More great coverage of GLP-1s
Chemistry World's GLP-1 piece even covers the off-ramps for compounders (with a little help from APC, of course).
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Chemistry World's GLP-1 piece even covers the off-ramps for compounders (with a little help from APC, of course).
Self has a long, well-balanced article on not just the current state of GLP-1 compounding, but a broad overview of compounding in general.
Yahoo!Life looks not only at the future after GLP-1 compounding, but how some compounders are considering a different option.
APC explained what's going on with California's Board of Pharmacy and the compounded glutathione firefighters count on.
USA Today focuses on the financial impact of GLP-1s being declared out of shortage ... with some perspective from a couple of APCers.