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Menstrual Phase
This is the beginning of the cycle or the first day of the bleed. This phase usually lasts between three to seven days (depending on your body). More about the menstrual phase and the daily habits that support it on the blog 👉
687K views · 50K reactions | Menstrual Cycle Recipes : Orange Edition🍊 Recipes (in order):: 🧡🧡 Recipe: 5 GOLDEN beets 5 Carrots 1 Half (2 cups) of a Pineapple 3 oranges Makes about 40oz 🧡🧡 Recipe: 3 Sweet Potatoes 5 Carrots 1/2 (2 cups) Pineapple 2 Oranges Makes about 46oz (5-6 cups) 💛💛 Recipe: 1 Whole Cantaloupe 2 Mangos 3 oranges Makes about 40oz (5 cups) These recipes TASTE SO GOOD and they’re great for juicing NEWBIES that aren’t comfortable with the taste of leafy greens or red beets yet. Golden beets & sweet potatoes are great sources of iron that helps with fatigue and low energy levels. Oranges are packed with Vitamin C to help absorb the iron while also combating period acne some of us girlies yet. Cantaloupe helps maintain fluid balance and prevent dehydration. It also helps alleviate cramps & discomfort🧡 #juice #juicing #womenshealth #menstrualcycle | Keshia | Juiceologist🍋 | ¥$ · TALKING (feat. North West)
687K views · 50K reactions | Menstrual Cycle Recipes : Orange Edition🍊 Recipes (in order):: 🧡🧡 Recipe: 5 GOLDEN beets 5 Carrots 1 Half (2 cups) of a Pineapple 3 oranges Makes about 40oz 🧡🧡 Recipe: 3 Sweet Potatoes 5 Carrots 1/2 (2 cups) Pineapple 2 Oranges Makes about 46oz (5-6 cups) 💛💛 Recipe: 1 Whole Cantaloupe 2 Mangos 3 oranges Makes about 40oz (5 cups) These recipes TASTE SO GOOD and they’re great for juicing NEWBIES that aren’t comfortable with the taste of leafy greens or red beets yet. Golden beets & sweet potatoes are great sources of iron that helps with fatigue and low energy levels. Oranges are packed with Vitamin C to help absorb the iron while also combating period acne some of us girlies yet. Cantaloupe helps maintain fluid balance and prevent dehydr
How to Make Mugwort Tea: Dosage and Benefits
Uncover the wonders of mugwort tea with this guide! Learn the recommended dosage, brewing techniques, and the many benefits this herbal remedy offers. From soothing menstrual cramps to aiding digestion and supporting relaxation and even lucid dreams, mugwort tea is a natural ally. Dive into the fascinating world of mugwort, a perennial plant with a rich history in traditional medicine. Embrace the healing properties of mugwort tea and embark on a journey of herbal wellness.
Chasteberry (Vitex) for PMS
Chasteberry is an herb that has long been used in traditional medicine, most particularly for women’s health and menstrual issues. Other names include: vitex, chaste tree berry, and vitex agnus-castus. Chasteberry is effective in helping to reduce symptoms of PMS and PMDD, normalizing periods, improving fertility, and correcting luteal phase dysfunction. #chasteberrybenefits #chasteberrysideffects #chasteberry #vitex #vitexbenefits #vitexsupplement #chasteberryfertility #chasteberryforwomen
Menstrual Phase Cycle Syncing
Live Your Best Life by Introducing Cycle Syncing on Spirited Earthling Blog. Your menstrual phase is the time for rest for reflection. Use the phases of your menstrual cycle as a guide to living your best life, using the inner seasons feminine archetypes, and themes to your advantage in your personal, professional, and social life.
The BEST Menstrual Phase Foods, Recipes + Tips For Hormone Balance
I want you to know that while many of these menstrual phase symptoms are common, they are NOT normal, and it is totally possible for you to have a symptom-free period (and entire menstrual cycle) through simple nutrition and lifestyle modifications. Starting today, with the most delicious menstrual phase foods and recipes to help you naturally balance your hormones and feel your best. Snag all of the details below!