talent show

13 Pins
I reused these light boxes made out of air filters that are tapped together with black duck tape. I cut out black letters, laid the boxes horizontally and you have a great background. Church talent show.
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school talent show decorating ideas | used a couple red sheets i bought on sale at ikea for like 4$ and ...
Talent Show Award Certificates for MS Word | Download FREE
Talent Show Award Certificate DOWNLOAD at http://certificatesinn.com/talent-show-award-certificates/
Talent Show Bundle
Talent Shows are a great opportunity for the students to show their talents off to friends, parents and the school community, but often times involve crowded Multi-Purpose Rooms or HOT outdoor bleachers. This editable Talent Show Fan is a great way to share the Talent Show Information and cool down a hot crowd.This Talent Program Fan can be made into a paper fan using cardstock (thick paper) and popsicle sticks to help cool parents in Non-AC crowded classrooms.