Summer Camp

58 Pins
How to Make Paper Claws
Learn how to make paper claws using our easy step by step photo and video tutorials! Make a single paper claw in less than 5 minutes and then having a blast making a whole handful! It's such a fun origami craft for beginners and a great craft for kids of all ages. Plus these wolf claws or Wolverine claws make a perfect DIY Halloween costume!
Handprint Bunnies | Paper Handprint Bunny Craft
These handprint bunnies are SO CUTE and they're so easy to make!! This is such a simple construction paper craft and a great craft for kids. Trace a handprint and make these bunnies for Easter or anytime. Such a fun activity for bored kids that needs barely any supplies!
Karten selber basteln - 105 abwechslungsreiche Ideen zu jedem Anlass
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