Words that mean so much

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hmmm. interesting. you could say this of him or maybe even me if you talked yourself into it.
and I could say it of you for sure. and here we are, all hurting in our own way. now there's irony. and all along, the whole time i've only wanted you. and you've always found a reason not to be honest with me or yourself, sometimes me, sometimes you. i'd understand you not wanting to talk to someone that hurt you but i've tried very, very hard not to do that. i'd love to talk, just talk.
Ha! Yes. Talk about someone who is offended by the truth. Let’s see, you are physically and verbally abusive, you lie your ass off to everyone you know, you are shady as hell and think that nobody is wise to the things you’ve been doing all along and trying to blame on others to make yourself look like the innocent wife who is being harassed by a “scorned mistress” (as you attempt to “anonymously” refer to me as), you gossip horrendously about EVERYONE in your life because you are secretly so en