Ximoso Verso { X3 }

The ‘Ximoso’ edition is inspired by the Chinese symbol 囍 (pronunciation: “Xi”), which means double happiness. The symbol consists of two identical characters representing “happiness” combined to form a single, more powerful symbol of joy. It also conveys the ability to ward off negative energies and to bring prosperity to those who carry it with them. The character is typically written in red ink as a decorative element on essential documents expressing the idea of a happy and blessed union.
122 Pins
Petite Organizer { X3+ }
Small Pouch { X3+ }
Small Pouch { X3+ }
Large Pouch { X3+ }
Large Pouch { X3+ }
Large Pouch { X3+ }
Small Pouch { X3+ }
Small Pouch { X3+ }
Small Pouch { X3+ }