
14 Pins
my mom died from a brain aneurysm. she passed the migraine gene to me and my 2 boys, my sister, her youngest daughter and my older brother...
Hypnosis For Migraines: What Causes A “Headache On Steroids” & The Hypnosis Techniques For Prevention & Pain Relief
Hypnosis For Migraines: What Causes A “Headache On Steroids” & The Hypnosis Techniques For Prevention & Pain Relief
The Best Pillow For Migraine and Headaches- Reviews and Info You Need
The Best Pillow For Migraine and Headaches- Reviews and Info You Need
How to find relief from hormonal migraine
Many women experience hormonal migraine usually around the time of their period or during ovulation. Hormonal migraine attacks are caused by changes in estrogen levels. Hormonal migraine attacks tend to be more severe and less responsive to treatment.
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Migraine symptoms you don’t realize are migraine
Migraine has many unexpected symptoms beyond traditional throbbing head pain. In fact, 90% of people who think they have sinus headaches actually have migraine. Other unexpected symptoms can be due to central and autonomic nervous system dysfunction. Always discuss new symptoms with your provider to ensure it's a migraine, not something else, like a sinus infection, seizure, TIA or other neurological condition.
All About The Heal Your Headache Migraine Diet (HYH Diet)
A list of the 12 most common migraine triggers and how to avoid them on the Heal Your Headache migraine diet, endorsed by Johns Hopkins for migraine attack management. #migraine #migraines #naturalremedies #naturalmigrainetreatments