Monique BESSOMO An author from Cameroon writing in French [Return to French Page originale en français] |
Monique Bessomo was born in the village of D'Ekoko II in Cameroon. She studied at the Nsimalen Catholic Mission. She then took some evening classes at "Notre Dame des Victoires" in Yaoundé and completed her study at the School of Ergotherapy in Nancy. She holds a State Diploma in Ergotherapy. In the early 1990s she worked in the National Centre for the rehabilitation of the handicapped people of Etoug-Ebe in Yaoundé.
Later she became a leading member of La Ligue de
solidarité des femmes handicapées du Cameroun [LI.SO.F.HA.C.] an association helping handicapped women and their children and the director of le Centre des Oeuvres de la Face Sacrée [C.OE.FA.SA.] that was open in 1997. Following the usurpation of the Center's name by unidentified frauds, Monique Bessomo had to leave Ekoko in 2011. She now lives in France with her husband (2012).
Poems by Monique Bessomo (in French):
Osën (1996) ;
Mon handicap (1997) ;
Mon Pays l'Afrique (1998) ;
Un certain jour (1998) ;
Bethléem de Mouda (1999) ;
A toi, oui à toi (1999) ;
Tu es mon frère -Tu es ma soeur (1999) ;
Spéciale fin. Début spectaculaire (1999) ;
Ton regard (1999) ;
Ils ont besoin de Toi (1999) ;
Les balades vénusiennes (2000) Les vénusiennes (suite) (2000); Le jour tant attendu (2000); Mouda (2001); Je perds le sommeil (2001);
Amis du Monde, Sauvons la vie (2003);
Barack Obama "osu" (2009) ;
Salut 2012 (janvier 2012) ;
Le palmier à huile (mars 2012) ;
Les Africaines: qui a dit? (mars 2012);
Ainsi soit-il! (octobre 2012).
Holâ! Enfants d'Afrique [Listen here! African children]. Yaoundé: Sopecam, 1991. (22p.). Poetry.
Tam-Tam de la Démocracie [The Tam-tam of Democracy]. Yaoundé: Chez l'auteur, 1996. (52p.). Poetry.
Editor ([email protected])
The University of Western Australia/French
Created: 11 June 1996
Modified: 07 October 2012
Archived: 28 November 2013