
634 Pins
73K views · 37K reactions | Follow our new page @taichi.lujing . 10 times more effective than running! Chinese gymnastics for burning fat and healthy joints! | taichi.lujing
234K views · 33K reactions | 5 упражнений, которые кардинально изменят ваше лицо🔥 | ЗОЖ 💪ИНТЕРЕСНО ❤ ПОЛЕЗНО🔝
2.9K reactions · 289 shares | My fave moveeees🔥🔥🔥 🔗JOIN JANUARY PILATES X POWER Challenge! Link in bio❤️‍🔥 #pilates #pilatesarms #slimarms #tonedarms #armstoning #flabbyarmsbegone #armfat #homeworkout | Natalie Hesounova
14K views · 2.6K reactions | Uvoľnenie od bolesti počas práce?⬇️ Práve počas rýchleho a povinnosťami naplneného pracovného režimu sa nám začína v tele akumulovať tlak a napätie. Nestíhame cvičiť, nestíhame sa uvoľňovať. A spraviť si rutinu z návštevy maséra môže byť príjemna psychohygiena ale sám dobre vieš, že tie bolesti sa vrátia. Takže, aplikuj tieto jednoduché princípy do svojho dňa a aj bez karimatky dokážeš uvoľniť z tela nahromadené napätie✅ #fatul #fyzio #rehab #pohyb #bolest #trenerpohybu #chrbat #chrbtica #klby #telo #zdravie #fyzio #trener #zdravieklbov #rehabilitacia #pohyb #zivot #bezbolesti #tipy #yoga #sciatickynerv #tyterapeut #terapeut #slovakia | Oskar Fatul
12K views · 1.5K reactions | Krčná chrbtica?⬇️ Tuhosť krčnej chrbtice dokážeš postupne vyriešiť uvoľnením napätia. Na to je nutné robiť komplexný pohyb celej štruktúry - trup aj panva. Vystretá ruka do strany ti pomôže znásobiť roztiahnutie celej vrchnej oblasti bez nejakého rizika, že nesprávnym pohybom dostaneš telo do šoku. Rehabilitácia musí byť postupná a dlhodobo účinná. Namiesto zmeny práce, zmeň tvary svojho tela, aby sa ti prestal hromadiť tlak a napätie #fatul #fyzio #rehab #pohyb #bolest #trenerpohybu #chrbat #chrbtica #klby #telo #zdravie #fyzio #trener #zdravieklbov #rehabilitacia #pohyb #zivot #bezbolesti #tipy #yoga #sciatickynerv #tyterapeut #terapeut #slovakia | Oskar Fatul
283K views · 9.3K reactions | face workout at home 🔥….do it daily 🥵 ✅save ✅share ✅do it #sachinhrfitness #fitnessmotivation #fitnesslife #fitnessmodel #fitnessaddict #fitnesstrainer #fitnessfreaks #fitnessjourney #fitnesslifestyle #fitnessgoals #fitnessphysique #fitnessfreak #fitnesscoach #trending #trendingreels #gym #gymmotivation #gymlover #gymaddict #gymlifestyle #gymlove #exercise #reels #reelsinstagram #reelsvideo #reelsindia #reelsviral #workout #body #bodybuilding | Sachin HR Sharma
655K views · 30K reactions | Let’s depuff your face right now! In order for the fluid to leave your lower & middle part of the cheeks, it has to go through the lymphatic and veins to ear and then neck, through masseter and other structures. Often tension in your jaw creates adhesions and inflammation in the muscles, preventing good lymphatic outflow from the face. Then with age we then either get nasolabial folds (due to the fluid stagnation) or jowls and the second problem is that our face shape is changing because our jaw is changing the position and our face becomes more square (not to mention all the TMJ and grinding problems). Enjoy this tutorial and let me know in the comments if you want more tutorials like this! P.S.: Enrollment to the 30-Day Face Transf #facemassage#depuffing#puffyface#undereyes#facesculpting#masseterbotox#natural | Anastasia
264K views · 13K reactions | This technique will help you improve your hooded eyes naturally 👀 We’re working on the temples and the lymphatic outflow of the eyes. Also, it’s important to remember that the look of your eyes is connected to the position of your eyebrows. The position of your eyebrows is connected to your forehead. Your forehead is connected to your scalp and back of the neck. This may sound complicated, and if you want to make it easy - just join GLOW ✨✨ #selfcare#beauty#beautyroutine#facesculpting#faceroutine#facemassage#selfmassage#hoodedeyes | Anastasia
13K views · 5.7K reactions | Are you concerned with Jowls? The first step to improve jowls is to relax the Depressor, your Platysma (that pulls on your lower cheek) and corner of the mouth. The second step is relax Depressor Anguli Oris. The third step is to remove excess lymph in the cheek area. Would you like to learn the other steps for this complex puzzle that Jowls is? Let me know in the comments ✍️ #facemassage#jowls | Anastasia
547K views · 50K reactions | If You Feel a Pulling Pain in Your Hip Joint and Your Knee Doesn’t Drop During This Simple Test, Work on Mobility Exercises. When my athletes face this issue, I recommend this chair-based routine. Do it 3-5 times in the morning and evening until you regain full, pain-free hip mobility. Check out my feed for more exercises and routines. #trailrunninglife #trailrunners #runninglife #ultrarunners #ultratrailrunner #ultratrailrunning #ultrarunninglife | Running Coach || Evgenii Makarov
132K views · 1.1K reactions | Tighten your cheekbones ❤️‍🔥 Just minute a day, and WITH YOUR OWN HANDS: ✅ improve the oval of the face ✅ tighten the cheeks ✅ get beautiful cheekbones Do you want more techniques FOR LIFTING? Leave a YES below ⬇️ | Dr. Ales Ulishchenko
5.7K reactions · 628 shares | ✅more like this: @revimasapp ✨ Welcome to Day 10/30 of our Self-Massage Challenge!✨ Do Your Eyes Feel More Hooded? 👁️ Let’s Try Something!” Noticing your eyes becoming more hooded over time? This quick routine is designed to refresh and lift the area around your eyes. It may not work overnight, but with consistency, you’ll see progress and feel great. Take a few minutes today to show yourself some love—because self-care is all about small, meaningful moments. 💕 💡Tip: Use your favorite moisturizer or serum for even better results. 🔁 Repeat daily for maximum benefits ⬇️ Save this for later ❤️ Follow for more: @revimasapp 👉 Share with a friend who needs it | Revimas
44K views · 15K reactions | Exercises, massage, and training that will dramatically change your face with 5sets a day #massage #workout #face#exercise # Please follow me on Instagram if you like.#yoogasoul | yoga soul
1.2M views · 18K reactions | 💜💜TÉCNICA ANTIEDA YOGA FACIAL Quieres reducir arrugas, lineas de expresión y la flacidez facial del rostro? 🌸Clase gratis de Yoga Facial🌸 Unite Aquí.👇 https://chat.whatsapp.com/IgfoiGfCT6wJzN4kIUvvJN #yogafacial #rejuvenescimentofacial #faceyoga #arrugas #ejercicios #faciales #acupuntura #reflexology #yogafacial #rejuvenecimientofacial #gimnasiafacial #antienvejecimiento #bellezaonline #cuidadodelapiel #cuidadofacial #pieltersayluminosa #pielsuave #pieljoven #AccionesQueCambianVidas #AccionesQueTransforman #pielperfecta #yogafacialtexas #yogafacialchile ##yogafacialespaña #yogafacialcolombia #yogaface #yoga #TipsDeBelleza #pieljoven | Yogafacialbr
2.1M views · 27K reactions | Si tienes joroba de búfalo, tienes que hacer esto todos los días durante un minuto. Lo ideal será que lo practiques por la mañana y por la tarde antes de acostarte. #pablopilatesreal #joroba #jorobadebufalo #postura #posturacorreta #fitness #yoga | Pablo.pilatesreal