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Compounding the Joy of Living®, one patient at a time

Every day, you create tailored medications that get your patients back to the lives and the people they love

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And every day, APC fights to protect your compounding practice and patient access to the critical medicines they need

The Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding is the voice for compounding.

We advocate for compounding pharmacies and facilities on a range of state and federal issues affecting patient access to compounded medications. We represent pharmacists and technicians in both traditional 503A compounding pharmacies and 503B outsourcing facilities, as well as prescribers, patients, educators, and suppliers. We’re 5,000 members strong and growing.


Upcoming events

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Tell FDA: Nonsense!

Drugmakers have asked FDA to prohibit compounded GLP-1s

Recent News

More great coverage of GLP-1s

Chemistry World's GLP-1 piece even covers the off-ramps for compounders (with a little help from APC, of course).

Self magazine has compounding story that gets into details

Self has a long, well-balanced article on not just the current state of GLP-1 compounding, but a broad overview of compounding in general.

Yahoo!Life looks at the future of GLP-1 compounding

Yahoo!Life looks not only at the future after GLP-1 compounding, but how some compounders are considering a different option.

NBC-LA covers compounded glutathione

APC explained what's going on with California's Board of Pharmacy and the compounded glutathione firefighters count on.

USA Today’s balanced article on the future of GLP-1s

USA Today focuses on the financial impact of GLP-1s being declared out of shortage ... with some perspective from a couple of APCers.

Via advocacy, information, and leadership, APC elevates your compounding practice, providing tools, knowledge, and support that enhance your ability to serve your patients.

On Capitol Hill
and in the states,
we’re working for you
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From USP standards to best practices—keep learning
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The Compounder Code of
Ethics—why it matters
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Best practices, the latest
guidance, and more
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For patients and prescribers
Invest in political action
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As the voice for your profession, APC is telling your story—about the patients you serve, the good you do, and the critical role of compounding in our healthcare system.