Minimalist Tattoos

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Peacock Tattoos: What This Bird Represents And Tattoo Ideas | Self Tattoo
The strut, the multifaceted “eyes”, the vibrant colors, the ostentatious display of feathers – when a peacock is near, you cannot help but stop and stare. And, it has been this way for centuries. Peacocks feature in Ancient Greek and Hindu stories, and humanity has attached deep meaning to this species of bird. Due to the symbolism and mythology that the peacock is wrapped up in, this bird and its feathers create eye-catching, meaningful tattoos.
A Guide To Semicolon Tattoos: What It Means And Tattoo Ideas | Self Tattoo
When it comes to choosing a tattoo design, many people want to dive into meaningful waters. While there is nothing wrong with fun, frivolous tattoos, meaningful tattoo designs are the way many tattooees go because it relates specifically to their circumstances and lives.
How To Pick The Right Font For Your Word Tattoo | Self Tattoo
Word and phrase tattoos enjoy immense popularity in the world of body art. But, when it comes to getting words tattooed, it’s not just a case of the specific phrase or single word you want – that’s just the start. A huge part of the tattoo is the actual design, or in the case of word tattoos, the font.
8 Fish Tattoo Ideas And Their Meanings | Self Tattoo
Fish are incredible creatures that have swam the depths of the oceans and survived in rivers for millenia. Not only are they ancient, but there are so many different varieties of fish – from the vibrant shades of the koi fish, to the mysterious and dangerous shark. These extraordinary water dwellers make for excellent tattoo inspiration for their colors as well as their symbolism.
Tarot Card Tattoos: What You Should Know | Self Tattoo
Tarot cards are steeped in mystery, with each image hinting at something that your future may hold. As each card is symbolic on its own and can have deep meaning in your life, the practice of tarot reading can be a spiritual place to find inspiration for a meaningful tattoo.
Yin Yang Symbol: Tattoo Ideas And Meaning | Self Tattoo
The Yin Yang symbol is one of the oldest and most well-recognized symbols in the world. Over the centuries, it has traveled to all corners of the globe, away from its starting point in Ancient China. It has also taken up a popular spot in the world of tattoos.
Your Ankle Tattoo Questions Answered | Self Tattoo
You’ve thought a lot about the type of tattoo you want to get, but have you thought enough about your tattoo placement choice? Where you get your tattoo can impact the amount of pain you feel during your session, the longevity of your tattoo, and what type of design will look good.
8 Back Of Neck Tattoos For The Minimalist Ink Lover | Self Tattoo
The nape of the neck is an intimate placement for a tattoo – you choose when you want to show off your ink and when you don’t – and a perfect spot for a mini tattoo design. The bottom of the hairline is easy to hide by letting your hair loose or wearing a collared shirt.
What Do Pineapple Tattoos Mean? | Self Tattoo
Put it in a salad, blend it into a cocktail, and get it tattooed on your skin – pineapples are multifaceted in many different ways. A pineapple tattoo can be small and cute with minimalist details, or go the more edgy route with strong lines and added elements.
How To Tan With Tattoos | Self Tattoo
Got ink, but still love the feel of the sun beating down on you? The UVA and UVB rays that hit our skin when we’re walking around or sunbathing do have negative consequences on our skin and tattoos, but there are ways to mitigate the damage.
The Meaning Behind Owl Tattoos | Owl Tattoo Design
Do you love the idea of getting a bird tattoo, and are thinking about an owl tattoo? The owl has a long and ancient history of meaning and symbolism across many human cultures. Click here to find out the meaning behind owl tattoos and get inspired for your next tattoo with owl tattoo designs. Self Tattoo
Starfish Tattoos: What They Mean And Tattoo Ideas | Self Tattoo
Starfish are one of the most unique animals you can find. While they live in the sea, they don’t have gills; they move, but don’t have a brain, and they can eat outside of their body. These are just some of the fascinating things about these invertebrates. But, starfish also have interesting symbolism attached to them, making them a great subject for a sea-themed tattoo.
An Intro To Flower Tattoos | Floral Tattoo Design
Are you thinking about getting a floral tattoo design? There are many types of flowers to choose from when it comes to flower tattoo designs - from a single rose tattoo to a full floral sleeve tattoo. Click here for flower tattoo inspiration and what the meanings behind different flower tattoos are. Self Tattoo
Word Tattoo Ideas | Karma Tattoo
Do you want a tattoo that speaks volumes? Word tattoos can be minimalist in style, but still hold significant meaning. From single word tattoos to quotes, word tattoos are a popular form of body art. Click here to find out more about word tattoos and to get ideas for word tattoo designs. Self Tattoo