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Lydia  Leavitt, 



< .' 


"  She  was  not  fair, 
Nor  beautiful,— those  words  express  her  not, 
But,  O,  her  looks  had  something  excellent 
That  wants  a  name." 

In  a  country  house  near  the  city  of  B lived  a 

lady  of  cultivated  mind  and  manners,  "  a  noble  woman 
nobly  planned."  Well  read  and  familiar  with  such 
writers  as  Tyndall,  Huxley,  Spencer  and  other  scien- 
tists, and  being  rather  cosmopolitan  in  tastes,  liked 
to  gather  about  her,  people  who  had-as  she  termed  it- 
^deas.  At  times  there  was  a  strange  medley  of  artists 
authors,  religious  enthusiasts,  spiritualists,  philanthropists 
and  even  philosophers.  On  the  evening  of  which  I  write 
there  was  the  usual  peculiar  gathering,  and  each  one  is 
expressmg  his  or  her  views  freely  and  unrestrainedly. 

The  visionary  and  dreamer  said  :  "Let  me  dec.cribe 
a  modern  Utopia  of  which  I  have  often  dreamed  and 


In  a  fertile  valley,  surrounded  on  all  sides  by  high 
mountains,  lived  a  community  or  body  of  people  who  had 
never  been  outside  the  valley.  To  them  the  mountains 
proved  an  impassible  barrier  and  they  had  no  wish  or  de- 
sire to  penetrate  beyond.  For  generations  they  had  lived 
in  this  peaceful  retreat  happy  and  content.  The  ground 
yielded  sufficient  for  their  wants  and  needs.  No  one  in 
this  little  world  was  richer  than  his  neighbor  and  if  one 
of  the  community  fell  ill  each  contributed  something 
from  their  own  supply  for  his  or  her  support.  They 
knew  nothing  about  the  value  of  money,  for  here  it  was 
useless.  No  one  dreamed  of  possessing  more  than  his 
neighbor,  but  each  and  all  must  share  alike.  Time 
dealt  kindly  with  these  simple  people,  for  they  dealt  kind- 
ly with  time,  and  life  flowed  on  smoothly  and  pleasantly. 
Men  and  women  of  seventy  years  were  hale  and  hearty, 
for  it  is  not  so  much  the  ntimber  of  years  we  live  that 
leave  their  traces,  as  the  events  which  transpire  in  those 
years ;  each  event,  each  sorrow,  each  disappointment 
making  an  era  and  each  one  leaving  a  trace  For  the 
inhabitants  of  the  valley  there  were  few  disappointments 
and  fewer  sorrows.  If  the  angel  of  death  entered  and 
took  one  of  their  number,  each  and  all  took  the  sorrow 
home  for  it  was  looked  upon  as  a  personal  calamity 
when  any  one  of  the  little  community  was  taken  from 

The  sun  seemed  to  shine  brighter,  the  water  to  be 
clearer  and  more  limpid,  the  foliage  more  brilliant  in  this 


little  world  than  elsewhere.  Perhaps  because  the  eyes  of 
the  people  were  undimmed  by  sorrow,  perhaps  because 
their  souls  were  unclouded  by  sin,  or  perchance  they 
were  in  complete  harmony  with  nature  and  were  able  to 
see  all  her  beauty,  each  charm  enhanced  by  something 
within  themselves. 

Nowhere  else  did  the  earth  yield  such  abundant 
harvest.  The  wheat  bent  its  yellow  head  from  over  weight. 
The  trees  were  laden  with  fruit  and  here  again  nature 
seemed  to  be  in  sympathy  with  her  children.  No  sordid 
motives,  no  love  of  gain,  no  thought  of  barter  and  sale  en- 
tered their  minds  while  sowing  their  fields  or  reaping 
their  grain,  but  every  one  labored  that  each  and  all  might 
be  benefitted.  The  men  were  strong  and  self-reliant,  the 
women  contented  and  happy,  the  children  rosy  and 

Every  Sabbath  morning  the  old  church  bell  rang  a 
sweet  summons  to  meet  together  to  worship  God. 
One  church  was  sufficient  for  all.  They  knew  nothing 
about  heresies  and  schisms  but  assembled  together  to 
hear  a  simple  story  simply  told.  The  venerable  clergy- 
man, with  white  hair  and  beard,  in  the  dimly  lighted 
church  resembled  the  pictures  of  the  matryrs,  his  face  tell- 
ing the  story  of  a  simple,  true,  pure  life.  His  sermons 
were  eloquent  from  their  very  simplicity  ;  no  need  there  of 
learned  dissertations,  for  the  people  would  not  have  com- 
prehended had  he  been  able  to  give  them,  and  had 
they  been  able  to  understand,  their  pastor  was  unable  to 


teach.  It  was  a  pleasant  sight,  the  old  men,  young 
maidens,  happy  matrons  and  rosy  children  assembled 
together  in  their  quaint  old  fashioned  dress,  simple  in 
the  extreme,  listening  to  the  teaching  of  their  minister. 

Their  amusement  and  pleasures  were  simple  with  no 
unnatural  craving  after  excitement.  The  ever  chang- 
ing sky  and  clouds  ;  the  mists  on  the  mountain  top  ; 
the  purple  hills  and  yellow  waving  grain ;  the  running 
brook  ;  all  these  were  sources  of  pleasure  and  amusement. 
To  a  few,  the  world  out  side  the  valley,  the  numerous 
conjectures  as  to  the  people  who  inhabited  it,  gave  food 
for  thought. 

At  eventide  the  sun  is  setting,  throwing  a  golden 
glow  over  the  valley,  from  a  cottage  near  is  heard  the 
cradle  song  of  some  happy  mother  lulling  her  child 
to  sleep  ;  in  the  distance  can  be  heard  the  tinkling 
cow  bell,  and  on  the  purple  hill  side  the  sheep  have 
lain  down  to  rest.  The  sun  has  gone  down  a  little 
lower  and  the  shadows  of  the  mountains  have  lengthened 
until  they  stretch  almost  across  the  valley  ;  the  sounds 
of  life  have  almost  ceased  ;  the  child  is  asleep  and  the 
lullaby  ended  ;  the  tinkling  of  the  bells  is  scarcely  heard  ; 
the  birds  have  gone  to  their  nests,  and  up  from  the  valley 
has  risen  a  white  mist  that  has  hidden  and  completely 
covered  the  last  sign  of  life.  Surely  a  beautiful  covering 
for  such  a  valley,  a   fitting  mantle  for  so  pure  a  people. 

The  morning  broke  dull  and  cloudy  over  the  last 
happy  day  of  the  peaceful  valley. 

noil  EM  I  AN   SOCIETY. 

A  stranger  from  the  outer  world,  about  which  they 
had  speculated  so  much,  appeared  in  their  midst.  Seek- 
ing a  number  of  young  men  he  soon  engaged  them  in 
earnest  conversation,  arousing  their  curiosity  by  telling 
them  of  the  strange  and  wonderful  things  which  trans- 
pired in  the  world  beyond  the  mountains  ;  telling  them  of 
the  wonderful  discoveries  of  science ;  the  fame  of  many 
brilliant  men  and  women,  telling  them  of  the  advantages 
of  communication  with  the  outer  world,  of  the  uselessness 
and  folly  of  spending  their  lives  in  so  simple  a  manner, 
ridiculing  their  simplicity,  telling  them  that  the  mere 
youths  of  his  country  could  teach  the  venerable  grandsires 
of  the  valley  things  of  which  they  had  never  dreamed, 
telling  of  the  advantages  of  extended  thought  and  educa- 
tion. After  many  days  spent  in  persuasion,  he  gained 
the  consent  of  some  to  erect  a  large  college  which  was 
immediately  begun.  Some  of  the  older  ones  shook  their 
heads  and  asked  each  other  the  question,  "Were  we  not 
happy  ?  What  more  can  be  required  ?"  Thus  the  first 
seeds  of  discord  were  sown  where  all  had  been  harmony. 
Laborers  came  from  afar  to  aid  in  the  erection  of  the 
college,  and  day  by  day  the  work  progressed  and  child- 
ren stood  and  gazed  in  open-eyed  wonder  at  the  place 
where  they  were  to  gain  a  world  of  information.  The 
work  was  finished  ;  teachers  came  from  foreign  lands,  mas- 
ters of  languages,  teachers  of  science,  and  metaphysicians 
to  puzzle  the  heads  of  the  old  and  weary  the  brain  of  the 
young.     Teachers  of  music  with  massive  organs  for  the 


music  rooms  of  the  college  arrived,  teachers  of  piano  and 
harp,  all  of  which  were  a  revelation  to  these  simple 
people,  who  could  not  conceive  of  any  sweeter  music  than 
the  song  of  the  birds,  their  mothers  evening  hymn  or  the 
soft  sweet  notes  of  the  happy  wife  as  she  crooned  her 
babe  to  sleep.  The  children  were  sent  to  the  college  and 
and  in  a  short  time  the  strife  began,  each  one  trying  to 
excel  the  other.  No  more  time  to  study  the  effect  of  the 
misty  mountain  tops,  no  more  time  to  listen  to  the  songs 
of  the  birds,  for  here  within  these  four  walls  were  to  be 
found  and  learned  stranger  things  than  they  had  ever 
thought  of.  After  a  few  years  the  youths  who  went  to 
the  old  church  could  scarcely  be  recognized.  The  same 
sweet  welcome  was  given  by  the  old  church  bell  but  how 
changed  were  the  people  who  assembled  together ! 
Where  all  had  been  love  and  faith  before,  there  was  now 
doubt  and  discord.  For  had  they  not  dabbled  in  science? 
Some  of  the  more  learned  ones  even  whispered  that  the 
old  clergyman  should  be  replaced  by  a  younger  man,  one 
more  advanced  in  culture  and  training.  True  his  head 
was  bent  and  very  grey,  his  hands  shook  and  voice 
trembled  and  at  times  it  was  almost  difficult  to  under- 
stand him,  his  prayer  was  so  weak  and  broken.  But  at 
the  bed-side  of  the  sick  he  was  always  welcome,  the  in- 
firmities of  age  were  forgotten  there.  For  over  half  ^ 
century  he  had  held  himself  in  readiness  to  attend  the 
bedside  of  all  who  might  call  upon  him  to  speak  cheer- 
ing, hopeful  words  to  the  dying.     But  now  our  little  com- 


muiiity  has  become  e<lucated  and  they  are  able  to  criticise. 
As  we  look  around  the  church  we  are  lost  in  wonder  as 
to  what  has  come  to  the  people.  The  older  ones  are 
sadder  and  a  spirit  of  unrest  seems  to  have  seized  upon 
the  middle  aj^ed,  while  the  very  children  have  lost  some- 
thing of  their  charm. 

In  a  short  time  factories  and  manulactories  are  run- 
ning ;  clouds  of  smoke  ascend  from  the  valley  to  the 
mountain  top  which  had  never  been  touched  by  anything 
less  pure  than  the  rain  from  the  cloud  or  the  mists  from 
the  valley  below.  Nature  itself  was  making  a  silent 
protest  against  the  invasion  of  her  solitude.  The  trees 
which  had  borne  abundant  fruit  before  were  barren  now. 

The  older  people  shook  their  heads  and  attributed 
the  cause  to  the  doubts  and  unbelief  which  had  arisen  in 
their  lovely  valley.  The  more  learned  ones  assigned  the 
smoke  from  the  factories  to  be  the  cause.  Death  was  of 
more  frequent  occurrence  to  the  inhabitants  than  for- 
merly. This  dread  visitor  came  at  rare  intervals  and  to 
the  very  aged  before  the  advent  of  education  and  com- 
merce. But  now  the  little  children  and  youths  were  fre- 
quently stricken  with  strange  diseases,  which  baffled  all 

And  after  a  time  enterprise  steps  in  and  a  railroad  is 
built,  and  with  it  every  vestige  of  the  happy  valley  dis- 
appears. The  old  church  is  torn  down,  and  a  new 
one  of  grand  proportions  and  elaborate  workmanship 
is  built  on  the  old  spot.     The   venerable   head  of  the 




clergyman  has  lain  low  for  many  a  year,  and  in  his  i)lace 
stands  an  eloquent  divine,  with  all  the  modern  ideas,  who, 
in  trying  to  prove  the  doctnnes  of  his  church  to  be  the 
true  faith,  leaves  the  doctrine  of  Christianity  out — and  that 
too  has  gone ;  buried  beneath  the  ruins  of  the  old  church 
and  in  the  grave  of  the  old  clergyman. 

Now  let  a  person  pass  through  the  valley  and  they 
will  look  in  vain  for  a  vestige  of  the  once  beautiful 
spot.  There  is  a-hurrying  to  and  fro.  On  the  faces  of 
the  young  can  be  seen  lines  of  care  and  thought.  The 
innocent  faces  and  sweet  manner  of  the  young  girls  have 
given  place  to  a  look  of  consciousness.  The  pretty, 
quaint  dresses  have  gone  and  fashion  has  sway.  The 
quiet,  dreamy  look  and  manner  of  the  young  men  has 
given  place  to  a  worldly  air.  The  mists  which  arise 
from  the  valley  are  mixed  with  the  foul  smoke  of  the  fac- 
tories and  engines,  and  where  all  was  peace  and  quiet- 
ness ;  chaos  reigns  supreme. 

An  enthusiast  is  saying  : 

Philanthropists  in  many  ages  and  many  lands  have 
put  forth  great  and  noble  efforts  for  the  benefit  of  man- 
kind and  as  we  advance  in  knowledge  and  civilization  the 
ways  and  means  chosen  have  undergone  many  modifica- 
tions. It  has  dawned  upon  philanthropists  that  they 
must  have  some  knowledge  of  the  religion  of  humanity 
before  the  change  can  be  very  marked,  in  the  lives  of 
those  they  would  assist.     The  religion  of  humanity  is  the 



noblest,  the  grandest  of  all  religions.  It  is  the  one  which 
our  Saviour  taught  while  on  earth  ;  the  one  which  he 
taught  his  disciples  to  follow  ;  one  which  requires  no 
trained  intellect  or  cultivated  mind,  but  simply  an  under- 
standing of  the  human  heart,  the  human  mind,  and  human 
passions.  In  it  there  are  no  creeds  to  learn,  no  dogmas 
to  understand,  but  the  simple  lesson  of  "  Do  unto  others 
as  you  would  they  they  should  do  unto  you,"  which  is  the 
foundation  of  genuine  religion.  Phariseeism  is  the  curse 
of  modern  times,  "  Stand  aside  for  I  am  holier  than  thou," 
is  the  spirit  too  often  shown  among — so  called — Christ- 
ians. The  teaching  of  our  Saviour  ;  his  life  and  good 
words  mean  little  with  many  persons.  The  story  of 
Mary  Magdalen  is  simply  a  story,  and  conveys  nothing 
to  their  minds.  A  supplication  from  such  a  one  as  she 
would  meet  with  no  return.  The  drawing  of  the  skirts 
aside  for  fear  of  contamination,  the  cold  looks  and  averted 
gaze,  prove  that  at  least,  one  noble  lesson  has  been  dis- 

In  the  German  town  of  Andernach  there  is  a  huge 
wooden  image  of  the  Saviour  on  the  cross.  And  this  is 
the  legend  which  all  the  simple  peasants  believe 

*'  One  stormy  night  a  poor,  sinful  creature  was  wan 
dering  about  the  streets  with  her  babe  in  her  arms,  and 
she  was  hungry  and  cold,  homeless  and  friendl(;ss,  and 
no  one  in  Andernach  would  take  her  in.  And  when  she 
came  to  the  crucifix,  she  sat  down  on  a  stone  at  the  foot  of 
the    cross    and   began   to   pray,    and  i)ra)ed   till   she  fell 



asleep  with  her  poor  little  babe  on  her  bosom.  But  she 
did  not  sleep  long,  for  a  bright  light  shone  full  in  her 
face,  and  when  she  opened  her  eyes  she  saw  a  pale  man 
standing  before  her.  He  was  almost  naked,  and  there 
was  blood  upon  his  hands  and  body  ;  and  great  tears 
stood  in  his  beautiful  eyes  and  his  face  was  like  the 
face  of  the  Saviour  on  the  cross.  Not  a  word  did  he 
speak,  but  he  looked  at  the  woman  compassionately,  and 
gave  her  a  loaf  of  bread,  and  took  the  babe  in  his  arms 
and  kissed  it." 

No  need  to  talk  of  spiritual  things  to  people  who  are 
suffering  from  hunger  and  cold.  If  the  moral  nature  of 
the  poor  is  to  be  reformed,  their  surroundings  must  be 
improved.  "'The  mind  becomes  that  which  it  contem- 
plates." It  would  be  impossible  for  anyone  surrounded 
by  crime  and  poverty  to  understand  or  be  made  to  com- 
prehend the  loving  kindness  of  a  God  who  placed  them 
in  such  a  condition  and  amidst  such  surroundings.  No 
one,  unless  they  were  fanatics,  would  think  of  distribut- 
ing religious  tracts  to  the  poor  half  starved  ignorant  por- 
tion of  a  large  city.  The  human  portion  of  their  natures 
must  be  benefitted  before  any  great  results  in  moral  im- 
provements can  be  attained.  Commence  at  the  begin- 
ning. Teach  them  the  laws  of  hygiene  :  teach  them 
their  duty,  not  from  any  reward  which  they  may  ex- 
pect in  the  next  world,  but  for  the  sake  of  right  and  the 
happiness  it  will  afford  them  in  this  world. 



I  am  often  struck  with  the  idea  that  the  religion 
which  is  taught  from  our  pulpits  frequently  helps  to  nour- 
ish all  that  is  most  selfish  in  our  natures.  We  are  taught 
that  for  every  kind  act  we  perform,  we  may  expect  a  re- 
ward hereafter.  In  worldly  matters  we  would  have  a 
poor  opinion  of  a  friend — or  one  calling  herself  such — 
who  for  every  small  act  of  kindness  shown  us,  was  con- 
stantly thinking  of  the  benefit  she  was  to  derive  from  it. 
Why  will  the  reasoning  not  apply  to  spiritual  matters  ? 
Such  teaching  develops  all  that  is  lowest  in  human  nature. 
And  again  we  are  told  that  by  doing  certain  things  which 
are  sinful  in  the  sight  of  God,  we  may  expect  punish- 
ment hereafter ;  consequently  many  people  are  deterred 
from  wrong  doing,  simply  from  fear  ;  not  because  of  any 
inner  consciousness  of  wrong  doing,  but  for  fear  of  the 
consequences  of  their  sin.  W^ould  it  not  be  well  to  teach 
and  train  the  human  mind  to  the  belief  that  any  act  com- 
mitted which  is  injurious  to  ourselves  or  our  fellow  crea- 
tures is  wrong,  because  the  act  in  itself  is  wrong  and  not 
because  we  are  to  be  punished  in  the  future. 

Imagine  a  prisoner,  a  dangerous  character,  who  con- 
ducts himself  properly  while  under  the  eye  of  the  keeper 
and  in  sight  of  the  lash,  compelled  by  fear  to  conform 
to  rules,  does  the  work  appointed  him,  not  from  a 
consciousness  of  doing  right,  not  because  the  doing 
right  is  a  pleasure,  but  through  fear  of  the  conse- 
quences if  he  disobeys.  He  serves  his  time,  is  dis- 
charged,  but    what  kind  of  a  citizen  does  he   become  ? 



If  fear  only  restrains  him  from  wrong-doing  what  object 
will  he  have  in  doing  right?  Leave  out  the  doctrine  of 
reward  and  punishment,  teach  and  train  the  mind  to 
something  higher  and  holier  than  mere  personal  gratifi- 
cation. The  religion  of  humanity  is  a  grand,  a  noble 
belief.  To  remember  that  each  and  every  one  has  some 
claim  to  consideration,  that  the  way  to  restrain  from 
wrong-doing  is  through  the  human  heart.  A  warm  hand 
clasp  and  a  sympathetic  tear  will  do  more  to  strengthen 
ones  belief  in  heaven  than  all  the  tracts  which  were  ever 
written.  Can  we  believe  in  the  goodness  and  loving 
kindness  of  God,  when  we  see  nothing  but  coldness  and 
selfishness  in  our  fellow  creatures.  Ah  believe  me,  the 
chords  of  the  human  heart  are  very  tender  and  if  touched 
by  a  sympathetic  hand  will  produce  sweet  sounds  but  if 
touched  by  the  unfriendly  hand  of  coldness  and  indiffer- 
ence, the  sounds  will  be  harsh  and  discordant.  There  is 
no  one  so  low,  so  ignorant,  so  fallen,  but  has  claims  upon 
our  sympathies.  The  Turks  collect  every  scrap  of  paper 
that  comes  in  their  way,  because  the  name  of  God  may 
be  written  upon  it.  Deal  tenderly  with  every  fellow 
creature,  for  all  are  made  in  the  image  of  God.  A  few 
kind  words  have  sa/ed  many  lives  from  shipwreck. 
Phariseeism  says  to  itself  after  hearing  of  the  sin  of 
some  poor  mortal  "I  am  holier  than  that  person.  I  have 
never  sinned  in  that  way,"  forgetful  of  the  fact  that  they 
have  never  been  tempted  in  the  same  way.  The  religion 
of  humanity  says   "here  is  a  poor  mortal  who  has  been 



sorely  tried  and  tempted,  we  will  show  him  his  error  and 
help  him  to  do  right."  Phariseeism  sends  to  the  boy  who 
has  been  arrested  for  stealing  a  loaf  of  bread,  a  tract 
with  "  Thou  shall  not  steal "  in  large  letters.  The 
religion  of  humanity  says,  "the  boy  was  hungry  and  we 
will  feed  him."  Phariseeism  says  to  the  poor  shivering 
outcast,  "  the  Lord  chastiseth  those  whom  he  loveth.  " 
The  religion  of  humanity  takes  her  in  and  clothes,  feeds 
and  warms  her.  To  the  poor  woman  who  is  struggling 
for  daily  bread,  each  day  sadder  than  the  last,  Phariseeism 
says,  "bear  thy  burdens  meekly."  The  religion  of 
humanity  says,  "  we  will  do  something  to  lighten  her 
sorrow.  " 

Phariseeism  sees  nothing  to  condem  in  itself,  forget- 
ful that  the  sins  they  are  committing  may  be  greater  in  the 
sight  of  God  than  the  sins  which  they  are  condeming  in 

I  have  often  thought  if  a  magician  would  wave  his 
magic  wand  over  a  pool  of  water  so  that,  not  only  the 
features  but  the  mind  ,  the  motives,  the  passions  were  re- 
flected, what  consternation  it  would  produce  in  the  minds 
of  the  Pharisee. 

O  be  charitable  even  as  Christ  was  to  the  sins  of 
humanity,  be  sympathetic  even  as  He  was  to  the  suffer- 
ings of  mankind;  be  kind  even  as  He  was  to  the  poor;  be 
merciful  even  as  He  was  to  erring  women,  s|)eak  comfort- 
ing words  even  as  He  did  to  the  weak  hearted  ;  speak 
cheerful  words  even  as  He  did  to  the  weary  and  sad. 



Who  ne'er  his  bread  in  sorrow  ate 

Who  ne'er  the  mournful  midnight  hours 

Weeping  upon  his  bed  has  sate 

He  knows  you  not,  ye  Heavenly  Powers. 

Again  the  voice  of  the  dreamer  is  heard.  Let  us, 
from  a  slight  elevation,  watch  the  busy  life  of  a  large  city. 
At  early  morning  can  be  heard  the  rattling  of  the  carts 
and  the  merry  whistle  of  the  drivers  —  the  red-faced 
market  woman  is  arranging  fruit  temptingly  in  front  of 
her  stall ;  the  shopman  in  a  small  street  is  lowering  shut- 
ters from  his  windows ;  the  little  old  wizened  woman  has 
seated  herself  on  the  curb  stone  with  a  small  supply  of 
apples  and  candy ;  the  one  armed  beggar  has  taken  his 
accustomed  place  ;  the  shop  girls  are  hurrying  to  their 
places  behind  the  counters,  the  brawny  workman  with 
muscles  of  iron,  strides  along  to  his  days  labor,  and  all  the 
work-a-day  world  is  alert.  A  little  later  on  the  business 
portion  of  the  city  is  abroad,  the  banker  is  being  driven  to 
his  counting  house,  the  wealthy  shop  keeper  hurries  to  his 
place  of  business,  and  farther  on  the  little  flower  girl  with 
fresh  violets,  still  wet  with  dew,  can  be  seen  with  her 
basket,  offering  to  the  passers  by   the   sweet   contents. 



Now  the  great  city  is  thoroughly  awake.  The  miser  and 
the  beggar  jostle  each  other  on  the  crowded  pavement, 
the  little  children  are  taken  out  for  their  morning  airing 
by  the  white-capped  nurse,  a  black  robed  nun  glides 
along  on  some  errand  of  mercy,  with  a  face  like  a 
mediaeval  saint,  jostling  her  as  he  passes  can  be  agqh  the 
excited  face  of  the  gambler  who  has  staked  his  all  and 
lost,  and  again  another  llower-girl  bearing  her  bright 
burden,  now  seen  and  again  lost  sight  of,  looks  like  a 
bright  humming  bird  as  she  Hits  along,  moving  hither 
and  thither  in  this  strange  medley  of  human  beings.  A 
group  has  gathered  around  some  Italian  street  musicians; 
little  ragged  urchins  are  dancing  in  time  to  a  merry  waltz, 
and  now  the  tune  changes  from  gay  to  grave.  Watch  the 
expression  of  the  dark-eyed  harpist  while  he  plays,  surely 
his  thoughts  have  llown  to  his  sunny  Italy,  so  sad,  so 
dreamy  is  his  look.  Even  this  picturesque  looking  street 
musician  may  have  a  romance  and  may  be  dreaming  at 
this  moment  of  some  sweet  voiced  Italian  maiden. 

Later  in  the  day  all  the  fashionable  world  is 
astir.  Elegant  carriages  with  gaily  dressed  occupants  are 
dashing  along.  There  is  a  carriage  with  the  paint 
scarcely  yet  dry  and  seated  within  is  a  red -faced  vulgar 
looking  woman,  the  carriage,  the  horses,  the  woman,  all 
painfully — new.  At  the  same  time  hurrying  along  in 
shabby  dress  and  mean  attire  is  a  fragile  delicate  woman 
whose  garb  shows  evidences  of  much  mending  and 
patient  darning,  but  the  shabby  dress  cannot  hide  the 



W    l!> 

fact  that  here  is  a  lady,  as  with  easy  s^race  she  moves 
clown  the  street. 

The  afternoon  is  somewhat  advanced  and  the  occa- 
sional glimpses  which  we  get  of  the  flower  girl  show  that 
her  basket  has  been  replenished  but  she  does  not  move 
quite  so  quickly  as  in  the  morning.  Her  limbs  are  get- 
ting weary,  and  there  is  a  pathetic  little  note  in  her  voice 
now  as  she  offers  her  (lowers  for  sale. 

But  see  !  on  the  bridge  is  the  figure  of  a  woman.  No 
need  to  hear  her  history,  the  face  tells  its  own  story  of  sin 
and  misery.  She  is  looking  down  at  the  river  which 
flows  sluggishly  on  ;  down  perhaps  at  her  own  reflection 
in  the  water,  down  perhaps  deeper  still  into  her  own  soul. 
The  face  is  hardened  and  set  arid  there  is  scarcely  a  trace 
of  womanly  likeness  left.  A  life  of  sin  and  shame  has 
almost  obliterated  all  that  is  good  in  her  nature,  almost  I 
say,  for  no  one,  no  matter  how  low  or  degraded,  can  be 
wholly  bad.  But  here  it  is  difficult  to  discern  one  soft 
look,  as  she  leans  wearily  over  the  railing  of  the  bridge — 
a  silent,  sad,  sin-stained  creature.  Soon  there  is  a  sound 
of  wheels  and  gay  laughter  and  a  carriage  rolls  by,  and 
there  can  be  no  mistaking  the  nature  and  errand  of  the 
occupants.  A  young  girl,  with  sweet,  pure  face,  all  in 
white,  with  white  flowers  in  her  hair  and  carrying  a 
bouquet  of  white  flowers  in  her  hand,  is  being  driven 
towards  the  church.  Passing  the  solitary  woman  on  the 
bridge  she  picks  a  beautiful  flower  from  the  boquet  she  is 
carrying  and  tosses  it  at  her  feet,  for  she  wishes  to-day 



to  make  all  whom  she  sees  as  happy  as  herself.  A  little 
of  the  hard  look  leaves  the  woman's  face  as  she  stoops  to 
pick  the  flower.  Mechanically  she  follows  the  carriage, 
with  stealthy  steps  and  bated  breath  she  enters  the 
church,  choosing  a  dark  corner  where  she  will  not  be 
observed,  she  sits  listning  to  the  clergyman  as  he  pro- 
ceeds with  the  marriage  rites  and  not  until  all  is  over  and 
the  lovely  bride  is  passing  down  the  aisle  on  the  arm  of 
her  husband,  does  she  dare  to  raise  her  eyes,  and  as  she 
does  so  they  meet  the  pure  frank  gaze  of  the  lovely  girl 
who  smiles  in  her  face  as  she  recognizes  the  woman  to 
whom  she  threw  the  flower. 

The  woman  sits  in  her  dark  corner.  Of  what  can 
she  be  thinking  ?  Her  head  is  bowed  and  on  her  face  is 
a  look  of  agony.  What  a  hell  has  arisen  in  her  breast! 
Her  thoughts  have  wandered  to  her  country  home  which 
she  has  not  seen  for  years. — To  the  time  when  she  was 
as  pure  as  the  young  girl,  who  just  pronounced  her  mar- 
riage vows  ;  to  the  mother's  blessing  as  she  saw  her  young 
daughter  depart  for  the  great  city  ;  to  the  early  days 
when  she  first  arrived  and  worked  honestly  for  her  bread; 
to  the  pride  she  felt  over  the  first  money  she  sent  home  to 
her  old  mother.  Her  thoughts  wandered  back  to  the 
time  when  men  and  women  turned  to  look  at  her  fresh 
rosy  face  on  the  street,  wondering  at  her  beauty  which 
partook  so  largely  of  the  wild  rose  and  mountain  daisy. 
Could  this  be  the  same  woman,  with  the  hardened  face 
and  form  covered  with  rags  ?     It  seemed  so  long  ago. 


BOHEMIA  N    S0( 'IE T Y. 

Then  came  the  thoughts  of  striving  with  temptation, 
then  the  promises  made  and  broken,  of  ruin  and  shame, 
then  of  the  long  illness,  of  dreadful  poverty,  and  at  last 
she  sees  herself  as  she  is,  a  ruined,  homeless,  sin-stained 
creature.  Oh  the  misery,  the  agony  !  What  hell  can  be 
greater  than  this!  While  she  is  still  sitting  there  the  bell 
begins  to  toll,  and  soon  there  is  a  procession  moving 
slowly  up  the  aisle  and  four  young  boys  are  carrying  a 
little  coffin.  It  too  is  covered  with  white  flowers,  placed 
there  by  loving  hands.  In  the  coffin  is  a  little  waxen 
form  almost  covered  with  the  same  beautiful  flowers. 

The  clergyman  who  had  read  the  marriage  ceremony, 
is  now  repeating  the  last  sad  rites  for  the  dead.  Again 
they  take  up  their  burden  and  move  slowly  down  the  aisle. 
As  the  coffin  passes  the  woman,  one  of  the  white  flowers 
drops  almost  at  her  feet.  She  stoops  reverently  and 
picks  it  up  ;  almost  hesitatingly  as  if  afraid  her  touch  will 
soil  its  purity,  and  placing  it  tenderly  by  the  side  of  the 
bridal  flower  she  walks  slowly  from  the  church.  Watch 
her  move  along  hurriedly,  till  she  comes  to  a  narrow  alley 
and  stops  in  front  of  a  wretched  tenement  house.  Enter- 
ing quickly  she  passes  up  the  rickety  stairs  and  goes 
into  a  room  where  there  is  a  little  child  upon  a  wretched 
bed.  Sickness  and  poverty  have  almost  finished  their 
work.  The  child  is  sleeping  and  the  woman  steals 
softly  to  the  bed  side  and  places  the  white  flowers  on  its 
breast.  Even  as  she  does  so  the  little  creature  smiles  in 
its  sleep.      Perhaps  the  happy  smiling  face  of  the  lovely 

noil  EM  IAN   SOCIETY. 


bride  has  visited  it  in  its  slumber,  or  the  spirit  of  the 
dead  babe  has  come  with  the  Howers.  to  take  the  hand 
of  the  sick  child  and  h'ad  it  "across  the  river." 

1  hear  the  voice  of  the  Pessimist. 

Pessimism  is  increasing  daily.  Any  person  who 
takes  tmie  to  think  on  the  subject  can  not  fail  to  see  that 
human  misery  is  increasing.  With  all  the  boasted  ad- 
vantages of  civilization,  it  has  failed  to  bring  happiness 
into  the  lives  of  the  people.  The  more  enlightened 
people  become,  the  more  they  will  recognize  the  fact 
that  knowledge  does  not  bring  happiness.  Scientific  dis- 
coveries do  not  tend  to  lighten  the  load  of  human  misery. 

"Man's  disobedience,  and  the  fruit 

Of  that  forbidden  tree  whose  mortal  taste 

Brought  death  into  the  world -and  all  our  woe." 

sin  has  gone  on   increasing,  consequently  there  has  been 

more  unhappiness.      People  are  asking  themselves  daily 

'  IS  life   worth  living,"  and   most  persons  answer  in  the 



negative.  Are  there  any  who  grasp  the  prize  for  which 
they  have  struggled  ?  If  there  are  a  few  who  succeed  in 
reaching  to  the  height  to  which  they  aspire,  they  find 
happiness  is  just  as  much  beyond  their  reach  as  when 
they  first  started  in  their  career.  In  the  middle  ages  the 
magicians  who  created  monsters  were  haunted  by  them 
forever  after.  We  are  all  haunted  by  dreams  and 
shadows.  The  dreams  of  happiness  and  the  shadows  of 
disappointments.  Looking  back  upon  our  past  and 
taking  a  retrospective  glance  at  years  gone  by  we  find 
our  lives  have  been  made  up  not  oi great  events — but  of 
a  succession  of  disappointments.  Each  one  is  haunted 
by  ii  phantom  or  ideal  which  they  are  vainly  striving  to 
reach  but  seldom  attain.  The  garden  of  hope  seems  to 
bear  well  ;  we  put  forth  our  hands  to  reach  the  fruit  and 
we  find  we  have  only  the  ashes  of  Dead  Hopes. 

As  Shelly  says  :  * 

"First  our  pleasures,  die — and  then 
Our  hopes,  and  then  our  fears — and  when 
These  are  dead,  the  debt  is  due 
Dust  claims  dust — and  we  die  too." 

It  is  bitter  mockery  to  say  that  the  man  who  strug- 
gles for  daily  bread  is  happy.  He  may  do  his  work  un- 
complainingly, but  he  cannot  be  happy.  He  gets  to  be 
but  little  better  that  a  machine  and  does  his  work 
mechanically,  perhaps  never  looking  into  his  own  heart, 
to  ask  the  question,  "Is  this  a  happy  life  .-*"  Some  writer 
has  said  that  there  are  two  classes  of  people,  those  who  are 



driven  to  death  and  those  who  are  bored  to  death.  There 
can  be  no  sympathy  between  the  rich  and  poor.  There 
is  an  impassible  gulf  that  can  never  be  crossed,  'I'he 
man  who  has  never  known  the  want  of  money  cannot 
know  the  sorrows  and  struggles  of  the  poor.  ICach  must 
go  his  own  way,  the  poor  man  to  his  pallet  of  straw  ;  the 
rich  man  to  his  bed  of  down. 

In  the  world  of  dreams  all  are  equal.  It  is  an  un- 
real world,  true,  but  to  many  it  is  the  happiest.  In  it 
there  are  no  distinctions.  The  woman  who  is  old  and 
wrinkled  and  gray,  who  has  known  nothing  but  hard  work 
and  sorrow  in  this  world,  in  the  land  of  dreams  finds  pleasure 
she  has  never  known.  In  spirit,  she  is  in  pleasant  places, 
carried  back  perhaps  to  scenes  she  loved  in  childhood,  to 
the  old  home  ;  sees  pleasant  faces  of  the  almost  forgotten 
dead,  is  carried  above  and  beyond  the  world  of  reality  into 
the  dim  shadowy  land  of  dreams.  Then  comes  the  wak- 
ing, and  with  the  waking  the  regret  of  what^"might  have 

In  this  land  of  dreams  the  rich  may  travel  with  the 
poor,  may  revisit  the  same  old  scenes,  see  the  same  faces 
of  the  dead,  leave  all  that  is  "earth  earthy,"jmd  the  spirit  or 
soul  wander  abroad,  over  land  and  seas  and  in  dreams 
kneel  again  at  a  mother's  knee  repeating  the  prayer  she 
taught  and  which  has  long  since  been  forgotten,  to  awake 
with  regret  to  the  cares  which  riches  bring. 




i(  : 

There  is  one  more  journey  which  the  rich  and  the 
poor  take  together  and  that  is  down  and  through  the 
Valley  of  the  Shadow  of  Death. 

It  is  a  curious  study  to  watch  the  faces  one  meets 
in  a  large  city  or  town.  Every  face  has  a  history, 
every  life  a  story,  if  we  but  take  the  trouble  to  read. 
The  face  is  but  an  index  of  the  heart,  and  even  in  the 
heart  of  the  happiest  the  "muffled  drums  are  beating." 

As  Longfellow  so  beautifully  expresses  it  in 
"Hyperion"  "and  then  mark  !  how  amid  the  chorus  of  a 
hundred  voices  and  a  hundred  instruments — of  flutes  and 
drums,  and  trumpets — this  unreal  shout  and  whirlwind  of 
the  vexed  air,  you  can  so  clearly  distinguish  the  melan- 
choly vibration  of  a  single  string  touched  by  the  finger— 
a  mournful  sobbing  sound.  Ah  this  is  indeed  human  life  ! 
where  in  the  rushing  noisy  crowd,  and  sounds  of  gladness, 
and  a  thousand  mingling  emotions,  distinctly  audible  to 
the  ear  of  thought,  are  the  pulsations  of  some  melancholy 
string  of  the  heart,  touched  by  iin  invisible  hand." 

:h  and  the 
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An  Optimist,  a  pleasant,  sweet  f^iced  woman,  with 
a  voice  like  the  chime  of  silver  bells,  is  saying  : 

"It  is  only  to  morbid  and  diseased  minds  that  exist- 
ence looks  colorless.  People  who  live  too  much  within 
themselves,  whose  imagination  becomes  disordered  see 
only  the  dark  side  of  life.  It  was  not  intended  that  life 
should  be  all  sunshine  and  no  shadow." 

"For  life  is  one,  and  in  its  warp  and  woof, 
There  runs  a  thread  of  gold  that  glitters  fair,  ' 
And  sometimes  in  the  pattern  shows  most  sweet 
Where  there  are  sombre  colors." 

Dark  clouds  must  appear  in  the  life  of  each,  and 
one  of  the  great  lessons  of  life  is  to  learn  to  bear  dis- 
appointments philosophically,  not  sit  down  with  folded 
hands  and  watch  the  clouds  approaching  until  our  vision 
becomes  obscured.  There  is  sunshine  in  the  lives  of 
each  and  every  one  if  they  will  but  see  it,  and  banish  vain 
regrets  and  useless  repinings.  Inertia  causes  a  vast  deal 
of  trouble. 

"Lose  this  day  loitering,  t'will  be  the  same  story 

To  morrow,  and  the  rest  more  dilatory 

The  indecision  brings  its  own  delays. 

Are  you  in  earnest .?  Sieze  this  very  minute  ! 

What  you  can  do  or  think  you  can,  begin  it ! 

Only  engage,  and  then  the  mind  grows  heated, 

Begin  it,  and  the  work  will  be  completed." 
Fortunately  the  day  of  fine   ladyism  has  passed  and 
there  are  noble  women  who  are  not  afraid   nor  ashamed 
to  take  upon  themselves  the  duties  and  responsibilities  of 





life,  women  who  do  their  work  well  and  faithfully,  duties 
that  perhaps  in  themselves  are  not  noble,  but  by  the 
manner  in  which  they  are  done  the  work  in  itself  is 
elevated.  The  common  laborer  who  does  his  work  well 
and  to  the  best  of  his  ability  is  more  to  be  commended 
than  the  President  who  puts  but  half  his  energy  in  his 

What  can  be  more  pitiful  than  the  apathy  and  utter 
uselessness  of  the  would-be  fine  lady  who  is  enmiied  to 
the  last  degree  ;  one  perhaps  with  good  ability  who  is 
conscious  of  the  fact  that  she  is  capable  of  something 
better,  would  like  to  turn  her  attention  to  something  use 
ful,  but  is  restrained  from  doing  so  by  the  fear  of  what 
"society"  will  say.  Any  society  which  is  worth  knowing 
will  extend  the  right  hand  of  fellowship  to  the  self-reliant 
noble  woman,  much  more  readily  that  to  the  useless 
nonentity.  Life  to  be  pleasant  must  have  an  aim,  an 
object,  and  every  one  has  been  given  some  talent  to  make 
use  of  and  for  such  he  or  she  must  answer  at  "the  last 
great  day." 

Life  can  not  but  be  pleasant  to  those  who  make  nature 
a  study.  There  is  a  vast  book  open  before  us  and  every 
one  who  chooses  can  open  a  page.  The  study  will  never 
grow  monotonous,  for  nature  is  constantly  changing  and 
with  lavish  hand  showers  upon  her  children  from  her 
great  store  house  innumerable  blessings,  to  those  who 
"see  books  in  running  brooks,  sermons  in  stones  and 
good  in  everything." 



From  tht;  fern  by  the  way  side  to  the  study  of 
psychology — the  most  fascinating  of  all  studies — there  is 
something  in  which  all  can  interest  themselves,  but 
more  specially  for  women,  for  to  me  this  seems  woman's 
kingdom.  With  much  quicker  perceptive  faculties  than 
men,  they  are  better  able  to  see  the  finer  more  deli- 
cate portion  of  nature's  handiwork  and  mysteries.  Un- 
fortunately in  small  towns  if  a  woman  tries  to  investigate 
spiritualism,  she  is  immediately  called  a  spiritualist.  If 
she  takes  an  interest  in  mesmerism  and  psychology,  she 
is  called  visionary.  If  she  takes  an  interest  in  the  religi- 
ous discussion  of  the  day,  she  is  called  an  atheist.  If  she 
takes  an  interest  in  pathology  she  is  called  strong  mhided , 
and  who  does  not  abhor  the  so-called  strong  minded 
woman.  A  woman  may  be  essentially  womanly  and  take 
an  interest  in  all  these  things.  Brain  was  given  to 
woman  for  reason  and  investigation,  and  "I  rather  choose 
to  endure  the  wounds  of  those  darts  which  envy  casteth  at 
novelty,  than  to  go  on  safely  and  sleepily  in  the  easy  ways 
of  ancient  mistakings."  Life  cannot  but  be  pleasant  to 
those  who  are  fond  of  books,  "our  silent  companions." 
They  speak  a  language  all  their  own  and  we  can  find 
companionship  for  every  mood,  grave,  gay,  dreamy,  dis- 
cursive, philosophical  and  scientific. 

If  you  are  a  busy  worker  in  a  large  city  and  wish  a 
breath  of  country  air,  a  breeze  from  the  meadow,  a  ram- 
ble along  a  country  road,  read  Whittier's  "Among  the 




"Pleasant  it  was  when  woods  were  green 

And  winds  we  soft  and  low, 
To  lie  amid  some  sylvan  scene 
Where  shadows  dark — and  sunlight  sheen, 

Alternate  come  and  go." 

If  you  are  weary  with  brain  work  and  seek  repose, 
read  Longfellow. 

"And  the  cares  that  infest  the  day, 
Shall  told  their  tents  like  the  Arabs, 
And  as  silently  steal  away." 

If  in  an  heroic  mood  read  Mihon. 

"For  with  thee 

Certain  my  resolution  is  to  die, 

How  can  I  live  without  thee  ?  how  forgo 

Thy  sweet  converse,  and  love  so  dearly  joined." 

If  fortune  has  smiled  upon  you  and  flattery  falls  sweet 
on  your  ear,  and  you  are  in  danger  of  forgetting  the  final 
end  of  all  ambition  read  "Grays  Elegy." 

"Can  storied  urn,  or  animated  bust 
Back  to  its  mansion  call  the  fleeting  breath  ? 
Can  honor's  voice  provoke  the  silent  dust 
Or  flattery  sooth  the  dull  cold  ear  of  death  ?" 

If  you  wish  to  be  transported  to  the  mystic  cloud- 
land  of  fancy,  read  Hawthorne. 

•'Sleeping  or  waking,  we  hear  not  the  airy  footsteps  of 
the  strange  things  that  almost  happen.  He  knew  not 
that  a  phantom  of  wealth  had  thrown  a  golden  hue  upon 
its  waters.     Nor  that  one  of  death  had  threatened   to 



crimson  them  with  his  blood,  all  in  the  brief  hour  since  he 
lay  down  to  sleep." 

To  a  dreamy  and  poetic  mind  what  can  be  more 
exquisite  than  these  few  lines:  "The  next  morning 
Heronymus  put  the  the  scroll  into  his  bosom,  and  went 
his  way  in  search  of  the  Fountain  of  Oblivion,  A  few 
days  brought  him  to  the  skirts  of  the  Black  forest.  He 
entered,  not  without  a  feeling  of  dread,  that  land  of 
shadows,  and  passed  onward  under  melancholy  pines  and 
cedars,  whose  branches  grew  abroad  and  mingled 
together,  and,  as  they  swayed  up  and  down,  filled  the  air 
with  solemn  twilight  and  a  sound  of  sorrow.  As  he 
advanced  into  the  forest  the  waving  moss  hung,  like  cur- 
tains, from  the  branches  overhead,  and  more  shut  out 
the  light  of  heaven  ;  and  he  knew  the  Fountain  of  Obliv- 
ion was  not  far  off.  Even  then  the  sound  of  falling  waters 
was  mingling  with  the  roar  of  the  pines  above  him  ;  and 
ere  long  he  came  to  a  river,  moving  in  solemn  majesty 
through  the  forest,  and  falling  with  a  dull,  leaden  sound 
into  a  motionless  stagnant  lake,  above  which  the  branches 
of  the  forest  met  and  mingled,  forming  perpetual  night. 
This  was  the  Fountain  of  Oblivion.  Upon  its  brink  the 
Student  paused,  and  gazed  into  the  dark  waters  with  a 
steadfast  look.  They  were  limpid  waters  dark  with 
shadows  only.  And  as  he  gazed,  he  beheld,  far  down  in 
their  silent  depths,  dim  and  ill-defined  outlines,  wavering 
to  and  fro,  like  the  folds  of  a  white  garment  in  the 
twilight.     Then  more  distinct  and  permanent  shapes  arose, 




— shapes  familiar  to  his  mind,  yet  forgotten  and  remember- 
ed again,  as  the  fragments  of  a  dream  ;  till  at  length,  far, 
far  below  him  he  beheld  the  great  City  of  the  Past,  with 
silent  marble  streets,  and  moss-grown  walls,  and  spires  up- 
rising with  a  wave-like,  flickering  motion.  And,  amid  the 
crowd  that  thronged  those  streets  he  beheld  faces  once 
familiar  and  dear  to  him  ;  and  heard  sorrowful,  sweet 
voices  singing,  O'  forget  us  not !  forget  us  not !'  and  then 
the  distant,  mournful  sound  of  funeral  bells,  that  were 
tolling  below,  in  the  City  of  the  Past/' 

An  artist  is  speaking : 

A  person  may  be  a  true  artist,  who  has  never  made 
a  stroke  with  a  brush.  Any  one  who  can  blend  colors 
harmoniously  or  produce  effective  contrasts  in  dress,  or 
even  in  so  trival  a  thing  as  fancy  work,  is  an  artist. 
Again,   one  may  paint  for  years  without  the    slightest 



knowledge  of,  or  taste  for  true  art.  In  painting  a  por- 
trait, something  more  is  required  than  the  mere  likeness, 
something  besides  pink  and  white  prettiness.  Perhaps 
in  two  or  three  centuries  an  artist  is  born,  one  who  in  paint- 
ing a  portrait  produces  almost  a  living,  breathing  crea- 
ture ;  and  is  able  by  his  magic  touch,  to  paint  in  the 
thoughts  which  flit  through  the  brain  ;  the  feelings  which 
move  the  heart,  and  is  able  to  read  almost  the  very  soul. 
Many  years  ago  a  poor  struggling  painter  in  an 
Italian  studio,  conceived  the  idea  of  painting  a  picture  of 
the  Madonna.  He  shut  his  doors  to  visitors  in  order  to 
give  full  play  to  his  imagination.  Days  and  nights  were 
spent  in  dreaming  and  working,  until  he  lost  conscious- 
ness of  the  outer  world  and  only  lived  for  his  work,  for 
this  picture,  he  was  sure  would  make  him  famous.  Days 
rolled  into  weeks  and  weeks  into  months,  and  still  the 
realization  of  his  dream  seemed  as  for  off  as  when  he  first 
began.  The  figure  was  standing  with  hands  clasped  and 
head  bent  in  humble  submission  to  the  Divine  will ;  the 
graceful,  easy  repose  of  the  limbs,  every  curve  and  line  was 
perfect.  But  the  face!  It  seemed  at  times  as  if  he  had 
accomplished  the  great  task,  yet  the  expression  always 
eluded  his  most  earnest  efforts,  the  heavenly  expression 
of  the  Divine  mother  was  wanting.  At  last,  after  many 
failures  and  vain  efforts,  it  occured  to  him  to  open  his 
doors  to  visitors  and  perchance  he  could  catch  the  longed- 
for  expression  from  the  faces  of  the  women  who  might 
visit  him.     As  soon  as  it  was  announced   that  the  artist 





had  opened  his  doors,  people  came  from  neighboring 
towns  and  cities,  attracted  as  much  by  the  desire  to  see 
the  strange  person  whom  they  thought  a  monomanic,  as  by 
the  wish  to  see  the  picture.  Women  of  rank  and  fashion 
arrived  daily,  and  it  was  a  curious  study  to  watch  the 
intent  gaze  which  he  fixed  upon  them,  hoping,  praying,  in 
each  one  to  find  the  desired  expression.  Occasionally 
he  would  request  some  beautiful  woman  to  remain  stand- 
ing in  a  certain  attitude,  when  he  fancied  he  had  caught 
the  look  for  which  he  was  striving,  but  it  always  proved 
unsatisfactory,  for  often  the  stately  robes  covered  an  aching 
heart  which  told  its  story  very  plainly  on  the  canvass. 
Again  a  lovely  girl  would  be  asked  to  pose,  but  here  alas 
was  disappointment,  for  oftentimes  the  face  expressed 
prettiness,  but  nothing  more.  Then  again  the  canvass 
reflected  the  image  of  some  worldly-wise  woman  with 
selfishness  stamped  upon  it.  Again  the  look  of  envy 
stared  him  in  the  face,  or  pride  mocked  at  him  while  he 
struggled    vainly    on.  As    the    last   resort   a   young 

mother  and  her  child  were  requested  to  favor  him  with  a 
sitting.  Here  he  thought  "I  shall  surely  succeed."  He 
worked  steadily  on  and  success  seemed  at  last  before  him. 
The  last  stroke  of  the  brush  had  been  made  and  stepping 
back  to  view  the  work,  his  heart  sank  within  him,  for 
here  he  had  succeeded  in  catching  the  look  of  lovely 
maternity,  with  the  expression  of  the  earthly  mother  im- 
printed thereon,  but  the  combination  of  human  love  and 
Divine  motherhood  was  wanting. 




Just  at  nightfall,  sick  at  heart,  weary  and  discour- 
aged, he  wandered  out  into  the  streets,  going  on  and  on 
until  he  found  himself  in  the  portion  of  the  city  inhabited 
by  the  very  poor  ;  passing  an  old  church,  he  was  attrac- 
ted toward  it,  scarcely  knowing  how  or  why.  On  enter- 
ing the  door,  .he  saw  a  woman  dressed  in  rags,  kneeling 
before  the  altar.  The  man  gazed  in  wonder  and  awe,  for 
here  amidst  poverty  and  distress,  he  had  found  the  ex- 
pression vainly  sought  after,  for  weeks  and  months.  In 
the  face  before  him,  there  was  no  envy,  hatred  or  selfish- 
ness, no  vain  glory  or  hypocricy,  but  the  resigned  look  of 
one  who  suffered  but  bowed,  meekly  to  the  chastizement. 
At  eventide,  and  alone,  she  had  brought  her  sufferings  to 
the  foot  of  the  Cross. 

I  hear  the  voice  of  the  Cynic. 

Friendship  is  a  myth.  In  prosperity  and  sunshine 
you  find  yourself  surrounded  by  flatterers  and  so  called 
friends,  but  let  the  waves  of  adversity  beat  about  and 



threaten  to  engulf  you — then  stretch  forth  your  hands  for 
the  friends  you  have  known  and  you  will  find  yourself 
stranded  and — alone.  There  may  be  a  few  timid,  shrink- 
ing creatures  who  feel  they  would  like  to  give  the  right 
hand  of  fellowship,  but  popular  opinion  and  example 
prove  too  much  for  their  weak  natures  and  it  is  but  char- 
ity to  let  them  go. 

"There  are  times  when  we  are  even  inclined  to  smile 
at  our  own  misery,  but  it  is  the  smile  which  brings 
wrinkles  instead  of  dimples." 

'f,  ' 

The  Philosopher  is  saying  : 

"Time  in  its  resistless  onward  sweep"  has  taught  us 
many  things ;  has  disabused  our  minds  of  many  false 
ideas  and  erroneous  views,  has  opened  a  new  world  to  the 
thinking  mind — a  world  of  thought.  When  God  created 
man  he  gave  to  him  the  divine  instinct  of  reason,  by 
which  all  persons,  high  and  low,  rich  and  poor,  can  solve 
for  herself  and  himself  the  great  problem  of  life.     Very 



young  children  can  only  see  objects  that  come  within  easy 
range  of  their  vision ;  they  are  in  the  world  of  instinct, 
but  after  a  time  their  vision  becomes  enlarged,  they  are 
able  to  see  a  greater  distance,  and  in  the  larger  space  ; 
more  to  arrest  the  eye — then  comes  consciousness.  After 
consciousness  ~  reason.  The  minds  of  many  adults 
are  still  in  their  infancy,  only  seeing  in  a  small  circle  the 
things  by  which  they  are  surrounded  and  in  close  proxim- 
ity. Others  are  in  a  state  of  consciousness  and  nothing 
more.  They  live,  they  breath,  they  have  their  being,  but 
the  great  mysteries  which  surround  them,  the  wonderful 
problems  of  life,  are  as  nothing  to  them.  Then  again 
there  is  the  mind  that  has  reached  the  height  of  reason, 
and  to  that  mind  what  a  vast  world  has  opened  before  it. 
The  wonderful  works  of  an  all-wise  Greater,  the  myster- 
ies of  nature  that  are  so  perplexing,  are  all  open  for  the 
investigation  of  the  reasoning  thinking  mind. 

"The  venomous  insect  beneath  our  feet,  and  the 
noblest  and  best  of  our  domestic  animals  ;  the  terrible 
forces  of  the  earth,  the  tornado  and  valcano ;  the  gently 
murmuring  spring  and  the  boisterous  ocean  ;  the  forest 
monarch  and  the  pale  forget-me-not  within  its  shade,  are 
all  witnesses  of  a  creative  power." 

From  the  animalculae  up  to  Gods  noblest  work,  man, 
there  is  the  evidence  of  an  all-ruling  power  and  intelli- 
gence Interwoven  and  interlined  through  all  nature's 
great  mysteries  there  is  the  mark  of  an  invisible  hand  and 
all-seeing  power,  which  rules  and  guides  the  universe. 

9     I 


"That  very  law  which  moulds  a  tear 

And  bids  it  trickle  from  its  source, 
That  law  preserves  the  earth  a  sphere 

And  guides  the  planets  in  their  course." 

It  is  by  reason  and  investigation  that  we  are  permit- 
ted to  partially  understand  the  strange  mysteries  of  a 
wonderful  world.  Each  one  must  reason  for  himself 
or  what  better  are  they  intellectually,  than  the  child  who 
only  sees  and  cannot  understand  ?  Had  it  not  been  lor 
investigation  and  reason,  we  would  still  have  believed  the 
earth  to  be  flat,  and,  in  the  rising  and  setting  of  the  sun. 

There  is  a  law  governing  all  things.  There  is  a 
connecting  link  between  earth,  air  and  sea,  between 
flowers,  beasts  and  birds,  between  mankind  and  all  ani- 
mals, and  inanimite  things,  a  mysterious  joining  of  mind 
to  matter.  It  is  an  intangible  something,  perhaps  an 
electrical  current,  but  certain  it  is  that  the  line  is  there  and 
unbroken,  and  betwen  every  human  creature  whom  God 
has  made,  there  is  the  same  unbroken  chain,  which  can  be 
followed  up  link  by  link,  step  by  step,  until  we  find  our- 
selves on  the  boundaries  of  the  next  world  and  perhaps 
beyond ;  who  can  tell  ?  The  chain  may  be  unbroken 
even  then. 

What  matters  it  if  I  do  not  believeP-perhaps  because 
I  do  no  not  understand  your  creeds,  your  dognas.  What 
matters  it  if  I  do  not  interpret  the  working  of  Gods  ways 
in  the  same  manner  which  you  do  ? 

1!     I 



There  is  the  same  principle  guiding  us  all,  and  we 



:  permit- 
ies  of  a 
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;  the  sun. 

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1  perhaps 

>s  because 
;.  What 
ods  ways 

bow  the  head  reverently  to  the  one  God  who 
same  yesterday,  to  day  and  forever." 

Nations,  like  individuals,  pass  through  the  usual  form 
of  youth,  manhood,  old  age,  and  decay.  Religion,  like 
nations  and  individuals,  passes  through  the  regular  grad- 
ation, first  of  infancy,  when  religious  ideas  and  thoughts 
are  crude  in  the  extreme  ;  the  age  of  Puritanism,  when 
innocent  women  and  children  are  burned  at  the  stake  for 
witchcraft,  when  with  gloomy  faces  and  in  unsightly  dress 
the  poor  fanatics  sacrificed  every  pleasure  on  the  altar  of 
duty;  the  time  when  Sunday  was  a  day  of  horror  to  children 
from  its  gloom,  a  day  when  every  innocent  amusement 
was  forbidden.  After  religions  infancy  comes  youth.  At 
that  stage,  the  absurd  dress  and  gloomy  faces  were  not 
considered  essential  adjuncts  to  religion,  but  free  discus- 
sion, was  not  allowed,  upon  religious  subjects.  Every- 
thing must  be  taken  for  granted,  without  any  investiga- 
tion on  the  part  of  the  people.  After  youth  comes 
manhood,  the  time  when  reason  has  full  sway,  when  super- 
stition and  credulites  form  no  part  of  religious  teaching 
and  thought.  People  are  able  to  think,  to  reason  for  them- 
selves. After  the  age  of  manhood,  comes  old  age  and 
that  is  the  stage  of  agnosticism.  Questions  are  being 
asked,  and  ideas  propounded  which  must  not  be  over- 
looked nor  treated  with  contempt.  All  questions  asked 
in  a  fair  spirit,  must  be  answered  in  a  fair  manner.  It  is 
not  sufficient  to  say,  "it  is  so*',  but  good  and  tangible 



reasons  must  be  given  to  prove  the  truth  ot  an  assertion. 
We  are  now^in  the  stage' of  "old  age."  Agnosticism"and 
Infidelity  are  wide  spread.  After  old  age  comes'decay 
and  the  decline  of  the  absolutely  orthodox.  From  time 
immemorial,  every  religion  has  passed  through  the  same 
gradation,  of  infancy,  youth,  old  age  and  decay  finally 
comes  philosophy. 

A  Swedenborgian  is  speaking  : 

Down  by  the  sounding  sea,  in  a  lonely  cottage,  lives 
a  woman,  so  wrinkled,  old  and  bent  that  even  death 
seems  to  have  forgotten  her  existence.  It  would  be  diffi- 
cult to  imagine  that  once  she  was  a  beauty,  but  true  it  is 
that  many  years  ago  no  fresher,  fairer  maiden  could  be 
found  than  this  same  strange  old  woman.  Sixty  years 
ago  she  had  a  sailor  lover,  who  loved  her  truly  and  well. 
On  his  return  after  every  cruise  it  was  a  sight  to  soften 
the  heart  of  even  the  hardest,  to  witness  the  joyful  meet- 


ing,   the  lovers  kiss,  in  which  there   was  no  shame,  the 
tears  of  joy  in  which  there  was  no  weakness  ;  the  heart- 
felt   pleasure    of  two    honest    hearts.       But    the   part- 
ings were  soon  to  be  over,  for  after  the  next  voyacre  the 
young  lovers  were  to  be  wedded.     The  simple  wedding 
dress  was  made  and  all  was  ready.     With  gay  snatches 
of  song,  and  merry  feet  the  young  girl  flitted  about  the 
house,  impatiently  waiting   the  day  which  was  to  bring 
her  lover.     There  was  only  one  more  day  of  waiting  and 
"to-morrow,   to-morrow  he  comes,"  she  sang.      Early  in 
the   evening   dark    clouds  formed  in  the  sky,   the  wind 
began    to  moan,   the  waves  beat  high   upon  the  shore 
the    murmering   winds   changed    to   howling  blasts,  the 
waves  rolled  mountains  high,  the  spirits  of  the  sea  and 
air  seemed   to   have  arisen  in  their   fury,   doors   rattled, 
houses  shook  on  .heir  foundations—and  to-morrow  came 
but  no  lover.     The  wedding  clothes  were  laid  away,  and 
the  day  which  was  to  have   seen  the  young  girl   made  a 
happy   wife,  found  her  a  heart-broken   stricken  woman  ; 
and  now  she  must  take  up  her  burden,  and  from  month  to 
month  and  year  to  year,  carry  this  leaden  weight  called  a 

The  years  rolled  by  taking  with  them  her  girlish 
beauty,  and  leaving  in  its  place  the  wrinkles  of  time  and 
sorrow.  As  time  passed  the  idea  took  possesion  of  her 
that  her  lover  would  still  come  back.     True  the  vessel  in 

which  he  sailed  had  been  wrecked,  but  still  there  I.„^..^ 
ed  the  one  faint  hope,  and_every  night  she  lit  the  hmp 






and  placed  it  in  the  window  as  she  had  done  in  her  youth, 
as  the  beacon  Hght  for  the  absent  love.  As  time  passed 
she  followed  her  father  to  the  grave  and  in  a  short  time 
stood  by  the  bed  of  her  dying  mother.  And  now  she 
was  alone  in  her  loneliness  and  desolation.  Every  year 
when  the  day  came  which  was  to  have  been  her  wedding 
day,  the  white  dress,  which  had  grown  yellow  with  age, 
was  taken  out,  folded  and  flowers  scattered  over  it  as 
carefully  as  we  would  sprinkle  flowers  over  a  child's 
grave,  for  in  the  box  in  which  the  garment  lay,  were 
buried  all  her  hopes.  Does  it  not  seem  strange  that  one 
can  live  on  year  after  year,  with  no  hope,  no  joy  ;  waken 
in  the  morning  with  the  thought  that  "here  is  another 
day  to  be  passed  over,"  another  night  with  the  sad 
dreams  and  gloomy  awaking. 

At  the  approach  of  a  storm,  when  the  clouds  began 
to  gather,  the  solitary  woman  could  be  seen  standing  on 
the  shore  gazing  long  and  earnestly  over  the  dark  waters. 
But  at  last  it  was  with  difiiculty  that  she  dragged  herself 
to  the  beach  and  her  hands  trembled  so  that  she 
could  scarcely  light  the  lamp  for  the  window,  but  she  said 
to  herself  "he  will  surely  come,"  for  if  faith,  hope  and 
long  suffering,  if  patient  waiting,  prayers  and  longing 
have  power  to  affect  disembodied  spirits,  my  faith  will 
surely  be  rewarded. 

And  now  another  year  has  passed  and  again  the 
anniversary  of  the  sad  day  has  dawned.  With  trembling, 
withered  hands,  she  once  more  unfolds  the  wedding  dress. 


She  must  make  one  more  visit  to  the  shore,  for  she  feels  it 
will  be  for  the  last  time,  as  with  slow  uncertain  steps  she 
drags  herself  along.  And  now  as  night  approaches  she 
IS  too  ill  to  light  the  lamp. 

Neighbors  miss  the  accustomed  light,  find  the  lonely 
woman  too  ill  to  rise,  and  they  know  that  in  a  few  hours 
all  will  be  over.     They  lit  the  lamp  to  humor  the  whim 
of  a  dying  woman.    The  winds  began  to  moan  fitfully  ;  the 
waves  could  be  heard  dashing  on  the  shore,  while  the  licdu- 
nmg  flashed  and  illuminated  the  room  in  which  the  woman 
ay.     There  is  something  weird  in  the  whole  scene-the 
lighted  lamp  for  the  lover,  dead  over  half  a  century    the 
dying  woman,   the  moaning  wind,  and  the  sound  of  the 
waters.     And   now  she  is   muttering  in   her  dreams,  and 
talking  to   her  lover,  she  has  forgotten  all  the  years  that 
have  passed,  and  is  bidding  him  a  joyous  welcome  and 
while   the   storm   is  at  its  height,  a   smile  of  tenderness 
has  passed  over  the  face  of  the  old  creature,  making  her 
look  almost   young,  when   the  door  opens  ;  a  fio-ure  in  a 
wet  winding  sheet,   with  hair  in  which  was  mingled  sea 
weed,  glides  to  the  bed-side,   a  whispered  utterance  from 
the  dying  woman,  "he  has  come."  the  figure  moves  again 
to  the  door.      An    invisible   power  has  extinguished  th. 
light,  and  the  flame  of  the  lamp  and  the  woman's  soul,  have    " 
gone  out  together,  while  from   the   bedside   to  the  door 
there  is  the  trail  of  wet  garments. 




Again  I  hear  the  voice  of  the  Cynic. 

This  is  an  aije  of  shoddyism,  and  it  is  difficult  at 
times  to  distini^uish  the  real  from  the  sham.  The  woman 
who  is  covered  with  jewelry,  lookinjr  like  a  travelling  door- 
plate,  is  the  kind  from  whom  we  expect  the  bow  to  vary,  in 
coldness  or  cordiality,  according  to  the  clothes  we  wear, 
or  the  entertainments  we  are  able  to  give.  With  such 
people  money  means  everything,  brains  and  breeding 
being  secondary  considerations.  And  it  is  very  amusing 
on  meeting  Madam  Shoddy  to  note  the  look  with  which 
she  scans  one  from  head  to  foot,  balancing  in  her  mind 
the  cost  of  each  article  of  apparel,  her  mind  wholly  given 
up  to  dollars  and  cents,  and  woe  unto  the  person,  who 
does  not  come  up  to  the  proper  standard,  of  pounds,  shil- 
lings and  pence. 

In  talking  with  such  a  one  you  will  find  their  conver- 
sation frequently  interlarded  with  the  use  of  the  words 
/aiilies  and  gentlemen.  But  madam  shoddy  does  really 
very  little  actual  harm,  all  these  things  being  a  harmless 
sort  of  imbecility. 

But  at  the  hands  of  Madam  Snob,  one  will  not  fare  as 
well,  for  having  nothing  noble  in  her  own  nature  she  is  con- 
stantly picking  flaws  in  the  character  of  others.  Madam 
Snob  will  entertain  you  with  a  long  account  of  her  family 
connections.  Poor  soul  she  is  constantly  resurrecting  the 
remains  of  dead  and  gone  ancestors  ;  her  life  is  spent  in 
the  charnel  house,  being  very  careful  however,  to  let  the 
remains  of  a  certain  few  rest  in  peace,   while  she  rattles 


the  dry  bones  of  her  favored  ones  in  our  face,  until  we  are 
tempted  to  cry  "peace."     At  last  our  curiosity  is  aroused, 
and  we  make  inquiries  as  to  these   noble  ancestors,  and 
find  the  overwhelming  fact-that   they   had  been  born  ! 
and  that  they  had  died  !  very  noble  of  them  to  have  been 
born,  and   very  heroic,  to  have  died.      If  the  successors 
would  follow  their  illustrious  example  in  the  last  act  the 
world  would   still   exist.      But  you  say  "this  is  harmless 
and  only  another  form    of  idiocy."     True  if  it  stopped 
there,   no   harm  would  be  done.      But  did  any  one  ever 
know  Madam  Snob  to  stop  there  ?     After  having  visited 
her  vault,  you  are  requested  to  enter  the  abode  of 
your  neighbor's  dead,  and  then  your  turn  will  come  next 
and    you  are  asked    by    madam    to   unearth  your  dead. 
Now  to  people  who  know  little  and  care  less  about  their 
great,  great,   great  grandfather,  all  this  is  very  amusing. 
If  the  Bible  be  true,  and  who  can  doubt  it  ?  there  was  a^n 
ark  built  in  which  God's  chosen  were  placed  for  safety. 
Now  aiiy  one   is  safe  in  saying  "my  ancestry  dates  from 
the  ark"   but    I   think  it   would  be   rather  difficult  for  a 
person   to   trace   their  ancestry  from  the  time  the  chosen 
few    stepped   from   the   ark    to    dry  land,   down    to  the 
present  time.      But  every  one  has  some  imagination   and 
m  order  to  gratify  Madam  Snob's  curiosity,  just  make  use 
of  It.     Tell  her  some  were  hanged,  some  were  drowned, 
some  were  in  prison  for  debt,   one  fought  in  the  War  of 
the    Roses,   one    was    killed  in   a    street    brawl,   another 
hanged  for  treason.      Tell  her-well  tell  her  anythir.^  ijiat 

'  ill 

1  I 



will  satisfy  her  curiosity,  for  there  are  times  wlien  an 
elastic  conscience  is  excusable.  There  is  another  Madam 
Snob,  who  not  knowing  in  the  slightest  degree  what  con- 
stitutes a  lady,  is  ignorant  of  the  fact  that  a  lady  is  civil  to 
everyone  ;  this  madam  is  uncivil  to  her  servants,  but 
does  not  iitsitote  to  gossip  with  them,  is  careless,  in 
speech  and  manner,  in  the  presence  of  inferiors,  in  fact  is 
guided  wholly  in  matters  of  civility  by  the  position  in 
which  the  people  are  in,  whom  she  is  with  ;  is  constantly 
talking  oi  socu(y,  and  turning  up  her  aristocratic  nose 
at  trades-peop]'  and  in  nine  cases  out  of  ten,  her 
father  was  r>  cobbler,  or  kept  a  peanut  stand,  neither  of 
which  woul  J.  do  he*  any  liarm.  if  she  only  knew  that 
"silence  is  golden.''  V^'e  say,  ^/la^  is  the  lowest  form  of 
sno6  feinine  and  rarely  met  with. 

There  is  another  form  of  snobbery  which  is  not  so 
easily  recognized,  and  recjuires  a  good  judge  of  human 
nature  to  detect.  This  Madam  Snob  is  one  who  should  be 
a  lady,  for  by  education  and  good  breeding  she  is  entitled 
to  the  name.  Now,  she  really  posses  a  good,  kind  heart, 
is  kind  to  the  poor,  tries  to  do  her  duty,  but  away  down, 
under  several  layers  of  good  intentions,  there  is  a  little 
taint  of  snobbery,  and  she  really  has  not  the  moral  courage 
to  rid  herself  of  it.  This  Mrs.  Snob  may  have  a  large 
circle  of  friends,  but  to  each  one  she  accords  a  different 
reception  ;  to  all  she  is  kind,  remember,  but  you  can 
judge  of  her  opinion  of  different  ones,  from  the  invita- 
tions which  she  issues.      First  in  her  estimation,  come  the 



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fashionable  people,  those  she  asks  to  her  dinner  parties  ; 
then  the  people  whose  position  in  life  is  not  very  good, 
she  asks  to  luncheon  ;  then  at  last,  come  those  whom  she 
really  does  not  know  how  to  place,  and  they  are  the  ones 
she  asks  to  meet  her  alone. 

Now  this  poor  woman,  for  whom  I  have  a  degree  of 
pity,  not  unmixed  with  contempt,  is  in  a  constant  struggle 
with  herself,  in  her  desire  to  do  what  she  thinks  to  be 
right,  and  at  the  same  time,  do  everything  that  her 
neighbors  do,  for  she  is  bound  hand  and  foot  and  dare 
not  make  an  independent  move.  But  if  Mrs.  Fitznoodle 
were  to  do  certain  things,  Mrs.  P'itzsnob  would  follow 
her  example,  and  the  people  who  are  asked  to  meet  their 
hostess — alone,  might  find  themselves  seated  around  the 
mahogany  with  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fitznoodle  and  daughters 
and  a  select  circle  of  little  Noodles. 

Again,  Mrs.  Fitznoodle,  with  several  marriagable 
daughters,  is  constantly  on  the  lookout  for  unwary  young 
men,  ignoring  the  fact  of  their  want  of  brains,  lack  of 
breeding,  and  wholly  regardless  of  the  fact  that  they  have 
ro  "family"  connections,  but  she  spreads  her  net  and  per- 
haps succeeds  in  catching  this  "elegible"  young  man. 
Mrs.  Fritzsnob  immediately  sees  something  in  that 
young  man  to  admire,  and  seeks  his  acquaintance,  and 
much  to  his  surprise,  and  to  the  surprise  of  everyone  else, 
he  finds  himself  for  the  first  time  in  what  is  termed  good 
society.  Now  this  Mrs.  Fitzsnob  is  not  a  rara  arts,  but 
is    frequently    met    with.  Yet    how    many    ladies    do 


we  see  ?  We  meet  many  calling  themselves  such,  who 
do  not  hesitate  to  talk  scandal,  to  injure  their  neighbors  ; 
to  ridicule  people,  to  accept  of  hospitality  and  comment 
ill-naturedly  upon  it,  to  talk  slang.  All  these  things  and 
more,  people  do  who  call  themselves,  ladies.  There  are 
houses  on  which  should  be  placed  signs,  as  on  pest  houses, 
and  whose  occupants  should  be  labelled  "dangerous,"  for 
their  tongues  are  more  dangerous  than  the  sting  of  the 
adder,  and  they  are  in  so-called  "society."  Heaven  save 
the  mark  ! 

Woman,  the  most  perfect  of  all  God's  work,  why  do 
you  not  scourge  society  of  scandal  mongers,  of  snobs  ? 
Why  do  you  not  iiare  to  do  what  you  think  and  know  to 
be  right  ?  Why  will  you  allow  yourselves  to  be  ruled 
and  guided  by  the  opinion  of  others  ?  A  woman's  in- 
s.tinct  is  her  safest  guide  ;  if  she  follows  it  she  will  not  err. 

It  is  not  women  alone,  who  are  tainted  with  snob- 
bishness and  shoddyism,  but  how  frequently  we  see  it  in 
men,  generally  those  who  have  very  little  brain  and  often 
in  those  whom  the  world  calls  self-made-men.  Now  there 
is  nothing  in  the  world  so  aggressive  as  the  same  self- 
made-man.  The  air  with  which  he  moves  along,  as 
though  upon  him  depended  the  revolution  of  the  world  on 
its  axis,  and  the  safety  and  welfare  of  its  inhabitants.  He 
never  allows  himself,  nor  others,  to  forget  the  fact  that  he 
is  self-made.  The  laborer,  who,  by  dint  of  hard  work 
and  economy,  has  succeeded  in  making  a  little  money  ; 
with  what   eagerness  he  tries   to  gain   some  petty  office, 




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and  in  a  few  years  his  daughters  will  tell  us  that  they 
"  belong  to  the  old  families."  How  much  old  families 
have  got  to  answer  for  !  It  would  sound  refreshing  in 
this  age  of  snobbery,  to  see  some  one  who  did  not  con- 
sider themselves  "as  belonging  to  one  of  the  old  families." 
The  male  snob  has  developed  within  the  past  year,  into 
the  dude.  By  a  process  of  evolution,  which  Darwin  un- 
doubtedly could  have  traced,  we  have  him  before  us  in 
all  his  beauty.  To  commence,  first,  he  must  have  a 
little  money,  with  that  he  buys  a  tight  fitting  suit  of 
clothes,  a  diamond  ring,  a  gold  headed  cane,  a  very  small 
hat,  carries  his  arms  akimbo,  and  in  all  the  perfection  of 
loveliness,  he  stands  out,  a  thing  apart  from  the  rest  of 
humanity.  Perhaps  in  two  or  three  centuries,  the  process 
of  evolution  taking  place  all  the  time,  something  may  be 
put  into  the  small  cranium,  which  will  be  called  a  "brain," 
but  it  must  evolute  rapidly  or  the  sun  will  have  cooled, 
and  there  will  be  another  glacial  period  before  that  event 
takes  place. 

Then  we  have  before  us  the  man  with  three  hundred 
dollars  a  ye:ir  income,  who  apes  the  manner  of  the  gentle- 
man of  leisure. 

And  now  again  we  have  what  may  be  called  an  in- 
tellectual snob  ;  the  man  who  has  a  fair  share  of  brain, 
but  not  sufficient  to  make  a  name  for  himself,  not  enough 
to  make  himself  distinguished  in  any  way.  So  where, honest 
candor  would  expose  him,  he  a[jes  the  manner  of  clever 
men,  allowing  himself  to  get  decidedly  "out  at  elbows,"  to 




we  arclothes  which  clccidcdly  require  brushing,  seats  him- 
self in  a  corner  as  though  pondering  some  weighty  matter, 
tries  to  look  profound — when  he  probably  looks  simply, 
stupid.  This  is  intellectual  snobbishness.  How  many 
people  we  meet  who  cover  their  ignorance  by  a  look  of 

When  will  people  learn  that  snobbery  is  the  evidence 
of  a  small  mind,  and  that  shoddyism  is  the  proof  of 
a  vulgar  one  ?  How  long  before  people  will  be  convinced 
of  the  fact,  that,  education,  talent,  and  good  breeding,  are 
the  most  essential  requisites  for  success. 

The  psychologist  says. 

In  dreams,  and  profound  reveries  we  forget  our 
surroundings,  we  travel  over  land  and  seas,  through 
sunny  lands,  and  many  persons  tell  us  that  it  !s  simply 
the  mind  which  creates,  the  mind  which  travels.  Not  so  ; 
it  is  the  soul  which  journies  forth  and  is  actually  in 
those  places,  having  left  the  body  while  it  wanders  alone. 






)t  so ; 



A  person  lyint,''  chmgcrously  ill,  suffering  acute  pain, 
is  given  a  narcotic  and  after  a  time,  sleep  is  produced. 
The  pain-racked  body  lies  there  motionless  as  a  lump  of 
clay,  pain  is  forgotten  but  the  soul  takes  a  journey,  and 
for  a  time  revels  in  joy,  flits  through  a  shady  grove,  or 
stops  for  a  moment  beside  a  running  brook,  scales  lofty 
heights  or  lingers  in  a  lovely  valley  ;  the  effect  of  the  nar- 
cotic wears  off,  pain  returns  and  the  pleasant  vision  is 
ended.  Now  the  mind  could  not  have  created  these 
pleasant  scenes,  for  as  everyone  knows,  there  is  complete 
sym[>athy  between  the  body  and  mind,  and  a  diseased, 
pain-tossed  body,  would  produce  a  diseased  mind.  Be- 
tween sleep  and  death  there  is  a  wonderful  similarity. 
In  sleep  the  soul  wanders  forth  and  returns  to  the  body, 
in  death  it  journeys  over  the  broad  sea  of  eternity 
into  the  great  unknown.  Have  you  ever  stood  at  the 
bedside  of  a  dying  child  and  seen  the  look  of  joy  that 
passes  over  its  face  ?  In  many  instances  the  child  being 
too  young  to  reason,  too  young  to  create  for  itself  plea- 
sant scenes.  Then  what  could  have  produced  the  estatic 
joy  ?  I  stood  by  the  bed  of  a  dying  child,  a  mere 
infant.  The  little  sufferer  had  lain  unconscious  during 
the  day,  efforts  were  made  to  arouse  it,  the  mother  was 
bending  over  the  bed  anxious  for  one  look  of  recognition, 
but  the  efforts  were  useless,  the  stupor  continued  until 
suddenly,  to  the  surprise  of  the  watchers,  the  little  crea- 
ture raised  its  hand,  and  pointed  upward,  with  a  smile  of 
perfect  joy,  and  at  that  moment  the  soul  winged  its  flight. 



non  KMiA  N  aoci  ety. 

Materialists  will  say  the  child  had  been  told  of  the 
beauties  of  another  world,  and  at  the  last  moment  memory 
and  reason  returned,  and  the  beauties  which  had  been 
depicted,  were  suddenly  repealled  to  mind.  But  in  this  in- 
stance the  child  was  too  youn<^  to  have  been  told  pleasinj^ 
stories  ;  and  the  mind  could  not  have  created  for  itself  a 
vision.  Then  what  was  it  ?  At  the  moment  of  dissolu- 
tion the  soul  had  llitted  through  the  gates  of  the  eternal 

A  study  in  sombre  tints  : 

In  one  of  the  large  cities  in  the  wretched  portion 
where  men,  women  and  children  hive  together,  there  lived 
— or  existed — a  little  boy,  so  small,  so  insignificant,  that 
the  people  with  whom  he  came  in  contact  would  scarcely 
have  considered  him  worthy  of  mention.  He  was  a  wee 
specimen  of  humanity  with  flaxen  hair  and  blue  eyes,  and 
people  who  stopped  to  notice  him  at  all,  saw  something 
so  strange,  so  pathetic  in  the  childish  look,  that  they  in- 
voluntarily turned  to  look  again.      He  spent  the  days  sel- 



f  the 
us  in- 
self  a 

It,  that 
a  wee 
s,  and 



ling matches  ;  the  nights  he  spent  as  he  could,  in  empty 
boxes,  on  bundles  of  straw,  in  miserable  alleys,  any- 
where, where  night  overtook  him.  There  was  no  one 
to  make  enquiries,  for  he  was  alone,  alone  in  the  great 
city,  alone  in  the  world.  One  stormy  night  a  woman 
found  her  way  to  one  of  the  wretched  tenement  houses, 
bearing  in  her  arms  a  tiny  burden.  One  of  the  inhabi- 
tants, more  kindly  than  the  rest,  took  her  in,  gave  her  the 
only  bed  they  had,  a  pallet  of  straw,  on  which  she  lay  fcr 
a  few  days,  making  no  complaint,  giving  little  trouble. 
The  women  saw  at  a  glance  that  she  was  a  different  order 
of  being  from  themselves,  that  she  belonged  to  another 
world  than  theirs.  But  by  what  chance  had  she  wander- 
ed there  ?  Questions  were  asked  but  no  answers  return- 
ed. She  simply  asked  to  be  lelt  alone.  In  a  short  time 
she  died,  leaving  behind  the  litrlc  bundle  of  humanity, 
bequeathing  to  him  nothing  but  '  r  own  sensitive  nature, 
the  same  blue  eyes  and  flaxen  hair,  and  the  name  "Ned," 
nothing  more.  They  buried  her  in  the  potter's  field,  and 
a  life's  tragedy  was  ended.  Little  Ned  lived  among  them, 
getting  more  blows  than  kind  words,  nearly  always 
hungry,  but  never  complaining.  If  they  gave  him  food 
he  ate  it  ;  if  he  got  none,  he  never  murmured.  The 
rough  women,  involuntarily,  lowered  their  voices  when 
little  Ned  was  present,  for  there  was  something  they 
could  never  comprehend  about  the  strange  child.  They 
felt  he  was  with  them  but  not  of  them.  He  was  unlike 
the  children   in  the  street,  never  seeking,  but    shunning 





their  society.  After  a  time  he  was  old  enough  to  go  on 
the  street  and  sell  matches,  and  it  was  a  relief  to  the 
women  when  he  was  gone,  for  then  there  was  no  res- 
traint, and  the  little  lonely  waif  was  turned  adrift.  Little 
Ned  seemed  never  quite  alone,  for  he  frequently  talked 
alone,  asked  questions  which  seemed  to  have  been  an- 
swered —in  fact  lived  in  a  world,  peopled  by  his  own 
childish  fancy,  and  passed  unharmed  through  danger  and 
sin,  where  one,  more  conscious  of  evil,  would  have  fallen. 
How  unlike  the  world  he  was  in,  was  the  one  he  pictured 
to  himself.  At  night  he  crawled  into  empty  boxes,  scarcely 
knowing  vhat  it  was  to  go  to  sleep  without  feeling 
hungry,  but  the  Goddess  of  dreams  wove  golden  threads 
through  the  brain  of  little  Ned,  weaving  her  most  brilliant 
colors,  through  the  warp  and  woof  of  his  childish  dreams, 
as  if  in  compensation  for  the  sombre  colors  and  gloom  of 
his  waking  moments,  and  no  child  lying  on  his  bed  of 
down,  placed  there  by  the  careful  hands  of  nurse,  and 
receiving  the  mother's  good  night  kiss,  ever  had  sweeter, 
purer  dreams,  than  the  friendless,  homeless  match-seller 
on  his  bed  of  straw.  Mothers,  do  you  ever  think  when 
you  see  your  children  safe  in  their  warm  beds,  of  the 
numberless  little  waifs  in  large  cities,  whose  resting 
places  are  pallets  of  straw,  whose  good  night  kisses  are 
the  cold  breath  of  poverty  ? 

There  was  very  little  variety  in  the  life  of  little  Ned. 
Waking  in  the  morning,  he  would  start  out  with  the 
matches,  selling  them  if  he  could,  if  not,  hunger,  to  which 


he  was  so  accustomed,  was  his  companion.     So  from  day 
today  it  was  the  same  story,  the  only  variation,  the  only 
change  was  in  his  dreams  and  visions  ;  lumger  coi,14  not 
deprive    liim   of  that   solace,   the  cold  could   not  freeze 
the    warm    fancies     and    imaginations.     One    mornin<T 
in  early  spring  little  Ned  awoke  from  his  pleasant  dreams 
and    started  on  his   route.      Passing  numberless  people 
some  stopped  to  look  at    him  carefully,  for  his  face  had 
such  a  strange  look,  his  eyes  had  such  a  dreamy  expres- 
sion, and    at  times    he   smiled  to   himself  as  he  moved 
along.      But  people  did  not  not  stop  long,  for  who  in  a 
large,  busy   city  has   time   to  enquire  mto   the    life   and 
means  of  living  of  a  little  match  s  Jler.     All  day  long,  he 
trudged  his  weary  way,  and  towards  night-fall  he  found 
himself  nearer  the  suburbs  than  he  had  ever  been  before 
He  passes  a  house  which  is  brilliantly  lighted,  and  strains 
of  gay  music  reach  his  ear     Moving  to  the  window,  which 
was  open,  he  gazes   with  open-eyed  wonder  at  the  sc^ne 
within,      it  is  evidently  a  children's   party  for  little  fairy 
forms   are  flitting   about   in    a  merry   dance,  and    al!  is 
light,  warmth  and   happiness,  while  outside  with  his  face 
pressed    close   to  the    window   stands    little     Ned.      His 
flaxen  hair  is  blown  by  the  wind,  his  blue  eyes  onen   to 
their  widest  extent  as  he  looks  at  the  gay  scene,  of  which 
he  fo  -ms  no  part.      Inside,  all  is  happiness,  outside  is  the 
gloom  of   night,  and  the   desolate   figure  of   little   Ned 
He  turns  away  with  a  sigh,  turns  away  from  the  happi- 
ness he  has  never  known,  into   the  darkness  with  which 



m  I 

!  ; 

he  is  so  familiar.  He  has  grown  very  hungry,  having 
eaten  nothing  since  noon.  Seeing  a  woman  before  a 
handsome  carriage,  he  tells  his  story,  but  it  falls  on  stony 
ground,  the  woman  has  nothing  to  give,  and  leaves  him 
standing  there,  while  she  dries  away.  "  O,  the  rarity  of 
Christian  charity  !  "  Such  are  the  women  whose  names 
very  often  head  the  list  of  subscriptions  for  Christian  mis- 
sions, but  who  turn  a  deaf  ear  to  the  sorrows  of  people  at 
their  own  door  ;  but  if  they  give  to  the  poor  in  secret  no 
one  will  know  it,  while  if  they  head  a  list  with  a  large 
sum,  they  will  be  called  good  Christian  women. 

Little  Ned  starts  again,  trudging  bravely  on,  foot- 
sore and  hungry,  and  now  he  is  in  a  strange  part  of  the 
city,  a  place  entirely  new  to  him.  A  large  building 
attracts  his  attention,  and  the  sounds  of  voices  reach  his 
ear.  Going  to  the  door  he  sees  a  clergyman — a  young  man 
— talking  earnestly  to  a  group  of  rough  looking  men,  evi- 
dently working  men.  The  speaker  does  not  stand  aloof 
from  them  as  though  afraid  to  come  in  contact  with  them, 
but  is  talking  freely,  and  has  succeeded  in  getting  their 
undivided  attention,  has  won  their  hearts  by  his  sympathy 
with  them, has  shown  them  that  he  is  like  themselves — sub- 
ject to  human  errors  and  weakness,  and  these  rough  men 
are  listening  attentively, as  they  would  never  do  to  lengthy 
discourses  about  things  of  which  they  knew  nothing. 
Here  was  a  Christian — thank  heaven  there  are  such — 
who  has  not  placed  himself  on  a  lofty  pedestal,  while  the 
hearers  feel  that   he  is  far   from  them  both   in  heart  and 




le  the 
It  and 

sympathy,  but  they  feel  that  he  is  a  man  like  themselves;  he 
has  touched  the  human  part  of  their  natures,  and  the  rest 
will  be  easy.  Little  Ned  listened,  for  the  minister  was 
speaking  of  things  with  which  the  listeners  were  familiar; 
of  sin,  of  sorrow,  of  temptations,  speaking  cheerful  words 
of  comfort,  leading  them  step  by  step  to  something  higher 
and  holier  than  they  had  ever  dreamed  of.  At  last,  in 
language  they  could  all  understand,  he  told  them  of  an- 
other life,  another  world  where  sin  and  sorrow  could  not 
enter.  The  child  listened,  and  as  he  left  the  building 
hunger  and  fatigue  were  forgotten.  Only  half  compre- 
hendiig  what  the  clergyman  had  said,  only  remembering 
in  a  jonfused  way  that  he  had  spoken  of  a  brighter  world  ; 
one  wholly  unlike  this  one,  one  in  which  there  would  be 
lio  more  hunger  and  cold,  no  more  blows  and  harsh 
usuage,  the  little  fellow  started  in  search,  resolved  to  find 
it.  Surely  it  could  not  be  verydifficult  to  find, and  it  must  be 
some  place  outside  this  great  city.  Little  Ned  started  on 
his  search,  going  towards  the  open  country,  toward  the 
place  where  the  moon  was  rising,  never  doubting,  never 
fearing,  but  that  he  would  succeed.  Day  after  day  he  wan- 
dered on,  eating  berries  which  he  founr  by  the  wayside, 
and  occasionally  asking  for  something  to  eat.  He  slept 
in  the  open  air,  for  he  knew  no  fear  ;  his  brain  still  weav- 
ing the  golden  threads  ;  still  talking  to  invisible  spirits  ; 
his  face  looking  so  sjMritual  that  one  was  not  surprised 
that  strange  tongues  spoke  a  strange  language  to  the 
lonely  boy.      He  has  wandered  on  until  his  feet  are  sore 


BO  HE  MIA  N    SOCIE  T  Y. 

and  a  feeling  of  weariness  steals  over  him;  he  looks  around 
and  finds  that  he  is  no  nearer  than  when  he  started  to  the 
l)right  world  which  the  clergyman  had  talked  about.  So 
he  resolves  to  turn,  to  go  back  to  the  place  where  he  had 
seen  the  minister,  and  ask  him  to  show  him  the  way. 
Back  he  turns  on  his  long  journey.  Step  by  step,  slowly 
and  wearily  he  trudges  along,  his  eyes  have  grown  larger, 
his  skin  more  transparent,  and  each  day  finds  him  a  little 
weaker,  but  he  feels  that  he  must  go  on.  Strange  voices 
are  speaking  to  him  more  frequently  than  ever,  and  his 
dreams  are  filled  with  visions  of  the  new  world  of  which 
he  has  heard,  and  now  he  has  almost  reached  his  journeys 
end,  but  it  requires  a  great  effort  for  him  to  move,  he  is 
so  foot-sore  and  weary,  but  the  voices  are  urging  him  on 
and  at  last  the  building  is  in  sight.  He  drags  himself 
wearily  to  the  door.  It  is  night  and  the  door  is  open — 
the  place  is  deserted,  but  he  throws  himself  down  on  the 
lloor  with  a  sigh  of  contentment.  The  next  morning 
they  found  him  with  his  hands  clasped  and  face  upturned 
to  the  skies.  The  blue  eyes  were  opened  wide,  the  lips 
parted  in  a  ha[)py  smile,  and  poor  little  lonely  Ned  had 
found  the  "bright  world." 


!   ; 

I   i 

f  i 
i  i 
'   I 



The  Poet  says  : 

So  many  abler  tongues  and  pens  than  mine  have 
chosen  the  St.  Lawrence  as  a  theme  on  which  they  have 
written  love  songs,  romances  and  legends,  that  it  would 
Ill-become  me  to  even  attempt  the  subject.  A  writer, 
many  years  ago,  while  paddling  up  the  river  and  amonn^ 
the  Islands,  expressed  himself  thus  :  "As  the  sun  se*t 
below  the  islands  the  full  moon  rose  in  all  her  beauty. 
The  light  evening  breeze  had  subsided  into  a  calm  ;  not 
a  breath  of  air  ruffled  the  glassy  waters. 

Impressed  with  the  solemnity  of  the  scene,  I   could 
not  refrain  from  wishing  that  here,  at  least,  Nature  might 
be  permitted  to  reign  unmolested,  but  the  solitary  watch- 
fires   of  the  recent   settlers  gave   proof  that  though  his 
tenure  was    yet  but  frail,  man  !  rapacious  and    indefati- 
gable man  !  was  fast  establishing  usurpation."     This  was 
written  many  years  ago.     What  would  be  the  astonish- 
ment of  the  writer,  if  he  could  revisit  the  scene.     Would 
he  think  it  improvement  or  desecration  ?     On  the  islands 
cottages  are   built,  and  well  kept  lawns,  sloping  down  to 
the  water,  are  brightened  by  the  bright  dresses  of  women 
and   children,  and   in  some  places   the  modern  game  of 
lawn  tennis    is  being  played,  and  everything  shows  that 
Nature    has    not    been    allowed    to    reign    unmolested 
Steamboats    are    plying    from    place   to    place  ;  pleasure 
seekers  lift  their  voices  to  hear  the  sounds  re-echoed  from 
island  to  island,  from  shore  to  shore,  until  the  faint  rever- 
beration is  lost  among  the  murmuring  pines.     Surely  the 




crags  and  trees,  the  pines  and  poplars,  are  tempted  to  return 
the  echo  as  a  protest  against  this  invasion.  If  the  sensi- 
bilities were  quickened  to  the  sounds  of  nature,  the  words 
re-echoed  would  be  "  leave  us  alone  in  our  solitude." 

The  St.  Lawrence  does  not  speak  to  our  hearts  of 
deep  tragedies,  but  breathes  into  the  soul  a  spirit  of 

"When  Eve  plucked  death  from  the  tree  of  life  and 
brought  tears  of  sorrow  upon  earth,  Adam  was  driven  out 
into  the  world  to  mourn  with  her,  and  taste  from  the  bitter 
spring  that  we  drink  to-day." 

"  Then  angels  on  their  wings,  bore  the  silent  Eden 
to  the  eternal  spheres  on  high,  and  placed  it  in  the  heavens 
— but  in  passing  through  space,  they  dropped  along  the 
way,  to  mark  their  course,  some  flowers  from  the  garden 
divine.  These  flowers  of  chanofine  hues,  fallinir  into  the 
great  river,  became  the  Thousand  Isles — the  Paradise  of 
the  St.  Lawrence." 



It  is  a  study  to  watch  the  different  expressions 
and  manners  of  the  people  whom  we  meet.  There  is  the 
woman  who,  on  meeting,  makes  one  feel  that  they  have 
passed  through  some  difficult  surgical  operation,  her  look 
is  so  hard  and  penetrating,  like  the  surgeon's  knife.  Then 
another  with  an  expression  so  benevolent,  so  charitable, 
that  one  is  inclined  to  turn  acrain  to  catch  one  more 
glimpse  of  the  kindly  face.  A  little  farther  on  we  see  a 
young  girl,  with  a  look  so  joyous  and  happy,  so  entirely 
free  from  from  care,  that  we  are  impelled  to  search  for  the 
rosy  glasses  through  which  she  views  life.  Time,  the 
dispeller  of  all  golden  hued  visions,  has  left  her  mind  un- 
touched, and  she  retains  the  joyous  dreams  of  youth. 

There  is  another  with  a  look  of  discontent,  amount- 
ing to  almost  misery.  The  rose-colored  glasses  have 
been  broken  early,  and  she  is  gazing  through  the  murky, 
cloudy  atmosphere  of  discontent.  Another  young  girl  is 
passing,  and  look  closely  !  her  face  is  a  study,  with  its 
varying  expression,  reflecting  every  passing  mood,  then 
gay,  now  sad.  The  world  either  hardens  or  breaks  the 
heart.  Which  process  is  her  heart  undergoing  ?  In  a 
few  years,  meeting  her  again,  the  face  will  be  the  page  on 
which  the  story  will  be  written  in  full,  either  in  sombre 
tints  or  golden  gleams. 

Once  more  look  at  the  daintily  dressed  woman  com- 
ing down  the  street.  She  was  made  for  sunsJiine  and 
happiness,  adversity  would  kill  her.  There  are  women 
who  give  one   the   impression  that  they  should   have  all 





f  f 

the  good  gifts  which  the  gods  provide,  should  be  care- 
fully looked  after,  tenderly  cared  for,  they  will  share  your 
joys,  but  no  need  to  tell  them  your  sorrows,  for  what 
can  they  know  of  sorrow  ?  they  whose  feet  have  always 
travelled  in  smooth  places.  Refinement  of  manner  and 
delicacy  of  feeling  are  essential  qualities  for  every  lady  ; 
but  spare  us  the  "  dainty  "  woman.  In  hospitals  there 
are  women,  educated  and  refined,  who  witness  sights 
daily  which  cause  them  to  sicken  and  shudder,  but  they 
are  none  the  less  refined,  because  they  look  upon  the  suf- 
fering of  some  poor  mortal,  none  the  less  ladies,  because 
they  assist  in  alleviating  the  distress  of  their  own  kind. 
But  *'  dainty,"  they  can  not  be,  thank  heaven  !  It  is  the 
dainty  woman  who,  if  she  sees  a  diseased,  shabbily 
dressed  mortal  in  trouble,  passes  quickly  to  the  other  side 
for  fear  of  contamination,  if  she  sees  a  child  in  distress 
hesitates,  before  offering  help,  to  see  if  it  is  cleanly,  and 
then  the  hand  she  offers  is  so  nerveless,  helpless  and  life- 
less, so  weak  and  vacillating  that  perhaps  it  would  have 
been  just  as  well  had  she  gone  on  her  dainty  way. 

Again  there  are  people  who  shut  themselves  in  an 
armour  of  selfishness,  impervious  alike  to  gaunt  poverty 
and  hollovv-eyed  sorrow.  From  the  crown  of  their  heads 
to  the  soles  of  their  feet  is  their  world,  they  can 
neither  see  nor  hear  beyond  it.  The  good  qualities  of 
their  neighbors  are  seen  through  the  large  end  of  a  tele- 
scope, appearing  very  small  and  a  long  way  off,  while 
their  own  are  magnified  until  they  at  last  look  upon  them- 



in  an 
ties  of 
1  tele- 

selves as  being  the  personification  of  all  that  is  good  and 
holy,  and  it  is  very  amusing  to  study  such  a  one,  to  watch 
her  manner  of  addressing  others.  I^'rom  the  lofty  pedes- 
tal of  her  own  conceit,  she  allows  some  poor  mortal  to 
approach  her  shrine,  but  her  manner  says,  "  so  far  shalt 
thou  come  and  no  farther."  Of  what  is  she  afraid  ?  Has 
she  fear  of  contamination  .'*  Is  her  goodness  and  purity 
of  such  a  perishable  nature  that  she  fears  pollution  .-* 
Do  not  ferr.  If  you  possess  innate  goodness  and 
womanly  qualities  you  can  pass  through  dangers  unharm- 
ed, you  ran  walk  in  the  midst  of  sin  and  it  will  not  touch 
you,  you  can  take  the  hand  of  vice  and  it  will  leave  no 
stain.  From  the  height  of  your  own  purity  do  not  look 
with  scorn  upon  some  less  fortunate  mortal,  do  not  turn 
away  in  disgust,  but  examine  closely,  and  underlying  the 
outer  crust  of  wickedness  and  sin,  you  will  be  astonished 
at  the  amount  of  good  you  can  find,  even  in  the  most  de- 
praved. The  human  heart  is  a  strange  compound,  made 
up  of  love  and  hate,  of  joy  and  sorrow,  hope  and  despair, 
and  who  is  able  to  read  it  ?  Who  is  able  to  understand 
the  sorrows,  struggles  and  temptations  of  others,  and  who 
is  competent  to  take  upon  himself  the  task  of  judging  ? 
Every  beat  of  the  heart  gives  us  a  glimpse,  either  of 
heaven  inspired  love,  ur  hell-born  hate,  of  the  sun-lit  river 
of  joy,  or  the  gloom  of  sorrow,  the  golden  gleam  of  hope 
or  the  stagnant  pool  of  despair.  Is  it  not  strange  that  in 
all  the  workings  of  nature  there  is  complete  harmony  ; 
the   whispering  trees,  the  murmuring  winds,  the  lowing 






!)   ' 

herds,  all  speak  a  language  of  their  own,  while  man  is  the 
only  animal  which  makes  war  with  his  kind  ?  The  love 
of  riches,  the  desire  of  gain,  the  pride  of  ambition  takes 
possession  of  his  mind  to  the  exclusion  of  all  else.  In 
battle,  soldiers  walk  over  the  dead  bodies  of  friends  and 
foes  alike,  unmoved,  the  only  thought,  the  only  desire  is 
to  win  ;  the  groans  of  the  dying  are  drowned  in  the 
exultant  shouts  of  the  living  as  they  find  themselves  vic- 
torious. In  the  battle  of  life  there  are  many  who,  in  their 
desire  to  win  at  all  hazards,  walk  over  the  bodies  of  fallen 
enemies,  and  heed  not  the  groans  of  even  their  friends. 
In  all  this  worry  and  strife,  all  the  weariness  of  body  and 
brain,  how  few  stop  to  enquire  of  themselves  the  means 
they  are  taking  to  attain  their  aim.  Some  have  taken  a 
step  higher  by  walking  over  the  body  of  a  brother  who  has 
fallen  by  the  wayside,  wearied  a^id  heart  sore,  and  if  he 
succeeds  in  reaching  the  top-most  rung  of  the  ladder, 
envious  tongues  and  slanderous  epithets  will  reach  him 
there,  while  if  he  falls  he  will  carry  with  him  the  sneers 
and  taunts  of  his  fellow  men.  In  this  vast  universe 
there  is  room  for  all,  no  need  to  jostle  and  crowd  your 
neighbor.  If  he  succeeds,  while  you  fail,  it  will  not  better 
your  condition  to  slander  and  vilify  ;  if  he  fails  while  you 
win  you  will  never  regret  having  offered  the  hand  in  good 
will  and  fellowship.  Many  a  heart  has  been  softened, 
many  a  burden  made  lighter,  by  a  few  kind,  cheerful 
words.  There  are  none  so  low,  none  so  degraded,  as  to 
be    beneath    consideration.     To    take   the    hand   of  the 


hardest  criminal  will  not  coiitaminatu— 


vicu  IS  not  con- 

Joaquin  Miller  says  : 

Is  it  worth  while  that  we  jostle  a  brother, 
Bearing  his  load  on  the  rough  road  ot  life  ? 

Is  it  worth  while  that  we  jeer  at  each  other, 
In  blackness  of  heart  that  we  war  to  the  knile  ? 
God  pity  us  all  in  our  pitiful  strife. 

God  pity  us  all  as  we  jostle  each  other, 
God  pardon  us  all  for  the  triumph  we  feel, 

When  a  fello.v  goes  down  'neath  his  load  on'the  heather. 
Pierced  to  the  heart  by  words  keener  than  steel 
And  mightier  iar  for  woe  than  for  weal. 

Were  it  not  well,  in  his  brief  little  journey. 

On  over  the  isthmus,  down  into  the  tide, 
We  give  him  a  fish  instead  of  a  serpent, 

Ere  fol  ling  the  hands  to  be  and  abide 

Forever,  and  aye.  in  dust  at  his  side  ? 

Look  at  the  roses  saluting  each  other  ; 

Look  at  the  herds  all  in  peace  on  the  plain, 

Man,  and  man  only,  makes  war  on  his  brother 
And  laughs  in  his  heart  at  his  perils  and  pain. 
Shamed  by  the  beasts  that  go  down  on  the  pla'in. 

It  is  worth  while  that  we  battle  to  humble 

Some  poor  fellow  down  into  the  dust  ? 
God  pity  us  all  !     Time  too  soon  will  tumble 

AH  of  us  together,  likes  leaves  in  the  gust, 

Humbled,  indeed,  down  into  the  dust. 



■  i 


A  woman  was  sjjcaking  who  was  dressed  in  soft 
white  which  cUing  to  her  shght  form,  and  gave  one  the 
idea  of  a  statue  ;  a  Galatea  without  a  soul. 

Fatalism  had  wound  its  slimy  Holds  about  her  and 
she  was  unable  to  free  herself  from  its  chilling  embrace. 
There  is  an  old  German  legend  which  runs  thus,  "V^ineta 
was  an  old  fortified  place  by  the  sea  and  the  capital  of  an 
ancient  nation.  Her  dominion  extended  over  the  neigh- 
boring coasts  and  over  the  waves  where  she  ruled 
supreme.  Unparalled  in  splendor  and  greatness,  count- 
less treasures  flowed  in  to  her  from  other  lands,  but  pride 
presumption  and  the  sins  of  her  inhabitants  brought  down 
the  chastisement  of  Heaven  upon  her  and  she  sank, 
swallowed  up  by  the  waves."  The  sailors  still  affirm  that 
the  fortress  of  V^ineta  lies  uninjured  at  the  bottom  of  the 
sea.  Th(iy  say  that  deep  down  in  the  water,  they  catch 
a  glimpse  of  towers  and  cupalos,  hear  the  bells  ring,  and 
at  enchanted  hours,  the  whole  fairy  city  rises  out  of  the 
depths  and  shows  itself  to  a  favored  few.  The  old  legend 
tells  us  that  the  one  who  has  once  looked  on  the  lost 
Vineta,  has  once  heard  the  sounds  of  her  bells,  is  pursued 
all  his  life  by  a  longing  which  bears  him  no  rest  until  the 
enchanted  city  rises  before  him  once  more — or  draws  him 
down  below  unto  the  depths.  The  unfortunate  person 
who  has  once  gazed  upon  the  ghastly  ruins  of  Fatalism, 
knows  no  peace,  but  like  the  legend  of  Vineta,  i  "ill 
him  down  to  misery  and  distruction. 



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The  lady  was  saying  : 

We  are  but  clay  in  the  hands  of  the  potter,  Nothing 
we  do  can  change  the  current  of  our  lives.  The  hand  of 
Fate  is  over  all,  leading  us  on,  whether  it  be  for  good  or 
for  ill.  From  the  cradle  to  the  grave,  from  birth  to  death, 
there  is  a  power  ruling  our  destinies.  In  infancy  our 
cradles  are  rocked  by  the  invisible  hand  of  fate,  in  middle 
age  we  are  driven  by  it,  in  old  age  we  are  led  by  the  same 
hand.  I  see  before  me  a  vessel  starting  out  under  full  sail. 
The  sky  is  clear  ;  the  air  soft  and  balmy,  and  everything 
speaks  of  a  favorable  voyage,  but  when  in  mid -ocean,  the 
sky  grows  dark,  the  wind  arises,  the  waves  roll  higher 
and  higher ;  soon  the  vessel  gets  beyond  control,  and 
the  sailors  find  themselves  drifting  towards  the  breakers 
Efforts  are  redoubled,  all  that  human  energy  can  do  is 
done,  but  of  no  avail.  F'ate  is  beckoning  them  onward 
to  their  doom.  We  see  a  boy  starting  out  in  life  full  of 
youthful  hopes  and  boyant  in  health,  happiness  and 
strength.  He  sees  in  his  mind's  eye  a  thousand  chances 
of  success.  Life  is  before  him  and  there  is  one  haven  he 
must  reach  before  his  ambition  is  gratified.  About  mid- 
way in  his  career  he  stops.  Clouds  gather  and  he  finds  he 
has  been  driven  from  his  course  by  adverse  winds  and 
tides — struggle  as  he  may  his  efforts  are  futile  for  fate 
has  intervened.  The  hand  of  destiny  has  led  him,  per- 
haps to  n  'sery,  perchance  to  happiness,  but  which-ever  it 
proves  to  be,  he  finds  there  is  a  hand,  shaping,  ruling, 
guiding,  and  that  is  the  hand  of  Fate.