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About my collections
I have a lot of R0 and R2/3 DVD releases and I am too lazy and don't care enough to add them separately so I don't always have the 'Region 1' version like it shows on the lists. If it's on Amazon I just add that one. If it's not, I will add it separately.Lists
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(9 items)Person list by aechris Last updated 16 years, 5 months ago
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(13 items)Person list by aechris Last updated 16 years, 5 months ago
Recent reviews
Decent flick for sure and the music was great but it suffers from the same issue that plagues so many other Japanese movies: it drags on and on and on. Pacing is key, kids, let's do our best next time!
Haha, what?
Very, very different from the other Guinea Pig movies. It is definitely more like what you would usually expect from Hideshi Hino (who despite not being listed here on Listal had a hand in directing).
It's so clichéd to say that something is WACKY JAPAN but it was pretty messed up. It starts off fairly smoothly but by the time his buddy shows up at his apartment it just loses all control.
It's worth the watch if you are into this kind of thing, but it's definitely not for everyone.
...and in case you haven't figured it out, the Eve listed as an actor here isn't the same Eve that is in the movie.
It's so clichéd to say that something is WACKY JAPAN but it was pretty messed up. It starts off fairly smoothly but by the time his buddy shows up at his apartment it just loses all control.
It's worth the watch if you are into this kind of thing, but it's definitely not for everyone.
...and in case you haven't figured it out, the Eve listed as an actor here isn't the same Eve that is in the movie.
Awesome and boring at the same time
I really, really wanted to like this movie. The action scenes were over the top awesome but, like most Godzilla movies, were separated by waaaay too many 'human' scenes. In some cases this isn't a problem, but wow were they bad in this one. It was so strange because I would be on the edge of my seat one minute and nearly asleep the next.
The human/Xilian side story (kind of was the main story actually...) was goofy. I don't care about mutants or hand-to-hand combat. All I want to see is Godzilla fight some monsters and wreck some cities doing it. If they human scenes had JUST been about the Earth Defense Force, fine, but this mutant stuff was stupid.
On a whole the monsters were satisfying. I thought the last fight was only decent but the rest were great (if not a bit too short). Including the American Godzilla was a hilarious idea and I was happy King Caesar made the cut.
Worth a watch, but not one of the greats. Kind of.
The human/Xilian side story (kind of was the main story actually...) was goofy. I don't care about mutants or hand-to-hand combat. All I want to see is Godzilla fight some monsters and wreck some cities doing it. If they human scenes had JUST been about the Earth Defense Force, fine, but this mutant stuff was stupid.
On a whole the monsters were satisfying. I thought the last fight was only decent but the rest were great (if not a bit too short). Including the American Godzilla was a hilarious idea and I was happy King Caesar made the cut.
Worth a watch, but not one of the greats. Kind of.
Come on, you can do better than this.
Boooooring. This game is way too easy and way too straightforward. The play mechanic is interesting but the long-winded, uninteresting story sequences really cut into it.
A 7 feels generous but a 6 seems like too little.
A 7 feels generous but a 6 seems like too little.
Wasted opportunity
I was so excited for this movie. It could have been a new classic but it fell soooo short. Not sure whether it was comedy or horror drove me up the wall and a nonsensical ending that will join the ranks of The Village and Spielberg's War of the Worlds.
There were a few decent scares and the buildup leading to the room was pretty well done, but it was just one big disappointment after another towards the end. Avoid.
There were a few decent scares and the buildup leading to the room was pretty well done, but it was just one big disappointment after another towards the end. Avoid.
Paprika review
Fantastic movie with amazing music and incredible visuals. The story is interesting enough and the characters are pretty well flushed out... until the end. The end is a huge letdown.
Everyone online went retarded for this movie so I was super-excited to finally see it. Why? What was the big fuss about? The monster looked cool and the movement physics were great, but the movie was pretty terrible. None of the jokes really clicked with me and it made incredible leaps of logic every time you turned around.
I don't know, maybe I am missing something? Add a comment to this if you disagree because I feel like I am missing out on something that is SUPPOSED to be amazing. Yeah it's cool and all but not for the length of time it took to get anywhere for such a lame payoff.
I don't know, maybe I am missing something? Add a comment to this if you disagree because I feel like I am missing out on something that is SUPPOSED to be amazing. Yeah it's cool and all but not for the length of time it took to get anywhere for such a lame payoff.
Just okay
The swearing made me laugh, the drug and fart jokes were stupid. It rocked preeeetty hard, but not hard enough. The opening scene with Jack Black as a younger JB was awesome when he was talking to Dio but it didn't stay as awesome through the movie. Too bad!
Surprisingly good
I went into this movie expecting garbage and was very pleasantly surprised. The trailers made it look like trash but I actually really liked it.
If you are not a fan of Nicholas Cage then this probably won't do anything more for you, but if you are, full steam ahead. I actually liked Jessica Biel this time around too; usually I don't. Julianne Moore was pretty awful.
The CG was pretty awful but the action scenes were a blast to watch.
Hesitant recommendation because I know it is a 'bad movie', but it's a good one!
If you are not a fan of Nicholas Cage then this probably won't do anything more for you, but if you are, full steam ahead. I actually liked Jessica Biel this time around too; usually I don't. Julianne Moore was pretty awful.
The CG was pretty awful but the action scenes were a blast to watch.
Hesitant recommendation because I know it is a 'bad movie', but it's a good one!
I am surprised to see suck a low average rating on this movie here. Being a huge wuxia/period fan I am naturally a little biased, but it totally blew my mind. The first half was an interesting build-up of character and plot, the second exploded into a climax I haven't seen the likes of for quite some time.
I am usually not a huge Gong Li fan but she was FANTASTIC in her role as the Empress. Chow Yun Fat was great in his role, and dare I say that Jay Chou wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting him to be.
I am hesitant to give any movie a solid 10, especially in a review that others might read for advice, but it is up up up there. 9.5 and a must-see.
I am usually not a huge Gong Li fan but she was FANTASTIC in her role as the Empress. Chow Yun Fat was great in his role, and dare I say that Jay Chou wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting him to be.
I am hesitant to give any movie a solid 10, especially in a review that others might read for advice, but it is up up up there. 9.5 and a must-see.
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