Sojo Devotionals

11 Pins
Gilmore Girls-Fling with a Caremal Mochacchino
How to Avoid the Mistakes of Lorelai Gilmore | SojoLife
Difficult Friendships Are Good for You
How should a Christian woman love another sister in the church who she finds difficult to love? Here are six ways forward in challenging friendships. | parked domain
When living hurts
5 Steps to Creating An Effective Prayer Strategy
5 Tips for creating an Effective Prayer Strategy. Plus a quick review of Priscilla Shirer's new book, "Fervent," #allthatmotivates
Teaching the Word with a Deeper Knowledge of Him
"The God of the Bible is too lovely to abandon for lesser pursuits." — Jen Wilkin
Book Review: Women of the Word (by Jen Wilkin) - Clare Smith
Because we do not know our bibles, we crumble at the most basic challenges to our worldview. Jen Wilkin #womenoftheword : | parked domain
This is a stance of love. A deep ever reaching, pushing past limits, beyond anything in all of existance type of love. It all began with love. When it all went down: I was 8 years old, I was a shy …