Kill Team Terrain

26 Pins
Usine de forage inspiré d une publication de GW, pose de differents boitiers et cablages en fil de scoubidous
WWX Terrain: Industrial Structures
Here's a look at some of the construction of the buildings on the Wild West Exodus industrial board. The facility is used by Dr Carpathian...
New York Alleyway Diorama "Scratch building"
New York Alleyway Diorama "Scratch building"
Usine de forage inspiré d une publication de GW, pose de différents boitiers et câblages en fil de scoubidous
The Painting Bunkerc y
More terrain work today. #warhammer40k #warhammer #warhammer40000 #wargamesterrain #wargamesscenery #gamesworkshop #gamesworkshop40k #providiacampaign #wh40kcampaign #wh40kconnecticut #connecticutwargaming
Factory WIP (Typhus and some plague marines base) | Fantasygames
Maz' little piece of "paradise"
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