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Thrilling experiences in discovering the poles [microform] : graphic and thrilling stories of the greatest achievement by man since Columbus discovered America ... ; also containing a true and authentic account of other great polar expeditions, including Franklin, Greely, Abruzzi, Nares, Nordenskjold, Nansen, Sverdrup, Shackelton, etc

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Canadian InitituM for Historical Microraproduction* / Institut sanadian da microraproductions historiquas

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National Library of Can&da

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BUsliothaqua nationala du Cuiada

Tha imaga* appaaring hara ara tha ba*t quality po**ibla conaidaring tha condition and lagibility of tha eriginal copy and in kaaping with tha filming eenuaet •pacification*.

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Tha laat racordad frama on aach microficht shall contain tha •ymbol —^ (maaning "CONTINUED"!, or tha lymbol ▼ (moaning "END"), whiehavar appliaa.

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La* carta*, plancha*. lablaaux. ate. pauvani atra filmda d da* Mux da rdduction diffarant*. Lorsqua la documant aat trap grand pour atra raproduit an un aaul clichd. il aat filma * partir da I'angia *up*riaur gaucha. da gaucha a droita. at da haul an ba*. an pranant la nombra d'imaga* ndca**aira. Laa diagrammaa suivants illuatrant la mdthoda.

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