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Including the Sect.onal News Pages of All Editions<br />
/he TuAe eij ~ine /n&toen. MctuAe yndud^<br />
Stars Rex Harrison and Samantha Eggar in the 20th Century-Fox musical, "Doctor Dolittle," which<br />
was voted the January BOXOFFICE Blue Ribbon Aword by members of the National Screen Council<br />
tor its outstanding quality as suitable family entertainment. Miss Eggar shows scorn here when<br />
she suspects Harrison in the title role of underhonded dealings ... Sec Showmandiser Section.<br />
my V.
Equals ALFIE' and 'BLOW-OP'<br />
in its first 5 days in New York!<br />
"ONE OF THE<br />
YEAR'S 5 BEST!<br />
A honey of a flick, straight<br />
from England and straight<br />
from the shoulder. The<br />
sizzling diary of a girl<br />
whose life swings like a<br />
pendulum between<br />
two menr?»TM:'"'<br />
Carol WhHe emerges as a rival of<br />
Julie Christie and Faye Dunaway<br />
ASTARISBORNi"-""^"*<br />
Realism that brings you<br />
in «kMwftl" —Archer Winsten,<br />
up snort! N.. York Pott<br />
'POOR COW'!"<br />
— Renata Adier. New York Times<br />
National General Pictures presents<br />
A Joseph Janni Production<br />
Terence Stamp<br />
as Dave<br />
Carol White m<br />
Aiin TAI If ADflllTI"<br />
HIIU IflLII fIDUU I !<br />
—William Won.<br />
Cue MiiaiiM<br />
Technicolor*<br />
Scrwnptey by<br />
From the novel<br />
jn and Kenneth Loach ."PoorCowlby Nell Dunn<br />
Music by<br />
Directed by<br />
Donovan .<br />
Kenneth Loach<br />
Y<br />
. .Field<br />
—<br />
"<br />
me Tic^ oft^'7?itam7^ict(y(J^ //td/zAt^<br />
Published in Nine Sectional Editions<br />
Editor-in-Chief and Publisher<br />
ONALD M. MERSEREAU, Associate<br />
Publisher & General Manager<br />
ESSE SHLYEN. .. -Monaging Editor<br />
LYDE C. HALL. . .Equipment Editor<br />
iLLEN C. WARDRIP. . Editor<br />
YD CASSYD Western Editor<br />
lORRIS SCHLOZMAN, Business Mgr.<br />
ubiication Offices: 825 Vaii Bnuit Blvd.,<br />
;mis:u> I'ity. Mo. 6412'1. Jesse Shljen.<br />
lanagiiig Editor; Allen C. Wardrip. Field<br />
ditor: Morris Schlozman. Business .Manger:<br />
ayde C. Hall, The Modern Theaire<br />
ectlon. Telepbone CHestnut 1-7777.<br />
ditorial Offices: 1270 Sisth Ave.. Rockeiller<br />
Center, New York, N.Y. 10020.<br />
lonald M. Mersereau. Associate Publisher<br />
: General Manager; James M. Walters,<br />
levis Editor. Telephone COlumbus 5-6370.<br />
entral Offices: Editorial— 920 N. Mlchjan<br />
Ave.. Chicago 11, 111., Frances B.<br />
'low. Telephone Superior 7-3972.<br />
Western Offices: 6331 Hollywood Blvd.<br />
loom 709, Hollywood, CaUf., 90028. Syd<br />
:assyd. Telephone Hollywood 6-1186, It<br />
answer, 465-3171.<br />
.ondon Office—Anthony Gruner, 1 Wooderry<br />
Way, Flnchley, N. 12, Telephone<br />
lillside 6733.<br />
THE MODERN THEATRE Section Is inluded<br />
in one issue each month,<br />
libany: J. Conners. 165 No. Pearl St.,<br />
Albany, N.Y. 12207.<br />
Ltlanta: Genevieve Camp, 166 Undbergh<br />
Drive. N.E.<br />
lalthnore: R. T. Marhenke. 2426 Bradford<br />
lid.<br />
ioston: Guy UviogstoD, 80 Boylston, Boston,<br />
Mass.<br />
:barlotte: Blanche Carr. 912 B. Park Ave.<br />
•incinnatl; Frances Hanford, 3433 CUtlon<br />
Ave. 221-8654.<br />
;ieveland: W. Ward Marsh, Plain Dealer,<br />
'olumbus: Fred Oestreicher, 52^ W.<br />
North Broadway.<br />
)aUas: Mable Guhian, 6926 Wlnton.<br />
icnver: Bruce Marshall, 2881 S. Cherry<br />
Way.<br />
)es Moines: Pat Cooney. 2727 49th St.<br />
)etroit: H. F. Reves. 906 Fox Theatre<br />
Bldg., woodward 2-1144.<br />
lartford: Allen M. Widem, 249-8211.<br />
ndiariapolis : Norma Geraghty. 408 N.<br />
Illinois St.<br />
acksonrille: Robert Cornwall. 3233 College<br />
St.. ELgin 6-4967.<br />
lanchester, N.H. : Guy Langley, 131<br />
Merrimack Street,<br />
lemphis: Faye T. Adams. 707 Spring St.<br />
Jiaml; Martha Lummus. 622 N.E. 98 St.<br />
iliUvaukee: Wm. Nichol, 2547 N. 44th.<br />
linneapolis: Bill Diehl, St. Paul Dispatch,<br />
63 E. 4th St.. St. Paul. Minn. 55101.<br />
ew Orleans: Mary Greenbaum, 2303 Mende2<br />
St.<br />
klahoma aty: Sam Brunk. 3416 N. Virginia.<br />
maha: Irving Baker. 5108 Izard St.<br />
ittsburgh: R. F. Kllngensmith. 516 Jeanette,<br />
Wilkinsburg. 412-241-2809.<br />
illadeiphia: Local Communications Network.<br />
845 N. Broad St.. PO 5-0234.<br />
>rtland. Ore.: Arnold Marks, Journal.<br />
. Louis: MjTa Stroud, 4209 Ellenwood.<br />
VE 2-3494.<br />
It UJie City: Tim Warner, 272 S. Main,<br />
n Francisco: Wally Levin, 727 Market<br />
St., DO 2-1865.<br />
Idttogton: Virginia R. Collier, 2129<br />
Florida Ave., N.W. DUpont 7-0892.<br />
mtreal: Boom 111. f.O.T.C. Bldge.. 619<br />
Belmont St. Jules Larochelle.<br />
John: P.O. Bos 219. Sam Babb.<br />
ronto: J. W. Agnew. 274 St. John's<br />
Road.<br />
awa: Wm. Gladlsh, 75 Belmont Ave.<br />
nnipeg: Bob Hucal. 426-294 Portage.<br />
icouver: Jhnmle Davie. 3245 W. 12th.<br />
Member Audit Bureau of Circulations<br />
)llshed weekly, except one issue at<br />
rend, by Associated Publlcallons, Inc..<br />
i Van Bnint Blvd.. Kansas aty, Misrl<br />
64124. Subscription rates: Sectional<br />
tlon. $5 per year; foreign. $10. Naal<br />
Executive Edition. $10; foreign<br />
. Single copy 35c. Second class postpaid<br />
at Kansas City, Mo.<br />
. 92 No. 17<br />
BRU A R<br />
1 2, 1 968<br />
THE<br />
.<br />
DECISION by the board of directors<br />
of the National Ass'n of Theatre<br />
Owners, meeting in Nassau last<br />
month, to continue its fullest support of<br />
the Council of Motion Picture Organizations<br />
is highly commendable. It is a realistic<br />
recognition of the accomplishments<br />
of this, perhaps only, unified factor that<br />
is representative of practically ALL industry<br />
elements that has served to benefit<br />
the industry as a whole. It would have<br />
been a great mistake to, in any way, diminish<br />
the scope of COMPO's operations<br />
which it has so effectively conducted, ever<br />
since its formation in 1951.<br />
Under the astute guidance of Charles<br />
E. McCarthy, executive vice-president,<br />
COMPO has fought and won many battles<br />
against censorship, effecting its elimination<br />
in states in which it existed.<br />
Moreover, it closed the drain on theatre<br />
admissions by bringing about the elimination<br />
of Federal ticket taxes. Hopefully,<br />
these evils will not again arise. But, in<br />
case they do, it is well to be prepared, with<br />
COMPO at its fullest strength.<br />
It is significant that, just two years<br />
ago, following President Johnson's State<br />
of the Union address, Mr. McCarthy, noting<br />
recommendations made therein for<br />
restoration of the excise tax on automobiles<br />
and telephone calls, observed,<br />
"These two suggestions in the President's<br />
speech simply go to show that we must<br />
never relax our vigilance on legislative<br />
matters—censorship, tax, minimum wage<br />
—or other legislation that hits our business.<br />
We must always—but ALWAYS<br />
be prepared and ready to act."<br />
As we said at that time, the industry<br />
knows full well that once a law—tax, censorship<br />
or whatever —gets on the books,<br />
it almost never comes off. The ticket tax<br />
law had its beginning during World War<br />
I—50 years ago. Censorship, too, was a<br />
half-century old nuisance, deterrent and<br />
expense. While it has been removed from<br />
the statute books in all six states in which<br />
it was originally enacted, the efforts of<br />
its advocates persist in trying to reinstate<br />
it in one form or another. And<br />
this has given root to an offshoot called<br />
"film classification," some attempts for<br />
which currently are being pressed.<br />
Mr. McCarthy is right: "We must<br />
never relax our vigilance on legislative<br />
matters— censorship, tax, or other legislation<br />
that hits our business. We rrnist<br />
always— hut ALWAYS— he prepared and<br />
ready to act."<br />
• *<br />
See You At Show-A-Rama!<br />
Just about the biggest—if not THE biggest—exhibitor<br />
trade show and convention<br />
ever held in America's Heartland<br />
and, maybe, even in the whole U.S.A., is<br />
being "whomped up" by the United Motion<br />
Picture Ass'n for its Show-A-Rama<br />
XI, to be held in Kansas City, February<br />
26-29. As successful as these events have<br />
been in the preceding ten years, the program,<br />
as it has been outlined, looks to<br />
"out-show" them all.<br />
From the practical aspects, which include<br />
a number of innovations in showmanship<br />
and useful ideas applicable in<br />
all phases of theatre operation—PLUS<br />
entertainment, fun and fellowship—the<br />
lineup of experts in their respective fields,<br />
as speakers, screen personalities, leaders<br />
in exhibition, distribution and production<br />
is extraordinary.<br />
Ab Sher, UMPA president, and Dick<br />
Conley, general chairman of Show-A-<br />
Rama, report that advance registrations<br />
are considerably ahead of last year at this<br />
time. So a new high mark in attendance<br />
is assured, which adds to the enthusiasm<br />
of the convention committees and has<br />
sparked their efforts to present a top<br />
show full of practical values for profitable<br />
utilization.<br />
That has been traditional with Show-<br />
A-Rama, much to the benefit of both newcomers<br />
and oldtimers in exhibition, as<br />
well as other members of the industry. It<br />
should be more so this year.<br />
: German<br />
Gordon Stulberg of CBS to Keynote<br />
Show-A-Rama in Kansas City Feb. 27<br />
KANSAS CITY—Gordon Stulberg, president<br />
of the new theatrical production arm<br />
of Columbia Broadcasting System, will be<br />
the keynote speaker for the 1968 Internationul<br />
Show-A-Rama XI, convention and<br />
tradeshow, scheduled February 26-29 at Hotel<br />
Muehlebach's Convention Center. "The<br />
Forward Look Ahead" will be the topic of<br />
his addrc&s at a Tuesday luncheon (27).<br />
Stulberg joined CBS in 1967 to head a<br />
newly expanded division, which is responsible<br />
for all theatrical films to be released<br />
through the newly formed National General<br />
Pictures. He will delve into the projected<br />
future expansion and pnnvth of the<br />
film industry.<br />
"Stulberg is a particularly appropriate<br />
keynote speaker to highlight the 1968 International<br />
Show-.A-Rama XI convention,<br />
which ranks as the world's second largest<br />
exhibitor convention and tradeshow," said<br />
Dick Conley. general show chairman. "Our<br />
keynote speaker's vast professional back-<br />
C;ord()n .Stulberg Arthur I'. Jacobs<br />
ground and experience qualifies him as an<br />
authority to express his forward look opinions,"<br />
he said.<br />
Stulberg served seven years as vice-president<br />
and chief studio administrative officer<br />
lor Colimibia Pictures, immediately prior to<br />
his present position. He was executive assistant<br />
to the vice-president of Columbia<br />
Pictures from 1956 to 1960. He was an associate<br />
and firm member of Pacht, Ross.<br />
Warne and Bernard from 1949 to 1956.<br />
A native of Toronto. Stulberg received a<br />
bachelor of arts degree in 1946 at the Unisersily<br />
of Toronto and a doctor of law degree<br />
from Cornell University in 1949. He<br /> been admitted to the New York and<br />
California stale bar associations. He is an<br />
entertainment industry lecturer at the University<br />
of California at Los Angeles' School<br />
of<br />
Business .Administration.<br />
Don Wilson, famed Jack Benny announcer,<br />
who has been voted most popular<br />
announcer in broadcasting, will be the master<br />
of ceremonies for all business sessions<br />
and events, except the "Fvening With the<br />
Stars. Wilson " will introduce Jim Brown,<br />
the "New Male Star of Today. " Linda Harrison,<br />
the "New Female Star of Today" and<br />
N.' Jewison. the "Director of the >'ear."<br />
>'i In the Heat of the Night." Milton Fein-<br />
berg, vice-president of National Screen Service,<br />
will introduce the National Screen<br />
Story.<br />
As previously announced, Arthur P. Jacobs<br />
will be honored as "Producer of the<br />
Year" for his 20th Century-Fox productions,<br />
"Planet of the Apes" and "Doctor Dolittle."<br />
Charlton Heston will receive the<br />
male "Star of the Year" Award for his performance<br />
in "Planet of the Apes" and Stella<br />
Stevens will be given the female "Star of<br />
the Year" Award on the basis of her performance<br />
in Columbia's "Where Angels Go<br />
Trouble Follows" and "How to Save<br />
a Marriage—and Ruin Your Life."<br />
Gene Kelly, producer, director and actor,<br />
also will be here for the traditional "Evening<br />
With the Stars" cocktail reception and dinner<br />
Wednesday night (28). Raquel Welch,<br />
star of "FATHOM" and "One Million Years<br />
B. C." for 20th-Fox. also will be here to accept<br />
an award. Carol Channing, who was<br />
scheduled to receive a "New Star of the<br />
Year" .Award, has been canceled due to<br />
other commitments.<br />
Refreshment 'School'<br />
Scheduled by NAC<br />
KANSAS CITY—The National Ass'n ol<br />
Concessionaires will take an active part in<br />
Show-A-Rama XI at the Muehiebach Hotel.<br />
February 26-29. it was announced by Harold<br />
F. Chesler. Theatre Candy Distributing<br />
Co., Salt Lake City, chainnan of the association's<br />
committee on regional meetings.<br />
Julian Lefkowitz. L&L Concession Co..<br />
Detroit. NAC president, and NAC members<br />
Virgil Odell. Odell Concessions Specialty<br />
Co.. Caldwell. Idaho: Johnny Johnston,<br />
the Vendo Co.. Kansas City. Mo., will present<br />
the NAC "School for Refreshment Personnel."<br />
which is based on a new Personnel<br />
Training and Instruction Manual for the<br />
Concessions Industry, recently published by<br />
the association. The manual, compiled from<br />
400 references containing over 2,000 points<br />
of information, was prepared and authored<br />
by NAC past president Philip L. Lowe of<br />
New York City. They will speak during a<br />
morning concessions forum, scheduled for<br />
luesday ( 27 )<br />
Louis L. Abramson. NAC executive director.<br />
Chicago, also will speak at the<br />
morning session. Chesler. who is a director<br />
of NAC. has been working closely in developing<br />
NAC's program with Richard Conley,<br />
district manager of Fox Midwest Theatres.<br />
Kansas City, vice-president of the<br />
United Motion Picture Ass'n and general<br />
convention chairman.<br />
The subject of "Storage. Maintenance,<br />
Repairs and Cleanliness" will he covered by<br />
Lefkowitz; Odell will talk on "Quality Control"<br />
and Johnston will discuss "Merchandising<br />
and Promotion."<br />
Exhibitors lo Honor<br />
Actor Jim Brown<br />
KANSAS CITY—Jim Brown will be honored<br />
as "New Male Star of Today" at Show-<br />
A-Rama XI February<br />
26-29. at the Hotel<br />
Muehiebach Convention<br />
Center.<br />
Brown's award is<br />
based on his performance<br />
in MGM's "The<br />
Dirty Dozen." He<br />
portrays a condemned<br />
GI in Europe during<br />
World War II. who<br />
cheats the army hangman<br />
and completes a<br />
suicide mission behind<br />
lines before D-Day.<br />
th.<br />
Jim Brown<br />
front<br />
Brown will receive his award at a keynote<br />
luncheon Tuesday (27). Sharing the<br />
spotlight for honors at the same time will<br />
be Norman Jewison. who will receive "Director<br />
of the Year" for his work in "In the<br />
Heat of the Night."<br />
Jim Brown's acting career has included<br />
six movies in the last two years. His credits<br />
include; "Rio Conchos." "Dark of the Sun,"<br />
"Ice Station Zebra," "Kenner," "Riot," and<br />
"The Split." He is a former AU-American<br />
and All-Pro Cleveland football star. His decision<br />
lo quit pro football and devote his<br />
career to motion pictures followed completion<br />
of "The Dirty Dozen."<br />
Brown is national chairman for the Negro<br />
Industrial and Economic Union, an organization<br />
he founded, which is dedicated to assisting<br />
the American Negro into the mainstream<br />
of the American economy. Brown's<br />
most successful season was in 1964. when<br />
he won the Hickok Belt as Professional Athlete<br />
of the Year.<br />
Mickelberry Sausage Plant<br />
Destroyed by Explosion<br />
C HIC.AGO—Violent explosions destroyed<br />
the Mickelberry Sausage Co. plant here late<br />
Wednesday (7). killing at least six persons,<br />
including the company president, Roy R.<br />
Laidley. injuring at least 75 others and leaving<br />
12 to 15 persons unaccounted for.<br />
Three of the dead were firemen. Laidley's<br />
body was found Thursday in a search of the<br />
debris and searchers continued to look for<br />
those missing.<br />
The two-story plant building was leveled<br />
in the blasts, apparently caused by a gasoline<br />
truck which caught fire and was parked in<br />
the alley near the factory.<br />
Firemen were on the scene when the explosions<br />
occurred, using ladders to remove<br />
personnel from the building which was burning.<br />
Witnesses were quoted as saying that<br />
about 25 persons were blown from the roof<br />
and from fire ladders by the main blast.<br />
Firemen were trying to rescue office workers<br />
huddled there when the main blast came.<br />
BOXOFFICE ;: February 12. 1968
NGC Agrees to Acquire<br />
Publishing Company<br />
NEW YORK—An agreement in principle<br />
has been reached through which<br />
National General Corp. would acquire Grosset<br />
& Dunlap, Inc., book publishing house,<br />
and its subsidiaries. Bantam Books and<br />
Transworth Publishing of London, it was<br />
announced here by Eugene V. Klein, chairman<br />
and president of NGC: Manual Siwek:<br />
chairman and president of Grosset & Dunlap,<br />
and Oscar Dystel, president of Bantam.<br />
According to the announcement, NGC<br />
will pay $41 per share cash for the approximately<br />
1,200,000 G&D shares outstanding.<br />
Of these, more than 70 per cent are held by<br />
five principals: Book-of-the-Month Club,<br />
Inc.; Crowell, Collier & MacMillan, Inc.;<br />
Harper & Row Publishers, Inc.; Little,<br />
Brown & Co. and Random House, Inc. The<br />
balance is held by the management and the<br />
public.<br />
Total purchase price would approximate<br />
$49.2. TTie sale is subject to the preparation<br />
of definitive contracts and ratification by the<br />
board of NGC.<br />
The Grosset companies, the statement<br />
said, would continue to operate autonomously<br />
under their present managements.<br />
Klein said of the proposed sale: "We are<br />
greatly pleased to have associated with us<br />
this highly regarded, long-established publisher.<br />
I regard the Grosset & Dunlap management<br />
as among the most capable in its<br />
industry and feel that the merging of the<br />
talents of these two communications companies<br />
should result in even more creative<br />
results together in the future than was the<br />
case in the past."<br />
Jonas Rosenfield Jr. Now<br />
On 4-Week Global Tour<br />
NEW YORK—Jonas Rosenfield jr., 20th<br />
Century-Fox vice-president and director of<br />
advertising, publicity and exploitation, has<br />
left New York and the 20th-Fox home office<br />
for a four-week trip around the world.<br />
Rosenfield was in Hollywood last week<br />
where he consulted with Richard D. Zanuck,<br />
executive vice-president in charge of production,<br />
and other studio executives as well<br />
as producers and directors, on this year's<br />
production schedule. Rosenfield also viewed<br />
a number of features which are either completed<br />
or in their final editing stages. John<br />
Friedkin, Rosenfield's executive assistant,<br />
accompanied him on this phase of the trip.<br />
Following his Hollywood visit, Rosenfield<br />
will then go to Tokyo, Osaka. Manila.<br />
Bangkok, Bombay, Tel-Aviv and Rome before<br />
returning to the home office on March<br />
4. During this portion of the trip, he will<br />
conduct ad-pub meetings on 20lh-Fox upcoming<br />
product in the company's local offices<br />
as well as map out production campaign<br />
plans for the forthcoming reservedseat<br />
attraction, "Tora, Tora, Tora!" in<br />
Japan, and the currently-shooting "The<br />
Guru" in India.<br />
BOXOmCE FebruaiT 12, 1968<br />
Seventh Managers' School<br />
Under Way by NGC<br />
HOLLYWOOD — Fifteen assistant theatre<br />
managers and seven theatre managers<br />
Monday through Friday (.'i-9) participated<br />
in a five-day seminar in National General<br />
Corp.'s seventh theatre manager training<br />
program.<br />
Conducted at the company's Los Angeles<br />
home offices, subjects will cover film buying,<br />
booking, advertising, publicity, promotions,<br />
insurance, maintenance, theatre operations,<br />
concessions and purchasing.<br />
Speakers included: William H. Thedford,<br />
vice-president and director of theatre operations,<br />
Eugene V. Klein, president; Samuel<br />
Schulman, senior vice-president and head<br />
of theatre operations; Ernest Sturm, assistant<br />
director of theatre operations, and William<br />
Hertz. Pacific Coast division manager.<br />
Since inception of the program July 1965,<br />
over 110 men have completed the series of<br />
seminars. Harold Wyatt, Fox West Coast<br />
Theatres' district manager, who has coordinated<br />
the previous projects, is in charge of<br />
the sessions.<br />
Student managers attending the sessions<br />
included:<br />
Joseph J. Novak, Fox Theatre, La Junta,<br />
Colo.: Thomas Reid Arrington, Fox. Albuquerque,<br />
N.M.; Larry Dean Duman, California,<br />
San Diego, Calif.: William Joseph<br />
Hughes, Fox. Venice, Calif.: Joe Bascetta,<br />
Academy. Pasadena, Calif.; Richard J.<br />
Baese. Rialto. Salt Lake City, Utah; Robert<br />
Leo Barker, Holiday, Great Falls, Mont.:<br />
John Richard Breshahan. Fox, Billings,<br />
Mont.; Ladd Anthony Nelson. Fox, Omaha.<br />
Nebr.; William Clay Schumacher, Fox,<br />
Springfield. 111.: Raphael Phillip Reno, Uptown,<br />
Kansas City, Mo.<br />
Also Jerry Lyie Willits, Fox, Fullerton,<br />
Calif.; Jerry Dean Battey, Fox. Hutchinson,<br />
Kas.; George David Wicker, Orpheum,<br />
Wichita, Kas.; Donald J. Drisdell, Cinema<br />
Bonaventure, Montreal. Canada: Thomas<br />
Duncan Carlile, Fox. Van Nuys, Calif.:<br />
David Joseph James, Studio City, Studio<br />
City, Calif.; Jerry Ronald Hagerman, Hollywood,<br />
Portland, Ore.: Jim Cisler. McDonald,<br />
Eugene, Ore.; Ken William Twombly,<br />
Coliseum, Seattle, Wash.; Richard Thomas<br />
Watkins. Tower, Fresno, Calif.; and Gregg<br />
Michael Kellum, Granada, Kansas Citv.<br />
Kas.<br />
Kirk Douglas Is Presented<br />
Dooley Foundation Award<br />
NEW YORK—Actor Kirk Douglas was<br />
honored with the Thomas A Dooley Foundation<br />
"Splendid American Award" at the<br />
philanthropic organization's fourth annual<br />
dinner at the Americana Hotel last week.<br />
The award, presented by author William<br />
J. l.edercr, also was given to U. S. Senator<br />
Daniel K. Inouye of Hawaii. Shirley Mac-<br />
Laine accepted the award for the senator.<br />
The award is given annually to Americans<br />
making "outstanding contributions" to international<br />
goodwill.<br />
MPAA president Jack Valenti and Northeast<br />
Airlines president F. C. Wiser were cochairmen<br />
of the dinner for the Dooley<br />
Foundation.<br />
2nd MPAA Seminar<br />
To Be in Houston<br />
NEW YORK—The second in the national<br />
series of university seminar programs<br />
sponsored by the Motion Picture Ass'n of<br />
America will be held at the University of<br />
Houston Thursday and Friday (15, 16)<br />
when MPAA president Jack Valenti and<br />
film director Norman Jewison conduct the<br />
iwo-day program featuring a screening of<br />
Jewison's "In the Heat of the Night."<br />
The MPAA seminars were designed to<br />
create a closer rapport between students,<br />
American filmmakers and the Hollywood<br />
industry. The first seminar was held at<br />
Stanford University last month with Valenti<br />
and director-producer Stanley Kramer as<br />
guests.<br />
The two-day event at the University of<br />
Houston will also include representatives<br />
from the neighboring schools of Rice University<br />
and St. Thomas College. 700 students<br />
are expected to attend. Following the<br />
film showing, a discussion period will be<br />
held with Valenti and Jewison. The second<br />
day the industry representatives will conduct<br />
two half-day seminars for students<br />
who are majoring in cinema, law and business<br />
at the three schools.<br />
Related events scheduled for Valenli and<br />
Jewison include a taped television panel discussion<br />
with two Houston graduate students<br />
to be shown on the University's own channel<br />
and broadcast throughout the surrounding<br />
area, a reception and dinner in their<br />
honor given by the University and a luncheon<br />
meeting with students and faculty from<br />
the several participating schools.<br />
Commenting on the film discussions at<br />
the University of Houston, Valenti said: "I<br />
am proud to be able to present to my alma<br />
mater the second in this significant series<br />
of Campus Film Seminars. Norman Jewison<br />
is one of the world's most renowned filmmakers,<br />
having gained international attention<br />
with his earlier pictures. MGM's "The<br />
Cincinnati Kid" and UA's "Tlie Russians<br />
Are Coming the Russians Are Cominc"<br />
Prudential Chain Increases<br />
Will Rogers Contribution<br />
NEW YORK— Prudential New York<br />
Theatres, Inc.. based out of Merrick. L. I.,<br />
has sent checks amounting to $.'?4,295.55 as<br />
that theatre chain's contributions to the Will<br />
Rogers Memorial Fund this past year. This<br />
total<br />
represents an increase of 80.3 per cent<br />
over the amount collected during the preceding<br />
year.<br />
According to the company's board chairman.<br />
Morris Seider. this "impressive showing<br />
was due to the enthusiasm engendered<br />
by our supervisors, plus the division collection<br />
contest," the prize being a weekend at<br />
Will Rogers at Saranac Lake, N.Y. Seider<br />
said. "Three of our six supervisors sparked<br />
this outstanding job."<br />
Prudential's three division winners were<br />
the Crossbay Theatre, the Mid-Island Theatre<br />
and the Plaza Theatre.
Rhode Island Senate<br />
Asks Classification<br />
PROVIDENCE— For the second successive<br />
year, the Rhode Island Senate has passed<br />
a bill calling for establishment of a motion<br />
picture classification board within the<br />
Department of Education, aimed at keeping<br />
youngsters under 18 out of theatres showing<br />
films considered unsuitable for them. The<br />
measure now goes to the House of Representatives.<br />
The bill calls for appointment by the<br />
governor of an eight-member board to review<br />
all films to be exhibited in the state<br />
;ind decide their probable effect on children<br />
under 18.<br />
Should the board decide a film is unsuitable,<br />
it could go into court and seek an<br />
injunction against the showing of the film.<br />
Tlie bill would make it unlawful to exhibit<br />
any film classified as unsuitable without<br />
such classification being posted prominently<br />
in front of the theatre, and it would also be<br />
unlawful to knowingly permit any person<br />
under 18 to viev.' the performance or to sell<br />
or give that person a ticket.<br />
Thi Senate action came only a few days<br />
.ifter a court attack by six Providence theatres<br />
on the city's advance screening practice,<br />
which the theatres allege is unconstitutional.<br />
Bringing the action were the Shipyard<br />
Drive-In, Avon Cinema, Art Cinema.<br />
Columbus Theatre, Majestic Theatre and<br />
l.oew's Stale Theatre<br />
Para. Signs Harold Prince<br />
To Three-Film Contract<br />
Nl \V 'lUKk producer<br />
Harold Prince has been signed to a threepicture<br />
contract by Paramount Pictures,<br />
marking his entry into filmmaking. The<br />
transaction was set between Paramount and<br />
Prince's Media Enterprises. Inc.<br />
The first of the three proiects. "Barlow's<br />
Kingdom." will go into production in June,<br />
with Prince directing and John Flaxman<br />
producing. The post-Civil War western has<br />
an original screenplay by John Rcdgate.<br />
The second film to be filmed in England<br />
next fall is "The Plavpcn," based on P. N<br />
Hubbard's novel "Hive of Glass." Jane<br />
Howard and Robert Carrington are doing<br />
the screenplay. The third picture will he<br />
announced at a later date.<br />
Prince, currently represented on Broadwav<br />
by two smash hits. "Cabaret" and<br />
"F-iddler on the Roof," will remain active<br />
in the theatre. His next Broadway entry<br />
will be a musical of the film "Zorba, the<br />
Greek "<br />
^irk Douqlas to Receive<br />
HFPA's DeMille Award<br />
IIOI I VWdon<br />
Tlic N'.ir.l of directors<br />
of the Hollywood Forcicn Press Ass'n has<br />
unanimouslv selected Kirk Douclas as the<br />
1968 recipient of the "Cecil B. DcMille<br />
.^ward," presented annually by the HFPA<br />
since 1951 for outstanding contributions to<br />
the motion picture indiisin,-, it was announced<br />
by Herbert G. I.uft. president.<br />
FOR "WILL PE^'N^••—Paramount<br />
held a streening and party for the Holl\\\o()d<br />
I'orciyn Press .-Xss'n in behalf of<br />
its lie" "eslerii, "\MII Penny." .Shown<br />
being iiiterxiewed by foreign correspondent<br />
Leon Batter are Charlton<br />
Meslon. who stars in the film, and Walter<br />
Seltzer, center, co-producer of the<br />
film with I'red Engel. The part) was<br />
h^'ld ill the Paramount eonimissary in<br />
HolhMood and attended by .^00 HFP.\<br />
meniluTs and their quests.<br />
Rifkin and Diehl to Lead<br />
Panel on Automation<br />
NEW YORK Julian Ritkin. president of<br />
the National Ass'n of Theatre Owners, and<br />
Walter Diehl. assistant international president<br />
of the International .Alliance of Theatrical<br />
Stage Employes, will head a panel discussion<br />
on automation at the annual joint<br />
convention this week in Las Vegas of the<br />
Theatre Equipment Dealers Ass'n and the<br />
Thealre Equipment & Supply Manufacturers<br />
Ass'n. The convention is in session through<br />
February 14 at the Sands Hotel.<br />
More than 200 equipment manufacturers<br />
and dealers are attending the five-day convention.<br />
Rifkin is also the principal speaker<br />
at the kickoff luncheon Monday (12).<br />
WOMPI Nominating Group<br />
To Select 1968-69 Slate<br />
JAC KSON\ll I.i: Anne Dillon, president<br />
of Women of the Motion Picture Industry<br />
International, has named the following<br />
members to serve on the international<br />
nominating committee for 1967-68:<br />
Dorothv Reeves. New York, chairman;<br />
Ora Dell I.orenz. Dallas: Louise Bramblell.<br />
Atlanta: Helen Bila. New Orleans, and<br />
Sandv Easlcy. Jacksonville.<br />
The committee will propose a slate of<br />
officers for the 1968-69 term to be voted<br />
upon bv delegates at the WOMPI international<br />
convention September 20-22 at the<br />
Marriott Motor Hotel in Atlanta.<br />
McSorlev on 'Roses' Publicity<br />
NEW ^ORK—Lars<br />
McSorley has been<br />
appointed director of unit publicity for<br />
MGM's "The Subject Was Roses." starring<br />
Patricia Neal. which producer Edgar Lansbury<br />
will place before the cameras here<br />
Mondav (19).<br />
New Sales Managers<br />
Named by WB-7A<br />
NEW 'VORK—Al Duren has been appointed<br />
midwestern division sales manager,<br />
it was announced by Morey "Razz" Goldstein.<br />
Warner Bros.-7 Arts vice-president<br />
and general sales manager.<br />
Duren. formerly central division sales<br />
manager, will make his headquarters in<br />
Chicago, with supervision over Chicago.<br />
Cincinnati. Detroit. Indianapolis. Milwaukee<br />
and Minneapolis. He succeeds Robert L.<br />
Conn, who joined Cinerama Releasing<br />
Corp. as southern division manager.<br />
William Kumins has been appointed<br />
eastern district manager, working under the<br />
supervision of Jules Lapidus. eastern division<br />
sales manager. Kumins was formerly<br />
Boston branch manager and will, for the<br />
present, make Boston his headquarters.<br />
Milt Charnas, branch manager the past<br />
fi\e years for WB-7A's Los Angeles exchange,<br />
has been appointed western division<br />
sales manager, it was announced by Harry<br />
Buxhaum. western sales manager. Charnas,<br />
who has been with the Warner organization<br />
for the past 25 years, will headquarter in<br />
Los Angeles.<br />
Joseph Kaitz. formerly Denver branch<br />
manager, has been appointed Chicago<br />
branch manager. Gene Vitale. former Denver<br />
salesman, has been promoted to manager<br />
of the Denver branch.<br />
Terry Semel. formerly a salesman in the<br />
New York branch, has been appointed<br />
Cleveland branch manager, succeeding Judd<br />
Spiegle. w ho is resigning.<br />
Jack McGee Resumes Post<br />
With NGC in Denver<br />
DHNVLR — Jack McGee resumed his<br />
post in Denver on Monday (5) as division<br />
manager for National General Corp.<br />
Nfountain-Midwest Theatres, it was announced<br />
by William H. Thedford, NGC's<br />
director of theatre operations.<br />
McGee was temporarily detached from<br />
NGC domestic theatre operations last year<br />
to set up operations for the newly formed<br />
NGC Cinemas. Ltd., in Canada.<br />
The Canadian theatres will now be supervised<br />
by Roderick Smith, division manager<br />
for Fox Eastern Theatres, New York, with<br />
Robert Bothwell continuing in Toronto in<br />
charge of the company's homeofficc and<br />
acquisition program.<br />
'Born to Be Loved' Charted<br />
For Philadelphia Lensing<br />
NEW YORK—Born to Be Loved." an<br />
original screenplay by Bernard L. Sackett,<br />
goes before the cameras .A.pril 15 in Philadelphia.<br />
Originally set for production last<br />
fall, the Technicolor film was held up when<br />
director George Keathley became ill.<br />
Ethelyn Thrasher, casting director for Sackett.<br />
has stated that the original cast with the<br />
exception of one or two minor roles will be<br />
available. Ben Piazza, George Wallace.<br />
Carolya Coates. all from the New York<br />
stage, have the leading parts with Robert<br />
Q. Lewis and .Ann Miller in cameo roles.<br />
BOXOFFICE :: Februar\- 12, 1968
Valenli, Young NATO<br />
To Discuss Industry<br />
NEW YORK—On February' 14 Jack Va-<br />
Icnti, president of the Motion Picture Ass"n<br />
of America, and the heads of the National<br />
Ass'n of Theatre Owners" Young NATO<br />
group will meet here to discuss what part<br />
the Young NATO organization can play<br />
industry affairs with or without the participation<br />
of the MPAA. Cooperation between<br />
the two organizations, representing the exhibition<br />
side on one hand and the distribution<br />
end of the other, is of primary concern.<br />
Meeting with Valenti will be Roger Lockwood<br />
of Lock-J/ood & Gordon Enterprises.<br />
Boston, who is Young NATO chairman;<br />
Bruce Corwin. Metropolitan Theatres. Los<br />
Angeles; Richard Durwood of Durwood<br />
Theatres. Kansas City, and Bud Rifkin of<br />
Rifkin Theatres. Boston.<br />
The second generation theatre executives<br />
joined together to develop and carry out cooperative<br />
projects within NATO and on its<br />
behalf in special areas. Designed to reflect<br />
the younger viewpoints in exhibitions, the<br />
group conducted a special seminar last fall<br />
at the NATO convention in Miami.<br />
It is expected that Valenti will bring to<br />
the attention of the Young N.'\TO heads the<br />
results of the MPAA's lesearch program<br />
which surveyed such matters as theatre attendance<br />
habits, motivations and deterrents<br />
in the industry and advertising practices.<br />
Valenti is and has been campaigning to put<br />
more information about film content before<br />
the public in general so that parents will<br />
know about each film released.<br />
'Dolittle' Roadshows Open<br />
In 11 Cities This Month<br />
NEW YORK—"Doctor Dolittle." ZOth<br />
Century-Fox's reserved seat attraction starring<br />
Rex Harrison, unfolds this month with<br />
premieres in 1 1 domestic cities. The first<br />
two roadshow engagements in this schedule<br />
opened last week at the Palms Theatre in<br />
St. Petersburg and the Cedar Hills in Jacksonville,<br />
Fla.. Wednesday (7).<br />
Subsequent openings of the Arthur J.<br />
Jacobs production include the Manor Theatre.<br />
Pittsburgh. Tuesday (13); Midland<br />
Theatre, Kansas City, Mo.. Wednesday<br />
(14): the Elm in Hartford; Cinema 21 in<br />
San Diego: the Strand in Milwaukee, during<br />
the week of Monday (19); and, at the<br />
Lvric TTieatre. Indianapolis on Wednesday<br />
(21).<br />
W. R. Hearst Jr. Elected<br />
To 20th-Fox Board<br />
NEW YORK—Darryl F. Zanuck. president<br />
of 20th Century-Fox. announced the<br />
election of William Randolph Hearst jr.,<br />
in<br />
editcr-in-chief<br />
of the Hearst Newspapers, as a<br />
member of the motion picture company's<br />
board of directors. This marks the first time<br />
that Hearst has served as a member of a<br />
board other than those affiliated with the<br />
Hearst organization.<br />
Eastman Kodak to Sponsor<br />
Academy Awards Telecast<br />
NEW YORK—The 40th annual awards<br />
presentation of the Academy of Motion<br />
Picture Arts and Sciences, to be televised<br />
live and in color, Monday, April 8, on<br />
.'KBC-TV, (10 p.m. to conclusion) again will<br />
be fully sponsored bv the Eastman Kodak<br />
Co.<br />
Last year, the Oscarcast. fully sponsored<br />
by Eastman Kodak for the first time.<br />
surpassed its record of the previous year<br />
for the largest single network audience in<br />
television history (62,000.000) by drawing<br />
an estimated 65,000,000 viewers.<br />
WB-7A to Sell EML Ltd.<br />
All of Its ABPC Shares<br />
NEW YORK— Eliot<br />
Hyman. chairman of<br />
Warner Bros. -7 Arts, has announced that<br />
the company has entered into an agreement<br />
to sell to EMI, Ltd., British firm, all of the<br />
shares of Associated British Pictures Corp..<br />
owned by WB-7A and representing 25 per<br />
cent of the ordinary shares of that company,<br />
for a price of approximately $22.8 million.<br />
The sale is subject only to formal consent of<br />
the British government.<br />
Hyman said that the WB-7A board had<br />
deteimined to take this step after careful<br />
study, that the company looks forward to<br />
continuing productive relationship with EMI<br />
and that it is anticipated that proceeds from<br />
the sale will be used for reduction of bank<br />
borrowings of WB-7.'\.<br />
WKLCOMF. It \( K— I'alriiia Ncal.<br />
who stars in MGM's "1 he Suhject \>as<br />
This second Eastman Kodak sponsorship<br />
of the Oscar Awards ceremony was again<br />
placed through the J. Walter Thompson Co.<br />
The show will be broadcast from the Santa<br />
Monica Civic Auditorium. The 1968 Academy<br />
Awards will mark the eighth consecutive<br />
year that the ceremony has been telecast<br />
by ABC-TV.<br />
Roses." and Maurice Silversfcin. president<br />
of MGM International, are shown<br />
at a press conference luncheon held last<br />
week at the Warwick Hotel in New<br />
York to welcome the .\cadem.v .Awardwinning<br />
star back to motion pictures<br />
after an absence of three years. The<br />
screen version of Frank D. Gilroy's Pulitzer<br />
Prize plaj<br />
co-stars Jack .\lbertson<br />
and Martin Sheen under the direction<br />
of L'lu Grosbard. Produced by Edgar<br />
Lansbury, the drama goes before the<br />
cameras at Production Center in New<br />
York on Monday (19).<br />
Re-Elect Disney Boards-<br />
Quarter Net Is Up<br />
BURBANK, CALIF, — Stockholders of<br />
Walt Disney Productions re-elected all nine<br />
members of the board of directors, including<br />
Roy E. Disney who was elected to his first<br />
full term, at an annual meting last week.<br />
Consolidated net income of Walt Disney<br />
Productions and its domestic subsidiaries for<br />
the first quarter to December 30 was $2,-<br />
181,000, representing 52 cents per share on<br />
4,229,844 shares of common .stock outstanding.<br />
This compares with prior year's<br />
first quarter consolidated net income of $2,-<br />
092,000 or 50 cents per share.<br />
All per-share earnings have been adjusted<br />
for stock dividends and the stock split effective<br />
to stockholders of record on Oct. 26,<br />
1967.<br />
The board of directors at its organizational<br />
meeting immediately following the stockholders'<br />
meeting re-elected all officers, with<br />
the exception of William E. Potter, Robert<br />
P. Foster and Orbin V. Mellon, who had previously<br />
assumed vice-presidencies of the<br />
newly organized Walt Disney World Co., a<br />
wholly owned subsidiary which will be responsible<br />
for the administration of Walt Disney's<br />
Florida project.<br />
Ronald W. Miller, a direclt)r of the company,<br />
was elected to the position of vicepresident<br />
in charge of television.<br />
The board also declared a regular quarterly<br />
dividend of 7',2 cents per share, payable<br />
April I, to holders of record on March 15.<br />
G&W Drops Proposed Plans<br />
To Merge With Armour<br />
NEW YORK—Gulf & Western Industries,<br />
parent company of Paramount Pictures,<br />
announced that it has suspended a<br />
proposed merger with Armour & Co. The<br />
announcement came after disclosure that<br />
the Department of Justice had opened an<br />
investigation of possible antitrust violations.<br />
The G&W announcement that the $375<br />
million transaction had been suspended<br />
cited "present unfavorable market conditions."<br />
but spokesmen for the company indicated<br />
that if market conditions change,<br />
any future consideration of a merger would<br />
be subject to scrutiny by both companies<br />
and the DofJ.<br />
Charles Horwitz to Head<br />
UATC Site Development<br />
NEW YORK—Charles Horwil/ has been<br />
appointed director of site development for<br />
United Artists Theatre Circuit. Inc. In his<br />
new post, Horwitz will conduct in-depth research<br />
studies in an effort to determine areas<br />
of possible expansion for the theatre company<br />
and its affiliates and also will be responsible<br />
for site development in those areas<br />
selected by the company.<br />
Associated with Schine Enterprises for 21<br />
years, Horwitz served as personnel director,<br />
supervisor of real estate and executive director.<br />
In 1966. he was named business manager<br />
of the new Saratoga Performing Arts<br />
Center in Saratoga Springs.<br />
BOXOFFICE :: February 12, 1968
, . . oy<br />
. .Tommy<br />
REVIEW<br />
Half a Sixpence'<br />
Paramount<br />
TOMMV sIl.hLK, who has practicalK<br />
made a career out of playing Kipps in<br />
"Half a Sixpence," was introduced to American<br />
moviegoers through his engaging portrayal<br />
in Wall Disney's "The Happiest Millionaire."<br />
However, after this delightful picturization<br />
of the Broadway and London<br />
stage hit and his forthcoming "Finian's<br />
Rainhow" film-musical. Tommy is certain<br />
to<br />
be known as one of filmdom's top dancing<br />
stars, happily combining the talents of<br />
Ray Bolger and Gene Kelly.<br />
This Charles H. Schneer-George Sidney<br />
production, directed by Sidney, entirely<br />
filmed in England against entrancing locations<br />
of villages, seaside resorts and the<br />
ITiames at the turn-of-the-ceniury. is always<br />
a tuneful and pictorial delight as well<br />
as just about the dancingest musical movie<br />
in years. Such song numbers by David<br />
Heneker as "If the Rain's Got to Fall,"<br />
"Money to Burn" and the infectious title<br />
tune are already familiar to most patrons<br />
(rom the long Broadway run and lengthy<br />
road lour and best-selling record album.<br />
I xtra selling for Steele and the new soundtrack<br />
album should win over the teenage<br />
fans, while others will be impressed by the<br />
story source. H. G. Wells' novel. "Kipps."<br />
(filmed more than two decades ago by Sir<br />
.Michael Redgrave), as well as by the considerable<br />
'•lage fame of Cyril Ritchard. This<br />
should do strong business as a roadshow<br />
and later in regular runs.<br />
Tommy Steele started as a f>op singer in<br />
Hngland. then starred in the stage show of<br />
"Half a Sixpence" in London's West End<br />
for two years and. when it was brought to<br />
Broadway, took on additional dancing<br />
chores, for which he was acclaimed. Now.<br />
he is at his peak in this thoroughly ingratiating<br />
portrayal of the shy. middle-class draper's<br />
apprentice, who inherits money and<br />
then attempts tt> crash high-society. In addition<br />
to singing nine major songs, plunking<br />
on a banjo and dancing up a storm. Steele<br />
is highly amusing in the many comedy<br />
scenes and even manages to be touching<br />
in the rare moments of disappointment and<br />
heartbreak. He rates "bravos" throughout.<br />
IqtialK adept in the dancing, singing and<br />
dr.imatic departnu-nis is liilia L'ostcr. who<br />
Ii>nini><br />
ParorTiOunt<br />
Technicolor-Ponavision<br />
Rotio: 2.35-1<br />
Running time U8 minutes, plus intermission<br />
.<br />
Chorles H Schneer-George Sidney Production<br />
Directed by George Sidney. John Dork, executive<br />
~- -.jcer Assistont director, Peter Pierce. Onginol<br />
and lyrics by Dovid Heneker. Adaptotion<br />
verly Cross and Dorothy Kingslcy. Screen-<br />
Beverly Cross. Director of photography,<br />
'irey Unsworth. Production designer, Ted Ho-<br />
'.'. Director of music. Irwin Kostal. Chorcogrophor.<br />
...<br />
Gillian Lynne. Music editor, Corroll Knud-<br />
scn. Costume designers, Elizabeth Hoffenden,<br />
Jcon Bridges<br />
THE CAST<br />
Kipps Steele<br />
Ann Julio Foster<br />
Chitfcrlow Cyril Ritchard<br />
Helen Wolshinghom Penelope Horner<br />
Sholford Hilton Edwards<br />
Mrs. Wolshinghom Pomelo Brown<br />
Hubert Wolshinghom Jomes Villiers<br />
Peorce Grover Dote<br />
Sid Christopher Sondford<br />
Buggins . Leslie Meodows<br />
Kote Elaine Taylor<br />
Flo Julio Sutton<br />
Victono Sheilo Falconer<br />
and Jeon Anderson, Aleto Morrison, Horry Sinc'air<br />
Jeffrey Chondler, Deboroh Permenter.<br />
had previously attracted attention in a<br />
strictly dramatic role in "Aifie." but now<br />
plays a pretty housemaid. These two, whose<br />
Cockney accents are never too broad, carry<br />
the gentle romance, in which a broken sixpence<br />
is their good luck symbol, in most<br />
appealing fashion.<br />
Cyril Ritchard plays in appropriately<br />
broad style as a bicycling actor-playwright<br />
who introduces Kipps to the backstage theatre<br />
world, and Hilton Kdwards is properly<br />
apoplectic as the tyrannical owner of the<br />
draper's shop, where Kipps and three other<br />
apprentices. Grover Dale. Leslie Meadows<br />
and Christopher Sandford. live in a damp<br />
basement hut manage to prance about energetically.<br />
The bluebloods, who try to turn<br />
Kipps into an aristocrat, speak in cultured<br />
tones with fine effect by haughty Pamela<br />
Brown, her lovely daughter (Penelope Horner)<br />
and her double-dealing son. portrayed<br />
by James Villiers— all well cast.<br />
The choreography, which has been expanded<br />
and often brought outdoors from<br />
the rather cramped stage show numbers, is<br />
by Gillian Lynne. who can take credit for<br />
the season's finest, and the colorful period<br />
costumes created by Elizabeth Haftenden<br />
and Joan Bridges also rate special mention.<br />
Only a new number. "This Is My World."<br />
which brings in a "My Fair Lady" atmosphere,<br />
seems unneccessary and over-long.<br />
All in all, "Half a Sixpence" has "Flash!<br />
Bang! Wallop!" to echo one of its lively song<br />
niinihers F.l .<br />
Steele (pinyinc banjo) as Kipps in "Half a Sixpence."<br />
AIP Special Ad Campaign<br />
For 'High, Wild and Free'<br />
HOLLYWOOD— Fantastic grcsses registered<br />
by American International's newly<br />
acquired adventure thriller. "High, Wild<br />
and Free" in test engagements arranged<br />
throughout the country by producer Gordon<br />
Eastman, has prompted AIP to blueprint<br />
a special trade advertising and promotional<br />
campaign to launch the outdoor<br />
feature into national release late February.<br />
The picture, filmed in color in the primitive<br />
"sleeping giant" country of Western<br />
British Columbia, is not only showing<br />
spectacular bo.xoffice strength, but has been<br />
held over for as much as four weeks in<br />
situations where advance bookings permitted.<br />
Among its pre-release runs. "High. Wild<br />
and Free" played 26 days at the Ogden<br />
Theatre, Denver: the Wealthy Theatre,<br />
Grand Rapids: 14 days at the Vista Theatre,<br />
Boise; and full weeks in more than a<br />
dozen other northwest towns.<br />
American International is directing its<br />
advertising-promotion campaign to the<br />
American family trade and the estimated<br />
SO.OOO.OOO outdoor and wildlife fans in the<br />
U,S.<br />
Maj. Gen. Frederick Touring<br />
For 'The Devil's Brigade'<br />
NEW YORK— Major General William T.<br />
Frederick, organizer and leader of "Tlie<br />
Devil's Brigade" in World War II. was in<br />
New York for four days week, first stop<br />
of a two-nation tour on behalf of the film<br />
of that name which David L. Wolpcr has<br />
produced for release by United Artists.<br />
Frederick, described by Winston Churchill<br />
as "the greatest fighting general of all time,"<br />
also will visit Chicago. Montreal. Toronto,<br />
Detroit and Los Angeles. His story long<br />
kept under tight security wraps, the General<br />
will<br />
be interviewed by the press and hold reunions<br />
with surviving veterans of his<br />
"Devil's Brigade." as the unit was dubbed<br />
by the Germans.<br />
William Holden portrays Frederick in the<br />
true-iifc film about the Brigade's fabulous<br />
exploits. Cliff Robertson. Vincc Edwards.<br />
Dana Andrews. Michael Rennic and<br />
Gretchen Wylcr also are .starred in "The<br />
Devil's Brigade." which was directed by Andrew<br />
V. McLaglen.<br />
Film Title Changes<br />
rum Iruiii" IS ihc new title of the<br />
Joseph L. Levine presentation starring Vittorio<br />
Gassman. Martha Hyer and Gila<br />
Golan, formerly titled "Catch As Catch<br />
Can." The comedy was produced by Mario<br />
Cecchi Gori and directed by Franco Indovina.<br />
The Embassy color release is scheduled<br />
for an early spring debut in this country.<br />
"Run, Hero. Run" is the new title for<br />
UniNcrsal's Technicolor drama previously<br />
tilled ".'\ Time for Heroes." Rod Taylor,<br />
Claudia Cardinale, Harry Guardino and<br />
Peter Deuel star in the picture directed by<br />
loseph Sargent for producer Stanley Chase.<br />
BOXOFTICE :: February 12, 1968
. William<br />
. . . Producer<br />
. . John<br />
'^oU^cwKtd ^cftont<br />
Paramount Schedules Western<br />
As $ Multi-Million Project<br />
The rights to 'Once Upon a Time in the<br />
West" will be used by Paramount in a multimiihon<br />
dolhir project with an all-star cast<br />
headed by Jason Robards jr., Charles Bronson.<br />
Claudia Cardinale and Henry Fonda<br />
with filming in Italy, Spain and the United<br />
States. Sergio Leone will direct. The story is<br />
set in Kansas in the late 19th Century and<br />
is the story of a conflict between two killers<br />
with control of a new city going to the winner<br />
and certain death to the loser. April 15<br />
. . . is the start date Wolper Pictures, Ltd.<br />
just spent a reported $500,000 to<br />
film rights for John Updike's new novel.<br />
"Couples," which is a contemporary study<br />
of the inter-relationship between si.\ couples<br />
in a small New England town. The production<br />
firm, which made its name in television<br />
specials, has bought eight properties for theatrical<br />
use on the screen in its one year of<br />
Romer Grey, son of the late<br />
existence . . .<br />
novelist Zane Grey, consummated a deal<br />
with Andrew J. Fenady Associates whereby<br />
rights to the novel, "Man From Nogales,"<br />
was purchased by the latter company. .-Xrrangement<br />
gives the Fenady group TV and<br />
"Cesar and the Seven<br />
dramatic rights . . .<br />
Belles of Rome" will be written by Phil<br />
Shuken for Moustapha .'Xkkad, of Akkad<br />
Int'l Productions, with Cesar Romero in the<br />
title role. No date has been set for production<br />
of the feature . . . Sam Spiegel acquired<br />
the new comic novel by Max Wilk, "One<br />
of Our Brains Is Draining," to be produced<br />
for Columbia Pictures by his Horizon Pictures<br />
. . . Film rights to "How to Train Dogs<br />
for the Home, Stage and Moving Pictures,"<br />
is the title which Roy Silver, president of the<br />
Campbell, Silver, Cosby Corp., announced<br />
that ihcy had purchased from Pitman Publishing<br />
Corporation. Henry R. East was the<br />
novelist.<br />
'Logan's Run' Due at MGM;<br />
George Pal to Produce<br />
George Pal will produce a film version<br />
of "Logan's Run," the recently published<br />
novel by William S. Nolan and George Clayton<br />
Johnson, which Richard Maibaum is<br />
adapting for MGM, starling in November.<br />
The unusual story, set in the near future,<br />
concerns a society in which all persons who<br />
reach the age of 21 are automatically sentenced<br />
to death. Theme of this treatment is<br />
about the attempt of one young man and<br />
his girl to avoid their fate. Maibaum, the<br />
v/riter of the screenplay, adapted the novel.<br />
such as "Dr. No," "From Russia With<br />
Love," "Goldfinger" and "Thunderball," for<br />
the screen . . . David Lean, who brought<br />
"Doctor Zhivago" to the screen, has started<br />
work on a new film for .MGM, which,<br />
though untitled at present, he plans to put<br />
before the cameras this summer on location<br />
in Ireland. The film will reunite him with<br />
•By SYD CASSYD<br />
Robert Bolt, who wrote the screenplay for<br />
"Zhivago." and who is basing the script for<br />
the new project on an original story of his<br />
own. .Set in 1900, the film tells what happens<br />
when a young romantic girl collides with her<br />
respectable provincial community. Anthony<br />
Havelock-Allan will act as producer of the<br />
. . . Orville<br />
film which MGM will release as a major reserved-seat<br />
attraction in 1969<br />
Hampton has finished a rough draft of<br />
"Where Are Our Children?" a story of runaway<br />
youngsters and their parents. Sam<br />
Katzman starts production in March at<br />
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's Culver City studio.<br />
Don Siegel Sets April Start<br />
For 'Gid' at Universal<br />
"Gid" will be produced and directed at<br />
Universal City studios by Don Siegel. Scheduled<br />
for production in April, the story was<br />
written by Larry McMurty as a novel and<br />
scripted by Larry Marcus and Robert Altman.<br />
Jennings Lang, senior vice-president of<br />
.<br />
Universal, stated that it will be a high-budget<br />
picture dealing with American contemporary<br />
youth and their attitude towards living and<br />
loving Sackheim drew a longlerm<br />
exclusive contract as creator-writerproducer<br />
of motion pictures for televsion<br />
and theatrical release, at Universal City Studios<br />
Clive Sharp, who will produce<br />
. . . "Yuki," forthcoming film to be made lor<br />
British Paramount under the banner of John<br />
Heyman Productions, is currently in Hollywood<br />
searching lor a young Japanese girl<br />
to play the title role. The story is a modern<br />
Madame Butterfly in reverse, with Phillip<br />
Shuken completing the screenplay based on<br />
the Ronald Kirkbride novel . . . Maximilian<br />
Schell has set a fall production start for "The<br />
Russian Garden," a romantic drama which<br />
he has written for the screen, but in which<br />
Columbia Pictures will<br />
he will not act . . .<br />
have a film started this spring on the Danish<br />
battle against the Nazis in World War II.<br />
The story, "The Savage Canary," was based<br />
on a novel by David Lampe and will be<br />
filmed at Shepperton Studios in England,<br />
and in Copenhagen where the heroic battle<br />
of the Danish resistance movement was<br />
waged. David Miller has been signed by producer<br />
Irving .Allen to direct.<br />
Narizzano and Monash Plan<br />
Productions at 20th-Fox<br />
Silvio Narizzano will produce and direct<br />
a romantic comedy, titled "The Love Department,"<br />
for 20th Century-Fox release.<br />
John Mortimer is writing the screenplay for<br />
the picture, which is the story of a British<br />
lonely-hearts columnist and is based on a<br />
novel by William Trevor. April has been<br />
inked in as the starting date, with British<br />
actor Nicol Williamson set for the starring<br />
role. Narizzano directed last year's highly<br />
acclaimed "Georgy Girl" tor Columbia . . .<br />
Paul Monash and 20th-Fox have finalized<br />
an agreement for a new motion picture project<br />
under the producer's non-exclusive contract<br />
with the company. Based on a Will<br />
Henry novel, "One More River to Cross"<br />
which Monash will put under the working<br />
title of "Big Black's River" the picture will<br />
be a major-budget western wiih the starring<br />
character a Negro outlaw . . . Delbert Mann,<br />
producer-director and Arnold Schulman,<br />
writer of screenplays, have teamed up to<br />
produce a film under Mann's Biography<br />
Productions at the end of this year. The original<br />
and screenplay by Schulman is a dramatic<br />
contemporary story of an American<br />
doctor living in India who visits the United<br />
Nations World Health Organization in<br />
Geneva, Switzerland, with an altruistic plan<br />
to enlist aid for the needy and becomes involved<br />
in the life of the world's celebrated<br />
men of medicine, who live in the famed<br />
Swiss city on the lake . . . Jerry Schatzberg<br />
will produce and direct the next starring film<br />
of Faye Dunaway in India. Titled "The<br />
Puzzle of a Downfall Child," it will be a coproduction<br />
deal with India's Ismael Merchant,<br />
who produced "Shakespeare Wallah."<br />
It will be a Warner Bros. -7 Arts production<br />
Robert Stabler set a late February<br />
starting date for "Search and Destroy,"<br />
Vietnam drama which is the next<br />
feature production for Stabler's Madison<br />
Productions. The screenplay is being completed<br />
by Charles Davis and Doug Wilson.<br />
Stuart Rosenberg to Direct<br />
'April Fools' for CBS Films<br />
Sluail Rosenberg, scheduled to direct the<br />
Pandro S. Berman production of ""Everything<br />
in the Garden." for 20th Century-Fox,<br />
starting in early 1969. first will direct "The<br />
.April Fools," starring Jack Lemmon, for<br />
CBS Theatrical Films. Rosenberg directed<br />
"Cool Hand Luke." the Paul Newman starrer<br />
for Jalem Proiiuctions which is attracting<br />
. . Rt>nald<br />
.<br />
considerable attention at the boxoffices. Producer<br />
Berman, meanwhile, is preparing<br />
"John Brown's Body" at 20th-Fox. which<br />
Guy Green will direct starting in July.<br />
Screenplay is by Paul Osborn<br />
Neame is set to direct the 20th Century-<br />
Fox Broadway hit, "The Prime of Miss Jean<br />
Brodie," which Robert Fryer will produce.<br />
Kay Allen who wrote the stage play from<br />
the novel by Muriel Spark is scripting her<br />
own adaptation. Filming starts in Scotland,<br />
with Maggie Smith playing the title role,<br />
next April Dexter, who directed<br />
many productions for England's famed National<br />
TTieatre. will make his motion picture<br />
debut when he directs "The Virgin Soldiers,"<br />
which Carl Foreman will bring to the screen,<br />
via his Open Road Productions, for Columbia<br />
Pictures release. Based on the novel by<br />
Leslie Thomas about a group of misfit sol-<br />
. . .<br />
diers of a British garrison near Singapore,<br />
shooting will begin this summer in Malaya.<br />
John Hopkins wrote the screenplay<br />
Academy Award-winner Daniel Fapp, ASC,<br />
will be the director of photography on Hal<br />
Wallis' suspense western for Paramount,<br />
"Five Card Stud" which Henry Hathaway<br />
will direct with Dean Martin and Robert<br />
Mitchum toplined and Inger Stevens costarred.<br />
BOXOmCE February 12. 1968
This chart records the performance of current ottracHons in the opening week of their first runs in<br />
the 20 key cities checked. Pictures with fewer than fire engagements are not listed. As new rum<br />
are reported, ratings are added and a»erages rerised. Computation is in terms of percentage in<br />
relation to normol grosses as determined by the theatre managers. With 100 per cent as "normal,"<br />
the figures show the gross ratings obore or below that mork (Asterisk * denotes combination bills.)<br />
Bonnie and Clyd.<br />
Camelol<br />
Carmen, Baby<br />
Charlie. Iho Loii*--omc Cougar :,BV)<br />
Clambake<br />
ComodUans<br />
Counterpoint<br />
i:m<br />
r.yo oi the Devil<br />
'*'<br />
"'•'minating Ancjol Tii.<br />
250 145 150 175 350 65 200 200 180 175 300 197<br />
.40 170 100 125 120 100 90 190 ISS 90 139<br />
100 100 113<br />
!25 140 175 560 350 200 350 225 150 150 200 150 234<br />
300 350 300 400 295 300 300 200 180 200 500 400 303<br />
125 400 125 250 160 180 218<br />
200 500 800 150 200 270 150 90 200 180 200 200 250 261<br />
120 75 230 90 100 75 150 100 90 120 80 118<br />
145 150 250 200 125 400 230 225 200 200 190 110 175 220 150 202<br />
125 150 no 90 200 150 150 134<br />
75 100 85 90 90 96<br />
50 90 185 80 111<br />
^m th«- Madding Crowd MGM) .;50 280 250 270 200 200 175 200 300 150 225<br />
•Froien Dead. Th -<br />
[<br />
Games Univ)<br />
Good. th.. Rati find (he Ugly<br />
^rad ,<br />
Happicsl Millionaire, Th.<br /> of 1.000 Dolls<br />
How I Won ihc War<br />
. ^^<br />
ISO 75 185 155 150 144<br />
Inddc-ni<br />
Tr.<br />
•It<br />
','.<br />
LaJ^ucrre Est<br />
Push Lottery Tickets<br />
For Theatres in N.Y.<br />
ALBANY — Stale senator Anthony B.<br />
Gioffrc of Port Chester has introduced a bill<br />
that would permit the sale of state lottery<br />
tickets in motion picture and stage theatres<br />
in New York State. Restaurants, retail food<br />
stores, liquor, book, stationery, department<br />
and drug stores are also introduced in Gioffre's<br />
legislation as desirous outlets for increasing<br />
the sales of lottery tickets, which to<br />
date has made a disappointing showing.<br />
Presently, lottery tickets can be sold onl><br />
at banks, hotels, motels and local and slate<br />
governmental outlets. After April 15, banks<br />
will be prohibited from such sales by federal<br />
law.<br />
In the past. State Tax Department officials<br />
have said they do not<br />
favor movie theatres<br />
as sales agents, because of the large<br />
number of young people who attend. Licensing<br />
of the new outlets would be based upon<br />
public exposure and convenience, business<br />
hours, financial responsibility and moral<br />
character, according to Gioffre's bill.<br />
Another bill has been introduced in the<br />
legislature by Senator Gioffre and Assemblyman<br />
Joseph R. Pisani (R-New Rochelle)<br />
that would make illegal the sale,<br />
giving away, distributing or possessing "with<br />
such intent" any motion picture film, book,<br />
pamphlet, writing, phonograph, paper,<br />
record or photograph which a "person"<br />
has prepared for public circulation with<br />
information "that would assist" in obtaining,<br />
manufacturing or in use of "any drug or<br />
chemical" the public dissemination of<br />
which, without prescription, is forbidden b\<br />
laws of the state.<br />
RKO-SW Ready to Open<br />
Third L. I. Twin Theatre<br />
NEW YORK — RKO-Stanley Warner<br />
Theatres will open the third of its new Long<br />
Island Twin theatres, the RKO Twin Babylon,<br />
on Wednesday (21). It is located in the<br />
Great South Bay Shopping Center on West<br />
Montauk Highway.<br />
The RKO Twin Babylon has 720 .seats<br />
divided into two theatres of 360 seats each<br />
and both will present the same film at<br />
staggered running times. A common entrance,<br />
boxoffice and refreshment stand will<br />
prevail, but the two theatres have different<br />
color schemes—one burgundy, the other<br />
blue.<br />
Tri-State Drive-In Ass'n<br />
Re-Elects Saittis, Others<br />
PITTSBURGH—Tri-State Drive-In Theatre<br />
Ass'n, meeting Tuesday (6) at the<br />
Bigelow re-elected George Saittis, president;<br />
George Tice, secretary, and Bert Stearn,<br />
treasurer. The first two will continue in<br />
office for two years and the latter will serve<br />
another single year. The group renamed to<br />
its board of directors Gabe Rubin. Ernie<br />
Stern and Ernie Warren, and as a new director<br />
elected Vincent Ranalli.<br />
Producer Stross Tells Tradepress<br />
Abouf 'The Fox<br />
NEW YORK—The Warner Bros.-7 Arts<br />
handout read: "Controversy may frighten<br />
some persons, but film producer Raymond<br />
Stross accepts its challenge with characteristic<br />
enthusiasm." From observation during a<br />
tradepress luncheon for the British producer<br />
at the Sherry Netherlands Hotel Wednesday<br />
(7). all indications are that Stross is indeed<br />
enthusiastic about most things, most particularly<br />
his wife, the beautiful Anne Hcywood.<br />
who is the star of his newest film "The<br />
Fox," based on the D. H. Lawrence novella<br />
about two lesbians in the north woods; and,<br />
about his varied and numerous future film<br />
projects.<br />
Miss Heywood is in perst)n smaller, more<br />
delicate (with luminous eyes) than her<br />
screen appearances and/ or cinemalographers<br />
have ever captured. The former Miss<br />
Britain made a brief appearance at the<br />
luncheon before rushing off to the Arlene<br />
Francis interview show. Together, Stross<br />
and his wife of .seven years, two and a half<br />
years of which she retired to have their<br />
young son and to paint, have made only<br />
three films— "The Very Edge" never shown<br />
in the U.S. and "90 Degrees in the Shade."<br />
released unsuccessfully last year in New<br />
York. With "The Fox," their third joint<br />
effort, they have full confidence that this<br />
time is the big one.<br />
As Stross says, "We have one of the<br />
most turned down films in history," mainly<br />
because of the subject matter. However, the<br />
producer firmly believes that "what was<br />
to right are MiiNor .liimcs H. J. Tale<br />
of Philadelphia. .Maureen O'Hara, film<br />
star, and Ralph W. Pries. \ ariet^ Clubs<br />
International president, at ceremonies<br />
honoring Miss O'Hara with Varitly<br />
Clubs "Great Heart" .Vward for her<br />
humanitarian efforts in aid to handicapped<br />
children throughout the world.<br />
Mayor Talc received the keys to the<br />
third Sunshine Coach presented to the<br />
Citj of Philadelphia Recreation Department<br />
by the Philadelphia Variety Club,<br />
Tent 13.<br />
and Wife, the Star<br />
written .^0 years ago or more certainly<br />
should he proper material for movies after<br />
all this lime." He credited Steve Broidy with<br />
helping to swing "The Fox" into production<br />
b\ getting 90 per cent of the money from<br />
banks before 7 Arts stepped into the picture.<br />
Stross reported that "The Fox" has made<br />
a tremendous showing in Japan in eight engagements<br />
thus far. In Tokyo the film outgrossed<br />
some of WB-7 Arts other top attractions<br />
of the past like "Virginia Woolf."<br />
On the upcoming agenda for the busy<br />
executive who now resides in Hollywood,<br />
his next film will be "The Midas Run," a<br />
"spy thriller" to begin filming in Europe in<br />
April under the directit)n of Alf Kjellin. Miss<br />
Heywood and a major male star plus Fred<br />
Astaire will play the leads. Next fall. Miss<br />
Heywood and Jim Brown will appear for<br />
Stross in "Six Hours at Felice," a tale of<br />
one nun and nine "desperate" men in the<br />
lS60s in Arizona. These films may be WB-7<br />
Arts releases, but the deals arc not firm.<br />
ABC Films also is interested in these<br />
projects but Stross would say no more than<br />
being "financially involved."<br />
Stross hopes to do two biography films<br />
with Miss Heywood; the life and times of<br />
Edna St. Vincent Millay. whom he characterized<br />
as the "first hippie." and the life of<br />
birth control pioneer Margaret Sanger.<br />
Stross likes to make a film a year with<br />
his wife, but said "she is free as a bird for<br />
all other offers." He predicted Miss Heywood<br />
would be one of the important<br />
actresses of the next few years and hopefully<br />
they both will be attending the Golden<br />
Globe awards in Hollywood Monday (12).<br />
for which Miss Heywood is nominated for<br />
best actress in "The Fox."<br />
Dan Cohen Presides Over<br />
Loew's Division Meeting<br />
NEW \ORK The first of a series of<br />
divisional managers meetings concerning<br />
the coming Loew's Theatres 1968 showmanship<br />
drive took place Wednesday (7) at<br />
Loew's Paradise Theatre in the Bronx. Attending<br />
were representatives of Loew's theatres<br />
in upper Manhattan, the Bronx and<br />
Westchester county.<br />
line meetings were presided over by Dan<br />
Cohen, assistant director of theatre operations.<br />
Talks to the 1.^ managers present<br />
were made by Ted Arnow, publicity director;<br />
Robert Solomon, division manager,<br />
and Ed Bnmner. director of concessions.<br />
'Playboy' Chevron Release<br />
NEW YORK— "How to Seduce a Playboy."<br />
starring Peter Alexander. Antonclla<br />
Lualdi, Jocclyn Lane and Linda Christian.<br />
will be released nationally in April by Chevron<br />
Pictures. Filmed in color and directed<br />
by Michael Pfleghar. the comedy tells of a<br />
slick magazine's search for a male sex idol.<br />
BOXOFFICE :: February 12, 1968 E-1
'Poor Cow' Averages 180 Per Cent<br />
As It<br />
Opens at 3 Small NY Houses<br />
NKW YORK—Broadway business was good boxolfice in iis second week or Broadtame<br />
wilh an overload of long runs in their way at the DeMille and on the east s-de at<br />
last weeks before the arrival of "Doctor the Irans-lux 85th Street.<br />
150<br />
Fausius," "Sweet November." "The Fox" (Average is loO)<br />
, „, .- u A ••<br />
-n. ^ I<br />
Boronet—Chino l» Ncor (Roval), •Ifh wk<br />
and Pl.-.nei ot the Apes. I he art nouses ecekmon Gucsj who's Coming »o Dinner (Coi),<br />
reported better grosses on the whole than<br />
cop!J'o.-Fo, from .he Modding Cro.d .MCvii,<br />
"°<br />
the Broadway-line lirst-run theatres. i6ih wk of n. a dav 120<br />
.^.<br />
, ,, ..„ ^„ Cincmo I— In Cold Blood (Col), 8th wk 170<br />
rhe only new lilm was Poor Cow. cmcmo ii— Eiviro Modigan (Cinemo V),<br />
in at<br />
wk<br />
small houses—the Trans-l.ux East. Trans- cntcnon— Voiicy o» the ooiis (20th-Fox), 8th wk. 170<br />
Good, the Bod and the Ugly (UA),<br />
which pulled enough business three<br />
co^onet-Thc Coduote Er^bossyi 7th :::::2?o<br />
, ,,, J «j I I'll<br />
Lux West and Murray Hill,<br />
.<br />
to<br />
.<br />
guarantee a<br />
DeMiMo<br />
2nd<br />
The<br />
wk "70<br />
comfortable run. The last house did weak Fcst.vai-Voiiey o» the doIIs (20th-Fox), 8th wk. 175<br />
Fine Artv- Live for Life (UA}, 7th wk I DO<br />
business with its (Ormer tenant. "Smashing Forum- The President's Anolysf (Poro), 7th wk. .155<br />
-W-- .. Guild— Scbostion (Parol, 2nd wk 100<br />
'"'"- Lincoln ,^rt— The Groduofc (Embossy), 7th wk. ..190<br />
"Bonnie and C'lvde" returned after mak- Lutie Corncgic- The Jungle Book (BV), 7th wk. .150<br />
.<br />
Loews Stotc Doctor Dolittle (20th-Fox),<br />
..<br />
ing the rounds ol<br />
', , I , 11<br />
the nemhborhoods. In the 7,h wk of two-o-day I80<br />
second week of its Carnegie Hall Cinema.<br />
^°'XU°y,^ ^°^'-'''*'\'''"'''''"*^' ,^"°''''' ,30<br />
the film broke records, showing to siandins Murroy hiii— Poor Cow (ngp) i75<br />
...<br />
'<br />
,<br />
wk<br />
only at most evening perlormances. riK)ni<br />
New Embassy- Sebostion (Poro),<br />
Pons—The stronger (Paro),<br />
2nd<br />
7th wk<br />
135<br />
160<br />
"'°<br />
.At the biggest house in town. Radio City<br />
^^"""^f.^/'^'^tc" ^l°-Hl'^'fol:^o Morrioge<br />
Music Hall. "How to Save a Marriane . . (Coi), 3rd wk with stage show 150<br />
.<br />
, ,, ., '<br />
I -r -. 1- I t<br />
1 . RiQlto 491 (P-Wl. 7th wk 155<br />
and Rum Your Life did only moderate r,voIi— Gone with the wind (MGM),<br />
•<br />
^<br />
(Poro),<br />
,„'Z'^ *^<br />
6Bth gf<br />
Street Ployhousc<br />
two-o-day<br />
Sebastian<br />
... '85<br />
business in its third and final week. "Sweet<br />
November" arrived at Boxofiice prcsstimc. 2nd wk 150<br />
• •/-•u _ I XI . , •• .. k.; .u «i. . . I !...., r.,a I<br />
34th Street East—Closely Wotchcd Trains<br />
China Is Near, which pla\ed lour mild (Sigmo ill), I7th wk 165<br />
weeks at the Baronet, moved into the Cine- Trons-Lux Eost— Poor Cow (ngp) 185<br />
. Trons-Lux West Poor Cow (NGP) 180<br />
ma .^7 Rendezvous, replacing a return-run Translux 85th street—The Good, the Bad ond<br />
set-up at that art house. Although getting<br />
viao'io^'Giest'w'^o'stoming to Dinner (Col).<br />
'"<br />
glowing praises from the highbrow critics. 8th wk 180<br />
", ...<br />
* ; .. ? Worncr—Comelot (WB-7A), 15th wk.<br />
the lilin has yet to really catch on. of two-o-doy 165<br />
In its 16th and last week on reserved-seat<br />
basis at the Capitol. "Far From the Madding "Valley of Dolls' Huge 400<br />
Crowd" concluded its unsuccessful engage- Second Week in Buffalo<br />
ment with a low gross. "Planet of the Apes" BUFFALO — "Valley of the Dolls" ran<br />
ct)mes at BoxoiFicii prcsstime. up a fabulous 400 in its second week at<br />
"Around the World in 80 days" opened Loew's Buffalo. "Gone With the Wind" and<br />
on its highly publicized first-return engage- "Cameloi" rocked along in the twice-average<br />
ment at the Astor. 86th Street East and Kips range at the Granada and Teck. respectively.<br />
Bay theatres, all of whom have been on re- "Culler of the West" entered the lists at the<br />
issue bookings the past two weeks. Century and met fine response from the<br />
"Sebastian." in its second week at the young set.<br />
Ciuild. New Evmbassy and 6Sih Street Play- suffoio— Voiicy of the Doiis ;20th.Fox), 2nd wk 400<br />
house, did as poorly as its disappointing Center—They Come From Beyond Spoce<br />
^<br />
^^<br />
figure in the opening week. Century— Custer of the West (CRC) 120<br />
^e.-n -I . . 7 . r u Cinemo, Amherst The President's Analyst<br />
Still playing to outstanding business were (Poro). 5th wk 95<br />
"Elvira Madigan," 14th week at the Cinema Coivm-Thc Penthouse (Poro) 5th wk. ; '^<br />
,,,„,,,': , , , ,,. . Gronodo Gone With the Wind (MGM), 13th wk. 200<br />
11: In Cold BIikhI. eighth week. Cinema I; Tr>ck— Comeioi wp 7A) 7th wk 230<br />
"The Ciraduale." seventh week. Coronet and<br />
Lincoln .Art. and "Bedazzled." eighth week "The Graduate' Still First<br />
at the Plaza. Picking up business after a slow On Baltimore Grossing List<br />
start was "The Stranger" in its seventh week B.ALIl.MORL— " 1 he Graduate" topped<br />
at the Paris. first-run grossers wilh 250 per cent. 2.*^<br />
"The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" did points ahead of second place "Valley of the<br />
\w<br />
mtttiittt V X ^.<br />
""W<br />
.WVARD—Robert<br />
S. I'crguson. right. Columbia Pictures<br />
vice-president in charge of advertising<br />
and publitil>, ri'cel\es the BOX-<br />
()l I l( K Blue Ribbon .Award for the<br />
Robert Cohii presentation, "^oung<br />
.Vmericans," a Columbia, from<br />
Donald ^L Mcrsereau, as.seiate publisher<br />
and general manager of BOX-<br />
Oi-F'ICF. Ihc Technicolor musical was<br />
sel'^'cted by members of the National<br />
Screen Council as the best family picture<br />
for December.<br />
Dolls" and 50 pcrccnlage points in front of<br />
a quartet of 200 business winners— "Gone<br />
With the Wind." "The Incident." "The<br />
Comcilians" and "Camelot."<br />
Charles Woit Until Dork (WB-7A), 7th wk 180<br />
Crest Senotor- Volley of the Dolls (20th-Fox),<br />
7th wk 225<br />
Five West Live for Life (UA), 2nd wk 170<br />
Hillcndale, North Point Plaza, Liberty The<br />
Jungle Book (BV), 7th wk 150<br />
Hippodrome<br />
Mth wk<br />
Gone With the Wind (MGM),<br />
200<br />
Little Carmen, Baby (Audubon), 4th wk 190<br />
Moyfoir The Biggest Bundle of Them All<br />
(MGMl, 2nd wk 175<br />
New Camelot (WB-7A), 6fh wk 200<br />
Northwood The Incident (20th-Fox) 200<br />
Pike's, York Rood Cinema The Groduate<br />
(Embossy). 6lh wk 250<br />
Playhouse The Tiger Makes Out (Col), 3rd wk. .175<br />
Seven East Choppaqua (Regional) 150<br />
Tower The Comedians (MGM), 7th wk 200<br />
Westview Cinemo The Good, the Bad and the<br />
Ugly (UA), 3rd wk 190<br />
Trans-Lux Names Ross<br />
Film Print Coordinator<br />
\l \\ 'tORk Irans-Lux Distributing<br />
Corp. and Trans-Lux Television Corp.<br />
jointly announced last week ( 5 ) that Norman<br />
T. Ross has been appointed national<br />
film print coordinator. Formerly, he was<br />
head print booker at Embassy Pictures, a<br />
position he held for three years. Prior to<br />
Fmhassy. he spent 1 1 years w ith Columbia<br />
Pictures, holding posts in sales accounting<br />
,is<br />
well as theatrical film booking.<br />
Russ Meyer Film Debut Set<br />
NhW YORK — "Good Morning and<br />
Ciood-bye!" a new film produced and directed<br />
by Russ Meyer, will have its New<br />
York premiere on Monday (19) at the 55th<br />
Street Playhouse. The screenplay for the<br />
Eve Productions release was written b\<br />
John E. Moran from an original story by<br />
Meyer. The Eastman Color drama stars<br />
Alaina Capri. Stuart Lancaster. Pat Wright<br />
and Haji.<br />
E2 BOXOFTICE :: February 12, 1968
Still another<br />
innovation by<br />
^e^<br />
An entirely<br />
self-contained<br />
solid state<br />
sound system<br />
For the first time — a 2 projector professional sound system has been<br />
built into a 35mm reproducer to give all the features of wall-mounted<br />
theatre amplification equipment.<br />
The Century Model 67 Sound System is a marriage between<br />
the recently announced ANAPFET (in itself an innovation,<br />
wedding the concept of the anamorphic lens with the photosensitive,<br />
field effect transistor) and the most modern<br />
techniques in silicon transistor amplifiers. The result is a<br />
truly compact, self-contained optical sound system, with<br />
fidelity that surpasses everything to date. A brief rundown<br />
of the features is convincing:<br />
1. All silicon solid state components.<br />
2. Power Output: 12 watts RMS (40 watts peak power.)<br />
3. Operates right from 110-120V, 50-60 Hz line.<br />
4. Overall hum and noise 75Db below maximum output<br />
power.<br />
5. Distortion: less than 1%.<br />
6. Frequency Response: Standard theatre characteristics.<br />
7. Independent Bass and Treble Controls.<br />
8. Changeover from either projector.<br />
9. Volume controls in each reproducer.<br />
10. Connections for external monitor speaker.<br />
1 1. Amplifier operates directly from ANAPFET.<br />
12. DC exciter lamp supply in exciter lamp compartment<br />
in each sound reproducer.<br />
The Century Model 67 Sound System may be used in regular<br />
theatres and, with additional higher power amplifiers such<br />
as the Century JRD-100, in larger theatres and drive-ins.<br />
It warrants your attention!<br />
Century's recent innovations are many and diverse. Make note<br />
of them — they spell out the superiority of Century equipment:<br />
Sm<br />
CINE-FOCUS — perfect picture stability!<br />
of the film in projection.<br />
Complete control<br />
UVIR-2" Band Pass Light Filters- remove high energy uv<br />
and hot Infra Red — minimum light loss — perfect for black<br />
and white, and color reproduction.<br />
MODEL 67 SOUND SYSTEM —a compact, solid state<br />
sound system for regular theatres and semi-portable sound<br />
reproduction, self-contained in 35mm projectors, with an unbelievable<br />
75Db signal to noise ratio.<br />
ANAPFETphotosensitive.field-effecttransistor— now the<br />
heart of all Century transistor sound systems — unparalleled<br />
optical sound pick-up from single and multi-channel sound<br />
tracks.<br />
MULTI-CHANNEL SOUND SYSTEMS - all-transistor -<br />
low noise level — high quality — "pertTianent" — the choice<br />
of leading first-run theatre circuits<br />
35mm-70mm CENTURY PROJECTORS - better than<br />
ever, giving you and your customers standard film projection<br />
that excels in every respect.<br />
Investigate these Century "refinements" — they spell the difference between<br />
"the everyday" and a new world of excitement in film presentation.<br />
See your Century Dealer — or write:<br />
New York, N.Y. I0019<br />
J. F. Dusman Company<br />
12 East 25fh St.<br />
Baltimore, Maryland 21218<br />
Joe Hornstein Inc.<br />
341 West 44th Street<br />
New York, N.Y. 10036<br />
Capitol Motion Picture Supply Co.<br />
630 9fh Arenue<br />
New York, N.Y. 10019<br />
Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219<br />
Atlas Theatre Supply Company<br />
1519 Forbes Avenue<br />
Albany Theatre Supply Co.<br />
443 North Pearl St.<br />
Albany, New York 12204<br />
Blumberg Bros. Inc.<br />
1305-07 Vine Street<br />
Philadelphia, Pa. 19107<br />
BOXOFFICE :. February 12, 1968 E-3
JN NhW YORK, lor only tivc days lust<br />
week to help out with the benefit premiere<br />
of their newest film, "Doctor Faust-<br />
U5," for Columbia release. Elizabeth Taylor<br />
and Richard Burton held forth at one of<br />
their rare press conferences for over 100<br />
mciropt>litan reporters at the Plaza Hotel<br />
VJonday (5). Gracious, witty and seemingly<br />
quite relaxed, it was a long but enjoyable<br />
session with the famous couple whii more<br />
than held their own with the press,<br />
amidst some rather boring and inane questions.<br />
Burton had to explain the difference<br />
between Marlowe's "Faustus" and Gocihe\<br />
"Faust" to a German-Swiss correspondent<br />
and Miss Taylor was asked who designed<br />
her dress ("Dior") and what she was<br />
drinking ("Ginger ale . and Jack Daniels").<br />
On more serious matters, they agreed<br />
that it was rough financing the filming ot<br />
literary classics but Burton plans at least<br />
three more Shakespeare films ("The Tempest."<br />
"Coriolanus" and "Macbeth," with<br />
Miss Taylor as Lady Macbeth), now that<br />
"Taming of the Shrew" looks like a boxoffice<br />
success. They liked "The Graduate"<br />
and "Bonnie and Clyde" of the curreni<br />
American films and called U.S. filmmakers'<br />
worship of foreign films "modestly America."<br />
in not thinking this country also pro<br />
duces fine pictures. As for top billing in the<br />
Burton family, each fights for the other's<br />
right to it.<br />
•<br />
A trio of iheaire executives— Lou Wolff.<br />
liriindl Theatres: Ed Schuinan, Walter<br />
Reaile Orvaniziition. ami Saul Shiffriii. An<br />
Theatre Utiild— /i(/i'f returned from Paris<br />
where they viewed a rough cut of Audiihon's<br />
forthcoinint; "Therese et Isahelle."<br />
which stars /^v.vy ("I, a U'onuin'") Persson<br />
and Anna Gael. The theatreinen were guest 'c<br />
of Radley Metzger. producer-director of the<br />
film, and Ava Leighlon. Aiiduhon general<br />
sales nuinager, who invited them to view<br />
what the tonipany considers to he its most<br />
iniporliint and major produrti >n<br />
•<br />
to dale.<br />
Albert Finney, currently appearing in<br />
Broadway's newest hit. "Joe Egg." is at the<br />
same time engaged in a series of press,<br />
syndicate, radio and television interviews in<br />
connection with his starring role in "Charlie<br />
Bubbles." which he also directed. The film<br />
opened Sunday ( 1 I ) at the Sutton.<br />
•<br />
Howard \ewnum. publicity director for<br />
20lli-Fox's forthcnniinQ reserved-seat attraction.<br />
"Star!", has eslahli.shed his headquarters<br />
in the company's home office here<br />
lo supervise the release phase of the roadshow's<br />
publicity and promotional campaign.<br />
The film biocmphv of Cerlrude l.awrence<br />
Two (2) 16mm QUARTZ LIGHT PROJEaORS<br />
Complrtc with tound ond picture chanqcovcri.<br />
Good for picture up to 18 feet. Good buy, excellent<br />
condition. Now being u«ed in throtrcY wltt»<br />
excellent<br />
retultt.<br />
C J Borneo t, Compony, Inc.<br />
6 Wert 48IS St New York CIfy, N.Y. 10036<br />
Telephone PLoza 7-6600<br />
E-4<br />
DKtOK VIKD—(ieorse H. "Bud"<br />
Dnisti'in, Paramount Pictures" > icepresident<br />
in eharne of foreiyn production,<br />
is decorated with the Order of<br />
Merit of the Italian Republic at ceremonies<br />
in llalv, attended by tup film<br />
industry and t;oNeriimenl figures. The<br />
decoration was made by a represenlati>e<br />
of the industry of entertainment<br />
and tourism in recognition of Onislein's<br />
contribution to the Italian film<br />
industry and for (jenerations closer collaboration<br />
between .Vmerican and Italian<br />
filmmakers.<br />
stars Julie Andrews and will premiere in<br />
London and New York ne.xt September.<br />
•<br />
Richard Johnson, who stars in UA's<br />
"Danger Route." is in New 'York for a brief<br />
visit and a few publicity tie-ins with the spy<br />
thriller . . . Elizabeth Hartman. who plays<br />
a starring role in MGM's "The Fixer." ha^<br />
returned from Budapest upon completion ol<br />
. . .<br />
her role in the John Frankenheimer picture<br />
Producer-director Roger Corman paid<br />
a brief visit to New York to discuss advertising<br />
and pronuilion in connection with his<br />
upcoming .MP productions.<br />
•<br />
Veteran international film figure Herbert<br />
Wilco.x, producer, director, writer and now<br />
author of his autobiography, "25 Thousand<br />
Sunsets." i.s receiving messages of congratulations<br />
for his newest achievement, not only<br />
from British friends but from his many<br />
friends this side of the Atlaiiiic. With so<br />
nuiny prominent American "industryites"<br />
mentioned in the book and playing important<br />
roles in Wilcox's fabulous career, the book<br />
offers personal interest as well as invaluable<br />
documentation as part of movie history.<br />
•<br />
Katharine Hepburn will make her first<br />
official appearance on television as part of<br />
the 1968 .•\cademy of Motion Picture Arts<br />
anil Sciences annual awards telecast in<br />
\pril. T>ic actress will record a special<br />
tilmed segment on the set of her latesi<br />
\ chicle. Joseph E. l.evinc's "The I. ion in<br />
Winter." now filming in Ireland.<br />
•<br />
This past week in Xew York was unofficially<br />
"Sandy Dennis Week" in the big city.<br />
Her two newest films. "Sweet November"<br />
and "The Fox," opened one day apart at<br />
Radio City Music Hall and the Victoria and<br />
Festival, respectively. Both are from WB-7<br />
Arts, with "The Fox" distributed through<br />
the subsidiary, Claridge Pictures. At the<br />
same time, the current issue of Life magazine<br />
features a story and picture layout on<br />
the young blonde actress.<br />
•<br />
Harold Rand, president of Harold Rand<br />
& Co.. the public relations firm, is in Los<br />
Angeles this week for client conferences.<br />
•<br />
Diistin Hoffman, star of "The Graduate,"<br />
is the guest speaker Monday (12) at the<br />
Union Free School seminar in Northport,<br />
Long Island. He will be addressing .•tome<br />
500 teachers and educators following a<br />
showing of the acclaimed film at the Northport<br />
Theatre. After a question-and-answer<br />
period, the young actor will fly immediately<br />
to Los Angeles to attend the Hollywood<br />
Golden Globes awards presentation.<br />
•<br />
Don Velde. last week, left for Lima, first<br />
stop of a tour of capitals and principal<br />
cities of South America, including Santiago.<br />
Buenos Aires. Rio. and Caracas. Mrs. Velde<br />
accompanied her husband on the trip.<br />
•<br />
A boy. Scon Howard, the couple's first<br />
child, was born Saturday (3) to Mr. and<br />
Mrs. Roger Arnow. in Long Island Jewish<br />
Hospital, New Hyde Park. The father is a<br />
member of the foreign publicity department<br />
of WB-7 Arts.<br />
•<br />
Barbara Steward has joined J. S. Fullerton<br />
Advertising. Inc.. as director of public<br />
relations. From 1956, she had been director<br />
of communications for Filmex. Inc.<br />
Pat Newcomb Will Direct<br />
Publicity for 'Dolly!'<br />
NEW YORK.— Pat Newcomb has been<br />
named publicity director for 20th-Fox's<br />
forthcoming reserved-seat attraction, "Hello.<br />
Dolly!" currently in rehearsals at the 20th-<br />
Fox studios in Hollywood.<br />
Miss Newcomb. who left New York a<br />
lortnighi ago for Hollywood in preparation<br />
for the start of production in April, most<br />
recently was publicity director for another<br />
2()th-Fox roadshow attraction. "Doctor Dolittle,"<br />
as well as the forthcoming "A Flea<br />
in Her Ear."<br />
"Dolly" will be directed by Gene Kelly<br />
for producer Ernest Lehman with Barbra<br />
Streisand. Walter Matthau. Michael Crawford<br />
and Louis Armstrong headinc the cast.<br />
SG Names Mitchell<br />
M\\ YORK John H. .Mitchell has<br />
been elected executive vice-president of<br />
Screen Gems. Inc. He had been vice-president<br />
in charge of national sales since joining i<br />
the company in 1952, and a member of the<br />
board of directors since 1961. Previously<br />
Mitchell was with the Mutual Broadcasting i<br />
System and the television division of United<br />
.Artists. Screen Gems is the television division<br />
of Columbia Pictures.<br />
BOXOFFICE :: February 12, 1968
Edward Serlin Dies;<br />
Was Music Hall V-P<br />
NEW YORK ^ Edward Serlin, (58).<br />
vice-president in charge of public relations<br />
and advertising for Radio City Music Hall,<br />
died Thursday (S) at his home in Pleasantvilie.<br />
N.Y.. after a long illness,<br />
Serlin had been named a vice-president<br />
in November 1967. He joined the publicity<br />
staff of the Rockefeller Centre Theatre in<br />
1934, was named press representative in<br />
1937, director of publicity in 1959, and<br />
director of advertising and public relations<br />
m 1966.<br />
Serlin was born in Chicago. 111. He was a<br />
graduate of the University of lllint)is School<br />
of Journalism in 1932 and worked as a reporter<br />
for the Columbia News Service of<br />
CBS in Chicago before coming to the Music<br />
Hall.<br />
Serlin was a member of the Motion Piclure<br />
Pioneers, class of 1966. a member of<br />
the Avenue of the .Americas .Ass'n Public<br />
Relations Committee, and a member of the<br />
Rockefeller Centre 3()-Year Club.<br />
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Beatrice<br />
Bennetts Serlin; a daughter, Mrs. Oilman<br />
Grave of Boston; a son David, a senior at<br />
Bucknell University; two sisters, Mrs. Norman<br />
Saper and Mrs. Benjamin Waller, both<br />
of Chicago: and two brothers. Oscar, who<br />
lives in Manhattan, and Bernard, who resides<br />
in Babylon, L.I., N.Y.<br />
Services for Schlossberg;<br />
With Loew's Theatres<br />
NEW Y ORK— Funeral services were held<br />
Sunday (4) at the Boulevard (Riverside)<br />
Chapel in Brooklyn for Irving B. Schlossberg,<br />
70, assistant treasurer of Loew's Theatres,<br />
who died Thursday night (1) of a heart<br />
attack.<br />
.August<br />
Schlossberg started with Loews in<br />
1926 as a helper in the bookkeeping department.<br />
After working in<br />
the distribution end<br />
of the business for a number of years, he<br />
moved over to the exhibition end. After several<br />
promotions, he became assistant treasurer<br />
of the firm in 1959.<br />
Schlossberg leaves his wife Julia, a son<br />
Morton, a daughter Shirley, a brother Hector,<br />
a sister Jean Kerner. of California, and<br />
two grandchildren.<br />
George R. Canty<br />
NEW YORK—George R. Canty. 78, formerly<br />
an executive with the Motion Picture<br />
Export Ass'n of America from 1950 to<br />
1958, died Saturday (3) at his home in New<br />
York City.<br />
Canty served in the Consulate Service of<br />
the United States State Department for over<br />
30 years before joining the MPEAA.<br />
Services were held in Washington, D. C.<br />
Mondav (5). He leaves his wife and a son.<br />
MGM-TelePrompTer Deal Off<br />
NEW YORK— Robert H. O'Brien, president<br />
of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Irving<br />
Kahn. president of TelePronipTer Corp.,<br />
have announced that discussions looking<br />
toward an association between the two<br />
companies have been terminated.<br />
BOXOFTICE :: February 12, 1968<br />
ALBANY<br />
^he OiiL-oiita Star ran .i leading editorial<br />
congratulating the Chamber of Commerce<br />
for re-electing Harold DeGraw. owner<br />
of the Oneonta I heatre, to a fourth term.<br />
This marked the first time an occupant had<br />
held the office so long. DeGraw. former<br />
Schine Theatres group manager, owns other<br />
businesses in dt)wntown Oneonta. The Sidney<br />
Theatre in Sidney is another of his operations.<br />
He buys and books the leased situation.<br />
His wife is an associate in the Oneonta.<br />
\ split of product between the Super 86.<br />
Plattsburgh, and the Star-Dust Drive-ln<br />
there is being arranged for the season. This<br />
is the second year there has been such a<br />
setup. Prior to that—after the opening by<br />
Hyman Krenovitz of the 1,000-car Super<br />
S7 off a Northway exit—bidding was the<br />
pattern. John Wilhelm of Wilhelm-Thornton,<br />
buys and books for the Super 87. Bill Hebert<br />
does likewise for General Cinema Corp. at<br />
Plattsburgh. Howard Goldstein serves Lillian<br />
Henry at the Star-Dust.<br />
Frank I.vnch, MGM branch manager,<br />
attended a sales meeting in New York. His<br />
predecessor Ralph Ripps, who retired January<br />
1, left January 31 lor Hollywood, Fla.,<br />
where he and his wife have living quarters<br />
in a new high-rise co-operative apartment.<br />
The couple had lived here since returning<br />
from Florida last spring. Ripps also did some<br />
work for the city. .An older brother of Herman<br />
L. Ripps. assistant general sales manager<br />
of MGM and at one-time the company's<br />
local chief, he started as a violinist<br />
and leader of the pit orchestra in a Times<br />
Square vaudeville-film house.<br />
Frank J. Matthews. 63, projectionist in<br />
the Hcllman Tlneatre. died Friday (2) in .St.<br />
Peters Hospital. A native of Schnectady, he<br />
lived in Albany most of his life. Matthews<br />
had served at most of the city's theatres during<br />
a long career. He had been an officer of<br />
lATSE Local 324. He leaves four sisters,<br />
one of whom is Mrs. L. Wayne Carignan<br />
of Colonic, wife of the former 20th Century-<br />
Fox head shipper and salesman, now a manager<br />
for Thornton-Wilhelm Theatres,<br />
General Cinema's Bill Hebert made the<br />
rounds of Boston, Buffalo and Syracuse, and<br />
attended a very interesting week's seminar<br />
at the home base. He also made booking<br />
and promotion trips to the upstate cities . . .<br />
Joe Sherman swung through Filmrow from<br />
lair Haven, Vt.<br />
"Beautifull" describes MGM's new offices<br />
on the ninth floor of a new 14-story office<br />
building at 41 State St., downtown. The<br />
\iew from manager Frank Lynch's inneroffice<br />
is panoramic. Inside parking is one<br />
of the<br />
luxuries.<br />
Merij Gai;:es, Warner Bros. -7 Arts manager,<br />
arrant-id a morning screening for<br />
"Co intdown " in the Stanley Warner Strand<br />
Thu- Jav (8).<br />
Howard Minsky Elected<br />
Tent 35 Chief Barker<br />
NEW YORK—Howard G. Minsky, head<br />
of the motion picture division in New York<br />
of the William Morris<br />
office,<br />
was elected<br />
chief barker of the<br />
New York Variety<br />
l^ A' fW* '"'"'^- ''"'•"* 35' ^' ** ^^'<br />
*' ^ r-* ^.^.„| niceting of the<br />
board. Also elected<br />
were Salah Hassanein,<br />
first assistant; Bernard<br />
Myerson,<br />
second<br />
Charles<br />
assistant;<br />
Boasberg, dough guy,<br />
Howard Minsky<br />
and Edward C. Finneran,<br />
property master.<br />
The crew for the 1968 season includes, in<br />
atldition to the officers, the following:<br />
Charles Smakwitz, S. H. Fabian, Spyros P.<br />
Skouras. Maurice "Razz" Goldstein, James<br />
Vclde. n. David Rosen, George Waldman<br />
and James Gould.<br />
Minsky entered the industry as a theatre<br />
executive in Philadelphia, later joining Warner<br />
Bros, as a salesman. .After serving in the<br />
Navy during Worid War II, he became Buffalo<br />
branch manager for 20th Century-Fox.<br />
Later, he became a booker and buyer for<br />
Skouras Theatres, then returned to 20th-Fox<br />
as a division manager. He v.ent to Paramount,<br />
becoming assistant general manager<br />
in charge of western and Canadian sales. He<br />
headed Paramount's International Telemeter<br />
Co. from 1952 until becoming vice-president<br />
of Cinerama in 1963. He assumed his present<br />
post last year.<br />
Petition of Bankruptcy<br />
Filed by Budd Rogers<br />
NEW YORK—A voluntary petition of<br />
bankruptcy has been filed by Budd Rogers,<br />
listing liabilities of 5280,987 and S40.900 in<br />
assets. Rogers is president of Ultra Pictures<br />
Corp. in New York, and lists himself as a<br />
distributor of films and as a producer's<br />
representative.<br />
Rogers is a guarantor on two notes owed<br />
to Motion Picture Trading Corp. by Ultra<br />
Pictures. The notes are for .$73,030 and<br />
$4,579. He also guaranteed, for Ultra,<br />
promissory notes to Movielab, Inc.. for<br />
$34,695 and $44,579.<br />
Rogers, among other debts listed, owes<br />
Movielab $19,108 on a guarantee for Sidney<br />
L. Klepper.<br />
FOR FAST<br />
AND TOP<br />
ALWAYS<br />
GET YOUR<br />
FROM<br />
Packed full Oi Sales Aids<br />
133S S. Wabofii, Chicoso, III. 6060S<br />
^clNvn Bemian, chief barker, has anniuineed<br />
the Tenl 7 chairmen and cochairman<br />
lor the ensuing year. They are:<br />
Enierlainment— Lewis T. Fisher. Norman<br />
.Schruit; bingo— Richard Atlas. Francis Maxwell;<br />
finance— Robert K. King; fellowship<br />
— .Myron Gross, Samuel Geflen; membership—<br />
Richard C. Aaron. Jerry Edelstein;<br />
heart— John .Serlustino. Robert K. King;<br />
house— Marvin .Alias. Edward Jauch; Billy<br />
Butlin Incentive Plan—James J. Hayes; convention—Thomas<br />
W. Fenno; press guys<br />
Edward F Meade. David N. Getman.<br />
Cohen, head of NATO of New<br />
Sidney J.<br />
York Slate, attended a directors' meeting of<br />
the Will Rogers Hospital luesday (6). He<br />
has been re-elected a director of the group.<br />
Ken Reuter. United .Artists branch boss,<br />
iradescreened The Scalphuntcrs" Wednesday<br />
(7) in the Operators screening room.<br />
Mike Klein. Warner Bros.-7 Arts exchange<br />
manager, iradescreened "Sweet November"<br />
Ihursday (S) there.<br />
Phil Tudd, one-time manager of the old<br />
downtown Mercury Theatre, now associated<br />
with Len-Todd Production of New<br />
York, was here visiting exhibitor friends, including<br />
Dewey Michaels, whose new Palace<br />
I heatre has booked Len-Todd films.<br />
I<br />
rtd Kfllcr, managing director of the Circle<br />
Art I heatre. in response to requests, is<br />
showing "The .African Queen."<br />
KoIhtI (. Ila>nian. Niagara Falls theatre<br />
execuiive and president of the United<br />
Jewish F-ederaiion. presented an award of<br />
honor to the UJF of Buffalo Friday (2) for<br />
its "outstanding efforts" in raising nearly $2<br />
million for needy Jews overseas last year.<br />
IncTi'usincly early maturity of the contestants<br /> seen by the judges in the .'>Oth<br />
annual Kodak Teenage Movie Awards in<br />
Rochester, where there were 250 entries.<br />
"The films this year appear to have better<br />
over-all quality than those of previous<br />
years," explained Blair Watson of Dart<br />
mouth College, judging chairman, lop<br />
^he William Goldman Orleans Theatre in<br />
northeast Philadelphia is approaching<br />
its fourth birthday, reports Manager Dan<br />
Ahearn. TTie house which runs above average<br />
in weekly grosses compared with competitive<br />
neighborhood houses, has accommodated<br />
nearly two-million patrons since it^<br />
opening May 1964. Ahearn has been with<br />
the Goldman circuit 16 years, previously<br />
managing the Esquire. Bryn Mawr and<br />
Randolph.<br />
A new Goldman theatre has been opened<br />
in Miami. The 2,()()()-seater was designed by<br />
the Philadelphia architectural firm of Thalheimer<br />
& Weitz. It joins the list of one or<br />
more (joldman units built or remodeled each<br />
year for six years.<br />
Lee Miller, manager of the Studio Theatre<br />
here seven years, will bow out of the film<br />
business this month on an extended leave of<br />
absence. He and his wife will leave for a<br />
two-month Florida vacation. In his ab.sence.<br />
Sam Venus, co-manager, will take over,<br />
assisted by a yet-unappointed co-captain.<br />
David Milgram, another member of the<br />
Milgram Theatre family, is vacationing in<br />
Miami with his wife.<br />
Catherine Duncan, a Universal ledger<br />
clerk, is back on the job after a five-day<br />
illness.<br />
Jack Klugman, soon-to-appcar in a new<br />
MGM release "The Split," was in town visiting<br />
relatives prior to his departure for Hollywood<br />
. . . Tuesday Weld was seen dining in<br />
the Saxony East here with Jay Kattelman.<br />
the Lens & Co. Insurance vice-president.<br />
"In Cold Blood," set to open at Cinema<br />
19 Valentine's Day, has been set ahead a<br />
week. "The Jungle Book," presently being<br />
featured at the new showplace, is doing so<br />
well on weekends that the headman in New<br />
York decided to keep the Disney film another<br />
seven days.<br />
George Carter, 21, who is appearing in<br />
the Mike Nichols production "The Little<br />
Foxes" locally, wangled the job by just calling<br />
Nichols personally and asking for a job.<br />
RugofFs World Theatre is preparing lor<br />
remodeling. It will remain in operation during<br />
the revitalizing period, reports Manager<br />
Jay Holmes.<br />
Larry Leopold, former assistant manager<br />
at the Stanton Theatre, now is with the management<br />
at Cinema 19. Also joining him as<br />
an assistant manager under Dave Holt is<br />
Bill Phillips, formerly with a neighborhood<br />
chain.<br />
TKNT 19s NEW CHIEF — Chief<br />
Barker William A. Schnader of Baltimore<br />
lent 19 receives the gavel from<br />
former ( hief Barker and inlcrnational<br />
officer Bill Bri/endene at the (;()vcrnors<br />
Club.<br />
^rthur HaHock, supervisor for Schwaber<br />
Theatres, has returned home from a<br />
hospital and is recovering rapidl>' from surgery<br />
.<br />
. . Bert Camp has been named manager<br />
of Broumas' Capitol Plaza Theatre in<br />
Landover, Md.<br />
Thomas Ro.senberg is manager of the<br />
Glen Burnie Mall Theatre, newly acquired<br />
by the F. H. Durkee circuit. Thomas formerly<br />
was manager of the Arcade Theatre,<br />
Paul Vogel of the Vogel circuit, Wellsville.<br />
Ohio, has been called to active duty, as<br />
an Aimy Reserve colonel, assigned to Ft.<br />
Holabird, Md. He met with his brother T.<br />
T. Vogel. president of the Maryland Theatre<br />
Owners Ass'n, and George Brehm, general<br />
manager of the Westview Cinema, for<br />
dinner in the Officers Club at Ft. Holabird<br />
Friday (9).<br />
Leo Neault, manager of the Elkridge<br />
Drive-In, reports vandals ripped off the top<br />
of the ticket machine and did other damage<br />
to the hoxoffice Friday (2) Ora Donahue,<br />
secretary of JF Theatres, reports that<br />
. . .<br />
all the circuit's units have installed vapor<br />
mercury lights to brighten up parking facilities<br />
for patrons.<br />
William .lohnson is the new manager of<br />
l!ie Nonh Pom; Plaza Theatre, Eric Ledbetter.<br />
general manager of JF reports. Johnson<br />
has just finished the circuit's nrmagers'<br />
training course.<br />
.lack Fruchlman, JF president, returned<br />
Monday (.S) from a trip to visit Jack Fruchtman<br />
jr, in California and his newly arrived<br />
Aaron Seidlcr, buyerbooker<br />
granddaughter , , .<br />
for JF, returned Monday (.5) from<br />
a<br />
short vacation to Lebanon, Pa.<br />
Jack Valenti, MPAA president, will introduce<br />
Bosley Crowther. motion picture<br />
critic emeritus of the New York Times,<br />
when he speaks at the Woman's National<br />
Democratic Club luncheon Thursday (29).<br />
His topic will be "The Role of Violence in<br />
the Movies. Old and New." The club's<br />
calendar carries this biographical sketch:<br />
"In his M) years as an influential film critic,<br />
he opposed censorship, fought against the<br />
blacklist in the '.50s and helped w^n acceptance<br />
(f foreign films in this country."<br />
Tent 11 is in Us ,Uth >car of charitable<br />
:;clivilies in the nation's capital, having been<br />
founded in I9.M, according to Fred F.<br />
Goodman, newly appointed public relations<br />
chairman. Chief Barker Joel Margolis and<br />
the general membership are getting quarters<br />
in the newly opened Anthony Hotel, which<br />
will feature a screening room, meeting room,<br />
restaurant and bar.<br />
Catherine Murphy, 56. past president of<br />
(he Washington chapter of Women of the<br />
Motion Picture Industry, died Monday (5) of<br />
a heart attack. Mrs. Murphy, secretary to<br />
Otto Ebert, Washington branch manager for<br />
MGM, was serving as treasurer of the local<br />
WOMPI chapter and as international recording<br />
secretary. She had been associated<br />
with MGM for 37 years.<br />
Paramount's "Half a Sixpence" had a<br />
press, radio and TV showing at the KB Mac-<br />
Arthur Monday evening (5). It will bow<br />
March 6 at the Ontario, sponsored by the<br />
League of Women Voters.<br />
Ben Bache, Warner Brt)s.-7 Arts branch<br />
manager, tradjscreened "Sweet November"<br />
Thursday (8) in the Janus Theatre.<br />
James .Stewart, who is a brigadier general<br />
in the Air Force Reserve, saw his step.son<br />
Ronald McLean graduate Friday (2) from<br />
officers candidate school at Quantico, Va.,<br />
and recei\e his gold bars as a second lieutenant<br />
in the Marine Corps.<br />
Patricia Neal was here Thursday (1) to<br />
receive from President John.son the 1968<br />
Heart-of-the-Year Award of the American<br />
Heart Ass'n. Her first film in over three<br />
years "The Subject Was Roses" will start<br />
production in New York Monday (19).<br />
Charles Freeman, Wilby-Kincey circuit,<br />
and Jini Gilliand. Stewart & Everett Theatres,<br />
whose hotne offices arc in Charlotte,<br />
visited Baltimore exhibitors Jack Fruclitman<br />
and Aaron Seidlcr regarding the playoff of<br />
pictures in Lynchburg.<br />
CARBONS, Inc. I<br />
Box K, C«dor Knolls, NJ<br />
Blumbcrg Bros., Inc., 1305 Vine S frccf, Philadelphia—Wolnut 5-7240<br />
Nationol Theotrc Supply, Philodelphio— Locust 7-6156<br />
Superior Theatre Equipment Company, Philadelphia— Locust 3-1420<br />
Notionol Theatre Supply Co., 500 Pearl Street, Buffolo, N.Y —TL 4-1736<br />
Chorleston Theotre Supply, 506 Lee Street, Charleston 21, West Virginia^<br />
Phone 344-4413<br />
Slondard Theatre Supply, Greensboro, N. C, 215 E. Washington St<br />
Phone: Broadway 2-6165<br />
BOXOmCE February 12. 1968<br />
! v,M<br />
^(md/m ^efront<br />
fHt BIOGhST NHWS that the industry<br />
has received in monihs came last week<br />
when Ihe hlecirical and Musical Industries<br />
(hMI) announced thai it had made an<br />
offer to buy Warner Bros. -7 Arts' 25 per<br />
cent stake in Associated British Picture<br />
Corp. for t9.5 million. And KMTs chairman.<br />
Sir Joseph l.ockwood, also announced<br />
that the company intended to make an offer<br />
for the remaining 75 per cent of ABPC for<br />
£29 million, making a total of £38 million<br />
for the entire group. This takeover bid for<br />
the second largest motion picture complex<br />
m the British industry is indicative of the<br />
growing strength of EMI with its Artists'<br />
.Agencies, its almost monopolistic position<br />
with Ihe production of records and its control<br />
through the Grade Organization of the<br />
Shipman & King Cinemas circuit.<br />
It is also a fair comment to say that, in<br />
spite of the progress made by ABPC on a<br />
number of fronts, the group as a whole has<br />
tended lo be conservative in outlook and<br />
failed to carry out much activity in the<br />
realm of British feature production.<br />
KMl with its fantastic control over artists<br />
obviously wants lo enter into the motion<br />
picture business at a time when only the<br />
.Americans would appear to be financing<br />
feature films. It will be difficult for the<br />
group lo refuse such a tempting offer<br />
from l-.MI and it will be assumed that most<br />
of the executives will slay on. but will have<br />
to operate a more bullish production policy.<br />
The ABPC group owns 270 cinemas. 12<br />
bowlmg centers, Hlslree .Studios, Associated<br />
British-Paihe, Pathe Laboratories and Pathe<br />
Hquipmenl. as well as a 50 per cent interest<br />
in Warner-Paihe and a 74 per cent interest<br />
in Anglo-Amalgamated, plus other diverse<br />
interests. Last March. EMI hade a successful<br />
17': million lake-over bid for the<br />
Cirade Organization. Grade, in addition to<br />
lis artists' agenc> and promotion aclivities.<br />
controls the Shipman i^ King chain of<br />
cinemas, which it acquired in April 1966.<br />
• • •<br />
Set lo start shooting this summer in<br />
Malaya, "TTie Virgin Soldiers" is about a<br />
group of misfit soldiers in a British garrison<br />
near Singap
(Hollywood Office—6331 Hollywood Blvd., Room 709. Phone: HO 5-1186)<br />
WGA Nominates 20<br />
For Script Honors<br />
HOI lA'WOOD — Twcnly -crcci writers<br />
have hcen nominated for "best"" scripts h\<br />
the 5S2 active memhers of the Writeis Gnikl<br />
screen branch. Winners are to be announced<br />
March 22 at the annual awards dinner and<br />
satire .show. Final ballots are to be returned<br />
by Friday (16).<br />
From the 34 comedies, these were nominated:<br />
Neil Simon. "Barefoot ui the Park"";<br />
Norman Lear, "Divorce AMHRICAN<br />
Style'"; William Rose. "The Flirn-Flam<br />
Man""; Calder Willingham and Buck Henry.<br />
"The Graduate,"" and Frank Tarloff. '\<br />
Guide for the Married Man.""<br />
Of the 65 "best-written"' American dramas:<br />
David Newman and Robert Benton.<br />
"Bonnie and Clyde"'; William Rose, "Guess<br />
Who'', Comini; to Dinner'"; Riciiard Brooks.<br />
"In Cold Blood"; Stirling Silliphant, "In the<br />
Heat of the Night,"" and Tad Mosel. "Up<br />
the Down Staircase."<br />
Of the ten musicals by guild members,<br />
only four received enough to qualify. They<br />
are: Alan Jay Lerner. "'Camelot""; Leslie<br />
Bricusse. ""Doctor Dolittle"'; David Swift.<br />
"How to Succeed in Business Rcalh<br />
Trying,"' and Richard Morris. "Thoroughh<br />
Modern Millie."'<br />
The focus of attention will be on the<br />
original screenplays, of which 31 were submitted,<br />
with only three winning nominations.<br />
They are: "'Bonnie and Clyde,"" Newman ami<br />
Benton; "Gu.ess Who"s Coming to Dinner,"'<br />
Rose, and "The President's Analyst."" Theodore<br />
.1. Flicker.<br />
Lou Vincent Is Plant Chief<br />
Of Foto-Kem Laboratories<br />
HOLLYWOOD— Lou \ incent. who has<br />
been connected with the film industry 3.5<br />
years, has become plant manager of Foto-<br />
Kem Film Laboratories here, announced<br />
Gerald D. Brodersen. president of Foto-<br />
Kem Industries.<br />
Vincent, who left a similar post at Filmservice<br />
Laboratories, was employed with<br />
Warner Bros., MGM and lechnicolor before<br />
World War II. He served four years in<br />
the Navy during the war as a film lab superintendent.<br />
According to Brodersen, Vincent will pki\<br />
a key role in Foto-Kem"s expansion program,<br />
now in progress. Included within the<br />
Foto-Kem facility is Telscan. Inc., with<br />
James B. Gordon as president.<br />
George Lucas Sells Script.<br />
'THX1138 4EB/toWB-7A<br />
HOLLYWOOD—Georg; Lucas,<br />
who re<br />
cemiy won three of the top prizes of the<br />
National Student Film Festival, sold one<br />
of Ihem "THXIL^S 4EB"" to Warner Bros.-<br />
7 Art-.. Francis Coppola, who last year won<br />
ills lop scholastic degree with "'^'ou"re a Big<br />
Boy Now," on the UCLA campus will act<br />
;is executive producer. Kenneth Hyman.<br />
executive vice-president of v.'orldwidc production<br />
for the studio, noted that Lucas<br />
functioned as Coppola"s assistant on "Fin!an"s<br />
Rainbow." after winning the Sam<br />
Warner Memorial Scholarship.<br />
Lucas will prepare the script of a computer<br />
controlled subterranean world, from<br />
which four men attempt ;o escape and reacli<br />
the ni'lural surface of the eartli. Bert Patton<br />
will produce for the Coppola Co. with proiluction<br />
set for later in the yeai.<br />
Blumenfeld Building<br />
Overseas, Frisco Units<br />
SAN FRANCISCO—Adding to 35 units<br />
now in operation, local and overseas, Blumenfeld<br />
1 heatres, San Francisco-based circuit,<br />
has initiated immediate construction of two<br />
de luxe showplaces for roadshow attractions,<br />
according to Joseph Blumenfeld, president.<br />
The overseas unit, the second Blumenfeld<br />
theatre on the Island of Guam, follows<br />
the opening of the circuit"s 1,000-seat "Cinema.""<br />
It is a 7()0-seater. Equipment will comprise<br />
Noreico projectors, six-track stereophonic<br />
high-fidelity sound, a 60-foot-wide<br />
screen and pushback loge seating throughout.<br />
Construction is completely of prefab steel<br />
with a clear span of 70 feet. Interior walls<br />
are being soundproofed, covered with perforated<br />
Reynolds corrugated panels. Adjacent<br />
3()0-car parking is being provided.<br />
The second Blumenfeld house announced<br />
is being erected in a nearby Marin County<br />
shopping center, designed also for the showing<br />
of special-run pictures. Both operations<br />
are expected to be functioning in June.<br />
Form Stonehorse Company<br />
HOLL\ V\OOD — Chris Robinson and<br />
John Eppolito have formed an independent<br />
company. Stonehorse Productions. Their<br />
first feature is to be '"Delbert and Albert.""<br />
an original comedy script by John F'ppolito.<br />
F.ppolito will direct and Robinson will star.<br />
Andrews, Newman<br />
HFPA Film Favorites<br />
HOLLYWOOD — Julie Andrews and<br />
Paul Newman were named 1967 world film<br />
favorites by the Hollywood Foreign Press<br />
Ass"n as the result of public opinion polls<br />
abroad and a survey made by the HFPA<br />
memhers and their publications, announced<br />
Herbert G. Luft, HFPA president. They will<br />
appear on the Golden Globes awards show<br />
Monday night (12).<br />
Fifteen stars will make presentations.<br />
Taking part will be John Wayne, Nancy<br />
Sinatra, Janet Leigh, Claire Bloom, Charlton<br />
Heston. Faye Dunaway. Richard Crenna,<br />
Sally Field. Richard Harris, Natalie Wood,<br />
Jerry Lewis, Carol Channing, Mary Tyler<br />
Moore, Peter Lawford and Jim Brown.<br />
Andy Williams will emcee the show airing<br />
on a national hookup.<br />
Bryan Forbes to Direct<br />
'Madwoman of Chaillot'<br />
HOLLYWOOD— Producer Ely Landau<br />
has annoimced that Bryan Forbes has been<br />
assigned to direct the film version of Jean<br />
Madwoman of Chaillot.'"<br />
Giraudoux"s "The<br />
Forbes replaces John Huston who backed<br />
out over ""irreccmcilable differences"' on the<br />
script. Katharine Hepburn, Yul Brynner.<br />
Dannv Kaye, Charles Boyer, Donald Pleasence,<br />
Margaret I.eighton, Guilietta Masina,<br />
John Gavin and Paul Henreid will appear<br />
in the all-star production. Filming begins<br />
Februarv 26 al the Victorine Studios in<br />
Nice.<br />
Forbes" most recent films include the<br />
just-completed "DeadfaH"" starring Michael<br />
Caine for 20th-Fox release, and UA"s "The<br />
Whisperers,"" for which Dame Edith Evans<br />
has received the New York Critics" Award<br />
as best actress of the vear.<br />
Goldman Begin<br />
InterteL<br />
'Subterfuge' Filming<br />
HOLL^WOOD— Principal<br />
photography<br />
has been started for an action adventure<br />
film entitled "Subterfuge, "" to be produced<br />
in London. The film is the first of a threepicture<br />
co-production agreement between<br />
Interlel Services. Ltd., headed by Trevor<br />
Wallace, and Harold Goldman Associates,<br />
Inc. In the cast are Gene Barry, Joan Collins,<br />
Richard Todd, Michael Rennie, .Suzanna<br />
Leigh and Tom Adams. The director<br />
is Peter Graham-Scott.<br />
BOXOFFICE :: Februarv 12, 1968 W-1
Ij^ackstucie 9'<br />
The L...S. muliun picture industry'!) closest<br />
approach to a government subsidy<br />
received a big push forward with the<br />
American Film Institute director George<br />
Stevens jr. using a press conference here to<br />
suggest that producers of short films can receive<br />
support from ;i S5(K),(K)i) fund to be<br />
allocated over the next two years. Joining<br />
the professionals getting grants and competing<br />
vviih them for a share of the money are<br />
student filmmakers, who number hundreds<br />
in colleges and universities. There are 154<br />
professionals in the short subjects branch of<br />
the .Acadenn of Motion Picture .Arts and<br />
Sciences.<br />
Stevens said the liisiitute's intention is to<br />
encourage diversitv within the program. "We<br />
are anxious to aid filmmakers from all parts<br />
of the countr>. and we intend to encourage<br />
a wide variety of styles and themes. We also<br />
hope to assist the best of these films to find<br />
an audience. The interaction of film and audience<br />
is essential to an artist's develi>pnient."<br />
The application contract between the AFl<br />
and the filmmakers contains a condition ol<br />
distribution. It reads. 'Under the terms of<br />
this agreement the AH will control distribution<br />
of the film and any profits will be divided<br />
equally between the American Film Institute<br />
filmmakers' lund and the grantee."<br />
The intent of this clause. Stevens said, is to<br />
Iced lilnis into all areas of exhibition but<br />
exact machinery has not been finalized.<br />
Ciranis for the professional or independent<br />
filmmakers will range between S.^OO to<br />
SIO.IKIO. while those for the students range<br />
from S250 to S2..'5fM) They may be produced<br />
in either 16 or .15mm. If in the latter<br />
category, it appears that the union situation<br />
will have to he explored, though Stevens said<br />
Richard Walsh of I.ATSF. was "cooperative"<br />
and IS a trustee ol the lund. Sherrill Corwin.<br />
NATO chairman, expressed "enlhusiasm."<br />
said Stevens.<br />
A professional advisory committee, consisting<br />
of F-rcd Zinnemann. Sidney Poilicr<br />
and Richard I eacock. will assist Stevens in<br />
the work ol choosing the grantees. This is<br />
too early to iletermine how the mechanics<br />
will work, but the tirst quarter's grants will<br />
start this March.<br />
What impact will this have on the production<br />
and economics of the short<br />
subjects<br />
industry' According to Stevens it is not the<br />
end product itself, but the development of<br />
the short film as the training ground tor a<br />
majontv of the world's greatesi filmmakers,<br />
which prompted this move. "It is hoped this<br />
will be a dependable source for short film<br />
work." he said, thereby giving .American<br />
filmmakers a source of hope and opptirtunily.<br />
It's the creative phase of the industrv<br />
which will receive the most benefit. Of the<br />
14 films entered for the short subject award<br />
in ihc .\cademy this \ear. some of the bud-<br />
•ots range to several hundred thousand doliiiN<br />
These "nonfeatures" receive the benefit<br />
of foreign government subsidies, and are financed<br />
from export and public relations<br />
funds.<br />
To make a shiirl subject in Hollywood or<br />
in any labor-organized phase of the film industry<br />
is a costly process. It is doubted if<br />
very much of the money will flow in this direction.<br />
The emphasis may be expected<br />
among the college graduates, the industrial,<br />
educational and art filmmakers, who own<br />
about 2().()()() professional 16mm cameras.<br />
The product from the pri>tcssional fulltime<br />
lilmmaker will be mostly cooperative<br />
ventures if this subsidy works and it will pay<br />
some of the laboratory and editing bills, it<br />
the lop figure is granted.<br />
However, this is a start in the right direction<br />
so that America can develop its film<br />
art as other nations arc doing. The underground<br />
filmmakers in this country have been<br />
putting films together with "spit" and little<br />
polish. Now some of them can at least eat<br />
as other artists do when foundation monev<br />
is available.<br />
Fred Zinnemann to Direct<br />
'Man's Fate' for MGM<br />
NEW YORK— Fred Zinnemann. threetime<br />
.Academy .\ward winner, will direct<br />
.VIetro-Goldwyn-Mayer's screen adaptation<br />
of Andre Malrau.x's modern classic. "Man's<br />
Fate," .MGM president Robert H. Obrien,<br />
announced.<br />
Han Suyin has been signed to write the<br />
screenplay for the Carlo Ponti production,<br />
which is scheduled to begin filming in the<br />
Far East late this year. Zinnemann will visit<br />
Singapore and Hong Kong this spring to select<br />
locations for the large scale production.<br />
.Acknowledged as one of the most significant<br />
literary works of the 2()th Century.<br />
"Man's Faie" presents the famed French<br />
writei's highly dramatic story of people<br />
caught in the 1925-27 China revolution.<br />
Malraux's novel was the winner of the Prix<br />
Cioncourt. one of France's most important<br />
cultural honors.<br />
Zinnemann. who is one of the world's<br />
most acclaimed directors, received last year's<br />
.\cademy .Awards as producer and director<br />
of "A Man for All Seasons." In addition,<br />
the film won the Screen .Actors .Award and<br />
the New York Film Critics' Award.<br />
CBS Film to Star Lee Marvin<br />
\l \\ ^ORK— Fee Marvin will star in<br />
'Monte Walsh." a new feature for theatrical<br />
release which Hal landers and Bobby Roberts<br />
will produce as a joint venture with<br />
CBS Films. Based on the Jack Schacfer<br />
novel, production is set for 1969 production.<br />
Schacfer is author of the novel from<br />
which "Shane" was adapted.<br />
Isobel Lennart based the screenplay for<br />
United -Artists' "Fitzwilly" on a novel by<br />
Povntz Tyler.<br />
NM Film Delegation<br />
To Visit Hollywood<br />
.ALBLQLIRQL'E—A series of social ac<br />
tivities is on tap in Hollywood for New<br />
Mexico Gov. David Cargo, when he visits<br />
the film capital in early March in a major<br />
effort to lure more location filming to the<br />
state. The trip is set March 5-7.<br />
Lou Gasparini, Albuquerque exhibitor<br />
and chairman ol Cargo's advisory committee,<br />
said Cargo's party would be hosted with<br />
a luncheon at Paramount Studios March 5,<br />
and several other events are being worked<br />
out to introduce the New Mexico chief executive<br />
to Hollywood officials.<br />
Gasparini said the governor and his committee<br />
would huddle with various producers<br />
in private sessions during the three-day trip.<br />
Ihe committee plans to stay in the Beverly<br />
Hills Hotel during the visit.<br />
Others accompanying Cargo, besides Gasparini,<br />
include Albuquerque western novelist<br />
Max Evans and Academy Award-winning<br />
retired designer Charles LeMaire, now<br />
living in Santa Fe.<br />
WB-7A Acquires Rights<br />
To 'Mame' Musical<br />
NLW "iORK Warner Bros.-? Arts has<br />
purchased the film rights to the Broadway<br />
musical hit, "Mame, " now in its second year<br />
at the Winter Garden here, for what is believed<br />
to be the second highest price ever<br />
paid for a Broadway musical.<br />
According to Eliot Hyman, chairman of<br />
the board and chief executive officer of<br />
WB-7 Arts, the contracts were signed January<br />
31, calling for his company to pay S3<br />
million in cash over a four-year period. In<br />
addition to dividing 30 per cent of the film's<br />
gross receipts, after its cost is recovered,<br />
among Robert Fryer, Lawrence Carr and<br />
Joseph Harris, producers of the Jerome<br />
Lawrence-Robert E. Lee-Jerry Herman<br />
musical.<br />
Warner Bros, had paid the largest sum on<br />
record for the screen rights to the Lerner-<br />
Loewe musical, "My Fair Lady," which<br />
called for $5.5 million in cash, plus 47V2<br />
per cent of the film's gross receipts over<br />
S20 million.<br />
The film version<br />
"<br />
of "Mame<br />
will not be<br />
released until 1971. "Mame" is based on the<br />
Patrick Dennis hook, which was adapted by<br />
Lawrence and Lee into a play in 1955.<br />
which starred Rosalind Russell. Warner<br />
Bros, bought the film rights to the play in<br />
a pre-production deal for $500,000 and released<br />
the film version in 195S. also starring<br />
Miss Russell.<br />
'Tattoo' in Oscar Race<br />
NEW YORK— -The Tattoo" has been<br />
chosen r.s the official German entry for this<br />
year's Academy Award contest in the best<br />
foreign film category. Directed by Johannes<br />
Schaaf. the film deals with the physical and<br />
psychological marks suffered by a 16-yearold<br />
boy. from his reform school peers, his<br />
foster-parents and their 19-year-old niece.<br />
United Film Enterprises. Inc.. will distribute<br />
Ihe picture in the U.S. and Canada.<br />
W-2 BOXOFFICE :: Febniarv 12, 1968
Hollywood<br />
Happenings<br />
RALLOTS for the Oscars were received by<br />
the Academy members and the date for<br />
the announcements will be Monday (19).<br />
The membership selects only candidates for<br />
best direction, picture, screenplay from another<br />
medium, best story and screenplay<br />
written directly for the screen, best performance<br />
by an actor and actress in a leading<br />
role and by an actor and actress in a supporting<br />
role. Acting, writing and directing<br />
ballots went only to members of those parlicuhir<br />
branches. The entire Academy nominates<br />
Ihe best pictures and votes all the final<br />
awards. Date of the lcleca^I and 4()lh presentation<br />
is April 8.<br />
*<br />
Harold Cohen, former president of the<br />
literary division of one of the ten percenters,<br />
general Artists Corp., now is in film production.<br />
Long an agency man and former<br />
director of business affairs at .American<br />
Broadcasting Co.. his plans for packaging<br />
v.ill be announced.<br />
•<br />
The Redgraves are at it again. Lynn has<br />
been signed for the key role of Philippa in<br />
"The Virgin Soldiers." where she plays the<br />
unhappy love-object (that's what the publicity<br />
department called it) of a garrison of<br />
misfit and sex-starved British soldiers. Carl<br />
Foreman and Martin Jurow will produce it<br />
for Columbia. Sister Vanessa Redgrave, in<br />
her Columbia-release film by producer-director<br />
Alex Grasshoff. will play opposite<br />
Franco Nero in "Cyril," bringing this pair<br />
together again after their roles in "Camelot,"<br />
*<br />
The local tradepress visited Columbia Studios<br />
to see the Burtons' production of "Dr.<br />
Faustus."<br />
•<br />
Gone Autry has completed remodeling the<br />
lOVi-acre Paramount Sunset Studio office<br />
building and moved his Golden West Broadcasters<br />
station KMPC into the new space.<br />
Lloyd Sigmon, Autry's lieutenant in charge<br />
of the activity, uses a personality line-up.<br />
while other local stations overwhelm the<br />
communitv with news and talk programing<br />
•<br />
United State Productions was formed by<br />
Milton Sperling and Jay Weston. Sperling's<br />
last film. "Battle of the Bulge,' was in Cinerama,<br />
•<br />
A move to merge Feature Films Corp. of<br />
.America is progressing to ihe point where an<br />
exchange of stock has been discussed in financial<br />
circles.<br />
*<br />
Mike Frankovich returned to Hollywood<br />
with I.A.L. Diamond after script conferences<br />
in New York. Robert M. Weitman.<br />
Columbia vice-president of production, relurncil<br />
from studio conferences with Abraham<br />
Schneider and Leo Jaffe.<br />
Ik-<br />
Steve Allen was master of ceremonies at<br />
the 30th anniversary awards banquet of Delta<br />
Kappa Alpha, national cinema fraternity.<br />
Sunday (II) at the Universilv of Southern<br />
California. Honored were James Stewart.<br />
.Viae West and Mervyn LeRoy.<br />
*<br />
Orvillc Crouch, Loew's California Theatres<br />
general manager, presented Michael J.<br />
Pollard his company's new-male-motion-picture-star<br />
award for his role in "Bonnie and<br />
Clyde."<br />
•<br />
Hall Bartlett hosted a panel discussion at<br />
the Directors Guild for the Hollywood Foreign<br />
Press Ass'n on his film "Sol Madrid."<br />
•<br />
Kroger Babb screened "Uncle Tom's<br />
Cabin" at the Nosseck Theatre Monday (5).<br />
The 7()mm color production was made by<br />
hree<br />
I'uropean production groups.<br />
*<br />
Sidney Epstein has been elected a director<br />
of the Friars Club of California, according<br />
to pre, idem Irving Briskin.<br />
•<br />
Many niemh.'rs of the production side<br />
tne industry are expected to attend the April<br />
9 Variety Club premiere in Mexico City ot<br />
"The Guns of San Sebastian."<br />
*<br />
Angela Lansbury will sing in the 40th Annual<br />
Oscar Awards. It will be her third appearance<br />
in the Oscarcast and the second<br />
time she will sing. She has received three<br />
pomii'ations for her own work in films.<br />
•<br />
CBS Films is to have a special type of<br />
"love-in" at the studio Wednesday (14), with<br />
a mini-screening from Doris Day's "With<br />
Six You Get Eggroll." Hollywood hippies<br />
love beads, psychedelic posters and lights<br />
will<br />
be throughout the studio.<br />
•<br />
"Sergeant Ryker." originally shot as a television<br />
show and reissued as a feature, emphasized<br />
Jennings Langs' point that investmems<br />
in "World Premiere" and other television<br />
properties pay off in residuals when,<br />
and if, the stars hit the headlines. Lee Mar-<br />
Nin. whose picture price is now a million<br />
dollars against a percentage of the gross,<br />
never has starred in a theatrical film for Universal.<br />
Two of his pictures "Ryker" and another<br />
"World Premiere"-slotted film, which<br />
never went on television though it was the<br />
first :ine shot for the NBC contract, brought<br />
in several millions of dollars from theatrical<br />
release.<br />
*<br />
Andre Previn has been named the principal<br />
guest conductor for the London Symphonv<br />
Orchestra for two years.<br />
•<br />
Aubrey Schenck's promotion materials on<br />
"Golden Bullet." which he is shooting in the<br />
Philippines, will be distributed by 30,000<br />
worldwide travel<br />
aecncies.<br />
•<br />
Da\id Charnay. Four Star International<br />
president, has been elected an AMPTV director.<br />
At the same time. Central Casting,<br />
which provides the bulk of the actors to studios<br />
here, re-elected all its officers.<br />
*<br />
"Elvira Madigan," Swedish romantic drama,<br />
was screened at the NGC offices each<br />
night for a week. The film is scheduled ii^<br />
open .Monday (19) at the Lido Theatre.<br />
of<br />
New Agency to Sell<br />
Mexican Pictures<br />
MEXICO CITY—At long last,<br />
the Mexican<br />
motion picture industry is taking steps<br />
to create an agency to promote its products.<br />
The lack of proper promotion always has<br />
been a problem with smaller countries<br />
whose industry is unable to compete with,<br />
for example, even one studio— like MGM.<br />
Warner Bros.-? Arts, 20th Century-Fox,<br />
Paramount. Columbia, etc.—which can afford<br />
a worldwide network of distribution<br />
offices to sell their product. Some of them<br />
are barely able to maintain a representative<br />
who covers an entire region.<br />
But distribution is the key to the whole<br />
business. What's the point of producing if<br />
you can't sell? And this requires proper<br />
promotion.<br />
The local film industry has three distribution<br />
agencies. Peliculas Nacionales, covering<br />
the Republic of Mexico: Peliculas Mexicanas.<br />
operating throughout Latin America,<br />
and Cimex, spreading itself thin trying to<br />
cover all other markets. Periodically, there<br />
have been charges of inefficiency on the<br />
lower levels (lack of experienced, dedicated<br />
personnel ) and lack of proper exploitation<br />
of films and stars.<br />
These agencies operate jointly with the<br />
National Film Bank, which finances production<br />
of motion pictures and director<br />
Emilio Rabasa is urging the establishment<br />
of an agency similar to Unitalia, Unifrance,<br />
Ihe Swedish Film Institute, etc., which<br />
would be devoted to promoting Mexican<br />
films and finding new markets.<br />
This is a step in the right direction. The<br />
next step, of course, would be producing<br />
quality films which merit inclusion in promotional<br />
material. The bulk of all film production<br />
(not only here) is aimed at the<br />
domestic market. If some countries produce<br />
six outstanding films a year, that's a pretty<br />
high percentage. (Those, of course, are the<br />
ones we usually hear about and eventually<br />
get to see.) It's precisely these films, with a<br />
greater commercial potential, which deserve<br />
more intensive promotion.<br />
The Swedish Film Institute, for example,<br />
may publish one issue or four issues during<br />
the course of a year, depending on what it<br />
considers worthy films. Unifrance, on the<br />
other hand, comes out regularly with an<br />
overall coverage of industry information.<br />
So. the new agency will have to decide<br />
which would best benefit the Mexican motion<br />
picture industry. But that. too. would<br />
depend on budgetary limitations. Even then<br />
it would have to be considered a welcome<br />
addition and an incentive to filmmakers to<br />
improve the quality of their product.<br />
projection<br />
^lee ARTOE CARBON CO<br />
JLl^<br />
BOXOFFICE :: February 12, 1968 W-3
.<br />
J<br />
'<br />
A<br />
.<br />
7th<br />
I Counterpoint<br />
Dominates<br />
'Guess<br />
With 800 Seventh<br />
I.OS ANGELES— Four pictures ure pacing<br />
iIk lield us they pile up record-breaking<br />
grosses at iheir respective theatres: "Guess<br />
Who's Coming to Dinner. " 800 at the Village;<br />
Bonnie and Clyde." 6(iO in its area<br />
rerun at the New View Theatre; "The Gradui'.te.<br />
6(M) in its seventh week at the Four<br />
Star Theatre, and in Cold Blood." 450.<br />
.<br />
seventh week at the Bruin.<br />
Avcfoge H 100)<br />
K,,. n In Cold Blood CjI wk -Jiu<br />
C^'Clc— Gone With the Wind (MGM).<br />
.,<br />
^k 265<br />
Voller o» 'he Dollj ,20thFox), 7lh wk. 265<br />
t. : ,<br />
..ji.o Comclol WB 7A), Mth wk 200<br />
C,!,.<br />
Cft -.T Choppoquo Univ ^ 3rd wk 180<br /> -Woit Until Oock :WB-7A). 7th wk 220<br />
fine AfH. Vogue— How I Won the Wor (UA),<br />
->nil vsk ' ^*^<br />
•<br />
The Groduote Embo^ivl 7th wk 600<br />
;f amount— Doctor Dolittic<br />
7lh wk lis<br />
L..I tof Lite (UA). 7th wk 75<br />
>ui A Man tor All Seoions (Col),<br />
„i 140<br />
The Stronger (Pofo), 7lh wk 130<br />
Gamc« Univ ?nd wk 190<br />
Man and o Woman lAA), 58lh wk. . .210<br />
The Whiipcrcrj Loport). 4th wk 80<br />
CuiM Who'i Cominq to Dinner (Col).<br />
„i 800<br />
.'. j.n r Preiidenfj Analyst (Poro).<br />
Beverly- The<br />
7th wk -<br />
.'.arn-r HoHvwood Thoroughly Modern Millie<br />
'<br />
-'<br />
lUniv), 43fd<br />
.Vi^hire— For From the Modding Crowd (MGM),<br />
l^th wl 100<br />
wk<br />
Rosic,' Jungle,' "Graduate'<br />
First With 250 in Denver<br />
I)lN\l.k—<br />
' 1 he Penthou^c" opened .i<br />
dual run at the Crest and Towne theatres<br />
with a pleasing composite 240 per cent,<br />
right hehind 'Rosiel". "The Jungle Book"<br />
;:nd "The Graduate. " which all were rated<br />
at Z.SO for the week.<br />
.<br />
AiQdnn Wait Until Dork W6-7A). 7th wk 175<br />
7lh wk 180<br />
(BV),<br />
90<br />
Cc-nltr-<br />
'".ntuty<br />
Volley ol the Dolls<br />
21— The Hoppiest<br />
:20th Fox).<br />
Millionairo<br />
1 7th wk<br />
Chcrv Creek, Northglcnn, Villo Italic—The<br />
Incident (20th-Fo«). 60<br />
Com n-ntol— Roiie' lUniv), wk 250<br />
C.iopor Custer ot the West (CRC). 2nd wk 150<br />
2nd wk<br />
2nd<br />
Cfc\t T iwnc The Penthouse (Paro) 240<br />
Ocnham Gone With the Wind (MGM). 16th wk. 200<br />
O.nvr- The Junqle Book BV). 7th wk 250<br />
Fqhl Th.atrc-. Sol Madrid !MGM);<br />
vo'i tr. c > *COtu'C\ 125<br />
tvHi.rr The Groduote (Embassy). 7th wk 250<br />
Fvan\, Federal Golden, (3-nthic — The Shuttered<br />
Room (WB-7A). The Vengeance ot Fu Monchu<br />
iWB 7A) N ,t Available<br />
Prifon^ unt Thc Good, thc Bad ond the Ugly<br />
LiA frrh v,k 140<br />
,.• Cormen, Baby Audubon). 7(h wk 125<br />
'Graduate' 380. 'GWTW' 300.<br />
'Dolls' 200 in San Francisco<br />
SAN I RANC ISCO — The U>cal newspaper<br />
strike was taking its toll on firsl-run<br />
film crosses, eicept for three boxotfice hits<br />
which nothing — can seem to slow down. The<br />
big trio "Gone With the Wind." "The<br />
Gradiialc" and "Valley of the Dolls"— gross-<br />
•1 'DO. .ISO and 200 respectively.<br />
A c^ondrio Counterpoint lUniv). 5th wk 50<br />
CmemQ 21 Smoshtnq Time iPora). 4th wk 50<br />
Coronet- Comelof ..B7Ai 12lhwk 210<br />
Big Four in LA<br />
Week at Village<br />
Golcno, — Chushinguro LandLcrg). 5th wk ,. 80<br />
Golden Got
*S^/// another<br />
innovation by<br />
An entirely<br />
self-contained<br />
solid state<br />
sound system<br />
For the first time — a 2 projector professional sound system has been<br />
built into a 35mm reproducer to give all the features of wall-mounted<br />
theatre amplification equipment.<br />
The Century Model 67 Sound System is a marriage between<br />
the recently announced ANAPFET (in itself an innovation,<br />
wedding the concept of the anamorphic lens with the photosensitive,<br />
field effect transistor) and the most modern<br />
techniques in silicon transistor amplifiers. The result is a<br />
truly compact, self-contained optical sound system, with<br />
fidelity that surpasses everything to date. A brief rundown<br />
of the features is convincing:<br />
1. All silicon solid state components.<br />
2. Power Output: 12 watts RMS (40 watts peak power.)<br />
3. Operates right from 1 10-120V, 50-60 Hz line.<br />
4. Overall hum and noise 75Db below maximum output<br />
power.<br />
5. Distortion: less than 1%.<br />
G. Frequency Response: Standard theatre characteristics.<br />
7. Independent Bass and Treble Controls.<br />
8. Changeover from either projector.<br />
9. Volume controls in each reproducer.<br />
10. Connections for external monitor speaker.<br />
1 1. Amplifier operates directly from ANAPFET.<br />
12. DC exciter lamp supply in exciter lamp compartment<br />
in each sound reproducer.<br />
The Century Model 67 Sound System may be used in regular<br />
theatres and, with additional higher power amplifiers such<br />
as the Century JRD-100, in larger theatres and drive-ins.<br />
It<br />
warrants your attention!<br />
Century's recent innovations are many and diverse. Make note<br />
of them - they spell out the superiority of Century equipment:<br />
CINE-FOCUS"— perfect picture stability! Complete control<br />
of trie film in projection.<br />
UVIR-2""Band Pass Light Filters- remove high energy uv<br />
and hot Infra Red — minimurn light loss — perfect for black<br />
and white, and color reproduction.<br />
MODEL 67 SOUND SYSTEM —a compact, solid state<br />
sound system for regular theatres and semi-portable sound<br />
reproduction, self-contained in 35mm projectors, with an unbelievable<br />
75Db signal to noise ratio.<br />
ANAPFET photosensitive, field-effect transistor— now the<br />
heart of all Century transistor sound systems — unparalleled<br />
optical sound pick-up from single and multi-channel sound<br />
tracks.<br />
MULTI-CHANNEL SOUND SYSTEMS - all-transistor -<br />
low noise level — high quality — "permanent" — the choice<br />
of leading first-run theatre circuits.<br />
35mm-70mm CENTURY PROJECTORS — better than<br />
ever, giving you and your customers standard film projection<br />
that excels in every respect.<br />
Investigate these Century "refinements" — they spell the difference between<br />
"the everyday" and a new world of excitement in film presentation.<br />
See your Century Dealer — or write;<br />
New York. N.Y. lOOtS<br />
Western Theatrical Equipment Co.<br />
187 Golden Gate Avenue<br />
San Francisco, California 94102<br />
John P. Filbert Co.. Inc.<br />
2007 South Vermont Ave.<br />
Los Angeles, Colifornio 90007<br />
Western Service & Supply, Inc.<br />
2100 Stout Street<br />
Denver, Colorodo 80205<br />
Pembrex Theatre Supply Corp.<br />
2007 South Vermont Ave<br />
Los Angeles, California 90007<br />
L&S Theatre Supply Co.<br />
214 East First South Street<br />
Salt Lake City, Utoh 84111<br />
Pacific Theatre Equipment Co. S. F. Burns & Co.. Inc.<br />
142 Leavenworth Street<br />
Son Francisco, California 94102<br />
2319 2nd Avenue<br />
Seattle, Washington 98101<br />
BOXOFFICE :: Februarv 12, 1968 W-5
I<br />
V-f^YK*/*<br />
I t^lLlfl<br />
. _<br />
M;ilioiiiil GtiKTal's projection room in ils<br />
'Hnlding al Curthay Square is finding<br />
increasing use as a screening room for Academy<br />
Award nominees and the company's<br />
NGP film. Hosting the showing of "Poor<br />
Cow" January 31 was Mike Klein, Eugene<br />
Klein's son. who was on midterm vacation<br />
from Harvard where he is in his third year.<br />
I. ike lather, like son, fits this young man.<br />
who L'leeled movi of the press and Dave<br />
Wolper; William Oozier; Morris Stoller.<br />
vice-president of the William Morris Agency,<br />
and helped Joe Halprin, B. B. Klein. Bill<br />
Feeder of Rogers & Cowan in their chores.<br />
Herb Cupvliin is in Mexico City for a two-<br />
'.veek vacatiiin hefore taking over his duties<br />
.It Pacific Theatres, where he is public relalions<br />
an.i liaison man for the circuit, covering<br />
siudios and lunctions. This gives Bill<br />
f-'ornKin two masters of the microphone.<br />
who could do as well as polished diplomats.<br />
Boh Selig and Copelan.<br />
William H. Moorinc (>'>.<br />
long time tradepress<br />
write" .ind critic for Catholic publications,<br />
is dead. He had been .i story editortor<br />
British lntern;itional Pictures before he<br />
cime heie in 19.^2. He retired last year and<br />
moved to Ojai. where the funeral was held.<br />
.Mooring never pulled his punches in telling<br />
his stories. He will be missed.<br />
rO«<br />
RiihiTt Kriinciiherg. president of Man-<br />
»A5T<br />
AND TOP<br />
OUAUTT<br />
ALWAYS<br />
OIT YOUB<br />
FROM<br />
>ILMACK<br />
I<br />
I\<br />
PnilxH Full OF Snict Aidi<br />
L M A C K<br />
F I<br />
lau S. WabMh, CkkoBe. IIL MMOS<br />
haitan Films, was seen making the rounds in<br />
Hollywood with Italian actress Soniu Romanofl.<br />
She was here regarding a role in the<br />
new Irving Allen "Matt Helm" film. The<br />
actress completed the female lead in the<br />
Spanish-made feature "Each Man for Himself."<br />
with Van Hellin and Gilbert Roland.<br />
Jack Sherriff. Manhattan Films branch<br />
manager, is back from San Francisco conlerences<br />
with Harry Farros. film distributor,<br />
and .M Camillo. General Theatrical<br />
Co.<br />
Hiiiry Pines, Uptown Thc.'.tre in Pasadena.<br />
IS recuperating from major surgery<br />
. . . Orville Crouch. West Coast general<br />
manager, and Keith McCallum. chief film<br />
buyer for l.oew's Theatres, are back from<br />
conferences in New York.<br />
Leon Blender. Milt .Moritz. Mickey Zide<br />
and Muira> Gerson, .American International<br />
Pictures executives, returned from New Orleans<br />
sales meetings.<br />
Herb Copelan and his wife Meg. hetbre<br />
leaving for their Mexican vacation, announced<br />
their daughter V;;lcrie and Stephen<br />
Tow. an insurance executive, are to be wed<br />
March 8 in the Beverly Hills Hotel.<br />
Gunnar MaMs.soii. author of "The Princess"<br />
on which the Swedish film of the same<br />
title is based, arrived here for meetings on<br />
the picture and for conferences with Dell<br />
icpreseniatives regarding the forthcoming<br />
paperl'ack edition of the<br />
novel.<br />
Producer-director Roger Corman is in<br />
New York to discuss advertising and promo-<br />
I'on .'M upcoming .MP releases.<br />
Irank Vandermacc, lormcr Universal<br />
I'ictures actor and prop man. who has been<br />
.ii the Motion Picture Country House since<br />
he reiiied in 1938. was honored on his 101st<br />
Sirthdas Friday (2).<br />
.\lbert Finney's "Charlie Bubbles" was<br />
,<br />
Long-Term<br />
'.elected as the first attraction for the reopening<br />
of the newly renovated Loew's<br />
Beverly Theatre m Beverly Hills. Regional<br />
Films is distributing the feature.<br />
L'liivenial Studio.s hosted 15 assistant theatre<br />
managers and se\en managers with a<br />
preview of campaigns on forthcoming piclures,<br />
and then a tour of the lot and luncheon<br />
ii! the studio commissary. Archie Herzoff<br />
and Jack Garber greeted the theatremen<br />
upon their arrival.<br />
William Fadiman will deliver the initial<br />
lecture of the course in filmmaking, conducted<br />
h) Sol Lesser, at the University of<br />
Southern California .Monday (12). Fadiman's<br />
subjeci will be "Story M.iterial and Writing<br />
for<br />
Films."<br />
Friiik Ramsey, manager of the NGC Village<br />
Wcstwood Theatre, was in the Baldwin<br />
Hills Hospital for treatment of an infection<br />
... At the same circuit. Emmetl Shane,<br />
head southern California booker for Fox<br />
West Coast Theatres, returned from a trip<br />
to New York.<br />
The big Variety Club luncheon will be<br />
held Tuesday (13) in the Beverly Hills Hotel<br />
Crystal Room.<br />
List 140 Technical Papers<br />
For SMPTE Conference<br />
LOS ANCiLLL.S—When F. B. .McGreal,<br />
vice-president of Producers Service Corp.,<br />
and Bill Holm, newly appointed executive<br />
director of the Motion Picture Research<br />
Council, flew to Detroit for the directors<br />
meeting of the Society of Motion Picture<br />
and Television Engineers on January 26.<br />
They carried word from program chairman<br />
Alan Gundelfinger. Technicolor, that 140<br />
papers had been submitted for presentation<br />
at SMPTE's 103rd conference to be held<br />
May 5-\0 at the Century Plaza. Los Angeles.<br />
McGreal and Holm are SMPTE vicepresidents.<br />
Both quality and number of papers are<br />
running ahead of previous sessions, according<br />
to Gundelfinger.<br />
Columbia. Todon Co. Sign<br />
Film Contract<br />
- A major production<br />
'<br />
#^%#^^ ^^1 .^P" • HOLLYWOOD<br />
^''^^' ^^^ ^^^^ signed between Columbia<br />
lJ\Jf\\Jl I IVL K.\JI I III l\J • • • Pictures and producer Tony Owen's Todon<br />
I<br />
KllXIlFFIl F f^^mmm<br />
'<br />
^ r &tr\lr'K\ir&'r'\ Columbia vice-president of studio produc-<br />
'<br />
Co.. it was announced by Robert Weitman.<br />
3 years for $10 (SAVE $5) |<br />
—<br />
I<br />
I<br />
I<br />
The pact marks Owen's return to the pro-<br />
I<br />
Q 2 years for S8 (SAVE S2) 1<br />
fj year for $5 I duction of motion pictures after an 11-year<br />
I<br />
.<br />
hiatus, during which he was responsible for<br />
one of the most successful television shows<br />
I<br />
I<br />
Thcjc rotc5 for US ,<br />
Conado, Pon America only. Other countriet: $10 o yeor.<br />
'" 'he history of Screen Gems. "The<br />
Donna Reed Show."<br />
THFATRF inc«iRc<br />
-p),^ exclusive long-term multi-picture<br />
I<br />
I<br />
I<br />
I<br />
I<br />
contract between Owen and Columbia goes<br />
j<br />
TOWN<br />
STATE ZIP NO |<br />
I<br />
|<br />
I<br />
'"'" ''^^"''^ immediately.<br />
Don Leigh McCultv. 114 Virginia .Ave..<br />
m Von Brum Bl.d, Konv,. Cv Mo 64124<br />
I<br />
'h-'-^'^'v^iH^h' ^^^ ^one With the<br />
interested in joining<br />
w^"i' Wind r.T'^ Club. Anyone<br />
may write him.<br />
{<br />
I<br />
W-6 BOXOFFICE :: February 12, 1968
San Francisco Theatre<br />
To Become Twin Unil<br />
SAN FRANCISCO — ABC Theatres ol<br />
California, will close the 50-year-old, 1,400-<br />
seat St. Francis Theatre Monday (12). The<br />
house will then be converted into a twindoiihle-decker<br />
theatre.<br />
The upper balcony section will become the<br />
Forum Theatre, seating 600. The downstairs<br />
section will remain the St. Francis and<br />
will seat 800. A next-door store will he removed<br />
so the lobby can be enlarged. An<br />
escalator will be installed between the two<br />
imits.<br />
The St. Francis marquee will be removed<br />
and a new flat type will be installed. Henry<br />
Greene is the architect for ABC and Paramount<br />
Theatres. Bernard G. Nobler is the<br />
local architect. The grand opening is planned<br />
for June 15. Earl Long is the district<br />
manager for ABC. He opened the Northpoint<br />
Theatre in 1967.<br />
Milwaukee Suburbs<br />
To Get First Runs<br />
From North Central Edition<br />
MILWAUKEE — Edward J. .StoUer,<br />
United Artists branch manager, announced<br />
his companv would depart from the industry<br />
practice of screening first-run films downtown<br />
before neighborhood or suburban theatre<br />
engagements. He explained the policy<br />
would give theatregoers the opportunity to<br />
see important pictures on or near their<br />
national release dates.<br />
Under the new arrangement, it was understood,<br />
the Fox Bay, 41 Twin Outdoor and<br />
either the Pix or Park theatres in Waukesha<br />
would premiere "Billion Dollar Brain" February<br />
7.<br />
Some suburban and neighborhood theatres<br />
now show first-run films, and occasionally<br />
are sold on a multiple basis, pictures<br />
opening in several theatres simultaneously.<br />
-According to Russell R. Mortenson, general<br />
manager of the Standard circuit, which<br />
owns the 41 Twin, and Pix and Park theatres,<br />
"Other major film distributors probably<br />
will follow United Artists' policy, and<br />
schedule first-run showings in outlying theatres."<br />
When asked whether UA had experienced<br />
any difficult} in getting first-run films into<br />
downtt>wn theatres. Stoller replied: "Yes and<br />
no. Mostly yes." Mortenson explained that<br />
some of the downtown houses have long<br />
runs, which precludes immediate release of<br />
a number of films.<br />
NGP Names Don Fuller<br />
To San Francisco Post<br />
SAN FRANCISCO—Don Fuller,<br />
branch<br />
manager for Buena Vista 13 years, is the<br />
new district manager for National General<br />
Pictures. He will cover the Bay Area, Seatlie<br />
and Portland.<br />
NGP's new office is in the Fox Plaza<br />
Bldg.. on the former site of the Fox Theatre,<br />
which was one of the largest houses in the<br />
United States.<br />
Jim IVlooney, Universal branch manager.<br />
\^as host for a western regional sales<br />
meeting (5-6). On hand were six branch managers<br />
from Sail Lake City. Denver. Poriland.<br />
Seallle and Los Angeles. In attendance were<br />
Milton R. Rackmil, president of Universal:<br />
Henry H. Martin, vice-president: R. N.<br />
Wilkinson, assistant general sales manager,<br />
Norman Gluck, head of Regional Film Distributors,<br />
and James J. Jordan, assistant to<br />
the general sales manager. The meetings<br />
were in the Mark Hopkins Hotel, and distribution<br />
plans for 1968 were outlined.<br />
Dick .Stafford, district manager lor 20tli<br />
Century-Fox, has returned from a two-da><br />
meeting of district and division sales managers<br />
in New York. The agenda included<br />
(.'istribution, advertising and promotion plans<br />
lor nationwide launching of "Doctor Dolittle."<br />
"The Incident." "Bedazzled," "Th.-<br />
.Anniversary" and "Planet of the Apes."<br />
Variety Club of Northern Culiforiiiu has<br />
paid special tribute to the Women of Variety.<br />
The group raised .'S155.65() for the Tent<br />
.^2 BiintI Babies l-oundation wiihin 16 years<br />
Saluted were the past presidents: Mrs. Morris<br />
Rosenberg, 1952: Mrs. Sam .Sobel, 195.^:<br />
Mrs. Manuel Levin, 1954; Mrs. Earl Henning,<br />
1955; Mrs. Jesse Levin. 1956; Mrs.<br />
Rotus Harvey, 1957 and 1963; Mrs. Jimmie<br />
O'Neal, 1958 and 1965; Mrs. Bernard<br />
Mannheinier. 1959; Mrs. Wesley Rosenthal.<br />
I9(i(): Mrs. Hal Honore, 1961; Mrs. Benjamin<br />
Bonaparl. 1962; Mrs. Dale Wiseman,<br />
1964: Mrs. Roy Cooper, 1966, and Mrs.<br />
Millard Smith. 1967.<br />
Olivia Skarpnes is the new cashier at<br />
American International Pictures. Gordon<br />
Kershaw, salesman for AIP. has returned<br />
from a business trip through central and<br />
northern California. Also added to the staff<br />
us a secretary is Bricken Brown.<br />
Robert Nelson, the San Francisco filmmaker,<br />
uhose "Oh, Dem Watermelons" received<br />
national acclaim, was named thirdprize<br />
winner of .S2,000 for his "Grateful<br />
Dead" film at the Knokke, Belgium, International<br />
Experimental Film Competition.<br />
Harry Rice, manager of the Embassy, now<br />
has the biggest marquee in northern Calilornia<br />
on the face of the theatre building.<br />
The new marquee is Mai because a huge<br />
crane is at work in front of the house. The<br />
old marquee was removed because of the<br />
B.AKT" subway work in front. When the<br />
crane is moved. Dan McLean and Lee Dibble,<br />
co-owners of the theatre, will be able<br />
to swing the two huge panels, which measure<br />
9x35 feet,<br />
out from the building and form a<br />
"V" for a two-sided marquee. The vertical<br />
sign also is against the building and that also<br />
will<br />
be swung out.<br />
Ejjri Long, Northpoint Theatre city manager,<br />
presented three adult films in a row a!<br />
his new house. "Dirty Dozen" "Point Blank"<br />
and "Reflections in a Golden Eye." He then<br />
had a complete change of pace, when he<br />
featured "Happiest Millionaire."<br />
Katharine Ross, one of the stars of "The<br />
Graduate." now at the Metro Theatre, is a<br />
local actress who was with the .Actor's Workshop<br />
here several years ago. She was in San<br />
Francisco to plug the film.<br />
Jack Valenti, president of the MPAA. has<br />
agreed to consider a proposal by Mayor<br />
Alioio lo make six Shakespearean films<br />
available for showing in the city's slum<br />
schools.<br />
Marin Motion Picture & I V Council held<br />
lis monthly directors' meeting in San Rafael<br />
(d). The regular meeting and preview was<br />
held in the Tamalpais Theatre (13). Every<br />
monili the council prints a movie guide.<br />
Henry Meyer, business manager of the<br />
Motion Picture Projectionists Union, has<br />
recovered from surgery and is out of a hospital<br />
and back al work. Talks will start<br />
shorliv between the Theatre Owners Ass'n<br />
and the Projectionists Union, because the<br />
present three-year contract ends the middle<br />
of this vear.<br />
Keigler E. Flake Becomes<br />
WHCT-TV Vice-President<br />
From New England Edition<br />
HARTFORD — Keigler E. Flake, since<br />
l-'ebruars I96fi general manager of WHCT-<br />
IV, the RKO General owiicvl-and-operaled<br />
outlet here, has been named vice-president<br />
of the<br />
station.<br />
Flake will continue to head company operations<br />
in Hartford, including pay TV and<br />
commercial activity at WHCT-TV. The station<br />
provides free, commercial television in<br />
afternoon hours prior to the evening start<br />
of subscription entertainment.<br />
In addition. Flake will be lesponsible for<br />
development of a new station facility with<br />
color equipment and increased power. Plans<br />
for the latter phases were announced earlier<br />
in this publication.<br />
B:irbra Streisand and Walter Matthau<br />
will star in "Hello, Dolly!"<br />
a screen game,<br />
I<br />
HOLLYWOOD takes fop<br />
honors. As a box-office oftraction,<br />
if is without equal. It hat<br />
been a favorite with theatre goers for<br />
over 15 years. Write today for complete details.<br />
Be sure fo give seating or cor capacity.<br />
3750 Ookton St. * Skokic, Illinois<br />
BOXOFFICE :: February 12, 1968 W-7
. . "Camelot"<br />
DENVER<br />
\A7;iiner Bros.-7 Arts branch manager Joe<br />
K.aiiz has been translcrreJ by his company<br />
to Chicago. His post is being taken<br />
over by Gene Vitalc who was a salesman.<br />
District manager Jules Ncedelman svas in<br />
town during the change over.<br />
Atlas Thealres has transferred Neil Ross<br />
manager ot the West Theatre. Gunnison. lo<br />
the Kcderal Theatre in Denver United<br />
•Xrtisis salesman Dominic Linza is being<br />
(ransicrred to .San Francisco.<br />
James Karris has been named manager ol<br />
the Dcnhani Theatre, succeeding Bob Clark,<br />
who IS going with General Cinema lo manage<br />
Its new theatre in the Englcwotid section<br />
iif southeast Denser.<br />
VisilinK the exchanges to set dales were<br />
Don Snuth and Carl l.eese. Palm Theatre.<br />
Ba>ard. Neb.: .Art Goldstein, llick Theatre.<br />
Colorado Springs. Billie Wheeler. Pace Theatre.<br />
Gordon. Neb.; Howard Campbell.<br />
Westland Theatres. Colorado Springs, and<br />
[ir. I Rider. Chateau Theatre. Wauneta.<br />
Neb.<br />
lJnivcrs;il hnineh munacer Jack Finn got<br />
. . . Betty<br />
his leg out of the cast prior lo traveling to<br />
Los Angeles for sales meetings<br />
Micheletti of Universal has been appointed<br />
chairman of the women's division ol the<br />
Rock\ Mountain Motion Picture Ass'n. She<br />
is heading a drive for new members and has<br />
secured a number of applications.<br />
American Infcrnational Pictures screened<br />
"The Desperate Ones' .it the Century<br />
screening room.<br />
The "roundup section" ot the Denver<br />
Post gave a lull page to the personal appearance<br />
of Robert Blake, co-star of "In Cold<br />
Blood." The picture is scheduled to open<br />
in the Centre Theatre . is<br />
scheduled to open at the .Maddin on Wednesday<br />
(!->). with tickets scaled from SI. 51) to<br />
$2.51.<br />
Work on Paul Cory's new drive-m. on the<br />
western edge of Fort Collins, is progressing,<br />
.md ii should he completeJ for a mid-March<br />
opening . . . Judy Mmleer of Universal is<br />
back at her desk after recuperating from a<br />
home accident.<br />
Exhibitor's Plane Missing<br />
On Flight From Aspen<br />
l)l.N\l Is .\ii iiilciisivc SL'.irch was carried<br />
out last week for a plane piloted by<br />
Tom Hardy, owner-manager of the Isis at<br />
.•\spen and Fgyplian at IX-lla. Three of his<br />
friends were aboard.<br />
Hardy's plane was lo have arrived from<br />
Aspen Sunday evening (4). When it failed<br />
to show up. a search was started in the extremely<br />
mountainous area between Aspen<br />
and Denver. Already this winter several<br />
searches for missing planes have been called<br />
iiff because of the lack of clues. A little<br />
~n,>w can cover grounded planes, obscuring<br />
ilieni Irom view from the air.<br />
Tim Warner Intermountain<br />
_ <strong>Boxoffice</strong> Representative<br />
1<br />
.S.-\L 1 LAK.L C I 1 "i — Ml) W arncr. manager<br />
of the Fox Rialio Theatre here, now<br />
is a Bo.xoiFin; representative in the Intermountain<br />
area. Idaho. Moniina. Utah and<br />
Wyoming. He v.ill handle all the film indusirv<br />
news, and can be contacted at 272 S.<br />
Main. Salt Lake City<br />
Intermountain<br />
T..M1 MiMahon, Salt<br />
News<br />
Lake City Buena Vista<br />
,.i..nagcr. has returned from his company<br />
sales seminar in HolKwood. More<br />
-<br />
than 3(M> exhibitors from throughout the<br />
country were on hand. Two upcoming Disney<br />
pictures were screened: "The One and<br />
Onlv. Genuine. Original Family Band." starling<br />
Walter Brennan and Buddy Ebsen. and<br />
Never a Dull Moment." starring L:)ick Van<br />
Dyke and Fdward G. Robinson.<br />
Leo Allen. Allied .Xrtisis home-office auditor,<br />
was in Salt Lake City in his periodic<br />
visit to the branch office. Fxchange manager<br />
W. W. McKendrick also was host to<br />
Carl Oi:.on. AA's western division manager,<br />
and John Dodson. newly appointed regional<br />
sales manager.<br />
VKKendrlek reports the Intermountain<br />
saturation hooking of "Devil's Brigade."<br />
starring Cliff Roborlson. William Holden<br />
and vlnce Fdwards. will slart May 26.<br />
(;eorKe .Sidnc>. director and co-producer<br />
of Paramouni's "Half a Sixpence." was in<br />
Salt Lake City to start his five-week tour of<br />
ihe country to promote the picture. Ted<br />
Zephro. Paramount branch boss, held an<br />
inviii'.lional screening of "Sixpence" m the<br />
Centi:.-v 21 Theatre.<br />
Cam Siegel was here working on Columbia's<br />
•In Cold Blood." booked into the<br />
Laurelhurst starting Wednesday (21). Anolh<br />
er picture from that company. "Guess Who's<br />
Coming to Dinner." has a St. Valentine's<br />
\y.\\ date in Stan Smith's Irvington.<br />
Arnold \Jarks. Oregon Journal<br />
eniertainrnent<br />
editor, was in Seattle for ; weok's vication.<br />
"Bonnie and Clyde." playing at the suburban<br />
\ Klory Theatre in Milwaukee, outside<br />
the city limits here, chalked up a record for<br />
the small house. The picture is to return to<br />
Portland Wedncsdav (21) at the Village.<br />
Mary Smiley Wins Title<br />
1)1 \\ 1<br />
K \\ Smiley. \'\ daughter ol<br />
Tom Smiley, general manager ol Wolfberg<br />
Thealres. won the title of Miss Wool of<br />
Colorado in the competition lor designing<br />
and making of clothing. A sophomore at Ihe<br />
University of Colorado, she was awarded<br />
several<br />
prizes.<br />
Monnan V.eitman, Columbia Pictures superMsor<br />
of roadshow sales, was in town<br />
.Monday (5) from New York to survey the<br />
Seattle and Portland areas for upcoming<br />
product .^oon to I'c releaseil as roadshows.<br />
Columbia's new Dean Martin film "The<br />
Ambushers" opened at the .^th .Avenue Tuesdr.y<br />
((,). and its "To Sir. With Love" began<br />
what :,> the current longest run in Seattle<br />
25ih week—Wednesday (7) at the Guild<br />
4.'ilh in the Wallingford d.strict.<br />
Uiiili-'d Artists opened "B:llion Dollar<br />
Brain" and "Navajo Joe" ;;1 the Seattle 7th<br />
Avenue Wednesday (7). to he followed by<br />
Wall Disney's. "The Happies! Millionaire"<br />
Friday (16).<br />
Gcorse Sidney, direcloi<br />
and co-producer<br />
i-j P;Mar.iounl PicUircs' "Half a Sixpence,"<br />
will make personal appearances in conjunclion<br />
witii the roadshow opening set now for<br />
\pril .^ at Sieding's Blue Mouse.<br />
Sterling's new drive-in. Puget Park, will<br />
i.pen Wednesday (14) with Warner Bros.-7<br />
.Arts, "Up the Down Staircase." Located 18<br />
minutes from Seattle and five minutes from<br />
downun.n Everett, the drive-in is on the<br />
North-South Freeway 5, at Southwest 128th.<br />
Ingniur Bcrg:nian's "The Virgin Spring,"<br />
•Wiki Strawberries" and "Smiles of a Summer<br />
Night" completed the 4ih week of the<br />
Janus Film Directors' Festival at the Edgemont<br />
Theatre in Edmonds.<br />
Venice Film Festival prize winner "Festi-<br />
-al" will open its first run Seattle engagement<br />
in .Sterling's Neptune in the University<br />
district tomorrow (13). paired with "The<br />
War Ciamc."<br />
"The Sand Pebbles" moved over from a<br />
successful two-week exclusive engagement<br />
at the Magnolia Theatre Wednesday (7) lo<br />
Sierliig's Northgaie. John Danz and Lewis<br />
.iiul<br />
Clark theatres.<br />
Michel Simon Will Visit<br />
New York for Premiere<br />
From Eastern Edition<br />
NEW YORK — Michel Simon. French<br />
actor, will make his first visit in many years<br />
lo New York in mid-February for the<br />
American premiere of his latest film, "The<br />
Two of Us," which opens Tuesday (20) at<br />
the Beekman. For a week (19-2.5) the Museum<br />
of Modern Art will honor Simon with<br />
a festival of his films.<br />
"The Two of Us." which is being distributed<br />
in the U.S. by Cinema V. was directed<br />
by Claude Berri, who will accompanv<br />
Simon lo this country.<br />
William A. Pitt. 9L Dies<br />
SEATTLE—William Addison Pitt. 91, in<br />
the theatrical business 72 years, died here.<br />
He directed Ihe Wilkes Theatre in Seattle<br />
three years and was a life member ot the<br />
New York Lambs Club and the Actors<br />
Equity Ass'n. He leaves one daughter.<br />
W-8 BOXOFFICE :. Februarv 12. 1968
—<br />
'P.J.' in World Bow<br />
At Chicago Roosevelt<br />
CHICAGO— Universal backed ihe Friday<br />
(9) world premiere of ••!'. J." at Ihe<br />
Roosevelt Theatre here with a strong mcr-<br />
Getting an advance look al the Jean<br />
Louis fashions created for Gaylc Hiinnicutt<br />
for her role in L'niversal's "P.J.,"<br />
which had its premiere in Chicajjo I'rida\<br />
(9). arc, left to ri«>ht, Dave Snierling,<br />
past chief barker of the Illinois<br />
Variety Club; Sally Madden, president<br />
of the Tent 26 Women of Variety; a<br />
model. Mrs. Alfred D'Ancona, and<br />
Henry G. Plitt,<br />
head of the B&K circuit<br />
and chairman of the Ttnt 26 Celebrity<br />
Ball, which was attended b> the film's<br />
stars after the premiere.<br />
chandising and publicity campaign. Highlight<br />
of the premiere was personal appearances<br />
by the picture's five stars—George<br />
Peppard, Raymond Burr. Gayle Hunnicutt.<br />
Brociv Peters and Susan Saint James.<br />
The campaign began five weeks in advance<br />
with statewide contests to select 25<br />
Premiere Girl Beauty winners. The contests<br />
were sponsored by 100 newspapers in<br />
the Chicago area. Winners were chosen from<br />
the stage of the theatre.<br />
Tlie premiere received advance plugging<br />
through the showing of Technicolor teaser<br />
trailers in Balaban & Katz' four big downtown<br />
theatres, plus 15 of the circuit's neighborhood<br />
houses for ten days.<br />
Miss Hunnicutt was selected by the Variety<br />
Club as its Heart Week Queen. Her first<br />
officit"! assignment, as such, was to visit Chicago's<br />
Mayor Richard J. Daley to accept a<br />
Heart Week proclamation.<br />
A complete saturation of the important<br />
Chicago Negro market was accomplished<br />
through advertising and promotions with the<br />
Chicago Defender and radio stations<br />
WVON. WBEE and WGRT. The latter station<br />
sponsored a contest to select<br />
I w<br />
(such a<br />
low price...<br />
you neuersaui'n your<br />
25 couples<br />
life)<br />
Motioti Picture Service Co. -<br />
1 25 Hyde St.<br />
San Francisco. Calif..Cerald L Karskl.Pres.<br />
BOXOFFICE :: February 12, 1968<br />
to have breakfast with Brock Peters at the<br />
tamous London House.<br />
There was a series of 15 special screenings<br />
of the picture for various groups highlighted<br />
by a showing sponsored by the Sig .Sakowici'<br />
Mothei's Club for 500 wciunc'ed Vietnam<br />
veterans.<br />
Kollowing the premiere all of the stars<br />
wore guests at the Variety Club of Illinois"<br />
Premiere Celebrity Ball in the Guildhall of<br />
!he .Ambassador West Hotel.<br />
In addition, the "P. J." premiere received<br />
additional widespread coverage through the<br />
press from 18 Midwest cities, from uhich<br />
newspaper representatives were brought<br />
here as Universal's guests.<br />
Outstanding Grosses<br />
For 14 KC Features<br />
KANSAS CITY—With 14 out ot 15 firstrun<br />
programs grossing well above average<br />
and ;he 15th rating exactly 100 per cent, this<br />
report week has to be one of the best business<br />
periods st) far in 1968. Big gross percentages<br />
aboimded—those 200 or better.<br />
There was "Gone With the Wind" with a<br />
700 lor its l.ilh week at the Glenwood Theatre<br />
at Ihe top of the list; then came<br />
"Ulysses" and "Valley of the Dolls." each<br />
400; "Camelot" and "The lungle Book"<br />
with 350; "Wait Until Dark," .^00; "Our<br />
Mother's House," a newcomer, at the Metro<br />
4, and "The Biggest Bundle of Them All."<br />
the first week film at the Embassy 1 and<br />
Embassy 2, each with 200 even.<br />
(Average Is 100)<br />
Brookside— The Wicked Dreoms of Paulo Schultz<br />
(UA) 125<br />
Capri—Comclot (WB-7A), 1 2th wk 350<br />
Eight Theatres Sodismo (Trons-Amer); Mondo<br />
Teeno (Trans-Amer), assorted co-features ..140<br />
Embossv 1 ,<br />
2—The Biggest Bundle of Them All<br />
(MGM) 200<br />
Empire 1— Wait Until Dork (WB-7A), 7th wk. ...300<br />
Empire 2—Custer of the West (CRC), 2nd wk. . . . I 50<br />
Fine Arts, Granada— Volley of the Dolls<br />
(20th-Fox), 7th wk 400<br />
Glenwood— Gone With the Wind (MGM),<br />
13th wk 700<br />
Kimo— Ulysses (Confl, 2nd wk 400<br />
Metro 4—Our Mother's House (MGM) 200<br />
Midland—Thoroughly Modern Millie (Univ).<br />
33rd wk 150<br />
Plaza— Billion Dollor Brain |UA), 2nd wk 150<br />
Roxy, Electric— Firecreck (WB-7A) 100<br />
Seven Theatres—The Ballad of Josie (Univ);<br />
assorted co-features 140<br />
Uptown— The Jungle Book (BV); Charlie, the<br />
Lonesome Cougor (BV), 7th wk, , , 350<br />
'Guess Who's Coming' 375<br />
Third Week in Chicago<br />
( MIC AGO — "Guess Who'r; Coming to<br />
Dinnei " again was the first-run grossing<br />
leader in the city, showing 375 per cent lor<br />
lis third week's business at the Chicago<br />
Theatre. A check at other theatres brought<br />
in a flock of reports of good business, alihougfi<br />
most situations were showing hoklovers,<br />
Bismarck—Comclot VVB-7A), 15th wk 325<br />
Carnegie—The Groduote (Embossy), 7th wk 225<br />
Chicago— Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (Col),<br />
3rd wk, .<br />
375<br />
Cinema— A Man and o Womon (AA), 59th wk. . , I 50<br />
Cinestaqc Gone With the Wind (MGM), 15th wk. 350<br />
Esquire- Bedazzled i20th-Fox:i, 2nd wk 195<br />
Loop- For From the Madding Crowd (MGM),<br />
3rd wk. .<br />
200<br />
Michoel Todd— Doctor Dolittle i20th-Fox), 7th wk. 325<br />
Oriental—The Good, the Bod and the Ugly (UA),<br />
6fh wk, .<br />
200<br />
Playboy— Elvira Modigon, 7th wk 175<br />
Roosevelt— Grand Slam Para), 3rd wk. ........ t2,'5<br />
State Loke— Volley of the Dolls (20th-Fox),<br />
7th wk. . ,<br />
275<br />
United Artists In Cold Blood (Col), 2nd wk 300<br />
Woods Cool Hand Luke (WB-7A), 1 0th wk. . 165<br />
Censorship Not Dead<br />
As Yet in Chicago<br />
CHICAGO — Raymond F, Simon, city<br />
corporation counsel, announced he is preparitig<br />
an ordinance designed to preserve<br />
movie censorship in Chicago. He said the<br />
ordinance would sharply reduce the time<br />
taken to review a film and to process any<br />
appeal from an adverse ruling.<br />
"I'm going to present it to Mayor Daley<br />
in response ti> the U.S. Supreme Court decision."<br />
Simon said. "It is up to the mayor to<br />
ascertain whether he wants to present it to<br />
the council. 1 am sure there is an alternative<br />
if we want to keep cen.sorship."<br />
The Supreme Court had condemned Chicago's<br />
censorship unanimously on grounds<br />
that its methods of review and appeal "are<br />
loo slow,"<br />
Simon said he will arrange a conference<br />
with the mayor's present film appeal board<br />
to determine the shortest possible period in<br />
which a movie could be reviewed, "It takes<br />
a month and a half now, and we will have<br />
to see how many days we can chop from<br />
that."<br />
Meanwhile, several film exhibitors<br />
and distributors reportedly were very<br />
pleased with the Supreme Court ruling,<br />
Charles Teitel, who presents films in the art<br />
category at his World Playhouse and who<br />
ir<br />
a distributor of such films, expressed satisfaction<br />
over the ruling. According to reports,<br />
two films being distributed by his company,<br />
"Body of a Female" and "Rent a Girl" led<br />
to forcing the issue. Both were banned as<br />
obscene by the Circuit Court and Illinois Supreme<br />
Court.<br />
Len Chaney Is Manager<br />
Of Mo. Theatre Supply<br />
K.ANS.AS ( I r> — I.en Chaney. former<br />
si'.lesman for Missouri Theatre Supply, is the<br />
new branch manager. He succeeded Jack<br />
Taylor who left the theatre industry to go<br />
into business for himself. Prior to becoming<br />
salesman with Missouri Theatre Supply he<br />
was new to the industry. He entered into<br />
military service after his graduation from<br />
high school, and after his discharge he studied<br />
business administration and sales management.<br />
Chancy lives with his wife and four children<br />
in the southern part of Kansas City,<br />
^^$SmA\ll////iif!^<br />
^^ 1^1 -with<br />
^^0<br />
^ Technikote<br />
= £<br />
SCREENS ':sz<br />
^ NEW "JET WHITE" ^<br />
XR.171 p*0''e»cent, an'i.iraHc icf»»n<br />
^gg^/////ill\\\\\\VOC^<br />
AvollQble from your authorized<br />
Ihmatf Eauipment Supply Dealer<br />
Itechi TECHNIKOTE CORP. 63 Seobring St . B'klyn 31. 3N, N Yy I<br />
I<br />
The Crippled Childrin's Nursery School<br />
I use ;tn apprccialiDii tour ot the school<br />
tor the member, ot the Motion Picture Assn<br />
of Greuier Kansas City On Friday (2) Ray<br />
McKiirick. presiiicnt of the MPA. toured<br />
the school with other members Irom 9:30 to<br />
l():3() Sally Turman ot the school who conducted<br />
the tour, -.howed the equipment that<br />
the money from the MPA benefit of "Gone<br />
With I he Wind" helped purchase.<br />
Bi»irl\ Miller, president ol the Mercury<br />
A» o screen game,<br />
HOLLYWOOD takei fop<br />
honorj. As a box-office attraction,<br />
it ii without equo
Still another<br />
innovation<br />
^^<br />
by<br />
An entirely<br />
self-contained<br />
solid state<br />
sound system<br />
For the first time — a 2 projector professional sound system has been<br />
built into a 35mm reproducer to give all the features of wall-mounted<br />
theatre amplification equipment.<br />
The Centut7 Model 67 Sound System is a marriage between<br />
the recently announced ANAPFET (in itself an innovation,<br />
wedding the concept of the anamorphic lens with the photosensitive,<br />
field effect transistor) and the most modern<br />
techniques in silicon transistor amplifiers. The result is a<br />
truly compact, self-contained optical sound system, with<br />
fidelity that surpasses everything to date. A brief rundown<br />
of the features is convincing:<br />
1. All silicon solid state components.<br />
2. Power Output: 12 watts RMS (40 watts peak power.)<br />
3. Operates right from 110-120V, 50-60 Hz line.<br />
4. Overall hum and noise 75Db below maximum output<br />
power.<br />
5. Distortion: less than 1%.<br />
6. Frequency Response: Standard theatre characteristics.<br />
7. Independent Bass and Treble Controls.<br />
8. Changeover from either projector.<br />
9. Volume controls in each reproducer.<br />
10. Connections for external monitor speaker.<br />
1 1. Amplifier operates directly from ANAPFET.<br />
12. DC exciter lamp supply in exciter lamp compartment<br />
in each sound reproducer.<br />
The Century Model 67 Sound System may be used in regular<br />
theatres and, with additional higher power amplifiers such<br />
as the Century JRD-100, in larger theatres and drive-ins.<br />
It<br />
warrants your attention!<br />
Century's recent innovations are many and diverse. Make note<br />
of them - they spell out the superiority of Century equipment;<br />
CINE-FOCUS — perfect picture stability! Complete control<br />
of the film in projection.<br />
UVIR-?" Band Pass Light Filters-remove high energy UV<br />
and hot Infra Red — minimum light loss — perfect for black<br />
and white, and color reproduction.<br />
MODEL 67 SOUND SYSTEM —a compact, solid state<br />
sound system for regular theatres and semi-portable sound<br />
reproduction, self-contained in 35mm projectors, with an unbelievable<br />
75Db signal to noise ratio.<br />
ANAPFET photosensitive, field-effect transistor—now the<br />
heart of all Century transistor sound systems — unparalleled<br />
optical sound pick-up from single and multi-channel sound<br />
tracks.<br />
MULTI-CHANNEL SOUND SYSTEMS - all-transistor —<br />
low noise level — high quality — "permanent" — the choice<br />
of leading first-run theatre circuits.<br />
35mm-70mm CENTURY PROJECTORS — better<br />
than<br />
ever, giving you and your customers standard film projection<br />
that excels in every respect.<br />
Investigate these Century "refinements" — they spell the difference between<br />
"the everyday" and a new world of excitement in film presentation.<br />
See your Century Dealer — or write;<br />
New York. N.Y. 10019<br />
Missouri Theatre Supply Co.<br />
Its West 18th St.<br />
Konsos City, Mo. 64108<br />
Abbott Theatre Equipment Co., Inc.<br />
1309 South Wabash Avenue<br />
Chicago, Illinois 60605<br />
BOXOFTICE ;: February 12, 1968 C-3
Deler Vales was in town to check up on<br />
possible sites for scenes for "Bullitt."<br />
co-starring Steve McQueen and Robert<br />
Vaughn. Vales said. "It's fantastic. So much<br />
of Chicago lends itself to movie backgrounds.<br />
The film is budgeted at S4 million."<br />
On filming, he said, "Today a filmmaker<br />
must go where the stories are, and 'Bullitt,'<br />
a contemporary social drama about the<br />
growing animosity between the public and<br />
the police, opens with exterior scenes in Chicago<br />
and then moves to San Francisco."<br />
I he \N ilnu-llc- I htalre. owned and operated<br />
>, Richard Slern. is offering two Israeli<br />
films. "Sallah" and "Impossible on Saturday,"<br />
for a week's showing as a test.<br />
All officers ot l.\TSE Local 1 10, Motion<br />
Picture .Machine Operators, were renamed<br />
to three-year terms. Clarence A. Jalas.<br />
business<br />
manager, begins his fourth term in that<br />
office and marks his 26th year as an officer<br />
in various capacities. He is a 5()-year member<br />
oi the local.<br />
Ctilumhia Pictures was much in the limelighl<br />
>\hcn survcNs showed its films "In Cold<br />
Blood." at the L'niled .Artisfi. and "Guess<br />
Who's Coming to Dinner." Chicago, captured<br />
80 per cent of the downtown movie<br />
week.<br />
business for a<br />
Bill Schacfer. Columbia publicist, is start-<br />
FINER<br />
Ask Your Supply Dealer or Write<br />
7t> Sofoh Drive FarmingdoU. L. I.. N. Y., 11711<br />
C-4<br />
"Everyihinf! for thr Theatre"<br />
ing exploitation for the Easter,<br />
"Whcc Angels Go . . . Trouble Followsl"<br />
Baruch l.umcl, who appeared here in<br />
"Fiddler on the Roof." is negotiating with<br />
Fred Niles. head of a film studio bearing his<br />
name, and Charles Tcitel. president of Teitel<br />
[-ilm Corp.. about filming his story "Once<br />
Upon a Tailor" here.<br />
Robert Blake spent a few days here to talk<br />
. . .<br />
about his "In Cold Blood" co-starring role<br />
""Thoroughly Modern Millie" stans its<br />
first outlying run March 1 at the M&R Old<br />
Orchjid and Evergreen theatres. While advance<br />
tickets are on sale, it is not planned to<br />
show the film on a reserved-seat basis in<br />
either<br />
situation.<br />
Ben Katz, who lor many years has handled<br />
L ;iiversal Pictures publicity in this area.<br />
plans to move to Florida by the end of<br />
March. He will serve as cxploiteer for Universal<br />
there.<br />
Wally Heim, Midwest publicity and advertising<br />
supervisor for United Artists, hosted<br />
an advance screening of "Yours. Mine<br />
and Ours."<br />
Joe Kuit/., branch manager for Warner<br />
Bros. -7 Arts, iradescreened "Sweet November."<br />
Kemiit Russell<br />
and Loretta Wiorski have<br />
joined ihc C injrama Releasing Corp. Offices<br />
have been opened at 203 N. Wabash Ave. by<br />
Harr\ Goldman.<br />
Colleen Moore Hargra^e, a Chicago resident<br />
ever since her marriage lo Homer Hargravc<br />
now deceased, was honored in Holl>wood<br />
at a reception hosted by Mervyn<br />
I.eRoy to herald her book. ""Silent Star."' He<br />
once was a writer for Miss Moore and he<br />
elirccied one of her early films. ""Oh. Kay.""<br />
Charles Cooper has taken over the Harvey<br />
Theatre at Harvey and the Lincoln in Chicago<br />
Heights, both of which had been operiilini;<br />
under the Great Slates banner.<br />
JS^H obscenity conviction for the showing of<br />
""I. a Woman" has been upheld by the<br />
Kentucky .Appeals Court. The ruling was<br />
.igainst the operators of the Crescent Art<br />
Fheaire in Louisville, where the film was<br />
seized three times by police. A Louisville<br />
couri ruled in .August thai the movie was<br />
I'bjeciionable and ordered fines totaling<br />
's.'5..'iOO for the manager and owner of the<br />
house. The high court action dismissed the<br /> and offered no opinion on Kentucky's<br />
1966 obsceniu lau under which the<br />
case was tried.<br />
Similar efforts lo prosecute operators ol<br />
three dri\e-ins and ihe Esquire Theatre in<br />
Indianapolis failed last fall. Film then seized<br />
by deputy sheriffs was returned when a Federal<br />
Court ruled for the defendents. An<br />
.ippcil by Marion Countv prosecutor Noble<br />
R. Pcarcy was denied b\ the Cour: of .Appeals<br />
in Chicago.<br />
lent Id's activities lor Variety Week (12-<br />
IS) here w.ll include a VIP luncheon in the<br />
Howard Johnson Motel, featuring Robert L.<br />
Bostick from the Variety Clubs International:<br />
a cocktail party that evening (14), hosted<br />
by the Women of Variety, and the presentation<br />
of the Encore Awards at Ihe annual dinner-dance<br />
in Brody's Restaurant Saturday<br />
evening (17).<br />
John Hedge, Union Carbide representative,<br />
vwis in the Indianapolis area.<br />
ST. LOUIS<br />
(Continued from page C-2)<br />
ning (7) of the Spanish film "La Verbena de<br />
la Paloma." sponsored by the .Socicdad Hispano-.\merican<br />
de St. Louis. Admission was<br />
S1.50.<br />
.Arthur .Mc.Manus, manager of Embassy<br />
Piciures. hosted a sneak preview of ""The<br />
Graduate" for indusiryiies and civic leaders<br />
at General Cinema Corp.'s Sunset Hills Cinema<br />
I Sunday (4).<br />
Sen. Edward V. Long will be the featured<br />
speaker .March 7 at a recognition dinner for<br />
community action workers under the area<br />
Human Resources Corp. program at Cape<br />
Girardeau. Mo. About 200 volunteers and<br />
officials are expected to attend the event,<br />
which will mark the advances in the war on<br />
poverty and salute the volunteers who have<br />
served.<br />
Frank Plumlee, Farmington. Mo. NATO<br />
board chairman, is recovering from emergency<br />
surgery performed in Ihe Mineral<br />
Springs Hospital. He was stricken while attending<br />
a board meeting at<br />
the hospital.<br />
Chick Schacffler, Warner Bros. -7 Arts,<br />
has made good progress following throat<br />
surgery.<br />
NATO of Eastern Missouri and Southern<br />
Illinois will forego a meeting of the board<br />
in f-ehruary because many of their members<br />
will he in Kansas Cily attending Show-A-<br />
Rama XL Meetings will resume in March,<br />
according to an announcement by president<br />
Tom VViiliamson.<br />
Or. Sterling Price, pastor of Third Baptist<br />
Church and a Variety chaplain, will be the<br />
leaiured speaker at<br />
the next Women of Variety<br />
meeting.<br />
FOR FAST<br />
AND TOP<br />
ALWAYS<br />
Gn YOUR<br />
FROM<br />
1968 CATALOG<br />
Packed Full Ot So/es Aids<br />
i32S S. Waboth, Chicago, III. 60605<br />
BOXOFFICE :; February 12, 1968
Meiselman Theatres<br />
Adds Atlanta Unit<br />
ATLANTA— Meiselniun Theatres. Chaikitte-based<br />
circuit, operating hardtops and<br />
drive-ins in the Caroiinas. Alabama, Florida<br />
and Georgia, is preparing to add the 600-<br />
scat Coronet to its four already in operation<br />
in metropolitan Atlanta.<br />
The dedication is planned Wednesday<br />
(21). according to Perry Reavis. Georgia<br />
district manager of the circuit. The initial<br />
film will he Embassy's "The Graduate."<br />
The Coronet is in a completely remodeled<br />
building within two blocks of Wilby-Kincey's<br />
Fox Theatre and Martin's Cinerama.<br />
H. B. Meiselman. a successful realtor in<br />
Charlotte, became one of the first advocates<br />
of shopping center theatres, when he purchased<br />
an existing center and opened his<br />
first house in it. The circuit snowballed<br />
fi'om<br />
there.<br />
'Traveling Saleslady' Bow<br />
Set for New Orleans<br />
NhW ORLEANS — Universal's "Did<br />
You Hear the One About the Traveling<br />
Saleslady?" the new Technicolor comedy<br />
starring Phyllis Diller. will have its world<br />
premiere at the Joy Theatre here Thursday<br />
(22). laimching more than 250 dates in the<br />
territory.<br />
The premiere and territorial openings will<br />
be followed by 300 engagements in the<br />
Charlotte territory starting Wednesday (28).<br />
The film is scheduled for national release in<br />
March.<br />
Miss Diller and Eileen Wesson, featured<br />
in the picture, are scheduled to participate<br />
in the advance promotion of the world premiere<br />
and the New Orleans territorial openings.<br />
"Did You Hear the One About the<br />
Traveling Saleslady?" set in the earh<br />
I9()()'s, deals with the adventures of a traveling<br />
saleslady who becomes entangled with<br />
a farmer's son.<br />
Theatre Group Schedules<br />
Convention in Atlanta<br />
ATLANTA—This city, for the first time<br />
in the 19-year history of the Southeastern<br />
Theatre Conference, will be host to the<br />
1968 convention of the organization Wednesday<br />
(28) to March 2 in the Sheraton-<br />
Biltmore Hotel. More than 1.000 delegates<br />
and visitors are expected.<br />
Among the speakers will be Michael<br />
Dewell of the Repertory Theatre at Ford's<br />
Theatre. Washington. D.C.: Isabel Burger,<br />
who will speak on her specialty, children's<br />
theatre, and Norman Nadel. past president<br />
of the Drama Critics Circle.<br />
Marian Gallaway. of the University of<br />
Alabama. Tuscaloosa, is president of the<br />
sr.TC and Gerald Kahan. of the University<br />
of Georgia. Athens, vice-president.<br />
Lila Kennedy. Atlanta actress, director<br />
and producer, and Richard Munroe, founder<br />
and director of the Pocket Theatre here.<br />
are co-chairmen of the committee in charge<br />
of arrangements for the conclave.<br />
Obscenity Law to Protect Children<br />
From Lewd Films Sought in Georgia<br />
ATLANTA—Fulton (Atlanta) Counlv<br />
solicitor Gen. Lewis R. Slaton is planning<br />
to ask legislators to enact as part of<br />
Georgia's proposed criminal code, an obscenity<br />
law "to protect the children of the<br />
state from being exposed to lewd motion<br />
pictures, magazines and books."<br />
An amendment, proposed by Slaton.<br />
would be patterned on a new District of<br />
Columbia law, and in the solicitor's opinion<br />
would not conflict with federal court rulings<br />
on obscenity.<br />
Backing up his efforts to obtain such<br />
legislation, he called attention to some of<br />
the current features now showing here and<br />
U) the open displays of sexually stimulating<br />
periodicals and books at newsstands.<br />
"Our hands have been tied by federal<br />
court rulings on obscenity as it applied to<br />
adults, unless there is a question of hardcore<br />
pornography." Slaton said. "But the<br />
courts have intimated that we should have<br />
more leeway as to obscenity and minors."<br />
Before the Supreme Court at the present<br />
time is a case questioning a New York state<br />
law that prohibits distribution of literature<br />
that "appeals to the prurient, shameful or<br />
morbid interests of minors."<br />
It is believed the high court's decision in<br />
this case may well determine the legality of<br />
any other obscentiy statute, such as the one<br />
President Lyndon B. Johnson signetl for the<br />
District of Columbia last month.<br />
"We need to be ready (with a Georgia<br />
law) in case the Supreme Court does uphold<br />
the rights of states to regulate obscenity<br />
as it pertains to minors." Slaton said.<br />
To this end. the prosecutor said, he is<br />
sending copies of the new D.C. law, along<br />
with his own recommendations, to legislative<br />
leaders, members of the Senate judiciary<br />
committee and to Gov. Lester Maddox.<br />
Georgia's general assembly now is in<br />
session and Slaton is hoping lor some immediate<br />
action. He is suggesting that his<br />
proposal be incorporated in the revised<br />
criminal code, which already has passed the<br />
House and is awaiting study by the Senate<br />
committee.<br />
Under the Washington law it is unlawful<br />
to sell, distribute or exhibit to anyone under<br />
17 any visual lepresentation of obscenity.<br />
Such a representation is defined as anything<br />
depicting nudity, sexual conduct or<br />
sadomasochistic abuse with the intention of<br />
"at fronting prevailing standards in the adult<br />
community as a whole with respect to what<br />
is suitable for minors."<br />
Slaton said the age requirements could<br />
be adjusted upward if the legislators deem<br />
it necessary.<br />
There have been controls established on<br />
obscenity in other places. notabl> on the<br />
local level, but these tend to be limited.<br />
Slaton cited as an example that Dallas requires<br />
a review board to rate all movies as<br />
suitable or unsuitable for young persons to<br />
see, but this does not prevent a minor from<br />
attending the theatre if he is accompanied<br />
by a parent or by a spouse who is of age.<br />
To the solicitor's knowledge. Georgia<br />
would be the first state to adopt such an allinclusive<br />
law such as he proposes.<br />
While Atlanta's Better Films Council is<br />
on record as being against censorship, it has<br />
become deeply concerned at the current<br />
"sex cycle" turn films have taken in recent<br />
months.<br />
Hundreds of Foreign Films Entered<br />
In Atlanta's 5 Festival<br />
ATLANTA—With nearly .^00 entries already<br />
certified, the first Atlanta International<br />
Film Festival, April 8-14, is rapidly<br />
burgeoning into what is almost certain to<br />
he one of the largest festivals in the wcirld.<br />
With entries scheduled to close Thursday<br />
{\5). J. Hunter Todd, executive producer<br />
for the event, forecast that "more than<br />
I .()(H) films from all over the world" will ho<br />
entered in competition.<br />
International entries so far, in addition to<br />
the U.S.. have come from Japan. Canada.<br />
England. France, Italy, with others expected<br />
from Mexico. Germany. Spain and Asia.<br />
Five categories will be in\olved in the<br />
competition — features. documentaries,<br />
shorts, television commercials and experimental.<br />
.Ml formats are acceptable. 70nmi<br />
lo Idmm; sound or silent (separate audiii<br />
Categories<br />
A panel of nationally known critics,<br />
tracks not accepted must be sound on film):<br />
optical or magnetic tracks; video tapes compatible<br />
to Ampex VTR 2000 accepted in<br />
TV commercial and TV documentary categories.<br />
writers,<br />
producers and judges will narrow the<br />
competition to select finalists in each category.<br />
During "festival week" they will be<br />
screened in the auditorium at the Regency<br />
H\aii House, site of the convention, and<br />
those achieving award status will he shown<br />
at Wilb>-Kinccy's 1.200-seat downtown<br />
Roxy Theatre.<br />
This festival is being staged in cooperation<br />
with Eastern Air Lines. Regency Hyatt<br />
House. Forward Atlanta. Cinema East-Todd<br />
Films International, of which Hunter Todd<br />
is producer and director, and major circuits<br />
in the southeast.<br />
Unlike most festivals, which distribute<br />
awards seemingly by the handful, the Atlanta<br />
event will present a single grand award<br />
for the best of festival, the Golden Phoenix,<br />
a massive piece of original sculpture representing<br />
"the phoenix rising from the ashes,"<br />
which appears on the Atlanta seal, commemorating<br />
the resurgence of Atlanta from<br />
(Continued on page SE-7)<br />
BOXOFFICE :: February 12, 1968 SE-1
in ihe office of Channel 7, ihe local television<br />
outlet for non-commercial educational<br />
viewing, in preparation for the station's annual<br />
round-the-clock auction during May.<br />
Timmy Bella, American inicrnuiional Pictures<br />
district supervisor from Atlanta,<br />
and Bill Wenzcl of Saturn Pictures. Columbia.<br />
S.C. met here with Charley King. AlP<br />
manager for Florida, and iradescrecned Saturn's<br />
AIP release of "The Road Hustler. "<br />
Richard Lewis, salesman, reported screenings<br />
in the Preview Theatre for AIP of<br />
"Maryjane" and "The Desperate Ones,"<br />
shortly hefore King left for a seminar in<br />
New Orleans.<br />
Still another<br />
innovation by<br />
^e^<br />
An entirely<br />
self-contained<br />
solid state<br />
sound system<br />
For the first time — a 2 projector professional sound system has been<br />
built into a 35mm reproducer to give all the features of wall-mounted<br />
theatre amplification equipment.<br />
The Century Model 67 Sound System is a marriage between<br />
the recently announced ANAPFET (in itself an innovation,<br />
wedding the concept of the anamorphic lens with the photosensitive,<br />
field effect transistor) and the most modern<br />
techniques in silicon transistor amplifiers. The result is a<br />
truly compact, self-contained optical sound system, with<br />
fidelity that surpasses everything to date. A brief rundown<br />
of the features is convincing:<br />
1. All silicon solid state components.<br />
2. Power Output: 12 watts RMS (40 watts peak power.)<br />
3. Operates right from 110-120V, 50-60 Hz line.<br />
4. Overall hum and noise 75Db below maximum output<br />
power.<br />
5. Distortion: less than 1%.<br />
6. Frequency Response: Standard theatre characteristics.<br />
7. Independent Bass and Treble Controls.<br />
8. Changeover from either projector.<br />
9. Volume controls in each reproducer.<br />
10. Connections for external monitor speaker.<br />
1 1. Amplifier operates directly from ANAPFET.<br />
12. DC exciter lamp supply in exciter lamp compartment<br />
in each sound reproducer.<br />
The Century Model 57 Sound System may be used in regular<br />
theatres and, with additional higher power amplifiers such<br />
as the Century JRD-100, in larger theatres and drive-ins.<br />
It warrants your attention!<br />
Century's recent innovations are many and diverse. Make note<br />
of them - they spell out the superiority of Century equipment;<br />
CINE-FOCUS —perfect picture stability! Complete control<br />
of the film in projection.<br />
UVIR-Z" Band Pass Light Filters-remove higfi energy uv<br />
and hot Infra Red — minimum light loss — perfect for black<br />
and white, and color reproduction.<br />
MODEL 67 SOUND SYSTEM —a compact, solid state<br />
sound system for regular theatres and semi-portable sound<br />
reproduction, self-contained in 35mm projectors, with an unbelievable<br />
75Db signal to noise ratio.<br />
ANAPFET photosensitive, field-effect transistor—now the<br />
heart of all Century transistor sound systems — unparalleled<br />
optical sound pick-up from single and multi-channel sound<br />
tracks.<br />
MULTI-CHANNEL SOUND SYSTEMS - ali-transistor -<br />
low noise level — high quality — "permanent" — the choice<br />
of leading first-run theatre circuits.<br />
35mm-70mm CENTURY PROJECTORS better than<br />
ever, giving you and your customers standard film projection<br />
that excels in every respect.<br />
Investigate these Century "refinements" — they spell the difference between<br />
"the everyday" and a new world of excitement in film presentation.<br />
See your Century Dealer — or write:<br />
New York, N.Y. t0019<br />
Standard Theatre Supply Co.<br />
215 E. Washington St.<br />
Greensboro, North Carolina 27401<br />
Joe Homstein Inc.<br />
759 Weit Flagler St.<br />
Miami, Florida 33130<br />
Hodges Theatre Supply Co. Inc.<br />
2927 Jackson<br />
New Orleons, La. 70125<br />
1624 W. Independence Blvd<br />
Charlotte, North Carolina 28208<br />
Tri State Theatre Supply<br />
320 South Second Street<br />
Memphis, Tenn. 38103<br />
Co.<br />
Wil-Kin Theatre Supply, Inc.<br />
301 North Avenue, N.E.<br />
Atlonto, Georgia 30308<br />
BOXOFTICE :: February 12, 1968 SE-3
MIAMI<br />
Qoldman's Nortli^ide Theaire in the Norlh-<br />
\iilc Shiipping Ccnicr hi-.-j opened with<br />
Columbia's "Giifss Who's Coining to Dinner."<br />
Those on hand for the bow of the<br />
l,80()-seatcr included William Goldman,<br />
president and founder of the circuit, whose<br />
other theatres are in Pennsylvania, and<br />
state Rep. Georyc Caldwell, who represented<br />
Gov. Claude Kirk. The ultramodern house<br />
is equipped with the latest projection system<br />
^i a screen game,<br />
HOLLYWOOD takej top<br />
honors. As o box-office ottractlon,<br />
it ii without equo4. II has<br />
been a favorite with theatre goers for<br />
over 15 years. Write today for complete details.<br />
Be sure to give seating or cor capacity.<br />
•<br />
3750 OoHon S-<br />
Skokic, llfinoi*<br />
Frank Norris, loriner manager of the<br />
North Miiimi .^rt Theatre, has taken over<br />
management of the I.oew's Westchester, succeeding<br />
Bonnie Hinson.<br />
Sammy Davis has a pocket full of keys.<br />
Hy Ciar.lner of Channel 6 presented him the<br />
keys to the city. Miami Beach Mayor Jay<br />
Dermer gave him some keys and metro<br />
.Mayor Chuck Hall handed him the keys "to<br />
the whole country."<br />
Jack Benny, who opens in the Hilton-Plaza<br />
Hotel's Great Room Friday (16), will<br />
make an appear.ince that night at the Israeli<br />
Uond Dinner.<br />
Raymond Burr, a director of both the<br />
'<br />
lorida .Memorial College and the Pasadena<br />
Playhouse, is working to bring the groups<br />
together on a joint project—a scholarship<br />
opportunity for Florida .Memorial students<br />
to work in the Playhouse program.<br />
"The .Siren and Cyrano" was the title of<br />
il'c I'KOI'S luncheon honoring Jose Ferrer<br />
..nd Fdie Adams in the Eden Roc Mona<br />
Lisa Room Friday (9). The skit was written<br />
hv Palsy .Miholl ,iiid produced by Jerri Poll.ik.<br />
Jai'kie CiKigaii was a visitor here.<br />
The L'niversity of Miami began its spring<br />
semester film program Saturday (3) with<br />
two showings of Marcel Camus" "Black Orpheus."<br />
Other films scheduled are "The Gospel<br />
.According to St. Matthew," "La Notte,"<br />
"The Five-Day Lover." "The Trial," "El,"<br />
"The Naked Night," "Muriel," "Thief,"<br />
"King and Country." "The Bicycle Thief"<br />
and "Rocco and His Brothers."<br />
The Hibiscus Film Society has taken over<br />
the management of ihe DuPoni Plaza's .Artcinema,<br />
under the direction of Bob Buckman.<br />
Wometco Acquiring Assets<br />
Of Outdoor Ad Firm<br />
From Southeastern Edrtion<br />
MIAMI — Wometco Enterprises has<br />
signed an agreement acquiring certain assets<br />
of E. B. Elliott Outdoor Advertising Co.,<br />
an outdoor sign painting company, based in<br />
Florida. The agreement calls for the purchase<br />
of the business of E. B. Elliott Outdoor<br />
Adv. in two phases. TTie first, consisting<br />
largely of the southeast Florida portion<br />
of the business, will be completed by March<br />
I. The second phase will entail the purchase<br />
of additit)nal assets located primarily elsewhere<br />
in Florida and to be completed prior<br />
to Oct. I, 1971. The purchase will be for<br />
cash. This operation will constitute a new<br />
ilivision of Wometco.<br />
Norwich Stage Show Benefit<br />
NORWICH. CONN.—The Jack<br />
Hoddy<br />
Midtown Theatre, normally a first-run film<br />
outlet, hosted a stage revue, billed as "'International<br />
Cavalcade of Stars." under the<br />
sponsorship of the Norwich Kiwanis Club.<br />
Admission was $1.50 and two performances<br />
— at 4 and 8 p.m.—were held on Thursday.<br />
PLAY IT SAFE: Start now to save their hearts<br />
Help your children form good health habits now to<br />
reduce risk of heart attack later:<br />
Encourage normal weight; obesity in youth may<br />
persist throughout life;<br />
Build body health through regular physical activity;<br />
Serve them foods low in saturated fats;<br />
Teach them that cigarette smoking is hazardous<br />
to health;<br />
Make medical check-ups a family routine<br />
Set a good example. Follow the rules yourself and guard<br />
yot;r heart, too.<br />
GIVE<br />
.so MORE<br />
SE-4 BOXOFFICE :: February 12, 1968
. . Edie<br />
January Gratifying<br />
To OC Exhibitors<br />
Fr^m Southwest Edition<br />
OKLAHOMA CITY—January proved to<br />
ho one of the best months in years for exhihjlors<br />
here, lineups becoming a common<br />
sight again as outstanding product, introdticed<br />
during the Christmas-New Year's<br />
holid:.ys, pla\ed through profitable runs.<br />
Joe Broady. entertainment editor of the<br />
Oklahoma City Times and the Daily and<br />
Sunday Oklahoman. reviewed the gratifying<br />
developments in this column:<br />
This will go down as one of the best<br />
months of January in the history of the<br />
motion picture theatre business in Oklahoma<br />
City. The theatre owner pointed to a<br />
line of ticket buyers stretching down the<br />
street west from the Criterion Theatre on<br />
Main Street, meeting another line of ticket<br />
buyers, inching its way to the State Theatre.<br />
The State is in the middle of the block on<br />
North Robinson and the Criterion in the<br />
middle of the block on West .Main Street.<br />
"Valley of the Dolls." the current attraction<br />
at the Criterion, has set a house record<br />
outdistancing the two previous big moneymakers,<br />
"Shane" and "Peyton Place." The<br />
sentimental, tear-jerking film is setting the<br />
national hoxoffice pace. The engagement<br />
here is expected to continue through February<br />
and possibly well into March. Weekend<br />
business at three of the downtown firstrun<br />
theatres is so great that it has had to call<br />
out four police officers to handle the auto<br />
and foot traffic.<br />
"The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" at the<br />
State is doing equally as well as two other<br />
pictures made with the same star, Clint<br />
Eastwood— "A Fistful of Dollars" and "A<br />
Few Dollars More." "Gone With the Wind"<br />
at<br />
the Cooper Theatre, just across the street<br />
from the State, would appear to be headed<br />
for a very long engagement.<br />
The business-is-good atmosphere is reflected<br />
in a study by the U.S. Department<br />
of Commerce, which predicts hoxoffice receipts<br />
will climb to almost one billion dollars.<br />
UA Names Frank Rule<br />
NEW ORLEANS— Frank Rule has been<br />
appointed United Artists branch manager<br />
here. He joined the company in 1962 and<br />
has been serving as sales manager in Oklahoma<br />
City. His promotion is effective Monday<br />
(26),<br />
^^<br />
£ Technikote<br />
^ ^<br />
" SCREENS ^Z<br />
^ NEW "JET WHITE" ^<br />
special coated screen . . .<br />
XR-171 pearleicenf, anll-ito'lc iceen<br />
e^f^yy/zmmw^iii^^<br />
r<br />
Avoilable from your aufhorlied<br />
Theatre Equipment Supply Dealer:<br />
I<br />
CORP. 63 Seobring St., B'klyn 315N. Y.I<br />
^nothcr old-timer has returned to<br />
Filmrow.<br />
l-annye (Levy) Philips is working for<br />
George Pabst of Blue Ribbon Pictures.<br />
From Gulf .States Theatres— Molly Jor<br />
dan. manager of the Bama Ihealre, Mobile,<br />
Ala., is vacationing. The relief manager is<br />
Roy Sturdivan. Ed Edwards, city manager.<br />
Dixie Theatre. Ruston. La., pronn)ted fullpage<br />
articles with art for Warner-Bros.-7<br />
Arts" "Bonnie and Clyde." The actual gunning<br />
down of Bonnie and Clyde took place<br />
near Ruston and the articles promoted controversy<br />
among the people who remembered<br />
the incident. This helped lidwards to set a<br />
house record at the Dixie.<br />
Buck Prewilt, G.ST publicity manager,<br />
visited with Gene DeFallo on the Gulf<br />
Coast and .Arthur Barnett of New Orleans<br />
setting up promotional campaigns . . . Jim<br />
DeNeve attended the drive-in convention in<br />
Dallas.<br />
Bing Beiigtsson, Fort Walton, Florida,<br />
had the assistance of the mayor and other<br />
city officials in a radio contest to promote<br />
Buena Vista's "The Jungle Book." He had<br />
an official imitate the voice of one of the<br />
main animal characters, and the people tried<br />
to identify the character he portrayed.<br />
The combo of "Gruesome Twosome" and<br />
"Something Weird" is doing excellent busi.<br />
ness in the drive-ins. In the indoor houses.<br />
"Valley of the Dolls" is playing to outstanding<br />
grosses.<br />
Thursday (1) National Screen Service<br />
took over the shipping of trailers from Film<br />
Inspection Service.<br />
There are to be quite a few delegates from<br />
here attending Show-A-Rama XI the last<br />
week of this month in Kansas City, including<br />
C. Clare Woods and John Richards.<br />
United Theatres; Doyle Maynard and Leon<br />
Averitt. LATO; Jim DeNeve and Buck<br />
Prewitt. Gulf Slates Theatres.<br />
Norma Jean Barclay has been assigned as<br />
atre.<br />
WRITE-<br />
The Exhibitor Has His Say<br />
TO:<br />
BOXOFFICE. 825 Van Brunt Blvd.,<br />
TiUe<br />
Comment<br />
Days ol<br />
Exhibitor<br />
Kansas City. Mo. 64124<br />
Weak Played<br />
"Girl Friday" to Prewitt at G.ST . Delaney<br />
of Gulf Stales Theatres is the purchasing<br />
agent and office manager. He is complaining<br />
about his k)w-calorie diet, which<br />
he has due to a diabetic contlilion.<br />
Herman Gentry, manager of the Lakeside<br />
Theatre, attendeil ihe southwestern premiere<br />
of 'Doctor Dolittlc' in Dallas.<br />
Dean K.very, manager of Lakeside Cinema<br />
I and il. and Bob Ragsdale, manager of<br />
Oakwood Cinema I and II, will attend Ihe<br />
yearly managers meeting in Dallas.<br />
Invitations have been received for the annual<br />
duck dinner at Lafayette, La. This year<br />
it will be Thursday (22) in the Magnolia<br />
Room of the Townhouse, with a meeting and<br />
cocktail party preceding at Toby's Place.<br />
The Amite Drive-ln at Amite closed January<br />
20 and is to reopen March 1 . . . Opening<br />
here were "The Graduate" at the Saenger<br />
and "Sergeant Ryker" at the Joy The-<br />
Joy's Aereon Theatre has been converted<br />
to a twin.<br />
Actual shooting on "Hello, Dolly!" for<br />
20th Century-Fox will start April 15.<br />
Complete Concession Supplies, Candy to Popcorn<br />
"Repair Service for All Makes!"<br />
2927 Jackson Ave., New Orleom Phone 524-8356<br />
k<br />
[[LTeTRTOES<br />
|M1S>>%\ I2J! BELMOMT CHICAGO 6n6S7 V<br />
PARTS<br />
Company<br />
Theotr*..<br />
Weather.<br />
— Right Now<br />
BOXOFFICE :: February 12, 196S SE-5
. . TOMMY<br />
T \\. Daniels bus taken over the operation<br />
ol the Grand Theatre in Waynesboro.<br />
He also has ihe Dan Theatre at Soperlon.<br />
Tom Jones, whose agency is located in nearby<br />
DccMliir, buys and books for the two<br />
houses.<br />
Tennessee Valley POPCORN<br />
^QTi'.'ocT' n Guorontted<br />
T.I. 574 1079 ui J n r SCOTTSBORO<br />
P. o. Bo> 787 Word Popcorn Co. ala. js76«<br />
i^lOOKING SEirvlCE^<br />
321 S Chun* n. Chorlott*. NC<br />
PHONE FR 5-7717<br />
SEE<br />
For all your THEATRE and<br />
CONCESSION needs<br />
3409 FInt Av«., N. Birmingham, Aloboma<br />
T«l«phon« 251-8665 and 32S-5675
—<br />
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Martin, Mr. and Mrs.<br />
E, E. Whitaker, Mr. and Mrs. .Mpha Fowler.<br />
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Thorniem. Roy E.<br />
Martin and his son Roy E. 111. Mr. and<br />
Mrs. Hal T. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey<br />
Westtall. Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Massey and<br />
E. F. Edwards.<br />
Judson W. Smith III, an Atlanta actor<br />
and singer, died here Friday (2). He was<br />
working for his master's degree in the philosophy<br />
of fine arts at Emory University at the<br />
time of his deatli. He had worked with the<br />
San Francisco Actors Workshop, Opera and<br />
Theatre Atlanta and Academy and Pocket<br />
theatres.<br />
Roy Newquist, literary editor of the C'hicago<br />
American, was in town promoting his<br />
hook "A Special Kind of Magic," which<br />
deals with the filming of Columbia's "Guess<br />
Who's Coming to Dinner." The picture<br />
bowed Friday (9) at the Capri Cinema.<br />
Other new pictures here arc "The Good,<br />
the Bad and the Ugly." Fox Theatre, and<br />
"The President's Analyst." Roxy, both Wilby-Kincey<br />
situations; "Weekend, Italian<br />
Style," Peachtree Art; "The Soft Skin," Festival<br />
Cinema, and Georgia Theatre Co.'s<br />
Plaza and Weslgate II are showing "The<br />
Endless Summer."<br />
Martin 'Iheatres and Paramount held an<br />
invitational screening Wednesday night (7)<br />
of "Half a Sixpence," which is booked to<br />
open at Martin's Cinerama March 15.<br />
Herbert L. Copelan Joins<br />
Pacific Theatres Staff<br />
From Western Edition<br />
HOLLYWOOD—Former Stanley Warner<br />
zone manager Herbert L. Copelan will assume<br />
public relations duties for Pacific Theatres,<br />
it is announced by William R. Forrnan.<br />
president. Copelan had planned to retire<br />
when the 31-theatre acquisition by Pacific<br />
of the West Coast and Texas Stanley<br />
Warner houses was announced.<br />
Herman said Copelan's duties will be in<br />
the field of intra-industry affairs and studio<br />
liaison. Copelan, a long-time Stanley Warner<br />
executive, served as theatre operations head<br />
m many key southwest zones before moving<br />
10 California to helm the nine houses here.<br />
At one time, he operated most of the theatres<br />
in Cuba. He will report to Pacific after<br />
a two-week vacation.<br />
Arnold Michelson and Murray Propper,<br />
Copelan's principal assistants in the SW operation<br />
in California, will remain with Pacific<br />
in their present capacities, following<br />
the acquisition of the theatres here, in Texas<br />
and Tennessee.<br />
Ml other SW personnel is being continued<br />
during the "transition period," as Pacific integrates<br />
the additions to the Los .Angelesbased<br />
circuit.<br />
Columbia Cast, Crew View<br />
'Jerusalem' Documentary<br />
From Eastern Edition<br />
Mindlin of Filmways has previewed his new<br />
documentary "Journey to Jerusalem" for the<br />
cast and crew of Columbia's "Castle Keep,"<br />
now filming on location here. The color documentary<br />
features Leonard Bernstein, Isaac<br />
Stern and Patrick O'Neal.<br />
"Castle Keep" performers on hand were<br />
Burt Lancaster, Peter Falk, Jean-Pierre Aumonl.<br />
.Astrid Heeren, Tony Bill, co-producer<br />
John Calley, Michael Conrad, Bruce Dern.<br />
.M Freeman jr., associate producer Ben<br />
Kadish, James Patterson. Columbia's Ira<br />
lulipan from London, Scott Wilson and<br />
Max Youngstein. a visitor.<br />
Doak Texas Division<br />
Manager for Pacific<br />
From Southwest Edition<br />
DALLAS—The appointment of<br />
Brandon<br />
Doak as manager of the Texas Division of<br />
Pacific Theatres was announced by William<br />
Forman. Pacific president, who said that<br />
Doak will have his headquarters here. He<br />
will have charge of the 27 Texas and one<br />
Memphis theatre which Pacific acquired in<br />
January from Glen Alden's RKO-Slanley<br />
Warner division.<br />
Doak formerly was assistant zone manager<br />
and film buyer for the SW units he<br />
will now supervise for the new ownership.<br />
He will continue buying and booking for the<br />
theatres, in addition to performing the added<br />
responsibilities of his new position. He saiil<br />
that all of the theatres in the Texas Division<br />
were most fortunate in having good managers<br />
and that no changes are expected in<br />
personnel.<br />
.W Reynolds, zone manager for same theatres<br />
when they were under the SW banner,<br />
will have a new role with the new ownership,<br />
having been appointed as real estate consultant<br />
to Pacific Theatres in the acquisition of<br />
more property.<br />
A group of Pacific circuit officials, headed<br />
by Forman and general manager Don<br />
Guttman, have been in Dallas to wind up<br />
the deal for the Texas and Tennessee theatres<br />
of the SW circuit. Pacific also has acquired<br />
nine SW West Coast theatres, adding<br />
them to the circuit's Coast Division. Pacific,<br />
which now has more than 100 conventional<br />
and drive-in theatres, also has units in Oregon,<br />
Washington, Arizona and Hawaii, as<br />
well as the California, Texas and Tennessee<br />
properties.<br />
.All of the theatres under Doak's control<br />
are drive-ins, except the Memorial. Houston;<br />
Prince. San Antonio, and Warner Downtown,<br />
Memphis, Tenn.<br />
Hundreds of Entries<br />
In Atlanta Festival<br />
(Continued from page SE-1)<br />
the ashes left by the Union Army troops<br />
when Atlanta was burned to the ground.<br />
Awards to best films in each category<br />
will take the form of the Silver Phoenix.<br />
Gold, silver and bronze medals will be presented<br />
to the best films in each subcategory.<br />
Eastern will present an Ionosphere Award<br />
for the best film dealing with flight and the<br />
Eastman Award will be a .? 1 ,000 grant of<br />
Eastman motion picture color film.<br />
Regency Hyatt House's award will<br />
be for<br />
the best film by a southern United States<br />
producer and the Forward Atlanta Award<br />
vKill go to the best film by an Atlanta producer.<br />
"Our primary objective with the festival<br />
IS to provide the creative filmmakers of<br />
the world with the most totally inclusive<br />
and internationally competitive of all film<br />
festivals," Todd said. "It will contribute in<br />
appreciation, understanding and communication<br />
the art of production in motion piclures<br />
and television."<br />
Major international companies are participating<br />
in the festival. MGM has entered<br />
10 films. .^0 films have been entered by J.<br />
Waller Thompson; MPO. Niles and Mc-<br />
Cann have entered at least 15 each.<br />
Todd said the major concentration among<br />
the entries has been in the documentary<br />
field. Norm Kohn is art director of the<br />
festival.<br />
John Tabor Licks Problem,<br />
Pupils Get to Attend Film<br />
From Mideast Edition<br />
LOGAN. OHIO—John Tabor, manager<br />
of Chakeres' Logan Theatre, found a way,<br />
when a school 30 miles away indicated its<br />
pupils wanted to see "The Taming of the<br />
Shrew." but would not be able to do so because<br />
of bus schedules.<br />
School officials said if the i)upils attended<br />
the theatre on a morning they would not be<br />
able to return in time for luncheon. And if<br />
they attended after eating, then they would<br />
not be able to make their bus schedules<br />
home.<br />
This was a problem, but Tabor set out to<br />
solve it. He contacted Blosser's Restaurant,<br />
which agreed to package a luncheon for the<br />
pupils at a discount and deliver the food to<br />
the theatre. .So. the Miller High School English<br />
classes attended the movie and were<br />
servet! luncheon in their seats afterward.<br />
| think the moral of this story is; When<br />
you have a desire to entertain the people<br />
where there's a will, there's a way." said<br />
Tabor.<br />
in Georgio—Rhodes Sound & Projection Service, Savonnoh— 355 1321<br />
CARBONS, Inc. V ' ^^Box K, Cedor Knolls, N<br />
m Florido—Joe Hornstein, Inc., 273 W. FIdgler St., Miami, Flo<br />
FRonklin 3-3502<br />
BOXOFFICE :: February 12, 1968 SE-7
, Ithough<br />
doubled<br />
.<br />
r<br />
"^<br />
WHO<br />
lias our hnoivlecii 9'<br />
our reputation . . .<br />
to create this beauty<br />
Pair them and you have all the<br />
best reasons for seeing our de<br />
luxe<br />
LouRgep<br />
See it soon or write<br />
for our Illustrated Brochure<br />
uSEATING<br />
CO.<br />
Tel: CHapel 2-2561<br />
Cashier Foils a Holdup<br />
At Theatre in Raleigh<br />
RALEIGH, N.C.—Cashier Kay Messer.<br />
20. who stubbornly refused to surrender her<br />
empkners cash, foiled a robbery attempt<br />
here al the State Theatre. The junior at<br />
North Carolina Slate Unisersity. told police<br />
,1 man. about 30. walked up to the ticket<br />
hooth. demanded the money and threatened<br />
lo kill her when she wouldn't hand it over.<br />
She said the man had his hands in his<br />
pockets and told her he had a pistol pointed<br />
,it her. Miss Messer said there was about<br />
MOO in the cash drawer.<br />
She said she buzzed for an usher, who<br />
later said Miss Messer asked him lo "get<br />
rid" of the vsould-be bandit. When the usher<br />
arrived at the ticket booth, the frustrated<br />
holdup man walked away.<br />
New Orleans Leader<br />
SliirDolls'at400<br />
M \\ OKI lANS<br />
'<br />
Vallc) ol the Dolls."<br />
(nine With the Wind" and "The Good, the<br />
Bad and the L'gly" combined lo form a lop<br />
'nisinoss-getting fio and keep public inleresi<br />
in motion pictures at a high level. "Valley."<br />
in a sixth week at the Orpheum.<br />
still was attracting four-times-normal business,<br />
while "Gone With the Wind" was only<br />
vlighlly hehind. percenlagewise. with .^50<br />
for its 12th week at the Robert E. Lee Theatre.<br />
"Ciood. Bad and Ugly<br />
'<br />
average<br />
in a third week at the Locw"s Slate.<br />
(Averoge Is 100)<br />
GenliHv The Tiqcr Mokcj Out (Col), 6th wk. ...110<br />
Joy—The Bollad o# Josic iUnivl, 3rd wk 100<br />
Lakeside Thoroughly Modern Millie (Unjv),<br />
6th wk 75<br />
Lokcsidc Cinema 1, Ookwood Cinema I—The<br />
Jungle Book (BVi. 61h wk 100<br />
Lcew's Sfotc— The Good, fhc Bad ond the Ugly<br />
(UA), 5th wk 200<br />
Orpheum— Volley o» the Dolls 20th-Fox), 6th wk. 400<br />
Robert E. Lcc^—Gone With the Wind (MGM),<br />
12th wk 350<br />
.<br />
'Wind,' "Valley,' 'Camelot'<br />
300-450 in Memphis<br />
Ml MI'HIS Cione With the Wind" took<br />
Its 13ih Memphis week in stride and posted<br />
450 pel cent—the same gross reading the<br />
7()mm feature had in its 12!h week at the<br />
Crosstown. Two sixth-week pictures came<br />
in second with identical 300s, "Valley of the<br />
noils" grossing at that pace in its Maico<br />
Theatre engagement and "Camelot" compiling<br />
ihree-times-average i.icomc at the<br />
Pari'mount.<br />
Crosstown- Gone With the Wind MGM<br />
.<br />
13th wk<br />
Guild—The Doy the Fish Come Out (IC!.<br />
2nd wk<br />
Moico— Valley o» the Dolls iMGM), 6th wk.<br />
Mcmphion- The Comcdions iMGM), 6th wk, .<br />
.450<br />
Palace— Billion Dollar Brain (UA) 125<br />
Paramount Comelot WB 7 A). 6th wk 300<br />
Park — The President'% Anolysl (Poro), 2nd wk. . . I 75<br />
Stotc The Shuttered Room iWB-7A) 100<br />
Worner Wait Until Dork ^VB-7AI 6th wk 105<br />
Burt Topper Names Cash<br />
From Western<br />
Edition<br />
HOLlYWOOi:)— Bun Topper, who will<br />
produce American Inlern;ilional Picture's<br />
Hells Belles." has named Jack Cash as production<br />
associate on the piclure. which is<br />
scheduled lo start shooting in March. He<br />
had a similar position with Topper on five<br />
other .MP films, with "Wild in the Streets"<br />
I he latest one.<br />
Tho controversial films are being shown<br />
here, after the Supreme Court ruled<br />
they're not obscene. "L a Woman" is playing<br />
the Guild and Studio art houses and<br />
"Mondo Freud." the Strand Theatre.<br />
KIton Holland, Malco Theatres city manager,<br />
held an invitational showing of MGM's<br />
"I ar From the Madding Crowd" before it<br />
opened Thursday (8) at the Memphian.<br />
\ ariet\ Week activities of Tent 20 began<br />
here yesterday (11) and included a fashion<br />
show, cocktail party and dance. Wednesday<br />
(14) a screening, luncheon and bridge<br />
tournament are scheduled. To climax the<br />
events, the annual Heart Ball and the selection<br />
of Miss Variety will be held Saturday<br />
night (17). Ken Goderre. manager of the<br />
I'la/a. is Variety Week chairman.<br />
Klvis Presley and his wife Priscilla are the<br />
parents of a daughter Lisa Marie, born<br />
Ihiirsday (1) in Baptist Hospital here, weighing<br />
pounds 15 ounces.<br />
(i<br />
RKO Names Ed McGlone<br />
To Pittsburgh Division<br />
From Mideost<br />
Edition<br />
McGlone.<br />
manager of the RK.O Palace here since<br />
1955." has been promoted to division manager<br />
in the Pittsburgh area for RK.O Theatres.<br />
Charles Van Fossan, manager of Great<br />
Western Cinema, is the new manager of the<br />
Palace.<br />
McGlone came to Columbus 13 years<br />
ago, after serving for five years in RKO<br />
theatres in Cincinnati. He has been associated<br />
with RKO for 35 years, starting in theatres<br />
in the New York City area.<br />
The Pittsburgh division includes 21 theatres<br />
in three states. There are nine houses in<br />
the Pittsburgh area. Pennsylvania cities include<br />
Dormont. Grccnsburg. Monroeville.<br />
Johnstown. State College and Brookville.<br />
Others are in Morgantown. West Virginia<br />
and Columbus.<br />
A native of Columbus. Van Fossan started<br />
his career as an usher at Locw's Broad<br />
nine years ago. He joined the RKO Palace<br />
in 1959 and became assistant manager at<br />
RKO Grand a year later. He stayed in that<br />
position when Beacon Theatres acquired the<br />
Grand. In 1966 he was named assistant at<br />
the Palace, leaving that post to become manner<br />
of Great Western Cinema.<br />
FOR FAST<br />
AND TOP<br />
ALWAYS<br />
GET YOUR<br />
FROM<br />
Pocked Full OF Soles Aids<br />
133S S. Waboth, Chkooe, III. 6060S<br />
SE-8 BOXOFFICE lebruarv 12. 1968
Bill Slcmghter Is Chosen<br />
President-Elect; Will<br />
Take Office in 1969<br />
DALLAS—S. K.. Barry. Sun Antonio exhibitor,<br />
was elected president of the Texas<br />
Drive-In Theatre Owners Ass'n as the organization<br />
completed its 16th annual convention<br />
Thursday (1) ai the Statler Hilton Hotel.<br />
Bill .Slaughter of Dallas was the convention's<br />
choice to fill the newly created position ot<br />
president-elect and will advance to the association's<br />
top office at next year's meeting.<br />
Jack Arthur, Stephenville, and Eric De-<br />
Neve. Dallas, were elected to the other iwo<br />
new association offices—vice-president, administrative,<br />
and vice-president, convention,<br />
respectively. M. K. McDaniel. retiring president,<br />
becomes chairman of the board.<br />
Re-elected by the TDITOA members were<br />
Jack Cole, Rosenberg, secretary, and Harry<br />
McCartney. Dallas, treasurer.<br />
Arthur Convention Chairman<br />
Arthur served as chairman and Philip<br />
Tidball<br />
of Fort Worth was co-chairman for<br />
the three-day convention which attracted a<br />
registration of 700, representing all segments<br />
of the industry and nearly all of the 50<br />
states. The annual TDITOA conclave is the<br />
only exhibitors convention held in Texas<br />
and the organization is the onlv drive-in<br />
association in the country.<br />
Hardin Award to iVIcDaniel<br />
S. K. Barry, as the new president, presented<br />
the Hardin Award for the outstanding<br />
Texas drive-in theatre personality of the yea.'-<br />
lo McDaniel. Also at the presidential banquet,<br />
climaxing the convention on Tnursday<br />
evening, Lt. Gov. Preston Smith of Texas<br />
presented the association's Outstanding<br />
Newcomer Star of the Year Award to<br />
Celeste Yarnall, star of Feature Films' new<br />
release. "Eve." Miss Yarnall, who traces her<br />
lineage to Mary, Queen of Scots, expressed<br />
her appreciation for the citation and brought<br />
a big round of applause from the drive-in<br />
exhibitors and their guests when she said<br />
she vvas looking forward to attending the<br />
inaugural hall in Austin when Smith, already<br />
an announced candidate, becomes governor<br />
of Texas.<br />
Arthur received a special award for his<br />
work in planning the convention.<br />
Support for statewide efforts opposing<br />
standard time vvas voted by the exhibitors<br />
in the convention's final business session,<br />
which focused on resolutions submitted by a<br />
committee headed by Bill Slaughter. In passing<br />
this resolution on opposition to Daylight<br />
Saving Time the exhibitors were following<br />
the recommendation of Edwin Tobolowsky.<br />
TDITOA general counsel, that they align<br />
Leaders of Texas exhibition participate in ceremonies officially opening the<br />
three-daj convention held by the lexas Drive-hi I hcatre Owners .Vss'n lannary 30-<br />
February I at the Statler Hilton Hotel In Dallas. Lt. Gov. Preston Smith, a lon};-time<br />
Texas exhibitor, tut the ribbon which had bound the assembly room doors. Shown<br />
left to right at the ceremony are Wayne Long, Monahans; Eddie Joseph. Austin;<br />
Smith; Jack Arthur, Stephenville. convention chairman; M. K. McDaniel, LDI LOA<br />
president from La Marque; Jack Cole, Rosenburg, who was re-elected secretary;<br />
BiU Rau, San Antonio; Tim Ferguson, Grand Prairie, a TDITOA pasi president;<br />
Eddie Reyna, Victoria, a TDITOA director, and Alfred Pawelek. Karnes Citv.<br />
themselves with other Texas groups which<br />
have been adversely affected by six months<br />
observance of fast time. Uniied in support<br />
against Daylight Saving Time, then, the<br />
exhibitors and others can bring the problem<br />
up before the next regular session of the<br />
state<br />
legislature.<br />
Oother resolutions adopted favored:<br />
• Continued opposition to blind bidding.<br />
• Continued opposition to censorship and<br />
classification.<br />
• Five years clearance over motion pictures<br />
on television.<br />
• Continuation of technical research.<br />
• Encouragement of independent production<br />
and new production companies, specifically<br />
citing National General Pictures and<br />
Cinerama Releasing Corp.<br />
.Also discussed at the final business session<br />
was the proposal for TDITOA and Show-A-<br />
Rama, the outstanding industry conclave<br />
held annually in Kansas City by the United<br />
Motion Picture Ass'n, to have a joint convention.<br />
This proposal was assigned to a special<br />
committee for study. Also occupying the<br />
attention of exhibitors was the 1 per cent<br />
city sales tax which will become effective<br />
April 1 in around 100 Texas cities, making<br />
the sales tax 3 per cent, since those cities<br />
alrcadv<br />
tax.<br />
are collecting a 2 per cent state sales<br />
Jack Valenti, president of the Motion<br />
Picture Ass'n of America, was principal<br />
speaker at the presidential banquet (his<br />
speech was reported in last week's National<br />
Section of <strong>Boxoffice</strong>), the event being hosted<br />
by the Coca-Cola Co.<br />
On the upper dais at the banquet, in addition<br />
to Valenti and Edwin Tobolowsky, who<br />
served as toastmaster, were Mrs. Tobolowsky;<br />
Mr. and Mrs. M. K. McDaniel; Mr.<br />
and Mrs. S. K. Barry; Mr. and Mrs. Bill<br />
Slaughter; Edward Joseph, past president,<br />
TDITOA; Mr. and Mrs. Eric DeNeve; Mr.<br />
and Mrs. Jack Arthur; Mr. and Mrs. Jack<br />
Cole; Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCartney; Wilson<br />
Franklin, western area manager, the<br />
Coca-Cola Co.. Atlanta; M. G. Stephens.<br />
Dallas regional manager, Coca-Cola Co..<br />
and Mrs. Stephens, the Rev. G, C. McElyea.<br />
rector, St. Luke's Episcopal Church. Dallas,<br />
who delivered the invocation, and Mrs. Mc-<br />
Elyea.<br />
Lower dais: AI Reynolds. Bob Davis, Earl<br />
Podolnick, Tim Ferguson and Charles<br />
Weisenburg, all<br />
past presidents of TDITOA,<br />
and their wives; Lt. Governor Smith; Miss<br />
Yarnall; George Roscoe, exhibitor relations.<br />
National Ass'n of Theatre Owners; Mrs.<br />
Pegg>' Ezell; Milton Feinberg, \ ice-president<br />
and general sales manager, N;>tional Screen<br />
Service, and Mrs. Feinberg; Richard Ellman.<br />
vice-president. Feature Films Corp.; Arlie<br />
Crites, executive secretary, TDITOA, and<br />
Mrs. Crites.<br />
(Continued on next page)<br />
BOXOmCE :: Februarv 12, 1968<br />
S.K. Barry<br />
Bill<br />
New TDITOA President;<br />
Slaughter President-Elect<br />
(Continued trom preceding page)<br />
JuiKin kilkin. president of the National<br />
Ass'n of Theatre Owners, addressed the<br />
convention in another of the leaturc events<br />
— the Wednesday luncheon sponsored by the<br />
Pepsi-Cola Co. (Rifkin's speech also was<br />
reported last week in the National Section<br />
of BoxoKFitE).<br />
Sealed at the head table at the luncheon,<br />
with Bill Slaughter presiding, were Clyde<br />
Rentbetl. MI'A; Robin Wighlnian. .Arkansas<br />
TO.'\: Leo Greenlield. vice-president and<br />
general sales manager. Cinerama Releasing<br />
Corp.: Jack Arthur, convention chairman;<br />
Pete Sassasa and Ben Mayfield. Pepsi-Cola<br />
Co.; I-dvvin Tobolowsky; M. K. McDaniel;<br />
Samuel Arkoff, board chairr.ian, American<br />
International Pictures: Bill Slaughter; Julian<br />
Rifkii;: Earl Podolnick; Mrs. Thomas: Morris<br />
l.elko. vice-president and general sales<br />
man:iger, MGM; John H. Rowley; Richard<br />
B. Graff, vice-president and general sales<br />
manai'cr. National General Pictures; Rabbi<br />
Levi Ola, Temple Emanu-EI. who deliveretl<br />
ihe invocation; Walter Morgan; Milton Feinberg:<br />
r. Heard, Tri-State Theatre Owners:<br />
lim Cook. He;irt of .America: Bob Siever.<br />
exec'.itive vice-president. Cinema Distributors<br />
of America. Mobile. Ala., and Richard<br />
Ellman, Feature Film Corp.<br />
Earl Podolnick. president of Trans-Texas<br />, presided at the Wednesday aftcrniH>n<br />
session. "Exhibitors .Meet Your Distributors."<br />
Important trailers for new products were<br />
screened for the registrants ai the Towci<br />
Thealie Thursday morning. Hospitality<br />
hours in trade exhibitors suites concluded the<br />
Thursday afternoon activities, preceding the<br />
presi.lenlial<br />
banquet.<br />
Ihirty-twi) Industry films had booths in<br />
ihe trade shiiw which \vas ,ipen from 11<br />
...m I'niil 5 p.m. Tuesday. 9 a.m. until<br />
5 p.m. Wednesday and until 2 p.m. Thursday.<br />
Donors for the door prize and souvenirs<br />
at various convention events included<br />
Carbons. Inc.: the Coca-Cola Co.; Dr Pepper<br />
Co.: General Paint: Modern Sales &<br />
Service; National Carbon Co.; the Pepsi-<br />
Cola Co.; RC -A Service Co.; Ringsdorfl<br />
Carlwn €>.'. and the Wrigley Co.<br />
.Among winners of ihese many door prizes<br />
were; Bill Rau, San .Anionio. six Reed drivein<br />
speakers: Ann Ferguson, Grand Prairie,<br />
a portable cooler; Eddie Joseph, Austin, six<br />
"M" drive-in speakers. Modern Sales & Service:<br />
Morry Relder, transistor radio. Lorraine<br />
Carb-ins, J. J. Rodriquez. Auto Vista Drivein,<br />
Grand Prainc. six Reed drivc-in speakers;<br />
Bernard Bragcr. Paranioiinl exchange<br />
manager, Dallas, raincoat: J. C. McCrary,<br />
20th Century-Fox. Dallas, Dr Pepper ice kit.<br />
Audie Murphy's Brother<br />
( FI INA. IF\ — Joe Preston Murphy,<br />
.12. a policeman in Frisco, Tex., and identified<br />
by stale ptilice as a brother of movie<br />
star and World War II<br /> killed in a car-truck collision.<br />
hero Audie Murphy.<br />
lexas I.t. (iov. Prestoii Smith, left,<br />
presents a special pla(|ue to Bill W illiams.<br />
rclirin)! chief barker :iriety aniii\cTsar\ luncheon<br />
held ill coiijiiiu'tiiin with the Texas<br />
I)ri\e-lii I heat re Owners Ass'n convention<br />
at the Slatler Hilton Hotel, Williams<br />
received the plaque for "Outstanding<br />
Club Leadership" durin(> his<br />
two terms as chief barker.<br />
Convention<br />
Highlights<br />
Mr-. S. K. Barry, chairinan of the "Gala<br />
Events for the Girls" program, and her committee<br />
were congratulated by .ill participants<br />
on the success of their efforts. The Wednesday<br />
afternoon sherry bingo party attracted<br />
76 players who competed for 43 prizes,<br />
which were largely imports trom Mexico.<br />
Mrs. Barry was especially pleased with the<br />
reaction of the ladies to the one prize she<br />
hand't purchased herself—a fuchsia feathered<br />
hat and a matching straw bag, these two<br />
items being bought by her husband on his<br />
recent trip across the border as an addition<br />
to the ladies'<br />
prizes.<br />
Mrs. Margaret Weschiisen. Winchester,<br />
Mass.. won a .Mexican bean poi and the<br />
Texas ladies were quick to tell her how luscious<br />
black beans would be cooked in this<br />
pol. Since black beans are a delicacy not<br />
readily available in the conventional New<br />
England supermarket. Mrs. Weschusen"s<br />
Texas friends arc going to send her a liberal<br />
supply from Texas.<br />
Among other prize winners were: Kay<br />
Scott, Odessa; Shirley Parrack. Dallas;<br />
[•,mma Rau, San Antonio: Lola McDaniel.<br />
La Marque; Charlotte Small. Dallas: Betty<br />
Welch, Dallas, and Bobbie Cole, Rosenberg.<br />
Some of the prizes were Mexican<br />
aprons, salad bowl sets. hags, perfume and<br />
numerous Mexican handicraft items. One<br />
U.S. -made gift was a summer Collins tote<br />
bag, this gift being suggested by another<br />
exhioitor husband. Bill Rau of San .Antonio.<br />
Who savs men don't know how to shop for<br />
women'.'<br />
.Another highlv popular event arranged by<br />
.Mrs. Barry and her committee was the ladies<br />
brunch in the Zodiac Room. Neiman Marcus,<br />
on Thursday morning, with Associated<br />
Popcorn Distributors as the sponsor.<br />
* * *<br />
Celeste Yarnail, the Hollywood starlet,<br />
was scheduled io arrive in Dallas at 4 p.m.<br />
Wednesday but her plane was delayed by<br />
engine trouble. Still she arrived in time to<br />
be a most welcome guest at<br />
the evening's<br />
cocktail party. She appeared at the party<br />
looking beautiful, young and vivacious in<br />
a i;iini-skirted dress and won the hearts of<br />
all the guests. Miss Yarnail was in Dallas<br />
in behalf of her first leaturc film. "Eve,"<br />
which is being distributed through Dai-Art<br />
in ihc Texas territory. She returned to Los<br />
Angeles following the convention to appear<br />
on ABC-TV's Wide World of Sports,<br />
presenting trophies at the Pamona Beach<br />
races Saturday and Sunday.<br />
* :S :;:<br />
Jack .Arthur proved to be such a witty<br />
speaker that he nearly stole the show from<br />
the professional entertainer. The chimpanzee<br />
Chcc Chee. in Dallas in conjunction with the<br />
opening of "Doctor Dolittlc" at the Wilshire<br />
Theatre, was brought to the convention for a<br />
few minutes. Jack was at the mike introducing<br />
Tony Gentry, the chimpanzee's trainer,<br />
when Chee Chec reached out with a long<br />
arm and drew Jack over and kissed him on<br />
the cheek, which brought a big hand and<br />
laughter from the audience. Jack came back<br />
with: "I'm still country boy enough to get a<br />
kick (Mit ot ;i kiss—even from a monkey."<br />
* * *<br />
Associated Popcorn received many favorable<br />
comments on the attractive presentation<br />
of its merchandise, which stretched from one<br />
end of its area of the exhibit hall to the<br />
other. Associated Popcorn, Bill Cravens<br />
Concession Supplies. Coca-Cola. Pepsi-Cola<br />
and Dr Pepper booths were serving refreshments<br />
constantly and many extra calories<br />
were consumed by registrants through the<br />
generosity of these popular boothholders.<br />
* * *<br />
Industry companies with booths at the<br />
convention expressed themselves as greatly<br />
impicvsed and pleased with the nu;nber of<br />
new people in the industry who showed genuine<br />
inierest in their displayed products.<br />
Even though these firms have dealer-exhibitor<br />
good will relations in mind when the\<br />
contract for a booth, they arc most appreciative<br />
when a visiting exhibitor takes time<br />
to investigate their wares deeply enough to<br />
buy. This interest on the par; of the registrants<br />
is appreciated by the Texas Drive-ln<br />
Theatre Owners Ass'n,<br />
too.<br />
* * *<br />
The young ladies assisting the various film<br />
exchanges in the promotion of their pictures<br />
also deserve much credit in keeping<br />
interest at a high pilch. During the "Snack<br />
With Exhibitors"" hour, the Girls in the Gold<br />
Boots entertained guests with a dance on top<br />
(Continued on page SW-4J<br />
SW-2 BOXOFFICE :: Februarv 12. 1968
another<br />
innovation by<br />
Still<br />
^^<br />
An entirely<br />
self-contained<br />
solid state<br />
sound system<br />
For the first time — a 2 projector professional sound system has been<br />
built into a 35mm reproducer to give all the features of wall-mounted<br />
theatre amplification equipment.<br />
The Century Model 67 Sound System is a marriage between<br />
the recently announced ANAPFET (in itself an innovation,<br />
wedding the concept of the anamorphic lens with the photosensitive,<br />
field effect transistor) and the most modern<br />
techniques in silicon transistor amplifiers. The result is a<br />
truly compact, self-contained optical sound system, with<br />
fidelity that surpasses everything to date. A brief rundown<br />
of the features is convincing:<br />
1. All silicon solid state components.<br />
2. Power Output: 12 watts RMS (40 watts peak power.)<br />
3. Operates right from 1 10-120V, 50-60 Hz line.<br />
4. Overall hum and noise 75Db below maximum output<br />
power.<br />
5. Distortion: less than 1%.<br />
6. Frequency Response: Standard theatre characteristics.<br />
7. Independent Bass and Treble Controls.<br />
8. Changeover from either projector.<br />
9. Volume controls in each reproducer.<br />
10. Connections for external monitor speaker.<br />
1 1. Amplifier operates directly from ANAPFET.<br />
12. DC exciter lamp supply in exciter lamp compartment<br />
in each sound reproducer.<br />
The Century Model 67 Sound System may be used in regular<br />
theatres and, with additional higher power amplifiers such<br />
as the Century JRD-100, in larger theatres and drive-ins.<br />
It warrants your attention!<br />
Century's recent innovations are many and diverse. Make note<br />
of them - they spell out the superiority of Century equipment:<br />
CINE-FOCUS — perfect picture stability! Complete control<br />
of the film in projection.<br />
UVIR-2'-'Band Pass Light Filters-remove high energy uv<br />
and hot Infra Red — minimum light loss — perfect for black<br />
and white, and color reproduction.<br />
MODEL 67 SOUND SYSTEM -a compact, solid state<br />
sound system for regular theatres and semi-portable sound<br />
reproduction, self-contained in 35mm projectors, with an unbelievable<br />
75Db signal to noise ratio.<br />
ANAPFETphotosensitive.fieid-effect transistor— now the<br />
heart of all Century transistor sound systems — unparalleled<br />
optical sound pick-up from single and multi-channel sound<br />
tracks.<br />
MULTI-CHANNEL SOUND SYSTEMS - aii-transistor -<br />
low noise level — high quality — "permanent" — the choice<br />
of leading first-run theatre circuits<br />
35mm-70mm CENTURY PROJECTORS — better than<br />
ever, giving you and your customers standard film projection<br />
that excels in every respect.<br />
Investigate these Century "refinements" — they spell the difference between<br />
"the everyday" and a new world of excitement in film presentation.<br />
See your Century Dealer — or write:<br />
New York, N.Y. 10019<br />
Hardin Theatre Supply Co.<br />
714 South Hampfon Roail<br />
Doltos, Texas 75211<br />
Oklahoma Theatre Supply Co.<br />
628 West Grand Ave.<br />
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102<br />
Modem Sales & Service, Inc.<br />
2200 Young Street<br />
Doilas, Texas 75201<br />
BOXOFFICE :: February 12, 1968 SW-3
DALLAS<br />
T ou V\allcrs of Lou Walters Sales & Service<br />
hought hi^ wile a new car for her birthday<br />
Saturday (3) and they left the next<br />
morning for Phoenix. Lou said he intended<br />
to lake in a lot of the Sun City's sunshine<br />
lo kill all ihe liu germs which have been<br />
hover ng around him lately.<br />
\N().\1I'I I'rcmicrvMes assisted durmg Ihe<br />
7exas Drjve-ln Theatre Owners .Ass'n convention<br />
at the Statler Hilton Hotel by taking<br />
up tickets during the various lunctions. The<br />
and WOMPI Cknvnettes were<br />
Premiercttes<br />
on h.\nd at Inlerslate's Wilshirc Theatre<br />
Thursday night (1) when the southwest pre-<br />
lo gel in Ihe<br />
As a screen game,<br />
HOLLYWOOD tokesfop<br />
honors. As a box-office attraction,<br />
it is without equal. It has<br />
been a favorite with theatre goers for<br />
over 15 yeori. Write today for complete details.<br />
Be sure to give seating or car capocity/<br />
1730 Ooklon Sr. Skokic, lllinoli<br />
TtSVP<br />
—r MERCHANTS<br />
«N0 TOP<br />
ALWAYS<br />
orr YOUR<br />
TtAILIRS<br />
FROM<br />
riLMACK<br />
faiktd full Ol Salt, Aid%<br />
L M A C<br />
F I<br />
IMS «. WabMh. OiIcmo, IIL tOdOS<br />
putli Cheshire of Amarillo will be the<br />
Texas Panhandle and Plains <strong>Boxoffice</strong><br />
correspondent. She asks cooperation from<br />
area theatremen for future news items. Her<br />
address is 4605 Br\an 791 10—or telephone<br />
355-1291.<br />
Cinema Western Flaza. a theatre under<br />
construction here, is trying for an cpeninj;<br />
date of March 5. It is the first dc luxe indoor<br />
theatre to he built here in more than<br />
15 years. Thus far Amarillo docs not have<br />
a theatre equipped with 7()mm projection<br />
;intl liic new theatre will not ha\'c it either.<br />
J. J. Cheshire, projectionist at the Paramount<br />
Theatre, and S. F. Patterson, business<br />
agent for the newly chartered Lubbock<br />
Local 903, lATSE. had a visit here. Patterson<br />
told Cheshire that Local 903 members<br />
are very enthusiastic about their new organization<br />
and have great plans for its growth.<br />
Patterson's wife Betty, who also is a member<br />
ol<br />
Local 903, accompanied him to .Amarillo.<br />
The new south side of the Tascosa Drivein<br />
has been cut hack to weekends only since<br />
ihe Christmas holidays, but plans are to reiLirn<br />
lO fulllime soon. The north side is still<br />
. . .<br />
running fulitime. This same policy is followed<br />
at the Twin Drive-In The indoor<br />
Tex-Art and the Trail Drive-ln, the only<br />
local theatres with an art policy although<br />
iindci different ownerships, have continued<br />
through the winter with full-time operations.<br />
.Sam Chernoff is owner of the Tex-.Art and<br />
the Trail is operated by Bearden and Doyle.<br />
Glenn Richardson of the City Auditorium<br />
is on a two-week leave of absence to take<br />
part in Marine maneuvers at Camp Pendleton,<br />
Francis Hardwick, a partner<br />
Calif. . . .<br />
with Commonwealth-Frontier in the Star.<br />
Texas and Tower theatres at Hereford, attended<br />
the Texas Drive-In Theatre Owners<br />
Ass'n convention in Dallas. Hardwick also<br />
attended the orientation session the merged<br />
circuits held for Frontier managers in<br />
.Mbuquerque, N.M.<br />
George Wright, manager of Lubbock's<br />
Winchester TTieatre. reported he will run<br />
"Cionc With the Wind" 12 to 16 weeks. Thus<br />
. . . Gerald<br />
far he has been playing the 7()mm feature<br />
SRO at every performance<br />
Martin. Hereford, owner of the local flying<br />
service here, has been chosen by United<br />
Artists to be one of the pilots involved in<br />
filming of "The Battle of Britain," which<br />
re-creates World War II havoc. Martin is<br />
now in Spain on location.<br />
Wallace Walthall Closes Long-Run<br />
Engagement at Dallas NSS Branch<br />
i^i<br />
DALLAS—On January 15 the final curtain<br />
fell on the long-run engagement at National<br />
Screen Service<br />
of Wallace Walthall,<br />
special home office<br />
representative.<br />
__^ .1 Many employes re-<br />
T' 'y<br />
tire at 65 but Walthall<br />
Wallace Walthall<br />
was so vivacious and<br />
active in so many film<br />
industry interests that<br />
he was held over for<br />
an extended run of another<br />
22 years, the<br />
longest holdover record<br />
HI the history of the company. Walthall,<br />
however, claims he's not even retiring now.<br />
merely going on the inactive list as a reward<br />
lor his long service.<br />
During that lengthy tenure he held the<br />
franchise for National Screen Service in Oklahoma<br />
City while operating Enterprise Disiribuling<br />
Corp.. an independent film exchange,<br />
for approximately ten vears.<br />
Jan. I. 1931. Walthall established the Dallas<br />
NSS branch and has been there ever<br />
since. One of his greatest pleasures through<br />
the 37 years intervening since the opening<br />
of the exchange has been greeting and congratulating<br />
branch managers, .sales managers<br />
and home office executives, not only from<br />
NSS but from many other industry firms,<br />
many of whom started their film industry<br />
connections under his supervision. Naturally<br />
he is very proud of all these associates who<br />
have made good in the industry.<br />
He has enjoyed a very pleasant association<br />
with James Prichard. the present Dallas<br />
NSS manager, not only during Prichard's affiliation<br />
with the company but also during<br />
many years of service on Dallas Filmrow<br />
and in the work of Variety Tent 17.<br />
Wa'lhall is a charter mem'ocr of Tent 17<br />
and served as delegate to two Variety International<br />
conventions held abroad. He enjoys<br />
,1 reputation for an affluent vocabulary<br />
and has served as toast master for many<br />
Variety events. Recently he served on Variety's<br />
heart committee, calling on shut-ins and<br />
cheenng them \\ith tokens of love and interest<br />
from Tent 17 barkers.<br />
Pricliard and all NSS employes in Dallas<br />
invited Walthall to a brief get-to-gether<br />
Thursilay. January 25, at which time, amid<br />
laiighlcr and tears,<br />
he was gi\en a very fine<br />
parting gift.<br />
Wahhall will celebrate his 87th birthday<br />
March 12 at his home, 6407 Kenwood Ave.,<br />
Dallas (75214). He wishes to extend greetings<br />
to all of his friends in show business<br />
everywhere and hopes to see them again<br />
soon. Lie would love to hear from his friends<br />
from time to lime (which is v/hy we have<br />
provided his home address here) and every<br />
card and letter he receives will<br />
help contribute<br />
jo\' to his leisure hours.<br />
Car Speakers Are Stolen<br />
At Athens, Tex., Airer<br />
ATHENS. TEX.— Eight .speakers, valued<br />
at $5.50 each, were stolen from the Trail<br />
Drive-In, according to Athens police. Cliff<br />
Turner, owner of the outdoor theatre, discovered<br />
the loss of the aluminum speakers<br />
when he checked the grounds after a Monday<br />
night show.<br />
Turner said that the speakers had been<br />
forcibly pulled from the posts and estimated<br />
that repairs and replacements would cost<br />
around S70.<br />
Structural Steel Ordered<br />
For Cleveland Theatres<br />
CLEVELAND. TEX. — Structural<br />
steel<br />
has been ordered for building the Te.xas Theatre<br />
in downtown Cleveland, a spokesman<br />
for Ovsen Properties told<br />
the Cleveland .Advocate.<br />
The circuit, which operates several theatres<br />
in Texas, plans to open the new Cleveland<br />
house this spring.
lJarr> McKeiiiia, Screen GuiUI Protluclions.<br />
planed to New Orleans Friday (2) to<br />
attend a sales meeting for American Internaiioiial<br />
Picture^ home office executives and<br />
sales chiefs from the South and Midwest.<br />
Die meetings ran Irom February 1-6 at the<br />
Roososelt Hotel, the first three days bemj;<br />
for AIR sales representatives in the southern<br />
area. McKenna attended the second threeday<br />
session, opening Sunday (4). for Midwest<br />
representatives. Don Grierson. .Ml'<br />
Dallas exchange manager, also was present<br />
at the conferences at which Leon P. Blender.<br />
\IP \ ice-presidcnt and general sales manager,<br />
presided.<br />
In an item in BoxohFit k. svc reported thai<br />
Frank Rule. OC sales manager for Oklahoma<br />
City, was being transferred to New<br />
Orleans as the company's exchange manager.<br />
We failed to report that his wife Annette,<br />
who had been operating an employment<br />
agency in Oklahoma City, will accompany<br />
him—having sold her interest in the<br />
agency to her partner. We wish the Rules<br />
much success in their new assignment in<br />
N'eu Orleans.<br />
At the 5(llh aiiiii^i-rsurj celebration of<br />
IATSF: and .MI'.MO Local 51.1 in Tulsa January<br />
.S. gold cards were presented to Alex<br />
Blue, long-time exhibitor in Tulsa, formerly<br />
of the Admiral Twin Drive-In and now<br />
of the New Village Theatre: J. C. Duncan,<br />
long-time city manager in Tulsa for Video<br />
Independent Theatres, and Frank Piro. present<br />
secretary and past president of Local<br />
513 and also a member and past secretary<br />
of Local 354. The presentations were made<br />
by lATSE international vice-president Edward<br />
J. Miller, who also is business agent<br />
for Houston Local 279 and secretarv of the<br />
FINFR<br />
Ask Your Supply Dealer or Write<br />
]« Sarah Drtv* Fomlna
Over 2 million mentally<br />
retarded people hold jobs.<br />
What's the world coming to?<br />
It's getting better.<br />
But it's still not good enough<br />
There are still too many retarded<br />
people doing nothing-and costing<br />
?he public millions for their care^<br />
There are still too many employers<br />
who don't realize that the<br />
mentally retarded can holdjobs<br />
that wouldn't interest mo^t people<br />
at all. Jobs like messengers, gar-<br />
deners, truck loaders, stock clerks.<br />
And the mentally retarded take<br />
more pride in their work^often<br />
have better attendance records because<br />
thev like what they re doing.<br />
In fact.'if placed in jobs for which<br />
they are qualified by special trainng<br />
85 % of the six million mentally<br />
reurded can help support themselves<br />
and become productive, efficient<br />
workers. ..<br />
, ,<br />
Many employers don't knovv this<br />
vet. Someone ought to tell thenn.<br />
And for your own information,<br />
semi for a ?ree booklet. Wnte^o<br />
the President's Commit tee .^^is^<br />
on Mental Retardation, Kg;<br />
Washington, D. C.<br />
^-^<br />
SW-7<br />
BOXOFTICE :: February 12. 1968
in<br />
Finr Run Rtporti)<br />
Festival to Retrace Film History<br />
—Beginning With Edison's<br />
he history ol moiion<br />
pictures from the beginning to the present<br />
Jay will be illustrated in a unique series of<br />
programs under the title of '"Celebrating<br />
With Cinema" February 14 and 15 in Thiry<br />
Auditorium at Our l.ady of the Lake College.<br />
The Cinema Festival at the College will<br />
he presented in three parts, each tracing<br />
ihe development from infancy to full-bIo«n<br />
maiurit\ of the various aspects of the movie<br />
mdustry. At 1 p.m. Wednesda) (14) OLL<br />
students and guests will get the first view of<br />
the series, showing the original experimental<br />
films produced h\ Thomas Edison in IS9.'^<br />
and such titles as "The Kiss." "Pullman<br />
Hone\nioon." and "Life of an American<br />
Fireman." This section will also include<br />
modern expcrimenlals by students and lowbudget<br />
individual filmmakers.<br />
At 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, the audience<br />
will be treated to "The Great Train Robbery,"<br />
forerunner of all the cops-and-robbers<br />
pictures shown so enthusiastically in<br />
movies today. Filmed by Fdwin .S. Porter<br />
m 19().\ this was the first film that attempted<br />
to tell a story and was quiclky followed<br />
by other innovations.<br />
D. W. Griffith produced such classics as<br />
The Lonedale Operator" and "Birth of a<br />
.Nation." both of which will he lealured.<br />
Kiss<br />
showing the then-revolutionary use of<br />
close-ups and careful editing. Mary Picklord<br />
and Lionel Barrymore are the stars of<br />
another Griffith master melodrama. "The<br />
New York Hat."<br />
The golden era of the flickers is aptly<br />
represented by names that still bring a thrill<br />
10 the hearts of movie buffs. The showing<br />
will feature such greats as Rudolph Valentino<br />
in excerpts from "Son of the Sheik"<br />
and "Blood and Sand": Mae West in "I'm<br />
No Angel" and Charles Chaplin in "The<br />
Vagabond."<br />
"The Coming of Sound" introduces the<br />
festival for Thursday (15) at 7:30 p.m.<br />
Sound, as we know it today, first reached<br />
eager audiences in 1927 and made a winner<br />
of Al Jolson's "The Jazz Singer." Excerpts<br />
from this movie will be featured, as well as<br />
a screening of Rene Clair's "Entr'acte."<br />
Documentaries, the depression babies<br />
horn of hard times and the urge to influence<br />
public opinion, are screened to show their<br />
development on an international basis.<br />
The experimental films will also receive<br />
coverage in depth along with the avantgarde<br />
prt)duclions.<br />
Admission price for the entire festival<br />
will be $2 for adults, $1 for students.<br />
Single event prices are $1 and 50 cents.<br />
—<br />
—<br />
—<br />
'Graduate,' 'GWTW<br />
Gain in Minneapolis<br />
MINNEAPOLIS — "Firccrcck," the<br />
James Stewart-Henry Fonda western, had<br />
the newcomer category all to ilseit' and talhed<br />
an okay 150 at the Stale Theatre. Moviegoing<br />
continued to be ardently pursued here,<br />
all houses chalking up average or better<br />
grosses. There was only one .heatrc reporting<br />
"only a\erage." The big money-winner,<br />
as it has been almost every week since it hit<br />
town, again was "Gone With the Wind."<br />
which moved from a previously reported<br />
375 to 400 at the Cooper Cinerama. "The<br />
Graduate" also gained grossing ground,<br />
climbing from a 275 to a 300. Word-ofmouili<br />
has been tremendous for both, the<br />
more mature moviegoer favoring "GWTW"<br />
while "Graduate" has been luring throngs m<br />
the 17-27 bracket. "Fitzwilly." which despite<br />
weak runs at many other spots took off at<br />
Cinema II, closed out a scven-ueek run with<br />
a 200. The cut-off was to meet a firm opening<br />
date for the upcoming attraction. Elsewhere,<br />
grosses held mosll\ lirm or rellected<br />
only marginal declines.<br />
(Average Is 100)<br />
Academy Cometot (WB-7A), 1 3th wk 200<br />
Cinema n— Fitzwilly (UA), 7th wk 200<br />
Cooper Cinerama Gone With the Wind (MGM),<br />
12th wk 400<br />
Gopher The Wiclced Dreoms of Paula Schultz<br />
(UA), 2nd wk 150<br />
Lyric Wait Until Derk (WB-7A), 7th wk 200<br />
Mann Doctor Dolittle (20th-Fox), 2nd wk 230<br />
Orpheum Valley ot the Dolls (20th-Fox), 7th wk. 200<br />
Park Cinerama Far From the Madding Crowd<br />
(MGM), 7th wk 135<br />
State Firecreek (WB-7A) 150<br />
Suburban World How I Won the Wor (UA),<br />
3rd wk 100<br />
World The Graduate (Embassy), 7th wk 300<br />
"Gone With the Wind' 300<br />
At Omaha Indian Hills<br />
OMAH.A—The big boxofficc attraction<br />
continued to be "Gone With the Wind" as<br />
the revitalized classic again scored 300 at the<br />
Indian Hills Cinerama Theatre—the 12tli<br />
week it has rung the bell at that point or on<br />
.! higher level. Other offerings generally did<br />
well, "The Sand Pebbles," in an area rerun,<br />
holding strong in a third week at the Omaha.<br />
Admiral The Cobra (AlP) 120<br />
Cooper Camelot (WB-7A), 11th wk 130<br />
Dundee Far From the Madding Crowd (MGM),<br />
2nd wk 150<br />
Indian Hills Gone With the Wind (MGM),<br />
12th wk<br />
Orpheum The President's Analyst (Para),<br />
300<br />
2nd wk 105<br />
Jerry Parker, 40, Dies;<br />
Commonwealth Manager<br />
SCOTTSBLUFF, NEB.—Rites for Jerry<br />
H. Parker, 40, Commonwealth Theatres city<br />
manager, who died in his home here Monday<br />
(5), were held in the Sage Funeral Home<br />
at Goodland. Kas.. Thursday (S).<br />
A native of Goodland. he was empkned<br />
in various managerial posts with Commonwealth<br />
after serving two years in the Navy.<br />
He was active in Elks and Lions clubs and<br />
the Chamber of Commerce since moving<br />
here from North Platte two years ago.<br />
He leaves his wife Helena: two children<br />
Jeralyn, 14, and Curtis, 12; his lather Harold<br />
B. Parker. Goodland: a brother James<br />
of Philadelphia and his grandmother Delia<br />
Braun of Goodland.<br />
MACO's New Cinema International<br />
Preparing for Grand Forks Debut<br />
GRANO FORKS. N.D.—With the North<br />
Oakolii premiere of "Camelot," Minnesota<br />
.Amusement Co.'s just-completed Cinema International<br />
here, begins its career Tuesday<br />
(20) as a motion picture theatre.<br />
Robert H. Thill, managing director, has<br />
set the first performance as a benefit for the<br />
North Dakota Heart Fund. The house is described<br />
by MACO officials as the "showcase"<br />
of its upper Midwest chain .iiid the<br />
linest theatre in the Dakotas and outside ol<br />
the Twin Cities, in Minnesota.<br />
Three other units already exist in downtown<br />
Grand Forks. They are the Empire.<br />
Dakota and the Fox. MACO officers emphasize<br />
that the Cinema IntCi national will<br />
be catering to moviegoers from throughout<br />
the Niirth Dakota-northwestern Minnesotasouthern<br />
Manitoba area and most often will<br />
be presenting hard-ticket productions.<br />
For that reason, they stress, they do not<br />
I eel the new theatre will have a depressing<br />
effect on the trio of current houses. The<br />
Empire, next to Cinema International, is the<br />
newest of the existing houses—and it marks<br />
its 50th anniversary this year. Like the other<br />
theatres, of course, it has been modernized<br />
severrl times during its half-century history.<br />
Thill and Clifford L. Knoll, the theatre<br />
advertising and promotion director, are mapping<br />
plans for theatre parties for visitors<br />
from as far away as Bismarck, Minot, Fargo<br />
North Central NATO<br />
Reviews Adult Films<br />
MINNEAPOLLS—Call it "conditioning"<br />
or "preparations" or "softening 'em up," but<br />
with today's screen frankness, audiences<br />
have to be preconditioned to much ol<br />
today's<br />
product.<br />
Thai's the consensus of directors ol<br />
NATO of the North Central .States, who<br />
discussed the perils of exhibiting some of<br />
the current Hollywood offerings. It was generally<br />
agreed that the proper handling of<br />
product can do much to prevent the stresses<br />
and strains that can develop for neighborhood<br />
theatres, smaller community houses<br />
and e\en those showcases In large cities,<br />
when some of today's "realistic" films are<br />
put on the screen.<br />
In their discussion, the direciors lashioned<br />
these guidelines:<br />
In presenting previews of coming attractions,<br />
lake into consideration the audience to<br />
whicii the pre\iews will be shown. If chil<br />
dren or a familv audience, eliminate trailei^<br />
of films unsuitable for such audiences. (The<br />
Tentelino circuit, for example, unreels NO<br />
previews at any children's matinees.)<br />
For "adult films," advertise them as such,<br />
set an age limit for attendance—and then<br />
enforce it. Exhibitors are advised to insist<br />
upon "readable" type for this information<br />
in their newspaper advertising.<br />
In a one-theatre town, precede or follow<br />
and Winnipeg. II the thealie-parly program<br />
clicks, they expect such groups to remain in<br />
Grand Forks for a day or so. thus benefiting<br />
hotels, motels, restaurants and other<br />
entertainment spots, not to mention local<br />
merchants.<br />
The new theatre will pursue a policy of<br />
presenting onl>' major roadshows, up until<br />
now unavailable in markets like Grand<br />
Forks for a year or two after they are shown<br />
in major centers. Newspaper ads in Grand<br />
Forks long have proclaimed of such roadshow<br />
attractions "It's Worth i Trip to Minneapolis!"<br />
Now it's expected such attractions<br />
will average three months each at the Cinema<br />
International.<br />
"Camek>t," observed the MACO officials,<br />
is in major markets across the nation.<br />
The new theatre will have parking space<br />
for more than 400 cars. The gold-draped<br />
interior has 560 deep-foam cushion chairs<br />
with ample "stretch-out" room between<br />
rows. All seats for all attractions will be on<br />
a resei ved-seat, single-price basis. .Seats may<br />
be purchased in advance or tickets may be<br />
bought at the indoor boxoffice at the time<br />
of the showing.<br />
at<br />
It's not unlikely, say Thill and Knoll, that<br />
times the entire house or major blocks ot<br />
seats will be purchased in advance for parties.<br />
The screen is proportioned for 70mm,<br />
CinemaScope and the other king-sized screen<br />
productions.<br />
ihe adult lilm's run with a family or chililren's<br />
picture. Many situations in this area<br />
follow a policy of preceding and following<br />
the adult film with family tare.<br />
The directors did not condemn the trend,<br />
but said it might take some "getting used to."<br />
Remodeled Elite Theatre<br />
Reopens in Laurens, Iowa<br />
LAURENS. IOWA— liie Elite, operated<br />
by the Laurens Theatre Corp., has reopened<br />
here after being closed about three weeks<br />
for remodeling. .A faulty furnace, which<br />
blew soot throughout the building, forced<br />
the hmise to shut down.<br />
A new furnace has been installed, the<br />
lobby remodeled and the auditorium repainted.<br />
The theatre corporation constructed<br />
:'. new concession stand and ticket booth,<br />
while the Fathers Ahlers Knights of Columbu.=.<br />
Council, which owns and leases the<br />
building, ilid<br />
the other work.<br />
(such a low price...<br />
you never saw -n your life)<br />
Motion Picture Service Co. ~<br />
1 25 Hyde St.<br />
San Francisco. Call(..Cerai(J L Karski.Pres.<br />
BOXOFTICE :: February 12, 1968 NC-1
There<br />
H tin BIyth arrived in St. Paul (4) lo Marl<br />
K-hcarsals lor the Civic Opera production<br />
ol "Kiss Me Kate." She told the press<br />
she "admires Shirley Temple Black's courage<br />
very much" but has no intentions of entering<br />
politics herself; that movies remain her favorite<br />
performing medium but has none in<br />
the ofling; thai today's screen emphasis on<br />
violeni;e ami sex holds no .ipp^ to her; that<br />
she's might happy as a normal Hollywood<br />
wile .ind<br />
mother.<br />
Din id Levy's The Oiildoorsman" (he's<br />
the distnbutpi ol ihis hunting-fishing film<br />
produced bv a Twin Cilian) has been going<br />
. .<br />
great guns across the territory. Its stronij<br />
Twin Ciiies dates were followed by heftv<br />
runs in smaller communities across the area<br />
Naie Naihanson. 20th Century-Fox<br />
central division manager, was in town for<br />
brand) huddles.<br />
Thej may put revolving doors on the<br />
Universal branch offices. No sooner did<br />
branch chief Roy Miller return from his<br />
company's sales conclave in New Orleans,<br />
than salesman Kenny Adams departed on .1<br />
Moriili'<br />
vacation.<br />
.\lsneymakers<br />
and they're both clean as a whistle.<br />
The whole family can enjoy both pictures.<br />
"Then there was "My Fair Lady' and<br />
Thoroughly Modern Millie.' also completel\<br />
unohieclionable and due for high grosses,<br />
('anielot' at the Towne Theatre, I'm sure<br />
i^ill make the cash box sing and Walt<br />
llisney's 'The Happiest Millionaire' at the<br />
( apitol Court Theatre, will take in millions.<br />
\nd, coming this month to the Strand, is<br />
mother delightfully clean movie, "Doctor<br />
nolittlc." which is destined to outgross the<br />
nudes.<br />
"Is not that the sort of motion picture<br />
entertainment the vast majority of film fans<br />
le.illv vv.inl' II not. how do you explain<br />
their great boxoffice interest".'"" Herzog<br />
asks.<br />
As for ""nudism" and sensationalism in<br />
pictures, Herzog says: "Hardly a day goes<br />
by that we don't read of some big star disrobing<br />
in a new movie. Even Rock Hudson,<br />
a big boxoffice draw, shed his clothing in<br />
Seconds." which wound up a big flop.<br />
It's "art." he says the producers claim, in<br />
descriring disrobing in celluloid. To which<br />
he savs. "Bunk I used to be a way<br />
of handling such matters by off-screen references<br />
or polite fadeouts. But now the socalled<br />
'art" films take us not onl> into the<br />
bedroom, but into the bed."<br />
He admits such pictures as "Bonnie and<br />
Clyde. Point Blank." "The Professionals,"<br />
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf'.'," "The<br />
Graduate." and Blow-Up." to name a few<br />
on the seamy side, did and will do well at<br />
Ihe boxoffice. 'But there's nothing quite<br />
as gratifying to the producer as the familystyle<br />
entertainment.""<br />
Says Herzog: ""Lately. I've been confronted<br />
with another criterion indicating<br />
that the honeymoon for the nudies is over.<br />
Very often when the title of a new picture<br />
is mentioned, there is the critical observation<br />
made by someone in the conversation,<br />
that in effect, it's another one of those<br />
naked affairs. It's brushed off as 'old hat.' "<br />
He concludes with the thought that exhibitionism<br />
on the screen is failing, and<br />
adds that the producers who think otherwise<br />
should study the red and black ink of<br />
films released last year. "All the nude shots<br />
and sensationalism in the recent "Reflections<br />
in a Ciolden Eye." plus Elizabeth Taylor and<br />
Marlon Brando in co-starring roles, couldn't<br />
save that one from laying a big egg!"<br />
^r. and Mrs. Henry H. McKinnies of<br />
suburban River Hills have been notified<br /> their son. actor Jeffrey Hunter. 41.<br />
arrived at the Los Angeles airport from Lonilon.<br />
He and British actress Sally Ann<br />
Howes. 37. say they will be wed soon.<br />
Qiiarlerback Bart Starr of ihe Green Bay<br />
P.ickcis will go before the cameras in April<br />
to make his acting debut. His first stint will<br />
he a segment of the TV series "Gentle Ben."<br />
James .Santulli, former production manager<br />
.It WISC-TV. Madison, was named<br />
production director for ihe newly formed<br />
Huff & Waterman, a film production company.<br />
A civil rights group here has asked the<br />
state equal rights division to warn law enforcement<br />
departments about the film.<br />
"Anarchy L'SA."" Robert M, Gill, chairman<br />
of the Anti-Defamation League, said the<br />
film reflected the John Birch .Society's<br />
"twisted view of civil riahts issues.'"<br />
Starting April 15. filming of "Hello. Dollyl"<br />
v\ ill continue for more than four months<br />
at the 20th Century-Fox Studio and in New<br />
York's Hudson River Valley.<br />
NC 2 BOXOFFICE :: February 12, 1968
Still another<br />
innovation by<br />
^^^<br />
An entirely<br />
self-contained<br />
solid state<br />
sound system<br />
^<br />
For the first time — a 2 projector professional sound system has been<br />
built into a 35mm reproducer to give all the features of wall-mounted<br />
theatre amplification equipment.<br />
The Century Model 67 Sound System is a marriage between<br />
the recently announced ANAPFET (in itself an innovation,<br />
wedding the concept of the anamorphic lens with the photosensitive,<br />
field effect transistor) and the most modern<br />
techniques in silicon transistor amplifiers. The result is a<br />
truly compact, self-contained optical sound system, with<br />
fidelity that surpasses everything to date. A brief rundown<br />
of the features is convincing:<br />
1. Ail silicon solid state components.<br />
2. Power Output: 12 watts RMS (40 watts peak power.)<br />
3. Operates right from 1 10-120V, 50-60 Hz line.<br />
4. Overall hum and noise 75Db below maximum output<br />
power.<br />
5. Distortion: less than 1%.<br />
6. Frequency Response: Standard theatre characteristics.<br />
7. Independent Bass and Treble Controls.<br />
8. Changeover from either projector.<br />
9. Volume controls in each reproducer.<br />
10. Connections for external monitor speaker.<br />
1 1. Amplifier operates directly from ANAPFET.<br />
12. DC exciter lamp supply in exciter lamp compartment<br />
in each sound reproducer.<br />
The Century Model 67 Sound System may be used in regular<br />
theatres and, with additional higher power amplifiers such<br />
as the Century JRD-100, in larger theatres and drive-ins.<br />
It warrants your attention!<br />
Century's recent innovations are many and diverse. Make note<br />
of them - they spell out the superiority of Century equipment:<br />
CINE-FOCUS — perfect picture stability! Complete control<br />
of ttie film in projection.<br />
UVIR-Z" Band Pass Light Filters-remove nigh energy uv<br />
and hot Infra Red — minimum light loss — perfect for black<br />
and white, and color reproduction.<br />
MODEL 67 SOUND SYSTEM —a compact, solid state<br />
sound system for regular theatres and semi-portable sound<br />
reproduction, self-contained in 35mm projectors, with an unbelievable<br />
75Db signal to noise ratio.<br />
ANAPFET photosensitive, field-effect transistor— now the<br />
heart of all Century transistor sound systems — unparalleled<br />
optical sound pick-up from single and multi-channel sound<br />
tracks.<br />
MULTI-CHANNEL SOUND SYSTEMS - all-transistor -<br />
low noise level — high quality<br />
— "permanent" — the choice<br />
of leading first-run theatre circuits.<br />
35mm-70mm CENTURY PROJECTORS — better than<br />
ever, giving you and your customers standard film projection<br />
that excels in every respect.<br />
Investigate these Century "refinements" — they spell the difference between<br />
"the everyday" and a new world of excitement in film presentation.<br />
See your century Dealer — or write:<br />
New York, N.Y. tOOtS<br />
Quality Theatre Supply Co.<br />
1515 Davenport St.<br />
Omaha, Nebraska 68)02<br />
Harry Melcher Enterprises<br />
3238 West Fond Du Lac A»e<br />
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53210<br />
Des Moines Theatre Supply Co.<br />
1121 High Si<br />
Des Moines, Iowa 50309<br />
Minneapolis Theatre Supply Co.<br />
51 Glenwood Ave<br />
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403<br />
BOXOFFICE February 12. 196S NC-3
OMAHA<br />
J^rea muviceucrs will have the opportunity<br />
lo scL- u motion picture first, when<br />
United Artists unreels "Danger Route" in<br />
a Ios(-inarketiny program beginning Wednesday<br />
(14). The lir^l public showing will be at<br />
the Admiral and Chjel theatres and the Sk>view<br />
l)rive-ln. Ralph Blank, owner ot the<br />
three units, said he isn't sure why UA picked<br />
Omaha lor the lest run of the film, featuring<br />
Carol l.ynley and Richard Johnson. The spy<br />
thriliei' is the third motion picture in ten<br />
years to be "world premiered" in Om;iha.<br />
The others are "Khartoum." wvhen Charlton<br />
Heslon visited the Omaha-I.incoln area in<br />
conneciion with the opening of the picture<br />
in June of 1966 at the Indian Hills Cinerama<br />
Theatie. The other one was "Cattle Empire."<br />
when Joel McCrea came here in February<br />
1958 for the opening at the Omaha Theatre.<br />
Men-dilh Willson was featured at the Univen>il><br />
of Nebraska as the hcadliner of the<br />
seventh annual "Weekend With Music" on<br />
the campus. The Mason City (Iowa) native<br />
appeared at a number of events.<br />
Jack Klin^el, cily manager ot tlie Cooper<br />
Foundation Theatres, announced "In Cold<br />
Blooil" will open March I at the Stale Theatre<br />
Joella Cohen, who has the Crest Theatre<br />
.11 South Sioux Cilv. has been released from<br />
^ -«i<br />
lo gat In (ha<br />
—<br />
—<br />
'Dolls/ 'GWTW Go<br />
Over 400 in Cincy<br />
CINCINNATI—Grosses at<br />
tirst-run theatres<br />
incicased, compared to what exhibitors<br />
have been taking in during similar weeks in<br />
the past four years. "Valley of the Dolls,"<br />
showing for the sixth week at the Ambassador,<br />
led the parade of hits at 450. "Gone<br />
With the Wind" rated 425 in its l.^th week<br />
at the Valley, while "Fitzwilly" had one ol<br />
its best weeks anywhere in the cotmtry as it<br />
earned 400 in the sixth >veek at the Times<br />
Towne Cinema. Healthy .^OOs went to "The<br />
Graduate," sixth week at the Grand, and<br />
"CanieKn." 12th week at the Kenwood.<br />
,<br />
(Average Is 100)<br />
Albee Wait Until Dar1< (WB-7A), 2nd wk<br />
Ambassador— Valley ot the Dolls (20th-Fox),<br />
210<br />
6th wk 450<br />
Esquire La Guerre Est Finie (Brandon), 2nd wk,<br />
Grand The Graduote (Ernbassv), 6th wk<br />
, ,250<br />
300<br />
International 70 Far From the Madding Crowd<br />
(MGM), 6th wk ) 30<br />
Kenwood— Comelot (WB.7A), 12th wk 300<br />
Times Towne Cinema Fitzwilly (UA), 6th wk, ,,400<br />
Valley- Gone With the Wind (MGM), 13th wk, 425<br />
'Gone With the Wind' Gains<br />
150 Points in 14th Week<br />
CLEVELAND—"Gone With the<br />
Wind,"<br />
picking up 150 plump percentage points in<br />
the 14th ueek at the Shaker Theatre, was<br />
running neck-and-neck with "Camelot."<br />
wlricn dropped ten points at the Colony. As<br />
a result of these adjustments, both films<br />
came up with excellent 4()0s and stood at<br />
the head of the class. "Wait Until Dark"<br />
fared very well in its seventh week at the<br />
Richmond and Riverside theatres, combining<br />
business at those two theatres for a 280<br />
rating.<br />
—<br />
—<br />
,<br />
. , 190<br />
Allen, Severance Cop-Out (CRC) 120<br />
Colony Camelot (WB-7A). I 3th 400<br />
wk<br />
Continental Festival (P-W), 2nd wk 90<br />
Detroit The Good, the Bod ond the Ugly (UA),<br />
3rd wk 135<br />
Hippodrome, Lcew's East, Loew's West Berserk<br />
(Col) 175<br />
165<br />
Movlond. Palace—Volley of the Dolls (20th-Fox),<br />
6th wk<br />
Richmond, Riverside— Wait Until Dark (WB-7A),<br />
7th wk<br />
Shaker Rone With the Wind (MGM), 14th wk<br />
280<br />
,400<br />
Vonue The Birds, the Bees ond the Itolians<br />
(WB-7A), 2nd wk<br />
Atlanta Council Announces<br />
New Film Classifications<br />
From Southeastern Edition<br />
ATLANTA—The latest classifications for<br />
pictures, released by the Atlanta Better<br />
Films Council, include these features:<br />
.\dults— "Bonnie and Clyde." "My .Sister.<br />
My Love," "The Penthouse," "Tony Rome,"<br />
"Valley of the Dolls," "The Good, the Bad<br />
and the Ugly," "Reflections in a Golden<br />
Fye."<br />
.Adults Mature Young — "The Comedians."<br />
"The Day the Fish Came Out."<br />
"Games." "The President's Analyst," "Wait<br />
Until Dark."<br />
Adults, Mature Young, Young People<br />
"Camelot," "Gone With the Wind." "Thoroughh<br />
Modern Millie."<br />
General Audience — "Fitzwilly," "Fight<br />
on the Lam," "The Jungle Book."<br />
—<br />
—<br />
Lawrence B. Marcus will write the screenplay<br />
of Lawrence Durrell's "Justine" for<br />
20th Centurv-Fox.<br />
Stephen F. Booth Gets<br />
Screen Rights to Novel<br />
DETROIT — Motion picture<br />
and television<br />
rights to "The Situation in Flushing," by<br /> G. Love, have been bought by producer<br />
Stephen F Booth. The no\el vsas published<br />
by Harper & Row. with excerpts appearing<br />
in the Saturday Evening Post, as<br />
well as Readers Digest. Loves best known<br />
prior work was "Subways Are for Sleeping."<br />
Booth said he has several feature productions<br />
scheduled for action in the coming<br />
months, including an original screenplay<br />
"A Time Will Come," and a novel by a<br />
niiijor author. tii follow the current release<br />
of "Brighty of the Grand Canyon."<br />
Paper Plays Up 40th<br />
Birlhday of Theatre<br />
GRAND HAVEN. MICH. — 1 he<br />
,<br />
4()th<br />
anniversary of the Grand Theatre, now operated<br />
by Jack Locks, was featured in an article<br />
ill the Tribune, vvitten b\ Clarence<br />
Poel.<br />
The article recalled that the house was<br />
planned as part of a niiijor downtown redevel'ipmcnt<br />
program, a $3,^8.000 project.<br />
However, the oncoming depression caused<br />
ahaniionmcnt of the plans tor ten stores as<br />
part of the project, reducing the cost to<br />
SI 75,000.<br />
The Harry L. Sanford Syndicate of Grand<br />
Rapids was the promoter, with G. F. Healy<br />
and William Wilson of Muskegon as partners.<br />
The house was leased for years to W. S.<br />
Buiterfield Theatres.<br />
The developments in the film industry,<br />
with original plans for vaudeville at the<br />
Grand, the coming of talkies and modern<br />
screen innovations, like CinemaScope. were<br />
recorded by Poel.<br />
Frank Feocco Is Manager<br />
Of Corning, N.Y., Theatre<br />
From Eostern Edition<br />
CORNING. N.Y.—Frank J. Feocco, 30<br />
years in the theatre business, has been<br />
named manager of Panther's Fox Theatre,<br />
succeeding William Kniidson. according to<br />
Robert Copley and Philip Thorne. district<br />
managers of the circuit.<br />
In recent years, Feocco has been associated<br />
with the Glen Theatre in Watkins<br />
Glen and the Lakes Car Drive-In, Ithaca.<br />
Previously he had managed theatres in Ithaca<br />
for the Cornell and Ryan circuits and<br />
had been a booker and buyer for Dipson<br />
Theatres.<br />
To Handle WEC Product<br />
~rom Eastern Edition<br />
NEW YORK—Irving Sochin. general<br />
manager of the World Entertainment Corp..<br />
has announced the appointment of George<br />
I.ell^o as distributors for his company's<br />
product in Chicago and Milwaukee. A veteran<br />
Chicago-area distributor. Lefko will<br />
handle such pictures as "TTie Bamboo Saucer,"<br />
starring Dan Duryea, and "Saul and<br />
David." a Bibical epic. "Romeii and Juliet"<br />
will be released this spring.<br />
your correspondent will niiirk his 40th anniversary<br />
the end of this monlh of covering<br />
the Detroit film business. He started<br />
as a correspondent for the BiMboard, which<br />
then covered the motion picUre business,<br />
Feb. 29, 192S, and still contributes news to<br />
that show business paper.<br />
Villliam Welsman, president of Wisper-<br />
WetsuKin Theatres, has nioveil his headquarters<br />
from the Fox Bldg.. where he has been<br />
35 years, to 132 N. Woodward Ave.. Birmingham,<br />
Mich.<br />
National C^eneral Plitures has opened its<br />
disiririulion office here at Room 307 in the<br />
box Bldg. Gene Graham. formerl> of Columbr:<br />
Pictures, is branch manager.<br />
Ruth Becker, prevu)usl> in I he bookkeeping<br />
department, has been moved to booking<br />
duties at the MG.M exchange.<br />
Jim O'Gara, roadshow sales manager of<br />
Warner Bros. -7 Arts, was in town visiting<br />
Mitciiell Theatre Service.<br />
(.ioy. George Ronincy's wife made a wellpublicized<br />
talk in the Gatewc.y Theatre in<br />
Fort Lauderdale, Fla. This is Detroit cireuiteer<br />
Joseph Fllul's other home town.<br />
Oorothy Duncan's son Craig has given up<br />
his college studies temporarily because of illne;s<br />
requiring surgery.<br />
"Ninotchka," the 1939 film starring Greta<br />
Garbo and directed by Ernest Lubitsch, was<br />
presented by the University Center for Adult<br />
Education. The showing was sponsored by<br />
Wayne State. Michigan and Eastern Michigan<br />
universities and by .McGregor Memorial<br />
Comiiuinit\ .Arts Center anil the Monleilh<br />
Cinen;;: Guild.<br />
"Concern" about adult movies being<br />
shown in Grand Haven was indicated by<br />
Mayor William Crcason and the city council<br />
tl-.cre. according to the Grand Haven<br />
Tribune. Letters t'rom citizens about the<br />
films have been received by the inayor and<br />
city manager R. V. Terrill. Tlie mayor and<br />
council said they planned to send a letter on<br />
the subject to the new owner of the theatre,<br />
the newspaper reported.<br />
As most readers of this column know, the<br />
regular correspondent is out-of-town several<br />
weeks. Would any good reader like to turn<br />
reporter during the interim? Call Sheldon<br />
Brown, 1,1 5-0691, if you are interested.<br />
Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong will have the<br />
key role of band leader in 20th Century-<br />
Fox's "Hello, Dolly!"<br />
Servic* Porti R«poin<br />
Corn - Seasoning - Boxes - Salt<br />
5«33 Grond River Ave Phone TYier
IM<br />
OHIO<br />
The new Village Thcalrc hail ^omc hard<br />
luck prior lo opening. The new roof<br />
;:nij the pipehne lo the concession stand<br />
leaked, soaking the carpeting. Three da>s<br />
before opening the sump pump quit, as did<br />
the auxiliary<br />
unit.<br />
Dan Fellman, Paramount branch manager,<br />
previewed ""Half a Sixpence" Tuesday<br />
(6) at the Loews West and Severance simul-<br />
FOR<br />
\i a screen game,<br />
HOLLYWOOD takes top<br />
honors. As o box-office attroction,<br />
it Is without equal. It hai<br />
been a favorite with theatre goers for<br />
over 15 years. Write today for complete defails.<br />
Be sure to give seating or cor capacity.<br />
3750 Ooklon 5f. ' Skokic, llhnori<br />
FAST<br />
AND TOP<br />
ALWAYS<br />
on YOUR<br />
FROM<br />
PnckcW Full Of SnIri Airit<br />
lUf t. WabMk, OikMo, III. «060S<br />
lancously lor exhibitors and the press. The<br />
lilm is to start its roadshow run here .April<br />
10.<br />
Mr. and .Mrs. Jules LivhiRstone (Columbia)<br />
arc spending a week in Puerto Rico.<br />
.Alice Krcitner of National Theatre Supply<br />
has been ill two weeks with sinusitis and the<br />
riu. Ohio ivpc.<br />
Filniro« \isitors included Mr. and Mrs.<br />
Steve Foster of the Uptown Theatre in<br />
Youngsiown: George and Frieda Blossom of<br />
the Little F-lower Theatre, near Toledo, and<br />
Paul Appel, projectionist union chief.<br />
.M(;M's "Gone With the Wind" is still going<br />
^lrong at the Shaker and is in its l.Sth<br />
ueek, to the delight of Leroy Kendis and<br />
Sam Schultz.<br />
gcMTl> .\danis, leniinine star of Columbia's<br />
lorliiic Ciarden." was made an honorary<br />
fire chief in a ceremony on her arrival<br />
here :; Port Columbus. Columbus fire chief<br />
Glenn H. Barr presented her a fire chiefs<br />
helmet. She presented a giant invitation to<br />
he Ohio premiere of "Torture Garden" Friday<br />
(9) at I<br />
Loew's Ohio to Lt. Gov. John W.<br />
Brown in his office. A press luncheon in the<br />
Sheraton-Columbus Hotel was followed by<br />
radio and television interviews.<br />
\l Calder. Columbia exploiteer. cooperated<br />
with Sam Shuhouf. Loew's city manager,<br />
in setting up the schedule for her visit. Allan<br />
Nathan. Columbia exploitation director, accompanied<br />
Miss Adams to Columbus.<br />
Gledhill, Spore Reopen<br />
Crestline. Ohio, Theatre<br />
.<br />
C Kl Si I lor.i Ciledhill and<br />
Dick Spore have reopened the Crest Theatre<br />
here, and it is operating on a weekend-only<br />
policy. The theatre had been closed a year.<br />
The initial picture was UniversaPs "Rough<br />
Niuht in Jericho."<br />
Start BOXOFFICE coming .<br />
3 years for $10 (SAVE $5)<br />
D 2 years for S8 (SAVE S2) 1<br />
D year for S5<br />
These rain for US , Canada, Pan Amcrico only. Other countries: $10 a ycor.<br />
anct Blank, formerly with United Artists, is<br />
I<br />
he new secretary to Universal branch<br />
manager Don Foster. She succeeds Peggy<br />
Quigley. who retired . . . Paula Jordan is the<br />
new contract clerk at MGM.<br />
Fnima Hurlburt. formerly with Universal<br />
and MOW li\ing in Tampa. Fla.. was a Film-<br />
.••ow visitor.<br />
Mildred Cummins, widow of Mark Cummins,<br />
following a visit here, has returned<br />
to her home in the Harbor House at Tampa,<br />
Fla.<br />
Tent 3 has scheduled an "old-time" stag<br />
installation for its officers .Monday (19) in<br />
the Vernor Manor club rooms.<br />
Exhibitors visiting the Row included Guy<br />
Greaihouse, .Aurora. Ind.: Kentuckians<br />
Waller Rodes. Lexington; Howard Shelton,<br />
Vanccburg: David Baker. Stanton; Jim Bitner<br />
and Robert Byrd. Williamsburg; Ohioans<br />
Carlos Crum. Lancaster, and Harry<br />
Wheeler. Gallipolis.<br />
UATC Plans to Construct<br />
25 Shop Center Houses<br />
From Ecbtern Edition<br />
NEW YORK— United Artists Theatre<br />
Circuit, Inc., will undertake an extensive<br />
expansion and modernization program in<br />
1968 which will carry the company into new<br />
areas of operation, as well as expand the<br />
number of theatres within the areas now<br />
serviced by UA Theatre Circuit. President<br />
Marshall Naify announced last week that the<br />
expansion and modernization programs will<br />
be carried out on a simultaneous basis.<br />
The expansion phase for the current<br />
year calls for the construction of 25 con-<br />
\entional theatres, primarily in major shopping<br />
centers. In addition, the company has<br />
iniilined a long-range plan which carries the<br />
expansion program through 197.^. To coordinate<br />
the program, a department of research<br />
and site development has been<br />
formed under the direction of Charles<br />
Horwitz. former general manager of the<br />
Schine Circuit.<br />
The modernization of existing theatre<br />
properties will be intensified during the current<br />
year. Several of the circuit's theatres,<br />
now undergoing modernization, are scheduled<br />
lo be completed early in the year. With<br />
public demand for<br />
ihc continued increase in<br />
comfort. Naify stated that the modernization<br />
phase will demand even greater attention<br />
in the future.<br />
Gene Kelly will direct 20th Century-Fox's<br />
"Hello. Dolly!"<br />
THEATRE „<br />
STREET<br />
NAME<br />
825 Van Brunt Blvd ,<br />
Konws Cit>, Mo. 64124<br />
I<br />
^<br />
ME- BOXOFFICE :: February 12, 1968
Still another<br />
innovation by<br />
^^^<br />
An entirely<br />
self-contained<br />
solid state<br />
sound system<br />
For the first time — a 2 projector professional sound system has been<br />
built into a 35mm reproducer to give all the features of wall-mounted<br />
theatre amplification equipment.<br />
The Century Model 67 Sound System is a marriage between<br />
the recently announced ANAPFET (in itself an innovation,<br />
wedding the concept of the anamorphic lens with the photosensitive,<br />
field effect transistor) and the most modern<br />
techniques in silicon transistor amplifiers. The result is a<br />
truly compact, self-contained optical sound system, with<br />
fidelity that surpasses everything to date. A brief rundown<br />
of the features is convincing:<br />
1. All silicon solid state components.<br />
2. Power Output: 12 watts RMS (40 watts peak power.)<br />
3. Operates right from 1 10-120V, 50-60 Hz line.<br />
4. Overall hum and noise 75Db below maximum output<br />
power.<br />
5. Distortion: less than 1%.<br />
6. Frequency Response: Standard theatre characteristics.<br />
7. Independent Bass and Treble Controls.<br />
8. Changeover from either projector.<br />
9. Volume controls in each reproducer.<br />
10. Connections for external monitor speaker.<br />
11. Amplifier operates directly from ANAPFET.<br />
12. DC exciter lamp supply in exciter lamp compartment<br />
in each sound reproducer.<br />
The Century Model 67 Sound System may be used in regular<br />
theatres and, with additional higher power amplifiers such<br />
as the Century JRD-100, in larger theatres and drive-ins.<br />
It warrants your attention!<br />
Century's recent mnovations are many and diverse. Make note<br />
of them - they spell out the superiority of Century equipment:<br />
CINE-FOCUS — perfect picture stability! Complete control<br />
of the film in projection.<br />
UVIR-2'' Band Pass Light Filters-remove high energy uv<br />
and hot Infra Red — minimum light loss — perfect for black<br />
and white, and color reproduction.<br />
MODEL 67 SOUND SYSTEM —a compact, solid state<br />
sound system for regular theatres and semi-portable sound<br />
reproduction, self-contained in 35mm projectors, with an unbelievable<br />
75Db signal to noise ratio.<br />
ANAPFET photosensitive, field-effect transistor— now the<br />
heart of all Century transistor sound systems — unparalleled<br />
optical sound pick-up from single and multi-channel sound<br />
tracks.<br />
MULTI-CHANNEL SOUND SYSTEMS - all-transistor -<br />
low noise level — high quality — "permanent" — the choice<br />
of leading first-run theatre circuits.<br />
35mm-70mm CENTURY PROJECTORS — better than<br />
ever, giving you and your customers standard film projection<br />
that excels in every respect.<br />
Investigate these Century "refinements" — they spell the difference between<br />
"the everyday" and a new world of excitement in film presentation.<br />
See your Century Dealer — or write;<br />
New York, N.Y. 10019<br />
Jones Projector Co.<br />
2727 Sixth St.,<br />
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44221<br />
Charleston Theatre Supply<br />
506 Lee Street<br />
Charleston, West Virginia 25321<br />
Theatre Equipment Co.<br />
2211 Cosi ATcnue<br />
Detroit, Michigon 48201<br />
Hadden Theatre Supply Co.<br />
1909 Emerson Avenue<br />
Louisville, Kentucky 40205<br />
Ohio Theatre Supply Co.<br />
2108 Payne Atchuc<br />
Cleveland, Ohio 44114<br />
BOXOFTICE :: February 12, 1968 ME-3
TmE PU91.' 'jHfo A*-, A pmBL"" 5CWVICE ' PHuTn SV PrrrR lF'v"V<br />
-^ •i'<br />
Will she be<br />
the heiress<br />
to a world free<br />
from cancer?<br />
How will the battle against cancer go in the next 10. 20<br />
or 30 years? Will cancer still victimize one out of every<br />
four Americans? Will cancer still strike, over the years,<br />
in two out of three American families? Will this youngster<br />
or your youngster still face cancer's unmerciful threat?<br />
Here's what you can do today to help in the future<br />
in the battle against cancer: Remember the American<br />
Cancer Society in your will. Leave your children — all children—<br />
a gift that will bring them closer to a world free of<br />
this dread disease. Today, it will be a gift of hope. Tomorrow,<br />
it could be a gift of life.<br />
What legacy could be more precious?<br />
For more information on how a legacy will help fight<br />
cancer, write to your nearest ACS unit<br />
^<br />
American Cancer Society<br />
ME- BOXOFFICE .: Fehruarv 12, 1968
—<br />
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TONE Program Adds<br />
Baldwin, Markgraf<br />
BOSTON—Art Baid'Ain and Rose MuriL-<br />
Markgri.t' have accepted invitations to speak<br />
at<br />
tlic Theatre Owners of New England mid-<br />
Art Baldwin<br />
Rose Marie Markgraf<br />
v/inter meeting at Nick\ Restaurant Fehriiary<br />
29. it was announced by Carl Goldman.<br />
TONE executive secretary.<br />
Baldwin, now marketing vice-president<br />
National Theatre Supply and formerly the<br />
company's vice-president in charge of the<br />
international division, will discuss theatre<br />
automation. Miss Markgraf is associate in<br />
community relations for the Motion Picture<br />
Ass'n of America.<br />
Goldman said that it's expected that representatives<br />
of two new film companies.<br />
National General Pictures and Cinerama<br />
Releasing Corp.. will be added to the convention<br />
program, which will start at 10 a.m.<br />
Julii'n Rifkin. president of the National<br />
Ass'n of Theatre Owners, previously had<br />
been announced as the principal speaker for<br />
the<br />
event.<br />
$500,000 Studio Project<br />
For Hartford Pay TV<br />
HARTFORD— RK.O General, which recently<br />
announced plans for expenditure of<br />
$2 million on its pay TV experiment has earmarked<br />
S500.000 for construction of a studio<br />
center in the downtown Trumbull Street<br />
renewal area.<br />
Keigler E. Flake, vice-president and general<br />
ma.iagcr of WHCT-TV. said his company<br />
wants to build a three-story structure<br />
on what was formerly the site of the Hotel<br />
Claret—the northwest corner of Trumbull<br />
and Church streets. It woirkl include a 41)-<br />
car parking garage.<br />
Pay TV, in operation here since June<br />
1962. has approximately 7. ()()() subscribers.<br />
Present WHCT-TV facilities, in leased<br />
property at 555 Asylum St., are called inadeqirate.<br />
particularly for color broadcasting.<br />
WHCT-TV also provides free, commercial<br />
television entertainment, beaming programs—<br />
in the main vintage films and syndicated<br />
shows—in afternoon hours prior to<br />
evening's start of subscription television.<br />
RKO General has asked the Hartford Redevelopment<br />
.Agency for a final decision on<br />
the company's offer to acquire the 17.000-<br />
squarc foot property for an estimated $170,-<br />
000 within 90 davs.<br />
ol<br />
'Guess Who's Coming to Dinner 450<br />
In Boston Opening; Sets Two Marks<br />
BOSTON—Exhibition experienced one<br />
of the best weeks so far in 1968 as a large<br />
number of new films were introdirced with<br />
highly gratifying results. "Guess Who's<br />
Coming to Dinner" broke all Music Hall<br />
reciMds tor an opening week and on Saturday<br />
(3) set a single day's mark. Ben Sack,<br />
president of Sack Theatres, which operates<br />
the Music Hall, is predicting that "Guess"<br />
will set still another record in the Washington's<br />
birthday week.<br />
Checking other newcomers: "Berserk"<br />
was 140 at the Astor; "Bedazzled," 175 at<br />
the Beacon Hill: "The Wicked Dreams of<br />
Paula Schultz," 125 at the Cheri 3; "Cop-<br />
Oiii." 125, Paramount; "Cu!-de-Sac" and<br />
"Daisies," 140 Symphony Crncma Two.<br />
Outslandrng among the holdovers were<br />
"Valley of the Dolls." 310. Savoy; "The<br />
Gradita.e," 300. Paris Cinema; "Camelot,"<br />
250, Saxon: "Gone With the Wind." 220, at<br />
the Gary.<br />
(Average Is 100)<br />
Astor Berserk (Col) 140<br />
Beacon Hill Bedazzled (20th-Fox) 175<br />
Charles Ulysses (Cont'l), 7fh wk 120<br />
Cheri —<br />
1 The Penthouse (Paro), 4th wk 115<br />
Cheri 2 The Ambushers (Col), 7th wk 115<br />
Cheri 3 The Wicked Dreoms of Poulo Schultz<br />
(UA) 125<br />
Circle Cinema The President's Anolyst (Pare),<br />
2nd wk 150<br />
Exeter Elvira Madigan (Cinema V), 7th wk 160<br />
Gary Gone With the Wind (MGMl, 16th wk. ...220<br />
Music Hall—Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (Col) 450<br />
Orpheum Wait Until Dork (WB 7A), 7th wk 140<br />
Paramount Cop-Out (CRC) 125<br />
Pans Cinema The Graduate (Embassy), 7th wk. 300<br />
Savoy Volley of the Dolls (20th-Foxl, 7th wk. ..310<br />
Saxon Camelot (WB-7A), 14th wk 250<br />
Symphony Cinema One La Guerre Est Finie<br />
(Brandon), 4th wk I 50<br />
Symphony Cinema Two Cul-de-Soc (Sigma III);<br />
Daisies (Sigma 111) 140<br />
'Wind,' "Dolls' Only First Runs<br />
Above Average in New Haven<br />
NEW HAVEN— "Gone With the Wind,<br />
still shov/ing at the Whalley, and "Valley of<br />
the Dolls." a moveover at the Paramount.<br />
were the only films with sufficient boxoffice<br />
appeal to gross on the sunny side of average.<br />
"Wind" sailed merrily along with a 150 for<br />
its eighth week in town, while "Valley"<br />
which already had played two weeks in<br />
Haven at another theatre, grossed 130.<br />
New<br />
Bowl, Westville, Whitney The Ballad of Josie<br />
(Univ), various co-features 90<br />
Loew's College The Incident 20th-Fox) . 90<br />
Mass. Bill Would Levy<br />
10% Admissions Tax<br />
Bosthind when a hearinj;<br />
was held Tuesday (6) at the .State<br />
House. Carl (ioldman, TONK executive<br />
.secretary, represented the organization<br />
at the hearing.<br />
Ihe measure. House Bill 3628, was<br />
filed by Rep. Gregorv B, Khachadoorian<br />
of .Arlington.<br />
Miltord Cinema, Cinemart The Happiest<br />
Millionaire (BV), 3rd wk 75<br />
Milford Drive-ln, Roger Sherman Woit Until Dark<br />
(WB 7A), various co-features, 6th wk 50<br />
Strand^ The Birds, the Bees and the Italians<br />
(WB-7A), 2nd wk 70<br />
Whallev— Gone With the Wind (MGM), 8th wk. .150<br />
'Gone With the Wind' 175<br />
14th Week in Hartiord<br />
HARTIORD — If It weren't for "Gone<br />
With Ihe Wind," metropolitan Hartford<br />
showcases would have had little to boast<br />
about this report week. The Clark Gable<br />
starrer, after opening strong at the Lockwood<br />
& Gordon Cinerama Theatre, has sustained<br />
the most brisk boxoffice trade seen<br />
here in years—and showed no signs of abating<br />
as it grossed 175 per cent in its 14th<br />
week.<br />
Allyn, Farmington, Meadow Smashing Time<br />
(Paro), various co-teatures 60<br />
Burnside The Incident (20th-Fox), 2nd wk 90<br />
Central, Cinema One Volley of the Dolls<br />
(20th-Fox), 7th wk 100<br />
Cinerama Gone With the Wind (MGM), 14th wk. 175<br />
Cine Webb Camelot (WB-7A), 7th wk 70<br />
Strond The Happiest Millionaire (BV), 3rd wk. . . 70<br />
South Windsor Plans<br />
Include Theatres'<br />
H.ARTFORD—The construction firm of<br />
Savin Bros, has disclo.sed plans for a $75<br />
million "city within a city," to be known as<br />
Parkcentre, in South Windsor, six miles froin<br />
downtown Hartford.<br />
The commercial-residential complex, on<br />
a land area of 298.4 acres along Route 5<br />
for approximately one mile, will contain several<br />
motion picture theatres, a Savin spokesman<br />
announced.<br />
Just which interests will operate the theatres<br />
is yet to be determined.<br />
Parkcentre's marketing consultant is R.<br />
!\ Brodcrick & Associates, Hartford.<br />
Tn an action in Hillsborough County Superior<br />
Court in Manchester January 22,<br />
Irlin Harriman of Manchester, through his<br />
mother Mrs. Frietia L. .Adams sued Michael<br />
Goodreault, also of Manchester, for personal<br />
injuries allegedly resulting from an accident,<br />
not involving a motor vehicle, at the Manchester<br />
Drive-ln Sept. 4, 1964. Mrs. Adams<br />
;'lso brought a second suit against Good-<br />
''-•ault<br />
for medical expenses.<br />
A Foreign Film Festival was started at the<br />
P'.dacc Theatre in Manchester January 26,<br />
with Ingmar Bergman's "Persona" as the<br />
initial attraction. The other award-winning<br />
features were a top foreign film January 27,<br />
:md Phillipe DeBrock's ""King of Hearts"<br />
January 28.<br />
Joseph Strick, currently represented by<br />
"Ulysses," will direct ""Justine" for 20th<br />
Century-Fox.<br />
BOXOFFICE :; February 12, 1968 NE-1
. "Valley<br />
BOSTON<br />
Ucrb Schaefer, Bucna Visia exchange man-<br />
.igcr, and Florio Simi. salesman, returned<br />
MonJ;.y (5) Irom a trip to the Walt Disney<br />
studios in Biirbank, Calit. . . . Roger<br />
Bourassit has been promoted to head booker<br />
.:t the Biiena Vista exchange. Norman Plotkin<br />
is the new student booker .<br />
Schnapper was in town booking for his<br />
C'omniimity Theatre at Centerdale. R. I.<br />
Irxiii^ V- ciiier. Saniick & Aronson. accoiintani<br />
lor Esquire Theatres and Louric<br />
Theatres, is busy with the usual end-ol<br />
the-year scramble with W.2 forms, etc. . . .<br />
National General Pictures soon will announce<br />
New England playdates for "Poor<br />
Cow," which opened in New York City<br />
January 31.<br />
CORRKt'llON: Davis Films, distributor<br />
lor Allied Artists, is handling "Ski Fever"<br />
not Ellis Gordon as reported here .<br />
. . MGM<br />
screenings: "Battle Beneath the Earth."<br />
February 2; "Guns of .San Sebastian," February<br />
7 . . . Arnold Van Leer, dean of publicity<br />
men in Boston, is back at work ai<br />
Llniied Artists and reports he is feeling<br />
wonderfully well. He expressed appreciation<br />
lor all the gel-well cards and the concern<br />
shovMi b\ so many friends in the industry.<br />
Rill Kumins, chiel barker, and Bill Koster<br />
ol the \'.incty Club of New England announced<br />
that a luncheon will be held at<br />
Anthony's Pier 4 Tuesday (27) to honor<br />
these "new faces" in the Boston film industry:<br />
Marly Bcrman, Cinerama; .Arthur Friedman.<br />
United Artists; Jack Kcegan, 20th<br />
Century-Fox; Gasper, National<br />
General Pictures; John Pecos, 2()lh Century-<br />
Fox; Bert Topal. United Artists; John B.<br />
Martin .ind Ralph R. Shaake. Coca-Cola<br />
Co. Tickets may be picked up at the door<br />
on the day of the luncheon; however, it<br />
would be better to make reservations so the<br />
chef will know how many luncheons to prepare.<br />
FOR<br />
FAST<br />
AND TOP<br />
ALWAYS<br />
GET YOUR<br />
FROM<br />
Pnclorf full OF So/oi Aidi<br />
L M A c<br />
r I<br />
13SS I. Wabmh, CkkMo, ML MMOS<br />
Universal held a Festival ci Screenings,<br />
starting with "Sergeant Ryker" on Monday,<br />
January 29. On succeeding days. "Madigan,"<br />
Jigsaw," "don"', just STAND there,' "I'll<br />
Never Forget What's 'Is Name," " Journey<br />
to Shiloh," and "Oedipus the King" (the latter<br />
produced in Greece) were screened.<br />
Art Circuit Updating<br />
Springfield Cinema<br />
SPRINGMFl.D— Ihe Art Theatre Guild<br />
ol Scof.sdale, Ariz., operator of the 531-<br />
seai Cinema X, first-run art outlet here,<br />
announced an extensive remodeling project,<br />
including rebuilding of seats (new padding,<br />
p:'.int and fabric), installation of a neu marquee<br />
and a new concession stand.<br />
Clark Crites. the company's director of<br />
physical theatre operations, was here to supervise<br />
start of the project.<br />
The de luxe Garden City Cinema, new<br />
General Cinema Corp. theatre, is niniimg<br />
continuous shows daily, starting at 1<br />
p.m. On any weekday, except Wednesday.<br />
Rhode Islanders have a choice of five theatres<br />
to attend during the day (l.oew's.<br />
Strand. Majestic. Albee and Garden City);<br />
on Wednesdays the Elmwood. Cinerama and<br />
Cinema 1 of the Four Seasons complex add<br />
lo this number. This is quite an improvement<br />
in daytime movie entertainment compared<br />
lo about five years ago.<br />
Ro-jer Norhorry, Norman Smith and<br />
\lilliin Alex.inder. all members of Local<br />
. . . Albert J. Siner,<br />
223. lATSE, are the new operators at the<br />
Garden City Cinema<br />
associated with the Strand Theatre for nearly<br />
24 years, has left to take a position with the<br />
Rhode Island State House. The Strand,<br />
formerly owned by the National Realty Co..<br />
was taken over last July b\ Esquire The-<br />
;ilres of America, which has home headi|iiarlers<br />
in Boston.<br />
A iie« concessions stand uilh popcorn is<br />
plannetl for the Art Cinema in the near<br />
lulure. according to John O'Sullivan. district<br />
manager for L&G Theatres, which<br />
owns the Art . ol the Dolls."<br />
"the Number I best seller .ind now the<br />
Number I movie." as the Mbee Theatre<br />
management puts it in iheir dailv adverlisim:<br />
lavoiil. is havinc a lonu and successful<br />
run at that theatre. The picture was in<br />
its sixth week at the time of this writing.<br />
Esquire Theatres has tv;o big construction<br />
projects under way here in Providence. At<br />
the Four Seasons complex, a fourth auditorium<br />
is being added to Cinemas 1. 2 and 3.<br />
.At the Strand, a complete new theatre is<br />
being constructed within the Strand without<br />
interfering with tiie current showings.<br />
MAINE<br />
Q;>nslruction of the Lewiston Mall Shopping<br />
Center on Essex Street,<br />
Lewiston.<br />
v.hich will inc'ude a dual theatre, will begin<br />
;:roii!id .April, it has been ieported by Robert<br />
Rosenthal of Lewiston and Waterville. an<br />
official of Mall Trust, the buiiding firm. An<br />
air-conditioned, heated mall will conned<br />
the various business establishments in the<br />
center.<br />
The theatre purlj held at the Northwood<br />
Park Cinema in Lewiston in connection with<br />
the 1967 Lewiston-.Auburn United Fund<br />
campaign was such a success that it will become<br />
an annual event, it has been announced<br />
by campaign officials.<br />
The maiiagcincnt of the Priscilla Theatre<br />
in L-wiston. where an extensive remodeling<br />
job has been under way. has announced that<br />
reopening of the movie house will be temporarily<br />
delayed. Meanwhile, moviegoers<br />
were asked to watch for the opening of the<br />
Paris Cinema, featuring the outstanding film,<br />
"The Graduate."<br />
A recent item in the Lewiston Journal's<br />
"50 Years Ago Today" column recalled:<br />
"As a result of action taken by Rev. W. H.<br />
Varney and Rev. A. E. Tarbell, the local<br />
moving picture house in Lisbon Falls was<br />
lo be closed Sunday evenings. The theatre<br />
'lad been open only one Simday. The clergymen<br />
ielephoned Lewiston and jirocured legal<br />
advice on the closing of the theatre and<br />
Manager Newbegin agreed to keep the the-<br />
:itre closed on Sundav evenings."<br />
The Doc Williams country music show<br />
from ihL- WW'VA Jamboree in Wheeling,<br />
W. Va., was booked for the Capitol The-<br />
;;tre in Augusta. January 13. Other scheduled<br />
appearances were at the Community<br />
Building in Farminglon. January 16; Lewiston<br />
Ci;\ Hall. January 20. and Frye Hall<br />
in Portland. Januarv 21.<br />
Frank Sinatra. Sammy Davis jr. and Raquel<br />
Welch have been signed as stars of<br />
"The Lady in Cement" for 20th Century-<br />
Fox.<br />
in<br />
CARBONS. Inc<br />
><br />
Bo« K, Ccdor Knolli, N .<br />
Still another<br />
innovation by<br />
^^^<br />
An entirely<br />
self-contained<br />
solid state<br />
sound system<br />
^<br />
For the first time — a 2 projector professional sound system has been<br />
built into a 35mm reproducer to give all the features of wall-mounted<br />
theatre amplification equipment.<br />
The Century Model 67 Sound System is a marriage between<br />
the recently announced ANAPFET (in itself an innovation,<br />
wedding the concept of the anamorphic lens with the photosensitive,<br />
field effect transistor) and the most modern<br />
techniques in silicon transistor amplifiers. The result is a<br />
truly compact, self-contained optical sound system, with<br />
fidelity that surpasses everything to date. A brief rundown<br />
of the features is convincing:<br />
1. All silicon solid state components.<br />
2. Power Output: 12 watts RMS (40 watts peak power.)<br />
3. Operates right from 110-120V, 50-60 Hz line.<br />
4. Overall hum and noise 75Db below maximum output<br />
power.<br />
5. Distortion: less than 1%.<br />
6. Frequency Response: Standard theatre characteristics.<br />
7. Independent Bass and Treble Controls.<br />
8. Changeover from either projector.<br />
9. Volume controls in each reproducer.<br />
10. Connections for external monitor speaker.<br />
1 1. Amplifier operates directly from ANAPFET.<br />
12. DC exciter lamp supply in exciter lamp compartment<br />
in each sound reproducer.<br />
The Century Model 67 Sound System may be used in regular<br />
theatres and, with additional higher power amplifiers such<br />
as the Century JRD-100, in larger theatres and drive-ins.<br />
It warrants your attention!<br />
Century's recent innovations are many and diverse. Make note<br />
of them — they spell out the superiority of Century equipment:<br />
h--^<br />
CINE-FOCUS — perfect picture stability! Complete control<br />
of ttie film in projection.<br />
UVIR-2" Band Pass Light Filters-remove high energy uv<br />
and hot Infra Red — minimum light loss — perfect for black<br />
=ind white, and color reproduction.<br />
MODEL 67 SOUND SYSTEM —a compact, solid state<br />
sound system for regular theatres and semi-portable sound<br />
reproduction, self-contained in 35mm projectors, with an unbelievable<br />
75Db signal to noise ratio.<br />
ANAPFET photosensitive, field-effect transistor —now the<br />
heart of all Century transistor sound systems — unparalleled<br />
optical sound pick-up from single and multi-channel sound<br />
tracks.<br />
MULTI-CHANNEL SOUND SYSTEMS - all-transistor -<br />
low noise level — high quality — "permanent" — the choice<br />
of leading first-run theatre circuits.<br />
35mm-70mm CENTURY PROJECTORS — better<br />
than<br />
ever, giving you and your customers standard film projection<br />
that excels in every respect.<br />
Investigate these Century "refinements" — they spell the difference between<br />
"the everyday" and a new world of excitement in film presentation.<br />
See your Century Dealer — or write:<br />
New York. N.Y. I0019<br />
Massachusetts Theatre Equipment Co.<br />
Phones: LI. 2-9814—LI. 2-0356<br />
20 Piedmont St. Boston, Mass. 02116<br />
BOXOFFICE :: February 12. 1968 NE-3
Kansos<br />
. . Mrs.<br />
-By<br />
ALLEN WIDEMparkiiiK<br />
coiiliiiues to plague (Jt>\MUown tirslrims<br />
ill Ncu Kngland's key cities and<br />
showmen sa\ thai long-term projections by<br />
municipal authorities for bettering trallic<br />
problems still cant help present-day woes of<br />
getting a patron's car parked quickly.<br />
It is argued—and with considerable justification—that<br />
not enough city officials in<br />
New hngland are appreciative of the fact<br />
that a first-run theatre, functioning on a<br />
seven-day I asis. can bring more people into<br />
the downtown area than many a retail outlet's<br />
widcK advertised bargain sale: yet<br />
nothing more than lip service is accorded<br />
a theatre owner's complaint about inadequate<br />
parking, particularly on a free basis.<br />
ID blocks in the immediate area.<br />
On the other end of the spectrum is<br />
availability of tie-in 'deals" with parking<br />
lot managements— i.e., permitting a specified<br />
number of theatre patrons' cars to be<br />
left in a particular area, with the theatre<br />
itself picking up the tab. ranging anywhere<br />
from 50 cents to one dollar.<br />
And since the theatre simply can't pass<br />
on this added cost to the patron, it's often<br />
a matter of "breaking even" on a motoring<br />
customer for the first-run theatre.<br />
One disillusioned first-nm theatre manager<br />
told BoxoilltL that parking managements<br />
aren't in a receptive mood, quite<br />
frankly, when it comes to broaching the<br />
contention that a customer's car. permitted<br />
to be parked free, isn't giving space away.<br />
"I've told parking lots in my immediate<br />
area." he said, "that all too often a patron,<br />
permitted to leave his car 'for free.' can<br />
return lo that lot time and again as a pay-<br />
lit!<br />
lt:n 3El«iOnT CMirioO .I"-<br />
ing customer, once he's exposed to the<br />
convenience and courtesy of the parkmg<br />
lot.<br />
But these parking lot operators are<br />
adamant. I'ay up or shut up.' they say in<br />
effect, and this isn't the practical solution<br />
to a most pressing problem."<br />
Police departments, with their manpower<br />
shortages and the constant threat of vandalism<br />
in the downtown areas, aren't about to<br />
forget the presence of a theatre patron's<br />
car? left in a no-parking zone, and parking<br />
tickets are tossed about, much to consternation<br />
of theatre patron and management<br />
alike.<br />
One New Kngland circuit executive remarked<br />
that after bringing the evident<br />
shortage of free parking spaces to his local<br />
chamber of commerce, he learned that here,<br />
too, "long-range" projections are being designed<br />
lo alleviate the situation.<br />
"This isn't good enough," he reasoned.<br />
"You have got to realize that an individual<br />
not accorded the courtesy of available space<br />
in a downtown area at any time of the da\<br />
isn't about to return in a hurry for a restaurant<br />
or anything else."<br />
As for the latter-day emergence of the<br />
shopping center theatre complexes, it is<br />
noted in New England executive echelons<br />
that manpower shortages for the relatively<br />
unskilled job of parking lot supervisor or<br />
attendant have posed yet-to-he-resolved<br />
problems for exhibition.<br />
In many cases, of course, a patron ma\<br />
simpl) leave his locked car on a vast expanse<br />
of parking area with no trouble.<br />
In more cases, though, other tenants in<br />
the same shopping center desire theatre<br />
cars to be parked in areas a bit of a distance<br />
from store entrances, thus enabling retail<br />
customers to have easy access. Hence, the<br />
incon\enience of walking in adverse wealh<br />
er doesn't appeal to the theatre patron.<br />
Vandalism is a pronoimced problem in<br />
theatre-shopping center parking areas.<br />
Many theatres have urged patrons to lock<br />
their cars, particularly at night. And many<br />
Start BOXOFFICE coming .<br />
DS years for $10 (SAVE $5<br />
D<br />
2 years for S8 (SAVE S2) fj<br />
1 year for $5<br />
These rates for US . Conodo, Pan America only. Other countries: $10 a year.<br />
theatres have seen to it that the areas arc<br />
amply and adequately lighted throughout<br />
the evening in a determined effort to thwart<br />
intended vandalism and timid theatre patrons<br />
unwilling to walk in evening darkness<br />
.11 performance's end.<br />
Increasingh. shopping theatre complexes<br />
arc getting the complex owners to improve<br />
the appeal of the parking area and there is<br />
a trend towards canopies to guard against<br />
inclement weather.<br />
Dudley Plaza Uniis<br />
Leased by Esquire<br />
DLI)l.i:V, i\l.>\S.S.<br />
— Rapidly expanding<br />
F.squire Theatres of America will operate<br />
a twin theatre complex to be known as Cinema<br />
I and Cinema II. now under construction<br />
in the Dudley Shopping Plaza, a circuit<br />
spokesman disclosed.<br />
The project is the first thoatre construciKMi<br />
in Oudley in 50 years.<br />
J^rs. Helen Greenway, widow of long-time<br />
I Aiews Palace Manager Fred R. Greenway,<br />
is living in Chicago, local industry<br />
friends have learned . Pete de Carli.<br />
wife of the president of Local 486, Moving<br />
Picture Projectionist Union, is dead , . .<br />
Robert Ben.sor, an industry newcomer, is<br />
stage manager at the Allyn. succeeding the<br />
late Oscar Majorie.<br />
The Urban League of Greater Hartford<br />
will sponsor the February 16 Connecticut<br />
benefit premiere of "Guess Wh.i's Coming to<br />
Dinner" at the Central in West Hartford.<br />
The film which stars Hartford's Katharine<br />
Hepburn. Spencer Tracy and Miss Hepburn's<br />
niece, Katharine Houghton of West<br />
Hartford, is also opening day-and-date at the<br />
Perakos Cinema One, East Hartford. Miss<br />
Houghton's family is expected to attend the<br />
Central performance.<br />
1 he young adult department of the<br />
YMC.\ is screening a free series of Ingmar<br />
Bergman motion pictures on Friday nights,<br />
with admission open to young adults of<br />
metropolitan Hartford. .Attractions include<br />
"The Seventh Seal," "Wild Strawberries"<br />
;md "The Virgin Spring." Discussion time<br />
follows each shinving and refreshments are<br />
served.<br />
Reopen in Sullivan, Ind.<br />
Frntit Central Edition<br />
SULLIVAN. IND. — Fdward Stewart's<br />
Sherman Theatre has reopened after remodeling.<br />
The initial run was Buena Vista's "The<br />
Gnome-Mobile." Ira Long is manager of the<br />
house which has a weekend-only policy.<br />
NAME<br />
825 Van Btunt Blvd<br />
,<br />
City, Mo 64124<br />
Albert R. Foiiune<br />
R. Fortune.<br />
74, life-long member of Local 5.3,<br />
lATSE. died at the Springfield Hospital. He<br />
had been employed in theatres throughout<br />
western Massachusetts.<br />
nk:-4 BOXOFFICE :: February 12. 1968
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BC Film Pioneers<br />
Re-Elect Officers<br />
VANCOUVER — Tho British<br />
Columhia<br />
Canadian Picture Pioneers re-elected all its<br />
ifficers by acclamation at its annual dinnermeeting<br />
January 30 in the Hilton Hotel hero.<br />
Tiie president is Owen Bird; vicc-presi-<br />
Jcni, Jimmy Davie, and secretary-treasurer.<br />
Larry .Sirick. Shiley Wilson is past president.<br />
Reports on the 1967 activities were given<br />
by Bird, and the treasurer reported an increase<br />
of $1,500 in the sinking fund, besides<br />
the $3,500 which was sent to the benevolent<br />
fund in Toronto. Davie reported $7,597.64<br />
was split by the group and Tent 47 from<br />
the Lougheed Sunday shows, and Dawson<br />
Exiey, chairman of the golf tourney, saiti<br />
there was a $500 profit from the event.<br />
Nat Taylor, a past president of the Pioneers,<br />
presented scrolls to 15 members who<br />
have completed 50 years or more in the industry.<br />
They are .Sidney T. Walker, Myron<br />
C. and Roy McLeod. Bill McCartney, An<br />
Criite. Charles Kearns. Tomnn Winchester.<br />
Marvin Thoreau. Ray Hansom. Bill Myers.<br />
Len Brewer. Gordon Dalgleish. Tommy<br />
Backus, Claude Smith and Jack Droy.<br />
The Projectionist Union donated $500 to<br />
the benevolent fund, and $1,000 was received<br />
from the estate of member Jack hucus,<br />
who died last spring.<br />
These new members were introduced;<br />
George Hislop. Nip Gowan, Charles Backus<br />
and Barney Simmons.<br />
Fifty members and guests were on hand.<br />
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Norm MacDonald,<br />
Edmonton, he is president of the Alberta<br />
Exhibitors Ass'n. and prospective Pioneers<br />
S>d Frcedman, Larry Katz, Jack Senior and<br />
Len B. Johnson.<br />
Out-of-town members attending were<br />
Cece Steele, Kitimat; Kelly Hayter. Salmon<br />
Arm. and Paul Gauthier, Quesnel.<br />
Ontario Announces Latest<br />
Classification of Films<br />
TORONTO—The Ontario Censor Board<br />
has classified these films;<br />
Adult— "The Ambushers," ""Cobra," "Cop-<br />
Out," "How I Won the War," "I Nostra<br />
Marita," ""Navajo Joe," "The President's<br />
Analyst," "The Sorcerers," "The Violent<br />
Ones."<br />
Restricted — "Chappaqua," "Flamboyant,"<br />
"The Glory Stompers," "'A Maiden for a<br />
Prince," "'Male Hunt," ""Queens," ""A Rose<br />
for Everyone," ""Teenage Rebellion,"<br />
""Valley of the Dolls."<br />
Ontario Tent 28 Installs<br />
Frank Strean Chief Barker<br />
TORONTO—The Variety Club of Ontario<br />
has installed Frank Strean as chief<br />
barker. He succeeds Jack Bernstein, who<br />
held the post two years.<br />
Tent 28 also seated Sam Shopsowitz and<br />
George Destounis (in absentia), assistant<br />
chief barkers; Stan Sobol, dough guy; Doug<br />
Wells, property master, and canvasmen Leon<br />
Weinstein. Jerry SoKvay, John Kurk, Alex<br />
Stewart and Stan Helleiir.<br />
'Funniest Man in<br />
World' Very Good<br />
In World Premiere Week at Toronto<br />
TOKON TO- -The Funniest Man in the<br />
World" made its world bow here at the In-<br />
'ernaiional Cinema and the ensuing week<br />
was highly successful for the theatre. This<br />
picture was one of several to earn "Very<br />
Good." ""F.xcellent" or "Good" ratings for<br />
their bo\i>ffice showings—among the other<br />
thriving first runs being ""Bedazzled," first<br />
week. Fairlawn; "Glory Stompers," Downtown<br />
and other Twinex houses; ""Cool Hand<br />
Luke," second week. Imperial, Golden Mile.<br />
Yorkdale and other Famous Players theatres.<br />
.<br />
Capitol Fine Art The Happiest Millionaire (Emp),<br />
6f h wk Good<br />
Carlton Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (Col),<br />
3rd wk<br />
Excellent<br />
Coronet Frontier Hellcat (SR) Secret Agent 101<br />
(SR)<br />
Downtown group The Glory Stompers (Astral);<br />
Good<br />
The Cobra (Astral)<br />
Good<br />
Eglmton Doctor Dolittle (20th-Fox),<br />
6tti wk Very Good<br />
Fairlcwn Bedazzled (20th-Fox) Excellent<br />
Glendcle Far From the Madding Crowd (MGM),<br />
13th wk<br />
Hollywood (North)— The Penthouse (Para),<br />
Good<br />
6th wk<br />
Good<br />
Hollywood (South) Volley of the Dolls (20th-Fox),<br />
6th wk Very Good<br />
H/land The Ambushers (Col), 6th wk Very Good<br />
Imperial group Cool Hand Luke (WB-7A),<br />
2nd wk Very<br />
Internotional Cinema The Funniest Man in the<br />
Good<br />
World (IFD) Very Good<br />
Loew's Fitzwilly (UA), 3rd wk Good<br />
Loew's Uptown Gone With the Wind (MGM),<br />
I 6th wk Good<br />
Towne Cinema The Stranger (Para), 2nd wk. .Good<br />
University Comelot 'WB-7A), 6th wk Very Good<br />
Ynrkdole The Penthouse (Poro), 2nd wk Fair<br />
'Custer of West' Wins<br />
Quick Favor in Montreal<br />
MONTREAL— "Custer of the West" replaced<br />
"Grand Prix," which had a successful<br />
37-week run at the Imperial, and the newcomer<br />
at once established itself as a popular<br />
favorite. Also in favor of the Cinerama spectacular<br />
is its "'For the Entire Family" rating.<br />
. . ,<br />
Alouette Gone With the Wind iMGM), 15th wk. Good<br />
Atwater The Incident (20th-Fox), 2nd wk Good<br />
Avenue The Happiest Millionaire (Emp),<br />
2nd wk<br />
Good<br />
Cinema Bonoventure L'Etronger (Para), 6th wk. Good<br />
Cinema Festival<br />
Cinema Place<br />
The Royal Track (SR) .Excellent<br />
du Canada--Tony Rome (20th-Fox),<br />
7th wk<br />
Cinemo Place Ville Marie Venom (SR) . . . .Excellent<br />
Good<br />
Cinema Westmount Square Reflections in a<br />
Golden Eye 6th (MGM), wk<br />
Good<br />
Elysee (Eisenstein) Le Regne du Jour (SR)<br />
Elysee (Resnois)— Lo Collectionneuse (SR),<br />
. . . .Good<br />
2nd wk<br />
Good<br />
Imperial Custer of the West (CRC) Excellent<br />
Kent How I Won the Wor (UA), 3rd wk Good<br />
Loew's Volley of the Dolls (20th-Fox), 6th wk. Good<br />
Palace Woit Until Dark (WB-7A), 4th wk Good<br />
Parisien Lo Fontaine de I'Amour (SR), 4th wk. Good<br />
Seville The Jungle Book lEmp), 6th wk Good<br />
Snowdon For From the Madding Crowd (MGM),<br />
13th wk. Good<br />
Von Home— Eric Soyo's 17 (SR), 3rd wk Good<br />
Vendome Belle de Jour (SR), 2nd wk Good<br />
Westmount Comelot ;WB-7A), 14th wk Good<br />
York Bonnie and Clyde (WB-7A), 20th wk Good<br />
'Bonnie and Cl'yde' 'Excellent'<br />
First Week in Winnipeg<br />
WINNIPEG — CJrosses continued stable<br />
and at about the same levels as the preceding<br />
week and lor the same period a year ago.<br />
Breaking on the local scene was "Bonnie<br />
and Clyde." strong enough to share the top<br />
spot v^ith holdovers "Far From the Madding<br />
Crowd" and "'The Good, the Bad and the<br />
Ugly." The trio of "Camelot," "The Amliushers"<br />
and ""Gone With the Wind," all<br />
lonu holdovers, continued above averasc.<br />
"Doctor /hivago, " in a lelurn-run booking,<br />
had a productive week at the suburban<br />
Windsor.<br />
Capitol— Bonnie ond Clyde (WB-7A)<br />
Excellent<br />
Gaiety Comelot iWB 7A), 13th wk Good<br />
Kings The Sailor From Gibraltar (UA) Average<br />
Metropolitan— Gone With the Wind (MGM)<br />
13th wk . .<br />
Good<br />
Odecn The Good, the Bod and the Ugly (UA),<br />
2nd wk Excellent<br />
Park For From the Madding Crowd (MGM),<br />
6th wk Excellent<br />
New Vancouver Lyric Record<br />
Set By 'Doctor Speaks Out'<br />
VANCOUVER— A house record<br />
was set<br />
by the Lyric with the North ,\merican premiere<br />
of "The Doctor Speaks Out." In spite<br />
of a cold snap over the weekend, the boxoffice<br />
lineups started before the first show<br />
began and lasted throughout the first day.<br />
Business also was gratifying in the Capitol,<br />
showing ""Wait Until Dark"; Orpheum.<br />
""Flim-Flam Man"; Ridge, "Doctor Dolittle."'<br />
and Odcon, •Viiliey of the Dolls."<br />
Cap.tol Woit Until Dark (WB-7A) Excellent<br />
Coronet— The Good, the Bod and the Ugly (UA),<br />
3rd wk, Very Good<br />
Lyric The Doctor Spcoks Out ^Astral) Capacity<br />
Odcon Volley of the Dolls (20th-Fox),<br />
6th wk , .<br />
Excellent<br />
Orpheum The Flim-Flam Man (20th-Fox) ..Excellent<br />
Ridge Doctor Dolittle (20th-Fox) Excellent<br />
Stanley — Camelot (WB-7A), 13th wk Average<br />
Strand Gone With the Wind (MGM),<br />
1 4th wk Above Avcroge<br />
Vogue The Wicked Dreams of Poulo Schultz<br />
(UA)<br />
Foir<br />
Rank to Distribute<br />
'Paddle to the Sea'<br />
\10NTRFAL-()ne of the largest deals<br />
lo date between the National Film Board<br />
and the J. Arthur Rank Organization involves<br />
Rank's purchase of the NFB film<br />
""Paddle to the Sea,"" which will result in<br />
wide theatrical distribution of this classic<br />
children's story throughout Great Britain.<br />
With the opening of three new Canadian<br />
external affairs offices in Ethiopia, Tunisia<br />
and Senegal, NFB film libraries will be<br />
established in those nations. The NFB also<br />
announced Zambia and Mauritius have<br />
bought nine films for television.<br />
The NFB is playing a major role in<br />
India's program of disseminating information<br />
on the dangers of overpopulation and<br />
food production. The NFB has provided<br />
550 prints of a film "Food," demonstrating<br />
the practices required to increase crop yields<br />
for mass distribution. The short was produced<br />
by a filmmaker from India while<br />
training at the NF-^B studios.<br />
More than 700 prints of ""People by the<br />
Billions,"<br />
a 30-minute NFB production, are<br />
in distribution throughout India.<br />
MPTAO Adds 3 Members<br />
TORONTO — The Motion Picture Theatres<br />
Ass'n announces new members:<br />
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Laurin of the Pen Theatre<br />
in Penetang and N. J. Erechook, Roxy<br />
in Wawa.<br />
BOXOFFICE ;; February 12, 1968 K-1
"<br />
The National Kilni Board ha^ announceJ<br />
the appoinmicni ot Horiensc Roy as<br />
program agent for the French Language Canadian<br />
Service here. She will be in charge<br />
of social action films. She was an NFB representative<br />
in Quebec Cit\<br />
The Art Cinema, which o|Kiici.i just a few<br />
mi)nths ago and attracted crowds with its<br />
initial<br />
presentation of the Japanese film "Lost<br />
Sex." hiLS started on its second program.<br />
"Sang Reserve." based on Thomas Manns<br />
Walsungenblul" and directed by Rolf<br />
Thicle. The film, in German, has French<br />
•ublilles<br />
Michel Costom's Fleur de Lys Theatre<br />
had a good run with "Lamiel." starring<br />
Anna Karina and Robert Hossein .<br />
The<br />
Cinema Festival, also of the Costom's chain.<br />
:i!lr;:cled long lines of patrons with "The<br />
Xoyal Track" (Kingslcden) directed by Gunnar<br />
Hoglund.<br />
\t the Knipirc, Nikos Koundouros'<br />
"Young Aphrodites" also proved popular.<br />
. .<br />
Tlie film is in Greek with English subtitles<br />
The Verdi Repertory Theatre had a<br />
Bogart film festival.<br />
The Cinematheque Canadienne this<br />
COLOR or<br />
BLACK and WHITE<br />
• From any type of color print.<br />
Printed and developed on our premises.<br />
• Complete 3Smm & 16mm modern<br />
lab. All facilities.<br />
• Film scratches removed, waxing, old<br />
dry films rejuvenated, new films<br />
vacuumate treated against wear and<br />
tear.<br />
• "Personalized one stop service for tfie<br />
film distributor."<br />
• Try us and you will be satisfied.<br />
265 Vitrc St W (514) 861-5483<br />
Try our reasonable prices!<br />
4810 Solnl 0«nl> StT««t, Mantraol, Qua.<br />
rkona: Victor 1-476]<br />
month IS adding t«o new series, a tribute to<br />
the famous comedy team of Laurel and<br />
Hardy and another to the French film director<br />
Jacques Becker. They join the four series<br />
already running (Animation. Lang, Canadian<br />
Films and Brussels). Jacques Becker's<br />
retrospective started with presentation of<br />
"Dernier .Atout." his first film made in 1942.<br />
Twelve other productions will cover the<br />
Becker's complete works (1942-1959). The<br />
Laurel and Hardy series will consist of 14<br />
films, some are silent pictures.<br />
\/ernon I'. Becker was here for the world<br />
bow of his "The Funniest Man in the<br />
World" at Nat Taylor's International Cinema.<br />
He reported it took him 2'2 years to<br />
put together the feature-length montage of<br />
early Charlie Chaplin films, only to find out<br />
no major American distributor wanted to<br />
handle it. "So here I am with Nat Taylor<br />
h.mdling the Canadian distribution and<br />
\ICiM getting ready to open it abroad.<br />
O. J. Silverthorne, chief Ontario film censor,<br />
reported the role of his group has<br />
changed drastically over the years. "At one<br />
time our duties were relatively simple . .<br />
Now we are to pass judgment on what is pornography<br />
and what is obscenity, and perhaps<br />
our judgment not always is right. It may<br />
be that the time has come for such matters<br />
lo be handled by our courts."<br />
The I niversit> College film festival was<br />
lieki here, with .^2 productions being shown<br />
for a total screening time of just under ten<br />
hours. Local movie historian Reg Hartt of<br />
ihc Queen Victoria Silent Cinema helped<br />
put together the collection. Griffith's "Birth<br />
of a Nation" and Watkins' "The War Game"<br />
proved so popular they had to be shown<br />
twice.<br />
rile 27tli annual dinner-meeting of the<br />
Canadian Picture Pioneers has been scheduled<br />
Wednesdav (14) in the Seaway Hotel.<br />
Lionel Lester, chairman of the 16mni ex-<br />
'libition committee of the Ontario Motion<br />
Picture Theatres Ass'n, said that when complaints<br />
of improper noncommercial use of<br />
l(imm films have been reported, he has received<br />
cooperation from the distributors,<br />
which generally agreed that such exhibition<br />
hould not he advertised through the usual<br />
nicdi.i. Yo increase membership in the association,<br />
president Curlcy S. Poscn said he<br />
plans to send lists of nonmembcrs to members<br />
in the hopes they will be able to enlisi<br />
ilicin.<br />
.lack Hunter. 81, one of the originators of<br />
ihe Canadian Picture Pioneers, is dead. He<br />
•:ame to Canada from First National distributors<br />
in New York in the early 1920s, and<br />
s:rvcd for many years as Paramount branch<br />
manager. Later he managed the Bay Theatre<br />
He leaves his wife Nettie, a daughter<br />
Carol Malcolm of Brantford. Ont., and a<br />
son John of Port Credit. Oni.<br />
J. J. l-itzgibbons jr., president of Theatre<br />
Confections. Ltd.. has been awarded a Centennial<br />
Medal by the Canadian government,<br />
of which he said he had no foreknowledge.<br />
He organized the Prince Philip dinner in<br />
1964, which raised more than SI 00.000 for<br />
the Ontario Variety Club.<br />
Gordon Miller, 92, Canadian Motion Piciiue<br />
Pioneer and exhibitor, died in his hometown<br />
of Peterborough. Ont. He retired several<br />
years ago.<br />
Ihe New Cinema Club M Cinecity presented<br />
two performances of "The Deva Loka<br />
Sideshow." the premiere of a new mixedmedia<br />
group, with George Nachoff of Musitronic<br />
Productions handling the electronic<br />
music portion of the program. The compulerizjd<br />
music can be controlled to flow<br />
through the banks of speakers surrounding<br />
the auditorium, in<br />
a circular or diagonal direction,<br />
to create three-dimensional sound.<br />
Gregory Markopolous' "Twice a Man" is<br />
scheduled to be shown to the group tonight<br />
(12).<br />
Bob Hope Previews Film<br />
To Get Audience Reaction<br />
Frorn Western Edition<br />
RIVERSIDE, CALIF. — SERO Amusement<br />
Co.'s De Anza Theatre here previewed<br />
Bob Hope's just completed picture "The Pvt.<br />
Navy of Sgt. O'Farrell." and Hope was on<br />
hand with an entourage of film editors, technicians,<br />
soundmen and projectionists to<br />
judge the picture from the moviegoers' viewpoint.<br />
Accompanying Hope were his wife, son<br />
and daughter.<br />
During the screening of the United Artists<br />
release. Hope, flanked in the reserved section<br />
by producer John Beck and editor Ronnie<br />
Sinclair, dictated corrections and comments<br />
into a tape recorder.<br />
The reactions of the jam-packed audience<br />
(all on tape) will determine what stays or<br />
eets deleted from the finished product.<br />
VCI Dinner Set March 18<br />
For Lord Mountbatten<br />
From Eastern Edition<br />
NEW YORK—Variety Clubs International<br />
will hold a dinner in honor of Earl<br />
Mountbatten of Burma. Admiral of the<br />
British Fleet, at the Hotel Americana here<br />
on March 18. Darryl F. Zanuck. 20th-Fox<br />
president, and Mike Frankovich. independent<br />
producer for Columbia, will be the industry<br />
chairmen for the $100 per plate<br />
affair.<br />
Industryites on the committee include:<br />
Irving Berlin. Harry Brandt. Irving Dollingcr.<br />
S. H. Fabian. Douglas Fairbanks jr.,<br />
Jean Goldwurm. Otto Koegcl. Joseph F.<br />
I evine. Nat Nathanson, Robert H. O'Brien.<br />
Seymour Poe. Otto Prcniinger. Samuel Rosen,<br />
Abe Schneider. Jules Stein. Donald S.<br />
Stralcm. Laurence A. Tisch. Richard F.<br />
Walsh. Walter Wancer.<br />
BOXOFTICE ;: February 12, 1968
with more exhibitor subscribers<br />
because it publishes . . .<br />
MORE Local and National News<br />
ivlUKb Booking<br />
Information<br />
fvlC/Kt<br />
Showmandising Ideas<br />
lYlUKb Operational<br />
Information<br />
AAURl Equipment and Concessions Tips<br />
IviUKl Convention Coverage<br />
MURb on all counts that count most<br />
InVIHIil<br />
~'^^°^ °'^^ relied on by MORE Theatremen<br />
III M lllL'll ^^^^ ^^y Qfi^Qf fjiuj frade paper in the world<br />
BOXOFFICE :: February 12, 1968 K-3
.<br />
Jvan Ai-kery, manager ol<br />
the OrpliLuni. had<br />
Jay Osf on hand tor ihc opening ol<br />
•The Flim-Flam Man." In the picture it was<br />
his hands in the close-ups of the card-dealing<br />
scenes, .-\ckery also had 20 members from<br />
the local magic group on hand, several ot<br />
whom were students of Ose. including one<br />
man who works part-time for the RCMP.<br />
i-hecking out crooked card game suspects.<br />
\s a jcreen game,<br />
HOLLYWOOD takes fop<br />
honors. As a box-office attraction,<br />
it is without equal. It hoj<br />
been a favorite with theatre goers for<br />
over 15 years. Write today for complete details.<br />
Be sure to give seating or car capacity.<br />
3750 Ooklon Sr.<br />
* Skokic, Illinois<br />
^^$$S^\\\ll////yffii^<br />
^^<br />
^^ I^H Tilth ^^0<br />
£ Technikote £<br />
:^ SCREENS :^<br />
^ NEW "JET WHITE"<br />
^<br />
^^S o^d J\R*17l P«arl«ic«nr. anti-ifollc icr««fl «^^N|<br />
AfOilobl* from you^ outhor
SHORTS<br />
IDEAS<br />
Hernandez Continues<br />
Mystery Theme<br />
In Selling UA's Good, Bad, Ugly'<br />
Manager Fred Morgenroth. center, of<br />
the State Theatre, Richmond, Ind.,<br />
presents a roiindlrip ticket to Disneyland<br />
to 6-year-old Lynn Moegerle,<br />
winner of a contest in connection with<br />
Biiena Vista's "The Jungle Book." Jim<br />
Wickemeyer. assistant manager of<br />
[VKB\'-Radio, hands her a recording<br />
of the voices she identified from the<br />
movie. She answered the radio quiz<br />
correctly and listed her reasons why<br />
she wanted to visit Disneyland. Morgenroth<br />
also had displays in supermarkets<br />
and bookstores. During the<br />
engagement, he sold "Jungle Book"<br />
coloring books in the lobby.<br />
Largest 'Dolittle' Data<br />
Display in Kansas City<br />
The largest exhibit of "Doctor Dolittle"<br />
memorabilia in the country has opened in<br />
Kansas City in the Halls Store, a gift emporium,<br />
two weeks before the Missouri<br />
premiere of the 20th Century-Fox attraction.<br />
Highlighted with original drawings,<br />
manuscripts and notes written by Hugh<br />
Lofting, author of the "Dolittle" novels, the<br />
month-long exhibit presents many of the<br />
props, sets, costumes and working scripts<br />
from the reserved-seat musical spectacle.<br />
The color featurette from the film also will<br />
be shown continuously in the store.<br />
Present at the opening of the exhibit was<br />
Christopher Lofting, journalist and son of<br />
the author, and two supporting characters<br />
from the film, a chimpanzee and a macaw.<br />
"Doctor Dolittle." which stars Rex Harrison.<br />
Samantha Eggar. Anthony Newley<br />
and Richard Attenborough. will open Wednesday<br />
(14) at Durwood"s Midland Theatre<br />
in downtown Kansas City.<br />
A. J. Hernandez, for United Artists' "The<br />
Good, the Bad and the Ugly." continued<br />
"the man with no name" approach in selling<br />
this picture, even though the UA pressbook<br />
did not carry out that theme as it did on<br />
the first two Clint Eastwood starrers.<br />
Biggest Selling Point<br />
The manager of Gulf States Theatres<br />
Cinema 1-82 and Showtown U.S.A. Drivein<br />
in Greenville. Miss., believed Eastwood,<br />
as the "man with no name." still was the biggest<br />
selling point. Hernandez made up his<br />
own ads to stress this. He used a series of<br />
small teaser ads. beginning nine days before<br />
playdate, in various spots in the local newspaper,<br />
and found that sports and classified<br />
ad pages worked best.<br />
Radio-Teaser Spot.s<br />
Hernandez also set up a series of 30-<br />
second radio-teaser spots on WDDT. using<br />
similar copy as in the newspaper: "The<br />
Man With No Name Is Back." In addition.<br />
a tie-in was arranged with the station on a<br />
Pot-of-Gold contest, where $25 was<br />
awarded to the winner who guessed the<br />
number of pennies in a pot. Guest passes<br />
to the theatre were the other prizes.<br />
To find a convenient location for the pot.<br />
the Sears Roebuck ad manager. Leroy<br />
Craig, was contacted, and he arranged a<br />
display, including a 24x60-inch poster, in<br />
the store's radio-television center. (TTie win-<br />
Manager A. J. Hernandez<br />
of the Cinema<br />
1-82 in Greenville.<br />
M is s.. had<br />
these staffers dress<br />
in western attire to<br />
set the atmosphere<br />
for United Artists'<br />
"The Good, the Bad<br />
and the Ugly." Left<br />
to right are Grady<br />
Ballard. Shannon<br />
Boykin. Bonnie<br />
Sander s. Barbara<br />
Boykin. Lynne Resiner<br />
Blocker.<br />
and K a t h y<br />
BOXOFFICE Showmandiser :; Feb. 12, 1968 — 21 —<br />
ner missed the correct amount. Si.'?. 22. by<br />
only one cent.)<br />
WDDT Promotion<br />
In conjunction with the contest. WDDT<br />
had 150 promotion spots within 15 days,<br />
beginning I 1 days before the opening.<br />
Next, Hernandez contacted a local western-wear<br />
store and made arrangements for<br />
a lobby display. The store, the Circle L, set<br />
up a 1 -sheet and furnished western attire<br />
for the staffers. This included guns and<br />
holsters for the two male staffers. Shannon<br />
Boykin. complete with a simulated beard<br />
and a poncho (as the Man With No Name),<br />
distributed lucky "dollar" heralds in the<br />
busy downtown area. Lucky numbers on<br />
the heralds, corresponding to those posted<br />
in the theatre lobby, were good for guesl<br />
tickets to the picture.<br />
On the front of the 6x3 '/2 -inch herald.<br />
Hernandez used a montage of the illustrations<br />
utilized in the first two "Dollar" pictures—stub<br />
of a cigar, rifle, poncho. The<br />
back was mostly type, except for a onecolumn<br />
mat on "The Good, the Bad and the<br />
Ugly."<br />
Attracts News Story<br />
The promotion generated a great deal of<br />
interest, and led the weekly newspaper the<br />
Leiand Progress to run a two-column feature<br />
story, including art on the staffers and<br />
Cinema 1-82 lobby display.
\lvKON, general manager oj Jack tUuL ilieatres. i» cilcd lor liis wcll-ijaced<br />
promotion at the Nuart Theatre in Los Angeles of building 27 pictures, all reruns,<br />
into an excellent nine-week film festival date.<br />
1 by<br />
i"ic\NK. \ki>o\, manager of General Cinema's Weslland Cinema in Denver, earns an<br />
award for his clever safe-cracking stunt in his lolihy ior MGM"s "Jack of Diamonds.'<br />
P. C. "Chuck" Neff, manager oj Commoniiealth's Antioch Theatre in Kansas City<br />
\orth, for turning the lobby of the theatre into a sight-seeing Christmas attraction.<br />
I.OUI.s Gasparim, manager of the Fox-Winrock Theatre in Albuquerque, for his endless<br />
efforts in promoting "A Man for All Seasons."' especially as a school attraction.<br />
•<br />
IIkmiv "Bud" Som.MERS, city manager for Duruoud Theatres in Leavenworth, Kas..<br />
whose letter to teachers played up the school theme in "To Sir. With Love.<br />
l)\\i \\ vi.sll, manager oj the Loew's Teck in Bujjalo. who iiad a silver-armored<br />
knight riding down Main Street with a police escort for "Camelot."'<br />
A model, to promote Paramount's<br />
"The Penthouse" at the Shadyside Theatre<br />
in Pittsburgh, hands out a card to<br />
a passerby, reading: "Hi. My name is<br />
Harry. Why don't you come up and<br />
visit me at 'The Penthouse' (address of<br />
theatre). I know you'll enjoy yourself.<br />
P.S. Best to leave the children at<br />
home." Looking on is IVYDD disc<br />
jockey Gil Barringlon. who drove the<br />
model around Pittsburgh and shopping<br />
centers in this English taxi.<br />
Fkki) ('l RTICE. managing director oj Syujy Enterprises' Century 21 Theatre in Sacramento,<br />
for his exciting campaign for the opening of the new theatre and "Gone<br />
With the Wind." as the first attraction.<br />
|{|(:mai Goi.dsworthy. manager oj the Fox Theatre in the Charleston Plaza Shopping<br />
Center in Las Vegas, a previous BoxokkFck Showmandiser Citation wiinier. is<br />
cited again for his >uccessful "Hey. Kids. Show" series, in general, and his attention-getting<br />
campaign for "The Jungle Rook."' in particular.<br />
M. I{. ^ WKOVlcil, manager oj Redstone's Cinema I and II in Louisville, another previous<br />
winner, earns a citation for his exciting, well-planned holiday campaign<br />
for "The Comedians" (Cinema 1 1 and "Wait Until Dark" (Cinema III.<br />
Bcin Iheiitrcs Ambassador and 20th Ceninrx in suhurhan Cincinnati receive a<br />
promotiimal boost for their playdates throui^h this downtown window display.<br />
( inrinnati merchants find it to their advantage to have such attractive displays<br />
ivi J li)ni:-rangc basis.<br />
Encore Film Series<br />
Building in K.C.<br />
Manager Terry W. Boyle of Dickinson"s<br />
Kimo Thcalrc in Kansas City has concluded<br />
the first series of the Sunday Encore Theatre,<br />
and he plans to make it a regular<br />
policy.<br />
The Sunday feature is the encore-showing<br />
of classic art films by public request. The<br />
patron can attend (he regular feature either<br />
before or after the encore, which is at<br />
3 p.m. every .Sunday.<br />
Patrons Request Films<br />
Patrons may fill out request cards in the<br />
lobby, and the cards arc reviewed by Boyle<br />
with the assistance of Dr. James K.<br />
Loutzenhiser, film chairman of the Missouri<br />
Council on Arts; the Rev. Robert Lakes<br />
and the Rev. John Kavanaugh. both of<br />
Rockhurst College, and Dennis Stack, film<br />
critic of the Kansas City Star. A herald on<br />
the series is distributed through area high<br />
schools, colleges and women's clubs. A<br />
weekly feature story with stills appears in<br />
the Star, in addition to the encore film's<br />
mcniion in the "now-playing" section. The<br />
heralds arc available at all programs, which<br />
include a special trailer about the encore<br />
pictures, and a teaser trailer about next<br />
week's film.<br />
Business Booster<br />
This has added to the revenues of a<br />
normally slack time and could be used by<br />
smaller town theatres in college communities<br />
to provide art films which are popular<br />
with students. Tlie encore also has been<br />
used for students of cinema and drama for<br />
important art films of the day.<br />
ther<br />
1 the<br />
— 22 BOXOFFICE Showmandiser :: Feb. 12, 1968
—<br />
Voctor Do/ittie' (20th-Fox) Wins<br />
January Blue Ribbon Award<br />
pANTASY AS FAMILY FILM FARE is popular now—probably as a reaction from<br />
the amount of realism and sadism in many current motion pictures. So it was no<br />
surprise that the 20th Century- Fox version of Hugh I.oftings stories about a country doctor<br />
who became a special kind of linguist, in that he talked to animals, was voted the<br />
January Blue Ribbon Award as the most outstanding current release that was wholesome<br />
entertainment for the whole family. Rex Harrison in the title role gave it a sophistication<br />
and adult appeal it might not have had otherwise, as did the music and lyrics by Leslie<br />
Bricusse, who also wrote the screenplay.<br />
BoxoFFiCE gave "Doctor Dolittle" a "Doctor Dolittle" is a "treat" instead of<br />
. . . this musical roadshow<br />
king-size review January I. condensed to<br />
regular size in its issue of Januarv 15. This<br />
review said in part: "For the ailing market<br />
of good general family film entertainment,<br />
producer Arthur P. Jacobs has come up<br />
with a film version of 'Doctor Dolittle,'<br />
based on the world famous stories by the<br />
late Hugh Lofting<br />
attraction from 20th-Fox is a sheer<br />
delight for young audiences ... It should<br />
bring pleasure and fun to audiences for<br />
many years to come."<br />
In situations where it has already started<br />
playing the winning film has scored more<br />
than 300 per cent of normal business. And<br />
it is the kind of picture that can play in<br />
every part of the coimtry with equal appeal,<br />
as well as in urban, rural and small<br />
town situations. National Screen Council<br />
members, who voted it the Award, had<br />
this to say about the unique musical:<br />
Imagination and Charm<br />
It is good to have the film industry show<br />
a human being civilized enough to treat<br />
animals as if they really are God's creatures!"—Cecile<br />
Burton. Kansas City<br />
drama teacher . . . Delightful, entertaining<br />
fantasy that brings the world of Doctor<br />
Dolittle to life on the screen.—W. A.<br />
Payne. Dallas News . . . This classic tale<br />
has been transferred to the screen with<br />
imagination and charm—a film to delight<br />
adults and children.—Virginia Beard.<br />
Cleveland Public Library . . . Terrific<br />
family entertainment.—Arlie Crites. Texas<br />
Drive-In TOA, Dallas.<br />
a "treatment" and the best "medicine" to<br />
come out of Hollywood in years—marvelous<br />
entertainment for the entire family.—<br />
Roger G. Field, ABC-TV. Hollywood<br />
. . . The<br />
acting is excellent, production<br />
values superb and the music beats<br />
most of Broadway this season by a mile.<br />
It's one the family can enjoy together.<br />
Nancy Razen. Newark Star-Ledger .<br />
. .<br />
Delightful music and an amusing circus<br />
sequence.— Mrs. William A. Dalton.<br />
I.F.C.A., Avon, N.J.<br />
A wonderful family film. There are<br />
poetry, fantasy, humor and a little pathos<br />
in it. enjoyable for both children and<br />
grownups.— Mrs. George H. Sutcliffe.<br />
Brooklyn MPC . . . What can one say<br />
about Rex Harrison's delightful portrayal?<br />
A romping good time.—John Anthony.<br />
WITI-TV, Milwaukee ... I like Rex Harrison,<br />
I like animals—and I like the combination.<br />
— Nevart Apikian. Syracuse<br />
Post-Standard.<br />
"Doctor Dolittle" is a superb and delightful<br />
musical for old and yoimg alike.<br />
— M. B. Smith. Commonwealth Theatres.<br />
Kansas City ... A must film for all the<br />
family. Tlie lusty tunes add much to the<br />
enjoyment.—Len Massell. Stamford Advocate<br />
The acting of the animals ex-<br />
. . .<br />
cellent and Rex Harrison perfect in the<br />
doctor's part.—Mrs. Arthur L. Murray,<br />
Long Beach Kappa Kappa Gamma.<br />
The magic of Hugh Lofting's story<br />
comes through with droll gaiety in "Doctor<br />
Dolittle."— Mrs. Maurice E. McLoughlin.<br />
D..'\.R. nat'l chairman, Brooklyn.<br />
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii<br />
Doctor John Dolittle Rex H.vrrison<br />
Emma Fairfax S.^manth.x Eggar<br />
Matthew Mitgg Anthony Nfwi.ey<br />
Albert Blossom . RlCHARD Attenboroi'gh<br />
General Bellowes<br />
Peter Bui i<br />
The Cast<br />
. .<br />
Mrs. Blossom Muriel Landers<br />
Tommy Stitbhins<br />
William Dix<br />
Willie Shakespeare .Geoi frey Hoi der<br />
Sarah Dolittle Portia Nelson<br />
Laily Petherington Norma Varuen<br />
. . . .<br />
Produced by Arthur P. Jai ohs<br />
Directed by<br />
Richard Fleischer<br />
Associate Producer Mort Abrahams<br />
Assistant Director Richard Lang<br />
Screenplay by<br />
Leslie Bricusse<br />
Music Scored & Conducted by<br />
Lionel New.vl\n.<br />
Alexander Courage<br />
Dance & Musical Numbers Staged by . .<br />
Herbert Ross<br />
Director of Photography<br />
Robert Surtees, A.S.C.<br />
Production Staff<br />
Special /'holographic Effects<br />
L. B. Abbott. A.S.C.<br />
Art Cruickshank.<br />
Emil Kosa Jr.<br />
Howard Lydecker<br />
Vocal Supervision<br />
Ian Eraser<br />
Film Editors<br />
Samuel E. Beetley. A.C.E..<br />
Marjorie Fowler, A.C.E.<br />
Sound Supervision . . . .James Corcoran.<br />
Murray Spivack<br />
Produced in<br />
Todd-AO (R)<br />
Color by<br />
De luxe<br />
BOXOFFICE Showtnandiser :: Feb. 12, 1968 — 23 —<br />
This award is given each month by the<br />
National Screen Council on the basis of outstanding<br />
merit and suitability for family<br />
entertainment. Council membership comprises<br />
motion picture editors radio and TV film<br />
commentators representatives of better films<br />
councils civic, educational and exhibitor organizations.
~S-<br />
House of 1,000 Dolls (MP (—Vincent<br />
Price, Murtha Hycr. George Nader. This is<br />
a picture that did okay for us. but had some<br />
competition. Do a little extra advertising on<br />
it. .Some places may want to put a second<br />
feature with it. Ran this on our Christmas<br />
week while school was out. Played Thurs..<br />
Sat. Weather: Fair.—Leon Kidwell, Majestic<br />
Theatre. Allen, Okla.<br />
Big Mouth. The (Col)—Jerry Lewis. Harold<br />
J. Stone. Buddy Lester. This was well<br />
received here. Big low was due to extreme<br />
cold weather, but this picture is good. Played<br />
Thurs. and Sat.—Charles Burton. Cozy<br />
Theatre. I.ockwood. Mo. Pop. 852.<br />
Enter l.auehing (Col)—Jose Ferrer. Shelley<br />
Winiers. Flainc May. What a nice family<br />
picture— with little or no appeal. It needs to<br />
be sold and hard—enjoyed by those who<br />
came hut blizzard, etc. chalked up a big. fat<br />
loss here. Wonh a date. Played Sun.. Mon.<br />
Weather; Blizzard to .^2 below.— Ken Chrislii'.nson.<br />
Roxy Theatre. Washburn. N.D.<br />
Pop. 91.^.<br />
Murderers' Row (Col)— Dean Martin.<br />
\nii\I.irgrel. K:irl Maiden. I played this<br />
way late to above average business on the<br />
weekend between Christmas and New<br />
Year's. Played Fri.. Sat. Weather: Cold.— M.<br />
W. Long. Lans Theatre. Lansing. Iowa. Pop.<br />
1..^28.<br />
Doctor /.hi\aBo (MtiM»—Umar Sharif.<br />
Julie Christie. Tom Courtenay. Another theatre<br />
in ihe metropolitan area, advertising in<br />
the metropolitan press, charged 25 cents less<br />
on the lop admission. The explanation? He<br />
was second run and I'm first. Very bad for<br />
public relations. I cannot see how a film<br />
company gains by placing an exhibitor in<br />
an embarrassing position with his patrons,<br />
with bad feeling all around. Played two<br />
weeks.—Jack Frost, Park Theatre. While<br />
Rock. B.C. Pop. 7.000.<br />
Don'l<br />
Make Waves (MGM»—Tony Curtis.<br />
Claudia Cardinale. Sharon Tate. Not a<br />
holiday picture, as we used it. Curtis' poorest<br />
and in poor taste. Did not even make a ripple<br />
at the boxoffice. Too much of the same<br />
old thine, sex .nnd more sex. Played Thurs..<br />
'E\ Dorado' One of Best<br />
Westerns in Some Time<br />
Oh, loM'ly<br />
(la>s for clear John \\a\nc<br />
and Paramount for making us one of<br />
(he best Mestenis we Unw shown for<br />
some time, "Kl Dorado." dood business<br />
and "ilh the right terms.<br />
Rex Ihealre,<br />
Konowa, tlkla.<br />
Audience Really Liked<br />
Col's 'Walk, Don't Run<br />
Our audience really got a bang out of<br />
Walk, Don't Run" from Columbia. A<br />
good cast, nice eolor and ( inemaSeope,<br />
and loaded with fun. too. If >ii haven't<br />
played it. you won't go wrong h\ doing<br />
so.<br />
Orpheum Theatre,<br />
Marietta. Minn.<br />
Fri.. Sat. Weather: Fair.— Kon Christianson.<br />
Roxy Theatre. Washburn. N.D Pop. 9I.V<br />
Africa — Texas Style! (Para) — Hugh<br />
OBrian. John Mills. Nigel Green. This one<br />
reminded me a lot of "Hatari." also from<br />
Paramount, and as of late on the boob tube<br />
in color, too. This is geared to the family<br />
and they will enjoy it. The photography is<br />
excellent. Played Sat.. Sun.— Harry F. Hawkinson.<br />
Orpheum Theatre. Marietta. Minn.<br />
Pop. 380.<br />
Chuka (Para)—Rod Taylor. Ernest Borgnine.<br />
John Mills. A bloody and rough western<br />
that was just lair draw. Played Fri.. Sat.<br />
Weather: Cold— 10 below.— M. W. Long,<br />
Lans Theatre. Lansing. low.i. Pop. 1.328.<br />
El Dorado (Para)—John Wayne, Robert<br />
Mitchum. James Caan. Topnotch all the<br />
way. Plaved Sun.. Mon.—.Arthur K. Dame.<br />
Scenic Theatre. Pittsfield. N.H. Pop. 2,300.<br />
Naked Prey, The (Para)—Cornel Wilde.<br />
Gcrt Van Den Berg. Ken Gampu. Now here<br />
is an African adventure program that is different,<br />
spell-binding and fairly thrilling. The<br />
main bill of fare in Africa must be "long<br />
pig." but that is all part of a pretty good<br />
Played Wed. Weather: Warmer, up to<br />
story.<br />
20 above.—Carl W. Veseth. Villa Theatre,<br />
Malta. Mont.<br />
Blue .Ma.\, Ihe (:inh-l oxi- Cieorge Peppard.<br />
James Mason. Ursula Andress. Here<br />
is a class A-1 piece of film, that did excclleni<br />
business here and single feature, too. Toprate<br />
acting and those planes were the real<br />
stars. Peppard is getting better. Mason is still<br />
a wonderful villain and Ursula .Andress<br />
WOW! We played this on livable terms and<br />
made a few bucks. It's nice to play something<br />
classy and make money. Played<br />
Thurs.. Fri.. Sat. Weather: Warm.—Jerry<br />
Drew. Sierra Tliealre. Chowchilla. Calif.<br />
Pop. 4.453.<br />
Fantastic >oyage (20th-F-ox) — Stephen<br />
Hoyd. Raqucl Welch. Ldmond O'Brien. This<br />
is an above average picture, one that did<br />
very well with us and one that pleased our<br />
customers. They seemed glued to iheir scats<br />
tor a change. Do extra advertising on this<br />
one and you won't be sorry. Played Thurs..<br />
Sat. Weather: Good.—Leon Kidwell. Rex<br />
Tlieatre. Konowa. Okla.<br />
Hawaii (UA)—Julie Andrews, Max Von<br />
Sydow. Richard Harris, Jocelyne La Garde.<br />
Played it to very good crowds one week<br />
could have played it six more days. A<br />
wonderful picture— not too long, either. Just<br />
long enough. Very educational and contains<br />
breath-taking photography. Top acting.<br />
Played Sun. through Sat. Weather: Warm.<br />
Paul Fournicr. Acadia Theatre. St. Leonard.<br />
N.B. Pop. 1.900.<br />
How to Succeed in Business (U.A)—Robert<br />
Morse. Michele Lee, Rudy Vallee. This<br />
failed dismally in teaching me how to succeed<br />
in business. Maybe I am trying too<br />
hard. Played Sun.. Mon., Wed. Weather:<br />
Good.— M. W'. long. lans Theatre. Lansing.<br />
Iowa.<br />
Tammy and the Millionaire (Lniv)—Debbie<br />
Watson, Frank ,McGr:iih. Denver Pyle.<br />
A cute family picture that gave me the poorest<br />
Christmas gross I ever had (in 23 years).<br />
I don't know why because it is an entertaining<br />
picture. Played Christmas and Wed.<br />
Weather: Good.—M. W. Long. Lans Theatre.<br />
Lansing. Iowa. Pop. 1,328.<br />
Thoroughly Modern Millie (Univ)—Julie<br />
in<br />
.Andrews, James Fox. Maty Tyler Moore. I<br />
had a chance to see this fine motion picture<br />
another theatre and want to mention howfine<br />
it is. This one has music, comedy, a<br />
good cast and is the perfect way to spend an<br />
evening. Although we are not now on the<br />
Universal bandwagon, they really have a<br />
fine family motion picture.—Harry F.<br />
Hawkinson. Orpheum Theatre. Marietta.<br />
Minn. Pop. 380.<br />
WARNER BR0S.-7<br />
ARTS<br />
Battle of the Bulge (\\ B-7A)—Henry<br />
I'onda. Robert Shaw, Robert Ryan. This<br />
picture did not do any business at all. No<br />
fault of the picture, as it is one of the best<br />
in years. .A tremendous cast, all doing top<br />
jobs. Color photography excellent. Played<br />
Thurs.. Fri.. Sat.—Paul Fournier. Acadia<br />
Theatre, St. Leonard. N.B. Pop. 1.900.<br />
Morgan! (C inema \ I— \ .uiessa Redgrave.<br />
David Warner. Irene Handl. Doubled with<br />
"The Leather Boys." "Morgan!" is another<br />
very interesting and quite entertaining picture<br />
along the lines of "Blow-Up" and<br />
"Georgy Girl." However, except for a few<br />
aware college types, no business here. A<br />
monev-losing engagement. Played one week.<br />
—Jack Frost. Park Theatre. White Rock.<br />
B.C. Pop. 7,oon.<br />
John Wayne Top-Noich<br />
In 'War Wagon Role<br />
John Wayne at his best in Iniversal's<br />
"The War Wagon." Also, the western at<br />
its<br />
best. Nothing but praise for this outstanding<br />
picture. Business hit by cold<br />
weather, but still much better than of<br />
late.<br />
Roxy Theatre,<br />
Washburn, N.D.<br />
24 — BOXOFFICE Showmandiser :: Feb. 12, 1968<br />
•)<br />
by<br />
ther<br />
1 the
An interpretive onolysis ot loy and tradepress renews. Running time i> in parentheses. The plus and<br />
minus signs indicate degree ot merit. Listings cover current reviews, updated regularly. This departrnent<br />
also serves as on ALPHABETICAL INDEX to feature releases. §1 is for CinemaScope; iV Visto<br />
Vision; g) Panavision; J) Technirama; >si Other anamorphic processes. Symbol U denotes BOXOfFICE<br />
Blue Ribbon Award; © Color Photography. National Catholic Office (NCO) ratings: A1 — Unobjectionoble<br />
for General Patronage; A2—Unobjectionable for Adults or Adolescents; A3—Unobjectionable<br />
for Adults; A4— Morally Unobjectionable for Adults, with Reservations; B—Objectionable in Part for<br />
All; C—Condemned. For listings by company in the order of release, see FEATURE CHART.<br />
n *' m<br />
H Very Good; Good; — Fair; — Poor; = Very Poor In the summary<br />
i' is rated 2 pluses, - as 2 minuses.<br />
Affair of the Heart, An<br />
(75) CD Avala Films 11- 6-67<br />
4074©Amhushers, The (102)<br />
Comic Thriller Col 12-1S-67 B<br />
Anderson Platoon, The (65)<br />
Doc Pathe Contem. 1- g-6S<br />
40S5 ©Anniversary. The (95) (Si CD 20th-Fox 2- 5-68 B<br />
—B—<br />
4078 ©Ballad of Josie. The (102) C W, Univ 1- 8-68 AI<br />
4036 ©Banning (10) ® D Univ 7- 3-67 B<br />
Battle of Algiers. The (120) Hi Rizzoli 10- 2-67<br />
4041 ©Beach Red (107) ® War D UA 7-31-67 C<br />
4071 ©Bedazzled (107) (g) C 20th-Fox 12-11-67 A4<br />
4078 ©Berserk (96) Ho-Sus Col 1- 8-68<br />
Beyond the Great Wall (105) Chinese<br />
Mus D Run Run Shavi 10- 9-67<br />
4082 ©Biggest Bundle of Them All, The<br />
(110) ig C MGM 1-22-68 B<br />
4035 ©Big Mouth, The (107) C Col 7- 3-67 Al<br />
4073 ©Billion Dollar Brain (108)<br />
(g Spy Ad UA 12-18-67 B<br />
4069 Blood Beast From Outer Space<br />
(84) SF Melo ..World Entertainment 12- 4-67<br />
4055 ©Bloody Pit of Horror (74)<br />
Ho Melo Pacemaker 10- 2-67<br />
4046 ©Bonnie and Clyde (111)<br />
C WB-7 Arts 8-14-67 A4<br />
4037 ©Born Losers (113) Motorcycle D..AIP 7-10-67 B<br />
Burmese Harp, The (116) Melo Brandon 10- 9-67<br />
4068 ©Camelot (179) ® Mus<br />
Romance<br />
WB-7 Arts 11-20-67 A2<br />
4060 ©Carmen, Baby (90) (DO... Audubon 10- 2-67 C<br />
Cat in the Sack<br />
(74) D Pathe Contemporary<br />
4067 ©Chappaqua (82) Part color Autobio<br />
Doc Regional Film (Univ)<br />
4059 ©Charlie, the Lonesome Cougar<br />
(75) Wildlife Ad BV 10-16-67<br />
4048 ©Christmas Kid, The (90)<br />
W ..Producers Releasing Organization 8-28-67<br />
Circle, The (60) 16MM<br />
. . .. UA<br />
Doc .... Nat'l Film Board of Canada 11-13-67<br />
4065 ©Clambake (99) (D Mus C 11- 6-67 Al<br />
Climax. The (97) D Loperl 9-18-67 A3<br />
Closely Watched Trains (89) D Sigma III<br />
4077 ©Cobra, The (93) ® D AlP<br />
4066 ©Comedians, The (160) (g) D MGM<br />
4084 ©Cop-Out (95) D-My Cinerama<br />
4044 ©Cottonpickin' Chickenpickers (92) C<br />
Farce Southeastern Pictures<br />
407S ©Counterpoint (106) Sus Melo Univ<br />
4079 Crazy World of Laurel and Hardy,<br />
The (83) C Brenner Associates<br />
7- 3-67<br />
11-20-67 A3<br />
12- 4-67<br />
1- 8-68<br />
11-13-67 A3<br />
1-29-68 B<br />
8- 7-67<br />
1- 1-68 A2<br />
ftND ALPHABETICAL INDEX Very Good, Good; — Fair; Poop; — Very Poo. In the summory — is rated 2 pluses. — as 2 minuses.<br />
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OS 11 _ ,.<br />
iS i-t^cS;<br />
e^e c^ ©<br />
. Motorcycle<br />
.<br />
.<br />
.<br />
C<br />
.<br />
.<br />
.<br />
Adult<br />
,<br />
|<br />
. Ho<br />
.3D<br />
—<br />
CHART<br />
COMING<br />
Rel.<br />
Date<br />
Rel.<br />
Date<br />
©Belle De Jour D..6710<br />
(';iilierinc neneuve. Genevieve Page<br />
©Cervantes Ad Spec.<br />
Horst Bucbolz, Gina Lollobriglda.<br />
Jose Ferrer, Louis Joutdan<br />
©Tile Conqueror Worm ® .... Ho.<br />
Vincent i'rice, Ian Ogilvie<br />
©Hell's Angels<br />
Unciiained .<br />
Hi'ir.5<br />
.Vngel.-;<br />
Melo.<br />
©Miniskirt Mob Ac Melo.<br />
Susan Oliver. Sherry Jackson<br />
©Three in tile<br />
Attic Sex C-Melo.<br />
i*eter Poniia. Yvctto Miiuieiix<br />
©Wild in tlie Streets D.,<br />
Siieliey Winters. Ciiristopiier Jones<br />
©Never a Dull Moment C. .<br />
Diel! Van Dyke, Edviard G. liobinson<br />
.<br />
©The One and Only. Genuine,<br />
Original Family Band M<br />
)V;iItfr ilrennan. Buddy libsen<br />
©East of Java (Cinerama) ...Ad.<br />
Maximilian Sciieli. Diane Baker<br />
©For Love of Ivy C<br />
Sidney Poitier. .Abbey Lincoln<br />
OHcll in the Pacific D.<br />
i,ee Marvin. Toshiro Mifune<br />
©The High Commissioners .-..D.<br />
Rod Taylor. Christopher Plummer<br />
©The MudskipPer (Todd-AO) ...C.<br />
Gregory Peck<br />
©Shalako W.<br />
Sean Connery, Brlgitte Bardot<br />
©A Dandy in Aspic ® D..<br />
Laurence Harvey. Tom Courtenay<br />
©Doctor Faustus 0..<br />
Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor<br />
©Don't Raise the Bridge,<br />
Lower the River C. .<br />
Jerry Lewis. Jactriieline Pearce<br />
©For Singles Only CD .<br />
John Sa.xon. Mary Ann Mobley<br />
©Funny Girl (?i M<br />
Barhra Streisand. Omar Sharif<br />
©The Swimmer D .<br />
iiurt Lancaster. Janice Rule<br />
©30 Is a Dangerous Age,<br />
Cynthia .<br />
C. .<br />
Dudley Moore. Eddie Foy jr.<br />
©The Castle D.<br />
Maximilian Schell<br />
©Tell Me Lies DM.<br />
Royal Shakespeare Co.<br />
©I Married for Fun C.<br />
Mtmira Vl!ti, Giorgio .Mbertazzl<br />
©The Lion in Winter D.<br />
Katharine Hepburn. Peter O'TooIc<br />
CTlie Appointment D<br />
nniar Sharlff, Anonk Almec<br />
Battle Beneath the Earth S-F.<br />
Kerwin Mafhevvs. Vivian Ventura<br />
©The Fixer D<br />
.Man Rates, Georgia Brown<br />
©Ghosts Italian Style C<br />
.Sophia Loren, Vittorlo Gassman<br />
©Mayerling<br />
D<br />
Omar Stiailf, Catherine Denem'C<br />
©Stranger in the Night<br />
Tony Antliony, Frank Wolfe<br />
©The April Fools C.<br />
Jack Lemmon<br />
©How Sweet It Is ® C.<br />
James Garner, Debbie Reynolds<br />
©The Quiet Couple C,<br />
Rock Hu
I<br />
l.«h."l<br />
Brttr<br />
I (TVans-Un)<br />
(101)<br />
I<br />
.Jeaii-IMerrr Kaltoo, I<br />
. Rentaro<br />
;<br />
I<br />
'<br />
j<br />
Rom-Love<br />
. Christ<br />
Rtv.<br />
Date<br />
Le Deplft (89) C 11-13-67<br />
(aUabrti KIUJUI ,Je«/i rierre<br />
L?uan NIkolalehuk.<br />
I-arlsa Kadochnlkora, Tatlana<br />
Itistiirva. Spartak BagashvlllI<br />
Girl and the Bugler. The<br />
(76) Melo. 1-1-68<br />
U'na Proklova. Rnlan<br />
(Artklno) .<br />
Bykov<br />
There Was an Old Couple<br />
(103) D. 5- .2-67<br />
(Artkinn) .Iran M«rln. Vera<br />
Kiirnetsnin (Jrl^ory Mnrtlitvink<br />
l.vndml'n MjiTlmorn<br />
BLicli God and White Devil<br />
(100) Melo 3-20-67<br /> Fi'msl . .Gi-raldo Del Kay.<br />
Yona M.icalhae5. Othon Ba.'itn^. I,ldif><br />
Silva. M.Tiiriclo Do Vale<br />
Game! Men Play. The<br />
(92) Sex 8-27 67<br />
(J'iwr>h Brenner) . .Maria Antlnaa.<br />
Amelia Rnice. Blsa Daniel. Martha<br />
I^rflrand. f^se nhrlan. Anttel Mbbijih<br />
Hunt. The (93) D. 6-5-67<br />
(Trans I.ujc) Ismael Merlo. Alfredo<br />
Mavo, Jose Maria Prada. Rmlllo<br />
raha<br />
Wall, The (90) Melo. .1-1-68<br />
(Pathe-Contcmporary) . Michel Del<br />
rMtlllo, Denis Mahaffey. Mathleii<br />
Klo^ovvskl<br />
Climax, The (97) D . . 9-18-67 OElvira Madlgan<br />
(SsjrmI) JaiM Fooda.<br />
(Ixipert)<br />
Peter<br />
Vin 'n>Enazzl. Slelanla<br />
(90) . Story 11-20-67<br />
MrKrrry. Mli-hM Plrroll, Tina<br />
Sandrcll<br />
((^nema V) ..Pla Determark.<br />
niommy Benxren<br />
Martj'ianc JarijnfH .\tnn(yl<br />
Love, Love<br />
I.<br />
(80) Psychological Study. 1-23-67 a Lover (90) . C-Farce.<br />
Heat K. DircJi<br />
r'Mtrr<br />
Aldi) l>'An;elo. IJrint ThMtrc firoiip<br />
Ol (Jao)<br />
Imnonl Momtnt. The OMade in Italy<br />
(80) Experimental Film 1-23-67<br />
(105) Melo 4-24 67<br />
1 C omnibus 5-15-67<br />
n[>her Bsnck,<br />
(Snndrew) .<br />
(Jerandl Manrtre Ronet. (Rnyall Anna M.iKnairl, VIma Tove Waltcnhtirc. Marearpt.i Krook.<br />
Franeotw Rrinn Nlenle Berfer. |,|j1. 8)Ua Krwrlna. Talherhie<br />
A,;not-i Anjoti<br />
Jean naiide Hartal. 8m^ Pitorff Spa.ik<br />
My Sister, My Love (96) . 3-6-67<br />
(Sltrma III) ..Blbl Ander>jinn. Per<br />
O'scarwMin. J,-irl Kiille, Omnar<br />
'iMniers (80)<br />
\''\''^-<br />
M.Vt'Cftii<br />
Oh/. T-(M of Jirttlce<br />
Melo 1-30-67<br />
.<br />
Borwese Harp. The<br />
(U6) Melo. 10-9-67<br />
(Brandon)<br />
Mlkunl.<br />
Tatauya Mlba^hl<br />
OKoumiko Mystery, The<br />
(47) Doc. 5- 15-67<br />
D 5-I5-S7 (New Yorker FIIm«) ..Kraimiko<br />
Muraoka<br />
Itjnmstrand<br />
Night Games (104) D. 1-30-67<br />
(Mondial) ..InKTld Thnlln. Koc<br />
Hiflm, Jor^cn Lindstrom. N.ilma<br />
Wlf^tr.vid. Ijcna Rnindln<br />
Persona (81) 313-67<br />
(Lopert) Blbl Anderson, U><br />
I'llmann, Otnnar BJomstrand.<br />
M.irearetha Krook<br />
491 (110) 0. 1-8-68<br />
( J.iniis 'Peppercorn- Wormser) ..I,ar;<br />
Mnd. IxHf Nymark<br />
Affair of the Heirt, An<br />
(78) CD.. 11-13-67<br />
(Arala Fllmat Era Kaa Slobodan<br />
Allsnidle<br />
Three (79) 0.. 7-3-67<br />
Opinions on Current Productions ^EAWRE REVIEWS<br />
Symbol © denotes color; (g' CinemaScope; (g PanOYiiion; ® Tcchniroma; S<br />
other onomorphic processes. For story synopsis on each picture, so* rov«rse sld*.<br />
Sweet November<br />
Ratio: Drama<br />
1.S5-1 a<br />
\VB-7 Arts (7681 114 Minutes Rel. April '67<br />
The silver screen has had its share of ladies dying of<br />
terminal diseases—Garbo's "Camille." Bette Davis' Judith<br />
Traherne in "Dark Victory," and Margaret Sullivan's ,.e<br />
role in "No Sad Songs for Me." to name a few notable ^incases<br />
of prognosis negative. Now comes Sandy Dennis,<br />
looking dowdy beyond her years, but by far "the most<br />
healthy and jovial of the lot, in "Sweet November." the<br />
Jerry Gershwin-Elliott Kastner production for WB-7 Arts<br />
release. In Herman Raucher's original script. Miss Dennis<br />
is a Mis.s Do-Gooder. who has a love affair per month<br />
with men who need her special lesson in good cheer and<br />
joy to the world 'While many a movie heroine has moved<br />
steadily toward the grave, none has done so with such<br />
animated and mannered wholesomeness as Miss Demiis.<br />
As the true lovt from whom she must tui-n away after his<br />
November days are over, Anthony Newley matches his<br />
co-star, grimace for grimace, gesture for gesture, as if the<br />
film were a musical comedy minus the music. Director<br />
Robert Ellis Miller concentrates on focusing attention on<br />
the actors and their natural, often humorous and telling<br />
dialog. Daniel L. Papp's Technicolor camera work happily<br />
catches the New York locale in an unobtrusive mamier.<br />
"Sweet November" should attract and please the ladies.<br />
Sandy Dennis. Anthony Newley, Theodore Bikel, Burr<br />
DeBenning. Sandy Baron. Martin West.<br />
Doctor Faustus<br />
Ratio: Ciassical Drama<br />
1.85-1 3<br />
Columbia (021) 93 Minutes Rel. Feb. '68<br />
In recent years, the .so-called cultural explosion has<br />
seen a new phenomenon in films, the birth of the movie<br />
out of stage plays, television shows, opera and ballet, all<br />
filmed as originally performed without much tampering.<br />
'D T But. of course, this practice is not new. for. in early film<br />
history, Sarah Bernhardt and other famed stage perform.eis<br />
simply photographed their stage performances.<br />
"Doctor Faustus" belongs to a degree in this special category<br />
of filmed theatre. It is the result of Richard Burton's<br />
1967 appearance at Oxford in a stage version of Marlowe's<br />
Elizabethan classic. Several months later, Burton filmed<br />
the production in Rome, using the Oxford stage cast and<br />
his wife. Elizabeth Taylor, who plays the dialog-less role<br />
of Helen of Troy and a few bit parts. Oxford professor<br />
Nevill Coghill co-directed the film with Burton, and<br />
Richard McWhorter, associated with the Burtons on "The<br />
Taming of the Shrew." is co-producer. The film version<br />
is much more elaborate and has several sequences that<br />
could not have possibly been pre.sented on the stage. But<br />
the main attraction is Burton in a fine cla.ssical role<br />
suited to his enormous talents. Yet. the film version is<br />
overdone and .suffers from a lack of simple, straightforward<br />
presentation. Photographed in Technicolor.<br />
Richard Burton. Elizabeth Taylor, A^idreas Teuber,<br />
Ram Chopra, Richard Carwardine, Patrick Barwise.<br />
Bye, Bye Braverman<br />
Ratio:<br />
1.S5-1<br />
Comedy<br />
©<br />
\VB-7 Arts (762) 94 Minutes Rel. April '68<br />
Whether it is Tab Hunter chasing Sophia Loren in<br />
"That Kind of 'Woman" or "12 Angry Men" locked in a<br />
jury room or a Staten Island veranda, circa 1905. in "Long<br />
Day's Journey Into Night." or even a pawiibroker In East<br />
Harlem, director Sidney Lumet stands alone as the one<br />
director who most rejoices in New York locales and characters,<br />
past and present. Lmnet's newest film. "Bye. Bye<br />
Braverman." originally for 7 Arts prior to the 'WB-7 Arts<br />
merger, fits snugly into the urban scene of New York. A<br />
humorotis and sort of quasi-fable about Jewish life, the<br />
film has a somewhat distasteful plot revolving around<br />
some old buddies getting lost on the way to a friend's<br />
funeral. This motley group of diverse New York types will<br />
be mostly at home in the movie houses of the metropolitan<br />
areas. Based on 'Wallace Markfield's "To an<br />
Early Grave," Herbert Sargent's screenplay does not compromise<br />
its ethnic base to fit the bill on mass public entertainment.<br />
The cast is good, particularly Jessica 'Walter as<br />
a man-eating widow. Lmnet is again using that great<br />
cinematographer. Boris Kaufman, for the nth time and<br />
again Kaufman works marvels with the plainer side of<br />
Manhattan and Brooklyn. In Technicolor.<br />
George Segal. Jack Warden, Jessica Walter, Phyllis<br />
Newman. Godfrey Cambridge. Joseph Wiseman.<br />
Blackbeard's Ghost<br />
Buena Vista (201)<br />
106 Minutes<br />
Ratio:<br />
1.S5-1<br />
Comedy-Fantasy<br />
©<br />
Rel. Feb. '68<br />
Peter Ustinov makes the notorioiLs pirate a ghost character<br />
that is quite appealing in the fantasy field. The last<br />
Walt Disney production iBill Walsh co-producmgi is a<br />
delightful bit of entertainment for family audiences, but<br />
sophisticated enough to avoid sneers from the cinema<br />
snobs who are prone to avoid any film not labeled "Adults<br />
Only." The screenplay was adapted from the Ben Stahl<br />
novel by Walsh and Don DaGradi and was miaginatively<br />
directed bv Robert Stevenson. Dean Jones and Suzanne<br />
Pleshette are also pleasingly starred and Elsa Lanchester<br />
gives her usual outstanding performance. Coming as it<br />
does at a time when there are both speculation about the<br />
occult, and scientific research going on in that field, the<br />
humorous attempts to rationalize events keeps the whole<br />
thing from missing fire. Special effects necessary for the<br />
ghost appearances are .skillfully handled and the eerie<br />
scenes sufficientiv spine-tingling to promote story suspense.<br />
Action is swift and the ludicrous blended with the<br />
fanciful in such a wav that eveiTthing almost seems<br />
plausible. Here is a film that should test the sincerity of<br />
those crying for wholesome entertainment. They should<br />
all stand in line to see it. Filmed in Technicolor.<br />
Peter Ustinov, Dean Jones. Suzanne Pleshette, Elsa<br />
Manchester. Joby Baker. Elliott Reid. Richard Deacon.<br />
'<br />
adult<br />
P. I
' ,<br />
can<br />
Raymond<br />
BOXCFFICE BooldnGuide Feb 12, 1968<br />
I<br />
invisible<br />
FEATURE REVIEWS Story Synopsis; Exploitips; Adiines for Newspapers and Programs<br />
"Doctor Fauslus" (Col)<br />
It Ls the 1500s and Richard Buiton is a doctor of alchemistry,<br />
astrology and philosophy at Wittenberg University<br />
in Germany. In his old age. he makes a pact with the devil<br />
Lucifer's disciple Andreas Teuber. The pact is written in<br />
Burton's blood, calling for the devil to have Biu-ton's soul<br />
after 24 years of living life in "all its voluptuousness." Buiton<br />
becomes a youiig man of 30 again and visits the seven<br />
deadly sins with Teuber as his guide. He conjiues up<br />
Elizabeth Taylor for three of his students and then asks<br />
Teuber for pleasure with him. The years pass fast and<br />
soon Burton is headed toward hell, realizing that power<br />
and a beautiful woman are not worth the loss of his soul.<br />
"<br />
"Doctor Faustus<br />
best be sold through specialized<br />
handling: Columbia's Cum Laude plan in college communities,<br />
special tie-ins with fine arts, literary, diama<br />
and Great Book Clubs and societies. In regular run,<br />
the name.s of Taylor and Burton are the strong selling<br />
points.<br />
See the World's Most Famous Motion Plctiue Stars in<br />
One of the Great Classics. "Doctor Faustus" . . . Burton<br />
As "Doctor Faustus Is Acting at Its Very Best ... A<br />
Great Role for a Great Actor<br />
THE STORY: •P. J." (Univ)<br />
While down on his luck as a private detective, George<br />
Pcppard earirs a job by slugging it out with a rival for<br />
same. The job is seemingly to protect the secretary-mistress<br />
of a malevolent millionaire Burn who<br />
i<br />
takes her. his wife and several of the wife's relatives<br />
along on a vacation jaunt. Actually. Peppard is supposed<br />
to be a cat's-paw in a plot to get rid of Gayle but he falls<br />
in love with her and doggedly sticks to his assignment.<br />
Biu-r's female relatives exchange insults with Gayle and<br />
Peppard is kept busy trying to head off sinister attempts<br />
on her life, so he also becomes a target while acting as her<br />
personal bodyguard. Burr has hired him to set him up as<br />
the patsy if something happens to her but he gets wise<br />
to their .schemes and outwits them. In fact, this Is one<br />
drama in which "Perry Mason" loses—both his life and<br />
the girl.<br />
Play up stars George Peppard and Gayle Himnicutt<br />
and Raymond Biut because of his wide following in the<br />
PeiTy Mason series. Advertise the picture for what it is, in<br />
raw terms.<br />
Gun in One Hand—Woman in the Other! . . . Mui'ders.<br />
Brawls, Broads and Sizzling Action ... A Private Eye<br />
Almost Gels It in the Neck!<br />
a<br />
(9'<br />
THE STORY:<br />
"Sweet November" (A\^-7 Arts)<br />
Sandv Dennis meets Anthony Newley at a diiving license<br />
test She asks a question and he is blamed for cheating.<br />
She then buys him a hot-dog lunch. He is a Britisher,<br />
now living in U.S.. who manufactures boxes. She's a<br />
Brooklyn Heights bohemian. who makes a living out of<br />
fo.i sub-leasing apartments for more than she rents them.<br />
'«. '<br />
Her best friend is Theodore Bikel. who espouses the vegetarian<br />
party plateform. Little does Newley know that Dennis<br />
is seriously ill. He accepts her offer to move in for<br />
one month, a policy with which she has had gi-eat success<br />
with men. who have some sort of problems. The men each<br />
stav with her for one month only. This time Dennis and<br />
Newley reallv fall in love and, because she doesn't want<br />
him to suffer, but to remember her as she was during<br />
their "Sweet November." she makes him stick to the original<br />
agreement to leave. Martin West comes in for the<br />
month of December.<br />
The gi-owing popularity of Sandy Dennis should be<br />
played up, perhaps using reprints and throw-aways of the<br />
Time Magazine cover story on tills young actress. Use tieiiis<br />
with Anthony Newley s records and Broadway show<br />
albums via music stores and disc jockey shows.<br />
A Different Type of Love Story As Warm As a November<br />
Fire and As Cold As a November Wind . . . "Sweet<br />
November" Is the Sweetest Kind of Love Story.<br />
THE STORY: •Bye, Bye Braverman" iWB-7 Arts)<br />
One morning George Segal and his wife, Zohra Lampert,<br />
are awakened by a phone call from Jessica Walter<br />
who says her husband is dead. Segal goes to visit her and<br />
she makes a pass at him in front of her child. Segal picks<br />
up other old friends. Joseph Wiseman, Sorrell Booke and<br />
Jack Warden, who has to leave his girlfriend. Phyllis<br />
Newman. Tliey get lost, not knowing the exact name of<br />
the funeral home. They have an accident with cabby Godfrey<br />
Cambridge, who is Jewish, as well as Negro. They<br />
find a funeral parlor and hear rabbi Alan King's eulogy:<br />
then find out it is the wrong funeral. They finally find<br />
the cemetery and pay their respects. They all return home<br />
to their old routine life.<br />
( Use tie-ins with the Wallace Markficld book, "To an<br />
" Early Grave." Use lobby displays of New York scenes and<br />
locations used in Lumet's films. Play up the comedy elements<br />
via record tie-ins with Godfrey Cambridge's work,<br />
ad\'ertising the Negro comedian's role of a Jewish taxi<br />
driver.<br />
This Motion Picture Is Conceived to Erase the Memory<br />
of Leslie Braverman—Who Had the Poor Taste to Drop<br />
Dead, Without Warning . . . Please Omit Flowers, Just<br />
See "Bye, Bye Braverman."<br />
THE STORY: "Danger Route" (1.4)<br />
Richard Johnson, licensed to kill, is tired and wants to<br />
resign. But his boss, Harry Andrews, has another assignment<br />
for him—that of killing a Russian scientist who has<br />
defected to the West and is being held in England by<br />
American agents. With the help of Diana Dors, Johi«on<br />
disposes of the scientist, but is taken prisoner by Sam<br />
Wanamaker. Wanamakcr tells Johnson that .someone in<br />
his own organization is using him to kill agents in his own<br />
spy ring. Johnson escapes, rctiu-ns to his yacht and<br />
meets Jackson, his partner in a boat-yard coverup. and<br />
Barbara Bouchet. a girl who has been placed in Johnson's<br />
group for unknown reasons. Taking the two as prLsoners.<br />
Jackson tortures Bouchet into confei^'ilng that when the<br />
Americans discovered John.son killed one of their agents,<br />
they sent the file to an agent. Maurice Denham. who<br />
kept it to himself, borrowing Bouchet from American<br />
agent Wanamaker to investigate Andrews and Jackson.<br />
Bouchet is killed and John.son gets back to his London<br />
flat, where he kills his betraying mistress (Carol Lynley.<br />
A "dar.ger route" game can be played on a radio station.<br />
Clues can be offered as to a final coal, with free tickets<br />
and dinner for two as the payment for the prize winner.<br />
Fniiow the Danger Route to Excitement and Adven- i^, ^<br />
':;<br />
"<br />
.^ Crack. Unemotional Killer's Nerve Begins to Go. C<br />
.<br />
F' Has One More Assignment to Carry Out!<br />
(.:<br />
THE STORY •Blackbeards Ghost ' (BY)<br />
Elsa Lanchester and several other old ladies, descendants<br />
of Blackboard, live in an eerie old house run as a<br />
resort on an island. Some hoods want to take over the<br />
place for a gambling casino, and will unless the mortgage<br />
IS paid. Dean Jones, track-team Instructor, finds a witch's<br />
code book and uses a spell which calls up Peter Ustinov,<br />
the ghost of Blackbeard. whose spirit cannot rest until he<br />
does a good deed for someone. Suzanne Pleshette is Jones'<br />
romantic interest, but. when he is conversing with Ustinov<br />
to hen. she fears for his sanity—as do others.<br />
Among other things. Ustinov helps the track team win by<br />
some clever maneuvers, manipulates some gambling devices<br />
to raise money for the mortgage and, finally, saves<br />
the home for the dear old ladies, earning rest from having<br />
to ramble about in limbo.<br />
This one should be easy to promote, with all<br />
the pirate<br />
memorabilia to choose from. Dress a staff member as<br />
Blackbeard and have him roam the streets, with<br />
i<br />
a stuffed'?<br />
> parrot on his shoulder, passing out leaflets with<br />
theatre playdates.<br />
Gangway for a Ghost-to-Ghost Laughwave! . . . Piecesu<br />
of-Eight for Your <strong>Boxoffice</strong> From Blackbeard! . . . Here<br />
Comes Blackbeard's Ghost Hoisting the Black Flag!
Dallas,<br />
"<br />
[ATES: 20c per word, minimum S2.00, cash with copy. Four consecuuve insertions for price oi<br />
iree. When using a <strong>Boxoffice</strong> No., Hgure 2 additional words and include 50c additional, to cover<br />
ost of handling replies. Display Classified, S20.00 per Column Inch. CLOSII4G DATE: Monday<br />
oon preceding publication date. Send copy • and ansv/ers to Box Numbers to BOXOFFICE.<br />
25 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 64124. •<br />
CLEHfiinG HOUSE<br />
lan. Everything from<br />
Claflin<br />
Road. Phone: Area Code 913<br />
Wanted to Buy or Lease: Indoor theatre<br />
in metropoUtcm areas, population at seats, lully equipped and operating. Be-<br />
seats to booth. Top<br />
ay, travel allowance IE 9-5781<br />
and fringe benefits, Manhattan, Kansas.<br />
least /^.UlU i^unt.jct Wilha.-n Bergei, Belle tween Long Beach and Los Angeles, California.<br />
Owner deceased. 11709 Long Beach<br />
hiladelphia exchange area. Contact;<br />
PIa.:a 1210, 20 Island<br />
larshal and Roed<br />
Avenue, Miami Beach.<br />
Theatres, 111 East Cherf<br />
Hill Apts., Cherry Hill, New Jersey, Amp. lamps and rectifiers. lapanese lens,<br />
CENTURY CC BOOTH. Strong 115, 135 Fla.<br />
Blvd., Lynwood, California, 90262.<br />
3034. 609-662-2022.<br />
mirrors. Altec Stereo System, 1220 East<br />
WANTED<br />
7th<br />
TO BUY or lease indoor, outdoor;<br />
metropolitan area. Contact; Griffith<br />
Street, Charlotte, N. C. 28204. 375-8481.<br />
Experinced<br />
or will train Must be bondable. WAGNER and BEVELITE LETTERS, like Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida<br />
Enterprises, Roxy Theatre Building, 1527<br />
lood starting salary. Send photo, exerience<br />
and references first letter. BOX- plete list. BOXOFFICE 1653.<br />
new, all sizes, all colors- Send lor com-<br />
33139.<br />
)FriCE 1671<br />
WANTED TO BUY or lease: Indoor or<br />
Street, Roaring Spring, Blair County,<br />
WAGNER<br />
outdoor theatres in metropolitan areas,<br />
CAST<br />
AND<br />
ALUMINUM, black marquee<br />
Pennsylvania. With 5 room and both<br />
population at least 100,000. Contact: Alan<br />
letters in good condition. Approximately<br />
240—12<br />
apartment, second floor. Storeroom first<br />
xpenenced only, lor Colorado location,<br />
Horwitz. Olympic Films, 8949 Sunset Blvd.,<br />
inch with 26 numerals,- 55—<br />
floor, large basement. Included: 15 x 30<br />
vergreen Theatres, Inc., P.O. Box 477,<br />
Los Angeles. California.<br />
24 inch,- 430—12 inch; 274—8 inch with 13<br />
screen (CinemaScope), 2 Century projectors<br />
with Peerless lamp houses, RCA<br />
oveland, P0537,<br />
numerals and 12 word plates; 342—10 inch WANTED TO LEASE, indoor theatre in<br />
with 30 numerals plus 70<br />
word plates<br />
Exceptional manger<br />
oponings<br />
and Wisconsin or upper Michigan. Terry Behm, sound. Popcorn and sollt drink machines,<br />
punctuation marks. Make offer.<br />
with expanding Midwesi<br />
Cooper 1831 Arizona, Oshkosh, Wisconsin.<br />
candy case and piano. Inspection time<br />
Theatres, 325 Stuart Building, Lincoln,<br />
8:30 to 10 00 A.M. before sale. Sale time<br />
Ijrcuit, opportunities unlimited. Annual Nebraska, 68508.<br />
WANTED TO LEASE with option to buy 10 00 A.M. Saturday, February 17, 1968.<br />
Qcation. life insurance and hospital proram,<br />
pension plan. Send late photo cfnd 780 pushback chairs; soundheads: RCA 12,000 or over Florida, Georgia, North or COMPANY, Alloona, Penna. Executor.<br />
indoor theatre. First run, population of Sale location—MID-STATE BANK & TRUST<br />
5sume, including starting salary expectd-<br />
Replies confidential. BOXOFFICE 1680. jectors: Super Simplex, Brenkert BX60 & first letter. BOXOFFICE 1678<br />
Auctioneer.<br />
9030 & 9050, Four Star sound system; pro-<br />
South Carolina area. Complete details, Gerald S. Turner, Attorney. Carl Shultz,<br />
80. Popcorn machines. Harry Melcher, Enterprises,<br />
3238 W. Fond du Lac Avenue, WILL RENT OR LEASE: Indoor theatre.<br />
lANAGER to: a key situation in New Jerey<br />
Many benefits, including retirement 5020.<br />
lation at least 100,000. Contact Americana<br />
Milwaukee, Wisconsin,<br />
metropolitan areas<br />
53210. AC 414-442-<br />
m any state with popu-<br />
lan. Apply: Walter Reade Organization,<br />
Entertainment Association 929 E. 139th<br />
ic, Mayfair House, Deal Road, Oakhurst, FOR SALE: 632 blue. International all Avenue. Tampa, Florida 33612.<br />
WE REBUILD THEATRE chairs anywhora.<br />
'ew Jersey,<br />
metal, theatre seats in good condition,<br />
Finest materials, best workmanship. Low<br />
ready to install on sloping floor. Recently<br />
rebuilt with new back and cushion covers THEATRES FOR SALE<br />
1320 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago 50605.<br />
Wood arm rests, l.o.b., Lincoln. Send offer<br />
Phone 939-4518-<br />
or phone; Cooper Theatres, 325 Stuart<br />
SUNSET THEATRE, 386 seats, good<br />
Bldg., Lincoln, Nebraska.<br />
equipment. Excellent family operation. No<br />
workmanship, personal service, finest materials-<br />
buyer, adertising,<br />
concessions. Twenty<br />
opposition, located in Heart of Columbia<br />
years<br />
Arthur<br />
exerience,<br />
age 43. Presently employed EQUIPMENT WANTED<br />
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.<br />
Judg?, 2100 E. Newton Ave.,<br />
Basm Project, Write: Box 578, Connell,<br />
Washington.<br />
'alifomia. <strong>Boxoffice</strong>, 1668.<br />
THEATRE CLOSE TO Rochester.<br />
Projection equipment wanted.<br />
Minnesota,<br />
excellent condition, 390 seats<br />
Highest<br />
young man<br />
prices paid Lou<br />
with<br />
Best workmanship. Reasonable prices.<br />
Walters Sales & Service<br />
desires full management<br />
nice living quarters.<br />
Co. 4207 Lawnview Ave 5% financing. Call<br />
Rebuili theatre chairs for sale, Heywood,<br />
or<br />
, Texas<br />
osition. Military complete. Presently<br />
write;<br />
75227<br />
Mohn Realty Company, Rochester, Ideal, American. Also staggering, respacing.<br />
We travel anywhere. Seating Corpo-<br />
heavy" assistant. Experienced various<br />
Minnesota. 507-2S9-40B2<br />
spects<br />
ration of<br />
management- Competent odversmg<br />
'promotion. Will relocate. BOX- lamphouses,<br />
New York (Neva Burn), 247<br />
PAID. For soundheads,<br />
says sell for only $28,000. Includes real 212-875-5433. (Reverse charges).<br />
Water Street, Brooklyn, NY. 11201 Tel<br />
rectifiers, projectors, lenses<br />
)FF1CE 1670-<br />
and portable projectors. What have you? estate. $3,000<br />
Star Cinema<br />
down, $200 per month. "Joe"<br />
Suppiv, 621 West 55th Street,<br />
EXPERIENCED FILM BUYER Joseph, 2621 Milton, Dallas, Texas.<br />
York, 10019<br />
iterested in same, and<br />
WH 6-2235 or EM 3-2724.<br />
the ultimate in seal rebuilding. Quality<br />
'or assistant to<br />
wner. Age 48, college graduate, triple<br />
ONE SUPER. PANATAR lens and bracket-<br />
R. L. Ac^kms, Box 189, Higginsville, Mo.<br />
soft seat with the most comfort for a longer<br />
fabric, tailoring and service provide a<br />
588 SEATS, OVERTON, TEXAS. Absentee<br />
A" references. <strong>Boxoffice</strong>, 1664,<br />
owner has other business. $32,500 includes life. Our new plant is designed to provide<br />
16mm,<br />
35mm iilm and projectors wanted. building and three lots. $5,100 down.<br />
fast service for you. STITCHCRAFT CORP.,<br />
AVAILABLE. 22<br />
Write, Boxoifice, 16S4.<br />
$390 month. "Joe" Joseph, 2621 Milton, 1226 South Fourth Street, Forest City, Iowa,<br />
ears experience in de luxe and twin oprations-<br />
Write ads, public relcrtions, COMPLETE THEATRE EQUIPMENT, in-<br />
3-2724.<br />
Dallas, Texas. Phones: WH 6-2235 or EM 50436. Phone: 515 582-3343.<br />
nows vending, will relocate. Roy A. cluding 25l metal backed seats. Would<br />
700 AMERICAN. 750 plywood cushion<br />
Ihrisman, 1533 Maple Avenue, Downers buy together or separate. Murray Theatre, FIRST TIME OFFEREDl Three highly successful,<br />
adult only, Art Type Theatres, lo-<br />
SEATING, Box 1734, Dallas.<br />
chairs. Also leatherette. LONE STAR<br />
Srove, 111. Ph: 312-969-1090-<br />
Murray, 5'017.1 Phone' 4081<br />
cated in the 100% area of three downtown<br />
major metropolitan cities, doing a combined<br />
gross of $5,000 weekly. Present Send detailed information. BOXOFFICE<br />
WANTED: USED MODERN theatre seats.<br />
luluple operation preferred, 30 years exerience,<br />
manager and district manager,<br />
owners retiring in comfort to travel the 1673.<br />
'resently employed, available at your re-<br />
world. All inquiries must be from qualified<br />
:uest- Bcxoffice,<br />
OWNER OF EXPLOITATION distribution<br />
1GS3.<br />
purchasers, no fast buck artists or long<br />
company d-esires to sell ail or one half oi term deals considered. These are good,<br />
his interest. Contemplating semi-retirement solid houses which hove made the present<br />
in Switzerland. Annual income in excess<br />
REPAIR<br />
owners wealthy, and can do the<br />
same for Handy Subscription<br />
of $500,000. Long term financing will be you. The price is $100.000 00 cash. Please<br />
considered. Call or write: Olympic International<br />
Films, 8949 Sunset Boulevard, Los<br />
reply to, BOXOFFICE 1674.<br />
Y EXPERTS, all makes projectors, lamps, Angeles, California. (213) 275-5373.<br />
INVESTORS. WHOLE CITY BLOCK, prime Order Form<br />
ound, rectifiers, you name it—reasonable<br />
property. Deluxe theatre, several rentals,<br />
;all or write us, FA 1-3981, Shreve Thetre<br />
Equipment Co., 541 Ann St., Kansas<br />
person only. Phone for appointment. "Joe" BOXOFFICE:<br />
large Texas city, $425,000. Information in<br />
^ity, Kansas-<br />
Joseph, 2621 Milton, Dallas, Texas, Phones:<br />
WH 5-2235 or EM 825 Van Brunt Blvd.<br />
3-2724.<br />
16MM CLASSICS. ooTaiog, Manbeck<br />
Kansas City, Mo. 64124<br />
Pictures, 3621B<br />
M oines, Iowa 5D321.<br />
for sole or lease. John F. Hurley, 1105 Please enter my subscription to<br />
Scott Avenue, Independence, Mo. 64054. BOXOFnCE, 51 issues per year<br />
DRIVE-IN SPEAKERS reconed 90c each. 35
"ji<br />
li W<br />
ft ^<br />
\ INCRtA$E:|<br />
tor<br />
Enclosed rc9i<br />
MR<br />
FKIUUAin 2()tli ih.u 291h. 1%8<br />
3ie whose regist'Otion