About This Camp


Iizuka Campus, KyuTech, Fukuoka, Japan


The APNG Camp offers a limited number of Fellowships to individuals from Developing, Least Developed Country (LDC), or Small Island Development State (SIDS) economies in the Asia Pacific region, as listed on the United Nations Website. These fellowships provide the opportunity to attend and participate in the APNG Camp, which will be held in in-person. The APNG Fellowship program places particular emphasis on achieving gender and geographical diversity.


The objectives of the fellowship program are:


The basic requirements for the eligibility of the fellowship program are:


The fellows can receive basic benefits with/without additional benefits based on application evaluation.

Basic Benefits

Additional Benefits

APNG Camp Fellowship Guidelines
Passport & Visa

Fellows must have a valid passport and visa to enter the on-site host country. Selected fellows traveling to the host country shall apply for a visa (if necessary) at their own expense. We will be happy to assist in case you need any supporting documents for the application.

Camp Activities

Selection Process

A dedicated selection committee meticulously reviews all applications and selects candidates deemed best suited for the on-site fellowship. The committee aims to provide opportunities to individuals from a diverse range of organizations and geographical locations within the Asia Pacific region. The decisions of the selection committee are final, and the chosen applicants are notified individually. The list of selected Fellows is also published on the APNG Camp website.

Returning Fellows

Key Dates
Application for New Applicants
Opening Date: Thursday, 01 August 2024
Closing Date: Monday, 30 September 2024 at 23:55 UTC +9
Application for Returning Fellows
Opening Date: Thursday, 01 August 2024
Closing Date: Friday, 30 August 2024 at 23:55 UTC +9

Any other questions or concerns should be addressed to the Selection Committee by email to fellowships[at]apngcamp[dot]asia


Local Host Sponsor

Diamond Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Supporting Partners

become a sponsor

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is APNG Camp?
The APNG Camp is a venue where future Internet leaders of the Asia Pacific region learn from and work with experts from different sectors. The camp fosters discussion, collaboration, and multidisciplinary research among participants and mentors centered on digital society and its opportunities from Asian perspectives.
You may participate as an APNG Fellow. You should submit the Application Form, which will be reviewed by the Program Committee for approval. Registration to join the camp will open soon.
The 17th APNG Camp theme for 2025 is "What Can We Trust Today? Fostering Trust Using AI, Blockchain, and Web3". The topics that will be discussed by the camp speakers will be listed here soon after they are finalized.
Anyone can register and join as a camp attendee. Fellows who want to present their CFPs should meet the following criteria:
  • Applicant age under 35 years.
  • Currently pursuing studies or graduated in an ICT course at a recognized education institution or employed by an Internet related company.
  • Provides clear evidence of strong motivation for attending the APNG fellowship program.
  • Demonstrates interest and knowledge in APNG activities
  • A willingness to contribute to APNG Camp as a resource person or trainer in future.
  • A willingness to present one’s own culture, heritage, traditions, and costume.
As 17th APNG CAMP 2025 is hosted in Fukuoka, Japan, which will be conducted purely FACE TO FACE, attendees are recommended to follow the official guidelines of the government of Japan for your own safety.
Do I need to pay to attend?
The 17th APNG CAMP is FREE for all registered attendees.
Attendees who complete the three-day camp will receive a certificate if they have actively participated in the activities as deemed by the Program Committee.
Our fellowship program committee only issues an invitation letter. The applicant should process the VISA by themselves.
The speakers for this camp are fellows aged 35 and below who are currently pursuing studies or graduated in an ICT course at a recognized education institution or employed by an Internet related company. There will be invited experts and change-makers who will deliver keynote and latest industry developments. Accepted speakers will be published on this website soon.

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