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The  riylit  of  Travtlatiim  is  meriied. 




0  0  N  T  E  N  T  S. 


Prefatory  and  explanatorv  -  Tl,n 

actual  -  The   ,MinL,    ^  ^.^  ^^'^'i^*  ~  '^^''  ^^"timontal  -  The 
unwelcome  co,m>aaiun     ~^  '"^^''^T -- Practical   joking-   Vu 

Ti,„  ,1 ^'^'''"— American  r.Mti-mf;c,.,       m,.    %,     .^.      '^^ 

TJie  departure    ^  _''"^"~- '^"^encan  patriotism- 

The  first  view  — 

Page  1 


An  inhospitable  reception -TT., IT  ,    , 

-  Disappointed  expectatic^ff:  The  *  .  '''"  ^^^--^-  The  heat 
Blue  A^oses  miglit  be  -  Wh^it  tl,/  F  -^-pai-tod  —  What  the 
its  capabilities  1  The  ro  1  :  1^  ,i:r  ""  ''''~''^^^  ^-"tia  and 
"  A  mght  journey  and  a  Hi^hhrnl  c?"  """"['"'''  ~  ^  *^^  di""^^  - 
A  joyful  reunion  .      °    '"^^  '"^^" "  ^^  "'^^^tical  catastrophe  _ 

.     U 


ular  ignorance  —  The  rr.,„  i 

trajted- A  wooden  cl^iS!!^,;:;;^;^-^"---  and  winter  con- 
-  Gossip  -  ''  Blowin-time  "  -  t    ^if  ^*"'^'  T'  ^^^^^  consequences 

^'^nt  nuisance -Colonial  societv      \  '  ^^^^gy-The  ser- 

premier  -  Agrarian  outrage  -  1  ~  •  "  ;;7"'"S  Pa^'ty  -  An  island 
Peace-An  Indian  coquette-CoX  V  ^rr'-"^  P'P«  «^ 
-A  novel  mode  of  ^        'r    '^'^''*^'''*^^-^'^  missionary 

in  the  wood.-starv  io?i;S':;;r^r"''"'  ^^^^-^-  -  y 

-cl  a  Highland  welcome -H:;;':;!rf/.^,r   '''  ^^^^^^^^^^ 

'  •  •     3G 

a  2 





From  St.  dicovgc's  Cross  to  tlie  Stars  and  Stripes  —  Unpunctuality  — 
Inconipctenco  —  A  wretched  iiiglit  —  Colonial  curiosity  —  The 
fashions  —  A  night  in  a  buffalo  robe —  A  stage  journey  —  A  queer 
character —  Politics  —  Cheinistr^  —  Mathematics  —  Rotten  bridges 
—  A  midnight  arrival  —  Colouiiil  ignorance — Yankee  conceit  — 
What  teu-horse  power  chaps  can  do  —  The  pestilence  —  The  city 
on  the  rock — New  Brunswick  —  Steamboat  peculiarities  —  doing 
ahead  in  the  eating  line  —  A  storm  —  Stepping  ashore     .     Pago  59 


First  experiences  of  American  freedom  —  The  "striped  pig"  and 
"  Dusty  Ben  "  —  A  country  mouse  —  What  the  cars  are  like  — 
Beauties  of  New  England  —  The  land  of  apples  —  A  Mammoth 
hotel  —  The  rusty  inkstand  exiled  —  Eloquent  eyes  —  Alone  in  a 
crowd         ..........     90 



A  suspected  bill  —  A  friend  in  need  —  All  aboard  for  the  Westei'n  cars 

—  The  wings  of  the  wind  —  American  politeness  —  A  loquacious 
conductor — Three  minutes  for  refreshments  —  A  conversation  on 
politics  —  A  confession  —  The  emigi'ant  car  —  Beauties  of  the  woods 

—  A  forest  on  fire  —  Dangers  of  the  cars  —  The  Queen  City  of  the 
West  ......,..,  104 


The  Queen  City  continued  —  Its  beauties  —  Its  inhabitants,  human 
and  equine  —  An  American  church  —  '^^^lere  chairs  and  bedsteads 
come  from  —  Pigs  and  pork  —  A  peep  into  Kentucky  —  Popular 
opinions  respecting  slavery  —  The  curse  of  America         .         .116 



The  hickory  stick  —  Chawing  up  ruina  —  A  forest  scene  —  A  curious 
questioner  —  Hard  and  soft  wholls  —  Dangers  of  a  fen-y  —  The  west- 
ern prairies  —  Xocttirnal  (h;tontiou  —  Tlio  Wild  West  and  the  Father 
of  liivers  —  breakfast  in  a  shed  —  What  is  au  alligator?  —  Physiog- 
nomy, and  its  usjs  —  The  ladies'  parloiir  —  A  Chicago  hotel,  ita 
inmates  and  its  horrors — 'A  water-drinking  people — The  Prairie 
City  —  Progress  of  the  West Page  133 


A  vexatious  incident  —  John  EuU  enraged  —  Wrman'a  rights  —  Alli- 
gators become  hosses  —  A  po2)ular  host  —  Military  display  —  A 
mirth-provoking  gun  —  Grave  reminiscences  —  Attractions  of  the 
fair  —  Past  and  present  —  A  floating  palace  —  Black  companions  — 
A  black  baby  —  Externals  of  LuilUlo  —  The  flag  of  England  .     159 


The  Place  of  Council  —  Its  progress  and  its  people  —  English  hearts  — 
"Sebastopol  is  takeu" — Squibs  and  crackers — A  ship  on  her 
beam-ends  —  Selfishness  —  A  mongrel  city  —  A  Scot  —  Constancy 
rewarded  —  Monetary  difficulties  —  Detention  on  a  bridge  —  A 
Canadian  homestead  —  Life  in  the  clearings  —  The  bush  on  fire  — 
A  word  on  farming  —  The  "bee  "and  its  produce  —  Eccentricities 
of  Mr.  Haldimands  —  A  ride  on  a  troop-horse  —  Scotch  patriotism  — 
Au  English  church  —  The  servant  nuisance  —  Richard  Cobdeu    182 

.  116 


"  Pve  seen  nothing"  — A  disappointment —  Incongruities  —  Hotel 
gaieties  and  "doing  Niagara" — Irish  drosky-drivers —  "The  Hell 
of  Waters  "  —  Beauties  of  Niagara  —  The  picnic  party  —  The  white 
canoe  — A  cold  shower-bath  —  "The  Thunder  of  Waters" — A  magic 
word  — "The  Whirlpool"  — Story  of  "Bloody  Run"  — Yankee 
opinions  of  English  ladies — A  metamorphosis  —  The  nigger  guide 
—  A  tei'rible  situation  —  Tennination  Rock  —  Impressions  of 
Niagara  —  Juvenile  precocity  —  A  midnight  journey — Street  ad- 
ventures in  Hamilton  .         .         .         .         .         .         .216 



ClIAl'TKR  Xir. 

A  scene  at  starting  — That  doar  littlo  Harry  —  Tho  old  lady  and  tho 
race  —  Ruinung  tho  Ifapids — An  aside — Snow  and  discomfort  — 
A  now  country  —  An  exteniporidod  ball  —  Adventure  with  a  madman 
—  Shooting  tho  cataract  —  First  appearance  of  Montreal — Its  cha- 
racteristics—  Quebec  in  a  fog —  "Muffins" — Quebec  giiieties  — 
Tho  pestilence  —  Kestlessncss  —  St.  Louis  and  St.  Koch  —  The 
shady  side  —  Dark  dens  —  External  characteristics  —  Lord  Elgin  — 
Mistaking  a  senator     .......     Page  239 


The  of  ("ommons — Canadian  gallantry  —  The  constitntiou  — 
Mr.  Ilincks  —  The  ex-rebol  — Parties  and  leaders  — A  street  row  — 
Repeated  disappoiutmcuts  —  The  "habitaus" — Their  houses  and 
their  virtues  —  A  stationary  people  —  Progress  and  its  effects  — 
Muntmorenci  —  The  natural  staircase  —  Tho  Indian  sunmier  — 
Lorette  — •  Tho  old  people  —  Beauties  of  Quebec  —  The  John 
diunn  —  Fear  and  its  cousequeuces  —  A  gloomyjourney         .     270 


Concluding  remarks  on  Canada —  Territory  —  Climate  —  Capabilities — 
Railways  and  canals  —  Advantages  for  emigrants  —  Notices  of  emi- 
gration —  Government  —  The  franchise  —  Revenue  —  Popidation  — 
Keligion  —  Education  —  The  press  —  Literature  —  Observations  in 




Preliminary  remarks  on  re-entering  the  States  —  Americanisms  —  A 
little  slang  —  Liquoring  up  —  Eccentricities  in  dress  —  A  'cute 
chap  down  east  —  Conversation  on  eating  —  A  Kentucky  gal  — 
Lake  Champlaiu — Delaval's — A  noisy  serenade — Albany — Beauties 
of  the  Hudson  —  The  Empire  City 321 



!V(ly  aiul  tho 

li.scomfort  — 
Jh  a  niiulman 
il  —  Its  chu- 
c  giiietles  — 
!.'ch  —  The 
ard  J*'.lgin  — 
.     Page  239 

stitutiou  — 
ireet  row  — 
houses  and 
s  efTects  — 
sniuuicr  — 
•The  John 
.     276 



I'ositiou  of  New  York  —  Externals  of  the  city  —  ( 'onveyanoe.i  —  Mal- 
iidiiiini.stnition  —  Tlio  stores  —  The  hotels  —  ('urioHities  of  tin- 
liu.spital —  llaggi'd  achools  —  Tiio  had  Look  —  Monster  schools  — 
Auuisenients  and  oyster  saloons  —  M<instrosities  —  A  restaurant  — 
Dwelling-houses  —  Equipages  —  Palaces  —  Dress  —  Figiues  —  Man- 
m.,.8  —  Education  —  Domestic  habits — The  ladies — The  genthuien 

Society  —  Receptions  —  Anti-English    feeling  —  Autograjihs  — 

The  buckram  Englishman  Page  ;'>:!4 


The  cemetery  —  Its  beauties  —  The  "  Potter's  Field  " — The  graves  of 
children  —  Monumental  eccentricities  —  Arrival  of  emigrants  — 
Their  reception  —  Poor  dwellings  —  The  dangerous  class  —  The 
elect-  lis  —  The  riots — Characteristics  of  the  streets  —  Journey 
to  i'loston  —  The  sights  of  Boston  —  Longfellow  —  Cambridge  Uni- 
versity       ..........   l<7*> 


Origin  of  the  Constitution  —  The  Executive  —  Congress  —  Local  Legis- 
latures—  The  army  and  navy  —  Justice  —  Slavery  —  Political  cor- 
ruption— The  foreign  element — Absence  uf  i)rinciple — Associations 
—  The  Know-nothings  —  The  press  and  its  power  —  Keligion  — 
The  church  —  The  clergy .     4o:> 

il'ilitios — 
:ea  of  emi- 
ulation  — 
'ations  in 
.     295 


General  remarks  continued  —  The  common  schools  —  Their  defect  — 
Difficulties  —  Management  of  the  schools  —  The  free  academy — 
liailways  —  Telegraphs  —  Poverty  —  Literature  —  Advantages  for 
emigrants  —  Difficulties  of  emigrants —  Peace  or  war  —  Concluding 
observations       .........     4.'52 

^ras  —  A 

A  'cute 

:y  gi^l  — 


.  321 


The  America  —  A  gloomy  departure  —  An  ugly  night  —  Morning 
at  Halifax  —  Our  new  passengers  —  Babies  —  ("aptain  Leitch  —  A 
day  at  sea  —  Clippers  and  steamers  —  A  storm  —  An  Atlantic 
moonlight  —  Unpleasant  sensations  —  A  gale  —  Inkermann  —  Con. 
elusion      ..........     450 

r  1 

:%     f 






Prefatory  and  explanatory  — Tho  voyage  out  — The  sontiinoutal  —  The 
actual  —  The  oblivious  —  The  medley  —  I'raetical  joking  —  An 
unwelcome  comimnion  —  Amorlcau  patriotism  —  The  first  view  — 
The  departure. 

As  a  general  dislike  of  prefaces  is  unmistakeably  evi- 
denced by  their  uncut  leaves,  and  as  unknown  readers 
could  scarcely  be  induced  to  read  a  book  by  the  most 
cogent  re])resentations  of  an  unknown  author,  and  as 
apologies  for  "rushing  into  print"  are  too  trite  and 
insincere  to  have  any  effect,  I  will  merely  prefix  a  few 
explanatory  remarks  to  my  first  chapter. 

Circumstances  which  it  is  unnecessary  to  dwell  upon 
led  me  across  the  Atlantic  with  some  relatives ;  and  on 
my  return,  I  was  requested  by  numerous  friends  to  give 
an  account  of  my  travels.  As  this  volume  has  been 
written  with  a  view  to  their  gratification,  there  is  far 
more  of  personal  narrative  than  is  likely  to  interest  the 
general  reader. 

*  It  is  necessary  to  state  that  this  volume  is  not  by  the  Authoress  of 
the  '  EmjUshu-omun  in  Russiu.' 



Chap.  I. 

With  respect  to  tlie  people  of  tlic  United  States,  I  have 
given  those  impressions  whiv-h  as  a  traveller  I  formed  ;  if 
they  are  more  favourable  than  those  of  some  of  my  pre- 
decessors, the  difference  may  arise  from  my  having  taken 
out  many  excellent  introductions,  which  afforded  me 
greater  facilities  of  seeing  the  best  society  in  the  States 
than  are  usually  possessed  by  those  who  travel  merely  to 
see  the  country. 

AVhere  I  have  offered  any  opinions  upon  the  effect 
produced  by  the  institutions  of  America,  or  upon  any 
great  national  question,  I  have  done  so  with  extreme 
diffidence,  giving  impressions  rather  than  conclusijns, 
feeling  the  great  injustice  of  drawing  general  inferences 
from  partial  premises,  as  well  as  the  impossibility  of 
rightly  estimating  cause  and  effect  during  a  brief  resid 
ence  in  the  United  States.  I  have  endeavoured  to  give 
a  faithful  picture  of  what  I  saw  and  heard,  avoiding  the 
beaten  track  as  much  as  possible,  and  dwelling  principally 
on  those  things  in  which  1  knew  that  my  friends  were 
most  interested. 

Previously  to  visiting  the  United  States,  I  had  read  most 
of  the  American  travels  which  had  been  published ;  yet 
from  experience  I  can  say  that  even  those  who  read  most 
on  the  Americans  know  little  of  them,  from  the  disposition 
which  leads  travellers  to  seize  and  dwell  upon  the  ludi- 
crous points  which  continually  present  themselves. 

We  know  that  there  is  a  vast  continent  across  the 
Atlantic,  first  discovered  by  a  Genoese  sailing  under 
the  Spanish  flag,  and  that  for  many  years  past  it  lias 
swallowed  uj)  thousands  of  the  luirdiest  of  our  population. 
Although  our  feelings  are  not  particularly  fraternal,  we 

Chap.  I. 

Chap.  I. 


cites,  I  have 
.  formed  ;  if 
of  my  pre- 
aving  taken 
ifForded  me 
1  the  States 
el  merely  to 

I   the   cffeet 

r  upon  any 

ith  extreme 


1  inferences 

ossibility  of 

brief  resid 

ired  to  give 

voiding  the 


lends  were 

1  read  most 

lished ;  yet 
read  most 

n   the  liidi- 


across  the 
ing  imder 

)ast  it  has 
iternal,  we 

give  the  people  inhabiting  this  continent  the  national  cog- 
nomen oi  ^'  Brother  Jonathan"  while  we  name  individuals 
"  Yanhees.^^  We  know  that  they  are  famous  for  smoking, 
spitting,  "gouging,"  and  bowie-knives  —  for  monster 
hotels,  steamboat  explosions,  railway  collisions,  and  re- 
pudiated debts.  It  is  believed  also  that  this  nation  is 
renowned  for  keei)ing  three  millions  of  Africans  in 
slavery — for  wooden  nutmegs,  paper  money,  and"filli- 
buster "  expeditions  —  for  carrying  out  nationally  and 
individually  the  maxim 

"  That  they  may  take  who  have  the  power, 
And  they  may  keep  who  cau.'' 

I  went  to  the  States  with  that  amount  of  prejudice  which 
seems  the  birthright  of  every  English  person,  but  I  found 
that,  under  the  knowledge  of  the  Americans  which  can  be 
attained  by  a  traveller  mixing  in  society  in  every  grade, 
these  prejudices  gradually  melted  away.  I  found  much 
which  is  worthy  of  commendation,  even  of  imitation : 
that  there  is  much  which  is  very  reprehensible,  is  not  to 
be  wondered  at  in  a  country  which  for  years  has  been 
made  a  "cave  of  Adullam" — a  refuco  for  those  who 
have  "  left  their  country  for  their  country's  good " — 
a  receptacle  for  the  barbarous,  the  degraded,  and  the 
vicious  of  all  other  nations.  It  must  never  be  forgotten 
tlint  the  noble,  the  learned,  and  the  wealthy  have  shrunk 
from  the  United  States ;  her  broad  lands  have  been 
peopled  to  a  great  extent  by  those  whose  stalwart  arms 
have  been  their  only  possession. 

Is  it   surprising,  considering    these   antecedents,  that 
much  of  arrogance,  coarseness,  and  vulgarity  should  be 

B  2 




Chap.  I. 

met  with  ?  Is  it  not  rather  surprising,  that  a  traveller 
sliould  meet  with  so  little  to  annoy — so  few  obvious  de- 
partures from  the  rules  of  propriety  ? 

An  Englishman  bears  with  patienee  any  ridicule  which 
foreigners  cast  u})on  him.  John  IJuU  never  laughs  so 
loudly  as  when  he  laughs  "^t  himself;  but  the  Americans 
are  nationally  sensitive,  and  cannot  endure  that  good- 
humoured  raillery  which  jest?  at  their  weaknesses  and 
foibles.  Hence  candid  and  even  favourable  statements 
of  the  tntth  by  English  travellers  are  received  with  a 
perfect  outcry  by  the  Americans ;  and  the  phrases, 
"  shameful  misstatements,"  "  violation  of  the  rights  of 
hospitality,"  &c.,  are  on  every  lip. 

Most  assuredly  that  spirit  of  envious  rivalry  and  depre- 
ciating criticism  in  which  many  English  travellers  have 
written,  is  greatly  to  be  deprecated,  no  less  than  the  tone 
of  servile  adulation  which  some  writers  have  adopted ; 
but  our  American  neighbours  must  recollect  that  they 
provoked  both  the  virulent  spirit  and  the  hostile  carica- 
ture by  the  way  in  which  some  of  their  most  popular 
writers  of  travels  have  led  an  ungencious  onslaught 
against  our  institutions  and  people,  ar.-'  the  bitter  tone  in 
which  their  newspaper  press,  headed  by  the  Tribune, 
indulges  towards  the  British  nation. 

Having  made  these  few  remarks,  I  must  state  that  at 
the  time  of  my  visit  to  the  States  I  had  no  intention  of 
recording  my  "  experiences  "  in  print ;  and  as  my  notes 
taken  at  the  time  were  few  and  meagre,  and  have  been 
elaborated  from  memory,  some  inaccuracies  have  occurred 
which  it  will  not  take  a  keen  eye  to  detect.  These  must 
be  set  down  to  want  of  correct  information  rather  than 

CiiAr.  I. 

'ious  (le- 

ile  wliich 
umhs  so 
at  good- 
sses  and 
1  with  a 
rights  of 

id  depre- 
lers  liave 
1  the  tone 
adopted ; 
hat  they 



tone  in 


that  at 
ention  of 
my  notes 
ive  heen 
:se  must 
ler  than 

Chap.  I. 




to  wilful  misrepresentation.  The  statistical  information 
given  is  taken  from  works  compiled  by  the  Americans 
themselves.  The  few  matters  on  which  I  write  which 
did  not  come  under  my  own  ohservation,  I  learned  from 
trustworthy  persons  who  have  been  long  resident  in  the 

Of  Canada  it  is  scarcely  necessary  to  speak  here.  Per- 
haps an  Englisfh  writer  may  be  inclined  to  adopt  too  eulo- 
gistic a  tone  in  speaking  of  that  noble  and  loyal  colony,  in 
which  British  institutions  are  undergoing  a  Transatlantic 
trial,  and  where  a  free  people  is  protected  by  British 
laws.  There  are,  doubtless,  some  English  readers  who 
will  be  interested  in  the  brief  notices  which  I  have  given 
of  its  people,  its  society,  and  its  astonishing  capabilities.* 

The  notes  from  which  this  volume  is  taken  were  written 
in  the  lands  of  which  it  treats  :  they  have  been  amplified 
and  corrected  in  the  genial  atmosphere  of  an  English 
home.  I  will  not  offer  hackneyed  apologies  for  its  very 
numerous  faults  and  deficiencies  ;  but  will  conclude  these 
tedious  but  necessary  introductory  remarks  with  the  sin- 
cere hope  that  my  readers  may  receive  one  hundredth 
part  of  the  pleasure  from  the  ])erusal  of  this  volume 
which  I  experienced  among  the  scenes  and  peoj)le  of 
which  it  is  too  imperfect  a  record. 

Although  bi-weekly  steamers  ply  between  England  and 
the  States,  and  many  mercantile  men  cross  the  Atlantic 

*  I  must  here  record  my  grateful  acknowledgments  to  f\  gentleman 
in  a  prominent  public  position  in  Canada,  wlio  has  furnished  me  witli 
much  valuable  information  wliich  I  should  not  otherwise  have 

--^... ,.^^., 



Chap.  I. 

twice  annually  on  business,  and  think  nothing  of  it,  the 
voyage  seems  an  important  event  when  undertaken  for  the 
first  time.  Friends  living  in  inland  counties,  and  those 
who  have  been  sea-sick  in  crossing  the  straits  of  Dover, 
exaggerate  the  dangers  and  discomforts  of  ocean  travel- 
ling, and  shake  their  heads  knowingly  about  fogs  and 

Then  tliere  are  a  certain  number  of  boxes  to  be 
packed,  and  a  very  uncertain  number  of  things  to  fill 
them,  while  clothing  has  to  be  provided  suitable  to  a 
tropical  summer,  and  a  winter  within  the  arctic  circle. 
But  a  variety  of  minor  arrangements,  and  even  an  inde- 
finite number  of  leave-takings,  cannot  be  indefinitely  pro- 
longed ;  and  at  eight  o'clock  on  a  Saturday  morning  in 
1854, 1  found  myself  with  my  friends  on  the  landing-stage 
at  Liverpool. 

AVhatever  sentimental  feelings  one  might  be  inclined 
to  indulge  in  on  leaving  the  shores  of  England  were 
usefully  and  instantaneously  annihilated  by  the  discomfort 
and  crush  in  the  Satellite  steam-tender,  in  which  the 
passengers  were  conveyed,  helplessly  huddled  together 
like  a  flock  of  sheep,  to  the  Canada,  an  1 850-ton  paddle- 
wheel  steamer  of  the  Cunard  line,  which  was  moored  in 
the  centre  of  the  Mersey. 

An  investigation  into  the  state-rooms,  and  the  recital 
of  disappointed  expectations  consequent  on  the  discovery 
of  their  very  small  dimensions,  the  rescue  of  "  regulation" 
portmanteaus  from  sailors  who  were  running  off  with 
them,  and  the  indulgence  of  that  errant  curiosity  which 
glances  at  everything  and  rests  on  nothing,  occupied  the 
time  before  the  arrival  of  the  mail-boat  with  about  two 


Chap.  I. 

Chap,  T. 


r  it,  the 
1  for  the 
[id  those 
:  Dover, 
I  travel- 
:bgs  and 

s  to  be 
:s  to  fill 
ble  to  a 
10  circle, 
an  inde- 
tely  pro- 
trning  in 

md  were 
lich  the 
oored  in 

le  recital 
off  with 
ty  which 
pied  the 
jout  two 

tons  of  letters  and  nevvspapers,  which  were  consigned  to 
tlie  mail-room  with  incredible  rapidity. 

Then  friends  were  abru])tly  dismissed — two  guns  were 
lired — the  lashings  were  cast  oil" — the  stars  and  stripes 
flaunted  gaily  from  the  'fore — the  captain  and  pilot  took 
their  places  on  the  paddle-boxes — the  bell  rang — our  huge 
paddle-wheels  revolved,  and,  to  use  the  words  in  which 
the  same  event  was  chronicled  by  the  daily  press, 
"  The  Cimard  royal  mail  steamer  Canada,  Captain  Stone, 
left  the  Mersey  this  morning  for  Boston  and  Halifax, 
conveying  the  usual  mails ;  with  one  hundred  and  sixty- 
eight  passengers,  and  a  large  cargo  on  freight." 

It  was  an  auspiciously  commenced  voyage  as  far  as 
appearances  went.  The  summer  sun  shone  brightly — 
the  waves  of  the  Mersey  were  crisp  and  foam-capped — 
and  the  fields  of  England  had  never  worn  a  brighter 
green.  The  fleet  of  merchant-ships  through  which  we 
passed  was  not  without  an  interest.  There  were  timber- 
ships,  huge  and  square-sided,  unmistakeably  from  Quebec 
or  Miramichi — green  high-sterned  Dutch  galliots — Ame- 
rican ships  with  long  black  hulls  and  tall  raking  masts — 
and  those  far-famed  "  Black  Ball "  clippers,  the  Marco 
Folo  and  the  Champion  of  the  Seas, — in  short,  the  ships 
of  all  nations,  with  their  marked  and  distinguishing  pecu- 
liarities. But  the  most  interesting  object  of  all  was  the 
screw  troop-ship  Himalaya^  which  was  embarking  the 
Scots  Greys  for  the  Crimea — that  regiment  which  has 
since  earned  so  glorious  but  fatal  a  celebrity  on  the 
Id  of  Balaklava. 


It  is  to  be  supposed  that  to  tl 

lose  w 


were  crossmi 

the  Atlantic  for  the  first  time  to  the  western  hemisphere 




Chap.  I. 

there  was  some  degree  of  excitement,  and  that  regret 
was  among  the  feelings  with  which  they  saw  the  coast  of 
England  become  a  faint  cloud  on  tlie  horizon  ;  but  soon 
oblivion  stole  over  the  intellects  of  most  of  the  passengers, 
leaving  one  absorbing  feeling  of  disgust,  first  to  the 
viands,  next  to  those  who  could  partake  of  them,  and 
lastly  to  everything  connected  with  the  sea.  Fortunately 
this  state  of  things  only  lasted  for  two  days,  as  the 
weather  was  very  calm,  and  we  ran  with  studding-sails 
set  before  a  fair  wind  as  far  as  tlie  Nova  Scotian  coast. 

The  genius  of  Idleness  presided  over  us  all.  There 
were  five  ample  meals  every  day,  and  people  ate,  and 
walked  till  they  could  eat  again  ;  while  some,  extended  on 
sofas,  slept  over  odd  volumes  of  novels  from  the  ship's 
library,  and  others  played  at  chess,  cards,  or  backgammon 
from  morning  to  night.  Some  of  the  more  active  spirits 
played  "  shuffle -boards,"  which  kept  the  deck  in  an 
uproar ;  while  others  enjoyed  the  dolce  far  niente  in  their 
berths,  except  when  the  bell  summoned  to  meals.  There 
were  weather-wise  people,  who  smoked  round  the  funnel 
all  day,  and  prophesied  foul  winds  every  night ;  and  perti- 
nacious querists,  who  asked  the  captain  every  hour  or  two 
when  we  should  reach  Halifax.  Some  betted  on  the 
"  run,"  and  others  on  the  time  of  reaching  port  i  in  short, 
every  expedient  was  resorted  to  by  which  time  could  be 

We  had  about  twenty  English  passengers ;  the  rest 
were  Canadians,  Americans,  Jews,  Germans,  Dutch, 
French,  Californians,  Spaniards,  and  Bavarians.  Strict 
equality  was  preserved  in  this  heterogeneous  assembly. 
An  Irish  pork- merchant  was  seated  at  dinner  next  a  Jew, 

Chap.  I. 

Chap.  I. 


beat  regret 
lie  coast  of 
;  but  soon 
rst  to  the 
tbeni,  and 
ys,  as  the 
.n  coast. 
,11.  There 
3  ate,  and 
xtended  on 

the  ship's 
tive  spirits 
ck  in  an 
nte  in  their 

s.  Tliere 
the  funnel 

and  perti- 
our  or  two 
ed  on  the 
in  short, 
could  be 

the  rest 
,  Dutch, 
lis.  Strict 
!xt  a  Jew, 

who  regarded  tlic  ])ig  in  toto  as  an  abomination — a  lady, 
a  scion  of  a  ducal  family,  found  lierself  next  to  a  French 
cook  ffoinc;  out  to  a  San  Francis*. tUi  ea*' ^2;-liouse — an 
officer,  going  out  to  higli  command  at  Halifax,  was  seated 
next  a  rough  Californian,  who  wore  "nuggets"  of  gold 
for  buttons ;  and  there  were  contrasts  even  stronger  than 
tlicse.  The  most  cons])icuous  of  our  fellow-voyagers  was 
the  editor  of  an  American  pajier,  who  was  writing  a  series 
of  clever  but  scurrilous  articles  on  England,  from  materials 
gleaned  in  a  three  weeks'  tour ! 

Some  of  the  Americans  were  very  fond  of  practical 
jokes,  but  these  were  rather  of  a  stupid  description. 
There  was  a  Spanish  gentleman  who  used  to  promenade 
the  deck  with  a  dignity  worthy  of  the  Cid  Rodrigo,  ad- 
dressing everybody  he  met  with  the  question,  *■'' Parlez- 
vous  Fraui^ais^  Munsieur  9  "  and  at  the  end  of  the  voyage 
his  stock  of  English  only  amounted  to  "Dice?  Sixpence." 
One  day  at  dinner  this  gentleman  requested  a  French- 
speaking  Californian  to  tell  him  how  to  ask  for  du  pain 
in  English.  "  My  donkeys,"  was  the  prompt  re})ly,  and 
the  joke  was  winked  down  the  table,  wbile  tlie  Spaniard 
was  hammering  away  at  "  My  donkeys"  till  he  got  the 
pronunciation  perfect.  The  waiter  came  round,  and  the 
unhappy  man,  in  confident  but  mellifluous  tones,  pointing 
to  the  bread,  asked  for  "  My  donkeys." 

Comic  drinking-songs,  and  satires  on  the  English,  the 
latter  to  the  tune  of  '  Yankee  Doodle,'  were  sung  in  the 
saloon  in  the  evenings  round  large  bowls  of  punch,  and 
had  the  effect  of  keeping  many  of  the  ladies  on  deck, 
when  a  refuge  from  the  cold  and  spray  would  have  been 
desirable ;  but  with  this   exception  the   conduct   of  the 

B  3 





Chap.  I. 

passengers  on  the  whole  was  marked  by  fur  more  pro- 
priety than  could  have  been  exj)ected  from  so  mixed  a 
company.  If  the  captain  had  been  more  of  a  disciplina- 
rian, even  this  annoyance  might  have  been  avoided. 

I  had  the  misfortune  of  having  for  my  companion  in 
my  state-room  an  ]']nglishwoman  who  had  resided  for 
some  years  at  New  York,  and  who  combined  in  herself 
the  disagreeable  qualities  of  both  nations.  She  was  in  a 
frequent  state  of  intoxication,  and  kept  gin,  brandy,  and 
beer  in  her  bci'th.  AVhether  sober  or  not,  she  was  equally 
voluble ;  and  as  her  language  was  not  only  inelegant,  but 
replete  with  coarseness  and  profanity,  the  annoyance  was 
almost  insupportable.  She  was  a  professed  atheist,  and 
as  such  justly  an  object  of  commiseration,  the  weakness 
of  her  unbelief  being  clearly  manifested  by  the  frequency 
with  which  she  denied  the  existence  of  a  God. 

On  one  day,  as  I  was  reading  my  Bible,  she  exclaimed 
with  a  profane  expression,  "  I  wish  you'd  pitch  that  book 
overboard,  it 's  enough  to  sink  the  ship ;"  the  contradic- 
tion implied  in  the  words  showing  the  weakness  of  her 
atheism,  which,  while  it  promises  a  man  the  impunity  of 
non-existence,  and  degrades  him  to  desire  it,  very  fre- 
quently seduces  him  to  live  as  an  infidel,  but  to  die  a  ter- 
rified and  despairing  believer. 

It  was  a  very  uneventful  voyage.  The  foul  winds  pro- 
phesied never  blew,  the  icebergs  kept  far  away  to  the 
northward,  the  excitement  of  flight  from  Russian  pri- 
vateers was  exchanged  for  the  sight  of  one  harmless  mer- 
chantman ;  even  the  fogs  off  Newfoundland  turned  out 
complete  mytJis. 

On  the  seventh  day  out  the  bets  on  the  hour  of  our 

Cii.vr.  I. 

more  pro- 
3  mixed  a 

npanion  in 

L'sided   for 

in  herself 

0  was  in  a 
landy,  and 
i^as  equally 
iegant,  but 
3yance  was 
theist,  and 
e  weakness 

1  frequency 


1  that  book 


less  of  her 

mjjunity  of 

very  fre- 

die  a  ter- 

winds  pro- 
vay  to  the 
issian  pri- 
nless  mer- 
urned  out 

our  of  our 

ClIAI'.   I. 





arrival  at  Halifax  increased  in  number  and  magnitude, 
and  a  lottery  was  started ;  on  the  eighth  we  passed  Cape 
Race,  and  spoke  the  steamer  Asia;  our  rigg'ng  was 
tightened,  and  our  railings  polished ;  and  in  nine  d^iys  and 
five  honrs  from  Liverpool  we  huided  on  the  shores  of  the 
New  World.  The  day  previous  to  our  landing  was  a 
Sunday,  and  I  was  })leased  to  observe  the  decorum  which 
pervaded  the  ship.  Service  was  conducted  with  propriety 
in  the  morning ;  a  large  proportion  of  the  passengers 
read  their  Vibles  or  other  religious  books;  punch,  chess, 
and  cards  were  banished  from  the  saloon ;  and  though 
we  had  almost  as  many  creeds  as  nationalities,  and  some 
had  no  creed  at  all,  yet  those  who  might  ridicule  the  ob- 
servance of  the  Sabbath  themselves,  avoided  any  proceed- 
ings calculated  to  shock  what  they  might  term  the  preju- 
dices of  others. 

On  the  next  day  we  had  a  slight  head  wind  for  the  first 
time ;  most  of  the  passengers  were  sea-sick,  and  those 
who  were  not  so  were  promenading  the  wet,  sooty  deck  in 
the  rain,  in  a  uniform  of  oilskin  coats  and  caps.  The 
sea  and  sky  were  both  of  a  leaden  colour ;  and  as  there 
was  nothing  to  enliven  the  prospect  but  the  gambols  of 
some  very  uncouth-looking  porpoises,  I  was  lying  half 
asleep  on  a  settee,  when  I  was  roused  by  the  voice  of  a 
kind-hearted  Yankee  skipper,  saying,  "  Come,  get  up ; 
there 's  a  glorious  country  and  no  mistake  ;  a  great  coun- 
try, a  progressive  country,  the  greatest  country  under 
the  sun."  The  honest  sailor  was  rubbing  his  hands  with 
delight  as  he  spoke,  his  broad,  open  countenance  beaming 
with  a  perfect  glow  of  satisfaction.  I  looked  in  the  direc- 
tion indicated  by  his  finger,  and  beheld,  not  the  lofty 



'  t 




ClIAI'.  I. 

pinnacled  dill's  of  the  "  Pilgrim  Fathers,"  but  a  low 
gloomy  coast,  looming  through  a  mist. 

1  already  began  to  a])preeiate  the  hearty  enthusiasm 
with  which  Americans  always  speak  of  tlieir  country,  de- 
signated as  it  is  by  us  by  the  names  "  National  vanity," 
and  "  Boastfulness."  This  esprit  dii  jmijs,  although  it 
is  sometimes  carried  to  a  ridiculous  extent,  is  greatly  to 
be  preferred  to  the  abusive  manner  in  whici;  an  English- 
man accustoms  himself  to  speak  of  the  glorious  country 
to  which  he  appears  to  feel  it  a  disgi'ace  to  belong.  It 
does  one  good  to  hear  an  American  discourse  on  America, 
his  panegyric  generally  concluding  with  the  words, 
"  We're  the  greatest  peo])le  on  the  face  of  the  earth." 

At  dusk,  after  steaming  during  the  whole  day  along 
the  low  green  coast  of  Nova  Scotia,  we  were  just  outside 
the  heads  of  Halifax  harbour,  and  the  setting  sun  was 
bathing  the  low,  pine-clad  hills  of  America  in  floods  of 
purple  light.  A  pilot  came  off  to  offer  his  services,  but 
was  rejected,  and  to  my  delight  he  hailed  in  a  pure 
English  accent,  which  sounded  like  a  friendly  welcome. 
The  captain  took  his  place  on  the  paddle-box,  and  our 
speed  was  slackened.  Two  guns  were  fired,  and  their 
echoes  rolled  for  many  a  mile  among  the  low,  purple  hills, 
from  which  a  soft,  fragrant  scent  of  pines  was  borne  to  us 
on  the  evening  breeze,  reminding  me  of  the  far-distant 
mountains  of  Scotland.  The  tiny  waves  rippled  towards 
us  like  diamonds,  the  moon  and  stars  shone  brilliantly 
from  a  summer  sky,  and  the  white  smoke  from  our  guns 
floated  away  in  silver  clouds. 

People  were  tumbling  over  each  other  in  their  haste, 
and  making  impossible  demands,  each  one  being  anxious 


CnAi'.  I. 
Ut   a   low 

uitry,  dc- 
,1  vanity," 
tliough  it 
greatly  to 
1  Englisli- 
s  country 
;long.     It 
le    words, 
day  along 
[st  outside 
y  sun  was 
floods  of 
•vices,  but 
n  a  pure 
,  and  our 
and  their 
pie  hills, 
3rne  to  us 
our  guns 

Chap.  1, 



to  lij  ve  his  luggage  produced  lirst,  though  the  said  lug- 
cajre  mijrht  he  at  the  bottom  of  the  hold  ;  babies,  as 
hahios  always  do,  persisted  in  crying  just  at  the  wrong 
time  ;  articles  essential  to  the  toilet  were  missing,  and 
sixpences  or  half-sovereigns  had  found  their  way  into 
impossible  crevices.  Invitations  were  given,  cards  ex- 
clicinged,  elderly  ladies  imthinidngly  promised  to  make 
errant  expeditions  to  visit  agreeable  acquaintances  in 
California,  and  by  the  time  the  last  words  had  been 
spoken  we  were  safely  moored  at  Cunard's  wharf. 

The  evening  gun  boomed  from  the  citadel.  I  heard 
the  well-known  British  bugle ;  I  saw  the  familiar  scarlet 
of  our  troops  ;  tiie  voices  which  vociferated  were  English  ; 
the  physiognomies  had  the  Anglo-Saxon  cast  and  com- 
plexion ;  and  on  the  shores  of  the  western  hemisphere  I 
felt  myself  at  home.  Yet,  as  I  sprang  from  the  boat,  and 
set  my  foot  for  the  first  time  on  American  soil,  I  was 
vexed  that  these  familiar  sights  and  sounds  should  de- 
prive me  of  the  pleasurable  feeling  of  excitement  which 
I  had  expected  to  experience  under  such  novel  circum- 

eir  haste, 


I    M 



Cir.vp.  II. 


An  inhospitiiblo  reception  —  Hnlifiix  and  the  Blue  Noses — The  heat  — 
Dinappointed  expectations  —  Tlio  great  departed — ^Vllat  the  Bluo 
Noaes  might  bo  ■ — What  the  coach  was  not  —  Nova  Scotia  and  its 
capabilities  —  The  roads  and  tlieir  aiuioyances  —  A  tea  dinner  —  A 
night  jonrney  and  a  Higldaud  cabin  —  A  nautical  catastrophe  — 
A  joyful  reunion. 

The  Curuird  steamers  are  powerful,  punctual,  and  safe, 
their  cuisine  excellent,  their  arrangements  admirable,  till 
they  reach  Halifax,  which  is  usually  the  destination  of 
many  of  the  passengers.  I  will  su])pose  that  the  voyage 
has  been  propitious,  and  our  guns  have  thundered  forth 
the  announcement  that  the  news  of  the  Old  World  has 
reached  the  New  ;  that  the  stewards  have  been  fee'd  and 
the  captain  complimented ;  and  that  we  have  parted  on 
the  best  possible  terms  with  the  Company,  the  ship,  and  our 
fellow-passengers.  The  steamer  generally  remains  for 
two  or  three  hours  at  Halifax  to  coal,  and  unship  a  portion 
of  her  cargo,  and  there  is  a  very  natural  desire  on  the 
part  of  the  passengers  to  leave  what  to  many  is  at  best 
a  floating  })rison,  and  set  foot  on  firm  ground,  even  for 
an  hour.  Those  who,  like  ourselves,  land  at  Halifax  for 
the  interior,  are  anxious  to  obtain  rooms  at  the  hotel,  and 
all  who  have  nothing  else  to  do  hurry  to  the  ice-shop, 
where  the  luxury  of  a  tumbler  of  raspberry-cream  ice 
can  be  obtained  for  threepence.      Besides  the  hurried 

Chap.  IT. 



rush  of  thoso  who  with  tlioso  var'u'd  ohjocts  in  viow  \cnvc 
tlie  stojinior,  thoro  aro  crowds  of  iiiconiors  in  tho  shape  of 
porters,  visitors,  and  coallieavers,  and  passengers  for  tlie 
States,  wlio  prefer  tlie  comfort  and  kjiown  jmnctuaUty  of 
tlie  Royal  Mail  steamers  to  the  delay,  dangt'r,  and  uncer- 
tainty of  the  intercolonial  route,  though  the  expense  of 
the  former  is  nearly  douhle.  There  are  the  friends  of 
the  passengm's,  and  numhers  of  persons  who  seem  ])articu- 
larly  well  ac([uainted  with  the  purser,  who  bring  fruits, 
vegetables,  meat,  poultry,  and  lobsters. 

From  this  description  it  may  bo  imagined  that  there  is 
a  motley  and  considerable  crowd  ;  but  it  will  scarcely  be 
imagined  that  there  is  only  one  regulation,  which  is,  that 
no  persons  may  enter  or  depart  till  the  mail-bags  have 
been  landed.  The  wharf  is  small  and  at  night  unlighted, 
and  the  scene  which  ensued  on  our  landing  about  eight 
o'clock  in  the  evening  reminded  me,  not  by  contrast,  but 
resemblance,  of  descriptions  wliich  travellers  give  of  the 
disembarkation  at  Alexandria.  Directly  that  the  board 
was  laid  from  the  Canada  to  the  wharf  a  rush  both  in 
and  out  took  place,  in  which  I  was  separated  from  my 
relations,  and  should  have  fallen  had  not  a  friend,  used 
to  the  scene  of  disorder,  come  to  my  assistance. 

The  wharf  was  dirty,  unlighted,  and  under  repair, 
covered  with  heaps  and  full  of  holes.  My  friend  was 
carrying  three  parcels,  when  three  or  four  men  made  a 
rush  at  us,  seized  them  from  him,  and  were  only  com- 
pelled to  relinquish  them  by  some  sharp  physical  argu- 
ments. A  large  gateway,  lighted  by  one  feeble  oil-lamp 
at  the  head  of  the  wharf,  was  then  opened,  and  the  crowd 
pent  up  behind  it  came  pouring  down  the  sloping  road. 





Chap.  II. 



There  wvas  a  simultaneous  rush  of  trucks,  hand-carts, 
waggons,  and  cars,  their  horses  at  full  trot  or  canter,  two 
of  them  rushing  against  the  gravel-heap  on  which  I  was 
standing,  where  they  were  uj)set.  Struggling,  shouting, 
beating,  and  scuffling,  the  drivers  all  forced  their  way 
upon  the  wharf,  regardless  of  cries  from  the  ladies  and 
threats  from  the  gentlemen,  for  all  the  passengers  had 
landed  and  were  fighting  their  way  to  an  ice-shop.  Por- 
ters were  scuffling  with  each  other  for  the  possession  of 
portmanteaus,  wheels  were  locked,  and  drivers  were  vehe- 
mently expostulating  in  the  rich  brogue  of  Erin  ;  people 
were  jostling  each  other  in  their  haste,  or  diving  into  the 
dimly-lighted  custom-house,  and  it  must  have  been  fully 
half  an  hour  before  we  had  extricated  ourselves  from  this 
chaos  of  mismanagement  and  disorder,  by  scrambling  over 
gravel-iieaps  and  piles  of  timber,  into  the  dirty,  unlighted 
streets  of  Halifax. 

Dirty  they  were  then,  though  the  weather  was  very 
dry,  for  oyster-shells,  fish  heads  and  bones,  potato-skins, 
and  cabbage-stalks  littered  the  roads ;  but  dirt?/  was  a 
word  which  does  not  give  the  faintest  description  of  the 
almost  impassable  state  in  which  I  found  them,  when  I 
waded  through  them  ankle-deep  in  mud  some  months 

We  took  apartments  for  two  days  at  the  Waverley 
House,  a  most  comfortless  place,  yet  the  best  inn  at 
Halifax.  Three  hours  after  we  landed,  the  Canada  fired 
her  guns,  and  steamed  off  to  Boston ;  and  as  I  saw  her 
coloured  lights  disappear  round  the  heads  of  the  harbour, 
I  did  not  feel  the  slightest  regret  at  having  taken  leave 
of  her  for  ever. 

All  til 

ClIAP.  II, 



We  remained  for  two  days  at  Halifax,  and  saw  the 
little  which  was  worth  seeing  in  the  Nova-Scotian  capital. 
I  was  disappointed  to  find  the  description  of  the  lassitude 
and  want  of  enterprise  of  the  Nova-Scotians,  given  by 
Judge  Halliburton,  so  painfully  correct.  Halifax  pos- 
sesses one  of  the  deepest  and  most  commodious  harbours 
in  the  world,  and  is  so  safe  that  ships  need  no  other  guide 
into  it  than  their  charts.  There  are  several  small  forti- 
fied islands  at  its  mouth,  which  assist  in  its  defence  with- 
out impeding  the  navigation.  These  formidable  forts 
protect  the  entrance,  and  defend  the  largest  naval  depot 
which  we  possess  in  North  America.  The  town  itself, 
which  contains  about  25,000  people,  is  on  a  small  penin- 
sula, and  stands  on  a  slope  rising  from  the  water's  edge 
to  the  citadel,  which  is  heavily  armed,  and  amply  sufficient 
for  every  purpose  of  defence.  There  are  very  great 
natural  advantages  in  the  neighbourhood,  lime,  coal, 
slate,  and  minerals  being  abundant,  added  to  which  Hali- 
fax is  the  nearest  port  to  Europe. 

Yet  it  must  be  confessed  that  the  Nova-Scotians  are 
far  behind,  not  only  their  neighbours  in  the  States,  but 
their  fellow-subjects  in  Canada  and  New  Brunswick. 
There  are  capacious  wharfs  and  roomy  warehouses,  yet 
one  laments  over  the  absence  of  everything  like  trade 
and  business.  With  the  finest  harbour  in  North  America, 
with  a  country  abounding  in  minerals,  and  coasts  swarm- 
ing with  fish,  the  Nova-Scotians  appear  to  have  expunged 
the  word  progress  from  their  dictionary — still  live  in 
shingle  houses,  in  streets  without  side  walks,  rear  long- 
legged  ponies,  and  talk  largely  about  railroads,  which 
they  seem  as  if  they  would  never  complete,  because  they 



Chap.  II. 

trust  more  to  the  House  of  Assembly  tlian  to  their  own 
energies.  Consequently  their  astute  and  enterprising 
neighbours  the  Yankees,  the  acute  speculators  of  Massa- 
chusetts and  Connecticut,  have  seized  upon  the  traffic 
wh'ch  they  have  allowed  to  escape  them,  and  have  di- 
verted it  to  the  thriving  town  of  Portland  in  Maine. 
The  day  after  we  landed  was  one  of  intense  heat,  the 
thermometer  stood  at  93°  in  the  shade.  The  rays  of  a 
summer  sun  scorched  the  shingle  roof  of  our  hotel,  and, 
penetrating  the  thin  plank  walls,  made  the  interior  of  the 
house  perfectly  unbearable.  There  were  neither  sun- 
shades nor  Venetian  blinds,  and  not  a  tree  to  shade  the 
square  white  wooden  house  from  an  almost  tropical  heat. 

When  I  came  into  the  parlour  I  found  Colonel  H 

stretched  on  the  sofa,  almost  expiring  with  heat,  my 
cousin  standing  panting  before  the  window  in  his  shirt- 
sleeves, and  liis  little  boy  lying  moaning  on  the  hearth- 
rug, with  his  shoes  off,  and  his  complexion  like  that  of  a 
Red  Indian.  One  of  our  party  had  been  promenading 
the  broiling  streets  of  Halifax  without  his  coat !  A  gen- 
tleman from  one  of  the  Channel  Islands,  of  unsophisticated 
manners  and  excellent  disposition,  who  had  landed  with 
us  en  route  to  a  town  on  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence,  had 
fancied  our  North  American  colonies  for  ever  "  locked  in 
regions  of  thick-ribbed  ice,"  and  consequently  was  abun- 
dantly provided  with  warm  clothing  of  every  description. 
With  this  he  was  prepared  to  face  a  thermometer  at 
twenty  degrees  belov/  zero. 

But  when  he  found  a  torrid  sun,  and  the  thermometer 
at  93°  in  the  shade,  his  courage  failed  him,  and,  with  all 
his   preconceived  ideas  overthrown  by  the  burning   ex- 

Chap.  II. 



perience  of  one  (lay,  despair  seized  on  him,  and  his  ex- 
pressions of  horror  and  astonishment  were  coupled  with 
lamentations  over  the  green  Utility  of  Jersey.  The 
colonel  was  obliged  to  report  himself  at  head-quarters  in 
his  full  uniform,  which  was  evidently  tight  and  hot ;  and 
after  changing  his  apparel  three  times  in  the  day,  appa- 
rently without  being  a  gainer,  he  went  out  to  make 
certain  meteorological  inquiries,  among  others  if  93°  were 
a  common  temperature. 

The  conclusion  he  arrived  at  was,  that  the  "  climate 
alternates  between  the  heat  of  India  and  the  cold  of 

We  braved  the  heat  at  noonday  in  a  stroll  through  the 
town,  for,  from  the  perfect  dryness  of  the  atmosphere,  it 
is  not  of  an  oppressive  nature.  I  saw  few  whites  in  the 
streets  at  this  hour.  Tiiere  were  a  great  many  Indians 
lying  by  the  door-steps,  having  disposed  of  their  baskets, 
besoms,  and  raspberries,  by  the  sale  of  which  they  make 
a  scanty  livelihood.  The  men,  with  their  jet-black  hair, 
rich  complexions,  and  dark  liquid  brown  eyes,  were  almost 
invariably  handsome ;  and  the  women,  whose  beauty 
departs  before  they  are  twenty,  were  something  in  the 
"  Meg  Merinlics  "  style. 

When  the  French  first  colonised  this  country,  they 
called  it  "  Acadie."  The  tribes  of  the  Mic-Mac  Indians 
peopled  its  forests,  and,  among  the  dark  woods  which 
then  surrounded  Halifax,  they  worshipped  the  Great 
Spirit,  and  hunted  the  moose-deer.  Their  birch-bark 
wigwams  peeped  from  among  the  trees,  their  squaws 
urged  their  light  canoes  over  the  broad  deep  harbour, 
and  their  wise  men  spoke  to  them  of  the  "  happy  hunting- 










Chap.  II. 

groiinds."  The  French  destroyed  them  not,  and  gave 
them  a  corrupted  form  of  Christianity,  inciting  their  pas- 
sions against  the  English  by  telling  them  that  they  were 
the  people  who  had  crucified  the  Saviour.  Better  had  it 
beer  for  them  if  battle  or  pestilence  had  swept  them  at 
once  away. 

The  Mic-Macs  were  a  fierce  and  warlike  people,  too 
proud  to  mingle  with  an  alien  race — too  restless  and 
active  to  conform  to  tlie  settled  habits  of  civilization. 
Too  proud  to  avail  themselves  of  its  advantages,  they 
learned  its  vices,  and,  as  the  snow-wreaths  in  spring,  they 
melted  away  before  the  poisonous  "  fire-water,"  and  the 
deadly  curse  of  the  white  man's  wars.  They  had  wel- 
comed the  '*  pale  faces "  to  the  "  land  of  the  setting 
sun,"  and  withered  up  before  them,  smitten  by  their 

Almost  destitute  of  tradition,  their  history  involved  in 
obscurity,  their  broad  lands  filled  with  their  unknown  and 
nameless  graves,  these  mighty  races  have  passed  away  ; 
they  could  not  pass  into  slavery,  therefore  they  must  die. 

At  some  future  day  z  mighty  voice  may  ask  of  those 
who  have  thus  wronged  the  Indian,  "  AVhere  is  now  thy 
brother  ?  "  It  is  true  that  frequently  we  arrived  loo  late 
to  save  them  as  a  race  from  degradation  and  dispersion  ; 
but  as  they  heavily  tottered  along  to  their  last  home, 
under  the  burden  of  the  woes  which  contact  with  civili- 
zation ever  entails  upon  the  aborigines,  we  might  have 
spoken  to  them  the  tidings  of  "  peace  on  earth  and  good 
will  to  men" — of  a  Saviour  "  who  hath  abolished  death, 
and  hath  brought  life  and  immortality  to  light  through 
his  gospel." 

Chap.  II. 



Far  away  amid  the  thunders  of  Niagara,  surrounded 
by  a  perpetual  rainbow,  Iris  Island  contains  almost  the 
only  known  burying-place  of  the  race  of  red  men.  Pro- 
bably the  simple  Indians  who  buried  their  dead  in  a  place 
of  such  difficult  access,  and  sacred  to  the  Great  Spirit, 
did  so  from  a  wish  that  none  might  ever  disturb  their 
ashes.  None  can  tell  how  long  those  interred  there  have 
slept  their  last  long  sleep,  but  the  ruthless  hands  of  the 
white  men  have  profaned  the  last  resting-place  of  the 
departed  race. 

There  were  also  numerous  blacks  in  the  streets,  and, 
if  I  might  judge  from  the  brilliant  colours  and  good 
quality  of  their  clothing,  they  must  gain  a  pretty  good 
living  by  their  industry.  A  large  number  of  these  blacks 
and  their  parents  were  carried  away  from  the  States  by 
one  of  our  admirals  in  the  war  of  1812,  and  landed  at 

The  capital  of  Nova  Scotia  looks  like  a  town  of  cards, 
nearly  all  the  buildings  being  of  wood.  There  are 
wooden  houses,  wooden  churches,  wooden  wharfs,  wooden 
slates,  and,  if  there  are  side  walks,  they  are  of  wood  also. 
I  was  pleased  at  a  distance  with  the  appearance  of  two 
churches,  one  of  them  a  Gothic  edifice,  but  on  nearer  in- 
spection 1  found  them  to  be  of  wood,  and  took  refuge  in 
the  substantial  masonry  of  the  really  handsome  Province 
Building  and  Government  House.  We  went  up  to  the 
citadel,  which  crowns  the  hill,  and  is  composed  of  an 
agglomeration  of  granite  walls,  fosses,  and  casemates, 
mounds,  ditches,  barracks,  and  water-tanks. 

If  i  was  pleased  with  the  familiar  uniforms  of  the 
artillerymen  who  lounged  about  the  bai'racks,  I  was  far 



Chap.  II. 




more  so  with  the  view  from  the  citadel.  It  was  a  soft 
summer  evening,  and,  seen  through  the  transparent  at- 
mosphere, everytliing  looked  unnaturally  near.  The 
large  town  of  Haliftix  sloped  down  to  a  lake-like  harbour, 
about  two  miles  wide,  dotted  with  islands  ;  and  ranges  of 
picturesque  country  spangled  with  white  cottages  lay  on 
the  other  side.  The  lake  or  firth  reminded  me  of  the 
Gareloch,  and  boats  were  sailing  about  in  all  directions 
before  the  evening  breeze.  From  tangled  coppices  of 
birch  and  fir  proceeded  the  tinkle  of  the  bells  of 
numerous  cows,  and,  mingled  with  the  hum  of  the  city, 
the  strains  of  a  military  band  rose  from  the  streets  to 
our  ears. 

With  so  many  natural  advantages,  and  such  capa- 
bilities for  improvement,  I  cannot  but  regret  the  unhappy 
quarrels  and  maladministration  which  threaten  to  leave 
the  noble  colony  of  Nova  Scotia  an  incubus  and  excres- 
cence on  her  flourishing  and  progressive  neighbours, 
Canada  and  New  Brunswick.  From  the  talk  about  rail- 
ways, steamers,  and  the  House  of  Assembly,  it  is  pleasant 
to  turn  to  the  one  thing  which  has  been  really  done, 
namely,  the  establishment  of  an  electric  telegraph  line  to 
St.  John,  and  thence  to  the  States.  By  means  of  this 
system  of  wires,  which  is  rough  and  inexpensive  to  a 
degree  which  in  England  we  should  scarcely  believe,  the 
news  brought  by  the  English  mail  steamer  is  known  at 
Boston,  New  York,  New  Orleans,  Cincinnati,  and  all  the 
great  American  cities,  before  it  has  had  time  to  reach  the 
environs  of  Halifax  itself. 

The  telegraph  costs  about  20/.  per  mile,  and  the  wires 
are  generally  supported  on  the  undressed  stems  of  pines, 

Chap.  II. 



but  are  often  carried  from  tree  to  tree  along  miserable 
roads,  or  through  the  deep  recesses  of  the  forests. 

The  stores  in  Halifax  are  pretty  good,  all  manu- 
factured articles  being  sold  at  an  advance  on  English 
prices.  Books  alone  are  cheap  and  abundant,  being  the 
American  editions  of  pirated  English  works. 

On  the  morning  when  we  left  Halifax  I  was  awakened 
by  the  roll  of  the  British  drum  and  the  stirring  strains  of 
the  Highland  bagpipe.  Keady  equipped  for  the  tedious 
journey  before  us,  from  Halifax  to  Pictou  in  the  north  of 
the  colony,  I  was  at  the  inn -door  at  six,  watching  the 
fruitless  attempts  of  the  men  to  pile  our  mountain  of 
luggage  on  the  coach. 

Do  not  let  the  word  coach  coniure  up  a  vision  of  "  the 
good  old  times"  a  dashing  mail  with  a  well-groorncd  team 
of  active  bays,  harness  all  "  spick  and  span,"  a  gentle- 
manly-looking coachman,  and  a  guard  in  military  scarlet, 
the  whole  affair  rattling  along  the  road  at  a  pace  of  ten 
miles  an  hour. 

The  vehicle  in  which  we  performed  a  journey  of  120 
miles  in  20  hours  deserves  a  description.  It  consisted  of 
a  huge  coach-body,  slung  upon  two  thick  leather  straps ; 
the  sides  were  open,  and  the  places  where  windows  ought 
to  have  been  were  screened  by  heavy  curtains  of  tarnished 
moose-deer  hide.  Inside  were  four  cross-seats,  intended 
to  accommodate  twelve  persons,  who  were  very  imper- 
fectly sheltered  from  the  weather.  Behind  was  a  large 
rack  for  luggage,  and  at  the  back  of  the  driving-seat  was 
a  bench  which  held  three  persons.  The  stage  was  painted 
scarlet,  but  looked  as  if  it  had  not  been  washed  for  a  year. 
The  team  of  six  strong  white  horses  was  driven  by  a 






NOVA  S'^'^-IA, 

Chap.  II. 

Yankee,  remarkable  only  for  his  silence.  About  a  ton  of 
luggage  was  packed  on  and  behind  the  stage,  and  two 
open  portmanteaus  were  left  behind  without  the  slightest 
risk  to  their  contents. 

Twelve  people  and  a  baby  were  with  some  difficulty 
stowed  in  the  stage,  and  the  few  interstices  were  filled  up 
with  baskets,  bundles,  and  packages.  The  coachman 
whipped  his  horses,  and  we  rattled  down  the  uneven 
streets  of  Halifax  to  a  steam  ferry-boat,  which  conveyed 
the  stage  across  to  Dartmouth,  and  was  so  well  arranged 
that  the  six  horses  had  not  to  alter  their  positions. 

Our  road  lay  for  many  miles  over  a  barren,  rocky,  un- 
dulating country,  covered  with  var  and  spruce  trees,  with 
an  undergrowth  of  raspberry,  wild  rhododendron,  and 
alder.  We  passed  a  chain  of  lakes  extending  for  sixteen 
miles,  their  length  varying  from  one  to  three  miles,  and 
their  shores  covered  with  forests  of  gloomy  pine.  People 
are  very  apt  to  say  that  Nova  Scotia  is  sterile  and  barren, 
because  they  have  not  penetrated  into  the  interior.  It  is 
certainly  rather  difficult  of  access,  but  I  was  by  no  means 
sorry  that  my  route  lay  through  it.  The  coast  of  Nova 
Scotia  is  barren,  and  bears  a  very  distinct  re?v.mblance  to 
the  east  of  Scotland.  The  climate,  though  severe  in 
winter  and  very  foggy,  is  favourable  both  to  health  and 
vegetation  The  peach  and  grape  ripen  in  the  open  air, 
and  the  cultivation  of  corn  and  potatoes  amply  repays  the 
cultivator.  A  great  part  of  the  country  is  still  covered 
with  wood,  evidently  a  second  growth,  for,  wherever  the 
trees  of  the  fir  tribe  are  cut  down  or  destroyed  by  fire, 
hard-wood  trees  spring  up. 

So   among  the    maple,    the   American  elm,   and   the 


Ch\p.  II. 

ClIAP.  11. 



a  ton  of 
ind  two 

filled  up 

oeky,  un- 
•ecs,  with 
ron,   and 
3r  sixteen 
niles,  and 
A  barren, 
.or.     It  is 
[no  means 
of  Nova 
iblance  to 
Isevere  in 
jalth  and 
open  air, 
jepays  the 
|l  covered 
:rever  the 
^d  by  fire, 

and   the 

pnrplo-])l()ss()nicd  sumach,  the  huge  scorched  and  leafless 
steins  of  pines  would  tlu'ow  up  their  giant  arms  as  if  to 
tell  of  sumo  former  conflagration.     In  clearings  among 
these  woods,  slopes  of  ground  are  to  be  seen  covered  with 
crops  of  oats  and  maize,  varied  with  potatoes  and  pump- 
kins.    Wherever  tiie   ground  is  unusually  ])oor  on  the 
surfiice,  mineral  treasures  abound.     There  are  beds  of 
coal  of  vast  thickness ;  iron  in  various  forms  is  in  pro- 
fusion, and  the  supply  of  gypsum  is  inexhaustible.    Many 
parts  of  the  country  are  very  suitable  for  cattle- rearing, 
and    there  are  "water  privih'ges"   without  end  in  the 
shape    of  numerous   rivers.     I  have   seldom    seen  finer 
country  in  the  colonies  than  the  large  tract  of  cleared 
undulating  land  about  Truro,  and   I  am  told  that  it  is 
far  exceeded  by  that  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Windsor. 
Wherever  apple-trees  were  planted  they  seemed  to  flourish, 
and  the  size  and  flavour  of  their  fruit  evidences  a  short, 
hot  summer.     While  the  interior  of  the  country  is  so 
fertile,  and  is  susceptible  of  a  high  degree  of  improve- 
ment, it  is  scarcely  fair  in  the  Nova-Scotians  to  account 
for  their  backwardness   by  pointing   strangers   to    their 
sterile   and    iron-bound   coast.     But   they  are  a  moral, 
hardy,  and  loyal  people .;    none  of  our  colonial  fellow- 
subjects  are  more  attached  to  the  British  crown,  or  more 
ready  to  take  up  arms  in  its  defence. 

I  was  greatly  pleased  with  much  that  I  heard,  and 
with  the  little  I  saw  of  the  Nova-Scotians.  They  seemed 
temperate,  sturdy,  and  independent,  and  the  specimens 
we  had  of  them  in  the  stage  were  civil,  agreeable,  and 

After  passing  the  pretty  little  village  of  Dartmouth, 






Chap.  II. 

\vc  camo  upon  some  wigw.ims  of  bircli-]){irk  among  tho 
troes.  Somo  squaws,  witli  jjiipooses  stra])p('(l  upon  tlu?ir 
backs,  starc'd  vacantly  at  us  as  wo  ]/assed,  and  one  littlo 
barefooted  Indian,  witb  a  lack  of  apparel  which  showed 
his  finely  mouivk'd  form  to  the  best  advantage,  ran  by 
the  side  of  the  coach  for  two  or  three  miles,  bribed  by 




1  were  occasion 

fdly  tl 

u'own  to  hnn. 

A  dreary  stage  of  eighteen  miles  brought  us  to  Shultze's, 
a  road-sid(;  inn  by  a  very  pretty  lake,  where  we  were  told 
the  "  coach  hrca/ffastcd.'^  A\'hether  Transatlantic  coaches 
can  perform  tin-,  to  us,  unknown  feat,  I  cannot  pretend 
to  say,  but  u-c  breakfasted.  A  very  coarse  repast  was 
prej)ared  for  us,  consisting  of  stewed  salt  veal,  country 
cheese,  rancid  salt  butter,  fried  eggs,  and  barley  bread ; 
but  we  wei-e  too  hungry  to  find  fault  either  with  it,  or  witb 
the  charge  made  for  it,  which  equalled  that  at  a  London 
hotel.  Our  Yankee  coachman,  a  man  of  monosyllables, 
sat  next  to  me,  and  I  was  pleased  to  sec  that  he  regaled 
himself  on  tea  instead  of  spirits. 

We  packed  ourselves  into  the  stage  again  witb  great 
difficulty,  and  how  the  forty-eight  limbs  fared  was  sliown 
by  the  painful  sensations  experienced  for  several  succeed- 
ing days.  All  the  passengers,  however,  were  in  perfectly 
good  humoin-,  and  amused  each  other  during  the  eleven 
hours  spent  in  this  painful  way.  At  an  average  speed 
of  six  miles  an  hour  we  travelled  over  roads  of  various 
descriptions,  plank,  corduroy,  and  sand  ;  up  long  heavy 
hills,  and  through  swam])s  swarming  with  mosquitoes. 

Every  one  has  heard  of  corduroy  roads,  but  how  few 
have  experienced  their  miseries !  They  are  generally 
used  for  traversing  swampy  ground,  and  are  formed  of 

HAP.  If. 



1  Gfrccat 

si  1  own 







'jWiiull  J  line-trees  de|)nved  of  their  hnuiches,  which  are  laid 
||cross  \\h)  track  aloiiji^ide  each  other.      The  wear  and 
§Bav   of  travelling   soon    separates    thc.-e,    leaving   gaps 
Jietween  ;  and  when,  added  to  this,  one  trunk  rots  away, 
'■tid  another  sinks  down  into  the  swamp,  and  another  tilts 
uj),    you    may    imagine    such   a  jolting  as   only  leather 
springs  could  bear.     On  the  very  worst  roads,  fil'  A  with 
deej)  holes,  or  covered  with  small  granite  houldei'^,   the 
st;igo  only  swings  on  the  stra})s.     Ordinary  sjjrings,  he- 
sides  dislocating  the  joints  of  the  passengers,  would  be 
wrenched  and  broken  after  a  few  miles  travelling. 

Even  as  we  were,  faces  soniv^times  came  into  rather 
close  proximity  to  each  other  and  to  the  side  railings, 
and  heads  sustained  very  unph^asant  collisions.  The 
amiable  man  who  was  so  disa])])ointed  with  the  American 
climate  suffered  very  much  from  the  journey.  He  said 
he  had  thought  a  French  diligence  the  climax  of  dis- 
comf  rt,  but  a  "  stage  was  misery,  oh  torture  !"  Each 
time  that  we  had  rather  a  worse  jolt  than  usual  the  poor 
man  groaned,  which  always  drew  forth  a  chorus  of 
laughter,  to  which  he  submitted  most  good-humouredly. 
Occasionally  he  would  ask  the  time,  when  some  one 
would  point  nudiciously  to  his  watch,  remarking,  "  Twelve 
hours  more,"  or  "  Fifteen  hours  more,"  when  he  would 
look  up  with  an  ex])ression  of  despair.  The  bridges 
wore  a  very  un-English  feature.  Over  the  small  streams 
or  brooks  they  consisted  of  three  pines  covered  with 
planks,  without  any  parapet — with  sometimes  a  plank 
out,  and  sometimes  a  hole  m  the  middle.  Over  large 
streams  they  were  wooden  erections  of  a  most  peculiar 
kind,   with  high   parapets;   their  insecurity   being   evi- 

c  2 





ClIAI'.  II. 





.;   i 


donced  by  tlio  notice,  "  Walk  your  liorscs,  acconling  to 
law," — H  notice;  generally  disreganled  by  our  coacliinan, 
as  lie  trotted  his  horses  over  the  shaking  and  rattling 

We  ])assc(l  several  small  stream?!,  and  one  of  a  large 
size,  the  Shubenacadie,  a  wide,  slow,  muddy  river, 
flowing  through  willows  and  hedges,  like  th:;  rivers  in  the 
fen  districts  of  England.  At  the  mouth  of  the  Shubena- 
cadie the  tides  rise  and  fall  forty  feet. 

In  Nova  Scotia  the  animals  seemed  to  be  more  care- 
fully lodged  tlian  the  peoj)le.  Wherever  we  changed 
horses,  we  drove  into  a  lofty  shed,  opening  into  a  largo 
stable  with  a  boarded  floor  scrupulously  clean,  generally 
containing  twenty  horses.  The  rigour  of  the  climate  in 
winter  necessitates  such  careful  provision  for  the  suj)port 
of  animal  life.  The  coachman  went  into  the  stable  and 
chose  his  team,  which  was  brought  out,  and  then  a  scene 
of  kicking,  biting,  and  screaming  ensued,  ended  by  the 
most  furious  kickers  being  })ut  to  the  wheel ;  and  after  a 
certain  amount  of  talking,  and  settling  the  mail-bags,  the 
ponderous  vehicle  moved  off  again,  the  leaders  always 
rearing  for  the  firot  few  yards. 

For  sixty  miles  we  were  passing  through  woodi",  the 
trees  sometimes  burned  and  charred  for  several  miles, 
and  the  ground  all  blackened  round  them.  We  saw  very 
few  clearings,  and  those  there  were  consisted  merely  of  a 
few  acres  of  land,  separated  from  the  forest  by  rude 
*'  snake-fences."  Stumps  cf  trees  blackened  by  fire  stood 
up  among  the  oat-crops ;  bui,  though  they  look  extremely 
untidy,  they  are  an  unavoidable  evil  for  two  or  three 
years,  till  the  large  roots  decay. 

Chap.  II. 




cconling  to 
'  conc'liiiwin, 
nd  nittling 

3  of  a  larcje 
ifldy  river, 
ivor*  ill  the 
13  Sliubeiia- 

inoiv  Ciire- 
0  I'liangod 
II to  n  large 
eliinate  in 
lie  sii])port 
■table  and 
-'n  a  scene 
d  by  the 
d  after  a 
-bags,  the 
rs  always 

oodi',  the 
al  miles, 
saw  very 
irely  of  a 
by  rude 
fire  stood 
or  three 

^      Eleven  honrs  jiassed  by  not  at  all  wearisoincly  to  me, 
thouiiii  my  eousins  and  their  children  sutl'ercd  much  from 

»|  cram))  and  fatigue,  and  at  five,  after  an  ascent  of  three 
hours,  we  began  to  descend  towards  a  Uirge  tract  (»f  culti- 
vated undulating  country,  in  the  centre  of  which  is 
situated  a  large  settlement  called  'J'ruro.  There,  at  a 
wretched  hostelry,  we  stoi)i)ed  to  dine,  but  the  meal  by  no 
means  answered  to  our  English  ideas  of  dinner.  A  cup 
of  tea  was  jdaced  by  each  jilate  ;  and  after  the  company, 
principally  consisting  of  agricultural  i=ettlers,  had  made  a 
substantial  meal  of  mutton,  ami  the  jiotatoes  for  which 
the  country  is  famous,  they  solaced  themselves  with  this 
beverage.  No  intoxicating  li([uor  was  jdaced  upon  the 
table,*  and  I  observed  the  same  temperate  habits  at  the 
inns  in  New  Ih-unswick,  the  city  of  St.  John  not  ex- 
cepted. It  was  a  great  j)leasure  to  me  to  find  that 
the    intemjierance    so    notoriously    prevalent    among    a 

.j   similar  class  in  England  was  so  completely  discouraged. 

-;    in   Nova  S(.'otia.      The    tea    was    not    tempting    to    an 

,    English    palate ;    it    was    stewed,   and   sweetened   with 

;    molasses. 

While  wc  were  waiting  for  a  fresh  stage  and  horses, 
several  waggons  came  up,  laden  with  lawyers,  store- 
keepers, and  ship-carpenters,  who  with  their  families  were 
flying  from  the  cholera  at  St.  John,  New  Brunswick. 

I  enjoyed  the  next  fifty  miles  exceedingly,  as  I  tra- 
velled outside  on  the  driving-seat,  with  plenty  of  room  to 

*  I  write  merely  of  what  fell  under  my  own  observation,  for  there 
has  been  so  much  spirit-drinking  in  Nova  Scotia,  that  the  legislature 
has  deemed  it  cxi)cdient  to  introduce  the  "Maine  Law,'' with  its  strin- 
gent and  somewhat  arbitrary  provisions. 



Chap.  II. 



'{  ^ 

,!  i  ! 

ili'.  ■( 

1 1  i 

expatiate.  The  coaclinian  was  a  very  intelligent  settler, 
pressed  into  the  service,  because  Jengro,  the  French  Ca- 
nadian driver,  had  indulged  in  a  fit  of  intoxication  in 
opposition  to  a  temperance  meeting  held  at  Truro  the 
evening  before. 

Our  driver  had  not  tasted  spirits  for  thirty  years,  and 
finds  that  a  cup  of  hot  tea  at  the  end  of  a  cold  journey 
is  a  better  stimulant  than  a  glass  of  grog. 

It  vvas  just  six  o'clock  \\hen  we  lc;ft  Truro  ;  the  shades 
of  evening  were  closing  round  us,  and  our  road  lay  over 
fifty  miles  of  nearly  uninhabited  country ;  but  tlu;re  was 
so  much  to  learn  and  hear,  that  we  kept  up  an  animated 
and  unHairaina;  conversation  hour  after  hour.  The  hist 
cleared  laud  v^as  passed  by  seven,  and  we  entered  the 
forest,  beginning  a  long  and  tedious  ascent  of  eight  miles. 
At  a  post-house  in  the  wood  we  changed  horses,  and  put 
on  some  lanterns,  not  for  the  purpose  of  assisting  our- 
selves, but  to  guide  the  boy-di*iver  of  a  waggon  or 
"  extra,"  who,  having  the  responsibility  of  conducting  four 
horses,  came  clattering  close  behiiid  us.  The  road  was 
hilly,  and  often  ran  along  the  very  edge  of  steep  decli- 
vities, and  our  driver,  who  did  not  know  it  well,  and  was 
besides  a  cautious  man,  drove  at  a  most  moderate  pace. 

Not  so  the  youthful  Jehu  of  the  light  vehicle  behind. 
lie  came  desperately  on,  cracking  his  whip,  shouting 
"  G'huig,  Gee'p,"  rattling  down  hill,  and  galloping  up, 
and  wdiirling  round  corners,  in  spite  of  the  warning 
"Steady,  whoa!"  addressed  to  him  by  our  careful  escort. 
Once  the  rattling  behind  entirely  ceased,  and  we  stopped, 
our  driver  being  anxious  for  the  safetv  of  his  own  team, 
as  well  as  for  the-  nine  passengers  who  were  committed 

Chap.  II. 

ClIAP.  II. 



iiit  settler, 
reiich  Ca- 
ication  in 
rruro  the 

'ears,  and 

le  sliades 
lay  over 
liere  was 
Tlie  la^t 
ered  the 
;lit  miles, 
and  put 
ting  our- 
ggon   or 
:ting  four 
'oad  was 
'P  decll- 
and  was 
;  pace, 
ping  up, 
1  escort. 
n  team, 

on  ;i  (lark  night  to  the  care  of  a  l)oy  of  tiiiiteen.  The 
waggon  soon  came  clattering  on  again,  and  remained  in 
disagreeably  close  proximity  to  us  till  we  ari'ived  at 

At  ton  o'clock,  after  another  long  ascent,  we  stopped 
to  water  the  horses,  and  get  some  refreshment,  at  a  shanty 
kept  by  an  old  Highland  woman,  well  known  as  ^'  JVanci/ 
Sfiiarf  (if' the  JMountain.'^  Here  two  or  three  of  us  got 
off,  and  a  comfortable  meal  was  soon  provided,  consisting 
of  tea,  milk,  oat-cake,  butter,  and  cranberry  and  rasj)- 
berry  jam.  This  meal  we  shared  with  some  handsome, 
gloomy-looking,  bonneted  Highlanders,  and  some  large 
ugly  dogs.  The  room  was  })icturesque  enough,  with 
blackened  ral'ters,  deer  and  cow  horns  hung  round  it,  and 
a  cheerful  log  fire.  After  tea  I  spoke  to  Nancy  in 
her  native  tongue,  which  so  delighted  her,  that  I  could 
not  induce  her  to  accept  anything  for  my  meal.  On 
finding  that  I  knew  her  birthplace  in  the  Highlands,  she 
became  ([uite  talkative,  and  on  wishing  her  good  bye 
with  the  words  "  Oiche  mliaitli  dhnihh ;  Ijcannaclul 
luibh!''*  she  gave  my  hand  a  true  Highland  grasp  with 
both  of  hers ;  a  grasp  bringing  back  visions  of  home  and 
friends,  and  "  tin*  bonnie  North  countrie." 

A  wild  drive  we  had  from  this  place  to  Pictou. 
The  road  lay  through  forests  which  might  have  been 
sown  at  the  beginning  of  time.  Huge  hendocks  threw 
high  their  giant  arms,  and  from  between  their  dark  stems 
gleamed  the  bark  of  the  silver  birch.  Elm,  beech,  and 
maple  fiourished  ;  I  missed  alone  the  oak  of  England. 

*  Go. J  night  ;  blesriiugs  bo  with  you. 

■  I 

'■i* . 


"^^-T  ^* 


i      -i 



Chap.  II. 

The  sok»mn  silence  of  tliese  patlilcss  roads  was  broken 
only  hy  tlie  note  of  the  distant  bull-frog;  meteors  fell  in 
streams  of  fire,  the  crescent  moon  occat>ionally  gleamed 
behind  clouds  from  which  the  li^htninff  flashed  almost 
continually,  and  the  absence  of  any  familiar  faces  made 
me  realize  at  length  that  I  was  a  stranger  in  a  strange 

After  the  subject  of  the  colony  had  been  exhausted,  I 
amused  the  coachman  with  anecdotes  of  the  supernatural — 
stories  of  ghosts,  wraiths,  apparitions,  and  second  sight ; 
but  he  professed  himself  a  disbeliever,  and  I  thought  I 
had  failed  to  make  any  impression  on  him,  till  at  last  he 
started  at  the  crackling  of  ca  twig,  and  the  gleaming 
whiteness  of  a  silver  birch.  He  would  have  liked  the 
stories  better,  he  confessed  at  length,  if  the  night  had.  not 
been  quite  so  dark. 

The  silence  of  the  forest  was  so  solemn,  that,  remem- 
bering the  last  of  the  Mohicans,  we  should  not  have  been 
the  least  surprised  if  an  Indian  war-whoop  had  burst 
upon  our  startled  ears. 

We  were  travelling  over  the  possessions  of  the  Red  men. 

Nothing  more  formidable  occurred  than  the  finding  of 
three  tipsy  men  laid  upon  the  road  ;  and  our  coachman 
had  to  .alight  and  remove  them  before  the  vehicle  could 

We  reached  Pictou  at  a  quarter  past  two  on  a  very 
chilly  starlight  morning,  and  by  means  of  the  rude  tele- 
graph, which  runs  along  the  road,  comfortable  rooms  had 
been  taken  for  us  at  an  inn  of  average  cleanliness. 

Here  we  met  with  a  storekeeper  from  Prince  Edward 
Island,  and  he  told  us  that  the  parents  of  my  cousins, 



Chap.  H. 

Chap.  II. 



IS  broken 
rs  fell  in 
i'l  almost 
ces  made 
a  strange 

lusted,  I 
at Ural — 
ul  sight; 
louojit  I 
t  last  he 
iked  the 
had  not 

ive  been 
d   burst 

-ed  men. 
iding  of 
3  Could 

a  vci'y 
le  tele- 
ms  had 

Id  ward 


whom  we  were  about  to  visit,  knew  nothing  whatever  of 
our  intended  arrival,  and  supposed  their  children  to  be  in 

As  a  colonial  dinner  is  an  aggregate  of  dinner  and  tea, 
so  a  colonial  breakfast  is  a  curious  complication  of  break- 
fast and  dinner,  combining,  I  think,  the  advantages  of 
both.  It  is  only  an  extension  of  the  Highland  breakfast ; 
fish  of  several  sorts,  meat,  eggs,  and  potatoes,  buckwheat 
fritters  and  Johnny  cake,  being  served  with  the  tea  and 

Pictou  may  be  a  flourishing  town  some  day :  it  has 
extensive  coal-mines ;  one  seam  of  coal  is  said  to  be  thirty 
feet  thick.  At  present  it  is  a  most  insignificant  place, 
and  the  water  of  the  harbour  is  very  shallow.  The 
distance  from  Pictou  to  Charlotte  Town,  Prince  Edward 
Island,  is  sixty  miles,  and  by  this  route,  through  ISova 
Scotia  and  across  Northumberland  Strait,  the  English 
mail  is  transmitted  once  a  fortnight. 

A  fearful  catastrophe  happened  to  the  Fairy  Queen,  a 
small  mail  steamer  plying  between  these  ports,  not  long 
ago.  By  some  carelessness,  she  sprang  a  leak  and  sank ; 
the  captain  and  crew  escaping  to  Pictou  in  the  ship's 
boats,  which  were  large  enough  to  have  saved  all  the 
passengers.  Here  they  arrived,  and  related  the  story  of 
the  wreck,  in  the  hope  that  no  human  voice  would  ever 
tell  of  their  barbarity  and  cowardice.  Several  perished 
with  the  ill-fated  vessel,  among  whom  were  Dr.  Mac- 
kenzie, a  promising  young  officer,  and  two  young  ladies, 
one  of  whom  was  coming  to  England  to  be  married.  A 
few  of  the  passengers  floated  off  on  the  upper  d(?ck  and 
reached  the  land  in  safety,  to  bear  a  terrible  testimony 

c  3 



V    > 



:  I 

!  '   ■ 

j  I    .pi 



Chap.  II. 

to  tlic  inhumanity  which  h-d  left  their  companions  to 
perish.  A  voice  from  the  dead  could  not  have  struck 
greater  horror  into  the  heart  of  the  craven  captain  than 
did  that  of  those  whom  he  never  expected  to  meet  till 
the  sea  should  give  up  her  dead.  The  captain  was  com- 
mitted for  manslaughter,  but  escaped  the  punishment 
due  to  his  offence,  though  popular  indignation  was 
strongly  excited  against  him.  We  were  told  to  be  on 
board  the  Ladij  le  Marcliant  by  twelve  o'clock,  and 
endured  four  hours'  detention  on  her  broiling  deck,  with- 
out any  more  substantial  sustenance  than  was  aflbrded  to 
lis  by  some  pine-apples.  AVe  were  five  hours  in  crossing 
Northumberland  Strait — five  hours  of  the  greatest  pos- 
sible discomfort.  We  had  a  head-wind  and  a  rough 
chopping  sea,  which  caused  the  little  steamer  to  pitch 
mimercifully.  After  gaining  a  distant  view  of  Cape 
Brecon  Island,  I  lay  down  on  a  mattress  on  deck,  in  spite 
of  the  persecutions  of  an  animated  friend,  who  kindly 
endeavoured  to  rouse  me  to  take  a  first  view  of  Prince 
Edward  Island. 

When  at  last,  in  the  comparative  calmness  of  the 
entrance  to  Charlotte  Town  harbour,  I  stood  up  to  look 
about  me,  I  could  not  help  admiring  the  peaceful  beauty 
of  the  scene.  Far  in  the  distance  were  the  sterile  cliffs 
of  Nova  Scotia  and  the  tumbling  surges  of  the  Atlantic, 
while  on  three  sides  we  were  surrounded  by  land  so  low 
that  the  trees  upon  it  seemed  almost  growing  out  of  the 
water.  The  soil  was  the  rich  red  of  Devonshire,  the  trees 
were  of  a  brilliant  green,  and  sylvan  lawns  ran  up  amongst 
them.  The  light  canoes  of  the  aborigines  glided  grace- 
fully on  the  water,  or  lay  high  and  dry  on  the  beach  j 

Chap.  II. 

Chap.  II. 



npanions  to 
have  struck 
captain  than 
to  moot  till 
II  was  com- 
nation    was 
i  to  be  on 
clock,  and 
deck,  with- 
affbrded  to 
in  crossing 
latest  pos- 
i  a  rough 
r  to  pitch 
of  Cape 
:k,  in  spite 
'ho  kindly 


tss  of  the 
ip  to  look 
'ul  beauty 
3rile  cliffs 

nd  so  low 
•ut  of  the 

the  trees 
)  amongst 
id  grace- 
J  beach  ; 


and  two  or  three  miles  ahead  the  spires  and  houses  of  the 
capital  of  the  island  lent  additional  cheerfulness  to  the 

^y^i  were  speedily  moored  at  the  wharf,  and  my  cousins, 
after  an  absence  of  eight  years,  were  anxiously  looking 
round  for  some  familiar  faces  among  the  throng  on  the 
shore,  Tiiey  had  purposely  avoided  giving  any  intima- 
tion to  their  parents  of  their  intended  arrival,  lest  any- 
thing should  occur  to  prevent  the  visit ;  therefore  they 
were  entirely  unexpected.  But,  led  by  the  true  instinct  of 
natural  affection,  they  were  speedily  recognised  by  those 
of  their  relatives  who  were  on  the  wharf,  and  many  a 
joyful  meeting  followed  which  must  amply  have  com- 
pensated for  the  dreary  separation  of  years. 

It  was  in  an  old-English  looking,  red  brick  mansion, 
encircled  by  plantations  of  thriving  firs — warmly  welcomed 
by  relations  whom  I  had  never  seen,  for  the  sake  of  those 
who  had  been  my  long-tried  friends — surrounded  by 
hearts  rejoicing  in  the  blessings  of  unexpected  re-union, 
and  by  faces  radiant  with  affection  and  happiness — that 
I  spent  my  first  evening  in  the  *■  Garden  of  British 







Chap.  III. 


Popular  ignorance  —  The  garden   island  —  Summer   and  winter   con- 
trasted —  A  wooden  capital  —  Island  politics,  and  their  consequences 

—  Gossip — "  Blowin-tiine  " — Keligiou  and  the  clergy— The  sei'- 
vant  nuisance  —  Colonial  society  —  An  evening  party  —  An  island 
premier  —  Agrarian  outrage  —  A  visit  to  the  Indians  —  The  pipe  of 
peace  —  An  Indian  coquette  —  Country  hospitality  —  A  missionary 

—  A  novel  mode  of  lobster-fishing  —  Uncivilised  life  —  Far  away  in 
the  woods  —  Starvation  and  dishonesty — An  old  Highlander  and  a 
Highland  welcome  —  Hopes  for  the  future. 

I  WAS  showing  a  collection  of  autographs  to  a  gentleman 
at  a  party  in  a  well-known  Canadian  city,  when  the 
volume  opened  upon  the  majestic  signature  of  Cromwell. 
I  paused  as  I  pointed  to  it,  expecting  a  burst  of  enthu- 
siasm. "  ?r/io  is  Cromwell V  he  asked;  an  ignorance 
which  I  should  have  believed  counterfeit  had  it  not  been 
too  painfully  and  obviously  genuine. 

A  yeoman  friend  in  England,  on  being  told  that  I  had 
arrived  safely  at  Boston,  after  encountering  great  danger 
in  a  gale,  "  reckoned  that  it  ivas  somewhere  down  in  Lin- 

With  these  instances  of  ignorance,  and  many  more 
which  I  could  name,  fresh  in  my  recollection,  I  am  not  at 
all  surprised  that  few  persons  should  be  acquainted  with 
the  locality  of  a  spot  of  earth  so  comparatively  obscure  as 
Prince  Edward  Island.  AVhen  I  named  my  destination 
to  my  friends  prior  to  my  dejjarture  from  England,  it  was 


winter  con- 
-  The   ser- 

—  An  island 

-  The  pipe  of 
iV  missionary 
Far  away  in 
lander  and  a 

when  the 
of  enthu- 
not  been 

lat  I  had 
it  danger 
«  in  Lin- 

ny  more 
m  not  at 
ited  with 
Jscure  as 
d,  it  was 



CiiAP.  HI. 



siippn?cd  by  some  that  I  was  going  to  the  Pacific,  and 
by  otliers  that  I  was  going  to  the  north-west  coast  of 
America,  while  one  or  two,  on  consulting  their  maps, 
found  no  such  island  indicated  in  the  part  of  the  ocean 
where  I  described  it  to  be  placed. 

Now,  Prince  Edward  Island  is  the  abode  of  seventy 
thousand  human  beings.  It  had  a  garrison,  though  now 
the  loyalty  of  its  inhabitants  is  considered  a  sufficient 
protection.  It  has  a  Governor,  a  House  of  Assembly,  a 
Legislative  Council,  and  a  Constitution.  It  has  a  wooden 
Government  House,  and  a  stone  Province  Building.  It 
has  a  town  of  six  thousand  people,  and  an  extensive  ship- 
building trade,  and,  lastly,  it  has  a  prime  minister.  As  it 
has  not  been  tourist-ridden,  like  Canada  or  the  States,  and 
is  a  terra  incofjnita  to  many  who  are  tolerably  familiar  with 
the  rest  of  our  North  American  possessions,  I  must  briefly 
describe  it,  though  I  am  neither  writing  a  guide-book  nor 
an  emigrant's  directory. 

This  island  was  discovered  by  Sebastian  Cabot  in  1497, 
and  more  than  two  centuries  afterwards  received  the  name 
of  St.  John,  by  which  it  is  still  designated  in  old  maps. 
It  received  the  name  of  Prince  Edward  Island  in  com- 
pliment to  the  illustrious  father  of  our  Queen,  who 
bestowed  great  attention  upon  it.  It  has  been  the  arena 
of  numerous  conflicts  during  the  endless  wars  between  the 
French  and  English.  Its  aboriginal  inhabitants  have 
here,  as  in  other  places,  melted  away  before  the  whites. 
About  three  hundred  remain,  earning  a  scanty  living  by 
shooting  and  fishing,  and  profess  the  Romish  faith. 

This  island  is  140  miles  in  length,  and  at  its  widest 
part  34  in  breadth.     It  is  intersected  by  creeks;  every 

1  ( 





ClIAl'.  III. 




part  of  its  coast  is  indented  by  the  fierce  flood  of  the  Gulf 
of  St.  Lawrence,  and  no  })art  of  it  is  more  tlian  nine  miles 
distant  from  some  arm  of  the  sea.  It  bears  the  name 
throughout  tlie  Britii-li  provinces  of  the  "Garden  of  British 
America."  That  this  title  has  been  justly  bestowed,  none 
who  have  ever  visited  it  in  summer  will  deny, 

"While  Nova  Scotia,  New  Brunswick,  and  the  banks  of 
the  St.  Lawrence  are  brown,  even  where  most  fci'^ile,  this 
island  is  clothed  in  brilliant  green.  I  suppose  that  the 
most  elevated  land  in  it  is  less  than  400  feet  above  the 
level  of  the  sea  ;  there  is  not  a  rock  in  any  part  of  it,  and 
the  stones  which  may  be  very  occasionally  })icked  up  in 
the  recesses  of  the  forest  cause  nmch  speculation  in  the 
minds  of  the  curious  and  scientific.  The  features  of  this 
country  are  as  soft  as  the  soil.  The  land  is  everywhere 
gently  imdulating,  and,  while  anything  like  a  hill  is 
unknown,  it  has  been  lifficult  to  find  a  piece  of  ground 
suflliciently  level  for  a  cricket-field.  The  north  shore  is 
extremely  pretty  ;  it  has  small  villages,  green  clearings, 
fine  harbours,  with  the  trees  growing  down  to  the  water's 
edge,  and  shady  streams. 

Th3  land  is  very  suitable  for  agricultural  purposes,  as 
also  for  the  rearing  of  sheep ;  but  the  island  is  totally 
destitute  of  mineral  wealth.  It  is  highly  favoured  iu 
climate.  The  intense  heat  of  a  North  American  summer 
is  here  tempered  by  a  cool  sea-breeze  ;  fogs  are  almost 
unknown,  and  the  air  is  dry  and  bracing.  Instances  of 
longevity  are  very  common ;  fever  and  consumption  are 
seldom  met  with,  and  the  cholera  has  never  visited  its 
shores.  AVages  are  high,  and  employment  abundant ; 
land  is  cheap  and  tolerably  productive ;   but  though  a 


Cum:  III. 

:)ftlie  Gulf 

nine  miles 

the  name 

n  of  British 

)wed,  none 

[)  banks  of 
ci-Hle,  this 
?.  that  the 
above  the 

of  it,  and 
^ed  up  in 
on  in  the 
es  of  this 

a  hill  is 
f  ground 

shore  is 
e  water's 

poses,  as 
s  totally 
)ured  in 
!  almost 
uices  of 
ion  are 
sited  its 
jndant ; 
ough  a 

CirAr.  TIT. 





conii)(!ti'ncc  may  always  bo  obtained,  I  never  board  of 
any  one  becoming  rich  through  agricu'Hu-al  jjursuits. 
Shipbuilding  is  the  great  trade  of  the  island,  and  the 
m().-;t  })r{)fitable  one.  Everywhere,  even  twenty  miles 
inland,  and  up  among  the  woods,  t-hips  may  be  seen  in 
cour.-ie  of  construction.  These  vessels  are  sold  in  England 
and  in  the  neighbouring  colonies  ;  but  year  by  year,  as  its 
trade  increases,  the  island  rc([uires  a  greater  number  for 
its  own  use. 

In  siunmer,  the  island  is  a  very  agreeable  residence  ; 
the  sandy  roads  are  j)assable,  and  it  has  a  bi-weekly 
communication  with  the  neighbouring  continent.  Shooting 
and  fishing  may  be  enjoyed  in  abundance,  and  the  Indians 
are  always  ready  to  lend  assistance  in  these  sports.  Bears, 
which  ustd  to  be  a  great  attraction  to  the  more  adven- 
turous class  of  sportsmen,  are,  however,  rapidly  disap- 

In  winter,  I  cannot  conceive  a  more  dull  cheerless,  and 
desolate  place  than  Prince  Edward  Isla'id.  About  the 
beginninfT  of  December  steam  communication  with  the 
continent  ceases,  and  those  who  are  leaving  the  island 
hurry  their  departure.  Large  stocks  of  fuel  are  laid  in, 
the  harbour  is  deserted  by  the  ship})ing,  and  all  out-door 
occupations  gradually  cease.  Before  Christmas  the  frost 
commences,  the  snow  frequently  lies  six  feet  deep,  and 
soon  the  liarbours  and  the  adjacent  ocean  freeze,  and  the 
island  is  literally  "  locked  in  regions  of  thick-ribbed  ice  " 
for  six  long  months.  Once  a  fortnight  during  the  winter 
an  ice-boat  crosses  Northumberland  Strait,  at  great 
hazard,  where  it  is  only  nine  miles  wide,  conveying  the 
English  mail  j  but  sometimes  all  the  circumstances  are 










liii    'Ifl 



Chap.  III. 

not  favourable,  and  tlio  letters  arc  delayed  for  a  month — 
the  poor  islanders  being  locked  meanwhile  in  their  ice- 
bound prison,  ignorant  of  the  events  which  may  be  con- 
vulsing the  world.  Charlotte  Town,  the  capital  of  the 
island  and  the  seat  of  govc^rninent,  is  very  prettily 
situated  on  a  capacious  harbour,  which  ivas  defended  by 
several  heavy  guns.  It  is  a  town  of  shingles,  but  looks 
very  well  from  the  sea.  AVith  the  exception  of  Quebec, 
it  is  considered  the  prettiest  town  in  British  America;  but 
while  Quebec  is  a  city  built  on  a  rock,  Charlotte  Town 
closely  borders  upon  a  marsh,  and  its  drainage  has  been 
very  much  neglected. 

There  are  several  commons  in  the  town,  the  grass  of 
which  is  of  a  peculiarly  brilliant  green,  and,  as  these 
are  surrounded  by  houses,  they  give  it  a  cheerful  Jippear- 
ance.  The  houses  are  small,  and  the  stores  by  no  means 
pretentious.  The  streets  are  unlighted,  and  destitute  of 
side  walks  ;  there  is  not  an  attempt  at  paving,  and  the 
grips  across  them  are  something  fearful.  "  Hold  on  "  is 
a  caution  as  frequently  given  as  absolutely  necessary.  I 
have  travelled  over  miles  of  corduroy  road  in  a  springless 
waggon,  and  in  a  lumber  waggon,  drawn  by  oxen,  where 
there  was  no  road  at  all,  but  I  never  experienced  any- 
thing like  the  merciless  joint-dislocating  jolting  which  I 
met  with  in  Charlotte  Town.  This  island  metropolis  has 
two  or  three  weekly  papers  of  opposite  sides  in  politics, 
which  vie  with  each  other  in  gross  personalities  and  scur- 
rilous abuse. 

The  colony  has  "responsible  government,"  a  Governor, 
a  Legislative  Council,  and  a  House  of  Assembly,  and 
storms  in  politics  are  not  at  all  unfrequent.    The  members 

Chai'.  hi. 

a  month — 
1  tiioir  ice- 
ay  be  con- 
ital  of  the 
7  l)rettily 
.'fended  by 

but  looks 
)f  Quebec, 
erica;  but 
otte  Town 

has  been 

;  grass  of 
as  these 
d  appear- 
no  means 
istitute  of 
.  and  the 
d  on  "  is 
S:?ary.     I 
n,  where 
ed  any- 
which  I 
polis  has 
lid  scur- 

ly,  and 



of  the  Lower  House  are  elected  by  nearly  univor.<al  suf- 
frage, and  it  is  considered  necesj-ary  that  the  "rroniier" 
should  have  a  majority  in  it.  This  House  is  said  to  be 
on  a  par  with  Irish  poor-law  guardian  meetings  for  low 
personalities  and  vehement  vituperation. 

The  genius  of  Discord  nuist  look  complacently  on  this 
land.  Politics  have  been  a  fruitful  source  of  quarrels, 
nii.sri'presentation,  alienation,  and  division.  The  o})])osi- 
tion  parties  are  locally  designated  ^^  snatckcrs''^  and 
"  snarlcrs,'^  and  no  love  is  lost  between  the  two.  It  is 
broadly  affirmed  that  half  the  ])eople  on  the  island  do  not 
S])eak  to  the  other  half.  And,  worse  than  all,  religious 
diUcrences  have  been  brought  up  as  engines  wherewith  to 
wreak  political  animosities.  I  never  saw  a  community  in 
whii'h  peo])le  appeared  to  hate  each  other  so  cordially. 
The  flim<y  veil  of  etifpiette  does  not  conceal  the  pointed, 
sneer,  the  malicious  inuendo,  the  malignant  backbiting, 
and  tlu!  unfounded  slander.  Some  of  the  forms  of  society 
are  observed  in  the  island — that  extreme  of  civilisation 
vulgarly  called  ^^ cutting^'  is  common;  morning  calls  are 
punctiliously  paid  and  returned,  and  there  are  occa- 
sional balls  and  tea-parties.  Quebec  is  described  as 
being  the  hottest  and  coldest  town  in  the  world,  Paris 
the  gayest,  London  the  richest ;  but  I  should  think  that 
Charlotte  Town  may  bear  away  the  palm  for  being  the 
most  gossiping. 

There  is  a  general  and  daily  flitting  about  of  its 
inhabitants  after  news  of  their  neighbours — all  that  is  said 
and  done  within  a  three-mile  circle  is  reported,  and,  of 
course,  a  great  deal  of  what  has  neither  been  said,  nor 
done.     There  are  certain  people  whose  business  it  is  to 

1 1 





CUAl'.  III. 

mako  luiscliicf,  and  inlsii'liicf-inakiug  is  a  cairiiig  in  which 
it  docs  not  recjniro  much  wit  to  be  sneccssfid. 

The  inliahitants  are  a  sturdy  race,  more  than  ono-lialf 
of  tluMu  heing  of  Scotch  (k'sccnt.  Th(;y  arc  j)i-ovcntcd 
from  attaining  settled  hu.-incss-like  hahits  by  the  long 
winter,  which  puts  a  slop  to  all  out-door  employment. 
'J'liis  period,  when  annisement  is  the  only  thing  thought 
of,  is  called  in  the  colonies  "  blowin-time."  All  the 
country  is  covered  with  snow,  and  the  inhabitants 
have  nothing  to  do  but  ^leigh  about,  play  ball  on  the 
ice,  drive  the  young  ladies  to  (juilting  frolics  and  snow 
picnics,  drink  brandy-and-watcr,  and  j)lay  at  whist  for 
sixpenny  ])oints. 

The  further  you  go  from  Charlotte  Town,  the  more 
primitive  and  hospitable  the  jjcople  become  ;  they  warmly 
welcome  a  stranger,  and  seem  ha})py,  moral,  and  con- 
tented. This  island  is  the  only  place  in  the  New  World 
where  I  met  with  any  who  believed  in  the  supernatural. 
One  evening  I  had  been  telling  some  very  harndess  ghost 
stwMes  to  a  party  by  moonlight,  and  one  of  my  auditors, 
a  very  clever  girl,  fancied  during  the  night  that  she  saw 
something  stirring  in  her  bed-room.  In  the  idea  that  the 
ghost  would  attack  her  head  rather  than  her  feet,  she  tied 
up  her  feet  in  her  bonnct-de-miit^  put  them  u})on  the 
pillow,  and  her  head  under  the  quilt — a  novel  way  of 
cheating  a  spiritual  visitant. 

There  are  numerous  religious  denominations  in  the 
colony,  all  enjoying  the  same  privileges,  or  the  absence  of 
any.  I  am  not  acquainted  with  the  number  belonging  to 
each,  but  would  suppose  the  Roman  Catholics  to  be  the 
most  dominant,  fi'om  the  way  in  which  their  church  towers 


w\  I 


CiiAr.  III. 



i;iii  oiic-half 
0  i)rL'vc'ntcd 
)y  tliu  long 
iiig  tlionght 
."     All  the 

ball  on  tlio 
3  and  snow 
t  whist  for 

tlio  more 
icy  warmly 
,  and  con- 
("ew  A\^orld 
doss  ghost 
y  auditors, 
t  ahti  saw 
a  that  the 
t,  fclie  tied 
npon  the 
d  way  of 

IS  in  tho 
hsencc  of 
anging  to 
to  be  the 
ill  towers 

over  tlio  whole  town.  There  are  about  eleven  Ejiisi-opa- 
lian  I'lergyuuMi,  overworked  and  underpaid.  Mo.-t  of 
these  arc  under  the  entire  control  of  the  Bi-dioj)  of  Nova 
fe'eotia,  and  are  removable  at  his  will  and  jjleasure.  This 
iri//  l>i,Nh()i)  Blnney  exercises  in  a  very  capricious  and 
arbitrary  manner. 

Some  of  tiii'se  cleigymen  are  very  excellent  and  labo- 
rious m(>n.  I  may  particularise  Dr.  .Jenkins,  for  many 
years  chief  minister  of  Charlotte  Town,  who.-e  jm-ty, 
learning,  and  C-hristian  spirit  would  render  him  an  orna- 
ment to  the  C-hurch  of  Kngland  in  any  locality.  Even 
among  the  clergy,  some  things  might  seem  rather  peculiar 
to  a  person  fresh  from  England.  A  clergyman  coming  to 
a  pause  in  his  sermon,  one  of  his  auditors  from  the  tloor 
called  up  "  Pro])itiation  ; "  the  preacher  thanked  him, 
took  the  wortl,  and  went  on  with  his  discourse. 

The  difficulty  of  procuring  servants,  which  is  felt  from 
the  Government  House  downwards,  is  one  of  the  great 
objections  to  this  colony.  The  few  tlu're  are  know  nothing 
of  any  individual  de})artment  of  work, — for  instance,  there 
are  neither  cooks  nor  housemaids,  they  are  strictly 
" //e/^w," — the  mistress  being  expected  to  take  more  than 
her  fair  share  of  the  work.  They  (;ome  in  and  go  out 
when  they  please,  and,  if  anything  dissatisfies  them,  they 
ask  for  their  wages,  and  depart  the  same  day,  in  the 
certainty  that  their  labour  will  command  a  higher  price 
in  the  United  States.  It  is  not  an  uneonunon  thing  for 
a  gentleman  to  be  obliged  to  do  the  work  of  gardener, 
errand-boy,  and  groom.  A  servant  left  at  an  hour's 
notice,  saying,  "  she  had  never  been  so  insulted  before," 
because  her  master  requested  her  to  put  on  shoes  when 









!|  P 






Chap.  III. 

she  waited  at  table  ;  and  a  gentleman  was  obliged  to  lie 
in  bed  because  his  servant  bad  taken  all  his  shirts  to  the 
wash,  and  had  left  them  while  she  went  to  a  "  frolic  "  with 
her  lover. 

The  upper  class  of  society  in  the  island  is  rather  ex- 
clusive, but  it  is  difficult  to  say  what  qualification  entitles 
a  man  to  be  received  into  "society."  The  entree  at 
Government  House  is  not  sufficient;  but  a  uniform  is 
powerful,  and  wealth  is  onmipotent.  The  present  go- 
vernor, Mr.  Dominiek  Daly,  is  a  man  of  great  suavity  of 
manner.  lie  has  a  large  amount  of  Jincxsc,  wiiicli  is 
needful  in  a  colony  where  ])eople  like  the  suj)})osition  that 
they  gov(  rn  themselves,  but  where  it  is  absolutely  neces- 
sary that  a  firm  hand  should  hold  the  reins.  The  island 
is  prospering  under  its  new  form  of  "  res])onsible  govern- 
ment ;"  its  revenue  is  increasing ;  it  is  out  of  debt ;  and 
Mr.  Daly,  whose  tenure  of  power  has  been  very  short,  will 
without  doubt  considerably  develop  its  resources.  Mrs. 
Daly  is  an  invalid,  but  her  kindness  makes  her  deservedly 
poj)ular,  together  with  her  amiable  and  affable  daughters, 
the  elder  of  whom  is  one  of  the  most  beautiful  girls  whom 
I  saw  in  the  colonies. 

I  remained  six  weeks  in  this  island,  being  detained  by 
the  cholera,  which  was  ravaging  Canada  and  the  States. 
I  spent  the  greater  part  of  this  time  at  the  house  of 
Captain  Swabey,  a  near  relation  of  my  father's,  at 
whose  house  1  received  every  hospitality  and  kindness. 
Captain  Swaoey  is  one  of  the  most  influential  inhabitants 
of  the  island,  as,  since  the  withdrawal  of  the  troops,  the 
direction  of  its  defences  has  been  intrusttid  to  him,  in  con- 
sideration of  his  long  experience  in  active  service.     He 

Chap.  III. 



ithor  ex- 
11  entitles 
c^itree  at 
lifbrni  is 
sent   go- 
uavity  of 
which  is 
tion  that 
\y  ncces- 
le  island 
bt;   and 
tort,  will 
s  whom 

ined  by 
ouso  of 
^r's,  at 
)ps,  the 
in  cou- 



served  in  the  land  forces  which  assisted  Nelson  at  the 
sie"-e  of  (\)nenhai!;en.  He  afterwards  served  wuth  dis- 
tinction  throngh  the  Peninsular  war,  and,  after  receiving  a 
ball  in  the  knee  at  Vittoria,  closed  his  military  career  at 
the  battle  of  Waterloo.  It  is  not  a  little  singular  that 
Mr.  Ilensley,  another  of  the  principal  inhabitants,  and  a 
near  neighbour  of  Ca])tain  Swabey's,  fought  at  Copen- 
hagen under  Lord  Nelson,  where  part  of  his  cheek-bone 
was  shot  away. 

While  I  was  there,  the  governor  gave  his  first  party,  to 
which,  as  a  necessary  matter  of  etiquette,  all  who  had 
left  cards  at  Government  Ilous^e  were  invited.  I  was  told 
that  I  should  not  see  such  a  curious  mixture  anywhere 
else,  cither  in  the  States  or  in  the  colonies.  There  were 
about  a  huiulred  and  fifty  persons  present,  including 
all  the  officers  of  the  garrison  and  customs,  and  the 
members  of  the  government.  The  "prime  minister,"  the 
lion.  George  Coles,  whose  name  is  already  well  known 
in  the  colonies,  was  there  in  all  the  novel  glories  of  office 
and  *'  red-tapeism." 

I  cannot  say  that  this  gentleman  looked  at  all  care- 
worn ;  indeed  the  cares  of  office,  even  in  England,  have 
ceased  to  be  onerous,  if  one  may  judge  from  the  ease  with 
which  a  premier  of  seventy  performs  upcm  the  parliamentary 
stage ;  but  Mr.  Coles  looked  particularly  the  reverse. 
He  is  justified  in  his  complacent  appearance,  for  he  has  a 
majority  in  the  house,  a  requisite  scarcely  deemed  essential 
in  England,  and  the  finances  of  the  colony  are  flourishing 
under  his  administration.  He  is  a  self-made  and  self- 
educated  man,  and  by  his  own  energy,  industry,  and  per- 
severance, has  raised  himself  to  tlie  position  which  he  now 







II. 1 






V  P 




ii    ' 




Cii.u".  III. 

liolds  ;  and  if  his  inanncrs  have  not  all  the  finis-li  of  polite 
society,  and  if  he  does  sometimes  say  "Me  and  the 
governor,"  his  energy  is  not  less  to  he  admired. 

Anotlier  member  of  the  government  appeared  in  a 
yellow  waij^tcoat  and  brown  frock-coat ;  but  where  there 
were  a  great  many  persons  of  an  inferior  class  it  was  only 
surprising  that  there  should  be  so  few  inaccuracies  either 
in  dress  or  deportment.  There  were  some  very  pretty 
women,  and  almost  all  were  dressed  with  simplicity  and 
good  taste.  The  island  does  not  afford  a  band,  but  a 
pianist  and  violinist  played  most  perseveringly,  and  the 
amusements  were  kept  u})  with  untiring  spirit  till  four 
in  the  morning. 

The  governor  and  his  family  behaved  most  affably  to 
their  guests,  and  I  was  glad  to  observe  that  in  such  a  very 
mixed  company  not  the  slightest  vidgarity  of  manner  was 

It  may  be  remarked,  however,  that  society  is  not  on  so 
safe  a  footing  as  in  England.  Such  things  as  duels,  but 
of  a  very  bloodless  nature,  have  been  known :  people 
occasionally  horsewhip  and  kick  each  other ;  and  if  a 
gentleman  indulges  in  the  pa^^^time  of  breaking  the  windows 
of  another  gentleman,  he  receives  a  bullet  for  his  pains. 
Some  time  ago,  a  gentleman  connected  with  a  noble 
family  in  Scotland,  emigrated  to  the  island  with  a  large 
number  of  his  countrymen,  to  whom  he  promised  advan- 
tajreous  arrangements  with  reirard  to  land.     lie  was  known 

Co  C 

by  the  name  of  Traeadie.  After  his  tenants  had  made  a 
large  outlay  ujwn  their  farm?,  Traeadie  did  not  fulfil  his 
agreements,  and  the  dissatisfaction  soon  broke  forth  into 
open  outrage. 



ClIAl-,  III. 

Chap.  III. 



of  polite 
and   tlie 

cd  in  a 
!rc  tlicre 
was  only 
OS  either 
y  i)retty 
icitv  and 
[1,  but  a 
and  the 
till  four 

ffably  to 
li  a  very 
mer  was 

Dt  on  so 
lels,  but 
:  people 
nd  if  a 
is  pains. 
a   noble 

a  large 
I  advan- 
s  known 

made  a 
ulfd  his 
rtli  into 

Con.~i)iracies  were  formed  against  him,  his  cows  and 
carts  were  destroyed,  and  night  after  night  the  country 
was  lighted  by  the  flames  of  his  barns  and  mills.  At 
length  he  gave  loaded  nuis^kets  to  some  of  his  farm-boys, 
telling  them  to  shoot  any  one  they  saw  upon  his  premises 
after  d-.isk.  The  same  evening  he  went  into  his  orchard, 
and  was  standing  with  his  watch  in  his  hand  waiting  to  set 
it  by  the  evening  gun,  when  the  boys  fired,  and  he  fell 
scerely  wounded.  AVhen  he  recovered  from  this,  he  was 
ridinn  out  one  cvcnlna,  when  he  was  shot  through  the  hat 
and  hip  by  men  on  each  side  of  the  road,  and  fell  welter- 
ing in  blood.  So  detested  was  he,  that  several  persons 
])assed  by  without  rendering  him  any  assistance.  At 
lengtli  one  of  his  own  tenantry,  coming  by,  took  him  into 
Charlotte  Town  in  a  cart,  but  was  obliged  shortly  after- 
wards to  leave  the  island,  to  escape  from  the  vengeance 
which  would  have  overtaken  the  succourer  of  a  tyrant. 
Tracadie  was  shot  at  five  or  six  different  times.  Shortly 
after  my  arrival  in  the  island,  he  went  to  place  his  daughter 
in  a  convent  at  Quebec,  and  died  there  of  the  cholera. 

One  day,  with  a  party  of  youthful  friends,  I  crossed  the 
Hillsboro'  Creek,  to  visit  the  Indians.  We  had  a  large 
heavy  boat,  with  cumbrous  oars,  very  ill  balanced,  and  a 
most  inefficient  crew,  two  of  them  being  boys  either  very 
idle  or  very  ignorant,  and,  as  they  kept  tumbling  back- 
wards over  the  thwarts,  one  gentleman  and  I  were  left  to 
do  all  the  work.  On  our  way  we  came  upon  an  Tndian 
in  a  bark  canoe,  and  spent  much  of  our  strength  in  an  in- 
eflectual  race  with  him,  succeeding  in  nothinc  but  in 
getting  aground.    We  had  very  great  diflSculty  'u  landing, 

1    :>*' 
»'   ■■, 

\    \ 






I:  t; 



•111  1^ 


f  .. . 


•I,'      i't 



Chap.  III. 

and  two  pretty  squaws  indulged  in  hearty  laughter  at  our 
numerous  failures. 

After  scrambling  through  a  wood,  we  came  upon  an 
Indian  village,  consisting  of  fifteen  wigwams.  These  are 
made  of  poles,  tied  together  at  the  uj)per  end,  and  are 
thatched  with  large  pieces  of  birch-hark.  A  hole  is 
always  left  at  the  top  to  let  out  the  smoke,  and  the  whole 
space  occupied  by  this  primitive  dwelling  is  not  larger 
than  a  large  circular  dining-table.  Large  fierce  dogs, 
and  uncouth,  terrified-looking,  lank-haired  children,  very 
scantily  clothed,  abounded  by  these  abodes.  We  went 
into  one,  crawling  through  an  aperture  in  the  baik.  A 
fire  was  burning  in  the  middle,  over  which  was  suspended 
a  kettle  of  fish.  The  wigwam  was  full  of  men  and  squaws, 
and  babies,  or  "papooses,"  tightly  strapped  into  little 
trays  of  wood.  Some  were  waking,  others  sleeping,  but 
none  were  employed,  though  in  several  of  the  ca?nj)s  I  saw 
the  materials  for  baskets  and  bead-work.  The  eyes  of  all 
were  magnificent,  and  the  young  women  very  handsome, 
their  dark  complexions  and  splendid  hair  being  in  many 
instances  set  oflf  by  a  scarlet  handkerchief  thrown  loosely 
round  the  head. 

We  braved  the  ferocity  of  numerous  dogs,  and  looked 
into  eight  of  these  abodes ;  Mr.  Kenjins,  from  the  kind 
use  he  makes  of  his  medical  knowledge,  being  a  great 
favourite  with  the  Indians,  particularly  with  the  young 
squaws,  who  seemed  thoroughly  to  understand  all  the  arts 
of  coquetry.  We  were  going  into  one  wigwam  when  a 
surly  old  man  opposed  our  entrance,  holding  out  a  cala- 
bash,   vociferous   voices   from   the   interior   calling   out, 

CliAP.  III. 

jlitcr  at  our 

le  upon  an 
Those  are 
id,  and  are 
A  hole  is 
1  th(j  whole 
not  larger 
erce  dogs, 
dren,  very 
We  went 
bark.     A 
nd  squaws, 
into  little 
eping,  but 
i7nj)s  I  saw 
eyes  of  all 

I  in  many 
vvn  loosely 

nd  looked 

the  kind 

5  a  great 

he  young 

II  the  arts 
n  when  a 
it  a  cala- 
ling   out, 


CirAP.  III. 



"  Ninepcnce,  ninepenee  I"  The  memory  of  Uiwas  and 
Magna  rose  before  me,  and  I  sighed  over  the  degencM-acy 
of  the  race.  These  people  are  mendicant  and  loquacious. 
When  you  go  in,  they  begin  a  list  of  things  which  they 
want — blankets,  powder,  tobacco,  &c. ;  always  concluding 
with,  "  Tea,  for  God's  sake !"  for  they  have  renounced 
the  worship  of  the  Great  Spirit  for  a  corrupted  form  of 

\\  o,  were  received  in  one  camp  by  two  very  handsome 
squaws,  mother  and  daughter,  who  spoke  broken  English, 
and  were  very  neat  and  clean.  The  floor  was  thickly 
strewn  with  the  young  shoots  of  the  var,  and  we  sat  down 
with  them  for  half  an  hour.  The  younger  squaw,  a  girl 
of  sixteen,  was  very  handsome  and  coquettish.  She  had 
a  beautiful  cap,  worked  in  beads,  which  she  would  not  put 
on  at  the  request  of  any  of  the  ladies ;  but  directly  Mr. 
Kenjins  hinted  a  wish  to  that  effect,  she  placed  it 
coquettishly  on  her  head,  and  certainly  looked  most  be- 
witching. Though  only  sixteen,  she  had  been  married 
two  years,  and  had  recently  lost  her  twins.  Mr.  Kenjins 
asked  her  the  meaning  of  an  Indian  phrase.  She  replied 
in  broken  English,  "  What  one  little  boy  say  to  one  little 
girl :  I  love  you."  *'  I  suppose  your  husband  said  so  to 
vou  before  you  were  married  ?  "  Yes,  and  he  say  so 
now,"  she  replied,  and  both  she  and  her  mother  laughed 
long  and  uncontrollably.  These  Indians  retain  few  of 
their  ancient  characteri.-tics,  except  their  dark  coi\iplexionx 
and  their  comfortless  nomade  wjiy  of  living.  They  are 
not  represented  in  the  Legislative  Assembly. 

Very  dillerent  are  the  Indians  of  Central  America,  the 
fierce   Sioux,    (?onianches,    and   Blackfeet.      In   Canada 








THE  rirE  of  peace. 

ClIAI'.  III. 


\\  est  I  saw  a  race  (lifforlng  in  appearance  from  the  Mo- 
hawks and  Mic-Macs,  and  retaining  to  a  certain  extent 
their  ancient  customs.  Among  these  tribes  I  entered  a 
wigwam,  and  was  received  in  sullen  silence.  I  seated 
myself  on  the  floor  with  about  eight  Indians ;  still  not  a 
word  was  spoken.  A  short  pipe  was  then  lighted  and 
ofiiM'cd  to  me.  I  took,  as  })reviously  directed,  a  few 
whiffs  of  the  fragrant  weed,  and  then  the  pipe  was  passed 
round  the  circle,  after  which  the  oldest  man  present  began 
to  speak.*  This  pipe  is  the  celebrated  calumet,  or  pipe  of 
peace,  and  it  is  considered  even  among  the  fiercest  tribes 
as  a  sacred  obligation. 

A  week  before  I  left  Prince  Edward  Island  I  went  for 
a  tour  of  five  days  in  the  north-west  of  the  island  with 
Mr.  and  Miss  Kenjins.  This  was  a  delightful  change,  an 
uninterrupted  stream  of  novelty  and  enjoyment.  It  was  a 
relief  from  Charlotte  Town,  with  its  gossiping  morning 
calls,  its  malicious  stories,  its  political  puerilities,  its  end- 
less discussions  on  servants,  turnips,  and  plovers ;  it  was 
a  bound  into  a  region  of  genuine  kindness  and  primitive 

AV^e  left  Charlotte  Town  early  on  a  brilliant  morning,  in 
a  light  waggon,  suitably  attired  for  "  roughing  it  in  the 
bush."  Our  wardrobes,  a  draught-board,  and  a  number 
of  books  (which  we  never  read),  were  packed  into  a  carpet- 
bag of  most  diminutive  proportions.  AVe  took  large 
bufialo  robes  with  us,  in  case  we  should  not  be  able  to  pro- 

'''  ''"Why  liaa  our  white  sister  visited  the  Migwam."  of  her  red 
lavthreu  ?"  was  tl.e  salutation  with  which  they  broke  silence — a  ques- 
tion rather  difficult  to  answer. 

II  ;    >« 

ClIAI".  III. 

II  the  Mo- 
tain  extent 

entered  a 
I  seated 

still  not  a 
glited  and 
'd,  a  few 
k'as  passed 
ent  began 
or  pipe  of 
est  tribes 

went  for 
land  with 
lange,  an 

It  was  a 

its  end- 

;  it  was 

■ning,  in 
;  in  the 

k  large 

to  pro- 

lier   red 
— ii  ques- 


IIOS)''"'  VLITY, 



cure  a  better  shelter  for  the  night  than  a  barn.  We  were 
for  the  time  being  perfectly  congenial,  and  determined  on 
thoroughly  enjoying  ourselves.  We  sang,  and  rowed, 
and  fished,  and  laughed,  and  made  others  laugh,  and 
were  perfectly  happy,  never  knowing  and  scarcely  caring 
where  we  should  obtain  shelter  for  the  night.  Our  first 
day's  dinner  was  some  cold  meat  and  bread,  eaten  in  a 
wood,  our  horse  eating  his  oats  by  our  side  ;  and  we  made 
drinking-cups,  in  Indian  fashion,  of  birch-tree  bark — 
cups  of  Tantalus,  pi'operly  s])eaking,  for  very  little  of  the 
water  reached  our  lips.  A^  hile  engaged  in  drawing  some 
from  a  stream,  the  branch  on  which  I  leaned  gave  way, 
and  I  fell  into  the  water,  a  mishap  vvhich  amused  my 
companions  so  much  that  they  could  not  help  me  out. 

After  a  journey  of  thirty  miles  our  further  course  was 
stopped  by  a  wide  river,  with  low  wooded  hills  and  pro- 
montories, but  there  was  no  ferry-boat,  so,  putting  up  our 
horse  in  a  settler's  barn,  we  sat  on  the  beach  till  a  cranky, 
leaky  boat,  covered  with  fish-scales,  was  with  some  diffi- 
culty launched,  and  a  man  took  us  across  the  beautiful 
stream.  This  kindly  individual  came  for  us  again  the 
next  morning,  and  would  accept  nothing  but  our  thanks 
for  his  trouble.  The  settler  in  whose  barn  we  had  left  our 
horse  fed  him  well  with  oats,  and  was  equally  generous. 
The  people  in  this  })art  of  the  island  are  principally  emi- 
grants from  the  north  of  Scotland,  who  thus  carry  High- 
land hospitality  with  them  to  their  .distant  homes.  After 
a  long  walk  through  a  wood,  we  came  upon  a  little  church, 
with  a  small  house  near  it,  and  craved  a  night's  hos- 
pitality. The  church  was  one  of  those  strongholds  of 
religion  and  loyalty  which  I  rejoice  to  see  in  the  colonies. 

D  2 











■  Ii 

I  V 




i  .5 


'll    1 





Chap.  III. 

There,  Sabbath  after  Sabbath,  tlic  inhabitcints  of  this 
peaceful  locality  worship  in  the  pure  faith  of  their  fore- 
fathers :  here,  wlien  "  life's  fitful  fever "  is  over,  they 
sleep  in  the  hallowed  ground  around  these  sacred  walls. 
Nor  could  a  more  peaceful  resting-place  be  desired  :  from 
the  graveyard  one  could  catch  distant  glimpses  of  the 
Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence,  and  tall  pine-trees  flung  their  d.'ii  k 
shadows  over  the  low  green  graves. 

Leaving  our  friends  in  the  house,  we  went  down  to  a 
small  creek  running  up  into  the  woods,  the  most  formid- 
able "  loiff/er  fences"  not  interce})ting  our  progress.  After 
some  ineffectual  attempts  to  gain  possession  of  a  log- 
canoe,  we  launched  a  leaky  boat,  and  went  out  towards 
the  sea.  Tlie  purple  beams  of  the  setting  sun  fell  upon 
the  dark  pine  woods,  and  lay  in  long  lines  upon  the 
calm  waters  of  the  Gulf  of  St,  Lawrence.  It  was  a  glo- 
rious evening,  and  the  scene  was  {imong  the  fairest  which 
I  saw  in  the  New  World.  On  our  return  we  found  our 
host,  the  missionary,  returned  from  his  walk  of  twenty- 
two  miles,  and  a  rej)ast  of  tea,  wheaten  scones,  raspberries, 
and  cream,  awaited  us.  This  good  man  left  England 
twenty-five  years  ago,  and  lived  for  twenty  in  one  of  the 
most  desolate  parfs  of  Newfoundland.  Yet  he  has  re- 
tained his  vivid  interest  in  England,  and  kept  us  up  till  a 
late  hour  talking  over  its  church  and  peojde.  Contented 
in  his  isolated  position,  which  is  not  without  its  severe 
hardships,  this  good  missionary  pursues  his  useful  course 
unnoticed  by  the  world  as  it  bustles  along  ;  his  sole  earthly 
wish  seems  to  be  that  he  may  return  to  England  to  die. 

The  next  morning  at  seven  we  left  his  humble  liome, 
where  such  hospitality  had  awaited  us.  and  he  accompanied 

ClfAP.  III. 

Its  of  this 
tlieir  fore- 
over,  tliey 
!red  walls, 
ired :  from 
SOS  of  the 
tlieir  d.'iik 

down  to  a 
st  foriiiid- 
sji.    After 
of  a  loff- 
t  towards 
fell  upon 
upon  the 
as  a  glo- 
est  which 
bund  our 
F  twentv- 
e  of  the 
!  has  re- 
up  till  a 
s  severe 
il  course 
!  earthly 
o  die. 
e  home, 

ClIAl'.  III. 



us  to  the  river.  He  returned  to  his  honourable  work— I 
shortly  afterwards  went  to  the  United  States— another 
of  the  party  is  with  the  Turkish  army  in  the  Crimea— and 
the  youngest  is  married  in  a  distant  land.  For  several 
hours  we  i)assed  through  lovely  scenery,  on  one  of  the 
loveliest  mornings  1  ever  saw.  We  stopjjcd  at  the  hut  of 
an  old  Highland  woman,  who  was  "  tcrriblij  f/Iad"  to  see 
us,  and  gave  us  some  milk  ;  and  we  came  up  with  a  sturdy 
little  barefooted  urchin  of  eight  years  old,  carrying  a 
basket.  *'  NMiat's  your  name  ?"  we  asked.  *'  M?'. 
Crozicr,'"  was  the  bold  and  complacent  reply. 

At  noon  we  reached  St.  Eleanor's,  rather  a  large  vil- 
lage, where  we  met  with  great  hospitality  for  two  days  at 
the  house  of  a  keeper  of  a  small  store,  who  had  married 
the  lively  and  accomplished  daughter  of  an  English  cler- 
gyman. The  two  Irish  servant-girls  were  ill,  but  she 
said  she  should  be  delighted  to  receive  us  if  we  would 
help  her  to  do  the  household  work.  The  same  afternoon 
we  drove  to  the  house  of  a  shipbuilder  at  a  little  hamlet 
called  Greenshore,  and  went  out  lobster-fishing  in  his 
beautiful  boat.  The  way  of  fishing  for  these  creatures 
was  a  novel  one  to  me,  but  so  easy  that  a  mere  novice 
may  be  very  successful.  We  tied  sinks  to  mackerel,  and 
let  them  down  in  six  fathoms  water.  We  gently  raised 
them  now  and  then,  and,  if  we  felt  anything  pulling  the 
bait,  raised  it  slowly  up.  Gently,  gently,  or  the  fisb  sus- 
pects foul  play;  but  soon,  just  under  the  surface,  I  saw 
an  immense  lobster,  and  one  of  the  gentlemen  caught  it 
by  the  tail  and  threw  it  into  the  boat.  We  fished  for  an 
hour,  and  caught  fifteen  of  these  esteemed  creatures, 
which  we  took  to  the  house  in  a  wheelbarrow.     At  nicht 




-hi:  ■ 




Chap.  III. 

we  drove  to  St.  I']U\iiior*.<,  taking  some  of  our  spoil  with 
us,  and  iiniiiediately  adjourned  to  tlio  kitflion,  a  large, 
unfinished  plaee  bnilt  of  logs,  with  a  day  floor  and  hugi> 
snioke-stained  rafters.  ^Va  sat  hy  a  large  stove  in  the 
centre,  and  looked  as  if  we  had  never  known  civilised  life. 
Miss  K(!njins  and  I  sat  on  either  side  of  the  fireplace  in 
broad-brimmed  straw  hats,  Mrs.  Maecallnmmore  in  front, 
warming  the  feet  of  the  unhappy  baby,  who  had  beeu  a 
j)assive  spectatcn*  of  the  fishing ;  the  three  gentlemen 
stood  round  in  easy  attitudes,  these,  be  it  remembered, 
holding  glass'^s  of  brandy  and  water ;  and  the  two  invalid 
servants  stood  behind,  occasionally  uttering  suppressed 
shrieks  as  Mr.  Oppe  took  one  out  of  a  heap  of  lobsters 
and  threw  it  into  a  caldron  of  boiling  water  on  the  stove. 
This  strange  scene  was  illuminated  by  a  blazing  pine- 
knot.  Mr.  Kenjins  laughingly  reminded  me  of  the  ele- 
gant drawing-room  in  which  he  last  saw  me  in  England — 
"  Look  on  this  picture  and  on  tbat." 

On  the  Sunday  we  crossed  the  Grand  River,  on  a  day 
so  stormy  that  the  ferryman  would  not  take  the  "  scow  " 
across.  We  rowed  ourselves  over  in  a  crazy  boat,  which 
seemed  about  to  fill  and  sink  when  we  got  to  the  middle 
of  the  river,  and  attended  service  at  Port  Hill,  one  of  the 
most  desolate-looking  places  I  ever  saw.  We  saw  Lenox 
Island,  where  on  St.  Ann's  day  all  the  island  Lidian^- 
meet  and  go  through  ceremonies  with  the  Romish  priests. 

We  remained  for  part  of  the  next  day  with  our  hospi- 
table friends  at  St.  Eleanor's,  and  set  out  on  an  exj)loring 
expedition  in  search  of  a  spring  which  Mr.  K.  remem- 
bered in  his  childish  days.  Wc  went  down  to  a  lonely 
cabin  to  make  inquiries,  and  were  told  that  "  none  but 


1'  Spoil  witli 
n,  a  l.'ipge, 
and  lium. 
ovo  in  tlie 
viiisod  life, 
ii'oplaco  in 
V  in  front, 
lad  been  a 
wo  invalid 
)f  lobsters 
the  stove, 
5ing  })ine- 
'f  the  elo- 
^ngbind — 

on  a  day 

3    "  SCOW  " 

»at,  wbicii 
le  middle 
)ne  of  the 
Lw  Lenox 
i  Indi.ans 
h  priests, 
nr  hospi- 
a  lonely 
one  but 


the  old  people  knew  of  it — it  was  far  away  in  tiie  woods.' 
Ilcrc  \v;i!s  mystery  ;  so,  leaving  the  waggon,  into  the  woods 
we  went  to  seek  for  it,  and  far  away  in  the  woods  we  found 
it,  and  now  others  besides  the  "  old  people"  know  of  it. 

We  struck  into  the  f)rest,  an  old,  untrodden  forest, 
where  generations  of  trees  had  rotted  away,  and  strange 
flowers  and  lichens  grew,  and  bats  flew  past  us  in  the 
artiticial  darkness ;  and  tiiere  were  snakes  too,  ugly 
spotted  things,  which  hissed  at  us,  an'd  j)ut  out  their 
double  tongues,  and  then  coiled  themselves  away  in  the 
dim  recesses  of  the  forest.  But  on  we  went,  climbing 
with  difticalty  over  prostrate  firs,  or  breaking  through 
matted  juni])er,  and  still  the  spring  was  not,  though  we 
were  "  far  away  in  the  woods."  But  still  we  climbed  on, 
through  swamp  and  jungle,  till  we  tore  our  dresses  to 
pieces,  and  our  hats  got  pulled  oft'  in  a  tree  and  some  of 
our  hair  with  them  ;  but  at  last  we  rcNiched  the  spring.  It 
was  such  a  scene  as  one  might  have  dreamed  of  in  some 
forest  in  a  fabulous  Elysium.  It  was  a  large,  deep  l)asin 
of  pure  white  sand,  covered  with  clear  water,  and  seven 
powerful  springs,  each  about  a  foot  high,  rose  from  it ; 
and  trees  had  fallen  over  it,  and  were  cov(;red  with  briaht 
green  moss,  and  others  bent  over  it  ready  to  fall;  and 
above  them  the  tall  hemlocks  shut  out  the  liglit,  except 
where  a  few  stray  beams  glittered  on  the  {)ure  transparent 

And  here  it  lay  in  lonely  beauty,  as  it  had  done  for 
centuries,  probably  known  only  to  the  old  peojde  and  to 
the  wandering  Indians.  In  enterprising  England  a  town 
would  have  been  built  round  it,  and  we  should  have  had 
cheap  excursions  to  the  "  Baths  of  St.  Eleanor's." 


■ ) 
■  i' : 

■  ^-i^ 





ClIAl'.  III. 



Tn  tlio  ov(.'nlng  wc?  w»Mit  to  the  liouso  of  Mi*.  Oppo  at 
BeiK([iiL',  l)ut  not  tiiidiiig  liim  at  lionio  wo  presunu'd  on 
colonial  iu)sj)itality  s^o  far  as  to  pnt  our  liorso  in  tlio  i-tal)lo 
and  unpack  our  clothes ;  and  when  Mr.  Oppe  returned 
lie  found  us  playing  at  draughts,  and  joined  us  in  a  hearty 
laugh  at  our  coolness.  Our  fifth  and  last  day's  journey 
was  a  long  one  of  forty  niilej,  yet  near  Cape  Traverse 
our  horse  ran  away  down  a  steep  hill,  and  across  a  long 
wooden  hridge  without  a  parapet,  thereby  placing  our 
lives  in  iuuuinent  jeopardy.  After  travelling  for  several 
hours  we  cauie  to  a  lone  house,  where  we  hoped  to  get 
some  refreshment  both  for  ourselves  and  the  horse,  but 
found  the  house  locked^  a  remarkable  fact,  as  in  this  island 
robbery  is  almost  unknown.  We  were  quite  exhausted 
with  hunger,  and  our  hearts  sank  when  we  found  every 
door  and  window  cloaed.  We  then,  as  an  act  of  mercy, 
stole  a  sheaf  of  oats  from  a  neighbouring  field,  and  cut  the 
ears  off  for  the  horse  with  our  penknives,  after  which  we, 
in  absolute  hunger,  ate  as  many  grains  as  we  could  clean 
from  the  husks,  and  some  fern,  which  we  found  very  bitter. 
We  looked,  very  much  like  a  group  of  vagrants  sitting 
by  the  road-side,  the  possession  of  the  oats  being  disputed 
with  us  by  five  lean  pigs.  When  after  another  hour  we 
really  succeeded  in  getting  something  more  suitable  for 
human  beings,  we  ate  like  famished  creatures. 

AVliile  I  was  walking  up  a  long  hill,  I  passed  a  neat 
cabin  in  a  garden  of  pian))kins,  placed  in  a  situation  ap- 
parently chosen  from  its  extreme  picturesqueness.  Seeing 
an  old  man,  in  a  suit  of  grey  frieze  and  a  hlue  bonnet, 
standing  at  the  gate,  I  addressed  him  with  the  words, 
"  Cia   mar  thasibli   an   diugh.^^      "  Slan  gu  rohh  math 

Cii.u'.  III. 

Oj)j)(«  at 
wuwd  on 
tlie  i-tiihle 
a  lieartv 
s  journey 

153  a  lonrr 


cing  our 
r  several 
d  to  get 
orse,  but 
lis  island 
id  every 
f  mercy, 
1  cut  the 
hich  we, 
lid  clean 
•y  bitter. 
5  sittinff 


hour  we 
able  for 

a  neat 
tion  ap- 


^i  math 

of/dibh.  Cm  mar  tJmsihh  anfrin"*  was  the  delighted  re])ly, 
afM'oinpnnied  with  a  hearty  shake  of  both  hands.  Ih^  wjis 
from  Siii/ort,  in  the  IjjIc  of  Skye,  and,  tiiough  he  had 
attained  e()ini)etence  in  th(^  land  of  his  adoption,  he 
mourned  the  absence  of  his  native;  heather.  He  ai^ked 
me  the  usual  Highland  question,  "  Tell  me  the  news  ;'* 
and  I  told  him  all  that  I  could  recollect  of  those  with 
whom  he  was  familiar.  He  spoke  of  the  (yUchuUin  Hills, 
and  the  stern  beautv  of  J.och  Corruisk,  with  tears  in  liis 
eyes.  "  Ah,"  he  said,  "  I  have  no  wish  but  to  see  them 
once  again.  Who  is  the  lady  with  you — the  lily?"  he 
asked,  for  he  spoke  English  imperfectly,  and  preferred  his 
own  poetical  tongue.  "  May  your  path  be  always  bright, 
lady  !"  he  said,  as  he  shook  my  hand  warmly  at  parting  ; 
"  and  ye'll  come  and  see  me  when  ye  come  again,  and 
bring  me  tales  from  the  old  country."  The  simple  wish 
of  Donnuil  Dhu  has  often  recurred  to  me  in  the  midst  of 
gayer  scenes  and  companions.  It  brought  to  mind  me- 
mories of  many  a  hearty  welcome  received  in  the  old 
man's  Highland  home,  and  of  those  whose  eyes  were  then 
looking  upon  the  Cuchullin  Hills. 

After  this  expedition,  where  so  much  kindness  had  been 
experienced,  Charlotte  Town  did  not  appear  more  delight- 
ful than  before,  and,  though  sorry  to  take  leave  of  many 
kind  relatives  and  friends,  I  was  glad  that  only  one  more 
day  remained  to  me  in  the  island. 

I  cordially  wish  its  people  every  prosperity.  They  are 
loyal,  moral,  and  independent,  and  their  sympathies  with 

*  "  How  are  you  to-day  ?"      "  Very  well,  thauk  you.     I  hope  you 
are  well." 

D    3 






England  have  lately  been  evidenced  by  their  liberal  con- 
tributions to  the  Patriotic  Fund.  When  their  trade  and 
commerce  shall  have  been  extended,  and  when  a  more 
suitable  plan  has  been  adopted  for  the  i^u})port  of  reli- 
gion ;  when  large  portions  of  waste  land  have  been 
brought  under  cultivation,  and  local  resonrces  have  been 
farther  developed,  ])eople  will  be  too  much  occuj)ied  with 
their  own  affairs  to  busy  themselves,  as  now,  cither  with 
the  affairs  of  others,  or  with  the  puerile  politics  of  so 
small  a  ccmuiuuiity ;  and  then  the  island  "1  deserve  the 
title  which  has  been  bestowed  on  it,  ''  ..v  Garden  of 
British  America  J" 

'« 1   1 

r-n    ., 

Il        V 

CifAP.  II  r. 

ral  Con- 
rad e  and 

a  more 
:  of  reli- 
ve been 
ve  been 
iod  with 
itM"  with 
s  of  so 

rvo  the 

•den  of 

From  St.  George's  Cross  to  the  Stars  nnd  Stripes  —  Uupunctuulity 
Incoiiipetc'iice  —  A  wretoliod  iiii^Iit  —  CulDiiiiil  curiosity  —  Tlie 
fiishious  — A  nif^'lit  in  a  huflUlo  robe  —  A  statue  j<nu'tiey  —  A  queer 
cliaracter  —  I'oiitics  —  Chemistry  —  Matliematic.s  —  li'otten  bridges 
—  A  ini(hiiglit  arrival — Coh>iiial  ignoi-auce  —  Yaiilcee  conceit  — Wiiat 
ten-horso  power  chaps  can  do  —  The  ])estih>nco  —  Tli3  city  on  tlie 
rock — New  IJrun.swick  —  Steand)oat  peculiarities — Going  ahead 
in  tlie  eating  line  —  A  storm  —  Stepping  ashore. 

Tjie  ravi.ges  of  the  cliolera  having  in  some  degree  ceased, 
1  left  Prince  Edward  Ishmd  for  the  United  States,  and 
decided  to  endure  the  delays  and  inconveniences  of  the 
intercolonial  route  for  the  purpose  of  seeing  something 
of  New  Brunswick  on  my  way  to  Boston. 

The  journey  from  the  island  to  the  States  is  in  itself 
by  no  means  an  easy  one,  and  is  rendered  still  more  diffi- 
cult by  the  want  of  arrangement  on  the  part  of  those  who 
conduct  the  transit  of  travellers.  The  inhabitants  of  our 
eastern  colonies  do  not  iniderfttand  the  value  of  time, 
consequently  the  uncertain  arrivals  and  departures  of  the 
Ladtf  Lc  Marchant  furnish  matter  for  numerous  specu- 
lations. From  some  circumstances  which  had  occurred 
within  my  knowledge — one  being  that  the  captain  of  this 
steamer  had  forf/otten  to  call  for  the  continental  mails — 
I  did  not  attach  much  importance  to  the  various  times 
which  were  fixed  definitely  for  her  sailing  between  the 
hours  of  four  and  ten. 

A  cloudy,  gloomy  night  had   succeeded  to  the  bright 

•■V  ,.     * 

j3j  ' 









■ .", ' 

kib ' 



■•;■  » 










Chap.  IV. 




.    '         '^ 

V       ■■! 

!.'       ir, 

■■      -^ 






■'    :|| 


'  M; 

!•  t 

blaze  of  an  August  day.  and  miilnigiit  was  fast  approadi- 
ing  boforo  tbe  signal-beil  I'aiig.  Two  friends  iict'om- 
})anied  nie  as  far  as  li<'de(|ue,  and,  besides  the  gentleman 
under  whose  escort  1  was  to  travel,  then;  were  twelve 
island  gentlemen  and  two  ladies,  all  supposed  to  l)e  bound, 
like  myself,  for  Boston.  All  separate  individualities  were, 
however,  lost  amid  the  confusion  of  bear-skin  and  water- 
proof coats  and  the  inipenetral>le  darkness  which  brooded 
both  on  wharf  and  steamer. 

An  amusing  scene  of  bungling  marked  our  departure 
from  Charlotte  Town.  The  captain,  a  sturdy  old  North- 
umbrian seaman,  thorougiily  understood  his  business ; 
but  the  owners  of  the  ship  comj)elled  him  to  share  its 
management  with  a  very  ])ertinaei(>us  j)ilot,  and  the  con- 
flicting orders  given,  an  '  the  want  of  harra<my  in  the 
actions  produced,  gave  i .  to  many  reflections  on  the 
evils  of  divided  responsibility.  On  ti»e  night  in  question 
some  mysterious  s})ell  seemed  to  bind  us  to  the  shores  of 
Prince  Edward  Island.  In  an  attempt  to  get  the  steamer 
oflT  she  ran  stern  foremost  upon  the  bows})rit  of  a 
schooner,  then  broke  one  of  the  piles  of  the  wharf  to 
pieces,  crushing  her  fender  to  »toms  at  the  same  time. 
Some  persons  on  the  pier,  comp«»sionating  our  hel|)less- 
ncss,  attempted  to  stave  the  ship  orfF  with  long  ])oles,  but 
this  well-nieant  attem})t  failed,  as  did  several  others,  until 
some  one  suggested  to  the  captahi  the  very  simple  expe- 
dient of  working  tii«'  enjSjiiK^s,  when  the  steamer  moved 
slowly  away,  smashing  th»^  bulwarks  of  a  new  brig,  and 
soon  in  the  dark  and  nuirky  atmosjjfaer-  the  few  lights  of 
Charlotte  Town  ceased  to  be  vusible. 

The  compass  was  then  rerjuir«»i,  but  tine  matches  in  the 




ClIAI'.  IV. 

e  ts\olve 
'0  bound, 
ies  were, 
(1  water- 


I  Xoi-th- 

usiuoss  ; 
nu'G  its 

tiie  con- 
in  the 
on   the 

lores  of 


;   of    a 

barf  to 

3  time, 


tJs,  but 

?,  until 




jilts  of 

in  the 

Chai'.  IV, 






slilp  liung  fire ;  and  wlien  a  passenger  at  length  produced 
a  light,  it  was  discovered  that  the  lamj)  in  the  binnacle 
was  without  that  essential  article,  oil.  jMeanwhile  no  one 
had  ascertained  wliat  had  caused  tbe  heavy  smash  at  the 
outset,  and  certain  timid  persons,  in  the  idea  that  a  hole 
had  been  knocked  in  the  ship's  side,  were  in  continual 
apprehension,  that  she  would  fill  and  sink.  To  drown  all 
such  gloomy  ajiticipations  we  sang  several  songs,  among 
others  the  a])propriate  one,  "  Isle  of  Beauty,  fare  thee 
well."  The  voices  rapidly  grew  more  faint  and  spiritless 
as  we  stood  farther  out  to  sea,  a  failure  which  miglit  have 
been  attributed  to  m'ief  at  leavin"  old  friends  on  the 
chance  of  making  new  ones,  had  not  hints  and  questions 
been  speedily  interchanged,  such  as  "  Do  you  like  the 
sea?"  "  Are  you  feeling  comfortable?"  "Would  you 
prefer  being  downstairs?" — and  the  like. 

Cloaks  and  pillows  became  more  thought  of  than  either 
songs  or  friends ;  indefinable  sensations  of  melancholy 
rendered  the  merriest  of  the  party  silent,  and  a  perfect 
deluge  of  rain  rendered  a  retreat  into  the  lower  regions 
a  precautionary  measure  which  even  the  bc'iest  were 
content  to  adopt.  Below,  in  addition  to  the  close  over- 
powering odour  of  cabins  without  any  ventilation,  the 
smell  of  the  bilge-water  was  sufficient  in  itself  to  produce 
nausea.  The  dark  den  called  the  ladies'  cabin,  which 
was  by  no  means  clean,  was  the  sleeping  abode  of  twelve 
people  in  various  stages  of  discomfort,  and  two  babies. 

1  spent  a  very  comfortless  four  hours,  and  went  on  deck 
at  dawn  to  find  a  thick  fog,  a  heavy  rain,  the  boards 
swimming  with  soot  and  water,  and  one  man  cowering  at 
the  wheel.     Most  of  the  gentlemen,  induced  by  the  dis- 







■;  '  'J 

1     Ml 




t    1 


I    •(! 




Chap.  IV. 

comfort  to  bo  early  risers,  came  up  before  we  reached 
Bedeque,  in  oilskin  caps,  coats,  and  leggings,  wearing 
that  expression  on  their  physiognomies  peculiar  to  Anglo- 
Saxons  in  the  rain. 

The  K s  wished  me  to  go  ashore  here,  but  the 

skipper,  who  seemed  to  have  been  born  with  an  objection 
on  the  tip  of  his  tongue,  dissuaded  me,  as  the  rain  was 
falling  heavily,  and  the  boat  was  a  quarter  full  of  water  ; 
but  as  my  clothes  ccmld  not  be  more  thoroughly  satu- 
rated than  they  were,  I  landed  ;  and  even  at  the  early 
hour  of  six  we  found  a  blazing  log-fire  in  the  ship- 
builder's hospitable  house,  and  "  Biddy,"  more  the 
"Biddy"  of  an  Irish  novelist  than  a  servant  in  real  life, 
with  her  merry  face,  rich  brogue,  and  potato-cakes,  wel- 
comed us  with  many  expressions  of  commiseration  for  our 
drowned  plight. 

Who  that  has  ever  experienced  the  miseries  of  a 
voyage  in  a  dirty,  crowded,  and  ill-ventilated  little 
steamer,  has  not  also  appreciated  the  pleasure  of  getting 
upon  the  land  even  for  a  few  minutes  ?  The  consciousness 
of  the  absence  of  suffocating  sensations,  and  of  the  com- 
fort of  a  floor  which  does  not  move  under  the  feet — of 
space,  and  cleanliness,  and  warmth — soon  produce  an 
oblivion  of  all  past  miseries ;  but  if  the  voyage  has  not 
terminated,  and  the  relief  is  only  temporary,  it  enhances 
the  dread  of  future  ones  to  such  an  extent  that,  when 
the  captain  came  to  the  door  to  fetch  me,  I  had  to  rouse 
all  my  energies  before  I  could  leave  a  blazing  fire  to 
battle  with  cold  and  rain  again.  The  offer  of  a  cup  of 
tea,  which  I  would  have  supposed  irresistible,  would  not 
induce  him  to  permit  me  to  finish  my  breakfast,  but  at 

Chap.  IV, 



ClIAP.  IV. 



lengtli  his  better  nature  prevailed,  and  ho  consented  to 
send  the  boat  a  second  time. 

After  allowing  my  pocket  to  be  filled  with  "notions" 
by  the  generous  "  Biddy,"  I  took  leave  of  Miss  Kenjins, 
who  is  good,  clever,  and  agreeable  enough  to  redeem  the 
youiig-lidyliood  of  the  island — nor  was  there  enough  of 
pleasant  promise  for  the  future  to  compensate  for  the 
regret  1  felt  at  leaving  those  wlio  had  received  a  stranger 
with  such  kindness  and  hospitality. 

I  jumped  into  the  boat,  where  I  stood  with  my  feet  in 
the  water,  in  company  with  several  gentlemen  with  drip- 
ping umbrellas,  whose  marked  want  of  nasal  develop?nent 
rendered  Disraeli's  description  of  "  flat-nosed  Franks " 
peculiarly  appropriate.  The  rain  poured  down  as  rain 
never  pours  in  England  ;  and  under  these  very  dispiriting 
circumstances  I  began  my  travels  over  the  North  Ameri- 
can continent. 

I  went  down  to  my  miserable  berth,  and  vainly  tried  to 
sleep,  the  discomfort  and  mismanagement  which  prevailed 
leading  my  thoughts  by  force  of  contrast  to  the  order, 
cleanliness,  and  regularity  of  the  inimitable  line  of 
s'eamers  on  the  West  Highland  coast.  AVherever  the 
means  of  locomotion  are  concerned,  these  colonies  are 
very  far  behind  either  the  "  old  country  "  or  their  enter- 
prising neighbours  in  Canada ;  and  at  present  they  do 
not  appear  conscious  of  the  deficiencies  which  ar-;  sternly 
forced  upon  a  traveller's  observation. 

The  prospect  which  appeared  through  the  door  was  not 
calculated  to  please,  as  it  consisted  of  a  low,  dark,  and 
suffbcating  cabin,  filled  with  men  in  suits  of  oilskin, 
existing  in  a  steamy  atmosphere,  loided  with  the  odours 










Chap.  IV. 


h\  ;>i'i  '\ 

of  india-rubber,  to1)acco,  and  spirits.  The  stewardess 
was  ill,  and  my  conipanions  were  groaning ;  unheeded 
babies  were  crying ;  and  the  only  pleasing  feature  in  the 
scene  was  the  gruff  old  pilot,  ubiquitous  in  kindness,  ever 
performing  some  act  of  humanity.  At  one  moment  he 
was  holding  smelling-salts  to  some  exhausted  lady — at 
another  carrying  down  a  poor  Irishwoman,  who,  though 
a  steerage  passenger,  should  not,  he  said,  be  left  to  perish 
from  cold  and  hunger — and  again,  feeding  some  crying 
baby  with  bread  and  milk.  My  clothes  were  completely 
saturated,  and  his  good  offices  probably  saved  me  from  a 
severe  illness  by  covering  me  up  with  a  blanket. 

At  twelve  we  reached  Shediac  in  New  Brunswick,  a 
place  from  which  an  enormous  quantity  of  timber  is 
annually  exported.  It  is  a  village  in  a  marsh,  on  a  large 
bay  surrounded  by  low  wooded  hills,  and  presents  every 
appearance  of  unheaithiness.  Huge  square-sided  ship., 
English^  Dutch,  and  Austrian,  were  swallowing  up  rafts 
of  pine  which  kept  arriving  from  the  shore.  The  water 
on  this  coast  is  shallow,  and,  though  our  steamer  was 
not  of  more  than  150  tons  burthen,  we  were  obliged  to 
anchor  nearly  two  miles  from  shore. 

Shediac  had  recently  been  visited  by  the  cholera,  and 
there  was  an  infectious  melancholy  about  its  aspect, 
which,  coupled  with  the  fact  that  I  was  wet,  cold,  and 
weary,  and  with  the  discovery  that  my  escort  and  I  had 
not  two  ideas  in  common,  had  a  tendency  to  produce  any- 
thing but  a  lively  frame  of  mind. 

We  and  our  luggage  were  unceremoniously  trundled 
into  two  large  boats,  some  of  the  gentlemen,  1  am  sorry 
to  say,  forcing  their  way  into  the  first,  in  order  to  secure 


Chap,  iv 

CHA1>.  IV 



cry  1  no- 

for  tlioniselves  inside  places  in  tlie  stage.  An  American 
gentleman  offered  our  rowers  a  dollar  if  they  could  gain 
the  shore  first,  but  they  failed  in  doing  so,  and  these  very 
ungallant  individuals  hired  the  first  waggon,  and  drove 
off  at  fall  speed  to  the  Bend  on  the  Petticodiac  river, 
confident  in  the  success  of  their  scheme.  What  was  their 
surprise  and  mortification  to  find  that  a  gentleman  of  our 
party,  who  said  he  was  "  an  old  stager,  and  up  to  a  dodge 
or  two,"  had  leisurely  telegraphed  from  Shediac  for  nine 
places !  Tims,  on  their  arrival  at  the  Bend,  the  delinquents 
found  that,  besides  being  both  censured  and  laughed  at 
for  their  selfishness,  they  had  lost  their  places,  their  dinners, 
and  their  tempers. 

As  we  were  rowing  to  shore,  the  captain  told  us  that 
our  worst  difficulty  was  yet  to  come — an  insuperable  one, 
he  added,  to  corpulent  persons.  There  was  no  landing- 
place  for  boats,  or  indeed  for  anything,  at  low  water,  and 
we  had  to  climb  up  a  wharf  ten  feet  high,  formed  of  huge 
round  logs  })laced  a  foot  apart  from  each  other,  and 
slippery  with  sea-grass.  It  is  really  incredible  that,  at  a 
place  through  which  a  considerable  traffic  passes,  as  being 
on  the  high  road  from  Prince  Edward  Island  to  the 
United  States,  there  should  be  a  more  inconvenient 
landing-j)Iace  than  I  ever  saw  at  a  Highland  village. 

Large,  high,  springless  waggons  were  waiting  for  us  on 
this  wharf,  which,  after  jolting  us  along  a  bad  road  for 
s(mie  distance,  deposited  us  at  the  door  of  the  inn  at 
Shediac,  where  we  came  for  the  first  time  upon  the  track 
of  the  cholera,  which  had  recently  devastated  all  the 
places  along  our  route.  Here  we  had  a  substantial 
dinner  of  a  very  homely  description,    and,  as  in  Nova 





■'  Mi 










Cii.vr.  IV. 

i  ;^ 

Scotin,  a  cup  of  toa  sweetened  with  molasses  was  placed 
by  each  plate,  instead  of  any  intoxicating  hcvenigc. 

After  this  meal  I  went  into  the  "  house-room,"  or 
parlour,  a  general  "  rendezvous  "  of  lady  visitors,  babies, 
unmannerly  children,  Irish  servant-girls  with  tangled 
hair  and  bare  feet,  colonial  gossips,  "  cute  "  urchins,  and 
not  unfrequently  of  those  curious-looking  beings,  jiauper- 
emigrant  lads  from  Erin,  who  do  a  little  of  everything 
and  nothing  well,  denominated  stable-helps. 

Hero  I  was  assailed  with  a  host  of  questions  as  to  my 
country,  objects  in  travelling,  &c.,  and  I  speedily  found 
that  being  from  the  "  old  country  "  gave  me  a  status  in 
the  eyes  of  the  colonial  ladies.  I  was  requested  to  take 
off  my  cloak  to  display  the  pattern  of  my  dress,  and  the 
performance  of  a  very  inefficient  country  modiste  passed 
off  as  the  latest  Parisian  fashion.  My  bonnet  and  cloak 
were  subjected  to  a  like  scrutiny,  and  the  pattern  of  the 
dress  was  taken,  after  which  I  was  allowed  to  resume  my 

Interrogatories  about  England  followed,  and  I  was 
asked  if  I  had  seen  the  queen  ?  The  hostess  "  guessed  " 
that  sue  must  be  a  "  tall  grand  lady,"  and  one  pretty 
damsel  that  "  she  must  dress  beautiful,  and  always  vear 
the  crown  out  of  doors."  I  am  afraid  that  I  rather  less- 
ened the  estimation  in  which  our  gracious  liege  lady  was 
held  1)}  her  subjects  when  I  replied  that  she  dressed  very 
simply  on  ordinary  occasions ;  had  never,  I  believed,  worn 
the  crown  since  her  coronation,  and  was  very  little  above 
my  he'ght.  They  inquired  about  the  royal  children,  but 
evinced  more  curiosity  about  the  princess-royal  than  with 
respect  to  the  heir  to  the  throne. 

Ciiw,  IV 

'«^s  placed 

•oom,"  01- 
•i^,  babies, 
J'j'is,  and 

Chap.  IV. 



?   to 


y  found 
^fafus  in 

to  take 
and  the 

J  cloak 

of  the 
me  my 

One  of  the  querists  had  been  at  Boston,  but  guessed 
that  "  London  must  be  a  pretty  considerable  toucli 
iiigher,"  iNIost,  bosvever,  could  only  comj)are  it  in  idea 
with  St.  John,  N.  B.,  and  listened  with  the  greatest 
appearance  of  interest  to  the  wonders  which  I  narrated 
of  the  extent,  wealth,  and  magnificence  of  the  British 
metropolis.  Altogether  I  was  favourably  ini^>  essed  by 
their  intelligence,  and  during  my  short  journey  through 
New  Brunswick  I  formed  a  higher  opinion  of  the  unedu- 
cated settlers  in  this  province  than  of  those  in  Nova 
Scotia.  They  are  very  desirous  to  possess  a  reputation 
for  being,  to  use  their  borrowed  phraseology,  "  Knowing 
'coons,  with  their  eye-teeth  well  cut."  It  would  be  well 
if  they  borrowed  from  their  neighbours,  the  Yankees, 
something  more  useful  than  their  slang,  which  renders 
the  vernacular  of  the  province  rather  repulsive.  The 
spirit  of  enterprise,  which  has  done  so  much  for  the  ad- 
jacent state  of  3Iaine,  has  not  yet  displayed  itself  in  New 
Brunswick  in  the  completion  of  any  works  of  practical 
utility;  and  tlumgh  the  soil  in  many  places  has  great 
natural  capabilities,  these  have  not  been  taken  du2 
advantage  of. 

There  are  two  modes  of  reaching  St.  John  f"om 
Shediac,  one  by  stage,  the  other  by  steamer;  and  the 
ladies  and  children,  fearful  of  the  fatigue  of  a  land 
journey,  remained  to  take  the  steamer  from  the  Bend. 
I  resolved  to  stay  under  Mr.  Sandford's  escort,  and  go 
by  land,  one  of  my  objects  being  to  see  as  much  of  the 
country  as  possible  ;  also  my  late  experiences  of  colonial 
steamboat  travelling  had  not  been  so  agreeable  as  to 
induce  me  to  brave  the  storms  of  the  Bay  of  Fundy  in  a 

■'i '. 

A.  I -ft' 





i  i 




Chap.  IV. 

crazy  vessel,  wliicli  had  been  injured  only  two  nights* 
before  by  a  collision  in  a  race.  On  the  night  on  which 
some  of  Tny  companions  sailed  the  Creoles  engines  were 
disabled,  and  she  remained  in  a  helpless  condition  for 
four  hours,  so  I  had  a  very  fortunate  escape. 

Taking  leave  of  the  amusingly  miscellaneous  party  in 
the  "  house-room,"  I  left  Shediac  for  the  Bend,  in  com- 
pany with  seven  persons  from  Prince  Edward  Island,  in 
a  waggon  drawn  by  two  ponies,  and  driven  by  the  land- 
lord, a  shrewd  specimen  of  a  colonist. 

This  mode  of  transit  deserves  a  passing  notice.  The 
waggon  consisted  of  an  oblong  shallow  wooden  tray  on 
four  wheels  ;  on  this  were  placed  three  boards  resting  on 
high  unsteady  props,  and  the  machine  was  destitute  of 
springs.  The  ponies  were  thin,  shaggy,  broken-kneed 
beings,  under  fourteen  hands  high,  with  harness  of  a  most 
meagre  description,  and  its  coht^sive  qualities  seemed  very 
small,  if  I  might  judge  from  the  frequency  with  which 
the  driver  alighted  to  repair  its  parts  with  pieces  of  twine, 
with  which  his  pockets  were  stored,  I  suppose  in  antici- 
pation of  such  occasions. 

These  poor  little  animals  took  nearly  four  hours  to  go 
fourteen  miles,  and  even  this  rate  of  progression  was  only 
kept  up  by  the  help  of  continual  admonitions  from  a  stout 
leather  thong. 

It  was  a  dismal  evening,  very  like  one  in  England  at 
the  end  of  November — the  air  cold  and  damp — and  1 
found  the  chill  from  wet  clothes  and  an  east  wind  any- 
thing but  agreeable.  The  country  also  was  extremely  un- 
inviting, and  I  thought  its  aspect  more  gloomy  than  that  of 
Nova  Scotia.     Sometimes  we  traversed  swamps  swarming 



wo  niglitj< 

on  wliicli 

;in(»s  were 

iition   for 

i  party  in 

in  com- 

sland,  in 

ho  land- 

te.     The 
tray  on 
sting  on 
itute  of 
■  a  most 
ed  very 
b  which 
P  twine, 

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ind  at 
and  I 
I  any- 
y  un- 
hat  of 

Cir.u'.  IV. 



witli  bnlltrog.-!,  on  corduroy  roads  wliicii  nearly  jolted  us 
out  of  the  vehicle,  then  dreary  levels  abounding  in  spindly 
hacnietac,  hemlock,  and  birch-trees  ;  next  we  would  go 
down  into  a  cedar-swamp  alive  with  mosquitoes.  Dense 
forests,  impassable  morasses,  and  sedgy  streams  always 
bounded  the  immediate  prosj)ect,  and  the  clearings  were 
few  and  far  between.  Nor  was  the  conversation  of  my 
comj)anions  calcidated  to  beguile  a  tedious  journey  ;  it 
was  on  *■'•  s,iatchiiii/s,''  '' siiarliiif/s,''  and  other  puerilities 
of  island  politics,  corn,  sugar,  and  molasses. 

About  dusk  we  reached  the  Bend,  a  dismal  piece  of 
alluvial  swampy-looking  land,  drained  by  a  wide,  muddy 
river,  called  the  Petticodiae,  along  the  shore  of  which  a 
considerable  shij)building  vilhige  is  located.  The  tide 
here  rises  and  falls  twenty-four  feet,  and  sixty  at  the 
mouth  of  the  river,  in  the  Bay  of  Fundy.  It  was  a  dis- 
piriting view — acres  of  mud  bare  at  low  water,  and  miles 
of  swamp  covered  with  rank  coarse  grass,  intersected  by 
tide-streams,  which  are  continually  crossed  on  rotten 
wooden  bridges  without  parapets.  This  place  had  re- 
cently been  haunted  by  fever  and  cholera. 

As  there  was  a  slight  incline  into  the  village,  our 
miserable  ponies  connnenced  a  shambling  trot,  the  noise 
of  which  brought  numerous  idlers  to  the  inn-door  to 
inquire  the  news.  This  inn  was  a  rambling,  unpainted 
erection  of  wood,  opj)osite  to  a  "  cash,  credit,  and  barter 
store,"  kept  by  an  enterprising  Caledonian — an  additional 
proof  of  the  saying  which  ascribes  ubi(juity  to  "  Scots, 
Newcastle  grindstones,  and  Birmingham  buttons."  A 
tidy,  bustling  landlady,  very  American  in  her  phraseo- 
logy, but  kind  in  her  way,  took  me  under  her  especial 



■  I-' 


■■■''  ^ 






'■^'-  1 

;■  ■••  ■■•'J  >f' 




Chap.  IV. 

'    i 

>  '. 

,  '■( 

]   .•■ 

I  1 

protoctlun,  as  forty  men  were  staying  in  tlie  house,  and 
there  was  an  astonisliing  paucity  of  the  softer  sex  ;  indeed, 
in  all  my  subsequent  travels  I  met  with  an  undue  and 
rather  disagreeable  preponderance  of  the  "  lords  of  the 

Not  being  inrlined  to  sit  in  the  "  parlour  "  with  a  very 
motley  company,  I  accompanied  the  hostes^s  into  the 
kitchen,  and  tat  by  the  fire  upon  a  chouping-bloik,  the 
most  luxurious  seat  in  the  a})artment.  Two  shoeless 
Irish  girls  were  my  other  companions,  and  one  of  them, 
hearing  that  I  was  from  England,  inquired  if  I  were 
acquainted  with  "one  Mike  Donovan,  of  Skibbereen !" 
The  landlady's  daughter  was  also  there,  a  little,  sharp- 
visaged,  precocious  torment  of  three  years  old,  who  spilt 
my  ink  and  lost  my  thimble ;  and  then,  coming  up  to  me, 
said,  "  Well,  stranger,  I  guess  you're  kinder  tired."  She 
very  unceremoniously  detached  my  watch  from  my  chain, 
and,  looking  at  it  quite  with  the  eye  uf  a  connoisseur, 
"guessed  it  must  have  cost  a  pretty  high  figure"  I  After 
she  had  filled  my  purse  with  ink,  for  which  misdemeanour 
her  mother  offered  no  apology,  I  looked  into  the  tea-room, 
which  presented  the  curious  spectacle  of  forty  men,  in- 
cluding a  number  of  ship-carpenters  of  highly  respectable 
appearance,  taking  tea  in  the  silent,  business-like  way  in 
which  Transatlantic  meals  are  generally  despatched.  My 
own  meal,  which  the  landlady  evidently  intended  should 
be  a  very  luxurious  one,  consisted  of  stewed  tea,  sweet- 
ened with  molasses,  soft  cheese  instead  of  butter,  and 
dark  rye-bread. 

The  inn  was  so  full  that  my  hostess  said  she  could  not 
give  me  a  bed — rather  an  unwelcome  announcement  to  a 



Chap.  IV. 

ouse,  and 
;  intleet], 
kIuo  and 
ds  of  the 

tli  a  very 
into  tlie 
•lotk,  the 

of  tlieni, 

I  were 
bereen !" 
?,  sharp- 
ivho  spilt 
p  to  me, 
i."     She 
y  chain, 
a- room, 
lien,  in- 

way  in 
J.    My 


er, and 

lid  not 
nt  to  a 

Chap.  IV. 





wayworn  traveller— and  with  considerable  c()nii)lacency 
she  took  me  int(»  a  large,  whitewashed,  carpetless  room, 
furnished  with  one  chair,  a  small  table,  and  my  valise. 
She  gave  me  two  huHaK)  robes,  and  left  me,  hojjing  I 
should  be  comfortable  !  llather  disposed  to  (piarrel  with 
a  iir.rdship  whieli  shortly  afterwards  I  shoulil  have  laughed 
at.  I  rolled  up  my  cloak  fur  a  pillow,  wrapped  myself  in 
a  burt'alo-skin,  and  slept  as  soundly  as  on  the  most  luxu- 
rious couch.  I  was  roused  early  by  a  general  thumj)ing 
and  clattering,  and,  making  the  hasty  toilette  which  one  is 
comj)elled  to  do  when  destitute  of  ai)pliances,  1  found  the 
stage  at  the  early  hour  of  six  ready  at  the  door  ;  and,  to 
my  surprise,  the  coachman  was  mulfled  up  in  furs,  and 
the  morning  was  intensely  cold. 

This  vehicle  was  of  the  J^ame  construction  as  that  which 
1  have  already  described  in  Nova  Scotia ;  but,  being  nar- 
rower, was  infinitely  more  uncomfortable.  Seven  gentle- 
men and  two  ladies  went  inside,  in  a  space  where  six 
would  have  been  disagreeably  crowded.  Mr.  Sandford 
preferred  the  outside,  where  he  could  smoke  his  cigar 
without  molestation.  The  road  was  very  hilly,  and  several 
tinn;s  our  progress  was  turned  into  retrogression,  for  the 
hordes  invariably  refused  to  go  up  hill,  probably,  poor 
things !  because  they  felt  their  inability  to  drag  the 
loaded  wain  up  the  steep  declivities  which  we  continually 
met  with.  The  passengers  were  therefore  frequently 
called  upon  to  get  out  and  walk — a  very  agreeable  recre- 
ation, for  the  ice  was  the  thickness  of  a  penny ;  the  ther- 
mometer stood  at  35° ;  there  was  a  piercing  north-east 
wind ;  and  though  the  sun  shone  from  a  cloudless  sky, 
his  rays  had  scarcely  any  power.     We  breakfasted    at 




\  'is' 




CllAI'.  IV. 



:>    '  : 

\l     K 



eight,   cat  .a   little  wayside    inn,  .and  then    travelled  till 
midnight  with  scarcely  any  cessation. 

The  way  wonld  have  heen  very  tedious  had  it  not 
heen  enlivened  by  the  eccentricities  of  Mr.  Latham,  an 
English  passenger.  After  breakfast  the  conversation  in 
the  stage  was  pretty  general,  led  by  the  individual  afore- 
said, who  lectured  and  pj-cac/ied^  rather  than  conversed. 
Few  subjects  were  untouched  by  his  eloquence  ;  he  spoke 
with  e(iual  ease  on  a  difficult  point  in  theology,  and  on 
the  conformation  of  the  sun.  He  lectured  on  politics, 
astronomy,  chemi.<try,  and  anatomy  with  great  fluency 
and  equal  incorrectness.  In  describing  the  circulation  of 
the  blood,  he  said,  "  It  's  a  purely  niet;ij)hysical  subject ;" 
and  the  answering  remark,  "  It  is  the  most  purely 
physical,"  made  him  vehemently  angry.  lie  spoke  of  the 
sun  by  saying,  "  I  've  studied  the  sun  ;  I  know  it  as  well 
as  I  do  this  field  ;  it  's  a  dark  body  with  a  luminotis 
atmosphere,  and  a  climate  more  agreeable  than  that  of 
the  earth "—  thus  announcing  as  a  fact  what  has  been 
timidly  put  forward  as  a  theory  only  by  our  greatest 

Politics  soon  came  on  the  fajn's,  when  he  attacked 
British  institutions  violently,  with  an  equa^  amount  of 
ignorance  and  presumption,  making  such  glaring  mis- 
statements that  I  felt  bound  to  contradict  them  ;  when  he, 
not  liking  to  be  lowered  in  the  estimation  of  his  com- 
panions, contested  the  points  in  a  way  which  closely 
bordered  upon  rudeness. 

He  made  likewise  a  very  pedantic  display  of  scientific 
knowledge,  in  virtue  of  an  occasional  attendance  at  meet- 
ings of  mechanics'  institutes,  and  asked  the  gentlemen — 

CnAi'.  IV. 
illed   till 

i\  it  not 

ham,  iin 

ijition  in 

al  afore- 


le  spoke 

',  and  on 



lation  of 

iubject ;" 


ke  of  the 

t  as  well 


I  that  ''f 

us   been 


lount  of 
ng  niis- 
vhen  he, 
lis  coni- 

it  meet- 
emen — 

Chap.  IV. 



for  "We're  all  gwatlenien  lM*ro "— numennif'  questions, 
to  which  they  could  n^  n^ply,  when  one  of  the  party  took 
courage  to  ask  him  why  tin*  bunied.  "  Oh,  because  of 
the  hydrogen  in  the  air,  of  course,"  was  the  complacent 
aus^wer.  "  I  beg  your  pardon,  t>iit  there  is  no  li}drogen 
in  atmo«])herie  air." — "  There  1«  :  I  know  the  air  well :  it 
is  compof^c-d  otMi-lialf  of  iiydrogfei),  the  other  half  of 
nitrogen  and  oxygen."  "You're  .*i>rdy  cfvnfounding  it 
with  water. " — •"  No,  I  am  as  well  a<*r|uaint«'(l  with  the 
composition  of  water  as  with  tliat  of  air  it  is  ccmtposed 
of  the  same  gases,  only  in  difterent  [jroportions."  This 
was  too  monstrous,  and  his  opj)onent,  /hile  contradicting 
the  statement,  could  not  avoid  a  hea«''v  lauj^li  at  its 
absurdity,  in  which  the  others  joined  without  knowing  Nshy, 
which  so  raised  the  choler  of  tl:'s  irascible  gentltMiian,  that 
it  was  most  difficult  to  smooth  matters.  lie  cootendel 
that  he  was  right  and  the  otlxM'  wrong  ;  that  his  proposi- 
tions were  held  by  all  chemists  of  eminence  on  both  .-ides 
of  the  water  ;  that,  though  he  had  not  verified  the  elements 
of  these  fluids  by  analysis,  he  wj»5  perfectly  ac(|iiainted 
with  their  nature  ;  that  the  composition  of  air  was  a  uiore 
theory,  but  that  his  opponent's  view  was  not  held  by  anv 
sAvaHS  of  note.  The  latter  merely  replied,  "  Wiien  you 
next  light  a  candle  you  ma>  oe  thankful  that  there  is  no 
hydrogen  in  the  air;"  after  which  there  was  a  temporary 
cessation  of  hostilities. 

But  towarils  night,  being  still  unwarned  by  the  dis- 
comfitures of  the  morning-  he  propounded  some  (piestions 
which  his  com])anions  could  not  answer ;  among  which 
was,  "  Why  are  there  black  sheei)?"  l^'*^^  '"'  would 
have  solved  this  ditficult  problem  in  natural  history,  I  do 







H  ''^ 


■  I- 





Chap.  IV. 

not  know.     Mystification  sat  on  all  faces,  when  llic  inili- 
vidual  who  had  before  attacked  Mr.  Latliam's  misstate- 
ments, took  up  tlie  defence  of  the  puzzled  colonists  by 
volwntecring  to  answer  the  (juestion  if  he  would  explain 
how  "  impossible  roots  enter  ecjuations."     No  reply  was 
given  to  this,  when,  on  some  of  the  gentlemen  urging 
him,  j)(nhai)s  rather  mischievously,  to  answer,  he  retorted 
angrily, — "  I  'm  master  of  mathematics  as  well  as  of  otlier 
sciences ;  but  I  see  there  's  an  intention  to  make  fun  of 
me.     I  don't  choose  to  be  made  a  butt  of,  and  I'll  show 
you  tliat  1  can   be  as  savage    as   other  people. '     This 
threat  had  the  effect  of  producnig  a  total  silence  for  the 
remainder   of  the  journey  ;  but    Mr.    Latham   took  an 
opportunity  of  exj)laining  to  me  that  in  this  speech  he 
intended  i.o  })ersonal  allusion,  but  had  found  it  necessary 
to  check  the  ill-timed  mirth  in  the  stage.     In  spite  of  his 
})resumption  and  pedantry,  he  never  lost  an  opportunity 
of  showing  kindness.     I  saw  him  last  in  the  very  extremity 
of  terror,  during  a  violent  gale  off  the  coast  of  Maine. 

For  the  first  fifty  miles  after  leaving  the  Bend,  our  road 
lay  through  country  as  solitary  and  wild  as  could  be  con- 
ceiveu — high  hills,  covered  with  endless  forests  of  small 
growth.  I  looked  in  vain  for  the  gigantic  trees  so  cele- 
brated by  travellers  in  America.  If  they  ever  grew  in 
this  region,  they  now,  in  the  shnpe  of  shij)s,  are  to  be 
found  on  every  ;-ea  where  England's  flag  waves.  Occa- 
sionally the  smoke  of  an  Indian  wigwam  would  rise  in  a 
thin  blue  cloud  from  among  the  dark  foliage  of  the  hem- 
lock ;  and  by  the  })rimitive  habitaticm  one  of  the  aboriginal 
possessors  of  the  soil  might  be  seen,  in  tattered  habili- 
ments, cleaning  a  gun  or  repairing  a  bark  canoe,  scarcely 

ClIAI'.  IV. 

ilic  iiuli- 
nists  by 
i  Gxphiiu 
L'})ly  was 
1  urging 
rotor ted 
of  otlier 
;o  inn  of 
I'll  hhov. 
"  This 
.!  for  the 
took  an 
icecli  he 
te  of  his 
)ii»'  roail 

be  con- 
)f  small 

so  cole- 

grew  m 



3  to  be 
se  in  a 
le  heui- 


deigning  an  apathetic  glance  at  those  whom  the  appliances 
of  civilisation  and  scic^iice  had  jdaced  so  immeasurably 
above  him.  Then  a  squaw,  with  a  papoose  strapped  upon 
her  back,  would  peep  at  us  from  behind  a  tree  ;  or  a  half- 
clothed  urchin  would  pursue  us  for  coppers,  contrasting 
str.ingely  with  the  majesty  of  Uncas,  or  the  sublimity  of 
Chiiirfdchgook ;  portraits  which  it  is  very  doubtful  if 
C\)oj)er  ev(;r  took  from  life. 

In  the  f(^w  places  where  the  land  had  been  cleared  the 
cultivation  was  tolerable  and  the  houses  comfortable, 
surrounded  generally  by  cattle-sheds  and  rich  crops  of 
Tartarian  oat?.  'J'he  jjotatoes  ajipeared  to  be  free  from 
disease,  and  the  i)unipki)i  crr.p  was  evidently  abundant 
and  in  good  condition.  Sussex  Valley,  along  which  we 
passed  for  thirty  miles,  is  gn^en,  wooded,  and  smilingly 
fertile,  being  watered  by  a  clear  rapid  river.  The  nume- 
rous hay-meadows,  and  the  neat  appearance  of  the  cirable 
land,  reminded  me  of  England.  It  is  sur))rising,  con- 
sidering the  advantages  possessed  l>y  New  Brunswick, 
that  it  has  not  been  a  more  favourite  resort  of  emic^rants. 
It  seems  to  me  that  one  great  reason  of  thiis  must  be  the 
ditficulty  and  expense  of  land-travelling,  as  the  ])rovince 
is  destitute  of  the  means  of  internal  communication  in 
the  shape  of  railways  and  canals.  It  contains  several 
navigable  rivers,  and  the  tracts  of  country  near  the  St. 
Jolm,  the  Petticodiac,  and  the  Miramichi  rivers  are  very 
fertile,  and  adapted  for  cultiv.'tion.  The  lakes  and  minor 
streams  in  the  interior  of  the  province  are  also  surrounded 
by  rich  land,  and  the  ca))acious  bays  along  the  coast 
abound  with  fissh.  New  Brunswick  possesses  "  res]>on.-ible 
government,"  and  has  a  Governor,  an  Executive  (Jouncil, 

E  2 


■  I  <   >l 




'•  ^ 




■,  f^ ' 



:'   i 



if  I 


I  'I 






ClfAP.  IV. 

a  Legislative  Council,  and  a  ITouse  of  Assembly.  Exce])i 
tliat  certain  CApj^nsos  of  defenc  >  &c.,  are  Imrnc  by  the 
home  government,  which  would  jirotcct  the  colony  in  thi' 
event  ot  any  predatory  incursions  on  tlie  part  of  tlie  Ame- 
ricans, it  has  all  the  advantages  of  being  an  independent 
nation ;  and  it  is  believed  that  the  Hecij)rocity  Treaty, 
recently  concluded  with  the  United  States,  will  prove  of 
great  commercial  benefit. 

Yet  the  nund)er  of  emim-ants  who  have  souQ-ht  its 
shores  is  comparatively  small,  and  these  arrivals  were 
almost  exclusively  of  the  labouring  classes,  attracted  In 
the  extraordinarily  high  rates  of  wages,  and  were  chiefly 
absf>rbed  by  mechanical  employments.  The  numbers 
landed  in  1853  were  3702,  and,  in  1854,  3618.  Witii 
respect  to  the  general  affairs  of  New  Brunswick,  it  is  very 
satisfactory  to  observe  that  the  ])rovincial  revenue  has 
increased  to  upwards  of  200,000/.  per  annum. 

Fredericton,  a  town  of  about  UOOO  inhabitants,  on  tho 
St.  John  river,  by  which  it  has  a  daily  communication 
with  the  city  of  St.  John,  90  miles  distant,  by,  is 
the  capital  and  seat  of  government.  New  Brunswick  has 
considerable  mineral  wealth  ;  coal  and  iron  are  abundant, 
and  the  climate  is  less  foggy  than  that  of  Nova  Scotia  : 
but  these  great  natural  advantages  are  suffered  to  lio 
nearly  dormant.  The  colonists  are  very  hardy  and  ex- 
tremely loyal ;  but  the  vice  of  drinking,  so  prevalent  in 
northern  climates,  has  recently  called  for  legislative  inter- 

We  stopped  at  the  end  of  every  stage  of  eighteen  miles 
to  change  horses,  and  at  one  of  the  little  inns  an  old 
man  brought  to  the  door  of  the  stage  a  very  pretty,  inte- 


Chap.  TV. 

.  Exce])t 
ne  by  tln' 
:)ny  in  tin." 
tlie  Ame- 
ty  Treaty, 
'.  prove  of 

sought  it.< 
vals  were 
racted  by 
[3re  cbiefly 
8.  Witli 
,  it  is  very 
r'enuo  has 

ts,  on  the 
teauier,  is 
iswiek  has 
'ii  Scotia ; 
ed  to  be 
y  and  ex- 
vaient  in 
;ive  inter- 

een  miles 
IS  an  old 
3tty,  inte- 

ClIAP.   IV. 



resting-looking  girl  of  fifteen  years  old,  and  placed  her 
under  my  care,  retiuesting  me  to  "  see  her  safely  to  her 
home  in  St.  John,  and  not  allow  any  of  tiie  gentlemen  to 
be  rude  to  her."  The  latter  part  of  the  instructions  was 
very  easy  to  fulfil,  as,  whatever  faults  the  colonists  pos- 
sess, they  are  extremely  respectful  in  their  manners  to 
ladies.  But  a  difficulty  arose,  or  rather  what  would  have 
been  a  difficulty  in  England,  for  the  stage  was  full  both 
inside  and  out,  and  all  the  passengers  were  desirous  to 
reach  Boston  as  speedily  as  possible.  However,  a  gentle- 
man from  New  England,  seeing  the  auxiety  of  the  young 
girl  to  reach  St.  John,  got  out  of  the  stage,  and  actually 
remained  at  the  little  roadside  inn  for  one  whole  day  and 
two  nights,  in  order  to  accommodate  a  stranger.  This 
act  of  kindness  was  performed  at  great  personal  incon- 
venience, and  the  gentleman  who  showed  it  did  not  appear 
to  attach  the  slightest  merit  to  it.  The  novelty  of  it  made 
a  strong  impression  upon  me,  and  it  fully  bore  out  all 
that  I  had  read  or  heard  of  the  almost  exaggerated  defer- 
ence to  ladies  which  custom  requires  from  American 

After  darkness  came  on,  the  tedium  of  a  journey  of 
twenty  hours,  performed  while  sitting  in  a  very  cramped 
posture,  was  almost  insupportable,  and  the  monotony  of  it 
was  only  broken  by  the  number  of  wooden  bridges  which 
we  crossed,  and  the  driver's  admonition,  "  Bridge  dan- 
gerous ;  passengers  get  out  and  walk."  The  night  was 
very  cold  and  frosty,  and  so  productive  of  aguish  chills, 
that  I  was  not  at  all  sorry  for  the  compelled  pedes- 
trianism  entailed  upon  me  by  the  insecure  state  of  these 

.'♦  'J 



,    •  "  -til 




Chap.  IV. 



■■(•       4 


I   'Vk 

,    ,1 

My  young  cluirgo  seomt'd  extremely  timid  while  cross- 
ing them,  and  uttered  a  few  suppressed  shrieks  when 
curious  splitting  noises,  apparently  proceeding  from  the 
woodwork,  broke  the  stillness ;  nor  was  I  altogether  sur- 
prised at  her  emotions  when,  as  we  were  walking  over  ji 
bridge  nearly  half  a  mile  in  length,  I  was  told  that  a  coach 
and  six  hrrces  had  di!-."ti)peared  through  it  a  fortnight 
before,  at  the  cost  of  several  broken  limbs. 

AVhile  crossing  the  St.  John,  near  the  pretty  town  of 
Hampton,  one  of  our  lead(!rs  put  both  his  fore  feet  into  a 
hole,  and  was  with  difficulty  extricated. 

Precisely  at  midnight  the  stage  clattered  down  the  steej) 
streets  of  the  city  of  St.  John,  to  which  the  ravages  of  the 
cholera  had  recently  given  such  a  terrible  celebrity.  After 
a  fruitless  ])ilgrimage  to  three  hotels,  we  were  at  length 
rec<j;ve('  atWaverley  House,  having  accomplished  a  journey 
of  one  hundred  miles  in  twenty  hours  I  On  ringing  my 
bell,  it  was  answered  by  a  rough  porter,  and  I  soon  found 
that  waifinf/  chami)ermaids  are  not  essential  at  Trans- 
atlantic hotels  ;  anil  the  female  servants,  or  rather  helps, 
are  of  a  very  superior  class.  A  friend  of  mine,  on  leaving 
an  hotel  at  Niagara,  offered  a  douceur  in  the  shape  of  halt" 
a  dollar  to  one  of  these,  but  she  drew  herself  up,  and 
|)roudly  replied,  "American  ladies  do  not  receive  money 
from  gi'Utlemijn."  Hav-ng  left  my  keys  at  the  Bend,  I 
found  my  valise  a  useless  incumbrance,  rather  annoying 
after  a  week  of  travelling. 

We  spent  the  Sunday  at  St.  John,  and,  the  oj)portune 
arrival  of  my  keys  enabling  me  to  don  S(mie  habiliments 
suited  to  the  day,  I  went  to  the  church,  where  the  service, 
with  the  excc{)tion  of  the  sermon,  was  very  well  performed. 



ClIAI'.  IV. 

>ilc  cross- 
oks   when 

from  the 
ether  siir- 
ig  over  a 
It  a  coach 


y  town  of 
eet  into  a 

the  steep 
;es  of  the 

.  After 
at  lengtli 
a journey 
iging  my 
•on  found 
it  Trans- 
lier  lieljjs, 
n  leaving 
pe  of  half 

up,  and 
e  money 

Bend,  I 

i  service, 


Chap.  IV. 



A  solemn  thanksgiving  for  the  removal  of  the  cholera  was 
read,  and  was  rendered  very  impressive  by  the  fact  that 
most  of  the  congregation  were  in  new  mourning.  The 
Angel  of  Death  had  long  hovered  over  the  doomed  city, 
which  lost  rather  more  than  a  tenth  of  its  popidation  from 
a  disease  which  in  the  hot  summer  of  America  is  nearly  as 
fatal  and  terrible  as  the  plague.  All  who  could  leave  the 
town  fled  ;  hut  many  carried  the  disease  with  them,  and 
died  uj)on  the  road.  The  hotels,  shipyards,  and  stores 
were  closed,  bodies  rudely  nailed  up  in  boards  were  hurried 
about  the  streets,  and  met  with  hasty  burial  outside  the 
city,  before  vital  warmth  had  fled  ;  the  lioly  ties  of  natural 
art'ection  were  disregarded,  and  the  dying  were  left  alone 
to  me(;t  the  King  of  Terrors,  none  remaining  to  close 
their  eyes  ;  the  ominous  clang  of  the  death-bell  was  heard 
both  night  and  day,  and  a  dense  brown  fog  was  snpposed 
to  brood  over  the  city,  which  for  five  weeks  was  the  abode 
of  the  dying  and  the  dead. 

A  temporary  regard  for  religion  was  produced  among 
the  inhabitants  of  St.  John  by  the  visit  of  the  pestilence  ; 
it  was  scarcely  possible  for  the  most  sceptical  not  to  re- 
cognise the  overruling  providence  of  God :  and  I  have 
seldom  seen  more  external  respect  for  the  Sabbath  and  the 
ordinances  of  religion  than  in  this  city. 

Tile  j)rcp()n(ierance  of  the  lougher  sex  was  very  strongly 
marked  at  W'averley  House.  Fifty  gentlemen  sat  down 
to  dinner,  and  only  three  ladies,  inclusive  of  the  landlady. 
Fifty-tiiree  cups  of  tea  graced  the  Uible,  which  was  like- 
wise ornamented  with  six  boih  .  legs  of  mutton,  numerous 
dishes  of  splendid  potatoes,  and  corn-cobs,  squash,  and 
pum})kin-pie,  in  true  colonial  abundance. 

•  >' 

*;  ■»■ 








■■'■■;  f't'^i 

■■■■.--v4'«.'t  ,  : 
>  ,■• .;!"? J.  *: 


ii   i 



Chap.  IV. 

hrl  ' 

I  cannot  forbear  giving  a  conversation  wliich  took  place 
at  a  meal  at  this  inn,  as  it  is  very  characteristic  of  the 
style  of  persons  whom  one  continually  meets  with  in 
travelling  in  these  colonies:  "I  guess  you're  from  the 
Old  Country?"  commenced  my  vis-d-vis ;  to  which  recog- 
nition of  my  nationality  I  humbly  bo-.^cd.  "  What  do  you 
think  of  us  here  down  east?"  "  I  have  been  so  short  a  time 
in  these  provinces,  that  1  cannot  form  any  just  opinion." 
"  Oh,  but  you  must  have  formed  some  ;  we  like  to  know 
what  Old  Country  folks  think  of  us."  Thus  asked,  I 
could  not  avoid  making  some  rej)ly,  and  said,  "  I  think 
there  is  a  great  want  of  systematic  enterprise  in  these 
colonies  ;  you  do  not  avail  yourselves  of  the  great  natural 
advantages  which  you  possess."  "  ^^  ell,  the  fact  is,  old 
fother  Jackey  Bull  ought  to  help  us,  or  let  us  go  off  on 
our  own  hook  right  entirely."  "  You  have  responsible 
government,  and,  to  use  your  own  ])hrase,  you  are  on 
'  your  own  hook'  in  all  but  the  name."  "  Well,  I  guess 
as  we  are ;  ware  a  hug  chalk  above  the  Yankees^  though 
them  is  fellers  as  thinks  nobody's  got  their  eye  teeth  cut 
but  themselves." 

Th(«  self-complacent  Ignorance  with  which  this  remark 
was  made  was  ludicrous  in  the  extreme.  He  began 
again :  "  ^^'hat  do  you  think  of  Nova  Scotia  and  the 
'  Blue  Noses'  ?  Halifax  is  a  grand  place,  sure/?/  /"  "  At 
Halifax  I  found  the  best  inn  such  a  one  as  no  respect- 
able American  would  condescend  to  sleep  at,  and  a  town 
of  shingles,  with  scarcely  any  sidewalks.  The  people 
were  talking  largely  of  railways  and  steamers,  yet  I 
travelled  by  the  mail  to  Truro  and  Pictou  in  a  conveyance 
that  would  scarcely  have  been  tolerated  in  England  two 


ClI.M'.   IV. 



centuries  ago.  Tlie  people  of  Halifax  possess  the  finest 
harbour  in  North  America,  yet  they  have  no  docks,  and 
scarcely  any  shipping.  The  Nova-Scotians,  it  is  known, 
have  iron,  coal,  slate,  limestone,  and  freestone,  and  their 
shores  swarm  with  fish,  yet  they  spend  their  time  in  talking 
about  railways,  docks,  and  the  House  of  Assembly,  and 
end  by  walking  about  doing  nothing." 

"  Yes,"  chimed  in  a  Rost(jii  sea-captain,  who  had  been 
our  fellow-passenger  from  Euroj)e,  and  prided  himself 
upon  being  a  "  thorough-going  down-e.aster,"  "  it  takes  as 
long  for  a  Blue  Nose  to  i)ut  on  his  hat  as  for  one  of  our 
free  and  enlightened  citizens  to  go  from  Bosting  to  New 
Orlcens.  If  we  don't  whip  all  creation  it's  a  pity  I  AVhy, 
stranger,  if  you  were  to  go  to  Connecticut,  and  tell  'era 
what  you've  been  telling  this  ere  child,  they'd  guess  you'd 
been  with  Colonel  Crockett" 

"  Well,  I  proceeded,  in  answer  to  another  question 
from  the  New-Brunswicker,  "  if  you  wish  to  go  to  the 
north  of  your  own  province,  you  require  to  go  round  Nova 
Scotia  by  sea.  I  understand  that  a  railway  to  the  Bay 
of  (Jhaleur  has  been  talked  about,  but  I  su])pose  it  has 
ended  where  it  began  ;  and,  for  want  of  a  railway  to 
Halifax,  even  the  Canadian  traffic  has  K^en  diverted  to 

"  We  want  to  invest  some  of  our  surplus  revenue,"' 
said  the  captain.  "  It  '11  be  a  good  spec  who«  Congress 
buys  these  vx^Kniies  ;  some  of  our  ten-h<>4>ie  power  chaps 
will  come  d\)wn,  and,  before  you  couKl  whistle  •  Yankee 
Doodle,'  we  Ml  have  a  canal  to  Bi»,y  Varte,  with  a  town 
as  big  as  Xewlmven  at  each  etui.  The  Blue  Noses  will 
look  kinder  stroakcU  then,  I  guess."     The  New-Bruns- 

E  3 






1    1 





1  t 



"i  ■> 

/.  'i 

X.    « 




ClIAl'.   IV. 

wicker  retorted,  witli  some  fierceness,  that  the  liandful  of 
Hritisili  troo})s  at  I'Vederictoii  could  "  chaw  up"  the  whole 
American  army ;  and  the  conversation  continued  for 
some  time  longer  in  the  same  hoastful  and  exaggerated 
strain  on  each  side,  hut  the  ahove  is  a  specimen  of  colo- 
nial arrogance  and  American  conceit. 

The  population  of  New  Brunswick  in  1851  was 
193,800;  but  it  is  now  over  210,000,  and  will  likely 
increase  rapidly,  should  the  contemplated  extension  of 
the  railway  system  to  the  province  ever  take  place ;  as  in 
that  case  the  route  to  both  the  Canadas  by  the  port  of 
St.  John  will  probably  supersede  every  other.  The  spa- 
cious harbour  of  St.  John  has  a  sufficient  depth  of  water 
for  vessels  of  the  largest  class,  and  its  tide-fall  of  about 
25  feet  effectually  prevents  it  from  being  frozen  in  the 

The  timber  trade  is  a  most  important  source  of  wealth 
to  the  colony — the  timber  floated  down  the  St.  John 
alone,  in  the  season  of  1852,  was  of  the  value  of  405,208/. 
sterling.  The  saw-mills,  of  which  by  the  last  census 
there  were  584,  gave  employment  to  4302  hands.  By 
the  same  census  there  were  87  ships,  with  an  average 
burthen  of  400  tons  each,  built  in  the  year  in  which  it 
was  taken,  and  the  number  has  been  on  the  increase  since. 
These  colonial-built  vessels  are  gradually  acquiring  a 
very  high  reputation  ;  some  of  our  finest  clippers,  includ- 
ing one  or  two  belonging  to  the  celebrated  "  White  Star" 
line,  are  by  the  St.  John  builders.  Perhaps,  with  the 
single  exception  of  Canada  West,  no  colony  offers  such 
varied  inducements  to  emigrants. 

I  saw  as  much  of  St.  John  as  possible,  and  on  a  fine 




Chap.  TV. 



(lay  was  favcmrably  imprcsscMl  with  it.  It  well  (kviM-vos 
its  (•((giionuMi,  "Tiio  City  of  tlip  Rocli,"  being  situ.-itod 
on  a  high,  hliill',  rocky  poninsiula,  hacked  on  tlie  liuid-sidc 
by  steep  bamMi  iiills.  The  liarhoiir  is  well  sheltered  ;ind 
caj)aeious,  ami  the  suspt-nsioii  bridge  above  the  falLs  viry 
l)ictures(nie.  The  streets  are  steep,  wide,  and  well  paved, 
and  the  store.s  are  more  j)retentious  than  those  of  Halifax. 
There  i.s  also  a  very  handsome  scjuare,  with  a  more  re- 
spectable fountain  in  it  than  those  which  excite  the 
ridicule  of  foreigners  in  front  of  our  National  Gallery. 
It  is  a  })lace  where  a  large  amount  of  business  is  dcme, 
and  the  shipyards  alone  give  employment  to  several 
thousand  persons. 

Yet  the  lower  parts  of  the  town  are  dirty  in  the  ex- 
treme. I  visited  some  of  the  streets  mrdv  the  water 
before  the  cholera  had  quite  disappeared  from  them,  nor 
did  I  wonder  that  the  pestilence  should  linger  in  places 
so  appropriate  to  itself;  for  the  roadways  were  strewn  to 
a  depth  of  several  inches  with  sawdust,  emitting  a  foul 
decomposing  smell,  and  in  which  lean  pigs  were  ruutwg 
and  fighting. 

Yet  St.  John  wears  a  lively  aspect.  You  sec  a  thou- 
sand boatmen,  raftmen,  and  millmen,  some  warping  dingy 
scows,  others  loading  huge  square-sided  ships ;  busy 
gangs  of  men  in  fustian  jackets,  engaged  in  running  off 
the  newly  sawed  timber  ;  and  the  streets  bustling  with 
storekeepers,  lumber-merchants,  and  market-men  ;  all 
combining  to  produce  a  chaos  of  activity  very  uncommon 
in  the  towns  of  our  North  American  colonies.  But  too 
often,  murky-looking  wharfs,  storehouses,  and  half-dis- 
mantled ships,  are  enveloped  in  drizzling  fog — the  fog 










■  1 ■ '    '"I 

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1.25      1.4 

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WEBSTER,  N...  14580 

(716)  872-4503 









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t>  'i! 







Chap.  IV. 

rendered  yet  more  impenetrable  by  the  fumes  of  coal-tar 
and  sawdust;  and  the  lower  streets  swarm  with  a  demo- 
ralised population.  Y(jt  the  people  of  St.  John  are  so 
far  beyond  the  people  of  Halifax,  that  I  heartily  wish 
them  success  and  a  railroad. 

The  air  was  ringing  with  the  clang  of  a  thousand  saws 
and  hammers,  when,  at  seven  on  the  morning  of  a  brilliant 
August  day,  we  walked  through  the  swarming  streets 
bordering  upon  the  harbo'^r  to  the  Ornevorg  steamer, 
belonging  to  the  United  States,  built  for  Long  Island 
Sound,  but  now  used  as  a  coasting  steamer.  All  my 
preconceived  notions  of  a  steamer  were  here  at  fault.  If 
it  were  like  anything  in  nature,  it  was  like  Noah's  ark, 
or,  to  come  to  something  post-diluvian,  one  of  those 
covered  hulks,  or  "  ships  in  ordinary,"  which  are  to  be 
seen  at  Portsmouth  and  Devonport. 

She  was  totally  unlike  an  English  ship,  painted  entirely 
white,  without  masts,  with  two  small  black  funnels  along- 
side each  other ;  and  several  erections  one  above  another 
for  decks,  containing  multitudes  of  windows  about  two 
feet  square.  The  fabric  seemed  kept  together  by  two 
large  beams,  which  added  to  the  top-heavy  appearance  of 
the  whole  affair.  We  entered  by  the  paddle-box  (which 
was  within  the  outer  casing  of  the  ship),  in  company  with 
a  great  crowd,  into  a  Irrge  square  uncarpeted  apartment, 
called  the  "  Hall,"  with  offices  at  the  sides  for  the  sale  of 
railway  and  dinner  tickets.  Separated  from  this  by  a 
curtain  is  the  ladies'  saloon,  a  large  and  almost  too  airy 
apartment  extending  from  the  Ilall  to  the  stern  of  the 
ship,  well  furnished  with  sofas,  rocking-chairs,  and  marble 
tables.     A  row  of  berths  runs  along  the  side,  hung  with 

Chap.  IV. 


festooned  drapery  of  satin  damask,  the  curtains  ^leing  of 
muslin,  embroidered  with  rose-coloured  braid. 

Above  this  is  the  general  saloon,  a  large,  handsomely 
furnislied  room,  with  state  rooms  running  down  eacli  side, 
and  opening  upon  a  small  deck  fourteen  feet  long,  also 
covered  ;  the  roof  of  this  and  of  the  saloon,  forming  the 
real  or  hurricane  deck  of  the  ship,  closed  to  passengers, 
and  twelve  feet  above  which  works  the  beam  of  the 
engine.  Below  the  Hall,  running  the  whole  length  of 
the  ship,  is  the  gentlemen's  cabin,  containing  170  berths. 
This  is  lighted  by  artificial  light,  and  is  used  for  meals. 
An  enclcsure  for  the  engine  occupies  the  centre,  but  is 
very  small,  as  the  machinery  of  a  high-pressure  engine  is 
without  the  encumbrances  of  condenser  and  air-pump. 
The  engines  drove  the  unwieldy  fabric  through  the  calm 
water  at  the  rate  of  fifteen  miles  an  hour.  I  have  been 
thus  minute  in  my  description,  because  this  one  will 
serve  for  all  the  steamers  in  which  I  subsequently  tra- 
velled in  the  United  States  and  Canada. 

The  city  of  St.  John  looked  magnificent  on  its  lofty 
steep ;  and  for  some  time  we  had  some  very  fine  coast 
scenery ;  lofty  granite  cliff's  rising  abruptly  from  the 
water,  clothed  with  forests,  the  sea  adjoining  them  so 
deep,  that  we  passed  them,  as  proved  by  actual  demon- 
stration, within  a  stone's  throw.  At  one  we  arrived  at 
Eastport,  in  Maine,  a  thriving-looking  place,  and  dinner 
was  served  while  we  were  quiescent  at  the  wharf.  The 
stewardess  hunted  up  all  the  females  in  the  ship,  and, 
preceding  them  down  stairs,  placed  them  at  the  head  of 
the  table ;  then,  and  not  an  instant  before,  were  the  gen- 
tlemen allowed  to  appear,  who  made  a  most  obstreperous 



'  •■'     •  I  (         ! 

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'       ;"  •  V 
^    ■■•■ '  h  ii 

'■■;'■■  'Mi: 



CiiAr.  IV 

3      i  ,       I  «ii 




!i    M 

rii?li  at  tlie  viands.  There  were  about  200  people 
seated  in  a  fetid  and  dimly- lighted  apartment,  at  a 
table  covered  over  with  odoriferous  viands — pork  stuffed 
with  onions,  boiled  legs  of  mutton,  boiled  chickens  and 
turkeys,  roast  geese,  beef-steaks,  yams,  tomatoes,  squash, 
mush,  corn-cobs,  johnny  cake,  and  those  endless  dishes 
of  pastry  to  which  the  American  palate  is  so  partial.  I 
was  just  finishing  a  plate  of  soup  when  a  waiter  touched 
me  on  the  shoulder — "  Dinner  ticket,  or  fifty  cents  ;"  and 
almost  before  I  had  comprehended  the  mysteries  of  Ame- 
rican money  sufficiently  to  pay,  other  people  were  eating 
their  dessert.  So  simple,  however,  is  the  coinage  of  the 
United  States,  that  in  two  days  I  understood  it  as  well  as 
our  own.  Five  dollars  equal  an  English  sovereign,  and 
one  hundred  cents  make  a  dollar,  and  with  this  very 
moderate  amount  of  knowledge  one  can  conduct  one's 
pecuniary  affairs  all  over  the  Union.  The  simplicity  of 
the  calculation  was  quite  a  relief  to  me  after  the  relative 
values  of  the  English  sovereign  in  the  colonies,  which  had 
greatly  perplexed  me  :  25^.  Gd.  in  New  Brunswick,  255. 
in  Nova  Scotia,  and  305.  in  Prince  Edward  Island.  I 
sat  on  deck  till  five',  when  I  went  down  to  my  berth.  As 
the  evening  closed  in  gloomily,  the  sea  grew  coarser,  and 
I  heard  the  captain  say,  "We  are  likely  to  have  a  very 
fresh  night  of  it."  A  t  seven  a  wave  went  down  the  com- 
panion-way, and  washed  half  the  tea-things  off"  the  table, 
and  before  I  fell  asleep,  the  mate  put  his  head  through 
the  curtain  to  say,  "  It's  a  rough  niglit,  ladies,  but  there's 
no  danger ;"  a  left-handed  way  of  giving  courage,  which 
of  course  frightened  the  timid.  About  eleven  I  was 
awoke  by  confused  cries,  and  in  my  dawning  conscious- 


Chap.  IV. 

A  STOR^r. 


noss  everything  seemed  going  to  ])ieces.  The  curtain  was 
undrawn,  and  I  could  see  tlie  liall  continually  swept  by 
the  waves. 

Everything  in  our  saloon  was  loose ;  rocking-chairs 
were  careerln";  about  the  floor  and  coming  into  collision  ; 
the  stewardess,  half-dressed,  was  crawling  about  from 
berth  to  berth,  answering  the  inquiries  of  terrified  ladies, 
and  the  shij)  was  groaning  and  straining  heavily  ;  but 
I  slept  again,  till  awoke  at  midnight  by  a  man's  voice 
shouting  "  Get  up,  ladies,  and  dress,  but  don't  come  out 
till  you're   called  ;  the    gale 's  very   heavy."     Then  fol- 

'm  lowed   a  scene.      People,  helpless  in    illness  a  moment 

before,  sj)rang  out  of  their  berths  and  hastily  huddled  on 
their  clothes ;  mothers  caught  hold  of  their  infants  with 
a  convulsive  grasp ;  some  screamed,  others  sat  down  in 

'^^  apathy,  while  not  a  faw  addressed  agonised  supplications 

to  that  God,  too  often  neglected  in  times  of  health  and 
safety,  to  save  them  in  their  supposed  extremity. 

Crash  went  the  lamp,  which  was  suspended  from  the 
ceiling,  as  a  huge  wave  struck  the  ship,  making  her  reel 
and  stagger,  and  shrieks  of  terror  followed  this  event, 
which  left  us  in  almost  total  darkness.  Rush  came 
another  heavy  wave,  sweeping  up  the  saloon,  carrying 
chairs  and  stools  before  it,  and  as  rapidly  retiring.  The 
hall  was  full  of  men,  clinging  to  the  supports,  each  catch- 
ing the  infectious  fear  from  his  neighbour.  Wave  after 
wave  now  struck  the  ship.  I  heard  the  captain  say  the 
sea  was  making  a  clean  breach  over  her,  and  order  the 
deck-load  overboard.  Shortly  after,  the  water,  sweeping 
in  from  above,  put  out  the  engine-fires,  and,  as  she 
settled  down  continually  in  the  trough  of  the  sea,  and 







Chap.  IV. 

lay  trembling  there  as  though  she  would  never  rise  again, 
even  in  my  ignorance  I  knew  that  she  had  "  no  way  on 
her"  and  was  at  the  mercy  of  the  wa:ers.  I  now  under- 
stood the  meaning  of  "  blowing  great  guns."  The  wind 
sounded  like  continual  discharges  of  heavy  artillery,  and 
the  waves,  as  they  struck  the  ship,  felt  like  cannon-balls. 
I  could  not  get  up  and  dress,  for,  being  in  the  top  berth,  I 
was  unable  to  get  out  in  consequence  of  the  rolling  of  the 
ship,  and  so,  being  unable  to  mend  matters,  I  lay  quietly, 
the  whole  passing  before  me  as  a  scene.  I  had  several 
times  been  called  on  to  anticipate  death  from  illness  ;  but 
here,  as  I  heard  the  men  outside  say,  "  She 's  going 
down,  she 's  water-logged,  she  can't  hold  together," 
there  was  a  different  prospect  of  sinking  down  among  the 
long  trailing  weeds  in  the  cold,  deep  waters  of  the  At- 
lantic. Towards  three  o'clock,  a  wave,  striking  the  ship, 
threw  me  against  a  projecting  beam  of  the  side,  cutting 
my  head  severely  and  st aiming  me,  and  1  remained  in- 
sensible for  three  hours.  We  continued  in  great  danger 
for  ten  hours,  many  expecting  each  moment  to  be  their 
last,  but  in  the  morning  the  gale  moderated,  and  by  most 
strenuous  exertions  at  the  pumps  the  water  was  kept 
down  till  assistance  was  rendered,  which  enabled  us  about 
one  o'clock  to  reach  the  friendly  harbour  of  Portland 
in  Maine,  with  considerable  damage  and  both  our  boats 
stove.  Deep  thankfulness  was  expressed  by  many  at  such 
an  unlooked-for  termination  of  the  night's  terrors  and  ad- 
ventures ;  many  the  resolutions  expressed  not  to  trust  the 
sea  again. 

We  were  speedily  moored  to  the  wharf  at  Portland, 
amid  a  forest  of  masts;  the  stars  and  stripes  flaunted 

Chap.  IV. 



gaily  overhead  in  concert  with  the  American  eagle  ;  and 
as  I  stepped  upon  those  shores  on  which  the  sanguine 
suppose  that  the  Anglo-Saxon  race  is  to  renew  the  vigour 
of  its  youth,  I  felt  that  a  new  era  of  my  existence  had 


'■■>,   • 


■I    ■■  •         »,1 







Chap.  V. 

CIIArTEli    V. 

'■;.    i. 

1-  'i 


f^    ''^t 

t  I 

First  experiences  of  American  freedom  —  The  "striped  pig"  and  "Dusty 
Ben"  —  A  country  mouse  —  What  tlie  cars  are  like — Keauties  of 
Ne  .  •  England  —  The  land  of  apples  —  A  Manmioth  hotel  —  The 
rusty  inkstand  exiled  —  Eloquent  eyes  —  Alone  in  a  crowd. 

The  city  of  Portland,  with  its  busy  streets,  and  crowded 
wharfs,    and    handsome    buildings,   and    railway  depots, 
rising  as  it  does  on  the  barren  coast  of  the  sterile  State 
of  Maine,  fully  bears  out  the  first  part  of  an  assertion 
which  I  had  already  heard  made  by  Americans,  "  We  're 
a  great  people,  the  greatest  nation  on  the  face  of  the  earth." 
A  polite  custom-house  officer  asked  me  if  I  had  any- 
thing contraband  in  my  trunks,  and  on  my  reply  in  the 
negative  they  were  permitted  to  pass  without  even  the 
formality   of  being   uncorded.      "  Enlightened  citizens" 
they  are  truly,  I  thought,  and,  with  the  pleasant  conscious- 
ness of  being  in  a  pel  feetly  free  country,  where  every  one 
can  do  as  he  pleases,  I  entered  an  hotel  near  the  water 
and  sat  down  in  the  ladies'  parlour.     I  had  not  tasted 
food  for  twenty-five  hours,  my  clothes  were  cold  and  wet, 
a  severe  cut  was  on  my  temple,  and  I  felt  thoroughly  ex- 
hausted.    These  circumstances,  I  thought,  justified  me 
in  ringing  the  bell  and  asking  for  a  glass  of  wine.   Visions 
of  the  agreeable  refreshment  which  would  be  produced  by 
the  juice  of  the  grape  appeared  simultaneously  with  the 
waiter.     I  made  the  request,  and  he  brusquely  replied, 


•f       I 


ClIAl'.  V. 



"You  can't  liave  it,  it's  contrary  to  law."  In  my  half- 
drowned  and  faint  condition  the  refusal  a))pcared  tanta- 
mount to  positive  cruelty,  and  I  rememhered  that  I  had 
come  in  contact  with  the  celebrated  "  Maine  Larv.''  That 
the  inhabitants  of  the  State  of  Maine  are  not  ^^free^^  was 
thus  placed  practically  before  me  at  once.  Whether  they 
are  '•'■  enlir/htenecV  I  doubted  at  the  time,  but  leave  the 
question  of  the  prohibition  of  fermented  liquors  to  be  de- 
cide<l  by  abler  social  economists  than  myself. 

I  was  hereafter  informed  that  to  those  who  go  down 
stairs,  and  ask  to  see  the  "  striijed pig^'*  wine  and  spirits  are 
produced ;  that  a  request  to  speak  with  "  Dustt/  Bei^ 
has  a  like  effect,  and  that,  on  asking  for  "  sarsaparilla"  at 
certain  stores  in  the  town,  the  desired  stimulant  can  be 
obtained.  Indeed  it  is  said  that  the  consumption  of  this 
drug  is  greater  in  Maine  than  in  all  the  other  States  put 
together.  But  in  justice  to  this  highly  respectable  State, 
I  must  add  that  the  drunkenness  which  forced  this  strin- 
gent measure  upon  the  legislature  was  among  the  thou- 
sands of  English  and  Irish  emigrants  who  annually  land 
at  Portland.  My  only  companion  here  was  a  rosy- 
cheeked,  simple  country  girl,  who  was  going  to  Kenne- 
bunk,  and,  never  having  been  from  home  before,  had  not 
the  slightest  idea  what  to  do.  Presuming  on  my  anti- 
quated appearance,  she  asked  me  "  to  take  care  of  her, 
to  get  her  ticket  for  her,  for  she  dare'nt  ask  those  men 
for  it,  and  to  let  her  sit  by  me  in  the  car."  She  said  she 
was  so  frightened  with  something  she'd  seen  that  she 
didn't  know  how  she  should  go  in  the  cars.  I  asked  her 
what  it  was.  "  Oh,"  she  said,  "  it  was  a  great  thing, 
bright  red,  with  I  don't  know  how  many  wheels,  and  a 


r    "^,-1''    .»! 

.1'  .■''V  •  -I 

A.  I  ii* 

■  ■I    V 

I  ^fiWti' 

'■.     'v^ 

.  I 





Chap.  V. 



large  l)lack  top,  and  bright  shining  things  moving  about 
all  over  it,  and  smoke  and  steam  coming  out  of  it,  and  it 
made  such  an  awful  noise  it  seemed  to  shake  the  earth." 

At  half-past  three  we  entered  the  cars  in  a  long  shed, 
where  there  were  no  officials  in  uniform  as  in  England, 
and  we  found  our  way  in  as  we  could.  "  All  aboard !" 
is  the  signal  for  taking  places,  but  on  this  occasion  a  loud 
shout  of  "  Tumble  in  for  your  lives !"  greeted  my  amused 
ears,  succeeded  by  "  Go  a-head !"  and  off  we  went,  the 
engineer  tolling  a  heavy  bell  to  notify  our  a{)proach  to 
the  passengers  in  tlie  streets  along  which  loe  passed. 
America  has  certainly  flourished  under  her  motto  "Go 
a-head  !"  but  the  cautious  "  All  right !"  of  an  English 
guard,  who  waits  to  start  till  he  is  sure  of  his  ground 
being  clear,  gives  one  more  confidence.  I  never  expe- 
rienced the  same  amount  of  fear  which  is  expressed  by 
Dunn  and  other  writers,  for,  on  comparing  the  number  of 
accidents  with  the  number  of  miles  of  railway  open  in 
America,  I  did  not  find  the  disadvantage  in  point  of 
safety  on  her  side.  The  cars  are  a  complete  novelty  to 
an  English  eye.  They  are  twenty-five  feet  long,  and 
hold  about  sixty  persons ;  they  have  twelve  windows  on 
either  side,  and  two  and  a  door  at  each  end  ;  a  passage 
runs  down  the  middle,  with  chairs  to  hold  two  each  on 
either  side.  There  is  a  small  saloon  for  ladies  with 
babies  at  one  end,  and  a  filter  containing  a  constant 
supply  of  iced  water.  There  are  rings  along  the  roof 
for  a  rope  which  passes  through  each  car  to  the  engine, 
so  that  anything  wrong  can  be  communicated  instantly  to 
the  engineer.  Every  car  has  eight  solid  wheels,  four 
being  placed  close  together  at  each  end,  all  of  which  can 

ClIAI'.  V, 



be  locked  by  two  powerful  breaks.  At  each  end  of  every 
car  is  a  platform,  and  ])assenger8  are  "prohibited  from 
standing  npon  it  at  tlieir  peril,"  as  also  from  passing  from 
car  to  car  while  the  train  is  in  motion  ;  but  as  no  penalty 
attaches  to  this  law,  it  is  incessantly  and  continuously 
violated,  "  free  and  enlightened  citizens  "  being  at  per- 
fect liberty  to  imperil  their  own  necks ;  and  "  poor, 
ignorant,  beriighted  liritishers  "  soon  learn  to  follow  their 
exam})le.  Persons  are  for  ever  passing  backwards  and 
forwards,  exclusive  of  the  conductor  whose  business  it  is, 
and  water-carriciS,  book,  bonbon,  and  peach  venders. 
No  person  connected  with  these  railways  vv'ears  a  distin- 
guishing dress,  and  the  stations,  or  "  depots  "  as  they  are 
called,  are  generally  of  the  meanest  description,  mere 
wooden  sheds,  with  a  ticket-office  very  difficult  to  dis- 
cover. If  you  are  so  fortunate  as  to  find  a  man  standing 
at  the  door  of  the  ba^^'gage-car,  he  attaches  copper  })late3 
to  your  trunks,  with  a  number  and  the  name  of  the  place 
you  are  going  to  upon  them,  giving  you  labels  with  cor- 
responding numbers.  By  this  excellent  arrangement,  in 
going  a  very  long  journey,  in  which  you  are  obliged  to 
change  cars  several  times,  and  cross  rivers  and  lakes  in 
steamers,  you  are  relieved  of  all  responsibility,  and  only 
require  at  the  end  to  give  your  checks  to  the  hotel-porter, 
who  regains  your  baggage  without  any  trouble  on  your 

This  plan  would  be  worthily  imitated  at  our  termini  in 
England,  where  I  have  frequently  seen  "  unprotected 
females  "  in  the  last  stage  of  frenzy  at  being  pushed  out 
of  the  way,  while  some  persons  unknown  are  running  off 
with  their  possessions. 

;■'(  *  ■>••', 




I  ii    nil    1 



I  Hi 



I  i 


s  i 



CirAP.  V. 

When  you  roach  a  (kj)6t,  as  there  are  no  railway 
porters,  numerous  men  chunour  to  take  your  effects  to 
an  hotel,  but,  as  many  of  these  are  thieves,  it  is  neces- 
sary to  be  very  careful  in  only  selecting  those  who  have 
hotel-badges  on  tlieir  hats. 

An  emigrant-car  is  attached  to  each  train,  but  there  is 
only  one  class :  thus  it  may  hapjjen  that  you  have  on  one 
side  the  President  of  the  Great  Republic,  and  on  the 
other  the  fientleinan  who  blacked  your  shoes  in  the  morn- 
ing. The  Americans,  however,  have  too  much  respect 
for  themselves  and  the.r  companions  to  travel  except  in 
good  clothes,  and  this  mingling  of  all  ranks  is  far  from 
being  disagreeable,  particularly  to  a  stranger  like  myself, 
one  of  whose  objects  was  to  see  things  in  their  everyday 
dress.  A\'e  must  be  well  aware  that  in  many  parts  of 
England  it  would  be  difficult  for  a  lady  to  travel  unat- 
tended in  a  second-class,  imjjossible  in  a  third-class  car- 
riage ;  yet  I  travelled  several  thousand  miles  in  America, 
frequently  alone,  from  the  house  of  one  friend  to  another's, 
and  never  met  with  anything  approaching  to  incivility ; 
and  I  have  often  heard  it  stated  that  a  lady,  no  matter 
what  her  youth  or  attractions  might  be,  could  travel  alone 
through  every  State  in  the  Union,  and  never  meet  with 
anything  but  attention  and  respect. 

I  have  had  considerable  experience  of  the  cars,  having 
travelled  from  the  Atlantic  to  the  Mississippi,  and  from 
the  Mississippi  to  the  St.  Lawrence,  and  found  the  com- 
pany so  agreeable  in  its  way,  and  the  cars  themselves  so 
easy,  well  ventilated,  and  comfortable,  that,  were  it  not 
for  the  disgusting  practice  of  sj)itting  upon  the  floors  in 
which  the  lower  classes  of  Americans  indulge,  I  should 

Cnvr.  V. 



greatly  j)r(>fer  them  to  our  own  exclusive  carriages,  de- 
noininat'jd  in  the  States  "  \von  scntrij-hoxvs."  W'l'll,  wc 
are  seated  in  the  cars  ;  a  man  shouts  "  Go  a-head  !  "  and 
we  are  otf',  the  engint;  ringing  its  heavy  bell,  and  thus 
begin  my  experiences  of  American  travel. 

I  found  myself  in  company  with  eleven  gentlemen  and 
a  lady  from  Prince  Edward  Island,  whom  a  strange 
gregarious  instinct  had  thus  drawn  together.  The  engine 
gave  a  hollow  groan,  very  unlike  our  cheerful  whistle, 
and,  soon  moving  through  the  town,  we  reached  the  open 

Fair  was  the  country  that  we  passed  through  in  the 
States  of  Maine,  New  Hampshire,  and  Massachusetts.  Oh 
very  fair !  smilinj]',  cultivated,  and  green,  like  England, 
hut  far  happier ;  for  slavery  which  disgraces  the  New 
World,  and  poverty  which  desolates  the  Old,  are  nowhere 
to  be  seen. 

There  were  many  farmhouses  surrounded  by  the 
nearly  finished  harvest,  with  verandahs  covered  with 
vines  and  roses ;  and  patriarchal-looking  family  groups 
seated  under  them,  engaged  in  different  employments, 
and  enjoying  the  sunset,  for  here  it  was  gorgeous  summer. 
And  there  were  smaller  houses  of  wood  painted  white, 
with  bright  green  jalousies,  in  gardens  of  pumpkins,  and 
surrounded  by  orchards.  Apples  seemed  almost  to  grow 
wild ;  there  were  as  many  orchards  as  corn-fields,  and 
apple  and  pear  trees  grew  in  the  very  hedgerows. 

And  such  apples !  not  like  our  small,  sour,  flavourless 
things,  but  like  some  southern  fruit ;  huge  balls,  red  and 
yellow,  such  as  are  caricatured  in  wood,  weighing  down 
the  fine  large  trees.     There  were  heaps  of  ap])les  on  the 



I . 



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,  ?  • 

ii-,. . 







Chap.  V. 

} '«  '•  •  5      r 

ground,  and  horses  and  cows  were  eating  them  in  the 
fields,  and  rows  of  freight-cars  at  all  the  stations  were 
laden  with  them,  and  little  boys  were  selling  them  in  the 
ears  ;  In  short,  where  were  they  not  ?  There  were  smiling 
fields  with  verdant  hedgerows  between  them,  unlike  the 
untidy  snake-fences  of  the  colonies,  and  meadows  like 
parks,  dotted  over  with  trees,  and  woods  filled  with 
sumach  and  scarlet  maple,  and  rapid  streams  hurrying 
over  white  pebbles,  and  villages  of  green-jalousied  houses, 
with  churches  and  spires,  for  here  all  places  of  worship 
have  spires ;  and  the  mellow  light  of  a  declining  sun 
streamed  over  this  varied  scene  of  happiness,  pros])erity, 
and  comfort ;  and  for  a  moment  I  thought — O  traitorous 
thought!  -that  the  New  England  was  fairer  than  the 

Nor  were  the  more  material  evidences  of  prosperity 
wanting,  for  we  passed  through  several  large  towns  near 
the  coast — Newbury  Port,  Salem,  and  Portsmouth — with 
populations  varying  from  30,000  to  50,000  souls.  They 
seemed  bustling,  thriving  places,  with  handsome  stores, 
which  we  had  an  opportunity  of  observing,  as  in  the  States 
the  cars  run  right  into  the  streets  along  the  carriage-way, 
traffic  being  merely  diverted  from  the  track  while  the  cars 
are  upon  it. 

i^Cost  of  the  railways  in  the  States  have  only  one  track 
or  line  of  rails,  with  occasional  sidings  at  the  stations 
for  the  cars  to  pass  each  other.  A  fence  is  by  no  means 
a  matter  of  necessity,  and  two  or  three  animals  are 
destroyed  every  day  from  straying  on  the  line.  The 
engines,  which  are  nearly  twice  the  size  of  ours,  with  a 
covered  enclosure   for   the   engineer  and  stoker,   carry 

Ciur.  V. 



hirgo  fejidcrs  or  guards  in  front,  to  lift  inciinibrancos  from 
the  track.  At  eight  o'clock  we  found  ourselves  passing 
over  water,  and  between  long  rows  of  gas-lights,  and 
shortly  afterwards  the  cars  stopped  at  Boston,  the  xVthens 
of  America.  Giving  our  baggage-checks  to  the  porter 
of  the  American  House,  we  drove  to  that  immense  hotel, 
where  I  remained  for  one  night.  It  was  crammed  from 
the  very  basesnent  to  the  most  undesirable  locality  nearest 
the  moon  ;  I  believe  it  had  seven  hundred  inmates.  I 
had  arranged  to  travel  to  Cincinnati,  and  from  thence  to 
Toronto,  with  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walrence,  but  on  reaching 
Tioston  I  found  that  they  feared  fever  and  cholera,  and, 
^eaving  me  to  travel  alone  from  Albany,  would  meet  me 
at  Chicago.  Under  these  circumstances  I  remained  with 
my  'sland  friends  for  one  night  at  this  establishment,  a 
stranger  in  a  land  where  I  had  few  accjuaintances,  though 
I  was  well  armed  with  letters  of  introduction.  One  of 
these  was  to  Mr.  Amy,  a  highly  respected  merchant  of 
Boston,  who  had  previously  informed  me  by  letter  of  the 
best  route  to  the  States,  and  I  immediately  despatched  a 
note  to  him,  but  he  was  absent  at  his  country-house,  and 
I  was  left  to  analyse  the  feeling  of  isolation  inseparable 
from  being  alone  in  a  crowd.  Having  received  the  key 
of  my  room,  I  took  my  supper  in  an  immense  hall,  calcu- 
lated for  dining  400  persons.  I  next  went  into  the  ladies' 
parlour,  and  felt  rather  out  of  place  among  so  numy  richly 
dressed  female?  ;  for  as  I  was  proceeding  to  write  a  letter, 
a  porter  came  in  and  told  me  that  writing  was  not  allowed 
in  that  saloon.  "  Freedom  again,"  thought  I.  On  look- 
ing round  I  did  feel  that  my  antiquated  goose-quill  and 
rusty-looking  inkstand  were    rather  out  of  place.     The 


■"  ""ml 

'*  1- 
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|',V'"  '   ■'  •   .■'  •  4 

,  J  .     ■        •  '.  .     , 

»  -■    ■  s.  ^ 



Chap.  V 

.1    ' 

i  i' 

'   t* 

carpet  of  the  room  was  of  richly  flowered  Victoria  pile, 
rendering  the  heaviest  footstep  noiseless  ;  the  tables  were 
marble  on  gilded  pedestals,  the  couches  covered  with  gold 
brocade.     At  a  piano  of  rich  workmanship  an  elegantly 
dressed  lady  was  seated,  singing  "  And  will  you  love  me 
always  ?  " — a  question  apparently  satisfactorily  answered 
by  the  speaking  eyes  of  a  bearded  Southerner,  who  was 
turning  over  the  pages  for  her.     A  ^ountain  of  antique 
workmanship  threw  up  a  Jet  (Veau  of  iced  water,  scented 
with  eau  de  Cologne;  and  the  whole  was  li,'^hted  by  four 
splendid  chandeliers  interminably  reflected,  for  the  walls 
were    mirrors   divided   by   marble   pillars.      The   room 
seemed   appropriate   to   the    purposes   to   which   it   was 
devoted — music,  needlework,    conversation,  and   flu'ting. 
With  the  single  exception  of  the  rule  against  writing  in 
the  ladies'  saloon,  a  visitor  at  these  immense  establish- 
ments is  at  perfect  liberty  to  do  as  he  pleases,  provided 
he  pays  the  moderate  charge  of  two  dollars,  or  8s.  a  day. 
This  includes,  even  at  the  best  hotels,  a  splendid  table 
d'/iote,  a   comfortable  bedroom,  liif^hts,  attendance,  and 
society  in  abundance.     From  the  servants  one  meets  with 
great  attention,  not  combined  with  deference  of  manner, 
still  less  with  that  obsequiousness  which  informs  you  by  a 
suggestive  bow,  at  the  end  of  your  visit,  that  it  has  been 
meted  out  with  reference  to  the  prob.ible  amount  of  half- 
sovereigns,  shillings,  and  sixpences  at  your  disposal. 

It  will  not  be  out  of  place  here  to  give  a  sketch  of  the 
peculiarities  of  the  American  hotel  system,  which  con- 
stitutes such  a  distinctive  feature  of  life  in  the  States,  and 
is  a  requirement  arising  out  of  the  enormous  extent  of 
their  territory,  and  the  nomade  life  led  by  vast  numbers 

CilAl'.  V. 




of  the    most   restless  and    energetic   people    under   tlie 

"  People  will  turn  hastily  over  the  pages  wlien  they 
come  to  this  "  was  the  remark  of  a  lively  critic  on  reading 
this  announcement ;  but  while  I  promise  my  readers  that 
hotels  shall  only  be  described  once,  I  could  not  reconcile 
it  to  myself  not  to  give  them  information  on  "  Things  as 
they  are  in  America,"  when  I  had  an  opportunity  of 
acquiring  it. 

The  American  House  at  Boston,  which  is  a  fair  specimen 
of  the  best  class  of  hotels  in  the  States,  though  more 
frequented  by  mercantile  men  than  by  tourists,  is  built  of 
grey  granite,  with  a  frontage  to  the  street  of  100  feet. 
Tiie  ground  floor  to  the  front  is  occupied  by  retail  stores, 
in  the  centre  of  which  a  lofty  double  doorway  denotes  the 
entrance,  marked  in  a  more  characteristic  manner  by 
groups  of  gentlemen  smoking  before  it.  This  opens  into 
a  lofty  and  very  spacious  hall,  with  a  chequered  floor  of 
black  and  white  marble ;  there  are  lounges  against  the 
vail,  covered  over  with  buflfalo-skins ;  and,  except  at 
meal-times,  this  capacious  apartment  is  a  scene  of  endless 
busy  life,  from  two  to  three  hundred  gentlemen  constantly 
thronging  it,  smoking  at  the  door,  lounging  on  the 
settees,  reading  the  newspapers,  standing  in  animated 
groups  discussing  commercial  matters,  arriving,  or  de- 
parting. Piles  of  luggage,  in  which  one  sees  with  dismay 
one's  light  travelling  valise  crushed  under  a  gigantic 
trunk,  occupy  the  centre  ;  porters  seated  on  a  form  wait 
for  orders ;  peripatetic  individuals  walk  to  and  fro ;  a 
confused  Babel  of  voices  is  ever  ascending  to  the  galleries 
above ;  and  at  the  door,  hacks,  like  the  "  eilwayon "  of 

F  2 


•  '    ■  »    1    V  ■•.■'  ;  J 

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• « 

■  *• 

■   '■  \  '-'.■*\ 






Chap.  V. 

I,'  i^ 


II  ! 

Germany,  are  ever  deposiliug  fresh  arrivals.  There  is 
besides  this  a  private  entrance  for  ladies.  Opposite  the 
entrance  is  a  counter,  where  four  or  P  e  clerks  constantly 
attend,  under  the  superintendence  of  a  cashier,  to  whom 
all  applications  for  rooms  are  personally  made.  I  went 
up  to  this  functionary,  wrote  my  name  in  a  book,  he 
placed  a  nimiber  against  it,  and,  giving  me  a  key  with  a 
corresponding  number  attached,  I  followed  a  porter  down 
a  long  corridor,  and  up  to  a  small  clean  room  on  the  third 
story,  where  to  all  intents  and  purposes  my  identity  was 
lost — merged  in  a  mere  numeral.  At  another  side  of  the 
hall  is  the  bar,  a  handsomely  decorated  apartment,  where 
lovers  of  such  beverages  can  procure  "  toddy,"  "  night- 
caps," "  mint  julep,"  "  gin  sling,"  &c.  On  the  door  of  ray 
very  neat  and  comfortable  bed-room  was  a  printed  state- 
ment of  the  rules,  times  of  meals,  and  charge  per  diem. 
I  believe  there  are  nearly  300  rooms  in  this  house,  some 
of  them  being  bed-rooms  as  large  and  commodious  as  in  a 
private  mansion  in  England. 

On  the  level  of  the  entrance  is  a  magnificent  eating 
saloon,  principally  devoted  to  male  guests,  and  which  is 
80  feet  long.  Upstairs  is  a  large  room  furnished  with  a 
rare  combination  of  splendour  and  taste,  called  "  The 
Ladies'  Ordinary,"  where  fomilies,  ladies,  and  their  in- 
vited guest-j  take  their  meals.  Breakfast  is  at  the  early 
hour  of  seven,  and  remains  on  the  table  till  nine  ;  dinner 
is  at  one,  and  tea  at  six.  At  these  meals  "  every  delicacy 
of  the  season "  is  served  in  profusion ;  the  daily  bill  of 
fare  would  do  credit  to  a  banquet  at  the  Mansion  House  ; 
the  chef  de  cuisine  is  generally  French,  and  an  epicure 
would  find  ample  scope  for  the  gratification  of  his  palate. 


1  a 

ise ; 


CiiAr.  V. 



If  people  persist  in  taking  their  meals  in  a  separate 
apartment,  they  are  obliged  to  ])ay  dearly  for  the  indul- 
gence of  their  exclusiveness.  Tliere  are  more  than  100 
waiters,  and  the  ladies  at  table  are  always  served  first,  and 
to  the  best  pieces. 

Though  it  is  not  part  of  the  hotel  system,  I  cannot 
forbear  mentioning  the  rapidity  with  which  the  Americans 
despatch  their  meals.  My  next  neighbour  has  frequently 
risen  from  his  seat  after  a  substantial  and  varied  dinner 
while  I  was  sending  away  my  soup-plate.  The  effect  of 
this  at  a  tahk-fV hote,  where  400  or  GOO  sit  down  to  dine, 
is  un})leasant,  for  the  swing-door  is  incessantly  in  motion. 
Indeed,  the  utter  absence  of  repose  is  almost  the  first 
thing  which  strikes  a  stranger.  The  incessant  sound  of 
bells  and  gongs,  the  rolling  of  hacks  to  and  from  the 
door,  the  arrivals  and  de])artures  every  minute,  the  tram- 
pling of  innumerable  feet,  the  flirting  and  talking  in  every 
corridor,  make  these  immense  hotels  more  like  a  human 
beehive  than  anything  else. 

The  drawing-rooms  are  always  kept  very  hot  by  huge 
fires  of  anthracite  coal,  and  the  doors  are  left  open  to 
neutralise  the  effect.  The  temperance  at  table  filled  me 
With  surprise.  I  very  seldom  saw  any  beverage  but  pnre 
iced-water.  There  are  conveniences  of  all  descriptions 
for  the  use  of  the  guests.  'J'he  wires  of  the  electric  tele- 
graph, constantly  attended  by  a  clerk,  run  into  the  lu  tel ; 
porters  are  ever  ready  to  take  your  messages  into  the 
town ;  pens,  paper,  and  ink  await  you  in  recesses  in 
the  lobbies  ;  a  man  is  ever  at  hand  to  clean  and  brush 
soiled   boots— in   short,   there   is   every   contrivance   for 



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-J;   "  •■  ■■-•f   i    W 

A'  I,'    ;   . '    •  •  • 


amehican  hotels. 

Chap.  V. 

W  ill 



abridging  your  labour  in  mounting  up  stairs.  But  the 
method  of  avoiding  the  confusion  and  din  of  two  or  three 
hundred  bells  must  not  be  omitted.  All  the  wires  from 
the  different  rooms  centre  at  one  bell,  which  is  located  in 
a  case  in  the  lobby,  with  the  mechanism  seen  on  one  side 
through  a  sheet  of  plate-glass.  The  other  side  of  the 
case  is  covered  with  numbers  in  rows.  By  each  number 
is  a  small  straight  piece  of  brass,  which  drops  and  hangs 
down  when  the  bell  is  sounded,  displaying  the  number  to 
the  attention  of  the  clerk,  who  sends  a  waiter  to  the 
apartment,  and  places  the  piece  of  brass  in  its  former 

Steam  laundries  are  connected  with  all  the  large 
hotels.  At  American  House  the  laundry  is  under  the 
management  of  a  clerk,  who  records  all  the  minor  details. 
The  linen  is  cleansed  in  a  churn-like  machine  moved  by 
steam,  and  wrung  by  a  novel  application  of  the  principle 
of  centrifugal  force ;  after  which  the  articles  are  dried  by 
being  passed  through  currents  of  hot  air,  so  that  they 
are  washed  and  ironed  in  the  space  of  a  few  minutes. 
The  charge  varies  from  six  to  ten  shillings  a  dozen. 
There  are  also  suites  of  hot  and  cold  baths,  and  barbers' 

Before  I  understood  the  mysteries  of  these  hotels,  I 
used  to  be  surprised  to  see  gentlemen  travelling  without 
even  carpet-bag.5,  but  it  soon  appeared  that  razors  and 
hair-brushes  were  superfluous,  and  that  the  possessor  of 
one  shirt  might  always  pass  as  the  owner  of  half  a  dozen, 
for,  while  taking  a  bath,  the  magic  laundry  would  re- 
produce the  article  in  its  pristine  glories  of  whiteness  and 


'  \\\ 

CiiAr.  V. 



starch.  Every  attontion  to  the  comfort  and  luxury  of  the 
guest  is  paid  at  American  House,  and  its  spirited  pro- 
prietor, Mr.  Rice,  deserves  the  patronage  which  the  tr 
veiling  public  so  liberally  bestow  upon  him.  On  ringing 
my  bell  it  was  answered  by  a  gar^'on,  and  it  is  rather 
curious  seldom  or  never  to  see  a  chambermaid. 





'■    ,:'/••■ 


'-■  m 



CllAI-.  VI. 


A  susjiecced  bill  —  A  fiiond  in  need  —  All  aboard  for  the  Western  cars 
—  The  wings  of  tho  wind  —  American  politencps  —  A  Inquacioua 
conductor  —  Tlirce  minutes  for  refreshments  —  A  conversation 
on  jiolitics — A  confession  —  The  emigrant  car — Ueauties  of  the 
woods  —  A  forest  on  fire  —  Dangers  of  the  cars  —  The  Queen  City 
of  the  West. 

I  ROSE  the  morning  after  my  arrival  at  five,  Imping  to 
leave  Boston  for  Cineinnati  by  the  Licjhtning  Express^ 
wliich  left  at  eight.  But  on  summoning  the  cashier  (or 
rather  rc<incsti)\<)  his  attendance,  for  one  never  summons 
any  one  in  the  States),  and  showing  him  my  hill  of  ex- 
change drawn  on  Barclay  and  Company  of  London,  he 
looked  at  me,  then  at  it,  suspiciously,  as  if  doubting 
whether  the  possessor  of  such  a  little  wayworn  port- 
manteau could  be  the  bona  fide  owner  of  such  a  sum  as 
the  figures  represented.  "  There's  so  much  bad  paper 
going  about,  we  can't  possibly  accommodate  yon,"  was 
the  discouraging  reply  ;  so  I  was  compelled  patiently  to 
submit  to  the  detention. 

I  breakfasted  at  seven  in  the  ladies'  ordinary,  without 
exchanging  a  syllable  with  any  one,  and  soon  after  my 
kind  friend,  Mr.  Amy,  called  upon  me.  lie  proved 
himself  a  friend  indeed,  and  his  kindness  gave  me  at 
once  a  favourable  impression  of  the  Americans.  First  im- 
pressions are  not  always  correct,  but  I  am  happy  to  say 
they  were  fully  borne  out  in  this  instance  by  the  uniform 

Chap.  VI. 



kindness  and  liospitallty  wliich  I  c.xporitMicrd  during  my 
wliole  tour.  Mr.  Amy  soon  ])rocured  me  tlie  money  for 
my  bill,  all  in  five-dollar  notes,  and  I  was  glad  to  find  tlu; 
exchange  greatly  in  favour  of  England,  lie  gave  mo 
much  information  about  my  route,  and  various  cautions 
which  I  found  very  useful,  and  then  drove  me  in  a 
light  "  waggon  "  round  the  antiquated  streets  of  Boston, 
crowded  with  the  material  evidences  of  prosperity,  to  his 
pretty  villa  three  miles  distant,  in  one  of  those  villages  of 
ornamental  dwellinghopscs  which  render  the  aj)})earance 
of  the  environs  of  Boston  peculiarly  attractive.  I  saw  a 
good  deal  of  the  town  in  my  drive,  but,  as  I  returned  to 
it  before  leaving  the  States,  I  srhall  defer  my  defcnj)tion 
of  it,  and  request  ray  readers  to  dash  away  at  once  with  me 
to  the  "  far  west,"  the  goal  alike  of  the  traveller  and  the 
adventurer,  and  the  El  Dorado  of  the  emigrant's  misty 

Leaving  American  House  with  its  hall  swarming  like 
a  hive  of  bees,  I  drove  to  the  depot  in  a  hack  with  several 
fellow-passengers,  Mr.  Amy,  who  was  executing  a  com- 
mission for  me  in  the  town,  having  promised  to  meet  me 
there,  but,  he  being  detained,  I  arrived  alone,  and  was 
deposited  among  piles  of  luggage,  in  a  perfect  Babel  of 
men  vociferating,  "  Where  are  you  for?"  "  Lightning 
Express ! "  "All  aboard  for  the  Western  cars,"  &c. 
Some  one  pounced  upon  my  trunks,  and  was  proceeding 
to  weigh  them,  when  the  stage-driver  stepped  forward  and 
said,  "  It's  a  lady's  luggage,"  upon  which  he  relinquished 
his  intention.  He  also  took  my  ticket  for  me,  handed  me 
to  the  cars,  and   then  withdrew,  wishing  me  a  pleiisant 

F  3 

'•:>('  I 





If..  '    '  •      ,  1 » 

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S  'ii 



Chap.  VI. 

journey,  his  prompt  civility  having  assisted  me  greatly  in 
the  chaotic  confusion  wliich  attends  the  departure  of  a 
train  in  America.  The  cars  hy  wliich  I  left  were  gua- 
ranteed to  take  people  to  Cincinnciti,  a  distance  of  1000 
miles,  in  40  hours,  allowing  time  for  refreshments  !  1 
was  to  tnvel  hy  five  different  lines  of  railway,  hut  this 
part  of  the  railway  system  is  so  well  arranged  that  I  only 
took  a  ticket  once,  rather  a  curious  document — a  strip  of 
paper  half  a  yard  long,  with  passes  for  five  different  roads 
upon  it ;  thus,  whenever  I  came  upon  a  fresh  line,  the 
conductor  tore  off  a  piece,  giving  me  a  ticket  in  ex- 
change. Tickets  arc  not  only  to  he  procured  at  the  sta- 
tions, but  at  several  offices  in  every  town,  in  all  the  steam- 
boats, and  in  the  cars  themselves.  For  the  latter  luxury^ 
for  such  it  must  certainly  be  considered,  as  it  enables  one 
to  step  into  the  cars  at  the  last  moment  without  any 
preliminaries,  one  only  pays  five  cents  extra. 

The  engine  tolled  its  heavy  bell,  and  soon  we  were 
amid  the  beauties  of  New  England  ;  rocky  hills,  small 
lakfjs,  rapid  streams,  and  trees  distorted  into  every  variety 
of  tlje  picturesque.  At  the  next  station  from  Boston  the 
Walrences  joined  me.  We  were  to  travel  together,  with 
our  ulterior  destination  a  settlement  in  Canada  West, 
but  they  would  not  go  to  Cincinnati ;  there  were  lions  in 
the  street ;  cholera  and  yellow  fever,  they  said,  were 
raging ;  in  short,  they  left  me  at  Springfield,  to  find  my 
way  in  a  strange  country  as  best  I  might ;  our  rendez- 
vous to  be  Chicago. 

At  Springfield  I  obtained  the  first  seat  in  the  car,  gene- 
rally the  object  of  most  undignified  elbowing,  and  had 

Chap.  VI. 



space  to  admire  the  beauties  among  which  wc  passed. 
For  many  miles  we  travelled  through  a  narrow  gorge,  be- 
tween very  high  precipitous  hills,  clothed  with  wood  up  to 
their  summits  ;  those  still  higher  rising  behind  them,  while 
the  track  ran  along  the  very  edge  of  a  clear  rushing  river. 
The  darkness  which  soon  came  on  was  only  enlivened  by 
the  sparks  from  the  wood  fire  of  the  engine,  so  numerous 
and  continuous  as  to  look  like  a  display  of  fireworks. 
Just  before  we  reached  Albany  a  very  respectable-looking 
man  got  into  the  car,  and,  as  his  manners  were  very  quiet 
and  civil,  we  entered  into  conversation  about  the  trade  and 
manufactures  of  the  neighbourhood.  When  we  got  out  of 
the  cars  on  the  east  side  of  the  river,  he  said  he  was  going 
no  farther,  but,  as  I  was  alone,  he  would  go  across  with 
me,  and  see  me  safe  into  the  cars  on  the  other  side.  He 
also  offered  to  carry  my  reticule  and  umbrella,  and  look 
after  my  luggage.  His  civility  so  excited  my  suspicions 
of  his  honesty,  that  I  did  not  trust  my  luggage  or  reticule 
out  of  my  sight,  mindful  of  a  notice  posted  up  at  all  the 
stations,  "Beware  of  swindlers,  pickpockets,  and  luggage- 

We  emerged  from  the  cars  upon  the  side  of  the  Hudson 
river,  in  a  sea  of  mud,  where,  had  not  my  friend  offered 
me  his  arm,  as  Americans  of  every  class  invariably  do  to 
an  "  unprotected  female"  in  a  crowd,  I  should  have  oeen 
borne  down  and  crushed  by  the  shoals  of  knapsack-carry- 
ing pedestrians  and  truck-pushing  porters  who  swarmed 
down  upon  the  dirty  wharf.  The  transit  across  occupied 
fully  ten  minutes,  in  consequence  of  the  numerous  times 
the  engine  had  to  be  reversed,  to  avoid  running  over  the 

*•  ':'li'»i 

■••/  L 

.  t} 

.  ■  '''-■■ 

"  m 

.l"'.-'       ;•■ 'iJ 




ClIAI'.  VI. 


I     I'M.  ;■       ; 

small  craft  wliicli  infist  this  stream.  !My  volimto-'r  escort 
took  mo  tliroujili  a  crowd  tliroimh  \vhi{;li  I  could  not  liavo 
fou!:d  my  way  alone,  and  put  mo  into  tho  cars  which 
started  from  tho  side  of  a  street  in  All)any,  requesting  the 
conductor,  whose;  countenance  instantly  prepossessed  me 
in  his  favour,  to  pay  me  every  attention  on  tin;  route. 
He  remained  with  me  until  the  cars  started,  and  told  me 
that  when  lie  saw  ladies  travelling  alone  he  always 
made  a  point  of  assisting  them.  I  shook  hands  with 
iiim  at  ])arting,  feeling  real  regret  at  lo.sing  so  kind 
and  intelligent  a  companion.     This  man  was  a  working 


Some  time  afterwards,  while  travelling  for  two  suc- 
cessive days  and  nights  in  an  unsettled  district  in  the 
west,  on  the  second  night,  fairly  overcome  with  fatigue, 
and  unahle,  from  the  crowded  state  of  the  car,  to  rest  my 
feet  on  the  seat  in  front,  I  tried  unsuccessfully  to  make  u 
pillow  for  my  head  hy  rolling  up  my  cloak,  which  attempts 
being  perceived  hy  a  working  mechanic,  he  accosted  me 
thus  :  "  Stranger,  I  guess  you're  almost  used  up  ?  Maybe 
you'd  be  more  comfortable  if  you  could  rest  your  head." 
Without  further  parley  he  spoke  to  his  companion,  a  man 
in  a  similar  grade  in  society ;  they  both  gave  up  their 
seats,  and  rolled  a  coat  round  the  arm  of  the  chair,  which 
formed  a  very  comfortable  sofji ;  and  these  two  men  stood 
for  an  hour  and  a  half,  to  give  me  the  advantage  of  it, 
apparently  without  any  idea  that  they  were  performing  a 
deed  of  kindness.  I  met  continually  with  these  acts  of 
hearty  unostentatious  good  nature.  I  mention  these  in 
justice  to  the  lower  classes  of  the  United  States,  whose 

if    ■  w 

Chap.  VI.        STOpriXO  FOR  "  Jli:!' UESIIMKNTS." 



1  exti'riors  ami   uncoutli   viMMiacular   roiuK'r   tluMn 
peculiarly  liable  to  bo  niisiuidorsitood. 

The  coiuluctor  (luite  verifiod  the  good  opinion  which  I 
had  formed  of  hini.  He  tun;ed  a  chair  into  a  sofa,  and 
lent  ine  a  buffalo  robe  (for,  hot  though  the  day  had  been, 
the  nigiit  was  intensely  cold),  and  several  times  brought 
me  a  cup  of  tea.  ^\'e  were  talking  on  the  peculiarities 
and  amount  of  the  breakage  ])ower  on  the  Anu'rican  lines 
as  compared  with  ours,  and  the  interest  of  tiie  suljject 
made  him  forget  to  signal  the  engine-driver  t;»  stop  at  a 
station.  The  conversation  concluded,  he  looked  out  of 
the  window.  "  Dear  me,"  he  said,  "  we  ought  to  have 
stopped  three  miles  back  ;  likely  there  was  no  one  to  get 
out !" 

At  midnight  I  awoke  shivering  with  cold,  having  taken 
nothing  for  twelve  hours ;  but  at  two  we  stopped  at 
something  called  by  courtesy  a  station,  and  the  announce- 
ment was  made,  "  Cars  stop  three  minutes  for  refresh- 
ments." I  got  out ;  it  was  pitch  dark  ;  but  I,  with  a 
young  lady,  followed  a  lantern  into  a  frame-shed  floored 
by  the  bare  earth.  Visions  of  Swindon  and  Wolverton 
rose  before  me,  as  I  saw  a  long  table  supported  on  rude 
trestles,  bearing  several  cups  of  steaming  tea,  while  a 
dirty  boy  was  opening  and  frizzling  oysters  by  a  wood 
fire  on  the  floor.  I  swallowed  a  cup  of  scalding  tea; 
some  oysters  were  put  upon  my  plate ;  "  Six  cents"  was 
shouted  by  a  nasal  voice  in  my  ear,  and,  while  hunting 
for  the  required  sum,  "All  aboard"  warned  me  to  be 
quick ;  and,  jumping  into  the  cars  just  as  they  were  in 
motion,  I  left  my  untasted  supper  on  my  plate.  After 
"  Show  your  tickets,"  frequently  accompanied  by  a  shake, 

•  * 






'     "  '  .• 


.' ,  5' 





Chap.  VI. 

had  roused  me  several  times  from  a  sound  sleep,  we 
arrived  at  Rochester,  an  important  town  on  the  Gennessee 
Falls,  surrounded  hy  extensive  clearing!?,  then  covered 
with  hoar  frost. 

Here  we  were  told  to  get  out,  as  there  were  twenty 
minutes  for  breakfast.  Bat  whither  shonld  we  go  when  we 
had  got  out  ?  We  were  at  the  junction  of  several  streets, 
and  five  engines,  with  cars  attached,  were  snorting  and 
moving  about.  After  we  had  run  the  gauntlet  of  all  these, 
I  found  men  ringing  bells,  and  negroes  rushing  about, 
tumbling  over  each  other,  striking  gongs,  and  all  sliouting 
"  The  cheapest  house  in  all  the  world — house  for  all 
nations — a  splendcriferous  breakfast  for  20  cents !"  and 
the  like.  At  length,  seemg  an  unassuming  placard,  "  Hot 
breakfast,  25  cents,"  I  ventured  in,  but  an  infusion  of 
mint  was  served  instead  of  the  China  leaf;  and  I  should  be 
afraid  to  pronounce  upon  the  antecedents  of  the  steaks. 
The  next  place  of  importance  we  reached  was  Buffalo,  a 
large  thriving  town  on  the  south  shore  of  Lake  Erie. 
There  had  been  an  election  for  Congress  at  some  neigh- 
bouring place  the  day  before,  and  my  vis-a-vis,  the  editor 
of  a  Buffalo  paper,  was  arguing  vociferously  with  a  man 
on  my  right. 

At  length  he  began  to  talk  to  me  very  vivaciously  on 
politics,  and  concluded  by  asking  me  what  I  thought 
of  the  late  elections.  Wishing  to  put  an  end  to  the  con- 
versation, which  had  become  tedious,  I  replied  that  I  was 
from  England.  "  English  !  you  surprise  me  !"  he  said  ; 
"  you've  not  the  English  accent  at  all."  "  What  do  you 
think  of  our  government  ?"  was  his  next  question.  "  Con- 
sidering that  you  started  free,  and  had  to  form  your  insti- 

Chap.  VT. 



tutions  in  an  enlightened  age,  that  you  had  the  estimable 
parts  of  our  constitution  to  copy  from,  while  its  faults  vvero 
before  you  to  serve  as  beacons,  I  think  your  constitution 
ought  to  be  nearer  perfection  than  it  is."  "I  think  our 
constitution  is  as  near  perfection  as  anything  human  can 
be ;  we  are  the  most  free,  enlightened,  and  progressive 
people  under  the  sun,"  he  answered,  rather  hotly  ;  but  in 
a  few  minutes  resuming  the  conversation  with  his  former 
companion,  I  overheard  him  say,  "  I  think  I  shall  give  up 
politics  altogether  ;  /  don't  believe  ice  have  a  sinr/le  public 
man  who  is  not  corrupt."  "  A  melancholy  result  of  a  per- 
fect constitution,  and  a  humiliating  confession  for  an 
American,"  I  observed. 

The  conversations  in  the  cars  are  well  worth  a  tra- 
veller's attention.  Tlioy  are  very  frequently  on  politics, 
but  often  one  hears  stories  such  as  the  world  has  become 
familiarised  with  from  the  early  pages  of  Barnum's  Auto- 
biography, abounding  in  racy  anecdote,  broad  humour, 
and  cunning  imposition.  At  Erie  we  changed  cars,  and 
I  saw  numerous  emigrants  sitting  on  large  blue  boxes, 
looking  disconsolately  about  them  ;  the  Irish  physiognomy 
being  the  most  predominant.  They  are  generally  so 
dirty  that  they  travel  by  themselves  in  d  partially  lighted 
van,  called  the  Emigrants'  car,  for  a  most  trifling  pay- 
ment. I  once  got  into  one  by  mistake,  and  was  almost 
sickened  by  the  smell  of  tobacco,  spirits,  dirty  fustian,  and 
old  leather,  which  assailed  my  olfactory  organs.  Leaving 
Erie,  beyond  which  the  lake  of  the  same  name  stretched 
to  the  distant  horizon,  blue  and  calm  like  a  tideless  sea, 
we  entered  the  huge  forests  on  the  south  shore,  through 
which  we  passed,  I  suppose,  for  more  than   100  miles. 

>^''  - 




'"  II 

:  'i-'i 



Chap.  VI. 

My  next  noiglihor.r  was  a  stalwart,  bronzed  Kentucky 
farmer,  in  a  palm-leaf  hat,  who,  strange  to  say,  never 
made  any  demonstrations  with  his  bowie-knife,  and,  having 
been  a  lumberer  in  these  forests,  pointed  out  all  the 
objects  of  interest. 

The  monotonous  sublimity  of  there  primeval  woods  far 
exceeded  my  preconceived  ideas.  We  were  locked  in 
among  gigantic  trees  of  all  descriptions,  their  huge  stems 
frequently  rising  without  a  branch  for  a  hundred  feet ; 
then  breaking  into  a  crown  of  the  most  luxuriant  foliage. 
There  were  walnut,  hickory,  elm,  maple,  beeoh,  oak, 
pine,  and  hemlock  trees,  with  many  others  whicli  I  did 
not  know,  and  the  only  undergrowth,  a  tropical-looking 
plant,  with  huge  leaves,  and  berries  like  bunches  of 
purple  grapes.  Though  it  was  the  noon  of  an  unclouded 
sun,  all  was  dark,  and  still,  and  lonely ;  no  birds  twittered 
from  the  branches ;  no  animals  enlivened  the  gloomy 
shades ;  no  trace  of  man  or  of  his  works  was  there,  except 
the  two  iron  rails  on  which  we  flew  along,  unfenced  from 
the  forest,  and  those  trembling  electric  wires,  which 
will  only  cease  to  speak  with  the  extinction  of  man 

Very  occasionally  we  would  come  upon  a  log  shanty, 
that  most  picturesque  of  human  habitations  ;  the  walls 
formed  of  large  logs,  with  the  interstices  filled  up  with 
clay,  and  the  roof  of  rudely  sawn  boards,  projecting  one 
or  two  feet,  and  kept  in  their  places  by  logs  placed  upon 
them.  Windows  and  doors  there  were  none,  but,  where 
a  door  was  not,  I  generally  saw  four  or  five  shoeless, 
ragged  urchins,  whose  light  tangled  hair  and  general 
aspect  were  sufficient  to  denote  their  nationality.     Some- 




chai",  vr. 



times  these  cabins  would  be  surrounded  by  a  little  patch 
of  cleared  land,  prolific  in  Indian  corn  and  pumpkins  ; 
the  brilliant  orange  of  the  latter  contrasting  with  the 
charred  stumps  among  which  tliey  grew ;  but  more  fre- 
quently the  lumberer  supported  himself  solely  by  his  axe. 
These  dwellings  are  suggestive,  for  they  are  erected  by 
the  pioneers  of  civilization  ;  and  if  the  future  progress  of 
America  be  equal  in  rapidity  to  its  past,  in  another  fifty 
years  tlie  forests  will  have  been  converted  into  lumber 
and  firewood — rich  and  populous  cities  will  have  replaced 
the  cabins  and  shanties — and  the  children  of  the  urchins 
who  gazed  vacantly  upon  the  cars  will  have  asserted  their 
claims  to  a  voice  in  the  councils  of  the  nation. 

The  rays  of  the  sun  never  penetrate  the  forest,  and 
evening  was  deepening  the  gloom  of  the  artificial  twilight, 
when  gradually  we  became  enveloped  in  a  glare,  redder, 
fiercer,  thcin  that  of  moonlight ;  and  looking  ahead  I  saw 
the  forest  on  fire,  and  that  we  were  rushing  into  the 
flames.  "  Close  the  windows,  thenj's  a  fire  a-head,"  said 
the  conductor ;  and  after  obeying  this  commonplace  direc- 
tion, many  of  the  passengers  returned  to  the  slumbers 
which  had  been  so  unseasonably  disturbed.  On,  on  we 
rushed — the  flames  encircled  us  round — we  were  enveloped 
in  clouds  of  stifling  smoke — crack,  crash  went  the  trees — 
a  blazing  stem  fell  across  the  line — the  fender  of  the 
engine  pushed  it  aside— the  flames  hissed  like  tongues  of 
fire,  and  then,  leaping  like  serpents,  would  rush  up  to  the 
top  of  the  largest  tree,  and  it  would  blaze  like  a  pine- 
knot,  There  seemed  no  egress  ;  but  in  a  few  minutes 
the  raging,  roaring  conflagration  was  left  A 
forest   on   fire  from   a   distance   looks   very   much   like 

■    ; 

h  > 


t    < 


.■  ■  .  "   "^ 

tr.'n    •^;;;. 


■  'M 




ClIAP.  VI. 


'  Punch's'  picture  of  a  naval  review ;  a  near  view  is  the 
height  of  sublimity. 

The  dangers  of  the  cars,  to  my  inexperience,  seemed 
by  no  means  over  with  the  escape  from  being  roasted 
alive.  A  few  miles  from  Cleveland  they  rushed  down  a 
steep  incline,  apparently  into  Lake  Erie ;  but  in  reality 
upon  a  platform  supported  on  piles,  so  narrow  that  the 
edges  of  the  cars  hung  over  it,  so  that  I  saw  nothing  but 
water.  A  gale  was  blowing,  and  drove  the  surf  upon  the 
platform,  and  the  spray  against  the  windows,  giving  such 
a  feeling  of  insecurity,  that  for  a  moment  I  wished  myself 
in  one  of  our  "  'coon  sentry-boxco."  The  cars  were  very 
full  after  leaving  Cleveland,  but  I  contrived  to  sleep 
soundly  till  awakened  by  the  intense  cold  which  attends 

It  was  a  glorious  morning.  The  rosy  light  streamed 
over  hills  covered  with  gigantic  trees,  and  park-like  glades 
watered  by  the  fair  Ohio.  There  were  bowers  of  myrtle, 
and  vineyards  ready  for  the  vintage,  and  the  rich  aro- 
matic  scent  wafted  from  groves  of  blossoming  magnolias 
told  me  that  we  were  in  a  different  clime,  and  had 
reached  the  ijunny  south.  And  before  us,  placed  within 
a  perfect  amphitheatre  of  swelling  hills,  reposed  a  huge 
city,  whose  countless  spires  reflected  the  beams  of  the 
morning  sun — the  creation  of  yesterday— Cincinnati,  the 
"  Queen  City  of  the  West"  I  drove  straight  to  Burnet 
House,  almost  the  finest  edifice  in  the  town,  and  after 
travelling  a  thousand  miles  in  forty-two  hours,  without 
either  water  or  a  hair-brush,  it  was  the  greatest  possible 
luxury  to  be  able  to  remove  the  accumulations  of  soot, 
dust,  and  cinders  of  two  days  and  nights.     I  spent  three 

11  •;■'■;  I 


Chap.  VI. 



days  at  Clifton,  a  romantic  village  three  miles  from  Cin- 
cinnati, at  the  hospitable  house  of  Dr.  M'llvaine,  the 
Bishop  of  Ohio ;  but  it  would  be  an  ill  return  for  the 
kindness  which  I  there  experienced  to  give  details  of  my 
visit,  or  gratify  curiosity  by  describing  family  life  in  one 
of  the  "  homes  of  the  New  World." 




-■■•■  Wfll' 




Chap.  VII. 



IT  •       * 

The  Queen  City  continued  —  Its  beauties  —  Its  inhabitants  human  and 
equine — An  A'laerican  ehurcli  —  Wliere  chairs  and  bedsteads  come 
from  —  Pigs  and  pork  —  A  peep  into  Kentucky  —  Pojiular  opinions 
respecting  slavery  —  The  curse  of  An^  erica. 

TuE  important  towns  in  the  United  States  bear  desig- 
nations of  a  more  poetical  nature  than  miglit  be  expected 
from  so  commercial  a  people.  New  York  is  the  Empire 
City — Philadelphia  the  City  of  Brotherly  Love — Cleve- 
land the  Forest  City — Chicago  the  Prairie  City — and 
Cincinnati  the  Queen  City  of  the  AVest.  These  names 
are  no  less  appropriate  than  poetical,  and  none  more  so 
than  that  ap])lied  to  Cincinnati.  The  view  from  any  of 
the  terraced  heights  round  the  town  is  magnificent.  I 
saw  it  first  bathed  in  the  mellow  light  of  a  declining  sun. 
Hill  beyond  hill,  clothed  with  the  rich  verdure  of  an 
almost  tropical  clime,  slopes  of  vineyards  just  ready  for 
the  wine-press,*  magnolias  with  their  fragrant  blossoms, 

*  Grapes  are  grown  in  such  profusion  in  the  Southern  and  Western 
States,  that  I  have  seen  damaged  bunches  thrown  to  the  pigs. 
Americans  find  it  difficult  to  understand  how  highly  this  fruit  is  prized 
in  England.  An  American  lady,  when  dining  at  Apsley  House,  ob- 
served that  the  Duke  of  Wellington  'vas  cutting  up  a  cluster  of  grapes 
into  small  bunches,  .ind  she  wondered  that  this  illustrious  man  should 
give  himself  such  unnecessary  trouble.  When  the  servant  handed 
round  the  plate  containing  these,  she  took  them  all,  and  could  not 
account  for  the  amused  and  even  censuring  looks  of  some  of  the  other 
guests,  till  she  heard  that  it  was  expected  that  she  should  have  helped 
herself  to  one  bunch  only  of  the  hothouse  treasure. 

.  t 










Chap.  VII. 



and  that  queen  of  trees  the  beautiful  ilantlms,  tlie  "  tree 
of  heaven "  as  it  is  called  ;  and  everywhere  foliage  so 
luxuriant  that  it  looked  as  if  autumn  and  decay  C(.uld 
never  come.  And  in  a  hollow  near  us  hiy  the  huge  city, 
so  full  of  life,  its  busy  hum  rising  to  the  height  where  I 
stood ;  and  200  feet  below,  the  beautiful  cemetery,  where 
its  dead  await  the  morning  of  the  resurrection.  Yet, 
while  contrasting  the  trees  and  atmosj)here  here  with  the 
comparatively  stunted,  puny  foliage  of  England,  and  the 
cliilly  skies  of  a  northern  clime,  I  thought  with  Cowper 
respecting  my  own  dear,  but  far  distant  laud — 

"England,  with  all  thy  faults  I  love  thee  still — 
My  country  ! — 

I  would  not  yet  exchange  thy  sullen  skies, 
And  fields  without  a  flower,  for  warmer  E'  >nce 
With  all  her  vines,  nor  for  Ausonia's  groves, 
Her  golden  fruitage,  or  her  myrtle  bowers." 

The  change  in  the  climate  was  great  from  that  in  which 
I  had  shivered  a  week  before,  with  a  thermometer  at 
33°  in  the  sun ;  yet  I  did  not  find  it  oppressive  here  at 
105°  in  the  shade,  owing  to  the  excessive  dryness  of  the 
air.  The  sallow  complexions  of  the  New  Englanders 
were  also  exchanged  for  the  fat  ruddy  faces  of  the  people 
of  Ohio,  the  "  Buclieijes^''  as  their  neighbours  designate 
them.  The  town  of  Cincinnati,  situated  on  the  navigable 
stream  of  the  Ohio,  1600  miles  from  the  sea,  is  one  of 
the  most  remarkable  monuments  of  the  progress  of  the 
West.  A  second  Glasgow  in  appearance,  the  houses 
built  substantially  of  red  brick,  six  stories  high — huge 
sign-boards  outside  each  floor  denoting  the  occupation  of 
its  owner  or  lessee — heavily-laden  drays  rumbling  along 


■  '  ,  y"i 

^'■■v^         ,,.. 





i    ! 

the  streets — quays  at  which  steamboats  of  fairy  archi- 
tecture are  ever  lying — massive  warehouses  and  rich 
stores — the  side  walks  a  perfect  throng  of  foot-passengers 
— the  roadways  crowded  with  light  carriages,  horsemen 
with  palmetto  hats  and  high-peaked  saddles,  galloping 
about  on  the  magnificent  hordes  of  Kentucky—  an  air  of 
life,  wealth,  bustle,  and  progress — are  some  of  the  cha- 
racteristics of  a  city  which  stands  upon  ground  where 
sixty  years  ago  an  unarmed  white  man  would  have  been 
tomahawked  as  he  stood.  The  human  aspect  is  also 
curious.  Palmetto  hats,  light  blouses,  and  white  trow- 
sers  form  the  prevailing  costume  even  of  the  clergy, 
while  Germans  smoke  chibouks  and  luxuriate  in  their 
shirt-sleeves — southerners,  with  the  enervated  look  arising 
from  residence  in  a  hot  climate,  lounge  about  the  streets 
— dark-browed  Mexicans,  in  sombreras  and  high  slashed 
boots,  dash  about  on  small  active  horses  with  Mamelouk 
bits — rovers  and  adventurers  from  California  and  the 
Far  West,  with  massive  rings  in  their  ears,  swagger  about 
in  a  manner  which  shows  their  country  and  calling,  and 
females  richly  dressed  are  seen  driving  and  walking  about, 
from  the  fair-complexioned  European  to  the  negress  or 
mulatto.  The  windows  of  the  stores  are  arranged  with 
articles  of  gaudy  attire  and  heavy  jewellery,  suited  to  the 
barbaric  taste  of  many  of  their  customers ;  but  inside  I 
was  surprised  to  find  the  richest  and  most  elegant  manu- 
factures of  Paris  and  London.  A  bookseller's  store,  an 
aggregate  of  two  or  three  of  our  largest,  indicated  that 
the  culture  of  the  mind  was  not  neglected. 

The  number  of  carriages,  invariably  drawn   by  two 
horses,  astonished  me.     They  were  the  "  red  horses'*  of 

fe,  an 


w"  of 




Kentucky  and  the  jet  black  of  Ohio,  splendid,  proud- 
looking  animals,  looking  as  if  they  could  never  tire  or 
die.  Except  tlie  "  trotting  ba&kets  "  and  light  waggons, 
principally  driven  by  "swells"  or  "  Young  Americans," 
all  the  vehicles  were  covered,  to  preserve  their  inmates 
from  the  intense  heat  of  the  sun.  In  the  evening  hun- 
dreds, if  not  thousands,  of  carriages  are  to  be  seen  in  the 
cemetery  and  along  the  roads,  some  of  the  German 
ladies  driving  in  low  dresses  and  short  sleeves.  As  every- 
body who  has  one  hundred  yards  to  go  drives  or  rides, 
rings  are  fastened  to  all  the  side  walks  in  the  town  to 
tether  the  horses  to.  Many  of  the  streets  are  planted 
with  the  ilanthus-tree,  and  frequently  one  comes  upon 
churches  of  tasteful  architecture,  with  fretted  spires 
pointing  to  heaven. 

I  went  upon  the  Ohio,  lessened  by  long  drought  into 
a  narrow  stream,  in  a  most  commodious  high-pressure 
steamboat,  and  deemed  myself  happy  in  returning  un- 
injured ;  for  beautiful  and  fairy-like  as  these  vessels  are, 
between  their  own  explosive  qualities  and  the  "  snags  and 
sawyers"  of  the  rivers,  their  average  existence  is  only 
five  years ! 

Cincinnati  in  1800  was  a  wooden  village  of  750  in- 
habitants; it  is  now  a  substantially- built  brick  town,  con- 
taining 200,000  people,  and  thousands  of  fresh  settlers 
are  added  every  year.  There  are  nearly  50,000  Ger- 
mans, and  I  believe  40,000  Irish,  who  distinctly  keep  up 
their  national  characteristics.  The  Germans  almost 
monopolise  the  handicraft  trades,  where  they  find  a  fruit- 
ful field  for  their  genius  and  industry ;  the  Irish  are  here, 
as  everywhere,  hewers  of  wood  and  dra'- ers  of  water ; 

•V;     ,'    .' 

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■           ■•    :    -t^ 




Chap.  VII. 

r!    i 

tlioy  can  do  nothing  but  dig,  and  stddoni  riso  in  tlio  social 
scale  ;  the  Germans,  as  at  liomo,  arc  a  thinking,  scep- 
tical, theorising  ])eo|)le:  in  politics,  Socialists— in  religion. 
Atheists.  The  Irish  are  still  the  willing  and  ignorant 
tools  of  an  ambitious  and  despotic  priesthood.  And  in  a 
land  wluM'e  no  man  is  called  to  account  for  his  principles, 
unless  they  proceed  to  j)hysical  development,  these  errors 
grow  and  luxuriate.  The  Germans,  in  that  part  of  the 
town  almost  devoted  to  themselves,  have  succeeded  in 
practically  abolishing  the  Sabbath,  as  they  utterly  ignore 
that  divine  institution  even  as  a  day  of  rest,  keeping  their 
stores  open  the  whole  day.  The  creeds  which  they  pro- 
fess are  'Socialism"  and  "  Universalism,"  and  at  stated 
periods  they  assemble  to  I'ear  political  harangues,  and 
address  invocations  to  universal  deity.  Skilled,  educated, 
and  intellectual,  they  are  daily  incieasing  in  numbers, 
wealth,  and  political  importance,  and  constitute  an  in- 
fluence of  which  the  Americans  themselves  are  afraid. 

The  Irish  are  a  turbulent  class,  for  ever  appealing  to 
physical  force,  influencing  the  elections,  and  carrying  out 
their  "clan  feuds"  and  "  faction  fights."  The  Germans, 
finding  it  a  land  like  their  own,  of  corn  and  vineyards, 
have  named  the  streets  in  their  locality  in  Cincinnati  after 
their  towns  in  the  Old  World,  to  which  in  idea  one  is  fre- 
quently carried  back. 

On  Sunday,  after  passing  through  this  continental 
portion  of  the  lown,  I  found  all  was  order  and  decorum 
in  the  strictly  American  part,  where  the  whole  population 
seemed  to  attend  worship  of  one  form  or  another.  The 
church  which  1  attended  was  the  most  beautiful  place  of 
worship  I  ever  saw  ;  it  had  neither  the  hallowed  but  com- 

Chap.  VII. 



fortless  antiquity  of  our  village  cl.urtthc!?,  nor  tlio  glare 
and  crush  of  our  urban  toMiples ;  it  was  of  light  Nor- 
man architecture,  and  lighted  hy  windows  of  rich  stained 
glass.  The  pews  were  wide,  the  backs  low,  and  the  doors 
and  mouldings  were  of  polished  oak  ;  the  cushions  and 
linings  were  of  crimson  damask,  and  light  fans  for  ical 
use  were  hung  in  each  pow.  The  pulpit  and  reading- 
desk,  both  of  carved  oak  and  of  a  tulip  shape,  were  placed 
in  front  of  the  communion-rails,  on  a  spacious  platform 
ascended  by  three  steps — this,  the  steps,  and  the  aisles  of 
the  church  were  carpeted  with  beautiful  Kidderminster 
carpeting.  The  singing  and  chanting  were  of  a  very 
superior  description,  being  managed,  as  also  a  very  fine- 
toned  organ,  by  the  young  ladies  and  gentlemen  of  the 
congregation.  The  ladies  were  more  richly  dressed  and 
in  brighter  colours  than  the  English,  and  many  of  them 
in  their  features  and  complexions  bore  evident  traces  of 
African  and  Spanish  blood.  The  gentlemen  universally 
wore  the  moustache  and  beard,  and  generally  blue  or 
green  frock-coats,  the  collars  turned  over  with  velvet. 
The  res})onses  were  repeated  without  the  assistance  of  a 
clerk,  and  the  whole  service  was  conducted  with  decorum 
and  effect. 

The  same  favourable  descrijjtion  may  apply  generally 
to  the  churches  of  different  denominations  in  the  United 
States  ;  coldness  and  discomfort  are  not  considered  as 
incentives  to  devotion  ;  and  the  houses  of  worship  are  ever 
crowded  with  regular  and  decorous  worshippers. 

Cincinnati  is  the  outpost  of  manufacturing  civilization, 
though  large,  important,  but  at  present  unfinished  cities 
are  rapidly  springing  up  several  hundred  miles  farther  to 





1. 1 




•;   i> 






CitAV.  VI  [. 

the  \vc'.-t.  It  liJis  ivmiliir  fri'ij'lit  stcainers  to  Now  C)r- 
leans,  St.  Louis,  luid  other  ])liU't'.s  on  tlie  Missouri  and 
Missi.-.-ippi ;  to  Wliocling  and  Pittsburgli,  and  tlicnco  by 
railway  to  tlio  gn;at  Atlantic  cities,  Philadelphia  and 
Baltiuioro,  wliih;  it  is  connected  with  the  Canadian  lakes 
l»y  railway  and  canal  to  (Cleveland.  Till  I  thcn'oughly 
understood  that  (.'incinnati  is  the  centre  of  a  circle  em- 
hraciiig  the  poj)ulons  towns  of  the  south,  and  the  in- 
creasing pojndatioHs  of  the  lake  countries  and  the  western 
territories,  with  their  ever-growing  demand  for  the  fruits 
of  nijinufacturing  industry,  I  could  not  understand  the 
utility  of  the  va>^t  establishments  for  the  production  of 
household  goods  which  arrest  the  attention  of  the  visitor 
to  the  Queen  City.  There  is  a  furniture  establishment 
in  Baker  Stn^et,  London,  which  employs  perhaps  eighty 
hands,  and  we  are  ratine  inclined  to  boast  of  it,  but  we 
must  keep  silence  when  we  hear  of  a  factory  as  large  as 
a  Manchester  cotton-mill,  five  stories  high,  where  260 
hands  are  constantly  employed  in  making  chairs,  tables, 
and  bedsteads. 

At  the  factory  of  Mitchell  and  Rammelsberg  conunon 
chairs  are  the  principal  manufacture,  and  are  turned  out 
at  the  rate  of  2500  a  week,  worth  from  1/.  to  5/.  a  dozen. 
Rocking-chairs,  which  are  on.y  made  in  perfection  in  the 
States,  are  fabricated  here,  also  chests  of  drawers,  of 
which  2000  are  made  annually.  Baby-rocking  cribs,  in 
which  the  brains  of  the  youth  of  America  are  early 
liabituated  to  perpetual  restlessness,  are  manufactured 
here  in  surprising  quantities.  The  "-vorkmen  at  this  fac- 
tory (most  of  whom  are  native  Americans  and  Germans, 
the  English  and.  Scotch  being  rejected  on  account  of  their 

in  the 
rs,  of 
3S,  in 
s  fac- 

ClIAl-.  VII. 



intcnipcrance)  earn  from  12  to  14  dollars  a  week.  At 
another  faetory  1000  hcMlsteads,  worth  from  1/.  to  5/. 
each,  are  completed  every  week.  There;  are  vast  hoot 
and  shoe  factories,  which  would  have  shod  our  wiiolo 
Crimean  army  in  a  week,  at  one  of  which  tlie  owiu  r  pays 
60,000  dollars  or  12,000/.  in  wages  annually  !  It  con- 
sumes 5000  pounds  weight  of  hoot-nails  ))er  annum  ! 
The  manufactories  of  locks  and  guns,  tools,  and  carriages, 
with  countless  other  appliances  of  civilized  life,  are  on  a 
similarly  large  scale.  Their  jtroducts  are  to  he  fonnd 
among  the  sugar  })lantations  of  the  soi;th,  the  diggers  of 
California,  the  settlers  in  Oregon,  in  the;  infant  cities  of 
the  far  West,  the  tent  of  the  hunter,  and  the  shanty  of 
the  emigrant ;  in  one  word,  wherever  demand  and  supply 
can  be  placed  in  conjunction. 

And  while  the  demand  is  ever  increasing  as  the  tide 
of  emigration  rolls  westward,  so  the  inventive  brains  of 
the  Americans  are  ever  discovering  some  mechanical 
means  of  abridging  manual  labour,  which  seldom  or  ever 
meets  the  demand.  The  saws,  axes,  and  indeed  all  cutting 
tools  made  at  respectable  establishments  in  the  States,  are 
said  to  be  superior  to  ours.  On  going  into  a  hardware 
store  at  Hamilton  in  Uj)per  Canada,  I  saw  some  English 
spades  and  axes,  and  I  suppose  my  face  expressed  some 
of  the  admiration  which  my  British  pride  led  me  to  feel ; 
for  the  owner,  taking  up  some  spades  and  cutting-tools 
of  Cincinnati  manufacture,  said,  "  We  can  only  sell  these  ; 
the  others  are  bad  workmanship,  and  won't  stand  two  days' 
hard  work." 

Articles  of  English  manufacture  are  not  seen  in  con- 
siderable quantities  in  the  wholesale  stores,  and  even  the 

o  2 

'.'< '.  ■  I 

^   ;■'*    \ 

.;  ■'■'i 







•f  .-■-':' 

.    ! 



I  I 



import  of  fon'in,n  wines  has  been  considerably  diniinisbod 
by  the  increasingly  successful  culture  of  the  grape  in 
Oliio,  130,000  gallons  of  wine  having  been  produced  in 
the  course  of  the  year.  Wines  resembling  hock,  claret, 
and  champagne  are  nuule,  and  good  judges  speak  very 
highly  of  them. 

(Cincinnati  is  famous  for  its  public  libraries  and  reading- 
rooms.  The  Young  3Ien's  Mercantile  Library  Associa- 
tion has  a  very  hand-ome  suite  of  rooms  ojjcned  as 
libraries  and  reading-rooms,  the  number  of  books  amount- 
ing to  1G,000,  these,  with  upwards  of  100  newspapers, 
being  well  selected  by  a  managing  committee ;  none  of 
our  English  works  of  good  repute  being  a-wanting.  The 
facility  with  which  English  books  are  reprinted  in  Ame- 
rica, and  the  immense  circulation  which  they  attain  in 
consequence  of  their  cheapness,  greatly  increases  the 
responsibility  which  rests  upon  our  authors  as  to  the 
direction  which  they  give,  whether  for  good  or  evil,  to  the 
intelligent  and  inquiring  minds  of  the  youth  of  America — 
minds  ceaselessly  occupied,  both  in  religion  and  politics, 
in  investigation  and  intjuiry — in  overturning  old  systems 
before  they  have  devised  new  ones. 

I  believe  that  the  most  important  religious  denomina- 
tions in  Cinciimati  are  the  Episcopalian,  the  Baptist,  and 
the  Wesleyan.  Tlie  first  is  under  the  superintendence  of 
the  learned  and  ])ious  Bishop  M'llvaine,  whose  apostolic 
and  untiring  labours  have  greatly  advanced  the  cause  of 
religion  in  the  State  of  Ohio.  Tliere  is  a  remarkable  ab- 
sence of  sectarian  spirit,  and  the  ministers  of  all  orthodox 
denominations  act  in  harmonious  combination  for  the 
iieneral  good. 


ClIAl-.  VII. 



*■'  i 

ist,  and 

!nce  of 
liiise  of 

lie  ab- 

in-   the 

But  after  describing  tlie  beauty  of  lier  street?,  lier 
astoiiii^biug  progress,  and  the  spleiuh)ur  of  lier  shops,  I 
must  not  close  this  chajjter  without  stating  thai  the  Queen 
City  bears  the  less  elegant  name  of  P()rkoj)olis  ;  tliat  swine, 
lean,  gaunt,  and  vicious-looking,  riot  through  her  streets; 
and  that,  on  coming  out  of  the  most  splendid  stores,  on^^ 
stumbles  over  these  disgusting  intruders.  Cincinnati  is 
the  city  of  pigs.  As  there  is  a  railway  system  and  a  hotel 
system,  so  there  is  also  a  jnt/  st/stcm,  by  which  this  jdace 
is  marked  out  from  any  other.  Huge  (juantities  of  these 
useful  animals  are  reared  after  harvest  in  the  corn-fields 
of  Ohio,  and  on  the  beech-mast  and  acorns  of  its  gigantic 
forests.  At  a  particular  time  of  year  they  arrive  by 
thousands — brought  in  droves  and  steamers  to  the  number 
of  500,000 — to  meet  their  doom,  when  it  is  said  tliat  the 
Ohio  runs  red  with  blood !  There  are  huge  slaughter- 
houses  behind  the  town,  something  on  the  plan  of  the 
abattoirs  of  Paris — large  wooden  buildings,  with  nume- 
rous pens,  from  whence  the  pigs  march  in  single  file  along 
a  narrow  passage,  to  an  apartment  where  each,  on  his 
entrance,  receives  a  blow  with  a  hammer,  which  deprives 
him  of  consciousness,  and  in  a  short  time,  by  means  of 
numerous  hands,  and  a  well-managed  caldron  system,  he 
is  cut  up  ready  fo'*  pickling.  The  day  on  which  a  pig  is 
killed  in  England  constitutes  an  era  in  the  family  history 
of  the  year,  and  sijueals  of  a  terrific  description  announce 
the  event  to  the  neighbourhood.  There  is  not  time  or 
opportunity  for  such  a  process  at  Porkopolls,  and  the  first 
notification  which  the  inhabitants  receive  of  the  massacre 
is  the  thousand  barrels  of  pork  on  tlie  tpiays,  ready  to  be 
conveyed  to  tlie  Atlantic  cities,  for  exportation  to   the 

"v'.':  ".;../  ^'.v 



I  i ! 




CiiAr.  VII. 

European  markets.  At  one  establishment  12,000  pigs 
are  killed,  pickled,  and  packed  every  fall ;  and  in  the 
whole  neighbourhood,  as  1  have  heard  in  the  cars,  the 
"  hog  crop"  is  as  much  a  subject  of  discussion  and  specu- 
lation as  the  cotton  crop  of  Alabama,  the  hop-picking  of 
Kent,  or  the  harvest  in  England. 

Kentucky,  the  land,   by  reputation,   of  "red   horses, 
bowie-knives,  and  gouging,"  is  only  separated  from  Ohio 
by  the  river  Ohio ;   and  on  a  day  when  the  thermometer 
stood  at  103^  in  the  shade  I  went  to  the  town  of  Covington. 
Marked,  wide,  and  almost  inestimable,  is  the  difference 
between  the  free  state  of  Ohio  and  the  slave-state  of  Ken- 
tucky,    They  have  the  same  soil,  the  same  climate,  and 
precisely  the  same  natural  advantages ;  yet  the  total  ab- 
sence of  progress,  if  not  the  apj)earance  of  retrogression 
and  decay,  the  loungers  in  the  streets,  and  the  peculiar 
appearance  of  the  slaves,  afford  a  contrast  to  the  bustle  on 
the  opposite  side  of  the  river,  which  would  strike  the 
most  unobservant.     I  was  credibly  informed  that  property 
of  the  same  real  value  was  worth  300  dollars  in  Ken- 
tucky and  3000  in  Ohio  I     Free  emigrants  and  workmen 
will  not  settle  in  Kentucky,  where  they  would  be  brought 
into  contact  with  compulsory  slave-labour ;   thus  the  de- 
velopment of  industry  is  retarded,  and  the  difference  will 
become   more    apparent   every   year,  till   possibly  some 
great  changes  will  be  forced  upon  the  legislature.     Few 
English  people  will  forget  the  impression  made  upon  them 
by  the  Hrst  sight  of  a  slave — a  being  created  in  the  image 
of  God,    yet  the  bond  fide  })roperty  of  his  fellow-man. 
The  first  I  saw  was  an  African  female,  the  slave  of  a  lady 
from  Floridii,  with  a  complexion  black  as  the  law  which 



lie  de- 

!0  will 








CilAl'.  VII. 



hold  her  in  cai)tivlty.  The  subject  of  slavery  is  one  which 
has  lately  been  brought  so  prominently  before  the  Jiritish 
people  by  Mrs.  Beecher  Stowe,  that  I  h^hall  be  pardoned 
for  making  a  few  remarks  upon  it.  Powerfully  written  as 
the  book  is,  and  nnich  as  I  ailmire  the  benevolent  intentions 
of  the  writer,  I  am  told  that  the  effect  of  the  ,nlunu'  hns 
been  prejudical,  and  this  assertion  is  borne  out  by  persons 
well  acquainted  with  the  subject  in  the  free  states.  xV 
gentlemaM  very  eminent  in  his  country,  as  having  de- 
voted himself  from  his  youth  to  the  cause  of  abolition,  as 
a  steadfast  pursuer  of  one  grand  princi})le,  togetlur  with 
Oiher  persons,  say  that  "  '  Uncle  Tom's  Cabin'  had  thrown 
the  cause  back  for  many  years  !"*  The  excitement  on 
the  subject  still  continues  in  England,  though  it  foimd  a 
safety-valve  in  the  Stafford  ILmse  manifesto,  and  the 
received  impression,  which  no  force  of  fact  can  alter,  is, 
that  slave-owners  are  divided  into  but  two  classes — bru- 
tulised  depraved  "  Ztrj/rce.?,"  or  enthusiastic,  visionary 
'•St.  Chill's^' — the  former,  of  course,  predominati'^g. 

Slavery,  though  under  modifications  which  rendered  it 
little  more  than  the  apprenticeshi})  of  our  day,  was  per- 
mitted under  the  Mosaic  dispensation  ;  but  it  is  con- 
trary to  the  whole  tenor  of  Christianity ;  and  a  system 
which  lowers  man  as  an  intellectual  and  rcsi)onsible 
being  is  no  less  nmrally  than  politically  wrong.  That  it 
is  a  political  mistake  is  ])lainly  evidenced  by  the  retarded 

*  It  must  bo  observed  that  I  do  not  offer  any  opinion  of  my  own 
upon  '  Uncle  Tom's  Cabin,'  or  iiiK)n  the  estimation  in  which  it  is  held 
in  the  United  States  ;  but  in  order  to  answer  questions  which  have 
frequently  been  put  to  me  upon  the  subject,  I  have  just  given  tin.  sub- 
stance of  the  remarks  which  have  been  made  upon  it  by  abulitii'uists  in 
the  >«'ortheru  States. 

1  !■ :   *i>-    \ 

*       'fte  ^ 

.  •   "   '  * 

i     ':^rWV4 

•  ;'>■■ 



Chap.  VII, 


•  i,' 


development  and  apparent  decay  of  the  Southern  States, 
as  compared  with  the  ceaseless  material  ])rogress  of  the 
North  and  West.  It  cannot  be  doubted  that  in  Ala- 
bama, Florida,  and  Louisiana,  "  Legrees"  are  to  be  found, 
for  cruelty  is  inherent  in  base  natures  ;  we  have  "  Lc(jrees" 
in  our  factories  and  coal-pits;  but  in  England  their  most 
terrible  excesses  are  restrained  by  the  strong  arm  of  law, 
which,  iclicu  appealed  to,  extends  its  protection  to  the 
feeblest  and  most  helpless.  What  then  must  such  men 
become  in  the  isolated  cotton  or  sugar  plantations  of  the 
South,  distant  from  the  restraints  which  public  opinion 
exercises,  and  where  the  evidence  of  a  slave  is  inadmissible 
in  a  court  of  justice  ?  The  full  extent  of  the  cruelties 
practised  will  never  be  known,  until  revealed  at  the  solemn 
tribunal  of  the  last  day.  But  we  dare  not  hope  that  such 
men  are  rare,  though  circumstances  of  self-interest  com- 
bine to  form  a  class  of  slave-ownors  of  a  higher  grade. 
These  are  men  who  look  upon  their  slaves  as  we  do  upon 
our  cows  and  horses — as  mere  animal  property,  of  greater 
or  less  value  according  to  the  care  which  is  taken  of 
them.  The  sla^^es  of  these  persons  are  well  clothed, 
lodged,  and  fed  ;  they  are  not  overworked,  and  dancing, 
singing,  and  other  amusements,  which  increase  health  and 
cheerfulness,  are  actively  promoted.  But  the  system  is 
one  which  has  for  its  object  the  transformation  of  reason 
into  instinct— the  lowering  of  a  rational  being  into  a 
machine  scarcely  more  intelligent  in  appearance  than 
some  of  our  own  ingeniously-contrived  steam-engines. 
Religious  teaching  is  withheld,  reading  is  forbidden,  and 
the  instruction  of  a  slave  in  it  punished  as  a  crime,  lest  he 
snould  learn  that  freedom  is  his  birthright. 

3st  he 

Chap.  VI L 



A  third  and  very  liirge  class  of  slave-owners  is  to  be 
found,  who,  having  inherited  their  property  in  slaves,  want 
the  means  of  judiciously  emancipating  them.  The  negroes 
are  not  in  a  condition  to  receive  freedom  in  the  reckless 
way  in  which  some  abolitionists  propose  to  bestow  it 
upon  them.  They  must  be  prepared  for  it  by  instruction 
in  the  precepts  of  religion,  by  education,  and  by  the  re- 
ception of  those  principles  of  self-reliance,  without  which 
they  liave  not  the  moral  perception  requisite  to  enable 
them  to  appreciate  the  blessings  of  freedom  ;  and  this 
very  ignorance  and  obtuseness  is  one  of  the  most  telling 
arguments  against  the  system  which  produces  it.  The 
want  of  this  previous  preparation  has  been  frequently 
shown,  particularly  in  Kentucky,  where  whole  bodies  of 
emancipated  slaves,  after  a  few  days' experience  of  their  new 
condition,  have  en  reated  for  a  return  to  servitude.  These 
slave-owners  of  whom  I  now  speak  deeply  deplore  the  cir- 
cumstances under  which  they  are  placed,  and,  while  wanting 
the  spirit  of  self-sacrifice,  and  the  moral  courage,  which 
would  lead  them,  by  manumitting  their  slaves,  to  enter 
into  a  novel  competition  with  slave-labour  on  oth  i'  estates, 
do  their  best  to  ameliorate  the  condition  in  which  the 
Africans  are  placed,  encouraging  them,  by  the  sale  of 
little  articles  of  their  own  manufacture,  to  purchase  their 
freedom,  which  is  granted  at  a  very  reduced  rate.  I  had 
opportunities  of  conversing  with  several  of  these  freed 
negroes,  and  they  all  expressed  attachment  to  their  late 
owners,  and  spoke  of  the  mildness  with  which  they  were 
treated,  saying  that  the  great  threat  made  use  of  was  to 
send  them  "  down  south."" 

The  slaves  in  the  northern  slave  States  are  a  thought- 

G  3 






■:  •■•  • 





CiiAi'.  VIT. 


less,  hiippy  sot,  spending  tlioir  evenings  in  dancing  or 
singing  to  the  banj.i ;  and  '  Oli,  carry  me  back  to  Old 
Virginny,'  or  '  Susainiah,  don't  you  cry  for  me,'  may  be 
heard  on  summer  (>venings  rising  from  the  maize  and 
tobacco  grounds  of  Kentucky.  Yet,  whether  natui'ally 
humane  instincts  may  lead  to  merciful  treatment  of  the 
slave,  or  the  same  resnlt  l)e  accomplished  by  the  rigorous 
censorship  of  public  o])inion  in  the  border  States,  apart 
from  the  abstract  (piestion  of  slavery,  that  system  is 
greatly  to  he  reprobated  which  gives  poiccr  loithoiit  re- 
spoiisibility,  and  permits  the  temporal,  yes,  the  eternal 
well-being  of  another  to  depend  upon  the  will  and  caprice 
of  a  man,  when  the  victim  of  his  injustice  is  d(*}>rived  of 
the  power  of  appcfil  to  an  earthly  tribunal.  Instances  of 
severe  treatment  on  one  side,  and  of  kindness  on  the  other, 
cannot  fairly  be  brought  as  argununits  for  or  against  the 
system  ;  it  must  be  jnstified  or  condemned  by  the  unde- 
viating  law  of  moral  right  as  laid  down  in  divine  revela- 
tion. Slavery  existed  in  1850  in  15  out  of  iil  States, 
the  number  of  slaves  being  3,204,345,  connected  by  sym- 
])athy  and  blood  with  433,043  coloured  persons,  nomi- 
nally free,  but  who  occupy  a  social  position  of  the  lowest 
grade.  It  is  probable  that  this  number  will  increase,  as 
it  has  hitherto  done,  in  a  geometrical  ratio,  which  will 
give  6,000,000,  in  1875,  of  a  people  daugerous  from  num- 
bers merely,  but  doubly,  trebly  so  in  their  consciousness 
of  oppression,  and  in  the  passions  which  may  incite  them 
to  a  terrible  revenge.  America  boasts  of  freedom,  and  of 
such  a  progress  as  the  world  has  never  seen  before ;  but 
while  the  tide  of  tiie  Anglo-Saxon  race  rolls  across  her 
continent,   and    while  we   contem])late    with    pleasure    a 

ClIAl'.  VII. 


1 :'  1 

vast  nation  govciuKnl  l)y  free  institutions,  and  profoss^ing  a 
pure  faith,  a  hand,  faintly  seen  at  present,  but  dcf^tincd 
ere  long  to  force  itself  uj)on  the  attention  of  all,  points  to 
the  euii)ires  of  a  by-gone  civilisation,  and  shows  that  they 
had  their  periods  in  vvhieii  to  ris(?,  flourish,  and  decay,  and 
that  slavery  was  the  main  cause  of  that  decay.  The 
exasperating  reproaches  addressed  to  the  Americans,  in 
ignorance  of  the  real  difficulties  of  dealing  with  the  case, 
have  done  much  harm  in  inciting  that  jwpular  clamour 
which  hurries  on  reckless  legislation.  The  i)roblem  is  one 
which  occupies  the  attention  of  thinking  and  Christian 
men  on  both  sides  of  the  Atlantic,  but  still  remains  a 
gigantic  evil  for  philanthropists  to  mourn  over,  and  for 
politicians  to  correct. 

An  unexceptional  censure  ought  not  to  be  pronounced 
without  a  more  complete  knowledge  of  the  subject  than 
can  be  gained  from  novels  and  news})a})ers  ;  still  less  ought 
this  censure  to  extend  to  America  as  a  whole,  for  the 
people  of  the  Northern  States  are  more  ardent  abolition- 
ists than  ourselves — more  consistent,  in  fact,  for  they  have 
no  white  slaves,  no  oppressed  factory  children,  th('  cry  of 
whose  wrongs  ascends  daily  into  the  ears  of  an  avenging 
Judge.  Still,  blame  must  attach  to  them  for  the  way  in 
which  they  place  the  coloured  people  in  an  inferior  social 
position,  a  rigid  system  of  exclusivencss  shutting  them 
out  from  the  usual  places  of  amusement  and  education. 
It  must  not  be  forgotten  that  England  bequeathed  this 
system  to  her  colonies,  though  she  has  nobly  blotted  it 
out  from  those  which  still  own  her  sway  ;  that  it  is  encou- 
raged by  the  cotton  lords  of  Preston  and  Manchester  ; 
and  that  the  great  measure  of  negro  enianci])atioii  was 

■  ■  '-H 

r, '/w.ji'i^sj, .', 

•  W:  i-'4' 

'  ■'"•*'     1     -.       ■','■■''  '  i  'Pi'T. 







carried,  not  by  the  violent  declamation  and  ignorant  rail- 
ings of  men  who  songht  poj)ularIty  by  exciting  the  pas- 
sions of  the  mnltitude,  but  by  the  persevering  exertions 
and  practical  (Christian  philanthropy  of  Mr.  Wilberforce 
and  his  coadjutors.  It  is  naturally  to  be  expected  that  a 
person  writing  a  book  on  America  would  offer  some  re- 
marks up(m  this  subject,  and  raise  a  voice,  however  feeble, 
against  so  gigantic  an  evil.  The  conclusions  which  I  have 
stated  in  the  foregoing  pages  are  derived  from  a  careful 
com])arison  and  study  of  facts  which  I  have  learned  from 
eminent  speakers  and  writers  both  in  favour  of  and  against 
the  slave-system. 



Ciivp.  VIII. 




The  liicknry  stick  —  Chawinj^  up  ruins  —  A  forest  scene  —  A  cvn'ious 
questioner  —  Hard  and  soft  slicUs  —  ]  )anKoi's  of  a  ferry  —  Tlie  west- 
ern prairies  —  Nocturnal  detention  — The  Wild  West  and  tlio  Father 
of  Kivers  —  Breakfast  in  a  shed — What  is  an  alli<j;ator  ?  —  Thy- 
siognomy,  and  its  uses — Tiie  hidies'  parlour — A  Cliicago  hotel,  its 
inmates  and  its  horrors  —  A  water-drinking  peo2)lo  —  The  I'rairie 
City  —  Progi-ess  of  the  West.  > 

A  BRIGHT  September  sun  glittered  upon  the  spires  of 
Cincinnati  us  I  reluctantly  bade  it  adieu,  and  set  out  in 
the  early  morning  by  the  cars  to  join  my  travelling  com- 
panions, meaning  to  make  as  long  a  detour  as  possible, 
or,  as  a  "  down-ea.-it"  lady  might  say,  to  "  make  a  pretty 
considerable  circumlocution"  Fortunately  I  had  ;not 
with  some  friends,  well  acquainted  with  the  country,  who 
offered  to  take  me  round  a  much  larger  circle  than  I  had 
contemplated ;  and  with  a  feeling  of  excitement  such  as 
I  had  not  before  experienced,  we  started  for  the  Missis- 
sippi and  the  western  prairies  en  route  to  Detroit. 

Bishop  M'llvaine,  anxious  that  a  very  valued  friend  of 
his  in  England  should  possess  something  from  Ohio,  had 
cut  down  a  small  sapling,  which,  when  divested  of  its 
branches  and  otherwise  trimmed,  made  a  very  formidable- 
looking  bludgeon  or  cudgel,  nearly  four  feet  long.  This 
being  too  lengthy  for  n:y  trunks  was  tied  to  my  umbrella, 
and  on  this  day  in  the  cars  excited  no  little  curiosity, 
several  persons  eyeing  it,  then  me,  as  if  wondering  in 








wlint  roliitlon  wo  stood  to  each  otlior.  Finally  tlioy  took 
it  up,  iiiimitcly  ox.nnlning  it,  and  taj)ping  it  as  if  to  seo 
wlietlier  anything  wcro  thoroin  concealed.  It  caused  me 
niucli  ainusenuMit,  and,  from  its  size,  some  annoyance,  till 
at  lengtli,  wishing  to  leave  it  in  my  room  at  a  Toronto 
hotel  while  I  went  for  a  visit  of  a  few  djiys,  the  waiter 
brought  it  down  to  the  door,  asking  me  "  if  I  wished  to 
take  the  cudf/cl?^^  After  this  I  had  it  shortened,  and  it 
travelled  in  my  trunk  to  New  York,  where  it  was  given 
to  a  carver  to  be  fasliioned  into  a  walking-stick  ;  and,  un- 
less the  tradesman  ])layed  a  Yankee  trick,  and  substituted 
another,  it  is  now,  after  surviving  many  dangers  by  sea 
and  land,  in  the  possession  of  the  gentleman  for  whom  it 
was  intended. 

Souie  amusing  remarks  were  made  upon  England  by 
some  of  the  "  Buckeyes,"  as  the  inhabitants  of  Ohio  arc 
called.  On  trying  to  persuade  a  lady  to  go  with  me  to 
St.  Louis,  I  observed  that  it  was  onlt/  five  hundred  miles. 
"  Five  hundred  miles  I"  she  replied  ;  "why,  you'd  tumble 
off  your  paltry  island  into  the  sea  before  you  got  so  far !" 
Another  lady,  who  got  into  the  cars  at  some  distance 
from  Cincinnati,  could  not  understand  the  value  which  we 
set  upon  ruins.  "  We  should  chaw  them  up,"  she  said, 
"make  roads  or  bridges  of  them,  unless  Barnum  trans- 
ported them  to  bia  museum :  we  would  never  keep  them 
on  our  own  hook  as  you  do."  "  You  value  them  your- 
selves," I  answered  ;  "  any  one  would  be  *  lynchecV  who 
removed  a  stone  of  Ticonderoga."  It  was  an  unfortu- 
nate speech,  for  she  archly  replied,  "  Our  only  ruins  are 
British  fortification?,  and  we  go  to  see  them  because  they 
remind  us  that  we  whipped  the  nation  which  whips  all  the 

CirAP.  VIIT. 



world."  The  Americans,  1)()\v('V(M',  tliougli  tlioy  may  talk 
so,  would  give  anything  if  tliey  could  appropriate  a  Kenil- 
wortli  C.^istle,  or  a  Melrose  or  a  Tintern  Abbey,  with 
its  covering  of  ivy,  and  make  it  sustain  some  episode 
of  their  hijitory.  But  thougli  they  can  make  railways, 
ivy  is  beyond  them,  and  the  j)urple  heather  disdains  the 
soil  of  the  New  World.  A  very  amusing  ticket  was 
given  me  on  the  Mad  River  line.  It  bore  the  com- 
mand, "  Stick  this  check  in  your ,"  the  blank  being 

filled  up  with  a  little  engraving  of  a  hat ;  consequently 
I  saw  all  the  gentlemen  with  small  pink  embellishments  to 
the  covering  of  their  heads. 

We  passed  through  a  large  and  very  beautiful  portion 
of  the  State  of  Ohio  :  the  soil,  wherever  cultivated,  teem- 
ing with  crops,  and  elsewhere  with  a  vegetation  no  less 
beautiful  than  luxuriant ;  a  mixture  of  small  weed  prai- 
ries, and  forests  of  splendid  timber.  Extensive  districts 
of  Ohio  are  still  without  inhabitants,  yet  its  energetic 
people  have  constructed  within  a  period  of  five  years  ha.lf 
as  many  miles  of  railroad  as  the  whole  of  Great  Britain 
contains  ;  they  are  a  ^^  r/reat  ;;<?oy^/e,"  they  do  "  ^/o  a-hcad" 
these  Yankees.  The  newly  cleared  soil  is  too  rich  for 
wheat  for  many  years  ;  it  grows  Indian  corn  for  thirty 
in  succesfc^ion,  without  any  manure.  Its  present  popula- 
tion is  under  three  millions,  and  it  is  estimated  that  it 
would  support  a  population  of  ten  millions,  almost  entirely 
in  agricultural  pursuits.  Wo  were  going  a-head,  and  in 
a  few  hours  arrived  at  Forest,  the  junction  of  the  Clyde, 
Mad  River,  and  Indiana  lines. 

Away  with  all  English  ideas  which  may  be  conjured  up 
by  the  word  junction — the  labyrinth  of  iron   rails,   the 

i; : 




I    ■^.'   'V»l 

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'  '  '.1 

•  ■  1'^ 



A  (il'KRIST. 


smart  policcninn  ui  tlio  points,  tlio  liandsoinc  station,  and 
clofjjant  rcri-e.-lmu'ut-roonis.  lion?  was  a  dcnso  toicst, 
with  merely  a  clearing  round  tlio  rails,  a  small  slianty  tor 
tluMnan  who  cuts  wood  for  the  engine,  and  two  sidings 
for  the  trains  coming  in  different  directions.  There  was 
not  even  a  platform  for  j)assengers,  who,  to  the  nund»er  of 
two  or  threi*  hundred,  were  standing  on  the  clearing, 
resting  against  the  stnm|)s  of  trees.  And  yet  for  a  W'W 
minutes  every  day  the  bustle  of  life  j)ervades  this  hmely 
8i)ot,  for  hero  moot  travellers  from  east,  west,  and  south  ; 
the  careworn  merchant  from  the  Atlantic  cities,  and  the 
hardy  trapper  from  the;  western  prairies.  Wo  hero 
changed  cars  for  those  of  the  Indianajjolis  lino,  and,  nearly 
at  the  same  time  with  throo  other  trains,  plunged  into  the 
depths  of  the  forest. 

"  You  're  from  down  oast,  I  guess  ?"  said  a  sharp  nasal 
voice  behind  mo. — This  was  a  supposition  first  made  in 
the  Portland  cars,  when  I  was  at  a  loss  to  know  what 
distinguishing  and  palpable  peculiarity  marked  me  as 
a  "  down-oast'M'."  Better  informed  now,  I  replied, 
"  I  am."  "  Going  west  ?"— "  Yes."  "  Travelling 
alone  ?" — "  No."  "  Was  you  raised  down  east  ?" — 
"  No,  in  the  Old  Country."  "  In  the  little  old  island  ? 
well,  you  are  kinder  glad  to  leave  it,  I  guess?  Are  you 
a  widow  ?" — "  No."  "  Are  you  travelling  on  business  ?" 
— "  No."  "  AVhat  business  do  you  follow  ?"— "  None." 
"Well,  now,  what  are  you  travelling  for?" — "Health 
and  pleasure."  "  Well,  now,  I  guess  you  're  pretty  con- 
siderable rich.  Coming  to  settle  out  west,  I  8up})ose  ?" 
— "  No,  I  'm  going  back  at  the  end  of  the  fall."  "  Well, 
now,  if  that's  not  a  pretty  tough  hickory-nut !  I  guess 


.-  'r 

CllAP.  VIII. 



you  l^ritiahors  art!  tlu'  (luecivst  critiurri  as  ovtT  was 
raised  T'  I  coiisidoriMl  myself  (piite  fortunate  to  liave 
fallen  in  with  sucli  a  (juerist,  for  the  Americans  are 
usually  too  mueh  taken  up  with  their  own  husiness  to 
trouhle  themselves  about  yours,  beyond  sueii  ([ue.-tions 
as,  "Are  you  bound  west,  stranger?"  or,  "You're  from 
down  east,  I  guess."  "  Why  do  you  take  me  for  a 
(lown-eastcr  /^  1  asked  once.  "  Ik'cause  you  speak  like 
one,"  was  the  reply  ;  the  frecpient  suj)j)osition  that  I  was 
a  New  luiglander  being  ni^arly  as  bad  as  being  told  that 
I  "  had  not  the  English  accent  at  all."  I  was  glad  to  be 
taken  for  an  American,  as  it  gave  n)e  a  better  ojtportunity 
of  seeing  things  as  they  really  are.  An  English  person 
goin^  about  staring  and  (juestioning,  with  a  note-book  in 
his  hand,  is  considered  "  fair  game,"  and  consequently  is 
"cj'armncd"  on  all  sii'ijects;  stories  of  petticoated  table- 
legs,  and  fabulous  horrors  of  the  bowie-knife,  being 
among  the  smallest  of  the  absurdities  swallowed. 

Our  party  consisted  of  five  persons  besides  myself,  two 
elderly  gentlemen,  the  niece  of  one  of  them,  and  a  young 
married  couple.  They  knew  the  governor  of  Indiana, 
and  a  candidate  for  the  proud  position  of  Senator,  also 
our  fellow  travellers ;  and  the  conversation  assumed  a 
political  character  ;  in  fact,  they  held  a  long  parliament, 
for  I  think  the  discussion  lasted  for  three  hours.  Extra- 
ordinary, and  to  me  unintelligible  names,  were  bandied 
backwards  and  forwards  ;  I  heard  of  "  Silver  Grays,"  but 
my  companions  were  not  discussing  a  breed  of  fowls  ;  and 
of  "  Hard  Shells,"  and  "  Soft  Shells,"  but  the  merits 
of  eggs  were  not  the  topic.  "  Whigs  and  Democrats  " 
seemed  to  be  analogous  to  our  Radicals,  and   "  Know- 

V  ^l:■ 

».  <  '. 


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da:nGers  of  a  ferry. 

Chap.  VIII. 


Nothings  "  to  be  a  respectable  and  constitutional  party. 
Whatever  minor  difterenccs  my  companions  had,  they  all 
seemed  agreed  in  hating  the  "  Nebraska  men  "  (the  ad- 
vocates of  an  extension  of  slavery),  who  one  would  have 
thought,  from  the  epithets  applied  to  them,  were  a  set  of 
thieves  and  cut-throats.  A  gentleman  whose  whole  life 
had  been  s))ent  in  opposition  to  the  principles  which  they 
are  bringing  forward  was  very  violent,  and  the  pretty 
young  lady,  Mrs.  AVood,  equally  so. 

After  stopping  for  two  hovu'S  at  a  wayside  shed,  we  set 
out  again  at  dark  for  La  Fayette,*  which  we  reached 
at  nine.  These  Western  cars  are  crammed  to  over- 
flowing, and,  having  to  cross  a  wide  stream  in  a  ferry- 
boat, the  crush  was  so  terrible,  that  I  was  nearly 
knocked  down  ;  but  as  American  gentlemen  freely  use 
their  canes  where  a  lady  is  in  the  case,  I  fared  better 
than  some  of  my  fellow-passengers,  who  had  their  coat- 
tails  torn  and  their  toes  barbarously  crushed  in  the 
crowd.  The  steam  ferry-boat  had  no  parapet,  and  the 
weakest  were  pushed  to  the  side ;  the  centre  was  filled  up 
with  baggage,  carts,  and  horses ;  and  ve.-sels  were  moored 
along  the  river,  with  the  warps  crossing  each  other,  to 
which  we  had  to  bow  continually  to  avoid  decapitation. 
When  we  reached  the  wharf,  quantities  of  people  were 
waiting  to  go  to  the  other  side  ;  and  directly  the  gang- 
way-board was  laid,  there  was  a  simultaneous  rush  of 
two  opposing  currents,  and,  the  insecure  board  slipping, 


*  From  tlie  frequent  recurrence  of  the  same  uamea,  the  great  distance 
travellcil  over,  the  short  halt  we  made  at  any  phice,  and  the  absence  of 
a  railway  guide,  I  have  been  unable  to  give  our  route  from  Cincinnati 
to  Chicago  with  more  than  an  approximation  to  correctness. 

Chap.  YIII. 



they  were  all  precipitated  into  the  water.  Fortunately  it 
was  not  deep,  so  they  merely  underwent  its  cooling  influ- 
ences, which  they  bore  with  admirable  equanimity,  only 
one  making  a  bitter  complaint,  that  he  had  spoiled  his  "^o- 
to-meetins"  The  farther  west  we  went,  the  more  dangerous 
the  neighbourhood  became.  At  all  the  American  stations 
there  are  placards  warning  people  to  beware  of  pickpockets ; 
but  from  Indiana  westward  they  bore  the  caution,  "  Bewai  e 
of  pickpockets,  swindlers,  and  luggage-thieves."  At  many 
of  the  depots  there  is  a  general  rush  for  the  last  car,  for  the 
same  reason  that  there  is  a  scramble  for  the  stern  cabins 
in  a  steamer, — viz.  the  explosive  qualities  of  the  boilers. 

We  travelled  the  whole  of  that  night,  our  fellow- 
passengers  becoming  more  extravagant  in  ap})carance  at 
every  station,  and  morning  found  us  on  the  prairies. 
Cooper  influences  our  youthful  imaginations  by  telling 
us  of  the  prairies — Mayne  Reid  makes  us  long  to  cross 
them  ;  botanists  tell  us  of  their  flowers,  sportsmen  of 
their  buffaloes* — but  without  seeing  them  few  people  can 
form  a  correct  idea  of  what  they  are  really  like. 

The  sun  rose  over  a  monotonous  plain  covered  with 
grass,  rank,  high,  and  silky-looking,  blown  before  the 
breeze  into  long,  shiny  waves.  The  sky  was  blue  above, 
and  the  grass  a  brownish  green  benoath ;  wild  pigeons 
and  turkeys  flew  over  our  heads  ;  the  horizontal  line  had 
not  a  single  inequality ;  all  was  hot,  unsuggestive,  silent, 
and  monotonous.     This  was  the  grass  prairie. 

A  belt  of  low  timber  would  bound  the  expanse,  and  on 

•  At  the  present  time  uo  wild  animals  are  to  be  found  cast  of  tlie 
Mississippi;  so  offoctiially  hius  civili/.iition  chuuged  the  cluiructer  of  tlie 
ancient  hunting-grounds  of  the  Indians.    ~ 







■•1  i-fc 





Chap.  VIII. 

i%.    ^ 

iii  ■  -*^ 

the  otlier  side  of  it  a  green  sea  would  open  before  us, 
stretching  as  far  as  the  eye  could  reach  —  stationary 
billows  of  earth,  covered  with  short  green  grass,  which, 
waving  beneath  the  wind,  completed  the  oceanic  illusion. 
This  was  the  rolling  prairie. 

Again  a  belt  of  timber,  and  a  flat  surface  covered  with 
flowers,  brilliant  even  at  this  season  of  the  year ;  though, 
of  the  most  gorgeous,  nothing  remained  but  the  withered 
stalks.  The  ground  was  enamelled  with  lilies,  the  heli- 
anthus  and  cineraria  flourished,  and  the  deep-green  leaves 
and  blue  blossom  of  the  lupin  contrasted  with  the  prickly 
stem  and  scarlet  flower  of  the  euphorbia.  For  what 
purpose  was  "  the  wilderness  made  so  gay  where  for 
years  no  eye  sees  it,"  but  to  show  forth  his  goodness  who 
does  vhat  he  will  with  his  own  ?  This  was  the  weed 
prairie,  more  fitly  termed  "  the  Garden  of  God." 

These  three  kinds  of  prairie  were  continually  alter- 
nating with  belts  of  timber  and  small  lakes ;  but  few 
signs  of  population  were  apparent  during  that  long  day's 
journey.  We  occasionally  stopped  for  water  at  shanties 
on  the  prairies,  and  took  in  two  or  three  men ;  but  this 
vast  expanse  of  fertile  soil  still  must  remain  for  many 
years  a  field  for  the  enterprise  of  the  European  races. 

Toviards  evening  we  changed  cars  again,  and  took  in 
stores  of  refreshment  for  our  night's  journey,  as  little 
could  be  procured  along  the  route.  What  strange  people 
now  cranmied  the  ears !  Traders,  merchants,  hunters, 
diggers,  trappers,  and  adventurers  from  every  land,  most 
of  them  armed  to  the  teeth,  and  not  without  good  reason ; 
for  within  the  last  few  uiontlis,  Indians,  enraged  at  the 
aggressions  of  the    white   men,   have   taken  a   terrible 



Chap.  VIII. 



revenge  upon  western  travellers.  Some  of  their  rifles 
were  of  most  costly  workmanship,  and  were  nursed  with 
paternal  care  by  their  possessors.  On  the  seat  in  front 
of  me  were  two  "prairie-men,"  such  as  arc  described  in 
the  '  Scalp-Hunters,'  though  of  an  inferior  grade  to  St. 
Vrain.  Fine  specimens  of  men  they  were  ;  tall,  hand- 
some, broad-chested,  and  athletic,  with  aquiline  noses, 
piercing  grey  eyes,  and  brown  curling  hair  and  beards. 
Tlioy  wore  leathern  jackets,  slashed  and  embroidered, 
leather  smallclothes,  large  boots  with  embroidc^'ed  tops, 
silver  spurs,  and  caps  of  scarlet  cloth,  worked  with  some- 
what tarnished  gold  thread,  doubtless  the  gifts  of  some 
fair  ones  enamoured  of  the  handsome  physiognomies  and 
reckless  bearing  of  the  hunters.  Dulness  fled  from  their 
presence  ;  they  could  tell  stories,  whistle  melodies,  and 
sing  comic  songs  without  weariness  or  cessation  :  fortunate 
were  those  near  enough  to  be  enlivened  by  their  drolleries 
during  the  tedium  of  a  night  detention.  E;'ch  of  them 
wore  a  leathern  belt — with  two  pistols  stuck  into  it — gold 
earrings,  and  costly  rings.  Blithe,  cheerful  souls  they 
were,  telling  racy  stories  of  Western  life,  chivalrous  in 
their  manners,  and  free  as  the  winds. 

There  were  Californians  dressed  for  the  diggings,  with 
leather  pouches  for  the  gold- dust ;  Mormons  on  their  way 
to  Utah  ;  and  restless  spirits  seeking  for  that  excitement 
and  variety  which  they  had  sought  for  in  vain  in  civilized 
life !  And  conveying  this  motley  assortment  of  human 
beings,  the  cars  dashed  along,  none  of  their  inmates 
heeding  each  other,  or  perhaps  Him 

" who  heeda  and  holds  them  all 



'I-       !■■■•?•):  TV-" 



,  ■  .<• 


In  his  large  love  and  boundless  thought." 

i  ■'  -'fj 

(    i- 

%  i 

f  «'     I  •■'■1 

'  |>    •" 



Chap.  VIII. 

At  eleven  wo  came  to  an  abrupt  pause  upon  the 
prairie.  After  waiting  quietly  for  some  tin)e  without 
seeing  any  vestiges  of  a  station,  my  friends  got  out  to 
inquire  the  cause  of  the  detention,  when  we  found  that  a 
freight-train  had  broken  down  in  front,  and  that  we  might 
be  detenus  for  some  time,  a  mark  for  Indian  bullets ! 
Refreshments  were  produced  and  clubbed  together ;  the 
"prairie-men"  told  stories;  the  hunters  looked  to  their 
rifles,  and  polislied  their  already  resplendent  chasing ; 
some  Mexicans  sang  Spanish  songs,  a  New  Englander 
'  Yankee  Doodle ;'  some  f/uessed,  others  calculated,  till 
at  last  all  grew  sleepy  :  the  trappers  exhausted  their 
stories,  the  singers  their  songs,  and  a  Mormon,  who  had 
been  setting  forth  the  peculiar  advantages  of  his  creed, 
the  patience  of  his  auditors  —  till  at  length  sonorous 
sounds,  emitted  by  numerous  nasal  organs,  proving  in- 
fectious, I  fell  asleep  to  dream  confusedly  of  '  Yankee 
Doodle,'  pistols,  and  pickpockets. 

In  due  time  I  awoke ;  we  were  stopping  still,  and 
there  was  a  light  on  our  right.  "  AVe're  at  Rock  Island, 
I  suppose  ?"  I  asked  sleepily.  A  laugh  from  my  friends 
and  the  hunters  followed  the  question  ;  after  which  they 
informed  me  in  the  most  polite  tones  that  we  were  where 
we  had  been  for  the  last  five  hours,  namely  stationary  on 
the  prairie.  The  intense  cold  and  heavy  dew  which 
accompany  an  American  dawn  made  me  yet  more  amazed 
at  the  characteristic  patience  with  which  the  Americans 
submit  to  an  unavoidable  necessity,  however  disagreeable. 
It  is  true  that  there  were  complaints  of  cold,  and  heavy 
sighs,  but  no  blame  was  imputed  to  any  one,  and  the 
quiescence  of  my  companions  made  me  quite  ashamed  of 

.  i  ' 

Id  of 

Chap.  VIII. 



my  English  impatience.  In  England  we  sliould  have 
had  a  perfect  chorus  of  complaints,  varied  by  "rowing" 
the  conductor,  abuse  of  the  company,  and  resolutions  to 
write  to  the  Times^  or  bring  up  the  subject  of  railway 
mismanagement  in  the  House  of  Commons.  These;  people 
sat  quietly,  ate,  slept,  and  smoked,  and  were  thankful 
when  the  cars  at  last  moved  off  to  their  destination. 

On  we  flew  to  the  \Vest,  the  land  of  Wild  Indians 
and  buffaloes,  on  the  narrow  rims  of  metal  with  which 
this  "  great  people  "  is  girdling  the  earth.  Evening  suc- 
ceeded noon,  and  twilight  to  the  blaze  of  a  summer  day  ; 
the  yellow  sun  sank  cloudless  behind  the  waves  of  the 
rolling  prairie,  yet  still  we  hurried  on,  only  stopping 
our  headlong  course  to  take  in  wood  and  water  at  some 
nameless  stations.  When  the  sun  set,  it  set  behind  the 
prairie  waves.  I  was  oblivious  of  any  changes  during 
the  night,  and  at  rosy  dawn  an  ocean  of  long  green 
grass  encircled  us  round.  Still  on — belts  of  timber  di- 
versify the  prospect — we  rush  into  a  thick  wood,  and, 
emerging  from  it,  arrive  at  Rock  Island,  an  unfinished- 
looking  settlement,  which  might  bear  the  name  of  the 
Desert  City,  situated  at  the  confluence  of  the  Rock  River 
and  Mississippi.  We  stop  at  a  little  wharf,  where  waits 
a  little  steamer  of  uncouth  construction  ;  we  step  in,  a 
steam-whistle  breaks  the  silence  of  that  dewy  dawn,  and 
at  a  very  rapid  rate  we  run  between  high  wooded  bluffs, 
down  a  turbid  stream,  whirling  in  rapid  eddies.  We 
steam  for  three  miles,  and  land  at  a  clearing  contain- 
ing the  small  settlement  of  Davenport.  Wc  had  come 
down  the  Mississippi,  mightiest  of  rivers  !  half  a  mile 
wide  seventeen  hundred  miles  from  its  mouth,  and  were 


(     >'■!■ 



{      4     V' 

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!    «■ 




Chap.  VIH. 

in  the  far  West.  "Wcaggor.s  with  white  tilts,  thick-hided 
oxen  with  heavy  yokes,  mettlesome  steeds  with  high 
peaked  saddles,  picketed  to  stumps  of  trees,  lashing  away 
the  flies  with  their  tails ;  emigrants  on  hlue  boxes,  won- 
dering if  this  were  the  VA  Dorado  of  their  dreams  ;  arms, 
accoutrements,  and  baggage  surrounded  the  house  or 
shed  where  we  were  to  breakfast.  Most  of  our  com- 
panions were  bound  for  Nebraska,  Oregon,  and  Utah, 
the  most  distant  districts  of  which  they  would  scarcely 
reach  with  their  slow-paced  animals  for  four  months ; 
exposed  in  the  mean  time  to  the  attacks  of  the  Sioux, 
Comanches,  and  Blackfeet. 

There,  in  a  long  wooden  shed  with  blackened  rafters 
and  an  earthen  floor,  we  breakfasted,  at  seven  o'clock,  on 
johnny-cake,  squirrels,  buflPalo-hump,  dampers,  and  buck- 
wheat, tea  and  corn  spirit,  with  a  crowd  of  emigrants, 
hunters,  and  adventurers  ;  and  soon  after  re-embarked 
for  Rock  Island,  our  little  steamer  with  diflficulty  stem- 
ming the  mighty  tide  of  the  Father  of  Rivers.  The 
machinery,  such  as  it  was,  was  very  visible,  the  boiler 
patched  in  several  places,  and  steam  escaped  in  different 
directions.  I  asked  the  captain  if  he  were  not  in  the 
habit  of  "  sitting  upon  the  safety-valve,"  but  he  stoutly 
denied  the  charge.  The  vernacular  of  this  neighbour- 
hood was  rather  startling  to  an  English  ear.  "  Who's 
the  alligator  to  hum?"  asked  a  broad-shouldered  Ken- 
tuckian  of  his  neighbour,  pointing  to  a  frame  shanty  on 
the  shore,  which  did  not  look  to  me  like  the  abode  of  that 
amphibious  and  carnivorous  creature.  "  "Well,  old  alli- 
gator, what's  the  time  o'  day?"  asked  another  man, 
bringing  down  a  brawny  paw,  with  a  resounding  thump. 




upon  the  Herculean  shoulders  of  the  first  querist,  thereby 
giving  me  the  information  that  in  the  West  alliyatjr  is  a 
designation  of  the  genus  homo;  in  fact,  that  it  is  cus- 
tomary for  a  man  to  address  his  fellow-man  as  "old 
alligator,"  instead  of  "old  fellow."  At  eight  we  left 
Rock  Island,  and,  turning  my  unwilling  steps  eastward 
from  the  land  of  adventure  and  romance,  we  entered  the 
cars  for  Chicago. 

They  were  extremely  crowded,  and  my  friends,  se- 
curing me  the  only  comfortable  seat  in  one  of  them, 
were  obliged  to  go  into  the  next,  much  to  their  indigna- 
tion ;  but  protestations  were  of  no  use.  The  engine-bell 
rang,  a  fearful  rush  followed,  which  resulted  in  ihe  pas- 
sage down  the  centre  being  filled  with  standing  men  ; 
the  conductor  shouted  "  Go  a-head,"  and  we  were  off  for 
Lake  Michigan  in  the  "  Lightning  Express,"  warranted 
to  go  sixty-seven  miles  an  hour  !  I  had  found  it  necessary 
to  study  physiognomy  since  leaving  England,  and  was 
horrified  by  the  appearance  of  my  next  neighbour.  His 
forehead  was  low,  his  deep-set  and  restless  eyes  significant 
of  cunning,  and  I  at  once  set  him  down  as  a  swindler  or 
pickpocket.  My  convictions  of  the  truth  of  my  inferences 
were  so  strong,  that  I  removed  my  purse,  in  which,  how- 
ever, acting  by  advice,  I  never  carried  more  than  five 
dollars,  from  ray  pocket,  leaving  in  it  only  my  handker- 
chief and  the  checks  for  my  baggage,  knowing  that  I 
could  not  possibly  keep  awake  the  whole  morning.  In 
spite  of  my  endeavours  to  the  contrary,  I  soon  sank  into 
an  oblivious  state,  from  which  I  awoke  to  the  consciousness 
that  my  companion  was  withdrawing  his  hand  from  my 
pocket.     My  first  impulse  was  to  make  an  exclamation, 






Chap.  VIII. 


!    !' 

my  second,  which  I  carried  into  execution,  to  ascertain 
my  loss  ;  wliieh  I  found  to  be  the  very  alarming  one  of 
my  baggage-checks ;  my  whole  property  being  thereby 
placed  at  this  vagabond's  disposal,  for  I  knew  perfectly 
well,  that  if  I  chiimed  my  trunks  without  my  checks,  thf 
acute  baggage- master  would  have  set  me  down  as  a  bold 
swindler.  The  keen-eyed  conductor  was  not  in  the  car, 
and,  had  he  been  there,  the  necessity  for  habitual  sus- 
picion, incidental  to  his  position,  would  so  far  have 
removed  his  original  sentiments  of  generosity  as  to  make 
him  turn  a  deaf  ear  to  my  request,  and  there  was  not  one 
of  my  fellow-travellers  whose  physiognomy  would  have 
warranted  me  in  appealing  to  him.  So,  recollecting  that 
my  checks  were  marked  Chicago,  and  seeing  that  the 
thief  s  ticket  bore  the  same  name,  I  resolved  to  wait  the 
chapter  of  accidents,  or  the  re-appearance  of  my  friends. 
I  was  scarcely  able  to  decide  w  hether  this  proof  of  the  re- 
liance to  be  placed  upon  physiognomy  was  not  an  adequate 
compensation  for  the  annoyance  I  was  experiencing,  at  the 
probability  of  my  hoarded  treasures  falling  into  the  hands 
of  an  adventurer. 

During  the  morning  we  crossed  some  prairie-country, 
and  stopped  at  several  stations,  patches  of  successful  cul- 
tivation showing  that  there  must  be  cultivators,  though  I 
rarely  saw  their  habitations.  The  cars  still  continued  so 
full  that  my  friends  could  not  join  me,  and  I  began  to  be 
seriously  anxious  about  the  fate  of  my  luggage.  At 
mid-day,  spires  and  trees,  and  lofty  blocks  of  building, 
rising  from  a  grass-prairie  on  one  side,  and  from  the  blue 
waters  of  Lake  Michigan  on  the  other,  showed  that  we 
were  approaching  Chicago.    Along  beaten  tracks  through 

'  ^' 

;d  so 
Ito  be 
lit  we 

Ciur.  VIII. 



the  grass,  waggons  with  white  tilts  drawn  by  oxen  were 
proceeding  west,  sometimes  accompanied  by  armed  horse- 

AVith  a  whoop  like  an  Indian  war-whoop  the  cars  ran 
into  a  shed — they  stopped — the  pickpocket  got  up — I  got 
up  too — the  baggage-master  came  to  the  door  :  "  This 
gentleman  has  the  checks  for  my  baggage,"  said  I,  point- 
ing to  the  thief.  Bewildered,  he  took  them  from  liis 
waistcoat-pocket,  gave  them  to  the  baggage-master,  and 
went  hastily  away.  I  had  no  inclination  to  cry  "  Stop 
thief!"  and  had  barely  time  to  congratulate  myself  on 
the  fortunate  impulse  which  had  led  me  to  say  what  I  did, 
when  my  friends  appeared  from  the  next  car.  They 
were  too  highly  amused  with  my  recital  to  sympathise 
at  all  with  my  feelings  of  annoyance,  and  one  of  them,  a 
gentleman  filling  a  high  situation  in  the  East,  laughed 
heartily,  saying,  in  a  thoroughly  American  tone,  "  The 
English  ladies  must  be  'cute  customers,  if  they  can  outwit 
Yankee  pickpockets." 

Mearlng  to  stay  all  night  at  Cliicago,  we  drove  to  the 
two  best  hotels,  but,  finding  them  full,  were  induced  to 
betake  ourselves  to  an  advertising  house,  the  name  of 
which  it  is  unnecessary  to  give,  though  it  will  never  be 
effaced  from  my  memory.  The  charge  advertised  was  a 
dollar  a  day,  and  for  this  every  comfort  and  advantage 
were  promised. 

The  inn  was  a  large  brick  building  at  the  corner  of  a 
street,  with  nothing  very  unprepossessing  in  its  external 
appearance.  The  wooden  stairs  were  dirty  enough,  and, 
on  ascending  them  to  the  so-called  "  ladles'  parlour,"  I 
found  a  large,  meanly-furnished  apartment,  garnished  with 

H  2 




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Chap.  VIII. 

six  spittoons,  wliicli,  liovvovor,  to  my  disgust,  did  not 
prevent  the  floor  from  receiving  a  large  (quantity  of  to- 

Tiujre   were  two  rifles,  a  ])istol,  and  a  powder-fla^k  on 
the  table  ;  two  Irish  emigrant  women  were  seated  (m  the 
floor  (which  swarmed   with   black  beetles  and  ants),  un- 
dressing a  screaming  child  ;  a  woman  evidently  in  a  fever 
was  tossing  restlessly  on  the  sofa  ;  two  females  in  tarnished 
Bloomer  habiliments  were  looking  out  of  the  window  ;  and 
other  extraordinary-looking  liaman  beings  filled  the  room. 
1  asked  for  accommodation  for  the  night,  hoping  that  I 
should  find  a   room   where  I  coubl  sit  quietly.     A  dirty 
chambermaid   took  me  to  a  room  or  dormitory  containing 
four  beds.     In  one   part  of  it  three  women  were  affec- 
tionately and  assiduously  nursing  a  sick  child ;  in    nother, 
two    were    combing  tangled  black  hair;    upon   which  I 
declared  that  I  must  have  a  room  to  myself. 

The  chambermaid  then  took  me  down  a  long,  darkish 
passage,  and  showed  me  a  small  room  without  a  fire- 
place, and  only  lighted  by  a  pane  of  glass  in  the  door  ; 
conse(|uently,  it  was  nearly  dark.  There  was  a  small  bed 
with  a  dirty  buffalo-skin  upon  it ;  I  took  it  up,  and 
swarms  of  living  creatures  fell  out  of  it,  and  the  floor  was 
literally  alive  with  them.  The  sight  of  such  a  room 
made  me  feel  quite  ill,  and  it  was  with  the  greatest  reluct- 
ance that  I  de})osited  my  bonnet  and  shawl  in  it. 

Outside  the  door  were  some  medicine-bottles  and  other 
suspicious  signs  of  illness,  and,  after  making  some  cautious 
inquiries,  we  found  that  there  was  a  case  of  typhus  fever  in 
the  house,  also  one  of  Asiatic  cholera,  and  three  of  ague  ! 
My  friends  were  extremely  shocked  with  the  aspect  of 


Chap.  VIII. 



alFairs.  I  beliovo  that  they  were  uinioyod  that  I  slioiild 
6ini  such  a  sipccimon  of  an  liotul  in  their  country,  and  thoy 
decided,  that,  cis  I  could  not  possihly  remain  there  tor  the 
nigljt,  I  shouhl  go  on  to  Detroit  ah)ne,  as  they  were  de- 
tained at  Cljieago  on  business.  Tliongli  I  certainly 
felt  rather  out  of  my  element  in  tliis  place,  I  was  not 
at  all  sorry  for  the  opportunity,  thus  accidentally  given 
me,  of  seeing  something  of  American  society  in  its  lowest 

We  went  down  to  dinner,  and  only  the  fact  of  not 
having  tasted  food  for  many  hours  could  have  made 
me  touch  it  in  such  a  room.  We  were  in  a  long  apart- 
ment, with  one  table  down  the  middle,  with  |)lates  laid  for 
one  hundred  j)eople.  Every  seat  was  occupied,  these  seats 
being  benches  of  somewhat  uncouth  workmanship.  The 
floor  had  recently  been  washed,  and  emitted  a  damp  fetid 
odour.  At  one  side  was  a  large  fireplace,  where,  in  spite 
of  the  heat  of  the  day,  sundry  manipulations  were  going 
on,  coming  under  the  general  name  of  cookery.  At  the 
end  of  the  room  was  a  long  leaden  trough  or  sink,  wliert! 
three  greasy  scullery-boys  without  slioes,  nere  perpetually 
engaged  in  washing  plates,  which  thoy  wiped  upon  their 
aprons.  The  plates,  howevei,  'vere  not  washed,  only 
superficially  rinsed.  There  were  four  brigand-looking 
waiters  with  prodigious  beards  and  moustachios. 

There  was  no  great  variety  at  table.  There  were 
eight  boiled  legs  of  mutton,  nearly  raw  ;  six  antiquated 
fowls,  whose  legs  were  of  the  consistence  of  guitar-strings  ; 
baked  pork  with  "  onion  fixings,"  the  meat  swimming  in 
grease  ;  and  for  vegetables,  yams,  corn-cobs,  and  scjuash. 
A  cup  of  stewed  tea,  sweetened   with  molasses,   stood  by 


'I -'J 



■f  >'• 



CirAf.  VIII. 

i  i'  I:' 

each  pl.ito,  and  no  fcniuMited  lltnior  of  any  doscription 
was  consiuiuMl  by  tlu;  com))any.  Tlioro  were  no  carving- 
knivos,  so  each  })orson  liarhed  the  joints  with  \\\a  own,  and 
some  of  tliose  present  carved  tlieni  dexterously  with 
bowie-knives  taken  out  of  tlieir  belts.  Neither  were  there 
salt-spoons,  so  everyb«)dy  dipped  his  greasy  knife  into  the 
little  j)(;wter  pot  containing  salt.  Dinner  bcgnn,  and  after 
satisfying  my  own  hunger  with  the  least  objectionable 
dish,  namely  "pork  with  onion  fixings,"  I  had  leisure  to 
look  round  mo. 

Every  quarter  of  the  globe  had  contributed  to  swell 
that  motley  array,  even  China.  Motives  of  interest  or 
adventure  had  drawn  them  all  together  to  this  extraor- 
dinary outpost  of  civilisation,  and  soon  would  disperse 
them  among  lands  where  civilisation  is  unknown. 

As  far  as  I  could  judge,  we  were  the  only  representa- 
tives of  England.  There  were  Scots,  for  Scots  are  always 
to  be  found  where  there  is  any  hope  of  honest  gain — there 
wen;  Irish  eniigrants,  speaking  with  a  rich  brogue — French 
traders  from  St.  Louis — Mexicans  fron  Santa  Fe — Cali- 
fornians  fitting  out,  and  Californians  coming  home  with 
fortunes  made — keen-eycnl  speculators  from  New  Eng- 
land— packmen  from  Canada — "  Prairie-men,"  trappers, 
hunters,  and  adventurers  of  all  descriptions.  Many  of 
these  wore  bowie-knives  or  pistols  in  tlieir  belts.  The 
costumes  were  very  varied  and  picturesque.  Two 
Bloomers  in  very  poor  green  iiabiliments  sat  opposite  to 
me,  and  did  not  ap})ear  to  attract  any  attention,  though 
Bloomerisra  is  ha})pily  defunct  in  the  States. 

There  had  been  three  duels  at  Chicago  in  the  morninc, 
and  one  of  the  duellists,  a  swarthy,  dark-browed  villain. 

ClIAl'.  VIII. 



snt  next  but  one  to  me.  The  quarrel  originated  in  a 
ganil)Iing-liouse,  and  this  Mexican's  ()j)j)onent  was  nior- 
tally  wounded,  and  there  he  sat,  with  tlie  guilt  of  human 
blood  upon  his  hands,  describing  to  his  vis-d-vis  the  way 
in  which  he  had  taken  aim  at  his  adversiry,  and  no  one 
seemed  to  think  anything  about  it.  From  what  I  heard, 
I  tear  duelling  must  have  become  very  connnon  in  the 
We->t,  and  no  wonder,  from  the  nund)er  of  lawless  spirits 
who  congregate  where  they  can  be  comparatively  un- 

The  second  course  consisted  exclusively  of  pumpkin- 
pies  ;  but  when  the  waiters  changed  the  plates,  their  way 
of  cleaning  the  knives  and  forks  was  so  peculiarly  disgusting, 
that  I  did  not  attempt  to  eat  anything.  But  I  must  rv- 
mark  that  in  this  motley  assembly  there  was  nothing  of 
coarseness,  and  not  a  word  of  bad  language — indeed,  no- 
thing which  could  offend  the  most  fastidious  cars.  I  must 
in  this  respect  bear  very  favourable  testimony  to  the 
Americans  ;  for,  in  the  course  of  my  somewhat  extensive 
travels  in  the  United  States,  and  mixing  as  I  did  very 
frequently  with  the  lower  classes,  I  never  heard  any  of 
that  language  which  so  frequently  offends  the  ear  in 

I  suppose  that  there  is  no  country  in  the  world  where 
the  presence  of  a  lady  is  such  a  restraint  upon  manners 
and  conversation.  A  female,  whatever  her  age  or  rank 
may  be,  is  invariably  treated  with  deferential  respect ; 
and  if  this  deference  may  occasionally  trespass  upon  the 

*  I  must  not  bo  misunderstood  hero.  Profane  Inngnago  is  only  too 
notoriously  common  in  the  Statefs,  but  custom,  whicli  in  America  is 
frequently  stronger  than  law,  totally  prohibits  its  uso  before  ladies. 





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Chap.  VIII. 

in  ir 

cl     I 

(sS  V  :^' 

N;  •i 

limit?  of  absurdity,  or  if  the  extinct  chivalry  of  the  past 
ages  of  Europe  meets  with  a  partial  revival  upon  the 
shores  of  America,  this  extreme  is  vastly  preferable  to  the 
hriisquerie,  if  not  incivility,  which  ladies,  as  I  have  heard, 
ton  often  meet  with  in  England. 

The  apparently  temperate  habits  in  the  United  States 
form  another  very  pleasing  feature  to  dwell  upon.  It  is 
to  lie  feared  that  there  is  a  considerable  amount  of 
drunkenness  among  the  English,  Irish,  and  Germans,  who 
form  a  large  portion  of  the  American  population  ;  '  the 
temperate,  tea-drinking,  water-drinking  habits  .  th^' 
nativt;  Americans  are  most  remarkable.  In  fact,  I  only 
saw  one  intoxicated  person  in  the  States,  and  he  was  a 
Scotch  fiddler.  At  the  hotels,  even  when  sitting  down  to 
dinner  in  a  room  with  four  hundred  persons,  I  never  on 
anv  occasion  saw  more  than  two  botlles  of  wine  on  the 
table,  and  I  know  from  experience  that  in  many  private 
dwelling-houses  there  is  no  fermented  liquor  at  all.  In 
the  Wesi,  more  especially  at  the  rude  hotels  where  I 
stop})ed,  I  never  saw  wine,  beer,  or  spirits  upon  the 
table ;  and  the  spectacle  gratified  me  exceedingly,  of 
seeing  fierce-looking,  armed,  and  bearded  men,  drinking 
frecjuently  in  the  day  of  that  cup  "  which  cheers,  but  not 
inebriates."  Water  is  a  beverage  which  I  never  enjoyed 
in  purity  and  perfection  before  I  visited  America.  It  is 
pro\  ided  in  abundance  in  the  cars,  the  hotels,  the  waiting- 
rooms,  the  steamerLi,  and  even  the  stores,  in  crystal 
jug;  or  stone  niters,  and  it  is  always  iced.  This  may 
be  either  the  result  or  the  cause  of  the  temperance  of  the 

Ancient  history  tells  us  of  a  people  who  used  to  in- 


Chap.  VIII. 



toxica te  their  slaves,  and,  while  they  were  in  that  condition, 
display  them  to  their  sons,  to  disgust  them  early  with  the 
degrailing  vice  of  drunkenness. 

The  emigrants  who  have  left  our  shores,  more  particu- 
larly the  Irish,  have  voluntarily  enacted  the  part  formerly 
assigned  to  the  slaves  of  the  Spartans.  Certain  it  is  that 
their  intemperance,  with  the  evils  of  which  the  Americans 
are  only  too  well  acquainted,  has  produced  a  beneficial 
result,  by  causing  a  strong  re-action  in  favour  of  tem- 
perance principles. 

The  national  oath  of  the  English,  which  has  earned  for 
them  abroad  a  horrible  sohrvpiet,  and  the  execrations 
which  belong  to  the  French,  Italian,  and  Spanish  nations, 
are  unfortunately  but  too  well  known,  because  they  are 
too  often  heard.  Indeed,  I  have  scarcely  ever  travelled 
in  England  by  coach  or  railway — I  have;  seldom  driven 
through  a  crowded  street,  or  ridden  on  horseback  through 
([uiet  agricultural  villages — without  hearing  language  in 
direct  defiance  of  the  third  commandment.  Profanity 
and  drunkenness  are  among  the  crying  sins  of  the  Eng- 
lish lower  orders.  Much  has  been  said  upon  the  subject 
of  swearing  in  the  United  States.  I  can  only  say  that, 
travelling  in  them  as  I  have  travelled  in  England,  and 
mixing  with  peo})le  of  a  much  lower  class  than  I  ever 
was  thrown  among  in  iMigland — mixing  with  these  people 
too  on  terms  of  perfect  e([ua1ity — I  never  heard  an  oath 
till  after  I  crossed  the  (Canadian  frontier.  With  regard 
to  both  these  things,  of  course  I  only  speak  of  what  fell 
under  my  own  observation. 

After  dinner,  being  only  too  glad  to  escape  from  a 
hoube  wliere  ^edtilouce  was  rife,  we  went  out  into  Chicago. 

II  3 

^  ,l. 

::'■;.-■  p':  m 

m  ):| 



Chap.  VIII. 

L*       ■'' 

It  is  a  wonderful  place,  and  tells  more  forcibly  of  the 
astonishing  energy  and  progress  of  the  Americans  than 
anything  I  saw.  Forty  years  ago  the  whole  gnHnnl  on 
Avhich  the  town  stands  could  have  been  bought  for  six 
hundred  dollars  ;  now,  a  person  would  givi^  ten  tliousand 
for  the  site  of  a  single  store.  It  is  built  on  a  level 
prairie,  only  slightly  elevated  above  the  lak«?  surface.  It 
lies  on  both  sides  of  the  Chicago  river,  about  a  mile  above 
its  entrance  into  Lake  Michigan.  By  the  construction 
of  piers,  a  large  artificial  harbour  has  been  made  at  the 
mouth  of  this  river. 

The  city  has  sprung  up  ra))idly.  and  is  suj)plied  with 
all  the  accessories  of  a  high  state  of  civilisation.  Chicago, 
in  evervthing  that  contributes  to  rcaf  ^ise  and  aonifort  will 
compare  favourably  with  any  city  in  world.     In  1830 

it  was  a,  mere  trading-post,  situated  in  the  theatre  of  the 
Black  Hawk  war.  In  1850  its  population  was  only  :i8,(K)0 
people  :  it  has  now  not  less  than  GO,(JO().*  It  had  not  a 
mile  of  railway  in  1850  ;  now  fourteen  lines  radiat<>  from 
it,  bringing  to  it  the  trade  of  an  area  of  comitry  erjiuilling 
150,000  s(piaro  miles.  One  hundred  heavy  trains  arrive 
and  depart  from  it  daily.  It  has  a  commeree  eomnv-n- 
surate  with  its  magnitude.  It  emj)loys  aWut  7(),(K'X* 
tons  of  shipping,  nearly  one-half  being  steamers  and  pro' 
pollers.  The  lumber- trade,  which  is  chiefly  carried  on 
with  Buffalo,  is  becomir;^  very  protitable.  The  exportvS 
of  Chicago,  to  the  East,  of  bread -stu'fl>'  &r  the  fwst  year, 
exceeded  13,000,000  busiiels  ;  and  a  citv  whieli,  jp  1840, 

*  By  the  la,st  census,  taken  in  Jnno,  18ri5,*<Sie 
was  given  at  87,0uO  souls,  thu.-i  sliowiug  tfa 
27,00(t  within  a  year. 


Cnvr.  VIII. 



numbered  only  4000  inliiibitants,  is  now  one  of  the  largest 
ox])orting  grain-markets  in  the  world. 

Chicago  is  connected  with  th.e  western  rivers  by  a  slooj) 
canal — one  of  the  most  magnificent  works  ever  undertaken. 
It  is  also  connected  with  the  Mississippi  at  several  points 
by  railroad.  It  is  regularly  laid  out  with  wide  airy 
streets,  much  more  cleanly  than  those  of  Cincinnati.  Tlie 
wooden  houses  arc  fast  giving  place  to  lofty  sid)stantial 
structures  of  brick,  or  a  stone  similar  in  appi'arance  to 
white  marble,  and  are  often  six  stories  high.  These 
houses,  as  in  all  business  streets  in  the  American  cities, 
arc  disfigured,  up  to  the  third  story,  by  large  glaring 
sign-boards  containing  the  names  and  occupations  of  their 
residents.  The  side  walks  arc  of  wood,  and,  wher- 
ever they  are  made  of  this  unsubstantial  material,  one 
frequently  finds  oneself  stejjping  into  a  hole,  or  upon 
the  end  of  a  board  which  tilts  up  under  one's  feet.  The 
houses  are  always  let  in  flats,  so  that  there  are  gene- 
rally three  stores  one  above  another.  These  stones  are 
very  handsome,  those  of  the  imtfitters  particularly  so, 
though  the  quantity  of  goods  displayed  in  the  streets  gives 
them  rather  a  barbaric  appearance.  I'he  side  walks  are 
literally  encinnbered  with  bales  of  scarlet  flannel,  and 
every  other  article  of  an  emigrant's  outfit.  At  the  out- 
fitters' stores  you  can  buy  anythi/ig,  from  a  cart-nnil  to  a 
revolver ;  from  a  suit  (n'  oilskin  to  a  paper  of  needles. 
The  streets  present  an  extraordinary  spectacle.  Every- 
thing reminds  that  one  is  standing  on  the  very  verge  of 
wesfcrn  civilisation. 

Tlie  roads  are  crowded  to  an  inconvenient  extent  with 
carriages  of  curious  construction,  waggons,  carts,  and  men 

■■''■'■  '  ■»:,••■■••- 'tv- 


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on  horseback,  and  the  side-walks  with  oagor  foot-pas- 
sengers. By  the  side  of  a  carriage  drawn  by  two  or 
three  handsome  horses,  a  creaking  waggon  with  a  white 
tilt,  drawn  by  four  heavy  oxen,  may  be  seen — Mexicans 
and  hunters  dash  down  the  crowded  streets  at  full  gallop 
on  mettlesome  steeds,  with  bits  so  powerful  as  to  throw 
their  horses  on  their  haunches  when  they  meet  with  any 
obstacle.  They  ride  animals  that  look  too  proud  to 
toucli  the  earth,  on  high-peaked  saddles,  with  pistols  in 
the  holsters,  short  stirrups,  and  long,  cruel-looking 
Spanish  spurs.  They  wear  scarlet  caps  or  palmetto  hats, 
and  high  jack-boots.  Knives  are  stuck  into  their  belts, 
and  light  rifles  are  slnng  behind  them.  These  pic- 
turesque beings — the  bullock-waggons  setting  out  for  the 
Far  ^Vest — the  medley  of  diffeient  nations  and  costumes 
in  the  streets — make  the  city  a  spectacle  of  great  interest. 

The  deep  hollow  roar  of  the  locomotive,  and  the  shrill 
scream  from  the  steamboat,  are  heard  here  all  day  ;  a 
continuous  stream  of  life  ever  bustles  through  the  city, 
and,  standing  as  it  does  on  the  very  verge  of  western 
civilisation,  Chicago  is  a  vast  emporium  of  the  trade  of 
the  districts  east  and  west  of  the  Mississippi. 

At  an  office  in  one  of  the  streets  Mr.  C took  my 

ticket  for  Toronto  by  railway,  steamer,  railway,  and 
steamer,  only  paying  eight  dollars  and  a  half,  or  about 
thirty-four  shillings,  for  a  journey  of  seven  hundred 
miles ! 

We  returned  to  tea  at  the  hotel,  and  found  our  viands 
and  companions  just  the  same  as  at  dinner.  It  is  impos- 
sible to  give  an  idea  of  the  "  western  men  "  to  any  one 
who  has  not  seen  one  at  least  as  a  specimen.     They  are 


Chap.  VIII. 



the  men  licfore  whom  the  Indians  melt  away  as  grass 
before  the  scythe.  Tliey  shoot  them  clown  on  the  smallest 
provocation,  and  speak  of  "  head  of  Indian,"  as  we  do  in 
England  of  head  of  game.  Their  bearing  is  bold,  reck- 
less, and  independent  in  the  extreme  ;  they  are  as  ready 
to  fight  a  foe  as  to  wait  upon  women  and  children  with 
tender  assiduity ;  their  very  appearance  says  to  you, 
"  Stranger,  I  belong  to  the  greatest,  most  enliglitencd, 
and  most  progressive  nation  on  earth  ;  I  may  be  the 
President  or  a  millionaire  next  year ;  I  don't  care  a  straw 
for  you  or  any  one  else." 

Illinois  is  a  State  which  has  sprung  up,  as  if  by  mngic, 
to  be  one  of  the  most  fruitful  in  the  West.  It  was  settled 
by  men  from  the  New^  England  States — men  who  carried 
with  them  those  characteristics  which  have  made  the  New 
Eiiglandor's  career  one  of  active  enterprise,  and  successful 
progress,  wherever  he  has  been.  Not  many  years  ago 
the  name  of  Illinois  was  nearly  unknown,  and  on  her 
soil  the  hardy  settler  battled  with  the  forest-trees  for 
space  in  which  to  sow  his  first  crops.  Iler  roa(7s  were 
merely  rude  and  often  impassable  tracks  through  forest 
or  prairie ;  now  she  has  in  operation  and  course  of  con- 
struction two  thousand  and  seventy  miles  of  those  iron 
sinews  of  commercial  progress — railroad-,  running  like  a 
network  over  the  State. 

At  seven  o'clock,  with  a  feeling  of  great  relief,  mingled 
with  thankfulness  at  having  escaped  untouched  by  the 
terrible  pestilence  which  had  ravaged  Chicago,  I  left  the 
hotel,  more  appropriately  termed  a  "  caravanserai ^^^  and 
my  friends  placed  me  in  the  "  Lightning  Express,"  war- 
ranted to  go  sixty-seven  miles  an  hour. 



!•     41 


'lie  A 



I.  I    t 




Ciur.  VIII. 

Unless  it  may  be  St.  Louis,  I  fancy  that  (^hicago 
is  more  worth  a  visit  than  any  other  of  the  western 
cities.  Even  one  day  at  it  was  worth  a  voy.ige  across 
the  Atlantic,  and  a  land-journey  of  eighteen  hundred 

!.    •* 






I:  -  ■    *  ■ 

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1  : 







A  vexatious  incident  —  John  Bull  onnigcfl  —  Woman's  right.s  —  Alli- 
gators become  Ikwhos — A  popular  host  —  Military  dinplay  —  A 
mirth-provoking  gnu  —  Grave  reuiiuisccnces — Attraction^^  of  the 
fair  —  Past  and  present  —  A  floating  palace  —  Ulack  companions  — 
A  black  baby —Externals  of  Bufialo  —  The  flag  of  England, 

The  niglit-cars  are  always  crowded  b')tli  in  Canada  and 
the  States,  because  people  in  business  arc  anxious  to  save 
a  day  if  they  have  any  expedition  to  make,  and,  as  many 
of  the  cars  arc  fitted  up  with  seats  of  a  most  comfortable 
kind  for  night-travelling,  a  person  accustomed  to  them 
can  sleep  in  them  as  well  as  on  a  sofa.  After  leaving 
Chicago,  they  seemed  about  to  rush  with  a  whoop  into 
the  moonlit  waters  of  Lake  Michigan,  and  in  reality  it 
was  not  much  better.  For  four  miles  we  ran  along  a 
plank-road  supported  only  on  piles.  There  was  a  single 
track,  and  the  carriages  projecting  over  the  whole,  there 
was  no  bridge  to  be  seen,  and  we  really  seemed  to  be 
going  along  on  the  water.  These  insecure  railways  are 
not  uncommon  in  the  States ;  the  dangers  of  the  one  on 
the  Hudson  river  have  been  experienced  by  many  tra- 
vellers to  their  cost. 

We  ran  three  hundred  miles  through  central  Michigan 
in  ten  hours,  including  stoppages.  We  dashed  through 
woods,  across  prairies,  and  over  bridges  without  parapets, 
at  a   uniform  rate  of  progress.      A   boy   making  con- 






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I'i.  '^■'  ''* 

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ClIAl'.  IX. 

tinual  porcgrinutions  with  iced  water  alleviated  the  thirst 
of  the  pas.-engers,  for  the  night  was  intensely  hot,  and  I 
managed  to  sleep  v(!ry  comfortably  till  awoke  by  the 
intense  cold  of  dawn.  Dnring  the  evening  an  incident 
most  vexatious  to  me  occurred. 

The  cars  were  very  full,  and  were  not  able  to  seat  all 
the  passengers.  Consequently,  according  to  the  usages 
of  American  etiquette,  the  gentlemen  vacated  the  seats 
in  favour  of  the  ladies,  who  tOv)k  possession  of  them  in  a 
very  ungracious  manner  as  T  thought.  The  gentlemen 
stood  in  the  passage  down  the  centre.  At  last  all  but 
one  had  given  up  their  seats,  and  while  stopping  at  a 
station  another  lady  entered. 

"  A  seat  for  a  lady,"  said  the  conductor,  when  he  saw 
the  crowded  state  of  the  car.  The  one  gentleman  did  not 
stir.  "  A  seat  for  a  lady,"  repeated  the  man  in  a  more 
imperious  tone.  Still  no  movement  on  the  part  of  the 
gentleman  appealed  to.  "  A  seat  for  a  lady ;  don't  you 
see  there's  a  lady  wanting  one  ?"  now  vociferated  several 
voices  at  once,  but  without  producing  any  effect.  "Get 
up  for  this  lady,"  said  one  bolder  than  the  rest,  giving 
the  stranger  a  sharp  admonition  on  the  shoulder.  He 
pulled  his  travelling  cap  over  his  eyes,  and  doggedly 
refused  to  stir.  There  was  now  a  regular  hubbub  in 
the  car  ;  American  blood  was  up,  and  several  gentlemen 
tried  to  induce  the  offender  to  move. 

"  I'm  an  Englishman,  and  I  tell  you  I  won't  be  brow- 
beat by  you  beastly  Yankees.  I've  paid  for  my  seat,  and 
1  mean  to  keep  it,"  savagely  shouted  the  offender,  thus 
verifying  my  worst  suspicions. 

"I  thought  so! — I  knew  it! — A  regular  John  Bull 


Chap.  IX. 



trick !  just  like  thcni ! "  were  some  of  the  observations 
made,  and  very  mild  they  were,  considering  the  aggra- 
♦'ated  circumstances. 

Two  men  took  the  culprit  by  his  shoulders,  and  the 
others,  pressing  behind,  impelled  hiin  to  the  door,  amid 
a  chorus  of  groans  and  hisses,  disposing  of  him  finally 
by  placing  him  in  the  emigrant-car,  installing  the  lady  in 
the  vacated  seat.  I  could  almost  fancy  that  the  ^hade  of 
the  departed  Judge  Lynch  stood  by  with  an  approving 

I  was  so  thoroughly  ashamed  of  my  countryman,  and 
so  afraid  of  my  nationality  being  discovered,  that,  if 
any  one  spoke  to  me,  I  adopted  every  Americanism 
which  I  could  think  of  in  reply.  The  country  within 
fifty  miles  of  Detroit  is  a  pretty  alternation  of 
prairie,  wood,  corn-fields,  peach  and  appie  orchards. 
The  maize  is  the  staple  of  the  country ;  you  sec  it  in 
the  fields ;  you  have  corn-cobs  for  breakftist ;  corn- 
cobs, mush,  and  hominy  for  dinner ;  johnny-cake  for 
tea ;  and  the  very  bread  contains  a  third  part  of  Indian 
meal ! 

I  thought  the  little  I  saw  of  Michigan  very  fertile  and 
pretty.  It  is  another  of  the  newly  constituted  States,  and 
was  known  until  recently  under  the  name  of  the  *'  Mi- 
chigan Territory."  This  State  is  a  peninsula  between 
the  Huron  and  Michigan  Lakes,  and  borders  in  one  part 
closely  on  Canada.  It  has  a  salubrious  climate  and  a 
fertile  soil,  and  is  rapidly  becoming  a  very  productive 
State.  Of  late  years  the  influx  of  eni5";rant8  of  a 
better  class  has  been  very  great.     The  State  has  great 




r'l'.  "i 

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11  J  HI' 



CUAl'.  IX. 

capabilities  for  saw  and  flour  mills ;  the  Grand  Ra}»ids 
alone  have  a  fall  of  fifteen  feet  in  a  mile,  and  afford  im- 
men.<e  water-power. 

In  Michigan,  human  beings  have  ceased  to  be  "  alli- 
gators"  they  are  "  hosses."  Thus  one  man  says  to  an- 
other, "  How  do  you  do,  old  hoss  ?"  or,  "What's  the 
time  o'  day,  old  boss  ?"  When  I  reached  Detroit  I  was 
amused  when  a  conductor  said  to  me,  "  One  o'  them  'ere 
bosses  will  take  your  trunks,"  pointing  as  he  spoke  to  a 
group  of  porters. 

On  arriving  at  Detroit  I  met  for  the  first  time  with 
tokens  of  Briti!^h  enterprise  and  energy,  and  of  the  grow- 
ing importance  of  Canada  West.  Several  persons  in  the 
cars  were  going  to  New  York,  and  they  took  the  ferry  at 
Detroit,  and  went  down  to  Niagara  Bridge  by  the  Ca- 
nada Great  Western  Railway,  as  the  most  expeditious 
route.  I  drove  through  the  very  pleasant  streets  of 
Detroit  to  the  National  Hotel,  where  I  was  to  join  the 
Walrences.  Having  indulged  the  hope  of  rejoining  my 
former  travelling  companions  here,  I  was  greatly  disap- 
pointed at  finding  a  note  from  them,  containing  the  intel- 
ligence that  they  had  been  summoned  by  telegraph  to 
Toronto,  to  a  sick  relative.  They  requested  me  to  join 
them  there,  and  hoped  I  should  find  no  difficulty  on  the 
journey  I 

It  was  the  time  of  the  State  fair,  and  every  room  in 
the  inn  was  occupied ;  but  Mr.  Benjamin,  the  very 
popular  host  of  the  National,  on  hearing  my  circum- 
stances, would  on  no  account  suffer  me  to  seek  another 
abode,  and  requested  a  gentleman  to  give  up  his  room  to 

Chap.  IX. 



me,  which  with  truo  Amerioan  poiitenoss  ho  instantly  did. 
I  cannot  speak  too  liighly  of  the  National  Hotel,  or  of  its 
deservedly  popular  landlord.  I  found  that  I  could  not 
leave  Detroit  hcfore  the  next  night,  and  at  most  hotels  u 
lady  alone  would  have  been  very  uncomfortably  placed. 
Breakfast  was  over,  but,  as  soon  as  I  retired  to  my  room, 
the  waiter  appeared  with  an  abundant  repast,  for  which 
no  additional  charge  was  made.  I  sat  in  my  room  the 
whole  day,  and  Mr.  Benjamin  came  twice  to  my  door  to 
know  if  I  wanted  anything,  lie  introduced  me  to  a 
widow  lady,  whose  room  I  afterwards  shared ;  and  when 
I  went  down  at  night  to  the  steamer,  ho  sent  one  of  his 
clerks  with  me,  to  save  me  any  trouble  about  my  luggage. 
He  also  gave  me  a  note  to  an  hotol-koeper  at  Buffalo, 
requesting  him  to  pay  me  every  attention,  in  case  I 
should  be  detained  for  a  night  on  the  road.  The  hotel 
was  a  perfect  pattern  of  cleanliness,  elegance,  and  com- 
fort ;  and  the  waiters,  about  fifty  of  whom  were  Dutch, 
attended  scrupulously  to  every  wish,  actual  or  su})posed, 
of  the  guests.  If  those  pages  should  ever  meet  Mr. 
Benjamin's  eye,  it  may  bo  a  slight  gratifioation  to  him  to 
know  that  his  kindness  to  a  stranger  has  been  both  re- 
membered and  appreciated. 

I  had  some  letters  of  introduction  to  residents  at  De- 
troit, and  here,  as  in  all  other  places  which  I  visited,  I 
had  but  to  sow  them  to  reaj)  a  rich  harvest  of  kindness 
and  hospitality.  I  spent  two  days  most  agreeably  at 
Detroit,  in  a  very  refined  and  intellectual  circle,  perfectly 
free  from  those  mannerisms  which  I  had  expected  to  find 
in  a  place  so  distant  from  the  coast.  The  concurrent 
testimony  of  many  impartial  persons  goes  to  prove  that 

1   » (,* 

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ClIAl'.  IX. 


i  III 

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7     f 

,t  «J    ? 

in  every  Anieriean  town  highly  polishetl  and  intellectual 
society  is  to  he  met  with. 

My  hed-rooni  window  at  the  National  Hotel  looked  into 
one  of  the  widest  and  most  hustling  streets  of  Detroit. 
It  was  the  day  of  the  Stnto  fair,  consequently  I  saw  the 
town  under  a  very  favourahle  aspect.  The  contents  of 
several  special  trains,  and  iiundreds  of  waggons,  crowded 
the  streets,  the  "waggons'"  frequently  drawn  hy  very 
handsome  horses.  The  private  carriages  were  of  a  supe- 
rior cla^s  to  any  I  had  previously  seen  in  the  States ;  the 
harness  was  handsome  and  richly  plated,  and  elegantly 
dressed  ladies  filled  the  interiors.  But  in  amusing  con- 
trast, the  coachmen  all  looked  like  wild  Irishmen  enlisted 
for  the  occasion,  and  drove  in  a  standing  posture.  Young 
farmers,  many  of  them  dressed  in  the  extreme  of  the 
fashion  of  Young  America,  were  dashing  ahout  in  their 
light  waggons,  driving  tandem  or  span ;  heavily  laden 
drays  were  proceeding  at  a. slower  speed;  and  all  this 
traffic  was  carried  on  under  the  shade  of  fine  trees. 

Military  hands  playing  'The  Star-spangled  Banner,' 
and  '  Hail  Columbia,'  were  constantly  passing  and  re- 
j)assing,  and  the  w  hole  population  seemed  on  the  qui  vive. 
Squadrons  of  cavalry  continually  passed  my  window,  the 
men  in  gorgeous  uniforms,  with  high  waving  plumes. 
'J"'heir  horses  were  very  handsome,  but  were  not  at  all 
willing  to  display  themselves  by  walking  slowly,  or  in 
rank,  and  the  riders  would  seem  to  have  been  se- 
lected for  their  corpulence,  probably  under  the  supposi- 
tion that  the  w  eight  of  both  men  and  horses  would  tell  in 
a  charge. 

The  air   '  Hail  Columbia '   is  a   very   fine   one,  and 

Ciur.  IX. 



doubtless  thrills  Ainerican  hearts,  as  ours  aro  thrilled  by 
the  National  Anthem.  Two  rej^iments  of  foot  followed 
the  cavalry,  one  with  peaeeful-looking  green  and  wiiite 
plumes,  the  other  with  horsetails  dyed  scarlet.  The 
privates  had  a  more  independent  air  than  our  own  regu- 
lars, and  w(M*e  principally  the  sons  of  respectable  citizens. 
They  appeared  to  have  been  well  drilled,  and  were 
superior  in  apjjearance  to  onr  militia ;  but  it  must  be 
remembered  that  the  militia  of  America  constitutes  the 
real  military  force  of  the  country,  and  is  paid  and  cared 
for  accordingly ;  the  regular  army  oidy  amounting  to 
ten  thousand  men. 

A  gun  of  the  artillery  followed,  and  the  spectacle  made 
me  laugh  immoderately,  though  I  had  no  one  with  whom 
to  share  my  amusement.  It  was  a  new-looking  gun  of 
shining  brass,  perfectly  innocent  of  the  taste  of  gun- 
powder, and  mounted  on  a  carriage  suspiciously  like  a 
timber-truck,  which  had  once  been  painted.  Six  very 
respectabltvlooking  artillerymen  were  clustering  upon 
this  vehicle,  but  they  had  to  hold  hard,  for  it  jolted  un- 
mercifully. It  was  drawn  by  four  horses  of  different 
colours  and  sizes,  and  they  appeared  animated  by  the 
principle  of  mutual  repulsion.  One  of  these  was  ridden 
by  a  soldier,  seated  on  a  saddle  placed  so  far  upon  the 
horse's  neck,  that  it  gave  him  the  appearance  of  clinging 
to  the  mane.  The  liarness  was  shabby  and  travel-soiled, 
and  the  traces  were  of  rope,  which  seemed  to  require 
continual  "fixing,"  to  judge  from  the  frequency  with 
which  the  rider  jumped  off  to  adjust  them.  The  artillery- 
men were  also  continually  stopping  the  vehicle,  to  re- 
arrange the  limber  of  the  gun. 

j'f.. : 


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i  ■'■'<:  A" 



Chap.  IX. 

AVlillo  I  was  instituting  an  invidious  comparipon  betvvoen 
tins  gun  and  our  wo11-a])})()intcd,  wcll-liorsod,  well-manned 
artillery  at  Woolwich,  the  thought  suddenly  flashed  across 
my  mind  that  the  militia  forces  of  America  beat  us  at 
Lexington,  Saratoga,  and  Ticonderoga.  "  A  change 
came  o'er  the  spirit  of  my  dream," — from  the  ridiculous 
to  the  sublime  was  but  a  step  ;  and  the  grotesque  guii- 
carriage  was  instantly  invested  with  sublimity. 

Various  attractions  were  presented  at  the  fair.  There 
were  liorse-races  and  trotting-matches  ;  a  trotting  bull 
warranted  to  beat  the  fastest  horse  in  Michigan ;  and 
bands  of  music.  Phineas  Taylor  Rarnum  presented  the 
spectacle  of  his  very  superior  menagerie  ;  in  one  })lace  a 
wizard  offered  to  show  the  snuiUness  of  the  difference 
between  jTiciim  and  iuuin;  the  Siamese  Twins  in  another 
dlsi'layed  their  monstrous  and  inseparable  union ;  and 
voi  ulists  were  awaiting  the  couunands  of  the  lovers  of 


There  was  a  large  j)ieco  of  ground  devoted  to  an  agri- 
cultural exhibition  ;  and  here,  as  at  hoine,  Cochin  China 
fowls  wee  "  the  observed  of  all  observers,"  and  realised 
fabulous  prices.  In  a  long  range  of  booths,  devoted  to 
the  products  of  manufaeturiiig  industry,  some  of  the  cost- 
liest i)roductions  of  the  looms  of  Europe  were  exhibited 
for  sale.  There  were  peep-shows,  and  swings,  and  merry- 
go-rou.nds,  and  hobby-iiorses,  and,  with  so  many  induce- 
ments offered,  it  will  not  be  snpposed  that  holiday  people 
were  wanting. 

Suddenly,  while  the  diversions  were  at  their  height, 
anil  in  the  midst  of  the  intense  heat,  a  deluge  burst  over 
Detroit,  like  the  breaking  of  a  waterspout,  in  a  few  mi- 

Chap.  IX. 



nutes  turning  tlie  streets  i-wto  rivers,  deep  enougb  in 
many  places  to  cover  the  f«^locks  of  the  horse?.  It 
rained  as  it  only  rains  in  a  hot  climat*',  and  the  storm 
was  accompanied  by  thnnder  and  lightning..  Wiingons 
and  carriages  hurried  furiously  ah>ng ;  :)tages  Intended 
to  carry  twelve  persf^ns  at  six  cents  wtire  eor.'Veying 
twenty  tln-ough  tlie  flool  at  a  dollar  each  -ind  ladies 
drenched  to  the  ?kin,  with  white  dresses  afKii  -ilk  stock- 
ings the  colour  of  mud,  were  hurrying  alow^'  over  the 
sli])pery  side  walks.  An  infantry  regiment  of  milnfia  took 
to  their  heels  an>'l  ran  off  at  full  pelt, — and  a  largt  body 
of  luavjj  cavalry  dashed  by  in  a  perfect  liur  icane  of 
moustaches,  draggled  plumes,  cross-bands,  giganf'^  white 
gloves,  and  clattering  sabres,  clearing  the  streets  effec- 

A  hundred  years  ago  Detroit  was  a  little  French  village 
of  wooden  houses,  a  mere  post  for  carrying  on  the  fur- 
trade  with  the  Indians.  S  )me  of  these  hv<usis  still  re- 
main, dingy,  many-windowed,  many-gabled  buildings,  of 
antitjue  construction.  Canoes  laden  with  peltry  were 
perhaps  the  only  craft  which  disturbed  the  waters  of  the 
Detroit  river. 

The  old  times  are  changed,  and  a  thriving  conunercial 
town  of  4(),<)()0  inhabitants  stands  v"  the  site  of  tho 
French  trading-post.  Handsome  (piays  and  extensive 
wharfs  now  line  the  shores  of  the  Detroit  river,  and  to 
look  at  the  throng  of  magnificent  steamers  and  small  sail- 
ing-vessels lying  along  them,  sometimes  two  or  three 
deej),  one  would  suppose  oneself  at  an  English  seaj)ort. 
The  street.-i,  which  contain  very  handsome  .stores,  are 
planted  with  trees,  and  are  alive  with  business  ;  and  hotels. 

ill''  •        '        ■ 



Kit.!'"*:         '.'    -f  ■    ,  *     , 





CllAI'.  IX. 


pi  M  vl 

i!     ''i 

banks,  and  offices  appear  in  every  direction.  Altogether 
Detroit  is  a  very  pleasing  place,  and,  from  its  position, 
bids  fair  to  be  a  very  important  one. 

I  had  to  leave  the  friends  whose  acquaintance  and 
kindness  rendered  Detroit  so  agreeable  to  me,  in  the 
middle  of  a  very  interesting  conversation.  Before  ten 
at  night  I  found  myself  on  an  apparently  interminable 
wharf,  creeping  betweei  cart-wheels  and  over  bales  of 
wool  to  the  Mayjioxocr  steamer,  which  was  just  leaving 
for  Buffalo. 

Passing  through  th<3  hall  of  the  Mayflower,  which  was 
rather  a  confused  and  dimly-lighted  scene,  I  went  up  to 
the  saloon  by  a  very  handsome  staircase  with  elaborate 
bronze  balustrades.  My  bewildered  eyes  surveyed  a  fairy 
scene,  an  eastern  palace  a  vision  of  the  Arabian  Nights. 
I.  could  not  have  believed  that  such  magnificence  existed 
in  a  oliip ;  it  impressed  me  much  more  than  anything  I 
have  seen  in  the  palaces  of  Eiigland. 

The  Mayflower  was  a  steam-ship  of  2200  tons  burthen, 
hnr  length  33G  feet,  and  her  extreme  breadth  GO.  She 
was  of  1000  horse-power,  with  81  inch  cylinders,  and  a 
stroke  of  12  feet.  T  speak  of  her  in  the  past  tense,  be- 
cause she  has  since  b?en  totally  cast  away  in  a  storm  on 
Lake  Erie.  This  lake  loa/s  a  very  bad  character,  and 
pers(ms  are  warned  not  to  venture  upon  it  at  so  stormy  a 
season  of  the  year  as  September,  but,  had  the  weather 
been  very  rough,  I  should  not  have  regretted  my  voyage 
in  so  splendid  a  steamer. 

The  saloon  was  300  feei  long ;  it  had  an  arched  roof 
and  Gothic  cornice,  with  a  moulding  below  of  gilded 
grapes  and  vine-leaves.     It  was  10  feet  high,  and  the 

I  t  'f 




Chap.  IX, 



projections  of  the  coiling,  tlie  mouldings,  and  the  panels 
of  the  door.-)  of  the  were  all  richly  gilded. 
About  the  middle  there  was  :tn  enclosure  for  the  engine, 
scarcely  obstructing  tlie  view.  This  em-losure  was  Gothic, 
to  inatch  the  roof,  and  nt  each  end  had  a  window  of 
plate-glass,  G  feet  square,  through  which  the  mechanisin 
of  the  engine  could  be  seen.  Tlie  engine  itself,  being  a 
high-pressure  one,  and  consequently  without  the  incum- 
brances of  condenser  and  air-])ump,  occuj)ie(l  much  less 
room  than  one  of  ours  in  a  ship  of  the  same  tonnage. 
Every  stationary  part  of  the  machinery  was  of  polished 
steel,  or  bronze,  with  elaborate  castings  ;  a  crank  indi- 
cator and  a  clock  faced  each  other,  ai.d  the  whole  was 
lighted  by  two  large  coloured  lamps.  These  windows 
were  a  favourite  lounge  of  the  curious  and  scientific. 
The  carpet  was  of  rich  velvet  pile,  in  groups  of  brilliant 
flowers,  and  dotted  over  with  ohairs,  sofas,  and  tete-n-t<'lcs 
of  carved  walnut-wood,  cushioned  with  the  richest  green 
velvet :  the  tables  were  of  marble  with  gilded  pedestals. 
There  was  a  very  handsome  j)iano,  and  both  it  and  the 
tables  supported  massive  vases  of  beautiful  Sevres  or 
Dresden  cliina,  filled  with  exotic  flowers.  On  one  table 
\,a3  a  richly-chased  silver  tray,  with  a  silver  ewer  of  iced 
water  upon  it.  The  saloon  was  brilliantly  lighted  by 
eight  chaiideliers  with  dependent  glass  lustres ;  and  at 
each  end  two  mirrors,  the  height  of  the  room,  prolonged 
interminably  the  magnificent  scene. 

In  such  an  apartment  one  would  naturally  expect  to 
see  elegantly-dressed  gentlemen  and  ladies;  but  im — 
western  men,  in  palmetto  hats  and  great  boots,  lounged 
upon  the  superb  sofas,  and  negroes  and  negressca  chat- 



'    'r^'t". 


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^   „  ? 



CiiAr.  IX. 

torod  anil  promenaded.  Porcelain  spittoons  in  consider- 
able numbers  garnisbed  tbe  floor,  and  tbeir  o^ce  was  by 
no  means  a  sinecure  one,  even  in  the  saloon  exclusively 
devoted  to  ladies. 

I  saw  only  one  person  whom  I  liked  to  speak  to,  among 
my  three  hundred  fellow-voyagers.  This  was  a  tall, 
pale,  and  very  ladylike  person  in  deep  mourning,  with 
a  perfectly  uninterested  look,  and  such  deep  lines  of 
sorrow  on  her  face,  that  I  saw  at  a  glance  that  the 
world  had  no  power  to  interest  or  please  her.  She  sat 
on  the  same  sofa  with  me,  and  was  helplessly  puzzling 
over  the  route  from  Buffalo  to  Albany  with  a  gruff,  un- 
couth son,  who  seemed  by  no  means  disposed  to  aid  her 
in  her  difiiculties.  As  I  was  able  to  give  her  the  in- 
loru.;ition  she  wanted,  we  entered  into  conversation  for 
two  hours.  She  soon  told  me  her  history,  merely  an 
ordinary  one,  of  love,  bereavement,  and  sorrow.  She 
had  been  a  widow  for  a  year,  and  she  said  that  her  deso- 
lation was  so  great  that  her  sole  wish  was  to  die.  Her 
sons  were  taking  her  a  tour,  in  the  hope  of  raising  her 
s))irits,  but  she  said  she  was  just  moved  about  and  dressed 
like  a  doll,  that  she  had  not  one  ray  of  comfort,  and  that 
all  shrunk  from  her  li(){)eless  and  repining  grief.  She 
asked  me  to  tell  her  if  any  widow  of  my  acquaintance 
had  been  able  to  bear  her  loss  with  resignation ;  and 
when  I  told  her  of  some  instances  among  my  own  rela- 
tions, she  burst  into  tears  and  said,  "  I  am  ever  arraign- 
ing the  wiodoni  of  God,  and  how  can  I  hope  for  his  con- 
solations?" The  task  of  a  comforter  is  ever  a  hard  one, 
and  in  her  instance  it  was  jiarticularly  FjO,  to  point  to  the 
"  Balm  of  G Head,"  as  revealed  in  sacred  Scripture;  for 

Chap,  IX. 



a  stran«Tor  to  show  her  in  all  kindness  that  comfort  could 
never  be  experienced  while,  as  she  herself  owned,  she  was 
living  in  the  neglect  of  every  duty  both  to  God  and  man. 

She  seemed  roused  for  the  monieiit,  and  tlianked  me 
for  the  sympathy  which  I  most  sincerely  felt,  hoping  at 
the  same  time  to  renew  the  conversation  in  the  morning. 
VVe  had  a  stormy  night,  from  which  she  sullered  so  much 
as  to  be  unable  to  leave  her  berth  the  next  day,  and  I 
saw  nothing  further  of  her  beyond  a  brief  glimpjo  v.hlch 
I  caught  of  her  at  Buffalo,  as  she  was  carried  ashore, 
looking  more  despairing  even  than  the  night  before. 

Below  this  saloon  is  the  ladies'  cabin,  also  very  hand- 
some, but  disfigured  by  numerous  spittoons,  and  beneath 
this  again  is  a  small  cabin  with  berths  two  deej)  round 
the  sides  ;  and  in  this  abode,  as  the  ship  was  full,  I  took 
a  berth  for  the  night  with  a  southern  lady,  her  two 
female  slaves,  four  negresses,  and  a  mulatto  woman, 
who  had  just  purchased  their  freedom  in  Temiessee. 
These  blacks  were  really  lady-like  and  intelligent,  and 
so  agreeable  and  naive  that,  although  they  chattered  to 
me  till  two  in  the  morning,  I  was  not  the  least  tired  of 

They  wanted  me  to  bring  them  all  home  to  England, 
to  which  tliey  have  been  taught  to  look  as  to  a  land  of 
liberty  and  haj)piness ;  and  it  was  with  much  difficulty 
that  I  made  them  understand  that  I  should  not  be  able 
to  lind  employment  for  them.  I  asked  one  of  tliem,  a 
very  fine-looking  mulatto,  how  long  she  had  been  married, 
and  her  age.  She  replied  that  she  was  thirty-four,  and 
had  been  married  twenty-one  years  ! 

1  2 



>  1 

\i^^'    \  .  ■ 


:•■■-♦  ft?*' . 



1  >' 



Chap.  IX. 

-  M 

^[4i     !, 



Their  black  faces  and  woolly  hair  contrasted  most 
ludicrously  with  the  white  pillow-case.  After  sleeping 
for  a  time,  I  was  awoke  by  a  dissonance  of  sounds — 
groaning,  straining,  creaking,  and  the  crash  of  waves  and 
roar  of  winds.  I  dressed  with  difficulty,  and,  crawling  to 
the  window,  beheld  a  cloudless  sky,  a  thin,  blue,  stormy- 
looking  mist,  and  waves  higher  than  I  had  ever  seen  those 
on  the  ocean ;  indeed,  Lake  Erie  was  one  sheet  of  raging, 
furious  billows,  which  dashed  about  our  leviathan  but  top- 
heavy  steamer  as  if  she  had  been  a  plaything. 

I  saw  two  schooners  scudding  with  only  their  foresails 
set,  and  shortly  after  a  vessel  making  signals  of  distress, 
having  lost  her  masts,  bulwarks,  and  boats  in  tlie  gale. 
We  wore  enabled  to  render  her  very  seasonable  assist- 
ance. I  was  net  now  surprised  at  the  caution  given  by 
the  stewardess  the  previous  night,  namely,  that  the  less 
I  undressed  the  better,  in  case  of  an  accident. 

While  the  gale  lasted,  being  too  much  inured  to  rough 
weather  to  feel  alarmed,  I  amused  myself  with  watching 
the  different  effects  produced  by  it  on  the  feelings  of 
different  persons.  The  Southern  lady  was  frantic  with 
terror.  First  she  requested  me,  in  no  very  gentle  tones, 
to  call  the  stewardess.  I  went  to  the  abode  of  that  func- 
tionary, and  found  her  lying  on  the  floor  sea-sick ;  her 
beautiful  auburn  hair  tangled  and  dishevelled.  "  Oh ! 
madam,  how  could  you  sleep?"  she  said;  "we've  had 
such  an  awful  nigl.t !     I've  never  been  so  ill  before." 

I  returned  from  my  useless  errand,  and  the  lady  then 
CO  fimandcd  me  to  go  instantly  to  the  captain  and  ask  him 
to  come.     "  lie's  attending  to  the  ship,"  I  urged.     "  Go, 

C::..!-.  IX. 



tlicn,  if  you've  any  pity,  and  ask  liim  if  we  shall  be  lost." 
"  There's  no  danger,  as  far  as  I  can  judge  ;  the  engines 
work  regularly,  and  the  ship  obeys  her  helm."  The  3/a?/- 
Jlower  gave  a  heavier  roll  than  usual.  **  Oh  my  God ! 
Oh  Heaven  !"  shrieked  the  unhappy  lady  ;  "forgive  me  ! 
Mercy !  mercy  !'*  A  lull  followed,  in  which  she  called 
to  one  of  her  slaves  for  a  glass  of  water ;  but  the  poor 
creature  was  too  ill  to  move,  and,  seeing  that  her  mistress 
was  about  to  grow  angry,  I  went  up  to  the  saloon  for  it. 
On  my  way  to  the  table  I  nearly  tumbled  over  a  pros- 
trate man,  whom  I  had  noticed  the  night  before  as  con- 
spicuous for  his  audacious  and  hardy  bearing.  *'  I  guess 
we're  going  to  Davy  Jones,"  he  said  ;  "  I've  been  saying 
my  prayers  all  night — little  good,  1  guess.  I've  been  a 
sinner  too  long.  I've  seen  many  a " — a  groan  followed. 
I  looked  at  the  reckless  speaker.  lie  was  lying  on  the 
floor,  with  his  hat  and  shoes  off,  and  his  rifle  beside  hinj. 
His  ftice  was  ghastly,  but,  I  verily  believe,  more  from  the 
effiicts  of  sea-sickness  than  fear.  He  begged  me,  in 
feeble  tones,  to  get  him  some  brandy ;  but  I  could  not 
find  anybody  to  give  it  to  him,  and  went  down  with  the 

The  two  slaves  were  as  frightened  as  people  almost 
stupified  by  sickness  could  be ;  but  when  I  asked  one  of 
the  freed  ncgresses  if  she  were  alarmed,  she  said,  "Me 
no  fear ;  if  me  die,  me  go  to  Jesus  Christ ;  if  me  live, 
me  serve  him  here — better  to  dieT* 

It  has  been  said  that  "  poverty,  sickness,  all  the  ills  of 
life,  are  Paradise  to  what  we  fear  of  dc.tth  " — that  "  it  is 
not  that  life  is  sweet,  but  that  death  is  bitter."  Here 
the  poet  and  the  philosopher  might  have  learned  a  lesson. 

'  J 


''^'*  >, ,  -^y, 

:^«  v\^ 

•     ••••'•■  ,L'  H-' 


■!jt,  H 




Chap.  IX. 

,^  r. 


1.!    '■< 



This  poor,  untutored  nogress  probably  knew  nothing  more 
"  than  lier  Bible  true  ;"  but  i^he  had  that  knowledge  of  a 
future  state  which  reason,  unassisted  by  the  light  of  reve- 
lation, could  never  have  learned  ;  she  knew  yet  more — she 
knew  God  as  revealed  in  Christ,  and  in  that  knowledge, 
under  its  highest  and  truest  name  of  Faith^  she  feared 
not  the  summons  which  would  call  her  into  the  presence 
of  the  Judge  of  all.  The  intidel  may  hug  his  heartless 
creed,  which,  by  ignoring  alike  futurity  and  the  Divine 
government,  makes  an  aimless  chaos  of  the  past,  and  a 
gloomy  obscurity  of  the  future;  but,  in  the  "hour  of 
death  and  in  the  dny  of  judgment,"  the  boldest  atheist  in 
existence  would  thankfully  exchange  his  failing  theories 
for  the  poor  African's  simple  creed. 

Providence,  which  has  not  endowed  the  negro  with  in- 
tellectual ])owers  of  tlu>  highest  order,  ha?  given  him  an 
amount  oi lieurt  and  enthusiasm  to  which  we  are  strangers. 
lie  is  warm  and  ardent  in  his  ;ittaehments,  fierce  in  his 
resentfulness,  terrible  in  his  revenge.  The  black  troops  of 
our  West  Indian  colonies,  when  let  loose,  fight  with  more 
fury  and  bloodthirstiness  than  those  of  any  white  race. 
This  temperament  is  carried  into  religion,  and  nowhere 
on  eartli  does  our  Lord  tind  a  more  loving  and  zealous 
disciple  than  in  Mie  converted  and  Christianized  negro. 
It  is  indeed  true  that,  in  America  only,  more  than  three 
million  free-born  Africans  wear  the  chains  of  servitude  ; 
but  it  is  no  less  true  that  in  many  instances  the  Gospel 
has  penetrated  the  shades    of  their  Egyptian  darkness,. 

giving  them 

"A  eloar  c,scai)e  from  tyrannizing  lust, 
A  full  iuimuuity  from  jieual  woe." 


ClIAP.   IX. 



Many  persons  who  have  crossed  the  Atlantic  without 
annoyance  are  discomposed  by  the  short  chopping  surges 
of  tliese  inland  seas,  and  the  poor  negresses  sutlered 
dreadfully  from  sea-sickness. 

As  the  stewardess  was  upstairs,  and  too  ill  herself  to 
attend  upon  any  one,  I  did  what  I  ccmld  for  them,  getting 
them  pillows,  camj)hor,  &c.,  only  too  happy  that  I  was  in 
a  condition  to  be  useful.  One  of  them,  a  young  married 
woman  with  a  baby  of  three  months  old,  was  alarmingly 
ill,  and,  as  the  poor  infant  was  in  danger  of  being  seriously 
injured  by  the  rolling  of  the  ship,  1  took  it  on  my  lap 
for  an  hour  till  the  gale  moderated,  thereby  gaining  the 
lasting  kindly  remembrance  of  its  poor  mother.  I  am 
sure  that  a  white  infant  would  have  screamed  in  a  most 
appalling  way,  for,  as  I  had  never  taken  a  baby  in  my 
arms  before,  I  held  it  in  a  very  awkward  manner ;  but 
the  poor  little  black  thing,  wearied  with  its  struggles  on 
the  floor,  lay  very  passively,  every  now  and  then  turning 
its  little  monkey-face  up  to  mine,  with  a  look  of  under- 
standing and  confidence  which  quite  conciliated  my  good 
will.  It  was  so  awfully  ugly,  so  much  like  a  black  aj)e, 
and  so  little  like  the  young  of  the  human  sj)ecies,  that  I 
was  obliged  while  I  held  it  to  avert  my  eyes  from  it,  lost 
in  a  sudden  fit  of  foolish  prejudice  and  disg^ist  L  should 
let  it  fall.  Meanwhile,  the  Southern  Wly  was  very  ilK 
but  not  too  ill,  I  am  sorr^*  to  sa,y,  to  box  the  ears  of  her 

The  gale  moderated  about  nine  in  the  morning,  leaving 
a  very  rough,  foamy  sea,  which  reflected  in  a  peculiarly 
dazzling  and  disagreeable  way  tb«  cloudloss  and  ])iercing 
blue  of  the  sky.     The  saloon  lookeil  as  magniticent  as  by 



■  I 

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Chap.  IX. 


Im  'l 

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^3  m 

candlo-llght,  with  the  sunshine  streaming  through  a 
running  window  of  stained  glass. 

Dinner  on  a  plentiful  scale  was  served  at  one,  hut  out 
of  300  passengers  only  ahout  30  were  able  to  avail  them- 
selves of  it.  Large  glass  tubs  of  vanilla  cream-ice  were 
served.  The  voyage  was  peculiarly  uninteresting,  as  we 
were  out  of  sight  of  land  nearly  the  whole  day  ;  my  friend 
the  widow  did  not  appear,  and,  when  I  attempted  to  write, 
the  inkstand  rolled  off  the  table.  It  was  just  sunset  when 
we  rea(;hed  Buffalo,  and  moored  at  a  wharf  crowded  with 
large  steamers  receiving  and  discharging  cargo.  Owing 
to  the  gale,  we  were  two  hours  too  late  for  the  Niagara 
cars,  and  I  slej)t  at  the  Western  Hotel,  where  I  received 
every  attention. 

Buffalo  is  one  of  the  host  samples  of  American  progress. 
It  is  a  regularly  laid- out  and  substantially  built  city  of 
(55,000  inhabitants.  It  is  still  in  the  vigour  of  youth, 
for  the  j)resent  town  only  dates  from  1813.  It  stands 
at  the  foot  of  Lake  Erie,  at  the  opening  of  the  Hudson 
caTial,  where  the  commerce  of  the  great  chain  of  inland 
lakes  is  condensed.  It  is  very  "  going  ahead ;"  its  in- 
habitants are  ever  changing ;  its  population  is  composed 
of  all  nations,  with  a  very  large  proportion  of  Germans, 
Irench,  and  Irish.  But  their  national  characteristics, 
though  not  lost,  are  seen  through  a  medium  of  pure  Ame- 
ricanism., They  all  rush  about — the  lethargic  German 
keeps  pace  with  the  energetic  Yankee ;  and  the  Irish- 
man, no  longer  in  rags,  "  guesses "  and  "  spekilates  " 
in  the  brogue  of  Erin.  Western  travellers  pass  through 
Buffalo  ;  tourists  bound  for  Canada  pass  through  Buffalo  ; 
the  traffic  of  lakes,  canals,  and  several  lines  of  rail  centres 

I     .:*' 

ti      ■:  Kl    H 


Chap.  IX. 



at  Buffalo ;  so  engines  scivam,  and  steamers  puff,  all  day 
long.  It  has  a  groat  shipbuilding  trade,  and  to  all  ap- 
pearance is  one  of  the  most  progressive  and  go-ahead 
cities  in  the  Union. 

I  left  Buffalo  on  a  dear,  frosty  morfiing,  hy  a  line 
which  ran  between  lumber-yards  *  on  a  prodigious  scale 
and  the  hard  white  beach  of  Lake  Erie.  Soon  after 
leaving  the  city,  the  lake  becomes  narrow  and  rnpid,  and 
finally  hurries  along  with  fearful  velocity.  I  knew  that  I 
was  looking  at  the  commencement  of  the  r.ipids  of  Niagara, 
but  the  cars  ran  into  some  clearings,  and  pres^ently  stoj)ped 
at  a  very  bustling  station,  where  a  very  officious  man 
shouted,  "Niagara  Falls  Station!"  The  name  grated 
unpleasantly  upon  my  ears.  A  man  a])])eared  at  the  door 
of  the  car  in  which  I  was  the  only  passenger  —  ''  Vou  for 
Lcwiston,  quick,  this  way  !"  and  hurried  me  into  a  stage 
of  uncouth  construction,  drawn  by  four  horses.  We 
jolted  along  the  very  wor:«t  road  I  ever  travelled  on — 
corduroy  was  Elysium  to  it.  No  level  was  observed  ;  it 
seemed  to  be  a  mere  track  along  waste  land,  running 
through  holes,  over  hillocks  and  stumps  of  trees.  We 
were  one  hour  and  three-quarters  in  going  a  short  seven 
miles.  If  I  had  been  better  acquainted  with  the  neigh- 
bourhood, I  might,  as  I  only  found  out  when  it  was  too 
late,  have  crossed  the  bridge  at  Niagara  Falls,  spent  three 
hours  in  sight  of  Niagara,  proceeding  to  Queenston  in  time 
for  the  steamer  by  the  Canada  cars ! 

On  our  way  to  Lewiston  we  met  forty  of  these  four- 
horse  stages.     I  caught  a  distant  view  of  the  falls,  and  a 

*  Lumber  is  sawu  timber. 

I    o 


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ClIAl".  IX. 

nearer  one  of  the  yet  incomplete  suspension  bridge,  which, 
when  finished,  will  bo  one  of  the  greatest  triumphs  of 
ennrineeriiic;  art. 

Beyond  this  the  scenery  is  very  beautiful.  Tlie  road 
runs  among  forest  trees  of  luxuriant  growth,  and  peach 
and  apple  orchards,  upon  the  American  bank  of  the 
Niagara  river.  This  bank  is  a  cliff  300  feet  hiLrh,  and 
from  the  edge  of  the  road  you  may  throw  a  stone  into  the 
boiling  torrent  below ;  yei'  the  only  parapet  is  a  rotten 
fence,  in  many  places  com})letely  destroyed.  When  you 
begin  to  descend  the  steep  hill  to  Lewiston  the  drive  is 
absolutely  frightful.  The  cumbrous  vehicle  creaks,  jolts, 
and  swings,  and,  in  spite  of  friction-breaks  and  other 
appliances,  gradually  acquires  an  impetus  which  sends  it 
at  full  speed  down  the  tremendous  hill,  and  round  the 
sharp  corner,  to  the  hotel  at  Lewiston.  While  I  was 
waiting  there  watching  the  stages,  and  buying  peaches, 
of  which  I  got  six  for  a  penny,  a  stage  came  at  full  speed 
down  the  hill,  with  only  two  men  on  the  driving-seat. 
The  back  straps  had  evidently  given  way,  and  the  whole 
machine  had  a  tendency  to  jump  forward,  w  hen,  in  coming 
down  the  steepest  part  of  the  declivity,  it  got  a  jolt,  and 
in  the  most  ridiculous  way  turned  "  topsy-turvy,"  the 
roof  coming  down  upon  the  horses'  backs.  The  men  were 
thrown  olf  unhurt,  but  the  poor  animals  were  very  much 
cut  and  bruised. 

I  crossed  Lake  Ontario  to  Toronto  in  the  Peerless,  a 
very  smart,  safe,  iron  steamer,  with  the  saloon  and  chief 
weight  below.  The  fittings  of  this  beautiful  little  vessel 
are  in  perfect  taste.  A\  e  stopped  for  two  hours  at  the 
wliarf  at  Niagara,  a  town  on  the  British  side,  protected 

Chap.  IX. 



once  by  a  now  disused  and  dismantled  fort.  Tho  cars  at 
lengtli  came  up,  two  hoars  after  tlieir  time,  and  tlie 
excuse  given  for  the  delay  was,  that  they  had  run  over  a 
cow  ! 

In  grim  contrast  to  the  dismantled  English  Fort  ]Mas- 
sassaqua,  Fort  Niagara  stands  on  the  American  side,  and 
is  a  place  of  considerable  strength.  There  I  saw  sentinels 
in  gi'ey  uniforms,  and  the  flag  of  the  stars  and  strij)es. 

Captain  D —  of  the  Peerless  brought  his  beautiful  little 
vessel  from  the  Clyde  in  6000  pieces,  and  is  ju>tly  proud 
of  iier.  I  sat  next  him  at  dinner,  and  found  that  we 
knew  some  of  the  same  people  in  Scotland.  Gaelic  was  a 
further  introduction  ;  and  though  so  many  thousand  miles 
away,  for  a  moment  I  felt  myself  at  home  when  we 
spoke  of  the  majestic  Cuchullins  and  the  heathery  braes 
(.if  Balquidder.  In  the  Peerless  every  one  took  wine  or 
liqueurs.  There  was  no  bill  of  fare,  but  a  long  list  of 
wines  and  spirits  was  placed  by  each  plate.  Instead  of 
being  disturbed  in  the  middle  of  dinner  by  a  poke  on 
the  shoulder,  and  the  demand,  "  Dinner  ticket,  or  fifty 
cents,"  I  was  allowed  to  remain  as  long  as  I  pleased, 
and  at  the  conclusion  of  the  vovage  a  gentlemanlv  lli2;h- 
land  purser  asked  me  for  my  passage  and  dinner  money 

We  passed  a  number  of  brigs  and  schooners  under  full 
sail,  their  canvass  remarkable  for  its  whiteness ;  their 
hulls  also  were  snowy  white.  They  looked  as  thougli 
"  they  were  drifting  with  the  dead,  to  shores  where  all  was 

Late  in  the  evening  we  entered  the  harbour  of  Toronto, 
which  is  a  very  capacious  one,  and   is  protected  by  a 





Chap.  IX, 

9    ♦ 

*?!   '■ 

•  J 

i  (1 


»  r, 

natural  mole  of  sand  some  miles  In  extent.  Though  this 
breakwater  has  some  houses  and  a  few  trees,  it  is  the 
picture  of  dreary  desolation. 

The  city  of  Toronto,  the  stronghold  of  Canadian  learn- 
ing and  loyalty,  presents  an  imposing  appearance,  as  seen 
from  the  water.  It  stands  on  ground  sloping  upwjrrds 
from  the  lake,  and  manufactories,  colleges,  asylums,  church 
spires,  and  public  buildings,  the  whole  faced  by  a  hand- 
some line  of  quays,  present  themselves  at  once  to  the 

A  soft  and  familiar  sound  came  off  from  the  shore  ;  it 
was  the  well-known  note  of  the  British  bugle,  and  the  flag 
whose  silken  folds  were  rising  and  falling  on  the  breeze 
was  the  meteor  flag  of  England.  Long  may  it  brave 
"the  battle  and  the  breezj"!  English  uniforms  were 
glancing  among  the  crowd  on  the  quay,  English  faces  sur- 
rounded me,  English  voices  rang  in  my  ears  ;  the  necjlifje 
costumes  which  met  my  eyes  were  in  the  best  style  of 
England.  A  thrill  of  pleasure  went  through  my  heart 
on  finding,  more  than  4000  miles  from  home,  the  charac- 
teristics of  my  own  loved  land. 

But  I  must  add  that  there  were  unpleasant  cha- 
racteristics peculiarly  English  also.  I  could  never  have 
landed,  the  confusion  was  so  great,  had  not  Captain  D — 
assisted  me.  One  porter  ran  off  with  one  trunk,  another 
with  another,  while  three  were  fighting  for  the  possession 
of  my  valise,  till  silenced  by  the  cane  of  a  custom-house 
officer.  Tlien  there  was  a  clamorous  demand  for 
"  wharfage,"  and  the  hackman  charged  half  a  dollar  for 
taking  me  a  quarter  of  a  mile.  All  this  somewhat  damped 
my  ecstacies,  and  contrasted  unfavourably  with  the  orderly 

Chap.  IX. 



and  easy  way  in  which  I  landed  on  the  shore  of  the  United 

At  Russell's  Hotel  I  rejoined  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walrc^nce, 
who  said  "  they  would  have  been  extremely  surprised  if 
a  lady  in  theh'  country  had  met  with  the  slightest  diffi- 
culty or  annoyance"  in  travelling  alone  for  700  miles  ! 

My  ecstacies  were  still  further  toned  down  when  I  woke 
the  next  morning  with  my  neck,  hands,  and  face  stinging 
and  swollen  from  the  bites  of  innumerable  mosquitoes. 

■    iiV'^iJ^-  'I' 




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Chap.  X. 


The  Place  of  Council  —  Its  progress  auil  its  people  —  English  hearts  — 
"  Sebastopol  is  taken" — Squibs  and  crackers  —  A  ship  on  her 
beani-en'ls  —  Selfishness  —  A  niougi'el  city  —  A  Soot  —  Constancy 
rewarded  —  Monetary  difficulties  —  Detention  on  a  bridge  —  A 
Canadian  homestead  —  Lifu  in  the  clearings  —  The  bush  on  fire  — 
A  word  on  farming  —  The  '*  bee '"  and  its  produce  —  Eccentricities  of 
Mr,  Haldimands  —  A  ride  on  a  troop-horse  —  Scotcli  patriotism  — 
An  English  church  —  The  servant  nuisance  —  Eichard  Cobden. 

The  pooplo  of  Toronto  informed  mo,  immediately  on  my 
arrival  in  their  city,  that  "  Toronto  is  the  most  English 
place  to  be  met  with  out  of  England."  At  first  I  was  at 
a  loss  to  understand  their  meaning.  AVooden  houses, 
long  streets  crossing  eacl'  other  at  right  tingles,  and 
wooden  side-walks,  looked  very  un-English  to  my  eye. 
But  when  I  had  been  for  a  few  days  at  Toronto,  and  had 
become  accustomed  to  the  necessarily-unfinished  appear- 
ance of  a  town  which  has  only  enjoyed  sixty  years  of 
existence,  I  fully  agreed  with  the  laudatory  remarks 
passed  upon  it.  The  wooden  houses  have  altogether  dis- 
appeared from  the  principal  streets,  and  have  been  replaced 
by  substantial  erections  of  brick  and  stone.  The  churches 
are  numerous,  and  of  tasteful  architecture.  The  public 
edifices  are  well  situated  and  very  handsome.  King 
Street,  the  principal  thoroughfare,  is  two  miles  in  length, 
and  the  side-walks  are  lined  with  handsome  shops.  The 
outskirts  of  Toronto  abound  in  villa  residences,  standing 

Chap.  X, 



in  gardens  or  shrubberies.  The  people  do  not  run  "  Jiurrij 
skurr?/"  along  the  streets,  but  there  are  no  idlers  to  be 
observed.  Hirsute  eccentricities  have  also  disappeared  ; 
the  bearu  is  rarely  seen,  and  the  moustache  is  not  considered 
a  necessary  ornament.  The  faded  careworn  look  of  the 
American  ladies  has  given  place  to  the  bright  complexion, 
the  dimpled  smile,  and  the  active  elastic  tread,  so  peculiarly 
English.  Indeed,  in  walking  along  the  streets,  there  is 
nothing  to  tell  that  one  is  not  in  England  ;  and  if  anything 
were  needed  to  complete  the  illusion,  those  sure  tokens  of 
British  civilisation,  a  jail  and  a  lunatic  asylum,  are  not 

Toronto  possesses  in  a  remarkable  degree  the  appear- 
ances of  stability  and  progress.  No  town  on  the  Western 
Continent  has  progressed  more  raj)idly ;  certainly  none 
more  surely.  I  conversed  with  an  old  gentleman  who 
remembered  its  site  when  it  was  covered  with  a  forest, 
when  the  smoke  of  Indian  wigwams  ascended  through 
the  trees,  and  when  wild  fowl  crowded  the  waters  of  the 
harbour.  The  place  then  bore  the  name  of  Toronto — the 
Place  of  Council.  The  name  was  changed  by  tlie  first 
settlers  to  Little  York,  but  in  1814  its  euphonious  name 
of  Toronto  was  again  bestowcl  upon  it.  Its  population  in 
1801  was  33G ;  it  is  now  nearly  50,000. 

Toronto  is  not  the  fungus  growth,  scaring  and  wooden, 
of  a  temporary  necessity  ;  it  is  the  reiult  of  persevering 
industry,  well-applied  capital,  and  healthy  and  progressive 
commercial  prosperity.  Various  railroads  are  in  course 
of  construction,  which  will  make  it  the  exporting  market 
for  the  increasing  produce  of  the  interior ;  and  as  the 
migratory   Canadian    Legislature    is    now   stationary   at 


(■-■ . 

,.   V 

^ '■■■;■.         •':■' 




Chap.  X. 







V. : 

Toronto  for  four  years,  its  future  i)rngress  will  probably 
be  more  ra])i(l  tlian  its  past.  Its  wbarfs  are  always 
crowded  with  freight  and  passenger  steamers,  by  which 
it  communicates  two  or  three  times  a  day  with  the  great 
cities  of  the  United  States,  and  Quebec  and  Montreal. 
It  is  the  seat  of  Canadian  learning,  and,  besides  excel- 
lent schools,  possesses  a  university,  and  several  theo- 
logical and  general  seminaries.  The  society  is  said  to  be 
highly  superior.  I  give  willing  testimony  in  favour  of  this 
assertion,  from  the  little  which  I  saw  of  it,  but  an  attack 
of  ague  prevented  me  from  presenting  my  letters  of  intro- 
duction. It  is  a  very  musical  place,  and  at  Toronto  Jenny 
Lind  gave  the  only  concerts  with  which  she  honoured 
Canada.  X  large  number  of  the  inhabitants  are  Scotch, 
which  may  account  for  the  admirable  way  in  which  the 
Sabbath  is  observed. 

If  I  was  pleased  to  find  that  the  streets,  the  stores,  the 
accent,  the  manners  were  English,  I  was  rejoiced  to  see 
that  from  the  highest  to  the  lowest  the  hearts  of  the 
people  were  English  also.  I  was  at  Toronto  when  the 
false  despatch  was  received  announcing  the  capture  of 
Sebastopol  and  of  the  Russian  army.  I  was  spending  the 
evening  at  the  house  of  a  friend,  when  a  gentleman  ran 
in  to  say  that  the  church  bells  were  ringing  for  a  great 
victory !  It  was  but  the  work  of  a,  few  minutes  for  us  to 
jump  into  a  hack,  and  drive  at  full  speed  to  the  office  of 
the  Globe  newspaper,  where  the  report  was  apparently 
confirmed.  A  great  crowd  in  a  state  of  eager  excitement 
besieged  the  doors,  and  })resently  a  man  mounted  on  a 
lamp-post  read  the  words,  "  Sebastojwl  is  taken !  The 
Russian  Jlcet  burnt !  Eighteen  thousand  hilled  and  wounded. 

■  rr^ 

V  ■(. 

Chap.  X. 



Loss  of  the  Allies^  two  thousand  five  Jiundrcd.''^  This 
news  had  been  telegraphed  from  Boston,  and  surely  the 
trembling  tongue  of  steel  had  never  before  told  such  a 
bloody  tale.  One  shout  of  "  Hurrah  for  Old  England  " 
burst  from  the  crowd,  and  hearty  English  cheers  were 
given,  which  were  caught  up  and  repeated  down  the 
crowded  streets  of  Toronto.  The  shout  thrilled  through 
my  heart ;  it  told  that  the  flag  of  England  waved  over 
the  loyal,  true-hearted,  and  brave  ;  it  told  of  attachment 
to  the  constitution  and  the  throne  ;  it  told  that  in  our 
times  of  difficulty  and  danger  "  St.  George  and  merry 
England  "  would  prove  a  gathering  cry  even  on  the  pros- 
perous shores  of  Lake  Ontario.  Greater  enthusiasm 
could  not  have  been  exhibited  on  the  receipt  of  this 
false  but  glorious  news  in  any  city  at  home.  The  bells, 
which  a  few  days  before  had  tolled  for  the  catastrophe  of 
the  Arctic,  now  pealed  forth  in  triumph  for  the  victory  of 
the  Alma.  Toronto  knew  no  rest  on  that  night.  Those 
who  rejoiced  over  a  victory  gained  over  the  northern 
despot  were  those  who  had  successfully  resisted  the 
despotism  of  a  band  of  rebels.  The  streets  were  almost 
impassable  from  the  crowds  who  thronged  them.  Hand- 
rockets  exploded  almost  into  people's  eyes — serpents  and 
squibs  were  hissing  and  cracking  over  the  pavements — 
and  people  were  rushing  in  all  directions  for  fuel  for  the 
different  bonfires.  The  largest  of  these  was  opposite  the 
St.  Lawrence  Hall.  It  was  a  monster  one  of  tar-barrels, 
and  lighted  up  the  whole  street,  paling  the  sickly  flame 
of  the  gas-lamps.  There  was  a  large  and  accumulating 
crowd  round  it,  shouting,  "  Hurrah  for  Old  England  ! 
Down  witn  the  Rooshians !  Three  cheers  for  the  Queen  !" 



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Chap.  X. 

carnl  tliu  \\h\  Sky-rockets  were  blazing  higli  in  air, 
men  woro  ru^iruig  about  firing  niuskot-s,  tbe  small  swivcU 
of  the  steamers  at  the  wharfs  v\ere  firing  incessantly,  and 
carts  with  combustibles  were  going  at  full  speed  along 
the  streets,  each  fresh  arrival  being  hailed  with  enthu- 
siastic cheering.  'J  here  were  firemen,  too,  in  their  pic- 
turesque dresses,  who  had  turned  out  at  the  first  sound  of 
the  bells,  and  their  services  were  soon  put  in  requisition, 
for  enthusiasm  produced  recklessness,  and  two  or  three 
shingle-roofs  were  set  on  fire  by  the  descent  of  rockets 
upon  them.  This  display  of  attachment  to  England  was 
not  confined  to  the  loyal  and  aristocratic  city  of  Toronto  ; 
at  Hamilton,  a  thriving  commercial  place,  of  suspected 
American  tendencies,  the  town-council  was  assembled  at 
the  time  the  despatch  was  received,  and  instantly  voted  a 
sum  for  an  illumination. 

From  my  jjraise  of  Toronto  I  must  except  the  hotels, 
which  are  of  a  very  inferior  class.  I'hey  are  a  poor  imi- 
tation of  those  in  the  States.  Russell's  Hotel,  at  which 
I  stayed  for  eight  days,  was  a  disagreeable  contrast  to 
the  National  Hotel  at  Detroit,  and  another  of  some  pre- 
tensions, the  North  American,  was  said  to  be  even  more 
comfortless.  The  bedrooms  at  Russell's  swarmed  with 
mosquitoes ;  and  the  waiters,  who  were  runaway  slaves, 
were  inattentive  and  uncivil. 

After  staying  some  little  time  with  my  friends  at 
Toronto,  I  went  to  pay  a  visit  to  some  friends  at  Ha- 
milton. The  afternoon  was  very  windy  and  stormy.  The 
lake  looked  very  unpromising  from  the  wharf;  the  island 
protected  the  harbour,  but  beyond  this  the  waves  were 
breaking   with  fury.     Several  persons  who  came  down. 

Chap.  X. 



intending  to  take  their  passage  for  Hamilton,  were  de- 
terred by  the  threatening  aspect  of  the  weather,  hut,  not 
having  heard  anything  againat  the  character  of  Lake 
Ontario,  1  had  snfficient  confidence  in  it  to  persevere  in 
my  intention.  I  said  to  tlie  captain,  "  I  snjjpose  it  won't 
be  rongh  ?"  to  which  he  replied  that  he  could  not  flatter 
me  by  saying  so,  adding  that  he  had  never  seen  so  many 
persons  sick  as  m  the  morning.  Dinner  was  served 
immediately  on  our  leaving  the  harbour,  hut  the  number 
of  those  who  sat  down,  at  firt^t  about  thirty,  soon  dimi- 
nished to  five,  he  others  having  rushed  in  a  most  mys- 
terious manner  to  state  rooms  or  windows.  For  my  own 
part,  I  cannot  say  that  the  allowed  excellence  of  the 
cuisine  tempted  me  to  make  a  very  substantial  meal,  and 
I  was  glad  of  an  excuse  for  retiring  to  a  state-room, 
which  I  shared  with  a  lady  who  had  just  taken  leave  of 
her  three  children.  This  cabin  was  very  prettily  arranged, 
but  the  movements  of  things  were  rather  erratic,  and  my 
valise  gave  most  disagreeable  manifestations  of  spiritual 

The  ship  was  making  little  way,  and  rolling  and  pitch- 
ing fearfully,  and,  knowing  how  very  top-heavy  she  was, 
I  did  not  at  all  like  the  glimpses  of  raging  water  which 
I  with  difficulty  obtained  through  the  cabin  windows.  To 
understand  what  followed  it  will  be  necessary  for  the 
reader  to  recollect  that  the  saloon  and  state-rooms  in  this 
vessel  formed  an  erection  or  deck-house  about  eight  feet 
high  upon  the  deck,  and  that  the  part  of  the  saloon 
where  most  of  the  passengers  were  congregated,  as  well 
as  the  state-room  where  I  was  sitting,  were  within  a  few 
feet  of  the  bow  of  the  ship,  and  consequently  exposed  to 





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tlie  fury  of  tl)o  waves.  I  luul  sat  in  my  state-room  for 
half  an  liour,  feeling  very  apathetic,  nnd  wishing  myself 
anywhere  but  where  I  was,  when  something  struck  the 
ship,  and  the  wretched  fabric  fell  over  on  her  side. 
Another  and  anotiier — then  silence  for  a  second,  broken 
only  l)y  the  crash  and  roar  of  winds  and  waters.  The 
inner  door  burst  oj)en,  letting  in  an  inundation  of  water. 
My  companion  jumj)ed  up,  shrieking,  "  Oh,  my  children  I 
we're  lost — we're  lost !"  and  crawled,  pale  and  trembling, 
into  the  saloon.  The  vessel  was  lying  on  her  side,  there- 
fore locomotion  was  .aost  difficult ;  but  sea-sick  people 
were  emerging  from  their  state-rooms,  shrieking,  some 
that  they  were  lost — others  for  their  children — others  for 
mercy  ;  while  a  group  of  gentlemen,  less  noisy,  but  not 
less  frightened,  and  drenched  to  the  skin,  were  standing 
together,  with  pale  and  ashy  faces.  "  What  is  the 
matter?"  inquired  my  companion,  taking  hold  of  one  of 
these  men.  "  Say  your  prayers,  for  we  arc  going  down," 
was  the  brutal  reply.  For  the  first  and  only  time  during 
my  American  travels  I  was  really  petrified  with  fear. 
Suddenly  a  wave  struck  the  hapless  vessel,  and  with  a 
stunning  crash  broke  through  the  thin  woodwork  of  the 
side  of  the  saloon.  I  caught  hold  of  a  life-buoy  which 
was  near  me — a  gentleman  clutched  it  from  me,  for  fright 
makes  some  men  selfish — and,  breathless,  I  was  thrown 
down  into  the  gurgling  water.  1  learned  then  how  quickly 
thoughts  can  pass  through  the  mind,  for  in  those  few 
seconds  I  thought  less  of  the  anticipated  death-struggle 
amid  the  boiling  surges  of  the  lake,  and  of  the  quiet 
sleep  beneath  its  gloomy  waters,  than  of  the  unsatisfactory 
manner  in  which  those  at  home  would  glean  the  terrible 

Chap.  X. 



tidings  from  the  accident  columns  of  u  newspapor.  Another 
minute,  and  1  was  swept  tln-ough  the  open  door  into  a 
state-room — another  one  of  suspense,  and  the  ship  righted 
as  if  by  a  superhuman  effort.  There  seemed  a  respite — 
there  was  a  silence,  broken  only  by  tiie  roar  of  winds  and 
waves,  and  with  the  res[)ite  came  hope.  Shortly  after,  the 
master  of  the  ship  apjjeared,  with  his  hat  off,  and  com- 
pletely drenched.  "  Thank  God,  we're  safe  !"  he  said, 
and  returned  to  his  duty.  We  had  all  supposed  that  we 
had  struck  on  a  rock  or  wreck.  I  never  knew  the  precise 
nature  of  our  danger  beyond  this,  that  the  vessel  had 
been  thrown  on  her  beam-ends  in  a  squall,  and  that,  the 
wind  inmiediately  veering  round,  the  fury  of  the  waves 
had  been  spent  upon  her. 

Many  of  the  passengers  now  wished  the  captain  to 
return,  but  he  said  that  he  should  incur  greater  danger  in 
an  attempt  to  make  the  harbour  of  Toronto  than  by  pro- 
ceeding down  the  open  lake.  For  some  time  nothing  was 
to  be  seen  but  a  dense  fog,  a  storm  of  sleet  which  quite 
darkened  the  air,  and  raging  waves,  on  which  we  mounted 
sometimes,  while  at  others  we  were  buried  between  them. 
In  another  hour  the  gale  had  completely  subsided,  and, 
after  we  had  changed  our  drenched  habiliments,  no  token 
remained  of  the  previous  storm  but  the  drowned  and  dis- 
mantled appearance  of  the  saloon,  and  the  resolution  on 
my  own  mind  never  to  trust  myself  again  on  one  of  these 
fearful  lakes.  I  was  amused  to  observe  that  those  people 
who  had  displayed  the  greatest  symptoms  of  fear  during 
the  storm  were  the  first  to  protest  that,  "  as  for  them, 
they  never  thought  there  was  any  danger."  The  after- 
noon, though  cold,  was  extremely  beautiful,  but,  owing  to 

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Chap.  X. 

storm  in   the  early  part  of  our  voyage,  we  did  not 
ch  Hamilton  till  nightfall,  or  throe  hours  after  our 
appointed  time. 

I  do  not  like  these  inland  lakes,  or  tideless  fresh-water 
seas,  as  they  may  more  appropriately  be  termed.  I  know 
Lake  Ontario  well  ;  I  have  crossed  it  twiee,  and  have 
been  up  and  down  it  five  times.  1  have  sojourned  upon 
its  shores,  and  have  seen  them  under  the  hot  light  of  an 
autumn  sun,  and  underneath  a  mantle  of  wintry  snow ; 
but  there  is  to  me  something  j)ecnliarly  oppressive  about 
this  vast  expanse  of  water.  If  the  lake  is  rough,  there 
arc  no  harbours  of  refuge  in  which  to  take  shelter — if 
calm,  the  waters,  though  blue,  pure,  ahd  clear,  look 
monotonous  and  dead.  'ilie  very  ships  look  lonely 
things ;  their  hulls  and  sails  are  white,  and  some  of  them 
have  been  known  in  time  of  cholera  to  drift  over  the  lake 
from  day  to  day,  with  none  to  guide  the  helm.  The 
shores,  too,  are  flat  and  uninteresting ;  my  eyes  wearied 
of  following  that  interminable  boundary  of  trees  stretching 
away  to  the  distant  horizon. 

Yet  Lake  Ontario  affords  great  advantages  to  both 
Canada  and  the  United  States.  The  former  has  the  large 
towns  of  ILamilton,  Toronto,  and  Kingston  on  its  shores, 
witii  the  exporting  ])laces  of  Oakville,  Credit,  and  Co- 
bourg.  The  important  towns  of  Oswego  and  Rochester, 
with  smaller  ones  too  numerous  to  name,  are  on  the 
American  side.  This  lake  is  five  hundred  miles  round, 
and,  owing  to  its  very  great  depth,  never  freezes,  except 
just  along  the  shores.  An  innncnse  trade  is  carried  on 
upon  it,  botli  in  steamers  and  sailing  vessels.  A  ship- 
canal  connects   Lake   Ontario  with   Lake  Erie,  th.'U-eby 

Chap.  X. 



overcoming  the  obstacle  to  navigation  produced  by  the 
Falls  of  Niagara.  This  stupendous  work  is  called  the 
Welland  Canal. 

At  Hamilton  I  received  a  most  cordial  welcome  from 
the  friends  whom  I  went  to  visit,  and  saw  something  of 
the  surrounding  country.  It  is,  I  think,  the  most  bust- 
ling place  in  Canada.  It  is  a  very  juvenile  city,  yet 
already  lias  a  population  of  twenty-five  thousand  peoj)le. 
The  stores  and  hotels  are  handsome,  and  the  streets 
are  brilliantly  lighted  with  gas.  Hamilton  has  a  pecu- 
liarly unfinished  appearance.  Indications  of  j)rogress 
meet  one  on  every  side — there  are  houses  being  built,  and 
houses  being  pulled  down  to  make  room  for  larger  and 
more  substantial  ones — streets  are  being  extended,  and 
new  ones  are  being  staked  out,  and  every  external  feature 
seems  to  be  accpiiring  fresh  and  raj)id  development. 
People  hurry  about  as  if  their  lives  depended  on  their 
speed.  "  I  guess  "  and  "  I  calculate  "  are  frecjucntly 
heard,  together  with  "  Well  posted  up,"  and  "  A  long 
chalk  ;"  and  locomotives  and  steamers  whistle  all  day 
long.  Hamilton  is  a  very  Americanised  place,  i  heard 
of  "  grievances,  independence,  and  annexation,"  and,  alto- 
gether, should  have  supposed  it  to  be  on  the  other  side  of 
the  boundary-line. 

It  is  situated  on  a  little  lake,  called  Burlington  Bay, 
separated  from  Lake  Ontario  by  a  narrow  strij)  of 
sandy  shingle.  This  has  been  cut  through,  and,  as  two 
steamers  leave  the  pier  at  Hamilton  at  the  same  hour 
every  morning,  there  is  a  daily  and  very  exciting  race 
for  the  first  entrance  into  the  narrow  passnge.  Tliis 
racing  is  sometimes  productive  of  very  serious  collisions. 






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Chap.  X. 



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The  town  is  built  upon  very  low  and  aguish  ground, 
at  the  foot  of  a  peculiar  and  steep  eminence,  which  the 
inhabitants  dignify  with  the  name  of  the  Mountain.  I 
ascended  this  mountain,  which  might  better  be  called 
a  molehill,  by  a  flight  of  a  hundred  and  thirty  steps. 
The  view  from  the  top  was  very  magnificent,  but,  as  an 
elevated  building  offered  us  one  still  more  extensive,  we 
ascended  to  the  roof  by  six  flights  of  steps,  to  see  a 
camera  obsciira  which  was  ostentatiously  advertised.  A 
very  good  camera  obsmira  might  have  been  worth  so 
long  an  ascent  in  a  house  redolent  of  spirits  and  onions ; 
but  after  we  had  reached  the  top,  with  a  great  expen- 
diture of  toil  and  breath,  a  ragged,  shoeless  little  boy 
very  pompously  opened  the  door  of  a  small  wooden 
erection,  and  introduced  us  to  four  panes  of  coloured 
glass,  through  which  we  viewed  the  town  of  Hamilton, 
under  the  different  aspects  of  spring,  summer,  autumn, 
and  winter ! 

Dundurn  Castle,  a  handsome,  castellated,  baronial- 
looking  building,  the  residence  of  the  present  Premier, 
Sir  Allan  M'Nab,  is  near  Hamilton,  and  it  has  besides 
some  very  handsome  stone  villa  residences.  There  1  sav.', 
for  the  first  and  only  time  in  the  New  World,  beautifully 
kept  grass  lawns,  with  flower-beds  in  the  English  style. 
One  very  fine  morning,  when  the  maple-leaves  were  tinted 
with  the  first  scarlet  of  the  fall,  my  friends  took  me  to 
see  Ancaster  and  Dundas ;  the  former,  an  old  place, 
very  like  some  of  our  grey,  quiet  Lancashire  villages — 
the  latter  a  good  type  of  the  rapid  development  and  en- 
terprising spirit  which  arc  making  Canada  West  to  rival 
the  States  in  rapidity  of  progress.     There  were  bridges 

n  !■'■•: 


Chap.  X. 



in  course  of  construction — railway  embankments  swarm- 
ing with  labourers — macadamised  roads  succeeding  those 
of  corduroy  and  plank — snake-fences  giving  place  to 
those  of  posts  and  rails,  and  stone  walls — and  saw  and 
grist  mills  werj  springing  up  wherever  a  "  water  privi- 
lege "  could  be  found.  Laden  waggons  proceeded  heavily 
along  the  roads,  and  the  encouraging  announcements  of 
"  Cash  for  wheat,"  and  "  Cash  for  wool,"  were  frequently 
to  be  seen.  The  views  were  very  fine  as  we  skirted  the 
Mountain,  but  Canadian  scenery  is  monotonous  and  rather 
gloomy  ;  though  the  glorious  tints  of  the  American  fall 
give  the  leaves  of  some  of  the  trees  the  appearance  rather 
of  tropical  flowers  than  of  foliage. 

Ancaster  is  an  old  place,  outstripped  by  towns  of  ten 
years'  existence,  as  it  has  neither  a  port  nor  a  river.  There 
was  an  agricultural  show,  and  monster  pum})kins  and 
overgrown  cabbages  were  displayed  to  admiring  crowds, 
under  the  shadow  of  a  prodigious  union  jack. 

Dundas,  a  near  neigliLour  of  Ancaster,  has  completely 
eclipsed  it.  This  appears  to  be  one  of  the  busiest  little 
places  in  Canada  West.  It  is  a  collection  of  woollen- 
mills,  grist-mills,  and  iron-foundries ;  and  though,  in  my 
preformed  notions  of  political  economy,  1  had  su])posed 
manufactures  suited  exclusively  to  an  old  country,  in 
which  capital  and  labour  are  alike  redundant,  the  aspect 
of  this  place  was  most  thriving.  In  one  of  the  flour-mills 
the  machinery  seemed  as  perfect  as  in  the  biscuit  factory 
at  Portsmouth — by  some  ingenious  mechanism  the  flour 
was  cooled,  barrelled,  and  branded  with  great  celerity. 
At  an  iron-foundry  I  was  surprised  to  find  that  steam- 
engines  and  flour-mill  machinery  could  not  be  manufac- 





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Chap.  X. 

tured  fast  enoiish  to  meet  the  demand.  In  tliis  neis;!]- 
boui'liood  I  heard  rather  an  interesHng  anecdote  of  what 
steady  perseverance  can  do,  in  the  history  of  a  Scot  from 
the  shores  of  the  Forth. 

"^Ihis  young  man  was  a  pauper  boy,  and  was  appren- 
ticed to  the  master  of  an  iron-foundry  in  Scothind,  but 
ran  away  before  tlie  expiration  of  his  apprenticeship,  and, 
entering  a  ship  at  Glr.sgow,  worked  his  passage  across  to 
Quebec.  Here  he  gained  employment  for  some  months 
as  a  porter,  and,  having  saved  a  little  money,  went  up  to 
the  neighbourhood  of  Lake  Simcoe,  where  he  became  a 
day  labourer.  Here  he  fell  in  love  with  his  master's 
daughter,  who  returned  his  affection,  but  her  father  scorn- 
fully rejected  the  humble  Scotchman's  suit.  Love  but 
added  an  incentive  to  ambition  ;  and  obtaining  work  in  a 
neighbouring  township,  he  increased  his  income  by  teach- 
ing reading,  writing,  and  arithmetic  in  the  evenings.  Pie 
lived  penuriously,  denied  himself  even  necessaries,  and 
carefully  treasured  his  hoarded  savings.  Late  one  even- 
ing, clothed  almost  in  rags,  he  sought  the  house  of  his 
lady-love,  and  told  her  that  within  two  years  he  would 
come  to  claim  her  hand  of  her  father,  with  a  waggon  and 
pair  of  horses. 

Still  in  his  ragged  clothing,  for  it  does  not  appear  that 
he  had  any  other,  he  trudged  to  Toronto,  and  sought  em- 
ployment, his  accumulated  savings  sewn  up  in  the  lining 
of  his  waistcoat.  He  went  about  from  person  to  person, 
but  could  not  obtain  employment,  and  his  waggon  and 
horses  receded  further  and  further  in  the  dim  perspective. 
One  day,  while  walking  along  at  the  unfinished  end  of 
King  Street  West,  he  saw  something  glittering  in  the 


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ClIAP.  X. 



mud,  and,  on  taking  it  up,  found  it  to  be  the  steel  snap  of 
a  pocket-book.  Tliis  pocket-book  contained  notes  to  the 
amount  of  one  hundred  and  fifty  dolhirs  ;  and  the  next 
day  a  reward  of  five-and-twenty  was  offered  to  the  finder 
of  thera.  The  Scotchman  waited  on  the  owner,  wlio  was 
a  tool  manufacturer,  and,  declining  the  reward,  asked 
only  for  work,  for  "  leave  to  toil,"  as  Burns  has  expressed 
it.  This  was  granted  him  ;  and  in  less  than  four  months 
he  became  a  clerk  in  the  establishment.  His  salary  was 
gradually  raised — in  the  evenings  he  obtained  employment 
in  writing  for  a  lawyer,  and  his  savings,  judiciously  ma- 
naged, increased  to  such  an  extent,  that  at  the  end  of 
eighteen  months  he  purchased  a  thriving  farm  in  the 
neighbourhood  of  London,  and,  as  there  was  water-))ower 
upon  it,  he  built  a  grist-mill.  His  industry  still  continued 
successful,  and  just  before  the  two  years  expired  he  drove 
in  a  light  waggon,  with  two  hardy  Canadian  horses,  to 
the  dwelling  of  his  former  master,  to  claim  his  daughter's 
hand  ;  though,  be  it  remembered,  he  had  never  held  any 
communication  with  her  since  he  parted  from  her  in  rags 
two  years  before.  At  first  they  did  not  recognise  the 
vagrant,  ragged  Scotch  labourer,  in  the  well-dressed 
driver  and  possessor  of  the  "  knowing-looking"  equipage. 
His  altered  circumstances  removed  all  diflficulty  on  the 
father's  part — the  maiden  had  been  constant — and  soon 
afterwards  they  were  married.  He  still  continued  to 
prosper,  and  add  land  to  land  ;  and  three  years  after  his 
marriage  sem:  twenty  pounds  to  his  former  master  in 
Scotland,  as  a  compensation  for  the  loss  of  his  services. 
Strange  to  say,  the  son  of  that  very  master  is  now  em- 
ployed in  the  mill  of  the   runaway  apprentice.      Such 

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ClIAf.  X. 

instiinccs  as  this,  while  they  aiforcl  encouragement  to 
lionost  industry,  show  at  the  same  time  the  great  capa- 
bilities of  Canada  West. 

At  Hamilton,  where  the  stores  are  excellent,  I  made 
several  purchases,  but  I  was  extremely  puzzled  with  the 
(.^anadian  currency.  The  States  money  is  very  con- 
venient. T  soon  understood  dollars,  cents,  and  dimes  ;  hut 
in  the  colonics  I  never  knew  what  my  money  was  worth. 
In  Prince  Edward  Island  tlie  sovereign  is  worth  thirty 
,-hillings  ;  in  New  Brunswick  and  Nova  Scotia  twenty- 
five  ;  while  in  Canada,  at  the  time  of  my  visit,  it  was 
worth  twenty-four  and  fourpence.  There  your  shilling  is 
fiftecnpence,  or  a  quarter-dollar ;  while  your  quarter- 
dollar  is  a  shilling.  Your  sixpence  is  sevenpence-lialf- 
penny,  or  a  "  York  shilling  j "  while  your  penny  is  a 
"  cop})er  "  of  indeterminate  value  apparently.  Compa- 
ratively speaking,  very  little  metallic  money  is  in  circula- 
tion. You  receive  bills  marked  five  shillings,  when,  to 
your  surprise,  you  can  only  change  them  for  four  metallic 
shillings.  Altogetlier  in  Canada  I  had  to  rely  upon 
people's  honesty,  or  probably  on  their  ignorance  of  my 
ignorance  ;  for  any  attempts  at  explanation  only  made 
"  confusion  worse  confounded,"  and  I  seldom  compre- 
hended anything  of  a  higher  grade  than  a  "  York  shilling." 
From  my  stupidity  about  the  currency,  and  my  frequent 
query,  "  How  many  dollars  or  cents  is  it?"  together  with 
my  offering  dirty  crumpled  pieces  of  paper  bearing  such 
names  as  Troy,  Palmyra,  and  Geneva,  which  were  in 
fact  notes  of  American  banks  which  might  have  suspended 
payment,  I  was  constantly  taken,  not  for  an  ignoramus 
from  the   "  Old  Country,"  but  for  a  *'  genuine  Down- 





Cii.\r.  X. 



Easter."  Canadian  credit  is  excellent ;  but  tlie  banking 
j^ysteni  of  the  States  is  on  a  very  insccare  t.  ♦^ing ; 
some  bank  or  other  "breaks"  every  day,  and  lists  of 
the  defaulters  are  posted  up  in  the  steamboats  and 

Within  a  few  days  after  my  resolution  never  again  to 
trust  myself  on  Lake  Ontario,  I  sailed  down  it,  on  a  very 
beautiful  morning,  to  Toronto.  The  royal  mail  steamer 
Arabian  raced  w^ith  us  for  the  narrow  entrance  to  the 
canal  which  connects  Burlington  Bay  with  the  main  lake, 
and  both  captains  "  jjiled  on  "  to  their  utmost  ability,  but 
the  Arabian  passed  us  in  triumph.  The  morning  was 
so  very  fine,  that  I  half  forgot  my  dislike  to  Lake  Ontario. 
On  the  land  side  there  was  a  succession  of  slightly 
elevated  promontories,  covered  with  forests  abounding  in 
recent  clearings,  their  sombre  colouring  being  relieved 
by  the  brilliant  blue  of  the  lake.  I  saw,  for  the  only  time, 
that  beautiful  phenomenon  called  the  "  water-mirage,"  by 
which  trees,  ships,  and  houses  are  j)laced  in  the  most 
extraordinary  and  sometimes  inverted  positions.  Yet 
still  these  endless  promontories  stretched  away,  till  their 
distant  outlines  were  lost  in  the  soft  blue  haze  of  the 
Indian  summer.  Yet  there  was  an  oppressiveness  about 
the  tideless  water  and  pestilential  shore,  and  the  white- 
hulled  ships  looked  like  deserted  punished  things,  whose 
doom  for  ages  was  to  be  ceaseless  sailing  over  these 
gloomy  waters. 

At  Toronto  my  kind  friend  Mr.  Forrest  met  me.  lie 
and  his  wife  had  invited  me  some  months  before  to  visit 
them  in  their  distant  home  in  the  Canadian  bush ;  there- 
fore I  was  not  a  little   surprised  at  the  equipage  which 



•V'\  •••' 






Chap.  X. 

[■::  t^' 



u  I . 

f;  ^: 

H^hb  P 

awaited  mc  at  the  hotel,  as  I  had  expected  to  jolt  for 
twenty-two  miles,  over  corduroy  roads,  in  a  lumber- 
waggon.  It  was  the  most  dashing  vehicle  which  I  saw 
in  Canada.  It  was  a  most  unbush-lihc^  sporting-looking, 
high,  mail  j)haeton,  mounted  by  foiu'  stei)S ;  it  had  three 
seats,  a  hood  in  front,  and  a  rack  for  luggage  behind.  It 
would  hold  eight  persons.  The  body  and  wheels  were 
painted  blight  scarlet  and  black  ;  and  it  was  drawn  by  a 
pair  of  very  showy-looking  horses,  about  sixteen  "  hands" 
high,  with  elegant  and  well-blacked  harness.  Mr. 
Forrest  looked  more  like  a  sporting  English  squire  than 
an  emigrant. 

We  drove  out  of  Toronto  by  the  Lake  shore  road,  and 
I  could  scarcely  believe  we  were  not  by  the  sea,  for  a 
heavy  surf  was  rolling  and  crashing  upon  the  beach,  and 
no  land  was  in  sight  on  the  opposite  side.  After  some 
time  we  came  to  a  stream,  with  a  most  clumsy  swing 
bridge,  which  was  open  for  the  passage  of  two  huge  rafts 
laden  with  flour.  This  proceeding  had  already  occupied 
more  than  an  hour,  as  we  were  informed  by  some  unfor- 
tunate detenus.  We  waited  for  half  an  hour  while  the 
raftmen  dawdled  about  it,  but  the  rafts  could  not  get 
through  the  surf,  so  they  were  obliged  to  desist.  I  now 
reasonably  supposed  that  they  would  have  shut  the  bridge 
as  fast  as  possible,  as  about  twenty  chicles,  with  nume- 
rous foot-passengers,  were  waiting  on  either  side  ;  but  no, 
they  moved  it  for  a  little  distance,  then  smoked  a  bit,  then 
moved  it  a  few  inches  and  smoked  again,  and  so  on  for 
another  half-hour,  while  we  were  exposed  to  a  pitiless 
north-east  wind.  They  evidently  enjoyed  our  discomfiture, 
and  were  trying  how  much  of  annoyance  we  would  bear 


^i  * 

ClIAl'.  X. 



patiently.  Fiery  tempers  liave  to  be  curbed  in  Canada 
West,  for  tbo  same  spirit  vvbich  at  bome  leads  men  not  to 
"  toucb  tlieir  bats "  to  tbose  above  tliem  in  station,  bere 
uonld  vent  itself  in  open  insolenee  and  arroganee,  if  one 
requested  tbem  to  be  a  little  quicker  in  tbeir  motions. 
The  fabric  would  bardly  come  together  at  all,  and  then 
only  three  joists  a])peared  without  anything  to  cover  tbem. 
This  the  men  seemed  to  consider  iin  fait  accumj)!/',  and 
sat  down  to  smoke.  xVt  length,  when  it  seemed  inq)ossilde 
to  bear  a  longer  del  :ition  with  any  semblance  of  patience, 
they  covered  these  joists  witb  some  j)lanks,  over  which  our 
horses,  used  to  })iek  tlieir  way,  passed  in  safety,  not,  how- 
ever, without  overturning  one  of  the  boards,  and  leaving 
a  most  dangerous  gap.  'ibis  was  a  favourable  specimen 
of  a  Canadian  bridge. 

The  manners  of  the  emigrants  wbo  settle  in  Canada  are 
far  from  prepossessing.  AMierever  I  beard  torrents  of 
slang  and  abuse  of  England ;  wherever  I  noticed  bru- 
tality of  manner,  unaccompanied  by  res])ect  to  ladies,  I 
always  found  upon  inquiry  that  the  delinquent  bad 
newly  arrived  from  the  old  country.  Some  time  before 
I  visited  America,  I  saw  a  letter  from  a  young  man  who 
had  emigrated,  containing  these  words  :  "  Here  I  haven't 
to  bow  and  cringe  to  gentlemen  of  the  aristocracy — that 
is,  to  a  man  who  has  a  better  coat  on  than  myself."  I  was 
not  prepared  to  find  this  feeling  so  very  })revalent  among 
the  lower  classes  in  our  own  possessions.  The  children 
are  an  improvement  on  their  parents,  and  develop  loyal 
and  constitutional  sentiments.  The  Irish  are  the  noisiest 
of  the  enemies  of  England,  and  carrv  with  them  to 
Canada  the  most  inveterate  enmity  to  "  Sassenach"  rule. 

*    V       ■      ■     ■        '  * 

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Chai'.  X. 

The  term  ^^  shwfj-w/unif/ers^^  must  have  been  hiveiiti'd  for 

After  some  miles  of  very  l)a(l  road,  vvliieh  once   had 
been  eonhiroy,  we  got  npon  a  ])lank-road,  upon  whieli  the 
(h'aught  is  nearly  as  light  as  upon  a  railroad.     When 
these  n^ads  are  good,  the  driving  npon  them  is  very  easy; 
when  they  are  out  of  repair  it  is  just  the  reverse.     W 
came  to  an  Indian   village  of  clap-board  houses,   built 
some  years  ago  by  Government  for  some  families  of  the 
Six  Nations  who  resided  here  with  their  chief;  but  they 
disliked  the  advances  of  the  white  man,  and  their  rem- 
nants  have    removed    farther    to   the  west.     We    drove 
for  many  miles  through  woods  of  the  American  oak,  little 
more   than  briishwood,  but    gorgeous    in    all   shades   of 
colouring,   from    the    scarlet    of  the    geranium    to    deep 
crimson  and  Tyrian  purple.     Oh  !   our  poor  faded  tints 
of  autumn,  about  which  we  write    sentimental  poetry  ! 
Turning  sharply  round  a  bank  of  moss,  and  descending  a 
long  hill,  we  entered  the  bush.     There  all  my  dreams  of 
Canadian  scenery  were  more  tlian  realised.     Trees  grew 
in    every    variety  of  the  picturesque.      The  forest  was 
dark  and  oppressively  still,  and  such  a  deadly  chill  came 
on,  that  I  drew  my  cloak  closer  around  me.     A  fragrant 
but  heavy  smell  arose?,  and  Mr.  Forrest  said  that  we  were 
going  down    into   a  cedar   swamp,  where    there    was   a 
chill  even  in  the  hottest  weather.     It  was  very  beautiful. 
Emerging  from  this,  we  came  upon  a  little  whitewashed 
English  church,  standing   upon  a   steep   knoll,  with  its 
little  spire  rising  through  the    trees ;    and  leaving  this 
behind,   we  turned  off  upon  a  road  through  very  wild 
country.     The  ground  had  once  been  cleared,  but  no  use 




ClIM'.  X. 



liad  liot'ii  made  of  it,  and  it  wa:?  covered  with  charred 
stumps  ahout  two  feet  high.  Eeyond  this  appeared  an 
interminable  busli.  Mr.  Forre.>t  toM  nie  that  liis  iiouse 
was  near,  and,  from  tlie  appearance  of  the  counti-y,  I 
expiH'ted  to  come  upon  a  log  cahiii  ;  hut  we  tm'ued  into 
a  field,  and  drove  under  some  very  fine  apple-trees  to  a 
house  the  very  perfection  of  elegance  and  comfort.  It 
looked  as  if  a  pretty  villa  from  Norwood  or  IIamj)^-tcad 
had  been  transpoited  to  this  Canadiaji  clearing.  The 
dwelling  was  a  substantially  built  brick  one-storied  house, 
with  a  deep  green  verandah  surrounding  it,  as  a  protectit)n 
from  the  snow  in  winter  and  the  heat  in  sunnner.  Apj)le- 
trees,  laden  with  richly-coloured  fruit,  were  planted  round, 
and  sumach-trees,  in  all  the  glorious  colouring  of  the  fall, 
were  oi)j)osite  the  front  door.  The  very  house  seemed  to 
smile  a  welcome  ;  and  seldom  have  I  met  a  more  cordial 
one  than  I  received  from  Mrs.  Forrest,  the  kindly  and 
graceful  hostess,  who  met  me  at  the  door,  her  pretty 
simple  dress  of  pink  and  white  muslin  contrasting 
strangely  with  the  charred  stumps  which  were  in  sight, 
and  the  long  lines  of  gloomy  bush  which  stood  out  dark 
and  sharp  against  the  evening  sky. 

"Will  you  go  into  the  drawing-room?"  asked  ^Frs. 
Forrest.  I  was  surprised,  for  I  had  not  associated  a 
drawinf/-room  with  emigrant  life  in  Canada ;  but  I 
followed  her  along  a  pretty  entrance-lobby,  floored  with 
polished  oak,  into  a  lofty  room,  furnished  with  all  the 
elegances  and  luxuries  of  the  mansion  of  an  affluent 
Englishman  at  home,  a  beautiful  piano  not  being  wanting. 
It  was  in  this  house,  containing  every  ctnnfort,  and  wel- 
comed with  the  kindest  hospitality,   that  I  received  my 

K  3 


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■:/■;■•■"'/.  ■'r  A- fiv; 

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Chap.  X. 

r:  I'i 

"  ■ 


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n  ip  if 


first  inipnWions  of  "lifi;  in  tlie  clearings."  My  liosts 
wore*  only  rocovcriiij^  rroni  the  fatigues  of  a  "  tlirasliiiig- 
bt'i! "  of  tlio  (lay  before,  and,  wliilo  we  were  ])laying  at 
bagatelle,  one  of  tlu;  f/riif/cifwn  assistants  came  to  the  door, 
and  asked  if  the  "  Boss  "  were  at  home.  A  lady  told  me 
that,  when  she  first  came  out,  a  servant  asked  her  "  How 
the  boss  liked  his  shirts  done?"  As  Mrs.  Moodie  had 
not  then  enlightened  the  world  ou  the  subject  of  settlers' 
slang,  the  lady  did  not  luiderstand  her,  and  asked  what 
she  meant  by  the  "  boss," — to  which  she  replied,  "  Why, 
lawk,  missus,  your  hubby,  to  be  sure." 

I  spent  some  time  with  these  kind  and  most  agreeable 
friends,  and  returned  to  them  after  a  visit  to  the  Falls  of 
Niagara.  My  sojourn  with  them  is  among  my  sunniest 
memories  of  Canada.  Though  my  expectations  were  in 
one  sense  entirely  disai)])ointed  on  awaking  to  the  plea- 
sant consciousness  of  reposing  on  the  softest  of  feathers,  I 
did  not  feel  romance  enough  to  wish  myself  on  a  buffalo 
robe  on  the  floor  of  a  log-cabin.  Nearly  every  day  I 
saw  some  operition  of  Canadian  farming,  with  its  diffi- 
culties and  pleasures.  Among  the  former  is  that  of 
obtaining  men  to  do  the  work.  The  wages  given  are 
five  shillings  per  diem,  and  in  many  cases  "rations" 
besides.  While  I  was  at  Mr.  Forrest's,  two  men  were 
sinking  a  well,  and  one  coolly  took  up  his  tools  and 
walked  away  because  ohIt/  half  a  pound  of  butter  had 
been  allowed  for  breakfast.  Mr.  Forrest  possesses  sixty 
acres  of  land,  fifteen  of  which  are  still  in  bush.  The 
barns  are  very  large  and  substantial,  more  so  than  at 
home ;  for  no  produce  can  be  left  out  of  doors  in  the 
winter.     There  were  two  hundred  and  fifty  bushels  of 




^l.     \ 

ClIAF'.  X. 

scRA^ruLK  Tiiuouoii,  THE  nrsii. 


wlicut,  tilt!  produce  of  a  "  thrasliing  bee,"  ami  varioud 
otlior  edibles.  Oxen,  luige  and  [towert'id,  ilo  all  tlie 
draught-work  on  this  fann,  and  their  stable  looked  the 
very  perfection  of  comfort.  Round  the  iiouse  "  ^nake• 
fences  "  had  given  place  to  those  of  port  and  rail ;  1)ut  a 
few  hundred  yards  away  was  the  uncleared  l)ush.  The 
land  thus  railed  round  hcul  been  cleared  for  some  years  ; 
the  grass  is  good,  and  the  stumps  few  in  number.  Leav- 
ing this,  we  came  to  the  stubide  of  last  year,  where  the 
stunij)S  were  more  numerous,  and  then  to  the  land  only 
cleared  in  the  sj)ring,  covered  thickly  with  charri'd 
stumps,  the  soil  rich  and  black,  anil  wheat  s})ritiging  uj) 
in  all  directions.  Beyond  this  there  was  nothing  but 
bush.  A  scramble  through  a  bush,  though  very  interest- 
ing in  its  way,  produces  disagreeable  consequences. 

When  the  excitement  of  the  novelty  was  over,  and  I 
returned  to  the  house,  I  contemplated  with  very  woeful 
feelings  the  inroad  which  had  been  made  upon  my  ward- 
robe— the  garments  torn  in  all  directions  beyond  any 
possibility  of  repair,  and  the  shoes  reduced  to  the  con- 
sistency of  soaked  brown  paper  with  wading  through  a 
bog.  It  was  a  serious  consideration  to  me,  who  at  that 
time  was  travelling  through  the  West  with  a  very 
small  and  very  wayworn  portmanteau,  with  Glasgow, 
Torquay,  Boston,  Rock  Island,  and  I  know  not  what 
besides  upon  it.  The  bush,  however,  for  the  time  being, 
was  very  enjoyable,  in  spite  of  numerous  bruises  and 
scratches.  Huge  pines  raised  their  heads  to  heaven, 
others  lay  prostrate  and  rotting  away,  probably  thrown 
down  in  some  tornado.  In  the  distance  numbers  of 
trees  were  lying  on  the  ground,  and  men  were  cutting 

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Chap.  X. 


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off  their  branches  and  burning  them  in  ijea})S,  which 
slowly  snioukleretl  away,  and  sent  up  clouds  of  curling 
blue  smoke,  which  diffused  itself  as  a  thin  blue  veil  over 
the  dark  pines. 

This  bush  is  in  dangerous  proximity  to  Mr.  Forrest's 
house.  Tile  fire  ran  through  it  in  the  spring,  and  many 
of  the  trees,  wh'ch  are  still  .standing,  are  blackened  by  its 
effects.  One  night  in  April,  after  a  prolonged  drought, 
just  as  the  household  were  retiring  to  rest,  Mr.  Forrest 
looked  out  of  the  window,  and  saw  a  light  in  the  bush 
scarcely  bicfcjer  or  brighter  tlian  a  fflow-worm.  Pre- 
sently  it  rushed  up  a  tall  pine,  entwining  its  fiery  arms 
round  the  very  highest  branches.  The  fire  burned  on 
for  a  fortnight ;  tlu^y  knew  it  must  burn  till  rain  came, 
and  Mr.  Forrest  and  'jis  man  never  left  it  day  or  night, 
all  their  food  being  carried  to  the  bush.  One  night, 
during  a  breeze,  it  made  a  sudden  rush  towards  the 
house.  In  a  twinkling  they  got  out  the  ox(M1  and  plough, 
and,  some  of  the  neighbours  coming  to  their  assistance, 
they  j)loughed  up  so  much  soil  between  the  fire  and  the 
stubble  round  the  house,  that  it  stopped  ;  but  not  before 
Mr.  Forrest's  straw  hat  was  biu'nt,  and  the  hair  of  the  oxen 
singed.  Mrs.  Forrest  meanwliile,  though  trembling  for 
her  husband's  safety,  was  occupied  in  wetting  blankets, 
and  carrying  them  to  the  roof  of  the  house,  for  the  dry 
shingles  would  have  been  ignited  by  a  spark.  On  our 
retiu'n,  it  was  necessary  to  climb  over  some  "  snake  "  or 
z\rr7A\<x  fcuccs  about  six  feet  hii>,h.  These  are  fences 
peculiar  to  new  countries,  and  though  very  cheap,  re- 
quiring neither  tools  nor  nails,  have  a  pejuliarly  untidy 
appearance.     It  is  not  thought  wise  to  buy  a  farm  v  hich 


\  ' 

Chap.  X. 



Ikvs  not  enough  bush  or  growing  timbor  for  both  rails  and 

In  clearing,  of  which  I  saw  all  the  processes,  the  first 
is  to  cut  down  the  trees,  in  which  difficult  operation  axes 
of  British  manufacture  are  rendered  useless  after  a  few 
hours'  work.  The  trees  are  cut  about  two  feet  above 
the  root,  and  often  bring  others  down  with  them  in  their 
fall.  Sometimes  these  trees  arc  split  u])  at  the  time  into 
rails  or  firewood  ;  sometimes  dragged  to  the  saw-mills  to 
he  made  into  lumber  ;  but  are  often  piled  into  heaj)s  and 
hurnt — a  necessary  but  prodigal  waste  of  wood,  to  which 
I  never  beciime  reconciled.  When  the  wood  has  been 
cleared  ofi^",  wheat  is  sown  among  the  stumps,  and  then 
grass,  which  appears  only  to  last  about  four  years.  Fire 
is  put  on  th(3  tops  of  these  unsightly  stum})s  to  burn 
them  down  as  much  as  possible,  and  when  it  is  supposed, 
after  two  or  three  years,  that  the  roots  have  rotted  in  the 
ground,  several  oxen  are  attached  by  a  chain  to  each, 
and  pull  it  out.  Generally  this  is  dcme  by  means  of  a 
"  logging  bee."  I  must  explain  this  term,  as  it  refers 
neither  to  the  industrious  insect  nor  the  imperial  bee  of 
Napoleon.  The  very  name  reminds  me  of  early  rising, 
healthy  activity,  meriiment,  and  a  well-s})ri'ad  board. 

A  "bee"  is  a  necessity  arising  from  the  great  scarcity 
of  labour  in  the  New  World.  When  a  })erson  wishes  to 
thrash  his  corn,  he  gives  notice  to  eight  or  ten  of  his 
neighbours,  and  a  day  is  appointed  on  which  they  are  to 
meet  at  his  house.  For  two  or  three  days  before,  grand 
culinary  preparatit»ns  are  made  by  the  hostess,  and  on 
the  preceding  evening  a  tiible  is  loaded  with  provisions. 
The   morning  comes,  and   eight  or  ten  stalwart  Saxons 

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Chap.  X. 

make  their  appearance,  ard  work  hard  till  noon,  while 
the  lady  of  the  house  is  engaged  in  hotter  work  before 
the  fire,  in  the  preparation  of  hot  meat,  puddings,  and 
pies;  for  well  she  knows  that  the  good  humour  of  her 
guests  depends  on  the  quantity  and  quality  of  her  viands. 
They  come  in  to  dinner,  black  (from  the  dust  of  a  })ecu- 
liar  Canadian  weed),  hot,  tired,  hungry,  and  thirsty. 
They  eat  as  ro  other  people  eat,  and  set  all  our  notions 
of  the  separability  of  different  viands  at  defiance.  At  the 
end  of  the  day  they  have  a  very  substantial  supper,  with 
plenty  of  whisky,  and,  if  everything  has  been  satisfactory, 
the  convivial  proceedings  are  prolonged  till  past  midnight. 
The  giver  of  a  "  bee  "  is  bound  to  attend  the  "  bees  "  of 
all  his  neighbours.  A  "  thrashing  bee "  is  considered 
a  very  "  slow  affair "  by  the  younger  portion  of  the 
community.  There  are  "  quilting  bees,"  where  the 
thick  quilts,  so  necessary  in  Canada,  are  fabricated; 
*'  apple  bees,"  where  this  fruit  is  sliced  and  strung  for 
the  winter ;  "  shelling  bees,"  w^here  peas  in  bushels  are 
shelled  and  barrelled ;  and  "  logging  bees,"  where  the 
decayed  stumps  in  the  clearings  are  rooted  up  by  oxen. 
At  the  quilting,  apple,  and  shelling  bees  there  are 
numbers  of  the  fair  sex,  and  games,  dancing,  and  merry- 
making are  invariably  kept  up  till  the  morning. 

In  the  winter,  as  in  the  eastern  colonies,  all  outdoor 
employments  are  stopped,  and  dancing  and  evening 
parties  of  different  kinds  are  continually  given.  The 
whole  country  is  like  one  vast  road,  and  the  fine,  cold, 
aurora-lighted  nights  are  cheery  with  the  lively  sound  of 
the  sleigh-bells,  as  merry  parties,  enveloped  in  furs,  drive 
briskly  over  the  crisp  surface  of  the  snow. 

5  t' 

Chap.  X. 



The  way  of  life  at  Mr.  Forrest's  was  poculiarly  agree- 
able. The  breakfast-hour  was  nominally  seven,  and 
afterwards  Mr.  Forrest  went  out  to  his  farm.  The  one 
Irish  servant,  who  never  seemed  happy  with  her  shoes  on, 
was  capable  of  little  else  than  boiling  potatoes,  so  all  the 
preparations  for  dinner  devolved  upon  Mrs.  Forrest,  who 
till  she  came  to  Canada  had  never  attempted  anything 
in  the  culinary  line.  I  used  to  accompany  her  into  the 
kitchen,  and  learned  how  to  solve  the  problem  which 
puzzled  an  English  king,  viz.  "  How  apples  get  into  a 
dumpling."  VVe  dined  at  the  mediaival  hour  of  twelve, 
and  everything  was  of  home  raising.  Fresh  meat  is  a 
rarity  ;  but  a  calf  had  been  killed,  and  furnished  dinners 
for  seven  days,  and  the  most  marvellous  thing  was,  that 
each  day  it  was  dressed  in  a  different  manner,  Mrs.  For- 
rest's skill  in  this  respect  rivalling  that  of  Alexis  Soyer. 
A  home -fed  pig,  one  of  eleven  slaughtered  on  one  fell 
day,  produced  the  excellent  ham  ;  the  squash  and  potatoes 
were  from  the  garden  ;  and  the  bread  and  beer  were  from 
home-grown  wheat  and  hops.  After  dinner  Mr.  Forrest 
and  I  used  to  take  lengthy  rides,  along  wild  roads,  on 
horses  of  extraordinary  capabilities,  and  in  the  evening 
we  used  to  have  bagatelle  and  reading  aloud.  Such  was 
life  in  the  clearings.  On  one  or  two  evenings  some  very 
agreeable  neighbours  came  in ;  and  in  addition  to  baga- 
telle we  had  puzzles,  conundrums,  and  conjuring  tricks. 
One  of  these  "neighbours"  was  a  young  married  lady, 
the  prettiest  person  I  had  seen  in  America.  She  was  a 
French  Canadian,  and  added  to  the  graces  of  person  and 
manner  for  which  they  are  famed  a  cleverness  and 
sprightliness   peculiarly   her   own.      I    was   very    much 

■*•■.  •,^-'*1.'^tl^'y• 



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Chap.  X. 



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i-     II 

pleaded  with  tlic  friendly,  ngrecable  society  of  the  neigli- 
bourhood.  Tlicre  are  a  great  many  gentlemen  residing 
there,  with  fixed  incomes,  who  have  adopted  Canada  as 
their  home  becanse  of  the  comforts  which  they  can  enjoy  in 
an  untaxed  country,  and  one  in  which  it  is  not  necessary 
to  keep  up  app  arances.  For  instance,  a  gentleman  does 
not  lose  caste  by  grooming  his  own  horse,  or  driving  his 
own  produce  to  market  in  a  lumber-wnggon  ;  and  a  lady 
is  not  less  a  lady,  though  she  may  wear  a  dress  and 
bonnet  of  a  fashion  three  years  old. 

I  was  surprised  one  morning  by  the  phenomenon  of 
some  morning-callers — yes,  morning-callers  in  a  Canadian 
clearing.  I  sighed  to  think  that  such  a  pest  and  accom- 
paniment of  civilisation  should  have  crossed  the  Atlantic. 
The  "  callers  "  of  that  morning,  the  Haldimands,  amused 
me  very  much.  They  give  themselves  great  airs — Canada 
with  them  is  a  "  wretched  hole  ;"  the  society  is  composed 
of  "  boors."  In  a  few  minutes  they  had  asked  me  who  I 
was — where  I  came  from — what  I  was  doing  there — how 
I  got  to  know  my  fri(;nds' — and  if  I  had  come  to  live  with 
them.  Mr.  Haldimands,  finding  I  came  from  England, 
asked  me  if  I  knew  a  certain  beautiful  young  lady,  and 
recounted  his  flirtations  with  her.  Dukes,  earls,  and 
viscounts  flowed  from  his  nimble  tongue — "  When  I  was 
hunting  with  Lord  this,"  or  "AVhen  I  was  waltzing  with 
Lady  that."  His  regrets  were  after  the  Opera  and 
Almack's,  and  his  height  of  felicity  seemed  to  be  driving 
a  four-in-hand  diag.  After  expatiating  to  me  in  the 
most  vociferous  manner  on  the  delights  of  titled  society, 
he  turned  to  Mrs.  Forrest  and  said,  "  After  the  society  in 
which  we  used  to  niove,  you  may  imagine  how  distasteful 

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Chap.  X. 



all  this  is  to  us''  —  barely  a  civil  speech,  I  thought.  This 
eccentric  individual  was  taking  a  lady,  whom  he  consi- 
dered a  person  of  consequence,  a  drive  in  a  carriage, 
when  a  man  driving  a  lumber-waggon  kept  crossing  the 
road  in  front  of  him,  hindering  his  progress.  Mr.  Ilaldi- 
niands  gradually  got  into  a  towering  passion,  which  re- 
sulted in  his  springing  out,  throwing  the  reiiis  to  the  lady, 
and  rushing  furiously  at  the  teamster  with  his  fists  squared, 
shouting  in  a  perfect  scream,  "  Flesh  and  Llood  can't  bear 
this.  One  of  us  must  die  !"  The  man  whipped  up  his 
horses  and  made  off,  and  Mr.  Ilaldimands  tried  in  vain 
to  hush  up  a  story  which  made  him  a})pear  so  superla- 
tively ridiculous. 

We  actually  paid  some  morning  visits,  and  I  thought 
the  society  very  agreeable  and  free  from  gossip.  One  of 
our  visits  was  paid  to  the  family  of  one  of  the  oldest 
settlers  in  Canada.  His  place  was  the  very  perfection  of 
beauty  ;  it  was  built  in  a  park  formed  out  of  a  civilised 
wood,  the  grounds  extending  to  the  verge  of  a  precipice, 
looking  from  which  I  saw  the  river,  sometimes  glittering 
in  the  sunshine,  sometimes  foaming  along  in  a  wood — 
just  realising  Mrs.  Moodie's  charming  description  of  the 
Otonabee.  Far  below,  the  water  glittered  like  diamond 
sparks  among  the  dark  woods  ;  pines  had  fallen  into  and 
across  it,  in  the  way  in  which  trees  oni}'  fall  in  America, 
and  no  two  trees  were  of  the  same  tint ;  the  wild  vine 
hung  over  the  precipice,  and  smothered  the  trees  with  its 
clusters  and  tendrils ;  and  hurriedly  in  some  places, 
gently  in  others,  the  cold  rivulet  flowed  down  to  the  lake, 
— no  bold  speculator  having  as  yet  dared  to  turn  the 
water  privilege  to  account. 


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Chap.  X. 





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.'  Ui 

My  first  ride  was  an  amusing  one,  for  various  reasons. 
My  riding-habit  was  left  at  Toronto,  but  this  seemed  not 
to  be  a  difficulty.  Mrs.  Forrest's  fashionable  habit  and 
white  gauntlet-gloves  fitted  me  beautifully ;  and  the  diffi- 
culty about  a  hat  was  at  once  overcome  by  sending  to  an 
obliging  neighbour,  who  politely  sent  a  very  stylish-looking 
plumed  riding-bat.  There  was  a  side-s.jddle  and  a  most 
elegant  bridle ;  indeed,  the  whole  equipment  would  not 
have  disgraced  Rotten  Row.  But,  the  horse !  My  cou- 
rage had  to  be  "  screwed  to  the  sticking  point "  before  I 
could  mount  him.  He  was  a  very  fine  animal — a  mag- 
nificent coal-black  charger  sixteen  hands  high,  with  a 
most  determined  will  of  his  own,  not  broken  for  the  saddle. 
Mr.  Forrest  rode  a  splendid  bay,  which  seldom  went  over 
six  consecutive  yards  of  ground  without  performing  some 
erratic  movement.  My  horse's  paces  were,  a  tremendous 
trot,  breaking  sometimes  into  a  furious  gallop,  in  both 
which  he  acted  in  a  perfectly  independent  manner,  any 
attempts  of  mine  to  control  him  with  my  whole  strength 
and  weight  being  alike  useless.  We  came  to  the  top  of 
a  precipice  overlooking  the  river,  where  his  gyrations 
were  so  fearful  that  I  turned  him  into  the  bush.  It  ap- 
peared to  me  a  ride  of  imminent  dangers  and  hair-breadth 
escapes.  By  this  beauteous  river  we  came  to  a  place 
where  rain  and  flood  had  worn  the  precipice  into  a  steep 
declivity,  shelving  towards  another  precipice,  and  my 
horse,  accustomed  to  it,  took  me  down  w  here  an  English 
donkey  would  scarcely  have  ventured.  Beauty  might  be 
written  upon  everything  in  this  dell.  I  never  saw  a  fairer 
compound  of  rock,  wood,  and  water.  Above  was  flat  and 
comparatively   uninteresting  country ;    then  these  preci- 

Chap,  X. 



pices,  with  trees  growing  out  wherever  they  could  find  a 
footing,  arrayed  in  all  the  gorgeous  colouring  of  the  Ame- 
rican fall.  At  the  foot  of  these  vvas  a  narrow,  bright- 
green  savannah,  with  fine  trees  growing  upon  it,  as  though 
planted  by  some  one  anxious  to  produce  a  park-like  effect. 
Above  this,  the  dell  contracted  to  the  width  of  Dovcdale, 
and  through  it  all,  the  river,  sometimes  a  foaming,  brawl- 
ing stream,  at  others  fringed  with  flowers,  and  (juiescent 
in  deep,  clear  pools,  pours  down  to  the  lake.  After  gal- 
loping upon  this  savannah  we  plunged  into  the  river, 
and,  after  our  horses  had  broken  through  a  plank-bridge 
at  the  great  risk  of  their  legs,  we  rode  for  many  miles 
through  bush  and  clearing,  down  sandy  tracks  and 
scratching  thickets,  to  the  })ebbly  beach  of  Lake  Ontario. 

The  contrast  between  the  horses  a  1  their  equipments, 
and  the  country  we  rode  through,  was  somewhat  singular. 
The  former  were  suitable  for  Ilyde  Park;  the  latter  was 
mere  bush-riding  —  climbing  down  precipices,  fording 
rapid  rivers,  scrambling  through  fences  and  over  timber, 
floundering  in  mud,  going  through  the  bush  with  hands 
before  us  to  push  the  branches  from  our  faces,  and,  finally, 
watering  our  horses  in  the  blue,  deep  waters  of  Lake 
Ontario — yet  I  never  enjoyed  a  ride  along  the  green 
lanes  of  England  so  much  as  this  one  in  the  wild  scenery 
of  Canada. 

The  Sundays  that  I  spent  at  Mr.  Forrest's  were  very 
enjoyable,  though  the  heat  of  the  first  was  nearly  insup- 
portable, and  the  cold  of  the  last  like  that  of  an  English 
Christmas  in  bygone  years.  There  are  multitudes  of 
Presbyterians  in  Western  Canada,  who  worship  in  their 
pure  and  simple  faith  with  as  much  fervency  and  sincerity 




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Chap.  X. 

as  (lid  tlioir  covenanting  forefathers  in  the  days  of  the 
persecuting  Dundee  ;  and  the  quaint  old  Psalms,  to  which 
they  are  so  inucli  attached,  sung  to  the  strange  old  tunes, 
sound  to  them  as  sweet  among  the  backwoods  of  Canada 
as  in  the  peaceful  villages  of  the  Lowlands,  or  in  the 
remote  Highland  glens,  where  I  have  often  listened  to 
their  slow  and  jjlaintive  strains  borne  upon  the  mountain 
breezes.  "Are  ye  frae  the  braes  of  Gleneflar?"  said  an 
old  Scotchwoman  to  me;  "  v'c;<^  ye  at  our  kirk  o' Sab- 
bath last,  ye  would  na'  ken  the  difference." 

The  Irishman  declaims  against  the  land  he  has  for- 
saken— the  Englishman  too  often  suffers  the  remembrance 
of  his  poverty  to  sever  the  tie  which  binds  him  to  the  land 
of  his  birth— but  where  shall  we  find  the  Scotchman  in 
whose  breast  love  of  his  country  is  not  a  prominent  feel- 
ing? Whether  it  be  the  light-haired  Saxon  from  the 
South,  or  the  dark-haired,  sallow-visaged  Celt  from  the 
Highlands,  driven  forth  by  the  gaunt  hand  of  famine,  all 
look  back  to  Scotland  as  to  "  t/iei?-  country  " — the  mention 
of  its  name  kindles  animation  in  the  dim  eye  of  age,  and 
causes  the  bounding  heart  of  youth  to  leap  witli  enthu- 
siasm. It  may  be  that  the  Scotch  emigrant's  only  remem- 
brance is  of  the  cold  hut  on  the  lone  hill-side,  where 
years  wore  away  in  poverty  and  hunger,  but  to  him  it 
is  the  dearest  spot  of  earth.  It  may  be  that  he  has 
attained  a  competence  in  Canada,  and  that  its  fertile 
soil  produces  crops  which  the  heathery  braes  of  Scotland 
would  never  yield — no  matter,  it  is  yet  his  Jiome  ! — it  is 
the  land  where  his  fathers  sleep — it  is  the  land  of  his 
birth ;  his  dreams  are  of  the  "  mountain  and  the  flood  " — 
of  lonely  lochs  and  mountain-girded  firths  ;  and  when  the 

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Cir.vp.  X. 



purple  light  on  a  summer  evening  streams  over  the 
forest,  he  fancies  that  the  s^ame  heams  are  falling  on 
Morven  and  the  Cuchullins,  and  that  the  soft  sound  per- 
vading the  air  is  the  echo  of  the  shepherd's  pipe.  To  the 
latest  hour  of  his  life  he  cherishes  the  idea  of  returning 
to  some  homestead  by  a  tumbling  burnie.  He  never  can 
bring  himself  to  utter  to  his  mountain  land,  from  the 
depths  of  his  heart,  the  melancholy  words,  "  CJic  til  na 

The  Episcopal  church  was  only  two  miles  from  us, 
but  we  were  most  mercilessly  jolted  over  a  jdank-road, 
where  many  of  the  planks  had  made  a  descent  into  a  sea 
of  mud,  on  the  depth  of  whi(;h  I  did  not  attempt  to  spe- 
culate. Even  in  beautiful  England  I  never  saw  a  prettier 
sight  than  the  assembling  of  the  congregation.  The 
church  is  built  upon  a  very  steep  little  knoll,  the  base 
of  which  is  nearly  encircled  by  a  river.  Close  to  it  is  a 
long  shed,  in  which  the  horses  are  tethered  during  ser- 
vice, and  little  belligerent  sounds,  such  as  screaming  and 
kicking,  occasionally  find  their  way  into  church.  The 
building  is  light  and  pretty  inside,  very  simple,  but  in 
excellent  taste  ;  and  though  there  is  no  organ,  the  singing 
and  chanting,  conducted  by  the  younger  portion  of  the 
congregation,  is  on  a  par  with  some  of  the  best  in  our 
town  churches  at  home.  There  were  no  persons  poorly 
clad,  and  all  looked  happy,  sturdy,  and  independent. 
The  bright  scarlet  leaves  of  the  oak  and  maple  pressed 
against  the  windows,  giving  them  in  the  sunlight  some- 
thing of  the  appearance  of  stained  glass ;  the  rippling  of 

*  "Wo  return  no  nore." 


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the  river  wfiri  heard  below,  and  round  us,  far,  far  away, 
stretched  the  forest.  Here,  where  the  great  Manitou 
was  once  worshij)ped,  a  purer  ftiith  now  reigns,  and 
the  alU'giance  of  the  peoj)le  is  more  firmly  established 
by  "  the  sound  of  the  churoh-^'oing  bells "  than  by  the 
bayonets  of  our  troops.  These  heaven-pointing  spires 
are  links  between  Canada  and  England  ;  they  remind 
the  emigrant  of  the  ivy-mantled  church  in  which  he  was 
first  taught  to  bend  his  knees  to  his  Creator,  and  of  the 
hallowed  dust  around  its  walls,  where  the  sacred  ashes  of 
his  fathers  sleep. 

There  is  great  cittachment  to  England  among  those 
who  are  protected  by  her  laws,  and  live  under  the  shadow 
of  her  standard  of  freedom.  In  many  instances,  no  re- 
membrances of  wrongs  received,  of  injuries  sustained,  of 
hopeless  poverty  and  ill-requited  toil,  car.  sever  that 
holiest,  most  sacred  of  ties,  which  binds,  until  his  latest 
breath,  the  heart  of  the  exile  to  his  native  land. 

The  great  annoyance  of  which  people  complain  in  this 
pleasant  land  is  the  difficulty  of  obtaining  domestic  ser- 
vants, and  the  extraordinary  specimens  of  humanity  who 
go  out  in  this  capacity.  It  is  difficult  to  obtain  any,  and 
those  that  are  procured  are  solely  Irish  Roman  Catholics, 
who  think  it  a  great  hardship  to  wear  shoes,  and  speak  of 
their  master  as  the  "  hossr  At  one  house  where  I  visited, 
the  servant  or  "  help,"  after  condescending  to  bring  in  the 
dinner,  took  a  book  from  the  chiffonier^  and  sat  down  on 
the  sofa  to  read  it.  On  being  remonstrated  with  for  her 
conduct,  she  replied  that  she  "  would  not  remain  an  hour 
in  a  house  where  tho>e  she  helped  had  an  objection  to  a 
young  lady's  improving  her  mind  !"     At  an  hotel  at  To- 


ClIAP.  X. 


2  IT) 

ronto,  one  clmniberinaid,  poiiking  to  another,  said,  "That 
t/ouuff  lady  will  s^how  you  your  rooui."  I  lot't  Mr.  For- 
rest's even  for  three  days  with  great  regret,  and  after 
a  nine  miles  drive  on  a  very  wet  morning,  and  a  water 
transit  of  two  hours,  found  myself  at  Toronto,  where  as 
usual  on  the  wharf  I  was  greeted  by  the  elamorous  de- 
mand for  "  wharfage."  I  found  the  Walrences  and 
other  agreeable  acquaintances  at  Russell's  hotel,  but  v/as 
surprised  with  what  I  thought  rather  a  want  of  discrimi- 
nation on  the  part  of  all  ;  I  was  showing  a  valuable 
collection  of  autographs,  beginning  with  Cromwell,  and 
containing,  in  addition  to  those  of  several  deceased  and 
living  royal  personages,  valuable  letters  of  Scott,  liyron, 
Wellington,  Russell,  Palmerston,  VVilberforce,  Dickens, 
&c.  The  shades  of  kings,  stat»ismen,  and  poets,  might 
almost  have  been  incited  to  appear,  when  the  signature 
of  Richard  Cobden  was  preferred  before  all. 



■i   'It- J 

■  ♦, 

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:  ) 

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•  \(  •: 

i|i!f  im^i- 



Cii.u'.  XI. 


"I've  secu  uiithiii;^" — A  diauppoiutinont —  Iiicoiignutics —  ilotol 
paiotios  and  "doing  Niagara"  —  IriHh  drosky-drivci-H —  "The  Hell 
of  Watin'8  "  —  Hoautics  of  Niagara  —  The  pioui(!  party  —  Tho  Whito 
Canoe — A  cold  shower-bath — "  Tho  Thunder  of  Watcrrt" — A  magic 
word  —  "Tho  Whirlpool"  —Story  of  "Hloody  Run"— Yank(!e  opi- 
uionrf  of  Knglisli  ladio.s  —  A  metaniorpho.sia  —  Tho  nigger  guide  —  A 
terrible  nituation  —  Termination  Rock  —  Inijiref.-iions  of  Niagara  — 
Juvenile  jjrecocity  —  A  midnight  journey — Street  adventures  in 

"  Have  you  soLm  the.  Falls  ?"  — "  No."  "  Then  you  've 
seen  nothing  of  America."  I  might  have  seen  Trenton 
Falls,  Genne?see  Falls,  tlie  Falls  of  Montmorenci  and 
Lorctte ;  hut  I  had  seen  nothing  if  I  had  not  seen  the 
Falls  {par  excellence)  of  Niagara.  There  were  divers 
reasons  why  my  friends  hi  the  States  were  anxious  that 
I  should  see  Niagara.  One  was,  as  I  was  frequently 
told,  that  all  I  had  seen,  even  to  the  "  Prayer  Eyes" 
would  go  for  nothing  on  my  re^^rn ;  for  in  England, 
America  was  supposed  to  h^  a  vast  tract  of  country  con- 
taining one  tovvu — New  York  ;  and  one  astonishing  na- 
tural phenomenon,  called  Niagara.  "  See  New  York, 
Quehec,  and  Niagara,"  was  the  direction  1  received 
when  I  started  upon  my  travels.  I  never  could  make 
out  how,  but  somehow  or  other,  from  my  earliest  in- 
fancy, I  had  been  familiar  with  the  name  of  Niagara, 
and,  from  the  numerous  pictures  I  had  seen  of  it,  I  could, 
I  suppose,  have  sketched  a  very  accurate  likeness  of  the 






lloivo-slioo  rail.  Sinco  1  laiidtMl  at  Portland,  I  had 
rontiiHially  inot  uitli  jx-ojilo  who  went  into  ecstatic  ni{)- 
tures  with  Niagara;  and  jd'tcr  |)a?>."«iiig  uitliin  ^iulit  of  its 

fits  rojir — after  soirmcc  it   tl 


I  vvitl 

un  hoarniix  o 



great  centre  of  attraction  to  all  jjor^ons  of  every  class — 
niv  desire  to  see  it  for  nivself  hecanu;  ahsorhinijj.  Nu- 
nieroiis  difficnlties  ha<l  arisen,  and  at  one  time  I  had 
reluctantly  given  up  all  hope  of  seeing  it,  when  ^fr. 
ai.d  ]Mrs.  Walrence  kindly  said,  that,  if  I  would  go 
with  them,  they  would  return  to  the  east  hy  way  of 

Bt!tween  the  anticipation  of  this  event,  and  the  din 
of  the  rejoicings  for  the  "  captnre  of  S'ehastopol,"  I 
slept  very  little  on  the  night  before  leaving  Toronto,  and 
was  by  no  means  sorry  when  the  cold  grey  of  dawn 
quenched  the  light  of  tar-barrels  and  gas-lamps.  I 
crossed  Lake  Ontario  in  the  iron  steamer  Peerless ;  the 
lake  was  rongli  as  usual,  and,  after  a  })ronienade  of  two 
hours  on  the  spray-drenched  deck,  I  retired  to  the  cabin, 
and  spent  some  time  in  dreamily  wondering  whether 
Niagara  itself  would  compensate  for  the  discomforts  of 

the  journey  thither.     Captain   D gravely  informed 

me  that  there  were  "a  good  many  cases"  below,  and  I 
never  saw  people  so  dejdorably  sea-sick  as  in  this  steamer. 
An  Indian  officer  who  had  crossed  the  Line  seventeen  times 
was  sea-sick  for  the  first  time  on  Lake  Ontario.  The 
short,  cross,  chopping  seas  affect  most  people.  The  only 
persons  in  the  saloou  who  were  not  discomposed  by  them 
were  two  tall  school-girls,  who  seemed  to  have  innumer- 
able whispered  confidences  and  secrets  to  confide  to  each 



.V'    «:.r'vl>K 

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'  » 



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'>    u 

.'■,  -« iji  ill  ■ ' 

21  S 


Cii.\i<.  XL 

Wo  toiiclicd  the  wharf  at  Niagara,  a  town  on  the  British 
faille  of  the  Niagara  river — "  cars  for  Biidalo,  all  aboard," 
— and  jnst  crossing  a  jjlatforni,  we  entered  the  Canada 
aw?,  and  on  the  t(»i)  of  some  frightfnl  precipices,  and 
round  some  terrific  cnrves,  we  were  whirled  to  the  Clifton 
Ilonse  at  Niagara.  T  left  the  cars,  an<l  walked  down 
the  s1o])e  to  the  verge  of  the  cliff;  I  forgot  my  friends, 
who  had  called  me  to  the  hotel  to  lunch — I  forgot  evcry- 
tiiing — for  I  was  looking  at  the  Falls  of  Niagara. 

CIr  o  c? 

"  No  more  than — wliat  sooiiiM  it  now 
I?y  that  far  Hood  to  stand  ? 
A  tliousand  streams  of  h)vclior  flow 

]>athe  my  own  mountain  land, 
And  thcneo  o'or  waste  and  ocean  track 
Their  wild  sweet  voices  call'd  me  back. 

Tliey  call'd  me  back  to  many  a  glade, 

My  childhood's  haunt  of  plaj', 
Where  brightly  'mid  the  birchen  shade 

Their  waters  glanced  away  : 
Tiicy  call'd  me  with  their  thousand  Wiwes 
Lack  to  my  fathers'  hills  and  graves." 


11  *■  ■ 

.      V   ' 


'.;'>  'iirf.i 

The  feelings  which  M'-s.  Ilemans  had  attributed  to 
Bruce  at  the  source  of  the  Nile,  were  mine  as  I  took  my 
first  view  of  Niagara.  The  Ilorsc-shoe  Fall  at  some 
distance  to  my  right  was  partially  hidden,  but  directly  in 
front  of  me  were  the  American  and  Crescent  Falls.  The 
former  is  perfectly  straight,  and  looked  like  a  gigantic 
mill-weir.  This  resemblance  is  further  heightened  by  an 
enormous  wooden  nniny-windowed  fabric,  said  to  be  the 
largest  pa))er-mill  in  the  United  States.  A  whole  collec- 
tion of  mills  disfigures  this  romantic  spot,  which  has 
received  the  name  of  Manchester,  and  bids  ft\ir  to  become 
n   thriving  manufacturing  town !     Even  on   the   British 

'■■*  ' 

Chap.  XI. 



side,  where  one  would  have  hopt'd  for  a  better  state  of 
tilings,  there  is  a  great  fungus  growtli  of  iiiuseuuis, 
curiosity-shops,  taverns,  and  pagodas  with  sliining  tin 
cu})olas.  Not  far  from  wliere  I  stood,  tlie  nienihers  of 
a  })icnic  party  were  flirting  and  huigliing  hihu'iously, 
tlu'owing  ciiieken-hones  and  peach-stones  over  tlie  el  iff, 
drinking  champagne  and  soda-water.  Just  as  I  luul 
succeeded  in  attaining  the  proper  degree  of  nuMital  al)- 
straction  with  which  it  is  necessary  to  c(Mitenn)late  Nia- 
gara, a  ragged  drosky-driver  came  ii)),  ^  Yer  honour, 
may  he  ye  're  in  want  of  a  carriage  ?  I  '11  take  ye  the 
whole  round — Goat  Island,  Whirlpool,  r'ld  IX'il's  Hole  — 
for  the  matter  of  four  dollars."  Niagara  made  a  matter 
of  "  a  round,"  dtdlars,  and  cents,  was  too  much  for  my 
equanimity  ;  and  in  the  ho})e  of  losing  my  feelings  of  dis- 
appointment, I  went  into  the  Clifton  House,  enduring 
a  whole  volley  of  requests  from  the  half-ti])sy  droi«ky- 
drivers  who  thronged  the  doorway. 

This  celebrated  hotel,  which  is  ke})t  on  the  American 
plan,  is  a  huge  white  block  of  building,  with  three  green 
verandahs  round  it,  and  can  accommodate  about  four 
hundred  pco]>le.  In  the  summer  season  it  is  the  alwde 
of  almost  unparalleled  gaiety.  Here  congregate  tourists, 
merchants,  lawyers,  officers,  senators,  wealthy  soutliern(>rs, 
and  sallow  dovvn-easters,  all  flying  alike  froui  business 
and  heat.  Here  meet  all  ranks,  those  of  the  highest  cha- 
racter, and  those  who  have  no  character  to  lose ;  those 
who  by  some  fortunate  accident  have  become  possessed  of 
a  few  dollars,  and  those  whose  mine  of  wealth  lies  in  the 
gambling-house — all  for  the  time  being  on  terms  of  jjcr- 
fect  equality.     Balls,  in  aoors  and  out  of  doors,  nightly 

L  2 

'  4  '       '',' 


"  DOING  XTA'^^APvA." 

CiiAr.  XI. 




M  m 

M;:i  .■■■■■  .'   V 

V     I 



succccmI  to  ))arties  and  ])iciiics  :  tlio  inoi-t  novo!  of  wliioh 
are  tlioso  in  tlu3  beautiful  garden  in  front  of  the  hotel. 
This  garden  has  ppaeioiis  lawns  lighted  by  lam])S ;  and 
here,  as  in  the  '  jMldsuninier  Night's  Dream,'  the  visitors 
danec  on  summer  evenings  to  the  strains  of  invi?il)le 
musie.  But  at  the  time  of  mv  seeond  visit  to  the  Falls 
all  the  gaiety  was  over  ;  the  men  of  business  had  returned 
to  the  eities,  the  sc^utherners  had  fled  to  their  sunny 
homes — part  of  the  house  was  shut  up,  and  in  the  great 
diuiuii'-room,  with  tables  for  three  hundred,  we  sat  down 
to  luiieh  with  about  twenty-five  persons,  most  of  them 
Amerieans  and  Germans  of  th.e  most  repulsive  descrip- 
tion. After  this  meal,  eaten  in  the  "five  minutes  all 
aboard"  style,  we  started  on  a  sight-seeing  ex))edition. 
Instead  of  being  allowed  to  sit  quietly  on  Table  llock, 
ga/ing  ujion  the  eataraet,  the  visitor,  yielding  to  the  de- 
mands of  a  supposed  neeessity,  is  dragged  a  weary 
round — he  must  see  the  Falls  from  the  front,  from  above, 
and  from  below  :  he  nnist  l>;o  behind  them,  and  be 
drenched  by  them  ;  he  must  descend  spiral  staircases  at 
the  risk  of  his  limbs,  and  cross  ferries  at  that  of  his  life  : 
he  must  visit  Bloody  Run,  the  Burning  Sju'ings,  and 
Indian  curiosity-shops,  which  have  nothing  to  do  with 
them  at  all ;  and  when  the  poor  wretch  is  thoroughly 
bewildered  and  wearied  by  "  doing  Niaga^'a,'  he  is 
allowed  to  steal  quietly  off  to  what  he  really  came  to 
see — the  mighty  llorse-shoe  Fall,  with  all  its  accompani- 
ments of  majesty,  sublimity,  and  terror. 

Bound  tlie  door  of  the  Clifion  House  were  about  twenty 
ragged,  vociferous  drosky -drivers,  of  most  demoralised 
aj)pearance,  all  clamorous  for  "a  fare."     "  We  want  to 


C;iAi-.  XI. 



go  lo  Goat  Island;  liow  inucli  is  it?"  "Five  dollar?.'' 
"I'll  tak(3  you  for  four  dollars  and  a  half."  "No,  sir, 
lir's  a  cheat  and  a  blackguard  ;  I'll  take  vou  for  four." 
"  I'll  take  you  as  clieap  as  any  one,"  shouts  a  man  in  rags  ; 
"  I'll  take  you  for  three."  "  Very  well."  "  I'll  take  you 
as  cheap  as  he ;  he's  drunk,  and  his  carriaj;;e  isn't  tit  for  a 
l;uly  to  step  into,"  shouted  the  man  who  at  fir^t  asketl  live 
dollars.  Alter  this  thev  commenced  a  reaular  w/rAV,  when 
l)lows  were  given  and  received,  and  frecpient  allusions  were 
made  to  "  the  bones  of  St.  Patrick."  At  last  our  friend 
ill  rags  succeeded  in  driving  up  to  the  dcxn-,  anil  we  found 
his  carriage  really  unfit  for  ladies,  as  the  stuffing  in  most 
places  was  quite  bare,  and  the  step  and  splash-boards 
were  only  kept  in  their  places  by  pieces  of  rope.  Th-* 
sliouting  and  s(]uabbling  were  accompanied  by  Niagara, 
whose  dee})  awful  thundering  bass  drowns;  all  other 

Wc  (h'ove  for  i>vo  miles  along  the  ])recijiice  bank  of  the 
Niagara  river:  this  precipice  is  250  feet  high,  without  a 
parapet,  and  the  green,  dee})  flood  rag<.  •  below.  At  the 
Suspension  Bridge  they  demanded  n  toll  uf  sixty  cents, 
and  contem})tuously  refused  two  five-dollar  notes  olfered 
them  by  ]Mr.  AValrence^  saying  they  were  only  waste 
})aper.  This  extraordinary  bridge,  over  whiih  a  train  of 
cars  weighing  440  tons  has  recently  })assed,  has  a  s})an 
of  800  feet,  and  a  double  roadway,  the  U})})er  one 
being  used  by  the  railway.  The  floor  of  the  bridge  is 
230  feet  above  the  river,  and  the  de})th  of  the  river 
immediately  under  it  is  250  feet  I  The  view  from  it  is 
magnificent ;  to  the  left  the  furious  river,  confined  in  a 
narrow  space,  rushes  in  ra})ids  to  the  \Vhirlpool ;    and 

'^'j*^-  tut;! 

*■         ■it  h . 

r  ■  •••'-i.-.f.B    ■ 

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C'lIAl".  XI. 

to  the  riglit  tlic  Ilorsc-shoc  Fall  pours  its  toiTcnt  of 
waters  into  tlio  thirk  and  ever  invisil)le  abyss.  AVhen 
wo  reached  the  American  side  we  liad  to  declare  to 
a  custom-house  officer  that  wo  were  no  smugglers ; 
and  then  by  an  awful  road,  partly  covered  with  stumjis, 
and  partly  full  of  holes,  over  the  one,  and  through  the 
other,  our  half-tipsy  driver  jolted  us.  till  we  wished  our- 
selves a  thousand  miles  from  Niagara  Falls,  "  There 
now,  faith,  and  wasn't  I  nearly  done  for  myself?"  he 
exclaimed,  as  a  jolt  threw  him  from  his  seat,  nearly  over 
the  dash-board. 

AVe  passed  through  the  town  bearing  the  names  of 
Niagara  Falls  and  Manchester,  an  agglomeration  of  tea- 
gardens,  curiosity-shops,  aiid  monster  hotels,  with  domes 
of  shining  tin.  We  drove  down  a  i^teep  hill,  and  crossed 
a  very  insecure-looking  Avooden  bridge  to  a  small  wooded 
island,  where  a  man  with  a  strong  na^al  tvvang  demanded 
a  toll  of  twenty-five  cents,  and  anon  we  crossed  a  long 
bridge  over  the  lesser  rapids. 

The  cloudy  morning  had  given  place  to  a  glorious  day, 
abounding  in  varieties  of  light  and  shade  ;  a  slight  shower 
had  fallen,  and  the  sparkling  rain-drops  hung  from  every 
leaf  and  twig ;  a  rainbow  spanned  the  Niagara  river,  and 
the  loaves  wore  the  glorious  scarlet  and  crimson  tints  of 
the  American  autumn.  Sun  and  sky  were  propitious  ;  it 
was  the  season  and  the  day  in  wdiicli  to  see  Niagara. 
Quarrelsome  drosky  drivers,  incongruous  mills,  and  the 
thousand  trum})eries  of  the  place,  were  all  forgotten  in 
the  perfect  beauty  of  the  scene — in  the  full,  the  joyous 
realisation  of  my  ideas  of  Niagara.  Beauty  and  terror 
here  formed  a  perfect  combination.     Around  islets  covered 


a  long 

Chap.  XI. 



with  fair  foliage  of  trees  and  vines,  and  carpeted  with 
moss  untrodden  by  the  foot  of  man,  tlie  waters,  in  wild 
turmoil,  rage  and  foam  :  rusliing  on  recklessly  beneath 
the  trembling  bridge  on  which  we  stood  to  their  doomed 
fall.  Tills  place  is  called  "  The  Hell  of  \Vaters,"  and 
has  been  the  scene  of  more  than  one  terrible  trairedv. 

This  bridge  took  us  to  Iris  Ishuid,  so  named  from  the 
rainbows  which  perpetually  hover  round  its  base.  Every- 
thing of  terrestrial  beauty  may  be  found  in  Ii'is  Island. 
It  stands  amid  the  eternal  din  of  the  waters,  a  barrier 
between  the  Canadian  and  American  Falls.  It  is  not 
more  than  sixty-two  acres  in  extent,  yet  it  has  groves  of 
huge  forest  tree?,  and  secluded  roads  underneath  them  iu 
the  deepest  shade,  far  apparently  from  the  busy  world, 
yet  thousand?  from  every  part  of  the  globe  yearly  tread 
its  walks  of  beauty.  ^Vc  stopped  at  the  top  of  a  dizzy 
pathway,  and,  leaving  the  AVahences  to  purchase  some 
curiosities,  I  descended  it,  crossed  a  trembling  foot- 
bridge, and  stood  alone  on  Luna  Island,  between  the 
Crescent  and  American  Falls.  This  beauteous  and  richly- 
embowered  little  spot,  which  is  said  to  tren  _le,  and  looks 
as  if  any  wave  might  sweep  it  away,  has  a  view  of  match- 
less magnificence.  From  it  can  be  seen  the  whole  expanse 
of  the  American  rapids,  rolling  and  struggling  down, 
chafing  the  sunny  islets,  as  if  jealous  of  their  beauty. 
The  Canadian  Fall  was  on  my  left ;  away  in  front 
stretched  the  scarlet  woods  ;  the  incongruities  of  the  place 
were  out  of  sight ;  and  at  my  feet  the  broad  sheet  of  the 
American  Fall  tumbled  down  in  terrible  majesty.  The 
violence  of  the  rapids  cannot  be  imagined  by  one  who  has 
not  seen  their  resistless  force.     The  turbulent  waters  are 




i « -  M 

5  .■ '    •;.'■.  ^f■■^' 

,      si'  is.,? 

V.  -:S''  t' 

•'^:S '', 







'5^^  ' 






I  ;•}■>} 

f:  ,.t   «> 





ClIAI'.  XI. 

ilmig  II}) wards,  as  if  infuriated  against  tliu  sky.  Tlio 
rocks,  ^vlloso  jagged  ))()ints  are  seen  among  tlieni,  tiing  off 
the  hurried  and  foamy  waves,  as  if  with  siipernatm-al 
strength.  Nearer  and  nearer  they  come  to  the  Fall,  he- 
coming  every  instant  more  agitated  ;  they  seem  to  recoil 
as  they  aj)proacli  its  verge  ;  a  momentary  calm  folloMs, 
and  then,  like  all  their  predecessors,  they  go  down  the 
ahyss  together.  There  is  something  very  exciting  in  this 
view;  one  cannot  lielj)  investing  Niagara  with  feelings  of 
human  agony  and  a])j)rehension  ;  one  feels  a  new  sensation, 
something  neither  terror,  wonder,  nor  admiration,  as  one 
looks  at  the  phenomena  which  it  displays.  I  have  heen 
surprised  to  see  how  a  visit  to  the  Falls  galvanises  the 
most  matter-of-fact  person  into  a  brief  exercise  of  the 
imaginative  powers. 

As  the  sound  of  the  muffled  drum  too  often  accom- 
panies the  trumpet,  so  the  beauty  of  Luna  Island  must 
ever  remain  associated  in  my  uiind  with  a  terrible  catas- 
trophe which  recently  occurred  there.  Niagara  was  at  its 
gayest,  and  the  sunnner  at  its  hottest,  when  a  joyous 
party  went  to  sjjend  the  day  on  Luna  Island.  It  consisted 
of  a  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Do  Forest,  their  beautiful  child 
"  Nettie,"  a  young  man  of  great  talent  and  promise, 
Mr.  Addington,  and  a  few  other  persons.  It  was  a  fair 
evening  in  June,  when  moonlight  was  struggling  for 
ascendancy  with  the  declining  beams  of  the  setting  sun. 
The  elders  of  the  i)arty,  being  tired,  re})aired  to  the  seats 
nn  Iris  Island  t(>  rest,  Mr.  De  Forest  calling  to  Nettie, 
''  Come  here,  my  child  ;  don't  go  near  the  water."  "  Never 
mind — let  her  alone — I'll  watch  her,"  said  Mr.  Addington, 
for  the  child  was  very  beautiful  and  a  great  favourite, 

CiiAP.  xr. 



and  tlic  youthful  uicuibcMS  of  the  party  started  for  Luna 
Island.  Nettie  pulled  Addiugton's  coat  in  her  glee, 
"Ah!  you  rogue,  you're  caught,"  said  he,  catching  hold 
of  her;  "shall  I  throw  you  in?"'  She  sprang  forward 
from  his  arms,  one  step  too  far,  and  fell  into  the  roaring 
rapid.  "Oh,  mercy!  save — she's  gone  !"  the  young  man 
cried,  and  sprang  into  the  water.  He  caught  hold  of 
Nettie,  and,  by  one  or  two  vigorous  strokes,  aided  by  an 
eddy,  was  brought  close  to  the  Island  ;  one  instant  more, 
and  his  terrified  companions  would  have  been  able  to  hiy 
hold  of  him  ;  but  no — the  hour  of  both  was  come  ;  the 
waves  of  the  rapid  hurried  them  ])ast :  one  ))iercing  cry 
came  from  Mr.  Addington's  lips,  "  For  Jesus'  sake,  O  save 
our  souls  !"  and,  locked  in  each  other's  arnis,  both  were 
carried  over  the  fatal  Falls.  The  dashinor  torrent  rolled 
onward,  unheeding  that  bitter  despairing  cry  of  human 
agony,  and  the  bodies  of  these  two,  hurried  into  eternity  in 
the  bloom  of  youth,  were  not  found  for  some  days.  Mrs. 
Do  Forest  did  not  lono;  survive  the  fate  of  her  child. 

The  guide  related  to  me  another  story  in  which  my 
readers  may  be  interested,  as  it  is  one  of  the  poetical 
legends  of  the  Indians.  It  took  place  in  years  now  long 
gone  by,  when  the  Indians  worshipped  the  Great  Spirit  they  beheld  such  a  manifestation  of  his  power. 
Here,  where  the  presence  of  Deity  made  the  forest  ring, 
and  the  ground  tremble,  the  Indians  offered  a  living 
sacrifice  once  a  year,  to  be  conveyed  by  the  water  spirit 
to  the  unknown  gulf.  Annually,  in  the  month  of 
August,  the  sachem  gave  the  word,  and  fruits  and  flowers 
were  stowed  in  a  white  canoe,  to  be  paddled  by  the  fairest 

maiden  among  the  tribes. 

L  3 




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Chap.  XI. 

Tlio  tribe  thought  itself  highly  honoured  when  its  turn 
came  to  float  the  blooming  oliering  to  the  shrine  of  the 
Great  Spirit,  and  still  more  honoured  was  the  maid  who 
was  a  ilttinGj  sacrifice. 

Oronto,  tiie  proudest  chief  of  the  Senecas,  had  an  only 
child  named  Lena.  This  chief  was  a  noted  and  dreaded 
warrior ;  over  many  a  bloody  fight  his  single  eagle  ])lumc 
had  waved,  and  ever  in  battle  he  left  the  red  track  of  his 
hatchet  and  tomahawk.  Years  rolled  by,  and  every  one 
sent  its  summer  otlering  to  the  thunder  god  of  the 
then  unexplored  Niagara.  Oronto  danced  at  many  a 
feast  which  followed  the  sacrificial  gift,  which  his  tribe 
had  rejoicingly  given  in  their  turn.  He  felt  not  for 
the  fathers  whose  children  were  thus  taken  from  their 
wigwams,  and  committed  to  the  grave  of  the  roaring 
waters.  Calma,  his  wife,  had  fallen  by  a  foeman's 
arrow,  and  in  the  blood  of  his  enemies  he  had  terribly 
avenged  his  bereavement.  Fifteen  years  had  passed  since 
then,  and  the  infant  which  C.Vlma  left  had  matured  into  a 
beautiful  maiden.  The  day  of  sacrifice  came  ;  it  was  the 
year  of  the  Senecas,  and  Lena  was  acknowledged  to 
be  the  fairest  maiden  of  the  tribe.  The  moonlit  hour 
has  come,  the  rejoicing  dance  goes  on ;  Oronto  has, 
without  a  tear,  parted  from  his  child,  to  meet  her  in 
the  happy  hunting-grounds  where  the  Great  Spirit 
reigns.  The  yell  of  trium})h  rises  from  the  assembled 
Indians.  The  white  canoe,  loosed  by  the  sachems, 
has  shot  from  the  bank,  but  ere  it  has  sped  from  the 
shore  another  dancing  craft  has  gone  forth  upon  the 
whirling  water,  and  Loth  have  set  out  on  a  voyage  to 

Cii Ar.  XI. 



Tlie  lirst  bears  the  offering;,  Lena,  seated  amidst  fruits 
and  flowcn's  ;  the  seeond  contains  Oronto,  the  proud  chief 
of  the  Senecas.  Both  seeui  to  pause  on  the  verge  of  tlie 
descent,  then  together  rise  on  the  wiiirling  rapids.  One 
mingled  look  of  ap})rehension  and  affection  is  exchanged, 
and,  while  the  woods  ring  with  the  yells  of  the  savages, 
Oronto  and  Lena  plunge  into  the  abyss  in  their  white 

This  wild  legend  was  told  me  by  the  guide  in  full 
view  of  the  cataract,  and  seemed  so  real  and  life-like  tiiat 
I  was  somewhat  startled  by  being  accosted  thus,  by  a 
voice  speaking  in  a  sharp  nasf^l  down-east  twang:  "  Well, 
stranger,  I  guess  that's  the  finest  water-power  you've 
ever  set  eyes  on."  My  thoughts  were  likewise  recalled 
to  the  fact  that  it  was  necessary  to  put  on  an  oilskin  dress, 
and  scramble  down  a  very  dilapidated  staircase  to  the 
Cave  of  the  Winds,  in  order  to  "  do "  Niagara  in  the 
"regulation  manner."  This  cave  is  partly  beliihd  the 
American  Fall,  and  is  the  abode  of  howling  v  inds  and 
ceaseless  eddies  of  spray.  It  is  an  extremely  good 
shower-bath,  but  the  day  was  rather  too  cold  to  make 
that  luxury  enjoyable.  I  went  down  another  steep  path, 
and,  after  crossing  a  shaky  foot-bridge  over  part  of  the 
Grand  Rapids,  ascended  Prospect  Tower,  a  stone  erection 
45  feet  high,  built  on  the  very  verge  of  the  Ilorse-shoe 
Fall.  It  is  said  that  people  feel  involuntary  suicidal 
intentions  while  standing  on  the  balcony  round  tliis  tower. 
I  did  not  experience  them  myself,  possibly  because  my 

*  I  have  given  both  these  anecdotes,  as  nearly  as  possible,  in  the 
boinba-itic  language  in  which  they  were  related  to  me  by  the  guide. 

W'  t-  W'r"- 





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ClIAI'.  XI. 

;i  •» 

1  I" 


only  cnniiKiiiiou  was  the  lialt'-tiiK-y  Iri?h  drosky-tlrivfr. 
The  view  from  tliis  tower  is  awful :  the  edifice  has  been 
twice  hwopt  away,  and  ])rol)ably  no  strength  of  masonry 
could  permanently  endure  the  wear  of  the  rushing  water 
at  its  base. 

Down  come  those  beauteous  billows,  as  if  eairer  for 
their  terribU;  leap.  Along  the  ledge  over  wbich  they 
fall  they  are  still  for  one  moment  in  a  sheet  of  clear, 
brilliant  green;  another,  and  down  they  fall  like  cataracts 
(>f  driven  snow,  chasing  each  other,  till,  roaring  and  hiss- 
ing, they  reacli  the  abyss,  sending  up  a  colunm  of  spray 
100  feet  in  height.  No  existing  words  can  describe  it, 
no  painter  can  give  the  remotest  idea  of  it ;  it  is  the  voice 
of  the  Great  Creator,  its  name  signifying,  in  the  beau- 
tiful language  of  the  Iroquois,  "  The  Thunder  of  \\'aters." 
Looking  from  this  tower,  above  you  see  the  Grand 
Rapids,  one  dizzy  sheet  of  leaping  foamy  billows,  and 
below  you  look,  if  you  can,  into  the  very  caldron  itself, 
auil  see  how  tlu»  briurlit-arcen  waves  are  lost  in  foam  and 
mist ;  and  behind  you  look  to  shore,  and  shudder  to  think 
liow  the  frail  bridge  by  which  you  came  in  another  mo- 
ment may  be  washed  away.  I  felt  as  I  came  down  the 
trembling  staircasi;  that  one  wish  of  my  life  had  been 
gratified  in  seeing  Niagara. 

Some  graves  were  recently  discovered  in  Iris  Island, 
with  skeletons  in  a  sitting  jiosture  inside  them,  probably 
the  remains  of  those  aboriii'inal  races  who  here  in  their 
ignorance  worshipped  the  Great  Sj)irit,  within  the  sound 
of  his  almighty  voice.  We  paused  on  the  bridge,  and 
looked  once  more  at  the  islets  in  the  rapids,  and  stopped 
on  Bath  Island,  lovely  in  itself,  but  desecrated  by  the 

■' ':: 

ClIAl'.  X[. 

THE  wniiiLrooL. 


j)r('scnco  of  a  romarkably  liirsuto  Aiuorican,  who  keeps  a 
tull-liouso,  with  the  words  "  Ice-ereanis"  and  "Indian 
(.'uriosities"  j)ainted  in  large  letters  ujmn  it.  Again 
anothrr  bridge,  by  whieli  we  crossed  to  the  main  land  ;  and 
while  overwhelmed  at  onee  by  the  beauty  and  the  sublimity 
of  the  .-cene,  all  at  onee  the  idea  struck  me  that  the 
Yankee  who  called  Niagara  "  an  almighty  fine  water  pri- 
vilege" was  tolerably  correct  in  his  definition,  for  the 
water  is  led  off  in  several  directions  for  the  use  of  large 
saw  and  paper  mills. 

\\^(i  made  several  ])urchases  at  an  Indian  curiosity- 
shoj),  where  we  paid  for  the  articles  about  six  times  their 
value,  and  meanwhile  our  driver  took  the  opportunity  of 
getting  "  sunimat  warm,"  which  very  uearly  resulted  in 
our  getting  something  cold,  for  twice,  in  driving  over  a 
stump,  ha  all  but  upset  us  into  ponds.  Crosshig  the 
susj)ensIon-bridge  we  arrived  at  the  V.  R.  custom-house, 
where  a  tiresome  detention  usually  occurs  ;  but  a  few 
words  spoken  in  Gaelic  to  the  Scotch  officer  produced 
a  magical  effect,  which  might  have  been  the  same 
had  we  ])ossessed  anything  contraband.  A  drive  of 
three  miles  brought  us  to  the  whirlpool.  The  giant 
cliffs,  which  rise  to  the  height  of  nearly  300  feet,  Avail  in 
the  waters  and  confine  their  impetuous  rush,  so  that  their 
force  raises  them  in  the  middle,  and  hurls  them  up  some 
feet  in  the  air.  Their  fury  is  resistless,  and  the  bodies  of 
those  who  are  carried  ver  the  falls  arc  whirled  round 
here  in  a  hoi'rible  dan  ;e,  frequently  till  decomposition 
takes  ])lace.  There  is  nothing  to  excite  admiration  about 
the  w'hirlpool ;  the  impression  which  it  leaves  on  the  mind 
is  highly  un])leasing. 

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V.  iiAl'.  XI. 

'(    1 

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i.i.     ' 


Anotlier  (iisagrccalile  necessity  was  to  visit  a  dark,  doc'i) 
cliasiii  in  tlu!  bank,  a  very  gloomy  spot.  This  demon- 
titled  eavity  has  never  felt  the  iiitlnenee  of  a  ray  of  light. 
A  massive  cliff  rises  above  it,  and  a  narrow  stream,  hear- 
ing the  horril>io  name  of  Bloody  linn,  ))ours  over  this 
clilfinto  the  ch;^''m.  To  most  minds  tiiere  is  a  strange 
fascination  about  the  terrible  and  mysterious,  and,  in 
s})ite  of  warning  looks  and  bescceliing  gestures  on  the 
j)art  of  Mr,  Walrencc,  who  feared  the  effect  of  the  story 
on  the  weak  nerves  of  his  wife,  I  sat  down  by  the  chasm 
and  asked  the  origin  of  the  name  Bloody  Run.  I  will 
confess  that,  as  I  looked  down  into  the  yawning  hole, 
imagination  lent  an  added  horror  to  the  tale,  which  was 
bad  cnouuh  in  itself. 

In  175'J,  while  the  French,  who  had  in  their  pay  the 
Seneca  Indians,  liovcrcd  round  the  l^ritish,  a  large  supply 
of  provisions  was  forwarded  from  Fort  Niagara  to  Fort 
Schlosser  by  the  latter,  under  the  escort  of  a  hundred 
regulars.  The  savage  chief  of  the  Senecas,  anxious  to 
obtain  the  promised  reward  for  scalps,  formed  an  ambus- 
cade of  chosen  warriors,  several  hundred  in  number.  The 
Devil's  Hole  was  the  spot  chosen — it  seemed  made  on 
purpose  for  the  bloody  ])rojcct.  It  was  a  hot,  sultry  day 
in  August,  and  the  British,  scattered  and  sauntered  on 
their  toilsome  way,  till,  overcome  by  fatigue  or  curiosity, 
they  sat  down  near  the  margin  of  the  precipice.  A 
fearful  yell  arose,  accompanied  by  a  volley  of  bullets, 
and  the  Indians,  breaking  from  their  cover,  under  the 
combined  influences  of  ferocity  and  "  fire-water,"  rushed 
upon  their  unhappy  victims  before  they  had  time  to  stand 
to  their  arms,  and  tomahawked  them  on  the  spot.     Wrg- 

Chap.  XI. 

A  Mi;TA>[ouriro.<is. 


gotis,  lioi'scs,  soldiori?,  ami  drivers  wore  then  liurlcd  ovoi* 
tlie  precipice',  and  tlio  little  stn.'auj  ran  into  the  Niagara 
river  a  torrent  purjde  wiih  Intinan  gore.  Only  two 
escaped  to  tell  the  terrible  tale.  Some  years  ago, 
bones,  arms,  and  broken  wlieels  were  found  among 
tlie  rocks,  mementos  of  the  barl)arity  wliicli  lias  given 
the  little  streamlet  the  terror-in-piring  name  of  Bloody 

After  depositing  our  purchases  at  the  Clifton  House, 
where  the  waiter  warned  us  to  ])iit  them  under  lock  and 
key,  I  hoped  that  sight-seeing  was  over,  and  that  at  last 
I  should  be  able  to  gaze  upon  what  I  had  really  come  to 
visit — the  Falls  of  Ningara.  But  no  ;  I  was  to  be  vic- 
timised still  further  ;  I  must  "go  behind  the  great  sheet." 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Walrence  would  not  go ;  they  saiil  their 
heads  would  not  stand  it,  but  that,  as  an  Englisiiwoman, 
go  I  must.  Ill  .imerica  the  ca])abilities  of  EngUsh  ladies 
are  very  much  oven-ated.  It  is  supposed  that  they  go 
out  in  all  weathers,  invariably  walk  ten  miles  a  day,  and 
leap  five-barred  fences  on  horseback.  Yielding  to  ''  the 
inexorable  law  of  a  stern  necessity,"  I  went  to  the  Rock 
House,  and  a  very  pleasing  girl  produced  a  suit  of  oiled 
calico.  I  took  off  my  cloak,  bonnet,  and  dress.  "  Oh," 
she  said,  "you  must  change  everything,  it 's  so  vertj  icd." 
As,  to  save  time,  I  kept  demurring  to  taking  ()li'  various 
articles  of  apparel,  I  always  received  the  same  rep-ly,  and 
finally  abandoned  myself  to  a  complete  change  of  attire. 
I  looked  in  the  mirror,  and  beheld  as  complete  a  tatter- 
demallion  as  one  could  sec  begging  upon  an  Iri>li  high- 
way, though  there  was  nothing  about  the  dress  which  the 
most   lively   imagination   could  have   tortured   into   the 

M-  ^.rM' 

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Cii.vr.  XL 



I  r- 

<      H 


picturoscjiie.  Tlie  oxtonials  of  this  strange  cquipniLMit 
consisted  of  an  oiled  calico  hood,  a  garment  like  a 
carter's  frock,  a  pair  of  blue  worsted  stockings,  and  a 
pair  of  India-rubber  shoes  much  too  large  for  nic.  My 
appearance  M'as  so  comic  as  to  excite  the  laughter 
of  my  grave  friends,  and  I  had  to  reflect  that  numbers  of 
persons  had  gone  out  in  the  same  attire  before  I  could 
make  uj)  my  mind  to  run  the  gauntlet  of  the  loiterers 
round  the  door.  Here  a  negro  guide  of  most  repulsive 
appearance  awaited  me,  and  I  waded  through  a  perfect 
sea  of  mud  to  the  shaft  by  which  people  go  under  Table 
Rock.  My  friends  were  evidently  ashamed  of  my  ap})ear- 
ance,  but  they  met  me  here  to  wish  me  a  safe  retiu'n,  and, 
followii  g  the  guide,  1  dived  down  a  spiral  staircase,  very 
dark  and  very  much  out  of  re})air. 

Leaving  this  staircase,  I  followed  the  guide  along  a 
narrow  path  covered  with  fragments  of  shale,  with  Table 
Rock  above  and  the  deep  abyss  below.  A  cold,  damp 
wind  blew  against  me,  succeeded  by  a  sharp  pelting  rain, 
and  the  path  became  more  slippery  and  difficult.  Still  I 
was  not  near  the  sheet  of  water,  and  felt  not  the  slightest 
dizziness.  I  speedily  arrived  at  the  difficult  point  of  my 
progress :  heavy  gusts  almost  blew  me  away  ;  showers  of 
spray  nearly  blinded  me  ;  I  was  quite  deafened  and  half- 
drowned  ;  I  wished  to  retreat,  and  essayed  to  use  my 
voice  to  stop  the  progress  of  my  guide.  I  raised  it  to  a 
scream,  but  it  was  lost  in  the  thunder  of  the  cataract. 
The  negro  saw  my  incertitude  and  extended  his  hand.  I 
shuddered  even  there  as  I  took  hold  of  it,  not  quite  free 
from  the  juvenile  idea  that  "  the  black  comes  off."     He 

i>')  v. 


Cii.'.i'.  xr. 

ter:mixatiox  hock. 


seemed  at  that  moment  to  wear  the  aspect  of  a  black  Imp 
leadiniij  me  to  destruction. 

The  path  is  a  narrow,  sli})pery  lediie  of  rock.  I  am 
blinded  with  spray,  the  darkening  sheet  of  water  is  before 
me.  Shall  I  go  on  ?  The  spray  beats  against  my  face, 
driven  by  the  contending  gusts  of  wind  which  ru:-li  into 
the  eyes,  nostrils,  and  mouth,  and  almost  prevent  my 
progress  ;  the  narrowing  hulge  is  not  more  than  a  foot 
wide,  and  the  boiling  gulf  is  seventy  feet  below.  Yet 
thousands  have  pursueil  this  way  before,  so  why  should 
not  I?  I  grasp  tighter  hold  of  the  guide's  hand,  and  pro- 
ceed step  by  step  holding  down  my  head.  The  water 
beats  against  me,  the  path  narrows,  and  will  only  hold  my 
two  feet  abreast.  I  ask  the  guide  to  stop,  but  my  voice 
is  drowned  by  the  "  Thunder  of  Waters."  lie  guesses 
what  I  woidd  say,  and  shrieks  in  my  car,  "  It 's  icorse 
(joiiif/  hack."  I  make  a  desperate  attempt :  four  steps 
more  and  I  am  at  the  end  of  the  ledge  ;  my  breath  is 
taken  away,  and  I  can  oidy  just  stand  against  the  gusts 
of  wind  which  are  driving  the  water  against  me.  The 
gulf  is  but  a  few  inches  from  me,  and,  gasping  for  breath, 
and  drenched  to  the  skin,  I  become  conscious  that  I  have 
reached  Termination  Ruck. 

Once  arrived  at  this  })lace,  the  clouds  of  driving  spray 
are  a  little  thinner,  and,  though  it  is  still  very  difficult 
either  to  see  or  breathe,  the  magnificence  of  the  temple, 
which  is  here  formed  by  the  natural  hend  of  the  cataract 
and  the  backward  shelve  of  the  precipice,  makes  a  lusting 
impression  on  the  mind.  The  temple  seems  a  fit  and 
awful  shrine  for  llim  who  "  rides  on  the  wings  of  mighty 
winds,"  and,  completely  shut  out  from  man's  j)uny  works, 

.■.  .■  ..•;  • 

k'[  :  ^;'.!' 

'  J*.'''  1. 


^i«"  . 

'■>■%   ; 

'■« '  ;■ 


«    •'  iM'\ 



ClIAI'.  XI. 








the  mind  rises  naturally  In  adoring  contGmi)lation  to  Ilira 
whose  voice  is  heard  in  the  ''  thunder  of  w<atcrs."  The 
path  was  so  very  narrow  that  I  had  to  shuffle  backwards 
for  a  few  feet,  and  then,  drenched,  shivering,  and  breath- 
less, my  goloshes  full  of  water  and  slipping  off  at  every 
step,  I  fought  my  way  through  the  blinding  clouds  of 
spray,  and,  climbing  up  the  darkened  staircase,  again 
stood  on  Table  Rock,  with  water  drij)})ing  from  my  hair 
and  garments.  It  is  usual  for  those  persons  who 
survive  the  expedition  to  take  hot  brandy  and  water 
after  changing  their  dresses  ;  and  it  was  probably  from 
neglecting  this  jjrecaution  that  I  took  such  a  severe 
chill  as  afterwards  produced  the  ague.  On  the  whole, 
this  achievement  is  pleasanter  in  the  remembrance  than 
in  the  act.  There  is  nothing  whatever  to  boast  of  in 
having  accomplished  it,  and  nothing  to  regret  in 
leavino;  it  undone.  I  knew  the  danger  and  disajireeable- 
ness  of  the  exploit  before  I  went,  antl,  had  I  known 
that  "going  behind  the  sheet"  was  synonymous  with 
"  going  to  Termination  Rock,"  I  should  never  have  gone. 
No  person  who  has  not  a  very  strong  head  ought  to 
go  at  all,  and  it  is  by  every  one  far  better  omitted,  as 
tiie  remaining  portion  of  Table  Rock  may  fall  at  any 
momerit,  for  which  reason  some  of  the  most  re>pectable 
guides  d<'cline  to  take  visitors  underneath  it.  I  believe 
that  nn  amateur  ever  thinks  of  going  a  second  time. 
After  all,  the  front  view  is  the  only  one  for  Niagara — 
going  behind  the  sheet  is  like  going  behind  a  picture- 

After  this  we  went  to  the  top  of  a  tower,  where  I  had  a 
very  good  bird's-eye  view  of  the  Falls,  the  Rapids,  and  the 


')  Ilim 


ClIAP.  XI. 



general  aspect  of  the  country,  and  then,  refusing  to  be 
victnniscd  by  burning  spring!*,  museums,  prisoned  eagles, 
and  mangy  buffaloes,  I  left  the  Walrences,  who  were 
tired,  to  go  to  the  hotel,  and  walked  down  to  the  ferry, 
and,  scrambling  out  to  the  rock  farthest  in  the  water  and 
nearest  to  the  cataract,  I  sat  down  completely  undis- 
turbed in  view  of  the  mighty  fall.  I  was  not  distracted 
by  parasitic  guides  or  sandwich-eating  visitors ;  the  vile 
museums,  pagodas,  and  tea-gardens  were  out  of  sight : 
the  sublimity  of  the  Falls  far  exceeded  my  expectations, 
and  I  appreciated  them  the  more  perhaps  from  having 
been  disappointed  with  the  first  view.  As  I  sat  watching 
them,  a  complete  oblivion  of  everything  but  the  falls 
themselves  stole  over  me.  A  person  may  be  very  learned 
in  statistics — he  may  tell  you  that  the  falls  are  160  feet 
high — that  their  whole  width  is  nearly  four-fifths  of  a 
mile — that,  according  to  estimate,  ninety  million  tons  of 
water  pass  over  them  every  hour — that  they  are  the  outlet 
of  several  bodies  of  water  covering  one  hundi'cd  and  fifty 
thousand  square  miles  ;  but  unless  he  has  seen  Niagara, 
he  cannot  form  the  faintest  conception  of  it.  It  was  so 
very  like  what  I  had  expected,  and  yet  so  totally  different. 
I  sat  there  watching  that  sea-green  curve  against  the 
sky  till  sunset,  and  then  the  crimson  rays  just  fell  upon 
the  column  of  spray  above  the  Canadian  Fall,  turning  it 
a  most  beautiful  rose-colour.  The  sun  set ;  a  young 
moon  arose,  and  brilliant  stars  shone  through  the  light 
veil  of  mist,  and  in  the  darkness  the  cataract  looked  like 
drifted  snow.  T  rose  at  length,  perfectly  unconscious  that 
I  had  been  watching  the  Falls  for  nearly  four  hours,  and 
that  my  clothes  were  saturated  with  the  damp  and  mist. 

■.    .  '     ..■        »■-     St.     .■ 


;.  ^  !' 




^■B  V 


Mi'  1 




0?'  1 



!i  ?nt?r<s- 

1  SJl    ,  •  -  i  '  Ml     ,  - 








Cii.vr.  XI. 

It  would  bo  out  of  ])ljice  to  enter  upon  the  numerous 
geologieal  speculations  which  have  arisen  upon  the  struc- 
ture and  recession  of  Niagara.  It  seems  as  if  the  faint 
light  which  science  has  shed  upon  the  abyss  of  bygone 
ages  were  but  to  show  that  its  depths  must  remain  for 
ever  unlighted  by  human  reason  and  research. 

Tiicre  was  such  an  air  of  gloom  about  the  Clifton 
House  that  we  sat  in  the  balcony  t'U  the  cold  became 
intense  ;  and  as  it  was  too  dark  to  see  anything  but  a 
white  object  in  front,  I  could  not  help  regretting  the 
waste  (as  it  seems)  of  this  wonderful  display  going  on, 
when  no  eyes  can  feast  upon  its  sublimity.  In  the  saloon 
tliere  was  a  little  fair-haired  boy  of  seven  years  old,  with 
the  intellectual  faculties  largely  developed — indeed,  so 
nuich  so  as  to  be  painfidly  suggestive  of  water  on  the 
brain.  His  father  called  him  into  the  middle  of  the 
room,  and  he  repeated  a  long  oration  of  Daniel  AVebster's 
without  once  halting  for  a  word,  giving  to  it  the  action 
and  em])hasis  of  the  orator.  This  was  a  fair  sj)ecimen  of 
the  fre(iuent  undue  development  of  the  minds  of  American 

At  Niagara  I  finally  took  leave  of  the  Walrences, 
as  I  had  many  visits  to  pay,  and  near  midnight  left 
for  Hamilton,  under  the  escort  of  a  very  kind,  but 
very  Grandisonian  Scotch  gentleman.  I  was  intensely 
tired  and  sleei)y,  and  it  was  a  very  cheerless  thing  to 
leave  a  warm  room  at  midnight  for  an  omnibus-drive  of 
two  miles  along  a  biul,  unlighted  road.  There  did 
not  aj)})ear  to  be  any  waiting-room  at  the  bustling 
station  at  the  suspension  bridge,  for,  alas  I  the  hollow 
scream    of    the    locomotive   is   heard    even    above    the 







CiiAi'.  xr. 



thumlor  of  Niagara.     I  slept  in   the  cars  for  an  lionr 
heforo   we    started,  and   never  woke    till    the  conductor 
demanded  payment  of  my  fare  in   no  very  gentle  tones. 
We    reached  Hamilton    shortly    after  two  in  the  morn- 
ing, in  the  midst  of  a  high  wind  and  pouring  rain ;  and 
in    company    with    a    dozen    very    dirty    emigrants    wo 
entered  a  lumber  waggon  with  a  canvas  top,  drawn  by 
one  miserable  horse.     The  curtains  very  Imperfectly  kept 
out   the  rain,  and  we  were  in  continual  fear  of  an  uj)set. 
At  la-t  the  vehicle  went  down  on  one  side,  and  all  the 
Irish  emigrauts  tumbled  over  each  other  and  us,   with  a 
profusion  of  "  Ochs,"  "  murders,"  and  "  spalpeens."    The 
driver  composedly  shouted  to  us  to  alight;  the  hole  was 
only  deep  enough   to  sink  the  vehicle    to  the  axletree. 
We   got  out  into  a  very  capacious  lake  of  mud,  and  in 
again,  in  very  ill  humour.     At  last  tiie  horse  fell  down 
in  a  hole,  and  my  Scotch  friend  and  I  got  out  and  walked 
in  the  rain  for  some  distance  to  a  very  comfortable  hotel, 
the  City  Arms.     The  sun  had  scarcely  warmed  the  world 
into  Making  life  before  I  was  startled  from  my  sleep  by 
the  cry,  "  Six  o'clock  ;  all  aboard  for  the  "bus  at  half-past, 
them  as  goes  by  the  Passport  and  llujldamler  :'  but  it 
was  half-past,  and  I  had  barely  time  to  dress  before  the 
disagreeable    shout  of  "  All  aboard  !"   echoed    through 
the  house,  and  I   hurried  down  stairs  into  an  omnibus, 
which    held    twenty-two    persons    inside,   commodiously 
seated  in  arm-chairs.     I  went  down  Lake  Ontario  in  the 
Ilifjldandcr  ;  ]Mr.  Forrest  met  me  on  the  wharf,  and  in  a 
few  hours  I  was  again  warmly  welcomed  at  his  hospitable 

My  relics  of  my  visit  to  Niagara  consisted  of  a  few 


%S-v  '0!. 


A  "  SELL." 

CiiAr.  XL 


it    I 

Iiulian  curiosities,  and  a  ])i'inte(l  coi'tificatc  filled  up  with 
my  name,*  stating  that  I  had  walked  for  230  feet  hchind 
the  great  fall,  which  statement,  I  was  assured  by  an 
American  fellow-traveller,  was  "  a  sell  right  entirely,  an 
almighty  all -fired  big  flam.'* 

"  "  >:iagarii  Falls,  C.  W.:  Kogistor  Office,  Tabic  Rock.— This  is  to 

certify,  that  Mis.s ha.s  passotl  bcliii\d  the  Great  Falling  Sheet 

of  Water  to  Toriuination  Rock,  being  230  foet  behind  the  Great  Horse- 

rIioc  Fall. — Giv(m  uudor  my  hand  this  Ifith  day  of ,    18j4-. — 

Thomas  Baunktt." 


I      I 

Chap.  XII. 





;■  r ..  , 

A  sceue  at  starting  —  That  dear  little  Harry  —  The  old  lady  and  the 
race  —  liunnhig  the  Rajiid.s  —  An  aside  —  Snow  and  discomfort  — 
.  A  now  country  —  An  extemporised  ball  —  Adventure  with  a  madman 
—  Shooting  the  cataract  —  First  appearance  of  Montreal  —  Its  cha- 
racteristics—  Qtiebec  in  a  fog — "Muffins" — Quebec  gaieties  —  The 
pestilence  —  Restlessness  —  St,  Louis  and  St.  Iloch  —  Tlio  shady 
side  —  Dark  dens  —  Exterjial  characteristics  —  Lord  Elgin  —  Mis- 
taking  a  senator. 

The  Arabian,  by  vMcli  I  left  Toronto,  was  inferior  to 
any  American  steamer  I  had  travelled  in.  It  was 
crowded  with  both  saloon  and  steerage  passengers,  bound 
for  Cobourg,  Port  Hope,  and  Montreal.  It  was  very 
bustling  and  dirty,  and  the  carpet  was  plentifully  sprin- 
kled with  tobacco-juice.  The  captain  was  very  much 
flustered  with  his  imusually  large  living  cargo,  but  he 
was  a  good-hearted  man,  and  very  careful,  having,  to  use 
his  own  phrase,  "  clim-bed  in  at  the  hawse-holes,  and 
worked  his  way  aft,  instead  of  creeping  in  at  the  cabin 
window  with  his  gloves  on."  The  stewards  were  dirty, 
and  the  stewardess  too  smart  to  attend  to  the  comforts  of 
the  passengers. 

As  passengers,  crates,  and  boxes  poured  in  at  both  the 
fore  and  aft  entrances,  I  went  out  on  the  little  slip  of 
deck  to  look  at  the  prevalent  confusion,  having  previously 
ascertained  that  all  my  effects  were  secure.  The  scene 
was  a  very  amusing  one,  for,  acting  out  the  maxim  that 

•■>:>'■  ■   /<■'./  - 
•  f-  *^■:■^l  t 







./        ,      '    >'.    :■,^•l 

..-    .'..In; 



ii  m> 



Cii.u".  XII. 

■■\%f  * 



i  f 

"  time  is  money,"  coni})arativcly  few  of  tlic  passengers 
came  down  to  the  wharf  more  than  five  minutes  before 
tlie  liour  of  sailing.  Peo))le,  among  whom  were  a 
number  of  "  unprotected  fenudes,"  and  juveniles  who 
would  not  inove  on,  were  entancfled  amona:  trucks  and  carts 
discharging  cargo — hacks,  horses,  crates,  and  barrels. 
These  passengers,  who  would  find  it  difficult  to  elbow  their 
way  unencumbered,  find  it  next  to  im})ossible  when  their 
hands  are  burdened  with  uncut  books,  baskets  of  provender, 
and  diminutive  carpet-bags.  Horses  back  carts  against 
helpless  females,  barrels  roll  upon  people's  toes,  news- 
paper hawkers  puff  their  wares,  bonbon  venders  push  their 
plaster  of  Paris  abominations  almost  at  ])eople's  eyes,  yet, 
strange  to  say,  it  is  very  seldom  that  any  accident  occurs. 
Family  groups  invariably  arc  separated,  and  distracted 
mammas  are  running  after  children  whom  everybody  wishes 
out  of  the  way,  giving  utterance  to  hopes  that  thev  are 
not  on  shore.  Then  the  obedient  papa  is  sent  on  shore 
to  look  after  "  that  dear  little  Harry,"  who  is  probably 
all  the  time  in  the  ladies'  saloon  on  some  child-fancier's 
lap  eating  bonbons.  ""I'lie  board  is  drawn  in — the  moor- 
ings are  cast  off — the  wheels  revolve — the  bell  rings — the 
engine  squeals,  and  away  speeds  the  steamer  down  the 
calm  waters  of  Lake  Ontario.  Little  children  and  in- 
quisitive young  ladies  are  knocked  down  or  blackened  in 
coiling  the  hawser,  by  "  hands"  who,  being  nothing  but 
hands,  evidently  caimot  say,  "  I  beg  your  pardon,  miss." 
There  were  children,  who  always  will  go  where  they 
ought  not  to  go,  running  against  people,  and  taking  hold 
of  their  clothes  with  sticky,  smeared  hands,  asking  com- 
mercial gentlemen  to  spin  their  tops,  and  corpulent  ladies 

Chap.  XII. 

cs  before 

were  a 
liles  wlio 
and  carts 

bow  tbeir 
len  iheir 

5  against 

;s,  news- 

usb  tbeir 

^yes,  yet, 

it  occurs. 


ly  wisbcs 

tliev  arc 

on  sbore 



10  moor- 

gs — tlie 

own  tbc 

and   in- 

ened  in 

ing  but 

,  miss. 

re   tbey 

ng  bold 

ig  com- 

it  ladies 

Chap.  XII. 



to  play  at  bide  and  seek.  I  saw  one  stern-visagcd  gentle- 
man tormented  in  tliis  way  till  be  looked  ready  to  give 
tbe  cbild  its  "  final  quietus."*  Tliere  were  angry  people 
wbo  bad  lost  tbeir  i)ortinanteaus,  and  were  ransacking 
tbe  state-rooms  in  quest  of  tbem,  and  indolent  peo})le  mIio 
lay  on  tbe  sofas  reading  novels  and  cbewing  tobacco. 
Some  gentleman,  taking  no  beed  of  a  printed  notice, 
goes  to  tbe  ladies'  cabin  to  see  if  bis  wife  is  safe  on 
board,  and  meets  witb  a  rebuff  from  tbe  stewardess,  who 
tells  blin  tbat  "  gentlemen  are  not  admitted,"  and,  know- 
ing that  tbe  sense,  or,  as  be  would  say,  tbe  non.^cnse  of 
tbe  community  is  against  him,  be  beats  a  reluctant  re- 
treat. Everybody  seems  to  bave  lost  somebody  or  some- 
thing, but  in  an  hour  or  two  the  ladies  are  deep  in  novels, 
the  gentlemen  in  the  morning  papers,  tbe  children  have 
quarrelled  themselves  to  sleep,  and  the  captaia  has  gone 
to  smoke  by  the  funnel. 

I  sat  on  tbe  slip  of  deck  with  a  lady  from  Lake  Supe- 
rior, niece  of  the  accomplished  poetess  Mrs.  Hemans, 
and  she  tried  to  arouse  me  into  admiration  of  the  shore 
of  Lake  Ontario ;  but  I  confess  that  I  was  too  much 
occupied  with  a  race  which  we  were  running  with  the 
American  steamer  Maple-leaf,  to  look  at  the  flat, 
gloomy,  forest-fringed  coast.  There  is  an  inherent  love 
of  the  excitement  of  a  race  in  all  human  beings — even 
old  ladies  are  not  exempt  from  it,  if  we  may  believe  a 
story  which  I  beard  on  the  Mississippi.     An  old  lady  was 

*  American  juveniles  are,  generally  speaking,  completely  destitute 
of  that  agreeable  shyness  which  prevents  Euglifch  and  Scotch  children 
from  annoying  strangers. 






;r  I- 













-  ,'    ,Mt       -I 





1  vi 



h  -f! 


I   r 

going  down  the  river  for  the  first  time,  and  expressed  to 
the  captain  lier  earn(>?t  hope  that  there  would  be  no 
racing.  Presently  another  boat  neared  them,  and  half 
the  passengers  urged  the  captain  to  "y;</eo/<."  The  old 
lady  shrieked  and  protested,  but  to  no  purpose ;  the 
skipper  "  piled  on ;"  and  as  the  race  was  a  very  long 
and  doubtful  one,  she  soon  became  excited.  The  rival 
boat  shot  ahead  ;  the  old  lady  gave  a  side  of  bacon,  her 
sole  possession,  to  feed  the  boiler  fires— the  boat  was  left 
behind — she  clapped  her  hands — it  ran  ahead  again,  and, 
frantic,  she  seated  hor^elf  upon  the  safety-valve !  It  was 
again  doubtful,  but,  lo  I  the  antagonist  boat  was  snof/ged^ 
and  the  lady  gave  a  yell  of  perfect  delight  when  she  saw 
it  discomfited,  and  a  hundred  human  beings  struggling 
in  the  water.  Our  race,  however,  was  destitute  of  excite- 
ment, for  the  Maple-leaf  y^di^  a  much  better  sailer  than 

Dinner  constituted  an  important  event  in  the  day,  and 
was  despatched  very  voraciously,  though  some  things  were 
raw,  others  overdone,  and  all  greasy.  But  the  three  hun- 
dred people  who  sat  down  to  dinner  were,  as  some  one 
observed,  three  hundred  reasons  against  eating  anything. 
I  had  to  endure  a  severe  attack  of  ague,  and  about  nine 
o'clock  the  stewardess  gave  up  her  room  to  me,  and,  as 
she  faithfully  promised  to  call  me  half  an  hour  before 
we  changed  the  boats,  I  slept  very  soundly.  At  five 
she  came  in — "Get  up,  miss,  we  're  at  Guananoque; 
you  Ve  only  five  minutes  to  dress."  I  did  dress  in  five 
minutes,  and,  leaving  my  watch,  with  some  very  valu- 
able lockets,  under  my  pillow,  hastened  across  a  narrow 
plank,  half  blinded  by  snow,  into  the  clean,  light,  hand- 

;iiAi«.  XII. 

ossed  to 
d  be  no 
and  half 
Tlie  old 
)se ;  the 
cry  long 
'he  rival 
icon,  her 
was  left 
ain,  and, 
!  It  was 
1  she  saw 
af  excite- 
iler  than 

day,  and 
ngs  were 
ree  hun- 
orae  one 
out  nine 

and,  as 
r  before 

At  five 
lanoque ; 
s  in  five 
ry  valu- 

it,  hand- 



some  steamer  Neto  Era.  I  did  not  allow  myself  to  fall 
asleep  in  the  very  comfortable  state-room  which  was 
provided  for  me  by  the  friend  with  whom  I  was  travel- 
ling, but  hurried  upstairs  with  the  first  grey  of  the  chilly 
wintry  dawn  of  the  morning  of  the  18th  of  October. 
The  saloon-windows  were  dimmed  with  snow,  so  I  went 
out  on  deck  and  braved  the  driving  wind  and  snow  on 
that  inhospitable  morning,  for  we  were  in  the  Lake  of  the 
Thousand  Islands.  Travellers  have  written  and  spoken 
so  much  of  the  beauty  of  this  celebrated  piece  of  water, 
that  I  expected  to  be  disappointed  ;  but,  an  contrairc,  I 
am  almost  inclined  to  write  a  rhapsody  myself. 

For  three  hours  we  were  sailing  among  these  beautiful 
irregularly-formed  islands.  There  are  1692  of  them, 
and  they  vary  in  size  from  mere  rocks  to  several  acres 
in  extent.  Some  of  them  are  perfect  paradises  of  boauty. 
They  form  a  complete  labyrinth,  through  which  the  pilot 
finds  his  way,  guided  by  numerous  beacons.  Sometimes 
it  appeared  as  if  there  were  no  egress,  and  as  if  we  were 
running  straight  upon  a  rock,  and  the  water  is  every- 
where so  deep,  that  from  the  deck  of  the  steamer  people 
can  pull  the  leaves  from  the  trees.  A  hundred  varieties 
of  trees  and  shrubs  grow  out  of  the  grey  lichen-covered 
rocks  —it  seems  barbarous  that  the  paddles  of  a  steamer 
should  disturb  their  delicate  shadows.  If  I  found  this 
lake  so  beautiful  on  a  day  in  the  middle  of  October,  when 
the  bright  autumn  tints  had  changed  into  a  russet  brown, 
and  when  a  chill  north-east  wind  was  blowing  about  the 
withered  leaves,  and  the  snow  against  the  ship — and  when, 
more  than  all,  I  was  only  just  recovering  from  ague — 
what  would  it  be  on  a  bright  sunmier-day,  when  the  blue 

»!   2 

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ClIAI'.  XII. 

of  lioiivcn  would  bo  reflected  in  the  clear  waters  of  the  St. 
Lawrence ! 

By  nine  a  furious  snow-storm  rendered  all  objects  in- 
di^5tinct,  and  the  fog  had  thickened  to  sucIj  an  extent 
that  wc  could  not  see  five  feet  ahead,  so  we  came  to  an- 
chor for  an  hour.  A  very  excellent  breakfast  was  de- 
spatched during  this  time,  and  at  ten  we  steamed  off 
again,  steering  by  compass  on  a  river  barely  a  mile  wide  ! 
The  JVcw  Era  was  a  boat  of  a  remarkai)ly  light  draught 
of  water.  The  saloon,  or  deck-house,  came  to  within 
fifteen  feet  of  the  bow,  and  on  the  hurricane-deck  above 
there  was  a  tower  containing  a  double  wheel,  with  which 
the  ship  is  steered  by  chains  one  hundred  feet  long. 
There  is  a  look-out  place  in  front  of  this  tower,  generally 
occupied  by  the  pilot,  a  handsome,  ruffian-looking  French 
rojjaf/cia-f  with  earrings  in  his  ears.  Captain  Chrysler, 
whose  caution,  urbanity,  and  kindness  render  him  de- 
servedly popular,  seldom  leaves  this  post  of  observation, 
and  pei'sonally  pays  very  great  attention  to  his  ship  ;  for 
the  river  St.  Lawrence  has  as  bad  a  reputation  for  destroy- 
ing the  vessels  which  navigate  it  as  the  Mississippi. 

The  snow  was  now  several  inches  deep  on  deck,  and, 
melting  near  the  deck-house,  trickled  under  the  doors 
into  the  saloon.  The  moisture  inside,  also,  condensed 
upon  the  ceiling,  and  produced  a  constant  shower-bath 
for  the  whole  day.  Sofas  and  carpets  were  alike  wet, 
everybody  sat  in  goloshes — the  ladies  in  cloaks,  the  gen- 
tlemen in  oilskins  ;  the  smell  of  the  latter,  and  of  so  many 
wet  woollen  cloth  >s,  in  an  apartment  heated  by  stove-heat, 
being  almost  unbearable.  At  twelve  the  fog  and  snow 
cleared  away,  and  revealed  to  view  the  mighty  St.  Law- 

i    I.' 

ClIAI-.  XII. 



reiicc — a  rapid  stream  wbirUng  along  in  Piiinll  eddies 
between  sliglitly  elevated  banks  dotted  witb  wbite  bonie- 
steads.  We  passed  a  gigantic  raft,  witb  five  log  sbanties 
upon  it,  near  Prescott.  Tiiese  rafts  go  slowly  and  safely 
down  tbe  St.  Lawrence  and  tbe  Ottawa,  till  tbey  come  to 
La  Cbine,  wbero  frequent  catastropbes  bappen,  if  one 
may  judge  from  tbe  tind)cr  wbicb  strews  tbe  rocks.  A 
gentleman  read  from  a  newspaper  tbese  terrible  statistics, 
"  borrible  if  true," — "  Forty-four  murders  and  seven 
bundred  murderous  assaults  bave  been  committed  at  New 
York  witbin  tbe  last  six  montbs."  (Senmtion.)  We  stopped 
at  Prescott,  one  of  tbe  oldest  towns  in  Canada,  and  sbortly 
afterwards  passed  tbe  blackened  ruins  of  a  windmill,  and 
some  bouses  beld  by  a  band  of  American  "  synipatbisers  " 
during  tbe  rebellion  in  1838,  but  from  wbicb  tbey  were 
dislodged  by  tbe  cannon  of  tbe  royal  troops.  Five  bun- 
dred American  sympatbisers,  rvitb  several  pieces  of  can- 
non, under  cover  of  darkness,  on  a  lovely  nigbt  in  May, 
landed  at  tins  place.  Soon  after,  tbey  were  attacked  by 
a  party  of  Englisb  regubars  and  militiamen,  wbo  drove 
tliem  into  a  windmill  and  two  strong  stone  bouses,  wbicb 
tbey  loopboled,  and  defended  tbemselves  witb  a  pertinacity 
wbicb  one  would  bave  called  beroism,  bad  it  been  in  a 
better  cause.  Tbey  finally  surrendered,  and  were  carried 
prisoners  to  Kingston,  wbere  six  of  tbem  were  banged. 
Tbeir  leader,  a  military  adventurer,  a  Pole  of  tlie  name 
of  Von  Scboultz,  was  the  first  to  be  executed.  He  fougbt 
witb  a  skill  and  bravery  wortby  of  tbe  nation  from  wbence 
he  sprung,  and  died  without  complaint,  except  of  those 
who  had  enticed  him  to  fight  for  a  godless  cause,  under 
the  name  of  liberty. 




Ru^'NL^'G  THE  rapids. 

Chap.  XII. 

nrightor  days  have  since  dawned  upon  Canada,  and  at 
this  time  tlie  most  discontented  can  scarcely  find  the  sha- 
dow of  a  grievance  to  lay  hold  of. 

As  an  instance  of  the  way  in  which  the  utilitarian 
er.^entials  of  a  high  state  of  civilisation  are  diffused 
throughout  Canada,  I  may  mention  that  when  we  ar- 
I'ived  at  Cornwall  I  was  ahle  to  telegraph  to^  Kingston  for 
my  lost  watch,  and  received  a  satisfactory  answer  in  half 
an  hour. 

After  sailing  down  this  mighty  river  at  a  rapir  c  for 
feome  hours,  we  ran  the  Galouse  Rapids.  Ru:  ng  ♦'.o 
rapids  is  a  favourite,  and,  I  must  add,  a  charming  diver- 
sion of  adventurous  travellers.  There  is  just  that  slight 
sense  of  danger  which  lends  a  zest  to  novelty,  and  it  is 
furnished  hy  the  facts  that  some  timid  persons  land  before 
coming  to  the  rapids,  and  that  many  vessels  have  c<)me  to 
an  untimely  end  in  descending  them.  There  is  a  fa- 
vourite story  of  General  Amherst,  who  during  the  war 
was  sent  down  by  the  river  to  attack  Montreal,  with  three 
hundred  and  fifty  men,  and  the  first  intimation  which  the 
inhabitants  received  of  the  intended  surprise  was  through 
the  bodies  of  the  ill-fated  detachment,  clothed  in  the  well- 
known  scarlet,  floating  by  their  city,  the  victims  of  the 
ignorance  or  treachery  of  the  ])iIot. 

One  of  the  great  pleasures  which  I  promised  myself 
in  my  visit  to  Canada  was  from  rinming  these  ra})ids,  and 
I  was  not  disapj)ointed.  At  the  Galouse,  the  river  ex- 
pands into  a  wide  shallow  stream,  containing  beautiful 
islands,  among  which  the  water  rushes  furiously,  being 
broken  into  large  waves,  boiling,  foaming,  and  whirling 
round.     The  steamer  neared  the  rapids — half  her  steam 

IIP'';- . 

Chap.  XII. 



was  shut  off — six  men  appeared  at  the  wheel — we  ghded 
noiselessly  along  in  smooth,  green,  deep  water — the 
furious  waves  were  before  us — the  steamer  gave  one  per- 
ceptible downward  plunge — the  spray  dashed  over  the 
bows — and  at  a  speed  of  twenty-five  miles  an  hour  we 
hurried  down  the  turbulent  hill  of  waters,  running  so 
near  the  islands  often  that  escape  seemed  hopeless — then 
guided  safely  away  by  the  skill  of  the  pilot. 

The  next  rapid  was  the  Longue  Sault,  above  a  U'ile  in 
length.  The  St.  Lawrence  is  liere  divided  into  two 
channels.  The  one  we  took  is  called  the  Lost  Passage ; 
the  Indian  pilot  who  knew  it  died,  and  it  has  only  been 
recovered  within  the  last  five  years.  It  is  a  very  fine 
rapid,  the  islands  being  extremely  picturesque.  We  went 
down  it  at  dizzy  speed,  with  all  our  steam  on.  I  sup- 
pose that  soon  after  this  we  entered  the  Lower  Provinco, 
for  the  aspect  of  things  totally  changed.  The  villages 
bore  French  names ;  there  were  iiigh  wooden  crosses  by 
the  water-side  ;  the  houses  were  many-gabled  and  many- 
windowed,  with  tiers  of  balconies ;  and  the  setting  sun 
flashed  upon  Romish  churches  with  spires  of  glittering 
tin.  Everything  was  marked  by  stagnation  and  retro- 
gression :   the  people  are  habitaus,  the  clergy  curi's. 

We  ran  the  Cedars,  a  magnificent  rapid,  superior  in 
beauty  to  the  Grand  Rapids  at  Niagara,  and  afterwards 
those  of  the  Coteau  du  Lac  and  the  Split  Rock,  but  were 
obliged  to  anchor  at  La  (^hine,  as  its  celebrated  cataract 
can  only  be  shot  by  daylight.  It  was  cold  and  dark,  and 
nearly  all  the  ])assengers  left  La  (Jhinc  i-v  the  cars  for 
Mimtreal,  to  avoid  what  some  people  consider  the  perilous 
descent  of  this  rapid.     As  both  means  of  reaching  Mont- 

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AN  exte:\[poiiised  ball. 

Chap.  XH. 

real  were  })rol)aLly  cM|iially  safe,  I  decided  on  reniaiirnig 
on  board,  liaving  secured  a  state-room.  My  companions 
in  the  saloon  were  the  captain's  wife  and  a  lady  who 
seemed  decidedly  JiiglUij,  and  totally  occupied  in  waiting 
upon  a  poodle  lapdog.  After  the  captain  left,  the  stoker? 
and  pokers,  and  stewards  and  cooks,  exteni|)orised  a  hall, 
with  the  assistance  of  a  blind  Scotch  liddlcr,  and  invited 
numerous  lassies,  who  ap'peared  as  if  by  magic  fnvm  a 
wharf  to  which  we  were  moored.  I  cannot  say  that  they 
tripped  it  "  on  the  liylit  fantastic  toe,"  for  bi'ogues  mA 
higidows  stumped  heavily  on  the  Hoor ;  but  what  was 
wanting  in  elegance  was  amply  compensated  for  by  merri- 
ment and  vivacity.  The  conversation  was  rather  of  a 
])olyglot  character,  being  carricl  on  in  French,  Gaelic, 
and  English. 

Throughout  the  night  I  wa^  occupied  in  incessant 
attempts  to  keej)  up  vital  warmth,  and  when  the  steward 
called  me  at  five  o'clock,  I  found  that  I  had  been  sleeping 
with  the  window  open,  and  that  the  water  in  the  jug  was 
frozen.  Wintry-looking  stars  were  twinkling  through  a 
frosty  fog ;  the  wet  hawsers  were  frozen  j«titf  on  deck  ;  six 
came,  tin;  hour  of  starting,  but  still  tlH»re  were  uo  signs 
of  moving.  Railroads  have  not  yet  taugkt  j)unctuai^ty  to 
the  Canadians,  but  better  thinys  are  in  store  for  fhem. 
Cold  to  the  very  Inine.  1  walked  up  and  down  the  saloon 
to  warm  myself  ''he  tioor  was  wet,  and  coven^d  with 
saturated  rugs  ;  there  were  no  lire*  in  the  rftoves,  and  my 
only  resource  was  to  lean  again«*t  tl***  engiB^*-cnclosurc, 
and  warm  my  frozen  hands  on  th«'  liot  vmxid.  T  was 
joined  by  a  very  old  gentlenwn,  wi»r».  amid  msKwy  com- 
plaints,  informed   me   that    he    had   stjul   an   attack    of 



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T  was 

Chap.  XII. 



apoplexy  during  the  night,  and  some  one,  finding  him 
insensible,  had  opened  the  jugular  vein.  His  lank  white 
hair  flowed  over  his  shoulders,  and  liis  neckcloth  and 
shirt-front  were  smeared  with  blood,  lie  said  he  had 
cut  his  wife's  throat,  and  that  her  ghost  was  after  him. 
"  There,  there  !  "  he  said,  pointing  to  a  corner.  I  looked 
at  liis  eyes,  and  saw  at  once  that  I  in  the  com))any 
of  a  madman.  He  then  said  that  he  was  king  of  the  i;rland 
of  Montreal,  and  that  he  had  murdered  his  wife  because 
slie  was  going  to  betray  him  to  the  Queen  of  I'ngland. 
He  was  now,  he  declared,  going  down  to  make  a  public 
entrance  into  Montreal.  After  this  avowal  I  treated 
him  witli  the  respect  due  to  his  fancied  rank,  till  I  could 
call  tlie  stewards  without  exciting  his  suspicions.  They 
said  that  he  was  a  confirmed  lunatic,  and  had  several 
times  attempted  to  lay  violent  hands  upon  himself.  Tliey 
thought  he  must  have  escaped  from  his  keeper  at  Brock- 
ville,  and,  with  true  madman's  cunning,  he  had  secreted 
himself  in  the  steamer.  Tliey  kept  him  under  strict 
surveillance  till  we  arrived  at  Montreal,  and  frustrated 
an  attempt  which  he  made  to  throw  himself  into  the  rapid 
as  we  were  descending  it. 

At  seven  we  unmoored  from  the  pier  at  I^  Chine,  and 
steamed  over  tlie  calm  waters  of  the  Lac  St.  Louis,  under 
the  care  of  a  Canadian  voi/arfCMr^  who  acted  as  a  sub- 
ordinate to  an  Indian  nilot,  who  is  said  to  be  the  onlv 
])crson  acquainted  with  the  passage,  and  whom  the  boats 
are  obliged  under  penalty  to  take.  The  lake  narrows  at 
La  Chine,  and  becomes  again  the  St.  Lawrence,  which  pre- 
sents a  most  extraordinary  appearance,  being  a  hill  of  shal- 

M  3 



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Chap.  XII. 




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low  rushing  water  about  a  mile  wide,  chafing  a  few  islands 
which  look  ready  to  be  carried  away  by  it.  The  large 
river  Ottawa  joins  the  St.  Lawrence  a  short  distance  from 
this,  and  mingles  its  turbid  waters  with  that  mighty  flood. 
The  river  became  more  and  more  rapid  till  we  entered 
what  might  be  termed  a  sea  of  large,  cross,  leaping  waves, 
and  raging  waters,  enough  to  engulf  a  small  boat.  The 
idea  of  descending  it  in  a  steamer  was  an  extraordinary 
one.  It  is  said  that  from  the  shore  a  vessel  looks  as  if  it 
were  hurrying  to  certain  destruction.  Still  we  hurry  on, 
■with  eight  men  at  the  wheel— rocks  appear  like  snags  in 
the  middle  of  the  stream — we  dash  straight  down  upon 
rocky  islets,  strewn  with  the  wrecks  of  rafts ;  but  a  turn 
of  the  wheel,  and  we  rush  by  them  in  safety  at  a  speed 
('tis  said)  of  thirty  miles  an  hour,  till  a  ragged  ledge  of 
rock  stretches  across  the  whirling  stream.  Still  on  we  go — 
louder  roars  the  flood — steeper  appears  the  descent — 
earth,  sky,  and  water  seem  mingled  together.  I  involun- 
tarily took  hold  of  the  rail — the  madman  attempted  to 
jump  over — i\\c  flighty  lady  screamed  and  embraced  more 
closely  her  poodle-dog ;  we  reached  the  ledge  —  one 
narrow  space  free  from  rocks  appeared- — down  with  one 
])lunge  went  the  bow  into  a  turmoil  of  foam — and  we 
had  "  shot  the  cataract "  of  La  Cliine. 

The  exploit  is  one  of  the  most  agreeable  which  the 
traveller  can  perform,  and  the  thick  morning  mist  added 
to  the  apparent  danger.  We  steamed  for  four  or  five 
miles  farther  down  the  river,  when  suddenly  the  great 
curtain  of  mist  was  rolled  up  as  by  an  invisible  hand,  and 
the  scene  which  it  revealed  was  Montreal. 

ClIAl'.  XII. 



I  never  saw  a  city  wliicb  looked  so  magnificent  from 
the  water.  It  covers  a  very  large  extent  of  ground,  which 
gently  slopes  upwards  from  the  lake-like  river,  and  is 
backed  by  the  Mountain,  a  precipitous  hill,  700  feet  in 
height.  It  is  decidedly  foreign  in  appearance,  even  from 
a  distance.  When  the  fog  cleared  away  it  revealed  this 
mountain,  with  the  forest  which  covers  it,  all  scarlet  and 
purple ;  the  blue  waters  of  the  river  hurried  joyously 
along ;  the  Green  and  Belleisle  mountains  wore  the  rosy 
tints  of  dawn  ;  the  distances  were  bathed  in  a  purple 
glow  ;  and  the  tin  roofs,  lofty  spires,  and  cupolas  of  Mont- 
real flashed  back  the  beams  of  the  rising  sun. 

A  lofty  Gothic  edifice,  something  from  a  distance  like 
A^'estminster  Abbey,  and  handsome  public  buildings,  with 
a  superb  wharf  a  mile  long,  of  hewn  stone,  present  a 
very  imposing  appearance  from  the  water.  We  landed 
from  the  first  lock  of  a  ship-canal,  and  I  immediately  drove 
to  the  residence  of  the  Bishop  of  Montreal,  a  house  near 
the  mountain,  in  a  very  elevated  situation,  and  command- 
ing a  magnificent  view.  From  the  Bishop  and  his  family 
I  received  the  greatest  kindness,  and  have  very  agreeable 
recollections  of  Montreal. 

It  was  a  most  curious  and  startling  change  from  the 
wooden  erections,  wide  streets,  and  the  impress  of  novelty 
which  pervaded  everything  I  had  seen  in  the  New  AVorld- 
to  the  old  stone  edifices,  lofty  houses,  narrow  streets,  and 
tin  roofs  of  the  city  of  Montreal.  There  are  iron  window- 
shutters,  convents  with  grated  windows  and  long  dead 
walls ;  there  are  narrow  thoroughfares,  crowded  with 
strangely-dressed  habitans,  and  long  proces.^ions  of  priests. 


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Chai'.  XII. 

Then  the  French  origin  of  the  town  contrasts  everywhere 
with  the  English  occupation  of  it.  There  are  streets — tlie 
Hue  St.  Genevieve,  tlie  Rue  St.  Antoine,  and  the  Rue 
St.  Fran(;ois  Xavier ;  there  are  ancient  customs  anil  feuihil 
privileges  ;  Jesuit  seminaries,  and  convents  of  the  Scnirs 
Gris  and  the  Sulpicians  ;  priests  in  long  black  dresses ; 
native  carters  in  coats  with  hoods,  woollen  nightcaps,  and 
coloured  sashes;  and  barristers  pleading  in  the  French 
language.  Then  there  are  Manchester  goods,  in  stores 
kept  by  bustling  Yankees ;  soldiers  lounge  about  in  the 
scarlet  and  rifle  uniforms  of  England  ;  Presbyterian 
tunes  sound  from  jdain  bald  churches ;  the  institutions 
are  drawn  alike  from  Paris  and  Westminster ;  and  the 
public  vehicles  partake  of  the  fashions  of  I  isbon  and  Long 
Acre.  You  hear  "  Place  mix  dames  "  on  one  side  of  the 
street,  and  ''''  cjlang  "  on  the  other  ;  and  the  United  States 
have  contributed  their  hotel  system  and  their  slang. 

Montreal  is  an  extraordinary  place.  It  is  alive  with 
business  and  enterprising  traders,  with  soldiers,  carters, 
and  equipages.  Through  the  kindness  of  the  Bishop,  I 
saw  everything  of  any  interest  in  the  town.  The  first 
thing  which  attiacted  my  attention  was  the  magnificent 
view  from  the  windows  of  the  See-house,  over  the  wide 
St.  Lawrence  and  the  green  mountains  of  Vermont ; 
the  next,  an  immense  pair  of  elaborately-worked  bronze 
gates,  at  a  villa  opposite,  large  enough  for  a  royal  resi- 
dence. The  side-walks  in  the  outskirts  of  the  town 
were  still  of  the  villanous  wood,  but  in  the  streets  they 
were  very  substantial,  and,  like  the  massive  stone  houses, 
look  as  if  they  had  lasted  for  two  hundred  years,  and 



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Chap,  XII. 



might  last  for  a  thousand  more.  We  visited,  among 
otlier  things,  some  schools — one,  the  Normal  School,  an 
extremely  interesting  one,  where  it  is  intended  to  train 
teacher.-,  0.1  (Jhurch-of-England  principles.  I  was  very 
much  surprised  and  pleased  with  the  amonnt  of  solid 
information  and  high  attainments  of  the  children,  as  evi- 
denced by  their  composition,  and  answers  to  the  Bishop  of 
Montreal's  very  difficult  questions.  They  looked  sallow 
and  emaciated,  and,  contrary  to  what  I  have  observed 
in  England,  the  girls  seemed  the  most  intelligent.  The 
Bishop  has  also  establi-jlied  a  library,  where,  for  the  small 
sum  of  four  shillings  a  year,  people  can  regale  themselves 
upon  a  variety  of  works,  from  the  volumes  of  Alison,  not 
more  ponderous  in  appearand!  than  matter,  to  the  news- 
paper literature  of  the  day. 

The  furrier©'  shops  are  by  no  means  to  be  overlooked. 
There  were  sleigh-robes  of  buffalo,  bear,  fox,  wolf,  and 
racoon,  varying  in  price  from  six  to  thirty  guineas  ;  and 
coats,  leggings,  gloves,  and  caps,  rendered  necessary  by  the 
severity  of  a  winter  in  which  the  thermometer  oftcii  stands 
at  thirty  degrees  below  zero.  People  vie  with  each  other 
in  the  costliness  of  their  furs  aiid  sleigh  equipments;  a 
complete  set  sometimes  costing  as  much  av  a  hundred 

I  went  into  the  Romish  cathedral,  which  is  the  largest 
Gothic  building  in  the  New  World.  It  was  intended  to 
be  very  imposing — it  has  surcceded  in  being  very  extra- 
vagant ;  and  if  the  architects  intended  that  their  work 
should  live  in  the  admiration  of  succeeding  generations, 
like  York  Minster,  Cologne,  or  Rouen,  they  have  signally 

» i 

'• . » 



-f   ♦! 


<  ■  >i 





Chap.  XII. 





Internally,  tlic  effect  of  its  vast  size  is  totally  destroyed  by 
pews  and  galleries  which  accommodate  ten  thousand  people. 
There  are  some  very  large  and  very  hideous  paintings  in 
it,  in  a  very  inferior  style  of  sign-painting.  The  ceiling 
is  painted  bright  blue,  and  the  high  altar  was  one  mass  of 
gaudy  tinsel  decoration.  In  one  corner  there  was  a 
picture  of  babies  being  devoured  by  pigs,  and  trampled 
upon  by  horses,  and  underneath  it  was  a  box  for  offerings, 
with  "  This  is  the  fate  of  the  children  of  China  "  upon  it. 
By  it  was  a  wooden  box,  hung  with  faded  pink  calico, 
containing  small  wooden  representations,  in  the  Noah's- 
ark  style,  of  dog?,  horses,  and  pigs,  and  a  tall  man  hold- 
ing up  a  little  dog  by  its  hind  legs.  This  peep-show  (for 
I  can  call  it  nothing  else)  was  at  the  same  time  so  inex- 
plicable and  so  ludicrous,  that,  to  avoid  shocking  the 
feelings  of  a  devout-looking  woman  who  was  praying  near 
it  by  an  '* eclat  de  rire"  we  hurried  from  the  church. 

I  met  with  many  sincere  and  devout  Romanists  among 
the  upper  classes  in  Canada ;  I  know  that  there  are 
thousands  among  the  simple  hahitans ;  and  though,  in  a 
thoughtless  moment,  the  fooleries  and  puerilities  of  their 
churches  may  excite  a  smile,  it  is  a  matter  for  the  deepest 
regret  that  so  many  of  our  fellow-subjects  should  be  the 
dupes  of  a  despotic  priesthood,  and  of  a  religion  which 
cannot  save. 

Close  to  the  cathedral  is  the  convent  of  tie  Grey 
Sisters,  who,  M'ith  the  most  untiring  zeal  and  kindness, 
fulfil  the  vocations  of  the  Sisters  of  Charity.  There  are 
several  other  convents,  some  of  them  very  strict ;  and 
their  high  walls  and  grated  windows  give  Montreal  a  very 
Continental   appearance.      On   a   lady   reir.arkir.g   to   a 


to   a 

Chap.  XII. 



sister  in  one  of  tliese,  tliat  the  view  from  the  windows  was 
very  beautiful,  she  replied,  with  a  suppressed  sigh.,  that 
she  had  never  seen  it.  There  are  some  very  fine  public 
buildings  and  banks  ;  but  as  I  am  not  writing  a  guide- 
book, I  will  not  dilate  upon  their  merits. 

We  walked  round  Le  Champ  de  Mars,  former.^  the 
great  resort  of  the  Montreal  young  ladies,  and  along 
the  Rue  Notre  Dame,  to  the  market-place,  which  is  said 
to  be  the  second  finest  in  the  world,  and,  with  its  hand- 
gome /flf«r/e  and  bright  tin  dome,  forms  one  of  the  most 
prominent  objects  from  the  water.  As  those  dii^gnsting 
disfigurements  of  our  lilnglish  streets,  butchers'  shops, 
are  not  to  be  seen  in  the  Canadian  towns,  nor,  I  believe 
I  may  say,  in  those  in  the  States,  there  is  an  enormous 
display  of  meat  in  the  Montreal  market,  of  an  appearance 
by  no  means  tempting.  The  scene  outside  was  extremely 
picturesque ;  there  were  hundreds  of  carts  with  shaggy, 
patient  little  horses  in  rows,  with  very  miscellaneous 
tents — cabbages  and  butter  jostling  pork  and  hides. 
You  may  see  here  hundreds  of  hahitans^  who  look  as  if 
they  ought  to  have  lived  a  century  ago — shaggy  men  in 
fur  caps  and  loose  blue  frieze  coats  with  hoods,  and  with 
bright  sashes  of  coloured  wool  round  their  waists ; 
women  also,  with  hard  features  and  bronzed  con.plexions, 
in  large  straw  hats,  high  white  caps,  and  noisy  sabots. 
On  all  sides  a  jargon  of  Irish,  English,  and  French  is  to 
be  heard,  the  latter  generally  the  broadest  patois. 

We  went  into  the  Council  Chamber,  the  richly  cushioned 
seats  of  which  looked  more  fitted  for  sleep  than  deli- 
beration ;  and  T  caught  a  glimpse  of  the  ex-mayor,  whose 
timidity  during  a  time  of  popular  ferment  occasioned  a 








\:,%.,-  ■ . 


■  ■■  m 



■  ^ 


'  t 


■r  i 


t:  >  ^' 







CirAP.  XII. 

grcjjt  loss  of  Imman  life.  That  popular  Italian  orator, 
"  Father  Gavazzi,'^  was  cngagod  in  denouncing  tlic  super- 
stitions and  impositions  of  Rome ;  and  on  a  mob  evincing 
symptoms  of  turbulence,  tliis  mayor  gave  the  order  to  fire 
to  tlie  troops  wiio  were  drawn  up  in  the  streets.  Scarcely 
had  the  words  passed  his  lips,  when  by  one  volley  seven- 
teen peaceful  citizens  (if  I  recollect  rightly),  coming  out 
of  the  Unitarian  chapel,  were  laid  low. 

Montreal  is  a  turbulent  place.  It  is  not  very  many 
years  since  a  mob  assembled  and  burned  down  the  Par- 
liament IIou?e,  for  which  exercise  of  the  popular  will  the 
city  is  disqualified  from  being  the  seat  of  government.  I 
saw  something  of  Montreal  society,  which  seemed  to  me 
to  be  quite  on  a  par  with  that  in  our  English  provincial 

I  loft  this  ancient  city  at  seven  o'clock  on  a  very  dark, 
foggy  evening  for  Quebec,  the  boats  between  the  two 
cities  running  by  night,  in  order  that  the  merchants,  by  a 
happy  combination  of  travelling  with  sleep,  may  not  lose 
that  time  which  to  them  is  money.  This  mode  of  pro- 
ceeding is  very  annoying  to  tourists,  who  thereby  lose  the 
far-famed  beauties  of  the  St.  Lawrence.  It  is  very  ob- 
noxious likewise  to  timid  travellers,  of  whom  there  are  a 
large  number  both  male  and  female :  for  collisions  and 
striking  on  rocks  or  shoals  are  accidents  of  such  frequent 
occurrence,  that,  out  of  eight  steamers  which  began  the 
season,  two  (mly  concluded  it,  two  being  disabled  during 
my  visit  to  Quebec. 

Scarcely  had  we  left  the  wharf  at  Montreal  when  we 
came  into  collision  with  a  brig,  and  hooked  her  anchor 
into   our  woodwork,   which   event   caused  a   chorus   of 

Chai'.  XII. 



screams  from  some  l<a(lies  whose  voices  were  rather 
stronger  tlian  tlieir  nerves,  and  its  remedy  a  great  deal 
of  bad  hmguage  in  French,  (lernuin,  and  Engli.-ii,  from 
the  crews  of  both  vessels.  After  this  we  ran  down  to 
Quebec  at  the  rate  of  seventeen  miles  an  hour,  and  tlie 
('O)itrctcinps  did  not  prevent  even  those  who  had  jrcreamed 
the  loudest  from  partaking  of  a  most  substantial  supper, 
which  was  served  at  eight  o'clock  in  the  lowest  story  of 
the  ship.  The  JoJin  Munn  was  u  very  fine  boat,  not  at 
all  the  worse  for  having  sunk  in  the  river  in  the  summer. 
I  ''onsidered  Quebec  quite  the  goal  of  my  journey,  for 
books,  tongues,  and  poetry  alike  celebrate  its  beauty. 
Indeed,  there  seems  to  be  only  one  opinion  about  it. 
From  the  lavish  praise  bestowed  upon  it  by  the  eloquent 
and  gifted  author  of  '  Ilochelaga '  down  to  the  homely 
encomiums  pronounced  by  bluff  sea  captains,  there  seems 
a  unanimity  of  admiration  which  is  rarely  met  with. 
Even  commercial  travellers,  absorbed  in  intricate  calcu- 
lations of  dollars  and  cents,  have  been  known  to  look  up 
from  their  books  to  give  it  an  enthusiastic  expression  of 
approval.  I  expected  to  be  more  pleased  with  it  than 
with  anything  I  had  seen  or  was  to  see,  and  was  insensate 
enough  to  rise  at  five  o'clock  and  proceed  into  the  saloon, 
when  of  course  it  was  too  dark  for  another  hour  to  see 
anything.  Daylight  came,  and  from  my  corner  by  the 
fire  I  asked  the  stewardess  when  we  should  be  in  sight  of 
Quebec  ?  She  replied  that  we  were  close  to  it.  I  went 
to  the  window,  exj)ecting  that  a  vision  of  beauty  would 
burst  upon  my  eyes.  All  that  I  saw  might  be  summed 
up  in  very  few  words — a  few  sticks  placed  vertically, 
which  might  be  masts,  and  some  tin  spires  looming  through 

>     •  I.  .  • 


J    ■^:>i^ 

'■".  *l' 

;■  .    *' 


t  , 


QUEHEC  IN  A  F()(J. 

Cir.vp.  XII. 


1::  t 

a  very  yellow,  opaque  medium,  Tliis  wjis  my  Jhst  view 
of  Quebee  ;  happily,  on  my  hint  tlie  elements  did  full 
justice  to  its  beauty.  Other  ol»jects  developed  tliem- 
selves  as  we  steamed  down  to  tlie  wharf.  There  were 
huge  rafts,  some  three  or  four  acres  in  extent,  which, 
having  survived  the  ])erils  which  liad  beset  them  on  their 
journey  from  the  forests  of  the  Ottawa,  were  now  moored 
along  the  base  of  the  lofty  clifTs  which,  under  ti'c  nan:e 
of  the  Heights  of  Abraham,  have  a  world-wide  celebrity. 
Tiiere  were  huge,  square-sided,  bluff-bowed,  low-masted 
ships,  lying  at  anchor  in  interminable  lines,  and  little, 
dirty,  vicious-looking  steam-tugs  twirling  in  and  out 
among  them  ;  and  there  were  grim-looking  muzzles  of 
guns  protruding  through  embrasures,  and  peripatetic  fur 
caps  and  bayonets  behind  parapets  of  very  sohd  masonry. 

Above  all,  shadowing  all,  and  steeping  all,  was  the 
thickest  fog  ever  seen  beyond  the  sound  of  Bow-bells.  It 
lay  thick  and  heavy  on  Point  Diamond,  dimming  the 
lustre  of  the  bayonets  of  the  sentinels  as  they  paced  the 
lofty  bastions,  and  looked  down  into  the  abyss  of  fog 
below.  It  lay  yet  heavier  on  the  rapid  St.  Lawrence, 
and  dri[)ped  from  the  spars  and  rigging  of  ships.  It  hung 
over  and  enveloped  the  town,  where,  combined  with 
smoke,  it  formed  a  yellow  canopy ;  and  damp  and  chill  it 
penetrated  the  flag  of  England,  weigliing  it  down  in 
heavy  folds,  as  though  ominous  of  impending  calamity. 

Slowly  winding  our  tortuous  way  among  multitudinous 
ships,  all  vamped  in  drizzling  mist,  we  were  warped  to 
the  wharf,  which  was  covered  with  a  mixture  of  mud  and 
coal-dust,  permeated  by  the  universal  fog.  Here  vehicles 
of  a  most  extraordinary  nature  awaited  us,  and,  to  my 

'MAP.  XII. 

rst  view 
did    full 

1     tluMll- 

re  were 

,   Mhicli, 

on  tliL'ir 


?e  naire 



d  littlo, 

ind   out 

zzles  of 

;o(ic  fur 


was  the 

3lls.     It 

ling  tlie 

icod  the 

of  fog 


t  hung 


chill  it 

|)wn   in 



3ed  to 

ud  and 


to  my 


ClAI>.  XII. 



great  surprise,  they  were  all  oj)fin.  They  were  called 
calashes,  and  looked  something  like  very  high  gigs  with 
hoods  and  C  springs.  ^^'here  the  dash-board  not, 
there  was  a  little  seat  or  perch  for  the  driver,  who  with 
a  foot  on  each  shaft  looked  in  a  very  j)recarious  position. 
These  conveyances  have  the  most  absurd  apj)earance ; 
there  arc,  however,  a  few  closed  vehicles,  both  at  Montreal 
and  Quebec,  wliich  I  believe  are  not  to  he  found  in  the 
civilized  world  elsewhere,  except  in  a  few  back  streets  of 
Lisbon.  These  consist  of  a  square  box  on  two  wheels. 
This  box  has  a  top,  back,  and  front,  but  where  the  sides 
ought  to  be  there  are  curtains  of  deer-hide,  which  are  a 
very  imperfect  protection  from  wind  and  rain.  The 
driver  sits  on  the  roof,  and  the  conveyance  has  a  constant 
tendency  backwards,  which  is  partially  counteracted  by  a 
band  mider  the  horse's  body,  but  oiili/  partially,  and  the 
inexperienced  denizen  of  the  box  fancies  himself  in  a  state 
of  constant  jeopardy. 

In  an  open  calash  I  drove  to  Russell's  Hotel,  along 
streets  steeper,  narrower,  and  dirtier  than  any  I  had  ever 
seen.  Arrived  within  two  hundred  yards  of  the  hotel, 
we  were  set  down  in  the  mud.  On  alighting,  a  gentle- 
man who  had  been  my  fellow-traveller  politely  offered  to 
guide  me,  and  soon  after  addressed  me  by  name.  "  Who 
can  you  possibly  be  ?"  I  asked  —  so  completely  had  a 
beard  metjimorphosed  an  acquaintance  of  five  years' 

Once  within  the  hotel,  I  had  the  greatest  difficulty 
in  finding  my  way  about.  It  is  composed  of  three  of 
the  oldest  houses  in  Quebec,  and  has  no  end  of  long 
passages,  dark  winding  staircases,  and  queer  little  rooms. 






It.  :  'I 



M ' 

t  'H 

•  >'t 



Chap.  XII. 





X  *' 

It  is  liauntod  to  a  frarfnl  extent  by  rats ;  and  din^ful 
stories,  "  horrible,  if  true,"  were  related  in  tlie  parlour 
of  pergonal  mutilations  sustained  by  visitors.  My  room 
was  by  no  means  in  the  oldest  part  of  the  bouse,  yet  I 
used  to  bear  nigbtly  sorties  made  in  a  very  systematic 
manner  by  tbes(»  quadru])ed  intruders.  The  waiters  at 
Rnssell's  nro  complained  of  for  tluiir  incivility,  b"t  we 
tbougbt  tbem  most  profuse  botb  in  tbeir  civility  and 
attentions.  Nevertheless,  with  all  its  disagreeables,  Rus- 
sell's is  the  best  hotel  in  Quebec ;  and,  as  a  number  of 
the  members  of  the  Legislative  Assembly  live  there 
while  Parliament  meets  in  that  city,  it  is  very  lively  and 


When  my  English  friends  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alderson 
arrived,  we  saw  a  good  deal  of  the  town ;  but  it  has  been 
so  often  described,  that  I  may  as  well  pass  on  to  other 
subjects,  'i'he  glowing  descriptions  given  of  it  by  the 
author  of  '  Ilochclnr/a  '  must  be  familiar  to  many  of  my 
readers.  They  leave  noilnng  to  be  desired,  excejit  the 
genial  glow  of  entbusiasnj  Jind  kindliness  of  heart  which 
threw  a  coulcur  de  rose  over  everything  he  saw. 

'riierc  arc  some  notions  which  must  be  unlearned  in 
Canada,  or  temporarily  laid  aside.  At  the  beginning  of 
winter,  which  is  the  gay  season  in  this  Paris  of  the  New 
World,  every  unmarried  gentleman,  who  chooses  to  do  so, 
selects  a  young  lady  to  be  his  companion  in  the  numerous 
amusements  of  the  time.  It  does  not  seem  that  any- 
thing more  is  needed  than  the  consent  of  the  maiden,  who, 
when  sine  acquiesces  ir.  the  arrangement,  is  called  a 
^^ muffin" — for  the  mammas  were  "muffins"  themselves 
in  their  dav,  and  cannot  refuse  tbeir  daughters  the  same 

mm-  f 


Chap.  XII. 

1(1  (lircriil 
0  parlour 
My  room 
use,  yet  I 
tvaiters  at 
',  b"t;  we 
'ility  and 
lies,  Rus- 
lumbor  of 
ivo  tliore 
ivcly  and 

has  been 
to  other 
t  by  the 
ly  of  my 
ce])t  the 
irt  which 

arned  in 
nning  of 
he  New 
to  do  so, 
lat  any- 
en,  who, 
ailed  a 
tie  same 

CiiAr.  XII. 



;•  f  ■-■ 

privilege.  The  gentleman  is  privil«^ged  to  take  th»'  young 
lady  about  in  his  sleigh,  to  ride  with  her,  to  walk  with 
her,  to  dance  with  her  a  whole  evening  witiiout  any  re- 
mark, to  escort  her  to  parties,  and  be  her  attendant  on  ail 
occasions.  When  the  sj)ring  arrives,  tlie  arrangement  is 
at  an  end,  and  I  dwl  not  hear  that  an  engageMMJiit  is  fre- 
(juently  the  result,  or  that  the  same  couj>U'  t»nter  into  this 
agreement  for  two  successiive  winters.  \^ViAm\Ay  tbc  rea- 
son may  be,  that  they  see  too  miieh  of  caflii  dtber. 

This  practice  is  almost  universal  at  Montreal!  and  Que- 
l)ec.  On  the  tine,  frosty,  moonlight  nights,  \»'hen  tlu» 
sleigh-bells  ring  merrily  and  the  crisp  .-  "W  crackles 
under  the  horse's  feet,  the  gi'ntlemeu  call  i'  take  their 
''  muffins"  to  meetings  of  the  sleighing-clubs,  or  to  snow- 
shoe  picnics,  or  to  cham})agtie-su})pers  on  the  ici',  from 
whicii  they  do  not  return  till  two  in  the  morning;  yet, 
with  all  this  apparent  freedom  of  manner,  the  Canadian 
ladies  are  perfectly  modi'st,  feminine,  and  ladylike  ;  their 
simplicity  of  manners  is  great*,  and  probably  there  is  no 
country  in  the  world  where  there  is  a  larg.'r  amount  of 
domestic  felicity. 

The  beauty  of  the  young  ladiesof  Canada  is  celebrated, 
and,  though  on  going  into  a  large  party  one  may  not  see 
more  than  two  or  three  who  are  ^-•^■•■kingly  or  regularly 
beautiful,  the  font  ciiseinhk  is  most  attractive  ;  tlu;  eyes 
are  invariably  large  and  lustrous,  dark  and  pensive,  or 
blue  and  sparkling  with  vivacity.  Their  manners  and 
movements  are  unaffected  anil  elegant ;  they  dress  in  ex- 
(}uisitc  taste ;  and  with  a  grace  peculiarly  their  own,  their 
manners  have  a  fascination  and  witchery  »vhich  is  j)er- 
fcctly  irresistible.    They  generally  receive  their  education 




Chap.  XII, 





'■:'■  fS'.-' 

n  . 

at  the  convents,  and  go  into  society  at  a  very  early  ago, 
very  frequently  before  they  have  seen  sixteen  summovs, 
ami  after  this  time  the  'vvhirl  of  amusement  preelude- 
them  from  giving  much  time  to  literary  employments. 
They  are  by  no  means  deeply  read,  and  few  of  them  play 
anything  more  tiian  modern  dance  music.  They  dance 
beautifully,  and  so  great  is  their  passion  for  this  amuse- 
ment, j)robably  derived  from  their  French  ancestors,  that 
married  ladies  frequently  attend  the  same  dancing  classi's 
with  their  children,  in  order  to  keep  themselves  in  con- 
stant practice. 

At  the  time  of  my  visii  to  Quebec  there  were  large 
parties  every  night,  most  of  whicli  were  honoured  with. 
the  presence  of  Lord  I'Hgin  and  his  suite.  One  of  his 
ai {It's- de -camp  was  T.ord  Bury,  Lord  Albemarle's  son,  who, 
on  a  tour  through  North  America,  became  enamoured  of 
(Quebec.  Lord  Elgin's  secretary  was  Mr.  Oliphant,  the 
talented  author  of  the  '  Russian  Shores  of  the  Black  Sea,' 
who  had  also  yielded  to  the  fascinations  of  this  northern 
capital.  And  no  wonder !  fur  there  is  not  a  fricndli  jr 
place  in  the  whole  wo/ld.  I  went  armed  witli  but  two 
letters  ot  'ntroduction,  and  received  hospitality  and  kind- 
ness for  which  I  can  never  be  sufficiently  grateful. 

The  cholera,  wi  kdi  in  America  assumes  nearly  the 
fatality  and  rapidity  of  tlie  plague,  had  during  the  sum- 
mer ravaged  Quebe':;.  It  had  entered  and  desolated 
happy  homes,  and,  not  confining  itself  to  the  abodes  of  the 
j)oor  and  miserable,  had  attacked  the  rich,  the  gifted, 
and  the  beautiful.  For  long  the  Destroying  Angel 
hovered  over  the  devoted  city — neitiier  age  nor  imlvncy 
was  spared,  and  numbers  were  daily  hurried  from  tlie 




CiAr.  XII. 

early  ago, 
■  tliem  play 
'hey  (lance 
his  amuse- 
estors,  that 
3ing  classes 
^es  in  con- 
were  liirae 
loured  with 
One  of  his 
;'s  son,  who, 
lamoured  of 
liphant,  the 
Black  Sea,' 
is  northern 
a  friondli'ir 
til  but  two 
and  kind- 

nearly  the 
S  the  3um- 
[  desohitcd 
)odes  of  the 
the  gifted, 
Knig  Angel 
per  infancy 
from  the 

Chap.  XII. 



vigour  of  living  manhood  into  the  silence  and  oblivion  of 
tlie  grave.     Vigorous  people,  walking  along  the  streets, 
were  .suddenly  seized   with  shiverings   and   cramp,    and 
sank  down  on  the  pavement  to  rise  no  more,  sometimes 
actually  expiring  on    the    cold,    hard   stones.     Pleasure 
was  forgotten,  business  was  partially  suspended  ;  all  who 
could,  fled  ;  the  gloom  upon  the  souls  of  the  inhabitants 
was  heavier  than  the  brown  cloud  which  was  supposed 
to  brood  over  the  city  ;  and  the  steamers  which  conveyed 
those  who  fled  from    the    terrible  pestilence   arrived  at 
Toronto  freighted  with  the  living  and  the  dead.     Among 
the  terror-stricken,  the  dying,  and  the  dead,  the  ministers 
of  religion    pursued   their    holy    calling,   undaunted   by 
the   terrible  sights    which    met   them   everywhere  —  the 
clergy    of  the    different   denominations    vied    witli   each 
other  in  their  kindness  and   devotedness.     The    ))riests 
of  Rome  then  gained  a  double  influence.     Armed  with 
what  ap])eared  in  the  eyes  of  the  people  supernatural 
powers,  they  knew  no  rest  either  by  night  or  day  ;  they 
held  the  cross  before  many  a  darkening  eye,  and  spoke 
to  the  bereaved,  in  the  jdenitude  of  thoir  anguish,  of  a 
world  where  sorro^v  and  separation  are  alike  unknown. 
The  heavy  clang  of  tolling  bells  was  hourly  heard,  as 
the  pestilence-stricken  were  carried  to  their  last  homes. 
Medical  skill  availed   nothing ;    the   "  pestilence    which 
walketh  in  darkness  "  was  only  removed  by  Him  in  whose 
hand  are  the  issues  of  life  and  death. 

Quebec  had  been  free  from  disease  for  about  six  weeks 
before  I  visited  it ;  the  victims  of  the  pestilence  were 
cold  in  their  untimely  graves ;  the  sun  of  prosperity 
smiled  'ipon  the  Ibrtress-city,  and  its  light-hearted  iuha- 

I  •'.> 





Mr  A 


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Chap.  XII. 



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v  ■ 

f  <    f 





bitants  luul  just  begun  their  nightly  round  of  pleasure 
and  gaiety.  The  viceroyalty  of  Lord  Elgin  was  drawing 
rapidly  to  a  close,  and  two  parties,  given  every  week  at 
Government  House,  affo/ded  an  example  which  the  good 
peoj)le  of  Quebec  were  not  slow  to  follow.  There  were 
musical  parties,  conversdziones,  and  picnics  to  the  Chau- 
diere  and  Lorette  ;  and  people  who  were  dancing  till  four 
or  five  o'clock  in  the  morning  were  vigorous  enough  after 
ten  for  a  gallop  to  Moutinorenci. 

The  absolute  restlessness  of  the  city  astonished  me 
very  much.  Tluj  uiorning  seemed  to  begin,  with  fashion- 
able' peojjle,  with  a  desultory  breakfast  at  nine  o'clock,  after 
which  some  received  callers,  others  paid  visits,  or  walked 
into  the  town  to  make  trifling  purchases  at  the  stores ; 
while  not  a  few  of  the  young  ladies  promenaded  St.  Louis 
Street  or  the  ramparts,  where  they  were  generally  joined 
by  the  officers.  Several  officers  said  to  me  that  no 
quarters  in  the  world  were  so  delightful  as  those  at 
Quebec.  A  scarlet  coat  finds  great  favour  with  the  fair 
sex  at  Quebec — civilians,  however  great  their  mental 
qualifications,  are  decidedly  in  the  background ;  and  I 
was  amused  to  see  young  ensigns,  with  budding  mous- 
taches, who  had  just  joined  their  regiments,  })referred 
before  men  of  high  literary  attainments.  With  balls,  and 
moose-hunting,  and  sleigh-driving,  and  "  tarboggining," 
and,  last  but  not  least,  "  muff.ns,"  the  time  passes  rapidly 
by  to  them.  A  gentleman,  who  had  just  arrived  from 
England,  declared  that  "  Quebec  was  a  horrid  place,  not 
fit  to  live  in."  A  few  days  after  he  met  the  same  indl- 
vidual  to  whom  he  had  made  this  uncomplimentary 
observation,  and  confided  to  him  that  ho  thought  Quebec 


week  at 
the  good 
ere  were 
le  Chau- 
;  till  four 
igli  after 

shed  me 
ock,  after 
ir  walked 
D  stores  ; 
St.  Louis 
lly  joined 
that   no 
those   at 
the  fair 
and   I 
g  nious- 
ills,  and 
ed  from 
ace,  not 
me  indi- 

Chap.  XII. 



"  the  most  delightful  place  in  the  whole  world  ;  for,  do 
you  know,"  he  said,  "  I  have  got  a  muffin." 

With  the  afternoon  numerous  riding  parties  are 
formed,  for  you  cannot  go  three  miles  out  of  Quebec 
without  coming  to  something  beautiful  ;  and  calls  of  a 
more  formal  nature  are  paid  ;  a  military  band  performs  on 
Durham  Terrace  or  the  Garden,  which  then  assume  the 
appearance  of  most  fiishionable  promenades  Tlie  even- 
ing is  spent  in  the  ball-room,  or  at  small  social  dancing 
parties,  or  during  the  winter,  before  ten  at  nigiit,  in  the 
galleries  of  the  House  of  Assend)ly ;  and  the  morning  is  well 
advanced  before  the  world  of  Quebec  is  hushed  in  sle(*j). 

Society  is  contained  in  very  small  limits  at  Quebec. 
Its  elite  are  grouped  round  the  ramparts  and  in  the 
suburb  of  St.  Louis.  The  city  until  recently  has  occu- 
pied a  very  isolated  position,  and  has  depended  upon 
itself  for  society.  It  is  therefore  sociable,  friendly.,  and 
hospitable  ;  and  though  there  is  gossip — for  where  is  it 
not  to  be  found  ? — I  never  knew  any  in  which  there  was 
so  little  of  ill-nature.  The  little  world  in  the  upper  part 
of  the  city  is  probably  tiie  most  brilliant  to  be  found 
anywhere  in  so  small  a  comj)ass.  But  there  is  a  world 
i)elow,  another  nation,  seldom  mentioned  in  the  aristo- 
cratic quarter  of  St.  Louis,  where  vice,  crime,  poverty, 
and  misery  jostle  each  other,  as  pleasure  and  politics  do 
in  the  upper  to\vn.  This  is  the  suburb  of  St.  Roch,  in 
whose  tall  dark  houses  and  fetid  alleys  those  are  to  be 
found  whose  birthright  is  toil,  who  sjjcnd  life  in  supplying 
the  necessities  of  to-day,  while  indulging  in  gloomy  ap- 
prehensions for  to-morrow — who  have  not  one  comfort  in 
the  past  to  cling  to,  or  one  hope  for  the  future  to  cheer. 




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CllAl'.  XII. 

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,  *  •■' 



It*' :  '. 


St.  Roch  is  as  crowded  as  the  upi)er  town,  but  with  a 
very  ditlereiit  popuhition — the  ])(>or,  the  degraded,  and 
the  vicious.  Here  fever  destroys  its  tens,  and  cholera  its 
hundreds.  Here  people  stab  eaclj  other,  and  think 
little  of  it.  Here  are  narrow  alleys,  with  high,  black- 
looking,  stone  houses,  with  broken  windows  pasted  over 
with  paper  in  the  lower  stories,  and  stutled  with  rags  in 
the  upper — gradations  of  wretchedness  which  I  have 
observed  in  the  Cowgate  and  West  Port  at  Edinburgh. 
Here  are  shoeless  women,  who  ([uiet  their  children  with 
ardent  spirits,  and  brutal  men,  who  would  kill  both  wives 
and  children  if  they  dared.  Here  are  dust- heaps  in 
which  pigs  with  long  snouts  are  ever  routing — here  are 
lean  curs,  wrangling  with  each  other  for  leaner  bones — 
here  are  ditches  and  j)uddles,  and  heai)s  of  oyster- 
shells,  an(!  broken  crockery,  and  cabbage-stalks,  and 
fragments  of  hats  and  shoes.  Here  are  torn  notices 
on  the  walls  offering  rewards  for  the  apprehension  of 
thieves  and  nuu'tlercrs,  painfully  suggestive  of  dark  deeds. 
A  little  further  are  lund)er-yards  and  wharfs,  and  nuid 
and  sawdust,  anil  dealers  in  old  nails  and  rags  and 
bones,  and  rotten  posts  and  rails,  and  attempts  at  grass. 
Here  are  old  burrel-lioops,  and  ])atches  of  old  sails,  and 
dead  bushes  and  dead  dogs,  and  old  saucej)ans,  and  little 
plots  of  ground  where  cal)hages  and  pumpkins  drag  on 
a  pining  existence.  zVnd  then  there  is  the  river  Charles, 
no  longer  clear  and  blight,  as  when  trees  and  hills  and 
flowers  were  u.irrored  on  its  surface,  but  foul,  turbid,  and 
polluted,  with  ship-yards  and  steam-engines  and  cranes 
and  windlasses  on  its  margin  ;  and  here  Quebec  ends. 

From  the  rich,  the  fashionable,  and  the  pleasure-seek- 

;iiAi'.  XII. 

it  with  ii 
led,  and 
lolera  its 
id  think 
1,  black- 
tcd  over 
1  rags  ill 

I  have 
Iren  with 
oth  wives 
heaps  in 
-here  are 

bones — 
f  oyster- 
ilks,  and 
n  notices 

nsion   of 

i  deeds, 
and  mud 

igs   and 
at  grass. 

ails,  and 
d  little 

drag  on 

ills  and 

bid,  and 

1  cranes 

re-seek - 



Chap.  XII. 



ing  suburb  of  St.  Louis  few  venture  down  into  the  quarter 
of  St  Roch,  save  those  who,  at  the  risk  of  drawing  in 
pestilence  with  every  breath,  mindful  of  their  duty  to  God 
and  man,  enter  those  hideous  dwellings,  ministering  to 
minds  and  bodies  alike  diseased.  My  first  visit  to  St. 
Roch  was  on  a  Sunday  afternoon.  I  had  attended  our 
own  simple  and  beautiful  service  in  the  morning,  and  seen  the  celebration  of  vespers  in  the  Romish  cathe- 
dral in  the  afternoon.  Each  church  was  thronned  with 
well-dressed  persons.  It  was  a  glorious  day.  The;  fashion- 
able ])romenades  were  all  crowded ;  gay  uniforms  and 
brilliant  parasols  thronged  the  ramparts  ;  horsemen  were 
(cUitering  along  St.  Louis  Street ;  priestly  processions 
j)assed  to  and  from  the  different  churches ;  nuinb(;rs  of 
calashes  containing  pleasure-parties  were  dashing  about ; 
])icnic  parties  were  returning  from  Montmorenci  and  Lake 
('liarlcs;  groups  of  vivacious  talkers,  speaking  in  the  lan- 
guage of  France,  were  at  every  street-corner  ;  Quebec  had 
all  the  appearance,  so  painful  to  an  English  or  Scottish 
eye,  of  a  Continental  sabbath, 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alderson  and  myself  left  this  gay  scene, 
and  the  constant  toll  of  Romish  bells,  for  St.  Roch.  'lliey 
had  lived  peacefully  in  a  rural  part  of  Devonshire,  and 
more  recently  in  one  of  the  prettiest  and  most  thriving 
i)f  the  American  cities  ;  and  when  they  first  breatheil  the 
])ollutc(l  air,  they  were  desirous  to  return  from  what 
j)roini.->ed  to  be  so  peculiarly  unpleasant,  but  kindly 
yielded  to  my  desire  to  see  sonifthirg  of  the  shady  as 
w(dl  as  the  sunny  side  of  Quebec. 

No  Sabbath-day  with  its  hallowed  accompaninu-nts 
seemed  to  have  dawned  upon  the  inhabitants  of  St.  Roch. 

N  2 

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ST.  ROCII.'.  XII. 

I   * 



\Vo  saw  women  with  tangled  hair  standing  in  tlie  strcoti-, 
<and  men  with  j)allid  conntenances  and  bloodshot  eyes 
were  reeling  about,  or  sitting  with  their  heads  resting  on 
their  hands,  looking  out  from  windows  stufted  with  rags. 
There  were  children  too,  children  in  nothing  but  the 
nanii'  and  stature — infancy  without  innocence,  learning  to 
take  God's  nanii;  in  vain  with  its  first  lisping  accents, 
jireparing  for  a  maturity  of  suflering  and  shame.  I 
looked  at  these  hideous  houses,  and  hideous  men  and 
women  too,  and  at  their  still  more  repulsive  progeny, 
with  sallow  faces,  dwarfed  forms,  and  countenances  j)re- 
cocious  in  the  intelligence  of  villany ;  and  contrasted 
them  with  tlu;  blue-eyed,  rosy-cheeked  infants  of  my 
English  home,  who  chase  butterflies  and  weave  May  gar- 
lands, and  gather  cowsli])s  and  buttercups ;  or  the  sallow- 
children  of  a  Highland  shantie,  who  devour  instruction  in 
mud-floored  huts,  and  con  their  tasks  on  the  heathery 
sides  of  hills. 

Yet,  when  you  breathe  the  poisoned  air,  laden  with 
everything  noxious  to  heulth,  and  have  the  physical  and 
moral  senses  alike  met  with  everything  that  can  disgust 
and  offend,  it  ceases  to  be  a  matter  of  wonder  that  the 
fair  t(!nder  plant  of  beautiful  childhood  refuses  to  grow 
in  such  a  vitiated  atmosphere.  Here  all  distinctions 
between  good  and  evil  are  s})eedily  lost,  if  they  were  ever 
known  ;  and  men,  women,  and  children  become  unnatural 
in  vice,  in  irreligion,  in  nianners  and  appearance.  Such 
spots  as  these  act  like  catikers,  yearly  spreading  furthei- 
and  further  their  vitiating  influences,  jjreparing  for  all 
those  fearful  retributions  in  the  shape  of  fever  and  pesti- 
lence which  continually  come  down.     Yet,  lamentable  as 

If,  I 


:ii.\i'.  XII. 

e  stroot^. 
?liot  ovos 
'osting  on 
vith  rags. 

but  tlio 

earning  to 

r  accents, 

lianio.      I 

men  and 

LUces  ])re- 
its  of  my 
May  gar- 
the  sallow 
t ruction  in 
I  heathery 

iden  with 
ysical  and 
an  dijjgust 
T  that  the 
to  grow 
were  ever 
ce.     Such 
ng  further 
\<X  for  all 
and  pe«ti- 
L'ntable  as 

Chap.  Xlf. 


21'.  9 

the  state  of  such  a  population  is,  considered  nunvly  witli 
regard  to  tliis  world,  it  becomes  fearful  when  we  recollect 
that  the  wheels  of  Time  are  ceaselessly  rolling  on,  bearing 
how  few,  alas  I  to  heaven — what  myriads  to  hell  ;  and 
that,  when  "this  trembling  consciousness  of  being,  which 
dings  enamoured  to  its  anguish,"  not  because  life  is 
sweet,  but  because  death  is  bitter,  is  over,  there  reiuains, 
for  those  who  have  known  nothing  on  earth  but  misery 
and  vice,  "  u  fearful  looking  for  of  judgment  and  liery 
indignation,"  when  they  that  have  done  evil  "■  shall  rise 
to  the  resurrection  of  danuiation." 

It  was  not  that  the  miserable  degraded  appearance  of 
St.  Roch  was  anything  new  to  me;  unfortunately  the 
same  state  of  things  exists  in  a  far  greater  degree  in  our 
large  towns  at  home  ;  what  did  surprise  me  was,  to  find  it 
in  the  New  World,  and  that  such  a  gigantic  evil  should 
have  re(iiiired  only  two  hundred  years  for  its  growth.  It 
seemed  to  me  also  that  at  Quebec  the  gulf  which  se))a- 
rates  the  two  W()rlds  is  greater  even  than  that  which  lies 
between  Belgravia  and  Bethnal  Green  or  St.  Giles's. 
The  people  who  live  in  the  lower  town  are  principally 
employed  on  the  wharfs,  and  in  the  luud)er  tra<le.  But 
uiy  readers  will  not  thank  me  for  detainiug  them  in  a 
pestiferous  atmosphere,  among  sui'h  uivploasing  scenes  ; 
we  will  therefore  ascend  into  the  High-street  of  »ho 
city,  resplendent  with  gorge«>us  mercers'  stoiws,  and 
articles  of  luxury  \>t'eviM'y  description.  TiiixS  Jstiwt  and 
several  others  weiv  at  this  ])erio(l  i>npassal>K'  hv  carriages, 
the  roadways  being  tunnelled,  and  H\\ipcd,  and  barri- 
caded ;  which  curious  and  highly  disagreeable  state  t)f 
things  was  stateil  to  arise  from  the  laying  down  of  water- 



jr.  ■.. 


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i  ^ 




ClIAI-.   XII, 



1 1' 

I' .7     i 

I  MV<j 



pipes.  At  niglit,  wlion  fires  wore  lighted  in  t]w  narrow- 
streets,  and  groups  of  rougldy  dressed  Frenelnuen  were 
standing  round  tlieni,  Quel)ec  j)rescnted  tiie  appearanee 
oF  tii(!  Faul)ourg  St.  Antoine  after  a  revolution. 

Quebee  is  a  most  picturescjuo  city  externally  and  inter- 
nally. From  the  citadel,  which  stands  on  a  rock  more 
than  three  hundred  feet  high,  down  to  the  crowded  water- 
side, bustling  with  merchants,  porters,  and  lumbermen, 
all  is  novel  and  original.  Massive  fortifications,  with  guns 
grinning  from  the  embrasures,  form  a  very  prominent 
feature  ;  a  broad  glacis  looks  ])eaceful  in  its  greenness  ; 
ramparts  line  the  Plains  of  Abraham  ;  guards  and  sentries 
appear  in  all  directions ;  nightfall  brings  with  it  the 
challenge — "  Who  goes  there  f^  and  narrow  gateways 
form  inconvenient  entrances  to  streets  so  steep  that  I 
wondered  how  mortal  horses  could  ever  toil  up  them. 
The  streets  are  ever  thronged  with  vehicles,  particularly 
with  rude  carts  drawn  by  rough  horses,  driven  by  French 
peasants,  who  move  stolidly  along,  indifferent  to  the  con- 
tinual cry  "  Place  aux  dames."  The  stores  generally 
have  French  designations  above  them,  the  shopmen  often 
sj)eak  very  imperfect  English  ;  the  names  of  the  streets 
are  French  ;  Romish  churches  and  convents  abound,  and 
Sisters  of  Charity,  unwearied  in  their  benevolence,  are  to 
be  seen  visiting  the  afflicted. 

Notices  and  cautions  are  posted  up  both  in  French  and 
English  ;  the  light  vivacious  tones  of  the  French  Cana- 
dians are  everywhere  heard,  and  from  the  pillar  sacred  to 
the  memory  of  Wolfe  upon  the  Plains  of  Abraham,  down 
to  the  red-coated  sentry  who  challenges  you  upon  the 
ramparts,  everything  tells  of  a  conquered  province,  and 


[JllAP.    XII, 

10  narrow 
lien  were 

uid  intor- 
ock  luoiv 
ed  wator- 
witli  guns 
reenness  ; 
(1  sentries 
;h    it    the 
?p  that   I 
up  them, 
)y  French 
)  the  con- 
men  often 
10  streets 
unci,  and 
CO,  are  to 

ench  and 
ch  Cana- 
sacred  to 
im,  down 
upon  the 
ince.  and 

Chap.  XII. 



of  the  tiuie,  not  30  very  far  di.^tnnt  either,  when  the  lilies 
of  Franco  occupied  tiie  j)lace  from  which  the  flag  of  Eng- 
land now  so  proudly  waves. 

I  .e])ent  a  few  days  at  llusseirs  Hotel,  which  was  V(M'y 
full,  in  spite  of  the  rats.  In  Canadian  hotels  jjooplo  are 
very  sociable,  and,  as  many  during  the  season  make  Kus- 
sell's  tlunr  abode,  the  conversation  was  tolerably  general 
at  dinner.  Many  of  the  members  of  parliament  lived 
there,  and  they  used  to  tell  very  racy  and  amusing  stories 
against  each  other.  I  heard  one  which  was  consiilered 
a  proof  of  the  truth  of  the  saying,  that  "  the  tailor  makes 

the  gentleman."     A  gentleman  called  on  a  M\\  M , 

who  had  been  appointed  to  a  place  in  the  government, 
and  in  due  time  he  went  to  rt^turn  the  visit.  Meeting  an 
Irishman  in  the  street,  he  asked,  "Where  does  Mr, 
'Smith'  live?" — "It's  no  use  your  going  there."  "I 
want  to  know  where  he  lives,  do  you  know  ?" — "  Faith,  I 

do;  but  it's  no  use  your  going  there.'*'      Mr.  M , 

now  getting  angry,  said,  "  I  don't  ask  you  for  your 
advice,  I  simply  want  to  know  whore  Mr.  '  Smith'  lives." 
— "  Well,  spalpeen,  he  lives  down  that  court ;  but  I  tell 
ye  it's  no  use  your  going  there,  for  I've  just  boon  there 
myself,  and  he's  got  a  many  It  is  said  that  the  discom- 
fited senator  returned  home  and  bought  a  neii)  hat ! 

Passing  out  by  the  citadel,  the  Plains  of  Abraham, 
now  a  race-course,  are  entered  upon ;  the  battle-field 
being  denoted  by  a  simple  monument  bearing  the  inscrip- 
tion "  Here  died  Wolfe  victorious''  Beyond  this,  three 
miles  from  the  city,  is  Spencer- Wood,  the  residence  of 
the  Governor-General.  It  is  beautifully  situated,  though 
the  house  is  not  spacious,  and  is  rather  old-fashioned. 

:  hMl 



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The  ball-room,  however,  built  by  Lord  Elgin,  is  a  beau- 
tiful room,  very  large,  admirably  proportioned,  and 
chastely  decorated.  Here  a  kind  of  vice-regal  court  is 
held ;  and  during  the  latter  months  of  Lord  Elgin's 
tenure  of  office,  Spencer-Wood  was  the  scene  of  a  con- 
tinued round  of  gaiety  and  hospitality.  Lord  Elgin  was 
considered  extremely  popular;  the  Reciprocity  Treaty, 
supposed  to  confer  great  benefits  on  the  country,  was 
passed  during  his  administration,  and  the  resources  of 
Canada  were  prodigiously  developed,  and  its  revenue 
greatly  increased.  Of  his  popularity  at  Quebec  there 
could  be  no  question.  He  was  attached  to  the  Canadians, 
with  whom  he  mixed  with  the  greatest  kindness  and 
affability,  far  from  his  presence  being  considered  a  re- 
straint at  an  evening  party,  the  entrance  of  the  Governor 
and  his  suite  was  always  the  signal  for  increased  animation 
and  livelines;ii. 

The  stiffiiess  which  was  said  to  pervade  in  former  times 
the  parties  at  Spencer- Wood  was  entirely  removed  by 
him  ;  and  in  addition  to  large  balls  and  dinner-parties,  at 
the  time  I  was  at  Quebec  he  gave  evening  parties  to 
eighty  or  a  hundred  persons  twice  a-wcek,  when  the 
greatest  sociability  prevailed;  and  in  addition  to  dancing, 
which  was  kept  up  on  these  occasions  till  two  or  three  in 
the  morning,  games  such  as  French  blindman's-bufF  were 
introduced,  to  the  great  delight  of  both  old  and  young. 
Th.e  pleasure  with  which  this  innovation  v  as  received  by 
the  lively  and  mirth-loving  Canadians  showed  the  differ- 
ence in  character  between  themselves  and  the  American 
ladies.  I  was  afterwards  at  a  party  at  New  York,  where 
a  gentleman  who  had  been  at  Spencer-Wood  attempted 


AP.  XII. 

I  beau- 
1,    and 
ourt  is 
f  a  con- 
^in  was 
ry,  was 
irces  of 
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:3d  a  re- 

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ties,  at 
rties  to 
len  the 
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iff  were 

ived  by 

,  where 

Cii.vp.  XII. 



to  introduce  one  of  these  games,  but  it  was  received  witli 
gravity,  and  proved  a  signal  failure.  Lord  Elgin  cer- 
tainly attained  that  end  which  is  too  frequently  lost  sight 
of  in  society — making  people  enjoy  themselves.  Per- 
sonally, I  may  speak  with  much  gratitude  of  his  kinduC'S 
during  a  short  but  very  severe  illuess  with  which  I  was 
attacked  while  at  Spencer- Wood.  Glittering  epaulette.-, 
scarlet  uniforms,  and  muslin  dresses  whirled  before  my 
dizzy  eyes — I  lost  for  a  moment  the  power  to  articulate — 
a  deathly  chill  came  over  me — I  shivered,  staggered,  and 
would  have  fallen  had  I  not  been  supported.  I  was 
carried  upstairs,  feeling  sure  that  the  terrible  pestilence 
which  I  had  so  carefully  avoided  had  at  length  seized  me. 
The  medical  man  arrived  at  two  in  the  morning,  and 
ordered  the  remedies  which  were  usually  employed  at 
Quebec,  a  complete  envelope  of  mustard  plasters,  a  i)ro- 
fusion  of  blankets,  and  as  much  ice  as  I  could  possibly 
eat.  The  physician  told  me  that  cholera  had  again 
appeared  in  St.  Roch,  where  I,  strangely  enough,  had 
been  on  two  successive  afternoons.  So  great  was  the 
panic  caused  by  the  cholera,  that,  wherever  it  was  neces- 
sary to  account  for  my  disappearance.  Lord  Elgin  did 
so  by  saying  that  I  was  attacked  with  ague.  Tiie  means 
used  were  blessed  by  a  kind  Providence  to  the  removal 
of  the  malady,  and  in  two  or  three  days  I  was  able  to  go 
about  again,  though  I  suffered  severely  for  several  sub- 
sequent weeks. 

From  Spencer-^V'ood  I  went  to  the  house  of  the  Hon. 
John  Ross,  f'rom  whom  and  from  Mrs.  Ross  I  recinved 
the  greatest  kindness — kindness  which  should  make  my 
recollections  of  Quebec  lastingly  agreeable.     Mr.  Ross's 

N  3 




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Chap.  XII. 

public  situation  as  President  of  the  Legislative  Council 
gave  me  an  opportunity  of  seeing  many  persons  whose 
acquaintance  1  should  not  have  made  under  otlier  circum- 
stances ;  and  as  parties  were  given  every  evening  but  one 
while  I  was  at  Quebec,  to  which  I  was  invited  with  my 
hosts,  I  saw  as  much  of  its  society  as  under  ordinary  cir- 
cumstances I  should  have  been  in  a  year.  No  position  is 
plea^anter  than  that  of  an  English  stranger  in  Canada, 
with  good  introduction.s. 

I  received  much  kindness  also  from  Dr.  Mountain,  the 
venerable  Protestant  Bishop  of  Quebec.  He  is  well 
known  as  having,  when  Bishop  of  Montreal,  under- 
taken an  adventurous  journey  to  the  Red  River  settle- 
ments, for  the  purposes  of  ordination  and  confirmation. 
He  performed  the  journey  in  an  open  canoe  managed 
by  French  twyageurs  and  Indians.  They  went  up  the 
Ottawa,  then  by  wild  lakes  and  rivers  into  Lake  Huron, 
through  the  labyrinth  of  islands  in  the  Georgian  Bay, 
and  by  the  Sault  Sainte  Marie  into  Lake  Superior,  then 
an  almost  untraversed  sheet  of  deep,  dreary  water. 
Thence  they  went  up  the  Rainy  River,  and  by  almost 
unknown  streams  and  lakes  to  their  journey's  end.  They 
generally  rested  at  night,  lighting  large  fires  by  their 
tents,  and  were  tormented  by  venomous  insects.  At  the 
Mission  settlements  on  the  Red  River  the  Bishop  was 
received  with  great  delight  by  the  Christianized  Indians, 
who,  in  neat  clothing  and  with  books  in  their  hands, 
assembled  at  the  little  church.  The  number  of  persons 
confirmed  was  84G,  and  there  were  likewise  two  ordina- 
tions. The  stay  of  the  Bishop  at  the  Red  River  was  only 
three  weeks,  and  he  accomplished  his  enterprising  journey 


lis  whose 
•  circum- 
;  but  one 
with  my 
nary  cir- 
losition  is 
.  Canada. 

ntain,  the 
>    is   well 
1,    under- 
er  settle- 
nt  up  the 
e  Huron, 
^ian  Bay, 
ior,  then 
f    water. 
3y  almost 
.     They 
by  their 
At  the 
ishop  was 
1  Indians, 
ir  hands, 
3f  persons 
vo  ordina- 
'  was  only 
g  journey 

Chap.  XTT. 

DR.  :>r0UNTAIN. 


of  two  thousand  miles  in  six  weeks.  He  is  one  of  the 
most  unostentatious  persons  possible  ;  it  was  not  until  he 
presented  me  with  a  volume  containing  an  account  of  his 
visitation  that  I  was  aware  that  he  was  the  prelate  with 
the  account  of  whose  zeal  and  Christian  dovotedness  I  had 
long  been  familiar.  He  is  now  an  aged  man,  and  Ins 
eoimtenance  tells  of  the  "love  which  looks  kiufllv,  and 
the  wisdom  which  looks  soberly,  on  all  things." 

w-ii  . 









Chap.  Xlll. 



niAl'TEK    XTIT. 


i     \ 










The  House  of  Commons  —  Cjiiiiuliau  u'lvUiintry  —  The  constitution  — 
Mr.  Hincks  — Tlio  ox-reUel  —  TiU-tii's  ami  lotvk'rs —  A  stroet-row  — 
Kepeated  disappointments  —  The  "hahitan.^ '"  —  Their  houses  and 
their  virtues  —  A  stationary  people  —  Progress  and  its  erfeets  — 
Montraorcnci  —  The  natural  stairoase  —  The  Indian  summer  — 
Loretto  —  The  old  people  —  I'enutics  of  Quebec  —  The  John 
Munn  —  Fear  and  its  conse(iuences  —  A  gloomy  journey. 

One  of  the  sights  of  (Quebec — to  mo  decidedly  the  most 
interesting  one — was  the  House  of  Assembly.  The  Legis- 
lature were  burned  out  of  their  house  at  Montreal,  and 
more  recently  out  of  a  very  bands-ome  one  at  Quebec — it 
is  to  be  hoped  this  augd.  t  body  will  bo  more  fortunate  at 
Toronto,  the  present  place  of  meeting.  The  terajwrary 
place  of  sitting  at  Quebec  seemed  to  me  perfectly  adapted 
for  tbe  purposes  of  hearing,  seeing,  and  speaking. 

It  is  a  spacious  apartment,  with  deep  galleries,  which 
hold  about  five  hundred,  round  it,  which  were  to  Quebec 
what  the  Opera  and  the  club-houses  are  to  London.  In 
fact,  these  galleries  wore  crowded  every  night ;  and  cer- 
tainly, when  I  was  there,  fully  one  half  of  their  occupants 
were  ladies,  who  could  see  and  be  seen.  The  presence  of 
ladies  may  have  an  effect  in  preventing  the  use  of  very 
intemperate  language  ;  and  though  it  is  maliciously  said 
that  some  of  the  younger  members  speak  more  for  the 
galleries  than  the  house,  and  though  some  gallant  indi- 






titution  — 
•ot't-row  — 
inusp.s  and 
,  ed'ects  — 
uiiniier  — 
The   John 

the  most 
le  Logis- 
real,  and 
leboc — it 
tunatc  at 

s,  which 
3  Quebec 
don.  In 
and  cer- 
•esence  of 
3  of  very 
usly  said 
e  for  the 
ant  indi- 

vidual may  occasionally  step  up  stairs  to  restore  a  truant 
handkerchief  or  boa  to  the  fair  owner,  the  distractions 
caused  by  their  presence  are  very  inconsiderable,  and  the 
arrangements  for  their  comfort  are  a  great  reflection 
upon  the  miserable  latticed  liole  to  which  lady  listeners 
are  condemned  in  the  English  House  of  Commons.  I  must 
remark,  also,  that  the  house  was  well  warmed  and  ven- 
tilated, without  the  aid  of  alternating  siroccos  and  north 
winds.  The  Speaker's  chair,  on  a  dais  and  covered  with 
a  canopy,  was  facing  us,  in  wdiich  reclined  the  Speaker  in 
his  robes.  In  front  of  hira  was  a  table,  at  which  sat  two 
black-robed  clerks,  and  on  which  a  hug'c  mace  reposed ; 
and  behind  him  was  the  reporters'  j^allery,  where  the 
gentlemen  of  the  press  seemed  to  be  most  comfortably 
accommodated.  There  was  a  large  open  space  in  front 
of  this  table,  extending  to  the  bar,  at  which  were  seated 
the  messengers  of  the  house,  and  the  Serg  it-at-arms 
with  his  sword.  On  either  side  of  this  o))en  space  were 
four  rows  of  handsome  desks,  and  morocco  seats,  to  ac- 
commodate two  members  each,  who  sat  as  most  amiable 
Gemini.  The  floor  was  richly  carpeted,  and  the  desks 
covered  with  crimson  cloth,  and,  with  the  well-managed 
flood  of  light,  the  room  w-as  very  complete. 

The  Canadian  Constitution  is  as  nearly  a  transcript  of 
our  own  as  anything  colonial  can  be.  The  Governor 
can  do  no  wrong — he  must  have  a  responsible  cabinet 
taken  from  the  members  of  the  Legislature — his  adminis- 
tration must  have  a  working  majority,  as  in  England — and 
he  must  bow  to  public  opinion  by  changing  his  advisers, 
when  the  representatives  of  the  people  lose  confidence  in 
the  Government.      The   Legislative    Council  represents 


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CiiAr.  XIII. 

our  II()US(^  of  Poors,  and  the  Logislativo  Asscinl)ly,  or 
Provincial  rarliainont,  our  House  of  Commons.  Tlie 
TT])])or  House  is  apjjointod  by  the  Crown,  under  tlio  advice 
of  the  ministry  of  th(!  day  ;  but  as  a  clanioiu*  has  been 
raised  against  it  as  yielding  too  readily  to  the  (hMuands 
of  the  Lower  House,  a  measure  has  been  brought  in  for 
making  its  nuunbers  elective  for  ;i  term  of  years.  If  this 
change  were  carried,  coupled  with  others  on  which  it 
wou.'l  not  interest  the  English  reader  to  dwell,  it  would 
bring  about  an  approximation  of  the  Canadian  Constitu- 
tion to  that  of  the  United  States. 

On  one  night  on  which  I  had  the  pleasure  of  attending 
the  House,  the  subject  under  discussion  was  the  Romish 
liolidays,  as  connected  with  certain  mercantile  transac- 
tions. It  sounds  dry  enough,  but,  as  the  debate  was 
turned  into  an  extremely  interesting  religious  discussion, 
it  was  well  worth  hocaring,  and  the  crowded  galleries  re- 
mained in  a  state  of  quiescence. 

Mr.  Hincks,  the  late  Premier,  was  speaking  when  we 
went  in.  He  is  by  no  means  eloquent,  but  very  pointed 
in  his  observations,  and  there  is  an  amount  of  logical 
sequence  in  his  speaking  which  is  worthy  of  imitation 
elsewhere.  He  is  a  remarkable  man,  and  will  probably 
play  a  prominent  part  in  the  future  political  history  of 
Canada.*  He  is  the  son  of  a  Presbyterian  minister  at 
Cork,  and  emigrated  to  Toronto  in  1832.  During  Lord 
Durham's  administration  he  became  editor  of  the  Ex- 



■kM:'^.  'I 

*  This  proguosticatiou  is  not  likely  to  be  realised,  as  the  late  Sir 
W.  i\Iolesworth  has  appointed  Mr.  Hincks  to  the  governorship  of  Bar- 
badoes.  If  the  new  governor  possesses  principle  as  well  as  t'l/cnt,  this 
acknowledgment  of  colonial  merit  is  a  step  iu  the  right  direction. 


r.\r.  XIII. 
nhly,  or 

!.       'TIu' 

0  advice 

as    l)(MMl 

t  in  for 
If  this 
vliich  it 
it  would 

ate  was 
ries  re- 
hen  we 


tory  of 
lister  at 
g  Lord 
he  Ex- 

'  late  Sir 
p  of  I3ar- 

thnt,  this 

CiiAr.  XIII. 



attiincr  nowsj)a])er,  and  entered  the  Parliament  of  the 
United  Provinces  in  1841.  lie  afterwards  tilled  the 
important  position  of  Inspector-General  of  Finances,  and 
tinally  became  Prime  ^linister.  His  administration  was, 
how(!ver,  overturned  early  in  1854,  and  sinulry  grave 
charges  were  hroutiht  acainst  him.  lie  si)oke  in  favour 
of  the  abolition  of  the  privileges  conceded  to  Romish 
holidays,  and  was  followed  by  several  l''rench  Canadians, 
two  of  them  of  the  Rouge  ))arty,  who  ypoke  against  the 
measure,  one  of  them  so  eloquently  as  to  remind  me  of 
the  historical  (Uiys  of  the  Girondists. 

Mr.  Lyon  Mackenzie,  who  led  the  rebellion  which  was 
so  happily  checked  at  Toronto,  and  narrowly  escaped 
condign  punishnuMit,  followed,  and  diverged  from  the 
question  of  j)romissory  notes  to  the  Russian  war  and 
other  subjects;  and  when  loud  cries  of  "Question,  qnes- 
tion,  order,  order !"  arose,  he  t(n*e  up  his  notes,  and  sat 
down  abruptly  in  a  most  theatrical  manner,  amid  bursts 
of  laughter  from  both  floor  and  galleries  ;  for  he  a})j)ears 
to  be  the  privileged  buffoon  of  the  House. 

The  appearance  of  the  House  is  rather  imposing ;  the 
members  behave  with  extraordinary  decorum  ;  and  to 
people  accustomed  to  the  noises  and  unseemly  inter- 
ruptions which  characterise  the  British  House  of  Com- 
mons, the  silence  and  order  of  the  Canadian  House  are  very 
agreeable.*     Th(i  members  seemed  to  give  full  attention 

*  In  ^if'^iVc  to  the  Canadian  Parliament,  I  must  insert  the  following 
extract  from  the  '  Toronto  (I lobe,'  from  which  it  will  appear  that  there 
are  very  dis^gi'aceful  excei)tions  to  this  ordinarily  decorous  conduct  : — 

"  Mr.  Mackenzie  attempted  to  speak,  and  hold  the  floor  for  two  or  three 
minutes,  although  his  voice  was  inaudible  from  the  kicking  of  desk.?, 
caterwauling     and  snatches  of  songs  from  various  parts  of  the  house." 


i' ' 

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•  '* 






Chap.  XIII. 

;*^  :' 



t  i 



to  tlic;  (lobati! ;  very  few  were  writing,  and  none  were 
reading  anything  except  Parliamentary  pii])ers,  an«l  no 
s^peaker  was  interrupted  exc(!pt  on  one  occasion.  There 
was  extremely  little  walking  about ;  but  I  observed  one 
gentleman,  a  notorious  extpiisite,  cross  the  floor  several 
times,  apparently  with  no  other  object  than  that  of 
displaying  his  fine  i)erson  in  bowing  profoundly  to  the 
Speaker.  The  gentlemanly  a})peiirance  of  the  members, 
taken  altogether,  did  not  escape  my  notice. 

Sir  Allan  3I'Nab,  the  present  Premier,  is  the  head 
of  a  coalition  ministry  ;  fortunately,  it  is  not  necessary 
to  offer  any  remarks  upon  its  policy  ;  and  Canada,  follow- 
ing the  example  of  the  mother-country,  submits  quietly 
to  a  coalition.  The  opposition,  which  is  formed  of  the 
Liberal  party,  is  seated  opposite  the  Government,  fronted 
by  Mr.  Lyon  Mackenzie,  who  gives  a  wavering  adher- 
ence to  every  party  in  succession,  and  is  often  indig- 
nantly disavowed  by  all.  The  Liberals  of  Upper 
Canada  are  ably  led  by  Mr.  George  Brown,  who  excels 
in  a  highly  lucid,  powerful,  and  perspicuous  course  of 
reasoning,  which  cannot  fail  to  produce  an  effect. 

Then  there  is  the  Rouge  party,  led  by  the  member  for 
Montreal,  which  is  principally  composed  of  very  versatile 
and  enthusiastic  Frenchmen  of  rather  indefinite  opinions 
and  aims,  professing  a  creed  which  appears  a  curious 
compound  of  Republicanism  and  Rationalism,  The  word 
Latitudinarianism  defines  it  best.  There  are  130  mem- 
bers, divided  into  numerous  "  ists  "  and  "  ites."  Most  of 
the  members  for  Lower  Canada  are  French,  and,  conse- 
quently, the  Romish  party  is  a  very  powerful  one  in  the 
House.     Taken  as  a  whole,  the  members  are  loyal,  and 


Chap.  XI II, 

lone  were 
S  and  no 
1.  Tliere 
Tvcd  one 
)!•  several 
tliat  of 
ly  to  the 

the  head 
:i,  follow- 
s  quietly 
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:,  fronted 
g  adlier- 
;n  indio;- 
I  Uj)per 
lo  excels 
course  of 

inber  for 

'he  word 
>0  mem- 
Most  of 
I,  conse- 

in  the 
yal,  and 


Chap.  XIII. 



have  proved  their  attachment  to  England  by  a  vote  of 
20,000/.  for  the  Patriotic  Fund. 

I  think  that  all  who  are  in  the  habit  of  reading  the 
debates  will  allow  that  the  speaking  in  the  House  will 
bear  comparison  with  that  in  our  House  of  Commons  ; 
and  if  some  of  the  younger  members  in  attempting  the 
sublime  occasionally  attain  the  ridiculous,  and  mistake 
extravagance  of  expression  for  greatness  of  thought,  these 
are  faults  which  time  and  criticism  will  remedy.  Canada 
is  a  great  and  prosperous  country,  and  its  Legislative 
Assembly  is  very  creditable  to  so  young  a  community. 
Bribery,  corruption,  and  place-hunting  are  alleged  against 
this  body;  but  as  these  vices  are  largely  developed  in 
England,  it  would  be  bad  taste  to  remark  upon  them, 
j)articularly  as  the  most  ardent  correctors  of  abuses  now 
reluctantly  allow  that  they  are  inseparable  from  popular 
assemblies.  It  is  needless  to  speak  of  the  Upper  House, 
which,  as  has  been  sarcastically  remarked  of  our  House 
of  Peers,  is  merely  a  "  High  Court  of  Reyist'*'y" — it  re- 
mains to  be  seen  whether  an  elective  chamber  would  pos- 
sess greater  vitality  and  independence. 

The  Speaker  of  the  Legislative  Assembly  is  a  French- 
man, and  French  and  English  are  used  indiscriminately 
in  debate.  Parliamentary  notices  and  papers  are  also 
printed  in  both  languages. 

It  was  a  cold,  gloomy  October  morning,  a  cold  east 
wind  rustled  the  russet  leaves,  and  a  heavy,  dry  fog 
enveloped  Point  Diamond,  when  I  left  the  bustle  of 
Quebec  for  a  quiet  drive  to  Montmorenci  in  a  light 
waggon  with  a  very  spirited  little  horse,  a  young  lady 

;    »♦    ■         ■  f     ' 

■   ► 









i*.,!  '.H'i 


V  :■'! 


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IS  c'lmriotcor.  Tlic  littlo  .animal  was  very  iui- 
])etuous,  and  rattled  down  the  steej),  (M'ovvded  streets  of 
Quebec  at  a  pace  wliidi  threatened  to  entangle  onr  wheels 
with  those  of  numerous  carts  driven  by  apathetic  halnfaus, 
who  were  perfectly  indifferent  to  the  admonitions  "  Prcnez 
(/ardc  "  and  "  Phicc  aux  dames"  delivered  in  heseeching 
tones.  We  j)assed  down  a  steep  street,  and  through 
Palace-gate,  into  the  district  of  St.  Roch,  teeming  with 
Irish  and.  dirt,  for  I  fear  it  is  a  fact  that,  wherever  you 
have  the  first,  you  invariably  have  the  last.  Beyond  this 
there  was  a  space  '  overed  with  mud  and  sawdust,  where 
two  habitans  were  furiously  quarrelling.  One  sprang 
upon  the  other  like  a  hyena,  knocked  him  down,  and  then 
attempted  to  bite  and  strangle  him,  amid  the  applause  of 
numerous  spectators. 

Leaving  (,iuel)ec  behind,  we  drove  for  seven  miles  along 
a  road  in  sight  of  the  lesser  branch  of  the  St.  Lavvrence, 
which  has  on  the  other  side  the  green  and  fertile  island  of 
Orleans.  The  houses  along  this  road  are  so  numerous  as 
to  present  the  appearance  of  a  village  the  whole  way. 
Frenchmen  who  arrive  here  in  summer  can  scarcely  be- 
lieve that  they  are  not  in  their  own  sunny  land  ;  the 
external  characteristics  of  the  country  are  so  exactly 
similar.  These  dwellings  are  large,  whitewashed,  and 
many-windowed,  and  are  always  surrounded  with  bal- 
conies. The  doors  are  reached  by  flights  of  steps,  in  order 
that  they  may  be  above  the  level  of  the  snow  in  winter. 
The  rooms  are  clean,  but  large  and  desolate-looking,  and 
are  generally  ornamented  with  caricatures  of  the  Virgin 
and   uncouth  representations  of  miracles.     The  women 


ClIAl',  XIII. 

vory  im- 
stroots  of 
our  wliools 
c  luthitans^ 
i  "  rrcncz 
I  through 
ming  with 
n'ever  you 
yond  this 
List,  where 
le  sprang 
,  and  then 
pplause  of 

liles  talong 
!  island  of 
merous  as 
lole  way. 
ircely  be- 
and  ;  the 
)  exactly 
hed,  and 
with  bal- 
,  in  order 
in  winter, 
dug,  and 
le  Virgin 
e  women 



dress  in  the  French  styh*,  and  wear  large  straw  hats  out  of 
doors,  which  were  the  source  of  constant  disappointments 
to  me,  for  I  always  expected  to  see  a  young,  if  not  a 
pretty,  face  under  a  broad  brim,  and  these  females  were 
remarkably  ill-favoured  ;  their  complexions  hardentKl, 
wrinkled,  and  bronzed,  from  the  effects  of  hard  toil,  and 
the  extremes  of  iieat  and  cold.  I  heard  the  hum  t)f 
sj)inning-wheels  from  many  of  the  houses,  for  these  in- 
dustrious women  spin  their  household  lincni,  and  the  gray 
homespu.i  in  which  the  men  are  clothed.  The  furniture 
is  antique,  and  made  of  oak,  and  looks  as  if  it  had 
been  handed  down  from  generation  to  generation.  The 
men,  largely  assisted  by  the  females,  cultivate  small 
plots  of  ground,  and  totally  disregard  all  modern  im- 
provements, riicsc  French  towns  and  villages  improve 
but  little.  Popery,  that  great  antidote  to  social  pro- 
gress, is  the  creed  universally  professed,  and  generally 
the  only  building  of  any  pretensions  is  a  large  Komish 
church  with  two  lofty  spires  of  polished  tin.  Education 
is  not  much  prized  ;  the  desires  of  the  simple  liahitans 
are  limited  to  the  attainment  of  a  competence  for  life, 
and  this  their  rudely-tilled  farms  supply  them  with. 
Few  emigrants  make  this  part  of  Canada  even  a  tem- 
porary resting  ;ilace  ;  tiie  severity  of  the  climate,  the  lan- 
guage, the  religioi.  and  the  laws,  are  all  against  them ; 
hence,  though  a  professor  of  a  purer  faith  may  well 
blush  to  confess  it,  the  vices  which  emigrants  bring  with 
them  are  unknown.  These  peasants  are  among  the  most 
harmless  people  under  the  sun ;  they  are  moral,  sober, 
and  contented,  and  zealous  in  the  observances  of  their 

u     .' 




Mi*  i: 

'  {, 








erroneous  creed.  Their  children  divide  the  land,  and,  as 
each  prefers  a  piece  of  soil  adjoining  the  road  or  river, 
strips  of  soil  may  occasionally  he  seen  only  a  few  yards 
in  width.  Tfiey  strive  after  happiness  rather  than  ad- 
vancement, and  who  shall  say  that  they  are  unsuccessful 
in  their  aim  ?  As  their  fathers  lived,  so  they  live  ;  each 
generation  has  the  simplicity  and  s  iperstition  of  the  pre- 
ceding one.  In  the  autmnn  they  gather  in  their  scanty 
harvest,  and  in  the  long  winter  they  spin  and  dance  round 
their  stove-sides.  On  Sundays  and  saints'  days  they  as- 
semble in  crowds  in  their  churches,  dressed  in  the  style 
of  a  hundred  years  since.  Their  wants  and  wishes  are 
few,  their  manners  are  courteous  and  unsuspicious,  they 
hold  their  faith  with  a  blind  and  implicit  crednlity,  and 
on  summer  evenings  sing  the  songs  of  France  as  their 
fathers  :rang  them  in  bygone  days  on  the  smiling  banks  of 
the  rushing  Rhone. 

The  road  along  which  the  dwellings  of  these  small 
farmers  lie  is  macadamised,  and  occasionally  a  cross 
stands  by  the  roadside,  at  which  devotees  may  be  seen  to 
prostrate  themselves.  There  is  a  quiet,  lethargic,  old- 
world  air  about  the  country,  contrasting  strangely  with 
the  bustling,  Imrrying,  restless  progress  of  Upper  Canada. 
Though  the  condition  of  the  hahitans  is  extremely  un- 
profitable  to  themselves,  it  affords  a  short  rest  to  the 
thinking  and  observing  faculties  of  the  stranger,  over- 
strained as  they  are  with  taking  in  and  contemplating  the 
railroad  progress  of  things  in  the  New  World. 

AVhile  we  admire  and  wonder  at  the  vast  material 
progress    of    Western   Canada   and    the   North-western 


::iiAP.  XIII. 

[],  and,  as 
or  river, 
few  yards 
than  ad- 
ive ;  each 
'  the  pre- 
sir  scanty 
ice  round 
i  they  as- 
the  style 
ishes  are 
ous,  they 
iility,  and 
!  as  their 
banks  of 

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'  a  cross 
e  seen  to 
•gic,  old- 
^ely  with 
nely  uu- 
t  to  the 
;er,  over- 
ating  the 




States  of  the  Union,  considerations  fraught  with  alarm 
will  force  themselves  upon  us.  We  think  that  great 
progress  is  being  made  in  England,  but,  without  having 
travelled  in  America,  it  is  scarcely  possible  to  believe 
what  the  Anglo-Saxon  race  is  performing  upcm  a  new  soil. 
In  America  we  do  not  meet  with  factory  operatives,  seam- 
stresses, or  clerks  overworked  and  underpaid,  toiling  their 
lives  away  in  order  to  keep  body  and  soul  together ;  but 
we  have  people  of  all  classes  who  could  obtain  compe- 
tence and  often  affluence  by  moderate  exertions,  working 
harder  than  slaves — sacrificing  home  enjoyments,  pleasure, 
and  health  itself  to  the  one  desire  of  the  acquisition  of 
wealth.  Daring  speculations  fail ;  the  struggle  in  un- 
natural competition  with  men  of  large  capital,  or  dis- 
honourable dealings,  wears  out  at  last  the  overtasked 
frame — life  is  spent  in  a  whirl — death  summons  them, 
and  finds  them  unprepared.  Everybody  who  has  any 
settled  business  is  overworked.  Voices  of  men  crying  for 
relaxation  are  heard  from  every  quarter,  yet  none  dare  to 
pause  in  this  race  which  they  so  madly  run,  in  which 
happiness  and  mental  and  bodily  health  are  among  the 
least  of  their  considerations.  All  are  spurred  on  by  the 
real  or  imaginary  necessities  of  their  position,  driven  along 
their  headlong  course  by  avarice,  ambition,  or  eager  com- 

The  Falls  of  Montmorenci,  which  we  reached  after  a 
drive  of  eight  miles,  are  beautiful  in  the  extreme,  and, 
as  the  day  was  too  cold  for  picnic  pnrties,  m'c  had  them 
all  to  ourselves.  There  is  no  great  body  of  water,  but 
the  river  takes  an  unbroken  leap  of  280  feet  from  a  black 









^,i^-  ■• 

^  ■  -J , 

.  i'  ■..     J 


■it'  ■' 




!  i 













CnAf.  XIII. 

narrow  fforKe.  The  scatlied  black  cliffs  descend  in  one 
sweep  to  the  St.  Lawrence,  in  tine  contrast  to  the  snowy 
whiteness  of  the  fall.  Montmorenci  gave  me  greater 
sensations  of  pleasure  than  Niagara.  There  are  no 
mills,  museums,  guides,  or  curiosity-shops.  Whatever 
there  is  of  beauty  bears  the  fair  impress  of  its  Creator's 
hand  ;  and  if  these  Falls  are  beautiful  on  a  late  October 
day,  when  a  chill  east  wind  was  howhng  through  leafless 
trees  looming  through  a  cold,  grey  fog,  what  must  they 
be  in  the  burst  of  spring  or  the  glowing  luxuriance  of 
summer  ? 

We  drove  back  for  some  distance,  and  entered  a  small 
cabaret,  where  some  women  were  diligently  engaged  in 
spinning,  and  some  men  were  superintending  with  intense 
interest  the  preparation  of  some  soupc  maigre.  Their 
patois  was  scarculy  intelligible,  and  a  boy  whom  we  took  as 
our  guide  spoke  no  English.  After  encountering  some 
high  fences  and  swampy  ground,  we  came  to  a  narrow 
rocky  pathway  in  a  wood,  with  bright  green,  moss- 
covered  trees,  stones,  and  earth.  On  descending  a  rocky 
bank  we  came  to  the  "  natural  staircase,"  where  the 
rapid  MontmoreUv^i  forces  its  way  through  a  bed  of  lime- 
stone, the  broken  but  extremely  regular  appe^'rance  of 
the  layers  being  very  much  like  wide  steps.  The  scene 
at  this  place  is  wildly  beautiful.  The  river,  frequently 
only  a  few  feet  in  width,  sometimes  foams  furiously  along 
between  precipices  covered  with  trees,  and  bearing  the 
marks  of  years  of  attrition  ;  then  buries  itself  in  dark 
gulfs,  or  rests  quiescent  for  a  moment  in  still  black  pools. 

before  it  reaches  its  final  1 



llAP.  Xllf. 

I  in  one 

lie  snowy 


are   no 




1  leafless 

list  they 

riance  of 

1  a  small 

^aged  in 

h  intense 

,      Their 

e  took  as 

ng  some 

I  narrow 

1,    moss- 

;  a  rocky 

lere   the 

of  Ume- 

ance  of 

he  scene 


ly  along 

ring  the 

in  dark 

jk  pools, 

Chap.  XIII. 



The  day  before  I  left  Quebec  I  went  to  the  romantic 
falls  of  Lorette,  about  thirteen  miles  from  the  city.  It 
was  a  beauteous  day.  I  should  have  called  it  oppress- 
ively warm,  but  that  the  air  was  fanned  by  a  cool  west 
wind.  The  Indian  summer  had  come  at  last ;  "  the  Saga- 
mores of  the  tribes  had  lighted  their  council-tires"  on  the 
western  prairies.  What  would  we  not  give  for  such  a 
season  !  It  is  the  rekindling  of  summer,  but  without  its 
heat — it  is  autumn  in  its  glories,  but  without  its  gloom. 
The  air  is  soft  like  the  breath  of  May;  everything  is 
veiled  in  a  soft  pure  haze,  and  the  sky  is  of  a  faint  and 
misty  blue. 

A  mysterious  fascination  seemed  to  bind  us  to  St. 
Roch,  for  we  kept  missing  our  way  and  getting  into 
"  streams  as  black  as  Styx."  But  at  length  the  city  of 
Quebec,  with  its  green  glacis  and  frowning  battlements, 
was  left  behind,  and  we  drove  through  flat  country 
abounding  in  old  stone  dwell ing-h(mses,  old  farms,  and 
large  fields  of  stubble.  We  ncared  the  blue  hills,  and 
put  up  our  horses  in  the  Indian  village  of  Lorette.  Beau- 
tiful Lorette  !  1  must  not  descrihe,  for  I  cannot,  how  its 
river  escapes  from  under  the  romantic  bridge  in  a  broad 
sheet  of  milk-white  foam,  and  then,  contracted  between 
sullen  barriers  of  rock,  seeks  the  deep  shade  of  the  pine- 
clad  ])recipices,  and  hastens  to  lose  itself  there.  It  is 
perfection,  and  beauty,  and  peace  ;  and  the  rocky  walks 
upon  its  forest-covered  crags  ml^ht  be  in  Switzerland. 

Being  deserted  by  the  gentlemen  of  the  party,  my  fair 
young  companion  and  I  found  our  way  to  Lorette,  which 
is  a  large  village  built  by  government  for  the  Indians ; 

,4  I*  ..      .J-    ■■!■ 


V  * 

if'-'  i'  ..'     ■  I'.?  » 

i  ■  '  *       l,    *  ^    ■ 





H  I 






Chap.  XIII. 

but  by  intermarrying  with  the  French  they  have  lost 
nearly  all  their  distinctive  characteristics,  and  the  next 
generation  will  not  even  speak  the  Indian  language.  Here, 
as  in  every  village  in  Lower  Canada,  there  is  a  large 
Romish  church,  ornamented  with  gaudy  paintings.  We 
visited  some  of  the  squaws,  who  wear  the  Indian  dress^ 
and  we  made  a  few  purchases.  We  were  afterwards 
beset  by  Indian  boys  with  bows  and  arrows  of  clumsy 
construction  ;  but  they  took  excellent  aim,  incited  by 
the  reward  of  coppers  which  we  offered  to  them.  It  is 
grievous  to  see  the  remnants  of  an  ancient  race  in  such  a 
degraded  state ;  the  more  so  as  I  believe  that  there  is  no 
intellectual  inferiority  as  an  obstacle  to  their  improve- 
ment. I  saw  some  drawings  by  an  Indian  youth  which 
evinced  considerable  talent ;  one  in  particular,  a  likeness 
of  Lord  Elgin,  was  admirably  executed. 

I  have  understood  that  there  is  scarcely  a  greater 
difference  between  these  half-breeds  and  the  warlike 
tribes  of  Central  America,  than  between  them  and  the 
Christian  Indians  of  the  Red  River  settlements.  There 
are  about  fourteen  thousand  Indians  in  Canada,  few  of 
them  in  a  state  of  great  poverty,  for  they  possess  annui- 
ties arising  from  the  sale  of  their  lands.  They  have  no 
incentives  to  exertion,  and  spend  their  time  in  shooting, 
fishing,  and  drinking  spirits  in  taverns,  where  they  speedily 
acquire  the  vices  of  the  white  men  without  their  habits  of 
industry  and  enterprise.  They  have  no  idols,  and  seldom 
enter  into  hostile  opposition  to  Christianity,  readily  ex- 
changing the  worship  of  the  Great  Spirit  for  its  tenets,  as 
far  as  convenient.     It  is  very  difficult,  however,  to  arouse 


Chap.  XIII. 

have  lost 
d  the  next 
,ge.    Here, 

is  a  large 
;ings.  We 
idian  dress> 

of  clumsy 
incited  by 
lem.  It  is 
e  in  such  a 
there  is  no 
r  improve- 
outh  which 
,  a  likeness 

a   greater 

he   warlike 

m  and  the 


ada,  few  of 

sess  annui- 

cy  have  no 

Q  shooting, 

ey  speedily 

ir  habits  of 

ind  seldom 

cadily  ex- 

s  tenets,  as 

,  to  arouse 

Chap.  XIII. 



them  to  a  sense  of  sin,  or  to  any  idea  of  the  inij)ort;in('e 
of  the  world  to  come ;  but  at  the  same  time,  in  no  })art 
of  the  world  liave  missionary  labours  been  more  blessed 
than  at  the  Red  River  settlements.  Great  changes  have 
passed  before  their  eyes.  Year,  as  it  succeeds  year, 
sees  them  driven  farther  wt'st,  as  their  hunting-grounds 
arc  absorbed  by  the  insatiate  white  races.  The  twang 
of  the  Indian  bow,  and  tlu;  sharj)  report  of  the  Indian 
rifle,  are  exchanged  for  tli,;  clink  of  the  Inniberer's 
axe  and  the  "  g'lang "  of  the  sturdy  settler.  The 
corn  waves  in  luxuriant  crops  over  land  once  covered 
with  the  forest  haunts  of  the  moose,  and  the  waters 
of  the  lakes  over  which  the  red  man  paddled  in  his 
bark  canoe  are  now  ploughed  bv  crowded  steamers. 
Where  the  bark  dwellings  of  his  fathers  stooti,  the 
locomotive  darts  away  on  its  iron  road,  and  the  helj)- 
less  Indian  looks  on  aghast  at  the  power  and  resources  of 
the  pale-faced  invaders  of  his  soil. 

The  boat  by  which  I  was  to  leave  Quebec  was  to  sail 
on  the  afternoon  of  the  day  on  which  I  visited  Lorette, 
but  was  detained  till  the  evening  by  the  postmaster- 
general,  when  a  heavy  fog  came  on,  which  prevented  its 
departiu'c  till  the  next  morning.  The  small-pox  had 
broken  out  in  the  city,  and  rumours  of  cholera  had 
reached  and  alarmed  the  gay  inhabitants  of  St.  Louis. 
I  never  saw  terror  so  unrestrainedly  devel()i)ed  as 
amongj  some  hi  dies  on  hearincc  of  the  return  of  the 
pestilence.  One  of  them  went  into  hysterics,  and  be- 
came so  seriou:dy  ill  that  it  was  considered  necessary 
for  her  to  leave  Quebec  the  same  evening.  In  con- 
sequence of  the  delay  of  the  boat,  it  was  on  a  Sunday 


-   4. 5 

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■*    'ii 

!)       V 




Cii.vp.  xiir. 

morning  that  I  bade  adieu  to  Quebec.  I  had  never 
travelled  on  a  Sunday  before,  and  should  not  have 
done  so  on  this  occasion  had  it  not  been  a  matter  of 
necessity.  I  am  happy  to  state  that  no  boats  riM  on  the 
St.  Lawrence  on  the  Sabbath,  and  the  enforced  sailing 
of  the  John  Blaim  caused  a  great  deal  of  grumbling 
nmong  the  stewards  and  crew.  The  streets  were 
thronged  ^vith  people  going  to  early  mass,  and  to  a 
epecial  service  held  to  avert  the  heavy  judgments  which 
it  was  feared  were  impending  over  the  city.  The  boat 
was  full,  and  many  persons  who  were  flying  from  the 
cholera  had  slept  on  board. 

I  took  a  regretful  farewell  of  my  friends,  and  with 
them  of  beautiful  Quebec.  I  had  met  with  much  of 
kindness  and  hospitality,  but  still  I  must  confess  that 
the  excessive  gaiety  and  bustle  of  the  city  exercise  a 
depressing  influence.  People  appear  absorbed  by  the 
fleeting  pleasures  of  the  hour  ;  the  attractions  of  this 
life  seem  to  overbalance  the  importance  of  the  life  to 
come  ;  and  among  the  poor  there  is  a  large  amount  of  sin 
and  sorrjw — too  many  who  enter  tin?  world  without  a 
blessing,  and  de})art  from  it  without  a  hope.  The  bright 
sun  of  the  Indian  summer  poured  down  its  flood  of  light 
upon  the  castled  steep,  and  a  faint  blue  mist  was  diffused 
over  the  scene  of  beauty.  Long  undulating  lines  showed 
where  the  blue  hills  rose  above  the  green  island  of 
Orleans,  and  slept  in  the  haze  of  that  gorgeous  season. 
Not  a  breath  of  wind  stirred  the  heavy  folds  of  the  flag 
of  England  on  the  citadel,  or  ruffled  the  sleeping  St. 
Lawrence,  or  the  shadows  of  the  countless  shij)s  on  its 
surface ;   and   the   chimes   of  the  bells  of   the  Romish 

;nAP.  XIII. 

ad  never 
not  have 
matter  of 
VA  on  the 
;(1  sailing 
ets  were 
and  to  a 
jnts  which 
The  boat 
from  the 

and  with 
1  much  of 
ufess  that 
exercise  a 
pd  by  the 
ns  of  this 
he  life  to 
»unt  of  sin 
without  a 
he  bright 
od  of  light 
cs  showed 
island  of 
us  season. 

f  the  flag 



jeping  St. 
ips  on  its 
e  Romish 

Chap.  XIII. 



churches  floated  gently  over  the  water.  Such  a  morning 
I  have  seldom  seen,  and  Quebec  lay  basking  in  be;nity. 
Surely  that  morning's  sun  shone  u})on  no  fairer  ciiy  ! 
The  genial  rays  of  that  autumn  sun  were  tyi)ical  of  the 
warm  kind  hearts  r  was  leaving  behind,  who  had  wel- 
comed a  stranger  to  their  hospitable  homes  ;  and,  as  the 
bell  rang,  and  the  paddles  revolved  in  the  still  deep 
water,  a  feeling  of  sorrow  came  over  my  heart  when  I 
reflected  that  the  friendly  voices  might  never  again  sound 
in  my  car,  and  that  the  sunshine  which  was  then  glitter- 
ing upon  the  fortress-city  might,  to  my  eyes,  glitter  upon 
it  no  more. 

The  John  Miuin  was  a  very  handsome  boat,  fitted 
up  with  that  prodigality  which  I  have  elsewhere  de- 
scribed as  characteristic  of  the  American  steamers ; 
but  in  the  course  of  investigation  I  came  upon  the 
steerage,  or  that  ])art  of  the  middle  floor  whicdi  is  do- 
voted  to  the  poorer  class  of  emigrants,  of  whom  five 
hundred  had  landed  at  Quebec  only  the  day  before. 
The  spectacle  here  was  extremely  annoying,  for  men, 
women,  and  children  were  crowded  together  in  an  ill- 
ventilated  space,  with  kettles,  saucepans,  blankets,  bed- 
ding, and  large  blue  boxes.  There  was  a  bar  for  tiie 
sale  of  spirits,  which,  I  fear,  was  very  much  frequented, 
for  towards  night  lucre  were  sounds  of  swearing,  fight- 
ing, and  scuffling,  proceeding  from  this  objectionable 

A  day-boat  was  such  a  rare  occurrence  that  some  of 
the  citizens  of  Quebec  took  the  journey  merely  to  make 
acquaintance  with  the  beauties  of  their  own  river.  We 
passed  the   Heights  of  Abraham,    and   AVolfe'ii   Cove, 

o  2 


V  ■ 




**  s. . 
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V       V 

i  I  !>•    ■ 

■r'.  : 


ftiinoiis  in  history  ;  vvdoded  slopes  and  hoaiitiful  villas  ; 
the  Chaudiero  river,  and  its  i)ine-liung  hanks ;  hut  I 
was  so  ill  that  even  the  heauty  of  the  St.  Lawrenee 
coidd  not  detain  me  in  the  saloon,  and  I  went  down 
into  the  ladies'  cahin,  where  I  spent  the  rest  of  the 
d;.y  on  a  sofa  wrapped  in  blankets.  A  good  many 
of  the  ladies  came  down  stairs  to  avoid  some  quad- 
rilles  which  a  French  (Canadian  lady  was  playing,  and 

a   friend    of   mine,    Colonel    P ,    having   told    some 

one  that  I  had  had  the  cholera,  there  was  a  good 
deal  of  mysterious  buzzing  in  consequence,  of  which  I 
only  heard  a  few  observations,  such  as — "  How  very  im- 
prudent ! "  "  How  very  wrong  to  come  into  a  ])ublic 
conveyance ! "  "  Just  as  we  were  trying  to  leave  it 
behind  too ! "  But  I  was  too  ill  to  be  amused,  even 
Mhen  one  lady  went  so  far  as  to  remove  the  blanket 
to  look  at  my  face.  There  was  a  very  pale  and 
nervous-looking  young  lady  lying  on  a  sofa  opposite, 
staring  fi.\edly  at  me.  Suddenly  she  got  up,  and 
asked  me  if  1  were  very  ill  ?  I  replied  that  I  had 
been  so.  "She  's  had  the  cholera,  poor  thing!"  the 
stewardess  unfortunately  observed.  "  The  cholera  !  " 
she  said,  with  an  affrighted  look  ;  and,  hastily  putting  on 
her  bonnet,  vanished  from  the  cabin,  and  never  came 
down  again.  She  had  left  Quebec  because  of  the  cholera, 
having  })reviously  made  inquiries  as  to  whether  any  one 
had  died  of  it  in  the  Jo/m  Mnnn ;  and  now,  being 
brought,  as  she  fancied,  into  contact  with  it,  her  imagina- 
tion was  so  strongly  affected  that  she  was  soon  taken 
seriously  ill,  and  brandy  and  laudanum  were  in  requi- 
sition.    So  great  was  the  fear  of  contagion,  that,  though 

Chap.  XIII. 

fill  villas ; 
s ;    but   I 
'cnt  down 
jst  of  the 
00(1    many 
nic    qiuul- 
lying,  and 
told    sonii; 
LS    a    good 
of  which  I 
V  very  im- 
3   a  jmldic 
D    leave    it 
used,   even 
;ie    blanket 
pale   and 
1  opposite, 
t   up,    and 
lat  I  had 
ig!"   the 
cholera  !  " 
putting  on 
ever  came 
he  cholera, 
er  any  one 
low,   being 
!r  imagina- 
soon  taken 
in  requi- 
at,  though 


ClIAf.   XIII. 



the  boat  was  so  full  that  many  people  had  to  sleep  on 
sofas,  no  one  would  sliare  a  state-room  witli  me. 

We  were  delayed  by  fog,  and  did  not  reach  ^Tontival 
till  one  in  the  morning.  I  found  Montreal  as  warm  and 
dauij)  as  it  had  been  cold  and  bracing  on  my  liivt  vi^it ; 
hut  the  air  was  not  warmer  than  the  welcome  which  I 
received.  Kind  and  tempting  was  the  invitation  to  pro- 
long my  stay  at  the  See  House ;  enticing  was  tl)e  prospect 
otlered  me  of  a  visit  to  a  seimieurie  on  the  Ottawa  :  and 
it  was  with  very  great  reluctance  that,  after  a  sojourn  of 


only  one  day,  1  left  this  abode  of  refinement  and  hos})i- 
talitv,  and  the  vjilued  friends  who  had  received  me  with 
so  much  kindness,  for  a  tedious  journey  to  New  York. 
I  left  the  See  House  at  five  o'clock  on  the  last  day  of 
Octolier,  so  ill  that  I  could  scarcely  speak  or  stand.  It 
was  pitch-dark,  and  the  rain  was  pouring  in  torrents. 
The  high  wind  blew  out  the  lamp  which  was  held  at  the 
door ;  an  uni)ropitious  commencement  of  a  journey. 
Something  was  wrong  with  the  harness :  the  uncouth 
vehicle  was  nearly  upset  backwards :  the  steam  ferry- 
boat was  the  height  of  cjloom,  heated  to  a  stiHiim  ex- 
tent,  and  full  of  people  with  oil-skin  coats  and  dripping 
umbrellas.  We  crossed  the  rushing  Si.  Lawrence  just 
as  the  yellow  gas-lights  of  Montreal  were  struggling 
with  the  pale,  murky  dawn  of  an  autumn  morning, 
and  reached  the  cars  on  the  other  side  before  it  was 
light  enough  to  see  objects  distinctly.  Here  the  ser- 
vant who  had  l)een  kindly  sent  with  me  left  me,  and 
the  few  hours  svhich  were  to  elapse  before  I  should  join 
my  friends  seemed  to  present  insurmountable  difficulties. 
The  people  in  the  cars  were  French,  the  namc^s  of  the 


/::v-''t-i  >'■ 



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CiiAi'.  XII r. 

stations  were  I'Voncli,  and  "  J*rciicz-f/ardc  de  Id  loctnno- 
ti'rc!''  ilciioted  the  crosffincs.  How  tlie  Uiisscz-fairc  lijihit.- 
of  the  habUans  must  l)e  oiitniged  by  the  clatter  of  i\ 
steani-engliie  jjassing  their  (hvellings  at  a  speed  of  thirty- 
five  railes  an  hour !  Vet  these  very  habitans  were  talking 
in  the  most  uuconi'(M-ned  manner  in  French  about  a  rail- 
way accident  in  IJjjper  Canada,  by  which  forty-eight  ))cr- 
sons  were  killed  !  After  a  journey  of  two  hours  1  readied 
House's  Point,  and,  entering  a  handsome  steamer  on  Lake 
C'hami)lain,  took  leave  of  the  IJritish  dominions. 

Before  re-entering  the  territory  of  the  stars  and  stripes, 
1  will  oiler  a  few  concluding  remarks  on  Canada. 


hi  hwomo- 
aire  lijibit.- 
ittcr  of  a 

of  tliivty- 
,*i'e  talking 
loiit  a  rai!- 
■eiglit  \)vv- 

1  readied 
;r  on  Lake 

md  stripe.-, 


CiiAi'.  XIV. 



('Ii.M/Ti:i;    XIV. 

CoiKliKliii;^'  iviHiii'k.s  nn  Canada  —  Territory  — Clii'iato  —  Cai>aliilitiorf  — 
]fiiil\vay.-<  imd  canals  — •  Advnnta'^'c-  'd^r  (Mni,'r:ints  —  Notices  of 
emigration  —  (juviTimicnt  —  'J'iio  framliisi.!  —  llovuiiiu' —  I'oi'ula- 
tion —  lifligiou  —  i ".ducat inn  —  Tlio  [ircss  —  I.itt'i'atni'u  —  Uhsorva- 
tion.s  in  coucln.sion. 

TiiK  inereasing  interest  wliieli  attaelieL<  to  this  noble  colony 
fully  jiistifie-s  nie  in  devoting  a  chapter  to  a  fuller  account 
of  it.s  state  auvl  caj)al)ilities  than  has  yet  heen  given  here. 

Canada  extends  from  Gaspe,  on  the  Gulf  of  St. 
rence,  to  Lake  Superior.  Its  shores  are  washed  l»y  the 
lakes  Huron,  Erie,  and  Ontario,  and  by  the  river  St. 
Lawrence  as  far  as  the  45tli  parallel  of  latitude  ;  from 
thence  the  river  flows  through  the  centre  of  tlu^  province 
to  the  sea.  Canada  is  bounded  on  the  west  and  south  by 
the  Great  Lakes  and  the  United  States  ;  to  the  cast  by 
New  IJrunswick  and  the  ocean  ;  and  to  the  north  by  the 
Hudson's  ]3ay  territory,  though  its  limits  in  this  direction 
are  by  no  means  accurately  defined.  Canada  is  but  a 
small  portion  of  the  vast  tract  of  country  known  under 
the  name  of  British  America,  the  area  of  which  is  a  ninth 
part  of  the  globe,  and  is  considerably  larger  than  that  of 
the  United  States,  being  2,030,163,200  acres. 

Canada  contains  17,939,000  occupied  acres  of  land, 
only  7,300,000  of  which  are  cultivated ;  and  about 
137,000,000   acres   are   still   unoccupied.       Nearly   the 


*\ '. 



1   :;■,»-•," 


■k^ :' 


■  '!    , 

*     c 

1'  '■ 







CiiAi'.  XIV. 

\\li()lt!  (>['  llil.s  vui^t  tcMTitory  was  originally  cnvcrtMl  with 
t'onvstj",  and  from  tlu'  nioiv  disstant  districts  timber  :still 
lorms  a  most  j)n)fltal)li!  articlt;  of  export  ;  hut  wliiMwer 
the  land  i.s  cleared  it  i.s  found  to  he  fertile  in  an  uncom- 
mon degree.  It  is  very  deficiijut  in  coal,  but  iu  the 
neighbourhood  of  Lake  Superior  mineral  trea>ures  of 
great  value  have  beeu  discovered  to  abound. 

Very  erroneous  ideas  j)revail  in  England  on  the  subject 
of  th(»  Canatliau  climate.  Ly  many  persons  it  is  sup- 
posed that  the  country  is  for  ever  "locked  iu  regions 
of  thick-ribbed  ice,"  and  that  skating  and  vsleighing  are 
favourite  .-ununer  diversions  of  the  iuhabitants.  Yet,  on 
the  contrary,  Lower  Canada,  or  that  part  of  the  country 
nearest  to  the  moutb  of  the  St.  Lawrence,  has  a  suunner 
nearly  c(iualling  in  heat  those  of  tropical  climates.  Its 
winter  is  long  and  severe,  frecjuently  lasting  from  the 
beginning  of  December  nntil  Aj)ril  ;  but,  if  the  ther- 
mometer stands  at  o5^  below^  zero  in  January,  it  marks 
yO^  in  tlie  shade  in  June.  In  the  nei<>libourhood  of 
Quebec  the  cold  is  not  nnich  exceeded  by  that  within  the 
polar  circle,  bat  the  dimness  of  the  air  is  so  gi'eat  that  it 
is  now  strongly  recommended  for  those  of  consumptive 
tendencies.  I  have  seen  a  wonderful  effect  produced  in 
the  early  stages  of  pulmonary  disorders  by  a  removal  from 
the  damp,  variable  climate  of  Europe  to  the  dry,  bracing 
atmosphere  of  Lower  Canada.  Spring  is  scarcely  known  ; 
the  transition  from  winter  to  suunner  is  very  rapid  ;  but 
the  autunm  or  fall  is  a  long  and  very  delightful  season. 
It  is  not  necessary  to  dwell  further  upon  the  Lower 
Canadian  climate,  as,  owing  to  circumstances  hereafter 
to    be   explained,    few    emigrants   in   any   class   of   life 


I VI'.  XIV. 

ud  with 
\)Ci'  still 
*1 10  rover 
iii  the 
•iircs    of 

;  sul)j«'('t 
is  sup- 
ling  are 
Yet,  on 
tos.     Its 
roni    tliu 
ho  thor- 
t  marks 
hood   of 
thin  tho 
It  that  it 
lucod  in 
val  from 
known  ; 
lid  ;  but 
of   life 


Cuw.  XIV 

rrJMATK  AM)  rAIV\l:ll,lTIF.S. 


tnake  tho  Lower  Province  more  than  a  tonn)orarv  rostinu- 

From  tho  ea.>torn  coast  to  tiie  western  boundary  tho 
variations  in  diinato  arc  very  considerable.  Tlio  })enin- 
sula  of  (>anada  West  eiijovs  a  climate  as  mild  as  that  of 
the;  state  of  New  \  ork.  'Vho.  mean  tem])erature,  taken 
from  ten  years'  observation,  was  44°,  and  the  therniomt'ter 
rarely  falls  lower  than  11°  below  zero,  while  iIk^  heat  in 
sunnner  is  not  o))pressive.  The  peach  and  vine  matnn; 
their  fruit  in  tho  neighbonrhood  of  F.ake  Ontario,  and 
tobacco  is  very  successfully  ctdtivated  on  the  ])eninsula 
between  Lake  Erie  and  Lake  Huron.  It  se(>ms  that 
Uj)per  (^anada,  free  from  the  (>xtremes  of  heat  and  cold, 
is  intended  to  reci'ivo  a  Euro])ean  population.  Immigrants 
re(iuire  to  become  acclimatised,  which  they  g(merally  are 
by  an  attack  of  ague,  more  or  less  severe  ;  but  the  country 
is  extraordinarily  healthy  ;  with  the  exception  of  occa- 
sional visitations  of  cholera,  (>pidennc  <liseases  are  un- 
known, and  the  climate  is  very  favoiu'able  to  the  duration 
of  human  life. 

The  capabilities  of  Canada  arc;  only  now  beginning  to 
be  appreciated.  It  has  been  princi])ally  known  for  its 
vast  exports  of  timber,  but  these  constitute  a  very  small 
part  of  its  wealth.  Both  by  soil  and  climate  Uj)per 
Canada  is  calculated  to  afford  a  vast  and  annually- 
increaj>ing  field  for  agricultural  and  pastoral  pursuits. 
Wheat,  barley,  potatoes,  turni})s,  maize,  hops,  and 
tobacco,  can  all  be  grown  in  perfection  Canada  already 
exports  largo  quantities  of  wheat  and  flour  of  a  very 
superior  description  ;  and  it  is  stated  that  in  no  country  of 
the  world  is  there  so  much  wheat  grown,  in  proportion  to 

o  3 



■t  Sv' 

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C  AX  AD  A. 

Chap.  XIV 

tlio  p()})ulatioii  and  the  area  under  cultivation,  as  in  that 
part  of  the  country  west  of  Kingston.  The  grain-growing 
district  is  almost  without  limit,  extending  as  it  does  along 
the  St.  Lawrence,  Lal<c  Erie,  and  Lake  Ontario,  to 
\\'indri()r,  with  a  vast  expanse  of  country  to  the  north 
and  west.  The  hops,  which  are  an  article  of  recent  cul- 
tivation, are  of  very  su})erior  nuality,  and  have  hitherto 
been  })erfectly  free  from  blight. 

Vnst  as  are  the  capabilities  of  Canada  for  agricultural 
pursuits,  she  also  offers  great  facilities  for  the  cnijdoy- 
ment  of  capital  in  manufacturing  industry,  thougli  it  is 
questionable  whether  it  is  desirable  to  divert  labour  into 
these  channels  in  a  young  country  where  it  is  dear  and 
scarce.  The  streams  which  intersect  the  land  aflbrd  an 
unlimited  and  very  economical  source  of  power,  and  have 
already  been  used  to  a  considerable  extent.  Lower 
Canada  and  the  shores  of  the  Ottawa  afford  enormous 
supplies  of  white  pine,  and  the  districts  about  Lake  Supe- 
rior contain  apparently  inexhaustible  quantities  of  ore, 
which  yields  a  very  large  percentage  of  cojiper.  AVe 
have  thus  in  Canada  about  1400  miles  of  territory,  per- 
haps the  most  fertile  and  productive  ever  brought  uniler 
the  hands  of  the  cultivator ;  and  as  thougli  Providence 
had  especially  marked  out  this  ])ortion  of  the  New  World 
as  a  field  for  the  enterprise  of  the  European  races,  its 
natural  facilities  for  transit  and  communication  are  nearly 
unequalled.  The  LTpper  Lakes,  the  St.  Lawrence,  the 
Ottawa,  and  the  Saguenay,  besides  many  rivers  of  lesser 
note,  are  so  many  natural  highways  for  the  conveyance 
of  produce  of  every  description  from  the  uiost  distant 
parts  of  the  interior  to  the   Atlantic  Ocean.     "Without 


IA1>.  XIV. 

s  in  that 
)cs  along 
tario,  to 
ho  north 
cent  cul- 

mgli  it  is 
bour  into 
dear  and 
afford  an 
and  have 
ake  Supe- 
[s,  of  ore, 
)er.     AVe 
jtory,  per- 
^lit  under 
w  World 
races,  its 
re  nearly 
lence,  the 
of  lesser 
3t  distant 

CnAi'.  XIV. 



these  natural  fticilities  Canada  could  nevm-  liav(^  ])ro- 
gressed  to  the  extraordinary  extent  which  she  has  already 

Great  as  these  adventitious  advantages  are,  they  have 
been  fm-ther  increased  by  British  energy  and  ent(>rpri.-^e. 
15y  means  of  ship-canals,  formed  to  avoiil  the  obstrnctions 
to  navigation  caused  by  the  raj)ids  of  the  St.  Lawrence, 
Niagara,  and  the  Sault  Sainte  Marie,  small  vessels  can 
load  at  Liverpool  and  discharge  their  cargoes  on  the  most 
distant  shores  of  Lake  Superior.     On  the  W'elland  canal 
alone,  which  connects  Lake  Erie  with  Lake  Ontario,  the 
tolls  taken  in  1853  amounted  to  more  than  G5, ()()()/.     In 
the  same  year  19,031  passengers  and  l,07r),218  tons  of 
shipping  passed  through  it :  the  tralhe  on  the  other  canals 
is  in  like  proj)ortion,  and  is  monthly  on  the  increase.    But 
an  extensive  railway  system,  to  facilitate  direct  commu- 
nication with  the  Atlantic  at  all  seasons  of  the  year,  is 
paving  the  way  for  a  further  and  ra})id  development  of 
the  resources  of  Canada,  and  i'or  a  vast  increase  in  her 
material  prosperity.     Already  the  Great  Western  Com- 
pany has  formed  a  line  from  AVindsor,  opposite  Detroit^ 
U.  S.,  to  Toronto,  passing  through  the  important  towns  of 
Hamilton,  London,  and  Woodstock  :  a  branch  also  con- 
nects Toronto  with  Lake  Simcoe,  opening  up  the  very 
fertile  tract  of  land  in  that  dii'ection.     Another  railway 
extends  from   Fort  Erie,   op])osite   Buifalo,  to  Goderich 
on  Lake  Huron,  a  distance  of  158  miles.     A  portion  of 
the  Grand  Trunk  Railway  has  recently  been  opened,  and 
trains  now  regularly  run  between  Quebec  and  Montreal, 
a  distance  of  18G  miles.     When  this  magniticent  railway 
is  completed  it  will  connect  the  cities  of  Quebec,  Mont- 


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.  '  *  ' 


1  '' 


real,  and  Toronto,  wliorc,  joining  tlio  Groat  Western 
scheino,  the  whole  of  Upper  and  Lower  Canada  will  be 
connected  with  the  great  lakes  and  the  western  States  of 
the  neighbouring  republic.  The  main  line  will  cross  the 
St.  Lawrence  at  Montreal  by  a  tubular  bridge  two  miles 
in  length.  'I'he  Grand  Trunk  Railway  will  have  its 
eastern  terminus  at  Portland,  in  the  State  of  Maine,  be- 
tween which  city  and  Liverpool  there  will  be  regular 
weekly  communication.  This  railway  is,  however,  em- 
barrassed by  certain  financial  difficulties,  which  may  re- 
tard for  a  time  the  completion  of  the  gigantic  undertaking. 

Another  railway  connects  the  important  city  of  Ottawa 
with  Prescott,  on  the  river  So.  Lawrence,  and  has  its  ter- 
minus o])posite  to  the  Ogdensburgh  station  of  the  Boston 
railway.  Besides  these  there  are  numerous  branches, 
completed  or  in  course  of  construction,  which  will  open  up 
the  industry  of  the  whole  of  the  interior.  Some  of  these 
lines,  particularly  the  Great  AVestern,  have  a  large  traffic 
already,  and  ])romise  to  be  very  successful  speculations. 

The  facilities  for  communication,  and  for  the  transit  of 
produce,  arc  among  the  most  important  of  the  advantages 
which  Canada  holds  out  to  emigrants,  but  there  are  others 
which  must  not  be  overlooked.  The  healthiness  of  the 
climate  has  been  already  remarked  upon,  but  it  is  an  im- 
portant consideration,  as  the  bracing  atmosphere  and  free- 
dom from  diseases  allow  to  the  hardy  adventurer  the  free 
exercise  of  his  vigour  and  strength. 

Connnunication  with  England  is  becoming  increasingly 
reguhir.  During  the  summer  months  screw-steamers  and 
sailing  vessels  ply  between  Liverj)ool  and  Quebec,  from 
whence  there   is  cheap  and  easy  water  communication 


L  will  be 
States  of 
^ross  the 
wo  miles 
have  its 
iiiiio,  he- 
vcv,   em- 
may  re- 
1"  Ottawa 
,s  its  ter- 
16  Boston 
[  open  lip 
of  these 
o-e  traffic 
transit  oi' 
•e  others 
is  of  the 
IS  an  inl- 
and free- 
the  free 

■ea  singly 
mers  and 
)ec,  from 
Lini  cation 



with  the  districts  bordering  on  the  great  lakes.  From 
Quebec  to  Windsor,  a  distance  of  nearly  1000  miles,  ])as- 
sengers  are  conveyed  for  the  sum  of  0I5.,  and  have  the 
advantaue  of  having  their  bacfgage  under  tlieir  eves 
during  the  whole  journey.  The  denuunl  for  labour  in 
all  parts  of  (Canada  West  is  great  and  increasing.  The 
wages  of  farm-servants  are  4/.  j)cr  month  with  board  : 
day-labourers  earn  from  4.s'.  to  5.'>'.  })er  diem,  and  in  har- 
vest lOi'.,  without  boai'd.  The  wages  of  car])enters  and 
other  skilled  workmen  vary  acc(U'ding  to  tiieir  abiliiies  ; 
but  they  range  between  7.v.  and  l^*-.  (nl.  jter  diem,  taking 
these  as  the  highest  and  lowest  prices. 

The  cost  of  living  is  c(msiderably  below  that  in  this 
country ;  for  crockery,  cutlery,  &c.,  50  per  cent,  advance 
on  h(nne  retail  prices  is  paid,  and  for  clothing  50  to  75 
per  cent,  addition  on  old  country  prices,  if  tlii;  articles 
are  not  of  Canadian  manufacture.  The  cost  of  a  com- 
fortable log-house  with  two  floors,  16  feet  by  24,  is  about 
18/. ;  but  it  must  be  borne  in  mind  that  very  little  ex- 
penditure is  needed  on  the  part  of  the  settler;  his  house 
and  barns  are  generally  built  by  himself,  with  the  assist- 
ance of  his  neighbours ;  and  a  man  with  the  slightest 
ingenuity  or  powers  of  imitation  can  also  fabricate  at  a 
most  trifling  expense  the  few  articles  of  household  furni- 
ture needed  at  first.  I  have  been  in  several  log-houses 
where  the  bcnlsteads,  tablos,  and  chairs  were  all  the  work 
of  the  settlers  themselves,  at  a  cost  probably  of  a  few 
shillings  ;  and  though  the  workmanship  was  rough,  yet 
the  articles  answer  perfectly  well  for  all  practical  })ur- 
poses.  Persons  of  sober,  industrious  habits,  going  out  as 
workmen  to  Canada,  speedily  acquire  comfort  and  inde- 


f  '  ,■■■  . «.  i;',-.- 

r-  'I*- 




Chap.  XIV. 

M  i.ty 


m  4 

■1   1 

'  1 


pendonco.  I  have  seen  settlers  who  went  out  witliin  the 
hist  eight  years  as  day-labourers,  now  the  owners  of  sub- 
stantial homesteads,  with  the  requisite  quantity  of  farm- 

Canada  West  is  also  a  most  desirable  locality  for  per- 
sons of  intelligence  who  arc  possessed  of  a  small  capital. 
Along  the  great  lakes  and  in  the  Interior  there  are  large 
tracts  of  land  yet  unoccupied.  The  price  of  wild  land 
varies  from  10s.  to  10/.  per  acre,  according  to  the  locality. 
Cleared  farms,  with  good  buihlings,  in  the  best  townships, 
are  worth  from  10/.  to  15/.  an  acre  :  these  prices  refer  to 
the  lands  belonging  to  the  Canr.Ja  Land  Company  ;  the 
crown  lands  sell  at  prices  varying  from  4^.  to  7.s.  Qd.  per 
acre,  but  the  localities  of  these  lands  are  not  so  desirable 
in  most  instances.  The  })rice  of  clearing  wild  lands  is 
about  4/.  5s.  per  acre,  but  in  many  locations,  particularly 
near  the  railways,  the  sale  of  the  timber  covers  the  ex- 
penses of  clearing.  As  has  been  })reviously  observed,  the 
soil  and  climate  of  U})per  Canada  are  favourable  to  a 
great  variety  of  crops.  Wheat,  however,  is  probably  the 
most  certain  and  profitable,  and,  with  respect  to  cereals 
and  other  crops,  the  produce  of  the  land  per  acre  is  not 
less  than  in  England.  In  addition  to  tobacco,  flax  and 
hemp  are  occupying  the  attention  of  the  settlers  ;  and  as 
an  annually  increasing  amount  of  capital  is  employed  in 
factories,  these  last  are  likely  to  prove  very  profitable. 

In  addition  to  the  capabilities  of  the  soil,  Lake  Huron 
and  tiie  Georgian  Hay  present  extensive  resources  in  the 
way  of  fish,  and  their  borders  are  peculiarly  desirable 
locations  for  the  emigrant  population  of  the  west  of  Ire- 
land and  the  west  Highlands  of  Scotland. 


■  1 

[.\i>.  XIV. 

[liin  the 
of  sub- 
if  form- 

for  per- 
re  large 
ild  land 
refer  to 
my ;  the 
;.  6(i.  per 
lands  is 
p  the  ex- 
vcd,  the 
le  to  a 
)ably  the 
re  is  not 
flax  and 
and  as 
)l()yed  in 
133  in  the 
of  Ire- 



With  such  very  great  advantages,  it  is  not  surj)rising 
that  tiic  tide  of  emigration  should  set  increasingly 
towards  this  ])art  of  the  Ih'itish  dominions.  The  following 
is  a  statement  of  the  number  of  persons  who  landed  at 
Qi.eboc  during  the  last  live  years.  The  emigration  re- 
turns for  1855  will  probably  show  a  very  considerable 
increase : — 

IS.'iO ?,-2,-2[)2 

18.")l  41,070 

ls.r2 .';0,17t5 

18.'>:; ;^".,(',00 

18r^i 5:5,18:5 

It  may  be  believed  that  the  greater  number  of  these 
persons  are  now  enjoying  a  plenty,  many  an  affluence, 
which  their  utmost  exertions  could  not  have  obtained  for 
tiiora  at  home.  Wherever  a  farmstead,  surrounded  by 
its  well -cleared  acres,  is  seen,  it  is  more  than  })robable 
that  the  occupant  is  also  the  owner.  The  value  of  land 
increases  so  ra{)idly,  that  persons  who  originally  bought 
their  land  in  its  wild  state  for  4s.  per  acre,  have  made 
handsome  fortunes  by  disposing  of  it.  In  Canada,  tlie 
farmer  holds  a  steady  and  certain  position ;  if  lie  saves 
money,  a  hundred  opportunities  will  occur  for  him  to  make 
a  profitable  investment ;  but  if,  as  is  more  fretjuently  the 
case,  he  is  not  rich  as  far  as  money  is  concerned,  he  has 
all  the  comforts  and  luxuries  which  it  could  procure. 
His  land  is  ever  increasing  in  value ;  and  in  the  very 
worst  seasons,  or  under  accidental  cii'cumstances  of  an 
unfavourable  nature,  he  can  never  know  real  poverty, 
which  is  a  deficiency  in  the  necessaries  of  life. 

But  in  Canada,  as  in  the  Old  World,  people  who  wish 



ml  ■ 



■:,±\-;>  ' 

Ink  f: 

■^»    fc    * . 

■♦'..;.»?■■■  ', 



■?'■  ,  •?' 





Chap.  XTV. 




f!  li; 


;•>   1^ 

i)':'  i 

"limf.  '\ 


to  attain  competence  or  wealth  ninst  toil  hard  for  it.  In 
Canada,  with  all  its  capahilitios  and  advantages,  there  is 
no  royal  road  to  riches — no  Midas  touch  to  turn  every- 
thing into  gold.  The  primal  curse  still  holds  good, 
"  though  softened  into  mercy  ;"  and  those  who  emigrate, 
expecting  to  work  less  hard  for  i')s.  a  day  than  at  home 
for  l.-?.  Gf/.,  will  be  miserably  disappointed,  for,  where 
high  wages  a-e  given,  hard  work  is  required ;  those  must 
also  be  disappointed  who  expect  to  live  in  style  from  off 
the  produce  of  a  small  Canadian  farm,  and  those  whose 
imaginary  dignity  revolts  from  plough,  and  sj)ade,  and 
hoe,  and  those  who  invest  borrowed  capital  in  farming 
operations.  The  fields  of  the  slothful  in  Canada  bring 
forth  thorns  and  thistles,  as  his  fields  brought  them  forth 
in  Eiifrland.  Idleness  is  absolute  ruin,  and  drunkenness 
carries  with  it  worse  evils  than  at  home,  for  the  practice  of 
it  entails  a  social  ostracism,  as  well  as  total  ruin,  upon  the 
emigrant  and  his  familv.  The  same  conditions  of  success 
are  required  as  in  England — honesty,  sobriety,  and  in- 
dustry ;  with  these,  assisted  by  all  the  advantages  which 
Canada  possesses,  there  is  no  man  who  need  despair  of 
acquiring  independence  and  affluence,  although  there  is 
always  enoiigli  of  difficulty  to  moderate  the  extravagance 
of  exaggerated  expectations. 

llie  Government  of  Canada  demands  a  few  remarks. 
Within  the  last  few  years  the  position  of  this  colony,  with 
respect  to  England,  has  been  greatly  changed,  by  mea- 
sures which  have  received  the  sanction  of  the  Imperial 
Parliament.  In  1847  the  Imperial  Government  aban- 
doned all  control  over  the  Canadian  tariff,  and  the  colonial 
legislature  now  exercises  supreme  power  over   customs 


Chap.  XIV. 

>i*  it.     In 
s,  there  is 
rn  every- 
Ids    good, 
1  at  home 
or,   where 
lose  must 
e  from  off 
lose  whose 
pade,  and 
n  farming 
ada  bring 
hem  forth 
practice  of 
I,  upon  the 
of  success 
^  and  in- 
rjes  whicli 
lespair  of 
1  there  is 


ony,  with 

by  mea- 
nt  aban- 
e  colonial 

customs'.  XIV. 



duties,  and  all  matters  of  general  nnd  local  taxation. 
This  was  a  very  important  step,  and  gave  a  vast  im})uls(> 
to  the  prosperity  of  Canada.  Tiie  colony  now  has  all  the 
advantages — fi'ce  from  a  few  of  the  inconveniences — of 
being  an  independent  country.  England  retains  the  right 
of  nominating  tlie  Governor-General,  and  the  Queen  has 
the  power,  rarely  if  ever  exercised,  of  putting  a  veto  upon 
certain  of  the  acts  of  the  colonial  lemslature.  England 
conducts  all  matters  of  war  and  di})l()macy,  and  j)rovides 
a  regular  military  establishment  for  the  defence  of 
Canada ;  and  though  she  is  neither  required  to  espouse 
our  quarrels,  or  bear  any  jjortion  of  our  burdens,  we 
should  be  compelled  to  espouse  hers  in  any  question 
relating  to  her  honour  or  integrity,  at  a  lavish  expenditui-e 
of  blood  and  treasure.  It  appears  that  'he  present  rela- 
tions in  which  Canada  stands  to  England  are  greatlv  to 
her  advantage,  and  there  is  liappily  no  desire  on  her  part 
to  sever  them. 

The  Governor-General  is  appointed  by  the  Crow^n, 
generally  for  a  term  of  five  years,  but  is  paid  ])y  the  pro- 
vince ;  he  acts  as  viceroy,  and  his  assent  to  the  measures 
of  the  Legislature  is  required,  in  order  to  render  them 
valid.  His  executive  council,  composed  of  the  ministers 
of  the  day,  is  analogous  to  our  English  Cabinet.  The 
governor,  like  our  own  Sovereign,  must  bow  to  the  will  of 
a  majority  in  the  Legislature,  and  dismiss  his  ministers 
when  they  lose  the  contidence  of  that  body.  The  "  sec  nd 
estate"  is  the  Legislative  Council.  Tlie  governor,  with 
the  advice  of  his  ministry,  aj)points  the  members  of  tliis 
body.  They  are  chosen  for  life,  and  their  number  is  un- 
restricted.   At  present  there  are  about  forty  members. 



^'r.^"'^  ■ 


y   ."t;  ■ 


,  I 




Chap.  XIV. 


The  functions  of  this  council  arc  very  similar  to  those  of 
our  House  of  Peers,  and  consist,  to  a  great  extent,  in 
regist(M-ing  the  decrees  of  tljc  Lower  House. 

Tlie  "third  estate"  is  denominated  the  House  of  As- 
send)ly,  and  consists  of  loO  members,  65  for  eacli  pro- 
vince.* Tlie  qualification  for  the  franchise  has  been 
placed  tolerably  high,  and  no  doubt  wiscdy,  as,  in  the 
absence  of  a  better  guarantee  for  the  right  use;  of  it,  a 
property  qualificatvoi:,  iiowever  trifling  in  amount,  has  a 
tendency  to  elevate  the  tone  of  electioneering,  and  to 
enhance  the  value  which  is  attached  to  a  vote.  The 
qualification  for  electors  is  a  50/.  freehold,  or  an  annual 
rent  of  71.  lOs.  Contrary  to  the  jjractice  in  the  States, 
where  large  numbers  of  the  more  respectable  portion  of 
the  community  abstain  from  voting,  in  Canada  the  votes 
are  nearly  all  recorded  at  every  election,  and  the  fact  that 
the  franchise  is  within  the  reach  of  every  sober  man  gives 
an  added  stimulus  to  industry. 

The  attempt  to  establish  British  constitutional  govern- 
ment on  the  soil  of  the  New  World  is  an  interesting 
experiment,  and  has  yet  to  be  tested.  There  are  various 
disturbing  elements  in  Canada,  of  which  we  have  little 
experience  in  England ;  the  principal  one  being  the  diffi- 
culty of  legislating  between  what,  in  spite  of  the  union, 
arc  two  distinct  nations,  of  different  races  and  religions. 
Tiie  impossibility  of  reconciling  the  rival,  and  frequently 
adverse  claims,  of  the  Upper  and  Lower  Provinces,  has 

U*'S  ■'.-;'}' 4;; 

*  Tlio  members  of  tlie  Legislative  Council  aucl  the  House  of  Assem- 
bly receive  six  dollars  ( 'J4s.  sterling)  a  day  for  their  attendance.  The 
members  of  the  Executive  Council  are  paid  at  the  rate  of  12Gu/.  per 


CiiAP.  XIV. 

to  those  of 
;  extent,  in 

use  of  As- 
each  pro- 
has    been 
as,   in  tlie 
is(!  of  it,  a 
)unt,  has  a 
m,  and   to 
ote.      Tlie 
'  an  annual 
the  States, 
;  portion  of 
I  the  votes 
le  fact  that 
man  gives 

lal  govern- 


'c  various 

lave  little 

the  diffi- 

le  union, 



inces,  lias 

e  of  Assem- 
ance.  The 
f  12(jU/.  pov 


Cii.vr.  XIV. 



become  a  very  embarrassing  questi(m.  The  strong 
social  restraints,  and  the  generally  high  tone  of  public 
feeling  in  J'^ngland,  which  exercise  a  powerful  control 
over  the  mini^ter  of  the  day,  do  not  at  present  exist 
in  Canada ;  neither  has  the  pid)lic  mind  that  nice  per- 
ception of  moral  truth  which  might  be  desired.  The 
population  of  U])per  (Canada,  more  csj)ecially,  has  been 
gathered  from  many  parts  of  the  earth,  and  is  com- 
posed of  men,  generally  speaking,  without  education, 
whose  sole  aim  is  the  acquisition  of  wealth,  and  who 
are  not  cemented  by  any  connnon  ties  of  nationality. 
Under  these  circumstances,  and  b<;aring  in  mind  the 
immense  political  machinery  which  the  Papacy  can  set  to 
work  in  Canada,  the  transfer  of  British  institutions  to  the 
colony  must  at  present  remain  a  matter  of  problematical 
success.  It  is  admitted  that  the  fEiiliire  of  representative 
institutions  arises  from  the  unworthiness  of  constituencies  ; 
and  if  the  eilbrts  which  are  made  by  means  of  education 
to  elevate  the  character  of  the  next  generation  of  electors 
should  prove  fruitless,  it  is  probable  that,  with  the  inde- 
pendence of  the  colony,  American  institutions,  with  their 
objectionable  features,  would  follow.  At  present  the 
great  difficulties  to  be  surmounted  lie  in  the  undue  power 
possessed  by  the  French  Roman  Catholic  population,  and 
the  Romanist  influences  brought  to  bear  successfully  on 
the  Government. 

There  is  in  Canada  no  direct  taxation  for  national  pur- 
poses, except  a  mere  trifle  for  the  support  of  the  pro- 
vincial lunatic  asylums,  and  for  some  other  public  buildings. 
The  provincial  revenue  is  derived  from  customs  duties, 
public  works,  crown  lands,  excise,  and  bank  impost     The 




-M  '• 

H   ■ 



CuAi'.  XIV. 



.        t 





\            ■)! 

;  \ 

,|.  hi 





customs  duties  last  year  ranio  to  1,100,000/.,  tlio  rov(Muie 
fVoui  })ul)lii'  works  to  12.'>,0(){)/.,  from  lauds  about  tho  sauio 
suui,  from  e.xciso  about  40,000/.,  aud  IVoui  the  tax  ou  the 
current  notes  of  the  banks  ,'50,001 )/.  J:] very  county,  towu- 
shij),  town,  or  iiK'orj)()rated  village,  (dects  its  own  council ; 
and  all  local  objects  a.'e  ])rovi(led  for  by  direct  taxation 
through  these  bodies.  In  these  municii)alities  the  levying 
of  the  local  taxes  is  vested,  and  they  administer  the  monies 
collected  for  roads,  bridges,  schools,  and  improvements, 
and  the  local  administration  of  public  justice. 

According  to  the  census  taken  in  1851,  the  population 
of  Upj)er  (Canada  was  Ur):2.000  souls,  being  an  increase 
since  1842  of  405,1)45.  That  of  Lower  Canada  amounted 
to  800,000,  making  a  total  of  1,842,000  ;  but  if  to  this  we 
add  the  number  of  persons  who  have  immigrated  within 
the  last  four  years,  we  have  a  population  of  2,012,134. 

Of  the  population  of  Lower  Canada,  009,000  are  of 
French  origin.  These  people  s})eak  the  French  language, 
and  profess  the  lionush  faith.  The  land  is  divided  into 
scif/ncuries ',  there  are  feudal  customs  and  anti(piated 
])rivileges,  and  the  laws  are  based  upon  the  model  of 
those  of  old  France.  The  progress  of  Lower  Canada  is 
very  tardy.  The  French  have  never  made  good  colonists, 
and  tlie  Romish  religion  acts  as  a  drag  u})on  social  and 
national  progress.  The  hahitans  of  the  Lower  Province, 
though  moral  and  amiable,  are  not  and)itious,  and  hold 
their  ancient  customs  with  a  tenacity  which  opposes  itself 
to  their  advancement.  The  various  changes  in  the  tariff 
made  by  the  Imperial  Government  affected  Lower  Canada 
very  seriously.  On  comparing  the  rate  of  increase  in  the 
population  of  the  two  provinces  in  the  same  period  of 

Chap.  XIV, 

JO  rcvcmu' 
t  tlie  saino 
tax  on  tlio 
nty,  town- 
11  council ; 
;t  taxation 
ho  lovyiiig 
tlio  luonio!? 


n  incivase 


to  this  wo 

tod  within 


}0()  are  of 


vidod  into 


model  of 

Canada  is 


social  and 


and  hold 

)Sos  itself 

the  tariti' 

r  Canada 

so  in  the 

loriod  of 

Chap.  XIV. 



twelve  years,  we  find  that  for  TJ|)])or  Canada  it  was  130 
per  cent.,  for  Lower  C'lnada  only  i]4:  per  cent.  The 
disparity  hetween  the  population  and  the  wealth  of  the 
two  provinces  is  annually  on  the  increase. 

The  ))rogro.-s  of  Upper  Canada  is  soiiiething  perfectly 
astonishing,  and  bids  fair  to  rival,  if  not  exceed,  that  of 
her  iiiijiuitic  neighbour.  Her  coniinunication  hetween  the 
Lako  district  and  the  Atlantic  is  jiractically  more  econo- 
iiiical,  taking  the  whole  of  the  year,  and,  as  British  emi- 
gration has  tended  chietiy  to  the  Ui>pcr  Province,  the 
])()pulation  is  of  a  more  homogeneous  character  than  that 
of  the  States.  The  climate  also  is  more  favourable  than 
that  of  Lower  (^anada.  These  circumstances,  combined 
with  the  inherent  energy  of  the  Anglo-Saxon  races  which 
have  ])rincipally  colonised  it,  account  in  great  measure 
for  the  vast  increase  in  the  material  prosj>erity  of  the 
Upper  Province  as  compared  with  the  Lower. 

Li  1830  the  population  of  Ujiper  Canada  was  210,437 
souls;  in  1842,  480,055;  and  in  1851  it  had  reached 
952,004.  Its  poj)ulation  is  now  supposed  to  exceed  that 
of  Lower  Canada  by  300,000  souls.  It  increased  in  nine 
years  about  100  per  cent.  In  addition  to  the  large  num- 
ber of  emigrants  who  have  arrived  by  way  of  Quebec,  it 
has  received  a  considerable  accession  of  po})ulation  from 
the  United  States  ;  7000  persons  crossed  the  frontier  in 
1854.  The  increase  of  its  wealth  is  far  more  than  com- 
mcmsurate  with  that  of  its  population.  The  first  returns 
of  the  assessable  property  of  LTpper  Canada  were  taken 
in  1825,  and  its  amount  was  estimated  at  1,854,1)05/. 
In  1845  it  was  estimated  at  0,393,030/.  ;  but  in  seven 
years   after   this,   in   1852,    it   presents   the   astonishing 




1 1*. 



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^''^  V  1} 




CirM'.  XIV 

1      V 


niiioiiiit  of  .')7, (')•.>'), 'J3l/. !  Tlio  wlu'iit.  crop  of  Ujjpor 
(.'.niad.i  111  1S41  was  .'>,221,ltl)l  biislicls,  niul  in  IS.')!  it 
was  1  L^(')|l2,.S;■>2  ;  but  tlic  prcstMit  yi'ar,  1855,  will  sliow  a 
stai'tiiin'  and  almost  iiicn'dihlc  iiUToaso.  In  addition  to 
the  wealth  gained  in  tin;  (tultivation  of  the  soil,  the  settlers 
are  seizing  upon  the  vast  water-power  whiel*  tlu»  country 
affords,  and  are  turning  it  to  the  most  profitable  pur- 
jioses.  Saw-mills,  grist-mills,  and  woollen-mills  start  up 
in  every  direction,  in  addition  to  tool  and  maehinery  fac- 
tories, iron-foundries,  asberi(>s,  and  tanneries. 

Towns  are  everywhere  springing  up  as  if  by  magic 
along  the  new  lines  of  railway  and  canal,  and  the  very 
villages  of  Uj)pcr  Canada  are  connected  by  the  electric 
telegrajih.  The  value  of  land  is  ever)  where  increasing 
as  new  lines  of  communication  are  formed.  The  town  of 
Jjondon,  in  U])per  (^niada,  jiresents  a  very  remarkable 
instance  of  rapid  growth.  It  is  surrounded  by  a  very 
rich  agricultural  district,  and  the  Great  \W'stern  Railway 
passes  thnnigli  it.  Seven  years  ago  this  jdace  was  a 
miserable-looking  village  of  between  two  and  three  thou- 
sand inhabitants  ;  now  it  is  a  flourishing  town,  alive  with 
business,  and  has  a  population  of  13,000  souls.  The 
increase  in  the  value  of  prsnerty  in  its  vicinity  will  appear 
almost  incredible  to  English  readers,  but  it  is  stated  on 
the  best  authority  :  a  building-site  sold  in  September, 
1855,  for  150/.  per  foot,  which  ten  years  ago  could 
have  been  bought  for  that  price  per  acre,  and  ten  years 
earlier  for  as  many  i)ence. 

In  Upper  Canada  there  appears  to  be  at  the  present 
time  very  little  of  that  state  of  society  which  is  marked 
by  hard  struggles  and  lawless  excesses.     In  every  part 

••I  J 

CiiM'.  XIV. 

of    Uj)})!'!' 

in  IH')!  it 
will  show  a 
addition  to 
the  t!(>ttkn's 
the  country 
litahlo  pur- 
11s  start  up 
jhinory  fac- 

f  hy  magic 

nd  the  very 

the  electric 

}  increasing 

riie  town  of 


hy  a  very 

}vn  Railway 

lace   was  a 

three  thou- 

,  alive  with 

ouls.     The 

will  appear 

stated  on 


ago   could 

ten  years 

Ihe  present 

is  marked 

[every  part 

CiiAr.  XIV.  roPULATIoX.  nil 

of  my  travels  west  of  Toronto  1  found  a  high  degree  of 
social  comfort,  security  to  life  and  propi>rty,  the  means 
for  educNition  ansl  religions  wor.-hip,  ami  all  tin;  acces- 
sories of  a  high  state  of  civilization,  which  are  advantages 
hronght  into  every  locality  almost  sinndtancM)nsly  wirii 
the  clearing  of  the  land.  Yet  it  is  very  apparent,  even 
to  the  casual  visitor,  that  tln>  progrt>ss  ot  (.\ma(la  West 
has  only  ju-t  hegun.  No  limits  can  he  aasigned  to  its 
fntiu'e  prosperity,  and,  as  its  cap;il>ilities  hecome  more 
known,  increasing  numhers  of  stout  hearts  and  strong 
arms  will  he  attracted  towards  it. 

The  immense  resources  of  the  soil  under  cultivation 
have  not  yet  heen  developed ;  the  settlers  are  prodigal  of 
land,  and  a  great  portion  of  the  occu})ied  territory,  destined 
to  hear  the  most  luxuriant  crops,  is  still  in  hush.  The 
magnilicent  districts  adjoining  Lake  Huron,  the  Georgian 
Bay,  and  Lake  SImcoe,  are  only  just  heing  hrouglit  into 
notice;  and  of  the  fertile  valley  of  the  Ottawa,  which  it  is 
estimateil  would  support  a  poi)ulation  of  nine  millions,  very 
little  is  known.  Every  circumstance  that  can  he;  hronght 
forward  comhines  to  show  that  Upjjer  (Janada  is  destined 
to  hecome  a  great,  a  wealthy,  and  a  prosperous  country. 

The  census  gives  ?ome  interesting  tables  relating  to 

the  orimns  of  the  inhabitants  of  Canada.     I  wish  that  I 

had  space  to  present  my  readers  with  the  whole,  instead 

of  with  this  brief  extract :  — 

C'ln  (Ji'dis,  French  origin      . .      .  .      .  .      . .  00"), 000 

Citii:t<li(in.f,  Knglisli  oriyiu G.'>l,nOO 

Eug'lanil  ami  Wales       0:'.,OiHj 

Seotliiud 90,000 

Irolaiul •l-27,O00 

ruited  States         .-.fVeO 

Germany        lu,UO0 


^  -I . 

• » ■ ". 

1  ■  • 


V    • .- 1; 

- . ;  > 





Chap.  XIV, 


I '  ^ 

I  n  I' 

1 1 


Bosidos  tlieso  flit  ro  aro  SOOO  coloured  person.*  .and 
14,000  Indians  in  Canada,  and  emigrants  from  every 
civili&tMl  coinitry  in  the  world. 

As  far  as  roQ-ards  the  (Church  of  Enn;land,  Canada,  is 
divided  into  three  dioceses — Toronto,  Montreal,  and 
Quebec — with  a  ])rospeet  of  the  creation  of  ;i  fourth, 
that  of  Kingston.  The  clergy,  whose  duties  are  very 
arduous  and  ill-requited,  have  been  paid  hy  the  Society 
for  Propagating  the  Gospel,  and  out  of  the  ])roceeds  of 
the  clergy  reserves.  The  Society  has,  in  great  measure, 
withdrawn  its  sup])ort,  and  recent  legislative  enactments 
have  a  tendency  to  j)lace  the  Church  of  England  in 
Canada,  to  some  extent,  on  the  voluntary  system.  The 
inhabitants  of  ('anada  are  fully  able  to  support  any  form 
of  worship  to  which  they  may  choose  to  attach  themselves. 
Trinity  Colleije,  at  Toronto,  is  in  close  connexion  with  the 
Church  of  England. 

The  Roman  Catholics  have  enormous  endowments, 
including  a  great  part  of  the  island  of  Montreal,  and 
several  valuable  seigUviiries.  ^  ery  large  sums  are  also 
n^eeived  by  them  from  those  who  enter  the  convents,  and 
for  baptisms,  burials,  and  masses  for  the  dead.  The 
enslaving,  enervating,  and  retarding  effects  of  Roman 
Catholicism  are  nowhere  better  seen  than  in  Lovv(;r 
(Canada,  where  the  })riests  (^xercise  despotic  authority. 
They  have  nun^erous  and  wealthy  conventual  establish- 
ments, both  at  Quebet;  and  Montreal,  and  several  Jesuit 
and  other  seminaries.  The  Irish  emigrants  constitute  the 
great  body  of  Romanists  in  Up})er  Canada  ;  in  the  Lower 
Province  there  are  more  than  740,000  adherents  to  this 

'«■■ " 

Ch  \r.  XIV. 

er&oiiji  aud 
from   every 

,  Canada  is 
ntroal,  and 
['  a  fonrtli, 
is  arc  very 

the  Society 

])roci>ed3  of 
lit  measnre, 

England  in 
'Stem.  The 
rt  any  form 

Lion  with  the 

)ntreal,  and 
ms  are  also 
)nvents,  and 
ad.      The 
of  Roman 
in    Lo\v(n' 
eral  Jesuit 
nstitute  the 
the  Lower 
ents  to  this 

CiiAi'.  XIV.  RELIGIOX.  311) 

The  Presbyterians  arc  a  very  respectable,  influential, 
and  important  body  in  Canada,  bound  iirmly  together  by 
their  uniformity  of  worship  and  doctrine.  Though  an 
Episcojjalian  form  of  church  government  and  a  form  of 
worship  are  as  obnoxious  to  them  as  at  home,  their  oppo- 
sition seldom  amounts  to  liostility.  Generally  s})eakiiig, 
they  are  very  friendly  in  their  intercourse  with  the  zealous 
and  hard-working  clergy  of  the  Church  of  England  ;  and, 
indeed,  the  com])arative  absence  of  sectarian  feeling,  and 
the  way  in  which  the  ministers  of  all  denominations  act 
in  hariiionious  combination  ft)r  the  general  good,  is  one  of 
the  most  pleasing  features  connected  with  religion  in 

In  Upper  Canada  there  arc  1559  cluu'ches,  for  952,000 
adherents,  being  one  place  of  worship  for  every  612  in- 
habitants. Of  these  houses  of  worslii}),  226  belong  to  the 
Church  of  England,  135  to  the  Roman  Catholics,  148  to 
the  Presbyterians,  and  471  to  the  Methodists.  In  Lower 
Canada  there  arc  610  churches,  for  890,261  adherents, 
746,000  of  whom  are  Roman  (Catholics.  There  is  therefore 
in  the  Lower  Province  one  place  of  worship  for  every 
1459  inhabitants.  These  religious  statistics  furnish  addi- 
tional proof  of  the  progress  of  Upper  Canada.  The 
numbers  adhering  to  the  five  most  important  denomina- 
tions are  as  follows,  in  round  numbers:  — 

Roman  Catholics 914,000 

Episcopalians 2GH.U00 

Presbyterians '_';)7,UO0 

Methodists 18:1, oOij 

Baptists 4!t,0U0 

Beside  these  there  are  more  t>»an  20  sects,  some  of  them 





'■  ■'  1 
■  •  ■  ( ■." 








a  ■'{]'■  I'll 



Chap.  XIV. 

i    M 

%    'Ur 


holding  tliG  most  extravagant  and  fanatical  tenets.  In 
the  Lower  Province  there  are  45,000  persons  belonging 
to  the  Church  of  England,  33,000  are  Presbyterians,  and 
746,000  are  Roman  (Jatholics.  With  this  vast  number 
of  Romanists  in  Canada,  it  is  not  surprising  that  under 
the  present  system  of  representation,  which  gives  an  equal 
number  of  representatives  to  each  province,  irrespective 
of  population,  the  R-oman  Catholics  should  exercise  a 
very  powerful  influence  on  the  colonial  Parliament.  This 
influence  is  greatly  to  be  deplored,  not  less  socially  and 
politically  than  religiously.  Popery  paralyses  those  coun- 
tries under  its  dominion  ;  and  the  stationary  condition  of 
Lower  Canada  is  mainly  to  be  attributed  to  the  successful 
eflforts  of  the  priests  to  keep  up  that  system  of  ignoiancc 
and  terrorism,  without  which  their  power  could  not  con- 
tinue to  exist. 

More  importance  is  attached  generally  to  education  in 
Upper  Canada  than  might  have  been  supposed  from  the 
extreme  deficiencies  of  the  first  settlers.  A  national 
system  of  education,  on  a  most  liberal  scale,  has  been 
oi-ganised  by  the  Legislature,  which  j)resents  in  unfavour- 
able contrast  the  feeble  and  isolated  efforts  made  for  this 
object  by  private  benevolence  in  England.  Acting  on 
the  principle  that  the  first  duty  of  government  is  to  provide 
for  the  education  of  its  subjects,  a  uniform  and  universal 
educational  system  has  been  put  into  force  in  Canada. 

This  system  of  public  instruction  is  founded  on  the 
co-operation  of  the  Executive  Government  with  the  local 
municipalities.  The  members  of  these  corporations  are 
elected  by  the  freeholders  and  householders.  The  system, 
therefore,  is  strictly  popular  and  national,  as  the  people 

''  \ 


Cii-vr.  XIV. 

tenets.     In 
i  belonging 
:er'uins,  and 
ast  number 
that  under 
es  an  equal 
exercise  a 
nent.     This 
socially  and 
those  coun- 
condition  of 
[le  successful 
[)f  ignoiancc 
Lild  not  con- 
led  ucation  in 
sed  from  the 
A   national 
e,  has  been 
in  unfavour- 
adc  for  this 
Acting  on 
is  to  provide 
id  universal 
uled  on  the 
th  the  local 
orations  are 
The  system, 
5  the  people 



'1  K 

voluntarily  tax  themselves  for  its  support,  and,  through 
their  elected  trustees,  manage  the  schools  themselves.  It 
is  probable  that  the  working  of  this  plan  may  exercise  a 
beneficial  influence  on  the  minds  of  the  ]>eople,  in  training 
them  to  thought  for  their  offspring,  as  regards  their  best 
interests.  No  compulsion  whatever  is  exeic'sed  by  the 
Legislature  over  the  proceedings  of  the  local  municipali- 
ties ;  it  merely  offers  a  pecuniary  grant,  on  the  condition 
of  local-  exertion.  The  children  of  every  class  of  the 
population  have  equal  access  to  these  schools,  and  there 
is  no  compulsion  upon  the  religious  faith  of  any.  Re- 
ligious minorities  in  school  municipalities  have  the  alter- 
native of  separate  schools,  and  attach  considerable  im- 
portance to  this  provision.  Although  what  we  should 
term  religious  instruction  is  not  a  part  of  the  ccmimon 
school  system,  it  is  gratifying  to  know  that  both  the 
Bible  and  Testament  are  read  in  a  very  large  majority 
of  these  schools,  and  that  the  number  where  they  arc 
used  is  annually  on  the  increase.  There  are  in  Up])er 
Canada  3127  common  schools,  about  1800  of  which  are 
free,  or  partially  free.  The  total  amount  available  for 
school  purposes  in  1853  amounted  to  19'J,G74/.,  a  magni- 
ficent sura,  considering  the  youth  and  comparatively  thin 
population  of  the  country.  The  total  numbt>r  of  pupils 
in  the  same  year  was  194, 13G.  But  though  this  nundjer 
appears  large,  the  painfid  fiict  must  alsu  be  stated,  that 
mere  were  79,000  children  destitute^  of  the  blessings  of 
education  of  any  kind.  The  whole  nundjer  of  teachers  at 
the  same  period  was  3539,  of  whom  885  were  Methodists, 
850  were  Presbyterians,  G29  were  Episcopaliai  s,  351  were 
Roman  Catholics,  and  194  belonged  to  the  Baptist  per- 

r  2 

I    1 

-  I.  i      'I 

^  ;  ■«■ 

■  ,'i     •■■'.'■■• 
■  -i.  ■  .■  I,*  . 

....  _j-^        , 



■■'■■  \i 



1  :^  i 


« '•• 

^'1  i 


r-'  '    ; 






'  - 14 


1  '■ 



Chap.  XIV 

suasion.  The  inspection  of  schools,  which  is  severe  and 
systematic,  is  conducted  by  local  superintendents  ap- 
pointed by  the  different  municipalities.  There  is  a  Board 
of  Public  Instruction  in  each  county  for  the  examination 
and  licensing  of  teachers  ;  the  standard  of  their  qualifi- 
cations is  fixed  by  provincial  authority.  At  the  head  of 
the  whole  are  a  Council  of  Public  Instruction  and  a  Chief 
Commissioner  of  Schools,  both  appointed  by  the  Crown. 
There  are  several  colleges,  very  much  on  the  system  of 
the  Scotch  Universities,  including  Trinity  College  at 
Toronto,  in  connection  with  the  Church  of  England,  and 
Knox's  College,  a  Presbyterian  theological  seminary. 
There  are  also  medical  colleges,  both  in  Upper  and  Lower 
Canada,  and  a  chair  of  agriculture  has  been  established 
in  University  College,  Toronto.  From  these  statements  it 
will  be  seen  that,  from  the  ample  provision  made,  a  good 
education  can  be  obtained  at  a  very  small  cost.  There 
are  in  Lower  Canada  upwards  of  1100  schools. 

Every  town,  and  I  believe  I  may  with  truth  write  every 
village,  has  its  daily  and  weekly  papers,  advocating  all 
shades  of  j)olit:cal  opinion.  The  press  in  Canada  is  the 
medium  through  which  the  people  receive,  first  by  tele- 
graphic despatch,  and  later  in  full,  every  item  of  English 
intelligence  brought  by  the  bi-weekly  mails.  Taking  the 
newspapers  as  a  whole,  they  are  far  more  gentlemanly  in 
their  tone  than  those  of  the  neighbouring  republic,  and 
perhaps  arc  not  more  abusive  and  personal  than  some  of 
our  English  provincial  papers.  There  is,  however,  very 
great  room  for  improvement,  and  no  doubt,  as  the  national 
palate  becomes  improved  by  education,  the  morsels  pre- 
sented to  it  will  be  more  choice.     Quebec,  Montreal,  and 


■   1 

Chap.  XIV. 

jvere  arid 
lonts  ap- 
s  a  Board 
ir  qualifi- 
le  head  of 
id  a  Chief 
he  Crown. 

system  of 
College  at 
gland,  and 

and  Lower 
atements  it 
ide,  a  good 
St.     There 

rvrite  every 
ocating  all 
lada  is  the 
st  by  tele- 
of  English 
.^aking  the 
lemanly  in 
ublic,  and 
an  some  of 
ever,  very 
e  national 
orsels  pre- 
treal,  and 

Chap.  XIV. 



Toronto  have  each  of  them  several  daily  papers,  but,  as 
far  as  I  am  aware,  no  i)aper  o])enly  professes  republican 
or  annexationist  views,  and  some  of  the  journals  advocate 
in  the  strongest  manner  an  attachment  to  British  institu- 
tions. The  prices  of  these  papers  vary  from  a  penny  to 
threepence  each,  and  a  workman  would  as  soon  think 
of  depriving  himself  of  his  breakfast  as  of  his  morning 
journal.  It  is  stated  that  thousands  of  the  subscribers  to 
the  newspapers  are  so  illiterate  as  to  depend  upon  their 
cliildren  for  a  knowledge  of  their  contents.  At  present 
few  people,  comparatively  speaking,  are  more  than  half 
educated.  The  knowledge  of  this  fact  lowers  the  tone  of 
the  press,  and  circumscribes  both  authors  and  speakers, 
as  any  allusions  to  history  or  general  literature  would  be 
very  imperfectly,  if  at  all,  understood. 

The  merchants  and  lawyers  of  Canada  have,  if  of 
British  extraction,  generally  received  a  sound  and  use- 
ful education,  which,  together  with  the  admirable  way  in 
which  they  keep  pace  with  the  politics  and  literature 
of  Europe,  enables  them  to  pass  very  creditably  in  any 
society.  There  are  very  good  book-stores  iii  Canada, 
particularly  at  Toronto,  where  the  best  English  works 
are  to  be  purchased  for  little  more  than  half  the  price 
which  is  paid  for  them  at  home,  and  these  are  largely 
read  by  the  educated  Canadians,  who  frequently  possess 
excellent  libraries.  Cheap  American  novels,  often  of  a 
very  objectionable  tendency,  are  largely  circulated  among 
the  lower  classes  ;  but  to  provide  them  with  literature  of 
a  better  character,  large  libraries  have  been  formed  by 
local  efforts,  assisted  by  government  grants.  Canada  as 
yet  possesses  no  literature  of  her  own,  and  the  literary 








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i.  ■   t. 






1  s  "f 

1,  ,.hj 

K  1.   :  ; 

■1  ■ '    :•;*'  1 

[>::  * 




Chap.  XIV. 

man  is  siiiToumled  'oy  difficulties.  IndepcMdontly  of  tlio 
heavy  task  of  addressing  liiniself  to  uneducated  minds, 
unable  to  ai)preeiate  dejitli  of  thouglit  and  beauty  of 
language,  it  is  not  lii\ely  that,  v.  here  the  absorliing  passion 
is  the  acquisition  of  wealth,  much  encouragement  would 
be  given  to  the  struggles  of  native;  talent. 

Canada,  young  as  she  is,  has  made  great  progress  in 
the  mechanical  arts,  and  some  of  her  machiriery  and  pro- 
ductions make  a  very  creditable  show  at  the  Paris  Ex- 
hibition ;  but  it  must  be  borne  in  mind  that  this  is  due 
to  the  government,  rather  than  to  the  enterprise  of  i)rivate 

Jaken  altogether,  there  is  perha])s  no  country  in  the 
world  so  prosj)erous  or  so  favoured  as  Canada,  after 
giving  full  weight  to  the  disadvantages  which  she  pos- 
sesses, in  a  large  Roman  Catholic  population,  an  unsettled 
state  of  society,  and  a  mixed  and  im})erfectly  educated 
people.  It  is  the  freest  land  under  the  sun,  acknowledg- 
ing neither  a  despotic  sovereign  nor  a  tyrant  populace ; 
life  and  property  are  alike  secure — liberty  has  not  yet 
degenerated  into  lawlessness — the  constitution  combines 
the  advantages  of  the  monarchical  and  republican  forms 
of  government — the  Legislative  Assembly,  to  a  great 
extent,  represents  the  people — religious  toleration  is 
enjoyed  in  the  fullest  degree — taxation  and  debt,  which 
cripple  the  energies  and  excite  the  disaffection  of  older 
connnunities,  are  inifelt — the  slave  flying  from  bondage 
in  the  south  knows  no  sense  of  liberty  or  security  till  he 
finds  both  on  the  banks  of  the  St.  Lawrence,  under  the 
shadow  of  the  British  flag.  IVee  from  the  curse  of 
slavery,  Canada  has  started  untrammelled  in  the   race 

Iii.u'.  XIV. 

y  of  tlie 
d  minds, 
eaiity  of 
g  pjissioii 
it  would 

ogress  111 


and  pro- 



is  is  due 
:)f  private 

ry  In  the 
id  a,  after 
she  pos- 
lopulace ; 
3  not  yet 
can  forms 
a   great 
sration    is 
bt,  which 
of  older 
itv  till  he 
under  the 
curse   of 
the   race 

■  1  1  ■^.V 

Chap.  XIV. 



of  nations,  and  her  progress  already  bids  fair  to  outstrip 
in  ra})idity  that  of  her  older  and  gigantic  ncigiibour. 

Labour  is  what  she  requires,  and  as  if  to  meet  that 
r(M]uirement,  circumstances  have  direct(Ml  the  attention  of 
emigrants  towards  her — the  young,  the  enterprising,  and 
the  vigorous,  are  daily  leaving  the  wasted  shores  of  Scot- 
land and  Ireland  for  her  fertile  soil,  where  the  laws  of 
England  shall  still  protect  them,  and  her  flag  shall  still 
wave  over  them.  Large  numbers  of  persons  are  now 
leavinn;  the  north-east  of  Scotland  for  Canada,  and  these 
are  among  the  most  valuable  of  the  emigrants  who  seek 
her  shores.  Tiiey  carry  with  them  the  high  moral  sense, 
the  integrity,  and  the  loyalty  which  characterise  them  at 
home  ;  and  in  many  cases  more  than  this — the  religious 
))rinciple,  and  the  "  godliness  which  has  promise  of  the 
life  which  now  is,  and  of  that  which  is  to  come." 

Taken  as  a  ichole,  the  inhabitants  of  both  provinces  are 
attached  to  England  and  England's  rule  ;  they  receive  the 
news  of  our  reverses  with  sorrow,  and  our  victories  create 
a  hurst  of  enthusiasm  from  the  shores  of  the  St.  Lawrence 
to  those  of  Lake  Superior.  As  might  be  expected,  the 
Anglo-French  alliance  is  extremely  popular :  to  show  the 
sympatby  of  Canada,  the  Legislature  made  the  munificent 
grant  of  20,000J.  lo  be  divided  between  the  Patriotic 
Funds  of  both  nations,  and  every  township  and  village 
has  contributed  to  swell  a  further  sum  of  30,000/.  to  be 
applied  to  the  same  object.  The  imperial  ga.-risons  in 
Canada  have  recently  been  considerably  diminished,  and 
with  perfect  safety  ;  the  efforts  of  agitators  to  produce 
disaffection  have  signally  failed  ;  and  it  is  stated  by  those 
best   acquainted    with    the    temper   of  the    })eople,   that 


■■'J     ■ 


L  1 

;  1 



■    '  11 





■  i  M 




Chap.  XIV. 

(Am  I 

Canada  will  not  become  a  separate  coiuitry,  except  by 
England's  voluntary  act. 

At  present  every  obstacle  to  licr  further  development 
seems  to  be  removed — her  constitution  has  been  re- 
modelled within  the  last  few  years  on  an  enlarged  and 
liberal  basis — her  religious  endowments  have  just  been 
placed  on  a  permanent  footing — all  the  points  likely 
to  cause  a  rupture  with  the  United  States  have  been 
amicably  settled — and  important  commercial  advantages 
have  been  obtained  :  the  sun  of  prosperity  shines  upon 
her  from  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence  to  the  distant  shores 
of  the  Ottawa  and  the  Western  Lakes.  She  requires  only 
for  the  future  the  blessing  of  God,  so  freely  accorded 
to  the  nations  which  honour  Ilim,  to  make  her  great  and 
powerful.  The  future  of  nations,  as  of  individuals,  is 
mercifully  veiled  in  mystery  ;  we  can  trace  the  rise  and 
progress  of  empires,  but  we  know  not  the  time  when  they 
shall  droop  and  decay—  when  the  wealthy  and  populous 
cities  of  the  Present  shall  be  numbered  with  the  Nineveh 
and  Babylon  of  the  Past.  It  may  be  that  in  future  years 
our  mighty  nation  shall  go  the  way  of  all  that  have  been 
before  it ;  but  whether  the  wise  decrees  of  Providence 
doom  it  to  flourish  or  decline,  we  can  still  look  with 
confident  hope  to  this  noble  colony  in  the  New  World, 
believing  that  on  her  enlightened  and  happy  shores,  under 
the  influence  of  beneficent  institutions  and  of  a  scriptural 
faith,  the  Anglo-Saxon  race  may  renew  the  vigour  of  its 
youth,  and  realise  in  time  to  come  the  brightest  hopes  which 
have  ever  been  formed  of  England  in  the  New  World 


CiiAr.  XIV. 
;xcopt  I)y 

been    re- 
rscd  and 
just  been 
nts  likely 
lave  been 
ines  upon 
\nt  sbores 
[uires  only 
great  and 
viduals,  is 
e  rise  and 
when  they 
e  Nineveh 
ture  years 
nave  been 
look  with 
vv  World, 
res,  under 
trour  of  its 
opes  which 

Chap.  XV. 




Preliminary  remarks  on  re-entering  the  States — Americanisms — A 
little  slang  —  Liquoring  np  —  l^ccentricitios  in  dress  —  A  'cute 
cliaj)  down  east  —  <  "ouversation  on  eating —  A  Kentucky  gal  —  Lake 
Cliamplain  —  Delaval's  —  A  noisy  serenade  —  Albany  —  Beauties  of 
the  Hudson  —  The  Empire  City. 

It  has  been  truly  observed  that  a  reliable  book  on  the 
United  States  yet  remains  to  be  written.  The  writer  of 
such  a  volume  must  neither  be  a  tourist  nor  a  temporary 
resident.  He  must  spend  years  in  the  different  States, 
nicely  estimating  the  different  characteristics  of  each,  as 
well  as  the  broadly-marked  shades  of  difference  between 
East,  West,  and  South.  He  must  trace  the  effect  of 
Republican  principles  upon  the  various  races  which  f^rm 
this  vast  community ;  and,  while  analysing  the  prosperity 
of  the  country,  he  must  carefully  distinguish  between  the 
real,  the  fictitious,  and  the  speculative.  In  England  we 
speak  of  America  as  "  Brother  Jonathan  "  in  the  singular 
number,  without  any  fraternal  feeling  however,  and  con- 
sider it  as  one  nation,  possessing  uniform  distinguishing 
characteristics.  I  saw  less  difference  between  Edinburgh 
and  Boston,  than  between  Boston  and  Chicago ;  the  dark- 
haired  Celts  of  the  west  of  Scotland,  and  the  stirring 
artisans  of  our  manufacturing  cities,  have  more  in 
common  than  the  descendants  of  the  Puritans  in  New 
England,   and   the   reckless,    lawless  inhabitants   of  the 

p  3 



'   ; 

]    -,  ■ 


f    '      , ,  . 







,  [ 



■■  ■■:l' 



CiiAr.  XV. 

,(.••:  ■! 



^. .  . 

/  !■'■  1        I 



I    III  ll 

r.'.'wly-settloil  torritonos  wc- 1  of  tlio  Missi-.-ip})!.  It  must 
not  1)0  forgotten  that  (lie  thirty-two  .States  of  wliicli  the 
Union  is  eonii)oseil,  may  l)o  considered  in  some  degree 
as  separate  eountries,  each  ])ossessing  its  g()\"rnor  and 
assenddy,  and  framing,  to  a  consideraMe  extent,  its  own 
laws.  Beyond  the  voice  whicli  each  State  ])osse.tses  in 
the  Congress  and  Senate  at  V/ashington,  tliere  is  appa- 
rently little  to  hind  this  vast  conimnnity  together ;  there 
is  no  national  form  of  ndigion,  or  state  endowed  church  ; 
IJnitarianism  may  be  the  prevailing  faith  in  one  State. 
Preshyterianism  in  another,  and  Univcrsalism  in  a  third  ; 
while  between  the  Nortliern  and  Southern  States  there  is 
as  wide  a  difference  as  between  England  and  Russia — a 
difference  stamped  on  the  very  s-oil  itseh",  and  which,  in  the 
o])inion  of  some,  threatens  a  disseverance  of  the  Union. 

Other  causes  also  produce  highly  distinctive  features  in 
the  inhabitants.  In  the  lonii-settled  districts  horderinc; 
upon  the  iVtlantic,  all  the  accompaniments  and  appliances 
of  civilisation  may  be  met  with,  and  a  comparatively 
stationary,  refined,  and  intellectual  condition  of  society. 
Travel  for  foi'ty  hours  to  the  westward,  and  everything  is 
in  a  transition  state  :  there  are  rough  roads  and  unfinished 
railroads  ;  foundations  of  cities  laid  in  soil  scarcely  cleared 
from  the  forest ;  splendid  hotels  within  sound  of  the 
hunter's  rifle  and  the  lumberer's  axe  ;  while  the  elements 
of  society  are  more  chaotic  than  the  features  of  the 
country.  Every  year  a  tide  of  emigration  rolls  wx^stward, 
not  from  Europe  only,  but  from  the  crowded  eastern 
cities,  forming  a  tangled  web  of  races,  manners,  and  reli- 
gions which  the  hasty  observer  cannot  attempt  to  dis- 
entangle.     Yet   there    are    many   external    features   of 

IIAI'.   XV. 

It  must 
li'icli  tlie 
>  dogriH' 
■nor  iind 
,  its  own 
50.-ses  i)i 
is  appa- 
ll" ;  tliero 
church  ; 
lie  State. 
1  a  third  ; 
s  there  is 
lussia — a 
L'aturcs  in 
irything  is 
y  cleared 
id    of  the 
s   of  the 
d    eastern 
,  and  reli- 
ct to   dis- 
atures   of 

CitAP.  XV. 



uniforniitv  whicli  tlio  traveller  cannot  fail  to  lav  hold  of. 
and  which  go  under  the  general  name  of  Americamsnis. 
These  are  ])eculiarities  of  dress,  manners,  and  j)hrase- 
ology,  and,  to  some  ext(>nt,  of  opinion,  and  may  he  partly 
produced  hy  the  locomotive  life  which  the  yXmerican 
leads,  and  the  way  in  which  all  classes  are  hrought  into 
contact  in  travelling.  'Jliese  peculiarities  are  not  to  he 
found  among  the  highest  or  the  hiiihlv-edncated  classes, 
hut  they  force  themselves  upon  the  tourist  to  a  remark- 
ahie,  and  fre(jnently  t(^  a  repulsive,  extent ;  and  it  is 
safer  for  him  to  narrate  facts  and  comment  upon  exter- 
nals, though  in  doing  so  he  presents  a  veiy  })artial  and 
superficial  view  of  the  jxople,  than  to  j)resent  his  readers 
with  general  inferences  drawn  from  ])artial  premises,  or 
with  conclusions  based  upon  imj)erfect,  and  often  erro- 
neous, data. 

An  entire  revolution  had  been  effected  in  my  way  of 

looking  at  thinyjs  since  I  landed  on  the  shores  of  the  New 

c5  n 

World.  I  had  ceased  to  look  for  vestiges  of  the  })ast,  or 
for  relics  of  ancient  magnificence,  and,  in  place  of  these,  I 
now  contemplated  vast  resources  in  a  state  of  progressive 
and  almost  feverish  develo})ment,  and,  having  become 
accustomed  to  a  general  absence  of  the  picturesque,  had 
learned  to  look  at  the  practical  and  the  utilitarian  with  a 
high  degree  of  interest  and  pleasure.  The  change  from 
the  lethargy  and  feudalism  of  Lower  Canada  and  the 
gaiety  of  Quebec,  to  the  activity  of  the  New  England 
population,  was  very  startling.  It  was  not  less  so  from 
the  reposeful  manners  and  genti'emanly  appearance  of  the 
English  Canadians,  and  the  vivacity  and  politeness  of  the 
French,  to  Yankee  dress,  twang,  and  peculiarities. 


i;  x\ 



■     \\-- 

,    .  A. 


•  .* 




'if  <i 


l!  !i- 

ii  '^ 


|!i  I 




.^s . 

Those  nppcarod,  as  tlio  Arnoricans  say,  in  "full  l)lMst," 
(luring  the  few  hours  which  T  spent  on  Lake  rhamplain. 
Tiierc;  were  ahout  a  hundred  passengers,  including  a 
S{)rinivling  of  tlie  fair  sex.  The  amusements  were  story- 
telling, whittling,  and  smoking.  Fully  half  the  stories 
told  hegan  with,  "  There  was  a  'cute  'coon  down  east," 
and  the  hurden  of  nearly  all  was  some  clever  act  of 
cheating,  "sucking  a  gn;enhorn,"  as  the  phrase  is.  There 
were  occasional  anecdotes  of  "  hustings-up "  on  the 
southern  rivers,  "  making  tracks  "  from  importunate  cre- 
ditors, of  practical  jokc.-i,  and  glaring  inij)ositions.  There 
was  a  great  deal  of  "liquoving-up"  going  on  the  whole 
time.  The  best  story-teller  was  rep(>atedly  called  upon  to 
"  liquor  some,"  which  was  accordingly  done  by  coj)ious 
draughts  of  "  gin-sling,"  but  at  last  he  declared  he  was  a 
"gone  'coon,  fairly  stumped,"  by  which  he  meant  to 
express  that  he  was  tired  and  could  do  no  more.  This 
assertion  was  met  by  encouragements  to  "  pile  on,"  upon 
which  the  individual  declared  that  he  "  could  n't  get  his 
steam  up,  he  was  tired  some."  This  word  some  is  syno- 
nymous in  its  use  with  our  word  rathe?',  or  its  Yankee 
equivalent  ^^ hinder"  On  this  occasion  some  one  applied 
it  to  the  boat,  which  he  declared  was  "  almighty  dirty, 
and  shaky  some  " — a  great  libel,  by  the  way.  The  dress 
of  these  individuals  somewhat  amused  me.  The  prevail- 
ing costumes  of  the  gentlemen  were  straw  hats,  black 
dress  coats  remarkably  shiny,  tight  pantaloons,  and 
pumps.  These  were  worn  by  the  sallow  narrators  of  the 
tales  of  successful  roguery.  There  were  a  very  few 
hardy  western  men,  habited  in  scarlet  flannel  shirts,  and 
trowsers  tucked  into  high  boots,  their  garments  supported 

!ll ..*  . 

1  hlM«t," 

iiding  a 
re  story- 
;   stories 
n  east," 
•   act    of 
.    There 
on   the 
nate  cre- 
he  whole 
[  upon  to 
he  was  a 
iicant    to 
■e.     This 
n,"  upon 
't  get  his 
is  sy no- 
e  applied 
ty  dirty, 
The  dress 
i  prevail- 
ts,  black 
ons,    and 
rs  of  the 
very  few 
hirts,  and 

Chap.  XV. 



hy  stout  leathern  bolts,  with  dependent  bowie-knives  ; 
these  told  "  yarns "  of  adventures,  and  dangers  from 
Indians,  something  in  tlu;  style  of  Colonel  Crockett. 

The  ladies  wore  their  satin  or  kid  shoes  of  various 
colours,  of  which  the  mud  had  made  woeful  havoc.  The 
stories,  which  called  forth  the  aj)])lause  of  the  company  in 
exact  proportion  to  the  barefaced  roguery  and  utter 
want  of  principle  displayed  in  each,  would  not  have  been 
worth  listening  to,  had  it  not  hecMi  from  the  extraordinary 
vernacular  in  which  they  were  clothed,  and  the  racy  and 
emphatic  manner  of  the  narrators.  Some  of  these  voted 
three  legs  of  their  chairs  superfluous,  and  balanced  them- 
selves on  the  fourtli  ;  while  others  hooked  their  feet  on  the 
top  of  the  windows,  and  balanced  themselves  on  the  back 
legs  of  their  chairs,  in  a  position  i^trongly  suggestive  of 
hanging  by  the  heels.  One  of  the  stories  which  excited 
the  most  amusement  lads  very  tamely  divested  of  the 
slang  and  manner  of  the  story-teller. 

A  "  'cute  chap  down  east "  had  a  "  2'50  "  black  mare 
(one  which  could  perform  a  mile  in  two  minntes  fifty 
seconds),  and,  being  about  to  "make  tracks,"  he  sold  her 
to  a  gentleman  for  350  dollars.  In  the  night  he  stole  her, 
cut  her  tail,  painted  her  legs  white,  gave  her  a  "  blaze  " 
on  her  face,  sold  her  for  100  dollars,  and  decamped,  send- 
ing a  note  to  the  first  purchaser  acquainting  him  with 
the  particulars  of  the  transaction.  "  'Cute  chap  that ;" 
"  A  wide-awake  feller ;"  "  That  coon  had  cut  his  eye- 
teeth  ;"  "  A  smart  sell  that ;"  were  the  comments  made 
on  this  roguish  transaction,  all  the  sympathy  of  the 
listeners  being  on  the  side  of  the  rogue. 

The  stories  related  by  Barnum  of  the  tricks  and  im- 

'i  '■.;■  V 

■".  i' 


",■  .    ft 


ij->  ■ 



H  ■ . 


^    :!      • 

'■     3 



Chap.  XV. 

<J  i' 


A.   .; 




;1 1 

positions  practised  by  liimsclf  and  others  are  a  fair 
sani])le,  so  far  as  roguery  goes,  of  those  which  are  to  l)e 
lieard  in  liotels,  steamboat.-:,  and  cars  I  have  hoard  men 
openly  l)oast,  before  a  miscelhineous  company,  of  acts  of 
dislioiiesty  which  in  Enghmd  would  liave  procured  trans- 
portation for  them.  Mammon  is  the  idol  wliich  the  people 
worship  ;  the  one  desire  is  the  acquisition  of  money  ;  the 
most  nefariouo  trickery  and  bold  dishonesty  are  invested 
with  a  spurious  dignity  if  they  act  as  aids  to  the  attain- 
ment of  this  object.  Children  from  their  earliest  years 
imbibe  the  idea  that  sin  is  sin — oiil'/  ichcn  found  out. 

The  breakfast  bell  rang,  and  a  general  rush  took  place, 
and  I  was  left  alone  with  two  young  ladies  who  had  just 
become  aci^uainted,  and  were  resolutely  bent  upon  finding 
out  each  other's  likes  and  dislikes,  with  the  intention  of 
vowing  an  eternal  friendship.  A  gentleman  who  looked 
as  if  he  had  come  out  of  a  ball-room  came  up,  and  with  a 
profusion  of  bows  addressed  them,  or  the  prettiest  of  them, 
thus: — "Miss,  it's  feeding  time,  I  guess;  what  will  you 
eat  ?  "  "  You're  very  ])o-lite  ;  what's  the  ticket  ?  " 
*'  Chicken  and  corn-fixings,  and  pork  with  onion-fixings." 
"  Well,  I'm  hungry  some ;  I'll  have  some  pig  and  fix- 
ings." The  swain  retired,  and  brought  a  profusion  of 
viands,  which  elicited  the  remark,  "Well,  I  guess  that's 
substantial,  anyhow."  The  young  ladies'  appetites  seemed 
to  be  very  good,  for  I  heard  the  observation,  "  ^^'ell,  you 
eat  considerable  ;  you're  in  full  blast,  I  guess."  "  Guess  I 
am :  its  all-fired  cold,  and  I  have  been  an  everlastin 
long  time  off  my  feed."  A  long  undertoned  conversa- 
tion followed  this  interchange  of  civilities,  when  I  heard 
the  lady  say  in  rather  elevated  tones,  "  You're  trying  to 

'IIAP.  XV. 

a  fair 
•e  to  be 
ird  men 

acts  of 
(I  trans- 

7;  the 
!  attain- 

t  years 

k  place, 
bad  just 
1  findins 
;ntion  of 
)  looked 
d  with  a 
of  them, 
will  yon 
icket  ?  " 
and  fix- 
'usion  of 
»ss  that's 
>  seemed 
'ell,  von 

Guess  I 

I  heard 
trying  to 

Chap.  XV. 



rile  me  some ;  you're  piling  it  on  a  trifle  too  high." 
"Well,  I  did  want  to  put  np  your  dander.  Do  tell  now. 
where  was  you  raised?"  "In  Kentucky."  "I  could 
have  guessed  that ;  v/henever  I  &ees  a  splenderiferous  gal, 
a  kinder  gentle  goer,  and  high  stepper,  I  says  to  myself. 
That  gal's  from  old  Kentuck,  and  no  mistake." 

This  couple  carried  on  a  long  conversation  in  the  same 
style  of  graceful  badinage  ;  but  I  have  given  enough 
of  it. 

Lake  Champlain  is  extremely  pretty,  though  it  is  on 
rather  too  large  a  scale  to  ])lease  an  l']ngli:^h  eye,  being 
about  150  miles  long.  The  shores  are  gentle  slopes, 
wooded  and  cultivated,  with  the  Green  Mountains  of 
Vermont  in  the  background.  There  was  not  a  ripple 
on  the  water,  and  the  morning  was  .^'o  warm  and  showery, 
that  T  could  have  believed  it  to  be  an  April  day  had  not 
the  leafless  trees  told  another  tale.  Whatever  the  boasted 
beauties  of  Lake  Chamjdain  were,  they  veiled  themselves 
from  Ensli^h  eyes  in  a  thick  foir,  through  which  we 
steamed  at  half-speed,  with  a  dismal  fog-bell  Incessantly 

I  landed  at  Burlington,  a  thriving  modern  town, 
prettily  situated  below  some  wooded  hills,  on  a  bay, 
the  margin  of  which  is  j)ure  white  sand.  Here,  as  at 
nearly  every  town,  great  and  small,  in  the  United  States, 
there  was  an  excellent  \ww\.  No  people  have  such 
confidence  in  the  future  as  the  Americans.  Vou  fre- 
quently find  a  splendid  hotel  surrounded  by  a  few  clap- 
board houses,  and  may  feel  inclined  to  smih^  at  the  in- 
congruity. The  builder  looks  into  futurity,  and  sees 
that  in  two  years  a  thriving  city  will  need  hotel  accom- 

M    *:■ 



-K-^  :',. 


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II  :J]:! 



Chap.  XV. 

'X   li    V 

"i  -.'.l 

:<  ■;», 

:;   |! 

modation ;  and  seldoni  is  he  wrong.  The  American  is  a 
gregarious  animal,  and  it  is  not  impossible  that  an  hotel, 
with  a  tahlc-(Vh6lc,  may  act  as  a  magnet.  Here  I  joined 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Alderson,  and  travelled  with  them  to 
Albany,  through  Vermont  and  New  York.  The  country 
was  hilly,  and  more  suited  for  sheep-farming  than  for 
corn.  Water-privileges  were  abundant  in  the  shape  of 
picturesque  torrent-,  and  numerous  mills  turned  their 
capabilities  to  profitable  account.  Our  companions  were 
Tatlier  of  a  low  description,  many  of  them  Germans,  and 
desperate  tobacco-chewers.  The  whole  floor  of  the  car 
was  covered  with  streams  of  tobacco-juice,  apple-cores, 
grape-skins,  and  chestnut-husks. 

We  crossed  the  Hudson  River,  and  spent  the  night  at 
Delaval's,  at  Albany.  The  great  peculiarity  of  this  most 
comfortabl'^  hotel  is,  that  the  fifty  waiters  are  Iri<li  girls, 
neatly  and  simply  dressed.  They  are  under  a  coloured 
manager,  and  their  civility  and  alacrity  made  me  wonder 
that  the  highly-j)aid  services  of  male  waiters  were  not 
more  frequently  dispensed  with.  The  railway  ran  along 
the  street  in  which  the  hotel  is  situated.  From  my  bed- 
room window  I  looked  down  into  the  funnel  of  a  locomo- 
tive, and  all  night  long  was  serenaded  with  screams, 
ringing  of  belU,  and  cries  of  "  All  aboard  "  and  ''  Go 

Albany,  tin*  capital  of  the  State  of  New  York,  is  one 
of  the  prettiest  towns  in  th«'  Union.  The  slope  on  which 
it  is  built  faces  the  Hudson,  and  is  crowned  by  a  large 
state-house,  the  place  of  meeting  for  the  legislature  of  the 
Empire'  State.  The  Americians  repudiate  the  "  central- 
ization "    principle,  and  for  wise  reasons,  of  which   the 

Chap.  XV. 

crican  is  a 
t  an  hotel, 
3  I  joined 

them  to 
ic  country 
;  than  for 

shape  of 
'ned  their 
lions  were 
mans,  and 
)f  the  car 

e  night  at 

*  this  most 

rish  girls, 

1  coloured 

le  wonder 

were  not 

an  along 

my  bed- 

a  locomo- 


and  '^  Go 

•k,  is  one 
on  which 

a  large 
u'e  of  the 

hich   the 

Chap.  XV. 



Irish  form  a  considerable  number,  they  almost  invariably 
locate  the  government  of  each  state,  not  at  the  most 
important  or  populous  town,  but  at  some  inconsiderable 
place,  where  the  learned  legislators  are  not  in  danger  of 
having  their  embarrassments  increased  by  deliberating 
under  the  coercion  of  a  turbulent  urban  })opulation. 
Albany  has  several  public  buildings,  and  a  number  of 
conspicuous  charcliLS,  and  is  a  very  thriving  place.  The 
traffic  on  the  river  between  it  and  New  York  is  enor- 
mous. There  is  a  perpetual  stream  of  small  vessels 
up  and  down  The  Empire  City  receives  its  daily 
supplies  of  vegetables,  meat,  butter,  and  eggs  from  its 
neighbourhood.  The  Erie  and  Champlain  canals  here 
meet  the  Hudson,  and  through  the  former  the  pro- 
duce of  the  teeming  West  pours  to  the  Atlantic.  The 
traffic  is  carried  on  in  small  sailing  sloops  and  steamers.  a  little  screw-vessel  of  fifteen  or  twenty  tons 
may  be  seen  to  hurry,  puffing  and  panting,  up  to  a 
large  vessel  and  drag  it  down  to  the  sea ;  but  gene- 
rally one  paddle-tug  takes  six  vessels  down,  four  being 
towed  behind  and  one  or  two  lashed  on  either  side.  As 
both  steamers  and  sloops  are  painted  white,  and  the 
sails  are  perfectly  dazzling  in  their  purity,  and  twenty, 
thirty,  and  forty  of  these  flotillas  may  be  seen  in  the 
course  of  a  morning,  the  Hudson  river  presents  a  very 
animated  and  unique  appearance.  It  is  said  that  every- 
body loses  a  portmanteau  at  Albany :  I  was  more  for- 
tunate, and  left  it  without  having  experienced  the  slightest 

On   the  other  side   of  the   ferry  a   very  undignified 
scramble  takes  place  for  the  seats  on  the  right  side  of  the 





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Chap.  XV. 



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cars,  ns  the  scenery  for  130  miles  is  pcrfeetly  m;ignific(Mit. 
*'  Go  aliead "  ra|)iilly  succeeded  "  All  aboard,"  and  we 
whizzed  along  this  most  extraordinary  line  of  railway,  so 
prolific  in  accidents  that,  when  people  leave  New  York  hy 
it,  their  friends  fre(]uently  rccjuest  them  to  notify  their 
safe  arrival  at  their  destination.  It  nuis  along  the  verv 
verge  of  the  river,  below  a  steep  ditf,  but  often  is  snj)- 
j)orted  just  above  the  surface  of  the  water  upon  a  wooden 
jdatform.  Guide-books  inform  us  that  the  t'wins  which 
run  on  this  line,  and  the  steamers  which  ply  on  the  Hud- 
son, are  ecjually  unsafe,  the  former  from  collisions  and 
"  uj)sets,"  the  latter  from  "  bustings-up ;"  but  most 
people  prefer  the  boats,  from  the  advantage  of  seeing 
both  sides  of  the  rivi'r. 

The  sun  of  a  November  morning  had  just  risen  as  I 
left  Albany,  and  in  a  short  time  beamed  uj^m  swelling 
hills,  green  savannahs,  and  waving  woods  fringing  the 
margin  of  the  Hudson.  At  Coxsackie  the  river  expands 
into  a  small  lake,  and  the  majestic  Catsgill  Mountains 
rise  abruptly  from  the  western  side.  The  scenery  among 
these  mountains  is  \cvy  grand  and  varied.  Its  silence 
and  rugged  sublimitv  recall  the  Old  World :  it  has  rockv 
pinnacles  and  desert  passes,  inaccessible  eminences  and 
yawning  chasms.  The  world  might  grow  populous  at  the 
feet  of  the  Catsjiills,  but  it  would  leave  them  untouched 
and  unprofaned  in  their  stern  majesty.  From  this  point 
for  a  hundred  miles  the  eyes  o\'  the  traveller  are  perfectly 
steeped  in  beauty,  which,  gathering  and  increasing,  culmi- 
nates at  ^Vcst  Point,  a  lofty  eminence  jutting  ui)on  a 
lake  apparently  witlunit  any  outlet.  The  s])urs  of  moun- 
tain ranges  wliich  meet  here  project  in  precipices  from 

:iiAP.  XV. 


jinil  wi' 
Iwiiy,  so 
York  bv 
fy  their 
tlic  very 

is  sup- 
1  wooden 
lis  which 
he  Ilud- 
ions  and 
lit  most 
if  seeing 

■sen  as  I 
o-ino;  the 
y  among 
s  silence 
las  rocky 
nces  and 
us  at  the 
n  touched 
his  point 
ig,  culmi- 
;  upon  a 
of  moun- 
ices  from 

Chap.  XV 



five  to  fifteen  hundred  feet  .in  lieight ;  trees  find  a  ])1ace 
for  their  roots  in  every  rift  among  the  rocks  ;  f\>stoons  of 
clematis  and  wild-vine  hang  in  graceful  draj)ery  from 
base  to  sunmiit,  and  the  dark  mountain  shadows  loom 
over  the  lake-like  expanse  below.  The  hand  wearies  of 
writing  of  the  loveliness  of  this  river.  I  saw  it  on  a 
perfect  day.  The  Indian  summer  lingered,  as  though  un- 
willing that  the  chillv  bhists  of  winter  should  blight  the 
loveliness  of  this  beauteous  scene.  The  gloom  of  autumn 
was  not  there,  but  its  glories  wx're  on  every  leaf  and  twig. 
The  bright  scarlet  of  the  mai)le  vied  with  the  brilliant 
berries  of  the  rowan,  and  from  among  the  tendrils  of  the 
creepers,  which  were  waving  in  tlie  sighs  of  the  west  wind, 
peeped  forth  the  deep  crimson  of  the  sumach.  There  were 
very  few  signs  of  cultivation;  the  banks  of  the  Hudson 
are  barren  in  all  but  beauty.  The  river  is  u  succession 
of  small  wild  lakes,  connected  by  narrow  reaches,  bound 
for  ever  between  abrupt  preci]jlces.  There  are  lakes 
more  i)eauteous  than  I.och  Katrine,  softer  in  their  fea- 
tures than  Loch  Achray,  tiiough  like  both,  or  like  the 
waters  which  glitter  beneath  the  blue  sky  of  Italy. 
Along  their  margins  the  woods  hung  in  scarlet  and  gold — 
high  above  towered  the  })urple  ])eaks — the  blue  waters 
flashed  back  the  rays  of  a  sun  sbinin<>;  from  an  unclouded 
sky — the  air  was  warm  like  June — and  I  think  the  sun- 
beams of  that  day  scarcely  shone  upon  a  fairer  scene. 
At  mid-day  the  Highlands  of  Hud-on  were  left  behind — 
the  mountains  melted  into  hills — the  river  expanded  into 
a  noble  stream  about  a  mile  in  width — the  scarlet  woods, 
the  silvery  lakes,  and  the  majestic  Catsgills  fachnl  uway 
in    the   distance  ;    and   with    a  whoo}),   and  a  roar,  and 

•\  »,•■ 


!  •     • 

■■■(■'.■  ;;■■  <• 



•'4-:  ., 



.    '1  ■■■.' 





CiiAi'.  XV 


?k  i 


,^''  i 

<;  t 

a  clatter,  the  cars  entered  into,  and  proceeded  at  slack- 
ened speed  down,  a  long  street  called  Tenth  Avenue, 
among  carts,  children,  and  pigs. 

IVne  enough,  we  were  in  New  York,  the  western  re- 
ceptacle not  only  of  the  traveller  and  the  energetic 
merchant,  but  of  the  destitute,  the  friendless,  the  vaga- 
bond, and  in  short  of  all  the  outpourings  of  Europe, 
who  h(^re  form  a  conglomerate  mass  of  evil,  making 
America  responsible  for  their  vices  and  their  crimes. 
Yet  the  usual  signs  of  approach  to  an  enormous  city 
were  awanting — dwarfed  trees,  market-gardens,  cockney 
arbours,  in  which  citizens  smoke  their  pipes  in  the  even- 
ing, and  imagine  themselves  in  Arcadia,  rows  of  small 
houses,  and  a  murky  canopy  of  smoke.  We  had  steamed 
down  Tenth  Avenue  for  two  or  three  miles,  when  we 
came  to  a  standstill  where  several  streets  met.  The 
train  was  taken  to  pieces,  and  to  each  car  four  horses  or 
mules  were  attached,  which  took  us  for  some  distance 
into  the  very  heart  of  the  town,  racing  apparently  with 
omnibuses  and  carriages,  till  at  last  we  were  deposited  in 
Chambers  Street,  not  in  a  station,  or  even  under  cover, 
be  it  observed.  My  baggage,  or  "  plunder "  as  it  is 
termed,  had  been  previously  disposed  of,  but,  while 
waiting  with  my  head  disagreeably  near  to  a  horse's  nose, 
I  saw  people  making  distracted  attempts,  and  futile 
ones  as  it  appeared,  to  preserve  their  effects  from  the 
clutches  of  numerous  porters,  many  of  them  probably 
thieves.  To  judge  from  appearances,  many  people  would 
mourn  the  loss  of  their  portmanteaus  that  night. 

New  York  deserves  the  name  applied  to  Washington, 
"  the  city  of  magnificent  distances."     I  drove  in  a  hack 

Chap.  XV. 

at  slack- 

jstern  re- 
the  vaga- 

,  making 
'  crimes, 
nous  city 
,  cockney 
he  even- 

of  small 
[  steamed 
when  we 
et.  The 
horses  or 

mtly  with 
josited  in 
er  cover, 

as  it  is 
Lit,  while 
se's  nose, 
nd  futile 
from  the 
)le  would 

n  a  hack 

CiiAP.  XV. 



for  three  miles  to  my  destination,  along  crowded,  hand- 
some streets,  but  I  believe  that  I  only  traversed  a  third 
part  of  the  city. 

It  possesses  the  features  of  many  different  lands,  but 
it  has  characteristics  peculiarly  its  own ;  and  as  with  its 
suburbs  it  may  almost  bear  the  name  of  the  "  million- 
peopled  city,"  and  as  its  growing  influence  and  importance 
have  earned  it  the  name  of  the  Empire  City,  I  need  not 
apologise  for  dwelling  at  some  length  upon  it  in  the  suc- 
ceeding chapter. 

.i  ■  ■  ■.  -if 




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!■;.»-■  -ji- 



NEW  YORK— ITS  rosrrioN. 

Chap.  XVI. 

I!  I 


,ii  ' 




Position  of  New  York  —  Externals  of  the  city — Conveyances  —  Mal- 
{iduiiniHtnition  —  The  stores  —  The  liotels  —  Curiosities  of  tlie 
hospital  —  Ragged  schools  —  The  bad  book  —  Monster  schools  — 
Amusements  and  oyster  saloons  —  Monstrosities  —  A  restaurant  — 
Dwelling-houses  —  Ecjnipages  —  Palaces  —  Dress  —  Figures  —  Man- 
ners —  Education  —  Domestic  habits  —  The  ladies  —  The  gentlemen 
—  Society —  Receiitions  —  Anti-English  feeling  —  Autographs  — 
The  "Buckram  Englislunan." 

New  York,  from  its  position,  population,  influence,  and 
commerce,  is  worthy  to  be  considered  the  metropolis  of 
the  New  AVorld.  Tiie  situation  of  it  is  very  advan- 
tageous. It  is  built  upon  Manhattan  Island,  which  is 
about  thirteen  miles  in  length  by  two  in  breadth.  It  has 
the  narrowest  portion  of  Long  Island  Sound,  called  East 
River,  on  its  east  side  ;  the  Hudson,  called  the  North 
River,  environs  it  in  another  direction  ;  while  these  two 
are  connected  by  a  narrow  strait,  principally  artificial, 
denominated  the  Haarlem  River.  This  insular  position 
of  tlie  city  is  by  no  means  intelligible  to  the  stranger, 
but  it  is  obvious  from  the  top  of  any  elevated  building. 
The  dense  part  of  New  York  already  covers  a  large 
portion  of  the  island ;  and  as  it  dailt/  extends  northward, 
the  whole  extent  of  insulated  ground  is  divided  into  lots, 
and  ma})ped  out  into  streets. 

But,  not  content  with  covering  the  island,  which,  when 
Hendrick  Hudson  first  discovered  it,  abounded  with  red 


:nAi-.  XVI. 

,nces  —  M.'il- 
itics  of  the 
V  Hcliools  — 
•estaurivut  — 
urea  —  Maii- 
itogniphs  — 

lence,  and 
'tropolis  of 
iry   advaii- 
,   which  is 
h.     It  has 
ailed  East 
the   North 
these  two 
IV  position 
d  huilding. 
's  a   large 
1  into  lots, 

hich,  when 
d  with  red 

Chap.  XVI. 



men,  who  fished  along  its  hanks  and  gnided  their  hark 
canoes  over  the  surrounding  waters,  New  York,  under 
the  names  of  Brooklyn,  WiUianishurgh,  and  four  or  five 
others,  has  spread  itself  on  Long  Island,  Staten  Island, 
and  the  banks  of  the  Hudson.  Brooklyn,  on  Long  Island, 
which  occupies  the  same  position  with  regard  to  New 
York  that  Lamheth  and  Southwark  do  to  London,  con- 
tain? \  population  of  100,000  souls.  Brooklyn,  Williams- 
ourgh,  Iloboken,  and  Jersey  City  arc  the  residences  of  a 
very  large  portion  of  the  merchants  of  New  York,  who 
have  deserted  the  old  or  Dutch  j)art  of  the  town,  which 
is  consequently  merely  an  aggregate  of  offices.  Floating 
platforms,  moved  by  steam,  with  space  in  the  middle 
part  for  twelve  or  fourtc(>n  carriages  and  horses,  and 
luxurious  covered  apartments,  heated  with  steam-pipes 
on  either  side,  ply  to  and  fro  every  five  minutes  at 
the  small  charge  of  one  halfpenny  a  passenger,  and  the 
time  occupied  in  crossing  the  ferries  is  often  less  than 
that  of  the  detention  on  Westminster  Bridge.  Besides 
these  large  places,  Staten  Island  and  Long  Island  are 
covered  with  villa  residences.  Including  these  towns, 
which  are  in  reality  part  of  this  vast  city,  New  "^'ork 
contains  a  population  of  very  nearly  a  million  !  Broad- 
way, which  is  one  of  the  most  remarkable  streets  in  the 
world,  being  at  once  the  Corso,  To1(mIo,  Regent  Street, 
and  Princes  Street  of  New  Y^ork,  rnns  along  the  centre 
of  the  city,  and  is  crossed  at  right  angles  by  innumerable 
streets,  which  run  down  to  the  water  at  each  side.  It 
would  appear  as  if  the  inventive  genius  of  the  people  had 
been  exhausted,  for,  after  borrowing  designations  for  their 
streets  from  every  part  of  the  world,  among  which  some 

^     1 







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CiiAi'.  XVI. 

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of  the  old  Dutch  names  figure  most  re  fresh  hi  gly,  tlioy 
have  adopted  the  novel  j)lan  of  numbering  thera.  Thus 
there  are  ten  "  Avenues,"  which  run  from  north  to  south, 
and  these  are  crossed  hy  streets  numbered  First  Street, 
Second  Street,  and  so  on.  I  believe  that  the  skeletons 
of  one  hundred  and  fifty  numbered  streets  are  in  ex- 
istence. The  southern  ))art  of  the  town  still  contains  a 
fiiw  of  the  old  Dutch  houses,  and  there  are  some  sub- 
stantial red-brick  villas  in  the  vicinity,  inhabited  by  the 
descendants  of  the  old  Dutch  families,  who  are  remark- 
ably exclusive  in  their  habits. 

New  York  is  decidedly  a  very  handsome  city.  The 
wooden  houses  have  nearly  all  disappeared,  together 
with  those  of  an  antiquated  or  incongruous  appearance ; 
and  the  new  streets  are  very  regularly  and  substantially 
built  of  brown  stone  or  dark  brick.  The  brick  buildinp- 
in  New  York  is  remarkably  beautiful.  The  windows  are 
large,  and  of  plate-glass,  and  the  m  hole  external  finish  of 
the  houses  is  in  a  splendid  but  chaste  style,  never  to  be 
met  with  in  street-architecture  in  England.  As  the 
houses  in  the  city  are  almost  universally  heat-ed  by  air 
warmed  by  a  subterranean  stove,  very  few  chimneys  are 
required,  and  these  are  seldom  visible  above  the  stone 
parapets  which  conceal  the  roofs.  Anthracite  cocil  is 
almost  universally  used,  so  there  is  an  absence  of  that 
murky,  yellow  canopy  which  disfigures  English  towns. 
The  atmosphere  is  remarkably  dry,  so  that  even  white 
marble  edifices,  of  which  there  are  several  in  the  town, 
suffer  but  little  from  the  effects  of  climate. 

Broadway  is  well  j)aved,  and  many  of  the  numbered 
streets   are   not  to   be   complained   of  in   this   respect, 

lAI'.  XVI. 

ly,  thoy 
3  south, 
I  Street, 
i  in  ex- 
lutalns  a 
)Uie  sub- 
d  by  the 



)earance ; 
idows  are 
I  finish  of 
3ver  to  be 
As   the 
[3d  by  air 
nueys  are 
he  stone 
cocil   is 
ce  of  that 
h  towns, 
ven  white 
the  town, 


CiiAi'.  XVI. 



hut  a  groat  part  of  the  eity  i?*  indescribably  dirty,  though 
it  is  stated  that  the  expense  of  cleaning  it  exceeds  250,000 
dollars  per  annum.  Its  inunense  length  necessitates  an 
enormous  nund)er  of  conveyances ;  and  in  order  to  obviate 
the  obstruction  to  traffic  which  would  have  been  caused 
by  providing  omnibus  accommodation  equal  to  the  de- 
mand, the  authorities  have  consented  to  a  most  alanninLr 
inroad  upon  several  cf  the  principal  streets.  The  strangiM* 
sees  with  surprise  that  dou!)le  lines  of  rails  are  laid  along 
tlie  roadways ;  and  while  driving  (juietly  in  a  carriage, 
ill!  hears  the  sound  of  a  warning  bell,  and  j)resently  a 
railway-car,  holding  thirty  persons,  and  drawn  by  two  oi- 
four  horses,  comes  thundering  (!own  the  street.  These 
rail-cars  run  every  few  minutes,  and  the  fares  are  very 
low.  For  very  sufficient  reasons,  l^roadway  is  not  thus 
encroached  upon  ;  and  a  journey  from  one  end  to  tlu^ 
other  of  this  marvellous  street  is  a  w'ork  of  time  and  diffi- 
culty. Pack  the  traffic  of  the  Strand  and  (^lH\npside  into 
Oxford  Street,  and  still  you  will  not  have  an  idea  of  the 
crush  in  Broadway.  There  are  streams  of  scarlet  and 
yellow  omnibuses  racing  in  the  more  open  parts,  and  lock- 
ing each  other's  wheels  in  the  narrower — there  are  helj)less 
females  deposited  in  the  middle  of  a  sea  of  slippery  mud, 
condemned  to  run  a  gauntlet  between  cart-wheels  and 
horses'  hoofs — there  are  loaded  stages  hastening  to  and 
from  the  huge  hotels — carts  and  waggons  laden  with 
merchandise — and  "Young  Americans"  driving  fast- 
trotting  horses,  edging  in  and  out  among  the  crowd  — 
wheels  are  locked,  horses  tumble  down,  and  persons 
pressed  for  time  are  distracted.  Occasionally,  the  wjiole 
traffic  of  the  street  comes  to  a  dead-lock,  in  con=equ(uice 





■;  1A 



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Chap.  XVI. 

of  soino  ()1).-,tructl()n  or  crowd,  tljoro  being  no  poruieinaii 
at  liand  witli  liis  iiiccesiint  cominand,  *'  Move  on  /" 

Tlio  liackney-ciirriagcs  of  Now  York  aro  very  liand- 
somo,  and,  being  drawn  by  two  horses,  liave  the  appear- 
ance of  private  ecjuipages ;  bnt  woe  to  tlie  stranger  wlio 
tru:jt.s  to  the  inviting  annonncenient  that  tlie  fare  is  a 
dolhir  witiiin  a  certain  circle.  Bad  as  London  cabmen 
are,  one  wouM  welcome  the  sight  of  one  of  them.  The 
New  York  liackmeu  are  licensed  j)lunderers,  agaim^t 
whot^e  extortions  there  is  neither  remedy  nor  appeal.  They 
are  generally  Irish,  and  cheat  i)eoi)le  with  unblushing 
audacity.  Tlie  onniibus  or  stage  accommodation  is 
plentiful  and  excellent.  A  ])erson  soon  becomes  accus- 
tomed to,  and  enjoys,  the  occasional  excitement  of  locked 
wheels  or  a  race,  and  these  vebicles  are  roomy  and  clean. 
They  are  sixteen  inches  wider  than  our  own  onniibuses, 
and  carry  a  number  of  passengers  certainly  within  their 
ca})aL)ilities,  and  the  fares  are  fixed  and  very  low,  Gj  cents 
for  any  distance.  They  have  windows  to  the  sides  and 
front,  and  the  spaces  between  are  painted  with  very  tole- 
rably-executed landscapes.  Tbere  isMio  conductor;  the 
driver  opens  ami  closes  the  door  with  a  strap,  and  the 
money  is  handed  to  him  through  a  little  hole  in  the  roof. 
The  lady  passengers  invariably  give  the  money  to  a  gentle- 
man for  this  purpose,  and  no  rule  of  etiquette  is  more 
rigidly  enforced  than  for  him  to  obey  the  re(piest  to  do  so, 
generally  consisting  in  a  haughty  wave  of  the  hand.  The 
thousand  acts  of  attention  which  gentlemen,  by  rigid  usage, 
are  compelled  to  tender  to  ladies,  are  received  by  them 
without  the  slightest  acknowledgment,  either  by  word  or 
gesture.     To  so  great  an  extent  is  this  nonchalance  carried 

Chap.  XVI. 


ery  hand- 
10  {jppojir- 
ingiT  who 
ftii'o  is  ii 
n  calfUUMi 
em.     Tlu! 
s,    against 
leal.  They 
odation   is 
lines  aceus- 
t  of  locked 
and  clean, 
nthin  their 
w,  Gl  cents 
sides  and 
very  tole- 
uctor ;  the 
•\p,  and  the 
n  the  roof, 
to  a  gentle- 
Itte  is  more 
>st  to  do  so, 
hand.     Tlu' 
•igid  usage, 
led  by  them 
Iby  word  or 
[nice  carried 

CiiAr.  XVI. 



on  tlio  part  of  the  females,  that  two  or  three  newspapers 
hav(;  seriously  taken  U]>  the  subject,  and  advise  the  gentle- 
men to  withdraw  from  the  performance  of  such  unrequited 

Strangles  frequently  doubt  whether  Now  York  pos- 
sesses a  police  ;  the  doubt  is  very  justifiable,  for  these 
guardians  of  the  public  pence  are  seldom  forthcoming 
when  they  arc  wanted.  'I'hey  are  accessible  to  bribes, 
and  will  investigate  into  crime  when  liberally  rewarded  ; 
but  probably  in  no  city  in  the  civilised  world  is  life  so 
fearfully  insecure.  The  practice  of  carrying  concealed 
arms,  in  the  shape  of  stilettoes  for  attack,  and  swordsticks 
for  defence,  if  illegal,  is  perfectly  common  ;  desperate 
reprobates,  called  *'  Rowdies,"  infest  the  lower  part  of  the 
town ;  and  terrible  outrages  and  murderous  assaults  arc 
matters  of  such  nightly  occurrence  .as  to  be  thought 
hardly  worthy  of  notice,  even  in  those  prints  which 
minister  to  man's  depraved  taste  for  the  horrible.* 

No  langiiage  can  be  too  strongly  expressive  of  censure 
upon  the  disgraceful  condition  of  New  York.  The  evil 
may  be  distinctly  traced  to  the  wretched  system  of  politics 
which  prevails  at  the  election  of  the  mimicipal  officers, 
who  are  often  literally  chosen  from  the  lowest  of  tlie 
])Oople,  and  are  venal  and  corrupt  in  the  highest  degree. 

*  The  state  of  New  York  has  improved.  Mr.  Feniamlo  Wood,  who 
wa.s  elected  Mayor  iu  November,  IB")!,  has  issued  strinc^cnt  rcgnlatii  us 
for  the  maintenance  of  order.  A  better  police-force  has  been  organised, 
and  many  of  the  notoiious  "Rowdies"  and  other  bad  characters  have 
been  shut  up  on  Blackwell's  Island.  His  tenure  of  ofllce  has  ju,st 
expired,  and  it  is  much  to  be  fe.ared  that  the  mob,  which  exoiL'i.'ses  iin 
undue  influence  upon  the  municipid  elections,  hiw  not  chosen  a  suc- 
cessor who  will  interfere  with  its  privileges. 

«  2 





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CiiAi'.  XVI. 

im  m 

V     > 

\    "    ^ 

During  my  visit  to  New  York  a  caiulidato  for  one  of 
tliL'se  offices  stabbed  a  policeuum,  who  died  of  tlie  wound. 
If  I  niiglit  judge  from  tlie  tone  of  tlje  public  prints,  and 
from  conversations  on  tlie  subject,  public  feeling  was  not 
niudi  outraged  by  the  act  itself,  but  it  was  a  convenient 
stalkiiig-lurse  for  the  other  side,  and  the  policeman's 
funeral  procession,  which  went  down  Broadway,  was 
nearly  a  mile  in  Icngih. 

The  ])rincipal  stores  are  situated  in  Broadway ;  and 
although  they  attempt  very  little  in  the  way  of  window 
display,  the  interiors  are  sjjacious,  and  arranged  with  the 
gieatest  taste.  An  American  store  ib  generally  a  ver' 
extensive  apartment,  handsonndy  decorated,  the  roof  fre- 
quently su})porred  on  marble  pillars.  The  owner  or  clerk 
is  seen  seated  by  his  goods,  absorbed  in  the  morning 
])aj)er — probably  balancing  himself  on  one  leg  of  his  chair, 
with  a  s])ittoon  by  his  side.  He  deigns  to  answer  your 
iu([turies,  but,  in  })lace  of  the  pertinacious  perseverance 
with  which  an  Knglish  shopman  disj)lays  his  wares,  it 
S'jenis  a  matter  of  perfect  inditrerence  to  the  American 
whether  you  purchase  or  no.  The  dra])ers'  and  mercers' 
shops,  which  go  by  the  name  of  "dry  goods"  stores,  are 
fdled  with  the  costliest  productions  of  the  world.  The 
silks  from  the  looms  of  France  are  to  be  seen  side  by  side 
with  the  productions  of  Persia  and  India,  and  all  at  an 
advance  of  fully  two-thirds  on  English  prices.  The  "  fancy 
jioods"  stores  are  among  the  most  attractive  lounws  of  the 
city.  Here  Paris  ligurcs  to  such  an  e.\tent,  that  it  was 
said  at  the  time  when  difficulties  with  France  were  aj)pre- 
hended,  in  consequence  of  the  Soule  affair,  that  "  Louis 
Napoleon  might  as  well  fire  cannon-balls  into  the  Palais 


CiiAi'.  XVI. 

or  one  of 
he  wouml. 
)rints,  and 

nr    was    not 


Iway,    Nva?« 

[way ;   and 
of  window 
3d  with  the 
illy  a  vei" 
e  roof  fre- 
lor  or  clerk 
le   nioming 
if  his  cliair, 
nswer  your 
wares,  it 
d  mercers' 
tores,  are 
orld.     Tlie 
ide  by  side 
I  all  at  an 
I'lu'   •fancy 
niges  of  the 
that  it  was 
were  ai)i)rc- 
lat  "  Louis 
i  the  Palais 

C'HAI<.  XVI. 



Royal  as  declare  war  with  America."  Some  of  the 
bronzes  in  these  stores  are  of  exquisite  workmanship,  and 
costly  china  from  Sevres  and  Dresden  feasts  the  eyes  of 
the  lovers  of  beauty  in  this  branch  of  art. 

Tiie  American  ladies  wear  very  costly  jewellery,  but  [ 
was  perfectly  amazed  at  the  prices  of  sonu)  of  the  articles 
displayed,  i  saw  a  diamond  bracelet  containing  one 
brilliant  of  prodigious  size  and  lustre.  The  j)rice  was 
25,000  dollars,  or  f>000/.  On  inquiring  who  would  pur- 
chase such  a  thing,  the  clerk  rej)lied,  "  I  guess  some 
southerner  will  buy  it  for  his  wife." 

One  of  the  sights  with  which  tbe  New  York  peoj)le 
astonish  English  visitors  is  Stewart's  dry-goods  store  in 
liroadway,  an  immense  square  building  of  white  marble, 
six  stories  high,  with  a  frontage  of  300  feet.  The  business 
done  in  it  is  stated  to  be  above  1,500,000/.  p(;r  annum. 
There  are  400  ])eople  emj)loyed  at  this  estahlislnnent, 
which  has  even  a  telegraj)h  office  on  the  premises,  where 
a  clerk  is  for  ever  flashing  dollars  and  cents  along  the 
trembling  wires.  There  were  lace  collars  40  guineas  each, 
and  flounces  of  Valenciennes  lace,  half  a  yard  deej),  at 
120  guineas  a  flounce.  The  damasks  and  brocades  for 
curtains  and  chairs  were  at  almost  fabulous  prices.  lew 
gentlenuMi,  the  clerk  observed,  give  less  than  3/.  per  yard 
for  these  articles.  The  most  costly  are  purchased  by  the 
hotels.  I  saw  some  brocade  embroidered  in  gold  to  the 
thickness  of  half  an  inch,  some  of  which  had  been  supplied 
to  the  St.  Nicholas  Hotel  at  0/.  per  yard !  There  were 
stockii7gs  from  a  penny  to  a  guinea  a  pair,  and  carpet- 
ings  from  1*'.  (Sr/.  to  22.v.  a  yard.  Besides  six  stories 
ahove  ground,  there  were  large  light  rooms  under  the 


'*f  f  T    ■*,  •! 


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NEW  i^ORK.  XVI. 


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Mm-  , 


»?  ■ 


l)uilau;g,   and  under   Broadsvay  itself,  echoing  witli  tlie 
roll  of  its  10,000  vehicles. 

The  hotels  are  among  the  sights  of  New  York.  Tin,' 
principal  are  the  Ai?tor  House  (which  has  a  world-wide 
reputation),  the  Metropolitan,  and  the  St.  Nicholas,: all  in 
Broadway.  Prescott  House  and  Irving  House  also  afford 
accommodation  on  a  very  large  scale.  The  entrances  to 
these  hotels  invariably  attract  the  eye  of  the  s>tianger. 
Groups  of  extraordinary-looking  human  beings  are  always 
lounging  on  the  door-steps,  smoking,  whittli'ig,  and  read- 
ing newspapers.  There  are  southerners  sighing  for  their 
sunny  homes,  smoking  Havana  cigars;  western  men, with 
that  dai^hing  free-and-easy  air  which  renders  them  unmis- 
takeable;  Engli^ihmen,  shrouded  in  exclusiveness,  who 
look  on  all  their  neighbours  as  so  many  barbarian  inti'uders 
on  their  privacy  ;  and  people  of  all  nations,  m  buainess 
has  drawn  to  the  American  metropolis. 

The  Metiopolitan  Hotel  is  the  most  imposing  in  ap- 
pearance. It  is  a  Idock  of  building  with  a  frontage  of 
300  feet,  and  is  six  stories  high.  I  believe  that  it  can 
accommodate  1300  peoj)le.  The  St.  Nicholas  is  the  most 
superb  in  its  decorations ;  it  is  a  magniiicent  building  of 
white  marble,  and  can  acconmiodate  1000  visitors.  Every- 
thing in  this  edifice  is  on  a  style  of  princely  magnilkence. 
The  grand  entrance  opens  into  a  very  fine  hall  with  a 
marb^"  floor,  and  this  is  surrouiMJed  with  settees  covewid 
with  the  skins  of  wild  animal  .  The  parlours  are  gw- 
geous  in  .the  extreme,  and  there  are  two  sii|>erb  din*ng- 
rooms  to  contain  600  poo])le  each.  The  curtiiin.-  at.d 
sofa-covers  in  some  of  the  parlours  cost  5^.  per  yard,  <»!«. 
as  has  been  previously   named,    one   room   u  fiiriiisiJ«!l 


Chap.  XVf. 
;  with  the 

L>rk.     Tli(> 
olas,  all  in 
also  atFoi'd 
It  ranees  to 
J  ajtraugcr. 
are  always 
and  read- 
g  for  their 
I  men, with 
leni  iinmis- 
3ness.    who 
n  intruders 
m  business 

sing  in  ap- 
Vontage  of 
that  it  can 
is  the  most 
building  of 
>rs.  Ever}- 
lall  with  <i 
es  covered 
s  are  gor- 
■rh  din'iig- 

rtainr-  a  ■! 

yard.  i«i' 

Chap.  XVI. 





with  gold  brocade  purchased  at  9/.  per  yard.  About 
100  married  couples  reside  permanently  at  the  St.  Ni- 
cholas ;  it  does  not,  however,  bear  the  very  best  repu- 
tation, as  it  is  said  to  be  the  resort  of  a  large  number  of 
professed  gamblers.  Large  as  these  hotels  are,  they  are 
nothuig  to  a  monster  establishment  at  Cape  May,  a 
fcishionable  summer  resort  in  New  Jersey.  The  capa- 
cities of  this  building,  the  Mount  Vernon  Hotel,  though 
stated  on  the  best  authority,  can  scarcely  be  credited — 
it  is  said  to  make  up  3000  beds  ! 

Owing  to  the  high  rates  of  house-rent  and  the  diffi- 
culty of  procuring  servants,  together  with  the  exorbitant 
wages  which  they  rccjuire,  many  married  couples,  and 
even  families,  reside  permanently  at  the  hotels.  Living 
constantly  in  public,  without  opportunity  for  holding 
family  intercourse,  and  being  without  either  homo  cares 
or  home  pleasures,  Jiomade,  restless,  pleasure-seeking 
Iiabits  are  induced,  which  have  led  strangers  to  charge 
the  Americans  with  beino;  destitute  of  home  life.  That 
such  is  the  case  to  some  extent  is  not  to  be  denied  ;  but 
this  want  is  by  no  means  generally  observed.  I  have  met 
with  family  circles  in  the  New  World  as  united  and 
affectionate  as  those  in  the  Old,  not  only  in  country 
districts,  but  in  the  metroptdis  itself;  and  in  New  Eng- 
land there  is  probably  as  much  of  what  may  be  termed 
patriarchal  life  as  anywhere  in  Europe. 

The  public  charities  of  New  York  are  on  a  gigantic 
scale.  The  New  York  IIosj)ital,  a  fine  stent;  building 
with  some  large  trees  in  front,  situated  in  Broadway, 
was  one  which  pleased  me  as  much  as  any.  'I\vo  of  the 
physicians  kindly  took  me  over  the  whole  building,  and 



-  ■    c 


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;  V 




Chap.  XVI. 

explained  all  tlio  arrangenients.  I  believe  that  tlic  lios- 
pital  contains  G50  beds,  and  it  is  generally  full,  being 
not  only  the  receptacle  for  the  numerous  accident  eases 
which  are  of  daily  occurrence  in  New  York,  but  for 
those  of  a  large  district  besides,  which  are  conveniently 
brought  in  by  railroad.  We  fir-t  went  into  the  recent- 
accident  room,  where  the  unhappy  beings  who  were  re- 
cently hurt  or  operated  upon  were  lying.  Some  of  them 
were  the  most  piteous  objects  1  ever  witnessed,  and  the 
medical  men,  under  the  im})ression  that  I  was  deeply 
interested  in  surgery,  took  pains  to  exhibit  all  the  horror^;. 
There  were  a  good  many  of  the  usual  classes  of  accidents, 
— broken  limbs  and  mangled  frames.  There  was  one 
poor  little  boy  of  twelve  years  old,  whose  arms  had  been 
torn  to  jHeces-tby  machinery  ;  one  of  them  had  been  am- 
putated on  the  previous  day,  and,  while  the  medical  men 
displayed  the  stump,  they  remarked  that  the  other  must 
be  taken  off  on  the  next  day.  The  poor  boy  groaned 
with  a  more  than  childish  expression  of  agony  on  his  pale 
features,  j)robably  at  the  thought  of  the  life  of  helplessness 
bi'fore  him.  A  young  Irishman  had  been  crushed  by  a 
railway  car,  and  one  of  his  legs  had  bee?i  amputated  a 
few  hours  previously.  As  the  surgeon  altered  the  band- 
ages he  was  laughing  and  joking,  and  had  been  singing 
ever  since  the  operation-  a  remarkable  instance  of  Paddy's 
unfailing  lightheartedness. 

But,  besides  these  ordinary  accidents,  there  were  some 
very  characteristic  of  New  York  and  of  a  New  Yoik 
election.  In  one  ward  there  were  several  men  who  had 
been  stabbed  the  night  before,  two  of  whom  were  mortally 
wounded.     There  were  two  men,  scarcely  retaining  the 

Chap.  XVI. 

the  lios- 
'ull,  being 
lent  cjises 
I,   but  for 
he  recent- 
1  wore  re- 
10  of  them 
[1,  and  tlie 
va..^  deeply 
lie  hor^o^:^. 
•  accidents, 
3  was   one 
s  had  been 
1  been  ani- 
edical  men 
[)thor  must 
y  groaned 
on  his  pale 
Lishod  by  a 
putated  a 
the  band- 
en  singing 
of  Paddy's 

were  some 
Sl^ew  Yoik 
n  wlio  had 
e  mortally 
aming  the 

Chat-.  XVI. 



appearance  of  human  beings,  who  had  been  fearfully 
burned  and  injured  by  the  explosion  of  an  infernal  machine. 
All  trace  of  human  features  had  departed  ;  it  seemed 
hardly  credible  that  such  blackened,  distorted,  .and 
mangled  franu's  could  contain  human  souls  I'here  were 
others  who  had  received  nuisket-shot  wounds  durinc:  the; 
election,  and  numbers  of  broken  heads,  and  wounds  from 
knives.  It  was  sad  to  know  that  so  much  of  the  sufTerinir 
to  be  seen  in  that  hospital  was  tlu;  "csnlt  of  furious  re- 
ligious animosities,  and  of  the  unrestrained  lawle?^sness  of 
human  violence. 

There  was  one  man  who  had  been  so  nearly  crushed  to 
pieces,  that  it  seemed  marvellous  that  the  mangled  frame 
could  still  retain  its  vitality.  One  leg  was  broken  in  three 
places,  and  the  flesh  torn  off  from  the  knee  to  the  foot  ; 
both  arms  and  several  ribs  were  also  broken.  Wo  went 
into  one  of  the  female  wards,  where  sixteen  broken  legs 
were  being  successfully  treated,  and  I  could  not  but  ad- 
mire a  very  simple  contrivance  which  remedies  the  con- 
traction which  often  succeeds  broken  limbs,  and  produces 
permanent  lameness.  Two  long  strn])s  of  jdaister  were 
glued  from  above  the  knee  to  the  ankle,  and  were  then 
tixed  to  a  wooden  bar,  with  a  screw  and  handle,  so  that 
the  tension  could  be  regulated  at  pleasure.  The  medical 
men,  in  remarking  upon  this,  observed  that  in  England 
we  were  very  slow  to  adopt  any  American  improvements 
in  surgery  or  medicine. 

There  were  many  things  in  this  hospital  which  might 
be  imitated  in  Enghuid  with  great  advantage  to  the  pa- 
tients.    Each  ward  was  clean,  Skveet,  and  airy  ;  and  the 

Q  3 





•.•,'*r  ■ 


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■,  i.~ 

.^^  -J 




Chap.  XVI. 

.i   . 

1  :;■ 


system  of  heating  and  ventilation  is  very  superior.  The 
lieating  and  ventilating  apparatus,  instead  of  sending  forth 
alternate  blasts  of  hot  and  cold  air,  keeps  up  a  uniform 
and  easily  regulated  temperature.  A  draught  of  cold  air 
is  continually  forced  through  a  large  apparatus  of  steam- 
pipes,  and,  as  it  becomes  vitiated  in  the  rooms  above, 
passes  out  through  ventilators  placed  just  below  the 
ceiling.  Our  next  visit  was  to  the  laundry,  where  two 
men,  three  women,  and,  last  but  not  least,  a  steam-engine 
of  45- horse  power,  were  perpetually  engaged  in  washing 
the  soiled  linen  of  the  hospital.  The  large  and  rapidly- 
moving  cylinder  which  churns  the  linen  is  a  common  part 
of  a  steam  laundry,  but  the  wringing  machine  is  one  of 
the  most  beautiful  practical  applications  of  a  principle  in 
natural  philosophy  that  I  ever  saw.  It  consists  of  a  large 
perforated  cylinder,  open  at  the  top,  with  a  case  in  the 
centre.  This  cylinder  performs  from  400  to  700  revo- 
lutions in  a  minute,  and,  by  the  power  of  the  centrifugal 
force  thus  produced,  the  linen  is  impelled  so  violently 
against  the  sides,  that  the  moisture  is  forced  through  the 
perforations,  when  the  linen  is  left  nearly  dry. 

Strange  as  it  may  appear  to  those  who  associate  Ame- 
rica with  })lonty  and  comfort,  there  is  a  very  large  class 
of  persons  at  New  York  living  in  a  state  uf  squalid  and 
abject  poverty  ;  and  in  order  that  the  children  belonging 
to  it  may  receive  some  education,  it  has  been  found  neces- 
sary by  the  benevolent  to  su})plement  the  common  school 
system  with  ragged  or  industrial  schools.  In  order  not 
to  wound  the  pride  of  parents  who  are  not  too  proud  to 
receive  a  gratuitous  education  for  their  offspring,  these 




ing  forth 
f  cold  air 
)f  steam- 
is  above, 
elow    the 
here  two 
1  washing 
I  rapidly - 
im(m  part 
is  one  of 
•inciple  in 
of  a  large 
Lj-e  in  the 
700  revo- 
•ough  the 

ate  x\me- 
iirge  class 
lalid  and 
nd  neces- 
lon  school 
order  not 
proud  to 
ng,  these 

Chai-.  XVI. 



establishments  are  not  called  Ragged  Schools,  but  "  Boys' 
Meetings,"  and  "  Girls'  Meetings."  I  visited  two  of 
these,  the  first  in  Tompkin  Square.  There  were  about 
100  children  in  the  school,  and  nearly  all  of  them  wore 
Irish  Roman  Catholics.  They  receive  a  good  elementary 
education,  and  answered  the  questions  addressed  to  them 
with  correctness  and  alacrity.  The  Bible,  of  course,  is  not 
read,  but  the  pupils  learn  a  Scripture  catechism,  and  para- 
phrased versions  of  Scripture  incidents.  One  day,  during 
the  absence  of  the  teacher,  one  of  the  pupils  was  looking 
into  an  English  Bible,  and  another  addressed  her  with  the 
words,  "  You  wicked  girl,  you  know  the  priest  says  that 
you  are  never  to  open  that  bad  book  ;  I  will  never  walk 
with  you  again."  The  child,  on  going  home,  j>ld  her 
mother,  and  she  said  that  she  did  not  think  it  could  be 
such  a  bad  book,  as  the  ladies  who  were  so  kind  to  them  it.  The  child  said  that  it  was  a  beautiful  book,  and 
persuaded  her  mother  to  borrow  a  Bil)le  from  a  neigh- 
bour ;  she  read  it,  and  became  a  Protestant.  These 
children  earn  their  clothing  by  a  certain  number  of  good 
marks,  but  most  of  them  were  shoeless.  Each  child  is 
obliged  to  take  a  bath  on  the  establishment  once  a-week. 
Their  answers  in  geography  and  history  were  extremely 
good.  In  the  afternoon  the  elder  girls  are  employed  in 
tailoring  and  dressmaking,  and  receive  so  much  work  that 
this  brancli  of  the  school  is  self-suj)porting. 

I  visited  another  industrial  school,  in  a  very  bad  part 
of  the  town,  adjoining  the  Bowery,  whevc  ^.he  parents  are 
of  the  very  worst  description,  and  their  offspring  arc 
vicious  and  unmanageable.     I  think  that  I  never  saw  vice 







•  ■■'. 

1 .  < ,,  / 


S-'^li  t 

'■?  \ 



■■•■  ■  '*. 




f  1  ,■ '  '•-• 



CiiAi'.  XVI. 

V  ,^.  <-; 


t  • 


I   ' 




1 1 J 



i    ,: 




trf      1 


V  "    :■ 

i     , 

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^    '    it. 










and  crime  so  logibly  stamped  iij)on  tlie  countenances  of 
children  as  upon  tlio^e  in  this  school.  Tiie  teachers  find 
it  extremely  difficult  to  preserve  discipline  at  all ;  and  the 
pilfering  habits  of  the  pupils  are  almost  incorrigible. 
They  each  receive  a  pint  of  excellent  soup  and  an  mi- 
limited  quantity  of  bread  for  dinner ;  but  they  are  dis- 
contented and  unthankful. 

The  common  school  system  will  be  enlarged  upon  in  a 
succeeding  chiipter ;  but  I  cannot  forbear  noticing  one  school 
wliich  I  vlsitt-'d.  It  was  a  lofty,  four-storied  building  of 
red  brick,  with  considerable  architectural  pretensions.  It 
was  faced  with  brown  stone,  and  had  a  very  handsome 
eutrance-hall  and  staircase.  The  people  of  Now  York 
vie  with  each  other  in  their  hospitality  to  strangers,  and 
in  showing  them  the  objects  of  interest  within  their  city 
in  the  very  best  manner ;  and  it  was  under  the  auspices 
of  Dr.  Wells,  one  of  the  connnissioners  of  education,  that 
I  saw  this  admirable  school,  or  rather  educational  institu- 
tion. On  inquiring  the  reason  of  the  extraordinary  height 
of  the  balustrades,  I  was  told  that  some  weeks  previously, 
as  the  boys  were  hurriedly  leaving  school,  forty  of  them 
had  been  pushed  over  the  staircase,  out  of  which  number 
nearly  the  whole  were  killed  ! 

In  the  girls'  room  about  *J00  girls  between  the  ages  of 
eight  and  eighteen  were  assembled.  They  were  the 
children  of  persons  in  every  class  in  the  city  except  the 
very  wealthiest  and  the  poorest.  All  these  girls  were  well 
dressed,  some  of  them  tasteful,  others  fantastic,  in  their 
appearance.  There  was  a  great  deal  of  beauty  among 
the  elder  pupils ;  I  only  regretted  that  the  bright  bloom 

4v'    ' 

ifAr.  XVI. 

lancos  of 
hers  find 

and  tlic 
[  an  iiii- 

are  dis- 

ipoii  in  a 
no  school 
liUling  of 
jions.  It 
[uw  York 
gors,  and 
their  city 

ition,  that 
il  institu- 

ry  height 
of  them 

le  ages  of 
were  tlie 
xcept  the 
were  well 
2,  in  their 
ty  among 
ht  bloom 

Chap.  XVI. 



which  many  possessed  should  be  so  evanescent.  The  rich 
luxuriant  hair,  often  of  a  beautiful  auburn  line,  was  a 
peculiarity  which  could  not  be  overlooked.  Tliere  were 
about  ten  female  teachers,  the  principal  of  whom  played 
some  lively  airs  upon  the  piano,  during  which  time  the 
pupils  marched  steadily  in  from  various  class-roomi*,  and 
took  their  seats  at  handsome  maliogany  desks,  which 
accommodated  two  each.  No  expense  had  been  spared 
in  the  fittings  of  the  apartment ;  the  connnissioners  of 
education  are  evidently  of  opinion  that  the  young  do  not 
acquire  knowledge  the  more  speedily  from  being  placed 
on  comfortless  benches,  without  any  means  of  resting  their 
weak  and  tired  frames. 

Each  desk  contained  a  drawer  or  cupboard ;  and  to 
encourage  those  habits  of  order  and  self-reliance  to  which 
so  much  weight  is  attached  in  the  States,  each  pupil  is 
made  responsible  for  the  preservation  and  security  of  her 
books  and  all  implements  of  education.  The  business  of 
the  day  commenced  by  the  whole  number  of  girls  reverently 
repeating  the  Lord's  Prayer,  ^vhich,  in  addres^sing  God  as 
"  Our  Father,"  ])roclaims  the  common  bond  of  brother- 
hood which  unites  the  whole  human  race.  The  sound  of 
900  youthful  voices  solemnly  addressing  their  Creator 
was  very  beautiful  and  impressive.  A  chaj)ter  from  the 
Bible,  read  aloud  by  the  teacher,  followed,  and  a  hynui 
beautifully  sung,  when  the  pupils  filed  off  as  before  to  the 
sound  of  music.  We  next  went  to  the  elementary  room, 
appropriated  to  infants,  who  are  not  sent  to  the  higher 
school  till  tlieir  proficiency  j'eaches  the  standard  re- 

,1  VI V 


'  1 ,    4 



-  •  ■ ». 





.     ,:*' 


;  V 



CiiAP.  XVI. 

The  iiifiint  systom  does  not  appear  to  differ  materially 
from  ours,  except  that  it  is  of  a  more  intellectual  nature. 
In  this  room  13(H)  children  joined  in  singing  a  hymn.  In 
the  hoys'  rooms  ahout  1000  hoys  were  receiving  instruc- 
tion under  ahout  1 2  specimens  of  "  Young  America."  The 
restless,  the  almost  fearful  energy  of  the  teachers  surprised 
me,  and  the  alacrity  of  the  hoys  in  answering  questions. 
In  the  algehra-room  questions  involving  the  most  difficult 
calculation  on  the  part  of  the  pui)ils  were  answered  some- 
times even  heforc  the  teacher  had  worked  them  out  him- 

Altogether,  I  was  delighted  with  this  school  and  with 
the  earnestness  di^played  by  both  teachers  and  pupils.  1 
was  not  so  well  pleased  with  the  manners  of  the  instructors, 
particularly  in  the  boys'  school.  There  was  a  boastful- 
ness,  an  exaggeration,  and  a  pedantry,  which  are  by  no 
means  necessary  accompaniments  of  superior  attainments. 
The  pupils  have  a  disrespectful,  familiar,  and  independent 
air,  though  I  understood  that  the  punishments  are  more 
severe  than  are  generally  approved  of  in  English  schools. 
The  course  of  instruction  is  very  complete.  Ili?tory  is 
especially  attended  to,  with  its  bearing  upon  modern 
politics.  The  teachers  receive  from  80/.  to  300/.  a  year, 
and  very  high  attainments  are  required.  Besides  the 
common  and  industrial  schools,  there  are  means  of  educa- 
tion provided  for  the  juvenile  portion  of  the  very  large 
foreign  population  of  New  York,  principally  German. 
There  are  several  schools  held  under  the  basements  of 
the  churches,  without  any  paid  teachers.  The  ladies 
of  New  York,  to  their  honour  be  it   said,  undertake, 


I '  t  ■'■ 

lAP.  XVI. 

nn.     In 
,."    The 
■;d  some- 
tint  hini- 

and  witli 
nj)lls.     1 
iro  by  no 
ire  more 
i?tory  is 
/.  a  year, 
Isides  the 
f  educii- 
M'y  large 
Iments  of 
lie  ladies 

Chap.  XVI. 



unassisted,  the  education  of  these  children,  a  certain 
number  being  attached  to  every  school.  Kach  of  these 
ladies  takes  some  hours  of  a  day,  and  youth  and  beauty 
may  be  seen  perseveriugly  engaged  in  this  arduous  but 
useful  task. 

The  sj)irit  of  practical  benevolence  which  aj)pear.s  to 
permeate  New  York  society  is  one  of  its  most  plea»inir 
features.  It  is  not  only  that  the  wealthy  contribute  large 
sums  of  money  to  charitable  objects,  but  they  jiersonally 
superintend  their  right  distribution.  No  class  is  left 
untouched  by  their  benevolent  efl'orts ;  wherever  suHering 
and  poverty  are  found,  the  hand  of  Christianity  or  phi- 
lanthro))y  is  stretched  out  to  relieve  them.  The  gulf 
which  in  most  cities  separates  the  rich  from  the  poor  has 
been  to  some  extent  lessened  in  New  York  ;  for  numbers 
of  ladies  and  gentlemen  of  education  and  affluence  visit 
among  the  poor  and  vicious,  seeking  to  raise  them  to  a 
better  position. 

If  there  are  schools,  emigrant  hospitals,  orjihan  asy- 
lums, and  nursing  institutions,  to  mark  the  good  sense  and 
philanthropy  of  the  people  of  New  York,  so  their  love  of 
amuseuKmt  and  recreation  is  strongly  evidenced  by  the 
numerous  places  where  both  may  be  j)rocured.  There  is 
perhaps  as  much  jdeasure-seeking  as  in  Paris ;  the  search 
after  amusement  is  characterised  by  the  same  restless 
energy  which  marks  the  pursuit  after  wealth  ;  and  if  the 
Americans  have  little  time  for  enjoying  themselves,  they 
are  resolved  that  the  opportunities  for  doing  so  shall  be 
neither  distant  nor  few.  Thus,  Broadway  and  its  neigh- 
bourhood contain  more  places  of  amusement  than  perhajis 
any  district  of  equal  size  in  the  world.     These  present 



■,  >l  {■':•■.  .i 
■.: fv  ■  ' 

*l   . 

■  MP 

'*  I, 

K  ..  V;,? 






•',  -it 




CiiAi'.  XVI. 


varioty  FMfficioi.t  to  tmihraco  tlio  tastes  of  tlio  very  hetero- 
geneous j)0|)ulation  of  New  York. 

Tliero  are  three  large  theatre.^ ;  an  opera-house  of 
gigantic  proportions,  whieli  is  aniinally  graced  hy  tlie 
highest  vocal  talent  of  Europe ;  Wood's  iniui-trels,  and 
Christy's  uiin.strels,  where  hlaeks  perforin  in  unexception- 
ahle  style  to  unwearied  audiences ;  and  comic  operas. 
There  are  alfresco  cntertainnu'uts,  masqu^'rades,  concerts, 
restaurants,  and  oyster  saloons,  l^esides  all,  and 
many  more.  New  York  contained  in  1853  the  amazing 
numher  of  5980  taverns.  I'lio  nuinher  of  places  where 
amusement  is  comhined  with  intellectual  improvement  is 
small,  when  compared  vith  other  cities  of  the  same 
population.  There  are  however  some  very  magnificent 
readinir-rooms  and  lihraries. 

The  amount  of  oysters  eaten  in  New  York  surprised 
me,  although  there  was  an  idea  at  the  time  of  my  visit 
that  they  produced  the  cholera,  which  rather  checked  any 
extraordinary  excesses  in  this  curious  fish.  In  the  busi- 
ness streets  of  New  York  the  eyes  are  greeted  continually 
with  the  words  "  Oyster  Saloon,"  painted  in  large  letters 
on  the  basement  story.  If  the  stranger's  curiosity  is 
sufficient  to  induce  him  to  dive  down  a  flight  of  steps  into 
a  subterranean  abode,  at  the  first  glance  rather  suggestive 
of  robbery,  one  favourite  amusement  of  the  people  may  be 
seen  in  perfection  There  is  a  counter  at  (me  side,  where 
two  or  three  persons,  frequently  blacks,  are  bu^ily  engaged 
in  opening  oysters  for  their  customers,  who  swallow  them 
with  astonishing  relish  and  rapidity.  In  a  room  beyond, 
brightly  lighted  by  gas,  family  groups  are  to  be  seen, 
seated  at  round   tables,   and   larger  parties  of  friends, 

IIAl'.  XVI. 

'  hotero- 
liouso  of 

l)V    till' 

r(!ls,  and 
j  operas, 
lOfiC,  and 
;es  where 
k'enient  is 
he  same 

my  visit 
eked  any 
the  busi- 
ge  letters 
iriosity  is 
steps  into 
le  may  be 
le,  where 
!  engaged 
h)w  them 
1  beyond, 
be  seen, 
f  friends, 

Chap.  XVI. 



enjoying   basins   of    stewed   oysters ;    whih}    from    some 
mysterious   recess   tiie  process  of  cookery 

makes  itself 

distinctly  audible.  Some  of  these  saloons  are  highly 
respectable,  while  many  are  just  the  reverse.  But  the 
consumption  of  oysters  is  by  no  means  confined  to  the 
saloons;  in  private  families  an  oyster  sujjper  is  frequently 
a  nightly  occurrence  ;  the  oysters  are  dressed  in  the  par- 
lour by  au  ingenious  and  not  inelegant  apparatus.  No 
great  is  the  passion  for  this  luxury,  that  the  consumption 
of  it  during  the  seas(m  is  estimated  at  3500/.  a-day. 

There  are  several  restaurants  in  the  city,  on  the  model 
of  those  in  the  Palais  Royal.  The  most  superb  of  these, 
but  not  by  any  means  the  most  respectable^  is  Taylor's, 
in  Broadway.  It  combines  Eastern  magnificence  with 
Parisian  taste,  and  strangcn's  are  always  expected  to  visit 
it.  It  is  a  room  about  100  ft.  in  length,  by  22  in 
height ;  the  roof  and  cornices  richly  carved  and  gilded, 
the  walls  ornamented  by  superb  mirrors,  separated  by 
white  marble.  The  floor  is  of  marble,  and  a  row  of  fluted 
and  polished  marble  pillars  runs  down  each  side.  It  is  a 
perfect  blaze  of  decoration.  There  is  an  alcove  at  one 
end  of  the  apartment,  filled  with  orange-trees,  and  the 
air  is  kept  refreshingly  cool  by  a  crystal  fountain.  Any 
meal  can  be  obtained  here  at  any  hour.  On  the  day  on 
which  I  visited  it,  the  one  hundred  marble  tables  which  it 
contains  were  nearly  all  occui)ied ;  a  double  row  of 
equipages  lined  the  street  at  the  door ;  and  two  or  three 
hundred  people,  many  of  them  without  bonnets  and 
fantastically  dressed,  were  regaling  themselves  upon  ices 
and  other  elegancies  in  au  atujosphere  redolent  with  the 
perfume  of  orange-flowers,  and  musical  with  the  sound  of 

■           \          1   1        •  h  J 

I-  I'- 

it.,  -t 

\.    I    ^ 




f      ■     ■        ^ 


It:.  ,  i 


VX  i» 

\i  .ii 

)  \ 



rii.v;-.  XVI, 

tricklin"  writer,  and  the  Djrlodv  of  musical  >milV-li()Xi's. 
TluM'o  was  a  coniplote  ma/c  of  fivsco,  iniiTors,  rarvliiij, 
gilding,  and  niail.lo.  A  dinncM*  can  lie  proonrod  Iumc  at 
any  lionr  of  day  or  niglit,  from  one  sshilling  and  six|MMH  f 
up  to  l)alf-a-guinra,  and  otlier  mealss  in  like  proj.ortion. 
As  we  niorelv  went  to  see  tlie  restaurant,  we  ordered  iees, 
wliieli  were  served  from  lame  reservoirs,  sliining  like 
poli?lied  silver.  These  were  i>aid  for  at  the  time,  and  we 
reeeived  tickets  in  return,  which  were  taken  l)y  the  door- 
kee])er  on  coming  out.  It  might  he  su)>posed  that 
l{epul)lie;!'i  simplicity  would  scorn  so  much  external 
display  ;  hut  the  jtlaces  of  puhlic  entertaiinnent  vie  in 
their  splendom*  with  the  palaces  of  king-. 

It  was  almost  imuossihle  for  a  sti-aniiiM*  to  leavi*  New 
Yori.  without  viriting  the  American  mnr<eum,  the  j)roju>rty 
of  Pltiiicita  Trijlor  llannim.  Thi'  history  of  this  very 
rem  irlarJo  man  is  now  wtdl  known,  even  in  Mngland, 
wher.  irui  pnl)licati(»n  of  his  '  Antohiograj)hy'  has  been  a 
nine  davs'  wonder.  It  is  said  that  ()0.()()()  copies  were 
sold  at  New  York  in  one  day,  so  successful  has  he  hecu 
in  keeping  himself  for  ever  before  the  puhlic  eye.  It  is 
paiid'ul  to  see  h.nv  far  a  man  wIkk^^c  life  has  been  spent  in 
total  disregard  of  the  j)rineiples  of  truth  and  intt'grify 
should  iiave  earned  for  himstdf  popularity  and  fame. 
His  museum  is  sitnatetl  in  Broadway,  ni-ar  to  the  (^ity 
ilall,  and  is  a  gaudy  building,  denoted  by  hug**  j)aintings, 
multitudes  (if  ilags,  and  a  Aery  noisy  band.  Tlie  nniseum 
contains  nuniy  objects  of  real  interest,  particularly  to  tlie 
naturalist  and  geologist,  intermingled  with  a  great  deal 
that  is  spuriouh  and  contemptible.  But  this  museum  is 
bv  no  means  the  attraction  to  this  "  Palace  of  Ilumbujjr." 



y,'.  XVI. 

lioro  at 



iup;  liko 
,  anil  NM" 
lio  (loor- 
c(l  tl\at 
it    v'u»  in 

avo  Now 
tills  viTy 
IS  been  a 
>u's  \VL»re 
Is  111'  boon 
yo.     It  is 

spout  in 

ml  I'anio. 

tlio  ("ity 
1»  nmsoum 

i-ly  to  tlio 
Moat  «loal 

nsonni   is*;." 

t'llAP.  XVI. 



Tlioro  is  a  oollootion  of  horrors  or  nionsitrosifiM's  attnclKMl, 
which  apjK'arsto  fasoinato  tlio  vnlgarga/f.  11*4*  priiicipa' 
objoots  of  attraclion  at  this  tinio  w<-rr,  a  dog  with  two 
logs,  a  oow  with  fonr  horns,  and  a  oalf  with  .-*i\  loga — 
disgnsting  spooinions  of  d(>forn»ity,  which  ought  to  havf 
boon  destroyed,  rather  than  preserved  to  gratify  a  niorliid 
taste  for  the  li  )rribh>  and  erratic  in  nature.  Kut  whih- 
persons  of  the  highest  station  and  I'dnoation  in  !.iij.;riid 
patronised  an  artful  .ind  luiserabh'  dwarf,  elevi-rl)  .  .\bi- 
bitod  by  a  showtuan  totally  dostitntt*  of  principle,  it  ii*  wot 
surprising  that  the  Anierlean  peojde  .^-lionhl  «h  light  in  y»«f 
more  Indeotis  oxbibitioi;.-,  under  the  same  aMsj)ices. 

Tlu'  magnificiMico  of  the  private  dwellings  of  Sfw 
York  must  not  escape  uu'ution,  though  I  am  comptdlecl 
to  withhol  1  many  details  that  would  b"  iutere-ting,  from 
a  fear  of  "violating  the  rights  of  hospitality."  'I'h  *  scpiares, 
and  many  u['  the  mnnberod  streets,  contain  viry  Miperli 
housf's  of  a  nu).-t  j)U'asiug  uniformity  of  style.  They  are 
built  •'ither  of  brown  stoiu',  or  of  <1  trk  red  briik,  durai)ly 
pointed,  and  faced  with  >tone.  'I'liis  stylo  of  brick 
mas(mry  is  extronudy  ta.-.tcl'ul  and  beautiful.  livery  house; 
has  an  outrunce-j)orch  with  windows  of  .-Jained  glass,  and 
double  doors;  tlii'  outer  one  bein<i  only  (dose*!  at  night. 
The  upper  j)art  of  the  imier  door  is  made  of  staino(l  gla-s  ; 
the  door-lian<llos  and  bidl-pnlls  are  tnade  of  higiiiy-poli.>-hod 
oloetro-plate  ;  and  a  hand-ome  ilight  cd" stone  stejts,  with 
idegant  bron/t*  balnstrailes,  leads  uj>  to  the  jiorch.  Tho 
entrance-halls  are  siddoni  large,  but  tho  staircases,  which 
are  of  stono,  are  invariably  very  handsomi!.  'riicse  hoiiscs 
are  six  stories  high,  and  usually  eontain  three  reccj)tiou- 
rooias ;  a  dining-room,  !*mall,  and  not  striidng  in  appear- 

'.  .'II' 

■>  if 

*>  ■ » 




'    i 



CiiAP.  XVI. 

■  > 


anco  in  any  way,  as  dinncM'-parties  arc  seldom  given  in 
New  York;  a  small,  elegantly-furnished  drawing-room, 
used  as  a  family  sitting-room,  and  for  the  reception  of 
morning  visitors  ;  and  a  magnificent  rjcej)ti(tn-rooni, 
furnished  in  tlie  height  of  taste  and  elegance,  for  dancing, 
mnsic,  and  evening  parties. 

In  London  the  bedrooms  are  generally  inconvenient 
and  uncomfortable,  being  sacrificed  co  the  recej)ti()n- 
rooms  ;  in  New  York  this  is  not  the  case.  The  bedrooms 
are  large,  lofty,  and  airy  ;  and  are  furnished  with  all  t'le 
appurtenances  which  modern  luxury  has  been  able  to 
devise.  The  profusion  of  marble  gives  a  very  handsome 
and  chaste  appearance  to  these  apartments.  There  are 
bath-rooms  generally  on  three  floors,  and  hot  and  cold 
water  are  laid  on  in  every  story.  The  houses  are  warmed 
by  air  heated  from  a  furucije  at  the  basen)ent ;  and 
though  in  addition  oj)cn  fires  are  sometimes  adopted,  they 
are  made  of  anthracite  coal,  which  emits  no  smoke,  and 
has  rather  the  apj)earance  of  heated  metal  tlian  of  fuel. 
Ornamental  articles  of  Parisian  taste  and  Italian  work- 
manslii])  abound  in  these  houses;  and  the  mouldings, 
cornices,  and  woodwork,  are  all  beaatifully  executed. 
The  doorways  and  windows  are  very  frequently  of  an 
arched  form,  which  contributes  to  the  tasteful  a])pearance 
of  the  houses.  Every  species  oi  gaudy  decoration  is 
strictly  avoided  ;  the  paint  is  generally  white,  with  gilt 
mouldings ;  and  the  lofty  rooms  are  either  painted  in 
panels,  or  hung  with  paper  of  a  very  simple  pattern. 

The  curtains  and  chair-covers  are  always  of  very  rich 
damask,  frequently  worth  from  two  to  three  guineas  a 
yard  ;  but  the  richness  of  this,  and  of  the  gold  euibroi- 



6.4,:  J 

lAI'.  XVI. 

CiiAi'.  XVI. 



rjiven  in 
ption  of 

letl  rooms 
h  all  tho 
able   to 
'here  are 
and  cold 
;  warmed 
»nt ;   and 
ted,  they 
oke,  and 
n  of  fnel. 
n  work- 
y  of  an 
ration    is 
with  gilt 
inted  in 

very  rich 
uincas  a 
I  embroi- 

dery, is  toned  down  by  the  dark  hue  of  th.e  walnut-wood 
furniture.  The  crirpets  of  tl)e  recej)tio:i- rooms  are  gene- 
rally of  rich  Kidderminster,  or  vel'et  pile ;  an  air  of 
elegance  and  cleanliness  pervades  tlicse  superb  dwellings  ; 
they  look  the  heiglit  of  comfort,  it  must  be  remembered 
that  the  foregoing  is  not  a  description  of  a  dwelling  here 
and  there,  but  of  fifty  or  sixty  streets,  or  of  4000  or 
5000  houses,  those  iniiabited  bv  merchants  of  average 
incomes,  stoiekeepers  not  of  the  wealthiest  class,  and 
lawyers  The  number  of  .-servants  kept  in  such  mansions 
as  these  would  sound  disproptsrtionately  small  to  an 
English  ear.  Two  or  three  female  servants  only  are 
required.  Breakfast  is  very  early,  frequently  at  sinen, 
seldom  later  than  eight.  The  families  of  u.jrchants  in 
business  in  the  lower  part  of  the  city  often  dine  at  one, 
and  the  gentlemen  return  to  a  combination  of  dinner  with 
tea  at  six.  It  do(?s  not  appear  that  at  home  luxury  in 
eating  is  much  studied.  It  is  not  customary,  even  among 
some  of  the  wealthier  inhabitants  of  New  York,  to  indulge 
in  sumptuous  equipages.  "  Hacks,"  with  respectable-look- 
ing drivers  and  })airs  of  lun'ses,  fill  the  place  of  private 
carriages,  and  look  equally  well,  (^aehinen  recjuire  high 
v/ages,  and  carriages  are  frequently  injured  by  collision 
with  cnniibuses  ;  these  are  among  the  reasons  given  for 
the  very  general  use  of  hired  vehicles. 

The  private  jcjuipages  to  be  seen  in  New  York,  though 
roomy  and  comfortable,  are  not  elegant.  They  are 
almost  invariably  closed,  with  glass  sides  and  front,  and 
are  constructed  with  a  view  to  keep  out  the  intense  heat 
of  the  summer  sun.  The  coachmen  are  generally  blacks, 
and  the  horses  are  stout  animals,  w  ith  cropped  tails.    Tlio 



■•i  1- 


1  (f  f  f 




,<  u 


■.»  I 


NEV/  YOP.::. 

Chap.  XVI. 

majority  iiave  brckon  knees,  owing  to  the  great  slipperi- 
ness  of  tlie  pavements. 

Altogetljer,  tlie  oecupants  of  slaves  are  tlie  most  st  ^urc 
of  the  numerous  travellers  dcnvn  Broadway.  The  driver, 
on  liis  lofty  box,  has  more  control  over  his  lioi-ses,  and,  in 
case  of  collision,  the  weight  of  his  vehicle  gives  him  an 
acWantago  ;  and  there  is  a  general  inclination,  on  the  part 
of  the  conductors  of  carriages,  to  give  these  swiftly- 
moving  vehicles  "  ample  room  and  verge  enough."  Wiiile 
threading  the  way  through  the  intricate  labyrinth  of 
waggons,  stages,  falling  horses,  and  locked  wheels,  it  is 
highly  unpleasant  for  the  denizens  of  jirivate  carriages  to 
fmd  the  end  of  a  pole  tlirough  the  back  of  the  equipage, 
or  to  be  addressed  by  the  coachman,  "TJassa,  dat  big 
waggon  is  pulling  off  iuy  wheel." 

Having  given  a  brief  description  of  the  style  of  the  ordi- 
nary dwellings  of  the  allluent,  I  w  ill  just  ghuice  at  those  of 
the  very  wealthy,  of  which  there  are  several  in  Fifth  Ave- 
nue, and  some  of  the  scpiares,  surpassing  anything  I  had 
hitherto  witnessed  in  royal  or  ducal  palaces  at  home. 
Tiie  externals  oi  some  of  the?e  mansions  in  I'ifth  Avenue 
are  like  Apsley  House,  and  Stalford  House,  St.  James's; 
being  substantially  built  of  brown  stone.     At  one  house 

which  1  visited  in street,  about  the  largest  private 

residence  in  the  city,  and  one  which  is  considered  to 
combine  the  greatest  splendour  with  the  greatest  taste, 
we  entered  a  spacious  marble  hall,  leading  to  a  circular 
atone  staircase  of  great  width,  the  l»alustrades  being 
figures  elaborately  cast  in  bronze.  Above  this  staircase 
was  a  lofty  dome,  decorated  with  paintings  in  fresco  of 
eastern  scenes.     There  were  nii^hes  in  the  walls,  some 

Ar.  XYI. 

it  St  "ure 
;  driver, 

{UkI,  in 
3  hi;n  an 
the  part 

swiftly - 
'  While 
,rinth  of 
lehs  it  is 
•rlages  to 
,  (lat  big 

•  the  ordi- 
it  those  of 
^ifth  Ave- 
in";  I  had 
at  home. 
Ih  xVvenue 
Jaines's ; 
)ne  house 
t  private 
lidered   to 
est  taste, 
a  cireular 
lies   being 
freseo  of 
lis,  some 

CiiAP.  XVf . 



containing  Italian  statuary,  and  others  small  jets  of  water 
pouring  over  artificial  moss. 

There  were  six  or  eight  magnificent  reception-rooms, 
furnished    in    various  styles — the  Mediaeval,  the   Eliza- 
bethan, the  Italian,  the  Persian,  the  modern  English,  SiC. 
'I'hcre  were  fountains  of  fairy  workmanship,  pictures  from 
the  old  masters,  statues  from  Italy,   '■'■  chofs-d'wuvrc"  of 
art :  porcelain  from  China  and  Sevres  ;  damasks,  cloth  of 
gold,   ind  hijoux  from  the  East ;  Gobelin  tai)estry,  tables 
of  malachite  and  agate,  and   "  knick-knacks"  of  every 
description.     In  the  Mediaeval  and    Elizabethan   aj>an- 
nientri,  it  did  not  appear  to  me  that  any  anachronisms  had 
been  committed  with  respect  to  the  furniture  and  decora- 
tions.    The  light  was  subdued  by  passing  through  win- 
dows of  rich  stained  glass.     I  saw  one  table  the  value  of 
which  might  be  about  2000  guineas.     The  ground  was 
black  marble,  with  a  wreath  of  flowers  inlaid  with  very 
costly  gems  upon  it.     There  were  flowers  or  bunches  of 
fruit,  of  turquoise,  carbuncles,  rubies,  topazes,  and  eme- 
ralds, while  the  leaves  were  of  malachite,  cornelian,  or 
agate.     The  eflfect  produced  by  this  lavish  employment  of 
wealth  was  not  very  good.     The  bedrooms  were  scarcely 
less  magnificently   furnished   than   the   rece})tion-r()oms  ; 
with   chairs    foruied    of  stag-horns,     tables   inlaid   with 
agates,  and  hangings  of  Damascus  cashmere,  richly  em- 
bossed with  gold.     There  was  nothhig  gaudy,  profuse,  or 
prominent   in   the   decorations  or   furniture ;   everything 
had  evidently  been  selected  and  arranged  by  a  ])erson  of 
very  refined  taste.     Among  the  very  beautiful  works  of 
art  was  a  collection  of  cameos,  including  some  of  Cellini's 
from  the  antique,  which  were  really  entrancing  to  look  upon. 


r  n 







•     «    i 

i^i  m 


\i  ■ 

i  i!*. ; 

1  |i!i 

\    '1  \ 

Mm- .  ■ 

iji  i 



Chap.  XVI. 

Another  mansion,  whicli  N.  P.  Willis  justly  dcscribos 
as  "a  fairy  palaco  of  ta-te  and  art,"  tlioufrh  not  so  oxtcn- 
sivo,  was  equally  beautiful,  and  possessed  a  large  winter- 
garden.  This  was  apjiroached  by  passing  tlu'ough  a 
succession  of  very  beautiful  rooms,  the  walls  of  which 
were  hung  with  paintings  which  would  have  delighted  a 
counoisscur.  It  was  a  glass  building  with  a  liigh  dome  ; 
a  fine  fountain  was  pla}ing  in  thy  centre,  and  round  its 
marble  basin  were  oi'ange,  palm,  and  myrtle  trees,  with 
others  from  the  tropics,  some  of  them  of  considerable 
growth.  Every  part  of  the  floor  that  was  not  of  polished 
white  marble  was  thickly  carpeted  with  small  green  ferns. 
The  (/Icam  of  white  marble  statues,  from  among  the 
clumps  of  orange-trees  and  other  shrubs,  was  particularly 
j)retty ;  indeed,  tiio  whole  had  a  fairy-like  appearance 
about  it.  Such  mansions  as  these  were  rather  at  variance 
with  my  ideas  of  republic/.n  simplicity  ;  they  ccmtained 
apartinents  which  would  have  thrown  into  the  shade  the 
finest  rooms  in  Windsor  Castle  or  Buckingham  Palace. 
It  is  not  the  custom  for  Americans  to  leave  lar^e  for- 


tunes  to  their  children  ;  their  wealth  is  spent  in  great 
measure  in  surrounding  themselves  with  the  beautiful 
and  the  elegant  in  their  splendid  mansions;  and  It  is  pro- 
bable that  the  adornments  which  have  been  collected  with 
so  much  expense  and  trouble  will  be  dispersed  at  the 
death  of  their  present  possessors. 

I  have  often  been  asked,  '"  IIow  do  the  American  ladies 
dress?  Have  they  nice  figures?  Do  they  wear  much 
ornament?  What  are  their  manners  like?  Are  they 
highly  educated  ?  Are  they  domestic?"  I  will  answer 
these  questions  as  far  as  I  am  capable  of  doing  so. 


lAP.  XVI. 

[)  oxten- 
;  winter- 
i-ough   a 
)f  wliicli 
Islitotl  a 
h  dome  ; 
•ound  its 
■ees,  with 
'  polishoil 
ecu  forns. 
uong   the 
t  variance 
shade  the 
Ilarge  for- 
in  great 
it  is  pro- 
jcted  with 
bd  at   the 

lean  ladies 
tear  much 

Are  they 
ill  answer 

so.'.  XVI.        LADIES'  DRESSES  AND  FlGUllES. 


In  bygono  times,  the  "good  old  times"  of  Amerieu 
perhaps,  large  patterns,  brilliant  colours,  exaggerated 
fashions,  and  redundant  ornament,  were  all  ad()})ted  by 
the  American  ladies ;  and  without  just  regard  to  the 
severity  of  their  climate,  they  patronised  thin  dresses, 
and  yet  thinner  shoes;  both  being,  as  has  been  since  disi- 
eovered,  very  j)rolific  sources  of  ill  health.  Fretjuent 
intercourse  with  Europe,  and  the  gradual  progie.«s  vi' 
good  taste,  have  altered  this  absurd  style,  and  America, 
like  England,  is  now  content  to  submit  to  the  dictatiiai 
of  Paris  in  all  matters  of  fashion.  But  though  Paris 
might  dictate,  it  was  found  that  American  milliners  had 
stubborn  wills  of  their  own,  so  Parisian  modistes  were 
imported  along  with  Parisian  silks,  ribands,  and  gloves. 
No  dressmaker  is  now  considered  orthodox  who  eannut 
show  a  prefix  of  Madame^  and  the  rage  for  foreign  mate- 
rials and  workmanship  of  every  kind  is  as  ludicrous  as  in 

Although  the  deee})tion  jjraetised  is  very  blameable, 
there  is  some  comfort  in  knowinu;  that  large  nund)ers  of 
the  caj)s,  bonnets,  mantles,  and  other  articles  of  dress, 
which  are  marked  ostentatiously  with  the  name  of  some 
liuc  in  Paris,  have  never  incurred  the  risks  of  an  Atlantic 
voyage.  But  however  unworthy  a  devotion  to  fashion 
may  be,  it  is  very  certain  tiiat  the  lailies  of  New  \  ork 
dress  beautifully,  and  in  very  gooil  taste.  Although  it  is 
rather  repugnant  to  one's  feelings  to  behold  costly  silks 
and  rich  brocadi's  s^'  eeping  the  j)avements  of  Broadway, 
with  more  effect  than  is  produced  by  the  dust  on,  it  is 
very  certain  that  more  beautiful  toilettes  are  to  be  seen  in 
this  celebrated  thoroughfare,  in  one  afternoon,  than  in 




H 1 


4  • 




CiiAi'.  XVI. 


•    I- 

■  i  ■  :i 

;f:^  . 

i  •  ,    'Pi 

Hyde  Park  in  a  week.  As  it  is  impossible  to  display 
the  productions  of  the  millinery  art  in  a  close  carriage  in 
a  crowd,  Broadway  is  the  fashionable  promenade ;  and 
the  lightest  French  bonnets,  tlie  handsomest  mantles,  and 
the  richest  flounced  silk  dresses,  with  jupons^  ribands,  and 
laces  to  correspond,  are  there  to  be  seen  in  the  afternoon. 
Evening  attire  is  very  much  the  same  as  in  England, 
only  that  richer  materials  are  worn  by  the  young.  The 
harmony  of  colours  apj)ears  to  be  a  subject  studied  to 
some  purpose,  and  tlie  style  of  dress  is  generally  adapted 
to  the  height,  comj)lexion,  and  figure  of  the  wearer. 

The  figures  of  the  American  ladies  in  youth  are  very 
sylph-like  and  elegant ;  and  this  appearance  is  obtained 
without  the  use  of  those  artificial  constraints  so  justly  to 
be  condemned.  They  are  almost  too  slight  for  beauty, 
though  this  does  not  signify  while  they  retain  the  luxu- 
riant wavy  hair,  brilliant  comj)lexion,  elastic  step,  and 
gracefulness  of  very  early  youth.  But  unfortunately  a 
girl  of  twenty  is  too  apt  to  look  faded  and  haggard ;  and 
a  woman  who  with  us  would  be  in  her  bloom  at  thirty, 
loaks  passi'e,  wrinkled,  and  old.  It  is  then  that  the 
sylph-like  form  assumes  an  unpleasant  angularity,  sug- 
gestive of  weariness  and  care.  It  is  remarkable,  however, 
that  ladies  of  recent  English  extraction,  under  exactly 
the  same  circumstances,  retain  their  good  looks  into 
middle  life,  and  advancing  years  produce  cmbonjwinf, 
instead  of  angularity.  I  was  very  agreeably  surprised 
with  the  beauty  of  the  young  ladies  of  New  York ;  there 
is  something  peculiarly  graceful  and  fascinating  in  their 
personal  ap])earance. 

To  judge  trom  the  costly  articles  of  jewellery  displayed 


3  display 
irriage  in 
wle;  and 
itles,  and 
ands,  and 
ng.     Tlie 
itudied  to 
y  adapted 

I  are  very 
5  obtained 
J  justly  to 
Dr  beauty, 
the  luxu- 
step,  and 
|tunately  a 
liiard ;  and 

ID  ' 

at  thirty, 
ii   that  the 
|arity,  sug- 
,  however, 
er  exactly 
looks   into 
rk  ;  there 
lig  in  their 




in  the  stores,  I  sfiould  have  supposed  that  there  was  a 
great  rage  for  ornament ;  but  from  the  reply  I  once 
received  from  a  jeweller,  on  asking  him  who  would  pur- 
chase a  five- thousand-guinea  diamond  bracelet,  "  I  guess 
some  Southerner  will  buy  it  for  his  wife,"  I  believe  that 
most  of  these  articles  find  their  way  to  the  South  and 
West,  where  a  less-cultivated  taste  may  be  supposed  to 
prevail.  I  saw  very  little  jewellery  worn,  and  that  was 
generally  of  a  valuable  but  plain  description.  The  young 
ladies  appear  to  have  adopti'd  the  maxim,  "  Beauty  when 
unadorned  is  adorned  the  most."  Tliey  study  variety  in 
ornament  rather  than  profusion.  "  AVIiat  are  their  man- 
ners like  ?"  is  a  difficult  question  to  answer.  That  there 
is  a  great  difference  between  the  manners  of  English  and 
American  ladies  may  be  inferred  from  some  remarks  made 
to  me  by  the  most  superior  woman  whom  I  met  in  America, 
and  one  who  had  been  in  English  society  in  London. 
In  naming  a  lady  with  whom  she  was  acquainted,  and 
one  who  could  scarcely  be  expected  to  be  deficient  in 
affection  towards  herself,  fhe  said,  "  Her  manners  were 
perfectly  ladylike,  but  she  seemed  to  talk  merely  because 
conversation  was  a  conventional  requirement  of  society, 
and  I  cannot  believe  that  she  had  any  heart."  She 
added,  "  I  did  not  blame  her  for  this ;  it  was  merely  tho 
result  of  an  English  education,  which  stud'ously  banishes 
every  appearance  of  interest  or  emotion.  Emoti<^  is  con- 
demned as  romantic  and  vulgar  sensibility,  interest  as 

The  system  which  she  ivprehended  is  not  follow<,\l  at 
New  York,  and  the  result  is,  not  tlmt  the  ladie*  ''*  wear 
their  hearts  on  their  sleeves  for  daws  to  po<,'k  at,"  but 



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u  2 



Chap.  XVI. 

tliiit  tliey  arc  unafTt'ctcd,  iively,  and  agrocaMo.  Tlio  re- 
pose so  studiously  cultivatod  in  England,  and  which  is 
considoi'cd  j)tMfect  when  it  has  hoconio  listlcssnos<,  apathy, 
and  indiiriToncc,  finds  no  favour  with  our  lively  Transat- 
hmtic  ncighhours  ;  conseiiuontly  the  ladies  are  very  iiaive 
and  lively,  and  their  manners  have  the  vivaeity  without 
the  frivolity  of  the  French.  They  say  themselves  that 
they  are  not  so  highly  educated  as  the  hulics  of  Kngland. 
Admirahlc  as  the  common  schools  are,  the  seminaries  for 
ladies,  with  one  or  two  exceptions,  are  very  inferior  to 
onrs,  and  the  early  age  at  which  the  y«)ung  ladies  go 
into  societ}  precludes  them  from  completing  a  superior 
education  ;  for  it  is  scarcely  to  be  expected  that,  when 
their  minds  arc  filled  with  the  desire  for  conquest  and 
the  love  of  admiration,  they  will  api)ly  systematically  to 
remedy  their  deficiencies.  And  again,  some  of  their  own 
sex  in  the  Stat(^s  have  so  far  steppcul  out  of  woman's 
proper  sphere,  that  high  attainments  are  rather  avoided 
by  many  from  the  ridicule  which  has  been  attachi>d  to 
the  unsuitable  display  of  them  in  public.  The  young 
ladies  are  too  apt  to  consider  their  education  completed 
when  they  are  emancipated  from  school  restranits,  while 
in  fact  only  the  basis  of  it  has  be(Mi  laid.  Music  and 
drawing  are  not  much  cultivated  in  the  higher  branches  ; 
and  though  many  sj)(;ak  the  modern  languages  with 
fluency,  natural  philosophy  and  arithmetic,  which  strengthen 
the  mental  powers,  are  rather  neglected.  Yet  who  has 
ever  missed  the  higher  education  which  English  ladies 
receive,  while  in  the  society  of  the  lively,  attractive  ladies 
of  New  Vork  ?  Of  coui'se  there  are  exceptions,  where 
active  and  superior  minds  become  highly  cultivated  by 

woniMii  s 

Thai-.  XVI. 


tlu'ir  own  purscvcring  cxortittiis  ;  hut  tlu*  Mulri  olFi'nil  l>y 
]-.i(lie.s'  schools  are  (•oiiij)aratively  insignificant. 

The  ladies  in  tlu*  Ignited  States  a|)j)eare<l  to  me  to  he 
iwtreniely  doniestie.  Ih)\vever  fond  fliey  may  he  of  ad- 
miration as  girls,  after  their  early  marri.iges  they  heeonio 
dutiful  wives,  and  afieetionate,  devoted  mothers.  And  in 
a  eountry  where  there  are  few  faitliful  attached  scM'vant-;, 
far  more  devolves  uj)on  the  mother  than  Knglish  ladies 
have  any  idea  of.  Those  amusements  whicdi  would  witli- 
draw  her  from  home  must  he  ahandoned  ;  liowever  fond 
she  may  he  of  travelling,  she  must  ahide  in  the  nursery; 
and  all  those  little  attentions  which  in  England  are  tiu'ued 
over  to  the  mn-se  nuist  he  performed  hy  hiu'self,  or  under 
her  superintending  eye.  She  must  he  the  nurse  of  lier 
children  alike  hy  day  and  hy  night,  in  sickness  and  in 
health ;  and  with  the  attention  which  American  ladies  pay 
to  their  hushands,  their  married  life  is  hy  no  tneans  an 
idle  one.  Under  circumstances,  the  early  fading  of 
their  hloom  is  not  to  he  wondered  at,  and  I  cannot  ijut 
admire  the  manner  in  which  many  of  them  cheerfully  con- 
form to  years  of  anxiety  and  comparative  seclusion,  after 
the  homage  and  gaiety  which  seemed  their  natural  atnios- 
j)here  in  their  early  youth. 

Of  the  gentlemen  it  is  less  easy  to  speak.  They  are 
inmiersed  in  a  whirl  of  husiness,  often  of  that  speculative 
kind  which  demands  a  constant  exercise  of  intense  thought. 
The  short  period  which  they  can  spend  in  the  hosom  of 
their  families  uuist  be  an  enjoyment  and  relaxation  to 
them ;  therefore,  in  the  absence  of  any  statements  to  the 
contrary',  it  is  but  right  to  suppose  that  they  are  affec- 
tionate husbands  and  fathers.     However  actively  the  gen- 







'  t 








Sf  i^  IIM 

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U    IIIII.6 




















23  WEST  M''  N  STREET 

WEBSTER,  NY.  14580 

(716)  872-4503 



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Chap.  XVI. 

tlemen  of  New  York  are  engaged  in  business  pursuits, 
they  travel,  read  the  papers,  and  often  devote  some  time 
to  general  literature.  They  look  rather  more  pale  and 
careworn  than  the  English,  as  the  uncertainties  of  business 
are  greater  in  a  country  where  speculative  transactions 
are  carried  to  such  an  exaggerated  extent.  They  also 
indulge  in  eccentricities  of  appearance  in  the  shape  of 
beards  and  imperials,  not  to  speak  of  the  "  goatee"  and 
niousttiches  of  various  forms.  With  these  exceptions, 
there  is  nothing  in  appearance,  manner,  or  phraseology  to 
distingui^h  them  from  gentlemen  in  the  best  Enghsh 
society,  except  perhaps  that  they  evince  more  interest  and 
animation  in  their  conversation. 

Tho  peculiar  expressions  which  go  under  the  name 
of  Americanisms  are  never  heard  in  good  society,  and 
those  disagreeable  habits  connected  with  tobacco  are 
equally  unknown.  I  thought  that  the  gentlemen  were 
remarkably  free  from  mannerisms  of  any  kind.  I  have 
frequently  heard  Americans  speak  of  the  descriptions 
given  by  Dickens  and  Mrs.  TroUope  of  the  slang  and 
disagreeable  i)ractices  to  be  met  with  in  the  States ;  and 
they  never,  on  a  single  occasion,  denied  their  truthfulness, 
but  said  that  these  writers  mistook  the  perpetrators  of 
these  vulgarities  for  gentlemen.  The  gentlemen  are  ex- 
tremely deferential  and  attentive  in  their  manners  to 
ladies,  and  are  hardly,  I  think,  treated  with  sufficient 
graciousness  in  return.  At  New  York  a  great  ni"ny  are 
actively  engaged  in  philanthropic  pursuits.  The  quiescence 
of  manner  attained  by  English  gentlemen,  which  fre- 
quently approaches  inanity,  is  seldom  to  be  met  with  in 
America.     The  exhilaratins;  influences  of  the  climate  and 


liiAP.  XYI. 

Dine  tim(3 
pale  and 
'  business 
'hey  also 
shape  of 
itee"  and 
eology  to 
;   English 
:erest  and 

the  name 
Liiety,  and 
bacco   are 
men  were 
.     I  have 
ilang  and 
ates ;  and 
trators  of 
n  are  ex- 
anners  to 
m"ny  are 
vhich  fre- 
let  with  in 
imate  and 

Chap.  XYI. 


t)  .-*  m 

the  excitement  of  business  have  a  tendency  to  produce 
animation  of  manner,  and  force  and  earnestness  of  expres- 
sion. A  great  difference  in  these  respects  is  apparent  in 
gentle  nen  from  the  southern  States,  who  live  in  an  ener- 
vating climate,  and  whose  pursuits  are  of  a  more  tran- 
quil nature.  The  dry,  elastic  atmosphere  of  the  northern 
States  produces  a  restlessness  which  must  either  expend 
itself  in  bodily  or  mental  exertion  or  force  of  expression  ; 
from  this  probably  arise  the  frequent  use  of  superlatives, 
and  the  exaggeration  of  language,  which  the  more  phleg- 
matic English  attribute  to  the  Americans. 

Since  my  return  to  England  I  have  frequently  been 
asked  the  question,  "What  is  society  like  in  America?" 
This  word  societij  is  one  of  very  ambiguous  meaning.  It 
is  used  in  England  by  the  titled  aristocracy  to  distinguish 
themselves,  their  connexions,  and  those  whose  wealth  or 
genius  has  gained  them  admission  into  their  circles.  But 
every  circle,  every  city,  and  even  every  country  neigh- 
bourhood, has  what  it  pleases  to  term  "  society ;"  and 
when  the  members  of  it  say  of  an  individual,  "  I  never 
met  him  in  society,"  it  ostracises  him,  no  matter  how 
estimable  or  agreeable  he  mny  be.  In  England,  to 
"  society,"  in  each  of  its  grades,  wealth  is  a  sure  pass- 
port, as  has  been  evidenced  of  late  years  by  several  very 
notorious  instances.  Thus  it  is  extremely  difficult  to 
answer  the  question,  "  What  is  New  York  society  like  ?" 
It  certainly  is  not  like  that  which  is  associated  in  our 
minds  with  the  localities  May  Fair  and  Belgravia  ;  neither 
can  it  be  compared  tf)  the  circles  which  form  parasitically 
round  the  millionaire :  still  less  is  it  like  the  dulness 
of  country  neighbourhoods.     New  York  has  its  charmed 


■■'•  (41! 
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■  %■ 

•i  1. 



.  ,i:f. 






Chap.  XVI. 


circle?;  also;  a  ropnblic  admits  of  the  greatest  cxclusive- 
ness  ;  and,  in  the  highest  circles  of  the  city,  to  say  that 
a  man  is  not  in  society,  is  to  ostracise  him  as  in  England. 
It  mnst  be  stated  that  some  of  the  most  agreeable 
salons  of  New  York  are  almost  closed  against  foreigners. 
French,  Germans,  and  Italians,  with  imposing  titles,  have 
proved  how  unworthily  they  bear  them ;  and  this  feeling 
agamst  strangers — I  will  not  call  it  prejndic*;,  for  there 
are  sufficient  grounds  for  it — is  extended  to  the  English, 
some  of  whom,  I  regret  to  say,  have  violated  the  rights  of 
hospitality  in  many  different  ways.  I  have  heard  of  such 
conduct  on  the  part  of  my  countrymen  as  left  me  no 
room  for  surprise  that  many  ffimilies,  whose  acquaintance 
would  be  most  agreeable,  strictly  guard  their  drawing- 
room  from  English  intrusion.  And,  besides  this,  there 
are  those  who  have  entered  houses  merely  to  caricature 
their  inmates,  and  have  received  hospitality  only  to  ridi- 
cule the  manner  in  which  it  was  exercised,  while  they 
have  indulged  in  unamiable  personalities,  and  have  not 
respected  the  sanctity  of  private  life. 

It  was  through  an  introduction  given  me  by  a  valued 
English  friend  that  I,  as  an  English  stranger,  was  re- 
ceived with  the  kindest  hospitality  by  some  of  those  who 
have  been  rendered  thus  exclusive  by  the  bad  taste  and 
worse  conduct  of  foreigners.  I  feel,  as  I  write,  that  any 
remarks  I  make  on  New  York  society  cannot  be  perfectly 
free  from  bias,  owing  to  the  overwhelming  kindness  and 
glowing  hospitality  which  I  met  with  in  that  city.  I 
found  so  much  to  enjoy  in  society,  and  so  much  to  interest 
and  please  everywhere,  that  when  I  left  New  York  it  was 
with  the  wish  that  the  few  weeks  which  I  was  able  to 



say  that 
les,  have 
[S  feeling 
for  there 
rights  of 
d  of  such 
't  mc  no 
his,  there 
■f  to  ridi- 
hile  they 
have  not 

a  valued 
was  re- 
tiose  who 
aste  and 
that  any 
ness  and 
city.  I 
0  interest 
rk  it  was 
able  to 

Chap.  XVI. 



spend  there    could   have  been  prolonged    into  as  many 

But,  to  answer  the  question.  The  best  society  in  New- 
York  would  not  suffer  by  comparison  in  any  way  with  the 
best  society  in  England.  It  is  not  in  the  uj)per  classes  of 
any  nation  that  we  must  look  for  national  characteristics 
or  peculiarities.  Society  throughout  the  civilized  world 
is,  to  a  certain  extent,  cast  in  the  same  mould  ;  the  same 
laws  of  etiquette  prevail,  and  the  same  conventionalisms 
restrict  in  great  measure  the  display  of  any  individual 
characteristics.  Balls  are  doubtless  the  same  in  "so- 
ciety "  all  over  the  world  ;  a  certain  amount  of  black 
cloth,  kid  gloves,  white  muslin,  epaulettes  if  they  can  be 
procured,  dancing,  music,  and  ices.  Every  one  acknow- 
ledges that  dinner-parties  are  equally  dull  in  London  and 
Paris,  in  Calcutta  and  in  New  York,  unless  the  next 
neighbour  happcms  to  be  peculiarly  agreeable.  There- 
fore, it  is  most  probable  that  balls  and  dinner-parties  are 
in  New  York  exactly  the  same  as  in  other  places,  excej)t 
that  the  latter  are  less  numerous,  and  are  principally 
confined  to  gentlemen.  It  is  not,  in  fact,  convenient  to 
give  dinner  parties  in  New  York  ;  there  are  not  sufficient 
domestics  to  bear  the  pressure  of  an  emergency,  and  the 
pleasure  is  not  considered  worth  the  trouble.  If  two  or 
three  people  have  sufficient  value  for  the  society  of  the 
host  and  hostess  to  come  in  to  an  ordinary  dinner,  at  an 
ordinary  hour,  they  are  welcome.  If  turtle  and  venison 
were  offered  on  such  an  occasion,  it  would  have  the  effect 
of  repelling,  rather  than  attracting,  the  guests,  and  it 
would  not  have  the  effect  of  making  them  believe  that  their 
host  and  hostess  always  lived  on  such  luxurious  viands. 

R    3 


I'  •«;! 

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Vi' 1.1V'  ••■■■ 



Chap.  XVI. 

%    i 


;  \ 

i'     ^■' 

As  diiiner-pcirties  arc  nelthor  deemed  agreeable  nor 
coiiveiiieiit,  and  as  many  sensible  ])eople  object  to  the  late 
lionrs  and  general  dissipation  of  mind  produced  by  balls 
and  large  dancing  ])arties,  a  happy  innovation  upon  old 
customs  has  been  made,  and  early  evening  receptions  have 
been  introduced.  Some  of  the  most  splendid  mansions  of 
New  York,  as  well  as  the  most  agreeable,  are  now  thrown 
open  weekly  for  the  reception  of  visitors  in  a  social 
manner.  Tliese  receptions  difFer  from  what  are  known 
by  the  same  name  in  London.  The  crowd  in  which  people 
become  wedged,  in  a  vain  attcnpt  to  speak  to  the  hostess, 
is  as  much  as  pos:;ible  avoided  ;  late  hours  are  abandoned  ; 
the  guests,  who  usually  arrive  about  eiglit,  are  careful 
to  disappear  shortly  after  eleven,  lest,  Cinderella-like, 
the  hostess  should  vanish.  Then,  again,  all  the  guests 
feel  themselves  on  a  perfect  equality,  as  people  always 
ought  to  do  who  meet  in  tlie  same  room,  on  the  invitation 
of  the  same  hostess.* 

The  lady  of  the  house  adopts  the  old  but  very  sensible 
fadiion  of  introducing  people  to  each  other,  which  helps 


J  .ti 

'1 3    1 





'  . 

^  -..' 


J  .  • 


*  The  Americans  juatly  ridicule  tliat  species  of  bad  breeding  which 
leads  people  at  parties  to  draw  back  fron\  others,  from  a  fear  tliat  their 
coudescensiou  should  fall  upon  ground  uucousecrated  by  the  dictatorial 
fiat  of  "society."  An  amusing  instance  of  the  effect  of  this  pride, 
which  occurred  in  England,  was  related.  Some  years  ago  the  illus- 
trious Barou  Humboldt  was  invited  to  play  the  part  of  lion  at  the  house 
of  a  nobleman.  A  select  circle  of  fashionables  appeared,  and  among 
the  comi)any  a  man  very  plainly  dressed  and  not  noticeable  in  appear- 
ance. He  spoke  first  to  one  person,  and  then  to  another  :  some  drew 
themselves  up  with  a  haughty  stare;  others  answered  in  monosyllables j 
but  all  repulsed  the  Baron;  and  it  was  not  until  late  in  the  evening, 
after  he  had  departed  eai-ly,  disgusted  with  this  ungracious  reception, 
that  these  people  knew  that  by  their  conduct  they  had  lost  the  advan- 
tage of  the  conversation  of  one  of  the  greatest  men  of  the  age. 




lAl',  XVI. 

ible  nor 
the  late 
by  balls 
ipou  old 
oils  liavo 
.usion?  of 
A-  tbrowii 
a   social 
0  known 
::;h  people 
e  hostess, 
andoned  ; 
•e  careful 
he  guests 
le  always 

y  sensible 
lich  helps 

eding  which 
r  tluit  their 
ic  dictatorial 
this  pride, 
;o  the  ilius- 
:it  the  house 
and  anioug 
e  in  appear- 
some  drew 
the  evening, 
IS  reception, 
t  the  advan- 

CiiAP.  XVI. 



to  ])revent  a  good  deal  of  stiffness.  As  the  rooms  in  the 
licw  York  houses  are  generally  large,  people  sit,  stand, 
or  walk  abont  as  they  feel  inclined,  or  gronp  themselves 
round  some  (iiie  gifted  with  peculiar  conversational  powers. 
At  all  of  these  rt-unions  there  was  a  c:ri>at  deal  or  eonver- 
sation  worth  listening  to  or  joining  in,  and,  as  a  stranger, 
I  had  the  advantage  of  being  introduced  to  every  one  who 
was  consideretl  worth  knowing.  Poets,  historians,  and 
raen  of  science  are  to  be  met  with  fre([uently  at  these 
recejitions  ;  but  they  do  not  go  as  lions,  but  to  please  and 
be  j)lease(l ;  and  such  men  as  Longfellow,  Prescott,  or 
^Washington  Irving  may  be  seen  mixing  with  the  general 
tlirong  with  so  much  honJiummie  and  simjdieity,  that  none 
would  fancy  that  in  their  own  land  they  are  the  envy  of 
their  age,  and  sustain  world-wide  re})ut'itions.  The  way 
in  which  literary  lions  are  exhibited  in  England,  as  essen- 
tial to  the  eclat  of  fashionable  parties,  is  considerc '  by 
the  Americans  highly  repugnant  to  good  taste.  I  was 
very  agreeably  surprised  witli  the  unaffected  manners 
and  extreme  simidieity  of  men  eminent  in  the  scientific 
and  literary  world. 

Tliese  evening  receptions  are  a  very  happy  idea  ;  for 
people,  whose  business  or  inclinations  would  not  jiermit 
them  to  meet  in  any  other  way,  aro  thus  brought  to- 
gether without  formality  or  expense.  The  conversation 
generally  turned  on  Europe,  general  literature,  arf,, 
science,  or  the  events  of  the  day.  I  must  oay  that  I 
never  heard  one  remark  that  could  be  painful  to  an 
English  ear  made,  even  in  jest.  There  was  none  of 
that  vulgar  boastfulness  and  detraction  which  is  to  be 
met  with  in  less  educated  society.     Most  of  the  gentle- 




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Chap.  XVI. 

I  .1 

,'  1 

;  > 

t  ( 


men  wliom  I  mot,  and  many  of  the  ladies,  had  traveHcd 
in  Europe,  and  had  hrought  hack  higlily  cultivated  tastes 
in  art,  and  cosmopolitan  irlea?;,  which  insensihly  aflect  the 
circles  in  which  they  move. 

All  nj)peared  to  take  a  deep  interest  in  the  war,  and  in 
our  success.  1  heard  ovr  military  movements  in  the  (^rimea 
criticised  with  some  severity  hy  military  men,  some  of  whom 
have  since  left  for  the  seat  of  war,  to  watch  our  operations. 
The  conclusion  of  the  Vienna  negociations  appeared  to 
excite  some  surprise.  "  I  had  no  idea,"  an  officer  oo- 
served  to  me,  ''that  puhlic  opinion  was  so  strong  in  Eng- 
land as  to  be  able  to  compel  a  minister  of  such  strong- 
Russian  proclivities  as  Lord  xVherdcen  to  go  to  war  with 
his  old  friend  Nicholas."  The  arrangements  at  Bala- 
klava  excited  very  general  condemnation  ;  people  wei'c 
fond  of  (^noting  the  saying  attributed  to  a  Russian  officer, 
"  You  have  an  army  of  lionn  led  by  asses  J  ^ 

The  Americans  are  always  anxious  to  know  nhat 
opinion  a  stranger  has  formed  of  their  country,  and  I 
would  be  asked  thirty  times  on  one  evening,  "  How  do 
yon  like  America  ?"  Fortunately,  the  kindness  which  I 
met  with  rendered  it  impossible  for  me  to  give  any  but  a 
satisfactory  re])ly.  English  literature  was  a  very  general 
to])ic  of  conversation,  and  it  is  most  gratifying  to  find  how 
our  best  English  works  are  "  familiar  in  their  mouths  as 
household  words,"  Some  of  the  conversation  on  literature 
was  of  a  very  brilliant  order.  I  heard  very  little  approxi- 
mation to  either  wit  or  humour,  and  ladincKje  is  not 
cultivated,  or  excelled  iu,  to  the  same  extent  as  in 

On  one  occasion  I  was  asked  to  exhibit  a  collection  of 

¥%'  J 


i.vr.  XVI. 

lmI  tastes 
fleet  the 

r,  and  in 
2  (^rimea 
of  whom 
leared  to 
fieer  oo- 
;  in  Eng- 
h  strong 
war  with 
at  I5ala- 
ple  were 
in  officer, 

.)w  nhat 
,  and  I 
How  do 
which  I 
nv  hut  a 
find  how 
ouths  as 
ipproxi  - 
/e  is  not 
it    as    in 

ectiou  of 

ciiAi'.  xvr. 



autograplis,  and  the  knowledge  of  English  literature  ])()s- 
sessed  hy  the  Americans  was  siiown  hy  the  information 
they  had  res})eeting  not  only  our  well-known  authors,  hut 
those  whose  names  have  not  an  extended  rejjutation  even 
with  VIS.  Tluis  the  works  of  Maitland,  Ritchie,  Sewell, 
Browning,  Ilowitt,  and  others  seemed  perfectly  familiar 
to  them.  The  trendding  signature  of  George  III.  excited 
general  interest  from  his  connection  with  their  own  history, 
and  I  was  not  a  little  amused  to  see  how  these  rej)uh- 
licans  dwelt  with  resj)ectful  attention  on  the  decided 
characters  of  Queen  Victoria.  A  very  characteristic 
letter  of  Lord  Byron's  was  read  aloud,  and,  in  return  for 
the  pleasure  they  had  exjierienced,  several  kind  indivi- 
duals gave  me  valuahle  autographs  of  their  own  literati 
and  statesmen.  Letters  written  hy  Washington  descend 
as  precious  heirlooms  in  families,  and  so  great  is  the 
estimation  in  which  this  venerated  patriot  is  held,  that, 
with  all  the  desire  to  ohlige  a  stranger  which  the 
Americans  evince,  I  believe  that  I  c(mld  not  have  ])ur- 
chased  a  few  lines  in  his  handwriting  with  my  whole  col- 

It  would  be  difficult  to  give  any  idea  of  the  extremely 
agreeable  character  of  these  recej)tions.  They  seemed  to 
me  to  be  the  most  sensible  way  of  seeing  society  that  I 
over  met  with,  and  might  he  well  w^orthy  of  general  imi- 
tation in  England.  When  I  saw  how  sixty  or  a  hundred 
peo;de  could  be  brought  together  without  the  inducements 
of  dancing,  music,  refreshments,  or  display  of  any  kind ; 
when  I  saw  also  how  thoroughly  they  enjoyed  themselves, 
how  some  were  introduced,  and  those  who  were  not 
entered  into  sprightly  conversation  without  fear  of  lessen- 



II- 1 

v.;,!   :. 



1  ;,.,■  ■ 

i  \f    ■ 

i   i". 

1  '      . 

\  1 

i     ' 


*  • 

•li  ' 



,i  .y 



1  -J' 

^  * 





C'iAP.  XVI. 

U  i. 

','.  .*■ 


'  i 


i-   :.i 

•  *  'a 

1       ^f  >-.■' 

ing  an  liiinginary  dignity,  I  more  than  ever  regretted  the 
icy  coldness  in  wlilcli  we  wrap  onrselves.  And  yet, 
though  we  take  such  trouble  to  clothe  ourselves  in 
this  glacial  dignity,  nothing  pleases  us  bc^tter  than  to 
go  to  other  countries  and  throw  it  off,  and  mix  with 
our  fellow  men  and  women  as  rational  beings  should, 
not  as  if  we  feared  cither  to  compromise  ourselves  or  to 
be  repulsed  by  them.  This  national  stiffness  renders  us 
the  laughing-stock  of  foreigners ;  and  in  a  certain  city  in 
America  no  play  was  ever  more  successful  than  the 
*  Buckram  Ejif/Hs/tmmi,*  which  ridiculed  and  caricatured 
our  social  peculiarities. 

The  usages  of  etiquette  are  much  the  same  as  in 
England,  but  people  appeared  to  be  assisted  in  the 
enjoyment  of  society  by  them  rather  than  trammeled. 
Morning  visiting  is  carried  to  a  great  extent,  but  peoj)le 
call  literally  in  the  morning,  before  two  o'clock  oftener 
than  after.  On  New  Year's  Dav,  in  observance  of  an  old 
Dutch  custom,  the  ladies  remain  at  home,  and  all  the 
gentlemen  of  their  acquaintance  make  a  point  of  calling 
upon  them.  Of  course  time  will  only  allow  of  the  inter- 
change of  the  compliments  of  the  season,  where  so  much 
so';ial  duty  has  to  be  performed  in  one  brief  day,  but 
this  pleasant  custom  tends  to  keep  up  old  acquaintance- 
ships and  annihilate  old  feuds.  It  is  gratifying  to  observe 
that  any  known  deviation  from  the  rules  of  morality  is 
punished  with  exclusion  from  the  houses  of  those  who  are 
considered  the  leaders  of  New  York  society ;  it  is  also 
very  pleasing  to  see  that  to  the  best  circles  in  New  York 
wealth  alone  is  not  a  passport.  I  have  heard  cards  of 
invitation  to  these  receptions  refused  to  foreigners  bearing 


J'iAP.  XVI. 

3tto(l  the 
And  yet, 
selves  in 
than  to 
mix  witli 
3  should, 
vcs  or  to 
enders  us 
lin  city  in 
than  the 

me  as   in 
id   in   the 
lut  people 
ck  oftener 
of  an  old 
id  all  the 
of  calling 
the  inter- 
so  much 
day,  but 
o  observe 
norality  is 
3  who  are 
it  is  also 
^ew  York 
cards  of 
rs  bearing 

CiiAi'.  XVI. 



illustrious  titles,  and  o  persons  who  have  the  reputation 
of  being  viillionaircs.  At  tiie  same  time,  1  have  met 
those  of  humble  position  and  scanty  means,  who  are 
treated  with  distinction  because  of  their  talents  or  intel- 
lectual powers.  Yet  I  have  never  seen  such  a  one 
patronised  or  treated  as  a  lion  ;  he  is  not  expected  to  do 
any  homage,  or  pay  any  penalty,  for  his  admis.-ion  into 
society.  In  thes(^  circles  in  New  York  we  are  >})ared  the 
humiliating  sj)ectaele  of  men  of  genius  or  intellect 
cringing  and  uneasy  in  the  ])resence  of  their  patronising 
inferiors,  whom  birth  or  wealth  may  have  j)laced  socially 
above  them.  Of  cour.j  there  is  society  in  New  York 
where  the  vulgar  intluencc  of  money  is  omnipotent,  and 
extravagant  display  is  fashionable ;  it  is  of  the  best  that 
I  have  been  speaking. 

.',  ' 

■1-  •■■ 

•  !    ^ 





.1 ' , 


;'i  1 




NliW  YORK. 

CiiAi'.  XVII. 

>    ' 


<  J 


'.;!    ; 

'.    \\     >'MU  .^ 


t  ■' 

The  comotcry  —  Its  1>cmitioH  —  Tlic  "  Potter's  Field  "  —  Tlio  gmvos  of 
cliildi'oii  —  Moimiuentiil  cccfiitricitiua  —  Arrival  of  emigrants  — 
Tlicir  reception  —  I'oor  dwellings  —  Tlie  dangerous  class — The 
elections  —  The  riots  —  Churacteristics  of  the  streets  —  Jonrney  to 
Boston — The  sights  of  Boston  —  Longfellow  —  Cambridge  university. 

It  in;iy  solmii  ;i  siuldon  transition  from  society  to  a  ceme- 
tery, and  yet  it  is  not  an  unnatural  one,  for  many  of  the 
citizens  of  New  York  carry  their  magnificence  as  far  as 
possible  to  the  grave  with  them,  and  \nh  their  wealth 
above  their  heads  in  superb  mausoleums  or  costly  statues. 
Tlie  Prrc  la  Chaise  of  the  city  is  the  Greenwood  Ceme- 
tery, near  Brooklyn  on  Long  Island.  I  saw  it  on  the 
finest  and  coldest  of  November  days,  when  a  piercing 
east  wind  was  denuding  the  trees  of  their  last  scarlet 
honours.  After  encountering  more  than  the  usual  crush 
in  Broadway,  for  we  were  rather  more  than  an  hour  in 
driving  three  miles  in  a  stage,  we  crossed  the  Brooklyn 
Ferry  in  one  of  those  palace  ferry-boats,  where  the  spa- 
cious rooms  for  passengers  are  heated  by  steam -pipes,  and 
the  charge  is  only  one  cent,  or  a  fraction  less  than  a  half- 
penny. It  was  a  beautiful  day  ;  there  was  not  a  cloud 
upon  the  sky  ;  the  waves  of  the  Sound  and  of  the  North 
River  were  crisped  and  foam-tipped,  and  dashed  noisily 
upon  the  white  pebbly  beach.  Brooklyn,  Jersey,  and 
Hoboken  rose  from  the  water,  with  their  green  fields  and 


\v.  XVII, 

0  frriivo-<  of 
uigranls  — 
IiihSH  —  Thu 
Jonriu'y  to 
:  uuivoi'rtity. 

)  a  come- 
ly of  the 
as  far  as 
ir  wealth 
y  statues. 
[)d  (!^eme- 
it  on  the 
51  scarlet 
iual  crush 
n  hour  in 
the  spa- 
bipcs,  and 
Ian  a  half- 
a  cloud 
the  North 
led  noisily 
I'sey,    and 
Ifields  and 

CiiAi".  XVII. 

THE  rr,Mi:TF,UY, 


avenues  of  villas;  white,  sniokeles?*  ste;iniers  were  pas>ing 
and  repassing ;  lar<];e  niichored  ships  to.-sed  upon  the 
waves  ;  and  Xcw  York,  tiiat  compound  of  trees,  buildings, 
masts,  and  s})ires,  rose  in  the  rear,  without  so  much  as  a 
single  eloiul  of  smoke  hovering  over  it. 

A  niilway  runs  from  Brooklyn  to  tlu^  cemetery,  with 
the  cars  drawn  hy  horses,  and  the  dead  of  New  York  are 
conveniently  carried  to  this  last  resting-place.  The 
entrance  is  handsome,  and  the  numerous  walls  and  car- 
riage-drives are  laid  with  fine  gravel,  and  beautifully 
swept.  We  drove  to  see  the  most  interesting  objects, 
and  the  coachman  seemed  to  take  a  peculiar  j)ride  in 
pointing  them  out.  This  noble  burying-ground  has  some 
prettily  diversified  hill  and  dale  scenery,  and  is  six  miles 
round.  The  timber  is  very  fine,  and  throughout  art  has 
only  been  required  as  an  assistance  to  nature.  To  this 
cemetery  most  of  the  dead  of  New  York  are  carried,  and 
after  "  life's  fitfnl  fever,"  in  its  most  exaggerated  form, 
sleep  in  appropriate  silence.  Already  several  thousand 
dead  have  been  })laced  here  in  places  of  sepulture  vary- 
ing in  appearance  from  the  most  splendid  and  ornate  to 
the  simplest  and  most  obscure.  There  are  family  mauso- 
leums, gloomy  and  sepulchral  looking,  in  the  Grecian 
style ;  family  burying-grounds  neatly  enclosed  by  iron  or 
bronze  railings,  where  white  marble  crosses  mark  the 
graves ;  there  are  tombs  with  epitaphs,  and  tombs  with 
statues :  there  are  simple  cenota])hs  and  monumental 
slabs,  and  nameless  graves  marked  by  numbers  only. 

One  very  remarkable  feature  of  this  cemetery  is  the 
"  Potter's  Field,"  a  plot  containing  several  acres  of 
ground,  where   strangers  are   buried.     This   is   already 


i' ' 

i' 1 

I  ■  ■ 




I    !>■ 


1  I  >*    » 



4      iM    ^     III  ■     ' 

i  it"-."''  f'. 
•  /• '  --1   .  ■ 

1  'II.  ii,.     • 



Chap.  X\  II. 

I'J    . 





>  VI 


■  ■ 


t^  :■  ? 





occu])iocl  to  a  great  extent.  The  graves  are  placed  in 
rows  close  together,  with  numbers  on  a  small  ii-on  plate 
to  denote  each.  Here  the  shipwrecked,  the  pestilence- 
stricken,  the  penniless,  and  friendless  are  buried  ;  and 
though  such  a  spot  cannot  fail  to  provoke  sad  musings, 
the  people  of  New  York  do  not  suffer  any  appearances 
of  neglect  to  accumulate  round  the  last  resting-place 
of  those  who  died  unfriended  and  alone.  Another  feature, 
not  to  be  met  with  in  England,  strikes  the  stranger  at  first 
with  ludicrous  images,  though  in  reality  it  has  more  of 
the  pnthetic.  In  one  part  of  this  cemetery  there  are 
several  hundred  graves  of  children,  and  these,  with  most 
others  of  children  of  the  poorer  class,  have  toys  in  glass 
cases  placed  upon  them.  There  are  playthings  of  many 
kinds,  woolly  dogs  and  lambs,  and  little  wooden  houses, 
toys  which  must  be  associated  in  the  parents'  minds  with 
those  who  made  their  homes  glad,  but  who  have  gone 
into  the  grave  before  them.  One  cannot  but  think  of  the 
bright  eyes  dim,  the  merry  laugli  and  infantine  prattle 
silent,  the  little  hands,  once  so  active  in  playful  mischief, 
stiff  and  cold ;  all  brought  so  to  mind  by  the  sight  of 
those  toys.  There  is  a  fearful  amount  of  mortality  among 
children  at  New  York,  and  in  several  instances  four  or 
five  b»Tried  in  one  grave  told  with  mournful  suggestive- 
ness  of  the  silence  and  desolation  of  once  happy  hearths. 

There  are  a  few  very  remarkable  and  somewhat  fan- 
tastic monuments.  There  is  a  beautiful  one  iu  white 
marble  to  the  memory  of  a  sea-captain's  wife,  with  an 
exact  likeness  of  himself,  in  the  attitude  of  taking  an 
observation,  on  the  top.  An  inscription  to  himself  is 
likewise  upon  it,  leaving  only  the  date  of  his  death  to  be 


:iiAP.  x\ii. 

T)laced  in 
iron  plate 
ried  ;  and 
1  musings, 
er  feature, 
ger  at  first 
IS  more  of 

there  are 
,  with  most 
ys  in  glass 
rs  of  many 
len  houses, 
minds  with 

have  gone 
hink  of  the 
;ine  prattle 
il  mischief, 

le  sight  of 

lity  among 

;es  four  or 



ewhat  fan- 
iii    white 

Ife,  with  an 
taking  an 
himself  is 
eath  to  be 

Chap.  XVII. 



added.  It  is  said  that,  when  this  poor  man  returns  from 
a  voyage,  he  spends  one  whole  day  in  the  tomb,  lament- 
ing his  bereavement. 

There  is  a  superb  monument,  erected  by  a  fireman's 
company  to  the  memory  of  one  of  their  brethren,  who 
lost  his  life  while  nobly  rescuing  an  infant  from  a  burning 
dwelling.  His  statue  is  on  the  top,  with  an  infant  in  his 
arms,  and  the  implements  of  his  profession  lie  below. 
But  by  fiir  the  most  extraordinary,  and  certainly  one  of 
the  lions  of  New  York,  is  to  a  young  lady  who  was  killed 
in  coming  home  from  a  ball.  The  carriage-horses  ran 
away,  she  jumped  out,  and  was  crushed  under  the  wheels. 
She  stands  under  a  marble  canopy  supported  by  angels, 
and  is  ^epresentf^d  in  her  ball-dress,  with  a  mantle  thrown 
over  it.  This  monument  has  numerous  pillars  and  repre- 
sentations of  celestial  beings,  and  is  said  to  have  cost 
about  GOOO/.  Several  of  the  marble  mausoleums  cost 
from  4000Z.  to  5000/.  Yet  all  the  powerful,  the  wealthy, 
and  the  poor  have  descended  to  the  dust  from  whence 
they  sprung ;  and  here,  as  everywhere  else,  nothing  can 
disguise  the  fact  that  man,  the  feeble  sport  of  passion 
and  infirmity,  can  only  claim  for  his  inheritance  at  last 
the  gloom  of  a  silent  grave,  where  he  must  sleep  with  the 
dust  of  his  fathers.  I  observed  only  one  verse  of  Scripture 
on  a  tombstone,  and  it  contained  the  appropriate  })rayer, 
"  So  teach  vs  to  number  our  days,  that  we  may  apjjly  our 
hearts  unto  wisdom.''^ 

Having  seen  the  emigrants  bid  adieu  to  the  Old 
World,  in  the  flurry  of  grief,  hope,  and  excitement,  I 
was  curious  to  see  what  difference  a  five-weeks'  voyage 



' -■'\il 





'(:,.  ■) 







■ii'lr  ^'■^■■^ 
I'i-    '..     ■ 
i  ii  .  ■<",■  ■  •  , 




4:   ..  .VI 


.,  .        Mi,;_>^ 

^!     \ 


f-  ^ 


'.  A 

i^  .,. 



Chap.  XVIl. 

would  have  produced  in  them,  and  in  vbat  condition 
they  would  land  upon  the  shores  of  America.  In  a 
city  where  emigrants  land  at  the  rate  of  a  thousand 
a-day,  I  was  not  long  of  finding  an  opportunity.  I  wit- 
nessed the  deharkation  upon  the  shore  of  the  New  AVorld 
of  between  600  and  700  English  emigrants,  who  had  just 
arrived  from  Liveqmol.  If  they  looked  tearful,  flurried, 
and  anxions  when  they  left  Liverpool,  they  looked  tearful, 
pallid,  dirty,  and  squalid  when  they  reached  New  York. 
The  necessary  discomforts  which  such  a  nunber  of 
persons  must  experience  when  huddled  together  in  a 
close,  damp,  and  ill-ventilated  steerage,  with  very  little 
change  of  clothing,  and  an  allowance  of  water  insufficient 
for  the  purposes  of  cleanliness,  had  been  increased  in  this 
instance  by  the  presence  of  cholera  on  board  of  the  ship. 

The  wharfs  at  New  York  are  necessarily  dirty,  and 
are  a  scene  of  indescribable  bustle  from  morning  to  night, 
with  ships  arriving  and  sailing,  ships  loading  and  unload- 
ing, and  emigrants  pouring  into  the  town  in  an  almost 
incessant  stream.  They  look  as  if  no  existing  power 
could  bring  order  out  of  such  a  chaos.  In  this  crowd, 
on  the  shores  of  a  strange  land,  the  emigrants  found 
themselves.  Many  were  deplorably  emaciated,  othe  i 
looked  vacant  and  stiipified.  Some  were  ill,  and  some 
were  penniless  ;  but  poverty  and  sickness  are  among  the 
best  recommendations  which  an  emigrant  can  bring  with 
him,  for  they  place  him  under  the  immediate  notice  of 
those  estimable  and  overworked  men,  the  Emigration 
Commissioners,  whose  humanity  is  above  all  praise. 
These  find  him  an  asylum  in  the  Emigrants'  Hospital, 

■    »^, 

:n\\\  XVII. 

ca.     In   a 
y.     I  wit- 
ew  World 
o  bad  just 
1,  flurried, 
ed  toarful, 
'^ew  York, 
lun  ber   of 
itber  in   a 
very  little 
ised  in  tbis 
tbe  sbip. 
dirty,  and 
g  to  nigbt, 
id  unload- 
an  almost 
ing  power 
lis  crowd, 
ints  found 
,    otbe  i 
and   some 
imong  the 
bring  with 
notice  of 
ill    praise. 

Chap.  XVIT. 



on  Ward's  Island,  and  dospatcb  bini  from  tbence  in 
bcaltb,  witb  advice  and  as.-istarc(>  for  bis  future  career. 
If  be  be  in  bealtb,  and  bavc  a  few  dollars  in  bis  pocket, 
be  becomes  tbe  instantaneous  prey  of  emigrant  runners, 
sbarpers,  and  keepers  of  groggeries  ;  but  of  tbis  more  will 
be  said  hereafter. 

A  great  many  of  these  immigrants  were  evidently  from 
counti-y  districts,  and  some  from  Ireland  ;  tluTO  were  a 
few  Germans  among  them,  and  these  appeared  tbe  least 
affected  by  the  discomforts  of  the  voyage,  and  by  the 
novel  and  rather  bewildering  position  in  which  they  found 
themselves.  Tiiey  probably  would  feel  more  at  home  on 
first  landing  at  New  '^'ork  than  any  of  tbe  others,  for  the 
lower  part  of  tbe  city  is  to  a  great  extent  inhabited  by 
Germans,  and  at  that  time  there  were  about  2000 
bouses  where  their  favourite  beverage,  lar/er-hccr,  could 
be  procured. 

The  goods  and  chattels  of  tbe  Irish  appeared  to  consist 
principally  of  numerous  red-haired,  unruly  children,  and 
ragged-looking  bundles  tied  round  with  rope.  Tbe  Ger- 
mans were  generally  ruddy  and  stout,  and  took  as  much 
care  of  their  substantial-looking,  well-corded,  heavy 
chests  as  though  they  contained  gold.  Tbe  English  ap- 
peared pale  and  debilitated,  and  sat  helpless  and  weary- 
looking  on  their  large  blue  Ijoxes.  Here  they  found 
themselves  in  tbe  chaotic  confusion  of  tbis  million- 
peopled  city,  not  knowing  whither  to  l/.take  themselves, 
and  bewildered  by  cries  of  "  Cheap  backs !  "  "  All 
aboard !"  "  (.^omc  to  tbe  cheapest  house  in  all  tbe 
world  !'*  and  invitations  of  a  similar  description.  There 
were  lodging-touters  of  evei'y  gra<le  of  dishonesty,  and 

«i  If 

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Chap.  XVII. 

men  with  largo  placards  were  hurrying  among  the  crowd, 
offering  "  palace  "  steamboats  and  "  lightning  express " 
trains,  to  whirl  them  at  nominal  rat*'  to  the  Elysian 
Fields  of  the  Far  West.  It  is  stated  that  six-tenths  of 
these  emigrants  are  attacked  by  fever  soon  after  their 
arrival  in  the  New  World,  but  the  provision  for  the 
sick  is  commensurate  with  the  wealth  and  benevolence  of 
New  York. 

Before  leaving  the  city  I  was  desirous  to  see  some  of 
the  dwellings  of  the  poor ;  I  was  therefore  taken  to  what 
was  termed  a  poor  quarter.  One  house  which  I  visited 
was  approached  from  an  entry,  and  contained  ten  rooms, 
which  were  let  to  different  individuals  and  families.  On 
the  lowest  floor  was  an  old  Irish  widow,  who  had  a  cata- 
ract in  one  eye,  and,  being  without  any  means  of  support- 
ing herself,  subsisted  upon  a  small  allowance  made  to  her 
by  her  son,  who  was  a  carter.  She  was  clean,  but  poorly 
dressed,  and  the  room  was  scantily  furnished.  Except 
those  who  are  rendered  poor  by  their  idleness  and  vices,  it 
might  have  been  difficult  to  find  a  poorer  person  in  the 
city,  I  was  told.  Much  sympathy  was  expressed  for  her, 
and  for  those  who,  like  her,  lived  in  this  poor  quarter. 
Yet  the  room  was  tolerably  large,  lofty,  and  airy,  and  had 
a  window  of  the  ordinary  size  of  those  in  English  dwelling- 
houses.  For  this  room  she  paid  four  dollars  or  I65.  per 
month,  a  very  high  rent.  It  was  such  a  room  as  in 
London  many  a  respectable  clerk,  with  an  income  of  150/. 
a  year,  would  think  himself  fortunate  in  possessing. 

I  could  not  eiiter  into  the  feelings  of  the  benevolent 
people  of  New  York  when  they  sympathised  with  the 
denizens  of  this  locality.     I  only  wished  that  these  gene- 

Chap.  XVII. 



rous  people  could  have  seen  the  dens  in  which  thousands 
of  our  English  poor  live,  with  little  light  and  less  water, 
huddled  together,  without  respect  to  sex  or  numhers,  in 
small,  ill-ventilated  rooms.  Yet  New  York  has  a  district 
called  the  Five  Points,  fertile  in  crime,  fever,  and  misery, 
which  would  scarcely  yield  the  palm  for  vice  and  squalor 
to  St.  Giles's  in  London,  or  the  Saltmarket  in  Glasgow. 
A  collection  of  dwellings  called  the  Mud  Huts,  where 
many  coloured  people  reside,  is  also  an  unpleasing  feature 
connected  with  the  city.  But  with  abundant  employment, 
high  wages,  and  charities  on  a  princely  scale  for  those 
who  from  accidental  circumstances  may  occasionally 
require  assistance,  there  is  no  excuse  for  tlie  squalid 
wretchedness  in  which  a  considerable  number  of  persons 
have  chosen  to  sink  themselves. 

It  is  a  fact  that  no  Golden  Age  exists  on  the  other  side 
of  the  water  ;  that  vice  and  crime  have  their  penalties  in 
America  as  well  as  in  Europe  ;  and  that  some  of  the 
worst  features  of  the  Old  World  are  reproduced  in  the 
New.  With  all  the  desire  that  we  may  possess  to  take 
a  sanguine  view  of  things,  there  is  something  peculiarly 
hopeless  about  the  condition  of  this  class  at  New  York, 
which  in  such  a  favourable  state  of  society,  and  at  such 
an  early  period  of  American  history,  has  sunk  so  very 
low.  The  existence  of  a  "  dangerous  class "  at  New 
York  is  now  no  longer  denied.  One  person  in  seven 
of  the  whole  population  came  under  the  notice  of  the 
authorities,  either  in  the  ranks  of  criminals  or  paupers,  in 
1852  ;  and  it  is  stated  that  last  year  the  numbers  reached 
an  alarming  raagnitudt;,  threatening  danger  to  the  peace 
of  society.     This  is  scarcely  surprising  when  we  take  into 


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Chap.  XVII. 

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consideration  the  numbers  of  persons  who  land  in  this  city 
who  liave  been  expatriated  for  their  vices,  who  are  flying 
from  the  vengeance  of  outraged  law,  or  who  expect  in 
the  New  World  to  be  able  to  do  evil  without  fjar  of 

There  are  the  idle  and  the  visionary,  who  expect  to  cat 
without  working ;  penniless  demagogues,  unprincipled 
adventurers,  and  the  renegade  outpourings  of  all  Chris- 
tendom ;  together  with  those  who  are  enervated  and 
demoralised  by  sickness  and  evil  associates  on  board  ship. 
I  could  not  help  thinking,  as  I  saw  many  of  the  newly- 
arrived  emigrants  saunter  helplessly  into  the  groggeries, 
that,  after  spending  their  money,  they  would  remain  at 
New  York,  and  help  to  swell  the  numbers  of  this  class. 
These  people  live  by  their  wits,  and  lose  the  little  they 
have  in  drink.  This  life  is  worth  very  little  to  them  ;  and 
in  spite  of  Bible  and  Tract  societies,  and  church  missions, 
they  know  very  little  of  the  life  to  come ;  consequently 
they  are  ready  for  any  mischief,  and  v  111  imperil  their 
existence  for  a  small  bribe.  Many  or  most  of  them  are 
Irish  Roman.  Catholics,  who,  having  obtained  the  franchise 
in  many  instances  by  making  false  affidavits,  consider 
themselves  at  libeity  to  use  the  club  also. 

I  was  at  New  York  at  the  time  of  the  elections,  and 
those  of  1854  were  attended  with  unusual  excitement, 
owing  to  the  red-hot  strife  between  the  Irish  Roman  Catho- 
lics and  the  "  Know-nothings."  This  society,  established 
with  the  object  of  changing  the  naturalisation  laws,  and 
curbing  the  power  of  popery,  had  at  this  period  obtained 
a  very  large  share  of  the  public  attention,  as  uiuch  from 
the  mystery  which  intended  it  as  from  the  principles  which 

m-  J 

Chap,  XVII. 

land  in  this  city 

i,  who  are  flying 

who  expect  in 

without  fjar  of 

bo  expect  to  cat 
s,  unprincipled 
gs  of  all  Chris- 
enervated  and 
s  on  board  ship. 
^  of  the  newly- 
the  groggeries, 
»'ould  remain  at 
jrs  of  this  class. 
3  the  little  they 
le  to  them  ;  and 
;hurch  missions, 
) ;  consequently 
11  imperil  their 
)st  of  them  are 
ed  the  franchise 
avits,   consider 

elections,  and 
al  excitement, 
Roman  (>atho- 
3ty,  established 
ition  laws,  and 
)eriod  obtained 

as  much  from 
irinciples  which 

Chap.  XVII. 



it  avowed.  To  the  minds  of  all  there  was  somethuig 
attractive  in  a  secret  organisation,  unknown  oaths,  and 
nocturnal  meetings  ;  and  the  success  which  had  attended 
the  efforts  of  the  Know-nothings  in  Massachusetts,  and 
others  of  the  States,  led  many  to  watch  with  deep  interest 
the  result  of  the  elections  for  the  Empire  State.  Their 
candidates  were  not  elected,  but  the  avowed  contest 
between  Protestantism  and  Popery  led  to  considerable 
loss  of  life.  Very  little  notice  of  the  riots  on  this  occa- 
sion has  been  taken  by  the  English  journalists,  though  the 
local  papers  varied  in  their  accounts  of  the  numbers  of 
killed  and  wounded  from  45  to  700  !  It  was  known  that 
an  emeute  was  expected,  therefore  I  was  not  surprised, 
one  evening  early  in  November,  to  hear  the  alarm-bells 
ringing  in  all  directions  throughout  the  city.  It  was 
stated  that  a  Know-nothing  assemblage  of  about  10,000 
persons  had  been  held  in  the  Park,  and  that,  m  dis- 
persing, they  had  been  fired  upon  by  some  Irishmen 
called  the  Brigade.  This  was  the  commencement  of 
a  sanguinary  struggle  for  the  preservation  of  order. 
For  three  days  a  drop])ing  fire  of  musketry  was  con- 
tinually to  be  heard  in  New  York  and  Williamsburgh, 
and  reports  of  great  loss  of  life  on  both  sides  were  circu- 
lated. It  was  stated  that  the  hospital  received  170 
wounded  men,  and  that  many  more  were  carried  off  by 
their  friends.  The  military  were  called  out,  and,  as  it  was 
five  days  before  quiet  was  restored,  it  is  to  be  supposed 
that  many  lives  were  lost.  I  saw  two  dead  bodies  myself; 
and  in  one  street  or  alley  by  the  Five  Points,  both  the  side 
walks  and  the  roadway  were  slippery  with  blood.  Yet 
very  little  sensation  was  excited  in  the  upper  part  of  the 




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>'EW  YORK. 

CiiAi'.  XVII. 






^4   1 



town  ;  puo})lo  went  out  and  cauie  in  as  usual ;  business 
was  not  interruj)te(l ;  and  to  (juestions  upon  the  subject 
the  reply  was  fre(piently  made,  "  Oh,  it's  only  an  election 
riot,"  showing  how  painfully  common  such  disturbances 
had  become. 

Ther  3  are  many  objects  of  interest  in  New  York  and 
its  neighbourhood,  among  others,  the  Croton  aqueduct,  a 
work  worthy  of  a  great  people.  It  cost  about  5,000,000/. 
sterling,  and  by  it  about  (50,000,000  gallons  of  water  are 
daily  conveyed  into  the  city.  Then  there  are  the  prisons 
on  Blackwell's  Island,  the  lunatic  asylums,  the  orphan 
asylums,  the  docks,  and  many  other  things ;  but  I 
willingly  leave  these  untouched,  as  they  have  been  de- 
scribed by  other  writers.  In  concluding  this  brief  and 
incomplete  account  of  New  York,  I  may  be  allowed  to 
refer  to  the  preface  of  this  work,  and  repeat  that  any 
descriptions  which  I  have  given  of  things  or  society  are 
merely  "  sketches,"  and,  as  such,  are  liable  to  the  errors 
which  always  attend  upon  hasty  observation. 

New  York,  with  its  novel,  varied,  and  ever-char.ging 
features,  is  calculated  to  leave  a  very  marked  impression 
on  a  stranger's  mind.  In  one  part  one  can  suppose  it  to 
be  a  negro  town ;  in  another,  a  German  city ;  while  a 
strange  dreamy  resemblance  to  Liverpool  pervades  the 
whole.  In  it  there  is  little  repose  for  the  mind,  and  less 
for  the  eye,  except  on  the  Sabbath-day,  which  is  very 
well  observed,  considering  the  widely- differing  creeds  and 
nationalities  of  the  inhabitants.  The  streets  are  alive 
with  business,  retail  and  wholesale,  and  present  an  aspect 
of  universal  bustle.  Flags  are  to  be  seen  in  every  direc- 
tion, the  tall  masts  of  ships  appear  above  the  houses; 

CiiAf.  XVII. 

al ;  business 
II  the  subject 
y  an  election 

!w  York  and 

aqueduct,  a 

t  5,000,000/. 

of  water  are 

•e  tbe  prisons 

,   tbe  orpban 

ings ;    but   I 

ive  been  de- 

liis  brief  and 

)e  allowed  to 

»eat  tbat  any 

)r  society  are 

to  tbe  errors 

;d  impression 
suppose  it  to 
nty ;  wbile  a 
[pervades  tbe 
^ind,  and  less 
diicb  15  very 
m  creeds  and 
lets  are  alive 
[cnt  an  aspect 
every  direc- 
tbe  bouses; 

CiiAP.  XVII. 



largo  square  pieces  of  calico,  witb  names  in  scarlet  or 
black  letters  upon  tbcin,  bang  across  tbe  streets,  to  dent)te 
tbe  wbereabouts  of  some  popular  candidate  or  "puffing" 
storekeeper  ;  and  bosts  of  omnibuses,  backs,  drays,  and 
railway  cars  at  full  speed,  ringing  bells,  terrify  unaccus- 
tomed foot-passengers.  Tbere  are  stores  of  tbe  magnitude 
of  bazaars,  "  dagnerrean  galleries  "  by  bundreds,  crowded 
groggeries  cind  subterranean  oyster-saloons,  bnge  botels, 
coffee-bouses,  and  places  of  amusement;  wbile  tbe  pave- 
ments ])resent  men  of  evc'v  land  and  colour,  red,  black, 
yellow,  and  wbite,  in  every  variety  of  costume  and  beard, 
and  ladies,  beautiful  and  ugly,  ricbly  dressed.  Tben 
tbere  arc  mud  huts,  and  palatial  residences,  and  streets 
of  stately  dwelling-bouses,  sbaded  by  avenues  of  ilantbus- 
trees  ;  waggons  discbarging  goods  across  tbe  pavements ; 
sbops  above  and  cellars  below ;  railway  wbistles  and 
steamboat  bells,  telegra])li-wires,  eigbt  and  ten  to  a  })ost, 
all  converging  towards  Wall  Street — tbe  Lombard  Street 
of  New  York  ;  militia  regiments  in  many-coloured  uni- 
forms, marcbing  m  and  out  of  tbe  city  all  day ;  group?  of 
emigrants  bewildered  and  amazed,  emaciated  witb  dysen- 
tery and  sea-sickness,  looking  in  at  tbe  sbop-windows  ;  re- 
presentatives of  every  nation  under  beaven,  speaking  in  all 
eartb's  Babel  languages ;  and  as  if  to  render  tins  cease- 
less pageant  of  business,  gaiety,  and  cbange,  as  far 
removed  from  monotony  as  possible,  tbe  quick  toll  of  tbe 
fire  alarm-bells  may  be  daily  heard,  and  tbe  huge  engines, 
with  their  burnished  equipments  and  well-trained  com- 
panies, may  be  seen  to  dash  at  full  speed  along  the  streets 
to  tbe  scene  of  some  brilliant  conflagration.  New  York 
is  calculated  to   present  as  imposing  an  appearance  to 

s  2 

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Chap.  XVII. 


an  Eiifflisliinjin  tis  its  antiquatod  namesako  docs  to  an 
Ani(>ric'an,  with  its  age,  f«iliMu;e,  :jtateliness,  and  decay. 

The  Indian  summer  had  come  and  gone,  and  briglit 
frosty  weather  liad  succeeded  it,  wlien  I  left  this  city,  in 
which  I  had  received  kinthiess  and  hospitality  whicii  I 
can  never  fjrget.  Mr.  Amy,  the  kind  friend  wlio  had 
first  welco'.ned  me  to  the  States,  was  my  travelling  com- 
panion, and  at  his  house  near  Boston,  in  the  midst  of  a 
hapj)y  family-circle,  I  spent  the  short  remnant  of  my  time 
before  returning  to  England. 

We  left  New  York  just  as  the  sun  was  setting,  frosty 
and  red,  and  ere  we  had  reached  Newhaven  it  was  one 
of  the  finest  winter  evenings  that  I  had  ever  seen.  The 
moisture  upon  the  windows  of  the  cars  froze  into  innu- 
merable fairy  shapes  ;  the  crescent  moon  and  a  thousand 
stars  shone  brilliantly  from  a  deep  blue  sky;  auroras 
flashed  and  meteors  flamed,  and,  as  the  fitful  light  glit- 
tered on  many  rushing  gnrgling  streams,  I  had  but  to 
remember  how  very  beautiful  New  England  was,  to  give 
form  and  distinctness  to  the  numerous  shapes  which  we 
were  hurrying  past.  I  was  recalling  the  sunny  south  to 
mind,  with  its  vineyards  and  magnolia  groves,  and  the 
many  scenes  of  beauty  that  I  had  witnessed  in  America, 
with  all  the  genial  kindness  which  I  had  experienced  from 
many  who  but  a  few  months  ago  were  strangers,  when  a 
tipsy  Scotch  fiddler  broke  in  upon  my  reveries  by  an 
attempt  to  play  '  Yankee  Doodle.'  It  is  curious  how 
such  a  thing  can  instantly  change  the  nature  of  the 
thoughts.  I  remembered  speculations,  'cute  notions, 
guesses,  and  calculations;  "All  aboard,"  and  "Go 
ahead,"   and   "  Pile   on,   skipper ;"    sharp   eager  faces. 


I  i 

'    ■'  >1 

Chap.  XVII. 

loos  to  an 
I  (lec.'iy. 
nnd  bright 
tliis  city,  in 
ty  which  I 
1  who  had 
.'Hiiig  coni- 
midst  of  a 
of  my  time 

ting,  frosty 
it  was  one 
scon.     The 
e  into  innu- 
a  thousand 
:y ;    auroras 
light  glit- 
had  but  to 
las,  to  give 
s  which  we 
'  south  to 
,  and  the 
enced  from 
rs,  when  a 
ies   by  an 
rious  how 
re   of  the 
;e    notions, 
and   "Go 
ger  faces, 

Cii.vr.  XVII. 



divorsiities  of  bcjinb',   duellist-i,    ])i('ki)orkotf:,    and    every 
sj)ocies  of  advoiturer. 

Such  rccollccti 

>t  out  of  nli 



uie  centre  and  soul  of  what  we  denominate  Vdii/iccism. 
This  state  has  one  of  the  most  celc'br;it'.'d  educational 
establishments  in  the  Statr^.,  Vale  (.'ollcgc  at  New  haven, 
or  the  City  of  Ehus,  famous  for  its  toleration  of  an  annual 
fight  between  the  citizens  and  the  students,  at  a  noc- 
turnal ^(7e  in  celebration  of  the  burial  of  Euclid.  The 
phraseology  and  some  of  the  moral  characteristics  of 
Connecticut  are  quite  peculiar.  It  is  rcnaikable  for 
learning,  the  useful  arts,  successful  and  energetic  mer- 
chants and  farmers ;  the  mythical  Sam  Slick,  the  ])riuce 
of  pedlars;  and  his  living  ecjual,  Banunn,  the  j)rince  of 
showmen.  A  love  of  good  order  and  a  pervading  reli- 
gious sentiment  appear  to  accompany  great  simplicity  of 
manners  in  its  rural  population,  though  the  Southerne-'s, 
jealous  of  the  virtues  of  these  New  Englanders,  chai-ge 
upon  them  the  manufacture  of  wooden  nutmegs.  'J'liis 
state  supplies  the  world  with  wooden  clocks,  for  which 
the  inhabitants  of  our  colonies  appear  to  have  a  peculiar 
fancy,  though  at  home  they  are  called  "  Yankee  clocks 
what  won't  go."  I  have  seen  pedlars  with  curiously  con- 
structed waggons  toiling  along  even  among  the  Canadian 
clearings,  who  are  stated  to  belong  to  a  race  "  raised " 
in  Connecticut.  They  are  extremely  amusing  individuals, 
and  it  is  impossible  to  resist  making  an  investment  in 
their  goods,  as  their  importunities  are  urged  in  such 
ludicrous  phraseology.  The  pedlar  can  accommodate 
you  with  everything,  from  a  clock  or  bible  to  a  penny- 
worth of  pins,  and  takes  rags,  rabbit  and  squirrel  skins, 

a  '■ 

'<  1 

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CiiAi'.  XVII. 


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at  two  cents  cncli,  In  jKiynuMit.  His  knowledge  of  "soft 
sawder  and  liiiuiaii  iiatiir"'  is  as  great  as  that  of  Sam 
Slick,  liis  iniiijitahle  representative  ;  and  many  a  sliocde.-s 
Iri^l^  girl  is  indneed  to  eliange  a  dollar  for  some  trumpei-y 
ornament,  liy  liis  artful  eoinpliments  to  her  j)ersonal 
attractions.  lie  seems  at  home  everywhere  ;  talks 
politic.-,  guesses  your  needs,  cracks  a  joke,  or  condoles 
with  you  (m  your  misfortunes  with  an  elongated  face.  lie 
always  contrives  to  drop  in  at  dinner  or  tea  time,  for 
whit'h  he  always  apologises,  but  in  distant  settlements  the 
apcdogetic  formulary  might  be  left  alone,  for  the  visit  of 
the  cosmopolitan  ])edlar  is  ever  welcome,  even  though  he 
leaves  you  a  few  dollars  poorer.  There  is  some  fear  of 
the  extinction  of  the  race,  as  railways  are  now  bringing 
the  most  distant  localities  within  reach  of  resplendent 
stores  with  plate-glass  windows. 

It  wanted  six  hours  to  dawn  when  we  reached  Boston  ; 
and  the  ashes  of  an  extinguished  tire  in  the  cheerless 
waiting-room  at  the  depot  gave  an  idea  of  even  greater 
cold  than  really  existed.  We  drove  through  the  silent 
striM.'ts  of  Boston,  and  out  into  the  country,  in  an  open 
carriage,  with  the  thermometer  numy  degrees  below  the 
freezing-point,  yet  the  dryness  of  the  atmosphere  pre- 
vented any  feeling  of  cold.  The  air  was  pure,  still,  and 
perfectly  elastic ;  a  fitful  aurora  lighted  our  way,  and 
the  iron  hoofs  of  the  fast-trotting  ponies  rattled  cheerily 
along  the  frozen  ground.  I  almost  regretted  tlie  ter- 
mination of  the  drive,  even   though    the  pleasant  villa 

of  ,  and   a  room  lighted  by  a  blazing  wood   fire, 

awaited  me. 

The  weather  was  perfectly  delightful.     Cloudless  and 

CiiAi.  XVII. 

ciiAi'.  xvir. 



:  I 

50  of  "  soft 
liat  of  Sam 
y  a  slioelc.-is 
10  tniinpcry 
iiY   personal 
lere  ;    talks 
or  coiuloles 
cl  face.    He 
L'a  time,  for 
:lements  the 
•  tlie  visit  of 
n  though  he 
ome  fear  of 
ow  bringing 

led  Boston  ; 
ven  greater 

the  silent 
in  an  open 

below  the 
iphere  pre- 
e,  still,  and 
way,  and 

;d  cheerily 
ed  the  ter- 

■asant  villa 

wood   fire, 

audi  ess  and 

golden  the  sini  set  at  night ;  cloudless  and  rosy  ho  rose  in 
the  morning ;  sharp  and  delined  in  outline  the  leaHess 
trees  rose  against  the  ])iercing  blue  of  the  sky  ;  the  frozen 
ground  rang  to  every  footstep  ;  thin  ])atthes  of  sn»)W 
diversified  the  landscape  ;  and  the  healthful  air  braced 
even  invalid  nerves.  Boston  is  a  very  fine  city,  and  the 
whole  of  it,  spread  out  as  a  panorama,  can  Ix?  seen  from 
several  neighbouring  eminences.  'J'he  rosy  flush  of  a 
winter  dawn  had  scarcely  left  the  ^ky  when  I  saw  the 
town  from  ]3orchester  Heights.  IjcIow  lay  the  city,  an 
aggregate  of  handsome  streets  lined  with  trees,  stately 
jmblic  buildings,  and  church-spires,  with  the  lofty  State 
House  crowning  the  whole.  Bright  blue  water  ami 
forests  of  masts  ajjpoared  to  intersect  the  town  ;  green, 
wooded,  swelling  elevations,  dotted  over  with  white  villa 
residences,  environed  it  in  every  directi(m  ;  blue  hills 
rose  far  in  the  distance  ;  while  to  the  right  the  bright 
waters  of  Massachusett's  bay,  enlivened  by  the  white 
sails  of  ships  and  pilot-boats,  completed  this  attractive 

Boston  is  built  on  a  collection  of  peninsulas ;  and  as 
certain  shipowners  possess  wharfs  far  up  in  the  town,  to 
which  their  ships  must  find  their  way,  the  virtue  of 
patience  is  frequently  inculcated  by  a  long  detention  at 
drawbridges,  while  heavily-laden  vessels  are  slowly  warjjed 
through  the  openings.  The  equanimity  of  the  American 
character  surprised  me  liere,  as  it  often  had  before ;  for, 
while  I  was  devising  various  means  of  saving  time,  by 
taking  various  circuitous  routes,  about  100  (h'tenns  sub- 
mitted to  the  delay  without  evincing  any  symptoms  of 
impatience.     Part  of  Boston  is  built  on  ground  reclaimed 

;  'c 


Ml  ■' 


V'  ■ 

it'      ■ 

ill"!  I'     w 

IN'  k, ' 



;  \i    »vv  ,, 

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L;!i.t ' 

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^^»    :f 




CuAi-.  XVIT. 

from  tlic  sea,  ami  the  active  inliabitaiits  contiiiually  keep 
encroaching  on  the  water  for  building  purposes. 

'ri'is  fine  city  appeared  to  greater  advantage  on  my 
second  visit,  after  seeing  New  York,  Cincinnati,  (.'hicago, 
and  other  of  tlie  American  towns.  In  them  their  progress 
is  e\  idenced  by  a  cccisele.^s  building  up  and  pulling  down, 
the  consequences  of  which  are  heaps  of  rubbish  and  un- 
sightly hoardings  covered  with  bills  and  advertisements, 
iiivinu-  to  the  towns  thus  circumstanced  an  unfinished, 
mobile,  or  temporary  look.  This  is  still  further  increased 
\\  here  many  of  the  houses  are  of  wood,  and  can  be  mov<'d 
without  being  taken  to  pieces.  I  was  riding  through  an 
American  town  one  afternoon,  when,  to  my  surprise,  I  had 
to  turn  off  upon  the  side  walk,  to  avoid  a  house  which  was 
coming  down  the  street  drawn  by  ten  horses,  and  assisted 
by  as  many  men  with  levers.  My  horse  was  so  perfectly 
unconcerned  at  what  was  such  a  novel  s})ectaclo  to  me, 
that  I  supposed  he  was  used  to  these  migratory  dwellings. 

Boston  has  nothing  of  all  this.  Stately,  substantial,  and 
handsome,  it  looks  as  if  it  had  been  begun  and  completed 
m  a  day.  There  is  a  most  }>leasing  air  of  respectability 
about  the  large  stone  and  brick  houses ;  the  stores  are 
spacious  and  very  handsome  ;  and  the  public  buildings  are 
durably  and  tastefully  built.  Scientific  institutions,  nmsic 
halls,  and  the  splendid  stores  possessed  by  the  booksellers 
and  philosophical  instrument  makers,  proclaim  the  lite- 
rary and  refined  tastes  of  the  inhabitants,  which  have 
earned  for  their  city  the  name  of  the  "  American  x\thens." 
There  is  an  air  of  repose  about  Boston  ;  here,  if  anywhere, 
one  would  suppose  that  large  fortunes  were  realised  and 
enjoyed.     The  sleek  horses  do  not  appear  to  be  hurried 

Chap.  XVII. 
iiially  keep 


Eige  on  my 
:i,  C'liicago, 
jir  progress 
lliiig  down, 
isli  and  un- 
)Y  Increased 
n  be  m<)v<^d 
through  an 
prise,  I  had 
i  which  was 
and  assisted 
?o  perfectly 
ich3  to  me, 
tautial,  and 
I  completed 
stores  are 
ildings  are 
ions,  music 
the  lite- 
hich  have 
In  Athens." 
dised  and 
e  hurried 

Chap.  XVII. 



over  the  pavements  ;  there  are  few  placards,  and  fewer 
puffs ;  the  very  carts  are  built  rather  to  carry  weight  than 
for  speed.  Yet  no  place  which  I  visited  looked  more 
thriving  than  Boston.  Its  streets  are  literally  crammed 
with  vehicles,  and  the  side  walks  are  thronged  with 
passengers,  but  these  latter  are  principally  New  Eng- 
landers,  of  respectable  appearance.  'J'hese  walks  are 
bordered  by  acacia  and  elm  trees,  which  seem  to  flouri.-h 
in  the  most  crowded  thoronghfarcs,  and,  besides  protecting 
both  men  and  horses  from  the  intense  heat,  their  green- 
ness, which  they  retain  till  the  fall,  is  most  refreshing  to  the 
eye.  There  are  a  great  many  private  carriages  to  be  seen, 
as  well  as  people  on  horseback.  The  dwelling-houses  havi; 
plate-glass  windows  and  bright  green  jalousies ;  the  side 
walks  are  of  granite,  and  the  whole  has  an  English  air. 
The  common,  or  rather  the  park,  at  Boston,  is  the  finest 
public  promenade  that  I  ever  saw,  about  fifty  acres  in 
extent,  and  ornamented  with  avenues  of  verv  fine  trees. 
This  slopes  to  tl»e  south,  and  the  highest  part  of  the  slope 
is  crowned  by  the  State  and  the  handsomest  private 
residences  in  the  city.  Boston  is  very  clean  and  orderly, 
and  smoking  is  not  permitted  in  the  streets.  There  is  a 
highly  aristocratic  air  about  it,  and  those  who  look  for 
objects  of  historical  interest  will  not  be  disappointed. 
There  is  the  old  Faneuil  Hall,  which  once  echoe'l  to  the 
stormy  arguments  and  spirit-stirring  harangues  of  the 
leaders  of  the  Revolution.  A  few  antiquated,  many- 
gabled  houses,  remain  in  its  neighbourhood,  each  associated 
with  some  tradition  dear  to  the  Americans.  Then  there 
is  a  dark-coloured  stone  church,  which  still  in  common 
parlance  bears  the  name  of  King's  Chapel.     It  is  fitted 

s  3 




f ;. 




.«.  ;■. !' 

\  \\f 



CiiAi'.  XVII. 

witli  high  pews  of  dark  variiislied  oak,  and  the  English 
liturgy,  slightly  altered,  is  still  used  as  the  form  of  wor- 
siiij).  Then  there  is  the  Old  South  Meeting  house,  where 
the  inhabitants  remonstrated  with  the  covernor  for  bring- 
ing  in  the  king's  troops ;  and,  lastly,  Griffin's  Wharf, 
where,  under  the  impulse  of  the  stern  concentrated  will  of 
the  New  England  character,  the  "  Sons  of  Liberty " 
boarded  the  English  ships,  and  slowly  and  deliberately 
tlirew  the  tea  which  they  contained  into  the  water  of  the 

I  visited  the  Bunker's  Hill  monument,  and  was  content 
to  take  on  trust  the  statement  of  the  beauty  of  the  view 
from  the  sunnnit,  as  the  monument,  which  is  221  feet  in 
height,  is  ascended  by  a  very  steep  staircase.  Neither 
did  I  deny  the  statement  made  by  the  patriotic  Americans 
who  were  with  me,  that  the  British  forces  were  defeated  in 
that  place,  not  feeling  at  all  sure  that  the  naticmal  pride 
of  our  historians  had  not  led  them  to  tell  a  tale  more 
fluttering  than  true  ;  for 



"  Some  say  that  we  won, 
And  some  say  that  they  won, 
And  some  say  that  none  won  at  a',  man." 

"We  visited  the  naval  yard  at  Charlestown,  and  the 
OJiio^  an  old  seventy-four,  now  used  as  a  receiving-ship. 
There  was  a  very  manifest  difference  between  the  two 
sides  of  the  main-deck  of  this  vessel ;  one  was  scrupulously 
clean,  tha  other  by  no  means  so ;  and,  on  inquiring  the 
reason,  1  was  told  that  the  clean  side  was  reserved  for 
strangers  I  Although  this  yard  scarcely  deserves  the 
name  of  an  arsenal,  being   the   smallest  of  all   which 

,  • 

CiiAP.  XVII. 

ho  Engli:rh 
'111  of  wor- 
iise,  where 
for  briiig- 
n's  Wliarf, 
ited  will  of 
Liberty  " 
iter  of  the 

,vas  content 
jf  the  view 
221  feet  in 
:.  Neither 
defeated  in 
ional  pride 
tale  more 

and  the 
In  the  two 
luii'ing  the 
Iserved  for 
serves  the 
I  all   which 

Chap.  XVII. 



America  possesses,  the  numerons  guns  and  the  piles  of 
cannon-balls  show  that  she  is  not  unprepared  for  ag- 
gressive or  defensive  war. 

The  Merciiants'  Exchange,  where  every  change  in  the 
weather  at  New  Orleans  is  known  in  a  few  minutes  ;  the 
Post-Office,  with  its  innumerable  letter-boxes  and  endless 
bustle  ;  the  Tremont  Hall,  one  of  the  finest  music-halls  in 
the  world ;  the  water-works,  ihe  Athenaeum,  and  the 
libraries,  are  all  worthy  of  a  visit. 

There  is  a  museum,  which  we  visited  in  the  evening, 
l)ut  it  is  not  creditable  to  the  taste  of  the  inhabitants  of 
this  fine  ci<^y.  There  are  multitudes  of  casts  and  fossils, 
and  stuffed  beasts  and  birds,  and  monsters,  and  a  steam- 
engine  modelled  in  glass,  which  works  beautifully  ;  but 
all  these  thin2;s  are  to  hide  the  real  character  of  this 
institution,  and  appeared  to  be  passed  unnoticed  by  a 
large  number  of  respectable-looking  people  who  were 
thronging  into  a  theatre  at  the  back — a  very  gloomy- 
looking  edifice,  with  high  pews.  A  ])lacard  announced 
that  Dickens'  ''Hard  Times,'  which  it  a])pears  from  this 
has  been  dram.itised,  was  about  to  be  acted.  The  })Iays 
are  said  to  be  highly  moral,  but  in  the  melodrama  religion 
and  buff'oonery  are  often  intermingled  ;  and  I  confess 
that  I  did  not  approve  of  this  mode  of  solacing  the 
consciences  of  those  who  object  to  ordinary  theatricals, 
for  the  principle  involved  remains  the  same. 

The  National  Theatre  is  considered  so  admirably 
adapted  for  seeing,  hearing,  and  accommodation,  that  it  is 
frequently  visited  by  European  architects.  An  American 
friend  took  me  to  see  it  in  the  evening,  when  none  are 
admitted   but   those   who   are   going  to  remain  for  the 

^  'II 


■■■/'  ■  »•  • 
>'    "     i' 

A  B 

■  f  J  111,. 





^nUrff'li  I. 








Chap.  XVII. 

pcrfonnnnce.  Tliis  being  the  rule,  the  doorkeeper 
politely  oj)poaed  our  entrance ;  but  on  my  companion 
stating  that  I  was  a  stranger,  he  instantly  admitted  us, 
and  jjointed  out  the  best  position  for  seeing  the  edifi''o. 
The  theatre,  which  has  four  tiers  of  boxes,  was  handsome 
in  tlie  extrenje,  and  brilliantly  lighted  ;  but  I  thought  it 
calculated  to  produce  the  same  effect  of  dizziness  and 
headache,  as  those  who  fi-ecjuent  our  House  of  Peers 
experience  from  the  glare  and  redundant  decoration. 

This  wa.<  one  among  the  many  instances  where  the 
name  of  stranger  produced  a  magic  effect.  It  ;ippeared 
as  if  doors  which  would  not  open  to  anything  else,  yielded 
at  once  to  a  request  urged  in  that  sacred  name.  This 
was  the  case  at  the  Mount  Auburn  Cemetery,  where  the 
gatekeeper  permitted  us  as  strangers  to  drive  round  in  a 
carriage,  which  is  contrary  to  rule,  and  on  no  occasion 
would  those  who  so  courteously  obliged  us  accept  of  any 

There  is  some  rivalry  on  the  part  of  the  people  of 
Boston  and  Xe>7  York  with  regard  to  the  beauty  of  their 
cemeteries.  Many  travellers  have  pronounced  the  ceme- 
tery of  Mount  Auburn  to  be  the  loveliest  in  the  world; 
but  both  it  and  that  of  Greenwood  are  so  beautiful,  that 
it  is  needless  to  "  hint  a  fault  or  hesitate  a  dislike"  with 
regard  to  either.  Mount  Auburn  has  verdant  slopes, 
and  deep  wild  dells,  and  lakes  shaded  by  forest-trees  of 
great  size  and  boauty ;  and  so  silent  is  it,  far  removed 
from  the  din  of  cities,  that  it  seems  as  if  a  single  footstep 
would  disturb  the  sleep  of  the  dead.  Here  the  neglect- 
fulness  and  dreariness  of  the  outer  aspect  of  the  grave 
are  completely  done  away  with,  and  the  dead  lie  peace- 


Chap.  XVII. 



fully  under  ground  carpo.,ed  with  flowers,  and  s^liaded  by 
trees.  The  shnplicify  of  the  nioiiuinents  is  very  l)t>autiful ; 
that  to  Spnrzhcim  has  merely  his  name  upon  tlu*  tablet. 
Fulton,  Channing,  and  other  eminent  men  are  biu'ied 

New  York  is  celebrated  for  frequent  and  mysterious 
conflagrations  ;  so  are  all  the  American  cities  i:;  a  less 
degree.  This  is  very  surprising  to  Etiglish  })eople,  many 
of  whom  scarcely  know  a  iire-engine  by  sight.  I^oston, 
though  its  substantial  erections  of  brick  and  stone  present 
great  obstacles  to  the  progress  of  the  devouring  elenu>nt, 
frequently  displays  these  unwished-for  illumination.-^,  and 
has  some  very  well  organized  fire  com])anies.  These 
companies,  which  are  voluntary  associations,  are  one  of 
the  important  features  of  the  8tates.  The  Quakers  had 
the  credit  of  originating  them.  Being  men  of  j)cace, 
they  could  not  bear  arms  in  defence  of  their  country, 
and  exchanged  militia  service  for  the  task  of  extin- 
guishing all  the  fires  caused  by  the  wilfulness  or  care- 
lessness of  their  fellow-citizens,  '^fliis  has  been  no  easy 
task  in  cities  built  of  wood,  which  in  that  dry  climate, 
when  ignited,  burns  like  pine-knots.  Even  now,  fires 
occur  in  a  very  unaccountable  manner.  At  New  York 
my  slumbers  were  frequently  disturbed  by  the  quick- 
tolling  bell,  announcing  the  number  of  the  district  where 
a  fire  had  broken  out.  These  fire  companies  have  regular 
organizations,  and  their  members  enjoy  several  inuuuni- 
ties,  one  of  which  I  think  is,  that  they  are  not  compelled 
to  serve  as  jurymen. 

They  are  principally  composed  of  young  men,  some  of 
them  the  wilder  members  of  the  first  families  in  the  cities. 



)i'    •■■■ 



Cum:  XVII. 

i  i'  '^^■)-'3 

i  'I'lt* 

•'  t' 

Tlioir  (Irossos  arc  suitaMo  and  picturesque,  and,  with  the 
brilliant  painting  and  highly-polished  brasses  of  their 
hirge  engines,  they  form  one  of  the  most  imposing  ])arts 
of  the  annual  pageant  of  the  "  Glorious  Fourth."  The 
iireuian  who  first  reaches  the  scene  of  action  is  caj)tain  for 
the  night,  and  thi^  honour  is  so  much  coveted,  as  to  lead 
them  often  to  wait,  ready  equi])j)ed,  durinir  the  winter 
nights,  that  they  may  be  able  to  start  forth  at  the  first 
sound  of  the  bell.  Tiiere  is  sufficient  dangerous  adven- 
ture, and  enough  of  thrilling  incident,  to  give  the  occupa- 
tion a  charm  in  the  eyes  of  the  eager  youth  of  the  cities. 
They  like  it  far  better  than  playing  at  soldiers,  and  are 
popular  in  evei-y  city.  As  their  gay  and  glittering  pro- 
cessions pats  along  the  streets,  acclamations  greet  their 
progress,  and  enthusiastic  ladies  shower  flowers  upon  their 
heads.  They  are  generous,  courageous,  and  ever  ready 
in  the  hour  of  danger.  But  there  is  a  dark  side  to  this 
picture.  They  are  said  to  be  the  foci  of  political  en- 
croachment and  intrigue,  and  to  be  the  centre  of  the 
restless  and  turbulent  spirits  of  all  classes.  So  powerful 
and  dangerous  have  they  become  in  many  instances,  that 
it  has  been  recently  stated  in  an  American  paper,  that 
one  of  the  largest  and  most  res})ectable  cities  in  the  Union 
has  found  it  necessary  to  suppivss  them. 

The  Blind  Asylum  is  one  of  the  noblest  charitable 
institutions  of  Boston.  It  is  in  a  magnificent  situation, 
overlooking  all  the  beauties  of  Massachusett's  Bay.  It 
is  principally  interesting  as  being  the  residence  of  Laura 
Bridgman,  the  deaf  and  blind  mute,  whose  history  has 
interested  so  many  in  England.  I  had  not  an  opportunity 
of  visiting  this  asylum  till  the  morning  of  the   day  on 

Chap.  XVII. 



which  I  sailed  for  Europo,  and  hud  no  opportunity  of 
conversing  with  this  interesting  girl,  as  she  was  just 
leaving  for  the  country.  I  saw  her  preceptor,  Dr.  ll<nve, 
whose  untiring  exertions  on  lier  behalf  she  has  so  wonder- 
fully rewarded.  He  is  a  very  lively,  energetic  man,  and 
is  now  devoting  himself  to  the  improvement  of  the  con- 
dition of  idiots,  in  which  already  he  has  been  extremely 

Laura  is  an  elegant-looking  girl,  and  her  features,  for- 
merly so  vacant,  are  now  animated  and  full  of  varying 
expression.  She  dresses  herself  with  great  care  and  neat- 
ness, and  her  fair  hair  is  also  braided  by  herself.  There 
is  nothing  but  what  is  pleasing  in  her  api)earance,  as  her 
eyes  are  covered  with  small  green  shades.  She  is  about 
twenty-three,  and  is  not  so  clieerful  as  the  f  rmerly  was, 
perhaps  because  her  health  is  not  good,  or  possildy  that 
she  feels  more  keenly  the  deprivations  under  which  she 
labours.  She  is  very  active  in  her  movements,  and  fabri- 
cates numerous  useful  and  ornamental  articles,  which  she 
disposes  of  for  her  mother's  benefit.  She  is  very  useful 
among  the  other  j)upils,  and  is  well  informed  witli  regard 
to  various  branches  of  useful  knowledge.  She  is  com- 
pletely matter-of-fact  in  all  her  ideas,  as  Dr.  Howe 
studiously  avoids  all  imagery  and  illustration  in  his  in- 
structions, in  order  not  to  enib;uTass  her  mind  by  complex 
images.  It  is  to  be  regretted  that  she  has  very  few  ideas 
on  the  subject  of  religion. 

One  of  the  most  interesting  places  to  me  in  the  vicinity 
of  Boston  was  the  abode  of  General  Washington.  It  be- 
came his  residence  in  1775,  and  here  he  lived  while  the 
struggle  for  freedom  was  going  on  in  the  neighbourhood. 


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he;   ;'.siaLV. 




Chap.  XVIT. 

It  is  one  of  tliG  largest  villas  in  the  vicinity  of  Boston, 
and  has  side  verandahs  resting  on  wooden  pillars,  and  a 
large  garden  in  front.  Some  very  venerable  elms  adjoin 
the  house,  and  the  grounds  are  laid  out  in  the  fashion 
which  prevailed  at  that  period.  The  room  where  \\'ash- 
ington  penned  his  famous  despatches  is  still  held  sacred 
by  the  Americans.  Their  veneration  for  this  renowned 
champion  of  independence  has  something  almost  idolatrous 
about  it.  It  is  very  fortunate  that  the  greatest  character 
in  American  history  should  be  also  the  best.  Christian, 
patriot,  legislator,  and  soldier^  he  deserved  his  mother's 
proud  boast,  "  I  know  that  wherever  George  Washington 
is,  he  is  doing  his  duty."  His  character  needed  no  lapse 
of  years  to  shed  a  glory  round  it ;  the  envy  of  contem- 
porary writers  left  it  stainless,  and  succeeding  historians, 
with  their  pens  dipped  in  gall,  have  not  been  able  to  sully 
the  lustre  of  a  name  which  is  one  of  the  greatest  which 
that  or  any  age  has  produced. 

This  mansion  has,  however,  an  added  interest,  from 
being  the  residence  of  the  poet  Longfellow.  In  addition 
to  his  celebrity  as  a  poet,  he  is  one  of  the  most  elegant 
scholars  which  America  has  produced,  and,  until  recently, 
held  the  professoi-ship  of  modern  languages  at  the  neigh- 
bouring university  of  Cambridge.  It  would  be  out  of 
place  here  to  criticise  his  poetry.  Although  it  is  very 
unequal  and  occasionally  fantastic,  and  though  in  one  of 
his  greatest  poems  the  English  language  appears  to  dance 
in  chains  in  the  hexameter,  many  of  his  shorter  pieces 
well  upwards  from  the  heart,  in  a  manner  which  is  likely 
to  ensure  durable  fame  for  their  author.  The  truths 
energy,  and   earnestness  of  his   *  Psalm   of  Life  *   and 


Chap.  XVII. 



'  Goblet  of  Life,'  luivc  urged  many  forward  in  tlie  figlit, 
to  whom  the  })onderous  sublimity  of  Milton  ii>  a  dead 
language,  and  the  metaphysical  lyrics  of  Tennyson  are 
u.iintclligible.  It  appeared  to  me,  from  what  1  heard, 
that  his  fame  is  even  greater  in  England  than  in  his  own 
country,  where  it  is  in  some  danger  of  being  eclipsed  by 
that  of  Bryant  and  Lowell.  He  is  extremely  courteous 
to  strangers,  and  having  kindly  offered,  through  a  friend, 
to  show  me  Cand)ridge  University,  1  had  an  opj)i;rtunity 
of  making  his  acquaintance. 

I  have  been  frequently  asked  to  desci-ibe  his  personal 
appearance,  and  disappointment  has  frequently  been  ex- 
pressed at  the  portrait  which  truth  comi)els  me  to  give  of 
him.  lie  is  neither  tall,  black-haired,  nor  pale  ;  he  neither 
raises  his  eyes  habitually  to  heaven,  nor  turns  down  his 
shirt-collar.  He  does  not  wear  a  look  of  melancholy 
resignation,  neither  does  he  live  in  love-gilded  poverty,  in 
a  cottage  embosomed  in  roses.  On  the  contrary,  he  is 
about  the  middle  height,  and  is  by  no  means  thin.  He 
has  handsome  features,  merry  blue  eyes,  and  a  ruddy 
complexion ;  he  lives  in  a  large  mansion,  luxuriously  fur- 
nished ;  and,  besides  having  a  large  fortune,  is  the  father 
of  six  blooming  children.  In  short,  his  appearance  might 
be  considered  jovial,  were  it  not  so  extremely  gentle- 

Mr.  Longfellow  met  us  at  the  door,  with  that  urbanity 
which  is  so  agreeable  a  feature  in  his  character,  and,  on 
being  shown  into  a  very  handsome  library,  we  were  intro- 
duced to  Mrs.  Longfellow,  a  lady  of  dignitied  appearance 
and  graceful  manner.  She  is  well  known  as  the  Mary  of 
Hyperion;  and  after  a  due  degree  of  indignation  with 


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CiiAi'.  XVIL 



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the  author  of  that  graceful  and  pootic.-il  l)ook,  slio  re- 
warded his  constancy  and  devotion  with  lier  hand.  The 
library  was  paneHed  in  the  old  style,  and  a  large  collec- 
tion of  hooks  was  arranged  in  recesses  in  the  vail  ;  hut 
the  a])artiuent  evidently  served  the  purposes  of  lihrary 
and  boudoir,  for  there  were  .Mimerous  evidences  of  fenuile 
taste  and  occupation.  Those  who  think  that  American 
children  are  all  precocious  little  men  and  women  would 
have  been  sur])rised  to  see  the  door  boisterously  thrown 
open  by  a  little  blooming  boy,  who  scrambled  mirthfully 
upon  his  father's  knee,  as  though  used  to  be  there,  and 
asked  him  to  whittle  a  stick  for  him. 

It  is  not  often  that  the  conversation  of  an  author  is 
equal  in  its  way  to  his  writings,  therefore  I  expected  in 
Mr.  Longfellow's  case  the  disap})ointment  which  I  did  not 
meet  with.  He  touched  lightly  on  various  subjects,  and 
embellished  each  with  the  case  and  grace  of  an  accom- 
plished scholar,  and,  doubtless  in  kindly  compliment  to  an 
English  visitor,  related  several  agreeable  reminiscences 
of  acquaintanceships  formed  with  some  of  our  Ufei-ati 
during  a  brief  visit  to  England.  He  spoke  with  much 
taste  and  feeling  of  European  antiquities,  and  of  the  ab- 
sence of  them  in  the  New  World,  together  with  the  effect 
produced  by  the  latter  upon  the  American  character.  He 
said  that  nothing  could  give  him  greater  pleasure  than  a 
second  visit  to  Europe,  but  that  there  were  "  six  obstacles 
in  the  way  of  its  taking  place." 

With  him  as  a  very  able  cicerone  I  had  the  pleasure  of 
visiting  Cambridge  University,  which  reminded  me  more 
of  England  than  anything  1  saw  in  America ;  indeed  there 
are  features  in  which  it  is  not  unlike  its  Enslish  name- 

Chap.  XVII. 



sake.  It  has  no  Nowtonian  or  Ml'.tonian  sliades,  but  in 
another  century  the  names  ct*  those  who  fill  a  living  auje 
with  lustre  will  have  their  memorials  among  its  academic 
groves.  There  are  several  halls  of  dark  stone  or  I'ed 
hrick,  of  venerable  ajjpearance,  and  there  are  avenues  of 
stately  elms.  The  library  is  a  fine  Gothic  edifice,  and 
contains  some  valuable  manuscripts  and  illuminated  edi- 
tions of  old  works.  There  was  a  small  copy  of  the  four 
evangelists,  written  in  characters  resembling  j)rint,  but  so 
small  that  it  cainiot  be  read  without  a  magnifying  ghif^s. 
This  volume  was  the  labour  of  a  lifetime,  and  the  trans- 
criber comj)leted  his  useless  task  upon  his  deathbed. 
While  Mr.  Longfellow  was  showing  me  some  autographs 
of  American  patriots,  I  remarked  that  as  I  was  showing 
some  in  a  Canadian  city,  a  gentleman  standing  by,  on 
seeing  the  signature  of  the  Protector,  asked,  in  the  most 
innocent  ignorance,  who  Oliver  Cromwell  was  ?  A  lady 
answered  that  he  was  a  successful  rebel  in  the  olden 
time  !  "  If  you  are  asked  the  question  a  second  time," 
observed  the  poet,  who  doubtless  fully  appreciates  the 
greatness  of  Cromwell,  "say  that  he  was  an  eminent 

Altogether  there  is  very  much  both  of  interest  and 
beauty  in  Boston  and  its  environs  ;  and  I  was  repeatedly 
told  that  I  should  have  found  the  society  more  agreeable 
than  that  of  New  York.  With  the  exception  of  visits 
paid  to  the  houses  of  Longfellow  and  the  late  Mr.  Abbott 
Lawrence,  I  did  not  see  any  of  the  inhabitants  of  Boston, 
as  I  only  spent  three  days  in  the  neighbourhood  ;  but  at 
Mr.  Amy's  house  I  saw  what  is  agreeable  in  any  country, 
more  especially  in  a  land  of  transition  and  change — a 







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CiiAi'.  XV H. 

linppy  Amorlcaii  liome.  The  ])im)J)1('  of  tliis  vvestoni 
Athens  ])ri(le  tlioirijiclves  ujjon  tlio  intellectual  soeiety 
and  the  ninnber  of  eniinont  men  whieh  they  possess, 
amonp;  whom  may  he  natned  Longfellow,  ICmerson, 
Lowell,  Dana,  and  Summer.  One  of  these  at  least  is  of 
the  transcendental  school.  1  very  much  regretted  that 
I  had  not  more  time  to  devote  to  a  city  so  rich  in  variou^^ 
ohiects  of  interest;  but  the  northern  winter  had  already 
hegiui,  and  howling  winds  and  angry  seas  warned  me 
that  it  was  time  to  join  my  friends  at  Halifax,  who  were 
desirous  to  cross  the  "  vexed  Atlantic  "  before  the  wea- 
ther became  yet  more  boisterous. 

:nAi'.  XVII. 

Chap.  XVIII. 






•  ,.  / 1 

Origin  of  the  Constitution  —  The  Executive —  Congress  —  Local  Legis- 
latures—  Tlio  army  and  navy  —  Justice  —  Slavery  —  Pulitical  cor- 
)'uj)tion — The  foreign  element  — Al>senco  of  jirinciple  —  Associations 
—  The  Know-nothings  —  The  Press  uuJ  its  power — 'Keligion  — 
The  Church  —  The  Clergy. 

Before  concluding  this  volume  it  will  bo  proper  to  offer 
a  few  remarks  upon  Ameriean  institutions,  and  sncli  of* 
their  effects  as  are  obvious  to  a  temporary  resident  in  the 
States.  In  apology  for  my  own  incompetence,  I  must 
again  remind  the  reader  that  these  are  merely  surface 
observations,  offered  in  accordance  with  the  preface  to 
this  work. 

The  Constitution  demands  the  first  notice.  When  our 
American  colonies  succeeded  in  throwing  off"  the  yoke  of 
England,  it  became  necessary  for  them  to  choose  a  form 
of  govermnent.  No  country  ever  started  under  such 
happy  auspices.  It  had  just  concluded  a  successful 
struggle  with  one  of  the  greatest  empires  in  the  world ; 
its  attitude  of  independence  was  sympathised  with  by  the 
enthusiastic  spirits  of  Europe,  and  had  even  gained  the 
respect  of  that  upright  monarch,  who,  on  receiving  the 
first  ambassador  from  his  revolted  colonies,  addressed  him 
with  these  memorable  words : — "  I  was  the  last  man  in 
England  to  acknowledge  the  independence  of  America; 
but,  being  secured,  I  shall  be  the  last  man  in  England  to 

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Chap.  XVIII. 

violate  it."  Tim?  circumstanced,  each  of  tlio  tliirteon 
States,  witli  the  exception  of  Rhode  Island,  sent  delegates 
to  Philadelphia  to  deliberate  on  the  form  of  government 
wliich  should  be  adopted.  This  deliberative  assembly  of 
a  free  j)cople  presented  a  sublime  spectacle  in  the  eyes  of 
nations.  After  two  years  of  consideration,  and  consider- 
able differences  of  oj)inion,  it  was  decided  that  the  mo- 
narchical traditions  of  the  Old  World  were  effete  and 
obsolete  ;  and  accordingly  a  purely  I{e]Rd)lican  Constitu- 
tion was  promulgated,  under  which  the  United  States 
have  become  a  rich  and  powerful  nation.  It  is  grati- 
fying to  an  English  person  to  know  that  the  Constitution 
of  the  States  was  derived  in  great  measure  from  that 
of  England,  enlarged,  and  divested  of  those  which  were 
deemed  its  objectionable  features.  The  different  States 
had  previously  possessed  local  assi^mblies,  and  gover- 
nors, and  the  institutions  connected  with  slavery;  the 
last  remain  to  this  day  in  pretty  much  the  same  state 
as  when  they  wei'e  betiueathed  by  England  to  America. 
AVashington  entered  upon  the  office  of  President  in  1789, 
and  discharged  its  duties,  as  he  did  those  of  every  other 
station,  with  that  high-souleJ  and  disinterested  patriotism 
which  render  him  as  worthy  to  be  imitated  as  admired. 

There  are  three  authorities,  the  President,  the  Senate, 
and  the  House  of  Representatives,  all  elected  by  the 
j)e(»ple ;  thus  their  acts  are  to  a  certain  extent  expressive 
of  the  popular  will. 

The  President  is  elected  by  universal  suffrage,  once  in 
four  years.  He  receives  a  salary  of  5000/.  per  annum, 
and  is  assisted  by  five  secretaries,  who,  with  two  other 
executive  officers,  arc  paid  at  the  rate  of  1600/.  a-year. 

Chap.  XVIII. 



This  officer  lias  considerable  power  and  enormous  pa- 
tronage, lie  makes  treaties,  wljicli  merely  require  the 
ratification  of  the  Senate  ;  he  grants  pardons,  and  may 
place  ills  veto  on  the  acts  of  the  two  other  estates,  pro- 
vided that  they  have  not  been  returned  by  two-thirds  of 
the  members  of  the  resj)ective  houses. 

There  are  sixty-two  Senators,  or  two  from  eacli  State. 
These  are  elected  by  the  local  legislatures  for  a  term  of 
six  years,  and  one-third  of  the  number  retire  every  two 
years.  Kacli  Senator  must  be  thirty  years  of  ;ige  ;  he 
must  be  a  resident  of  the  State  which  be  represents,  and 
he  must  have  been  naturalised  for  nine  years. 

The  Lower  House,  or  House  of  Hepresentatives,  is 
perhaps  the  most  purely  poj)ular  body  in  the  world.  The 
members  are  elected  for  two  years  by  universal  suffrage, 
that  is,  by  the  votes  of  all  the  free  male  citizens  of 
America  who  have  attained  the  age  of  21.  Each 
member  of  the  Lower  House  must  have  been  naturalised 
for  seven  years,  and  he  must  have  passed  the  age  of  25. 
Population  has  been  taken  as  tlie  basis  of  representation, 
in  the  following  very  simple  manner.  The  number  of 
Representatives  was  fixed  by  Act  of  Congress  at  233, 
although  a  new  one  has  recently  been  added  for  Cali- 
fornia. The  aggregate  representative  population  (by  the 
last  decennial  enumeration,  21,767,673)  is  taken,  and 
divided  by  233  ;  and  the  quotient,  rejecting  fractions,  is 
the  ratio  of  apportionment  among  the  several  States.  The 
representative  population  of  each  State  is  then  ascer- 
tained, and  is  divided  by  the  above  named  ratio,  and  the 
(juotient  gives  the  number  of  representatives  to  each  State, 
'ihe  State  of  New  York,  being  the  most  populous,  pos- 

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Cii.vp.  XVIII 

sesses  33  representatives ;  two  of  the  States,  namely,  De- 
laware and  Florida,  require  no  more  than  one  each.  On 
a  rough  calculation,  each  memher  represents  ahout  90,000 
persons.  The  two  houses  together  are  named  Congress, 
and  the  members  of  both  receive  S2s.  per  diem  for  their 
attendance,  without  deduction  in  case  of  sickness,  in 
addition  to  travelling  expenses.  All  measures  of  legisla- 
tion and  taxation  must  receive  the  approval  of  che  Pre- 
sident and  the  Congress,  the  majority  in  Congress 
representing  the  popular  will.  Every  State  has  its  as- 
sembly and  governor,  and  to  a  certain  extent  has  power 
to  make  its  own  laws.  The  members  of  these  assemblies, 
the  governors  of  the  States,  and  the  mayors  and  muni- 
cipal officers  of  the  cities,  are  all  elected  by  univer  al 

No  system  of  direct  taxation  is  adopted  in  the  States, 
except  for  local  purposes.  The  national  revenue  is 
derived  from  customs  duties,  on  many  articles  so  high 
as  to  amount  to  protective  duties  ;  from  the  sale  of  wild 
lands  ;  and  from  one  or  two  other  sources.  The  annual 
revenue  of  the  country  is  about  12,000,000Z.,  and.  the 
expenditure  is  under  the  income.  The  state  officials  are 
rather  poorly  paid.  The  chief  ambassadors  do  not  re- 
ceive more  than  1800/.  per  annum,  and  the  chief  justice, 
whose  duties  are  certainly  both  arduous  and  responsible, 
only  receives  a  salary  of  lOOOZ.  a  year.  The  pi  uioipal 
items  of  expenditure  are  connected  with  the  army  and 
navy,  and  the  officers  in  both  these  services  are  amply 
remunerated.  The  United  States  navy  is  not  so  power- 
ful as  might  be  expected  from  such  a  maritime  people. 
There  are  only  twelve  ships  of  the  line  and  twelve  first- 


Chap.  XVIII. 



class  frigates,  including  receiving-ships  and  those  on  the 

The  standing  army  consists  of  10,000  men,  and  is 
regarded  with  some  jealousy  by  the  mass  of  the  people. 
The  pay  in  this  branch  of  the  service  varies  from  that  of 
a  major-general,  which  is  1000/.  a  year,  to  of  a 
private,  which  is  about  Is.  Qd.  a  day.  This  last  is  larger 
than  it  appears,  as  it  is  not  subject  to  the  great  deduc- 
tions which  are  made  from  that  of  an  English  soldier. 
The  real  military  strength  of  America  consists  of  an 
admirably  trained  militia  force  of  about  2,200,000  men, 
supj)orted  at  an  enormous  ex])ense.  This  hirge  body  is 
likely  to  prove  invincible  for  defensive  j)urposes,  as  it  is 
composed  of  citizens  trained  to  groat  skill  as  marksmen, 
and  animated  by  the  strongest  patriotism  ;  but  it  is  to 
be  hoped  that  it  also  furnishes  a  security  against  an 
offensive  war  on  a  large  scale,  as  it  is  scarcely  likely 
that  any  great  number  of  men  would  abandon  their  busi- 
ness and  homes  for  any  length  of  time  for  aggressive 

The  higliest  court  of  law  in  the  United  States  is  the 
Supreme  Court,  which  holds  one  annual  session  at  Wash- 
ington. It  is  composed  of  a  chief  justice  and  eight 
associate  justices,  and  is  the  only  power  not  subjected 
directly  or  indirectly  to  the  will  of  the  people.  Tlie 
United  States  are  divided  into  nine  judicial  circuits,  in 
each  of  which  a  (Circuit  Court  is  held  twice  a  year  by  a 
justice  of  the  Supreme  Court,  a^^sis^ted  by  the  district 
judge  of  the  State  in  which  tlu;  court  sits.  Tiierc  is, 
however,  a  great  weakness  both  about  the  Executive  and 
the  administration  of  justice,  the  consequence  of  which  is, 



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CiiAi'.  XVIII. 

that,  when  a  lU'.'asiiro  is  placed  u])()n  tlie  statute-book 
which  is  supposed  to  be  obnoxious  to  any  powerful  class, 
a  Icuf/uc  is  formed  by  })rivate  individuals  for  the  j)urpose 
of  enforcinij  it,  or  in  some  cases  it  would  become  a  dead 
letter.  The  })owerful  societies  wiiich  are  formed  to  secure 
the  workincf  of  the  '"'Maine  Law'"  will  occur  at  once  to 
English  readers. 

Each  State  possesses  a  distinct  governmental  machinery 
of  its  own,  consisting  of  a  Governor,  a  Senate,  and  a 
House  of  Representatives.  The  Governor  is  elected  by  a 
majority  of  the  votes  of  the  male  citizens  for  a  term  of 
years,  varying  in  different  States  from  one  to  four.  The 
Senators  are  elected  for  like  periods,  and  the  Representa- 
tives are  chosen  for  one  or  two  years.  I'he  largest  number 
of  K(3presentatives  for  any  one  State  is  350. 

Nearly  all  j)ower  in  the  United  States  is  held  to  a 
great  extent  on  popular  sufferance ;  ii  emanates  from  the 
will  of  the  majt)rity,  no  matter  how  vicious  or  how  igno- 
rant that  majority  may  be.  In  some  cases  this  leads  to  a 
slight  alteration  of  the  Latin  axiom,  Sains  popnli  est  su- 
j[)renia  lex,  which  may  be  read,  "  the  tcill  of  the  })eople 
is  the  supreme  law."  The  American  constitution  is 
admirable  in  theory;  it  enunciates  the  incontrovertible 
principle,  "x\ll  men  are  free  and  equal."  But  unfortu- 
nately, a  serious  disturbing  element,  and  one  which  by 
its  indirect  effects  threatens  to  bring  the  machinery 
of  the  Republic  to  a  "  dead  lock,"  appears  not  to  have 
entered  into  the  calculations  of  these  political  theorists. 

This  element  is  slavery,  which  exists  in  fifteen  out  of 
thirty-one  states,  and  it  is  to  be  feared  that  by  a  recent 
act  of  the  legislature  the  power  to  extend  it  is  placed  in 

Chap.  XVIII. 



the  bunds  of  the  majority,  should  tliut  majority  declare 



r  it,  ill  the  new  States.  The  strnggle  betwet-n  tiie 
advocates  of  freechjm  and  slavery  is  now  convnlsing 
America  ;  it  has  already  led  to  outrage  and  bloodshed 
in  the  State  of  Kansas,  and  appearances  seem  to  indicate 
a  prolonged  and  disastrons  conflict  between  the  North  and 
South.  The  question  is  one  which  cannot  be  passed  over 
by  any  political  })arty  in  the  States.  Perhaps  it  niay 
not  be  universally  known  in  England  that  slavery  is  a 
part  of  the  ratified  Con;ftitutioii  of  the  States,  and  that 
the  Gov>.'rnment  is  bound  to  maintain  it  in  its  integrity. 
Its  abolition  must  be  procured  by  an  im})ortant  change 
in  the  constitution,  which  looald  shake,  and  )ni(/ht  dislo- 
cate, the  vast  and  unwieldy  Kepublic.  Each  State,  1 
believe,  has  it  in  its  power  to  abolish  slavery  within  its 
own  limits,  but  the  Federal  Government  has  no  power 
to  introduce  a  modification  of  the  system  in  any.  I'he 
federal  com])act  binds  the  Government  "  not  to  meddle 
with  slavery  in  the  States  where  it  exists,  to  protect 
the  owners  in  tlie  case  of  runaway  slaves,  and  to  defend 
them  in  the  event  of  invasion  or  domestic  vio';  ^nce  on 
account  of  it."  Thus  the  rights  and  projtertij  in  slaves 
of  the  slaveholders  are  Icgalhf  guaranteed  to  them  hg  the 
Constitution  of  the  United  States.  At  the  last  census  the 
slaves  amounted  to  more  than  3,000,000,  or  about  an 
eighth  of  the  population,  and  constitute  an  alien  body, 
neither  exercising  the  privileges  nor  animated  by  the  sen- 
timents of  the  rest  of  the  commonwealth.  Slavery  at 
this  moment,  as  it  is  the  curse  and  the  shame,  is  also  the 
canker  of  the  Union.  By  it,  by  the  very  constitution  of 
a  country  which  proudly  boasts  of  freedom,  three  millions 

T  2 


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I  III; 

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I  i!|fe 




Chap.  XVIII. 

of  intolUgcnt  and  responsible  beings  are  reduced  to  the 
level  of  mere  property — property  legally  reclaimable,  too, 
in  the  Free  States  by  an  act  called  the  Fugitive  Slave  Act. 
That  there  are  slaveholders  amiable,  just,  and  humane, 
there  is  not  a  doubt ;  but  slavery  in  its  practice  as  a 
system  deprives  tliese  millions  of  knowledge,  takes  away 
from  them  the  Bible,  keeps  a  race  in  heathen  ignorance 
in  a  (!!hristian  land,  denies  to  the  slaves  compensation  for 
their  labour,  the  rights  of  marriage  and  of  thv3  ])arental 
relation,  which  are  respected  even  among  tlie  most  savage 
nations  ;  it  sustains  an  iniquitous  internal  slave-trade — it 
corrupts  the  owners,  and  easts  a  slur  upon  the  dignity  of 
labour.  It  acts  as  an  incubus  on  public  improvement, 
and  vitiates  public  morals  ;  and  it  proves  a  very  formid- 
able obstacle  to  religion,  advancement,  and  national 
unity  ;  and  so  long  as  it  shall  remain  a  part  of  tlie 
American  constitution,  it  gives  a  living  lie  to  the  im- 
posing declaration,  "  All  men  are  free  and  equal." 

AVhere  the  whole  machinery  of  government  is  capable 
of  being  changed  or  modified  by  the  will  of  the  people 
while  the  written  constitution  remains,  and  where  here- 
ditary and  territorial  differences  of  opinion  exist  on  very 
im])ortant  subjects,  it  is  not  surj)rising  that  party  sjnrit 
should  run  very  high.  Where  the  highest  offices  in  the 
State  are  neither  lucrative  enough  nor  permanent  enough 
to  tempt  ambition — where,  in  addition,  their  occupants 
are  appointed  by  the  President  merely  for  a  short  term — 
and  where  the  highest  dignity  frequently  precedes  a  life- 
long obscurity,  the  notoriety  of  i)arty  leadership  offers  a 
great  inducement  to  the  aspiring.  Party  spirit  pervades 
the  middle  and  lower  ranks ;   every  man,  almost  every 


,.■  ^/ 






woman,  belongs  to  some  party  or  other,  and  aspii'Cjs  to 
some  political  influence. 

Any  person  who  takes  a  prominent  part  either  in  local 
or  general  politics  is  attacked  on  the  platform  and  Ity  the 
press,  with  a  fierceness,  a  scurrility,  and  a  vulgarity  which 
spare  not  even  the  sanctity  of  private  life.  The  men  of 
wealth,  education,  and  talent,  who  have  little  either  to 
gain  or  lose,  and  who  would  not  yield  up  any  carefully 
adopted  principle  to  the  insensate  clamour  of  an  unbridled 
populace,  stand  aloof  from  public  affairs,  with  very  few 
exceptions.  The  men  of  letters,  the  wealthy  merchants, 
the  successful  in  any  profession,  are  not  to  be  met  with  in 
the  political  arena,  and  frequently  abstain  even  from  voting 
at  the  elections.  This  indisposition  to  mix  in  politics 
probably  arises  both  from  the  coarse  abuse  which  assails 
public  men,  and  from  the  admitted  inability,  under  present 
circumstances,  to  stem  the  tic  e  of  corrupt  practices,  mob- 
law,  and  intimidation,  which  are  placing  the  United 
States  under  a  tyranny  as  severe  as  that  of  any  privileged 
class — the  despotism  of  a  turbulent  and  unenlightened 
majority.  Numbers  are  represented  exclusively,  and 
partly  in  consequence,  property,  character,  and  stake  in 
the  country  are  the  last  things  which  would  be  deemed 
desirable  in  a  candidate  for  popular  favour. 

Owing  to  the  extraordinary  influx  of  foreigners,  an  ele- 
ment has  been  introduced  which  could  scarcely  have 
entered  into  the  views  of  the  framers  of  the  Constitution, 
and  is  at  this  time  the  great  hindrance  to  its  beneficial 
wrrking.  The  large  numbers  of  Irish  Romanists  who 
have  emigrated  to  the  States,  and  whose  feelings  are  too 
often  disaffected  and  anti-American,  evade  the  naturalisd- 


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tion  laws,  and,  l)y  surroptitionsly  obtaining  votes,  exercise 
a  most  mischievous  influence  upon  the  elections.  Edu- 
cation lias  not  yet  so  ])ermeat,ed  the  heterogeneous  mass 
of  the  people  as  to  tell  effectually  upon  their  choice  of 
n^presentatives.  The  electors  are  caught  by  claptnip, 
noisy  declamation,  and  sj)ecious  promises,  coupled  with 
laudatory  connnents  up(m  the  sovereign  people.  As  the 
times  for  the  elections  approach,  the  candidates  of  the 
weaker  party  endeavour  to  obtain  favour  and  notoriety  by 
leading  a  popular  cry.  The  declamatory  vehemence  with 
which  certain  members  of  the  democratic  party  endea- 
voured to  fasten  a  quarrel  upon  England  at  the  close  of 
1855  is  a  specimen  of  the  political  capital  which  is  too 
often  relied  upon  in  the  States. 

The  enormous  numbers  of  immigrants  who  annually 
acquire  the  rights  of  citizenship,  without  any  other  quali- 
fication for  the  franchise  than  their  inability  to  use  it 
aright,  by  their  ignorance,  turbulence,  and  often  by  their 
viciousness,  tend  still  further  to  degrade  the  popular 
assemblies.  It  is  useless  to  speculate  upon  the  position 
in  which  America  would  be  without  the  introduction  of 
this  terrible  foreign  element ;  it  may  be  admitted  that 
the  republican  form  of  government  has  not  had  a  fair  trial ; 
its  present  state  gives  rise  to  serious  doubts  in  the  minds 
of  many  thinking  men  in  the  States,  whether  it  can  long 
continue  in  its  present  form. 

The  want  of  the  elements  of  })ermanency  in  the  Govern- 
ment keeps  many  persons  from  entering  into  public  life : 
and  it  would  appear  that  merit  and  distinguished  talent, 
when  accompanied  by  such  a  competence  as  renders  a 
man  independent  of  the  emoluments  of  office,  are  by  no 

n\v.  XVI IT. 

Chap.  XVIII.        3[E:\I1{ER.S  OF  TTTT,  LEOIST.ATIOX. 


s,  exercise 
lis.  Edu- 
cons  mass 
choice  of 
pled  with 
1.  As  the 
;cs  of  the 
(torlety  hy 
leiice  with 
rty  eiidea- 
le  close  of 
lich  is  too 

)  annually 
lier  quali- 

to  use  it 
1  by  their 
J  popular 
e  position 
Auction  of 
itted  that 

fair  trial ; 

he  minds 

can  long 

blic  life : 
id  talent, 
enders  a 
re  by  no 

means  a  passport  to  success.  '^I'ho  ?traiig(M*  visiting  the 
UnitcMl  States  is  surjirised  with  the  entirt?  absence  of 
gentlemanly  ftjeling  in  political  affairs.  Tliey  are  jier- 
vaded  by  a  coarse  and  repuhive  vulgarity  ;  they  are 
seldom  alluded  to  in  the  conversation  of  the  upper  classics  : 
and  the  ruling  powtn*  in  this  vast  community  is  in  danger 
of  being  abandoned  to  corrupt  agitators  and  noisy  char- 
latans. Th{>  President,  the  iMenibers  of  Congress, 
and  to  a  still  greater  extent  tlie  memliers  of  the  State 
Legislatures,  are  the  (h'h'(/atcs  of  a  tyrannical  majority 
rather  than  the  representatives  of  the  jieople.  Tlie  mil- 
lion succeeds  in  exacting  an  amount  of  cringing  political 
subserviency,  in  attempting  to  obtain  whicli,  in  a  like 
degree,  few  despots  have  been  successful. 

The  absence  of  a  property  qualification,  the  short  term 
for  which  the  represciiitativcs  are  chosen,  and  the  want,  in 
many  instances,  of  a  pecuniary  independence  among  them, 
combined  with  a  variety  of  other  circumstances,  place  the 
members  of  the  Legislatures  under  the  direct  control  of 
the  populace  ;  they  are  its  servile  tools,  and  are  subject 
to  its  wayward  impulses  and  its  proverhial  fickleness  ; 
hence  the  remarkable  absence  of  any  fixed  line  of  policy. 
Tiie  public  acts  of  America  are  isolated  ;  they  appear  to 
be  framed  for  the  necessities  of  the  moment,  under  the 
influence  of  popular  chimour  or  pressure  ;  and  sometimes 
seem  neitlier  to  recognise  engagements  entered  into  in  the 
past,  or  the  probable  course  of  events  in  the  future. 
America  does  not  possess  a  traditional  policy,  and  she 
does  not  recognise  an}  broad  and  well-defined  ])rinciple 
as  the  rule  for  her  conduct.  The  national  acts  of  s;)o- 
liation   or  meanness  wdiicli  have  been  sanctioned  by  the 

I':.  ^  1 
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LiiAr.  XVIII. 

Logislatiiro  may  bo  distinctly  tnicod  to  tho  numner  in 
wliicli  the  primary  elections  are  conducted.  It  is  difficult, 
if  not  impossible,  for  tbe  European  governments  to  do 
more  tlian  guess  at  tbe  part  wliicb  America  will  take  on 
any  great  <iuestion — vvbetber,  in  tbe  ev(Mit  of  a  collision 
between  nations,  sbe  will  observe  an  impartial  neutrality, 
or  tbrow  tbe  weigbt  of  ber  influence  into  tbe  scale  of 
liberty  or  despotism. 

It  is  to  be  feared  tbat  political  morality  is  in  a  very 
low  state.  Tbe  ballot  secures  tbe  electors  from  even  tbe 
breatb  of  censure  by  making  tbem  irresponsible  ;  few  men 
dare  to  be  independent.  Tbe  plea  of  expediency  is  often 
used  in  extenuation  of  tbe  grossest  political  disbonesty. 
To  obtain  political  favour  or  position  a  man  must  stoop 
very  low  ;  be  must  cultivate  tbe  good  will  of  tbe  ignorant 
and  tbe  vicious;  be  must  excite  and  minister  to  tbe  pas- 
sions of  tbe  people ;  be  must  flatter  tbe  bad,  and  assail 
tbe  bonourable  witb  unmerited  opprobrium.  Wbile  he 
makes  tbe  assertion  tbat  bis  country  has  a  monopoly  of 
liberty,  tbe  very  plan  whicb  be  is  pursuing  shows  tbat  it 
is  fettered  by  mob  rule.  No  honourable  man  can  use 
these  arts,  whicb  are,  however,  a  high-road  to  political 
eminence.  It  is  scarcely  necessary  to  remark  upon  the 
effect  which  is  produced  in  society  generally  by  this  poli- 
tical corruption. 

The  want  of  a  general  and  high  standard  of  morality 
is  very  apparent.  That  dishonesty  which  is  so  notoriously 
and  often  successfully  practised  in  political  life  is  not  ex- 
cluded from  the  dealings  of  man  witb  man. 

It  is  jested  about  under  the  name  of  "  smartness,"  and 
commended  under  that  of  "  'cuteness,"  till  the  rule  be- 



CiiAi'.  XVIII.      WANT  OF  MORAL  PllLN'CirLE. 


comes  of  frequent  and  i)ractical  a])|)lication,  tliat  tlie  dis- 
grace attending  a  dislionourable  transaction  lies  only  in 
its  detection, — that  a  line  of  conduct  which  custom  has 
sanctioned  in  public  life  cannot  be  very  blanieabie  in 
individual  action. 

While  the  avenues  to  distinction  in  public  life  are  in 
great  measure  closed  against  men  of  honour,  wealth  oilers 
a  sure  road  to  eminence,  and  the  accjuisition  of  it  is  the 
great  object  followed.  It  is  often  sought  and  obtained  by 
means  from  which  considerations  of  honesty  and  morality 
are  omitted ;  but  there  is  not,  as  with  us,  that  right(!0us 
censorship  of  public  opinion  which  brands  dishonesty  with 
infamy,  and  places  the  offender  apart,  in  a  splendid 
leprosy,  from  the  society  to  which  he  hoped  wealth  would 
be  a  passport.  If  you  listen  to  the  conversation  in  cars, 
steamboats,  and  hotels,  you  become  painfully  impressed 
with  the  absence  of  moral  truth  which  pervades  the 
country.  The  success  of  Barnum,  the  immense  popu- 
larity of  his  infamous  autobiography,  and  the  pride  which 
large  numbers  feel  in  his  success,  instance  the  perverted 
moral  sense  which  is  very  nmch  the  result  of  the  absence 
of  principle  in  public  life ;  for  the  example  of  men  in  the 
highest  positions  in  a  state  must  influence  the  masses 
powerfully  either  for  good  or  evil,  A  species  of  moral 
obliquity  pervades  a  large  class  of  the  community,  by 
which  the  individuals  composing  it  are  prevented  from 
discerning  between  truth  and  falsehood,  except  as  either 
tends  to  their  own  personal  aggr  uidisement.  Thus  truth 
is  at  a  fearful  discount,  and  men  exult  in  successful 
roguery,  as  though  a  new  revelation  had  authorised  them 
to  rank  it  among  the  cardinal  virtues. 

T  3 





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Tlieso  nMiinrks  n])j)ly  to  ,'i  class,  unfortunntoly  a  vory 
nuiiKToiis  Olio,  of  tlio  cxistoiuM!  of  wliiclj  none  arc  more 
painfully  (;on»i;i()tis  than  the  good  among  tl;o  Anioricaus 
tlionisolvcs.  Of  the  ui)por  class  of  uiercliants,  luanu- 
t'u'turcM's,  blii|)l)uil(U'rs,  \.(.'.,  it  wonld  be  difficult  to  speak 
too  liiglily.  They  havt;  acquired  a  world-wide  rei)Utation 
for  their  uprightiK'ss,  punctiuility,  and  Ijonourable  d(,'al- 
ings  in  all  mercantile  transactions. 

The  ()j)j)ression  which  is  exercised  by  a  tyrant  majority 
is  one  leading  cause  of  the  nvnnercnis  ])olitical  associations 
which  exist  in  tlie  States.  They  are  the  vviNipons  with 
whicli  the  weaker  side  cond)ats  the  numerically  superior 
party.  When  a  nundjcr  of  ])ersons  hit  uj)on  a  grievance, 
real  or  supposed,  they  unite  themselves  into  a  society,  and 
invite  delegates  from  other  districts,  ^\"ith  a  celerity 
which  can  scarcely  he  imagined,  declarations  are  issued 
and  papers  established  advocating  party  views ;  public 
meetings  are  held,  and  a  complete  organization  is  se- 
cured, with  ramifications  extending  all  over  the  country. 
A  formidable  and  compact  body  thus  arises,  and  it  occa- 
sionally haj)})ens  that  such  a  society,  originating  in  the 
weakness  of  a  minority,  becomes  strong  enough  to  dictate 
a  course  of  action  to  the  Executive. 

Of  all  the  associations  ever  formed,  none  promised 
to  exercise  so  important  an  influence  as  that  of  the 
Know-nothings,  or  the  American  party.  It  arose  out 
of  the  terrific  spread  of  a  recognised  evil  —  namely, 
the  power  exercised  upon  the  Legislature  by  foreigners, 
more  especially  by  the  Irish  Romanists.  The  great 
influx  of  aliens,  chiefly  Irish  and  Germans,  who  speedily 
or    unscrupulously    obtain    the    franchise,    had    caused 

CiiAi'.  XVIII. 




iniicli  alarm  tliroii^liout  the  co'.intry.  Tt  wns  soon  tlint 
tlio  fornuT,  l)oing  under  tlio  t(Miij)oral  and  spiritiial 
domination  of  tlioir  ])i'iosts,  and  tln'oiigli  tliom  und(>r 
an  Italian  prince,  were  ox(M"tiiig  a  nio^t  bani^ful  iii- 
flnenoo  upon  the  rejjnhlican  in-titntion-  of  the  States. 
Already  in  two  or  nif)ro  States  the  Romanists  l)ad  organ- 
ised themselves  to  interfere  with  the,  management  of 
the  puhlie  sehools.  This  alarm  paved  the  way  for 
the  ra])id  extcMision  of  the  new  i)arty,  which  first 
made  its  a))poaranec  before  men's  eyes  with  a  secret 
organization  and  ennrnnnis  political  machinery.  Its 
success  was  unprecedented.  Favoured  by  the  secri^sy 
of  the  ballot,  it  succeeded  in  placing  its  nominees 
in  all  the  res])onsible  offices  in  several  of  the  States. 
Other  parties  appeared  paralysed,  and  men  yielded  before 
a  mysterious  ])ower  of  whose  real  strength  they  were  in 
complete  ignorance.  The  avowed  objects  of  the  Know- 
nothings  were  to  establish  new  naturalization  laws,  pro- 
hibiting any  from  acquiring  the  franchise  without  a  re- 
sidence of  twenty-one  years  in  the  States — to  procure  the 
exclusion  of  Romanists  from  all  public  offices — to  restore 
the  working  of  the  constitution  to  its  original  purity — and 
to  guarantee  to  the  nation  religious  freedom,  a  free  Bible, 
and  free  schools ;  in  fact,  to  secure  to  Americans  the  right 
which  they  are  in  danger  of  ceasing  to  possess — namely, 
that  of  governing  themselves. 

The  objects  avowed  in  the  preliminary  address  M-ere 
high  and  holy  ;  they  stirred  the  patriotism  of  those  who 
writhed  under  the  tyranny  of  an  lieterogencous  majoi-ity, 
while  the  mystery  of  nocturnal  meetings,  and  a  secret 

It  .  ^ 

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Chap.  XVIII. 

organi/ation,  conciliated  tlio  su})|)ort  of  the  young  and 
ardent  For  a  time  a  hope  was  aHorded  of  the  revival 
of  a  pure  form  of  republican  goverinnent,  hut  unfortu- 
nately the  Kn(»w-nothing  party  contained  the  elenuMits 
of  dissolution  within  itself.  Some  of  its  principles  savoured 
of  intolerance,  and  of  pcjrsecution  for  religious  oi)ini(ms, 
and  it  ignored  the  subject  of  slavery.  This  can  never  be 
long  excluded  from  any  party  consideration,  and,  though 
politicians  strive  to  evade  it,  the  (pa^stion  still  recurs,  and 
will  force  itself  into  notice.  Little  more  than  a  year  after 
the  Know-nothings  were  first  heard  of,  they  cauke  into 
collision  with  the  subject,  in  the  summer  of  1855,  and, 
after  stormy  dissensions  at  their  great  convention,  broke 
up  into  several  branch(>s,  some  of  which  tot^dly  altered  or 
abandoned  the  original  objects  of  their  association. 

Their  triumph  was  brief :  some  of  the  States  in  which 
they  were  the  most  successful  have  witnessed  their  signal 
overthrow,*  and  it  is  to  ho  feared  that  no  practical  good 
will  result  from  tlieir  future  operations.  But  the  good 
cause  of  constituti(mal  government  in  America  is  not  lost 
with  tlieir  failure — public  opinion,  whenever  it  shall  bo 
fairly  appealed  to,  will  declare  itself  in  favour  of  truth 
and  order  ;  the  conservative  principle,  though  dornuuit,  is 
yet  powerful ;  and,  though  we  may  smile  at  republican 
inconsistencies,  and  regret  the  state  into  which  republican 
government  has  fallen,  it  is  likely  that  America  contains 
the  elements  of  renovation  within  herself,  and  will  yet 

*  At  several  of  the  state  elections  at  the  close  of  185.^)  tlio  Know- 
nothiiigs  succoedeil  in  placing  iiieir  nominees  in  public  oHices,  partly 
by  au  abiiudoumeut  of  some  of  their  original  aims. 


CiiAi'.  XVIII. 

THE  I'llESS. 


present  to  the  world  the  suhliim;  spectaclj;  of  ;i  free 
peopK;  governing  itself  hy  jnst  laws,  and  rejoieing  in  the 
purity  of  its  original  republiean  institutions. 

The  new8paj)er  pre^^s  is  oni?  of  the  most  extraordinary 
features  in  the  United  States.  Its  influence  is  onnii- 
l)resent.  Every  party  in  ridigion,  polities,  or  morals, 
speaks,  not  hy  one,  hut  hy  fifty  organs ;  and  every  nicely 
defined  shade  of  opinion  has  its  voices  also.  Every  town 
of  large  size  has  from  ten  to  twenty  daily  pa|)ers  ;  every 
village  has  its  three  or  four;  and  even  a  collection  of 
huts  produces  its  one  "  daily,"  or  two  or  three  "  weeklies." 
These  prints  start  into  existence  without  any  fiscal  re- 
strictions :  then;  is  neither  stamp  nor  paj)er  duty.  News- 
papers are  not  a  luxury,  as  with  us,  hut  a  necessary  of 
life.  They  vary  in  price  from  one  halfpenny  to  three- 
pence, and  no  workman  who  could  afibrd  his  daily  hread 
would  think  of  being  without  his  paper.  Hundreds  of 
them  are  sold  in  the  hotels  at  hreakfast-time ;  and  in 
every  steamer  and  railway  car,  from  the  Atlantic  ocean 
to  the  western  prairies,  the  traveller  is  assailed  hy  news- 
hoys  with  dozens  of  them  for  sale.  They  are  bought  in 
hundreds  everywhere,  and  are  greculily  devoured  by  men, 
women,  and  children.  Almost  as  soon  as  the  h;cality  of 
a  to  vn  is  chosen,  a  paper  starts  into  life,  which  always 
has  the  efilict  of  creating  an  antagonist. 

The  newsj)apers  in  the  large  cities  spare  no  expense  in 
obtaining,  either  by  telegraph  or  otherwise,  the  earliest  in- 
telligence of  all  that  goes  on  in  the  world.  Every  item  of 
English  news  appears  in  the  journals,  from  the  movements 
of  the  court  to  those  of  the  literati ;  and  a  weekly  sum- 
mary of  parliamentary  intelligence  is  always  given.     Any 




!■•  ■ ' 


i>f< ' 




Chap.  XVIII. 

reniarkaLlo  law  proceedings  are  also  succinctly  detailed. 
It  follows,  that  a  dweller  at  Cincinnati  or  New  Orleans 
is  nearly  as  well  versed  in  English  affairs  as  a  resident 
of  Birmingham,  and  English  politics  and  movements  in 
general  are  very  fn  quent  subjects  of  conversation.  Since 
the  commencement  of  the  Russian  war  the  anxiety  for 
English  intelligence  has  increased,  and  every  item  of 
Crimean  or  Baltic  news,  as  recorded  In  the  letters  of  the 
"  special  correspondents,"  is  reprinted  in  the  American 
papers  without  abridgment,  and  is  devoured  by  all  classes 
of  readers.  The  great  fault  of  most  of  these  journals  is 
their  gross  personality  ;  even  the  privacy  of  domestic  life 
is  invaded  by  their  Argus-eyed  scrutiny.  The  ])apers 
discern  everything,  and,  as  everybody  reads,  no  current 
events,  whether  in  j)olitics,  religion,  or  the  world  at  large, 
are  unknown  to  the  masses.  The  contents  of  an  American 
j)aper  are  very  miscellaneous.  Besides  the  news  of  the 
day,  it  contains  congressional  and  legal  reports,  exciting 
fiction,  and  rejiorts  of  sermons,  religious  discussions,  and 
religious  anniversaries.  It  prys  into  every  department  of 
society,  and  informs  its  readers  as  to  the  doings  and  con- 
dition of  all. 

Thus  every  party  and  sect  has  a  daily  register  of  the 
most  minute  ?ayings  and  doings,  and  proceedings  and 
progri'fn  ot  very  other  sect;  and  as  truth  and  error  are 
continually  brought  before  tlie  masses,  they  have  the 
opportunity  to  know  and  rr)mpare.  There  are  political 
parties  uii<U>c  the  names  of  \\'iiigs.  Democrats,  Know- 
nothings  Froesoilers,  Fusionists,  Hunkers,  ^^'oolly-heads, 
Dougli-faces,  Hard -shells,  Soft-shells,  Silver-greys,  and  I 
know  not  what  besides;  all  of  ti)era  e.xtremely  puzzling 


V  Orleans 

sments  in 
1.  Since 
xicty  for 

item  of 
!rs  of  the 
11  classes 
urnals  is 
estic  life 
3  })a])ers 

it  large, 
'  of  the 
>ns,  and 
nient  of 
nd  con- 

of  the 
ss  and 
ror  are 
ve  the 

and  I 

Chap.  XVIII. 



to  the  stranger,  but  of  great  local  significance.  There  are 
about  a  hundred  sj-called  religious  denominations,  from 
the  orthodox  bodies  and  their  subdivisions  to  those  pro- 
fessing the  lawless  fanaticism  of  Mornionism,  or  the 
chilling  dogmas  of  Atheism.  All  these  parties  have  their 
papers,  and  each  "movement"  has  its  organ.  The 
"Woman's  Right  Movement"  and  the  "Spiritual  Mani- 
festation Movement "  have  several. 

There  is  a  continual  multiplication  of  papers,  corre- 
sponding, not  only  to  the  increase  of  population,  but  to 
that  of  pa?-ties  and  vagaries.  'I'he  increasing  call  for 
editors  and  writers  brings  persons  into  their  ranks  who 
have  neither  the  education  nor  the  intelligence  to  fit  them 
for  so  important  an  office  as  the  irresjwiisiblc  guidance  of 
the  people.  They  make  up  for  their  deficiencies  in  know- 
ledge and  talent  by  fiery  a^.d  unprincipled  partisanship, 
and  augment  the  passions  and  prejudices  of  their  readers 
instead  of  placing  the  truth  before  them.  The  war 
carried  on  between  })a})ers  of  opposite  principles  is  some- 
thing perfectly  terrific.  The  existence  of  many  of  these 
prints  depends  on  the  violent  passiors  which  they  may 
excite  in  their  sujjporters,  and  frequently  the  editors  are 
men  of  the  most  unprincipled  character.  The  papers 
advocating  the  oj)inions  of  the  different  religious  denomi- 
nations are  not  exemj)t  from  the  charge  of  })ersonalities 
and  abusive  writing.  No  discord  is  so  dread  as  that 
carried  o\\  under  the  cloak  of  religion,  and  religious  jour- 
nalism in  tlie  States  is  on  a  superlatively  bitter  footing. 

But  evil  as  is,  to  a  great  extent,  the  influence  exercised 
by  the  press,  terrible  as  is  its  scrutiny,  and  unlimited  as 
is  its  power,  destitute  of  principle  as  it  is  in  great  mea- 

♦  *•■ 






I  \ " 



Chap.  XVIII. 


sure,  it  has  its  brigiit  as  well  as  its  dark  side.  Theories, 
opinions,  men,  and  things,  are  examined  into  and  sifted 
until  all  can  understand  their  truth  and  error.  The 
argument  of  antiquity  or  authority  is  exploded  and  ridi- 
culed, and  the  men  who  seek  to  sustain  antiquated  error 
on  the  foundation  of  effete  tradition  are  compelled  to 
prove  it  by  scripture  or  reason.  Yet  such  are  the  multi- 
tudinous and  tortuous  ways  in  which  everything  is  dis- 
cussed, that  multitudes  of  persons  who  hf?"e  neither  the 
leisure  nor  ability  to  reflect  for  themselves  know  not  what 
to  believe,  and  there  is  a  very  obvious  absence  of  attach- 
ment to  clear  and  strongly  defined  principles.  The  great 
circulation  which  the  newspapers  enjoy  may  be  gathered, 
without  giving  copious  statistics,  from  the  fact  that  one 
out  of  the  many  New  York  journals  has  a  circulation  of 
187,000  copies.*  The  New  York  Tribune  may  be  con- 
sidered the  "  leading  journal "  of  America,  but  it  adheres 
to  one  set  of  principles,  and  Mr.  Horace  Greely,  the 
editor,  has  the  credit  of  being  a  powerful  advocate  of  the 
claims  of  morality  and  humanity. 

It  is  impossible  for  a  stranger  to  form  any  estimate 
of  the  influence  really  possessed  by  religion  in  America. 
I  saw  nothing  which  led  me  to  doubt  the  assertion  made 
by  persons  who  have  opportunities  of  forming  an  opinion, 
that  "  America  and  Scotland  are  the  two  most  religious 
countries  in  the  world." 

*  There  .ire  now  about  400  daily  newspapers  in  the  States :  their 
aggregate  circulation  is  over  800,000  copies.  There  are  2217  weekly 
papers,  with  an  aggregate  circulation  of  3,100,057  copies;  and  the 
total  aggregate  circulation  of  all  the  prints  is  about  5,400,000  copies, 
In  one  year  about  423,000,000  copies  of  newspapers  were  printed  and 

:''j  V 




The  Sabbath  is  well  observed,  not  only,  as  might  be 
expected,  in  the  New  England  States,  but  in  the  large 
cities  of  the  Union  ;  and  even  on  the  coasts  of  the  Pacific 
the  Legislature  of  California  has  passed  an  act  for  its 
better  observance  in  that  State.  It  is  probable  that,  in  a 
country  where  business  pursuits  and  keen  competition  are 
carried  to  such  an  unheard-of  extent,  all  classes  feel  the 
need  of  rest  on  the  seventh  day,  and  regard  the  Sabbath 
as  a  physical  necessity.  The  churches  of  a\\  denomina- 
tions are  filled  to  overflowing  ;  the  proportion  of  commu- 
nicants to  attendants  is  very  large ;  and  the  foreign  mis- 
sions, and  other  religious  societies,  are  supported  on  a 
scale  of  remarkable  liberality. 

There  is  no  established  church  or  dominant  religious 
persuasion  in  the  States.  There  are  no  national  endow- 
ments ;  all  are  on  the  same  footing,  and  live  or  die  as 
they  obtain  the  suffrages  of  the  people.  While  the  State 
does  not  recognise  any  one  form  of  religion,  it  might  be 
expected  that  she  would  assist  the  ministers  of  all.  Such 
is  not  the  case ;  and,  though  Government  has  wisely 
thought  it  necessary  to  provide  for  the  education  of  the 
people,  it  has  not  thought  it  advisable  to  make  any  pro- 
vision for  the  maintenance  of  religion.  Every  one  worships 
after  his  own  fashion  ;  the  sects  are  numerous  and  sub- 
divided ;  and  all  enjoy  the  blessings  of  a  complete  religious 

Strange  sects  have  arisen,  the  very  names  of  which  are 
scarcely  known  in  England,  and  each  has  numerous 
adherents.  It  may  be  expected  that  fanaticism  would 
run  to  a  great  height  in  the  States.  Among  the  100 
different  denominations  which  are  returned  in  the  census 

\  '•' 



M     ■ 







Cii.vr.  XVIII. 


tables,  the  following  designations  occnr :  Mornionitcs, 
Antiburgers,  Believers  in  God,  Cliildren  of  Peace, 
Disunionists  ;  ])anian.  Democratic  Gospel,  and  P^benezer 
Socialists ;  Free  Inquirers,  Insjnred  Church,  Millerites, 
Menonites,  New  Lights,  Perfectionists,  Pathonites, 
Pantheists,  Tunkards,  Restorationists,  Superalists,  Cos- 
mopolites, and  hosts  of  others. 

The  clergy  depend  for  their  salaries  upon  the  congre- 
gations for  whom  they  officiate,  and  upon  private  endow- 
ments. The  total  value  of  church  property  in  the  United 
States  is  estimated  at  86,410,639  dollars,  of  which  one- 
half  is  owned  in  the  States  of  Massachusetts,  New  York, 
and  Pennsylvania.  The  number  of  churches,  exclusive 
of  those  in  the  newly-organised  territories,  is  about  38,000. 
There  is  one  church  for  every  046  of  the  population. 
The  voluntary  system  is  acted  upon  by  each  denomina- 
tion, though  it  is  slightly  modified  in  the  E])iscopalian 
church.  In  it,  however,  the  bishops  are  elected,  the 
clergy  are  chosen  by  the  peo})le,  and  its  affairs  are  re- 
gulated by  a  convention.  It  is  the  oldest  of  the  deno- 
minations, and  is  therefore  entitled  to  the  first  notice. 

It  has  38  bishops,  1714  ministers,  and  105,350  com- 
municants. It  hns  1422  churches,  and  its  church  property 
is  estimated  at  11,261,970  dollars.  A  large  number  of 
the  educated  and  wealthy  arc  members  of  this  body.  Its 
formularies,  with  the  exception  of  some  omissions  and 
alterations,  are  the  same  as  those  of  *lie  Church  of  Eng- 
land. Some  of  its  bishops  are  men  of  very  high  attain- 
ments. Dr.  Mcllvaine,  the  Bishop  of  Ohio,  is  a  man  of 
great  lenrning  and  piety,  and  is  well  known  in  England 
by  his  theological  writings. 

uxv.  XVII  r. 

Chap.  XVIII. 



)f  PoMce, 
ists,  Cos- 

0  conOTe- 
te  endow- 
le  United 
lieh  ono- 
e-.v  York, 
t  38,000. 
;ted,    the 

are  re- 
he  deno- 

50  corn- 
imber  of 
dy.  Its 
ons  and 
of  Eng- 

1  attain- 
man  of 


Tlio  Methodists  are  the  /gest  religions  body  in 
America.  As  at  home,  they  have  their  strong  sectional 
differences,  but  they  are  very  useful,  and  arc  ])articularly 
acceptable  to  the  lower  orders  of  society,  and  among  the 
coloured  population.  They  possess  12,4(57  churches,  (S389 
ministers,  and  1,672,519  communicants,  and  the  value  of 
their  church  property  exceeds  14,000,000  dollars. 

The  Presbyterians  are  perhaps  the  most  im])ortant  of 
the  religious  bodies,  as  regards  influence,  education,  and 
wealth.  Their  stronghold  is  in  New  England.  They 
have  7752  congregations,  5807  ministers,  and  C)S0,021 
communicants.  Their  church  property  is  of  the  value 
of  14,000,000  dollars. 

The  Baptists  are  very  numerous.  They  have  8181 
churches,  8525  ministers,  1,058,754  communicants,  and 
church  property  to  the  amount  of  J 0.931,382  dollars. 

The  Congregational  ists  possess  1674  churches,  1848 
ministers,  and  207,609  communicants.  Their  pro})erty  is 
of  the  value  of  7,973,962  dollars. 

The  Roman  Catholics  possessed  at  the  date  of  the  last 
census  1112  churches,  and  church  property  to  the  amount 
of  9,000,000  dollars. 

There  is  (church  accommodation  for  about  1 1,000,000 
persons,  or  considerably  more  than  half  the  population. 
There  are  35,000  Sabbath  schools,  with  250,000  teachers, 
and  2,500,000  scholars.  Besides  the  large  number  of 
churches,  religious  services  are  held  in  many  schools  and 
courthouses,  and  even  in  forests  and  fields.  The  dis- 
semination of  the  Bible  is  on  the  increase.  In  last  year 
the  Bible  Society  distributed  upwards  of  11,000,000 
copies.     The  Society  for  Religious  Publications  employed 



f:   :' 


It  ,. 



Chap.  XVIII. 


,*!>      '.] 

I'lT)'  li'   * 


1300  colporteurs,  and  ufFected  sales  during  the  year  to 
the  amount  of  526,000  dollars.  The  principal  of  the 
religious  societies  are  for  the  observance  of  the  sabbath, 
for  temperance,  anti-slavery  objects,  home  missions,  foreign 
missions,  &c.  The  last  general  receipts  of  all  these  so- 
cieties were  3,053,535  dollars. 

In  the  State  of  Massachusetts  the  Unitarians  are  a 
very  influential  body,  numbering  many  of  the  mo?t  intel- 
lectual and  highly  educated  of  the  population.  These, 
however,  are  divided  upon  the  amount  of  divinity  with 
which  they  shall  invest  our  Lord. 

The  hostile  spirit  which  animates  some  of  the  religious 
journals  has  been  already  noticed.  There  is  frequently 
a  good  deal  of  rivalry  between  the  members  of  the  dif- 
ferent sects ;  but  the  way  in  which  the  ministers  of  the 
orthodox  denominations  act  harmoniously  together  for  the 
general  good  is  one  of  the  most  pleasing  features  in 
America.  The  charitable  religious  associations  are  on 
a  gigantic  scale,  and  are  conducted  with  a  liberality  to 
which  we  in  England  are  strangers.  The  foreign  mis- 
sions are  on  a  peculiarly  excellent  system,  and  the  self- 
denying  labours  and  zeal  of  their  missionaries  are  fully 
recognised  by  all  who  have  come  in  contact  with  them. 
No  difficulty  is  experienced  in  obtaining  money  for  these 
objects ;  it  is  only  necessary  to  state  that  a  certain  sum 
is  required,  and,  without  setting  any  begging  machinery 
to  work,  donations  exceeding  the  amount  flow  in  from  all 

Altogether  it  would  appear  from  the  data  which  are 
given  that  the  religious  state  of  America  is  far  more 
satisfactory  than  could  be  expected  from  so  heterogeneous 



Chap.  XVIII. 



f"  . 

a  population.  The  New  England  States  possess  to  a  great 
extent  the  externals  of  religion,  find  inherit  in  a  modified 
degree  the  principles  of  then*  Puritiin  ancestors  ;  and  the 
New  Englanders  have  emigrated  westward  in  large  num- 
bers, carrying  with  them  to  the  newly  settled  States  the 
leaven  of  religion  and  morality.  The  churches  of  every 
aenomination  are  crowded,  Jind  within  my  observation  by 
as  many  gentlemen  as  ladies  ;  but  that  class  of  aspiring 
spirits,  known  under  the  name  of  '*  Youmj  America" 
boasts  a  perfect  freedom  from  religious  observances  of 
every  kind. 

There  is  a  creed  known  by  tb.o  name  of  Universal  ism, 
which  is  a  compound  of  Antinomianism  with  several  other 
forms  of  error,  and  embraces  tens  of  thousands  within  its 
pale.  It  often  verges  upon  the  most  complete  Pantheism, 
and  is  very  popular  with  large  numbers  of  the  youth  of 

There  is  a  considerable  amount  of  excitement  ke])t  up 
by  the  religious  bodies  in  the  shape  of  public  rc-unions, 
congregational  soirees,  and  the  like,  producing  a  species 
of  religious  dissipation,  very  unfavourable,  I  should  sup- 
pose, to  the  growth  of  true  piety.  This  system,  besides 
aiding  the  natural  restlessness  of  the  American  character, 
gives  rise  to  a  good  deal  of  spurious  religion,  and  shortens 
the  lives  and  impairs  the  usefulness  of  the  ministers  by 
straining  and  exhausting  their  physical  energies. 

To  the  honour  of  the  clergy  of  the  United  States  it 
must  be  observed  that  they  keep  remarkably  clear  from 
party-politics,  contrasting  in  this  respect  very  favourably 
with  the  priests  of  the  (.^hurch  of  Rome,  who  throw  the 
weight  of  their  influence  into  the  scale  of  extreme  dcmo- 




Chai'.  XVIII. 

cracy  tiiul  fanatical  excesses.  Tlie  unity  of  action  wiiicli 
their  ecclesiastical  system  cnsinvs  to  them  makes  their 
progressive  increase  much  to  be  clej)recatecl. 

It  is  owing  in  gr<!at  measure  to  the  efforts  of  the 
ministers  of  religion  that  the  unbending  principles  of 
truth  and  right  have  any  hold  upon  the  masses  ;  th(!_, 
are  ever  to  be  found  on  the  side  of  rational  and  consti- 
tutional liberty  in  its  extreme  form,  as  ojjposed  to  licence 
and  anarchy  ;  and  they  give  the  form  of  practical  action 
to  the  better  feelings  of  the  human  mind.  Amid  tlie 
great  difficulties  with  which  they  are  surrounded,  owing 
to  the  want  of  any  tix(;d  principles  of  right  among  the 
masses,  they  are  ever  seeking  to  impress  upon  the  public 
mind  that  the  undeviating  laws  of  morality  and  truth 
cannot  be  violated  with  impunity  any  more  by  millions 
than  by  individuals,  and  that  to  nations,  as  to  individuals, 
the  day  of  reckoning  must  sooner  or  later  arrive. 

'J'he  voluntary  system  in  religion,  a^j  it  exists  in  its 
unmodified  form  in  America,  has  one  st^nous  attendant 
evil.  Where  a  minister  depends  for  his  income,  not  upon 
the  contributions  to  a  common  fund,  as  is  the  case  in  the 
Free  Church  of  Scotland,  but  upon  the  congregation  unto 
which  he  ministers,  his  conscience  is  to  a  dangerous 
extent  under  the  power  of  his  hearers.  In  many  in- 
stances his  uncertain  pecuniary  relations  with  them  must 
lead  him  to  slur  over  popular  sins,  and  keep  the  unpa- 
latable doctrines  of  the  Bible  in  the  background,  prac- 
tically neglecting  to  convey  to  fallen  and  wicked  man  his 
Creator's  message,  "  Repent,  and  believe  the  Gospel." 
It  has  been  found  impossible  in  the  States  to  find  a  just 
medium  between  state-support,  and  the  apathy  which  in 


Ciur.  XVIII. 



tiou  which 
likes  tht'ir 

i*ts  of  tlie 
iicipk's  of 
«sos  ;  thoj 
lul  coiibti- 
to  licence 
cal  action 
f\nii(l  the 
ed,  owina; 
mong  tile 
he  public 
md  trutli 
J  millions 

the  opinion  of  many  it  has  a  tendency  to  engender,  and 
an  unmodified  voluntary  system,  with  the  subservience 
and  "  high-pressure  "  which  are  inci(K>ntal  to  it. 

Be  this  as  it  may,  the  clergy  of  the  United  States 
deserve  the  highest  honour  for  their  high  standard  of 
morality,  the  fervour  of  their  ministrations,  the  zeal  of 
their  j)racLi"e,  and  their  abstinence  from  politics. 

sts  in  its 


not  upon 

ise  in  the 

ition  unto 


many  in- 

lem  must 

he  unpa- 

nd,  prac- 

man  his 


id  a  just 

which  in 


*.-  ' 



•  ....m 

















CiiAi-.  XIX. 


General  roinurks  continued  —  The  common  schools  —  Their  defect  — 
Difficulties  —  Miinfigciuent  of  the  schools  —  The  free  nciidemy  — 
KuilwayH  —  Telcf,'riii)h8  —  Poverty  —  Literature  —  Advantages  for 
emigrants  — DilhcultieH  of  emigrants  —  Peace  or  war  —  Concluding 

At  a  tinu>  when  the  deficiencies  of  our  own  education<al 
system  are  so  strongly  felt,  it  may  be  well  to  give  an  out- 
line of  that  pursued  in  tlie  States.  The  following  statistics, 
taken  from  the  last  census,  show  that  our  Transatlantic 
brethren  have  made  great  progress  in  moral  and  intel- 
lectual interests. 

At  the  ))eriod  when  the  enumeration  was  made  there 
were  80,958  public  schools,  with  01,066  teachers,  and 
2,800,507  scholars;  119  colleges,  with  11,003  students; 
44  schools  of  theology;  86  schools  of  medicine;  and  16 
schools  of  law.  Fifty  millions  of  dollars  were  annually 
spent  for  education,  and  the  proportion  of  scholars  to  the 
community  was  as  1  to  5. 

But  it  is  to  the  common-school  system  that  the  attention 
should  be  particularly  directed.  I  may  premise  that  it 
has  one  unavoidable  defect,  namely,  the  absence  of  religious 
instruction.  It  wotdd  be  neither  possible  nor  right  to 
educate  the  children  in  any  denominational  creed,  or  to 
instruct  them  in  any  particular  doctrinal  system,  but  would 
it  not,  to  take  the  lowest  ground,  be  both  prudent  and 

Chap.  XIX. 



politic  to  give  thoiii  a  luiowlodgo  of  tlio  BiMi*,  as  tlit;  only 
uiitloviuting  rule  and  standnnl  of  truth  and  right  ?  May 
not  tho  obliijuiry  of  moral  vision,  which  is  allowed  to  exist 
among  a  large  class  of  Americans,  he  in  some  degne 
chargeable  to  those  who  have  the  care  of  tin.  ir  education — 
who  do  not  place  before  them,  as  a  part  of  their  instruc- 
tion, those  principles  of  trntli  and  morality,  which,  as 
revealed  in  Holy  Scripture,  lay  the  whole  universe  luider 
obligations  to  obedience  ?  History  and  observation  alike 
show  the  little  influence  j)ractically  possessed  by  principles 
destitute  of  superior  authority,  how  small  the  restraiut 
exercised  by  conscience  is,  and  how  far  those  may  wander 
into  error  who  once  desert  "  Life's  polar  star,  the  fear  of 
God."  In  regretting  the  exclusion  of  religious  instruction 
from  the  common-school  system,  tho  difficulties 
be.-et  the  subject  must  not  be  forgotten,  the  multiplicity 
of  the  sects,  and  the  very  large  number  of  Roman 
Catholics.  In  schools  supported  by  a  rate  levied  indis- 
criminately on  all,  to  form  a  course  of  instruction  which 
could  bear  tho  name  of  a  religious  one,  and  yet  meet  the 
views  of  all,  and  clash  with  the  consciences  and  prejudices 
of  none,  was  manifestly  impossible.  The  religious  public 
in  the  United  States  has  felt  that  there  was  no  tenable 
ground  between  thorough  religious  instruction  an  1  the 
broadest  toleration.  Driven  by  the  circumstances  of  their 
country  to  accept  the  latter  course,  they  have  exerted 
themselves  to  meet  this  omission  in  the  public  schools  by 
a  most  comprehensive  Sabbath-school  system.  But  only 
a  portion  of  the  children  under  secular  instruction  in  the 
week  attend  these  schools  ;  and  it  must  be  admitted  that 
to  bestow  intellectual  culture  upon  the  pupils,  without 



I         * 



Chap.  XIX. 

•  ..'1^ 



giving  them  religious  instruction,  is  to  draw  forth  and  add 
to  the  powers  of  the  mind,  without  giving  it  any  helm  to 
guide  it ;  in  other  words,  it  is  to  increase  the  capacity, 
without  diminishing  the  propensity,  to  do  evil. 

Apart  from  this  important  consideration,  the  educational 
system  pursued  in  the  States  is  worthy  of  the  highest 
praise,  and  of  <m  enlightened  people  in  the  nineteenth  cen- 
tury. The  education  is  conducted  at  the  puhlic  expense, 
and  the  pupils  consequently  pay  no  fees.  Parents  feel 
that  a  free  education  is  as  much  a  part  of  the  birth  '  t 
of  their  children  as  the  protection  which  the  law  afRn  to 
their  life  and  property. 

The  schools  called  common  schools  are  supported  by  an 
education  rate,  and  in  each  State  are  under  the  adminis- 
tration of  a  general  board  of  education,  with  local  boards, 
elected  by  all  who  pay  the  rate.  In  the  State  of  Massa- 
chusetts alone  the  sum  of  921,532  dollars  was  raised 
within  the  year,  being  at  the  rate  of  very  nearly  a  dollar 
for  every  inhabitant.  Under  the  supervision  of  the 
General  Board  of  Education  in  the  State,  schools  are 
erected  in  districts  according  to  the  educational  neces- 
sities of  the  population,  which  arc  periodically  ascertained 
by  a  census. 

To  give  some  idea  of  the  system  adopted,  I  will  just 
give  a  sketch  of  the  condition  of  education  in  the  State 
of  New  York,  as  being  the  most  populous  and  im- 

There  is  a  "  state  tax,"  or  "  ai)propriation,"  of  800,000 
dollars,  and  this  is  supplemented  by  a  rate  levied  on  real 
and  i)oi'sonal  property.  Taking  as  an  authority  the  return 
made  to  the  Legislature  for  the  year  ending  in  1854,  the 


Jii.vr.  XIX. 

Chap.  XIX. 



and  add 
r  helm  to 

e  highest 
cnth  cen- 
;  expense, 
rents  feel 
birth  '  t 
afFoL      to 

rted  by  an 
3  adminis- 
!al  boards, 
of  Massa- 
as  raised 
y  a  dollar 
n    of    the 
liools   are 
al  neces- 

will  just 

the  State 

and   im- 

If  800,000 
Id  on  real 
the  return 
1 1854,  the 

total  sum  expended  for  school  purposes  within  the  State 
amounted  to  2,409,248  dollars.  The  total  number  of 
children  in  the  organisc^d  districts  of  the  State  was 
1,150,532,  of  whom  862,935  were  registered  as  being 
under  instruction.  The  general  management  of  education 
within  the  State  is  vested  in  a  central  board,  with  local 
boards  in  each  of  the  organised  districts,  to  which  the  im- 
mediate government  and  official  supervision  of  the  schools 
are  intrusted. 

The  system  comprises  the  common  schools,  with  their 
primar}'  and  upper  departments,  a  normal  school  for  the 
preparation  of  teachers,  and  a  free  academy.  In  the  city 
of  New  York  there  are  224  schools  in  the  receipt  of 
public  money,  of  which  25  are  for  coloured  children,  and 
the  number  of  pupils  registered  is  given  at  133,813. 
These  common  or  ward  schools  are  extremely  handsome, 
and  are  fitted  up  at  great  expense,  with  every  modern 
improvement  in  heating  and  ventilation.  Ciiildren  of 
every  class,  residing  within  the  limits  of  the  city,  are  ad- 
missible without  payment,  as  the  parents  of  all  are  supposed 
to  be  rated  in  proportion  to  their  means. 

There  is  a  principal  to  each  school,  assisted  by  a  nu- 
merous and  efficient  staff  of  teachers,  who  in  their  turn 
are  expected  to  go  through  a  course  of  studies  at  the 
Normal  School.  The  number  of  teachers  required  for 
these  schools  is  very  great,  as  the  daily  attendance  in 
two  of  them  exceeds  2000,  The  education  given  is  so 
very  superior,  and  habits  of  order  and  proj)riety  are  so 
admirably  inculcated,  that  it  is  not  uncommon  ;>  see  the 
children  of  wealthy  storekeeper.^  side  by  side  with  those 

In  each  school  there  is  one  large 

u  2 

of  working  mechanics. 



Chap.  XIX. 


Hi'''  ^>r'* 

r  •. ! 

R' '' 



asseml)ly-rooni,  capable  of  accommodating  from  500  to 
1000  children,  and  ten  or  twelve  capacious  class-rooms. 
Order  is  one  ini])ortant  rule,  and,  that  it  may  be  acted 
upon,  there  is  no  overcrowding — the  ])upils  being  seated 
at  substantial  mahogany  desks  only  holding  two. 

The  instruction  given  comprises  all  the  branches  of  a 
liberal  education,  witli  the  exception  of  languages.  There 
is  no  municipal  Cduununity  out  of  America  in  which  th<> 
boon  of  a  first-rate  education  is  so  freely  offered  to  all 
as  in  the  city  of  New  York.  There  is  no  child  of  want 
who  may  not  freely  receive  an  education  which  will  fit 
him  for  any  office  in  his  country.  The  common  school  is 
one  of  the  glories  of  America,  and  every  citizen  may  be 
justly  proud  of  it.  It  brings  together  while  in  a  pliant 
condition  the  children  of  people  of  u^';' out  origins  ;  and 
besides  diffusing  knowh^lge  among  them,  it  softens  the 
prejudices  of  raci;  and  party,  and  (tarries  on  a  continual 
process  of  assimilation. 

The  Board  of  Education  of  New  York  has  lately 
thrown  open  several  of  these  schools  in  th<*  evening,  aiifl 
with  very  beneficial  results.  The  number  of  pupils  regis- 
tered last  year  was  9313.  Of  tlicse,  34(X)  were  above 
the  age  of  10  and  under  21,  and  1100  were  above  Chr 
age  of  21.  Tiicse  tntming-schools  entailed  an  additionjj] 
expense  of  17,5(53  dollars;  the  whole  expenditm-e  for 
school  purposes  in  the  'ity  being  430,1)82  dollars.  In 
the  ward  and  evening  schools  of  New  York.  133,000 
iudividuals  received  instruction.  Each  ward,  or  educa- 
tional district,  elects  2  commissioners,  2  ins]  (*«^or-,  and 
8  trustees.  Tie  duties  of  the  inspectors  are  ver\  aaw-nous, 
as  the  examinations  are  frecpient  and  jievenr. 

Chap.  XIX. 

CiiAi'.  XIX. 



The  croAiiiiig  otliicational  udvantage  offored  by  this 
adiirirable  system  is  the  Free  Academy.  This  academy 
receives  its  })ii|)ils  solely  from  the  common  schools.  Every 
person  presenting  himsidf  as  a  candidate  ninst  be  more 
than  13  years  of  age,  and,  liaving  attended  a  conniion 
scliool  for  12  montlis,  he  ninst  produce  a  certificate  from 
the  princi})al  that  he  lias  passed  a  good  examination  in 
spelling,  reading,  writing,  English  grammar,  arithmetic, 
geography,  elementary  book-keeping,  history  of  the 
United  States,  and  algebra.  This  institution  extends  to 
the  pupils  in  the  c(mimon  schools  the  advantage  of  a  free 
education  in  those  higher  departments  of  learning  which 
cannot  be  acquired  without  considerable  expense  in  any 
other  college.  The  yearly  examination  of  candidates  for 
admission  takes  place  immediately  after  the  common 
school  examinations  in  July.  There  arc  at  present  nearly 
()00  students  under  the  tuition  of  14  j)rofessors,  and  as 
many  tutors  as  may  be  required.  The  course  of  study 
extends  over  a  period  of  5  years,  and  is  very  complete 
and  severe.  Owing  to  the  principle  adopted  in  their 
selection,  the  pupils,  representing  every  social  and  pecu- 
niary grade  in  society,  present  a  very  high  degree  of 
scholarship  and  ability.  In  this  academy  the  vestiges  of 
antagonism  between  the  higher  and  lower  classes  are  swept 
away.  Indeed,  the  poor  man  will  feel  that  he  has  a 
greater  interest  in  sustaniing  this  educational  system  than 
the  rich,  because  he  can  only  obtain  through  it  tliose 
advantages  for  his  children  which  the  money  of  the  wealthy 
can  procure  from  other  sources.  lie  will  be  content  with 
his  daily  toil,  happy  in  the  thought  that,  by  the  wise  pro- 
vision of  his  government,  the  avenues  to  fame,  prefer 




Chap.  XIX. 




ment,  and  wealth,  are  opened  as  freely  to  his  children  as 
to  those  of  the  richest  citizen  in  the  land. 

In  order  to  secure  a  supply  of  properly  qualified 
teachers,  the  Board  of  Education  has  established  a  normal 
school,  which  numbers  about  400  pupils.  Most  of  these 
are  assistant-teachers  in  the  common  schools,  and  attend 
the  normal  school  on  Saturdays,  to  enable  themselves  to 
obtain  further  attainments,  and  higher  qualifications  for 
their  profession. 

Under  this  system  of  popular  education,  the  average 
cost  per  scholar  for  5  years,  including  books,  stationery, 
fuel,  and  all  other  expenses,  is  7  dollars  2  cents  per 
annum.  This  system  of  education  is  followed  in  nearly 
all  the  States ;  and  while  it  reflects  the  highest  credit  on 
America,  it  contrasts  strangely  with  the  niggard  plan 
pursued  in  England,  where  so  important  a  thing  as  the 
education  of  the  people  depends  almost  entirely  on  pre- 
carious subscriptions  and  private  benevolence. 

With  a  gratuitous  and  comprehensive  educational 
system,  it  may  excite  some  surprise  that  the  citizens  of 
New  York  and  other  of  the  populous  cities  are  compelled 
to  supplement  the  common  schools  with  those  for  the 
shoeless,  the  ragged,  and  the  vicious,  very  much  on  the 
plan  of  our  Scotch  and  English  ragged-schools.  Already 
the  large  cities  of  the  New  World  are  approximating  to 
the  condition  of  those  in  the  Old,  in  producing  a  sub- 
sidence or  deposit  of  the  drunken,  the  dissolute,  the 
vicious,  and  the  wretched.  A\'ith  parents  of  this  class, 
education  for  their  offspring  is  considered  of  no  import- 
ance, and  the  benevolent  founders  of  these  schools  are 
compelled  to  offer  material  inducements  to  the  children 


Chap,  XIX. 
lildren  as 

a  normal 
i;  of  these 
,nd  attend 
iiselves  to 
ations  for 

e  average 
cents  per 
in  nearly 
credit  on 
^ard  plan 
ing  as  the 
y  on  pre- 

itizens  of 

for  the 
ch  on  the 

[lating  to 
a  sub- 

ute,  the 
lis  class, 
lools  are 


Chap.  XIX. 



to  attend,  in  the  shape  of  food  and  clothing.  At  these 
schools,  in  place  of  the  cleanly,  neat,  and  superior  ap})ear- 
ance  of  the  children  in  the  common  schools,  dirt,  rags, 
shoeless  feet,  and  pallid,  vicious,  precocious  countenances 
are  to  be  seen.  Nothing  dest'*oys  so  effectually  the  ex- 
ternal distinguishing  peculiarities  of  race  as  the  habit  of 
evil.  There  is  a  uniformity  of  expression  invariably  pro- 
duced, which  is  most  painful.  These  children  are  early 
taught  to  look  upon  virtue  only  as  a  cloak  to  be  worn  by 
the  rich.  This  dangerous  and  increasing  class  in  New 
York  is  composed  almost  entirely  of  foreign  immigrants. 
The  instruction  in  these  schools  is  given  principally  by 
ladies  of  high  station  and  education.  It  is  a  noble  feature 
in  New  York  "  high  life,"  and  in  pro^^ess  of  time  may 
diminish  the  gulf  which  is  widening  between  the  different 
classes,  and  may  lessen  the  hideous  contrasts  which  are 
presented  between  princely  fortunes  on  the  one  hand,  and 
vicious  poverty  on  the  other. 

Taking  the  various  schools  throughout  the  Union,  it  is 
estimated  that  between  4,000,000  and  5,000,000  indivi- 
duals are  at  this  time  receiving  education. 

To  turn  from  the  social  to  the  material  features  of  the 
United  States :  their  system  of  internal  connnunication 
deserves  a  brief  notice,  for  by  it  their  resources  have  been 
developed  to  a  prodigious  extent.  The  system  of  rail- 
ways, telegraphs,  and  canal  and  river  navigation  presents 
an  indication  of  the  wealth  and  advancement  of  the  United 
States,  as  wonderful  as  any  other  feature  of  her  progress. 
She  contains  more  miles  of  railway  than  all  the  rest  of  the 
world  put  together. 

In  a  comparatively  new  country  like  Amen  -«  many  of 



Chap.  XIX, 

the  items  of  expense  which  attend  the  construction  of  rail- 
ways in  England  are  avoided  ;  the  initiatory  expenses  are 
very  small.  In  most  of  the  States,  all  that  is  necessary  is, 
for  the  company  to  j)rove  that  it  is  provided  with  means 
to  carry  out  its  scheme,  when  it  obtains  a  charter  from  tlie 
Legislature  at  a  very  small  cost.  In  several  States,  in- 
cluding the  populous  ones  of  New  York  and  Ohio,  no 
special  charter  is  required,  as  a  general  railway  law  pre- 
scribes the  rules  to  be  observed  by  joint-stock  companies. 
IMaterials,  iron  alone  excepted,  are  cheap,  and  the  right 
of  way  is  usually  freely  granted.  In  the  older  States 
land  would  not  cost  more  than  20/.  an  acre.  Wood  fre- 
quently costs  nothing  more  than  the  labour  of  cutting  it, 
and  the  very  level  surface  of  the  country  renders  tunnels, 
cuttings,  and  embankments  generally  unnecessary.  The 
average  cost  per  mile  is  about  38,000  dollars,  or  7600/. 

In  Slates  where  land  has  become  exceedingly  valuable, 
land  damages  form  a  heavy  item  in  the  construction  of 
new  lines,  but  in  the  South  and  West  the  case  is  reversed, 
and  the  proprietors  are  willing  to  give  as  nuich  land  as 
may  be  required,  in  return  for  having  the  resonrces  of 
their  localities  opened  uj)  by  railway  communication.  It 
is  estimated  that  the  cost  of  railways  in  the  new  States 
will  not  exceed  4000/.  per  mile.  The  termini  are  plain, 
and  have  been  erected  at  a  very  small  expense,  and  many 
of  the  wayside  stations  are  only  wooden  sheds.  Few  of 
the  lines  have  a  double  line  of  rails,  and  the  bridges  or 
viaducts  are  compcsed  of  logs  of  wood,  with  little  iron- 
work and  less  paint,  except  in  a  few  instances.  Except 
where  the  lines  intersect  cultivated  districts,  fences  are 
seldom  seen,  and  the  paucity  of  porters  and  other  officials 

Chap.  XIX. 



}nses  are 

mator'uilly  reduces  the  working  expenses.  The  common 
rate  of  speed  is  from  22  to  30  miles  an  liour,  but  there  are 
express  trains  which  are  warranted  to  jierform  00  in  a 
like  period.  The  fuel  is  very  cheap,  being  billets  of 
wood.  The  p.issenger  and  goods  traffic  on  nearly  all  the 
lines  is  enormous,  and  it  is  stated  that  most  of  them  pay 
a  dividend  of  from  8  to  15  per  cent. 

The  primary  design  has  been  to  connect  the  sea-coast 
with  all  parts  of  the  interior,  the  ulterior  is  to  unite  the 
Atlantic  and  Pacific  Oceans.  At  the  present  time  there 
are  about  25,000  miles  of  railway  in  operation  and  course 
of  construction,  and  the  average  rate  of  fare  is  seldom 
more  than  Id.  per  mile.  Already  the  chief  cities  of  the 
Atlantic  have  been  connected  with  the  vast  valley  of  the 
Mississippi,  and  before  long  the  regions  bordering  on 
Lake  Huron  and  Lake  Superior  will  be  united  with 
Mobile  and  New  Orleans.  In  addition  to  this  enormous 
system  of  railway  communication,  the  canal  and  river 
navigation  extends  over  10,0('0  miles,  and  rather  more 
than  3000  steamboats  float  on  American  waters  alone. 

Tiie  fiicilities  for  telegraphic  conmiunication  in  the 
States  are  a  further  evidence  of  the  enterprise  of  this 
remarkable  people.  Tliey  have  now  22,000  miles  of  tele- 
graph ill  operation,  and  the  cost  of  transmitting  messages 
is  less  than  a  halfpenny  a  word  for  any  distance  under 
200  miles.  The  cost  of  construction,  including  eveiy 
outlay,  is  about  30/.  per  miL\  The  wires  are  carried 
along  the  railways,  through  forcsLs,  and  across  cities,  rivers, 
and  prairies.  Messages  passing  from  one  very  distant 
point  to  another  have  usually  to  be  re-written  at  an 
intermediate  station ;  though  by  an  improved  plan  they 





Chap.  XIX. 

have  been  transmitted  direct  from  New  York  to  Mobile, 
a  dijjtance  of  1800  miles.  By  the  Cincinnati  tel(!grapliic 
route  to  New  Orleans,  a  distance  from  New  York  of 
2000  miles,  the  news  brought  by  the  British,  steamer  to 
Sandy  Hook  at  8  in  the  morning  has  been  telegraj)hed  to 
New  Orleans,  and  before  11  o'clock  the  effects  pro- 
duced by  it  upon  speculations  there  have  been  returned 
to  New  York — the  message  accomplishing  a  distance  of 
4000  miles  in  three  hours.  The  receipts  are  enormous, 
for,  in  consequence  of  the  very  small  sum  charged  for 
transmitting  messages,  as  many  as  600  are  occasionally 
sent  along  the  principal  lines  in  one  day.  The  seven 
principal  morning  papers  in  New  York  paid  in  one  year 
50,000  dollars  for  despatches,  and  14,000  for  special 
messages.  Messages  connected  with  markets,  public; 
news,  the  weather,  and  the  rise  and  fall  of  stocks,  are 
incessantly  passing  between  the  great  cities.  Any  change 
in  the  weather  likely  to  affect  the  cotton-crop  is  known 
immediately  in  the  northern  cities.  While  in  the  Ex- 
change  at  Boston,  I  witnessed  the  receipt  of  a  telegraphic 
despatch  announcing  that  a  heavy  shower  was  falling  at 
New  Orleans ! 

It  must  not  be  suj)posed  that  there  is  no  poverty  in 
the  New  World.  During  one  year  131,972  paupers 
were  in  the  receipt  of  relief,  of  whom  /)9,000  were  in  the 
State  of  New  York ;  but  to  show  the  evil  influence  of  the 
foreign,  more  especially  the  Irish,  element  in  America, 
it  is  stated  that  75  per  cent,  of  the  criminals  and  paupers 
are  foreigners. 

The  larger  portion  of  the  crime  committed  is  done 
under  the  influence  of  spirits ;  and  to  impose  a  check  upon 

lAP.  XIX. 



York  of 

amor  to 

phed  to 

:;ts  pro- 


tance  of 


'ged  for 


c  seven 

»ne  year 



'ks,  are 



le  Ex- 


ing  at 

erty  in 


in  the 

of  the 



L  upon 

Chap.  XIX. 



tiieir  sale,  that  celebrated  enactment,  known  under  the 
name  of  the  "  Maine  Law,"  has  been  placed  upon  the 
statute-hooks  of  several  of  the  States,  including  the  im- 
portant ones  of  New  York,  Maine,  Massachusetts,  Con- 
necticut, and  Nebraska.  This  law  prohibits,  under  heavy 
penalties,  the  manufacture  or  sale  of  alcoholic  Honors. 
It  has  been  passed  in  obedience;  to  the  will  of  the  peoj)u', 
as  declared  at  the  elections ;  and  though  to  us  its  provi- 
sions seem  somewhat  arbitrary,  its  working  has  produced 
very  salutary  effects. 

When  so  much  importance  is  attached  to  education,  and 
such  a  liberal  provision  is  made  for  it,  it  is  to  be  expected 
that  a  taste  for  reading  would  be  universally  diffused. 
And  such  is  the  case  :  America  teems  with  books.  Every 
English  work  worth  reading  is  reprinted  in  a  cheap  form 
in  the  States  as  soon  as  the  first  copy  crosses  the  Atlantic. 
Our  reviews  and  magazines  appear  regularly  at  half  price, 
and  Dickens'  '  Household  Words '  and  '  Chambers'  Jour- 
nal* enjoy  an  enormous  circulation  without  any  pecuniary 
benefit  being  obtained  by  the  authors.  Every  one  reads 
the  newspapers  and  '  Harper's  3Iagazine,'  and  every  one 
buys  bad  novels,  on  worse  paper,  in  the  cars  and  steam- 
boats. The  States,  although  amply  supplied  with  English 
literature,  have  many  popular  authors  of  their  own, 
among  whom  may  be  named  Prescott,  Bancroft,  Wash- 
ington Irving,  Stowe,  Stephens,  \Vetherall,  Emerson, 
Longfellow,  Lowell,  and  Bryant.  Books  are  very  cheap 
wherever  the  editions  of  English  works  are  concerned,  and 
a  library  is  considered  an  essential  part  of  the  fitting  uj) 
of  a  house.  In  many  of  the  States  there  are  public  libra- 
ries supported  by  a  rate.     In  the  State  of  New  York,  in 


;  1- 





ADVANTAdKS  Full  KMTORANTS.        Ciiai.  XIX. 

tlio  year  ending   1854,  the  ('onnnijisionors  of  Education 
rcc'civod  1)0,571)  dollars  for  llhrancti. 

IVi'liaps  the  greatest  advantage  olfered  to  emigrants  i.> 
tlu'  opportunity  everywhere  afforded  of  iuv(>sting  jsuiall 
sums  of  money  advantageously.  In  I'ngland,  in  Inost 
hrauches  of  trade,  the  lovv  rate  of  wages  renders  it  im- 
possihle  for  the  oj)erative  to  save  any  portion  of  his  earn- 
ings ;  and  even  when  he  is  ahle  to  do  so,  he  can  rareh 
obtain  a  higlun*  rati;  of  interest  for  his  money  tlian  that 
which  the  >avings-l)anks  offer.  I'^eonomisi^  as  lu^  niay, 
his  hard-won  savings  seldom  are  suffieient  to  afford  him  a 
provision  in  old  ago.  In  America,  on  the  contrary,  tlu' 
man  who  possesses  5/.  or  10/.  has  ev(>ry  hope  of  siM'uring 
a  competence.  lie  may  i)uy  land  in  newly-settled  dis- 
tricts, which  sometimes  can  be  obtained  at  7.v.  an  acre, 
and  hold  it  till  it  becomes  valuable,  or  he  may  (d)tain  a 
few  shares  in  any  thriving  cor])orate  concern.  A  hundred 
ways  ])resent  themselves  to  the  man  of  intelligence  and 
industry  by  which  he  uiay  imjjrove  and  increase  his  little 
fortinie.  The  necessaries  of  life  are  abundant  and  ci-cap, 
and,  aided  by  a  free  education,  he  has  the  satisfaction  of 
a  well-grounded  hope  that  his  children  will  rise  to  posi- 
tions of  respectability  and  affluence,  while  his  old  age 
will  be  far  removed  from  the  pressure  of  want.  The 
knowledge  that  each  shilling  saved  may  produce  ten  or 
twenty  by  judicious  investment  is  a  constant  stimulus  to 
his  industry. 

Yet,  from  all  that  I  have  seen  and  heard,  I  should 
think  that  Canada  West  offers  a  more  advantageous  field 
for  emigrants.  Equally  free  and  unburdened  by  taxa- 
tion, with  the  same  social  and  educational  advantages, 


ir.\r.  XIX. 

grjint.s  i.» 
ig  small 

in  tiiost 
!'s  it  iiii- 
liis  oani- 
11  rarelv 
liaii  tliat 
lu;  may, 
rd  liim  a 
rarv,  tlu> 
tied  dis- 
an  aero, 
obtain  a 
nice  and 

lis  little 
d  ci-caj), 
iction  of 

to  posi- 
L)ld  ago 
i  ton  or 

uliis  to 

)us  field 
y  taxa- 
ntages,'.  XIX. 

IHI'M'Icn/riKS  OF  KM  K; HANTS. 


with  an  increasing  demand  for  labour  of  every  kind,  with 
a  rich  soil,  extraordinary  faoilities  of  comniunieatioii,  and 
a  iiealthy  olimati',  I'auperism  is  unknown  ;  fluetnations  in 
eomin(>reial  afl'iirs  are  eoinparatively  small,  and,  above 
all,  the  emigrant  is  not  oxjiosed  to  tho  loss  of  everything 
which  he  possesses  as  soon  as  lie  lands. 

An  infamous  class  of  swiinllers,  called  "  emigrant-run- 
ners," moot  the  jioor  advi-nturor  on  hi-  arrival  at  New 
York.  They  sell  Iiim  soeond-class  tickets  ut  tho  price  of 
first-class,  forged  passes,  and  ti(^kots  to  take  him  1  ()()() 
miles,  which  are  only  available  at  the  outside  for  200  or 
300.  Tf  he;  holds  out  against  their  extortions,  ho  is 
beaten,  abused,  loses  his  luggage  for  a,  time,  ur  is  trans- 
ferred to  the  tender  mercies  of  t!u!  boarding-house  keeper, 
who  speedily  de])rivos  him  of  his  hard-earned  savings. 
These  runners  retard  tlu;  westward  progress  of  the  emi- 
grant in  every  way  ;  they  charg(;  enormous  rates  for  the 
removal  of  his  luggage  from  the  wharf;  they  ]dun<lor 
him  in  railway-cars,  in  steamboats,  in  lodging-houses  ; 
and  if  Providoiu'e  saves  him  from  sinking  into  drunken- 
ness and  despair,  and  he  can  ho  no  longer  detained,  they 
sell  him  a  lot  in  some  non-existent  locality,  or  send  him 
off  to  the  west  in  search  of  some  jiretendod  employment. 
Too  frequently,  after  the  emigrant  has  lost  his  money  and 
property,  sickened  by  disappointment  and  deserted  by 
hope,  he  is  content  to  remain  at  New  York,  where  he  con- 
tributes to  increase  that  "  dangerous  class"  already  so 
much  feared  in  the  Em})ire  City. 

One  point  remains  to  be  noticed,  and  that  is,  th(!  feel- 
ing which  exists  in  America  towards  England.  Much  has 
been  done  to  inflame  animosity  on  each  side  ;  national 



CiiAr.  XIX. 


rivalries  have  boon  ciicourugtMl,  uiid  national  joalousies 
fonienti'd.  In  tmvellinjj  throngli  tlio  United  States  I  ox- 
pected  to  find  a  very  strong  anti-English  feeling.  In  this 
I  was  disiajjpoiuted.  It  is  true  that  I  scarcely  ever  entered 
a  car,  steamboat,  or  liotel,  without  hearing  England  nnide 
a  topic  of  discussion  in  connexion  with  the  war;  but,  ex- 
cept on  a  few  occasions  in  the  West,  I  never  heard  any 
other  than  kindly  feelings  expressed  towards  our  country 
A  few  individuals  would  prognosticate  failure  and  dis- 
aster, and  glory  in  the  anticipation  of  a  "  busting-uj) ;" 
but  these  were  generally  "  Kurnels"  of  militia,  or  newly- 
arrived  Irish  emigrants.  These  last  certainly  are  very 
noisy  enemies,  and  are  quite  ready  to  subscribe  to  the 
maxim,  "That  wherever  England  possesses  an  interest, 
there  an  American  wrong  exists."  Some  of  the  papers 
likewise  write  against  England  in  no  very  measured  terms  ; 
but  it  must  be  borne  in  mind  tbat  declamatory  speaking 
and  writing  are  the  safety-valves  of  a  free  community, 
and  the  papers  from  which  our  opinion  of  American  feel- 
ing is  generally  taken  do  not  represent  even  a  respectable 
minority  in  the  nation.  American  commercial  interests 
are  closely  interwoven  with  ours,  and  "Brother  Jonathan" 
would  not  lightly  go  against  his  own  interests  by  rushing 
into  war  on  slight  pretences. 

While  I  was  dining  at  an  hotel  in  one  of  the  great 
American  cities  a  gentleman  proposed  to  an  English 
friend  of  his  to  drink  "  Success  to  Old  England."  Nearly 
two  hundred  students  of  a  well-known  college  were  pre- 
sent, and  one  of  them  begged  to  join  in  drinking  the  toast 
on  behalf  of  liis  fellow-students.  "  For,"  he  added,  "  we, 
in  connnon  with  the  educated  youth  of  America,  look 



)  great 





upon  England  as  upon  a  vonoratod  niotlier."  I  liave  fro- 
(juently  heard  this  sentiment  expressed  in  pubhe  jjhices, 
and  have  often  heard  it  remarked  tliat  kindly  feeling 
towards  England  is  on  the  iiierease  in  society. 

Tiio  news  of  the  victory  of  the  Alma  was  received 
with  rejoicing ;  the  heroic  t>elf-sacrifice  of  the  cavalry  at 
Balaklava  excited  enthusiastic  admiration  ;  and  the  glo- 
rious stand  at  Inkermann  taught  the  Americans  that  their 
aged  parent  could  still  defend  the  cause  of  freedom  with 
the  vigour  of  youth.  The  disasters  of  the  winter,  and 
the  gloomy  months  of  inaction  which  succeeded  it,  had 
the  effect  of  damping  their  sympathies  ;  the  prophets  of 
defeat  were  for  a  time  triumphant,  and  our  ftuling 
prestige,  and  reputed  incapacity,  were  made  the  suhjects 
of  ill-natured  discussion  by  the  press.  But  when  the 
news  of  the  fall  of  Sebastopol  arrived,  the  tone  of  the 
papers  changed,  and,  relying  on  the  oblivious  memories 
of  their  readers,  they  declared  that  they  had  always 
prophesied  the  demolition  of  Russia.  The  telegraphic; 
report  of  the  victory  was  received  with  rejoicing,  and  the 
shij)  which  conveyed  it  to  Boston  was  sainted  with  thirty- 
one  guns  by  the  States  artillery. 

The  glory  of  the  republic  is  based  upon  its  advanced 
social  principles  and  its  successful  prosecution  of  the  arts 
of  peace.  As  the  old  military  despotisms  cannot  compete 
with  it  in  wealth  and  enlightenment,  so  it  attempts  no 
competition  with  them  in  standing  armies  and  the  arts  of 
Tor.  National  vanity  is  a  failing  of  the  Americans,  and, 
if  their  military  prowess  had  never  been  proved  before, 
they  might  seek  to  display  it  on  European  soil ;  but  their 
successful  struggle  with  England  in  the  War  of  Inde- 



CiiM'.  XIX. 

•  '■■■  '\ .  ■ 

1'0  -^-l 


})en(U'n('o  renders  any  .*^iifh  disjilay  uiiiiecosf-ary.  The 
institutions  of  tlio  States  do  not  date  from  tlie  military 
ages  of  tlie  world,  and  tlie  Federal  (^)nstitution  lin.s  made 
no  provision  for  offensive  war.  The  f  eling  of  the  edu- 
cated classes,  and  of  an  immense  majority  in  the;  Free 
States,  is  helieved  to  be  essentially  Furrlinh.  Des])otism 
and  freedom  can  never  unite  ;  and  wiiatever  may  be  tlr; 
declamations  of  tlie  denioeratie  l);n-ty,  the  oj)inion  of  those 
wlio  are  aecpiainted  with  the  state  of  jioj)ular  feeling  is 
that,  if  the  ([UL'stion  were  seriously  mooted,  a  war  with 
luigiand  or  a  lUissian  alliance  would  s<.>cure  to  the  pro- 
nu)ters  of  'ither  the  indignation  and  contem])t  which  they 
would  des(>rve.  It  is  earnestly  to  be  hojied,  and  I  trust 
that  it  may  be  believed,  that  none  of  us  will  live  to  see 
the  day  when  two  nations,  so  closely  allicnl  by  blood, 
reliji^eii,  and  the  love  of  freedom,  shall  engage  in  a 
b  srnble  and  fratricidal  war. 

j^uch  of  the  foregoing  remarks  as  apply  to  the  results 
of  '„he  vitiation  of  the  pure  form  of  repul)lican  govern- 
uieut  delivered  to  America  by  Washington,  I  have 
hazanb'd  with  very  great  diffidence.  In  England  we 
know  very  little  of  the  United  States,  and,  however 
candid  the  intentions  of  a  tourist  may  be,  it  is  difficult 
in  a  fhort  resideiice  in  the  country  so  completely  to  throw 
oft'  certain  prejudices  and  misapprehensions  as  to  proceed 
to  tlie  delineation  of  its  social  characteristics  with  any 
degree  of  fairness  and  accuracy.  The  similarity  of  lan- 
guage, and  to  a  gi'cat  extent  of  customs  and  manners, 
renders  on(i  prone  rather  to  enlcr  into  continual  compari- 
sons of  America  with  England  than  to  look  at  her  from 
the  point  from  which  she  really  ought  to  be  viewed — 



iKuiU'ly,  licvHcIf.  There  m<\  liowever,  certain  ssulieut 
jjoints  which  present  tlieni.selve<5  to  the  interested  obstirver, 
and  1  have  endeavoured  to  appnjacii  these  in  an  candid 
a  spirit  as  possible,  not  exaggerating  obvious  faults, 
where  there  is  so  much  to  connneud  an'l  admire. 

Tlie  following  reniarlcs  were  lately  iiwd^'  tb  wc  by  a 
liberal  and  enlightened  American  on  the  minapjHTt'hen- 
sions  of  British  observers  : — "  The  great  I'ault  i4'  Kiiglish 
travellers  in  this  land  very  often  is  that  they  see  all 
things  through  spectachvs  which  have  been  g/idnated  to 
the  age  and  narrow  local  dimensions  of  things  ii  Miigiand  ; 
and  because  things  here  are  new,  and  all  that  -^  goo'!, 
instead  of  being  concentrated  into  a  narrow  space  oo  as 
to  be  seen  at  one  glance,  is  .videly  diffused  so  as  not 
to  be  easily  gauged — because,  in  other  words,,  it  is  ti\e 
Sj)ring  here  ;'nd  not  the  autuaui,  and  our  aJvance  has 
the  stej)  of  youth  instead  of  the  measured  w.ilk  of  ,»gt; ; 
and  because  our  refinenumts  have  not  the  precise  customs 
to  which  they  have  been  accu^tonu'd  at  home,  they  turn 
away  in  mighty  dissatisfaL'tion.  There  are  excellences 
in  varieties,  and  things  which  dillor  may  both  be  good." 





CiiAi'.  XX. 



i  '  ij 

«?    ' 



The  Anuric'i  —  A  gloomy  departure — Au  ugly  night  —  Morning  at 
Halifax  —  Our  new  piwsenger.s  —  Babies  —  Captain  Loitcli  —  A  day 
at  sea  —  ClipjH-'rs  and  steamers — ^A  .storm  —  An  Atlantic  moon- 
light—  Uuplcaaaut  ejeusatioua — A  gale  —  lukermaun — Concluaion. 

On  reaching  Boston  I  found  tliat  my  passage  had  been 
taken  in  the  Cunard  steamer  America,  reputed  to  be  the 
slowest  and  wettest  of  the  whole  line.  Some  of  my  kind 
American  friends,  anxious  to  induce  mc  to  remain  for  the 
winter  with  them,  had  exaggerated  the  dangers  and  dis- 
comforts of  a  winter-passage  ;  the  December  storms,  the 
three  days  s})ent  in  crossing  the  Newfoundland  Banks, 
steaming  at  half-speed  with  fog-bells  ringing  and  fog- 
horns blowing,  the  impossibility  of  going  on  deck,  and  tlie 
disagreeableness  of  being  shut  up  in  a  close  heated  saloon. 
It  was  wiih  all  these  slanders  against  the  ship  fresh  in 
my  recollection  that  I  saw  her  in  dock  on  the  morning  of 
my  leaving  America,  he  large,  sha])eless,  wall-sided  hull 
looming  darkly  through  a  shoA^er  of  rain.  The  friends 
who  had  Hrst  welcomed  me  to  the  States  accompanied  me 
to  the  vessel,  ri;nder\ng  my  departure  from  them  the 
more  reg'*etful,  and  scarcely  had  I  taken  leave  of  them 
when  a  gun  was  fired,  the  lashings  were  cast  off,  and  our 
huge  wheels  began  their  ceaseless  revolutions. 

It  was  in  S(jme  res))ects  a  cheerless  embarkation.     The 
Indian  sunnner  had  j)aased  awa}'  ;  the  ground  was  bound 

CiiAP.  XX. 




by  frost ;  driving  showers  of  sluet  were  descending;  and 
a  cold,  howling,  wintry  wind  was  sweeping  over  the  watei*s 
of  ^Massachusetts  I3ay.  We  were  considerably  retarded 
between  Boston  and  IL.Iifax  by  contrary  winds.  I  had 
retired  early  to  my  berth  to  sleep  away  the  fatigues  of 
several  preceding  months,  and  was  awoke  about  midnight 
by  the  most  deafening  accumulation  of  sounds  which 
ever  stunned  my  ears.  I  felt  that  I  was  bruised,  and 
that  the  berth  was  unusually  hard  and  cold ;  and,  after 
groping  about  in  the  pitch- darkness,  I  found  that  I  had 
been  thrown  out  of  it  upon  the  floor,  a  fact  soon  made 
self-evident  by  my  being  rolled  across  the  cabin,  a  pecu- 
liarly disagreeable  course  of  locomotion.  It  was  impos- 
sible to  stand  or  walk,  and  in  crawling  across  to  my  berth 
I  was  assailed  by  my  portmanteau,  which  was  projected 
violently  against  me.  Further  sleep  for  some  hours  was 
impossible.  Bang !  bang !  would  come  a  heavy  wave 
against  the  ship's  side,  close  to  my  cars,  as  if  trying  the 
strength  of  her  timbers.  Crash  !  crash !  as  we  occasion- 
ally shipped  heavy  seas,  would  the  waves  burst  over  the 
lefty  bulwarks,  and  with  a  fall  of  seven  feet  at  cnce  come 
thundering  down  (va  the  deck  above.  Then  one  sound 
asserted  its  claim  to  be  heard  over  all  the  others — a  sound 
as  if  our  decks  were  being  stove — a  gun  or  some  other 
heavy  body  had  broken  loose,  and  could  not  be  secured. 
The  incessant  groaning,  splitting,  and  heaving,  and  the 
roar  of  the  water  through  the  scuppers,  as  it  found  a 
tardy  egress  from  the  deluged  deck,  was  th"!  result  of 
merely  a  "  head-wind"  and  "an  ugly  night." 

Late  on  the  second  evening  of  our  voyage,  I  walked  on 
deck.     It  was  the  "fag-end"  of  a  gale,  and  the  rain  was 



CiiAi'.  XX. 

:  ■;, 


v..    li- 


pouring  dowh  upon  the  slippeiy  planks.  Brightly  a  sky- 
rocket whizzetl  upwards  from  a  distant  ship,  au'l  burst  in 
a  shower  of  flame,  followed  by  two  others,  signalling  our 
old  acquaintance  the  Canada,  bound  from  Liverpool  to 
Boston.  Wc  sent  up  ?  fireworks  in  return,  and  soon 
lost  sight  of  the  friendly  light  on  her  paddle-box.  She 
was  the  only  ship  that  we  saw  till  we  reached  the  Irish 

With  some  of  the  other  passengers,  I  was  on  deck  at 
five  in  the  morning,  to  see  the  lights  on  the  heads  of 
Halifax  harbour.  It  was  dark  and  intensely  cold  and 
wet.  A  shower  of  rain  had  frozen  on  deck  during  the 
night,  and  as  it  began  to  melt  the  wator  ran  off  in  little 
sooty  rills.  Slowly,  shivering  figures  came  on  deck,  men 
in  envelipes  of  fur,  and  oilskin  capes  and  coats,  with 
teeth  chattering  with  cold,  witli  wrinkled  brows,  and  blue 
cold  noses.  And  slowly  lightened  the  clear  eastern  sky, 
and  the  crescent  moon  and  stars  disaj^peared  one  by  one, 
and  gradually  the  low  pine-clad  hills  of  Nova  Scotia  stood 
out  in  dark  relief  against  the  light,  when,  all  of  a  sudden, 
"  like  a  glory,  the  broad  sun "  rose  behind  the  purple 
moorlands,  and  soon  hill  and  town  and  lake-like  bay  were 
bathed  in  the  cold  glow  of  a  winter  sunrise.  It  was  now 
half-past  seven — the  morning-gun  had  boomed  from  the 
citadel,  and,  in  honour  of  such  an  important  event  as  the 
arrival  of  the  European  steamer,  it  might  have  been  suj)- 
})osed  that  the  inhabitants  of  the  quiet  town  of  Halifax 
would  have  been  astir.  In  this  idea  a  Scotch  friend  and 
I  stepped  ashore  with  the  intention  of  visiting  an  Indian 
curiosity-shop.  !n  dismal  contrast  to  the  early  habits 
which   prevail   ii    the    Araerican    cities,  where    sleep   is 

Chai'.  XX. 



I  and 

ep   is? 

yielded  to  as  a  necessity,  instead  of  being  indulged  in  as 
a  luxury,  we  found  the  shopj  elo&ed,  and,  except  the 
people  immediately  connected  with  the  steamer,  none 
were  stirring  in  the  streets  but  ragged  negroes  and 
squalid-looking  Indians.  A  few  'cute  enterprising  Yankees 
would  soon  metamorphose  the  aspect  of  this  city.  As  an 
arrogant  American  once  observed  to  me,  "  It  would  take 
a  '  Blue  Nose '  (a  Nova-Scotian)  as  long  to  put  on  his  hat 
as  for  one  of  our  tree  and  enlightened  citizens  to  go  from 
Costing  to  New  Orlccns.''  The  appearance  of  the  town 
was  very  repulsive.  A  fall  of  snow  had  thawed,  and,  mix- 
ing with  the  dust,  store-sweepings,  cabbagj-stalks,  oyster- 
shells,  and  other  rubbish,  had  formed  a  soft  and  peculiarly 
penetrating  mixture  from  three  to  seven  inches  deep. 

Eighteen  passengers  joined  the  America  at  Halifax, 
and  among  them  I  was  delighted  to  welcome  my  cousins, 
a  party  of  seven,  eii  route  from  Prince  Edward  IshiL  \  to 
England.  The  two  babies  which  accompanied  them  were 
rather  dreaded  in  prosjjcct,  but  I  believe  that  their  be- 
haviour gained  them  general  ap})robation.  As  dogs  are 
not  allowed  on  the  poop  or  in  the  saloon,  a  well-con- 
ditioned baby  is  rather  a  favourite  in  a  ship ;  gentlemen 
of  amiable  dispositions  give  it  plenty  of  nursing  and 
tossing,  and  stewards  regard  it  with  benignant  smiles, 
and  occasionally  offer  it  "  titbits  "  purloined  from  dinner. 

Among  the  passengers  who  j(»ined  us  at  Halifax  were 
Captain  Leitch,  and  three  of  the  wrecked  officers  of  the 
steamship  Citi/  of  F/u'ladeJphia,  which  was  lost  on  Cape 
Race  three  months  before.  Captain  Leitch  is  a  remark- 
able-looking man,  very  like  the  portrait>'  of  the  ('ount 
of  Monte  Christo.     His  heroism  and  presence   of  mind 



Chap.  XX. 


on  the  occasion  of  that  terrible  disaster  were  the  means 
of  saving  the  lives  of  six  hundred  people,  many  of 
whom  were  women  and  children.  When  the  ship  struck, 
tlie  panic  among  this  large  number  of  persons  was  of 
course  awful ;  but  so  perfect  was  the  discipline  of  the 
crew,  and  so  great  their  attcichmcnt  to  their  commander, 
that  not  a  cabin-boy  left  ihe  ship  in  t'lat  season  of  a])pre- 
hension  without  his  permission.  Captain  Leitch  said  that 
he  would  be  the  lasit  man  to  quit  the  ship,  and  he  kept 
his  word  ;  but  the  excitement,  anxiety,  and  subsequent 
exposure  to  cold  and  fatigue,  more  especially  in  his 
search  after  the  survivors  of  the  ill-fated  Arctic,  brought 
on  a  malady  from  which  he  was  severely  suffering. 

We  had  only  sixty  passengers  on  board,  and  the  party 
was  a  remarkably  (juiet  one.  There  was  a  gentleman 
going  to  Paris  as  A  ..lerican  consul,  a  daily,  animated, 
and  untiring  advocate  of  slavery  ;  a  Jesuit  missionary,  of 
agreeable  manners  and  cultivated  mind,  on  his  way  to 
Rome  to  receive  an  episcopal  hat ;  two  Jesuit  brethren  ; 
five  lively  French  people  ;  and  the  usual  number  of  com- 
mercial travellers,  agents,  and  storekeepers,  princi])ally 
from  (.'anada.  There  were  very  few  ladies,  and  onl}'  three 
besides  our  own  party  appeared  in  the  saloon.  For  a 
few  days  after  leaving  Halifax  we  had  a  calm  sea  and 
fair  winds,  accompanied  with  rain  ;  and  with  the  exception 
of  six  unlia])py  passengers  who  never  came  U])stairs 
during  the  wliole  voyage,  all  seemed  well  enough  to 
make  the  best  of  things. 

A  brief  description  of  the  daily  routine  on  board 
these  ships  may  serve  to  amuse  those  who  have  never 
crossed  the  Atlantic,  and  may  recall  agreeable  or  dis- 


Cir.\p.  XX. 



agreeable  recollections,  as  the  case  may  bo,  to  tbosc  wlio 

During  the  first  day  or  two   tbosc  who  arc  sca-sick 
generally   remain   downstairs,    and    tbosc  who    arc  well 
look  sentimentally  at  tbe  receding  land,  and  make  ac- 
quaintances with   wbom  tbey  walk  five  or  six  in  a  row, 
bearing    down  isolated   individuals  of  anti-social  babits. 
After  two  or  three  days  have  elapsed,  pcoj)lc  generally 
lose  all  interest  in  the  novelty,  and  settle  down  to  such 
pursuits  as  suit  them  best.     At  eight  in  the  morning  the 
dressing-bell  rings,  and  a  very  few  admirable  people  get 
up,  take  a  walk  on  deck,  and  ap})ear  at  breakfiist  at  half- 
past  eight.     But  to  most  this  meal  is  rendered  a  super- 
fluity by  tbe  supper  of  the  night  before— that  condemned 
meal,  which  everybody  declaims  against,  and  everybody 
partakes  of    However,  if  only  two  or  three  people  appear, 
the  long  tables  are  adorned  profusely  with  cold   tongue, 
ham,  Irish  stew,  mutton-chops,  broiled  salmon,  crimped 
cod,  eggs,  tea,  coffee,  chocolate,  toast,  hot  rolls,  Sec.  &c. ! 
These  viands  remain    on  the    table    till    lialf-j)ast    nine. 
After  breakfast  some  of  the  idle  ones  come  up  and  take 
a  promenade  on  deck,  watch  the  wind,  suggest  that  it  has 
changed  a  little,  look  at  the  course,  ask  the  captain  for  the 
fiftieth  time  when  he  expects  to  be  in  i)ort,  and  watch  the 
heaving  of  the  log,  when  the  officer  of  the  watch  invariably 
tells  them  that  the  ship  is  rur.ning  a  knot  or  two  faster  than 
her  real  speed,  giving  a  glance  of  intelligence  at  the  same 
time  to  some  knowing  person  near.    Mr.iy  persons  who  are 
in  the  habit  of  crossing  twice  a-yoar  oegin  cards  directly 
after  breakfast,  and,  with  only  the  interrui)tion  of  meals, 
play  till  eleven  at  night.     Others  are  equally  devoted  to 



Chap.  XX. 


^4    i^ 

!m4  '' 

chess ;  and  the  commercial  travollors  produce  small  square 
books  with  columns  for  dollars  and  cents,  cast  up  their 
accounts,  and  bite  the  ends  of  their  pens.  A  hell  at 
twelve  calls  the  passengers  to  lunch  from  their  various 
lurking-places,  and,  though  dinner  shortly  succ(«eds  this 
meal,  few  disobey  the  summons.  There  is  a  large  con- 
sumption of  pale  ale,  hotch-potch,  cold  beef,  potatoes,  and 
pickles.  These  j)ickles  are  of  a  peculiarly  brilliant  green, 
but,  as  the  forks  used  .ire  of  electro-plate,  the  daily  con- 
sumption of  coj)])er  cannot  Ixi  ascertained. 

At  four  all  the  tables  arc  s])r(?ad  ;  a  bell  rings — that 
"tocsin  of  the  soul,"  as  Byron  has  sarcastically  but 
truthfully  termetl  the  dinner-bell  ;  and  all  the  passengers 
rush  in  from  every  quarter  of  the  ship,  and  seat  them- 
selves with  an  air  of  expectation  till  the  covers  are  raised. 
Grievous  disappointments  are  often  disclosed  by  the  up- 
lifted dish-covers,  for  it  must  be  confessed  that  to  many 
people  dirmer  is  the  great  event  of  the  day,  to  be  specu- 
lated upon  before,  and  criticised  afterwards.  Then?  is  a 
tureen  of  soup  at  the  head  of  each  table,  and,  as  soon  as 
the  captain  takes  his  seat,  twelve  waiters  in  blue  jackets, 
who  have  been  previously  standing  in  a  row,  dart  upon 
the  covers,  and  after  a  few  minutes  of  intense  clatter  the 
serious  business  of  eating  begins.  The  stewards  serve! 
with  civility  and  alacrity,  and  seem  to  divine  your  wlshesl 
their  good  offices  no  doubt  being  slightly  stimulated  by  tlii 
vision  of  a  douceur  at  the  end  of  the  voyage.  T;ong  ImIII 
of  fare  are  laid  on  the  tables,  and  good  water,  })lentifulll 
iced,  is  served  with  each  meal.  Wine,  spirits,  liqueur; 
and  ale  are  consumed  in  large  quantities,  as  also  soupj 
fish,  game,  venison,  meat,  and  poultry  of  all  kinds,  wij 

Chap.  XX. 

Chap.  XX. 



ce  small  sciuare 
,  cast  up  tlicir 
ns.     A  bi'U  at 
ni  their  various 
[V  succoeds  this 
is  a  largo  con- 
ef,  potatoes,  and 
y  brilliant  green, 
tc,  the  daily  cou- 

hell  rings— that 

sarcastically  hut      ^ 
xW  the  passengers      ^ 
p,  and  seat  them-      ; 
covers  are  raised, 
.closed  hy  the  up- 
>=ged  that  to  many 
L>  day,  to  he  specu- 
vards.     Tliere  is  a 
,le,  and,  as  soon  as 
3rs  in  blue  jackets, 
1  a  row,  dart  up(ni 
\ntense  clatter  the 
rhe  stewards  serve 
,  (lirine  your  wishes, 

voyage.  I-ong  hills 
,d  water,  plentifully 
inc,  spirits,  hqueurs, 
iitities,  as  al^o  soups, 
try  of  all  kinds,  with 

French  side-dishes,  a  profusion  of  jellies,  puddings,  and 
pastry,  and  a  plentiful  dessert  of  fresh  and  pr(>?erved 
fruits.  Many  people  complain  of  a  want  of  appetite  at 
sea,  and  the  number  of  bottles  of  "  Porrin'a  Sauco  "  used 
in  the  Cunard  steamers  must  almost  make  the  fortune  of 
the  maker.  At  seven  o'clock  the  lea-bell  rings,  but  the 
tables  are  comparatively  deserted,  for  from  lialf-past  nine 
to  half-past  ten  people  can  order  whatever  tlu'V  please  in 
the  way  of  supper. 

In  the  America,  as  it  was  a  winter-pas?.ige,  few  persons 
chose    to   walk  on   deck   after  dinner,  conseipuMitly  tiie 
saloon  from  eight  till  eleven  ])resented  the  appearance  of 
a  room  at  a  fashionable  hotel.    Tliere  were  two  regularly 
organised  whist-jiarties,    which    played    rubbers  ad   infi- 
nitum.    Cards  indeed  were  playtMl  at  most  of  the  tables 
— some  j)layed  backgammon — a  few  would  doze  over  odd 
volumes  of  old  novels— while  three  chess-boards  would  be 
employed  at  a  time,  for  tlu're  were  ten  persons  perfectly 
devoted  to  this  noble  game.     The  varied  employments  of 
the  occupants  of  the  saloon  ])roduce(l  a  strat^ge  mixtun; 
of  conversations.     One  evening,  while  waiting  the  slow 
movements  of  an  oj)ponent  at  chess,  the  following  remarks 
in  slightly  raised  tones  were  audible  above  ihe  ivst : — 
"  Do  you  really  tliink  me  pretty  ? — 0\\  flattering  man  ! — 
Deuce,    ace — Treble,  double,  and  vab— l^iat's  a  good 
hand — Clieck — It's  your  play — You've  gammoned  n*e — 
Ay,  ay,   sir — Parblew  ! — Holloa!  sti^ward,  whisk^x -tixldy 
for  fcnir — I  totally  despise  conventionalisms — ('h<\kmate 
— Brandy-punch  for    six — You've  thrown  away  all  your 
hearts  " — and  a  hundiv<l  others,  mai\}  of  them  demands 
for    something    fi\)in    the   culinary   dopartujcnt.     Occa- 
sionally a  forlorn  wight,  who  neither  played  chess  nor 





Chap.  XX. 

cards,  would  venture  on  diM-k  to  kill  time,  mid  return 
into  the  saloon  panting  and  shivering,  in  rough  snrtout 
and  fur  cap,  hringing  a  chilly  atniosj)here  with  him,  voted 
a  bore  for  leaving  the  door  open,  and  totally  unable  to 
induce  j)eo])le  to  synij)athise  with  him  in  his  complaints  of 
rain,  cold,  or  the  "  ugly  night."  By  eleven  the  saloon 
used  to  become  almost  unbearable,  from  the  combined 
odours  of  roast  onions,  ])ickles,  and  punch,  and  at  half- 
j)ast  the  lights  were  put  out,  and  the  comi)any  dispersed, 
most  to  their  berths,  but  some  to  smoke  cigars  on  deck. 

Though  the  Cunard  steamers  are  said  by  English 
people  to  be  as  near  perfi'ction  as  steamers  can  be,  I 
was  sorry  not  to  return  in  a  clij)})er.  There  is  something 
so  exhilaratina;  in  the  motion  of  a  sailing-vessel,  alwavs 
provided  she  is  neither  rolling  about  in  a  calm,  lying  to 
in  a  gale,  or  bi>ating  against  a  head-wind.  She  seems  to 
belong  to  the  sea,  with  her  tall  tapering  masts,  her  cloud 
of  moving  canvas,  and  her  buoyant  motion  over  the  rolling 
waves.  Her  movements  are  all  comprehensible,  and 
above-board  she  is  invariably  clean,  and  her  crew  are  con- 
nected in  one's  ■nind  with  nautical  stories  which  charmed 
one  in  the  long-))ast  days  of  youth.  A  steamer  is  very 
mucli  the  reverse.  "Sam  Slick,"  with  his  usual  force 
and  aptitude  of  illustration,  says  that  "  she  goes  through 
the  water  like  a  subsoil-plough  with  an  eight-horse  team." 
There  is  so  much  noise  and  groaning,  and  smoke  and 
dirt,  so  much  mystery  also,  and  the  ship  leaves  so  much 
commotion  in  the  water  behind  her.  There  do  not  seem 
to  be  any  regular  sailors,  and  in  their  stead  a  collection 
of  individuals  remarkably  greasy  in  their  appearance,  who 
may  bo  cooks  or  stokers,  or  possibly  both.  Then  you 
cannot  go  on  the  poop  without  being  saluted  by  a  whifF 

Chap.  XX. 



of  hot  air  i'vonx  tlio  grlui  furnaces  below;  men  are  always 
sliovelliug  in  coal,  or  throwing  cinders  overboard  ;  and  tlie 
rig  does  not  i?eeni  to  lielong  to  any  ship  in  ))arti<'idar. 
The  masts  are  h)w  and  small,  and  the  canvas,  which  is 
ahvays  spreail  in  fair  weather,  looks  a?*  if  it  had  been 
trailed  along  Cheapsidc  on  a  wet  day.  In  the  America 
it  was  not  such  a  very  material  assistance  either  ;  for  on 
one  occasion,  when  we  were  running  before  a  spKiidid 
breeze  under  a  crowd  of  sail,  the  engines  were  stoj»|)i'<l 
and  the  log  heaved,  which  only  gave  our  speed  at  three 
miles  an  hour.  One  lady  passenger  had  been  fei'ding  her 
mind  with  i^tories  of  steand)oat  explosions  in  the  States, 
and  spent  her  time  in  a  morbid  state  of  terror  by  no 
means  lessened  by  the  close  proximity  of  her  state-room 
to  the  dreaded  engine. 

On  the  sixth  day  after  leaving  Halifax  the  wind,  which 
everybody  had  been  hoping  lor  or  fearing,  came  upon  us 
at  last,  and  conlinued  increasing  lor  three  days,  when,  if 
we  had  been  beating  against  it,  we  should  have  called  it  a 
hurricane.  It  was,  however,  almost  directly  aft,  and  we 
ran  before  it  \uider  sail.  The  sky  during  the  two  days 
which  it  lasted  was  perfectly  cloudless,  and  the  sea  had 
that  peculiar  deep,  clear,  greenish-blue  tint  only  to  be 
met  with  far  from  land.  There  was  a  majesty,  a  sub- 
limity about  the  prospect  from  the  ])Oop  exceeding  every- 
thing which  I  had  ever  seen.  There  was  the  mighty 
ocean  showing  his  power,  and  here  were  we  poor  insignifi- 
cant creatures  overcoming  him  by  virtue  of  those  heaven- 
sent arts  by  which  man 

"  Hiia  made  lire,  flooil,  and  eartli, 
The  Viissals  uf  hi.s  will." 

I  had  often  road  of  mountain  waves,  but  believed  the 

X  2 





.0^.  \t>^^.% 












£  i::  112.0 


L25  nil  1.4 



















(716)  872-4503 








CiiAP.  XX. 


\  ,v: 

i  !  'i 

comparison  to  be  a  mere  figure  of  speech  till  I  saw  them 
here,  all  glorious  in  their  beauty,  under  the  clear  blue  of 
a  Deceuiber  skv.  Two  or  three  long  liif»;h  hills  of  water 
seemed  to  (ill  uj)  the  whole  horizon,  themfelves  an 
aggregate  of  a  countless  number  of  leaping,  foam-capped 
waves,  each  apparently  large  enough  to  overwhelm  a  ship. 
Huge  green  waves  seemed  to  chase  us,  when,  just  as  they 
reached  the  stern,  the  ship  would  lift,  and  they  would  pass 
under  her.  She  showed  especial  capabilities  for  rolling. 
She  would  roll  down  on  one  side,  the  billows  seeming  ready 
to  burst  in  foam  over  her,  while  the  opposite  bulwark  was 
fifteen  or  eighteen  feet  above  the  water,  displaying  her 
bright  green  co})per.  The  nights  were  more  glorious 
than  the  days,  when  the  broad  full  moon  would  shed  her 
light  upon  the  water  with  a  brilliancy  unknown  in  our 
foggy  clime.  It  did  not  look  like  a  wan  flat  surface, 
placed  flat  ujjou  a  watery  sky,  but  like  a  large  radiant 
sj)here  hanging  in  space.  The  view  from  the  wheel-iiouse 
was  magnificent.  The  towering  waves  which  came  up 
behind  us  heaped  together  by  mighty  winds,  looked  like 
hills  of  green  glass,  and  the  phosphorescent  light  like 
fiery  lamps  within — the  moonlight  glittered  upon  our 
broad  foamy  wake — our  masts  and  spars  and  rigging  stood 
out  m  sharp  relief  against  the  sky,  while  for  once  our 
canvas  looked  white.  Far  in  tl.'c  distance  the  sharp  bow 
would  plunge  dowu  into  the  foam,  and  then  our  good 
ship,  rising,  would  shake  her  shiny  sides,  as  if  in  joy  at  her 
own  buoyancy.  The  busy  hum  of  men  marred  not  the 
solitary  sacredness  of  midnight  on  the  Atlantic.  The 
moon  "  walked  in  brightness,"  auroras  flashed,  and  me- 
teors flamed,  and  a  sensible  j)resence  of  Deity  seemed  to 
pervade   the  transparent   atmosphere  in  which  we  were 

Chap.  XX. 

Chap.  XX. 



I  I  saw  tliom 
clear  Line  of 
ills  of  water 
.>m?elves   an 
iieliii  a  ship, 
just  as  they 
J  would  pass 
i  for  rolling. 
L'uiing  ready 
)ulwark  was 
playing  her 
)re  glorious 
dd  shed  her 
own  in  our 
lat  siu'face, 
rge  radiant 
h  came  up 
looked  like 
light  like 
upon  our 
gging  stood 
r  once  our 
\  sharp  how 
1  our  good 
n  joy  at  her 
•ed  not  the 
titic.     The 
[1,  and  me- 
seemed  to 
h  we  were 

viewing  "  the  works  of  the  Lord,  and  his  wonders  in  the 

I  could  scarcely  understand  how  this  conjunction  of 
circumstances  could  produce  any  but  agreeable  sensations  ; 
but  it  is  a  melancholy  fact  that  the  saloon  emptied  and 
the  state-rooms  filled,  and  the  number  of  promenaders 
daily  diminished.  People  began  to  find  the  sea  "  an 
unj)leasant  fact."  I  heard  no  more  Byronic  quotations 
about  its  "  glad  waters,"  or  comments  on  the  '*  s})lendid 
run  " — tliese  were  changed  into  anxious  questions  as  to 
when  we  should  reach  Liverpool  ?  and,  if  we  were  in 
danger  ?  People  (juerulously  complained  of  the  ale, 
hitherto  their  delight ;  abused  the  meat ;  thought  the 
mulligatawny  "horrid  stuff;"  and  wondered  how  they 
could  ever  have  thought  plum-puddings  fit  for  anything 
but  pigs.  Mysterious  disappearances  were  very  common  ; 
diligent  peripatetics  were  seen  extended  on  sofas,  or 
feebly  promenading  under  shelter  of  the  bulwarks;  while 
persons  who  prided  themselves  on  their  dignity  sustained 
ignominious  falls,  or  clung  to  railings  in  a  state  of  totter- 
ing decrepitude,  in  an  attempted  progress  down  the 
saloon.  Though  we  had  four  ledges  on  the  tables, 
cruets,  bottles  of  claret,  and  pickles  became  locomotive, 
and  jumped  upon  people's  laps ;  almost  everything 
higher  than  a  plate  was  upset — pickles,  wine,  ale,  and 
oil  forming  a  most  odoriferous  mixture;  but  tliese  occur- 
rences became  too  common  to  be  considered  amusing. 
Two  days  before  reaching  England  the  gale  died  away, 
and  we  sighted  Cape  Clear  at  eight  o'clock  on  the 
evening  of  the  eleventh  day  out.  A  cold  chill  came  off 
from  the  land,  we  were  enveloped  in  a  damp  fog,  and  the 



CiiAi-.  XX. 

"  '■•■■■*! 




;^     t 


m  » 

inclemency  of  the  air  reminded  us  of  what  we  liad  nearly 
forgotten,  namely,  that  we  were  close  upon  Christmas. 

The  greater  part  of  Sunday  we  were  steaming  along 
in  calm  water,  within  sight  of  the  coast  of  Ireland,  and 
extensive  preparations  were  heing  made  for  going  ashore 
— some  i)eo])!e  of  sanguine  dispositions  had  even  decided 
^vhat  they  would  order  for  dinner  at  the  Adclphi.  jNIorn- 
ing  service  was  very  fully  attended,  and  it  was  interesting 
to  hear  the  voices  of  people  of  so  many  different  creeds 
and  countries  joining  in  that  divinely-taught  prayer  which 
proclaims  the  universal  hrotherhood  of  the  human  race, 
knowing  that  in  a  few  hours  those  who  then  met  in 
adoration  would  he  separated,  to  meet  no  more  till  sum- 
moned by  the  sound  of  the  last  trumpet. 

Those  who  expected  to  spend  Sunday  night  on  shore 
were  disap])ointed.  A  gale  came  suddenly  on  us  about 
four  o'clock,  sails  were  hastily  taken  in,  orders  were 
hurriedly  given  and  executed,  and  the  stewards  were  in 
despair,  w  hen  a  heavy  lurch  of  the  ship  threw  most  of  the 
things  off  the  table  before  dinner,  mingling  cutlery, 
])ickles,  and  broken  glass  and  china,  in  one  chaotic  heap 
on  the  floor.  i\s  darkness  came  on,  the  gale  rose  higher, 
the  moon  was  obscured,  the  rack  in  heavy  masses  was 
driving  across  the  stormy  sky,  and  scuds  of  sleet  and  spray 
made  the  few  venturous  persons  on  deck  cower  under  the 
nearest  shelter  to  cogitate  the  lines — 

"  Nights  like  these, 
AVheu  the  rough  wiuds  wake  western  seas, 
Brook  not  of  glee." 

I  might  dwell  upon  the  fury  of  that  night— upon  the 
awful  blasts  which  seemed  about  to  sweep  the  seas  of  every 

CiiAi'.  XX. 

Chap.  XX. 



!  liacl  nearly 
iniiiG;  aloiinj 
relaiul,  and 
oing  ashore 
van  decided 
hi.     JNIorn- 

rent  creeds 
rayer  which 
uman  race, 
I  en  met   in 
:e  till  sum- 
it  on  shore 
n  us  about 
•ders   were 
ds  were  in 
nost  of*  the 
g   cutlery, 
aotie  heap 
DSC  higher, 
lasses  was 
;  and  f«pray 

under  the 

-upon  the 
s  of  every 

human  work — nj)on  our  unanswered  signals— upon  the 
length  of  time  while  we  were 

"  Drifting,  (Iriftini^',  drifting, 
Oil  the  .shifting 
Currents  of  the  restless  main  " — 

upon  the  difficulty  of  getting  the  pilot  on  i)()ard— and  the 
heavy  seas  through  which  our  storm-tossed  bark  entered 
the  calmer  waters  of  the  Mersey  :  but  I  niust  hasten  on. 

Night  after  night  had  the  French  and  English  })assengers 
joined  in  drinking  with  enthusiasm  the  toast  "  La  prise  de 
^c^^/as/o/^o/"— night  after  night  had  the  national  piide  of 
the  representatives  of  the  allied  nati(ms  increased,  till  we 
almost  thought  in  our  ignorant  arrogance  that  at  the  first 
thunder  of  our  guns  the  defences  of  Sebastopol  would  fall, 
as  did  those  of  Jericho  at  the  sound  of  the  trumpets  of 
Joshua.  Consequently,  when  the  pilot  came  on  board 
with  the  newspaper,  most  of  the  gentlemen  crowded  to  the 
gangway,  prepared  to  give  three  cheers  for  the  fall  of 
Sebastopol ! 

The  pilot  brought  the  news  of  victory — but  it  was  of 
the  barren  victory  of  Inkermann.  A  gloom  fell  over  the 
souls  of  many,  as  they  read  of  our  serried  ranks  mown 
down  by  the  Russian  fire,  of  heroic  valour  and  heroic 
death.  The  saloon  was  crowded  with  eager  auditors  as 
the  bloody  tidings  were  made  audible  above  the  roar  of 
winds  and  waters.  I  could  scarcely  realise  the  gloomy 
ftict  that  many  of  those  whom  1  had  seen  sail  forth  in  hope 
and  pride  only  ten  months  before  were  now  sleej)ing  under 
the  cold  clay  of  the  Crimea.  Three  cheers  for  the  victors 
of  Inkermann,  and  three  for  our  allies,  were  then  heartily 
given,  though  many  doubted  whether  the  heroic  and  sue- 




Chap.  XX. 


■  f 

M;  4 

1-1  I 

<  ■■» 

cessful  resistance   of  our  troo})3  deserved  the  name   of 

Soon  after  midnight  we  anchored  in  the  Mersey,  but 
could  not  hind  till  morning,  and  were  compelled  fre- 
quently to  steam  up  to  our  anchors,  in  consequence  of  the 
fury  of  the  gale.  I  felt  some  regret  at  leaving  the  good  old 
steamship  America,  which  had  home  us  so  safely  across 
the  "  vexed  Atlantic,"  although  she  rolls  terribly,  and  is, 
in  her  admirable  captain's  own  words,  *'  an  old  tub,  but 
slow  and  sure."  She  has  since  undergone  extensive 
repairs,  and  I  hope  that  tiie  numerous  passengers  who 
made  many  voyages  in  lier  in  the  shape  of  rats  have  been 
permanently  dislodged. 

Those  were  sacred  feelings  with  which  I  landed  upon 
the  shores  of  England.  Although  there  appeared  little  of 
confidence  in  the  presort,  and  much  of  apprehension  for 
the  future,  I  loved  her  better  when  a  shadow  was  upon 
her  than  in  the  palmy  days  >f  her  peace  and  prosperity. 
I  had  seen  in  other  lands  much  to  admire,  and  much  to 
imitate ;  but  it  must  not  be  forgotten  that  England  is  the 
source  from  which  those  streams  of  liberty  and  enlighten- 
ment have  flowed  which  have  fertilised  the  Western  Con- 
tinent. Other  lands  may  have  their  charms,  and  the  sunny 
skies  of  other  climes  may  be  regretted,  but  it  is  with  pride 
and  gladness  that  the  wanderer  sets  foot  again  on  British 
soil,  thanking  God  for  the  religion  and  the  liberty  which 
have  made  this  weather-beaten  island  in  a  northern  sea  to 
be  the  light  and  glory  of  the  world. 

iondon:  puinted  bv  w.  clowes  and  sons,  stamfokd  stheet, 
and  cuarinq  cross. 


CiiAP.  XX. 
ic  name   of 

^lersey,  but 
ipoUed  fre- 
lence  of  tho 
ho  good  old 
Eifely  across 
bly,  and  is, 
Id  cub,  but 
3  extensive 
Migers  who 
s  have  been 

mded  upon 
red  little  of 
hension  for 
V  was  upon 
id  much  to 
land  is  the 

js^ern  Con- 
l  the  sunny 
i  with  pride 

on  British 
•erty  which 
bern  sea  to 

Albemari.b  Stqhet,  Losdox. 
February,  1856. 


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>' ' 

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ir,  including 
luo  and  Abroad. 

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ircli  of  a  Nnrth- 
t'olu.    Abridged 

ibcth's  Reign, 
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Exprcsaion  as 

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US.    8vo.   {Nearly 

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ight  and  their 


the  Writings 

Veracity  :  with 

een  the  Gospels, 

roe  Centuries. 

le  University  of 

of  the  Mosaic 
tftl  Argument  for 
L9EAN  Lectures 

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edition.    Medium 

Including  the 
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One  Vulunie, 

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from  his 

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rvices.    By 


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ncluding  a 

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ivo.    18s. 

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the  German. 

ITellington  ; 
he  German 
ng  a  Nar- 

lurt  of  Krim 
and  Turkey. 
Ivo.    6*. 

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ts.  Frc  . 
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Hon,  7  Vols., 

le  Eomans, 

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Post  8vo.  18s. 

cond  Edition. 




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xilogus;  A 

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r  Irregular 
on,  Meaning, 
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from   the 
I,  Valencia. 

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a,  between 

B  of  the  Tea 

mis  to  the 

and.    Wood- 

i  Legion — 
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Shifts  and 
ion.    Wood. 

loyal  Geo- 

ius,  to  the 


A  Nevy 
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liest  Period 
udex.  12  vols. 

the  Reign  ot 

ition  of  Solon, 
s  surrouiidiri', 
'asion,  and  the 

;erxes.  Teriod 
;  Syracuse, 
tie  of  Knidus. 

t  Athens  down 

;t.    review  of 

rnal  d'lring 

3s.  C(/. 

the  English 

10,  Is. 

3«.  6d. 

igton  during 
ithentic  Doeu- 
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le  Duke   of 

ith  Extracts 

id,  from  the 
;e  the  Second. 

Lges.  Tenth 
|rope,  during 

ols.    8vo.  36s. 

led  from  the 

I  Vols.    Post 


?ontus,  and 
blogy  of  those 

[Evidence  of 

f-e  Revelation 

|;  with  Map 
Imo???/.)  8vo. 



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his  Gftllcry. 
the  rictures, 
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by  Hon.  U. 

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Also  a  School 

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his  Brothers, 
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By  Lady 

riie  Jewess. 

s.  G(I. 

ktorical  and 

lith    rortrait, 
ll',ditlon,  Tost 

|ap.  8vo.  3s. 
of  Kelson, 



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to  the 

s.  12ino. 

8vo.  36'. 

i  Sepul- 



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Levised  by 

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[ic  to  the 
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12ino.   6s. 

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of  Colours 
I  Vols.  8vo. 

[ew  South 


^rB.  With 

le  of  the 

(S,  16a. 

jiciples  of 



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