back on the job ... Ed Lynn, owner of the<br />

Tri-State Drive-ln at Hancock, is home<br />

from a hospital recuperating from a heart<br />

attack.<br />

Dick Harrison, JF Theatres publicity director,<br />

Columbia Pictures will move its exchange<br />

had a successful stunt for "Barefoot to the Fulton Bldg. by the end of September.<br />

in the Park" at the Town Theatre. The<br />

house was packed Wednesday morning<br />

Redevelopment has removed the Cameraphone<br />

Theatre in East Liberty, one of the<br />

(23J<br />

at 5 o'clock with people in bare feet.<br />

oldest continuous theatre operations in the<br />

Dorothy Rudicker, cashier at the Lord nation, opening in 1905. In recent years it<br />

Baltimore, was on duty when two armed was an exploitation film and burlesque<br />

men entered the ticket booth, grabbed $135 house. Now the Casino, the operation was<br />

and fled.<br />

shifted to the old Novelty Theatre.<br />

Burt Mustin, 83, motion picture character<br />

actor from Pittsburgh, will sing in Elvis<br />


Presley's latest MGM picture "Speedway."<br />

^^<br />

•with<br />

^^01<br />


Robert Levine Promoted<br />

SCREENS =S To NSS St. Louis Mgr.<br />

^ NEW ''JET WHITE" ^ NEW YORK — Robert Levine, a salesman<br />

in the NSS Philadelphia exchange, has<br />

special<br />

^^^5 coated screen . , ,<br />

^^^^<br />

^K*l#'1<br />

Available from your authorized<br />

Theatre Equipment Supply Dealer:<br />

Itechi ITECHNIKOTE CORP. 63 Seabring St., B'klyn 31, N. Y.<br />

ant booker, will move up to head date-setter.<br />

MGM canceled the tradescreening of<br />

"Point Blank" Thursday (24) in the WAMO<br />

Bldg. and substituted "Jack of Diamonds."<br />

Louis, succeeding the late Alfred Rothschild.<br />

His appointment will be effective September<br />

11. A product of NSS's training program,<br />

Levine joined the company two-and-onehalf<br />

years ago in the New York office.<br />


QLeorgetown will have another motion<br />

picture theatre September 16 with the<br />

opening of the Biograph in a former auto<br />

showroom at 2819 M Street NW. Jean-Luc<br />

Godard's "Masculine Feminine" is to be<br />

the opening film. The theatre policy is to be<br />

the showing of first-run foreign films, revivals<br />

and specials, from Shakespeare to<br />

experimental pictures.<br />

Don Murray was a visitor, lunching with<br />

film critics to discuss his lastest production<br />

"Tale of the Cock," in which he stars, wrote<br />

and produced . . . Nina Wayne was here<br />

Friday (18) to promote "Luv," in which she<br />

co-stars, but was kept in the Shoreham<br />

Hotel by a virus, according to Columbia<br />

publicist<br />

Sid Zins.<br />

Lee Marvin, whose "The Dirty Dozen"<br />

was playing King's Town Theatre, was a<br />

White House guest at the state dinner for<br />

German Chancellor and Mrs. Kurt G. Kiesinger.<br />

Richard Chamberlain had a few weeks'<br />

break in the filming of "Petulia" with Julie<br />

Christie, so he appeared here in "West Side<br />

Story" at the Shady Grove Music Fair . . .<br />

Composer Henry Mancini was another who<br />

brought Hollywood to Washington. While<br />

appearing at the Carter Barren Amphitheatre,<br />

he said writing music for the movies<br />

will continue to be his "main concern."<br />

UA-Mu-isch's "In the Heat of the Night"<br />

was sneaked at the Keith's Friday evening<br />

(25), where Jerry Baker is manager. The<br />

film will follow "You Only Live Twice" as<br />

the next attraction.<br />

Mort McGill, Buena Visita Philadelphiabased<br />

district manager, visited the local exchange,<br />

and was accompanied by branch<br />

manager Joe Brecheen to Richmond to call<br />

on Sam Bendheim III of Neighborhood<br />

Theatres . . . BV salesman Harry Howar is<br />

back from an Ocean City, Md., and Virginia<br />

Beach vacation.<br />

The K/B MacArthur, playing "A Man for<br />

All Seasons," had a sneak preview of Columbia's<br />

"Enter Laughing" Tuesday (22) . . .<br />

Jack Valenti, MPAA president, sponsored<br />

the invitational premiere of "Thoroughly<br />

Modern Millie" Wednesday (23) at the<br />

K/B Ontario.<br />

Jack Howe, Paramount head booker and<br />

office manager, went to Wilmington on<br />

company business . . . Dan Houlihan, Paramount<br />

exchange manager, has transferred<br />

his Variety Club membership from Tent 7<br />

in Buffalo to Tent 11 here.<br />

Ruth Becker, manager of Wineland's<br />

Marlow Theatre at Marlow Heights, Md., is<br />

on vacation.<br />

Gloria Chamot is the new "hello girl" at<br />

BV . . . Jay Carmody, the Washington Star's<br />

retired drama critic, has been named to the<br />

advisory council of the Council on Nontheatrical<br />

Events, whose main objective is<br />

seeing that U.S. short subjects are screened<br />

at international festivals.<br />

E-8 BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967


(Hollywood Office—1714 Ivar St., Room 205. Phone: HO 5-1186)<br />

I<br />

Heston Is Nominated<br />

To Third SAG Term<br />

HOLLYWOOD—The nominating committee<br />

of the Screen Actors Guild has nominated<br />

Charlton Heston for a third one-year<br />

term as president of the organization. He<br />

joined the guild board in 1960 and was first<br />

elected president in 1965 after having served<br />

four years as a vice-president.<br />

Others nominated are Whit Bissell, Macdonald<br />

Carey and Ricardo Montalban, vicepresidents;<br />

Marie Windsor, recording secretary,<br />

and Gilbert Perkins, treasurer.<br />

To serve three-year terms as directors, the<br />

committee nominated Leon Ames. Gene<br />

Barry, Lyle Bettger, Don DeFore, Bradford<br />

Dillman, Don Dubbins, Frank Ferguson,<br />

Dorothy Green, James McCallion, Harry<br />

Morgan, Greg Morris, Telly Savalas, James<br />

Westerfield and Alan Young. Susan Seaforth<br />

was nominated for a one-year term.<br />

If elected, Dillman, Miss Green, McCallion<br />

and Morris will be newcomers to the board.<br />

The guild's 1967 nominating committee<br />

was composed of Chick Chandler, chairman;<br />

John Dehner and Ann Doran, for the board<br />

of directors, with Don Randolph and Guy<br />

Stockwell as alternates: Peter Brown, Douglas<br />

Fowley. William Marshall, Raymond<br />

Massey, Robert Reed, Roy Thinnes, Pat<br />

Wayne, Rhoda Williams and Buck Young,<br />

for the general membership, with Russ Conway,<br />

Bob Hastings and Jan Shepard as alternates.<br />

Leonard Freeman Named<br />

Producers Guild V-P<br />

HOLLYWOOD— Directors of the Producers<br />

Guild of America has named<br />

Leonard Freeman as vice-president to fill<br />

the unexpired term of David Dortort, new<br />

president of the organization.<br />

Two directors also were named to fill<br />

vacancies left by Freeman and the death of<br />

David Weisbart. They are Howard W. Koch<br />

and Robert S. Finkel, who will continue in<br />

the capacity until the next PGA general<br />

election next May.<br />

Richard Graff to NY<br />

LOS ANGELES — Richard B. Graff,<br />

vice-president and general sales manager of<br />

National General Pictures, left Friday (25)<br />

for production distribution meetings in New<br />

York.<br />

'What Price Glory' Cast<br />

Honored for Fund-Raiser<br />

HOLLYWOOD — Eighteen years after<br />

the group toured California in "What Price<br />

Glory" to raise funds for the organization,<br />

the Military Order of the Purple Heart has<br />

given official recognition to Maureen<br />

O'Hara. only actress in the cast, and others<br />

identified with the production.<br />

They were honored at a dinner at the organization's<br />

35th annual convention in the<br />

Lafayette Hotel. Long Beach. Director John<br />

Ford, a retired reserve rear admiral, received<br />

the Medal of Merit for his efforts<br />

obtaining talent for the production which included<br />

the late Ralph Murphy, who directed.<br />

Others identified with the money-raising<br />

play, staged in 1949, were Gregory Peck.<br />

John Wayne. Pat O'Brien. Ward Bond.<br />

George O'Brien, Bill Lundigan and Ed Begley.<br />

MGM 50th Birthday<br />

To Honor 'Oldtimers'<br />

HOLLYWOOD — Industry<br />

in<br />

names associated<br />

with MGM since its inception will<br />

be honorary guest speakers at Culver City's<br />

50th Anniversary Film Festival in the Culver<br />

Theatre beginning Tuesday (29). Clark<br />

Ramsay, MGM vice-president of the studio,<br />

will address the first-night audience following<br />

the showing of "Grand Hotel."<br />

King Vidor, director of "The Big Parade,"<br />

is scheduled to speak September 5 when<br />

"The Great Ziegfeld" will be screened. William<br />

Tuttle, head of MGM's makeup department<br />

and also associated with the "Ziegfeld"<br />

film, is slated for an appearance that<br />

evening.<br />

Norman Taurog, who directed MGM's<br />

"Boys Town." as well as several Elvis Presley<br />

films for MGM, will speak prior to the<br />

screening of the Spencer Tracy-Mickey<br />

Rooney film on September 12.<br />

James A. Fitzpatrick, producer-narrator<br />

of more than 200 Traveltalks during his<br />

MGM affiliation, appears September 19<br />

when his "Mexican Police on Parade" will<br />

be screened with "National Velvet." Clarence<br />

Brown, director of "National Velvet."<br />

also will be present.<br />

Academy Award-winner Arthur Freed,<br />

producer of "Gigi." as well as 40 other<br />

MGM releases, will speak September 26.<br />

following "An American in Paris." This will<br />

mark the festival finale.<br />

20th-Fox Executives<br />

Return to World Posts<br />

HOLLYWOOD—Followmg a week-long<br />

series of conferences, screenings and individual<br />

meetings at<br />

the 20th Century-Fox international<br />

convention, the company's sales<br />

and publicity executives left here for the<br />

four corners of the world.<br />

International executives returning to New<br />

York include David Raphel, vice-president<br />

who chaired the conclave, and Joseph Bellfort,<br />

manager. Other home office executives<br />

scheduled to fly back were Harry J. Mc-<br />

Intyre. vice-president, administration; David<br />

Brown, vice-president, director of story operations;<br />

Jonas Rosenfield jr., vice-president<br />

and director of advertising, publicity and exploitation;<br />

Joseph M. Sugar, vice-president<br />

of domestic sales; Arthur Manson, executive<br />

assistant to Rosenfield; Dick Brooks, national<br />

publicity director, and Joel Coler. newly<br />

appointed international advertising and publicity<br />

manager.<br />

Production executives returning to Europe<br />

were Andre Hakim, managing director,<br />

20th-Fox Productions, Ltd., London, and<br />

Edward Leggewie, head of the Paris production<br />

office.<br />

Heading the sales contingent returning<br />

overseas were: Julian Berman, Continental<br />

European manager; Roger Berry, managing<br />

director. Great Britain, and Francisco Rodriguez,<br />

Latin American supervisor, as well<br />

as George Pilzer, continental European<br />

sales manager.<br />

Heading the international publicity contingent<br />

en route to their overseas offices<br />

were Emile Buyse, director of advertising<br />

and publicity, Europe and the Middle East;<br />

Barney Flatow, Latin America director of<br />

publicity, and Kaoru Ogimi, Far East publicity<br />

supervisor.<br />

Special guests from the company's farflung<br />

theatre operations who attended the<br />

convention were Royce J. Moodabel, chief<br />

officer. Amalgamated Theatres, New Zealand,<br />

and Dale Turnbull, managing director,<br />

Hoyts Theatres. Australia.<br />

Kim Novak Files Injury Suit<br />

HOLLYWOOD — Actress<br />

Kim Novak<br />

filed a $1 million personal injury suit<br />

against Sons and Wynns Tire Co.. alleging<br />

negligence in replacement of a wheel on a<br />

car. which went out of control and caused<br />

injuries to the star, last year.<br />

BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967 W-1

A5achstaae %<br />

Lurking in bacit of the $140.()()() study by<br />

Father John M. Culkin's project to promote<br />

the study of films in public schools<br />

throughout the nation is the apathy of teachers<br />

to take on new ideas—the objections of<br />

the o.d line teachers' training schools to use<br />

modern communications devices, other than<br />

g.ving "lip-service" to audio-visual courses<br />

and the overvvhe'ming lack of knowledge in<br />

educational circles about film evaluation and<br />

criticism.<br />

.Strangely enough, lack of 16mm sound<br />

projectors is not the problem, as it was in<br />

1942 when the Sloan Foundation granted<br />

New York University the money to "promote<br />

the use of films in education." Today<br />

almost all of the nation's public schools, the<br />

high schools and colleges and universities<br />

have at least one projector, with 200,000 in<br />

use in these institutions.<br />

In his remarks to the opening session of<br />

350 teachers at the Academy of Motion<br />

Picture Arts and Sciences, which cooperated<br />

in the project by allowing use of the facilities<br />

at a four-day session Wednesday (16),<br />

Father Culkin, head of Fordham University's<br />

center for communications, faced the<br />

issue squarely, pointing to "present school<br />

methods, which make it difficult to get<br />


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through" with new ideas. As happened in<br />

the 50 years of the role of films as an art<br />

and in education, the priest noted that<br />

teachers jeopardize their jobs, in some cases,<br />

by using films.<br />

Such refusal and roadblocks in this modern<br />

world where the average student sees<br />

a reported 15,000 hours of films, on television<br />

and in the theatre during his school<br />

days. Father Culkin views in the light of<br />

"tedium in the classroom is the message,<br />

not the medium." The kids entering the<br />

school with its written words, and emphasis<br />

on printed media, find a different world<br />

than found in off-school hours where he sees<br />

visual and sound pictures constantly.<br />

"In many cases," said Father Culkin,<br />

"the average drop-out has a higher IQ than<br />

the "stay-in." Many could be called "pushouts,"<br />

he said.<br />

In calling for the wider use of films as<br />

an art. especially in elementary schools.<br />

Father Culkin said "film is one art that is<br />

wanted" by the students for it not only<br />

answers many questions for information,<br />

"but also the kids love it." He wants<br />

greater appreciation taught not only for its<br />

educational impact but because great films<br />

of art on a high level "connect the kids with<br />

productions done with competence and<br />

relevance."<br />

The design for the seminars called for a<br />

result which will help the teachers to enable<br />

the children to express themselves through<br />

film study. Of the teachers attending the<br />

first session, high schools and college educators<br />

dominated with only one elementary<br />

teacher present, a typical problem.<br />

Due to the present scheduling of 45-<br />

minute class sessions, the much-maligned<br />

"economically deprived" short film has the<br />

monumental task of providing the bulk of<br />

film fare for the nation's 30 million students.<br />

Father Culkin discussed the people in<br />

charge of the care and feeding of the "now"<br />

generation with the "then" generation as the<br />

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catalysts and teachers. He said these traditional<br />

mediators of culture, like the family,<br />

church and school, "just aren't moving at<br />

jet-age speeds." He warned, "They would be<br />

well advised to learn because much of the<br />

momentum for what is happening and is<br />

judged as relevant have already passed from<br />

their hands."<br />

Discussing the impetus of children going<br />

to movies and saying it is hard to say whether<br />

they are attending more frequently. Father<br />

Culkin said they do considerable thinking<br />

about the film both before and after seeing<br />

it.<br />

Universal's "To Kill a Mockingbird"<br />

was discussed by Gregory Peck, president of<br />

the Academy and the National Council of<br />

the Arts American Film Institute, along with<br />

Robert Mulligan, who directed him in it,<br />

Alan Pakula, who produced and Horton<br />

Foote who wrote it.<br />

Record Sales and Earnings<br />

By Ampex First Quarter<br />

REDWOOD CITY. CALIF. — Record<br />

sales and earnings for the first quarter were<br />

achieved by Ampex Corp. in the three<br />

months ended July 29, it was announced by<br />

William E. Roberts, president and chief<br />

executive officer.<br />

Sales for the first quarter of fiscal 1968<br />

totaled $52,749,000, up 14 per cent from<br />

$46,212,000 in the comparable period a<br />

year ago. Net earnings after taxes were $2,-<br />

072,000, or 22 cents per share on 9,537.368<br />

average shares outstanding, up 10 per cent<br />

from $1,880,000, or 20 cents per share on<br />

9,463,795 average shares.<br />

Backlog of product orders at the end of<br />

the quarter was $50,150,000, approximately<br />

the level of a year earlier.<br />

Roberts said the quarter represents a very<br />

satisfactory start for the new year. "These<br />

results are in line with our plan for the year,<br />

and the outlook for the balance of the fiscal<br />

year continues to be favorable."<br />

ACE Luncheon Salutes<br />

Editor Tony WoUner<br />


American Cinema<br />

Editors, organization of film cutters, held a<br />

luncheon in honor of Tony Wollner, film<br />

editor and editor of the Ace publication the<br />

Cinemeditor Wednesday (23) in the Beverly<br />

Hilton<br />

Hotel.<br />

Virtually the entire organization turned<br />

out to honor Wollner. who has been editor<br />

six years. He has built the magazine from a<br />

periodical of local interest to a publication<br />

with a circulation of thousands, which is<br />

read around the world. Wollner has donated<br />

all of his services.<br />

Gertrude Simmons Is Dead<br />

LOS ANGELES — Funeral services<br />

for<br />

Gertrude Simmons, 69, mother of Margaret<br />

Hunter, personnel director for National<br />

General Corp.. were held Friday (25) at the<br />

Valhalla Memorial Park Cemetery, North<br />

Hollywood. Mrs. Simmons who died Tuesday<br />

(22) also leaves her husband Glenn, a<br />

son Kenneth and four grandchildren.<br />

W-2<br />

BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967

LA to Open 4 MGM Films<br />

Within Two Weeks' Time<br />

LOS ANGELES — Metro-Goldwyn-<br />

Mayer will premiere four major pictures, including<br />

two hard-ticket attractions, here during<br />

the tuo-week period of October 1 1 to<br />

No\ ember \. At that time the company will<br />

have a total of seven features on view, largest<br />

number of simultaneous bookings in this<br />

cit\ in MGM history.<br />

With the 70mm version of "Gone With<br />

the Wind" bowing at the Carthay Circle October<br />

1 1 and "Far From the Madding<br />

Crowd" also opening on a reserved-seat<br />

basis at the Fox Wilshire October 19. for<br />

the first time one major company will have<br />

three hard-ticket features on Los Angeles<br />

screens at the same time. "Grand Prix." now<br />

in its 33rd week at the Cinerama Dome<br />

Theatre, shows little sign of tapering off.<br />

The other two pictures are "Point Blank."<br />

following "The Dirty Dozen" into the Holl\-<br />

wood Paramount October 18, and "The<br />

Comedians," which begins its run November<br />

1<br />

at the Fox Beverly.<br />

In addition, "Blow-Up" is expected to<br />

continue at the Lido and "Doctor Zhivago,"<br />

which has established record grosses in five<br />

weeks of its local multiple engagement, may<br />

still be in the area.<br />

Pacific Drive-In Circuit<br />

Ncnnes Charles Helm<br />

LOS ANGELES—Charles R. Helm, veteran<br />

Los Angeles theatreman, has been<br />

named head of Pacific Drive-In Theatres<br />

purchasing department by Don Guttman,<br />

general manager.<br />

Helm has just returned from Hawaii<br />

where he lived two years while vice-president<br />

and assistant general manager of Consolidated<br />

Amusement Co.<br />

Since the late 1940s. Helm has been associated<br />

in varying capacities with many<br />

southern California companies including<br />

Fox West Coast, United Artists Theatres<br />

(where he introduced stage shows in the<br />

downtown theatre), and the Fanchon and<br />

Marco circuit, in which he acquired an interest.<br />

He later operated his own circuit of<br />

eight theatres until 1962, at vshich time he<br />

joined Pacific.<br />

In returning to Pacific, Helm succeeds<br />

James Barka, former Pacific purchasing<br />

head, who left the company to enter business<br />

on his own. Phil Shimmin has been acting<br />

manager of purchasing in the interim.<br />

October 'Gone With Wind'<br />

In Record Ticket Sale<br />

HOLLYWOOD — The Auxiliary of the<br />

Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center<br />

reports a record sale of tickets for its benefit<br />

premiere of "Gone With the Wind."<br />

scheduled October 1 1 at the Carthay Circle<br />

Theatre. The premiere will mark the first<br />

release of the classic film by MGM in<br />

70mm and stereophonic sound. Proceeds of<br />

the benefit will go toward providing funds<br />

for a Coronary Care Unit at the hospital.<br />

The premiere will be preceded by a champagne<br />

supper.<br />

Sydney Pollack Believes Individual<br />

Control Would Improve Many Films<br />

HOLLYWOOD—"Alone among all the<br />

arts, theatrical drama stands as a symbol of<br />

attempted creativity through channels." director<br />

Sydney Pollack said. "The conscience<br />

of the committee plants its indelible stamp<br />

upon almost every motion picture, television<br />

show and legitimate production brought<br />

forth. Thus, it stands to reason that individuality<br />

is wrapped in a muddy convolution<br />

of confusion and discontent, resulting<br />

in the inability of critics and public alike to<br />

determine where the fault lies or to whom<br />

the praise belongs."<br />

In dealing with the making of films today,<br />

Po'lack said, the collaboratise effort<br />

seems as stolid and immutable as the Berlin<br />

Wall.<br />

"It hovers over us as a reminder that a<br />

point-of-view, which is so necessary for the<br />

artistic success of most films, is almost unattainable.<br />

Paeans of praise are sung about<br />

this m.ethod of operation all the time. "It's<br />

really a collaborative medium. What >'ou<br />

cant do. someone else can do.' "<br />

'Castle Keep' Next Film<br />

Pollack, who just finished "The Scalphunters"<br />

for UA and next directs "Castle<br />

Keep" for Columbia, admits that a person<br />

who functions in total control can make certain<br />

mistakes that a group of people working<br />

together can avoid.<br />

"And in a system where millions of dollars<br />

are involved, ifs very difficult to trust<br />

one person with the all-encompassing job of<br />

controlling every aspect of a film. But. when<br />

you get into what could or might be called<br />

art. you're in dangerous territory when the<br />

committee method is employed.<br />

"It can be, and is, detrimental in many<br />

ways. I don't propose to say that this Hollywood<br />

system can be changed. It has<br />

evolved into what it is. I surmise, out of<br />

necessity. But I would like to present a<br />

negative side to this mode of procedure.<br />

"If you're working as we are often, on a<br />

mass media product, where every picture<br />

made is geared to touch every housewife at<br />

every spot in the United States, then I<br />

would agree that it is possible to take an<br />

idea and blunt it so by the inclusion of so<br />

many other points-of-view as to make it a<br />

palatable commodity to sell or to market on<br />

an overall basis. And. if that is the staple of<br />

the industrs'. then it has to be that way."<br />

Other Views Frustrating<br />

Po'lack. nevertheless, says it is frustrating<br />

for any filmmaker with a strong point-ofview<br />

about a picture to have to contend with<br />

the several divergent concepts which usually<br />

pour into the committee room before, during<br />

and after the making of a film.<br />

"Remember, the committee may be completely<br />

right—or they may merely have another<br />

point-of-view. And what emerges is<br />

the realization that there isn't any one absolute<br />

concept for a given movie."<br />

Pollack pointed out, "Who can tell whose<br />

approach will succeed and will aid a motion<br />

picture toward becoming a big money-maker?<br />

My own way of doing the movie or the<br />

committee's'? This brings us around to the<br />

subject of the special picture. Here the air<br />

is so rarefied that there is only a certain<br />

amoLmt of creative oxygen to go around and<br />

thus it remains for one man—usually the<br />

director— to take over complete charge.<br />

"From rehearsal on, the solid stamp of<br />

one man's idea taking shape. The film is<br />

lorn of one man's love and/ or hate. Then<br />

it is up for grabs. Critics can say without recourse<br />

by the creator, that 'I don't like that<br />

point-of-view.' Oka>'. that's great. That's<br />

how it should be. But when unlimited numbers<br />

of people collaborate on a project, what<br />

comes forth is usually goulash. And as a<br />

result, there is no objective way of ascertaining<br />

where the praise or condemnation<br />

belongs. One finds oneself accepting kudos<br />

that are undeserved, as well as slings and<br />

arrows.<br />

"Commission a painting titled "The Essence<br />

of Tranquility.' and let seven painters<br />

each paint a section. The result would be<br />

absurd. Interesting, but absurd."<br />

He added, "This is a bit like a whisper in<br />

a hurricane, but I would strongly urge more<br />

confidence in individual control in the making<br />

of motion pictures. The solution lies in<br />

the producer with overall objectivity, who<br />

can pick a director who looks at life in the<br />

same way he does. Control, not censorship,<br />

must be the approach."<br />

Exhibitor B. V. Sturdivant<br />

Heads Yuma, Ariz., CofC<br />

YUMA, ARIZ.—-Veteran exhibitor B. V.<br />

Sturdivant has assumed the presidency of<br />

the Yuma County Chamber of Commerce.<br />

He is owner of Silver Crest Enterprises and<br />

president of Sturdivant, Inc.<br />

Well known in entertainment circles,<br />

Sturdivant was national director of the<br />

Fourth War Loan Campaign for the motion<br />

picture industry during World War II and<br />

conducted the Army at War Art Exhibition<br />

for the U.S. War and Treasury departments.<br />

He also introduced Latin American capitals<br />

to their first large ice shows.<br />

Formerly a top executive of Fox West<br />

Coast and National Theatres for many<br />

years, he now is active nationally with<br />

NATO, presently being on the public affairs.<br />

Fall Film Fair and small town theatre<br />

committees.<br />

Babb's Pilot to GAC<br />

ALLENTOWN. PA. — Veteran pilot<br />

Wayne Black, who has flown for showman<br />

Kroger Babb. Hollywood, since 1947, has<br />

been hired by General Acceptance Corp.<br />

here as the company's chief pilot. Black will<br />

supervise six other company pilots and fly<br />

GAC's new $1 million executive Falcon jet.<br />

Back has flown showman Babb over two<br />

million safe air miles.<br />

BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967 W-3

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I<br />

Crest Theatre Reaps Bountiful 730<br />

As 'The Family Way Starts LA Run<br />

LOS ANGELES — First-run theatres<br />

scored a satisfactory week, led by powerful<br />

newcomer "The Family Way," which ran<br />

up 730 per cent at the 750-seat Statewide<br />

Theatres" Crest. Scoring above average<br />

grosses were "Barefoot in<br />

the Park." with a<br />

lofty 330, and "A Man and a Woman," with<br />

310 in its 34th session.<br />

(Averoge Is 100)<br />

Beverly The Bible (20th-Fox), 46fh wk 115<br />

Beverly-Canon Ulysses (Cont'l), 5th wk 150<br />

bru.n Two tor fhe Rood (20th-Fox), 13th wk. ..225<br />

Chnee— You Only Live Twice (UA), 10th wk. ..165<br />

Cinerama Grond Prix (MGM), 35th wk 250<br />

Crest—The Family Woy (WB-7A) 730<br />

Egyptian Hawaii (UA), 45th wk 110<br />

Fine Arts The Jokers (Univ), 3rd wk 180<br />

Four Star The Endless Summer (Cinema V),<br />

18th wk 110<br />

Granada King of Heorts (Lopert) 100<br />

Hollywood-Paramount The Dirty Dozen (MGM),<br />

8th wk 255<br />

Picwood The Gnome-Mobile (BV), 2nd wk. 185<br />

Iris,<br />

Lido Blow Up (Premier), 35th wk<br />

Musx Ha'l A Man for Ail Seasons (Col),<br />

1 25<br />

36th wk 280<br />

Pontages The Happiest Millionaire (BV),<br />

9th wk 175<br />

Pix, State Hells Angels on Wheels (USF) 150<br />

Plaza— Barefoot in the Park (Para), 8th wk 330<br />

Rerent— A Mon and o Woman (AA), 34th wk. . .310<br />

Village Divorce AMERICAN Style (Col),<br />

9th wk<br />

Vogue Woman Times Seven (Embassy), 8th wk.<br />

1 90<br />

85<br />

Warner Beverly The Taming of the Shrew (Col),<br />

22nd wk 65<br />

Warner Hollywood Thoroughly Modern Millie<br />

(Univ), 19th wk 240<br />

Wilshire The Sond Pebbles (20th-Fox), 35th wk. 130<br />

Wiltern, Warren—The Bobo (WB-7A) 125<br />

'Don't Look Back' Tall 400<br />

In Denver Vogue Opening<br />

DENVER—The bulk of<br />

the<br />

first-run<br />

business ranged between 100 and 150 for<br />

the week but two newcomers and one holdover<br />

flashed boxoffice power. "Don't Look<br />

Back" came in with a highly pleasing 400<br />

at the Vogue, "To Sir, With Love" gave the<br />

Villa Italia Theatre a sound 220 fourth<br />

week and "The Family Way" doubled average<br />

in its first seven days at the Towne.<br />

Aladdin The Sand Pebbles (20th-Fox), 14th wk. 100<br />

Bluebird Young Aphrodites (SR) Not Available<br />

Century 21 Caprice (20th-Fox), 3rd wk 100<br />

Centre Thoroughly Modern Millie (Univ),<br />

13th wk 150<br />

Cherry Creek, Northglenn, Westland The Noked<br />

Runner (WB-7A) 80<br />

Cooper Grand Prix (MGM), 30th wk 150<br />

Crest The Toming of the Shrew (Col), 18th wk. 150<br />

Denham Woman Times Seven (Embassy), 2nd wk. 80<br />

Denver—The Way West (UA), 3rd wk 120<br />

Esquire A Guide for the Married Man (20th-Fox),<br />

4th wk 150<br />

International 70, Monaco, Wadsworth, Evans<br />

Born Losers (AlP) 1 50<br />

Paramount The Bobo (WB-7A) 95<br />

Towne The Family Woy (WB-7A) 200<br />

Villa Italia To Sir, With Love (Col), 4th wk. ...220<br />

Vogue Don't Look Back (SR) 400<br />

'Barefoot' Quadruples Average<br />

Sixth Week in Portland<br />

PORTLAND—"Barefoot in the Park" remained<br />

a boxoffice leader here with a steady<br />

buildup in attendance, despite prolonged<br />

Lm%%%%x^«v<br />


torrid weather. Esquire Manager Inger Jensen<br />

estimated 400 per cent.<br />

Bagdad A Man for All Seasons (Col), 19th wk. 145<br />

Broadway Don't Make Waves (MGM) 150<br />

Thoroughly Modern Millie (Univ),<br />

Eostgote<br />

1th wk 165<br />

1<br />

Eastgate The Noked Runner (WB-7A),<br />

II<br />

Viscount (WB-7A) 1 50<br />

Esquire— Barefoot in the Pork (WB-7A), 6th wk. 400<br />

Fox The Sond Pebbles (20th-Fox), 8th wk 200<br />

Guild The Family Way (WB-7A), 6th wk 200<br />

Hollywood Grand Prix (MGM), 29th wk 165<br />

Music Box In the Heot of the Night (UA),<br />

2nd wk 150<br />

Off Broadway The Endless Summer (Cinema V) 155<br />

Orpheum You Only Live Twice (UA), 7th wk. .150<br />

Village The Taming of the Shrew (Col),<br />

1 4th wk 150<br />


gill Scholl and Pete Emmet of United Artists<br />

engineered one of the most extensive<br />

screening programs in five years for<br />

the opening of "In the Heat of the Night"<br />

at the Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. Twenty<br />

different organizations were represented<br />

in the word-of-mouth campaign.<br />

Ernest VVansbone of Amalgamated Theatres,<br />

Ltd.. Auckland. New Zealand, was in<br />

town climaxing a six-week theatre tour of<br />

the United States. He found of particular<br />

local interest the D-150 installation in the<br />

Northgate Theatre, the three side-by-side<br />

dome theatres in San Jose and the local supply<br />

houses where he stocked up on supplies<br />

that are hard to get "down under." He was<br />

the guest of Robert Gaskin of the Tiburon<br />

Playhouse at Tiburon.<br />

Harry Stem, Manhattan Films, was in<br />

San Francisco on business. Upon his return.<br />

Jack Sherriff, branch manager, went to<br />

Denver and Salt Lake City.<br />

Madeline Wallace, secretary to Harold<br />

Citron, Metropolitan Theatres, was married<br />

to Robin Pater Sunday (20). The couple will<br />

live in Virginia in the Blue Ridge Mountains.<br />

Sal Billitteri, American International Pictures'<br />

East Coast production head, having<br />

completed two weeks of conferences with<br />

AIP board chairman Samuel Z. Arkoff and<br />

president James H. Nicholson, returned to<br />

his New York office.<br />

Norman Taurog, King Vidor, James A.<br />

FitzPatrick and Arthur Freed, industry<br />

names associated with MGM at various<br />

times since its inception, will be honorary<br />

guest speakers at Culver City's 50th Anniversary<br />

Film Festival at the Culver Theatre,<br />

following the kick-off ceremonies Tuesday<br />

(29), when MGM studio head Clark Ramsay<br />

appears with "Grand Hotel."<br />

Milton R. Rackmil, Universal president,<br />

arrived for conferences with studio executives.<br />

John Hanunell was appointed head of<br />

Paramount Studio's music department, according<br />

to Bernard Donnenfeld, vice-president<br />

of production administration and studio<br />

operations. At the same time, Douglas<br />

Bridges, former assistant to William R. Stinson,<br />

has been appointed business manager<br />

of the department.<br />

"Hells Angels on Wheels" U.S. Films,<br />

opened Wednesday (16) citywide to the largest<br />

opening day gross of the year.<br />

The soundtrack album for Arthur P. Jacobs"<br />

production of "Doctor Dolittle" has<br />

won a golden record, even though it is not<br />

available to the public yet. The 20th-Fox<br />

Records reports a virtual sell-out of its initial<br />

pressing order of 500,000 albums. The<br />

public will be able to purchase the album<br />

later this month, although the film will not<br />

be premiered until December.<br />

The Lee Marvin-Angie Dickinson starrer<br />

MGM's "Point Blank," selected for the nationwide<br />

Fall Film Fair sponsored by the<br />

National Ass'n of Theatre Owners, will follow<br />

"The Dirty Dozen" into the Hollywood<br />

Paramount Theatre October 18. Preceding<br />

the Los Angeles engagement, the picture<br />

will be given a prerelease premiere by MGM<br />

Wednesday (30) at the Northpoint Theatre<br />

in San Francisco. Howard Herty, West<br />

Coast exploitation head for MGM, left for<br />

the Bay City on advance arrangements for<br />

the<br />

premiere.<br />

Pete Latsis, publicist for National General<br />

Corp., is back at his desk recovered from<br />

surgery.<br />

Lyles' First Non-Western<br />

In Four Years Slated<br />

HOLLYWOOD—Producer A. C. Lyles'<br />

first assignment under his ten-year contract<br />

with Paramount gives him a property of<br />

broad scope and strongly advances his position<br />

among filmmakers, says Robert Evans,<br />

vice-president of production.<br />

"Rogue's Gallery," which marks Lyles'<br />

departure for the first time in four years<br />

from producing westerns, will go before the<br />

cameras late this month. The murder mystery<br />

is an original screenplay by Steve<br />

Fisher.<br />

Roger Smith, returning to feature films<br />

for the first time in six years, and Paramount's<br />

exclusive contract star Greta Baldwin,<br />

young German beauty, will<br />

Leonard Horn will direct the film.<br />

be starred.<br />

'Happiest Millionaire'<br />

Music Hall's Xmas Film<br />

From Eastern Edition<br />

NEW YORK — Walt Disney's last<br />

personal<br />

production. "The Happiest Millionaire,"<br />

will be the 1967 Christmas attraction<br />

at the Radio City Music Hall.<br />

The musical comedy is currently in its<br />

ninth week as a roadshow attraction at the<br />

Pacific Pantages in Los Angeles and will be<br />

opening this fall in a number of major<br />

metropolitan hard-ticket engagements.<br />

For the Music Hall booking, it is rumored<br />

that the 159-minutes running time will be<br />

reduced by probably 20 minutes. The Music<br />

Hall's annual "Nativity" pageant and holiday<br />

stage spectacle will be presented with<br />

"Millionaire."<br />

W-4 BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967

1<br />

...This is itl<br />

^^Anapper<br />

V<br />

perfection in<br />

optical sound<br />

pUcU-upl<br />

^<br />

\ With ANAPFET, Century now brings you the ultimate in hi-fidelity sound, ANAPFET is an<br />

j entirely new approach to sound reproduction, wedding the concept of the anamorphic lens<br />

/ with the recent innovation of PFET, the photosensitive, field-effect, transistor. The result is<br />

an optical sound system that surpasses everything to date, superseding photoelectric cells,<br />

solar cells, and even our own PFET, the springboard to this superlative new achievement in<br />

sound.<br />

ANAPFET—now standard on all Century<br />

adaptable<br />

sound equipment and quickly<br />

to existing Century systems—offers you<br />

these many advantages:<br />


PERMANENT. As shown: a small, compact<br />

component that is an integral part of the<br />

•K-<br />

solid-state Century sound system. It contains<br />

within itself the anamorphic lens<br />

and the PFET.<br />


installed in the sound head, fixed at a<br />

permanent setting to give its characteristic<br />

peak hi-fidelity performance. Bothersome<br />

hairline adjustments are wholly<br />

eliminated.<br />


LEVEL — GREATER OUTPUT. 0.35 Volts<br />

without a pre-amp. Signal to noise ratio<br />

is 75 Db, extending the possible range of<br />

volume for theatre operation about 40 Db<br />

greater than systems heretofore available<br />

— or, expressed arithmetically, about<br />

10,000 times.<br />

The excellence of Century CINE-FOCUS® Projection is now matched by Century ANAPFET in sound,<br />

affording you the superlative best in projection and sound for today's modern theatre. If you have not<br />

already done so, investigate CINE-FOCUS film stabilized, controlled focus projection, hailed by theatre<br />

owners and projectionists everywhere as "incomparable". At the same time, get complete details on<br />

our new ANAPFET. In sound projection, it is the greatest!<br />

*Tradomork of Cenlury Projector Corporation<br />


New York, N.Y. 10019<br />

Western Theatrical Equipment Co.<br />

187 Golden Gate Avenue<br />

Son Froncisco, California 94102<br />

John P Filbert Co, Inc.<br />

2007 South Vermont Ave<br />

Lcs Angeles, California 90007<br />

V)/estern Service & Supply, inc.<br />

2100 Stout Street<br />

Denver, Colorado 80205<br />

Pembrex Theatre Supply Corp.<br />

1969 South Vermont A»e.<br />

Los Angeles, California 90007<br />

L & S Theatre Supply Co.<br />

214 East First South Street<br />

Salt Lake City, Utah 84111<br />

Pacifi: Theatre Equipment Co.<br />

142 Leavenworth Street<br />

San Francisco, California 94102<br />

I. F. Burns & Co., Inc.<br />

2319 2nd Avenue<br />

Seattle, Washington 98101<br />

BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967<br />



T^artin Foster, owner of the Piedmont Cinema<br />

in Oakland, had the largest opening<br />

day gross in the history of the city when<br />

he presented a benefit performance of "The<br />

Dirty Dozen" for the Israel Emergency<br />

Fund. Tickets were priced to $15 and $6,-<br />

200 was raised. All expenses for the evening<br />

were covered by the Piedmont Cinema. The<br />

Jewish national fund hosted a champagne<br />

party prior to the film.<br />

Jack Lucy, manager of the Fox Warfield<br />

Theatre had a sneak preview of the 20th<br />

Century-Fox"s "The .St. Valentine's Day<br />

Massacre." The film will be handled locally<br />

by Fox branch manager Dick Stafford.<br />

Walt Von Hauffe, head booker at General<br />

Theatrical Co., was in an auto accident<br />

Scottish Rite Temple<br />

New Blumenfeld Unit<br />

SAN FRANCISCO—Plans for modernization<br />

of the Scottish Rite Temple auditorium<br />

as the newest unit of Blumenfeld Enterprises<br />

was announced by Joseph Blumenfeld,<br />

president. The showplace is the first<br />

of the circuit's San Francisco operations in<br />

20 years. It also is the first of three new<br />

units set in the circuit's wide expansion<br />

planning.<br />

Named the "Regency," the house is expected<br />

to open in November. The policy is<br />

to be exclusive first run. Equipment will include<br />

advanced projection, six-track stereophonic<br />

sound and a capacity of 850 push<br />

back-type seats. The decor will follow an<br />

authentic Regency style of architecture.<br />

The Regency, 30th unit of the circuit,<br />

marks the Blumenfeld return to the San<br />

Francisco theatre scene. Previously, the<br />

showmen operated the Orpheum, United<br />

Artists, Esquire and the former Tivoli. The<br />

opening of the theatre will coincide with the<br />

circuit's 50th anniversary.<br />

Hells Angels in Headlines<br />

At Oakland Film Opening<br />

SAN FRANCISCO—"Hells Angels on<br />

Wheels," filmed in the Bay area, received<br />

widespread publicity from an incident that<br />

could have been taken from a Hollywood<br />

publicist's manual. The picture opened here<br />

last week at two theatres and a drive-in<br />

without incident, with some of the stars<br />

and the San Francisco Hells Angels group<br />

on hand.<br />

But in nearby Oakland, where the film<br />

played three hardtops and three airers, it<br />

was a different story. The Oakland Hells<br />

Angels, whose president Sonny Barger<br />

served as technical adviser for the film,<br />

made appearances at the picture's openings.<br />

Afterward, police were called to an Oakland<br />

bar upon a complaint and attempted<br />

to arrest a noisy patron, police reported. A<br />

on the Coast Highway. He was en route<br />

home when his car was hit from the rear by<br />

another auto. His station wagon was damaged<br />

badly and he spent a few days resting<br />

at his home in Half Moon Bay.<br />

The Toho Rio Theatre is in its last presentation<br />

of the Samurai Festival. The theatre<br />

was featuring "The Sword of Doom," a<br />

costume-action thriller based on a novel by<br />

Kaizan Nakasato.<br />

Robert Naify's four children, three<br />

friends and a housekeeper escaped injury<br />

when an $80,000 fire swept through a Belvedere<br />

mansion the Naifys were occupying<br />

for the summer. The fire was in the 12-room<br />

home of David Allen, a partner in the Belvedere<br />

Land Co. The house was a total loss.<br />

riot ensued, ten policemen were injured and<br />

13 members of the motorcycle group were<br />

arrested. The fracas was headlined in area<br />

newspapers and widely mentioned on radio<br />

and TV.<br />

Three Circuits Book Film<br />

SAN FRANCISCO — The K. Gordon<br />

Murray production "Shanty Tramp" has<br />

been booked by three circuits here for September-October<br />

playdates. Kroger Babb of<br />

Hollywood, western distributor for the film,<br />

closed the deals with Lippert, Mann and<br />

Syufy circuits. Ten drive-ins with a total capacity<br />

of 12,000 cars were linked for the<br />

Bay area multiple. The film was given 28<br />

weeks of playing time in 30 drive-ins in<br />

northern California.<br />

Joan Crawford was present at the invitational<br />

preview of Columbia's "Berserk."<br />


Stafford, 20th Century-Fox branch<br />

manager in San Francisco, played host<br />

to Raquel Welch upon her arrival in<br />

the city to promote her latest picture<br />

"Fathom," featured at the Fox Warfield<br />

Theatre,<br />

ABC, Selmur Executives<br />

Meet in Hollywood<br />

HOLL'VWOOD—American<br />

Broadcasting<br />

Companies' executives from New York and<br />

Hollywood held a three-day meeting here to<br />

discuss national advertising promotion and<br />

distribution campaigns of forthcoming theatrical<br />

motion pictures of the ABC production<br />

subsidiary, Selmur Productions, Monday<br />

through Wednesday (21-23).<br />

Leonard H. Goldenson, ABC president;<br />

Simon B. Siegel, executive vice-president;<br />

Samuel H. Clark, group vice-president, motion<br />

picture division, and Selig J. Seligman,<br />

president of Selmur Productions, attended.<br />

Also attending were executives of ABC's<br />

theatre circuits throughout the country including<br />

Balaban & Katz, Interstate Circuit,<br />

Paramount Gulf Theatres, Florida State<br />

Theatres, and Wilby-Kincey Service, as well<br />

as West Coast and New York advertising<br />

and promotion directors.<br />

Meetings focused special attention on<br />

"Stranger in the House" starring James Mason,<br />

Geraldine Chaplin and Bobby Darin,<br />

which Selmur Productions produced in association<br />

with De Grunwald Productions<br />

and the Rank Organization.<br />

Other Selmur pictures discussed were<br />

"The Rover" starring Anthony Quinn, Rosanna<br />

Schiaffino, Rita Hayworth and Richard<br />

Johnson; "Smashing Time" starring Lynn<br />

Redgrave and Rita Tushingham; "The Prodigal<br />

Gun," starring Alex Cord, Arthur Kennedy<br />

and Robert Ryan; "Charly," starring<br />

Cliff Robertson and Anne Heywood; and<br />

"Hell in the Pacific," starring Lee Marvin<br />

and Toshiro Mifune.<br />

Helen Strauss Directing<br />

WB-7 Arts Story Dept.<br />

From Eastern Edition<br />

NEW YORK—Helen Strauss has been<br />

named vice-president in charge of literary<br />

operations of WB-7 Arts. She has resigned<br />

her post as executive head of the literary<br />

department of the William Morris Agency<br />

to accept her new position.<br />

Headquartered in New York, Miss Strauss<br />

will be involved in developing new properties<br />

and authors for WB-7 Arts' film and TV<br />

divisions,<br />

as well as acquiring film rights of<br />

material from other media.<br />

Miss Strauss, who was with the William<br />

Morris Agency for 23 years, is credited with<br />

making the deal with United Artists to film<br />

James A. Michener's "Hawaii" for the highest<br />

price ever paid for motion picture rights<br />

to a novel.<br />

Sisterville, W. Va„ House<br />

Reopens After Remodeling<br />

SISTERVILLE, W. VA. — The Paramount<br />

Theatre, closed since March 10, has<br />

been reopened by Harry Peters after extensive<br />

remodeling. The house is open Friday<br />

through Monday.<br />

Peters purchased the house from his<br />

father S. A. Peters in 1962. Improvements<br />

include a new stage and widescreen, acoustical<br />

ceiling, projection equipment, curtains<br />

and reupholstering of the seats. Bill Azar is<br />

the projectionist and manager.<br />

W-6 BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967

-<br />

Ethics. Where have they gone?<br />

Ethics, says the dictionary, is<br />

"the science<br />

o'i<br />

human duty; moral science."<br />

In today's world, so complicated with<br />

gadgetry and machines that we often<br />

lose sight of others and of our own best<br />

selves, it isn't always easy to keep "human<br />

duty" in mind.<br />

As life gets rnore complicated, men lose<br />

their sense of identity, value and purpose.<br />

Life, in a sense, becomes "cheap" and<br />

"unimportant." And with that, it becomes<br />

ever easier to take the easy way,<br />

to ignore the principles of right—and<br />

our human duty to others.<br />

The one place where human values are<br />

kept in proper focus is where you worship.<br />

Nowhere is the individual more<br />

valued. And if you care, the place where<br />

you worship can become, with your<br />

help, a rallying point for lifting all<br />

the deteriorating values you see<br />

around you. Worship. this week '<br />

—and put your faith to work<br />

all week.<br />

Worship this week<br />

m<br />

iJ**'"" CcK<br />

'^1^<br />


Published as a public service in cooperation with The Advertising Council and Religion in American Life<br />

BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967 W-7

20th-Fox Division Head<br />

In Denver Press Tour<br />

DENVER — C. F. "Mike" Powers jr.,<br />

20th Century-Fox western division manager,<br />

was in Denver Wednesday and Tiiursduy<br />

C. F. "Mike" Puwers jr., second<br />

from left, western division manager of<br />

20th Century-Fox, arrives in Denver<br />

on a promotion junket. Greeting him<br />

are, left to right, John Meinardi, Fox-<br />

Intermountain district manager; Mark<br />

Sheridan, 20th-Fox branch manager,<br />

and Allen White, 20th-Fox regional advertising<br />

and promotion manager.<br />

(16 and 17) and made radio and press appearances,<br />

speaking on the vitality being<br />

shown in the film industry. He also discussed<br />

his company's upcoming product.<br />

Upon his arrival. Powers was met at the<br />

airport by Fox-Inlermountain Theatres' district<br />

manager John Meinardi, who presented<br />

him the traditional spoon of welcome from<br />

the city. Also on hand were branch manager<br />

Mark Sheridan and regional advertisingpublicity<br />

manager Allen White.<br />

Powers in his interviews said the public is<br />

again making an event out of going to the<br />

movies. Contributing to this, he said, are the<br />

successful acceptance of the reserved-seat<br />

pictures, such as "The Sound of Music" and<br />

"The Sand Pebbles." He said he also believes<br />

the high standards now evident in the<br />

decor and service of the theatres has been<br />

a "most important factor in the rise of movie<br />

attendance."<br />

This month, 20th-Fox will have six films<br />

playing in Denver: "Sand Pebbles," "Music,"<br />

"Caprice," "A Guide for the Married Man,"<br />

"Two for the Road" and "The St. Valentine's<br />

Day Massacre."<br />

Dame Edith Evans has been signed for a<br />

major role in 20th Century-Fox's comedy,<br />

"Prudence and the Pill."<br />








FILMAGK (312) HA 7-3395<br />

1327 S. Wabash - Chicago, III. 60605<br />

Wolfberg Names Dunning<br />

Denver Drive-In Manager<br />

DENVER—Roger Dunning has been appointed<br />

manager of the Valley Drive-In,<br />

succeeding Richard Graham, who moved to<br />

the Wadsworth Drive-In, announced Tom<br />

Smiley, general manager of Wolfberg Theatres.<br />

Dunning returned here from Belmont,<br />

Calif., where he was connected with the<br />

Belart Twin Theatre. Before that he spent<br />

a year on the stage with Hyatt Musical<br />

Theatre in Burlingame, Calif. In 1951 he<br />

worked in Denver at the Broadway and<br />

Paramount, both Wolfberg houses.<br />

DENVER<br />

pormer Denverite Dick Stafford, now district<br />

manager for 20th Century-Fox,<br />

was in town conferring with branch manager<br />

Mark Sheridan. Stafford also visited<br />

many of his Denver friends he met while<br />

employed as office manager for Universal<br />

Pictures here<br />

15 years ago.<br />

Tony Luna has resigned from Dollison<br />

Theatres in Santa Fe, N.M., to take a position<br />

as deputy vehicle commissioner for<br />

New Mexico.<br />

. .<br />

American International Pictures screened<br />

"The Trip" and "TTie Spree" in the Century<br />

screening room . H. L. Binford, manager<br />

of the Sinclair Theatre, Sinclair, Wyo., hosted<br />

a cocktail party and dinner in the Golden<br />

Spike in Rawlins, Wyo., to celebrate the<br />

grand opening of the new theatre.<br />

Visiting Filmrow were Don Swales,<br />

Wheeler Opera House, Aspen; Don Monson,<br />

Ute Theatre, Rifle; Wanna McCarthy,<br />

Lincoln Theatre, Limon; Howard Campbell,<br />

Westland Theatres, Colorado Springs; Russ<br />

Berry, Highland Theatres, Boulder; Carl<br />

Hallberg, Cooper Theatres, in from Lincoln<br />

Neb., George McCormick, Skyline Theatre,<br />

Canon City; Charles Allum, Fox Lakeridge<br />

Theatre, Denver, and Mitch Kelloff, Uptown<br />

Theatre, Pueblo.<br />

Strand Amusement Co.<br />

Buys Theatre Complex<br />

From North Central Edition<br />

HASTINGS, NEB.—Frank D. Rubel,<br />

president of the Strand Amusement Co.<br />

here, announced the purchase of the Rivoli<br />

Theatre BIdg., stores and hotel in Hastings<br />

from Tri-States Theatre Corp., a subsidiary<br />

of American Broadcasting Companies.<br />

Transfer of the property was completed<br />

Tuesday (1), and management of the theatre<br />

has been assumed by Fred Teller jr., general<br />

manager of the amusement company. Plans<br />

are being made to improve all of the theatre<br />

facilities, and a prominent decorator and<br />

architect are being engaged to prepare plans<br />

for redecorating and modernizing.<br />

In addition to the Rivoli, Strand Amusement<br />

operates the Strand and the Drive-In<br />

here.<br />


Qlint Ritchie, one of the co-stars in 20th<br />

Century-Fox's "St. Valentine's Day<br />

Massacre," which opened Wednesday (23)<br />

at the Orphcum and Sandy Boulevard<br />

Drive-In, made a personal appearance here<br />

prior to the picture's bow. He was introduced<br />

at a cocktail party in the Roaring '20s<br />

of the Hoyt Hotel. A telephone interview<br />

with Ritchie appeared in the Oregon Journal<br />

prior to his arrival.<br />

Journal entertainment editor Arnold<br />

Marks was on Warner Bros.-? Arts' "Finian's<br />

Rainbow" set—Tuesday (22) for interviews<br />

with producer Joe Landon and members<br />

of the cast. Members of the press have<br />

been on the lot for similar sessions.<br />

Jim Callas, Oregon Theatre owner-manager,<br />

has started an all-family double feature<br />

policy, opening with "Double Trouble."<br />

He'll follow with Walt Disney's "The<br />

Gnome-Mobile" and "Africa—Texas Style!"<br />

Catchy double-feature at the Family<br />

Drive-In: "In the Heat of the Night" and<br />

"Shot in the Dark." At the 104th St. Drive-<br />

In: "The War Wagon" and "The Young<br />

Warriors."<br />

Theatre With Space Motif<br />

Will Open in November<br />

From Eastern Edition<br />

GREENVILLE, S.C. — Construction of<br />

the 700-seat Astro Theatre featuring a<br />

space-age theme is expected to be completed<br />

tor a Thanksgiving Day opening. Star Theatres,<br />

which owns and operates the Plaza<br />

Theatre here and the Clemson in Clemson,<br />

announced plans for the $350,000 house.<br />

Featuring D-150 projection, the Astro is<br />

being built on a vacant lot beside Star Lanes<br />

Bowling Center on By-Pass Highway 291 at<br />

the Cleveland Street Extension. C. Heyward<br />

Morgan is head of Star Theatres and the<br />

bowling center.<br />

Joseph W. Hiller, architect, said the<br />

space-age theme will be carried throughout<br />

the theatre. "In addition to reclining seats,<br />

the huge screen and tremendous sound, we<br />

will have a twinkling star-like effect and<br />

floating-cloud effect overhead to give the<br />

illusion of a space voyage," he said.<br />

Other interior features will include an<br />

inside ticket booth, a de luxe lobby and an<br />

ultra-modern concession stand. A children's<br />

nursery is planned for the added convenience<br />

of patrons. "We have had the finest<br />

success with this idea in our bowling center<br />

and we plan to bring it into the movie house,<br />

where it will be the first of its kind," Morgan<br />

said.<br />

Milton Schwartz Named<br />

Moss Circuit Gen. Mgr.<br />

From Eastern Edition<br />

NEW YORK—Milton Schwartz, formerly<br />

managing director of the Criterion Theatre,<br />

has been appointed general manager of<br />

theatre operations for B. S. Moss Enterprises.<br />

Joe Frieberg has been named manager<br />

of the Criterion.<br />

W-8 BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967

Theatre Management<br />

Course in St. Louis<br />

ST. LOUIS—An 1 1-week orientation<br />

course in theatre management designed for<br />

men and women looicing for a career and to<br />

increase the l


n check for $2,100 was presented in behalf<br />

of the Will Rogers Memorial Hospital<br />

at the benefit showing of "Young Americans"<br />

at the Fox Plaza Theatre Monday<br />

night (21). Fred Souttar, area supervisor<br />

for Fox Midwest Theatres, presented the<br />

gift to Russell Borg, Warner Bros.-? Arts<br />

branch, who is head of the Rogers drive in<br />

the Kansas City area. In conjunction with<br />

the showing of the film, donated by Columbia,<br />

the 36 Young Americans appeared in<br />

person on the stage and entertained with<br />

songs and dances. Bob Dudley, manager of<br />

the Isis<br />

Theatre, introduced the show. Souttar,<br />

during the presentation, thanked the<br />

young singers, projectionists and musicians'<br />

unions and others for contributing their<br />

talent and time. Fox Midwest donated the<br />

use of the theatre. The benefit was sponsored<br />

by the United Motion Picture Ass'n.<br />

Reservations and tickets were handled by<br />

Chuc Barnes, UMPA executive secretary,<br />

and Phii Blakey, president of the Motion<br />

Picture Ass'n of Greater Kansas City.<br />

Among others credited with help were Joe<br />

Ruddick, Fox Midwest district manager;<br />

SHE'LL BLOW Your Boxoffke Fuse!<br />

Are You Tired of Dying on<br />

So-Called BIG Pictures?<br />

Why Not LIVE A LITTLE With<br />


Distributed by:<br />

Mercury Film Co.<br />

Bev<br />

Miller<br />

114 W. ISth St.—Kansas City, Mo. 64108<br />

GR 1-1377<br />

Tom Baldwin, Columbia Pictures branch<br />

manager; Leo Zabelin, Columbia exploiteer,<br />

and WOMPI.<br />

Doc Dean, United Artists salesman, has<br />

been released from Will Rogers Hospital<br />

and reported doing fine . . Dick Wiles of<br />

is .<br />

the Heart Drive-In is reported in good condition<br />

after an appendectomy in Research<br />

Hospital. He suffered appendicitis while en<br />

route from New York to Kansas City in his<br />

private<br />

airplane.<br />

Chuck Neff is the new manager of Commonwealth's<br />

Antioch Theatre in Kansas<br />

City North, succeeding Larry Ross, who<br />

was transferred to Shenandoah, Iowa, as<br />

manager of the Page Theatre and Iowa<br />

Drive-In. Neff had been in Columbia, Mo.,<br />

for the<br />

circuit.<br />

. .<br />

The Ellinwood Theatre in Ellinwood,<br />

Kas., has been acquired by Randall W. Roth<br />

from Mrs. Eugene Moos . Robert Shackelford<br />

has taken over the operation of the<br />

Ruble Drive-In at Mount Vernon, Mo.,<br />

from Jess Ruble and his sons.<br />

The Eureka (Kas.) Drive-ln closed for<br />

the season Sunday (27). Manager Gary<br />

Smith entered the military service.<br />

Arthur McManus of Embassy Pictures in<br />

St. Louis was here on business . . . Betty<br />

Smythe, Commonwealth concession employe<br />

and past president of WOMPI, attended<br />

the Pilot Club convention in New Orleans.<br />

WOMPI news — At the Tuesday (22)<br />

(Continued on page C-4)<br />

EVERY<br />

WEEK<br />

Opportunity<br />

in<br />

Knocks<br />


• CLEARING HOUSE for Classified Ads<br />

• SHOWMANDISER for Promotion Ideas<br />

• FEATURE REVIEWS for Opinions on Current Films<br />

• REVIEW DIGEST for Analysis of Reviews<br />

Don't miss any issue.<br />

C-2 BOXOFFICE ;: August 28, 1967

...This t§ itl<br />

^<br />


.<br />

. . United<br />


(Continued from page C-2)<br />

meeting in the Commonwealth screening<br />

room, reports were given by the committee<br />

chairmen and the convention in New Orleans<br />

next month was discussed . . Myrtle<br />

.<br />

Cain took over as chairman of the finance<br />

committee . . . The club said it needs items<br />

and plenty of baked goods for the October<br />

6 Blue Ridge Mall Fair ... A Wadsworth<br />

bingo party is scheduled September 25. and<br />

the next meeting will be September 26.<br />

Condolences to George Crandal, National<br />

Screen Service shipper, on the death of his<br />

brother Ray in Warrensburg July 30 of a<br />

heart attack.<br />

Phyllis Ancona of 20th Century-Fox<br />

spent her week's vacation in Florida, and<br />

Marilyn Schmidt, general clerk at the exchange,<br />

went to New Orleans for her holiday.<br />

Joe Bondank. 20th-Fox booker, plans<br />

to spend his vacation in Colorado . . . June<br />

Yates of Commonwealth is visiting friends<br />

Tennessee.<br />

in<br />

Vera Becker of the Granada Theatre in<br />

Independence underwent surgery Wednesday<br />

(16) in the Independence Sanitarium.<br />

She is reported in good condition. Her room<br />

number is 322.<br />

Voight "Bud" Trent, who was with MGM<br />

45 years as a booker and in charge of the<br />

checking department, died Wednesday (16)<br />

in his home in Kansas City, Kas. Services<br />

Tops in<br />

1^^<br />

Quality and Service<br />

Send your next order to usi<br />



125 HYDE ST SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. 94102<br />

were held in St. PauTs Episcopal Church<br />

there Saturday afternoon (19). Burial was<br />

in Des Moines. Trent had been a patient at<br />

the Will Rogers Memorial Hospital, Saranac<br />

Lake. N.Y.. about five years for treatment<br />

of emphysema and asthma. He leaves his<br />

wife Millicent and son Tom. The family<br />

suggests contributions to the Will Rogers<br />

Hospital.<br />

Weddings—Sylvia Ruth Dillon, daughter<br />

of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dillon, who operate<br />

the National Theatre in Kansas City, was<br />

married Thursday (18) to William J. Haggarty<br />

in the Visitation Catholic Church. The<br />

couple is honeymooning in Puerto Rico . . .<br />

Helen Nothnagel. formerly of Fox Midwest<br />

Theatres, was married Thursday evening<br />

(24) to Theodore Sinclair in Our Lady of<br />

Good Counsel Church. Her matron of<br />

honor was Beverly Marroguin, also formerly<br />

of Fox Midwest.<br />

Ruth Ann Rummans, secretary to M.B.<br />

Smith at Commonwealth Theatres, plans to<br />

wed James Nail September 9 in the Avondale<br />

Church in North Kansas City. They<br />

plan to leave September 1 1 for California<br />

where he works at Vandenberg Air Force<br />

Base in an IBM operation.<br />

John E. Lightner, second son of Doug<br />

Lightner, vice-president and general manager<br />

of Commonwealth Theatres, is to be<br />

married to Cynthia Dale Hensen September<br />

2 in St. Ann's Catholic Church in Prairie<br />

Village. The couple plans to honeymoon in<br />

Colorado. Young Lightner works for Exhibitors<br />

Film Delivery here and is a student<br />

at Kansas State Teachers College.<br />

Out-of-town exhibitors seen on Filmrow:<br />

From Missouri—Ed Harris, Neosho; Mr.<br />

and Mrs. A. E. Jarboe. Cameron; Bill Bradfield.<br />

Carthage; Ed Beaman. Trenton; Bob<br />

Walter. Columbia; Scotty Fleener, Gravois<br />

Mills. Also visiting was Oscar Johnson of<br />

Falls City. Neb.<br />

Paramount will screen "Tarzan and the<br />

Start BOXOFFICE coming . .<br />

D 3 years for $10 (SAVE $5)<br />

D 2 years for $8 (SAVE $2) D<br />

1 year for $5<br />


These rates for U.S., Canada, Pan-America only. Other countries: $10 a year.<br />




NAME<br />



825 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 64124<br />

Great River" Tuesday (29) at 10:30 a.m.<br />

and "Waterhole No. 3" Wednesday (30) at<br />

10:30 a.m. Both will be shown at Commonwealth<br />

. Artists scheduled "The<br />

Hills Run Red" Thursday (31) at Commonwealth,<br />

starting at 1:30 p.m.<br />

MGM screened these three films last<br />

week at Commonwealth: "The Last Challenge"<br />

Tuesday afternoon (22). "Jack of<br />

Diamonds" Wednesday afternoon (23) and<br />

"Point Blank" Thursday afternoon (24).<br />

The Paramount Theatre, which was<br />

closed indefinitely Tuesday (1) after 48<br />

years of operation, was the subject of a<br />

feature story in the Kansas City Star Saturday<br />

(19). Arthur Cole of Paramount Pictures<br />

and dean of Kansas City's Filmrow.<br />

was mentioned in the article for recalling<br />

the warm June evening in 1919 when the<br />

theatre (then known as the Newman) opened<br />

its doors with "The Roaring Crowd." a<br />

silent motion picture starring Wallace Reid.<br />

George Baker, owner of the Claco Drive-In,<br />

also was mentioned in the article in recalling<br />

events in the halcyon days of the theatre<br />

when he was manager during the late '20s<br />

and early '30s. He remembered Leo F.<br />

Forbstein as director of the theatre's symphony<br />

orchestra and when Victor Herbert<br />

was a guest conductor in 1923. Forbstein<br />

later became musical director at Warner<br />

Bros,<br />

studios.<br />

Elizabeth James, star of "Born Losers,"<br />

American International film, which opened<br />

with a saturation first-run showing at six<br />

drive-ins and two indoor theatres last week,<br />

appeared in person at three theatres Thursday<br />

night (24) in conjunction with the AIP<br />

film. She was at the Isis Theatre, the Heart<br />

and Twin drive-ins autographing photos.<br />

The film, in color, which also stars Tom<br />

Laughlin and Jeremy Slate, also is playing<br />

at the Boulevard, Crest, Lakeside and<br />

Riverside drive-ins. as well as the Granada<br />

in Kansas City, Kas.<br />

Raleigh Sets Up 5% Gross<br />

Tax on CATV Operations<br />

From Southeastern Edition<br />

RALEIGH, N.C.—An ordinance levying<br />

a 5 per cent tax on the gross receipts of<br />

Southeastern Cablevision Co. has been<br />

adopted by the city council. The tax will<br />

apply to income received by the company<br />

from monthly rates charged subscribers.<br />

Excluded from the tax are fees on installation<br />

of equipment which the company says<br />

it will perform at cost.<br />

Southeastern was granted a CATV franchise<br />

here after voters had given their approval<br />

in a referendum last spring.<br />

Southeastern will bring into the area television<br />

programs from stations outside of<br />

normal reception range. From a community<br />

antenna, the company will string lines on<br />

existing utility poles to the homes of customers.<br />

The city's CATV ordinance puts a $20<br />

limit on the installation fee and a $6 limit<br />

on the monthly rate to be charged by the<br />

firm. City tax rates on CATV systems vary<br />

throughout North Carolina. Charlotte has a<br />

10 per cent gross receipts tax.<br />

C-4 BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967


presents<br />


Shipyard Drive-In, Providence, R.I.<br />

One Week, $12,150<br />

Circle Drive-In, Mapleshade, N.J.<br />

1st Week (record breaking), $11,697<br />

Lins-Aire Drive-In, Rockford, III.<br />

One Week (smash), $8,800<br />

Meadow-Glen Drive-In, Medford, Mass.<br />

1st Week (record breaking), $15,444 (holding)<br />

Skyvue Drive-In, Brockton, Mass.<br />

1st 4 Days (all-time record), $7,300<br />

Bangor Drive-ln, Bangor, Maine<br />

1st Week (all-time record), $7,655<br />

Robinhood & Flamingo Drive-Ins,<br />

Winston-Salem, North Carolina<br />

1st Week (day & date), $13,915<br />

Boulevard Drive-ln, Kansas City, Kansas<br />

One Week (record breaking), $9,400<br />

plus<br />

Krim Theatre, Detroit, Mich.<br />

5 Weeks Gross, $88,133 (still going strong)<br />

i.^i^<br />


mmmmiim SIV HOLM A coproduction of Nordisk Film, Copenhagen and AB Europa Film, Stockholm<br />

Directed by Mac Ahlberg-Distributed by^J^/^^ ^^^<br />

Distributed by: AUDUBON FILMS, 850 7th Avenue, New York, NY.. 10019 -Tel. (212) JUdson 6-4913<br />

(Ava Leighton, Gen'l. Sales Mgr.)<br />

BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967<br />


—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

——<br />

To Sir, With Love' Tremendous 600<br />

4th KC Week; 'Millie<br />

KANSAS CITY—"To Sir, With Love"<br />

and live other favorites grossed at a dazzling<br />

pace, each of the six rating 275 or better.<br />

The Sidney Poitier starrer gave the Brookside<br />

another 600 round in its fourth week as<br />

"Thoroughly Modern Millie." in the ninth<br />

week at the Midland Theatre, came up<br />

v\iih 425. the week's second-best gross percentage.<br />

"Divorce AMERICAN Style."<br />

third week at the Plaza and Avenue, ranked<br />

third at 350, while a pair of 300s went to<br />

"Barefoot in the Park" and "Taming of the<br />

Shrew." both long-time runs. Rounding out<br />

the elite top six was "The Dirty Dozen."<br />

which earned 275 in the eighth week at the<br />

Rox> Theatre.<br />

(Average Is 100)<br />

Anticch, Metcalf The Gnome-Mobile (BV),<br />

3rd wk 125<br />

Boulevard, Crest, Heart, Lakeside, Riverside<br />

The Trip (AlP); asserted co features 125<br />

Brockside— To Sir, With Love (Col), 4th wk 600<br />

Capri Hawaii (UA), 26th wk 100<br />

Embassy 1, 2 A Guide for the Married Man<br />

(20th-Fox), 9th wk 150<br />

Empire 1 The Sand Pebbles (20th-Fox), 23rd wk. 100<br />

Empire 2 Grand Prix (MGM), 27th wk 100<br />

Fine Arts Barefoot in the Park (Para), 8th wk. 300<br />

Glenwood The Taming of the Shrew (Col),<br />

18th wk 300<br />

Hillcrest, Hiway 40, Lake Twin, State II, Twin I,<br />

Shawnee, Granada (Indep.), Overland, Metro 2<br />

The Naked Runner (WB-7A);<br />

ossorted co-features 1 00<br />

Kimo The Jokers (Univ), 3rd wk 1 50<br />

Mid'and Thoroughly Modern Millie (Univ),<br />

9th wk 425<br />

Plaza, Avenue Divorce AMERICAN Style (Col),<br />

3rd wk 350<br />

Roxy The Dirty Dozen (MGM), 8th wk 275<br />

Uptown, Electric The Way West (UA), 2nd wk 120<br />

"Millie' Repeats Torrid 375<br />

2nd Week at Chicago UA<br />

CHICAGO— "St. Valentine's Day Massacre"<br />

did outstanding business in the 40<br />


"Everything for the Theatre"<br />


WRITE—<br />

The Exhibitor Has His Say<br />

TO:<br />

BOXOFFICE, 825 Van Brunt Blvd.,<br />

Title<br />

Comment<br />

Kansas City.<br />

425 in 9th<br />

theatres participating in the first outlying<br />

run. Eighteen theatres reported record<br />

attendance. In the Loop, credits for excellent<br />

opening business for newcomers went<br />

to "Barefoot in the Park" at the Chicago,<br />

and "In the Heat of the Night" at the Oriental<br />

Theatre. Holdovers in most instances had<br />

grosses in the upper brackets, namely "El<br />

Dorado" in the fourth week at the Roosevelt<br />

and "The Dirty Dozen" in the fifth week at<br />

the State<br />

Lake.<br />

Bismarck Hawaii (UA), 41st wk 135<br />

Chicago Barefoot in the Pork (Para) 275<br />

Cinema A Man and a Womon (AA), 35th wk. . . 1 75<br />

Cinestoge The Sand Pebbles (20-Fox), 6th wk. ..275<br />

Esquire A Man for All Seasons (Col), 25th wk. . . 175<br />

Loop The Taming of the Shrew (Col), 18th wk. .155<br />

Michael Todd The Bible (20th-Fox), 33rd wk 150<br />

Oriental In the Heat of the Night (UA) 250<br />

Playboy Loves of a Blonde (Prominent) 175<br />

Roosevelt El Dorado (Para), 4th wk 225<br />

State Lake The Dirty Dozen (MGM), 5th wk. ..250<br />

United Artists Thoroughly Modern Millie (Univ),<br />

2nd wk 375<br />

Woods Hells Angels on Wheels (USF), 5th wk. . .200<br />

World Pla>'house I, a Woman (Audubon),<br />

7th wk 185<br />

Las Cruces May Become<br />

Western Film Center<br />





Mo. G4124<br />

the men of Los Cinquentas.<br />

economic development group from<br />

Las Cruces, N. Mex., can make it happen,<br />

the frontier trek westward will be reversed<br />

and motion picture producers from Hollywood<br />

will do their western location filming<br />

in the nearby state of New Mexico (east of<br />

California).<br />

Three hardtops, the Rio Grande, State<br />

and Plaza and two drive-ins, the Aggie and<br />

Fiesta, will lend their screening facilities for<br />

the "dailies," the developed film from the<br />

laboratories shown to the producers each<br />

day. One of these might be used for the<br />

world premiere of the latest feature, the<br />

United Artists release "Hang 'Em High" if<br />

the Leonard Freeman-produced epic western<br />

now being completed at Metro-Goldwyn-<br />

Mayer here gets the green light.<br />

What makes a town of 57,000 people,<br />

Company..<br />

Days of Week Played Weather..<br />

Exhibitor<br />

Theatre<br />

— Right Now<br />

three hours from Hollywood (air-time), take<br />

on the competition of the good locations<br />

covering every horizon in the other 13 western<br />

states? How does the town succeed in<br />

getting into the consciousness of the average<br />

director or producer here? What can they<br />

offer: financing? western street? sound<br />

stages?<br />

The manner of approach used by Chad<br />

Wymer, Chamber of Commerce director;<br />

William Grindell, president of the CofC;<br />

Gene and Joe Priestley, publishers of the<br />

Las Cruces Sun; Walter Rubens, owner of<br />

the radio station, and Tommy Thomson<br />

and Robert Garrett, inn owners, was to take<br />

the American Room of the Brown Derby on<br />

Vine Street and give a luncheon for the<br />

tradepress. With Leonard Freeman as host,<br />

telling how the Ted Post-directed feature<br />

received the red-carpet treatment in the<br />

town 30 miles from El Paso, the die was<br />

cast.<br />

Financing wasn't in sight yet for independent<br />

producers, but the other residuals,<br />

which delight the production manager, were<br />

in the package. Wymer, liaison man for<br />

the town, which already collected $300,000<br />

this year from the film company visit, offered<br />

this continued cooperation. Wymer<br />

said to send him the script and he'd scout<br />

the locations, obtain horses, cattle, wagons,<br />

props, etc. The town receives the benefit<br />

of tourists, too. All it takes is convincing<br />

the unions and guilds and the producers that<br />

these things add up to money.<br />

Audrey Hepburn, WB-7 Arts<br />

At Music Hall 3 Times<br />

NEW YORK— It will be a triple-header<br />

for both Audrey Hepburn and Warner Bros.-<br />

7 Arts at the famed Radio City Music Hall<br />

when "Wait Until Dark" opens there this<br />

fall at a date to be announced.<br />

The suspense drama, produced by Mel<br />

Ferrer and directed by Terence Young, will<br />

be the third consecutive WB-7 Arts film to<br />

play the New York showplace. It follows the<br />

Peter Seller's starrer, "The Bobo," which<br />

follows the current WB-7 Arts engagement<br />

of "Up the Down Staircase."<br />

As for Miss Hepburn, her last two films<br />

also played the Music Hall; last summer's<br />

smash hit, "How to Steal a Million" and<br />

last spring's "Two for the Road," both 20th-<br />

Fox releases.<br />

Maryland Court of Appeals<br />

Seeks Obscenity Test Case<br />

BALTIMORE — The Maryland Appeals<br />

Court has asked police, prosecutors and<br />

criminal courts for a test case to clarify the<br />

term "contemporary community standards<br />

relating to the description ... of sexual<br />

matters" as used by the U.S. Supreme Court<br />

in obscenity cases.<br />

The court said it's not clear whether<br />

"community standards" concern local, national<br />

or some other connotation.<br />

Pointing out the Supreme Court nor the<br />

Maryland Court of Appeals has attempted<br />

to define the meaning of the term, the<br />

court expressed its willingness to do so once<br />

the question "is<br />

squarely before us."<br />

C-6 BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967

Why Western Electric re\A/ired its<br />

safety program to include training in defensive<br />

driving. And vA/hy you should too.<br />

Last year, American industry lost over 22,000 trained<br />

employees killed in off-the-job traffic accidents.<br />

And ^}^ billion dollars in lost time and production.<br />

But, hundreds ot companies—big and small—are<br />

doing something about it. Like Western Electric.<br />

In the last two years, Western Electric trained<br />

800 employees with the National Safety Council's<br />

Defensive Driving Course. And hundreds more are<br />

signed up to take this complete course in<br />

new and<br />

tested concepts and techniques of defensive driving.<br />

You can do the same thing for the employees<br />

of your plant, office or facility. The National Safety<br />

Council will be glad to tell you how to set up the<br />

Defensive Driving Course in your company. And<br />

reduce traffic accidents among your employees<br />

significantly.<br />

Mail the coupon today.<br />

r-<br />

Special Projects-Public Information<br />

National Safety Council<br />

425 North Michigan Avenue<br />

Chicago, Illinois 60611<br />

Please mail me full details on the Defensive Driving Course.<br />

Name-<br />

Title—<br />

Firm Name-<br />

Address<br />

Published to save lives<br />

in cooperation with<br />

The Advertising Council<br />

and the National Safety Council<br />

S.H.<br />

City -State- -Zip code-<br />

BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967 C-7


Col Gordon, who heads pubHcity here for<br />

20th Century-Fox, hosted a series of<br />

mini scene showings from "Doctor DoHttle"<br />

at the Michael Todd Theatre for educators,<br />

hbrarians and community leaders.<br />

Ruth Roman arrived from the West Coast<br />

to appear in "Beekman Place" at the Ivanhoe<br />

Theatre. Brigid Bazlen, formerly of Chicago<br />

and once under contract to MGM, will<br />

co-star with Miss Roman. Miss Bazlen's<br />

husband is Jean Paul Vignon, who just completed<br />

his first American film "Devil's Brigade."<br />

Independent Theatres, headed by Harry<br />

Nepo, has new offices at 54 W. Randolph<br />

St.<br />

Sophie Janus, secretary in the MGM publicity<br />

department, is vacationing in Colorado.<br />

Subbing for her is Kellie Thaneuf. formerly<br />

of MGM's Dallas office, now a resident<br />

of Wilmington, Del. Mrs. Thaneuf<br />

came to Chicago for a vacation, but agreed<br />

to take care of secretarial duties for Phil<br />

Brochstein and Rik Newman.<br />

Charles Lauritzen has joined National<br />

Screen Service as Chicago salesman . . .<br />

Barbara Regan of Regan Film Distributors<br />

and Muriel Kohner of NSS were elected<br />

delegates to represent Chicago WOMPI at<br />

the convention in New Orleans next month.<br />

Ray Smertz, branch manager at 20th<br />

Century-Fox, is spending his holiday in Las<br />

Vegas.<br />

in<br />

Jack Eckhardt, head of 20th Century-Fox<br />

Milwaukee, was accompanied by a group<br />

of Variety Club members from that city attending<br />

the Tent 26 golf outing at Elmhurst<br />

Country Club Friday (25). In the group were<br />

Fred Koontz of Prudential Theatres and<br />

Harry Mintz of the Stanley Warner organization.<br />

George Regan organized a 9 o'clock<br />

tee-off time for eight foursomes.<br />

Dan Goldberg, who has gone into the restaurant<br />

business in addition to operating<br />

movie houses, has just opened Shanghai<br />

Kil's featuring Oriental cooking and entertainment.<br />

He also has Chatterley's Restaurant.<br />

Nat Nathanson, who joined the 20th-Fox<br />

here as division manager, was in New York<br />

where he was honored by the Variety Club<br />

of that city . . . Eileen Walters, secretary to<br />

Universal publicist Ben Katz, is vacationing.<br />

James Toal was a Filmrow visitor. He<br />








FILMAGK 13121 HA 7-3395<br />

1327 S. Wabash - Chicago, III. 60605<br />

^<br />

was lining up bookings for Hainline Associated<br />

Theatres, including two houses in Macomb,<br />

the Rivoli in Monmouth and the<br />

Apollo in Belvidere.<br />

Hannah Eiseman of Teitel Film Corp.<br />

will vacation in Canada and visit Expo 67.<br />

She will investigate new art films which are<br />

current festival features at the world's fair.<br />

Jack Kelvie, a newcomer to the Chicago<br />

area, has joined Alliance Amusement Co.<br />

as assistant to Pete Panagos. Kelvie came<br />

here from Minneapolis, and was most recently<br />

associated with 20th Century-Fox.<br />

Michael Kutz jr. hosted "A Grand Night<br />

for the Film Festival" in connection with<br />

the third International Film Festival, which<br />

will be held in November. The advanced<br />

event was held Saturday (26) in the Highlands<br />

Estate, with reservations at $10 a couple.<br />

Three movies were shown continuously,<br />

"Gold Diggers of 1933," "The Maltese Falcon"<br />

and "Citizen Kane."<br />

third<br />

Donald Young Associates scheduled the<br />

annual seminar of film techniques October<br />

4 to December 4. The cost of the series<br />

is $17. A pamphlet announcing the series is<br />

titled, "You Don't Need Hollywood Budget<br />

and Bustlines—to Produce an Effective<br />

Film." Robert B. Konikow, back for his<br />

third year as host for the seminar, has solid<br />

background in films as a member of the prefestival<br />

judging committee of the American<br />

Film Festival. He has a weekly program on<br />

Channel 32 dealing with films.<br />

'ARD' Mystery Is Solved<br />

At Universal in Detroit<br />

From Mideast Edition<br />

DETROIT—The mystery of Universal<br />

exchange's ARD acronym has been solved.<br />

A sign at the rear door of the structure,<br />

often used by exhibitors, reads, "Headquarters<br />

for ARD up front."<br />

People passing by on the street, the exchange<br />

has its own one-story building, probably<br />

wonder if the strange lettering had<br />

something to do with the riots. One man<br />

thought it may have "something to do with<br />

free food."<br />

Exhibitors learned the secret in a mailing<br />

piece. It pointed out, "ARD is in need of<br />

your help," and included a booking sheet.<br />

Copy disclosed ARD refers to Universal's<br />

new "Cartune Drive" just for bookers. The<br />

campaign will continue until the end of the<br />

year.<br />

A hinged piece on the mailer, asked:<br />

"Who's behind ARD? Lift tab." Underneath<br />

was a photo of Agnes Hardin and Rosalin<br />

Knight, bookers, and David Gonda, head<br />

booker-salesman, who set up the exploitation,<br />

using the first letter of each of their<br />

first names for ARD.<br />

Columbia has acquired distribution rights<br />

for virtually all major territories for "The<br />

Man From Stockholm."<br />

Renewed DST Fight<br />

Is Seen in Georgia<br />

From Souttieastern Edition<br />

ATLANTA—Proponents of daylight saving<br />

time face another fight when the assembly<br />

gathers for its 1968 session starting in<br />

January.<br />

Rep. Ward Edwards of Butler County has<br />

introduced a bill to exempt Georgia from<br />

the DST list and restore it to Eastern Standard<br />

Time. He was able to introduce his bill<br />

at this time because of a new legislative provision<br />

permitting Georgia lawmakers to introduce<br />

bills at any time during the year.<br />

His measure likely will be assigned to committee<br />

for study sometime this month.<br />

A similar move during the 1967 session<br />

of the legislature was the signal for a running<br />

controversy that lasted until the final<br />

days of the session with moves and countermoves<br />

by the both sides, with the "pros"<br />

having the edge that forced the "antis" to<br />

agree to a compromise bill that eventually<br />

led to the state going into the DST column.<br />

Georgia theatre owners and operators<br />

fought against the bill with all the resources<br />

at their command. In the final analysis, the<br />

standard time people had to agree on a<br />

compromise resolution putting Georgia on<br />

DST unless two of its five bordering states<br />

took action to exempt themselves. None did,<br />

so Georgia went on fast<br />

time along with all<br />

but two of the 50 states.<br />

Although Rep. Edwards' bill does not<br />

specify what he considers the merits of returning<br />

to standard time, the DST opposi-<br />

'<br />

tion is girding to help him get it passed.<br />

In the forefront are the legislators from<br />

the bucolic areas, including the farmers who<br />

contend that DST upsets their cows and<br />

chickens, causing them to give less milk<br />

and lay fewer eggs. It is contended, too, that<br />

school in rural areas children must stand<br />

in the dark in the mornings waiting for the<br />

school buses to pick them up.<br />

And the drive-in owners and operators<br />

can't start their shows in the summertime<br />

until 9:30 p.m., and they cite the fact that<br />

their only chance to make money is in the<br />

hot months, since the fall and winter seasons,<br />

with kids in school, are the periods<br />

when the best they can do is break even.<br />

Photo-Journalist Award<br />

Goes to Chorlene Holt<br />

From Western Edition<br />

HOLLYWOOD—Charlene Holt, who costarred<br />

with John Wayne and Robert<br />

Mitchum in "El Dorado," was awarded the<br />

International Photo-Journalists Ass'n award<br />

for her cooperation with local photographers<br />

during the year. The award was presented<br />

by Roy Cummings, assoociation president,<br />

in ceremonies Monday (14).<br />

of course.<br />


C-8 BOXOFFICE :; August 28, 1967

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

. . Lee<br />

'You're a Big Boy'<br />

375 in New Orleans<br />

NEW ORLEANS — Percentages<br />

still<br />

show better than average grosses. Leading<br />

off was "You're a Big Boy Now" at 375 in<br />

its first week at the Gentilly-Art Theatre.<br />

Close on its heels was the second week of<br />

"Dirty Dozen" at the Lakeside Cinema 1 at<br />

300. "Naked Runner" in its opening week<br />

at the Orpheum placed third at 250.<br />

(Average Is 100)<br />

Joy's Aereon The Game Is Over (Royal),<br />

3rd wk 200<br />

Gentilly-Art You're a Big Boy Now (WB-7A) ..375<br />

Lakeside—The Sond Pebbles (20th-Fox), 1 2th wk. 250<br />

Lakeside Cinema I —The Dirty Dozen (MGM),<br />

2nd wk 300<br />

Lakeside Cinema 2, Oak wood Cinema 1 The<br />

Gnome-Mobile (BV), 2nd wk 110<br />

Loew's Stote—You Only Live Twice (UA), 8th wk. 100<br />

Mortin's Cinerama—Grand Prix [MGM), 13th wk. 125<br />

Orpheum—The Naked Runner (WB-7A) 250<br />

Robert E. Lee—A Man for All Seasons (Col),<br />

18th wk 200<br />

"The Dirty Dozen' Runs First<br />

In Memphis With Lively 400<br />

MEMPHIS — "The Dirty Dozen" and<br />

"Barefoot in the Park" emerged as the top<br />

attractions at first runs during the week.<br />

Malco reported 400 per cent of average<br />

business with a seventh week of the<br />

"Dozen." The Park had 300 per cent with<br />

a third week of "Barefoot."<br />

Crosstown—The Sand Pebbles (Col), 16th wk. ...185<br />

Guild—Loves of a Blonde (Prominent) 110<br />

Malco—The Dirty Dozen (MGM), 7fh wk 400<br />

Memphian— The Taming of fhe Shrew (Col),<br />

2nd wk 300<br />

Poloce— In the Heat of the Night (UA) 175<br />

Park— Barefoot in the Park (Para), 3rd wk 300<br />

Plaza—Woman Times Seven (Embassy) 100<br />

State Fathom (20th-Fox), 2nd wk 100<br />

Studio— El Greco (20th-Fox) 65<br />

Warner—The St. Valentine's Day Massacre<br />

(20th-Fox) 140<br />

Whitehaven Cinema— Divorce AMERICAN Style<br />

(Col), 2nd wk 100<br />

James Corbett New MGM<br />

Atlanta Branch Manager<br />

ATLANTA — James Corbett. with the<br />

exchange here 16 years, has been moved up<br />

from assistant to MGM branch manager,<br />

succeeding Robert E. Capps, who resigned to<br />

become Florida booker for General Cinema<br />

Corp., with headquarters in Jacksonville.<br />

Capps had been here three months after being<br />

transferred from Jacksonville.<br />

Capps, 21 years with MGM, also had<br />

served as hooker and office manager in<br />

Jacksonville before being shifted to Boston<br />

in 1960 as assistant branch manager. In<br />

1961 he was transferred to Charlotte, N.C.,<br />

as branch manager, then returned to Jacksonville<br />

a year later to head the exchange.<br />

In Atlanta he succeeded Woody Sherrill,<br />

who was promoted to southern division<br />

manager by MGM.<br />

WMT Circuit Remodeling<br />

Springfield Paramount<br />

SPRINGFIELD—Col. Samuel Goldstein,<br />

president of Western Massachusetts Theatres,<br />

has disclosed plans to reopen the longshuttered,<br />

downtown, 2,800-seat Paramount.<br />

Up until its shuttering several years ago,<br />

the first-run showcase was operated by New<br />

England Theatres.<br />


ghirrel Rboades, the Florida Times-Union<br />

film writer, wrote one of the most perceptive<br />

and appreciative film reviews when<br />

he covered the opening of "The Naked Runner"<br />

at the downtown Florida. He pointed<br />

out. "The element which separates this motion<br />

picture from our current Zeitgeist for<br />

spy stories is realism. Cold, calculated realism.<br />

That is the cornerstone on which director<br />

Sidney J. Furie built "The Naked Runner."<br />

Shirrel devoted several paragraphs to<br />

the many authentic touches used to provide<br />

East German background and atmosphere.<br />

He also said the film "contains a rather<br />

terrifying accusation in its theme, that a<br />

government might single out one man and<br />

play him as a pawn in a game of assassination."<br />

Earl Turbyfill, local independent booker,<br />

has added Gerald Abrieu's San Carlos Theatre<br />

in Key West to his other accounts . . .<br />

John Lawson, who operates the Ritz Theatre<br />

in DeFuniak Springs, has acquired the H<br />

and R Drive-In Theatre at Hartford, Ala.<br />

. . .<br />

Ardene Pinson, Universal contract clerk,<br />

and her husband left here for three weeks<br />

of vacationing in Wisconsin<br />

Roberts,<br />

George<br />

who heads the Americana Amusement<br />

Corp. of Tampa, has acquired the<br />

local Roxy, a nudie house, from the former<br />

owner LeRoy Griffiths. Roberts also has<br />

similar operations in Knoxville, Tenn.;<br />

Richmond, Va., and Ybor City, the Latin<br />

section of Tampa.<br />

Ava Loudermiik, Oscar Cannington's secretary<br />

at the EST warehouse, attended a<br />

family reunion in Cullman, Ala. . . Martha<br />

.<br />

Scott, also of the EST warehouse, and her<br />

husband Douglas vacationed in Virginia and<br />

Kentucky with relatives there . . . Sandra<br />

Easley, WOMPI speakers' chairman, and<br />

her assistant Charlotte Green announced<br />

George Wachendorf, financial editor of the<br />

Florida Times-Union, would be guest<br />

speaker at the next general membership<br />

meeting of the club.<br />

Edwina Ray, WOMPI president, announced<br />

she and her advisory committee<br />

have named these committee chairmen:<br />

Community service, Philomena "Phil" Eckert;<br />

industry service. Thelma Claxton; Will<br />

Rogers Hospital. Jane Weeman; publicity,<br />

Mary Hart; social, Charlotte Green; bylaws,<br />

Betty Rook; finance and religious activities,<br />

Janet Mette; chaplain, Ava Loudermiik;<br />

yearbook, Mildred Land; ways-and-means.<br />

Jean Teague, and the monthly bulletin, reporting<br />

and art work. Lenore Kirkwood.<br />


LENS<br />


365 Park St. Jacksonville, Flo.<br />

Anne Dillon of Jacksonville has been<br />

nominated by WOMPI International as<br />

president for the ensuing year and Kitty<br />

Dowell. also of this city, corresponding<br />

secretary.<br />

Wayne Spivey, a junior at the University<br />

of Florida, is now Bill Baskin's assistant at<br />

the Florida Theatres in Gainesville ... Ed<br />

McLaughlin, Columbia manager here,<br />

found himself so pleased with the laughgenerating<br />

power of "Who's Minding the<br />

Mint?" when Walt Meier presented it at the<br />

downtown Florida as a sneak preview that<br />

he hopefully remarked that maybe his company<br />

has another "Cat Ballou" which<br />

evoked similar reaction from a sneak preview<br />

crowd at the Florida a couple of years<br />

ago.<br />

George M. Green jr. has planned a September<br />

1 grand opening night for his new<br />

Sky-Vue Drive-ln in Brevard County, south<br />

of Rockledge on Barnes Boulevard. The outdoorer<br />

is equipped with 300 speakers.<br />

National Theatre Supply of Altanta is providing<br />

the projectors, sound system and<br />

concession equipment, and Selby Industries<br />

is insulating the 40x80 screen tower. Bookings<br />

are being handled by the Tomlinson Co.<br />

of this city.<br />

Jack King,' who has been serving as a<br />

booker under Jim Kirby in Floyd Theatres<br />

local booking office, is reported as moving<br />

to the booking department of Wometco Enterprises<br />

in Miami, succeeding Rex Norris,<br />

who has joined the booking staff at United<br />

Films in Miami . . . Mamie Newman, local<br />

Columbia booker, attended the graduation<br />

of her grandson from Florida State University<br />

in Tallahassee.<br />

Ernie Pellegrin, Columbia office manager,<br />

and his family spent their vacation on a<br />

tour of south Florida's scenic spots and<br />

Jackie Hess, also of Columbia, embarked on<br />

a home vacation with plans for lolling at<br />

beach.<br />

the<br />

Grimm .<br />

Receivers of WOMPI birthday greetings<br />

in August were Anne Dillon and Rex<br />

Ryan. Florida State Theatres<br />

newspaper ad writer, visited friends<br />

and relatives in Miami with Anne Dillon,<br />

who visited her daughter. Sister Anna<br />

Tops in<br />

(Continued on page SE-7)<br />

Quality and Service<br />



125 HYDE ST SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. 94102<br />

30X0FFICE :: August 28, 1967 SE-1

. . . Ben<br />

I rem<br />


Donuld Page is the new manager at John<br />

and Ruth Carter's Capri Cinema in the<br />

Buclvhead area, and Tom McConneli. a returnee<br />

to the industry, is the new manager<br />

Meiselman's Cherokee.<br />

at<br />

Bob Moscow, owner-operator of the<br />

downtown Adult Central Theatre and a<br />

. . .<br />

successful film producer, is in Hollywood in<br />

connection with forthcoming productions.<br />

Auditions for parts in the filmization of<br />

Carson McCullcrs' "The Heart Is a Lonely<br />

Hunter" proved fruitless here, despite an<br />

excellent<br />

turnout.<br />

Jam;s F. Ankrom of Wilby-Kincey's National<br />

Hills Theatre in Augusta and former<br />

assistant manager of the circuit's Fox Theatre<br />

here, has been named manager of<br />

W-K's Eastgate Theatre in Chattanooga,<br />

succeeding Frank Smith.<br />

Perry Reavis, Meiselman district manager,<br />

has returned from a visit to Talla-<br />







^<br />


FILMACK (312) HA 7-3395<br />

1327 S. Wabash - Chicago, III. 60605<br />

Tennessee Valley POPCORN<br />



Satisfaction<br />

Guaranteed<br />


Tel. S74-1079 m j n r SCOTTSBORO<br />

p 0. Box 787 Word Popcorn Co. ala. 3J76b<br />

SEE<br />


For all your THEATRE and<br />

CONCESSION needs<br />

2409 Pint Ave., N. Birmingham, Alabama 3S203<br />

Telephone 2S1-866S and 328-S67S<br />

SE-2<br />

DRIVE IN<br />

hassee. where the circuit operates the Varsity<br />

and is building another hardtop in a<br />

shopping center.<br />

Terry Kay, amusements editor of the Atlanta<br />

Constitution, before he left on vacation,<br />

wrote; "The three reserved-seat productions<br />

in preparation at 20th-Fox are<br />

•Hello. Dolly!" Tora, Tora' and 'Tom Swift."<br />

I must capitalize on this item to voice disapproval<br />

of Barbra Streisand as Dolly Levi<br />

m the film version of 'Dolly.' This, it seems.<br />

is carrying stardom to the brink of stardom."<br />

W. C. Gehring, southern division manager<br />

of 20th-Fox, returned from the West<br />

Coast meeting on the Darryl Zanuck sales<br />

drive, and set up a meeting (21) with branch<br />

managers to discuss the campaign. In attendance<br />

were Charles Jones. Memphis; Gerald<br />

Kennedy. New Orleans; Morris Yowell.<br />

Oklahoma City; Ed Chumley, Jacksonville;<br />

William B. Williams, Dallas; Lloyd Edwards,<br />

Charlotte, and Daniel M. Coursey,<br />

Atlanta.<br />

W. C. Haines, United Artists branch<br />

manager, sneaked Mirisch-UA's "In the<br />

Heat of the Night" on the same bill with<br />

"You Only Live Twice" Monday (14) at<br />

Georgia Theatres Lenox Square.<br />

Screenings at Columbia's Filmrow Playhouse<br />

included "The Hills Run Red" (UA).<br />

"She-Man" (Howco) and "Spree" (AIP).<br />

Virginia Clifton (Columbia booker) has<br />

been released from Georgia Baptist Hospital<br />

after surgery and is at home recuperating<br />

McChesney, 20th-Fox salesman, is<br />

on a two-week vacation . . . Charlie Jordan,<br />

head of the Howco exchange here before it<br />

was closed and he moved to Charlotte, was<br />

in the city on business and visited Filmrow<br />

friends.<br />

MONTAY<br />

"This Was Burlesque," starring Ann<br />

Corio and Jerry Lester, closed the Municipal<br />

Theatre's six-week season in the 5,500-<br />

seat Memorial Park Amphitheatre.<br />

The Fox Theatre had matinees three days<br />

for "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" (kiddie<br />

prices for everyone), while "El Dorado"<br />


The Montay Standard Speaker has earned its<br />

rep'Jiafion for quality by providing many years<br />

of dependable service.<br />

Tiie Montay Re-Entry Speaker gives unrivaled<br />

protection froin damage by vandalism and<br />

weather v/W\\e delivering new and surprisingly<br />

Re-Entry<br />

clear sound Qualities. Model<br />

Rugged Die Cost Aluminum—Exceptionally Low In<br />

Price<br />

MONTAY CO.-PO box 21-Cothbert, Ga.-Tel. 732-2501 Area Code 912<br />

remained as the feature in the afternoons<br />

and nights.<br />

Other new bookings were the reissue of<br />

"Spartacus." succeeding "Divorce AMERI-<br />

CAN Style" at Martin's Rialto; "The St.<br />

Valentine's Day Massacre" at the Roxy<br />

replacing "The Gnome-Mobile"; "You're<br />

a Big Boy Now," Meiselman's Cherokee,<br />

and the Festival Cinema brought back<br />

"Zorba the Greek."<br />

New Warrensburg Theatre<br />

For Commonwealth Circuit<br />

Central Edition<br />

WARRENSBURG. MO. — Commonwealth<br />

Theatres of Kansas City will build<br />

an 810-seat theatre at 722 South McGuire<br />

St.. it was announced by Richard Orear,<br />

president of the circuit.<br />

Milton Costlow & Associates, a Kansas<br />

City firm specializing in theatre design and<br />

construction, has created plans for the new<br />

Warrensburg luxury theatre and Hans<br />

Teichert II, Chicago, has the contract for<br />

decorations, decor and general lighting fixtures.<br />

Roy Tucker, head of purchasing and<br />

construction for the circuit, will supervise<br />

plans and materials for the new cinema,<br />

while Charles Tryon, his assistant, will direct<br />

and supervise operations here. Construction<br />

will start soon for completion early<br />

next year.<br />

Plans for the theatre take advantage of<br />

space for the sake of comfort. Luxury seating,<br />

installed on wide rows and electronic<br />

equipment for year-round climate control<br />

within the theatre will be outstanding features.<br />

The latest in architectural design,<br />

comfort and convenience will be uppermost<br />

in the general layout and the finest of projection<br />

equipment engineering and stereophonic<br />

sound will be installed. A special<br />

wide-angle screen is to be created for reproduction<br />

of the motion picture image in<br />

the house.<br />

The theatre will possess an extensive<br />

canopy and portico entrance to protect<br />

patrons from inclement weather as they unload.<br />

The boxoffice will be located in the<br />

lobby, which will have special side exits for<br />

easy access to parking areas.<br />

Charles Lester to Retire<br />

As NSS Division Head<br />

ATLANTA — Charles Lester, 70, National<br />

Screen Service division manager based<br />

here, who came out of retirement five years<br />

ago at the request of the company to assume<br />

the post, announced he plans to retire effective<br />

December 2. The division manager's<br />

position will be discontinued after his retirement.<br />

Stewart<br />

Harnell, New Orleans NSS manager,<br />

has been promoted to head the Atlanta<br />

branch. His new assignment is to commence<br />

September 5. He will work under Lester's<br />

supervision until Lester"s retirement.<br />

Texas Theatre Destroyed<br />

From Southeastern Edition<br />

BRADY, TEX.—The Texas Theatre and<br />

the Syndicate Building, both built soon after<br />

1900, were destroyed by a fire.<br />

BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967

...This is itl<br />

^A^Anapper<br />

•K-<br />

perfection in<br />

optical sound<br />

pick-upl<br />

I., \ With ANAPFET, Century now brings you the ultimate in hi-fidelity sound. ANAPFET is an<br />

/ entirely new approach to sound reproduction, wedding the concept of the anamorphic lens<br />

,' with the recent innovation of PFET, the photosensitive, field-effect, transistor. The result is<br />

an optical sound system that surpasses everything to date, superseding photoelectric cells,<br />

solar cells,<br />

sound.<br />

and even our own PFET, the springboard to this superlative new achievement in<br />

ANAPFET— now standard on all Century<br />

sound equipment and quickly<br />

adaptable<br />

to existing Century systems—offers you<br />

these many advantages:<br />


PERMANENT. As shown: a small, compact<br />

component that is an integral part of the<br />

solid-state Century sound system. It contains<br />

within Itself the anamorphic lens<br />

and the PFET.<br />


installed in the sound head, fixed at a<br />

permanent setting to give its characteristic<br />

peak hi-fidelity performance. Bothersome<br />

hairline adjustments are wholly<br />

eliminated.<br />


LEVEL — GREATER OUTPUT. 0.35 Volts<br />

without a pre-amp. Signal to noise ratio<br />

is 75 Db, extending the possible range of<br />

volume for theatre operation about 40 Db<br />

greater than systems heretofore available<br />

— or, expressed arithmetically, about<br />

10,000 times.<br />

The excellence of Century CINE-FOCUS® Projection is now matched by Century ANAPFET in sound,<br />

affording you the superlative best in projection and sound for today's modern theatre. If you have not<br />

already done so, investigate CINE-FOCUS film stabilized, controlled focus projection, hailed by theatre<br />

owners and projectionists everywhere as "incomparable". At the same time, get complete details on<br />

our new ANAPFET. In sound projection, it is,the greatest!<br />

•Trodemork of Cenlury Proleclor Corporation<br />


New York, N.Y. 100I9<br />

Standard Theatre Supply Co.<br />

215 E. Washington St.<br />

Greensboro, North Carolina 27401<br />

1624 W. Independence Blvd<br />

Charlotte, North Carolina 28208<br />

BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967<br />

Joe Hornstein Inc.,<br />

759 Weft Flagler St.<br />

Miami, Florida 33130<br />

Tri -State Theatre Supply Co,<br />

320 South Second Street<br />

Memphis, Tenn. 38103<br />

Hodges Theatre Supply Co. Inc.,<br />

2927 Jackson<br />

New Orleans, La. 70125<br />

Wil-Kin Theatre Supply, Inc.<br />

301 North Avenue, N.E.<br />

Atlanta, Georgia 30308<br />


E M P H I<br />

S<br />

pales for the Tri-State Theatre Owners<br />

annual convention were selected at a<br />

board meeting here for Nov. 13, 14 and<br />

15 in the Chisca Plaza Hotel in Memphis.<br />

Creations Like<br />

This<br />

Dont Just Happen!<br />

We've lavished costly research<br />

and years of development to<br />

bring out a real w/innerl<br />

Our new de luxe<br />

Loiuiqer<br />

The Theatre Seat of<br />

Tomorrow!<br />

Moke sure you see and sit in this<br />

superior seat for the finest in luxurious<br />

comfort and beauty.<br />

Ask for our Illustrated Brochure<br />

MASSEY<br />



Phone Chapel 2-2561<br />

Tent 20 has its cluhrooms in the same hotel<br />

and that makes it handy for delegates.<br />

Chauncey Barbour, manager of the<br />

Municipal Auditorium in Memphis, is the<br />

new chief barker of Tent 20. He was unanimously<br />

elected to succeed Alton Sims,<br />

whose work is taking him to another city.<br />

Barbour, first assistant chief, didn't have to<br />

be elected but the officer and board thought<br />

it would be a good idea.<br />

Sims and his wife Katherine were honored<br />

at a farewell party by Tent 20 and Barbour<br />

was installed at the same time.<br />

R. L. "Bob" Bostick, a vice-president of<br />

Variety International, presented the club<br />

with a check for $2,083 which it was awarded<br />

at the Mexico City convention for its<br />

outstanding Variety Week promotion. The<br />

funds are to go to the Variety's Children's<br />

Heart Institute.<br />

Exhibitors visited from five states. From<br />

Missouri came Elizabeth deGuire, Shannon,<br />

Portageville. From Louisiana was Frank<br />

Patterson, Mansfield, Mansfield. Arkansas<br />

exhibitors included Orris Collins, Capitoi,<br />

Paragould: Jack Noel, Maxie, Trumann and<br />

J. T. Hitt, accompanied by his son Travis<br />

Hitt, Plaza, Bentonville. Tennessee exhibitors:<br />

Louise Mask, Luez, Bolivar; Maurice<br />

Basse, Starlite Drive-In, Union City and<br />

Guy Amis, Laco, Lexington.<br />

Mississippi exhibitors in town included<br />

Mart Mounger, Mart, Calhoun City; Frank<br />

Heard, Lee Drive-In, Tupelo; C. N. Eudy,<br />

Houston, Houston, and Leon Rountree,<br />

Holly,<br />

Holly Springs.<br />

Memphis WOMPI held a rummage sale<br />

at Raleigh during the week, with Lois Boyd.<br />

Mai Carper, Mary Katherine Baker. Nancy<br />

Forsythe, Leon Cooper, Bonnie Steward,<br />

Marianna Bartlett and Peggy Hogan assisting.<br />

Proceeds went to buy clothing for<br />

needy children.<br />

. . Mar-<br />

The Memphis Heart Ass'n was aided by<br />

WOMPI members who typed LOOO letters<br />

and envelopes for the campaign .<br />

garet Irby, who is recovering from an illness,<br />

was a visitor to Filmrow during the<br />

week.<br />

Stops Bright Train Lights<br />

On Drive-In Complaint<br />

From Western Edition<br />

SAN FRANCISCO—After a complaint<br />

by the Spartan Drive-In at San Jose, the<br />

Southern Pacific Railroad was ordered by<br />

the California Public Utilities Commission<br />

to eliminate the use of unnecessary bright<br />

lights on trains within 1,000 feet of the air&r.<br />

The drive-in, operated by Jess Levin,<br />

complained that lights from trains in the<br />

adjacent railroad switchyard were often<br />

so bright that the picture on the Spartan<br />

screen could not be seen. The CPUC order<br />

allows the use of bright lights only in the<br />

case of an emergency.<br />

367-Car Airer Opens<br />

In Waverly, Tenn.<br />

WAVERLY, TENN.—The Valley Drive-<br />

In, 4' 2 miles west of here on Highway 70,<br />

has been opened by Nathan and Deanie<br />

Flexer, and is being operated by their sons<br />

Mike and Gary, with their third son Lewis<br />

as the projectionist.<br />

The Flexers also own and operate the<br />

Mi-De-Ga Theatre in downtown Waverly.<br />

The 367-car airer covers about seven<br />

acres, and will be a year-around operation,<br />

Flexer said.<br />

Roy Rogers Chief Indian<br />

At Anadarko Exposition<br />

From Southwest Edition<br />


well-known<br />

cowboy had the role of the nation's Chief<br />

Indian when the 36th annual American Indian<br />

Exposition opened a six-day run here<br />

Monday (14). Roy Rogers, who is part<br />

Choctaw, had been named the outstanding<br />

American Indian for 1967 and was featured<br />

in the downtown parade officially opening<br />

the exposition. He was presented with a<br />

leather scroll.<br />

The exposition ran afternoon and evening<br />

performances daily, the evening programs<br />

on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday<br />

including a pageant, "A Scrap of Paper,"<br />

commemorating the 100th anniversary<br />

of the Medicine Lodge Treaty under<br />

which the Plains Indians were to allow<br />

peaceful passage of white settlers.<br />

Tribal dance contests were held Tuesday<br />

night and individual contests Thursday and<br />

Friday. Top prize was $300 for the best<br />

performance in the senior men's division<br />

fancy war dance.<br />

Paul Stonum, who operates the Redskin<br />

and Miller theatres in Anadarko, long has<br />

been a factor in Indian activities in Oklahoma<br />

and is a member of the board of the<br />

Indian Hall of Fame. He was instrumental<br />

in getting Roy Rogers to participate in the<br />

exposition.<br />

Directors Guild Names 2<br />

Executive Officer Aides<br />

From Western Edition<br />

HOLLYWOOD—The Directors Guild of<br />

America has named Don L. Parker and<br />

Barret H. Wetherby as assistants to Joseph<br />

C. Youngerman, national executive secretary.<br />

Both are DGA members and will headquarter<br />

at guild offices here. Parker is a<br />

unit production manager who has worked<br />

in motion pictures since 1938. Wetherby, a<br />

TV associate director, started in the legitimate<br />

theatre in 1949.<br />


221 S. Chuich St., CharMta, N.C.<br />


PHONE FR. 5-77S7<br />

SE-4 BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967


presents<br />


Shipyard Drive-In, Providence, R.I.<br />

One Week, $12,150<br />

Circle Drive-In, Mapleshade, N.J.<br />

1st Week (record breaking), $11,697<br />

Lins-Aire Drive-In, Rockford, III.<br />

One Week (smash), $8,800<br />

Meadow-Glen Drive-ln,<br />

Medford, Mass.<br />

Ist Week (record breaking), $15,444 (holding)<br />

Skyvue Drive-ln, Brockton, Mass.<br />

1st 4 Days (all-time record), $7,300<br />

Bangor Drive-ln, Bangor, Maine<br />

1st Week (all-time record), $7,655<br />

Robinhood & Flamingo Drive-Ins,<br />

Winston-Salem, North Carolina<br />

1st Week (day & date), $13,915<br />

Boulevard Drive-ln, Kansas City, Kansas<br />

One Week (record breaking), $9,400<br />

plus<br />

Krim Theatre, Detroit, Mich.<br />

5 Weeks Gross, $88,133 (still going strong)<br />

jmmended<br />

WMVJRE<br />

for<br />

BAstooNiHENovEiBY SIV HOLIVl<br />


A coproduction of Nordisk Film, Copenhagen and AB Europa Film, Stockholm<br />

Directed by Mac Ahlberg-Distributed by /«4_^ / / CZY.I ,<br />

Distributed by: AUDUBON FILMS, 850 7th Avenue, New York, N.Y., 10019 -Tel. (212) JUdson 6-4913<br />

(Ava Leighton, Gen'l. Sales Mgr.)<br />

BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967 SE-5


Farle Frisard, formerly with Film Inspection<br />

Service, is now connected with<br />

National Screen Service . . . Vacationists<br />

include Ellen Couvillion, teletype operator<br />

for MGM; Calvin Johnson and his wife<br />

Lillian, Film Inspection Service, off to Las<br />

Vegas; Marian Giierin. also of Film Inspection.<br />

Roland Hoffman, Warner Bros. -7 Arts,<br />

and his wife will spend part of their vacation<br />

in Florida and also plan to visit the<br />

Astrodome in Houston to take in a few<br />

baseball games.<br />

Stewart Hamell, who has been with<br />

National<br />

Screen Service in New Orleans, is<br />

being transferred to Atlanta as branch manager.<br />

Also, the Harnells are expecting a visit<br />

from the stork in the near future.<br />

WOMPI news — Jennie Vedros (ABC<br />

Mid-South Theatres) left Friday (18) to<br />

accept a position at the Arkansas Training<br />

School for Boys at Pine Bluff. She will remain<br />

as an associate WOMPI and hopes to<br />

be back in New Orleans for the conven-<br />



Complete Concession Supplies, Candy to Popcorn<br />

"Repair Service tor All Makes!"<br />


2927 Jackson Ave, New Orloara Phono 524-«35«<br />

tion ... A new member is Thelma Allen of<br />

Motion Picture Advertising. Agnes Schindler<br />

will succeed Jennie Vedros as recording<br />

secretary for the club. Audry Robin succeeds<br />

Agnes as extension chairman . . . The<br />

members hosted a game night at St. Anna's<br />

Thursday (17), and entertained at Charity<br />

Hospital Monday night (21). A closed meeting<br />

was scheduled Monday (28) in the Andrew<br />

Jackson Restaurant. Most important<br />

item on the agenda was to be final plans for<br />

the convention. WOMPIs on vacation are<br />

Doris Stevens and Catherine D'Alfonso of<br />

Warner Bros. -7 Arts. They and their families<br />

are planning to visit Atlanta.<br />

For the first time in several weeks, a<br />

number of new pictures opened here. "In<br />

the Heat of the Night" bowed at Loew's<br />

State; "Woman Times Seven" at the Joy;<br />

"A Guide for the Married Man" at the<br />

Saenger Theatre; "The Family Way," Martin<br />

Cinerama. The new twin theatre in town.<br />

Panorama I and II, opened with "Taming<br />

of the Shrew" and "Don't Make Waves."<br />

"The Defector" opened at the Plaza Art<br />

Theatre with "The Brig" and Andy Warhol's<br />

"Job" at the Underground Cinema 12. Multiple<br />

runs were the first run of "Hells Angels<br />

on Wheels" and the return of "El Dorado."<br />

Warner Bros. -Seven Arts' "The Valley<br />

Time Forgot" is being filmed in Almeria,<br />

Spain.<br />

Airer Attendance Drop<br />

Is Attributed to DST<br />

From Southwest Edition<br />

San Antonio—Drive-in owners report<br />

business down about 15 per cent<br />

as a result of Daylight Saving Time,<br />

which is being observed in Texas for<br />

the first time.<br />

"I'd say that we've had a 10 to 15<br />

per cent decline in attendance," said<br />

Frank Whisenant, manager of the<br />

Fredericksburg Road Drive-In, a Stanley<br />

Warner Theatres' unit.<br />

Owners and operators of drive-ins<br />

explain the reason for the decline in<br />

attendance is that the main feature<br />

can't be started until after 9 p.m. because<br />

of the late<br />

daylight.<br />

"And that means that people who<br />

stay for both features don't get home<br />

until 2:30 a.m.—and that's pretty late,"<br />

said Jack Williams, manager of the San<br />

Pedro Twin Outdoor Theatre.<br />

Cisco Drive-In Damaged<br />

From Southwest Edition<br />

CISCO, TEX. — Damage estimated at<br />

$6,000 by Wesley Walker, owner of the Joy<br />

Drive-In, occurred at the outdoor motion<br />

picture theatre Wednesday afternoon (2)<br />

when the screen and part of the fence were<br />

destroyed by fire.<br />

Firemen from Cisco, Eastland and Olden<br />

fought the fire which also burned off 20<br />

acres of grassland near the drive-in, two<br />

miles east of Cisco.<br />

Translation for Paleface:<br />

"Don't waste time with old-fashioned<br />

way sending message. BEST way to<br />

SELL used equipment, find HELP, SELL<br />

or BUY theatres, is with<br />


You get year-round service."<br />

RATES: 20c per word, minimum $2.00, ccsh with copy. Four consecutiv* iniertioni for price of throe<br />

BOXOFFICE, 825 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 64124<br />

Please insert the following ad times in the CLEARING HOUSE<br />

Classification<br />

Encloied is check or money order for $ (Blind ods 12( extra)<br />

SF-B BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967

'<br />

Theatre<br />

1<br />

town<br />

! of<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I who<br />

I<br />

><br />

ized<br />

;<br />


'Dr. Faustus' Premiere<br />

Set at Oxford, England<br />

From Eostern Edition<br />

NEW YORK—The Richard Burton "Dr.<br />

Faustus," based on the Christopher Marlowe<br />

play and which will feature Elizabeth<br />

Taylor as "Helen of Troy," will have its<br />

world premiere at the ABC Cinema in Oxford,<br />

England, on October 15. Shortly after<br />

the world premiere, a benefit for The<br />

League of Friends of the Nuffield Orthopaedic<br />

Centre at Oxford University, the<br />

film will commence its regular engagement<br />

in London. Burton co-directed with Nevill<br />

Coghill, who also wrote the screen treatment<br />

of the<br />

16th century classic.<br />


(Continued from page SE-1)<br />

Grace, a Catholic nun, who is hospitalized<br />

in Miami.<br />

Byron Adams, United Artists branch<br />

manager, has succeded Robert Farber, Stein<br />

Theatres executive, as chairman of the annual<br />

golf tournament scheduled each Veterans'<br />

Day, November 11, by the distributors,<br />

exhibitors. To be held at the Jacksonville<br />

Beach Golf and Country Club, it will be<br />

followed by a banquet in the club's dining<br />

room and by the presentation of prizes to<br />

participants in the tourney. Assisting Adams<br />

with arrangements are Dave Harris, Paramount<br />

booker, and Jennings Easley, MGM<br />

booker.<br />

Sunny Greenwood, former local Universal<br />

booker, who received a promotion to the<br />

company's print department in New York,<br />

has been accepted into membership by the<br />

New York WOMPI group.<br />

Evolution of a name: The former Twin<br />

Hills Drive-In here had its name changed to<br />

the Playboy-Twin Hills when Preston Henn<br />

acquired the outdoorer from Cecil Cohen.<br />

Now it is the Playboy Drive-In with an<br />

adults only policy.<br />

"The Sand Pebbles'" rolled into a strong<br />

fourth week at Kent's Plaza Rocking Chair<br />

and "Divorce AMERICAN Style"<br />

had its north Florida premiere at Meisel-<br />

. . . man's Town and Country The down-<br />

Florida had a successful sneak preview<br />

of "Don't Make Waves" during its run<br />

"Luv."<br />

Orris H. Young, an lATSE projectionist<br />

was forced to retire because of a<br />

chronic heart ailment, died while hospitalin<br />

Bethesda, Md.<br />

James Franciscus stars in Warner Bros.-<br />

Seven Arts" "The "Valley Time Forgot."<br />

MIAMI<br />

Qerald F. Whaley, director of public affairs<br />

of Wometco Enterprises, has been<br />

appointed chairman of the entertainment division<br />

of the Dade County United Fund fall<br />

campaign.<br />

November 9 has been confirmed as the<br />

world premiere of Frank Sinatra's "Tony<br />

Rome" here where the picture was made.<br />

The opening will be in a Wometco theatre.<br />

Sinatra is preparing for "The Detectives,"<br />

and two weeks' filming will be in New York<br />

A sequel to<br />

before the "Tony Rome" affair.<br />

"Rome" also will be filmed in Miami, but<br />

is not expected to get under way until February<br />

or March.<br />

Richard Rossman of the Loew's 170th<br />

Street Theatre was struck on the head and<br />

robbed of $2,500 in receipts as he walked<br />

from his car to a bank for a night deposit<br />

Monday (14).<br />

Charles S. Ozburn, 62, former theatre<br />

manager and owner, died Monday (14). He<br />

had lived here 43 years. From 1932 to<br />

1941, he managed the State Theatre. From<br />

then until 1944, he managed the Rosetta<br />

and Grove theatres for Wometco. Later he<br />

owned and operated the Edison Theatre at<br />

Little River. For the last nine years he had<br />

been associated with the Morse National<br />

Car Rental Agency. He leaves a daughter,<br />

a sister and two grandsons.<br />

Although "Camelot" will not open at the<br />

Lincoln Theatre until November 7 and the<br />

70mm version of "Gone With the Wind"<br />

not until November 14 at the Beach Theatre,<br />

ticket requests are coming into the<br />

theatres. Sales of reserved seats for both<br />

films will not begin until mid-October, about<br />

three weeks before playdate, the managers<br />

said.<br />

Herb Kelly of the Miami News, pointing<br />

out "THE BIBLE ... In the Beginning" and<br />

"The Gospel According to St. Matthew"<br />

did not do as well here as expected, said the<br />

James Bonder "Casino Royale," Jane Fonda<br />

nudies and others stressing sex and violence<br />

are boxoffice whoppers."<br />

Former University of Miami students<br />

were much in the news last week. Michael<br />

Dunn, formerly Gary Miller, who earned<br />

an Academy Award nomination for his role<br />

as the philosophical dwarf in "Ship of<br />

Fools," is set to co-star with Elizabeth Taylor,<br />

Richard Burton and Noel Coward in<br />

"Boom," a Tennessee Williams screenplay<br />

from his own "The Milk Train Doesn't Stop<br />

Here Any More." Dunn will play a sadistic<br />

bodyguard to Miss Taylor, who portrays a<br />

retired beauty who lives on a Mediterranean<br />

island.<br />

Another UM alumnus Jerry Herman,<br />

writer of the current "Mame" and "Hello,<br />

Dolly!" reportedly turned down $2'/i million<br />

plus percentages for the screen rights<br />

to "Mame." And Anthony Eisley, whose<br />

first name was Bill when he attended UM<br />

and is perhaps best known for his "Hawaiian<br />

Eye" exposure on television, is playing<br />

a Gertrude Lawrence suitor in "Star!"<br />

in which Julie Andrews is top billed.<br />

G. S. Caporal Plans<br />

3-Theatre Complex<br />

From Southwest Edition<br />

OKLAHOMA CITY—The Riviera Drive-<br />

In, which George Sam Caporal is building<br />

in the Capitol Hill section, is only the first<br />

stage of a $2,000,000 master plan which<br />

includes two 1,000-seat theatres and a shopping<br />

mall for the Southwest 59 and Santa Fe<br />

site.<br />

This expansion of the construction project<br />

was revealed in an Oklahoma Journal story<br />

Wednesday (9) reporting that the airer is<br />

being readied for opening late this month.<br />

Caporal told the Journal that the concessions<br />

and service building at the rear of the<br />

ramp area of the 1,000-car drive-in is to be<br />

expanded to house two de luxe theatres and<br />

that a 30,000 square-foot shopping center<br />

will complete the project.<br />

"The placing of a single<br />

service and concessions<br />

building at the rear of the car lot<br />

will eliminate any disturbing lights or noise<br />

from the projection or concessions area<br />

coming between patrons and the screen."<br />

Lighted speaker posts and a lighted walkway<br />

will eliminate the necessity for patrons<br />

to dodge speaker cords when walking between<br />

cars to get to the service area, Caporal<br />

added.<br />

George Sam Caporal already operates the<br />

Yale Theatre in the Capitol Hill area. His<br />

father Sam and brothers Pete and Chris<br />

Caporal have the Cinema Mayflower and<br />

the Skyview Drive-In.<br />

Free Stagecoach Rides<br />

From New England Edition<br />

TORRINGTON, CONN. — Don Heilbrun,<br />

manager of the Lockwood & Gordon<br />

Torrington Drive-In, hosted free stagecoach<br />

rides "manned" by Annie Oakley, in<br />

conjunction with the northwestern Connecticut<br />

opening of "The War Wagon."<br />

in Georgia—Rhodes Sound & Projection Serrice, Savannah—355-1321<br />

CARBONS, Inc.<br />

' ' ' ^^Box K, Cedor Knolls, N<br />

m Florida—Joe Homstein, Inc., 273 W. Flogler St., Miami, Fla.<br />

FRonklin 3-3502<br />

:: August 28, 1967 SE-7

—<br />

—<br />

.<br />

Today, Americans hold over<br />

$49 Billion in U. S. Savings Bonds . .<br />

enough to buy 140 million color TV sets<br />

Get the picture? Two color TV's for every household<br />

and then some. That's reserve buying power. For consumer<br />

purchases, for new homes and equipment, this<br />

buying power translates ambitions into dollars-and-cents<br />

realities and provides a continuous stimulus to the<br />

American economy.<br />

Every week, millions of workers put aside a small<br />

amount from each paycheck through the Payroll Savings<br />

Plan for U. S. Savings Bonds. Painlessly, systematically,<br />

these savings add up.<br />

When you bring the Payroll Savings Plan into your<br />

plant when you encourage your employees to enroll—<br />

you're taking part in a mighty sound investment. An investment<br />

that has been paying dividends to employers and<br />

employees alike—and to a stronger and safer America<br />

—for the past twenty-five years.<br />

Contact your State Savings Bonds<br />

Director. He can give you complete<br />

information on installing and promoting<br />

the Payroll Savings Plan in<br />

your plant. Or write today to the<br />

Treasury Department, United States<br />

Savings Bonds Division, Washington,<br />

D.C. 20226.<br />

as vEAns OF<br />

Star-Spangled t<br />

Security •<br />

* • * * *<br />

^S§i<br />


in your plant... promote the PAYROLL SAVINGS PLAN for U.S. SAVINGS BONDS<br />

t^J)<br />

• The U.S. Government does not pay for this adrerllsemenl. It is presented as a public service in cooperation with the Treasury Department and The Advertising Council. •<br />

SE-8 BOXOFFICE :; August 28, 1967

I<br />

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ceremonies,<br />

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will<br />

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entertainment<br />

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I<br />

I<br />

Bank.<br />

;<br />

Lee<br />

[<br />

Lloyd<br />

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Hayes,<br />

' and<br />

.<br />

Salesman Again on Road<br />

For 20th-Fox Exchange<br />

Oklahoma City — For the first<br />

time ill several years, 20th Century-<br />

Fox has a film salesman working "on<br />

the road" out of its Oklahoma City<br />

exchange.<br />

M. E. "Hank" Yowell, the Company's<br />

OC branch manager, felt that<br />

with so many top-notch products, current<br />

and upcoming, there was definite<br />

need in this territory for a traveling<br />

salesman.<br />

Filling the assignment, as of Monday<br />

(21) is Chris Pardo, who came to<br />

the Oklahoma City exchange from the<br />

company's Atlanta office, where he had<br />

worked for several months as a salesman<br />

following his transfer from New<br />

York. Pardo began his association with<br />

the company as a student salesman in<br />

the New York exchange.<br />

Two-Screen Theatre<br />

For Porl Arthur Men<br />

PORT ARTHUR, TEX.—This Sabine<br />

area is going to be treated to a new design<br />

in motion picture theatre construction by<br />

Park Place Plaza Theatre, a company composed<br />

of Port Arthur businessmen. Featuring<br />

Spanish decor, a dual-auditorium complex<br />

is under construction on a site in the<br />

block on 36th Street for a February 1<br />

grand opening.<br />

Bonner Phares. company president who<br />

presided at the August 7 ground-breaking<br />

declared that the new facility<br />

be dedicated to providing family film<br />

in comfortable surroundings.<br />

One auditorium will seat 1,000 patrons: the<br />

other, 500. The two seating areas will be<br />

under one roof and will be served by a<br />

common lobby and concessions installation.<br />

parking will be available since the<br />

site consists of six acres.<br />

The dual-theatre is jointly financed by the<br />

Merchants National Bank, Port Arthur Savings<br />

& Loan Ass'n and the First National<br />

Other officers are Joe Hayes, Burt<br />

and C. Larry Fontana, vice-presidents;<br />

Hayes, secretary-treasurer, and Roy<br />

member of the board. Roy Hayes<br />

R. L. Scott are joint contractors for the<br />

! building.<br />

Gus Edwards is the local architect for the<br />

project.<br />

NS Appoints Bob Watson<br />

To Dallas Sales Post<br />

DALLAS—Bob Watson has been named<br />

sales representative in the National Screen<br />

office here. His appointment was announced<br />

in New York by Milton Feinberg, NS general<br />

sales manager.<br />

Watson returns to National Screen after<br />

an absence of one year and will work under<br />

James A. Prichard, Dallas branch manager.<br />

$800,000 Cargill in Longview, Tex.,<br />

Being Built for Easf Texas Circuit<br />

LONGVIEW, TEX.—Ground was broken<br />

Monday (7) by Robert Cargill for an<br />

SS00,000 theatre which he will lease to East<br />

Texas Theatres, a subsidiary of the Jefferson<br />

Amusement Co. of Beaumont. To be known<br />

as the Cargill TTieatre. it is expected to be<br />

ready for its premiere presentation by December<br />

2 1<br />

"It will be the most beautiful and modern<br />

theatre in the East Texas area," Carl D.<br />

Levy, president of East Texas Theatres,<br />

declared at the ground-breaking ceremonies.<br />

"We intend to operate this theatre with the<br />

same sense of responsibility and the same<br />

attention to the public interest as we have<br />

operated all our theatres in this area, bringing<br />

to our patrons the finest in motion picture<br />

entertainment.<br />

In addition to Levy and Cargill, other<br />

ground-breaking program speakers were<br />

J. S. "Jim" Witt, mayor of Longview; Sam<br />

E. Tanner of Beaumont, vice-president of<br />

East Texas Theatres, and Johnny Cace,<br />

president of the Longview Chamber of<br />

Commerce.<br />

The Cargill will be under the supervision<br />

of Robert Lugenbuhl, circuit district manager,<br />

and will be managed by J. J. Gillham.<br />

city manager of Longview theatres.<br />

Covering 23,000 square feet of floor<br />

space, the single-level Cargill will be of steel,<br />

brick and concrete combined in contemporary<br />

style. The screen—92 feet wide, 32 feet<br />

six inches high — will have a 43-minute<br />

radius and provide 120-degree viewing,<br />

makina it the largest in East Texas. The<br />


T. Bohling, El Paso manager for<br />

Trans-Texas Theatres, and Raquel<br />

Welch, star of "Fathom," exchange<br />

notes about the film's world premiere<br />

of the film at the Capri Theatre in Dallas.<br />

Bohling later held the southwest<br />

Texas premiere of the film at El Paso's<br />

Capri Theatre and praised Miss Welch<br />

for her cooperation in setting up the<br />

advertising and promotion for the El<br />

Paso showing.<br />

screen construction and material are planned<br />

to be suitable for any type of film or closedcircuit<br />

projection, including CinemaScope<br />

and 70mm pictures.<br />

The extra-large lobby is to be decorated<br />

in gold vinyl and will be fully carpeted,<br />

equipped with spacious mirrors installed at<br />

intervals for maximum effect, and feature<br />

an ultramodern Continental open counter.<br />

The fully draped auditorium will provide<br />

comfort seating installed on wide rows, with<br />

a capacity of 1,368 patrons. Interior dimmer<br />

systems will make possible light control for<br />

various types of pictures and effects.<br />

The theatre was designed by Allen &<br />

Quinn, Longview architects. L. C. Kyburz<br />

of Beaumont was consulting architect. The<br />

prime contractor is Temple & Associates,<br />

Longview, Drew Woods of Longview and<br />

Carthage is the air-conditioning subcontractor,<br />

while Wilson Henderson has the<br />

electrical subcontract.<br />

In addition to Levy and Tanner, other<br />

East Texas Theatres officials include E. D.<br />

Hayle, vice-president; M. L. Wertheim,<br />

secretary-treasurer; Richard M. Jack, director,<br />

and Kvburz.<br />

Fort Worth Scott Theatre<br />

Plans 2nd Film Series<br />

FORT WORTH — The second<br />

annual<br />

Fine Film Series will open September 1 1 at<br />

the Scott Theatre with a 50-year-old film<br />

classic, "A Day With Chaplin."<br />

The movie, which combines four of<br />

Chaplin's greatest works, is the first in a<br />

lineup of ten classics featuring foreign and<br />

domestic works. Admission to the series is<br />

by season subscription only.<br />

Other movies scheduled to be shown on<br />

Mondays during the season will include:<br />

"Oscar Wilde," story of a controversial<br />

writer at the height of his fame; "Easy<br />

Life," with Vittorio Gassman and Catherine<br />

Spaak; "The Shop on Main Street," a story<br />

that deals with two people in Czechoslovakia<br />

in the war years; Laurence Olivier's<br />

"Henry V"; "Seance on a Wet Afternoon";<br />

Garbo's first comedy role," "Ninotchka"; a<br />

Polish film, "Knife in the Water"; "Blue<br />

Murder at St. Trinian's," a comedy, and<br />

"High Infidelity," a group of four Italian<br />

films.<br />

Marine Corps League Gives<br />

Award to Lee Marvin<br />

From Central Edition<br />

KANSAS CITY—Academy Award-winning<br />

actor Lee Marvin, World War II marine<br />

and Purple Heart winner, was presented<br />

the National Headquarters Marine Corps<br />

League's Iron Mike award here Saturday<br />

night (19) in ceremonies to close the league's<br />

three-day convention.<br />

Gen. Lew Walt, who just returned from<br />

Vietnam where he was commander of the<br />

Marine Corps forces, presented the award<br />

to Marvin.<br />

BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967 SW-1

—<br />

'<br />

^^Bo»<br />

—<br />


Worate Clark, president ol the United Theiitie<br />

Owners of Oklahoma and the Pan-<br />

meeting<br />

handle of Texas, has called the first<br />

of the officers and board of directors for<br />

1967-1968. The conference will be held at<br />

noon Monday, September 11, in the Oklahoma<br />

Room of the Black Hotel. All officers<br />

and board members should take notice and<br />

Clark said that he would like to have as<br />

near 100 per cent attendance as possible.<br />

All exhibitors who are in town that day are<br />

invited to he guests at the luncheon. As<br />

•Sam Brunk, UTOO executive secretary,<br />

put it, "We might even pay for your lunch."<br />

Exhibitors visiting Filnirow recently were<br />

Virby Conley, Ellis and Ranger, Perryton,<br />

Tex.; R. O. "Dick" Thompson, Thompson<br />

theatres, Healdton, Lindsay and Walters; H.<br />

D. Cox, Caddo, Binger; R. M. Downing,<br />

Crown, Collinsville; Milan G. Steele, Buffalo<br />

and Lakeside, Pawnee; J. D. Oliver and<br />

his manager Bill Starr, AUred and Pryor<br />

theatres, Pryor; R. E. Fritts and daughter<br />

Cheryl, Alamo and Longhorn theatres. Marlow,<br />

accompanied by O. L. Smith, who recently<br />

transferred the Marlow theatres to<br />

Fritts; Mr. and Mrs. T. V. McDowell, Bison,<br />

Buffalo, conversing with buyer and booker<br />

Athel Boyter.<br />

By the time this column is being read in<br />

Oklahoma City and the trade territory, your<br />

correspondent will have attended the 42nd<br />

annual assembly of the descendants of<br />

James and Thomas Brunk. James was the<br />

great-grandfather of your correspondent<br />

and this reunion will be the first ever attended<br />

by any of our immediate family. The<br />

celebration is held at the Bloomfield Park in<br />

Bloomfield, Iowa, and several hundred persons<br />

regularly show up.<br />

It was a treat for your correspondent to<br />

see Dale Evans again, when she paid a surprise<br />

visit to the Oklahoma City school for<br />

mentally retarded children which bears her<br />

name. When this writer (Sam Brunk) was<br />

chief barker of Variety Tent 22 in 1954,<br />

Dale Evans and her famous husband Roy<br />

Rogers were here for the ground-breaking<br />


appreciate the prompt and efficient shop<br />

work they get at the Oklahoma Theatre<br />

Supply."<br />

"Your Complett Equipmtnl Heust"<br />


628 Wn« Grand Ofclahoma City<br />

for the school. As chief barker, 1 was privileged<br />

to be among those on the speakers'<br />

stand and to share in the ceremonies by<br />

turning a shovelful of earth. The visit this<br />

month marked the first time Dale Evans<br />

had seen the school since it was completed.<br />

She came into Oklahoma City while Roy<br />

was in Anadarko to take part in the Indian<br />

conclave.<br />

Carole Kay Slepka, daughter of Mr.<br />

and<br />

Mrs. Bill Slepka of Okemah, has gone to<br />

Germany to teach in<br />

the primary grades at<br />

*y « a military base<br />

||^„m school. She was select-<br />

_. ajp-^ ^' 1 ed for the assignment<br />

by the Department of<br />

^4^<br />

'^^<br />

i^-*^ y<br />

Defense, after all applicants<br />

w for the posi-<br />

best qualified teacher.<br />

Carole Slepka<br />

When asked why she<br />

had applied for the<br />

overseas teaching job, Carole told the Okemah<br />

Daily Leader "I have always wanted<br />

to do this since I was in college but the twoyear<br />

experience requirement had kept me<br />

from doing so until now. This seems like<br />

tion had been<br />

screened to find the<br />

a dream come true." She commented that<br />

while most of her time must be devoted to<br />

her teaching duties she intended to see as<br />

much of the country as possible during vacations<br />

and on weekends. She probably will<br />

return home next July. Her parents own<br />

and operate the Crystal Theatre and the<br />

Jewel Drive-In in Okemah.<br />

Thumbnail sketches of Bob Busch and<br />

Maurice Ferris, Oklahoma City exhibitors,<br />

appeared in the Oklahoma Journal Monday<br />

(14), together with photos of each man. For<br />

those who missed these interesting sketches,<br />

we'll quote them in<br />

full;<br />

Bob Busch, manager of the Villa Theatre,<br />

has been active in Oklahoma City theatre<br />

business since 1929. He started his city theatre<br />

involvement with Warner Bros, as assistant<br />

manager of the Midwest Theatre. He<br />

later served as suburban manager of the<br />

Ritz, Victoria and Plaza theatres.<br />

In 1941, Busch joined Charles Ferris to<br />

open the then new Uptown Theatre. During<br />

the years prior to joining Ferris, Busch<br />

handled special promotions for the theatre<br />

and served as treasurer of all monies for the<br />

full engagement of the first run of "Gone<br />

With the Wind," which opened in the Midwest<br />

and moved to the Tower.<br />

Ferris and Busch opened the Warner<br />

Theatre for special roadshows, which were<br />

booked for one-to-two-week engagements.<br />

Busch is considered by many to be a born<br />

merchandiser. He says that his greatest satisfaction<br />

comes from obtaining the biggest<br />

and best motion pictures and properly presenting<br />

them to thousands of Oklahoma<br />

moviegoers for their enjoyment.<br />

To present Hollywood's biggest and best<br />

motion pictures a new Villa Theatre is being<br />

planned.<br />

Maurice Ferris, whose father Charles<br />

founded the Villa, is present owner of the<br />

theatre. Born and reared in Oklahoma City,<br />

he graduated from Classen High School in<br />

1953 and received his BFA degree in design<br />

in 1957 from the University of Oklahoma.<br />

He spent three years at the Amarillo Air<br />

Force Base with the rank of captain. He is<br />

executive secretary of Ferris Enterprises,<br />

which operates the Cinema-70, Edmond<br />

Plaza, Hollywood, Uptown and Villa. His<br />

wife Barbara also is from Oklahoma City<br />

and a graduate of Classen High School and<br />

the University of Oklahoma. They have two<br />

boys—Mark, 7, and Brent, 4.<br />

Tulsa Art House Repairs<br />

Damage After Explosion<br />

TULSA — The Paris Art Theatre, 18<br />

South Main St., damaged in an explosion<br />

shortly after midnight Thursday (17) is being<br />

repaired and will reopen soon, according<br />

to an ad in the Sunday (20) Tulsa World.<br />

Fire chief Stanley Hawkins said that the<br />

explosive charge apparently was thrown<br />

upon the top of the ticket cage, just below<br />

the marquee. The resulting explosion blew<br />

upward and inward toward the projection<br />

room, hurling broken glass over a wide area,<br />

setting off burglar alarms in nearby business<br />

buildings and creating bedlam among people<br />

residing in neighborhood apartments.<br />

Jose A. Ramirez, a Cuban refugee, is<br />

manager of the theatre.<br />

Avon Denies Zone Permit<br />

For Move by STV Studio<br />

From New England Edition<br />

HARTFORD—An application by RKO<br />

General to move studios of WHCT-TV, the<br />

subscription television outlet here, from 555<br />

Asylum St., Hartford, to its three-acre<br />

transmitter site, Deercliff Road in suburban<br />

Avon, has been rejected by the Avon<br />

planning and zoning commission.<br />

A commission spokesman said that RKO<br />

General's plans were not in accordance with<br />

the town's comprehensive plan of development<br />

and not in the best interests of the<br />

neighborhood.<br />

CARBONS, Inc. U-<br />

K, Cedar KnaUt, NJ<br />

"'i^^u ^ mote — ^(A in tAc ^onc'<br />

in Oklahoma—OKLAHOMA THEATRE SUPPLY CO., Oklahoma City<br />

CE 6-8691<br />

NATIONAL THEATRE SUPPLY, 700 West Sheridan, Oklohoma<br />

City—CE 2-0203<br />

in Texas—MODERN SALES & SERVICE, INC., 2200 Young St., Dallos—<br />

Riverside 7-3191<br />

TEXAS PROJECTOR CARBON, Dallas—Riverside 1-3S07<br />

SW-2 BOXOFFICE August 28, 1967

I<br />


...This is it!<br />

'^<br />

perfection in<br />

optical sound<br />

pick-upt<br />

\ With ANAPFET, Century now brings you the ultimate in hi-fidelity sound. ANAPFET is an<br />

; entirely new approach to sound reproduction, wedding the concept of the anamorphic lens<br />

/ with the recent innovation of PFET, the photosensitive, field-effect, transistor. The result is<br />

an optical sound system that surpasses everything to date, superseding photoelectric cells,<br />

solar cells, and even our own PFET, the springboard to this superlative new achievement in<br />

sound.<br />

ANAPFET—now standard on all Century<br />

adaptable<br />

sound equipment and quickly<br />

to existing Century systems—offers you<br />

these many advantages:<br />


PERMANENT. As shown: a small, compact<br />

component that is an integral part of the<br />

solid-state Century sound system. It contains<br />

within itself the anamorphic lens<br />

and the PFET.<br />


installed in the sound head, fixed at a<br />

permanent setting to give its characteristic<br />

peak hi-tidelity performance. Bothersome<br />

hairline adjustments are wholly<br />

eliminated.<br />


LEVEL — GREATER OUTPUT. 0.35 Volts<br />

without a pre-amp. Signal to noise ratio<br />

is 75 Db, extending the possible range of<br />

volume for theatre operation about 40 Db<br />

greater than systems heretofore available<br />

— or, expressed arithmetically, about<br />

10,000 times.<br />

The excellence of Century CINE-FOCUS" Projection is now matched by Century ANAPFET In sound,<br />

affording you the superlative best in projection and sound for today's modern theatre. If you have not<br />

already done so, investigate CINE-FOCUS film stabilized, controlled focus projection, hailed by theatre<br />

owners and projectionists everywhere as "incomparable". At the same time, get complete details on<br />

our new ANAPFET. In sound projection, it is^the greatest!<br />

*Trademork of Cenlury Projector Corporotion<br />

^&#S%<br />


New York, N.Y. 10019<br />

Hardin Theatre Supply Co.<br />

714 South Hampton Road<br />

Dallas, Texas 75211<br />

Oklahoma Theatre Supply Co.<br />

628 West Grand Ave.<br />

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102<br />

Modern Sales & Service, Inc.<br />

2200 Young Street<br />

Dollas, Texas 75201<br />

:: August 28, 1967 SW-3

DALLAS<br />

.<br />

Jl^lfred N. Sack, president of Sack Amusement<br />

Dealer, but insist on sur serving your needs.<br />



.<br />

J^OU Sales & Service Co. rw « i<br />


ten<br />

r\V II<br />

4207 Lawnview Ave. ^ i nSi<br />

KfflfalterS Oallas, Texas 75227 ^^ ^""^''^ 2200 Young St. Rl 7-3191 Dallas<br />

Hospital, Galveston, for major surgery . .<br />

Enterprises, was placed in the Dorothy Mealer, Paramount booker, is on<br />

intensive care imit at Baylor Hospital vacation at home, keeping house and getting<br />

meals for her husband Tommie . . .<br />

Wednesday evening (16) following a heart<br />

attack. However, by Sunday morning (20) Rosemary White, WOMPI social secretary<br />

his condition had improved and he was and former secretary to MGM branch manager<br />

Louis Weber, and her family were<br />

moved to a private room. No doubt he<br />

would he most pleased to receive cards and moving into a new home at 6945 Kenwood.<br />

words of encouragement while hospitalized.<br />

Herald Goodman, who was manager of<br />

The husband of Katherine Brown, Columbia<br />

the Denton Road Drive-In up until April<br />

staffer, is recuperating at home from the when he became manager of the Carrollton<br />

injuries he received in a fall while at work. Chamber of Commerce, was given feature<br />

His spirits are good and he is doing quite treatment in the Thursday (17) Dallas<br />

well.<br />

Times Herald by staff writer Jim Featherston.<br />

A three-column photo pictured<br />

Willard Cunningham, Paramount's assistant<br />

cashier, returned to her desk Monday movie he made back in the late "SOs and ear-<br />

Goodman examining stills from a western<br />

(21) after a three-week vacation in Mexico.<br />

ly "405, while the Featherston article reviewed<br />

Goodman's show business career which<br />

She sent a card to the office from Mexico<br />

but everyone was awaiting her return to began in 1919. It was in 1939, Featherston<br />

find out what the card said . . . Margaret related, that Goodman organized the Saddle<br />

Walsh, secretary to branch manager Roy Mountain Round-Up program that led to<br />

Smith, also was back on the job Monday him being cast in "Springtime in Texas,"<br />

(21), after three weeks in Canada, where starring the Range Busters (Crash Corrigan,<br />

she visited relatives and friends. Margaret<br />

Johnnie King and Max Terhune).<br />

is treasurer of the Dallas WOMPI Club and Goodman's long career has included minstrel<br />

shows, the old lyceum circuit, radio,<br />

found a number of items needing her immediate<br />

attention when she arrived home. vaudeville, movies, television and drive-in<br />

theatre<br />

Mrs.<br />

management. Son of<br />

Clyde Howell,<br />

an Illinois<br />

whose husband operates<br />

the Crystal Theatre in Ralls and the<br />

preacher, he said that "My father was hoping<br />

for a herald angel but he sure didn't get<br />

Chieftain in Crosbyton, is in John Seely<br />

one" but that "hope" did account for the<br />

unusual spelling of Goodman's first name.<br />

Among his talents is song-writing, perhaps<br />

/tHTIMII!rrx<br />

his best-known song being "Lamp Lighting<br />

- IP...... IP.LM ^ ^ Time in the Valley."<br />

,<br />

Keitoi-e - l^ebuiid - fsepaii<br />

Projection<br />

Half-Year, Quarterly Nets<br />

For Coca-Cola Hit Peak<br />

Fromm New England<br />

Edition<br />

Equipment<br />

ATLANTA — Retuiu Record caiinug^ earnings lui for the<br />


Coca-Cola Co. for the second quarter<br />

You can send your equipment through your Supply<br />

Stonoora<br />

MONTAY<br />


The Montoy Standard Speaker has earned its<br />

reputation for quality by providing many years<br />

of dependable service.<br />

The Montay Re-Entry Speaker gives unrivaled<br />

protection from damage by vandalism and<br />

weather while delivering new and surprisingly<br />

» e tfv<br />

clear sound Qualities. Modd<br />

Rugged Die Cast Aluminum—Exceptionally Low In<br />

Price<br />

MONTAY CO. -PC box 21-Cuthbert, Ga.-Tei. 732-2501 Area Code 912<br />

AFTER 68 YEARS—L. F. Dickson,<br />

left, receives his round-trip plane tickets<br />

from Ed Moore, Braniff district<br />

sales manager, as his prize in Tom<br />

Thumb Supermarkets' "Barefoot in the<br />

Park" contest in Dallas. Dickson won a<br />

weekend in New 'Vork at the Americana<br />

Hotel. Upon winning, Dickson remarked,<br />

"I've been waiting 68 years<br />

for this."<br />

first half of 1967 were announced here by<br />

J. Paul Austin, president, following a meeting<br />

of the board of directors.<br />

Net profit for the second quarter, the<br />

three months ending June 30, after provisions<br />

for reserves, income taxes and all other<br />

charges, was $27,112,920, as compared to<br />

$24,082,201 for the second quarter of 1966.<br />

Per share earnings for the second quarter<br />

were 95 cents as compared to $.84 per share<br />

for the second quarter of<br />

1966, an increase<br />

of 13 per cent.<br />

Net profit for the first half of 1967 was<br />

$46,957,833, also a record high for this<br />

period, as compared to $41,348,548 for the<br />

first half of 1966. Earnings per share for the<br />

first half were $1.65 as compared to $1.45<br />

per share for the first half of 1966, an<br />

increase of 14 per cent.<br />

Provision for income taxes for the second<br />

quarter was $27,505,000, and for the full<br />

six months. $44,625,000.<br />

The directors declared a quarterly dividend<br />

of 52Vi cents per share, payable on<br />

October 2, to stockholders of record at the<br />

close of business September 14.<br />

Censor Review Not Strict<br />

In Upcoming Film Festival<br />

From Canadian Edition<br />

VANCOUVER — Entries in the tenth<br />

Vancouver International Film Festival,<br />

which at one time were exempt from censorship,<br />

will be reviewed by the provincial<br />

film censor R. W. McDonald.<br />

Attorney general Robert Bonner said in<br />

making the announcement that McDonald<br />

will show leniency and will not be as strict<br />

as when he reviews non-festival<br />

films.<br />

SW-4 BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967

i<br />

I<br />

e-i^t^m ^^<br />

TURN IT ON<br />



^<br />






$13,042.<br />

$ 6,975.<br />

$ 6,550.<br />

$ 5,852.<br />

$4,101.<br />

$ 5,900.<br />

$ 4,852.<br />

$ 3,951.<br />

$ 3,948.<br />

$ 5,023.<br />


\Lonsdale, R.L<br />


Berlin, Conn.<br />


Utica, N.Y.<br />


Worcester, Mass.<br />


Medford, Mass.<br />


Newport, R.I.<br />


Tewksbury. Mass.<br />


Canton, Mass.<br />


Salisbury, Mass.<br />

RTE. 44 D-I<br />

Smithfield, R<br />

-IN^<br />

,i(<br />

|66flSSEBMII6feU*:<br />

yfsisisisif<br />

PARENTS:<br />

IF YOU DON'T<br />




PICTURE!<br />


NOW<br />

>R GENERAL<br />



r-J^JTM^IFWW<br />

Executive Producers ... Gil Atamian, Harry Novak I<br />

Produced and Directed by . . . Peter Perry ]<br />

\[^^niericarL\^A}iyniernaJtionaL®<br />

'>...,.v<br />


.<br />

. . Audiences<br />






in<br />



(First Run Rcporti)<br />

EXfflBITOR HAS fflS<br />


SAY<br />


*<br />



#<br />


*<br />


TJay Boriski, owner and operator of the<br />

Alray Theatre, has listed 13 films, U.S.<br />

and foreign, for a film festival which opened<br />

August 22 and will run through September<br />

18. Included are "Lord of the Flies"<br />

(British); "The Pawnbrokers" (U.S.) with<br />

Rod Steiger; "King and Country" (British)<br />

with Dirk Bogarde and Tom Courtenay;<br />

"Loves of a Blonde" (Czech); "High and<br />

Low" (Japanese) with Toshiro Mifune; Federico<br />

Fellini's "S'/z" (Italian); "The Idiot"<br />

(French) with the late Gerard Phillipe and<br />

Edwige Fevillere; another Fellini, "Juliet of<br />

the Spirits," "One-Eyed Jacks," the Marlon<br />

Brando western; "Zorba the Greek" (U.S.-<br />

Greek) with Anthony Quinn; "War and<br />

Peace" (U.S.), the 1956 version with Audrey<br />

Hepburn and Mel Ferrer; "Phaedra" (U.S.-<br />

"off-nights".<br />

Write today for complete<br />

details.<br />

^S*^<br />

e<br />

WAHOO<br />

boxoffice attraction<br />

busint<br />

ing or car capacity.<br />

Be sure to give seat*<br />


3750 Oakton St. • Skokie, Illinois<br />

Southwestern Theatre Equipment Co., Inc.<br />


CAPITOL 2-9461<br />

1702 RHik Ave. Houston 2, Toxot<br />

"Wo Approcioto Your ButliMot"<br />

Your Complet* Equipment and Supply House<br />

Greek) with Melina Mercouri and "David<br />

and Lisa" (U.S.).<br />

Gene Tierney, former Hollywood film<br />

star, and her husband, oilman Howard Lee,<br />

have returned to their home in Houston following<br />

a trip to Europe . at<br />

the Alabama Theatre are standing and applauding<br />

at the end of each showing of "To<br />

Sir, With Love," the film in which Sidney<br />

Poitier portrays a young teacher from<br />

Guyana who subdues the hostile students<br />

in a tough East End school in London.<br />

"The Way West" opened Thursday (17)<br />

at 16 local theatres— five indoor situations<br />

and 1 1 drive-ins—in its exclusive first<br />

Houston showing . . . Houston will open a<br />

roadshow engagement of "The Happiest<br />

Millionaire," the Walt Disney film October<br />

11. The opening showing will be a benefit<br />

performance for the California Institute of<br />

the Arts, a project which was near to the<br />

heart of the late Walt Disney.<br />

Meyerland Plaza, one of the city's large<br />

shopping areas, sponsored a Meyerland<br />

Plaza free back-to-school movie Saturday<br />

(19) at 10:30 a.m. at Meyerland Cinema<br />

I and II. The film was "Houdini,"<br />

starring Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh. Free<br />

tickets were available at a special booth at<br />

the shopping center from 9 until 10:30<br />

a.m., with each youngster required to ask<br />

for his own ticket. The age limit was up to<br />

16, with 1,500 tickets available on a firstcome,<br />

first-served basis.<br />

The Sunday night film series of the<br />

Jewish Community Center will feature the<br />

award-winning documentary "The Savage<br />

Eye" on Sunday at the center. Half-documentary,<br />

half-fantasy, "The Savage Eye"<br />

fuses extraordinary images of the real<br />

world—the seamier side of life in Los Angeles—with<br />

philosophical allegories of a<br />

young divorcee, bruised by her recent experience,<br />

who is slowly coming to terms<br />

with herself and the world.<br />

The Stanley Warner Telephone Road<br />

Twin Drive-In is offering its patrons refreshments<br />

at all times as well as a wide<br />

variety of food. This is being made possible<br />

by the Vendo cafeteria which stays open<br />

until the drive-in's closing time.<br />


*<br />


In All Ways the Best<br />


NEW 14<br />


7s—8s—^9s—10s—lis—and negatives<br />

PLUS: 7x20; 8x20; 9x20 and negatives<br />

Low Prices . . . Long Lasting . . . Top Satisfaction<br />

Coronarc Carbons<br />

are available direct from us or from your nearest distributor!<br />

Write for samples today . .<br />


909 N.W. 1 9th St. Phone 227-2932 Portland, Oregon 97209<br />

Exclusive Distributor Territories Now Open, Inquiries Welcome<br />

SW-6 BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967

Six Mexican Pictures<br />

For New York Filmex<br />

From Western Edition<br />

MEXICO CITY—More evidence of the<br />

increasing interest in co-producing and filming<br />

in Mexico was the announcement that<br />

independent producer Filmex, Inc., of New<br />

York has reached an agreement with writerdirector-producer<br />

Jose Maria Fernandez Unsain<br />

for six films.<br />

Here on an exploratory visit, president<br />

Robert Bergmann of Filmex declared he<br />

was "excited by the prospects" and ready to<br />

start shooting the first picture "LSD" in New<br />

York September 20. It will be based on a<br />

screenplay by the Mexican writer who also<br />

will direct and function as co-producer.<br />

The picture will be produced in Spanish,<br />

for the Spanish-speaking market, with<br />

Ignacio Lopez Tarso, Jacqueline Andere,<br />

Fanny Cano and Miguel Angel Alvarez in<br />

the leading roles.<br />

Frank Marrero to Direct<br />

The second project, to be directed by<br />

Filmex" executive producer Frank Marrero,<br />

will be filmed immediately afterward. The<br />

other four pictures planned—including one<br />

which would star Jose Ferrer ("Requiem for<br />

an Assassin")—would be scheduled for next<br />

year.<br />

"This will be our first attempt in the feature-length<br />

movie field," said Bergmann.<br />

"We have our own studios in New York and<br />

Hollywood, but until now we've only gone in<br />

for commercial, industrial and educational<br />

films." He admitted that until Marrero (a<br />

Puerto Rican actor and director who had<br />

worked in Mexico) joined the company,<br />

Filmex had not planned on this kind of film<br />

expansion.<br />

Latin America Big Market<br />

"But Frank was so insistent on the<br />

Hispano-American potential, he finally convinced<br />

me. So, here we are.<br />

"There's a good market for better pictures<br />

in Latin America," Marrero said.<br />

"We're going to make low-budget films with<br />

modern themes. We'll use Mexican actors<br />

and technicians and don't expect to have<br />

any labor problems like we've been hearing<br />

about."<br />

Bergmann and<br />

Marrero commented that<br />

the publicized difficulties of Jorge Rivero,<br />

Luz Aguilar and Joaquin Cordero's<br />

working in the United States were legal and<br />

had no bearing on inter-union relationships.<br />

They see no reason why work permits could<br />

not be obtained.<br />

"Mayor Lindsay has been carrying on a<br />

campaign for bringing film production to<br />

New York," said Bergmann, "and he's succeeded<br />

in bringing some big pictures for<br />

shooting on the streets of the city with all<br />

kinds of concessions and assistance."<br />

Bergmann is a past president of the Film<br />

Producers Ass'n and is a member of its<br />

board of directors.<br />

SAN<br />


JJoUywood producer Lucien Hubbard,<br />

cameraman Harry Perry, assistant<br />

cameraman William Clothier, director William<br />

Wellman and stars Charles "Buddy"<br />

Rogers and Richard Arlen will return to<br />

San Antonio August 29 to mark the 40th<br />

anniversary of the filming here of the movie<br />

classic "Wings." The film will be re-premiered<br />

at the Aztec Theatre. The occasion<br />

is part of San Antonio's celebration of the<br />

50th anniversary of Kelly Air Force Base.<br />

Arrangements are being made for radio and<br />

television coverage, a street parade, music<br />

in front of the theatre, searchlights and all<br />

the other trimmings of a first-night showing.<br />

The film was given its premiere showing in<br />

San Antonio in 1927. "Wings" was filmed<br />

at<br />

Kelly and other local military bases.<br />

Escorted ladies are being admitted free<br />

to the downtown intimate Studio Theatre<br />

which features the showing of "adult only"<br />

motion pictures . . . Bargain matinees have<br />

been instituted at the Woodlawn Theatre,<br />

managed by Sid Shaenfield, and the Josephine,<br />

managed by David Stoffle. All seats<br />

at the Woodlawn are 50 cents, Monday<br />

through Friday, until 3 p.m. At the Josephine<br />

the special price is in effect until 2<br />

p.m.<br />

That movie patrons will come out for a<br />

being proved at the subur-<br />

well-acted film is<br />

ban Josephine Theatre where Sidney Poitier<br />

is playing in "To Sir, With Love." The film<br />

opened Thursday to capacity audiences at<br />

its first showing. Saturday (19) evening<br />

there were double lines at the Josephine<br />

despite intermittent showers, lines waiting to<br />

purchase tickets and another line waiting<br />

to enter the theatre.<br />

A trip for two to Mexico City and Jamaica,<br />

hotel accommodations and $500 in<br />

expense money make up the first prize, being<br />

offered in a script writing contest in connection<br />

with the showing of "Rough Night in<br />

schools or the Pasadena Playhouse. Russ<br />

Bernhardt, her new manager, was to meet<br />

her in Hollywood and begin her training for<br />

a lead role in the proposed Stephen F. Booth<br />

production. "The Change Is Coming."<br />

Booth, who produced "Brighty of the Grand<br />

Canyon," has announced plans to star in<br />

both "The Change Is Coming" and "Rainbow<br />

in the Rose." Miss Ihle said filming on<br />

"The Change Is Coming" is scheduled to<br />

start in January.<br />

Raymond Baez, manager of the Varsity<br />

Theatre, one of the Gulf State operations,<br />

wrote to Hot Line, a reader question-answer<br />

service of the San Antonio Evening News:<br />

"Recently in Hot Line I read that a lady<br />

said drive-in movie theatres are all for<br />

adults. Here at the Varsity Drive-ln we are<br />

promoting a whole week for children. Nothing<br />

but children, a cartoon carnival, and<br />

this is for children before they go back to<br />

school. We are honoring them by producing<br />

this cartoon carnival. So this is in regard to<br />

the lady who asked why they don't have<br />

movies for children."<br />

Wedding bells have rung for Shirley Watson,<br />

cashier at the Laurel Theatre, who married<br />

Cpl. Kenneth R. Wright, Saturday<br />

(26) in the Beacon Hill Presbyterian Church.<br />

Wright recently returned from service in<br />

Vietnam. Our congratulations to the newlyweds.<br />

Free Model Planes<br />

From New England Edition<br />

MEDFORD, MASS. — The Meadow<br />

Drive-In gave free model planes to the first<br />

300 cars in conjunction with the opening of<br />

the Buena Vista reissue, "Snow White and<br />

the Seven Dwarfs."<br />





(Speokers — Junction Heads — Parts)<br />

FILMAGK I3I2I HA 7-3395<br />

1327 S Wabash Chicago, 60605 Rt. 1, Box 561—Golden, Colo. 80401<br />

- III.<br />

Jericho." The film had its premiere in Dallas<br />

and Fort Worth and opened Thursday<br />

The New 1967 REED<br />

(24) at the Majestic here. The contest consists<br />

of writing, in 25 words or less, dialog<br />

or descriptive copy that is logical with<br />

respect to the action for each of the six<br />

numbered scenes from "Rough Night in<br />

DRIVE-IN<br />


Jericho."<br />

Can be dropped or thrown from Car<br />

Windows on to solid concrete 100 or<br />

Alida Ihle, 20-year-old San Antonio student,<br />

is in Hollywood, Calif., to begin Mechanism to go Dead or OFF-tone.<br />

more times without causing Cone/<br />

drama lessons and prepare for a tentative<br />

Low Cost 'break-a-way' Hanger Arm<br />

movie lead. Prior to her departure she said (easily replaced in field) minimizes<br />

that she hoped to go to one of the studio damage to Speaker Case when run over.<br />

Also repair parts for other makes, cords,<br />



theft resistant cables, volume controls.<br />

New Cone/ Mechanisms, etc., etc. Factory<br />

re-manufacturing of your old<br />

Cone/ Mechanisms.<br />




BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967 SW-7

Why do so many<br />

corporations contribute<br />

to America's colleges?<br />

1. ( ) they want to<br />

help the colleges<br />

2. ( ) they need the<br />

leaders colleges train<br />

You were right if you checked No. 2.<br />

American corporations want to<br />

make<br />

sure there will be enough college-trained<br />

leaders to fill the management jobs open<br />

today and in the future.<br />

This is good insurance for business.<br />

And the need, we must remember, isn't<br />

getting smaller.<br />

World trade is developing fast; business<br />

is getting more competitive, more complex;<br />

science is introducing new products<br />

and processes rapidly.<br />

College-trained men and women are<br />

needed, in increasing numbers, to plan<br />

and direct the activities of business.<br />


\FINANC1AL<br />

AID TO<br />



...This is it!<br />

AnapFCT<br />

^<br />

perfection in<br />

optical sound<br />

picU-upl<br />

Kw^A<br />

'<br />

I \ With ANAPFET, Century now brings you the ultimate in hi-fidelity sound. ANAPFET is an<br />

I<br />

entirely new approach to sound reproduction, wedding the concept of the anamorphic lens<br />

|lJ^Bi /' with the recent innovation of PFET, the photosensitive, field-effect, transistor. The result is<br />

':--: ' •^^^^•''' an optical sound system that surpasses everything to date, superseding photoelectric cells,<br />

^Tp -f'-^ solar cells, and even our own PFET, the springboard to this superlative new achievement in<br />

TT<br />

. Jt** sound.<br />

ANAPFET—now standard on all Century<br />

adaptable<br />

sound equipment and quickly<br />

to existing Century systems—offers you<br />

these many advantages:<br />


PERMANENT. As shown: a small, compact<br />

component that is an integral part of the<br />

solid-state Century sound system. It contains<br />

within itself the anamorphic lens<br />

and the PFET.<br />


installed in the sound head, fixed at a<br />

permanent setting to give its characteristic<br />

peak hi-fidelity performance. Bothersome<br />

hairline adjustments are wholly<br />

eliminated.<br />


LEVEL — GREATER OUTPUT. 0.35 Volts<br />

without a pre-amp. Signal to noise ratio<br />

is 75 Db, extending the possible range of<br />

volume for theatre operation about 40 Db<br />

greater than systems heretofore available<br />

— or, expressed arithmetically, about<br />

10,000 times.<br />

The excellence of Century CINE-FOCUS® Projection Is now matched by Century ANAPFET in sound,<br />

affording you the superlative best In projection and sound for today's modern theatre. If you have not<br />

already done so, investigate CINE-FOCUS film stabilized, controlled focus projection, hailed by theatre<br />

owners and projectionists everywhere as "incomparable". At the same time, get complete details on<br />

our new ANAPFET. In sound projection, it is the greatest!<br />

•Trademark of Cenlury Projeclor Corporation<br />


New YorK. N.Y. 10019<br />

Quality Theatre Supply Co.<br />

1515 Davenport St.<br />

Omaha, Nebraska 68102<br />

Harry Melcher Enterprises<br />

3238 Wat Fond Du Lac A«e<br />

Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53210<br />

Des Moines Theatre Supply Co.<br />

1121 High Si.<br />

Des Moines, Iowa 50309<br />

Minneapolis Theatre Supply Co.<br />

51 Glenwood Are<br />

Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403<br />

BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967 NC-1

, . Mike<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

, , Joe<br />


J^alph Banghart, United Artists field man,<br />

was in town for tub-thumping on assorted<br />

upcoming releases . . . Two new faces<br />

at the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer branch are<br />

Lee Campbell, head booker, and Jean Daniels,<br />

cashier,<br />

Judy Bushinger, Warner Bros. -7 Arts,<br />

spent a week on vacation in northern Minnesota<br />

with her parents, a respite from her<br />

secretarial chores for branch chief Mike Adcock<br />

, Lee, Embassy Pictures exchange<br />

manager, is still moving heaven and<br />

earth in an attempt to get Sammy Davis jr.<br />

to headline the annual Variety Golf Tournament<br />

at Oak Ridge golf club September 8,<br />

Full approval of the current fund-raising<br />

campaign for the Will Rogers Hospital was<br />

. . Bill<br />

voted by the board of directors of the local<br />

Variety tent. The drive is helmed by Roy<br />

Miller, Universal branch manager .<br />

Diehl. BoxoFFiCE representative and motion<br />

picture critic for the St. Paul Dispatch and<br />

Pioneer Press, was off on a Las Vegas<br />

honeymoon. The bride is Helen Nelson,<br />

Minneapolis school teacher,<br />

Filmrow visitors: Don Buckley, Falls<br />

Theatre, Little Falls, Minn,: Robert Levy,<br />

Flying Cloud Drive-In, Eden Prairie; Freeman<br />

Parson, Main Street Theatre, Sauk<br />

Centre; Don Quincer, Cozy, Wadena; Sheldon<br />

Kliman, Palace, Spooner, Wis,; Ray<br />

Blakeslee, Avon, Medford, Wis,; Bixby<br />

Knight, Staples Theatre at Staples; Gene<br />

Grings, Hollywood Theatre, Eau Claire,<br />

Wis.<br />

MACO Sets Opening<br />

Of 700-Seat Plaza<br />

ST, PAUL—Another theatre will join the<br />

roster of show houses in this capital city<br />

with the opening of Minnesota Amusement<br />

Co,'s Plaza Wednesday (30) in suburban<br />

Maplewood.<br />

MACO president Charles W. Winchell<br />

scheduled an "open house preview" Monday<br />

and Tuesday (28 and 29), Following the<br />

same successful format the company used<br />

to launch its Norstar TTieatre in downtown<br />

St, Paul last fall, MACO has invited the<br />

public to visit the 700-seat Plaza during the<br />

two-day period, at which a special film will<br />

be shown hourly.<br />

Prizes will be awarded during the opening<br />

ceremonies. And on Monday the official<br />

Bonnie Lynch, Paramount branch,<br />

is away on vacation. She leaves a double<br />

void since she"s both office manager and<br />

booking manager , , . Happy reports continue<br />

from Ev Seibel's bedside. The Minnesota<br />

Amusement Co, officer is making<br />

steady progress from injuries suffered in a<br />

14-foot<br />

ladder tumble,<br />

"Eric Soya's 17" opened at George Granstrom's<br />

Grandview Fme Arts Theatre in St,<br />

Paul even stronger than "A Man and a<br />

Woman," which ran for 14 record-setting<br />

weeks. The new mark far and away surpassed<br />

any other St, Paul suburban theatre<br />

run. If any current pic will topple it, it looks<br />

like it'll be "IT."<br />

Ted Mann, circuit cnief and blossoming<br />

Hollywood producer, continues his Twin<br />

Cities-Hollywood air hopping at least every<br />

two weeks— and sometimes oftener-—keeping<br />

a close check out of both his Filmland<br />

and Minneapolis offices, Mann should be a<br />

sitting duck for any Lear Jet salesman!<br />

Forey Myers, Paramount branch head, is<br />

sounding a call for replacements in the Variety<br />

Club blood bank. At the present time,<br />

he warns, the Tent 12's ledger account at<br />

the blood bank is almost zero,<br />

Avron Rosen, Buena Vista branch manager,<br />

resigned and will live on the West<br />

Coast, Assuming the vacated post will be<br />

Irv Marks, former Allied Artists branch<br />

manager and recently salesman for 20th<br />

Century-Fox here.<br />

"christening" of the Plaza will be held. Officiating<br />

will be Mayor Louis P, Gilbert of<br />

Maplewood; Steven Head, Jaycee president;<br />

Melvin Roth, head of Shoppers City, Inc,<br />

and MACO representatives. The theatre is<br />

in the Shoppers City complex.<br />

Instead of the perennial ribbon cutting,<br />

Connie Nystrom as Miss Maplewood will<br />

snip a strand of film,<br />

Winchell, citing the nationwide trend toward<br />

shopping center theatres, stressed the<br />

convenience and accessibility of the Plaza,<br />

pointing to the vast parking area (spaces for<br />

1,200 cars) which surrounds the house.<br />

The new theatre has a sheltered area tor<br />

the pickup and discharge of passengers at<br />

its entrance. The Plaza is equipped with the<br />

latest<br />

between rows. Seats are staggered to provide<br />

patrons with an unobstructed view of the<br />

in seating, with more than ample space<br />

screen. Also high-fidelity stereophonic<br />

sound will be a feature, as will the most<br />

modern electronically controlled heat and<br />

air-conditioning systems.<br />

Paul A. Hasse, who has been manager<br />

of the circuit's Vali-Hi Drive-In between St.<br />

Paul and nearby Hudson, Wis., has been<br />

transferred here as manager. He had been<br />

assistant manager at MACO's State Theatre<br />

in<br />

downtown Minneapolis previously.<br />

Billy May will write the title song for<br />

20th Century-Fox's "Tony Rome."<br />

'Sir/ 'Dirty Dozen'<br />

Thrive as Holdovers<br />

MINNEAPOLIS — Holdovers ruled<br />

the<br />

motion picture roost with "To Sir, With<br />

Love" and "The Dirty Dozen" still pulling<br />

line-up crowds in their extended runs. The<br />

lone newcomer was "Gnome-Mobile," which<br />

bowed at Ted Mann's Orpheum theatre with<br />

130. An encore dual billing of "Darling"<br />

and "Dear John" whipped up considerable<br />

mterest, scoring with a 150. "Grand Prix"<br />

remained one of the most durably popular<br />

screen offerings in the entire region, grabbmg<br />

a 350 at the Cooper Cinerama theatre<br />

in Its 28th week. No slouch either was "A<br />

Man tor All Seasons," which upped its gross<br />

slightly ui its 19th week.<br />

(Average Is 100)<br />

Academy The Taming ot the Shrew (Col),<br />

Jrd wk 220<br />

Cooper Cinerama Grand Prix (MGM), 28th wk. 350<br />

tjopner To bir. With Love (col), 3rd wk 300<br />

Lyr.c Divorce AMERICAN Style (Col), 3rd wk. . .150<br />

Mann Thoroughly Modern Millie (Univ), 2nd wk. 275<br />

Orpheum The lanome Mobile (BV) 130<br />

I- ark Cinerama A Man tor All Seasons (Col),<br />

19th wk 140<br />

State The Dirty Dozen (MGM), 4th wk 250<br />

Suburban World I, a Womon (Audubon),<br />

^tn wk 200<br />

W,.r,d— Baretoct in the Park (Para), 5th wk 160<br />


J^<br />

"fair trial" to the change of policy at<br />

the Princess Theatre here has resulted<br />

in a decided downward trend at the boxoffice,<br />

according to Fred Koontz, general<br />

manager of the Prudential Management<br />

Corp., which operates the unit. The house<br />

formerly featured girlie movies, faced license<br />

renewal difficulties and was closed in<br />

order to comply with city building regulations.<br />

In renewing the theatre's license, the<br />

committee recommended the change in policy<br />

from adults-only films to action and<br />

family pictures, "There was an agreement<br />

between the aldermen and myself that we<br />

would give a fair trial to a change of policy,"<br />

said Koontz, "but these action and<br />

family films have brought no response whatsoever,<br />

and after all, we are in business." He<br />

reported he did not think he would be in<br />

conflict with the aldermen, in the event he<br />

returned to the old film policy.<br />

How to get your patrons to leave the theatre<br />

"for a breath of fresh air" and get them<br />

to return in good spirits can best be told by<br />

veteran Manager Harry Boesel, who directs<br />

operations at the Palace here. About 30 firemen<br />

responded to an alarm when a malfunction<br />

in a basement air-conditioning unit<br />

sent smoke into the viewing area. About<br />

500 patrons left their seats and either drifted<br />

into the lobby or stepped outside for a halfhour,<br />

and then returned. Just like that—no<br />

fuss, no muss. All in a day , Strothers,<br />

who handles the buying for the Marcus circuit,<br />

is in New York reviewing stage plays<br />

for future possible presentations at the Palace<br />

here,<br />

Jane Powell was starring in "The Boy<br />

Friend" at the Melody Top Theatre during<br />

(Continued on page NC-4)<br />

NC-2 BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967


presents<br />


Shipyard Drive-In, Providence, R.I.<br />

One Week, $12,150<br />

Circle Drive-In, Mapleshade, N.J.<br />

1st Week (record breaking), $11,697<br />

Lins-Aire Drive-In, Rockford, III.<br />

One Week (smash), $8,800<br />

Meadow-Glen Drive-ln, Medford, Mass.<br />

1st Week (record breaking), $15,444 (holding)<br />

Skyvue Drive-ln, Brockton, Mass.<br />

1st 4 Days (all-time record), $7,300<br />

Bangor Drive-ln, Bangor, Maine<br />

1st Week (all-time record), $7,655<br />

Robinhood & Flamingo Drive-ins,<br />

Winston-Salem, North Carolina<br />

1st Week (day & date), $13,915<br />

Boulevard Drive-ln, Kansas City, Kansas<br />

One Week (record breaking), $9,400<br />

plus<br />

Krim Theatre, Detroit, Mich.<br />

5 Weeks Gross, $88,133 (still going strong)<br />

u7T^<br />


B»stDoniHtHovfiB» SIV HOLM A co-production of Nordisk Film, Copenhagen and AB Europa Film, Stockholm<br />

Directed by Mac Ahlberg-Distributed b^ /^fj 11 C^.j<br />

Distributed by: AUDUBON FILMS, 850 7th Avenue, New York. N.Y., 10019 -Tel. (212) JUdson 6-4913<br />

(Ava Leighton, Gen'l. Sales Mgr.)<br />

BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967 NC-3

. . United<br />


T^arvin Grajbeal has been named manager<br />

of the Paramount Theatre in Cedar<br />

Rapids by Tri-States Theatre Corp. He<br />

comes to the new post from the Kansas City<br />

Paramount Theatre. He previously was in<br />

Waterloo. Sioux City and Des Moines for<br />

Tri-States.<br />

Dave Gold, 2()th Century-Fox branch<br />

manager, and his family returned from a<br />

t.shing vacation in Minnesota. He reports<br />

they aren't growing fish as big as usual up<br />

there this year. Daughter Susan will enter<br />

the University of Oi^lahoma this fall.<br />

Some exhibitors around the state blame<br />

county fairs for a drop in business. They<br />

say the heifers and the Herefords draw better<br />

than the films.<br />

Vacationers include Bill Doebel. 20th<br />

Century-Fox salesman in Omaha; Dorothy<br />

Pobst, United Artists office manager and<br />

"WOMPI of the Year." At the Columbia<br />

exchange. Jack (The Shipper) Ricketts has<br />

returned from The Badlands and Black<br />

Hills; Delores Cox, secretary, is back from<br />


DATE<br />

« STRIPS<br />



FILMACK 1312) HA 7-3395<br />

1327 S. Wabash Chicago, III. 60605<br />

vacation, Virgene Masolini, inspector, went<br />

to the Iowa lakes, while Dorothy Boudewyns<br />

filled in for her at Columbia . . . Another<br />

enjoying life on the beach was Maxine<br />

Hayden, bookkeeper at Iowa United Theatres<br />

. . . Universal branch manager Ralph<br />

Olson and Betty sojourned to Lake Okoboji.<br />

Exhibitors on the Row included S. J.<br />

Backer, Harlan; John Rentfle, Audubon;<br />

Roy and Idamae Metcalfe, Cedar Rapids;<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Evans, Anamosa; Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Jim Watts, Osage; Harrison Wolcott,<br />

Eldora, and Glen Lambert, Monticello.<br />

Rube Jackter, Columbia executive, was<br />

in Des Moines . Artists auditor<br />

Harry Schochet here from N.Y. . . .<br />

was<br />

Phyllis Wadle, Columbia booker-steno, announced<br />

her engagement to Richard Little.<br />

Art Thiele at Des Moines Theatre Supply<br />

reports Dick Kuhl is installing some new<br />

Heywood Wakefield seats in the Grand at<br />

Greenfield . . . WOMPIs picnicked at Mac-<br />

Rae park.<br />

previous year. Unfavorable weather conditions<br />

and the processors' unwillingness to<br />

contract for more than 17,000 acres were<br />

Theatre owners in eight Nebraska counties blamed for the cutback.<br />

have a special interest in the U.S.<br />

The prenuptial festivities for<br />

Transportation Department meetings<br />

Cooper/ Lincoln<br />

in<br />

Washington to change time zone boundaries.<br />

Manager Al Schulter's fiancee Marulyn<br />

The counties are partially in Central and<br />

Smith included a shower Sunday (20) in<br />

Mountain Time zones. Gov. Norbert<br />

Washington, Kas., her former home. The<br />

Tiemann<br />

has recommended they be placed<br />

couple is to be married here September 2.<br />

in<br />

the Central Time zone. Counties affected Managers of the three theatres here of<br />

are Brown, Thomas, Blaine, McPherson, the Cooper Foundation circuit took part in<br />

Logan, Lincoln, Hayes and Hitchcock.<br />

the Friday and Saturday (18 and 19) doublespook<br />

show at the Nebraska Theatres, start-<br />

Charles Kroll, assistant theatre operations<br />

ing at<br />

manager for Cooper Foundation<br />

11:30 p.m. and ending at 2:05 a.m.<br />

units in<br />

Minnesota, Colorado and Nebraska, took<br />

The Cooper/ Lincoln, which opened<br />

a<br />

with<br />

week's vacation and spent it at home. Before<br />

"The Sound of Music" 14 weeks ago for an<br />

his family moved here from Colorado<br />

expected eight-week run, still is playing the<br />

Springs a month ago, he commuted back Academy Award winner with no end in<br />

sight.<br />

and forth . . . Iris Krumens, Cooper/ Lincoln<br />

concessions' employe, is vacationing in<br />

California.<br />

Visitors to Lincoln included Bob Herz, MILWAUKEE<br />

Warner Bros. -7 Arts representative from<br />

Omaha, and Larry Starsmore, president of<br />

(Continued from page NC-2)<br />

Westland Theatres of Colorado and of Nebraska<br />

Theatres, which operates two hard-<br />

the rioting. Forrest Tucker is to star in "On<br />

a Clear Day," also at the Melody Top.<br />

tops here. He also is head of Theatres, Inc.,<br />

While in Wisconsin, Tucker visited the<br />

in Oklahoma.<br />

Sulie & Pearl Harand Camp of the Theatre<br />

The state popcorn crop is expected to be Arts in Elkhart Lake, where he took part in<br />

smaller this year with an estimated 10,000- the activities. He is a patron of the camp, as<br />

acre output, down 7,000 acres from the is Art Linkletter. Aside from appearing at<br />

the Wisconsin State Fair, Linkletter was at<br />

^ATTENTION GETTING the Boston Store autographing his new book,<br />

-<br />

"Ooops! Or Life's Awful Moments."<br />

NC-4<br />

Ben Marcus, president of the Marcus Theatres,<br />

was at the fair bidding for the grand<br />

champion steer "Mr. Terrific." James Windham,<br />

president of the Pabst Brewing Co.,<br />

was awarded the steer with a bid of $4.75<br />

a pound. It had been raised by a 13-year-old<br />

boy.<br />

Midcontinent Circuit<br />

Plans Two Theaires<br />

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — Midcontinent<br />

Theatres of South Dakota has announced<br />

plans for two suburban hardtops here. Al<br />

Prevost, newly named general manager, said<br />

the circuit has an option on property opposite<br />

the planned Western Mall Shopping<br />

;<br />

Center, 41st Street and Lyndale Avenue,<br />

j<br />

Construction is expected to begin there September<br />

1, providing building of the shopping<br />

center is under way.<br />

He said if the shopping center construction<br />

is not begun by then, Midcontinent will<br />

build Sioux Falls" first suburban theatre on<br />

property it owns at 37th Street and Minnesota<br />

Avenue, where plans already have been<br />

announced for the K-Cinema, adjacent to<br />

the K-Mart center.<br />

The circuit, headed by Joe Floyd, also<br />

owns the Hollywood, Cinema and Starlite<br />

units here.<br />

Mrs. Robert Hyde Learns<br />

Booth Work From Husband<br />

WATERLOO, IOWA—As yet, there are<br />

no potted red geraniums and white Priscilla<br />

curtains fussing up the projection booth at<br />

the Waterloo Theatre, but there is evidence<br />

of a feminine touch: the projectors get a<br />

daily dusting.<br />

And the reason is that one of the Waterloo<br />

projectionists is Mrs. Robert Hyde. Another<br />

projectionist is her husband. Actually<br />

it was because he was a projectionist, a veteran<br />

of some 18 years in the business, that<br />

his wife became interested in the job.<br />

But males do not make news because they<br />

are projectionists. Females do because they<br />

are few. The bug bit Mrs. Hyde when her<br />

husband was reeling off the films in Oskaloosa,<br />

before they moved here seven years<br />

ago.<br />

"He would come home and tell us about<br />

the details of his work," she explains, "and<br />

I became fascinated and wanted to know<br />

more about it."<br />

That she did, with the help of a professional<br />

tutor—her husband. She worked parttime<br />

in theatres at Oskaloosa and Waterloo<br />

until March, when she became a full-time<br />

projectionist at the Waterloo Theatre.<br />

It was in a genuine effort to increase communications<br />

bonds with her husband that<br />

Mrs. Hyde became interested in his work<br />

that she took it up herself, and soon became<br />

proficient in such technicalities as accurate<br />

adjustment of positive and negative carbons,<br />

splicing films, watching for the blink, signals<br />

that tell when it's time to switch from<br />

one projector to another.<br />

"I think if a wife is going to be able to<br />

talk to her husband, she's got to know what<br />

he's talking about," says the female projectionist,<br />

the mother of two teenage sons.<br />

So at the Hydes the head of the house<br />

and the heart of the home can intelligently<br />

share experiences of the day, like what went<br />

on at the office with the arc lights.<br />

BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967

! CLEVELAND—Bill<br />

I<br />

branch<br />

•<br />

Arts,<br />

'<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Twig<br />

!<br />

Payne<br />

]<br />

Fox<br />

I<br />

I<br />

the<br />

'<br />

I<br />

I<br />

i<br />

DELPHOS,<br />

I<br />

I<br />

reopen<br />

'<br />

work<br />

!<br />

redecoration<br />

;<br />

new<br />

; scheduled<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

Two for Ihe Road'<br />

600 in Cincinnati<br />

CINCINNATI — "Two for the Road"<br />

opened at the Ambassador with a strong 600<br />

to lead the parade of products at first-run<br />

theatres. Also adding interest were "Gnome-<br />

Mobile" 250 at the Grand and "Luv" with<br />

a 175 at the Princeton Cinema.<br />

(Average Is 100)<br />

A'bee The Naked Runner (WB-7A), 2nd wk. ..110<br />

Ambassador Two tor the Rood (20th-Fox) 600<br />

Esquire The Taming of the Shrew (Col), 8th wk. 225<br />

Grand—The Gnome-Mobile (BV) 250<br />

Kenwood Cinema Barefoot in the Pork (Para),<br />

7th wk 240<br />

Princeton Cinema Luv (Col) 1 75<br />

Times Towne Cinema You Only Live Twice<br />

(UA), 8fh wk 350<br />

Valley Thoroughly Modern Millie (Univ),<br />

12th wk 225<br />

Detroit Percentages Remain<br />

Below Accustomed Levels<br />

DETROIT—The grosses of long runs in<br />

Detroit theatres, after slipping during the<br />

riots, have not recovered since. Top place<br />

among the first runs was earned by "I, a<br />

Woman" with a 300 score at the Trans-Lux<br />

Krim in its eighth week. "El Dorado" and<br />

"Africa—Texas Style!" earned second spot<br />

in their opening at the Grand Circus with<br />

260, followed by "The Dirty Dozen," back<br />

to 250 in its sixth at the Adams and then a<br />

three-way tie at 200 for "The Jokers," opening<br />

at the Studio 8; "Thoroughly Modern<br />

Millie," in the 13th week at the Northland,<br />

and "A Man for All Seasons," in its 21st<br />

at the Studio-New Center.<br />

Adoms The Dirty Dozen (MGM), 6th wk 250<br />

Americana A Guide for the Morried Man<br />

(20th-Fox), 7th wk 100<br />

Fox—The Weird World of LSD (SR); Chamber of<br />

Horrors (WB-7A), 2nd wk 1 75<br />

Grand Circus El Oorodo (Para); Africa-^—Texas<br />

Style! (Para) 260<br />

Madison The Bible (20th-Fox), 27th wk 145<br />

Mai Kai Two for the Rood (20th-Fox), 2nd wk. 170<br />

Northland Thoroughly Modern Millie (Col),<br />

13fh wk 200<br />

Radio City Up the Down Staircase (WB-7A) ... .190<br />

Redford, Royol Ook The Naked Runner<br />

(WB-7A) 120<br />

Studio-8 The Jokers (Univ) 200<br />

Studio-New Center A Man for All Seasons (Col),<br />

21st wk 200<br />

Studio-North Georgy Girl (Col), 33rd wk 100<br />

Trans-Lux Krim<br />

I, o Woman (Audubon), 8th wk. 300<br />

20th-Fox Names Bill Twig<br />

Manager in Ceveand<br />

Twig, Warner Bros.<br />

manager until its merger with 7<br />

has been named manager of the 20th<br />

Century-Fox exchange here, succeeding Abe<br />

Weiner who resigned.<br />

will make his headquarters at 2219<br />

Ave. until next month, when 20this<br />

scheduled to move into its new quar-<br />

ters in the Film Exchange BIdg. He entered<br />

industry in 1929 with Paramount Pic-<br />

tures, and later became sales manager for<br />

the company in Cleveland.<br />

Delphos Theatre Reopening<br />

OHIO—T. J. Epps, owner of<br />

the Capitol Theatre, announced he plans to<br />

the house September 15. Remodeling"<br />

is being completed, including new tile<br />

for the lobby floor, painting and general<br />

of the lo.bby and restrooms and<br />

carpeting. "A Man for All Seasons" is<br />

as the reopening picture.<br />

Free Press Calls 'Adults Only Tag<br />

'Handy Device to Silence Censors<br />

DETROIT—The classification of films<br />

for "adults only" is a "handy device to silence<br />

film censors." according to James H.<br />

Dygert. entertainment editor of the Free<br />

Pre^s in the latest of a series of articles on<br />

censorship being featured on the paper's<br />

front pages. He concludes that "It's a way<br />

for society to have its cake and eat it too<br />

protection for young innocence yet more<br />

freedom for adults."<br />

However, a new source of difficulty is<br />

suggested: "No one has yet ventured a<br />

court challenge on the basis<br />

of age."<br />

Ross Caccavale. general manager of the<br />

Studio circuit, is cited at length that "censorship<br />

is far more repugnant to me than<br />

having to turn away 15- and 16-year-olds,"<br />

explaining the general policy of local exhibitors<br />

in going along with this working<br />

rule for certain types of pictures in cooperation<br />

with police departments. "The reason<br />

for this rule is there are parents who object,<br />

people who think movies can corrupt and<br />

public officials, who would demand censorship<br />

of films that minors might see," Caccavale<br />

said.<br />

The Studio management has made only<br />

three known exceptions in admitting those<br />

under 18, two to two jirls who wanted to<br />

see "Georgy Girl." This pair wrote the<br />

theatre. "It's an insult to our intellect that<br />

we are allowed to see the loud, fake Hollywood<br />

movies that are totally unrealistic and<br />

harmful," yet were denied admission to<br />

foreign films that "are very realistic, truthful<br />

and on the whole of great value to us."<br />

Exhibitors Archie Rose and Robert Vick-<br />


Forberg of Cincinnati and Mary Jo<br />

Begley of Kettering, Ohio, were the<br />

finalists among 800 entrants in southern<br />

Ohio in Columbia Pictures' talent<br />

search for its new picture "Where Angels<br />

Go . . . Trouble Follows!" Miss<br />

Begley later was chosen in Cleveland to<br />

represent Ohio in the picture.<br />

rey are also cited as following the 18-orover<br />

admission policy, resulting in general<br />

public satisfaction, as protests "dwindle to<br />

almost nothing once the community is assured<br />

that no one under 18 will be allowed<br />

to see the 'art' films."<br />

Dygert points out the Supreme Court<br />

indicated that obscenity cannot be judged<br />

on the basis of what would offend just one<br />

part of society, such as those under 18, but<br />

only the general community. He notes there<br />

is pressure in the background—the Michigan<br />

obscenity law—making it a serious<br />

crime to show "obscene, lewd, etc.," films to<br />

anyone under 18.<br />

The police, Dygert says of Detroit's<br />

surviving censorship, give a film permit with<br />

the qualification "recommended for adult<br />

patronage." but basically are "relying on the<br />

voluntary cooperation of the theatre owner."<br />

Broumas Constructing<br />

Ultramodern Theatre<br />

SAGINAW, MICH.—Construction is expected<br />

to be completed in October for Broumas<br />

Theatres' 1,000-seat Fort Saginaw in<br />

the shopping center with the same name, announced<br />

John Broumas, head of the Silver<br />

Spring (Md.)-based circuit.<br />

The theatre will be equipped to present<br />

70mm productions, as well as CinemaScope<br />

and conventional 35mm features. The auditorium<br />

will be surrounded by 28 stereophonic<br />

speakers, which will utilize six channels<br />

and give the patron optimum stereo<br />

sound. Staggered arrangements of the livingroom-style<br />

seats will give each patron an<br />

unobtructed view of the screen.<br />

The decor of the theatre has been custom<br />

designed in soft hues to be relaxing<br />

to the patrons, and the lobby was designed<br />

to accommodate more than 300 persons to<br />

eliminate long lines. Broumas said. The Fort<br />

Saginaw also will have an all-climate control,<br />

triple-filtered heating and air-conditioning<br />

system.<br />

A feature of the house will be a private<br />

viewing room on the upper floor, which will<br />

serve double duty as a VIP lounge and cry<br />

room.<br />

The theatre. Broumas pointed out, will include<br />

such innovations as a coffee server<br />

for all patrons, a novel paging system for<br />

professional people and a baby-sittingservice<br />

available to parents who leave their<br />

children in the theatre while they shop in<br />

the center.<br />

Also, there will be 4,500 parking spaces<br />

available in the shopping center, being developed<br />

by William M. Cafaro & Associates.<br />

Luxor Theatre Converted<br />

From New England Edition<br />

UNIONVILLE, CONN.—The one-time<br />

Joe Faith Theatres' Luxor has been converted<br />

to a retail carpet outlet.<br />

B.OXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967 ME-1

. . . Howell<br />

. . Fred<br />


Thomas McGuire, who has held responsible<br />

Filmrow and circuit posts for many<br />

years, is working with government agencies<br />

on rehabilitation projects . . . Andrew Jensen,<br />

former Sturgis Drive-In operator, now<br />

makes his retirement home in Florida.<br />

Theatre change reports—The Shelby Theatre<br />

at Shelby, operated by Robert Oberlin<br />

and Frank Makin jr., has been dismantled<br />

Theatre Co. is operating William<br />

Wetsman's new acquisition the Pix at<br />

Lapeer. Wetsman also is taking over the<br />

Hills Theatre at Rochester, formerly operated<br />

by John D. "Bud" Taylor . M.<br />

McGrath has reopened the Lee Theatre at<br />

Three Oaks.<br />

Condolences to Lloyd A. Turel on the<br />

death of his sister Vera Turel, who was with<br />

the Fred Sanders Co. 40 years. Turel has<br />

been installing equipment in the new Towne<br />

Theatre.<br />

Manager Dale Killeen Young of the Norwest<br />

Theatre has been vacationing around<br />

Detroit two weeks . . . Bill Ahrens, manager<br />

of the Universal City in Warren, is a<br />

commissioner of that community.<br />

The roadshow run of "THE BIBLE . . .<br />

In the Beginning," which opened at United<br />

Detroit's Madison Theatre February 1,<br />

closed Tuesday (22) after 29 weeks. A<br />

popular-price engagement of "The Taming<br />

of the Shrew" followed the film. "Shrew"<br />

played a hard-ticket run at the Mercury<br />

earlier.<br />

A psychedelic fashion show, believed to be<br />

one of the first, was featured at the opening<br />

near-<br />

of the new first-run Towne Theatre in<br />

by Oak Park by Suburban Detroit Theatres.<br />

The promotion was handled by the Woodrow<br />

R. Fraught Agency.<br />








FILMACK 1312) HA 7-3395<br />

1327 S. Wobash - Chicago, III. 60605<br />


...This is it!<br />

AnappeT<br />

^<br />

perfection in<br />

optical sound<br />

pick-up!<br />

\ With ANAPFET, Century now brings you the ultimate in hi-fideiity sound, ANAPFET is an<br />

I entirely new approach to sound reproduction, wedding the concept of the anamorphic lens<br />

with the recent innovation of PFET, the photosensitive, field-effect, transistor. The result is<br />

an optical sound system that surpasses everything to date, superseding photoelectric cells,<br />

solar cells,<br />

sound.<br />

and even our own PFET, the springboard to this superlative new achievement in<br />

ANAPFET—now standard on all Century<br />

sound equipment and quickly<br />

adaptable<br />

to existing Century systems—offers you<br />

these many advantages:<br />


PERMANENT. As shown: a small, compact<br />

component that is an integral part of the<br />

solid-state Century sound system. It contains<br />

within itself the anamorphic lens<br />

and the PFET.<br />


installed in the sound head, fixed at a<br />

permanent setting to give its characteristic<br />

peak hi-fidelity performance. Bothersome<br />

hairline adjustments are wholly<br />

eliminated.<br />


LEVEL — GREATER OUTPUT. 0.35 Volts<br />

without a pre-amp. Signal to noise ratio<br />

is 75 Db, extending the possible range of<br />

volume for theatre operation about 40 Db<br />

greater than systems heretofore available<br />

— or, expressed arithmetically, about<br />

10,000 times.<br />

The excellence of Century CINE-FOCUS" Projection is now matched by Century ANAPFET in sound,<br />

affording you the superlative best in projection and sound for today's modern theatre. If you have not<br />

already done so, investigate CINE-FOCUS film stabilized, controlled focus projection, hailed by theatre<br />

owners and projectionists everywhere as "incomparable". At the same time, get complete details on<br />

our new ANAPFET, In sound projection, it is the greatest!<br />

•Trademark of Cenlury Projector Corporation<br />


New York, N.Y. t0019<br />

Jones Projector Co.<br />

2727 Sixth St.,<br />

Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44221<br />

Charleston Theatre Supply<br />

506 Lm Street<br />

Charleston, West Virginia 25321<br />

Theatre Equipment Co.<br />

2211 Cass Avenue<br />

Detroit, Michigan 48201<br />

\\-v? T Hadden Theatre Supply Co.<br />

^ujj L 1909 Emerson Ave., (Box 4151)<br />

Louisville, Kentucky 40204<br />

Ohio Theatre Supply Co.<br />

2108 Payne Avenue<br />

Cleveland, Ohio 44114<br />

IBOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967<br />



^elta Sigma Theta, international sorority<br />

of Negro college women, presented Columbia<br />

Pictures with an award for "To Sir,<br />

With Love" at a special screening in the Albee,<br />

(15). Ambassador E. R. Braithwaite,<br />

head of the Permanent Mission of Guyana<br />

to the United Nations, and author of the<br />

book upon which the film is based, accepted<br />

the award for Columbia.<br />

Tent 3's annual golf tournament at Summit<br />

Hills Country Club drew a group of<br />

theatremen and guests. Among the exhibitors<br />

present were J. C. Weddle. Lawrenceburg,<br />

Ind.; Dick Johnson, Lexington, Ky.; Dan<br />

Krueger, Stanford, Ky.; Ohioans Henry<br />

Davidson, Lynchburg; Harley Bennett, Circleviile;<br />

James Hewitt, Bethel; Jack and<br />

John Needham, Columbus; Bob Keyes,<br />

Charles McCartney, Dayton; Mike Chakeres.<br />

Jack Frazee, Walley Allen and Wes Wilner,<br />

Springfield.<br />



Herbert Gillis, Paramount central division<br />

sales manager, visited Filmrow, as did<br />

Mr. and Mrs. William Powers, Pendleton,<br />

Ky., and Robert Knostman, who is to reopen<br />

his house at Minster September 15.<br />

Zebe Epstin, MGM group sales manager,<br />

and Bruce Berlo. publicist, were here to<br />

confer with Esther Nemo, local group sales<br />

manager for "Gone With the Wind," which<br />

is set to open at the Valley November 1.<br />

Condolences to Phil Fox, Columbia<br />

branch manager, upon the death of his brother<br />

Meyer at Brighton, Mass., and to Florence<br />

Hermann, MGM cashier, upon the<br />

death of her mother.<br />

Charles Behlan, long-time exhibitor, died<br />

Sunday (13) at Nichlosville, Ky., after a<br />

long illness.<br />

Grant Frazee, assistant general manager<br />

of Chakeres Theatres, and Rosemary Burkhart,<br />

WB-7 Arts assistant cashier, are on vacation<br />

. . . Ollie Nicklas, State Theatre manager<br />

at Springfield, has returned from a vacation,<br />

as have Leah Frank and Marcella<br />

Swearington, Chakeres' office staffers.<br />

Mid-States Theatres has appointed two<br />

Kentucky district managers: Cliff Beuchel to<br />

supervise the Mary Anderson Cinema and<br />

Bard Theatre in Louisville and the Chevy<br />

Chase Cinema at Lexington, and Irvin Kash<br />

to supervise the Paramount and Capitol theatres<br />

at Ashland, Ky., and the Tri-State<br />

Drive-In, Chesapeake, Ohio. The company<br />

also appointed James Cotterman as district<br />

manager in the Dayton area, which includes<br />

the Dabel Cinema and Salem Mall<br />

Cinema.<br />

David DeSantis is new manager for<br />

Chakeres' Park Lane 69 Drive-In at New<br />

Carlisle, Ohio, and William Dean for Piqua<br />

36 Drive-In at Piqua.<br />

Chakeres is sponsoring a managers' contest<br />

for the largest gross increase during<br />

July-September. The winner is to receive an<br />

all-expenses-paid trip for two to Miami<br />

Beach, including the NATO convention.<br />

"Back-to-school" matinees with prizes are<br />

to be held at a number of Chakeres theatres<br />

September 1 and 2.<br />

Maritime Exhibitors Ass'n<br />

To Meet September 12. 13<br />

HALIFAX—The Maritime Motion Picture<br />

Exhibitors Ass'n will hold its annual<br />

meeting September 12 and 13 in the Lord<br />

Nelson Hotel here. In charge of arrangements<br />

and the sessions are the president<br />

Archie Mason, Les E. Mitchell and Fred<br />

Leavens.<br />

The Maritimes Canadian Picture Pioneers<br />

will hold its meeting September 12 prior to<br />

the MMPEA meeting.<br />

Join the Widening Circle<br />

Send in your reports to BOXOFFICE<br />

on response of patrons to pictures<br />

you show. Be one of the many who<br />

report<br />

to-<br />


A Widely Read Weekly Feature of Special Inierest<br />

Address your letters to Editor.<br />

J "Exhibitor Has ffis Say." 825<br />

S Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City.<br />

I<br />

Mo. 64124<br />


Always in the Forefront With the News<br />

ME-4 BOXOFFICE ;: August 28, 1967

'<br />

I<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

North Adams Walden<br />

Completing Updating<br />

NORTH ADAMS. MASS. — Esquire<br />

Theatres of America hopes to have its recently<br />

acquired Walden Theatre on Spring<br />

Street ready for operation by Labor Day<br />

after a $75,000 remodeling. The circuit has<br />

a long-term lease on the building from<br />

Clarence A. King of Hamel Avenue.<br />

Renovation of the theatre has been under<br />

the direction of Louis Chiaramonte,<br />

architect for the circuit. A new shadow box<br />

.screen, new marquee and entrance and improvements<br />

to the interior are included.<br />

Chiaramonte said that the Walden will<br />

be reopened under the new name of College<br />

Cinema and will have a first-run policy. The<br />

Walden, which was closed in June for the<br />

summer, had been operated by King since<br />

1932, except for three years when he leased<br />

it to other operators. King began his film<br />

industry career in Putnam, Conn., at 16.<br />

The Esquire circuit recently took over<br />

and renovated the Tanglewood Cinema in<br />

Lenox and also plans to remodel the Union<br />

Square Theatre in Pittsfield, another recent<br />

acquirement.<br />

Central Falls Lafayette<br />

Opens Under New Lessees<br />


— The former<br />

Lafayette, under the new name of Holiday<br />

Cinema, was reopened Saturday (12) by Andre<br />

Papineau and Donald Rocheleau, new-<br />

comers to motion picture exhibition.<br />

Papineau and Rocheleau installed a new<br />

marquee, remodeled and redecorated the in-<br />

terior and carried out needed repair jobs<br />

prior to reopening the theatre with "Hotel."<br />

They will play second run, seven days after<br />

Providence. Gerry Goven will continue to<br />

book for the theatre.<br />

Simon Rabizon Purchases<br />

Winsted Strand Theatre<br />

WINSTED, CONN. — The 658-seat<br />

Strand has been sold at auction to Simon S.<br />

Rabizon of Middlebury for $28,500. plus<br />

$9,700 in back taxes.<br />

Rabizon, speech and drama instructor in<br />

Waterbury high schools, intends to continue<br />

motion picture operations and also expects<br />

to establish a summer theatre school. He is<br />

director of the Waterbury Civic Theatre.<br />

Author Esther Forbes<br />

WORCESTER—Esther Forbes, 76, Pulitzer<br />

prize-winning author, died at Memorial<br />

hospital. Her works included "Johnny<br />

Tremain; A Novel for Young and Old,"<br />

which was adapted for the screen.<br />

Springfield Poli Razed<br />

SPRINGFIELD — The downtown Poli<br />

Theatre, for many years a western Massachusetts<br />

showcase, has been demolished and<br />

plans are under way for parking facilities in<br />

the immediate future.<br />

Sherrill Corwin Speech<br />

TONE-NAC Main Event<br />

BRETTON WOODS, N.H.—Sherrill C.<br />

Corwin, president of the National Ass'n of<br />

Theatre Owners,<br />

headlines an outstanding<br />

four-day joint convention<br />

of Theatre<br />

Owners of New England<br />

and the Northeastern<br />

Regional Conference<br />

of the Nattional<br />

Ass'n of Concessionaires<br />

which<br />

opens here Monday<br />

(28). With headquarters<br />

at Mount Wash-<br />

Sherrill Corwin<br />

ington Hotel, the joint convention will continue<br />

through Thursday (31).<br />

Preconvention registration for the event<br />

indicates that a record attendance will be<br />

on hand for the programs of the two organizations,<br />

according to Carl Goldman,<br />

TONE executive secretary and coordinator<br />

for the convention.<br />

Edward S. Redstone is general chairman<br />

of the TONE committee on arrangements,<br />

while Jack O'Brien of New England Theatres<br />

heads the NAC committee. Serving<br />

with O'Brien are Nat Buchman, Theatre<br />

Merchandising Corp., Boston; Irving Shapiro,<br />

Concession Enterprises, Boston, and<br />

David Traister, Sack Theatres, Boston.<br />

The occasion marks the 36th convention<br />

for Theatre Owners of New England and the<br />

fourth successive joint TONE-NAC convention.<br />

'In the Heat of the Night' Scores<br />

400 in Boston Music Hall Debut<br />

BOSTON — The inclement weather on<br />

weekends has boosted exhibition grosses to<br />

new heights this summer and the weekend<br />

included in this report was no exception. "In<br />

the Heat of the Night," "Luv" and "Privilege"<br />

took advantage of the ideal weather<br />

conditions on the weekend to build big first<br />

week gross percentages and several holdovers<br />

returned plump figures. Far in front<br />

of all competition, of course, was the 400<br />

four times average—compiled by "In the<br />

Heat of the Night" at the Music Hall. "St.<br />

Valentine's Day Massacre" rode high in<br />

second place by scoring 300 in a second<br />

week at the Savoy and "To Sir, With Love"<br />

grossed 280 per cent in an eighth week at<br />

the Cheri 2.<br />

(Average Is 100)<br />

Astor Luv (Col) 160<br />

Beacon Hill Two for the Rood (20th-Fox),<br />

6th wk 140<br />

Boston Grond Prix (MGM), 35th wk 100<br />

Charles Privilege (Univ) 140<br />

Chen 1 A Mon for All Seasons (Col), 30th wk. 150<br />

Chen 2 To Sir, With Love (Col), 8th wk 280<br />

Cheri 3 A Guide for the Married Man<br />

(20th-Fox), 6th wk 1 50<br />

Circle Cinema Thoroughly Modern Millie<br />

(Univ), 21st wk 150<br />

Exeter The Jokers (Univ), 5th wk 125<br />

Gary Sand The Pebbles (20th-Fox), 16th wk. ..135<br />

Music Hall In the Heat of the Night (UA) . . .400<br />

.<br />

Paramount The Bobo (WB-7A), 2nd wk 145<br />

Pans Cinema The Family Way (WB-7A),<br />

4th wk 140<br />

Savoy<br />

St. The Volentine's Doy Massacre<br />

(20th-Fox), 2nd wk 300<br />

West End Cinema Eric Soya's 17 (P-W), 5th wk. 120<br />

"Bareioot in the Park' 300<br />

Second Week in Hartford<br />

HARTFORD — The<br />

Keppner-Tarentul<br />

Burnside, de luxe first-run showcase, came<br />

up with something rather unique, a rerun of<br />

"I, a Woman," which has played extensively<br />

in the territory.<br />

"The Taming of the Shrew"<br />

soared to a whopping 400 in its sixth Perakos<br />

Cinema One week, and Paramount's<br />

"Barefoot in the Park" demonstrated strong<br />

pulling power.<br />

Allyn, Meriden, UA Theatre East, Middletown,<br />

Southington Barefoot in the Park (Para);<br />

various co-features, 2nd wk<br />

Central, New Britain, Strand, Portland The<br />

300<br />

Naked Runner (WB-7A) 125<br />

Cine Webb, East Windsor, Manchester, Pike,<br />

Plainville A Guide for the Married Man<br />

(20th-Fox), 6th wk 100<br />

Cinerama Grand Prix (MGM), 27th wk 75<br />

Cinema One The Toming of the Shrew (Col),<br />

6th wk 400<br />

E. M. Loew's, New Britain Palace, Meadows<br />

The Way West (UA); various co-features ....175<br />

East Hartford, Hartford, Monsfield, Webster<br />

The Trip (AlP); various co-features 175<br />

Newington Divorce AMERICAN Style (Col),<br />

4th wk 100<br />

Rivoli My Sister, My Love (Sigma III) 200<br />

Strand Thoroughly Modern Millie (Univ),<br />

9th wk 100<br />

'Taming of the Shrew' 400<br />

In New Haven First Week<br />

NEW HAVEN—A benefit<br />

(proceeds going<br />

to a local fresh-air fund) of "The Taming<br />

of the Shrew" got its southern Connecticut<br />

bow off to a strong start at the Bailey<br />

Whalley Theatre. "Barefoot in the Park,"<br />

after hefty boxoffice response in a multipletheatre<br />

extended run, moved over to the<br />

Nutmeg circuit's first-run, downtown Lincoln.<br />

And "To Sir, With Love" hit a brisk<br />

350 opening week, day-and-date in six theatres.<br />

Bowl, Milford, New Haven, Milford Cinema,<br />

Westville, Whitney To Sir, With Love (Col) ..350<br />

Crown—The Fomily Way (WB-7A), 4th wk 70<br />

Loew's College, Summit In the Heat of the<br />

Night (UA), 2nd wk 250<br />

Post, SW Roger Sherman The Big Mouth (Col);<br />

various co-features - 100<br />

SW Cinemart The Sand Pebbles (20th-Fox),<br />

15th wk 90<br />

Whalley The Taming of the Shrew (Col) 400<br />

Wendell Hayes has started preparation on<br />

Columbia's ""The Ferguson Affair," which<br />

he will write.<br />

BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967 NE-1

. . James<br />

—<br />

Mi<br />

BOSTON<br />

^Jirisch Productions finished filming<br />

"Crown Caper" and left Monday (14)<br />

praising the city, the mayor, the police, local<br />

husincssmcn and residents for cooperation<br />

rendered while filmini; was carried out on<br />

90 locations aroimd town. Howard Joslin,<br />

unit manager, said he and Norman Jewison,<br />

director, never before had encoimtered as<br />

much teamwork between a production company<br />

and local residents. While unusually<br />

bad weather slowed the shooting schedule,<br />

the company is more than willing to come<br />

here to film other productions.<br />

Funerul services were held Sunday (13)<br />

for Myer Fox, retired Columbia salesman,<br />

who died after a long illness.<br />

Jack Markell, Columbia's publicity man,<br />

is expected back in mid-September from a<br />

European vacation . . . Like father, like<br />

daughter—a pretty new attraction has been<br />

added to the MGM booking staff. Barbara<br />

Pearlstrig is at work in the same office<br />

where some years ago her father worked as<br />

cashier . . . Ralph Nelson, director, and<br />

Hank Spitz, production manager, were here<br />

scouting location sites for shooting "Charly,"<br />

with Cliff Robertson, for ABC-TV and<br />

20th Century-Fox. Filming is due to start in<br />

.September.<br />

A sonic boom smashed windows all over<br />

the city Tuesday afternoon (15). Eddie<br />

Comi, Massachusetts Theatre Equipment,<br />

said his plate-glass windows buckled out like<br />

billowing sheets, then resumed their normal<br />

positions unbroken . . . Alan Friedberg,<br />

executive vice-president of Sack Theatres,<br />

and his wife are vacationing in Europe for<br />

two weeks . Vlamos, Symphony<br />

Cinema I and II, is leaving for Greece to<br />

. .<br />

visit his parents. He will return late next<br />

month . Otto Preminger's new production<br />

focusing on LSD may use a New England<br />

college campus for location shooting. Dartmouth<br />

is one of the strong contenders.<br />

James Beckerly, projectionist at the Paramount<br />

Theatre, Needham, and a student at<br />

Boston University, was married August 19<br />

in Buffalo, N.Y., to Suzan Ulrich, a buyer<br />

for Jordan Marsh, Boston. They are honeymooning<br />

in the Virgin Isles . . . Sy Evans,<br />

. . .<br />

director of public relations for General Cinema<br />

Corp., and his wife are in Madrid for<br />

a ten-day vacation The twin cinema<br />

being built by Graphic Theatres in Brewer,<br />

Me., is due to open this autumn and will<br />

bring to<br />

15 the number of theatres operated<br />








FILMACK (312) HA 7-3395<br />

1327 S. Wabash - Chicago, III. 60605<br />

NE-2<br />

by the Kurzon brothers. William Black is<br />

. . .<br />

architect for the dual complex, which is to<br />

have a mixed first-run and roadshow policy<br />

Newall Kurzon's daughter Jane was<br />

married July 30 to Bill Russell, a Harvard<br />

Univcisity administrator. They honeymooned<br />

in the Bahamas.<br />

Gforjje RoberLs, Rifkin Theatres, is program<br />

and entertainment chairman for the<br />

Boston Rotary baked bean supper Wednesday<br />

(30) on Boston Common, with 25,000<br />

persons expected! That's not a misprint<br />

25,000 guests are expected, and if they all<br />

show up that should make the Rotary event<br />

the largest supper ever. All proceeds will be<br />

donated to the Freedom Trail Foundation.<br />

Bob Viano, Viano Theatres, will have a<br />

Saturday matinee party during September<br />

for the West Arlington Little League All-<br />

Stars at the Capitol Theatre in Arlington.<br />

They are coached by Bill Murphy, manager<br />

of the theatre, and are the New England<br />

champions. All players will appear in uniform<br />

on stage and will be treated to popcorn,<br />

ice cream, candy and other favors.<br />

The nine-month run of "Grand Prix" will<br />

end ;:t the Boston Cinerama Theatre the<br />

first week in September, according to Manager<br />

Gerry Servant, and then the house will<br />

go dark for eight weeks before reopening<br />

the MGM's "Far From the Madding<br />

Crowd." During the interval, Gerry and his<br />

wife plan a vacation at Expo 67 in Montreal;<br />

then he will return to carry out extensive<br />

promotion for the next film. Gerry said that<br />

the Ford Corp. has rented the theatre September<br />

12 for a filmed showing to more<br />

than 500 dealers of the company's 1968 line<br />

of cars.<br />

The Boston Redevelopment Authority is<br />

demolishing two large hotels in preparing<br />

for its projected mall on Washington Street<br />

and one of these hotels is next to the State<br />

Theatre. George Lemos, State manager, reports<br />

that while the wrecking crew is good<br />

at its job, several times the noise of falling<br />

bricks and timbers was so alarming that<br />

some State patrons rushed up the aisles and<br />

out-of-doors in the belief that the house was<br />

collapsing.<br />

Record Is Forecast<br />

For Jimmy Campaign<br />

BOSTON—The Jimmy Fund, with its<br />

campaign beyond the half-way mark, has<br />

done exceptionally well. Bill Koster, Variety<br />

Club secretary and executive director of the<br />

Jimmy Fimd, said that the size of early<br />

collections at theatres indicates that this will<br />

be a record year for the fund to aid the<br />

Children's Cancer Research and Hospital<br />

program.<br />

The next big public activity in behalf of<br />

the fund will occur Monday (28) when Red<br />

Sox left fielder Carl Yastrzemski will be<br />

honored with a special day and will donate<br />

all the money he receives to the Jimmy<br />

Fund. Koster will be a speaker at the pregame<br />

luncheon that day.<br />

Among events already held to build the<br />

Jimmy Fund was a band concert Monday<br />

morning (14) at Braintree, where police had<br />

rigged up a Rube Goldberg machine on<br />

which lights lit up, fire bells clanged and<br />

police sirens whined whenever money donations<br />

were tossed into the contraption. Some<br />

ol the Boston Celtics were on hand along<br />

i<br />

with the town fathers for this event.<br />

Monday night (21), local radio-TV personalities<br />

played a benefit baseball game for<br />

the Jimmy campaign and Jimmy's Harbourside<br />

Restaurant, Boston, had its annual employes<br />

outing the preceding day, donating<br />

nearly $1,000 to the fund.<br />

Warren Trying to Solve<br />

Shortage of Boothmen<br />

BOSTON — Ernie Warren of the Paramount<br />

Theatre in Needham has gone into<br />

action to try to do something about the<br />

shortage of projectionists.<br />

A few weeks ago he placed an ad in eight<br />

suburban newspapers asking, "Are you a<br />

just-married man or a student working your<br />

way through college and need additional income?<br />

Be a projectionist in your spare<br />

time."<br />

Thus far he has received more than a<br />

half dozen answers and has started training<br />

two applicants under a permit license. Although<br />

automatic projectors are to be discussed<br />

this week at the TONE convention,<br />

Ernie feels that these are a long way in the<br />

future, especially for the independent theatre<br />

owner, and the need for operators has<br />

become acute NOW.<br />

Ralph Eraser, head of the Boston local<br />

operators union, declared that perhaps one<br />

reason for the shortage is the difficulty of<br />

attracting young people into theatre work,<br />

not only as operators, but on a managerial<br />

level as well, is the absence in many instances<br />

of pension plans and fringe benefits.<br />

Although it's nearly impossible for an independent<br />

theatre owner—or an owner with<br />

two or three theatres—to have a pension<br />

plan for his employes, Ernie believes an independent<br />

theatre owners pool may be the<br />

answer to the problem.<br />

At any rate, Operation Projectionist or<br />

Ernie's other name for it. Project Operator,<br />

is under way.<br />

Norwich Expands Parking<br />

NORWICH, CONN.—The chamber of<br />

commerce has agreed to meet any costs over<br />

$50,000 for a new downtown parking space<br />

land acquisition.<br />

Lovfe Family Returns<br />


Lowe, western<br />

New England division manager for Redstone<br />

Theatres, and his family returned from a<br />

week's holiday in Bermuda.<br />

Paul McCartney of The Beatles wrote the<br />

musical score for Warner Bros.' "The Family<br />

Way."<br />

BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967

^<br />

...This is ft!<br />

S^f<br />



|^!—<br />

AnappeT<br />

^<br />

perfection in<br />

optical sound<br />

pUck'upl<br />

\ With ANAPFET, Century now brings you the ultimate in hi-fidelity sound. ANAPFET is an<br />

( entirely new approach to sound reproduction, wedding the concept of the anamorphic lens<br />

/ with the recent innovation of PFET, the photosensitive, field-effect, transistor. The result is<br />

an optical sound system that surpasses everything to date, superseding photoelectric cells,<br />

solar cells, and even our own PFET, the springboard to this superlative new achievement in<br />

sound.<br />

ANAPFET— now standard on all Century<br />

sound equipment and quickly adaptable<br />

to existing Century systems—offers you<br />

these many advantages:<br />


PERMANENT. As shown: a small, compact<br />

component that is an integral part of the<br />

solid-state Century sound system. It contains<br />

within itself the anamorphic lens<br />

and the PFET.<br />


installed in the sound head, fixed at a<br />

permanent setting to give its characteristic<br />

peak hi-fidelity performance. Bothersome<br />

hairline adjustments are wholly<br />

eliminated.<br />


LEVEL — GREATER OUTPUT. 0.35 Volts<br />

without a pre-amp. Signal to noise ratio<br />

is 75 Db, extending the possible range of<br />

volume for theatre operation about 40 Db<br />

greater than systems heretofore available<br />

— or, expressed arithmetically, about<br />

10,000 times.<br />

The excellence of Century CINE-FOCUS® Projection is now matched by Century ANAPFET in sound,<br />

affording you the superlative best in projection and sound for today's modern theatre. If you have not<br />

already done so, investigate CINE-FOCUS film stabilized, controlled focus projection, hailed by theatre<br />

owners and projectionists everywhere as "incomparable". At the same time, get complete details on<br />

our new ANAPFET. In sound projection, it is the greatest!<br />

•Trademark of Cenlury Proieclor Corporation<br />


New York, N.Y. 10019<br />

Massachusetts Theatre Equipment Co.<br />

Phones: LI. 2-9814—LI. 2-0356<br />

20 Piedmont St. Boston, Mass. 02116<br />

BOXOFTICE :: August 28, 1967 NE-3

—<br />

—<br />


JJew Britain, Conn., which fondly labels<br />

itself<br />

the Hardware City of the World,<br />

is typical of the medium-size New England<br />

city at the crossroads as far as motion picture<br />

exhibition promise and performance<br />

are concerned.<br />

The city, ten miles southwest of Hartford,<br />

has a population of 100,000. A generation<br />

ago. New Britain had seven theatres, all<br />

flourishing. They included the then-Warner<br />

Bros. Capitol, Strand and Embassy, the<br />

Perakos Palace, the Pat McMahon State, the<br />

Kounaris Roxy and the Glackin-LeWitt<br />

Arch Street.<br />

Only two remain on a full-time, permanent<br />

basis—the now-Stanley Warner Strand<br />

and the Perakos Palace.<br />

The Roxy, now the Falcon, is operated<br />

only for ethnic groups and on weekends. It<br />

is owned by the Falcon Club of New Britain.<br />

The Arch Street has been converted to<br />

commercial use (a bakery). Its partners,<br />

George LeWitt and John S. P. Glackin, are<br />

dead. Their other theatre, the Strand in<br />

Sound View, has long been closed and the<br />

LeWitt Strand, Plainville, has gone the way<br />

of local-level redevelopment.<br />

The Capitol has been converted to office<br />

building use and the Embassy is part of an<br />

expanded department store. The State is now<br />

a curtain shop.<br />

Randy Mailer, who managed the Strand,<br />

and Joe Borenstein, who had a similar capacity<br />

at the Embassy, for Warner Bros, are<br />

dead. So is Henry L. Needles, long Hartford<br />

district manager for Warner Bros., and, for<br />

many years, a familiar face in downtown<br />

New Britain.<br />

The interim has seen an expanding drivein<br />

theatre complex in the outer periphery<br />

the Perakos Plainville Drive-In, the LeWittbuilt<br />

and now operated by Esquire Theatres<br />

of America Berlin Drive-In, the Menschell<br />

Pike Drive-In, the Perakos Southington<br />

Drive-In and the E. M. Loew-Hartford<br />

Drive-In.<br />

Some months ago, the Plainville zoning<br />

board of appeals rejected an application by<br />

Perakos Theatre Associates for a $1,000,-<br />

000 shopping center, to include a motion<br />

picture theatre.<br />

Both the Strand and the Palace, of<br />

course, are first run, playing a week after<br />

downtown Hartford or, on occasion, participating<br />

in a day-and-date saturation premiere<br />

encompassing upwards of half a<br />

dozen and even more Hartford county<br />

NE-4<br />

-By ALLEN WIDEM-<br />


showcases.<br />

And while what's left of New Britain exhibition<br />

is traditionally reticent as regards<br />

wcek-after-week hoxoffice response, it's an<br />

open secret that only the big-scale blockbusters,<br />

the pronounced "'hiis,'" are causing<br />

much stir in either hardtop.<br />

What irks observers of remaining elements<br />

of New Britain hardtop exhibition is<br />

that the public itself doesn't seem particularly<br />

perplexed over the dwindling quantity<br />

of theatrical outlets. It is argued—and with<br />

considerable justification—that the automotive<br />

age has enabled a resident of any city<br />

to reach another city within minutes and<br />

that the once-evident loyalty, per se, to local<br />

business has given way to accessibility.<br />

Parking Space Adequate<br />

Parking, uniquely enough, is no problem<br />

for either the Strand or the Palace. Afterdark<br />

street space in the general periphery is<br />

more than ample for present and foreseeable<br />

audience needs. For good measure, the<br />

Palace has a Perakos lot in the rear and<br />

customers are encouraged to park there, the<br />

area supervised by uniformed Perakos personnel.<br />

What New Britain exhibition—and its<br />

counterpart in similar-sized communities<br />

across the six-state New England region<br />

is concerned with is the obvious lack of<br />

local-level excitement for the theatrical film<br />

itself.<br />

The Perakos interests—seven hardtops<br />

and two drive-ins—are based in the Palace<br />

Theatre Building. It's here where industry<br />

pioneer Peter G. Perakos sr. began a stillactive<br />

career around the turn of the century.<br />

Joe Miklos, SW district manager, is headquartered<br />

at the Strand.<br />

Regional Film Center<br />

Hence, New Britain is more than just a<br />

side-stop, so to speak, for circuit executives.<br />

It's a gathering point for regional managerial<br />

meetings, for conclaves affecting exhibition<br />

in a sizeable portion of the state.<br />

Yet, New Britain isn't considered a prime<br />

target for new theatre construction. The automobile,<br />

with its ability to take someone<br />

elsewhere in a hurry, and the not-yet-halted<br />

exodus of city dwellers to suburban areas<br />

have focused attention on the need for new<br />

facilities in towns on the periphery—hence<br />

the ill-fated effort by Perakos to build a<br />

shopping center and theatre in Plainville,<br />

just over the city line.<br />

At the same time. New England exhibition<br />

got stature, significance and substance<br />

from cities the size of New Britain and even<br />

smaller a generation ago. New Britain's impact<br />

was felt, most strongly, 25 years ago.<br />

Now its exhibition future is clouded with<br />

doubt and deliberations.<br />

Both Sperie P. Perakos, vice-president<br />

and general manager of Perakos Theatre<br />

Associates, and the aforementioned Miklos<br />

are considered pace-setters in Connecticut<br />

exhibition. If there's a trend to bring more<br />

dollars into the boxoffice, they're quick to<br />

adapt, to adopt, to act. They're willing to<br />

host "names" and they're willing to contact .;<br />

business sources for theatre rentals, children's<br />

parties and the like.<br />

Moreover, Sperie's younger brother Peter<br />

G. jr., PTA office manager, is city treasurer<br />

of New Britain, an elective office, and has<br />

proceeded to save money and prudently invest<br />

city funds for unprecedented levels of<br />

municipal income.<br />

The Perakos name is readily recognized<br />

by the man-in-the-street of New Britain for<br />

vigorous participation in Rotary and Kiwanis<br />

activity.<br />

In effect, what's left of New Britain exhibition<br />

isn't exactly sitting back and won- j<br />

dcring what's happening; it's in the main<br />

swing of business activity and, significantly,<br />

desirous of doing even more to bring greater<br />

attention to theatrical exhibition in the<br />

Hardware City of the World!<br />

New Haven Art House<br />

For Perakos Circuit<br />

NEW HAVEN—Sperie P. Perakos, vicepresident<br />

and general manager of Perakos<br />

Theatre Associates, has announced plans for<br />

constructing an 800-seat art film theatre in<br />

downtown New Haven.<br />

Perakos said the New Haven project represents<br />

a major step in the circuit's expansion<br />

program in Connecticut, where it already<br />

operates seven hardtops and two<br />

drive-ins.<br />


'VA/'illiam Decker, advertising and publicity<br />

director for Stanley Warner in New<br />

England and the upstate New York zone,<br />

visited Hartford resident manager Bob<br />

Carney . . . Murray Lipson, Central, was a<br />

New York business visitor.<br />

Perakos' Cinema One, East Hartford, distributed<br />

free tickets to "The Taming of the<br />

Shrew" to customers of Balch Pontiac-Buick<br />

to take demonstration rides in new models.<br />

The testimonial dinner honoring actress<br />

Melina Mercouri, slated for August 27 at<br />

the Hartford Hilton, has been postponed.<br />

A new date will be announced. Miss Mercouri,<br />

starring in Broadway's "llya Darling,"<br />

requested the postponement because of the<br />

recent death of her father.<br />

Chet Stoddard, president of New England<br />

Theatres, met with Ray McNamara and<br />

James Darby, resident managers for Hartford<br />

and New Haven, respectively.<br />

Harold Call Retiring<br />

PORTLAND—Harold L. Call is retiring<br />

as amusements editor of the Portland Newspapers<br />

after 43 years with the Guy Gannett<br />

dailies.<br />

Audrey Hepburn portrays a blind woman<br />

in Warner Bros. -Seven Arts' "Wait Until<br />

Dark."<br />

BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967

I<br />

has<br />

, currently<br />

[<br />

with<br />

( before<br />

I<br />

jor<br />

'<br />

I<br />

Paramount on Second<br />

Of 6 Canadian Films<br />

TORONTO— During the past six montins,<br />

encouraged by the Canadian Film Development<br />

Corp. loan fund which still must attain<br />

Parliament approval, Paramount has<br />

launched two of six feature films it promised<br />

to make in this country.<br />

Last spring, an all-Canadian production<br />

titled "Isabel.'" written and directed by Paul<br />

Almond of Toronto and starring his French-<br />

Canadian wife Genevieve Bujold, was<br />

filmed along the Gaspe peninsula and is<br />

now being screened in its rough-cut stage.<br />

Meanwhile, another crew working out of<br />

Paramount's British office to meet the requirements<br />

of the Eady Plan financing, has<br />

been filming in Toronto and the eastern<br />

townships of Quebec a Robert Radnitz production<br />

"My Side of the Mountain" and<br />

produced by James Clark.<br />

Both of those productions have been having<br />

union difficulties, due to protests raised<br />

by the Toronto-based lATSE Local 644-C<br />

against the use of non-IATSE personnel.<br />

Bill Cole, business representative for this<br />

local, takes objection to the importation of<br />

more than 20 British technicians for "My<br />

Side of the Mountain." Radnitz, on the other<br />

hand, argues that the production is bound<br />

by British government regulations, to qualify<br />

for the financing.<br />

The budget for this film is set at just<br />

under $1 million and is set for release next<br />

summer. Meanwhile, on a worldwide scale,<br />

production program<br />

Paramount's revitalized<br />

reached an all-time high with 13 films<br />

shooting and 11 projects on which<br />

principal photography has been completed,<br />

another nine feature projects scheduled<br />

winter. The action encompasses maproductions<br />

in England, France, Spain<br />

and Ireland, as well as the U.S. and Canada.<br />

NFB Film Wins Labor<br />

Film Festival in Montreal<br />

MONTREAL—The grand prize, awarded<br />

by the International Labor Film Festival,<br />

was presented here to the National Film<br />

Board for its production "Do Not Fold,<br />

Staple, Spindle or Mutilate." This drama<br />

about modern union management starring<br />

Oscar-winner Ed Begley, also won an award<br />

as the best film in the education category.<br />

"Steeltown," a half-hour film on a community<br />

built around heavy industry, took<br />

second prize in the social information category.<br />

The festival also presented the NFB<br />

with a certificate in recognition of its "pioneering<br />

and excellence in the production<br />

of labor films over the last decade."<br />

The delegates to the festival were addressed<br />

by H. Pateet, executive secretary of<br />

the Confederation of International Free<br />

Trade Unions, and by Fred Terselius, general<br />

manager of Nordisk Tonefilm in Stockholm,<br />

Sweden, who acted as chairman of<br />

the jurv.<br />

John Williams has been signed to co-star<br />

in 20th Century-Fox's "A Flea in Her Ear."<br />

Jack Valenti's Address<br />

To Open CMPI Conclave<br />

Jack J.<br />

Valenti<br />

TORONTO — Jack Valenti, president<br />

of the Motion Picture Ass'n of America,<br />

will be the opening<br />

speaker of the Canadian<br />

Motion Picture<br />

Industry Convention<br />

and Tradeshow in the<br />

Queen Elizabeth BIdg.<br />

at exhibition Park<br />

here September 25 to<br />

27.<br />

Jack Fitzgibbons,<br />

convention chairman,<br />

said many top executives<br />

in the motion<br />

picture industry from Canada and the<br />

United States will participate in the convention<br />

and tradeshow, including some Hollywood<br />

stars.<br />

The convention and tradeshow is sponsored<br />

by the Motion Picture Theatres Ass'n<br />

of Canada, the National Ass'n of Concessionaires<br />

and the Canadian Motion Picture<br />

Distributors Ass'n.<br />

Booth Space Going Fast<br />

Equipment manufacturers and suppliers<br />

to the motion picture industry already have<br />

booked two-thirds of the exhibit space. The<br />

1.346-scat Queen Elizabeth Theatre in the<br />

building will be used for screening production<br />

reels of new films scheduled for release<br />

late this year and in 1968.<br />

Valenti, who served as a special assistant<br />

to United States President Lyndon Johnson<br />

from Nov. 22, 1963 to May 16, 1966, attended<br />

the Moscow Film Festival where he<br />

noticed the 12 U.S. entries drew more than<br />

half of the festival's attendance.<br />

He was elected president of the MPAA<br />

May 11, 1966, the Motion Picture Export<br />

Ass'n of America, June 7, 1966, and the<br />

Ass'n of Motion Picture and Television Producers<br />

on June 28, 1966, in Hollywood.<br />

Prior to joining President Johnson's staff,<br />

Valenti organized and co-founded Weekly<br />

& Valenti Advertising Agency in Houston,<br />

Tex., in 1952. Four years later, he was selected<br />

as "outstanding young man of Houston."<br />

Graduate of Houston<br />

Valenti graduated from the University of<br />

Houston with a BS degree in 1946. His education<br />

was interrupted for two years' service<br />

in the Army Air Corps in World War II.<br />

He flew 5 1 combat missions and was awarded<br />

the Distinguished Flying Cross and the<br />

Air Medal with four clusters.<br />

He attended the Harvard Graduate<br />

School of Business Administration, graduating<br />

with a master of business administration<br />

degree in 1948.<br />

Among Valenti's other achievements are a<br />

book of collected columns written for the<br />

Houston Post, gathered under the title of<br />

Ten Heroes and Two Heroines," and the<br />

honor of becoming the first alumnus of the<br />

University of Houston to be named to the<br />

University board of regents.<br />

The Canadian Motion Picture Industry<br />

Convention and Tradeshow will be Valenti's<br />

first official appearance in Canada as<br />

MPAA president.<br />

lATSE to Have Booth<br />

At Canadian Conclave<br />

TORONTO—Believed to be the first for<br />

any national or international tradeshow, the<br />

International Alliance of Theatrical Stage<br />

Employes and Moving Picture Machine<br />

Operators of the U.S. and Canada will have<br />

a booth at the Canadian Tradeshow and<br />

Convention, September 25-27 in the Queen<br />

Elizabeth Bldg.<br />

Booth space already is at a premium,<br />

says Jack Fitzgibbons, general chairman.<br />

He said those planning to come to Toronto<br />

for the event should make their travel reservations<br />

immediately. Flights are booked<br />

solidly and trains are almost as bad, with deluxe<br />

trains, such as the Rapido from Montreal,<br />

having waiting lists.<br />

Tent 28 Receives $40,000<br />

From Charity Grid Game<br />

TORONTO — Tent 28's annual benefit<br />

football game in Varsity Stadium here was<br />

an overwhelming success, bringing in more<br />

than $40,000 for the tent. More than 11,000<br />

tickets for the event were sold, and between<br />

the Variety Club share of the ticket sales<br />

and its annual program revenue, this<br />

amount will go to Variety Village, the club's<br />

vocational guidance school for handicapped<br />

boys.<br />

Showers early in the evening did keep the<br />

attendance down. This exhibition game between<br />

the Montreal Beavers and Toronto<br />

Rifles was won by the Rifles, 24 to 20.<br />

Barker Doug Wells produced the halftime<br />

show, featuring the Ambassadors. Alex<br />

Stewart was responsible for the program ad<br />

sales. Harry Sherkin handled ticket sales<br />

and the prizes and sale of programs at the<br />

game were in the hands of Joe Bermack,<br />

Jack Chisholm and David Freeman. Sherkin<br />

was assisted by Harold Meyers, and Stewart<br />

got production help from artist John Longdon.<br />

One of the prizes—a chaise lounge— -was<br />

won by John Mandell, a grandson of David<br />

Mandell, manager of Inter-Theatre Services.<br />

John was on a visit from Winnipeg, and is<br />

himself handicapped and on crutches due to<br />

polio.<br />

Tent 28's series of fall-to-spring celebrity<br />

luncheons start September 13 in the Park<br />

Plaza Hotel with a tribute to perhaps the<br />

greatest Canadian showman of them all,<br />

Patty<br />

Conklin.<br />

BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967 K-1

7/ ne Faut Pas Mourir Pour Ca/<br />

'Warrendole Share Festival Prize<br />

MONTREAL—The directors of an English-language<br />

documentary film and a whimsical<br />

narrative, in French, were awarded the<br />

"grand prix ex-aequo" for the best feature<br />

film in competition at the fifth Festival of<br />

Canadian Films, held in Expo Theatre during<br />

the eighth Montreal International Film<br />

Festival.<br />

The winning films were "Warrendale," directed<br />

by .'Man King of Toronto, and "11 ne<br />

Faut Pas Mourir Pour Ca." directed by Jean<br />

Pierre Lefebvre of Montreal. The award for<br />

"Warrendale" was given for "its profound<br />

humanity and love and respect for the disturbed<br />

children it presented" and the<br />

French-language film was chosen for its "direction<br />

and the acting of the principals, including<br />

Marc Sabourin and Suzanne Grossman."<br />

The prize-winning directors immediately<br />

announced, each in his own language, that<br />

"without contesting the jury's decision and<br />

without disrespect for its decision but out<br />

of respect for each other's work," they<br />

would divide the $5,000 prize money with<br />

the directors of the other two feature-length<br />

films presented at the competition, as well<br />

as with Larry Kent. "We had come to this<br />

decision between ourselves well before the<br />

announcement of the awards," they said.<br />

The other two feature films are "Le<br />

Regne du Jour," directed by Pierre Perrault,<br />

a documentary on a French-Canadian family,<br />

and "Entre la Mer et I'Eau Douce," directed<br />

by Michel Brault and starring Genevieve<br />

Bujold and Claude Gauthier.<br />

Kent's entry "High," which had been<br />

scheduled as the fifth film in competition,<br />

had been barred by the Quebec censors. In<br />

connection with this, France's Jean Renoir,<br />

president of the festival film jury, declared:<br />

"We are all extremely against censorship. We<br />

consider censorship an outdated, barbarous<br />

institution that should not exist. However, it<br />

has one advantage. When a film which has<br />

been condemned is finally shown, it has that<br />

much more success."<br />

Members of the jury with Renoir included<br />

Christopher Chapman, Beryl Fox and<br />

Richard Lacrois of Canada, Glauber Rocha<br />

of Brazil, Monte Hellman of the U.S.A.<br />

and Bruno Bouzzetto of Italy.<br />

The Grand Prize of $1,000 for the best<br />

medium-length film went to Jacques Leduc<br />

of Montreal for "Chantal: En Vrac," a<br />



Try our reasonable prices!<br />





4810 Saint Denis Street, Montreal, Qua.<br />

Phone: Victor 2-6762<br />

brightly colored mood picture of contemporary<br />

youth. Pierre Hebert's "On Hop," a<br />

series of eye-popping animated abstractions,<br />

won the $1,000 grand prize for the best<br />

short film.<br />

Four other productions received mention:<br />

Derek May's "Angel" a poetic evocation of<br />

emotion through photographic techniques;<br />

"Rouli-Roulant" by Claude Jutra, which<br />

examined with style and elegance the world<br />

of the skate-boarders; Tanya Ballantyne's<br />

study of human defeat in daily life "The<br />

World I Cannot Change" and Michel<br />

Brault's "Entre la Mer et I'Eau Douce"<br />

showing the loves and early career of a<br />

chansonnier from St. Irenee.<br />

The choice of the controversial "Warrendale"<br />

was largely commended. However,<br />

there was considerable dissatisfaction<br />

among the public with the jury's choice of<br />

the grand prize winners for shorter films.<br />


^arl Lochman, formerly with the National<br />

Film Board, now a top aide to Canada's<br />

state secretary Judy LaMarsh, is reported<br />

being considered to head the Canadian<br />

Film Development Corp., the crownowned<br />

corporation which has been established<br />

to give a shot-in-the-arm for the Canadian<br />

motion picture industry.<br />

United Amusement Corp. for Famous<br />

Players opened its new twin cinema in<br />

Greenfield Park, a south shore municipality,<br />

with the theatre featuring "Casino Royale."<br />

The provincial government's information<br />

and publicity office has commissioned the<br />

assembly of a documentary film in color of<br />

the visit of Charles de Gaulle of France. Production<br />

of the short film which will cost between<br />

$35,000 and $40,000, will be carried<br />

out by Jean-Claude Labreque, a Montreal<br />

film producer.<br />

Montreal motion picture industry people<br />

point out that despite Quebec's new law allowing<br />

the operation of drive-ins, there has<br />

been no noticeable stampede to get into the<br />

business. It is felt the legislation is hedged<br />

with so many "ifs" and "buts," plus restrictions<br />

on the type of motion pictures which<br />

may be shown, that it is doubtful if there<br />

will ever be such a stampede.<br />

Copies Exist of Pictures<br />

Lost in Kirkland Fire<br />

MONTREAL—Grant McLean, assistant<br />

commissioner of the National Film Board,<br />

said the full extent of the losses suffered by<br />

the board in the July 23 fire at its film storage<br />

building at Kirkland, 10 miles from<br />

Montreal, probably won't be known for<br />

some time.<br />

Housed in the structure are films, lighting<br />

and sound recording equipment and a<br />

supply<br />

of film cans and reels. Also in the building<br />

were films of the Canadian Film Instiinte<br />

and la Cinematheque Canadienne.<br />

Although the storage building and its contents<br />

are a total loss, McLean said this didn't<br />

mean all the materials were lost to posterity.<br />

He explained that for 6'/2 years the NEB<br />

had been working on a ten-year program to<br />

transfer Canadian film material of historical<br />

and archival value from original nitrate<br />

film stock to acetate-base safety film.<br />

Four employes have been working the<br />

year around on the project, and each summer<br />

two students are added to the staff to<br />

accelerate the program. The transferred film<br />

is kept in the NFB's vaults at its premises<br />

in St. Laurent.<br />

Stored in the Kirkland building were<br />

films made by the NEB from its inception<br />

in 1939 until 1952. These were in the form<br />

of negatives, fine-grain positives, soundtracks<br />

and positive prints, all on 35mm nitrate-base<br />

film.<br />

Copies of some of the films<br />

exist at the board's Cote de Liesse vaults and<br />

other 35mm films may be located from<br />

various sources.<br />

In that connection, Guy Cote, president<br />

la Cinematheque Canadienne, said his organization,<br />

through its affiliation with the<br />

30-member International Federation of<br />

Film Archives, already has volunteered to<br />

assist the NEB is procuring copies of the<br />

destroyed films wherever they might exist<br />

throughout the world.<br />

Also lost in the blaze was a considerable<br />

amount of footage shot by Canadian military<br />

forces' cameramen during World War<br />

II. However, almost all of those films had<br />

been reviewed some years ago when the<br />

NFB produced its 13-film series "Canada<br />

at War." At that time more than 15 million<br />

feet of film was reviewed and the best of it<br />

transferred to safety stock and is now preserved<br />

in the NEB vaults.<br />

McLean said he also had been advised<br />

that none of Cote's organization's losses<br />

were of historical or archival value.<br />

OTTAWA<br />

The first<br />

attempted robbery of a theatre in<br />

the Ottawa area this year took place in<br />

nearby Hull, when a man wearing dark<br />

glasses appeared at the Vendome in the Cartier<br />

Shopping Center only to be foiled by<br />

quick-thinking Lise Chretien. The would-be<br />

robber handed a note to Miss Chretien on<br />

which was written: "This is a hold-up. Give<br />

me all your bills." Although frightened the<br />

cashier told him the night's receipts had<br />

been removed from the boxoffice and the<br />

man took to his heels as she gave the alarm.<br />

In the belief that similar incidents would<br />

follow, local exhibitors have adopted increased<br />

precautions.<br />

Frank Berlin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris<br />

Berlin of Ottawa, has registered for further<br />

studies at McMaster University at Hamilton,<br />

Ont., following graduation with distinction<br />

at Babson Institute in Massachusetts<br />

where he obtained his bachelor of business<br />

K-2 BOXOFFICE :: August 28, 1967

I Drive-In<br />

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newspaper<br />

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science degree. The father is owner of theatres<br />

in Ottawa and a former director of the<br />

Motion Picture Theatres Ass'n of Ontario.<br />

\^ith expansion of the system of the<br />

Ottawa Cablevision Co., plans are afoot for<br />

the use of its facilities in primary classrooms,<br />

according to a statement by William<br />

T. MacSkimming, superintendent of the<br />

Ottawa school board. However, at present<br />

the programs of two companies are available<br />

in parts of the city, thus causing a<br />

delay in the decision.<br />

Beatrice McElligott, secretary of the big<br />

Ottawa Capitol, has been given special<br />

honor by the Famous Players 25-Year Club,<br />

the members of which are granted an extra<br />

week for their annual vacation and other<br />

recognitions. Already a club member, she<br />

has received tribute again for having completed<br />

40 years of service and is still proficient.<br />

Ottawa theatres have survived much<br />

competition, what with the ten-day Central<br />

Canada Exhibition with its numerous entertainment<br />

features, a military tattoo for four<br />

nights which was a sell-out, a series of<br />

RCMP outdoor musical rides attended by<br />

big crowds, free performances on Parliament<br />

Hill and many band concerts, also<br />

free. But theatre attendance has been augmented<br />

by countless tourists mainly from<br />

the U. S.<br />

"Barefoot in the Park" was transferred<br />

from the Capitol to the Regent for a sixth<br />

week in Ottawa, while "The Taming of the<br />

Shrew" won a third week as a roadshow at<br />

the Elmdale. "The War Wagon" held for a<br />

second stanza at the Somerset and Queensway.<br />

"The Sand Pebbles," which bowed in<br />

at the Nelson for a roadshow engagement,<br />

looks good for a long run.<br />

For the extended summer engagements<br />

of "Doctor Zhivago" the admission is $2 for<br />

adults at the independent Starlite Drive-In<br />

at Cornwall, but the price at the Odeon<br />

at Kingston, Ont., is $1.50 . . . The<br />

advertising has been combined<br />

for the Port Theatre in Cornwall and the<br />

opened Curry Hill Drive-In in that<br />

'Spoiled Rotten' in the Fall<br />

From Eastern Edition<br />

YORK—"Spoiled Rotten," a drama<br />

swingers in Greece's "now generation,"<br />

will be released this fall by Chancellor Films<br />

with an American premiere in New York.<br />

The film stars Zoe Laskari, a former Miss<br />

Greece in the Miss Universe contest. Her<br />

costar Nikos Kourkoulos is currently playing<br />

in "Ilya Darling" on Broadway with<br />

Greece's famous actress, Melina Mercouri.<br />

Censors 'Restrict' 4 Films<br />

OTTAWA—The censor board has classified<br />

four pictures for Restricted Attendance.<br />

They are "Accident," "Cloportes,"<br />

"Cul de Sac" and "Hells Angels on Wheels."<br />

"Bandolero!" is the new title for 20th<br />

Century-Fox's "Mace."<br />

'Guide for Married Man' Excellent'<br />

2nd Week in Toronto; luv' 'Good'<br />

TORONTO — Warm summer weather<br />

kept receipts down, although a few bookings<br />

continued strong. "Wild, Wild Planet" and<br />

"Welcome to Hard Times" did quite well<br />

in a week's run at the Downtown and seven<br />

other Twinex houses and "A Guide for the<br />

Married Man" continued to do good business<br />

at the Imperial and other locations.<br />

"Divorce AMERICAN Style" continued to<br />

do excellent in its second week at the Carlton<br />

and "Luv" had a very good opening at<br />

the Danforth. "Two for the Road" held up<br />

well in its ninth week at the Hollywood's<br />

South Cinema, and "You Only Live Twice"<br />

continued to hold up well in its eighth week,<br />

now at the Coronet and four other Odeon<br />

theatres.<br />

Capitol F.ne Art The Sand Pebbles (20th-Fox),<br />

25th wk Good<br />

Capri Uninhibited (IFD), 2nd wk. Fair<br />

Cai,tcn— Divcrce AMERICAN Style (Col),<br />

2nd wk Excellent<br />

Coronet, four others You Only Live Twice (UA),<br />

8th wk Excellent<br />

Crest A Mon ond a Woman (IFD), 41st wk. . .Good<br />

Danforth Luv (Col) Very Good<br />

Downtown, =even others Wild, Wild Planet<br />

(MGM); Wetcome to Hard Times (MGM) Very Good<br />

Eglintcn The Sound of Music (20th-Fox),<br />

127th wk Good<br />

Fairlown—A Man tcr AM Seasons (Col),<br />

35th wk Excellent<br />

Glendale Cinerama Grand Prix (MGM),<br />

29th wk Good<br />

Ho'lywood (North) Up the Down Staircase<br />

(WB-7A), 7th wk Good<br />

Hollywood (South) Two tor the Road (20th-Fox),<br />

9th wk Very Good<br />

Number, four others The Deadly Affair (Col);<br />

The Game Is Over (Col) Good<br />

Hyland To Sir, With Love (Col), 5th wk. ..Excellent<br />

Imperial group A Guide for the Married Mon<br />

(20th-Fox), 3rd wk Good<br />

International Cinema The Sailor From Gibraltar<br />

(UA)<br />

Fair<br />

Doctor wk.<br />

Sister,<br />

(IFD),<br />

Ncrtcwn<br />

Towne Cinema<br />

Zhivago<br />

My<br />

(MGM),<br />

My Love<br />

44th ...Good<br />

4th wk Very Good<br />

University Thoroughly Modern Millie (Univ),<br />

1 0th wk Very Good<br />

Attendance, Grosses in Upturn<br />

At Montreal First-Run Houses<br />

MONTREAL—With the intensive interest<br />

shown in Montreal as a result of the<br />

many activities of the eighth Montreal International<br />

Film Festival held mainly at Expo<br />

Theatre, the local leading motion picture<br />

houses of Montreal were better attended in<br />

the week under review than in recent past<br />

weeks. The programs offered at<br />

the various<br />

theatres were of good quality and proved of<br />

fairly good interest to many film fans.<br />

Alouette Thoroughly Modern Millie (Univ),<br />

18th wk Good<br />

Atwater In the Heat of the Night (UA) Good<br />

Avenue Accident (IFD), 6th wk Good<br />

Capitol The Dirty Dozen (MGM), 2nd wk. Excellent<br />

Cinema Festival My Sister, My Love (IFD),<br />

3rd wk Good<br />

F'eur de Lys Tant Qu'on la Sonte (SR), 4th wk. Good<br />

Imperial Grand Prix (MGM), I 3th wk Good<br />

Kent The Family Way (WB-7A), 4th wk Good<br />

Lcew's Barefoot in the Park (Para), 8th wk. ..Good<br />

Palace You Only Live Twice (UA), 7th wk. . . . .Good<br />

Ponsien Les Poupees (SR), 3rd wk Good<br />

Van Home Up the Down Staircase {WB-7A),<br />

4th wk Good<br />

Vendome— Russian Film Festival Good<br />

Westmount To Sir, With Love (Col), 7th wk. . .Good<br />

'The Gnome-Mobile' Outstanding<br />

In Mixed Vancouver Week<br />

VANCOUVER — The boxoffice picture<br />

in most downtown theatres was this: Thursday<br />

opening, good; Friday, soft; Saturday,<br />

good; Sunday through Wednesday, temperatures<br />

in the 80s, business—blah. Even "To<br />

Sir, With Love" couldn't buck it Sunday,<br />

posting the lowest day of the run. "The<br />

Gnome-Mobile" was surprisingly good in<br />

the Strand as the family trade, surfeited with<br />

eight weeks of beach weather, decided on a<br />

cool theatre as a change.<br />

. Capitol Barefoot in the Park (Para), 4th wk.<br />

Coronet The War Wagon (Univ), 2nd wk<br />

Downtown Two for the Road (20th-Fox),<br />

.Poor<br />

Fair<br />

8th wk<br />

Hyland A Man for All Seasons (Col), 25th wk.<br />

Slow<br />

.Fair<br />

Odeon To Sir, With Love<br />

Orpheum The Dirty Dozen<br />

(Col), 7th<br />

(MGM)<br />

.<br />

wk. . . .Excellent<br />

..Above Average<br />

Fork Thoroughly Modern Millie (Univ),<br />

7th wk Above Average<br />

Ridge The Sond Pebbles (20th-Fox), 13th wk. ..Fair<br />

Stanley The Taming of the Shrew (Col),<br />

9th wk Average<br />

Strand The Gnome- Mobile (BV) Good<br />

Studio Onibaba (IFD), 4th wk<br />

Vogue A Guide for the Morried Man<br />

Poor<br />

(20th-Fox)<br />

Above Average<br />

"To Sir, With Love' Shows<br />

Staying Power in Winnipeg<br />

WINNIPEG—Grosses were off about 10<br />

per cent from the previous week (and about<br />

the same as the similar week last year). The<br />

reduction was due to a dip in most of the<br />

long-run situations. However, still showing<br />

strength and topping the list was "To Sir,<br />

With Love." Strong, but down from previous<br />

highs, were "Barefoot in the Park,"<br />

"Thoroughly Modern Millie," "The Dirty<br />

Dozen" and "The Family Way." "Luv" had<br />

a satisfactory one-week run and "The Sand<br />

Pebbles" continued strong, ending its second<br />

month.<br />

Capitol Barefoot in the Pork (Poro),<br />

7th wk Very Good<br />

Gaiety The wk. . .Good<br />

Sand Pebbles (20th-Fox), 8th<br />

Garrick To Sir, With Love (Col), 4th wk. . .Excellent<br />

Kings Thoroughly Modern Millie (Univ),<br />

7th wk Very Good<br />

Lyceum Africa—Texos Style! (Paro); The Busy<br />

Body (Para) Good<br />

Metropolitan The Dirty Dozen (MGM),<br />

6th wk Very Good<br />

Odeon Luv (Col) Good<br />

Park The Family Way {WB-7A), 5th wk. Very Good<br />

Towne Up the Down Stoircase (WB-7A),<br />

4th wk Average<br />


Qeorge Koppleman of Montreal, Maritime<br />

salesman for Allied Artists and International<br />

Film Distributors, called on exhibitors<br />

here at the local office, where Kay<br />

Ryan is in charge. He reports "Dear John"<br />

has been "great."<br />

July, weatherwise, was a record-breaking<br />

month for fog. There were only a few days<br />

of sunshine, with virtually every night<br />

fogged in. Drive-ins were affected greatly.<br />

Centennial projects in larger cities also have<br />

taken their toll at the boxoffice, with free<br />

outdoor movies and innumerable indoor and<br />

outdoor free attractions.<br />

Les E. Mitchell of Halifax, Maritime district<br />

manager of Famous Players, was in<br />

town conferring with Helmet Dach, manager<br />

of the Paramount, and Jim Mitchell,<br />

Plaza manager. He also called on exchange<br />

managers.<br />

:: August 28, 1967<br />


.<br />


\7isiting Filmrow and the circuit head offices<br />

was 20th Century-Fox Canadian<br />

general sales manager Peter Myers, who<br />

conferred with local branch manager Dawson<br />

Exiey on plans for the upcoming season.<br />

Joining the holiday exodus were Larry<br />

and Joe Strick of Columbia who motored<br />

to Calgary to visit Larry's father and renew<br />

acquaintances with old friends on Calgary<br />

Filmrow . . . Also off to Alberta was West<br />

Coast Theatre's Vi Hosford . . . Booker Vi<br />

Yates of Empire Films also went holidaying<br />

in the hinterland, as did Odeon Girl Friday<br />

Gay Carl.<br />

Ross Dower of Victoria Shopping service<br />

left upon the return of head shipper George<br />

Hislop and is spending his holiday as chief<br />

projectionist for the Pacific National Exhibition,<br />

which opened a 14-day stand Saturday<br />

(19).<br />

A visitor from Australia, where he now<br />

operates hotels, was Ben Chechik, brother<br />

of Max of the Chechik circuit. Ben says he<br />

is having his second summer this year, as it<br />

was just ending when he left Australia.<br />

It was a good week for the Chechiks all<br />

round as the combo of "Irma La Douce"<br />

and "Tom Jones" went into its second week<br />

at the Delta Drive-In, and the revival of<br />

"Carmen Jones" at the Bay, timed to coincide<br />

with the live appearance of Harry Belafonte<br />

at<br />

the Queen Elizabeth, which played<br />

to capacity, gave the west end hardtop a<br />

good week.<br />

One of the most successful tie-ups ever<br />

entered into here by an independent was the<br />

one engineered by the Chechik circuit for<br />

the Delta Drive-In at Richmond, Bay in<br />

Vancouver and Tillicum Drive-In, Victoria,<br />

for the showing of "Those Magnificent Men<br />

in Their Flying Machines" on a day-anddate<br />

engagement. Two tickets for a trip to<br />

San Francisco were promoted from Canadian<br />

Pacific Airlines. To keep interest alive<br />

the prize drawing was held two weeks later.<br />

The winners were Mr. and Mrs. J. Callison<br />

of Richmond. All theatres reported good<br />

business on award night.<br />

Odeon brought back "A Man and a<br />

Woman" for day-and-date showing in the<br />

Dunbar and Odeon, West Vancouver. After<br />

a successful week, it moved into the Totem,<br />

North Vancouver, Haida, Vancouver.<br />

Active in the Tent 47-sponsored picnic<br />

for retarded children Sunday (6) at the<br />

Bear Creek Park in Surrey was barker<br />

Lionel Courchine of the Surrey Drive-in.<br />

Threatening skies held down attendance.<br />

Surprise visitors to the Columbia office<br />

were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kahn of the Columbia<br />

New York head office. Mrs. Kahn,<br />

who lived here during her youth, was surprised<br />

by the tremendous growth of the city.<br />

While locally produced movies, particularly<br />

those about the province, are seldom<br />

seen at home, they are getting plenty of<br />

playing time below the border. B. C. scenery<br />

was shown 8,000 times on U.S. movie<br />

screens and on more than 70 million TV<br />

screens during the first three months of<br />

1967, said travel minister Ken Kiernansaid.<br />

He said motion pictures produced in the<br />

province were seen by more than 450,000<br />

people in non-theatrical audiences in the<br />

U.S. in that period. There were 63 television<br />

showings, 25 per cent of which were in<br />

color.<br />


XX/illiam S. Moon has acquired the 320-<br />

seat Avon, the only house in Campbellford,<br />

Ont., from George Vice.<br />

It is reported that "The Sound of Music"<br />

has grossed $90 million from its worldwide<br />

bookings. Locally it is well into its second<br />

year at the Eglinton, with at least another<br />

six months to go.<br />

The Imperial here plans a "Turn On"<br />

Sunday midnight, September 3. It will be<br />

complete with rock 'n' roll bands, and will<br />

last six hours. Dancing will be permitted in<br />

the aisles and foyer. Tickets at $3 per person<br />

went on sale Friday (25). If the show<br />

is successful. Famous Players plans to try<br />

it in some of its larger houses across the<br />

coimtry.<br />

About 700 expectant mothers were guests<br />

of Famous Players and radio station CHUM<br />

at a morning showing of Warner Bros.-?<br />

Arts' "The Family Way." Storkland, a local<br />

chain of nursery equipment stores, donated<br />

a complete nursery as a door prize, and<br />

each guest was given a bag full of nursery<br />

items.<br />

There were several new bookings at local<br />

houses. "The Bobo" opened Wednesday at<br />

the Towne Cinema. "The Love-Ins" and<br />

"The Mystery of Thug Island" opened a<br />

multiple run at the Downtown, Metro,<br />

Beach and other Twinex houses, and<br />

"Woman Times Seven" moved from the<br />

Yorkdale into a multiple run at the Alhambra.<br />

Park, Kingsway, and the two Twinex<br />

drive-ins. "The St. Valentine's Day Massacre"<br />

also opened a multiple run at the Coronet,<br />

Humber, Elaine and five other Odeon<br />

locations. "The Family Way" started at the<br />

Hollywood. The Capitol in New Toronto<br />

joined the Imperial, Yorkdale and other<br />

FP houses in screening "Triple Cross."<br />

Producer Martin Rackin was a visitor<br />

here to promote Universal's "Rough Night<br />

in Jericho," which opened Thursday (24) at<br />

the Odeon's Carlton. Rackin made several<br />

pLiblicity<br />

appearances.<br />

Schorr to Leave Universal's<br />

Publicity Department<br />

From Eastern Edition<br />

NEW YORK — Jose Schorr, national<br />

magazine representative for Universal Pictures,<br />

resigned from the company's publicity<br />

department effective this month after six<br />

years with the firm. He is making plans for<br />

publicity, advertising and promotion services<br />

in the industry. Formerly, Schorr was publicity<br />

contact and advertising writer for 20th-<br />

Fox, Columbia and the Donahue & Coe advertising<br />

agency.<br />

i<br />

Start BOXOFFICE coming .<br />

n 3 years for $10 (SAVE $5)<br />

n 2 years for $8 (SAVE $2) Q 1 year for $5<br />


Thate ratet for U.S., Canada, Pan-America only. Other countries: $10 a year.<br />




NAME<br />



825 Van Bmat Blvd., KoMoi City, Mo. 64124<br />

WEEKLY<br />

1 Festival's Roud Returns<br />

I From Eastern Edition<br />

I<br />

NEW<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

YORK—Richard Roud, program<br />

director for the New York Film Festival,<br />

has returned to supervise the final selection<br />

of films for the fifth annual festival Septem-<br />

ber 20-30 at Lincoln Center. Also on the<br />

I<br />

program committee, which selects the films,<br />

are Arthur Knight, Andrew Sards, Susan<br />

I<br />

I Sontag and the festival's director Amos<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Vogel.<br />

Ontario Restricts 4 Films<br />

TORONTO—Ontario has classified four<br />

films as "restricted." They are "Embracers,"<br />

Peerless; "Night Games" and "Uninhibited,"<br />

IFD, and "Warrendale," King.<br />

Coluinbia's "Berserk" had an invitational<br />

preview in Petersburg, Va.<br />

K-4 BOXOFFICE August 28, 1967










IDEAS<br />


Fast-Paced Ballyhoo Leads El Dorado'<br />

Into Trans-Texas Fort Worth Hollywood<br />

A fast gun, a pretty gal, nearly always<br />

stereotyped in westerns to lead the bulletpaced<br />

action, were used effectively in Fort<br />

Worth to point up "El Dorado" at the Trans-<br />

Texas Hollywood Theatre, managed by<br />

showman Harry Gaines.<br />

The picture drew rave notices in both<br />

Fort Worth dailies, especially from Elston<br />

Brooks, Star-Telegram columnist, who devoted<br />

practically all of his morning column<br />

(10 inches, double column) to the film on<br />

the day it opened. Jack Gordon in the Press,<br />

the day after the opening, invited readers<br />

to see the picture "for tops in sagebrush entertainment."<br />

Both papers contributed much<br />

art, including single and double-column cuts.<br />

For Gaines's playdate, Cecil Pearson,<br />

KXOL-Radio account executive, and Dick<br />

Empey, advertising head and theatre operations<br />

director for the Trans-Texas circuit,<br />

stepped-off the well-paced campaign. Highlighted<br />

were model Julie Smith, who was<br />

driven around Fort Worth to shopping centers<br />

and high-traffic spots, where she distributed<br />

heralds with bags of "gold nuggets"<br />

(gold-painted gravel), and a "fast-gun" contest.<br />

Don Cox and Charles Wooten of the local<br />

Fast Gun Club put on the match in front of<br />

the Hollywood. A special roped-off area was<br />

provided by the city, with a policeman standing<br />

by. Also, a fast-gun-draw contest was<br />

held among the KXOL disc jockeys, with<br />

John Maye winning a .38-caliber revolver<br />

provided by the theatre.<br />

A contest also was held for KXOL listeners<br />

in connection with the contest among<br />

the deejays. Persons sent in the name of the<br />

disc jockey whom they thought would be<br />

the fastest gun. Those guessing correctly received<br />

two guest passes to the Hollywood to<br />

see the picture. This resulted in extra publicity<br />

for the playdate—all free.<br />

Luskey's Western Wear store set up a<br />

large window display tying in the film and<br />

provided the model's western attire for the<br />

street promotion. Three weeks in advance of<br />

opening, Gaines placed a set piece in the<br />

lobby, featuring color stills. And the cashiers,<br />

ushers and doorman wore western attire<br />

and badges advertising the picture.<br />

Above the inner-doors in the lobby, an attention-getting<br />

24-sheet was hung.<br />

Pretty Julie Smith, as a stunt for "El<br />

Dorado" at the Hollywood Theatre in<br />

Fort Worth, managed by Harry Gaines,<br />

was driven about town and through<br />

shopping centers distributing heralds<br />

with bags of gold nuggets (gold-painted<br />

rocks) attached. Her cowgirl garb was<br />

furnished by Luskey's Western Wear.<br />

In another attentiongetter<br />

for "El Dorado,"<br />

a fast-draw<br />

gun exhibition was<br />

held in front of the<br />

Hollywood by two<br />

members of the Fort<br />

Worth Fast-Draw<br />

Club. Here a crowd<br />

gathers for the demonstration.<br />

BOXOFFICE Showmandiser :: Aug. 28, 1967 —131—<br />

Harvard Students Aid<br />

'Massacre' in Boston<br />

Hasty Pudding Theatricals, made up of<br />

Harvard University students, had a feature<br />

role in "The St. Valentine's Day Massacre"<br />

opening ballyhoo at Sack's Savoy Theatre<br />

in Boston.<br />

Set up by the circuit's general manager<br />

Alan Friedberg, the promotion featured a<br />

parade by the students, replete with costumes<br />

of the '20s, vintage automobiles and<br />

"gun molls," portrayed by the students from<br />

Radcliffe College.<br />

With the Harvard men dressed in widelapel<br />

"gangster" suits of pin stripes and<br />

checks and pearl-gray hats and the Radcliffe<br />

women in "flapper" dresses, armed with<br />

mock machine guns and rifles, the parade<br />

roared down Boston streets to the delight of<br />

the crowds.<br />

Friedberg also set up a tie-up with the<br />

Red Cross. The theme was: "Give blood instead<br />

of spilling it." The 100 blood donors<br />

received an invitation to the 20th-Fox picture<br />

opening.<br />

The entire promotion reflected a spirit of<br />

cooperation between the students and Sack<br />

Theatres, said Friedberg.<br />

Hasty Pudding Theatricals hold a musical<br />

comedy each year, and one of their latest<br />

ones was a satire of the gangster era. Men's<br />

clothing (circa 1929) has become "in" attire<br />

for Harvard students, and second-hand<br />

shops in Boston's south end have been all<br />

but cleaned out of the vintage clothes.

Concentrated Louisville Promotion Brings<br />

Attention to<br />

Barefoot in Park' Playdate<br />

This 1903 Oldsmobile was a feature in<br />

a Louisville (Ky.) parade in connection<br />

with the opening of "Barefoot in the<br />

Park" at Mid-States Theatres' Mary<br />

Anderson Towne Cinema. The march<br />

included a 50-piece band and dancing<br />

girls.<br />

One of the most all-embracing campaigns<br />

ever put behind a picture in Louisville, Ky.,<br />

was staged for the opening of Paramount's<br />

"Barefoot in the Park" at the Mary Anderson<br />

Towne Cinema. The campaign was conceived<br />

and executed by C. R. Buechel, managing<br />

director, and Roy White, president<br />

of Mid-States Theatres, owner of the house.<br />

Every avenue of attention-getting was<br />

brought into play, climaxed by premiere activities<br />

which included a parade with a 50-<br />

piece marching band, dancing girls and a<br />

35-foot float carrying the "Barefoot in the<br />

Park" queen and her court.<br />

In a tie-up with radio station WAKY, a<br />

contest was held to select the best-looking<br />

"Barefoot Couples," the judging held in<br />

four of the city's large parks. The two selected<br />

couples were given a night on the<br />

town, dinner at an exclusive restaurant and<br />

guest tickets to see "Barefoot." Other prizes<br />

were a transistor radio, pen and pencil set,<br />

etc. The station gave 50 promotion spots<br />

to the stunt.<br />

Eight weeks in advance of playdates, stencil<br />

cut-outs of bare feet were displayed in<br />

the downtown area, on walls, parking lots,<br />

vacant stores, etc. Later, dates were stenciled<br />

for the current engagement.<br />

Thousands of "Barefoot in the Park" buttons<br />

and albums were given away by the<br />

radio station to those who telephoned and<br />

picked them up. Several grosses of Surfer<br />

Shirts were distributed to swim club teams,<br />

the shirts having barefoot imprints.<br />

The Mode Shop and other department<br />

stores displayed wearing apparel in their<br />

windows, similar to those worn by Jane<br />

Fonda in the picture.<br />

Fifty thousand imprinted matches were<br />

distributed to eating places, hotels, motels<br />

and night spots. About 4,500 table tents<br />

were given to dining places.<br />

In the premiere parade, a 1903 Oldsmobile<br />

was a feature, with a driver and girl<br />

in formal attire and cards reading "We<br />

Were Caught Barefoot in the Park." Theatre<br />

usherettes marched in their uniforms<br />

carrying signs stating "We're on Our Way<br />

to Barefoot in the Park." Twenty girls with<br />

Surfer Shirts marched barefooted in the<br />

parade.<br />

A prominent dance studio provided a<br />

dance routine in front of the theatre before<br />

the premiere and a mode fashion show was<br />

staged. It featured a paper dress made from<br />

a "Barefoot in the Park" 3-sheet. This was<br />

picked up by the ABC-TV station, which<br />

also shot other pre-premiere activities.<br />

After the premiere, a champagne party<br />

was held. WAVE-TV presented 15 minutes<br />

of the fashion show on its regular one-hour<br />

variety show.<br />

The campaign continues to be a topic of<br />

conversation in Louisville.<br />

Buffalo Theatres, Stores<br />

Cooperate in Free Films<br />

In a continuing effort to lure shoppers<br />

to downtown Buffalo, merchants are cooperating<br />

with Courier-Express in offering<br />

free motion pictures on the four Wednesdays<br />

in September at Shea's Buffalo and Center<br />

theatres.<br />

Newspaper readers are asked to fill out a<br />

coupon published in the paper and enclose<br />

a self-addressed envelope for the tickets,<br />

limited to four.<br />

The pictures scheduled are "The Singing<br />

For the opening of Warren Miller's<br />

"Ski on the Wild Side" at New York's<br />

Guild and 34th Street East theatres, the<br />

distributor Sigma III and the theatres<br />

offered free admission to the first 100<br />

persons appearing in ski clothes. The<br />

stunt provided some offbeat exploitation<br />

during the summer heat. Here two<br />

arrive in "ski clothes." (Yes, the girl is<br />

a model, hired for the stunt.)<br />


Nun," "Gigi," "Fanny" and "Goodbye Charlie."<br />

Frank Arena, Loew's city manager, who<br />

oversees the Buffalo, and Carl Schaner, Century<br />

manager, believe the plan is an excellent<br />

promotion for the theatres, as well as the<br />

merchants.<br />

A half-page ad in the Courier-Express,<br />

featuring scenes from the four movies, pointed<br />

up the promotion. The ad explained, "See<br />

a top feature movie at a favorite downtown<br />

theatre—and it doesn't cost you a penny . . .<br />

Just another attraction for your pleasure and<br />

satisfaction when you come downtown. Enjoy<br />

a morning movie (starting time 10 o'-<br />

clock), stay downtown for lunch, then do<br />

your shopping."<br />


M. R. Yankovich, managing director of Redstone Theatres' Cinema I and II in<br />

Louisville, Ky., set up this lobby showcase for "Thoroughly Modern Millie." He<br />

used manikins to avoid the usual flat-surfaced display, with the dresses supplied by<br />

a local shop. Music from the soundtrack highlighted the exhibit, which received<br />

favorable comment from Universal executives in Indianapolis.<br />

—132— BOXOFFICE Showmandiser :: Aug. 28, 1967

. . "The<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

VV<br />

^<br />


COUNCI[Comment<br />

SCREEN<br />

^ I<br />

ALTHOUGH "Africa — Texas Style!"<br />

(Para) soon forged ahead of other film<br />

titles listed on the July Blue Ribbon ballot,<br />

an unusual number received enough votes to<br />

be given Honorable Mention. They are, in<br />

the order of the number of votes received,<br />

"Barefoot in the Park" (Para), "The Dirty<br />

Dozen" (MGM), "Divorce AMERICAN<br />

Style" (Col), "You Only Live Twice"<br />

(UA), "Tammy and the Millionaire"<br />

(Univ) and "El Dorado" (Para). This<br />

seems to have been a Paramount month,<br />

since the winner and two of the ones receiving<br />

Honorable Mention were Paramount<br />

pictures. Selected comments about the winner<br />

and other pictures listed on the ballot<br />

unique forum of opinion each<br />

make up this<br />

month by National Screen Council members<br />

who pick the Award winner:<br />

"Africa—Texas Style!"<br />

"Africa—Texas Style!" has action and<br />

excitement; beautiful color, good acting and<br />

entertainment for the whole family.—Mrs.<br />

Shirley H. Gunnels, G.F.W.C, Fowler,<br />

Ind. . . . An information film, enhanced by<br />

splendid scenes and bright tribal costumes.<br />

—Mrs. Wayne F. Shaw, U.S.D. of 1812,<br />

Lawrence, Kas. . Dirty Dozen" is<br />

best but too violent for family trade. "You<br />

Only Live Twice" is too sexy, so that leaves<br />

"Africa — Texas Style!" — George Burke,<br />

Miami Herald.<br />

This is a dreadful list but I will go with<br />

"Africa—Texas Style!" for the photography.<br />

— Joan Vadeboncoeur, Syracuse Herald-<br />

Journal-American ... It doesn't fulfill all<br />

its potential, but it's better than the rest of<br />

the list as family entertainment. Viva Ivan<br />

Tors!—Bill Donaldson, Tulsa Tribune . . .<br />

Very good except the hokum in the jungle<br />

python, crocodile AND rhino! — Hettie<br />

Dyhrenfurth, Youth Films Foundation,<br />

. .<br />

Hollywood.<br />

"The Dirty Dozen" was far the best of a<br />

good group but my vote for a family picture<br />

will have to go to "Africa—Texas Style!"<br />

Brainard Piatt, Dayton Journal Herald .<br />

It's good edge-of-the-seat entertainment,<br />

colorfully told and photographed. Just<br />

enough excitement to hold audiences of all<br />

ages. It is well acted, including the animals!<br />

—Mrs. Irvin J. Haus. president Fed. MFC.<br />

Milwaukee.<br />

For those who like westerns, at least the<br />

background is different. "Africa — Texas<br />

Style!" the best choice for family entertainment.—Mrs.<br />

Frank J. Baldus, G.F.W.C,<br />

Independence, Mo. . . . An excellent western<br />

with a new twist and very different<br />

locale. It has a good cast with lots of excitement<br />

and most beautiful scenes of the African<br />

countryside.— Mrs. Henry F. McGill,<br />

PTA, La Canada, Calif.<br />

Some of these are not suitable—others<br />

suitable but only fair entertainment, so I<br />

select "Africa—Texas Style!" It has enough<br />

action, color and interesting shots to entertain<br />

most.—Mrs. C. M. Stewart, Lincoln<br />

(Neb.) Films Forum . . . An informative<br />

and entertaining film. The outstanding animal<br />

shots and bright tribal costumes are<br />

exciting assets for this adventurous plot.<br />

Mrs. Kenneth C. Wilson, San Francisco<br />

MP & TV Council.<br />

BOXOFFICE Showmandiser :: Aug. 28, 1967<br />

"Barefoot in the Park"<br />

iiiS<br />

"Barefoot in the Park" has everything<br />

delightful honeymooners. witty, clever dialog,<br />

excellent character portrayals, hilarious<br />

comedy situations, and scenes of warm<br />

sentimentality interspersed with pathos.<br />

Eileen Kandyba. Legion of Mary. Kansas<br />

City . . . I'm getting fonder and fonder of<br />

Jane. — Stephen Werbel, psychologist,<br />

W. Mo. Mental Health Center, Kansas<br />

City . . . Hollywood puts Neil Simon's best<br />

foot forward in this movie version of the<br />

lyfy kids loved "Good Times," I<br />

thought "The Dirty Dozen" was a<br />

smasher. So what do you do? Compromise<br />

on "Africa—Texas Style!"—Dave<br />

Mclntyre, San Diego Tribune . . .<br />

"Barefoot in the Park" is a better picture,<br />

but not for the family circle.<br />

Harry Evans, Family Circle Magazine,<br />

New York . . . "You Only Live Twice"<br />

is the best Bond picture yet.—M. B.<br />

Smith, Commonwealth Theatres, Kansas<br />

City.<br />

"The Dirty Dozen" has too much<br />

senseless violence and "You Only Live<br />

Twice" has too much everything. "Divorce<br />

AMERICAN Style," with its bittersweet<br />

comedy, is the top family film<br />

AND the best movie on the list.—Don<br />

Braunagel, Pontiac Press . . . "El Dorado"<br />

Is a good western that knows Its<br />

place and fills It and Is still good for<br />

the whole family.—Grant Marshall,<br />

Burlington (Iowa) Hawk-Eye.<br />

"Barefoot In the Park" was a very<br />

good picture but strictly adult, so my<br />

vote goes to "Tammy and the Millionaire,"<br />

a good, entertaining family picture.—Mrs.<br />

Paul Gebhart, Cleveland<br />

Cinema . . . "The Dirty Dozen?" Are<br />

you kidding?—John L. Wasserman, San<br />

Francisco Chronicle. (No—Just letting<br />

you make the choice.—V.W.S.)<br />

Hard choice, but I'll pick "Divorce<br />

AMERICAN Style" because It is warm,<br />

funny, significant, and should teach<br />

more families personally and precipitate<br />

more family thought and discussion<br />

than the others.—Dr. James K. Loutzenhiser,<br />

film chairman. Mo. Council<br />

on Arts, Kansas City.<br />

stage hit but Mildred Natwick rates an early<br />

Oscar nomination for supporting role.<br />

Wayne Allen, Springfield (111.) State<br />

Journal-Register.<br />

"Barefoot in the Park" is the best and<br />

fine for the whole family—a top-notch<br />

comedy in a summer of good ones.—Bob<br />

Freund, Fort Lauderdale News ... A very<br />

clever play, witty, fast lines. I question for<br />

the young—more for mature audiences.<br />

Rosemary Beymer, art director, Kansas City<br />

(Mo.) public schools . . . Best<br />

lot.—Archer Winsten, New York<br />

of a terrible<br />

Post . . .<br />

The very, very young won't he interested,<br />

but it's a fine comedy.—Virgil Miers. Dallas<br />

Times Herald.<br />

Not a family film but a happy film—and<br />

"The Dirty Dozen" is also excellent.—Jackie<br />

C. Reid. Orlando Sentinel-Star . . . Enter-<br />

—133—<br />

taining from beginning to end and well done.<br />

— Mrs. Jack Windheim, Larchmont-Mamaroneck<br />

MPC . . . Just Great.—Joanne<br />

Seguin, WBEN-TV, Buffalo ... Not as<br />

good as the play but a funny show.—Bob<br />

Sokoisky, Buffalo Courier-Express . . . First<br />

good batch of laughs a movie has given me<br />

in months—a real gem.—James F. Schrader,<br />

Buffalo Courier-Express.<br />

"Barefoot in the Park" came off on the<br />

screen equally as well if not better than on<br />

the stage—a good, rollicking comedy, well<br />

cast and acted, recommended for adults and<br />

mature young adults.—Virginia M. Beard,<br />

Cleveland public library ... A lively<br />

comedy. — Alan Branigan, Newark News.<br />

"The Dirty Dozen"<br />

The members who reviewed "The Dirty<br />

Dozen" gave a very good report and enjoyed<br />

it very much.— Mrs. Fred Hire, Fort Wayne<br />

Indorsers of Photoplays . . . Though not<br />

entirely a family film, this is superb entertainment.<br />

One of the best action films in<br />

years of which MGM can be proud.—Robert<br />

Spatafore, San Francisco teacher . . .<br />

The best from a loaded list of strong films.<br />

—John P. Recher. NATO of Md., Baltimore.<br />

It won't hurt the kids to see how<br />

discipline can make a man! And it's fun!<br />

Dick Osgood, WXYZ Radio, Detroit . . .<br />

"The Dirty Dozen" gives a different twist<br />

to a World War II story.—Jeannette Mazurki,<br />

Glendale (Calif.) News Press ... A<br />

great show—not too rough for the kids,<br />

either.—Ernest O. Thompson, Ada (Okla.)<br />

Evening News.<br />

Yes, "The Dirty Dozen" is violent and<br />

bloody, but it seems to be a great favorite<br />

with families who go to the movies together.<br />

It is rich in humor and insight into the<br />

human condition, is acted with thorough<br />

professionalism and so well written and<br />

directed that there isn't a dull moment in it.<br />

I think it tops everything on the list this<br />

month. — James L. Limbacher, Dearborn<br />

Press . . . Probably the best I've seen<br />

two or three years—excellent taste in<br />

in<br />

what<br />

could have been fantastically gory and<br />

bloody scenes.—Kathy Lacey, Bloomington<br />

Daily Pantagraph.<br />

"Divorce AMERICAN Style"<br />

"Divorce AMERICAN Style" is<br />

the best<br />

of a second-rate group. — Paine Knickerbocker,<br />

San Francisco Chronicle . . . Well,<br />

what d'ya know? Debbie Reynolds is<br />

finally being allowed to be her age. Film<br />

not for kids, exactly, but they are the ones<br />

who are usually able to sift<br />

through divorce<br />

gaff—oh, contradictions everywhere! Anyway,<br />

worth seeing.—Donna McClure, free<br />

lance writer, Goldsboro, N.C. . . . Mature,<br />

witty approach to a difficult theme.—Norman<br />

Dresser, Toledo Blade ... It seems<br />

exaggerated but "Divorce AMERICAN<br />

Style" is quite true to present-day life.—Len<br />

Massell, Stamford Advocate.<br />

"You Only Live Twice"<br />

"You Only Live Twice" is the slickest<br />

production yet in the James Bond/Sean<br />

Connery series—W. A. Payne, Dallas<br />

News . . . This should end the Bond<br />

escapades, so why not a Blue Ribbon?<br />

Nathan P. Street, WKSR. Giles Free Press,<br />

Pulaski, Tenn. ... Of course my kids still<br />

love James Bond and this moved along with<br />

lots of action.—Betty McCleery, WCTU-<br />

TV, Erie, Pa. . . . 007 is still the greatest<br />

spy of them all.—Nevart Apikian, Syracuse<br />

Post-Standard . . . James Bond has become<br />

a household fixture.—Tom Peck, Charleston<br />

News & Courier . . . Best James Bond yet,<br />

nice use of gimmicks, exciting<br />

•<br />

show.<br />

Howard Pearson, Deseret News.

—<br />

—<br />


lABOUT<br />

"S-<br />



Million Eyes of Su-Muru, The (AIP)<br />

Irankic Avalon, George Nader, Shirley<br />

Eaton. Good show of its type but oversold<br />

in my situation due to newness of playdate.<br />

Buy it right and you should do okay. I possibly<br />

played on wrong date myself. Played<br />

Sun., Mon. Weather: Clear and cool.<br />

Terry Axley, New Theatre, England, Ark.<br />


Absent-Minded Professor, The (BV)<br />

Fred MacMurray, Nancy Olson, Tommy<br />

Kirk. Played with "The Shaggy Dog." An<br />

excellent double-bill reissue. Did okay business.<br />

These are in black and white. Color<br />

is important, but in this case, it was not<br />

missed. Let's have more Disney double-bill<br />

reissues. Played Thurs., Fri., Sat.—S. T.<br />

Jackson, Jackson Theatre. Flomaton, Ala.<br />


Alvarez Kelly (Col) — William Holden,<br />

Richard Widmark, Janice Rule. A very<br />

good action picture with nice color and<br />

scenery. We booked it with a qualm or two<br />

but were well pleased afterwards. You can't<br />

go wrong on this.—Russell and Evelyn<br />

Burgess, Valley Drive-In Theatre, Velva,<br />

N.D.<br />

Born Free (Col)—Virginia McKenna, Bill<br />

Travers, Geoffrey Keen. An excellent picture<br />

that will appeal to just about anyone.<br />

There is a good story and it contains plenty<br />

of terrific shots of wild animals. It is definitely<br />

worth playing. Played Sat., Sun.<br />

Weather: Cloudy and warm.—John Heberle,<br />

Capitol Theatre, Rochester, N.Y. Pop.<br />

330,000.<br />

Man Called Flintstone, The (Col)—Animated<br />

feature. An okay cartoon feature.<br />

Played Fri., Sat.—Arthur K. Dame, Scenic<br />

Theatre, Pittsfield, N.H. Pop. 2,300.<br />

Teenagers Liked Spy<br />

Film on Single Bill<br />

"Come Spy With Me" was a pretty<br />

good little program picture. Tvpentieth<br />

Century-Fox sold it right. Teenagers<br />

liked it. I got by with this on a single<br />

bill.<br />

Showed a profit.<br />

Jackson Theatre<br />

Flomaton, Ala.<br />

S. T. JACKSON<br />


Doctor Zhivago (MGM) — Omar Sharif,<br />

Julie Christie, Tom Courtenay. This picture<br />

was truly a masterpiece. It is no wonder the<br />

film won so many awards, but it just goes<br />

to show that you make a good picture, let it<br />

win awards, and watch the people come in.<br />

Played two weeks. Weather: Good.—Peter<br />

A. Silloway, Star Theatre, St. Johnsbury, Vt.<br />

Son of a Gunfighter (MGM)—Russ Tamblyn,<br />

Kieron Moore, James Philbrook. A<br />

good western to fill the double bill. There<br />

is nothing really outstanding, but overall<br />

there is nothing to complain about. It has<br />

some action and a fair story. Played Sat.,<br />

Sun. Weather: Clear and mild. — John<br />

Heberle, Capitol Theatre, Rochester, N.Y.<br />


Beach BaU (Para)—Edd Byrnes, Chris<br />

Noel, Aron Kincaid. Did okay on this one<br />

as a repeat. Still enjoyed by my teenage customers.<br />

Played Thurs., Fri., Sat.—S. T.<br />

Jackson, Jackson Theatre, Flomaton, Ala.<br />

Pop. 1,480.<br />

Last of the Secret Agents? (Para)—Marty<br />

Allen, Steve Rossi, Nancy Sinatra. Had run<br />

this one in another town so we knew we<br />

wouldn't do anything but lay them in the<br />

Additional Piomoiion Is Needed to Fill Theatres<br />

I wholeheartedly "disagree" with<br />

Leon Kldwell, Allen, Oklahoma, who<br />

says that these comments in "E.H.H.S."<br />

sometimes mean the difference between<br />

an empty house and a full house.<br />

It's my belief, after 10 years in exhibition,<br />

Butterfield Theatres in Michigan,<br />

Fox West Coast, that almost any<br />

film can be a winner if properly promoted,<br />

in advance of the playdate.<br />

I'm tired of exhibitors stating, it's a<br />

good picture but "no" business. Did<br />

these exhibitors do anything more than<br />

put the posters out front and title on<br />

the marquee? Did they use radio<br />

promotion to get the "teen" attention?<br />

Newspaper ads, alone, no longer work.<br />

There has to be creative, imagination<br />

and inner, sincere, drive that motivates<br />

a "true" Showman. This is what many<br />

theatre circuits lack. Most managers<br />

like to be known as "the" manager of<br />

such and such a theatre, passing out<br />

"free" passes to influence people and<br />

then stand in the theatre lobby, during<br />

busy periods, in a flashy tuxedo or new<br />

suit.<br />

Too many exhibitors are successful<br />

on one picture and feel they've done<br />

their duty, forgetting future attractions.<br />

With these attitudes, their assistants, if<br />

they have any, will develop the same<br />

type of lazy attitude towards promotion,<br />

with the results, more "empty" houses<br />

in the future.<br />

Too bad there are not training<br />

schools to train the exhibitor of tomorrow.<br />

Thanks!<br />

Jackson, Mich.<br />


aisle. Good slapstick comedy is what my customers<br />

want. Played Thurs. Weather: Good.<br />

—Leon Kidwell, Main Theatre, Stonewall,<br />

Okla.<br />


Fantastic Voyage (20th-Fox)—This story<br />

was "fantastic!" One of the best shows I<br />

have seen in a long time. Great job, 20th<br />

Century-Fox! Played Fri., Sat., Sun., Mon.<br />

Weather: Warm.—Jim Townley, Oshkosh<br />

Drive-In, Oshkosh, Neb. Pop. 1100.<br />

In Like Flint (20th-Fox)—James Coburn,<br />

Lee J. Cobb, Jean Hale. I enjoyed this show<br />

very much. But I feel "Flint" is just a little<br />

bit too much of a super man to be taken<br />

very serious. After "In Like Flint," what<br />

will he do for an encore? Played Thurs.,<br />

Fri., Sat.—W. S. Funk, East Main Drive-In<br />

Theatre, Lake City, S. C. Pop. 4000.<br />


Eight on the Lam (UA) — Bob Hope,<br />

Jonathan Winters. Bob Hope<br />

Phyllis Diller,<br />

and Phyllis Diller are good boxoffice and<br />

the picture is good, but we brought back<br />

John Wayne in "McLintock" to play with<br />

"Eight on the Lam" and guess which picture<br />

they called all week for— "McLintock!" UA<br />

should release this again on a regular release<br />

with all new advertising. This funny western<br />

has made good boxoffice for us again. Grab<br />

this again, fellas. Played Thurs., Sun.<br />

Weather: Hot.—Dick Hendrick, Cass Theatre,<br />

Cass City, Mich. Pop. 2000.<br />

Fortune Cookie, The (UA)—Jack Lemmon,<br />

Walter Matthau. Entertaining entry<br />

but pull was not as good as some previous<br />

Lemmon pictures.—C. A. Swiercinsky, Major<br />

Theatre, Washington, Kas.<br />

Return of the Seven (UA)—Yul Brynner,<br />

Robert Fuller. Did fine. Maybe the customers<br />

wanted a good outdoor film.—C.A.<br />

Swiercinsky, Major Theatre, Washington,<br />

Kas.<br />


Countess From Hong Kong, A (Univ)<br />

Marlon Brando, Sophia Loren, Sidney<br />

Chaplin. Stay away from this one—high<br />

terms and low gross make this one of the<br />

year's poorest. Played Sun., Mon., Tues.<br />

Weather: Fair and cool.—Capitol Theatre,<br />

Huntsville, Ont. Pop. 3,000.<br />

Wild, wad Winter (Univ)—Gary Clarke,<br />

Chris Noel, Don Edmonds. If teenagers<br />

would flock to the beaches as they did in<br />

this picture and enjoy life, maybe they<br />

wouldn't be rioting or rumbling as they have<br />

been here the past week. It was an entertaining<br />

picture for everyone. We doubled this<br />

one with "Tennessee Beat" for a good family<br />

double bill. Played Fri. Sat. Weather:<br />

Hot and humid.—Kenn Spaulding, Morrisville<br />

Drive-In, Morrisville, Vt. 3,500.<br />


Great Race, The (WB)—Jack<br />

Lemmon,<br />

Tony Curtis, Natalie Wood. Everyone who<br />

came liked this and we think it will go over<br />

in any situation. The percentage is high but<br />

you can still make it. Some of the slapstick<br />

could have been left out. — Russell and<br />

Evelyn Burgess, Valley Drive-In Theatre,<br />

Velva, N.D.<br />

—134— BOXOFFICE Showmandiser :: Aug. 28, 1967

An Interpretive analysis of loy and tradepress reviews. Running time is in parentheses The plus ond<br />

minus signs Indkote degree of merit. Listings cover current reviews, updated regularly. This deportmenr<br />

olso serves as an ALPHABETICAL INDEX to feature releases. :& is for CincmaScope; V VistoVision.<br />

® Ponoviiion; f Technirama; ^) Other anamorphic processes. Symbol ii denotes 60X0FFICE Blue Ribbon<br />

Award; ® Color Photography. National Catholic Office (NCO) ratings: A1— Unobiectionable for Generol<br />

Patronoge; A2— Unobjectionable for Adults or Adolescents; A3— Unobjectionable tor Adults; A'l— Morally<br />

Unobjectlonoble for Adults, with Reservations; B—Objectionable in Port for All; C—Condemned. For<br />

listings by company in the order of release, see FEATURE CHART.<br />



++ Very Gjod; r Gocd; Fail Poor; — Very Poor. In (he summary ^ is rated 2 pluses, — as 2 minuses.<br />

4016QAccident (105) D Cinema V<br />

Adolescents. The (80)<br />

D Pathe Contemcorary<br />

4001 ©Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin.<br />

The (110) W Com BV<br />

3095©Africa Addio (125) s> Doc Rizzoli<br />

4022 ©Africa—Texas Style! (105)<br />

Ad<br />

Para<br />

4017 ©After You. Comrade (S4) C Continental<br />

Age of Illusion (97) D Brandon<br />

4010 Agony of Love, The (S3)<br />

Psych. Melo <strong>Boxoffice</strong> Infl<br />

—B—<br />

4036 ©Banning (102) s> D Univ<br />

402S ©Barefoot in the Park (106) C....Para<br />

4041 ©Beach Red (107) f) War D UA<br />

4035 ©Big Mouth. The (107) C Col<br />

4019 ©Bikini Paradise (89) C AA<br />

Birds, the Bees and the Italians, The<br />

(115) C WB-7 Arts<br />

Black God and White Devil<br />

(100) Melo Rocha Films<br />

402S©Bobo, The (105) p CD ...WB-7 Arts<br />

4046 ©Bonnie and Clyde (111)<br />

C D WB-7 Arts<br />

4037 ©Born Losers (113) Motorcycle D. AlP<br />

Boudu Saved From Drowning<br />

(84) Satiie - -Pathe<br />

Contemporary<br />

4011 ©Brighty of the Grand Canyon (89)<br />

Animal Ad Feature Film Corp.<br />

—C—<br />

4025 ©Caper of the Golden Bulls, The<br />

(104) Ad Embassy<br />

4023 ©Caprice (98) iSi Spy C Ad ..20th-Fox<br />

4018 Carry On Cabby (89) C Governor<br />

4020 ©Casino Royale (130) Spy C Col<br />

Cat in the Sack<br />

—<br />

— E<br />

(74) D Pathe Contemporary<br />

Chafed Elbows (63) Novelty Satire<br />

(Part Color) Film-Makers' Dist. Center<br />

Chelsea Girls. The (210) Avant-Garde<br />

(Part Color) Film-Makers' Dist. Center<br />

4015©Chuka (105) Outdoor Ad Para<br />

4005©C'mon, Let's Live a Little!<br />

(85) I D with Mus Para<br />

4027 ©Cool Hand Luke (129) (£1 D WB-7 Arts<br />

3097 ©Cool Ones, The (95)<br />

® Mus C WB-7 Arts<br />

3098 ©Corrupt Ones, The (92) :|5<br />

Ac Melo WB-7 Arts<br />

4044©Cottonpickin' Chickenpickers (92) C<br />

Farce Southeastern Pictures<br />

4010 ©Countess From Hong Kong. A<br />

(108) C Rom Univ<br />

—D<br />

4013 ©Devil's Angels (90) (g Melo AlP<br />

4021 Diabolical Dr. Z, The (S3) Ho U.S. Films<br />

4033 Diary of a Swinger<br />

(75) Melo <strong>Boxoffice</strong> Int'l<br />

Diamonds of the Night<br />

(75) Melo Impact Films<br />

4034 ©Dirty Dozen, The (149) ®<br />

War D MGM<br />

4032 ©Divorce AMERICAN Style<br />

(109) C Satire Col<br />

4002 Doctor, You've Got to Be Kidding!<br />

(94) C MGM<br />

4033 ©Don't Make Waves (97) ® C MGM<br />

4011 ©Double Trouble (90) ®)<br />

C with Mus MGM<br />

Drifter, The (74)<br />

D Film-Maker's Dist. Center<br />

4025 ©Drums of Tabu, The (91)<br />

Ac Melo Producers Releasing<br />

4008 ©Easy Come, Easy Go (95) Rom Ad Para<br />

Echoes of Silence (74)<br />

D Film-Makers' Dist. Center<br />

4017 tS ©Eight on the Lam (106) 'S.UA<br />

4031 ©El Dorado (126) W Para<br />

4042©Enter Laughing (112) C Col<br />


—<br />


AND ALPHABETICAL INDEX Very Good; Good; - Fair; Poor; Very Poor. In the summary '<br />

is rated 2 pluses. - as 2 minuses.<br />

Le Petit Solilat (S8) D West End Films<br />

4044 OLove-lns, The (91) D Col<br />

4012 Love Now ... Pay Later<br />

(82) Melo Mishkin<br />

4042 ©Luv (91) (J: C Col<br />

—M—<br />

©Made in Italy (101) Omnibus . Royal<br />

Mahanaoar (The Big City) (125)<br />

D Edward Harrison<br />

3095 ©Marat/Sade (115) D UA<br />

4022 ©Midsummer Night's Dream. A<br />

(93) Ballet Col<br />

4002 ©Mikado.<br />

The (125) Comic Operetta WB-7 Arts<br />

4024 ©Million Eyes of Su-Muru, The<br />

(71) s Spy AlP<br />

Mondo Hollywood (91)<br />

Doc Hollywood Infl<br />

4029 ©Mondo Mod (89) AC<br />

Doc Timely M.P., Inc.<br />

4011 Moonlighting Wives<br />

(S3) Melo Craddock Films<br />

4044 Monster of London City. The (87) Terror-<br />

My .Producers Releasing Organization<br />

4013 ©Mummy's Shroud,<br />

The (90) Ho 20th-Fox<br />

—N<br />

Naked Among the Wolves<br />

(100) War D Loperl<br />

4037 ©Naked Runner. The (104)<br />

s Soy WB-7 Arts<br />

4001 ©Naked Witch,<br />

The (SO) Melo Mishkin<br />

3096 ©Night of the Generals.<br />

The (148) ,p War Sus D Col<br />

—O<br />

4009 Offering, The (80)<br />

Melo Secter Film Prods<br />

3097 Oh Dad. Poor Dad, Mamma's Hung You<br />

in the Closet . , .<br />

(86) Farce-Fantasy Para<br />

Olive Trees of Justice, The<br />

(81) D Pathe Contemporary<br />

4004 ©Once Before I Die<br />

(97) War D Goldstone<br />

4001 ©One Million Years B.C.<br />

(91) Ad Thriller 20th-Fox<br />

—PQ—<br />

4036 ©Palaces of a Queen (SO) Doc Univ<br />

Persona (81) D Lopert<br />

4023 ©Perils of Pauline, The (99) C ..Univ<br />

4042 Phantom of Soho. The (92) Terror-<br />

My Producers Releasing Organization<br />

4040 ©Privilege (103) D Univ<br />

. . ,<br />

4C27 ©Psycho-Circus (65) Murder My AlP<br />

— R<br />

Raven's End (100) Melo Europa Films<br />

4022 ©Ride to Hangman's Tree, The<br />

(90) Cr Univ<br />

©Rose for Everyone, A (107)<br />

C Royal Infl<br />

4045 ©Rough Night in Jericho (104) W.Univ<br />

4039 ©Round Trip (86) Rom D Cont'l<br />

4003 QRun Like a Thief (95) (|)<br />

Ac Ad Feature Film Corp.<br />

Rush to Judgment (116)<br />

Doc Impact Films<br />

4017 Sailor From Gibraltar, The<br />

(89) D Lopert<br />

Santa Claus Has Blue Eyes (50)<br />

D Anouchka Films, Paris<br />

4038 ©Sea Pirate, The<br />

(83) ;|: Pirate Ad Para<br />

©Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors<br />

(100) Melo Artkino<br />

She and He (110) Melo Brandon<br />

Silence Has No Wings (103) Doc Toho<br />

4045 Sound of Horror (85) li<br />

Ho D Europix-Consol<br />

4039 ©Spirit Is Willing, The (100) My C Para<br />

4029 ©Sting of Death (76) Ho<br />

Melo Thunderbird Infl

; O<br />

ON<br />

'|9y<br />

Cs<br />


DOC<br />

E E V<br />

O O *;<br />

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°-*<br />

O ,-.<br />

S E<br />

>; s<br />

•g 2 •=-<br />

D — *-<br />

O U<br />

•J<br />

Q.yu:<br />

Ss ^<br />

.~.Si<br />

U Or-*<br />

So<br />

"si?<br />

— a<br />

2 J- u^<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

. Todd-AO<br />

.<br />

.<br />

, . .Melo-Fantasy,<br />

.<br />

Doc<br />

.<br />

,Ho<br />

Mus<br />


CHART<br />

COMING<br />

Rel.<br />

Date<br />


Rel.<br />

Date<br />


Belle Oe Jour<br />

Catherine Deneuvc, Generteve Page<br />

Olsland of the Doomed<br />

Cameron Mitchell<br />

N ghtmare Castle<br />

Barbara Steele<br />

Ho.<br />

Hs.<br />


©Beach Boy (g D.<br />

(cast to be announced)<br />

©The End D Ad. .<br />

Pet«r Fonda<br />

©The Marquis De Sade D .<br />

(cast to be announced)<br />

©Miniskirt (g Teenaje D..<br />

(cast to be announced)<br />

©Mondo Amour ....Doc on Love..<br />

©The Oblong Box Edgar Allan<br />

Poe Classic<br />

Fernando Lamas, Susan Strasberg,<br />

Vincent Price<br />

©Pilstop<br />

Racing..<br />

Fabian, Mlmsy Parmer. Yvonne<br />

Craig<br />


©Jungle Book. Animated<br />

Feature (75)<br />

Voices of Phil Harris, Louis Prima.<br />

Sterling Holloway. Sebastian Cabot.<br />

Oeorge Sanders<br />


©The Ambushers Spy C.<br />

Pfan Martin. Janice Rule, Albert<br />

Salmi<br />

©Berserk Sus Thriller.<br />

Juan Crawford, Ty Hardin. Diana<br />

\Utnt<br />

©Guess Who's Coming<br />

to Dinner CD.<br />

Spencer Tracy, Sidney Poltier.<br />

Katharine Hepburn. Katharine<br />

Houghton<br />

©How to Save a Marriage—and<br />

Ruin Your Life<br />

llcan Martin, Stella Stevens. El<br />

WalLice. Anne Jackson. Betty Field<br />

In Cold Blood Murder D .<br />

.Inhn Forsjihe. Rolirit Bl.ikr, Scott<br />

Wilson<br />

.<br />

©Mackenna's Gold ... .Super<br />

P and Cinerama Ad<br />

CifKnry Peek, Omar Sharif, Telly<br />

.Sinal.a.s, Cajrilla Span-<br />

©The Swimmer Contem. D<br />

Burt Lancast«r, Janice Itule<br />


©The Graduate (g C Satire.<br />

Anne Bancroft. Dustin Hoffman.<br />

Katharine Ro.ss<br />

©1 Married for Fun C.<br />

Monica Villi. Giorgio Albertazzl,<br />

Maria Grazia Buccella<br />


.<br />

©The Comedians Ad.<br />

Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor,<br />

Alec Guinness, Peter Ustlnow, Paul<br />

Fo d. Lillian Glsh<br />

©The Guns of San Sebastian<br />

'?><br />

Rom Ad<br />

Anthony (luinn. Anjanette Comer,<br />

Charle? Bronson<br />

©The Scorpio Letters D .<br />

Ales Cord. Shirley Eaton<br />


©Daring Game Ad<br />

Lloyd Bridges. Joan Blackman<br />

©Gentle Giant Animal Ad<br />

llennis Weaver, Vera Miles<br />

©Hostile Guns<br />

George Montgomery, Yvonne De<br />

Carlo<br />

©Marco 7 D<br />

Gene Barry, lasa Martlnelll<br />


©Deadfall Sus D.<br />

Michael Caine. Giovanna Ralli.<br />

Nanette Newman<br />

©Doctor Ool.ttle<br />

70mm Mus Roadshow.<br />

Rex Harrison. Samantha Eggar,<br />

Anthony Nevvley, Richard<br />

Attenborough<br />

©Star!<br />

. Mus Biog.<br />

Julie .Vndreu,s, Richard Cretina,<br />

Michael Craig<br />


W<br />

©Billion Dollar Brain Ad<br />

Michael Calne, Francolse Dorleac.<br />

Karl Maiden<br />

©Charge of the Light Brigade<br />

® Ad..<br />

Trevor Howard. Vanessea Redgra\e,<br />

John Glelgud, David Hemmlngs<br />

©Fitzwilly c.<br />

nick Van Dyke, Barbara Feldon.<br />

Edith aans<br />

©The Good, the Bad, and the<br />

Ugly<br />

w<br />

Clint Eastwood. Lee Van Cleef,<br />

Eli Wallach<br />

©The Wicked Dreams of Paula<br />

Schultj C. .<br />

Kike Summer. Bob Crane, Maureen<br />

Arthur<br />


©The Ballad of Josie W.<br />

Dnris Day. Peter Graves<br />

©Charlie Bubbles D. .<br />

Albert Finney. Colin Blakely. Liza<br />

Minnclli<br />

©Counterpoint World War II D .<br />

I.eslle Nielsen. Charlton Heston.<br />

Maximilian Schell. Kalhryn Hays<br />

©don't just STAND there C. .<br />

Robert Wagner. Mary Tyler .Moor?,<br />

Babara Rhoades<br />

©New Face in HcH ,.,. Sus D..<br />

George Peppard. Raymond Burr.<br />

Uajle Hunnicutt<br />

©Nobody's Perfect C. .<br />

ri'iiig McClure, Nancy Kwan, James<br />

Whitmore<br />


©Ass gnmcnt to Kill . .<br />

Spy D.<br />

Patrick O'Neal. Sir John Glelgud<br />

©Countdown (g) D .<br />

.lames Caan, Joanna Moore<br />

©The Devil in Love CD. .<br />

Vitt^>rio Gassman, Mickey Rooney.<br />

Cla^idine Auger<br />

©The Double Man Sus D. -<br />

Yul Brj-nner, Brltt ai.ind, CUve<br />

Rei-ill<br />


.<br />

-<br />

Want<br />

. May<br />

. . Mar<br />

..Apr<br />

Mar<br />

.Dec<br />

. . . Aug<br />

Nov<br />

Shorts chart<br />

Ed - »<br />


(All in color)<br />


150 Yellowstone Cubs (4S)<br />

152 Disneyland After Dark (48) ..<br />

155 Arizona Sheepdog<br />

(re-release) (22)<br />

170 Golden Horseslioe Re»ue (48) ..<br />

171 Tattooed Police Horse (48) .<br />

175 A Country Coyote Goes<br />

Hollywood (37)<br />

(Technicolor Reissues)<br />

68601 Hapry Tot's Expedition<br />

(7) Jul 67<br />

68602 Land of Fun (7) ... .Aug 67<br />

68603 Peaceful Neighbors<br />

(8!/2) Oct 67<br />

68604 Foolish Bunny (8) ..Dec 67<br />

LOOPY dc LOOP<br />

(Color Reissues)<br />

68701 Catch Meow (61/3) ..Aug 67<br />

68702 Kooky Loopy (7) Sep 67<br />

68703 Loony's Hare Do (7).. Oct 67<br />

68705 Beef Fore and After<br />

(7) Dec 67<br />


The Last Mohican<br />

(12) C Dialogue Oct 66<br />

Alan Arkin, Anthony Holland<br />


(Technicolor)<br />

68751 Magoo Goes West (6) Jul 67<br />

68752 Captain's Outrageous<br />

(7) Sep 67<br />

68753 Magoc's Canine Mutiny<br />

(6!/2) Nov 67<br />


68651 Montreal on a Summer<br />

Day (I21/2) Aug 67<br />

6S652 Chuck Wagon (10) ..Oct 67<br />

68653 The Animal Movie (10) Dec 67<br />


67652 The Fisherman (41/2) Oct 66<br />


67442 Wonderful Austria<br />

(19%) Sep 66<br />

67446 Take It From the Top<br />

(191/2) Aand of Montefeltro (11) Mar 66<br />

3Morocco's Rif (11) ....Mar 66<br />

The Boudoir (9) May 6'<br />

©Monaco (8) Jun 66<br />

©Round the World for<br />

Fun (8) Jun 66<br />

©Sherry Fiesta (9) Jun 66<br />


©Bologna-Firenze (20) ...Jan 66<br />

©North Slope Alaska (15) ..Feb 66<br />

©London Theme (15) Mar 66<br />

. ©In the Beginning (15) 66<br />

©Lure of the Mountain (20) Jun 66<br />

It's Not Just You<br />

Murray (17) Aug 66<br />


Dial Double One (23) Jun 66<br />

The Magnetic North (27) ..Aug 66<br />



(Color, unless specified)<br />

TERRYTOON 2-D's<br />

All Ratios— Color<br />

5603 Dr. Ha Ha (7V2) Feb 66<br />

5603 Messed Up Movie<br />

Makers (6) Mar 66<br />

5604 Champion Chump (6) ..Apr 66<br />

5605 Haunted House<br />

Cleaning (6) May 66<br />

5606 Scuba Duba Do (6) ..Jun 66<br />

7601 Invitation to Paradise<br />

(20) Mar 66<br />

7602 Wagon Wheels (7) May 66<br />

°-z<br />

oco<br />

5607 The Monster Master ( . ) Jul 66<br />

5608 The Cowardly<br />

.<br />

Watchdog<br />

( . . ) Aug 66<br />

5609 Rain Drain (. .) Sep 66<br />

5510 Watch the Butterfly<br />

( .) Oct 66<br />

5611 Dreamnapping (..) ..Nov 66<br />

5612 The Phantom Skyscraper<br />

( - ) Dec 66<br />



(Color)<br />

6656 Pink Blueprint Jun 66<br />

6657 Pink-A-Boo Jul 66<br />

6658 Pink. Plunk. Pink Aug 66<br />

6659 Genie With the Light<br />

Pink Fur Oct 66<br />

6660 Super Pink Oct 66<br />

6661 Pinknic Oct 66<br />

6662 Rock-A-Bye Pinky Dec 66<br />

6663 Pink Panic Jan 67<br />

6751 In the Pink Feb 67<br />

6752 Jet Pink Mar 67<br />

6753 Pink Posies Apr 67<br />

6754 Pink of Litter May 67<br />

6755 Pink Paradise Jun 67<br />

5756 Pinto Pink Jul 67<br />

6757 Congratulations!<br />

It's Pink Aug 67<br />

6758 The Hand Is Pinker<br />

Than the Eye Sep 67<br />


(Color)<br />

6674 Unsafe and Seine Oct 66<br />

6675 That's No Lady, That's<br />

Notre Dame Nov 66<br />

176 Flash, the Teenaoe Otter (48) .<br />

189 Run. Appaloosa. Run! (48)<br />


31401 Boat Builder (7)<br />

31402 Brave Little Tailor (7)<br />

31403 Olympic Champ (7)<br />

31404 Two Week's Vacation (7) .<br />

31405 Man's Best Friend (7)<br />

31406 Pluto's Sweater (7)<br />

31407 Bubble Bee (7)<br />

3140S Blame It on the Samba (7)<br />

31409 Hook, Lion and Sinker (7) . .<br />

31410 Strainht Shooters (7)<br />

31411 A Good Time for a Dime (7)<br />

31412 The Lone Chipmunks (7) . .<br />


123 The Litterbuo (7)<br />


139 A Symposium on Popular<br />

Songs (20)<br />

)79 Freewayphobia (16)<br />

ISO Goofy's Freeway Troubles (141 HONEY HALFWITCH<br />

181 Johnny Anpleseed (19) (reissue)<br />

(Single Reel-Color)<br />

183 Winnie the Pooh (26)<br />

C25-2 Batjgin' the Dragon. Feb 66<br />

Scroooe McDuck and<br />

C25-3 From Nags to Witchcr Mar 66<br />

Mo"ev (17)<br />

C25-4 Trick or Cheat Mar 66<br />

THREE-REEL LIVE ACTION C25-5 Potions and Notions ..Mar 66<br />

6676 Toulouse La Trick .... Dec 66<br />


C25-6 The Defiant Giant .Jun 66<br />

6677 Sacre Bleu Cross . . . Jan 67<br />

105 Islands of the Sea (28)<br />

C25-7 Throne for a Loss . 1966<br />

6765 Le Quiet Squad Feb 67<br />

142 Nature's Half Acre (33)<br />

NUDNIK<br />

6766 Bomb Voyage Mar 67<br />

162 Beaver Valley (32)<br />

(Single Reel-Color)<br />

6767 Le Escape Goat Apr 67<br />

191 Prowlers of the Everglades (32) N25-3 Home Sweet Nudnik Mar 66<br />

6768 Le Pig-AI Patrol May 67<br />

0099 Eyes in Outer Space (26) . .<br />

N25-4 Welcome Nudnik ...Apr 66<br />

6769 Le Bowser Bagger . . . .Jun 67<br />

THREE-REEL CINEMASCOPE N25-5 Nudnik on the Roof .<br />

66<br />

6770 Le Cop on Le Rocks ... .Jul 67<br />

0071 Wales (24)<br />

N25-6 From Nudnik With<br />

6771 Crow De Guerre Aug 6"'<br />

0072 Scotland (25)<br />

Love Jun<br />

6772 Tour<br />

66<br />

De Farce Sep 67<br />



(Technicolor)<br />



P25-3 Sick Transit COLOR FAVORITES<br />

Feb 66<br />

P25-4 Space Kid Apr 66<br />


4618 Polar Fright Apr 66<br />

4619 The Big Bite Apr 66<br />

4620 Astronut Woody Apr 66<br />

4621 Teeny Weeny Meany ..Hay 66<br />

4622 Practical Yoke May 66<br />

4623 Monster of Ceremo nies May 66<br />




(Technicolor Reissues—7 min.)<br />

4306 Gift Wrapped Feb 67<br />

5301 Backwoods Bunny Sep 66<br />

5302 Hare-less Wolf Oct 66<br />

5303 To Hare Is Human . . . . Dec 66<br />

Hare . . Feb 67<br />

5304 Wild and Wooly<br />

5305 Pre-hysterical Hare Apr-May 67<br />

5306 Hare-abian Nights Apr-May 67<br />

5307 Rabbit Romeo Jul 67<br />



(Technicolor—7 min.)<br />

5701 Swing Ding Amigo .... Sep 66<br />

5702 Sugar and Spies Nov 66<br />

5703 A Taste of Catnip .... Dec 66<br />

5704 Daffy's Diner Jan 67<br />

5705 The Quacker<br />

Tracker Apr-May 67<br />

5706 The Music<br />

Mice-Tro Apr-May 67<br />

5707 The Spy Swatter Jun 67<br />

. .Jul 67<br />

5708 Speedy Ghost to Town<br />

5709 Rodent to Stardom 67<br />


.<br />



(TWO-REEL)<br />

(Color)<br />

5001 Bolivia,<br />

The Last Frontier Oct 66<br />

5002 Blue Danube Feb 67<br />

5003 Beauty and the<br />

Bull<br />

Apr-May-67<br />

5004 Pearls of the Pacific ,.Aug67<br />

ONE-REEL<br />

4850 The Land Wc Love<br />

(21) Jan 67<br />

Fore\\ord by Vice-President Hui»-<br />

phrey: Narrated by Raymond Ma.ssey<br />

5501 The Fastest Automobile in<br />

the World Mar 67<br />

. 5502 Where in the World? 66<br />

5503 Holiday Afloat Feb 67<br />

5504 Tales of the Black<br />

Forest Apr-May 67<br />

5505 Alpine Glory Jun 67<br />

5506 Off to the Races Jul 67<br />

5850 Hollywood Star Spangled<br />

Revue Sep 67<br />


The Bus (62) (Harrison)<br />

Comedy Tale of Fanny Hill,<br />

A (9) (Pebble)<br />

Demo Derby (28) (Ruff)<br />

Help! My Snowman Is Burning<br />

Down (10) (PC)<br />

Place in the Country,<br />

A (19) (Gluck)<br />

©33 Fathoms Deep (17)<br />

(Ellsworth Prods.) Jul 67<br />



Tender Scoundrel<br />


Ratio:<br />

2.35-1<br />

Comedy Romance<br />

^1 ©<br />

Embassy (708) 94 Minutes Rel. Aug. '67<br />

The most surprising thing about "TencJer ScoundreV<br />

is that it has taken fwo years to reach American<br />

shores. Thanks to Joseph E. Levine, this big<br />

French hit is now in distribution stateside via<br />

Embassy Pictures. A slight but amusing tale of a<br />

?igolo with more brawn than brains, the title role<br />

is an ideal one for vigorous and virile Jean-Paul<br />

Belmondo. Ci'Uising around Paris with his chauffeur-cabbie,<br />

Belmondo manages to end up in the<br />

bed of Mylene Demongeot where he passes himself<br />

off as her cousin when discovered by her "benefactor,"<br />

Philippe Noiret. Noiret promptly calls upon<br />

him to escort Miss Demongeot to a mountain retreat,<br />

thinking to better his own interests, but Belmondo<br />

has some fun along the way, too! After this<br />

escapade, our hero fleeing from guise after guise<br />

and lady after lady, begins to grow a bit weary with<br />

the hijinks, and decides to return to a life of dull<br />

but safe routine. The popular international performer<br />

is lover to a dish of continental desserts in<br />

this film: Mylene Demongeot, Stefania Sandrelli,<br />

Michelle Girad'on, Nadja Tiller and Genevieve Page,<br />

the latter playing with more style than all of the<br />

rest of the cast thrown together. Albert Simonin's<br />

screenplay runs worldwide from Switzerland to<br />

Tahiti. Under young Jean Becker's slick direction<br />

the film takes a little time to wai-m up, but once the<br />

anchor is cast off Miss Tiller's yacht, there is a lot<br />

of fun in store for the art house audiences. Produced<br />

by P. W. Decharme in Eastman Color and<br />

Techniscope, this entry has good subtitles and<br />

should be a pleasing patron feature in the dubbed<br />

version too. Michel Legrand did the music and Edmond<br />

Sechan the photography.<br />

Jean-Paul Belmondo, Robert Morley, Jean-<br />

Pierre Marielle. Genevieve Page.<br />

The Fiith Horsemcm Is Fear<br />

Ratio:<br />

1.85-1<br />

Melodrama<br />

Sigma III 96 Minutes Rel. July '67<br />

This Barrandov Studio (Prague) production is a<br />

pronouncedly expressionist drama of betrayal and<br />

heroism in a totalitarian state not unlike Nazi<br />

Germany of World War II. Director Zbynek Brynch<br />

has poignantly captiu'ed the hopelessness, the inevitability<br />

of life amid overwhelming forces. A<br />

Jewish doctor is confronted with an unexpectedly<br />

frightening choice In a time and in a place that<br />

could be applied to any totalitarian regime. Significantly,<br />

the oppressors are in civilian garb, in effect<br />

conveying the universality of the theme. Jan Kalis'<br />

photography is graphic, gripping. English titles<br />

accompany.<br />

Invest In<br />


Now Even Better<br />

10 BOXOFFICE BookinGuide :: Aug. 28, 1967

, the<br />

Opinions on Current Productions ^EATURE REVIEWS<br />

Symbol Q denotes color; © CineniaScope; (g Ponovbien; ® TMhnlrania; (S> other onamorphic processes. For story synopsis on each picture, see revecM sMe.<br />

The Tiger and the Pussycat ^^Z<br />

Comedy- Drama<br />

©<br />

Embassy (707) 105 Minutes Rel. Aug. '67<br />

This Italian-American co-production of Fair Film and<br />

Joseph E. Levine is a sophisticated handling of the old<br />

triangle about a middle-aged family man trying to recaptui-e<br />

his youth with a bitchy young girl. Since the man<br />

'<br />

is the suavely handsome Vittorio Gassman and the young<br />

girl is attractive Ann-Margret, the story is almost plausible—except<br />

that Ami-Margret is too wholesome appearing<br />

to play that kind of role. Eleanor Parker as the<br />

wronged but miderstanding wife gives an appealing performance,<br />

as do other members of Gassman's family in<br />

the cast. The original screenplay by Age and Scrapelli<br />

was dii'ected by Dino Risi, who also helped with the<br />

screenplay. Mario Cecchi Gori produced it in English and<br />

some Italian was later dubbed in. The dialog and bedroom<br />

scenes are racy, but comparatively tamer than<br />

many now on the screen. Gassman is the typical male,<br />

wanting to eat his cake and have it too, for he does not<br />

want to give up his position and family for Ann-Margret,<br />

preferring a sub-rosa relationship. When she insists on<br />

all or nothing, he chickens out and is welcomed back by<br />

his family with sympathy and tolerance. Eastman Color<br />

helps the luxurious scenes that give a parlor-di'ama effect<br />

to the film.<br />

Vittorio Gassman, Ann-Margret, Eleanor Parker,<br />

Fiorenzo Fiorentini, Antonello Steni, Luigi Vannucchi.<br />

The Christmas Kid<br />

Producers Rel, Org.<br />

Ratio:<br />

1.S51<br />

Western<br />

90 Minutes Rel, Fall '67<br />

"The Christmas Kid" would be a topnotch programer<br />

for a double-feature playoff any season of the year. This<br />

PRO release from the prolific producer-director Sidney<br />

Pink follows that veteran filmmaker's simple but effective<br />

formula for keeping the general market going with<br />

a solid second-string product based on lots of action and<br />

colorful production values. This pictm-e, however, is one<br />

of his more sophisticated in the sense that a realistic<br />

motivation is provided for the title character, making<br />

"The Christmas Kid" both interesting and believable. As<br />

played by likable and capable Jeffrey Hunter, whose<br />

second Pink film this is < the other, "Witch Without a<br />

Broom"<br />

I<br />

leading character will be one easily identifiable<br />

to the mass moviegoing public as they follow the<br />

trials and tribulations of "Ihe Christmas Kid." Louis<br />

Hayward, always a dependable acting talent, plays the<br />

slick and slimy gambler villain with relish and style,<br />

Perla Cristal is attractive and the rest of the predominately<br />

Spanish cast, all fairly well-dubbed, furnish good<br />

support to the leads and the story. This color release is<br />

decidedly one of Pink's best efforts to date.<br />

Jeffrey Hunter, Louis Hayward, Gustavo Rojo, Perla<br />

Cristal, Luis Prendes, Reginald Gilliam.

Carita<br />

. . The<br />

FEATURE REVIEWS Story Synopsis;<br />

Exploifips; Adiines for Newspapers and Programs<br />

THE STORY:<br />

"The Viking Queen" (20th-Fox)<br />

During the Roman occupation of ancient Britain, King<br />

Priam (Wilfred Lawsom of the Iceni tribe, names his<br />

i<br />

daughter Salina i as his successor since he feels<br />

she has more of the qualities of her mother, a Viking<br />

queen. Although she tries to cooperate with the Roman<br />

occupation forces, headed by Justinian iDon Murray* to<br />

keep the peace, the Druid priests urge her to rebel. She UNi'<br />

''<br />

and Justinian fall in love and wish to marry, but the '^^<br />

Druids oppose it so a plot is hatched that sends Justinian<br />

away on a false mission to enable his second-in-command,<br />

Octavian (Andrew KeuM, to take over. Arresting Salina,<br />

he has her flogged, rapes her younger sister and when<br />

they escape, Salina joins her tax-burdened people and<br />

the Druids to battle the Romans. She dies in the retui-ned<br />

Justinian's arms after a brave but futile battle against<br />

him and his superior forces.<br />


Obtain or construct a miniatm-e chariot with knifehubbed<br />

wheels for the lobby—also miniature cages with<br />

figurines climbing up them from fire (electric) below.<br />


Bladed Chariots of Death . . . Men Roasted Alive in<br />

Wooden Cages . Terrible Druids and Their Occult<br />

Terrors ... A Queen in Love With Her Conqueror.

:<br />

three.<br />

1 nent<br />

'<br />

:: chance<br />

!.';<br />


. 9th<br />

Dallas,<br />

—<br />

FES: 20c per word, minimum S2,00, cash with copy. Four consecutive insertions ior price<br />

CLOSING DATE: Monday noon preceding publication date. Send copy and<br />

answers to Box Numbers to BOXOFFICE, 825 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 64124<br />


iSISTANT MANAGERS — Manager<br />

ciees. Top Company. Good starting<br />

iry plus many fringe benefits. Excelij<br />

chance for advancement. Experienced<br />

irive-in and indoor preferred. Send<br />

3plete work history to: Box 285, Floris-<br />

I, Missouri.<br />

UiAGER and manager trainees want-<br />

:Top Company operating Art Theatres<br />

lugnout the East. Good salary plus<br />

cy fringe benefits. When answering,<br />

Lise incl'ude photo, experience and<br />

)|'ences. Write to: Americana Enter-<br />

Association, 929 East 139th<br />

Mue, Tampa, Florida 33612.<br />

[MEDIATE OPENING: For experienced<br />

lagers and assistants, required by<br />

'.table circuit in the Intermountain<br />

t area. Must be dependable, con-<br />

:'itious, honest and bondable. Send<br />

)plete resume with photo and salary<br />

^irements to: BOXOFFICE 1555.<br />

.ORIDA needs theatre managers. Send<br />

|me to Federal Drive-In Theatre, 1301<br />

Avenue, Pompano Beach, Florida<br />

!2.<br />

lANTED: Theatre managers. Please<br />

!, resume of qualifications and refer-<br />

Tis. Black Hills Amusement Company,<br />

:'391, Rapid City, South Dakota.<br />

pERIENCED MANAGER, Philadelphia<br />

c ange area, top pay, insurance benefor<br />

advancement. Must be<br />

c rienced in all phases of theatre<br />

DQtion. BOXOFFICE 1562.<br />

)1P£RI£NCED men or women for man-<br />

; lai positions now with ABC Mid-South<br />

I'ltres, Inc. Annual vacation, good<br />

i!ry, hospitalization, pension plan. Send<br />

:\<br />

photo and resume, including starting<br />

ijry you will consider. Application will<br />

5,:onfidential, Send to: ABC Mid-South<br />

litres, Inc. , Saenger Theatre Build-<br />




Box office potential<br />

powerful... should be<br />

one of the big grossers<br />

of the fall-winter<br />

season! Swingers<br />

and would-be<br />

swingers, young and<br />

old will<br />

turn on for<br />

Tony Rome'!"<br />

Film Bulletin<br />

Pre-Search<br />

August 7, 1967<br />

World Premiere<br />

Miami Beach<br />

Carib Theatre<br />

November 10<br />



JEFFREY LYNN-LLOYD BOCHNERandSUE LYON as Diana -Produced by Aaron Rosenbi<br />

Directed by Gordon Douglas -Screenplay by Richard Breen<br />

Based on me No»ei Miami Maytiem b» Maruin H Albert PANAVISION' COLOR Br DE LUXE An Areola MiiltieM Prorfudions Pidur<br />

Hear Nancy Sinatra<br />

sing the title song!<br />

Available For Thanksgiving From 20th

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