Messages from Inner Earth

Messages for Humanity from the Anshar of the Inner Earth #hollowearth #innerearth #anshar
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Inner Earth Messages
The Central Sun, #hollowearth #anshar
Inner Earth Messages 🌎
I am Anya, of the Collective of Anshar residing in the Inner Earth 🌴 #hollowearth #innerearth #anshar
Inner Earth Messages
Anshar and Nordics, #hollowearth #innerearth #nordics #anshar
Oddly, I felt as though I was thriving and sinking at the same time. That may be hard to understand, but it was my experience. I was hanging on to Jesus as tight as I could. Church was my lifeline. I couldn’t bear the thought of missing it. I needed it. I started listening to sermons all the time at home. And, whenever I was able, I began heading to a little bench under a kiawe tree to watch the sun set over the water and pray.