Zine Stuff

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surviving out of pure spite! issue 2 is a radically vulnerable perzine (personal + zine) about the emotional, social, & financial costs of healing from trauma 💗 i write about trauma recovery, survivorship, allyship vs. solidarity, community, supporting survivors, & healing 💐 #zines #zinester #perzine #zinestagram #zinecommunity #zine #zinemaking #queerzine #cptsd #cptsdrecovery #cptsdsurvivor #cptsdhealing #allyship #abusesurvivor #communitycare #radicalvulnerability
A zine made by my friend!
“Why I’m Proud To Be Autistic”
Mini-zine ideas | Cindy Lozito
Cover of a mini-zine called small space staircase living tips and tricks, miniature comic ideas
DIGITAL mini-zine - Queer Quest #1 about finding community - Echo Zines's Ko-fi Shop