Kyushu Journal of Mathematics
The Kyushu Journal of Mathematics, published by the Faculty of Mathematics at Kyushu University, is devoted to selected research papers in broad areas of pure and applied mathematics, and has been an open access journal through J-STAGE since 2005. Two issues are published per year, and each issue includes approximately 10 articles and 200 pages in total. The Kyushu Journal of Mathematics is indexed and reviewed by major scientific databases such as ISI, Scopus, Zentralblatt MATH, and MathSciNet.
"Memoirs of Faculty of Science, Kyushu Imperial University, Series A: Mathematics", the forerunner of the Kyushu Journal of Mathematics, was first published in 1941 by the members of Department of Mathematics at Kyushu University. After the interruption by the World War II from 1944 to 1947, it has been published continuously until 1993 with deletion of "Imperial" in the name. In 1994, it merged with "Mathematical reports, College of General Education, Kyushu University", and restarted with the current name. In 2005, the journal became fully open access.
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