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By  the  C.  p.  R. 

Mrs.  Arthur  spragge. 

a?  ""•  Buade. 









Intboduction — The  Canadian  Pacific  Railway— Sketch  of 

its  history  and  construction 5 

I.  Supplementary  branch  of  the  C.  P.  R. — Canadian 
Pacific  steamboats— Lake  Huron— St.  Mary  and 
Garden  Rivers  and  Lake  Superior— Port  Arthur 
—Country  between  Port  Arthur  and  Winnipeg      13 

II,  Winnipeg,  past  and  present— Principal  objects  of 
interest — Hotels — Arrival  and  departure  of  first 
through  train  between  Montreal  ahd  Port  Moody      20 

III.  Pullman  cars  on  the  C.  P.  R.  -Country  between 

Winnipeg  and  Broadriver— Portage  la  Prairie 

— Brandon  and  Moosomin 26 

IV,  Journey  across  the  prairie — Old  Wives  Lake — Buf- 

falo—Swift Current— First  appearance  of  Indians 
— Gophers — Gull  Lake — Cypress  Station— Maple 
Creek — Dunoon — South  Saskatchewan— Medi- 
cine Hat— Monotony  of  scenery 33 

'  V.  Third  day's  journey  across  the  prairie— Extinction 
of  buffalo— Prairie  wind— Bow  and  Red  Deer 
Rivers— Quiet  of  nature— Non-appearance  of  the 
Rocky  Mountains— Indian  Reserve —Chief  Crow- 
foot— Gleichen-  Calgary 38 

VI.  The  town  of  Calgary — Population — Enterprise — 
Cochrane  —  Calgary  Timber  Co.  —  Indians — 
Beauty  of  scenery — Wild  flowers— Cowboys— 
Indian  ponies -Orderly  state  of  town — Roads 
about  Calgary— Bow  and  Elbow  Rivers — Want 
of  trees 44 

VII.  Departure  from  Calgary — Banff— Development  by 
Canadian  Government  and  C.  P.  R.  Company — 
Situation  —  Sanitarium  —  Mountain  scenery — 
Spray  Falls — Hot  springs— Mammoth  hotel  of 
0.  P.  R.  Company— National  Park— JJow  River 





—Fishing,  boating  and  shooting— Caves— Medi- 
cal analysis  of  waters — Curative  qualities  — 
Summit  of  Rockies— Kicking  Horse  Kiver  and 
Pass— Magnificent  mountains— Field  Tunnel 
Mountain  — Golden  City-  Columbia  Vallev  - 
Selkirk  Range— Donald 60 

VIII,  Boundary  Province  British  Columbia— Plan  of 
C.  P.  R.  through  the  mountains— Donald— 
Columbia  River  —  Selkirk  Range  —  Private 
houses  —Gold  Commissioner -- Stipendiary 
Magistrate — The  town — Coast  Division  of  the 
Road — Navigation  of  Columbia'  River — 
Steamer  Duchess 64 

IX.  Gentlemen's  residences,  Donald— Expense  of 
living  —  Vegetation  —  Climate  —  Mosquitoes  — 
Bush  fires- Mountain  storm 72 

.    X.  Arrival  of  Sir  John,  with  Lady  Macdonald  on  the 
cow  catcher  —  Presenttvtion     of    address    and 
'   miner's  license  to  Sir  John  Macdonald 81 

XI.  Mines  in  neighbourhood  of  Donald— Gold  and 
coal— Report  of  Minister  of  Mines  of  British 
Columbia  for  1886 84 

.  .II.  Departure  from  Donald  for  trip  to  Columbia 
Lakes  and  Kootenay  Valley  —  M(»berley — 
Golden  City— Mr.  F.  P.  Armstrong— Steamer 
Duchess — Voyage  up  the  Columbia  River- 
Canyon  Creek  —  Johnson's  "  Hog  Ranche — 
Branches  of  Columbia — Rocky  Mountains— 
Wild  fowl — Wooded  banks— Shallow  water 
— Soundings — Navigation  of  the  Columbia — 
Spillumacheen — Landing — Ranges  of  Selkirk 
and  Rockies — Bear  tracks— Change  in  charac- 
ter of  river  and  country — Clay  clitfs — A 
settler's  effects— Lilacs' — Force  of  current- 
Period  of  river  navigation — Plan  of  disembark- 
ation      93 

XIII.  Pack  and  saddle  horses — Indian  boys— Smoke, 
cloudfi,  dust  and  heat — Grass  region — Winder- 
mere—Ranche  of  Hon.  F.  Aylmer — First 
night  under  canvas — Salmon  spearing— Western 
camp  outiit — Kootenay  Indiana— Contrast 
between  Indians  of  mountains  and  plains— 
Geherry 'a  Ranche — Smoky  atmosphere., X06 

n^f  HE  substance  of  this  volume  was  published  in  a  series  of 
articles  in  the  Toronto  Week  during  the  progress  of  the 
journey  it  narrates  :  to  those  articles  some  considerable  additions 
have  since  been  made  ;  and  the  complete  account  is  now  offered 
to  the  public  in  the  hope  that  it  may  in  some  degree  supply  an 
existing  deficiency  of  information  about  a  most  interesting  part 
of  the  Dominion — especially  the  district  of  Kootenay,  with*  the 
mining  interests  of  British  Columbia,  of  which  no  later  account 
is  extant  than  Mi^.  Sandford  Fleming's  **  Old  and  New  West- 
minster. " 






XIV.  Rancheof  Mr.  Annstrong— Upper  Columbia  Lake 

—  Heavy  smoke— Strong  wind — Diffioulties  of 
trail — Head,  lake,  and  source  of  Columbia 
River— Beauty  of  scenery —PmM«  pondcrosa— 
Kootenay  River— Kootenay  woods — EnKliuh 
sportainon— Camp  at  Mud  Creek — Thunider- 
Htorm  -  -  Wet  morning  —  Clearing  weather — 
Sport  by  the  way—She^p  Oeek 112 

XV.  Temperature  in  September  in  Kootenay  Valley — 
Clear  atmosphere — Flaxen  lands— Valleys  of 
the  Kootenay  and  Columbia  Rivers  compared 
— Acres  of  ranching  country  —  Nourishing 
qualities  of  bunch  grass^Distance  from  the 
C.  P.  R.  -irnknown  to  tourists— Kootenay  . 
Indians— Wolf  Creek — Ranche  of  Mr.  Hum- 
phreys—Scenery in  Kootenay  Valley— Bum- 
mer's Flats  —Six-Mile  Creek — Clarke's  Crossing 

-  Kootenay  River — Cranbrooke 118 

XVI.  Colonel  Baker's  ranche — Bad  weather— English 
sportsmen— Mr.  Forbes,  owner  of  American 
yacht  Puritan — Monotony  of  ranche  life — Tra- 
vellers—Rising  barometer— Golden  stubble 
fields  -Palace  Hotel— •*  The  Captain  "-Catho- 
lie  Mission  on  St.  Mary's  River— Important 
influence  of  priests  upon  Indian  civilisation — 
Father  Fouquet— Dr.  Powell— Mr.  Smythe, 
Indian  Commissioner  and  Premier  of  B.C. — 
Mr.  Norris,  H.M.'s  CoUctor  of  Customs, 
Kootenay   127 

XVII.  Colonel  Baker,  M.  P.  P.  for  Kootenay— Particulars 
of  district  furnished  by  him — Climate,  resources, 
and  capabilities  of  the  Kootenay  Valley — 
Arrival  of  Dr.  Powell  and  Mr.  Smythe  at 
Cranbrooke  — -  Deputation  waits  upon  the 
Premier— Address  of  Col.  Baker — Reply  of 
Mr.  Smythe — Prospected  canal,  and  Golden 
City  and  Kooteniy  Railway 136 

XVIII,  Beautiful  weather  at  Cranbrooke — Departure  from 

the    Ranche -Kootenay    River    again — Wild 

Horse  Creek— Untold  wealth  of  this  district — 

Placertoining —Chinese  -Population — Govem- 

^  ment   office — Heart    of    Rocky    Mountains — 






Collector  of  Customs— Six-Mile  Creek  a^ain- 
Meetinff  with  Mr.  Smythe  — Ketum  journey  to 
Wolf  Creek — New  Government  road — Lake 
Pasil^ua— Campinff  ground  on  Upper  Columbia 
Lake— Arrival  at  Mr.  Armstrong  s  ranche 



XIX.  Voyage  down  the  Upper  Columbia  Lake— Begin- 
ning of  the  Columbia  River— Dangers  of  navi- 
gation— Mud  Lake  -  Columbia  River  between 
Mud  and  the  Lower  Lake— Lower  Columbia 
Lake— Night  campr— Columbia  River  proper— 
Lilacs  Landing  again— No  news  of  Steamer 
Duchess  —  Camping  ground  on  Columbia 
River— Stormy  nignt — Decrease  of  luxuries — 
Arrival  of  visitors — Steamer  detained  at  Suillu- 
macheen — Departure  by  boat  to  meet  her— 
Voyage  down  the  Columbia  River— Miss  the 
boat-^Adventures  by  the  way — Arrival  at 
Golden  City— Donald 151 

XX.  Leave  Donald  for  the  Glacier  Hotel—  Scenery  along 
this  section  of  the  C.  P.  R. — First  croHsing  of 
the  Columbia  River — Beaver  River— Bear 
Creek— Selkirk  Mountains — Course  of  snow- 
slides — Railway  bridges— Snow  sheds — Height 
of  mountains  in  Selkirk  Range— Glacier  Hotel 
—  Favourite  locality  for  artists  —  Messrs. 
O'Brien,  Forbes,  Fraser,  and  Aitken 164 

XXI.  Donald  to  Port  Moody— Loop  in  the  Selkirk 
Range— Skill  of  C.  P.  R.  engineers— Ille  Celle 
Waet  River— Revelstoke —Second  crossing  of 
the  Columbia— Fine  timber— Gold  Ranges — 
Cascade— Thompson  River  Canyon — Kam- 
loops  district — Canyon  of  the  Fraser  River — 
Spuzzum — Vale — North  Bench — Coast  Moun- 
tains—  Port  Moody  —  Burrard  Inlet — Van- 
couver—Gulf of  Georgia — Victoria 170 

XXII.  Population  of  Victoria— Chinese  quarter,  their 
position,  importance  and  emigration —Situation 
of  Victoria — Handsome  buildings  -Parliament 
Houses— Union  Club— Beacon  Hill  Park — 
Esqnimault — Nanaimo — Climate  of  Victoria — 
Vegetation — Expenses  of  living — Hospitality 
of  Victorians—  Advantages  of  the  Canadian 
Pacific  Route 179 

BY  THE   C.  P.  R. 




As  a  passenger  in  the  first  through  train,  which 
left  Montreal  on  the  28th  June,  1886,  and  was 
joined  by  me  at  Winnipeg,  I  feel  justified  in  pre- 
facing my  journey  from  Ontario  to  the  Pacific 
with  a  brief  notice  oi  the  road. 

The  Canadian  Pacific  Railway  was  a  National 
Enterprise,  is  a  National  Highway,  will  be  a 
National  Heirloom.  Created  as  a  condition  of 
the  completion  of  Confederation,  its  history 
occupies  an  important  plane  in  the  annals  of 
Canada,  involving  as  it  did  the  fall  of  one  Govern- 
ment and  the  rise  of  another. 

The   isolation   of  British  Columbia   was   the 

*  I  am  indebted  to  the  "Canadian  Almanac  "  [Copp,  Clark  and 
Co.]  for  the  facts  concerning  the  Canadian  Pacific. 



Ontario  to  the  Paoific. 


chief  obstacle  to  that  colony  entering  the  Con- 
federation of  the  Provinces. 

Separated  from  the  Eastern  Provinces  by  vast 
ranges  of  unexplored  and  inaccessible  n^ountains, 
and  by  over  one  thousand  miles  of  supposed 
barren  rocky  wastes,  known  only  to  the  Indian 
tribes  and  servants  of  the  Hudson  Bay  Company, 
she  felt  her  position  to  be  one  of  peculiar  disad- 
vantage, and  modestly  stipulated  in  1868  for  a 
waggon  road  as  a  pledge  of  her  redemption  from 
the  mighty  barriers  imposed  by  the  hand  of 
Nature  upon  her  commercial  progress.  This  was 
to  be  followed  within  three  years  by  the  com- 
mencement of  a  trans-continental  railway,  upon 
which  one  million  dollars  was  to  be  expended 
annually  in  British  Columbia.  It  was  not  until 
the  20th  June,  1871,  that  the  Crown  colony 
became  a  Province  of  the  Dominion  of  Canada, 
.x.nder  condition  that  the  railway  should  be  btgun 
l^at  once  and  completed  within  ten  years. 

It  was  contemplated  from  the  first  by  the  Act 
of  Parliament  that  the  railway  /^  Shall  be  con- 
structed and  worked  by  private  enterprise,  and 
not  by  the  Dominion  Government ;  that  the  public 
aid  to  be  extended  shall  consist  of  such  liberal 



Introduction.  7 

grunts  of  land  and  such  subsidies  as  the  Parlia- 
ment of  Canada  shall  hereafter  determine."  To 
this  end  two  companies  were  formed  in  1872  to- 
undertake  the  work,  but  difficulties  arising,  they 
dissolved,  and  a  new  one,  under  the  presidency 
of  the  late  Sir  Hugh  Allan,  arose.  To  it  was  let 
the  contract  for  building  the  railwaj-  from  a  point 
near  Lake  Nipisgiug  to  the  Pacific  Ocean,  the 
Government  undertaking  to  contribute  $30,000,- 
000  and  50,000,000  acres  of  land. 

After  a  year's  negotiations  Sir  Hugh  Allan's 
company  failed  to  secure  the  assistance  of 
English  capitalists,  and  finally  surrendered  its* 
charter.  Then  followed  a  change  of  Administra- 
tion, proving  a  serious  drawback  to  the  progress 
of  the  railroad ;  the  new  Government  opposed 
its  original  form  of  construction  on  the  ground  of 
undue,  excessive  expenditure ;  action  had  to  be 
taken,  and  in  1874  negotiations  were  opened 
with  British  Columbia  for  a  modification  of  the 
terms  of  the  Act  of  1871.  This  step  aroused  the 
uneasiness  of  the  Provincial  Government,  who 
agreed  finally  to  refer  the  question  of  their  rights 
to  the  arbitration  of  Lord  Carnarvon.  In  1875, 
accordingly,  an  extension  of  ten  years,  or  until 



Ontario  to  the  Pacific. 


\ .'. 

)    ' 

the  Slst  December,  1890,  for  the  completion  of 
the  railway  was  determined  upon,  and  the  sum 
to  be  annually  expended  in  British  Columbia 
was  increased  to  $2,000,000.  The  Government 
took  charge  of  the  road,  and  let  various  contracts 
*for  building  in  different  parts  of  the  country  ;  it 
proceeded,  however,  slowly  and  disconnectedly 
in  its  construction  until  1878,  when  another 
change  of  Administration  occurring,  new  life  was 
infused  into  the  enterprise,  which  was  vigorously 
prosecuted  up  to  the  end  of  the  year  1879.  In 
1880  an  association  of  a  few  capitalists  turned 
their  attention  to  the  work  the  Government  had. 
in  hand,  and  proposed  to  carry  it  out,  as  origin- 
ally intended,  by  private  enterprise.  A  provisional 
contract  was  entered  into  and  ratified  by  Act  of 
Parliament  on  the  15th  February,  1881,  when 
the  charter  was  granted  to  the  present  Canadian 
Pacific  Eailway  Co.,  on  its  undertaking  to  build, 
equip  throughout,  and  have  in  operation  by  May, 
1891,  2,000  miles  of  railway,  for  the  most  part 
across  an  unknown  land.  The  most  difficult 
portions  of  its  construction  fell  to  their  share ; 
viz.,  the  completion  of  the  road  round  the  north 
shore  of  Ljake  Superior,  and  the  connexion  of 




the  west  end  of  the  line  in  Manitoba  with  Kam- 
loops  in  British  Columbia,  a  distance  of  1,350 
miles,  including  in  its  course  the  crossing  of  the 
Eocky,  Selkirk,,  and  Gold  ranges  of  mountains. 
In  consideration  of  this  undertaking,  the  Gov* 
ernment  were  to  finish  the  line  from  Savonas 
Ferry  to  Port  Moody,  213  miles,  and  to  hand 
over  to  the  Company,  completed,  all  their  lines 
under  contract,  in  all  711  miles ;  to  pay  them 
$25,000,000 ;  and  to  give  them  25,000,000  acres 
of  land.  ' 

The  events  connected  with  the  carrying.out  of 
the  contract  by  the  Canadian  Pacific  Company 
are  unparalleled  in  the  history  of  railway  enter- 
prise ;  the  difl&culties  of  the  proposed  route  were 
enormous,  and  the  speed  with  which  its  con- 
struction was  completed  is  almost  miraculous, 
when  we  consider  the  ver'y  great  obstacles"  it 
presented.  On  the  7th  November,  1885,  a  union 
was  effected  between  the  parties  working  from 
the  east  and  from  the  west  at  Craigellachie, 
in  British  Columbia,  2,552  miles  from  Montreal. 
The  Company  contributed  their  share  of  the  work 
of  construction  in  four  years  and  nine  months, 
or  less  4ihan  half  the  tim^  stipulated ;  and  the 


Ontario  to  the  Pdcnfic. 


Government  kept  faith  with  the  Province  of 
British  Columbia  with  five  years  and  seven 
months  to  spare. 

Of  the  Canadian  Pacific  Bailroad  it  may  be 
said  that  it  is  the  longest  continuous  line  of 
rails  in  the  world,  and  passes  through  an  extent 
of  country  remarkable  for  the  diversity  of  its 
natural  formation. 

Commencing  at  the  east  end  from  Callander, 
the  Nipissing  section  to  Lake  Superior  wps 
attacked,  consisting  of  some  400  miles  of  broken 
rocky  country,  interspersed  with  innumerable 
lakes  and  streams.  It  was  entu*ely  uninhabi- 
ted;  and  provisions,  clothing,  and  necessaries 
of  every  description  for  the  men  had  to  be  pro- 
vided by  the  Company,  storehouses  established; 
hospitals  built,  medical  assistance,  fodder  for 
horses,  materials,  tools,  and  explosives  for  work 
supplied.  Waggon  roads  had  to  be  constructed 
in  advance  of  the  route,  and  in  many  cases  at  a 
cost  per  mile  exceeding  that  of  the  corresponding 
mile  of  railway. 

Next  to  the  Nipissing  came  the  Lake  Superior 
section,  where  the  work  consisted  of  cutting  and 
tunnelling  through  rocks  of  the  hardest  possible 




■  n 

description,  or  of  bev^mg  a  bench  or  ledge  round 
tbe  face  of  a  beetling  cliff  towering  hundreds  of 
feet  above  tbe  line.  Here,  and  to  some  extent 
in  tbe  mountains,  tbe  Company  found  it  prudent 
and  economical  to  manufacture  tbeir  explosiyes 
largely  on  tbe  spot.  Tbe  total  expenditure  on 
tbis  account  on  tbe  entire  works  was  $2,100,000 ; 
from  these  figures  some  idea  may  be  formed  of 
tbe  necessary  blasting.  On  tbis  section  occurs 
tbe  most  costly  work  of  tbe  whole  road ;  some 
particular  localities  having  cost  from  $600,000 
to  $700,000  per  mile. 

Tbe  construction  of  tbe  road  across  tbe  prairie 
was  remarkably  rapid,  tbe  speed  with  which  the 
track  was  laid  being  almost  phenomenal.  The 
average  for  one  month  was  over  three  miles  per 
working  day ;  and  on  one  particular  day  over  six 
miles  were  laid.  The  mountains  once  reached, 
waggon  roads  had  again  to  be  built  at  great 
expense ;  problems  of  engineering  "solved ;  rivers 
crossed  ;  lakes  drained ;  mountains  scaled ; 
chasms  bridged ;  and  the  materials  for  all  these 
operations  to  be  anticipated  for  months.  Yet 
throughout  the  whole  period  of  construction  the 
Transportation  Department  never  once  failed  to 


Ontario  to  the  Fadfic, 

respond  promptly  to  the  call  of  the  Construction 
Department,  which  was  not  delayed  a  day  for 
want  of  supplies.  Enormous  difficulties  were 
successfully,  overcome,  and  on  June  28th,  1886, 
the  first  through  train  for  the  Coast  left  Montreal, 
and  safely  accomplished  within  a  week. that 
eventful  journey  to  the  far  Pacific  Slope  which 
marked  so  important  an  era  in  the  history  of 
Canadian  enterprise. 

The  men  who  accomplished  this  great  work, 
and  whose  names  will  ever  be  associated  with 
the  progress  and  development  of  the  Dominion, 
are  Sir  George  Stephen,  Sir  Donald  A.  Smith, 
Mr.  Eichard  B.  Angus,  Mr.  Duncan  Mclntyre, 
and  Mr.  W.  C.  Van  Home.  To  them  the  honour 
of  this  great  enterprise  is  chiefly  due. 

The  Company  en^loys  a  very  large  force  of 
men,  and  in  each  branch  of  the  service  a  very 
high  standard  is  required ;  consequently,  its 
officials  collectively  are  not  surpassed  by  the 
stajff  of  any  other  railway  in  America.  Its 
employes  number  14,551  hands,  and  it  pays  out 
in  wages  $4,300,000  annually. 

Its  officers  number — station  agents,  334 ;  oper- 
ators and  despatchers,  269;  other  station  em- 


By  the  G.  P.  R 



ployes,  791 ;  workshop  employes,  668 ;  locomotive 
engineers,  875;  locomotive  firemen,  896;  con- 
ductors, 288 ;  brakesmen,  489 ;  employes  of 
road  department,  2,496;  bridge  and  building 
department,  1,147. 

In  Winnipeg  there  are  1,000  men  on  the  pay- 
roll, 600  being  employed  in  the  workshops  alone, 
and,  if  the  average  be  taken,  a  man  supporting 
five  persons,  the  number  directly  dependent 
on  the  Canadian  Pacific  in  Winnipeg  alone,  is 
5,500,  and  in  the  Dominion  no  less  than  72,755, 
in  itself  a  small  army. 


I  LEFT  Toronto  on  Saturday,  June,  26th,  1886, 
at  ten  a.m.,  by  a  supplementary  branch  of  the 
C.  P.  E.  (formerly  the  Toronto,  Grey,  and  Bruce 
Kail  way),  running  to  Owen  Sound  and  connecting 
with  the  Canadian  Pacific  boats  at  that  place. 
I  carried  with  me  a  through  return  ticket  to  Vic- 
toria— the  first  one,  probably,  issued  from  the 
Toronto  office.  The  fear  of  losing  this  valuable 
bit  of  paper  haunted  me  like  a  nightmare  during 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 



my  four  months*  absence,  and  suggested  to  my 
mind  the  id^a  that  the  Company  should  originate 
some  neat  and  unostenti  tious  brand  to  be 
stamped  upon  the  unoffending  through  reti^rn 
passenger,  as  a  form  of  financial  security. 
There  was  no  dust  on  the  day  in  question,  and 
the  weather  was  all  that  it  should  have  been, 
bright,  clear  and  cool;  the  sky  covered  with 
heavy  masses  of  soft,  fleecy  clouds,  drifting  so 
far  overhead  that  they  held  no  thought  of  storm 
or  shower  in  then:  gray  depths. 

Soon  after  leaving  Toronto  Junction,  we  passed 
into  a  pretty,  rolling  country,  extending  to.  the 
Forks  of  the  Credit,  the  most  picturesque  spot 
on  this  road.  The  river  is  here  spanned  by  a 
long  trestle  bridge,  over  which  the  train  crept 
most  carefully,  then  steatned  up  a  heavy  grade  to 
the  top  of  tie  valley,  where  the  dining  station, 
at  Orangeville,  was  reached.  A  halt  of  twenty 
minutes  occurred,  and  we  roPed  on  again 
through  an  ugly,  flat,  well-wooded  district,  very 
suggestive  of  timber  limits,  to  Owen  Sound,  where 
we  arrived  punctually  at  half-past  three  o'clock. 
The  Alberta  lay  at  her  wharf  on  the  opposite  side  of 
the  platform  to  that  on  which  the  train  drew  up^ 

By  the  G.  P.  R. 


BO  it  was  a  very  simple  matter  to  transfer  one- 
self from  land  to  water.  She  proved  to  be 
a  first-class  screw  steamship,  of  1,179  tons, 
built  on  the  Clyde,  and  brought  out  to  Canada 
tjbree  years  ago  for  service  on  the  upper  lakes. 
Her  machinery  is  pr^+icularly  fine,  and  consists 
of  two  large  compound  engines,  fourteen  hydrau- 
lic engines,  and  one  electric  engine,  which  are  in 
the  best  of  order,  and  bright  with  all  the  brilli- 
ancy that  polish  can  give.  Everything  on  board, 
even  to  most  of  the  cooking,  is  done  by  steam, 
and  the  system  of  electric  lighting  is  very  com- 
plete, the  saloon  being  illuminated  by  six  centre 
chandeliers  of  artistic  design  and  six  single 
branches  from  the  side  walls,  all  provided  with 
globes,  mellowing  and  toning  the  light  without 
detracting  from  its  power  and  efficacy.  The 
Alberta  and  Athabasca  cost  $300,000  each,  in- 
eluding  the  machinery.  The  former  is  registered 
to  carry  five  hundred  and  eighty  passengers ;  her 
cabin  accommodation  is  excellent,  and  the  table 
good  and  well  served.  The  only  deficiency  I 
noticed  was  the  lack  of  camp-stools  or  other 
available  deck  accommo  .tion.  Of  her  qualities 
as  a  sea  boat  I  am  happy  to  say  I  had  no  oppor- 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

tunity  of  judging,  for  our  trip  to  Port  Arthur 
was  over  a  waveless  sea,  under  a  cloudless 

Saturday  night  found  us  well  out  on  Lake 
Huron,  and  on  Sunday  morning,  after  breakfast, 
we  were  steaming  up  the  Garden  River,  a  tribu- 
tary of  the  St.  Mary  River,  connecting  that 
lake  with  Lake  Superior.  The  scenery  along  its 
winding  course  is  very  pretty  and  varied  in 
character,  the  land  falling  away  from  Lake 
Huron  in  high  wooded  hills,  flooded  with  rich 
purples  in  the  distance  and  deep  greens  in  the 
foreground,  to  low  cleared  land  in  the  neighbour^ 
hood  of  the  Sault  Ste.  Marie,  where  the  river 
narrows  perceptibly,  the  American  and  Cana- 
dians towns  of  the  Sault  lying  exactly  opposite  one 
another  and  comparatively  close  together.  The 
American  town  is  situated  in  the  State  of  Michi- 
gan, and  to  the  Federal  Government  belong  the 
locks  through  which  all  vessels  must  pass,  to 
avoid  the  unnavigable  rapids  of  the  Garden  River, 
which  toss  their  foam-crowned  heads  beside  us 
as  we  steam  slowly  through  the  short  canal  out 
into  Lake  Superior. 

It  was  some  time  after  we  left  the  Sault  before 


By  the  C.  P.  R. 


we  really  lost  sight  of  land,  and  found  ourselves 
launched  upon  the  bpsom  of  this  huge  inland  sea, 
the  largest  lake  in  the  world,  with  the  exception 
of  one  in  Russia.  Some  idea  of  the  size  of  Lake 
Superior  may  be  formed  from  the  fact  that  from 
its  two  extremities  the  distance  is  equal  to  that 
from  London,  to  the  centre  of  Scotland.  In  width 
it  is  capacious  enough  to  take  in  the  whole  of 
Ireland.  It  is  900  feet  deep,  the  surface  being 
600  feet  above,  the  bed  300  feet  below,  the  ocean 
level.  Its  water  is  remarkably  pure,  and  the 
colour  of  the  finest  crystal. 

We  passed  a  number  of  steam  barges  and 
deeply-laden  vessels,  and  entered  the  lake,  whose 
rugged,  rocky  hills  on  the  nortii  shore  ascended 
to  a  height  of  a  thousand  feet.  I  was  prepared 
for  a  slight  rocking,  at  the  least,  but  was  agree- 
ably surprised  lo  find  Superior  as  smooth  and 
smiling  as  natiure  could  make  it.  The  air,  how- 
ever, became  perceptibly  chilly  as  the  land 
receded,  and  by  six  o'clock  I  was  glad  to  retire 
to  the  warmth  and  comfort  of  the  saloon,  behind 
closed  doors  and  windows.  The  night  passed 
quietly  and  uneventfully ;  not  a  suspicion  even 
of  fog  detained  us,  and  on  Monday  morning  at 



Ontario  to  the  Pamfic, 

nine  o'clock  we  were  oflf  Thunder  Cape,  which 
reared  its  magnificent  mass  of  rock  clu're  above 
the  vessel.  I  never  saw  anything  more  exquisite 
than  the  purple  Ughts  on  its  rugged  wooded  sides, 
as  the  Alberta  steamed  away  from  the  rocky 
headland,  with  its  picturesque  and  invaluable 
lighthQUse,  towards  Port  Arthur,  whose  houses 
could  ]f)e  distinctly  seen  rising  in  a  semicircle  on 
Thunder  Bay. 

This  is  the  terminus  of  the  C.  P.  R.  boats, 
which  connect  here  with  the  through  trains  from 
Montreal,  east  and  west.  The  town  is  beautifully 
situated,  and  seems  ta  be  a  i;hriving  place.  At 
eleven  o'clock  the  wharf  was  reached,  and  I  made 
my  way  to  the  Northern  Hotel,  five  minutes* 
walk  from  the  boat.  *  The  hotel  has  since  been 
burned  to  the  ground ;  it  was  decidedly  ambitious 
in  structure,  its  wide  verandas  on  both  stories 
commanded  a  most  extensive  view  over  the 
nr  merous  headlands  and  islands  of  Lake 
Superior,  with  Thunder  Cape  an  imposing  mass 
in  the  distance.  At  one  o'clock  we  were  pro- 
vided with  a  good  substantial  dinner,  and  at 
ten  minutes  paist  three  the  C.  P.  E.  train 
from  Montreal    stopped    just  in  front  of    the 


I  ! 

By  the.  0.  P.  R. 


hotel  to  embark  passengers  and  baggage.  We 
were  soon  rushing  along  at  full  speed,  bound  for 
Winnipeg  and  the  far  West.  A  dining-oar  was 
attached  to  the  train,  which  I  patronised  for  tea, 
and  at  half-past  nine  o'clock  on  Tuesday  morning 
I  breakfasted  in  Winnipeg. 

I  never  performed  a  more  comfortable  journey ; 
no  time  was  lost,  and  no  casualty  occurred.  The 
only  thing  I  have  to  complain  of  is  the  extremely 
dreary,  barren  country  that  extends  between 
Lake  Superior  and  the  prairie  region.  We  tra- 
versed long  stretches  of  black,  boggy  swamp,  to 
which  the  Indian  name  of  **  Muskeg  **  has  been 
given ;  throughout  the  district,  as  the  train 
moves*on,  nothing  but  rock  and  forest  are  to  be 
seen,  in  their  most  rugged  forms.  The  country 
about  Bat  Portage,  situated  at  the  junction  of 

^  the  Lake  of  the  Woods  and  the  River  Winnipeg, 
is,  I  believe,  extremely  pretty  and  interesting; 

'  but  we  passed  it  at  night,  so  I  had  no  oppor- 
tunity of  appreciating  its  beauties ;  when  I  awoke 
next  morning,  we  were  at  Selkirk,  twenty  miles 
north  of  the  city  of  Winnipeg,  and  had  entered 
on  the  prairie  land  of  the  West.  In  another 
half  hour  the  train  steamed  slowly  into  the 



I  • 


Ontario  to  the  Pacijic, 

station  at  Winnipeg,  and  a  few  minutes  later,  I 
was  comfortably  settled  at  the  Leland  House  for 
the  next  two  days. 


The  weather  at  Winnipeg  was  unusually  close 
and  sultry,  making  any  exertion  an  effort,  so  I 
spent  the  day  of  my  arrival  (Tuesday,  29th  June) 
quietly  at  the  Leland  House,  recommended  to 
me  as  the  best  and  newest  hotel  in  the  town.  It 
is  on  a  small  scale,  and  the  bedrooms,  with  a  few 
exceptions,  are  tiny;  the  dining-room,  too,  is 
badly  situated,  below  the  level  of  the  street,  mak- 
ing the  atmosphere  both  heavy  and  cavernous,  as 
iihe  ventilation  is  naturally  very  imperfect ;  how- 
ever, it  is  as  good  accommodation  in  the  hotel 
way  as  Winnipeg  can  offer.  Water  is  abundant, 
and  obtainable,  which  is  not  always  the  case,  I 
believe,  in  other  localities,  and  the  proprietor 
and  his  employes  are  extremely  civil,  obliging, 
and  anxious  to  promote  the  comfort  of  their 
Wednesday,  the  30th  of  June,  was  as  hot  as 

By  the  C.  P.  R, 


the  preceding  day ;  but  I  had  determined  to  see 
something  of  Winnipeg,  and  a  friend  having 
kindly  offered  to  show  me  the  city,  we  drove 
away  from  the  Leland  House,  at  four  o'clock, 
and  found  a  pleasant  breeze  blowing  over  the 
prairicj  though  the  sun's  rays  still  beat  down 
upon  our  heads  with  unabated  vigour.  The 
absence  of  trees  in  the  town  is  a  great  disadvan- 
tage to  both  man  and  beast,  in  the  warm  summer 
months.  I  heard,  however,  that  the  deficiency 
has  been  fully  recognised  by  the  corporation,  and 
an  Arbour  Day  instituted  in  the  interests  of  the 
city.  A  few  hundred  yards  from  the  hotel,  we 
turned  into  Main  Street,  a  handsope,  wide,  block- 
paved  road,  the  principal  thoroughfare  of  Winni- 
peg, as  its  name  indicates.  When  it  is  filled 
with  handsome  brick  buildings,  no  city  in  the 
Dominion  will  o&er  a  finer  drive  and  promenade 
than  Main  Street.  At  present  L  imagine  it  looks 
as  Toronto  did  "  some  forty  years  ago,"  and  the 
contrast  between  the  few  brick  shops,  warehouses, 
banks,  and  the  low  wooden  houses  adjoining 
them,  jars  upon  the  eye,  and  reminds  one 
that  Vinnipeg,  with  its  population  of  30,000,  is 
a  city  of  very  recent  creation.    "  Thirteen  years 



Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

ago,"  according  to  Mr.  Sandford  Fleming,  **  there 
was  little  to  distinguish  its  site  from  any  other 
spot  on  the  river  bank.  The  Eed  Eiver  was 
skirted  by  a  single  tier  of  holdings,  on  the  shore 
line,  directly  along  its  banks  for  a  distance  of 
fifty  miles,  known  as  the  Selkirk  Settlement." 
These  holdings,  or  farms,  were  peculiarly  sur- 
veyed, and  show  a  frontage  of  two  hundred  and 
forty  yards,  by  a  depth  of  two  miles. 

The  first  place  we  visited  was  St.  John's  Col- 
lege, aboul;  a  mile  from  the  city,  on  the  con- 
tinuation north  of  Main  Street.  We  drove  all 
round  its  group  of  buildings,  including  the  so- 
called  Cathedral  and  the  quaint  old  episcopal 
residence  known  as  Bishop's  Fort,  situated  on  a 
high  bank  immediately  above  the  Red  River, 
which  rolls  its  low  and  muddy  waters  below. 
A  grove  of  oaks  and  poplars  surrounds  the 
houses,  the  first  trees  I  had  seen  in  this  part  of 
the  country,  which  really  refreshed  one's  eyes, 
wearied  by  the  unbroken  monotony  of  land  and 
sky.  A  new  white  brick  college  has  been  erected 
on  the  prairie,  not  far  from  the  original  buildings, 
but  away  from  the  river.  I  should  fancy  the 
dean  and  canons  would  be  loath  to  exchange 

By  the  C,  P.  R. 


their  present  shady  retreats  for  the  barren,  tree- 
less prairie  about  the  new  college,  and  hope  their 
present  residences,  some  of  which  are  quite 
detached,  will  be  secured  to  them. 

We  had  not,  unfortunately,  time  to  go  over 
Bishop's  Fort,  and  after  making  a  circuit  of  the 
place,  the  horses'  heads  were  turned  towards 
Winnipeg,  and  we  drove  to  the  Hudson  Bay 
stores,  occupying  a  fine  block  of  brick  buildings 
on  Main  Street  South ;  these  we  investigated 
fully.  I  was  much  impressed  by  their  complete- 
ness in  every  department.  We  spent  some  time 
examining  the  different  flats,  then  drove  along 
Main  St  eet  South,  towards  the  fashionable  part 
of  the  town,  in  which  most  of  the  private  resi- 
dences are  situated,  passing  on  our  way,  a  short 
distance  from  the  Hudson  Bay  stores,  the  founda- 
tions of  the  great  hotel  that  collapsed  with  the 
boom,  and  never  got  beyond  the  low  stone  walls 
now  covering  an  immense  area  of  ground. 

We  crossed  tha  Assiniboine,  flowing  here  from 
the  west  into  the  Bed  Biver,  turned  up  Eiver 
Avenue,  past  some  fine  new  houses,  and  entered 
again  upon  a  region  of  trees  and  underbrush, 
through  which  pretty  roads  wound  and  charming 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

little  villas  appeared,  and  soon  came  upon  the 
Eoss  Mansion,  another  memento  of  the  boom,  at 
present  unoccupied  und  unfinished.  I  was 
delighted  with  this  part  of  Winnipeg,  which 
promises  to  be  the  most  attractive  suburb  of  the 
city,  the  houses  fronting  on  the  Assiniboine 
especially  having  a  charming  situation.  After 
winding  all  through  these  wooded  roads,  time 
warned  us  homewards  and  we  returned  by  way 
of  Broadway  and  Edmonton  Street,  with  their 
'  pretty  villa  residences,  to  the  L eland  House, 
where  I  was  deposited,  after  spending  a  most 
enjoyable  afternoon,  feeling  quite  invigorated  by 
the  strong,  fresh  prairie  wind  which  blew  freely 
over  the  grassy  plain  stretching  westward  from 
the  city  to  the  setting  sun. 

Thursday,  Dominion  Day,  had  been  named  for 
the  arrival  of  the  first  through  train  from  Mont- 
real to  the  Pacific  Coast,  advertised  to  leave 
Winnipeg  at  tY^enty  minutes  to  ten  o'clock  in  the 
morning,  which  was  to  bear  me  westward  to 
the  Rockies.  At  breakfast  I  read,  in  the  Winni- 
peg Free  Press,  the  following  announcement: 
"*  The  arrival  of  the  first  C.P.R.  transcontinental 
train  will  be  welcomed  by  a  salute  from  the  Win- 

By  the  (7.  P.  R, 




nipeg  Field  Battery.  The  two  military  banJ  ^ 
will  be  present.  The  Mayor  and  Council  will 
attend  in  a  body ;  and  no  doubt  there  w  ill  be  a 
large  turnout  of  citizens  to  mark  this  important 
event  in  Canadian  history."  Warned  by  this 
notice  of  an  impending  crowd,  I  tried  to  get 
down  to  the  station  early  to  avoid  it,  and  left  the 
hotel  nearly  an  hour  before  the  appointed '  le,  but 
early  as  it  was,  the  platform  was  crowded  j  it  was 
almost  impossible  to  force  a  passage  through  the 
seething,  struggling  mass  of  humanity  moving 
up  and  down.  Fortunately,  I  had  pressed  the 
hotel  proprietor  and  a  porter  into  my  service  to 
carry  m}^  valise  and  rugs;  they  succeeded  in 
clearing  a  way  for  me  to  the  baggage-room,  where 
I  extracted  my  luggage  from  that  of  those  other 
passengers  who,  like  myself,  had  waited  over  in 
Winnipeg  for  the  through  train.  I  had  no  diffi- 
culty in  getting  it  re-checked  to  Calgary;  and 
the  heavy  train,  consisting  of  nine  cars, 
having  at  last  drawn  up  to  the  platform,  I 
sank  a  few  minutes  later  into  a  luxurious  seat, 
flanked  by  my  valise  and  rugs,  feeling  that  I 
was  established  for  the  next  thirty-six  hours 
at  least. 



Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 



The  Pullman  I  found  myself  in  at  Winnipeg 
proved  to  be  a  through  car  from  Montreal  to 
Victoria,  intended  to  be  occupied  entirely  by 
men,  as  I  discovered  later  when  the  train 
started.  When  I  entered  it  was  quite  empty, 
and  the  number  of  people  inspecting  the  diff- 
erent cars,  as  they  were  allowed  to  do,  and 
passing  backwards  and  forwards  in  the  opera- 
tion, made  the  possession  of  the  first  vacant 
seat  a  considerable  object  to  a  hot  and  weary 
traveller.  The  black  porter  was  as  usual  very 
civil,  and  told  me  to  remain  in  the  car  as  long 
as  it  suited  me,  so  I  availed  myself  of  the  oppor- 
tunity to  inspect  it  thoroughly.  The  **  Honolulu  " 
is  one  of  the  handsomest  Pullmans  owned  by 
the  Company  ;  it  is  upholstered  most  artistically, 
or  rather  aesthetically,  in  gray  green  velvet ;  the 
sides  of  the  seats  and  berths  are  mounted  in 
cherry,  beautifully  carved  and  inlaid  with  brass  ; 
the  roof  is  painted,  and  the  ventilators  are 
provided  with  amber-coloured  stained  glass; 
two   lounges   occupy   each   side   of    the  centre 


By  the  G,  P.  R. 


of  the  car,  parallel  \7ith  the  sides ;  and  heavy 
velvet  portiferes  hang  over  each  end  door.  The 
wash-basins  in  the  lavatories  are  of  dark  marble, 
one  0/  them  furnished  with  a  small  three- 
foot-six  bath,  evidently  much  patronised  between 
Montreal  and  Winnipeg.  There  is  also  an  obser- 
vation compartment  at  the  end,  the  full  width  of 
the  car,  provided  with  very  large  windows  on 
both  sides  and  comfortable  lounges,  which  is 
intended  to  facilitate  the  enjoyment  of  the  moun- 
tain scenery. 

The  train  was  supposed  to  leave  at  ten  minutes 
to  ten,  but  ii  was  after  the  half  hour  when  the  cry 
of  **  all  aboard ''  was  heard,  followed  by  a  hurried 
shaking  of  hands,  and  the  engine  with  its  nine 
car^ — two  sleepers  (the  ** Honolulu**  and  the 
**  Selkirk  '*),  a  dining-car,  two  first  class,  two 
second  class,  and  two  baggage  cars — moved 
slowly  out  of  the  station,  bound  on  its  long 
journey  to  the  far  Pacific  Slope.  For  more  than 
a  mile  outside  of  Winnipeg,  we  passed  crowds  of 
people  who  had  gathered  along  the  line  to  see 
the  first  through  train,  and  I  began  to  feci  myself 
quite  an  historical  character  :  the  event  seemed 
one  of  such  marked  importance  to  this  section  of 



Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

the  country.  The  day  was  close,  sultry,  and 
slightly  overcast;  but  once  clear  of  the  city, 
steaming  away  over  the  prairie,  we  left  dull 
clouds  behind  us,  and  passed  into  a  region  of 
vivid  blues  and  greens,  where  the  land  and  sky 
met  upon  the  horizon,  and  the  eye  was  almost 
wearied  by  the  glare  of  colours  all  about  us.  We 
saw  large  herds  of  cattle  browsing  upon  the 
plains,  and  numerous  prosperous  farms  dotted 
about  on  both  sides  of  the  railway. 

Soon  after  leaving  Winnipeg,  I  departed  from 
the  "  Honolulu,"  and  was  escorted  to  my  proper 
place  in  the  "  Selkirk" — which  had  been  add^d 
at  Winnipeg,  and  was  a  very  common  and' 
ordinary  Pullman  compared  to  the  other — 
already  filled  by  passengers  from  Montreal  to  the 
Coast.  The. first  large  town  we  reached  was  Por- 
tage la  Prairie.  According  to  Mr.  Sandford 
Fleming,  **  this  town  is  situated  on  the  northern 
bank  of  the  Assiniboine  River  (we  have  not,  how- 
ever, caught  a  glimpse  of  the  rivor),  directly  to  the 
south  of  Lake  Winnipeg.  Ten  years  ago,  Por- 
tage la  Prairie  had  little  more  than  the  name  by 
which  it  was  known  to  the  voyageur ;  it  is  now 
[in  1888]  a  thriving  Jown,  with  many  streets  and 



By  the  a.  P.  R. 





buildings  extended  over  possibly  a  square  mile ; 
two  large  elevators  are  constructed  on  the  railway 
line  for  the  storage  of  wheat,  and  a  branch  rail- 
way has  been  established  to  Gladstone."  The 
town  appeared  to  me  to  have  increased  and 
developed  considerably  since  the  above  lines  were 
penned,  and  is  now  a  busy  place.  Larger  a  great 
deal  than  Portage  la  Prairie  is  Brandon,  where 
we  stopped  for  about  twenty  minutes.  It  has 
quite  an  imposing  station,  but  the  town  is  not 
visible  from  the  track,  being  situated  on  a  hill 
above  the  river  Assiniboine.  It  is  now  quite  an 
important  place.  Mr.  Fleming  says  of  this  part 
of  the  country,  **  The  prairie  in  all  directions  in 
the  neighbourhood  [of  Brandon]  has  a  warm 
subsoil  of  sandy  or  gravelly  loam,  differing  from 
the  deep  black  vegetable  mould  of  the  level  banks 
of  the  Bed  Eiver.  Settlers'  houses  and  huts 
are  seen  in  all  directions,  and  I  learn  that  a 
great  extent  of  country  has  been  taken  up  for 

During  the  afternoon  we  continued  to  roll 
along  over  the  same  level  prairie  land,  and  had 
occasional  peeps  of  the  Assiniboine,  whose  course 
is  marked  by  groups  of  trees,  varying  the  mono- 


'    ut 


\i    ■ 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific^ 

tony  of  the  dead-level  horizon.  We  passed 
numerous  ponds  close  to  the  line,  which 
abounded  with  small  wild  ducks,  apparently 
quite  indifferent  to  us,  scarcely  troubling  them- 
selves even  to  turn  their  pretty  heads  as  we 
flew  by.  Wild  flowers  covered  the  prairie  in 
all  directions,  handsome  red  lilies,  enormous 
cone  flowers,  wild  sunflowers,  dwarf  wild  roses 
gi'owing  on  bushes  hardly  a  foot  high,  a  tall  plant 
with  a  deep  pink  blossom  unfamiliar  to  i^e,  and 
scores  of  others  I  did  not  recognise. 

After  leaving  Brandon  we  partook  of  our  first 
meal  in  the  dining-car,  where  everything  was 
well  arranged,  and  an  excellent  menu  provided, 
including  fresh  salmon  and  other  delicacies  of 
the  season.  The  car  itself  was  a  new  one,  ex- 
ceedingly handsome  and  massive:  the  seats  of 
solid  dark  leather  designed  to  imitate  alligator 
skin,  the  mirrors  and  all  suitable  portions  of  the 
car  inlaid  with  bronze,  the  linen  and  plate,  glass 
and  china,  all  fresh  and  resplendent ;  in  fact,  the 
only  improvement  that  could  have  been  made 
would  have  been  to  substitute  for  the  white 
waiters  black  ones,  and  increase  the  number 
employed  upon  the   trip ;    doubtless,  however, 


By  the  a  P.  R. 


the  Company  did  not  anticipate  the  amount  of 
patronage  that  was  bestowed  upon  the  first 
through  train. 

We  arrived  at  Moosomin  at  seven  o'clock ;  it 
is  a  small  town  scattered  over  a  large  area,  of 
ground  on  both  sides  of  the  line.^  There  were 
indications  here  of  a  tremendous  storm  rapidly 
approaching  us  from  the  west ;  the  sky  turned 
from  steel-blue  to  copper  colour ;  the  wind  rose ; 
the  dust  blew  in  clouds,  completely  obscuring 
the  town ;  and  five  minutes  later,  as  we  glided 
again  out  on  to  the  prairie  and  were  seated  at 
tea  in  the  dining-car,  the  storm  broke  over  the 
train,  accompanied  by  heavy  thunder  and  vivid 
forked  lightning,  which  played  all  over  the  plain. 
The  rain  descended  upon  the  roof  in  perfect 
sheets ;  not  a  sound  could  be  heard  above  the 
din  and  rattle  as  it  peppered  ventilators  and 
window  panes.  By  common  consent,  knives  and 
forks  were  laid  aside,  and  the  occupants  of  the 
well-filled  car  ceased  to  shout  inaudible  orders  to 
patient,  much-vexed  waiters,  and  devoted  them- 
selves to  contemplating  the  progress  of  the 
storm.  The  landscape  was  almost  shut  out 
by  dense  sheets  of  water,   except  away  to  the 




Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

south,  where  the  gray  leaden  clouds  trailed  their 
ragged  edges  over  a  breadth  of  golden  sky  which 
had  caught  the  reflection  of  the  setting  sun.  In 
about  twenty  minutes  we  had  passed  out  of  the 
worst  of  it ;  windows  were  thrown  up  on  all 
sides,  and  we  enjoyed  the  delicious,  cool,  damp 
atmosphere  after  the  hot,  sultry,  dusty  air 
breathed  all  day  between  Winnipeg  and  Moo- 
somin :  when  we  returned  to  our  Pullman  we 
feasted  our  eyes  upon  a  magnificent  sunset, 
toward  which  we  were  smoothly  and  silently 

A  few  miles  from  Broadview,  the  next  station 
to  Moosomin,  our  engine  developed  a  hot  box, 
and  went  off  either  for  repairs  or  to  seek  a  sub- 
stitute, leaving  its  nine  cars  in  solitary  grandeur 
out  on  the  boundless  prairie  without  a  habits*:  on 
in  sight.  The  gentlemen  all  availed  them- 
selves of  this  oppoi  "^unity  to  leave  the  train  and 
wander  about  in  search  of  flowers  and  curiosities. 
I  was  presented  with  a  magnificent  bouquet  of 
gigantic  size,  containing  most  of  the  flowers  I 
have  above  referred  to  ;  and  after  a  delay  of  an 
hour  and  a  half,  during  which  we  enjoyed  the 
twilight  and  abused  the  mosquitoes,  our  engine 

By  the  a  P.  R. 


returned,  and — once  more  under  way — we  all 
prepared  for  our  night's  rest,  it  being  past  ten 
o'clock,  though  still  quite  light. 


When  I  got  up  at  half-past  seven,  on  Friday 
morning,  July  2nd,  I  found  we  were  passing  over 
an  arid,  rolling  country,  utterly  devoid  of  tree  or 
shrub.  The  presence  of  alkali  in  large  quantities 
was  marked  by  the  white,  salty  appearance  of  the 
ground,  where  various  ponds  had  dried  up,  leav- 
ing the  earth  exposed  like  patches  of  driven 
snow.  The  Old  Wives'  Lakes  soon  came  into 
view.  According  to  Mr.  Fleming,  **  these  are 
three  salt-water  lakes ;  together  they  extend 
fifty  miles  in  length,  and  from  ten  to  six  miles 
in  breadth  ;  they  abound  in  wild  duck."  I  saw 
none ;  but  several  large  gray  cranes,  roused  by 
the  train,  flapped  solemnly  over  the  ^itb  sandy 
beach,  and  flew  away  across  the  dark  green 
water.  We  came  upon  occasional  skulls  and 
bones  of  the  buffalo  bleaching  in  the  sun,  while 
their  trails  were  visible  crossing  and  re-crossing 


Ontario  to  the  PacifiCi 

the  plain  in  all  directions,  marking  its  surface 
with  deep  indented  lines.  The  grass,  which  has 
now  overgrown  the  well-worn  tracks,  is  sunk  far 
below  the  natural  level  of  the  ground,  showing 
what  countless  millions  of  feet  raust  have  trodden 
these  deep-cut  paths  as  the  animals  travelled 
across  thd  prairie  from  one  watering-place  to 
another.  At  several  stations  I  noticed  ghastly 
'  >  phies  of  piles  of  bones,  many  feet"  high,  await- 
ing transport  to  distant  cities  for  fertilising  and 
chemical  purposes,  which  I  heard  was  a  lucra- 
tive though  somewhat  exhausted  traffic. 

At  nine  o'clock  we  reached  Swift  Current,  not 
far  from  the  bend  of  the  South  Saskatchewan. 
The  town  consists  of  a  few  low  wooden  houses  on 
a  grassy  plateau  facing  the  railway  station. 
There  were  two  or  three  Indian  encampments 
in  the  neighbourhood,  marked  by  their  smoke- 
browned  tepees.  This  was  iny  first  glimpse  of 
the  aborigines.  At  Swift  Current  the  train  made 
quite  a  long  halt  to  take  in  wood  and  water,  and 
the  attention  of  all  the  p*».ssengers  was  aroused 
by  an  Indian  boy,  about  sixteen  years  of  age,  a 
son,  we  heard,  of  Big  Bear's,  who  rode  on  to 
tt'3  platform  attired  in  full  dress,  wearing  a  black 


By  the  G.  P.  JR. 


felt  wide-awake,  carrying  a  lasso  over  the  horn 
of  his  saddle,  and  mounted  on  a  cream  pony, 
about  twelve  hands  high,  adorned  with  a  gor- 
geous embroidered  saddle-cloth.  Most  of  the 
gentlemen  and  several  ladies  got  out  of  the  train 
to  examine  him  and  his  steed  more  closely,  and 
at  last  one  passenger,  more  venturesome  than 
the  rest,  persuaded  the  boy  to  dismount,  jumped 
up($n  the  pony's  back,  and  cantered  the  tractable 
little  beast  up  and  down  the  platform  close  to  the 
car  windows,  amid  shouts  of  laughter  from  within 
and  without. 

After  a  delay  of  twenty  minutes  we  moved 
slowly  out  of  the  statio?!  and  passed  a  number  of 
new  ploughs  and  heavy  waggons  standing  on  the 
grass  near  the  line,  indicating  farming  opera- 
tions in  the  neighbourhood.  The  day  was  bright 
and  clear,  with  a  delicious  fresh  prairie  wind 
blowing;  all  the  windows  were  open — we  felt 
we  had  left  the  dust  and  heat  of  cities  far  behind 
us  as  we  steamed  away  over  an  undulating,  tree- 
less prairie,  covered  with  short  buffalo  grass. 
We  saw  numbers  of  gophers  scampering  about 
in  ail  directions,  sitting  up  on  their  haunches 
like  jrabbits  outside  their  holes,  and  examining 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

the  train  as  it  rolled  by.  These  animals  are  a 
species  of  ground  squirrel;  they  burrow  in  the 
earth  and  look  like  large  tawny  rats  ;  their  tails 
are  stiff  and  hard,  devoid  of  the  soft  feathery 
brush  of  the  tree  s:^uirrel,  which  they  resemble 
about  the  head  and  body. 

We  soon  came  upon  Gull  Lake,  so  called  from 
the  numbers  of  these  birds  which  hover  over  its 
placid  waters.  **  We  are,*'  says  Mr.  Fleming, 
**  five  hundred  and  fifty-four  miles  from  Winni- 
peg, north  of  the  Cypress  Hills.  The  lofty 
ground  to  the  south  of  us  is  perfectly  bare ;  the 
country  is  dry,  the  herbage  scanty."  We  slack- 
ened speed  and  approached  Cypress  Station  ;  at 
one  o'clock  Maple  Creek  was  reached.  After 
leaving  there  we  moved  off  again  over  the  endless 
prairie;  the  character  of  the  herbage  was  changed, 
and  the  plains  were  covered  with  low  sage  brush 
and  great  bunches  of  a  silvery-looking  plant  like 
lavender,  interspersed  with  quantities  of  short 
yellow  grass  and  foxtail,  resembling  dwarf  barley; 

At  two  o'clock  we  arrived  at  Dunmore,  but 
were  soon  off  again,,  rolling  over  a  vast  plain, 
broken  here  and  there  by  grassy  bluffs,  with 
scattered  herds  browsing  upon  them,  and  occa- 

By  the  C,  P.  R. 


; . 

sional  homesteads  in  the  distance.  We  followed 
for  some  miles  the  half-dried  hed  of  a  tributary 
of  the  South  Saskatchewan.  The  bankF  of  this 
stream  were  marked  by  refreshing  foliage  in  the 
shape  of  a  few  low,  stunted  trees.  Evidently, 
there  had  been  no  rain  in  this  part  of  the  country 
for  many  weeks,  and  in  a  short  time  all  signs  of 
water  disappeared,  leaving  a  dry,  sandy  bottom 
exposed  to  view.  A  few  minutes  later  we  steamed 
into  Medicine  Hat,  situated  on  a  sandy  area,  and 
consisting  of  a  row  of  wooden  houses  and  low 
cabins  on  each  side  of  the  track.  A  steamer  on 
the  South  Saskatchewan  was  distinctly  visible, 
anchored  below  the  Mounted  Police  barracks, 
which  are  on  a  hi^h  bluff  on  the  opposite  side  of 
the  river.  When  the  train  moved  off  again  we 
crossed  a  solid  iron  bridge  over  the  river,  some 
thirty  feet  above  the  water's  level,  just  outside 
the  town ;  then  followed  the  course  of  the  Sas- 
katchewan for  a  little  way,  and  ascended  a  heavy 
grade  with  high  grass  bluffs  on  one  side,  and  the 
valley  of  the  river  on  the  other,  far  below  us. 

Soon  the  top  of  the  ascent  was  reached,  and 
we  were  once  more  upon  the  genuine  prairie, 
which  rolled  away  as  far  as  the  eye  could  reach 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

in  an  unbroken  line  to  the  horizon.  I  cannot 
do  better  than  quote  here  a  few  lines-  from  Mr. 
Fleming's  book  to  give  an  adequate  idea  of  the 
monotony  of  the  scene.  He  says :  "  Our  point 
of  vision  is  really  and  truly  the  centre  of  one 
vast  grassy  plain,  the  circumference  of  which 
lies  defined  on  the  ho  ^o^i.  As  we  look  from 
the  rear,  the  two  lines  of  rails  gradually  come 
closer  till  they  are  lost  seemingly  in  one  line ; 
the  row  of  telegraph  poles  recedes  with  the  dis- 
tance to  a  point.  .  I  should  estimate  the  horizon 
to  be  removed  from  us  from  six  to  eight  miles. 
The  sky,  without  a  cloud,  forms  a  blue  vault 
above  us;  nothing  around  is  visible  but  the 
prairie  on  all  sides,  gently  swelling  and  undula- 
ting, with  the  railway  forming  a  defined  diameter 
across  the  circle.  The  landscape  is  unvaried ;  a 
solitude  jn  which  the  only  sign  of  life  is  the 
motion  of  the  train." 



All  the  afternoon  of  Friday,  July  2nd,  we  sped 
on  over  the  prairie,  with  its  inevitable  buffalo 
trails  and  bones.    Apropos  of  these  animals  and 

By  the  C.  P.  JR. 





their  extinction  in  North  America,  I  came  upon 
an  article  the  other  day,  copied  from  the  Wash- 
ington Star,  on  this  very  subject.  The  writer 
gives  an  account  of  a  huntifig  trip  made  by  two 
gentlemen  to  Montana,  in  pursuit  of  bufifalo,  dur- 
ing the  spring  of  the  present  year  (1886).  **In 
all  our  explorations,"  he  says,  **  we  came  across 
only  two  herds  of  buffalo.  The  largest  of 
these  did  not  contain  more  than  seventy-five 
head.  Formerly  they  used  to  roam  in  such  num- 
bers as  sometimes  to  stop .  railroad  trains." 
(Hence  the  deeply-cut  trails  I  have  referred 
to.)  "  The  btiffaloes,"  he  continues,  **  are  being 
rapidly  exterminated,  and  in  another  year  or 
two  will  be  extinct.  The  cowboys  and  tourists 
shoot  them  recklessly,  leaving  their  bodies 
to  decay  where  they  fall.  The  plains  are  so 
thickly  covered  with  buffalo  skeletons  that  a 
company  ha  been  organised  in  Montana  to  col- 
lect the  bones  for  use  in  the  manufacture  of 

Evidently,  the  same  remarks  may  be  applied  to 

the  prairiQ3  of  the  North-west  as  to  Montana, 

^  substituting  Indians  and  hunters  for  cowboys 

and  tourists.    Four  years  ago,  buffalo  meat  sold 


Ontario  £o  the  Pacific^ 

in  Eegina  at  ten  cent  3  per  pound,  a  lower  price 
than  beef  brought;  in  many  instances  the 
animals  were  slaughtered  simply  for  their  skins. 
This  accounts  for  the  destruction  of  the  buffalo 
in  Canadian  territory,  marked  by  the  thousands 
of  bones  and  skulls  which  I  saw  between  Winni- 
peg and  the  Eockies.  . 

To  return  to  my  journey,  however.  We  stopped 
occasionally  to  water  our  engine  at  the  various 
tanks  erected  along  the  line  for  this  purpose, 
with  no  sign  of  a  habitation  except  a  signal 
station  beside  them.  A  tremendous  wind  blew 
dead  against  the  train,  and  greatly  retarded  our 
progress.  Some  idea*^of  its  velocity  could  be 
formed  bv  the  force  with  which  it  whistled  and 
rushed  through  windows  and  ventilators,  causing 
a  prompt  closing  of  those  on  the  weather  side  of 
the  cars.  It  was,  however,  merely  an  extra- 
powerful  prairie  breeze,  such  as  generally  sweeps 
over  these  exposed  plains,  and  whose  effects 
reach  even  to  the  far  distant  Winnipeg,  and  may 
be  felt  there,  outside  the  city  limits,  on  the  hottest 
summer  afternoon.  The  sky  was  a  deep,  intense 
blue,  with  a  ^^.w  soft,  fleecy  clouds  drifting  over 
it  and  lying  low  in  banks  upon  the  horizon. 


By  the  G.  P.  R. 


At  sundown  we  'vrere,  according  to  Mr.  Flem- 
ing, **  on  a  hroad  plateau,  between  the  Bow 
Kiver  and  Bed  Deer  Kiver.  The  outline  of  the 
valley  of  the  former  is  distinctly  visible  away  on 
the  horizon ;  the  latter  is  too  far  distant  to  be 
traceable.  We  expected  soon  to  ;  o  the  Eocky 
Mountains.  The  soil  improved  as  we  advanced, 
and  the  prairie  had  long,  gentle  ascents,  with 
occasional  heavy  gradients."  The  air  was  keener 
and  fresher  as  the  sun  descended,  the  shadows 
grew  longer,  and  chased  one  another  over  the 
broken  ground  as  we  rushed  away  due  west  into 
the  sunset.  The  clouds  on  the  horizon  were 
golden,  those  on  the  east  a  rosy  pink  lying  on  a 
bed  of  steel-blue  sky.  Not  a  sound  was  heard 
but  the  rattle  of  the  train ;  not  a  living  object 
was  visible  as  far  as  the  eye  could  reach.  The 
wind  had  fallen  with  the  sun,  and  perfect  silence 
prevailed.  Still  no  Eocky  Mountains  rose  slowly 
into  view  to  break  the  line  of  the  rolling  plain, 
and  a  horrid  fear  seized  me  that,  owing  to  the 
prairie  wind  which  had  delayed  the  train  an  hour 
or  more,  night  would  close  around  us  before  I 
could  see  the  first  mountains  my  eyes  had  ever 
rested  upon. 



Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

After  a  time,  the  plain  ceased  to  undulate  and 
settled  down  once  morl  into  a  fiat  sea  of  green 
and  brown,  shading  away  in  the  distance  to  gray 
and  purple,  an  unbroken  line  of  land  and  sky. 
Gleichen  was  reached  at  half-past  eight  o'clock 
in  the  evening.  There  is  a  large  Indian  reserve 
in  this  neighbourhood,  and  Chief  Crowfoot,  ac- 
companied by  six  or  seven  squaws,  appeared 
upon  the  platform  and  entered  the  train ;  he 
passed  through  every  car,  nodding  and  shaking 
hands  with  all  the  passengers.  He  is  a  fine- 
looking,  intelligent  man,  and  retains  the  national 
costume  of  his  forefathers,  which,  on  this  occa- 
sion, was  resplendent  with  beads  and  embroidery, 
and  adorned  with  several  medals.  Crowfoot  was 
decorated  by  the  Government,  and  his  character 
established  in  the  country  by  his  proven  loyalty 
during  the  late  rebellion.  He  received  quite  an 
ovation  from  the  gentlemen  on  the  train,  and 
was  presented  with  the  freedom  of  the  Dining- 
car  in  an  elaborate  address,  and  a  substantial 
souvenir  was  collected  for  him  in  a  purse  of  seven 
dollars;  in  fact,  he  so  much  appreciated  iihe 
attention  bestowed  upon  him  that  he  was  very 
loath  to  part  with  his  hosts,  and  in  the  end  he 


By  the  a  P,  R. 


and  his  squaws  had  to  be  forcibly  lifted  from  the 
last  car  by  a  stalwart  porter  and  conductor,  to 
prevent  their  being  carried  oflF  in  the  ti^ain,  a 
proceeding  which  they  evidently  treated  as  a  good 
joke,  judging  by  their  shouts*  of  laughter,  as 
one  brown  dame  after  another  was  encircled 
by  a  pair  of  strong  arms,  and  deposited  upon 
terra  firvia.  The  end  car  of  the  long  tram 
extended  beyond  the  platform,  and  the  descent 
from  its  steps  was  some  feet  to  the  ground 
below.  • 

Half  an  hour  after  we  left  Gleichen  the  stars 
came  out  one  by  one,  and,  there  being  no  moon, 
the  landscape  was  soon  blotted  into  obscurity. 
Sections  were  made  up  about  me  for  the 
through  passengers  to  the  Coast,  and  I  was  soon 
left  companionless  to  await  my  destination — 
Calgary ;  which  was  reached  at  half-past  eleven 
o'clock  at  night,  exactly  one  hour  behind  time. 
Here  I  was  met  by  friends,  and  made  my  way 
on  foot  to  the  Koyal  Hotel,  five  minutes'  walk 
from  the  station.  It  proved  to  be  a  large  frame 
building,  in  one  of  the  principal  streets  of  Cal- 
gary, which,  even  in  the  darkness,  I  recognised 
^as  the  largest  town  I  had   seen  since  we  left 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

Brandon;  Begina,  two  hundred  miles  west  of 
there,  the  capital  of  the  North-west,  having  been 
passed  in  the  middle  of  the  night. 


Galgary,  eight  hundred  and  forty  miles  west  of 
Winnipeg,  is  beautifully  situated  in  the  valley  of 
the  Bow  Eiver,  and  is  the  largest  town  in  the 
neighbourhood  of  the  Eocky  Mountains,  whose 
snow-clad  summits  are  always  distinctly  visible 
from  there  in  clear  weathei,  rising  away  on  the 
western  horizon.  They  seem  *o  enclose  the 
talley  with  its  low  foot-hills  in  a  species  of 
amphitheatre  circling  from  north  to  south.  The 
town,  which  is  daily  growing  in  size  and  impor- 
tance, and  spreading  over  the  prairie  in  all 
directions,  has  a  population  of  about  1,200,  and 
possesses  several  busy  streets  and  a  number  of 
ambitious  shops,  besides  a  private  bank — doing 
such  a  flourishing  business  that  its  proprietors 
were  erecting  a  new  and  commodious  building ; 
the  "Koyal  Hotel"  was  also  undergoing  an 
extensive   addition.      I    should   say,   from   my 


By  the  C.  P.  R.  ^ 


own  experience,  that  its  courteous  manager  de- 
serves all  the  custom  and  popularity  he  has 
evidently  secured.  The  accommodation  was 
somewhat  limited,  hut  when  the  new  wing  is 
completed  the  **  Royal  **  will  compare  very 
favourably  with  what  Winnipeg  can  at  present 
offer  to  the  traveller  in  the  hotel  way. 

Calgary  promises  to  be  the  centre  of  the  great 
cattle,  horse,  and  sheep  trade  of  the  future. 
There  are  now  90,000  head  of  cattle  in  the  dis- 
trict, and  30,000  more  on  their  way  into  the 
country  from  the  east,  west,  and  south,  besides 
10,000  horses  breeding  upon  the  ranges.  At 
Cochrane,  twenty-four  miles  west  of  the  town, 
the  Calgary  Lumber  Company  have  built  an 
extensive  saw-mill  at  a  cost  of  $60,000.  It  has 
the  most  complete  system  of  machinery  in  the 
country,  is  worked  by  an  engine  of  seventy-five 
horse-power,  and  can  turn  out  20,000  feet  of 
lumber  per  day.  The  mill  is  beautifully  and 
advantageously  situated  on  a  small  tributary  of 
the  Bow  River,  dammed  for  the  purpose  of  float- 
ing the  logs  brought,  down  by  a  tramway  from 
the  large  limit?  owned  by  the  Company,  who 
employ  forty  men  steadily  all  the  year  round," 


.  ~^ 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

and  do  the  largest  business  in  the  country,  as 
they  can  ship  their  lumber  either  by  water  or 
rail  to  the  town. 

At  Calgary  I  had  my  first  experience  of  the 
reality  of  Western  life.  A  large  body  of  Indians 
had  come  in  from  their  reserve,. not  many  miles 
distant,  and  were  encamped  upon  the  prairie 
opposite  the  town ;  their  smoke-browned  tepees 
and  droves  of  horses  dotted  the  plain,  forming  a 
very  picturesque  element  in  the  landscape  de- 
fined against  the  low  foot-hills  enclosing  the 
valley  of  the  Bow,  with  its  background  of  ever- 
lasting hills. 

The  first  walk  I  took  the  morning  after  I 
arrived  at  Calgary  will  not  soon  be  forgotten. 
The  day  was  overcast  but  clear.  I  wandered 
over  the  prairie,  carpeted  with  lovely  flowers,  for 
a  couple  of  miles;  mounted  the  highest  hill  I 
could  find,  and  took  my  first  look  at  the  Rocky 
Mountains,  rising  like  a  rampart  in  the  distance, 
and  glistening  in  some  reflected  light  that  did 
not  catch  the  valley  below.  I  sat  down  on  a 
grassy  mound,  and  lost  all  record  of  time  till  I 
was  roused  from  my  dreams  by  the  sun  coming 
out    and  beating  on  my  head  with    a  power 


By  the  C,  P,  R 


and  intensity  peculiar  to  the  West,  which  soon 
warned  me  homewards,  with  hands  filled  with 
red  lilies,  hare  beils,  and  giant  cone  flowers. 

A  picturesque  element  of  Calgary  was  the 
number  of  cowboys  to  be  seen  at  all  hours 
dashing  about  the  streets,  clad  in  the  unconven- 
tional costume  generally  and  typically  adopted 
by  them ;  namely,  broad-brimmed  felt  hats,  flan- 
nel shirts,  and  leather  leggings — in  the  parlance 
of  the  country,  ** chaps"  (an  abbreviation  of 
"  chaparel,*'  a  wore'  meaning  **  thick  brush,"  as 
they  are  used  to  protect  the  nether  limbs  in 
riding  through  the  woods).  They  were  mounted 
on  small,  wiry  ponies,  as  a  rule  in  such  poor 
condition  that  they  strike  one  as  hardly  equal 
to  the  weight  of  the  riders  and  their  clumsy 
Mexican  saddles,  with  enormous  wooden  stirrups 
and  broad  girths,  covering  the  animal  like  a 
harness.  I  believe  experience  has  proved  that 
the  Mexican  saddle,  with  its  deep  seat  dni^  roomy 
stirrups,  is  a  most  comfortable  and  well  adapted 
article  for  the  service  required  of  it,  in  •point 
of  comfort,  its  neat  and  compact  English  brother 
cannot  compare  with  it.  Unfortunately,  like 
a  good  many  other  invaluable  things,  appear- 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

ances  arc  against  the  Mexican  saddle.  It  has  a 
most  unbusiness-like  air,  very  suggestive  of  a 
circus  or  a  sidf-show;  though  it  certainly  indi- 
cates that  wild,  adventurous  character  now  so 
thoroughly  associated  with  the  class  it  repre- 

Indians,  too,  rode  in  and  out  of  the  town  all 
day  on  their  small,  weedy  ponies,  chieJfly  remark- 
able for  their  diversity  of  colour.  I  never  could 
have  imagined  so  many  odd  combinations  of 
shades,  from  cream  to  smoke-colour,  through  all 
the  gradations  of  coffee,  tan,  and  slate,  piebalds 
(called  **  pintos ")  included ;  but  a  good  solid 
brown,  bay,  black,  or  white  pony  was  not  to  be 
met  with.  I  heard  this  peculiarity  of  colouring 
accounted  for  by  the  fact  that  the  Indians  sold 
all  their  so-called  whole-coloured  horses,  only 
retaining  those  which,  from  this  very  peculiarity 
I  have  referred*  to,  were  unsalable.  They  rode 
and  walked  about  attired  in  bright  blankets,  and 
in  most  cases  devoid  of  any  head-gear,  except 
the  natural  growth  of  their  coarse  black  hair, 
hanging  down  over  their  eyes,  and  shaken  back 
occasionally  with  wild  tosses  of  their  unkempt 
locks.    I  must  confess  that  to  me  the  red  man  is 


By  the  a  P,  R. 



a  most  unattractive  species,  and  the  more  I  saw 
of  him  the  less  I  liked  him. 

Calgary  is  the  most  orderly,  well-regulated 
town  I  was  ever  in,  considering  the  wild,  reckless 
character  of  many  of  itp  inhabitants.  Liquor 
laws  are  most  stringently  enforced  by  the  Mounted 
Police,  and  with  good  eiffect ;  for  though  living 
in  one  of  the  principal  streets  of  the  town,  and 
sleeping  at  night  with  the  windows  open,  I  never 
heard  the  slightest  noise  or  disturbance  of  any 
kind ;  I  saw  no  rows  or  fights,  and  certainly  no 
drunken  men. 

I  drove  every  afternoon  for  miles  over  the 
prairie,  intersected  here  in  all  directions  by  ad- 
mirable roads.  Roads  about  Calgary  are  a  mere 
matter  of  detail,  for  no  one  hesitates  to  turn  off 
them,  and  drive  at  random  over  the  short,  wiry 
grass  wherever  the  spirit  prompts.  The  grass 
offers  apparently  no  opposition  to  wheels,  and 
a  carriage  moves  just  as  smoothly  and  easily 
over  the  prairie  as  along  a  made  road.  The 
horses,  too,  are  all  accustomed  to  the  country, 
arid  pick  their  way  so  cleverly  amidst  the  gopher- 
holes  that  they  may  be  safely  left  to  their  own 




Ontario  to  the  Pacific,  , 

I  saw  all  the  country  within  driving  distance 
of  Calgary  very  thoroughly,  and  always  found 
the  fresh  prairie  breezes  most  invigorating  after 
the  heat  of  the  day.  Like  the  rest  of  the  North- 
west, Calgary  is  entirelg^  devoid  of  trees,  except 
along  the  bed  of  the  rivers  Bow  and  Elbow, 
which  unite  their  waters  to  the  east  of  the  town; 
it  is  a  deficiency  much  felt  by  a  resident  of  a 
more  sheltered  region. 


I  LEFT  Calgary  on  Tuesday,  July  6th,  at  half- 
past  ten  at  night,  by  the  through  train  from 
Montreal  bound  west  for  the  Coast.  I  had  tele- 
graphed in  the  morning  to  Medicine  Hat  to 
secure  a  section,  which  I  found  duly  reserved  for 
me  ;  when  I  entered  the  car  I  had  it  made  up,  or 
rather  down,  at  once,  and  was  soon  wrapped  in 
as  profound  a  slumber  as  I  can  ever  hope  to 
achieve  in  a  Pullman  sleeper.  Banff  was  reached 
at  two  o'clock  in  the  morning,  but  owing  to  the 
very  limited  accommodation  to  be  met  with  last 
summer,  as  well  as  the  inconvenient  hour  of  the 


By  the  a  P.  R 


arrival  and  departure  of  trains  east  and  west 
(since  altered  by  a  new  time-table),  I  did  not  stop 
there  on  my  journey  to  or  from  Victoria.  It  has, 
however,  been  so  wonderfully  developed  during 
the  lasi  year  by  the  combined  energy  of  the 
Dominion  Government  and  the  Canadian  Pacific 
Railway,  that  it  will  be  one  of  the  most  attractive 
resorts  on  the  road  thig  summer,  both  from  the 
natural  beauty  of  its  scenery  and  the  marvellous 
medicinal  and  curative  powers  of  its  hot  springs. 
I  applied  to  the  Canadian  Pacific  Eailway  Com- 
pany for  the  latest  and  most  reliable  information 
concerning  this  Canadian  Bethesda,  aiid  have 
compiled  the  following  account  from  the  extracts 
of  different  newspapers  furnished  me  by  them,that 
of  the  medicinal  properties  of  the  springs  being 
taken  from  a  letter  which  Dr.  Orton,  M.P.,  ad- 
dressed to  Dr.  O'Reilly,  Medical  Superintendent 
of  Toronto  General  Hospital : 

Banff  station,  on  the  main  line  of  the  C.  P.  R., 
919  miles  west  of  Winnipeg  (a  journey  now 
accomplished  in  two  days  and  one  night),  is 
situated  in  the  beautiful  Bow  River  Pass,  forty 
miles  from  the  summit  of  the  Rocky  Mountains, 
in  the  North-west  Territory,  and  a  little  over 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

4,700  feet  above  the  sea  level.  It  is  the  centre 
of  one  of  the  most  attractive  regions  on  this 
broad  continent,  and  is  destined,  in  the  imme- 
diate future,  to  become  one  of  its  chief  pleasure 
and  health  resorts.  The  station  lies  in  a  lovely 
valley  about  a  mile  wide,  interspersed  with  clumps 
of  trees  and  stretches  of  open  prairie  on  the 
north  side.  Cascade  Mountain  (so  called  from 
a  small  stream  of  the  purest  snow-water  which 
falls  down  its  east  side  in  an  almost  continuous 
leap,  a  distance  of  over  1,000  feet)  towering  to  a 
height  of  over  5,000  feet,  or  one  mile  above  the 
pass.  This  giant  frowns  across  the  valley  at 
Mount  Duthill,  which  is  of  scarce  inferior  height. 
Between  these  mountains,  south  of  the  station, 
lies  Tunnel  Hill,  which  is  1,000  feet  high,  and 
can  be  easily  ascended  even  by  ladies.  From  its 
summit  a  panorama  is  visible  of  mountain,  forest, 
lake,  and  stream,  which  richly  repays  the  fatigue 
of  the  ascent.  Immediately  to  the  south  of  Tun- 
nel Hill  are  the  Spray  Falls  of  the  Bow  Kiver, 
which  make  a  descent  of  sixty  or  seventy  feet  in 
a  short  distance.  - 

The  Sanitarium  Hotel,  two  miles  and  a  half 
from  V  the  station,  is  approached  by  an  excel- 

By  tite  a  P.  R. 


lent  road  built  by  the  Government ;  it  lies  in  the 
centre  of  the  National  Park  on  an  elevated  pla- 
teau, commanding  a  lovely  view  of  the  Bow  Kiver 
and  Spring  Creek,  as  well  as  numerous  mountain 
peaks,  and  is  a  large,  three  story-building,  pro- 
vided with  every  comfort  and  convenience  that 
visitors  could  desire.  It  is  the  property  of  the 
Banff  Springs  Sanitarium  Company,  of  which 
Dr.  Brett  is  the  medical  director,  and  Mr.  S. 
Hungerford,  the  manager.  The  Government  are 
conducting  the  water  from  the  Hot  Springs  in 
iron  pipes,  and  will  lease  it  to  the  Company  at 
so  much  per  bath  for  a  long  term  of  years,  includ- 
ing the  five  acres  of  ground  about  the  hotel. 
The  Company  have  also  erected  a  hospital  close 
to  the  Hot  Springs,  with  every  comfort  for 
patients,  to  which  a  number  of  bath-rooms  and 
two  swimming-baths  are  attached.  In  connexion 
with  the  ejptablishment  there  is  a  stable  of  forty 
horses,  also  coaches,  carriages,  and  every  descrip- 
tion of  vehicle  suitable  to  the  country. 

The  Canadian  Pa*cific  Kailway  Company  have 
laid  the  foundation  of  their  Mammoth  Hotel  at 
the  foot  of  Sulphur  Mountain,  on  a  slight  eleva- 
tion near  the  falls  of  the  Spray  Kiver,  between 






Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

the  Sanitarium  and  the  Springs.  This  structure 
will  be  in  the  form  of  the  letter  H,  and  the  front 
portion  will  be  188  feet  long,  with  3  stories  and 
an  attic ;  the  rear,  156  feet  long,  2  stories  and 
an  attic.  Underneath  are  extensive  basements 
88  feet  long.  The  hotel  will  be  of  brick  veneer, 
with  spacious  detached  balconies  surrounding 
each  story,  giving  an  extensive  view  from  all 
points.  The  front  drawing-rooms  of  this  stately 
pile  will  be  40  feet  square.  Ample  bath-rooms 
will  be  provided  throughout  the  house,  and  large 
bath-houses  in  connexion  with  it.  Cold  water 
will  be  brought  from  the  mountains  in  a  series 
of  aqueducts,  and  a  steam  elevator  will  take  visi- 
tors from  the  foot  of  the  mountain  to  the  hotel, 
which  will  accommodate  300  guests,  and  cost 
$500,000.  The  Canadian  Pacific  Kailway  Com- 
pany expect  to  have  the  hotel  ready  for  occupa- 
tion by  the  1st  July,  1887. 

The  National  Park  is  an  immense  domain,  with 
an  area  of  216  sauare  miles.  This  tract  is  set 
apart  by  the  Government  for  the  especial  use  of 
tom'ists  and  invalids.  Mr.  G.  A.  Stewart  is  the 
superintendent.  A  more  beautiful  spot  it  would 
be  difficult  to  conceive.     The  Park  lies  north-east 

By  the  G.  P.  R. 



by  south-west,  against  a  background  formed  by 
the  snow-capped  peaks  of  the  Rocky  Mountains, 
and  is  intersected  by  the  Bow  and  Spray  Eivers. 
Within  its  limits  are  the  Cascade  Mountain,  5,400 
feet  high ;  Sulphur  Mountain  (the  source  of  the 
Springs),  4,000  feet  high ;  and  the  Peak,  with  an 
altitude  of  4,500  feet.  Nestled  among  these  rug- 
ged heights  lies  the  Devil's  Lake  and  Gap,  a  beau- 
tiful expanse  of  water  from  which  the  surround- 
ing romantic  scenery  can  be  fully  appreciated. 

The  Bow  River  is  navigable  for  several  miles 
for  yachts  and  small  boats,  and  affords,  like 
the  Spray,  excellent  fishing.  Speckled  trout, 
known  as  mountain  trout,  are  caught  from  one 
quarter  to  two  pounds  weight,  and  pike,  pickerel, 
and  other  varieties  of  fish  abound.  Good  canoe- 
ing can  be  had  on  all  the  small  lakes  and 
streams,  and  the  sportsman  will  find  geese,  duck, 
prairie  fowl,  partridges,  snipe,  and,  if  he  desires, 
larger  game.  Mountain  sheep,  antelope,  goats, 
and  prairie  wolves  are  to  be  obtained  for  the 
hunting.  The  Government  has  sent  up  wild  rice 
to  be  planted  in  the  places  most  suitable  to  its 
growth,  to  attract  ducks  and  other  water-fowl. 

Sulphur  Mountain  is  honeycombed  with  natu- 
ral caves,  large  and  small,  all  showing  the  same 





Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

formation  of  limestone  crystals,  basalt,  and  tufa, 
resembling,  in  many  respects,  those  of  Fingal's 
Cave.  These  have  be^  for  ages  the  retreat  of 
numerous  porcupines,  which  still  harbour  there. 
Geologically,  the  rock  formation  is  generally  De- 
vonian, and  in  the  immediate  neighbourhood  of 
the  Springs  composed  of  magnesian  sandstone 
and  limestone,  with  occasional  beds  of  coarse  con- 
glomerate. The  waters  of  the  Springs  have  also 
petrifying  qualities,  and  many  interesting  speci- 
mens of  fossilised  moss,  etc.,  have  been  gathered 
from  them.  The  two  principal  springs  flow  from 
a  central  spur  of  Sulphur  Mountain,  800  feet 
above  the  level  of  Bow  Kiver.  One,  called  the 
^lain  Spring,  issues  at  the  rate  of  1,500,000  gal- 
ions  per  day,  and  maintains  a  temperature  of 
115°  Fahr.  A  quarter  of  a  mile  from  this  spot 
is  another  spring,  which  reaches  a  less  degree  of 
heat  than  the  main  spring,  but  possesses  all  its 
medicinal  qualities.  Near  here  a  hole  has  been 
cut,  eight  feet  long  by  four  deep,  through  which 
the  water  flows  ;  it  is  used  as  a  plunge  bath. 

On  the  summit  of  a  mound  three  quarters  of  a 
mile  from  the  Sanitarium,  some  500  feet  in 
length,  aud  t^bout  50  feet  above  the  level  of  the 



By  the  C,  P.  i?.       ^  VI 

road,  is  a  small  opening  of  the  size  of  a  man's 
body.  A  40  foot  ladder  leads  from  this  hole  to 
a  spacious  chamber,  the  roof  of  which  glistens 
with  myriads  of  crystals.  From  the  bottom  of 
this  cavern  issue  several  springs,  whose  ^raters 
are  of  very  high  temperature,  and  ascend  with 
great  force,  occasionally  throwing  up  quantities 
of  black  sand  heavily  charged  with  iron  and  other 
minerals,  and  from  one  of  its  walls  a  stream  of 
cold  water  falls  from  a  height  of  6  feet  into  the 
basin.  A  small  outlet  to  this  cave  has  been  dis- 
covered, w^hich  is  now  being  enlarf '^d  by  tunnel- 
ling in  order  to  utilise  the  water  in  a  bath-house. 
In  reference  to  the  mineral  character  of  the 
waters,  it  varies  somewhat  in  the  different  springs. 
The  following  is  an  analysis  made  by  Professor 
Osier,  of  Philadelphia,  of  the  hottest  spring, 
temperature,  127°  Fahr.,  where  it  emerges  from 
the  mountain  side : 

100,000  parts  water — 

Sulphuric  anhydrite  51. 2G 

Calcium  monoxide 24. 48 

Carbon  dioxide    .  16.47 

Magnesium  oxide   4. 14 

Sodium  oxide 27.53 

ToUl.. 123.88 


li   ■ 

58  Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

Total  solids  per  100,000,  found  by  eiiperiments,  as 
existing  in  water — 

Oaloijm  sulphate    58.86 

Magnesium  sulphate 12.39 

Calcium  carbonate 3. 29 

Sodium  sulphate 15. 60 

Sodium  carbonate 35.73 

Jbilica Traces 

Organic  matter   Traces 

Of  the  curative  qualities  of  tb'rsse  waters  in 
very  many  diseases  thero  can  be  no  doabt,  a 
very  large  number  of  invalids  having  been  suc- 
cessfully treated  both  during  the  summer  and 
autumn  of  1886.  The  stimulating  ejffect  of  these 
hot  mineral  waters  on  the  capillary  circulation 
causes  the  functions  of  every  organ  in  the  body 
to  be  brought  into  more  active  and  healthy  opera- 
tion, and  thus  the  natural  growth  and  decay,  or 
building  up  and  pulling  down,  of  tissue  is  carried 
on  in  a  more  vigorous  and  normal  manner.  The 
baths  are  so  soothing  and  gentle  that  they 
may  be  enjoyed  by  the  most  feeble  and  sensi- 
tive invalids.  The  most  striking  benefit  has, 
perhaps,  been  derived  by  those  suffering  from 
various  forms  of  rheumatic  affections,  both  articu- 




By  the  C.  P.  R. 



lar  and  muscular,  as  well  as  those  of  a  Bpocific 
character.  In  addition  to  rheumatic,  gouty, 
specific,  and  allied  affections,  these  waters,  which 
vary  somewhat  in  the  different  springs  as  to  their 
mineral  and  saline  qualities,  are  very  beneficial 
in  affections  of  the  liver,  in  diabetes,  Bright's 
disease,  biliary  and  renal  calculi,  in  catarrhal 
affections  of  various  mucus  membranes  ;  also  in 
chronic  forms  of  dyspepsia,  especially  of  a 
catarrhal  character,  often  so  difficult  to  treat 
in  ordinary  medical  practice.  By  allaying 
muscular  and  nervous  irritability  through  their 
soothing  influences  on  the  prepleural  nerves, 
sciatica,  and  ot^er  neuralgias,  hysterical  and 
hyperesthetic  conditions  are  strikingly  bene- 
fited. Paralysis,  with  loss  of  muscular  and 
nerve  power,  is  improved  by  the  use  of  these 
baths,  which  are  also  exceedingly  beneficial  in 
skin  diseases. 

On  leaving  Calgary  I  had  been  warned  to 
rise  early  in  order  to  enjoy  the  scenery  to 
be  met  with  at  the  summit  of  the  Eockies, 
and  accordingly  five  o'clock  found  me  up  and 







Ontario  to  the  Pacific^ 

dressed,  and  my  first  glance  from  the  window 
revealed  beauties  undreamt  of  before.  We  were 
passing  through  a  wild  region  of  tall  and  slender 
spruces  and*  pines,  in  a  narrow  rocky  defile :  some 
were  mere  bare,  naked  poles,  others  scantily 
clothed  at  their  tops  with  ragged  foliage,  which 
lower  down  changed  into  a  dark,  heavy  black 
fungus,  indicative  of  premature  decay,  giving 
these  youthful  trees  a  melancholy,  depressing 
air,  as  if  they  were  wearing  their  own  mourning. 
There  was  something  to  me  irresistibly  sugges- 
tive of  crap'?  about  these  sombre  trappings  of 
Nature's  vegetation. 

We  were  evidently  at  the  summit :  we  saw 
several  small  lakes  lying  close  to  the  track,  all 
gloom  and  shadow  in  the  early  dawn,  and  presently 
came  upon  a  brawling  torrent,  some  forty  feet 
wide,  which,  I  learned,  is  the  Kicking  Horse  Eiver. 
We  were  now  in  the  celebrated  Pass  of  that 
name,  by  which  the  line  descends  the  west  slope 
of  the  Kocky  Mountains ;  the  river  rushed  and 
tumbled  along  beside  us,  tossing  its  foaming 
waters  over  huge  boulders  and  rocks,  as  if  striv- 
ing to  escape  from  its  narrow  bed.  We  began 
to  move  slowly^  with  the  powerful  air  brakes  in 


By  ihe  C.  P.  R. 


full  play,  down  the  steep  hill,  following  the  course 
of  ine  river  to  the  valley  below  (a  grade  of 
four  feet  to  the  hundred).  I  must  confess  I  held 
my  breath  as  I  gazed  from  the  window  and 
watched  our  engine  snorting  and  groaning  while 
it  crept  slowly  and  carefully  along,  as  if  .feeling 
every  step  of  the  way.  The  line  twistea  -^.nd 
turned  round  steep  walls  of  rock,  and  I  could  see 
the  conductor  on  the  locomotive  witu  the  engineer 
and  fireman,  their  heads  well  out  to  the  front 
watching  carefully  over  the  lives  of  the  pas- 
sengers entrusted  to  their  charge ;  and  I  was 
also  aware  of  a  sense  of  gratitude  to  the  iron 
horse  bearing  us  so  steadily  and  surely  down 
this  apparently  perilous  declivity. 

The  scenes  that  began  to  unfold  themselves 
before  me  soon  turned  my  attention  from  all 
thoughts  of  personal  danger,  and  I  became  quite 
absorbed  in  the  wild  beauties  of,  I  believe, 
the  most  magnificent  mountain  scenery  in  the 
world :  certainly  I  can  imagine  none  which  could 
possibly  equal,  much  less  surpass  it.  Peak 
towered  above  peak  on  both  sides  of  the  line, 
carved  and  moulded  by  the  hand  of  Nature  in 
every  possible  form  of  crag  and  precipice,  as 




Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

if  lavish  of  design;  their  snow-clad  summits 
glistened  in  the  early  sunlight  with  such  dazzling 
brightness  that  the  eye  was  glad  to  travel  slowly 
down,  over  the  reddish  yellow  rocks  on  which 
the  snow  was  resting  in  shady  nooks  and  crevices, 
to  the  bare  walls  of  the  same  warm  colour  below ;' 
then  on  to  the  dark  forests  of  spruce  and  fir 
straggling  up  from  the  sea  of  green  beneath. 
Words  seem  too  feeble  to  express  or  describe  the 
grandeur  and  solemnity  of  such  scenery ;  one 
could  only  gaze  in  awe  and  admiration,  and 
realise  how  small  and  feeble  a  thing  man  is 
beside  the  works  of  God. 

About  half  way  down  the  hill  a  beautiful 
valley  opens  out,  formed  by  the  north  for^i  of  the 
Kicking  Horse  Eiver ;  blue  woods  recede  into 
purple  forests,  and  these  again  swell  into  an 
amphitheatre  of  lofty  mountains,  whose  peaks 
had  caught  and  held  the  first  rays  of  sunlight, 
and  were  glowing  in  rainbow  lines,  while  all 
below  was  mist  and  shadow.  Soon  the  bottom 
of  the  descent  was  reached,  where  the  river, 
increased  by  the  streams  running  into  it,  widens 
into  a  broad  shallow  bed  more  than  half  clay, 
and  spreads  itself  over  it  in  several  channels. 

By  the  G.  P.  R. 


fordable  at  Field,  where  we  paused  for  breakfast. 
There  was  no  dining  car  attached  to  the  train 
(it  had  been  dispensed  with  the  preceding  night, 
after  supper,  to  avoid  carrying  its  weight  down 
the  Kicking  Horse  Pass,  and  another  car  was 
to  be  attached  for  dinner). 

Field  is  quite  a  typical  mountain  station,  con- 
sisting of  a  few  log  shanties  and  cabins  roughly 
put  up  on  a  clearing  in  the  forest,  at  the  foot  of 
Tunnel  Mountain,  with  the  Kicking  Horse  River 
flowing  quietly  below  it.  I  did  not  feel  inclined 
to  breakfast  at  half-past  six  o'clock,  so  remained 
where  I  was,  feasting  upon  the  beauties  of  nature. 
After  half  an  hour's  delay  we  moved  off  again 
down  the  valley^ where  the  river  soon  changes 
its  course  and  narrows  into  another  rocky  bed. 
It  now  roars  and  tumbles  along  more  wildly 
than  ever  beside  the  line,  here  raised  on  a  stone 
foundation  several  feet  above  the  foaming  waters, 
which  dash  angrily  against  its  walls  as  if  bent 
on  their  destruction.  The  track  crosses  and 
recrosses  the  river  several  times,  and  penetrates 
through  four  or  five  tunnels  before  finally  leaving 
the  Kicking  Horse  Valley  at  Golden  City,  and 
entering  upon  that  of  the  Columbia,  whose 
opening  is  several  miles  wido.    , 

il ' 

i"  it 



Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

The  city  of  auriferous  name  consists  of  about 
thirty  log  buildings,  in  the  parlance  of  the 
country  ** shacks;"  it  is  well  situated  on  an 
extensive  flat, .  with  the  Selkirk  Range  in  the 
distance,  an  imposing  feature  in  the  landscape. 
After  leaving  Golden  City  the  line  follows  the 
course  of  the  Columbia  River  down  the  valley 
to  Donald,  seventeen  miles  distant,  which  we 
reached  at  half-past  nine  o'clock  a.m.  This 
was  my  temporary  destination,  where  my  hus- 
band was  living. 




The  boundary  of  the  Province  of  British  Colum- 
bia is  formed  by  the  watershed  of  the  main 
range  of  the  Rockies  ;  it  commences  at  the  sum- 
mit of  these  mountains  as  they  are  approached 
from  Calgary,  lying  at  their  eastern  base.  The 
plan  adopted  by  the  Canadian  Pacific  Company  in 
order  to  obtain  a  passage  for  their  road  over  the 
apparently  insurmountable  natural  barrier  inter- 
vening between  the  North-west  Territories  and 
the  Pacific  Coast  is  obvious  to  a  close  observer. 
It  consists  in  laying  the  course  of  the  line  up  the 


By  the  G.  P.  K 


valley  of  one  river  towards  its  source  in  the 
mountains,  and  down  the  valley  of  another  to- 
wards its  mouth  till  the  ocean  is  reached.  To 
illustrate  this,  I  will  describe  the  course  of  the 
C.P.E.  from  the  prairie  region  terminating  at 
Calgary  on  the  eastern  base  of  the  Rocky  Moun- 
tains. It  there  enters  the  valley  of  the  Bow 
Eiver  (flowing  east  from  the  Rockies),  follows  it 
to  the  summit  of  the  mountains,  or  boundary  of 
British  Columbia,  crosses  it  through  the  cele- 
brated Kicking  Horse  Pass,  descends  the  valley 
of  that  river  on  the  western  slope  of  the  Rocky 
Mountains,  and  enters  the  valley  of  the  Columbia ; 
this  it  follows  for  seventeen  miles  to  Donald, 
where  it  crosses  the  Columbia  River,  runs  for 
thirteen  miles  along  its  left  bank,  to  the  mouth 
of  the  Beaver  River ;  this  it  follows  to  the  sum- 
mit of  the  Selkirks,  enters  Roger's  Pass,  and 
descends  the  western  side  of  the  Selkirk  Range  by 
the  valley  of  the  lUe-celle-waet  to  Revelstoke,  the 
second  crossing  of  the  Columbia  River.  The  Gold 
Range  of  mountains  now  bars  the  way,  and  is 
surmounted  by  the  valley  of  the  Eagle  River, 
crossed  at  Eagle  Pass,  and  descended  on  the  west 
side  by  way  of  the  Thompson  and  Fraser  Rivers 


i.  *.^i 

If  m 


Ontar^  to  the  Pacific, 


through  the  Cascade  Eange  to  the  Pacific  Coast. 
Donald  is  the  principal  town  in  the  mountain 
region.  Here  the  ranges  draw  nearer  together 
arjain;  and  the  town  lies  snugly  nestled  in 
one  of  the  most  perfect  situations  that  could 
he  imagined,  with  the  Eocky  Mountains  bound- 
ing the  valley  on  the  east  side  and  the  Sel- 
kirks  on  the  west,  with  the  Columbia  Eiver  at 
their  base.  This  is  a  deep  rapid  stream  of 
curiously  muddy,  green  water  about  600  feet 
wide,  flowing  between  high,  steep  banks;  the 
left  rising  in  a  wooded  height  of  some  300  feet, 
from  which  the  eye  is  carried  up  to  the  gray 
scarred  peaks  of  the  Selkirks,  breaking  appa- 
rently out  of  hills  of  green.  They  are  streaked 
with  snow  in  their  rocky  fastnesses,  and  stand 
out  in  blue  or  purple  distance,  according  to  the 
time  of  day,  agai^  '  the  sky  beyond.  The  right 
bank  of  the  CoJ  ibia  is  marked  by  a  dense 
second  growth  ot  balsam  pines,  through  which 
clearings  called  fire  breaks  have  been  made 
to  protect  the  town  from  the  ravages  of  the  flame 
fiend,  and  also  to  make  room  for  the  residences 
of  several  officials  of  the  C.  P.  E.  Co.,  the  court 
house,  the  jail,  my  own  home,  and  that  of  Judge 

By  the  C,  P.  ]?. 


Vowell,  the  Gold  Commissioner  end  Stipendiary 
Magistrate  of  the  District,  all  occupying  the 
high  ground  between  the  railway  and  the  right 
bank  of  the  river,  and  rejoicing  in  the  somewhat 
exclusive  appellation  of  Quality  Hill. 

The  town  owes  its  importance  to  the  Canadian 
Pacific  Company,  who,  impressed  by  its  favour- 
able situation,  selected  it  as  the  end  of  the 
mountain  and  commencement  of  the  coast  divi- 
sion of  the  road.  To  facilitate  thefr  arrange- 
ments they  have  cleared  the  Columbia  Valley, 
protected  it  thoroughly  from  fire  by  a  judicious 
cutting  of  the  bush,  and  have  erected  large  work- 
shops, in  which  all  necessary  repairs  between 
Donald  and  Vancouver  are  executed,  and  a 
commodious  and  artistic  station  and  lunch  room 
and  a  twelve-stall  engine-house.  It  is  expected 
that  about  two  hundred  and  fifty  men  will 
be  permanently  employed  at  Donald.  The  wide, 
well-gravelled  yard,  with  its  numerous  tracks  and 
liies  0^  cars,  giveffe  the  town  a  very  imposing 
appearance  as  t;he  eastern  and  western  trains 
approach  it ;  and  the  busy  sound  of  the  clang  of 
hammer  and  anvil  from  the  outlying  shops  indi- 
cates the  bustle  and  activity  prevailing  in  the 

n  I 

1  \ 



Ontario  to  the  Pacific^ 

Columbia  Valley.  The  Company,  in  addition  to 
their  other  improvements,  have  built  a  large 
boarding-house  for  their  employes,  and  opened 
an  extensive  shop,  which  carries  on  a  thriving 
business,  and  supplies  any  wants  the  bona-fide 
tradesmen  of  Donald  cannot  minister  to.  The 
stock  of  its  two  shops  was  limited  to  the  actual 
necessaries  of  existence,  and  these  were  limited 
in  quantity  and  quality.  Glass,  plate,  and 
crockery  could  be  procured ;  but  cooking  uten- 
sils and  tins  of  all  kinds  were  pnpplied  by  the 
Company's  "  store." 

Donald  boasts  of  a  hotel  known  as  **  The  Sel- 
kirk House,"  a  frame  building  of  modest  exterior 
(with  which  I  have  no  personal  acquaintance,  my 
own  house  being  ready  and  waiting  my  advent) : 
it  is  beautifully  situated,  facing  the  whole  eastern 
range  of  the  Rocky  Mountains,  and  forms  the 
beginning  of  a  long  line  of  frame,  log,  and  tent 
structures  (western  *'  shacks  "),  stretching  away 
westward  down  the  valley,  following  the  line  of 
the  railway,  which  here  runs  in  a  small  cutting. 
About  one  hundred  feet  or  more  of  level  ground 
lies  between  the  shacks  and  the  line,  filled  with 
m  untidy  collection  of  rough  stones,  timber,  and 


By  the  G.  P.  R. 




debris  of  all  sorts;  outside  of  this,  on  the  edge  of 
the  bank  above  the  track,  runs  the  roughest  of 
waggon  roads. 

I  wish  I  could  convey  some  idea  of  this  ram- 
bling street  (save  the  name  ! ).  **  The  Selkirk 
House  "  at  the  east  end  stands  a  little  back  from 
the  line  in  an  angle  of  its  own;  its  neighbour  is  a 
store  turned  gable-end  towards  the  street,  a  frame 
building  occupied  by  a  general  dealer  who  is  also 
a  justice  of  the  peace  ;  then  follows  a  tent  build- 
ing with  a  wooden  front,  the  "Woodbine  Hotel;" 
to  this  succeed  a  number  of"  saloons  and  restaur- 
ants which  rejoice  in  the  suggestive  names  of 
**  Delmonico's,"  "  The  Ideal,"  "  The  Hub,"  "The 
Cliop  House ;  "  then  a  few  more  shops  and  tent 
houses,  the  end  of  the  row  being  formed  by  **  Tlie 
Windsor  Hotel,"  a  rival  of  the  "  Selkirk,"  but  of 
still  more  modest  dimensions.  This  hostelry  of 
ambitious  nomenclature  occupies  the  end  of  the 
high  ground ;  the  bank  to  the  west  of  it  falls 
away  in  a  low  wooded  bottom,  recalling  the 
ancient  bed  of  some  mighty  stream.  The  rail- 
road is  here  raised  high  above  the  level  of  the 
ground,  and  half  a  mile  westward  crosses  the 
Columbia  Eiver,  which  has  formed  the  western 





Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

ii    » 

boundary  of  the  valley  and  town,  but  at  this  point 
turns  due  east  and  makes  a  decided  loop  in  its 
devious  course. 

The  water  of  the  Columbia  is  a  curious  muddy 
green  caused  by  the  op^  Ah  from  the  mountains 
and  melting  snow,  vfhicu  t  i^ell  its  turbid  current 
as  it  flows  smoothly  and  ra^  ily  along  between 
its  high  wooded  banks.  It  is  a  narrow  river  at 
Donald,  but  it  possesses  all  the  natural  wild 
beauty  that  its  picturesque  course  can  give,  en- 
hanced by  the  odd  colour  of  its  water,  harmonis- 
ing with  the  deep  greens  of  the  surrounding 
banks  and  heights.  It  takes  its  rise  in  the 
Columbia  Lakes,  and  flows  in  a  generally  direct 
line  to  the  north-west  for  some  seventy  miles. 
— **  At  this  point,  the  Columbia,"  says  Mr. 
Fleming,  **  completely  changes  its  course,  and 
runs  almost  directly  south  to  Washington  Terri- 
tory in  the  United  States."  It  is  navigable  from 
Golden  City  upwards  towards  its  source  at  the 
Lakes — one  of  the  most  beautiful  districts  of 
British  Columbia,  lately  opened  to  the  public 
through  the  enterprise  of  Mr.  Thomas  B.  Coch- 
rane, of  Quarr  Abbey,  'Kyde,  Isle  of  Wight.  He 
launched,  last  summer,  the  trim  little  steamer, 

By  thi  a  P.  E. 


the  Duchess,  a  vessel  sixty  feet  long,  driven  by  a 
stern  wheel.  Her  engines  were  bought  in  Mont- 
real, and  shipped  to  Golden  City  in  the  spring ; 
the  hull  was  built  on  the  banks  of  the  Columbia 
under  the  superintendence  of  Mr.  F.  P.  Arm- 
strong, of  Montreal.  She  has  cabin  accommo- 
dation for  eight  people,  and  can  .;<.^ry  forty 
tons  of  freight.  I  copy  from  t  8  'innipeg 
Free^  Press  some  further  particul  .  i  »f  the  new 
steamer  and  the  district  she  has  opened  up,  in 
her  connexion  of  the  C.P.R.  with  Ciie  Kootenay 
Valley  :  **  The  trim  little  craft,  Duchess,  is  now 
making  regular  trips  from  Golden  City  up  the 
Columbia  River  to  the  Columbia  Lake**  :hu8 
opening  out^^^a  portion  of  the  country  whicn  has 
been  almost  isolated  from  the  rest  of  the  world. 
There  are  about  lihirty  or  forty  ranchers  in  this 
district  who  have  well  stocked  ranches,  and  who 
can  raise  roots,  vegetables,  and  grain  in  abund- 
ance. There  are  also  about  two  hundred  China- 
men washing  gold  in  the  neighbourhood,  taking 
out  from  $2  to  $4  per  day  to  the  man.  Gold 
dust  is  the  principal  specie  of  the  C9untry. 
The  trip  is  described  to  be  very,  romantic  and 
enjoyable  ;  it  lasts  about  three  days  and  a  half. 






f     —    ■% 



Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

In  September,  large  quantities  of  cranberries 
and  other  fruits  ripen,  and  great  numbers  of 
bears  come  down  to  the  valleys  and  afford  capital 
sport  to  hunters,  while  the  streams  abound  with 
fish.  We  have  already  heard  of  several  hunting 
parties  that  intend    visiting  the  locality  this 




The  gentlemen's  residences  at  Donald  are  all 
the  typical  log  houses  of  the  settler,  constructed 
on  the  simplest  and  most  inexpensive  plan. 
Lumber  in  this  part  of  the  country  is  a  costly 
item,  $25  per  thousand  feet  being  paid  fot*  rough 
boards  which  in  Ontario  would  sell  at  $9  per 
thousand,  or  even  less.  The  buildings  consist 
generally  of  one  centre  or  living  room,  off  which 
the  bedrooms  open,  with  a  kitchen  at  the  back, 
and  their  dimensions  are  about  27  x  19  feet 
inside.  The  exterior  of  these  modest  dwellings  is 
much  more  picturesque  than  might  be  imagined; 
the  roughly  trimmed  logs  laid  in  substantial 
parallel  rows  over  and  under  each  other  at  the 
foiu:  corners,  show  many  artistic  shades  of  dull 

By  the  G.  P.  R. 


grays  and  browns,  blended  into  a  harmonious 
whole  by  the  creamy  white  plaster  filling  the 
intervening  crevices.  The  logs  are  often  allowed 
to  project  a  foot  or  more  at  the  angles  instead  of 
being  squared  off,  breaking  the  rectangular  lines, 
and  adding  a  charming  irregularity  to  the  general 
effect.  Koofs,  floors,  inside  walls,  and  partitions 
of  boards  use  up  a  surprising  quantity  of  rough 
lumber ;  the  latter  as  well  as  the  walls  are 
covered  with  sheets  of  coarse,  yellow-brown 
paper,  tacked  on  to'^conceal  the  cracks  and  joints. 
This  forms  an  excellent  background  for  pictures 
or  prints,  and  also  lends  itself  admirably  to 
decorative  purposes  with  the  brush  or  chalks. 

In  the  matter  of  living,  Donald  is  not  a 
cheap  place;  however,  all  the  necessaries  and 
most  of  the  luxuries  of  life  can  be  obtained. 
Beef  and  mutton  are  excellent  in  quality,  and 
sold  at  15  cents  per  pound.  Poultry  and  veal 
the  market  did  not  supply,  owing  to  the  scarcity 
of  the  biped  and  utility  of  the  quadruped.  Calves 
are  not  for  the  knife  in  this  stock-raising  dis- 
trict; the  rollicking,  awkward  little  beast  leads  a 
charmed  life  in  the  west.  Salmon  came  every 
week  fresh  from  the  Pacific  Coast,  and  was  sold 


m  I 




Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

at  from  15  to  20  cents  per  pound ;  it  is  much 
redder  in  colour,  and  less  flaky  in  quality,  than 
the  Atlantic  fish.  Fruit  was  abundant,  and 
imported  extensively  from  California  and  Oregon. 
I  believe  it  is  not  generally  appreciated  that  San 
Francisco  is  only  three  days  by  sea  from  Victoria, 
consequently  only  four  and  a  half  from  Donald, 
so  these  perishable  articles  reached  us  fresh  and 
in  the  best  condition.  Peaches  of  the  most 
superior  quality,  and  price  80  cents  per  dozen ; 
Bartlett  pears,  60  cents ;  fine  purple  and  white 
plums,  25  cents  per  pound  (meaning  about  six) ; 
beautiful  grapes  ditto  ;  oranges  and  bananas 
10  cents  apiece.  Fresh  vegetables  could  be  pro- 
cured once  a  week  at  least,  sometimes  oftener, 
and  were  decidedly  expensive,  though  excellent 
of  their  kind.  What  would  Ontario  gardeners 
think  of  pease  and  beans  at  $1  a  peck,  lettuce  25 
cents  a  bunch,  vegetable  marrow,  25  cents  apiece, 
and  new  potatoes  at  20  cents  per  pound !  Butter 
and  eggs  were  neither  irreproachable  nor  above 
suspicion,  and  brought  respectively  30  cents  per 
pound  and  dozen  ;  bread  at  20  cents  a  loaf,  and 
milk  15  cents  a  quart,  shows  that  British  Colum- 
bia is  not  at  present  a  refuge  for  the  impecunious. 

By  the  G.  P.  R. 



The  Scott  Act  does  not  prevail  in  this  country, 
but  the  prices  of  liquor  were  sufficiently  high  to 
prevent  any  great  over-indulgence ;  beer  and 
whiskey  were  25  cents  per  glass,  the  latter 
stimulant  $2  a  bottle  and  the  former,  both 
English  and  American,  sold  at  $3  per  dozen  for 
pints,  and  $6  for  quarts.  Fortunately  there  is 
excellent  water  flowing  from  two  or  three  springs, 
and  soft  water  can  be  obtained  from  the  Colum- 
bia Kiver  at  50  cents  a  barrel.  I  must  not  leave 
the  subject  of  living  without  mentioning  that 
servants'  wages  are  $25  to  $30  a  month,  and 
washing  given  out  was  done  at  the  rate  of  $1.50 
to  $2  a  dozen ;  the  Chinamen,  of  whom  only 
three  or  four  had  found  their  way  to  Donald, 
asked  only  25  cents  per  piece.  Five  cents  is  the 
smallest  current  change,  and  coppers  do  not 
circulate  in  the  Columbia  Valley. 

I  did  not  notice  any  vegetation  peculiar  to 
this  district;  the  soil  is  sandy  (as,  I  believe,  is 
universaJy  the  case  in  pine  regions),  and  the 
herbage  all  scanty,  cropping  up  in  detached 
bunches  every  here  and  there.  Wild  straw- 
berries were  abundant  through  July,  and  so  were 
berries  of  all   descriptions  in  Augustr—huckle- 





Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

berries,  blueberries,  whortleberries,  mulberries, 
and  raspberries  in  some  parts.  Every  particle 
of  foliage  near  the  ground  donned  an  autumn 
livery,  rivalling  in  brilliancy  of  colouring  the 
gorgeous  tintg  of  'the  Canadian  maples  and  oaks. 
The  leaves  of  the  wild  strawberries  glowed  with 
ruddy  colour,  and  I  found  a  plant  growing  on 
the  banks  of  the  Columbia  Kiver  on  a  single 
stem,  about  a  foot  high,  without  fruit  or  flower, 
'  in  sprays  like  rose  leaves,  resembling  strongly 
the  Virginia  creeper  in  richness  of  colouring;  it 
streaks  the  ground  about  its  locality  with  bril- 
liant splashes  of  crimson  and  gold.  The  Oregon 
grape,  known  in  Ontario  as  the  Mahonia,  offered 
a  beautiful  contrast  to  these  gaudy  shades  with 
its  low  bushes  of  bright,  glossy  green  leaves  and 
dark  blue  berries ;  it  grew  profusely  in  all  direc- 
tions, and  must  be  capable  of  resisting  the  severe 
frosts  in  the  winter  soason.  Under  foot,  we  had 
the  glow  of  colour,  so  that  nature  seems  some- 
what reversed;  while  overhead,  we  were  sur- 
rounded by  the  dark  heavy  greens  of  the  firs, 
pines,  and  spruces,  indigenous  to 'the  soil,  with 
occasional  groups  of  silver  birch  and  white 


■  !/ 

By  the  C.  P.  R 



The  climate  was  perfect  so  far  as  my  summer 
experience  went,  and  fulfilled  all  that  has  been 
said  or  written  about  it.  We  certainly  had  some 
very  warm  days  early  in  July,  when  I  believe  a  hot 
wave  pervaded  the  Dominion  generally;  and  I 
heard  that  the  thermometers  in  the  town  ranged 
at  over  one  hundred  degrees  in  the  shade.  The 
air,  however,  is  so  rare,  I  did  not  feel  it  at  all  in 
the  house,  and  the  extreme  heat  only  lasted  from 
eleven  till  five  o'clock ;  the  nights  of  those  days 
were  so  cool  that  blankets  were  a  necessity. 
Later,  the  weather  was  cool  and  bracing,  except 
in  the  middle  of  the  day,  when  the  sun  was 
directly  overhead  :  it  was  pleasant  to  close  the 
windows  in  the  evening  and  light  a  small  fire. 
There  had  never  been  a  single  case  of  sunstroke 
even  among  the  workmen  employed  upon  the 
road,  which  was  certainly  hard  to  realise  when 
one  felt  the  power  of  the  sun  at  noon.  The 
mosquitoes  were  a  sad  drawback  to  Donald ;  for 
my  own  part,  I  had  no  idea  what  a  mosquito 
was  or  could  be  till  I  went  there.  Out  of  doors 
they  were  a  veritable  Egyptian  plague,  and  it 
was  an  ordinary  occurrence  to  see  men  walking 
about,  moving  first  the  right  then  the  left  hand 



m . 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 


round  the  back  of  their  necks  in  a  sort  of 
gentle  rotatory  motion,  to  ward  off  the  attacks 
of  the  insidious  insects,  and  quite  unaware 
that  they  were  doing  it ;  the  force  of  habit 
made  it  mechanical,  and  I  dare  say  they  con- 
tinued the  practice  long  after  the  mosquito  had 
departed.  A  judicious  netting  of  windows,  doors, 
and  beds,  with  a  constant  renewal  of  the  back- 
woodsman's smudge,  kept  the  house  fairly  free 
from  the  nuisance,  and  the  cool,  even  frosty, 
nights  poon  decidedly  abated  it. 

Mosquitoes  are  the  only  insect  plague  of  the 
Columbia  Valley ;  there  are  no  black  flies, 
sand  flies,  horse  flies,  or  other  objectionable 
winged  creatures,  and  neither  vermin  nor 
snakes.  The  chief  climatic  peculiarity  of  the 
season  of  188(y  was  its  dryness.  During  the 
seven  weeks  I  spent  in  Donald  there  were  only 
two  heavy  showers,  lasting  three  or  four  hours 
each ;  consequently,  the  dust  was  at  times  seve- 
ral inches  deep.  The  bush  fires  were  numerous, 
and  spread  in  all  directions,  destroying  acres  of 
valuable  timber,  which  will  prove  an  incalculable 
loss  to  the  country.  The  prevalence  of  smoke 
through  the  mountain  region  was  a  sad  drawback, 



**■    ',4K    ' 

By  the  C.  P.  R 


both  to  tourists  and  residents,  to  the  enjoyment  of 
the  beautiful  scenery  between  the  summit  of  the 
Kockies  and  the  Coast ;  in  many  places  it  hung 
over  the  valleys  for  weeks  at  a  time,  obscuring 
and  blotting  out  the  landscape  like  a  thick  veil, 
until  dispersed  by  wind  and  rain.  The  effect  of 
this  about  Donald  was  almost  magical,  like  the 
raising  of  a  curtain  on  some  gigantic  transfor- 
mation scene,  as  the  smoke  clouds  parted  and 
rolled  away  over  the  tops  of  the  mountains, 
revealing  the  magnificent  peaks  which  enclose  the 
Valley  of  the  Columbia.  As  far  as  I  observed  there 
was  little  or  no  wind  in  this  district,  and  the 
quiet  and  ►silence  of  nature,  without  song  of  bird 
or  rustle  of  leaf,  is  a  most  striking  peculiarity 
of  the  region.  There  is  a  magnificent  echo  for 
miles  along  the  valley,  and  the  whistles  of  the 
locomotives  may  be  heard  at  all  hours  of  the  day 
and  night,  rebounding  through  the  rocky  defiles 
and  dying  away  into  infinite  distance. 

I  saw  only  one  mountain  storm,  which,  strange 
to  say,  was  rainless.  It  began  on  the  gloomiest 
day  of  smoke,  with  a  roaring  noise  in  the  Selkirk 
Kange  (to  which  we  were  nearest)  like  the  report 
of  cannon.     This  proved  to  be  the  crashing  and 



•  i 



Ontario  ,to  the  Pacijic, 


uprooting  of  timber  in  some  forest  belt  far  up  on 
the  mountain  side;  about  our  house  the 'trees 
stood  perfectly  motionless,  not  a  branch  stirring. 
Twenty  minutes  later,  the  storm,  or,  fortunately 
for  us,  the  edge  of  it,  struck  the  valley,  and  the 
tall  young  pines  and  spruces  bent  like  reeds, 
while  clouds  of  dust  and  smoke  rolled  along,  veil- 
ing every  object  in  a  mysterious  half-light.  The 
trees  about  us  were  only  partially  thinned,  and 
protected  one  another ;  but  at  a  little  distance  off, 
on  the  edge  ofche  high  bank,  where  they  were  more 
exposed,  some  twenty  or  ^hirty  were  uprooted, 
one  of  them  falling  upon  a  house .  occupied  by 
an  ofl&cial  of  the  C.  P.  E.  and  his  family. 
Luckily,  it  did  no  damage,  being  too  close  to 
the  building  to  have  gained  any  purchase  in  its 
descent ;  it  fell  against  a  solid  wall  of  logs,  in- 
stead of  crashing  upon  the  roof.  This  small 
cyclone  lasted  about  twenty  minutes,  and  was 
followed  by  some  hours  of  rain  during  the  night. 

M  ' 



By  the  C.  P.  R 


The  principal  event  during  my  residence  in  Don- 
ald was  the  visit  of  Sir  John  and  Lady  Mac- 
donald  to  the  town,  on  the  22nd  of  July,  on  their 
way  to  the  Pacific  Coast.  They  arrived  by 
special  train  at  two  o'clock,  Lady  Macdonald 
creating  an  immense  sensation,  as  the  'engine 
drew  near  the  crowded  platform,  by  her  occu- 
pancy of  a  well-cushioned  seat  immediately 
above  the  cow-catcher ;  she  had  made  the  whole 
trip  from  the  summit  down  the  Kicking  Horse 
Pass  on  this  commanding  post  of  observation, 
and  subsequently  continued  her  journey  to  Port 
Moody  without  any  charge  of  base  (they  not 
travelling  by  night),  a  feat  which  will  doubtless 
become  historical.  Sir  John  and  Lar*  Macdonald 
spent  only  half  an  hour  at  the  stat  a,  just  long 
enough  to  receive  a  handsomely  igrossed  ad- 
dress presented  by  Judge  Vowc  .  Stipendiary 
Magistrate  and  Gold  Commissioner  of  the  Koote- 
nay  District,  on  behalf  of  the  residents  of 
Donald.  As  this  document  has  not  seen  the 
light  of  day  in  the  public  press,  "wing  to  our 
remoteness  from  the  centres  of  civilisation,  and 



?!  i- 








Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

as  it  deals  with  some  of  the  important  featur^a 
of  the  country,  I  give  it  verbatim  : — 

Donald,  B.C.,  July  22, 1886. 

To  the  Right  Honourable  Sir  John  A .  Macdonald, 
G.C.B.,etc.y  etCf  etc: 

Sir, — The  people  of  this  portion  of  Kootenay 
District  have  much  pleasure  in  welcoming  you 
to  Donald,  tfie  first  place  of  importance  in  Bri- 
tish Columbia  you  reach  in  your  journey  from 
the  Atlantic  to  the  Pacific  through  Canadian, 

It  must  be  a  great  source  of  pleasure  for  you 
to  travel  over  the  Canadian  Pacific  Railway, 
which  has  been  brought  to  compleUon  with  a 
speed  unparalleled  in  the  history  of  rai.^way 
construction,  owing  almost  entirely  to  the  sup- 
port this  great  enterprise  has  received  from  your 
Ministry,  but  more  'specially  from  yourself. 
This  important  work  ^  ou  are  now  viewing,  and  it 
alone  would  be  a  sufficient  mark  to  distinguish 
the  career  of  any  statesman  ;  but  in  your  case  it 
is  only  one  of  a  large  number  of  great  public 
works  which  liave  resulted  from  your  long  and 
successful  administration. 

Until  the  railway  reached  this  portion  of 
British  Columbia,  it  was  impossible  for  settlers 
to  come  in,  and  the  district  was  only  occupied 


By  the  G,  P.  R. 


by  a  few  enterprising  miners,  who  endured  hard- 
ships, privations,  and  dangers  which  it  is  hoped 
are  now  things  of  the  past.  We  trust  that 
one  result  of  your  visit  will  be  the  early  open- 
ing up  for  settlement  of  the  Dominion  lands 
along  the  line  of  railway,  in  order  that  parties 
anxious  to  become  settlers,  and  those  already 
settled  upon  the  soil,  may  have  that  feeling  of 
security  they  require  which  can  only  be  estab- 
lished by  the  granting  of  a  title  to  the  lands 
they  occupy. 

We  hop^  and  trust  you  have  recovered  entirely! 
from  your  illness  of  last  winter,  and  that  yourj 
valuable  services  to  Canada  m  be  available  for 
many  years  to  come.  We  have  also  much  plea- 
sure in  conveying  to  Lady  Macdonald  our  hearty 
welcome  to  the  Western  Province  of  the  Domin- 
ion, the  threshold  of  which  you  have  just  crossed, 
and  to  wish  both  you  and  her  a  pleasant  journey 
and  a  safe  return  to  your  eastern  home. 

Presented  by 

A.  W.  VOWELL,  S.M., 
,  On  behalf  of  the  residents  of  Donald, 

Sir  John  was  also  presented  by  th(^  Gold  Com- 
missioner with  a  free  Miner's  License,  bearing 
his  name  inscribed  upois  it  in  letters  of  gold,  on 


— •    i^ — z^. 






I  m, 



Ontario  to  the  Pacific^ 

the  receipt  of  which  he  made  a  few  appropriate 
and  witty  remarks  to  the  effect  that  he  was  glad 
to  find,  in  view  of  his  advancing  years,  that  he 
was  regarded  as  a  minor  in  British  Columbia. 


There  are  several  silver  mines  in  the  imme- 
diate neighbourhood  of  Donald  awaiting  develop- 
ment, as  is  the  case  with  all  the  mineral 
resources  of  British  Columbia  at  present,  owing, 
not  to  any  want  of  enterprise,  as  numerous  claims 
aave  been  located  and  entered,  but  to  the  lack  of 
capital  in  the  country.  *' Placer"  mining  at 
the  Columbia  Lakes  has  been  diligently  prose- 
cuted for  some  time  past  owing  to  the  simple 
and  inexpensive  system  employed  to  extract  the 
gold  dust,  which  is  merely  wa&hed  out  of  its 
gravelly  bed  into  wooden  troughs,  through  which  a 
constant  stream  of  water  is  led.  Chinamen  have 
been  particularly  successful  at  this  work,  and 
have  cari4ed  some  thousands  of  dollars  out  of  the 
country  back  to  the  Celestial  Empire.    I  can 

By  the  0.  P.  R. 



give  no  better  idea  of  the  mineral  resources  of 
British  Columbia  than  by  introducing  here  the 
report  for  1886  : 

GOLD  AND  COAL.       ' 



[From  The  Mail] 

The  report  for  1886  of  Hon.  John  Robson, 
Minister  of  Mines  in  British  Columbia,  is  just  to 
hand.  It  is  a  capital  rt^sume  of  last  year's  min- 
ing operations  in  the  Pacific  Province.  The 
value  of  gold  exported  by  the  banks  of  Victoria 
during  1886  is  placed  at  $750,043.  This  shows 
a  bank  export  of  nearly  $160,000  in  excess  of 
1885,  and  adding  one-fifth  as  the  estimated  value 
of  gold  leaving  the  Province  otherwise  than 
through  the  Victoria  banks,  gives  a  total  yield  of 
over  $903,000  for  the  past  year — a  very  substan- 
tial and  gratifying  increase.  In  the  twenty-eight 
and  a  half  years,  from  1858  to  the  end  of  last 
year,  the  estimated  yield  of  gold  reaches  the 
enormous  sum  of  $50,289,517.  The  years  1864-8 
show  the  largest  yields,  the  average  for  each  of 
those  five  years  reaching  nearly  $3,000,000. 
The  year  1875  was  the  biggest  since  that  time, 
the  yield  being  $2,474,904.  This  year,  too,  shows 
the  highest  average  yearly  earnings  per  man, 
viz.,  $1,222.     Last  3^Gar  there  were  8,147  miners 

i  ^ 






Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 


their  average  yearly  earnings  being  only  $287. 
It  will  therefore  be  seen  that  to  all  gold-diggers  or 
quartz-crushers  the  returns  do  not  come  alike. 
As  was  the  case  in  California  and  Australia,  one 
man  may  be  successful  while  ten  others  working 
.near  him  may  fail.  The  reports  of  the  gold 
Commissioners  in  the  Cariboo  and  Lillooet  dis- 
tricts show  that  the  greatest  activity  prevails 
now,  and  the  most  sanguine  hopes  are  enter- 
tained with  regard  to  the  profitable  working  of 
good  quartz.  In  fact,  information  from  every 
source  irresistibly  leads  to  the  conclusion  that 
the  era  of  quartz  m^'-  ing  is  at  hand.  P.  H. 
Ward  and  H.  Gould>  o  made  various  prospect- 
ing trips  in  the  Lillooet  district,  furnish  an  inte- 
resting account  of  their  travels.  Near  the  top  of 
Castle  Mountain  they  picked  up  a  number  of 
petrified  shells,  indicating  that  that  part  of  the 
country  had  at  some  time  in  past  ages  been  under 
water,  although  the  elevation  above  the  sea  level 
is  estimated  now  at  between  six  and  ten  thousand 
feet.  These  two  gentlemen,  from  an  extended  expe- 
rience express  the  belief  that  British  Columbia  is 


on  this  continent  for  minerals,  and  have  no 
doubt  that  in  the  near  future  rich  quartz  ledges 
will  be  discovered.    Mr.  George  A.  Koch,  mining 

By  the  C.  P.  R. 


expert,  who  was  asked  to  report  on  the  Cariboo 
quartz  ledges,  aftei  giving  a  most  encouraging 
account  of  the  region-,  proceeds  to  administer 
some  salutary  advice  respecting  the  investment 
of  capital  in  Canadian  mines  generally.  He 
says :  —  *'  In  the  absence  of  statistics  1  will 
attempt  to  show  the  ditlference  in  the  cost  of 
mining  and  milling  in  California  as  compared 
with  Cariboo,  and  the  very  probable  results  to  be 
obtained  from  the  energetic,  careful,  and  scien- 
tific handling  of  your  large  and  well-defined  gold- 
bearing  veins.  Skilled  labour,  which  includes 
mechanical  engineers,  smiths,  mill  men,  and  chlo- 
rodisers,  costs,  in  California,  about  $4  per  diem. 
First-class  miners  and  blasters  cost  $3,  and 
second-class  from  $2.75  to  $2.50;  outside  labour, 
including  Chinese,  averages  $2  per  diem ;  wood, 
for  steam  purposes,  will  no  doubt  average  at 
this  time  $5.50  per  cord,  while  the  ores  milled 
do  not,  in  my  opinion,  yield  to  exceed  $8.50  per 
ton.  The  estimate  may  seem  small  to  a  Cali- 
fornia miner,  but  when  it  is  remembered  the 
enormous  quantities  of 


milled  by  such  companies  as  the  Plumas-Eureka, 
Sierra  Butts,  Douglas  Island,  Doctor  Zielie  Mine, 
and  many  others,  it  greatly  reduces  the  average 
as  compared  with  the  few  stamps  milling  $12  to 
$20  ore.    And  yet  the  far-seeing  capitalist  of 











us  — 

"?       §40 

IL25  III  1.4 

2£  US 















(716)  S72-4503 







Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 


Oalifomia  finds  investments  in  the  qnartz  mine 
one  of  his  best  investments,  and  does  not  hesi- 
tate to  erect  the  best  machinery  that  skill  can 
invent,  whereby  mining  may  be  made  a  legiti- 
mate branch  of  industry,  and  my  examination  of 
your  veins  has  led  me  to  carefully  study  the  situ- 
ation as  compared  with  the  above.  I  find  skilled 
labour  will,  perhaps,  cost  $6  per  diem,  good 
miners,  $4,  second-class,  $3.50 ;  while  outside 
labour  costs  $8,  and  wood  not  to  exceed  $3  per 
cord.  While  I  feel  safe  in  placing  the  milling 
value  of  your  ores  at  from  $17.50  to  $20  per 
ton,  and  I  feel  confident  that  those  £gures  can 
be  safely  advanced  from  10  to  20  per  cent,,  I 
have  endeavoured  to  be  cautious  in  the  examin- 
ation of  yoilr  mines  and  my  statements  to  your 
people,  and  do  not  wish  to  cause  them  to  feel  over 
sanguine  until  milling  results  are  reached.  I  have 
made  the  above  estimates  as  to  cost  after  talking 
with  your  most  prominent  citizens,  and  estimate 
the  value  of  your  ores  after  making  over  fifty 
assays  from  the  different  veins,  and  carefully 
testing  the  feasibility  of  chlorodising  the  sulphu- 
rets  contained  in  the  ore.  I  deem  it  of  the 
greatest  importance  to  the  Province  that 


be  made,  not  alone  in  this  immediate  vicinity, 
but  of  the  outlying  and  surrounding  country. 


By  the  a  P.  R. 




The  survey  should  be  so  managed  as  to  keep 
pace  with  the  prospector  rather  than  neglect  the 
work  commenced  by  extending  the  examination 
too  far  beyond  present  work ;  for,  by  extending 
the  survey  beyond  present  developments,  you 
deprive  the  prospector  of  the  assistance  and 
advice  of  your  engineer.  As  I  have  previously 
stated,  the  Government  can  materially  aid  and 
assist  the  prospector  in  his  work  of  development, 
and  often  save  him  much  time  and  money  by 
having  an  intelligent  and  practical  engineer  near 
by  to  consult  and  to  advise  him  as  to  the  best 
n^ethod  to  prospect  his  ground,  and  as  to  the 
probabilitj^  of  reaching  pay  ore.  In  this  con- 
nection I  will  state  that  I  see  a  Bill  is  presented 
before  the  House  in  New  Zealand,  whereby  it  is 
proposed  to  appropriate  £100,000  to  aid  in  de- 
veloping the  mineral  resources  of  the  colony, 
while  the  United  States  has,  perhaps,  the  most 
complete  and  extensive  mineralogical  survey 
system  of  any  country  in  the  world,  and  the 
result  is — ^what?  English  and  French  capital 
come  to  the  United  States  in  preference  to 
any  other  country.  They  read,  and  have  the 
mineral  resources  of  the  country  explained  to 
them  constantly.  Following  upon  the  heels  of 
the  annual  mineralogical  report,  enterprising 
men  gQ  to  London  and  Paris  well  supplied  with 
samples  of  ore  and  elaborate  maps  of  mining 
property ;  and  gifted  with 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

li  > 



and  never-lefc-go,  they  annually  induce  a  large 
amount  of  capital  to  come  into  California,  Ne- 
vada, Colorado,  Idaho,  New  Mexico,  and  Arizona. 
Not  one  of  these  States  or  Territories  but  has 
large  English  and  French  companies  successfully 
at  work,  and  the  more  capital  they  invest  the 
better  they  are  pleased  in  case  it  yields  from 
6  to  10  per  cent,  per  annuni.  Capital  can 
be  turned  hitherward ;  not,  however,  by  sitting 
supinely  waiting  for  its  coming.  Ask  an  Eng- 
lishman which  he  would  prefer — Canada  or  the 
United  States,  and  why — and  he  will  answer — 
the  United  States,  because  there  is  more  dash, 
enterprise,  and  go-ahead  among  the  people.  In- 
cluding Alaska,  Oregon,  California,  Idaho,  and 
Montana,  mining  industries  have  almost  sur- 
rounded you,  and  the  outside  world  scarcely 
knows  that  you  are  the  possessors  of  such  pro- 
mising and  well  defined  gold  and  silver-bearing 
veins.  Several  years  ago  so  eminent  a  man  as 
Professor  Dawson  took  with  him  to  Montreal 
samples  of  the  qnaxtz  broken  from  the  croppings 
of  your  veins,  and  reported  to  yoirfrom  $6  to 
$6  per  ton,  and  encouraged  you  to  hunt  in  these 
veins  for  richer  ore,  as  they  were,  beyond  doubts 
the  sources  of  the  many  millions  of  coarse  gold, 
intermixed  with  quartz,  taken  from  your  creeks 
and  benches,  and  no  richer  placer  diggings  were 

By  the  C.  P.  R. 



ever  discovered  than  your  creeks  and  benches, 
through  which  the  veins  pass.  Do  not  forget 
that  the  mountain  will  not  come  to  you  ;  on  the 
contrary,  you  must  seek  capital,  and  give  it  en- 
couragement, and  the  day  will  come  when  your 
districts  will  again  rank  as  formerly  amongst 


Capital  at  present  is  seeking  investment  in  the 
most  remote  corners  of  the  globe.  All  manu- 
facturing industries  are  overdone.  Silver  is  a 
drug  upon  the  market,  and  can  scarcely  hold  its 
place  as  a  circulating  medium,  while,  including 
the  product  of  the  entire  world,  gold  enough  is 
not  now  produced  to  supply  the  arts  and  sciences. 
Then  why  not  use  energy  and  push  enough  to 
induce  English  capital  to  come  to  your  district  ? 
In  referring  to  capital  seeking  investment,  I  may 
refer  you  to  the  circumstances  of  an  English 
company  formed  to  work  the  gold  quartz  found 
in  South  AfricQ,.  In  order  to  be  well  equipped  in 
every  detail,  their  mill  was  built  in  San  Fran- 
cisco, shipped  overland  to  New  York,  thence  to 
England  and  transhipped  to  Natal,  where  it  had 
to  be  hauled  by  cattle  700  miles  inland.  Also 
one  of  a  hundred  stamps  and  necessary  amalga 
mating  pans  was  built  in  San  Francisco,  and 
shipped  to  Peru,  where,  by  rail  and  mules,  it  had 
to  reach  a  giddy  height  of  18,000  feet,  near  the 
summit  of  the  Andes  Mountains,  to  work  a  silver 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 


The  output  of  coal  in  British  Columbia  from 
1874  to  the  end  of  last  year  was  2,972,706 
tons,  or  a  yearly  average  of  228,670  tons.  Last 
year  326,636  tons  were  produced,  of  which  a 
quarter' of  a  million  tons  were  exported,  princi- 
pally to  California,  Portland,  Oregon,  Alaska, 
Petropaulovski,  Mexico,  and  the  Hawaiian  Is- 
lands, besides  which  coal  for  fuel  was  regularly 
supplied  to  the  ocean  inail  steamers,  gunboats, 
and  vessels  calling.  Inspector  Dick  in  his  report 
strikes  at  a  question  which  is  engaging  no  little 
attention  just  now,  viz.,  reciprocity.  He  says : — 
"  The  year  1884  was  one  of  unprecedented  pros- 
perity in  our  coal  industry,  both  in  volume  of 
trade  and  prices  realised;  but  the  drooping 
j&gures  of  the  succeeding  years,  with  the  lower 
rates  which  our  collieries  have  bad  to  submit  to 
in  return  for  their  product,  urge  me  to  again 
bring  before  your  attention  the  necessity  for  the 
adoption  of  some  active  measures  for  the  relief 
of  our  collieries  from  the  imposition  of  75  cents 
per  ton  levied  in  the  United  States  upon  our 
coal  when  it  enters  their  ports.  With  the  re- 
moval of  this  inequitable  tax  by  a  judicious 
reciprocity  treaty,  our  coal  industry  will  at  once 
recover  itself,  and  years  unexampled  in  activity 
and  progress  will  become  our  lot." 

By  the  C.  P.  R. 



We  left  Donald  for  our  trip  to  the  Columbia 
Lakes  and  Kootenay  Valley  at  four  o'clock  on 
i;be  afternoon  of  Saturday,  28th  August,  by  the 
eastern  bound  express,  with  a  regular  camp  out- 
fit, consisting  of  two  bundles  containing  blankets, 
buffalo  robes,  and  waterproof  sheets  for  bedding, 
one  tent,  one  small  valise,  two  saddles  and  sad- 
dle-bags, twQ  ^ns,  an  axe,  one  sack  of  flour,  one 
sa^k  of  provisions  for  our  two  hundred  miles  ride, 
another  of  cooking  and  eating  utensils,  and  mis- 
cellaneous odds  and  ends.  It  should  have  taken 
us  but  half  an  hour  to  reach  Golden  City,  seven- 
teen miles  distant,  where  we  were  to  embark  upon 
the  steamer  Duchess,  but  we  were  more  than  an 
hour  on  the  way,  for,  owing  to  the  approach  of  a 
special,  bearing  Sir  Donald  A.  Smith,  Mr.  Cyrus 
Field,  Mr.  Stafford  Northcote,  and  other  nota- 
bilities, to  the  far  Pacific  Slope,  our  express  had 
to  turn  off  the  main  line  at  Moberley  on  to  a 
mysterious  switch  branching  from  the  track  at  a 
right  angle,  and  running  so  directly  into  the 
bush,  that  as  our  engine  advanced  along  it  we 
seemed  bound  to  plunge  from  the  rails  into  the 
primeval  forest. 




Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 


It  was  half-past  five  o'clock  when  we  steamed 
into  Golden  City.  We  were  met  by  Mr.  F.  P. 
Armstrong,  the  captain  of  the  VvLchess^  who 
escorted  us  to  the  banks  of  the  Columbia,  about 
a  mile  distant,  where  the  steamer  lay  at  her 
moorings.  There  is  a  good  waggon-road  all  the 
way,  but  the  evening  was  so  beautiful  that  I  pre- 
ferred to  walk,  and  formed  a  far  more  favourable 
opinion  of  the  city  of  gold  than  I  had  done  when 
I  passed  through  it  on  my  way  to  Donald,  per- 
haps because  on  that  occasion  I  had  my  back 
turned  to  Pilot  Mountain,  which  rises,  almost  a 
detached  mass  of  granite,  behind  the  town.  The 
setting  sun  was  gilding  the  surface  of  its  reddish- 
yellow  rock  with  tints  that  might  have  given  the 
city^  its  golden  name ;  I  fear,  however,  it  was 
derived  from  below,  and  is  of  the  earth  earthy 
in  its  origin. 

The  rosy  and  purple  shades  of  the  near  and 
distant  ranges  would  have  delighted  the  eye  of 
an  artist,  and  the  aspect  of  the  boat,  as  she  lay 
at  her  picturesque  moorings  opposite  a  high 
wooded  bluff  on  the  Columbia  Biver,  was  most 
inviting.  To  me  the  Duchess  wap  a  new  nautical 
experience,  being  a  small  edition  of  the  stem- 

By  ^  C.  P.  R. 


wheel  steamers  used  for  the  shallow  navigation 
of  the  Mississippi  and  Missouri  Bivers;  she  is 
a  flat-bottomed  boat  of  light  draught,  and  can 
pass  over  two  feet  six  inches  of  water;  has  a 
promenade  deck,  supported  on  light  columns, 
with  a  hurricane  deck  above,  on  which  the  wheel- 
house  stands;  is  sixty  feet  long  by  seventeen 
feet  beam,  with  a  carrying  capacity  of  twenty 
tons ;  her  cabin  accommodation  is  fair,  but  limi- 
ted, giving  room  for  eight  or  ten  passengers. 
The  main  saloon  is  wide  and  spacious,  and,  as 
Mr.  Armstrong  kindly  placed  his  cabin  at  our 
disposal,  we  fared  sumptuously.  The -steamer 
Duchess  will  run  this  year,  from  the  month  of 
May  to  September,  in  connexion  with  the  C.P.B. 
trains ;  the  trip  to  the  lakes  and  back  takes  four 
days.  All  information  on  the  subject  of  the 
route  will  be  forthcoming  at  that  time,  and  it 
will  be  advisable  for  tourists  visiting  British 
Columbia  to  diverge  from  the  main  rqute,  and  see 
something  of  the  interior  of  the  country  and  the 
magnificent  mountain  scenery  which  the  Colum- 
bia Biver  commands  in  its  winding  course  between 
the  ranges  of  the  Bockies  and  the  Selkirks. 

Steam  was  up  when  we  went  on  board ;  a  few 
minutes  later  the  boat  moved  away  from  her  moor- 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

ingSy  and  we  were  launched  upon  the  bosom  of  the 
ffMT-famed  Columbia.  We  ran  up  the  river  some 
seven  miles  to  Canyon  Creek,  to  take  on  wood, 
and  then  tied  up  to  the  bank  for  the  night,  as  it 
was  getting  dark.  The  navigation  of  the  Colum- 
bia, with  its  numerous  snags  and  sand-bars,  is  an 
impossibility  after  dark,  and  this  original  man- 
ner of  securing  the  boat  to  Mother  Earth  during 
these  hours  was  very  conducive  to  sound  slumber. 
Sunday,  29th  August,  was  a  lovely  summer  day, 
bright  and  cloudless,  with(^  fresh  wind  blowing, 
which  rolled  away  the  light  veil  of  smoke  that 
had  drifted  down  from  the  forest  fires  of  the  west, 
till  it  rested  on  the  distant  mountains  like  a 
silver  haze,  against  which  the  adjacent  trees 
were  defined  in  strong  relief.  The  scene  from  the 
decks  of  the  Duchess  was  a  most  entrancing  one, 
and  quite  beggars  description.  Words  fail  me  to 
depict  the  beauties  of  the  Columbia  Biver,  wind-, 
ing  as  it  does  between  two  mountain  ranges,  the 
Bockies  on  the  east  side  standing  out  in  bold 
peaks  and  rugged  bluffs,  while  the  Selkirks  on 
the  west,  some  few  miles  from  Golden  City,  lose 
their  massive  outlines  and  faU  away  in  sloping 
wooded  heights  to  the  water.''   The  course  of 

By  the  C,  P.  R. 


the  river,  with  its  swift  current,  as  it  flows, 
now  wide,  now  narrow,  between  low  banks  over- 
hung with  willows,  cranberry  bushes,  and  tall 
Cottonwood  trees  (very  similar  in  growth  and 
appearance  lo  our  poplar),  is  strangely  peaceful 
and  secluded.  Its  varying  width,  never  exceeding 
three  hundred  feet,  is  a  strange  contrast  to  the 
extent  and  volume  of  our  eastern  waters. 

The  first  pause  we  made  was  at  eleven  o'clock 
in  the  morning,  at  Johnson's  Hog  Banche,  which 
does  not,  as  the  name  would  imply,  indicate  the 
porcine  quadruped,  but  is  the  western  slang  for 
a  whiskey  resort.  That  insiduous  stimulant  was 
a  year  ago  a  contraband  article,  which  could  not 
be  sold  within  twenty  miles  of  the  G.  P.  B.  rails  ; 
hence  Johnson's  Hog  Banche  was  established 
just  outside  that  magic  circle.  We  were  now 
twenty-five  mites  from  Golden  City.  The  said 
ranche  is  beautifully  situated  at  the  base  of  a 
superb  peak  of  the  Bocky  Mountains  on  one  of 
the  numerous  channels  of  the  Columbia.  We 
made  a  halt  of  some  twenty  minutes  to  take  on 
wood  at  this  delectable  spot,  then  ran  down  the 
stream  with  the  swift  current  at  a  tremendous 
pace  for  some  hundred  yards,  sweeping  so  close 



Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

to  the  bushes,  as  we  turned  into  the  main  chan- 
nel, that  the  overhanging  trees  crashed  against 
the  sides  of  the  boat. 

Immediately  after  we  leave  Johnson's,  the  Co- 
lumbia develops  numerous  branches,  and  the 
Selkirk  Bange  is  lost  to  view,  its  place  being 
supplied  by  wooded  hills,  which  descend  to  the 
edge  of  the  water  and  continue  for  about  ten 
miles.  The  river  seemed,  if  possible,  to  increase 
in  beauty  the  farther  we  ascended  its  tortuous 
course.  The  Rocky  Mountains  stood  out  in  an 
almost  incredible  depth  of  blue  distance  on  the 
eastern  bank,  reminding  me  of  some  of  Turner's 
Italian  landscapes.  In  one  place  the  main  chan- 
nel divides,  and  we  followed  an  apparently  nar- 
row stream,  and  coasted  along  a  low  island,  with 
a  marshy  bed  of  reeds  on  the  west — a  likely 
haunt  for  wild  fowl ;  indeed  the  constant  popping 
of  a  gun  from  the  hurricane  deck  overhead,  as 
flocks  of  geese  and  ducks,  roused  by  the  approach 
of  the  steamer,  flew  across  her  bows,  was  a  con- 
stant source  of  excitement.  I  regret  to  say,  how- 
ever, that  on  these  occasions  no  bag  was  made. 
Farther  up  again  we  found  ourselves  in  a  net- 
yforli  of  islands  and  channels,  with  trees  hanging 

By  the  C.  P.  R. 


in  some  places  so  far  over  the  water  as  almost  to 
sweep  the  upper  decks  of  the  Duchess  as  she 
glided  beneath  them.  On  one  occasion,  Mr. 
Armstrong  told  me,  when  he  had  given,  the 
wheel  for  a  few  moments  to  the  charge  of  a  deck 
hand,  the  latter  cut  a  point  too  short  (in  nautical 
parlance),  and  the  steamer  struck  upon  one  bank 
and  swung  off  on  to  the  opposite  side,  passing  as 
she  did  so  under  a  leaning  tree  which  caught  the 
smoke-stack  and  deposited  it  promptly  in  the 
river:  he  and  his  men  spent  all  the  next  day 
fishing  in  twelve  feet  of  water  for  it,  and  eventu- 
ally succeeded  in  recovering  and  restoring  it  to 
its  former  position. 

The  even  tenor  of  our  way  was  broken  by 
occasional  soundings  with  a  long  pole,  and  shouts 
re-echoed  from  the  promenade  deck  to  the  wheel- 
house  of  "  no  bottom,*'  **  no  bottom,"  "  six-and- 
a-half,'*  **  six-and-a-half,"  "  six  feet,"  with  other 
variations  of  lesser  degree,  as  we  swung  over  the 
numerous  sand  bars  obstructing  the  course  of 
the  Columbia  when  the  water  is  low.  Indeed,  I 
was  much  impressed  with  Mr.  Armstrong's  skil- 
ful navigation  of  the  river's  numerous  and  tortu- 
ous channels,  and  his  thorough  knowledge  of  all 



V  ^^ 



Ontario  to  tho  Pacific, 

its  knotty  (one  might  coin  a  word,  and  say 
snaggy)  points.  We  stopped  for  the  second  time, 
at  four  o'clock,  at  Spillumacheen  Landing,  con- 
sisting only  of  a  couple  of  cabins  lying  at  the 
foot  of  a  gigantic  mass  of  rock,  clothed  almost 
to  its  bare  summit  with  a  scattered  growth  of 
pines  ;  in  fact,  we  were  so  immediately  below  it 
that  the  eye  was  wearied  and  strained  painfully 
by  any  effort  to  gaze  up  at  its  rugged  crags.  We 
paused  here  but  a  few  minutes,  then  steamed  on 
again  up  the  wonderful  ^Columbia,  winding  from 
one  side  of  the  valley  to  the  other,  now  to  the 
base  of  the  Bockies,  and  again  to  the  foot  of  the 

Soon  after  we  left  Spillumacheen,  however, 
the  valley  opened  out  as  we  approached  the 
lake  country,  and  away  to  the  south  of  us  rose 
a  conical  blue  hill,  like  a  giant  sugar-loaf,  from 
which  the  Selkirk  Range  fell  away  in  gentle 
undulations  to  the  horizon.  The  Bocky  Moun- 
tains, on  the  contrary,  lost  the  low,  wooded  pla- 
teaux (or  grass-benches  as  they  are  called  here) 
that  had  marked  their  bases,  and  came  sloping 
down  almost  to  the  water's  edge,  the  silver  river 
flowing  so  close  by  their  precipitous  sides  that  one 

By  the  G.  P.  R 


could  distinctly  see  a  number  of  inviting  paths 
marking  the  face  of  the  rocks.  On  inquiry,  how- 
ever, these  turned  out  to  be  the  dry  beds  of 
mountain  torrents  formed  by  the  melting  snow 
in  the  warm  months.  We  noticed,  too,  occa- 
sional signs  of  the  pack-trail  leading  from  Golden 
City  to  the  interior,  and  observed  its  course  along 
a  dangerous-looking  slope,  congratulating  our- 
selves upon  being  able  to  prosecute  our  journey 
by  steam  instead  of  horse-power.  Nothing  could 
exceed  the  varied  nature  of  these  mountain  peaks 
and  summits ;  some,  though  barren  and  rugged, 
showed  occasional  sc  Uttred  groups  of  pines  and 
firs,  while  others  were  streaked  far  up  their  rocky 
sides  with  the  brilliant  greens  of  a  recent  under- 
growth following  in  the  track  of  some  forest  fire ; 
all  showed  an  unwearying  diversity  of  conforma- 
tion. Fourteen  miles  from  SpiUumacheen  the 
character  of  the  Columbia  changes  entirely ;  it 
leaves  its  mud  banks,  and-  flows  between  low  over- 
hanging  bushes  of  cranberry  and  willows  on  the 
weat,  and  clay  cliflfs,  some  sixty  feet  high,  on  the 
east  side.  Near  here  we  came  upon  a  bit  of  wet 
sandy  beach,  in  which  the  tracks  of  a  bear  were 
clearly  visible  not  twenty  feet  from  the  boat. 


i  f 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

The  lights  and  shadows  of  the  setting  snn  on 
the  mountains  and  river  were  exquisitely  soft 
and  tender,  and  the  reflection  of  the  trees  in 
the  swiftly  flowing  water  was  clearly  and  sharply 
cut.  Some  twenty  miles  from  our  last  landing 
a  wooded  rocky  range  came  into  view  on  the  west 
bank, — a  spur  of  the  Selkirk  Range.  It  was 
streaked  in  some  places  with  a  red  mineral  de- 
posit, in  others  it  showed  a  rich  orange  colour. 
These  headlands  rose  to  a  height  of  six  hundred 
feet  and  then  fell  away  down  to  the  water,  to  be 
succeeded  by  others  of  a  similar  but  less  rocky 
nature,  till  the  shades  of  evening  blent  all  into  , 

At  eight  o'clock  we  tied  up  to  the  bank,  in 
delightfully  primitive  fashion,  for  the  night,  and 
were  off  again  at  sunrise  the  next  morning. 
When  I  stepped  out  of  my  cabin  I  found  the 
mountains  on  the  west  bank  had  entirely  disap-,  and  given  place  to  high  bluffs  covered 
with  the  short  bunch-grass  of  the  lake  region, 
now  burnt  to  the  colour  of  pale  brown  paper  by 
the  long-continued  drought  of  these  dry  summer 
months.  Fine  flr  trees  were  scattered  about, 
singly  and  in  groups,  without  any  undergrowth, 

By  the  C,  P.  R. 


giving  the  country  the  air  of  a  well-kept  park 
Buflfering  severely  from  want  of  rain.  The  Eocky 
Mountains  still  lay  in  distant  blue  masses  on 
the  east  bank.  At  nine  o'clock  we  stopped  be- 
side a  large  sand-bar  forming  the  north  end  of  a 
wooded  island,  and  deposited  a  settler  with  his 
eflfects,  consisting  of  a  farm  waggon  (in  various 
parts),  a  plough,  a  harrow,  six  pigs,  two  coops 
of  chickens,  lumber,  bundles,  pots  and  pans,  and 
other  miscellaneous  articles.  He  was  a  man 
well  advanced  in  years,  and  it  was  positively 
depressing  to  leave  him  alone,  a  melancholy 
atom  of  humanity  in  the  middle  of  the  Columbia 
Kiver.  His  son  was  to  join  him  during  tlie 
morning,  and  convey  him  and  his  outfit  (western) 
by  boat  to  his  future  home  on  one  of  the  smaller 
channels  of  the  main  stream.  A  little  farther 
on  we  drew  in  to  the  bank  for  wood,  which  had 
been  cut  and  piled  for  the  steamer's  use  during 
the  winter;  then  moved  on  again  for  some  un- 
eventful miles  till  we  reached  a  high,  clay  cliflf 
on  the  east  side,  carved  (by  the  action  of  water, 
it  is  said,)  into  the  towers  and  battlements  of  a 
miniature  fortification.  To  me  it  looked  more 
like  some  curious  and  inexplicable  freak  of  Na- 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

ture.  There  are  detached  pillars  of  clay,  several 
feet  in  height,  dotted  about  in  this  vicinity,  which 
Temind  one  strongly  of  the  chimneys  and  debris 
of  some  ruined  city.  We  saw  several  fine  fish- 
hawks  floating  high  over  the  river,  and  remarked 
their  large,  untidy  nests  perched  in — ^what  would 
seem  to  be  their  favourite  locality— the  top  of  a 
decayed  pine  tree;  on  one  occasion  the  tree  in 
question  hung  so  far  over  the  water  that  the 
Duchess  passed  almost  beneath  ii. 

We  had  now  almost  reached  our  destination — 
a  place  called  ''Lilacs;"  this  euphonious  name 
being  derived  from  its  owner,  not  from  any  shrub 
that  flowers  in  the  neighbourhood.  This  de- 
lectable spot  is  some  six  miles  from  the  Lower 
Columbia  Lake,  and  we  were  rapidly  approach- 
ing it  on  Monday  morning  when  we  came  to  a 
shallow  place  in  the  river  where  the  water  fell 
to  three  feet.  We  made  our  way  slowly  towards 
a  point  round  which  the  Columbia  flowed  with  a 
rapid  curve,  but  just  as  we  were  clearing  it  the 
current  caught  the  boat's  head,  and  turned  it  in 
a  second  down  the  stream  again.  Mr.  Armstrong 
would  not  risk  a  second  attempt  to  ascend  the 
river,  as  we  bad  already  narrowly  escaped  run- 

By  the  G.  P.  R 



ning  upc^  a  reef  of  rock,  when  the  steamer 
refused  to  answer  her  helm  and  fell  a  prey  to 
the  violence  of  the  current.  We  accordingly 
retired  a  couple  of  hundred  yards  down  the 
Golunibia  to  a  favourable  nook,  and  tied  up  the 
Duchess  once  more  to  the  edge  of  the  bank, 
which,  fortunately,  sloped  down  in  a  gentle, 
grassy  declivity  to  the  edge  of  the  water.  We 
found  we  were  a  mile  from  Lilacs;  and  an  Indian, 
who  had  been  observing  our  progress  from  the 
top  of  a  high  bluflf,  mounted  his  pony  and  rode 
away  to  spread  the  news  of  the  steamer's  arrival, 
which  is  quite  an  event  in  that  isolated  part  of 
the  country.  From  the  middle  of  May,  or  earlier, 
until  the  middle  of  August,  the  waters  of  the 
Columbia,  swelled  by  the  melting  snows  from 
the  mountains,  are  sufficiently  deep  to  allow  the 
Duchess  to  penetrate  some  twenty-five  miles  far- 
ther than  the  place  we  reached,  viz.,  to  the  end 
of  the  Lower  Columbia  Lake,  an  extension  which 
greatly  increases  the  beauty  of  the  trip.  But, 
owing  to  the  lateness  of  the  season  in  our  case, 
and  consequent  low  water,  these  twenty-five  miles 
were  added  to  our  riding  expedition.  We  des- 
patched a  messenger  for  saddle  and  pack-horses, 

I  I 


Onta/rio  to  the  Pacific, 

and  reconciled  ourselves  to  a  delay  of  twenty- 
four  hours  until  they  could  reach  us,  which  we 
were  able,  fortunately,  to  spend  upon  the  steamer, 
as  she  did  not  leave  till  the  following  afternoon. 


^  * 

X  f» 


On  Tuesday  morning,  Slst  August,  our  three 
pack  and  two  saddle  horses  arrived  at  eleven 
o'clock  in  charge  of  the  Indian  boy  who  had  been 
engaged  to  pilot  us  to  Kootenay.  We  were  much 
disappointed  at  being  obliged  to  take  a  lad  of 
eighteen  as  a  substitute  for  a  man,,  but  he 
proved  so  excellent  a  youth  tljiat  our  regret 
soon  passed  off,  and  we.  realised  t&at  it  would 
have  been  difficult  to  improve  upon  him.  The 
adult  Indians  were  all  engaged  at  this  season 
palmon-fishing  in  the  Columbia,  and  no  money 
would  entice  them  aw^y  from  their  favourite 
pursuit ;  hundreds  come  down  many  miles  from 
the  interior  of  the  country  for  this  purpose,  and 
many  of  them  we  passe.d  upon  the  road.  , 

My  horse,  which  was  sent  me  by  a  gentleman 
from  his  vanche  on  the  Columbia  Lakes,  proved 

By  the  C.  p.  R. 


^  ^ 



to  be  a  sturdy  blue-roan  pony,  standing  between 
twelve  and  thirteen  hands  high,  and  up  to  any 
weight.  I  jumped  on  his  back,  while  the  other 
horses  were  being  packed,  to  try  his  mettle  and 
paces  over  a  nice  bit  of  grass  near  the  river,  and 
found  he  travelled  in  the  easy  lope,  or  slow  canter, 
which  is  the  peculiar  gait  of  all  western  horses.  He 
was,  moreover,  bridle-wise,  as  indeed  are  all  the 
animals  in  this  part  of  the  country^  a  fact  which 
only  an  equestrian  can  thoroughly  appreciate. 
(I  may  explain,  for  the  benefit  of  the  uninitiated, 
that  to  be  bridle-wise  means  that  a  horse  is 
broken  to  guide  simply  by  the  pressure  of  the 
reins  on  the  neck,  without  any  reference  what- 
ever to  the  bit;  consequently,  the  slightest  motion 
of  the  hand,  right  or  left,  will  direct  his  course 
from  one  side  to  the  other.)  All  the  Eastern 
horses  I  have  ever  mounted,  and  their  name  is 
legion,  recjuire  to  be  guided  by  the  bit  alone,  and 
can  seldom,  or  never,  be  ridden  with  one  hand. 
Most  of  the  Indian  women  ride  their  ponies  with 
a  noose  of  rope  through  their  mouths,  and  some 
di^ense  even  with  this,  and  simply  guide  them 

'  stick,  which  is 



reins,  to  each  side  of  the  neck.    It  must  be  said, 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

however,  that  the  majority  of  horses  in  this 
^country  are  very  tractable,  and  can  be  easily 
handled,  as  indeed  is  necessary  for  the  nature  of 
the  work  required  of  them.  But  the  cayuses 
(Indian  ponies)  are,  it  is  universally  conceded, 
the  meanest  of  brutes;  they  are,  however, wonder- 
fully sure-footed,  and  can  travel  day  after  day 
over  hundreds  of  miles  of  country  with  enormous 
loads,  feeding  only  on  the  native  bunch -grass, 
and  never  tasting  corn  or  oats.  Mules  are,  I 
believe,  extensively  used  in  packing,  but  I  saw 
very  few  of  them  on  my  travels. 

We  got  off  soon  after  twelve  o'clock,  and  were 
very  sorry  to  bid  adieu  to  our  kind  friends  of  the 
Duchess.  We  had  two  miles  of  tedious  riding  along 
the  grass  bluffs  (western  "benches")  on  the  east 
bank  of  the  Columbia;  the  trail  followed  the  river 
as  far  as  Lilacs*  Landing,  where  it  turned  off  in- 
land. It  was  a  very  warm  day,  but  the  sun,  fortu- 
nately for  us,  was  obscured  by  a  cjoud  of  ismoke 
hanging  between  earth  and  sky.  This  did  not  con- 
ceal the  scenery,  but  veiled  it  in  a  silver  mist 
which,  combined  with  the  perfect  silence  of  nature, 
lent  a  strange  ideal  beauty  to  the  country.  Dust 
was  a  great  drawback,  and  lay  several  inches  deep 



By  the  0.  P.  R. 



along  the  trail;  on  the  face  of  the  ojiff,  where 
there  was  no  alternative  but  to  follow  the  beaten 
path,  it  was  most  oppressive.  When  we  turned 
our  backs  upon  the  Columbia,  howevei',  we  found 
ourselves  in  a  fine  grass  region  stretching  away 
for  mileb,  cOid  quitted  the  dusty  trails  for  the  turf, 
where  we  cantered  along  at  our  pleasure.  We 
made  only  eight  miles  the  first  afternoon,  and 
camped  for  the  night  at  Windermere,  the  ranche 
of  the  Hon.  P.  Aylmer,  which  is  beautifully  situ- 
ated near  the  base  of  a  fine  peak  of  the  Bocky 
Mountains.  We  pitched  our  tent  just  above  a 
large  creek  rushing  noisily  through  a  wooded  dell 
below  us,  but  completely  concealed  from  view  by 
a  thick  growth  of  trees.  It  faced  two  magnifi- 
cent mountains,  while  behind  us  rose  grass 
"benches"  dotted  with  groups  of  evergreens. 
The  pack  and  saddle  horses  were  soon  relieved  of 
their  loads,  and  turned  out  for  the  night  to  graze. 
This  was  my  first  experience  of  being  under 
canvas.  I  found  that  a  tent,  comfortably  ar- 
ranged by  my  husband's  skilful  hands,  was  an 
abode  not  at  all  to  be  despised  in  favourable 
weather.  Our  Indian  boy  did  not  appear  with 
the  horses  until  noon  the  next  day,  having  asked 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

permission  to  go  salmon-spearing  in  the  Colum- 
bia the  previous  night,  and  been  beguiled  by  that 
fascinating  sport.  It  was  one  o'clock  before  all 
the  horses  were  packed  and  ready,  though  Bap- 
tiste  was  assisted  by  another  lad,  called  Dave,  a 
half-breed,  whom  we  had  engaged  also,  as  we 
found  that  our  work  would  require  more  than  one 
youth  to  attend  to  it. 

A  western  camp  "  outfit  **  is  certainly  a  novel 
and  picturesque  sight.  First  came*  two  well- 
mounted  riders,  behind  them  three  Indian  ponies 
not  twelve  hands  high,  without  bridles,  bear- 
ing two  packs  slung  on  each  side  of  a  pack- 
saddle,  secured  by  strong  ropes ;  the  leader  of 
these  animals  was  decorated  with  a  sonorous 
bell,  and  they  were  driven  by  our  two  Indian 
boys,  attired  in  coats  and  trousers,  who  rode 
good  stout  ponies,  and  had  excellent  Mexican 
saddles  and  bridles.  The  cayuses  were  most 
aggravating  beasts,  often  rushing  off  the  trail 
into  the  bush  to  snatch  a  mouthful  of  grass, 
and  rubbing  the  packs  against  the  trees  with 
such  violence  that  it  was  a  marvel  they  stayed 
on  at  all.  The  dust  and  noise  made  by  the 
after  part  of  our  outfit  were  so  unpleasant  that 






By  the  a  P.  H. 


we  found  it  advisable  to  keep  well  ahead.  We 
had  now  seven  horses  in  our  party,  and  made 
quite  an  imposing  train  as  we  stretched  out 
across  the  open  country. 

We  made  eight  miles  in  pretty  good  time,  as 
the  riding  was  excellent,  and  stopped  to  dine  by 
a  brawling  creek,  which  supplied  the  requisite 
water  for  our  cooking  and  horses.  A  Eootenay 
Indian  joined  us  here,  and  shared  our  frugal 
meal  of  salmon,  bacon,  tea,  and  bread.  The 
Mountain  Indians  struck  me  as  a  much  finer 
race  than  their  brethren  of  the  plains  ;  the  pre- 
sent one  was  a  handsome  man,  well  armed 
and  well  mounted  ;  he  wore  a  semi-civilised  cos- 
tume, consisting  of  a  gray  flannel  shirt  and 
cloth  waistcoat,  a  draped  blanket  fell  over  his 
lower  limbs,  which  were  encased  in  deer- skin 
leggings  ;  while  a  red  cotton  handkerchief,  bound 
round  his  head  and  tied  in  a  knot  on  the  fore- 
head, lent  a  brilliant  touch  of  colour  to  the 
whole.  In  the  course  of  an  hour  we  were  in  the 
saddle  again,  and  made  seven  miles  during  the 
afternoon.  We  camped  that  night  on  Geherry's 
Eanche  (the  legitimate  and  licensed  stopping- 
place  of  the  road,  corresponding  to  the  tavern  of 



f  1 

^B  '  'fl 



Ontario  to  the  Paeifie, 


emlisation),  and  partook  in  the  honse  of  an 
excellent  supper  of  partridges,  cooked  by  his 
Chinaman  in  a  novel  and  tempting  manner,  and 
paid  for  at  a  reasonable  rate.  The  country  we 
had  passed  through  during  the  day  had  been  so 
hidden  by  smoke  that  it  was  impossible  to  form 
any  idea  of  it  beyond  the  fact  that  it  was  hilly  and 
wooded,  with  intervals  of  open  park  land. 


On  Thursday,  2nd  September,  we  left  our  camp 
at  seven  in  the  morning,  and  rode  four  miles  to 
breakfast  at  the  ranche  ol  the  same  Mr.  Arm- 
strong who  had  been  our  host  and  captain  of  the 
Duchesi.  He  had  a  fine  property  of  several 
hundred  acres  on  the  Upper  Columbia  Lake, 
well  fenced  and  in  the  best  order,  with  a  good 
log-house  and  large  outbuildings,  since  sold  to 
Mr.  Vernon,  an  Englishman.  Unfortunately, 
the  smoke  on  the  day  in  question  was  as  thick 
as  a  dense  fog,  and  it  was  impossible  either 
to  see  across  the  lake  or  to  form  any  idea 
of  the  fine  mountains  in  our  immediate  neigh- 

By  thB  C.  P.  R 


bourhood.  The  Indian  boys  followed  bo  lei- 
surely in  our  steps  with  the  pack-horses  that 
they  did  not  appear  upon  the  scene  till  after 
twelve  o*clock;  consequently  we  again  made  a 
late  start,  but  rode  on  quickly  and  steadily  to 
try  and  recover  lost  time. 

The  first  part  of  the  trail,  after  leaving  Mr. 
Armstrong's  ranche,  was  very  steep  and  rocky ; 
it  led  along  the  face  of  a  high  cliff  above  the  lake, 
and  we  were  not  sorry  to  turn  off  it,  and  to  find 
ourselves  again  in  an  open  part  of  the  country 
over  which  we  could  quicken  our  pace  for  some 
miles  till  we  came  to  another  elevation.  A  steep 
climb  upwards  brought  us  to  the  top  of  a  still 
higher  cliff.  A  strong  wind  which  had  begun  to 
blow  now  kindly  lifted  the  veil  of  smoke,  and 
revealed  to  our  eyes  a  vision  of  strange,  wild 
beauty.  The  head-lake  and  source  of  the  far- 
famed  Columbia  Biver  lay  a  thousand  feet  below 
us,  shimmering  in  a  silver  haze;  above  our 
heads  towered  a  wall  of  solid  rock,  forming  the 
base  of  a  mountain  range  ;  while  on  the  opposite 
side  of  the  lake,  some  two  miles  away,  the  out- 
line of  the  Selkirk  Mountains  was  dimly  visible. 
The  descent  .from  the  high  cliff  which  the  trail 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

skirted  to  the  flat  below,  was  long  and  tedious, 
but  once  accomplished,  there  were  some  two 
miles  of  excellent  riding  over  light  sandy  ground 
covered  with  an  open  forest  of  the  Pimis  ponde- 
roaa,  known  throughout  the  country  as  the  yellow 
pine,  but,  I  believe,  improperly  so  called.  This 
was  my  first  introduction  to  these  beautiful  trees, 
of  which  I  had  heard  so  much,  nor  was  I  the 
least  disappointed  in  them ;  they  attain  an 
enormous  size  in  some  localities,  and  are  per- 
fectly straight  and  uniform  in  their  growth.  The 
bark  is  curiously  marked  in  a  series  of  irregular 
dark  cracks  running  the  whole  length  of  the 
tree;  these  show  spaces  of  a  reddish  yellow 
colour  between,  and  give  the  trunk  the  appear- 
ance of  a  scaly  covering.  The  effect  recalled 
strangely  the  alligator  leather  now  in  fashionabel 
use.  The  foliage  is  a  long  pine  needle  \7hich 
spreads  out  in  crownlike  masses  above  the 
supporting  boughs.' 

Our  two-mile  gallop  brought  us  to  the  Koote- 
nay  River,  a  broad,  clear  stream  of  deep-blue 
colour.  The  water  was  so  low  at  this  season 
that  it  only  reached  our  horses'  girths,  and  was 
quite  fordable  on  a  firm  bottom  of  large  round 

By  the  G.  P.  R. 


stones.  In  the  spring  and  early  summer,  I  was 
told,  the  river  is  so  full  and  deep,  and  the  current 
so  strong,  that  its  passage  is  often  a  dangerous 
affair,  and  many  horses  have  been  lost  in  the 
attempt.  On  the  top  of  the  high  bank  above 
the  Kootenay  we  stopped  to  enjoy  the  beautiful 
view  of  water,  wood,  and  mountain  spread  out 
like  a  panorama  below  and  above  us,  and  also 
to  snatch  a  hurried  meal ;  then  rode  on  again 
four  miles  farther  through  a  beautiful  forest  of 
yellow  pine  entirely  free  from  undergrowth  of 
any  kind.  The  effect  of  the  tall  red  trunks 
stretching  away  in  a  vista  of  endless  columns, 
the  sough  of  the  wind  in  the  branches,  and  the 
spicy  aroma  of  the  pine  needles  amid  the  grow- 
ing gloaming,  was  ideal  in  its  weird  beauty. 
We  regretted  each  moment  that  brought  us 
'  nearer  to  that  necessary  camp  item,  water ; 
indeed,  we  tarried  so  long  that  it  was  quite  dark 
when  we  came  upon  a  fine  clear  brook  grossly 
libelled  under  the  name  of  Mud  Creek.  We 
pitched  our  tents  by  faith,  not  by  sight,  close  to 
those  of  a  party  of  Englishmen  who  were  on  a 
hunting  expedition,  and  were  most  kind  in  their 
offers  of  hospitality.    Our  retreat  beneath  the  tall 


Ontario  to  ike  Pacific, 

pines  was  extremely  picturesque ;  but  the  high 
wind  which  had  blown  all  day  did  not  go  down 
with  the  sun,  but  rather  increased  in  violence 
and  filled  me  with  a  sense  of  insecurity.  Visions 
of  falling  trees  and  branches  mingled  in  my 
dreams  with  the  flapping  of  canvas  and  the 
rattle  of  thousands  of  pine  needles  upon  the  tent. 
I  sighed  for  the  stability  of  a  house,  and  vowed 
vows  never  to  camp  again.  These  were  strength- 
ened and  confirmed  at  midnight  by  the  reverbe- 
rations of  thunder  in  the  distant  mountains ;  a 
few  minutes  later,  the  storm  broke  over  our 
devoted  heads,  lightning  flashed,  thunder  pealed, 
trees  groaned,  and  rain  descended  in  torrents. 
This  storm  was  truly  disturbing  to  an  outsider  in 
more  than  one  sense  of  the  word.  I  trembled 
for  the  tent,  and  prepared,  philosophically,  to  be 
envelopM  in  folds,  of  wet  canvas,  the  result  of  a 
total  collapse.  Mind,  however,  triumphed  over 
matter,  and  we  weathered  the  storm,  which 
passed  away  in  half  an  hour,  so  far  as  thunder 
and  lightning  were  concerned,  but  the  rain  con- 
tinued in  a  steady  downpour,  which  gradually 
lulled  me  to  rest.  The  morning  revealed  a  scene 
of  appalling  dreariness  ;  a  gentle  drizzle  thicken- 

By  the  G.  P.  R. 


ed  the  atmosphere  td  a  pea-soup  consistency,  and 
everything,  both  over  head  and  under  foot,  was 
saturated  with  moisture;  it  was  well-nigh  im- 
possible to  kindle  a  fire,  and  the  general  tone  of 
nature  was  most  depressing.  About  eight  o'clock, 
however,  the  sun  struggled  over  the  top  of  the 
mountains  and  made  an  effort  to  appear;  the 
drizzle  condensed  itself  and  rolled  away;  the 
damp  chill  that  had  penetrated  to  the  marrow  of 
my  bones  was  absorbed ;  the  heavy  masses  of 
leaden  clouds  parted  and  fioated  off  over  the  tree 
tops,  and  glimpses  of  blue  sky  took  their  place. 
We  were  soon  in  the  saddle,  and  made  eighteen 
miles,  riding  all  day  through  a  beautiful,  wooded, 
grass  country,  with  occasional  bits  of  broken, 
hilly  ground.  During  the  morning  we  passed 
three  lovely  little  lakes,  set  like  emeralds  in  the 
heart  of  the  forest,  and  covered  with  flocks  of 
wild  ducks.  Baptiste — who  was,  by  the  way,  a 
capital  shot,  and  had  secured  us  three  fine 
mallards  the  previous  day — was  unsuccessful 
on  this  occasion.  He  and  my  husband,  after 
wasting  much  time  and  many  cartridges,  realised 
how  impossible  it  would  be  to  recover  the  birds 
without  a  dog  to  retrieve  them,  and  we  rode  oil 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

till  four  o'clock,  when  we  found  ourselves  on 
the  top  of  a  high  plateau ;  we  descended  from 
it  by  a  precipitous  gravel  trail  to  the  valley  of 
the  Kootenay,  and  camped  for  the  night  at  Sheep 
Creek,  which  is  divided  in  this  neighbourhood 
into  six  or  seven  channels,  and  empties  itself  by 
as  many  mouths  into  the  river,  A  high,  cold 
wind  blew  over  the  flat,  and  made  the  tempera- 
ture a  good  deal  lower  at  night  than  was  agree- 
able under  canvas. 


Wb  found  the  temperature  on  Saturday,  4th 
September,  extremely  chilly  at  six  o'clock  in  the 
morning,  and  watched  anxiously  for  the  sun  to 
make'  its  way  over  the  tops  of  the  Rocky  Moun- 
tains and  shed  itf^  genial  beams  upon  the  Koo- 
tenay Valley.  Breakfast  over,  we  had  packed  and 
were  ready  to  start  by  eight  o'clock.  For  the  first 
few  miles  our  course  led  us  along  the  sides  of  the 
high  grass  cliffs  which  enclose  the  east  banks  of 
both  the  Kootenay  and  Columbia  Rivers ;  here, 
however,  the  soil  was  gravelly,  so  we  escaped  the 

By  the  a  P.  R. 


dust  which  had  afflicted  us  on  a  for.^'^r  occasion. 
It  was  a  bright,  cloudless,  breezy  day,  and  we 
rejoiced  in  an  atmosphere  entirely  free  from 
smoke,  dispersed  by  the  rain  of  Thursday  night, 
and  were  able  once  more  to  enjoy  distant  effects, 
as  well  as  surrounding  details.  The  scene,  from 
our  lofty  vantage-point  on  the  grassy  slopes 
above  the  Kootenay,  was  not  ^e  easily  forgotten. 
The  lovely  blue  river  wound  along  throu'^b  its 
wide  valley,  bounded  on  the  far  west  by  the  soft 
gray  line  of  the  Selkirk  Range,  while  between  it 
and  the  mountains  rolled  acres  upon  acres  of 
pale  yellow  grass,  dotted  over  with  groups  of  fine 
pine  trees. 

This  flaxen  land  owed  its  indescribable  straw- 
colour  to  the  magic  power  of  the  sun  god,  who 
had  dried  and  bleached  the  herbage  all  over  this 
immense  extent  of  country,  giving  the  landscape, 
with  its  dark  evergreens  and  azure  sky,  an  indi- 
viduality of  expression  not  often  met  with  in  the 
book  of  nature*  On  the  east  bank  of  the  Kootenay, 
between  the  river  and  the  grass  cliffs  along  which 
we  rode,  lay  a  wooded  bottom  of  poplar  and  wild 
cherry  trees,  their  fresh  young  shoots  looking  a 
most  brilliant  green  in  contrast  to  the  yellow 





Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 


expanse  about  us.  The  diflference  in  character 
between  the  valleys  of  the  Kootenay  and  Colum- 
bia Kivers  was  brought  vividly  before  me  as  I 
gazed ;  the  former  in  its  width  of  forty  miles, 
with  a  distant  line  of  mountains  visible  on  the 
west  side  only,  its  vast  extent  of  what,  with  a 
very  slight  stretch  of  the  imagination,  might  be 
converted  into  waving  corn-fields,  and  its  clear 
river,  flowing  with  little  deviation — is  a  strange 
contrast  to  the  sinuous  twists  and  turns  of  the 
Columbia  Eiver  in  its  narrow,  confined  area, 
between  the  magnificent  ranges  of  the  Kocky 
and  Selkirk  Mountains,  rising  often  precipitously 
on  both  sides  from  its  turbid,  pale-green  waters. 
I  could  not  help  regretting  the  thousands  of 
acres  of  perfect  ranching  country  which  lay 
unoccupied  about  us,  save  for  wandering  herds 
of  cattle  and  horses  owned  by  prosperous  Koo- 
tenay Indians.  Strange  as  it  may  appear,  these 
animals  prefer  the  sun-dried  bunch  grass  to  the 
juiciest  green  food,  and  thrive  and  fatten  upon 
it,  as  the  condition  of  all  the  horned  and  un- 
horned  beasts  I  saw  in  that  region  amply  testi- 
fied. The  whole  of  this  Kootenay  district,  so  far 
removed  from  the  line  of  railroad  as  to  be  little 

By  the  G.  P.  B. 


known  or  visited  by  the  traveller  or  the  tourist, 
is  the  finest  country  I  visited  in  British  Colum- 
bia. The  Canadian  Pacific,  in  its  course  over 
the  mountains,  runs  up  one  narrow  valley  and 
down  another  to  the  Coast,  affording,  it  is  true, 
unsurpassed  beauties  of  scenery,  but  at  the  same 
time  no  real  idea  of  the  interior,  which  stretches 
away  in  fertile  plains  to  the  American  boundaries 
of  Idaho  and  Montana.  Water  is  excellent  in 
quality,  and  abundant  in  quantity.  Besides  the 
river,  there  are  innumerable  fine  c  eks  rising 
in  the  Kocky  Mountains,  and  flowing  into  it. 
When  we  turned  our  backs,  at  last,  upon  the 
Kootenay,  we  positively  scaled  the  cliff  by  the 
steepest  of  trails,  and  passed  into  the  country  I 
have  just  described,  which  gave  us  miles  and 
miles  of  galloping  ground  over  straw-coloured 
grass,  under  dark  green  trees,  with  a  turquoise 
sky  overhead. 

At  noon  we  came  to  a  rapid  stream,  called  Wolf 
Creek,  where  a  party  of  Indians  were  encamped 
on  their  way  to  spear  salmon  in  the  Columbia  ; 
indeed,  the  whole  morning  we  had  passed  per- 
petual family  parties  riding  along  on  their  small 
ponies,  sometimes  ^  inother  md  three  QJiildr^ii 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

inexplicably  mounted  upon  one  animal  and  sur- 
rounded with  their  household  gods,  while  count- 
less colts  and  dogs  followed  in  their  train.  They 
all  looked  happy  and  prosperous,  and  greeted  us 
with  *'  Cla-how-jah  ?  **  their  equivalent  for  **  How 
do  you  do  ?  '*  Some  of  the  Indians  near  the  spot 
where  we  watered  our  horses  were  playing  cards 
with  a  remarkably  greasy,  dirty  pack ;  they  were 
gambling  for  tobacco.  It  is  curious  how  the 
Redskin  copies  and  exaggerates  the  vices  of  civili- 
sation :  they  are  all  inveterate  gamblers ;  our 
lad,  Baptiste,  during  the  trip  won  seven  horses 
in  the  notorious  game  of  seven-up,  but  in  the 
effort  to  increase  his  stud  he  lost  them  all  and 
his  handsome  Mexican  saddle  to  boot,  returning 
with  us  in  sorry  plight,  a  sadder  and  wiser  ^  a- 
dian  than  when  he  left  the  Columbia  Valley. 

We  diverged  here  from  the  trail  to  inspect  the 
ranche  of  Mr.  Humphreys,  a  wealthy  English- 
man who,  after  visiting  Australia,  India,  and 
various  other  parts  of  the  globe,  has  given  the 
preference  to  British  Columbia  as  his  future 
home.  He  owns  nine  hundred  and  sixty  acres  of 
land,  which  he  means  to  add  to,  and  has  some 
^^cellent  log  buildings  and  the  finest  coi^ra}  in 


By  the  0.  P.  B. 


the  country  upon  his  property.  The  house  it^iejf 
is  beautifully  situated  on  high  ground,  rising 
gently  from  Wolf  Creek  (which,  by  the  way, 
contains  quantities  of  larg*^  trout),  and  com- 
manding a  lovely  view  of  the  broken  range  of  the 
Rockies  on  the  east.  We  had  not  time,  unfortu- 
nately, to  make  a  thorough  examination  of  the 
place,  but  saw  enough  to  convince  us  that  Mr. 
Humphreys  had  been  exceedingly  fortunate  in 
securing  so  fine  a  tract  of  land,  on  which  all  the 
fencing  and  building  had  been  done  in  the  most 
substantial  manner  by  two  hard-working  coun- 
trymen, from  whom  he  bought  it  at  a  most  rea- 
sonable figure.  .-> 

We  declined  all  offers  of  hospitality,  and  rode 
on  two  miles  farther,  where  we  stopped  for  dinner 
by  the  shores  of  a  beautiful  little  lake.  Grassy 
slopes  and  glades  opened  out  of  the  forest  down 
to  its  very  waters.  These  were  broken  near  the 
banks  by  lines  of  reeds,  offering  a  good  cover  for 
numbers  of  wild  duck  ;  a  brace  of  these  my  hus- 
band secured  for  our  midday  meal.  We  were  in 
the  saddle  and  off  again  before  three  o'clock,  and 
continued  to  ride  for  miles  over  the  same  wooded 
park  country  I  have  described,   following  the 




Ontario  to  the  Paoifio, 

course  of  the  Eootenay,  which  came  occasionally 
into  view.  We  passed  on  our  way  beside  a  long, 
winding  lake  or  inlet  from  the  river,  framed  in  a 
background  of  dark  trees  and  hills,  reminding 
me  of  many  views  I  had  seen  of  ^he  English  lake 
country ;  in  fact,  the  beautifully  cultivated  ap- 
pearance of  the  Kootenay  Valley,  with  its  bound- 
less meadows  of  native  grass,  impresses  the  mind 
with  an  idea  of  civilisation  and  settlement,  yield- 
ing only  to  the  absence  of  houses  and  human  be- 
ings. We  gradually  descended  from  high  ground 
late  in  the  afternoon  and  entered  upon  a  broad 
bit  of  prairie  rejoicing  in  the  name  of  Bummers* 
Flats,  which  extends  between  the  river  and  the 
wooded  country  above  ;  it  is  used  by  the  Indians 
as  a  race-course,  and  is  certainly  a  spot  which 
every  devotee  of  the  turf  might  envy  them.  We 
made  the  b'^st  of  time  over  it  for  a  distance  of 
two  miles,  when  the  trail  led  us  again  on  to  high 
ground,  and  we  pitched  our  tent  for  the  fifth  and 
last  night  under  canvas,  by  a  small  stream  em- 
bowered in  trees,  and  known  as  Six-Mile  Creek. 
We  found  the  Kocky  Mountains  close  to  us  again, 
and  I  enjoyi^d  gazing  up  once  more  into  their 
purple  depths.     The  evening  was  clear  and  not 


By  the  C.  P,  R. 


unpleasantly  cool,  and  the  forest  dell  where  we 
were  encamped,  with  its  mountain  foreground, 
and  the  silver  crescent  of  the  moon  rising  behind 
us  among  fine  trees,  seemed  to  me  a  typical 
sylvan  retreat  worthy  of  *'  Midsummer  Night's 

Our  camping-gi^ound  at  Six-Mile  Greek  proved 
80  seductive  that,  the  following  day  being  Sun- 
day, we  unwittingly  assumed  the  privileges  asso- 
ciated with  the  sabbath,  and  slept  late,  viz., 
until  after  eight  o'clock;  consequently  it  was 
ten  before  a  start  was  effected.  We  continued 
our  way  then  over  the  high  grass  benches  on 
which  we  had  sojourned  the  previous  night,  and 
followed  the  course  of  the  river  farther  and  far- 
ther up  the  beautiful  Kootenay  Valley.  A  cold 
wind  blew  down  upon  us  from  the  Eocky  Moun- 
tains, near  which  we  were  riding,  and  made  the 
temperature  anything  but  agreeable  for  early 
September  weather,  especially  as  the  sun  was 
concealed  behind  heavy  gray  clouds,  while  masses 
of  mist  rolled  along  the  sides  of  the  range,  and 
threatened  every  moment  to  envelop  us  in  sheets 
of  rain.  We  caught  occasional  glimpses  of  the 
Eootenay  winding  far  below  us  through  its  yel- 




Ontario  to  the  Pacific. 

low  hay  marshes  and  extensiye  flats,  similar  in 
character  to  the  one  we  had  traversed  on  Satur- 
day. At  noon  we  reached  the  second  crossing 
of  the  river.  Here  the  ferryman  had  a  pictur- 
esque log  house,  cUarmingly  situated  on  a  cliff 
high  above  the  water,  and  commanding  a  most 
extensive  view  of  the  country  we  had  just  ridden 
through,  as  well  as  that  upon  which  we  were 
about  to  turn  our  backs.  We  dismounted  and 
descended  on  foot  the  steep  gravel  road  leading 
down  to  the  Kootenay,  which  we  crossed,  animals 
and  riders,  in  a  large  flat-bottomed  scow,  pro- 
pelled by  the  force  of  the  current  and  worked 
with  pulleys  upon  a  heavy  rope  stretched  in 
primitive  fashion  from  a  tree  on  one  bank  to 
a  tree  on  the  other,  the  ri\  ■.  here  being  only 
some  hundred  feet  wide  at  low  water.  Mounting 
again,  we  left  the  Kootenay  behind  us,  and  rode 
on  through  a  wooded  bottom  of  young  poplars, 
where  some  grouse  got  up  under  our  horses' 
feet,  but  escaped  into  the  thick  cover  about  us. 
We  soon  came  to  the  end  of  this  flat,  and  as- 
cended a  high  hill  into  more  park  country  be- 
yond. A  gallop  over  this  brought  us  to  one  of 
Bk  cha»in  of  small  lakes  covered  with  wild  fowl, 

By  the  C.  P.  B. 



where  we  stopped  to  dine,  and  were  en  route 
again  by  three  o'clock;  we  bad  not  gone  far 
before  the  threatening  clouds  of  mist  descended 
upon  us  in  a  solid,  penetrating  rain.  After  can- 
tering on  for  about  a  mile  through  this  damp 
medium,  Colonel  Baker's  rancbe  came  suddenly 
into  view,  and  was  hailed  with  proportionate 
delight.  It  consists  of  a  number  of  detached 
buildings  situated  on  a  gently-rising  ground  from 
the  broad  plain  below,  which  stretches  away  to 
some  wooded  grass  henches  and  is  bounded  in 
the  gray  distance  by  the  main  range  of  the 
Bocky  Mouirtains  rising  in  serrated  peaks  upon 
the  horizon. 





We  received  the  warmest  of  welcomes,  and  were 
soon  drying  ourselves  over  a  huge  fire  in  the 
sitting-room.  The  house  proper  is  a  long,  low, 
log  building,  entered  by  a  hall  its  full  width, 
whose  walls  were  decorated  with  numerous  sad- 
dles, bridles,  and  other  equestrian  appointments ; 
from  this,  one  door  opened  upon  a  succession  of 
bedrooms,  occupying  all  the  available  space  upon 


'  K 



Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

that  side;  the  other  upon  the  typical,  or  rather 
ideal,  living  room  of  a  gentleman's  residence  in 
the  wilds  of  British  Columbia.  This  apartment 
is  very  large,  and  was  filled  with  chairs,  lounges, 
tables,  and  bookshelves;  a  gun-rack,  with  nine 
handsome  rifles  and  various  implements  of  the 
rod  and  chase,  occupied  a  prominent  position  on 
one  side,  almost  opposite  to  a  writing-desk  of 
business-like  proportions,  with  pigeon-holes  filled 
with  papers  and  documents.  The  crowning  fea- 
ture of  the  whole  is  an  enormous  fireplace  at 
the  end,  quite  large  enough  to  roast  the  pro- 
verbial ox,  which  certainly  accommodates  a  full- 
length  cordwood  stick  with  perfect  ease.  Above 
the  high  mantel-piece  a  magnificent  cariboo's 
head  reigned  monarch  of  all  he  survv3yed,  as  no 
doubt  his  owner  had  done  in  his  day,  and  below 
this  were  the  spiral  horns  of  a  small,  white- 
tailed  deer,  killed  near  the  ranche.  The  floor  was 
covered  with  rugs  and  matting ;  the  walls  were 
adorned  with  coloured  pictures  from  the  Graphic 
and  Illustrated  News;  and  the  windows  com- 
mand  an  extensive  view  to  the  west,  of  rolling 
mountains  and  wooded  plains,  with  the  noble 
Selkirk  Eange  lying  in  the  distanc^t 

By  the  G,  P.  M. 


The  rain  continued  to  descend  in  torrents  until 
late  in  the  evening,  and  we  congratulated  our- 
selves heartily  on  being  under  a  roof.  We  found 
the  same  party  of  Englishmen  (which,  however, 
included  Mr.  Forbes,  part  owner  of  the  celebrated 
American  yacht,  Puritan,  himself  a  Bostonian), 
whom  we  had  met  and  camped  with  in  the  Koote- 
nay  woods;  they  were,  like  ourselves,  enjoying 
Col.  Baker's  hospitality,  and  we  spenl  a  most 
agreeable  evening,  discussing  various  adventures 
by  land  and  water,  and  relating  our  personal 
experience  in  the  country.  We  found  they  had 
only  arrived  twb  hours  before  us,  having  crossed 
the  Kootenay  Biver  after  we  parted  from  them, 
and  followed  a  different  trail  from  ours  up  the 
opposite  side  of  the  valley.*  The  following  morn- 
ing we  realised  one  of  the  numerous  phases  of 
ranche  life  in  the  departure  of  these  gentlemen^ 
with  numerous  pack-horses  and  packers,  on  a 
hunting  expedition  in  Montana.  Another  Eng- 
lishman, who  had  been  shooting  for  two  months 
in  the  Kocky  Mountains  with  a  solitary  attend- 
ant, and  also  turned  up  the  previous  evening, 
drenched  to  the  skin,  made  his  exit  with  four 
more  horses  a  couple  of  hours  later  in  another 

i  '  i 






Onta/rio  to  the  Pacific, 

direction.  The  arrival  and  departure  of  travel 
lers  and  hunters  serves  to  break  the  monotony  of 
ranche  life  in  the  interior,  where  communica- 
tion with  the  outer  world  is  maintained  only 
by  a  mul  once  in  six  weeks  and  the  society  of 
fellow-creatures  is  warmly  appreciated  amid  so 
much  unavoidable  isolation. 

The  day  broke  decidedly  damp  and  chilly,  with 
a  heavy  mist  hanging  over  both  mountain  and 
valley;  but  a  rising  barometer  indicated  fine 
weather,  and  by  noon  all  the  clouds  had  dis- 
persed, and  a  glorious  sun  was  drying  up  the 
well- soaked  ground.  I  took  a  short  walk  with 
mine  host  after  lunch  to  see  some  of  the  beau- 
tiful views  that  Cranbrooke  boasts,  and  was 
lost  in  admiration  of  golden  stubble-fields,  a  mile 
long  and  a  mile  wide,  which.  Col.  Baker  having 
rescued  them  from  the  plain,  now  extend,  in 
well-fenced  lines,  to  the  distant  foothills  below 
the  mountains.  We  concluded  our  little  expe- 
dition by  a  visit  to  the  Palace  Hotel,  on  the  ^me 
property  and  not  far  from  the  house.  This  ramb- 
ling log-building  of  ambitious  nomenclature  was 
the  abode  of  a  prosperous  Chinaman,  known  in 
the  neighbourhood  as  the  ''Captain;"  his  rank 

By  the  C.  P.  R. 


dating,  I  believe,  from  the  time  when  he  com- 
manded a  pirate  junk.  Previous  to  his  nautical 
experiences  he  held  the  honourable  office  of 
Lord  High  Executioner  in  the  Celestial  Em- 
pire; and  a  notable  character  he  was — gray, 
grizzled,  and  communicative.  We  went  into  the 
Palace,  sat  down,  and  chatted  with  him  for  a 
time,  so  far  as  his  limited  command  of  the  Eng- 
lish language  would  p'ermit;  he  bestowed  upon 
me  some  delectable  condiments  called  China 
candy,  consisting  of  small,  dried  plums,  like 
prunes,  and  slices  of  sugared  citron,  not  par- 
ticularly clean.  His  "hotel**  was  the  resort  of 
all  bis  countrymen,  numbers  of  whom  were 
mininr  in  the  neighbourhood,  and  was  largely 
patronised.  The  room  we  entered  immediately 
from  the  door,  and  sat  in,  was  curiously  adorned 
with  a  tawdry  altar  and  Chinese  god,  placed  high 
above  my  head  on  the  wall,  while  the  partitions 
were  lavishly  decorated  with  brilliantly-coloured 
hieroglyphics.  The  lodgers  and  visitors  occupied 
open  bunks  supported  on  light  poles,  which  did 
not  look  inviting,  as  may  be  imagined. 

On  one  afternoon  Col.  Baker  and  I  rode  over 
to  the  Catholic  Mission  on  St.  Mary's  River,  about 


Onta/rio  to  the  Pacific. 

six  miles  distant.  The  trail  ran  for  a  consider- 
able distance  through  his  own  property,  and  was 
sufficiently  good  to  admit  of  cantering  all  the  way 
had  it  not  been  for  the  dust  and  the  warmth  of 
the  September  sun  at  two  o*clock  in  the  after- 
noon, which  induced  us  to  spai^a  ourselves  and 
horses,  an(^  oi^or  on  the  way,  so  that  nearly  an 
hour  and  a  lalf  elapsed  ere  we  reached  our  desti- 
nation. The  Mission  lay  ensconced  in  a  narrow 
valley,  and  was  approached  by  a  stony,  precipi- 
tous path,  which  we  descended,  threading  our 
way  between  rows  of  mud-covered  log-houses 
to  the  priest's  abode.  The  aspect  of  this  settle- 
ment was  both  suggestive  and  impressive ; 
it  filled  my  mind  with  an  unaccountable  and 
strange  depression.  There  is  an  unnatural  ele- 
ment about  semi-civilised  Indians  which  has  to 
be  actually  felt  to  be  appreciated.  The  Eedskin 
loses  his  picturesqueness  when  he  is  placed  with- 
in four  walls,  and  these  cabins,  some  fifty  in  num- 
ber, were  nearly  all  empty  and  deserted  at  this 
season,  their  occupants  being  engaged  in  hunt- 
ing and  fishing  to  provide  food  for  the  coming 
winter;  a  few  women  and  children  were  left 
behind,  and  these  came  out  of  their  doors  and 

By  the  G.  P.  R. 



stared  at  us  as  we  passed.  The  little  chapel, 
with  its  tall  belfry,  and  the  priest's  house  stand- 
ing in  a  large  garden  beside  it,  were  a  pleasant 
contrast,  with  their  clean,  fresh  wooden  walls, 
to  the  mud  structures  around  them.  We  dis- 
mounted, tied  our  horses  to  a  fence,  and  pass- 
ing through  a  gate  and  up  a  long  path,  rang 
a  large  bell  suspended  on  a  spring  outside  Father 
Fouquet*s  door.  The  clanging  summons  was 
responded  to  by  a  very  old  and  decrepit  Indian, 
who  admitted  us  into  a  small,  scantily  furnished 
apartment.  We  heard  a  distant  murmur  of 
voices,  and  concluded  that  the  priest  was  en- 
gaged with '  his  parishioners ;  he  soon  after 
appeared,  bringing  with  him  Dr.  Powell,  the 
Indian  Commissioner  from  Victoria,  whos^  advent 
we  had  long  been  expecting,  and  Mr.  Smythe, 
the  Premier  of  British  Columbia,  whose  visit 
was  an  unlooked-for  benefit  to  the  Kootenay  dis- 
trict. These  two  gentlemen  were  on  their  way 
to  Col.  Baker's  ranche,  but  had  turned  off  on  a 
wrong  trail,  and  found  themselves  at  the  mission 
instead  of  Cranbrooke.  While  they  were  engaged 
with  my  host  I  entered  into  a  long  conversation 
with   Father  Fouquet,  who  waa  a  Frenchman 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

born  and  bred,  and  spoke  with  a  somewhat  pro- 
vincial dia?f^ct,  at  the  same  time  expressing  him- 
self fluently  and  well.  I  learned  from  him  that 
the  mission  had  been  established  for  twenty- 
five  years,  during  thirteen  of  which  he  had  been 
in  charge,  assisted  by  a  Father  Eichard,  whom 
I  did  not  see.  I  had  been  already  much  struck 
by  the  work  of  the  Catholic  Church  in  this 
country, where  its  priests  have  lived  and  laboured 
for  years,  nearly  all  of  them  being  educated 
Frenchmen,  whose  lives  of  isolation  amid  tribes 
of  Indians,  in  the  centrei  of  an  immense  unsettled 
country,  are  certainly  heroic,  and  ai'e  a  noble 
testimony  to  the  religion  they  profess.  They 
must  have  been  subjected  to  trials  undreamt  of 
by  U8.  but  they  have,  in  most  instances,  become 
reconciled  to  their  fate.  Father  Fouquet  assured 
me  pathetically  that  if  the  Church  recalled  him 
he  should  feel  quite  out  of  his  element  in  the 
world ;  indeed,  he  seemed  to  have  lost  any  desire 
to  revisit  France,  and,  I  fancy,  will  end  his  days 
in  his  little  valley  among  the  Kootenay  Indians, 
to  whom  already  lie  has  devoted  the  best  years 
of  his  life.  The  influence  of  the  priests  in  the 
country  is  having  a  most  beneficial  effect  upon 

By  the  a  P.  R, 


nt  of 
b  the 
■a  the 

the  rising  generation  of  Indians.  It  is  to  the 
native  youth  and  their  education  that  they  have 
chiefly  applied  themselves,  realising,  with  their 
natural  quickness,  that  the  young  plants  may  be 
trained,  while  the  old  ones  can  only  be  pruned. 
That  they  have  wonderfully  civilised  the  children, 
the  two  boys  we  had  with  us,  of  twelve  and  nine- 
teen, were  excellent  examples  ;  they  always  began 
their  cooking  preparations  by  washing  off  the 
dust  of  their  ride,  and  never  touched  any  food 
unless  absolutely  necessary,  always  using  sticks 
or  forks — indeed,  they  handled  cutlery  in  general 
with  perfect  familiarity ;  never  helped  them- 
selves until  they  were  bidden,  and  in  divers  and 
sundry  ways  were  an  improvement  upon  their 
white  brethren  of  the  middle  classes. 

The  most  novel  experience  of  my  visit  to  Cran- 
brooke  was  a  dinner  party  given  by  Mr.  Norris, 
Her  Majesty's  Collector  of  Customc ,  whose  snug 
little  cottage  lies  not  a  stone*s-throw  from  Col. 
Baker's  house.  The  revenues  of  the  Dominion 
Government  have  been  considerably  increased  by 
this  small  office  which  has  been  in  existence  for 
eleven  years  or  more,  and  has  taken  consider- 
able toll  from  the  thousands  of  gallons  of  whiskey 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

brought  into  British  Columbia  from  the  States, 
the  direct  trail  from  Sand  Point,  on  the  borders 
of  Idaho  Territory,  passing  by  Mr.  Norris*s  door. 
The  party  in  question  was  given  in  honour  of  the 
Gold  Commissioner,  the  Indian  Commissioner, 
and  myself,  and  we  sat  down,  eight  in  number,  to 
a  most  sumptuous  repast  prepared  by  the  skilful 
hands  of  the  best  Chinese  cook  in  the  district,  to 
which  we  did  ample  justice.  Wine  and  whiskey 
flowed  freely,  and  I  can  truthfully  say  that  no 
more  generous  entertainment  was  ever  given  in 
Kootenay,  or  one  which  reflected  more  credit 
upon  our  gallant  host  pro  tern. 


I  AM  indebted  to  Colonel  Baker,  late  of  the 
Blues,  who  has  resided  for  two  years  in  Koote- 
nay and  was  this  summer  elected  by  a  Conserva- 
tive majority  to  represent  the  district  in  the 
Provincial  Parliament  at  Victoria,  for  the  follow- 
ing information  about  this  part  of  British  Colum- 
bia, with  the  subjoined  particulars  of  its  climate, 
resources,  and  capabilities  :  , 

By  the  C.  P.  R. 





His  ranohe,  Cranbroolre,  situated  on  Joseph's 
Prairie,  not  far  from  the  Kootenay  River,  is  8,068 
feet  above  the  level  of  the  sea  ;  it  contains  10,000 
acres,  400  enclosed,  and  lies  in  the  centre  of  a 
gold-bearing  region,  of  which  Perry  Creek,  nine 
miles  distant,  is  the  most  remarkable  example, 
several  hundred  thousand  dollars  having  been 
taken  from  it.  But  at  Palmer's  Bay,  in  the  imme- 
diate vicinity,  only  $10  a  day  are  now  obtained. 
.  The  soJl  on  this  extensive  property  is  a  rich 
vegetable  loam,  differing  from  the  Kootenay 
bottom  lands,  which  are  rich  sand  loam,  while 
the  large  benches  on  both  sides  of  the  river  are 
a  rich  sandy  loam.  The  fertility  of  the  land 
about  Cranbrooke  is  evident  from  the  fine  quality 
of  its  vegetables,  roots,  and  grains.  Pease  and 
cucumbers,  grown  in  the  open  air,  were  produced 
in  constant  succession  from  the  middle  of  June 
till  the  middle  of  September,  when  I  enjoyed 
them  both.  Potatoes  and  cabbages  attained  an 
abnormal  size ;  one  of  the  latter,  which  was 
weighed  during  my  visit  early  in  September, 
when  then  not  fully  developed,  reached  twenty- 
three  pounds.  A  sunflower  measured  three  feet 
seven   inches  round  the   seed-bed.     The  black 



Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

wax-bean  (a  delicate  plant)  grew  to  perfection. 
Hops  covered  the  houses  in  wild  profusion.  The 
quality  of  beet-root  produced  is  extremely  rich  in 
saccharine  matter,  and  heavy  crops  have  been 
raised  without  any  irrigation.  Alfalfa,  a  species 
of  lucerne,  has  been  cultivated  with  great  success. 
The  winter  is  short ;  snow  usually  appears  about 
the  end  of  December,  and  disappears  at  the 
beginning  of  March,  never  exceeding  fifteen 
inches  in  depth ;  occasionally  there  are  snow- 
falls in  November,  but  these  are  soon  dispersed 
by  the  warn*  sun.  The  weather  during  this 
season  is,  on  the  whole,  comparatively  mild ; 
but  cold  waves  of  a  few  days*  duration  do  occur, 
and  the  thermometer  has  fallen  to  as  low  as  30'' 
below  zero.  The  maximum  and  minimum  tem- 
peratures in  the  shade  on  the  29th  January,  1886, 
were  57°  and  33°  Fahrenheit.  The  geological 
strata  is  of  the  Laurentian  and  Cambrian  sys- 
tems, merging  into  the  Carboniferous,  as  the  Elk 
Eiver  district  is  approached.  The  timber  is  com- 
posed chiefly  of  large  pines  (ih.e  Pinus  pondero8a)j 
which  often  attain  ta  four  feet  in  diameter,  and 
make  excellent  lum,ber.  The  Douglas  Fir  also 
reaches  a  diameter  of  three  feet,  and  there  is  a 

'       ^  'Si.         #s 

By  the  G.  P.  B. 


valuable  variety  of  larch,  commonly  called  the 
tamarac,  which  differs  materially  from  the  spe- 
cies of  that  name  common  in  the  low  country. 
This  mountain  kind  is  remarkable  for  its  dura- 
ble qualities  in  water,  and  it  makes  £irst-class 
wood  for  building  purposes.  Among  the  decidu- 
ous trees  are  the  poplar,  alder,  and  birch. 
It  is  thought  that  the  larger  fruits,  such  as 
apples,  pears,  and  plums,  may  be  successfully 
cultivated,  as  the  smaller  berries,  including  cur- 
rants, gooseberries,  raspberries,  and  strawberries, 
grow  abundantly. 

The  capabilities  of  the  Upper  Kootenay  Valley 
and  the  Columbia  Lake  region  for  cattle-ranching 
and  horse-breeding  are  of  a  very  high  order, 
especially  the  latter,  as  horses  can  range  at  large 
during  the  whole  winter  without  extra  food  pr 
shelter,  and  thrive  in  a  wonderful  manner  upon 
the  natural  bunch-grass  of  the  country.  With 
regard  to  cattle  it  is  considered  advisable  to  pro- 
vide open  shelter-sheds  for  the  cold  weather,  and 
to  furnish  them  with  a  moderate  amount  of 
fodder,  which  can  be  procured  in  abundance 
from  the  hay-marshes  extending  throughout  the 
country.     A  very  necessary  item  in  stock-raising 


Ontario  to  the  Fdci/ic, 

is  the  quantity  and  quality  of  the  water.  It  is 
alKindant  everywhere ;  large  rivers  flow  in  every 
valley,  and  numbers  of  fine  creeks  are  met  with 
in  all  directions,  containing  water  as  pure  and 
clear  as  can  be  met  with  anywhere  in  the  world, 
as  well  as  excellent  trout. 

Although  there  is  a  great  quantity  of  game  in 
British  Columbia,  such  as  cariboo,  elk,  bear, 
black  and  white  tailed  deer,  and  mountain  sheep 
and  goats,  they  are  very  difficult  to  obtain  on 
account  of  the  dense  forests  to  be  met  with  in 
the  mountain  region,  and  the  number  of  Indi- 
ans constantly  engaged  in  hunting.  It  should 
also  be  borne  in  mind  that  it  is  well-nigh 
impossible  to  have  any  sport  without  the  guid- 
ance pnd  assistance  of  some  experienced  Indian 
well  acquainted  with  the  country.  White  men, 
with  very  few  exceptions,  are  practically  useless. 

The  Gold  Commissioner,  Mr.Vowell,  of  Donald, 
and  the  Indian  Commissioner,  Dr.  Powell,  of 
Victoria,  with  Mr.  Smythe,  the  Premier  of  British 
Columbia,  arrived  at  Kootenay  a  week  after  we 
did,  and  camped  upon  the  ranche,  with  the  ex- 
ception of  Mr.  Smythe,  who  became,  like  our- 
selves,  a  guest  of  Col.  Baker's.     On  the  day 


By  the  G.  P.  R. 


before  the  Premier's  departure  a  deputation  of 
the  settlers  in  the  district  waited  upon  him  to 
welcome  him  to  the  country,  and  to  request  his 
able  assistance  with  the  Provincial  Government 
in  furthering  the  development  of  Kootenay. 
These  objects  were  admirably  expressed  and  laid 
before  Mr.  Smythe  by  Colonel  Baker,  their  repre- 
sentative, who  called  his  attention  to  the  pressing 
need  of  a  waggon-road  between  Golden  City  and 
the  Upper  Kootenay,  to  facilitate  the  conveyance 
of  sup}  ies  at  present  carried  by  pack-trains,  and 
also  to  place  the  settlers  within  reach  of  a  central 
market  on  the  Canadiau  Pacific  Eailway.  Mr. 
Smythe  replied  to  Col.  Baker's  address  in  a  short 
and  concise  speech,  saying  he  had  come  among 
the  people  and  penetrated  into  the  interior  of 
the  country,  which  he  believed  no  Premier  had 
ever  done  before,  to  try  to  ascertain  what  were 
the  requirements  of  the  settlers,  and  bring 
them  before  the  House  when  it  met.  He  hoped 
to  connect  the  Upper  Kootenay  Valley  with  the 
outer  world  both  by  land  and  water,  through  the 
Columbia  and  Kootenay  Rivers,  which  could  be 
joined  by  a  canal  and  made  navigable  from 
Golden  City  to  the  interior. 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 


I  saw  also,  this  winter,  in  the  Canada  Gazette 
that  **  application  is  made  for  the  ir  3orporaiion 
of  the  Golden  City  and  Kootenay  Kailway  Com- 
pany, to  build  a  line  of  railway  from  Golden 
City  up  the  Columbia  Eiver  to  the  head  of 
Columbia  Lake,  and  then  down  the  Kootenay  to 
St.  Mary's,  and  thence  to  Cranburgh  "  (presuma- 
bly meant  for  Cranbrooke).  ^ 


We  had  beautiful  weather  during  my  visit  to 
Cranbrooke.  Days  of  cloudless  sunshine  suc- 
ceeded each  other  only  too  quickly,  till  the  inevi- 
table Thursday  arrived  that  bore  us  away  from 
the  hospitable  ranche  and  kind  host,  who  will 
ever  be  associated  with  my  pleasantest  memo- 
ries of  British  Columbia. 

We  left  Col.  Baker's  at  two  o'clock  on  Septem- 
ber 16th,  homeward  bound,  and  made  twelve  miles 
during  the  afternoon,  camping  for  the  night  on 
the  wooded  poplar  flats  near  the  west  bank  of  the 
Kootenay  River,  which  we  found  an  extremely 
damp  and  chilly  spot ;  so  much  so  that  the  fol- 



By  the  0,  P.  R. 


lowing  morning  revealed  half  an  inch  of  ice  on 
some  water  left  standing  in  a  pan.  The  tem- 
perature was  by  no  means  balmy  and  genial  at 
six  a.m.;  and,  after  a, hurried  breakfast,  we  were 
extremely  glad  to  warm  our  benumbed  bodies  by 
a  short  gallop  to  the  ferry,  where  we  again  crossed 
in  the  scow,  with  its  primitive  rope  and  pully, 
described  previously. 

At  the  top  of  the  hill,  on  the  e?ii  side,  we 
parted  with  our  pack-horses  and  Indian  boys, 
and  diverged  from  the  main  trail  to  visit  Wild 
Horse  Creek,  the  most  celebrated  mining  ground 
of  the  Kootenay  district.  Twenty  years  ago 
3,000  men  were  at  work  in  this  isolated  spot,  out 
of  which  over  $12,000,000  have  been  taken.  We 
covered  the  distance  of  five  miles  in  a  little  over 
an  hour,  part  of  the  trail  being  extremely  rocky 
and  precipitous.  The  creek  itself  runs  through 
a  deep  canyon,  whose  course  we  followed  for  a 
couple  of  miles.  Huge  mountain  peaks  faced  us, 
towering  over  9,000  feet  on  the  opposite  side  of 
the  narrow  gorge,  and  frowning  down  upon  us 
in  all  the  majesty  of  their  solemn  grandeur. 
The  camp,  or  settlement,  at  Wild  Horse  consists 
of  a  few  Government  buildings,  a  large  general 



Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

store,  and  a  number  of  log  cabins  with  small 
gardens  attached ,  occupied  and  cultivated  entirely 
by  the  ubiquitous  Celestials,  upwards  of  one  hun- 
dred of  whom  now  populate  this  scene  of  departed 
glory.  We  lunched  at  the  Government  office 
with  the  Gold  Commissioner,  and  after  our  repast 
walked  half  a  mile  further  up  the  creek  over  an 
immense  area  of  ground  which  had  been  com- 
pletely washed  out  years  ago  by  white  men  of  all 
nationalities,  and  was  now  a  mass  of  rocks,  cUhriSf 
and  fine  gravel,  forming  anything  but  a  pleasant 
footpath ;  *  indeed,  it  would  have  been  utterly 
impassible  but  for  the  constant  contact  of  Chinese 
shoe  leather,  which  had  made  some  semblance 
of  a  road. 

The  view  from  this  point  was  very  striking ; 
we  were  in  the  heart  of  the  Eocky  Mountains ; 
the  creek,  a  mere  thread,  lay  far  below  us ;  on 
each  side  of  it,  as  far  as  the  eye  could  reach, 
extended  a  desolate  waste  of  rocks,  stones,  and 
boulders.  It  would  be  difficult  to  imagine  a 
more  impressive  spectacle  than  this  chaos  of 
distorted  nature.  Both  steep  gravel  banks  were 
seamed  with  wooden  troughs,  carrying  water 
from  the  high  ground  above ;  while  far  in  the 

I!  I 

By  the  a  PR, 


distance  a  magnificent  range  of  mountains  ap- 
peared to  enclose  the  valley  in  a  species  of 

Several  Chinamen  were  diligently  engaged  in 
digging  and  washing  down  earth  on  the  opposite 
side  of  the  creek,  and  presently,  to  my  great 
satisfaction,  we  came  upon  two  of  them  at  work 
not  far  from  where  we  stood.  We  managed  to 
circumvent  the  masses  of  Soil  and  gravel  scat- 
tered about  us,  and  took  the  opportunity  to 
investigate  their  proceedings.  A  small  stream 
of  water  was  led  through  a  wooden  trough  from 
some  neighbouring  creek  to  the  edge  of  the  valley, 
sixty  feet  above  our  heads.  From  there  it  fell  in 
a  cascade  on  to  another  inclined  trough  below, 
rolling  great  stones  and  quantities  of  gravel  down 
with  the  force  of  its  fall ;  these  were  extracted 
from  the  trough,  or  propelled  along  it,  by  a 
Chinaman  armed  with  a  heavy  hooked  pitchfork 
and  an  iron  crowbar,  which  implements  he  hand- 
led most  dexterously.  Another  Celestial  stood 
some  feet  above  him,  and  played  with  a  canvas 
hose  supplied  from  a  different  trough  of  water  - 
on  the  bank  above,  upon  a  mound  of  earth  and 
gravel,  which  was  driven  into  a  second  inclined 


I;  i 

t  11 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 


trough,  connected  at  an  angle  with  the  first. 
This  large  body  of  accumulated  water  rushed  in 
a  dirty  foaming  torrent  along  its  wooden  bed,  to 
an  accompaniment  of  the  pounding  and  grinding 
of  great  stones,  and  poured  from  it  down  a  steep 
slope  to  the  creek  below.  The  earth  and  fine 
gravel  deposited  by  the  water  sinks  to  the  bottom 
of  the  troughs  or  boxes,  between  the  interstices 
of  the  poles  or  ripples,  and  at  the  end  of  the  week 
is  collected,  taken  out  and  washed  over  again 
by  hand  to  extract  the  particles  of  gold.  The 
wealth  of  Wild  Horse  is  supposed  to  be  exhausted, 
but  the  Chinese  are  industrious  and  indefatigable, 
and  there  are  claims,  I  was  told,  owuod  and 
worked  by  them,  which  yield  from  $2,000  to 
$6,000  a  year.  ^ 

After  thoroughly  inspecting  their  operations, 
which  are  described  as  hydraulic  mining,  and 
closely  resemble  the  placer  mining  so  much 
talked  of  in  British  Columbia,  we  mounted  our 
horses  and  rode  from  Wild  Horse  by  another  and 
simpler  trail  to  Six-mile  Creek,  taking  with  us 
the  Collector  of  Customs,  Mr.  Anderson,  and  a 
young  Englishman,  who  was  in  charge  of  some 
pack-horses  bound  for  the  Columbia  Lakes.    Our 

Bv  the  a  P.  R 


increased  party  was  to  serve  as  escort  to  Mr. 
Smythe,  the  Premier  of  British  Columbia,  who 
joined  us  at  our  camp,  where  we  arrived  at  four 
o'clock,  he  having  ridden  directly  from  Col. 
Baker's  that  day.  We  were  now  eight  in  num- 
ber, with  thirteen  horses  among  us,  and  our  three 
tents  and  two  large  fires  made  quite  an  imposing 
** outfit"  The  weather  had  been  so"  dai^p  and 
cold  all  day  that  we  were  truly  glad  to  gather 
round  the  burning  logs  and  partake  of  supper. 
The  return  journey  from  Six-Mile  Greek  to  the 
Upper  Columbia  Lake  covered  much  the  same 
ground  as  we  had  passed  over  on  our  way  to 
Kootenay,  except  that  under  the  able  guidance 
of  Mr.  Anderson,  an  old  resident  of  the  district, 
we  left  the  main  trail  at  Wolf  Creek  near  where 
it  led  along  the  steep  gravel  cliffs  beside  the 
Kootenay,  with  a  tremendous  descent  and  ascent 
at  Sheep  Creek,  and  entered  upon  the  newly- 
prospected  Government  waggon  road,  which  runs 
through  a  beautifully  wooded,  park-like  country 
some  miles  from  the  nver,  over  a  remarkably 
even  grade.  The  September  sun  was  so  particu- 
larly warm  and  penetrating  that  we  were  duly 
grateful  for  the  cool  shade  afforded  by  the  mag- 


Ontario  to  the  PacifiCy 

nificent  evergreens  under  which  we  rode  all  the 
afternoon.  At  five  o'clock,  Mr.  Andei'son  pro- 
posed that  we  should  turn  oflf  the  Government 
road  for  the  benefit  of  a  particularly  attractive 
camping  ground  which  he  could  point  out,  in  a 
spot  known  only  to  himself  and  a  few  others,  and 
not  even  located  upon  any  map  of  the  Province. 
It  certainly  far  surpassed  our  most  san  {uine 
expectations.  After  an  abrupt  descent  frc  a  the 
woods  through  which  we  had  been  riding,  and 
a  short  canter  across  an  open  grassy  plateau,  a 
sudden  turn  revealed  a  beautiful  little  lake  lying 
immedia^ly  at  the  base  of  the  Rocky  Mountains, 
which  rose  in  woods  and  crags  from  its  surface, 
and  were  tinted  with  every  shade  of  purple,  blue, 
amber,  and  gold  by  the  rays  of  the  setting  sun, 
each  faithfully  reflected  in  the  water  with  a 
softening  of  the  gorgeous  colouring  as  delicate  as 
indescribable.  The  land  on  the  opposite  side, 
by  which  we  approached,  was  all  in  shadow,  and 
sloped  down  to  the  lake  in  a  succession  of  bold 
wooded  promontories,  every  tree  and  stone  of 
which  were  likewise  repeated  in  sombre  tones, 
the  light  and  shade  meeting  curiously  in  the 
centre  of  the   sheet  of  water,  with  a  strange 

By  the  G.  P.  R. 


mirage  effect.  It  is  called  by  the  Indians  Pasil- 
qua  Lake,  which  has  to  my  ear  a  soft,  suggestive 
sound,  very  appropriate  to  it ;  it  seemed  about 
five  miles  long,  and  of  varying  width,  the  lower 
end  (opposite  which  we  pitched  our  tents  on  a 
high  grass  cliff)  being  entirely  concealed  from 
viBw  by  the  farthest  headland,  which  hid  the' 
sweep  of  its  glistening  waters,  while  a  distant 
golden  mountain  formed  the  background  of  the 
picture,  in  which  Nature  at  that  hour  seemed  to 
have  exhausted  her  paletke.  With  the  soft  even- 
ing lights  of  a  perfectly  cloudless  sky,  without  a 
sound  in  the  air  above  or  on  the  earth  beneath, 
the  scene,  as  we  drew  rein  and  gazed,  would 
alone  have  repaid  the  most  arduous  journey. 

We  were  also  indebted  to  Mr.  Anderson  for  the 
situation  of  our  third  night's  camp,  on  the  east 
side  of  the  Upper  Columbia  Lake,  to  reach  which 
we  again  turned  off  the  main  trail.  The  same 
view  which  had  been  veiled  from  our  eyes  by 
thick  smoke  from  forest  fires  a  fortnight  before 
now  lay  spread  out  before  us,  a  vision  of  unri- 
valled beauty,  as  strong  a  contrast  by  its  large 
proportions,  wide  horizon,  and  simple  evening 
light,  to  Lake  Pasilqua  as  can  be  imagined.    The 



Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

broad  waters  of  the  Columbia  Lake  lay  shimmer- 
ing also  in  the  light  of  a  8uu  fast  descending 
behind  the  distant  Selkirk  liange,  which  faced 
us  on  the  opposite  shore,  while  the  Rocky  Moun- 
tains rose  immediately  behind  us,  a  lofty  wall  of 
granite,  covered  with  a  scanty  growth  of  stunted 
pine  trees.  This  sheet  of  wat:r  is  nine  miles 
long  by  two  wide  Where  we  encamped,  close  to 
a  little  stream  which  gushed  out  of  the  mountain 
side  not  a  quarter  of  a  mile  from  our  tent,  it  was 
alive  with  ducks  and  large  flocks  of  geese,  unfor- 
tunately to  be  reached  only  by  a  boat.  We  suc- 
ceeded in  losing  two  of  our  horses  during  the 
night,  and  my  husband  and  I  had  to  make  our 
appearance  at  Mr.  Armstrong's  the  next  morning, 
mounted  upon  an  Indian  pony  and  a  cayuse,  a 
somewhat  ignominious  advent ;  fortunately,  how- 
ever, we  picked  up  our  truant  steeds  making 
the  best  of  their  way  home  in  apparent  enjoy- 
ment of  their  unwonted  freedom,  and  were  able 
to  return  them  to  the  ranche  sound  in  wind 
and  limb,  and  in  better  condition  than  we  had 
received  them  in,  with  a  grateful  appreciation  of 
their  enduring  qualities  and  sure-footedness. 

By  the  a  P.  H, 



We  found  that  an  open  boat  was  about  to  start 
from  Mr.  Armstrong's  down  the  Columbia  Lake 
and  River  to  meet  the  steamer  Duchess,  and  we 
succeeded  in  prevailing  upon  one  of  the  gentle- 
men from  the  ranche,  who  was  to  embark  in  her 
with  a  French-Canadian  boatman,  to  take  us  on 
board,  as  we  were  somewhat  weary  of  the  saddle, 
and  expected  to  economise  time  by  the  change. 

We  bid  adieu  to  our  Kootenay  friends,  and, 
in  company  with  Mr.  Smythe,  were  launched 
upon  the  lake  in  a  boat  similar  to  those  usdd 
for  lumbering  on  the  Ottawa.  This  craft  was 
twenty-eight  feet  long  .  by  four  broad;  solidly 
built,  and  pointed  at  both  ends.  Her  carrying 
capacity  seemed  unlimited,  as  she  accommodated 
six  persons,  with  their  baggage  and  effects,  in- 
cluding saddles,  bridles,  blankets,  and  a  mat- 
tress. We  started  at  half-past  eleven  o'clock 
with  a  fair  wind,  which  soon  induced  us  to  hoist 
an  apology  for  a  sail,  by  whose  assistance  we 
made  rapid  progress  down  the  lake,  enjoying  the 
beautiful  scenery  as  it  extended  before  us  on 
both  sides  of  the  water.     Numbers  of  ducks  and 



Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

V  I 

geese,  aroused  by  the  noise  of  the  boat,  flew 
away  on  our  approach,  always  succeeding  in 
keeping  juet  out  of  guuahoi.  After  an  hour's 
dehghtlul  sail  we  entered  the  reedy  channel 
which  forms  the  commencement  of  the  river 
and  connects  the  Upper  with  the  Middle,  or  Mud 
Lake,  as  it  is  called.  We  drifted  down  this  for 
some  distance  with  the  current  until  we  got  into 
ver^'^  swift  water.  The  river  now  dashed  along' 
between  snags  and  stones,  its  shallow  nature 
obliging  us  to  keep  closo  to  the  bank,  where  the 
force  of  the  current  had  hollowed  out  a  channel. 
Down  this  we  rushed  under  overhanging  boughs 
and  dead  trees,  avoiding  debris  of  all  kinds.  My 
husband,  Mr.  Smythe,  and  I  were  obliged  to 
double  ourselves  up  in  the  bottom  of  the  boat, 
wliere  we  listened  with  suppressed  emotion  to 
the  dragging  of  the  branches  over  our  heads  and 
the  grating  of  stones  and  snags  under  our  feet, 
and  wondered  if  we  should  ever  come  out  alive. 
By  what  gymnastic  feats  the  French-Canadian 
who  was  poling  in  front,  and  the  gentleman  who 
was  steering  behind,  managed  to  retain  their 
places  in  the  boat  will  ever  reiHain  a  mystery 
to  me.     One  man  had   been  upset   from  this 

By  the  G,  P.  R. 


very  boat,  and  another  pinned  to  his  seat  by  a 
dead  tree  and  only  rescued  by  great  presence  of 
mind,  during  a  preceding  season  while  navigat- 
ing this  bit  of  river.  We  passed  several  nasty, 
dangerous  places,  each  one  worpe  than  the  last, 
fortunately  with  intervals  of  plain  sailing,  or 
rather  poling,  between,  when  we  were  allowed  to 
raise  our  heads  and  anathematise  the  Columbia. 
About  the  middle  of  this  part  of  the  river,  how- 
ever, the  current  seemed  to  subside  into  a  deep 
stream,  down  which  we  floated  quietly  towards 
the  second  lake,  camping  on  a  wooded  point  for 
dinner  and  a  well-earned  rest  before  we  entered 
the  lake.  We  were  off  again  by  half-past  three 
o'clock,  and  had  to  pole  the  whole  way  across 
Mud  Lake,  each  member  of  our  party  taking 
turns  for  an  hour  to  relieve  the  crew.  The 
amount  of  game  upon  this  shallow  sheet  of 
water  was  almost  incredible.  Flocks  of  ducks 
as  numerous  as  crows  flew  in  all  directions,  and 
the  wild  geese  were  legion.  I  counted  one  flock 
of  forty-one,  besides  many  separate  pairs.  Owing 
to  the  lowness  of  the  water,  it  was  useless  to  at- 
tempt to  shoot  those  on  the  reed-beds,  which  the 
boat  could  not  approach,  while  the  others  kept 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

provokingly  out  of  range,  and  amid  all  this 
abundance  we  only  bbcured  one  plump  plover. 
The  Columbia  River,  between  Mud  and  the 
Lower  Lake,  flows  in  a  channel  of  an  entirely 
different  character  from  the  one  we  had  already 
passed  through.  Its  bed  is  very  deep,  and  the 
current  runs  swift  and  smooth  between  low  banks, 
clothed  with  high  bush  cranberries,  willows, 
and  cottonwool  trees,  brilliant  with  golden  yel- 
lows and  deep  Wimson  dashes  of  colour.  The 
reflections  in  the  water,  both  of  form  and  colour, 
were  intensely  vivid,  and  the  scene  was  one  of 
wild,  unique  beauty.  The  river  follows  a  winding 
course  for  six  miles  between  Mud  and  the  Lower 
Lake,  which  we  entered  just  as  it  was  growing 
dusk.  It  is  double  the  size  of  the  Upper,  or 
Head  Lake,  and  about  two  miles  broad,  but  very 
shallow,  and  full  of  reeds,  weeds,  and  aquatic 
plants.  The  wind  had  died  entirely  away  by 
this  time,  so  one  of  our  party,  with  the  aid  of 
the  boatman,  Joe,  rowed  the  boat  along  with  a 
pair  of  oars  which  would  have  been  the  despair 
of  a  modern  Argonaut  and  resembled  nothing 
so  much  as  a  couple  of  young  trees.     It  was 

e  imaj 

heavy  pulling,  as  may 

bgined,  with  th^ 

By  the  G,  P.  R. 


laden  boat ;  and,  after  making  our  way  slowly 
for  a  mile  and  a  half,  we  found  an  entrance 
through  the  reeds  to  the  west  bank  of  the  lake 
by  a  channel  made  for  the  steamer,  which  can 
penetrate  to  this  part  of  the  lake  at  high  water. 
Wood  had  been  cut  and  piled  here  for  her  use, 
and  when  we  ascended  the  steep  bank  by  a 
road  cut  through  the  bush,  we  found  ourselves 
on  the  top  of  a  grass  c!iflf  overlooking  the  whole 
extent  of  the  lake.  It  was  almost  too  dark,  how- 
ever, to  distinguish  anything,  being  seven  o'clock. 
In  a  marvellously  short  space  of  time  tents  were 
pitched,  a  huge  fire  burning,  and  active  prepara- 
tions for  supper  in  progress. 

We  were  otf  again  at  half-past  seven  the  next 
morning,  not  at  all  pleased  to  find  it  a  perfectly 
dull,  quiet  day, without  a  breath  of  wind  to  help  us 
on  our  way ;  the  view  across  the  lake,  too, was  com- 
pletely obscured  by  heavy  clouds  of  smoke,  and 
the  general  atmosphere  was  depressing.  80  wo 
all  took  our  seats  in  solemn  silence  upon  our 
various  articles  of  baggage,  and  had  to  take  to 
the  oars  again,  and  row  our  heavy  boat  the  whole 
length  of  the  Lower  Lake,  a  distance  of  twelve 
miles.     At  half-past  eleven  o'clock  we  hailed 


1  1 

-'  '    ■  i 



ffl ' 


f       '              ■ 


I                       i 

|m  I 

,<  t  M 

il ' 


ip ' 



f  ^- 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

with  delight  the  mouth  of  the  Columbia  River 
proper,  which  here  flows  with  a  very  swift  cur- 
rent. We  gladly  laid  aside  our  young  trees,  and 
poled  and  steered  our  craft  for  a  mile  or  more 
till  the  current  failed  us,  when  we  pulled  again 
for  six  weary  miles  and  made  Lilacs*  Landing, 
where  we  hoped  to  hear  some  news  of  the  steamer 
Duchess.  She  had  not,  however,  appeared  in  the 
neighbourhood,  so  we  went  on  a  mile  farther  down 
the  river,  where  two  gentlemen  were  encamped  on 
the  bank  in  charge  of  freight  and  stores  deposit- 
ed there  on  her  last  trip  to  await  transportation 
to  the  interior.  We  soon  discovered  their  re- 
treat, and  landed  just  in  time  for  dinner.  This 
repast  over,  we  pitched  our  tents  and  prepared 
to  await  the  arrival  of  the  Duchess,  I  spent  the 
afternoon  fishing  off  a  mud  bar,  and  was  lucky 
enough  to  secure  fourteen  fish,  which,  though 
of  no  size,  were  excellent  in  flavour  and  a  pleas- 
ant change  from  the  inevitable  bacon  and  potted 

We  had  an  excellent  and  most  picturesque 
camping-ground;  and  our  party  of  eight  was 
a  very  merry  one,  gathered  round  a  huge  fire 
of  large  logs,  over  which  we   sat  and  chatted 

By  the  G.  P.  R, 


until  a  late  hour,  there  being  no  prospect  of  an 
early  start  before  us.  The  following  morning 
was  fine  and  bright.  We  breakfasted  at  eight 
o'clock,  and  during  our  meal  a  high  wind  sprang 
up,  very  suggestive  of  an  equinoctial  gale,  and 
blew  for  twenty-four  hours;  we  lingered  and 
loafed  about  the  camp,  reading,  smoking,  and  fish- 
ing all  day,  listening  in  vain  for  the  welcome  note 
of  the  Duchess's  steam  whistle ;  then  retired  early 
to  bed  without  having  heard  any  news  at  all  of 
her.  The  night  proved  very  stormy,  the  wind 
roaring  through  the  giant  trees  around  us  and 
rattling  down  the  dead  branches  in  a  ghastly 
fashion,  bringing,  too,  the  dreary  howl  of  distant 
coyotes  (prairie  dogs)  borne  upon  its  wings.  Eain 
fell  in  occasional  squalls,  but  not  heavily  enough 
to  soak  the  ground. 

Thursday  morning  broke  as  calm  and  un- 
troubled as  if  no  rude  Boreas  had  ever  raged 
during  the  hours  of  darkness.  Our  stock  of 
luxuries  now  began  to  decrease,  canned  milk 
and  potted  meats  and  game  were  dreams  of  the 
past,  and  wc  were  reduced  to  tea  and  coffee  with- 
out the  lacteal  fluid,  and  bacon  of  inferior  quality. 
My  husband  accordingly  set  out  for  Lilacs*  Land* 






:    I 

f  I         I 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

ing  to  try  and  procure  some  fresh  meat,  and  re- 
turned late  in  the  afternoon  with  several  pounds 
of  corned  beef  and  a  partridge  shot  en  route. 
While  we  were  at  supper,  two  Indians  came  into 
camp  with  a  brace  of  fine  mallards  which  they 
disposed  of  for  seventy-five  cents,  so  our  larder 
was  well  replenished. 

During  the  evening  we  were  startled  by  shouts 
and  view-halloas  from  the  river,  to  which  we 
promptly  responded,  with  vague  hopes  of  ^the 
steamer.  Presently  four  men  emerged  from  the 
darkness  into  the  brilliant  light  of  our  huge  fire  ; 
they  were  on  their  way  down  to  meet  the  Duchess 
with  a  boat  and  canoe  to  bring  up  freight,  and  we 
learned  that  a  message  had  been  left  at  Lilacs'  by 
a  passenger,  to  the  effect  that  the  steamer  could 
not  get  any  farther  up  the  river  than  Spilluma- 
cheen,  some  twenty-five  miles  distant,  and  that 
our  boat  was  to  go  down  to  meet  her  as  soon 
as  possible.  Our  minds  were  immensely  relieved 
at  the  prospect  of  a  move,  and  we  spent  a  hilari- 
ous evening  with  much  singing  of  divers  songs 
and  choruses,  and  separated  with  the  intention 
of  rising  early  the  following  morning.  We  were 
accordingly  all  up  long  before  six,  only  to  learn 

By  ihs  G.  P,  R. 


the  encouraging  news  that  our  boat  had  broken 
from  her  moorings  during  the  night  and  was 
nowhere  to  be  found.  The  canoe  had  already 
departed  with  two  occupants,  but  the  freight 
boat,  exaqtly  similar  in  character  to  our  craft, 
had  been  left  behind^with  two  men  in  charge. 
We  were  only  too  thankful  to  be  able  to  pack  in  it 
ourselves  and  effects,  the  live  freight  being  now 
increased  to  nine  person^,  who  still  seemed  able 
to  find  accommodation  in  these  elastic  vessels. 
We  discovered  our  own  boat,  fortunately,  about 
half  a  mile  farther  down  the  Columbia,  hard  and 
fast  upon  a  log,  so  we  trans-shipped  our  party  and 
baggage,  and  sent  the  other  on  its  way  rejoicing. 
We  rowed  and  sailed  down  the  turbid  Columbia 
with  a  fair  wind  behind  us,  which  the  numerous 
turns  and  twists  af  the  river  most  effectually 
counteracted  ;  our  spirits,  however,  were  buoyed 
with  the  hope  of  meeting  the  steamer  at  noon, 
and  we  made  merry  at  our  own  expense. 

Imagine  our  feelings  when  we  came  upon  a 
heavily-laden  boat  moored  to  the  bank  to  admit 
of  its  occupants  making  a  hurried  meal,  and 
learned  from  them  the  melancholy  news  that  the 
jPuche8$  had  come  up  as  far  as  Spillumacheen 

!l      ; 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

the  precediDg  day,  deposited  her  freight  upon 
the  bank,  and  returned  at  once  to  Golden  City, 
as  the  water  in  the  river  was  failing  every  hour. 
There  was  nothing  for  it,  therefore,  but  to  make 
our  way  down  to  the  same  place,  some  seventy 
miles  distant,  in  our  open  boat.  We  got  a  ham^ 
some  sugar,  and  tobacco  from  our  fellow  travel- 
lers, for  which  we  were  duly  grateful,  not  being 
provided  with  extensive  supplies,  and  camped 
half  an  hour  later  for  dinner,  then  pulled  all  the 
rest  of  the  afternoon,  reaching  Spillumacheen  at 
half' past  five.  We  pushed  on  half  a  mile  farther 
and  came  upon  a  log  house  without  windows  or 
doors,  but  roofed  and  half  floored  with  cedar 
poles.  Here  we  landed,  making  our  fire  in  the 
cellar  for  the  night,  and  suiffering  agonies  from 
volumes  of  wood-smoke  which  had  no  exit  except 
thro  h  the  interstices  of  the  logs  as  yet  un- 
plai  red.  We  were  too  glad  of  a  shelter,  how- 
ever, to  be  critical ;  for  the  night  promised  to  be 
a  wild  one,  the  wind  had  risen  ^nd  was  blowing 
a  gale,  howling  down  the  river  and  over  the 
mountain  tops,  which  were  covered  with  a  light 
veil  of  newly-fi^llen  snow.  We  pitched  two  tents 
on  the  pole  floor,  which  I  eaii  reconimend  to  any 

By  the  G.  P.  R. 


11  the 
;eu  at 
ws  or 
n  the 
t  ua- 
to  be 
sr  the 
0  any 

one  wishing  to  perform  a  voluntary  penance. 
Three  of  our  party  slept  between  the  tents,  and 
Joe,  the  boatman,  retired  to  the  cellar  under  the 
floor,  which  was  warm  and  dry,  with  standing 
room  of  about  three  feet,  and  he,  I  believe,  had 
the  advantage  of  us  all.  Our  four  walls  were 
certainly  but  a  draughty  abode,  the  roof,  how- 
ever, was  new  and  weather  tight,  and  we  con- 
gratulated ourselves  heartily  upon  not  being 
under  canvas  as  we  heard  the  rain  descending  in 
torrents  during  the  night.  In  fact,  it  was  pouring 
so  fast  at  dawn  that  we  made  up  our  minds  for 
a  wet  dayj  and  accordingly  did  not  prepare  for  the 
early  start  we  had  proposed.  But  while  we  were 
breakfasting  at  eight  o'clock  the  weather  showed 
signs  of  clearing ;  so  we  promptly  struck  our  tents, 
packed  our  traps  generally,  and  made  a  start. 
The  scene  about  us  was  most  impressive  in  the 
gray,  chill  autumn  morning.  The  mountains 
towered  overhead,  covered  now  with  a  heavy 
white  mantle  down  to  the  timber  line,  the  results 
of  last  night's  storm,  while  masses  of  light, 
lieecy  mists  rolled  off  their  bases  in  soft,  shape- 
less clouds.  The  golden  tints  of  the  Cottonwood 
trees  contrasted  most  effectively  with  the  deep 



Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

gleens  of  the  pines,  and  the  crimsons  of  the  high 
busii  cranberries  along  the  bank  relieved  the 
whole  with  brilliant  dashep  of  colour.  It  was 
half-past  eight  when  we  got  off,  and  the  weather 
stil^  looked  anything  but  promising.  However,  so 
long  as  it  did  not  actually  rain,  we  determined  to 
prosecute  our  voyage,  as  Mr.  Smythe  was  in  haste 
to  reach  Victoria,  having  already  considerably  over- 
stayed his  time  in  Kootenay.  We  rowed  by  turns 
unceasingly  all  day,  only  stopping  for  an  hear, 
which  was  devoted  to  a  most  necessary  mid-day 
meal,  and  again  at  six  for  some  whiskey,  half 
a  bottle  being  divided  judiciously  among  seven 
of  us,  who  were  pretty  wqII  benumbed  with  cold 
and  exhausted  by  a  long  day's  work.  We  all 
gathered  fresh  strength  and  courage  from  the 
bottle,  and  pulled  bravely  on,  but  the  shades 
of  night  began  to  fall  while  we  were  yet  many 
miles  from  Golden  City ;  fortunately,  however,  one 
of  the  crew  knew  the  channel,  so  we  determined 
to  persevere.  Darker  and  darker  it  grew ;  the 
river,  lined  with  its  tall  trees,  Was  a  veritable 
nightmare  of  snags  and  sand-bars.  We  literally 
felt  every  step  of  our  way,  so  that  our  progress 
was  not  rapid,  narrowly  avoiding  logs  and  shoals 


By  the  a  P.  R. 


er,  80 
ed  to 
,  half 
1  cold 
k^e  all 
r,  one 

by  dint  of  a  good  look-out  ahead,  kept  by  my 
husband.  I  must  confess  I  fully  expected  to 
spend  the  night  fast  upon  a  sand-bar,  if  not  in 
a  worse  place.  Fortune,  however,  so  far  favoured 
us  that  towards  ten  o'clock,  after  traversing 
windings  of  the  river  so  devious  that  we  actually 
seemed  to  be  going  backward  instead  of  forward, 
we  made  out  the  lights  of  the  Duchess  lying  pla- 
cidly at  her  moorings.  We  shouted  and  received 
responsive  shouts,  and  at  last,  weary,  cramped, 
"hungry,  and  stiff,  we  were  received  once  more 
into  her  hospitable  bosom,  partook  of  a  hearty 
supper,  and  claimed  her  protection  for  the  night. 
We  slept  the  sleep  of  the  just,  and  the  following 
Sunday  morning  left  the  boat  at  eight  o'clock  to 
catch  the  express  bound  west  for  the  Coast.  I 
don't  think  I  ever  enjoyed  a  meal  m  ^re  than  the 
luxurious  breakfast  we  partook  of  in  the  Marl- 
borough dining-car  between  Golden  City  and 
Donald,  where  we  arrived  an  hour  later,  on  Sun- 
day, September  26th,  after  a  month  of  travel  and 
adventure  by  land  and  water. 



Ontario  to  the  Paciftc, 


On  Monday,  September  27,  at  nine  o'clock  in 
the  morning,  we  again  left  Donald  by  the  express 
bound  w(  t  f^  tie  Coast,  a  party  of  four  on  a 
long-conte- opiated  visit  to  the  Glacier  Hotel  at 
the  summit  ..i  the  "Selkirk  Mountains;  "summit " 
being  the  expression  generally  used  in  the  country 
for  the  elevation  at  which  the  railroad  crosses 
that  range.  The  scenery  throughout*  this  portion 
of  the  Canadian  Pacific  is  said  to  be  unrivalled 
in  the  world,  and  it  certainly  far  exceeds  in 
beauty  and  grandeur  that  of  any  other  locality  in 
British  Columbia.  We  were,  as  usual,  favoured 
in  our  weather,  which  was  bright  and  clear,  with 
a  brilliant  sun  and  a  cloudless  sky.  The  tops 
of  the  mountains  on  both  sides  of  the  Columbia 
Valley  were  covered  with  a  soft  coating  of  snow, 
lending  a  not  unpleasant  suspicion  of  frostiness 
to  the  atmosphere.  The  railroad  crosses  the 
Columbia  half  a  mile  west  from  Donald  over  a 
high  trestle  bridge ;  the  river  at  this  point 
describes  a  perfect  loop,  and  when  next  it  comes 
into  view  its  character  has  entirely  changed — 
lost  the  smooth  sweep  of  current  which  charac- 


By  the  G.  P.  R. 


ik  in 
on  a 
el  at 
Is   in 
ity  in 
ver  a 
^ed — 

terised  H,  ceased  to  be  navigable,  and  is  seen 
tumbling  over  a  shallow,  rocky  bed  in  a  ^i  •>ces- 
sion  of  small  rapids. 

-  The  Rockies  now  face  us  on  the  east,  and  the 
brilliant  autumn  livery  they  have  donned  is  a 
strange  contrast  to  the  various  shades  of  green 
which  clothed  their  sides  during  the  early  summer 
months.  Bright  streaks  of  ,o'  ^en  colour,  formed 
by  the^ yellow  hues  of  thou  iv^^.  ,  of  young  poplars 
and  alders,  seemed  to  c.d»^T»  in  detachments  up 
the  mountain  sides,  alte  nating  with  the  heavy, 
dark  foliage  of  the  pines  and  firs,  while  the  lofty 
peaks  above  them  glistened  with  a^veil  of  snow 
down  even  to  the  timber  limit. 

Thirteen  miles  from  Donald  3  line  enters 
the  narrow  canyon  of  the  Beaver  Eiver,  a  small 
and  picturesque'  stream  rushing  down  from  the 
Selkirks  over  huge  rocks  and  boulders ;  we  fol- 
lowed it  for  a  few  miles,  and  crossed  it  at  Bear 
Creek,  where  the  magnmcent  range  of  the  Selkirk 
Mountains  is  brought  into  full  view.  Nothing 
could  exceed  the  beauty  and  impressiveness  of 
some  of  these  peaks  rising  on  the  opposite  side 
of  the  narrow  valley  from  the  very  waters  of  the 
creek,  so  that  the  eye  could  follow  their  gradual 



Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

ascent  from  base  to  summit,  without  the  effort 
necessary  to  obtain  a  glimpse  of  Mount  Carroll : 
I  actually  sat  on  the  floor  of  the  Pullman; 
as  we  passed  below  this  giant,  and  even  then 
strained  my  neck  to  its  severest  tension  to 
reach  the  topmost  point.  We  began  now  to  see 
the  course  of  the  snow-slides  (of  which  much  is 
said  and  thought  at  this  particular  season). 
They  were  marked  by  an  undergrowth  of  vivid 
green,  showing  where  all  the  forest  trees  had 
been  swept  away  by  the  weight  of  the  descending 
mass.  The  railroad  at  this  point  creeps  up  the 
side  of  a  mountain,  down  which  some  lovely 
cascades  dash  in  soft  threads  of  silvery  water. 
I  failed  to  trace  their  source,  or  to  see  the  top  of 
the  height  above  on  that  side ;  their  junction 
with  the  creek  below  is  also  lost  to  sight  amid 
the  woods  and  rocks  covering  the  foot  of  the 
slope.  .  Some  of  the  finest  bridges  on  the  line 
have  been  constructed  to  cross  these  same  cas- 
cades, or  creeks,  as  they  are  called;  that  over 
Mountain  Creek  is  1,100  feet  long,  supported  by 
massive  trestles,  and  that  over  Stony  Creek  is 
290  feet  above  the  water. 

Near  here  we  came  upon  the  commencement 

B»  the  a  P.  R. 


of  the  snow-sheds  built  by  the  C.  P.  R.  Co.  to 
protect  their  road  from  the  snow-slides  above 
referred  to,  which  have  been  wont  to  descend  the 
very  mountain  side  along  which  the  rails  are 
laid.  The  sheds  extend  over  some  ^ve  miles  of 
the  track  in  the  worst  places,  observed  and 
located  last  winter  by  engineers  stationed  at 
different  points  for  the  purpose,  and  they  are  the 
most  solid  structures  imaginable.  We  saw  them 
in  all  stages  of  development,  from  the  mere  shell 
to  the  complete  building.  They  are  raised  against 
one  side  of  the  mountain  in  a  sort  of  crib- 
work,  filled  in  with  earth  and  stones,  and  inclined 
so  as  to  meet  the  giound  above  the  cutting. 
The  inside  wall,  next  to  the  rails,  is  composed 
of  solid  sawed  and  hewn  logs  a  foot  square,  laid 
horizontally  upon  wooden  blocks  separating  the 
timbers  from  each  other  by  a  space  of  four 
inches ;  these  beams  appear  to  be  all  fitted  and 
welded  together  like  a  child's  puzzle,  and  are 
sheeted  over  with  four-inch  boards,  as  a  finish. 
The  opposite,  or  lower,  side  of  the  shed  is  a 
strong  structure  of  posts  a  foot  square,  also 
sheeted  in  with  planks ;  these  support  the  slop- 
ing roof,  li  tewise  composed  of  solid  beanr  i  rest- 







Ontario  to  the  Parnfic, 

iDg  in  brackets,  and  of  four-inch  planks.  These 
sheds  required  22,000,000  feet  of  lumber,  and 
employed  8,500  men.  Their  general  effect  is 
one  of  marvellous  power  and  endurance,  and 
they  will,  no  doubt,  be  severely  tested  by  the 
mighty  rush  of  avalanches  of  snow  during  the 
winter,  sliding  down  the  mountain  sides,  and,  it 
is  to  be  hoped,  continuing  their  course  over  the 
roofs  of  the  sheds  to  the  valley  below.  Naturally, 
much  of  the  scenery  is  lost  in  this  succession  of 
wooden  tunnels,  perversely  occurring  at  some  of 
the  finest  points  of  view :  to  obviate  this  dis- 
advantage the  Company  will  construct  a  summer 
track  outside  the  line  of  sheds.   , 

After  we  had  passed  the  summit  proper,  marked 
by  an  extensive  wooden  and  tent  town,  we  came 
in  sight  of  Mount  Carroll,  a  most-  stupendous 
peak,  5,558  feet  above  the  railway,  and  9,440 
feet  above  the  level  of  the  sea.  It  lies  upon  the 
west  side  of  the  line ;  indeed,  the  train  passes 
so  immediately  below  it  that  I  nearly  dislo- 
cated my  neck  in  the  endeavour  to  realise  its 
vast  proportions.  Here,  also,  is  seen  Mount 
Sir  Donald,  the  highest  elevation  upon  the  line, 
6,980  feet  above  it,  and  10,645  feet  above  the 

By  the  C.  P.  R. 


sea.  In  the  immediate  neiglibourhood  is  Mount 
Hermit,  4,i^83  feet  above  the  railway,  and  9,063 
feet  above  the  sea ;  it  derives  its  name  from  a 
curious  conformation  of  rock  resembling  the 
figure  of  a  hermit  draped  in  a  long  cloak,  and 
sharply  defined  against  the  sky.* 

At  one  o'clock  we  reached  the  Glacier  Hotel, 
close  to  the  station  of  that  name,  three  miles 
west  of  the  summit  of  the  Selkirks.  It  is  a  most 
artistic^uilding,  somewhat  of  the  Swiss  chalet 
style,  built  by  the  enterprise  of  the  C.  P.  K.  Co. 
and  intended  as  a  summer  resort  for  many  who 
will  now  be  enabled  for  the  first  time  to  enjoy 
genuine  Canadian  mountain  air.  No  more  lovely 
spot  could  have  been  selected  for  its  situation, 
commanding  as  it  does  a  veritable,  though  much 
disputed,  sea  of  mountains  of  the  grandest  des- 
cription ;  the  peaks  of  those  above-mentioned 
are  all  in  view,  while  not  a  mile  from  the  hotel 
lies  a  large  glacier,  a  se«.  of  green,  glittering  ice. 
There  were  both  bear  and  elk  close  to  the  hotel 
last  summer,  an  attraction  to  sportsmen  in 
search  of  big  game.  The  beauty  of  the  locality 
is  sufficiently  vouched  for  bv  the  fact  tirat  it  was 
unanimously  chosen  last  siiiumer  by  four  artists 




Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

as  their  sketching  ground.  Mr.  O'Brien  and 
Mr.  Forbes,  Mr.  Fraser,  of  Boston,  and  Mr. 
Aiken,  a  Scotch  painter,  all  rallied  round  the 
Glacier  Hotel,  though,  owing  to  its  unfinished 
condition,  they  were  obliged  to  content  them- 
selves with  canvas  roofs.  We  lunched  in  a 
stationary  dining-car  at  Glacier,  and  returned 
to  Donald  by  the  express  from  the  Coast  in  the 


!  1 

I  LEFT  Donald  for  the  third  time  on  Monday, 
October  4,  to  conclude  my  trip  to  Victoria  and 
the  Pacific.  Having  already  described  the  sce- 
nery between  the  former  town  and  Glacier,  two 
miles  beyond  the  summit  of  the  Selkirks,  where 
we  stopped  to  dine  at  two  o'clock,  I  shall  recom- 
mence my  travels  from  there.  Immediately  after  . 
leaving  the  station  we  entered  upon  the  wonder- 
ful loop,  one  of  the  greatest  triumphs  of  engin- 
eering skill  in  the  world,  by  means  of  whose 
curving  lines  the  road  gradually  descends  the 
western   slope  of  the  Selkirk   Range.     Passing 


jliiflT ' 


By  the  G.  P,  R. 


round  the  shoulder  of  a  mighty  mountain,  the 
track  describes  a  perfect  loop  as  it  follows  the 
conformation  of  a  small  inner  valley  and  reaches 
a  lower  level  of  road,  which  could  be  distinctly 
seen  as  we  crept  slowly  along,  winding  many 
feet  below  us  down  the  side  of  tho  very  w  n- 
tain  we  had  quitted:  thus,  as  we  steamed  v.on- 
tinuously  along  the  curve,  we  commanded  a  view 
of  three  tiers  of  rails,  rising  one  above  another, 
surmounted  by  magnificent  snow-capped  peaks 
towering  high  above  us  and  enclosing  the  narrow 
valley  on  all  sides.  Here  is  the  source  of  the 
head  waters  of  the  lUe-Celle-Waet.  We  crossed 
this  stream  twice  before  we  reached  the  wider 
valley  at  the  base  of  the  mountains  through 
which  it  flows.  The  road  follows  its  course,  and, 
rising  above  it,  creeps  up  the  face  of  another 
mountain.  The  effect  of  finding  oneself  first  on 
a  level  with  the  water,  and  then  slowly  and  im- 
perceptibly elevated  above  it,  was  curious  in  the 
extreme,  especially  when  the  height  attained 
became  so  great  that  the  Ille-Celle-Waet  looked 
like  a  mere  tangled  thread  of  foaming  white  as 
it  dashed  far  below  us  through  a  deep,  rocky 
gorge ;   this  it  soon  left,  to  spread  its  released 



Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

m':  U: 

volume  over  a  broad,  shallow  bed ;  then  again 
disappeared  many  hundred  feet  below  in  a  mag- 
nificent rocky  chasm,  called  the  Albert  Canyon. 
Soon  after  passing  this,  we  began  to  move 
down  a  very  apparent  decline,  and  once  more 
reached  the  level  of  what  may  now  be  called  the 
Eiver  llle-Celle-Waet.  At  high  water,  when 
swollen  by  the  melting  snows  of  the  early  spring, 
this  must  be  in  some  localities  a  mighty  stream. 
Now,  however,  it  flowed  in  peace  and  quiet,  con- 
fined in  its  rocky  bed.  Once  more  we  rose  above 
it  to  a  considerable  elevation,  and  the  station  of 
Twin  Butte  was  reached.  The  timber  in  this 
district  is  very  fine.  Enormous  trees  of  red 
cedar  grow  close  to  the  line ;  while  the  hemlocks 
and  spruces  scattered  about  in  groups  are  of 
very  superior  size  and  quality.  A  few  miles 
farther  on  we  crossed  the  lUe-Celle-Waet  for 
about  the  eighth  and  last  time ;  its  valley  widens 
here,  and  we  entered  a  dreary,  desolate  desert 
of  burnt  wood,  in  whose  centre  the  artistically- 
named  Kevelstoke  rises.  I  believe  the  station 
is  some  distance  from  the  town  proper,  which 
occupies  a  more  enviable  situation.  As  we  moved 
away  from  the  place,  we  saw  that  it  was  sur- 



M  ■wawi-gtA^*^ 


By  the  C.  P.  M. 


rounded  by  fine  mountains,  and  was  close  to  the 
Columbia  Eiver,  which  has  made  a  considerable 
loop  likewise  since  we  parted  with  it  close  to 
Donald,  and  now  appears  most  unexpectedly 
upon  the  scene.  We  crossed  it  here  for  the 
second  time,  and  ran  for  three-quarters  of  a  mile 
over  a  high  trestle  above  a  dreary  area  of  cleared 
trees  and  blackened  stumps. 

The  mountain  sides  all  through  this  district 
have  been  completely  burnt  over  by  forest  fires, 
and  presented  nothing  but  ugly  lines  of  bare 
poles,  relieved  somewhat  by  the  bright  colouring 
of  the  undergrowth.  Revelstoke  left  behind,  we 
came  upon  a  sheet  of  dark-green  water,  more 
than  a  mile  in  length,  called  Summit  Lake. 
This  marks  the  highest  point  of  the  Gold  Kange 
of  mountains.  Just  beyond  it  is  a  gigantic  wall 
of  wooded  rock  towering  immediately  above  the 
line;  and  here,  too,  flourish  red  cedars  of  gigan- 
tic proportions.  It  is  evident  that  from  this 
-source  has  been  drawn  the  solid  timber  for  the 
snow-sheds ;  we  have  passed  during  the  after- 
noon numbers  of  flat  cars,  laden  with  cedar  logs. 
Three  Valley  Lake  and  one  other,  equally  lovely, 
came  into  view  before  dusk — beautiful  expanses 


|'(  ffT 


,)  i 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

of  clear  water,  reflecting  every  tree  and  shrub  on 
the  adjacent  mountain  sides.  The  days  were 
now  perceptibly  shorter ;  more  apparently  so  in 
this  elevated  region,  where  the  natural  gloom 
and  shadow  of  the  heights  about  us  1  rought  the 
shades  of  evening  quickly  down.  When  we  re- 
turned to  the  Pullman  from  the  dining-car 
attached  at  Eevelstoke,  it  was  quite  dark  and  a 
new  moon  was  rising  just  beyond  the  shoulder 
of  a  neighbouring  mountain. 

I  found  the  next  morning  that  we  were  run- 
ning along  beside  the  Eraser  River,  which  flows 
through  a  magnificent  rocky  gorge,  bounded  on 
the  east  side  by  the  Coast  Range;  this  is  a 
broken  line  of  lofty  heights,  wooded  to  their 
summits,  rising  in  many  places  to  the  dignity 
of  mountains.  During  the  nighi,  we  had  crossed 
the  Gold  and  Cascade  Ranges  by  way  of  the 
Thompson  and  Fraser  Rivers,  passed  through 
the  Kamloops  district,  and  were  now  in  that 
part  of  British  Columbia  settled  many  years 
ago,  as  was  evident  from  the  number  of  time- 
\^orn  houses  scattered  about,  and  the  more  culti- 
vated appearaice  of  the  land  available  for  agri- 
iVilitirai  purposes.     A  fine  v^aggon  road  leading 

By  the  a  P.  R. 


to  the  Cassiar  and  Cariboo  districts,  which  cost 
the  Government  many  thousands  of  dollars, 
crosses  the  Fraser  at  Spuzzum  over  a  handsome 
suspension  bridge.  The  line  follows  the  east 
bank  of  the  river,  rising  in  some  places  several 
hundred  feet  above  it  as  it  sweeps  along — an 
ever  wider  and  more  imposing  volume  of  dark- 
green  water.  The  road  curves  in  and  out  with 
the  conformation  of  the  rocky  cliffs  it  has  to 
circumvent ;  these  must  have  offered  nearly  as 
many  obstacles  to  engineering  skill  as  the  north 
shore  of  Lake  Superior.  The  scenery  on  the 
canyon  of  the  Fraser  Kiver  was  far  grander  and 
more  interesting  than  I  had  anticipated,  though 
different  in  character  and  lacking  the  imposing 
features  of  the  snow-capped  Selkirk  and  Rocky 
Mountain  Ranges;  its  vr-iety  constituted  itb 
charm.  Huge  detached  i  ks  and  bouldexs,  and 
dark  towering  cliffs,  succ  ded  one  another  in  a 
fascinating  chaos  of  wild  confusion. 

At  eight  o'clock  in  ^j  morning  we  reached 
Yale,  a  town  of  some  three  hundred  inhabitants, 
a  mixed  population  of  Indian g,  Chinese,  and 
whites.  From  this  point  the  Fraser  is  navi- 
gable to  its  mouth,  and   near   here,  at  North 

if  > 

•5   I 


Ontario  to  the  PacifiCy 


Bend,  is  the  third  hotel  erected  b^'  the  C.  P.  E. 
for  the  convenience  of  passengers,  commanding 
a  most  picturesque  view  of  this  mountainous 

After  we  left  Yale,  the  line  turned  away  from 
the  river,  which  appeared  to  open  out  in  a  broad 
stream  flowing  between  low,  sandy  banks.  We 
caught  occasional  glimpses  of  it  here  and  there 
as  we  rolled  along  through  a  country  reminding 
me  strangely  of  the  wooded  farm  districts  of 

The  Coast  Mountains  now  began  to  melt  away 
on  buth  sides  into  the  /idth  of  the  valley,  re- 
appearing as  we  approached  Port  Moody.  Near 
this  town  the  land  on  the  east  side  of  the  line 
extends  in  an  open  hay  marsh  to  the  Kiver 
Pitt,  neai  J  a  mile  in  width.  This  is  crossed  a 
short  distance  from  the  present  terminus  of  the 
Canadian  Pacific ;  it  opens  the  vista  of  a  dis- 
tant valley  breaking  the  mountain  range.  Port 
Moody  is  a  very  small  place,  consisting  only  of 
the  C.  P.  R.  buildings,  a  few  houses,  and  a  fine 
wharf  and  freight  shed,  at  which  a  tea- ship  from 
Japan  was  lying. 

Port  Moody  is  situated  at  almost  the  extreme 
end  of  Burrard  Inlet,  a  fine  sheet  of  water  twelve' 

By  the  0,  P.  R 


:  the 

miles  in  extent  and  of  varying  width,  an  estuary, 
as  it  name  indicates,  of  the  Pacific  Ocean.  A 
range  of  wooded  hills  rises  from  its  shores  on 
both  sides,  in  a  succession  of  promontories ; 
these,  following  the  conformation  of  the  inlet, 
appear  to  meet  in  some  places,  and  convey  the 
impression  of  a  large  lake,  on  whose  broad  bosom 
numbers  of  gulls  float  like  foam-flecks.  We  had 
to  wait  half  an  hour,  until  one  o'clock,  for  the 
boat,  plying  daily  (Sundays  excepted),  between 
Victoria  and  Port  Moody.  The  Princess  Louise  is 
a  paddle-wheel  stean  v  r  of  the  solid,  old-fashioned 
type,  with  excellent  accommodation  for  her  eight- 
hour  journey.  As  she  steamed  down  the  inlet, 
it  opened  out  to  a  width,  in  some  localities,  of 
two  milea.  The  town  of  Vancouver,  the  future 
terminus  of  the  Canadian  Pacific  Railway,  is  nine 
miles  from  Port  Moody.  While  the  boat  was 
slowly  manoeuvred  close  to  a  fine  pier,  my  eyes 
rested  upon  rows  and  rows  of  ambitious  wooden 
houses,  filling  the  background  with  their  inflam- 
mable materials,  and  I  found  it  well-nigh  im- 
possible to  realise  that  these  structures  had 
arisen  in  four  months  from  the  ashes  of  a  con- 
flagration, which  had,  on  June  4th,  1886,  left 








■  I      ii. 

,1.        «H 



Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

only  one  housfj  standing  to  mark  the  site  of 
Vancouver  No.  1.  The  buildings  numbered,  in 
October,  over  three  hundred,  and  they  were  (I 
was  told)  far  superior  in  style  and  construction 
to  their  predecessors.*  Mr.  Harry  Abbott's  resi- 
dence was  almost  completed ;  it  is  excellent  in 
design,  and  the  situation  is  most  delightful,  com- 
manding an  extensive  view  across  tho  inlet  to 
some  wooded  hills  beyond.  We  stopped  for  half 
an  hour  at  Vancouver,  to  discharge  a  large  cargo 
of  hay  and  oats.  Soon  after  leaving  there  we 
entered  the  Gulf  of  Georgia,  extending  for  a  dis- 
tance of  thirty  miles  between  the  mainland  and 
a  group  of  large  islands  lying  outside  of  Vancou- 
ver Tsiand  proper,  as  it  is  approached  from  this 
direction.  It  was  ten  o'clock  at  night  and  very 
dark  when  we  arrived  at  Victoria ;  I  was  met  by 
friends,  whose  house  lay  on  the  James  Bay  side, 
opposite  the  business  quarter  of  the  town.  The 
harbour  of  the  capital  is  completely  land-locked ; 
its  waters  spread  themselves  into  numerous 
minor  channels  and  bays,  over  one  of  which  a 
high  wooden  bridge  led  to  my  destination,  not 
half  a  mile  from  the  dock. 

*  $83,166  was  spent  in  building  at  Vancouver,  between  July 
and  December,  1886w 

J   of 

i,  in 

e  (I 

By  the  C.  P.  R. 



Victoria  is  a  city  of  some  12,000  inhabitants, 
a  very  heterogeneous  population  of  whites,  Indi- 
ans, and  Chinese  ;  the  latter  number  over  1,200, 
and  occupy  an  especial  quarter  of  the  town 
assigned  to  them.  At  one  time  the  influx  of 
Celestials  was  so  preat  that  the  Government 
levied  a  tax  of  $50  on  every  new  arrival ;  this 
has  had  a  repressive  effect  upon  Chinese  immi- 
gration. The  race  at  present  so  much  discussed 
impressed  me  as  a  quiet,  orderly,  inoffensive 
people,  who  make  excellent  servants  and  reliable 
hewers  of  wood  and  drawers  of  water;  indeed, 
they  seem  to  do  all  the  manual  work  in  Victoria, 
except  the  skilled  labour,  and  to  be  universally 
employed.  Their  contempt  for  women  is  most 
amusing,  and,  in  their  domestic  capacity,  they 
bow  only  to  the  master  of  the  house,  often  dis- 
missing the  mistress  from  the  kitchen  by  a  curt 
**  too  much  talkee,  talkee  go  way."  They  fulfil 
all  their  household  duties  in  a  regular,  mechanical 
fashion,  and  prefer  to  do  so  alone  and  unassisted, 
being  cooks,  housemaids,  parlour  rnaids,  and 
laundresses  in   one   unique   combination.     The 

:  J,      ' 



Ontario  to  the  Pacifix, 

most  rational  objection  offered  to  their  introduc- 
tion and  employment  in  new  countrieR  arises 
from  the  undoubted  fact  that  they  are  non-con- 
sumers, live  upon  nothing,  spend  no  money  in 
their  adopted  land,  but  accumulate  large  sums, 
and  ship  them  promptly  to  China — a  view  of  the 
question  which  has  not,  perhaps,  been  adequately 
dealt  with  in  the  general  discussion  of  Chinese 

The  city  of  Victoria  is  beautifully  situated  on 
its  land-locked  harbour,  and  possesses  many 
handsome  buildings,  among  others,  the  new 
Bank  of  British  Columbia,  the  Driard  Hotel, 
and  several  fine  shops  on  Government  and 
Yates  Streets.  The  Parliament  Houses  and 
Provincial  Offices,  on  the  James  Bay  side  of  the 
Harbour,  display  a  curious  style  of  semi-Oriental 
architecture ;  they  stand  in  the  midst  of  well- 
kept  and  luxuriant  grounds,  and  are  well  worth 
a  visit.  There  is  also  a  handsome  theatre,  small, 
but  complete,  and  an  excellent  club.  Indeed,  the 
fame  of  the  Union  Club,  in  Victoria,  has  gone 
abroad  far  and  wide  to  the  distant  corners  of  the 
globe.  Most  of  the  buildings  in  the  city,  with 
the  exception  of  those  I  have  mentioned,  are 

By  the  a  P.  R, 


wooden,  as  are  all  the  private  houses.  The 
majority  of  these,  however,  are  really  villas,  each 
standing  in  its  own  brilliant  garden,  gay  with 
Howering  shrubs  and  plants,  and  it  is  surprising 
how  artistic  such  wooden  walls  can  be  made  by 
the  applieation  of  a  little  taste  and  a  large  quan- 
tity of  paint.  The  verdure  oi  the  turf,  the 
presence  of  holly,  ivy,  cypress,  laurels,  and  other 
English  plants,  the  vast  expanses  of  brown 
bracken  growing  in  every  available  spot  along 
the  road  and  on  all  waste  lands,  together  Vith 
the  woods  of  oak  trees  to  be  met  with  in  every 
direction,  give  a  very  English  flavour  to  Vancou- 
ver Island.  Beacon  Hill  Park,  half  a  mile  from 
the  centre  of  Yictoria,  is  a  stretch  of  broken 
downs,  rising  in  one  part  to  a  slight  elevation,  as 
its  name  indicates.  It  is  covered  in  the  spring 
with  English  daisies  (not  our  bold,  self-asserting 
Canadian  Marguerites),  but  in  October,  when  I 
saw  it,  was  rich  in  the  warm  brown  tints  of  a 
wilderness  of  bracken,  which  splashed  the  ground 
with  lovely  dull  russet  hues.  This  locality  was 
very  suggestive  to  my  mind  of  the  Hampshire 
coast,  and  the  view  from  the  highest  point  was 
entrancing,  showing   part  of  Vancouver  Island 







U£  12^ 

is"**  la 

L£    12.0 



U    11.6 











WEBSTER,  N.Y.  14580 

(716)  S73-4S03 


^  <^ 









Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 


extending  in  a  broken  line  of  wooded  hills  in  the 
bluest  of  blue  distances,  with  the  entrances  to 
the  harbours  of  Victoria  and  Esquimault,  mere 
streaks  of  silver  disappearing  behind  two  promon- 
tories. Looking  across  the  Straits  of  Juan  de 
Fuca,  whose  waters  wash  the  gravel  beach  below, 
the  eye  rests  upon  the  beautiful  range  of  the 
Olympian  Mountains  in  Washington  Territory, 
their  bases  cleaving,  apparently,  this  inlet  of  the 
Pacific.  Behind  lies  the  city,  and  the  country 
adjacent  to  it,  a  well-cultivated,  fertile  land,  dotted 
with  pretty  houses  and  cottages  nestling  in  luxu- 
riant fields  and  groves.  This  view  includes  Carey 
Castle,  the  residence  of  the  Lieutenant-Governor, 
crowning  the  whole  district  from  its  lofty  eleva- 
tion, and  offering  a  glorious  picture  of  land  and 
water,  not  speedily  forgotten  by  the  casual  visi- 
tor. Should  the  weather  be  favourable,  the 
snow-capped  summit  of  Mount  Baker,  in  Ameri- 
can territory,  may  he  seen,  lying  a  blue-gray 
mass  upon  the  horizon.  . 

The  drives  about  Victoria  are  delightful,  and 
offer  every  variety  of  scenery ;  one  of  the  most 
interesting  is  to  Esquimault,  three  miles  from 
the  city,  the  naval  station  of  the  Pacific  squadron 

By  the  a  P.  R 


daring  the  summer  months.  The  flagship 
Triumph  and  the  gunboat  Cormorant  were  the 
sole  occupants  of  the  landlocked  harbour  at  that 
late  season  of  the  year.  The  Dominion  Govern- 
ment have  almost  completed  here  a  dry  dock 
intended  to  accommodate  vessels  of  a  very  large 
size.  It  is  four  hundred  and  fifty  feet  long,  and 
twenty-six  feet  deep,  with  a  width  of  ninety  feet 
at  the  entrance,  and  is  built  entirely  of  concrete 
faced  with  sandstone.  The  Island  Eailway, 
between  Victoria  and  Nanaimo,  was  finished  last 
autumn ;  the  latter  place,  seventy  miles  from 
the  capital,  is  situated  on  high,  rising  ground, 
and  has  a  fine  harbour,  besides  being  the  impor- 
tant centre  of  the  coaling  interest  of  Vancouver 
Island.^  The  coal  mined  there  is  of  the  best 
bituminous  quality,  and  is  largely  shipped  to 
San  Francisco,  the  Sandwich  Islands,  and  China; 
300,000  tons  are  exported  annually  to  California, 
where  it  commands  the  highest  price,  in  spite  of 
the  seventy-five  per  cent,  duty  levied  upon  it. 
Esquimault  is  naturally  the  coaling  station  of 
the  Pacific  squadron. 

The  climate  of  Victoria  is  most  enjoyable  in 
October ;  the  days  bright  and  sunshiny,  but  the 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 


nights  decidedly  chilly,  the  temperature  acquir- 
ing after  sunset  that  penetrating  sense  of  damp-* 
ness  inevitable  on  the  sea-coast  of  the  Dominion 
in  the  autumn  season.  I  believe  it  is  considered 
to  be  similar  in  character  to  the  English  climate 
during  the  winter  months,  and  suffers,  like  the 
British  Isles,  from  a  very  heavy  rainfall,  with 
occasional  frost  and  snow.  Victoria  is  called 
England  without  its  east  winds,  and  all  the  plants 
and  shrubs  peculiar  to  the  Mother  Country  grow 
and  flourish  luxuriantly  out  of  doors.  The  spring 
is  early,  and  flowers  may  be  said  to  bloom  in 
the  gardens  all  the  year  round. 

House  rent  is  cheap  in  Victoria,  and  the 
accommodation  it  provides  excellent.  A  good 
detached  cottage,  standing  in  a  pretty  bit  of 
ground,  and  representing  the  ordinary  hla,bitation 
of  the  owner  of  a  fixed  income,  rents  at  twenty- 
five  dollars  a  month.  Living,  I  believe,  is  ex- 
pensive ;  all  the  luxuries  and  necessaries  of  life 
are  double  the  price  of  their  eastern  equivalents, 
except  fish  and  game — both  cheap  and  abundant^ 
Wages  aire  high,  for  one  Chinaman  costs  twenty- 
five  dollars  a  month,  but  when  the  individual  is 

By  the  0.  P.  K 


secured,  the  investment  is  satisfactory.  Fuel  is 
an  expensive  item,  but  the  houses  are  heated 
only  by  stoves  or  open  fires.  Money  seems  to 
be  no  object  in  British  Columbia.  The  subject 
of  expense  does  not  occur,  and  coppers  do  not 
circulate.  The  Victorians  appear  to  possess  all 
they  require,  and  to  live  simply,  unostentatiously, 
but  most  hospitably,  as  all  visitors  to  the  capital 
will  testify. 

In  conclusion,  I  can  only  add  that  the  journey 
from  Ontario  to  the  Pacific,  over  a  road  as  well 
engineered,  equipped,  and  managed  as  the  C.  P. 
.  E.,  can  confidently  be  recommended  to  all  tour- 
ists, with  the  full  assurance  that  it  will  not  dis- 
appoint their  most  sanguine  anticipations.  The 
varied  character  alone  of  the  scenery  they  will 
enjoy  in  travelling  through  this  portion  of  the 
great  Dominion  cannot  be  surpassed  in  any 
country  of  the  world.  Beginning  with  the  fertile 
districts  of  Ontario,  they  soon  pass  on  to  the 
iron-bound,  rocky  shores  of  Lake  Superior,  and 
leaving  these  behind,  cross  the  boundless  prairies 
of  the  North-west,  to  revel  in  the  beauty  and 
grandeur  of  the  Bocky,  Selkirk,  Gold,  Cascade, 


Ontario  to  the  Pacific, 

and  Coast  Ranges,  and  they  will  feel  with  me, 
when  they  end  their  journey  amid  the  rural 
English  surroundings  of  Vancouver  Island,  that 
they  have  indeed  traversed  a  continent  between 
Ontario  and  the  Pacific  and  alighted  in  another 
and  a  fairer  world. 





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