
606 Pins
13 Sections
Uranus from Ariel The planet Uranus, as seen from the surface of its moon, Ariel. Uranus is tilted at almost 90 degrees, and all of its moons are on the same plane as its faint rings. Acrylics on 12x12 canvas board
NASA’s Perseverance Rover Captures Video of Solar Eclipse on Mars - NASA
The Mastcam-Z camera recorded video of Phobos, one of the Red Planet’s two moons, to study how its orbit is changing over time.
The birth of a new solar system? 14-billion-mile-wide disc shows young star 'pulling' planets into place around itself
The birth of a new solar system? 14-billion-mile-wide disc shows young star 'pulling' planets into place around itself
Juno Flies Past the Moon Ganymede and Jupiter, With Music by Vangelis
The probe flew closer to Jupiter's largest moon, Ganymede, than any other spacecraft in more than two decades, offering dramatic glimpses of both the icy orb and the gas giant.
Su verdadero color
El profesor Patrick Irwin y su equipo de la Universidad de Oxford han revelado el verdadero color de Urano y Neptuno a través de nuevas imágenes. En la parte superior se muestra la imagen anterior de estos planetas, mientras que en la parte inferior se presentan las capturas actuales. A diferencia de la creencia anterior, ambos planetas tienen un tono cian pálido muy similar.Irwin explica, en una nota difundida por la Universidad, que la percepción errónea de los colores que teníamos, se debe...