President White Library,
Cornell University.
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tine Cornell University Library.
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A.D. 1318—1323.
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Pkeface -
Calendar -
76416, Wt. 1707. a 2
The present volume forms part of a series of Calendars
of the Close Rolls from the reign of Edward II. to that
of Edward IV., the object and character of which are
explained in the Preface to the first volume for the reign
of Edward II. (a.d. 1307—1313.) The text has been
prepared, with the sanction of the Lords Commissioners
of Her Majesty's Treasury, by Mr. W. H. Stevenson.
The Index has been compiled by Mr. C. H. Woodruff,
Mr. Stevenson having assisted him by identifying most
of the places.
Public Record Office,
3 January 1895.
Page 1, line 2 from bottom, /or " Eoger " read " Robert."
„ 3, „ 16 from bottom, /or " Hanlegh" rearf " Haulegh."
„ 26, „ 2 from bottom, for " funoders " read " founders."
„ 54, „ 11, /or "Robert" )Cod" Ralph."
„ 136, „ 12, /or " Gamma " read " Gannua."
„ 175, „ 10, for " Warwick " read " Pembroke."
„ 196, „ 5 from bottom, for " Roger " read " Richard."
„ 831, „ 25, /or " Dunselm " reod " Aunselin."
„ 327, „ 2 from bottom, for " Eslinghom " read " Eslingham."
„ 348, „ 2 from bottom, after " chattels " insert " in."
„ 365, „ 10, for " dispensatian " read " dispensation."
„ 367, „ 2, /or "Ayremnyn" read "Ayremynn."
„ 412, „ 7, for " Wetlestan " read " Weclestan."
„ 444, „ 21, /or " Cranthorn" read "Crauthorn."
„ 464, „ 20 from bottom, for " Kyltinleauoh " read " Kyltvileauch."
„ 471, „ 14 from bottom, for " Otlesthorp " read " Oclesthorp."
„ 477, ,, 27, for " Cranthorn " read " Crauthorn."
„ 489, „ 22, for " Cranthorne " read " Craiithorne."
„ 497, „ 2 1, /or " Fancham " read "Faucham."
„ 499, „ 7, for " censulting " read " consulting."
„ 528, „ 5 from bottom, for " Sansemer " read " Sausemer."
„ 597, bottom line, for " Northkenelyngworth " read " Northkevelyngworth,"
„ 634, line 15, for " Robert " read " Roger."
„ 708, „ 32, for " Edward " read " Edmund."
„ 738, column 1, line 3, for " Bykenacre " read " Bycknacre."
„ „ „ 1, ,1 14, de/e " Bigot, Ralph."
„ 745, „ 1, „ 39, for " 434 " read " 444."
„ „ „ 2, „ 6, dele " ? Brockleye."
„ 751, „ I, „ 4 from bottom, o/(er " 381 " add " 505."
„ „ „ 1, bottom line, /or "Karlislo " read " Karliolo."
4 from bottom, for " Chastilain " 7-ead ** Chastiloun."
1 1 from bottom, for " John, 410 " read " See Chaumpenays."
2, /or " Charceneys, John, 477" read "CharceneyB, Ghar-
teneys, John," 477, 724."
26, for " John, 724 " read " See Charceneys."
2, for " John " read " Chaupeneys, John, 410."
37, for " of Brailes " read " par. of Brailes."
20 from bottom, dele " 644."
7 from bottom, add " Cippenham, Cyppenham [co. Bucks],
16, for " Matthew de " read " See Crauthorn."
27, a/i!er " 293 " add " 444, 477, 489."
15, after " Chippenham " add " Cippenham."
8, add " Dengie, co. Essex, See Dongcssell."
1, lines 38 and 39, for " Doustaple " read " Donstaplc."
July 9.
July 10.
July 10.
July 11.
July 17.
July 12.
Membrane 31.
To Simon de Dryby, keeper of the manors of Twancastre and
Grymmesby, co. Lincoln. Order to pay to Margery, late the wife of
Duncan de Frendraght, 100*. out of the issues of the above manors, in
addition to the fixed sum (certum) rendered by him yearly to the king, in
part payment of 20 marks yearly granted to her by the king during pleasure
in aid of her maintenance. By K.
The like to the aforesaid Simon, late keeper of the manors of Brigge-
stowe and Clyve, co. Northampton, to pay her 100s. yearly out of the
issues of the said manors in his hands. By K.
To Andrew de Harcla. Order not to intermeddle with the custody of
the county of Cumberland, nor to procure the delivery to him of the castle
of Carlisle, although the king lately committed to him the custody of the
castle and county, and to come without delay to the king to inform him, in
the presence of John de Castre, to whom the king had previously committed
the custody, concerning certain matters touching the premises. By K.
To John de Castre. Order to continue the keeping of the county and
castle aforesaid as heretofore, notwithstandiog the king's commission
thereof to Andrew de Hartcla, and to depute one or more of his men, a
clerk or another in whom he can confide, to have the custody thereof in
his name, and to come afterwards to the king without delay to inform him
concerning certain matters touching the premises. By K,
To Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk, justice of Wales. Order to view
the king's letters in Edmund Hakelut's possession, committing to him the
custody of the castle of Dynevor and certain of the king's lands there under
a certain form, and to deliver the custody thereof to him, as the castle and
lands have now come to the king's hands for certain causes, the king having
afterwards committed the custody thereof to Hugh le Despenser, the
younger, under another form.
By K. on the information of Master John Walewayn, treasurer.
To the sheriff of Bedford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of John de Wotton, who is incapacitated by age and
To J. bishop of Winchester, collector of the tenth of the clergy granted
to the king by Pope John XXII. Order to pay, out of the money of the
second payment of the tenth in the bishopric of Durham, to the king's
clerk Roger de Barton, receiver of the king's victuals in the parts of
Carlisle, 100^. for the maintenance of the men-at-arms garrisoning that
Wt. 1707. A
J318. Membrane 31 — cont.
city and the castle of the same, ordering his sub-collectors in the bishopric
aforesaid to receive from Roger his letters of acquittance, whereby the
king will cause allowance to be made to him in his account. He is also
ordered to pay to Roger all the money from the said tenth in the bishopric
of Carlisle for the munition of the castle and town. By K.
July 18. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to dis-
Nortbampton. charge Walter Wogan of 150Z. in the debts due from him to the exchequer, the
king having, in response to his petition, pardoned him this sum, which is
due from him by divers particulars, in consideration of his service to the
king in Ireland against the Scotch rebels and at divers time against the
Irish in the company of Roger de Mortuo Mari, lately supplying the king's
place in Ireland, and in the company of divers justiciaries there, and in
consideration of the loss of horses, arms, and armour sustained by him in
the war of the Irishmen of Leynester and Gleynfeyl ; taking from him a
sufficient acquittance for what pertains to him for the services and losses
aforesaid, and making account with him of what is due from him to the
exchequer. By K.
July 15. To Robert de Sapy, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause dower to
Noi thampton. be assigned to Isabella, late the wife of John de Holaym, of Penysthorp,
tenant in chief, in the presence of Ralph de Holaym, son and heir of the
said John, if he choose to attend, upon her taking oath not to marry without
the king's licence.
July. 18. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator this side Trent. Order to
Northampton, supersede entirely the execution of the king's order to resume into his
hands the manor of Kenyngton near Lamhethe, lately given by the king to
Anthony Pessaign of Genoa, which order was issued as if the gift had been
made contrary to the ordinances lately made and approved by the king, as
it now appears by the letters patent made to A nthony that the king granted
the manor to him and his heirs for ever, in exchange for his houses in
London, formerly owned by William Servat, which Anthony gave to the
king by his charter. By p.s. [4802.]
July 12. To J. bishop of Lincoln. Order to pay to Robert de Barton, keeper
Northampton, of the king's victuals in the parts of Carlisle, lOOZ. without delay, from the
money collected by the bishop in the city and diocese of Lincoln of the
tenth for six years imposed upon the clergy by Pope Clement V. in the
council of Vienne, and lent to the king by Pope John XXII., the king
having assigned this sum to Robert for the munition of the town and castle
of Carlisle, receiving from Robert the king's letters patent of obligation and
Robert's letters patent of receipt. By K.
To L. bishop of Durham. Like order to pay lOOZ. of the money afore-
said collected by him to the said Robert, for the above purpose. By K.
To the prior of St. Katherine's without Lincoln, sub-collector in the
diocese of Lincoln of the tenth granted by the clergy of the province of
Canterbury for the expedition of the Scotch war. Order to pay to the
aforesaid Robert, for the above purpose, lOOZ. out of the arrears of the said
tenth, receiving from him the king's letters patent of acquittance. By K.
July 20. To Anthony de Lacy, constable of Carlisle Castle, and keeper of the
Northampton, town of Carlisle, and to Robert de Barton, keeper of the king's victuals in
those parts Order to admit Walter de Bosco and certain others, whose
names are contained in a schedule enclosed herein, to stay in garrison there
at the king's wages, and to cause their wages according to their estate to be
paid to them as heretofore, they being about to set out thither by the king's
orders, having been previously in garrison there at the king's wages.
1318. Membrane 31 — cont.
These are the names of those thus sent :
Philip de Bosco,
Richard le Brett,
Richard de Melburn,
Richard de Lynthwayt,
Richard Fithyan.
Laurence de Brakanhil,
William de Slielton,
Hugh de Routhecleve,
William de Buckestanes,
Stephen Bethayt,
Robert de Leynster.
John de Dunolm[iaj, cross-bowman.
July 21. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause proclamation to be made in
Northampton. Boston fair, and in the cities, boroughs, market-towns, and elsewhere in
his bailiwick, that merchants wishing to go to the ensuing fair at Boston
with their goods may do so safely, and may sell their goods therein as in
times past, notwithstanding any previous proclamations or prohibitions,
provided that they shall not after this fair expose for sale, buy, or sell any
goods in the fair before the day upon which it should begin, nor stay there
with their goods after the time when it should close, under the pains
contained in the king's late proclamation forbidding the holding of fairs
upon days earlier than they ought to be held or after the time when they
ought to close, as the king understands that native and alien merchants
withdraw themselves and their goods from the present fair because they are
ignorant of the time when it ought to commence and end, on account of
the king's proclamation forbidding merchants to expose goods for sale or
to buy or sell in fairs before or after the times when the fair ought to
commence and end ; the king wishing to avoid the damage that may arise
to himself by reason of the absence of the merchants from the said fair, as
it will be necessary to provide divers goods at the fair for his use, and to
the magnates and others of the northern parts who have been accustomed
to make their provisions in the said fair.
By K. at the instance of the earl of Richmond.
July 23. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator this side Trent. Although the
Woodstock, king lately committed to Walter le Tenour the manor of Kyrketon with
hamlets and appurtenances, co. Lincoln, and to Gilbert de Holm the castle
and manor of Okham with members and appurtenances, co. Rutland, and the
manor of Whytewell, co. Northampton, and to Nicholas de Fairford the
castle and manor of Eye, the manor of Hanlegh, co. Suffolk, and the manor
of Neuport, co. Essex, and to Peter de Lymesy the manor of Bradenach,
and the chace of Dertemor with the manor of Lydeford and of Wyke, Suth
Tenge, in the same (sic) county, and the manors of Harewell, co. Berks,
Fordyngton and Whitewell, co. Dorset, the manor and town of Henle, co.
Oxford, and certain lands in Old Shorham, all of which the king lately
assigned to Margaret, countess of Cornwall, his niece, under a certain form,
in aid of her maintenance, and which the king caused to be resumed into
his hands by virtue of the ordinances, together with the goods and chattels
in the said castles, manors, towns, and lands, and which he committed to
the aforesaid persons under a certain form, so that they should answer to
the king for the issues thereof and for a reasonable price for the goods and
chattels therein ; the king now orders the escheator to cause all the goods
and chattels found in the said castles, manors, towns, and lands when they
were resumed into the king's hands to be delivered to Hugh Daudele, the
younger, or to his attorney in this behalf, by indenture and at a certain
A 2
Aug. 1.
July 10.
Membrane 31 — cont.
price to be fixed in due form, as Hugh, who has married the aforesaid
Margaret, has found surety to answer at the exchequer for the price of the
goods and chattels. By p.s. [4813.]
The like to Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent.
To Master John de Everdon, dean of the free chapel of Wolverneharaptoii.
Intimation that it was not, and is not, the king's intention that the dean
should, by pretext of any mandate of the king's to him in favour of Gregory
de Canvill concerning the prebend of Wybaston in that chapel, inflict any
■wrong or prejudice upon Master Geoffi-ey de Blaston, incumbent, as it is
said, of the said prebend, but that the king would rather that justice should
be done to them herein in those things that pertain to the dean and to
ecclesiastical jurisdiction, saving the immunity of the chapel.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to John
de Neivill of Stoke, late sherifi" of Lincoln, in his account, 108/. 10s. Od.
{sic), the value of 80 quarters of wheat, price 64/., 70 quarters of malt,
price 31/., 20 quarters of beans and pease, price 9/., and 10 quarters of
beans and pease, price 4/., which he delivered, when sheriff of Lincoln,
at Boston to Hugh Fraunceys, master of the ship called ' Le Blithe ' of
Gernethorp, to take to Berwick-on-Tweed for munition thereof, as appears
by an indenture made between him and Hugh in the presence of lawful
men of the parts of Boston, in execution of the king's order to provide
and send to Berwick 80 quarters of wheat, 70 quarters of malt, and 30
quarters of beans and pease, as it was found, by an inquisition concerning
this matter taken at John's petition, that, on Monday after the Nativity
of St. Mary, in the ninth year of the king's reign, the said sheriff delivered
to Hugh, master of the aforesaid ship, 80 quarters of wheat, price 6*. {sic)
a quarter, 70 quarters of malt, price 9s. a quarter,. 20 quarters of beans and
pease, price 9s. a quarter, and 10 quarters of beans and pease, price 7s. a
quarter, and that the ship on her voyage on the high sea near Scardeburgh
was robbed, together with two other ships laden with victuals of merchants
at Boston voyaging to Berwick, by common robbers of three ships of
Flanders and Zeland {Seland) of the said corn and of all other goods
found in her, and that the mariners in 'La Blithe' and in one of the other
ships were slain without blame of the said John, and that the third ship so
loaded there passed with great peril {maxima pena) to the port of
Whelpeshaven near Scardeburgh and Fyveleye on Wednesday after the
Exaltation of the Holy Cross, in the aforesaid year, and that the ship that
so escaped was of Newcastle-on-Tyue. They are also ordered to allow
John for the freightage and carriage of the corn, receiving from him the
.aforesaid indenture and the king's writ of precept.
Membrane 30.
July 20. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause to be
Northampton, respited until the next parliament the demands made upon the dean and
canons of the king's free chapel of St. Martin-le-Grand, London, by the
sheriffs of London and of Essex in the rents and possessions annexed to
the chapel for the current tenth and for other tenths, for which the sheriflTs
are distraining them, the dean and canons having shown the king that they
and their predecessors from time out of mind have been woni to be quit of all
impositions, taxes, and contributions within this realm. The treasurer and
barons are ordered to certify the king and his council in the said parliament
whether or not the dean and canons and their progenitors have been wont
to pay such tenths of their rents and possessions. By K.
1318. Membrane ZO—cnnt.
To the chamberlains. Order (o receive by indenture from Henry de
Cantuar[ia], the lung's clerk, the instruments and memoranda touching
the state of the account of the duchy of Aquitaine that he shall deliver to
them, to be kept in the treasury.
To the same. Order to intend the transcription of the rolls, processes,
and memoranda touching the state of the duchy of Aquitaine, as ordained
by the king's council, with all diligence until the end of the matter, which
the king wishes to accelerate.
July 24. To the sheriff of York. Order to pay to the king's yeomen John de
Woodstock. Jakesle, Richard de Lodelowe, and John du Chastel, who are staying in
York castle for the custody and repair of the king's tents, their wages from
the time of the sheriff's appointment, and to continue to pay the same
until further orders, to wit Qd. a day to John de Jakesle, Ad. a day to
Richard, and 5d. a day to John du Chastel.
By K. on the information of Roger de Northburgh.
July 23. To W. archbishop of Cashel (Cassalen'), chancellor of Ireland, and to
Woodstock. Master Walter de Islep, treasurer there. Order to amove Nicholas de
Balsecote, clerk, immediately from all offices in those parts touching the
king, and to cause him to be attached by his body, so that they have
him before the king on the morrow of the Nativity of St. Mary,
to answer to the king for his contempt, and to do and receive what
shall be then ordained by the king and his council, the king having
lately revoked the collation that Nicholas asserted that he had from Roger
de Mortuo Mari, lately supplying the king's place in Ireland, of the chancery
and prebend of Fynglas in St. Patrick's church, Dublin, and having ordered
him to amove himself wholly from the possession of the said chancery and
prebend and to permit the king's clerk Master James do Ardyngellis, lo
whom the king had previously given the chancery and prebend, to have
them according to the king's grant, or to appear personally before the king
at a day now past, as Nicholas has neither amoved himself nor appeared on
the said day. They are ordered to ordain so that the fruits of the chancery
and prebend aforesaid be kept safely in certain places, so that neither
Nicholas nor any of his men may intermeddle therewith or lay hands upon
them, until further orders. By p.s. [4812.]
Like writ was sealed returnable on the morrow of Michaelmas next.
July 6. To J. bishop of Winchester, piincipal collector of the tenth imposed
Northampton, upon the clergy of England and granted to the king. Order to cause
to be paid to the king's yeoman John de Rithre, constable of the
castle of Skipton-in-Cravene, 100/. of the money of the first term of
payment of the tenth in the diocese of York by the hands of the abbot
of St. Mary's York, sub-collector of the tenth in that diocese, notwith-
standing any assignment previously made by the king, receiving
from him bills [of the wardrobe] to that amount and his letters of
acquittance, in part payment of 32,81. 3s. Ad. due to him from the king for
the custody of the castle aforesaid, as appears by bills of the wardrobe
under the seal of Roger de Northburgh, keeper of the wardrobe, in John's
possession. By p.s.
July 28. To the sheriff of Dorset. Order to expend up to 40Z. in repairing the
Northampton, castle of Corf, by the view and testimony of any one whom Roger Damory,
to whom the king has committed the custody of the castle, shall depute in
his place. By K. on the information of Master Thomas de Cherleton.
To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to cause proclamation to be made
that a market shall be held at the manor of St. Briavels on Tuesday
weekly, and a fair of three days on the eve, day, and morrow of the Nativity
of St. Mary. By K.
July 30.
July 30.
Aug. 1.
Aug. 1.
Aug. 3.
Aug. 2.
Membrane 30 — cont.
To Master Eichard de Clare, escheator this side Trent. Order to
supersede the execution of the king's late order to resume into his hands
the manor of CornhuU, co. Middlesex, and certain lands in Harwe and
Little Greneford, in the same county, and the advowson of the church of
Little Greneford, which the king lately granted by his charter to Henry de
Bello Monte, as the order was issued as if the gift had been made contrary
to the ordinances, whereas the premises were granted to the king by
Walter, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, for the use of the said Henry, so
that they ought not to remain in the king's hands. By K.
Ralph Eeynald of Paston, in the king's prison at Norwich for the death
of Warin son of Geoffrey Fraunk of Edithorp, has letters to the sheriff of
Norfolk to bail him until the first assize.
To the sheriff of Devon. Whereas Matthew de Clyveden provided,
when he was sheriff of that county, by virtue of the king's order to provide
certain victuals in that county to be taken to the parts of Carlisle for the
munition of the town and castle of Carlisle, certain of the aforesaid victuals,
and the remainder has still to be provided, and the victuals so provided by
him still remain in his possession, because he was removed from office
immediately after he had made the provision, and the men from whom they
were bought have not been satisfied for the same ; the king orders the sheriff^ to
cause the remainder of the victuals to be provided forthwith, and to receive
from Matthew the victuals provided by him by indenture containing the
amount thereof, and the price, and the names of those from whom
the victuals were bought, and to cause them and the victuals to be provided
by himself to be taken to the parts of Skymburnes, there to be delivered by
indenture to Robert de Barton, receiver and keeper of the king's
victuals, and to satisfy the said men for the victuals provided by Matthew.
Byp.s. [-1829.]
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to release John Beek of Wythkal
from prison at Lincoln, upou his finding sufficient mainpernors to have him
before John de Insula, Henry Spigurnel, and Lambert de Trikyngham, the
king's justices to hear and determine the felonies and trespasses whereof
the indictments were lately taken before the king at Lincoln, amongst which
John was indicted for burglary and robbery of the bouse of Nicholas de
Baumburgh, and for burning the house of John de Brynkle, the said John
having been put in exigent to be outlawed because he did not come before
the justices aforesaid to answer to the king's suit herein, and the sheriff was
commanded by the king's writ, witnessed by John de lusula, on 10 Decem-
ber, in the 11th year of the reign, to exact the said John from county
[court] to county [court], etc., so that he should have him before the said
justices at Lincoln on Friday the morrow of St. Bartholomew then next
following, to stand to right concerning the robbery, felony, and burning
aforesaid ; as the said John, upon hearing of the exigent aforesaid, rendered
himself to the aforesaid prison, for which reason the king wishes, at his
instance, to shew him special grace. By K.
To Master Eichard de Clare, escheator this side Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with the lands of Isabella de Maydeuach, and to restore
the issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken by him that she held
nothing at her death in chief of the king by reason whereof the custody of
her lands should pertain to the king.
To Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent. Order to
restore_ to their owners the issues received by him from the above land.s
whilst in the king's hands and in his custody.
To J. bishop of Winchester, principal collector of the tenth imposed upon
the clergy by the pope and granted to the king. Order to cause to be paid
1318. Membrane 30 — cont.
to the king's yeoman John de Eithre, late constable of the castle of
Skipton-in- Craven, lOOl. out of the money of the first term of payment of
the said tenth in the diocese of York by the hands of the abbot of Seleby,
sub-collector of the tenth in that diocese, in part-payment of 386/. 13*. 4c?.
due to hifaa from the king for the custody of the said castle, as appears by
bills of the wardrobe under the seal of Roger de Northburgh, keeper of the
wardrobe, in John's possession, receiving from him bills [of the wardrobe] to
the amount of 100/. and his letters of acquittance. The payment is to be
made notwithstanding any assignment previously made by the king to any
other person. By p.s. [4830.]
Aug. 1. To Oliver de Ingham. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor
Northampton, of Wighton and the hundred of Northgrenet, co. Norfolk, which he has by
the king's commission, and to deliver the issues received thence from
9 July last to Ralph de Eu, count ofEu, the king having, on that day,
assigned to the count and to Joan his wife, daughter and co-heiress
of Drogo de Merlawe, tenant in chief, a moiety of the said manor and
hundred amongst other lands of Drogo's, as her property of his lands, and
having, on 10 July following, committed to the count by letters patent the
other moiety of the manor and hundred, which were in the king's hands on
account of the minority of Margaret, the second daughter and co-heiress of
Drogo, to have under a certain form.
July 31. To Henry le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the
Northampton, king. Order to supersede entirely the assize of darrein presentment
arramed by the king before himself against William de Wrothani concern-
ing the advowson of the church of Akle, diocese of Lincoln, of the king's
patronage, and the plea in connexion therewith pending before the king,
which assize the king arramed upon his presentation of his clerk Gilbert do
Ebor[aco] to the said church, made under the belief that the church
was void, as the said William was presented by the late king to the church
of Brehull, and was, by virtue of that presentment, admitted and instituted
to it and the said church of Akle, which churches fall under one presenta-
tion, and he remains in full bodily vigour, as appears fully to the king;
wherefore the king has accepted the presentation made of the said William,
and has caused the presentation of Gilbert to be revoked.
By K. on the information of Master Thomas de Cherleton.
To Gilbert de Ebor[aco]. Order not to intermeddle with anything by
reason of the above presentation.
Aug. 10. To J. bishop of Winchester. Order to appoint Alexander, archbishop of
Leek. Dublin, to collect in Ireland the tenth of the clergy granted by the pope to
the king in the realms of England and Scotland and in the lands of Ireland
and Wales, which the pope appointed the said John and Walter, bishop of
Exeter, to levy and collect for the king's use, as the king considers that the
tenth in Ireland can be more conveniently collected by the archbishop than
by the said John ; so that the archbishop may answer to the full at the
exchequer of Dublin. He is ordered to cause the pope's original letters of
appointment, which are in his possession because the bishop of Exeter has
excused himself as to the collection, to be delivered to the archbishop, in
order that he may publish them in Ireland, after which publication John
is to receive them back again. By K. and C.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause to be
annulled and cancelled the recognisance made in chancery whereby Richard
de Egebaston and John de Houby acknowledged themselves to be bound to
Bartholomew de Badelesmere in 200 marks, as they have satisfied him for
that sum, as he has acknowledged before the king. By K,
Aug. 8.
Aug. 13.
Aug. 18.
Aug. 12.
Aug. 20.
Aug. 14.
Membrane 30 — cont.
To Robert de Sapy, eacheator beyond Trent. Order to supersede until
the next parliament the execution of the king's order to deliver to Gilbert
de Aton, as his right and inheritance, the manor of Malton, which belonged
to William de Vescy, and which Joan Comyn holds during the king's
pleasure, notwithstanding any order of the king's previously made, unless
the king send in the meantime another order, as the king wills for certain
reasons that Joan shall hold the manor until the next parliament. By K.
The like to the sheriff of York.
To the sheriff of Lancaster. Order to cause Robert de Holand to have
seisin of the manors of Haghe and Blakerode, as it appears by inquisition
that William de Bradeshaghe, who was outlawed for felony, held them of
the said Robert, and that they have been in the king's hands for a year and
a day, and that Peter de Lymesy and Mabel de Haghe had the king's
year, day, and waste thereof, for which they ought to answer to the
To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of
Shirwode to be elected in place of John de Loudham, deceased.
To the abbot of St. Mary's York, sub-collector of the 12d. in the mark
granted to the king by the clergy of the diocese of York for the Scotch
war. Order to pay without delay to Robert de Barton, keeper of the king's
victuals in the parts of Carlisle, 54Z. of the residue of the above I2d. in the
mark, which the king has appointed him to receive from the abbot for pay-
ment of his debts for the time when he was keeper of the victuals aforesaid,
receiving from him the king's letters patent and his own letters patent
witnessing the receipt.
To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause a verderer for the forest
of Eokyngham to be elected in place of John Doylly, who is incapaci-
tated by age and infirmity.
To J. bishop of Winchester, principal collector of the tenth of the
clergy of England and Ireland imposed by the pope for the king's use.
Order to pay, out of the first moneys collected in Ireland, to Roger de
Mortuo Mari of Wyggemor, late keeper of Ireland and supplying the
king's place therein, 400 marks, towards the sum that he ought to receive
from the king for his stay in that land during his term of office. By K.
Membrane 29.
Atig, 16. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver
Nottingham, to brother James de Cusancia, prior of Priterwell, the priory of Priterwell,
together with the issues thereof from the time when the priory was taken
into the king's bauds, which the king ordered to be done because he
learned from the complaint of the said James that brother William de {sic)
Avernaz, monk of the order of Gluny, who asserted that he had been insti-
tuted prior of Priterwell, and that he had been despoiled of the possession
thereof at the procuration of the said James, had entered the priory by
force and arms, and that he held the same by armed force, wasting the goods
and possessions of the priory, which was founded of the alms of the king
and his progenitors, the king having previously accepted the promotion of
James to the priory, which was made by the prior of Lewes, and having
takea his fealty, and ordered the temporalities to be delivered to him, Wil
liam having entered the priory as above stated before the morrow of St.
J»raes last past, at which day the king ordered Master John Walewayn, then
Aug. 13.
Aug. 18.
Aug. 16.
Membrane 29 — cont.
esclieator beyond Trent, to signify to James that he should appear in
chancery to show cause why the temporalities of the priory should not
be delivered to William, if he had been despoiled thereof as he alleged;
as William came in person before the king in chancery on the morrow of
the Assumption last, in accordance with the liing's order that he and James
should appear upon that day, and asserted that he had no right in the same
priory, and expressly renounced any right therein. By K.
To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Whereas the following merchants
of this realm caused a ship of John Priour's called ' la Petite Bayard ' of
London to be laden in Londou with wool and other goods, in order to send
the same to Andwerp, in Brabant, to trade there with the same, to wit
Simon de Abyndon, with 12 serplers of wool, price 120^. ; Stephen le
Foullere, with 4 serplers of wool, price 40/. ; Ralph de Walcote, with
12 serplers of wool, price 120/.; John Priour, with 12 serplers of wool,
price 120/.; Thomas Prentiz, with 3 serplers of wool, price 30/.; John de
Sandale, with 6 serplers of wool, price 60/. ; William de Coumbmartyn,
with 4 serplers of wool, price 40/. ; John atte Vine, with 5 serplers of wool,
price 50/. ; Thomas de Abyndon, with 3 serplers of wool, price 30/. ;
Thomas Beauflour, with 7 serplers of wool, price 70/. ; William Panyfadre,
with a serpler of wool, price 10/. ; William Biddik, with 5 serplers of
■wool, price 50/. ; Robert Elys of Thame, with IG serplers of wool, price
160/, ; Adam Puff of Berkhamsted, with 21 serplers, price 210/. ; Richard de
Warrewyk, with 5 serplers, price 50/. ; and Nicholas Alisaundre, with 4 ser-
plers, price 40/.; and although, at the complaint of the said merchants
that the admiral of Caleys and certain of his armed men attacked the ship
and her tackle, price 40/., and the men in her on her voyage towards
Brabant on the coast in the Isle of Thanet, within this realm, and carried
off with them the ship, tackle, and cargo, detaining the wool from the said
merchants, to their damage of 2,000 marks and more, the king ordered the
sheriffs to arrest goods of the men and merchants of the power of the king
of France found within the city to the value of 600/., and to keep the same
until the merchants had been satisfied for that sum or until furl her orders ;
the king now orders them to supersede the execution of the above order
until All Saints next, and to release any goods that they may have arrested
in execution of the above order, as the king of France will do justice to the
aforesaid merchants concerning this robbery before the aforesaid feast, as
he has promised to do by his letters patent to the king remaining in chan-
cery. By K.
The like to the following for the following sums :
The bailiffs of Southampton for 400/.
The bailiffs of Great Yarmouth for 200/.
The bailiffs of Ipswich for 133/. 6s. 8d.
To the sheriff of York. Order to pay to William de Castellay and
Richard de Alverton, keepers of the king's fishpond of Fosse, their usual
wages from the time of his appointment, and to continue paying the same.
To John de Foxle and his fellows, justices to take assizes in co. Berks.
Order to adjourn (continuetis) until their next session after Michaelmas
the assize arramed by Geoffrey de Okehangre against Almaric la Zusche
for a disseisin made upon him, as he alleges, by Almaric and others named
in the original writ of a tenement in Estchifford, if the disseisin was made
FO lono- ago that Geoffrey might have prosecuted his assize before Almaric
crossed the sea in the king's service ; as the king is bound to provide for
the indemnity of those engaged in his service, so that they be not defrauded
of their rights in their absence. By K.
13]^g, Membrane 29 — cont.
Aug. 23. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to
Nottingham, deliver to A. archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, 200 marks from
custodies and marriages now in the king's hands, or that shall first come to
his hands, the king having granted him that sum In aid of his expenses in
the above office. By K.
Aug. 25. To the bailiffs of Nottingham. Order to expend up to I2s. 9d. in con-
Nottinglaam. structing a penthouse (penticii) between the king's chamber in Nottingham
castle .ind the tower of the castle.
Aug. 24. To the collectors in the port of Yarmouth of the custom of wool, hides,
Nottingham, and wool-fells, and of the loan from native and alien merchants from the
wool, hides, and wool-fells to be exported up to a certain time. Order to
pay to Master Roger de Acton, king's sergeant, 100^. for certain provisions
to be made for the expenses of the king's household.
By K. on the information of Roger de Northburgh.
The like to the following :
The collectors of the custom, etc., at Yarmouth for 100/.
Vacated because above.
The collectors of the custom, etc., at Lenne for lOOZ.
The bailiffs of Yarmouth for 551. of their ferm.
Aug. 28. To Master Eeymund de Mountanser,* receiver of the custom of wool,
Clipston. hides, and wool-fells in the port of Ipswich. Order to pay to the king's
yeoman Fortenerius de Till' t the sums contaijied in bills of the
wardrobe in his possession, which are due to him lor the recompence for his
horses lost in the king's service in Scotland, and for the arrears of his wages,
receiving the bills from him together with his letters patent of receipt.
The king wills that, after payment of the above, the assignment made by
the king upon the said custom in favour of the men of Gascony shall obtain
force. By p.s. [4845.]
Sept. 7. To Master Richard de Clare, eseheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
Clipston. Thomas de Fournivall, the younger, and Joan his wife, eldest daughter and
co-heiress of Theobald de Verdon, tenant in chief, who proved her age
before Master John Walewayn, late eseheator beyond Trent, to have seisin
of the castle and manor of Alveton, with the members of Bredeleye, Far-
leye, Coten, Wotton, Denston, Staunton, Streingeshall, Buckenhale, Fen-
ton, and Balderdeleye, and other their appurtenances in co. Stafford, of the
yearly value of 29/. lis. 4(f., which the king has assigned to them as the
purparty falling to her of the two parts of the lands of the said Theobald,
as the king has taken the fealty of Thomas therefor.
Sept. 9. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
Clipston. elected in place of John de la Lee, whom the king has amoved from office
for insufficient qualification. By testimony of Roger Damory.
Like order for the election of a coroner for the said county in place of
Andrew Hurant. By testimony of the aforesaid Roger.
To Master Richard de Clare, eseheator beyond Trent. Order to super-
sede until further orders the king's order to Master John Walewayn, late
eseheator, and the said Richard to dehver to brother William de Sanoto
Albino the temporalities of the priory of St. Mary Magdalene, Goldeclive,
issued when the king took his fealty upon his presentation to the priory
by the abbot of Bec-Hellouin, as certain letters patent have been exhibited in
chancery by brother Ralph de Roncivall, whereby it appears that, on 7th
August, m the 7th year of the king's reign, the king received the fealty of
the said Ralph and restored to him the temporalities of the aforesaid priory
* Maistre Reymm Arnaud de Mountanser ia the privy seal.
t Fortener Burgeys de Title in the privy seal.
12 EDWARD II. 11
1318. Membrane 29 — cont.
upon his presentation thereto by the said abbot, and there were also ex-
hibited certain letters patent of J. bishop of Llandatf, the diocesan, whereby
it appears that the bishop admitted Ralph to the priory at the presentation
of the aforesaid abbot, and caused him to be inducted into corporal posses-
sion of the priory and its rights and appurtenances in canonical form, and
Ralph has prayed the king to show him justice in this matter, alleging that
he is perpetual prior of the above priory, and that he has not been canoni-
cally amoved therefrom.
Sept. 15. To the chamberlain of Kaermerdyn. Order to pay to Giles de Bello
Clipston. Campo, to whom the king has committed the custody of the castle and
town of Droslan, to hold during pleasure in the same manner as Thomas le
Blound held the custody thereof, the usual fee for the said custody that
Thomas was wont to receive therefor.
To Roger de Chevelyngham and Isabella his wife. Order to deliver to
John do Bogheles the custody of a moiety of the manor of Warden, which
belonged to William le Coynte, Isabella's late husband, tenant in chief, and
to deliver to him the issues received therefrom since 28 November, in the
11th year of the king's reign, when the king committed the custody of the
said moiety to Isabella during the minority of Margery, one of tlie daughters
and heiresses of the aforesaid William, on condition that she maintained
Margaret in food and clothing and other necessaries, and that she rendered
to the exchequer 20^., as the king had previously committed the custody
thereof by letters patent under the seal of the exchequer to the aforesaid
John, for a yearly sum of 29*.
Sept. 5. To John de Wysham, constable of Knaresburgh castle. Order to repair
Clipston. the houses of the castle, the pond and mills, and the palings of the parks
there, by the view and testimony of lawful men of those parts. By p.s.
Sept. 25. To Ohver de Burdegal[a], constable of Guldeford castle. Order to
York. repair the paling about the king's park of Guldeford, and a lodge (Jogeani)
in the same.
Membrane 28.
Enrolment of grant by John de Hothum, bishop of Ely, to Matilda, late
the wife of Richard Costantyn of Bondeby, in consideration of her release
to the bishop of all lands that may fall to her in dower of her husband's
freehold in Bondeby, co. Lincoln, of 10 marks yearly for her life, to be
received from the bishop's manor of Bondeby ; payment whereof he charges
upon himself and his heirs and the aforesaid manor. Witnesses: Sir
Thomas de Fournival, the younger, and Sir Ralph de CrophuU, knights ;
Sir William de Ayremynne, Sir William de Thorn toft. Sir Roger de
Sutton, Sir John de Merton, Sir William de Harlaston, Sir Henry de
Edenestowe, clerks. Dated at Wirsop, 4 September, 12 Edward II.
Enrolment of grant from the aforesaid bishop to the said Matilda of a
toft with buildings in Bondeby, with the adjoining court, which the bishop
had of the feoffment of her husband Richard, and of which Bicljard and
Matilda were enfeoffed to them and their heirs by John son of Robert
called 'the Fisher' {Piscatoris) of Bondeby. Dated and witnessed as
Memorandum, that the bishop came into chancery at Wirsop, on the said
day and year, and acknowledged the. above deeds.
Enrolment of release by the aforesaid Matilda to the said bishop of her
right in all the lands, rents, demesnes, etc., in Bondeby that Simon de
Segrave, knight, granted to Richard, her late husband, and to her and to
131 8. Membrane 28 — cont.
their heirs ; which the hishop holds by feoffment of the fiaid Eichard.
"Witnesses as above. Dated at Wirsop, 1 September, in the said year.
Enrolment of release by the aforesaid Matilda to the said bishop of her
right in all the lands in Bondeby that ought to pertain to her as dower of
her husband's freehold there, which freehold the bishop holds of her
husband's feoffment. Witnesses and date as above.
Enrolment of release by the aforesaid Matilda to the said bishop of her
right in a toft with buildings and adjoining court in Bondeby, which
Richard her late husband and she had of the feoffment of John son of
Robert called the Fisher (Piscatoris) of Bondeby, whereof her hus-
band enfeoffed the bishop. Witnesses and date as above.
Memorandum, that Matilda come into chancery, on the day and year
aforesaid, and acknowledged the above deed.
Sept. 5. To Edward, earl of Chester, and to his justice. The king, being given
Clipston. to understand that dissensions had arisen between the men of the com-
munity of the city of Chester and certain foreign men of the county, and
that much damage had been committed one upon another, lately ordered
the earl and justice to cause a remedy to be provided for pacifying these dis-
cords and punishing the trespasses, so that peace and tranquillity should pre-
vail, and to give credence to Roger de Mortuo Mari, justice of Wales, and
to Master John Walewayn, the king's treasurer, whom the king intended
sending to those parts in this behalf ; and the king now learns from the
certificate of the said Roger and John that certain foreign men of the
county to a great multitude of armed men, proceeding near to the city
on the day when the county [court] ought to be holden therein, and
keeping themselves outside the city by armed force, refused to go to
the county [court] in due manner as they ought to do, and that certain
of them, going up to the walls of the city, made assault in hostile
manner upon certain men of the city standing on the walls aforesaid for
the defence of the city, shooting at them with arrows and grievously
wounding certain of the said men and slaying certain of them, and burning
certain houses of the city suburbs, and not being contented with these
proceedings, they caused the ways and waters leading to the city to be
guarded by armed men, and do daily cause them to be guarded, so that
merchants are now unable to go to the city or leave it with their goods,
robbing certain men passing by the ways and waters aforesaid to the
city of their goods, and beating, wounding, and inflicting other enormi-
ties upon them ; which things, if permitted to continue, would not only
be to the breach of the king's peace and the terror of the people of
those parts, but also a pernicious example for such malefactors of the
neighbouring parts, and might produce a warlike commotion, unless a speedy
remedy be provided ; wherefore the king orders the earl and bis justice to
punish the aforesaid malefactors in such wise that it shall not behove the
king to do so in their default. The king has ordered the justice of Wales
and John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, John de Grey, and the sheriffs of
Lancaster, Salop, and Stafford to lend them such aid as they shall require,
and not to permit any of the malefactors to be received into their baili-
wick. By p.s.
Mandates in pursuance to :
Roger de Mortuo Mari, justice of Wales. By p.s.
John de Warenna, earl of Surrey.
John de Grey.
The sheriff of Lancaster.
The sheriff of Salop and Stafford. By p.s.
To the chamberlain of Caermerdyn. Order to pay to the justice of
Wales reasonable expenses if he have to go to the parts of Chester in the
above matter. By p.s.
12 EDWARD II. 13
1318. Membrane 28 — cont.
Sept. 10. To Philip, king of Franco and Navarre. Whereas the following merchants
Clipstou, of this realm lately caused a ship of John Priour's called ' la Petite Bayard '
of London to be laden with divers serplers of wool for the purpose of taking
the same to Andwerp in Brabant in order to trade there with the same :
Simon de Abyndon of London, Stephen le Eullere, Ralph de Walcote, John
Priour, Thomas Prentiz, John de Sandale, William de Coumbmartyn, John
atte Vine, Thomas de Abyndon, Thomas Beauflour, William Panyf adre, Wi 1 liam
Byddyk, Robert Elys of Thame, Adam Puff of Berkhampstede, Richard
de Warrewyk, and Nicholas Alisaundre ; and the admiral of Caleys and
certain armed men in his company attacked the ship on the sea-coast in
the Isle of Thanet on her voyage to Brabant, and went to the town of
Mergate, whither the men in the ship had fled, carrying with thera the
sail and rudder {gubernaculum) of the ship, and caused the sail and rudder
to be carried back to the ship, which they took away with them, detaining
the ship and wool from the merchants and mariners to the damage of the
merchants of 2000Z. ; which things were so well known in the parts
where they were committed that they could not be concealed by any
tergiversation, and the mayor, aldermen, and community of the city of
Loudon have fully informed the king concerning the same ; where-
fore he frequently requested W. de Castellion, then constable of France,
to cause restitution or satisfaction to be made to the merchants and
mariners, together with amends for their damages, as pertained to him by
reason of the superior custody of the admiral and his fellows committed to
him by L[ouis], then king of France and Navarre ; and the constable,
having called the parties before him and having had the matter fully
discussed, decreed that the ship and goods should be restored to the
merchants and mariners ; which sentence he did not put into execution ;
wherefore the king again requested him to cause satisfaction to be made ;
and the constable certified the present king of France, then regent, con-
cerning the premises, requesting him to excuse the constable to the king of
England in this matter ; and the regent thereupon wrote to the king that
he had caused answer to be made to the said merchants that they
should come to him in the octaves of Christmas then next following,
when he would ordain a remedy for the premises ; to which the king
of England replied, the regent having been crowned king of France
and Navarre, requesting him to execute what he had promised in the
octaves aforesaid ; and the king of France has assigned many days to the
merchants' attorney in this behalf, but the merchants have been unable to
obtain satisfaction, as they have informed the king of England by sufficient
testimony ; and the king of England, although he ought to have pro-
vided the merchants with a rememdy for such a deed committed within
his realm after the above process, nevertheless, at the request of Sir
John Roberd, knight, and Master John Pastyn, clerk, his envoys in
another matter, superseded the provision of a remedy for the said
merchants, and requested the king of France to cause satisfaction to
be done to them ; . vvhich the king of France promised to do in the
presence of John Abel, knight, and Richard de Burton, clerk, the king
of England's envoys ; but as the king of France did not do so, the
merchants returned to the king of England with their supplication;
wherefore the king of England ordered the goods of the men and
merchants of the realm of the king of France within this realm to be
arrested ; by reason whereof certain goods of the merchants of the city
of Amiens were arrested ; and the king of France a short time since
signified to the king that the citizens and merchants of Amiens, whose
goods were so arrested in this realm, had come to him and prayed him
for a remedy, and it was contained in the king of France's letters that due
restitution had not been made to the king of England's merchants
1318. Membrane 28 — cont.
owing to negligence of the officials (officialium) and ministers of the king
of France, by whicli letters the king of France requested the king of
England to desist from such counter seizures {contraprisiis) and to restore
the goods of the merchants of Amiens thus arrested, and promised to
cause such satisfaction to be made to the said merchants of this realm
before All Saints next as should content the king of England ; where-
upon the king of England caused the order for arresting goods of the
men of the king of France to be superseded, and caused their goods
to be restored to the aforesaid merchants of Amiens : wherefore he
requests the king of France to cause due satisfaction to he made to
the aforesaid merchants or to "William Beddyk, William de Merden,
and Stephen le Fullere, their attorniea in this behalf, before All Saints
according to his promise, and that he will certify the king of England at
the said feast by his letters of his proceedings. If the merchants have
received anything in part payment, the king wills that the amount
thereof shall be deducted f\'om what is due to them. [F(edera.'\
Sept. 22. To John de Mutford and his fellows, justices to take assizes in co. Essex.
York. Order to adjourn all assizes arramed against Nicholas de Segrave in that
county in their next session after Michaelmas until their next session after
Christmas, as Nicholas is now with the king in the company of Thomas, earl
of Lancaster, for the purpose of repelling the invasion of the Scots, the king
being bound to protect the interests of those engaged in his service, so that
they may not be defrauded of their rights in their absence. By K. and C.
Sept. 21. To the same, justices of assize in co. Suffolk. Order to adjourn
York. until their first session after their instant session before Michaelmas the
assize of novel disseisin arramed before them by Roger Swan concerning
a tenement in Farnham against William de Cleydon, as William is set-
ting out in the company of Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, to repel
the invasion of the Scots. By K. and C.
To Henry Beaufiz, Richard de Wylughby, and John de Bromfeld. Order
to adjourn until after Christmas the assize of novel disseisin arramed before
them against William la Zusche and Alice his wife and others by William
le Mel of Swanecote and Lucy his wife, Richard le Cromery(?) and Lucy his
wife, concerning a tenement in Elmeleye Lovet, as the aforesaid William la
Zusche is setting out in the company of Thomas de Brotherton, earl of
Norfolk and marshal of England, to repel the invasion of the Scots.
By K. and 0.
Sept. 26. To Henry Spigumel and his fellows, justices to take assizes in co. War-
York, wick. Order to adjourn until their next session after their session after
Michaelmas the assize arramed against Geofirey Dode, the king's sergeant,
and others by William ' the Rodye,' chaplain, concerning a tenement in the
suburbs of Warrewyk, as Geoffrey is about to set out with the king to repel
the Scotch invasion. By K.
■ Oct. 1. To John de Mutford and his fellows, justices to take assizes in co. Hert-
York. ford. Order to adjourn until their next session after Christmas the assize
of novel disseisin arramed by Robert de Pounsbourn and Agnes his wife
against Robert le Baud and others concerning a tenement in Aldebury, as
the said Robert is setting out in the company of Bartholomew de Badeles-
mere to repel the invasion of the Scots.
By K. and by the testimony of Bartholomew de Badelesmere.
Membrane 27.
Sept. 10. To Master Richard de Clare, eschoator beyond Trent. Order to take
Clipstou. into the king's hands the lands and rents of Robert Martyn le Clerck and
12 EDWARD II. 15
1318. Membrane 27 — cont.
John le Taverner in the town and suburbs of Bristol, which came to the
king's hands as escheats, and to attach any persons resisting him in the
execution of this order, certifying the king of their names, the escheator
having written that he was unable to execute the king's previous order to
take the premises into his hands on account of the resistance of certain
men, which premises the king had previously given to John de Weston,
the younger, to have to him and his heirs, and having ordered them to be
resumed into his hands amongst other gifts made by him by virtue of the
ordinances accepted by him.
Sept. 12. To the same. Order to deliver to William Wyne and Matilda his wife,
Clipston. late the wife of William de Lodelawe, tenant in chief, the following of the
said William de Lodelawe's lands, which the king has assigned to her in
dower : a third of the manor of Stoke Say, and of the townships of Roul-
ton and Ellewardyn, co. Salop ; and a third of iOl. of yearly rent in
Markeleye, co. Hereford ; and a third of the wood of Teddeswode, and of
17 marks of yearly rent in Markeleye.
Sept. 21. To the sheriff of Hertford. Order to expend up to 100*. in repairing the
York. king's prison at Hertford, which is threatened with ruin.
Sept. 16. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay to Robert de Shut-
York, kyngdon (sic), chief chaplain of St. Edward's chapel in Wyndesore castle, the
arrears of 26Z. 13s. 4rf., which sum the king, on 23 September, in the 11th
year of his reign, ordered them to pay to Henry Canon for the wages and
stipends of himself and three chaplains celebrating in the aforesaid chapel and
for two clerks serving the chaplains, from Michaelmas then next following
until the following Michaelmas, the king having afterwards appointed the
said Robert his chief chaplain in the chapel, when he ordered the treasurer
and chamberlains to pay to him the arrears of the above sum ; which order
has not been put into execution.
Sept. 21. To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to expend up to 10/. in repairing
York. the houses and other buildings in Carlisle castle. By K.
Sept. 22, To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cancel the
York. recognisance made before them by John de Houby for payment of 28/. to
John Darcy, as John Darcy has acknowledged before the king that he has
received this sum. By K.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to admit Adam de
Dene, clerk, to make prefer in place of Richard de Perers, sheriff of Essex
and Hertford, who is with the king at York to set out thence for Scotland
in the company of J. bishop of Ely, the chancellor, so that he cannot come
in person to Westminster on the morrow of Michaelmas. By K.
Sept. 22. To Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex, keeper of the
York. lands of Ralph son of William, tenant in chief, in the king's hands.
Whereas it was lately found by inquisition taken by Robert de Sapy, es-
cheator this side Trent, that the aforesaid Ralph granted by writing
obligatory to Thomas de Boulton, knight, two suitable robes for his life
■with fur-edging {pellura) and lining {linurn), one at Christmas and the
other at Easter, and a knight's saddle yearly, and fitting maintenance for
himself and his yeoman, and hay, provender, shoes (ferros), and nails for
four horses, and wages for four grooms to be received from the manor of
Hilderskelf, and that Thomas was seised thereof until the time of Ralph's
death, and that the manor is held of John Bygod by the service of a third
of a knight's fee ; and the king ordered the earl to cause Thomas to have
the above allowances yearly out of the manor, which is in his custody by
the king's commission ; and the earl has signified to the king that he was
1318. Membrane 27 — cont.
unable to execute the order because the things therein specified are not put
at a certain yearly value : the king, considering that the said manor of
Helderskelf was extended, after Ralph's death, to the yearly value of
M. 16i. Orf., and that what Thomas ought to have theuce exceeds that
extent, and being unwilling to satisfy Thomas from any lands of Ralph's
other than those that are so charged to the said manor, orders the earl
to deliver the manor and appurtenances to Thomas, to have during the
heir's minority for the charges so incumbent upon it. The king -will
discharge the earl of the extent of the same. By C.
Sept. 22. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to the
llort. slierifE of Bedford 40/., which he has expended in the wages of four
men working in the quarry (quarrera) of Eglemont in his bailiwick,
and in carriage of stone thence to Langele, by virtue of the king's order
to provide four men to work in the quarry and to carry the stone to
Langele, and to pay them their wages, the expenses to be witnessed by
indenture between him and brother William de Kenilworth, ' mazon.'
By p.s. [4863.]
Cancelled because otherwise below.
Sept. 24. To the collectors in the port of London of the loan to be made by native
, York. and alien merchants of wool, hides, and wool-fells to be exported until
Michaelmas next. Order not to intermeddle with collecting the loan after
the above date. By K.
The like to the collectors in the following ports :
Lenne. Ipswich.
Boston. Melecombe.
Newcastle-on-Tyne. Great Yarmouth.
Hertelpole. Sandwich.
Kyngeston-on-Huli. Southampton.
Birstoll. Chester.
Sept. 22. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to John
York. de la Haye 40/., which he expended, when sheriff of Bedford, by virtue of
the king's order to provide four men to work in the quarry of Eglemont in
his bailiwick, and to cause stone to be carried thence to Langele, and to
cause their wages to be paid, by indenture to be made between him and
brother William de Kenilworth, ' mazon,' he having expended the above
sum for the above purposes and upon certain works that the king caused
to be done there. By p.s. [48d3.]
Sept. 25. To the steward and marshal of the king's household. Order not to
York. intermeddle with anything touching their ofHoe, nor to permit any others
to intermeddle therewim, otherwise than was wont in the past, between
the waters of Tyne and Tese, in the liberty of the bishopric of Durham,
when the king comes there during his expedition against the Scotch rebels,
as the king wishes to preserve the liberty of St. Cuthbert's church,
Durham, unharmed in all things. By K.
The like to the clerk of the market, or to him who supplies his place.
Sept. 26. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to receive from
York. the abbot of Seleby, collector of the tenth of the clergy in the arch-
deaconry of Richmond, the tenth in that archdeaconry of benefices and
temporalities annexed to spiritualities according to the taxation made by
the archdeacon of Richmond or his vicar-general, which taxation was
delivered to the said abbot, and to acquit him on this occasion of anything
beyond that taxation, the king having ordered the archdeacon or his vicar
general, the archdeacon being abroad, to cause inquisition to be made
12 EDWARD ir. 17
1318. Membrane 27 — cont.
concerniDg the value of all benefices in the archdeaconry, and of all
temporalities of prelates there that have been hitherto taxed to the tenth,
to vfit what was the value at the time of the grant of the tenth, because
the clergy of the archdeaconry complained to the king that their benefices
and temporalities are wasted and destroyed by the Scotch rebels, and that
they granted the tenth upon what their benefices were worth at the time,
and not according to the taxation of the tenth heretofore current there.
Sept. 24. To the abbot of Cokersand, sub-collector [of the tenth] of the clergy.
York. Order to supersede until Easter the demand upon the abbot of Egleston
for Ql. 6s. \\d. for the tenth, releasing in the meantime any sequestration.
Like order to the abbot of Seleby, sub-collector of the tenth in the
diocese of York, to supersede the demand upon the aforesaid abbot for
18/. 10s. O^d.
Sept. 25. To the sheriff of Essex and Hertford. Order to pay to Giles de
York. Tholosa, king's sergeant, keeper of certain of the king's great horses, 20/.
for the expenses of the horses.
To the collectors of the custom of wool, hides, and wool-fells, in the
port of London. Order to permit Henry Nasard, citizen of London, and
his fellows to retain by indenture the custom of wool exported by them to
the amount of 200Z. 2s. 2d., which sum the king owes Henry for cloths
received from him and delivered to divers men-at-arms and footmen of the
king's garrisons and towns in Scotland for the arrears of their wages and
restoration of their horses lost in the king's service in the eleventh year of
his reign, as appears by a bill under the seal of John de Weston, late
chamberlain of Scotland.
To the collectors of the said custom in the port of Kyngeston-on-Hull.
Order lo pay to Robert de Hastang', out of the issues of the custom,
1491. I8s. Sd., notwithstanding any assignments previously made thence
for other persons, which sum the king owes him for the wages of himself
and his men-at-arms staying in the city of York for the custody thereof,
together with Walter de Teye, between 1 October, in the eleventh year
of the king's reign, and 28 March, in the said year, as appears by a bill
sealed by Roger de Northburgh, keeper of the king's wardrobe. By K.
Sept. 26. To Robert de Sapy, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
York, meddle further with three tofts, two bovates, and 1 1 acres of land in Beford
that belonged to Walter de Siwardby, the escheator having certified the
king that they were taken into the king's hands because it was found by an
inquisition of oiSce taken by him that certain lands in Beford were held of
the king in chief as of the honour of Albemarle, amongst which he under-
stood the premises to be included, as he has now found by another
inquisition that the premises are not held of the king.
To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause a verderer for the forest
of Clyve to be elected in place of Henry de Sene, who is so engaged
elsewhere in the service of the king and of Aymer de Valencia, earl of
Pembroke, that he cannot attend to that office, wherefore the king has
amoved him from office.
Sept. 25. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a verderer to be elected for the
York. forest of Pykeryng, which belongs to Thomas, earl of Lancaster, in place of
Robert de Wyerne, deceased.
To the same. Order to cause a verderer to be elected for the aforesaid
forest in place of Alan Maltak, whom the king has amoved because he
is incapacitated by infirmity.
Sept. 26. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to permit Richard
de Draycote to pay 34Z. lis. \d., owing by him for the arrears of his
76416. B
1318. Membrane 27 — cont.
account of the time when he was the late king's sheriff of Lincoln, at the
rate of 60s. yearly, the king having granted him these terms of payment
of his special grace. -"7 ■'^•
Sept. 24. To J. bishop of "Winchester, principal collector of the tenth of the clergy
York. granted by the pope to the king. Order to pay, out of the money of the
second term of payment in the diocese of York, 2O0/. to Andrew de
Hartcla, late warden of the marches and keeper of the castle of Carlisle, in
part payment of 586/. 8*. 6d., which the king owes him for the wages
of himself and of his men-at-arms staying with him about the custody
aforesaid, and for recompence for certain of his horses that died there, in
the time of J. archbishop of York, late keeper of the wardrobe, as appears
by a bill of the wardrobe made in the archbishop's name under the seals of
Robert de Wodehous and Richard de Fereby ; upon which bill the
payment on account is to be endorsed, according to custom. By K.
Sept. 28. To the sheriff of York. Order to pay to William de Casteley and
York. Richard de Alverton, keepers of the fish-pond of Fosse, their usual wages,
to wit 2d. a day each, during the time of Ms office.
Oct. 1. To the same. Order to pay to Oliver son of John de Nantoil, usher of
York. Queen Isabella's chamber, the arrears of his wages and robes from the time
of the sheriff's appointment, and to continue paying the same, the king
having granted him for his maintenance for life Qd. daily and two robes
yearly befitting his estate, to be received from the sheriff of York.
Sept. 28. To J. bishop of Winchester, principal collector of the tenth of the
York. clergy granted to the king by the pope. Order to pay, out of the money
of the second term of payment in the diocese of York, 2GQI. to William de
Ros of Hamelak, the remainder of 300/. that the king owed him, for which
William has delivered the bills at the king's receipt, the king having
caused 100/. to be paid to him, by the hands of W. archbishop of York, out
of the tenth for six years lent to the king by the pope. hj K.
Membrane 26.
Oct. 2. To Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chyrk, justice of Wales. Order to
York. deliver, without delay or excuse, the land of Megheyn Iscoyt to Griflfin
de la Pole, which was taken into the king's hands with other lands of
Griffin's in the land of La Pole, the king having restored the same to Griffin
to hold in the same manner as before it was taken into his hands.
By K. and C.
Oct. 1. To the bailiffs of the city of York. Order to pay to William de Ros of
York. Hamelak 60/. out of the ferm for the city of York for Michaelmas term ;
the king having granted him 120/. yearly from that ferm, and 146/. 13*. Ad.
yearly from the ferm of the city of Lincoln, to be received from the bailiffs
of York and Lincoln until the king shall cause him to be provided with
400 marks of land and rent yearly in suitable places, and the king
enfeoffed him thereof as appears by his letters patent, which yearly sum the
king promised to grant him in suitable places between the waters of
Thames and Tees (Thaiste) before Midsummer, in the 11th year of his
reign, in exchange for the castle of Werk-on-Tweed, which William
granted to the king on 25 September, in the said year, with the knights'
fees, serjeanties, homages, villenages, etc., and all other appurtenances
except the advowsons of the cells appertaining to the priory of Kirkham
and the hospital of Boulton. By K.
To the hailiflfs of the city of Lincoln. Like order to pay the said
William 73/. 6s. 8d.
12 BDWAED II. 19
1318. Membrane 26 — cont.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow the above
60/. to the bailiffs of York.
To the same. Order to allow to the bailiff of Lincoln the said
73/. 6s. Sd.
Oct. 4. To the chamberlain of Kaernarvan. Order to survey the victuals in the
York. castle of Hardelagh by the testimony of someone to be deputed on behalf
of Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk, justice of Wales, and to dispose for the
king's profit of those that are unfit for the garnisture, and to cause the
castle to be provided with other victuals out of the money received from
the sale and out of other issues of his bailiwick, as the king understands
that certain of the victuals in the castle are putrid and infected. By K.
Oct. 5. To the sheriff of York. Order to release from prison William son of
Tork. Cicely de Stokesleye, John and Adam his brothers, Roger Fotour, Robert
del Howe, William son of Hugh Pigod, Roger de Pothowe, John Cham-
barde of Pothowe, John, vicar of the church of Kirkeby in Cliveland, and
William de Le^yngton, the elder, whom the king ordered the sheriff to
justice by their bodies according to the custom of England, upon their
denunciation by the archbishop of York as excommunicated and as con-
temners of the jurisdiction of the church until they should satisfy the church
for the wrong done by them and for the contempt, as the archbishop has
signified by his letters patent to the king that they have merited absolution.
Oct. 6. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to
York. commit to Geoffrey de Lanneye during pleasure the oflSce of sheriff of the
county of Meath {Midie), taking from him sufficient security, the king
having granted the oflace to him with all appurtenances, on condition that
he answer to the aforesaid exchequer for the issues of the shrievalty.
Oct. 4. To Nicholas de Grey, late sheriff of York. Order to pay to Oliver son
York. of John de Nantoil, usher of Queen Isabella's chamber, the arrears of his
wages of 6d. a day and two robes yearly granted to him by the king for
life, for the time when Nicholas was sheriff after 29 May, in the 6th year of
the king's reign, the date of the king's grant. By K.
The like to Simon Warde for the time when he was previously sheriff.
Oct. 8. To the sheriff of Westmoreland. Order to cause the abbot of Hepp to
York. have seisin of a messuage and an acre of land in Bampton Patrik, which
William son of John le Archer of Bampton Patrik, who was hanged for
felony, held of the abbot, as it appears by inquisition that they have been
in the king's hands for a year and a day, and that the said John held them
of the abbot, and that the township of Bampton Patrik had the king's
year, day and waste, and ought to answer to the king for the same.
Oct. 6. To Ed. de Dynynton, chamberlain of North Wales. Order to supersede
York. until further orders the assessment and levy of the subsidy that the men
and tenants of North Wales lately granted to the king of their goods, which
still remains to be levied. By C.
The like to the chamberlain of South Wales. By C.
Oct. 5. To John de Mutford and his fellows, justices appointed to take assizes in
Yco-k. CO. Norfolk. Order not to molest Roger de Bilneye for the imprisonment
or for what pertains to the king for not prosecuting a jury of 24 knights
that he arramed before William de Ormesby and his fellows, justices
appointed to take assizes in that county, against the prior of Walsyngham,
to convict the jurors of an assize of novel disseisin summoned between them,
and taken before William and his fellows at Norwich, concerning common of
pasture in Heveringlond, and for not prosecuting another jury of 24 knights
B 2
1318. Membrane 26 — cont.
arramed by him against Richer Est before William and his fellows to
convict the jurors of an assize of novel disseisin summoned between them,
and taken before William and his fellows at Norwich, concerning common
of pasture in the aforesaid town, which juries were adjourned after
William's death to be taken before the said John de Mutford and his
feUows, before whom it was considered that Roger should be arrested and
imprisoned because he did not prosecute the aforesaid juries; as the king
has pardoned him the imprisonment and what pertains to him in this behalf
because he was engaged in the king's service at the time of his non-prosecu-
tion aforesaid.
Oct. 6. To Henry le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the king.
York. Order to proceed with the pleas or suits touching William Broun, the elder,
at the suit of the plaintiffs, notwithstanding the king's protection granted for
his lands and rents, which the king granted him because William was about
to set out for Scotland in the king's service, when the king willed that he
should be quit of all suits except pleas of dower unde nichil habet and pleas
of quare impedit, and assizes of novel disseisin and of last presentation, as
the king now learns upon trustworthy testimony that William has not set
out and is not setting out for Scotland. By C.
Oct. 6. To John de Hanstede. Order not to intermeddle further with the
York. custody of the water of Tyne between Newcastle-on-Tyne and the sea,
which the king lately appointed him to keep, taking care that no victuals
or other necessaries be taken on the said water to Scotland, whereby the
king's enemies might be aided, as the king now understands from the
complaints of the burgesses of Newcastle that the commission made to the
said John is to the prejudice of the liberties granted to them by the king's
progenitors and confirmed by the king. By K. and C.
Oct. 8. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to pay to John Giffard of Brymesfeld
Tork. 100 marks due to him for Easter term before June 9 last, when the
king, by virtue of the ordinances, revoked the grant of 200 marks yearly
made to John on 30 December, in the 10th year of his reign, to be received
from the sheriff of Gloucester, which grant was made by the king because
he wished to keep the agreements made with John for his stay with the
king with a certain number of men-at-arms, in peace and war, for John's
lifetime. By K.
Oct. 10. To the bailiffs of the liberty of Ravenesrod. Whereas Adam le Clerk of
Buretwick. Lenne, merchant, caused a ship of his called ' La Plente' of Lenne, price
100/. sterling, to be laden in the parts of Poitou {Peytou) with salt of
Poitou, lampreys of Nauntes, and certain bales of Bugeye, and other his
goods, to the value of 200/., in order to take the same to St. Johnstown of
Perth, in Scotland, to make his profit thereon and in aid of the main-
tenance of the king's men garrisoning that town, Henry de Eikelynghous
and certain other malefactors of the towns of Grippeswald, Sirallesound,
and Lubyk robbed the aforesaid ship on her voyage on the sea coast between
Great Yarmouth and Blakeneye, and slew many men found in her, and
carried her away with them to Aberden iu Scotland, and there sold the
goods, robes, and cloths of the aforesaid men, and afterwards took the ship
with them to Strillesound {sic) ; whereupon the king requested the schoffen
and men of the towns of Grippeswold, Strallesound, and Lubyk to hear the
complaint of the said merchant, and to cause satisfaction to be made to him,
so that it should not behove the king to provide him with another remedy ;
but although Geoffrey atte Feld, Adam's attorney in this behalf, delivered
the king's letters to them, and diligently prayed for justice, they did nothing
in the matter, as appears by letters patent shewn to the king under the
Oct. 29.
Oct. 7.
1318. Membrane 26 — cont.
seal of the community of London ; whereupon the king ordered the sheriff
• of York to arrest goods of the men ami merchants of the aforesaid towns to
the value of 100/., in part satisfaction for the above sum ; and the aforesaid
bailiffs, by virtue of the return of the king's writ made to them by the
sherilF, arrested a ship of Lubyk called ' la Swetmund,' the master whereof
is called Peter Vanlenne, which was laden with goods of divers merchants
of Lubyk, to wit ' stockfissh,' hides, and oil, whose names are Hermann
Cure, Adelard Holyk, Henry Drone, Christian Eose, Whittemann Bare,
Warkin de Bergh, John de Felghonis, and John Brider, and the ship and
goods are appraised at 106/., as the bailiffs have returned to the king by his
order : the king orders them to cause the ship and cargo to be appraised
again by merchants, mariners, and others, in presence of the aforesaid
merchants, if they choose to attend, and to deliver thence goods by this
appraisement to the value of 100/. to the aforesaid Adam or to William de
Pikeworth, whom Adam has appointed in chancery his attorney in this
behalf, in part satisfaction, certifying the king of their proceedings herein.
If there be any goods in excess of value over the said 100/., they are to
deliver them to the aforesaid merchants.
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause a coroner to be elected for
that county in place of William de Manby, whom the king has amoved
because he is insufficiently qualified.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit the sheriff
of Westmoreland of the eighth year of the reign of two parts of the profits
of the county from 2 October in that year, when the king granted to Guy
de Bello Campo, then earl of Warwick, and Henry de Percy, deceased, and
to Bartholomew de Badelesmere the custody of two parts of the lands and
profits of the shrievalty of that county, which profit is extended to the
yearly value of 100*., which lands and profit belonged to Robert de Clifford,
deceased, tenant in chief in that county and elsewhere in the realm, and
■which were in the king's hands on account of the minority of Roger, son and
heir of Robert, to have with all things pertaining to such custody during
Roger's minority, to wit the custody of the two parts aforesaid in West-
moreland for the maintenance of the heir, rendering for the other lands in
the realm the extents thereof.
Oct. 13. To the same. Order to cancel the recognisances for 100/. and for
Burstwick. 10/. made before them in the exchequer by John de Houby to Robert de
Ardern, John having satisfied Robert for the same, as Robert has acknow-
ledged before the king.
Oct. 14. To the justices of the Bench. Order to continue until the quinzaine of
Burstwick. Martinmas the plea pending before them between the king and tlie prior and
convent of St. Thomas the Martyr, near Stafford, concerning the church of
Stowe, in the diocese of Coventry and Lichfield, to which the king lately
presented his clerk Robert de Marchumley, the prior and convent claiming
to hold the church for their own uses, as the prior and convent have shewn
to the king that they have in their possession divers muniments and evidences
touching the appropriation, in order that they may meanwhile inform the
king and his council concerning their said muniments, and that the said
clerk may inform the king and his council concerning the king's right.
By p.s. [4874.]
Oct. 15. To the treasurer, barons and chamberlains of the exchequer. Order to
Burstwick. cause to be deducted from the king's debts to the merchants of the society
of the Bardi of Florence 400/., which the king caused to be paid to Roger
Ardingelli, merchant of that society, for himself and his fellows, to wit 200/.
by the hands of W. archbishop of York, collected by the abbot and convent
1318. Membrane 26 — cont.
of St. Mary's York of the tenth for six years imposed by Clement V. in
the council" of Vienne and lent to the king by pope John, for wMch the
king caused his letters patent obligatory to be made to the pfP* and
delivered to the archbishop, and 200^. by the hands of the prior and convent
of St. Katherine's without Lincoln, sub-collectors of the tentli granted to
the king by the clergy of the province oli Canterbury for the Scotch war, for
which the king acquitted the prior and convent and caused his same letters
to be delivered to them, the king having received from Roger letters patent
of acquittance of himself and his fellows for the above sums, which the
king sends to the treasurer, barons, and chamberlains, by the bearer.
Oct. 2. The king to all to whom, etc. Letters patent witnessing that the king has
York. received, by the hands of Master John Walewayn, treasurer, and of the
chamberlains of the exchequer, 20 marks from J. bishop of Lincoln, in the
name of pope John XXII., in part payment in the city and diocese of
Lincoln of the first year of the tenth for six years imposed upon the clergy
by pope Clement V. in the council of Vienne, collected before this
time by the bishop by the hands of the abbot and convent of Oseneye :
which sum the king binds himself to repay to the pope within five years
from the fourth kalend of April, in the 10th year of his reign.
By bill of the exchequer.
Vacated, because otherwise on the Patent Roll on the same day and
Membrane 25.
Oct. 18. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
York. intermeddle further with the knights' fees or other appurtenances of
the castle and honour of Walyngford after I August last, and to deliver
to Queen Isabella any issues received since that date, when the king
granted the castle and honour, which she held by the king's grant, to be
held as her dower, together with the knights' fees and other appurten-
Oct. 26. To Blaster Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
York. John de Noithgrave, son and heir of Alfred de Northgrave, tenant in
chief of the late king, to have seisin of his father's lands, as he proved
his age before Master John Walewayn, late escheator beyond Trent, and
the king has taken his homage.
To Robert de Sapy, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
John de Yucflete and Joan his wife, mother of Alexander Tothe, son and
heir of James Tothe of Middelton, the lands of the said Alexander, which
cannot descend to them by right of inheritance, as his nearest friends for
his maintenance and profit, the escheator having taken the lands into the
king's hands because he understood that Alexander was a madman and an
idiot from his birth, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the
escheator that Alexander is not an idiot from birth, that he was of good
memory for three years after his birth, and that he was afterwards
impaired by malign spirits so that he lost his memory for two years,
after which time he recovered his good state, so that he was sufficient for
the rule of himself and his lands and chattels had he been of full age, and
that he enjoys lucid intervals {lucidis intervallis) in the new moon, and
that he holds lands in Middelton of divers lords by various services, and
that he does not hold of the king, and that he is aged fourteen years.
To the sheriff of Surrey. Order to repair the king's houses within the
castle of Guldeford, in the custody of the king's yeoman Oliver de
Burdegala, by the view and testimony of lawful men of those parts.
12 EDWARD II. 23
1318. Membrane 25 — cont.
Oct. 24. To the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order to pay to Master Eoger
York. de Acton, the king's lardener, 40/., to make provision therewith of fish for
the king's household.
Oct. 27. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
York. intermeddle further with the lands of William le Botiller of Saham, and
to restore the issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition that he held nothing
of the king in chief at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands
ought to pertain to the king.
To the fame. Like order concerning the lands of William de Horford.
Oct. 26. To Robert de Sapy, escheator this side Trent. Order not to distrain
York. Patrick Bouche of Ulvesby for homage for the lands held by him in chief,
as the king has taken his fealty and respited his homage.
To the same. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Nicholaa, late the
wife of Robert de Ireby, tenant in chief of the king, upon her taking oath
not to marry without the king's licence.
To Eleanor, late the wife of Henry de Percy, keeper of two parts of
the manor of Wetherby and other lands of the said Henry in co. York.
Order to pay to Robert de Walton, chaplain, two parts of 10 marks yearly,
for the time that she has had the custody, for two parts of the wages, etc.,
that the treasurer and barons have certitied that he received, and ought to
receive, from that mauor from the time of the grant made to him by Robert de
Turvill, late master of the order of the Temple in England, to which order the
manor then belonged, to wit '6d. a day for his food, a mark yearly at Whitsun-
tide, an allowance of a tallow candle each night for his bed, necessary
firewood to burn in his chamber, and a groom to serve him, whom the preceptor
would assign to him, for 50 marks that he paid beforehand to the Templars ;
the king having many times ordered her to pay the above wages and stipends
out of the ferm of 400/. due from her to the exchequer yearly for the custody
of the aforesaid two parts, together with the arrears thereof from the time
when she received the custody; in answer to which she has certified that
she is ready to pay the wages and money for the robe, which are ascertained
sums, up to the date contained in the king's writ, but that she is ignorant
as to what she ought to pay for the candle and firewood and the groom ;
the king willing that Robert shall be satisfied for 10 marks yearly for the
wages and stipends aforesaid. The king will cause allowance to be made
to her in her ferm for the two-thirds of the 10 marks aforesaid, the other
third whereof she is to pay for the third of the manor held by her in dower.
At Lincoln, 21 February, in the 9th year {sic).
Oct. 27. To the sherifi' of Lancaster. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of
York. Lancaster, belonging to Thomas, earl of Lancaster, to be elected in place
of Richard de Houghton, deceased.
Like order for the election of a verderer in place of John de Burton,
Nov. 2. To Edward, earl of Chester, or to his justice. Order to supersede until
York. his county [court] on Tuesday next and then for six full weeks following
the matters touching the men of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, and others who
ought to be delivered from prison at the petition of the earl's bailiffs, not
intermeddling in the meantime therewith, as the earl of Lancaster has
given the king to understand that many of his men and others have been
indicted, arrested, and imprisoned by the earl of Chester, on account of
the dissensions between the community of the city of Chester and others
and for other causes, who ought, according to the law and custom of
those parts, to be delivered from prison at the petition of the bailiffs of
the earl of Lancaster in those parts by plevin under a certain form, and
that they are detained in prison contrary to the law and custom aforesaid.
The king proposes to send Roger de Mortuo Man of Chirk, justice of
1318. Membrane 25 — cont.
Wales, John de Grey, and Jolin de Somery to those parts shortly, without
•whom he wills that nothing shall be done in the meantime. In addition,
the king orders them to permit the earl of Lancaster to use and enjoy
the liberties that he ought to have, and that he and the ancestors of Alesia
his wife ought to have and enjoy in those parts. By K. and C.
Oct. 28. To W. archbishop of York. Order to pay to William de Eos of
York. Hamelak 200/. out of the tenth for six years in his diocese lent to the
king by the pope, in part payment of 300Z. due to him from the king,
receiving from him the king's letters patent containing that the king has
received the above sum from the archbishop and William's letters patent of
Nov, 2. To J. bishop of Winchester, principal collector of the tenth for one year
Tork. granted to the king by the pope. Order to supersede the assessment and
collection of the tenth by the old taxation in the diocese of Carlisle, and to
cause his sub-collectors in that diocese to be superseded, and to levy the
tenth according to the taxation to be sent to him by the bishop of Carlisle,
whom the king has ordered to make enquiry as to the present value of all
ecclesiastical benefices in his diocese and of the temporalities annexed to
spiritualities that have been wasted by the inroads of the Scotch rebels, and
to cause the benefices to be taxed accordingly, as many benefices in that
diocese have been so wasted by the Soots that they cannot answer for the
tenth according to the present taxation.
Nov. 4. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to receive by indenture from the
York. sheriff of Cambridge the king's victuals that he will deliver to him, and to
cause them to be carried with all speed to Kyngeston-on-Hulle, there to be
delivered to the receiver of the king's victuals. The king has ordered the
sheriff of Cambridge to deliver the aforesaid victuals to him with all
Nov. 4. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
York. intermeddle further with the lands of John de Ludham in Wynterton, co.
Lincoln, and to restore the issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken
by the escheator that he held at his death a moiety of the manor of
Blunteshale, co. Essex, of the king in chief as of honour of the Peverel by
the service of half a knight's fee and by doing service at the court of the
honour of Peverel from month to month, and that he held no other lands
in chief of the king as of the crown at his death by reason whereof the
custody of his lands held of other lords ought to pertain to the king, and
that he held certain tenements in Wynterton, co. Lincoln, of the earl of
Lincoln by knight service.
To Robert de Sapy, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with the lands that the aforesaid John held of other lords
than the king.
Oct. 6. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to cause a coroner for that county
York. to be elected in place of Ralph Baroun, deceased.
To Robert de Sapy, escheator this side Trent. Order not to distrain
John de Derwentewatre for homage for the manors of Talentire, Castel-
rigg", and the island of Wythholm, co. Cumberland, which he holds of
the king as of the honour of Cokermuth, as the king has taken his
Nov. 7. To the sheriffs of London. Order to pay, out of the ferm of the city,
York. Qd. a day to the keeper of the king's leopard in the Tower for the main-
tenance of the leopard, and \\d. a day for his own wages from Michaelmas
last until further orders.
12 EDWABD ir.
1318. Membrane 25 — cont.
Nov. 7. To Matthew Broun, keeper of the lands of Robert de Wylughby, tenant
York. in chief. Order to pay to Nicholas Malemeyns 10 marks of yearly rent
from the manors of Scryvelby and Toynton for the time that they have been
in his hands, and to continue to pay the same so long as they remain in his
hands, as it was lately found by an inquisition taken by Master John
Walewayn, late escheator beyond Trent, that the aforesaid Robert granted
to the said Nicholas, four years and more before his death, by his deed, the
aforesaid rent from the above manors, to be received at Toynton, and that
Nicholas was seized thereof and that he received the same peacefully
until Robert's death, by which inquisition it was found that the manors are
not held of the king in chief, but that the manor of Toynton is held of the
earl of Lincoln by the service of a pair of gilt spurs or 6d. yearly, and that
it is worth in all issues 43/. 14^. lOd., and that the manor of Scryvelby is
held of Thomas de Wilghby by the service of a mewed sparrowhawk yearly,
and that it is worth 27s. 9d. yearly ; whereupon the king ordered Roger
Damory, then keeper of Robert's lands, to pay the said yearly rent to
Nicholas for the time of his custody.
Oct. 6. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver
York. to John Breton and Alice his wife, late the wife of John de Loudham, a
third of a moiety of the manor of Blunteshale, co. Essex, which the king
has assigned to her as dower of the said moiety, which is held of the king
in chief as of the honour of Peverel, the moiety being of the yearly value
of 7/. 17s. 8d.
To the aforesaid John and Alice. Order to keep safely John son and
heir of the aforesaid John de Loudham, tenant in chief as of the honour
aforesaid by knight service, whose marriage pertains to the king for that
reason, so that they may answer for his body to the king.
Nov. 7. To Simon de Driby. Order to deliver to the prior and brethren of the
York. hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England a mill and other tenements in
Grimesby, with the issues received therefrom by him from the time of the
death of Margaret, late queen of England, when they were committed to
Simon by the king, as the king is given to understand that the. mill and
tenements belonged to the Templars, whose lands in this realm were
rendered to the aforesaid prior and brethren by the king in accordance
with the pope's ordinance. By K. and C.
Membrane 24.
Oct. 28. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to
York. Eleanor, late the wife of Henry de Percy, out of her ferm of 400/. yearly
for the custody of two-thirds of his lands in co. York, two parts of 10 marks
yearly from the time when she received the custody, the king having
ordered her to pay 10 marks yearly to Robert de Walton, chaplain, for the
wages, robe, candle, and maintenance from the manor of Wetherby, co.
York, granted to him by brother Robert de Turvill, late master of the order
of the Temple in England.
Oct. 16. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to the
Burstwick. aforesaid Eleanor 113«. Ad. yearly from 28 July, in the 10th year of the
king's reign, for so long as she has the custody of her husband's lands as
aforesaid, for her dower of 17/. of rent in Leqenfeld and Ergom near Leqen-
feld, which she sued for before the justices of the Bench against Agnes de
Percy as her dower of her husband's tenements in those towns, in which
suit Agnes asserted that she held the said rent for the term of her life by
1318. Membrane 24 — cont.
Henr/s gift, and she pi-offered his deed containing a clause of warranty,
and vouched to warranty Henry his son and heir, a minor in the king's cus-
tody ; and afterwards, at Eleanor's prosecution that the justices had super-
seded the suit on this account, the king ordered them to do justice to
Eleanor concerning her dower notwithstanding this allegation ; by reason
whereof, and because it was testified in the king's court that the king had in
his hands sufficient of the heir's inheritance in the county of York, it was
considered that Agnes should hold in peace and that Eleanor should have
tlie value of her dower aforesaid from tlie heir's land in the king's hands, as
appears by the record and process of the suit, which the king caused to
come before him ; and afterwards, because the king was given to understand
that the sheriff of York had delivered certain of the heir's tenements to
Eleanor for her aforesaid dower by virtue of the writ of judgment directed
to him, the king ordered him to certify him concerning this matter ; and
the sheriff returned that he had, by virtue of a writ of judgment under the
testimony ofWilliam de Bereford, chief justice of the Bench, delivered to
Eleanor, on 28 July aforesaid, lands of the said heir in Kirkelevyngton, co.
York, to the value of a third of the said 17/. of yearly rent; whereupon
Eleanor prayed the king to allow her this sum out of her ferm of 400/. for
the custody of her husband's land beyond her dower in co. York, as the said
lands in Kirkelevyngton were committed to her with the other lands of her
husband beyond her dower.
Nov. 6. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Thomas,
York. bishop of Worcester, and his successors to have return of all writs,
pleas of namiu?n vetittun touching the bis'nop and his men, the chattels of
felons and fugitives, and fines and amercements of all his men and tenants,
and estreats of the exchequer whereby tlie chattels, fines and amercements
may be levied by him and his successors and their bailiffs and ministers for
their use, according to the king's charter granting the above to Walter
Reginaldi, archbishop of Canterbury, when bishop of Worcester.
Not. 10. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
York. intermeddle further with the lands of Walter de Molesworth, and to re^tore
the issues thereof, except the manor of Potteresherdwyk, which William
acquired together with Katherine his wife from William de Cantebrigg',
who held it of the king in chief as of the honour of Huntyngdon, without
the king's licence, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that he
held nothing in chief of the king at his death whereby the custody of his
lands ought to pertain to the king.
To J. bishop of Winchester, principal collector of the tenth of the clergy
granted by the pope to the king. Order to pay to Thomas, earl of Norfolk,
the king's brother, 200/. out of the money of the tenth in the diocese of
Durham, in part payment of 500/. that the king promised to give him for
the stay of Edward de Baillol in his company by the king's order.
By K. on the information of the treasurer.
To Master Rigaud de Asserio, canon of Orleans, nuncio and commisary
of the pope. Order to supersede entirely the exaction of a year's fruits of
priories in this realm when they happen to be void, and to revoke any sen-
tences made by him on this account, and to restore anything that may have
been collected or levied in this belialf by him and his ministers, as grievous
complaint has been made by the earls, barons, and magnates of the realm in
the parliament at York that he exacts a year's fruits or the value thereof
upon voidance from priories of their patronage, and in which regular obser-
vance exists, divine services are continuously celebrated, and divers works
of charity are done for the health of the souls of the funoders, the custody
whereof pertains to them in time of voidance, and that he exercises grievous
12 EDWAKD II. 27
1318. Membrane 24 — cont.
censures against the convents of the said priories on this account ; for which
the patrons prayed the king to provide remedy ; wherefore the king, having
deliberated with his council, issues this order, because it is found that the
exaction redounds not only to the prejudice of the patrons aforesaid, but also
to the depression and wasting of their priories, especially as the burdens in-
cumbent upon the priories do not cease during voidance, such as divine
services, hospitality, alms, and other works of charity, which could not be
continued if iVIaster Rigaud collected such fruits. By the whole C.
Nov. 12. To W. archbishop of York. Order to pay to John de Segrave 120 marks
York. from the 12t^. in the mark granted to the king by the clergy of the province
of York in aid of the Scotch war collected by the abbot of St. Mary's
York and in his custody, in part payment of the 500Z. still owing to him of
the 1000/. granted to him by the king in aid of his ransom from the
Scotch rebels, by whom he was lately captured whilst in the king's service.
By K. on the information of the treasurer.
Vacated, becattse it was restored and he had an assignment else-
To the chamberlain of Kaernarvan. Order to pay to Nicholas de Derne-
ford, master of the king's works in the castle of Beaumaris in Angleseye,
the arrears of his wages from the time of the chamberlain's appointment,
and to continue paying the same so long aa Nicholas holds his office, the
king having, on 18 May, in the 9th year of his reign, granted that he
should receive 12c?. a day from the chamberlain of Kaernarvan during the
king's pleasure and his good behaviour, in consideration of his good ser-
vices about the works of the castle.
Nov. 10. To L. bishop of Durham. Order to admit the king's clerk Manser
York. Marmyon to the church of Langneuton, in his diocese, whom the king
presented to him for that church, which pertained to the king's gift by
reason of the voidance of the see, notwithstanding the king's late order to
supersede the delivery of the church to Manser until the king should be
informed concerning certain ditficulties in the matter, as Manser has given
the king to understand, by his petition before the king and his council, that
he declared sufficiently the king's right in this behalf before the bishop, and
that the bishop has delayed admitting and inducing him under pretext of
the above order. By pet. of C. [9982.]
Nov. 12. To John de Foxle and his fellows, justices to take assizes in co. Devon.
York. Order not to molest John de Sully by reason of his non-prosecution of a
jury of 24 knights arramed before them by him against John Durnel to
convict the jurors of an assize of novel disseisin between them summoned
and taken before the justices at Exeter concerning a tenement in Assa
Keigny, wherein John de Sully complained that the jurors had made a false
oath, the said John de Sully having been adjudged to the king's prison at
Exeter before the justices for not prosecuting the aforesaid jury, as the
king has pardoned him the imprisonment and what pertains to him for not
prosecuting the jury : provided that by reason of this pardon prejudice do
not arise to John Durnel.
Nov. 12. To Master Eichard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause in-
York. quisition to be made whether 40 acres of land in Corseley acquired by John
de Kingeston from James Huseye, a messuage, a carucate of land and 20s.
of yearly rent in the same town acquii-ed by Henry Storemy, the younger,
from Margaret Sturmy, and a messuage, a carucate of land, and 30*. of
yearly rent in the same town acquired by Robert de Lucy from Hubert
Huseye are held of the king in chief, and whether John, Henry, and Robert
acquired them in fee to themselves and their heirs, as it is said, and if so,
1318. Membrane 24 — cont.
to take the aforesaid lands into the king's hands, and to deliver them to
John Gitfard of Brymesfeld, to be held by him until the said John, Henry,
and Robert have made fine with the king for the above trespasses. The
king has given their fines to John Giffard, in consideration of his good
service to the king.
By K. on the information of Master Thomas de Cherleton.
Nov. 11. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to make account
York. -with the king's clerk Richard de Mustlewyk, late chamberlain of South
Wales, of the expenses incurred by him in repairing the king's castles and
other buildings in his bailiwick, as he has given the king to understand that
he laid out divers sums of money upon such repairs in the time when
William Martyn and Maurice de Berkele were justices of those parts by
their order, and to allow him such sums in his account. By C.
Membrane 23.
Nov. 6. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to make
York. partition of the manor of Alet, and to cause Michael Duraunt and Eleanor
his wife, daughter of Walter son and heir of John de Alet, to have seisin
of half of the same as her purparty of the manor, as it appears by inquisi-
tion taken by Master John Walewayn, late escheator beyond Trent, that
John de Alet granted the manor to Serlo de Nansladron during John's
life, by virtue of which grant Serlo was seized thereof until John's death,
and that after John's death the aforesaid Walter entered the manor, and
that Serlo forthwith ejected him, and that the manor came to the king's
hands upon Serlo's death by reason of the minority of Walter's heirs, by
which inquisition it was found that the manor is held of the king in chief
by knight service, and that the said Eleanor and Margery, daughters of
Walter, are his nearest heirs, as the said Eleanor proved her age before the
late escheator, and the king took Michael's fealty for her purparty, the
king having ordered the late escheator to make partition as above, but he
was amoved from office before he could do so.
Nov. 13. To the sherifE of Northampton. Order to pay to John de Feuwik
York. 20 marks for Martinmas term last, the king having granted him, for his
good service, 40 marks yearly from the issues of that county, to be received
from the sheriff at Martinmas and Whitsuntide.
Nov. 12. ■ To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Thomas,
York. bishop of Worcester, of the tenth granted to the king by the clergy of
the province of Canterbury between 19 April, in the 10th year of the king's
reign, until 20 November, in the 11th year, when the temporalities of the
bishopric were in the king's hands upon the death of Walter, late bishop,
the king having taken the fealty of Thomas on the latter date, and restored
the temporalities to him.
Nov. 18. To the same. Order to allow to Robert de Cliderhou, late escheator this
York. side Trent, his fee from 19 February, in the 8th year of the king's reign,
when the king committed the above office to him, until 27 September, in
the 10th year, when he was amoved from that office, such as has been
usually allowed hitherto to others for that office.
Nov. 15. To Stephen de Abyndon, the king's butler. Order to pay to Gerard
York. Frespayn, merchant of Gascony, 40rf. for each of the 30 tuns of wine pur-
veyed by the butler in the port of Southampton above the price at which
12 EDWARD II. 29
13.18. Membrane 23 — cont.
Stephen purveyed them, as, upon Gerard's complaint that Stephen had
purveyed them at a smaller price thau he could have sold them for else-
where, it was ordained by J. bishop of Ely, then the king's treasurer, and
by others of the king's council at Notyngham that Stephen should pay
Gerard AOd. more for each tun, which Stephen has not yet done.
Nov. 18, To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Whereas the prior of Lewes lately
York. made brt)ther James de Cusancia prior of Priterwell, and the king received
his fealty and restored the temporalities to him, and upon the complaint of
brother William le Avernaz, monk of the order of Cluny, asserting that
he had been instituted prior thereof, that James had despoiled him of the
priory, the king ordered Master John Walewayn, then escheator beyond
Trent, to summon James to appear in chancery to show cause why the
temporalities of the priory ought not to be restored to William, and after-
wards, upon James's complaint that, pending the day fixed for his appear-
ance in chancery, William had entered the priory with a force of armed
men, the king ordered Master Richard de Clare, the present escheator
beyond Trent, to take the priory into the king's hands, and to summon
William and James to appear in chancery on the morrow of the Assumption
last to prove their right and to do what the court should consider ; on
wliich day William appeared before the king at Notyngham, and renounced
in the presence of the king and the prior of Lewes all right in the priory ;
whereupon the king ordered the escheator to deliver the priory to James ;
and the king now learns that William, notwithstanding the premises, draws
James in plga before the archbishop in court Christian : wherefore the
king signiiies to the archbishop what was done in his presence, so that the
archbishop may proceed circumspectly in this matter. By K.
Nov. 20. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Because it wag
York. lately found by an inquisition taken by Master John Walewayn, then
escheator beyond Trent, that William de Lodelowe held nothing in chief at
his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands should pertain to the
king, except the manor of Hodenet, which is held in chief of the king as of
the honour of Montgomery by serjeanty and by the service of being
steward of the honour, whereof Matilda, late the wife of William, was
enfeofied jointly with him by the late king's licence and by fine levied in
his court, and whereof she continued her joint seisin until his death, the
king ordered the aforesaid John not to intermeddle further with William's
lands in his bailiwick ; and although afterwards the escheator, because he
was given to understand that William held at his death 100 acres of wood
and 10/. of yearly rent in Markeleye, co. Hereford, by knight service as of
the crown, by reason whereof it was believed that the custody of his laads
ought to pertain to the king by reason of his prerogative, resumed his lands
into the king's hands, and the king cau.sed dower of the lands so resumed
into his hands to be assigned to William Wyn and Matilda his wife, late
the wife of the aforesaid William de Lodelowe : the king now orders the
escheator not to intermeddle further with the lands thus resumed into his
bands, and to restore the issues thereof from the time of the resumption, as
the said matter for retaining the custody on his hands is not sufficiently
Nov. 21. To the bailiffs of Penreth. Order to restore the king's demesnes of
York. Penreth to the men who held them previously, to be held at the old rent of
\2d. an acre yearly, as they have shewn to the king by their petition that
they used to hold the lands at this rent, and that certain of the king's
bailiffs of that town afterwards increased the rent to 2Qd. an acre, on which
account the tenants left the land, which now lies fallow and uncultivated.
By pet. of C.
] 318. Membrane 23 — cont.
Nov. 24. Robert de Kellesey and Thomas de de {sic) Mathefen ' Roberdeaman of
York. Kelesey,' in the king's prison of Ravenesrode for the death of Thomas de
Thrumden of ' Norway,' have letters to the sherift" of York to bail them
until the first assize.
Nov. 20. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to discharge the
York. earls, barons, and all others who were engaged in the duchy [of Aquitaine")
during the war between the late king and the king of France of the eleventh
and tenth granted to the late king by the community of the realm, as the
king has pardoned them the same. By K.
. [Fcedera.^
Nov. 25. To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Request that he will convoke the
York. prelates and clergy of his province to assemble before him at London on the
morrow of the Purification to treat and consent to a subsidy to the king,
who has undertaken in parliament at York to be at Newcastle in the
octaves of Holy Trinity to set out against the Scotch rebels, the archbishop
of York having, in answer to the king's request for a subsidy, put him in
good hope, for which purpose he will convoke the clergy of his province at
York in the octaves of St. Hilary, the prelates of the province of Canter-
bury who were then pi-esent having answered that they could not grant a
subsidy without the archbishop and convocation. The king has ordered
the abbots and other exempt religious of his province to come to the
archbishop at the said day and place to treat and consent to the subsidy,
and he will send to the archbishop at that day and place certain of his
subjects to promote the matter together with the archbishop. The arch-
bishop is to certify the king of wbat steps he takes in this matter.
[Feeder a ; Pari. Writs.'] By K. and C.
Nov. 26. To Ralph de CrophuU, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause dower
York. to be assigned to Alice, late the wife of Walter son of Peter atte See,
tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's
To the same. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Isabella, late the
wife of Nicholas de Surteys, tenant in chief, as she has taken oath before
the king not to marry without his licence.
Nov. 27. To Warin de Insula, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to repair
York. the houses, tower, walls, and bridges of the castle, with the stable and wall
of the king's garden without the castle, and the houses and walls of the
manor of Kenyngton with the palings and wall about the park, by the
view and testimony of the viewer of the king's works.
To the same. Order to pay to Roger de Wyndesore, porter of both
gates of the aforesaid castle, Ad. a day ; to Roger de Wyndesore, one of the
viewers of the king's works, 2d. a day ; to Alexander le Peyntour, another
viewer of the king's works, 2d. a day ; to four watchmen of the castle,
2d. a day each ; to Adam, the gardener of the king's garden without the
castle, 2\d. a day : being their wages and stipends, from Michaelmas last
until next Michaelmas.
Nov. 26. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to pay certain
York. merchants of Gascony, before others, what is due to them according to the
information of Master John Walewayn, the late treasurer, for wines bought
from them to the value of 1,555Z., John having appointed them to receive
the money at the exchequer in three weeks from Michaelmas last, which
money they have not yet been paid.
To Ralph de CrophuU, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause dower
to be assigned to Alan de Cherleton and Ellen his -wife, late the wife of
Nicholas de Sancto Mauro, tenant in chief.
12 EDWARD II. 31
1318. Membrane 23 — cont.
Nov. 27. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allow-
York. ance to be made to Roger Damory, late keeper of the castle and honour of
Knaresburgh, for the wages and costs of six men-at-arms and eighteen foot-
men, if they find by inquisition or otherwise that he retained these men in
the castle from Easter, in the 11th year of the king's reign, until Whitsun-
tide following, as he asserts that he did, for fear of the Scotch rebels in
those parts, in addition to the ten men-at-arms and thirty footmen, which
the king, on 6 March, in the 11th year of his reign, ordered him to retain
in the castle at the king's wages.
By K. on the information of Roger de Northburgh.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to the
aforesaid Roger the costs expended by him by the view of William Bren-
hand of Knaresburgh and Robert son of Thomas de [* Knaresburgh, viewers
of the king's works] at the castle, upon the repair of a wall of the castle
that had fallen down, which the king order him to repair out of his ferm.
By K. on the information of Roger de Northburgh.
Mbubranb 22.
Nov. 26. To Ralph de Crophull, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
York. Robert de Hilton, the younger, and Margaret his wife, late the wife of
John de Wygeton, tenant in chief, whom Robert has married by the king's
licence, a third of the wood and moor of Blackhale, which third is of the
yearly value of 3s., the king having, on 1 September, in the 9th year of his
reign, assigned to Margaret the manor of Staynton, of the yearly value of
11. 9s. Od., the chief messuage of the hamlet of Ulveton with curtilage, of the
yearly value of \2d., 44 acres of laud there, of the yearly value of 29s. 4d.,
19 acres of meadow there, of the yearly value of 19s.; a pound of cumin
there to be received from the hands of Richard Nally, of the yearly value
of Zd. ; a mill at Kirkebride, of the yearly value of 20s. ; a moiety of the
mill of Wygeton, of the yearly value of 10/. ; and a third of the wood and
moor of Blackhale ; and 10/. Os. 4:d. of yearly rent from the following tenants,
•with their services : in the hamlet of Ulveton from John de Raghton 4s. ;
from Walter de Ulveton, 4s. ; from Adam son of Walter, 10s. ; from Roger
de Wilton, 6rf. ; from Michael son of Geoffrey, 12c?. ; from Adam son of
William, 10s. ; from Adam Maure, 10c?. ; from Thomas son of Thomas, 2s.;
from 28 tenants of 200 acres of land in the hamlet of Ulveton and Kirke-
bride, 8/. ; and in Wygeton from Gilbert atte Gate {ad Portam), 8s. ;
which the king ordered Robert de Clyderhou, then escheator this side
Trent, to deliver to Margaret : as Margaret has not yet received seisin of
the third of the wood and moor of Blackhale.
Nov. 24. To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to obey and be intendent to the chan-
York. cellor of the university of Oxford in what pertains to the cognisance or
punishment of trespasses within the town of Oxford and the suburbs of the
same committed upon scholars or clerks or by scholars and clerks upon
others, notwithstanding the privileges of the Friars Preachers there, the
chancellor and university having shewn by their petition before the king
and his council in the parliament of York that whereas the chancellor has
cognisance of all such trespasses, except trespasses of death and maiming,
bv the charters of the king's progenitors, and the chancellor ought to main-
tain the king's peace there as the king's minister, as he and his predecessors
have been wont to have and to do, the Friars Preachers dwelling there will
not permit themselves to be justicedby the chancellor for trespasses com-
mitted by them, pretending that they ought to be free and exempt from
* The words in brackets are partly trased.
1318. Membrane 22 — coiit,
his jurisdiction by papal privileges, by reason whereof frequent tumults
and contentions arise in the university, wherefore the chancellor and univer-
sity have besought the king to provide a remedy ; for which reason the
king issues this order, as he considers that what pertains to his temporal
jurisdiction ought not to be and cannot be diminished or abolished by papal
privileges. By pet. of C.
The like to the mayor and bailiffs of the town of Oxford.
Nov. 16. To Henry le Scrop, chief justice. Order to do as other justices have
York. done heretofore concerning the office of proclaimer before the chief justice
in the Bench, as Philip de Melton has shewn by his petition before the
king and his council that whereas the chief justices of the king and of his
progenitors to hold pleas before the king were wont to give the office of
proclaimer to one of their servants, and Philip held that office by grant
from Roger le Brabazon, late chief justice, he is now amoved from oifice ;
wherefore he has prayed the king for remedy. By pet. of C.
Nov. 26. To Ralph de Crophull, escheator this side Trent. The king on
York. 7 November, in the 11th year of his reign, took the homage of Gilbert de
Aton, kinsman and heir of William de Vescy, the elder, for the lands that
William de Vescy of Kildare held in chief of the king at his death, which
ought to remain to the right heir of the said William de Vescy, the elder,
because William de Vescy of Kildare died without an heir, and the king
rendered the lands to Gilbert and ordered them to be delivered to him ;
and afterwards the king, because he was given to understand that Robert
de Sapy, late escheator this side Trent, delayed delivering to Gilbert the
manor of Malton, which is of the inheritance aforesaid, ordered the said
Robert to cause Gilbert to have seisin of that manor together with the
issues thereof from 7 November, and Robert gave the king to understand
that he had been to the manor in person and that he could not deliver
seisin thereof to Gilbert on account of the resistance of Robert son of
Richard Courcy and others unknown; whereupon the king ordered Robert
to go in person to the manor and to cause Gilbert to have seisin thereof in
accordance with the former order, and, if the said Robert son of Richard
or others should resist him in executing this order, then he should take
with him the sheriff of York and the posse of the county and should
attach and imprison them until further orders ; and although at the suit of
Joan Comyn, who held the manor at the king's will, the king ordered the
execution of the above order to be superseded until the next parliament, he
now orders the escheator to cause Gilbert to have seisin of the manor to-
gether with the issues thereof from the aforesaid 7 November, notwith-
standing the order to supersede the execution of the previous order, and to
attach and imprison the aforesaid Robert son of Richard or others wlio
shall resist the execution of this order, taking with him for this purpose
the sheriff of York and the: posse of the county, and to certify the king of
his proceedings. The king has ordered the sheriff to intend to the execu
tion of tlie premises together with the escheator. By pet. of C.
Mandate in pursuance to the sheriff of York.
Nov. 20. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to call before
York. them Walter, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, and to inspect the rolls and
memoranda of the exchequer, and if they find thereby that the abbot of
Seleby paid 1,125 marks to the king or others by the king's order, in part
payment of 1 ,800 murks that his predecessor acknowledged in the late
king's exchequer that he owed to the aforesaid bishop, and that the
balance was paid to the bishop, then to cause the aforesaid recognisance to
be cancelled and to cause the obligation to be restored to the abbot, as the
abbot has shewn the king that his predecessor paid the aforesaid 1,125
12 EDWARD ir. 33
1318. Mejnbrane 22 — conl.
marks to the king and his merchants when the bishop's lands and debts
were in the king's hands, and that he afterwards paid the balance to the
bishop, as appears by the rolls and memoranda of the exchequer and by
the bishop's letters of acquittance for the balance, and that the bishop
nevertheless refuses to restore the obligation to the abbot and to cancel the
recognisance, and threatens to extort from the abbot the money thus paid
to the king.
Nov. 29. To the chancellor of Ireland. Order to cause to be assigned to Thomas
York. de Fournivall', the younger, and Joan his wife, daughter and co-heiress of
Theobald de Verdoun, tenant in chief, her purparty of two parts of her
father's lands, knights' fees, and advowsons in Jreland as esnecy of her in-
heritance, as she has proved her age before Master John Walewayn, late
escheator beyond Trent, and the king has taken fealty of Thomas for her
purparty and has restored to them the purparty in England.
To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver
to the aforesaid Thomas and Joan the following of the said Theobald's
knights' fees, which the king has assigned to them as Joan's purparty of
two-thirds of her father's knights' fees in the escheator's bailiwick : a
moiety of a fee in Fornwerk, co. Stafford, which John de Verdon holds,
of the yearly value of 100*. ; a fee in Herteshorn, in the same county,
which John de Sherthales and the heirs of Robert Faruham hold, of the
yearly value of 10 marks; a moiety of a fee in Neuhall, in the same
county, which the heirs of Robert la Warde hold, of the yearly value of
10 marks ; a fee in Crakmersh and Creyghton, in the same county, which
Walter de Verdon and Philip de Baryngton hold, of the yearly value of
20 marks; a ice in Northbur[y], in the same county, of the yearly value
of 10 marks ; a moiety of a fee in Overheiton, co. Salop, which Robert
Broun holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; a fee in Sutton and Wychecote,
in the same county, which John de Hanlo and Robert Broun hold, of the
yearly value of 41.; a moiety of a fee in Russhebury, in the same county,
which John de Hanlo holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; a fee in Hornton
and Hornleye, CO. Warwick, which Richard de Sutton holds, of the yearly
value of lOOs. ; a fee in Dorsyngton, in the same county, which Henry de
Praiers holds, of the yearly value of 100*. ; 1| fees in Burton, in the same
county, which Robert de Verdon holds, of the yearly value of 40*.
Nov. 20. To J. bishop of Winchester, principal collector of the tenth imposed
York. upon the clergy by the pope for the king's use. Whereas the king owed
1 709/. 7.<i. 2^d. sterhng to the following merchants : Vitalis de Cassallo
and Bernard de la Toure, 125/. Is. 9d. ; Arnald Motoun and Peter de For-
tune, 59/. 18*. 4c?.; Arnald Fospey, 317/. 9*. 4d. ; Gregory Blaunk,
270/. 12*. 8d. ; Peter de Cayron and Peter de Castelloun, 106/. 19*. lOd., for
wines bought from them in January, March, May, and July, in the 10th
year of his reign ; and to Gregory Blaunk, 211/. 18*. Od. ; Peter Micol,
35/. 18*. 8d. ; William Bondel, 36/. 5*. 8^d. ; Auger de Tosse, 51/. 12*. Od. ;
Reymund le Markander, 51/. 18*. Od.; Vitalis Grymbaud and Arnakl
Reymundi Ayken, 42/. 11*. 5d.; John de la Toure, William Arnaldi
de Portau, Arnald de Luk', and John de Ruefraunk, 173/. 19*. 4rf.,
for wines bought from them in July, in the 11th year of the king's reign ;
and to Poncius Guicardi. 140/. 8*. 6d., for wines bought from him by
Stephen de Abyndon, the king's butler, at Boston in August then next
following; and to Arnald del Escuser, 84/. 12*. lOrf., for wines bought
from the said merchants in July aforesaid : as appears by four bills under
the seal of Roger de Northbu[r]gh, keeper of the wardrobe ; and the afore-
said merchants and the following merchants Gaillard Gobel, Peter del
Cosyn, John del Cosyn, Peter Massang', Gaillard de Garembal, Garsias de
Lomynhou, John Dousynghon, Amanieu de Besson, Vit[alis] de la Seube,
76416. ^
1318. Membrane 22— cont.
and Reymuud Guillelmi de Costera have promised to provide before Easter
last * for the king's use 300 tuns of wine, each tun at 6 marks, and the king
has granted them 400 marks to be divided amongst them at their discretion
in recompence for the losses incurred by the first-named merchants by the
delay in payment of the said 1,709/. Ts. 2^d., and for the good service that
the aforesaid merchants will do to him in providing the aforesaid 300 tuns ;
and the king, wishing to satisfy them for the aforesaid 1,709/. 7^. 2^d.
and 400 marks and for 1,800 marks, the value of the aforesaid 300 tuns,
has granted that they shall receive 3,176/. Os. 6^rf. from the first term of
the payment of the aforesaid tenth in the dioceses of Canterbury, Bath and
Wells, Exeter, Worcester, Hereford, Coventry and Lichfield, Llandaff,
Bangor, St. Asaph, York, Durham, Carlisle, and St. Davids, and has
ordered the aforesaid bishop to pay them that sum accordingly ; and the
merchants have given the king to understand that the bishop was unable to
pay them the money out of the first term by reason of divers of the king's
orders directed to him to pay certain sums of money thence to other per-
sons notwithstanding any previous assignments, and they have besought
the king to help them in this matter : wherefore the king now orders the
bishop to pay them the arrears of the aforesaid sums out of the second
term of payment of the tenth, notwithstanding any orders from the king
sent to him or to be sent to him hereafter, receiving from them the king's
letters patent in their possession and their letters of acquittance. By K.
Nov. 27. To the sheriff of Surrey. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
York. elected in place of John Daperdeley, whom the king has amoved from
ofiice for insufficient qualification.
Nov. 30. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to assay and test
York. {temptare) the king's money of his dies (cuneis) in the bishopric of Durham
and in the liberty of St. Edmund, and to do further what shall be just and
what has been done at other times, as the money of the bishopric and
liberty was not assayed and tested in the late king's time, nor in the present
king's time. By C.
Membrane 21.
Nov. 2. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king lately
York. assigned to Matilda, late the wife of Gilbert, earl of Gloucester and
Hertford, the manor of Fakenhamdam, of the yearly value of 57/. 16«. l\d.,
and 65«. Id. of yearly rent from the manor of Causton, and the advowson
of the church of Causton, as her dower of the manors of Aylesham,
Fakenhamdam, and Causton, co. Norfolk, and of the advowsons of the
churches of Causton, Fakenhamdam, and Podyngnorton, which the earl
had of the king's gift ; and the king afterwards, because he had granted
the manors and advowsons to David de Strabolgy, earl of Athole, and
because Matilda was pregnant, and because he believed that the wardship
of the earl's lands would long remain in his hands, ordered the manor of
Fakenhamdam, and the 65«. \d. of rent, and the advowson of the church
of Causton to be restored to the said David, and in recompence therefor he
assigned to the countess the manor of Honeden, co. Suffolk, and the
advowson of the church of Donemowe as her dower, together with other
lands of the said Gilbert ; and the king afterwards took the homage of
Hugh le Despenser, the younger, who had married Eleanor, the eldest sister
and co-heiress of Gilbert, and the fealty of Hugh Daudele, the younger,
who had married Margaret, the second sister and co-heiress, and of Roger
Dammory, who had married Elizabeth, the third sister and co -heiress, for
* The word last is partly erased.
12 EDWARD II. 35
1318. Membrane 21 — cont.
all the lands that Gilbert held in chief at his death, and rendered to them
the said manor of Honeden and the advowson of the church of Donemowe,
together with Gilbert's other lands ; whereupon the countess prayed the
king to do her justice concerning her previous dower, and he thereupon
ordered Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent, to summon
David to appear in chancery on Friday after St. Nicholas last, to show
cause why the manor of Fakenhamdam, and 65*. Id. of yearly rent, and the
advowson of the church of Causton should not be restored to the countess
as her dower ; upon which day David failed to appear, whereupon the king
assigned to the countess a third of the said manors and the advowson of
the church of Causton ; and David has petitioned the king in parliament
to satisfy the countess for her dower assigned in the said manors, because
the king granted the manors of Aylesham, Causton, and Fakenhamdam to
him to hold until the land of Scotland return to the king's subjection, and
until David should possess in peace his lands in Scotland, as appears by
the king's letters patent : wherefore the king orders tlie treasurer and
barons to treat with the countess for compensation (grato) to be made to
her for her dower elsewhere from the king's lands and advowsons, and
when they have made such compensation to her and have her consent
thereto, to certify the king under the exchequer seal, so that the king may
assign to her such lands or advowsons as her dower, and that he may
restore to David those that she now holds in dower in the manors of
Aylesham, Fakenhamdam, and Causton. By K. and pet. of C.
Dec. 4. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to desist
York. from exactiug the issues of the priory of Grace Dieu from the prioress for
the time of voidance, and from distraining her for the same, and to permit
her to have such issues, and to restore to her any of such issues that he
may have levied, as it was found by an inquisition taken by him, by the
king's order issued at the complaint of the prioress, that the escheator
exacted these issues from her by reason of the minority of the heir of
Theobald de Vei'don, tenant in chief, to whom the patronage of the priory
pertained, that the heir ought not to receive any issues from the priory
during voidance if he were of full age, and that his ancestors, patrons of
the priory, have not been wont to receive any issues therefrom at times of
voidance, and have not been wont to intermeddle with the priory at such
time except to have a man within the priory during voidance in name of
lordship, carrying in his hand a rod, in order to keep ihe priory from
Dec. 7. To John de Crumbewell, keeper of the Forest this side Trent, or to him
York. who supplies his place. Order to deliver to the prior and convent of
Carlisle the tithe of the venison taken in the Forest of Inglewode in the
eleventh and twelfth years of the king's reign, as they and their prede
cessors have been wont to have such tithe yearly heretofore.
Dec. 1. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
York. John de Tillebury, son and heir of John de Tillebury, tenant in chief of
the late king, to have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age
before the escheator, and the king has taken his homage.
Dec. 8. To the sheriifof Bedford and Buckingham. Order to pay to Giles de
York. Tholos[a], one of the keepers of the king's horses, 301. for the expenses of
the horses in his custody.
By K. on the information of Roger de Northburgh.
Nov. 28. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to assign
York. to William de Stoke and Matilda his wife, late the wife of John Huse,
tenant in chief, her dower of 14 marks of rent in Kyngeston Deveril,
which are held in chief of the king.
0 2
1318. Membrane 21 — cont.
Dec. L To the same. Order to cause Richard de Belhous, son and heir of
York. Thomas de Belhous, tenant in chief of the late king, to have seisin of his
father's lands, as he proved his age before Master John Walewayn, late
escheator beyond Trent, and the king has taken his homage. By K.
Dec. 12. To J. bishop of Winchester, treasurer. Order to make account
York. (componatis) with W. bishop of Exeter, Humphrey de Bohun, earl of
Hereford and Essex, and Master John Walewayn for the expenses of
their journey to parts beyond sea, whither they are going upon the king's
affairs, they being about to come to London to commence their journey,
and to pay to the bishop such expenses as he had at another time when in
parts beyond sea in the king's service, and to pay the earl such wages as
Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, had when lately in parts beyond sea
on the king's business, and to pay to Master John such wages as shall seem
fit to his discretion.
Dec. 3. To Henry le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the
York. king. Franco de Scoland has shewn the king, by his petition before him
and his council, that whereas the king lately prorogued the day for
receiving writs in the eyre of Hervey de Stanton and his fellows, justices
in CO. Kent, and ordered the justices to cause writs to be received in the
eyre after the day prefixed by them, notwithstanding the late king's statute
for prefixing a day for receiving writs and for not receiving them after
that day, and Franco arramed a jury of twenty-four knights against William
de Grandi Sono to convict the jurors of an assize of novel disseisin
summoned between them and taken before the king at Canterbury con-
cerning a tenement in Horton by the king's writ sued out after the day
prefixed for receiving writs in the eyre, and received and pleaded by the
king's order, and derained the tenements by that jury, and the jurors [of
the assize] were convicted therefore and grievously redeemed against the
king, the aforesaid William, alleging error in the record and process of the
jury aforesaid by reason of the aforesaid prorogation and the delivery
and receipt of the writ de jurata made by the king's order, sues before the
king to annul the record and process on that account ; wherefore Franco
has besought the king to provide him with a remedy, especially as the late
king caused a similar prorogation to be made in divers eyres after the
issue of the said statute : wherefore the king orders the justices not to
permit the record to be annulled before them for this sole reason, as it was
agreed by the king and his council that no record ought to be annulled
solely by reason of such prorogation by the king's order of the receipt of
writs in eyre. By pet. of C.
Dec. 10. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to discharge Roger
York. de Godlisford of his issues to the value of 60«., which he lost because he
did not appear before the justices of the Beuch at the quinzaine of
Michaelmas, in the 10th year of the king's reign, to answer to Philip
Harneis and others in a writ of champarty, as the king learns upon trust-
worthy testimony that Roger was engaged in his service at the aforesaid
quinzaine, the king having, on 2 September, in the said year, granted to
Roger his protection because he was about to set out for the marches of
Scotland in the king's service with James Daudele. By p.s.
Dec. (>. To the same. Order to permit Richard de Insula to hold for life three
York. bovates of land of the king's demesne lands in Folquardby, co. York, which
William de Cateby held at one time, the king having granted the same to
Richard on 8 January, in the 11th year of his reign, for his good service to
the king and his fiather, rendering therefor to the exchequer the extent
thereof, as contained in the king's letters patent, which three bovates and
1318. Membrane 21 — cont.
appurtenances are extended to 20*. yearly by Eobert de Sapy, late escheator
this side Trent.
Dec. 10. To the same. Order to cause satisfaction to be made to Master John
York. Walewayn for divers provisions made by him when treasurer for the
expenses of the king's household and otherwise, for which he asserts that
he has not been satisfied. By K.
To the same. Order to call before them the executors of the will of
Anthony, late bishop of Durham and patriarch of Jerusalem, and to inform
themselves concerning the sums that Master Rigaud de Asserio, the pope's
nuncio, exacts from the executors for the pope's use, and if they find that
the niatters do not touch the king so that he ought to defend the executors
against Rigaud's demands, they are to cause to be amoved any impediment
that they may have placed in the way of Rigaud's levying the above, and if
they find that the matter so touches the king that it ought to be superseded
before Rigaud, they are to certify the king tliereof in tlie next pnrliament
under the exchequer seal, so that he may cause to be done therein what
ought to be done, Rigaud having suggested by his petition before the king
and his council that whereas he called the aforesaid executors before him
concerning the levy for the pope's use of 1,000 marks that the aforesaid
bishop bequeathed in aid of the Holy Land, 1,600 marks retained by him of
the tenth in his diocese imposed by pope Nicholas, 1,200 marks retained by
him of the tenth imposed by pope Boniface, 1,800 marks retained by him of
the tenth imposed by pope Clement V., 500 marks of the arrears of procura-
tions of papal legates in England received by the bishop in his diocese, and
500 marks for the arrears of the procurations of Sir Gerald and Sir Simon
Penestrini, formerly legates, likewise received by the bishop in his diocese,
the aforesaid executors caused the king's prohibition to be sent to Rigaud
containing tliat the premises so touched the king in divers causes contained
in the prohibition that Rigaud should not proceed therein without consulting
the king, wherefore he prayed the king to provide him with a remedy.
By C.
Dec. 1. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver
York. to Walter de Sholdon the wood of Teddeswode and 17 marks of yearly rent
in the town of Markeley, together with the issues thereof from the time
when they were taken into the king's hands with other lands by reason of
the ordinances, the king having previously granted the above to Walter, as
the prelates, earls, barons, and other proceres of the realm assembled in the
present parliament at York have assented to this order. By K. and C.
To the same. Like order in favour of the said Walter for the lands of
Robert de Bruys, the king's enemy, in Totenham. By K. and C,
Membrane 20.
Ifov. 24. To Hugh de Audele, keeper of the castle and honour of Montgomery.
York. Order to permit the men and tenants of the king's manors of Brompton and
Euston, in the hundred of Chirbury, to hold their lands as of the aforesaid
manors by the common law of England, and not to distrain them for suit to
the king's court of Halsetene or to do other Welsh services henceforth, and
to release any distraints that he may have made upon this account, as the
king learns by inquisition taken by John de Bromfeld, John de Barwe, and
William de la Hulle that the aforesaid men and tenants and their ancestors
from time out of mind have held their tenements as above by certain services
to be done in the manors and hundred and by doing suit to the king's court
1318. Membrane 20 — cont.
of Chirbury from three weeks to three weeks like other free tenants of the
hundred do, and that they answer in the county of Salop like other free
tenants of the hundred, and that by right they owe no suit to the king's
court of Halseteneand ought to do no Welsh services. By pet. of C. [9553.]
Nov. 28. To W. archbishop of York. It is shewn to the king by the petition before
York. him and his council of the community of the county of York that some
men of that county maliciously procure the citation of their neighbours
before the ordinaries of the places to answer before them for adultery or
fornication or the like offences, concerning which they cannot help them-
selves by the king's prohibition, although they have not been defamed of
such offences by the visitation or otherwise, and that if by chance they do,
not appear at the first day, sentences of excommunication are forthwith
pronounced against them, and that although they appear at the day of
citation and make canonical purgation concerning the offences charged upon
them, they are nevertheless again cited after the lapse of eight days by the
procuration of their enemies concerning the same offences, notwithstanding
that they have lawfully purged themselves ; for which they have prayed the
king to provide a remedy : wherefore the king orders the archbishop to
cause his ministers to desist from inflicting such oppressions and grievances
upon any person or persons of that county, conducting himself so in this
behalf that renewed complaint do not reach the king through his default.
[Fcedera.^ By pet. of C. [7603.]
Nov. 25. To the chamberlains of Kaermerdyn. Order to expend up to 100/. in
York. repairing the houses and other things in the castle of Kaermerdyn, by the
view and testimony of Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk, justice of Wales,
or of him whom he shall appoint in his place, as the king learns that such
repairs are urgently needed. By p.s.
Nov. 26. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit the
York. burgesses of Newcastle-on-Tyne of 200/. for the ferm of their town for two
years to come, the king having pardoned them that sum in consideration of
their great expenses about the custody of that town against the Scotch
rebels. By K. and C.
Nov. 28. To the same. Order to acquit the citizens of Carlisle of the ferm of their
York. city for next year, the king having pardoned them the same in response to
their petition before him and his council for relief, in which they say that
they are much charged and vexed in making watch and supporting other
burdens by reason of the ambushes and incursions of the Scotch rebels.
By K. and by pet. of C.
Nov. 29. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver
York. to the abbess and convent of Canonlegh 100/. yearly of land or rent out of the
wardships first coming to the king's hands, to hold until they have received
thence 672/. 5s. lO^d., which they lent to the late king by the hands of his
treasurer and chamberlains of the exchequer by the view and testimony of
David de Servyngton, clerk of the abbess, for which the late king promised
to satisfy them as speedily as possible, the present king having granted, at
the request of Gilbert de Clare, late earl of Gloucester and Hertford, that
100/. yearly of land or rent should be delivered to the abbess and convent
to hold as above. By K. and pet. of C. [1845, 1846.]
Nov. 27. To Ralph de Crophill, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter- .
York. meddle further with a third of the manor of Le Hogh in Staunfordham,*
as it appears by inquisition taken by Robert de Sapy, late escheator this
side Trent, that William de Soules, in time of peace and when he was in
the late king's peace, enfeoffed Thomas de Soules, his brother, now deceased
* The marginal abstract states that the order is for Alice, late the wife of Thomas de
12 BDWAKD II. ' 39
1318. Membrane 20 — cont.
and Alice his wife of the aforesaid third part, and that Thomas and Alice
jointly continued their seisin thereof until the time when Thomas adhered
to the Scotch rebels, and that the said third was on that account taken into
the late king's hands, and that it is still in the king's hands, by which
inquisition it was found that it is held of the fee of Bywell by the service of
a third of a knight's fee.
Dec. 4. To the collectors of the custom of wool, hides, and wool-fells in the port
York. of Jernemuth. Order to pay to the king's yeoman Master Roger la Lar-
diner QQl. from the is.wes of the custom, in addition to the 100/. that the king
ordered them to pay him for certain provisions of herrings for the expenses
of the king's household, in full payment of the expense {in perpacacione
solucionis) of the aforesaid provisions, notwithstandinc; any orders or assign-
ments on the issues of the custom previously made by the king.
By K. on the information of R. de Northburgh.
Dec. 1. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
York. elected in place of Robert de Wodhull, who has no lands and tenements iu
that county.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to account with
the king's clerk Elias de Jouestou, appointed by the king's council for
certain affairs of the king in parts beyond sea and this side the sea, for the
wages and robes that he ought to receive from the king in that office, to
wit for his wages in parts beyond sea 2s. a day, and in parts on thin side
the sea I2d. a day, and 40s. yearly for his robes, as appears by a certificate
made by Roger de Northburgh, keeper of the wardrobe, and to cause him
to have satisfaction for the arrears thereof.
Dec. 3. To Warin de Insula, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to permit
York. the king's Serjeants Gilbert le Boghere and Thomas his brother, whom
the king is sending to repair the defects of the equipments (attilii) of the
castle, to enter the castle, and to pay to each of them 4rf. daily from the
day when they enter the castle for so long as they shall stay therein, and to
make an indenture with them concerning the day when they enter the
castle, the time that they stay therein, and the money so paid to them.
By K. on the information of Roger de Northburgh.
The like to Edmund Bacun, constable of Walyngford castle.
Dec. 4. To Peter Bard, bailiff of Sandwich. Order to pay to the king's
York. Serjeants Master John le Hauberger and Master Adam de Stirkeland,
fietcher {attiliator), whom the king is sending to divers castles to survey
the defects of arms and equipment {attilii) therein, 10/. each for their
expenses in this behalf.
By K. on the information of Roger de Northburgh.
To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
distrain John de Hothum, bishop of Ely, for homage for the lands that he
holds in chief in Bondeby, co. Lincoln, as the king has taken his homage.
Nov. 27. To Roger de Horsele, constable of Baumburgh castle. Order to acquit
York. the men of Shoston and Sunderland of the ferm and other charges for the
lands that they hold of the king's demesne of the castle aforesaid for the
whole of next year, they having prayed the king for relief by their petition
before him and his council, whereby they have shewn that they are so
impoverished on account of the robberies and fires inflicted upon them by
the Scotch rebels, that they are unable to till the said lands or to pay the
ferms due to the king, or to support the other burdens upon the said lands.
By K. and C.
Nov. 26. To Roger de Horsle, constable of Baumburgh castle. Order to acquit
York. Sampson de Mulften of 73*. 2d, for next year for his ferm due to the castle
1318. Membrane 20 — cont.
for the manor of Mulfen, as he has shewn the king by his petition that he
is unable to pay the ferm on account of the robberies and fires inflicted
upon him by the Scotch rebels. By K. and C.
To the sheriff of Northumberland. Order to acquit the aforesaid
Sampson of the ferm of 30*. for next year for the aforesaid manor, -which
he owes to the king by the hands of the sheriff, as he has shewn that he is
unable to pay the ferm for the above reasons. By K.
Nov. 27. To Roger de Horsele, constable of Baumburgh castle. Order to acquit
York. the men of Shoston and Sunderland of the rent (logiagio) for the places
(placets) in the castle wherein they constructed lodgings (logeas) when
they fled to the castle on account of the burning of their houses and
buildings by the Scotch rebels, and on account of their frequent attacks,
for which lodgment the constable exacts great sums from them, they
having prayed the king, by their petition, to acquit them thereof.
By K. and C. [1652.]
Dec. 5. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Ralph
York. Basset of Drayton of 30/., in which he made fine to have licence to
acquire in fee the manor of Radeclive-on-Sore (Sora??i), and of 10 marks,
in which he made fine to acquire in fee the manor of Grettewell, which
manors are held of the king in chief, the king having pardoned him these
sums for his good service, with the consent of the prelates, proceres, and
community of the realm assembled in the present parliament at York.
By K. and C.
Nov. 26. To the same. Order to acquit the burgesses of the town of Baumburgh
York. of 26 marks, their ferm for the following year, and of 6 marks, the arrears
of the ferm for last year, which the king has pardoned them in response to
their petition before him and his council in parliament, setting out that
they are unable to pay these sums because they are so impoverished by
divers tributes and ransoms paid by them for some time to the Scotch
rebels because they adhered to the king, and on account of divers burnings
of their town and the robberies of their goods and chattels by the rebels.
By pet. of C. [1652.]
To Roger de Horsle, constable of Baumburgh castle. Order to acquit
the men of Baumburgh of 13/., the arrears of the ferm of 26/. for the
lands that they hold of the demesnes of the castle, which the king has
pardoned them in response to their petition, shewing that they are unable
to pay that sum on account of the robberies and fires inflicted upon them
by the Scotch rebels. By K. and C.
Dec. 7. To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to buy and provide 400 quarters
York. of oats, and to cause them to be sent to York without delay, so that they
be there by the feast of St. Hilary, to be delivered to the clerk of the
marshalsea by indenture for the expenses of the king's household.
By K on the information of Roger de Northburgh.
The like to the sheriff of Lincoln for 700 quarters of oats.
By K. on the information of Roger de Northburgh.
Membrane 19.
Dec. 8. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to buy and provide 100 quarters of
York. wheat, 40 tuns of wine, and 200 quarters of beans, and to send them to
Carlisle, there to be delivered to John de Louthre, keeper of the king's
victuals, for the munition of that town.
By K. on the information of Roger de Northburgh.
1318. Membrane 19 — cont.
To the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset. Like order to provide 300
quarters of wheat, 200 quarters of barley or malt, and 200 quarters of
beans. By K. on the information of Roger de Northburgli.
To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to pay all the issues of his baili-
wick to John de Louthre, keeper of the king's victuals at Carlisle, for the
munition of that town. By K. as above.
To the prior of St. Mary's Carlisle, sub-collector in the diocese of
Carlisle of the tenth of the clergy granted to the king by the pope. Order
to pay to the said John de Louthre ail the money of the tenth,
notwithstanding any of the king's orders for other persons previously sent
to him. By K. on the information of Roger de Northburgh.
Dec. 4. To \, bishop of Winchester, principal collector of the tentli of the
York. clergy granted to the king by the pope. Order to allow to Guicard de la
Brut, archdeacon of Canterbury, 15/. as. 6d. in the tenth due from him of
that archdeacon r3', which sum the king owes him for corn bought from
Master Peter de Talere, his proctor, as appears by a bill under the seal of
Roger de Northburgh, keeper of the wardrobe, which he is to receive from
Peter. By p.s. [4909.]
Dec. 12. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow 1o J.
York. bishop of Bath and Wells, in the debts due from him, lOOOA, which the
king, on 29 November last, granted to him for the lands of Polye Johan
and Hyremere, co. Berks, and for the goods and chattels found in the
same, which the king had of the bishop's grant, and to allow him to pay
the balance that remains clear at the rate of 100 marks yearly, if the clear
debts amount to 2000 marks, or at a proportionate rate if the balance do
not amount to that sum, which terms the king has granted him, although
he did not observe the terms previously granted him by the king on
14 December, in the third year of his reign, to wit that he should pay all
debts due to him up to that date, as well for the time when he was keeper
of the late and the present king's wardrobe as for other causes, at the rate
of 100 marks yearly if the debts amounted to 2,000 marks, or at the rate of
100/. yearly if they amounted to 2,000/. By K.
Dec. 10. To Ralph de Crophull, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
York. Elizabeth, late the wife of Robert son of Ralph, tenant in chief, a third of
a fourth part of the manors of Stiford, Hedoun-on-the Wall, Angirton,
and Dodyngton, and of the hamlets pertaining thereto, in co. Northumber-
land, which the king has assigned to her as dower of the said fourth
Dec. 4. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to cause allowance to be
York. made as quickly as possible to Gilbert Makaskel in money by tale or other-
wise by suitable assignment for 350 marks paid by him, when steward of
the Isle of Man, to Gilbert de Bromle, deceased, then keeper of the king's
stores and receiver of his victuals, of his own money over and beyond the
issues of his bailiwick, when he paid the said receiver 308/. 17s. 6d. by the
king's order for the munition of the town and castle of Carlisle and adjacent
parts against the Scotch rebels by indenture, the said Gilbert Makaskel
having, after the death of the said Gilbert de Bromle, sought from his
executors restitution of the part of the indenture delivered to Gilbert de
Bromle as testimony of tlie payment of the money, which the executors
refused to deliver, asserting that no such indenture had been made or had
come to their hands, as the king now learns from the testimony of W.
archbishop of York that Gilbert Makaskel paid the said 350 marks out of
his own money. By K.
To the same. Order to inspect the rolls of the account made at the
exchequer before Walter de Norwyco, late treasurer, and the barons of the
1318. Membrane 19 — eont.
exchequer of the expenses incurred by Gilbert Makaskel in the king's
service against the king's enemies and rebels in the land of Man and else-
where, and if they find that 500/. thereof still remain due to him, to cause
payment thereof in money by tale or suitable assignment to be made as
speedily as possible, as the said Gilbert has prayed the king for payment
thereof by his petition before the king and his council, shewing that he
expended 1215 marks 3s. 9d. in this behalf, and that it was found by the
aforesaid account that 500/. thereof were still owing to him. By pet. of C.
Dec. 9. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause a tally of
York. the exchequer to be levied in the names of Matthew de Eedmane and John
de Coruubia, collectors of the tenth and sixth granted to the late king by
the community of the realm, for the arrears of their account to the amount
contained in the bills of the wardrobe in possession of Adam de Redmane,
the king's yeoman, for the arrears of the wages of William de Redmane,
his brother, king's yeoman, now deceased, of whose will he is executor, and
for his own wages, and to cause the tally to be delivered to Adam in
discharge of 21Z. lis. Zd., the amount of his and his brother's wages, and
to cause him to have in addition such writs of the exchequer as may be
necessary, as the king wishes to satisfy him out of the arrears of the
account of the aforesaid collectors. By p.s. [4914.]
Dec. 3. To the same. Order to inform themselves whether he who holds the
York. manor of Littlington, near Boyston (Crucem Roes'), in the king's hands on
account of the minority of the heir of William de Huntyngfeld, tenant in
chief, holds it at the king's pleasure or not, aud if they find that he holds
it at pleasure, to deliver it to John de Hastyngges, executor of the will
of John de Hastingges, his father, to hold during the heir's minority at the ex-
tent, according to the king's order remaining in the exchequer, as he has
shewn the king by his petition that whereas the king granted to him an
assignment of wardships and marriages beyond Trent, in order, to acquit , his
father's debts, for 814Z. 8s. 6c?. due to his father for his service in Gascouy
in the late and the present king's time, he has prayed the king to grant him
the said manor, the aforesaid William being his kinsman, in part payment of
the aforesaid assignment, the manor being demised at ferm to others at
pleasure. By pet. of C.
Dec. 16. To Ralph de CrophuU, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
York, meddle further with two messuages, 19^ acres of land, and 3 acres of
meadow in Helsyngton, which belonged to Robert de Gilpyn, and to
restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Robert
de Sapy, late escheator this side Trent, that Robert de Cliderhou, then
escheator this side Trent, took the premises into the king's hands by reason
of the accusation (retti) of Robert de Gilpyn for the death of John de
Coupeland, and Robert de Gilpyn died before he was convicted of the
death, by which inquisition it was found that the premises are not held of
the king in chief, but of John de Lancastre and Elizabeth his wife, as of
her dower of the inheritance of William de Ros, and that Richard de
Gilpyn, Robert's brother, is his nearest heir.
Dec. 12. To the sheriff of Lancaster. Order to certify the king in chancery of the
York. names of twelve mainpernors to be found by Roger son of Richard son of
Beatrice, imprisoned at StafPord {sic) for the death of Richard le Warrener of
Lathum, CO. Lancaster, who shall mainpern to have him before the justices
at the first assize in that county to stand to right if any one will speak
against him, so that the king, when thus certified, may cause him to be
delivered from prison by this mainprise, as the king learns by inquisition
taken by the sheriflFthat he was accused of the above death out of hatred,
and that he is not guilty thereof.
12 EDWARD II. 43
1318. Membrane 19 — cont.
Dec. 13. To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to cause coroners for that county
York. to be elected in place of Robert de Mulcastre and of Roger de Laton, as the
king learns that Robert has been captured by the king's Scotch enemies
and Roger is incapacitated by infirmity, for which reasons the king has
amoved them from office.
Dec. 16. To the bailiffs of Carlisle. Order to pay, out of the ferm of that town,
York. 201. to Robert de Barton, late keeper of the king's victuals in the parts of
Carlisle, to pay his debts when he was keeper of the king's victuals.
By K, on the information of Roger de Northburgh.
To the treasurer and barona of the exchequer. Order to make payment
or assignment to Thomas de Grey, knight, lately staying in garrison of the
town of Berwick-on-Tweed at the king's wages, and elsewhere in the
marches in the company of John de Segrave, then supplying the king's
place in Scotland, for 179/. \\s. 4d. due to him from the king for the
arrears of the wages of himself and 14 of his esquires, and for recompence
for cei'tain of his horses lost in the king's service, as appears by a bill under
the seal of the chamberlaiu of Scotland in his possession.
Dec. 4. To J. bishop of Winchester, principal collector of the tenth granted to
York. the king by the pope. Order to supersede the taxation and levy of the
tenth in the diocese of York by the old taxation, and to cause his sub-
collectors to do so, and to receive the new taxation from the archbishop of
York when it has been made by him, and to cause the tenth to be levied in
accordance therewith, the king having lately ordered W. archbishop of York
to enquire the value of all ecclesiastical benefices within his diocese and of
the temporalities of prelates that have been usually taxed amongst
spiritualities, which have been wasted and destroyed by the incursions of
the Scotch rebels, and to cause them to be taxed accordingly, and to certify
the collectors of the tenth of such taxations, and to send the taxation to
the treasure!' and barons of the exchequer, and the king afterwards learnt
[by the petition] before him and his council of the abbots of Rievaux and
Byland and others whose benefices in that diocese have been so destroyed
that, although the archbishop caused many ecclesiastical benefices and
temporalities annexed to spiritualities in that diocese that had been so
wasted to be taxed anew, he has omitted to tax anew such benefices of the
petitioners because he asserted that he had delivered his commission to
make such new taxation to the treasurer and barons ; wherefore they
prayed the king to provide them with a remedy ; upon which the king
ordered the archbishop to cause any of the said benefices that still remained
untaxed to be taxed anew, and to certify the collectors of the tenth in his
diocese of such new taxation, which taxation he was ordered to send to the
treasurer and barons of the exchequer.
[Fcedera.] By C.
Dec. 20. To John de Wisham, keeper of the castle and honour of Knaresburgh.
York. Order to take by the view of men of those parts such leafless oaks, stocks
that require uprooting, and dry wood in the chace of that honour as may
be necessary for the maintenance of the king's iron-mine there.
To Ralph de Crophull, escheator this side Trent. Order to assign
dower to Annabilla, late the wife of Thomas de Bradeford, tenant in chief,
upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence.
Membrane 18.
Dec. 10. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
york. Joan de Mereworth to have 120/. of the custodies and marriages now in the
king's hands or first coming to his hands, to wit 40/. yearly, the king
1318. Membrane 18 — cont.
having, on 1 7 June, in the 9tli year of his reign, granted to the said Joan
200/. in consideration of her good service to Queen Eleanor, the king's
mother, and to Elizabeth, late countess of Hereford, his sister, out of
custodies and wardships in his hands or first coming to his hands, within
five years, to wit 40/. yearly, and Master John Walewayn, late escheator
beyond Trent, has paid to her 80/. thereof by the king's order.
Nov. 28. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to the
York. aforesaid Master John Walewayn 80/. paid by him to the said Joan for the
first two years of the above five years.
To the same. Order to allow the said Master John 50/. paid by him,
when escheator beyond Trent, to Richard le Mareschal for the 1 1th year of
the king's reign, the king having granted, on 24 September, in the 11th
year, that sum yearly to Richard, who was totally ruined {destructus') by the
Scotch rebels, to be received in aid of his maintenance from the escheator
beyond Trent, until the king should provide him with his maintenance
elsewhere or until he recovered his lands from the Scots, which sum the
king ordered the said escheator to pay to Richard.
Dec. 8. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay to David de Bethon
York. the arrears of the 20/. yearly granted to him by the king in aid of his
maintenance, which sum the king ordered them to pay to David, and to
cause that sum to be paid hereafter, so that it may not behove David for want
of maintenance to return to the king, thus charging the king's household
contrary to the form of the ordinance of the household provided by the king
and his council. By K.
Dec. 14. To J. bishop of Winchester, the treasurer. Order to buy and provide
York. with all speed victuals for the maintenance of the king's subjects in garrison
of tiie town of Newcastle-oa-Tyne and of others who may be sent thither by
the king, and to send them without delay to that town, as was lately
ordained by him and others of his council at York. By K.
Dec. 14. To Ralph de Crophull, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
York, meddle further with the lands that Ralph Damj'ot held of other lords than
the king, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Robert de Sapy, late
escheator this side Trent, that a moiety of a bovate of land in Misterton
that belonged to the said Ralph, an idiot, was taken into the king's hands
on account of his madness, and that it is held of the manor of Gringele, in
the king's hands, by the service of 8s. yearly, and that the said David (sic)
held lands of other lords, and that John son of Adam Damyot, Ralph's
kinsman, is his nearest heir and of full age ; whereupon the king took
John's fealty for the aforesaid moiety, and ordered the present escheator to
cause him to have seisin thereof.
Dec. 7. To the collectors of the custom of wool, hides, and wool-fells in the port
York. of London. Order to permit the merchants of Ypres, whom they ehalj find
by the king's letters patent under his seal called ' coket,' to have lent the
king money by reason of his order to take a loan on wool, hides, and wool-
fells exported up to Michaelmas last, to export wool from that port quit of
custom up to the amount lent by them to the king, provided that the whole
sum do not amount to 100/., as the king wishes to carry into effect the
treaty made between his council and the envoys of R. count of Flanders
sent to England for the reform of peace for certain trespasses committed
upon both sides, in which it is contained that the merchants of Ypres shall
be satisfied for the money thus lent to the king. By K.
Dec. 14. To the sheriff of York. Order to restore to Nicholas de Lund, clerk, his
York. lands, goods and chattels, which were taken into (he king's bands upon his
12 EDWARD II. 45
1318. Membrane 18 — cont.
indictment before Henry Spi<JUinel and John de Donecastre, justices to
deliver York gaol, for levying war against the king, and for arson, theft,
robbery, receipt of felons, and for aiding and assenting to the death of GeofErey
Gelding" of Herlesay, as he has purged his innocence before W. archbishop
of York, the diocesan, to whom he was delivered by the justices according
to the privilege of the clergy.
Vacated, because it was restored and cancelled.
The like in favour of Adam de Lund, clerk, word for word.
[Vacated, as above. ^
Dec. 12. To Ralph de CrophuU, escheator this side Trent. Order to assign dower
York. to Alice, late the wife of Richard le Alblaster of Northgeveldale, tenant in
chief, in the presence of Walter son and heir of Richard, if he choose to
attend, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence.
Dec. 18. To the sheriff of Nottingham, Order to deliver to Giles de Tholosa, keeper
York. of certain of the king's horses, whom the king is sending to stay at Lenton
.with eighteen of the king's horses, such hay, oats, litter, horse-shoes (ferura),
and carriage as shall be necessary tor the maintenance of the said horses and
of two horses of his own, from the day when he enters his bailiwick, and to
pay him 6d. a day for his wages, and 2c?. a day each for the wages of the
eighteen grooms attending the said horses, and of the provider of necessaries
for the maintenance of the horses, and of a farrier, for so long as they shall
stay in his bailiwick. By K. on the information of Roger de Northburgh.
Dec. 2. To the late collectors in the port of Boston of the loan from native and
York. alien merchants upon wool, hides, and wool-fells to be exported up to a
certain time. Order to pay to J. bishop of Ely, or to his attorney in this
behalf, 60/. out of the money of the loan in their hands, in part payment of
4601. Ss. 4d. due to him from the king for fees, robes, wages, recompence
for horses lost in the war in Scotland, and for divers other allowances in
the late king's wardrobe, as appears by a bill of the said wardrobe sealed
by Walter de Bedewynde of the time of John de Bokeuesford (sic), bishop
of Bath and Wells, late keeper of the said wardrobe, in the bishop of Ely's
Dee. 16. To Robert de Quyterigg', one of the agistors of the forest of Inglewode.
York. Order to pay to Robert de Barton, late keeper of the king's victuals in the
parts of Carlisle, 11/. 6.s. Od. out of the money received by him from pan-
nage in the forest during the king's reign, towards payment of the said
late keeper's debts when he was keeper.
The like to the sheriff of Westmoreland to pay 8/. 14^. Od. to the said
Robert de Barton out of the issues of his bailiwick for the above purpose.
By K. and C.
Dec. 1. To J. bishop of Winchester, principal collector of the tenth granted to the
York. king by the pope. Order to pay 100/. out of the tenth in the diocese of
York to the executors of the will of Master William de Pikering', sometime
dean of St. Peter's church, York, the executors having petitioned the king
to satisfy them for this sum, which the king owed to William for a loan
that the king ought to have paid in the quinzaine of Easter, in the fifth
year of his reign, as contained in his letters patent. By K. and G.
Membrane 17.
Dec. 20. To the sheriffs of London. Whereas at the complaint of William de
York. Wyddeslade, citizen and merchant of London, that he loaded certain goods
of avoir-du-pois to the value of 300/., to wit 5 bales of almonds, value
1318. Membrane 17 — cont.
121. 10s. Orf.; three barrels containing 2,488 pounds of loaf sugar, (zucri in
pane), value 155Z. 10s. Od. ; saffron {croeum) to the value of 19/. 12s. Od. ;
cuhebs (quibibes) to the value of 171. 8s. Od. ; two bales (balas) of
pepper, value 17/. 15s. 6c?. ; a bale of brasel {brasilii), value 17/. 13s. Qd. ;
cloves {elavos gariophili) to the value of 31/. 7s. Od. ; and 'maces' to the
value of 28/. 4s. Od. at Le Sclus in Flanders in a ship of Laurence
Pollesson of Brabant, in order to bring them to England to make his profit
thereof, and certain malefactors of Hainault, Holland, and Zeeland (Seland)
and of the towns of Cologne, Dortmund (Dormond). Rikelynghous, Lubyk,
Osenbrugge, Menstre, Grippesvcold, Sussalt, and Hamburgh, and else-
where in Almain assaulted the mariners of the ship on the sea-coast near
Wynterton, co. Norfolk, by armed force, and carried the goods and chattels
aforesaid away with them from the said merchant's men in the ship ; the
king vrrote to the count of Holland and Zeeland and to the burgomasters,
schoffen {scabini), consules, and bailiffs of the above-named towns to do
justice to the said merchant ; but they did not do so, as the mayor and
community of the city of London have signified the king by letters patent
under their common seal ; whereupon the king ordered the sheriffs to arrest
goods of the men of the power of the said count and of the aforesaid towns
to the value of 300/. and of the damages of the said merchant, excepting
for certain reasons the goods of Henry de Bevre, merchant of Almain, and
to cause them to be apprai-^^ed in the presence of the merchants from whom
they should be taken, and to cause them or the price to be delivered
to the said William ; by reason whereof the sheriffs arrested money
and goods of William le Rede, Hermann le Skippere, and the aforesaid
Henry de Bevre, John SaflGrans, and other their fellows, John le White,
Conrad le Swart, and other merchants of the aforesaid towns of Almain to
the value of 400/., as the sheriffs have returned to the king, so that they
exceeded the sura contained in the order by 100/. ; and afterwards, at the
suit of the said William le Rede, Hermann, Henry, John and their fellows,
John, and Conrad, asserting in chancery that they would prove that their
goods ought not to be arrested on this account, the king ordered the sheriflfs
to restore the money and goods thus arrested, because they found security by
Robert Persoun, Luke de Havering', Stephen de Preston, Robert de Dode-
ford, John Cotoun, John de Bristol!, John de Romenay, John de Wrotham,
and John Brond, who mainperned to answer for the said 400/. to the
. aforesaid William de Widdeslade or elsewhere at the king's order if
the said merchants should be charged therewith by consideration of the
king's court ; and afterwards the matter was discussed between the parties
in chancery and in the parliament at York, the aforesaid merchants of
Almain asserting that they ought not to be arrested in this behalf because
they belong to a certain hanse in London and they ought to enjoy certain
liberties in the city of London as natives by the charters of the king's pro-
genitors, which they have enjoyed time out of mind, and because the king
granted them by his charter that they or their goods should not be arrested
or aggrieved within his realm and power for any debt wherefor they were
not sureties or principal debtors or for any trespass committed by others,
the said William de Wyddeslade asserting that they are peers and com-
moners (pares et communiarios) of the aforesaid towns, and that they
ought therefore to be charged therewith and to answer to him, especially as
the arrest was granted to him by consideration of the king's court before
the sealing of the king's charter, and the matter, so far as concerns the
persons of William le Rede, John Safrans, and other his fellows, John le
Whit and Conrad le Swart, is adjourned until next parliament under a cer-
ta,in form ; and because it was at length found that Hermann le Skippere is
not of the aforesaid hanse and ought not to enjoy the liberties in the char-
ters of the king or his progenitors, and William de Widdeslade has wholly
12. EDWARD II. 47
1318. Membrane 17 — cont.
reuounced in chancery the prosecution of the process against the said Henry
de Bevre, who was excepted in the king's first order, the king now orders
the sheriffs to levy 70/. of the goods and chattels of Hermann, or of the
goods and chattels of the aforesaid mainpernors if his goods be insufficient,
and to deliver them to William de Widdeleslade (sic) or to John Walde-
shef, his attorney in this behalf, in part payment of 300/., the value of
William's goods thus lost, and not to molest Henry de Bevre in any wise in
this behalf, reserving the taxation of William's damages to the king in his
court. By K. and C.
Dec. 9. To the bailiffs of John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, at Boston. At
York. the complaint of Adam le Clerk of Lenne that whereas he loaded a ship
called ' La Plente' of Lenne, price lOOZ. sterling, with salt of Poitou
{Paytou), lampreys of Nantes, and certain bales of Bugeye, and other his
goods to the value of 2001. in the parts of Poitou, for the purpose of taking
the same to St. John's town of ]?ert[h] in Scotland, to mak'e his profit
thereof and in aid of the maintenance of the king's men in munition of that
town, Henry de Rekelynghous and other malefactors of the towns of
Grippeswald, Strallesound, and Lubyk robbed the ship on her voyage to
St. John's town on the sea coast between Great Yarmouth and Blakenay,
and slew many men in her, and took her and the goods aforesaid to Aber-
den in Scotland, and there sold the goods and the robes and cloths of the
slain men, and afterwards took the ship with them to Strallesound, the
king wrote to the schoffen (scabinis) and men of Grippeswold, Strillesound
{sic), and Lubyk to cause satisfaction to be made to the said Adam ; but
they did not do so, as appears by the letters patent of the community of the
city of London ; whereupon the king ordered the bailiffs to arrest goods of
the men of the aforesaid towns to the value of 100'., in part satisfaction for
the above ; by reason whereof they arrested stockfish {piscem durum) of
John Scotdorp, merchant of Lubyk, to the value of 20/., stockfish of Odbert
the Writer {Scrtplore), merchant of the same town, to the value of 10/.,
stockfish of John the White {Albo), merchant of the same town, to the
value of 10/., stockfish of Bernard Plorekyn, merchant of the same town, to
the value of 10/., and stockfish of Daniel de Gosthenen, merchant of the
same town, to the value of 10/., stockfish of Gerard Ravenmonge, merchant
of the same town, to the value of 20/., [stockfish] of Albert Parlement,
merchant, to the value of 10/., and stockfish of Tidmann de Monasterio,
merchant of the same town, to the value of 10/., as they have returned to
the king : as the said merchants assert in chancery that they are of the
hanse of the merchants of Almain, and that therefore their goods ought not
to be arrested at Adam's suit, and as John le Longe and John de Lubyk
have mainperned to answer for them and to satisfy Adam or others (alibi)
for the aforesaid 400/. (^sic) if the merchants be charged therewith by
consideration of the king's court, the king orders the bailiffs to restore the
goods thus arrested to the aforesaid merchants of Almain. By 0.
Dec. 8. To the sheriff of Southampton. Whereas in the late king's time great
York. discords arose between Sancho, sometime king of Castile, and his subjects,
on the one part, and the king's citizens of Bayonne, on the other, by
reason of divers robberies and arrests of goods made by the king of
Castile's men upon certain citizens of Bayonne, amongst whom John
de Seynt Crik was robbed of his goods to the value of 300 marks by the
men of the said king, as appears by sufficient proof ; and afterwards the
said king sent Master John, the judge of his court, and Gundissalvius
Martini with his open letters, and the mayor and community of the city
aforesaid sent Arnald de Villar' and John Dardir, their fellow-citizens, to
the late king's presence with sufficient letters and orders to settle the dis-
cords upon both sides, and the late king, with the unanimous assent and
agreement of the proctors aforesaid and in their presence, ordained, amongst
1318. MembTane 17 — cont.
other things, that all ships and other goods whatsoever of the citizens of
Bayonne arrested by the men of the king of Castile within or without his
realm should be restored by the king of Castile within a term now past, as
appears by the rolls of the late king's chancery of the 21st year of his reign ;
and afterwards, because the king of Castile in no wise observed the afore-
said ordinance as was agreed, Stephen de Pencestre, sometime constable of
Dover castle and warden of the Cinque Ports, arrested by the late king's
order divers goods of men and merchants of the kingdom of Castile in
the port of Sandwich ; by reason of which arrest the said Jolin recovered
100*. sterling in part satisfaction of the aforesaid 300 marks ; and after the
present king's accession Ferandus, now king of Castile and Leon, on account
of certain other discords between his subjects on the one side, and
the citizens of Bayonne and other the king's subjects on the other, and
the community of the said city sent their proctors to the king's presence to
pacify the discords; and the king, having taken counsel with those of his
council concerning the discords newly arisen and upon the old discords
aforesaid, ordained, amongst other things, with the consent of the proctors
aforesaid, that the late king's ordinance, which king Sancho had so approved
by his letters, should be completed and observed ; and although afterwards
Arnald de Sancto Martino, in the name of the aforesaid John and of other
merchants of Bayonne, bore the king's letters to the said Ferandus for the
recovery of the goods aforesaid, and prosecuted for justice against those
■who were assigned by the king of Castile and those who were assigned
by the king to complete and observe the ordinances aforesaid, never-
theless the commissaries of the king of Castile assigned with the
king's commissioners to complete and keep the said ordinances at Fuent-
arrabia {Fontem Rabidum) did not do anything in execution of the old
ordinance aforesaid, althougli it was shewn to them under the late king's seal,
but failed altogether to do him justice, as appears by the letters patent of
Gaillard de Sancto Paulo, knight, lord of Seres {de Syro), and of Master
Peter Arnaldi de Vico, the king's commissaries in this behalf, and by many
other lawful evidences : the king, wishing to aid the said John in recovering
his debt and damages, orders the sheriflf to arrest goods of the men and
merchants of the power of the king of Castile to the value of 292 marks
6s. 8d., the balance of the said sum of 300 marks, and to keep the same
safely until John have been satisfied for that sum and for his damages or
until otherwise ordered, certifying the king of his proceedings in this
matter. By pet. of C.
Jan. 4. To the abbot of St. Mary's York, collector of the 12d. in the mark
Beverley. granted to the king by the clergy of the diocese of York. Order to pay,
out of the arrears of the said I2d. in the mark, to Hugh de Burgh, parson
of the church of Burgh-under-Staynemore, 36/. 13s. 4d. for corn bought
from him for the king's use for munition of the castle and town of Carlisle
in the 12th year of the king's reign, as appears by a bill under the seal of
Roger de Northburgh, keeper of the wardrobe.
Vacated, because otherwise on the Close Hall in May, in the \Zlh year.
\^\^ Membrane 16.
Dec. 26. To Ralph de Craystok. Order to pay to William de Kelk, clerk, 100*.
Beverley. yearly from the manor of Thorpbasset, co. York, for the time that it has
been in his hands by the king's commission, until Ralph shall provide him
with an acceptable benefice, as the king learns by inquisition taken by
Robert de Sapy, late escheator this side Trent, that Ralph son of William,
tenant in chief, granted the above sum yearly to the aforesaid William from
the said manor until he should provide him with a suitable ecclesiastical
Jan. 1.
Dec. 28.
Membrane 16 — cont.
benefice, and that William was seised thereof and received the same until
the tune of Ealph's death, when the escheator took the manor into the
king's hands together witli Ralph's other lands, and that William has not
yet obtained any benefice.
To the treasurer, chamberlains, and barons of the exchequer. Order to
pay to William de Monte Acuto or to cause assignment to be made to him
for the ferm of the city of Chichester for Michaelmas term last, and for the
portion for that term of the yearly sura of 38Z. 6*. Srf. of the ferm that
Henry de Cobehain renders for the term of the city of Rochester and the
custody of the castle there, with wards and appurtenances, in co. Kent,
the king having taken into his hands by virtue of the ordinances the ferm
of 36/. that the citizens of Chichester render and 38/. 6s. 9d. out of the .50/.
rendered for the above by the said Henry, on the ground that the king had
granted these sums to William for life contrary to the ordinances, as the
king afterwards, on I December last, granted to the said William, in
consideration of his service to him and his father, with the consent of the
prelates, earls, barons, and oihev proceres of this realm, the aforesaid ferm
of Chichester and the 38/. 6*. M. for life, and ordered the same to be
delivered to him, together with what had been received thence from the
time when they were taken into the king's hands, the king understanding
that the citizens of Chichester and the said Henry have paid their ferms for
the aforesaid term into the exchequer because the ferms were at that time
in the king's hands. By p.s. [4928.]
To Master Richard de Glare, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with the manor of Wiberton, and to restore the issues
thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that Adam de
Welle and Joan his wife, both deceased, were jointly enfeoffed of the manor
by John de Hoilland, knight, to them and the heirs of the said Adam, and
that the manor is not held of the king but of the earl of Richmond in
socage by the service of 25s. yearly and by doing service from three weeks
to three weeks at the earl's court there, and that the manor ought to be
divided between Robert, Adam, and John, sons of the said Adam, accord-
ing to the custom of that tenure.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Master
Richard de Haveryng', late constable of Bordeaux, to come before them,
and if he acknowledge the two letters patent und_er his seal when constable
in the possession of William de Servat, merchant, and that the king ought
to satisfy William for the sunis therein contained, they are then to receive
the letters from William and charge Richard with the sums therein
contained, and to give William an assignment therefor upon the issues of
the custom of wool, hides, and wool-fells in the ports of Chichester,
Jernemuth, and Lenne, and to cause the second part of the king's seal called
' coket ' in those ports to be delivered to him or his attorney in this behalf
until he have been satisfied for the sums aforesaid, the said William having
shewn the king by his petition before him and his council that he has
not yet been paid for 3,740/. 19s. 9\d. of Bordeaux money paid by him to
the aforesaid Richard for payment of the late king's gift to the lord of
Lebret and for divers other payments made to Gascons and for other affairs
of the king and his father there, which 3,740/. 19s. Q\d. were worth at the
time of payment 74H/. 3s. \\\d. sterling, reckoning 5 Bordelaises for one
sterling, and for 312/. 16s. O^d. sterling paid by him to the said Richard
for divers payments in the aforesaid matters for the king's use, as contained
in two bills under Richard's seal in his possession. By K, and pet. of C.
1319. Membrane 16 — cont.
Jan. 1. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
York. the following manors and lands to be delivered to Agnes, late the wife of
John de Argeiitein, tenant in chief, which the king has assigned to her in
dower : the manor of Great Wilmundele, co. Hertford, of the yearly value
of 121. 7s. 6d.; the manor of Little Wilmundele, in the same connty, of
the yearly value of 71. 13s. 7}d.; certain lands in Throckyngg', in the same
county, of the yearly value of 6s. 2d. ; the manor of Meldeburn, co. Cam-
bridge, of the yearly value of 151. lis. Gd.; certain tenements in Colneye,
CO. Huntingdon, of the yearly value of 4s. ; and a third of 40 acres of land
in Halesworth, co. Suffolk, which are not extended.
Jan. 3. To Ralph de Monte Hermerii, keeper of the Forest beyond Trent. Order
Beverley. to deliver to William de Bromleye, son and heir of Roger de Bromleye, the
bailiwick of keeping the forest of Morf, the king having, on 25 November
last, taken his homage for the lands that his father held in chief by the
service of keeping the said forest, when he ordered the lands to be de-
livered to him.
Jan. 6. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order tor allow to John
Beverley. de la Haye, late keeper of the Templars' manor of Garwy, 70 marks that
he paid out of the issues of the manor to the king, as appears by letters of
privy seal in his possession, and his expenses incurred by the king's order
about the driving of some of the king's beasts from that manor to Shene.
By p.s.
To the masters, echevins (scabinis), and bailiffs of Malines {de Malinis).
Whereas at the complaint of Luke de Haveryng' and James Beauflour,
merchants of this realm, that they had sent 21 barrels of honey, price 504Z.,
and 7 tuns of ■yrme, price 49/., to Brabant to trade there with the same,
and that the said masters, echevins. and bailiffs arrested the honey [and] wine
and detained them for some time, the king requested them to restore the
same without delay; and the king afterwards learned from trustworthy
evidence that Luke and James sustained damages to the honey and wine by
the arrest and detention to the amount of 240/. sterling, for which they
have prayed the king to provide a remedy : wherefore the king requests the
masters, echevins, and bailiffs to satisfy Luke and James for their damages
— ^Incomplete enrolment'].
Vacated because on the dorse.
To the constable of Tykehull castle. Order not to distrain Thomas de
Lanum for his homage for the lands that he holds in chief as of the king's
manor of Gryngeleye, as the king has taken his fealty and respited his
homage. By K.
Jan. 6. To J. bishop of Winchester, treasurer. Order to prepare all the money
Beverley. that he can collect by honest means of the late king's debts or the present
king's debts, for the expenses of the king's household and for the expedition
of the Scotch war, for which purposes the king will have to expend much
pioney, making no payment or assignment nor levying any tallies of the
exchequer upon these debts without the king's special order making express
,mention of the presents. By K.
To Hervey de Staunton, chancellor of the exchequer. Order not to
njake payment or assignment under the exchequer seal without the king's
special order making express mention of the presents.
To the chamberlains of the exchequer. Order not to cause tallies of the
exchequer to be levied of the above debts without special order, etc. By K.
Jan. 10. To the abbot and convent of Thornton -on-Huinbre. Order to deliver to
York. the attorney of J. bishop of Glasgow the goods and chattels of brother
William, late abbot of Jeddeworth, in the diocese of Glasgow, who stayed
in their abbey at the king's request, arid who died there, as the king is
12 EDWARD II. fil
1319. Membrane 16 — cont.
given to understand that his goods and chattels are to be committed to the
disposition of the aforesaid bishop for certain reasons. They are to execute
this order notwithstanding any order previously sent to them by the king to
keep the said goods and chattels safely. By K.
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of William Paylleue of Eavenserod, who is incapacitated
by illness.
Jan. 12. To the sheriff of Lancaster. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
York. be elected in place of Matthew de Kedman, deceased.
Jan. 18. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver
York. to Amice, late the wife of Thomas son of Eustace, tenant in chief, the
following of his lands, which the king has assigned to her in dower : the
niauor of Berewik, co. Hereford, of the yearly value of 100«. G\d.\ and
31j. 7^^. from the free tenants in Casewik, co. Lincoln.
Jan. 18. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to pay to John Griffard of Briraes-
York. feld 100 marks for Easter term last of the yearly sum of 200 marks from
the sheriff of Gloucester granted to him for life by the king on 30 Decem-
ber, in the 10th year of his reign, for his stay with the king with a certain
number of men-at-arms in peace and war for his life-time, as contained in
the king's letters patent, which grant was revoked on 9 June last by reason
of the ordinances, notwithstanding which revocation the king, with the con-
sent of his council, ordered Thomas de Bertone, late sheriff of the above
county, to pay John 100 marks for the said term, the said Thomas having
been amoved from office before he had executed the order. By K. and 0.
Jan. 21. To the sheriffs of London. Order to supersede the execution of the
York. king's order to pay to Walter de Shobdon 20/. yearly for life from the rent
in the city and suburbs that belonged to Adam de Stretton, which came to
the late king's hands as escheat, and to resume into the king's hands any of
the rent and the issues thereof that they may have paid to Walter,
By p.s.
To Walter de Shobdon. Order to restore to the sheriffs anything that
he may have received from the above rent, and to bring the king's letters
of grant into the chancery. By p.a,
Jan. 22. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
York. be elected in place of John de BUton, whom the king has amoved from
office as he is incapacitated by illness and infirmity.
Robert Tubbel and John de Lamherdenne, imprisoned in Canterbury
castle for the death of Adam atte Brigge, have letters to th? sheriff oi
Kent to bail them until the first assize.
■I q-i Q Membrane 16 — Schedule.
Dec. 28. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to proceed
Bererley. to the priory of Priterwell, and to amove thence the malefactors who have
entered the same in the company of William le Avernaz, and to take the
priory into the king's hands, and to cause it to be guarded safely, and to
administer victuals and other necessaries from the goods thereof to the
monks, and to attach by the sheriff of Essex any persons resisting the exe-
cution of this order, taking with him sufficient ^owe of the country, as the
king learcs that William has entered the priory with force and arms, and is
•wasting the goods thereof, which is of the alms of the king's progenitors, ia
the king's contempt, especially as no person ought to enter or administer
such temporalities of the king's patronage without his special order ; the
ting having previously ordered Mm to deliver the priory to brother James
D 3
1318. Membrane 16 — Schedule — cont.
de Cusancia, prior of Priterwell, because he learned from the complaint of
the said Jaroes that the aforesaid William, monk of the order of Cluny, who
asserted that he had been instituted prior of Priterwell and that he had
been despoiled of the possession thereof at the procuration of James, had
entered the priory by force and arms, and that he held the same by armed
force, wasting the goods and possessions, expelling the monlss from the
priory, breaking open the chests in the priory, and usurping to himself the
common seal and muniments of the priory, sealing divers obligations and
other letters with the said seal at his will ; at which time the king ordered
the escheator to summon James and William to appear in chancery on the
morrow of the Assumption last ; at which day William appeared before the
king at Notyngham, and renounced and resigned all right in the priory
into the hands of the prior of Lewes his superior, ^phereupon the king
ordered the escheator to deliver the priory to the said James : notwith-
standing which the king understands that William has again entered the
priory by force and arms. By K.
Membrane 15.
Jan. 16. To the sheriffs of London. Order to arrest goods of the men and mer-
York. chants of the king of France to the value of 402/. lis. lOof., the residue of
the sum of 600/., for which the king lately ordered them to arrest goods of
the said men and merchants because the king of France had failed to cause
restitution or satisfaction to be made to Simon de Abyndon, Stephea le
FuUere, Ralph de Walecote, John Priour, Thomas Prentiz, John de San-
dale, William de Coumbmartyn, John atte Vine, Thomas de Abyndon,
Thomas Beauflour, William Panyfadre, William Biddick, Robert Elys of
Thame, Adam Puff of Berkhampstede, Richard de Warrewyk, and Nicholas
Alisaundre for their wool Jaden in a ship of John Priour's called ' la Petite
Baiard ' of London, which was captured and carried away by the admiral
of Caleys and certain armed men of his on her voyage- to Brabant on the
coast of the Isle of Thanet, by reason whereof they arrested goods of cer-
tain men of Amiens and Rouen to the value of 197/. 8s. 2d., which the
king caused to be delivered to the said merchants ; the king having after-
wards ordered them to supersede the execution of the said order because the
king of France promised to do justice to the said merchants before the
feast of AU Saints last, which he has not done, although the king sent the
said merchants to him with his letters praying the king of France to do
them justice according to his promise ; the merchants having prayed the
king to cause justice to be done to them because they were unwilling to
assent to further delay. They are to certify the king of their proceedings in
this matter, keeping safely the goods arrested by virtue of this order until
further order's.
To the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Like order to arrest goods to
the value of 333/. 6s. 8rf.
To the bailiiFs of Southampton. Like order to arrest goods to the value
of 400/.
Jan. 24. To the justices of the Bench. It has been shewn to the king on behalt
York. of Robert de Sandale, dean of the king's free chapel of Stafford, that
whereas the prior of Stone impleaded the dean and chapter of that chapel,
when Louis, now bishop of Durham, was dean of the chapel, concerning a
carucate of land and 4 acres of meadow in the town of {sic) the castle of Staf-
ford, and the dean in pleading before the said justices asserted that he held the
deanery of the king's collation, and that the land and meadow pertained to
the deanery, and that Master John de Cadamo, his predecessor, dean of
12 EDWAED IT. 63
1319. Membrane 15 — cont.
that chapel, was seized on the day of his death of the aforesaid land and
meadow, and that the aforesaid Louis found his deanery seised thereof, by
reason whereof the dean could not answer the prior without the king ; on
which account the plea was delayed by consideration of the court until the
king should order his will to be done concerning the same ; and afterwards
the king, at the suit of the prior, ordered the justices to proceed to do justice
to the parties notwithstanding the above allegation, provided that if any
difficulty arose by reason whereof they could not do so without consulting
the king, they should certify the king ; and the proceedings in the matter
continued until the taking of the inquisition, and the justices, after Louis
had been made bishop of Durham, in the octaves of Michaelmas last, pro-
ceeded to put the dean in default, although Master Thomas de Olierleton,
then dean of the chapel aforesaid, being in the king's service in the parts
of Scotland, caused the king's letters of protection to be produced, whereby
the king willed that lie should be acquitted of all pleas up to a certain
time, except pleas of dower unde nichil hahet and of quare impedit and
assizes of novel disseisin, darrein presentment, and suits summoned before
justices in eyre, which letters the justices did not allow because Thomas
was not named dean of the aforesaid chapel therein, although he is that and
the same person ; by reason of which default the aforesaid tenements were
taken into the king's hands ; and because Thomas, believing the aforesaid
letters to have been allowed {locum tenuisse), did not replevy the tenements
in due form, but afterwards resigned the deanery ; and the aforesaid Eobert,
now dean, has prayed the king to cause a remedy to be provided for the
said default : wherefore the king orders them to admit Robert to defend the
right of himself and of his chapel in the aforesaid plea, and to cause justice
to be done to the parties, the king acceding to his petition because the
chapel is founded of the demesnes of his progenitors, formerly kings of
England, and because it appears that Master Thomas was engaged in his
service on the aforesaid day. By K.
Jan. 26. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay to Robert de Grey,
Yoik. as speedily as they conveniently can, the following sums, provided that they
retain in their hands sufficient money for the expenses of the king's house-
hold : 271/. 5«. 4rf; for the an'ears of his wages whilst he was sheriff of
Lanark and constable of Rotherglen castle j 399/. lis. Oc?. for the arrears
of his wages when in garrison of the town of Berwick-on-Tweed ;
109/. 6s. 8t/. for recompence of his horses lost when he was in the said
garrison ; 229/. 7s. 8d. for the arrears of his wages when he was in the
company of John de Segrave, supplying the place in Scotland of the late
and present kings, and also when he was in garrison of the aforesaid town j
and 63/. 5s. lOd. : as appears by four bills under the seal of the chamberlain of
Scotland for the four first sums and by a bill for the other sum under the
seal of John, bishop of Winchester, then the king's chamberlain there ; as
Robert has prayed the king to cause him to be satisfied for the above sums
because his lands, goods, and chattels are so much wasted by the Scotch
rebels that he has nothing of his own whereby he may be maintained.
Jan. 25. To John de Wysham, keeper of the castle and honour of Knavesburgh (sic).
York. Order to acquit the men and tenants of the castle and honour aforesaid in
the towns of Knavesburgh, Skrevyn, Burbrigg', Minskyp', Tymble, Clifton,
Foston, Thorsoros (sic), Menewith, Clynt, Felesclif, Bristall, Heyntwayth,
Killyng' Hall, Roshirst, Bilton, and Nidd of their ferms and rents for
Michaelmas term last to the amount of 72/. 3*. 7d., the king having par-
doned them the same in response to their petition for pardon of their ferms
and rents or parts thereof, as he learns by inquisition taken by Robert da
Sapy and Gilbert de Wygeton that the said men and tenants are ruinecl
1819. Membrane 15 — cont.
to a great extent by the burning of their houses, the abduction of their
beasts, and the carrying away of their goods by the attacks of the Scotch
rebels, by which inquisition it was found that their ferms and rents for
Michaelmas term amount to the above sum. By K.
Jan. 28. To Warin de Insula, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to pay to
York. Robert de Wodeham, to whom the king granted the bailiwick of the
forestry that Walter de Wodeham, his brother, had in his lifetime in the
forest of Wyndesore, such wages as his brother was wont to receive for
that bailiwick.
To the same. Order to pay to Robert de la More, to whom the king
committed the office of clerk of the works in the said castle that John de
Spygesworthe had, such wages as the said John was wont to receive.
Membrane 14.
Jan. 28. To Stephen de Abyndon, taker of the king's wines of the right prise at
Tork. Southampton. Order to deliver to the abbot and monks of King's
Beaulieu a tun of wine of the right prise for the celebration of mass in
their church, in accordance with the grant of Henry III.
To the same. Order to deliver to the abbot and convent of St. Edward's
Netley {Lutele) a tun of wine of the right prise to celebrate mass with, in
accordance with the grants of Henry III, and of the late king.
Jan. 26. To the mayor and bailiffs of Newcastle-on Tyne. Whereas J. bishop of
Tork. Carlisle has shewn by his petition before the king and his council that cer-
tain bailiffs and burgesses of that town have thrown down and removed a
house {mansum) of the bishop without the north gate of that town, for
the reception of the bishop and his successors coming thither, and have
appropriated a plot of land pertaining thereto adjoining the town ditch, and
have made a ditch thereof for the defence of the town, and the king ordered
the sheriff of Northumberland to enquire into the matter ; by whose inquisi-
tion it was found that the bishop had a house without the north gate with
an adjoining plot of land, and that the house was thrown down by the
mayor and bailiffs in the 26th year of the late king's reign for the defence
of the town, and that the house and plot contained 3^ acres and half a rood
of land, and was worth in time of peace 4 marks, and that a portion of the
6aid plot containing 1 acre is appropriated by the mayor and bailiffs to the
ditch of the town for the defence of the same, and that the said acre used
to be worth 13*. 4c?., and that the rest of the house and plot is now worth
fii. 8c?., and that a solar and hall with chambers and other houses there
situate, price 60Z., came to the hands of divers men of that town : where-
fore the king orders the mayor and baililTs to cause the bishop to have
satisfaction for the said acre of land thus appropriated by them and for his
damages sustained at their hands, compelling tliose to whose hands the
aforesaid soler, hall, and chambers came to make hke satisfaction to the
bishop without delay.
Jan. 27. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit John de
Tork. la Beche of 30?. of the 60?. due from him for the arrears of his account
when he was keeper of the bishopric of Winchester, lately void and in the
king's hands, the king having granted him that sum for his costs and
expenses in prosecuting the king's affairs in divers places, and to cause him
to have terms for payment of the remaining 30/, within a year after the
12 EdWABD 11. fi5
1319. Membrane 14 — cont.
end of the term granted to him for payment of 120Z. due from him for the
custody and marriage of the son (fiV) and heir of Andrew de Sakevill,
which the king has sold to him. By p.s. [4937.]
Jan. 24. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
York. elected in place of William de Ros of Yolton, who is unable to attend to
the duties of that office as he is continuously engaged ia the office of
verderer in the forest of Galtres.
Feb. 6. To the chamberlain of North Wales. Order to buy and provide 60
York. quarters of wheat, 20 quarters of malt, 5 quarters of salt, two lasts of her-
rings, and seven tuns of wine, and to send them to the king's castle of
Cragfergus iu Ireland by the view and testimony of Thomas de Neubiggyng',
whom the king is sending to him to supervise the premises and to expedite
the carriage of the same, to be delivered by indenture to John de Athy,
keeper of the castle, for the maintenance of himself and other the king's
subjects in garrison in that castle.
Vacated, because it was restored and cancelled, and afterwards [it toa»
made^ otherwise.
Feb. 8. To A. archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland. Order not to make
York. any charters of pardon for adhering to the Scotch rebels lately in Ireland
without special order from the king. By K..
The like to the chancellor of Ireland not to make such charters of
pardon under the king's seal of Ireland without special order from the king
making express mention of the present order. By K.
Feb. 8. To Walter de Norwico, Hervey de Staunton, John de Thorp, and Simon
York. (3e Hederset. Order to omit all other things and attend to their commission
to enquire by the oath of meichants and others in cos. Norfolk and Suffi)lk
what men, merchants or others, of those counties lately inflicted damage
upon merchants of Flanders at Crandon, and what owners {domini) of the
ships committing these damages harboured the malefactors in the ships
after the commission of these damages, and to hear and determine such
trespasses according to law and custom and according to the law merchant,
as it was agreed, in a treaty concluded between the king and the count of
Flanders by his envoys in the parliament at York, that the king ought to
cause the trespasses aforesaid to be enquired into before the feast of
St. Mary Magdalene next, so that the king and his council may then inform
the count's envoys who are coming to Westminster at the aforesaid feast
concerning the premises, and may do what shall be ordained in this matter.
If by chance Walter and Hervey cannot attend to the premises on account
of other matters that they are intending by the king's order, then Simon
and John are to execute the aforesaid commission without waiting for the
presence of Walter and Hervey. By C.
Feb. 9. To A. archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland. Order to cause the
York. summons of the army of that land that he has granted to Richard de Burgo,
earl of Ulster, for the land of Ulster, to be revoked without delay, as the
king is given to understand that he has granted the summons to the earl
without the assent of the procercs of that land, which would redound to the
king's prejudice and would alienate {elongarent) the hearts of the ^rocere*
from the king's service. By K.
To W. archbishop of Cashel, chancellor of Ireland. Order to cause such
summons to be revoked without delay if he have caused it to be made by
writs under the king's seal. By K.
1319. Membrane 14 — cont.
Feb. 2. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to issue mandates
York. under the exchequer seal that all sheriffs and bailiffs about to account for
the king's debts by summons of the exchequer shall bring with them at
their next accounts all summonses of such debts in their possession, both
of the times of the king's progenitors and of the king's time, and when their
accounts have been rendered and finished, the summons that may be of the
estreats of any debts before the beginning of the 20th year of the late king's
reign shall be annulled and condemned, and the treasurer and barons shall
cause such summons of others debts from that time as they shall think fit
to be renewed immediately after the accounts, the old ones being wholly
condemned, and they are ordered to cause all estreats of fines and amerce-
ments and other debts of the time preceding the beginning of the aforesaid
20th year whereof estreats are in their possession to be examined diligently
whereby they have any debts to be exacted for the king's use, and to cause
the estreats of any debts from the same time and all and singular debts
that they shall see fit to be taken out, and to cause them to be estreated in
writing without change, except that in making the new rolls all -titles shall, to
distinguish them from the old estreats, begin with the word 'compendium,'
thus writing ' compendium of the estreats of fines or amercements or other
debts as they occur in the old exemplar,' mnrking (signando) distinctly on the
old estreats that the debts so estreated are entered on the roll o? compendium, ;
which new estreats the king wills shall hold the place of the original es-
treats, and that accounts .shall be rendered by them, the old estreats being
deposited separately and not to be expounded thereafter upon accounts in
any wise unless dispute or doubt arise upon the debts originally accounted
for; and they are to cause new summonses to be made by the new estreats,
having caused proclamation to he made on the king's behalf that no sheriff,
baQiff, or other minister of the king shall presume to levy or distrain for
anything by virtue of the old summonses under pain of imprisonment and
forfeiture. The king issues this order because he pardoned all amercements
and forfeited issues in the courts of his progenitors prior to the beginning
of the aforesaid 20th year, and because he learns from the complaints of
many persons that sheriffs and bailiffs, having no respect to the pardon
aforesaid, distrain and disquiet the king's people because certain old sum-
monses of the amercements and issues and of divers other debts, whereof
the debtors are acquitted at the exchequer, remain in their possession, the
king being further moved to issue this order on account of the length
of time consumed in auditing the sheriffs' accounts at the exchequer
on account of the grent multitude of rolls at the exchequer of estreats of
fines, amercements, forfeited issues, and other debts, whereof a great part
are accounted for in previous accounts, that have to be explained and
examined seriatim by each head of the debts in order to charge the
accountants with what they have received or might have received of the
debts noted in those rolls, whereby the king's other business in the ex-
chequer is delayed and the accountants suffer damage by their long detention.
The king has ordered the treasurer and chamberlains to deliver to the
trea.'!urer and barons what they shall require for the above purpose. By K.
Mandate in pursuance to the treasurer and chamberlains of the ex-
chequer. By K.
Feb. 9. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
York. Robert de Welle, son and heir of Adam de Welle, tenant in chief, to have
seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age before the escheator,
and the king has taken his homage. By K.
Feb. 11. To the same. Like order iu favour of John Paynel, son and heir of
York. Philip Paynel, tenant in chief of the late king. By K.
The like to Ralph de Crophill, escheator this side Trent,
12 EDWARD II. 57
]^3]^9_ Membrane 13.
Feb. 10. To the treasurer nnd barons of the exchequer. Order to cause
York. Queen Isabella to have the fines, ransoms, and amerceiiipnts of the men and
tenants of the following places from the time of the death of Queen Margaret,
who held them in dower, which the king granted to Isabella, having, on
1 August last, granted that she should hold the lands in dower: the mam rs
of Long Bynyngton, co. Lincoln; Kyngesthorp and Eston, co. North-
ampton ; the hundred of Falwesle, iu the same county ; the manors of
Ospryuge, Middelton and its hundreds, and West Clive, co. Kent ; the
manor of Blokesham, co. Oxford ; the honour of L'Aigle {Aquild) with all
appurtenances, in divers counties, saving to the king the castle of Pevenesey
and all appurtenances, and except the manor of Laghton, which John
Donnedale holds for life by demise from the late king ; the manors of
Bansled, co. Surrey; Haveryng' and park and forest, co. Essex; La
Neilond, in the .^lame county ; the castle, town, and honour of Berkhampstede,
CO. Hertford and other counties ; the castle and town of Marleherge, with the
Barton {Bertona) and hundred of Selkele, co. Wilts ; the castle and town of
Dyvises, with the park and forests of Melkesham, Shippenham, and Pewes-
ham, and perprestures, and with the manor of Roude, in the same county ;
the manors of Woderowe, Sevenhampton, with the boroughs of Creckelade
and Hanteworth, and the hundreds of Creckelade and Hanteworth, the
manor of Stratton, the castle, manor, and park of Mere, in the same
county ; the manor of Boudou and Haverberge, co. Leicester ; the ferm of
the town of Suthampton with small rents in co. Southampton ; the town of
Aulton with the hundred and small rents in the town, in the same county ;
the ferm of the town of Andevere with the hundreds and with the incre-
ment of the ferm ; the manor and town of Basyngstok with the hundred
and the rent of the tenement of the late Walter de Merton in the town, in
the same county; the castle of Suthampton and the manor of Lyndhurst,
with the park and New Forest and the bailiwicks and hundred of Rud-
berge, in the same cotmty ; the castle of Cristeschurche of Twynham, with
the borough and manor of Westovere and the hundred of Cri.steschurche,
in the same county ; the manor of Ryngewode in the same county ; the ferm
of the town of Wych, co. Worcester ; the manor of Gillyngham with the
Barton {Bertond) and forest, co. Dorset. By K.
Feb. 12. To the justices of the Bench. Order to proceed with the plea before
York. them wherein Roger de Aspelay and Juliana his wife have impleaded for a
long time Hugh le Despenser the elder, keeper of the land of the heir of
Guy de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, for Juliana's dower in Berew[e]-
don, which they have superseded because Hugh has alleged before them
that he holds the custody of the lands by the king's commis.sion, and to
proceed to do justice to the parties notwithstauding this allegation.
By pet. of C.
Feb. 10. To the sheriff of Leicester. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
York. be elected in place of Oliver le Waleys, lately elected, who cannot attend to
the duties of the office because he is of the household and retinue of
John de Segrave, the elder, and is bound by deed to him to set out with
him in the king's service.
Feb. 13. To the sheriff of York. Order to pay to John de Yakesle, keeper of the
York. king's tents, the wages of himself and of Robert de Guldeford and John
Fynche, his fellows, to wit 6rf. a day for himself and 4c?. a day for Roger
and John, together with the arrears of the same from the time of the
sheriflfs appointment, and to continue to pay the same until further orders.
By p.s.
Feb. 14. To the bailiffs of the abbot of Whiteby and to the keepers of his port
York. there. Order to release two ships of certain merchants of Zeeland
1319, Membrane 13 — cont.
(Seland), laden by them with white herrings in Norway for the purpose of
taking them to Kyngeston-on-HuU, and to restore them to the said mer-
chants in the presence of Robert du Celer of Kyngeston-on-Hull and of
John de Whiteby, who have mainperned before the king in chancery
that the merchants will take the ships to Kyngeston-on-Hull and will
discharge them there and not elsewhere, the bailiffs and keepers having
arrested the ships because the merchants were unable to find them security
not to take them to the Scots.
Feb. 16. To John de Wysham. Order to deliver to Edmund de Wodestok, the
York. king's brother, the issues of the castle and honour of Knaresburgh, and of
the manors of Aldeburgh, Boroughbridge (^Ponteburgi), and Rouclyf from
Michaelmas last past, provided that he sustain the charges incumbent there-
upon from that time, the king having, on 2 February last, granted the
premises to him in aid of his maintenance, provided that he render to the
aforesaid John 200 marks, which the king granted that John should
receive yearly from the issues, and having ordered John to deliver the
premises to Edmund together with the armour, victuals, and all other the
king's things in the castle, which were in John's custody by the king's
Feb. 13. To Stephen le Blund, receiver of the king's victuals at Newcastle-on-
York. Tyhe, or to him who supplies his place. Order to deliver to Simon de
Welden, John de Seton, Anthony de Einygton, Richard de Oggel, John
de Trewyk, Richard de Cramlinton, Robert de Seton, John Grey, Walter
de Hanwyk, John de Plessys, Alan de Wilton, Adam de Mikeleye, Alan
de Hepescotes, Adam de Eresdon, Robert de Fenrother, John de Kyng-
ton, 'I'homas de Bm-ton, John de Matfen, Robert Bataille, William de
Croxton, John de Derteford, Adam de Carlton, Robert de Haukewell,
John de Morpath, Hugh de Aketon, Thomas de Witton, Adam Pal-
mere, Thomas de Boteland, Henry de Trew^^k, John de Wodeslade,
Thomas de Burghton, John de Neubigging', and Robert de Joneby,
men of the county of Northumberland, 10 tuns of wines of the 40 tuns
granted by the king at their petition to the knights and others of that
county who are lacking the necessities of life owing to the invasions of
the Scots, in aid of their maintenance, the king having appointed the
said receiver and William Rydel and Richard de Emeldon to divide
the 40 tuns amongst the knights and others according to the require-
ments of their estate and their merits and the amount of loss sustained
by them, which division and distribution have not been yet made on ac-
count of the petition of certain men seeking for part of the said wines ;
wherefore the king grants the above 10 tuns to the above-named men on
account of their long prosecution and their necessity. By K.
Feb. 23. To A. archbishop of Dublin, justiciary of Ireland, and to Master Walter
York. de Islep, treasurer there. Order to cause the castle of Cnokfergus in Ire-
land, in the king's hands, to be defended sufficiently with fencible men,
armour, and victuals, as shall seem good to them and to John de Athy, to
whom the king has committed the custody of the castle during his will
and whom he is sending to them on this behalf. By K. and C.
Feb. 27. To the sheriff of Essex and Hertford. Order to pay, out of the first
York. issues of his bailiwick, to Giles de Tholosa, keeper of certain of the king's
great horses, 20/. for the expenses of the horses. By K.
Feb. 23. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
York. be elected in place of Robert Benedicite, who is unable to execute the office
owing to incurable infirmity.
1319. Membrane 13 — cont.
Feb. 27. To the prior of Kermerdyn, chamberlain of Kermerdyn. Order to pay
York. to D. bishop of St. Davids 10/., in payment of that sum lent by the bialiop
to John de Athi, lately coming from Ireland to the king on the king's
affairs. By K.
To the same. Order to provide victuals to the value of 100 marks by
the advice of John de Athi, constable of the castle of Cracfergus, and to
cause them to be delivered to him, to be taken by him to the aforesaid
castle for the munition thereof. By K.
To the same. Order to provide a great ship in the town of Kermerdyn
by the advice of the aforesaid John, and to cause her to be provided with
sailors and other fencible men to set out at the king's wages in his company
for the aforesaid castle, and to cause her to be sent thither, as the king needs
such a ship for the repulse of the Scotch and the safe custody of the castlo
aforesaid. If he cannot obtain the ship without buying her, he is to buy her
out of the issues of his bailiwick, and to deliver her to John, making an
indenture with him concerning the delivery and the price, whereby the
king wiU cause allowance to be made to the prior and [so] that the price of
the ship may be deducted from the total of the wages owing to John.
Feb. 26. To the sheriff of Devon. Order to take with him William de Cheneres-
Tork. ton, and to provide five ships in his bailiwick with all speed, and to cause
them to be provided witli fencible men, to wit a double shipment {esMpia-
tnento), and to deliver them thus manned to the king's clerk Thomas de
Newebiggiug', whom the king is sending to them in this behalf, to be taken
by him to John de Athy, admiral of the king's ships in Ireland and
constable of the castle of Krakfergus in Ulster (Ulton), to stay in the
admiral's company at the king's wages to be paid by the said clerk from the
time when the ships are delivered to him by the sheriff, as the king
greatly needs the aid of ships against the summer season for the repulse of
the Scotch rebels and the salvation of the aforesaid castle. By K.
JSt erant patentes.
To the abbot of Tavystok. Request that he will lend the king lOOZ. for
which he is bound to answer to the king for his mine in co. Devon beyond the
assignment made to him for a certain term, and 300/. upon a further assign-
ment of the mine to be made to him by the king, and that he will pay the
400/. to the aforesaid Thomas de Newebigging' for the above matters.
Feb. 26. To the same. Request that, if he be unable to lend the king the above
York. sum at present, he will apply to the abbot of Bukland to lend him 20/.,
the abbot of Bukfast to lend him 30/., the prior of Plumpton to lend him
100 marks, the abbot of Torre to lend him 30/., the prior of Launceton to
lend him 20/., the prior of Bodmyne to lend him 20/., the abbot of Herte-
land to lend him 30/., the prior of Tywardray to lend him 20/., the abbot
of Forde to lend him 40/., and the abbot of Clive to lend him 30/,, whom
the king has desired to lend the abbot the above sums upon security to be
found by the abbot. By K. and C.
To the abbot of Bukland. Request that he will lend the abbot of
Tavestok 20/. for the above purpose upon security to be found by the
abbot. By K.
The like to the above-named abbots and priors.
Membrane 12.
March 2. To John de Crumbwell, keeper of the Forest this side Trent. Order to
York. deliver William de Shefeld, imprisoned at York for trespass of venison in
Peb. 26.
Feb. 28.
Feb. 24.
March 4.
March 6.
Feb. 24.
March 5.
March 7.
March 8.
March 11.
Membrane 12 — cont.
the forest of Galtres, in bail to twelve mainpernors who shall undertake to
hiive him before the justices of Forest pleas when they next come to those
William son of John de Rysum, knight, and Herbert de Rysum, his
brother, in the king's prison at Ravenesrod for the death of William son of
Peter atte See, have letters to the sheriff of York to bail them until the first
To the sheriff of Buckingham. Order to deliver to the keeper of the
stud (eqidcii) of the king's coits in the park of Risbergh what shall be
.necessary for their maintenance. By K.
The like to the following:
The sheriff of Oxford for the stud in the parks of Wodestok and
The sheriff of Southampton for the stud in Odiham park.
The slieriff of Essex for the stud in Reylegh park.
To Ralph de Crophull, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with the goods and chattels of Margaret de Nevill, and to
cause them to be delivered to her executors to be kept by them for the
king's use, as the king has bought them from her executors and wills that
they shall remain in their custody until he shall otherwise ordain. By K.
The like to Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent.
To the sheriff of Bedford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of John Conquest, who cannot attend to the duties of
the office as he is smitten with paralysis.
To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to cause a coroner for that county
to be elected in place of John de Mortonne, who is insufficiently qualified.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit the
priors and brethren of the Carthusian order of Witham and Henton of
75/. 9«. 0\d., which are exacted from them by summons of the exchequer,
to wit 19Z. 13s. ?id. for the tenth for two years, 29/. 10s. 6d. for the tenth
for three years, 9/. 16s. lOrf. for the tenth for one 3'ear imposed upon the
English clergy by pope Clement, and Ql. 16s. lOrf. for the yearly tenth
imposed by pope .John, granted to the king and his fatlier by the popes,
and 6/. lis. 2^fi?. for ihe fifteenth granted fo the king by the clergy of
the province of Canterbury, as the king has pardoned them the same. By K.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to commit
to Haketus de la Sale the office of stewardship of all the king's demesne lands
of Castrum Leonis, Tassagard, Cromelyn, and other lands in those parts
by letters of the exchequer, the king having granted that office to him at
pleasure during good behaviour, receiving therefor the usual wages. By K.
To the sheriff of Leicester. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in his own place, as he cannot attend to the duties of the office.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to
commit to Pelegrinus, [son of] Bonoditus de Controne, deceased, {Pele-
grinus quondam Bonoditi de Controne) the custody of the customs of
wool, hides, and wool-fells in Ireland, receiving therefor the usual wages,
the king willing that he shall have that oHice at his will and that he shall
not be amoved during good behaviour without the king's special order.
By K.
To J. bishop of Winchester, the treasurer. Order to pay to Simon de
Driby, the king's yeoman, what the king owes him by bills of the wardrobe
up to 100/., as Simon has granted to the king that he will set out at his
Mfirch 12.
March 12.
March lo.
March 13.
March 15.
March 20.
March 17.
Membrane 12 — cont.
own charges on the sea to repress the Scotch rebellion, provided that he be
satisfied of a reasouable part of certain sums of money due to him from the
king by bills of the wardrobe. By K.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause satisfuetion
to be made to the king's clerk William de Chestrefeld for his expenses in
affcering {affurend') amercements for the king's use in the 8th, 9th, and
12th years in divers counties of England, as he has prayed the king to
cause him to be satisfied for his expenses.
To Master Kichard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver
to Edith de la Lynde, mother of Geoffrey de la Lynde, aa his nearest
[friend], certain lands in Hertlegh, co. Dorset, which, it appears by inqui-
sition taken by the escheator, William de la Lynde held at his death in his
demesne as of fee of the king in socage, by the service of rendering 30«.
yearly to the king's manor of Fordyngton, by which inquisition it appears
that William held no lands of the king iu chief by reason whereof the
custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king, and that the aforesaid
Geoffrey, his bi'other, is his nearest heir and is aged 8 years.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequei'. Order to acquit Ralph
de Bulmer of 10/. of the 20/. wherein he made fine with the king for pardon
of his trespass in marrying Alice, late the wife of Walter de Faucomberge,
tenant in chief, and 5 marks of the 10 marks wherein he made fine for
Alice's trespass in acquiring and entering together with the said Walter
the manor of Rise, which is held in chief, without the king's licence.
To the same. Order to allow to Roger Damory, in his ferm of the castle
and honour of Knaresburgh, 138/. 14s. \\d., as it appears by inquisition
taken by John de Wysham, late keeper of the said castle and honour, Adam
de Hoperton, and Richard de Aldeburgh that John de Lilleburn levied and
retained rents, ferms, and other profits of the castle and honour to the above
amount when he occupied the castle against the king during Roger's custody.
By K. on the information of Roger de Northburgh.
To the same. Order to acquit the aforeriaid Roger of 100/., as it appears
by the above inquisition that Roger levied that sura of the ferms and issues
of the aforesaid castle and honour, intending to pay the same into the
exchequer, and the aforesaid John de Lilleburn eloigned this money when
he occupied the castle, and that the money did not c:>me to Rnger's hands
in any wise. By K. on the information of Roger de Northburgh.
To the chamberlain of Kaernervan. Order to cause Roger de Mortuo
Mali of Wygemore, whom the king has appointed justiciary of Ireland, to
have passage out of the issues of his bailiwick for himself and 40 uien-at-
arms in his company, as he is going to Ireland. By K.
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of Robert de Bolton, who is incapacitated by age and
To the bailiffs of Kingeston-on-Hull. Order to deliver to the king's
clerk Hugh de Burgh all the money, goods, and chattels in their custody
that he can prove by his oath to be his, they having arrested John son of
Michael de Caveford, late servant of the said Hugh, on suspicion and at the
prosecution of certain persons upon his coming to their town with money
by tale and other goods and chattels of the said Hugh's in his cu.stody.
The king makes this order so that Hugh may continuously attend to his
affairs, although the money, goods, and chattels may in some way pertain to
the king. By K.
1319. Membrane 12 — cont.
March 23. To the sheriff of Rutland. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
York. be elected iu place of John de Caldecote, deceased.
March 17. To L. bishop of Durham, or to him who supplies his place, he being
York. absent in remote parts. Order to cause the goods and chattels found in a
ship manned by the Scotch rebels that was taken on the sea coast near
Cotum, near Lathum, to be replaced in the ship, and to cause them to be
delivered to the king's Serjeants John Cumcedieu and Andrew Rosekyn,
whom the king is sending to him, to receive them and bring them to the
king at York, and to attach the malefactors who captured the ship, and to
cause the prisoners taken therein to be brought to York, the king, because
he was lately given to understand that certain malefactors and disturbers of
the peace took by force and arms the aforesaid ship and the goods and
chattels in her to the value of 2,000Z., which pertained to tlie king aa
forfeiture, and carried the same to Hertelpole within the bishop's liberty,
and committed other enormities upon the king, having ordered the bishop
to cause the goods to be replaced iu the ship, and to deliver the ship and
goods to the king's envoys to be brought to York, and he who supplies the
place of the bishop having asserted before the king at York that he had
attached certain of the malefactors and certain goods and chattels found in
the ship.
March 23. To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to cause a verderer for the king's
York. forest of Inglewode to be elected in place of William de Osmunderlawe,
• To Ralph de Crophull, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with the manor of Farnleye, and to restore any issues
received therefrom, as it appears by inquisition that Margaret de Nevill
held the manor for term of her life by fine levied in the king's court, so
that after her death it ought to remain to William de Nevill and the heira
of his body, and that it is held of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, as of the
honour of Pontefract by knight service.
March 24. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands that
York. Walter son of Peter atte See held of other lords than the king, retaining in
the king's hands the lands that he held of the king, as it appears by inqui-
sition taken by the escheator that he held at his death a messuage and two
bovates of land in Sunthorp of the king in chief as of the honour of Albe-
marle by knight service, and that he held no other lands of the king as of
the crown by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to
the king, and that he held other lands of divers other lords, and that John
his son is his next heir and is aged eight years.
Membrane 11.
March 20. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver
York. to brother Adam de Esshe, to whom the king has committed, during
pleasure, the custody of the hospital of St. Mary, Ospryng, the temporalities
of the hospital and all other things taken into the king's hands by reason of
the death of brother Henry de Tenham, to whom the king committed the
custody of the hospital during pleasure, together with the issues of the
hospital received by him, he having taken them into the king's hands
because Henry died before he was amoved from the custody, as if Henry
had been perpetual [keeper] thereof.
March 28. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to levy for the
York. king's use all the debts due to Simon Guidi at his death, in part payment of
March 20.
March 24.
March 30.
March 24.
Membrane II — cont.
the debts due from him to the exchequer. The king makes this order with
the assent of Simon's executors, as Simon's debts to the king cannot be
satisfied except from the debts due to Simon. By K.
To the same. Order to acquit Eleanor, late the wife of John Bluet,
tenant of certain of his lands, of the eleventh and tenth granted to the late
king, if they find that John served the late king in his war in the duchy
[of Aquitaine] between him and tlie king of France, the king having
pardoned ia his parliament at York the eleventh and tenth to the earl.i,
barons, and others who served the late king in the duchy during the war.
To J. bishop of Winchester, principal collector of the yearly tenth
imposed upon the clergy by pope John for the king's use. Order to allow
to the abbot of By land (de Bella Landa), out of the 8/. 7*. 1\d. due from
him for the above tenth, the sum of 115s. due to him from the king, to wit
75*. for sheep bought from him by Ralph Spray on 28 August, in the 4th
year of the king's reign, for the expenses of the king's household, as appears
by a bill under the seal of Ingelard de Warle, late keeper of the wardrobe,
and 40s. for hay bought from him for the king's horses in November, in
the I2th year of the king's reign, as appears by a bill under the seal of
Eoger de Northburgh, keeper of the wardrobe, receiving the aforesaid bills
from the abbot. By K.
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to supersede until Michaelmas next
the execution of the king's order to arrest goods of the men and merchants
of the power of the king of France to the value of 402/. lis. \0d., issued
at the suit of Simon de Abyndon and Stephen le Fullere and their fellows,
and to release anything that he may have arrested by virtue of the eaid
order. The king makes the present order at the request of the king of
France. By K.
The like to the bailiffs of Southampton, who were ordered to aiTest
goods to the value of 400/.
The like to the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, who was ordered to arrest
goods to the value of 333/. 6s. Bd.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to audit the
account of Gilbert Makasky of what he shall acknowledge upon oath to
have received of the issues of the land of Man from 18 February, in the
4th year of the king's reign, when the king appointed him by letters
patent under his seal for Scotland constable of the castle and keeper of
the Isle of Man, until 1 May following, when the king gave that land to
Henry de Bello Monte for his life, and of the arrears in that land due to
Anthony, late bishop of Durham and lord of that land, received by Gilbert,
for which the king wills that answer shall be made to the bishop's
executors, and of Gilbert's expenses in repulsing the Scotch rebels, and if
they find that John de Ergayl received from Gilbert 500 marks, and if
Gilbert exhibit a tally of the exchequer for 308/. I7s. Gd. paid by him to
Gilbert de Bromleye, late keeper of the king's stores in the parts of
Carlisle to allow these payments and expenses to the said Gilbert Makasky
in his account at the exchequer, and to cause payment or assignment to be
made to him for what shall be found to be due to him upon his account, as
the king has received complaint from him that whereas he has exhibited to
the treasurer and barons upon his account particulars to the amount of
308/. 7s. 6\d. alone received by him, and has ofiered himself to render
account by divers of the king's orders that were afterwards lost in
Scotland by misfortune and the attacks of the king's enemies, for 500
marks paid by him to the said John de Ergail for the king's affairs, and
for 308/. 17s. 6d. paid by him to the said Gilbert de Bromleye in order to
1319. Membrane 11 — cont.
stove the king's castles in the Marches of Scotland, and that he has
expendeil 565Z. 1*. Od. during that time in the king's service in the wages
of knights, esquires, and other warriors for the repulse of the Scotch
enemies then attacking the said land, which payments and expenses he
made out of the aforesaid sum of 308/. 7s. 6^d. and of 7'1- 17*. lOd. of
the aforesaid arrears due to the said Anthony, bishop of Durham, and out
of his own moneys, and although he has accounted in the king's wardrobe
for the said 308/. 17*. 6d. paid to Gilbert de Bruraleye, and had a bill
therefor whereby a tally was levied at the exchequer for that sum, and John
de Ergayl acknowledged at the exchequer that he had received the aforesaid
600 marks, the treasurer and barons have not yet proceeded to a final account
with Gilbert, because he has not shewn any mandates for the said payments
and because the issues of the aforesaid land for the above time do not
extend to the total of the payments, and they defer making him allowance
and Siitisfaction therefor, wherefore he has prayed the king to provide him
a remedy ; the king makes this order as he wishes to shew him special
grace, because he learns that Gilbert served him in a praiseworthy manner
in defending the land of Man, in Scotland, and in the Marches, and for
this purpose exposed himself and his goods. By K. and C.
To the same. Order to acquit John du Char of a moiety of the issues of
the manor of Grafton, co. Northampton, from 9 June, in the 11th year of
the king's reign, when it was taken into the king's hands by virtue of the
ordinances, as the king, on 26 November last, in his parliament at York,
granted a moiety of the manor to his yeoman Jakenettus de Maregny for
life, as of the yearly value of 10/., and ordered the said John to deliver the
moiety to him, together with the issues thereof from the time when the
manor was resumed into the king's hands, the king having, on 26 July, in
the 1 2th year, committed the custody of the manor to John during
Membrane 10.
April 3. To Master Eichard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to amove
York. the king's hand from a messuage and a bovate of land in Ulseby, which
belonged to Simon Scot of Ulseby, and not to intermeddle further there-
with, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that Simon set out
for Scotland against the king's enemies, and that he was slain at
Dernyngton, dying in the king's faith, in the feast of St. Barnabas, in the
8th year of the king's reign, and that Matthew Broun, then sub-escheator
in the county of Lincoln, asserting that Simon adhered to (he king's
enemies, took the premises into the king's hands as forfeited, and that they
are still in the king's hands on this account, and that they are held of
Eobert son of John Comyn by the service of 8s. yearly, and are worth 2*.
yearly beyond that sum, and that Nicholas, son of the said Simon, is his
nearest heir. By chancellor.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to the
executors of the will of William de Cray 50 marks yearly of the king's
gift from the feast of St. John the Baptist, in the 8th year of the king's
reign, during the minority of Walter son and heir of John de Trailly, in the
extents of the manors of Yevelden and Northyevel, co. Bedford, and Conye,
CO. Cambridge, the king having, on 8 June, in the 8th year of his reign,
granted to the said William de Cray, in remuneration of his service, he
being then appointed captain and admiral of the king's fleet setting out
for Scotland by the Irish Sea, the custody of the lands that Eleanor, late the
wife of Walter de Trailly, grandfather of the aforesaid Walter son of John
Trailly, held of Walter's inheritance, which were then in the king's
April 9.
April 10.
April 12.
April 9.
April 12.
April 12.
Membrane 10 — cont.
hands on account of her death and of the minority of the heir, to hold
from the aforesaid feast of St. John the Baptist during the heir's minority,
so that William should receive 50 marks yearly from the issues thereof
during that term, and that he should pay the rest of the issues to the
exchequer yearly according to an extent to be made, and according to the
form of an indenture between him and the king, whereof the second part is
in the wardrobe, as contained in the king's letters patent, and the aforesaid
manors, which Eleanor held of the inheritance aforesaid, are extended by
the king's clerk Adam de Lymbergh and by Walter de Mollesworth to
59/. Ss. 7d., to wit the manor of Yeveldon 35/. l.s. 6d., the manor of
!N"orthyevel 9/. 14*. 6d., and the manor of Conye at 14/. 7*. 7d. They are
ordered to charge the executors with the remainder of the above extent
during the aforesaid period.
To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
Ralph de Blojhou, son and heir of Alan de Bloyhou, tenant in chief of the
late king, to have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age
before the escheator, and the king has taken his homage. By p.s.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Robert
Baygnard, late sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, such wages for Rhys (Resus)
brother of Malgon, Griffin his brother, and the son of Rhys ap Mereduk,
Welshmen then staying in Korwich castle, and for their keeper and also
for their robes, linen cloths, and shoe-leather, and other necessaries as were
allowed to preceding sheriffs.
To the same. Order to allow to the collectors of the custom of wool,
hides, and wool-fells in the port of Kingeston-on-Hull such wages for
Robert Hastang', the king's late controller of that custom, for the time of
his office as were allowed to Master William de Wiggeston, the late con-
troller, or to other controllers there. By K.
To the same. Order to acquit Gilbert de Aton, kinsman and heir of
William de Vescv, of the debts that the late king pardoned the said
William, the late king having, on 18 February, in the 25th year of his
reign, pardoned William all the debts due from him for lines and amerce-
ments and other debts, and the debts of John de Vescy his brother and of
other his ancestors, and all debts due from him in his own person after the
account rendered at the late king's exchequer for the time when he was
justiciary of Ireland and for the time when he was justice of the Forest this
side Trent, which pardon the late king made him in consideration of
William's grant to him of the castle, manor, and county of Kildar and of
the manor of Sprouston, of which manor Clemencia, late the wife of John
de Vescy, his son, held two parts in dower, and Isabella, late the wife of
John de Vescy, his brother, held the third part in dower.
To Master John Wnlewayn, Adam de Herewynton, and John de
Bromfeld. Order not to intermeddle with the services or customs due to
the castle and honour of Montgomery or other things whereby the services
and customs may be diminished, by reason of the king's late appointment
of them as his justices to enquire concerning the oppressions, damages, and
grievances committed in the county of Salop by divers sheriffs of the
county, their clerks, bailiffs, and ministers, constables and keepers of
prisoners, bailiffs of liberties and sub-escheators by colour of their office
upon men of that county and upon others coming into the county by false
indictments, imprisonments, appeals, ransomp, and distraints made for unjust
reasons, and to hear and determine the complaints concerning such wrongs
since the king's accession.
To Roo'er de Mortuo Mari, justiciary of Ireland. Order to amove
Master Elias Lagheles from all officer touching the king, and to attach hira
1319. Membrane 10 — cont.
by his body and cause him to come to the liing under safe custody, so that
he be before the king in fifteen days from Midsummer to answer for his
contempt of the king's oi-der to amove himself from tlie possession of the
prebend of Fynnore in the church of Cashel, the liing having revoked the
collation thereto that he asserted that he had from Edmund !e Botiller, late
justiciary of Leland, and having ordered him to permit the king's clerk
John de Colon', to whom the king had previously granted the prebend, to
have the prebend, or to appear before the king at certain days now passed
to do and receive what sliould be ordained by the king's coiincil in this
matter. By pet. of C.
April 16. To Roger Damory, late keeper of the castle and honour of Knaresburgh.
York. Order to allow to Eleanor de Muntketon, to whom Roger committed the
town of Boroughbridge {Ponte Burgi) from Michaelmas, in the 11 th year
of the king's reign, until the following Michaelmas for 80/., in her ferm the
sum of 29/. 19s. 4£/., which the king has pardoned her because he learns by
inquisition taken by Richard de Bernyngham, Adam de Hopeiton, and
Thomas de Eyvill that the said town, which is of the aforesaid honour, was
burnt by the Scotch rebels on Sunday before the Ascension, in the 11th
year of the king's reign, so that the tenants thereof are impoverished, and
that no rent pertains to the ferm of the town, and that the Scots broke the
king's granary there where the multure of his mills pertaining to the ferm
of the town was collected, and carried away the corn therein found, to wit
1^ quarters of wheat, price 16«., 2 quarters and a bushel of rye, price 21*. 3</.,
2 quarters and a bushel of malt, price 14s., and that the profit of the mills
there, which pertained to the ferm, was diminished from the said Sunday
until Michaelmas following during the time of the ferra to the value of
8^ quarters of wheat, price 4/. \Qs. 8d., 12 quarters and a bushel of rye, price
61. Is. 3d., 21 quarters of malt, price 71., two bu.shels of 'skiling' price
2s. 8d., .and that the profit of the market and fair pertaining to the ferm
was diminished during that time to the vahie of 73s. id., and that the
perquisites of the court and the ferry (fractum) of the water of Yore per-
taining to the ferm were diminished during that time to tlie value of 61.
April 18. To the sheriff of Buckingham. Order to pay to Adam de la Haye of
Tork. Bukyngham 102s. 6c/., which the king owes him for bread bought from
him for the expenses of the king's household in July last, as appears by
a bill under the seal of Roger de Norburgh, keeper of the wardrobe, in
his possession.
Membrane 9.
April 23. To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of
York. Pewesham to be elected in place of William le Scryveyn of Calne, who is
incapacitated by age and infirmity.
April 23. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
Yoik. be elected in place of John de Merlouwe, who is incapacitated by age.
April 24. To the bailiffs of the liberty of Raveneserod. Order to release 1 5 dakers
York. of cowhides, price of a daker 13s. 4</., and 22 dakers of ' bukfel,' price of a
daker 6s., of Tiddemann Rounson of Lubyk, and 12 dakers of hides, price
of a daker 13s. 4rf., of John Munstre of Lubyk, and 54/. in money by tale
of the goods of Gerkin Haghthorn of Lubyk, Henry Attendern', and the
aforesaid Tidemann and John, arrested by them by virtue of the king's
order to arrest goods of the men and merchants of the towns of Grippes-
wold, Strallessound, and Lubyk to the value of 100/., issued because the
schoffen and men of the said towns failed to make restitution or satisfaction
12 EDWAEI) ir. 87
1319. Membrane 9 — cont.
to Adam le Clerk of Lenne for his ship called ' La Plente ' of Lenne,
price lOOZ. sterling, and her car^o of salt of Poitou {Paytou), lampreys of
Nauntes, and certain bales of Bugeye and other goods to the value of 200^.,
which were captured, on the voyage to St. Johnstown of Perth, by Henry
de Riklynghous and other malefactors of those towns, as William de
Pikworth, Adam's attorney in this behalf, and the said Tiddemann, Gerkin,
and Henry iiave appeared in person before the king in chancery, and
certain letters patent of the king's having been shewn, whereby he granted
to the burgesses of that town that from 20 April, in the 8th year of the
king's reign, for four years next following, no man, alien or native, should
be distrained or attached in the town or port for any debt whereof he was
not principal debtor or security, or on account of any trespass committed
by others, or should be hindered at anyone's suit by the arrest of his goods
for any such debt or trespass, and the said Wilham then asserted that
Tiddemann, Gerkin, and Henry were some of the principal trespassers in
this case, and ought not, therefore, to enjoy the liberty granted to the
said burgesses, Tiddemann, Gerkin, and Henry asserting the contrary;
wherefore the king ordered the bailiffs to enquire on Thursday after the
close of Easter last, in the presence of the parties, whether or not Tiddemann,
Gei'kin, and Henry were of the principal perpetrators ; and it is found by
their inquisition that Tiddemann, Gerkin, and Henry are not of the
principal perpetrators, and are not in anywise guilty of the aforesaid
trespass, and never aided, counselled, or consented to the said Henry de
Eyklynghous or the other malefactors who stole and carried away the
April 24. To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to cause a verderer for the forest
York. of Ingelwode to be elected in place of William de Osmonderlawe, deceased.
April 26. To Stephen de Abyndon, the king's butler, or to his attorney in the
York. port of London, Order to deliver to the monks of St. Peter's West-
minster a tun of wine of the right prise at London, in accordance with the
grant of Henry III. to them of a tun of wine yearly.
April 28. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
York. elected in place of William de Wyvill, lately elected, whom the king haa
amoved from office for insufficient qualification.
April 29. To Robert de Hastang', keeper of the town of Kyngeston-on-Hull, or to
York. him who supplies his place. Order to buy and purvey in that town and
port 40 tuns of wine, and to deliver them to Stephen de Abyndon, the
king's butler, or to Richard de la Pole, his attorney in that port, in order
to bring them to the king at York for the expenses of the king's household.
May 3. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
York. Simon Perot, kinsman and heir of Simon Perot, tenant in chief, to have
seisin of the land that the said Simon his uncle held of the king in chief
at his death, as he has proved bis age before the escheator and the king
has taken his homage. By P-s- [4954.]
May 4. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order not to pay any money until
York. further orders to John Belle, William Jetour, Nicholas de Bruntof t, and
John de Haukeslawe by virtue of the king's late order to pay them
190 marks that remain to be paid to them of the 200 marks granted by the
king to them and other men who lately took John do Wymes and other
Scotch rebels in a ship at Hertelpol, whom they delivered to the king,
to be parted amongst them, to wit 50 marks for their expenses in this
matter, and 150 marks for the prisoners and what pertains to them of the
G 2
1319. Membrane 9 — con).
said prisoners and of their goods found with them, likewise delivered to
the king. By K.
May 16. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause a coroner for that county
York. to be elected in place of Robert Kyme, who is incapacitated by age and
May 13. To the justices of the Bench. Whereas Thomas, earl of Lancaster, lately
York. brought before them a writ of covenant against John de Warenna, earl of
Surrey, concerning the manors of Gymmyngham, Beston, Tefford, and
Methewold, the hundreds of Galhou and Brothercros, and 39;^ knights' fees
inCanefeld, Eyston atte Mount, Houton, Berewyk, Creyk, "Waterdene,
Snyterle, Barsham, Sidestern, Wyveton, Salthous, Gresham, Aylmerston,
Clopton, Fyncham, Northwolde, Feltewell, Rokelound, Middelton, Est
Rudham, West Rudham, Salle, Heydon, Kerdeston, Wodedallyng, Refham,
Bergh, Heighten, Rugham, Fraulsham, Wetynge, Toftes, Croxton, Gress-
enhale, Lexiam, Elsyng", Wesinham, Taverham, Drayton, Swenyngton,
Alderford, Lyneford, Grymeston, Cungham, Bikerston, Ingeldesthorp,
Stanefeld, Bryscley, Bilneye, Tidleshale, Westlexham, Skernyngg', and
Hoo, and the advowsons of the churches of Suthreppes, Northreppes,
Trymyngham, Munnesleye, Edyesthorp, Bradefeld, Swathefeld, Beston, the
advowson of the abbey of Marnham, of the priory of the canons of Tefford,
of the hospital of God's House, Tefford, the hospitals of St. Mary Magda-
lene and St. John, Telford, and of a moiety of the church of Aylmerton, co,
Norfolk, and the earl of Surrey came before the justices and acknowledged
that the aforesaid manors, hundreds, and 21f of the aforesaid 39^ knights'
fees were the right of the earl of Lancaster, and granted the same to him
in court, whereof a note of a fine was made and levied before the justices,
which note still remains to be engrossed ; and as Walter de Bredon, the
attorney in this matter of the earl of Lancaster, prayed that the fine of the
aforesaid manors, hundreds, and avowsons only and not of the aforesaid fees
previously contained in the said note should be engrossed in the absence of
the earl of Lancaster, and as the intention of the earl of Lancaster is now
that the fine should be engi-ossed of the aforesaid manors, hundreds, and
advowsons, omitting all the aforesaid fees, as he has acknowledged and
granted before the king, the king now orders the justices to cause the fine
to be engrossed before them of the aforesaid manors, hundreds, and advow-
sons without mentioning the aforesaid fees, and to receive the aforesaid
Walter in place of the earl of Lancaster for this purpose. By C.
May 23. To the justices of the Bench. Order to cause dower to be assigned to
York. Alice wife of William la Sousche, late the wife of Guy de Bello Campo, earl
of Warwick, out of the lands of the earl's inheritance in co. Worcester that
are held by persons who return the extents thereof to the exchequer, if the
lands so held are sufiicient to dower her sufficiently, and if they are insuffi-
cient for this purpose, to cause what is lacking of her dower to be assigned
to her out of the lands of the earl's inheritance that Hugh le Despenser,
the elder, holds, the aforesaid William and Alice having shewn by their
petition before the king and his council that whereas they sought before the
said justices a third of the manor of Beoylay, co. Worcester, of the yearly
value of 25/., as her dower of the earl's freehold in that county against
John the earl's son, who vouched to warranty WilUam de Wellesburn, who
in his turn vouched to warranty Thomas son and heir of the aforesaid
earl, a minor, whose body and part of his lands are in the king's custody,
and a part of his lands in the custody of Hugh le Despenser, the elder, in
that and other counties, and a part of his lands is in the hands of others in
divers manners, and the aforesaid Hugh and the other keepers came into
court, and Hugh alleged that he held the lands and tenements in his custody
12 EDWARD IT. 69
1319. Membrane 9 — cont.
by the king's commission for a sum of money due to him from the king,
and the other keepers alleged that they held the lands in tlieir custody by
an extent to be rendered at the exchequer yearly by separate commissions
from the king, and Hugh and they alleged that they could not answer
without the king, for which reason the justices have superseded the holding
of the plea ; whereiore William and Alice prayed the king to cause the
value of her third part to be assigned to them from the other lands of the
earl in that county, and Hugh has likewise prayed the king by his petition
to exonerate him from the dower because he holds the custody aforesaid
until the age of the heir for money paid beforehand and there are sufficient
other lands in that county held by yearly extent whereof she may have her
dower. By pet. of C. [7634.]
May 25. To L. bishop of Durham, or to his vicar-general, he being absent in
York. remote parts. Order to certify J. bishop of Winchester and W. bishop of
Exeter, principal collectors of the tenth of the clergy granted to the king
by the pope, of the taxation that the king ordered him to make of benefices
and of temporalities annexed to spiritualities in his diocese that have been
wasted by the attacks of the Scots, so that they cannot answer for the tenth
according to the old taxation, as the prior and convent of Durham, collectors
of the tenth in that diocese, have levied the tenth according to the bishop's
taxation, and the king has ordered the aforesaid principal collectors to receive
the account of the prior and convent according to the bishop's valuation, and
not to compel them to render another account according to the old taxation.
Membrane 8.
May 18. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to receivefrom William de Ayremynne
York. or his baUiiFs all the corn and malt that he will deliver to him for the
king's use by indenture and at a reasonable price, and to cause them to be
carried to Newcastle-on-Tyne for the maintenance of the king and of his
subjects who are coming thither, to be delivered to the receiver of the
king's victuals. By C.
The like to the sheriff of Huntingdon.
To the aforesaid William de Ayremynne. Order to deliver to the afore-
said sheriffs all his corn in both these counties.
May 18. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to cause a coroner to be elected for
York. the hundred and a half of Mitford, as the king has granted to J. bishop of
Ely that he and his successors shall have a coroner to be elected in the
usual way by the king's writs for the said hundred and a half, in which the
bishop has the return of all writs by virtue of the charter of Henry III.
confirmed by the king. By K. and C.
May 18. To the mayor and bailiffs of the city of Winchester. Order to pay to
York. the sheriff of Southampton 200/. out of the ferm of that town, in order to
procure carriage for corn and other victuals to Newcastle-on-Tyne that the
king has caused to be purveyed in that county for the maintenance of him-
self and his subjects about to set out towards Scotland for the expedition of
the war. By K.
To Ralph de Crophull, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with the manor of Hoton Longvylers, and to restore the
issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that
Margaret de Nevill, deceased, held the manor for term of her life only by fine
levied in the late king's court by the gift of John de Lovetot, so that after her
death it should remain to Geoffrey de Nevill and Robert and Edmund, his
brothers, for the term of their lives, with remainder to the right heirs of the
said Robert, and that the manor is held of John de Monbray by knight service.
3^319. Membrane 8 — cont.
May 12. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Andrew
York. de Keadale of 20Z. yearly from 15 September, in the 6th year of the king's
reign, for the manor of Shotewyk, previously held by Roger Lestraunge for
life, Avhich the king committed to Andrew for 10 years on 7 August, in the
5th year of his reign, as the king afterwards granted it, on the aforesaid
15 September, to Robert de Felton for life, when he ordered Andrew to
deliver it to the said Robert.
May 18. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to satisfy Richard
Tork. de Ikene, Master John Caleys, and Godfrey, parson of the church of
Snaihvell, executors of the will of John de Ketene, late bishop of Ely, for
the arrears of the money for certain corn that Walter de Norwyco, when he
was the king's treasurer, caused to be provided from the said bishop's corn
in the executors' custody in the manors of the bishopric, and which he
caused to be carried to Berwick-on-Tweed for the munition of that town,
the executors having prayed the king to cause them to be satisfied out of
the issues of the bishopric of the time when the king had the custody
thereof upon the bishop's death, the greater part of the money being still
May 20. To the same. Order to cause allowance to be made to John de la Haye,
York. in his ferm for the manor of Edrop, in the king's hands by reason of the
minority of the heir of Simon Darches, the custody whereof the king
committed to him during the heir's minority, from year to year until he
have been satisfied for 46/., which the king owes him' for money paid for
corn bought and delivered to the brethren of the order of preachers at
Langley, of the king's alms, in aid of their maintenance during the dear
years last past. By p.s.
May 22. To Roger de Mortuo Mari, justiciary of Ireland. Order to resume into
York. the king's hands the custody of the lands of Robert de Clahull in Clonam,
which are in the king's hands on account of the minority of his heir, and to
cause the same to be delivered to Adam Bretoun, together with the issues
thereof since the custody was taken from him, the justiciary having, when
he supplied the king's place in Ireland, on 10 December, in the 11th year
of the king's reign, granted the custody thereof to the said Adam during
the heir's minority by letters patent under the great seal of Ireland, as the
king afterwards, forgetting such power [of the justiciary], and being
unaware of his grant to Adam, granted the aforesaid custody to John de Atliy,
which custody John granted to A. archbishop of Dublin because he could
not have seisin thereof because the aforesaid Roger had granted it to Adam,
by reason whereof the said archbishop, whilst he was justiciary of Ireland,
caused the custody to be taken into his hands ; wherefore Adam has
prayed the king to confirm Roger's grant of the custody to him and to
cause it to be restored to him.
May 20. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit John de
York. la Haye of the 100s. whereby he lately made fine with the king for licence
for his wife Joan to marry him, as the king has granted this lOOi'. to Joan
in aid of her marriage. By p.s. [4958.]
May 21. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
York. William Plokenet, son and heir of William Plokenet, tenant in chief, to
have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age before the es-
cheator and the king has taken his homage. By p.s. [4960.]
May 16. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause coroners for that county to be
York. elected in the places of Simon de Folketon and John Codlyng', deceased.
May 22. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit the dean
York. and chapter of Bangor, collectors of the tenth of the bishopric of Bangor,
12 EDWARD II. 71
1319. Membrane 8 — cont.
of the demand for the tenths and other aids to the late king and the present
king from the time of the burning and desti'uction of the church of Lamas
of tlie bishopric of Banci;or in the war of Madoc Apelewelyn against the
late king and the translation of the parishioners of that church by the late
king's order lo the towns of Beaumaris and Rophair, by reason whereof the
rents and profits are so reduced that they have not exceeded the value of
20*. from that time, as appears by inquisition taken by the king's order by
Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk, justice of Wales ; the dean and chapter
having prayed the king to provide a remedy because the treasurcir and
burons exact from them such aids and tenth because the church was taxed
before the war at 12/. 10s. Od. By pet. of C. [4540.]
May 20. To Hugh Daudeley, the younger. Order to supersede the execution of
York. the king's laie order to follow and arrest Simon de Drayton, Adam de
Waltham of JSTorhampton, clerk, Adam de Dagenhale and Joan his wife,
John de Hegliam of Norhampton, Oliver de Nodarii«, Henry de Drayton,
Henry Cavenard of Keston, Simon le Wright, Richard le Carter, William
Rnssel, William Wymund, Gilbert de Alyngton, Roger Cogerel, Henry le
Forester of Bulhay, William de London, Henry de Shrouesbury, Richard
Adainesman de Waltham, John son of Oliver de Nodariis, Adam de Wal-
tham of Norhampton, the older, and Alice his wife, Olive Adameswoman
de Waltham, William le Keu of Luffewyk, and John de Wauton, chaplain,
who broke the house of Agnes de Haudenby at Thrapeston, co. Northamp-
ton, and took her and carried her to Norhampton, and imprisoned her
there for five days without food and drink, and took her to Shughteburgh,
CO. Warwick, and there tore out her eyes and cut out her tongue, and let
her go inhumanly like a beast, as the king learned that they were wandering
about in divers counties so that they could not be attached, whereupon the
king appointed Henry le Scrop, Ralph Basset, Robert de Kendale, and
Robert de Maddyngie his justices of oyer and terminer for the above tres-
pas-es, and appointed the said Hugh to follow and an-est them and to cause
them to be delivered for imprisonment to the sheriffs in whose bailiwicks
they should be taken. By K. and C.
May 23. To the sheriff of Norlhampton. Order to cause a coroner for that county
York. to be elected in place of Henry de Tychemerssh, who is incapacitated by
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of John de Wermyngton, who is incapacitated by age.
May 25. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the
York. master and brethren of the order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem in England
and their successors to be quit of payment of the tenths heretofore granted
to the king by the popes and from other tallages to the king, the master
and brethren having shewn to the king that they ought to be quit of such
tenths and tallages by reason of their order and by virtue of papal bulla
and other muniments, which the king has inspected, especially as it behoves
them to be in the front rank against the enemies of the cross in the Holy
Land, and to cause them to be acquitted of the like hereafter. By K.
Membrane .7.
May 22. To Roger de Mortuo Mari, justiciary of Ireland. Order to resume into
York. the king's hands the lands that Richard Constantyn, deceased, held in
Walirothory of the heir of Robert de Chahull (sic), a minor in the king's
■wardship, and to cause an extent thereof to be made in the presence of Adam
1319. Membrane 7 — eont.
le Breton, to -wlioin Roger, -when supplying the king's place in Ireland,
granted the extent of the said lands to be received from Walter de Cusaak,
and the marriage of the heir, having committed the custody of the said
lands during the heir's minority to the said Walter, and to permit Walter
to hold the lands by the new extent during the heir's minority if he be
■willing to do so, provided that ho answer to Adam yearly for such extent,
and if he will not do so, to deliver the custody of the lands to Adam to
hold during the heir's minority, together with tlie marriage of the heir,
notwithstanding the grant thereof made by the king, in ignorance of the
above grant to Adam, to John de Athy, who aftei-wards granted them to
A. archbishop of Dublin because he could not have the custody as it had
been previously granted by the said Roger, by reason of which grant the
archbishop, whilst he was the king's justiciary of Ireland, caused the
custody to be taken into his hands, where it still remains ; wherefore Adam
has prayed the king to confirm the grants made by Roger. By K.
May 30. To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to cause a coroner for that county
York. to be elected in place of Robert de Mulcastre, who is incapacitated by
May 26. To the sheriff of Huntingdon. Order to cause a coroner for that county
York. to be elected in place of Roger de Cantilupo, who is insufficiently qualified.
May 28. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
York. be elected in place of Richard Lywordi, who is incapacitated by infirmity.
May 20. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance
York. to be made to John GifEard of Brymmesfeld out of the yearly ferm that he
renders to the king for the custody of the castle and lands in Thlanandevery
in the marches of Wales, which belonged to Nicholas de Audele, tenant in
chief, and which are in the king's hands during the minority of his heir,
the custody whereof the king committed to John Giffard during the heir's
minority, rendering therefor the extent of the castle and lands yearly, for
52Z. 4i. Od., of the king's gift for his stay about the king in the northern
parts in the 10th year of the king's reign, and for 314^. \0s. Od. due
to him from the king, as appears by seven bills under the seal of Roger de
Northburgh, keeper of the king's wardrobe, to wit 66^. 12*. Od. for his fee
and summer robes in the 9th year of the reign and for the wages of himself
and his men-at-arms in the Welsh war in the same year; 6/. 13s. id. for
his winter fee of the 10th year of the reign ; 171. 6s. 8d. for his summer fee
and winter and summer robes in the aforesaid year; 39/. 12s. Od. for his
fee and winter and summer robes and the wages of himself and his men-at-
arms in the 11th year ; and 9QI. 18s. Od. for the wages of himself and his
men-at-arms staying in the king's company at York between 20 Septem-
ber and 12 November, in the 12th year; and 44Z. 8s. Orf. that he ought
to have received of the king's gift for his stay in the king's company with
30 men-at-arms between 4 July, in the 10th year, and 27 July, in the 11th
year; and 40Z. of the money that the king granted to him beyond the
wages of himself and his men-at-arms staying in the king's war, in the 9th
year of the reign. By p.s.
May 30. To Ralph de Crophull, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
Tork. meddle further with a messuage and a bovate and a half of land in Everton,
■which are held of another than the king, and to restore the issues thereof, the
king having lately ordered him to deliver to John son of Adam Damyot a
moiety of a bovate of land in Mistreton, which belonged to Ralph Damyot,
an idiot, deceased, by reason of whose madness the moiety was taken into the
king's hands, and having ordered him not to intermeddle further with the
lands that Ralph held of other lords, which order was issued because it
12 EDWARD II. 73
1319. Membrane 7 — cont.
was found by an inquisition taken by Robert de Sapy, late escheator thia
side Trent, that Ralph held the said moiety of the manor of Gryngeleye, in
the king's hands, by the service of 8s. yearly, and that the aforesaid John ,
his kinsman, is his nearest heir and of full age ; as the king was afterwards
given to understand by William de la Grave, son and heir of William
de la Grave, that the aforesaid Ralph alienated 40 years before his
death a messuage and a bovate and a half of land in Everton, which
are held of another than the king, by resson of which alienation the
tenements came to the hands of divers persons, and that William
father of the said William had them in fee by the grant of John
Romayn, late archbishop of York, and was seised thereof until his
death, and William his son entered them by right of inheritance after his
death, and continued his seisin thereof for 17 years and more until the day
of Ralph's death, and that the tenements were at no time in Ralph's life-
time in the king's hands through his madness ; whereupon the king ordered
the escheator to enquire concerning the tenements in Everton, by whose
inquisition it was found that William Fauconer was seised of the tenements
aforesaid for 40 years and more, and that he enfeoffed John Romayn, then
archbishop of York, of the same, and that the archbishop enfeoffed William
de la Grave thereof in fee, who continued his seisin during his lifetime,
to wit for 17 years, and that William his son entered the tenements
as his heir, and peacefully held them, so that the king was never seised
thereof during the whole lifetime of the aforesaid Ralph by reason of his
madness, and that Ralph was not at any time in his life found to be an
idiot or madman ; wherefore the said William de la Grave has prayed the
king for remedy by his petition before him and his council.
By pet. of C. [5680.]
June 4. To J. bishop of Winchester, principal collector of the tenth of the clergy
York. of England and Ireland granted to the king by the pope. Order to cause
enquiry to be made as to the true yearly value of all ecclesiastical benefices
and of the temporalities of prelates usually taxed amongst spiiitualities in
Ireland that have been wasted and destroyed by the invasion of the Scotch
rebels, and to cause them to be taxed to the tenth on this occasion accord-
ing to the value thus ascertained. By K.
June 3. To Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk, justice of Wales. Order to commit
York. to Robert son of Henry, merchant of Robert de Holand, the custody of the
bailiwick of Rogelou* of the cantred of Berfray, paying therefor as much
as it could be demised for to others, if he be sufficient for the custody, re-
ceiving from him sufficient security for his good behaviour in the bailiwick.
By K.
June 3. To John Haward. Order to pay to William Reymundi de Claverie, the
York. king's serjeant-at-arms, out of the arrears due from John for the time when
he was sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, the sum of 53/. Os. 4rf., which the
king owes William, to wit 261. lis. Od., the balance of 36/. 11*. Od. for re-
compence for his horses lost in the king's service at Stryvelyn in Scotland
on 24 June, in the 7th year of the king's reign ; 41. Is. 4d. for his wages
until the last day of November, in the 8th year ; 41. 3s. id. for his wages
and robes between 1 December, in the 8th year, until 7 July then next
following ; 78s. 8c/. for his wages allowed under the title of wages of cross-
bowmen between 1 February, in the 9th year, and 7 July, in the same
year, and for his summer robe of the same year ; 41. 19s. 4d. due to him
as executor of the will of Bernard Reymundi de Porta, the king's late ser-
jeant-at-arms, for Bernard's wages and summer robes in the 9th year ;
7/. for his own wages and robes between 25 November, in the 10th year,
• Written ' Bagelou ' in the margin.
1319. Membrane 7 — cont.
and 7 July, in the same year ; 46*. Sd. for his wages allowed under the
title of wages of crossbowmen between 8 July, in the 10th year, and
24 November, in the same year, as appears by two bills under the seal of
Inpelard de Warle, late keeper of the wanirobe, and by a bill under the
seal of W. ar(;hbishop of York, late keeper of the wardrobe, and by four
bills under the seal of Roger de Northburgh, keeper of the wardrobe.
June 5. To Ralph de Crophull, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
York. Joan Comyn of Boghham or to her attorney all her goods and chattels
found in the manor of Malton in Rydale, which manor she held by the
king's commission, when the king caused the manor to be delivered to Gil-
bert de Aton.
June 3. To Richard de Perariis. Order to pay to Forcius Caillau, the king's
York. serjeant-at-arms, out of the arrears due from Richard for the time when he
was sheriff of Essex and Hertford, the sum of 43^. 3*. 10|c?., which the
king owes to Forcius, to wit 41. 3*. Od. for his wages for the 6lh year
of the king's reign ; 71. Qs. Orf. for his wages from 8 July until the last
day of November, in the 8lh year; 4/. 15s. Od. for his wages and robes
between 1 December and 7 July, in the 8tli year of the king's reign ;
34*. 8c?. for his wages and robes between 8 July and the last d.-iy of
January, in the 9th year ; 108j. 9c?. for money paid by him to Garcias de
Suberseintz, the king's porter, for money due to him for his wages and
robes between I February and 7 July, in tlie 9th year ; 2'Js. 6c?. paid by
him to the said Garcias for money due to him for his wages between
8 July and 24 November, in the 10th year ; 61. 14*. Sd. foi- his own
wages and robes between 25 November and 7 July, in the 10th year ; 77*.
the balance of 12/. 17s. Od. due to him from the king for his wages and
robes for the Hth year and for recompence for his horse that died in the
king's service in the same year; Tl. I7s. 3\d. for his wages allowfd in the
roll of the marshalsea and under the tide of wages of crossbowmen, in the
6th year of the king's i-eign : as appears by two bills under the seal of
Ingelard de Warle, late keeper of the wardrobe, and by a l>ill under the
seal of W. archbishop of York, late keeper of the wardrobe, and by a bill
under the seals of Robert de Wodhous and Richard de Feriby, lately supply-
ing the place of the archbishop as keeper of the wardrobe, and by four
bills under the seal of Roger de Norihburgh, keeper of the wardrobe, and
by a bill under the seal of John de Okeham, late cofferer of the wardrobe
of the time of the aforesaid Ingelard. By K.
June 4. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay 3s. a day to the
York. king's clerk Adam de Lymbergh for his expenses in coming to the king to
his parliament convened at Y''ork in a month f)om Easter last, in staying
there, and returning home thence. By K.
June 6. To the sheriff of Bedford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
York. be elected in place of John le Pesshoner, deceased.
June 7. To the sheriff of Worcester. Order to pay to John de UfTord, who is
York. going to Ireland upon certain of the king's atfairs, 100s. for his expenses.
Membrane. 6.
May 25. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the
York. names of the following benefices to be taken out of the taxation rolls of
ecclesiastical benefices in the diocese of Chichester in the exchequer, and
to cause the dean and chapter of Holy Trinity, Chichester, to be acquitted
12 EDWARD II. 75
1319. Membrane 6 — cont.
of 101*. 4rf., at ■which they are taxed, if they find that the names of the
rectors and vicars of the benefices and the names of the benefices were
removed from the rolls on account of the poverty of the benefices, the
dean and chapter having shewn by their petition in parliameut at York
that although the benefices, which were first taxed at this sum by the
bishops of Lincoln and Winchester, principal collectors of the tenth
granted to the late king in aid of the Holy Land by the pope, were
removed from the rolls of the said collectors on account of the poverty of
the benefices, so that nothing has been since demanded or paid for them
fot any tenths in aid of the Holy Land or of the church of Rome, the
treasurer and barons nevertheless charge the dean and chapter with the
said sum as if they had collected it, because the said names were not
removed from the rolls of the taxations of benefices in the diocese of
Chichester delivered into the late king's exchequer by the said collectors :
the church of Esshington, taxed at 40^., the church of Braclesham, taxed
at 6^ marks, the church of St. Mary, Westevere, 10 marks, the church
of Sedelescombe, 7 marks, the church of All Saints, Chichester, 40*., the
vicarage of Wylmyngton, 6 marks, the vicarage of Hillinglegh, 8 marks,
the vicarage of Bodiham, G marks, the vicarage of Dalyngton, 6| marks,
the vicarage of Nymmesfeld, 6^ marks, and the vicarage of Clyve,
4 marks. By pet. of 0. [4935, 4936.]
May 22. To Ralph de Crophull, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
Tork. Robert de Wellum a moiety of a bovate of land in Mistreton, together
with the issues received therefrom from the time when they were taken
into the king's hands, as John {sic) de Wellum has prayed for resiitution
by petition before the king and council, because it appears by inquisition
taken by the escheator that John de Wellum and Robert were seised of
the above for 40 years and more before the death of Ralph Damyot, and
that the king had at no time during Ralph's life seisin thereof by reason of
Raljih's madness or otherwise, and Ralph was not an idiot in his lifetime,
the king having previously ordered the escheator to deliver the moiety to
John son of Adam Damyot, and not to intermeddle further with the lands
that Ralph held of other lords, because it was found by inquisition taken
by Robert de Sapy, late escheator this side Trent, that the moiety afore-
said was in the king's hands on account of Ralph's madness, and that it is
held of the manor of Gryngelege, in the king's hands, by the service of
8s. yearly, and that John son of Adam Damyot, kinsman of the said
Ralph, is his nearest heir and of full age, whereupon the king took his
fealty, the king having ordered the second inquisition to be taken because
he was afterwards given to understand on behalf of the said Robert that
John de Wellum, his father, acquired the said tenement of Mistreton in
fee from Ralph 40 years before Ralph's death, and that John held it peace-
fully all his Ufe, and that Robert entered the same and held it until Ralph's
June 1. To the sheriff of Devon. Order to cause two coroners for that county
York. to be elected in the places of Robert de Stocheye, who is appointed justice
of gaol delivery in that county, and of John de Bykebury, who is sheriif of
the county.
May 24. To Ralph de Crophull, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause Robert
York. de Foxholes, brother and heir of John de Foxholes, tenant by knight service
of the heir of Thomas de Caili, tenant in chief, in the king's wardship, to
have seisin of the lands that his father held of the heir, as he has proved
his age before the escheator, and the king has taken his fealty.
May 28. To the mayor and bailiffs of Oxford. Order to assign, with the assent
York. of the chancellor of the university, a certain and separate place in the
1319. Membrane 6 — cont.
town, where strangers and foreign merchants bringing victuals to the town
may sell the same by their own hands, and to cause proclamation to
be made in the town inhibiting any burgesses or regrators or others ot
that town from buying any goods or victuals from such strangers and
foreign merchants before they come to the aforesaid place with their goods
and victuals, or from intermixing themselves with the said merchants in
the said place in buying goods and victuals, preventing the clerks and
laymen in the town buying goods and victuals freely without forestalling,
under pain of forfeiture of their victuals, the master and scholars of the
university having shewn by their petition before the king and his council
at York that burgesses and regrators of the said town meet merchants
and other strange men coming to the town with victuals and other neces-
saries for sale before they come to the town in divers places outside the
town, and buy and forestall their goods and victuals, and intermix them-
selves with the said merchants and men when they come to the town in
selling their goods and victuals, so that the masters and scholars may
not buy goods and victuals from the aforesaid merchants and men without
forestalling. By pet. of C.
May 28. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the
York. exchequer to be transferred to York, together with the rolls, tallies,
memoranda and other things touching it, and the rolls of the Bench of
such years as they shall deem fit, and to attermine there all pleas touching
the exchequer to the morrow of Michaelmas, when the king wills that the
exchequer shall be held at York, and afterwards according to the exigence
of the pleas and their discretion. By K. and C.
May 28. To the justices of the Bench. Order to adjourn paities pleading before
York. them in the Bench to York to the octaves of Michaelmas, when the king
wills that the Bench shall be there, and afterwards according to the
exigence of the pleas and their discretion. By K. and C.
May 29. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to inspect the
York. account and rolls of John de Sandale, the late king's receiver in Gascony,
and if they find that he charged himself with 50/., for which Philip de Kyme
made a simple recognisance in the late king's exchequer, being an imprest
made to him upon his passage to Gascony in the late king's service during
the war between him and the king of France, and that John did not make
another recognisance for that sum to the late king, to discharge Philip of
the said sum, as Philip has shewn by his petition before the king and his
council that they exact this sum from him by virtue of the aforesaid
recognisance and delay allowing him that sum, because the recognisance
does not make mention that the 50Z. were received as imprest from the
late king's wardrobe, although Philip had not previously made another
recognisance for that sum, which sum was allowed to him by account
made with the said John de Sandale in his wages for his stay in those
parts, as appears by the account in the exchequer and by letters of Henry
de Lacy, sometime earl of Lincoln, then keeper of Gascony. By pet. of C.
May 30. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause the houses within York castle
York. and other houses to be repaired by the advice of J. bishop of Winchester,
the treasurer, and of Walter de Norwyco, a baron of the exchequer, for the
exchequer and the receipt of the tame, and for holding pleas of the Bench
there, and for holding the king's Bench for pleas before the king, as the
king has ordered that the exchequer and the Bench for Common Pleas
shall be transferred to York by Michaelmas. By K. and C.
June 1. To the chamberlain of North Wales. Order to receive the king's
York. eerjeant David Oogh, who has long served the king and his father and
12 EDWARD II. 77
1319. Membrane 6—cont.
■who has not been provided with his maintenance, to stay at the king's
wages in munition of the town of Karnarvan, and to cause him to receive
■wa(;es as one of those staying in munition of that town. By K.
May 30. To the chamberlain of Kaernarvan. Order to pay to a certain Scotch
York. prisoner in the castle of Crukyn the arrears of his wages for the time tliat
he has been in that castle, and to pay him such wages for so long as he
stays in that castle. By K.
June 2. To the same. Order to pay to Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk 100/.
York. for his wages in going in the king's service in the present Scotch war.
Like order to the chamberlain of Kaermerdyn. By K.
June 3. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Oi'der to cause a coroner for that county to
York. be elected in the place of Thomas Bencelyn, deceased.
June 1. To the chamberlain of Kaernarvan. Order to pay to John de Sapy
York. 12/., which the king owes him for his fee and for his winter and summer
robes for the 12th year of the reign, as appears by a bill under the seal of
Roger de Northburgh, keeper of the wardrobe.
June 4. To Henry de Shyroks, chamberlain of North Wales. Order to cause
York. payment for their work to be made weekly to the masons (cementarii) and
other workmen of the castles in his bailiwick, and to cause the castles to be
repaired, and to provide victuals and other dead garnisture for the munition
of the castles by the view and testimony of the constables of the castles,
and to cause payment to be made of the small fees and the usual wages of
the officers and other Serjeants of the castles.
To the same. Order to pay the fees and wages of the justic[e],
constables, and sheriffs in his bailiwick as they have been wont to be paid
June 5. To Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk, justice of Wales. Order not to
York. intermeddle further with the taking into the king's hands of the castle of
Buelt, in Wales, as lately ordered by the king to do, and to send the king's
oi'der and his other letters touching the matter into the chancery to be
cancelled. By K.
June 4. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
York. intermeddle further with the lands of Richard de Venuz, and to restore the
issues, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that he held
nothing in chief at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands
ought to pertain to the king.
To the sheriff of Hertford. Order to cause a coroner for that county
to be elected in place of William son of Ralph, who is insufficiently
To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause a coroner for that county
to be elected in place of Stephen de Boclond, who is insufficiently
May 27. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit the
York. executors of William [de*] Trente of 100/. yearly, which they exact from
them for the manor and tovm of Ware, from the end of three years from
15 December, in the 4th year of the king's reign, from which time Queen
Isabella ought to receive the issues or ferms of the manor and towns,
which the king, on 21 March, in the 3rd year, committed to the said
William in consideration of 400/. due to him from the king, to wit
178/. 17s. 1</. for wines bought from him for the king's use by Henry
de Say, late the king's butler, and 221/. 2s. lie?, paid by him by the king's
• From the marginal abstract.
1319. Membrane 6 — cont.
order to Gilbert de Clare, late earl of Gloucester and Hertford, in part
payment of a sum of money due to the earl from the king, to have until
lo December then next following, and from then for three years, ■with all
issues from 15 December then last past, upon which day Peter de
Gavarton, late earl of Cornwall, rendered to the king tlie custody of the
said manor and town and other lands that Joan, late the wife of John
Wak, held at her death of the inheritance of Thomas son and heir of
the said John, a minor in the king's wardship, as contained in tlje king's
letters patent to the said William, the king having afterwards, on 4 March,
in the 4th year, granted to Queen Isabella the custody of the lands of the
said John and the ferms of his lands committed by the king to others.
1318. Membrane 6. — Schedule.
Warantia dierum.
Aug. 13. To Eobert de Barton, Gilbert de Singelton, and Adam de Skelton. Order
Nottingham, not to put Hugh de Louthre in default for his failure to appear before
them in the assize of mort d'ancestor arramed before them against him by
Walter de Stirkeland, concerning two messuages and two bovates and
20 acres of land in Louthre, as he was engaged in the king's service on the
morrow of St. James the Apostle last, so that he could not appear. By K.
Nov. 4. Walter, bishop of Exeter, was engaged in the king's service on Thursday
York. the morrow of All Souls last, so that he could ijot appear in the suit before
the justices of the Bench between John le White of Stonford and him,
for that the bishop should render John the son and heir of John de Luscote
to the said John : wherelbre the justices are ordered not to put him in
default. By K.
Nov. 25. To the justices of the Bench. Order not to put William Martyn in
York. default for his failure to appear before them in the suit between John
Wake and him that William should permit John to present to the church
of Compton Martyn, as William was engaged in the king's service on
Sunday the morrow of Martinmas and on the Monday following, so that he
could not appear. By C.
Jan. 28. Richard son of Simon de Burton was engaged in the king's service on
York. Friday in three weeks from Michaelmas, so that he could not appear in
the suit before the justices of the Bench between John son of Ralph de
Boklond of Wollop, demandant, and the said Richard, tenant, con-
cerning a messuage, two mills, and three acres of meadow in Burton :
wherefore the jusuces are ordered not to put him in default.
By K. on the information of Bartholomew de Badelesmere.
April 3. Robert Olyver was in the king's service on Saturday the morrow of the
York. Purification, so that he could not appear in the suit before the justices of
the Bench between Ed. son of John Arnold, demandant, and the said
Robert, tenant, concerning a messuage, two carucates of laud, 12 acres of
meadow, 15 acres of pasture, and 8«. of rent in Ginge Mounteny : where-
fore the justices are ordered not to put him in default. By K.
May 24. Robert de Wolsthorp was engaged in the king's service on Saturday
York. after the Invention of the Holy Cross last, so that he could not appear in
the suit in vhe court of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, at Gnyptou, between
him and William sou of John de Harstan concerning the taking and
detaining of a horse of the said Robert's : wherefore the earl's bailiffs of
Gnypton are ordered not to put Robert in default.
By K. for the derk of Henry de {sic) Scrop.
12 EDWARD ir. 79
Membrane 5.
May 28. To L. Wshop of Durham, or to him who supplies his place in the diocese
York. of Durham, the bishop being absent in remote parts. Order to cause to
be paid to the king's clerk Master John de ImsuIm, to be kept in deposit
for the king's use, the 100 marks that the prior of Durham ought to have
paid to Walter de Gosewyk at Whitsuntide last, notwithstanding any con-
trary inhibition previously sent by the king, and notwithstanding the king's
late order to cause the money to be arrested in the prior's hands until
further orders, as the money ought to come to the king's hands by Walter's
consent. By K.
To Master John de Insula, Order to receive the aforesaid 100 marks
to be kept in deposit for the king's use. Jiy K.
To the prior of Durham. Order to deliver the said money to Master
John. By K.
May 30. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the
York. eighteenth granted to tlie king by the archbishop and bishops of the
province of Canterbury of their temporal goods, whereof the tenth has been
usually given heretofore by the imposition of ihe pope, to be levied and
paid into the exchequer, the earls, barons, freemen, and communities of the
counties of the realm having granted to the king in the parliament at York
an eighteenth of their moveable goods, to be levied at Martinmas and the
octaves of the Purification next, in aid of the Scotch war, the archbishop
and bishops aforesaid having granted an eighteenth as above for the like
purpose, to be levied according to the taxation of the said tenth. By K.
{Pari. fVrits.']
June 6. To the same. Order to receive the king's commissions to certain of his
York. subjects to assess and levy the eighteenth granted hy the earls, l)arons, and
communities of the counties of the realm of their moveable goods and the
twelfth granted by the citizens and burgesses, which the king sends to them
under the great seal to bo dehvered to his said subjects, and to charge the
said subjects therewith and to inform them concerning the same as they
shall see fit for the king's benefit. By K.
IPurl. Writs.]
June 8. To the same. Order to appoint under the exchequer seal some of the
York. king's subjects to take fines for the twelfth of the cities and boroughs, and
to give the persons so appointed full information of fines made at other
times in like case preserved at the exchequer and of other memoranda of
the exchequer whereby they may be the more advisedly informed, as the
king considers that it would be more convenient and more to his profit that
fines should be taken from such of the communities of cities and boroughs
as shall be willing to make fines with the king for the twelfth. By K.
{Pari. JVtUs.2
May 28. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the
York. names of John, bishop of Ely, and Hugh le Despenser, the younger, to be
joined and enrolled in the recognis'ance lately made in the exchequer for
3,OO0Z. to the merchants of the society of the Bardi of Florence by Aymer
de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, John, bishop of Winchester, Bartholomew
de Badelesmere, John de Hastyngea, Walter de Norwyco, Gilbert Pecche,
Constantine de Mortuo Marl, Robert Baynard, and William de Cleydon, as
the said John and Hugh have acknowledged before the king that they owe
3,000/. to the aforesaid merchants, to be paid at the terms mentioned in the
recognisance of the said Aymer and his fellows, to be levied by the treasurer
and baronsj in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in divers
counties. By K.
1319. Membrane 5 — cont.
To the same. Order to cause the recognisance to be enrolled before
tliem in the exchequer, -whereby Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke,
acknowledged before the king that he owed to John, bishop of Ely, and
Hugh le Despenser, the younger, 3,000Z., to be levied by the treasurer and
barons, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in divers counties.
June 7. To Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wyggemor, justiciary of Ireland. Order
York. to assemble such as he shall see fit of those of the king's council of those
parts, and to cause to be done what shall seem good by his and their advice
concerning the request of Thomas son of John, earl of Kildare, for the
grant of the king's service in that land to avenge the death of Richard de
Clare, slain by certain Irish rebels. By K.
Vacated, because otherwise below.
June 6. To Master Walter de Istlepe, treasurer of Ireland. Order to commit to
York. Walter le Botiller the office of sheriff of Lymerik during the king's
pleasure, taking from him suflBcient security to serve the king faithfully, if
he be fit and sufficient for the office. By K.
To Margaret de Ferendraght. Order to pay to Roger Comyn the
10 marks due from her to the king for her ferm for the manor of Briggestoke
for Easter term last, the king having granted him that sum in consideration
of his good service, past and to come.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow the above
sum to Margaret upon receipt from her of Roger's letters testifying the
June 9.
June 4.
To John de Crumwell, keeper of the Forest this side Trent. Order not
to intermeddle with levying any issues in the forest of Shirewode touching
the office of verderers there, except those that it has been usual to answer
at the exchequer for in times past by estreats of the exchequer by the
justices of the forest, and whereof he ought to be charged in the exchequer
by such estreats, until such time as the king, being more fully informed,
shall signify his will to him, notwithstanding the king's late order to him to
cause inquisition to be made of those who were verderers and agisters in all
the king's forests in his bailiwick in the time of the late king and the
present king, and where and for what time they held office, and what money
each of them received in their time from due prises and customs and agist-
ment or pannage, or elsewhere from other issues and profits of the forest
pertaining to the king, and to cause any such money that bad not been paid
by them to the justices of tiie Forest or other ministers of the king to be
levied of their goods and lands, so that he should answer at the exchequer
therefor in fifteen days from Midsummer next, and should certify the
treasurer and barons of the sums so levied and the circumstances connected
therewith, as the king understands that if John were to proceed to the
execution of such order as to any such issues touching the office of verderer
in the forest of Shirewode the king would lose by the payment thereof the
grievous ransoms that ought to pertain to him, which ought to be adjudged
before the justices of Forest pleas when they come to those parts. By C.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to
acquit Thomas, earl of Norfolk and marshal of England, the king's brother,
of 34/., wherewith he is charged at that exchequer by an account made in
his name by Adam le Breton, his late steward of the county of Catherlagh,
for certain of his men and tenants destroyed and impoverished by the in-
cursions of Scots and other rebels and enemies, as the king has pardoned
him that sum. By K.
12 EDWARD II. 81
1319. Membrane 5 — cont.
Juue 6. To the treasurer and chara'uerlains of the exchequer of Dublin. Order
York, to pay to .Tohn de DufEord, who is going to Ireland on the aifairs of Hugh
Daudeley, the younger, and Margaret his wife, the king's niece, whose
aiTuirs he has long superintended in England, 5s. a day and reasonable
expenses for his passage on his journey to and fro, from the time when he
arrives in Ireland for so long as he shall stay there. By K.
June S. To the sheriff of Norfolli. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
York. be elected in place of Richard Curlu, deceased.
To the same. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in
place of John de Harsik, who is incapacitated by sickness and age.
June 6. To the sheriff of York. Order to restore to Nicholas de Lund, clerk, his
York. lands and goods, which were talien into the king's hands upon his indict-
ment before Henry Spigurnel and John de Doneeastre, justices to deliver
York gaol, for levying war against the king and for arson, theft, robbery,
harbouring of felons, and aiding and assenting to the death of Geoffrey
Geldyng of Herlesay, as he has purged his innocence before W. archbishop
of York, the diocesan, to whom he was delivered by the justices according to
the privilege of the clergy.
June 8. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause to come
York. before them in the exchequer in the octaves of Midsummer next John do
Foxle and Thomas de Wylughby, who were appointed by the king to take
into the king's hands the goods of Anthony, late bishop of Durham and
patriarch of Jerusalem, for debts due from him to the king, and to cause
answer to be made to°Master Rigaud de Asserio, the pope's nuncio in Eng-
land, after the king have been satisfied for the debts due to him, for the
sums due to the pope, and not to impede him Iiereafter in the execution of
those things that pertain to him of right against the executors of the said
bishop. Master Rigaud having shewn by his petition before the king and
his council that whereas he called the executors to answer before him for
1,000 marks bequeathed by the bishop in aid of the Holy Land, 1,600
marks received by the bishop in his diocese of the tenth imposed by pope
Nicholas, 1,200 marks received by him of the tenth imposed by pope
Boniface, 1,800 marks received by him of the tenth imposed by pope
Clement V., which sums he retained in his possession, and 500 marks of
the arrears of the procurations of the legates of the apostolic see in England
received by him, and 500 marks received by him of the arreais of the pro-
curations of Sirs Gerald and Simon Penestrini, sometime legates in this
realm, in order to levy the above sums for the use of the pope, the execu-
tors procured the king's prohibition containing that the premises so touched
the king that- Rigaud should not proceed in the matter without consulting
the king ; for which Rigaud prayed the king to provide a remedy ; where-
upon the king ordered the treasurer and barons to call the executors before
them, and to receive information from Rigaud and to inform themselves
concerning the matter, and if they found that the matters did not so touch
the king that the executors ought to be defended against the exaction by
Eigaud in the pope's name, to cause the hindrance placed in his way by
them to be removed, and if the matter so touched the king that it ought
to be superseded before Rigaud, they were then ordered to certify the king
thereof under the exchequer seal in his next parliament; in which matter
nothing has been done, wherefore Rigaud has prayed the king in the present
parliament for remedy. By K. and C.
June 7. To the same. Order to sell to Bartholomew de Badelesmere the custody
York. of the lands of John de Norlhwode and Joan his wife, tenants in chief, and
76416. *■
1319. Membrane 5 — cont.
the marriage of their heir, the king having lately ordered them to sell cus-
todies and marriages in his hands and that should come to his hands. By K.
June 7. To the chamberlain of Caernarvan. Order to pay to Roger de Mortuo
York. Mari of Wyggemore 1,600 marks out of the aid granted to the king by
the knights, men, and community of North Wales in aid of the Scotch war
and out of other issues of his bailiwick, being the balance of 2,000 marks
tliat the king lately ordered him to pay to Roger in part payment of the
money due to him from the king for his stay in the king's service when he
was supplying the king's place in Ireland, the chamberlain having signified
that he has paid Roger 400 marks of the above sum. By K,
\^Parl. Writs.']
Membrane 4.
June ."i. To the sheriff of York. Order to supersede the king's late order, issued
York. in response to the petition before the king and his council of Robert de
Crauncewyk, detained in the king's prison at Beverley for the death of
Stephen Belesone and William de Brumpton, clerk, to bring the body of
the said Robert at his own expense, together with the indictments and
other things touching them, before the king in the octaves of Holy Trinity,
in order that the gaol may be delivered of the said Robert according to law
and custom, as W. archbishop of York has shewn by his complaint that he has
such liberty of the prisoners in the said gaol under his custody that delivery
of that gaol ought to be made by the archbishop's justices in the presence
of the king's justices assigned to deliver that gaol, and that such prisoners
ought not to be delivered elsewhere than there unless the archbishop or his
justices aforesaid have been notoriously in default in such delivery, adding
that he and his predecessors have had and enjoyed such liberty from time
out of mind, and that he or his justices were not found [in default] in
delivering the gaol of the said Robert, the king having, before he issued
the said order to bring Robert before him, ordered John de Donecastre and
William de Denum, justices appointed to deliver the said gaol, to proceed
to deliver the gaol of the said Robert with all speed because he was given
to understand on Robert's behalf that Robert was prepared to stand to
right in the king's court concerning the aforesaid felony, and that he
frequently offered himself to do so, and that the justices appointed to
deliver the gaol delayed making delivery therefrom of the said Robert, to
which the above-named justices returned that they went to Beverley to
deliver the aforesaid gaol, and that Robert came before them and placed
himself [upon the country] concerning the death of the aforesaid Stephen
and William, and that, on account of the strife and contentions between
ihe greater part of the community of the town of Beverley and the afore-
said Robert for divers challenges propounded on the king's and on Robert's
behalf, the inquisition concerning the death of the said Stephen and
William remained untaken on that day, especially as Robert asserted in his
challenge that the community of the town of Beverley and the bailiffs of
the liberty thereof were his enemies and contrary to him in all things.
June 8. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Whereas the king lately appointed Lambert
V')rk. de Trikyngham and certain others to make inquisitions concerning the
oppressions committed in that county by divers sheriffs, clerks, bailiffs, and
ministers, constables, keepers of prisons, bailiffs of liberties, and sub-
eecheators under colour of their offices upon the men of that county and
others coming into the county by false indictments, appeals, grievous ran-
soms, and distraints made upon feigned causes, and to hear and determine
12 EDWARD IT. 83
1319. Membrane 4 — cont.
the complaints against them since the king's accession ; and the king under-
stood that certain persons of the county, endeavouring to prevent the
bailiffs, clerks, and sub-bailiffs of that county from levying the king's
ferms and other profits of that county and from executing and returning
summonses of the exchequer and other writs returnable before the king and
his justices and from making the purveyances for the king's journey to Scot-
land that the king ordered the sheriff to make, have procured their indict-
ment before the said Lambert and his fellows at the suit of certain persons
leagued together and have procured their committal to prison at Lincoln, to
the delay of the king's affairs ; wherefore the king commanded Lambert
to send the inquisitions and indictments touching the sheriff, bailiffs, and
their clerks and sub-baUiffs before the king in fifteen days from Michaelmas
in order that the king may then cause to be done what ought of right to be
done herein, and to summon all persons prosecuting in these matters to be
before the king on the aforesaid day; the king, wishing to do justice to the
said biiiliffs, clerks, and sub-bailiffs, orders the sheriff to cause them to be
released from prison upon their finding mainprise to answer to the king and
others, in order that they may serve the king and his people as pertains to
their office and as was usual in the time of the late king and in the present
king's time. By K. and C.
June 8. To the bailiffs of Raveneserodde. Order to arrest goods of the men and
York. merchants of the towns of Grippeswold, Strallessound, and Lubyk,
excepting the merchants of the German Hanse of London, to the value of
200/., and to keep the same until Adam le Clei-k of Lenne have been
satisfied for that amount, or until further orders, certifying the king of
their proceedings. The king makes this order because the schbffen
(scabini) and men of the aforesaid towns have failed to make restitution or
satisfaction to the said Adam, in response to the king's letters, for his ship
called ' La Plente' of Lenne, price lOOZ. sterling, laden in the parts of
Poitou {Peytou), with salt of Poitou, lampreys of Naunfes, and certain
bales of Bugeye, and other his goods, to the value 200Z. sterling, which
Henry de Ilykl3'nghous and other malefactors of the said towns captured
between Great Yarmouth and Blakeneye whilst on her voyage to
St. Johnstown of Perth, when they .slew many of the men found in her,
and carried the ship and goods with them to Aberden in Scotland, whence
tHey took the ship with them to Strallesound. The king has ordered the
bailiffs of John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, at Boston, to arrest goods
in like manner to the value of 100/.
To the sheriff of York. Order to arrest goods of the men and merchants
of the power of the king of France to the value of 171/. 13^. Ad., and to
cause the same to be guarded safely until Walter de Burton and John
Hakun, burgesses of Beverley, have been satisfied for that amount or
until otherwise ordered, certifying the king of his proceedings herein. The
kiug makes this order because the aforesaid merchants lately complained
that whereas, after the proclamation made by L[ouis], king of France and
Navarre, that all men then in Flanders who wished to be of his friendship
should leave that land with their goods within a certain time, they left
Flanders for England within that time with their goods, to wit with silver
in mass to the value of 205/. sterling, and 20/. sterling in money by tale,
and the vir.omte of Pecquigni (Pynkeny), then appointed keeper of parts
of those marches against the Flemings, arrested the said merchants with
the silver and money aforesaid in the town of Calais, and retained the
silver and money after they had been delivered from prison, whereupon
the king requested the king of France by special letters to deliver the
silver and money to the said merchants and to do justice to them ; upon
r 2
1319. Membrane 4 — cont.
which, although it was found by inquisition and certain information made
before John Mauveysyn, then captain of Calais, by the echevins (scabinos)
of that town by order of the king of France, that silver in mass and money
amounting to the aibresaid sum were taken from the said merchants by the
vicomte, the king of France caused a plate {plata) of silver weighing
53/. Qs. 8d. sterling to be delivered to the aforesaid merchants, retaining
the rest for his own uses ; whereupon the king wrote to Philip, the present
king of France and Navarre, to cause justice to be done to the said
merchants concerning the residue ; but the king of France has done
nothing in response thereto, as the community of Beverley have sianilied
to the king by their letters patent. By pet. of C. [4545.]
June 7. To Roger de Mortuo Mari, justiciary of Ireland. Order to deliver to
York. Maurice de Rocheford the custody of the castles and lands of the late
Richard de Clare, tenant in chief in Ireland, which are in the king's
hands during the minority of his heir, to have with the issues received
therefrom from the time of the king's commission thereof to him during
the heir's minority, rendering therefor yearly the extent of the castles
and lands to the exchequer of Dublin, with provision that his expenses in
•defending the castles and lands during the time of his custody shall be
allowed to him in the aforesaid extent. If the castles and lands have been
put in any way outside the king's hands, the justiciary is ordered to resume
them into the king's hands, and to cause them to be delivered to Maurice.
By K. and 0.
June 8. ■ To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause a prompt
York. assignment to be made upon the issues of the custom of wool, hides, and
wool-fells in the port of London to Roger Ardingelli, Bonus Philippi,
Dinus Forcetti, and Francis Balduch' and their fellows, merchants of the
society of the Bardi of Florence, when they bring the letters patent of the
prior and brethren of the order of the Friars Preachers of Langele testi-
fying the receipt of 50 marks yearly granted to them by the king, which
the said merchants have mainperned to pay to the Friars, the first payment
beginning at Michaelmas next, for the money thus paid by the said
merchants. By p.s. [4965.]
June 7. To Ralph de Crophull, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause to be
York. assigned to Robert de Welle and Matilda his v/ife, late the wife of Robert
de Clifford, tenant in chief, her dower of her late husband's lands in
Skelton, CO. Cumberland, whereof the king ordered Robert de Cliderhou, late
escheator this side Trent, to assign her dower, as the said Robert was
amoved from office before he executed this order.
June 8. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to release Henry de Drayton,
York. John son of Oliver, Roger Cogerel, William le Keu, Richard Adamesman
de V\'altham, and Adam de Waltham, chaplain, from the prisons in that
county wherein they are imprisoned by virtue of the king's commission to
Hugh de Audele, the younger, to follow and arrest Simon de Drayton,
Adam de Waltham of Norhamptou, clerk, Thomas de Daggenhale and
Joan his wife, John de Hegham of Norhampton, Oliver de Nodariia,
Henry de Drayton, Henry Cavenard of Keston, Simon le Wright, Robert
.)e Carter, William Bussel, William Wynn, Gilbert de Aylington, Roger
Cogerel, Henry de (sic) Ferester of Amlax, William de London, Henry de
Shrouesbury, Richard Adamesman de Waltham, John son of Oliver de
Nodariis, Adam de Waltham of Norhampton, the elder, and Alice his
wife, Olive Adameswomman de Waltham, William le Keu of Luffewyk,
and John de Wanton, chaplain, who broke the house of Agnes de Haldenby
at Thiapston, co. Northampton, and carried her to Northampton, and
thence to Shughteburgh, co. Warwick, and tore out her eyes and cut out
12 EDWARD ir.
May 30.
Membrane i—cont.
her tongue, etc., vvliich commission the king issued because he understood
that they were wandering anout in divers counties so that they could not
be arrested, which commission the king altervvards superseded for divers
reasons, provided that they find sufficient mainpernors to have them before
the king and his justices to answer to Agnes. By K. and C.
To the collectors of the custom of vyool, hides, and wool-fells in the port
of Kyngeston-on-Hull. Order to pay to William de Birton, controller of
that custom, such wages as others have been wont to receive from the
time of his appointment, and to continue to pay the same.
June 8.
June 4.
June 6.
June 10.
Membrane 3.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to audit with all
speed the account of Anthony Pessaigne of Genoa of what he received for
the king's use during the time when he was seneschal of the duchy [of
Aquitaine] and of what other things he received for the king's use, and to
make such allowances to him as ought to be made, and to certify the king,
after the audit and the allowances have been made, concerning the premises
under the exchequer seal. The king has ordered the seneschal of Gascony
and the constable of Bordeaux and Master John Guicardi, controller of the
castle of Bordeaux, to inform themselves of all and singular the things that
Anthony received in the duchy, as well in wines as in money and other
things whatsoever of the issues of the duchy, the subsidies granted in the
same, or other things whatsoever received in the king's name or for the
king's use, and to certify the treasurer and barons concerning the same
before Michaelmas under the seal of the duchy, in order that they may
proceed the more advisedly to audit the aforesaid account. By K.
To the sheriff of Kent. Order to supersede entirely the exaction
to be outlawed in that county of Robert Lenys, William Ede and
Margaret his wife, Stephen atte Merssh, Richard Osbern, John Varman
and Joan his wife, John Setteseyl, and John Belle, who were put
in exigent to be outlawed because they did not appear before the king to
answer to John Cupale, John Hungri, Ralph Frapayl, and Gervase
Wertisers, who lately impleaded them and others before the king for a
trespass committed by them, as they have satisfied the said John Cupale,
John Hui\gri, Ralph and Gervase for the trespass. By K.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to make account
with the chapter of St. Paul's London for the time when the bishopric
was void by the death of Ralph, the late bishop, the custody whereof
during voidance the king committed to them on 26 Jul}', in the 7th year of
his reign, saving to the king the knights' fees, advowsons of churches,
wardships, reliefs, and escheats during the voidance, rendering to the
king therefor 1,000/. if the voidance lasted a year or a proportionate
amount if it lasted longer or did not last so long, as contained in the king's
letters patent, and to receive from the chapter what is due of the above
sum for the period of the voidance, and to acquit them of the remainder.
To J. bishop of Winchester, principal collector of the tenth of the clergy
for one year granted to the king by pope John XXII. Order to allow
to the prior of St. Katherine's without Lincoln, sub-collector of the tenth
in the diocese of Lincoln, 100/. in his account, which Robert de Barton,
keeper of the king's victuals in the parts of Carlisle, received from him of
the arrears of the tenth in the king's name, as appears by the king's letters
patent made to the prior concerning this payment. By pet. of C
1319. Membrane 3 — cont.
May 26. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to supersede the
York. demand made upon Pernia, late the wife of Hugh de Croft', and >ipoa
his heirs for 201., and to acquit them thereof, which sum was exacted from
Hugh by summons of the exchequer of the time when he was sheriff of
Salop and Staflbrd, to wit IS/, for insufficient return and 11. for insufficient
answer, which sum the king pardoned Hugh on 20 November, in the 10th
year of his reign, as Hugh was then about to set out for Ireland in the
king's service in the company of Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wyggemor, the
king having afterwards revoked the pardon because it was contrary to the
form of the ordinances. The king makes the present order in consideration
of Hugh's good service in Ireland, where he was slain by the king's enemies.
June 1. To the sheriffs of London. Order to pay to John de Weston, the elder,
Tork, 50 marks out of the ferm of the city for last year, when the payment of
that sum yearly ceased by the king's orders, the king having granted that
he should receive that sum yearly from the ferm of the city, having pre-
viously granted him that sum yearly from the exchequer, in consideration
of his good service to the king and his father, until such time as the king
should provide hira with 50 marks of land or rent yearly for his life.
By p.s.
June 5. To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to pay to John de Tspania, the
York. elder, keeper of the gate of Carlisle castle, the arrears of his wages for
the time of the sheriff's ofEce, and to continue to pay the same.
June 3. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit John
York. de Chelmersford and the executors of Walter de Mollesworth of 33s. id.
paid by the said John and Walter to Basilia, late the wife of John de
Valoynes, by virtue of the king's order to pay her that sum for Michael-
mas term, in the 8th year of the king's reign, and 5 marks yearly there-
after from the issues of the manor of Tycheseye, which was in their custody
by the king's commission, for a moiety of the 10 marks of yearly rent
granted to her for life by Gilbert de Clare, late earl of Gloucester and
Hertford, to be received from his receiver of Tunbrigge, in con-
sideration of her grant and quit-claim to him of a third of the manors of
Asshemere and Tycheseye, which she recovered by consideration of the
king's court against the earl as her dower, payment whereof the earl
charged upon the said manors, as appears by the earl's deed and by
the inquisitions of the earl's lands taken by John Abel, then escheator
beyond Trent.
To the same. Order to acquit the aforesaid John and the executors of
the said Walter of 225/. 5s. Id. paid by John and Walter, keepers of certain
lands of the aforesaid earl, to Matilda, late the wife of the earl, by virtue
of the king's order, dated 24 October, in the 8th year of his reign, to pay
her at the rate of 1,000 marks yearly from the end of her forty days
(quarentene) until the day when dower was assigned to her, out of the
issues of the earl's lands in their custody, to wit from 3 August, in the
said year, when her forty days ended, until 5 December following, when
dower was assigned to her, the king having, shortly after the earl's
death, granted her 1,000 marks yearly from the earl's lands to have in
tenencia for her maintenance until he should cause dower to be assigned
to her.
June 8. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver
York. to Griffin de la Pole, son of William de la Pole, tenant by knight service of
the heir of Griffin de la Pole, tenant in chief of the late king, a minor in
the king's wardship, his father's lands, fis he has proved his age before the
. - escheator.
12 EDWARD II. sr
1319. Membrane 3 — cont.
June 8. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to assist
York. John de Dufford, late escheator of Ireland, in levying the debts of divers
men of those parts wherewith he was charged when he accounted before
them for the issues of his bailiwick, and to allow him in his account what
they shall levy and other sums of money that the debtors shall
acknowledge at the exchequer that they owe or which they may be
proved to owe, as John has shewn by his petition before the king
and his council that he was unable to levy considerable sums, where-
with he is charged as above, on account of the disturbances in those
parts, without diligent exaction and aid from the aforesaid treasurer and
barons and the king's court there, John having come to the king to seek
relief upon giving mainprise to the aforesaid treasurer. They are ordered
to certify the king of what John owes after the account and allowances
have been made, and of the names of the debtors who have been so
robbed and impoverished by the incursions of the king's enemies that
they are unable to pay their debts, together with the sum and separate
quantity of every such debtor, and not to disquiet the said John or his
mainpernors this side Easter next by reason of the said debts, espe-
cially as John is going to those parts in the king's service by his orders.
To Master Walter de Istelep, treasurer of Ireland. Order to buy and
purvey 100 tuns of wine, and to cause 50 tuns thereof to be taken without
delay to Skinburness and there delivered to the receiver of the king's
victuals, and to send the remainder thither as soon as possible, as the king
needs wine and other victuals for the maintenance of himself and his faith-
ful subjects about to set out with him for the expedition of the Scotch
war. By C.
June 8. To Master Kichard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
York. dower to be assigned to Isabella, late the wife of William de Dene, tenant
in chief, of certain of his lands in Mitcheldean {^Magna Dene) and
Little Dene, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence.
June 23. To the sheriffs of London. Order to pay to the king's serjeant-at-arms
York. Bertram de la More the arrears of the ten marks yearly granted to him for
life by the king on 24 July, in the 11th year of his reign, out of the ferm
of that city, and to continue to pay him that sum yearly. By K.
To the bailiffs of the city of Canterbury. Order to pay to the king's
serjeant-at-arms Ivo de Welle the arrears of the 10 marks yearly that the
king granted to him for life on 24 July, in the 11th year of his reign, from
the ferm of that city, and to continue to pay him that sum yearly. By K.
Membrane 2,
June 8. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to enquire whether
York. a corrody in the hospital {Bedema) of Beverley is of the prebend of the
archbishop of York, and whether it is and was of the archbishopric at the
time when the archbishopric was taxed in spiritualities and temporalities in
gi-oss at 2,000 marks, so that it ought to be comprehended under that taxation
and under no other, and, if they find that it is so, to acquit William, arch-
bishop of York, of all the sums of money that are exacted from him by
reason of the aforesaid corrody because of the taxation thereof, and to
1319, Membrane 2 — cont.
cause the taxation of the corrody to be extracted from the rolls of the
exchequer and annulled, as the archbishop has shewn to the king that
divers sums of money are exacted for divers grants and contributions
imposed upon the clergy <jf that province because the corrody, which is
annexed to the archbishopric, and whereof the prebend and canonry
'canonia) of the archbishop in St. John's church, Beverley, consist and
have consisted time out of mind, has been erroneously taxed as the portion
of Wiilter le Botiller because it was in his hands when the taxation was
made, Walter Gyffard, late archbishop, having assigned it to him during
pleasure. By K.
June 8. To the same. Order to acquit the aforesaid archbishop of the separate
York. portions of money exacted by them from him in the counties of Lincoln
and Gloucester for the lands of the archbishopric in those counties, and
hereafter to charge the archbishop in the county of York with his con-
tributions to aids and impositions, in which county what is due from him
may be levied fully, and to charge him in no wise with any separate sums
in other counties, if it appear to them that the lands in the counties of
Lincoln and Gloucester are included with the other lands of the arch-
bishopric in the county of York and other counties in the taxation of the
archbishopric in gross at 2,000 marks, as the archbishop has shewn the king
that the said lands are so included.
To the same. Order to acquit the aforesaid archbishop of all sums
exacted by them from him by reason of the church of Kynaldstowe, co.
Nottingham, if it appear to them by inquisition or otherwise that the church
was of the archbishopric at the time of the taxation and from time out of
mind, so that it ought to be included in the aforesaid taxation of 2,000
marks, and to cause the taxation of the church to be annulled, the arch-
bishop having shewn the king that they exact divers sums by reason of the
said church because it was at the time of the taxation taxed in error by
itself as if it were separate from the archbishopric, whereas it was of the
archbishopric at that time and had been from time out of mind.
To the same. Order to acquit the aforesaid archbishop of il. \2s. \0\d.,
which they exact from him for the chattels of Arnold de Salso Marisco,
who was delivered to his predecessor John according to the privilege of the
clergy upon his indictment before the late king's juslices for certain felonies,
if they find that his chattels did not come to the said John's hands, as the
archbishop has shewn the king that the chattels did not come, and ought
not, according to law and custom, to have come to the said John's hands.
To the same. Order to call before them Master Thomas de Sancto
Albano and his co-executors of the will of Master William de Grenefeld,
late archbishop of York, and to charge them with 100.$. in which he made
fine with the king for licence to give certain tenements in Ripton and
Dalle, near Thornton, to a chaplain to celebrate divine service daily within
bis manor of Ripon, and to acquit the present archbishop thereof, who
has shewn the king that the treasurer and barons exact the above sura from
him although the said executors have sufficient of the said William de
Grenefeld's goods to satisfy the king for the above sum.
To the same. Order to acquit William, archbishop of York, of 200
marks that they exact from him for the tenth granted to the king by the
clergy of the province of York in the 10th year of the king's reign, as it
appears by the rolls of chancery that the archbishopric was then void by
the death of William de Grenefeld and was then in the king's hands.
To the same. Order to acquit W. archbishop of York of the scutage
that they exact from him for five knights' fees for the late king's armies of
Wales in the 5th and 10th years of his reign, which the archbishop of York
at that time acknowledged to the late king, as the archbishop had bis
12 EDWARD II. 89
1319. Membrane 2 — cont.
service therefor in the said armies, as appears by the late king's rolls of the
June 23. To the slieriffs of Lincoln. Order to arrest goods of the men and mer-
York. chants of the power of the count of Hainault, Holland, and Zeeland, and of
the towns of Cologne, Dortmond, Rikelynghous, Lub} k, Osenbrugg, Menstre,
Grippeswold, Sussalt, and Hamburgh to the value of 230/., the residue of
300/. for which the king ordered them to arrest goods of the said men
because the count and the burgomasters, schoffen, consules, and bailiffs of
the aforesaid towns had failed to cause restitution or satisfaction to be
made to William de Wyddeslade, citizen and merchant of London, for his
goods to that value laden at Slujs (le Sclus), in Flanders, in a ship of
Laurence Pollesson of Brabant, which were captured by certain malefactors
of those parts and towns on the coast near Wynterton, co. Norfolk, whilst
the ship was on her voyage with the said goods to England and to the
value of 100/., at which his damages are estimated, the sheriffs having arrested
goods to the value of 70/. from Hermann le Skypper, merchant of Almain,
by virtue of the king's previous order to arrest goods on this account, which
goods the king caused to be delivered to William. By K. aud C.
June 23. To the same. Order to restore the goods of William le Rede, Henry de
York. Bevre, John Saffrauns and his fellows, John le Whyte, Conrad le Swart,
and other merchants of the aforesaid towns of Almain, arrested by them in
execution of the king's aforesaid order to arre.'-t goods on the above account,
they having returned that they had arrested goods of the aforesaid mer-
chants aud of Hermann le Skippere to the value of 400/., the king having
ordered Hermann's goods to the value of 701. to be delivered to the afore-
said William de Wyddeslade becaiise Hermann had ceased to be of the
Hanse of the Almain merchants in London, as the king has granted to the
merchants of the Hanse aforesaid that their goods shall not be arrested
within his realm for any debt whereof they are not sureties or principal
debtors or for any trespass committed by other persons. They are ordered
to discharge Robert Person, Luke de Havering', Stephen de Preston,
Robert de Dodeford, John de Coslum, .]ohn de Bristoll, John de Romenay,
John de Wrotham, and John Brond of their mainprise to answer for the
aforesaid goods. By K. and C.
June 22. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to restore his goods to Master Ralph
York. de Kent, clerk, which were taken into the king's hands upon his indict-
ment before Simon le Chaumberleyn and William de Isny, the king's
justices to deliver Lincoln gaol, for forging the king's money, as he has
purged his innocence before J. bishop of Lincoln, the diocesan, to
whom he was delivered by the justices according to the privilege of the
June 27. To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to repair the king's chapels in the manor
York. of Claryndon by the view of men of those parts. By K.
June 28. To William de Ros of Hamelak. Order to supersede entirely the taking
York. of certain custom upon goods for sale passing over or under the bridge of
Boston and coming from elsewhere to the town, which the king granted
by his letters patent that he should take from 5 June last until the end of
five years in aid of repairing the bridge and pavement of Boston, as the
king learns from trustworthy testimony that the bridge and pavement do
not need repair. By K.
June 26. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
York. elected in place of William de Kos of Yolton, whom the king has amoved
from office for insufficient qualification,
ig-iQ Membrane 1.
June 28. To Master Walter de Islep, treasurer of Ireland. Order to cause the
York. bell- tower of the church of St. Mary del Dam, adjoining Dublin castle, to
be repaired at the king's charge in the manner ordained by John de Hothum,
as the king is given to understand that the said John, whilst in Ireland
upon certain of the king's affairs, ordered the bell-tower to be pulled down
and the stones thereof carried into the castle for the repair of the same,
for the security and protection of the castle against certain perils that were
feared, and that the treasurer has not caused the bell-tower to be repaired,
although John ordered him to do so. By K.
June 26. To the sheriff of Cambridge. Order to cause a coroner for that county
York. to be elected in place of Luke de Ovre, whom the king has amoved from
ofHce for insufficient qualification.
June 28. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay to Robert de Gray,
York. knight, 84/. 19s. lOd., which t.lie king owes him for the arrears of the wages
of himself and his four esquires with him at the king's wages in munition
of the town of Berwick-on-Tweed, and for recompence for certain of his
horses lost there in the king's service, as appears by a bill under the seal of
office of the chamberlain of Scotland and the seal of John de Weston, late
chamberlain of Scotland. By K.
July 1. To Boser de Mortuo Mari of Wygeraore, justiciary of Ireland. Order
York. to cause Thomas son of John, earl of Kildare, to have the king's service in
Ireland, in order to avenge the death of Richard de Clare, who was slain
by certain Irish rebels, which service was lately granted to Richard da
Burgo, earl of Ulster, for the land of Ulster by the assent of the magnates
of that land, but was not then made. If the service was made when
granted to Richard de Burgo, he is to convoke such of the council of those
parts as shall seem fit to him, and to cause the earl of Kildare to have
another service of the king's, provided that the justiciary can obtain the
assent of the magnates of that land. By K.
June 24. To J. bishop of Winchester, the treasurer. Order to cause friar
York. Robert de Wirsop, S.T.D., of the Augustinian order, to have his reasonable
expenses in going from Toulouse, where he was when he joined the other
envoys, to the Roman court upon certain affairs of the king, ^nd in staying
there, and returning to the king in England. By K.
July 1. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver
York. to Laurence Lespicer the virgate of land in Eston, co. Northampton, that
Simon le Barber held for life by the grant of Guy de Bello Campo, earl of
Warwick, which came to the king's hands upon Simon's death and on
account of the minority of the earl's heir, together with the issues of the
same from 10 December, in the 10th year of the king's reign, when the
king committed the same to Laurence.
July 3. To the bailiffs and community of the town of Hertelpol. Order to
York. deliver to Roger Lacatour and Theobald de Barton the ship wherein certain
Scotch rebels were lately captured and the goods and chattels found in the
same, which are forfeited to the king, and to cause them to have men to
bring the same securely to the king at York, as the king is sending Roger
and Theobald thither for this purpose. By K.
July 1. To Henry le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the
York. king. Order to proceed in the matter of the appeal of William de
Borghwardesley, William de Blythebury, Hugh Breton, Thomas de Rodes,
Robert de Wyckerslaye, John Rocelyn, David le Walshe, William Freman,
1319. Membrane 1 — cont.
John le Bretayn, and Thomas le Breton, William Underway ofWynteworth,
Peter de Eodes, and Alan de Glencham made before the king by Alice, late
the wife of William Grace, for the death of her said husband, by reason
whereof they were arrested and are imprisoned in the marshalsea prison, so
that the matter maybe terminated, if possible, before the recess, the persons
appealed having petitioned the king to cause speedy justice to be done to
them upon the appeal. By K. and C.
Vacated, because it was restored and cancelled.
To Warin de Insula, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to deliver to
the chaplains celebrating in the king's chapel within the castle bread, wine,
oil, and other small necessaries for divine service from Michaelmas last
until next Michaelmas.
To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay to the king's yeoman
Gasset de Layvill 100 marks, in aid of his marriage, which the king
granted to him and ordered to be paid to him by the sheriff of Bedford,
Gasset having giving the king to understand that he has not received the
above sum nor any part thereof; provided that Gasset shall answer for
the same or any part thereof if it be found that he has received it or any
part of it from the said sheriflf. [By p.s. 4964.]
July 5. To Roger de Mortuo Mari^ justiciary of Ireland. Order not to assign
York, until further orders the lands of Hugh de Lascy in Tagh . . breghcok and
Fyngalleston and of Almaric de Lascy in Portlek, county Meath (Midd')
which escheated to the king because they adhered to the Scotch rebels, to
any persons of that land by virtue of any writ of the king's to assign
escheats in Ireland to any persons of that county in consideration of their
good service, as the king is given to understand that the aforesaid lands are
very useful and that it is necessary to keep them in his hands.
July 7.
July 6.
July 9.
July 10.
July 10.
July 11.
Membrane 31c?.
Tevan de Broghton acknowledges that he owes to Master Henry de
Clyff lOOZ. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Chester.
Stephen de Beek, parson of the church of Eddeworth, diocese of Lincoln,
acknowledges that he owes to Hamon Serich oOl. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his land and chattels in co. Bedford.
John son of Robert Holdeward of Kemeston acknowledges that he owes
to Geoffrey de Brampton, parson of the church of Brynton, 20 marks;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
To the abbot and convent of Bardeneye. Order to grant to the king's
clerk William de Kyngeston a suitable pension, they being bound to grant a
pension to one of the king's clerks by reason of the new creation of the
abbot. By K.
Ed. Bacun, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de Hastynges,
knight, executor of the will of John de Hastinges, his father, 100/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk.
Cancelled on payment.
Ralph de Eu, count of Eu, and Joan his wife, eldest daughter and
co-heiress of Drogo de Merlawe, put in their place Nicholas del Atre,
Nicholas Gerard, and Thomas de Pountfreitto seek and receive in chancery
July 11.
July 10.
July 12.
July 12.
July 13.
July 14.
July 13.
Membrane 81c? — cont.
her purparty of her father's lands, kuights' fees, and advowsonsin England
and Ireland.
Robert son of Nicholas de Meperteshale acknowledges that he owes to
Walter de Cranden, executor of the will of Ralph Paynel, 100.9. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Bedford.
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made
forbidding any person to make assemblies of men-at-arms or other illicit
assemblies, or to take any freemen or others to any place within or without
the sheriff's bailiwick upon feigned reasons, and lo inhibit all and
singular from being intendent or obedient to any person in such assemblies
without the king's special order. \^Foedera.~\
To like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.}
To the master and brethren of St. Leonard's hospital, York. Order to
admit into the hospital Evelina la Petyte, whom the king has caused to be
sent to them, and to cause the necessaries of life in food and clothing to
be delivered to her daring life according to the requirements of her
estate. By K.
Memorandum, that the king, on 10 July, granted to the master and
brethren of St. Leonard's hospital, York, that they might acquire lands and
rents that are not held of the king in chief in their own or in an alien fee
to the value of 10/. yearly, notwithstanding the statute of mortmain, pro-
vided that it be found by inquisition that this can be done without damage
to the king or any other.
To the prior and convent of Worcester. Request that they will admit
into their house Geoffrey le Corouner, who has long served the king and
his father, and whom the king has caused to be sent to them, and that they
will grant him by letters patent for life the same allowance in all things as
Nicholas de Rentyn, now deceased, had in their house at the late king's
request, certifying the king by the bearer of their proceedings herein.
Elias sou of Thomas le Clerk of Stapelho acknowledges that he owes to
Robert de Bardelby, canon of St. Peter's York, 25/. ; to be levied, in de-
fault of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Bedford.
Cancelled on payment.
Walter son of Robert, lord of Daventre, acknowledges that he owes to
John son of John de Daventre 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
Thomas de Askelby, parson of the church of Frithindenne, acknowledges
that he owes to William de Ayremynne, clerk, 40s. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent.
John de Wolvreton, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Pliilip de
HardeshuU 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Buckingham.
To R. count of Flanders. Alexander le Convers, the king's clerk, and
Giles de Hertebergh, whom the king lately -sent to the count to explain
certain matters touching a reformation of the damages inflicted upon each
other by the subjects of the king and the count and upon other affairs
touching the king, have returned to the king, and have informed him that
the count desires such friendly reformation, and that he will send into this
realm certain of his subjects to treat of such reformation at a day and place
to be fixed by the king, to wit in the feast of Sc. Mary Magdalene;
although the king desires to carry the premises into effect and to hasten
1318. Membrane 31rf — cont.
them as far as possible, he was unable to send his subjects to treat of the
premises because he could not dispense with their presence, as he was, when
Alexander and Giles came to him at Northampton, preparing for his journey
to the north against the Scotch rebels, and as autumn now approaches,
when such matters cannot be conveniently treated of, he thinks the morrow
of Michaelmas next a suitable term to begin the premises at London :
wherefore he requests the count to accept tliat term and place, and to send
his envoys thither at that date, whither the liingwill send his envoys with
sufficient power to treat and to complete what shall be ordained by common
assent. The king has ordered the sheriffs and bailiffs of his realm to cause
proclamation to be made that the men and merchants of the count's dominion
may come into his realm, stay therein, return thence, and exercise their
affairs, without their bodies or goods being arrested, until Christmas next,
and has caused letters patent of safe conduct for them to be made, which he
sends to the count by the bearer of the presents. He requests the count to
cause proclamation and letters of safe conduct to be made for the men and
merchants of the king's power in the places of his dominion and power.
July 13. To the sheriffs of London. Order to cause proclamation to be made that
Northampton, all merchants and others of the power of the count of Flanders may, until
Christmas next, come into the realm in safety with their goods and mer-
chandise, and may stay therein, and exercise merchandise and prosecute
their other affairs, and return thence without arrest of their bodies, goods,
or merchandise or other grievance by reason of the damages inflicted upon
the king's subjects by men of the count's power, and to inhibit anyone
aggrieving them contrary to such proclamation, as a treaty is about to be
made between the king and count for the satisfaction for the damages on
both sides. [^Fcedera.l
The like to the warden of the Cinque Ports and the sheriffs of York,
Lincoln, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Southampton,
Somerset, Dorset, Devon and Cornwall, [/iirf.]
July 20. Thomas son of William le Latimer, knight, acknowledges that he owes to
Northampton. William de la Beche, knight, 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk.
July 10. To the prior and convent of Wenlok. Bequest that they will admit into
Northampton, their house the king's serjeaut John de Baskervill in place of Hugh Rydel,
deceased, who had an allowance from their house at the king's request,
and that they will grant him for life by letters patent the same allowance
as Hugh received, certifying the king by the bearer of their proceedings
herein. By K.
July 21. John de Langford and William de Hoo acknowledge that they owe to
Northampton. Hugh de Audele, the younger, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
their lands and chattels in cos. Southampton, Hertford, and Devon.
Simon Plane, who served the king and his father, is sent to the abbot and
convent of St. Albans to receive maintenance in the abbot's hospice of St.
Julian near the town of St. Albans, to wit such as John Giffard, deceased,
lately had there. By K.
Peter son of Henry de la Sale of Hangandhoghton, William de la Beche,
and Nicholas de la Beche, knights, acknowledge that they owe to Simon de
Dryby 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels
in CO. Northampton.
1318. Membrane 3\d — cont.
Enrolment of general release by Agnes, late the wife of Geoffrey de
Brigbtwalton, to Sir Thomas de Folquardby, clerk, saving to her her de-
mand against William Botun for land held by him in Ctiauseye. Witnesses:
Sir William de Hereford, the king's justice. Sir William de Ayremynne,
Sir Henry de Clif, Sir Robert de Askeby, Sir Edmund de Loundres.
Dated at London, 16 June, 11 Edward II. French.
Memorandum, that Agnes came into chancery at Northampton, 21 July,
and acknowledged the aforesaid deed.
July 22. William le Botiller of Werynton acknowledges that he owes to Thomas
Woodstock, de Chaworth, son of William de Chaworth, knight, 360/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in cos. Lancaster, Nottingham,
and Warwick.
Tliomas, abbot of Pippewell, acknowledges that he owes to Roger
Ardyngelli, Francis Balduch', and Dinus Forcetti and their follows, mer-
chants of the society of theBardi of Florence, 100 marks; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
July 20. William de Eampton, yeoman of the king's pantry, who long served
Northampton, the late king, is sent to the abbot and convent of Fershore to receive
for life the same allowance as Richard Fytel had in their house in his life-
Membrane 30d.
July 20. To Thomas, earl of Lancaster. Prorogation of the king's late order to
Northampton, be at York on the morrow of St. James the Apostle with horses and arms,
and all his service, to set out to repress the rebellion of the Scots, until
the morrow of St. Bartholomew. By K.
[Pari. Writs.']
The like to seven earls and eighty others, \_lbid.']
Like prorogation of the order to have their service at York as above to
W. archbishop of York, seventeen bishops, and forty-five abbots, abbesses,
and priors. [_Ibid.']
To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to proclaim the above pro
rogation. By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [^Ibid.']
Aug. 1. James Beauflour of London acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Northampton. Sianhou 50^ ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in the city of London.
Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by John Capon, one of Richard's
Aug. 1. John de Wolverton, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Ralph de
Northampton. Bray 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of hi.s lands and chattels
in CO. Buckingham.
William de Upton puts in his place Thomas de Sancto Omero to seek
and receive in chancery 10/., which Adam atte Legh acknowledged in
chancery that he owed to him.
Au''. 3. Paulinus Peyvre acknowledges that he owes to Master John Walewayn,
Leicester. clerk, 1,000 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Buckingham.
1318, Membrane iOd — cont.
John de Pulton puts in his place John de Crossoby and William de
Ireby to sue and demand seisin of the lands in the king's hands by the
death of Richard de Pulton, who held them by the courtesy of England
after the death of Agnes Muschet, his late wife, mother of Richard son of
Richard de Pulton, father of the aforesaid John, whose heir he is.
Nicholas de Ardern acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Cave
4 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Buckingham.
July 21 . Master Richard Sauser, who served the king and his father, is sent to the
Northampton, abbot and convent of Shirburn in Dorsete to receive for life the like main-
tenance in all things as Richard Beausamis, deceased, received in that
July 20. To J. duke of Britanny and Poitou. Request that he will cause his
Northampton, men, merchants, mariners, and others to be strictly inhibited from attack-
ing in hostile manner the king's men and merchants going to parts beyond
sea or returning thence, as the king understands that merchants and
mariners of the duke's power have prepared many ships of war and fur-
nished them with men-at-arms for the purpose of robbing the king's mer-
chants on the sea. The king has in like manner inhibited his men and
merchants from attacking the duke's men and merchants, and he is
prepared to exhibit justice to the duke's subjects complaining of damages
inflicted tipon them by his subjects. The duke is requested to write back
by the bearer an account of his proceedings. \^Fcede.ra.']
Aug. 1. To the abbot of Citeaux. Request that he will excuse tbe attendance
NorthamptoD. of the abbot of Thame at the next chapter -general at Citeaux, as he is
charged with the prosecution of certain of the king's affairs, which will be
much delayed if he attend the chapter, and that he will send letters patent
to the abbot of Thame in this behalf, and that he will certify the king by
the bearer of his proceedings.
Aug. 16. The prior of Lewes acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he owes
NottiEgham. to Gerard de Chartre and Nicholas Astolf, merchants of Luca,
260 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in
CO. Sussex.
Cancelled on payment.
The prior of Lenton acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he
owes to Vannus Grandon' and his fellows, merchants of the society of the
Spini of Florence, 40/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and
chattels in co. Nottingham.
July 25. Laurence son of Laurence de Preston acknowledges that he owes to
Woodstock. Ralph son of Thomas de Ardern \0l. 2s. Od. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
July 20. To Thomas de Cantebr[ugg]. Order to be at "Westminster on the
Westminster, morrow of St. Peter ad Vincula next to treat with others of the king's
counsel upon his affairs.
The like to :
Master Jordan Morand.
Sir Adam de Egleclive.
Thomas de Luton of Brakele puts in bis place Robert de Roderham,
clerk, to sue in the matter of a recognisance made to him by John
Waldeshef in chancery.
July 20. Hugh son of Hugh de Audele acknowledges that he owes to Ralph
Northampton. Basset of Drayton, knight, 500/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
July 30.
A«g. 3.
Aug. 10.
Membrane ZOd — cont.
his lands and chattels in cos. Lincoln, Rutland, Gloucester, Huntingdon,
and Northampton.
Cancelled on payment.
Juliana de Neweuham ackaowledges that she owes to John de Olneye,
knight, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels
in CO. Warwick.
Joan wife of Thomas de Furnival the younger, one of the daughters and
heiresses of Theobald de Verdon, tenant in chief, puts in her place Henry
Beauveisyn to seek and receive in chancery her purparty of the lands,
kniglits' fees, and advowsons of her father in England and Ireland.
Hugh de Audele, the younger, acknowledges that he owes to Ralph
Basket of Drayton lOOZ. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in cos. Lincoln, Rutland, and Gloucester.
Cancelled on payment.
William de Eyton acknowledges that he owes to Master Thomas de
Cherleton 38 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Salop.
To Hugh le Despenser the younger. Order not to do anything in
breach of the king's peace by reason of the dissensions between him and
his men of Glamorgan, on the one side, and William de Brewosa and his
men of Gower, on the other, and to cause his ministers and men to desist
from so doing. The king has sent like inhibition to William. By K.
Mandates in pursuance to the ministers, knights, free tenants, aud all
others of the land of Glamorgan and of the land of Gower.
Et erant patenles.
To the abbot and convent of Fecamp. Request that they will grant for
life certain land of theirs in the manor of Ecclesden, co. Sussex, to Thomas
and Robert, brothers of William de Loppewell, clerk of John, bishop of
Chichester, to whom they granted it for life at the bishop's request, as
William, who has been promoted to an ecclesiastical benefice by the bishop,
wishes to demise it to his aforesaid brothers, and that they will certify the
king of what they shall do herein.
John Walewayn, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Edmund Bacun,
knight, 200Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in cos. Salop and Stafford.
Cancelled on payment.
Membrane 29d.
July 27. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator this side Trent. Whereas the
"Woodstock, prior of Lewes lately made brother James de Cusancia, his fellow monk,
prior of Preterwelle, as appears by his letters patent addressed to the king, .
and the king took the fealty of James and ordered the temporalities of the
priory to be restored to him ; and afterwards at the suit of brother William
le Avernaz, monk of the order of Cluny, who asserted that he was
canonically instituted prior of the same and that he had been despoiled
thereof by James's procuration, the king ordered Master John Walewayn,
then escheator this side Trent, to cause James to know that he should be
before the king in chancery on the morrow of St. James last to shew cause
why the temporalities of the priory ought not to be restored to VV'iliiam ;
and it is now intimated to the king by the complaint of James that the
eaid William, pending the aforesaid day before the king, entered the priory
1318. Membrane 2Qd — cont.
■with force and arms with a multitude of armed malefactors, and that he
still holds it, wasting the goods of the same> expelling the monks, breaking
open the chests, and usurping to himself the common seal and miinimenta
of the priory, sealing obligations and blank letters therewith at his
pleasure, and commits other enormities, which, if tolerated, would redound
to the subversion of the priory, which is founded of the alms of the king's
progenitors, especially as the temporalities of such a house of the king's
patronage ought not to be delivered to any person or administered without
the king's special order : wherefore the king orders the escheator to proceed
at once to the priory, and to amove therefrom the malefactors aforesaid, and
to take the priory and all appurtenances into the king's hands, and to com-
mit the custody thereof to some one in whom he can confide, and to cause
victuals and other necessaries to be administered to the monks and servitors
of the house from the goods of the same. He is ordered to cause James
and William to know that they shall be before the king in chancery on the
morrow of the Assumption to shew their right, if any, in the priory. If
he find any persons resisting the execution of this order, he is to cause them
to be attached by the sherifE of Essex and committed to prison until
further orders. The king has ordered the sheriff to aid him in this matter.
By K.
Mandate in pursuance to the sheriff of Essex. By K.
Aug. 16. John de la Sausery, who long served the king and his father, is sent to
Clipstone. the prior and convent of Ncwenham to receive his maintenance for life in
place of William Becok, deceased.
By K. on the information of brother Luke de Wodeford.
Aug. 25. To Robert de Kendale, constable of Dover castle and warden of the
Nottingham. Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place in the port of Dover.
Order to cause G. cardinal priest of SS. Marcellinus and Peter, and L.
cardinal deacon of St. Mary's iu Via Lata, returning to the Roman court from
England, whither they came upon certain affairs touching the king and hia
realm, tu have speedy passage in the port of Dover for themselves, their
household, horses, and equipments at their own charge. By K,
Aug. 23. To the sheriS of Nottingham. Order to cause regard to be made in the
Nottingham, forest of Shirewode before St. Luke next, before the comiDg of the justices
of the forest.
[ Capitula.'\
Aug. 25. David Gogh, who long served the king, is sent to the prior and convent
Nottingham, of Wirksop to receive such maintenance as Hugh de Badburgham, deceased,
had in their house by the late king's request. By K,
Walter le Furettour, who long served the king, is sent to the abbot and
convent of Derleye to receive such maintenance in their house as Richard
Charlemayn, deceased, had in their house at the late king's request.
Aug. 25. To the bailiffs of the borough and to the whole community of the town
Nottingham, of Grantham. Order to punish by imprisonment the men of their town
elected by them by virtue of the king's order to cause 40 footmen to be
elected in their town and sent to York by a certain day in order to set out
with the king against the Scots, and to compel them to come in the king's
service, as the king learns that certain of them are rebellious and refuse to
come in the king's service. By K. and C.
IParl. Writs.']
The like to :
The mayor, bailiffs, and whole community of the city of Lincoln, with-
out mentioning the number.
The mayor, bailitfs, and whole community of the town of Kottingbaw
for 40 footmen. [/6(<£.]
7641S. »
Aug. 29.
Aug. 25.
Aug. 29.
Sept. L
Sept. 3.
Sept. 13.
Sept. 8.
Sept. 14.
Membrane 29d — cont.
Richard son of William de Kuapton acknowledges that he owes to
Robert son of William le Vavassour 200^. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
To Robert, king of Sicily. Request that he will promote the king's
business in the Roman court with the pope and others, and that he will
give audience to the king's clerk Master Aymericus Guirardi, archdeacon
of Elne (Mnen'), in this behalf.
Henry de Waterfal, parson of the church of Malteby, acknowledges
that he owes to Richard de Estfeld of Tikehull and Simon de Stirap
17 marks 10*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
William Scot and William de Herlaston, parson of the church of Ibstock,
diocese of Lincoln, acknowledge that they owe to Adam de Brom, clerk,
20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in
cos. York and Lincoln.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Kirvesale acknowledges that he owes to William de Thornetoft,
clerk, 9 marks 5s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Nottingham.
William de Cressy the son puts in his place Roger de Shirburn, clerk, to
seek and receive 200/. in chancery from the tenants of the lands that
belonged to William de Cressy of Hoddesak, deceased, on the day when the
deceased acknowledged the above sum to William the son in the late king's
William flz Waryn came before the king, on Wednesday after the
Nativity of St. Mary, and sought to replevy to Peter fiz Waryn the said
Peter's laud in Westbury, taken into the king's hands for his default before
the justices of the Bench against Thomas, prior of Monkton Farlegh. This
is signified to the justices.
William le Premon of Marchimleye acknowledges that he owes to
Robert de Marchimleye, clerk, 46i. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Salop.
Enrolment of release by Galiana, late the wife of Stephen de Higeley, to
John son of Ralph de Yerdhill of her right in a messuage, 8 acies of land
and an acre of meadow in Yerdhill. Dated at York, 13 September,
12 Edward II. Witnesses : Thomas de Bauraburgh, Roger de Wytewode,
John Archer, John Galon, Adam Sharp of WoUovr', and Thomas son of
Matilda of the same.
Memorandum, that Galiana came into chancery at York, on the said day,
and acknowledged the above deed.
To Henry le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the king.
Older to be at York in person in the octaves of Michaelmas with the rolls,
records, and processes touching pleas pending before the king, in order to
hold such pleas thej'e. By K.
William Scot acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Bardelby, clerk,
10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Adam le Clerk of Lenne puts in his place William de Pyckeworth to levy,
recover, and receive from Henry de Rikelynghous and the men of Lubyk,
Strillessond {sic), and Grippeswold 300^, and to prosecute against the men
of Flanders and to recover and receive from them 288/., in the king's
court and elsewhere within the realm, as if Adam himself were present.
12 EDWARD II. 99
1318. Membrane 29d — cont.
Sept. 21. Master Simon de Trosk (sic) le Masoa acknowledges that he owes to
York. William de Thorntoft, clerk, 60s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. York.
Roger de Stocke acknowledges that he owes to John Gifiard of Wone-
warstowe 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Wilts.
Cancelled on payment.
Henry de Ridford acknowledges that he owes to John de Yordeburgh
60 marks 10*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Lincoln.
Nicholas Fraunceys of Wyrdlyngton acknowledges that he owes to
Robert de Walkefare 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Cambridge.
William le Frend of Sutton acknowledges that he owes to John Russel
of Bradenestok lOOZ. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Wilts.
Richard Byron of Cadenay, knight, acknowledges that he owes to the
prior of Newstead on Ancoln 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his land and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Peter, prior of the monks of Theford, puts in his place brother Henry de
Brom, his fellow-monk, or William de Theford Wei or Thomas de Wytenden,
to shew on his behalf in chancery acquittances to the amount of 200/., in
which sum the prior was indebted to Master Berengar de Sancto Quiliano
by recognisance made in chancery.
Membrane 28d.
Aug. 25. To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Summons to attend a parliament at
Nottingham. York in three weeks from Michaelmas. By K. and C.
[Pari. Writs.]
The like to W. archbishop of York, A. archbishop of Dublin, and seven-
teen bishops, ilbid-l
The like to the bishop of Bath and Wells. [lAid.]
To the abbot of St. Augustine's Canterbury. Summons to attend the
above parliament. [Ibid.]
The like to forty-three abbots and priors, the prior of St. John's Hospital,
and the master of the order of Sempyngham. [Ibid.]
To Thomas, earl of Lancaster. Summons to attend the above parliament.
The like to eight earls and eighty-four others. [Ibid.]
The like to Master Robert de Pikeryng', dean of York, Master John
Walewayn, the king's treasurer, the escheators on both sides of the Trent,
and to twenty-one others. [Ibid.]
To the sheriff of Essex and Hertford. Order to cause two knights to be
elected from each county, two citizens from each city, and two burgesses
from each borough in his bailiwick, and to cause them to attend the above
parliament. [Ibid.']
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.]
Sept. 20. To the master and brethren and sisters of the hospital of Neutou in
York. Holdernesse. Order to admit into the hospital Cassandra, late the wife of
Walter de Ros, and to provide her with maintenance for life according to
the requirements of her estate, making her letters patent granting the sama
Q 2
1318. Membrane 28d — cont.
to Iier under their common seal, as the king wishes to provide her with
suitable maintenance on account of her husband's service to the late king
in Gascony and to the king in Scotland and in garrison of the town of
Berwick-on-Tweed, where he was beheaded by the Scotch rebels because
he would not adhere to them against the king.
By K. on the information of Master Thomas de Cherleton.
Membrane 27d.
Sept. 23, Robert de Maneres of Stitlom acknowledges that he owes to Giles son of
York. John de Ferlington, knight, 1,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. York.
John de Rythre acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Birkyng',
executor of the will of Master Richard de Beverlaco, sometime parson of
the church of Broghton -in-Craven, 8 marks ; to be levied, in default of
paj-ment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
John de Legh acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey de Bynghara 30A ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Notting-
Geoffrey de Byngham acknowledges that he owes to Richard son of Ralph
de Byngham 400/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Nottingham.
Edmund son of Adam de Ripplyngham acknowledges that he owes to
Thomas de Ousthorp 4 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co, York.
Sept. 24. To the bailiffs and men of Great Yarmouth. Prohibition of their in-
York. flioting damage or wrong upon the men of Little Yarmouth and Gorleston,
or doing anything in disturbance of the king's peace, as the king is given to
understand that they are preparing to enter the said towns by armed force
on account of the disputes between the men of those towns.
The like to the bailiffs and men of the towns of Little Yarmouth and
To the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order to inhibit the men of
Great Yarmouth and of Little Yarmouth and Gorleston from inflicting
damage upon one another.
Sept. 26. David Gouch, who served the king and his father, is sent to the abbot
York. and convent of Maynan near Coneway in Wales to receive the necessaries
of life. By K.
Hugh Trufle, who served the king and his father, is sent to the rector of
Assherigge in place of Reginald le Clerk, deceased, to receive such main-
tenance as Reginald had in the same {sic).
Sept. 26. John atte Grene of Layseby came before the king, on Tuesday after St.
York. Matthew, and sought to replevy the manor of Bronfeld belonging to him,
his wife Margery, Herbert de Flynton and Cicely his wife, Isabella daughter
of Walter de la Lynde, and Amice her (ejus) sister, taken into the king's
hands for their default before the justices of the Bench. This is signified
to the justices.
Oct. 1. Master Thomas son of Richard son of Simon de Suthflet acknowledges
York. that he owes to Walter de Fynchyngfeld 80 marks ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent.
12 EDWARD II. 101
1318. Membrane 27«? — cont.
William Je Castello acknowledges that he owes to Brian de Herdeby
100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Lincoln.
William son of William de Sengham of Grantesete acknowledges that lie
owes to Richard son of John de Kymberle of Cantebrigg' 100 marks ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Cambridge.
Sept. 29. Elizabeth de Wygeton acknowledges that she owes to Walter son of
York. Richard de Kirkebride, knight, 1,000 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of her lands and chattels in co. Cumberland.
John de Coston, prebendary of Welynton, in the church of Hereford,
acknowledges that he owes to William de Thorntoft, clerk, 20s. 4d. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hereford.
■ Anna, one of the sisters and co-heiresses of Richard Loveday, tenant in
—— chief, whom Richard Hakoun married, and Katherine, the second sister,
whom Roger de Tychebourn married, put in their places Roger de Tyche-
bourn and John Balle to seek and receive their purparties of the lands,
knights' fees, and advowsons of churches of their said brother.
Roger de Stocke acknowledges that he owes to John Giffard of Wone
Warstowe 12/. ; to be levied, in defaulc of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Wilts.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Foston and Adam de Polles acknowledge that they owe to
Adam de Pannebury 4.1. Qs. 8d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
tbeir lands and chattels in co. York.
Alan, abbot of St. Mary's York, acknowledges, for himself and convent,
that he owes to Roger Ardingelli and his fellows, merchants of the society
of the Bardi of Florence, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their
lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on •payment, acknowledged hy Guide Theathaldi, attorney of
the said merchants.
Oct. 2. Marmaduke de Tweng, Robert son of William le Conestable of Flayn-
Tork. burgh, and William de Eodestan acknowledge that they owe to Roger de
Seleby of York 200 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their
lands and chattels in co. York.
Robert do Hilton, Thomas de Bolton, Walter de Kelk, and John Baron,
executors of the will of Ralph son of William, acknowledge that they owe
to Roger de Mansergh 100.?. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
lands and chattels in co. York.
Oct. 2. To L. bishop of Durham. Request that he will admit Joan, late the
Tork. wife of John de la Chaumbre, into his hospital of Shirburn, and cause her
to have her maintenance in all things therein for life, and to cause letters
patent granting the same to her to be made under the hospital seal, as the
king wishes to provide her with maintenance, in consideration of the good
service of her husband in Scotland, especially as he was slain by the Scotch
rebels whilst defending the castle of Berwick-on-Tweed against them.
By K.
Oct. 4. John Roland of Guthmundham acknowledges that he owes to Ralph de
York. Stoke, clerk, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of paymsnt, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
John son of Robert de Cotes of Raveneserodde came before the king, on
Wednesday after Michaelmas, and sought to replevy hia land in Ravenesor-
1318. Membrane 2Td — cont.
odde, taken into tlie king's hands for his default before the justices of the
Bench against Roger Hurtequarter and Alice his wife. This is signified to
the justices.
Membrane 2Qd.
Oct. 5. Robert le Conestable of Flaynburgh acknowledges that he owes to
York. Nicholas Flemmyng, citizen of York, 62?. 5*. Hd. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Hugh son of Ralph de Dryby of Lavyngton acknowledges that he owes
to John de Wolyngham (sic), parson of the church of Styandeby, 25 marks
6^. Sd. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Oct. 6. John Paynel of Botheby acknowledges that he owes to John de Wokyng-
York. ham {sic), parson of the church of Styenby, executor of the will of Master
Robert Luterel, late parson of the church of Irneham, and his co-executors
90 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Lincoln.
Thomas de Veer, son of the earl of Oxford, acknowledges that he owes to
Robert de Kendale 55 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Oxford.
Sept. 30. Robert Elewyn and Sarah his wife and Richard de Chestre came before
York. the king, on Saturday after Michaelmas, and sought to replevy their land in
Fynmer, taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of
the Bench against Cicely, late the wife of William de Lyllyng'. This is
signified to the justices.
Sept. 28. To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to warn Andrew de Hartcla to
York. appear in person before the king and his council in parliament at York in
a month from Michaelmas to treat with the king of certain matters, and to
enjoin him on the king's behalf not to deliver or eloign without special
order the hostages in his custody for John de Murreth and Robert Barde.
By K. and C.
The like to the sheriff of Westmoreland.
Oct. 9. Reymund son of Alexander de Tykyngkote of Stauuford acknowledges
York. that he owes to Henry de Staunton 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. — The chancellor received
the acknowledgment.
Thomas son of Roger de Kyrdyn acknowledges that he owes to Robert
de Clayton 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Lancaster. — The chancellor received the acknowledg-
Oct. 9. Agnes, late the wife of John le Fevre, came before the king, on Monday
York. the feast of St. Denis, and sought to replevy her land in Seleby, taken into
the king's hands for her default before the justices of the Bench against
William Aundel. This is signified to the justices.
Oct. 7. To Philip, king of France and Navarre. Letter signifying to him that
York. the mayor and sheriffs of London arrested the following goods of certain
merchants of Amiens and Rouen, to the value of 197/. 8«. 2d. sterling, by
virtue of the king's orders to arrest goods of the men and merchants of the
power of the king of France, and delivered the same to certain of the king's
merchants of the city of London in part satisfaction of their damages, before
the king caused such arrests to be suspended until All Saints next, by
which time the king of France has promised to make satisfaction to the
Oct. 7.
1318. Membrane 2Qd — cont.
king's merchants : goods of James Fruzel of Amiens to the value of
68/. 13*. Qd. ; goods of John Malyn of Amiens to the value of 89/. 12*. 6c?. ;
goods of Luke Lostiller of Amiens to the value of 72*. %d. ; goods of
Nicholas Eussinol of Amicus to the value of 20*. ; goods of Firmin de Vil-
lers of Amiens to the value of 30s. ; goods of Unricus le Manner of Amiens
to the value of 10/. sterling ; goods of John Kau . . un of Rouen to tlie
value of 4/. ; goods of Roger Fosse to the value of 19/. As the mayor and
sheriffs were unable to restore the said goods to the merchants of the king
of France, the king notifies him concerning the same, so that their value
may be deducted from the 2,000/. due to the king's merchants aforesaid.
To the abbot and convent of St. Augustine, Canterbury, sub-collectors in
the diocese of Canterbury of the tenth for one year imposed upon the clergy
by the pope for the king's use. Order to certify the king in his next parlia-
ment at York in three weeks from Michaelmas next of what sums they have
paid out of the first term of payment of the said tenth, and to whom, and by
what warrant, and in what manner.
The like to the following sub-collectors :
The abbot and convent of Glastonbury, sub-collectors in the diocese of
Bath and Wells.
The prior and convent of Worcester, sub-collectors in the diocese of
The dean and chapter of St. Ethelbert, Hereford, sub-coUectora in that
The prior and convent of Burton-on-Trent, sub-collectors in the diocese
of Coventry and Lichfield.
The prior and convent of Llanthony, near Gloucester, sub-collectors in
the diocese of St. Davids.
The sub-collector in the diocese of Exeter.
The abbot and convent of Tyntern in the diocese of LlandafE.
The bishop of Bangor, collector in his diocese.
The prior and convent of Vallis Crucis.
The ibbot and convent of St. Mary's York,] ,,,. , ,.
1 he abbot and convent ot oeleby, > fv t
The prior and convent of Thurgerton, J
The prior and convent of Durham, sub-collectors in the diocese of
Memorandum, that J. bishop of Ely, the chancellor, on Wednesday after
St. Denis, to wit 11 October, upon setting out by the king's licence from
York to Beverley, delivered the great seal under his seal by the king's
order in St. Mary's Abbey, York, to Sir William de Ayremynne, keeper of
tlie rolls of chancery, to do therewith what pertained thereto, and to keep
it under the seals of Sir Geofirey de Welleford and Sir William de
Horlaston until the chancellor's return ; which William [de Ayremynne]
opened the seal in the abbey church at the third hour of the same day in
the presence of Geoffrey and William, and other clerks of the chancery, and
sealed writs therewith, and the seal remained after such sealing in William's
custody under the seals of Geoffrey and William.
Oct. 13. John de Ferlyngton, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de
Burstirick. Ellerker, the elder, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his landa
and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment,
Robert de Maners of Stitnom, the elder, acknowledges that he owes to
John de Ferlyngton, knight, 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Oct. 15. Geoffrey le Littestere came before the king, on Sunday the feast of
Barstwick. St. Wulfram, and sought t» replevy the land of himself and his wife
Oct. 17.
Oct. 16.
Membrane 26d — cont.
Beatrice in Wycleve and Girlyrton, taken into the king's hands for their
default before tlie justices of the Bench against Walter de Stapelton and
Anabilla his wife. This is signified to the justices.
John de Ileslarton and Gerard Salvayn acknowledge that they owe to
William le Latymer, lord of Scamston, 100 marks ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on ■payment.
Emma, late the wife of Henry Attedenes of Hundmanby, came before
the king on Tuesday after St. Wolfram, and sought to replevy her land in
Hundmanby, taken into the king's hands for her default before the justices
of the Bench against Ralph Fauvel of Scoter. This is signified to the
William de Ros of Ingmanthorp acknowledges that he owes to Alan de
Leaume 40/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
Membrane 25d.
Oct 25. Marmaduke de Tweng and Robert le Conestable, knights, acknowledge
York. that they owe to Nicholas de Coloyne and Richard de Huntyngdon,
merchants of York, 50/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands
and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
William de Briggate acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Bardelby,
clerk, 37 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Norfolk.
Thomas le Agguiller of York acknowledges that he owes to Henry le
Garligmonger of Norhampton 61/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. York. — The chancellor received the acknow-
Oct. 25. Simon, abbot of Seleby, acknowledges, for himself and his convent, that
York. he owes to William Arnaldi de Portau, John Cosyn, and Gaillard de
Sussoun, merchants of Gascony, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Alan le Seigneur of Walton acknowledges that he owes to Ralph de
Wygynton 201. ; to be levied in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Robert son of William le Conestable of Flaynburgh acknowledges that he
owes to Eleanor, late the wife of Henry de Percy, 20/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Oct. 29. John Haclut acknowledges that he owes to John Pecok, the elder, 40Z. ;
York. to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Lincoln
and Leicester. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
The abbot of Bievaux {RievaW) acknowledges, for himself and his
convent, that he owes to Walter de Bakehous of Stokesleye and Margaret
his wife 450 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and
chattels in co. York,
Cancelled on payment.
Gilbert de Aton, knight, acknowledges that
Flemyng of York and John de Stokesleye 200Z. ;
ji^yment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
he owes to Nicholas le
to be levied, iu default of
12 EDWARD 11. 106
1318. Membrane 25d — conf.
Ralph le Bloghere of Norwich acknowledges that he owes to Robert
de "Westle 30s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Norfolk.
Thomas de Furnivall, the younger, ackoowledges that he owes to Giles
Pecche 25 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Stafford.
Alexander de Ribbeton came before the king, on Sunday after SS. Simon
and Jude, and sought to replevy to John de Ughtrethsat his land in Plom-
land, taken into the king's hands for John's default before the justices of
the Bench against Walter de Plumland.
Adam de Swylynton acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Thorp
and Alice his wife 9 marks 4s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Botetourt and Constantino Mortimer acknowledge that they owe
to John de Claveryng 15i. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their
lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk. — The chancellor received the
Thomas de Jernemutli of Lenne acknowledges that he owes to William
de Whetacr' of Lenne 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Norfolk.
Nov. 4. Peter Breton, Robert Breton, William de Paunton, and Walter de
York. Toutheby acknowledge that they owe to Thomas de Bekeriug', knight,
140 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels
in CO. Lincoln.
Philip de Somervill acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Everyngham
4 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Stafford. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Nicholas de Segrave puts in his place Thomas de Kiselyngbury to sue the
execution of a recognisance made to him by John Abel, knight, for
85/. 7*. Od.
Kobert de la Lee of Reyndon acknowledges that he owes to Walter de
Fynchyugfeld 22/. Qs. 8d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
Nov. 6. Henry de Bosco, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Roger Damory
York. 46/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
John de Claveryng, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Robert de
Bardelby, clerk, 100«. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk.
Walter de Twynham, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Henry de
Thrclkeld 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Westmoreland.
Nov. 8. John Darcy came before the king, on Wednesday after St. Leonard last,
York. and sought to replevy his land in Walkryngham, taken into the king's hands
for his default before the justices of the Bench against Beatrice, late the
wife of John Damyot. This is signified to the justices.
Peter Breton acknowledges that he owes to Robert Breton, knight,
2,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Lincoln. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
1318. Membrane 25d — cont.
John de Scargill acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Tbrelkeld
5 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
Nov. 10. William Thornene of Snaynton acknowledges that he owes to Ralph de
York. Neville 10^. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
John son of William de Rouclyf, clerk, ackno';rledges that he owes to
Thomas de Sibethorp, clerk, 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of hia
lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Richard de Thorp near Newerk acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas
le Flemyng of York 8 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Nottingham.
Memorandum, that whereas Sir William de Thorntoft, keeper of the
hanaper of chancery, on 16 November, was absolved from that office by the
king and licensed to return home, the king, on the same day, appointed tlohn
de EUerker, the elder, keeper of the hanaper in the same manner as others
have had the office, and granted that he should in no wise be amoved fiom
office during good-behaviour; which John, at the hour of vespers on ihe
same day, took oath of office in the chamber of the bishop cf Ely, the
chancellor, in St. Mary's abbey, York, before the chancellor in the presence
of William de Ayremynne, keeper of the rolls of chancery, and of the said
William de Thorntoft, and of others.
Membrane 24d.
Nov. 11. William de Wyddeslade puts in his place John Waldeshef to sue in
York. chancery the matter of an arrest against William le Rede, Hermann le
Skippere, Henry de Bevre, John Safran, John le White, Conrad le Sw^rt,
and their fellows, merchants of Almain, concerning a trespass committed
upon him by certain men of Almain, and to reeeive restitution and satisfac-
tion for his damages if the arrest happen to be adjudged.
John de Olneye puts in his place John de Sancto Paulo to sue the matter
of a recognisauee for 201. made in chancery by Juliana, late the wife of
Philip de Newenham.
Nov. IL John, abbot of Salley, acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he owes
York. to William de Ayremynne, clerk, 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert de Colville and John Bygot acknowledge that they owe to
William le Latymer, lord of Scamston, 251. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Brother Reginald, prior of Gromond, and William de Lenne acknowledge
that they owe to Robert de Colvylle and John Bygot, knights, 251. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
The prior of Montacute acknowledges, for himself and his convent,
that he owes to William Person, ' Lumbard,' and Cambinus Fuiberti, 201. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co.
Cancelled on payment.
1318. Membrane 24:d — cont.
The prior of Bridelyngton acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he
owes to Robert de Cotingham, clerk, lOZ. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Nov. 12. Amice, late the wife of William Wyrok of Suthtlirop, came before the king,
York. on Sunday after Martinmas, and sought to replevy her land in Suththorp near
Hornse, taken into the king's hands for her default before the justices of
the Bench against Alan de Suththorp, chaplain. This is signified to the
William son of Roger de Morteyn, knight, acknowledges that he owes
to Ralph de Crophull, knight, 600/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Nott ngham.
William de Thorntoft, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to John, bishop
of Winchester, 70/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his landa
and chattels in cos. York and Worcester.
Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by John de Cokermuth and
John de Heyden, clerk, executors of the bishop's will.
Nov. 12. Peter de Acclum acknowledges that he owes to William le Latymer,
York. knight, 6 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and
chattels in co. York.
William Trussel, knight, and John de Nevill of Stoke acknowledge that
they owe to William Gerberge, son of Thomas Gerberge, knight,
106/. 13i. 4d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and
chattels in cos. Leicester and Lincoln.
Adam Carbonel of Radeclive acknowledges tliat he owes to Geoffrey de
Mildenhale 100*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Nottingham.
Thomas de Colevill and Peter de Acklom acknowledge that they owe
to William le Latymer, knight, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
' Robert Petit of Suthmuskham and Adam de Coshale put in their place
— — William de Creyk, clerk, to prosecute the matter of a recognisance made
by them to Adam de Middelton against the executors of the said Adam.
Richard de Greystok acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Cleyton
22 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Lancaster.
John de Ros of Tidde acknowledges that he owes to John de
Heselarton, James de Houton, Alan de Weybrede, and William de
Brakenholm, executors of the will of William de Ros of Hamelak, 40 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Ralph de Sandbache, dean of Holand, acknowledges that he owes to
Robert de Cliderhou, clerk, 48 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Lancaster.
William son of William de Vescy of Neusom acknowledges that he owes
to William son of Nicholas de Clif 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northumberland. — The chancellor
received the acknowledgment.
Roger ' in the Garth ' of EUerker acknowledges that he owes to
John, bishop of Ely, 25 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in eo. York.
Cancelled on payment.
1318. 3Iembrane 24d — cont.
Thomas Daunny and Alexander de Wyndesore acknowledge that they
owe to the abbot of St. Mary's York lOZ. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of their lands and chattels in co. Westmoreland.
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made in his
county [court] and in the town of Wartre and other neighbouring market
towns that no person shall come with merchandise or other goods for sale
to the manor of Wartre on the eve, day, and morrow of St. James the
Apostle, or to buy goods there, or exercise any merchandise there, under
pain of forfeiture of the goods for sale brought thither, as the prior and
convent of Wartre have renounced before the king and his council in the
present parliament at York a certain fair to be held at their manor of
Wartre on the aforesaid days, which fair was granted to them by the
charter of King Henry the king's progenitor, as appears by their letters
patent sealed with their common seal remaining in chancery.
Enrolmeni of letters of the sub-prior and convent of Wartre confirming
the petition she\iu to the king and his council by brother William de
Wellewyk, their prior, with the consent of (heir chapter, praying that they
might renounce I heir right in the above fair and that the king would re-
voke and abolish the fair on account of the homicides and other enormities
perpetrated therein yearly. They request the king to consent to the peti-
tion. Undated.
Nov. 16. To the prior of St. Katherine's without Lincoln, commissary in the
York. diocese of Lincoln of Master Rigaud de Asser[io], canon of Orleans, nuncio
of the pope. Order to supersede entirely the exaction of a year's fruit of
priories in that bishopric when (hey happen to be void by pre(cxt of
Rigaud's commission to him, and to revoke any sentences made by him on
this account, and to restore anything that may have been collected or levied
by him or his ministers in this behalf, grievous complaint having been made
by the earls, barons, and magnates of the realm in parliament at York that he
exacts a year's fruits or the value thereof upon voidance from the priories
of their patronage, the custody whereof pertains to them in time of void-
ance ; for which they have prayed the king to provide a remedy ; where-
fore the king, after deliberation with his council, issues this order, because
it is found that the exaction redounds not only to the prejudice of the pat-
rons, but also to the depression and wasting of their priories, especially as
the burdens incumbent upon the priories do not cease during voidance,
such as divine services, hospitality, alms, and other works of charity, which
could not be continued if the prior collected such fruits.
By K. and the whole C.
The like to the abbot of Evesham, commissary of the said Rigaud in the
bishopric of Worcester.
Membrane 23d.
Kov. 16. Stephen de Hasthorp, vicar of the church of Barton-on-Humbre,
York. diocese of Lincoln, acknowledges that he owes to Master Robert de
Ripplingham 15/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels and ecclesiastical goods in the county and diocese of Lincoln.
John de Asshelegh acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Evesham,
clerk, and John de Burgh, clerk, 2C0/. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Devon.
William de Ros of Ingmanthorp acknowledges that he owes to Vannus
Bellard, merchant of Lucca {Luk'), 301. ; to be levied, in default; of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. — The chancellor received the
12 EDWARD II. 109
1318. Membrane 2Zd — cont.
Hugh de Tildeslegh acknowledges that he owes to Margaret, late the
■wife of Henry de Wcrkelegh, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Lancaster.
Nov. ] 9. Thomas de Tolfhorp, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de
York. Plaiz, knight, 400 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
William de Ros of Ingmanthorp acknowledges that he owes to Gerard
Salveyn 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
Gerard Salveyn acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Barston and
Joan his wife 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Ingelram Bernger acknowledges that he owes to Stephen de Segrave
20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in
CO. Wilts.
William de Plaici.', knight, and Robert de Bukton acknowledge that they
ewe to John de Barton, knight, 400/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Nov. 21. Geoffrey le Botyller came before the king, on Tuesday after St. Edmund,
York. and .sought to replevy the land of himself and his wife Margery in Bothura
near York, taken into the king's hand.s for their default before the justices
of the Bench against Alice, late the wife of Richard de Bouthum. This is
signified to the justices.
William de Thorntoft, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to William de
Ayremynn, clerk, 10/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Roger de Northburgh, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Robert
de Banlelby, clerk, 6 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled om payment.
Peter de Uvedale, knight, acknowledses that he owes to John de Hesel-
arton, parson of the church of Stapelford Tany, 53s. 4c?. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Essex, Suffolk, and
Thomas Sherewynd and Peter de Bradefeld acknowledge that they owe
to Alexander Talyfer 4/. Qs. Od. : to be levied, in default of payment, of
their lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk.
Richard de Albo Monasterio of Barneby-on-Done acknowledges that he
owes to Adam le Ferrour of London 6/. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Stephen son of William de Blaktoft acknowledges that he owes to John,
bishop of Ely, 12/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Nov. 23. Roger Damory acknowledges that he owes to Thomas, earl of Lancaster,
York. 906 marks 7s. 4d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Essex.
Cancelled on payment, acknowledged before Sir John de Merton,
ipecially tent by the chancellor for this purpose.
1318. Membrane 23d — cont.
Hugh Daudele, the younger, acknowledges that he owes to Thomas, earl
of Lancaster, 1,229 marks 6s. Qd. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Kent.
William de Monte Acuto acknowledges that he owes to Thomas, earl of
Lancaster, 413 marks 4^. Od. ; to he levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Somerset.
Adam de Bykirstath acknowledges that he owes to Henry de AsphuU 10/.;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Simon de Waldeby acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Sancto
Audoeno 96/. ; to be levied, in dei'ault of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
Robert de Farnylowe acknowledges that he owes to John de Fandonne
12 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels iu
CO. Northumberland.
Robert de Sandale acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Lascy
200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
Enrolment of grant by Richard son of Richard de Buttrewyk to John
son of Robert de Brampton of Netherdunsford and Alice his wife of their
chief messuage in the town and territory of Netherdunsford, with all the
marsh of his turbary and appurtenances in Brampton, which he had of
John's gift by charter of feoffment. Witnesses : Richard de Lofthouses,
Richard Warde, John atte Church (ad Ecclesiam), Ralph de Marre of
Quixelay, John de Kyghelay, Simon de Overdunsford, Thomas de Dodde-
ker of Grafton. Dated at Netherdunsford, on Friday after the Invention of
the Holy Cross, 1316.
Nov. 25. Henry de la Pomeray acknowledges that he owes to John de Galmeton
York. 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Devon.
Harsculphus de Whitewell acknowledges that he owes to Edmund de Neyr-
ford 20/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Rutland.
Note of payment of 10/., acknowledged by Ed. de Brisingham,
attorney [of the said jEdmund~\.
Nov. 22. The sheriff of York. Order to cause two citizens from each city and two
York. burgesses from each borough, discreet merchants, in his bailiwick to come
to London in the octaves of St. Hilary, to treat with John de Cherleton,
citizen of London, mayor of the merchants of this realm, and with other
merchants concerning the holding of the staple of wool in Flanders and
other matters touching the merchanis of this realm, as the king wishes to
have conference concerning these matters by discreet merchants of the
realm, for which purpose he has enjoined the said John, who is fully in-
formed of the matters aforesaid by the king's council, to bo at London on
the aforesaid octaves to inform the merchants of the above matters and to
treat with them concerning the same. By C.
[^Fcedera; Pari. Writs.']
The like to all the sheriffs of England. \_Ibid.'\
Nov. 23. To the same. Order to cause proclamation to be made forbidding any-
York. one injuring or aggrieving men, merchants, or others of Flanders, or arrest-
ing their goods this side the feast of the Assumption, as the king, on
account of the treaty in progress between him and R. count of Flanders for
the reformation of damages inflicted by their subjects upon each other, has
received all merchants and others of the count's power into his protection iu
1318. Membrane 23rf — cont.
coming into this realm with their goods and merchandise, staying therein,
and returning thence, and has caused letters patent to be made in their
favour to last until the Assumption. \_Fosdera.'\
The like lo the following :'
The sheriii' of Northumberland.
The sherifiF of Cumberland.
The sherifE of Lancaster.
The sheriff of Lincoln.
The sheriff of Norfolk and SufEolk.
The sherifE of "Essex and Hertford.
The sheriffs of London.
The sheriff of Kent.
The sheriff of Sussex and Surrey.
The sheriff of Southampton.
The sheriff of Somerset and Dorset.
The sheriff of Cornwall.
The sheriff of Devon.
The sheriff of Gloucester. [TSic?.]
Boger Dubel of Bungeye acknowledges that he owes to Master William
de Bella Fago, clerk, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk.
Nov. 27. Simon Ward of Gyvendale and Walter de Haukesworth acknowledge that
York. they owe to John de Either 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
their lands and chattels in co. Yoi'k. — The chancellor received the recog-
Cancelled on payment.
Robert son of William le Vavasour, knight, acknowledges that he owes to
William de Sothill, clerk, .55/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Note of payment of 61. 3s. id.
Robert de Barton acknowledges that he owes to Master Henry de Clif,
100*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Westmoreland.
John, bishop of Bath and Wells, acknowledges that he owes to William
le Latymer, knight, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Somerset.
William Gower of Stitlom acknowledges that he owes to John son of
Walter de Stokesleye 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Nov. 28. Henry son of Hugh acknowledges that he owes to John de Merkyngfeld,
York. clerk, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
Thomas de Fournivall, the younger, acknowledges that he owes to
William de Monte Acuto 36/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Roger son of William de Blaketoft and Thomas Page of Blaketoft ac-
knowledge that they owe to John, bishop of Ely, 12 marks ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
William Arnaldi de Portau, John del Cosyn, and Geoffrey de Visson,
merchants of Gascony, put in their places Garcias de Lubynhon to prose-
cute the matter of a recognisance for 200/. made to them by Simon, abbot of
1318. Membrane 23d — cont.
John de Burgh acknowledges that he owes to Hawisia de Mar
11 marks Qs. 8d.: to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Cambridge.
Cancelled on payment.
Nov. 30. John de Scotre, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Clayton
York. 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Lincoln.
Membrane 22d.
Dec. 1. To the abbot of St. Augustine's Canterbury. Request that he will meet
York. the archbishop of Canterbury at London on the morrow of the Purification
to treat and consent to a subsidy to the king for the Scotch war, the pre-
lates of the province of Canterbury having excused themselves from making
such subsidy in the parliament at York on account of the archbishop's
absence ; for which reason the king has requested the archbisliop to convoke
the prelates and clergy of his province at the above date. By K.
[rarl. Writs.']
The like to the abbots of St. Edmunds, Waltham, Westminstei", St.
Albans, Evesham, the prior of St. John's Hospital, and the master of the
order of Sempingham. \_lbid.'\
Nov. 25. To Robert, count of Flanders. Request that he will cause restitution or
York. satisfaction to be made, according to the treaty between him and the king,
to Robert son of Ralph de Burton Stathre for 9 serplors of wool of Lynds-
eye, price 90/. sterling, and 10/. sterling in money, laden by him at Kynge-
ston-on-Huil in certain ships of William Peterson and Peter Bellard for the
purpose of carrying the same to Flanders to trade there with the same,
which certain malefactors of the count's dominion took and carried away by
force and arms on the sea-coast between Ravenes[ere] and Great Yarmoutli,
the count having failed to do justice to the said merchant although he
delivered tlie king's letters to him praying him to do so, as appears by the
testimony of men and merchants of the community of Kyngeston sworn
and examined in this behalf made to the king undei' the seal of the com-
Be it remembered that whereas lately certain prelates, earls, and barons
•went, by the king's will and the assent of many great men and others of his
council then at Norliampton, to the earl of Lancaster to treat with him
upon the profit and honour of the king and his realm, when it was con-
cluded between the aforesaid . prelates, earls, and barons and the earl of
Lancaster that the bishops, earls, and barons should remnin with the king
unlil his next parliament to counsel him in the affairs touching him, and of
this and other matters an indenture was made to this effect : ' Indenture
witnessing how the arclibishop of Dublin, the bishops of Norwich, Ely, and
Chichester, the eails of Pembroke and Arundel, Sir Roger de Mortimer, Sir
John Somery, Sir Bartholomew de Badleamere, Sir Ralph Basset, and Sir
John Botetourt have, with the king's will and assent, spoken with the earl
of Ijancaster upon matters touching the profit of the king and realm in ihis
form, that is to say, that the bishops of Norwich, Chichester, Ely,
Salisbury, St. Davids, Carlisle, Hereford, and Worcester, the earls of Pem-
broke, Richmond, Hereford, and Arundel, Sir Hugh de Courteny, Sir
Roger de Mortimer, Sir John de Segrave, Sir John de Grey, and one of
the bannerets of the earl of Lancaster, to be named by him, shall remain
■with the king for a quarter [of a year] until his next parliament, so that at
least two of the bishops, one of the earls, one of the barons, and one of the
earl'e bannerets Bball constantly remain near the king, and that matters of
1318. Membrane 22d — cont.
charge that can and ouglit to be done without parliament shall be done by
their assent, and if done otherwise, they are to be annulled and redressed iu
parliament by award of the peers ; and all suitable matters shall be re-
dressed by them ; and at the parliament persons shall be chosen from them and
from others who ought to be with the liing by quarters, as they shall be chosen
and assigned in parliament, to act and counsel the king in form aforesaid.
And the above prelates, earls, and barons, with the will and assent of the
king, have undertaken that the king shall make to the earl of Lancaster and
his men and their retinues {meignees) release and acquittance of all manner
of felonies and trespasses against his peace until the day of St. James in
this year, and that the charters of release and acquittance shall be simple
and without condition, and that if better security for them may be found, it
shall be made to them at the next parliament and there affirmed before the
king and his baronage. The earl of Lancaster has granted that he will
make release and acquittance to all those adhering to the king who shall
demand the same for what pertains to him for trespass against his person,
and this shall be done so soon as the premises have been affirmed, and that
he will not make suit of felony against any of them from the time when
they receive his letters, saving to him all actions and suits against the earl of
Warenne and those who assented and aided the felonies and trespasses com-
mitted by the earl of Warenne upon him ; and that the ordinances shall
be observed as they are contained under the great seal. And the following
persons have undertaken, with the will and assent of the king, that the
premises shall be observed in all points : the archbishops of Canterbury and
Dublin, the bishops of Norwich, Ely, Chicliester, Salisbury, Chester, Win-
chester, Hereford, and Worcester, the earl Marshal, Edmund his brother,
the earls of Pembroke, Richmond, Hereford, Ulster, Arundel, and Anegos,
Sir Roger de Mortimer, Sir John de Somery, Sir John de Hastingg', Sir
John de Segrave, Sir Henry de Beaumount, Sir Hugh le Despenser the son.
Sir John de Grey, Sir Richard de Grey, Sir Bartholomew de Badlesmere,
Sir Robert de Mohaut, Sir Ralph Basset, Sir Walter de Norwicz. In wit-
ness whereof the prelates, earls, and barons aforesaid have put their seals to
one part 'of this indenture, and the earl of Lancaster has put his seal to the
other part. Written at Leek, 9 August, 12 Edward II.'
And the said indenture having been read in this parliament, in the
presence of all those assembled at the parliament, and all the matters therein
contained having been diligently considered, the prelates, earls, and barons
agreed, for the honour of the king and the profit of him and his realm, to
pray and request him to assent that two bishops, an earl, and a baron, with
a baron or banneret of the household of the earl of Lancaster, in the earl's
name, shall be constantly with the king by quarters to execute and give
counsel upon all the king's weighty matters that may be executed without
parliament, until it shall be otherwise ordained by parliament, so that none
of these matters shall be executed without the counsel and assent of the
prelates, earls, and others thus remaining with the king, according to the
form of the .said indenture, and that such matters otherwise executed shall
be annulled, as contained in the indenture. The king, desiring to be coun-
selled in all manners that may turn to the honour and profit of himself and
his realm, and having regard to the fact that, when he received the govern-
ment of the realm, he found his land of Scotland at war against him, which
war continues to this time, and that since his accession there has been a
war against him in Ireland, and that many other impeachments have arisen,
and still arise, there and elsewhere in his lordship, by reason whereof it
seemed to him that he needed greater and more sufficient counsel with him,
agrees and wills that he will have with him the prelates, earls, and barons
to counsel him in form aforesaid, provided always that his ministers shall
execute their offices as they ought to do, according to law and custom.
784] 6. H
1318. Membrane lid — cont.
Concerning the said releases and acquittances to the earl of Lancaster and
his men, the king has granted, with the assent of the prelates, earls, barons,
and commonalties of the realm in his parliament, that he will pardon the
aforesaid earl and his retainers the suit of his peace and what pertains to
him by reason of such suit of all manner of felonies and trespasses against
his peace until the 7 August last, and that he will pardon outlawry to those
who demand it, if outlawry have been pronounced against them before the
making of their charters, and he ordered the bishop of Ely, his chancellor,
to make charters under the great seal, simply and without condition, for the
said earl and for those whom the earl shall name to the chancellor by his
letters. Concerning the ordinances, the king wills and grants that they
shall be held and kept in form aforesaid, and that all the above matters
shall be enrolled in the rolls of parliament and in chancery, and shall be
sent to the exchequer, and to both Benches, with orders to enrol them and
observe them. \Fcedera ; Pari. Writs.']
Membrane 2 Id.
Dec. 8. William Gentilcorps acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas de Dunstall
Tork. 4 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Hertford.
Thomas Ughtred, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de
Redenesse of York 40Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Dec. 9. Adam de Skelton acknowledges that he owes to Hugh de Burgo, clerk,
Tork. 41, ■ to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Cancelled on payment.
Richard Bustard acknowledges that he owes to Humphrey de Bohun,
earl of Hereford and Essex, 14/. 4«. lOjrf. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Simon Warde acknowledges that he owes to Roger Damory 400/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
William Tochet, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de
Ayremynne, clerk, QQs. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Leicester. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert de Cave, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Ayremynne, clerk, 40*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of bis lands
and chattels in co. Norfolk.
Anthony de Lucy, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas le
Flemyng of York 49/. 6*. 8c?. j to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Cumberland.
Cancelled on payment, acTmowledged by John de Semmyngburgh,
executor of the will of Nicholas.
William de Ousebourn acknowledges that he owes to John de Carleton,
clerk, 10/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
jn CO. York.
12 EDWARD II. 115
1318. Membrane 2\d — cont.
Dec. 4. To Robert de Wodehous, clerk. Order to attend to the making and
York. rendering of the account of Ingelard de Warle, deceased, of the 3rd and
4th years of the king's reign, ■when Ingelard was keeper of the wardrobe
and Robert was cofferer, according to the manner and form in which other
cofferers have been wont to make and render account, and to speed all
those who are bound to render such accounts for the above time.
By K. and C.
The like to John de Okham, clerk, ' mutatis mutandis.'
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the
aforesaid Robert and John to attend to the making and rendering of the
aforesaid account. By K. and C.
Dec. 10. Thomas de Filyngham of Fnsflet acknowledges that he owes to John,
York. bishop of Ely, 22 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
"William de Wederhale of Northallerton acknowledges that he owes to
Master Geoffrey, parson of Langeton church, 56Z. 3*. Ad. ; to be levied in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Dec. 7. To the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset. Order to cause proclamation to be
Tork. made proliibiting any one tourneying, etc., or exercising feats of arms any-
where in the realm, except for the expedition of the Scotch war, without
the king's special licence, under pain of a year's imprisonment and grievous
ransom therefrom, and to aiTest any one presuming to do so, as the king
understands that many persons exercise feats of arms notwithstanding his
late prohibition. [^Fcedera ; Pari. Writs.']
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.']
Dec. 11. William Dalizon of Laghton and William son of Robert de North
York. Elkyngton acknowledge that they owe to Henry de Kelstern, merchant,
and Robert atte Church (ad ecclesiam) of Kelstern 28/. 16*. Od. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Lincoln,
Membrane 20d.
Dec. 2. William de Ros of Ingmanthorp acknowledges that he owes to Henry de
York. Byngham 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
Edmund de Ryvers, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas 1&
Flemyng, citizen of York, 5 marks ; to he levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in ca York,
Hugh de Bello Campo acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Akesford, clerk, 5 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in ca. Somerset.
Thomas de Roshale, knight, puts in his place John de Norton and
Robert de Marchumleye, to defend a recognisance of lOQZ. made by him in
chancery to John de Hankere, and its execution.
Nov. 25, To the sheriff of Devon. Order to cause two ships to be hired for WiU
York, liam Martyn at his expense to carry victuals and other necessaries to the
marches of Scotland for the maintenance of himself and his men, the said
William, who is about to set out to join the king in the octaves of Holy
Trinity, having prayed the king to aid him in procuring two .ships for the
above purpose. By K. and C.
H 2
1318. Membrane 20d — cont.
Dec. 2. John le Treour is sent, on account of his good service to the king and
York. Queen Isabella, to the abbot and convent of Burton-on-Trent to have his
maintenance there in place of Bonus le Messager. By p.s.
Dec. 10. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to permit the master
York. and brethren of St. Leonard's hospital, York, to have respite of all debts
due to the king until the end of three years to come, the king having
granted them respite until then unless he ordain otherwise in the meantime.
Dec. 9. To the sheriff of York. Writ for payment of the expenses of Alexander
York. de Cave and John de Barton of Eriton, knights of that county, for their
attendance at the parliament at York, to wit 5s. a day each. By K. and C.
[rarl. Writs.]
Like writs for other counties. [Ibid.]
To the mayor and bailifis of Lincoln. Like writ for payment of the ex-
penses of Thomas Gamel and Henry Stoyl, citizens of that city, to wit 2s.
a day. \_Ibid.1
The like for sixteen other cities and towns. \_Ihid.~\
Dec. 8. Christiana de Hauville, whose husband and three sons [were slain] by
Y'ork. the Scotch rebels and her lands and goods totally destroyed and wasted by
them, is sent to the prior and convent of St. Katherine's without Lincoln to
have her maintenance amongst the sisters of that house until she be able to
live of her own. By pet. of C.
Membrane IQd.
Dec. 16. To the abbot and convent of Messenden. Request that they will admit
York. into their house William Bellard, ' charetter,' who long served the king and
his father, whom the king is sending to them, and that they will deliver to
him the necessaries of life in food and clothing according to the require-
ments of his estate, and that they will cause letters patent to be made under
the common seal of their house granting the same to him, writing back an
account of their proceedings herein. By p.s.[4922, 4923.]
The like for the following :
Henry Buffard, sent to the abbot and convent of Evesham. — After-
wards, they being reasonably excused, on 12 March, he was sent to
the pi'ior and convent of Doddeford.
Robert de la Chapele, sent to the abbot and convent of Bordesley.
Warin Pollard, sent to the prior and convent of Bykenaker.
Laurence de Hadenham, sent to the prior and convent of Nuttele.
John de Nedham, sent to the master of the hospital of Newton in
Henry de Hautot, sent to the prior and convent of Thurgarton.
Roger de Scardeburgh, sent to the abbot and convent of Kirkeslede.
Robert de Derby, sent to the abbot and convent of Sautre.
John de Coumbe, sent to the abbot and convent of Milton.
William de Grayby, sent to the prior and convent of Lewes.
Walter Carp, sent to the master and brethren of the hospital of St.
Juliana (sic) near [St.] Albones.
Henry le Stedeman, sent to the abbot and convent of Thornton-on-
John de Esburn, sent to the abbot and convent of Dorle.
Nicholas Taunt, sent to the abbot and convent of Roche. — Afterwards,
10 March, he was sent to the prior and convent of Chacumbe.
Richard Harwe, sent to the abbot and" convent of Crokesden. — After-
wards, 8 March, he was sent to the prior and convent of Wroxton.
March 30.
April 3.
April 18.
April 14.
May 15.
March 13.
March 20.
Membrane \Qd — cont.
Geoffrey de Thorpe, sent to the prior and convent of Merton.
William de Frithe, sent to the abbot and convent of Barlinge.
William Wyteby, sent to the abbot and convent of Seleby.
Philip de Leghton, sent to the abbot and convent of St. Edmunds.
By pet. of C.
Henry de Oldington, sent to the abbot and convent of Westminster.
Waiter de la Marclie, sent to the prior and convent of St. Denis
near Southampton.
Eobert de Maners, sent to the prior and convent of Byngham.
John de Gotham, sent to the abbot and convent of Bintteley.
William del Halle, sent to the abbot and convent of St. Oditha.
Geoffrey le Coroner, sent to the abbot and convent of Bruerne, in place
of Richard le Riche of Brymesgrave.
Robert de Croilonde, sent to the abbot and convent of Revesby, in
place of Hugh le Keu.
William de la Mare, sent to the abbot and convent of Cirencester.
By p.s.
William le Ferour, sent to the prior and convent of St. Thomas near
Stafford. By p.s.
William de Rampton, yeoman of the king's pantry, sent to the prior
and convent of Montacute, in place of Thomas Deveneys, deceased.
By p.s.
Geoffrey de Thorp, sent to the abbot and convent of La Ford, in place
of William le Asseman, deceased. By p.s.
William de Laxton, sent to the abbot and convent of St. Benedict
Holme, in place of Roger le Ussher. By K.
To the prioress and nuns of Staynfeld. Request that they will admit
Mary Ridel into their house, and assign her a chamber therein, and deliver
her for life maintenance in food, clothing, shoeleather, and all other neces-
saries according to the requirements of her estate, and that they will make
letters patent specifying all the things that she ought to receive for her
maintenance, and that they will certify the king of their proceedings herein,
they having deferred doing so in answer to the king's former request by
certain excuses that the king deems insufficient. By K.
To the abbot and convent of St. Thomas the Martyr near Dublin. Re-
quest that they will grant to Donald {Dovenaldus) de Atheles, the kino-'s
envoy, sufficient maintenance for life in food and drink, clothing, shoeleather,
livery for a horse and groom, a suitable chamber within the enclosure of the
abbey, candle, firewood, and all other necessaries, and that they will make
to him letters patent specifying what he should receive, certifying the king
of their proceedings by the bearer. By p.s.
1318. Membrane I8d.
Dec. 15. Hugh de Skelton of York acknowledges that he owes to John de
York. Ousthorp, clerk, llZ. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
1318. Membrane I8d — cont.
William Cussyng of York and William Mirth of the same acknowledge
that they owe to John de EUerker, the elder, 100s. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Dec. 18. John de Yerdhill acknowledges that he owes to the abbot of St. Mary's
York. York 30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Northumberland.
Richard le Littester of Wygan acknowledges that he owes to Robert de
Cliderhou, clerk, 401. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Lancaster.
Dec. 7. To R. count of Flanders. Request that he will give credence to
Tork. W. bishop of Exeter and Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex,
constable of England, and the king's clerk Master John Walewayn, D.C.L.,
whom the king is sending to him and to W. count of Hainault, Holland,
and Zeeland, and lord of Friesland, to treat of peace between them, which
the king desires to establish for their common benefit and because the
merchants of his realm going to their lands suffer many damages on
account of the war between them. [Fcedera.]
The like to the said earl of Hainault. [/4irf.]
To John de Fienles. Request that he will give credence to the aforesaid
bishop, Humphrey, and John, and that he will forward the above matter.
The like to the following :
Sir Henry de Flandr.'
Sir Robert, son of the count of Flanders.
Sir John, count of Namuer and Rotheis.
Sir Louis, count of Nivers. [iSic?.]
Dec. 29. John Dunsel, citizen of York, acknowledges that he owes to John de
York. Ousthorp, clerk, 7ls. 3d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Yoik.
Cancelled on payment,
William de Usseburn of York acknowledges that he owes to John de
Ousthorp, clerk, 'lis. 3d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert son of Thomas de Pontefracto of Willesthorp acknowledges that
he owes to William son of Nicholas de Seleby of York and Roger his
brother 121. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
William de Leycestre, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de
Sibthorp, parson of the church of Shenle, 19/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hertford.
Cancelled on payment,
Thomas de Bamburgh, parson of a moiety of the church of Elnestowe,
diocese oE Lincoln, acknowledges that he owes to Mary Heyron 10/.; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co, Bedford.
Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by Henry de Oggil, Mary's
attorney. '
Dec 21. Robert de Barton acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynn,
York. clerk, 6/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Westminster.
Cancelled on payment.
1318. Membrane I8d — cont.
Enrolment of release by John son of Simon de Dreuton to John de
Hothum, bishop of Ely, of his right in the lands in Hothum, Northcave,
Iverthorp, and Dreuton that the bishop has of the gift of Sir John de Cave,
uncle of the releasor, saving to the releasor the tenements of his father
Simon de Dreuton in Northcave and Dreuton, which the releasor holds of
the feoffment of the said Sir John de Cave. Witnesses : Sir Alexander de
Cave, Sir Peter Deyvill, Sir John de Hothum, knights; John Tothe of
Northcave, William de Danthorp of the same; Nicholas de Domby of
Hothum ; John son of Sir Robert de Cave. Dated at Suth Burton, on
Christmas Eve, 12 Edward II.
The said John came into chancery on the above day, and acknowledged
the above deed.
Dec. 29. John son of Philip Paynel acknowledges that he owes to William de
Beverley. Ayremynn, clerk, 21 marks 6s. Sd. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in cos. York and Lincoln. — The chancellor received
the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
Membrane \Qd.
Dec. 30. John de Houton, clerk, has letters to the abbess and convent of Elnestow
Beverley, to receive the pension due [to one of the king's clerks] by reason of the new
creation of the abbess. By p.s.
Agnes, late the wife of John Dargentein, tenant in chief, puts in her
place Roger Hillar' to seek and receive her dower.
Jan. 3. Walter de Redburn of Cadency, Robert son of John de Husum and Alice
BeTerley. bis sister acknowledge that they owe to the prior of Newstead-on-Ancoln'
36/. ; to be levied, in default of | payment, of their lands and chattels iu
CO. Lincoln.
Jan. 6. John de NeviU of Stoke acknowledges that he owes to William de Warton
Beverley, of Beverley 221. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Lincoln.
To the masters, echevins, and bailiffs of the town of Malines (^Malini&y.
Whereas at the complaint of Luke de Haveryng' and James Beauflour,.
merchants of this realm, that they sent 21 barrels of honey, price 504/.,
7 tuns of wine, price 49/., to Brabant for the purpose of trading there, the
said masters, echevins, and bailiffs arrested the said honey and wine and
detained it for some time, the king requested them to cause the honey and
wine to be restored to the said Luke and James ; and the king afterwards
learnt upon trustworthy testimony that Luke and James suffered damage to
the amount of 240/. sterling by the arrest and detinue of their honey and
wine, and he requested the masters, echevins, and bailiffs to cause suitable
amends to be made to Luke and Simon for their damages : as they have not
done so, the king again requests them to cause amends to be made to Luke
and Simon according to his former request, lest renewed complaint reach
him, whereby it would behove him to provide Luke and Simon with another
remedy. They are desired to certify the king of their proceedings herein
by the bearer.
Jan. 5. To the masters, consules, schoffen, and men of the town of Strallesonde.
Beverley. Whereas at the suit of Thomas de Beverlaco, Nicholas Cobbe of Whiteby,
John son of Gilbert de Paghel, Robert Prest of Paghel, Robert le Corouner
of Grimesby, and Richard Emriiynge of Wainflet, merchants of the
1319. Membrane \Qd — cont.
realm, that whereas they lately went to the parts of Strallesonde with their
merchandise, the bailiffs and ministers of that town arrested 906 marks
sterling of their money in that town, whereof 69 marks belonged to the
said Thomas, by the wrongful procurement of Herman Meppen of Stralle-
sond and John Skayl of Statine, which sum is still detained from them, the
king wrote to the masters, consules, schbffen and men aforesaid to cause
justice to be done to the said merchants: the king now requests them, as
they have failed to do justice, to cause restitution to be made to the
merchants and to cause full justice to be done them, as they would wish the
king to do to merchants of their town in like case, certifying the king of
their proceedings in this matter.
Jan. 7. To Philip, king of France and Navarre. The king acknowledges receipt
Beverley, of his letter requesting the king to adjourn until the Ascension next the
matter of certain merchants of the city of London concerning a sum of money
that Ihey ought to have received from the king of France according to the
promises made by him in his letters. The king would be willing to grant
such adjournment if he could do so without injuring the said merchants,
who have refused in the king's court to assent to such adjournment,
because they assert that they have sustained great labour and expenses on
account of the previous delays in hope of obtaining payment ; wherefore
the king requests the king of France to excuse him for not acceding
to his request.
Robert de Maners acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Boleton,
knight, lOOs. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
Jan. 1. To the sheriff of Buckingham and Bedford. Order to arrest, under
Beverley.. pain of forfeiture of everything that he can forfeit, all persons who have
exercised feats of arms since the king's proclamations and inhibitions, or
who shall hereafter exercise feats of arms, and to put them in prison until
further orders, certifying the king of the names of those whom he shall
arrest, as the king understands that many daily exercise feats of arms not-
withstanding his proclamations and inhibitions. By K. and C.
The hke to all the sheriffs of England. \_Ibid.']
Jan. 10. William de la Rude acknowledges that he owes to John de Carleford
York. l-j marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Southampton.
Jan. 12. John de Ferlington, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de la
York. River, knight, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Wilham Plaiz of York acknowledges that he owes to Roger Basy of
York 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
jchattels in co. York.
Roger Lovel of Skelton acknowledges that he owes to Ellen, late the
wife of William son of John le Carpenter of Skelton, 7 marks; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the county of —
(Jin comitatu com.).
Jan. 16. William de Slengesby acknowledges that he owes to Alexander de
york. Cave and Robert de Amcotes 14 mai'ks ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. York.
12 EDWARD II. lai
1319. Membrane \Qd — cont.
Robert de Nassyngton, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
WodehuU 8/. 15*. Orf. ; to be levied, in defaulc of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Yoi'k.
GeoiFrey Serton of Wylmerslay acknowledges that he owes to John'de
Heselarton, clerk, 16Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Jan. 17. To the abbot of St. Augustine's, Canterbury. Notification that it is not
York. necessary for him to be at London on the morrow of the Purification, to
treat with the prelates and clergy of the province of Canterbury upon
certain matters touching the king, as the king lately requested him to do.
[Pari. TVrits.^ By K.
The like to the abbots of Waltham, Evesham, Westminster, St. Edmunds,
St. Albans, the prior of St. John's Hospital, and the master of the Order of
Sympingham. [/6i(f.]
Amice, late the wife of Thomas son of Eustace, tenant in chief, puts in
her place Thomas de Assh' to seek and receive her dower in chancery.
Jan. 20. Robert de Warton acknowledges that he owes to William de Thunneyk,
Tork. clerk, 151. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Jan. 18. To the chancellor, proctors, and other masters and scholars of the
Tork. university of Oxford. Request that they will grant special licence to
Master Richard de Vernoun, regent in canon law {in decretis) in the
university, to attend to the custody of the spiritualities of the diocese of
Hereford, as A. bishop of Hereford, whom the king is sending to the
Roman court, desires to make Richard his vicar-general in his place,
Richard having experience in that office, notwithstanding that Richard
ought by the statute of the university to continue his lectures (lecturam)
for one whole year, which is not yet completed.
Jan. 16. To S. bishop of London. Request that he will grant a suitable pension
York. to Walter de Doddenham, the king's chaplain, as he is bound to grant a pension
to one of the king's clerks by reason of his new creation. By p.s. [4932.]
Jan. 20. Hugh de Farndon came before the king, on Saturday the feast of SS.
York. Fabian and Sebastian, and sought to replevy to Philip, parson of the church
of Weston, Thomas de Weldon of Weston and Hugh Griffyn of Weston,
their lands in Weston near Northampton, taken into the king's hands for
their default before the justices of the Bench against Henry le Harpour of
Lufwyk. This is signified to the justices.
Membrane 15d.
Jan. 20. Henry son of Hugh, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Bernard
York. Pelegrini, king's serjeaut-at-arms, 50/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on jpayment.
Dec. 22. Richard de Bervill acknowledges that he owes to John de EUerker, the
York. elder, 2 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.-
Cancelled on payment.
1318. Membrane \bd — cont.
Thomas de Fencote acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Taunton
20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Lincoln.
Enrolment of release by Roger de SpringweU, ' scherman ' of London,
brother of Lettice, late the wife of William de Staunton, spicer {apothecar')
of London, to GeoflFrey de Meldeburn, citizen and merchant of London, of
his right in a plot of land in the place called ' le Brodeselde ' in Chepe, in
the city of London, which plot formerly belonged to Rose de Coventr[eia],
lying between the plot held by Henry Burel, mercer, which formerly
belonged to John de Middelbourgh and Avelina his wife, and the land that
Richard But holds on the other, which aforesaid plot Geoffrey had of the
gift of the aforesaid William and Lettice. Witnesses : Thomas de Redde-
nes, mayor of the city of York, Adam Kyngesson, Thomas son of David
le Irenmangere, Jordan Sauvage, bailiffs of York ; Richard de Lincoln, John
le Caller, WiUiara de Segrave, ' armurer,' citizens of London then in York ;
John de Wengrave, mayor of London ; John de Dallyng* and John Poyntel,
sheriffs of London ; William de Hedersete, William de Causton, John
Coton, Robert de Buddeford, Peter de Novo Castro, citizens of London.
Dated at York, on Thursday the Conversion of St. Paul, 12 Edward IL,
within the verge of the king of England.
Memorandum, that Roger came into chancery at York, on Saturday
following, and acknowledged the aforesaid deed.
Jan. 29. Richard Lascy of Folketon acknowledges that he owes to Gilbert de
York. Yarewell, Walter de Yarewell, and William de Langeton, executors of the
will of Roger de Thorneton, late parson of the church of Folketon, 105«. Zd. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Jan. 27. To the minister-general and the other ministers-provincial, guardians,
York. keepers, and other diffinitores of the chapter-general of the Friars Minors
about to assemble at Marseilles. Request for their prayers for the good
estate of the king, his wife Queen Isabella, and their children, and that
they will cause them to be commended in Kke wise by the other friars
of their order. [^Fcedera.']
Agnes, late the wife of Andrew de Bolyngbrok of York, acknowledges
that she owes to the prioress of Moneketon 20 marks ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of her lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
William de Hunton acknowledges that he owes to Master Michael de
Hartcla 13 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
William de Thunneyk, parson of the church of Menstreworth, diocese of
Hereford, acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynne, clerk,
lOZ. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels and
ecclesiastical goods in the said diocese.
Cancelled on payment.
George son of Gerard Salveyn and Gerard his brother acknowledge
that they owe to Robert de Stiveton, knight, 20A ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Feb. 1. Robert de Colevill, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le
York, Despenser, the younger, 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
12 EDWAED II. 123
1319. Membrane \bd — cont.
Feb. 3. Peter de Malo Lacu acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le Despenser,
York. the elder, 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Assignment of dower to Ellen, late the wife of Nicholas de Sancto
Mauro, of the said Nicholas's lands in Neuton-on-Sea, co. Northumberland,
made at Neuton before Ealph de Crophull, escheator this side Trent, on
Tuesday after the Conversion of St.Paul, 12 Edward II., by the oath of Roger
de Weston, William Coroner, Adam de EUyngham, Henry de Tughal, William
de Bedenhale, Hugh de Bedenhal, William Skynner, John de Owhalton,
Adam de Ti-ewyk, Adam de Bradeford, John de Bewyk, and Robert Wendout.
They assign to Alan de Charleton and Ellen his wife, in name of her
dower, a third of the chief messuage of the said town of Newenton, to wit
the part on the south with a turret ; a third of 36 acres of arable land of
the demesne ; a third of the demesne meadow, with a third of all several
pastures on the south, and with a third of all profits of the common pasture
and waste of the same town. They also assign John Suter, Beatrice the
widow, with two whole bondage-tenements {bondag'), Robert Turpyn with
half a bondage-tenement, nativi and bondmen (bond'), with a third of a
bondage-land {terre bond') formerly held by Adam the miller (Molend'),
with all their suits and sequele. They also assign Elias Raven, cottar
(cottar'), with a cottage-tenement (cottageo), and a cottage-tenement that
Henry Carald formerly held, with a third of a cottage- tenement that Elias
the shepherd (Bercarius) formerly held, with all their suits and seqvele.
They also assign a third of a water-mill and a third of all the brewery in
the town, a third of the quay for boats (caiii batellorum) in the town,
and a third of the perquisites of court of all strangers amerced there,
with all amercements of their tenants, and a third of 8rf. of the service of
Ed. de Crancestre and a third of the services of the heirs of Master Guys-
card in the same town, and a third of Zs. 4:d. from ten[ements] in Merall,
and a third of a messuage in Alnewyk called ' le Wardeplace.' Dated at
Neuton-on-Sea as above.
Membrane I4d.
Feb. 6. Adam de Sprotburgh acknowledges that he owes to John de Ousthorp,
York. clerk, 60s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
Conan de Henlay and Walter de Henlay acknowledge that they owe to
Richard de Huntyngton of York 40Z. j to be levied, in default of payment,
of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Feb. 5. To Peter Lenfaunt. Request that he will aid and counsel Hugh le
York. Despenser, the elder, who is going in the king's service to parts beyond sea,
in case he come to Spain, and that he will procure letters of conduct for him
from A. king of Spain for so long as he shall be in Spain, and permission to
take out of that country destriers and other horses.
The like to :
Sir Andrew Speryz.
Sir John Lenfaunt.
Feb. 2. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to command all
York. sheriffs to cause proclamation to be made forbidding any native or alien
merchant or other bringing into the realm money of the king's that has
been clipped or counterfeit money, or using the same in trading, upon pain
of forfeiting such money on the first offence, their goods in addition on the
1319. Membrane \^d — cont.
second offence, and their bodies and all their goods and chattels upon the
third oflfence, and that those who are not merchants shall immediately per-
forate such money and send it to the king's nearest exchange to be struck
anew, on pain of forfeiture of the money. By C.
Feb. 13. The prior of Thornholm acknowledges, for himself and his convent, that
York. he owes to Master Peter de Medeburn, William de Herpeswell, John
Neucomen, and Richard de Hiltoft, the executors of the will of Richard de
Rouwell, sometime canon of St. Mary's Lincoln, 96 marks 6s. 8rf. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their land and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Thomas de Northfolk of York acknowledges that he owes to Robert de
Sapy, knight, 20^. 6*. 10|c^. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
— ^— — • Roger Ardingelli, for himself and his fellow-merchants of the society of
the Bardi of Florence, puts in his place Guido Theathaldi of Florence to
sue for the execution of lOOZ., the balance of 200/. above acknowledged to
them by Alan, abbot of St. Mary's, York.
Enrolment of grant by Joan, late the wife of William Achard, to Sir
Robert de Bardelby, clerk, of her manor of Westhagh and all her lands in
Kexburgh and West Bretton, with the common of pasture for all manner
of beasts that she had at any time in the aforesaid towns. Witnesses:
Godfrey de Stayuton, Henry de Bokkele, Nicholas de Tours, Robert de
Barneby, Henry de Birchwayt, Richard de Rihale, Richard Plaiz, William
Scot, John de Rokkele, Henry del Hagh. Dated at the manor of Westhagh,
on Sunday before St. Cuthbert in March, 12 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Joan came into chancery at York, on 23 March, and
acknowledged the above deed.
Enrolment of release by Adam del Wode, son and heir of Cicely, late the
wife of Robert del Wode, of Wodesom, to Sir Robert de Bardelby, clerk, of
his right in the manor of Westhagh and in the lands in Kexburgh and
Westbretton that belonged to William Achard, deceased, uncle of the
releasor, which Joan, who was his wife, afterwards held, who granted them
to Sir Robert. Dated at York, Wednesday after the Annunciation.
Memorandum., that Adam came into chancery, on the said day, and
acknowledged the above deed.
Enrolment of deed of Richard de Aldeburgh witnessing that whereas the
king has remitted to him the services and customs that used to be done for
3 messuages and 8 bovates of land in Aldeburgh, which Richard held
within the king's manor there, which manor is of the ancient demesne of
the crown of England and within the king's honour of Knaresburgh, and
has also granted that Richard and his heirs shall hold the premises for ever
by the service of \d. to be rendered by the hands of the constable of
Knaresburgh, the said Richard has hereby granted to the king, in considera-
tion of the aforesaid remission, a messuage, 16 acres and Broods of land in
Minskipp, which Richai'd likewise held of him as of ancient demesne within
the honour aforesaid, to wit a messuage and 7 acres of land that formerly
belonged to John son of Edusa, and nine acres of land that formerly be-
longed to Michael del Crokedhaik, and two roods of land on the cxiltura
called ' Pesbergh,' and a rood of land on the cultura called ' Briggehill,'
which formerly belonged to Jeramus le "Vavasour. Dated at York,
23 March, 12 Edward II.
Enrolment of grant by Andrew son of Robert atte Gotere of Boston to
the king of his messuage in Boston between the garden (viridarium) of
12 EDWARD II. - 125
1319. Membrane \Ad — cont.
Roger de la Gotere on the east, and the messuage of Henry son of Johnson
of Thomas on the west, abutting northwards on the common way from
Boston to Skirbek and upon the messuage of Roger de la Goter on the
south. Witnesses : Sir Roger de Coboldyk ; Sir Nicholas de Leek ; John
de Stikeneye, steward of the earl of Richmond ; John de la Gotere ; Alan de
Cobeldyk ; Geoffrey de Sutton ; John de Tumby ; Thomas le Coupere j
Sir Peter de Walsoken, chaplain. Dated at Boston, 13 February,
12 Edward IL
Memorandum, that this charter was delivered to brother Robert de
Sancto Albano of the Austin order, because the king gave by his charter
the messuage to the friars of that order for them to dwell in, as contained
in the Patent Rolls of the same year.
Enrolment of release by Robert son of Peter Thorald of Northcave to
John de Hothum, bishop of Ely, of a yearly rent of 6d. that the bishop is
bound to render him for the east part of the chief messuage in North Cave
that the bishop lately had of the feoffment of Sir John de Cave, clerk. Wit-
nesses : Sir John de Hothum and Sir Alexander de Cave, knights; John
de Cave, Nicholas de Hothum, John Tothe, William son of Peter, WiUiam
de Danthorp. Dated at Northcave, 26 March, 12 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Robert came into chancery at Northcave, on the
said day, and acknowledged the above deed.
Membrane 13rf.
Feb. 15. To L. bishop of Durham. Order to cause proclamation to be made for-
York. bidding any earl, baron, knight, or other man-at-arms tourneying, etc., at
Durham or elsewhere within the hberty of the bishopric, and to arrest and
imprison any presuming to do so, as the king understands that certain
persons are about to assemble at Durham for the purpose of tourneying and
jousting, contrary to his late proclamations. By K.
Enrolment of release from John son of Geoffrey Neucomen of Wyntryng-
ham to Philip de Wyntryngham, dwelling in Melton near Humbre, hi9
uncle, of his right in the messuage, lands, meadows, and pastures that the
said Philip holds in the town and territory of Melton. Witnesses : Sir
William de Melton, archbishop of Tork ; Master Richard de Melton, rector
of the church of Brandesburton ; Sir Richard de Melton, rector of the
church of Gillyng ; William de la Mare of Melton ; John son of Nicholas
de Tucflet ; John son of Geoffrey. Dated at Thorp near York in the arch-
bishop's manor, on St. Valentine's day, 14 February, 1318[-19].
Memorandum, that John came into chancery at York, on the said day,
and acknowledged the above deed.
Feb. 15. William Gower of Stitlom acknowledges that he owes to William son of
York. Nicholas de Seleby of York 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Richard Lacy of Folketon acknowledges that he owes to Laurence de
Undele, chaplain, 6Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Enrolment of release by Richard de Deen of Hothum to Sir John de
Hothum, bishop of Ely, of his right in two bovates of land in Hothum,
which the bishop lately acquired from WiOiam Ingrais. Witnesses : John
Tothe of Northcave ; William son of Peter of the same ; William de Dan-
Feb. 22.
Feb. 20.
Feb. 18.
Feb. 24.
Feb. 28.
March 1.
March 2.
Membrane \Zd — cont.
thorp ; Nicholas Domby of Hothum ; John de DreutoQ. Dated at Hothum,
20 February, 12 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Richard came into chancery, on the said day, and
acknowledged the above deed.
Simon de Waldeby came before the king, on Thursday after St. Juliana,
and sought to replevy to Ralph de Wyginton the said Ralph's land in
Farnelay near Ottelay, taken into the king's hands for his default before
the justices of the Bench against Gilbert le Clerk and Clarice his wife,
Ralph son of Serlo and Agnes his wife, and Matilda, sister of the said
Agnes. This is signified to the justices.
Thomas Page of Osgodby came before the king, on Tuesday after St.
Valentine the Martyr, and sought to replevy his land in Osgodby, taken
into the king's hands for his default before the justices of the Bench
against Thomas Warde of Osgodby. This is signified to the justices.
To William, count of Hainault, Holland, and Zeeland, and lord of Fries-
land. Request that he will hear the complaint of Edmund Wake, William
Coupere, Simon le Leche, David de Doune, and Walter Gantel, merchants
of this realm, and that he will cause speedy justice to be done to them, as
they have complained to the king that whereas they loaded a ship with
wool and other merchandise to the value of 600/. in order to take the same
to Flanders, certain malefactors of the count's power entered the ship on
her voyage to Flanders by force and arms, and took the wool and other
merchandise found in her to Zerizee within the count's dominion, and
divided the same amongst them, whereupon Walter Cantel went to the
count to seek justice. He is desired to write the king an account of hi.s
Eiias de Assheburn acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Cave 10/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. North-
Cancelled on payment.
Thomas de Colevill, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Roger Basy of
York 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
John son of John ' of the Hirst ' of Colyngham of Swynderby acknow-
ledges that he owes to Walter de Ebor[aco] of Lincoln 100/. ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Nottingham.
Robert de Claris Vallibus acknowledges that he owes to Hervey de
Ellerker 100/, ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
Richard son of Geoffrey de Hothum acknowledges that he owes to John,
bishop of Ely, 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Hothum, bishop of Ely, and William de Ayremynn, clerk,
acknowledge that they owe to John de Merkyngfeld, clerk, 180 marks; to
be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York. —
R. de Bard[elby] received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Hothum, bishop of Ely, acknowledges that he owes to William
de Ayremynn, clerk, 1 80 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in cos. York and Cambridge.
Cancelled on payment.
Feb. 26.
March 3.
Feb. 28.
March 26.
Membrane 13rf — cont.
Geoffrey de Hothum, knifjht, acknowledges that he owes to John cle
Hothum, bishop of Ely, 1000/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
To L. bishop of Durham, or to his vicar-general, the bishop being
engaged in remote parts. Order to execute what pertains to his office at
the presentation by Roger de Somervill to the church of Great Benton, in
his diocese, notwithstanding the king's late prohibition of his doing anything
herein until it should be decided whether the advowson pertained to the
king or to the said Roger, which was issued because a contention arose in
the king's court before the king between the king and Roger, the king
having revoked his presentation thereto of William de Kirkeby, made
because the church pertained to the king's gift by reason of the lands of
Ed. de Somervill, tenant in chief, being in the king's hands.
John de Hothum, bishop of Ely, acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey
de Hothum, knight, 1,000 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Thomas de Ros, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de
Pontefracto of York 20*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co York.
Bernard de Brus, son and heir of John de Brus, tenant in chief, a minor
in the king's wardship, appoints Thomas de Brayton and Thomas de
Bamburgh his keepers to sue and defend his right in the inheritance of his
father and to challenge the inquisitions that Bernard de Brus, brother of
the said John, has caused to be made, etc.
To Colman Megulhan, duke of Kinbreslye. Letter thanking him for
his adherence to the king in times past, especially when the Scotch rebels
were in Ireland, of which John de Athy has fully informed the king, and
requesting him to continue his faithfulness and good will and to assist and
counsel the said John in the matters touching the safe-keeping of the castle
of Crakfergus and other affairs of the king in those parts. By K.
To Richard de Maundevill. Order to desist from besieging the caslle of
Crackfergus, which is in the custody of John de Athy, and to assist John
and his men in keeping the same for the king's use. [loedera.]
Enrolment of grant by Roger son of Peter de Ey vill, knight, to Sir William
de Ayremynn, clerk, of 10/. of yearly rent of the 20/. of rent that the said
Peter gave to the donor and Nicholaa his wife and the heirs of their bodies
for the maintenance of Nicholaa and the heirs now begotten between them,
to be received from Peter's manor of Suth Cave, co. York, during William's
life. Dated at Suth Cave, 25 March, 12 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Roger came into chancery, on the said day, in the
presence of his father Peter, and acknowledged the above deed, and
hereupon Peter delivered to William 2d. in name of seisin in part payment
of the pension aforesaid.
To Roger Damory, keeper of the forest of Dene, or to him who supplies
his place. Order to deliver to Hugh le Despenser, the younger, lord of
Gloumorgan in Wales, twelve of the king's iron-miners in his bailiwick fit
for the works of iron-mines in Gloumorgan at Hugh's expense. By K.
The like to the following :
The sheriff of Somerset for twelve lead- miners.
The sherifE of Devon for twelve lead-miners.
Feb. 28.
March 2.
March 4.
March 7.
March 8.
Membrane \2d.
To John, duke of Lower Lorraine (Lotricie), Brabant, and Lemburgb.
John Priour of Herteford, John de Dene called ' Gumbard,' and John de
Fulmer, merchants of this realm, have complainedthat whereas duke John, the
father of the present duke, was bound to John Priour in 761. 7s. 5d. sterling,
to John de Dene in 201. sterling, a,nd to John de Fulmer in 17/. 15s. lid., for
payment whereof he charged bis heirs, etc., goods, lands, etc., and all his
townsmen, burgesses, and merchants, and the communities of all his towns,
and all persons of his counties whom the aforesaid merchants should elect
or name to the king's coercion and distress under a certain form contained
in his deed, and although the said merchants frequently sought payment
from the late duke and the present duke and the king wrote special letters
to the duke, the said merchants have not yet obtained payment : wherefore
the king requests the duke to cause payment to be made to the merchants,
together with satisfaction for their damages sustained in this behalf, and
that he will write him an account of his proceedings herein,
Adam Lumbard, who has long served the king and his father, is sent to
the prior and convent of Bromholm in place of Adam Pullehare, deceased,
who was admitted into their house at the king's request, to receive such
allowance in their house as Adam had.
By K. on the information of Master Thomas de Oherleton.
To the collectors in co. Berks of the scutage of the late king's armies
of Scotland in the 28th, 31st, and 34th years of his reign. Order to
supersede until Michaelmas next the demand upon John de Sumeri for
60s. for scutage for the armies aforesaid for his lands and tenements in
Solham in that county.
Simon Broun of Osherneby acknowledges that he owes to Master John
de Spanneby 401. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Lincoln.
The said Master John puts in his place Thomas de Brayton, clerk, to
prosecute the above recognisance, etc.
Geoffrey le Botiler of York acknowledges that he owes to William
Copyn of Drax 115s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
William son of Richard Bret of Swynton acknowledges that he owes to
Richard de Huntyngton 40/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Richard de Kereby acknowledges that he owes to John de Shupton and
Agnes his wife a sack of wool, price 8 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Robert le Conestable of Flaynburgh acknowledges that he owes to
Richard de Thorp and Alice his wife 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
William Gouer of Stitelum and John de Foston near Bulmer acknow-
ledge that they owe to William son of Nicholas de Seleby of York 12/. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Enrolment of deed of John Brodye, son of the late Ralph Brodye of
Notyngham, witnessing that whereas the prior and brethren of the order of
St. Mary of Mount Carmel of Nottingham have acquired divers plots of
land for the enlargement of their house in that town, which plots are
March 10.
March 6.
March 12.
March 14.
March 16.
March 15.
Membrane \2d — cont.
charged, according to the estimate and advice of the mayor, bailiffs, and
other burgesses of that town, with 5s. Qd. of yearly rent to the king, the
said John, wishing to discharge the prior and brethren of this sum, haa
granted to the king 5s. Qd. of yearly rent from his tenement in Mothalle-
gate between the lane leading to Houndegate on the east and the tenement
of John de Bredon on the west part of Notingham. Witnesses : Walter de
Lincoln, then mayor of Nottingham, William de Cesterfeld and Robert de
Offton, bailiifs ; Robert de Brouneby; William the Clerk. \_Unduied.'\
Simon Warde, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Roger Damory
100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
To the prior-general of the order of the Augustinian friars. Re-
quest that they will send to the king friar Robert de Wirkesop, S.T.D.,
of that order, who lately went to Montpellier to slay there for some time
after the king's affairs in the Roman court enjoined upon him and other
subjects of the king had been expediter!, for which stay he has been
licensed and absolved by the said prior-general, and that he will recommend
Robert by his special letters to the presidents and all others of that order
in this realm, so that the king may have Robert more prompt for his
counsels and that the king may be more specially bound to the prior-general
and the order aforesaid.
Alexander de Cave, John de Hothum, the elder, Peter de Eyvill, and
Roger de Grymston, knights, and John Moryn acknowledge that they owe
to William de Ayremynn, clerk, 164Z. 10s. 4c?. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York. — The chancellor received
the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
Richard de BerviU acknowledges that he owes to John de Ellerker,
the elder, 14 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Mary Heyron puts in her place Ralph de Ellyngton, chaplain, and Henry
de Oggel to sue the execution of a recognisance in chancery for 1 01. made
to her by Thomas de Baumburgh, parson of a moiety of the church of
Elnestowe. — John de Moubray received the attornment by writ.
To W. archbishop of Canterbury, and to his official, and their commis-
saries. Order not to draw Robert de Kemeleseye, John Coton, Robert sou
of Adam the Goldsmith (aurifabri), and Richard de Monte Pessulano in
plea in court Christian concerning debts and chattels that are not of testa-
ment or matrimony, or to cite them to appear outside the realm to answer
concerning the same, as they have shewn to the king that they are doing, and
to revoke anything that they may have attempted unduly in the premises,
as the cognisance of pleas of chattels and debts that are not of testament
or njatrimony pertains solely to the king, [i^osrfem.]
Peter de Eyvill, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de
Ayremynne, clerk, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment acknowledged by Robert de Tymparon, WillianCs
attorney in this behalf.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Roger
de Mortuo Mari of Wygemore, who is about to set out for Ireland by the
king's orders, to have respite until Michaelmas next of all debts due to
the exchequer. By K.
]^3]^g^ Membrane \2d — cont.
March 18. The prior of Boulton-in-Craven, for himself and convent, and Robert de
York. Bentle acknowledge that they owe to William de Ayremynn, clerk,
65 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in
CO. York. — Robert de Bard[elby] received the acknowledgment.
Notes of payment of 401. to Master Adam de Ayremynne, brother of the
said William, in the presence of the chancellor, and of the subsequent pay-
ment of the balance.
John son of John Panecourt of Brunneby acknowledges that he owes to
Elias de Fanecourt of Brunneby 27 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
March 20. Peter de Malo Lacu, the elder, acknowledges that he owes to the prior of
York. Watton 400Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
Enrolment of release by Richard son of Sir Geoffrey de Hothum,
knight, to John de Hothum, bishop of Ely, of his right in the manor of
Crauncewyk. Witnesses : Sir John de Hothum, the elder, Sir Alexander
de Cave, Sir Roger de Grymston, knights ; John de Crauncewyk ; Adam le
Stabler ; John de Thornton ; Stephen Arnald of Hoton ; John Warde of
Middelton ; William Gra ; Roger Easy of York. Dated at York, 20 March,
12 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Richard came into chancery at York, ou the said
day, and acknowledged the above deed.
Isabella, late the wife of Richard de Gray, acknowledges that she owes
to John de Rithre 14 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her
lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
March 20. Richard le Bokeler of Chesthunt acknowledges that he owes to Alexander
Y^ork. le Botiller 5 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Hertford.
John de Bayhous, lord of Helperby, acknowledges that he owes to Roger
son of Nicholas de Seleby of York 20Z. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled 07i payment.
Stephen de Malton and Elias le Ireys acknowledge that they owe to
Adam de Brom, clerk, 26s. 8d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
their lands and chattels in co. York.
William Torny acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynne,
clerk, 4:0s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
Cancelled on payment.
March 25. John son of Walter Touk of Kelm, the younger, acknowledges that he
York. owes to Hugh de Foston 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Nottingham.
Enrolment of grant by the said John son of Walter Touk of Kelm,
knight, the younger, to Hugh de Foston of a messuage and 4 bovates of
land with tofts and crofts, etc., in Ceszay. Witnesses : Sir Robert de
Bardelby, clerk ; Sir Ralph de Crophill, knight ; William Darel, Roger de
Lynes, Robert de Foxholes, Thomas de Salcok, John Oliver.
Memorandum, that John came into chancery at York, 27 March, and
acknowledged the above deed.
1319. Membrane Xld — cont.
March 28. Marmaduke de Tweng and Robert le Conestable of Fleynburgh acknow-
York. ledge that they owe to Nicholas Flemyng of York 40 marks ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Adam son of Robert de Wode of Wodesom acknowledges that he owes to
Robert de Bardelby, clerk, 6 marks \0$. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
March 20.
Membrane \\d.
To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Summons to attend a parliament to be
held at York in a month from Easter. By K.
[Pari. Writs.']
The Uke to W. archbishop of York and sixteen bishops. \_Ibid.']
The like to J. bishop of Bath and Wells. [^Ibid.']
The like to W. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. '\_Ibid.']
To the abbot of St. Augustine's Canterbury. Summons to attend tba
above parliament. [/6?rf,]
The like to fifty-two abbots and priors, the prior of St. John's Hospital,
and the master of the order of Sempyngham. \_Ibid.']
To Thomas, earl of Lancaster. Summons to attend the above parlia-
ment. [iSjrf.]
The like to eight earls and seventy-nine others.
To Robert de Pykeryng, dean of York. Like summons.
The like to twenty-four others. [Ibid.]
To the sheriff of Essex and Hertford. Order to cause two knights to b&
elected for each county and two citizens for each city and two burgesses for
each borough in his bailiwick to attend the above parliament. [Ibid.]
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.]
March 27. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to examine the
York. rolls and memoranda of the exchequer concerning the debts due from
W. archbishop of York for his own debts and the debts of his predecessors,
and to ascertain what debts are clear, and to certify the king concerning
the same, and to cause the demand made for the said debts by summons of
the exchequer to be respited until Michaelmas, so that the king may in the
meantime do what ought to be done herein. By K.
To the same. Order to examine the roUs and memoranda of the ex-
chequer concerning the debts of Alan la Zousche, deceased, for his own
debts and the debts of his ancestors, and to ascertain what debts are clear,
and to certify the king concerning the same, and to cause the demand
therefor made upon Alan de Cherleton and Ellen his wife, one of the
daughters and eo-heiresses of the said Adam, to be respited until Michael-
mas, so that the king may in the meantime do what ought to be done herein.
By p.s. [4940.]
March 28. Thomas de Thorp, chaplain, acknowledges that he owes to John de
York. Hathelsay of York 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of hi&
lands and chattels in co. York.
William Copyn of Aughton acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas Fuke
13 marks and a sack of wool, price 12 marks; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
ApriL 3.
Membrane \\d — cont.
Roger de Suthyby of Suthclif and Geoffrey de Irland of Sutliclif acknow-
ledge that, they owe to Geoffrey, parson of the church of North Cave, 100«. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
— The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Brother William de Ponte Episcopi, prior of Okeburne, acknowledges
that he owes to Hugh le Despenser, the younger, 220/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Wilts. — R, de Bardelby
received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
The said prior acknowledges that he owes to the said Hugh 2,000/. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Wilts — The
aforesaid Robert received the recognisance before the king by his order.
March 20.
April 10.
April 10.
April 15.
April 10.
Membrane lOd.
To Thomas, earl of Norfolk and marshal of England. Request that he
will be at Newcastle-on-Tyne in the octave of Holy Trinity next with
horses and arms in as great power as possible, ready to set out with the
king against the Scotch rebels, the king having ordained, with the assent
of the prelates, earls, barons, and others in the parliament at York, to be
at Newcastle at the above time to repress the aforesaid rebels.
[Pari. Writs.']
The like to eight earls and one hundred and sixty-two others. [76t(/.]
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Oliver de
Ingham, tenant of certain lands that belouged to John de Munemuwe and
of certain lands that belonged to John de Nevill, to have respite until
Michaelmas of all the debts exacted from him by summons of the exchequer
by reason of the aforesaid lands. By K.
John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, has respite until Michaelmas of all
debts due to the exchequer. By K.
To W. count of Hainault, Holland, and Zeeland, and lord of Eriesland.
W. bishop of Exeter, Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex,
and Master John Walewayn, canon of St. Paul's London, whom the king
lately sent to the count to explain certain matters touching the king, have
returned and explained to the king what they have done concerning the
same with the count, and the king, who accepts what they have done, has
caused the aforesaid Master John to be sent back to the count for the
aforesaid matters, and he requests the count to give credence to what he
shall say on the king's behalf.
John son of William de Alta Ripa of Fulsutton acknowledges that he
owes to Norman de Kernetby 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. — The chancellor received the
To the bailiffs of the Tolbooth of Lenne. Order not to permit corn or
other victuals to be exported from that port by alien merchants in any
wise, and to take security from native merchants wishing to export corn or
victuals by their oaths and in other ways that seem good to them that they
will not carry the corn or victuals to the Scotch rebels, nor cause them to be
carried to them, nor communicate with them, but that they will take the
corn or victuals to the northern parts for the maintenance of the king and
his subjects who are about to set out thither, and that they will not carry
them elsewhere, and that they will bring with them upon their return suf-
April 15.
April 19.
April 10.
Membrane \0d — cont.
ficient letters testimonial from the parts in the north where they have dis-
charged the corn and victuals, as the liing understands that native and alien
merchants, under colour of his peroaission that corn and victuals might be
exported from that port to foreign parts upon security being given that
they would not be taken to the Scotch rebels, carry great quantities of corn
and victuals from that port to the Scots, asserting that they are carrying the
same to parts beyond sea.
Robert Danyel acknowledges that he owes to John de Rothyngges 201.,
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Note of payment of \Ql.
Robert son of Roger de Thorneton in Bulmershire acknowledges that ha
owes to Nicholas le Flemyng, citizen of York, 16Z. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Robert de Hertergate acknowledges that he owes to William de Byngham
201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Cancelled on payment.
Richard son of Roger de la "Wodehalle and Thomas de Cresacre acknow-
ledge that they owe to John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, 20 marks ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
To W. archbishop of Canterbury, and to his official, and their commis-
saries. Order to revoke without delay any sentences of excommunication
or other grievances fulminated against the ministers of Hugh le Despenser,
the younger, in Wales, on account of their arrest of brother Ralph de
RouncevHl, a monk of the house of Bec-Hellouin, and for delivering him to
"William de Ponte Episcopi, prior of Okebourn, the attorney of the abbot of
Bee in England, the said Hugh having complained to the king that they
have fulminated such sentences against his ministers, who arrested the said
Ralph by virtue of the king's orders to his bailiffs and others in England
and Wales to arrest him and deliver him to the said attorney, which order
the king issued at the request of the abbot and prior, who had signified to
the king by their letters that the aforesaid Ralph, who professed in their
house at Bee, had rejected the habit of religion and was wandering about in
secular dress. By K.
The like to J. bishop of Llandaff and his official, and their commissary.
' Membrane 9d.
April 12. To Master John Walewayn, Adam de Herewynton, and John de
Kirkham. Bromfeld, justices to hear and determine the trespasses and wrongs com-
mitted upon the people by sheriffs and other bailiffs and ministers in
cos. Salop and Stafford. Order to continue until a suitable day after the
quinzaine of Easter last all matters touching Roger Trumwyne, so that he
may come before the king in the quinzaine and may afterwards come before
them, as he is charged before them for certain alleged excesses committed
by him when he was sheriff of the said counties, and especially because he
permitted John de Vallibus, indicted for the death of Thomas Murdak, to
go from his custody, the king understanding that he is cited before
him concerning the matter of John de Vallibus, and that he has a day
before the king in the quinzaine of Easter last to answer concerning the
same. By K.
1319. Membrane 9d — coni.
April 17. To the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order to cause proclamation to
York. be made, especially in ports, that no alien merchant shall carry any corn or
other victuals out of the realm without the king's special licence, under pain
of forfeiture of their victuals, signifying to all wishing to take victuals out
of the realm to parts beyond sea that they shall be satisfied for the victuals,
and that nothing shall be taken from their victuals against their will, and to
cause proclamation to be made and to enjoin the bailiffs of ports whence
victuals are taken to parts beyond sea that all merchants and others wishing to
carry victuals to the king shall make security by oath and otherwise that
they will not carry corn or victuals elsewhere than to the king and his
subjects in the northern parts, and that they will bring back to the bailiffs
of the ports in which the victuals were loaded letters testimonial from the
bailiffs of the ports wherein they were unloaded, as the king understands
that alien merchants carry corn and other victuals out of the realm under
pretext of taking them to the king for the maintenance of himself and his
subjects in the northern parts, and that tliey sell them to the Scotch rebels,
the king having inhibited the carrying of corn or victuals out of the realm
except to the northern parts for the purpose abovesaid.
The like to the sheriffs of York, Lincoln. Cambridge, Huntingdon, Essex,
Hertford, Kent, the warden of the Cinque Ports, the sheriffs of Surrey,
Sussex, Southampton, Somerset, and Dorset.
April 21. John son of James de Milington acknowledges that he owes to Matilda,
York. late the wife of James de Milington, 8 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lauds and chattels in co. York.
April 22. The king wishing to shew special grace to Richard de Grey has given
York. him respite until Michaelmas for all debts due to the exchequer, and has
therefore ordered by divers writs the sheriffs of Norfolk, Essex, Kent,
Nottingham and Derby, Northampton and Leicester, to permit him to have
such respite. By K.
April 22. To the sheriff of Devon. Order to compel and distrain all workmen in
York. his bailiwick suitable for the works of the king's mine in that county to
work the same, as has been usual at any time when the mine was in the
king's hands, the king having committed the mine to the abbot of Tavystok,
during pleasure, rendering therefor a certain sum of money.
Ingelram de Beauver of York acknowledges that he owes to Master
Thomas de Cave 8 marks : to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Richard Godard of Pokelyngton acknowledges that he owes to Roger de
Seton of Pokelyngton 101. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Thomas Fox, parson of the church of Lith, diocese of York, acknowledges
that he owes to Hugh de Bradeford 5 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
April 25. Walter de Taunton came before the king, on Saturday the feast of SS.
Kirkham. Tiburtius and Valerian, and sought to replevy to Andrew son of John
Balnayr, and Richard and Peter, his brothers, and Joan, sister of the said
Peter, and Joan, late the wife of John Balnayr, their lands in Suthampton,
taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench
against A.lice, late the wife of John Pudele of Suthampton. This is
signified to the justices.
12 EDWARD II. 135
1319. Membrane Qd — cont.
April 27. John son of Peter cle Bermyngbam acknowledges that he owes to John
■^ofk. de Hothum, bishop of Ely, 1,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lauds and chattels in Ireland. — R. de Bard[elby] and Master H. da
Glif received the acknowledgment.
Ralph de Bulmere, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John son of
Walter de Fauoomberge 2,000 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
May 1. Robert de Rither and Anketin Salveyn, knights, acknowledge that they
York. owe to William le Latimer, knight, 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Enrolment of release by Cicely, late the wife of Robert del Wode of
Wodesom, to Sir Robert de Bardelby, clerk, of her right in the manor of
Westhagh and in the lands in Kexburgh and Westbretton that belonged at
any time to William Achard, her brother, lately deceased, whose heir she is,
which lands were afterwards held by Joan, late the wife of the said William,
and which she gave to the said Robert, together with the common of
pasture for all manner of beasts that William had in the aforesaid towns.
Witnesses : Godfrey de Steynton ; Henry de Rokkele ; Nicholas Tours ;
Robert de Barneby ; Henry de Birthwayt ; Richard de Rihale ; Richard
Plaiz ; William Scot; John de Rokkele; Henry del Hagh. Dated at York,
on .Sunday the feast of the Annunciation, 12 Edward II.
Memorandum-, that Cicely came into chancery at York, on 1 May, and
acknowledged the aforesaid deed.
May 1. Walter de Insula acknowledges that he owes to Robert Spryng 14 marks ;
York. to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Robert Capon, knight, and Joan his sister, acknowledge that they owe to
Robert de Rithre and Anketin Salvayn, knights, 40 marks ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert Capou, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William le Latimer
5 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
Robert son of John Fraunceys came before the king, on Tuesday the
feast of SS. Philip and James, and sought to replevy his land in Barton
near Melsamby, taken into the king's hands for his default before the
justices of the Bench against John de Hertford. This is signified to the
John son of Hugh de Hoton near Gyseburgh acknowledges that he owes
to John son of Walter de Stokesley 6 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
May 8. Thomas ' the Litester ' of Sutton, William de Sutton of Thresk, the
York. younger, Robert Shall of Thresk, and Thomas de Thorp of Thresk acknow-
ledge that they owe to the master and brethren of the hospital of St.
Leonard, York, 32 marks Zs. 4d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
their lands and chattels in co. York.
John son of Almaric Devill acknowledges that he owes to William Copyn
10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
Cancelled on payment.
1319. Membrane 9d — cont.
May 11. Thomas de Salop', burgess of Bristol, acknowledges that he owes to Alan
York. de Cherleton 20/. ; to he levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Gloucester.
William de Ripon, parson of the church of S curve ton, diocese of York,
acknowledges that he owes to John de Ellerker, the elder, 40 marks ; to he
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Bordesden and John his son acknowledge that they owe to
William de Halton, chaplain, 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Francis Bache of Gamma acknowledges that he owes to Lanfrancus Usus
Maris and Anthony his brother 200Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
May 16. Thomas de Norfolk of Naburn acknowledges that he owes to George le
York. White of York 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
John de Graham of York and John Lorbatour of York acknowledge that
they owe to Richard Tunnok of York 40/. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Note of payment of 20 marks.
May 12. To the bailiffs of the Tolbooth of Lenne. Order to permit alien merchants
York. who had loaded ships in that port with corn or other victuals, or who had
commenced to load their ships therewith, before the king's inhibition of
April 10, to carry such corn thence to foreign parts, taking from them
sufficient security that they will not carry the same to the Scotch rebels and
that they will not communicate with them. By K.
May 17. Robert de Askehy, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John, bishop of
York. Carlisle, 30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Westmoreland.
John son of John de Colleby acknowledges that he owes to the said
bishop 30/. ; to he levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Westmoreland.
Membrane 8d.
May 18. Matthew Daunay acknowledges that he owes to Stephen son of Stephen
York. de Houeden 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
May 15. John de Moubray, who is staying in the marches of Scotland in the
York. king's service, has respite for all debts due to the exchequer until
Michaelmas, and the sheriff of Bedford is ordered to permit him to have
such respite. By K.
May 22. Thomas de Gernemuth of Lenne acknowledges that he owes to William
York. de Whetacre, clerk, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Norfolk.
Ralph de Grene of Pontefract acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
la Pole and William and John, his brothers, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Memorandum, that the greater piece of the seal for taking recognisances
at Northampton according to the statute of merchants — sent, with the smaller
12 EDWAKD II. 137
1319. Membrane 8d — cont.
piece, by the treasurer and chamberlains under the exchequer seal to J.
bishop of Ely, the chancellor — was delivered on 21 May by him to Philip de
Caysho, mayor of Northampton, elected by the community of that town to
have the custody of the aforesaid seal according to the form of the statute.
On the same day, the smaller piece of the seal was delivered to William de
Burgo, clerk of the same town, to be kept as above, and he has a commission
thereof as on the Patent Eoll ; and impressions (impositiones) of the afore-
said seals were placed in a box.
Ralph de Lasceles and Ranulph son of Ralph acknowledge that
they owe to John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, 46/. 13*. Ad.; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Hugh de Faryndon, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Norton lOOi. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Bedford.
Avice, late the wife of Robert de Gaythill, acknowledges that she owes to
Simon de la Roche 4/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and
chattels in co. York.
May 22. John Vanne of London acknowledges that he owes to William de Neuport,
York. clerk, 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
the city of London and in co. Essex.
John son of Adam de Walkyngham, knight, acknowledges that he owes
to William de Walkyngham \Ql. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
William son of William de Buclon acknowledges that he owes to Walter
de Siwardeby iOl. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Thomas son of Adam de Burgh of Gersyngham acknowledges that he
owes to William son of Roger de Slene 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lancaster.
Joan, daughter of Giles de Munpynzon, wife of Richard son of Richard
de Goldesburgh, puts in her place John de Veer of Braunceton and William
de Colshull to seek and receive in chancery and elsewhere 320/. acknow-
ledged to her and Alice, daughter of Giles de Monpynzon, in chancery by
John de Cove, knight, in the 5th year of the king's reign.
May 23. John de Bayous of Helperby acknowledges that he owes to Master
Xork. Robert de Ripplyngham, chancellor of St. Peter's York, 100 marks ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Robert le Loker of Bautre acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Brom,
clerk, 15Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Thomas de Burton of Egmanton and John son of William son of
Matilda de Egmanton acknowledge that they owe to Edmund de Passeleye
14/. 13*. Od. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels
in CO. Nottingham.
Adam le Clerk of Lenne acknowledges that he owes to Richard Level
40«. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co,
Cancelled on payment.
1319. Membrane 8d — cont.
John de Crumbwell, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Peter le
Bailliolf of Neuby-on-Wysk 8/. '7s. Id. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
John son of Walter de Faucumberge of Skelton acknowledges that he
owes to Geoffrey de Cave, clerk, 24/. 13s. 4c?. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Henry de Wylynton and Baldwin de Frivill acknowledge that they owe
to Thomas de Badesleye 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their
lands and chattels in cos. Gloucester and Salop.
May 26. Bartholomew de Badelesmere acknowledges that he owes to John
York. Giffard of Weston 300 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
land and chattels in co. Kent.
Note of payment of 260 marks, receipt whereof is acknowledged ly
John Giffard of Brymesfeld, executor of the will of the aforesaid John.
Enrolment of release by John Giffard of Weston to Sir Bartholomew de
Badelesmere, knight, of his right in the manor of Barewe, co. Suffolk.
Witnesses : Sir Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk, Sir Hugh de Courteneye,
Sir William le Latimer, Sir Roger Damory, Sir Hugh Daudele, the
younger, knights. Dated at York, 25 M.ny, 12 Edward II.
Enrolment of general release by the said John to the said Bartholomew
of all actions by reason of any debts acknowledged in the king's court oi' by
any other reason whereby the aforesaid manor might be charged in any
wise. Dated at York, 25 May, 12 Edward II.
Memorandum, that John came into chancery at York, on the said day,
and acknowledged the above deeds.
Enrolment of release by Richard Lovel, lord of Carycastel, to the prior
and convent of Montacute of his right in the manors of Tyntenhull and
Estcliynnok, co. Somerset, and in the advowsons of the churches of the
same, and in the hundreds of Tyntenhull and Hundesbergh, with all
appurtenances, the fairs and markets of Tyntenhull, etc. If any fine con-
cerniug the above or any part thereof have been levied in the king's court
between the releasor and Muriel his wife, demandants, and Master Richard
de Clare and Master Roger de Blokesworth, deforciants, by reason whereof
any right might accrue to the releasor or his heirs, he wills that it shall be
null and void. Witnesses: Sir Thomas, earl of Lancaster; Sir John, earl
of Richmond ; Sir Robert de Holland ; Sir William le Latymer ; Sir Fulfc
le Straunge; Sir Nicholas de Segrave ; Sir John de Claveryngg' ; Sir Fulk
son of Warin ; Sir Gerard Salveyn; Sir William Tuchet; Sir John Beek;
Sir William Trussell; Sir John de Kynardeseye ; Sir Michael de Meledon ;
Roger Beler ; John de Lancastre. Dated at York, Thursday the octave of
the Ascension, 12 Edward II., at the time when the parliament was held
there. The said Richard has acknowledged this quit claim, and procured
its enrolment in chancery and before Henry de {sic) Scrop and his fellows,
justices of the king then present, on the same day.
Membrane Id.
May 21. Henry de Co . . . um came before the king, on Thursday after St.
York. Augustine, and sought to replevy the land of Roger in Mistreton,
taken into the king's hands for his default before the justices of the Bench
against late the wife of Adam Faukes of Mistr[eton]. This
is signified to the justices.
12 EDWARD II. 139
1319. Membrane W — cont.
June 2. To Roger de Mortuo Mari, justiciary of Ireland. Order to give credence
York. to what John de Ufford, whom the king has enjoined to explain to him
certain of his affairs touching Ireland, shall tell him, and to execute the
same with all diligence. By K.
[Pari. Writs.']
The hke to the following :
John Wogan.
Thomas son of John, earl of Kildare.
Arnald le Peer.
Walter de Islep.
John de Bermyngham, earl of Loueth. [Ibid.']
May 25. To the sheriff of York. Writ for payment of their expenses to Robert le
York. Conestahle and Alexander de Bergh, knights of that shire, for attending
the parliament at York in a month from Easter, to wit As. a day each.
[Pari. Writs.]
The like for the knights of other counties. [Ibid.]
May 25. To the mayor and bailiffs of Canterbury. Order to pay to William de
York. Cotes and Lapinus atte Chaunge, citizens of that city, their expenses for
attending the said parliament, to wit 20c?. a day each. [Ibid.]
The like for the citizens and burgesses of thirteen cities and boroughs.
Enrolment of release by Hugh son of William Giffard, knight, to Sir
Bartholomew de Badelesmere, knight, of his right in the manor of Barewe
near St. Edmunds, co. Suffolk, with all appurtenances and the advowson of
the church. Witnesses : Sir Thomas de Grey, Sir Robert de Bures, Sir
Robert de Asphale, Sir Robert de Watevill, Sir Bartholomew de Burgherssh,
knights ; John son of John de Coggeshale, John de Goldyngton. Dated at
York, 3 June, 12 Edward II.
Enrolment of release by Hugh Giffard son of Sir William Giffard,
knight, to Matilda de Clare, countess of Gloucester and Hertford, of all
actions against her that he might have by reason of the two robes yearly of
the suit of her clerks and the 101. of yearly pension granted to him by her
during the life of Lady Katherine, his mother, and by reason of any costs
and expenses in defending the manor of Barewe, which she granted to him
if the said Katherine should be impleaded concerning the said manor by
Sir John Giffard of Boytone, and of all arrears of the said robes, pension,
and expenses. Dated at York, 6 June, 12 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Hugh came into chancery at York on the said day,
and acknowledged the above deed.
Enrolment of grant by Bartholomew de Badelesmere, knight, to Hugh
Giffard, son of Sir William Giffard, knight, of 101. of yearly rent and two robes
yearly of the suit and livery of Bartholomew's clerks, to be received from
his manor of Barewe, co. Suffolk, until Hugh be provided by him or
his heirs with a yearly promotion of 100/. Dated at York, 7 June,
12 Edward II.
June 8. William son of Hugh Pikok of Stokesley, William son of Cicely de
York. Stokesley, John son of Cicely de Stokesleye, and John Cornai of Normanby
acknowledo'e that they owe to the master and brethren of the hospital of St.
Leonard York, 35/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and
chattels in co. York.
Membrane 6d.
May 27. Walter Gelous of Burton acknowledges that he owes to Roger son of
York. Hugh de Lanum 41. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Nottingham.
John de Perch of Aslacby acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de
Ousthorp 20s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Lincoln.
Giles de Bello Campo acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Bello
Campo and Hawysia his wife 1,000 marks ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Warwick.
Cancelled on payment.
May 29. John de Penreth, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John eon of
York. Richard de Lincoln 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Cumberland.
Richard atte Lane of Hemmyngburgh acknowledges that he owes to
Peter de Thorneton, clerk, 4/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Thomas de Briggesherth acknowledges that he owes to Edward de
BaUiolo IOOj. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
Peter Foun acknowledges that he owes to John de Kyngho, clerk, 15Z. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Notting-
Robert de Melton of Etton, Thomas de Heselarton of Lound', William
son of Walter le Keu of Etton, and Robert son of the said Walter acknow-
ledge that they owe to the master and brethren of St. Leonard's hospital,
York, 18Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels
in CO. York.
May 28. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to cause the lay force put in the
York. church of the priory of Bynham, which is a cell of the abbey of St.
Albans, in order to prevent the abbot of St. Albans exercising his spiritual
office therein to be removed thence without delay, the abbot, who exercises
ordinary jurisdiction in the priory by apostolic authority, having requested
the king to make this order. By K.
May 24. To Robert de Kendale, constable of Dover castle and warden of the
York. Cinque Ports. Order to cause W. bishop of Exeter, who is going to parts
beyond sea on the king's business, to have speedy passage for himself and
household in the port of Dover.
William le Vavassour of Denyngby acknowledges that he owes to Godfrey
de Staynton 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
William Jakes of Stokesby in Fleg' acknowledges that he owes to Richard
de Ayremynne, clerk, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Norfolk.
Edmund de Hastynges acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Seleby
and Emma his wife 2 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co, York.
Cancelled on payment.
June 1. Richard de Kirkeby acknowledges that he owes to Alexander de Bergh,
York. knight, 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
12 EDWAED II. 141
1319. Membrane Gd — cont.
June 3. Thomas de Forset acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey de Bromholm
Tork. of York 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
Richard de Thorp acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Ganye 20^. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Notting-
Gilbert Pecche acknowledges that he owes to Aymer de Valencia, earl of
Pembroke, 1,000^ ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Suffolk.
June 2. To H. king of Norway. In order that the disputes between his and the
Xork. king's subjects may be settled, the king is pleased, if the king of Norway
will consent, that the king of Norway shall send envoys for this purpose to
the king at a certain day to ordain with certain of the king's council for the
settlement of the aforesaid disagreements.
WiUiara de Hamelton, forester of Langewath, acknowledges that he owes
to John de Merkyngfeld, clerk, and Henry de Berlay 20 marks; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Richard de Burn acknowledges that he owes to John de Medburn, clerk,
6/. 5s. Od. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Southampton.
Cancelled on payment.
William de Cokerham, vicar of the church of Dalton-in-Fourneys,
acknowledges that he owes to the abbot of Pourneys 200/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lancaster.
May 22. To Thomas, earl of Lancaster. Prorogation until a month from the
Tork. Nativity of St. John the Baptist next of his service that the king lately
requested him to have at Newcastle-on-Tyne in the octaves of tiie Holy
Trinity next. By K. and C.
IFarl. Writs.]
The like to eight earls and one hundred and sixty-two others. \_Ibid.'\
May 4. Richard de Pertenhale acknowledges that he owes to Walter le Seler of
York. Dunmawe 60Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Bedford.
May 5. WUliam de Everton came before the king on Tuesday after Holy Trinity
York. and sought to replevy to Ralph Maulovel and Matilda his wife and John
his son their land in Hampton, taken into the king's hands for their default
before the same {sic) justices against Hugh de Qouteby and Matilda hia
wife. This is signified to the justices.
Alfred de Quappelade came before the king, on Tuesday after Holy
Trinity, and sought to replevy to Matilda, late the wife of Gilbert Rybold,
her land in Multon, taken into the king's hands for her default before the
aforesaid justices, against Richard son of William de Holbech. This is
signified to the justices.
June 6. Roger Odeson of Arsom came before the king, on Wednesday after Holy
York. Trinity, and sought to replevy his land in Levynthorp, taken into the
king's hands for his default before the aforesaid justices against Matthew
Dauney. This is signified to the justices.
John de Boyland acknowledges that he owes to John de Wathsand
10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO, Norfolk.
Cancelled on payment.
1319. Membrane 6d — cont.
William de Tourney acknowledges that lie owes to William de Ayremynn,
clerk, 4 marks ; to be levied, ia default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Lincoln.
Cancelled on payment.
Membrane 5d.
June 11. Geoffrey de Pykehale acknowledges that he owes to Master Michael de
York. Hartcla, clerk, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Memorandum, that at York, on 7 June, upon the testimony of Richard de
Grey before the king, that the recognisance made by him in chancery to
Emericus de Friscobald[is] and Peter de Friscobald[is] for 100 marks was
made by way of security {ad caiitelani) at the request of the executors of
Guyot Bonaventura, to whom that sum was owing by him, in order that the
money might be raised in the names of Emericus and Peter on account of the
favour that they then had in the king's court, the king granted that the said
100 marks, which ought to have been levied for the king's use, because the
goods, chattels, and debts of Emericus and Peter have come to the king's
hands, shall be levied for the use of the aforesaid executors and delivered to
them for the execution of the aforesaid will.
June 13. Walter son of Gilbert de Mapelton came before the king, on Wednesday
Nottingham, after St. Barnabas, and sought to replevy his land in Great Coldon, taken
into the king's hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against
Robert son of Robert Tothe of KiUum and Agnes his wife. This is
signified to the justices.
Thomas de Skelthorp, parson of the church of Pauhal, came before the
king, on the aforesaid day, and sought to replevy his land in Pauhal, taken
into the king's hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against
Thomas Elys of Berewyk and EUen his wife. This is signified to the
John le Smyth of Suthcnton came before the king, on the aforesaid day,
and sought to replevy his land in Suthcuton, taken into the king's hands
for his default before the justices of the Bench against Thomas de Cloubek,
Margery his wife, and Joan daughter of Conan de Bretanby. This is
signified to the justices.
June 6. To the bailiffs, men, and community of Great Yarmouth. Order to in-
York. hibit the masters, mariners, and others of the ships granted by them and
others of Norfolk to the king in aid of the Scotch war from inflicting
damage upon any men of the Cinque Ports going on the said expedition by
the east sea in the ships granted to the king by the barons of the Cinque
Ports, by reason of the disputes between them and others of the county of
Norfolk and the barons aforesaid, whereby the affairs of the king and his
progenitors have been frequently retarded. They are ordered to certify the
king by their letters patent without delay of the names of all the masters
and other mariners setting out in their ships, and of their whole proceedings
herein, and to cause two or three of the more sufficient men of the town to
come before J. bishop of Norwich at Lenne on Thursday after the octaves
of the Holy Trinity, with sufficient power to hear the king's will and ordi-
nance in this behalf, and to do further what shall be enjoined upon them
and the bailiffs, men, and community aforesaid by the bishop on the king's
behalf. By K. and C.
The like to the barons and all others of the aforesaid ports.
By K. and 0.
12 EDWARD II. 143
1319. Membrane 5d — cont.
The like to the bailiffs, men, and communities of Lenne, Little Yarmouth,
Gippeswyk, and Oreford.
The like to the following, with clause to send the two or thi-ee men
before the treasurer and barons of the exchequer at the quinzaine of the
Nativity of St. John the Baptist, instead of before the bishop of Norwich,
as above :
The mayor, bailiffs, men, and whole community of the port of Wyn-
The mayor, bailiffs, men, and whole community of the port of Sand-
The bailiffs, men, and whole community of the port of Hastinges.
The bailiffs, men, and whole community of the port of Eye.
The mayor, bailiffs, men, and whole community of the port of Faveres-
The bailiffs, men, and whole community of Hethe.
The bailiffs, men, and whole community of Romunhale.
Memorandum, that Hugh de Audele, the younger, and Margaret his
wife delivered in parliament at York in three weeks from Michaelmas, in
the 12th year of the king's reign, a petition to this effect: — Hugh de
Audele, the son, and Margaret his wife pray the king and his council that
whereas the king by his charter made before the ordinances gave and
granted, with the assent of his council, to Sir Peter de Gavaston and the
said Margaret, then his wife, the earldom of Cornwall and the lands of
Edmund, late earl of Cornwall, to have and to hold to them and the heirs of
their bodies, and whereof they were seised long before- the ordinances, and
they had issue still living, until after the earl's death the king re-seised the
earldom and other lands aforesaid into his hands, that it may please the king
and his council to render the earldom and lands to Hugh and Margaret as
her right, to hold in manner aforesaid, having regard to the Great Charter,
which wills that her inheritance and marriage shall be rendered to a widow
immediately after her husband's death, that no one's right shall be delayed,
and that no one shall be ousted of his freehold without judgment of law,
and to the second statute of Westminster, which wills that lands given in
tail (en forme taillee) shall remain to those to whom they are given and to
their heirs according to the wiU of the donors. French.
Afterwards, in the parliament at York, in a month from Easter, after the
petition had been fully treated of in full parliament, and because it was
there recorded by the prelates, and by the earls, barons, and whole com-
munitv of the realm, that it was agreed and ordained at another time by the
prelates, earls, and barons, and by the whole community of the realm that
all grants made by the king to the said Peter and Margaret of the aforesaid
earldom and of certain other castles, manors, and lands should be revoked
and annulled and extinct in the person of Peter and Margaret and their
issue, it was agreed by the aforesaid prelates, earls, and barons, and the
whole community of the realm that the earldom and all other castles,
manors, and lands shall remain to the king quit of the aforesaid Hugh and
Margaret and of the issue of Peter and Margaret, and that the charters and
wi'itings made by the king concerning the same shall be restored to chancery
and annulled, and that the enrolments thereof in chancery shall be quashed
and annulled, and that this judgment shall be entered in the rolls of parlia-
ment and in the chancery, and shall be sent thence to the exchequer and to
both the Benches, and shall be enrolled therein.
June 13. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Letter enclosing
York. transcripts of the above petition and answer, and ordering them to cause
the same to be enrolled before them in the exchequer, and to cause the
same to be observed and fulfilled. By K
1319. Membrane 5d — cont.
The like to the justices of the Bench, 'mutatis mutandis.'
The like to Henry le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before
the king.
Membrane Ad.
June 8. To the mayor and sheriflfs of London. Order to permit the merchant
York. vintners of tlie. duchy of Aquitaine to sell their wines until next parliament
in gross in the city and the suburbs to whomsoever they will, natives and
foreigners, regrators and others, and not to molest them on this account or
to introduce innovations (novitates) against them in the meanwhile, as the
king will cause justice to be done in the parliament concerning the disputes
between them, the vintners aforesaid alleging that they can sell their wines
in gross as above, which the mayor, sheriffs, and other citizens deny, certain
treaties concerning the same not having been completed, as the king considers
that a better market for wines will be made in the realm by the free sale
thereof, and as he wishes that wines and other victuals should be carried
into the realm in greater abundance, more especially as it behoves him to
have wine and other victuals in great quantity for the maintenance of
himself and those who are going with him to the parts of Scotland. The
king wills that prejudice shall not be done by this order to their old customs
of the city. By K.
June 12. To H. king of Norway. The king's merchant Alan de Wolferton has
York. intimated to him that the king of Norway is bound to him by letters
obligatory in 66 hundi'eds of good and merchantable (pacabilis) stockfish
{duris piscibiis) commonly called ' Luscrei/k,' for divers wares received from
Alan in the king of Norway's city of Berg[en] for the use of the king of
Norway, as contained in his said letter, and that, in addition, the king of
Norway is bound to Alan in six thousands and six hundreds good and
merchantable fish, price 331. sterling, and in lOZ. of sterling money, and in
49/. 8.9. Od. sterling for cloth and other wares taken from him by Erling
{Herlingus) son of Aamund (Omundns), then treasurer, and by Aamund
(^Omimdrum) Daunce, his knight, for the use of the king of Norway;
for which sums the king of Norway ought to have satisfied Alan at terms
long past, but he has not done so ; wherefore Alan has prayed the king to
provide him with a remedy : the king therefore requests the king of
Norway to cause Alan or his attorney to be satisfied for the preceding, so
that he may not again come to the king for lack of justice. He is requested
to certify the king by his letters of his proceedings herein.
Membrane 3d.
June 12. To H. king of Norway. Geoffrey Dreu, Adam le Clerk, Ivo de Massing-
Tork. ham, John de Deneby, Robert de Hecham, William de GoushuU, and
Simon de Lincoln, merchants of Lenne, have complained to the king that
Botolv (Botulphus) Bix, the king of Norway's late treasurer in the town
of Northberg[en], six years and more since took certain cloth, fish, and
J, other wares of divers of the said merchants for the use of the king of
Norway, to wit cloth and other goods of the said Geoffrey to the value of
365/. 9«. Qd., goods of the said Adam to the value of 191/., goods of the
said Ivo to the value of 174/., goods of the said John to the value of
303/. 16s. Od., goods of the said Robert to the value of 200/., and goods and
wares of the said William and Simon to the value of 260/. sterling, for
which, the king learns, they have not yet been satisfied, although they have
12 EDWARD II. 145
1319. Membrane Zd — cont.
often requested the king of Norway to satisfy them ; wherefore they have
prayed the king to provide them with a remedy : the king therefore requests
the king of Norway to order due satisfaction to be made to the said mer-
chants, doing so much in this behalf that the merchanls shall have no cause
to return to the king for laclc of justice. He is desired to write by the
bearer hereof an account of his proceedings herein. {Fadera^
Robert de Bolton, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Walter de
Pokethorp 221. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
William de Hakeford and Michael Mignot, citizens of London, acknow-
ledge that they owe to William de Clif, clerk, 100 marks ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the city of London.
Cancelled on ■payment.
June 8. To William Inge. Order to send to the exchequer without delay all
York. estreats not yet delivered there of the rolls of himself and his fellows,
appointed to take assizes, juries, and certificates, or to hear and determine
or do other matters whatsoever, or to deliver gaols. By K.
{Pari. Writs.]
The like to one hundred and fifty-seven others. [Ibid.]
June 16. Thomas Corbet acknowledges that he owes to Robert son of William le
Bridgford. Vavassour 40.?. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Surrey.
June 8. To Robert de Kendale, constable of Dover castle and warden of the
York. Cinque Ports. Order to put aside all other matters and to enquire into the
trespasses inflicted upon merchants of Flanders at Crandon, and to proceed
to hear and determine the same, according to the king's appointment of him
and Henry de Cobeham, the younger, and Master Jordan Moraunt as his
justices to enquire into this matter in the said ports and counties of Kent,
Sussex, and Southampton, and to send the record and process of the whole
matter under the seals of himself and Henry and Jordan, or two of them, to
the king's council at London in the feast of St. Mary Magdalene, and to certify
the couucil of his whole proceedings in this behalf, so that what ought to
be done may be done according to the treaty made between the king and
Robert, count of Flanders, by the count's special envoys to the king to treat
for reformation of the damages inflicted upon the count's men by the king's
men and upon the king's men by the count's men, whereby it was agreed
that the king should cau.se enquiry to be made concerning the aflair at
Crandon before the aforesaid feast, so that the king should at that feast do
what ought to be done for the count and his subjects according to the treaty.
The like to Henry and Master Jordan and others appointed to enquire
into the aforesaid matter in divers counties, whose names appear more fully
on the dorse of the Patent Roll for the same year.
Membrane 2d.
June 28. Richard de Furneux acknowledges that he owes to Peter de Rudby^
York. parson of the church of Northburton near Beverley, 18 marks 6*. 8d.;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Robert son of Thomas de Wylesthorp acknowledges that he owes to
William son of Nicholas de Seleby and Roger his brother 121. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
76418. K
1319. Memhrnne Id—cont.
Nicholas "Watkyn ' neve Got de Lincoln ' acknowledges that he owes to
Eichai-d son of Adam de Bor3'ngham 40s. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his land.s and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Enrolment of grant by John son of Richard de Normanton to Benedict
de Normanton, his brother, of the reversion of all the lands, etc., that
Isabella, late the wife of Richard de Normanton, holds in dower for the
term of her life or otherwise of the grantoi-'s inheritance in Normanton near
Suthwell. Witnesses : Sir Roger de Sutton ; Henry de Edenestowe ;
Thomas de Evesham ; Robert Tymparon ; Robert de Kelum and John de
Nesum. Dated at York, 20 May, 12 Edward II.
Memorandum, that John came into chancery at York, 1 July, and
acknowledged the above deed.
July 1. William de ClyfF, parson of the church of Lek', diocese of York, and
York. William de Ebor[aco], parson of the church of Bradeleye, diocese of
Norwich, acknowledge that they owe to William de Yarewelle, parson of
the church of Brayton, 100s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their
lands and chattels in cos. York and Norfolk.
July 2. Robert le Meek of York came before the king, on Monday after SS. Peter
York. and Paul, and sought to replevy his land in Kyngeston-on-Hull, taken into
the king's hands for his default in the king's court of Kyngeston-on-Hull
before the bailiffs against Stephen son of Peter le Gauger of Kyngeston-on-
Hull. This is signified to the bailiffs.
William Brit, son of Richard Brit of Swynton, acknowledges that he owes
to Richard de Huntyngdon of York 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
William Tankard, parson of the church of Great Useburn, diocese of
York, William de Fynmer, and William de Monketon acknowledge that
they owe to John de Ousthorp, clerk, lOZ. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
The prior of Bolton-in-Craven acknowledges, for himself and convent,
that he owes to William de Ayremynn, clerk, 71. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Enrolment of deed of John de Poton of Beghenham acknowledging
receipt from Master Henry de Clyff of 201. for Michaelmas term,
12 Edward II., in full payment of 200 marks due to him from Henry for
certain lands in Beghenham that Henry had of his feoffment. Witnesses :
Sir Wilham de Ayremynne ; Master John de Blebury ; Michael de Wych' ;
Walter de Scorby ; Thomas le Vendour of York. Dated at York, 4 July,
in the above year.
Memorandum, that John came into chancery at York, on the said day,
and acknowledged the above deed.
July 4. To the keeper of the port of Dover. Order to permit the prior of St.
York. Andrew's Northampton, who is going to his chapter-general at the priory
of La Charite beyond sea, to pass the sea in that port with his household,
horses, and equipments, provided that he carry no apportum with him or
do nothing contrary to the form of the ordinance made in this behalf.
( 147 )
Membrane 21.
July 8. To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
York. elected in pliice of Richard le Mareschal of Marleberge, who is incapacitated
by age.
To the sheriiF of Lincoln. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of Richard Lywordy, whom the king has amoved from
oflSce for insufficient qualification. By K.
July 10. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
York. intermeddle further with the lands of John son of John de la Forde, and to
restore the issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator
that he held nothing in chief of the king at his death or of the heir of
Nicholas de Audele, tenant in chief, a minor in the king's wardship, by
reason whereof the wardship of John's lands ought to pertain to the king.
July 10. To Ralph de Crophull, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause dower
York. to be assigned to Agnes, late the wife of Thomas de Hoton, tenant in chief,
upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence.
July 8. To John de Crumbwell, keeper of the Forest this side Trent, or to him
York. who supplies his place in the forest of Galtres. Order to cause the abbot
and convent of St.^Mary's York to have a tenth of the king's venison taken
and to be taken in the forest of Galtres, according to the charters of the
king's progenitors, confirmed by him, granting them a tenth of all the
king's venison taken in the county of York.
July 11. To Robert de Maddyngle. Order to release John le Waleys upon main-
York, prize if he render himself to prison and be repleviable in this behalf and
find sufficient mainpernors to have him before the king at a certain day to
be prefixed by the said Robert to stand to right in the king's court concern-
ing the trespasses that Jacomina de Merk alleges that John de Lachele,
William de Marny, the aforesaid John and other malefactors inflicted upon
her in entering her manor at Lyndesele by forc6 and arms, breaking the
doors and gates of the manor, fishing in her fish-ponds there, taking and
carrying away thence fish and the timber of the houses and gates aforesaid
and other her goods and chattels to the value of 1,000/. and certain of her
charters and muniments, and six horses, eight oxen, four cows, 116 sheep,
and two swans, price 601., the king having appointed the said Robert,
Humphrey de Waleden, and John de Bousser his justices to hear and
determine the aforesaid trespasses, as the said John le Waleys has prayed
the king to provide him with a remedy because he is prepared to stand to
right before the aforesaid justices concerning the trespasses, he having been
put in exigent to be outlawed because he did not appear before them at a
certain day assigned by them to answer to Jacomina.
July 12. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allow-
York. ance to be made to John de la Haye, late keeper of the king's manor of
Riseberge, in his account of the issues thereof for 6/. 6s. 4^rf., expended by
him by virtue of the king's order by letters of privy seal of 3 April, in the
1 1th year of his reign, to cause the houses of the manor to be repaired so
that the horses of the king's stud (equicii) there might be conveniently
received therein, and to cause an enclosure (Jaldani) to be made wherein the
1319. Membrane 21 — cont.
horses (jumenta) of the stud might leap (sailUri), as appears by an
indenture made between him and William Beauxamis, then keeper of the
said stud. By K. on the information of Richard de Ayremynne.
July 8. To Richard de Emeldot), mayor of Newcastle-on-Tyne, and to Stephen
York. le Blound, receiver of the kini^'s stores there. Order to cause 10 tuns of
the 30 tuns, the remainder of the 40 tuns of wine granted by the king to
the men of the county of Northumberland in aid to their maintenance in
consideration of the damages suffered by them by the frequent inroads of
the Scots and by divers ransoms paid by them to the Scots, to be assigned
and delivered to Robert de Coventre, John de Norraanvil, William de
Shafthowe, Thomas de Swethehop, John Turpyn, John de Shupton, Henry
de Akdon, William de Echewyk, William de Herle of Bedesdale, Roger de
Chemington of Chilbourn, Roger de Simounbourne, Alan de Erington of
Corbrig, Robert de Merington, Robert de Thropton, Robert de Bollesdon,
John de Rollesdon, Thomas de ClenhuU, Peter de Urde, William Tulet,
Richard de Dodhou, William Freser, Nicholas de Eland, "William Gray of
Denum, Robert son of Alan de Seton, Thomas de Normanvill, William de
Inghowe, Thomas de Karliolo of Swarland, William de Caldewell, John de
Corbrigg, Robert de Milneburn, John de Karliolo, and John de Kynton,
men of that county, who have prayed the king to cause the aforesaid 30
tuns or part of them to be delivered to them : provided that they have not
been previously at the king's wages and have been impoverished (destructi)
by the Scots. By K.
July 12. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Queen
York. Isabella to have the fines made by the tenants for entry upon certain wastes
in the forest of the High Peak, which she holds at the king's will, the king
having appointed Walter de Waldeshef and John de Thweyt to survey the
said wastes and to arrent them to tenants by the number of acres and the
forest perch, as they have arrented the wastes to certain tenants for certain
fines for entry, as appears by the transcript of tlie arrentation in the
chancery, a transcript whereof tlie king sends to the treasurer and barons
sub pede sigilli, the king having appointed Walter and John to arrent the
aforesaid wastes because it was found by an inquisition taken by Philip de
Say and the said John by the king's order that there were many wastes in
the said forest that might be approved for the advantage of the king and
queen, to wit 500 acres in a waste called ' Fairfeld,' 100 acres of waste in a
waste called 'Maynestonesfeld,' 67 acres of waste in a waste called 'Longeden-
dale,' each acre in the waste of Fairfeld being worth 2s. for entry and Qd.
yearly and the others being worth \2d. an acre for entry and id. yearly.
To John de Crumhwell, keeper of the Forest this side Trent, or to him
who supplies his place in the forest of Ingelwode. Order to deliver to the
king's clerk John de Crosseby, master of the hospital of St. Nicholas with-
out Carlisle three oaks fit for timber from that forest for the rebuilding
(refecdone) of the chapel of the hospital. By K.
July 17. To the bailiffs of York. Order to release from prison without delay John
York. son of William de Scothowe, William son of William de Speton, William
son of Walter de Knapton, John son of Roger Bisshope, Rowland son of
William de Rokesburgh, John son of Roger de Gosewyk, William son of
William de Crauthorn, Roger son of Robert Surrais, and John son of
Henry de Castro, hostages delivered to the king for the town of Berwick
and delivered to the bailiffs to be kept. By K.
July 18. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
York. John Gerount, son and heir of Hugh Gerount, tenant in chief, to have
13 EDWARD II. 1-49.
1319. Membrane 21 — cont.
seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age before the escheator
and the liing lias taken his homage.
To John de Crumwell, keeper of the Forest this side Trent, or to him
who supplies his place. Order to cause J. bishop of Carlisle to have
50 pikerels (pikerellos) from the king's lake of Ternwathelan in the forest
of Ingehvode, for the purpose of stocking his fishponds in his manor of La
Rose, to he taken at his expense. By K.
July 18. To the bailiffs of Scardeburgh. Order to deliver to Joan, late the wife
York. of William de Fivele, a messuage in Scardeburgh, together with the issues
of the same from the time when it was taken into the king's hands, as it
appears by an inquisition taken by them by the king's order, in response to
Joan's petition before the king and his council, that the aforesaid William
was accused (rettattis) of robbery of the goods and chattels of John de
Picheford of Skardeburgh, and was there imprisoned on that account, and
was afterwards addressed concerning the same before John de Donecastre
and William de Huk, then justices to deliver Skardeburgh gaol, and that
he asserted that he was a clerk, and that he was remitted to prison by the
justices because the ordinaries were not present to demand him according
to the privilege of the clergy, and that he died in prison before he was
delivered to the ordinaries or was convicted of the robbery, and that John
de Picheford, father of the said Joan, had jointly enfeofEed William and
Joan of the aforesaid messuage, as appears by his charter, and that Joan
peacefully continued her joint-sei.sin thereof until William was committed
to gaol by the aforesaid justices, and that the messuage was taken into the
king's hands on Saturday before St. Martin, in the 6th year of the king's
reign, by John de Rolleston and Talifer de Teyle, then keepers of that town,
by reason of the aforesaid charge (retti). By K.
Membrane 20.
July 10. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king has
York. assigned to Queen Isabella, his consort, the manor of Long Bynyngton,
CO. Lincoln ; the manors of Kyngesthorp and Eston, the hundred of Falwesle,
the manors of Torpel and Upton, 251. of yearly ferm that Laurence de
Preston renders to the exchequer for the manor of Gretton, all in the
county of Northampton ; the manor of Osprenge, the manor of Middelton with
its hundreds and other appurtenances, the manor of Westclyve, in the county
of Kent; the king's mills at Oxford and the meadow of Kyngesmede, the
manor of Blokesham, co. Oxford ; the castle of Walyngford with its members,
and the honours of Walyngford and St. Valery, in that and other counties ;
the manors of Wattlyngton and Wodestok, in the same county ; the whole
honour of L'Aigle, with its manors, hundreds, chaces, and other appurte-
nances in divers counties, saving to the king the castle of Peveneseie and
its wards and other appurtenances, and excepting the manor of Laghton,
which John Douvedale holds for life by demise from the late king ; the
manor of Banstede, with the park, etc., co. Surrey ; the manor of
Haveryng', with the park and forest, etc., co. Essex ; the manor of La
Neilond, in the same county; the castle and town of Berhamstede, with the
honour, etc., in co. Hertford and other counties ; the castle and town of
Marleberge, with the barton and hundred of Selkele, the castle and town
of Dyvyses, with the parks and forests of Melkesham, Shippenham, and
Pewesham, and purprestures, and with the manor of Roude, the manor of
Woderowe, the manor of Sevenhampton, with the boroughs of Creckelade
and Hanteworth and the hundreds of Creckelade and Hanteworth, and the
manor of Stratton, the castle and town of Mere, with the park, etc.,
1319. Membrane 20 — cont.
CO. Wilts ; the manors of Boudon and Haverberge, co. Leicester ; the ferm of
the town of Southampton, with the small rents, co. Southampton, the manor
and town of Aulton, with the hundred of Aulton and the small rents in the
town, the ferm of the town of Andevre, with the hundred and with the
increment of the ferm, the manor and town of Basyngstok, with the hundred
and the rent of the tenement in that town that formerly belonged to Walter
do Merton, the caistle of Southampton and the manor of Lyndhurst, with
the park and the New Forest, and the bailiwicks and hundred of Rudberge,
and 40.?. of yearly rent that the abbot and convent of Redynges render yearly
for a tenement in the forest, the castle of Cristeschurche of Twynham, with
the borough and manor of Westovere and the hundred of Cristeschurche,
the manor of Ringwode, co. Suthampton ; the ferm of the town of Wich
{de Wichio), co. Worcester ; the manor of Gillyngham, with the barton and
72.S. of rent of a purpresture, and with the forest, co. Dorset; 20Z. of
yearly ferm from the manor of Ellesmere in Wales, by the hands of John
Knokyn, tenant for life of the manor by the king's grant, and the earldom
of Cornwall aud the office of sheriff there ; to have in dower for life, with
the knights' fees, advowsons, and other appurtenances, and the return of
writs and summonses and all fines, ransoms, and amercements of all the
men and tenants of the premises, forfeited issues, and all things pertaining
to the king of year, day, waste, forfeitures, and murders in various courts,
BO that they should be levied by her bailiifs by the estreats to be delivered
to them by the justices in eyre, or by her sheriffs by the estreats of the
exchequer, without hindrance from the king or his ministers, and that she
should have the chattels of felons and fugitives from the premises, with
power to put herself in seisin of the said chattels, and that she should have,
by the king's writs, justices in eyre, to be nominated by her, for forest
pleas, when necessary, in the aforesaid forests, and that she should have the
fines and ransoms adjudged before them to be levied by her bailiffs by the
estreats of the justices, and that she should receive at the exchequer all
fines of trespassers therein who are not of the castles, boroughs, etc., afore-
said : wherefore the king orders the treasurer and barons to give orders
under the exchequer seal to all sheriffs in whose bailiwicks she has the
aforesaid liberties to deliver to the keepers of her liberties copies of the
estreats of the exchequer as soon as they receive the same, so that the
keepers, after deliberation, may certify the keepers of her liberties in the
exchequer of the names of those contained in the estreats who are of her
liberty, so that he may claim the more advisedly in the exchequer for her,
and the treasurer and barons are ordered to acquit those who shall thus have
to satisfy her in the sheriffs' accounts of the sums thus claimed.
July 19. To the sheriff of Essex (sic). Order to restore to Richard de Castello,
Tork. clerk, his lands, goods, and chattels, taken into the king's hands upon his
being charged before Ralph de Camoys and his fellows, justices to deliver
Chichester gaol, with the crime of breaking the church of Wysebergh aud
of stealing a cross and a chalice, price 'ML, as he has purged his innocence
before the bishop of Chichester, the diocesan, to whom he was delivered by
the justices according to the privilege of the clergy.
July 20. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a verderer to be elected for the
York. forest of Galtres in place of John son of Robert de Shupton, who is insufl[i-
ciently qualified.
July 20. To the sheriff of York. Order to release Alan de Norton from prison in
York. • York castle, wherein he is detained upon suspicion, upon his finding main-
pernors for his good behaviour. By K.
To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to supersede until further orders the
putting in exigent to be outlawed of John son of Ingelram Berenger, who
13 EDWARD IT. 151
1319. Membrane 20 — cont.
was put in exigent because he was lately indicted in the sheriff's county
[court] of the rape and abduction of Elizabeth, wife of John de Percy, and
of stealing the goods and chattels of George de Percy to the value of
100*., which indictment the king caused to come before him for certain
reasons, as John has surrendered himself to the king's peace and prison to
stand to right concerning the above, and the king has meanwhile committed
him to a certain keeper for safe-keeping. By K.
July 18. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver
York. the temporalities of the priory of Goldeclive to William ( Willermo) de
Sancto Albino, monk of Bee Hellouin, whom the abbot of Bee presented to
the king for admission to the priory, which presentation the king accepted
when he took William's fealty and restored to him the temporalities and
ordered the escheator to deliver them to him, which order he subsequently
superseded at the suit of brother Ralph de Rouncevill, calling himself prior
of the said priory, who gave the king to understand that he was perpetual
prior and had done fealty to the king at another time for the temporalities
of the priory, and that he was canonically instituted into the priory by
the diocesan, and that he was not amoved from the rule of the priory by
any process. By K.
Membrane 19.
July 20. To John de Crumbwell, keeper of the Forest this side Trent, and to him
Tork. who supplies his place in the forest of Englewode. Order to cause
J. bishop of Carlisle to have 24 fawns (feones), half of them hinds
(bissarum) and half of them does (damarwm), from that forest of the king's
gift, to stock his park of La Rose, destroyed by the Scotch. By K.
July 20. To Eleanor, late the wife of Henry de Percy. Order to pay to Geoffrey
York. Nowet, chaplain, 40*. yearly from the said Henry's lauds in Wyndosme,
and the arrears of the same from the time when the lands came to her
hands, as it appears by inquisition taken by Ralph de Crophull, escheator
this side Trent, that Geoffrey granted to the said Henry certain lands in
iN'afferton, co. York, and that Henry granted him, in return therefor,
40.5. yearly from his lands in Wyndosme, to be received by him until Henry
should provide him with an ecclesiastical benefice of the yearly value of
10 marks, and that Geoffrey received that sum yearly from Henry's coffers
in the name of allowance of the said money for two years before Henry's
death, and that the aforesaid lands in Nafferton and in Wyndosme are in
her hands as dower, and that Geoffrey has not yet been provided with a
To Ralph de Orophill, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with 6 acres of meadow that belonged to Nicholas de
Stokton-near-These, taken into the king's hands by John de Evre, late
escheator this side Trent, as the said Ralph has certified the king that the
aforesaid Nicholas held the aforesaid 6 acres together with other tenements
of the bishop of Durham by the service of 13.?. id. for aU services, and
that he died during voidance of the see, on which account Henry de Percy,
then supplying the king's place in the bishopric, seised the tenements into
the king's hands on account of the minority of John son and heir of
Nicholas, and that John de Evre retained the tenements in the king's hands
for this reason.
July 20. To the sheriff of Bedford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
York. be elected in place of William Mordaunt, who is incapacitated by age and
1319. Membrane 19 — cont.
To the slaeriflf of York, Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected iu place of Robert de Hylderwell, who is insufficiently qualified.
To the same. Order to receive all writs and letters under the great seal
that shall be sent to him for transmission, and to cause them to be sent to
the due places without delay out of the issues of his bailiwick, making an
indenture with the mayor of the city of York of the costs incurred in this
behalf, as it will be necessary for the king whilst in the northern parts to
send divers envoys with letters under the great seal. By K.
{Pari. Writs.']
To the sherifi of Wilts. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of
Savernak to be elected in place of William de Caperigge, deceased.
Laurence de Acheholt, in the king's prison at Maydenstane for the death
Newcastle on- of Alan de Plumsted, has letters to the sheriff of Kent to bail him until the
Tyne. fj^gj assize.
July 29.
Aug. 1.
Aug. 6.
Gosforth in
Aug. 21.
Aug. 7.
Aug. 5.
To the abbot of St. Mary's York, sub-collector in part of the diocese of
York of the tenth for one year granted to the king in aid of the Scotch
war by the clergy of the province of York. Order to pay to the king's
clerk John de Crosseby 100/. to pay the wages of certain footmen of
Wales coming to the king in aid of the war, and to pay all the rest of the
tenth that he can to the king's clerk Gilbert de Wygeton, controller of the
king's wardrobe, to be brought by him to the king as enjoined upon
bim on the king's behalf. By p.s.
To the abbot of Seleby, sub-collector of the said tenth. Order to deliver
all the money of the tenth already collected or that he can collect to the
aforesaid Gilbert, to be brought by him to the king. By p.s.
To the prior of Thurgarton, sub-collector of the above. Order to cause
all the money of the tenth already collected and that he can collect to be
carried to York with all speed, there to be delivered in expedition of the
Scotch war as shall be then enjoined upon him by John, bishop of Ely, the
chancellor, for which sums the king will cause letters patent of acquittance
to be made, and he promises to hold him and his church harmless against
all persons and to make him letters patent of indemnity. He is ordered to
receive the following sums of the tenth from the underwritten religious
within his collection, who granted that they would pay them in the first
term of payment, to wit the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula last : the abbot of
Wellebeck 8/., the prior of Wirksop 16 marks, the prior of Maderseye 4/.,
the prior of Blyth {Blida) 14 marks, and the prior of Newstead-in-Sher-
wood Al. He is ordered to certify the chancellor of what the said religious
shall have paid and of the names of those who shall have paid their tenths
in the said term, and of the names of those who have not paid. By p.s.
To the abbot of Seleby, sub-collector, etc. Order to cause the money of
the tenth already collected and that he can collect to be carried to York,
so that he have it there on the eve of the Nativity of St. Mary, as above.
To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent, Order to cause
Richard de Frivill, son and heir of John de Frivill, tenant in chief, to have
seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age before the escheator,
and the king has taken his homage. By p.s.
To the abbot of St. Mary's York, collector in part of the diocese of York
of the tenth for one year granted by the clergy for the Scotch war. Order
to pay to the king's clerk John de Ditton 40 marks for the carrying
(carcacione) of the timber of a peel of the king's at Kyngeston-on-Hull
thence to the northern parts, as enjoined upon the clerk by the king, for
which sum the king will save him and his church harmless, etc.
By p.s. [5033.J
Aug. 18.
Aug. 21.
Aug. 8.
Aug. 29.
Oct. 8.
Aug. 26.
Nov. 4.
Oct. 20.
Membrane 19 — cont.
To tlie same. Order to pay to the aforesaid John 201. in addition to the
40 marks paid by the abbot to him in execution of the preceding order.
By p.s.
To the same. Order to pay to the king's clerk John de Louthre,
keeper of the king's victuals in the parts of Carlisle, 11/. 6s. 8d. for the
munition of the town of Carlisle. By K.
The like to the prior of Thurgarton, sub-collector, etc., to pay 611. 6s. 8d.
to the aforesaid John for the above purpose. By K.
The like to J. bishop of Carlisle, collector in the diocese of Carlisle, to
pay the said John 40i. for the above purpose. By K.
To the chamberlain of Kaernarvan. Order to pay to the 40 footmen,
whom the king ordered him to elect in the land of Hope and to send to the
king, such wages as he has paid to other footmen of those parts by the
king's orders, from the days when they leave those parts until they come to
the king. By p.s.
To the sheriff of Suffolk. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of Eoger Sturmy, deceased.
To the abbot of St. Mary's York, collector in part of the diocese of York
of the tenth for one year granted to the king by the clergy of the province
of York. Order to pay to the king's clerk John de Louthre, keeper of the
king's victuals in the parts of Carlisle, 20/. for the munition of the town of
Carlisle ; for which sum the king will save him and his church harmless,
etc. By K. and C.
The like to the abbot of Seleby to pay 20/. to the said John for the above
The like to the abbot of St. Mary's York to pay 20/. to the said John for
the above purpose. By 0.
To Henry le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the
king. Order to release Robert le Criour of Anecastre and Ellen his wife
from prison, wherein they are detained on account of their conviction
before the king of a trespass against the king's peace committed upon John
son cf Richard Turtois of Anecastre and Richard Turtoys of Anecastre and
EUen his wife, as the king has pardoned them the imprisonment ; provided
that they first satisfy the aforesaid John, Richard, and Ellen for what per-
tains to them in this behalf. By p.s. [5061.]
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to account with
the prior and convent of Evebham for the time -when they had the custody
of the abbey after the death of John, the late abbot, and to receive from
them the portion due from them of the 600 marks yearly for the custody of
the same, and to discharge them of the balance of that sum, in accordance
with the king's grant of 15 January, in the 2nd year of his reign, to the said
abbot John and the convent of the custody thereof during voidance, saving
to the king the knights' fees and the advowsons of churches, rendering
therefor 600 marks if the voidance lasted for a year and a proportionate
sum if it lasted for less than a year, as the king, on the voidance of the
abbey by the death of the aforesaid John, granted licence to the prior and
convent, on 29 August, in the 10th year of his reign, to elect an abbot, and
the king afterwards, on 31 March next following, took the fealty of William
the present abbot and restored the temporalities to him.
To the taxors and collectors of the twelfth and eighteenth in the county of
Lincoln. Order to supersede entirely the taxing and levying of the twelfth
Aug. 8.
Gosfortli in
Aug. 7.
Gosforth in
Gosforth in
Membrane 19 — cont.
and eighteenth in the lands that queen Isabella holds in that county of the
king's assignment, and to restore anything that they may have levied on
this account. By K.
\_Parl. Writs.']
The like to the taxors and collectors in all counties where the queen is
dowered, \_lbid.']
Membrane 18.
To Master Kichard de Clare, escheator heyond Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with the following lands of John de Northwode, tenant
in chief, and to restore the issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition that
he held them in 'gavelikynde,' to wit in the manor of Northwode in
Sheppey {Scapeia) 200 acres of land, 200 acres of pasture, 300 acres of
salt-marsh in Elmersh and Stork, two wind-mills, two dove-cots, and
71. 5s. Od. of assize rent, by the service of rendering 36*. 3|c?. and one
weigh (pisi) of cheese at St. Peter ad Vincula to the manor of Middelton
yearly and of two comings to two law-days (laghedaios) yearly, and that
he held 20 acres of land within the said manor of Northwode of Robert de
Sliirlande by the service of 8s. and 4 hens, one lamb, and suit at the court
of Shirlande from three weeks to three weeks ; and 3^ acres and a rood of
meadow held of the manor of Otham by the service of Qd. yearly ; and a
water-mill in Maggelworth of the fee of the archbishop of Canterbury ;
and 3s. of rent from an acre of meadow in Eippel held of the prior of
Christ Church, Canterbury, by the service of \d. yearly; and that he held
1 1 acres of land and an acre of wood in Sabyncrof t of Simon Sauvage by
the service of 12rf. yearly ; and 13 acres of land of the land that belonged
to John le Hore, which are held of the manor of Middelton ; and 14 acres
of land in Cokeydane, which are held of the archbisl)op of Canterbury ; and
8 acres of wood of the archbishop's fee; and 40 acres of pasture within the
enclosure of the park of Byngebury, which are held of divers poor tenants
of Middelton : by which inquisition it was found that Roger son of John de
Northwode, the younger, aged 12 years. Master Thomas de Northwode,
Master Richard his brother, Simon de Northwode, Humphrey de North-
wode, brothers of the said Master Thomas de Northwode, of full age,
and John, William, Thomas, and Robert, brothers of the said Roger, of
tender age, are the nearest heirs of the aforesaid John de Northwode, the
elder, in the lands and tenements aforesaid, which the escheator took into
the king's hands with other lands of the said John at his death.
To the same. Like order not to intermeddle further with 6 acres of land in
Bevghefeld, as it appears by inquisition that Joan, late the wife of John
de Northwode, held them in ' gavelikynde,' which 6 acres she acquired in
fee together with the said John from Guncelin de Badelesraere, they being
held of the prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, and that Roger son of John
de Northwode and the others above named are her nearest heirs of the said
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to cause
the debtors of Roger Damory to come before them at his prosecution, and
to cause them to answer to him for their debts, provided that this can be
done without offending the law, as the king has granted to him that he may
sue and recover his debts in that country at the exchequer so far as it may
be done in good manner. By p.s.
To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to keep in prison without delivering
them by mainprise, if they surrender themselves to prison, the persons put
in exigent to be outlawed for their non-appearance before the justices
appointed by the king to hear and determine the trespass committed upon
Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, whereof they were indicted, the earl
Aug. 15.
1319. Membrane 18 — cont.
having complained that certain malefactors broke his park of Payneswyk,
and hunted therein without his licence, and took and carried away deer
thence, and he is ordered to keep them in prison until justice be done upon
them before the aforesaid justices. By p. a.
Vacated, because otherwise beloto.
To the sheriffs of London. Order not to arrest the goods of the mer-
chants of the Hanse of Almain, and to restore any goods that they may
have arrested by reason of the king's order to arrest goods of the men and
merchants of the power of the count of Holland and Zeeland and the mea
and merchants of the towns of Cologne, Dortmund, Rikelynghous, Lubyk,
Osenbrugg, Menstre, Grippeswold, Sussalt, and Hamburgh, to the value of
230Z., the balance of the sum of 300/., for the goods of William de
Wyddeslade, citizen and merchant of London, laden at Le Sclus in Flanders,
in a ship of Laurence PoUessone of Brabant, which were taken and carried
away by malefactors of the count's power and of the aforesaid towns, and to
the value of lOOZ. for his damages, the king having previously caused
goods of Hermann le Skippere, merchant of Almain, to the value of 70/.,
to be delivered to the said William in part satisfaction.
To the sheriff of Suffolk. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of Roger Sturmy, deceased.
Aug. 18. To Ralph de CrophuU, escheator this side Trent. Order to restore to
Amble. William de Cateby three bovates of land in Folquardeby, co. York, which
the king lately granted to Richard de Insula for life under the belief that
they were of the king's demesnes, rendering therefor the extent of the
same to the exchequer yearly, as William afterwards suggested, by his
petition before the king and his council in parliament at York in a month
from Easter last, that William de Cateby, his father, and his father's ances-
tors successively held the said three bovates in fee and inheritance, and that
he acquired them from his father, and that he held them until he was
amoved therefrom by the escheator this side Trent under pretext of the
above grant to Richard de Insula, without his being previously called to
judgment, contrary to law, wherefore he prayed the king for a remedy ;
and as Richard asserted in the said parliament that the three bovates are
part of a serjeanty of Hnayth, and that they were alienated without the
licence of king Henry III., and that they had been on that account arrented
to John de Crakehale at the pleasure of the said king, and thus ought to
pertain to the king ; and it is found by certificate made by the treasurer
and barons of the exchequer that in the book of fees, amongst serjeanties
arrented by Robert de Passelewe in the said king's time, it is contained that
the said Robert arrented to John de Crakehale 8 bovates of land pertaining to
the serjeanty of Snayth for 40*. yearly, and that it is not found otherwise
in the rolls of the exchequer, and the said Richard there acknowledged
before the council that the aforesaid three bovates are part of the land so
arrented to John de Crakehale ; and it is found by inquisition taken con-
cerning the premises that William de Cateby and his ancestors held the
aforesaid three bovates of land in Folquardeby of the king for 20s. yearly
pertaining to the serjeanty of Snayth in fee and inheritance, and that
William de Cateby, son of the said William, acquired them from bis father,
and was seised thereof, and held them until he was amoved as abovesaid;
and the king has now pardoned William son of William his trespass iu
entering the same without royal licence, and has granted that he shall have
and hold them to himself and his heirs by the service therefor due and of
right accustomed, and has taken his fealty therefor : saving to the aforesaid
Richard his corn sown on the land whilst he held it. By pet. of 0.
Aug. 16. To Eleanor, late the wife of Henry de Percy, keeper of two parts of his
JJewbiggin. lands in co. York. Order to pay to Geoffrey Nowet, chaplain, 40*. yearly
Sept. 4.
Membrane 18 — cont.
out of the ferm paid by her to the king for the custody of the said lands,
she having signified to the king that she cannot pay this sum out of Henry's
lands in VVyndosme, as previously ordered to do by the king, as the lands
in Wyndosnie were assigned to her in dower according to the extent
returned into chancery, in which extent there is no mention of the above
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause York castle to be defended with
men-at-arms and other things, and to pay the men their wages out of the
issues of his bailiwick so long as they stay in garrison there, as the Scotch
rebels have entered the county of York, and lie in wait for the city and
Membrane 17.
Aug. 18. To the tasors and collectors in co. Kent of the twelfth granted to the
Amble. king. Order to supersede entirely the taxing and levying of the said
twelfth of the goods of the prelates and clergy of the province of Canter-
bury, and to restore anything that they may have levied on this account, as
the pope has imposed a tenth upon the said clergy to be levied within a
year for the king's use, the twelfth having been granted by the prelates and
clergy aforesaid on condition that its levy should cease if any tenth should
be imposed upon them by the pope for the king's use ; provided that if the
prelates and clergy have lands of purchase (de perquisito) or other goods
and chattels that have not usually been charged with such tenth, and for
which they have been wont to be taxed with the citizens and burgesses of
that county in such aids to the king or his progenitors, then the said twelfth
shall be assessed and levied for the king's use as is just. [Pari. Writs.']
The like to all the taxors and collectors of the twelfth in all the counties
beyond Trent. \_Ibid.']
The like to all the taxors and collectors in all the counties this side
Trent, llbid.]
Aug. 14. To Gilbert de Eoubur[y] and John de Wengrave, justices to take
Hartford Bridge assizes in Co. Middlesex. Order to continue until the morrow of All Souls
in Northumber- J^]^ assizes arramed before them when the king's protections are shewn
before ihem and they are requested to make such continuance, as it is
agreed by the assent of the proceres and magnates with the king tliat, to
restrain the malice of those who by collusion rather implead others in their
absence than in their presence, all assizes of novel disseisin arramed
against those who are now engaged in the king's service and who have the
kiug's protection shall be continued until the morrow of the said feast, so
that those who are in his service shall have no cause to eloign themselves.
By p.s. [5046.]
The like to the justices to take assizes in co. Cambridge.
Sept. 21 .
Aug. 14.
To the justices of assizes in co. Worcester. Order to continue until the
aforesaid day all assizes [concerning] William la Zousche, who is in the
king's service and has his protection, when they are requested to do so.
By p.s.
Adam son of William Grenolf, imprisoned in Lancaster gaol for the
death of Thomas Tilleknave, has letters to bail him until the first assize.
Aug. 25. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to pay to Rhys {Resiis) son of Rhys
Newcastle-on- ap Mereduk, a Welshman staying in Norwich castle, the arrears of his
Tyne. wages and other necessaries from the time of the sheriff's appointment as in
the late king's time, and to continue paying the same until further orders.
Aug. 4.
Gosforth iu
Aug. 24.
Aug. 2f9.
Membrane 1*7 — cont.
To the sheriff of Gloucester. Ordei' to keep in prison without delivering
them by mainprise, if they surrender themselves to prison, the persons
put in exigent to be outlawed for their non-appearance before the justices
appointed hy the king to hear and determine the trespass committed upon
Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, whereof they were indicted, the earl
having complained that certain malefactors broke his park of Payneswyk,
and hunted therein without his licence, and took and carried away deer
thence, and the sheriff is ordered to keep them in prison until justice be
done upon them before the aforesaid justices. By p.s.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit the
men of Northumberland who hold of the king of the rent due from them for
this year for the custody of the castle of Newcastle-on-Tyne, as the king
has remitted the same to them, wishing to shew them special grace because
they have been wasted and impoverished by the Scotch rebels. By p.s.
To the sheriff of Northumberland. Order to permit the aforesaid men
to be acquitted of the above rent.
To Edmund Deyncourt, Lambert de Trikynghani, and their fellows,
justices appointed to take a jury of twenty-four knights, which Robert de
Godesfeld of Sutton arramed before them by the king's writ against John
de Tynton and Margaret his wife concerning a re-disseisin of 13 acres of
meadow in Stikeswalde. Whereas lately, at the suggestion of the said John
and Margaret that they had been disseised of the aforesaid meadow by the
said Robert and John Burell, hayward {messer), which they had recovered
against the said Robert and John by recognition of an assize of novel
disseisin taken between them, the king ordered the sheriff of Lincoln to take
with him the keepers of the pleas of the crown and to enquire concerning
the re-disseisin and to do therein what ought to be done according to the
statute ; and afterwards the king learned from Robert de Brynkhill that he
went towards Horncastre on the day when the inquisition was taken
near the place where it ought to have been talcen, and that John
de Nevill, then sheriff of that county, and the aforesaid keepers, on
account of the absence of one of the twelve jurors summoned to make view
of the tenements aforesaid and to make oath concerning the same, compelled
the said Robert by threats of amercing him in lOZ. and other ways to come
to them and to make oath in this matter with the eleven jurors who
attended, although he instantly alleged before them that he had not been
summoned for this purpose nor had a day nor view of the tenements, nor
was on the first jury, and that he ought not to be upon any juries or
inquisitions unless previously summoned, to his damage and contrary to the
form of the statute of jurors, for which Robert prayed the king to provide
a remedy ; whereupon the king ordered the sheriff to enquire into the whole
matter; by which inquisition it was found that Robert de Brynkhill was
not summoned to be before John de Nevill, then sheriff, or the aforesaid
keepers for the above purpose, and was not in the tirstjury, and that John
and the keepers compelled him to made oath to attend by threats of amercing
him at 201. and in other ways, in spite of his protests, alleging that he
was contemning the king's orders and ministers and that unless he made
oath they would certify the king of the contempt, and that he went to make
the jury with the other eleven under fear of the threat and amercements ;
wherefore the said Robert de Brynkhull has prayed the king to provide for
Ms immunity according to the statute of jurors in case the aforesaid jury
go against the jurors aforesaid : the king therefore orders them, in case the
jury go against the jurors, to take security from the said Robert de Brynk-
hill that ail things touching the king and his imprisonment (prisonam) and
goods in this behalf shall be reserved to the king without diminution, and
that execution shall be done in full in due form in case he be burdened
Sept. 17,
1319. Membrane 17 — cont.
with the attaint aforesaid like the other jurors, and to supersede the execu-
tion of those things that pertain to the king in this behalf concerning the
said Robert until the king shall cause to be done herein what ought to
be done.
To the sherifi of Lincoln. Order to buy and provide 100 quarters of
wheat, 100 quarters of malt, and 50 quarters of salt, and to cause them to be
carried to Notyngham castle, to be delivered to the constable thereof by
indenture for the munition of the castle. By letters of the queen.
The like to the following :
The sheriff of Nottingham and Derby for 100 quarters of wheat and
100 quarters of malt.
The sherift' of Leicester for 200 quarters of beans.
Sept. 12. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
At the siege of John de Lovetot, son and heir of Thomas do Lovetot, to have seisin of his
Berwick-on- father's lands, as he has proved his age before the escheator and the king
Tweed. jjg^g (^j^gjj j^jg homage. By p.s. [5073.]
Sept. 23. To the sheriff of Buckingham. Order to repair the king's gaol of Ayles-
Neweastle-on- bury by the view and testimony of Roger de Trikyngham. By C.
Oct. 8. To the king's yeoman Oliver de Burdeg[ala], constable of Wyndesore
York. castle. Order to repair the houses, tower, walls, and bridges of the castle,
with the stable and wall of the king's garden without the castle, and the
houses and walls of the king's manor of Kenyngton, with the paliog and
wall about the park.
To the same. Order to pay to Ralph de la More, to whom the king
granted the office of clerk of the works in the castle that John de Spyges-
worth had, the same wages as John was wont to receive.
To the same. Order to pay to Robert de Wodeham, to whom the king
committed the bailiwick of the forestry that "Walter de Wodeham, his
brother, had in his life in the forest of Wyndesore, the same wages as
Walter was wont to receive.
Sept. 17.
To the sheriffs of London. Order to restore 13 sacks and 48 nails of
wool in 12 serplers, price 8/. a sack, of Hermann le Swart of Sussalt,
14 sacks and 16 nails of wool in 12 serplers, price 8^. 13s. 4c?. a sack, of
Conrad (Conredi) atte Brok of G-rippeswold, and 10 sacks and 28 nails of
wool of Tidemann atte Waye of Gripeswold, whereof 6 sacks and 48 nails
are in 6 serplers, price 81. a sack, and 4 sacks and 32 nails are in 4 serplers,
price 91. a sack, arrested by them in execution of the king's order to arrest
goods of the men and merchants of the power of the count of Holland and
Zeeland and of the towns of Cologne, Dortmond, Rikelynghous, Lubyk,
Osenbrug', Menstre, Grippeswald, Sussalt, and Hamburgh to the value of
230/., the balance of 300/. for the goods of William de Wyddeslade, citizen
and merchant of London, loaded by him at Le Sclus in Flanders in a ship of
Laurence PoUesson of Brabant, which were captured by malefactors of the
count's power and of the aforesaid towns on the voyage to England near
Wynterton, co. Norfolk, the king having caused goods of Hermann le
Skippere, merchant of Almain, arrested by them in execution of his
previous order, to the value of 70/. to be delivered to William, and the
kiog ordered them not to arrest goods of the merchants of the Hanse of
Almain in this realm and to restore any of their goods that they might have
arrested : as John le Longe, alderman of the said merchants of the Hanse in
13 EDWARD II. 159
1319. Membrane 16 — cont.
England, has testified before the king in chancery in William's presence
that the aforesaid Hermann, Conrad, and Tydemann are and ought to be
of the said Hanse.
Oct. 22. To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to pay to John de Ispania, the
York. elder, to whom the king, on 20 December in the 10th year of his reign,
committed for life the custody of the gate of Carlisle castle, receiving
therefor \d. daily from the sheriif of the county, the arrears of his wages
from the time of the sheriff's appointment, and to continue to pay the
Oct. 10. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to cause a coroner for that county
Tork. to be elected in place of William de Colewych, who is incapacitated by
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to provide amongst
them from what lands of the king and in what places satisfaction may be
made to the countess of Gloucester for the value of her dower of the lands
lately granted by the king to David de Strabolgy, earl of Athole {Dathel'),
and to cause them to be assigned to her, so that the said earl may hold the
lands thus granted to him in full. By p.s. [5100.]
Oct. 12. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
York. elected in place of John de Fletham, deceased.
Oct. 10. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause a coroner for that
York. county to be elected in place of Hamo de Vileston, who is incapacitated by
Oct. 8. John son of Alexander de Peyntour, imprisoned in "Wyndesore castle for
York. trespass of venison in Wyndesore forest, has letters to Ralph de Monte
Hermerii, keeper of the Forest beyond Trent, to bail him until the first
assize. By p.s.
Oct. 12. To John de Crumbwell, keeper of the Forest this side Trent, or to him
York. who supplies his place. Order to deliver William de Bevercote, prebendary
of Rampton in St. Mary's church, Suwell, imprisoned at Notyngham for a
trespass in the forest of Shirewode, to twelve mainpernors who shall under-
take to have him before the justices of Forest pleas in co. Nottingham to
stand to right concerning the trespass.
Oct. 13. John Tronkard Bythario, in the king's prison at Exeter for the death
York. of John Stibba, slew the said John in self defence. He has letters to bail
him until the first assize.
Oct. 8. To Oliver de Burd[egala], constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to deliver
York. to the king's chaplains celebrating in the chapel of the castle bread, wine,
oil, and other small necessaries for divine service from Michaelmas last
until next Michaelmas.
Oct. 16. To Bartholomew de Badelesmere, constable of Bristol castle. Order to
York. pay to John de Kemesyng', to whom the late king granted the custody of
the gate of Lafiord in Bristol for life, receiving therefor 2d. a day for his
maintenance from the constable of Bristol, any arrears of his wages for the
time of Bartholomew's ofiice.
Oct. 7. To the mayor, bailiffs, and whole community of the town of Southampton.
York. Order not to disquiet the merchants of the society of the Bardi of Florence
by reason of the disputes between the mayor, bailiffs, and community and
certain merchants [and] mariners of Venice coming to that town in galleys,
and not to arrest their goods, chattels, or wares, but to treat them favour-
ably in all things that pertain to the mayor, bailiffs, and community, so
1319. Membrane 16 — cont.
long as they pay the due customs and other things that they ought to do,
as the king has taken the merchants of the said society and their goods
under his special protection.
Oct. 20. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order to make
York. partition into two parts of the lands whereof William de Nevill, tenant in
chief, was seised in his demesne as of fee, taken into the king's hands by
reason of his death, and to cause John de Hadergham and Nicholaa,
daughter and heiress of the said William, to have seisin of her purparty as
einesoy of the inheritance, as she has proved her age before the escheator
and the king has taken her husband's homage for her purparty. By p.s.
Oct. 12. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Roger
York. Damory, late keeper of the castle and honour of Knaresburgh, in his ferni
of the castle and honour, the sum of 55/. 4s. lie?., for which he has
besought the king for allowance, as the king learns by inquisition taken by
John Mauleverer, Robert de Phimplon, and Richard de Aldeburgh that
Roger expended the above sum when the castle was occupied by John de
Lilleburn and his accomplices in making new engines and hoardings
(Jmrdeicias) and repairing old ones for besieging the said John and his
accomplices, and for carriage thereof from divers places to the siege, and in
the wages and expenses of carpenters, masons, and other workmen repairing
the said engines and hoardings.
Oct. 20. To Henry de Shirokes, chamberlain of Caernarvan. Order to pay to the
York. king's Serjeant Master Henry de EUerton, master of the king's works at
Caernarvan, the arrears of his wages from the time of the chamberlain's
appointment, and to continue to pay the same as heretofore.
Oct. 25. To John de Crumbwell, keeper of the Forest this side Trent, or to him
York. who supplies his place. Order to deliver to the prior and convent of
Carlisle a tithe of the venison taken in the forest of Inglewode for this year,
as they ought to have it.
Oct. 23. To Ralph de Monte Hermerii, keeper of the Forest beyond Trent. Order
York. to deliver Edward Cubbel, detained in the king's prison at Wyudesore for
trespass of venison in Wyndesore forest, to twelve mainpernors who shall
undertake to have him before the justices of Forest pleas in co. Berks when
they come thither to stand to right concerning the said trespass.
Oct. 20. To the sheriff of Surrey. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
York. elected in place of Roger Gargevill, who is insufficiently qualified.
Oct. 8. To the chamberlain of Caernarvan. Order to pay to John le Scot, a
York. prisoner in Cruk castle, the arrears of his wages for the time that he has
been in the castle, and to continue to pay the same during his stay thei'e,
and also to pay his wages in coming to the king at York.
Membrane 15.
Oct. 20. To the sheriff of Cambridge. Order to cause a coroner for that county
York. to be elected in place of William Loveday, who is insufficiently qualified.
Oct. 22. To the bailiffs of the Tolbooth of the town of Lenne. Order to permit
York. John Chamberleyn of Ely to take 100 barrels of ale from that port to
foreign parts, upon his finding security not to take them to the Scotch
rebels, the king having granted him permission to export so many barrels.
The like to Nicholas de Fakenham of Lenn for 100 barrels.
13 EDWARD ir. 161
1319. Memhrane 15 — cont.
Oct. 24. To the treasurer and chamberlains of the exchequer of Dublin. Order
York. to pay to Philip de Slane, of the order of Friars Preachers, who is sworn
of the king's council of Ireland, 5 marks yearly for life, the king having
granted that he shall receive that sum yearly at the exchequer of Dublin in
consideration of his good service. '
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to John
de Castre in his account at the exchequer for the time when he was keeper
of the castle of Carlisle the following sums, which he expended when
keeper for the safe-guarding {salvacione) of the castle in repairing the
great tower, turrets, engines, bridges and peel of the castle, as appears by
an inquisition taken by Robert de Barton and Adam de Skelton : the wages
of divers men covering a part of the nevv tower in the inner bailey of the
castle with the king's lead, 6s. 8d. ; in repairing divers holes of the queen's
chamber in the same bailey, and in repairing the gutters of the same chamber,
22s.; in making anew a certain small engine in the said bailey, 20s. ; in
repairing another engine in the same bailey, 13s. 4d. ; in repairing a great
bretascbe near the great tower in the same bailey, 6s. 8d. ; in repairing the
roof (cooperture) of the great hall in the outer bailey, and in roofing the
great kitchen near the same hall, 36*. ; in laying {subposicione) of the joists
in a chamber near the postern of the castle, 5.s. : in making a wooden stair
{gradus) to ascend the great wall in the outer bailey, 4s. ; in mending the
great paling on one side of the small garden without the outer bailey, 204'. ;
in repairing a peel between the gardens of the castle and the town, 20s. ; in
repairing the bridges and barriers of the gates of the castle, 13s. 4(f. ; in
two cables (cablis) for two great engines, and in three cords called ' bridels '
for the same engines and for another engine, and in six cords for the shnga
{fundis) of these engines made anew, 47s. ; in the stipends of divers men
working timber for a chapel in the outer bailey of the castle, and for
carriage of the same, 22s. id.
Oct. 20. To the sheriff of Berks. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
York. elected in place of Robert de Syndlesham, whom the king has caused to be
amoved from office because he is incapacitated by age.
By the testimony of John de Foxle.
Oct. 24. To the sheriff of Cambridge. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
York. be elected in place of William Loveday, who is insufficiently qualified.
By the testimony of John de Canteb[rigge].
To Ralph de Crophull, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause dower
to be assigned to Margery, late the wife of John de Ros of Ryngburgh,
tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's-
Oct. 27. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with a messuage of
York. Laurence Lyggeard's in Raveneserod, and to restore the issues thereof, as it
appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that one Hugh le Plekmaker,
deceased, occupied a plot of land on the king's soil of Ravenesrod, in what
manner or by what warrant being unknown, upon which he built a mes-
suage, which the said Laurence now holds, and that it was never arrented
to the king, for which reason the escheator took it into the king's hands :
which reason the king deems insufficient.
To Ralph de Monte Hermerii, keeper of the Forest beyond Trent, or to
him who supplies his place in the forest of Kyngeswode. Order to cause
Queen Isabella to have 20 oaks fit for timber from that forest for the repair
of her mills of Stok Neylaund, By K.
76416. ii
1319. Membrane 15 — cont.
Oct. 28. To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
York. elected in place of Ralph de Chastiloun, who cannot attend to the duties of
the ofBce, as he is continually occupied in the office of verderer in the forest
of Wuchewode.
To the taxors and collectors of the eighteenth in co. Lancaster. Order
to supersede until further orders the taxation and levying of the eighteenth
in that county, as the men of those parts have suffered so much from the
incursions of the Scotch rebels that they are unable to pay the eighteenth
from their goods. By C.
IParl. Writs.']
Nov. 5. To the constable of Tikhill castle. Order not to distrain Hugh le
York. Foulere of Misterton for his homage and fealty for the lands that he holds
in chief of the king as of the manor of Gryngeleye, as the king has taken
his fealty and respited his homage.
Nov. 6. To the sheriff of Cornwall. Order to cause a coroner to be elected for
Y'ork. the isles of Sully, Enor, Braer, Bechiek, Agenois, and the isle of St.
Nicholas, in place of John de Aet, deceased.
Nov. 6. To the barons and chamberlains of the exchequer. Order to be intendent
York. to Walter de Norwico in all things that pertain to the custody of the office
of treasurer of the exchequer, as the king wills that he shall hold that
office until otherwise ordained. By K.
l^Parl. Writs.']
Nov. 6. To Roger de Mortuo Mari, justiciary, and to the treasurer of Ireland.
York. Duncan Macgoffri has besought the king that whereas he is constable
of the king's new castle of Mackynegan in Ireland at the king's will,
lately because it seemed to the justiciary, treasurer, and others of the king's
council in those parts that the usual fee of the office of constable aforesaid
was too small, the town of Brecenileston, of the yearly value of 20 marks, was
assigned to Duncan in aid of the custody of the castle in addition to the
aforesaid fee, which town the king has given to Walter de la Pulle, the
king would cause an assignment to be made to the said Duncan elsewhere
in Ireland in recompence for the said town ; wherefore the king orders the
justiciary and treasurer to cause some other assignment to be made to
Duncan elsewhere in that land in addition to his fee, having regard to the
time when the town was assigned to him and to the reason for its assign-
ment to him, if they find that a like assignment is necessary for the safe
keeping of the castle aforesaid. By C.
Nov. 16. To the sheriffs of London. Order to arrest goods of the men and mer-
York. chants of the power of the count of Flanders to the value of 1,000^., in part
satisfaction for 1,505/. 13.s. 4:d., the value of the goods of Hamo de Chigge-
well, William de Bodele, and Elias Petri, citizens of London, and of Hamo's
ship called ' La Nicholas ' of London, etc., from which ship they were
taken at Kynggesdoune between the ports of Sandwich and Dover by
malefactors of the count's power, the count having failed to do justice to
the said merchants, although repeatedly requested to do so by the king, and
to keep safely the goods so arrested until the merchants have been satisfied
for the above sum and for their damages or until further orders, certifying
the king of their proceedings. The king has ordered the sheriff of Nor-
folk and Suffolk to arrest goods in like manner to the value of 505/. 13s. 4rf.
By C.
Mandate in pursuance to the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk.
13 EDWAED II. 163
1319. Membrane 15 — cont.
Nov. 6. To the sheriffs of Loudon. Order to pay out of their ferm to the
York. keeper of the king'.s leopard in the Tower 6^. a day for the maintenance of
the leopard, and \\d. a day for his own wages from Michaelmas last until
further orders.
To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to cause tallies of receipt to
be levied at the exchequer and delivered to the abbot of Savigny, Richard
de Baiocis, Ralph de Bulmere, Thomas de Bamburgh, clerk, and Hugh de
Hoton, who have paid by the king's order to Henry Oggil, John de
Galileie, and John de Eschet, squires-at-arms of the garrison of the town
of Berwick-on-Tweed, in part payment of 46/. lis. Qd. due to Henry,
John, and John from the king for the arrears of their wages for their
sojourn in the garrison aforesaid and for recoinpence for a sore dappled
liard horse appraised for the said John de Galileie and of a sore Hard
horse with white hind feet appraised for the said Henry, lost in the king's
service at Kelchou in May, in the 7th year of his reign, in company of
Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, as appears by a bill under the seal of
the chamberlain of Scotland in the possession of the said Thomas de Bam-
burgh, the following sums due from them to the king : 5 marks from the
abbot for a fine for contirmation of his charters ; 100*. from Richard de
Baiocis for fine for pardon for the trespass committed by his wife Catherina
in acquiring together with Walter de Mollesworth, her former husband
certain tenements in Potteresherdwyk, held in chief of the king, and for
entering them without the king's licence ; 5 marks from Ralph de Buhner
of the 10 marks for fine for pardon for the trespass committed by Alice his
wife in acquiring together with Walter de Eaucumberge, her former hus-
band, the manor of Rise, which is held of the king in chief, and for enter-
ing the same without the king's licence ; 10/. from Thomas de Bamburgh
for a fine for custody of the lands in Bradeford that belonged to Thomas de
Bradeford, tenant in chief; 4/. 18^. 2d. from Hugh de Hoghton of the
100s. in which he .made fine for custody of two parts of a messuage and
tn'o bovates of land, except 5 acres, in Southorp that belonged to Walter
son of Peter atte See, tenant in chief: receiving the aforesaid bill from
Thomas de Bamburgh and charging the same upon the chamberlain of
Scotland for that time. By K.
Membrane 14.
Nov. 2. To the bailiffs of Ravenesrod. At the complaint of Adam Kyngesson of
STork. York and Thomas de Whiteby of Beverley that whereas they and other
merchants of the realm freighted a ship called ' la Nicholas ' of Kyngeston-
on-Hull at La Scluse, and loaded her with cloth and other goods of the said
Adam and Thomas to the value of 193/., for the purpose of bringing the
same to Kyngeston to trade therewith, certain malefactors of the power of
Robert, count of Flanders, attacked the men and mariners of the ship on
her voyage to England, and invaded the ship, and slew the men and
mariners, and carried off with them the ship and cargo, the king frequently
wrote to the count requesting him to cause justice to be done to the said
merchants; but the count has not yet done so, although frequently re-
quested to do so by the attorney of the said merchants, as appears by the
letters patent of the community of Kyngeston : wherefore the king orders
the bailiffs to arrest goods and wares of the men and merchants of the
count's power to the value of 100 marks, in part satisfaction of the above
sum of 193/., and to keep them under arrest until the said merchants have
been satisfied for the latter sum and for their damages, certifying the king
of their proceedings and of the goods arrested in execution of this order.
L 2
1319. Membrane 14 — cont.
The king has ordered the bailiffs of Yarmouth to arrest goods in like
manner to the value of 100 marks. By C.-
Oct. 24. To the same. At the suit of William de Warton, John de Lund, Walter
Yort. de Kelsterne, William de Brustewik, Amandus de Ruda, Thomas Franceis,
John de Appelgarth, John de Thoryn, John de Sigelesthorn, Simon de
Holbek, William de Crauncewyk, John de Manneby, Thomas de Thurkilby,
Nicholas de Ouseflet, Geoffrey de Humbercolt, Richard du Gard, and
Gilbert Wadiator, burgesses and merchants of Beverley, and of other
merchants of the realm that whereas they lately freighted three ships of
Flanders atKyngeston-on-Hull, whose master-mariners were named William
Petreson, Peter Bellard, and .John Westland of Flanders, and loaded the same
with wool, hides, wool-fells, and other merchandise to the value of 4,000/.
sterling to be taken to Flanders to trade therewith, certain armed male-
factors of the power of the count of Flanders attacked the ships on the
voyage to the Scheldt {l.asheld), and captured them, and took them and
their cargoes to the count's land, the king wrote many times to the count
requesting him to do justice to the aforesaid merchants ; but he did not do
so, as the community of the town of Beverley have certified the king by
letters under their common seal : whereupon the king ordered the aforesaid
bailiffs to arrest goods of the men and merchants of Flanders to a ce."tain
»um, towards the aforesaid goods, which were of the value of 2,024/., as
appears by the aforesaid letters of the community of Beverley ; but the
king afterwards ordered them to supersede the execution of the above order
on account of a treaty between certain of the king's council and the count's
envoys at York, which treaty was prorogued until St. Mary Magdalene
before the king's council at Westminster : as the count sent neither envoys
nor proctors at that date, nor excused himself in any way, and as the said
William de Brustewik, who had 5 sacks and 8 stones of wool, price 55/.
sterling, and 52 wool-fells, price ,"0/., a robe and two whole pieces of Pers
cloth of Beverley, price 18/. sterling, and the said Thomas Franceis, who
had 5 sacks and 24 stone of wool, price 59/. 4s. Od., and 164 wool-fells, price
9/. 16s. Od., and Nicholas de Ouseflet, who had a sack and three stone of
wool, price 11/. 12s. Od., and 432 wool-fells, price 26/. 8s. Od., and Gilbert
Wadiator, who had four whole cloths of Beverley, price 28/. sterling, in the
aforesaid ships, as appears by the certificate of the aforesaid community
made by the king's order, have prayed the king to provide them with a
remedy for the recovery of their goods, the king orders the aforesaid
bailiffs to arrest goods of the men and merchants of the count's power to
the value of 78/. sterling, in part satisfaction of the 238/. aforesaid, and to
keep them safely until William, Thomas, Nicholas, and Gilbert have been
satisfied for the aforesaid 238/. or until otherwise ordered, certifying the
king of their proceedings herein. The king has ordered the bailiffs of
Wyteby to arrest goods in like manner to the value of 80/., and the bailiffs
of Scardeburgh to arrest goods in like manner to the value of 80/., in full
payment of the aforesaid 238/. By C
The like to the bailiffs of Grymesby to arrest goods to the value of 30/.
for Richard du Gard, who had 2 sacks and 23 stone of wool, price 30/., in
the aforesaid ships.
To the bailiffs of Eaveuserod. At the complaint of his merchant Ralph
de KirtiUington that whereas he loaded 10 sacks of wool in a ship cidled
' Cretland' of Sliperdam in Flanders, the master whereof was called Willi.im
Petirson, in the port of Hull, together with goods of certain other merchants
of Beverley, certain malefactors of the power of Robert, count of Flanders,
entered the ship near a place called ' la Shelde,' and took the said ten sacks,
price 100/., together with other goods of the aforesaid merchants, and
carried them away into the count's power, the king frequently requested the
Oct. 24.
Membrane 14 — cont.
count to cause justice to be done to the said Ralph; but he has not done so,
as the community of the town of Kingeston-on-Hull have certiiied the king
by theii' letters sealed with their seal : wherefore the king orders the
bailiffs to arrest goods of the men and merchants of the count's power to the
value of 40/., in part satisfaction of the above sum of 100/., certifying the
king of their proceedings herein and of what goods they arrest in execution
of this order. The king has ordered the bailiffs of Great Yarmouth to arrest
goods in like manner to the value of 60/. By C.
To the bailiffs of Grymesby. Like order to the one preceding the above
to arrest goods of the men and merchants of the power of the count of
Flanders to the value of 30/., and to safely keep the same until Richard deu
Gard, who had two sacks and 23 stone of wool, price 30/., in the three ships
above referred to, have been satisfied for that sum, or until further orders,
certifying the king of their proceedings. By C.
Nov. 6.
Nov. 10.
Nov. 15.
Nov. 12.
Nov. 6.
Membrane 13.
To the treasurer of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to take advice with
some of the king's council at the said exchequer concerning the expenses
to be allowed to brother Philip de Slane, of the order of Preachers, who is
going to the Roman court upon the king's affairs, and to cause such ex-
penses to be paid to him according to what shall seem good to their discre-
tion. By C.
To the taxors of the eighteenth in the Bast Riding of the county of
York. Order to pay to John Dathy, constable of the king's castle of
Cragfergus in Ireland, 30/. for the munition of that castle. By K.
To the treasurer and chamberlains of the exchequer of Dublin. Order
to pay to Duncan {Dungano) Mac Gofferri, knight, 12/., being the balance
of 14/. for the wages of himself and his men-at-arms in his company on
the sea between Ireland and Scotland in the 12th year of the king's reign, as
appears by a bill under the seal of Roger de Northburgh, keeper of the
wardrobe. By 0.
To the bailiffs of the Tolbooth of Lenne. Order not to permit John le
Chaumberleyn of Ely and Nicholas de Fakenham of Lenne to take 100
barrels of ale each from that port without special order from the king, not-
withstanding his late order to permit them to take that quantity to parts
beyond sea upon their finding security not to take the same to the Scotch
rebels, as the king is given to understand that the rebels are comforted and
maintained by the Flemings, to whom the ale may be carried.
To Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk, justice of Wales, and to Henry de
Shiroks, chamberlain of North Wales. Order to ascertain whether the
king ought and has been wont to repair the bridge of the great gate of the
town of Kaernarvan, and to cause it to be repaired if they find that the
king ought to repair it, as the burgesses of Kaernarvan have besought the
king to cause it to be repaired.
To the chamberlain of Kaernarvan. Order to provide. 200 quarters of
corn, to wit wheat, barley, oats, pease, beans, or other sorts of corn, accord-
ing to the advice of John Dathi, constable of Knocfergus castle in Ulster,
and to cause the corn to be carried to that castle with all speed for the
munition thereof. By K.
Nov. 12.
Nov. 7.
Nov. 14.
Nov. 21.
Nov. 6.
Nov. 20.
Nov. 22.
Nov. 2.5.
Membrane 13 — cont.
To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause a verderer for the forest
of Rokyngham to be elected in place of John Doilly, deceased.
To the sheriff of Bedford. Order to cause a coroner for that county
to be elected in place of William Bonum, who is incapacitated by illness
and infirmity.
To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to cause proclamation to he made that
the king wills that the fairs at his manor of Wodestok, one in the feast of
St. Mary Magdalene and the other at the feast of St. Matthew, both endur-
ing for two days, shall be augmented by eight days before the feast and
eight days after.
To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of
Savernak to be elected in the place of Adam Barbost, who is incapacitated
by blindness.
To Stephen de Abyndon, taker of the wines of the right prise at South-
ampton. Order to cause the abbot and monks of King's Beaulieu to have a
tun of wine of the right prise at Southampton for this year, in accordance
with the grant of Henry III.
To him who supplies the place of the treasurer and to the barons of the
exchequer. Order to examine the rolls and memoranda of the exchequer,
and to acquit the minorite nuns of St. Clare without Aleg.ate of 106.S. 8rf.
for their goods in the bishopric of Coventry and Lichfield for the tenth for
two years imposed by pope Clement V. and granted by him to the king and
to his father, and 8 marks for the tenth for three years likewise imposed
by the said pope and granted to the king, if they find that these sums are
exacted from them by summons of the exchequer, as the nuns of tliis order
are exempt by papal grant from the payment of tenths from their posses-
sions and goods, as appears by the letters with bulls of pope Boniface VIIL,
which .the king has seen.
To the dean of Arches, London, and to his commissary. Notification
that he may proceed in the cause before him concerning the right of pre-
sentation to the church of Albrighton between Simon de Cranesle, clerk,
presented by John la Warre, and W. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield,
notwithstanding the king's late prohibition of his admitting any one to the
said church until it were discussed in the king's court whether the advow-
son pertained to the king or to the said John, the king having previously
presented .John de Merton, clerk, to the aforesaid bishop, as the king learns
that the presentation does not pertain to him upon this occasion.
To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of William Lillebon, who is negligent in his office, per-
mitting the bodies of men found in that county to become corrupt (fetare)
before he will exercise his office upon them.
To the taxors and collectors of the eighteenth in the West Riding of the
county of York. Order to supersede until further orders the levying of
the eighteenth of the goods of Eleanor, late the wife of Henry de Percy,
and her men and tenants of the towns of SpoSord, Wetherby, Lynton,
Lethelay, Kerby, Kirkeby, Gisburn in Cravene, Setil, Gikelswik, Ickelay,
Westby, Staynford, Langclif, and Routhewell, as Eleanor has given the
king to understand, for herself, her men and tenants, that the said towns
were burnt by the Scots rebels and the goods and chattels of the men of
the aforesaid towns partly destroyed and partly stolen, so that they canQOt
13 EDWAKD II. 167
1319. Membrane 13 — cont.
pay the taxation of the said tenth of those goods. The taxors and collectors
are to make a taxation of the eighteenth of their gooda there remaining.
iFcedera; Pari. Writs.'] B/ K. and C.
The like to the taxors and collectors in the North Kiding for the said
Eleanor, her men and tenants of the towns of Topclif, Neuby, Carleton,
Cristwayt, Astenby, Kirkelevyngton, Disford, and Renyngton. [/Airf.j
The like to the taxors and collectors in the North Eiding for John de
Merkingfeld and Richard de Kirkebride for themselves, their men and
tenants of the town of Eryum, etc. [/6«rf.]
The like to the same taxors for Andrew de Merkingfeld and the men of
the town of Scurveton. \^Ibid.~\
The like to the same taxors for John de Kllvyngton and the men of the
towns of Suthkilvyngton and Suthotrington, with proviso ' if it be as
stated.' [Ibid.']
The like to the same collectors for the abbot of Fountains, the men and
tenants of the towns of Kirkebywysk, Neusum, Melmorby, Raynyngton,
Disford, Aynderby, Eukeby, Pikal, etc. [/Sic?.]
The like to the taxors in the West Riding for the said abbot, the men
and tenants of the towns of Riggeton, Staynburgh, and Rippelay. [/6«c?.]
The like to the same for the men of the towns of Sedbergh in Lones-
dale. Burton, Thornton, Twysilton, Ingelton, Crlapham, Austewik, and
Bentham. '[Ibid.']
The like to the taxors in the North Riding for Hugh de Miton and the
men of the towns of Maunby, Solbergh, Neuby-on-Wysk, and Kirtlington.
The like to the same for John de Haneby and the men of the towns of
North Alverton, Broumpton, Romundeby, Thornton in Vivar[io], Navyng-
ton, Berghby, Sourby, North Kilvyugton, Thornton-in-the-Strede, North-
otrington, Bretteby, Sigston, Thymelby, Hoton, Little Smytheton, Hornby,
and Grisby, and Osmunderlaie. \_lbid.]
The like to the same for the abbot of Fountains for himself and his
tenants of the towns of Northcouton, Kirkebywysk, Neusom, Melmorby,
Disford, Raynyngton, Sutton, Hongrave, Sandhoton, Skipton-on-Swale,
Neuton-on-Swale, Rokeby, Fikal, Aynderby, and Thornton-on-the-Moor.
The like to the taxors in the West Riding for the abbot and his tenants
of the towns of Riggeton, Staynburn, Rippeleye, and Graston. \_Ibid.]
The like to the taxors in the North Riding for the men and tenants of
the town of Kirkeby-on-the-Moor near Miton. [Ibid.]
Nov. 21. To Roger de Horseleye, constable of Baumburgh castle. Order to per-
York. mit the tenants of Shoston and Sunderland to have respite until further
orders for the ferm of their lands in those towns and for other charges
incumbent upon them by reason of the aforesaid lands, the king having
respited the same in consideration of their damages and grievances suffered
by the frequent incursions of the#Scotch rebels in those parts.
Nov. 24. To the taxors and collectors of the eighteenth_inrthe North Riding of
york, the county of York. Order to supersede until further orders the levying
of the eighteenth of the goods and chattels of Margaret Saer and her men
in the manor of Wellebury, and to make a taxation of their goods therein, as
the eighteenth ought not to be taxed of their goods and chattels at present
because their goods and chattels in the said manor are wholly destroyed and
consumed by the Scotch rebels, by whom divers of their beasts have been
stolen and carried away. By K.
Nov. 21. To him who supplies the place of the treasurer and to the barons of the
York. exchequer. Order to allow to tlie citizens of Chichester, co. Sussex, and to
Henry de Oobham what they have paid to William de Monte Acuto for
Easter and Michaelmas terms last in execution of the king's order to pay to
the said William 36^. of the ferm of the city and the 38/. 6s. 8rf. of the 50/. that
Henry renders yearly for the ferm of the city of Rochester and the custody of
the castle of the same, with its wards and appurtenances in co. Kent, the king
having granted these sums yearly to the said William for life on 1 December,
in the 12th year of his reign.
Nov. 24. To the sheriffs of London. Order to arrest goods of the men and mer-
York. chants of the power of the count of Flanders and of the community of that
land to the value of 300/., in part satisfaction of 392/., the value of 43 tuns
and 12 pipes of wine belonging to Arnald Dosynghon, citizen of Bazas
{Vasates'), which were captured by John Crabbe and other malefactors of
Flanders near the Isle of Thanet in the ship called ' Bona Navis ' of La
Strode (as in this Calendar, 10 Edward II., p. 387), and to the value of
100 marks for his damages, and to keep the same safely until Arnald have
been satisfied tor the above sums or until otherwise ordered, certifying the
king of their proceedings. The king has ordered the sheriff of Norfolk and
Suffolk to arrest goods to the value of the remaining 92/.
To the sheriff of Lincolu. Like order to arrest goods of the men and
merchants aforesaid in his bailiwick, except in Boston fair, to the value of
286/. sterling, in part satisfaction of 396/., the value of the 43 tuns and
13 pipes of wine of Aymer de Insula, citizen of Bordeaux, captured as
above, and of 100 marks for his damages.
To the sheriffs of London. Order to arrest goods of the men and mer-
chants aforesaid to the value of 303/. 13s. Orf. (sic), and to cause them to
be kept safely until Gauc[elin] Pag[ani] and Eejmund his brother have been
satisfied for that sum, the value of 45 tuns and 1 pipe of wine, which are
appraised at 253/. (sic), and for 30/. 14s. Od., their portion of the sura of
80/. for damages, which wine was captured at Les Dunes near Sandwich by
malefactors of the count's power in a ship called ' La Mariote ' of Goseford,
whereof Richard Paynswayn was master (as in this Calendar, 10 Edward
II., p. 385).
Dec. 1. To the sherifE of Oxford. Order to cause Thomas sou of Giles de
York. Berkele to have seisin of a mill in Saltford near Chepyng Norton, as it
appears by inquisition that John le Walkere, who was hanged for felony,
held the same of Thomas, and that it has been in the king's hands for a
year and a day, aud that John de Croxford, late sub-escheator in that
county, and Richard de Foxcote, sub-escheator at the time of the inquisi-
tion, had the king's year, day, and waste thereof, and ought to answer to
the kine for the same.
To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with two parts of the manors of Lutleton, Knyhtrton,
and Wolbedyng', and with certain lands in Hamptonet and Pinkhurst, and
with the manors of Okhangre and Westworldham, aud to restore any issues
received therefrom to John Bernard, parson of the church of Wermeret,
and Ralph de Bokkyng', saving to the king the homage, fealty, and other
services due to him for the lands held of him, as it was lately found by
inquisitions taken by the escheator that John Paynel was seised at his
' death in his demesne as of fee of two parts of the manor of Wolbedynge and
of a messuage, 106 acres of land, and 2 acres of meadow in Hamptonet, and
of a messuage, a carucate of land, and 6/. of yearly rent in Pynghurst, and
of a third part of a messuage, 90 acres of land, 6 acres meadow, and 24s. of
yearlj' rent in Bodeham near Pettewcrtb, co. Sussex, and of certain lands in
13 EDWARD II. 169
1319. Membrane 12 — cont.
Okhangre and Worldham, co. Southampton, and of two parts of the manors
of Lutleton and Knytteton, co. Wilts, and that Matilda, daughter of the said
John, whom Nicholas de Upton married, is his nearest heir and aged
30 years, and that John held of the king in chief at his death the aforesaid
two parts of the manor of Wolbeddyngg by knight service and the aforesaid
lands in Ochangre by the service of maintaining a bridge in the town of
Okhangre, and the aforesaid lands in Wordlham {sic) as of the king's manor
of Aulton, which is in the hands of Queen Isabella, by the service of rendering
9s. yearly to the said manor and of doing suit to the hundred of Aulton
from three weeks to three weeks, and two parts of the manor of Lutleton by
the service of 'IQs. to be paid yearly to the castle of Dyvises ; and after-
wards, upon the complaint of the aforesaid John Bernard and Ralph do
Bokkyng' that they had been enfeofied by the aforesaid John Paynel long
before his death of the aforesaid tenements and with the king's licence so
far as concerns those held in chief, asserting that they have the king's letters
of licence and John Paynel's charter of i'eoffment to them and other
evidences, and that they were in peaceful seisin thereof for two years
during John Paynel's life and for a month after his death, and that the
escheator had amoved them thence by colour of the king's order, the king
ordered the escheator to take an inquisition concerning the above in the
presence of Nicholas and Matilda and of John Bernard and Ralph, if they
chose to attend; by which inquisition it is found that John Paynel in April,
in the 10th year of the king's reign, enfeoffed the said John Bernard and
Ralph of the said two parts of the manors of Lutleton and Knyghteton,
CO. Wilts, and in the same month and year enfeoffed them of the aforesaid
two parts of the manor of Wolbeddyng'and of the lands, etc., in Hamptonet
and Pynkhurst, and in the same month and year enfeoffed them of the said
manors of Okhangre and Westworldham, and that they, having obtained
the king's licence for the tenements held of him, continued their seisin
thereof from the said month of April until the death of the said John
Paynel, to wit for a year and a half and more, and for about a month after
his death until they were amoved by the escheator, and the aforesaid John
Bernard and Ralph were not enfeoffed of the said third part of a mes-
suage, 90 acres of land, 6 acres of meadow, and 24s. of yearly rent in
Bodeham near Petteworth. He is ordered to retain in the king's hands the
tenements in Bodeham.
Nov. 6. To John de Wysham, keeper of the castle and honour of Knaresburgh.
York. Order to pay, out of the ferm of the castle and honour, to twenty footmen
staying in the castle for its defence their wages to wit 2rf. a day each, for
so long as they shall stay there or until further orders. By K.
Dec. 3. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to cause a coroner for that county
York. to be elected in place of Richard de Cumpton,who is insufficiently qualified.
Dec. 1. To the bailiffs of Great Yarmouth. At the complaint of Hugh le
York. Taverner of Kyngeston-on-Hull that whereas he had loaded at Le Sluse in
Flanders a ship belonging to him and Geoffrey de Sprotteley called ' La
Nicholas ' of Kyngeston-on-Hull with cloth and other goods of his to the
value of 481. 6s. 8d., in order to bring the same to Kyngestou-on-HuU to
trade there with the same, certain malefactors of the power of Robert, count
of Flanders, attacked and slew the men and mariners in the ship whilst
sailing to England, and took the ship and goods with them to the port of
Swyn {del Swyn), the king frequently requested the count to cause justice
to be done to Hugh ; but he has not done so, as appears by the letters
patent of the community of the town of Kyngeston-on-Hull under their
common seal : wherefore the king orders the bailiffs to arrest goods of the
men and merchants of the count's power to the value of 58/. 6«. 8d., at
1319. Membrane 12 — cont.
which Hugh's goods and his portion of the ship are appraised, and to detain
them until Hugh have been satisfied for that sum and his damages or until
otherwise ordered, certifying the king of their proceedings and of the goods
arrested by them. By C.
Dec. 7. To the siierifE of Cambridge. Order to supersede the execution of the
York. king's order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in place of
William Loveday, as the king now learns upon trustworthy testimony that
William is fit and sufiicient for the office. By K.
Membrane 11.
Dec. 4. To the bailiffs of Eaveneserod. Whereas Adam le Clerk of Lenne, mer-
Yorls. chant, caused a ship of his called ' Le Plente ' of Lenne, price 100/.
sterling, to be laden in the parts of Poitou (Poytou) with salt of Poitou,
lampreys of Nauntes, and certain bales of Bugge, and other his goods, to
the value of 200Z., in order to take the same to St. Johnstown of Perth, in
Scotland, Henry de Kikelynghouse and other malefactors of the towns of
Grippeslond (sic), Strallessound, and Lubike robbed the ship on her voyage
ou the coast between Great Yarmouth and Blakenaye, and slew many men
found in her, and carried her away with them to Aberden in Scotland, and
there sold the goods, robes, and clothes of the aforesaid men, and afterwards
took the ship with them to Strallessound ; whereupon the king requested the
schoffen and men of the said towns of Grippeswold, Strallessound, and
Lubike to hear Adam's complaint, and to cause satisfaction to be made to
him; but although Geoffrey atte Feld,his attorney in this behalf, delivered ,
the king's letters to them and prayed for justice, they did nothing in the
matter, as appears by letters patent under the seal of the community of the
city of London; whereupon the king ordered the said bailiffs to arrest goods
of the men and merchants of the aforesaid towns, except the merchants who
are of the German Hanse of London and their goods, to the value of 200Z. ;
in execution whereof they arrested a ship of Hermann de Hamme, master
of his ship of Lubik, with its tackle to the value of 10/., and stockfish
{durum piscern), ' bukefelle,' and hides of Simon de Minstre, merchant
of Lubik. to the value of 20/., and stockfish of Bernard Elourhyn, mer-
chant of Lubik, to the value of 40/., and stockfish and hides of Ludolph
Canfeld, merchant of Lubike, to the value of 27/., and stockfish, 'bukfeld '
and hides of Christian de Celle, merchant of Lubike, to the value of 60/.,
and oil of Albred de Celle, merchant of Lubike, to the value of 60s., and
liides of Everard Pape, merchant of Lubike, to the value of 7Qs., as appears
by their return; and the said Ludolph and Albred have appeared in chan-
cery, for themselves and their fellows, and have asserted that they are of
the Hanse aforesaid, and that their goods had been unjustly arrested, Adam
by his attorney alleging the contrary ; concerning which the king proposes
to consider further what should be done ; whereupon he ordered them to
restore their goods to the said merchants if they found sufficient security to
answer to Adam for the 16.3/. 10*. Ot?.,the estimated value of the said goods,
if it be found that they ought to answer to him therefor ; but nothing has
hitherto been done in this respect ; whereupon the king afterwards in chan-
cery gave a day to the aforesaid parties in the Parliament summoned at
Tork in the octaves of St. Hilary next : as the said merchants have found
mainpernors before the king in chancery, to wit John Rotenheryng of
Kynge,^ton-on-Hull, Richard de la Pole of the same, William de Barton of
the same, and Nicholas de Catton of York, to answer to Adam for the said
163/. lOs. Od. if it be considered by the king's court that the money ought
13 EDWARD II. 171
1319. Membrane 11 — cont.
to be delivered to him, the king now orders the bailiffs to restore their goods
to the aforesaid merchants.
Dec. 5. To the same. Order to arrest goods of the men and merchants of the
York. aforesaid towns, except merchants of the Hanse as aforesaid, to the value
of 36Z. \0s. Qd., in addition to the goods specified in the preceding order,
and to cause them to be liept safely until the said Adam have been satisfied
for that sum, the balance due to him beyond the said 163Z. 10*. Qd.
Dec. 8. To John de Wysham, constable of Knarresburgh castle. Order to cause
York. the houses of the castle and the pool and mills and the palings of the king's
park there to be repaired out of his ferra by the view of men of those parts.
Dec. 8. To the same. Order to take such leafless oaks, uprooted stems, and dry
[York. wood in the chace of the honour of Knarresburgh as shall be necessary for the
maintenance of the king's iron-mine there ; provided that he do not fell
oaks or other trees on this account.
Dec. 3. To the bailiffs of Bavenserord. At the complaint of John de Bedeford,
York. burgess of Kyngeston-on-Hull, that whereas he caused his ship called
' La Godier' of Hull, value 40/., to be laden with divers of his goods to the
value of 60/. at Kyngeston-on-Hull in order to carry the same to Newcastle-
on-Tyne, to trade there with the same, and the ship whilst on her voyage
was driven by contrary winds to the port of Sallei in the power of the king
of Norway, one Suar de Houseby, knight of the power of the said king,
entered the ship with other malefactors and ejected therefrom by force and
arms William Broun, the master, and his fellows, and took and carried away
the ship and cargo, the king requested the king of Norway to cause justice
to be done to the said John ; but he has not done so, as appears by the
letters patent of the community of Kyngeston-on-Hull : wherefore the king
orders the bailiffs to arrest goods of the men and merchants of the power of
the king of Norway to the value of the said 100/., at which the ship and
cargo are appraised, and to detain tlie same until John have been satisfied
for that sum and for his damages or until further orders, certifying the
king of their proceedings and of the goods arrested by them. By C.
Nov. 28. To the sheriffs of London. At the complaint of Perotta Brune of Solers
York. {Solar'), citizen of Bordeaux, by Arnald de Ispannia, her proctor in this be-
half, that whereas she sent a ship of hers laden with 192 tuns of wine, price
550/. sterling, to Flanders for the purposes of trade before the war between
the king of France and the count of Flanders and the count's subjects, the
burgomasters, ec/ievins, and consules of Bruges in Flanders violently carried
away from her servants all her said wines in the pert of Dam {del Dam),
where the ship arrived, the king requested the burgomasters, echevins, and
consules and, upon their default, the count of Flanders to cause justice to be
done to Perrota in this beh.alf, and it was agreed in a treaty between certain
of the king's council and certain envoys of the count in parliament at West-
minster, in the 8th year of the king's reign, that what had been put or
ought to have been put into execution for the reform of damages committed
by the king's and the count's subjects upon each other should be executed, and
the aforesaid Arnald in Perrota's name, personally before the king's council
there and in the presence of the count's envoys, proved by public instru,
ments and otherwise that the wine aforesaid was taken from Arnald's
custody in the aforesaid port by the echevins and consules of Bruges, and that
the count, the burgomasters, echevins, and consules had failed to do j ustice
therefor ; on which account the said matter was reputed clear to be further
executed : wherefore the king orders the sheriffs to arrest goods of the mea
1319. Membrane 11 — cont.
and merchants of the count's power to the value of 300/., and to detain the
same until Perrota or her said attorney have been satisfied for that sum, in
part satisfaction of the aforesaid 550/. and of 200/., at which sum the king
has caused her damages to be taxed, or until further orders, certifying the
king of their proceedings and of the goods an-ested by them. The king
has ordered the sheriff of York to arrest goods in like manner to the value
of 200/., and the sheriff of Lincoln to arrest goods to the value of 100/.,
and the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk to arrest goods to the value of 150/.,
excepting goods in Boston fair. By K. and C.
To the sheriff of Lincoln. At the complaint of Ex)bert son of Ealph de
Burton Stathre, merchant, that whereas he caused nine serplers of wool of
Lindesey, price 90/. sterling, and 10/. of money to be loaded at Kyngeston-
on-Hull in ships of William Petresone and Peter Bellard, for the purpose
of carrying the same to Flanders to trade there with the same, certain
malefactors of the power of the count of Flanders took the said wool and
money on the sea between Eaveneser and Great Yarmouth, and carried the
same to the count's power, the king requested the count to cause justice to
be done to the said Ealph ; but he has not done so, as appears by the testi-
mony of the community of Kyngeston-on-HuU by their letters patent :
wherefor the king orders the sheriff to arrest goods of the men and mer-
chants of Flanders, except in Boston fair, to the value of the said 100/. and
of 40/., at wliich Ealph's damages are taxed, and to detain the same until
Ealph have been satisfied for that sum or until further orders, certifying
the king of his proceedings herein. By C.
Jan. 10. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Simon
York. Ward 150 marks of the 100 marks yearly granted to him by the king on
3 June, in the 8th year of his reign, in consideration of his good service, to
wit for Easter term in the 11th year of the king's reign, and for Michael-
mas and Easter terms in the 12th year, out of the debts due from him for
the time when he was sheriff of York. By K.
_ „-, f^ Membrane 10.
Dec. 7. To the sheriffs of London. At the complaint of Henry le Palmer,
York. Eobert Youn, Alan atte Warfe, and Thomas Tuk, merchants, that they
lately freighted at Leyburn a ship called ' La Swalewe ' of London, and
loaded her with 25 tuns and 7 pipes of wine, canvas, linen cloth, and other
their goods for the purpose of carrying the same to Loudon, and sent her
thus laden towards England, certain malefactors of the power of the count
of Flanders lying m wait for her assaulted and slew the mariners of the
said ship on the coast near land between Mergate and Eecolvere, where the
ship was anchored, and carried off the ship and cargo with them to the
port of Le Swyne ; whereupon the king ordered the sheriff of Kent to
make enquiry concerning the matter ; whereby it was found that the ship
and her tackle, price 200 marks sterling, whereof John Grigge was master,
laden with 25 tuns and 7 pipes of wine, price 171/. sterling, price of a
tun 6/., canvas, linen cloth, and other goods to the value of 24/. sterling,
and with silver cups, beds, robes, and armour of the mariners and mer-
chants, together with all small necessaries of the mariners, price 30/.
sterling, to wit 9 tuns of the said Henry, 16 tuns and 7 pipes of wine, canvas,
linen cloth, and other goods of the said Alan, Eobert, and Thomas, were
taken into the count's power, and that certain malefactors of the count's
power attacked and slew the master and mariners of the ship on the coa.st
13 EDWAKD II. 173
1319. Membrane 10 — cont.
aforesaid, and took and carried away the ship and cargo and 60/. sterling
to Le Swyne within the count's power, to the damage of the aforesaid mer-
chants of 100/. in addition to the above sums ; whereupon the king re-
quested the count to cause justice to be done to the said merchants ; but he
has done nothing in the matter, as appears by the count's letters of excuse and
by the letters testimonial of the mayor and community of the city of London ;
wherefore the king orders the sheriffs to arrest goods of the count's men
and merchants to the value of 1 18/. Qs. 8d., in part payment of 418/. 6*. So?.,
the value of the ship, wine, money, and other goods, and of 100/. for the
estimated damages, and to detain the same until the merchants have been
satisfied for the first-named sum or until further orders, certifying the king
of their proceedings in this matter. The king has ordered the sheriff of
Kent to arrest goods in like manner to the value of 100/. ; the sheriff of
Suffolk to arrest goods to the value of 100/. ; the sheriff of Southampton to
arrest goods to the value of 100/. ; and the bailiffs of Great Yarmouth to
arrest goods to the value of 100/. By C.
Dec. 24. To John de Cromwell, keeper of the Forest this side Trent, or to him
York. who supplies his place in the forest of Ingelwode. Order to cause the
king's clerk Hugh de Burgh to have six oaks tit for timber in that forest of
the king's gift. By K.
Dec. 26. To Oliver de Burdeg.ala, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to
York. pay to Roger de Wyndesore, keeper of both gates of the castle, 4{/. a day ;
to Roger do Wyndesore, one of the viewers of the king's works, 2c?. a day ;
to Alexander le Peyntur, another viewer of the king's works, 2c?. a day ; to
four watchmen of the castle, 2c/. a day each ; to Adam the gardener of the
garden without the castle, 2\d. a day ; being their wages and stipends
Irom Michaelmas last until Michaelmas next.
Dec. 24. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause proclamation to be made in his
York. county [court] that the king wills that a market shall be held every week on
Thursday at his manor of Middelton, in that county, and a fair of four
days there yearl}' on the eve and day of St. Margaret and two following
days, the manor being in the hands of Queen Isabella.
Jan. 3. To the sheriff of York. Order to pay to John de Yakesle, keeper of the
York. king's tents, the wages of himself and of Robert de Guldeford and John
Fynche, his fellows, to wit 6c/. a day for himself and 4c?. a day each for his
fellows, together with the arrears of the same from the time of the sheriff's
appointment, and to continue to pay the same.
Jan. 5. John le Warner of Dodyngton, in the king's prison of Lincoln for the
York. death of Benedict de Broundishe, chaplain of Cathorp, has letters to the
sheriff of Lincoln to bail him until the first assize.
Jan. 1. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
York. intermeddle further with the lands that William de Dene held at his death
of other lords than the king, retaining in the king's hands the lands that
he held of the king, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that
he held certain lands in chief by the service of \0s. yearly to be paid at
Newenham to the constable of St. Briavels castle for all service, and certain
lands in Little Dene in chief by the yearly service of Qd. to the exchequer,
and that he held no other lands of the king in chief at his death by reason
whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king, but that he
held divers other lands of other lords by knight service, by which inquisi-
tion it was found that Joan and Isabella, William's daughters, are his
nearest heirs, and that Joan is aged 5 years and Isabella was aged one
month on 8 May last.
1320. Membrane 10 — cont.
Jan. 2. To the same. Order to deliver to Isabella, late the wife of the aforesaid
York. William, mother of the aforesaid heiresses, William's lauds and the issues
thereof from the time of his death for the use of the heiresses.
Jan, G. To the bailiffs of the Tolbooth of Bishop's Lenne. Order to permit
York. Geoffrey de Ketleston to take from that port 100 tuns of wine to parts
beyond sea, upon his finding security not to take the same to the Scotch
rebels, the king having granted him permission to export that quantity.
By p.s.
Jan. 6. To the sheriif of Hereford. Order to resume in the king's hands all
York. the lands iu the suburbs of the city of Hereford that the king had of the
feoffment of Philip le Waleys, clerk, and to keep the same until further
orders, the lands being in the hands of the Friars Preachers, to whom the
king lately granted them in order to build a new house for their habita-
Jan. 8. To the sheriff of Somerset. Order to deliver to Alice de Leygrave,
York. mother of Cicely, wife of John de Chaucoumbe, the 100/. of the issues of
that county that the king granted to the said John and Cicely in aid of
their marriage to buy lands therewith, in consideration of their good ser-
vice to the king and queen, as the king wills that the money shall be de-
livered to Alice to be kept by her until lands may be provided therewith.
By p.s. [5158.]
Jan. 9. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Whereas the king granted to Henry
York. de Bello Monte and Alice his wife for his good service, with the assent of
the prelates, earls, barons, and other proceres in parliament at York in a
month from Easter last, that the manors of Thoresweye, Styveton, and
Lyndewode, co. Lincoln, and the advowson of the church of the manor of
Kaylesthorp, in the same county, together with the king's free court in the
city of Lincoln, which were formerly owned by Stephen de Baiocis and
which Isabella de Vescy, the king's kinswoman, holds for her life by the
king's grant, should remain after Isabella's death to the said Henry and
Alice, and the heirs of the body of Henry, together with the knights' fees,
advowsons of churches, and other appurtenances of the aforesaid manors
and court, and with the knights' fees pertaining to the manor of Kayles-
thorp, to hold of the chief lords of the fees by the same services as Stephen
held them by, with provision that if Henry died without an heir of his body,
then they should revert to the king after the death of Isabella, Henry, and
Alice ; and Peter de Eabaya has asserted in his petition before the king
and his council in parliament that a judgment of the barony of Bayeux
was rendered before the late king, whereby it was considered that a moiety
of the barony should remain to the late king and the other moiety to
Matilda de Babayn, mother of Peter, whose heir he is, the process of which
judgment the king has caused to come before him, and Peter has prayed
the king to cause the judgment to be executed; and the king, under-
standing the premises by inspection of the process aforesaid, has granted to
the .said Isabella that she may render to Peter for his part of the aforesaid
manors, etc., the manors of Waye Bayhous and Pudle, co. Dorset, and all
the knights' fees and advowsons of churches that are of the said barony in
that county and in co. Northampton, and the said manor of Kaylesthorp,
CO. Lincoln, excepting the advowson of the church of the manor and the
knights' fees pertaining to the manor, and has granted to Peter licence to
receive the same; and Henry and Alice and the aforesaid Peter have
besought the king to deliver to them the charters, fines, deeds, and muni-
ments touching the aforesaid manors, courts, lands, fees, and advowsons
that are in the treasury for safe keeping : wherefore the king orders
the treasurer and chamberlains to examine the said charters, etc., and to
13 EDWAED II. 175
1320. Membrane 10 — cont.
deliver to Henry and Alice tliose relating to the manors, etc., granted to
them, and to deliver to Peter those relating to the manors, etc., iield by him ;
provided that in case of Henry's death without an heir of his body, the
charters, etc., relating to the manors, etc., granted to him and Alice shall
be restored to the king in the treasury. By K.
Membrane 9.
Jan. 11. To the bailiffs of Lenne. Order to permit John Chaumberlayn of Ely to
York. take 200 barrels of ale from that port to parts beyond sea, upon his finding
security not to take the ale to the Scotch rebels, as the king has granted
to the said John permission to export the above quantity at the request of
Aymer de Valencia, earl of Warwick. By p.s.
Jan. 11. To Ralph de Crophull, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
York, meddle further with the lands of John de Boyvill, and to restore the issues
thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that he held at
his death no lands in chief of the king by reason whereof the custody of his
lands ought to pertain to the king.
Jan. 22. To the sheriff of York. Order to pay to Oliver de Sambuce, yeoman of
York. the king's chamber, the arrears of his wages as keeper of the king's pond
of Fosse, the custody whereof the king granted to him for life, on
6 November, in the 12th year of his reign, receiving therefor 6d. a day
from the sheriff of York, and to continue to pay the same.
Jan. 22. To him who supplies the place of the treasurer and to the barons of the
York. excliequer. Order to cause the exchequer to be transferred to Westminster,
together with the rolls, tallies, memoranda and other things pertaining
thereto and the rolls of the Bench, as the king wills that the exchequer
shall be transferred thither and held there on the morrow of the close of
Easter, and to attermine until then all pleas touching the exchequer
according to the exigency of the pleas and their discretion. By p.s. [5172.]
[Pari. Writs.}
To the justices of the Bench. Order to adjourn to Westminster until
the quinzaine of Ea-ster and afterwards the parties pleading before them
according to the exigencies of the pleas and their discretion, as the king
wills that the Bench shall be transferred to Westminster so that it be there
in the quinzaine of Easter. By p.s. [5172.]
Jan. 28. To the sheriff of Devon. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
York. elected in place of John de Bykebury, who is unfit for the office.
To the same. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in
place of John de Fillye, who is incapacitated by age.
Jan. 26. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause the head of the water of Eosse
York. near York castle to be blocked up and repaired by the view and testimony
of Robert Meek, Nicholas Sauser, and Robert son of David, citizens of
York. By K.
Feb. 3. To Thomas son of John, earl of Kildare, John Aa Byrmyngham, earl of
Clipston. Louethe, Arnald le Poer, and John Wogan. Order not to intermeddle
with enquiring what men of Ireland of the king's allegiance aided and
counselled Edward de Brus and his accomplices during their late invasion
of Ireland, when the said Edward caused himself to be crowned king of
1320. Membrane 9 — cont.
that land, notwithstanding their late appointment as justices by the king to
enquire into the above and to hear and determine the seditions, etc.,
aforesaid. By K.
Jan. 26. To the keeper of the treasur[y] and chamberlains. Order to cause
York. allowance to be made to the prior of St. Katherine's without Lincoln, sub-
collector of the current tenth, for 100/., if they find that, as he alleges,
John, late bishop of Winchester, the king's late treasurer, compelled the
prior to make payment a second time of the 100/. that he paid out of
the tenth to Robert de Barton, late keeper of the king's victuals in the
parts of Carlisle, for the munition of the town and castle of Carlisle,
although he received the king's letters patent acknowledging receipt of
that sum by the bauds of the said Robert.
Feb. 1. To the sheriff of Devon. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
Clipston. elected in place of Robert de Stockheye, who is so occupied with certain of
the king's affairs in that county that he cannot attend to the duties of the
Jan. 28. To the same. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be elected in
York. place of Robert Huplay, who is insufficiently qualified.
Feb. 1. To Gilbert de Stapelton, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
Clipston. meddle further with the manor of Beleby, co. York, and to restore the issues
thereof, aa Ralph de Crophull, late escheator this side Trent, signified the king,
in response to his order to certify him of the cause for taking the manor into
his hands, that he had taken a simple seisin therein because Peter Bekard
held it at his death of the heir of Robert son of Ralph, a minor in the king's
wardship, in socage by the service of Ss. yearly for all service as parcel
of the manor of Brunum, which is held in chief by knight service ; which
cause the king deems insufficient.
Jan. 24. To the bailiffs of Raveneserodde. At the request of William de Quix-
York. ley, merchant, citizen of York, that whereas a ship of his called ' La Marie '
of York, price 60/., whereof William de Rouclyf was master, was laden at
York with 50 tuns of the king's wines, price 300/., and with 20/. sterling
of the said merchant, and with other his goods to the value of 20/., on
Monday before Mid-Lent, in the 9th year of the king's reign, for the pur-
pose of taking the same to Berwick-on-Tweed, certain malefactors of the
power of the count of Flanders entered the ship on her voyage near the
sea coast of Raveneser, and slew all the men in her, and took and carried
the ship and cargo away with them, the king frequently requested the
count to cause justice to be done to the said merchant, but the count did
nothing in the matter, as appears by the letters patent of the community of the
city of York : wherefore the king orders the bailiffs to arrest goods of the
men of the count's power to the value of 60/., and to detain the same until
the said merchant have been satisfied for that sura, in part satisfaction of
100/., the value of his ship, money, and other goods, and of 20/. for his
estimated damages, or until further orders, certifying the king of their pro-
ceedings and of the goods arrested by them. The king has ordered the
bailiffs of Scardeburgh to cause goods to be arrested in like manner to the
value of 60/.
Feb. 15. To the sheriff of Cornwall. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
Langley. be elected in place of Ralph de Kernek, deceased.
Jan. 29. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Whereas
York. S. late archbishop of Tuam and the late king's justiciary of Ireland, de-
livered, on 17 August, in the 10th year of the late king's reign, by the late
13 EDWARD n.
Feb. 18.
Feb. 5.
Jan. 24.
Membrane 9 — cont.
king's order, to Robert de Stapelton four carucates of land in Balylterjn,
CO. Waterford, of the yearly value of 12/., and one carucate of land in
Lyssecassel, of the yearly value of 40«., and a caructite of land in Lys-
pochan, in the aforesaid county, of the yearly value of 40s., by which ex-
tent Walter de la Haye previously held the above lands for a term, before
the end whereof he rendered them into the late king's hands for the use of the
said Robert to hold at ferm by the same extent, on condition that he had
10/. clear thence for the 10/. yearly of land that the late king had granted
to him in fee at the instance of Robert de Uiford, sometime his justiciary
of Ireland, and that he should answer to the late king's exchequer for the
residue of the said extent; and the late king afterwards, on 4 May, in the
16th year of his reign, granted that Robert and his heirs should hold and
possess tlie said lands according to the form of the above delivery until he
should be provided by the late king or his heirs with 10/. of land yearly in
a fitting place ; and lately, at the suggestion of John de Stapelton, son and
heir of the aforesaid Robert de Stapelton, that, although the aforesaid 10/.
were allowed to the said Robert during his life in the payment of his ferm
because [he was not provided] with 10/. of land yearly, the treasurer and
barons defer allowing the said 10/. to John after the land came to his
hands, and distrain him for payment of the same, the king, on 28 April, in
the 10th year of his reign, ordered the treasurer and barons to allow the
said 10/. to John in the payment of his ferm unless his father or he had
been provided with 10/. of land yearly as above ; by reason whereof they have
allowed that sum yearly to him from the aforesaid 28 April, refusing to
allow him that sum from the preceding time from the death of his father ;
for which he has besought the king to provide him with a remedy : where-
fore the king orders them to allow that sum to him yearly from the time of
his father's death until the aforesaid 28 April.
To the sheriff of Hertford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of Henry de la Sale, who dwells continuously in
CO. Buckingham.
To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to pay to John de Fenwyk
20 marks for Martinmas term last of the 40 marks yearly granted to him
from the issues of that county by the king in consideration of his good ser-
vice, and so that he may maintain himself more suitably .in the king's service.
To John de Wysham, constable of Knaresburgh castle. Order to cause
Eleanor de Munketon, who had the town of Boroughbridge (de Ponte
Bwgi), which is of the honour of Knaresburgh, at ferm by the grant of
Roger Damori, late constable of the said castle, from Michaelmas, in the
11th year of the king's reign, until Michaelmas following, at a ferm of 80/.,
to have allowance in her ferm of the manor for 29/. 19*. 4</., which the
king pardoned her because it was found by inquisition that the aforesaid
town and the tenants thereof and the mills and other things pertaining to it
were destroyed and wasted by the incursions of the Scotch rebels so that
the full ferm thereof could not be levied, and that the wastes, destructions,
and diminutions of rents amounted to the above sum of 29/. 19«. 4(/. ; the
aforesaid Roger, whom the king ordered to allow the said Eleanor a moiety
of this sum, having certified in chancery that he has allowed nothing
thereof to her because he was amoved from the custody half a year before
the end of the above term.
Membrane 8.
Feb. 18. To Master Richard de Clare, escheator this side Trent. Order not to
Westminster, intermeddle further with the lands of John Ingelwyne and to restore the
76416. M
Feb. 22.
Feb. 22.
Feb. 18.
Membrane 8 — cont.
issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken by Master John Wale-
wayn, late esclieator tliis side Trent, that he held nothing in chief at his
death by reason ■whereof the custody of his lands should pertain to the
To the taxors and collectors of the eighteenth in co. Southampton.
Order to supersede the taxing and levying of the eighteenth of the goods of
Edward, earl of Chester, the king's son, in his manors in that county, and
to restore to him anything they may have levied on this behalf ; provided
that his tenants of the manors be taxed according to the form of the tax-
ation delivered to the taxors.
To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay to Edward, earl of
Chester, 163Z. 16«. 9rf., the amount expended by Hugh Daudele, justice of
Chester, in providing wheat, wine, and other victuals delivered to Robert
de Barton, receiver of the king's victuals at Carlisle, in execution of the
king's order of 30 October, in the 11th year of his reign, to buy and provide
■wheat, wines, and other victuals to the value of 40 marks and to send the
same to Carlisle for the maintenance of the men in garrison there, which
victuals with the carriage and other expenses about them amount to the
above sum, as appears by two indentures bet'ween William de Burstowe,
chamberlain of Chester, and the aforesaid Robert.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. 'Whereas John de
Gyseburn and Beatrice his wife lately sought in the king's court before the
justices of the Bench against Eleanor, late the ■wife of Henry de Percy, a
third part of 12 messuages, 4 bovates and 12 acres of land, and 12 acres of
meadow in Buckeden, co. York, as Beatrice's dower of the gift of Rayner
de Knoll, her late husband, and Eleanor vouched to warranty Henry, son
and heir of Henry de Percy, tenant in chief, a minor then in the king's
■wardship, and a certain part of the lands of the heir -was in the custody of
Walter, archbishop of Canterbury, then summoned in co. Sussex, and
another part was in Eleanor's custody, then summoned in co. York, and
the aforesaid keepers, having consulted the king, warranted Eleanor in
the king's court, the archbishop saying that he had then nothing in
his custody, and Eleanor, as keeper of certain of the heir's lands in
CO. York, rendered to the aforesaid John and Beatrice the said Beatrice's
dower ; whereupon it was considered in the same court that John and
Beatrice should recover their seisin against Eleanor the tenant, and that
Eleanor should have the value of the dower from the heir's lands in
CO. York in her custody, as appears in the record and process of the suit which
the king caused to come before him ; by pretext whereof, and by virtue of the
king's order under the testimony of the aforesaid justices directed to the sheriff
of York, the sheriff delivered to John and Beatrice the said third of the afore-
said 12 messuages, 4 bovates and 12 acres of land, and 12 acres of meadow ;
whereupon Eleanor prayed the king to cause due allowance to be made to her
for the land thus delivered out of the la,nd held by her as tenant ; in response
to which the king ordered the sheriff to certify him concerning the deliveries
of the lands ; who has returned that, by virtue of a mandate under the testi-
mony of the said justices of the Bench, on 6 March, in the 12th year of the
king'sreign, the said messuages, land, and meadow in Buckeden were extended
at 9/. \6s. Od., whereof a third part amounted to 65*. 4d., and that, on the
same day, the same third was delivered to John and Beatrice, and that on
18 March following he caused certain lands of the aforesaid heir in Scorburgh
in Eleanor's custody to be extended to the value of the dower aforesaid and
to be delivered and assigned to Eleanor : wherefore the king orders the
treasurer and barons to cause allowance to be made to Eleanor in her ferm
Feb. 12.
1320. Membrane 8 — cont.
for the lands of the said Henry in co. York, which she holds by the king's
commissiou, for the said 65s. \d. for the dower thus recovered from her,
from the aforesaid 6 March for so long as she have the custody of the afore-
said lands.
To Gilbert de Stapelton, escheator this side Trent. Order to as.siga
dower to the aforesaid Eleanor out of the aforesaid Henry's lands of the 10/.
yearly of land wherewith Henry charged his manor of Kyrkelevyngton in
favour of Edmund Darel, knight, for the term of Edmimd's life, as found
iu the inquisitions concerning Henry's lands taken by John de Evere, late
escheator this side Trent, of which lOZ. Eleanor had not dower at that time
because it was not contained in the inquisitions whether Henry charged the
manor with the said \0l. before he married Eleanor or not, as it was found
by inquisition taken by Ralph de Crophill, afterwards escheator beyond
Trent, that Henry charged the manor with this sum long after he had
married Eleanor, so that Eleanor ought to have her dower thereof.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit the
aforesaid Eleanor of the yearly ferm of 400/. for the custody of Henry de
Percy's lands in co. York from Michaelmas last, when she surrendered them
into the king's hands on account of the destruction therein by the Scotch
rebels, whereupon the king ordered Gilbert de Stapelton, escheator beyond
Trent, to resume the same into the king's hands together with the issues
thereof from Michaelmas. By K. and C.
To Master Richard de Clare, escheator this side Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with the lands of Joan, late the wife of John de
Northwod, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that she
held nothing in chief of the king at her death by reason whereof the
custody of her lands should pertain to the king.
To the bailifis of the Tolbooth of the town of Lenne. Order to permit
John Marchaund to take 100 barrels of ale from that port to parts beyond
sea, upon his finding security not to take it or any part of it to the Scotch
rebels. By p.s. [5194.]
To Robert de Ewere, constable of Odiham castle. Order to pay to John
Galewy, to whom the king, on 20 July last, granted the custody of the park
of Odiham, receiving therefor as much as others have hitherto received, the
arrears of his wages, and to continue paying the same.
To the chamberlain of Caermerdyn. Order to pay to John Iweyn, sheriff
of Kaermerdyn, the arrears of his fee for the time that he has been sheriff,
and to pay the same fee henceforth for so long as he shall be in that
Feb. 25. To the bailiffs of the Tolbooth of the town of Lenue. Order to permit
Westminster. John Sliyns of Lenne to take 100 barrels of ale from that port to parts
beyond sea, upon his finding security not to take the same to the Scotch
rebels. By p.s. [6204.]
Feb. 26. To the chamberlain of Kaernarvan. Order to pay Roger de Mortuo
Westminster. Mari of Wygemore 1,600 marks out of the issues of his bailiwick, the
balance of 2,000 marks that the king lately ordered Edmund de Dynyeton,
then chamberlain of Kaernarvan, to pay to the said Roger out of the aid
granted to the king by the knights, men, and community of North Wales
in aid of the Scotch war, in part payment of the sum due to Roger for his
stay in Ireland when he supplied the king's place there, as Edmund has
certified that be has paid him 400 marks only of the above sum.
M 2
Feb. 20.
Feb. 14.
Feb. 20.
1320. Membrane 8 — cont.
Feb. 22. To John Eotenheryng of Kyngeston-on-IIull, Richard de la Pole of the
York. same, William de Barton of the same, and Nicholas de Catton of York.
Order to restore to Hermann de Hamm of Lubyk, Simon de Minster,
mei'chant of Lubyk, Bernard Flurkyn, merchant of Lubyk, Ludolph Canfeld,
merchant of Lubyk, Christian de Celle, merchant of Lubyk, Albred de
Celle, merchant of Lubyk, and Everard Pape, merchant of Lubyk, their
goods, value 163Z. lOs. Od., arrested by the bailiffs of Kavenesrodd in
execution of the king's order to arrest goods of men and merchants of the
towns of Grippeswold, Strallessound, and Lubvk because the schoffen and
consules of those towns bad failed to do justice, in answer to the king's
request, to Adam le Clerk of Lenne for the capture by malefactors of those
towns of his ship called ' La Plente ' of Lenne and her cargo, which goods
■were delivered by the said bailiffs to the aforesaid John, Richard, William,
and Nicholas upon their mainperning to answer for the said 163/. 10*. Od.
to Adam on behalf of the above-named merchants, the said merchants having
appeared in chancery and found mainpernors before the king, to wit
Gilbert de Mordou, John le Long, Richard Cube, John Brond, and Philip
Lucas, of the city of London, to answer for the above sum to Adam in case
it be awarded to him by the king's court. The king will discharge the
said John, Richard, William, and Nicholas of their said mainprize hence-
forth against himself and Adam.
Feb. 28.
Feb. 27.
Feb. 28.
Membrane 7.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause
Robert de Wassyngle, son and heir of Robert de Wassyngle, tenant in chief
of the late king, to have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age
before Master Richard de Clare, late escheator this side Trent, and the king
has taken his homage.
To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of Robert le Botiller, who cannot attend to the office as he
is one of the verderers in the forest of Whitlewode.
To Ralph de Monte Hermerii, keeper of the Forest this side Trent.
Order to deliver to John de Chaucombe, son and heir of Thomas de Chau-
combe, the bailiwick of keeping a moiety of the forest of Graveley, as it
appears by inquisition taken by Master Richard de Clare, late escheator this
side Trent, tliat the said Thomas held of the king in chief at his death a
messuage and 48 acres of land and 1;^ acres of meadow in Bereford St.
Martin by the serjeanty of keeping a moiety of the aforesaid forest and by
the service of 9^. yearly to be paid to the castle of Old Sarum, by which
inquisition it was found that the said John is his son and heir and is of full
age, wherefore the king has taken his homage for his father's lands.
To Richard de Rodeney, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with a messuage, a virgate and 50 acres of land, 3 acres of
wood, 3«. of rent, and a moiety of an acre of a meadow in Wycombe, and to
restore the issues thereof, as Master Richard de Clare, late escheator this
side Trent, has returned, in response to the king's order to certify him of
the cause of the premises being taken into the king's hands by Master John
Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, that the said John delivered the
premises to him asserting that they were in the king's hands on account of
the alienation that William de Esshewell, who held them of the king by
knight service, made thereof to divers men without the king's licence, and
that it was found by an inquisition taken by Master Richard that William
demised the premises to John, vicar of the church of Wycombe, John
Feb. 29.
1320. Membrane 7 — cont.
Ughtred, master of St. John's hospital, Wycombe, William le Tighelere,
John Peshull, Roger atte Brok, Roger lo Tighelere, Robert le Blake, Simon
de Asshewell, Baudric the Weaver (Textor), and John Fertlyng for a term
of years and not for term of life or in fee.
To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of Ralph de Chastilloua, who cannot attend to the oflBce as
he is one of the verderers in the forest of Whittelwode.
Feb. 28. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to supersede en-
Westminster, tirely the demand upon the tenants in the borough of Torkeseye by reason
of the tallage of the king's demesnes in the 6th year of his reign, as the
king then ordered the sheriff of Lincoln to cause John de Britannia, earl of
JRichmond, to have tallage of his tenants in the borough, the teuants having
shewn to the king that the sheriff exacts the tallage from them by summons
of the exchequer although the earl levied it by reason of the aforesaid
order. [I'arl. WrUs.'\
Feb. 25.
Jan. 28.
To the sheriff of York. At the suit of Perota Brune of Solers (Solariis),
citizen of Bordeaux, made to the king by Arnald de Ispania, her proctor in this
behalf, that whereas Perota sent a ship of hers laden with 192 tuns of wine,
price 550/. sterling, to Flanders for the purpose of trading before the war
between the king of France and the count of Flanders and his subjects, the
burgomasters, echevins (scabinos), and consules of the town of Bruges in Flan-
ders violently carried off the said wine from her servants in the port of Dam
(del Dam), where the ship arrived, the king wrote to the burgomasters,
echevins, and consules and, in their default, to the aforesaid count, requesting
them to cause Perota to be satisfied for the said wine and her damages ; but
as they did not do so, the king ordered the sheriff to arrest goods of men
and merchants of the count's power to the value of 200/., in part satisfaction
of the above 550/. and of 200/. for her damages, and the sheriff has returned
that he caused Geoffrey de Hull, bailiff of Kyngeston-on-Hull, to have
return of the writ, who returned to him that he had arrested, in execution
thereof, 31 sacks and 13 stone of wool of one Michael Belle, merchant of
Ypres, of the count's power, and that each sack was valued, by the oath of
merchauts and others of his bailiwick, at 8/., of which sacks John Hubert,
master of a ship of Ipswich, detains one sack for 100«. for the freight (f recto)
of his ship ; and Michael has now appeared before the king in chancery and
asserted that he, like other burgesses of Ypres, ought to be quit of such
ari'ests by the gi-ant of the king's progenitors confirmed by the king ; where-
upon Michael and Arnold have a day before the king in chancery in three
weeks from Easter next, and Michael has, with Arnold's consent, found
mainpernors, to wit Henry Nasard of London and Richard de Botoigne,
who have each mainperned to satisfy Perota for half the above wool
at the aforesaid price at the above day if it be adjudged that the price
thereof ought to be delivered to her : wherefore the king orders the sheriff
to cause the aforesaid wool to be delivered to Michael in the meantime, and
to certify the king at the aforesaid day of his proceedings. By K.
After'wards, in parliament at Westminster, in the octaves of Michael,
mas, in the I4th year, Michael obtained judgment for himself, and it was
considered that this mainprize should be discharged, as oji the dorse of the
Close Roll of that year : therefore this mainprize is cancelled.
To the collectors in co. Southampton of the scutago of the king's army
of Scotland of the 4th year of his reign. Order to supersede entirely
the demand upon Thomas Coudray for the service of a moiety of a knight's
fee that he acknowledged to the king, and to release anything they may
have levied on this account, as he had his service with the king in the same
March 3.
Feb. 20.
Feb. 26.
March 3.
Feb. 29.
Feb. 24.
Membrane 7 — cont.
army, as appears by the rolls of the marshalsea ; provided that the scutage
be levied of the knights' fees that Thomas held of the king at that time by
reason of any honours, escheats, or ])erquisites, or inheritances then in the
king's hands.
Vacated, because otherwise on the roll de supers[edendo^.
To Nicholas de Cheygny. Order to deliver to Thomas de Marleberge,
the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset, all the corn and victuals lent by certain
of the king's subjects in those counties in aid of the Scotch war and delivered
to Nicholas when he was sheriff for safe custody.
Mandate in pursuance to the sheriff to receive and keep safely the said
com and victuals.
To Master Richard de Clare, escheator this side Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with a messuage, 2 acres of land, and 2*. of rent that
belonged to Adam Pope in King's Barton (Berfona) near Gloucester, and
to restore the issues thereof, as the escheator has certified the king, in re-
sponse to his order, that the premises were delivered to him by Master
John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, who asserted that they were in
the king's hands on account of the alienation that Robert Mael, who held
them of the king by sergeanty, made thereof to Adam Pope and Lucy his
wife, and that the present escheator afterwards found by inquisition that
Robert did not hold the tenements of the king but of other lords, to wit of
the archbishop of York and the prior of Lenton (sic) near Gloucester.
To the chamberlain of Kaernarvan. Order to pay to Roger de Mortuo
Mari of Wygemore 1,600 marks out of the issues of his bailiwick, in pay-
ment of the balance of 2,000 marks that the king ordered him to pay to
Roger out of the money of the aid granted to the king by the knights,
men, and community of North Wales in aid of the war of Scotland, in part
payment of the money due to him for his stay in Ireland when he supplied
the king's place there, the chamberlain having certified that he has paid
400 marks only in execution of the aforesaid order.
Vacated, because otherwise above.
Reginald son of Adam le Monek, in the gaol of the town of Shrewsbury
for the death of Richard son of Nicholas le Bakelare, has letters to the
sherifl" of Salop to bail him until the first assize.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
Mabel, late the wife of John de Poyle, tenant in chief, a third of two
parts of John's lands in Gildeford and Stok near Gildeford, which third is
of the value of 40s. 10|rf., as the king assigned this third to her on 18 Feb-
ruary, in the 1 1th year of his reign, and ordered Master John Walewayn,
then escheator this side Trent, to deliver the same to her, John having done
nothing in execution thereof as she has given the king to understand.
To Master Richard de Clare, late escheator this side Trent. Order to
deliver to Mabel all the issues of the aforesaid third part from the said
18 February,
To Ralph de Camoys, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to deliver
to the chaplains celebrating in the chapel of the castle bread, wine, oil, and
other small necessaries for divine service from the time of his appointment
as constable until Michaelmas next.
To Oliver de Burdegala, late constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to
pay to Edward Gerald, to whom the king committed the bailiwick of keep-
ing the park of Kenyngton during pleasure, receiving therefor the same
wages as other parkers thereof have been wont to receive, the arrears of his
wages for the time when Oliver was constable.
1320. Membrane 7 — cont.
March 6. To Ricliard de RoJeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause
Canterbury. Robert de Saltfledby, son and heir of Herbert de Saltfledby, tenant in chief
of the late king, to have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his
age before Master Richard de Clare, late escheator this side Trent, and the
king has taken his homage. Bj p.s. [5218.]
To the bailiff of the manors of Cokham and Bray. Order to pay to the
king's yeoman Oliver de Burdegala, late constable of Wyndesore castle, 20/.
for the fees and wages of the Serjeants of the castle in arrear of the time
when Oliver was constable.
To W. archbishop of Canterbury and S. bishop of London, collectors of
the tenth of the clergy for one year granted to the king by Pope John, and
to their commissaries. Order to pay to Roger Ardyngelli, Bonus Philippi,
Dinus Forcetti, and their fellows, merchants of the society of the Bardi of
Florence, 100 marks out of the tenth without delay, as they have paid that
sum to Maurice de Berkele for his expenses in going to the duchy of Aqui-
taine and for his passage over sea, the king having caused that sum to be
paid to Maurice, whom he has appointed seneschal of the duchy, because
he considered that, as he had appointed Maurice to that office without his
knowledge, it would be necessary for him to commence his journey thither
with all speed, which could not be done without great expense.
March 8. John de Atoa of Lincoln, imprisoned in Lincoln castle for the death of
Canterbury. Roger Chay of Lincoln, has letters to the sheriff of Lincoln to bail him
until the first assize.
Feb. 23.
March 6.
Membrane 6.
Feb. 22. To the sheriff of Kent. The king learns from Alan de Appelby of York,
Westminster. Adam de Copendale of Beverley, William de Shirwode of Ripon, and other
merchants of this realm and of Almain that whereas they freighted a ship
of Hugh Maikyn of Middelburgh in Zeeland (Seland) at the same town of
Mildeburgh {sic), and loaded her with cloth, wax, canvas, oats, and other
goods, for the purpose of taking the same to Kyngeston-on-HuU, certain
malefactors and pirates attacked the ship on her voyage on the sea coast
whilst anchored near Great Yarmouth, certain of her mariners having gone
to Yarmouth to buy victuals, many men of the town seeing what happened
from land, and took and carried away the ship and cargo to the value of
2,000/. ; and the king was subsequently given to understand that John de
Boloigne, mariner, took without that port a ship laden with divers goods,
and that the men in the ship fled to land in boats before his coming to the
ship, whereby it was presumed that they were of the king's enemies, and
that John took the captured ship and goods into the Thames in co. Kent,
and there detained them ; on which account the ship and goods ought to
remain to the king as forfeited ; and it was afterwards shewn to the king
on behalf of the said merchants that the ship and goods thus captured by
John are the same as they made complaint of; wherefor the king ordered
the bailiffs of Great Yarmouth to make inquisition concerning the same ;
whereby it is found that the said merchants loaded a ship of Hugh May-
kyn's at Middelburgh, and that whilst she was anchored on the sea coast
near Yarmouth, certain of her men having gone to that town to buy victuals
and repair her anchors, on Wednesday before St. Andrew last, the afore-
said John de Boloigne and his fellows in another ship attacked her by
armed force, and entered and captured her, and drove away certain of her
men, detaining others, and took the ship and goods first to Orford, and
1320. Membrane 6 — cont.
there permitted the men thus captured to go to laud, and took the ship and
goods thence to the Thames against the will of the said merchants and
men, and that the ship thus captured by the said John and his fellows is
Hngh Maykyn's ship, and that the goods in her belonged to the said Alan
de Appelby and other merchants of England and Almain, and were not the
goods of the king's enemies, and that the goods consisted of cloth, wax,
canvas, oats, money, and divers other things, and were worth when they
were captured 362/. 6«. 8c/., and that neither the men who before the cap-
ture of the ship had gone to land nor the men who fled to land after the
capture were of the king's enemies, but were at his peace, but that some of
them went to land in order to buy victuals and to repair their anchors and
some of them went to land lest they should be slain by the said malefactors,
and that the ship and goods were captured from the aforesaid merchants :
wherefore the king orders the sheriff to deliver the ship and goods, which
are in his keeping by indenture made between him and the said John or
otherwise, to the aforesaid merchants and Hugh, the master thereof, so
that the merchants may divide the goods amongst them according to their
shares therein. _ By K.
Eeb. 28. To Eichard de Eodeneye, escheator this side Trent. At the complaint
Westminster, of Henry de Went, Philip Cofin, William de la Neuburi, Philip le Wyld,
Heni-y le Mouner, John le Bound, Annora de Mershton, Roger de la Nasshe,
William Bassel, William Lewys, Alice daughter of Richard le Fevre of
Riseburi, and William de Maydenhide that, although they lately lield cer-
tain lands in Merston of Roger de Leye by the service of 5s. yearly for all
• service, and that rent came into the king's hands with Roger's lands because
Roger held them in chief of the king and died without an heir, Master
Eichard de Olare, late escheator this side Trent, pretending that they held
the aforesaid lands of Roger by the service of 2\s., although Roger or his
ancestors were not at any time seised of any other rent than the aforesaid 5«.
and they had not been wont to do any other services therefor, caused
them to be distrained for the aforesaid 21*., the king ordered the said
Master Richard to make inquisition concerning the above service in
their presence, if they chose to attend; by which inquisition it appears that
they held certain lands of the said Roger by the service of 6s. yearly for all
service, and that that rent came to the king's hands as an escheat, and that
neither they nor their ancestors were wont to make any other services
therefor, nor ought to make any other service to the king; and because no
mention was made in the inquisition of the time when Roger de la Leye
died, the king ordered the said Master Richard to make inquisition of the
date of Roger's death; by which inquisition it appears that Roger died on
8 February, in the 4th year of the king's reign : the king now orders the
escheator to inform himself concerning the king's right in this behalf and of
the other circumstances touching the matter, so that he may certify the king
thereof in his next parliament, when the king has given the said tenants a
,day, and to supersede meanwhile the levying of the said 2\s., receiving from
them the said 5«. and taking from them security to answer for the 21*. if it
be found that the king ought to receive that sum,
March 7. To the slierifl' of Berks. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of
Canterbury. Wyndesore to be elected in place of John de Newenham, deceased.
To the sheriff of Surrey. Like order to cause a verderer for the said
forest to be elected in place of William atte Forde.
To the sheriff of Berks. Like order to cause a verderer for the said
forest to be elected in place of Gilbert Saddok.
March 6. To Ealph de Camoys, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to cause
CaDterbuTT. (he houses, tower, walls, and bridges of the caiStle, with the stable and wall
1320. Membrane 6 — cont.
of the garden without the castle, and the houses and walls of the manor of
Kenyngton, with the paling and wall about the king's castle (sic) there,
to be repaired.
To Ralph de Camoys, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to pay to
Roger de Wyndesore, porter of both gates of the castle, 4c?. a day ; to Alex-
ander le Peyutour, one of the viewers of the king's works there, 2d. a day ; to
Thomas le Rotour, another viewer of the works, 2d. a day ; to Adam the
gardener of the king's garden without the castle, 2\d. a day ; to the four
watchmen of the castle, 2d. a day each; to Robert de Wodeham, chief
forester of Wyndesore forest, \2d. a day; to Ralph de la More, clerk of the
works, 2rf. a day ; and to Edward Gerald, keeper of the park of Kenyngton,
\\d. a day, being their wages, from now until Michaelmas next.
March 14. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause
Sturry. Roger Dakeny, son and heir of Robert Dakeny, tenant in chief, to have
seisin of his father's lands', as he has proved his age before Master Richard
de Clare, escheator this side Treut, and the king has taken his homage.
By p.s.
To the sheriff of Surrey. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of Roger de Jarpenvill, who is insufficiently qualified.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with the lands of Nicholas le Bonde, William le Child, and
Robert le Smyht in Bolnhirst, and to restore the issues thereof, as Master
Richard de Clare, late escheator this side Treut, has certified the king that
Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, delivered to him by
indenture a virgate of land in Wilden, asserting that it was in the king's
hands on account of the trespass that the aforesaid Nicholas, William, and
Robert made in acquiring it without the king's licence from Ralph Tyrel,
who held it in chief of the king by knight service, and that it was found by
inquisition taken by the said Master Richard that the said Nicholas, William,
and Robert and their ancestors from time out of mind had been seised
thereof, and that it never was in the seisin of the said Ralph.
March 26. To the sheriff of Surrey and Sussex. Order to cause Mary, late the wife of
Eltham. William de Breuse, the elder, tenant in chief of the late king, to have scutage
of the following knights' fees, which were assigned to her in dower by the late
king on 20 September, in the 19th year of his reign, to wit 4 fees in Suntinges
and Iwhurst, which Thomas Peverel held, a fee in Bocham, which Mary de
Breuse held, 1^ fees in Totyngton and Woghewod, which Hamo Bonet
held, a fee in Michelgrene, which Robert le Fauconer held, 4 fees in
Kyngeston and Shiremanbyre, which Robert de Bucy held, 2 fees in
Sillyngton and Bracebrugg, which Roger de Covert held, 2 fees in Clopham,
which John de Sancto Audoeno held, 4 fees in Morlee, Wodemancote, and
Suwyk, which Thomas de Hantyntot held, 2 fees in Launcyng, Bungeton,
and Chacgeton, which Thurstan de Brok held, as William de Breuse, son
and heir of the said William, granted to her by deed indented between them
that she should retain in dower the aforesaid fees with all their appur-
tenances and all profits pertaining to the same, saving to him suit of his
court of Brembre, and the king ordered the sheriff to cause William to have
his scutage of the knights' fees held of him, to wit 2 marks for each fee
{scvto),ioi the king's army of Scotland of the 4th year of the king's reign,
as William had his .service with the king in the said army, as appears by the
rolls of the marshalsea.
To the sheriff of Berks. Order to cause verderers for the forest of
Wyndesore to be elected in place of John de Newenham and Gilbert Shad-
dek, deceased.
March 31.
April 8.
April 1 1.
April 11.
April 26.
Membrane 6 — cont.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit the men
of the town of Baumburgh of 26 marks for the farm of that town for the
present Easter term, as the king has pardoned them the same in consider-
ation of the damages inflicted upon them by the Scotch rebels.
By p.s. [5255.]
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause
William Larcher, son and heir of Nicholas Larcher, tenant in chief, to have
seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age before Master Richard
de Clare, late escheator this side Trent, and the king has taken his homage.
By p.s. [5257.]
To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to pay to Rhys (Resus) son of Rhys
ap Mereduk, a Welshman staying in Norwich castle, the arrears of his
wages and other necessaries as he was wont to receive them in the late
king's time from the time of the sherifi's appointment, and to continue to
pay the same.
To Stephen de Abyndon, the king's butler, or to his attorney in the
port of London. Order to deliver to the monks of St. Peter's West-
minster a tun of wine of the right prise for this year, in accordance with
the grant of Henry III.
To the same, taker of the king's wines at Southampton. Order to deliver
to the abbot and monks of St. Edward's place Netley (Lutele) a tun of
wine of the right prise at Southampton, in accordance with the grants of
Henry III. and Edward I.
To the chamberlain of North Wales. Order to pay to Henry de
Bissebyry, constable of Conewey castle, the arrears of his fee anciently due
for the custody of that castle.
Membrane 6. — Schedule.
April 26. To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Order not to admit any notary exer-
Westminster. cising ofRce by imperial authority in any causes or matters, or to attach
faith to instruments made hereafter by them, or to permit his commissaries
to attach faith thereto, as complaint is made on behalf of the clergy and
people of the realm that, although this realm is and always has been free
from any imperial subjection, there is such a number of notaries exercising
public office by imperial authority in this realm, both in matters the cog-
nisance whereof pertains solely to the king and in other matters, that
peril of the disinheritance of the crown and great damage to the inhabitants
of this realm arise therefrom. By K. and C.
To the sheriffs of London. Order to cause proclamation to be made
prohibiting any one exercising the office of notary in causes, contracts, or
other matters, and forbidding archbishops, bishops, or other prelates, or
their ministers, attaching faith to the instruments of such notaries.
llbid.'] By K. and C.
April 28. To Henry de Northwode and other merchants of England staying at
Westminster. Brugge in Flanders. It has come to the king's ears that although he
lately ordained by his council, to avoid the damages and grievances that
happened heretofore to the king and his progenitors and the merchants of
this realm, that native and foreign merchants buying wool and wool-fells
within this realm for the purpose of taking them to Brabant, Flanders, and
Artoys for sale, should take the same only to a certain staple to be ordained
within one of those lands by the mayor and community of the merchants
of this realm, and John de Cherleton, mayor of the said merchants, and the
1320. Membrane 6 — Schedule — cont.
community of the merchants ordained and appointed a staple at St. Omer
in Artoys for this season, nevertlieless the said Henry and the other English
merchants at Brugge have made a confederacy to transfer themselves with
their wool and wool-fells elsewhere than to the said staple, and hinder
merchants of the king's realm and power transferring themselves from
Bruges to the aforesaid staple, and impose upon thera grievous ransoms,
■which they levy for their own use : wherefore the iiing enjoins them to
desist from such acts, and to cause any sums that they may have extorted
on this account to be restored with all speed, carrying themselves so in
the premises that the king may not have to stretch out his hand against
them. By K. and C. and afterwards by p.s.
May 1. To the sheriffs of London. Order to cause proclamation to be made
Westminster, forbidding any native or foreign merchant taking any wool or wool-fells to
any of the aforesaid lands elsewhere than to the aforesaid staple.
By K. and C. and afterwards by p.s.
The like to all the sheriffs of England to cause proclamation to be made
in every port and elsewhere.
April 8. To the master of the order of the Friars Preachers, and to the diffinitores
Westminster, and brethren about to assemble in their chapter-general at Kouen in
Normandy. Bequest for their prayers on behalf of the king and queen and
their children. [^Fcedera.']
May 9. To John de Heselarton, one of the executors of the will of William de
Langley. Kos of Hamelak. Order to deliver to the bearer of the presents James de
Eos son and heir of Eobert de Eos, tenant in chief, a minor in the custody
of him and of Alan de Weybrede, James, parson of the church of
Houghton, and William de Brokenholm, his co-executors, to be brought
to the king as the king has enjoined upon the bearer by word of mouth.
The king is sending them by the bearer his letters patent witnessing the
receipt of the heir. By K.
The like to each of his co-executors.
May 13. To the sheriff of Eutland. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
Windsor, be elected in place of William de Bergh, who is incapacitated by age and
Vacated, because otherwise within under the same date.
May 19. To Eichard de Eodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
Eeading. meddle further with the lands that William de Monte Caniao held of other
lords than the king, and to restore the issues thereof, as it appears by in-
quisition taken by the escheator that William held nothing at his death in
chief as of the crown, but that he held in chief the manor of Edwardston,
CO. Suffolk, by the service of twelve knights' fees as of the honour of Eye, by
reason whereof the custody of his other lands ought not to pertain to the king.
[ Vacated as above.'\
To the mayor and bailiffs of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Order to permit
1,000 chalders {celdras) of sea-coal to be taken from that town and the
parts adjacent to Scotland, as the king has granted that such quantity
may be taken to Scotland for the release of Peter Bard, who was lately
captured in Scotland by the king's enemies. By K.
The like to William Eydel, Gilbert de Borughdon, John do Penreth,
and Eoger de Horsle, keepers of the truce in the parts of Northumberland.
[ Vacated as above.^
May 23. To the sheriff of Suffolk. Order to supersede until further orders the
Odiham. arrest of goods of the men and merchants of Amiens on account of any
debts due from the king of France to any merchants of this realm, and to
restore any goods that he may have arrested on this account. The king
makes this order at the request of the king of France. By p.s,
April 15.
April 17.
April 11.
April 23.
April 22.
April 25.
April 2i.
April 28.
Membrane 5.
To the sheriff of Leicester. Order to cause a coroner for that county
to be elected in place of Oliver le Waleys, who dwells near one end
of the county, so that his office i.5 not well executed in other [parts of] the
county by reason of the distance of the place, and divers felonies are
concealed and unpunished, for which cause the king has amoved him from
To John de Crumwell, keeper of the Forest beyond Trent, or to him
who supplies his place. Order to deliver Thomas le Veudour of York,
imprisoned at York for trespass of venison in the forest of Galtres, in bail
to twelve mainpernors who shall undertake to have him before the justices
next in eyre for forest pleas in that county to stand to right concerning the
above trespass.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to supersede until
further orders the exaction of the tenth from the ecclesiastical benefices in
this realm of Bertrand, cardinal priest of St. Marcellus, as the king wishes
to shew him special favour. [Fcedera.^
The like in favour of Reymnnd de Farges, cardinal deacon of St. Mary
Nova. I16id.'\
The like in favour of Gauselin Johannis, cardinal priest of SS. Mar-
celHnus and Peter. [Ibid.]
To Richard de Rodeney, escheator this side Trent. Order to pay to
Joan de Torthorald 10 marks for Easter term last of the 20 marks yearly
from the issues of that escheatry granted to her by the king in aid of her
maintenance until the king shall cause i other ordinance to be made con-
cerning her.
To the sheriff of Surrey. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of
"Wyndesore to be elected in place of Ralph de Hoo, who is incapacitated by
To Richard de Rodenei, escheator this side Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with the lands of Richard de Weyland, as it appears by
inquisition taken by the escheator that he held nothing in chief at his
death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the
To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of Thomas de Valoyns, who is insufficiently qualified.
To the sheriff of Stafford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of Philip de Lutteley, who is insufficiently qualitied.
To Ralph de Cammoys, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to pay to
Roger de Wyndesore, keeper of both gates of the castle, 4:d. a day ; to
Alexander le Peyntour, one of the viewers of the king's works, 2d. a day;
to Adam the gardener of the garden without the castle, 2^d. a day; to four
watchmen of the castle, 2d. a day each ; to Robert de Wodeham, chief
forester of Wyndesore forest, 12d. a day ; to Ralph de la JMore, clerk of the
king's works in the castle, 2d. a day ; to Edward Gerald, keeper of Kening-
ton Park, l^d. a day, being their wages, from 22 February last until 8 March
To the treasurer and chamberlains of the exchequer of Dublin. Order
to pay to the Friars Minor of Waterford 5^ marks yearly that they have been
wont to receive at the exchequer of Dublin at the will of the king and his
progenitors, so far as the affairs of those parts will permit of this being done.
April 24.
May 1.
April 1.
May 6.
May 4.
May 8.
May 6.
Membrane 5 — cont.
To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of
Shotovere to be elected iu place of William de Drayoote, whom the king
has amoved from oflBce for insuificieut qualification.
To the sheriff of Bedford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of John son of John Aungevyn of Lymbury, whom the
king has amoved from olfice because ha is insufficiently qualified.
To the sheriff of Buckingham. Order to cause a verderer for the forest
of Bernewode to be elected in place of Peter Carbonel, whom the king has
amoved from office because he is insutiiciently qualified.
To the sheriff of Salop and Stafford. Order to expend up to 20 marks in
repairing the king's houses within Shrewsbury castle.
To Ralph Caumoys, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to pay to
Thomas le Perker, keeper of Kenington park, the same wages as others
have hitherto received for that office. By p.s.
To the justices of the Bench. Order to cause a fine to be levied between
John, bishop of Ely, demandant, and Philip Purcel and Ela his wife,
deforciants, concerning the manor of Solihull and the advowson of the
church of that town according to the acknowledgment made by the de-
forciants before the king, whereby they acknowledged the manor and
advowson to be the right of the said John, and released the same to him
and his heirs quit of the said Philip and Ela and her heirs for ever, and
warranted the same to him, for the purpose of making which fine Philip
and Ela have attorned in their place Alexander Aptot and John de Hales,
whom they are to admit in the plea and to receive part of the chirograph
in place of Philip and Ela. — The chancellor of Ireland received the acknow-
ledgment and attornment by the king's writ of precept.
To the chamberlain of Kaernarvan. Order to pay to Nicholas de
Derneford, master of the works of the castle of Beaumaris in Angleseye,
the arrears of his wages of 12d. a day from 18 May, in the 9th year of the
king's reign, when he was appointed to that office, and to continue to pay
the same.
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause the tower of York castle to
be repaired by the view and testimony of the mayor of that city.
By p.s. [5279.]
To the abbot of St. Mary's York, collector of the tenth granted by the
clergy of the province of York in aid of the Scotch war. Order to pay to
the king's clerk Hugh de Burgh, parson of the church of Burgh-under-
Staynmore, 36/. 13s. 4c?. due to him for corn bought from him for the
king's use for the munition of the castle and town of Carlisle, in the
12th year of the king's reign, as appears by a bill under the seal of
Eoger de Northburgh, keeper of the wardrobe. By C.
To the sheriff of Sussex. Order to cause a coroner for that county
to be elected in place of Thomas de Pelham, who has no lands in the
county wherein he may dwell according to his estate.
To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be be elected in place of Philip Pympe, whom the king has amoved
from oflace because he is insufficiently qualified.
Henry Lylye, imprisoned in Neugate for the death of Reginald Baret,
has letters to the sheriff of Middlesex to bail him until the first assize.
Eoger del Voute and Alice his wife, Stephen and Richard his sons, in
the king's gaol at Whyteby for the death of Hugh Bledey, have letters to
the sheriff of York to bail them until the first assize.
May 4.
May 5.
May 4.
May 11.
April 24.
May 6.
May 12.
Membrane 5 — cont.
To Eichard de Eodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with the lands of John de Tillebury and to restore the
issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition that he held nothing in chief
at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain
to the king.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to
Edmund de Dynyeton, late chamberlain of Kaernarvan, the whole fee
that he paid to Eoger de Mortuo de (sic) Mari of Chirk, justice of North
and South Wales, for that office, such as justices of Wales have been wont
to receive who have had the bailiwick of the whole land, the receipt
whereof Eoger has acknowledged before the king.
To Eichard de Eodeney, escheator this side Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with the priory of Stodleye, co. Warwick, as the
king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that it is of the patronage
of William la Zousche of Haryngworth, and has been of the patronage of
him and his ancestors from the time of its foundation, and that when void
no one but him or his heirs ought to intermeddle with the custody thereof,
and that it is not void because Robert de Holand, the prior, was sent to
another house of the same order to do penance for certain defaults found by
the bishop of Worcester in his visitation, and he has now done his penance
and returned to his house of Stodesleye, and there exercises the office of
prior, and that in time of voidanee William ought to have a man in the
house, and that the sub-prior and cellarer after the death of the prior should
go to the said William or his heirs, and that they ought to be licensed by
him to elect a prior, and that they shall not make administration of any-
thing in the priory until liceaaed by him, and that when a prior have been
elected, they shall present him to William, and that Eobert Moryn, late
sub-escheator in that county, took the priory into the king's hands without
cause, asserting that it was void and was held of the king because the prior
was sent away from the house to do penance, and it was also found by the
inquisition that the prior held nothing of the king.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with the manors of Glosthorp and Bauseye, co. Norfolk, as
the king learns by inquisition that William son of William de Bovyll and
Joan his wife held them jointly at the time of William's death, and that they
are held of the honour of Eye, which manors were acquired by them without
the king's licence, and were taken into the king's bands upon William's death,
and that they are retained in his hands for this reason and because they
acquired them without the king's licence, as the king has pardoned Joan her
trespass in this behalf for a fine made with him. By fine of two marks.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to permit the
men of the counties of Cumberland and Northumberland to have respite
for all debts levied by summons of the exchequer until the feast of All
Saints next, the king having granted them respite until then in consideration
of the great damages inflicted upon them by the incursions of the Scotch
To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause a coroner for that
county to be elected in place of Walter de PateshuU, who cannot attend to
the duties of the oflice as he is clerk of the bailiffs of the liberty of the town
of Northampton.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to inspect the
rolls of the marshalsea of the king's army of Scotland in the 4th year of
his reign, and the fines made with the king for service in the said army,
May 3.
Membrane 5 — cont.
and to cause to come before them those who had not their service in the
said army and did not make fine therfor, and to compel them to satisfy
the king for the said services. \^Parl. Writs.'\
To the sheriff of Berks. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of Kichard Bysshop, who is insufficiently qualified.
Membrane 4.
May 19. To William de Blaneford and John de Bernevill. Order not to iuter-
Eeading. meddle further with 102s. of yearly rent in Bamhurgh, co. Lincoln, taken
into the king's hands by Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent,
upon the death of William de Monte Acuto, tenant in chief, together
with his other lands, etc., the custody of which rent the king lately com-
mitted to the said William and John, as it appears by inquisition taken by
the escheator that William held the said rent at his death jointly with his
wife Elizabeth by gift of the king to them and to William's heirs, and that
the rent is held of the heir of John de Vescy by the service of an eighth
part of a moiety of a knight's fee, and to restore to Elizabeth all issues
received therefrom from the time of the commission thereof to them.
To John, parson of the church of Aston Clynton, and Jolin de Croxford.
Like order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Saxlyngham, co.
Norfolk, which is held of the aforesaid heir, and with a messuage, 200
acres of arable land, 6 acres of meadow, 2 acres of pasture, 12 acres of
wood, and 32s. 3rf. rent in the town of Langele, which are held of the abbot
of St. Albans.
May 13. To the sheriff of Rutland. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
Windsor. be elected in place of Wilham de Bergh, who is incapacitated by infirmity
and age.
May 19. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
Eeading. meddle further with the lands that William de Monle Caniso held of other
lords than the king, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that he
held nothing in chief as of the crown at his death, but that he held the
manor of Edwardston, co. Suffolk, in chief as of the honour of Eye by
the service of twelve knights' fees, by reason whereof the custody of his
other lands ought not to pertain to the king, and to retain the said manor
in the king's hands until further orders.
To the mayor and bailiffs of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Order to permit 1000
chalders (celdre) of sea-coal to be taken from that town and parts adjacent
to Scotland, as the king has granted that such quantity shall be taken
to Scotland for the delivery of Peter Bard, lately captured by the king's
enemies there whilst in the king's service.
The like to William Rydel, Gilbert de Borughdon, John de Penereth,
and Roger de Horsle, keepers of the truce in the parts of Northumber-
May 23. To the keeper of the forest of Fekenham. Order to cause John
OdUiam. Spark, keeper of the manor and pond of Fekenham, to have twelve oaks
fit for timber with all their strippings (escaetis) from the park there for
the repair of the houses of the manor, and sufficient underwood for pales
for the repair of the pond. By C.
May 23. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of
Odiham. Galtres to be elected in place of William de Ros of Tolton, who is in-
capacitated by age and infirmity.
May 23.
May 23.
May 21.
Membrane 4 — cont.
To the same. Order to cause a verderer for the said forest to be elected
in place of John do Thornton, who cannot attend to the office as he is
supplying the place of steward of that forest by the king's order.
To John de Foxle and his fellows, justices appointed to hear and
determine a trespass committed upon Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wyge-
more in his park of Stretfeld Mortymer. Order to cause John Elys to be
discharged from prison, to which he was committed by their order
because William do Audele, whom he had mainperned to have before
them from day to day until inquisition concerning the above trepass
should be taken, was absent on the day when the inquisition, whereby
he was convicted, was taken, and to discharge him of the above mainprize,
as WiUiam has now rendered himself to prison. By p.s. [5287.]
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver
to Elizabeth, late the wife of WiUiam de Monte Acuto, tenant in chief,
the following of his lands, which the king has assigned to her in dower
the manor of Thorlebere, co. Somerset, of the yearly value of I'll. 16s. 9\d.
the manor of Gothull, in the same county, of the yearly value of 9^. 2s. 1 id.
the manor of Karsyngton, co. Oxford, of the yearly value of 13/. 2s. 7d.
the manor of Aston Olynton, co. Buckingham, of the yearly value of
13/. 10*. \d. ; certain tenements in Wendovre, in the same county, of the
yearly value of Qs. 2d. ; certain tenements in Dunrugge in Aston, in the
same county, of the yearly value of 6s.; 33/. bs. Qd. of yearly rent from
33 customary tenants in Chedeseye, co. Somerset ; 77s. \l\d. of yearly
rent from the abbot ofBynedon of the 20/. rent that the abbot renders
yearly for the manor of Lollesworth, co. Dorset.
Vacated because below.
To the bailiffs of Yarmouth. At the suit of Aymer de Valencia, earl of
Pembroke, that whereas he caused a ship of his called ' Coga de Valencia'
to be laden at Bordeaux with wine and divers other goods of his to the
value of 500/., in order to bring the same to this realm, certain malefactors
took the ship and cargo at Les Dounes near the port of Sandwich, and car-
ried them away with them, the king appointed Robert de Kendale and
William de Bernefeld to make inquisition concerning the capture by the
oath of men of Kent, merchants and others ; by which inquisition it was
found that as the ship was sailing (siglans) by the sea shore within the
king's power near the said place of Les Dounes, three ships of Flanders
filled with malefactors and robbers of that land, whose names are unknown,
came on the day of St. Peter ad Vincula, in the 10th year of the king's
reign, and took the ship and everything in her by force and arms, and
carried her to Flanders, and that the earl had in her 26 tuns and 4 pipes
of wine, whereof the malefactors sold each tun in Flanders for 10 marks,
40 quarters of wheat, each quarter whereof they sold for 50s., 6 rolls of
sail-cloth, price 40«. a roll, a barrel full of helmets, haubergeons (hauhe-
riettorum), and other armour, price 60/., 110 yards of Britanny cloth for
housings for horses {pro hueiis ad equos), price 110s., and that the ship
and tackle were worth 133/. 6s. 8</., the sum total whereof is 497/. 10s. Od. ;
whereupon the king requested the count of Flanders to cause satisfaction to
be made to the earl's attorney ; but he has not done so and has not written
to the king concerning this matter : wherefore the king orders the bailiffs
to arrest goods of the men and merchants of the count's power to the value
of 100/,, in part satisfaction of the above sum of 497/. 10s. Od., and to
keep the same safely until the earl have been satisfied for the said 100/., or
until otherwise ordered, certifying the king of their proceedings. The king
has ordered the mayor and sheriffs of London to arrest goods in like manner
to the value of 300/., and the bailiff's of Ipswich to arrest goods to the value
of 97/. 10s. Od. By p.s.
June 3.
June 2.
June 3.
June 3.
June 4.
June 3.
May 24.
Membrane 4 — cont.
To Henry de Percy. Order to pay to Edward, earl of Cliester, the king's
son, 200 marks for Easter term last and 200 marks for Michaelmas term
next, and afterwards 400 marks yearly at those termSj which are due from
Henry for the custody of the lands of Henry de Percy in co. York during the
minority of his heir, the king having lately granted to his son during plea-
sure the above ferm, -which Eleanor, late the wife of Henry de Percy,
rendered for the custody of his lands, she having surrendered the custody
thereof and the issues of the same from Michaelmas last on account of the
destruction of the said lands by the Scotch rebels, and the king having
ordered the issues thereof from Michaelmas last to be delivered to the afore-
said Henry.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king lately
ordered by letters of privy seal John de Lincoln, citizen of Lincoln, to
deliver to Roger de Wyngefeld, clerk, the money due from him for wool
received from the manors that formerly belonged to the Templars, as
appears by the indentures made between the said John and the bailifTs of
the manors- ■ — [^Incomplete. ~\
[ Vacated.']
William de Dodewelle, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of Walter de
Rileye, has letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail him until the first assize.
Adam de Bosecombe, imprisoned at Dorcestre for the death of William
Wynegod, has letters to the sheriff of Dorset to bail him until the first
To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to expend up to 10^. in repairing the
houses and other buildings within the castle of Old Savum.
To the same. Order to re])air the king's old mill near Salesbury castle
by the view of Thomas de Ford, clerk.
To the keeper of the forest of Clarendon. Order to dehver to the sheriff
of Wilts 30 oaks fit for timber in order to construct newly and repair the
aforesaid mill, and also three oaks lit for timber for the repair of the houses
and other buildings within the castle of Old Sarum.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to J.
bishop of Carlisle in his account of the fifth of the clergy granted to the
late king 50 marks paid by him to Henry de Percy by virtue of the late
king's order to pay him that sum in aid of the expenses of his men in the
city of Carlisle for the defence thereof against the Scots, notwithstanding
which payment the bishop remains charged at the exchequer with this
50 marks, receiving from him Henry's letter of receipt and the late king's
order to pay, and charging Henry's executors with that sum.
To Ralph de Camoys, constable of Wyudesore castle, or to him who sup-
plies his place. Order to permit ilie abbot of Westminster to have eight bucks
in that forest on the eve of St. Peter ad Vincula, in accordance with the
grant by Henry III. to Richard, then abbot of Westminster, of eight bucks
yearly from the forest of Wendesore to be taken at the king's expense and
carried by the constable to Westminster on the eve of St. Peter aforesaid,
and to cause the abbot to have any arrears of the same grant.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver
to Eh'zabeth, late the wife of William de Monte Acuto, tenant in chief, the
following of his lands, which the king has assigned to her in dower : the
manor of Thorlebere, co. Somerset, of the yearly value of 17/. 16*. 9\d.
the manor of Gothull, in the same county, of the yearly value of 9/. 2s. 1 id.
the manor of Karsyngton, co. Oxford, of the yearly value of 13/. Is. 'id.
1320. Membrane 4 — cont.
the manor of Aston Clynton, co. Buckingham, of the yearly value of
13/. 10s. Id. ; certain tenements in Wendovre, in the same county, of the
yearly value of 6s. 2d. ; certain tenements in Dunrugge in Aston, in the
same county, of the yearly value of 5s. ; 33/. 5s. 6d. of yearly rent from
33 customary tenants in Chedeseye, co. Somerset; 77s. l\^d. of yearly
rent from the abbot of Bynedon of the 201. of yearly rent that the abbot
renders yearly for the manor of LoUesworth, co Dorset,
June 3. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Ed-
Westminster, mund de Dynieton, late chamberlain of North Wales, 78/. 12s. lid. in his
account, which sum he expended by order of Roger de Mortuo Mari of
Chirk, justice of Wales, about the costs of certain ships provided in Wales,
and of the men and mariners in the same, for the security of those parts by
reason of the Scotch rebels being then in Ireland.
By K. on the information of Mastert Robert de Baldok .
June 4. To the sheriff of Worcester. Order to cause a coroner for that county
Westminster, to be elected in place of John de Everle, whom the king has amoved from
office for insufficient qualification.
May 23. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
Odiham. meddle further with 46 acres of meadow, c.'jlled ' Stokwelmede,' near the
priory of Oxford, co. Berks {sic), taken into the king's hands with other lands
of William de Monte Acuto, tenant in chief, and to I'estore the issues thereof,
as it appears by inquisition taken by the esoheiitor that William held the
said meadow together with his wife Elizabeth, and that Fetcr de Liniesy,
knight, gave the same to William and Elizabeth and the heirs of William,
and that it is held of Geoffrey son of Nicholas de Stokewell by the service
of one rose yearly.
To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side
Trent. Order to cause 20 leafless oaks to be delivered to the sheriff of
Wilts, in order to make lime therewith for the repair of the king's mill
near Salisbury. By K. on the information of the treasurer.
To the sheriff of Stafford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of Henry de Kerswall, deceased.
To John de Crumwell, keeper of the Forest beyond Trent. Order
to deliver Henry le Serjaunt of Esingwold, imprisoned at York for
trespass of venison in the forest of Galtres, in bail to twelve mainpernors,
who shall undertake to have him before the jusiices for forest pleas when
they come to those parts to stand to justice concerning the premises.
To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side
Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Like order in favour of Nicholas
de Bradeleye, imprisoned at Aylesbury for trespass of vert in Bernewode
June 9. To A. archbishop of Dublin. Order to cause the tenth for one year im-
Dunton. posed upon the clergy of England and Ireland by pope John XXII. for the
king's use to be levied from the clergy of Ireland, one moiety in the quinzaine
of Michaelmas and the other in the quinzaine of the Purification, so that he
may answer for the same at the exchequer of Dublin at the aforesaid
terms, which tenth the pope has deputed him to collect, together with W.
archbishop of Canterbury and S. bishop of London, by his letters with
June 8.
June 10-
June 10.
Jan. (sic) 5,
June 4.
June 5.
June 11.
June 5.
Membrane 3 — conl.
bulls, a transcript whereof the king sends to him under the seal of the
archbishop of Canterbury ami also under the attestation of a notary (sub
manti publico). ]ij K".
To the collectors of the custom of wool, hides, and wool-fells in the port of
Southampton. Order to permit the king's clerk Master Pancius de Controne
to take 80 sacks of wool from that port to parts beyond sea without paying
the custom of half a mark a sack, in allowance of 40 marks granted to him
by the queen out of that custom, the issues whereof the king has granted
to her during pleasure.
By K. on the information of Master Robert Baldok.
To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this
side Trent. Order to cause thirty oaks fit for timber to be delivered to the
sheriff of "Wilts from the wood of Milchete in the forest of Claringdon, or
sixty oaks fit for timber iu the forest of Chute, for the reconstruction of the
king's mill near Salisbury castle. By K. on the information of the treasurer.
To Ralph de Walmere, sub-prior of Dover priory. Order to admit a
person to be deputed by W. archbishop of Canterbury to supervise along
with him the custody of the priory of St. Martin, Dover, the king having
granted the custody of the priory to the said Ralph during pleasure upon
the death of Robert, the last prior, on account of the dissension which arose
regarding the creation of his successor, because the patronage of the priory
fjertained to the king, the late king having recovered in his court, in the
14th year of his reign, the advowson thereof against the prior of Holy
Trinity, Canterbury, and it is contained in the judgment (conskleratione)
that the prior of Holy Trinity, who claimed in court that a monk professed
in his priory should be made prior upon every voidance of St. Martin's
priory, could not thenceforth claim anything in St. Martin's priory to make
any monk of his prior thereof, as the archbishop of Canterbury has asserted
before the king that he has right in the advowson and custody of St.
Martin's priory, and has prayed the king to render the same to him ;
wherefore the king makes the present order, as he does not wish for certain
reasons that the matter should be finally determined, and as he wishes that
the goods of the priory shall be well kept and expended whilst the matter is
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequei'. Order to acquit Thomas
Syward and other tenants of the lands that belonged to Robert Fulcouis of
40 marks, which they are exacting from the said tenants by summons of the
exchequer for money that the late king ordered to be paid to Robert as his
fee, the late king having, on 25 December, in the 14th year of his reign,
ordered his treasurer and chamberlains to pay to Solomon de RofE' and
Robert Fulconis, late his justices in eyre in co. Cornwall, 50 marks, to wit
30 marks to Solomon and 20 marks to Robert, for Easter term, in the 12th
year of his reign, for the annual fees granted to them by, him, and having
afterwards, on 24 April, in the same year, ordered his treasurer and
chamberlains to pay to the said Solomon, Walter de Hoptou, Richard de
Bylaund, and the aforesaid Robert, Master Thomas de Sudyngton, and
Walter de Stirchesleye, his justices in eyre in co. Norfolk, 135 marks,
to wit 30 marks to Solomon, 25 marks to Walter de Hopton, and 20 marks
each to the said Richard, Robert, Thomas, and Walter, for Easter term, in
his 14th year, for their yearly fees of office granted to them by him.
To the mayor and bailiffs of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Whereas the king
learns by inquisition taken by the sherift" of Northumberland that a certain
ship laden with wool and hides was* wrecked {periclitata) at Ayseworthe,
near Holy Island, within the bishop of Durham's liberty of Norliam,
1320. Membrane 3 — cont.
where the bishop has regal rights, wreck of the sea and what pertains to
wi-eck of the sea, and that no animal escaped alive from the ship, and that
the bishop's ministers of the liberty seized the ship, wool and hides into
his hands as wreck of the sea, and that Thomas de Gra}', constable of his
castle of Norhani, sent 42 sacks of the wool to Newcastle-on-Tyne because
they could not be saved in those parts on account of the war, and the
mayor and bailiffs have returned to the king that they arrested in the said
town about 40 sacks of wool, which the bishop claimed as his, because in
the treaty lately concluded at Twedemuth between the magnates deputed
by the king and Eobei't de Brus the latter claimed the wool aforesaid as
belonging to him by reason of a truce previously granted, on account
of which claim Richard de Emeldon, then mayor of Newcastle, was
ordered to keep the wool safely until it were decided to whom it belonged ;
and as the bishop has now besought the king to do justice to him con-
cerning the wool, the king orders the mayor and bailiffs to restore it to the
bishop, saving the rights of the king and of others, taking security from
the bishop to answer for the wool or its price if it should be adjudged, ac-
cording to the form of the truce aud treaty aforesaid, to those of Scotland.
June 10. To Eiohard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause
Wx Simon le Bret, son and heir of Robert le Bret, tenant in chief, to have seisin
[Wykes). qJ ijjg father's lands, as he has proved his age before the escheator and the
king has taken his homage. By p.s.
To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side
Trent. Order to cause .John Spark, keeper of ihe king's manor of Fecken-
ham, to have twelve oaks fit for timber with their lop (escactis) from the
forest of Feckenham in order to repair the houses of the manor and underwood
in the forest to repair the pales for the king's pond of that manor. By K.
To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause a coroner for that county
to be elected in place of Henry de Bray, who has no lands in the county
except those whereof he was enfeoffed jointly with Mabel his wife, so that
he is insufficiently qualified.
June 8. To the treasurer aud barons of the exchequer. Order to ascertain by all
Havering- means possible, to wit by examination of the rolls and memoranda of the
atte-Bower. exchequer and by other means, what chattels, liberties, lands, tenements,
hundreds, knights' fees, advowsons of churches, customs, pedages {paiagid)
and other profits have come to the king's hands by the death of the late king or
after his death or before, within liberties and without, as of the right of the
crown or otherwise, and what still remain in the king's hands, and what are
in the hands of others, and who hold them, and by whose demise, and from
what time, and what are held in fee, for term of life, and at will, or other-
wise, and the yearly value of the chattels, liberl.ies, lands, hundreds, fees,
advowsons, customs, pedages, and other profits in all issues, not only according
to the extents thereof made at other times, but according to their true value,
and to certify the king of all and singular the premises in three weeks from
Michaelmas. The king has ordered the like information to be taken into
the chancery and to be sent to them before the said time, so that he may be
informed by them under the exchequer seal of what shall be found in the
chancery and of what they shall find. By p.s.
June 15. To Roger de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to John
Sturry. son of John Giiiard of Weston the manors of Norton and Weston-Underegge
and the advowson of Weston church, which are held in chief, and the issues
received therefrom since his father's death, as it appears by inquisition taken
by Master Richard de Clare, late escheator this side Trent, that Adam de
1320. Membrane 3 — cont.
Herwynton granted the manors and advowson to the said John for life hy
fine levied in the king's court, with remainder to John son of the said Joha
and the heirs of his body, to be held of the king by the services therefor due
and accustomed, by which inquisition it appears that the manors and advow-
son are held of the Iting in chief by knight service, the king having taken
John's homage therefor. By p.s.
To the same. Order not to intermeddle with the other lands of the said
John GilTard, deceased, as it appears by inquisition that he held no lands in
chief at his death in his demesne as of fee, but that he held the manors of
Norton and Weston Underegge and the advowson of Weston for life of the
gift of Adam de Herwynton, as above.
To Master Eichard de Clare, late esche.itor this side Trent. Order to
deliver to the aforesaid John all the issues received from the manors and
lands aforesaid since they were taken into the king's hands.
June 15. To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side
Slurry. Trent. Order to permit no one to have common in the king's forests unduly
unless they be resident and hold land therein. By p.s.
Membrane 2.
June 16. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to the
Canterbury, executors of John, bishop of Ely, 2C0 marks in their account at the ex-
cliequer, the king having released that sum, which the bi.shop owed for his
own tenth of the yearly tenth of the clergy granted to the king by the pope,
to the bishop in consideration of his great expenses in the king's service,
and having ordered John, bishop of Winchester, then collector of the tenth,
to cause that sum to be allowed to the said bishop of Ely.
May 22. To Eichard de Eodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to dis-
Odiham. train Luke, brother and heir of Peter deVienne, tenant in chief, for homage
for his father's lands, as the king has taken his homage. By p.s.
June 1.3. To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side
Canterbury. Trent. Order to deliver John de Ford of Chabcham, imprisoned at Wynde-
sore for trespass of venison in the forest of Wyndesore, in bail to twelve
mainpernors who shall undertake to have him before the justices for forest
pleas in co. Surrey when they next come to those parts to stand to right.
To John de Crumwell, keeper of the Forest beyond Trent. Like order in
favour of John le Bret, imprisoned at Kotyngham for trespass of venison in
Shirwode Forest.
June 17. To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Order to supersede entirely the king's
Canterbury, order to him and S. bishop of London, principal collectors of the tenth im-
posed upon the clergy by the pope for the king's use, to cause the ecclesias-
tical goods of the prior and brethren {fratrew) of the hospital of St. John
of Jerusalem in England to be taxed to the tenth, the king having issued
such order to them and to all the bishops of England believing that the
pope had not excepted the prior and brethren. By C.
The like to the bishop of London.
To W. archbishop of York. Order to supersede the king's order to
cause the ecclesiastical goods of the said prior and brethren that have not
hitherto been placed to the above tenth to be taxed, and to send the taxa-
tion thereof and of their other ecclesiastical goods to W. archbishop of
Canterbury and S. bishop of London, the principal collectors of the tenth.
The like to all the bishops of England and to the keeper of the spirituali-
ties of the bishopric of Lincoln.
1320. Membrane 2 — cont.
June 17. To the taxors and collectors of the eighteenth in the county of Essex.
Canterbury. Although lately, upon the king's being given to understand that the move-
able goods that the prior and brethren of the hospital of St. John of
Jerusalem in England and their villeins had at Michaelmas last in that
couuty had not been taxed to the eighteenth like the moveable goods of
others of the commuuily of the county, he ordered the taxors and collectors
to cause their goods aforesaid to be taxed to the eighteenth according to the
form of the taxation and to cause the money thence arising to be paid into
the exchequer, notwithstanding any mandate to the contrary, hhe king now
orders them to supersede until further orders the levying of the eighteenth
of the goods of the prior and brethren after they have taxed them, provided
that they certify the treasurer and barons of the amount due from the prior
and brethren for the eighteenth and that the goods of their villeins
previously taxed by virtue of the aforesaid order shall not be again taxed,
as the prior has lent to the king 200 marks by the hands of John, bishop of
Winchester, then treasurer, and the chamberlains of the exchequer, which
sum the king promised by his letters patent to pay to the prior out of the
eighteenth at Martinmas last, and the prior has suggested to the king that
the goods of his villeins are taxed to the king's use like the goods of others
of that county, and has prayed that the said 200 marks may be allowed to
him in the eighteenth due from his own goods. By C.
The like to the taxors and collectors in all the counties of England.
Here the king crossed to France to do homage to the king of France at
Amiens for the lands that he ought to hold of him in parts beyond sea, as
is more fully contained in a memorandum on the back of this roll.
June 25. William son of Adam de Saxelby, imprisoned at Lincoln for the death of
Walter Erie of Saxelby, has letters to the sheriff of Lincoln to bail him
until the first assize. Witness : Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, the
king's kinsman.
William de Kirkeby-on-Bayn, imprisoned at Lincoln for the death of
Richard Aungevyn, has letters to the sheriff of Lincoln to bail him until
the first assize.
To the sheriff" of Bedford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of John le White of Dunstaple, whom the king has
amoved from ofiice for insufficient qualification.
June 18. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to call before
Dover. them such of the king's council as they shall think fit, and to deliberate
concerning the introduction into the realm of clipped money of the king's
and counterfeit money from parts beyond sea, and to cause a speedy remedy
to be provided by inquisitors and examiners of such money in places where
necessary, and by other means, so that the evil may wholly cease and the
trespassers be punislied according to the king's late proclamation, and that
answer be made to the king for the forfeitures thence arising, as the king
understands that alien and native merchants continue to introduce and use
such money notwithstanding his proclamation. By K, and C.
Membrane 2 — Schedule.
June 15. To the justices of the Bench. Order not to put Aymer de Valencia, earl
Slurry. of Pembroke, in default 'for his failure to appear before them on Sunday
the qninzaine of Holy Trinity and three following days, as he was engaged
in the king's service so that he could not appear in the suit before them by
1320. Membrane 2 — Schedule — cont.
writ of right between John de Claveryng', demandant, and the earl,
deforciant, concerulDg a messuage, 50 acres of hxnd, and 2Ss. of yearly rent
in Fyleby, nor in the suit before them by writ of right between the afore-
said John, demandant, and the earl, deforciant, concerning the manor of
Possewyk and appurtenances, excepting 16 messuages, 193 acres of land,
100 acres of marsh, 16*. 8af. of yearly rent in the manor, nor in the suit before
them by another writ between the said John, demandant, and the earl,
tenant, concerning the manor of Reydon with appurtenances, excepting
12 messuages, 66 acres of land, and 2 acres of meadow in the same manor.
By p.s.
June 27.
June 28.
June 22.
Membrane 1.
To Richard de Rodeney, escheator this side Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with the manors of Glosthorp and Bauseye, co. Norfolk,
and to restore the issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition that William
son of William de Bovill and Joan his wife jointly held the manors at his
death of the feoffment of John de Catfeld, and that the manors are held of
the honour of Eye by knight service, and that they were taken into the
king's hands by reason of William's death and because William and Joan
acquired the manors without the king's licence; and the king pardoned
Joan (he trespass committed by her for a fine that she made with the king ;
whereupon he ordered the escheator not to intermeddle further with the
manors ; and the escheator returned that Thomas le Latymer, who married
[one] of the daughters and heiresses of the aforesaid William, brought to
him a writ of the king's ordering him to take into his hands all the lauds
whereof William was seised in his demesne as of fee at the time of his
death, and that he gave the escheator to understand that William was seised
of the manors aforesaid at his death, by reason whereof the custody thereof
ought to pertain to the king, and that afterwards the king ordered the
escheator by writ of privy seal not to amove the king's hands from that
custody without special order from the king, on which account he had
superseded the execution of the king's previous order. Witness : Aymer
de Valencia, earl of Pembroke. By the said earl and C.
To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with a messuage and a
carucate of land in Ertheburgh, and to restore the issues thereof, as it
appears by inquisition that it is not to the damage of the king or others if
he grant to Henry de Langgeton, clerk, permission to retain the premises
for life, so that after his death they should revert to the abbot of
Osles . . . ., from whom he acquired them, and that they are held of John
de Stokton, and not of the king.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order not to charge
Robert de Barton, late receiver of the king's victuals in (he parts of Carlisle,
with 100/. or with any part thereof, which sura the king, on 12 July, in the
12th year of his reign, ordered J. bishop of Winchester, principal collector
of the tenth for one year imposed upon the clergy by the pope for the
king's use, to pay to Robert out of the said tenth in the bishopric of
Durham for the maintenance of the men-at-arms garrisoning the city and
castle of Carlisle, as the prior of Durham, sub-collector of the said tenth in
the bishopric of Durham, has certified the king that Robert has not
received the 100/. nor any part thereof from him because he received no
order from the said bishop or from the king. Witness : Aymer de Valencia,
earl of Pembroke.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Roger
Damory, keeper of the castle of St. Briavels, in his ferm, his expenses in
repairing the houses of that castle. By p.s.
June 28.
[July] 3.
June 28.
July 3.
July 4.
July 4.
Membrane 1 — cont.
To Aymcr de Valencia, carl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side
Trent. Order to deliver "William de la, Haye of Greastede and Peter de
Wateville, imprisoned at Colchester for trespass of venison in the forest
of Essex, in bail to twelve mainpernors. Witness : Aymer de Valencia,
earl of Pembroke.
To Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wyggemor, j usticiary of Ireland. Order to
deliver to Master John de Sancto Amando, brother and heir of Almaric de
Sancto Amando, the issues received from his brother's lands from the time
when it appears to the justiciary that John might have delivered to John de
Wogan, late justiciary of Ireland, the king's writ of 1 March, in the 4th
year of his reign, ordering him to cause the said John to have seisin of his
Drother's lands in Ireland upon his finding security to answer for his relief
at the exchequer of Dublin, the king having, on 28 October, in the said
year, taken his fealty for his brother's lands, and caused seisin of his
brother's lands in England to be delivered to him, provided that he came in
person to the king, who was then in Scotland, upon his return to England
to do homage therefor. Witness : Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to charge
Robert de Barton, late receiver of the king's victuals in the parts of Car-
lisle, with 10/. only of the money of the tenth for one year imposed upon
the clergy by pope John XXII. and granted to the king, the king having,
on 12 July, in the 12th year of his reign, ordered J. bisliop of Winchester,
the principal collector of the said tenth, to pay all tlie money of the tenth
in the diocese of Carlisle to the aforesaid Robert by indenture to be made
between Robert and the prior of St. Mary's, Carlisle, sub-collector of the
tenth, for the munition of the castle and town of Carlisle, as the prior has
certified that he paid 10/. only of the tenth to Robert, and that he paid the
residue thereof to John de Loutre, afterwards receiver of the king's vic-
tunls there, on account of the Scotch war and by the king's writ and the
bishop's letter.
To the collectors of the eighteenth in the county of Lancaster. Order to
supersede until further orders the levying of the eighteenth of the goods of
the prior of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem and his men and tenants
of Certemel, Fourneys, and Lonnesdale, in that county, making taxation of
the same according to his commission, as the prior has given the king to
understand that those parts have been burnt by the Scotch rebels and the
goods and chattels of the men of those parts destroyed and partly stolen, so
that the prior and his men and tenants cannot pay the eighteenth of their
goods. By C.
To Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk, justice of Wales, or to him who
supplies his place. Order to release Henry de Shirokes, chamberlain of
Caernarvan, and Robert de Ripon, his chaplain, from prison at Caernarvan,
to which they have been committed by the justice at the procuration of
certain of their rivals suggesting that they had done some things contrary
to the statute of Wales, upon their finding twelve mainpernors each to
answer before the king or his justices, as they are prepared to answer be-
fore the king. The king will shortly send certain of his subjects to Wales
to enquire into the state thereof and of the conduct of the king's ministers
there. Witness : Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke.
By the keeper of the realm and 0.
To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side
Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Order to deliver William le
Plommer, imprisoned at Colcestie for trespass of venison in the forest of
Esse.x, to twelve mainpernors who shall undertake to have him before the
justices of forest pleas when they next come to those parts,
1320. Membrane 1 — cont.
June 28. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
Westminster. Alice, lato tUe wife of Nicholas Fouer of Sutton, tenant in chief, tlie follow-
ing of his, lands which the iiing has assigned to her as dower : a third of a
cottage in Sutton, which part is of the yearly value of \d. ; 5 acres of land
in the same town, of the yearly value of lo<^. ; 1^ roods of meadow in the
same town, of the yearly value of A\d. Witness : Aymer de Valencia,
earl of Pembroke.
June 28. To Gilbert de Stapelton, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to inter-
Westminster, meddle further with the lands of Gerard Salveyn other than the manor of
Korthduffeld, [which] he held of John le Chaumberleyn, son and heir of
Robert le Chaumberleyn, tenant in chief, and certain lands in Skourburgh,
which he held of Henry son and heir of Henry de Percy, tenant in chief,
both minors in the king's wardship, as it appears by the inquisition taken
by the escheator that Gerard held nothing of the king in chief at his death,
but that he held the above manor and lands. Witness : Aymer de
Valencia, earl of Pembroke.
July 9.
July 8.
July 12.
Membrane 2ld.
Adam, abbot of Meaux, acknowledges, for himself andconveiit, that he
owes to John Darcy of Norton 29/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of their lands and chattels in co. York.
William le Smale of Thornover acknowledges that he owes to William
son of Reginald de Kypax 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Nicholas de Lund of ' Thornton-in-the-Benes ' acknowledges that he
owes to William de Clyff, clerk, 13 maiks; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
To R. count of Flanders. Concerning the restitution of two ships of
his dominion, one of which was, he asserts, seized near Newcastle-on-Tyne,
and the other near Hertelpol by the king's subjects, for which he has
written the king by the bearer hereof, the king signifies to him that he is
unable to find that any ship of the count's dominion has been seized near
Newcastle, and that the other ship was captured by the king's men whilst
voyaging to Scotland because many of the king's enemies of Scotland were
found in her, for which reason the ship and all the goods in her are for-
feited to the king, so that the king can do nothing in restoring the afore-
said ships ; wherefore he requests the count to hold him excused.
Robert son of Roger de Thornton near Bulmere acknowledges that he
owes to Robert son of John de Claris Vallibus and William de Houeden,
clerk, 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
Alexander Laraberd of Bishop's Lenne acknowledges that he owes to
William de Houk, clerk, 20s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Norfolk.
William Tankard, parson of the church of Great Usbnrn, in the diocese
of York, acknowledges that he owes to John de Ouslhorp 100*. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Bugh de Lund of Kirtelyngton, chaplain, acknowledges that he owes to
Richard de Escrik 8 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
1319. Memhrane 2ld — cont.
July 18. Robert son of Thomas de Pontefracto of Wyvelesthorp acknowledges
York. that he owes to Robert de Sywardby, knight, 100/. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lauds and chattels in co. York.
Robert de Sywardby, knight, and Richard de Kelycgwyk, parson of the
church of Mithyngesby, diocese of York, acknowledge that they owe to
Robert son of Thomas de Pontefracto of Wyvelesthorp 1,000/.; to be levied,
in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Gilbert de Lincoln, skinner { pellipar) of London, acknowledges that
ho owes to Roger de Northburgh, archdeacon of Richmond, 20 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the
city of London.
Cancelled on payment.
July 20. Peter de Lekeburn, Henry de Halton, John sou of Baldewyn Pygot, John
York. de Wynceby, William do Pauuton, Robert Tours, and Eudo de Billesby
acknowledge that they owe to Roger Damory 2,420/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Robert de Cave, parson of a moiety of the church of Northtudenham,
acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Sibthorp, clerk, 40s ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk.
Cancelled on payment,
Stephen de Hessey acknowledges that he owes to the abbot of St.
Mary's York 5 marks 10s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
July 20. To the abbot of Byland {de Bella Landa). Order to be at York on
York. Monday after the feast of St. Mary Magdalene next, to treat with the
king's council upon the king's affairs and to give his counsel and to do
further what shall be then ordained. [Pari. Writs.']
The like to the following :
Master Robert de Pykeryng, dean of St. Peter's York.
The abbot of St. Mary's York.
The abbot of Seleby.
The abbot of Kirkestall.
The piior of Holy Trinity, York.
The prior of St. Andrew's York.
The prior of Helagh park.
The prior of Wartre.
The prior of Kirkehani.
The prior of Watton.
The prior of EUerton.
The prior of Newburgh.
■ The prior of Malton. [Ibid.']
The like to the following to be at York on Thursday after [Incom-
plete entry.]
Robert son of William le Vavassour acknowledges that he owes to Peter
son of William de Middelton 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
July 20. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made in his
York. county [court] and elsewhere that all persons having a whole knight's fee
or lands of the yearly value of 50/. shall receive knighthood before
Michaelmas under a fitting pain. By K.
[Icedera ; Pari. JVrits.]
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.]
13 EinVARD ir. 203
1319. Membrane 2ld — cont.
To the sheriff of York. Order to cavise proclamation to be made that
all earls, harons, knights and others owing service to tlie king who did not
join the king at York with their service, in accordance with his summons
of all the service due to him to join him tliere on the morrow of St. James
last to set out against the Soots, wiiich d;iy was afterwards prorogued, shall
now join him, and that all prelates, men oC religion, women, and other persons
who did not make their service to him then shall come to the exchequer to
make fine with the king for their default before Michaelmas next, the king
having previously ordered the sheriff to cause proclamation to be made
that they should make fine at the exchequer before St. Peter ad Vincula
next, and having enjoined the treasurer and barons to take fines at the rata
of 20/. from them for a fee. By K.
[Fcedei-a ; Pari. Writs.']
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [/6irf.]
July 25. John Giffard of Wonewardstowe acknowledges that he ewes to John
Darlington. Giffard of Brymesfeld 1,000/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Gloucester.
Cancelled on payment.
Henry du Boys, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de Hothum,
bishop of Ely, 46*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of bis lands and
chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Membrane 'lOd.
July 20. Ralph de Bulmer, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Ankefin
York. Salvayn 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
July 20. To W, archbishop of Canterbury. Request that he will lend the king
York. as much money as he can, or at least his portion of the tenth of the
clergy of the province of Canterbury granted to the king by the pope, and
that he will cause the money to be delivered to the treasurer and barons at
the exchequer before the Assumption next, receiving from them letters
patent under the exchequer seal for the allowance or repayment of the same
out of the tenth and other aids, as the eighteenth of counties and the twelfth
of cities and boroughs and the tenth of the clergy of the province of York,
granted to the king in the parliament of York, cannot be levied before
Michaelmas next, and the king needs money greatly for the prosecution of
the war against the Scotch rebels this summer, his exchequer being ex-
hausted. The archbishop is desired to induce the abbot, priors, prelates
of collegiate churches and their convents in his diocese to help the king in
like manner, and tn inform the king at the exchequer of those whom he
shall so induce. \_Fcedera ; Pari. Writs.']
The like to twelve bishops, [/iz't/.]
The like to the master of the order of Sempyngham, requesting him to
induce the priors and masters of his order to help the king as above.
To the prior and convent of Christ Church, Canterbury. Request that
they will lend the king money, as in above request to the archbishop,
omitting the last clause. \_Ibid.]
The like to sixty-five abbots, priors and their convents, deans and chap-
ters. \_Ibid.]
1319. Membrane 20d — cont.
July 20. To the mayor, bailiffs, and wliole community of Canterbury. Like
York. request for a loan of as much money as they can find, or at least to the
amount of their twelfth. By K. and C.
The like to the mayors, bailiffs, men, etc., of fifty cities and towns. \_Ihid.']
To the mayor, bailiffs, and whole community of the city of York. Like
request for loan, to be delivered at York to one of the clerks of the ward-
robe. \_lbid.~\
The like to the communities of tliirty-eight towns, \_lbid.']
Membrane 19c?.
July 24. Hugh de Wandesford and William de Chauncy acknowledge that they
Darlington owe to the king 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their
{Dernington). i^u^g and chattels in CO. York.
^ote of payinent o/'lOls.
Robert le Tuckere and Henry de Bayldon acknowledge that they owe to
the king 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, as above.
Note of payment of \00s.
Adam le Tuckere and Henry de Bayldon acknowledge that they owe to
the king 5 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, as above.
Note of payment of 4:0s.
William le Strenglayer and Henry de Bayldon acknowledge that they
owe to the king 5 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, as above.
Note of payment of 60s. Qd.
Adam le Carteie and Thomas de Helperthorp acknowledge that they owe
to the king 5 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, as above.
Note of payment of 60s. 6d.
Robert Cut, Henry de Bayldon, and William de Stransale of York
acknowledge that they owe to the king 40*. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, as above.
William Cut and William de Stransale of York acknowledge that they
owe to the king 5 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, as above.
Note of payment of 6s. 6d.
Robert le Lymbrenuere and Master John de Scardeburgh acknowledge
that they owe to the king 2 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, as
John Godesh alve and William de Stransale of York acknowledge that
they owe to the king 4 marks; to be levied, iu default of payment, as above.
Reginald le Carter, Henry de Novo Castro of York, John de Stalyngburgh,
Henry de Belton, and Roger de Duffeld of York acknowledge that they
owe to the king 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, as above.
Note of payment of 191. 13s. l}d.
William le Cartere, Henry de Novo Castro of York, John de Stalyngburgh,
Henry de Belton, and Roger de Duffeld of York acknowledge that they
owe to the king 60 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, as above.
Note of payment of 131. 6s. 8c?.
13 EDWARD II. 205
1319. Membrane I9rf — cont.
John son of Hugh, Henry de Boweland, and Warin le Chapman
acknowledge that they owe to the king 30 marks; to be levied, in default of
payment, as above.
Note of payment of 81.
Roger Ughtred and Robert de Melton acknowledge that they owe to
the king 16 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, as above.
Henry de Roeston, Robert de Melton, and Robert de Honsom acknow-
ledge that they owe to the king 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, as above.
Note of payment of 6/. Os. 3d.
Thomas son of .John, Henry de Boweland, and Warin le Chapman
acknowledge that they owe to the king 6 marks ; to be levied, in default
of payment, as above.
Adam de Semere acknowledges that he osves to the king 80 marks ; to be
levied, in default of payment, as above.
Hugh de Wandesford, Robert le Tuckere, Adam le Tuckere, William le
Strenglayer, Adam le Carter, Robert Cut. William Cut, Robert le Lymbren-
nere, John Godeshalve, Reginald le Cartere, William le Cartere, John son of
Hugh, Roger Ughtred, Henry de Roston, Thomas son of John, and Adam de
Semere acknowledge that they owe to the king 60 marks; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Hugh de Wandesford and the others named in the preceding acknow-
ledge that they owe to the king 2,000/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of (heir lands and chattels in co. York.
Memorandum, that whereas the aforesaid Adam de Semer, Reginald le
Carter, William le Carter, John son of Hugh, Roger Ughtred, Henry de
Roston, and Thomas son of John, accused of divers trespasses, wrongs, ex-
cesses, and contempts committed against the king before certain justices
appointed to bear and determine the premises, rendered themselves to the
king's grace, and the aforesaid Hugh de Wandesford, Robert le Tuckere,
Adam le Tuckere, William le Strenglayer, Adam le Carter, Robert Cut,
William Cut, Robert le Lymbrennere, and John Godeshalve were con-
victed of the premises before the said justices, and the king, in consider-
ation of the above sums that each of them acknowledged to him, pardoned
them the trespasses, etc., as contained on the Patent roll of the same year,
the aforesaid Hugh, Robert, Adam, William, Adam, Robert, William,
Robert, John, Reginald, William, John, Roger, Henry, Thomas, and Adam
acknowledged 2,000/. to the king under the following condition, to wit that
if they or any of them conducted themselves evilly against the king here-
after and were convicted thereof, then the execution of the said recognisance
of 2,000/. should run against them jointly, and the king wills and grants
that no execution of the said 2,000/. or any part thereof shall run against
any of them who shall not have been lawfully convicted.
July 26. John le Bret acknowledges that he OAves to William de Ayremynn, clerk,
Durham. 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Nottingham.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert le Conestable of Flaynburgh acknowledges that he owes to Roger
de Seleby of York 200 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
1319. Membrane 19rf — cont.
R^cbard son of William de Playce of Neuton acknowledges that he owes
to William Gower of Stitlom 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on ■payment.
AVilliam Gower of Stitlom acknowledges that he owes to Richard sou of
William de Playce of Neuton 40Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. York.
July 28. Gilbert de Aton, knight, and John Torny acknowledge that they owe to
Durham. John de Moubray, lord of the isle of Haxiholm, 1,000 marks ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York, excepting
for Gilbert his [tenement] of Bardelby in that county.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert son of William le Conestable of Fleynburgh acknowledges that he
owes to Richard de Huntyngdon of York 36/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Roger Ughtred, Henry de Roston, John son of Hugh, William le Carter,
the elder, Reginald le Carter, and Thomas sou of John son of Hugh de
Scardeburgh acknowledge that they owe to Thomas de Redenesse,
citizen of York, 100/. ;, to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands
and chattels in co. York.
July 29. Richard do Thorp acknowledges that he owes to Master John de
Durham. Wakefeld, \fisicien,' 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Nottingham.
Cancelled on payment.
Ed. Bacun, knight, puts in his place Thomas de Evesham and Thomas
de Brayton, clerks, to prosecute tlie matter of a recognisance of 10/. made
to him by Nicholas de Fersshet, knight, and Thomas de Wynton.
July 20. To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Bequest for his prayers in favour
York. of the king and his men setting out against the Scots, and that he will
order prayers to the like purpose to be offered in his diocese. \^Fcedera.'\
The like to W. archbishop of York and eighteen bishops. [/6tc/.]
July 28. To the keeper of the port of Dover. Order to permit the abbot of
Durham. Swynesheved, of the Cistercian order, who is going to his chapter-general at
Citeaux, to pass the sea in that port with his household, horses, and equip-
ments and with 20 marks for his expenses ; provided that he do not make
any apportum contrary to the ordinance.
Aug. 1. Thomas de Roshale, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Thomas le
Newcastle-on- Aguiller of York 120/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
Tjne. chattels in co. Salop.
Cancelled on payment.
Aug. 7. Nicholas son of Thomas de Metham acknowledges that he owes to John
Newcastle-on- de Oustborp, clerk, 12/. 10*. Od. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
Tyue. lands and chattels in co. York.
Aucf. 8. John de Acton, clerk, has letters to the abbot and convent of Hide near
Gosforih in Winchester to receive the yearly pension [due to one of the king's clerks]
Northumber- ^y reason of the new creation of the abbot,
land. •'
Aug. 13. Robert de Misterton came before the king, on Monday after St. Laurence,
Goeforth. and sought to replevy to Roger son of Nicholas de Misterton the said
1319. Membrane \Qd — cont.
Roger's land in Misterton, taken into the king's hands for his defanlt before
the justices of the Bench against Cicely, late the wife of Adam Paukes of
Misterton. This is signified to the justices.
Membrane \Sd.
Aug. 8. To the abhot of Byland. Order to pay to the abbot of St. Mary's York,
Gosforth. sub-collector of the tenth for one year granted by the clergy of the province
of York in aid of the Scotch war, 21/. before Sunday the morrow of St.
Laurence next, which sum he promised to pay towards his tenth on Wednes-
day the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula last to the said sub-collector, certifying
the king in chancery on the said Sunday of his proceedings herein. If the
money be not paid by that date, the king will cause it to be levied by the
sheriff of York of his lands, cattle, and other goods whatsoever, sparing him
in nothing, and will moreover proceed against him as a hinderer of the ex-
pedition of the war. \_Parl. Writs.']
The like to the following for the following sums :
The abbot of Whiteby, 20/.
The abbot of Jervaux, 10/.
The abbot of Covurham, 4/.
The abbot of Egleston, HOs.
The abbot of St. Agatha, lOCf.
The prior of Malton, 20/. [/6id.]
The like to the following within the collection of the abbot of Seleby to
pay the following sums before Tuesday after St. Laurence :
The prior of Holy Trinity, York, 10/.
The prior of Park, 20.?.
The prior of Pontefract, 20 marks.
The prior of St. Oswald's, 40 marks.
The abbot of Meaux, 25 marks.
The prior of Watton, 20/. [Ibid.']
John de Bayous of Helperby, Agnes Charles of Norfolk, and William
Hogh of Lyndeseye acknowledge that they owe to Master Robert de Ripp
lynghani, chancellor of St. Mary's York, 100s. ; to be levied, ia default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert son of Roger de Thorneton acknowledges that he owes to Walter
son of Laurence de Esyngwald of York 10 marks ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Nicholas de Arnal of Huntyngton acknowledges that he owes to Agnes,
late the wife of Michael de Norhampton, 4 marks ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
William de Cateby acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynne,
clerk, 60s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Lincoln.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert son of Thomas de Pontefracto of Wyvelesthorp acknowledges that
he owes to Richard Stut, ' armurer,' of York, G6s. 'id. ; to be levied, in de-
fault of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Aug. 12.
Aug. 19.
Aug. 18.
Membrane \iid — cont.
Adam de Everyngham, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas le
Flemyng, citizen of York, 70 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Nottingham.
The SL'id Adam acknowledges that he owes to the said Nicholas 100/. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels iu co. Nottingham.
Robert son of Thomas de Pontefracto of Wyvelesthorp acknowledges that
he owes to Master John de Hedon, clerk, lOOs. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
The aforesaid Robert acknowledges that he owes to Thomas son of Clement
de Pontefracto 20 marks ; to be levied, iu default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Thomas Aleyn and Robert son of Hugh Aleyn of Wych acknowledge that
they owe to Queen Isabella 50/, ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their
lauds and chattels in co. Worcester.
William le Charer is sent to the abbot and convent of Wynchecombe to
receive such maintenance there as John le Blake, one of the late king's
envoys, had there by the late king's order.
Henry de Bosco, knight, acknowledges that he ov/es to Thomas son of
Richard de Pontefracto 36.?. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York. — The chancellor received the acknowledg-
Cancelled on payment.
William son of William de Cateby acknowledges that he owes to William
de Ayremynne, clerk, 100.J. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Cancelled on pai/ment .
Thomas Laguler of York acknowledges that he owes to William de Wod-
hous of Soton-on-Derwent 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Y^ork.
Cancelled on payment acknowledged by Isabella, late the wife of the
said William, executrix of his ivill.
Enrolment of grant by Edmund, earl of Cornwall, to Sir Nicholas de Boys,
his knight and a member of his household, and to his heirs, in consideration
of his good service, of the manor of Shalden, which manor, excepting the
deer in the park and sufficient pasture for them, Nicholas held before this
grant for life of the earl's grant, to have and to hold of the chief lord by the
service due and accustomed during Nicholas's life, after who<e death his
heirs are to render 12/. to the earl. Witnesses: Sir Adam GurJon, Sir
Thomas Paynel, Sir Thomas de Warbeton, Sir John de Valle Torta,
knights; Nicholas de la Folde; William de Bynteworth; Nicholas
Wyard ; Roger Elys ; Clement le Botiller. Dated at Assherugge,
6 November, 25 Edward I.
To the abbot and convent of Tynterne. Request that they will admit into
their house and associate with their collegium brother William deBromfeld,
monk of the abbey of Holcoltram, whom the king is sending to them, and
that they will administer tohim the necessities of life as one of their brethren
imtil the king shall cause ordinance to be made concerning his estate or
until the house of Holcoltram, which is of the same order as they are, shall
be relieved from its oppressions, as the king wishes to provide for some time
for certain of the monks of that house in other houses of the same order,
because the possessions and goods of the abbey have been so wasted by the
invasions of the Scotch rebels that they are now insufficient for the main-
tenance of the abbot and convent. They are to certify the king of their
p)-oceedings herein by their letters by the bearer of the presents.
13 EDWARD ir.
Aug. 29.
Membrane ISc? — cont.
To the duko of Britanny. The king has received complaint from
Richard Bagge, burgess and merchant of Southampton, that whereas
he hilely sent a certain ship of his called ^ La Seint Denis' by John
Dollyng', master of the same, and certain mariners to La Baye for the
purpose of buying great salt for his use and of bringing the same to this
realm, and the master and mariners on the return voyage with the salt
anchored the ship for necessary and reasonable causes near the duke's town
of St. Matthieu in Britanny, believing that they could there stay securely
for some time by reason of certain letters of the duke and certain of his
ministers of safe-conduct that they had, certain malefactors of the duke's
power seeing the ship thus anchored went to her with ships and galleys and
attacked her in hostile manner, and having entered her, slew the mariners,
except the master and a few others of the mariners who fled from the ship
in a boat, and landed in the port of Southampton, bringing news of the
affair, and the malefactors aforesaid took the ship and the salt and other
goods iu her, value 6Q\l. sterling, to Le Conquet {Le Conket) in Britanny,
and disposed of the same at their pleasure ; of which affair the mayor and
community of Southampton have fully informed the king by their letters
patent ; and Richard has prayed the king to provide him with a remedy;
wherefore the king requests the duke to cause restitution of the ship and
cargo to be made to Richard, or of the value of the same, and satisfaction
for his damages, certifying the king by his letters and the bearer of the
presents without delay.
Aug. 14.
Aug. 28.
Aug. 29.
Sept. 23.
Oct. 8.
Membrane 17 d.
Adam son of Gilbert Grenolf, imprisoned at Lancaster for the death of
Thomas Tilleknave, has letters to bail him until the first assize.
Vacated because otherwise within.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit John
de Dokesworth of the scutage that they exact from him for the knights'
fees that he held of the late king for his army of Scotland in the 31st year
of his reign, as it was testified before the late king by Thomas de Veer
that John was with the late king in the said army, whereupon the late king
ordered the sheriff of Essex and Hereford {sic)to cause John to have scutage
for that army of the knights' fees held of him, to wit 41. for each fee (sctito),
as appears by the rolls of the late king's chancery.
To the keepers of the port of Dover. Order to permit the abbot of
Hopp', of the Premonstratensian order, who is going to his chapter-general
at Citeaux, to pass the sea in that port with 20 marks for the expenses of
himself and his household.
Ralph Bygod, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Joiin de Lungevill,
knight, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in COS. Northampton, Norfolk, and Suffolk.
John son of Thomas Traylweng of Yukflet, acknowledges that he owes to
Thomas son of Richard de Ousthorp 30«. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Thomas Hastang', knight, acknowledges that he owes to Edmund, earl of
Arundel, 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Salop and Warwick.
Cancelled on payment.
Richard le Whayt acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Brom, clerk,.
40*.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands nud chattels ia
COS. Southampton and Surrey.
Cancelled on payments
1319. Membrane lid — cont.
William de Faucomberge acknowledges that he owes to John son of
John Mautravers 15Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Somerset. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
John son of Richard de Clif, John Deyvill of Whitemor, William de
Hathelesss}'^, Hugh de Bradeford, John Warde of Osgodeby, Robert de
Carleton of Osgodeby, Thomas Page of Osgodeby, Robert de Lathum of
Osgodeby, and Walter de Castello of Osgodeby acknowledge that they
owe to Robert de Bardelby, clerk, 60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of their lands and chattels iu co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
John Haward, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Bernard Pelegrini
38/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
l^orfolk. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Enrolment of demise by Robert de Holand to Simon de Holand of a plot
of land aud a wood called ' Brockhurst,' as enclosed with hedge and ditch,
in the town of Pynynton, together with the lands that Richard Hare holds
of Robert for term of years, consisting of a house and 7 acres of land and
of meadow, as enclosed with hedge and ditch, in the town of Lanton', to
have and to hold to the said Simon and the heirs of his body, by the service
of 6c?. yearly for all services, in exchange for 4 marks of yearly rent that
Simon received heretofore from Robert's lands in Orel' : with reversion of
the said lands to Robert in case Simon die without an heir of his body. In
consideration hereof, Simon has released to Robert his right in the
aforesaid 4 marks yearly. Witnesses : Matthew (Maheu) de Haidock ;
Gilbert de Suthwrth; Robert de Bolde ; Adam de Kenyan ; Alan de Rixton ;
Richard de Ives ; John Travers. Dated at Pountfrait, 17 October,
13 Edward II. French.
Membrane IGd.
Enrolment of grant by John de Burdon of Estmarkham to Hugh de
Foston of two messuages, 3^^ bovates of land, 7 acres of meadow, and 3s. of
rent in Westburgh, Dodyngton, and Thorp. Witnesses : Sir Robert de
Bardelby, Sir Roger de Sutton, and Sir Henry de Edenestowe, clerks of
chancery ; John Daubeneye, knight ; Henry de Fenton ; Adam de Sutton ;
William Sampson of Benyngton ; William de Merston. Dated at West-
burgh, Monday after the octaves of Michaelmas, 13 Edward 11.
Memorandum, that John came into chancery, on the said day, and ac-
knowledged the above deed.
Oct. 15. John de Cove, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Richard son of
Tork. Richard de Goldesburgh, knight, 140/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk, Suffolk, and Lincoln. — ^The
chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Notes of payment of 401.
Master Henry de Clif, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Hugh de
Bradeford 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert de Carleton of Osgodeby acknowledges that he owes to Hugh de
Bradeford 100*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
John son of Geoffrey de Stokbrigg' acknowledges that he owes to Hugh
de Bradeford 103*. 4d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his land.1
and chattels in co. York. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
13 EDWARD II. 211
1319. Membrane \Qd — cont.
"William son of Robert Stut of Kirkeby Moresset and William son of
Robert de Maners of Stitenham acknowledge that they owe to William de
Svvynton 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels
in CO. York. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Richard Bustard and Walter Grontswele of Screcumbek acknowledge
that they owe to Walter de Fynchyngfeld 201. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York. — The chancellor received
the acknowledgment.
Oct. 17. John le Harper of Fangefosse acknowledges that he owes to Richard
York. Bustard 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Robert Turry of Stapilford acknowledges that he owes to William de
Welynghovere 10/ ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Lincoln. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Nicholas son of Denis de Lynton acknowledges that he owes to Thomas
de Ousthorp 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Oct. 20. To the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order to cause proclamation to
York. be made forbidding any earl, baron, knight, or other man-at-arms to
tourney, etc., at Eggefeld in his bailiwick or elsewhere within the realm
under pain of forfeiture of all that may be forfeited, except for the expedi-
tion of the Scotch war, without special licence from the king, and to arrest
any one contravening this prohibition.
[Fcedera.'\ By K. on the information of Richard de Ayremynne,
The like to all the sheriffs of England, omitting the mention of Egge-
feld. [Ibid.l
Oct. 22. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause regard to be made before
York. the feast of St. Hilary in the forest of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, of
\ Capitula.l
Nov. 20. The like to the same to make regard in Gaultres forest.
Oct. 20. To the sheriffs of London. Order to receive from John Abel and
York. Master John de Everdon the rolls of the twelfth, which they were ap-
pointed to tax in the city of London, and to cause the twelfth to be levied
according to the estreats of the rolls aforesaid and to be paid into the
exchequer. \_Parl. Writs. '\
Robert Turry of Stapelford and William de Gravele, chaplain, acknow-
ledge that they owe to William de Clif, clerk, lOZ. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York. — The chancellor re-
ceived the acknowledgment.
Oct. 2.5. Percival Simeon acknowledges that he owes to Master Robert de Nass-
York. yngton, clerk, 52 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Norfolk. — The chancellor received the acknowledg-
Robert de Amyas acknowledges that he owes to Alan de Rothewell,
chaplain, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Memorandum, that the king, on 26 October, at York, ordered John de
Hothum, bishop of Ely, his chancellor, not to-^make execution of
any mandate under the king's great seal on the information {denuncia-
cionem) of any person whatsoever, unless the king shall have told the chan-
cellor his will concerning the same by word of mouth, or shall send him
letters under the privy seal. IFadera ; Pari. Writs,']
o 2
Membrane 16d.
Oct. 24. Ricliard de Redynges, who long served the king in England and Scot-
York, land, is sent to the abbot and convent of Revesby to receive the necessaries
of life. By'K.
John Brenn, who served the king and his father, is sent to the abbot and
convent of Leghes to receive the necessaries of life. By K.
Hugh de Wyndesore is sent to the prior and convent of Suthwerk for
his maintenance, in consideration of his good service to Queen Isabella.
Oct. 26. Laurence Champenas, parson of the church of Nayleston, diocese of
York. Lincoln, acknowledges that he owes to "William de Waltham of London
50/. ; to be levied, in default of pa)ment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Leicester. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
William Copyn of Aughtoa acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Lynde-
say, clerk, 20 quarters of oats, 2 quarters of wheat, and a quarter of rye,
price 100*. ; to bo levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Oct. 22. To the sheriif of Derby. Order to cause 100 suitable miners to be
York. elected in that county and sent to Devonshire to the keeper of the king's
mine there at the keeper's expense, as Hervey de Tavystok, whom the king
sends to him in this behalf, shall direct.
Oct. 26. John le Longe of York, ' mercer,' and John Caperon of York, ' mercer,'
York. acknowledge that they owe to Alan de Walyngford 20 marks ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York. — The chan-
cellor received the acknowledgment.
William de Haywode acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Evesham,
clerk, 20s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
cos. Dorset and Wilts. — Master Henry de Clyf received the acknowledg-
R,obert de Lalleford acknowledges that he owes to John de Herlaston,
clerk, 2 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Warwick. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Nov. 2. Hugh de Lincoln of York acknowledges that he owes to John de EUerker,
York. . the elder, 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
Nicholas de Brigge acknowledges that he owes to John de EUerker, the
elder, 8 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York. — R. de Bard[elby] received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
. Walter de Ebor[aco] of Lincoln puts in his place William de Houeden,
— . — clerk, to prosecute the recognisance for 100/. made to him in chancery by
John son of John ' of the Hirst ' of Colyngham of Swynderby.
Nov. 5. Walter de Watervill, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Margaret,
York. late the wife of Robert Rabaz, 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Northampton and Huntingdon.—
The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Thomas de Sernande acknowledges that he owes to Bertram de Mon-
boucher 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
13 EDWARD It. 213
1319. Membrane \5d — cont.
William de Clyf, parson of Leek church, diocese of York, acknowledges
that he owes to Master Henry de Clif, Richard de Osgodeby, and Master
John de Blebury, executors of the will of Adam de Osgodeby, 10 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
John de Newehagh, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to the aforesaid
executors lOZ. 6s. 8c?. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Nov. 6. WiUiam de Briggate acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Bardelby,
York. clerk, 37 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Norfolk.
Geoffrey de Estou acknowledges that he owes to John de Ellerker, the
elder, 46*. 8rf. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
John son of John Idanie acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Oxwyk 30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Norfolk. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Nov. 10. Richard Plaice acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Bardelby, clerk,
Gainsborough. 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York. — Master Henry de Clif received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
Thomas de Reppes and William de Briggate of Dilham acknowledge that
they owe to Robert de Bardelby, parson of Gedeneye church, 190 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Norfolk.
— Master Henry de Clyf received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert son of Nicholas de Cotingham, John Takel, and Walter de Wei
of Cotyngham acknowledge that they owe to Master Theobald de Tretis,
parson of the church of Cotingham, (dBO marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York. — Robert de Bard[elby] and
Master H. de Clyf received the acknowledgment.
William son of John de Slengesby acknowledges that he owes to Gilbert
de Stapelton, clerk, 30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York. — Acknowledgment received as above.
William de Clif, clerk, and Robert de Babethorp acknowledge that they
owe to Walter de Osgodeby 60 marks; to be levied, in default of payment,'
of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
■ The said Walter puts in his place John de Newehagh, clerk, to prosecute
the aforesaid recognisance.
Memorandum, that the said John came into chancery at York, on
24 April, in the \6th year of the reign, and acknowledged that he had
received the balance of the above sum, and prayed that the recognisance
should be cancelled.
Membrane 14rf.
Enrolment of deed of Roald de Richemond, son and heir of Sir Thomas
de Richemond, granting to Sir Henry le Scrop, knight, that all the lands
that Harsculf de Oleseby had in the town and territory of Burton Con-
stable, which Joan de Richemond, mother of Roald, holds in dower of
Roald'B inheritance, shall remain to Henry and his heirs. Witnesses:
1319. Membrane 14rf — cont.
William de Herle, William de Denum, John de Denum, Geoffrey le Scrop,
William de Swynnythuayt. Dated at York, on Thursday after Martinmas,
13 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Roald came into chancery at York, on the said day,
and acknowledged the above deed.
Nov. 16. Eoald de Eichemund acknowledges that he owes to Henry le Scrop
Shelford. 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
cos. York and Cumberland.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Houby acknowledges that he owes to John de Fenwik 20/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Nicholas de Langeton of York acknowledges that he owes to Gilbert de
Ebor[aco], clerk, 4 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Nov. 6. To W. archbishop of York. Summons to attend a parliament at York
York. in the octaves of St. Hilary next. By K. and C.
\_Parl. Writs.']
The like to W. archbishop of York and sixteen bishops. \^Ibid.'\
To the abbot of St. Augustine's Canterbury. Summons to attend the
above parliament. [/6eW.]
The like to twenty-nine abbots and priors, the master of the order of
Sempringham, and the prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem.
To Tboraas, earl of Lancaster. Summons to attend the above parlia-
ment. [/6«c?.]
The like to eight earls and seventy-three others. [/6jrf.]
To Walter de Norwyco. Summons to attend the above parliament.
The like to twenty-five others, ilbid.]
Membrane 13d.
Nov. 20. William de Morby acknowledges that he owes to Eobert de Morby,
York. chaplain, 27 marks 6x. 8d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Enrolment of release by Adam son of Cicely Belechose of Cliderhou to
Eobert de Cliderhou, clerk, of her right in the lands that belonged to
Jordan son of Peter in Cliderhou. Witnesses : Eichard de Aldeburgh ;
William de Migelay ; Eobert Meek, then mayor of York ; Henry le
Calvehurd ; John de Horneby ; John son of John de Blakeburn ; Henry
Gilibrond. Dated at York, on Monday the morrow of the octaves of
Martinmas, 13 Edward II.
Memoranditm, that Adam came into chancery on the said day, and
acknowledged the above deed.
Nov. 23. William Croke of Hamsthwayt acknowledges that he owes to the
York. minister and brethren of St. Eobert's house, near Knaresbnrgh, 201. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
John de Eoches acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Dommer
100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in COS. Southampton and Dorset. — The chancellor received the acknowledg.
13 EDWARD II. 216
1319, Membrane 13c? — cont.
• Master John de Ildesle puts in his place Clement de Wolvernehamptoli
to prosecute the matter of a recognisance of 40/. made to him by Thomas
Nov. 25. John de Bernevill acknowledges that he owes to John son of Simon de
York. Lining \0l. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
Nov. 27. Alexander de Cave, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Henry Irewya
York. of Seleby 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
Alan de Leaume puts in his place John de Yerdhill to prosecute a
recognisance of 40Z. made to him in chancery by William de Ros of
Henry de Brocworth puts in his place John de Evesham to prosecute a
recognisance for 40/. made to him in chancery by Richard de la Ryvere.
Nov. 30. John, bishop of Ely, abbot of St. Mary's York, and John de Heselarton,
York. knight, acknowledge that they owe to Roger de Ardingelli, Bonus Philippi,
Dinus Forcetti, Francis Balduch' and their fellows, merchants of the society
of the Bardi of Florence, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their
lands and chattels in cos. York and Cambridge.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Bayhous of Helperby acknowledges that he owes to Roger de
Seleby of York 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
,and chattels in co. York.
Thomas de Burgh, clerk, puts in his place Robert Poer to prosecute a
recognisance of 100 marks made to him in chancery by Walter de
Dec. 1, William Maheu of Langetoft acknowledges that he owes to Richard
York. Byset 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
John son of William son of Geoffrey de Estoft acknowledges that he
owes to John de EUerker, the elder, 2.'5/. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Dec. 2. Robert de Osgodeby acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Bardelby,
York. clerk, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York. — Master Henry de Clif received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
Hugh de Farndon acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Thorp, clerk,
40*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
John Giffard of Cotherstok, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Henry
de Hale and Roger de Blacolvesle, clerk, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Houby acknowledges that he owes to John Giffard of Cother-
stok, clerk, 40/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Leicester.
Henry de Liskeret, parson, of the church of Wydehaye, and Richard
de Bourn, parson of the church of ShaMeflefc, diocese of Winchester,
1319. Membrane 13rf — cont.
acknowledge that they owe to Benedict de Normanton, clerk, 9/. 4s. Ad. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels and ecclesias-
tical goods in CO. Southampton.
Cancelled on payment.
Memorandum, that the king sent his letters of privy seal to this effect :
* Edward, etc., to J. bishop of Ely, his chancellor. Order to deliver the
great seal to Robert de Bardelby, to be kept by him under the seals of
Master Henry de Clif, Geoffrey de Welloford, and William de Clif, until
the chancellor's return from Newcastle-on-Tyue, whither he is going on the
king's affairs. Dated at York {Evei-wyK), \ December.' By virtue whereof
the chancellor delivered the great seal at York on the morrow, to wit 2 De-
cember, in the morning, in his chamber in St. Mary's abbey, York, under
his seal to the said Robert in the presence of Sir Roger de Northburgh,
Sir Richard de Ayremynne, and of others ; which Robert and the aforesaid
Henry, Geoffrey, and William on the sanie day, immediately after dinner,
in the chancellor's lodging iu the abbey, opened the seal, and sealed writs
therewith, and the seal remained after the sealing in Robert's custody under
the seals of the aforesaid Henry, Geoffrey, and William. [Pari. Writs.]
Dec. 7. Thomas son of Robert de Boulton acknowledges that he owes to Elias de
York. Wyndhill 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York. — R. de Bard[elby] received the acknowledgment.
Adam le Clerk of Lenne acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de
Evesham, clerk, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of bis lands and
chattels in co. Norfolk. — R. de Bard[elby] received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Burgh near Asshele, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to
Thomas de Evesham, clerk, 50 marks ; to be levied in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Devon. — R. de Bard[elby] received the
John de Burgh near Asshele, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Thomas
de Evesham, clerk, 50/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels iu co. Devon. — R. de Bard [elby] received the acknowledgment.
Thomas son of Nicholas de Northfolk acknowledges that he owes to
John Payn of York 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York. — R. de Bard[elby] received the acknowledgment.
Pec. 10. Peter de Malo Lacu, the elder, acknowledges that he owes to John
York. Jurdan of Beverley, merchant, 200 marks; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. ^ork. — Master H. de Clif received
the acknowledgment.
Alexander de Cave, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John, bishop
of Ely, the abbot of St. Peter's York, and John de Heselarton, knight, 100/. ;
^0 be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co, Yprl^,
(Jancelled on payment.
Membrane lid.
Dec. 1. To R. count of Flanders. The king learns from John de Thornegge
York. and Thomas de Melcheburn of Lenne that whereas they loaded at Lenne a
ship of theirs called ' la Godier ' with wheat, cloth of Worthstede, and other
wares to the value of 200/. sterling, in order to take the same to Gascony to
make their profit thereof, certain malefactors of the count's tpwns of
13 EDWARD II. 217
1319. Membrane l\d — cont.
Bruges, Slipedham, and Sluys {Le Scluse) entered the ship by armed force on
her voyage on the sea coast near Sliirynghani, co. Norfolk, and slew all the
men and mariners in her, with the exception of two, wliom they tooli with
them to Scotland together with the ship and her tackle, price 60^. sterling, and
with the Yictuals and goods, which two men they imprisoned at Berwick-on-
Tweed, selling one of them to a merchant of Zeeland (Seland) for 20/.
sterling, the other being still detained in prison : wherefore the king
requests the count to cause speedy satisfaction to be made for the ship and
cargo and for the damages sustained by John and Thomas, treating them as
he would that the king should treat his merchants in like case.
Dec. 8. Robert de Wombewell and Michael de Wath, clerk, acknowledge that
York. they owe to Robert de Ponte Burgi of York 12 marks ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Robert le Conestable of Flaynburgh and William sou of Theobald le
Conestable of Flaynburgh acknowledge that they owe to Master Robert de
Ripplingham, chancellor of St. Peter's York, 40/. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York. — R. de Bard[elby]
received the acknowledgment.
William de Haukesgarth of Stitenum acknowledges that he owes to
Adam de Brom, clerk, 8 marks ; to he levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Yoik. — R. de Bard[elby] received the acknowledg-
Jan. 10. William de Clyve, parson of Angraham church, acknowledges that he
York. owes to John de Weston-undre-Egge, knight, 200/. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Worcester.
Jan. 1. To the prior of St. Patrick's. Request that he will labour for the
York. election of Friar Adam de Sancto Laudo, of the order of Preachers, to the
bishopric of Connor {Coynoren'), void by the death of John, the late
bishop, which Adam the king commends for his learning, zeal, good birth,
and counsel, believing that he would improve the estate of the cathedral
church, which is impoverished in temporalities and spiritualities by the
attacks of the Scots.
The like to the abbot of Connor and the archdeacon of Connor.
To John de Byrmyngham, earl of Louth (Litda). Request that he will
interpose with those who have votes for the election in favour of the said
1 .3-1 q Membrane lOd.
Dec. 16. Joan, late the wife of Hugh de Hepham, acknowledges that she owes to
Burstwick. John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of her lands and chattels in co. York — R. de Bard[elby], one of the
keepers of the king's seal, received the acknowledgment.
The aforesaid Joan acknowledges that she owes to Thomas de Colevill of
Cokewald, knight, 1,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands
and chattels in co. York. — Acknowledgment received as above.
Dec. 28. William de Widdeslade, citizen of London, acknowledges that he owes to
York. John de London, ' barber,' 10 marks ; to be levied, in defiiult of payment,
of his lands and chattels in the city of London. — W. de Clyf received the
The aforesaid William acknowledges that he owes to Peter le Mareschal,
the younger, IQOs. ; to be levied, in default of payment, as above. — W. de
Clyf received the acknowledgment.
1319. Membrane 10c? — cont.
Peter Richard of Sherston Magna acknowledges that he owes to Richard
de la Rivere, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of bis lands and
chattels in co. Wilts.
Jan. 3. William de London of Popelton acknowledges that he owes to the abbot
York. of St. Mary's York 8 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of Lis
lands and chattels in co. York.
Dec. 20. Richard Plaiz, knight, Thomas Utghtred, John de Stapelton, knight, John
York. son of Roger Darcy, and John de WoUaston acknowledge that they owe to
William Ridel 140 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands
and chattels in co. York.
Thomas de Karliolo of Newcastle-on-Tyne acknowledges that he owes to
William de Ayremynne, clerk, 10 marks ; to be levied, in_ default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northumberland.
Cancelled on payment.
Jan. 3. Peter de Saxlingham acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le Despenser,
York. the younger, 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Norfolk.
Andrew de la Hyde acknowledges that he owes to Thomas Ode 40/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Jan. n. Henry de Breton acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Chissebech
York. 60Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Leicester.
John de Cokermuth, parson of Chalk church, diocese of Rochester, and
John de Heydon, parson of Alresford church, diocese of Winchester,
acknowledge that they owe to Hugh le Despenser, the younger, 250 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Kent
and Surrey.
Cancelled on paym,ent.
Dec. 13. Henry de Norton, William le Mareschal, and William de Charnelesof
Burstwick. Snarkeston acknowledge that tliey owe to .John, bishop of Ely, 20 marks ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Leicester. — •
W. de Herlaston received the acknowledgment by writ.
Cancelled on payment.
Jan. 13. John son of John de Laysymgby acknowledges that he owes to Thomas
Knaresburgh. de Moubray of Eseby 28 marks; be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Thomas de Berton puts in his place Master John de Blebury and John
de Wormherde to prosecute the matter of a recognisance of 1,000 marks
made to him by John de Sloghtre.
Burnettus Guilham and Nicholas his brother, executors of the will
of Bartholomew Grenoardi of Lucca, citizen and merchant of London, put
in their place John Rastel to prosecute a recognisance for 40 marks made
to Bartholomew in chancery by John Peyvre.
Membrane 9d.
Jan. 12. To the sheriff of York. Order to justice William ; called Bond of
York. Couton, a parishioner of K-oger de- Northburgh, archd«aeoir of Richmond,
13 EDWARD II. 219
1320. Membrane 9d — cont.
according to the law of England until holj' church be satisfied for the con-
tempt and wrong committed by him, as the said Roger has certified the king
by his letters patent that William is excommunicated by his authority
for contumacy and that he refuses to be j usticed by ecclesiastical censure.
Jan. 19. William Gower of Stytelum acknowledges that he owes to Laurence de
York. Esyngwald, sometime girdler (zonario) of York, 201. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
William Chauncy acknowledges that he owes to Brian Burdon 5 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Jan. 21. John de Felton, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William Galon
York. 24 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Norfolk.
^—^ The aforesaid William puts Thomas de Bamburgh, clerk, in his place to
prosecute the preceding recognisance.
Richard le Mareschal, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William
Galun 108«. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Northumberland,
The aforesaid William puts Thomas de Baumburgh, clerk, in his place to
prosecute this recognisance.
Henry atte Gate of Erkeden acknowledges that he owes to Roger de
Northburgh 5 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Jan. C. To the sheriff of Buckingham [and Bedford] . Order to cause proclamation
York. to be made in the town of Dunstapel and el.sewhere where he shall think fit
prohibiting any one tourneying, etc., at Dunstapel or elsewhere in the realm
without the king's special licence, under pain of forfeiture, as the king under-
stands that certain persons are about to tourney at Dnn.stajile. The king is
sending Banulph de Charroun and William Raymundi de Claveri, his Serjeants
at-arms, to those parts to arrest all those who shall contravene this pro-
hibition, to which Serjeants the sheriff is to be aiding and intending in the
premises as they shall inform hira. l^Fcedera.~\
Jan. 24. Richard Fynnor of Everesdon acknowledges that he owes to Philip
York. de Ewyas 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Cambridge.
Memorandum, that on Wednesday, January 23, John de Hothum, bishop
of Ely, the chancellor, delivered, in the king's chamber in the house of the
I'riars Minor at York, the great seal to the king, who received it into his
hands, and placed it at the head of his bed, in the pi-esence of Aymer
de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, Hugh le Despenser, the younger, and
Bartholomew de Badelesmere. On the same day after dinner, in the same
chamber, the king delivered the seal to Sir William de Ayrcmynne, Sir
Robert de Bardelby, and Master Henry de Clif, clerks of the chancery, to
bo kept by them until ordinance should be made concerning the office of
chancellor, and the king willed that the seal should remain in the custody
of the said William under the seals of Robert and Henry, and WilUam
received the seal from the king's hands in the presence of the said earl,
Hugh and Bartholomew, Bobeit and Henry, and on Thursday next, about
the first hour, the said William, Robert, and Henry opened the seal, then
enclosed under the seal of the aforesaid bishop, in St. Mary's abbey, York,
and sealed writs therewith. On Saturday following the aforesaid William
delivered the seal to the king in the said chamber, and the king took
it from his hands, and delivered it to J. bishop of Norwich, whom he had
1320. Membrane 9d — cont.
nominated his chancellor in full parliament, and the bishop received it, and
afterwards took the oath due therefor. On Sunday following the said
chancellor opened the seal in the chapter houso of the Friars Minors, York,
and sealed writs therewith. [Foedera ; Pari. Writs.']
Jan. 25. Ralph Bygot acknowledges that he owes to Aymer de Valencia, earl of
York. Pembroke, 300Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk.
Cancelled on payment.
Enrolment of grant by Alice, daughter of Peter de Rockelay, to William
Scot of Birthwait and Alice his wife of the homage and services of Henry
de Birthwait and his heirs for the lands held of the donor in Birthwait,
Kesseburgh, Wulvelay, Waleton, Cutheworth, Langside, Penysale, and
Pikburn ; and of the homage and services of Robert de Beaumount, knight,
and his heirs for the land held of the donor in Witlay; and the homage and
services of William de Shefeld and his heirs for the lands that he holds of
the donor in co. York. Witnesses : Nicholas de Metham, knight ; Godfrey
de Staynton ; Robert de Barneby ; Richard de Bihale ; Henry de Hagh.
Dated at Y'ork, on Thursday before the Conversion of St. Paul, 13 Edward
IL -
Jan. 26. William Brunhand of Knaresburgh acknowledges that he owes to
York. Edmund de Grymmesby, clerk, 9 marks; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
John son of Richard de Clif acknowledges that he owes to Peter de Male
Lacu 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
John de Loteryngton acknowledges that he owes to John, bishop of Ely,
6 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Jan. 11. Isabella de Osgodby, niece of Adam de Osgodeby, sometime the king's
York. clerk, is sent to the abbot and convent of Thornton-upon-Humbre to receive
the maintenance of a monk in that house and a suitable robe yearly and a
sum of money for other necessaries, in consideration of Adam's good service
to the king and his father and of the king's special affection towards
Isabella. By p.s. [5164.]
Jan. 28. Robert de Umframvill, earl of Anegos, Henry de Bello Monte, John de
York. Moubray, John de Claveryng, and Andrew de Hartcla acknowledge that
they owe to Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, Hugh le Despenser, the
younger, and Bartholomew de Badelesmere 6,000/. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of their lauds and chattels in cos. Northumberland, York, Lincoln,
Norfolk, and Suffolk.
Cancelled on payment.
Jan. 29. The abbot of Byland acknowledges that he owes to Thomas, parson of
York. Patrikbrompton, 20Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Adam son of William de Bateley of Pontefract acknowledges that he owes
to Robert de la More of Pontefract 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Y'^ork.
William de Estoft of Elvyngton acknowledges that he owes to Roger de
Fymmere of Elvyngton 6 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
l^nds and chattels in co. York.
Feb. 4.
Jan. 29.
Membrane 9d — cant.
William de Aslakton of Newerk acknowledges (hat be owes to Thomas
de Sibethorp, clerk, 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Nottingham.
Cancelled on payment.
Henry Yungman of Basinghara acknowledges that he owes to John de
Utterby, chaplain, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Lincoln.
John de Beaufoy acknowledges that he owes to William de Clif, clerk,
10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Lincoln.
To K. count of Flanders. The king has received his letters praying for
justice for damages inflicted upon his men of Flanders by men of this realm,
and, in reply, the king signifies that he is ready to do speedy justice to all
the count's subjects making complaint of wrongs inflicted upon them by the
king's subjects, and he has offered this to the count's envoys who brought
his letters, and he is and always will be prepared to do so. \_Fcedera.'\
To the burgomasters and Schevi?is of Bruges.
' their com-burgesses ' for ' the count's subjects.'
The like to the following :
The avocat and echevins of Ypres.
The echevins of Ghent. \_lbid.'\
To the sheriSs of London. Order not to arrest any goods of men of the
power of the count of Flanders by virtue of any mandate of the king's at
the suit of any one of the king's power until a month from Easter day.
[Feeder a.'] By EL
The like to the following :
Robert de Kendale, constable of Dover castle.
The bailiffs of Kingeston-on-HuU.
The bailiffs of John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, at Boston,
The mayor and bailiffs of Sandwich.
The sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk.
The bailiff's of Yarmouth.
The bailiffs of Staunford. [Ibid.'\
Like letter, substituting
Membrane 8d.
Feb. 20. William de Fourneys of London acknowledges that he owes to John de
Westminster. BIyton, citizen of London, 50/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of hia
lands and chattels in co. Middlesex.
Enrolment of release by Thomas Fillol to John de Handlo and Matilda
his wife of his right in 140 acres of land and 4s. of rent in Hatfeld Peverel
and Borham, co. Essex, concerning which he impleaded them in the king's
court by writ of entry. Witnesses : Sir Ralph de Camoys, Sir Nicholas
Gentyl, Sir William de Henle, knights ; Edmund de Ayette ; Thomas
Bakoun; William de Wykkewaue. Dated at Westminster, 21 February,
13 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Thomas came into chancery at Westminster, on
22 February, and acknowledged the above.
Feb. 22- Walter son of Robert de Davyntre and Robert his son acknowledge that
Westminster, they owe to John de Sancto Mauro 40/. ; to bo levied, in default of pay-
ment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Northampton and Bedford.
Feb. 24.
Feb. 26.
Feb. 25.
Feb. 28.
Membrane 8<i — cont.
John Stoyl of Westwytenliam acknowledges that he owes to Master John
de Blebury, parson of Newenham Courteneye, 101. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks.
Geoffrey Bere of Tamworth acknowledges that he owes to Master Henry
de Clyf 55 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Stafford.
Cancelled on payment.
Michael Belle puts in his place Master John Boerleke, John Slabard,
Peter Cram, and James Waterbalgh to sue and defend the matter of an
arrest against Arnold de Ispan[nia].
Laurence de Elraliam acknowledges that he owes to .John Hayward
60 mai-ks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
cos. Suffolk, York, and London.
John de Vienn[a] acknowledges that he owes to Roger Ardyngelli, Bonus
Philippi and Dinus Forcetti, and their fellows, merchants of the society of
the Bardi of Florence, 18/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Wilts.
Maurice son of Thomas de Bercleye, John son of John Mautravers, and
Maurice son of Maurice de Bercleye acknowledge that they owe to Aymer
de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, 150/.; to be levied, in default of payment,
of their lands and chattels in cos. Gloucester, Somerset, and Dorset.
Cancelled on payment.
William de Whitefeld acknowledges that he owes to Aymer de Valencia,
earl of Pembroke, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Dorset.
Thomas son of Robert de Bradestone and John son of John Mautravers
acknowledge that they owe to Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, 40/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Dorset
and Gloucester.
Ranulph son of William de Dacre acknowledges that he owes to Manent
Franoisci and John his brother, merchants of Florence, 300/. ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Cumberland, West-
moreland, and Lancaster.
Cancelled on payment.
Maurice son of Thomas de Bercleye, John son of John Mautravers, and
Maurice son of Maurice de Bercleye acknowledge that they owe to Aymer
de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, 300 marks; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Somerset and Dorset.
The prior of Bermundeseye acknowledges, for himself aiid his convent,
that he owes to John Francisci and Magnus Frugerii, merchants of
Florence, 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands
and chattels in co. Surrey.
Cancelled on payment.
Ranulph de Dacre acknowledges that he owes to John de Lancastre
2,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Cumberland.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert Parnyng acknowledges that he owes to John de Lancastre 300/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment; of his lauds and chattels in co. Cum-
Cancelled on payment.
1320. Membrane 8d — cont.
Enrolment of obligation of John de Monkelane, sub-escheator in
COS. Bucks and Bedford, to Sir Eichai-d de Rndeneye, escheator this side
Trent, for 50Z. to be paid in St. Paul's London at Michaelmas and the
Purification next. Dated at London, Wednesday after St. Matthias,
13 Edward II.
Memorandum, that John came into chancery, on the same day, and
acknowledged the above.
Like obligations for the same sum were made to the said Richard by the
following :
Kichard de Foxcote, sub-escheator in co. Gloucester and the Marches
of Wales.
William de Rosteleye, clerk, sub-escheator in cos. Warwick and
John de Croxford, sub-escheator in cos. Oxford and Berks.
William de Neuport, sub-escheator in cos. Essex and Hereford {sic).
John de Broghton, sub-escheator in co. Norfolk.
Andrew de Kendale, sub-escheator in cos. Salop and Stafford.
Robert de Stodham, sub-escheator in cos. Nottingham and Derby.
John de Ledrede, sub-escheator in cos. Southampton and Sussex.
Robert Squier, sub-escheator in co. Worcester.
John de Sancto Albano, sub-escheator in cos. Cambridge and Hunting-
don, dated at London, Sunday after St. Gregory.
Feb. 28. Thomas Chanturel acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Goyton,
Westminster, 'vylour,' 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Berks and Oxford.
Feb. 28. Gilbert de Rues acknowledges that he owes to Aymer de Valencia, earl
Westminster, of Pembroke, 10/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Gloucester.
John, prior of Newenham, acknowledges, for himself and convent, that
he owes to Leonard Vento of Genoa, merchant, 200/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Bedford.
Cancelled on payment.
Thomas, abbot [of] Pypwelle, acknowledges, for himself and convent,
that he owes to Manent Francisci and John his brother, merchants of
Florence, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Gloucester.
Richard de la Rivere, knight, and Thomas de Brocworth acknowledge
that they owe to Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, 23/, 6*. 8rf. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Gloucester.
Robert de Botlesford, lord of Stodham, acknowledges that he owes to
Henry Norman of Berkhamstede 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Bedford.
Enrolment of grant by John de Radingden, knight, to John de Wanton,
of his manor of Arnington, co. Cambridge, with all appurtenances, which
manor John de Wauton previously held of the donor. Witnesses : Warin
de Bassingburn ; John Fraunceys ; Sir William de Sap' ; Philip de Stowe ;
Ralph Eiggesby. Dated at Arni[n]gton, on Friday after St. Matthias,
... 13 Edward II.
Memorandum, that John came into chancery, on the said day, aii4
acknowledged the above.
Feb. 3.
Feb. 28.
Membrane 8d — cont.
John de Wauton acknowledges that he owes to John de Radyngdene,
knight, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Essex.
Cancelled on payment acknowledged hy Nicholas de la Heuse, attorney
of John de Radyngdene.
The aforesaid John de Radyngdene puts Nicholas de la Heuse in his
place to prosecute the above recognisance.
To R. count of Flanders. The king has received his letters requesting
him to release Perottus Loef, burgess of Sluys {Lescluse), and his i:ellows of
the parts of Flanders, from prison at Norwich, whom the count learns are
faithful merchants; the king upon another occasion released, at the
count's request, many of his subjects who were found in the company
of the Scotch rebels, and requested the count to warn his subjects not to
communicate with the said rebels, nor to maintain them in any way,
adding that if any of the count's subjects communicated with the Scots, or
were found in their company, he would in no wise shew them favour. The
king cannot at present release Perrottus and his fellows, because they
notoriou.sly communicated with the rebels afterwards, and maintained them
for a long time, and were found in their company, adhering to them in all
things. The king believes that the count would not intercede for Perrottus
and his fellows if he were acquainted with the malice perpetrated by them
against the king, and he therefore prays the count to hold him excused in
the premises.
Membrane Id.
March 4. Robert Cokedon acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Geyrgrave,
Ospringe. clerk, and Thomas de Malghum, clerk, 47*. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London.
William de Bomstede of Alvithele acknowledges that he owes to Roger
de Snthcote, merchant of London, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
Thomas son of Rotheric de Tatelesfeld acknowledges that he owes to
Gilbert de Balsham of London, ' seler,' 20Z. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Surrey.
Feb. 28. To the sheriflFs of London. Order to cause proclamation to be made in
Westminster, the city and elsewhere where they shall think fit prohibiting any one
tourneying, etc., without the king's special licence, as the king understands
that certain persons are preparing to tourney in divers places in the realm.
They are also to cause proclamation to be made forbidding any armourer
to prepare, complete, or sell any arms for exercising such fcals of arms, or
to take or send them to any place, until further orders. By K. and C.
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Z'itrf.]
March 6. Roger de Morteyn acknowledges that he owes to Robert de BristoUia,
Canterbury, merchant of London, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Cancelled on payment.
Matilda, late the wife of Miles de Rodebergh, and Thomas her son,
acknowledge that they owe to Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, 80/. :
to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co.
Cancelled on payment.
13 EDWARD ir.
1320. Membrane *ld — cont.
Enrolment of letters of Philip, king of France, granting safe conduct to
Edward, king of England, and his train in coming to him for certain
matters, staying with ivm, and returning. Dated at Paris, the morrow of
Palm Sunday, 1319. French. \_Fcedera.']
These letters were delivered, after enrolment, into the treasury, to be
there kept, etc.
Enrolment of letters of the said king extending the above safe-conduct.
Dated in the abbey of Notre Dame La Eoial, near Pontoisse, 11 June,
1320. By K. in his great C.
l^Fcedera.'] Dupplicatur — Barri.
March 14.
March 16.
March 18.
March 24.
Membrane Qd.
Edmund de Sancto Claro acknowledges that he owes to Philip de la
Beche, the younger, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Kent.
John son of John de Vans, knight, and Burgia, late the wife of William
de Vans, acknowledge that they owe to John, bishop of Norwich, 100
marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels and
in COS. Norfolk and Suffolk.
Cancelled on payment.
Adam le Coupere of London acknowledges that he owes to William de
Fordham 8/. 7s. Qd. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in London and co. Middlesex.
William de Bygindenn of London acknowledges that he owes to John
le Hert, servant of St. Paul's church, London, 14 marks ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London.
Francis Bache acknowledges that he owes to John Bigod, knight,
20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
the city of London.
Cancelled on payment.
Brother Peter, prior of Castelacre, acknowledges, for himself and convent,
that he owes to Master Albertinus Rugeri of Pistoia (Pistorio), and Amadeua
{Homodeo) Kelene of Florence 200/.; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk.
Cancelled on payment.
Omelina, prioress of Lurministre, acknowledges, for herself and convent,
that she owes to Stephen de Parys, citizen of London, 40/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Sussex,
Cancelled on payment.
Hueh le Despenser, the elder, and Bartholomew de Badelesmere acknow-
ledge that they owe to the king 1,000 marks; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Somerset and Kent.
Memorandum; that the king granted that if Hugh and Bartholomew,
■whom the king sent to the Roman court upon his affairs, should obtain the
king's object {utilitatem) from the pope in a tenth or otberwise to the
amount of 2,000 marks at least, then they should be quit of the above
1,000 marks.
This recognisance was made in the king's presence at Sturreye on the
information of Master Henry de Clyff.
Nicholas de Mulsam acknowledges that he owes to Anthony Usus Mdris
and Nicholas his brother, merchants of Genoa, 100s. ; to be levied, ii\
default of payment, of his lands at»d chattels in (jo. Essex,
March 26.
March 28.
March 3L
April 1.
April 1.
April 4.
April 2.
April 8.
Membrane Gd — cont.
Roger de Morteyn, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Roger de
Suthcote, merchant of London, 80/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
To the abbot of St. Albans. Inhibition of his going out of the realm or
sending any attorney (responsalis) in his place to answer concerning certain
trespasses committed in this realm against the king's peace, wherewith he
is charged, by reason of any citation made or to be made, as the king
understands that he is preparing to do, without consulting the king, as the
cognisance of such trespasses pertains to the king, and none of his realm
ought to be impleaded outside the realm concerning the same, the king
being willing to do justice to all complainants of such trespasses. [Foedera.'}
To Robert de Ken dale, constable of Dover castle, and warden of the
Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place in the port of Dover. Order
to arrest the said abbot if he come to that port or any other port in his
bailiwick in order to go to parts beyond sea on the above account.
John le Haukier of St. Ives of London acknowledges that he owes to
Hervey de Bury of London 50 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lauds and chattels in co. Cambridge.
To Robert de Maddingle. Order to come to the king on Friday before
the close of Easter, to give his counsel upon certain of the king's affairs,
whereof the king believes that he can be informed by him. By K.
The like to Humphrey de Waleden.
Edmund Godardi acknowledges that he owes to John Piza Aquile, citizen
of Loudon, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Buckingham.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert son of Herbert de Saltfleteby acknowledges that he owes to
Ralph de Langetoft 53s. 4d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Cancelled on payment.
Isabella, late the wife of Thomas de Muskham, and Walter de Muskham
acknowledge that they owe to Henry de Edenestowe, clerk, and Robert his
brother, 50.s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and
chattels in co. Nottingham.
Cancelled on payment.
To W. archbishop of Canterbury, visiting the diocese of Lincoln by
metropolitan right, and to his commissary. Order not to intermeddle with
visiting the hospital of St. John without the east gate of Oxford, and to
release any distraint or coercion made upon the master and brethren of the
hospital on this account, as the hospital, which is founded of the alms of
the king's progenitors, is exempt from ordinary jurisdiction and the
payment of procurations and other exactions by the ordinary, so that no one
but the king and his chancellor ought to visit the hospital or intermeddle
with it in any way. The like letter was direct-ed by the late king to
J. bishop of Lincoln, dated 8 November, in the 32nd year of his reign,
concerning impositions and exactions.
Reginald de Frileford acknowledges that he owes to the abbot of
Abyndon 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Berks.
William de Rude acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Middelton,
the king's pantler (jaanetar'), 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in cos. Southampton and Surrey.
Cancelled on payment.
April 9.
1320. Membrane Gd — cont.
John son of Robert atte Halle acknowledges that he owes to the prioress
of Haliwell 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Middlesex.
John son of William son of Henry de Bedeford came before the kinff,
on Tuesday after St. Ambrose, and sought to replevy his and his wife
Alice's land in Bedeford, taken into the king's hands for their default
before the justices of the bench against Hugh Holt and Petronilla his wife.
This is signified to the justices.
Thomas son of Robert de Berkele of Beley, Richard de la Byvere,
knight, Walter Wy of Erlyngham, and Ralph de Filtoa acknowledge that
they owe to Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, 40/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Gloucester.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Pjcheford acknowledges that he owes to Ralph de Wyndesore,
clerk, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in cos. Kent and Sussex.
Walter Wyth and Richard de la Rivere acknowledge that they owe to
Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Gloucester.
The said Walter and Richard acknowledge that they owe the said Aymer
10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, as above.
April 10. To Edmund, earl of Arundel. Inhibition of his bringing a multitude of
Westminster, armed men with him to Suthwerk on Monday next, when an assize of novel
disseisin arramed by John de Hastyng' before certain justices against the
earl and others named in the original writ concerning certain tenements in
Surrey is to be taken, or of his doing anything to the disturbance of the
peace, as the king understands that he and the said John are preparing to
attend the taking of the assize with a multitude of armed men. The king
has inhibited John in like manner. \_Fcedera.'\ By K.
Memorandum, that by virtue of a writ directed to Gilbert de Stapelton,
escheator beyond Trent, the said Gilbert, in the presence of twelve men of
his bailiwick in the parts of the East Biding of co. York, to wit William
de Raventhorp, Robert de Melton, Stephen Arnald, John de Thornton,
John Olyver, John Shott, John de Bilton. William Serell, Roger Lok, John
Prestman, Thomas de Ak, and William Abel, chosen and sworn for this
purpose, assigned to Eleanor, late the wife of Henry de Percy, as dower
66i. %d. yearly from the lands of the said Henry in Shourburgh for her
third part of 10/. of yearly rent granted by Henry to Edmund Darell for
life from the manor of Kyrlevyngton, to wit from William de Sinyer
5«. yearly for a toft, from Margaret de Barry 5«. Sof. for a toft, from John
Lonay 4«. for a toft, from William Perott 16s. Id. for 8 acres of meadow,
from Matilda de Ak 16s. for 8 acres of meadow, from John de Hothum
\\d. from a rent of assize, from John son of Adam 5«. 2d. from a rent of
assize, from John Carpenter \d. from a rent of assize. Total : 66s. 8rf.
May 8. To the ichevimt and consules of the town of Mechlin {Machlinen') .
Westinineter. Henry Box, citizen of London, has complained to the king that -Nicholas
called 'Cole' de Lapide, son of Nicholas de Lapide, acknowledged, in the
presence of the said Nicholas de Lapide and of Henry de Balle, dchevins
of the said town, that he owed to the said Henry Box 183/. lis. Od.
sterling, to be paid to him or his envoy bringing the letters of the said
Nicholas called ' Cole ' at London or within the town of St. Ives in ready
money without pledges (vadiis) within the fair at a term now past ; but he has
P 2
Membrane 6d — cont.
delayed paying the above sum : wherefore the king requests the echevini
and consules to hear the complaint of his said merchant and to cause speedy
justice to be done to him, and to certify the king of their proceedings
in this matter.
April 28.
May 1.
May 4.
May 5.
May 6,
Membrane Gd.'— Schedule.
To the prior of Lenton. Prohibition of his going beyond sea or of his
presuming to send an attorney (responsalem) without consulting the king
to answer eoncerning his refusal to admit a parson to the church of
Radeclive-on-Sore (Soram), the king haviag prohibited his admitting a
parson to that church pending the suit in the king's court between Thomas,
earl of Lancaster, and the prior of Norton concerning the advowson of the
said church, as the king understands that he is cited to answer concerning
the same without this realm and that he is prepraring to go out of the realm
to answer. By K. and G.
John Pecchee, the elder, knight, lord of Haunton-iu-Arderne, and Henry
Nasard, citizen of London, ' draper,' acknowledge that they owe to
Bartholomew de Badelesmore, knight, 434 marks 6*. 8e?,; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Stafford and
Henry Nasard, citizen of London, 'draper,' acknowledges that he owes
to the said John Pecche 434 marks 6s. 8d. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London.
Nicholas Fastolf acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Malynes 20l. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk.
Cancelled on payment.
Master Robert de Hampton, parson of Middelton church, acknowledges
that he owes to John de Ellerker, the elder, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his ecclesiastical goods and lands and chattels in eo. York,
Cancelled on payment.
Oliver de Mountpynzoun, parson of a third part of the charch of Attle-
burgh, and Master Hervey de Bermer acknowledge that they owe to Robert
de Stok, perpetual dean of Rokelound, 100s. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Norfolk.
John, abbot of Abyndon, acknowledges, for himself and his successors,
that he owes to Thomas Cok of Abyndon, citizen of London, 100 sacks of
wool, price 12 marks a sack ; to be levied, in default of payment, of bis
lands and chattels in cos. Oxford, Berks, and Gloucester.
Cancelled on payment.
Richard de Draycote, knight, and Robert de Beek acknowledge that ihey
owe to Thomas de Maryns of London 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Stafford.
Richard de Draycote, knight, acknowledges that he owes to "William de
Weldon 41. Os.^d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Stafford.
John son of Walter de Opmanton and Stephen his brother acknowledge
that they owe to Richard son of John de Rokesle 74/. 3*. 4ef. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattelg in co, Sent,
May 11.
May 12.
May 21.
May 24.
Membrane Gd — Schedule — cont.
John le May acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Wyndesore and
John his brother 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Kent.
Cancelled on payment.
Ralph Giles of Kemesyng acknowledges that he owes to Hugh de
Bewyk, clerk, 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Kent.
Ralph Bigod, knight, acknowledojes that he owes to John de Longevill
of Little Billyng lOOZ. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in cos. Northampton, Norfolk, and Suffolk.
Bernard Pelegrini puts in his place John de Tholosa and Philip de
Touleslond to sue the execution of a recognisance for 38/. made to him in
chancery by John Hauward, ktiight.
Thomas de Harpeden acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Rodeneye
50Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Wilts.
Thomas de Agmodesham acknowledges that he owes to Isabella de
Cambhou 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of hi.s landa
and chattels in co. Buckingham.
John son of Ralph Loveday acknowledges that he owes to Ralph son
of William Loveday 110 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of hia
lands and chattels in cos. Buckingham and Middlesex. — The chancellor
received the acknowledgment,
Alexander le Convers, parson of the church of Leddride, diocese of
Winchester, acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Rokesle, roper
(^cordar') of London, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels and ecclesiastical goods in cos. Surrey and Kent.
Thomas de Veer, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John do
Lancastre, knight, 230/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in cos. Essex, Suffolk, and Cambridge.
Edmund Danvers acknowledges that he owes to Gilbert de Elesfeld
66*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
co, Berks.
Richard de Stretle acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Wyrecestre
10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Berks.
James Beauflour of London acknowledges that he owes to William de
A3Temynne, clerk, 12/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in the city of London. — Robert de Bardelby received the
acknowledgmen t.
, Cancelled on pay men t.
Michael de Whaddon, lord of Whaddon, acknowledges that he owes to
Alice, late the wife of John de Holte, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
men t, of his lands and chattels in cos. Wilts and Somerset,
John de Baverton acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Rodeneye
50/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Hereford.
John Joce, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William le Bustlere of
Hildresham 300/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands wd
chattels in cos, Essex, Hereford, and in [the city of] London.
Note of payment of 200/»
1320. Membrane 6d — Schedule — cont.
Enrolment of release by John Joce, knight, to William le Bustlere of
Hildresham and Margaret his wife of his right in a moiety of the maoor of
Great Lynton, and in a yearly rent of 201. for three years from the said
moiety, and in a yearly rent of 50/. from the said moiety. Witnesses :
John de Fnrueaus, John de Lymbery, knight[s] ; William le Harpur;
Thomas de la Haye ; Roger de Abyton ; Nicholas de Merseye ; Henry de
Byteringg' ; William de Kyrkeby ; John Sewale ; Richard Payn ; Thomas
de Hanechach ; Richard de Bassingburn ; Robert de Lynton ; R-'chard
Gerunde ; John de Kyrkeby. Dated at Great Lynton, on Monday the
feast of St. Dunstan, 13 Edward IL
Memorandum, that John came into chancery, on the said day, and
acknowledged the above deed.
May 23. Robert le Forester of Stebbenhith acknowledges that he owes to Stephen
Odiham. Craye, citizen of London, 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Middle.sex.
William de Furnays, citizen of London, John de Marisco of Edelmeton,
and Richard de Furneys of Berkyng' acknovvledge that they owe to Hamo
le Barber, citizen and ' blader' of London, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in the city of London.
May 30. Roger de Boselyngthorp, John le Toller, and Edmund Cheigny acknow-
Odiham. ledge that they owe to Roger de Sandhoton, ' barber' of London, 10 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Nor-
folk and Suffolk and in the city of London.
Cancelled on payment.
Elizabeth, late the wife of William de Monte Acuto, tenant in chief, puts
in her place William de Longeleye, clerk, to receive her dower in chancery.
June 3. Roger le Franceis of Braneis acknowledges that he owes to Master Elias
Westminster, de Sancto Albano 6 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Devon.
Hugh Gode, Reginald le Clerk of Holeburn, Richard de Messing', and
Ralph de Brackele acknowledge that they owe to Thomas de Sibethorp,
parson of the church of Shenle, 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of their lands and chattels in the city of London.
Cancelled on payment.
John le Hauker acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynne,
clerk, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Cambridge.
Henry de Huntingdon acknowledges that he owes to John de Ware,
fisher of London, 68*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Gloucester.
The said Henry acknowledges that he owes to William de Stratford,
baker of London, 4/. 16s. Od.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Gloucester.
Cancelled on payment.
The said Henry acknowledges that he owes to Alice atto Wa[r]derobe
25s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Gloucester.
Membrane 5d.
April 14. John de Heydon, clerk, puts in his place John de Evesham, clerk, and
Lamteth. Theobald Poleyn to sue in chancery the execution of a recognisance for 60/.
made to him by Ralph de Perham. ,
1320. Membrane bd — cont.
Master John Pomeray, clerk, puts in his place Master John de Blebury
to sue in chanocvy the execution of a recognisance for 150 marks made to
him by Tiiomas Barry of Bochampton.
John de Grenham acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Kelm, clerk,
100s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels iu
CO. Lincoln.
John le Dene, John Gysors, Eoger de Chelsham, Thomas atte
Chirchegate of Dorkyng', 'William atte Hale of Wodeton, and William le
Goldene of Neudegate acknowledge that they owe to the abbot of Certeseyo
30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in
CO. Surrey.
John de Cokefeud, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Eichard
Damory, knight, 60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Norfolk and Nottingham.
Cancelled on payment.
Richard de la Rivere puts in his place John de Crosseby to sue in
chancery Cor the execution of a recognisance for 200/. made to him by
Peter Eichard.
Master James du Boys, parson of Stanlak, diocese of Lincoln, acknow-
ledges that he owes to Thomas de Evesham, clerk, 40 marks ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Worcester.
Thomas atte Hecohe of Sutton acknowledges that he owes to Walter de
Fynchyngfeld and Petronilla his wife 4/. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent.
April 17. Eobert Achard, knight, and David Dun.'?elm, parson of the church of
Lambeth. Est Boklond, diocese of Exeter, acknowledge that they owe to John de
Vienne 285 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and
chattels in cos. Berks and Devon.
Cancelled on payment.
John Mat of LoUingeston acknowledges that he owes to Bartholomew de
Stanhou 71.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Kent.
John Fermbaud acknowledges that he owes to Alice, late the wife of
Walter de la Peoule, 12 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Buckingham.
Hughe atte Halle of Stanstede and Walter de Wadesmulne acknowledge
that they owe to Alan de WalyngEord 100«. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Hertford.
William de Welleden of London acknowledges that he owes to Henry de
Edenestowe, clerk, and Eobert his brother 5 marks ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London.
Edmund Lambyn, citizen of London, acknowledges that he owes to John
de Sancto Laurencio and Ralph his brother, 25/. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London.
April 20. John Saleman, fishmonger {piscenarius) and citizen of London, acknow-
Sbeen. ledges that he owes to Hugh le Despenser, the younger, 60/. ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of his lands and chattels iu the city of London.
— The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Hugh, parson of the church of Great Brumleye, diocese of London,
acknowledges that he owes to John de EUerker, the elder, 40 marks ; ta
be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in en, Essex.
April 22.
April 25.
1320. Membrane 6d — cont.
John son of John Mautravers puts in his place John de Evesham and
Theobald Poleyn to sue in chancery the execution of a recognisance for
loZ. made to him by William Faucomberge.
Edmund de Neirford puts in his place Edmund de Brisyngham, clerk, to
sue in chancery the execution of a recognisance for 20/. made to him by
Harsculph de Whitewell.
Peter de Novo Castro puts in his place John de Worstede and Henry de
Tudenham to sue in chancery the execution of a recognisance for 40*. made
to him by John de Thorplond.
Francis Bachennis of Genoa acknowledges that he owes to Leonard
Vento, merchant of Genoa, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Essex,
William de Halingio, parson of the church of Neweinton, acknowledges
that he owes to John de Sancto Lauroncio and Ralph his brother 25/.;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Surrey.
Walter North of Gobelcote acknowledges that he owes to Robert son of
Robert de Chetyngdone 40*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Hertford.
John Bygod, knight, .ncknowledges that he owes to Anthony Usas Maris,
merchant of Genoa, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Robert de Rocheford, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Anthony
Usus Maris 73/. Os, 4c/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Essex.
Cancelled on payment acknowledged by Anthony Citron, attorney, etc.,
in March, in the \4:th year of the king's reign.
April 24. Bartholomew de Hakeburn acknowledges that he owes to Master John
Westminster, de Blebyry, parson of the church of Neunam Curtenay, 40/. ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks.
Cancelled on payment,
Robert le Forester of Stebenheth acknowledges that he owes to John de
Ware, fishmonger (pissenar') of London, 110s. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Middlesex.
April 2C. William son of Roger de Cressy acknowledges that he owes to Ralph
■VVestminster. Basset of Drayton 201)/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in cos. Lincoln and Nottingham.
Cancelled on payment.
Thomas atte Rudynge of Watford acknowledges that he owes to John de
Pelhanti 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels
in CO. Hertford.
April 26. Robert de Kendale, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Ralph Basset
yiTestminster. pf Drayton 253/. 'is. 3d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in cos, Hertford, Kent, and Bedford.
Cancelled on payment.
Roger de Swynerton acknowledges that he owes to the said Ralph
253/. 3s. 3d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
iu CO. Stafford.
Richard de Percrs, knight, acknowledges that he owes to the said Ralph
253/. 3s. 3d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
.: }r\ cos, Leicester, Hertford, and Caipbridge.
J.320. Membrane 5d — cont.
Hugh de Audele, the younger, acknowledges that he owes to Robert de
Kenilale 600 marks ; to be levied, in def.iult of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Kent.
Hugh de Audele, the younger, acknowledges that he owes to Roger de
Swynevton 600 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Kent.
The said Hugh acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Perers
600 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels
in CO. Kent.
Robert de G-rendon, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Doffus Oddy,
merchant of Luca, 60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Stafford.
Richard de Sutton of Southampton acknowledges that he owes to Peter
le Mareschal 12 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Southampton.
April 27. John de Hastynges acknowledges that he owes to Hugh de Garton,
Westminster, citizen of London, 2001. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in cos. Northampton and Bedford.
Note of payment of 160Z.
William Copyn of Aughton acknowledges that he owes to Henry do
Spaldyngton, clerk, 60.?. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
John Wolvel of Andevre, John Porker of Andevre, John Pikard, and
Richard Crul acknowledge that they owe to Richard de Strattou 4!S/. : to
be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. South-
Guy de Sancto Albano acknowledges that he owes to Robert Achard,
knight, and David Anselin, parson of Estbokelond church, 100 marks ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands .and chattels in co. Cornwall.
Cancelled on payment.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to permit the men
of the counties of Cumberland and Northumberland to have respite until
All Saints next of all debts exacted from them by summons of the
exchequer, as the king lias respited tlie debts until then in consideration of
the damages sustained by them through the frequent comings into those
counties of the Scotch rebels. By K.
To the sherifEs of London. Order not to arrest any goods of the men of
the power of the count of Flanders until the feast of Holy Trinity next by
virtue of any order of the king's brought to them or to be brought to ihem
at the suit of any person of the king's power, and to refrain from aggrieving
them in the meanwhile. By K.
The like to the following :
The sheriff of Kent.
The sheriff of Lincoln.
Robert de Kendale, constable of Dover castle and warden of the Cinquo
The bailiffs of the abbot of Ranimeseie at St. Ives.
April 29. John, prior of Chikesand, acknowledges that he owes to Mannnt
Windbor. Francisci, merchant of Florence, and John and Mannus his brothers 120/. ;
to be levied; in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Bedford,'
Cancelled on payment.
April 25.
April 2C.
1320. Membrane bd — cont.
Richard de Ivethorn acknowledges that he owes to John Savekyn 10/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Somerset.
Brian de Herdeby acknowledges that he owes to John Daubeney, lord
of Breudebrogliton, 300 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
John Daubeney, lord of Brendebroghton, acknowledges that he owes to
Brian de Herdeby 170 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Vacated because otherwise below.
Richard de Draicote and Robert le Bek acknowledge that they owe to
William son of William, the elder, 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Stafford.
John Daubeney, lord of Brendebroghton, acknowledges that he owes to
Brian de Herdeby, lord of Thurleby, 170 marks; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Hugh de Audele, the younger, acknowledges that be owes to Manent
Francisci, merchant of Florence, and to John and Mannus his brothers
3C0Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
COS. Kent, Essex, Hertford, Bedford, and Gloucester.
Membrane 5d. — Schedule.
Memorandum, that whereas the king, on 20 May, in the 6th year of his
reign, willed by his charter and ordained that native and foreign merchants
buying wool and wool-fells within this realm for the purpose of taking
them to the lands of Brabant, Flanders, and Artoys, should carry them to a
certain staple in one of those lands to be ordained by the mayor and com-
munity of the mercljants of this realm, and to no other place in those lands,
and he grunted to the said mayor and merchants that the mayor and council
of the merchants might impose certain sums upon native and alien mer-
chants contravening this ordinance, and that snch money should be levied
of the offenders' goods by the king's ministers when informed thereof for
tlie use of the king, saving (o the mayor and merchants power to punish the
offenders if their goods should be found in the aforesaid staple outside this
realm ; and ihe king was afterwards given to understand at York, in the
13th year of his reign, that many native and alien merchants carried wool
and wool-fells out of the realm to other places than the staple in the afore-
said lands ; whereupon he assigned John de Cherleton, mayor of the
merchants of the staple, to enquire by the oath of jurors concerning tres-
passers against the aforesaid charter from the time when it was granted, and
to impose sums of money upon them and levy the same for the king's use,
according to the charter, and to certify the king thereof. Which appoint-
ment the said John began to execute in the city of London, and certain
merchants complained to the king's council concerning the execution of the
appointment ; by reason whereof he was ordered by the council to stay the
execution of the matter until the quinzaine of Easter then next following.
At which quinzaine Bonus Philippi, Dinus Forcetti, merchants of the
society of the Bardi of Florence, Manenttus Francisci, Bankinus Brunelisk,
and other alien merchants appeared before the king in the green chamber
in his palace at Westminster before his council, to wit W. archbishop of
Canterbury, J. bishop of Norwich, the chancellor, W. bishop of Exeter,
the treasurer, Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, Hugh le Despenser,
the elder, Hugh le Despenser, the younger, Bartholomen'.de Badelesmere,
steward of the household, the justices of both Benches, the barons of the
1320. Membrane 5rf — Schedule — cont.
exchequer, and many others of the king's council, and asserted that they
ought not to be restricted to the said staple, saying that they never con-
sented that the aforesaid charter should be obtained from the king, and iliat
they ought not to be restricted by it to go with their wool or wool-fells to
that staple against their will from the time when they have paid the customs
due for the wool and wool-fells, and that it is contained in Magna Carta
that all merchants may come into the realm, stay therein, and return thence
safely and securel}' with their goods upon paying the due and accustomed
customs ; and, on the other side, the aforesaid John de Oherleton, John de
Boreford, Harao Godchep, Thomas Cok, John Prior, Thomas Prentiz, John
de Causton, William de Hacford, John de Grantham, Richard de Hakene,
John Prior, the younger, Thomas Beauflour, William de Luton, William de
Bray, John Cosyn, Wymond Brother, William le Clerk, Henry Wymond,
Thomas de Enefeld, Robert le Callere, Walter Gorst, Elias la Callei e, John
de Bengho, John Simeon, Henry Darcy, Henry Nasard, Geoffrey la
Botyller, John Gernoun, Simon de Swanlond, Reyner Piggesflessh, John
de Assheford, and many other native merchants, said that there was a
staple for wool in the aforesaid lands in the times of Henry III. and
Edward I., but as there was no pain against confcraveners, the aforesaid charter
was obtained at the suit of native and alien merchants under the penalties
contained in the same, and that proclamations and inhibitions were made at
the time of the making of the charter and af terv/ards by the king's writs
forbidding native or alien merchants taking wool or wool-fells for sale to
any of the said lands except to the staple, under the penalties contained in
the charter, and they prayed that the pains and punishments therein con-
tained may be executed against native and alien merchants contravening
the tenor of the charter, especially as the charter was obtained by the
common consent of native and alien merchants, and the efiEect of the charter
and proclamations has not been since revoked or surpended, adding that by
means of this staple the king can constrain the men of the aforesaid lands
by whom his Scotch enemies are cherished and maintained from making
such aid to his enemies. And the charter and the grant to John de
Cherleton having been there read, it was considered by the king and his
council that execution thereof should be made so far as concerns the levying
of the penalties contained in the charter for the king's use. \^Parl. Writs.'\
Membrane id.
June 4. William le Salter, chaplain of Tamraeworth, and Geoffrey le Bere acknow-
Westminster. ledge (hat they owe to Master Henry de Cliff, clerk, 55 marks ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Stafford.
June 4. Nicholas de Huntercumbe acknowledges that he owes to Robert de
Westminster. Kendale, knight, 600/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Northumerland.
Robert de Kendale, knight, acknowledges that he owes to the said
Nicholas 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Hertford.
Jane 6. John de Brunnesleye of Braunston acknowledges that he owes to John
Westminster. Giffard, clerk, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Northampton and Leicester.
Ralph de Gorges and Walter Baril acknowledge that they owe to
Bicbard Damory, knight, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
their lands and chattels in cos. Somerset and Dorset.
1320. Me7nbrane 4d — cont.
Philip do Amyas of York, Nicholas de Karliolo of York, and Peter de
Bouthum of York acknowledge that they owe to John de EUerkev, the
elder, 60s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their land.? and chattels
in CO. York.
Cancelled on payment,
Walter de Eodston of Notyngham acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas
de Waynfiet of Lenne QOs. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Nottingham.
Robert le Spicer of Lewes acknowledges that he owes to John Ive of
Wynchelse 10^. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Sussex.
Richard de Perers, knight, and Henry Nasard, merchant of London,
acknowledge that they owe to Edmund, earl of Arundel, 500 marks ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Essex and Kent.
Henry de Nasard acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Perers,
knight, 600 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Kent.
Peter de Pulford, clerk, has letters from the king to the prior and con-
vent of St. Andrew's Northampton to receive the pension due from them to
one of the king's clerks by reason of the new creation of the prior.
By p.s.
William de la Rude acknowledges that he owes to William de Kingeston,
clerk, 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Somerset.
Hugh Gifiard, parson of the church of Barewe, diocese of Norwich,
acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Luton 20 marks ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk.
Thomas de Burgo, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de Crek,
knight, 4001. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in cos. York and Cambridge.
Cancelled on payment.
Enrolment of deed of Jolm de Crek, knight, witnessing that whereas
Sir Thomas de Burgo, knight, is bound to him in 400^. as above, the said
John grants that execution tliereof shall cease against Thomas and his
heirs until divorce be made between Thomas and Lucy his wife and for
half a year following, and that if either of them die before the divorce be
made, or if in any case the divorce be not made, the recognisance shall be
annulled. He also grants that if Thomas find the said Lucy security within
six months after the divorce for 201. of yearly rent to be received for the terra
of her life from his manors of Burgh and Swafham, co. Cambridge, or if
Thomas be prepared to do so and Lucy refuse to admit it, then Thomas
shall be acquitted of the above recognisance. Dated at London, 8 June,
13 Kdward II.
Memorandum, that John came into chancery, on the said day, and ac-
knowledged the above deed.
June 6. John Bigod, knight, lord of Seterington, acknowledges that he owes to
Tottenham. Antliony de Usu Maris 221. 10s. Od. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on jtayment.
John de Bovyngton of Hegham Perers acknowledges that he owes to
William le Ganger of London and John de Heghham, clerk, 100*. ; to he
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Northampton
ftnd Bedford,
June 5.
June 6.
May 25.
June 6.
June 7.
June 9.
June 7.
Membrane id — cont.
Tbomas Coleman acknowledges that he owes to the prior of St. Mary's
church, Suthwerk, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Surrey.
John de Hastinges, Robert de Heyle, and John do Sweltenham, parson
of the church of Shakercston, diocese of Lincoln, acknowledge that they
owe to Manent Francisci, Achiritus Maneiti, and John Marsepeny, mer-
chants of Florence, 400(. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands
and chattels in cos. Northampton, Leicester, and Bedford.
John de Cerne acknowledges that he owes to Margaret de Leenham
2,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Margaret de Leenham acknowledges that she owes to the aforesaid John
200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in co.
Robert de Luggore, parson of the church of Southham, puts in his place
John de Monyton and John Chauntecler against Walter, bishop of
Coventry and Lichfield, in a plea of scire facias for that the bishop
should shew cause why a writ to take the said Robert as excommunicate
should [not] be superseded.
To the sheriff of Leicester. Order to cause proclamation to be made in
Leicester and elsewhere in his bailiwick prohibiting any earl, baron, knight,
or other man-at-arms tourneying at Leicester or elsewhere without special
licence from the king, and to arrest any one presuming to do so by their
bodies, horses, and harness, certifying the king of the names of any persons
so arrested, as the king understands that certain persons are about to come
to Leicester to tourney there on Monday next or soon afterwards, notwith-
standing his frequent prohibitions of tournaments. By K.
Memorandum that the king, on 4 June, in the green chamber in his
palace at Westminster, in the presence of W. archbishop of Canterbury,
J. bishop of Norwich, the chancellor, W. bishop of Exeter, the treasurer,
S. bishop of London, and Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, Humphrey
de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex, Hugh le Despenser, the younger,
and many barons of the exchequer and justices of both Benches, caused
two small seals to be brought beiore him, one of the time of bis father
that was tised in England when the king was in Flanders, and another that
was used in England when the present king was in France, and he caused
the said small seal of his father's time to be broken and he delivered pieces
of silver thereof to .T. bishop of Norwich, the chancellor, as his fee, and he
left the other small seal of his own time in a bag under the chancellor's
seal, and the king, who was about to pass the sea to do homage to the king
of France for the duchy of Aquitaine and his other lands held of him in
parts beyond sea, then ordained that his great seal should remain closed up
in a secure place whilst he was in parts beyond sea, and that the little seal
should meantime serve for the government of the realm. On the morrow,
to wit Thursday before St. Barnabas the Apostle, the king commenced bis
journey towards the sea. On Monday following, to wit 9 June, the
chancellor, who was going with the king to parts beyond sea, came to the
inn of W. bishop of Exeter, treasurer of England, and there sealed writs
with the great sesl, and afterwards placed the said seal in a bag, and sealed
the bag with his seal to be carried forthwith to the king, and there im-
mediately afterwards the chancellor, in the presence of the treasurer and
Sir Walter de Norwico, chief baron of the exchequer, William de Bereford,
chief justice of the common Bench, and Master Robert de Baldok, keeper
of the privy seal, delivered on the king's behalf the aforesaid small seal
1320. Membrane id — cont.
enclosed in a bag under his seal to William de Ajremynne, keeper of the
rolls of chancery, and Robert de Bai'delby and William de CI if, clerks of
the chancery, to be kept for the government of the realm, and he said that
it should remain in William de Ayremynne's keeping under the seals of the
said Robert and William de Clyf, and William de Ayremynne received the
seal from the hands of the chancellor, and it was there agreed that, so long
as the king was in the realm, writs to be sealed under the said seal should
be made under the witness of the king and, in his absence, under the wit-
ness of Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the realm. On
the same day, at Westminster, before dinner, the said William, Robert, and
William oi)ened the said seal, and sealed writs therewith, and after the
sealing Robert and William de Clif put their seals upon the said seal re-
maining in the custody of William de Ayremynne. Afterwards the king
wrote to the said keepers under his privy seal that he went to sea on
19 June, and ordered them to cause writs thereafter to be made under the
witness of the said keeper [of the realm] until he should return from parts
beyond sea. \_Foedera; Pari. Writs.']
June 12. William son of William de Bumstede acknowledges that he owes to
Thunderley. Thomas Beauflour, citizen of London, 40 marks; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
Walter de Cantilupo, parson of the chuich of Snytenfeld, diocese of
Worcester, and Tliomas Betoun, parson of the church of Avene Derset, in
the same diocese, acknowledge that they owe to Henry de Wenlond AOs. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels and ecclesias-
tical goods in CO. Warwick.
The said Walter and Thomas acknowledge that they owe to Thomas de
Dene of Worcester, ' corviser,' 17/. 6s. 8d. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of their lands and chattels in co. Warwick.
June 15. Thomas de Flore, parson of the church of Kiselyngbuiy, diocese of
Canterbury. Lincoln, acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas de Segrave 40 marks ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northamp-
June 5. To the sheriffs of London. Order not to arrest any goods of the men of
Westminster, the power of the count of Flanders at the suit of any one of the king's power
by virtue of any order of his until the feast of St. Mary Magdalene next.
By K. and C.
The like to the following :
Robert de Kendale, constable of Dover castle and warden of the Cinque
The sheriff of Lincoln.
The sheriff of Kent.
June 10.
Membrane 3d.
Enrolment of grant by John, bishop of Bath and Wells, to the king of
his manor of Yashamstede, co. Berks. Witnesses : W. archbishop of
Canterbury ; J. bishop of Norwich, the chancellor ; W. bishop of Exeter,
the treasurer; S. bishop of London; Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke ;
Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex ; Hugh le Despenser, the
younger. Dated at London, 5 June, 13 Edward II.
Memorandum, that the bishop came into chancery, on the said day, and
acknowledged the above deed.
Geoffrey de Stokes, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de
Weston-sub-Egge, knight, 561. I3s. 4d. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Oxford,
13 EDWARD II. 239
1320. Membrane 3d — cont.
Enrolment of letter of the said Geoffrey acknowledging receipt from Sir
John do Weston-sub-Egge, knight, of all arrears of a yearly rent of 20/.
acknowledged in the late king's chancery by the said John for the term of
Geoffrey's life. Dated at Westminster, 10 June, 13 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Geoffrey came into chancery, on the said day, and
acknowledged the above.
June 7. To E. bishop of Salisbury. Order to supersede until the king's return
Havering-atte- from parts beyond sea the execution of the king's order to annul a com-
Bower. position or ordinance upon the division of the goods and chattels and lands
of the abbot and convent of Abyndon lately made without the assent of the
king's progenitors. By p.s. [6294.]
John son of Roger de Westratford acknowledges that he owes to Roger
de Tyryngham HI. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Buckingham.
Ralph de Chaddesden, parson of the church of Charewelton, acknowledges
that he owes to Laurence de Bascote 10/. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton and Leicester.
Jordnn de Caumvill, parson of Clyfton church, diocese of Coventry and
Lichfield, acknowledges that he owes to John de Vienna 10 marks: to he
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Stafford.
Alexander de Olveswyk acknowledges that he owes to John Blaket,
knight, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Buckingham.
William de Xaburgh, tenant of the lands of John de Acre, puts in his
place Ri(!hard de Oxwyk and Richard de Swafiiam against Eleanor, late
the wile of Henry de Segrave and Theobald de Goldyngton, executors of
Heni-y's will, in the matter of a recognisance in chancery for 500/. made
to Henry by the said John.
Gerard Eouth puts in his place Michael de Wath and Roger de Suthcote
to sue in chancery the matter of an arrest against the men and merchants of
the power of the count of Flanders concerning the robbery of his goods at
Mergate in Flanders {sic).
John de Dusford acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Kyngesbury
9/. 13*. 'id.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Worcester.
June 11. Walter Grapenel, parson of the church of All Saints, Berkingechurch,
Thunderley. diocese of London, William de Clyve, parson of the church of Angreham,
diocese of Durham, and Gilbert de Langele, citizen of London, acknowledge
that they owe to William de Torring', skinner {pellipario) of London, 20
marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in
the city of London.
Cancelled on payment.
Ranulph de Dacre acknowledges that he owes to John de Lancastre
200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos.
Cumberland and Westmoreland.
Geoffrey son of Ralph West of Gretford acknowledges that he owqs to
Henry son of John de Caperygg' 30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Cancelled on payment.
June 14.
Membrane 3d — cont.
Henry son of John de Caperygg' acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey
son of Ralph West of Gretford 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Cancelled on payment.
William Wayne and William de Porret acknowledge that they owe to
John de Besevill, citizen of London, 201. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of their lands and chattels in co. Somerset.
Cancelled on payment.
William Herlisun acknowledges that he owes to Master Francis de Luca
30 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Kent.
Cancelled on payment, acJtnowledged hy Thomas de LuK , executor of
the will of the said Francis.
Richard de Hasseneye of Creyk acknowledges that he owes to John
Nenwenian of Norton 39 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Norfolk.
Walter le Foundour acknowledges that he owes to William Clement of
Nastoke 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in the city of London.
Giles Sabright of Great Badwe acknowledges tliat he owes to John de
Chelmersford, clerk, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Essex.
To Henry le Sorop. Order to .send to the exchequer without delay all
the estreats of the rolls of him and his fellows appointed to take assises,
juries, and certificates, or to hear and determine other matters whatsoever,
or to deliver gaols that he has not yet delivered at the exchequer, so that
they be at the exchequer by the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula, to be delivered
info the treasury. By K.
[Pari. Writs.']
The like to one hundred and fifty others, \_lbid.']
June 5. To the executors of the will of Roger le Brabazon. Order to send to
Westminster, the exchequer by the above date all the rolls of the said Roger of the time
when he was a justice of the king and his father and the rolls of his fellows
appoinled with him to take assizes, juries, .and certificates or to hear and
determine other matters or tn deliver gaols, that have not yet been
delivered to the exchequer. [Ibid.']
The like to the executors of the following :
John de Insula.
William de Monte Acuto.
Roger Sauvage.
Richard do Walsyngham.
John de Batesford.
John de Westcote.
Robert fuiz Payn.
Simon de Monte Acute.
Ralph de Hengham.
William de Goldington.
Robert de Ufford. [Ibid.]
June 6. To Hugh le Despenser, the elder, late justice of the Forest this side
Weetminster. Trent. Order to Bend to the exechequer all rolls touching his oflSce that
have not yet been delivered at the exchequer. [Ibid.]
June 19.
June 5.
1320. Membrane Zd — cont.
To the executors of the will of William de Vescy, Inte justice of the
Forest beyond Trent. Order to send to the exchequer by Michaelmas all
the rolls touching the above office for all the time of William's office that
have not yet been delivered to the exchequer. \^Ibid.']
Membrane 2d.
Juue 19. Edmund de Brompton, lord of Esylynghame, acknowledges that he owes
Dover. to Hugh Pycard of London \6l. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Kent.
William de Burton, vicar of Kensington church, diocese of London,
acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Brom, clerk, 50s. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Middlesex.
Cancelled on payment.
Bartholomew de Burgherssh who [married] Elizabeth, daughter and
co-heiress of Theobald de Verdon, tenant in chief, puts in his place Thomas
de Evesham and Eobert Marchumleye to sue for her purparty of her
father's lands, etc.
June 25.
Thomas, abbot of Bruerne (Bruera), acknowledges, for himself and
convent, that he owes to Maucut Francisci and John Marsopyni, merchants
of Florence, 400/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and
chattels in co. Oxford. Witness : Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke.
Cancelled on payment.
John le Rous, knight, William de Prestebury, parson of Mynchenhamp-
fon, in the diocese of Worcester, and John de Elkeston acknowledge that
they owe to Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, 80Z. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Gloucester and
Thomas Brand of Lincoln acknowledges that he owes to Robert de
Scorburgh of Beverley 20/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds
and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Richard de la Rivere and John de Nebbeleye acknowledge that they
owe to Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, 10/. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Gloucester.
Thomas de Radebergh and Richard de Blakeneye acknowledge that they
owe to Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, 10/. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Gloucester.
Cancelled on payment.
Walter Wyth of Erlyngham acknowledges that he owes to Aymer de
Valencia, earl of Pembroke, 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Gloucester.
Thomas de Rodebergh, Nigel de Kyngescote, and Walter Wyth of
Erlyngham acknowledge that they owe to Aymer de Valencia, earl of
Pembroke, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and
chattels in co. Gloucester.
Cancelled on payment.
Ralph Bigot acknowledges that he owes to Henry Burell 50/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and
Note of payment of 201.
1320. Membrane Id — cont.
June 27. Thomas de Wercho and Gilbert VYalet acknowledge that they owe to
Westminster. Master Edmund de London, canon of the king's free chapel in the castle of
Hastynges, 13/. 4«. Of/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands
and chattels in co. Sussex. Witness : Aynier de Valencia, earl of Pembroke.
Cancelled oil payment.
William de Briggate of Dilham acknowledges that he owes to Robert de
Bardelby, clerk, 38 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
nnd chattels in co. Norfolk.
Cancelled on payment.
William Oopyn of Aughton acknowledges that he owes to Roger de
Eyvill 60s. ; to be levied, iu default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
Henry de Hemmyngburgh, parson of Sandhurst church, acknowledges
that he owes to Robert de Bardelby, clerk, 60 marks ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent.
The abbot of Waverle acknowledges, for himself and his convent, that
he owes to Francis Janimor and Bonseignur Jacop, merchants of the
society of the Peruzzi (Peruchiorum), 201.; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of their lands and chattels in co. Surrey.
July 2. Adam son of Robert de Everyngham acknowledges that he owes to
Westminster. Sibyl, his daughter, 400 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in cos. Lincoln, York, and Nottingham. Witness : Aymer
de Valencia, earl of Pembroke.
Adam de Masshebury, citizen and mercer of London, acknowledges that
he owes to Alexander le Goldbeter of London 40/. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London.
Cancelled on payment.
June 18.
To the justices to take assizes, jurie.s, and certificates in co. York. Order
to cause proclamation to be made at each of their sessions prohibiting any
one from presuming to come armed before them, or from inflicting damage
or hindrance upon the parties, jurors, or others there or coming to the
place of their sessions or returning thence, under pain of forfeiting all that
they may forfeit, and to punish any persons doing so, as the king is given
to understand that many persons come armed before his justices, and so
threaten the king's ministers, the parties suing, jurors, and others, both in
the presence of the justices and on their way to the sessions, that the
parties, juries, and others desist from the prosecution of their affairs, and the
justices desist from the execution of their oiSce. The king has ordered the
sheriff of that county to be intendent to them in executing the premises,
and to cause like proclamation to be made in such places as he shall think fit,
and to attach by their bodies all persons whom he shall find out of the
presence of the justices contravening the proclamation, so that he have them
before the king in fifteen days from Michaelmas to be punished according
to law and custom. 'I'ho king wills that they shall enquire at the beginning
of their sessions of the sheriff if he have executed the premises, and that
they shall give their council to the sheriff if he need it. By K. and C.
The like to the justices in all the counties of England. [/&£</.]
To the sheriff of York. Order to be intendent to the aforesaid justices
in the premises, and to cause the above proclamation and inhibition to be
made in such places in his bailiwick as he shall think fit, and to attach any
found out of the justices' presence contravening the same, so that he have
1320. Membrane 2d — cont.
tlieir bodies before the king in fifteen days from Micliaelmas to answer
concerning their offences, certifying the king of the names of those thus
attached and of the cause of their arrest. The king has ordered the jus-
tices to hold pleas before him to proceed against those thus attached and to
punish them according to the law and custom of the realm. By K. and C.
The like to all the sheriffs of England.
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made for-
bidding any earl, baron, knight, or other from tourneying, etc., or making
assemblies in breach of the peace at present, whilst the king is absent from
the realm, and to attach by their bodies any persons doing so, so that he
liave them before the king in fifteen days from Michaelmas to answer to
the king, certifying the king of those thus attached and the circumstances
of such attachment. The king has ordered his justices to hold pleas
before him to proceed against and punish the persons so attached according^
to the sheriff's certificate. By K. and C.
The like to all the sheriffs of England, lliid.]
To Henry le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the
king. Order to proceed against those who shall be named in such certifi-
cates of the sheriffs, considering the quality and quantity of their offences,
and to punish them according to law. If it happen that any one be so
much charged with contempts, disobediences, or excesses that they cannot
proceed to judgment against him without consulting the king, they are to-
certify the king thereof under Henry's seal without delay, so that the king-
may order his will to be done.
The like to the said Henry and his fellows of [any] deed touching the-
session of justices to take assizes.
Jnly 3.
June 18.
Membrane Id.
Stephen de Upton acknowledges that he owes to Godfrey de Essex, 10/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Esses.
Cancelled on payment.
Godfrey de Essex, executor of the will ' of Adam le Taillur, puts in his
place Stephen de Upton or Geoffrey de Forda to sue the execution of a
debt against the tenants of the lands that belonged to Gilbert de Theydene.
Afterwards the executor came into clmncery in the chapel of the
Cohversi, London, on 23 August, in the i4tk year, and amoved the
aforesaid Stephen and Geoffrey and put in his place John de Brugge-
loautier, clerk, for the above purpose.
William Bardolf, the younger, acknowledges that he owes to Robert de
Bradefeld, the younger, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Suffolk.
John de Lyston puts in his place Thomas de Eveshum and Thomas de
Brayton to sue against Thomas Clencli, parson of the church of Bridebrok
on a recognisance for a debt made in chancery.
To the collectors of the custom of wool and wool-fells in the port of
London. Order to take oath upon the gospels from every merchant
wishing to take wool or wool-fells out of that port to parts beyond sea that
he will avow the wool and wool-fells under the name of the owner thereof
and not of another person, and to receive security from the owner of the
1320. Membrane \d — cont.
wool and wool-fells to answer to the king for what pertains to him of the
wool and wool-fells if they be sent to Flanders, Brabant, or Artoys against
the form of the charter of the staple granted to the merchants of this realm
by the king on 20 May, in the 6tii year of the king's reign, or his proclama-
tion or inhibition of merchants, native or foreign, taking wool or wool-
fells elsewhere in those lands than to the staple ordained by the mayor and
council of the merchants of this realm, and then to permit the wool and
fells to be taken out of that port upon payment of the due custom, as the
king, aftei' appointing certain of his subjects to enquire in divers parts of
the realm concerning the export of wool and wool-fells to the above lands
to other places than the staple, understands that almost all the merchants,
alien and native, exercising such merchandise in this realm are guilty of
the premises, and that many of them who are indicted thereof and others
who fear to be indicted thereof cause their wool and wool-fells to be
carried out of the realm under the names of others who are not guilty of
the premises, certain of the aliens probably intending not to return to this
realm, thus avoiding the forfeitures and amends due to the king for their
offences. By K. and G. and afterwards by p.s.
The like to the collectors, of the customs in the following ports :
Southampton. Lenne.
Weymouth. Ipswich.
Boston. Kyngeston-on-Hull.
Great Yarmouth. Newcastle-on-Tyne.
To the sheriffs of London. Order to arrest all wool, goods, and mer-
chandise of all alien merchants, Germans and others, and to keep the same
safely until they receive security to answer to the king for what pertains to
him for wool and wool- fells taken or sent by the said merchants to any of
the aforesaid lands contrary to the said charter, proclamation, and inhibi-
tion, if they be convicted of such offences, certifying the king of the names
of the o« ners of the goods thus arrested and of their whole proceedings in
the matter, as the king is given to understand that many alien merchants,
and especially German merchants, are guilty of tlie aforesaid offences, and
that they propose leaving the realm with their wool and other goods, pro-
bably not intending to return. 'By K. and C. and afterwards by p.s.
The like to the sheriffs of the following counties :
Southampton. Hereford.
Surrey and Sussex. Bedford and Bucks.
Somerset and Dorset. Cambridge and Huntingdon.
Warwick and Leicester. Essex and Hertford.
Gloucester. Norfolk and Suffolk.
Northampton. York. ~
Oxford and Berks. Northumberland.
July 6. Stephen do Upton acknowledges that he owes to William do Clif
Westminster. 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Middlesex. Witness : Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke.
Cancelled on payment.
Warin de Insula acknowledges that he owes to William de Ridele
8 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Oxford.
( 245 )
14 EDWAED 11.
July 10.
July 8.
July 9.
Membrane 26.
To Henry le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the king.
Order to deliver Eobert son of Roger de Northhalle, of the county of York,
in the marshalsoa prison for the death of William le Wayte, in bail to twelve
mainpernors who shall undertake to have him before the king if any one
shall speak against him concerning the above death, as it appears by their
record, which the king has caused to come before him in chancery, that he
slew the said William by mischance and not feloniously or of malice afore-
thought (excogitata). Witness : Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke.
To the sheriff of Leicester. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of Ralph Beler, who is incapacitated by age and infir-
mity. Witness : Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembi'oke.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with a yearly rent of 9 marks that the prior of the hospital
of St. John of Jerusalem in England was wont to render to Roger son of
William de Staunton, as mesne tenant (w!erf;'o)between the prior and Oliver de
Ingham, for the freehold held by the prior of Roger in Anesty near
Swalweclyve, which rent the escheator has taken into the king's hands on
the ground that the prior acquired it contrary to the statute of mortmain, the
prior having shewn the king that whereas he lately impleaded the said Roger
before the justices of the Bench for this, that Roger should acquit him of
the service that the aforesaid Oliver exacted from him for the aforesaid
tenement, it was considered that Roger should, on account of his non-
appearance, lose the service of the prior, and that the prior should answer to
Oliver for the abovesaid service, omitting Roger, as appears by the record
and process of the plea, which the king has caused to come before him.
Witness : Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke.
July 11. William Henry of Blecheroore, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of
AVestmiuster. John son of Richard de Chisewell, has letters to the sherifE of Devon to bail
him until the first assize.
To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side
Trent. Order to deliver Robert de Nodariis, parson of Knoston church,,
imprisoned at Okham for trespass of vert in the forest of Roteland, in bail
to twelve mainpernors who shall undertake to have him before the justices-
for Forest pleas when they next come to those parts.
July 20. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to-
Stratford, the executors of the will of John de Knokyn, king's yeoman, all the goods
and chattels of the said John taken into the king's hands by the escheator,
for the execution of John's will. Witness : the aforesaid earl. By p.s.
The like to the following :
The treasurer and barons of the exchequer.
Humphrey de Waleden.
The mayor and sheriffs of London.
The abbot of Redyngg'.
Roger Carles.
John Huse, the younger.
Ralph de Restwokl.
1320. Membrane 2Q—cont.
William de Couleye.
Roger le Savage, ' armerer.'
Eobartde Insula Vecta, ' taylur.'
John le Straunge, knight.
William de Chetewynde.
Philip des Arraures.
Philip, parson of Hodtne', ch arch.
John Hauberier.
July 20. To the coUeotors of the custom of wool and wool-fells in the port of
Stratford-atte- Southampton. Order to release the wool and wool-fells of the merchants of
^ow. j-jjg gociety of the Bardi of Florence, arrested by them by virtue of the king's
order to take oath from merchants exporting wool or wool-fells from that
port that they are their own wool and wool-fells and to receive from them
security for what pertains to the king in case the wool and wool-fells be
taken to Flanders, Brabant, and Artoys contrary to the form of the charter
of the staple, as the merchants of the said society have submitted themselves
to the king's grace concerning their indictment for the premises and for other
things if they be further indicted, and to permit them to export their wool
and wool-fells, receiving the custom thereof and oath from tlie exporters
that they will avow the wool and wool-fells under the name of the owner
and not of any one else. Witness : Aymer de "Valencia, earl of Pembroke.
By C.
The like to the collectors in the following ports :
Southampton. Kyngeston-on-HulI.
.July 20. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit
Stratford. Laurence do Eustiton of 50 marks yearly from 13 December, in the
lOth year of the king's reign, for the custody of the towns of Petresfeld,
Mapelderhani, Upclatford, and Hardebrugge, which belonged to Gilbert de
Clare, late earl of Gloucester and Hertford, which the king committed to
him at will on 28 November, in the 9th year of his reign, rendering
therefor the above sum yearly, the town of Petresfeld being extended to the
yearly value of 8/. l.s. 6^d., the town of Mapelderham to 14/. Zs. I^d., the
town of Upclatford to 11. 13s. 7c?., and the town of Hardebrugge to 28.S. 8rf.,
the king having afterwards, on 13 December aforesaid, committed to Richard
de Bodeney, Benedict de Cokefeld, and William de Aylmere the custody of
all the earl's lands in England until the octaves of Holy Trinity then next
following. Witness : The aforesaid earl.
To Gilbert de Stapelton, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with the lands of Mary de Nevill, and to restore the issues
thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that she held for
life the manors of Middelhran, Thoraldeby, Welle, Snape, Carleton,
Fagherwald, Nosterfeld, Burton, and Crakale, and a messuage and a
carucate of land in Aykescard and the advowson of the church of that town,
of the inheritance of Ralph de Nevill, by grant from Robert de Nevill, made
by a fine levied in the king's court under the following form : that, after her
death, the manor of Snape should remain to Robert, and the manors of
MiddelhaiD, Thoraldeby, Carleton, Nosterfeld, Burton, and Crakale, and the
messuage, land and advowson aforesaid should remain to Ranulph de Nevill
for life, with reversion to the said Robert, and that the manor of Fag[h]erwald
should remain to Master Ralph de Nevill for life, with reversion to Robert,
and that the manor of Welie should remain to Master Robert do Neville for
life, with remainder to the aforesaid Ranulph for life, v/ith reversion to
Robert ; wliich manors, etc., are held of others than the king.
Here the king returned from parts beyond sea.
1320. Membrane 26 — conl.
July 22. To RiclianI de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
Dover. Richard le Whayte, who married Alice, daughter and heiress of William de
Nevill, whicli Alice is now deceased, Alice's purparty of the lands that her
father held of the king in chief, which purparty Richard ought to hold hy
the courtesy of England, and which was taken into the king's hands upon
Alice's death, and which the king ordered at another time to be kept in
his hands, as the king has taken Richard's fealty for her purparty of the lands.
To tlie same. Order to amove the king's hand from a messuage in
Creckeiade and to permit the abbot of Cirencester to hold it, as the abbot
lately recovered seisin thereof against Richard Costard and Alice his wife
and others named in the original writ before John de Foxle and his fellows,
justices appointed to take assizes in co. Wilts, at Salisbury, by recog-
nition of an assize of novel disseisin taken between them, the abbot having
complained to the king that the escheator has taken the messuage into
the king's hands under the pretext that the abbot has acquired the mes-
suage contrary to the statute of mortmain.
July 23. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of
Canterbury. Geoffrey de Carleton, and to restore the issues thereof, as it appears by in-
quisition that he held nothing in chief of the king by reason whereof the
custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king.
Membrane 25.
July 27. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause
Thunderley. William Basset, son and heir of William Basset, tenant in chief, to have
seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age before the escheator and
the king has taken his homage. By p.s. [5341.]
July 20. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay to Bernard the Car-
Hadleigh. penter of military engines {Carpentaria Bridarum) 76s. 9d. sterling, due tn
him from the late king for the wages of himself and company when in the
late king's service in the time of the war in the duchy [of Aquitaine] by an
account made with him by the king's clerk Thomas de Cantebr[igge], as
appears by the letters of Henry de Lacy, sometime earl of Lincoln, holding the
late king's place in the duchy, which letters Bernard delivered into the late
king's treasury by the hands of John de Sandale, then clerk, the late king
having ordered the constable of Bordeaux by his letters patent to pay tlio
above sum to Bernard out of the issues of the duchy, but notiiing has been
done hitherto in execution thereof, and Bernard has restored tlie late king's
letters to chancery to be cancelled. By C.
July 27. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to itter-
Thunderley. meddle further with the lands that John atte Welde and William and
Nicholas his sons acquired in fee from John son of William atte Wode in
Estpechara, co. Kent, and with the lands of the said John son of WilHam in
the same town and in Hanlo, which he holds for life by demise from the said
Jolin atte Welde, the escheator having certified the king that he found by in-
quisition that the said John son of William is a madman (fatuiis) continu-
ously, and has been so from his birth, so that he is insufficient for the rule
of his lands, and that whilst in such madness he alienated a messuage,
53 acres of land, 5 acres of meadow, and 5 acres of pasture in Estpecbam,
which descended to him after the death of William his father, in fee to the
aforesaid John atte Weld and William and Nicholas and Jolm his sons,
and that the said lands are held of the prior of Chi-ist Church,
Canterbury, by the service of 21«. yearly, and that he had taken the lands
into the king's hands in the name of distraint without carrying anything
1320. Membrane 25 — cont.
away thence, because he could not examine John concerning his state
because his body remained hidden in the custody of the said John atte
Welde, William, Nicholas, and John his sons ; as it now appears by the
examination of the said John son of William in chancery that he is not a
madman nor an idiot.
July 28. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of Eichard
Thunderley. de Cerziaus, tenant by knight service of Joceus de Dynham, tenant in chief
of the late king, which Joceus was lately a minor in the king's wardship,
and to restore the issues thereof, as Eichard de Cerziaus, kinsmau and heir
of the aforesaid Eichard, has proved his age before the escheator, and the
king has lately taken the homage of the said heir of Joceus and restored his
inheritance to him.
July 23. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to deliver to William de
Canterbiiry. Hakeford and Herypy de Bury, citizens of London, a horse, price \00s., eight
barrels of herrings in grease [uncti allecis), price 6.J. a barrel, two barjels
of ' lykemosc,' price 2Qd. a barrel, 60 quarters of fine {minuti) salt, price
I2d. a quarter, arrested from Conrad atte Brok of Grippeswold, and 12 pieces
of wax, weighing 1,700 lbs. and a quarter, price 1555., six thousands and
three quarters of grey work {grisi opeiis), price I U. a thousand, arrested
from Lutekyn de Longe of Dortemounde, and 23 barrels of steel {asceri),
price 60s. a barrel, arrested from Wolfard le Wyse of Dortemounde, and
21 barrels of steel, price 60.s. a barrel, arrested from Wyger de Isplyngrode
of Dortemounde, and IG barrels of steel, price 60s. a barrel, arrested from
Christian Sunthous of Dortemounde ; and 7 barrels of steel for ploughs,
price 50x. a barrel, arres(ed from Siward de Crane of Cologne, which were
arrested by the sheriffs at the suit of William de Wydeslade, and which the
king ordered them to deliver to the said William, ps William has acknow-
ledged in chancery that he owes 330/. to the said William de Hakeford and
Hervey, and has granted that the aforesaid goods shall be delivered to them
in satisfaction of that sum. The goods are to be delivered by appraisement
thereof made, or by another appraisement to be made in the presence of the
aforesaid merchants of Almain, if they choose to attend, unless they have
been again appraised by virtue of another writ.
To Eichard de Eodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with 6 acres of land in Bedington, and to restore the
issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition tliat John Harvest of Andevre,
sometime parson of the church of Bedington, found his church seised of the
said land, and tliat it had been annexed to the church from time out of
mind, and that he demised it at will to William le Eede Jop for a certain
rent, and that other-yiarsons of the church successively demised the land to
other tenants at will, and that William de Kerleton, sometime parson of the
said church, resumed the land from William de Tangclegh, the tenant at
will, and that Thomas de Kynyngham and William de Hailing', suc-
cessively parsons of the same church, found the church seised of the said
land, and that they so held it annexed to their church, and that Master
Richard de Clare, late escheator beyond Trent, took the land into the king's
hands on account of the above resumption.
July 28. To the bailiffs of Great Yarmouth. Order not to permit Walter le Keu
Thunderley. of Lincoln and others, whom the king appointed by his letters patent to take
certain sums of money liom all the ships of Holland and Zeeland {Seland)
coming to that port up to a certain tiine, to take anything this side Martin-
mas from fishing ships of those parts by virtue of their appointment, as the
king wills that nothing shall be taken from fishing ships during this fishing
season. By C.
July 26.
Sept. 8.
Sept. 18.
July 31.
July 28.
July 27.
Membrane 25 — cont.
The like to the bailiffs of William de Eos and Petronilla de Neiiford at
the port of Blakeneye.
The like to the bailiffs of the Tolbooth of Lenne.
The like to the bailiffs of Dunwich.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas the king lately
confirmed certain ordinances made by the prelates and proceres of the
realm, which provided that all grants made by the king after 16 March, in
the third year of his reign, to his damage should be revoked, and the king
afterwards granted to Stephen de Abyndon, the king's butler, the king's
right prise of all wines, to wit from every ship laden with wine coming
to the realm a tun of wine before the mast and one tun aft the mast, paying
to the merchants from whom he should receive the wine 20*. for each piece
(pecia), and 20s. lo the king's wardrobe for each piece; which grant was
made after the said 16 March and it is to the king's damage ; and the king,
wishing to put the ordinances into execution in this behalf, ordered Roger de
Northburgh, keeper of the wardrobe, to charge Stephen in his account of
the oflice of butler, to be rendered before him, with the wines of the afore-
said prise for all the time when Stephen was butler, notwithstanding the
aforesaid grant and the king's subsequent orders ; which account cannot,
for certain reasons, be finally terminated before Roger, for which reason the
king wills that Stephen shall render such account before the treasurer and
barons, notwithstanding the above account before Roger ; wherefore the
king orders them to cause Stephen to come before them at the exchequer
with the rolls and memoranda touching the said account, and to audit his
account with all speed, and to charge him rigidly with what pertains to his
office of the wines received for the king's use, both of the prise and from
elsewhere, for the whole time when he was butler at the true value of every
tun, notwithstanding the aforesaid grant or the king's orders or letters that
shall be shewn before them by Stephen, and to certify the king of the
account when it huve been audited, so that the king may cause to be done
for Stephen what shall seem good of his grace. By p.s. [5348.]
To Roger de Northburgh. Order to supersede the auditing of the above
account, and to send the rolls, memoranda, and all other things touching the
account to the treasurer and barons without delay.
To Henry de Shirokes, chamberlain of Kaernarvan. Order to pay to
Roger ' of the Fenne,' Hetcher {attilialor), John de Mere, carpenter, and
Stephen le Smyth, smith, staying in Beaumaris castle, the arrears of their
usual fees and wages for the time that he has been chamberlain, and to con-
tinue paying the same.
To Roger de Northburgli, keeper of the king's wardrobe. Order to allow
Stephen le Blound, receiver of the king's victuals at Xewcastle-on-Tyne,
for 166 quarters and 5 bushels of Spanish wheat, 42 bacon-pigs, 10 quintals
of iron, a quintal of steel {asceri), and 40 iron-bound {ferrati) barrels of
victuals, as the king learns by an inquisition taken by John le Bousser and
William de Gosefeld that they were loaded by Stephen in London by the
king's order in a ship of William le Getour called ' La Trinite' of Berewick,
whereof Walter de Donewico was master, in order to carry the same to
Berwick castle, then in the king's hands, for the munition thereof, as
appears by an indenture between Stephen and the master, and that they
were endangered {pcricUtata) and lost on the sand called ' Gunlletsond'
in the sea off the coast of Essex, which sand is five leagues distant from
1320. Membrane 25 — cont.
Aug. 4. To Eicliard de Eodeneye, eschealor this side Trent. Order to cause
Westminster, dower to be assigned to Elizabeth, late the wife of John de ISTorthgrave,
tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's
To the same. Order to cause John Lestraunge, son and heir of John
Lestraunge of Knokyn, tenant in chief, to have seisin of his father's lands,
as he has proved his age before the escheator and the king has taken his
homage. By p.s. [5357.]
.July 28. To the justices of the Bench. Order to permit a fine to be levied before
Thunderley. them between Walter de Stapeldon, bishop of Exeter, and Philip, prior of
Longevill Giffard in Normandy concerning the advowson of the church of
Westwhittenham, co. Berks, regarding which a plea of covenant pends before
them between the above parties, as the prior has appeared personally before
the king and acknowledged the advowson to be the right of the bishop, and
has rendered it to him before the king, for which recognisance, fine, and
concord the bishop has given the prior 100 marks, and the prior has attorned
in his place John de la Slo and John de Caneford in this matter and to take
the part of the chirograph, ^vhich John and John, or one of them, the
justices are ordered to receive in place of the prior. By p.s. [5348.]
Aug. 6. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
Westminster, meddle further with the lands of Ralph de Sancto Mauro, and to restore the
issues thereof, as it appears by an inquisition taken by Walter de Gloucestre,
late escheator this side Trent, that Ralph held nothing in chief at his death
by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king.
To Gilbert de Stapelton, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver to
the archbishop of Rouen his lands in his bailiwick, which were taken into
the king's hands by reason of the voidance of the archbishopric, as the king
has taken his fealty. By p.s.
The like to Richard de Rodeneye, eschealor this side Trent. '\_Ihid.']
Membrane 24.
July 28. To the collectors of the custom of wool and wool-fells in the port of
Thunderley. Southampton. Order to permit Turrini Baldese, merchant of Florence, to
take from that port to parts beyond sea 24 sacks of his own wool, upon
payment of the custom, notwithstanding the king's late order to cause
proclamation to be made that no native or foreign merchant should tnke
wool and wool-fells out of the realm to Flanders, Brabant, and Artoys else-
where than to the staple for the merchants of this realm, -which is now
appointed to be at St. Omer, and his subsequent order to take oath from
merchants wishing to take wool and wool-fells out of the realm that they
would avow the same under the name of the owner and not under the name
of any one else, and to take security from the owners to answer for what
pertained to the king in case they contravened the orders, as John de Triple,
citizen and merchant of London, has mainperned for the said Turrini to
answer to the king for his said wool if sent to any of the said lands contrary
to the proclamation.
Like letters in favour of James Gesi, merchant of Luca, for whom the
said John de Triple has mainperned, to the collectors of the custom in the
port of Boston for 60 sacks of wool.
Like letters in favour of Gerard de Keatre and Rusticus Philippi, mer-
chants of Luca, for whom Burnetus le Spicer and James Gesy, merchant:!
of London, have mainperned, to the collectors of the custom in Boston for
25 sacks.
'Aug. 19.
[ Windsor.
Aug. 22.
1320. ■ Membrane 24 — cont.
Aug. 6. Like letters in favour of Anthony Usus Maris, merchant of Genoa, for
Westminster, -whom Anthony Citrons and Blasius de Sene, merchants of London, have
mainperned, to the collectors in the port of Boston for 1 36 sacks. — The writ
was afterwards revolted, because the mainprise ivas insufficient, and he
afterwards had another writ by another mainprise, as appears below.
Like letters in favour of Anthony de Andrea, merchant of Genoa, for
whom Leonard Ventus and John de Pice Aquile, merchants of London,
mainperned, to the collectors in the port of Boston for 21 sacks.
Like letters in favour of Anthony Usus Maris, merchant of Genoa, for
whom John de Triple and Francis de Jammer, merchants of London, main-
perned, to the collectors in the port of Boston for 136 Racks, notwithstand-
ing the king's order to tlie contrary.
Like letters in favour of Muncius Garet, merchant of Ast, for whom
Vannus Brunlisk of Floi'ence, merchant of London, mainperned, to the same
collectors for 100 sacks, with clause to receive the oath not to avow the wool
under the name of any other than the owner.
Like letters for Wallettus de Catoue, merchant, for 110 sacks, by the
security of the said Vannus.
To the collectors of the custom of wool and wool-fells in the port of
London. Order to permit Galvanus Gnch and Donatus Baroni and other
alien merchants, of whose names they shall inform the collectors, to take from
that port 685 sacks of wool, upon payment of custom, notwithstanding the
king's proclamation concerning the export of wool and wool-fells to the
staple at St. Omer iu Artoys, as the said merchants have paid a sum of
money into the treasury, for which the king has granted them permission to
take 800 sacks of wool to certain galleys of Venice in the port of Swyn (del
Swijii) in Flanders from the ports of London and Southampton, to be dis-
charged into the said galleys at Swyn, and thence carried to Venice ; and
they have found the king security to take the wool to the said galleys, and
not to any other place in the lands of Brabant, Flanders, and Artoj's.
Galvanus has moreover sworn upon the gospels, for himself and the said
merchants, to take the wool to the said galleys and not to any other place.
Like letters in favour of Donatus to the collectors of the custom in the
port of Southampton for 115 sacks.
Aug. 9. Like letters in favour of John Hymbercy to the collectors of the said
Stratford-atte- custom in the port of London for 8 sacks.
Aug. 13. Like letters in favour of Chatus Merconaldi de Sene, merchant, to the
Langley. collectors of tlie custom in the aforesaid port for 50 sacks of wool to be taken
to the aforesaid galleys.
Like letters in favour of More Bonseignur and Peter Falconer, merchants,
to the said collectors for 70 sacks to be taken to the aforesaid galleys.
Like letters in favour of Manfredinus Garetta, merchant of Ast, to the
collectors of the custom iu the port of Boston for 40 sacks of wool to be
taken to the aforesaid galleys.
July 23. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to restore to Donatus Baroni and
Westminster, other alien merchants to be nominated by him 115 sacks of the aforesaid
800 sacks, which the sheriff has arrested by virtue of the king's order to
arrest the wool, goods, and wares of alien merchants, Germans and others,
and to cause the same to be kept safely until they find him security to
answer to the king for the wool and wool-fells sent by them to Brabant,
Flanders, and Artoys contrary to the king's proclamation, and to permit
Donatus and his fellows to take 115 sacks out of that port, according to the
king's order to the collectors of the custom there. Witness : W. de Norwvco.
July 27.
Aug. 4.
Aug. 13.
Aug. 9.
Aug. 30.
Aug. 7.
Membrane 24 — cont.
To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to permit Walter Morant and
John Morant, his son, merchants of Loveyne in Brabant, to take out of his
bailiwick nine sacks of wool, and to release such wool if he have arrested it
by virtue of the order mentioned in the preceding order, as Thomas Cok,
citizen of London, has mainperned for them before the king for what per-
tains to him in case they be convicted of taking the wool to Brabant,
Flanders, and Artoys elsewhere than to the staple.
To the sheriff of Bedford and Buckingham. Order to permit the wool
of the merchants of the society of the Bardi of Florence to be carried
through his bailiwick, without arresting it by virtue of the king's order to
arrest the wool and goods of alien merchants until they find security to
answer to the king for what pertains to him in case they be convicted of
taking the wool to the above lands elsewhere than to the staple, as the
merchants of the said society have found the king security to answer to
him for the things whereof they are indicted and whereof ihey may be
To the collector of the custom of wool and wool-fells in the port of
London. Order to permit Alraarious Caisoli of Piacenza {Plesence) to
take ] 10 sacks of wool from tliat port, upon payment of the custom, as the
king has granted him permission, for a sum of money paid by him into the
exchequer, to take that quantity of wool to certain galleys of Venice now
in the port of Swine {del Swyn) to be there discharged into the said
galleys, and he has found security to take tlie wool to the galleys and
thence to Venice and not elsewhere in the lands of Brabant, Flanders, and
To the collectors of the custom of wool and wool-fells in Boston. Order
to permit the merchants of the society of the Scala and their servants to
take wool out of that port, upon payment of the custom, and upon taking
oath not to avow wool of other persons under colour of this permission, as
they have made fine with the king for certain wool taken [out of the realm]
by them contrary to the king's proclamation concerning the staple in the
lands of Biabaiit, Flanders, and Artoys, and have found security to answer
for what pertains to the king for other wool and wool-fells taken by thera
contrary lo the form of the charter of the staple.
To the collectors of the custom of wool and wool-fells iu the port of
London. Oriler to permit the merchants of the society of the Bardi of
Florence to carry 100 sacks of wool to certain galleys of Venice in the
port of Swine (del Swyn) in Flanders, there to be discharged into the said
galleys, and to be taken thence to their own parts, as the king has granted
them permission to do so. By p.s. [5372.]
To the collectors of the custom of wool and wool -fells in the port of
London. Order to permit Geoffrey Test, merchant of Luca, to take wool
from that port upon payment of the custom, as he has made fine within the
king for certain wool taken [out of the realm] by him contrary to the
chatter of the staple in Brabant, Flanders, and Artoys, and he has found
security to answer for what pertains to the king for wool and wool-fells
taken by him contrary to the said charter in case he be convicted thereof.
To Richard de Bodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Whereas on
7 May, in the 7th year of the reign, because it was found by an inquisition
taken by John Abel, then escheator this side Trent, that Roljert de
Laventon, parson of the church of Estcleiilcn, granted to Joan do Grey,
lately deceased, for life 8 messuages .and 3^ virgates of land in Estcleidon,
with remainder to Margaret her daughter for life, with remainder to Joan,
1320. Membrane 24 — cov.t.
daughter of Margaret, •whom John de Eocheford married, to them and tlie
heirs of their bodies, with remainder in default of such heir to Tliomas de
Grey and his heirs, and that the lands are held of the king as of the honour
of Walyngford by knight service, and that Margaret died before Joan, and
that the lands were taken into the king's hands upon Joan's death on
account of the minority of her heir as if Joan had died seised thereof as in
her demesne as of fee ; and afterwards, at the suit of John de Eocheford
and Joan, praying to have the said lands delivered to them, the king ordered
John Abel to summon Hugh le Despenser, the elder, to whom the king liaJ
committed the custody of the land of the said Joan de Gre}', and John de
Handle, who has the custody by demise from Hugh, to be in chancery in
three weeks from Easter then next following to shew cause why the lands
should not be delivered to the said John and Joan ; and becauso nothing
'^ was propounded by their attorneys on that day sufficient to exclude John and
Joan from their seisin of the lands, the king took fealty from the said John de
Eocheford for the said lands and ordered John Abel to deliver them to iiim
and Joan ; which order was not executed : as a divorce has now been
celebrated between the said John and Joan, the king has taken Joan's
homage for the said lands, and therefore orders the escheator to deliver the
lands to Joan.
Aug. 5.
July 27.
Aug. 7.
Aug. 6.
3lEilBRANE 23.
To Eichard de Eodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
John de Dycton a shop in Westminster, which liis father Kalph de Dycton
held at his death, as appears by inquisition, rendering therfor yearly 2d. to
the exchequer, by which inquisition it was found that John is his son and
heir and is aged 14 years, saving to the king John's fealty and restoring
any issues received therefrom.
To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with a messuage and a
bovate of land in Barowe, and to restore the issues thereof, as it appears by
inquisition taken by the escheator that Agnes daughter of Simon son of
Alan de Gousle was of good memory from her birth for 25 years, and that
she acquired a messuage and bovate of land in Barowe in fee from her
father and that, whilst she was of good memory, she alienated them to
Henry le Pynder of Goushill, who alienated them, being of good memory,
to John son of Alan de Barowe, and that Agnes became an idiot two years
after the alienation thereof by her to the said Henry, and has been 6o for
eighteen years up to the time when the inquisition was taken, by which
inquisition it appears that the messuage is held of the abbot of Thornetoti
and the land of John Dayvill, the escheator having taken them into the
king's hands on account of the alienation thereof mode by Agnes to Henry,
To Aymsr de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side
Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Order not to intermeddle further
with the forests of Haveryng', co. Essex, Melkeaham, Chippenham, and
Pewesham, co. Wilts, New Forest, co. Southampton, Gillyngham, co.
Dorset, Savernak, co. Wilts, and the chace of the High Peak, cos. Notting-
ham and Derby, and to permit Queen Isabella to hold them without impedi-
ment, the king having assigned them to her in dower amongst other
lands, etc. By K.
To the sheriffs of London. Order to release Henry Nasard, citizen and
merchant of London, from prison upon his finding mainpernors to have
him before the king on the morrow of Michaelmas nexc to satisfy the kin^
for the trespass committed by him in taking wool out of the realm to
Aug. 7.
Aug. 3.
Aug. 7.
f • Aug. 9.
Membrane 23 — cont.
Flanders contrary to the king's charter concerning the staple of wool in the
lands of Flanders, Brabant, and Artois, whereof he was convicted before
John de Cherleton, mayor of the merchants of England, and Adam de
Brom, the king'.s justices appointed to enquire concerning such trespasses,
for which reason he was adjudged to prison. By K.
To Edward, earl of Chester. Order to pay to the abbot and convent of
St. Werburga, Chester, 10/. yearly and the arrears of the same for the time
that he has had that county, the abbot and convent having prayed for pay-
ment of the same by petitions to the king and the said earl, being 10/. of
alms fiTted of old time that they were used to receive at the exchequer of
Chester in the name of tithe of the issues of the city of Chester, the earl having
taken no steps in the matter because lie was not advised by the king, as the
king now understands by certificate of the treasurer and barons of the ex-
chequer that the tithe was paid by divers ministers of the county of the king's
predecessors and that it was allowed to them in times past. By p.s. [5361.]
To Richard de Rodeney, escheator this side Trent. Order not to
distrain William son and heir of Roger de Wanstede, tenant in chief, for
homage for his father's lands, as the king has taken his homage. By p.s.
To Stephen de Abyndon and John Pecok, the elder, or to their attorneys
in CO. Cornwall. Order not to intermeddle further with the emption of tin
in the king's name in that county, or with the stamp (coigno) or stamping
(coignagio) of the tin, by virtue of the king's late commission to them of
the emption of lin in that county, as the king has caused the commission to
be revoked, as it is to his damage and the oppression of his people of those
parts and against the tenor of a charter made by his father to the tinmen
{stannatoribus) of that county. By p.s. [5352.]
To the sheriff of Cornwall. Order to cause proclamation to be made
that the king has revoked the above commission, and that all tinmen and
others having tin for sale or wishing to buy or sell tin may buy and sell
such tin without hindrance, after it have been stamped and the stampage
{coignagio) thereon paid for the king's use, in accordance with the charter
above mentioned. The king wills that the sheriff shall keep the stamp
{coignum), which is now in his custody under the seals of the aforesaid
Stephen and John, under the seal of some discreet and faithful man of those
parts, as was usual before the above grant. . By p.s. [5352.]
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
William de Cicestre and Joan his wife a messuage and a carucale of land
in Hanyngfeld, upon their finding security to answer fof the issues thereof
to the king at his next parliament in case it be found that the tenements are
held of the king, as the king learns from their complaint that Peter Bun-e,
Joan's late husband, and Joan acquired for their lives the said messuage
and carucate from the prior and convent of Bykenacre, and that, although
the tenements are held of Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, as of the
honour of the Castelacre and not of the king, as they assert that they are
prepared to prove, the escheator has taken them into the king's hands on
the ground that they are held of the king in chief, and that Peter and Joan
acquired them of the prior and convent without the king's licence.
To the bailiffs of the city of Carlisle. Order to pay to Andrew de
Hartcla, to whom the king granted the arrears of the ferm of that city in
part satisfaction of debts due to him from the king, the arrears thereorcol-
lected and in their hands, as the king understands that a great part of th%
arrears have been levied. and are in their hands, and they excuse themselves
from paying the same to Andrew by virtue of the respite for payment of
Aug. 10.
Stratford atte-
Aug. 10.
Aug. 14.
-Aug^ 16.
Membrane 23 — cont.
their debts to the exchequer lately granted by the king to the men of th&
counties of Cumberland and Northumberland, because he understood that
they were so Impoverished {destructi) by the Scotch war that the debts afore-
said could not be levied without great oppression. By p.s. [.5381.]
To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side
• Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Order to deliver Kichard
Boynhale of Astkote, imprisoned at Oxford for trespass of venison in the
forest of Whychewode, co. Oxford, in bail to twelve mainpernors who shall
undertake to have him before the justices of Forest pleas when they next
come to those parts.
To the collectors of the custom of wool and wool-fells in the port of South-
ampton. Order to permit the merchants of the society of the Bardi of
Florence to take out of that port 80 sacks of wool without paying the
custom of half a mark on each sack, if Master Pancius de Controue have
not taken out that quantity, Queen Isabella, to whom the king has granted
all issues of the" custom during pleasure, having granted 40 marks to
Pancius to be received from the custom, wherefore the king ordered them to
permit Pancius or his attorney in this behalf to take out of that port
80 sacks of wool without paying the custom of half a mark on each sack,
as Pancius has acknowledged before the king that he desires that the mer-
chants of the above society, who have satisfied him for the said 40 marks,
may take out 80 sacks without paying the custom by virtue of the above
grant to him.
To the treasurer and barcns of the exchequer. Whereas the late king
owed divers debts to certain merchants of Brabant for cloth and otlier
things bought by John de Hustwayt, clerk of the great wardrobe, and to
certain merchants of Lovayn for wines bought by Matthew de Columbariis,
chamberlain of the late king's wines, as appears in a roll under the seal of hi&
exchequer containing the names of the said merchants and the debts and by
divers bills of the wardrobe, and the late king ordered the keepers of the
custom of wool in the port of Ipswich to allow to the said merchants pro-
portionately in the debts the expenses incurred by them or by Walter
Berclem, their attorney, in prosecuting against the late king for recovery of
the debts, part of which debts the merchants then received by the hands of
the said Walter, now deceased ; and J. duke of Brabant has testified to the
king by his letters patent that the aforesaid merchants have appeared before
him and have appointed Matilda Berclem, sister of the aforesaid Walter, their
attorney and procuress to seek and receive the aforesaid debts : wherefore
the king orders the treasurer and barons to cause Matilda to have payment
or satisfiaction for the arrears of the debts, receiving from lier the aforesaid
roll and bills and the duke's letters of procuration, together with her letters
of acquittance. By C.
To the collectors of the custom of wool and wool-fells in the port of
Southampton. Order to arrest all wool and wool-fells of Gerus Pepe of
Florence and Wollenus Bernard sealed with the coket (cokettatas) in that
port, and to detain the same until further orders, as the king understands that
Gerus, who is indicted by inquisition taken by the king's order in the port
of London for causing wool and wool-fells to be carried to Brabant, Flanders,
and Artoys contrary to the charter of the staple in those lands, causes his
wool and wool-fells to be sealed with the coket in the port of Southampton
under the name of Wollenus Bernard.
The like to the collectors in the ports of Kyngeston-on-Hull and Boston.
To Richard de Roden«y«, escheator this side Trent. Oinler not to inter-
meddle further with a messuage, 30 acres of land, 5 acres of meadow, 5 acres
Membrane 23 — cont.
of pasture, and lOrf. of yearly rent in Alvithele, as the king learns by inqui-
sition taken by Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, that
they were in the seisin of John Jordan, who held them of John de
Briaunzon ia villeinage as of the manor of Alvithele, by services ex-
tended to the true value at 13«. 9c?., and that John de Briaunzon held the
manor of the king in chief and manumitted the said John Jordan, and gave
the above lands to him and his heirs by charter, paying to him the said rent
of 13s. 9d. freely, and doing suit at his court of Alvithele from three vreeks
to three weeks, and that John Jordan afterwards gave the premises to
Henry de Columbariis and Selvana* his wife, and that John de Briaunzon
remitted the aforesaid rent to Henry for life by his deed, and the premises
were taken into the king's hands by reason of the aforesaid trespasses; as
Henry has made fine with the king. By pet. of C. By fine of 1 mark.
Membrane 22.
Aug. 13. To the sheriff of Bedford and Buckingham, Although the king lately
Langley. ordered him to arrest the goods of alien merchants, and to cause them to be
kept safely until security should be found for what pertains to the king for
wool and wool-fells sent by them to Flanders, Brabant, and Artoys contrary
to the charter of the staple in those lands, and contrary to the king's pro-
clamation, in case they should be convicted thereof ; and the king afterwards
frequently ordered the sheriff not to arrest wool or goods of native and alien
merchants by virtue of the above order, and to restore anything that he
might have arrested ; but he has hitherto done nothing in this respect, but
has heaped up grievances upon the aforesaid merchants leading wool or
other goods through his bailiwick by arresting their goods and extorting
divers sums of money from them : wherefore the king orders him to desist
wholly from inflicting such grievances upon the aforesaid merchants, and
to restore any wool or other goods that he may have arrested, or to be before
the king's council at Westminster on the morrow of St. Bartholomew next
to shew cause why he has not obeyed the king's orders.
The like to the sheriflFs of the following counties :
Lincoln, to appear on the morrow of St. Matthew.
Aug. 14. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to pay to John do Fenwyk
Langley. 20 marks for Whitsun term last of the 40 marks yearly granted to him by
the king out of the issues of that county, in consideration of his good
service and in order that he may maintain himself in the king's service.
Aug. 19. To the chamberlains of North Wales. Order to pay to Ehys {Resus) ap
Windsor. Griffith, the king's yeoman, to whom the king granted the bailiwick of the
forestry of Snowedon during pleasure, the same wages from the time when he
received the bailiwick as others have had in that office, in accordance with
the king's grant. By p.s. [5392.]
Aug. 18. To the sheriffs of London. Whereas on the testimony of the mayor
Fulmer. and barons of the port of Wynchelse by their letters patent that James
Beauflour, citizen and merchant of London, freighted (Jrectavit) at Bor-
deaux a ship belonging to certain men of Wynchelse called ' La Cogge
Heats Marie,' whereof Eichard Kutay of La Eye was master, and loaded
lier with 94 tuns of wine, price 8/. a tun, which amount to 752Z. sterling.
Called Salviana in the margin.
Aug. 24.
Aug. 27.
Aug. 21.
Membrane 22 — cont.
for the purpose of carrying the same to Andwerk in Brabant to trade
therewith, and that certain malefactor.s of the land and power of the count
of Flanders took the ship and wines on her voyage thither between Wolp'
and Walkere, and carried them to Le Swyne in the count's power, and
carried the aforesaid master and the mariners of the ship into Flanders, and
detained them for over seven weeks, and afterwards delivered the ship empty
to the said master, the king requested the count to cause satisfaction to be
made to James or his attorney for the said wines or their value and for his
damages ; but the count has not done so, as the mayor and community of
the city of London have certified by their letters patent : wherefore the
king orders the sheriffs to arrest goods of the men and merchants of the
count's power to the value of 250/., and to cause the same to be kept safely
until James have been satisfied for that sum or until otherwise ordered, certi-
fying the king concerning the goods arrested by virtue of this order. The
king has ordered the bailiffs of Kyngeston-on-Hull to arrest goods in like
manner to the value of 250/., the sheriff of Lincoln to arrest goods, except in
Boston fair and excepting goods for sale coming thereto, to the value of 150Z.,
and the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk to arrest goods to the value of 152/.,
excepting Great Yarmouth at the time of the fishing there. By C.
To the sheriffs of London. Order to pay to Bertram de la More, king's
serjeant-at-arms, 10 marks for Michaelmas term last, in accordance with the
king's grant, dated 24 July, in the 11th year of his reign, to him of
10 marks yearly for life at Michaelmas from the ferm of the city.
To Gilbert de Stapelton, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause Ralph
de Craystok, son and heir of Robert son of Ralph, tenant in chief, to have
seisin of the lands of his inheritance, which were taken into the king's
hands upon the death of Ralph son of William, his grandfather, excepting
the knights' fees and advowsons of churches, which are to be retained
in the king's hands until he. prove his age, the king having rendered him
his lands as above although he has not proved his age, because it appears by
certain evidences in chancery that he is of full age. The king has respited
his homage and fealty until the parliament at Westminster in the octaves of
Michaelmas. By p.s. [5412.]
The like to Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent.
To the sheriff of Lincoln. On the complaint of Gerard Rouche, William
Burgoyn, and William Brigerak, merchants of Gascony, that whereas they
freighted at Leyburn a ship called ' La Arunde' of London, whereof John
Gregge was master, and loaded her with 80 tuns and 4 pipes of wine to be
taken thence to London, and sent her thus laden towards England, certain
malefactors of Flanders and elsewhere, lying in wait for the said ship,
attacked her on the coast near the land between Mergate and Recolvre,
CO. Kent, where she was anchored, and, having slain the mariners thereof,
carried off with them to Le Swyn the ship and wines, the king ordered the
sheriff of Kent to make inquisition by the oath of merchants and others of
his bailiwick concerning the premises; by which inquisition it is found that,
on Tuesday after St. Nicholas, in the 9th year of the king's reign, a
ship called ' La Arunde ' of London, belonging to Robert Yon, Alan atte
"Wharf, and Thomas Tuck, freighted by the said Gerard, William, and
William at Leyburn with their wines, came to Mergate on her voyage
to London, and was there anchored, and that certain malefactors came
thither and assaulted and slew the master, merchants, and mariners in
her, and took the ship and wines away with them to Le Swyn in the power
of the count of Flanders, to wit 80 tuns and 4 pipes of wine, price 496/.,
price of a tun 61., together with the silver cups, beds, robes, and chests of
the said merchants, price 10/., and that the malefactors were of the count's
1320. Membrane 22—cont.
power and that they did these things by the maintenance (advocacionem)
and assent of the count and the whole community of Flanders, to the
damage of the said merchants of 100'. : wherefore the king, adverting that
the cognisance of such a trespass committed within his power pertains to him
and not to any one outside the realm, orders the sheriff to arrest goods of the
men and merchants of the power of the count of Elanders to the value of
306/., in part satisfaction for the wines and goods aforesaid, and to keep
them safely until further orders, certifying the king of the goods arrested by
virtue of this order. The king has ordered the sheriff of York to arrest
goods in like manner to the value of the remaining 300/.
Aug. 7. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer, and to the chamberlains.
Westmiuster. Order to appoint such of the king's clerks as shall be necessary to survey,
dispose of, and put into a proper state, before Michaelmas, the king's things
in his treasury and in the Tower of London, and the rolls, books, and other
memoranda touching the exchequer of the times of his progenitors, which,
the king understands, are not so well disposed as is needed for him and the
common weal. By p.s. [5363.]
To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay the clerks assigned
for the above purpose their reasonable expenses whilst thus engaged.
By p.s. [5363.]
Aug. 27. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to arrest goods of the men and
Odiham. merchants of the power of the count of Flanders, except in Boston fair, to
the value of 300/., and to cause the same to be kept safely until Perrota
Brune of Solers (Solar'), citizen of Bordeaux, or Arnald de Ispannia, her
attorney, have been satisfied for that sura, in part satisfaction for 550/., the
value of 192 tuns of wine taken from her servants in the port of Dam (del
Dain) by the burgomasters, echevins, and consules of the town of Bruges {as
at page 171 above) and of 200/. for her damages, certifying the king of his
proceedings in this matter. The king has ordered the sherifl' of York
to arrest goods in like manner to the value of 200/. in addition to the 200/.
that he was previously ordered to arrest, and the sheriff of Norfolk and
Suffolk to arrest goods, except in Great Yarmouth during the fishery season
(piscacione), to the value of 150/., in full satisfaction of the aforesaid sums.
By K. and C.
To the mayor and bailifTs of Southampton. On the complaint of Stephen
Alard, baron of the town of Wynchelse, that whereas he caused a ship
of his called ' La Johanette,' whereof Richard de Hambuk was master, to be
loaded in Cornwall, to be taken thence to "Wynchelse to trade therewith [the
cargo of] the same, certain malefactors of the power of the count of
Flanders took the ship and her tackle on her voyage to Wy[n]chelse on the
coast between Beauchef and Wynchelse, and carried her away, with the
corn and other goods in her to the value of 120/. sterling, into the count's
power, of which matters the mayor and barons of the town of Wynchelse,
being fully informed and instructed thereof, have informed the king by
their letters patent, the king frequently requested the count of Flanders
to cause satisfaction to be made to Stephen for the ship and cargo and his
damages ; but, although Stephen sent the king's letters to the count by his
attorney, the count has done nothing in the matter, as appears by the
letters patent of the mayor and community of Wynchelse : wherefore the
king orders the mayor and bailiffs aforesaid to arrest goods of the merchants
of the count's power to the value of 40/., in part satisfaction of the above
120/., and to keep them safely until further orders, certifying the king con-
cerning the goods so arrested. The king has ordered Robert de Kendale,
constable of Dover castle and warden of the Cinque Ports, to arrest goods in
like manner to the value of the remaining SO/. " By C.
Aug. 28.
Aug. 27.
Membrane 21. • '■
To the sheriffs of London. Order to arrest goods of the men and mer-
chants of the power of the king of France to the value of 402/. lis. 10c?.,
the residue of the sum of 600/., for which the king lately ordered them
to arrest goods of the said men and merchants because the king of France
had failed to cause restitution or satisfaction to be made to Simon da
Abyndon, Stephen le Fullere, Ralph de Walecote, John Priour, Thomas
Prentiz, John de Sandale, William de Coumbe Martyn, John atte Vine,
Thomas de Abyndon, Thomas Beauflour, William Paynfader, William Bidyk,
Eobert Elys ofThame, Adam Puff of Berkhampstede, Eichard de Warrewyk,
and Nicholas Alisaundre for their wool laden in a ship of John Priour called
' Xa Petite Bayard' oi London, which was captured and carried away
by the admiral of Calais {Cai/les) and certain of his men on her voyage to
Brabant on the coast near the Isle of Thanet, they having previously
arrested and delivered to the aforesaid merchants goods of certain men
of Amiens and Eouen to the value of 197/. Ss. 2d. The execution of
the previous order to this effect has been delayed at the frequent requests of
the king of France, but the aforesaid merchants have been unable to obtain
satisfaction. The king has ordered the bailiffs of Southampton to arrest
■goods in like manner to the value of 400/., and the bishop of Winchester's
bailiffs of St. Giles's Fair, Winchester, to arrest goods to the value of
333/. 6s. 8d. By C.
To the sheriff of Sussex. At the complaint of Stephen Aleyn, citizen
and merchant of London, that whereas he loaded in Normandy a ship of his
called ' La Margarets ' of London, whereof John Thomme was master, with
divers goods to the value of more than 100/. for the purpose of bringing the
same to England to make his profit thereof, the master and mariners of the
ship were so pursued by malefactors of Flanders and other pirates on the
sea that they durst not come to any port in this realm, but that they arrived
at Cans, in the power of the abbot of Fecamp in Normandy, for salvage of
their bodies, the ship and goods, and the goods that were carried out of the
ship for safety by the mariners to land and to the abbot's cell of St. Valery
in Cans, were taken and carried away by certain men of the abbot's lordship
of the said cell, the king wrote to the abbot to cause restitution of such
goods to be made to the said merchant and amends for the unjust detention
thereof; but the abbot has failed to do justice to the said merchant, as the
mayor and community of the city of London have signified to the king by
their letters patent : wherefore the king orders the sheriff to arrest goods of
the said abbot and of the men of his power to the value of the aforesaid
J 00/., and to keep the same safely nntil Stephen have been satisfied for that
sum, or until further orders, certifying the king concerning the goods
arrested in execution of this order.
To the archbishop of York's bailiffs of his liberty of the water of Hnll.
Order to arrest goods of the men of the power of the count of Flanders and
of the whole community of Flanders to the value of 100/., in part satisfac-
tion of 413/. 17s. Qd., and to keep the same until Grimoard Cardoun have been
satisfied for that sum, in part satisfaction for the value of 62 tuns of wine,
to wit 372/., taken by certain malefactors of the power of the count from
a ship called ' La Mariote ' of Goseford (as in this Calendar, 10 Edward II.,
p. 385), and for his damages, to wit 41/. 17*. Od., certifying the king of their
proceedings in this matter. The king has ordered the sheriff of Lincoln to
arrest goods in like manner, except in Boston fair, to the value of 213/. 17 s. Od.,
and the bailiffs of Eavenserodde to arrest goods to the value of 100/.
Sept. 2. To the sheriff of Berks. Order to arrest John de la Eivere, John de
Bisshopesclere. Walyngford, Thomas de Bourle, William de Tyngewyk, Adam formerly
Aug. 18.
Sept. 10.
Membrane 21 — cent.
the servant of Peter de Baa, Richard the Tailor (Cissor) of Warin de
Insula, knight, John de Merlawe, Roger Scharp, Richard Barat, William
Barat of Budene, and Thomas Kene, and to cause them to be sent day by day
as arrested to the king under safe conduct to stand to right before him con-
cerning their indictment for beating and slaying Robert de Hildesle, as the
king -wishes to punish -with all speed the perpetrators of such felony, in
consideration of the enormity thereof and the contempt of his peace, as he
learns by an inquisition taken before him concerning the death of the said
Robert that, on Monday after St. Peter ad Vincula last, the aforesaid men
and others unknown went to the house of Robert de Hildesle at Pesemere
by the mission and precept of Warin de Insula, and beat the said Robert,
and broke his arms and legs, but left him alive, and that afterwards the said
John de Merlawe and Roger Scharp wilfully returned and slew bim, and
that after the deed the said John de Merlawe and Roger Scharp were
received at Kyngeston and Buden, which are manors of the said Warin,
who knew of the deed, and by another inquisition taken before the king in
the sheriff's bailiwick that Warin sent William Scharp, Roger de Merlawe,
John Yimme, Roger Yimnie, Roger atte Heme, Peter de Baa, Robert de
Brylleye, and the aforesaid John de la Rivere, Richard le Taillour, and
Richard Baret together with others unknown to Pesemere to beat the aforesaid
Robert, and that, when they came there, four of them, to wit William
Scharp, Roger de Merlawe, John de la Rivere, and Richard le Taillur,
entered Robert's chamber and dragged him naked out of bed into the king's
highway, and there beat him and broke his arms and legs, and then left
him, and that afterwards William Scharp and Roger de Merlawe, who
were sent back by the aforesaid malefactors, slew Robert there in his hall,
and that John de la Rivere and Richard le Taillur returned thence to the
court of Warin de Insula, who received them, knowing o£ the aforesaid
felony. The sheriff is ordered to certify the king as quickly as possible
of what he is able to do in this matter. By p.s. [5420.]
To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to arrest and imprison until further
orders Robert le Ewer and any persons adhering to him, and their receivers,
abettors, and maintainers, taking with bim, if necessary, the posse of the
county, so that he may answer to the king for the bodies of the above
persons, and to take their lands and goods into the king's hands ; the king
having lately sent certain of his serjeants-at-arms to attach the said Robert
to answer to the king for trespasses, contempts, and disobediences, when
Robert, being attached by the said Serjeants, not permitting himself to be
justiced in this behalf, broke the attachment by armed force, and publicly
answered the Serjeants that he would not permit any attachment to be made
upon him by any of the king's ministers, and in addition threatened some of
the king's faithful subjects with [loss of] life and limb, asserting that he
would slay them and cut them up limb by limb wherever he should find
them, either in the presence or absence of the king, in contempt of the
king's order and in rebellion. The king makes this order lest others should
be encouraged to perpetrate the like or worse things against the king by the
example of such public disrespect and disobedience against the king's faith-
ful subjects by so vile a person. By p.s. [5391.]
The like to all the sheriffs of England.
To the keepers of the peace in co. Southampton, and to each of ihem.
Order to aid and counsel the sheriff in executing the above order, and to do
and complete the same so far as they can do without the sheriff.
The like to the keepers of the peace in all the counties of England.
Etfuerent patentes.
To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to arrest the goods of Hermann
Clipping', Tidmerus Clipping', and Albert Clipping', and to cause the same
1320. Membrane 21 — cent.
to be kept safely until further orders, as tlie king understands that they are
indicted by inquisition taken by his order in the port of London for causing
wool and wool-fells to be carried to Brabant, Flanders, and Artoys contrary
to the charter of the staple in those lands.
Sept. 9.
Sept. 16.
Sept. 15.
Aug. 9.
Membrane 20.
To John de Crombwell, keeper of the Tower of London, or to him wlio
supplies his place. Order to cause William de Weldon, keeper of the
marshalsea prison, to be delivered from the Tower, wherein he is im-
prisoned because Henry de la Port of Northampton, who was delivered to
him to bo kept in the marshalsea prison for a trespass against the king's
peace against John de Charleton, escaped from his custody, as William has
found mainpernors that he will have Henry's body in the marslialsea prison
before the quinzaine of Michaelmas or that William will then render him-
self to prison in the Tower, to wit William de Furneys, William de Garton,
Thomas de Hales, Robert atte Fry th, Thomas de Loden, Thomas de Witton,
Stephen le Clerk, and Richard de Marleberewe, citizens of London ; and
William de Hadinton, of the county of Lincoln ; and William le Plomer,
John Lovenech, and James Holond, of the county of Essex. By p.s. [5431.]
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
the sub-prior and convent of Bilsyngton the priory and possessions, which
he took into his hands upon the cession of Simon the late prior, and the
issues thereof received by him from the time of the taking into the king's
hands, as it is contained in the charter of John Maunsel, the founder of the
priory, that the sub-prior and convent should have the custody of the priory
and its possessions during voidance, ■which charter was confirmed by
Henry III.
To the sheriiF of Lincoln. Order not to molest Stephen de Sansette,
Stephen Synard, Reymund de Sancto Clemente, Arnald de la Broue,
Domangus Felice, and John Sycard, merchants of Montpellier, by reason
of any mandate to arrest goods of the merchants of the power of the king
of France at the suit of any merchant of this realm, and to restore any of
their goods that they may have arrested, as the above merchants are of the
power and dominion of the king of Majorca (Maioricaruni), as the said
king has testified by his letters. By p.s.
To John de Crumbwell, constable of the Tower of London, or to him
who supplies his place. Order to release Simon de Hakenay from the
Tower, wherein he is imprisoned for trespasses contrary to the charter of
the staple of wool and wool-fells in Brabant, Flanders, and Artoys, as Richard
de Hakenay Wymondesbrother, William de Bray, Alau Gill, John de
Wrotham, and Robert de Hakeneye, of the city of London, have mainperned
before the king to have Simon before the king at his pleasure to stand to
the king's will and consideration for amends for the above trespasses, and
to answer for any other trespasses against the charter wherewith he may
be charged, and that he will do or procure nothing to be done to the
prejudice of the staple contrary to the charter aforesaid, and that he will
maintain the charter and staple so far as in him lies, and that he will not do
or procure to be done any shame or damage to John de Charleton, mayor of
the said staple, or to any of his men. By p.s.
Like letters to the aforesaid constable for the following :
Henry Norman, by the mainprise of Thomas de Sakvill, knight, and
Andrew de Jarpenvill, of co. Buckingham ; Thomas de Chetyngton,
William atte Ramme, Peter de Staundon, Gilbert de Mordon,
Walter de Mordon, and Reginald de Thorp, of the city of London.
By p.s. [5382.]
Sept. 18.
Sept. 2L
1320. [Membrane 20 — cont.
Robert de Hampton, by the mainprise of Adam Puf, the younger, of
Berkhamstede and William Gentycors of Bovendon, of co. Hertford ;
John de Braghyng of London, Peter de Ware of London, Robert
Stacy, Thomas atte Bourn, Henry atte Lanehende, and John le Neve
of the city of London. By p.s.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to
distrain Thomas de Saunford for homage for a messuage, %s. 3d. of yearly
rent, the rent of 1^ lbs. of pepper, and half a earucate of land in Estesham
near Wymeryng, which are held in chief, as the king has taken his
homage. By p.s. [6447.]
To the same. Order to amove the king's hand from the bailiwick of
Dertford, and to permit Alice, late the wife of Elias de Tyngewyk, to have
the same, and to restore to her any issues received thence since the death of
Elias, as Alice has given the king to understand that he took the bailiwick
into the king's hands, although the king granted it to Elias and Alice for
their lives in recompence for 30/. due to them from the king.
By p.s. [5449.]
Sept. 22. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Stephen
Canford. de Abyndon, the king's butler, in his account, for the wines received by him
of the king's right prise by virtue of the king's grant to him of the prise
until 23 May last, when the king ordered Roger de Northburgh, keeper of
the wardrobe, to charge Stephen with the wines received from the prise for
all the time when Stephen was butler, notwithstanding the king's gi'ant
aforesaid, which grant the king revoked by virtue of the ordinances, and
notwithstanding the king's subsequent orders, the king having afterwards
ordered the treasurer and barons of the exchequer to audit Stephen's
account and to charge him with all wines received for the king's use from
the prise and elsewhere during the whole time of his office, notwithstanding
the aforesaid grant. The king makes this order as he wills that the afore-
said grant to Stephen shall be executed at least up to the aforesaid 23 May.
By p.s. [5455.]
Sept. 5. To the sheriff of Southampton. At the suit of Reymund de Bruma,
Clarendon. Dominic Peliice, and John Perere, the king's merchants, that whereas
they caused a ship called ' Coga ' of Valence to be loaded at Bordeaux with
L3 bales of avoir-du-pois, price 180/., and 5 pipes of wine, price 15/.
sterling, for the purpose of bringing the same to England, certain male-
factors captured the ship and cargo at Les Dunes near the port of Sandwich,
the king ordered Robert de Kendale, constable of Dover castle and warden
of the Oinque Ports, to make inquisition concerning this matter ; whereby
it was found that the ship, whereof Constancius de Brokston was master,
laden with 90 tuns and 36 pipes of wine, price 668/. {sic) sterling, each tun
at 61., 20 quarters of wheat, price 20/., and 13 bales of avoir du-pois, price
180/., and 17 bales of avoir-du-pois, price 200/., was anchored at Les
Dunes near the port of Sandwich, within the king's power, and that certain
malefactors of the power of the count of Flanders attacked and carried
away the ship and tackle, price 120/., together with the beds, robes, armour,
coffers, silver cups, and other jewels of the merchants and mariners of the
said ship, price 22/. sterling, and the goods of the said merchants, and
carried the same to Le Swyne within the count's power, to the damage of
the said merchants of 100/. beyond the above sums ; of which wines and
wares 13 bales of avoir-du-pois and 5 pipes of wine belonged to Reymund,
Dominic, and John, 50 tuns and a pipe of wine to the said Reymund,
Aymer de Malenia, Gilbert de Brolio, and John de Monte Albano, 28 tuns
of wine to the said Reymund and Arnald bis brother, 20 tuns of wine to
the said Reymund and John du Pek, and 17 bales of avoir-du-pois to the
14 EDWAED II, 263
1320. Membrane 20 — cont.
said Reymund, Poncius Lente, and Bonettus his brother, as Eeymund and
Arnald acknowledged before the king's council ; the king, wishing to aid
Eeymund, Dominic, and John in recovering the said 13 bales {libr') of
avoir-du-pois and 5 pipes of wine, which are worth 194/. according to the
above appraisement, and 16/. ISs. Od. for their portion of the aforesaid sum
of 100/. for damages, orders the sheriff to arrest goods of the men and
merchants of the count's power and of the community of Flanders to the
value of 213/. 8*. Od. {sic), and to cause them to be safely kept until
Eeymund, Dominic, and John have been satisfied for that sum, certifying
the king of their proceedings.
Sept. 22. To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
Canford. be elected in place of Reginald Ive, deceased.
Oct. 1. To the sheriffs of London. Order to pay to John de Weston, the elder,
St. Denis, near 25 marks for Michaelmas term last out of the f erm of the city, in accordance
Southampton, ^i^]^ ^.jjg king's grant to the said John in the parliament at York of
50 marks yearly in consideration of his good service to the king and his
father, to be received from the ferm of the said city until the king should
cause him to be provided with that sum yearly in land or rent.
Membrane 19.
Sept. 28. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to supersede until
St. Denis, near further orders the exaction of the tenth for the king's use of the benefices of
Southampton. Bertrand, cardinal deacon of St. Mary's in Aquiro, as the king wishes to
shew him special favour.
The like in favour of Arnold, cardinal deacon of St. Eustace's.
The like in favour of Neapolius, cardinal deacon of St. Adrian's.
Sept. 27. Hugh son of Robert de Byntre, imprisoned in Norwich castle for the
St. Denis, near death of William de Hewell, has letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail
Southampton. }iim un(.;i the first assize.
Oct. 1. To the sheriff of Sussex. Order to deliver to the abbot of Fecamp or
Canford. his attorney the corn and other goods and chattels of the abbot and his men,
to the value of 100/., arrested by the sheriff in execution of the king's
order to arrest all their goods and to detain the same until further order,
which order was issued because the abbot had failed to do justice to Stephen
Alayn, citizen and merchant of London, for his goods taken away from the
abbot's cell of St. Valery by men of the abbot's power, as the abbot's
attorney has asserted in chancery that the abbot's goods in England ought
not to be arrested for the aforesaid reason, and the king has given a day to
the abbot and Stephen in chancery in this matter, to wit Wednesday before
St. Denis, and the abbot has found mainpernors to answer to the king and
to Stephen for the above 100/. if the court shall consider that the abbot
ought to be charged therewith, to wit Stephen Poer, .John de Torryng', of
CO. Sussex, Thomas de Pernecote, of co. Surrey, William de Norwyk, of
CO. Worcester, Henry de Lopton, of co. Warwick, and Ealph de Condovre,
of CO. Southampton.
Oct. 6. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Eobert
Westminster. Burdeyn and Hugh de Garton, late sheriffs of London, in their account
15/. 13s. 4J. paid by thorn to Geoffrey de Bolstrode, keeper of the manor of
Fordington, co. Dorset, in execution of the king's order of 22 May, in the
7th year of his reign, to the sheriffs of London to pay all the ferm of
Queenhithe for the lime that it had been in their custody to the said
Geoffrey for certain matters that the king had ordered him to do.
Oct. 7.
Oct. 7.
Oct 10.
Oct. 8.
Membrane 19 — eont.
To the sherifE of Warwick. Order to expend up to 10/. in repairing tlie
king's gaol of the town of Warrewyk and the king's hall there, which are
broken down and ruinous, by tlie view and testimony of men of those parts.
By C.
Margery, late the wife of Kalph Bek of Clifton, imprisoned at Noting-
ham for the death of the said Ralph and of Isolda daughter of John le
Rede, has letters to the sheriff of Nottingham to bail her until the first
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
Ralph de Craystok, son and heir of Robert son of Ralph, tenant in chief,
the knights' fees and advowsons of his inheritance that were taken into the
king's hands after the death of Ralph son of William, grandfather of the
said Ralph, which are in the king's hands by the death of the said Robert,
and which the king retained in his hands when he lately rendered to the
said Ralph the lands of his inheritance in the king's hands by reason of his
minority, as Ralph has proved his age before the escheator. The king has
respited his homage until All Saints.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
The like to Gilbert de Stapelton, escheator beyond Trent.
To the sherifE of Northampton. Order to expend 5 marks in covering
the houses within Norhampton castle and in the repair of other buildings of
the castle. By C.
To Ralph de Camoys, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to deliver
to the king's chaplains celebrating in the chapel of the castle bread, wine,
oil, and other small necessaries for the celebration of divine service from
Michaelmas last until Michaelmas next.
To the sheriff of Warwick. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of Robert le Belleyetere of Warrewyk, whom the king
has caused to be amoved from office for insufficient qualification.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle-fm-ther with a messuage, 34 acres of land, an acre and a rood of
meadow, 4^ acres of pasture, and 2>s. %\d. of rent in Sutton atte Hone and
■with a messuage in the same town, and to restore the issues thereof, as it
appears by inquisition taken by Master John Walewayn, late escheator this
side Trent, that William de Dale and Alice his sister held the aforesaid
messuage, land, and rent of the prior of the Hospital of St. John of
Jerusalem in England by the service of 15*. and of doing suit at the prior's
court of Sutton from three weeks to three weeks, and that the prior entered the
same as escheat after the death of William and Alice because they were
bastards and both of them died without an heir of their body, and as it
appears by another inquisition taken by the said John that the said William
held a messuage in the same town of the prior by the service of yi\d. yearly
for all service, and that William was a bastard, and that the prior entered
the priory for the above reason, the said Richard having taken the premises
into the king's hands on the ground that the prior had entered them
contrary to tlie statute of mortmain.
To the sheriff of Berks. Order to arrest John de la River, John de
Walyngford, Thomas de Burle, William de Tingewyk, Adam late the servant
of Peter de Baa, Richard the Tailor {Cissor) of Warin de Insula, knight,
•John de Merlawe, Roger Sharp, Richard Barat, William Barat of Budene,
Thomas Kene, Warin de Insula, knight, William Sharp, Roger de Merlawe,
John Tmme, Roger Tmme, Roger atte Heme, Peter de Baa, Robert de
Brylleye, and to have their bodies before the king on the morrow of All
Souls next to stand to right concerning the beating and slaying of Robert
1320. Membrane 19 — cont.
de Hildesle at Pesmere, notwithstanding the king's late order to arrest them
and to send them to him day by day as arrested.
By K. on the information of the earl of Pembroke and Master Robert
de Baldok.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with a messuage and 10 acres of land in Bokelond, co. Berks,
as the king learns by inquisition that John West acquired them from
Richard son and heir of John de Pederton, and that they are held of John
de Lcnhara by fealty and the service of 2d. and suit of court from three
weeks to three weeks at the manor of Bokelond, the escheator having taken
them into the king's hands by reason of the aforesaid alienation as if they
were held of the king in chief.
Oct. 10. To the bailiffs of Southampton. Order to restore to Giles atte Bolle of
Westminster. Calais and Hugh Colne of the same by the king's special grace the two
ships of theirs arrested by the bailiffs at the suit of certain merchants of
London, notwithstanding the king's late order to cause the ships to be
appraised and to be delivered at the appraisement to the said merchants or
to Stephen le Fullere, their attorney in this behalf. The bailiffs are ordered
to come to the king speedily to inform him of the cause of the arrest above-
said. By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to discharge
Thomas Lovayn, son and heir of Matthew de Lovayn, of the scutage for iv
knight's fee for the late king's armies of Wales of the 5th and 10th years
of his reign, as Matthew had his service therefor in the said armies, as
appears by the late king's rolls of the marshalsea.
To the sheriff" of Wilts. Older to cause a verderer for the forest of
Savernak, co. Wilts, to be elected in place of William de Caperynge,
To the same. Like order for the election of a verderer in place of Adam
Barbast, who is incapacitated by blindness.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to receive from
Westminster, the abbot of St. Mary's York, collector in the archdeaconry of Cliveland of
the tenth granted to the king by the clergy of the province of York in the
12th year of his reign, the tenth from ecclesiastical benefices and
temporalities annexed to spiritualities in the said archdeaconry that have
been wasted by the Scotch rebels according to the new taxation thereof
made by the archbishop of Y''ork by the king's order, tlie king having
ordered the abbot to levy the tenth thereof according to such taxation.
To the sheriff" of Lincoln. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of Ralph de Cressy, who is insufficient for the office
because he does not keep the things pertaining to his office, but permits the
bodies of slain (infectormii) to lie without being viewed until he have a
great sum of money from the neighbouring townships for exercising his
Oct. 13. To Richard de Rodeney, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause John
Westminster. Burdet, son and heir of William Burdet of Louesby, tenant in chief, to
have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age before the
escheator and the king has taken his homage.
Oct. 13.
Oct. 10.
Membrane 18.
Oct. 16. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
Westminster, meddle further with the manor of Assheby Magna, co. Leicester, and to
restore the issues thereof, as the king le.arns by inquisition that James
Oct. 13.
Oct. 15.
1320. Membrane 18 — cont.
Daudele and Margaret liis wife held the manor of Thomas, earl of
Lancaster, by the service of homage and scutage, and that they had the
manor of the feoffment of Anthony, late bishop of Durham, and that
William de Assheby sometime held the manor of the earl of Notingham,
and that in the time of Henry IIL William committed felony, for which
reason the manor came to the said king's hands as his escheat, and that he
enfeoffed Edmund his son of the said manor, and that Edmuiid enfeoffed
William Bagot thereof in fee, to have and to hold of Edmund and his heirs,
and that William Bagot afterwards enfeoffed the bishop of the aforesaid
manor, and it appears by the charter of Henry III., which the king has
inspected, that the said king confirmed Edmund's charter to the aforesaid
William ; the escheator having taken the manor into the king's hands
because he believed that it was held of the king in chief and that James
and Margaret had entered it without the king's licence.
To the bailiSa of Southampton. Order to restore to Ingelrara de Bone
and John le &yand, merchants of the power of the king of France, 10 tuns
and a pipe of woad (weyde) arrested by them in execution of the king's
order to arrest goods of the merchants of the power of the king of France
at the suit of certain merchants of London. The king makes this order at
the request of Edmund de Wodestok, his brother. By K.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Robert
de Kendale of 20/. of the 120/. whereby he made fine with the king
for having release from the king for a rent of 12/., which he was
wont to render yearly to the exchequer for his manor of Shalden, co.
Southampton, as the king has pardoned him such sum in consideration of
his good service. By p.s. [5473.1
To the sheriil of Norfolk. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of John de Merlawe, whom the king has amoved from
office as he is incapacitated by decrepitude and infirmity.
Oct. 17. To Eichard de Eodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to
Westminster, intermeddle further with the lands that John de Coggeshale held of other
lords than the king, and to restore the issues thereof, as it appears by
inquisition taken by the escheator that he held nothing in chief of the king
at his death except a tenement in Little Bemflete, co. Essex, as of the
honour of Eeylegh, in the king's hands, by the service of a knight's fee, so
that the custody of his other lands ought not to pertain to the king.
Oct. 16. To the treasurer, barons, and chamberlains of the exchequer. Order to
Westminster, allow to Eobert de Kendale, in the arrears of his yearly fee for the custody
of the castle of Dover, 100/. due from him to the exchequer of the 120/.
whereby he made fine for having a release of a yearly rent of 12/. that
he was wont to render to the exchequer for the manor of Shalden,
CO. Southampton. By p.s.
To John de Grumwell. keeper of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to
deliver John son of William son of Adam de Graystok, imprisoned in
Carlisle castle for trespass of venison in the forest of Ingelwode, in bail to
twelve mainpernors of the county of Cumberland who shall undertake to
have him before the justices for Forest pleas when they next come to those
The like in favour of Henry de Hoton, chaplain, in the same prison for
the like trespass.
^ Oct. 15. To the justices of the Bench. Order to hold John de Donecastre, late '
Westminster, one of the justices of the Bench, discharged of such office, as the king has
charged him with divers matters to be done outside the Bench. By K.
1320. Membrane 18 — cont.
Oct. 20. To the sheriff of Northumberland. Order to cause a coroner for that
Westminster, county to be elected in place of William de Inghou, whom the king has
amoved from office because he does not reside in the county.
To the bailiffs of York. Order to pay to William Fraunceys 25 marks
out of the ferm of the city for Michaelmas term last, in accordance with the
king's grant of 24 April, in the 8th year of his reign, of 50 marks yearly
from that ferm during pleasure in consideration of his service to the king
at Dunbar.
Oct. 21. To Bartholomew de Badelesmere, late constable of Bristol castle. Order
Westminster, to deliver the body of Owayn ap David, a Welshman in [his] custody in
that castle, by indenture to Hugh le Despenser, the younger, constable of
the castle, or to him who supplies his place, to be kept in the castle until
further orders. The king has ordered Hugh or him who supplies his place
to receive Owayn's body. By p.s. [5480.]
Mandate in pursuance to Hugh or to him who supplies his place.
Oct. 18. To the sheriff of Hertford. Order to cause John de Monewode, John
Westminster. Roberd, John de {sic) Smyth, William le Pyper, Arnulph Copegray, John
Hervy, Eobert de Kent, Eichard le Bokeler, John Mysone, Roger le
Colyere, Nicholas Whyte, Henry de Shordich, William de LyntoU, William
le Whyte, John Batecok, Henry Arnold, William Beaumound, Thomas
Fraunk, and Roger le Souter, who were convicted of certain trespasses upon
Bartholomew de Baddelesmere and Margaret his wife at Chesthunt, in that
county, before the justices appointed to hear and determine such trespasses,
and for which they are imprisoned in the king's prison at Hertford, to be
brought to the Tower of London at their own cost, there to be delivered to
John de Crumbewell, constable of the Tower, as Bartholomew has prayed
the king to cause them to be transferred to a safer prison, as the said prison
is insufficient for their custody. The king has ordered tlie constable of the
Tower to receive them from the sheriff, and to cause them to be kept
therein until further orders. By K.
Mandate in pursuance to the constable.
Afterwards, on 12 November, the sheriff of Hertford was ordered to
supersede the execution of the above order.
To Eichard de Eodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to pay to
Joan de Torthorald 10 marks of the issues of his bailiwick for Michaelmas
term last, in accordance with the king's grant to her of 20 marks yearly in
aid of her maintenance, to be received from the issues of the escheatry this
side Trent until he should cause other order to be made for her estate.
Oct. 20. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. The abbot of St.
Westminster. Augustine's Canterbury has prayed the king by petition before him and his
council that whereas it was presented before Hervey de Staunton and his
fellows, justices last in eyre in co. Kent, that the abbot ought to repair the
bridge of Sturey, which was then broken down, and the justices adjudged
the abbot to be responsible for repairing the bridge without calling him
before them, and caused him to be amerced at 10/., and the abbot has caused
the tenor of the presentment and the record of the judgment to come before
the king for correction of the error, wherefore he prays the king to cause
the levy of the said 10/. to be superseded whilst the matter is pending
before the king : the king therefore orders the treasurer and barons to super-
sede the levy of the said 10/. accordingly. By K. and pet. of C. [4069.]
Oct. 15. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to release Henry, parson of
Westminster. Moteston, Thomas le White, Hugh le Clerk, Nicholas Baxman, Roger le
Taillor, Eobert atte Wychit, Eobert atte Gate, Eoger Polesputte, Nicholas
1320. Me7nhrane 18 — cont.
Pulche, Roger atte Cumbe, Philip Pleyndamour, John Robyn, William le
Glede, William le Mone, William Reyn, Roger Hereward, Robert Monfort,
Philip le Yonge, William Fynamour, John son of William Gileberd, Richard
Jolif, John atte Gate, Henry Fraunkeleyn, and William le Freke, im-
prisoned in Winchester castle for trespasses committed upon Francis
Pymod, merchant, -wherefore they [were] put in exigent to be outlawed in
the sheriff's county [court] because they did not come to answer to Francis
before the justices appointed to hear and determine the said trespasses, upon
their finding mainpernors to have them before the said justices at the day
prefixed by them to answer to Francis, as the said Henry, Thomas, and the
others have certain matters to prosecute before the king and his council, for
which purpose it is necessary for them to be present.
By K. and C. on the information of Master H. de Baldok.
Oct. 26. To Richard de Bodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to take into
Westminster, the king's hands without delay the laud of Gower in the Marches of Wales,
which John de Moubray acquired from William de Bruosa, who held it in
chief, and which he entered without the king's licence, notwithstanding the
king's late order to the escheator not to intermeddle in any way with the said
land, certifying the king of his proceedings in this behalf. The king is send-
ing his clerk .Tohn Hamelyn to supervise his actions in this matter, and to
certify the king of the same, and he has ordered the sheriff of Gloucester to
go to that land together with him or with his sub-escheator for the county of
Gloucester, and to supervise his actions and to certify the king concerning
the same. By K.
Oct. 25. To Gilbert de Stapelton, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
Westminster. Thomas de Hoton, kinsman and heir of Thomas de Hoton, to have seisin of
the latter's lands, as he has proved his age before the escheator and the
king has taken his homage. By p.s.
Oct. 26. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with a messuage in
Westminster. S[c]ardeburgh, as it appears by inquisition taken by Ralph de Crophill, late
escheator beyond Trent, that Thomas son of Roger Petiwell of Scardeburgh
held the said messuage at his death of the prior and convent of Maltou by
the service of Gs. 8d. yearly for all service, and that he did not adhere to the
Scotch enemies of the late king, and did not leave the late king's faith, but
that he went to Berwick-on-Tweed in time of peace as a common merchant,
and that he was afterwards detained and slain there by the Scotch rebels,
and that he died without an heir, and that the messuage was taken into the
late king's hands by an escheator of his under the belief that Thomas
had adhered to the Scotch and had died against the late king's faith,
and that the messuage is in the king's hands on this account.
By pet. of C. returned. [4278-80.]
Oct. 26. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay to John de Crumbwell,
Westminster, constable of the Tower of London, the wages of Walter de Twynham, knight,
Geoffrey de la Mares, John le Quent, John de Burdeux, and John son
of John Pace, esquires, prisoners in the Tower, to wit M. a day for the said
knio-ht and Id. a day foi' each of the esquires, for the time that they
have been prisoners there, and to continue paying the same. By K.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Roger
Damory, late keeper and farmer of the castle and honour of Knaresburgh,
40/. yearly in bis account for his fee for the time that he has had the custody.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
Oct. 22. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to cause a coroner for that county
Westminster, to be elected in place of Roger de Halls, deceased.
14 EDWARD 11.
1320. Membrane 18 — cont.
Oct. 28. To the sheriflf of Hereford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
Westminster, be elected in place of John Comyn, whom the king has amoved from office
for insufljcient qualification.
To the bailiffs of Chuldrenlangele. Order not to distrain Nicholas
Passclewe, son and heir of John de Passelewe, tenant in chief, for his
homage for the lands that his father held of the king in chief as of that manor,
as the king has taken his homage. By p.s.
Membrane 17.
Oct. 20. To the collectors of the tenth of the clergy imposed by Pope John XXII.
Westminster, and granted to the king. Order to levy the tenth of the benefices of
the bishopric of Durham, which are much impoverished and destroyed
by the attacks of the Scotch rebels, according to the new taxation that the
king has caused to be made at the prayer of the clergy of that diocese.
By K. and pet. of C. [4095.]
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to receive from the
prior of Durham, sub-collector of the above tenth in the bishopric of
Durham, the tenth of the aforesaid benefices according to the new taxation,
and to cause the clergy of that diocese to be thereupon quit of the tenth by
reason of such imposition. By K. and pet. of C. [4095.]
Oct. 3. To John de Wysham, constable of Knaresburgh castle. Order to repair
Westminster, the king's houses of the castle and his pond and mills, and the palings
of his parks there where necessary by the view of lawful men of those parts,
out of his ferm for the castle.
Oct. 25. To Gilbert de Stapelton, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
Westminster. Matilda, late the wife of Robert de Clifford, tenant in chief, now the wife of
Robert de Well, to have dower of her said late husband's lands in Skelton,
CO. Cumberland, dower whereof the king, on 18 September, in the 9th year
of his reign, ordered Robert de Cliderhou, then escheator beyond Trent, to
assign to her, the said escheator having been amoved from office before
he had executed the order, such dower to be assigned in the presence of
Roger de Clifford, son and heir of the said Robert, if he choose to attend.
Oct. 23. To Richard de Eodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to restore to
Westminster, those to whom they belong the issues of the lands of John de Coggeshale,
other than a tenement in Little Bemflete, co. Essex, the king having ordered
him not to intermeddle further with the lands, with the above exception, be-
cause it was found by an inquisition taken by the escheator that the said
John held no lands of the king in chief at his death, except the above
tenement, which he held as of the honour of Relegh, in the king's hands, by
the service of a knight's fee, by reason whereof the custody of his other
lands ought not to pertain to the king.
Oct. 26. To Master Henry de Clyf and Adam de Brom, king's clerks. Order not
Westminster, to intermeddle further with the custody of the priory of Bermundeseye,
which the king committed to them under a certain form, as the king has
amoved his hand from the priory in the hope that the prior will so rule the
priory that religion and the king's alms in this behalf may be properly kept
and maintained. By p.s. [5486.]
Oct. 27. To Henry le Serop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the king.
Westminster. Order to supersede entirely the process against Robert de Chirsford, who
was lately convicted before the king at the king's suit by inquisition for
Oct. 28.
1320. Membrane 17 — cont.
giving counsel and assent to the prior of Bynham that John de Leycestre;
the king's serjeant-at-arms, who was sent by the king to the priory with
letters of privy seal, should not enter the priory, as the king has pardoned
Robert his trespass in this behalf. They are ordered not to molest or
aggrieve Robert on this account. By K.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with a cottage in Dorcestre, co. Dorset (Dorceslr'), and
with 20 acres of land in Fordyngton, and to restore the issues of the same,
as the king learns by inquisition taken by Master Richard de Clare, late
escheator this side Trent, that Robert Barel held nothing in chief at his
death except the above cottage and land, which cottage is of the ferm of
Dorcestre, and renders 3d. yearly to the same, and the land is held of the
manor of Fordyngton, which is of ancient demesne, according to the law
and custom of the manor by the service of rendering 6s. yearly to the manor,
and that the manor is in the hands of Hugh Daudele for the term of the
life of Margaret his wife by the king's demise, and that Matilda de
Westgate, aunt of the aforesaid Robert, is his nearest heir and is aged
fifty years and more. The services due to the king for the aforesaid cottage
and land are reserved to the king.
To the same. Order to deliver the issues received from the aforesaid
lands to those to whom they belong.
To Gilbert de Stapelton, escheator beyond Trent. Order to expend up
to 5 marks out of the issues of tlie manor of Westwyk, in the king's hands
by reason of the minority of William son and heir of William de Stepham,
tenant in chief, in repairing the manor by the view of lawful men of those
To the same. Order to repair the houses in the king's manor of
Oct. 27. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause
Westminster, dower to be assigned to Isabella, late the wife of John de Knoky, deceased,
tenant in chief, as she has taken oath before the king not to marry without
his licence.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to resume into
the king's hands the custody of the fair of Lopne, and to ordain for the
custody of the same as shall seem good to them for the king's profit, as
Robert son of Robert son of Payu, to whom the king, on 24 November, in
the 5th year of hia reign, committed the custody of the said fair during
pleasure, has now surrendered the fair into the king's hands. They are
ordered to acquit the said Robert of the 50s, yearly that he rendered for
the fair from henceforth.
Oct. 25. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
Westminster, meddle in any wise with aught that pertains to the office of Gilbert de
Stapelton, king's clerk, beyond Trent, the king having, on ^29 January, in
the l.-fth year of his reign, committed to him during pleasure the oflSce of
the escheatry beyond Trent.
To the sheriff of Stafford. Order to be intendent to the said Gilbert in
all things pertaining to his office as above, and to cause knights and other
lawful men of his bailiwick to appear before him to make inquisitions
and to do other things pertaining to his office as often as Gilbert shall require
him to do so.
Oct. 26. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Roger
Westminster. Dammory, late keeper and farmer of the castle and honour of Knares-
burgh, in his ferm thereof at the exchequer, 911. is. 6d., which sum he
14 EDWAED II. 271
1320. Membrane 17 — cont.
was unable to levy of the issues and profits for the time when the castle was
occupied by John do Lilleburn and his accomplices, to wit from 5 October,
in the 11th year of the kinj^'s reign, until 4 March following, as appears by
inquisition taken by John Mauleverer, Richard de Aldeburgh, and William
de Ponte Burgi, to wit from divers farmers of six water-mills on the bank
of [the] Nidde in Bestaynmor, 40 marks 3*. Ad. ; from small issues of nuts
[and] wood-honey, 1 mark ; from the pannage of swine at Martinmas, 100s. ;
from the winter agistment of beasts in the parks there, 5 marks; from
three mines, 75s. ; from the services of , bondmen against Christmas
160 cart-loads of wood, 20s.; from rent of 114 hens at Christmas,
9s. Qd. ; from fines and amercements of seven courts that might have been
held at Knaresburgh, which were not held by reason of the occupation,
\Ql. 6s. Bd. ; from fines and amercements from seven courts that might have
been held at Aldeburgh, 70s. ; from the fines and amercements of seven
courts that might have been held at Routheclif, 1 mark ; for corn that
Roger caused to be collected and carried from thi'ee carucates of land at
Routheclif pertaining to the said castle, the greater part whereof he lost,
to the value of 20/. ; and 60s. for 30 cartloads of hay that the said John de
Lilleburn cau.sed to be carried from the manor of Rouiheclif to the castle ;
10 marks for the land of three carucates in the said manor that lay uncul-
tivated and not sown.
Oct. 28. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to proceed to the priory of Bynham
Westminster, with a sufficient force and to arrest brother William de Somerton, who calls
himself prior of Bynham, brother Nicholas Spark, brother Stephen de
Dunstaple, brother Ralph de Sancto Albano, brother William de Stok,
brother William Quatermeyns, brother Bartholomew de Berneye, brother
Robert de Gernemuth, brother William de Wetheryngsete, brother John de
Eomeseye, brother John de Whathamstede, brother Adam de Wyttenham,
brother Simon de Bynham, and brother Robert de Westerfeld, monks of
that house, and to deliver them to the abbot of St. Albans, to whom they are
subject, or to his proctor in this behalf, to be corrected according to the rule
of St. Benedict, and to cause them to have safe conduct from St. Albans,
at their expense, to a cloister of a monastery of their profession,
as brother Simon, abbot of Raraeseye, presiding over the chapter general of
the order of St. Benedict of the province of Canterbury, has informed the
king by his letters patent that whereas in the said chapter celebrated at
Norhampton diligent treaty was had, according to the usual custom, by the
diffinitores, abbots, priors, and others there assembled concerning the state
of the order, it was found that the above-named monks of Bynham live
contrary to the substance of the order in disobedience and various insolences,
to the peril of their souls and the scandal of the whole order, and that they
take up arms and make assemblies of aiders to foment their boldness, and
that the abbot of St. Albans has proceeded against them by both canonical
and regular censure, which they have hitherto contemned, wherefore the
president, in the name of the chapter aforesaid, has prayed the king to lend
them the aid of the secular arm to repress the malice of the offenders.
By K.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Because it was found by
an inquisition taken by the late king's order by Walter de Gloucester, then
escheator this side Trent, that Henry III. granted by his charter to the
abbess and nuns of Godestowe the wood in Burghwell, to hold from him
and his heirs for ever, rendering 34s. therefor to the exchequer for all
service, and that the abbess and nuns and their predecessors have continued
peacefully their seisin of the said wood for a long time, receiving the
esplees thereof, such as underwood, felling oaks and other trees at their
will, pasture and agistment, and other profits thereof, without hindrance,
1320. Membrane 17 — cont.
and that John de London, to whom the late king granted the manor of
Bladen for life for the resignation made by him of the church of Frodesham,
ejected the abbess and nuns from the said wood wilfully and of his own
authority, pretending that it pertained to the said manor, and appropriated
the wood to himself as if it were an appurtenance of the manor, and that,
pending the plea before the late king's justices of the Bench between the
abbess and the said John concerning such ejection, both the wood and the
manor came to the late king's hands by the death of the aforesaid John,
and that the wood was in the late king's hands on that account, and that
the wood is not an appurtenance of the said manor, but that it formerly
belonged to William le Chaumberleyn, and that it and other lands of the
said William came to the hands of Henry III. as escheats for the felony
for which "William was hanged, and that it remained in the hands of him
and his successors {sic) until he enfeoffed the abbess and nuns thereof as
above, the late king, on 3 June, in the 34th year of his reign, ordered his
aforesaid escheator to deliver the wood and appurtenances to the abbess and
nuns, to hold according to the said feoffment and as they held it before they
■were ejected, as appears by the rolls of the late king's chancery : the king
now orders the treasurer and barons to permit the abbess and nuns to hold
the wood accordingly, so that they answer to him for the aforesaid 34s.
from the said 3 June, and not to molest them for any of the time during
which the aforesaid John occupied the wood.
Nov. 1. To Gilbert de Slapelton, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
Westminster. Patrick de Sutheyk, son and heir of Gilbert de Sutheyk, tenant in chief of
the late king, to have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age
before the escheator and the king has taken his homage. By p.s.
Membrane 16.
Oct. 28. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to
Westminster, intermeddle further with the manor of Wyberton, co. Lincoln, taken into
the king's hands with other lands of Robert de Well, and to restore the
issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that
Robert held at his death a third of the said manor in his demesne as of fee
of John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, by fee-ferm, and that the manor
ought to be divided between Adam de Well and John de Well, brothers of
the said Robert, according to the custom of the tenure.
Oct. 30. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of
Westminster. Creuquer and the hamlets of Fordestaple and Farlyngton, together with the
advowson of the church of Farlyngton, which are in the king's hands for
certain reasons, as it does not at present appear to the king that they ought
to remain in his hands. By K. and pet. of C.
Nov. 2. To the collectors of the custom of wool, etc., in the port of Southampton.
Westminster. Order to permit Francis de Massa and Titrus* de Massa, merchants of
Lombardy, to take ISO sacks of wool from that port upon payment of the
custom, as they have found the king security by Vannus Brunlisk and by
oath that they will take the wool, which is now in that port, to Lom-
bardy and not elsewhere.
To Master Richard de Clare, late escheator this side Trent. Order to
restore the issues received by him from the lands that John Coggeshale
held of other lords than the king, as it appears by inquisition taken by
the said escheator that John held nothing in chief of the king at his death
* Tirus in the margin.
14 EDWARD ir.
1320. Membi-ane 16 — cont.
except a tenement in Little Bemflet, co. Essex, as of tlie honour of Kelegh by
the service of one kniglit's fee, by reason whereof the custody of his other
lands ought not to pertain to the king; whereupon the king ordered Richard
de Rodeneye, now escheator this side Trent, to retain the said tenement in
the king's hands and not to intermeddle further with the other lands of the
said John, and to restore the issues thereof received by liim.
Oct. 31. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to
The Tower, distrain William de Sanoto Georgio for homage for two virgates of land in
Midlovente, co. Sussex, which he holds of the king by knight service, as
the king has taken his homage. By p.s. [5496.]
Oct. 31. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Simon
Westminster. Warde, sheriff of York, lOOZ. out of the issues of his bailiwick, the king
having granted him that sum for his good service past and to come.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
Oct. 4. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause the water-mills near the castle
Sheen. of York to be repaired where necessary.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
Oct. 24. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to cause
Westminster, a messuage in the suburbs of Dublin that Nicholas de Balscote bequeathed
to John de Balscote and Ralph de Balscote to be extended by men of the
city, and to commit it to John and Ralph by letters patent under the exchequer
seal, subject to their rendering the extent thereof to the said exchequer for
so long as the messuage remains in the king's hands, as John and Ralph
have besought the king to grant the same to them to be held according to
the extent, the messuage having been taken into the kiiig's hands for debts
due from Nicholas.
By pet. of C. [1535] and by K. ou the information of Master Robert
de Baldok.
Oct. 27. To the abbot of St. Mary's York, collector in the diocese of York of
Westminster, the tenth of the clergy granted to the king by pope John XXII. Order to
cause the tenth of benefices and temporalities annexed to spiritualities to be
collected and levied according to the new taxation, which the king has
caused to be made at the request of the clergy of that diocese because many
benefices and temporalities have been impoverished by the ravages of the
Scotch rebels. By pet. of C.
IParl. Writs.]
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to receive the
tenth from the abbot according to the above taxation, and to cause him to
have allowance therefor, and to acquit the clergy of the diocese of the
tenth by reason of such imposition. [Ibid.]
Like letter to the prior of St. Mary's Carlisle, collector of the tenth in
the bishopric of Carlisle, for the clergy of that bishopric. [Ibid.]
Like order in the prior's favour to the trea.?urer and barons. [Ibid.]
Oct. 18. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to the
Westminster, abbot of Tavystok, out of the lOOZ. yearly due from him for the custody of
the king's stannary in co. Devon and of the water of Dertemuth, 300/.,
which he lent to the king for the expedition of his affairs toward Ireland,
charging the same to Roger de Northburgh, keeper of the wardrobe, to
whom he paid the money. By p.s. [5478.]
Nov. 6. To John de Crumbewell, keeper of the Forest beyond Trent, or to him
Westminster, who supplies his place in the forest of Inglewode. Order to deliver Robert
son of Walter de Askebrymer, imprisoned at Carlisle for trespass of vert
76416, 8
Nov. 5.
Nov. 1.
Nov. 10.
Nov. 10.
Membrane 16 — cont.
and venison in that forest, in bail to twelve mainpernors, who shall under-
take to have him before the king's justices for forest pleas when they
next oome to those parts.
The like in favour of Hugh de Louthre, addressed to the said keeper.
The like in favour of Plugh de Wothale, Jollan Sampson, and Ralph
Sampson of Wodeburgh, addressed to the said keeper.
The like in favour of Philip de Ipre and Henry de Ipre, imprisoned at
Hereford, addressed to Aymei- de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the
Forest this side Trent.
To Gilbert de Stapelton, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause dower
to be assigned to Juliana lale the wife of John de la Legh, tenant by knight
service of the heir of Henry de Percy, tenant in chief, a minor in the king's
wardship, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to assign
dower to Lcttice, late the wife of John le Fauouner, tenant in chief, upon
her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence.
To the sheriff of York. The king learns from the complaint of Richard
Aldrede of Rypon, Richard Barry, and Nicholas Byndelowys that whereas
the Scotch rebels two years ago went to the town of Rypun, and the men of
that town ransomed the town from being burnt by a fine of 1,000 marks,
of which sum they then paid 240 marks, and delivered the aforesaid Richard,
Richard, and Nicholas, and three other men of the town, who afterwards
escaped from the hands of the rebels, as hostages under promise that they
would collect and levy the remainder of the 1,000 marks amongst themselves,
and would cause the hostages to be delivered from prison before St. Peter
ad Vincula then next following, the men of the town have refused to
levy and collect the said residue, although frequently requested to do so,
and permitted the hostages to remain in prison ; wherefore the said Richard,
Richard, and Nicholas, who have come from prison by licence, leaving
their wives and children (^piteri) in their place until a certain time, have
prayed the king to provide a remedy ; the king, considering it unreasonable
that Richard, Richard, and Nicholas should stay in prison without assistance
and delivery by those for whom they became hostages, appointed Richard
de Bernyngham, Geoffrey le Scrop, and Richard de Aldeburgh to enquire
concerning the premises ; by whose inquisition it appears that Richard,
Richard, and Nicholas were put in hostage with the other three men who
escaped by the men of the town of Rypon to save that town for 760 marks
of the aforesaid ransom of 1,000 marks, and that Richard, Ricliard, and
Nicholas remained as hostages because the money was not paid as promised,
and that Richard, Richard, and Nicholas made fine with the rebels for their
release : the king therefore orders the sheriff to levy the aforesaid 760
marks from all the men inhabiting the town of Rypon and from the owners
of houses in that town, and to cause the money to be paid to the said
Richard, Eichard, and Nicholas for their delivery. [^FoederaJ]
To W. bishop of Exeter, treasurer. Order to cause 5Qs. lOd. to be paid
to Yorwerth ( Varewardns) le Galays if he find by inspection of the bill of
the wardrobe in Yorwerth's possession that that sum is due to him, Yor-
werth having prayed for payment thereof by his petition before the king
and his council. By K. and pet. of C.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause a seal
called ' coket' to be made for the port of Scardeburgh, and to cause it to
be delivered to Robert Waway, whom the king has appointed together with
Adam de Semer to collect the custom of wool, hides, and wool-fells in that
1320. Membrane 16 — cont.
port during pleasure, as there is suitable harbour (appHcatio) in that port
for ships, for which reason the king wills that there shall be a coket seal
there for wool, hides, and wool-fells to be taken to parts beyond sea.
By pet. of 0.
To the sheriff of Salop. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of William de Kaynton, whom the king has caused to be
amoved from office for insufficient qualification.
To the bailiffs of Cokermuth. Order not to distrain Edmund, brother and
heir of John de Boy vill, for homage for the lands that his said brother held
in chief, as the king has taken his homage. By p.s. [6503.]
Nov. 8. To Richard de Eodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause
Westminster. Richard de Cogan, son and heir of Thomas de Cogan, to have seisin of his
father's lands, as the king has taken his homage. By p.s.
To the same. Order to amove the king's hand from the chapel of Hali-
well, CO. Warwick, and the lands conferred upon it by men of those parts, as
the king learns by an inquisition taken by the escheator that the abbot of
lioucestre and his predecessors have held the chapel from time out of mind,
and the said lands, which were conferred upon the chapel by divers men of
those parts in frankalnioiu to make a chantry there by one of the canons of
that house, and that neither the advowson of the chapel nor the lands are
held of the king in chief, but that the lands in co. Warwick are held of
the heirs of Robert de Cotes, and the lands in co. Leicester of the heirs of
Robert de Wawere, Geoffrey Burgilon, and Richard Fiton in frankalmoin,
and that the abbot ceased finding the aforesaid chantry for two months,
because ' Godfrey Spigurnel, his fellow-canon, was robbed there, and that
the escheator took the chapel and lands into the king's hands on that account
Nov. 6. ' To Aymer de Valencia, carl of Pembroke, keeper of the Foi-est this side
Westminster. Trent. Order to deliver Roger de Morewode, in the marshalsea prison for '
trespass of vert and venison in the forest of Roteland, in bail to twelve
mainpernors who shall undertake to have him before the justices of forest
pleas when they next come to those parts.
The like to the same in favour of Thomas Anel, Roger Anel, William
Frere, Walter Broun, William Whitemon, John Kist, Richard de Barewe,
John le Smale, Thomas Pridy, John Ewes, William Marky, William Cad}',
Robert le Cat, Thomas de Lodebrok, Gilbert Puddyng', Nicholas Kist, and
John atte Walle.
Nov. 10. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to supersede until
Westminster, further orders the levy of the tenth of the benefices of Gaucelin Johannis,
cardinal priest of SS. Marcellinus and Peter, as the king wishes to shew
him special grace. By K.
Nov. 5. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to in-
Westminster. termeddle further with the lands of Richard Crok, and to restore the issues
thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that the
said Richard Crok, who died 2\ June, in the 3rd year of the king's reign,
held at his death certain lands in Haselbury by knight service of Peter de
Gaveston, then earl of Cornwall, as of the honour of Walyngford, and that
Reginald Crok, his son and heir, was then a minor, for which reason the earl
had the custody of the said lands, and that he sold the custody together with
the heir's marriage to Isolda, late the wife of the said Richard, and that, after
s 2
1320. Membrane 15 — cont.
the earl's death, the king granted the custody and marriage as if they were
in his hands to Alexander le Peyntour, upon his suggestion that the lands
were held in chief and that the custody thereof was in the king's hands,
and that when Alexander was unable to have the custody and marriage
according to the king's grant by reason of the above sale thereof, the king
ordered the custody of the said lands, then in Isolda's hands, to be resumed
into his hands amongst other things resumed by pretext of the ordinances
as if they had been in Alexander's hands by the king's grant, and that they
are on that account still in his hands, and that Richard held no lands in
chief, and that Reginald is his son and heir, and is aged 26 years and 8
Nov. 8. To the same. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Margaret, late the
Westminster, wife of Peter Sabright, tenant in chief, in the presence of Giles, Peter's son
and heir, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence.
Nov. 10. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to admit John de Ileford
Westminster, and Robert de Warsham, or either of them, to execute the office of coroner
in that city, which pertains to Stephen de Abyndon, the king's butler, as
Stephen is engaged upon the king's affairs in divers parts of the realm so
that he cannot per.sonally execute the office of coroner. They are to be
admitted to execute such office when the mayor and sheriffs shall be
requested by Stephen to admit them, upon their taking oath of good
behaviour in such office.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Robert
de Sapy, to whom the king, on 27 September, in the 10th year of his reign,
committed the office of esoheator beyond Trent, the usual fee for such office
from that date until 25 November, in the 12th year of the reign, when the
king committed the office to Ralph de Crophill.
Adam Godeyoman is sent to the abbot and convent of Tychefeld to
receive the same maintenance as John de Combes, deceased, had in their
house. By p.s. [5501.]
Nov. 12. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to pay to John de Fenwyk
Westminster. 20 marks for Martinmas term last of the 40 marks yearly of the issues of
that county granted to him by the king during pleasure for his more
suitable maintenance in the king's service and for his good service.
Nov. 14. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to
Westminster, distrain Gilbert son of Henry de Borhunt, tenant in chief, for homage for
his lands, as the king has taken his homage. By p.s.
Nov. 8. To Adam de Wettenhale, chamberlain of North Wales. Order to cause
Westminster, payment to be made weekly to the masons {cementar') and other workmen
of the king's castles in his bailiwick for their work, and to cause the houses
and walls of the said castles to be repaired, and to cause victuals and dead
garnisture for the same to be provided without delay for the munition
thereof by the view of the constables of the castles, and to cause the small
fees and usual wages for the officers and other Serjeants of the castles to be
paid as has been usual heretofore. By C.
To the same. Order to cause the fees and wages of the justi[ces], con-
stables, and sheriffs withia his bailiwick to be paid as has been usual
heretofore. By C.
Nov. 15, To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Robert de
Westminster. Sapy, late e.scheator beyond Trent, 13Z. 8«. 8rf. expended by him over and
above the sum of 200 marks, which the king ordered him to expend in repair-
ing the houses and other buildings within the castle of Pe[ve]neaeye, then in
1320. Membrane 15 — cont.
Robert's custody, out of the issues of his bailiwick and out of the arrears of
the ferms and other issues of the bishopric of Durham, then in his custody
during voidance, as Robert expended for this purpose 13/. 8.?. 8c?. in
addition to the 200 marks by the view and testimony of Elias de Peveneseye,
clerk, and Simon Curteys, whereof he has delivered parcels at the exche-
quer. By p.s. [5510.]
Nov. 16. To the same. Order to cause allowance to be made to the abbot of
Westminster. Meaux for the debts due to him from the king out of what is due from him
for the arrears of the tenth current in the 12th year of the king's reign and
the arrears of other tenths previously granted to the king, the king having,
on 25 November, in the 12th year of his reign, ordered them to make such
allowance, in response to the abbot's petition before him and his council
praying for allowance of the debts due to him from the king, to wit 19/. for
com bought from him in aid of the Scotch war and 11/. by bills of the
wardrobe for victuals bought from him in like manner; the king now
learning from the abbot's complaint that they have hitherto done nothing in
execution of his order.
Nov. 17. To the same. Order to acquit Walter de Stapeldon, bishop of Exeter,
Westminster, the treasurer, of the scutage exacted from him for the lands and fees per-
taining to the church and chapelry of Boseham for all times past, the king
having granted to him and his successors, for his good service, with the
assent of the prelates, earls, barons, and other proceres of the realm in the
parliament at Westminster, that they shall have the lands aforesaid in alms
quit of scutage for ever, notwithstanding that any of his predecessors have
paid scutage therefor, provided that the bishop and his successors do the due
and usual services for the barony and other lands pertaining to the bishopric,
it appearing from the king's book at the exchequer called ' Domesday ' that
the lands and fees pertaining to the church and chapelry are held of the
king in alms. By p.s.
Nov. 18. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause John de
Westminster. Hastyng', executor of the will of John de Hastyng', to have payment of
the arrears of 814/. 8«. 6af., due to the deceased from the late and present
king, in accordance with the king's grant of 23 November, in the llthyear
of his reign, to the aforesaid executor that he should have wardships and
marriages this side Trent delivered to him, by a certain extent and appraise-
ment to be made by the treasurer and barons and the escheator this side
Trent, until he should be fully satisfied for the above sum. By p.s. [5516.]
Nov. 20. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to cause
Westminster, allowance to be made to Nicholas de Verduno of 10/. out of the extent to be
rendered yearly by him for certain lands of the late Theobald de Verduno in
Ireland, tenant in chief, in the king's hands by reason of the minority of
Theobald's heir, the custody whereof Nicholas holds during the heirs'
minority by the king's grant, as he has prayed by petition before the king
and his council for consideration because the said lands cannot be defended
■witliout great cost against the Irish of those parts, who frequently rise
against the king's peace, and Roger de Mortuo Mari, justice of Ireland, has
testified before the king and his council that 10/. yearly are sufficient to
defend the aforesaid land. By K. and pet. of 0. [185 ; Rot. Pari. i. 385.]
Nov. 18. To the same {sic). Order to acquit the prior and convent of Malton of
Westminster. 13^. 4c/. yearly, with which they are charged at the exchequer for the
arrentation of a messuage in Scardeburgh that Thomas son of Roger
Petewyll held of them, from 26 October last, when the king ordered Gilbert
de StapeltoD, escheator beyond Trent, to amove his hand from the said
1320. Membrane 15 — cont.
messuage, the prior and convent having prayed the king and his council to
acquit them of the arrentatiou for the messuage, which was committed to
them. By pet. of C. [4278-80.]
Nov. 16. To the same. Order to cause allowance to be made to Juliana, late the
Westminster, wife of William de Leyb[urn], for 36/. in the debts of the said William
demanded by summons of the exchequer from his lands, as she has prayed
the king to cause allowance to be made to her for the above sum due to
William from the king, to wit 18/. \Zs. id. for his winter and summer fees
of the first year of the king's reign, and for his summer robe for that year,
and 17/. 6.«. 8d. for his winter and summer fees and robes of the second year
of the reign, as appears by a bill of the wardrobe under the seal of J. bishop
of Bath and Wells for the former sum and by another bill under the seal
of John de Benstede for the latter sum, for the time when they were keepers
of the wardrobe. By p.s.
Membrane 14.
Nov. 16. To Eichard de Eodeney, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
Westminster, meddle further with a messuage, 30 acres of land, 5 acres of meadow,
5 acres of pasture, and lOd. of rent in Alvithele, and to permit Selvana,*
late the wife of Henry de Columbar[iis], to hold the same in peace, and not
to molest her or William 'in the Hale,' in case she die, concerning the same,
as the king has lately learned that John de Brianzon, who held the said manor
in chief, which is now in the king's hands by reason of the heir's minority,
granted the aforesaid messuage, etc., to John Jordan, who previously held
them in villeinage of the manor, to him and his heirs for ever, rendering
the true yearly value thereof to the said John de Briamzon (tic) and his
heirs, to wit 13s. 9d., and doing suit to his court of the manor from three
weeks to three weeks, and that John de Briamzon afterwards remitted the
rent to Henry de Columbar[iis], deceased, for Henry's lifetime, to whom and
to his wife Selvana John Jordan had given the said messuage, etc., and that
William ' in the Hale', to whom Henry granted the messuage, etc., to him
and his heirs for ever by his charter, has now granted the same to Selvana
for her lifetime, rendering therefor the above rent of 13s. 9f/. to the lord
of the manor and doing suit at the court of the manor, so that after her
death the messuage, etc., should revert to the said William and his heirs.
To Ralph de Cammoys, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to repair
the houses, tower, walls, and bridges of the castle, with the stable and wall
of the garden without the castle, and the houses and walls of the manor of
Kenyngton, with the paling and wall about the king's park there.
To the same. Order to pay to Roger de Wyndesore, keeper of both gates
of the castle, 4d. a day, to Alexander le Peyntour, one of the viewers of the
king's works, 2c?. a day, to Thomas le Eotour, another viewer of the king's
works, 2d. a day, to Adam the gardener of the king's garden without the
castle, 2^d. a day, to four watchmen of the castle, 2d. a day each, to Robert
de Wodehem, chief forester of the forest of Wyndesore, I2d. a day, to
Ralph de la More, clerk of the king's works, 2d, a day, and to Thomas le
Parker, keeper of' Kenyngton park, l^di a day, their wages and stipends,
from Michaelmas last until Michaelmas next.
Nov. 15. To the keeper of the forest of Dene. Order to cause a tithe of the
Westminster, profit of the king's iron mine in the forest within the parish of the bishop
of Llandaff's church of Sewland (de Nova Terra) to be paid to the said
* Called Salviana in the margin.
Nov. 20
1320. Membrane 14 — cont.
church hereafter, the king having granted such tithe in response to the
petition of J. bishop of Llandaff, although it appears by the certificate of the
treasurer and barons of the exchequer that tithe of such profit has not been
paid hitherto and that no recompence has been made in place of such tithe.
By K.
To the constable of Tikhull castle, or to him who supplies his place.
Order not to distrain Uobert Haringel for homage for a moiety of a knight's
fee that he holds in chief in Melton near Cateby of the honour of Tikhull,
as the king has taken his homage. By p.s. [5520,]
To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause a verderer for the forest
of Pamberge to be elected in place of John de Sancto Mamfeo {sic), deceased.
To the sheriff of Cambridge. The king learns from the petition in
parliament of Thomas le Moigno of Abyndou and Muriel his wife
that whereas Warin de Bassyngbuurn {sic) and John son of Alexander
le Moigne disseised them of divers tenements in that county and in
cos. Huntingdon and Middlesex, and took and carried away their goods and
chattels from the same because Thomas and Muriel prosecuted certain
affairs of theirs against them in the present parliament, and Thomas and
Muriel arramed against them divers assizes of novel disseisin before divers
justices of as.size in the said counties {Incomplete enrolment^
Vacated because otherwise below.
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of Gregory de Thornton, who is insufficiently qualified.
To John de Crumbwell, keeper of the Forest beyond Trent, or to him
who supplies his place. Order to deliver to the prior and convent of St.
Mary's Carlisle a tithe of the venison taken in the forest of lugelwode this
year, as they and their predecessors have been wont to receive such tithe
To the sheriff' of Cambridge. Order (o supersede the arresting of
Thomas le Moigne of Abyndon and Muriel his wife or the molesting of them
by reason of the appeal made of them by Alice daughter of John Goldryng
for robbery and breach of the peace, as Thomas and Muriel have come to
the chancery in person and have produced before the king certain lawful
men, to wit Thomas de Cotyngham, Nicholas de Bisyng, John de Asshenell,
Stephen de Bassyngburn, of co. Cambridge, and Richard de Kelleshull, of
CO. Essex, Hugh de Sauutre, of co. Hertford, and Robert Huntyngdon, of
CO, Huntingdon, who have received Thomas and Muriel in bail to have them
before the king in the octaves of St. Hilary next to answer Alice concerning
the above appeal, as the king learns from the petition in parliament of Thomas
and Muriel that whereas Warin de Bassyngburn and John son of Alexander le
Moigne disseised Thomas and Muriel of divers tenements in cos. Cambridge,
Huntingdon, and Middlesex, because they prosecuted certain matters against
Warin and John in the present parliament, and took and carried away their
goods and chattels from the said tenements, and Thomas and Mui-iel arramed
assizes of novel disseisin before the justices of assize in those counties •
against the said Warin and John and others named in the writs, the said
Warin and John, fraudulently endeavouring to hinder them from prosecuting
the assizes and other matters against them, procured the aforesaid Alice to
appeal them as above by writ directed to the sheriffand returnable before the
king in the octaves of St. Hilary next, by reason of which appeal Thomas
and Muriel are to be arrested by the sheriff and imprisoned until such day,
so that, if this were done, they would be unable toiprosecute the aforesaid
matters ; for which they prayed the king to provide a remedy. By C.
Nov. 20. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause L. bishop
Westminster, of Durham to have three upper punches {trussellos), in addition to the three
Nov. 24.
Nov. 20.
Nov. 23.
1320. Membrane 14 — cont.
previously delivered to bim, until Easter next and for a year from that time,
as often as he shall need them, the king having ordered them to cause him
to have three dies (cuneos) for making sterlings of the king's money with
all things pertaining to the dies, as his predecessors had been wont to have
them in times past, and having afterwards, on 30 July, in the 11th year of
the king's reign, ordered them to deliver to him three other upper punches
beyond the three previously delivered to him, to have during the king's
pleasure, the bisliop having prayed the king to continue the grant of the
three extra trussels. By K.
Vacated because otherwise below.
Nov. 22. To the same. Order to cause allowance to be made to the community of
Westminster, the town of Bulewell in the ferm of that town for 26*. Sd. due to them from
the king, as appears by a bill of the wardrobe under the seals of B,obert
de Wodehus and Richard de Feiyby of the time when William de Melton,
archbishop of York, was keeper of the wardrobe, for oats taken for the use
of the king's horses, the community having prayed, by petition before the
king and his council, for allowance of this sum out of their ferm.
By pet. of C. [4066.]
Nov. 25. To the same. Order to cause the standard of the London quarter of
Westminster, corn to be assayed and proved, and to cause other measures to be made by
that standard, and to send one such measure proved by the standard and sealed
to the principal town of every county of the realm, so that other measures in the
said counties (civitatibiis) may be made by such proved measures, which are to
be used in buying and selling corn in those counties, as it is contained in
3Iagna Carta that there shall be one measure of corn, to wit the quarter
of London, throughout the realm, and the king now learns from the frequent
complaints of the magnates and proceres in divers parliaments and others that
certain merchants and others use divers other measures in the realm, to wit
greater measures for buying and smaller ones for selling. By K. and C.
Nov. 17. To David, earl of Athole. Whereas the king understands that some of the
Westminster. Scots who are against the king in war desire to come to his peace, because
their conscience is hurt by the sentence of excommunication in which they
are involved by papal authority and by many other causes, and the king has
committed to the earl full power to receive them into his peace, provided
that they find hostages or other sufficient security to attempt nothing contrary
to the truce between the king and Robert de Brus and his supporters, the
king orders the earl to admit Scots who thus wish to come to his peace, and
if they will not come under these conditions and pray for other conditions,
the earl is to treat with tliem as secretly as possible concerning the
conditions required by them, and to certify the king thereof as speedily as
possible, or, it' he think it expedient, he is to come to the king in person so
that the king, being fully certified thereof, may do his will in this matter.
The earl is to permit them to remain meanvyhile without molestation, taking
from them security as above that they will not during that time attempt
anything contrary to the truce. By K. and C.
Nov. 20. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow 111. to
Westminster. William de Hedersete and William de Rude, collectors of the custom of
wool, hides, and wool-fells in the port of London, which sum they have paid
to William Osbern,the king's shearman {retonsori),hy virtue of his order to
pay him that sum, being the balance of 36/. 2«. 2d. for shearing and carriage
(portagio) of divers cloth of the king from 25 October, in the 7th
year of his reign, until the end of the same year, as appears by a bill
thereof made by Ralph de Stokes, then clerk of the great wardrobe, under
his seal.
1320. Membrane 14 — cont.
Nov. 20. To the same. Order to cause L. bishop of Durham to have until Easter
.Westminster, next and for a year from then thi'ee upper punches (trussellos), in addition
to the three delivered to him by virtue of the king's order to deliver to him
three dies {cuneos), with all appurtenances for making sterlings of the
king's money, in execution whereof they delivered to him three dies in six
pieces, to wit three lower punches {pilos) and three upper punches (trussel-
los), the king having afterwards, on 30 July, in the 11th year of his reign,
ordered them to deliver to the bishop three additional upper punches
{trussellos), to have during the king's pleasure, as the bishop has requested
the king to continue his said grant. By K. [and pet. of C. 4096.]
Membrane 13.
Nov. 20. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to William
Westminster, de Hedersete and William de Rude, collectors of the custom in the port of
London, 2 1 6/. 6s. 5d., which sum Henry Nasard retained of the custom
on his wool sent beyond sea and of the loan that he ought to have made to
the king upon his wool, the king having ordered the collectors to permit
Henry to retain money as above to that amount, which was due to him from
the king, to wit 114?. 6s. bd. for his wages and robes of the time of John
de Drokenesford, then keeper of the wardrobe of the late king, and for cloth
bought from him for the use of Margaret, queen of England, at Boulton, in
the 32nd year of the said king's reign, by an account made with him in the
said wardrobe in February, in the 10th year of the present king's reign,
and 102Z. for cloth bought from him for the present king's use, in the
9th year of his reign, by Ralph de Stokes, then keeper of the great ward-
robe, as appears by a bill of the said Ralph's.
To the same. Order to allows to the aforesaid William and William
200/. 25. 2d., which sum the aforesaid Henry retained as above, by virtue
of the king's order to the aforesaid collectors, for money to that amount
due to him from the king for cloth received from him and delivered to
divers men-at-arms and footmen of the garrisons of the king's castles and
towns in Scotland, for the arrears of their wages and recompence for their
horses lost in the king's service in the 11th year of his reign, as appears in a
bill under the seal of office of his chamberlain of Scotland together with the
seal of John de Weston, late chamberlain of Scotland.
Dec. 2. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
Talworth. meddle further with a messuage and half a virgate of land in Esschefeld,
taken into the king's hands upon the death of William le Kyng of Es.sche-
feld as if he held them in chief, it being found by inquisition taken by
Master Richard de Clare, late escheator this side Trent, that William held
them in demesne as of fee at his death in chief of the king by the service of
2s. lOd. yearly, and that Nicholas his son is his nearest heir and of full age,
as the king now learns by an inquisition taken by the present escheator that
Richard Baggesovere was seised of the above with other lands in Essche-
feld in his demesne as of fee, and that he held all the lands in chief of
Henry III. by the aforesaid service of 2s. lOd. yearly, and that he gave the
said messuage and half virgate to Adam le Kyng in fee, to hold of Richard
and his heirs, rendering therefor the said 2s. 10c?. yearly.
Nov. 23. To the sheriffs of London. Order to pay to the keeper of the king's
Westminster, leopard in the Tower of London Qd. daily for the maintenance of the leopard
and \\d. a day for his own wages, from Michaelmas last until next
Nov. 25. To John de Mutford, John Sefoul, and Simon de Hedersete. Order to
Westminster, proceed to render judgment in an assize of novel disseisin arramed by
Nov. 28.
Dec. 7.
Dec. 6.
Dec. 3.
Dec. 11.
Membrane 13 — cont.
William de Shirewode before them against John son of Simon de Goseford
and others named in the original writ concerning tenements in Saxlinghain
Nethergate, and Saxlingham Thorp, the said John de Mutford having
certified the king, in response to his order, thiit they deferred proceeding to
judgment because the lands of William de Cardoil, lord of the manor of
Saxlingham, were in the king's hands by his forfeiture, the tenements
having been in the seisin of Simon de Goseford, who enfeoifed tlie said
AVilliam de Shirwode thereof, who continued his seisin until the bailiffs of
the said William de Cardoil ejected William from the tenements after tlie
death of Simon on account of the minority of John son of Simon, the tene-
ments being held of the manor by knight service.
To John de Crumbweil, keeper of the Forest beyond Trent. Order to
deliver Thomas le Lardener of Skelton, imprisoned at York for trespass of
vert and venison in the forest of Galtres, in bail to twelve mainpernors who
shall have him before the justices for forest pleas when they come to those parts.
The like to the said keeper in favour of Thomas son of Roger Lovei of
To the sheriff of Cornwall. Order to restore to John Gelly, clerk, his
lands, goods, and chattels, taken into the king's hands upon his being
charged before Robert de Stokheye, John de Treiagu, and Henry de
Bokerel, justices to deliver Lanceton gaol, with the death of Simon Gevel,
as he has purged his innocence before W. bishop of Exeter, the diocesan,
to whom he was delivered according to the privilege of the clergy.
To Gilbert de Stapelton, escheator beyond Trent. Order to make par-
tition into two parts of the lands that Katherine, late the wife of John de
Danthorp, held in dower at her death of her husband's inheritance, which
are held in chief, and to cause Robert de Hedon and his wife Joan, kins-
woman and co-heir of the said John, to have seisin of Joan's purparty,
as the king lias taken Robert's homage therefor, retaining in the king's
hands until further orders the purparty of William Berchant, kinsman and
co-heir of the said John, an idiot in the king's wardship. By p.s. [5534.]
To John de Crumbweil, keeper of the Forest beyond Trent, or to him
who supplies his place. Order to deliver William de Shupton, Thomas
Lovel of Skelton, Adam de Loundres, and Richard Thomasman Ughtred,
imprisoned at York for trespass of venison in the forest of Galtres, in bail
to twelve mainpernors who shall undertake to have him before the justices
for forest pleas when they next come to those parts.
To David, earl of Athole. Whereas the king by his letters patent
appointed the said earl and Robert de Umframvill, earl of Angus {Danegos),
William Eydel, John de Penreth, and Roger de Horsle to admit to the
king's peace all Scots who wish to be admitted, taking from them security
not to attempt anything against the truce between the king and Robert
de Brus, and the king, wishing to shew further grace to such as rendered
themselves to his peace, gave full power by other letters patent to the said
David, William, John, and Roger to pardon in the king's name to those of
Scotland coming to the king's peace forfeiture of life and limbs, lands and
chattels, and all felonies and trespasses against the king's peace up to the
day of their surrender, excepting those of England who were against the
king and others who claim to have lands within that realm, to whom the
king will not have the grace aforesaid extended without his special licence ;
the king now orders the aforesaid David to attend to the premises together
■with the said Robert, William, John, and Roger, and not to use the king's
commission made and sent to him at anotherJime for so receiving men to
the king's peace, which commission he is ordered to send to the chancery to
be cancelled. By p.s.
Dec. 11.
Dec. 12.
Dec. 26.
Dec. 28.
Membrane 13 — cont.
The like to William Rydel, John de Penreth, and Roger de Horsle,
' mutatis competenter mutandis'
The like to the said Robert, omitting the clause about the king's
To the archbishop of Yo;k. Order to absolve from the pope's sentence of
excommunication for rebellion against the king such Scots as the aforesaid
commissioners shall certify by their letters patents have been received into
the kiug's peace, according to the power granted to the archbishop by the
apostolic see. By K.
The like to J. bishop of Carlisle.
The like to the said bishop for those whom Andrew de Hartcla shall
To the sheriffs of London. Order to cause Ralph son of Roger Bordel
to be delivered from prison in !N"ewegate, wherein he is imprisoned by virtue
of the king's writ of judgment to take and imprison him so that they should
have him before the justices of the Bench in five weeks from Easter to
answer to Richard de Bensyngton in a plea of account for the time when
lie was Richard's receiver, which writ was issued because the sheriffs
returned before the justices in the quiuzaine of Martinmas last that Ralph
was not found in their bailiwick ; as Ralph has prayed the king for remedy
and Laurence Albyn of London, of the county of Essex, William Trigge of
London, of the same county, William Scot of London, of the county of
Middlesex, Richard Lunbard of London, Richard le Dyer of London, and
Thomas Sprot of London have mainperned before the king in chancery to
have Ralph before the justices at the aforesaid day.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause
John son of Roger son and heir of Roger son of John, tenant in chief, to
have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age before the
escheator and the king has taken his homage. By p.s.
To William de Caveresham, steward of the land of Gower in the marches
of Wales, in the king's hands, and receiver of the issues of the same. Order
to pay to William le Flemyng, keeper of that land, and to other men
appointed for keeping the castles in that land by Hugh le Despenser, the
elder, and Bartholomew de Badelesmere, whom the king has sent to those
parts for certain of his alFairs, their wages until further orders according to
the indenture of an ordinance thereof made by Hugh and Bartholomew, one
part whereof is in the possession of the said steward. By K.
Membrane 12.
Dec. 6. To Bartholomew de Badelesmere, constable of Dover castle and warden
Sheen. of the Cinque Ports. Order to release a ship of Santander (Seint Ander),
whereof Peter Garcie is master, laden with wines and goods of John
Ronlok and his fellows, merchants of the power of R. count of Flanders,
arrested by him at Wynchelse at the suit of Stephen Alard of Wynclesse
{sic), as it is contained amongst the things ordained in the treaty between
the king's counciland the count's envoys at Westminster to be executed at
Easter next that all arrests of the goods of his men and merchants shall in
the meantime cease. By K. and C.
Dec. 11. To the sheriff of Cornwall. Order to restore to Serlo son of William
Windsor. Wyse the hundred of Estweveleschire to hold at fee-ferm as his father held
it of the late king, into whose hands it was taken because William was
convicted before William Martin and his fellows, the late king's justices of
Dec. 28.
Dec. 31.
Dec. 28.
Jan. 1.
Membrane 12 — cont.
oyer and terminer in that county, for that, whilst chief bailiff of the said
hundred, he had precept from Hugh {Lingon') Peverel, coroner, to take
Gilbert Raz and John Jordan, who were indicted before the coroner for the
death of John Heyman, and he could have taken them, he took from them
20s. and permitted them to f(o away, and for that he was a conspirator,
because he took 5s. from William Goderyk to maintain him in a plea of
novel disseisin against Adam de Langeford and afterwards 2s. from the said
Adam to maintain him against William, and for that he broke the late
king's park of Kellybollok in that county, together with Serlo his son and
many others, and chased therein and took and carried away venison thence,
and afterwards received the malefactors into his house, and for that he and
his said son broke the late king's park of Lysberet, and chased therein, and
took and carried away venison thence, and for other trespasses against the
late king's peace, and he was delivered to prison on this account, and after-
wards made a tine of iOl. for ransom of his body only, as appears by the
record and process of the matter, which the king has caused to come out of
the treasury. The king makes the present order because the aforesaid
causes do not induce forfeiture of the hundred, and because it is found by
inquisition taken by the escheator that Serlo is the son and nearest heir of
the said William.
To the sheriiF of Wilts. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of Nicholas Hevede, deceased.
To the same. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of Melkesham to
be elected in place of John de Tynhid, who is incapacitated by infirmity.
To the same. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of Pewesham to
be elected in place of Roger le Gras, who is incapacitated by infirmity.
To the mayor and bailiffs of York. Order to deliver to the sheriff of
York John de Anand, William de Nesebet, Adam de Roule, Scots, Peter
Oliver, Walter Take, Lambert Man, Robert Lange, Flemings, William
Wolfay, John Goceler, Elricus Sedwer, Hanekynn Ronekyn, Almains,
Henry Swaf of Hungary (de Hungry), and William Byset of Ryse, an
Englishman, who came to land from a ship wrecked on the coast at
Ledbreston, co. York, and who were arrested by John de Dalton, bailiff of
Thomas, earl of Lancaster, with three letters patent under the seal of
Robert de Brus of the ' coket ' of Berewyk and with four other letters patent
and six letters close, and were delivered to the mayor and bailiffs, and to
deliver the said letters to the sheriff, whom the king has ordered to receive
the prisoners from them. By K.
To the sheriff of York. Order to receive the aforesaid prisoners and
letters from the mayor and bailiffs, and to inform himself as best he can
concerning the conditions of the prisoners, to wit who of them are of Scot-
land and who of other places, and to cause inquisition to be made if the
prisoners were driven with the ship to the aforesaid place by tempest and
the ship was there wrecked, and if he find it to be so, to deliver to the said
Scots their goods thus arrested and the goods that the other prisoners had
in the same ship, and to permit the Scots and their goods to go whither
they will, and to cause the other prisoners and their goods to be kept
safely until the king shall issue further orders upon being fully certified by
the sheriff concerning the sa.Tie. By K.
To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to supersede distraining the mayor,
bailiffs, and community of Bristol for l,959Z. 8s. \d., which are exacted
from them by summons of the exchequer for divers causes, as they assert
that they ought to be acquitted thereof, for which reason the king kas given
1321. Membrane 12 — cont.
them a day in the octaves of St. Hilary next before his council at West-
minster, taking from Lhem security to do what they ought to do in this
matter. By K.
Jan. 1. To William le Flemyng, keeper of the land of Gower, in the marches of
Marlborough. Wales. Order to deliver from prison all those who are indicted of contempts
and disobediences against the king in those parts and who have rendered
themselves to prison, upon their finding mainpernors to answer to the king
concerning the premises. By p.s. [5542.]
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to receive the
attorney appointed by Walter de Bello Campo, late keeper of Warrewyk
castle, in the king's hands by reason of the minority of the heir of Guy de
Bello Campo, late earl of Warwick, to render account before them of the
issues of the castle of the time when he had the custody by the king's
commission. By K.
To Koger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk, justice of Wales. Order to take
Master Rhys(fleiM,t) ap Howel and to cause him to be brought to the king,
as it is found by an inquisition taken before Hugh le Despenser, the elder,
and his fellows, justices appointed to enquire what malefactors hindered
Richard de Foxcote, sub-escheator in co. Gloucester, by force and arms
from seising the land of Gower into the king's hands by virtue of the king's
order, that Master Rhys was one of the principal abettors and maintainers
of the aforesaid hindrance, etc. By p.s. [5541.1
Jan. 6. To Gilbert de Stapelton, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to inter-
llarlborough. meddle further with a moiety of the manor of Ughtreby and Bampton,
together with the advowson of the church of Bampton, co. Cumberland,
and a moiety of the manor of Crosseby near the Water, in the same county,
and 10 bovates of land in Brunesby in Gillesland, in the same county, and
a moiety of the town of Cnnquyntyn, in the same county, and 4Z. of yearly
rent from tenements in Carlisle, and 13*. 4<f. of yearly rent or a sore-coloured
osprey {austurhini), in the same county, taken into the king's hands upon the
death of William de Monte Acuto, and to restore the issues thereof to his
wife Elizabeth, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that
Elizabeth was seised of the above together with her husband, and that she
continued her joint-seisin thereof up to the death of William, and that the
lands and rents are held of others than the king, the king having granted to
William and Elizabeth in parliament at York, in consideration of William's
good service to him and his father, all the lands whereof William de Karl[iolo]
and his wife, who adhered to the S9otch rebels, were seised within this
realm, both the lands of the inheritance of William de Karl[iolo] and of his
wife's inheritance, which came to the king's hands as escheats because they
adhered to the Scotch rebels.
Jan. 7. To the justices next in eyre at the Tower of London. Order to permit
Chilton. the citizens of London to use and enjoy in the eyre the liberties and free
customs that they shall find that they have been wont to use and enjoy from
time out of mind, the citizens having prayed the king to cause the above
liberties to be allovred to them. By p.s. [5555.]
Jan. 12. To William Ridel, Gilbert de Burghdon, John de Penreth, and Roger de
Easthampstead. Horsle, keepers of the truce in the marches of Scotland. Order to take
(Yeshamp- Bobert Lewer and to imprison him until further orders, the king having
lately sent certain of his serjeants-at-arms to attach him to answer for tres-
passes, etc., against the king, when the said Robert broke the attach-
ment and would not permit himself to be justiced, answering the Serjeants
that he would not permit any attachment to be made upon him by any of
the king's ministers, threatening soine of the king's subjects with loss of
1321. Membrane 12 — cont.
life and limb, asserting that he would slay and dismember them wherever he
should find them, either in the presence or absence of the king.
^ By p.s. [6559.]
The like to each of the above keepers separately.
The like to the sheriffs of York, Lancaster, and Northumberland.
Jan. 14. To the justices in eyre at the Tower of London. Order to cause inqui-
Windsor. sition to be made before all other things concerning the confederacies made
amongst citizens of London by covenants, oaths, and other unlawful means
against the eyre, as the king understands that many of the citizens have
made such confederacies to help, maintain, and sustain each other in their
suits, just and unjust, and in other matters, and to punish all those whom
they shall find guilty of such confederacies, so that the punishment shall
strike terror into others in the city or elsewhere in the realm committing
such evils. By p.s. [5563.]
Jan. 12. Richard son of Richard atte Brok of Chetham, imprisoned in Canterbury
Easthampstead. castle for the death of Denis Geraud of Dunwich, has letters to the sheriff
of Kent to bail him until the first assize.
BTembrane 11.
Jan. 14. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made that
Easthampstead. archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, earls, barons, knights, and all other
tenants in chief by knight service so that they are bound to make military
service in the king's armies shall make information of the fees held by them
for which they ought to do service, and of the lands and tenements that are
Held of them, and shall deliver the same to the exchequer before the quin-
zaine of Michaelmas, as it was agreed in the parliament at Westminster in
the octaves of Michaelmas last that all the tenants in chief should deliver
the above information before the quinzaine of Easter next, or if it could not
be done by then, before the quinzaine of Michaelmas, as it was many times
propounded on behalf of the magnates of the realm, in divers parliaments of
the king and his father and at their exchequer, that whereas each of them
holds certain knights' fees of the king for which they are bound to do ser-
vice in the armies summoned, and that although they made the service due
for such fees in the armies of past times, they are nevertheless distrained by
summons of the exchequer because they did not do such service for all the
knights' fees held of them by others, for which they prayed the king to
provide a remedy, and the matter was propounded in the aforesaid parlia-
ment at Westminster, and the king's excuses for not previously determining
such supplications were also propounded, to wit that it was at another time
answered at the exchequer to certain earls and barons, making such petition
for themselves and other magnates of the realm, that the premises could not
be determined finally unless each magnate informed the king's court of what
fees he held of the king for which service was due in his armies, and
what lands and fees were held of him that he claimed to be defended under
the said fees for which he did service, to make which return the magnates
received at another time a certain day at the exchequer, within which time
they did not make it. By K. and C. [Pet. of C. 181.]
{Pari. Writs.']
The like to all the sheriffs of England. \_Ibid.'\
Jan. 21. To Stephen de Abyndon, taker of the king's wines of the right prise at
Westminster. Southampton. Order to deliver to the abbot and convent of St. Edward's,
Netley (Lutele), a tun of wine at Southampton for this year, in accordance
with the grants of Henry III. and Edward I.
1321. Membrane H — coiit.
To the same. Order to deliver to the abbot and monks of King's Beau-
lieu a tun of wine of the right prise at Southampton, in accordance with the
grant of Henry III.
Jan. 20. To the constable of Tikhill castle. Order not to distrain Bertram le
Westminster. Botyller of Staynton for homage for the lands that he holds in chief, as the
king has taken his homage. By K.
Jan. 25. To Hervey de Staunton and his fellows, justices in eyre at the Tower of
Westminster. London. Order to cause proclamation to be made that the king wills that
merchants and others may sell victuals in the city and suburbs at a reason-
able price without forestalling, as they were wont to do heretofore, not-
withstanding the justices' proclamation that victuals should be sold during
the eyre for a certain price fixed by them, as usually proclaimed in other
eyres, as a great multitude of people, magnates and others, have come to the
city by reason of the presence there of the king and his pleas (placearum),
and many withdraw themselves from the city by reason of the pro-
clamation who would otherwise take such victuals thither for sale, in so
much that a great want of victuals is now found there. By K. and C.
[Fadera ; Liber Custumarum, p. 307.]
Jan. 19. To the mayors, bailiffs, barons, and others of the Cinque Ports. Order
Westmmster. to appear on Thursday next in the king's court of Shepeswaye before
William de Scothou, supplying the place of Bartholomew de Badelesmere,
warden of the Cinque Ports, and to intend to the said William as to the
warden in all things, as they assert that they have the liberty of being
bound to appear personally and not otherwise in the king's great court of
Shepweye to bs held once a year before the warden, which court is to be
held on Thursday next, and the warden is now with the king attending to
liis affairs, and is about to set out towards the north upon the king's affairs,
so that he cannot be present on the above day to hold the court. By K.
Jan. 24. To the treasurer and barons. Order to deliver to William son and heir
Westminster, of William de Monte Acuto, a minor in the king's wardship, all the lands of
his inheritance, as the king has granted the custody thereof to him during
his minority, rendering the true value thereof to the exchequer yearl}'.
Jan. 22. To the keeper of the Forest this side Trent. Order to deliver Hugh de
Westminster. Bramston, chaplain, imprisoned at Ilokyngham for trespass of vert in the
forest of Rokyngham, in bail to twelve mainpernors who shall undertake
to have him before the justices for forest pleas in the county of Rutland
when they next come to those parts.
Jan. 20. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to take Master Rees ap Howel, in-
Wcstminster. dieted of trespasses, etc., against the king, and to cause him to be brought
before the king. By p.s. [5565.]
Jan. 23. To Gilbert de Stapelton, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause John
Westminster, son and heir of Nicholas Caiser of Bautre, tenant in chief, to have seisin of
his father's lands, as he has proved his age before the escheator, and the
king has taken his homage. By p.s. [5566.]
Jan. 26. To Walter le Noreys. Order to cause John de Compton, son and
Westminster, heir of Adam de Cornpton, tenant in chief of the late king as of the castle
of Caresbrok, then in his hands, to have seisin of his father's lands, as he
has proved his age before Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent,
the said lands being in Walter's hands by demise from Robert le Noreys,
to whom the late king committed the custody thereof during the heir's
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with the manor ofMuchelegrave, co. Sussex, and to restore
the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator
Jan. 26.
Jan. 28.
1321, Membrane 11 — co7it.
that John le Fauconer and Lettioe his wife held the manor jointly on the
day of John's death of the gift of Richard de Somerbury, to have and to
hold to them and the heirs of their bodies, by fine levied in the late king's
court, by which inquisition it was found that the manor is held of Mary de
Brewes by knight service.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to the
mayor and community of Bristol, out of the 2,000 marks wherein they made
fine with the king for divers trespasses and disobediences, the sum of 500Z.,
if they finil that the sheriff of Gloucester have levied that sum from them
for the forfeited goods and chattels of Richard Colpek, who was lately out-
lawed for divers trespasses before Henry Spiguruel and his fellows, the
king's justices of oyer and terminer in that county, as the mayor and com-
munity have shewn that his goods and chattels were taxed before the
justices by strange men having no knowledge thereof at 500Z., although
they were not worth a twentieth of that sum, and the estreats of the justices
to that amount were delivered into the exchequer, and that the king after-
wards pardoned Richard his outlawry and gave to him the goods thus
forfeited, and that Richard de la Ryvere, the late sheriff, levied this amount
from them although none of Richard's goods came to their hands. By K.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with the manor of Dodyngho, co. Essex, and to restore the
issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that
John de Coggeshale held nothing in chief at his death except a tenement
in Little Bemflete, co. Essex, as of the honour of Reylegh by the service of a
knight's fee, so that the custody of his other lands ought not to pertain
to the king by reason of that tenement, but that he held the manor of
Dodyngho of Robert de Beverle by the service of half a knight's fee.
Jan. 24. To the sheriff of Warwick. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
Westminster, be elected in place cf Robert du Val, who cannot attend to the duties of
that oifice because he is engaged in the service of divers lords and does not
dwell continuously in that county.
Jan. 26. To Anthony de Lucy. Order to be intendent to Ingelram de Umframvill
Westminster, for the ferms, rents, and other services due from him to Ingelram for the
lands held of him, and to cause the same to be paid to Ingelram without
diminution, as Ingelram, who was captured in Scotland by the rebels, with
whom he stayed for some time, has now escaped from their power and has
returned to the king in England, and the king learns that he never left his
faith, so that his lands, goods, and chattels ought in no wise to be forfeited
to the king. By K.
To the sheriff of Northumberland. Order to permit the aforesaid Ingel-
ram to have and hold his land in Elveden and to receive the issues thereof,
as he used to do before his capture.
Jan. 28. To Richard de Rodeney, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
Westminster, meddle further with a messuage in the parish of St. Benedict of Wodewarf,
London, and to restore the issues thereof to John, prior of St. Bartholomew's
Smethel,* London, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator
that Robert, sometime prior of that church, acquired the said messuage in fee
to him and his successors from Adam de Milkestrete long before the publica-
tion of the statute of mortmain, which messuage the escheator has taken
into the king's hands on the grounds that Robert acquired it after the pub-
lication of the aforesaid statute without licence from the late king.
Feb. 2. To the sheriff of Somerset. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
Fulham. be elected in place of John Sylvej'n, who is incapacitated by infirmity.
Smythefeld in the margin.
14 EDWAED n.
Feb. 1.
Feb. 6.
Feb. 7.
Feb. 17.
Feb. 17.
Membrane 11 — cont.
To the sheriff of Bedford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of William Bonum of Bedeford, who is incapacitated by
age and infirmity.
To the sherllT of Northumberland. Order to cause a coroner for that
couuty to be elected in place of Roger Colyn, who has no lands in that
county to qualify him for the ofBce.
To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of
the Hay of Hereford to be elected in place of Hugh de Tyberton, deceased.
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of William de Apethorp, who is incapacitated by age and
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with the lands in Thingden, co. Northaniptou, that John de
Thorp and Alice his wife, Alice, late the wife of Ralph de Sancto Mauro,
John Poleyn and Amice his wife, and John son of Robert de Lancastre hold
separately, and to restore the issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition
taken by the escheator and Robert de Thorp, as ordered by the king, that
they hold nothing in chief in Thingden, but that they hold the aforesaid
lands of other lords, they having shewn to the king that although they hold,
their lands separately, to wit John de Thorp and Alice his wife, and Alice,
late the wife of Ralph de Sancto Mauro, of Robert son of Walter, and the
aforesaid John Poleyn and Amice his wife and John son of Robert de
Lancastre hold them of John son of Roger de Lancastre, and previous
tenants have held them of the said Robert and John and their ancestors
and not of the king from time out of mind, the escheator has taken the lands
into the king's hands on the grounds that they held the lands in chief and
have acquired them without the king's licence.
Feb. 12.
Membrane 10.
To Richard de Rodeney, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inler-
meddle further with a messuage and a virgate of land in Assheshe, which
Geoffrey Fylel, who held in villeinage of the abbess of Wherewell, left
through necessity, and to restore the issues thereof to the abbess, she
having shewn the king that she seised them into her hands, and that
Master Richard de Clare, late escheator this side Trent, took them into the
king's hands because he supposed that the abbess had acquired them in fee
after the publication of the statute of mortmain without licence from tlie
late or present king, and it appears by an inquisition taken by the escheator
by virtue of the king's order that the aforesaid Geoffrey held the messuage
and land in villeinage of the abbess and her predecessors by the service of
154-. yearly and of holding her plough {carucam swam), reaping her corn,
mowing her meadows, and hoeing (sarclandi) her corn, and carrying in
autumn, and other villein services, and that they were so held from time out
of mind as in the abbess's manor of Assheshe, and that Geoffrey left the
messuage and land on account of necessity in the hands of the abbess.
To the same. Order to cause Walter de Hopton, son and heir of Walter
de Hopton, tenant by knight service of Richard, late earl of xivundel, tenant
in chief of the late king, to have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved
his age before the escheator.
Feb. 8. To John le Longe and John de Lubyk. Discharge of their mainprize to
Havering-atte- answer to Adam le Clerk of Lenne for the goods of John Stoder, merchant
Bower. of Lubyk, value 201., Odbert the Writer {Scriptor), merchant of Lubyk,
76416. T
Feb. 11.
Feb. 24.
March 1.
March 1.
March 5.
March 8.
Membrane 10 — cont.
value 10/., John the White (Albus), merchant of the same town, vaUie
10/., Bernard Plorekyn, merchant of the same town, value 10/., Daniel
de Gosteven, merchant of the same town, value 10/., Gerard Kavenoge,
merchant of the same town, value 20/., Albert Parlement, merchant
of the same town, value 10/., and Tidemann de Monasterio, merchant
of the same town, value 10/., in case the goods were adjudged to the
aforesaid Adam, which goods were arrested by the bailiffs of John de
Britannia, earl of Richmond, at Boston in execution of the king's order to
arrest goods of the men of the towns of Grippeswold, Strallesound, and
Lubyk to the value of 100/., in part satisfaction of Adam's damages by tiie
capture of his ship called ' La Plente ' of Lenne and her cargo, which were
captured by Henry de Rykelynghous and other malefactors of the aforesaid
towns, as it now appears by the record and process before the king, sent into
the chancery by the king's order, that the above-named merchants were of
the Hanse of Almain on the day of the arrest, and before and after that day,
whereupon it was considered that Adam should recover nothing against them
and that their goods .should be restored to them.
The like in favour of Gilbert de Mordon, the said John le Longe,
Richard Cube, John Brond, and Philip Lucas, of the city of London, for
their mainprize for goods of the said merchants of Almain to the value of
163/. \0s. Od., arrested by the bailiffs of Ravenesrod.
To Richard Dammory. Order to deliver the castle of Oxford, in his
custody by the king's commission, to the sheriff of Oxford without delay,
together with the arms and garnisture of the castle, to be held by the
sheriff as other sheriffs have held it in times past. By K.
To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to receive the castle.
To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to pay to Rhys (JReso) son of Rhys ap
Mereduk, a Welshman in Norwich castle, such wages as he was wont to
receive in the late king's time and in the time of the present king, together
with the arrears of the same from the time of the sheriff's appointment.
To Richard de Eodeney, escheator this side Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with a moiety of a virgate of land in Wyke, and to
restore the issues thereof to John de Feckenham, parson of the church of
St. Ellen, who has shewn the king that wtereas he acquired the aforesaid
moiety from John de Molendino of Coderugge, who held it of Godfrey, some-
time bishop of Worcester, by certain services as of his manor of La Wyk,
which is held in chief of the king, and that he did not acquire it from the
bishop, so that the land was never at any time demesne land of the bishop,
the aforesaid escheator has taken the land into the king's hands on the
ground that John de Feckenham acquired it of the said bishop as land that
the bishop ought to have held in his demesne of the late king, and had not
acquired it from the said John de Molendino, without licence from the late
or present king, as it now appears by an inquisition taken by the escheator
by the king's order that John de Feckenham acquired the land from the
aforesaid John de Molendino, who held it of the said bishop and his
successors by services therefor due and accustomed, and that it never was
of the demesne land of the bishop or of his predecessors, and that John de
Feckenham did not acquire it of the bishop.
To Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk, justice of Wales. Order to cause
Griffin son of Madoc {Maddocus) ap Griffyn, tenant in chief, to have
seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age before the said justice
and the king has taken his homage. By p.s.
To Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk, justice of Wales, keeper of Ids castle
and town of Kaernarvan. Order to go in power {potenter) to the castle
and town at once, to stay there for the custody of the same with as many of
Membrane 10 — cont.
his fencible men as pertains to him to have according to the proportion of
the fee {ratam feodi) that he receives for the said custody, or with more if
necessary. By K.
The like to the following : '
Eobert de Malleye, supplying the place of the aforesaid Roger, for the
custody of the castle of Kaermerdyn.
Henry de Bisshebury, constable of the castle of Aberconewey.
John de Sapy, constable of the castle of Beaumaris.
William de Knovill, constable of Emelyn castle.
Oylard de Welles, constable of Crukyth castle.
John de Skydemor, constable of Lampadern castle.
Thomas de Castello, constable of Cardigan castle.
Vivian de Standon, constable of Hardelagh castle.
To Roger de Mortuo Marl of Chirk, justice of Wales. Order to proceed
in person to the above castles to see that each constable remain in the
custody assigned to him and have with him so many fencible men as he
ought to have, or more if necessary, and to certify the king of the names of
any constables whom he shall find do not make their custody, deputing
meanwhile in liis place some one in whom he can confide for the custody of
the castle and town of Kaernarvan. By K.
To the chamberlain of South Wales. Order to cause all arms and
armour, of iron, wood, and linen, and other things in the castles in his
bailiwick to be repaired where necessary without delay. By K.
The like to the chamberlain of North Wales.
To Edward, earl of Chester, or to his justice of Chester. Order to
enjoin his bailiffs and ministers of those parts to aid and counsel the king's
clerk Robert de Wodehous, whom the king is sending to the parts of
Chester to buy and purvey 40 tuns of wine and four barrels of honey and
to take the same to Kaernarvan, in making such provision. By K.
To Richard Damory. Order to enjoin specially the aforesaid bailifi^s and
ministers to obey, be intendent, aiding and counselling to the aforesaid
Robert when he comes to those parts on this business. By K.
March 6. To Richard Lovel, constable of Gloucester castle. Order to cause the
Windsor, tower, bridges, houses, walls, and other buildings of that castle to be
repaired by the view and testimony of Arnulph le Charroun. By K.
Membrane 9.
Feb. 27. To the treasurer and barons. Order to allow to the community of the
Westminster, town of Bulewell in the ferm of their town 26.?. 8rf., due to them from the
king, as appears by a bill of the wardrobe under the seals of Robert de
Wodehouse and Richard de Feriby of the time when William de Melton,
archbishop of York, was keeper of the wardrobe, for oats taken for the use
of the king's horses, they having prayed the king to cause the same to be
allowed to them in their ferm. By pet. of C. [4066.]
To David, earl of Athole, Robert de Umframvill, earl of Angus
(Danegos), William Ridel, John de Penreth, and Roger de Horsele.
Order to receive into the king's peace, by virtue of the king's commission
to them to receive Scots into his peace, the Scots who came into the realm
■with Alexander de Moubray, a Scotch knight, when he came to the king's
peace, provided that the said men are not men of this realm and do not
claim to have lands therein, and are not men of evil repute (de malo retto),
T 2
March 3.
March 1.
April I.
Membrane 9 — cont.
and that it be to the honour and profit of the king and his realm that tliey be
so received, as the king understands that they are prepared to come to his
peace in the same form as Alexander. They are to certify the king of their
names when they have admitted them. By p.s. [5593.]
To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side
Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Order to deliver Robert de
Noweres, imprisoned at Rokingham for trespass of vert in the forest of
Roteland, in bail to twelve mainpernors who shall undertake to have him
before the justices of forest pleas when they come to those parts.
To Adam de Wetenhale, chamberlain of North Wales. Order to be
intendent to the king's clerk Robert de Wodehous in all matters concerning
the victualling, arming, and storing the king's castles in North Wales, and
in other matters whereof Robert shall inform him, as the king wills that
his works in the said castles shall be superseded until further orders, and he
has ordered Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk, justice of Wales, to cause
the castles to be victualled, etc., by the view of the aforesaid Robert, whom
the king is sending to those parts ia this behalf and for other matters, and
to cause the works aforesaid to be superseded accordingly, provided that the
outer walls of the castles be defencible, and that the works already done be
put in such state that they may be saved and kept without damage. He is
to cause every castle wherein there is no honey to be provided with two
barrels of honey.
Vacated because otherwise immediately beloio.
The like to the chamberlain of South Wales.
[ Vacated as above.'\
To Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk, justice of Wales. Order to cause
the castles in the parts of Wales to be provided with victuals, armour, and
other necessary garnisture without delay by the view of the aforesaid
Robert de Wodehous, whom the king is sending to those parts in this behalf,
and to aid and counsel Robert in this behalf, and to cause the king's works
in the castle to be superseded until further orders, provided that the outer
walls of the castles be defencible and the works on them be put in such state
that they may be saved and kept without damage. The king has ordered
the chamberlains of North and South Wales to cause the aforesaid muni-
tions to be made out of the issues of their baliwicks. By K.
To Adam de Wettenhale, chamberlain of North Wales. Order to be
iutendent and respondent to the aforesaid Robert in the premises, and in
other things whereof he shall inform him on the king's behalf, and to cause
the castles to be provisioned as above, and to cause two barrels of honey to
be put in the castles where there is no honey.
The like to the chamberlain of South Wales.
To Adam de Wetenhale, chamberlain of North Wales. Order to receive
from Henry de Shirok, the late chamberlain, all the victuals in his custody,
which the king has ordered him to deliver to Adam, and to cause them to
be placed in munition of the aforesaid castles by the view of Robert de
To the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset. Order to buy and purvey
300 quarters of beans' without delay, and to cause them to be carried to
Kaernarvan in Wales, there to be delivered to the chamberlain of North
Wales in aid of the munition of the castles of North Wales.
To Adam de Wetenhale, chamberlain of North Wales. Order to receive
the aforesaid beans from the said sheriff for the above purpose.
To Hugh le Despenser, the younger, keeper of the castle and town of
Bristol, or to him who supplies his place. Order to deliver to the afore-
March 5.
March 8.
March 8.
March 13.
Membrane 9 — cont.
said sheriff the necessary ships for the carriage of the above by the advice
of the aforesaid Henry,* whom the king has sent to those parts to
supervise the premises. By K.
To tlie mayor and bailiffs of Bristol. Order to cause Ralph da Gorges,
whom the king has appointed justiciary of Ireland, to have two ships in
that port for the passage of himself and his men to Ireland. By K.
To the abbot of Glastonbury, sub-collector in the bishopric of Bath and
Wells of the tenth of the clergy granted to the king by the pope. Order
to cause 100/. of the tenth to be delivered to the sheriff of Somerset and
Dorset, if he need money for the provision of corn that the king has
ordered him to make by the view of Henry de Shiroks, the king's clerk,
and if the clerk come to him in this behalf. By K.
To the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset. Order to buy and purvey
300 quarters of beans and 600 quarters of wheat, in addition to the
300 quarters of beans that the king lately ordered him to buy and purvey
and cause to be carried to Kaernarvan, and to cause the additional beans
and wheat to be also carried to Kaernarvan, there to be delivered to the
chamberlain of North Wales for the munition of the king's castles of North
Wales and South Wales, to be made, bought, and purveyed out of the issues
of the sheriffs bailiwick both of the money coming from scutage in those
counties, arrears of the eighteenth and twelfth and other debts exacted by
summons of the exchequer, and of Nicholas de Cheyny, late sheriff of the
county, for the arrears of his account, and from other debts whatsoever due
to the king. The king is sending to him Henry de Shirokes to supervise
the premises. By K.
To William de Blanford and John de Bernevill, keepers of the lands of
William de Monte Acuto, tenant in chief. Order to cause all the wheat and
beans of the issues of the said lands now in the barns to be threshed without
delay and delivered to the sheriff of Somerset, to be taken by him to
Kaernarvan and there delivered to the chamberlain of North Wales,
retaining as much as shall be necessary of the beans aforesaid for seed for
the said lands. By K.
To Hugh le Despenser, the younger, keeper of the castle and town of
Bristol, or to him who supplies his place. Order to cause 60 tuns of wine
and six tuns of honey to be bought and purveyed out of the ferm of that
castle and town, and to cause them to be taken to Kaernarvan and
elsewhere in Wales according to the directions of Henry de Shirokes, for
the munition of the king's castles in those parts by the view of Robert de
Wodehous. By K.
To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to cause 400 quarters of wheat and
400 quarters of beans to be bought and purveyed without delay, and to
send them to Kaernarvan and elsewhere in Wales according to the directions
of the aforesaid Henry. By K.
To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay to Henry de Shirokes
his reasonable expenses in going to divers parts of the realm concerning the
above purveyances.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
Elizabeth, late the wife of William de Monte Acuto, tenant in chief, the
following of his knights' fees, which the king has assigned to her as dower :
a fee in Norlhbraden and Sulhbraden, co. Somerset, which the heirs of
Roger de Staunton hold, of the yearly value of 10/. ; a third of a fee in
Crauthorn, in the same county, which Matthew de Crauthorn holds, of
* Henry de Shirokes, who is mentioned telow.
1321. Membrane 9 — cont.
the yearly value of lOOi. ; two parts of a fee in Ateaber, in the same
county, which Geoffrey de Mohun and John Travauon holds, of the yearly
value of 10 marks ; a sixteenth of a fee in Thorlebere, in the same county,
which John James holds, of the yearly value of 13«. 4c?.; a quarter of a
fee in Loneford, co. Dorset, which John de Whitefeld holds, of the yearly
value of 100*.
To the same. Order to deliver to the aforesaid Elizabeth the following
of her said husband's advowsons, which the king has assigned to her in
dower : the advowson of the church of Aston Clynton, co. Buckingham, of
the yearly value of 20/. ; the advowson of the church of GothuU,
CO. Somerset, of the yearly value of 4/. 6s. 8rf.
April 1. To the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset. Order to receive from William
Gloucester, de Blanford and John de Bernevill, keepers of the lands of William de
Monte Acuto, the wheat and beans that the king has ordered them to
deliver to him, and to cause the same to be carried to Kaernarvan or
Gardigan, according to the directions of Henry de Shirokes.
May 12. To the bailiffs of the city of York. Order to pay to William de Eos
"Westminster, of Hamelak 60/. out of the ferm of the city for Easter term last, the
king having granted him 120/. yearly from the ferm of that city and
146/. 13s. 4rf. yearly from the ferm of the city of Lincoln, to be received
from the bailiffs of the said cities until the king shall cause him to
be provided with 400 marks of land and rent yearly in suitable places,
and the king shall have enfeoffed him thereof, as appears by his letters
patent, which yearly sum the king promised to grant him in suitable
places between the waters of Thames and Tees {Thaisie) before Mid-
summer, in the 11th year of his reign, in exchange for the castle of Werk-
on-Tweed, which William granted to the king on 25 September, in the
said year, with all appurtenances except the advowsons of the cells apper-
taining to the priory of Kirkham and to the hospital of Boulton. By K.
The like to the bailiffs of the city of Lincoln to pay him 73Z. 6s. 8d. for
the aforesaid term. By K.
Membrane 8.
Feb. 18. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to John
Westminster, de Cokermuth and John de Heyden, executors of the will of J. late bishop
of Winchester, principal collector of the tenth imposed upon the clergy by
the pope for the king's use, the sum of 3,176/. 6s. O^d. in their account of
the tenth, which sum the bishop paid to Vitalis de Cassallo, Bernard de la
Toure, Arnald Motoun, Peter de Fortune, Arnald Fospaye, Gregory Blaunk,
Beter de Cayron, Peter de Castelloun, Peter Micol, William Bundel, Auger
de Tosse, Eeymund le Markander, Vitalis Grimbaud, Arnald Eeymundi
Ayken, John de la Toure, William Arnaldi de Portau, Arnald de Luk',
John de Ruefrank, Poncius Guicardi, Arnald del Escuser, Gaillard Gobel,
Peter del Coffyn, John del Coffyn, Peter Massang', Gerald de Garembal,
Garsias de Lounhou, John Dousinghou, Amanieu de Besson, Vitalis de la
Seube, and Reymund Guillelmi de Costera for wines, etc., provided by
them, in accordance with the king's order to the bishop of 20 November,
in the 12th year of his reign.
March 29. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Ralph
Gloucester, de Gorges to have respite until further orders for the debts due from him
to the king, as the king has granted hira respite thereof during his pleasure
because Ralph is going to Ireland in his service. By p.s.
March 28.
March 30.
April 8.
April 9.
April 8.
April 9.
April 10.
April 20.
Meti^rane 8 — cont.
To the sherifE of Gloucester. Order to cause a coroner for that county
to be elected in place of William Holt of Boseleye, who cannot attend to
the duties of the office as he is verderer of the forest of Dene.
To Ralph de Gorges, justiciary of Ireland, or to him who supplies his
place. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Petronilla, late the wife of
Geoffrey de Lisiniaco, tenant in chief of the late king, or to William de
Hanleye, her attorney in this behalf, as the king has remitted the oath that
she ought to take not to marry without his licence. By K.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the
bailiffs and men of Gloucester to have allowance for 130/. of the ferm of
their town for two years after 16 February, in the 11th year of the king's
reign, when the king ordered them to pay the ferm to Edmund de
Wodestok, his brother, in accordance with the king's grant thereof to him for
life or until the king shall cause him to be provided with lands of the yearly
value of the ferm, if they find by the letters and tallies of the said Edmund
that they paid the ferm for that time to him or his attorneys.
To the constable of the castle of Bristol, or to him who supplies his
place. Order to cause the houses, gates, walls, and turrets of the castle to
be repaired where necessary, by the view and testimony of the mayor of
Bristol, out of the ferm of the castle and town. By K.
To the sheriff of Somerset. Order to pay to Henry Spigurnel 4.01. out
of forfeited chattels and other issues forfeited before him and his fellows,
the king having granted him that sum in aid of his expenses in going to
divers parts of the realm to hear and determine divers felonies, etc.
By K.
To Richard de Rodeney, escheator this side Trent, Order not to inter-
meddle further with the lands that John de Briaunzon of Canewedon held:
in Canewedon of the heir of John de Briaunzon of Westhurrok by the^
service of 3«. yearly, and to restore the issues thereof, retaining in the king's
hands the lands that he held in Canewedon of the heir of John de
Coggeshale, tenant in chief, a minor in the king's wardship, as it appears
by inquisition taken by the said escheator that the said John de Briaunzon
of Canewedon held at his death certain tenements in Canewedon of the
king as of the honour of Reylegh by the service of 20d. of hidage yearly
and by suit at the hundred of Bocheford from three weeks to three weeks,.
and that he held no other lands of the king in chief by reason whereof the
custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king, but that he held certain
lands in Canewedon of the heir of John de Coggeshale aforesaid by knight
service, and certain lands in Canewedon of the heir of John de Briaunzon
of Westhurrok by the service of 3*. yearly for all service.
To the sherifi of Hereford. Order to pay to the sheriff of Gloucester by
indenture all money levied by him of the issues of his bailiwick and that
shall be levied of the king's ferms and debts and the other issues of his
bailiwick before his next proSer, as the king understands that the issues
of the county of Gloucester are at present insuflBcient to make the purvey-
ances and other things that the king has ordered the sheriff to make, the
king having lately ordered the sheriff of Gloucester to buy and purvey
400 quarters of wheat and 400 quarters of beans and to send the same to
Kaernarvan and elsewhere in Wales, according to the directions of the
king's clerk Henry de Sbiroks, to be delivered to the chamberlain of North
Wales for the munition of the king's castles in North Wales. By K.
To Gilbert de Stapelton, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with the lands of John de Sandale, and to restore the issues
1321. Membrane 8 — cont.
thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken by Ralph de CrophuU, late
escheator beyond Trent, that he held no lands of the king in chief at his
death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the
To the same. Like order r.ot to intermeddle further with the lands of
Robert de Maneriis.
Membrane 7.
April 12. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to
Gloucester, intermeddle further with the lands of John de Holte, and to restore the
issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken by the said escheator that
he held nothing of the kiug in chief at his death or of the heir oE Elias de
Albiniaco, tenant in chief, a minor in the king's wardship, by reason
whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king.
April 11. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of
Gloucester. Robert de Barkeworth in Barkeworth, and to restore the issues thereof from
the time when they were taken into the king's hands, as the escheator has
returned, in answer to the king's order, that Walter de Gloucestre, late
escheator this side Trent, took the said lands into the king's hands by
reason of the minority of the heir of Robert de Barkeworth because Robert
held them of the king in chief, and as it appears by an inquisition subse-
quently taken by the present escheator by the king's order that the afore-
said Robert held nothing of the king in chief in his bailiwick at his death,
and that William de Barkeworth is his son and next heir and is of full
April 13. To the chamberlain of South Wales. Order to pay his usual wages to
Gloucester, John de Skidemor, constable of Lanpadervaur castle.
By K. on the information of Roger de Northburgh.
To the same. Order to cause the bridge of the said castle, which is
broken and decayed, and other defects of the castle to be repaired by the
advice of Robert de Wodehous, whom the king has lately sent to Wales
for certain causes, and by the view and testimony of those whom Robert
shall depute for this purpose.
By K. on the information of the said Roger.
To the king's receiver in the land of Gower in Wales. Order to pay to
William le Flemyng, keeper of the aforesaid land, his wages appointed by
Hugh le Despenser, the elder, and Bartholomew de Badelesmere when
they were lately in that land.
By K. on the information of the aforesaid Roger.
To the same. Order to pay 201. to William Flemyng of the king's gift.
By p.s.
To the chamberlain of North Wales. Order to pay to Roger de
Swynnerton, constable of Hardelagh castle, his usual wages.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
To Stephen de Abyndon, the king's butler. Order to deliver to Mary,
a nun of Aumbrusbury, the king's sister, 10 tuns of wine of the king's right
prise in the port of Southampton for this year, in accordance with the
king's grant to her of 10 tuns yearly.
April 22. To Otto de Grandissono, keeper of the isles of Gernereye and Jereseye,
Bristol. or to him who supplies his place. Whereas William Lengynour, who was
lately indicted for the death of Ranulph Gautier and the theft of a silver ring
of the said Ranulph, and of a gold florin of John subtus Montom, chaplain,
for which he fled to the church of St. Peter Port {i)i Portu), afterwards
April 16.
April 21.
April 23.
April 19.
1321. Membrane 7 — cont.
abjured the isles, and tlie king subsequently pardoned him the abjuration and
granted his peace to him on condition that he stood to right in the Icing's
court of the isles, and the king understands that, according to the custom
of the isles, if any one abjure the isles for any crime or offence, and return
to the isles within a year from the time of the abjuration, and be prepared
to answer for the offences, his lands and goods ought to be restored to him ;
as the aforesaid William wishes to return to the isles within a year from the
time of his abjuration, and to answer for his offences, and the king retains
him with him for certain of his affairs, so that he cannot now return to the
isles, the king orders the said keeper to cause William's goods to be de-
livered to him or his attorney, notwithstanding that he do not return within
a year from his abjuration, as William will be prepared to answer for the
said crimes in all things when the king's affairs have been transacted.
By K. on the information of Master Eobert de Baldok.
To the constable of Bristol castle, or to him who supplies his place.
Order to cause the castle to be provided with victuals and men and other
necessaries for the munition thereof. By K.
The like to the sheriff of Dorset for the castle of Shirbourn.
To the said sheriff. Order to cause the houses, walls, and turrets of the
aforesaid castle to be repaired (muiiiri). By K.
To the sheriff of York. Order to release from prison William Wlfhagen,
Ulric Setewalle, and John de Gusselare, merchants of Almain, and to
restore their goods to them, as they have shewn the king that wliilst return-
ing from the parts of Berwiok-on-Tweed in a ship of Sluys (Lescluse) in
Flanders with certain Flemish merchants, they were driven ashore (agitati)
by tempest at Liberston Clyf within the liberty of Pykeryng, and that the
bailiffs of the liberty arrested them and the aforesaid Flemings and the ship
and cargo, because they came from the aforesaid parts, and delivered them
to the bailiff's and community of the city of York, by whom they were
afterwards delivered to the sheriff, and they are still detained in prison,
although the aforesaid Flemings and their goods have been released by the
king's order.
April 22. To the bailiffs of Eaveuesrodde. Order to deliver to the sheriff of York by
Bristol. indenture Ivo de Dyiinand and certain other men of Scotland, who were
lately driven ashore {agitatos) at Eaveuesrodde by tempest in a ship laden
with their goods and merchandise, and to deliver with them the ship and
goods and merchandise. The king has ordered the sheriff to receive the
men, ship, and goods.
To the sheriff of York. Order to receive the aforesaid prisoners and
ship and goods, and to inform himself of the conditions of the prisoners, to wit
whether they are of Scotland or from elsewhere, and to cause inquisition
to be made whether they were driven to land by tempest or not ; and if they
were, to enquire what goods they had in the ship, and to cause the goods
thus ascertained to belong to them to be restored to them without delay, and
to permit them to go whither they will with their goods, certifying the
king of his proceedings, as the king wishes to observe the truce between
him and the Scots, which provides for the restoration of the goods of Scots
in such cases.
April 27. To Gilbert de Stapelton, escheator beyond Trent. Order to assign dower
Marlborough, to Matilda, late the wife of Eobert de Tyhol, tenant in chief, upon her
taking oath not to marry without the king's licence.
To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with a yearly rent of
10^. f)-om divers tenements in Neuby-on-Wysk and with a toft in Swyne,
and to restore the issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken by the
May 1.
May 3.
May 3.
May 8.
Membrane 7 — cont.
escheator that the aforesaid Robert and Matilda jointly held the rent and
toft at Robert's death, to them and the heirs of Robert, and that the rent is
held of Robert le Oonestable, by what service it is unknown, and the toft is
held of Robert de Hilton by the service of a clove yearly.
To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of Hugh de la Lee, whom the king has amoved from
office for insufficiency.
To the justices in eyre at the Tower of London. Order to adjourn all
pleas of quo loarranto and other things touching the liberties and free cus-
toms of the citizens of London pending before them until Wednesday next,
and from then for eight days of the king's especial grace. By K.
To Humphrey de Waleden and his fellows, justices appointed to hear and
determine a trespass in the king's rabbit-warren (cunicularia) at Graves-
ende. Order not to molest or aggrieve William de Boloigne and Robert
his son, and to deliver them from prison if they be imprisoned by reason of
the premises, as the king has pardoned them their trespass in hunting in the
said warren and taking rabbits therein without his licence, whereof they
have been convicted before the said justices. By p.s. [5666.]
To the sheriff of Kent. Order to release the aforesaid William and
Robert, if they be imprisoned on this account. By p.s. [5666.]
To the bailifPs of Ravenesrodde. Order to release Ivo de Hadyngton and
other Scots who were lately driven ashore {agitatos) by tempest at Ravenes-
rodd in a ship laden with their goods, and to restore their goods to them, in
accordance with the truce concluded with the Scots, if they ftnd that the
said men are of Scotland, and were driven ashore by tempest. \_Fcedera.']
To the same. Order to release Master John Donnys and Clement
Odonys of Dieppe {Dyepa), merchants of France, who were lately driven
into the port of Ravenesrodde in a ship laden with goods in Scotland, which
the bailiffs arrested because the ship came from Scotland, and to release the
men of the said ship, and to restore the goods found in her. The king
makes this order at the request of the king of France. By K.
To the sheriff of Berks. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of
Wyndesore to be elected in place of John le Despenser, who cannot attend
to the duties of the office, as he has been elected a coroner of that county.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with a messuage, three shops, and a soUer in London, and
to restore the issues of the same, which John de Oxon[ia], parson of the church
of St. Peter's Cornhill, recovered in the busting against John la Warde as
frankolmoin of the church, by jury arramed by him before the justices of
the Bench to recognise whether the premises were frankalmoin pertaining to
the aforesaid church or the lay fee of the said John le Warre {sic) of Hoo,
which suit was returned by the justices into the busting to be there pleaded
according to the liberty granted to the citizens, as the aforesaid John de
Oxon[ia] has shown the king that the said escheator has taken the premises
into the king's hands on the ground that John de Oxon[ia] had acquired
them in fee without the king's Hcence after the publication of the statute of
mortmain ; whereupon the king ordered the keeper and sheriffs of the city
and the escheator to inform him concerning the cause of taking the premises
into his hands, and ordered the keeper and sheriffs to send to him
the record and process of the said jury, and the escheator has returned
that he took the premises into the king's bands because John de Oxon[ia]
acquired (appropriavit) them from Ralph the Groldsraith {Aurifabro) after
the publication of the said statute without the king's licence, and that Ralph
acquired them in socage (?) and held them as a lay fee : as it appears by the
record that John de Oxon[iaJ recovered them by consideration of the court
1321. Membrane 7 — eont.
as frankalmoin pertaining to the said church, the king makes this present
order, considering that it is not consonant with reason that tenements thus
recovered in the king's court should be taken into his hands by the eschea-
tor on these grounds.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the men
of the county of Northumberland to have respite until the quinzaine of
Michaelmas nest for all debts exacted from them for the king's use by
summons of the exchequer or otherwise, the king having previously
respited their debts until Easter last in consideration of the losses sustained
by them by the frequent comings of the Scots into their county.
May 4. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
Wallingford. elected in place of John de Boys, who is insufficiently qualified.
May 9. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to restore to John Wake, clerk,
Westminster, his lands and goods, which were taken into the king's hands upon his
indictment before Henry Spygurnel and his fellows, justices of oyer and
terminer in that county, for consenting to the death of Walter de Compton
and for knowingly harbouring the felons in his manors after they had slain
Walter, as he has purged his innocence before J. bishop of Bath and Well?,
to whom he was delivered by the aforesaid justices according to the
privilege of the clergy.
The like to the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset.
May 11. To the sheriff of Dorset. Order to buy 40 quarters of wheat, 40 quarters
Westminster, of beans, 60 quarters of malt, and 40 quarters of salt, and to cause them to
be- carried to Corf castle, there to be delivered to John de Eythre, the
constable. By K. on the information of Master R. de Baldok.
Membhane 6.
May 10. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to pay to
Westminster. Joan de Torthorald the arrears from the time of Richard's appointment
of 20 marks yearly granted to him by the king on 11 June, in the 11th year
of his reign, out of the issues of the escheatry this side Trent, and to
continue to pay the same henceforth.
To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with a messuage and
two virgates of land in Schulton that William Hughes held, a messuage
and 5 acres of land in Farndon that Agnes and Eustace atte Grove held,
a messuage in the same town that John le Mustarder held, two cottages iii
the same town that Gilbert Martyn held, a messuage in the same town that
John Muttesfunte held, a messuage in the same town that Ralph le Rok
held, a messuage in the same town that John le Fevre held, a messuage in
the same town that John Talebot held, a messuage in the same town that
William de Culnham held, a messuage in the same town that William
Hamond held, a messuage in the same town that Thomas Hamond held,
a messuage in the same town that Henry Wenefaunt held, a messuage in
the same town that William le White held, 2 acres of land in the same
town that Henry Chappe held, a messuage in the same town that Henry
Odom held, a messuage in the same to-\vn that Robert le Prest held, a
messuage in the same town that John Emelyn held, and a messuage in
the same town that Juliana Goldhord held, as the king learns by inquisition
taken by the escheator that the above tenants, who held the aforesaid tene-
ments of the abbot of King's Beaulieu and his predecessors from old time,
relinquishedthe tenements on account of the great services therefor in arrear,
and that the abbot entered them as chief lord and not by any pretext in
fraud of the statute of mortmain, and continued his seisin thereof for a great
May 12.
May 16.
May 16.
Membrane 6 — cont.
time, which tenements the esoheator took into the king's hands believing
that the abbot had acquired them after the publication of the said statute.
To the sheriiTs of London. Order to restore to John Foleye 356/. Qs. id.
in money arrested upon him, Walter and William Bodolo of St. Omer in
execution of the king's order to arrest goods of the men and naerchants of
the king of France, issued at the suit of John Priour and other merchants
of the city of London, which moneys are said to belong to William Bodolo,
as William de Hanstede, keeper of the king's exchanges of London and
Canterbury, and Lapinus Rogeri, master of the mint, and Roger de Frowyk,
exchanger {camsor) of the money in the aforesaid exchanges, have testified
before the king and his council that John Foleye brought silver in mass to the
exchange of London, and there received the said 3.56/. Qs. id. for the same,
which was to be paid to certain merchants of this realm for their goods sold
in parts beyond sea. By K. and C.
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of Jollan de Nevill, whom the king has amoved because he
is insufficiently qualified.
To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to restore to Henry Sturmy,
clerk, his lands and goods, which were taken into the king's hands upon
his being charged at Salisbury before Henry Spygurnel and his fellows,
justices of oyer and terminer in co. Wilts, for breaking, together with
others, the doors of the chamber of Robert de Hungerford and Richard de
Stokke, chaplain, at Wolfhale, and for stealing their goods, to wit woollen
and linen cloths, cups, silver spoons, and other goods, to the value of 100s.,
and for that he came to Stapelford upon the king's seisin and there caused
six quarters of oats to be threshed, and feloniously broke open a chest, and
carried away a bed, price 6s. 8d., as he has purged his innocence before
S. bishop of Salisbury, the diocesan, to whom he was delivered according to
the privilege of the clergy.
The like to the sheriff of Wilts.
To Gilbert de Stapelton, escheator beyond Trent. Whereas the king
learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Isabella, late the wife of
John son of Hugh, held at her death the manor of Whytyngham, with two
parts of the same town, and two parts of the town of Trewenton, and two
parts of the hamlet of Barton and the lordship of Glanton, and two parts of
the mill of Whityngham, co. Northumberland, and that they are held of the
king in chief by the service of a sore-coloured sparrowhawk yearly for all
service, and that Henry son of the aforesaid John and Isabella is Isabella's next
heir and is of full age ; and it appears by the charters of king Henry and of
king John, which the king has inspected, that king Henry gave to Roger
de Flamavill all the land that belonged to Ughtred {Hughti-edi) son of
Gamel in Whityngham, Trewenton, Barton, and Glanton, quit of all service
except that of rendering a sparrowhawk yearly, and that king John granted
to William son of Roger de Flamavill all the said lands to be held by the
aforesaid service ; and it appears by the rolls of the late king's chancery
that, on 15 September, in the 34th year of his reign, he took the fealty of
the aforesaid Isabella for the said two parts of the manor of Whityngham,
because it was found by an inquisition taken by Richard Oisel, then
escheator beyond Trent, that John son of Hugh held at his death the
aforesaid two parts of her inheritance, and that the whole manor was held
of the late king by the service of a sore-coloured sparrowhawk yearly, and he
thereupon ordered the said escheator to deliver the said two parts to her to-
gether with the issues thereof from the time when they were taken into the
king's hands by reason of John's death together with John's other lands : the
May 13.
May 16.
May 18.
May 20.
May 21.
May 20.
May 24.
May 26.
Membrane 6 — cont.
king, having taken the fealty of Henry for the said manor and two parts of
the aforesaid tenements although he is under age, orders the escheator
to cause him to have seisin of the same.
To Ayraer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side
Trent. Order to deliver John Fot of Huntyngdon, imprisoned at Hun-
tyngdon for trespass of venison in the forest of Wanberg, in bail to twelve
mainpernors who shall undertake to have him before the justices for forest
pleas in co. Huntingdon when they next come thither.
To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of John de Sancto Nicholao, who is incapacitated by age
and infirmity.
To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to expend up to 30/. in repairing
the houses, walls, and other buildings within Winchester castle.
Richard Cragge, imprisoned in Lincoln gaol for the death of Clement de
Hattefeld, has letters to the sheriff of Lincoln to bail him until the first
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. John de Grey has shewn
the king that, whereas the escheator in co. Chester committed to him certain
lands in that county that were in the king's wardship by reason of the
minority of Urian, son and heir of Urian de Sancto Petro, tenant in chief,
to have according tn the extent thereof, to wit for 22/. Is. Qd. to be
rendered yearly to the exchequer, and John held the said lands for three
years and three quarter.^, and paid 44/. 3*. Od. to the exchequer by two
tallies for two years and 22/. 1*. 6rf. for the third year to Hugh de Bussy,
then escheator in that county, and the escheator's letters of acquittance
therefor have been burnt by mischance with other memoranda concerning
the said lands, the said John has prayed the king to release the exaction
against him by reason of the aforesaid lands; the king therefore orders the
treasurer and barons to inspect the aforesaid tallies, and to cause them to be
allowed to the said John, and to cause him to be discharged by the king's
gift of the residue of the aforesaid 22/. Is. 6rf. yearly for the time that he
held the said lands. By p.s.
To Robert de Kendale. Order to deliver to Hamo de Chiggewelle,
citizen of London, the custody of that city, which the king lately committed
to Robert upon the office of mayor thereof being taken into the king's
hands before the justices in eyre at the Tower of London, as the king has
replevied the office of mayor to the aldermen and citizens until the quinzaine
of Michaelmas, and has accepted the nomination made by them of Hamo for
the office of mayor, and has received from him the oath due therefor.
\_F(edera.'] By K.
To Stephen de Abyndou, the lung's butler, or to his attorney in the port
of London. Order to deliver to the monks of St. Peter's Westminster a
tun of wine of the right prise at London, in accordance with the grant of
Henry III.
To Adam de Whetenhale, chamberlain of North AVales. Order to pay to
Master Nicholas de Derneford, master of the king's works at Beaumaris,
who was amoved from that office and afterwards reinstated by the king's
order, his usual wages for the time that he has held the office since his re-
To Gilbert de Stapelton, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with the lands of Mary de Nevill, as it appears by an
inquisition taken by the escheator that she held nothing in chief at her
1321, Membrane 6 — cont.
death by reason whereof the custody of her lands ought to pertain to the
king, and that Ranulph de Nevill, her son, is. her next heir and of full
age, and it appears by an inquisition taken by Richard de Rodeney,
escheator this side Trent, that she held nothing in chief but the manor of
Houton, CO. Norfolk, which is held of the king in chief by the service of a
moiety of a knight's fee, and the king granted Ranulph licence by letters
patent to enfeoff Ralph de Nevill of the said manor.
May 15. To Henry Spygurnel, Richard de Rodeneye, John de Bousser, and Robert
Westminster, de Maddyngle. Order to supersede entirely the execution of the king's
commissio.T appointing them justices of oyer and terminer in cos. Wilts,
Somerset, Dorset, and Gloucester, and to do certain other things contained
in their commission. By K.
Tlie like to the following :
Ralph de Camoys, Robert de Maddyngle, and William de Northo in
cos. Bedfoi'd and Buckingham.
Ralph Basset, Robert de Malberthorp, and Walter de Friskenay in
cos. Essex and Hertford.
May 25. To Altnaric la Zusche, supplying the place of Aymer de Valencia, earl
Westminster, of Pembroke, constable of Bokingham castle, and keeper of the forests
between the bridges of Oxford and Staunford. Order to expend up to 201.
in repairing the tower, houses, walls, and other buildings of the said
castle. By K.
To the same. Order to cause two armed footmen and twenty other
footmen to be put in the castle at the king's wages for the safe-guarding of
the same, to stay there until St. Peter ad Vincula next unless otherwise
ordered. By K.
To William Ridel, constable of Bernard's Castle, in the king's hands by
reason of the minority of the heir of Guy de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick.
Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of Simon de Hedelem, and
to restore the; issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken by the
constable that Simon held at his death of the said heir three messuages and
1 16 acres of land in Hedelem by homage and fealty and suit at the court of
Gaj'neford from three weeks to three weeks and of 2«. dd. and by the service
of Qd. yearly to the exchequer of Newcastle, and it appears by the rolls of
the king's chancery that Simon's service for the said lands was assigned in
dower to Alice, late the wife of the said earl, before Simon's death.
Membrane 5.
May 16. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to supersede entirely the exaction
Westminster, of Master Richard de Burton, clerk, to be outlawed in his county [court], he
having been put in exigent at the suit of the prior of Derhurst, who
impleaded him for a trespass before Henry Spigurnel and his fellows, justices
of oyer and terminer in that county, while he was in parts beyond sea,
whither he was sent with A. bishop of Hereford by the king upon his
affairs, as Richard has now returned from the said parts and has found
mainpernors in chancery to answer the prior, to wit John de Treiagu,
knight, of CO. Cornwall, John atte Slo, of co. Devon, and Ralph Boron, of
CO. Norfolk.
May 14. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Henry,
Westminster, bishop of Lincoln, and the chapter of that place of the demand for the tenth
for one year imposed by the pope and granted to the king, as they have
shewn the king that the bishopric was void on 22 January, in the 13th year
April 16.
Membrane 5 — cont.
of the kiug's reign, by the death of John, late bishop, and the bishopric
was in the king's hands from then until 5 August last, when the king
restored the temporalities to Henry, and the tenth was current during that
To the same. Whereas the king granted to Oliver de Burdegala, his
yeoman, in consideration of his good service, all the lands in New Wyndesore
and Old Wyndesore whereof John de London enfeoffed the king before his
death, to have and to hold to the said Oliver by the services therefor due
and accustomed before the said enfeoffment, and the king afterwards, being
given to understand that certain of the said lands are of the purprestures of
the forest of Wyndesore arrented to the said John in the late king's time
by a certain arrentation to be paid yearly to the exchequer, remitted and
pardoned the said arrentation to Oliver and his heirs on 28 August, in the
5th year of his reign ; which remission was afterwards revoked by reason
of the ordinances; and the king, in the parliament at Westminster, with the
assent of the prelates, earls, barons, and oVa.6r proceres of the realm, remitted
the arrentation to Oliver for his lifetime, together with the arrears of the
same from the time of the aforesaid grant, so that Oliver's heirs shall pay the
arrentation after his death ; the king now orders the treasurer and barons
to discharge Warin de Insula, late constable of Wyndesore castle, and others
of 9j. 9d, for 19^ acres near the king's highway and near the king's old
purpresture in a place called ' Mantel in Le Frith,' and of 4rf. for half an
acre and 28 perches before the houses that belonged to John de Grangia,
chaplain, in Le Frith, and of 19*. Z\d. for 38J acres and 14 perches near
Snoudon, and of \9d. for 3 acres and 25 perches at Shawe, and of 2c?. for a
rood and 17^ perches in Shirch, and of 2d. for a rood and 14 perches with-
out the south gate, and of 12s. lO^rf. for 2a\ acres and a rood near the
purprestures of Shaw in Le Frith, and of 23s. \\\d. for 47 J acres and a
rood and 20 perches at Snoudon, in the forest of Wyndesore, lately arrented
to the said John de London, and of 14/. Is, 3d. for entry of the yearly rent
at which the lands and tenements were arrented, and of the arrears of the
same from the time of the aforesaid grant.
May 23.
May 21.
To the same. Order to acquit the merchants of the society of the Peruzzi
{Perueh') of 500 marks of the sum in which they are bound to the king by
recognisance made in the exchequer for a fine for trespasses against the
charter of the staple of wool, cancelling the recognisance to this amount, as
the king has pardoned them this sum at the request of the king of France.
By p.s. [5655.]
To the sheriffs of London. Order to cause proclamation to be made
that native and alien merchants may carry securely silver in mass to the
exchanges of London and Canterbury, and may receive money for the same
without fear of their silver or money being arrested, as the king understands
from William de Hanstede, keeper of the said exchanges, and from Lampinus
Rogeri, master of the mint, and from Roger de Frouwyk, exchanger
(camsoris) of the money in the said exchanges, and from others, that mer-
chants and others wishing to bring silver in mass to the exchanges from
parts beyond sea withdraw themselves and their silver from the exchanges
because such silver and the money received in exchange therefor are arrested
by the king's ministers at the suit of divers of the king's realm against
merchants and others of parts beyond sea.
The like to the bailiffs of the city of Canterbury.
May 25. To Ivo de Aldeburgh, constable of Okham castle and sheriff of Rutland.
Westminsler. Order to cause to be levied without delay the 60/. that remain to be levied
of the ferm of the castle and county, which belonged to Hugh Daudele, the
younger, for Easter term last, which ought to bo answered for to the king
1321. Membrane 5 — cont.
because it was considered in his court that all the lands and goods of the
said Hugh should be taken into his bands, and to retain out of that
sum the wages of himself and others staying in the castle, according to an
indenture made between him and the king concerning the custody of the
castle. By K. on the information of Master Eobert Baldok.
May 22. To William Kidel, constable of Bernard's Castle, in the king's hands by
Westminster, reason of the minority of Guy de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick. Order to
delivei- to Geoffrey sou of Simon de Hadelem inStaynton, within the liberty
of the bishop of Durham, his father's lands, and to restore the issues there-
of, saving to the king the fealty due from Geoffrey therefor, as it appears by
inquisition taken by (he constable that Simon held at his death 144 acres of
land in Staynton of the heir of Thomas Travez, a minor in the king's
wardship, by the service of 8rf. yearly to the ward of the castle of Newcastle,
and that the said Geoffrey is Simon's next heir and is aged 15 years, and
that Simon held no lands of the king in chief by reason whereof the custody
of his lands ought to pertain to the king.
May 26. To Kichard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to
Westminster, intermeddle further with the lands of John de Knokyn, deceased, and to
restore the issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator
that John beld certain lands within the manor of Nesse, co. Salop, for the
term of his life by fine levied in the king's court betweeen Thomas de Eyton
and him, so that after John's death the lands should remain to John le
Rous and Mabel his wife, daughter of the said John, and to the heirs of
their bodies, and that the lands aforesaid are held of John Lestrauuge of
Knokyn and not of the king.
May 24. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of Giles de
Westminster, Bruwosa,* and to restore the issues therof from the time when he resumed
them into the king's hands, he having resumed them into the king's hands, as
appears by an inquisition taken by him, because Giles held in chief of the
late king at his death an acre of land call ' Heredesacre ' by a yearly fee-
fer'm of 3rf. to be rendered by the hands of the sheriff of Dorset, as the late
king, on 24 March, in the 33rd year of his reign, ordered Walter de
Gloucestre, then escheator this side Trent, not to intermeddle further with
the lauds of the said Giles, because it was found by an inquisition taken by
the said Walter that Giles beld no lands of the late king at his death except
the manor of Crowell, co. Oxford, which he held by the courtesy of
England of the inheritance of Beatrice, his late wife, as of the honour of
Christ Church, Twynham, then in the late king's hands, by the service of
half a knight's fee, by reason whereof the custody of his other lands did not
pertain to the late king.
Membrane 4.
May 25. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to
Westminster, intermeddle further with the following tenements, which he took into the
king's hands under the belief that they had been acquired by the abbot of
St. Augustine's Canterbury after the publication of the statute of mortmain
without the king's licence, and to restore the issues thereof to the abbot, as
it appears by an inquisition taken by the escheator that a predecessor of the
abbot acquired them in fee to him and his house fifty-two years ago, long
before the publication of the statute of mortmain : from Nicholas de
Columbyn a messuage, from Benedict Trenchelace a messuage, from R . . . .
* Breivosa in margin.
14 EDWARD II. 305
1321, Membrane 4 — cont,
Saiour a messuage, from Isabella Belehache a messuage, from Aldelm the
Carter {Carectario) a messuage, from John Samuel a messuage, 3 acres of
' lad ' land, and 2 acres of the pittancer's land, an acre of land from
Nicholas de Handlo, 9 acres of ' lad ' land from William CuUul and William
his brother, in the city of Canterbury and the suburbs thereof ; by which
inquisition it appears that the lands were held of the abbot and his
successors before the aforesaid acquisition by the service of 5*. yearly for
all service.
May 26. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of Mary
Westminster, de Nevill other than the manor of Houton, co. Norfolk, as it appears by
inquisition taken by the escheator that she held nothing in chief at her
death by reason whereof the custody of her lands ought to pertain to the
king, with the exception of the above manor, which is held in chief by the
service of half a knight's fee, by which inquisition it was found that Ranulph
de Nevill, her son, is her next heir and is of full age, and the king has granted
licence to Ranulph by letters patent to enfeoff Ralph de Nevill of the
aforesaid manor.
To Hervey de Staunton and his fellows, justices in eyre at the Tower of
London. Certificate that the king has caused the memoranda of the
chancery to be searched for certificates of recognisances made in the time
when Richer de Refhara was mayor of the city of London, which search was
made at the suit of Richer, who was impleaded before the aforesaid justices
by William de Upton, citizen of London, for that, when he was mayor,
he refused to certify the king's court at William's request of a recognisance
for 221. made before him and John le Blound, who were deputed to take
recognisances in the city, and that it is contained amongst the said certifi-
cates in chancery that Thomas de Fairstede, of co. Buckingham, came before
the said Richer, then mayor, and John, on Saturday before St. Margaret the
"Virgin, in the 5th year of the king's reign, and acknowledged that he owed to
William de Upton 221., according to the form of the statute of recognisances
issued at Westminster, which certificate was returned into chancery in the
said year.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cancel the en-
rolment in the estreats of the rolls of chancery at the exchequer of the
king's letters patent dated 26 March, in the 7th year of his reign, granting
to Ingelram Berenger 76^ acres of the king's wastes in his forest of Blake-
more, in a place called ' Rocumbe,' measured by a perch of 20 feet, render-
ing therefor 26s. 6d. yearly by the hands of the sheriff' of Dorset, at which
sum the 76^ acres were arrented, and to discharge Ingelram and (he sheriff
of Dorset of the above sum yearly from the said 26 March, as Ingelram has
asserted in chancery that the aforesaid letters were obtained without his
licence and will, and that he never received them from the hanaper, and
the king has caused the said letters, which were restored to chancery by
John de EUerker, keeper of the hanaper, to be annulled and the enrolment
thereof in the rolls of chancery to be cancelled.
May 28. To Robert de Barton. Order to attend to the ordinance for the repair of
Westminster, the- defects in the castles of Carlisle and Cokermuth to be made by Andrew
de Hartcla and him, whom the king appointed to survey the defects
necessary to be repaired for the safe-guarding of the castles, and to attend
to the supervision of the repairs. The king has ordered the abbot of
St. Mary's York, collector in the diocese of York of the tenth imposed upon
the clergy by the pope for the king's use, to pay him 100 marks out of the
tenth for the repair of the aforesaid defects. By K.
May 26. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
Westminster. Alice, late the wife of Hugh de Hothham, tenant by knight service of the
76416. B
May 26.
May 30.
May 28.
May 26.
May 28.
Membrane 4 — cont.
heir of Robert de Welle, tenant in chief, a minor in the king's wardship, a
third of a toft and of 28 acres and 1^ roods of land and of 6 acres and
half a rood of meadow in Westrasen, which third is of the yearly value of
4i. lOrf., the king having assigned the same to her as dower.
To the same. Order not to intermeddle in any wise with the manor of
Douedyk and the advowson of the church of Soterton, and not to molest or
aggrieve the abbot of Croyland concerning the possession of the same, the
king having, on 24 January, in the 8th year of his reign, ordered John
Abel, then escheator this side Trent, not to intermeddle further with the
manor and advowson, because it was found by an inquisition taken by him
that the abbot of Croyland and his predecessors had been in peaceable
possession thereof from time out of mind, without any change of their
estate, as of the right of their church of Croyland, which manor and advow-
son the said John threatened to take into the king's hands because he
believed that the predecessors of the abbot had acquired them after the
publication of the statute of mortmain, and the present escheator has
threatened to take them into the king's hands upon the same grounds.
To Richard de Rodeney, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause John
de Pappeworth, son and heir of William de Pappeworth, tenant in chief, to
have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved hief age and the king has
taken his homage. By p.s. [5657.]
To the same. Order to assign dower to Amice, late the wife of Laurence
de Holebech, in the presence of the heirs and parceners of his lands, and of
Simon de Driby, to whom the king has comrrjitted the custody of the pur-
party of Margaret {sic) daughter of the said Laurence, during her minority,
if they choose to attend, Amice having prayed the king to cause dower to be
assigned to her, which the king assents to, although it was found by an
inquisition taken by the said escheator that Laurence held no lands of the
king in chief at his death in his bailiwick, because it was found by an inqui-
sition taken by Gilbert de Stapelton, escheator beyond Trent, that Laurence
held at his death, by the courtesy of England, certain tenements in Thoren
Gumbaud, co. York, in chief of the king by knight service, as of the honour
of Albemarle, of the inheritance of Margaret, his deceased wife, by which
inquisition it was found that Christiana, one of the daughters and heiresses
of Laurence and Margaret, is of the age of I'i years.
To the same. Order to deliver to Joan, late the wife of Richard son of
John de Rokeslee, the manor of Terhyngham and the issues of the same
from the time when it was taken into the king's hands upon Richard's
death, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that Richard died
seised of the said manor, and that Richard acquired it together with the
said Joaii from Eleanor de Cryel by the late king's licence, the king having
taken Joan's homage for the manor. By p.s.
To the sheriff of Somerset. Order to restore to John de Grendenham,
clerk, his lands and goods, which were taken into the king's hands upon his
being charged at Salesbury before Henry Spigurnel and his fellows, justices
of oyer and terminer in that county, with a robbery from Robert de Hunger-
ford and Richard de Stok, chaplain, at Wolfhale, of goods to the value of
100*., and for the rape of Sarah, late the wife of William de Cotes, atNorth-
rugge, in the hundred of Wermynstre, and for abducting her against her
will, as he has purged his innocence thereof before R. bishop of Salisbury,
the diocesan, to whom he was delivered by the justices according to the
privilege of the clergy.
The like to the sheriff of Wilts.
To Henry {sic) de Staunton and his fellows, justices in eyre at the Tower
of London. Order to supersede until the quinzaiiie of Michaelmas next the
14 EDWARD 11.
June 1.
May 28.
May 30.
Membrane 4 — coni.
rendering of judgment in the plea pending before them between the king
and S. bishop of London and the dean and chapter of St. Paul's, London,
to shew by what warrant the bishop, dean and chapter claim to have divers
liberties in the city of London, and to certify the king at that time concern-
ing the same, so that he may cause to be done herein what shall seem good
by his counsel.
To Anthony de Lucy, keeper of the manors of Penreth and Suoreby (sic).
Order to expend up to 100«. in repairing the king's mills of Suoreby and
his prison and bakehouses of Penreth, which were burned and destroyed by
the Scotch enemies. Witness the king at Eedyng, 18 May, in the
13th year. * By C.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the men
of the counties of Cumberland and Northumberland to have respite until
All Saints next for all debts duo to the exchequer, except ferms that are
fixed («M certo), the king having granted them such respite in compassion
for their estate. By p.s.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with a plot of land {placea) called 'le Park,' containing
250 acres of land, meadow, wood, and pasture, a member of the manor of
Swelle, and to restore the issues thereof, which plot he has taken into the
king's hands on the pretence that the abbot of Hailles acquired it after the
publication of the statute of mortmain, as it appears by inquisition taken by
the escheator that Richard, sometime earl of Cornwall, enfeoffed the abbot
and convent of Hailles, twenty years before the publication of the said
statute, of the manor of Swelle, together with the aforesaid plot in frauk-
almoin, by which inquisition it was found that the plot is worth QOs. yearly
in all issues, and that it is held of the king in chief in frankalmoin as of
the heir of the late earl of Cornwall.
To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with a messuage in
Spaldyngg', and to restore the issues thereof to the prior of Spaldyngg',
which messuage the escheator has taken into the king's hands because he
believed that the prior had acquired it contrary to the statute of mortmain,
as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that John, sometime
prior of Spaldyngg', granted the messuage to Ralph de Shorham and Cicely
his wife, to have to them and the heirs of Cicely's body, and that the
present prior entered the messuage after the death of Ralph and Cicely,
because Cicely died without an heir of her body, and that he afterwards
granted the messuage to Robert son of Matthew de Spaldyng for life, and
that Robert after some time rendered the messuage to the prior, who held
it and continued his seisin thereof for this reason, and not in fraud of the
aforesaid statute.
Oct. 18.
Jan. 29.
Membrane 4 — Schedule.
Brevia de warantia dierwn.
To the justices of the Bench. Order not to put John de Insula of
Wodeburn in default for his failure to appear before them on Monday
the morrow of a month from Easter last in the action between the said
John, demandant, and Thomas del Haye, tenant, concerning the manor of
Southgbseford, as John was engaged in the king's service on the said day.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
To the justice of Chester. Order not to put Andrew de Kendale in
Westminster, default for his failure to appear before them on Monday the morrow of
St. Thomas the Apostle last, in the assize of mort d'ancestor arramed
V 2
1321. Membrane 4^ — Schedule — conl.
before them by Thomas son of Thomas de Eyton against Andrew and
Anna his wife, in the court of Edward, earl of Chester, concerning two
messuages and 7 acres of land in Overton Maddok, co. Flynt, as he was
engaged in the king's service on that day. By p.s. [5567.]
May 12. To the justices of the Bench. Order not to put William Hereward in
Westminster, default for his failure to appear before them on Monday the morrow of the
quinzaine of Easter last in the action before them between the said
William and William de la Marche concerning the taking and detinue of
William Hereward's cattle, as he was engaged in the king's service on
that day. By K.
June 2. To John de Foxle and his fellows, justices to take assizes in co. Oxford.
Westminster. Order not to put Eichard de Cornubia in default for his failure to appear
before them on Thursday before Michaelmas last in the assize of novel
disseisin arramed by him against Paulinus de Hauvill and others contained
in the original writ concerning a tenement in Shaldeswell, as he was
engaged in the king's service on that day. By p.s.
June 30. To the justices of the Bench. Order not to put William Berd of Sutton
Westminster, in default for his failure to appear before them on Sunday in three weeks
from Easter, in the 12th year of the king's reign, and oq the following
Monday in the action between Richard Darcy and Alice his wife, demand-
ants, and the said William and Lucy his wife, tenants, concerning a mill,
80 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 20 acres of wood, and 9 marks of
yearly rent in Eckebokelond, Thornbur[y], Cumpton, and Haneknoll, as
William was engaged in the king's service on those days. By p.s.
July 3. To John de Mutford, Adam de Brom, and William de Gosefeld, justices
Westminster, to take assizes in co. Essex. Order not to put John de Handle and Adam
de Aungre in default for their failure to appear before them on Saturday
after Holy Trinity last at the taking of an assize of mort d'ancestor arramed
by John de Lancastre against the said John and Adam and Matilda, wife
of the said John, concerning 41 messuages, 602 acres of land, 16 acres and
3 roods of meadow, 4 acres of pasture, 239^ acres of wood, 52 acres of
marsh, 61s. 9rf. of yearly rent, and a moiety of a mill in Stansted Montfichet,
Great Hoilland, Esthamme, and Westhamme, as they were engaged in the
king's service on that day. By p.s. [5694.]
May 28.
June 1.
Membrane 3.
To the sheriff of York. Order to pay to Oliver son of John de Nantoil,
usher of Queen Isabella's chamber, the arrears of 6J. a day and two robes
yearly from the time of the sheriff's appointment, and to continue to pay
him the same, in accordance with the king's grant to him dated 29 May, in
the 6th year of his reign.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not
to intermeddle further with the lands of Laurence de Holbeche and
to restore the issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken by the
escheator that he held at his death certain lands in Holbeche as of the
right of Amice his wife, who survives him, and that Laurence and Amice
held jointly at his death certain lands in the same tovjn of their acquisition,
and that the lands are held of other lords than the king.
To the chamberlain of Karnarvan. Order to pay to the king's yeoman
Ehys {Reso) ap G-ryffyth, bailiff of the forestry of Snowdon in Wales, the
arrears of his wages from the time of the chamberlain's appointment, and
to continue to pay him the same.
June 2.
June 11.
June 20,
June 20.
May 22.
June 22.
June 20.
June 27.
Membrane 3 — cont.
To the bailiffs of Scardeburgh, At the suit of Peter de Wellewyk, mer-
chant and burgess of Ravenesrodd, that whereas he caused a ship to be laden in
Estland at Aldeburgh in Deomarlt {Denemarch') with wheat, rye, and other
his goods to the value of 60/. sterling, for the purpose of bringing the same
to England to trad© therewith, certain malefactors of the town of riissing',
of the power of the count of Hainault, entered the ship in hostile manner
whilst on her voyage to this realm on the coast of Zeeland (^Seland) near
Wolk' and Walker, and slew Peter's son, and took the ship and cargo with
them to the count's land, the king has frequently requested the count to
cause justice to be done to Peter in this behalf, but the count has failed to
do so, as the community of the town of Eavenesrod have signified by their
letters patent : wherefore the king orders the bailiffs to arrest goods of the
count's men and merchants to the value of 60/., and to cause the same to be
kept safely until further orders.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to discharge
Juliana de Leyburne of 43/. exacted from her by summons of the exchequer
for issues forfeited before William de Bereford and his fellows, justices of
the Bench, as the king has pardoned her that sum. By p.s. [5680.]
To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the forest this side
Trent, or to him who supplies his place in the forest of Claryndon. Order
to cause the sheriff of Wilts to have 20 beeches fit for timber in the king's
wood of Bocholt, within the said forest, for the repair of the king's water-
mills of Old Sarum. By C.
Peter de Fornsete, imprisoned in Norwich castle for the death of Richard
de Lound, has letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to bail him.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to make
partition of the manor of Alet, and to cause Michael Duraunt and Eleanor
his wife, daughter of Walter son and heir of John de Alet, to have seisin of
half of the same as her purparty, as it appears by inquisition taken by
Master John Walewayn, late escheator this side Tient, that John de Alet
granted the manor to Serlo de Nansladron during John's life, by virtue
whereof Serlo was seised thereof until John's death, and that after John's
death Walter entered the manor, and that Serlo forthwith ejected him, and
that the manor came to the king's hands upon Serlo's death by reason of
the minority of Walter's heirs, by which inquisition it was found that the
manor is held of the king in chief by knight service, and that Eleanor and
Margery, daughters of Walter, are his next heirs, as the said Eleanor proved
her age before the said escheator, and the king took Michael's fealty for her
purparty, the king having ordered the aforesaid late escheator to make
partition as above, which order has not been executed.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to discharge John
de Segrave, the younger, and Juliana his wife of the demand for Juliana's
service to the late king in his army of Scotland, in the 34th year of his
reign, for the manor of Folkestan, which she then held of the late king by
the service of an eighth part of a knight's fee. By p.s.
To the sheriffs of London. Order to take Stephen de Thersk back to
St. Bride's church in the suburbs of London, as S. bishop of London has
signified the king by his letters patent that whereas Stephen fled to the said
church for sanctuary from Neugate prison, wherein he was imprisoned upon
a charge of theft, certain malefactors violently took him out of the church
and led him back to the said prison.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with an acre and a rood of land and three roods of meadow
ill Kereby, and to restore the issues thereof, which land he took into the
1321. Membrane 3 — cont.
king's hands by reason pf the alienatiou thereof made by Thomas atte
Monekes to Matthew Mayel, clerk, without the king's licence, the escheator
asserting that the land is held in chief of the king, as it appears by inqui-
sition taken by the escheator that the land is not held in chief of the king,
but is held of Lucy Mayel by the service of a rose-flower yearly at Mid-
summer, and that Lucy holds it with other things of John de Weston by
the service of 2s. yearly for ail service.
June 30. To the sheriff of Hertford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
Westminster, be elected in place of Thomas le Corvyser, who is incapacitated by illness
and age.
June 29. To the justices in eyre at the Tower of London. Order to permit
Westminster. Thomas, earl of Lancaster, to have the liberties in the city of London and
suburbs claimed by him before them as pertaining to tte honour of Leycestre,
without proceeding in anywise to enquire concerning the same at present, _
lest prejudice should be done to the king in the event of the honour revert-
ing to him, as Henry III. granted to Edmund his son, on 22 April, in the
63rd year of his reign, the honour, town and castle of Leycestre and all
lands of the honour and all knights' fees, etc., pertaining thereto, which
formerly belonged to Simon de Monte Forti, earl of Leicester, and which
escheated to the said king upon Simon's rebellion, and the king now under-
stands that Thomas, earl of Lancaster, son and heir of the said Edmund,
claims divers liberties in the city of London before the justices as pertain-
ing to the said honour. By K,
To the mayor, bailiffs, and men of the town of Notyngham. Grant of
certain tolls for two years in aid of enclosing that town. [^Incomplete.']
Vacated, because on the Patent Roll.
Membrane 2.
June 2. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
WestmiDster. meddle further with the lands that Richard son of John [de*] Rokesle held
of other lords than the king, and to restore the issues thereof, as it appears
by inquisition taken by the escheator that he held nothing in chief of the
king at his death, except the manor of Terlyngham, which is held of the
king in chief by knight service, and whereof he was enfeoffed jointly with
Joan, his late wife, wherefore the king has taken Joan's homage and
restored the manor to her.
To Master John Oogan, treasurer of Ireland. Order to pay 60/. to John
de Bermyngeham, earl of Loueth, for the execution of certain affairs of the
king's enjoined upon him. By K,
To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to cause Wyndesore castle
to be victualled by the advice of Ralph de Camoys, constable of that castle.
By p.s.
June 1. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to caose to be
Wegtminster. paid to Almaric de Credonio, the king's kinsman, all the issues of the
lands of Drogo de Mello, tenant in chief, for one whole year before
4 August last, when the king granted to him the custody of Drogo's lands
during the minority of Margaret, one of his daughters and heiresses, as the
king wishes to reward Almaric further for his services.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
* From the marginal abstract.
14 EDWARD 11. 31J
i-o^i-' Membrane 2 — conf.
June 3. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
Westmiuster. meddle further with the lands of Laurence de Holebech in his bailiwick,
which were taken into the king's hands because Laurence held of the khig in
chief elsewhere, by the courtesy of England, of the inheritance of Margaret,
his deceased wife, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that
he held no lands in chief of the king in the escheator's bailiwick at his
death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the
king; saving the king's right in everything and saving dower to Amice,
late the wife of Laurence, to be assigned to her according to the extent
made, or, if need be, to be made again, in the presence of the heirs and par-
ceners of the inheritance and in the presence of Simon de Dryby, to whom
the king committed the custody of the purparty of Christiana, one of the
daughters and heiresses of the said Laurence and Margaret, during her
minority, which dower the king has ordered the escheator to assign to
Amice by the assent of certain of the parceners.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Oliver de
Burdeg[ala] and Matilda his wife, to whom the king granted, on 2 Novem-
ber, in the 12th year of his reign, with the assent of the prelates, earls, barons,
and other proceres of the realm assembled in parliament at York, all the
lands of Folie Johan and Hiremere, which are within the bounds of the
forest ofWyndesore, and which John de Drokenesford, bishop of Bath and
Wells, held of tlie king by a certain arrentation, and which the king had of
the said bishop's grant, to have and to hold to the said Oliver and Matilda,
and the heirs of Oliver's body by the service of a rose yearly, if it be asked,
the king having previously, on 22 April, in the 10th year of his reign,
granted the said lands to Oliver and the heirs of his body by the said ser-
vice, of the following sums from the said 22 April, which Oliver has given
the king to understand are exacted from him and Matilda by summons of
the exchequer : 57*. 4c?, for 172 acres of waste of the king's soil near Luf-
feld in the said forest, arrented to the aforesaid John in the 29th year of the
late king's reign, and 34/. for entry ; 4//. for an acre atNorthurst, arrented
to the said John in the s.ame year, and 4*. for entry ; 29s. lOd. for 89^
acres in a plot between La Brokhull and the house of Hugh de Sancto
Philberto, arrented to John in the 32nd year of the late king's reign, and
1 71. 1 8s. for entry ; 20s. for 60 acres at Holecroft and Nothurst, arrented
to John in the same year, and 71. IQs. 7\d. for entry ; 13s. Of rf. for 39 acres
and 241 perches against the said John's house on the north and in
another plot on the east near La Crikeledeock, arrented to John in the same
year, and 12/. for entry ; \7\d. for 4 acres, 1 rood, and 16 perches at
Mapeldorerugge in the said forest, arrented to John in the 33rd year of
the late king's reign, and 17s. Q\d. for entry; 13s. 4rf. for 24^ acres and
32 perches at La Brodestrode in the said forest, arrented to John in the
27th year of the late king's reign, and 6/. 9s. Od. for entry ; 6s. 4^ for J 2^
acres and a rood at Assherugeshede, in the said forest, arrented to John in
the same year, and 76s. 6c?. for entry; i\d. for half an acre and 9 perches
there, arrented to John in the same year, and 3s. Gd. for entry; if the
lands thus arrented are comprehended under the names of the said lands of
Folia Johan and Hiremere.
June 4. To the sheriff of Worcester. Order to resume into the king's hands the
Westminster, body of the castle of Elnieleye in his bailiwick, which belonged to Guy de
Bello Campo, late earl of Warwick, and which the king lately granted to
Hugh le Despenser the elder, it being in the king's hands by reason of the
minority of Thomas, son and heir of the said Guy, and to cause it to be
guarded safely until further orders, and to make an indenture of the arms
{armaturis) , victuals, and other goods in the same between him and one of
th« king's subjects of those parts in the presence of twelve men to be taken
by the sheritf for this purpose. « By K.
June 3.
June 5.
June 8.
June 9.
June 14.
Minster in
June 4.
June 15.
Minster in
Membrane 2 — cont.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with a messuage and a virgate of land in Alne, co.
Warwick, which he has taken into the king's hands because it was found
by an inquisition taken by his sub-escheator in that county, in the absence
of Simon de Shireford, parson of the church of Kenewarton, that the abbot of
Wynehecombe, tenant in chief, had alienated the said messuage and virgate
to a certain parson of the aforesaid church after the publication of the
statute of mortmain without licence from the late or present king, as the
king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Simon de Shireford
and all his predecessors, parsons of the said church, have always held
the said messuage from time out of mind as glebe of that church, so that
neither the abbot of Wynehecombe nor any one else except Simon and his
predecessors ever had anything in the said messuage and virgate.
To the sheriflF of Salop and Stafford. Order to buy and purvey victuals
to the value of 501. by the advice of Alan de Cherleton, constable of Mont-
gomery castle, for the munition of that castle, and to cause the same to be
delivered to the aforesaid constable. By p.s. [5671.]
To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to release the wife and friends of
Robert Lewer, who were arrested by the king's order, and to discharge
their mainpernors, and to cause his lands and chattels to be restored
to Robert, together with the money in hand of his ferms and rents levied by
the sheriff, as the king has remitted to Robert the cause for which he
ordered these arrests to be made. By p.s. [5673.]
To John le Barber. Order to restore to the said Robert his lands and
chattels, which are in John's custody by the king's commission, together
with the money, etc., as above. By p.s. [5673.]
The like to Edmund Quarel.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to seise into
the king's hands without delay all the lands of Hugh le Despenser,
the younger, in his bailiwick, and to cause the same to be kept safely until
further orders. By p.s.
To the sheriff of Leicester. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of Ralph le Selere, deceased.
To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to cause the goods and chattels found in
the manors of Wexcombe and Burbachesauvage, which belonged to Hugh
Daudele, the younger, and which were taken into the king's hands with his
other lands by consideration of the king's court, to be kept without sale or
dispersal until further orders. By p.s.
The like to the sheriffs of the following counties for the goods in
the following manors :
Norfolk, for the manors of Welles and Little Bernyngham.
Suffolk, for the manors of Desnyng' and Cavenham.
Kent, for the manor of Bradestede.
Surrey, for the manors of Blechyngleye, Ocham, and Tillingdon.
Essex, for the manors of Aungre and Stapelfordtany.
Devon, for the manor of Chitelhampton.
To the sheriff of Hertford. Order to supersede the proceeding to
outlaw John son of Nicholas de Stebbyng" at the king suit, as he is put in
exigent to be outlawed in the sheriff's county [court] on Wednesday next by
reason of the suit prosecuted against him by Master Jordan Moraunt in his
own and the king's name for a trespass upon the king and Jordan at
Sabricheworth, if they find that Jordan has remitted his suit to John, as
the king understands that he has done.
1321. Membrane 2 — cont.
June 3. To the prior of the order of Fi-iars Preachers, London. Eeqiiest that
Westminster, they will cause a safe place to be assigned for the custody of the rolls
of chancery of the king and his progenitors, according to the requirements
of William de Ayremynne, in whose custody they are, as the king wills that
the said rolls, which have been for some time in the house of the Carmelite
Friars in the suburbs of London, shall be kept in their house under
the custody of the said William until otherwise ordered. By K.
Vacated, because [the letters] were restored, and because the rolls are in
the Tower of London.
June 22. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to
DoTer. intermeddle further with the manors of Wondestre and Statbe, co. Somerset,
taken into the king's hands upon the death of John de Berkeleye of
Erlyngham as if he held them in chief, as it appears by inquisition taken by
the escheator that he held no lands in chief at his death, but that he held a
quarter of the manor of Wondestre of John de Meoles, a minor in the king's
wardship, by the service of 2\d. yearly, and a quarter of the manor of
Stathe of the said John de Meoles by socage, by which inquisition it
appears that Elizabeth, Felicia, Thomasia, and Margaret, his daughters, are
his next heirs, and that Elizabeth the eldest daughter is 16 years of age,
Felicia 14, Thomasia 11, and Margaret 9.
June 12. To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side
Slurry. Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Order to deliver Geoffrey de
Bochurst, Roger le Crag, John Wade, and William atte Brigge, imprisoned
at Wyndesore for trespass of venison in the forest at Wyndesore, in bail to
twelve mainpernors for each, who shall undertake to have them before the
justices for Forest pleas in co. Berks when they come to those parts.
June 20. Thomas le Keue, imprisoned at Oxford for the death of William son of
Dover. Robert Barcher of Caldecote, has letters to the sheriflF to bail him.
June 28. To the sheriflf of Bedford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
Westminster, be elected in place of John de Wotton, who is incapacitated by illne»s and
July 4.
Membrane 1.
To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side
Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Order to cause John son of Roger
son and heir of Roger son of John, tenant in chief, to have seisin of
the bailiwick of the stewardship of the forest of Long Forest, co. Salop,
which belonged to his father and was taken into the king's hands upon hia
death, together with the issues thereof from 26 December last, when the
king took John's homage and ordered Richard de Rodeneye, escheator thia
side Trent, to cause him to have seisin of his father's lands.
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Matilda,
late the wife of Michael le Aumoner of Bondbrustwyk, tenant in chief, upon
her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence, according to the
extent made at another time by Gilbert de Stapelton, late escheator beyond
Trent, a transcript whereof the king sends him sub pede sigilli, or accord-
ing to another extent to be made if necessary, in the presence of William le
Aumoner, son and heir of Michael, if he choose to attend.
July 2. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause
Westminster, dower to be assigned to Gerard de Seckyndon and Joan his wife of the lands
of Hugh de Garthorp, tenant in chief, her formei- husband, iu the presence
of Joceus de Spaldyng, to whom the king has committed the custody of two
July 1.
July 4.
July 5.
July 4.
July 4.
Membrane 1 — eont.
parts of the said lands, if he choose to attend, as the king has pardoned
Gerard and Joan their trespass in marrying without his licence for a fine
made with him by Gerard.
To the sheriffs of London. Order to supersede until further orders the
throwing dowu of a wall in the parish of All Saints near the Wall and of
another wall in the parish of St. Peter's, Bradestrete, although it was
presented before the justices in eyre at the Tower of London that the
brethren of St. Augustine's London had made a purpresture by unjustly
raising the said walls, and it was considered that the walls should be thrown
down, as the king wishes to be fully certified concerning the premises before
the walls be thrown down. Rj K.
Hugh le Smythessone of West Chyvyngton, imprisoned in the castle of
Newcastle-on-Tyne, for the daath of Hugh de Grenessone of Est
Ch[ys'yng]ton, has letters to the sheriff of Northumberland to bail him until
the first assize.
Aymer son of Gilbert de Carleton of Neweburn, Godman Helyoun,
and John Hode of Sutton, imprisoned at Melton for the death of
Th[oma-i] son of Alice de Wodeford, have letters to the sheritf of Suffolk
to bail them until the first assize.
To the sheriffs of London. Order to supersede until the further orders
the throwing down of a purpresture made by the Carmelite friars in the
parish of St. Dunstan ' West,' London, although the purpresture was
presented before the justices in eyre at the Tower, and it was considered
that it should be thrown down, as the king wishes to be certified fully
concerning it before it be thrown down. By K.
To Joan, late the wife of Nicholjis Daudeleye. Order to pay to
Nicholas de Wedergrave a yearly pension of lOZ. from the manor of Forde,
CO , which was assigned to her a.« part of her dower as
of the clear yearly value of 17/. 16s. 6c?. after the above pension and other
charges had been deducted, from the time when the manor was assigned to
her, as the said Nicholas has given tlie king to understand that she has
refused to pay him the aforesaid pension, wherewith her husband charged
the aforesaid manor, as contained in the inquisitions taken after her
husband's death concerning his lands.
1 qoA Membrane 26d.
July 10. Giles son of John de Farlyngton acknowledges that he owes to Richard
Westminster, de Ingelton 401. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. York and Northampton. Witness : Aymer de Valencia,
earl of Pembroke.
John de Mereworth, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Ralph
Gerveys of Saxthorp, chaplain, and Reginald Fox of Corpesty, clerk,
executors of the will of Simon de Creppingge, 20 marks ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk.
July 11. Robert Gerberd, William his son, and Robert, brother of William,
Westminster, acknowledge tliat they owe to John Mautravers, the younger, 6GI. I3s. 4d. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co.
John Mautravers, the younger, acknowledges that he owes to Henry
de la Hide of Pymperne 1000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Dorset.
Cancelled on payment.
14 EDWARD II. 315
1320. Membrane 26cZ — cont.
Henry de la Hyde of Pymperne acknowledges that he owes to John
Mautiavers, the younger; 500/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Dorset.
Cancelled on payment.
Gilbert Pecche, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Roger le Botiller
100/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
John de Foxle, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas de
Langeton 20 marks j to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Sussex.
Cancelled on payment.
John son of Reginald de Risshendon acknowledges that he owes to John
son of Stephen de Husthwayt 30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Hertford.
Peter son of Reginald acknowledges that he owes to Ralph de Gorges
30 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Dorset.
Adam de Lovetot acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Bardelby,
clerk, 5 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Cambridge.
Cancelled on payment.
Hugh JNIadefrey acknowledges that he owes to Ralph de Cobeham, knight,
100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the
city of Loudon.
Williarn de Sothill puts in his place William de Aberford to prosecute
the matter of a presentation {sic) for 55/., made to him by Robert son of
William le Vavassour.
Roger son of Thomas de Leukenore acknowledges that he owes to
Thomas de Leukenore and Sibyl his wife 1,000/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels ia cos. Sussex and Northampton.
Partition of the lands lately belonging to William de Nevill in Combe
Nevill, CO. Surrey, made before the escheator on 3 September, 13 Ed-
ward [II]. The following tenements are assigned to John de Hadresham
and Nicholaa his wife, one of the daughters and heiresses of the said
William : a moiety of the chief messuage towards the west, with its ease-
ments and appurtenances, of the yearly value of 18c/. ; of the arable laud
6 acres, of the yearly value of 2d. an acre, and 103 acres, of the yearly
value of \d. an acre; of the mowing meadow 3| acres, each of the yearly
value of 12c/., and 8 acres and 3 j roods, each acre of the yearly value of
6d.; of the several pasture 119 acres, each of the yearly value of 2d.;
15 acres of wood, each of the yearly value of 2d.; eight customary tenants,
whose rents and services are of the yearly value of 34*. 6d. Total of the
extent : 75i. 4^d. There remain in the king's hands by reason of the pur-
party not yet sued for of Richard le Wayte, who married Alice, the second
daughter and heiress of William, of the inheritance of Henry her son and
heir, a minor, the following tenements: the other moiety of the aforesaid
chief messuage on the east, with its easements and appurtenances, of the
yearly value of 18rf. ; of the arable land 6 acres, each of the yearly value o£
2d., and 91 acres 3 roods of land, each of the yearly value of \d. ; of the
mowing meadow 3J acres, each of the yearly value of i2d., and 9 acres,
each of the yearly value of Qd. ; of the several pasture 119 acres, each of the
yearly of 2c/. ; 15 acres of wood, each of the yearly value of 2«?. ; eight
1320. Membrane 2Qd — cont.
customary tenants, whose rents and services are of the yearly value of
35*. 9|rf. Total of the extent : 75*. 4id.
Memorandum, that on the 27 May, in the 13th year of the reign of king
Edward, parlition was made of the aforesaid William de Neville's lands in
Suthmorton. This is the firit part : Miles deMortone holds 15 acres of land
in Suthmorton, and renders yearly 9*. Qd. ; Thomas de Mortone holds there
5^ acres of land, and renders yearly Is. l^d. ; Nicholas Brunyng holds there
one acre, and renders yearly 9c?. ; Richard South and Dionisia his wife
hold a meso\iage, a croft, and half an acre there, rendering yearly 2s. Z\d.;
John le Yeonge holds a messuage, 14| acres of land and 1^ roods, render-
ing yearly 6*. \d. ; Walter Wolle holds a messuage and a virgate of land,
rendering yearly 5s. ; John Russel holds a messuage, rendering yearly 18(/. ;
William Daunteseye holds a messuage and 20 acres of land, rendering
jearly 12s. Sd. Total of the aforesaid part, 44s. \0d. Which rent is
delivered to John de Hadresham and Nicholaa his wife, co-heiress of the
aforesaid William, for their partiliou by virtue of a writ directed to me.*
The second part is this : Fulk de Ruycote holds 3 virgates of land in
Suthmorton, rendering 12c?. yearly ; Walter the clerk holds a messuage and
a virgate of land, rendering 8s. yearly ; a messuage and a virgate of land
that Robert Basset formerly held, rendering yearly 8s., whereof Christina,
Robert's wife, holds the messuage, and John le Yeonge holds 2 acres,
Thomas de Mortone 11 acres, Simon de Shotwell 1 acre, John Blakemor half
an acre, John Russell half an acre, Nicholas Brounyng half an acre, and
Walter BoUe half an acre ; a messuage and a virgate of land formerly held
by Richard the Smith {Faber), rendering yearly 8s., whereof Thomas de
Morton holds 13 acres, John le Yeonge 1^ acres, John Russel half an acre,
Nicholas Bromyng (sic) half an acre, and Walter the clerk 1 rood ; Waller
le Reve holds a messuage and a virgate there, rendering 8s. yearly ; John
de Rydale holds a messuage and a moiety of a water mill, with a meadow and
10 acres and 1 rood of land, and a croft, rendering yearly 12s. Total of this
part, 45s. ; which part remains in the king's hands by reason of the part that
ought to fall to Alice, the second daughter of the said William, whom
Richard le Wayte married, and who is dead.
Edmund de Sancto Claro, son of William de Brenton of Eslyngham,
acknowledges that he owes to Reginald de Swafham 40Z. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent.
July 15. John de Lenham acknowledges that he owes to Thomas Cok of Abyndon
Westminster. 300/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Berks. Witness : Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke.
July 20. John de Bury of London and Cicely, late the wife of Richard de Ware,
Stratford, acknowledge that they owe to William de Ayremynne, clerk, •!/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the city of
London. — R. de Bard[elby] received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
Eudo de Helpryngham acknowledges that he owes to Hugh Madefray,
citizen of London, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of liis lands and
chattels in co. Cambridge.
Thomas de Berton, vicar of Melkesham church, puts in his place Thomas
de Evesham and Thomas de Mershton to prosecute the matter of a recog-
nisance for 1,000 marks made to him by John de Sloghtre.
* That is, the escheator,
July 22.
July 26.
1320. Membrane 2Qd — conf.
Nicholas de Bassyngburn of Takeleye acknowledges that he owes to John
Bataille of Manewedene, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Essex.
Nicholas de Bassyngburn of Takeleye acknowledges that he owes to
Thomas de Brauncestre, the younger, 10/ ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
Eobert de Hampton, parson of Middelton church, diocese of York,
acknowledges that he owes to John de Ellerker, the elder, 16/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
John de Cusinton acknowledges that he owes to Master Edmund de
Mepham 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Kent.
The abbot of Wardon acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he
owes to John de Triple, citizen and merchant of London, 500 marks ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Bedford,
Northampton, Huntingdon, and Hertford.
Cancelled on payment.
Giles son of John de Farlyngton acknowledges that he owes to John de
Harwedon, parson of Stokebriiere church, 100 marks ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Thomas de Hemmyngford acknowledges that he owes to William de
Ayremynne, clerk, 7/. 6s. Od. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Huntingdon. — The chancellor received the
Cancelled on payment.
The king sent his letters of privy seal to this effect : Edward, etc., to his
clerks William de Ayremynne, Robert de Bardelby, and William de Clyf,
keepers of his seal, notifying his arrival at Dovre, on Tuesday, 22 July, where-
fore he orders them not to use his seal any more. They are also ordered
to warn those of the king's council at London, who can stay there without
damage to the king, not to leave there until the king's leturn, which will be
shortly. Dated at Dovre, 22 July, in the 14th year of his reign. \^Fcedera.'\
Which letters William de Ayremynne received on Wednesday, 23 July,
in the inn of the bishop of Chichester, and from that hour nothing was done
by the aforesaid seal. On Tuesday following William delivered the seal
enclosed under the seals of the aforesaid Robert and William to J. bishop of
Norwich, the chancellor, before the king's council in the exchequer at
Westminster, in the presence of the said Robert and William, and the
chancellor received the seal, and, after removing the seals of Robert and
William, closed the seal under his seal, and delivered it thus closed to Sir
Walter de Norwyco, chief baron of the exchequer, to be kept in the treasury.
\_Parl. Writs.']
July 27. John de Sancto Johanne of Lageham acknowledges that he owes to
Thunderley. Laurence de Rustiton 8/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Surrey.
Membrane 25d.
July 27. Ralph de Sharpenham acknowledges that he owes to Gilbert de Berewyk
Thunderley. 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Wilts.
John de Sudbury, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John Billon of
Trethiwl 9/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Cornwall.
July 9.
July 25.
1320. Membrane 2od — cont.
Richard de Stapeldon, John de Treiagu, and John Billon of Trethiwl
acknowledge that they owe to Clarice, late the wife of Roger de Welles-
worth, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
cos. Devon and Cornwall.
Cancelled on payment.
The king sent his letters of privy seal to J. bishop of Norwich, his
chancellor, to this etfect : Edward, etc., to J. bishop of Norwich, his chan-
cellor.— As Robert de Welle, knight, acknowledged before the king at
Amiens, on 9 July last, that he owed to Andrew de Hartcla 100/.; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Westmore-
land, the king orders the chancellor to cause the recognisance to be enrolled
in the rolls of chancery, and to cause execution thereof to be made when the
time comes. Dated at Thunderle, 28 July, in the 14th year of his reign.
By pretext whereof the underwritten recognisance is enrolled :
Robert de Welle, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Andrew de
Hartcla 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Westmoreland.
Cancelled on payment.
To the collectors of the custom of wool and wool-fells in the port of
London. Order to permit native merchants to pass the sea in that port with
wool and wool-fells, upon their taking oath to avow the wool and wool-fells
under the names of their owners, and not of others, aud upon their paying
the custom, without taking any other security from them, although the king
lately ordered them to take security from the owners of wool and wool-fells
to answer and do what pertains to the king concerning wool and wool-fells
sent to Flandeis, Brabant, and Artoys contrary to the charter of the staple,
and contrary to the king's proclamation in this behalf. By K. and C.
The like to the collectors in the under- written ports :
London. Southampton. Ipswich.
Boston. Great Yarmouth. Kyngeston-on-Hull.
Weymuth. Lenne. Newcastle-on-Tyne.
July 28. To the sheriff of Bedford and Buckingham. Order not to arrest wool,
Thunderley. goods and wares of native or alien merchants by pretext of the king's order
above-mentioned, and to restore anything that he may have arrested in this
The like to the sheriffs of the following counties :
Southampton. London.
Surrey and Sussex. Cambridge and Huntingdon.
Somerset and Dorset. Essex and Hertford.
Warwick and Leicester. Lincoln.
Gloucester. Norfolk and Suffolk.
Northampton. York.
Oxford and Berks. Northumberland.
Aug. 4. John de Houby acknowledges that he owes to Alexander de Medeburn
Westminster. 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos.
Leicester and Northampton.
Brother Robert, abbot of Stanlegh in Wiltshire, acknowledges, for
himself and convent, that he owes to Robert de Cnoel of New Sarum 500/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Wilts.
William Wolvith acknowledges that he owes to John Triple, citizen and
merchant of London, 8/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Sussex.
1320. Membrane 25d — cont.
July 26. To Richard de Elsefeld, constable of Bordeaux. Order to bring or send
Hadleigh. to the Tower of London Henry Maule and his two fellows, in his custody in
the castle of Bordeaux, to be delivered to the constable of the Tower, whom
the king has ordered to receive them and to keep them safely until further
Aug. 4. Thomas de Fournyval acknowledges that he owes to John de Ebor[aco]
Westminster. 1001.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Stafford.
Aug. 5. Thomas Cok of Abyndon and John Simeon, citizens and merchants of
Westminster. London, acknowledge that they owe to Hugh le Despenser, the elder,
860/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in
CO. Berks and in London.
Cancelled on payment.
The aforesaid Thomas and John acknowledge that they owe to Irgelram
Berenger llOZ. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and
chattels in co. Berks and in the city of London.
Cancelled on payment.
William de Cobeham acknowledges that he owes to Hamo de Morston
40 marks ; to be levied, in default of pa,yment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Kent.
Hamo de Morston acknowledges that he owes to William de Cobeham
50 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Kent.
The abbot of Robertsbridge acknowledges, for himself and convent, that
he owes to Vatinus Chist and Gerard Eamis, merchants of Florence,
46 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels
in CO. Sussex.
Nicholas de Castro, parson of the church of Horyngetoft, diocese of
Norwich, acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Hemenhale 20/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk.
Aug. 8. Richer de Refham, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Westminster. Gatesbury 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
Thomas de Fournival, the younger, acknowledges that he owes to
Bartholomew de Burghersh 1,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Stafford.
Bartholomew de Burghersh acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de
Fournival, the younger, 1,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his. lands and chattels in co. Hereford.
Aug. 6. To Master Henry de Cantuaria. Order to make (ordinetis) a calendar
Westminster, divided into titles of all processes, letters, instruments, and rolls touching
the duchy of Aquitaine in the treasury and wardrobe, in order to have fuller
memory thereof in the future, as shall seem good to him, and according to
what has been previously said to him by the king's council, and to cause the
matter to be done by those whom he shall see fit to take for this purpose, and
to put in due form the undecided processes pending and continued until the
next parliament of France, for the information of the king's advocates, and
to cause to be transcribed what he shall deem necessary before the quinzaine
of Michaelmas. The king has ordered the treasurer and chamberlains and
the keeper of the wardrobe to cause the premises to be exhibited to him,
1320. Membrane 2od — cont.
with the necessary expenses, to be replaced in certain places to be ordained
by them and the said Henry when the calendar has been made.
[By p.s. 5684.]
Mandate in pursuance to the treasurer and chamberlains of the ex-
Agnes de Thurrols puts in her place Walter de Cherleton to prosecute
the matter of a recognisance in chancery for 10 marks made to her by
Henry de Novo Castro.
Memorandum, that by virtue of a writ directed to Ralph de Crophull,
escheator this side Trent, the said Ralph, in the presence of "William de
Ebor[aco], Thomas son of Richard, John Amy, "William Ravene, William
Baldan, and Stephen atte Bakhous, assigned to Margery, late the wife of
John de Ros of Ryngburgh, her third part of her late husband's lands in
the East Riding of the county of York, to wit a third of the chief messuage
of Ruda, with two messuages there built on the south, with ingress and
egress in Ruda ; a third of a windmill and 5 bovates of land for her dower ;
a third of a bovate of land called ' Lundecroft' on the south ; a third of a
wood on the north ; with all other profits belonging to the said third part
in Ruda, as appears by bounds. He also assigned to her 61. 16s. id. of yearly
rent to be received from the free tenants in Ruda, Garton, and Aldeburgh,
to wit from Thomas Cok for a toft in Ruda, 3s. ; from Roger Stort for a
toft in the same town, '6s. ; from John Horn for a toft ifi the same town,
3s. ; from Peter Slyght for a toft in the same town, 10*. ; from Roger le
Wryglit for a toft in the same town, 6*. 8d. ; from William de Eboi[aco]
for a toft in the same town, 6*. ; from John son of Robert for a toft in the
same town, 4s. ; from Robert Ray for a toft in the same town, 8s. ; from
John Amy for a toft and a bovate of land in Garton, I6s. ; from Adam
Wight for two tofts and 1| bovates in the same town, 24*. ; from Alan de
Flynton for a messuage and a toft in the same town, 5s. ; from Master
Walter de Fitlyng for two bovates of land and three parts of a bovate in
Aldeburgh, 40*. ; from Thomas Chapman for a toft in the same town,
6*. 8d.
Assignment of dower to Alice, late the wife of Richard le Alblaster of
Northgeveldale, made by Ralph de Crophull, escheator this side Trent, in
the presence of Walter le Alblaster, son and heir of Richard le Alblaster ;
to wit a messuage, 3 bovates and 5| acres of land, and a third of an acre
of meadow in Northgeveldale ; a third of a bovate of land, and a third of a
moiety of a bovate, and a third (sic) for a third of a mill in Estgeveldale.
And hereupon she took oath not to marry without the king's licence.
Enrolment of release by Roger de Kynbauton, son of William de
Kynbauton, the elder, to Sir Edmund de Wodestoke, son of Edward, the late
king, of his right in a messuage and adjoining shops and all other appurten-
ances lying in Billynggesgate, in the parish of St. Mary atte Hull, in the city
of London, which belonged to the releasor's father. "Witnesses : Nicholas de
Farendon, mayor of London; William Prodhomme and Reginald de Conductu,
sheriffs ; William de Hedersete, alderman ; Walter Waldeshef, Stephen de
Abyndon, Richard But, William de Hakeford, Robert Persone and William
de Segrave. Dated at "Westminster, Sunday after St. "Valentine, 14 Edward IL
Memorandum, that Roger came into the chancery, on the above day, and
acknowledged the aforesaid deed.
Membrane 24d.
The king lately sent his writ to Roger le Brabazon to this effect : Edward,
etc., to Roger le Brabazon and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before him.
Order to inspect the inquisitions taken by the escheator beyond Trent at
14 EDWARD II. 321
1320. Membrane 24ft — cont.
the suit of Margaret, daughter of John de WygetoD, tenant in chief, con-
cerning John's lands in his bailiwick, whereby the king learns that
Margaret is the daughter and next heir of John, and the inquisitions taken
by the escheator this side Trent at the suit of Walter Kirkebrid, Joan
daughter of Joan de Eaygate, Florence de Wygeton, Margaret and
Elizabeth, sisters of the said John, concerning the lands of the said
John de Wygeton in his bailiwick, whereby the king learns that Walter is
the kinsman, and Joan, Florence, Margaret, and Elizabeth are sisters and
next heirs of the said John, which inquisitions the king sends to the
justices sub pede sigilli, together with the reasons whereby Walter, Joan,
Florence, Margaret, and Elizabeth have alleged in chancery, in the presence
of the aforesaid Margaret, daughter of John, that she ought not to have
the lands, and to hear the reasons and allegations on both sides, and to
cause j ustice to be done to the parties, certifying the king of their pro-
ceedings under Roger's seal and returning the inquisitions- so that the king
may be able to render the lands to the next heir in chancery. Witness the
king, at Donecastre, 15 December, in the 9th year of his reign. The king also
sent the reasons of the aforesaid Walter, Joan, Florence, Margaret, and
Elizabeth, to this eifect: Memorandum, that on Monday the eve of Simon
and Jude, 9 Edward II., Margaret, daughter of John de Wygeton, came
into chancery at Westminster before Sir John de Sandale, chancellor, and
the other clerks of the chancery sitting with him, and prayed for livery of
her father's lands to her as next heir, because it was found by the
inquisitions taken by the escheator this side -Trent that she is the daughter
and next heir of the said John and is of full age, offering her homage and
fealty to the king for the said lands. And hereupon Walter de Kirkebrid,
kinsman of the said John, came by John de Haryngton his attorney, and
Joan, daughter of Joan de Reygate, sister of John, who is married to
Nicholas Barde,,came by the said Nicholas, her attorney, and Florence de
Wygeton, sister of John, who is married to Ector Askeluk, aud Margaret,
sister of John, who is married to Robert de Mathelay, came by Nicholas
Tempest, their attorney, aud Elizabeth, sister of John, came by Robert de
Sandeford and John de Sandeford, her attorneys, and prayed for livery of
the aforesaid lands to them as sisters and kinsfolk of John aud as his
next heirs, because it was found by the inquisitions taken by the
escheator beyond Trent that they are his sisters and kinsfolk and
next heirs and are of full age, offering their homage and fealty for the
said lands to the king. And as a daughter is a nearer heir than sisters or
the issues of sisters, they were told to declare the reason for excluding the
aforesaid Margaret from the inheritance, and, after deliberation, the afore-
said attorneys said that John had a wife named Dionisia, mother of
Margaret, and that a divorce was afterwards pronounced between them in
court Christian before the bishop of Carlisle on account of a previous con-
tract of Dionisia with one John Paynel, and that on that account Margaret
cannot be the heir of the said John or of anyone else. And hereupon a
day was given them in chancery in the quinzaine of Martinmas. At which
day Margaret, daughter of John, came into chancery at Wirsshop, and
prayed for the lands as before, and Walter and Elizabeth came by their
aforesaid attorneys, and Joan, Margaret, and Florence did not come, and
Walter and Elizabeth said by their attorneys that Margaret is a bastard by
reason of the aforesaid divorce, and this they are prepared to verify, etc., and
Margaret said that she was legitimate, and this she is prepared to verify, etc.
And hereupon a day is given them in chancery at Doncaster on themoriow
of St. Lucy. At which day Margaret came and sought the lands as before, and
Walter and Elizabeth came by their aforesaid attorneys, and Margaret, Joan,
and Florence did not come, but Walter and Elizabeth say by their attorneys
76416. X
AujT. 7.
Aug. 7.
Aug. 9.
Membrane 24J. — cont.
tliat Margaret is a bastard, etc., and Margaret [says] that she is legitimate,
etc. Therefore a day is given them before the king in the octaves of
St. Hilary next. At which octaves, in the 9th year of the king s reign,
Margaret came before the king and Walter and Elizabeth came, and Joan,
Margaret, and Florence did not come, and Walter and Elizabeth say that
Margaret is a bastard, and Margaret says, on the contrary, that she is legiti-
mate, and was born in the bishopric of London. As the cognisance of this cause
pertains to the ecclesiastical jurisdiction, the bishop of London is ordered to
enquire into the matter ; who returned the king's writ in the quinzaine of
St. John the Baptist, in the 14th year of the king's reign, until which time
the matter was pending before him, saying that it was found that the said
Margaret, daughter of John de Wygeton, was and is the legitimate daughter
of the said John and not a bastard; dated at Orseth, 13 cal. August, 1320.
— And now Margaret comes before the king at the aforesaid quinzaine, and
Walter and Elizabeth do not come, and Margaret prayed that the bishop's
return may be seen, and that right may be done to her. And, as it appears
by the bishop's return that Margaret is the lawful daughter and not a
bastard, she shall have seisin of the lands aforesaid, and the tenor of this
process, together with the escheators' inquisitions, are remitted into
chancery, according to the king's order abovesaid.
Geoffrey de Stokes, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Simon Danvers
of Burton 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Hertford.
Cancelled on payment.
Simon Danvers of Burton acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey de
Stokes, knight, 46/. 13«. A.d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Oxford.
Cancelled on payment.
William de Morwode acknowledges that he owes to Jolm de Breydeston
10/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex.
Fulk, prior of Bernewelle, acknowledges, for himself and convent, that
he owes to Bartholomew Muscardi, Wlpinus Johannis, Henry Fauconer,
John Boillet, merchants of Florence, 200/.; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Cambridge.
Cancelled on payment.
The aforesaid prior acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas Ceriolo and
Thomas de Coronario, merchants of Genoa, 200/. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Cambridge.
Cancelled on payment.
To Walterottus and Doffus de Bardis and their fellows, merchants of
the society of the Bardi of Florence. Request that they wUl send back to
the king as soon as possible Roger Ardingelli, of their society, to whom
the king has granted licence to come to them on account of certain
matters of Roger's in their parts, although his presence is useful and
agreeable to the king on account of his fruitful services, wherefore
the king commends him. The king intimates to them that lie will have
all the affairs of their society specially recommended on account of the
constancy and service of the said Roger and of Dinus Forcetti of their
society, as he has written to them upon another occasion.
Walter Peykoc and Thomas de Dorem acknowledge that they owe to
Master Henry de Clyf and Adam de Brom 61 marks ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the city of London.
The prior of Watton puts in his place Patrick de Langedale to prosecute
the matter of a recognisance for 400/. made to the said prior by Peter de
Aug. II.
Membrane 24d — cont.
Hugh de Audele, the younger, acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Grey, kuight, Master John Walewayn, and Richard de Esdene, clerks,
executors of the will of Matilda, late countess of Gloucester, 600/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Kent,
Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
Memorandum, that on Friday, 6 (sic) August, J. bishop of Norwich,
the chancellor, went by the king's licence from the court at London to
his bishopric, and, by the king's order, delivered the king's great seal to
Sir William de Ayremynne, keeper of the rolls of chancery, to be kept,
until his return, jointly with Master Henry de Clyf and Sir William de
Clyf, clerks of chancery, under the seals of Henry and William, and
William de Ayremynne received the aforesaid seal from the chancellor in
the presence of the aforesaid Master Henry and Master Edmund de
London, and of Sir Geoffrey de Welleford, Sir Roger de Sutton, Sir William
de Horlaston (sic), and others of the chancery, and, on the same day after
dinner, the said William de Ayremynne and Henry opened the seal closed
under the chancellor's seal in the presence of Sir Robert de Bardelby and
other clerks of the chancery, and sealed writs with it ; after which Henry
put his seal to the aforesaid seal, and the said Robert put his seal to it
because William de Clyf was then absent in the king's service; and on
Sunday following William de Clyf came, and found William de Ayremynne,
Robert, and Henry sealing writs in the chapel of tlie Conversi, Loudon,
and after the sealing William de Clyf put his seal [to the said seal]
together with the seal of Hem-y, and Robert, at the request of William de
Ayremynne, likewise put his seal [to it]. Afterwards, on 27 September,
the chancellor returned to London from his bishopric, and on the same
day, in the chancellor's inn, William de Ayremynne delivered the seal to
the chancellor closed under the seal of Henry and the seal of the aforesaid
Geoffrey de Welleford, because William de Clif had been previously
absent by the king's order, and the chancellor received it in his hands
in the presence of Henry, Geoffrey, William de Clif, who came to the
delivery of the seal, and of Roger de Sutton, William de Herlaston, John de
Merton, and other clerks of the chancery, and sealed writs therewith after
dinner. \_Parl. Writs.~\
Membrane 2'6d.
Aug. 8. John de Cotesford, clerk, has letters to R. elect confirmed of Winchester
Stratford-atte- to receive the pension due to one of the king's clerks by reason of his new
Bow. creation. By p.s.
William de la Doune, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to John, abbot
of Faversham, 15Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Essex.
Aug. 5.
To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Summons to attend a parliament at
Westminster on Monday the octaves of Michaelmas next. By K.
\_Parl. fVrits.'\
The like to W. archbishop of York and nineteen bishops. \^Ibid.'\
To the abbot of St. Augustine's Canterbury. Summons to attend the
above parliament. [Ibid."]
The like to twenty-nine abbots and priors, the master of the order of
Sempyngham, and the prior of St. John of Jerusalem, [/it'rf.]
To Edward, earl of Chester. Summons to attend the above parliament.
The like to nine earls and one hundred and six others. [^Ibid."]
X 2
Aug. 6.
Aug. 12.
Aug. 13.
Aug. 13.
Aug. 15.
Aug. 19.
Membrane 23d — cont.
To the slieriiF of Essex and Hertford. Order to return knights of the
shire, citizens and burgesses to the above parliament. llbid.~\
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.'\
To R. count of Flanders. The king has received his letters sent by
Michael Belle, burgess, and by Master John de Burlegh, clerk, of the town
of Ypres, whereby they have prayed the king, by virtue of a procuration of
the count's retained by the king, to assent to a day to treat for peace and
concord between the subjects and merchants of the king and of the count
concerning the damages inflicted upon each other ; the king signifies that
he has assigned a day at the quinzaine of St. Michael next at Westminster
for this purpose. \_Fcedera.']
Brother Roger, abbot of Sautre, acknowledges, for himself and his convent,
that he owes to Master Albertinus Rogeri de Pistorio 100^. ; to bo levied,
in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Huntingdon.
Master Richard de Clare acknowledges that he owes to James Simon of
Siena (Senis), merchant, 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Middlesex.
Cancelled on payment .
Henry, bishop of Lincoln, acknowledges that he owes to Bonus Philippi,
Dinus Forcetti, and Francis Balduch, merchants of the society of the
Bardi of Florence, 1,350 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Cancelled on payment.
Adam son of Simon de Barlyng acknowledges that he owes to Thomas
Pugeys 50 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
William de Fourneux acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Wodehous,
clerk, lOOZ. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Middlesex and in London.
John de Crumbwell, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Adam Pof of
Berkhamstede 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Lincoln.
Fulk, prior of Bernewell, for himself and his convent, and Simon de
Brunne acknowledge that they owe to Leonard Vento, Nicholas de Ceriolo,
and Thomas de Coronario, merchants of Genoa, 320/.; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Cambridge.
Robert le Fikeys of Wynchelse acknowledges that he owes to Master
Henry de Cantuar[ia], clerk, 11. 16s. Od.; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Kent and Sussex.
Roger Rohaut acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Malyns 5()Z. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Oxford.
Edmund de Sancto Claro acknowledges that he owes to William de
Ayremynn, clerk, 400/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Kent. — William de Clif, one of the keepers of the king's
seal, received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
Philip de Somervill, knight, lord of Whicchenore, acknowledges that he
owes to John de Triple, citizen of London, 200/. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. StafiFord and Nottingham.
Robert le Fikeys of Wynchelse acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de
Isham, parson of the church of St. Nicholas Coldabbay, London, 30/. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex.
14 EDWAUD ir.
1320. Membrane 2Bd — cont.
— Grimoaril Cardoun puts in his place Thomas de Brayton, cleik, to
prosecute the matter of an arrest against the men and merchants of the
power of the count of Flanders,
Membrane 22d.
Aug. 14. To W. count of Hainault, Holland, and Zeeland, and lord of Frieseland.
Langley. The king has frequently written to him on behalf of Peter de Welewyk,
John Trenchemer, and John Stater of Eavenser and for the executors of
the will of Peter atte See and Richard Trouk, requesting him to cause
justice to be done to them for the recovery of their goods to the value of
521/. 14s. Od. sterling, lately stolen from them by malefactors of the count's
power at Flotegatenesse on the sea coast near England ; and the count
replied to the first requests that he was prepared to do justice in this
matter, and he has now signified to the king by his last letters that he has
been unable to go to Zeeland for some time by reason of his affairs, and he
has specially requested the king to excuse him as to that time of the above
matter, promising to enter Zeeland after the end of August and to restore
the goods aforesaid if they have been stolen by his subjects; the king,
being contented with his reply, requests him to cause justice to be done in
this matter at the aforesaid time without further delay, so that it may not
behove the king to solicit him further in this behalf or to provide the said
Peter, John, and John and the executors with another remedy, [iifecfera.]
Aug. 22. John son of Edmund de Nastoke acknowledges that he owes to John de
Windsor. Wotryngbury 40A ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Essex.
John le Sauvage, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Frisottus de
Monte Claro and Francis de Monte Claro 700/. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent.
Cancelled on payment.
Enrolment of letters of Stephen de Upton, citizen of London, acknow-
ledging receipt from Sir William de Clif, clerk, of 21/. Gs. 8d., to make
therewith profit for Sir William until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next,
after which day he binds himself to render the said sum to Sir William at
his will, together with all the profit by reasonable account. Dated at
London, 23 August, 14 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Stephen came into chancery on the said day, and
acknowledged the aforesaid deed.
Aug. 27. John de Rithre acknowledges that he owes to William de Salford 11/. ;
"Windsor, to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Aug. 7. To William Rydel, William de Burghdon, John de Penreth, and Roger
Westminster, de Horsele, keepers of the peace in co. Northumberland. Order to enquire
concerning the deeds of malefactors, felons, and offenders against the statute
of Winchester, and to follow and arrest the delinquents, and to cause them
to be kept safely in the king's prisons, according to the king's appointment
of them mad« before he crossed the seas, certifying the king in the quinzaine
of Michaelmas next of the names of those arrested by them and of all their
proceedings. \Parl. Writs.']
The like to the keepers of the peace in other counties. [Ibid.']
Aug. 27. William Inge, the elder, clerk, has letters to H. bishop of Lincoln
Odiham. to receive the pension due to one of the king's clerks by reason of his
new creation. By p.s. [5408.]
Enrolment of grant by Philip, prior of Longueville Giffard in Normandy,
and the convent thereof to Sir Walter de Stapelton, bishop of Exeter, of the
Aug. 28.
Aug. 30.
Membrane lid — cont.
rigLt of patronage and the advowsoa of the church of Westwittenham,
diocese of Salisbury, which is of their patronage ; to have and to hold to him
and his heirs. Witnesses : Sir Martin de Fishacre, Sir Richard de
Stapeldon, knights ; John de Ralegh, John de Caignes, John de la
Enrolment of letters of the aforesaid prior and convent, appointing
Master John le Knyght, clerk, and Roger de Morteho their attorneys to
put the bishop in seisin of the aforesaid advowson. Dated in their chapter,
pridie non. July, 1320.
Memorandum, that the prior came in person, on 14 July, before John,
bishop of Norwich, the chancellor, at Abbeville, in the king's presence, and
acknowledged the above deed and letters.
To the king of Cyprus (Ciprie). Letters recommending to his care and
favour friars Robert de Braibrok, John de Stone, and Robert de Hatte-
coumbe, of the order of Preachers, who propose preaching the Catholic faith
to the Saracens by the disposition of the master of their order. \_I<'cedera.^
To the prior provincial of the order of the Friars Preachers, and to the
brethren of the order about to assemble in their provincial chapter at Staun-
ford. Request for their prayers for the king, queen, and their children, and
that they will cause them to be commended by the other brethren of the
order. By p.s. [5414.]
To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to certify the king without delay
of his proceedings in execution of the king's order to attach Robert le Ewer
and his adherents ; which order was issued because Robert would not
permit himself to be attached by the king's serjeants-at-arms who were sent
to arrest him, breaking the attachment by force and arms, and saying
publicly to the Serjeants that he would not permit any attachment to
be made upon him by any of the king's ministers, and threatening to
slay and dismember certain of the king's subjects, whether found in or out
of the king's presence. By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England.
Aug. 28.
Aug. 26.
Sept. 4.
Sept. 3.
Membrane 21 d.
John de Stodleye acknowledges that he owes to John Giffardof Brymmes-
feld 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Wilts.
Elizabeth, wife of John de Luda, is sent to the prior and convent of
Sempyngham to receive such maintenance as Hugh le Cayt, deceased, had
in that house for his life, in consideration of her husband's good service to
the king and his father. By p.s. [5401.]
John de Rothyng' of Mosewell acknowledges that he owes to Ralph de
Empingham, clerk, 4/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Middlesex.
Nicholas atte Grene of London, merchant, acknowledges that he owes to
John de la Chaumbre, clerk and citizen of London, 10/. : to be levied, in de-
fault of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Middlesex and in London.
To the bailiffs of Great Yarmouth. Order to cause Robert Elys and
Walter de Lincoln, merchants of this realm, to know that they must be
before the treasurer and barons of the exchequer at Westminster on
the morrow of All Souls next, with the memoranda and evidences touching
1320, Membrane 21d — cont.
their receipts from ships of merchants of the power of the count of
Hainault, which the count appointed them to take, prepared to render
account of their receipts, as the count has written to the king that they
distrain his merchants coming to that port, although they have been satisfied
for the sum assigned to them, and he has prayed the king to cause them to
desist from such distraints, and to prefix a day for them and the merchants
of the count's power to see whether the payment have been fully made or not.
By p.s.
To W. count of Hainault, Holland, and Zeeland, and lord of Friesland.
Letter acknowledging receipt of the letter above-mentioned, and informing
him that the king has issued the preceding order to the bailiffs of Great
Yarmouth, and requesting the count to warn the merchants of his power to
appear on the aforesaid day to charge Robert and Walter with what they
have received in this behalf. The king cannot at present stop the aforesaid
matter, which was begun at the instance of the parties, and at another time
at the count's request, since nothing can be attempted unless the parties
have been called without offence of right ; wherefore the king requests him
to hold him excused in this respect.
To the collectors of the custom of wool and wool-fells in the port of
Boston. Order to permit the merchants of the society of the Scali of
Florence and their servants to take 160 sacks of wool from that port to parts
beyond sea without hindrance, the king having previously ordered them to
permit them to take wool and wool-fells out of that port because the said
merchants had made fine with him for certain of their wools sent to parts
beyond sea contrary to the charter of the staple, and had found security to
satisfy the king if they should be convicted of further trespasses, as the
collectors hinder the said merchants because the aforesaid order does not
contain the number of sacks.
Sept. 10. Andrew le Smyth and Christina his wife came before the king on
Clarendon. Wednesday after the Nativity of St. Mary, and sought to replevy their land,
which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices
of the Bench against John le Gist. This is signified to the justices.
Robert Turry of Stapilford acknowledges that he owes to William de Clif,
clerk, 4:1. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Lincoln.
Sept. 17. Henry Rousse came before the king, on Wednesday after the Exaltation
Clarendon, of the Holy Cross, and sought to replevy his land in Wodemersthorn, which
was taken into the king's hands for his default before the justices of
the Bench against Cicely, late the wife of John de Bello Campo. This is
signified to the justices.
Isabella, late the wife of John de Sabrichworth, acknowledges that she
owes to John de la Chaumhre, clerk and citizen of London, 12 marks ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in the city of
The prior of Newenham acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he
owes to Nicholas Ceriolo and Thomas de Coronario, merchants of Genoa,
200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in
CO. Bedford.
Cancelled on payment.
Sept. 20. Ralph de Drayton, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Agnes de
Clarendon. Aldenby 40Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Northampton.
Enrolment of grant by Edmund de Sancto Claro, lord of Eslinghom, co.
Kent to Joan Beauflour'of Loudon, for her life, of his manor of Eslingham,
1320. Membrane 2ld — cont.
with the advowson of the free chapel of the manor, and all appurtenances,
rendering therefor 10^. and a robe, price 20s., at Christmas yearly to
Edmund during his Ufe, and doing the services therefor to the chief lords,
and saving to Edmund the easement of a room and of a stable for two
horses, -with free ingress and egress at his comings to the manor. If Joan
survive him, he wills that she shall hold the manor and chapel quit of the
aforesaid payments to him. Witnesses : Sir Henry de Cobham, Sir John
Malemeins, Sir Stephen de G[ra]vesende, knights; Adam de Frendesbiry,
Stephen de Delham, of co. Kent ; James Beaufiour, Walter le Bevere,
William de Burgo, Gilbert de Mordon, John Amys, clerk, citizens of
London, Dated at London, on Friday after the Exaltation of the Holy
Cross, 14 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Edmund came into chancery at London, on 22 Sep-
tember, and acknowledged the aforesaid deed.
Sept. 15. To W. archbishop of York. Order to be at Carlisle at Michaelmas to
Clareudon, treat with the Scots for peace together with J. bishop of Carlisle, Master
Eobert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, and Geoffrey le Scrope, as
Master Robert shall explain to them, the king having appointed them for
this purpose by commissions to be brought by the said Robert, the aforesaid
day having been assigned for the above purpose in the truce made between
the king and Robert de Brus and others of Scotland by J. bishop of Ely,
Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, Hugh le Despenser, the younger,
and Bartholomew de Badelesmere. [Fcedera ; Pari. Writs.']
The like to J. bishop of Carlisle and Geoffrey le Scrop. [Ibid.']
Like letters were afterwards made by writ of privy seal of the same date
under the names of the archbishop, bishop, and Roger de Northbnrgli and
Geoffrey, with the substitution of Roger's name for that of the aforesaid
Robert, and the previous letters were not restored. \_Ibid.]
Enrolment of letters of Bernard son of John de Brus agreeing to cancel a
recognisance in chancery for 1,400 marks sterling made to him by Bernard
son of Bernard de Brus upon payment of 100 marks in the church of St.
James, Thrapeston, co. Northampton, at Whitsuntide next, and of 50 marks
at Martinmas following, and so yearly at the above terms until 700 marks
have been paid. Witnesses : Sir WiUiam Moigne, Sir John de Swyneford,
John de Denum, William de Denum, John de Waldeschef John de
Lutlebury, John de Wardeboys. Dated at Westminster, on Friday before
the Purification, 14 Edward II.
Memorandum, that the aforesaid Bernard son of John de Brus came into
chancery at Westminster, on the said day, and acknowledged the above
Enrolment of deed of Bernard son of Bernard de Brus, releasing
Bernard son of John de Brus from all action of warranty of the manor and
advowson of Conyngton, co. Huntingdon, and a messuage and eight virgate.s
{verges) of land, 15 acres of meadow, 5 acres of pasture in Cotesmore, and
the manor of Exton, co. Rutland, excepting three messuages, two virgates
(vergees), 256 acres of land, 6 acres of meadow, and excepting the advowson
of the chapel of Exton, which Bernard son of Bernard de Brus is bound to
warrant to the releasor by a fine levied at the quinzaine of St. Hilary,
H Edward II., before Sir William de Berford and his fellows in the com-
mon Bench. Written at Westminster, on Saturday before the Purification,
in the aforesaid year. Witnesses : John de Hornby, Robert Pernyng,
Thomas de Fetherstanhalgh, Roger de Preston, John de Brokhols, and
John de Haveryngton. French.
Memorandum., that Bernard son of Bernard de Brus came into chancery
at West.minster, on the said day, and acknowledged the above deed.
-IQ9Q Membrane 20d.
Sept. 18. The prior of Newenham acknowledges that he owes to Anthony Polasaco
Gorfe. 1 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
John de Bello Campo ot Somerset acknowledges that he owes to Ralph
de Gorges, knight, 600 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Somerset.
Richard de Esthalle and John his brother acknowledge that they owe to
John Vivian, citizen of London, 500Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of their lands and chattels in co. Kent.
Richard de Esthalle acknowledges that he owes to John de Esthalle
600Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Stephen Aleyn puts in his place Henry de Bury and Hugh de Bardelby
to prosecute an arrest made upon the goods of the abbot of F6camp.
Oct. 6. Robert son of John William of Haveryng' acknowledges that he owes to
Woking. Richard le Rous of Haveryng' GOl. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
Oct. 7. John Holond of Wanstede acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas Cheyn
Westminster, of Holebourn 24 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
Brother John de Stanes, minister of the house of Holy Trinity, Hounes-
lawe, acknowledges that he owes to John de Braye, clerk, 100*. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Middlesex.
Cancelled on payment.
Gilbert Bukskyn acknowledges that he owes to Thomas West 60*.; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
Oct. 8. William son and heir of Robert Pynkeneghe of Moreton near Canons
Westminster. Asshby acknowledges that he owes to John le Mareschal of Canons Asshby
1,000Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Enrolment of letters of Tbybaut, sire of Rochefort, vicomte de Donges,
appointed for the following matters by John, duke of Britanny, and
vicomte de Limoges, granting truce to the merchants, mariners, and subjects
of the realm of England, from all the merchants, mariners, and subjects of the
duchy of Britanny until All Saints next and for a year from then, and
giving a copy of his appointment by the duke, dated February, 1319.
Dated on Tuesday before St. Peter at the beginning of August, 1320.
Oct. 12. Richard de Bakhampton acknowledges that he owes to Robert de
Westminster. Brimesdon of Hungerford 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Southampton.
Enrolment of grant from Giles Sabrith to Sir John de Chelmersford,
clerk, of a messuage, 30 acres of land, 2| acres of meadow, 3 acres of
pasture, and 3 acres of wood called ' Marescalles Lend ' in Great Badewe,
with appurtenances and 3*. Qd. of yearly rent, and of 30 acres of land in
three fields called ' Le Brok Lend ' in Great Badewe between the park of
Badewe and Kyngesho. Witnesses : Edmund de Badewe, William de.
Bedewe, Hamo Peverel, John le Brun, William de Clovill, John de Waven-
dene, John de Bures, Gilbert de Chelmersford, clerk, Richard de Ideshale.
Dated at London, 5 October, 14 Edward II.
The said Giles afterwards came into chancery, on the said day, and
acknowledged the above deed.
1320. Membrane 20d — cont.
Enrolment of deed witnessing that whereas Sir Richer de Ref ham and his
son John de Refham hold all the tenements that belonged to John de
Mounteneye in the hamlot of Litelbury in the town of Stanford Rivers for the
term of the life of Sir John de Bensted, by whom they were acquired for life
from the said John de Mounteneye, subject to a yearly rent of 10/. ; and Richard
de Gatesbyry acquired, after the death of John son and heir of the aforesaid
John de Mounteney, the custody of the land and heir of the said John the
son and heir from Sir Arnulph de Mounteny, the chief lord of the fee, to
have and to hold to him and his assigns from heir to heir until the coming
of age of any of the heirs, by reason whereof Richard claimed great arrears
of the aforesaid rent from Richer and John ; at length, at the feast of St.
Laurence, 14 Edward II, they are agreed in this form, that Richard shall
remit to Richer and John the arrears, together with the part of the rent of
Michaelmas term next up to 20 marks, which they shall pay to him in the
quinzaine of Michaelmas next at Litlebury, upon payment whereof Richard
grants and obliges himself and his lands to acquit Richer and John of all
the arrears, and also grants that Richer and John and John's assigns or
heirs shall hold the tenements aforesaid of him and his assigns as keepers
until one of the heirs come of age at the yearly rent or ferm of 8/., and he
binds himself to warranty during that term, and he grants at his own risk
that they may fell trees growing in the tenements for the repair of the houses
without challenge, provided they sell nothing thereof. And Richer and
John grant to Richard power of distraint for the said rent. "Witnesses ; Master
Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, Master Richard his brother,
Sir John de Fresyngfeld, knight; Robert Person, Robert leCallere, Stephen
de Preston, John Vivian, Thomas de Spayn, Henry le Granger, Roger
the Clerk. Dated at London, in the feast of St. Laurence, in the aforesaid
year. This indenture was sealed in the presence of Sir William de
Ayremynne, John de Gesors, and Anketin de Gesors. And the aforesaid
Richer and John agree to maintain in repair the hall in the said tenements,
with the chambers belonging to the hall and the kitchen and cowhouse, for
which purpose Richard grants that they may take all the timber of the
old houses in the ' mote ' called ' Lonehul.'
Membrane 19d.
Oct. 8. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order not to make any payment to
Westminster. Matilda de Berclem of Brabant or her attorney by virtue of seventeen bills
of the late king's wardrobe for 226/. lis. 4Jc?., but rather to keep the bills
in their possession until further orders, as the king is given to understand
that William Sei-vat had the said bills at his death, and that they were taken
and carried away from the custody of John de Stoketon, executor of his
will, and of his other executors against their will by the said Matilda, and
that she delivered them to the treasurer and chamberlains in order to obtain
satisfaction therefor, and that the executors will implead her for this
trespass before the sheriffs of London.
Oct. 10. Henry de Hakethorn of Lincoln acknowledges that he owes to Master
Westminster. Henry de Clyf, clerk, 50 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. — The chancellor leceived the acknowledg-
Cancelled on payment.
Walter Lenveyse acknowledges that he owes to Margaret de Seynt
Michel lOZ. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Hertford. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
1320. Membrane 19rf — cont.
Oct. 8. To. Robert de Kendale, constable of Dover castle and warden of the
"Westminster. Cinque Ports. Order to cause proclamation to be made of the truce made
by consent of the king and the duke of Britanny for disputes between the
merchants, mariners, and others of this realm, and the merchants, mariners,
and others of the power of the duke, and to cause the truce to be observed,
inhibiting all merchants, mariners, and others of this realm from aggrieving
the merchants, mariners, or others of the duke's power by reason of the
aforesaid disputes. \_FcedeTa.^
The like to the shei'iffs of the following counties :
Lincoln. Surrey and Sussex.
Norfolk and Suffolk. Southampton.
London. Somerset and Dorset.
York. Gloucester.
Kent. Essex and Hertford. \^Ibid.']
Oct. 10. To the bailifEs and community of the town of Shrewsbury. Order to
Westminster, deliver to Thomas le Foreman of Shrewsbury the greater part of the king's
seal called ' coket ' appointed for recognisances of debts in that town, to be
kept by him according to the form of the statute, the king having taken
oath of office from the said Thomas, whom they have elected keeper of the
said seal in place of Thomas de Bikedon of Shrewsbury, deceased, by the
king's order.
Oct. 12. Robert de Immeworth of Egeham acknowledges that he owes to John
Westminster. Priour, the elder, citizen of London, 40A ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Surrey.
Cancelled on payment.
Oct. 14. Geoffrey de Stokes, knight, and Richard Smelt of Ware acknowledge
Westminster, that they owe to William Skot of Ware 100/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Hertford.
William Skot of Ware and Roger de Godesfeld of Ware acknowledge
that they owe to Geoffrey de Stokes, knight, 100/. ; to be levied, in default
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Hertford.
Nicholas son of John de Sanoto Johanne of Lageham acknowledges that
he owes to John de Mohun, the elder, 100*. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Oxford.
Thomas de la Stile acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Campo
Arnulphi 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Cornwall.
Oct. 15. Alexander de Lenhara acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Durham
Westminster. 36 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Middlesex.
John de Reynham of Long Wyke acknowledges that he owes to William
de Leyc[estre], parson of Chynnore church, 56/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Buckingham.
Cancelled on payment.
Oct. 17. John de Bykebery, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William son of
Westminster. John de Bykebery 2000/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Devon.
Ralph de Gorges acknowledges that he owes to Matthew de Gorges 100
marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Oct. 1.
Oct. 20.
Oct. 21.
Oct. 23.
. Membrane \9d — cont.
Robert de Sandewiche, pai'son of the church of Compton Howey, diocese
of Salisbury, acknowledges that he o^^es to John de Herwardestok 40s. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Dorset.
Hugh de Lincoln of York acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Cave,
clerk, 7 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
The abbot of Kyngeswode acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he
owes to William de Boxwelle of Tettebury 200 marks ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Gloucester.
GeofiErey atte Lee and Hugh Matefray of Ijondon acknowledge that they
owe to Warin de Bassyngburn of Wynepol 60Z. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Hertford and London.
John de Sancto Amando acknowledges that he owes to Alice de Knovill,
late the wife of John de Knovill, knight, 40 marks j to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Wilts and Devon.
John son of Nigel acknowledges that he owes to Ralph de Middelneye
14/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
William de Morwode acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Sibethorp,
clerk, 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and
chattels in co. Sussex.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert de Welle acknowledges that he owes to John de Penereth 8/. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Westmore-
John son of Nigel acknowledges that he owes to Ralph de Middelnye
40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Somerset. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
John son of John de Grymstede acknowledges that he owes to John le
Noble of Wynterburn 30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Wilts.
John de Penwyk puts in his place Thomas de Bamburgli, clerk, to
prosecute a recognisance in chancery for 20/. made to him by John de
John de Blida of London, ' seler," acknowledges that he owes to Robert
de Sutton of London, ' lorymer,' 25/.
Brother William de Sancto Albino, prior of Goldeclive, acknowledges,
for himself and his convent, that he owes to Philip de Columbar[ii3]
63/. 13*. 4c?. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels
in CO. Devon.
Cancelled on payment.
John son of Richard de Sutton, knight, and Peter de Lutterworth, clerk,
acknowledge that they owe to Henry de Edenestowe, clerk, 7 marks ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Nottingham.
William de Cateby acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynn,
clerk, 4 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Lincoln.
Cancelled on payment.
Enrolment of release by Walter le Povre, knight, son and heir of Sir
William le Povre, to Sir Edmund Bacun, knight, of his right in the manor
of Esyngdon. Witnesses : Sir Adam Bacun, Thomas de Norton, John de
1320. Membrane I9d — cont.
Perariis, Adam de Catefeld, William Martel, John son of Geoffrey de
Corton, Ralph de Restewald, Robert Bernard, Bartholomew de Eston.
Dated at Westminster, on Tuesday the feast on SS. Simon and Jude,
14 Edward II.
Oct. 28. Walter de Bedewynde, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Ralph de
Westminster. Wedon, knight, 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in cos. York and Worcester.
William son of William, the elder, puts in his place John de Tikhill to
prosecute a recognisance for 40 marks made to him in chancery by Richard
de Dreycote and Robert le Bek.
John de Sancto Johanne of Basingg' acknowledges that he owes to
Robert de Long of Norwich, merchant, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Southampton.
Ranulph de Dacre acknowledges that he owes to Manant Francisci 80A ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Cancelled on payment.
• Isolda, late the wife of John Lestraunge of Knokyn puts in her place
Richard son of Laurence de Lodelawe and John de Wodhull to prosecute
a recognisance for 610/. made to her in chancery by Margaret, late the
wife of Hamo Lestraunge of Honestanston.
Robert Banyard acknowledges that he owes to John, bishop of Norwich,
20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels iu co.
Cancelled on payment.
Oct. 28.
Membrane \Sd.
Adam de Quappelad and John Caperon, executors of the will of Master
Richard de Stanhowe, put in their place Bartholomew de Stanhowe and
Robert Simond of Wengrave to prosecute a recognisance for 50/. made to
Richard in chancery by James Beauflour.
Enrolment of release by Herbert son of John to the king of his right in
the manor of Crokham, co. Berks. Witnesses : W. archbishop of Canter-
bury, J. bishop of Norwich, W. bishop of Exeter, Hugh le Despenser,
the elder, John de Someri, John de Grey, Hugh le Despenser, the
younger, Bartholomew de Baddelesmere, and John Pecche. Dated at
Westminster, 20 October, 14 Edward [II.]
Memorandum, that Herbert came into chancery at Westminster, on the
said day, and acknowledged the above deed.
Immediately after enrolment the charter was delivered to Geoffrey le
Scrop to carry to the king.
Enrolment of grant by Robert Walkef are, knight, to Stephen de Farnham
for life of a robe, price 20s., or 20s. yearly at Stephen's option from his
manor of Ryburgh, co. Norfolk. Witnesses : Robert de Erpyngham, Robert
de Novers, John Curson, knights ; Richard de Reppes, John de Wykham.
Dated at London, Tuesday after St. Luke, 14 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Robert came into chancery, on the said day, and
acknowledged the above deed.
Enrolment of release by Stephen son of Ralph de Farnham to Sir Robert
de Walkefare, knight, of his right in a messuage and adjoining wood,
1320. Membrane 18c? — conf.
140 acres of land and 3 acres of meadow in Farnham near Stortford, co.
Essex, which Roberf has of the gift of Margaret, late the wife of Ralph de
Farnham, mother of the releasor, together with 6 marks of yearly rent in
Farnham, Stortford, and Manewedon, which Robert has of the gift of John
Sausemere of Manewedon. Witnesses : Sir William Pontyn, Sir John
de Mereworth, Sir Robert de Noers, Sir Robert de Erpyngham, Sir
John le Courzoun, knights ; Thomas Sobyoun ; Hamo de Barsham.
Dated at London, on Tuesday after St. Luke, 14 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Stephen came into chancery, on the said day, and
acknowledged the above deed.
Oct. 23. Robert de Barneby and William Scot of Birthwait acknowledge that they
Westminster, owe to Robert de JBardelby, clerk, 80 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
John son of John de Bohun acknowledges that he owes to Peter de
Demardeston 100/. ; to be levied,, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. SulFolk.
Robert de Sutton, 'lorymer,' acknowledges that he owes to Ralph de
Blithe, ' seler,' 12/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in the city of London.
John de Tyderleghe of Q-avelebrugge acknowledges that he owes to
Robert de Somerton 11. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Somerset.
Walter de Berthorp acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Evesham,
clerk, 4/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Worcester.
Cancelled on payment.
Oct. 26. William de LusteshuU acknowledges that he owes to Richard de la Pole
Westminster. 41. \6s. %d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Wilts.
Ralph de Middelneye acknowledges that he owes to John de Tiderle
10 marks 6s. 9>d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Somerset.
Richard Chastiloun acknowledges that he owes to Thomas Cok, citizen of
London, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Oxford.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Tiderle acknowledges that he owes to Ralph de Middelneye
10 marks 6*. 8c/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Somerset.
Robert Hastangg' acknowledges that he owes to the abbot of St. Mary's
York 13/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
William le Parker of Covyntre acknowledges that he owes to John
Talbot 60s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Warwick.
John son of Thomas Golafre of Certeden acknowledges that he owes to
Thomas son of Roger de Bella Fago 80 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Worcester.
Cancelled on payment.
Oct. 26.
Jan. 20.
May 12.
May 30.
Oct. 29.
Membrane XSd — cont.
To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to cause a regard to be made in
the forest of Ingelwode against tlie coming of the justices of the forest, so
that the regard be made before the Purification next.
[ Capitula.^
The like to the sheriff of Southampton for a regard in the forest of
Pambere, to be made before Easter.
The like to the sheriff of Nottingham for a regard to be made in the
forest of Shirwode, to bo made before St. Peter ad Vincula.
The like to the sheriff of Northampton for a regard in Salcey ( Salcetd)
forest, to be made before St. Peter ad Vincula.
John de Chavent acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey de Cantebrigg'
20Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
William le Grey of Ore acknowledges that he owes to Gilbert de Balsham
of London, ' seler,' 6Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Kent.
Robert de Swynburn acknowledges that he owes to Robert del Halle of
Norwich 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Suffolk.
Hugh de Lincoln of York acknowledges that he owes to John de Ellerker,
the elder, 5 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
The prior of Sempingham acknowledges, for himself .and convent, that he
owes to Geoffrey de Bramtone, clerk, 1,000Z. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Richard de Creyk acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Cave, clerk,
74 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Norfolk.
Membrane Vjd.
Oct. 29. Ralph de Grendon, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Bonus
Westminster. Philippi, Francis Balduche, Francis Grandoun, and Dinus Forcetti,
merchants of the society of the Bardi of Florence, 36 marks ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Stafford.
Roger de Morewode acknowledges that he owes to William de Cusance,
clerk, 201.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Rutland.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Claveryngg' acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Walkefare
40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Norfolk.
Reginald Crok acknowledges that he owes to Robert Selyman 60/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Wilts.
Nov. 4. John de Ellerker, the elder, acknowledges that he owes to Roger de
Westminster. Stratton 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
1320, Membrane l7d — cont.
The said John acknowledges that he owes to the said Roger 201. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Master John Walewayn, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Roger de
Stratton 500 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Surrey, Cambridge, and Hereford.
Cancelled on payment.
The said John acknowledges that he owes to the said Roger 100/. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, as above.
William le Chaundeler, of the parish of St. Michael atte Corn[hulle],
citizen of London, acknowledges that he owes to Master Henry de
Cantuaria, clerk, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in the city of London. — The chancellor received the acknow-
Cancelled on payment.
William de Braybrok acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Rodeneye, escheator this side 'J'rent, 50/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton. — The chancellor
received the acknowledgment.
Enrolment of release by James Beauflour to Sir Robert de Baiocis,
knight, Richard de Baiocis, and Katherine his wife, John de Lexedene,
Robert de Ashschebi, parson of the church of St. Cuthbert, Bedeford,
Nicholas de Stiuecle, and Edmund (Eadmundo) Pevere of all actions against
them by reason of a trespass committed by them against him at Dunstaple,
concerning which he impleaded them before Sir Henry Spigurnel and his
fellows, the king's justices, appointed to hear and determine the same, at
Dunstaple on Tuesday after St. Nicholas, 14 Edward II. He also releases
to the said Sir John, Richard, John, and Nicholas all actions against them
by reason of a bond for 1 ,000/. in which they are bound to him, which
bonds remain in the custody of Sir Henry Spirgurnel by the assent of the
releasor and the said Robert, Richard, John, and Nicholas. Witnesses :
Sir John de Crek, Sir William Ponsin, knights; Robert de la Rokele,
Thomas le Bret, Edmund Atteponde de Claveryng, Ralph de Norwyco,
Roger atte Bowe, Thomas Maryns, Thomas Rys. Dated at London,
Wednesday before the Purification, 14 Edward II.
Memorandum, that James came into chancery at Westminster, on the
aforesaid day, and acknowledged the above deed.
Enrolment of release by Katherine, late the wife of Sir William GifFard,
knight, to Sir Hugh le Despenser, the younger, of the yearly pension of
10/. granted by him to her, for life, from his manor of Lammersch. Dated
at London, on Saturday after the Purification, 14 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Katherine came into chancery, on the said day, and
acknowledged the above deed.
Enrolment of release by the said Katherine to Sir Bartholomew de
Badelesmere of her right in the manor of Barewe, co. Suffolk, and the
advowson of the same. Witnesses : Sirs Robert de Wateville, Bartholomew
de Borewaghs, Thomas de Grey, Robert de Bures, Robert Vaspal, William
le Baud, knights; GeoflFrey de la Lee, William de Gossef eld, Richard de
Wimbisch. Dated at London on Saturday after the Purification, 14 Ed-
ward II.
Memorandum, that Katherine came into chancery, on the aforesaid day,
and acknowledged the above deed.
14 EDWARD II. 337
1320. Membrane I'ld — conf.
Memorandum, that whereas Arnald de Ispannia, proctor and attorney of
Perota Brun of Solers (de Solar^), citizen of Bordeaux, lately obtained a
writ addressed to the sheriff of If ork to arrest all the goods of the men and
merchants of the power of the count of Flanders to the value of 200/., to be
kept safely until Perota or her aforesaid attorney should be satisfied for that
sum, in part satisfaction for 550/., the value of Perota's ship and 192 tuns of
her wine taken from her servants in the port of Damm {del Dam)hy the burgo-
masters, echevins, and consules of Bruges in Flanders, and of 200Z. for her
damages taxed in this behalf, the count and the burgomasters, echevins, and
consules having failed to do her justice although frequently requested to do
so by the king; and Geoffrey de Hull, bailiff of the liberty of Kyngeston-
on-Hull, whom the sheriff caused to have return of the writ, arrested in
execution thereof 31 sacks and 13 stones of wool, price 8'. a sack, belonging
to Michael Belle, merchant of Ypres, of the count's power ; and Michael
came into chancery at York, in the quinzaine of St. Hilary, in the 13th year
of the king's reign, and asserted that he and the other burgesses of Ypres
ought not to be disquieted on this account, because Henry, formerly king
of England, granted divers liberties in England to the burgesses and mer-
chants of Ypres, amongst which he granted that they should not be impeded
on account of war or contention that might arise between the men or
merchants of any towns beyond sea and the king's men and merchants,
and that they should not be distrained for any debt whereof they were
not sureties or chief debtors, and that the late king confirmed these
liberties and granted them other liberties, and that the present king con-
firmed the said liberties by his charter, which Michael produced, and he
prayed that the wool thus improperly arrested might be restored to him.
And Arnald said, for himself and Perota, that the aforesaid grants ought
not to aid Michael in this behalf, because the aforesaid arrest was granted
to his lady by consideration of the king's court because the count had failed
to do justice, and not on account of any such war or contention as is men-
tioned in the aforesaid charters, adding that the charters do not acquit the
said merchants and burgesses of Ypres of arrests, since the charters do not
say that they shall be acquitted of arrests, and he prays for judgment for
himself and Perota because the aforesaid articles, which are the cause of
the aforesaid consideration, are not mentioned in the charters. And
Michael says that although the aforesaid articles are not contained in the
charters in express words, nevertheless the principal cause whence the
failure of the exhibition of justices arises was the capture of the ship and
wines by those of Bruges, and that therefore he ought not to be disquieted
by such arrest because the failure arose from the trespass of others than
those of the town of Ypres, and that he ought rather to be defended and
protected by virtue of the aforesaid charters, and he prays for judgment.
Hereupon a day is given to the parties in chancery in three weeks from
Easter day next, and Michael, with the assent of Arnald, found Henry
Nasard of London and Eichard de Betoyne of the same, who each main-
perned to satisfy Perota or her said attorney for half the value of the wool
at the above day, if so adjudged; wherefore the sheriff of the said county
was ordered to deliver the aforesaid wool to the said Michael. Afterwards
a day was given to the parties in chancery in the octaves of Holy Trinity.
Afterwards a day was given them in chancery in the octaves of Michaelmas.
Afterwards, in the parliament convoked at Westminster in the said octaves,
Michael appeared, and prayed that the aforesaid charters might be allowed
to him, and that the mainprize found by him might be wholly discharged ;
and the aforesaid Arnald said as above, that the charters ought not to have
place for the aforesaid reasons, adding that such arrests are the remedies
due of right to the king's subjects, and that it is not the intention that the
76416. T
1320. Membrane \1d — cont.
aforesaid remedy should be taken away from him by the said charters.
After the matter had been considered in parliament, it was considered that
Michael should be quit of impeachment of Perota or her attorney upon the
arrest of the said wool, and that his mainpernors should be wholly dis-
charged from the aforesaid mainprize, because such arrests proceed
from the king's grace and not of the right and custom of England, and it
appears sufficiently that the king's ancestors and the king himself have
granted exemption from such arrests to divers merchants, and the burgesses
and merchants of Ypres were delivered in like case of lack of justice on
other occasions by virtue of the aforesaid charters.
Membrane \Qd.
Nov. 4. Guy de Bryan acknowledges that he owes to Robert le Pyl 60/. ; to be
Westminster, levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Devon.
Oct. 25. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to pay to John de Ticheburn
Westminster, and John de Roches, knights of that shire, their expenses for attending
the parliament at Westminster in the octaves of Michaelmas last. By K.
[Pari. Writs.']
The like to the sheriffs of other counties for their knights. {^Ibid.~\
Oct. 26. To the mayor and bailiffs of the city of Canterbury. Order to pay to
Westminster. Simon Barthelot, burgess of that city, his expenses for attending the above
parliament. By K.
The like for the citizens of Rochester and the burgesses of Stafford,
Lichfield, Derby, and Walyngford. [Ibid.']
Nov. 5. Richard de la Mare of Little Paxton and Stephen Wichard of St. Neot's
Westminster, acknowledge that they owe to John de EUerker, the elder, clerk, 8 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co.
Cancelled on payment.
Nov. 6. Robert de Welle, knight, and Hugh de Louthre, knight, acknowledge
Westminster, that they owe to Andrew de Harcla QOl. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of their lands and chattels in cos. Westmoreland, Cumberland, and York.
Robert de Kellesey, citizen of London, acknowledges that he owes to
Henry de Cantuar[ia], clerk, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in the city of London.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Hastynges acknowledges that he owes to Hugh de Meryngton
of Coventry 240/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Warwick.
Adam de Bykerstath acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Asphull
20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Nov. 6. Henry Reynbaud acknowledges that he owes to John de Fenwyk, knight,
Westminster. 25 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Northampton.
Gilbert Pecche acknowledges that he owes to Thomas Cok 30/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk.
Rauulph de Dacre acknowledges that he owes to John de Lancastre,
knight, 500 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Westmoreland and Cumberland,
Cancelled on payment.
14 EDWARD II. 339
1320. Membrane 16c? — cont.
Michael de Haverington, Edmund de Dacre, and Robert de Bampton
acknowledge that they owe to the aforesaid John 100 marks ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Cumberland.
Richard de Byrun acknowledges that he owes to William de Bernak
1,000Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
COS. Lincoln and L.'incaster.
The said Richard acknowledges that he owes to the said William
60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos.
Lincoln and Lancaster.
William de Bernak, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Byrun 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in cos. Lincoln and Norfolk.
Nov. 8. Henry, bishop of Lincoln, and Bartholomew de Baddelesmere, knight,
Westminster, acknowledges that they owe to Bonus Phihppi, Dinus Forcetti, Francis
Baldouche, and their fellows, merchants of the society of the Bardi of
Florence, 1 ,000 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands
and chattels in cos. Lincoln and Kent.
Nov. 8. Thomas de Cobham, bishop of Worcester, acknowledges that he owes
Westminster, to Bonus Philippi, Dynus Forcetti, Francis Balduch, and Francis
Grandoni, merchants of the society of the Bardi of Florence, 210 marks;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Cancelled on payment.
William Marny acknowledges that he owes to Roger Damory 100 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
Thomas de Bynedon acknowledges that he owes to Robert Daneys 20/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Erleye, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Colyng-
bourne 17/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Somerset.
Roger de Sutton, parson of Stowe church, acknowledges that he owes
to Master Thomas de Langetoft, executor of the will of John, late bishop
of Lincoln, and his co-executors 100*. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
Cancelled on payment.
Enrolment of deed of John de Barry, lord of Olethan in Ireland, wit-
nessing that whereas an indenture has been made between Sir Nicholas de
Carreu and him, by reason of a marriage to be celebrated between Richard
de Barry, brother of John, and Beatrice, daughter of Nicholas, for 500/. to
be paid to John accoiding to the terms in the indenture, and after the
death of Nicholas Sir John de Carreu, his son and heir, has assured the
same sum to John de Barry by letters of obligation, and acknowledged that
he owed that sum before the king's justices of Dyvelyne in Ireland and
before the barons of his exchequer of Ireland, the said John de Barry
hereby acknowledges that he has been satisfied for the said 500/., of which
he discharges the aforesaid John de Carreu, and he obliges himself to render
the indenture and obligation to Sir John at Dyvelyn before Whitsuntide
next, and to cause the recognisance before the justices and the baions
aforesaid to be withdrawn. Witnesses : Sir William Martin, Sir Guy
de Bryane, and Sir John Jorce. Dated at London, St. Leonard's day,
Thursday after All Saints, 14 Edward II,
T 2
Nov. IL
Membrane \Qd — cont.
Memorandum, that John de Barry came into chancery at Westminster,
on 9 November, and acknowledged the above deed.
William Damesele acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Rodeneye
50Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Ralph de Langetost acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas Guyduch',
merchant of Siena (Sene), 25 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. York.
Nicholas Guyduch puts in his place Blasius de Sene to prosecute the
above recosrnisaiice.
Membrane \bd.
Nov. 9. Thomas Cros of Hakeneye acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Westminater. Staundon, clerk, iOOi. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in cos. London and Middlesex.
Nov. 11. Stephen de Cobbeham, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John
Westminster, de Brytann[ia], earl of Richmond, 50/.; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattel'' in co. Kent.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Sweltesham, parson of Shakeleston church, diocese of Lincoln,
acknowledges that he owes to Manent Prancisci and Achiritus Manetti,
merchants of Florence, 200/. ; be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Leicester. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
John de Chark acknowledges that Le owes to the abbot of Tyohefeld
30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
John de Pecham of Andlo acknowledges that he owes to Roger le
Spenser, vicar of the church of Andlo, 22/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent.
Nicholas Belle of Boston acknowledges that he owes to John de Rither 4/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. —
The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
William le Fort puts in his place Theobald Polayn and Richard
Spigurnel to sue in chancery and elsewhere the execution of a recognis-
ance for 9/. sterling made to him by Peter Descorce, merchant of Bayonne,
in the 8th year of the king's reign.
Alan de Leamus pats in his place John de Evesham or John de Yerdhill
to sue for the execution of a recognisance for 40/. made to him in chancery
by William de Ros of Ingmanthorp.
Beaux Boroy, merchant of Lodelawe, acknowledges that he owes to
Henry Nasard, citizen of London, 28/. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Salop. — The chancellor received the
Cancelled on paym,ent.
Enrolment of release by Henrj- de Ernesfast,
Corbet and Joan his wife of his right in the
Witnesses : John Daubernoun, knight ; William
Stratton : Robert de Ditton ; Robert Lovekyn of Kyngeston ; Walter
Waldeshef; .John de Wolveston. Dated at London, 10 July, 14 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Henry cnme into ch.mcery at Westminsier, on
1 1 November, and acknowledged the above deed.
Nov. 12.
manor of
de Huse :
to Thomas
Roger de
1320. Membrane 16d — cont.
Nov. 13. Hugh Daudele, the younger, acknowledges that he owes to Manent
Weetminster. Francisci, merchant of Florence, 250/. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Kent and Essex.
William de la Sale of Dene acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Rodeneye 50/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Bedford.
William de Staunford acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey de
Fyngal 40*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Essex.
Nov. 14. William son of Paulin de Kerdyf, Fulk de Ruycote, and William son of
Westminster. William de Kerdyf acknowledge that they owe to William Elemyng,
knight, 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and
chiittcls in cos. Worcester and Gloucester.
William son of Paulin de Kerdyf acknowledges that he owes to William
son of William de Kerdyf and Eulk de Ruycote 200 marks ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Worcester.
Henry Reynbaud acknowledges that he owes to Master Richard de
Middelton, 'panetere,' 40Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
Cancelled on payment.
Nov. 16. William Marchys acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Rodeney 50/. ;
Westminster, to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Warwick.
Richard de Belhous, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de
Vienna 30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Norfolk.
John de Welyngton acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Rodeneye
50/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Nicholas de Odecombe acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Rodeneye
50/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Elias de Hungerford puts in his place John de Heghham, clerk, and John
de Bedewynde to sue for a debt of 50/. acknowledged to him in chancery
by Philip la Zousche.
Nov. 17. Walter de Berethorp acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Rodeneye
Westminster. 50/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Nov. 15. To W. count of Hainault, Holland, and Zeeland (Seland), and lord of
Westminster. Friesland. Letter signifying that the king has, at his request, prorogued
until Mid-Lent the day previously fixed for the morrow of All Souls last
to account with Robert Elys and Walter de Lincoln, merchants of this
realm, concerning a payment assigned to them from all ships of the count's
power arriving in the ports of this realm, for which the count alleges that
they have been satisfied, and requesting the count to send at that term
some of his men with full power, as the king cannot further delay exhibit-
ing justice to the said merchants.
Roger Podifat of Clepton acknowledges that he owes to Thomas Bagot
of Coventre 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Cambridge.
Gilbert de Melford, dean of Reppes, acknowledges that he owes to
Thomas de Cotingham, parson of Plumpstede church, 20 marks; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk.
Cancelled on payment.
1320. Membrane 15d — cont.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to pay
40s. to the king's clerk John Hamelyn for his expenses for eighteen
days in going by the king's order to the land of Gower in Wales to super-
vise the action of Richard' sub-escheator in co. Gloucester, whom Richard
appointed in his place to take that land into the king's hands by reason of
the alienation thereof made by Walter de Breuosa, who held it in chief of
the king, to John de Moubray without the king's licence, and for staying
there and returning thence to the king at Westminster.
Nov. 1 8. William de Shirewode, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Elizabeth,
Westminster, late the wife of William de Monte Acuto, 200/. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk.
George de Percy acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Rodeneye 501. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Wilts.
Enrolment of release by John son of William de la Legh to Master John
Walewayn of his right in the manor of La Legh and in all the lands that
Master John holds in Effingham, co. Surrey. Witnesses : Sir Thomas
de Burgh, clerk; John de Cantebr[ugge] ; John de Shardelowe ; Roger
de Stretton ; Nicholas de Eton. Dated at Westminster, Tuesday the
octaves of Martlemas, 14 Edward 11.
Memorandum, that the aforesaid John came into chancery at West-
minster, on 20 November, and acknowledged the above deed.
Nov. 20. John de Dufford, knight, and William de Kirkeby, clerk, acknowledge
Westminster, that they owe to John de Ellerker, the elder, 121. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Worcester.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert de Monte Alto, steward of Chester, acknowledges that he owes
to Thomas Cok, citizen and merchant of London, 200A ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk.
Richard de la Sale of Hungerford acknowledges that he owes to John
son of Henry le Clerk of Gyllyng 40«. ; to be levied, in default of his pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks.
Elias de Sancto Albano puts in his place William de Sancto Albano to
prosecute a debt of 40Z. acknowledged to him by the prior of Wallyngford.
Nov. 20. Hugh le Despenser, the elder, and Hugh le Despenser, the younger,
Westminster, acknowledge that they owe to John de Crombwell 6,000Z. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Somerset, Dorset, and
Vacated because otherwise below under another term of payment.
Membrane 14rf.
Nov. 19. Hugh son of Robert de Asshebourne acknowledges that he owes to
Westminster. Peter de Neuport 30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Derby.
Peter de Neuport acknowledges that he owes to William Beaufai, gold-
smith (orfevre) of London, 7/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in the city of London.
Robert le Forester atte Milende acknowledges that he owes to John de
la Chaumbre, citizen of London, 6 marks ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Middlesex.
Nov. 20.
Nov. 24.
Nov. 25.
Nov. 24.
Membrane 14c? — cont.
Master John de Hildesle, parson of the church of Thingden, diocese of
Lincoln, acknowledges that he owes to Henry Nasard, citizen of London,
20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Northampton.
Cancelled on payment,
Edmund de Boyvill acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Barton,
clerk, 40*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Cumberland. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Isabella, late the wife of William de Ore, acknowledges that she owes to
Master Edmund de London, clerk, 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of her lands and chattels in co. Hereford.
John de Holm acknowledges that he owes to John de Hustwait, parson
of the church of Barton-in-Ridale, diocese of York, 30 marks ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Bedford.
John de Rythre acknowledges that he owes to Andrew de Harcla
10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in
CO. York.
Cancelled on payment.
John son of Aubrey de Wutlebury acknowledges that he owes to Simon
de Laushull of Northampton 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
John Ingelard acknowledges that he owes to Richard Ingelard of Acton
la Eounde lOOZ. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Salop. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Hugh Madefray, citizen of London, acknowledges that he owes to
William de Ayremynne, clerk, 50Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in the city of London. — The chancellor received the
William de Kirkeby, clerk, has letters to the abbot and convent of
Cirencestre to receive a yearly pension from that house until [they provide
him with a suitable benefice], by reason of the new creation of the abbot.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
Reginald son of Ralph Peret of Herlyngdon acknowledges that he owes
to John son of Robert Pecok of Redburn, the elder, \Zl. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Bedford.
John de Denum acknowledges that he owes to Simon de Eycote, clerk,
\0l. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
cos. Northumberland and Middlesex.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Denum and Roger de Essh acknowledge that they owe to Simon
de Eycote, clerk, lOOZ. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands
and chattels in cos. Northumberland and Middlesex.
Cancelled on payment.
Enrolment of deed of the said Simon {Symund) witnessing that whereas
the aforesaid John and Roger have, made the above recognisance to him to
make him assurance that Danz Hugh de Mohaut shall enfeoff him for his
lifetime of lOZ. of land and rent in Aymundeston and Hurworth and else-
where, so soon as Hugh can conveniently do so before the Purification next,
the term for payment of the above recognisance, after he have full possession
of the hospital of Kypier, Simon hereby grants that the above recognisance
shall be annulled so soon as he shall be thus enfeoffed, and that if Hugh be
1320. Membrane 14rf — cont.
prevented by death, illness, or other certain reason from enfeoffing him as
above, the said John and Roger shall be acquitted of the above sum. Dated
at Westminster, Thursday after St. Katharine, 14 Edward II. Witnesses :
Greoffrey le Scrop ; William de Denum.
Memorandum, that Simon came into chancery at Westminster, on the
aforesaid Thursday, and acknowledged the above deed.
Nov. 26. William Roce acknowledges that he owes to- Robert le Bonkede of
Westminster. Waleton 30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Surrey.
Note of payment of \Ql.
Nov. 20. To the sheriffs of London. Writ of summons of an eyre to beholden at
Weetminster. the Tower of London on the morrow of St. Hilary before Hervey de
Stanton and his fellows. By K. and O.
\^Liber Custumarum, p. 285.3
Nov. 27. John de Crosseby, parson of the church of Tollesbury, diocese of London,
Westminster, acknowledges that he owes to William de Smerdale 20 marks ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
John Stoil of Westwiltenham acknowledges that he owes to William son
of Robert de la Sale of Uplamburn 17/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks.
Nov. 28. Hugh le Despenser, the younger, acknowledges that he owes to John de
Sheen. Crombwell 40,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Somerset, Dorset, and Gloucester.
Vacated because otherwise below under another term of payment.
Nov. 28. To the abbot and convent of Wynchecombe. Request that they will
Westminster, assign to Matilda de Sydenham the daily allowance of a monk of that house
and a suitable robe yearly, aud that they will assign to her a house outside
the abbey gate, and that they will cause letters patent to be made under their
chapter seal granting the above to her, and that they will certify the king
speedily of their proceedings herein, they having done nothing in response
to his former request to this effect.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
Nov. 20. Hugh le Despenser, the elder, and Hugh le Despenser, the younger,
Westminster, acknowledge that they owe to John de Crombwell 6,000/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Somerset, Dorset,
Gloucester, and Wilts.
Cancelled on payment, acknowledged before the king and J. bishop of
Norwich at York on 1 July, in the \bth year of the reign.
Membrane IZd.
Nov. 28. Adam le Clerk, merchant of Lenne, acknowledges that he owes to
Westminster. Thomas de Combe of London 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk.
Thomas Chaunterel of West Wittenham acknowledges that he owes to
William son of Robert de la Sale of Uplamburne 4/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks.
Nov. 21. To the prior of La Charite. Request that he will recall the present prior
Westminster, of Bermundeseye, which house is founded of the alms of the king's progeni-
tors, and that he will abstain for some time from sending another prior
thither until the king shall inform him of some circumspect and industrious
Nov. 30.
1320. Membrane 13d — cont.
religious man, although the king lately requested him to abate (tolleretis)
the malevolence and matter of suspicion that the prior of La Charity con-
ceived in the present prior, as it was feared, and that he vpould hold the
prior of Bermundeseye wholly excused because he had not obeyed the
voidance of him made by the prior of La Charite at his chapter-general, at
which time the king was not fully acquainted with the state of the priory
in question, as the king now notifies him that the value of lands, churches,
and rents demised during the time of this prior for term of life and for terms
of years amount to 2921. sterling, and that the money thence arising is now
wholly exhausted, as was found by those whom the king deputed to survey
the state of the priory.
Agnes de Thorrok puts in her place William de Calneton to sue for the
execution of a recognisance for 10 marks made to her in chancery by Henry
de Novo Castro,
Henry Nasard, citizen of Loudon, acknowledges that he owes to Eva,
late the wife of John de Weston-under-Egge, knight, 466/. 13*. 4:d.; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of
Poncius Lenc' puts in his place John Sellyng to prosecute an arrest ad-
judged to him by consideration of the king's court against the Flemings
\Flemynggos) .
Peter de Dannyles, who long served the king and his father, has letters
to the prior and convent of Worcester to receive such maintenance as
James le Barber, deceased, had in their house. By K.
To J. duke of Brittany. The king sends him by Master John de Hildesle,
the bearer of the presents, two parts of an indenture agreed upon by the
advice of his council for the reform of the agreement between the mer-
chants, mariners, and subjects of the king and the duke concerning damages
inflicted upon each other, concerning which reformation a treaty and con-
sent was lately had at the intervention of the duke's envoys, one part of the
indenture being sealed by the king, and the other is sent to be sealed by the
duke, which part the king requests him to seal and return by the bearer, to
whom the king has given power to elect, foi' the king and his merchants,
mariners, and subjects, two men to execute the said matter in Brittany and
to exhibit justice upon days and at places to be agreed upon, and the king
has also given him power to consent to the nomination of two men by the
duke for the above purpose. [^Fcedera.']
Nov. 29. To W. bishop of Exeter, the treasurer. Summons to be at the exchequer
Sheen. at Westminster in person on the morrow of Epiphany, to treat with the
others of the king's council about the aflfairs of the king concerning
Scotland and elsewhere. \^Parl. Writs.']
The like to nineteen others. [/Jirf.]
Dec. 3. John de Dun, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Thomas Cock, citi-
Talworth. zen of London, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Southampton and Wilts.
Cancelled on payment.
Nov. 30. Philip de Redyngg', yeoman of the king's kitchen, who has long served
Sheen. the king and his father, has letters to the abbot and convent of Adelneye to
receive such maintenance as Henry Lewer, deceased, had in that house.
By p.s. [5o24.]
Dec. 3. John de Wauton acknowledges that he owes to John de Lancastre
Talworth. knight, 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Cambridge.
Nov. 22.
Nov. 24.
Dec. 4.
Nov. 28.
Dec. 4.
Dec. 9.
Membrane \Zd — cont.
Elias, abbot of Rufford, acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he
owes to Robert de Kelm, clerk, 100.S. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of their lands and chattels in co. Nottingham.
Cancelled on payment.
The abbot of Rafford acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he owes
to Edmund de Dacre, knight, 95/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
their lands and chattels in co. Nottingham. — The chancellor received the
Cancelled on payment.
Enrolment of release by Edmund de Dacre, knight, to Elias, abbot of
Rufford, and the convent of the same, of his right in a moiety of the mar-
ket held in the town of Roderham on Monday in each week, and in the toll
or other profit of the market or toll, and of his right in the yearly fair of
the same town held on the eve and feast of St. Edmund and five following
days. Witnesses : Geoffrey le Scrop, John de Denom, William de Migge-
lay, William de Bingham, and Robert Russell. Dated at Westminster,
Wednesday after St. Andrew, 14 Edward II.
Enrolment of grant by the said Edmund to the aforesaid abbot and con-
vent of a messuage and 14«. of yearly rent in Roderham. Witnesses and
date as above.
Memorandum, that Edmund came into chancery at Westminster, on the
said day, and acknowledged the above deeds.
Edmund de Dacre, knight, and Robert de Bristoll of London, ' seler,'
acknowledge that they owe to John de Dallyng, the younger, and Nicholas
de Causton 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and
chattels in co. Lancaster.
Cancelled on payment.
Edmund le Spicer of Canterbury acknowledges that he owes to Thomas
Godchep of London 16/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Kent.
Hugh le Despenser, the younger, acknowledges that he owes to John de
Crombwell 40,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Somerset, Dorset, Gloucester, and Wilts.
Cancelled on payment, acknowledged bejore the king and J. bishop of
Norwich, the chancellor, 1 Julj/, in the 16th year, at York.
John de Crombwell, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le
Despenser, the younger, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in cos. York, Northampton, and Nottingham.
Edmund de Boyvill acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Middelton,
the king's pantler, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in cos. Cumberland, Westminster, and York.
Robert de Serene, ' taillour,' acknowledges that he owes to John Sala-
man, fishmonger (piscenar') of London, 60/. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London.
Warin de Insula acknowledges that he owes to Thomas Cock of London
50/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
To the Grand Master of the Hospital of St. [John of] Jerusalem. Certain
priors of his order have borrowed, in his and their names and in the name
of the order, certain great suras of money from the merchants of the society
of the Bardi of Florence, and have bound him and themselves for payment
thereof at certain terras now passed by public instruments made by apostolic
1320. Membrane \Zd — cont.
authority and strengthened by the oath of his brethren, and the said brethren
now withstand (sustineant) the said merchants seeking the money by
action of law, notwithstanding the sentences of excommunication pronounced
against them in this behalf; the king, who is bound by the faithful services
of the merchants to direct his prayers to the grand-master on their behalf,
requests him to consider what is fitting and expedient in this behalf, and to
ordain so in his coming chapter-general that the merchants shall sustain no
loss in this behalf.
Oliver de Foston acknowledges that he owes to John de Ellerker, the
younger, 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Lincoln and York.
John de Ellerker, the younger, acknowledges that he owes to Oliver de
Foston 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Dec. 30. Richard de Bachampton came before the king, on Wednesday after Christ-
Marlborough. vnas, and sought to replevy to Richard de Ryngeresbourn and Amice his
■wife their land in Bishop's Kanynges, taken into the king's hands for their
default before the justices of the Bench against William Burel of Devises
and Joan his wife. This is signified to the justices.
Dec. 12.
Dec. 10.
Dec. 11.
Dec. 12.
Membrane I2d.
John de Estwyk, prior of Newenham, near Bedeford, acknowledges, for
himself and convent, that he owes to Anthony Ususraaris, Nicholas Ceriolo,
and John Pisaquile, merchants of Genoa, 400/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Bedford.
Cancelled on payment.
William de Furneys, citizen of London, acknowledges that he owes to
William de Bedyk, citizen of London, 201. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London.
John de Wotringbury acknowledges that he owes to John de Kelwedon
2iOl. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
John de Helwedon (sic) acknowledges that he owes to John de
Wotringbury 50/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Essex.
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order not to arrest any goods of the men or
merchants of the power of the count of Flanders until the quinzaine of
Easter next, by virtue of any order of the king's dehvered or to be delivered
to him. By K. and 0.
The like to the following :
The sherifis of London.
The sheriff of Southampton.
Bartholomew de Badelesmere, constable of Dover castle.
Enrolment of agreement witnessing that, whereas divers treaties have
been made between the king's council and the envoys of the count of
Flanders concerning the damages inflicted upon the king's subjects by the
count's subjects and upon the count's subjects by the king's, which treaties
were not finally completed owing to diver.s hindrances, the count sent, on
the quinzaine of Michaelmas 1320, in the 14th year of the king's reign, the
day appointed by the king at the count's request, his envoys, to wit Sir Eustace
Lanwart, knight, William de Deyen, ' eschevin ' of the town of Bruges,
Nichase le Sage, Michael Belle, councillors and jurats, and Master John
1320. Membrane lid — cont.
Boureke, clerk of the town of Ypres ; who came to Westminster with the
count's letters of procuration, the tenor whereof is below written, at the
said quinzaine, at which time the king held his parliament there ; and it
was agreed between them and the king's council as follows : That whereas
the said envoys and other envoys of the count have shown, amongst other
things, that certain merchants of Flanders whilst voyaging on the English
sea with their wines and merchandize to the parts of Craudon were robbed
of their wines and merchandize to great value by malefactors of England, and
that the goods so stolen were landed in England, and they prayed the king to
cause punishment to be made for this deed, because he is lord of the sea and
the robbery was made on the sea within his power, as is said above, it was
agreed by the king and his council in the said parliament that the king
should appoint justices to enquire concerning the said robbery and to
determine the same before Michaelmas next, and that if it cannot be fully
determined before then, the count should be notified by the king before
that term, and a certain day should be assigned before which the count
could have final answer concerning the said deed ; and it is the intention of
the king and his council that the masters (seigneurs) of ships which were
present at the robbery or others who received the robbers and the stolen
goods knowing of the robbery, shall be charged and punished therefor ;
and it is agreed that the goods of those who shall be attainted of the said
robbery or receipt shall be delivered to those of Flanders who were
damaged at the said place near Crauden to the amount of the goods whereof
t'.iey shall be found to have been robbed, if these goods ought to remain to
the king ; and that concerning the matters of the one part or the other that
can be proved to be clear, and against which, as to the process, there can be
reasonable challenge, all those who have sued such process on the one part
or the other shall be at Westminster at the quinzaine of Easter next, by
themselves or their attorneys appointed under the common seals of towns,
before the king's council to maintain their process, and that they who will
impugn them by reason shall be there at the same day to speak against the
process, and that what reason requires shall be then done ; and that between
now and then the subjects of both parties may inter-commune without
hindrance by arrest by reason of the damages done during the time com-
prised within this treaty ; and that in the matters on both sides that are
not clear the plaintiffs shall sue their plaints between now and the said
quinzaine, to wit the English in Flanders and the Flemings in England,
so that if anything be then in dispute, it shall be accorded at the said
quinzaine how the dispute shall be settled, so that when answer shall be
made concerning the deed near Crauden an end may be made of all the
matters aforesaid ; and it is agreed proclamation shall be made by the king
and the count of the matters touching the suit of summons, so that their
subjects may be warned thereof; and tte king wills that the affair of La
Rie, wherein process is begun and is pending before the king's justices,
shall be hastened as much as possible, and that all possible grace and favour
that may be shewn without offence of law shall be shewn in this matter.
Here follow the count's letters of procuration, dated at Courtray, 1 Oc-
tober 1320. French. {Foedera.']
Dec. 25. Alexander de Gloucestre acknowledges that he owes to John de Weston,
Marlborough, the younger, 40^. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in the city of London.
William de RameshuU of Marlebergh acknowledges that he owes to
Henry Bateste 50/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Wilts.
Cancelled an pat/ment.
1320. Membrane 12d — cont.
Dec. 28. To the justices next in eyre for common pleas at the Tower of London.
Marlboroogh. Order not to put Hugh de Courteney in default by reason of the common
summons of the eyre before them, as the king has warranted hie absence to
him. By K.
The like for the following :
John de Britannia, earl of Richmond.
E. bishop of Salisbury.
Humphrey de Walden.
J. bishop of Chichester.
The prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England.
S. bishop of London.
Ralph de Monte Hermerii.
Jan. 1.
Jan. 6.
Dec. 28.
Jan. 3.
Dec. 3.
Dec. 13.
Jan. 2.
The abbot of Rameseye. 1
The abbot of Peterborough. /
Thomas, earl of Lancaster. "1
Master Richard de Abyndon. j
The abbot of Westminster.
William de Thorntoft, clerk.
By p.s.
By p.s. [5551, 5552].
By K.
By p.s.
To W. archbishop of York. Request that he will cause Agnes, late the
wife of John de Walton, who was lately taken and slain by the Scots whilst
in the king's service at Berwick-on-Tweed, to be admitted into his hospital
of St. Mary Magdalen, Rypun, and to have letters patent of the archbishop
under the hospital seal granting to her the necessaries of life during her
life, cei'tifying the king of his proceedings herein by the bearer, as the king
has caused her to be sent to the archbishop because he wishes to provide
her with maintenance in consideration of her husband's good service to him
and his father. By K. and pet. of C. [7560].
To the sherifE of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made that all
who have prosecuted processes for damages inflicted upon them by Flemings
by reason whereof arrests ought to be granted to them, and that all those
who intend impugning such processes shall be at Westminster in the
quinzaine of Easter next, and that all those who wish to complain of such
injuries shall come to the chancery without delay to sue for the king's
letters to the count of Flanders to shew them justice, in accordance with
the treaty between the king's council and the count's envoys, and to certify
the king's council of his proceedings at the said quinzaine. By K. and C.
The like to all the sheriffs of England and the warden of the Cinque
Ports, llbid.^
William le Lyt came before the king on Friday after the Circumcision
and sought to replevy to Robert de Stockelegh of Swyuebrok the said
Robert's land in Swynebrok, which was taken into the king's hands for
his default before the justices of the Bench against Felicia, late the wife
of John de Stockelegh. This is signified to the justices.
Ralph de Sharpenham puts in his place William de Stok to prosecute a
recognisance for 40/. made to him in chancery by Gilbert de Berewy[c.o].
Jan. 7.
Jan. L
Jan. 14.
Membrane 12d — cont.
Anthony Polasacus of Genoa {Ganne") puts in his place Anthony
Cetrounni and Anthony Bathymon of Genoa to prosecute a recognisance
for 110/. made to him in chancery by brother John, prior of Newenham.
Ralph le Wayte of Pertynges came before the king, on Wednesday the
morrow of Epiphany, and sought to replevy to Richard de Weston,
Richard Jeudewyne, INIatilda late the wife of Henry de Bolkestrode (sic),
Jobn Payn and Matilda his wife, Cicely and Joan, sisters of Matilda, their
land in Westthornye and Chudeham, which was taken into the king's hands
for their default before the justices of the Bench agaijist William Whate-
man and Sarah his wife. This is signified to the justices.
To Master Robert de Pykerynge, dean of St. Peter's Tork. Order to
permit the constables of the wards of the city to levy without hindrance the
tallage imposed by the mayor, bailiffs, and citizens by unanimous consent
upon their rents and chattels in the city in order to repair and strengthen
the walls and ditches and olher defences {fortaliciis) of the city, as the
king is given to understand that the dean hinders the constables by
ecclesiastical censures from levying the tallage from certain tenements that
are held of the king in chief.
Michael de Wath, parson of Beford church, diocese of York, and
Robert Pygot of Wath, parson of tlie church of Handesworth, in the same
diocese, acknowledge that they owe to Adam de Brom, clerk, 8 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York. —
The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
Membrane 12d. — Schedule.
Memorandum, that whereas the king, upon being given to understand
that the abbey of Abyndon, which is founded of the patronage and alms of
him and his ancestors, [is distracted] by dissension arising from a com-
position between .... the late abbot and the convent concerning
the division of the goods and possessions of the house, and was depressed
otherwise by debts, and it was feared that its means were diminished and
wholly destroyed, by reason whereof the alms of the king's progenitors there
appointed ceased, religion was dissolved, and hospitalities were withdrawn,
appointed, on 9 August, in the 14th year of his reign, R. bishop of Salis-
bury and Sir Hugh le Despenser, the elder, to enquire concerning the state
of the abbey and the said composition. Afterwards in the parliament at
Westminster in the octaves of Michaelmas, in the same year, the bishop
and Hugh informed the king of the premises in this manner : ' This is the
answer of the prior and convent of Abyndon to Roger, bishop of Salisbury,
and Hugh le Despenser, the elder, to whom the king lately gave his com-
mission to enquire of the points contained in the commission ; that is to
say, that all the goods belonging to the church of Abyndon and the abbot
and convent of the same are one body, and when the abbot dies, the king
takes all the esplees and profits, and when a new abbot is appointed, he has
the portions anciently ordained for him, and the convent likewise takes its
portions for divers offices, and the abbot, with the assent and counsel of
the brethren, appoints (met) and dismisses (oste) the obedientiaries, and
audits (oient) their account every year, and this has been the custom from
time out of mind. And if this manner ought to be called division, we leave
it to your discretion {le lessoums e a voz descreciomi), and as to the
ownership of the soil, there has been no division.' They were asked if
there were any division concerning the taking of the esplees and profits of
the said soil, and to this they would not answer. They were asked if the
1321. Membrane I2d. — Schedule — cont.
abbot could ordain concerning the goods and esplees issuing from the said
soil, and they answered that the abbot can come there for pleasure (iuwer).
They were afterwards asked if they had anything thereof of the l<ing or his
progenitors that affirmed any division to be between them ; to which they
answered that they did not know that they had anything thus, except a
composition lately made between an abbot and the convent, wherein no
mention is made of the assent of the king or his progenitors. French.
After this relation had been made, and the above composition and the
confirmatory bull of Pope Alexander in this form ' Alexander, etc.', had
been exhibited, certain petitions were produced before the king on behalf
of the prior and convent, one of which contained that John de Canynges,
perpetual prior of Abyndon, was detained against his will in the custody of
John de Sutton, abbot of Abyndon, as if in prison outside his house at
Abyndon, wherefore it was prayed that the prior might come before the
king and his council to defend his estate and the estate of the said house,
and the said abbot there present confessed, in answer to the king, that the
prior was in his company, and he was enjoined by the king to bring the
prior before him and his council on the morrow. On which day, the abbot
and prior being before the king and his council, the king nominated John, his
chancellor, Stephen, bishop of London, and Hamo, bishop of Rochester, the
said bishop of Salisbury and Hugh le Despeuser, the abbot of St. Albans, the
abbot of Kedyngg', Sir Hugh le (sic) Courteneye, Sir Walter de Norwyco,
baron of the exchequer, Henry le Scrop, chief justice, William de Bereford,
and Master Gilbert de Middeltou, offic[ial] of the court of Canterbury, to
examine the aforesaid matter, and to advise the king what should be done
therein. After deliberation, they reported to the king in the said parha-
ment that they found that, after the election of the said brother John de
Sutton as abbot of Abyndon, the king took the said abbot's fealty and
restored the temporalities of the abbey to him, no division of the same
being supposed, and that the composition or division of the goods of the
house, whereof mention is made above, was made without the assent of the
king's progenitors and in diminution of the alms appointed for the souls of
his progenitors and his soul and in dissolution of the religion of the house,
wherefore it seemed to thera that the composition should be annulled. After
this relation, it was considered in parliament by the king and his council
that the composition should be annulled, and the king would deliberate
concerning sending men of reUgion and others to the abbey to ordain and
dispose so that the goods of the house should be expended duly and suitably.
And the king afterwards nominated the aforesaid bishop of Salisbury, the
abbot of Redyngg', and William de Bereford for this purpose.
Membrane lid.
Jan. 11. Nicholas Bandini de Fauconer' of Florence acknowledges that he owes
Marlborough. toAcherittus de Portenar[iis] of Florence lOOZ. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Cambridge. — The chancellor
received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
Jan. 6. To the justices next in eyre at the Tower of London. Order not to put
Marlborough. Bartholomew de Badelesmere in default by reason of the common summons
of the eyre, as the king has warranted him his absence. By p.s. [5523.1
The like for the following :
Henry Spigurnel. 1 r tt
John de Bousser. / ^ ■
Jan. 12.
( Yeshampsted).
Jan. 13.
Jan. 24.
Feb. 2.
Jan. 8.
Membrane \\d — cont.
The prior of Christ Church, Canterbury.
John, bishop of Ely.
W. archbishop of Canterbury.
By p.s. [5560.]
By p.s. [5562.]
By p.s.
The abbot of St. Albans.
By K. on the information of Master R. de Baldok.
Edmund de Wodestok, the king's brother. By K.
Thomas de Brotherton, earl of Norfolk, and marshal of England.
By K.
William de Fourneux and John de Marisco acknowledge that they owe
to Henry de Malynes 10/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their
lands and chattels in co. Middlesex.
Cancelled on payment acknowledged by Thomas de Tachewych, attorney
of the executors of Henry's will.
Jan. 14. Robert de Hemelsey came before the king, on Wednesday after
Easthampstead. St. Hilary, and sought to replevy to John Abel and Jul[ia] his wife their
land in Paulinescrey, taken into the king's hands for her default before the
justices of the Bench against Margery, late the wife of John son of Robert
de Chaumpaigne. This is signified to the justices.
John de Mohun, the younger, acknowledges that he owes to Eleanor,
the daughter of John de Mohun, the elder, 400Z. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Somerset.
Jan. 17. Richard de Weston came before the king, on Friday after St. Hilary,
Isle-worth and sought to replevy the land of himself and of Richard Jeudewyn,
{Thistelworth'). Matilda, late the wife of Henry Bolkestrode {sic), John Payn and Matilda
his wife, and Cicely and Joan, her sisters, in Westhorny and Chudeham,
which was taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices
of the Bench against [William] Whateman and Sarah his wife. This is
signified to the justices.
John son of Richard de Tenham, chaplain, acknowledges that he owes to
Master Henry de Cantuar[ia], clerk, 60 marks; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent.
Cancelled on payment.
Jan 18. Clement de Melton of Staunford acknowledges that he owes to Stephen
Westminster. Cray of London 20/. ; to be levied, in default of paymeut, of his lands and
chattels in cos. London and Lincoln.
Richard de Ardern acknowledges that he owes to William de Ardern
20Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Jan. 18. Robert de Neuwerk of Staunford came before the king, on Sunday after
Westminster. St. Hilary, and sought to replevy his and his wife Matilda's land, which was
taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench
against William le Flemyng of Staunford. This is signified to the aforesaid
William le Saltere of Tamworth, chaplain, and John le Teynturer of
Tamworth acknowledge that they owe to Master Henry de Clif, clerk,
55 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in
CO. Stafford. — R. de Bard[elby] received the acknowledgment.
1321. Membrane \\d — cont.
Jan. 25. William son of John Sampson of York acknowledges that he owes to
Westminster. William de Ayremynne, clerk, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. York.— The chancellor received the acknow-
Cancelled on payment.
Geoffrey de Oottelee and Nicholas his son acknowledge that they owe to
Henry de Malynes 30Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands
and chattels in co. Dorset. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Thomas Buteturte acknowledges that he owes to John le Moigne
lOO marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Suffolk. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Richard Abbe of Outheby acknowledges that he owes to Alan de
Gissingges of Leicester 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Leicester. — The chancellor received the acknow-
Philip de Beauveys acknowledges that he owes to Walter Waldeshef
25/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the
city of London. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Fulk de Penbrugge, John de Pirie, and Nicholas de Wentleye, citizen
of London, acknowledge that they owe to Robert de Swalclive .and Roger
Rycheman 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands
and chattels in co. Salop. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Jan. 28. John de Chaumpaign acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Byflet
Westminster. 40*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Southampton. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Ralph de Mounselowe acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Byflet
40s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels iu co.
Southampton. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Master Edmund de Mepeham, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to
Master vSimon de Mepeham, his brother, John de la Dene, chaplain, and
Robert Lene 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Kent.
Cancelled on payment acknowledged by Thomas Lene, Robert's brother,
and Theobald Poleyn, Robert's attorneys.
Jan. 28.
Bernard son of Bernard de Brus acknowledges that he owes to Bernard
son of John de Brus 1,400 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Huntingdon. — The chancellor received the
Robert le Forester of Sorbynheche {sic) acknowledges that he owes to
Paulin Turk of London, ' flsshemangere,' 12/.; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Middlesex. — The chancellor
received the acknowledgment.
John de Bonyngton of Bondeby acknowledges that he owes to William
de Strixton, parson of Deneford church, 10/.; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Cancelled on payment.
Anthony de Bidik acknowledges that he owes to William de Waltham
22/.; to be levied, in default of paynfient of his lands and chattels in co.
London. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
L321. Membrane \\d — cont.
Jan. 30. Laurence son of Laurence de Preston acknowledges that he owes to John
Westminster, de Longevill of Little Billing' 500 marks; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton. — The chancellor
received the acknowledgment.
Richard de la Lee, parson of Arkeseye church, diocese of York, acknow-
ledges that he owes to Master Francis de Luk, canon of York, 7 marks ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of liis lands and chattels in cos. York and
Essex. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Adam Boty acknowledges that he owes to William Martyn, the elder, 40/.;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Devon.
— The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Richard de la Lee, parson of the church of Arkeseye, diocese of York,
acknowledges that he owes to Henry Norman of Berkhampsted, merchant,
11/. lOs. Od. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in cos. York and Essex. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
William de Bernak of Barkeston acknowledges that he owes to William
Colman of Sugbrok 30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in cos. Nottingham and Noi thampton. — The chancellor received
the acknowledgment.
Jan. 26. To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side
Westminster. Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Order to cause Roger de Mor-
wode's wood of Driestok, within the bounds of the forest of Rotland, taken
into the king's hands by him who supplies Aymer's place because the keeper
of the wood did not appear before him at his advent to those parts, to be
replevied to Roger until the next parliament [if] he come to replevy his
said wood within the time appointed for replevying.
Roger de Brok and William de Pynnore acknowledge that they owe to
Simon de Swanlonde 70/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands
and chattels in co. Middlesex. — The chancellor received the acknowledg-
Thomas Chauntrel of Westwittenham acknowledges that he owes to
Robert de Polham 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Berks. — The chancellor received the acknow-
The said Thomas acknowledges that he owes to the said Robert 40/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks. —
The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Richard son of Hugh de Molesworth of Little Catteworth acknowledges
that he owes to John son of Robert Pecok of Redburn, the elder, 8 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hunt-
ingdon.— The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Nicholas de Pershut acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Byfiete
25 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Southampton. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Feb. 4. Robert, parson of Cokeley church, diocese of Norwich, acknowledges
Westminster, thiit he owes to Adam de Brom, clerk, 54/. 13*. Od.; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co, Suffolk. — The chancellor
received the acknowledgment.
J'he said Robert acknowledges that he owes to the said Adam 5 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk. —
The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Feb. 1.
Feb. 2.
1321. Membrane \\d — cant.
Feb. 4. The prior of Bernewell acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Mad-
Fulhain. dingle 29 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Cambridge. — The cliancellor received the acknowledgment.
Peter le Leykere of Chigewell acknowledges that he owes to Juliana,
late the wife of Thomas Eomeyn, 211. 6s. Od. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. — The chancellor received
the acknowledgment.
Henry Pourte of London acknowledges that he owes to Walter Pesaunt
of Wincliester 401. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Kent and London. — The chancellor received the acknow-
John, abbot of Cherteseye, acknowledges, for himself and convent, that
he ov\ es to Master Peter de Askarn 70/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Surrey.
Cancelled on payment acknowledged by John de Marton, clerk, attorney
of Peter's executors, in February, in the \Qth year.
John, prior of St. Bartholomew's London, acknowledges that he owes to
Thomas de Kent of London, tailor (cissori), lOl. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London. — The chancellor
received the acknowledgment.
Feb. 6. William son of John de Deen and Roger his brother, Robert de Brokford
Westminster, and William de Wederingsete acknowledge that they owe to Richard de
Betoign', citizen of London, 3001. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
their lands and chattels in cos. Northampton, Norfolk, and Suffolk. — The
chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Robert de Kersebrok acknowledges that he owes to John de Britannia,
earl of Richmond, 49/. 9s. lOJ^d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Hertford. — The chancellor received the acknow-
Membrane lOd.
Jan. 30. To Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex. Prohibition of
Westminster, his assenting, secretly or publicly, to the making of assemblies or treaties,
and of his being present in person or by others at such assemblies and
treaties, ordering him to certify the king of any conference or treaty of any
matters prejudicial to the king and his crown, so that the king may be able
to apply a remedy for these matters with the counsel of him and other joro-
ceres of the realm, as the king understands that, notwithstanding the
prohibition of assemblies being made without the king's special order, the
said earl, together with others, proposes to make an assenibly, assigning as a
reason an intention to treat divers matters touching the estate of the crown,
and that he is ordaining this treaty to be had shortly ; at which the king is
surprised, as such assemblies ought not to be made without the king's
authority, and such treaties ought not to be held without his presence or the
presence of those of his council appointed by him. By K. and C.
[Fcedera ; Pari. Writs.'\
The like to twenty-eight others. [Ibid.']
Jan. 30. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made pro-
Westminster, hibiting any one consenting to the making of such assemblies or attending
them, and to certify the king of the names of any persons presuming to do
so contrarv to such proclamation. By K. and C.
[Pari. Writs.}
z 3
Feb. 7.
Teb. 7.
Feb. 12.
Membrane \0d — cont.
The like to all the sheriffs of Eaglan.l, excepting the sheriffs of Cumber-
land, Northumberland, and Westmoreland. \_Ibid.\
Adam de Bandon, citizen of London, acknowledges that he owes to
William de Monte Acuto 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in the city of London. — Master H. de Clif received the
ack no wledgm ent.
John Engaine of Blatherwyk acknowledges that he owes to William la
Zousche of Haringworth 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in cos. Northampton and Huntingdon. — The said
Master Henry received the acknowledgment by the chancellor's order.
John de Bnrdeleys acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey de Burdeleys,
his father, 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Norfolk. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Ralph le Mareschal of Northcote, Hugh le Mareschal of Graunt Kynebell,
and Jordan le Mareschal acknowledge that they owe to Robert de Ely and
Thomas Edmound, citizens of London, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of their lands and chattels in co. Somerset.^Tbe chancellor received
the acknowledgment.
Richard de la Hyde, parson of Heghton church, diocese of Chichester,
acknowledges that he owes to Emmelina Lungespe 65/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex. — The chancellor
received the acknowledgment.
William Tochet, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de Boclond,
knight, 160/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Essex. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
The said William acknowledges that he owes to the said John 40/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Oxford. — The
chancellor received the acknowledgment.
John de Boclond, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William Tochet,
knight, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Kent. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Simon de Swanlund of London and John de Swanlund acknowledge
that they owe to Edmund, earl of Arundel, 500 marks ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the city of London. — 'The
chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
Thomas Cok of Abyndon and John Suman acknowledge that they owe
to Edmund, earl of Arundel, 500 marks ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of their lands and chattels in the city of London. — The chancellor
received the acknowledgment.
Henry Claverle of Farham acknowledges that he owes to Bartholomew
le Taillour of Farham 5 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of liis
lands and chattels in co. Southampton. — The chancellor received the
Nicholas de Stiuecle acknowledges that he owes to William de Hakford
26/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Bedford. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Thomas de Furnivale, the younger, puts in his place Michael de Wath
and Richard de Sheffeld to prosecute and challenge the inquisitions and
extents to be returned into chancery touching the inheritance of Joan his
wife, one of the heirs of Theobald de Verdon, tenant in chief.
Feb. 16.
1321. Membrane \0d — cont.
Thomas son of Richard de Walsyngham acknowledges that he owes
to J. bishop of Norwich 4/. ; to be levied, in defimlt of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. — -R. de Bardelby received the acknow-
William, prior of St. Mary's hospital without Bysshopesgate, London,
acknowledges that he owes to John de Merton, parson of the chnrch of
Long Ditton near Kyngeston, 29 marks ; to be levied in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Surrey. — H. de Burgh received the
acknowledgment by the chancellor's order.
Cancelled on payment.
Enrolment of release by Richard sou of William atte Legh to Roland
son of Marenus {sic) Shenche of his right in the lands that Roland has
of the feoiFment of the said Martin his father in Tatlesfeld, co. Surrey.
Witnesses : John atte Stokette of Okstede ; Simon atte Stokette of the
same; William le Hodere of London. Dated at London, on Saturday the
feast of St. Valentine, 14 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Richard came into chancery at Westminster, on the
said day, and acknowledged the above deed.
Adam Godeyman is sent, in consideration of his service to the king
and his father, to the prior and convent of Bridelyngton to receive
such maintenance for life in that house as Gilbert Torel, deceased, had.
By p.s.
Feb. 17. Ralph de Secchevill acknowledges that he owes to Roger Beler 10 marks ;
We.<itniiin»er. to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Leicester.
— The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
William de Furneys acknowledges that he owes to Henry Buscrc of
Malyns 1501. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Middlesex. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Hugh de Le and Hamo Calvel of Grenewice acknowledge that they owe
to Walter de Huntyngfeld, knight, 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of their lands and chattels in co. Kent. — The chancellor received the
Feb. 21. Geoffrey de Say, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Henry de la
Westminster. More, goldsmith of London, John de Bruntton, citizen of London, and John
de Staneghyndenn 56/. ; to be levied, in deianlt of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Kent. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
William de Hebbedene, knight, .acknowledges that he owes to Simon de
Wakefelde 19/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York. — The chancellor received the acknowledgement.
Hervpy de Sancto Edmundo, citizen of London, acknowledges that he
owes to Master Edmund de London, clerk, 201. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London.: — The chancellor
received the acknowledgment.
Feb. 20. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause proclamation to be made that all
VVestmiDster. merchants, mariners, and subjects of the king who have suffered damage on
land or sea from John, duke of Britanny, his merchants, mariners, or
subjects, since the beginning of the sixth year of the king's reign, and who
wish to sue for amends therefor, and all those who are charged wilb
inflicting damage upon the duke's merchants, mariners, and subjects since
that time shall be at Westminster, before the chancellor and treasurer or
1321, Membrane \Qd — cont.
others of the king's council, in the quinzaine of Easter next, to make
reformation of the peace in this behalf, at which date the sheriff is ordered
to certify the king's council of his proceetlings. By K. and C.
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [IbidJ]
The like to Roger de Mortuo Mari, iustice of Wales, ' mutatis mutavdis.'
llhid.-] ^
Peter de Baa, tenant of certain lands that belonged to Thomas Barry of
Boklianutou, puts in his place John de Hegham or Richard de Hungerford
to defend the matter of a recognisance in chancery for 1 50 marks made to
the said John (sic) by Thomas.
Feb. 25. William Gentilcorps acknowledges that he owes to Geoifrey de la Lee 20/. ;
Westminster, to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hert-
ford.— The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Henry de Sellyng' of London, 'spicer,' acknowledges that he owes to Peter
le Mareschal 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Middlesex. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert Brun of Burnedissh acknowledges that he owes to Maurice le
Brun 20Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Middlesex. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Membrane 9d.
Feb. 25. John de Reynham acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Malynes 50/. ;
Westminster, to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Buckingham. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Isabella, late the wife of Thomas de Muskham, and Walter de Muskham
acknowledge that they owe to Henry de Edenestowe. clerk, and Robert his
brother 68«. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels
in CO. Hertford, — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on paytnent.
John de Pontoyse, goldsmith, acknowledges that he owes to Agnes de
Greylond 7 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Essex. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Feb. 8, To the prior of La Chaiite. Letter thanking him for his agreeable
Westmiuster. answer to the king concerning the house of Bermundeseye, and nominating
brother John de Cusanoia, monk of the house of Lewes, of the Cluniac
order, a wise and circumspect man supported by the protection of powerful
fiiends, as prior of Bermundeseye, whom the king requests him to present
to him according to custom with all speed. The king hopes that the
spiritualities and tempoialities of the house may be reduced to better state
by John's regular and wholesome examples, wise solicitude (solitudine) and
circum.spect diligence, with the assistiince of his friends' counsel.
Enrolment of agreement witnessing that whereas Sir Hugh le Despenser,
the elder, and Sir Hugh Despenser, the younger, are bound to make before
the quinzaine of Easter next to Sir John de Crumbwell and Lady Idonia
his wife [a grant of] 200 marks yearly of land for their lives, the said John
and Idonia hereby grant that, if they cannot agree bj' justices, Serjeants, and
other wise men of the king's court, all the manors, knights' fees, and
advowsons of churches and hospitals contained in three fines levied in the
king's court between Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex,
1321. Membrane 9d — cont.
and the said John and Tdonia shall remain, after the death of Idonia, to the
said Hugh and Hugh for their lives, and after their deaths to Edward son
of Hugh, the younger, and to his heirs, according to the form of the said
fines, without impeachment or challenge of Idonia's heii's, notwithstanding
two fines levied in the late king's court between Sir Gilbert de Ellesfeld and
the said John and Idonia concerning certain manors, etc., comprised in the
said fines, then the said John and Idonia will rebale and render to Hugh,
Ihe younger, 100 marks yearly of the aforesaid 200 marks of land yearly ;
for the performance whereof John and Idonia hereby charge themselves ami
their heirs. Dated at London, 15 December, 14 Edward II. French.
Enrolment of deed witnessing that whereas the aforesaid Hugh and Hugh
have acknowledged in chancery that they are bound to Sir John de Crumwell
in 6,000/., andHugh, the younger, has also acknowledged severally that he is
hound to the said John in 4,000/., the Paid John hereby grants that these
recognisances shall be annulled if Hugh and Hugh grant to him and his
wife, Lady Idonia, 200 marks of land yearly for their lives before the
quiuzaine of Easter next, and if Hugh and Hugh grant (ferunt) to the
master, brethren, and sisters of the hospital of St. Katherine by the Tower
of London 40/. of land or rent of Holy Church or other rent to hold to
them and their successors for ever. Dated at Westminster, 4 December,
14 Edward II. French.
Rfarch 1. William de Septem Vannis, knight, acknowledges that he owes to the
Westminster, ubbot of Bee Hellouin and the prior of Okeburn, his proctor-general in
England, 240/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Kent. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Edmund le Botiller of Ireland acknowledges that he owes to Bonus
Philip[)i, Dynus Forcetti, Francis Balduch, and their fellows, merchants of
the society of the Bardi of Florence, 100 marks; to he levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in Ireland. — The chancellor received the
John son of Geoffrey de Erie acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas de
Erie 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Buckingham. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Andrew de Jarpumvill acknowledges that he owes to Edmund son of
Andrew de Jarpumvill 400/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
land and chattels in co. Buckingham. — The chancellor received the acknow-
The said Andrew acknowledges that he owes to Ralph son of Andrew de
Jarpumvill 300/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Buckingham. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
March 5. Richard le Botiller of Thikenappeltre, John son of John Harsyk, knight,
Wiurtsor. and John de Bokelyngion acknowledge that they owe to .lohn son of
Robert Fecok of Redboui-ne, the elder, 40 marks ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Worcester and Norlblk. — The
chancellor received the acknowledgment.
The said Richard acknowledges that he owes to John de Bokelyngton
1 3 marks 4s. 6d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Worcester. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
March 7. Edmund le Botiller of Ireland acknowledges that he owes to Roger de
Windsor. Mortuo Mari of Wygemor 1,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment
of his lands and chattels in cos. Surrey, Sussex, Suffolk, Buckingham,
Warwick, Lancaster, Somerset, Devon, Oxford, Gloucester, and Wilts.
The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
1321 . Membrane 9d — cont.
Em-olment of agreement made at Wygemor, on Wednesday before
St. Valentine, 14 Edwurd IL, between Sir Roger de Mortemer, lord of
Wygemor and of Trim ( Tm), and Sir Edmond le Botiller of Ireland,
whereby Roger has granted the marriage of Roger his son for the use of
Joan, daughter of the said Edmund, and has granted that he will enfeoff
Sir William, archbishop of Cashel, and Sir William de Clebur[y], parson
of Trim, of all his lauds in Ireland, and the said William and William
will giant and render in the king's Bench at Duveline to the said Sir
Roger all the aforesaid lands to him and his wife Joan for their lives,
with remainder to his son Roger to him and his heirs male of the body of
the said Joan, with remainder, in default of such heir, to the right heirs of
the said Sir Roger and his wife Joan. The said Roger and Joan have
granted that they will assign to Joan, wife of Roger their son, the manor
of Beauregard in Meath {Mithe) for life in name of dower in case their
son die before them For this marriage. Sir Edmund shall give to Sir
Roger 1,000/., to be paid by instalments at Bristol during three and a half
years, and Sir Edmund charges himself, his heirs, and his lands in Eng-
land and Ireland for the performance hereof, and agrees to make a recog-
nisance in chancery for payment of the above sums. Sir Roger and Sir
Edmund agree to purchase the king's consent to Roger and .loan's grant as
above, and to purchase the justiciary of Ireland to receive the acknowledg-
ment of the said dame Joan in England because a great part of the afore.said
lands are of her inheritance. For the observance hereof. Sir Roger and Sir
Edmund have taken oath upon the gospels. Written at Wyg[emor], the
day and year abovesaid.
March 8. William Kyng, butcher of London, acknowledges that he owes to
Windsor. Henry atte More, goldsmith, 4Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in the city of London. — The chancellor received
the acknowledgment.
March 10. Oliver de Ingham, Henry Nasard, and Hugh Madefray acknowledge that
Marlow. they owe to Edmund, earl of Arundel, 500 marks ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk. — The
chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Richard But, Walter Waldeschef, and Matthew de Essex acknowledge
that they owe to the aforesaid earl 500 marks ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of their lands and chattels in the city of London. — The
chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
Richard de Betoygne, William de Hedersete, and Thomas de Botoygne
{sic) acknowledge that they owe to the aforesaid earl 100/. ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the city of London.
Cancelled on payment.
John Pecche, the elder, acknowledges that he owes to Oliver de Ingham
and Hugh Madefray 600 marks j to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in cos. Warwick and Leicester. — The chancellor received
the acknowledgment.
John de Caunton acknowledges that he owes to John de Acre 10/. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. North-
umberland.— The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
The prior of St. Mary's church of the monks of Hertford acknowledges
that he owes to William son of William le Mareschal of St. Albans 16/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels co. Hert-
ford.— The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
1321. Membrane Qd — cont.
Master Richard de Insula acknowledges that he owes to John de
Tudenham and Geoffrey de Burton 100«. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. — The chancellor received the
Robert Orpedeman of London acknowledges that he owes to Robert Yon,
citizen of London, 49Z. 3s. Od. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in the city of London. — The chancellor received the
Marcli H. William de Seybrock auknowledge.<i that he owes to Ralph Fallynwell
Marlow. 40Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Buckingham. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
The said William acknowledges that he owes to John son of Nicholas de
Edesburge 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Buckingham. — The chancellor received the acknowledg-
The abbot of Vaudey ( l^alle Dei) acknowledges, for himself aud convent,
that he owes to Bonseignur Jacobyn and his fellows, merchants of the
society of the Peruzzi {Peruch'), 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Cancelled on payment acknowledged by John Juncty, merchant and
fellow of the said society.
Isabella la Brewere acknowledges that she owes to Godwin Turk of
London, fishmonger {pessoner). 231. 6s. 8d. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of her lands and chattels in the city of London. — The chancellor
received the acknowledgment.
Thomas de Sandale acknowledges that he owes to John de la Pole and
Stephen Craye, merchant of London, 401. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. — The chancellor received the
William de Furneys, citizen and pepperer of London, acknowledges that
he owes to Peter Martyn and Stephen de Sauseto, merchants of the society
of William Peregrini of Monlpellier, 711. I3s. Gd. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Middlesex.
March 12. Jolin de Dageworth, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Henley. Rothyng', vintner of London, 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Essex. — The chancellor received the acknow-
Cancelled on payment.
Roger de Suthcote of London acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Rothyng' of London, vintner, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in the city of London. — The chancellor received
the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Dagworth, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Roger de
Suthcote of London 100/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Essex. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
John son of Ralph Crepyn, citizen of London, acknowledges that he owes
to Walter de Moredon 11 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment of
his lands and chattels in the city of London. — The chancellor received the
March 2.
March 2.
March 1.
March 7.
March 12.
Membrane 8d.
Isabella le Brewer acknowledges that she owes to John de Besevill,'tai)lour'
of London, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and
chattels in tbecity of London. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
To the keeper of the city of London, and the aldermen and sheriffs of
the same. Order to show to the clerk of the king's market the measures
called ' the standards of London,' and to permit him to assay them, as the
king has ordered the said cJerk to go to the city and to make a certain assay
of the king's measures of wine, ale, and corn in their custody with the king'.s
standard measures, in order that, after the assay, the king may cause other
measures to be made throughout the realm by the measures to be thus
assayed, as it is contained in Magna Carta that there shall be one measure
of wine, one of ale, and one of corn throughout the realm, to wit the quarter
of London, as the king learns from frequent complaints that divers mer-
chants and others use false measures. By K.
[^Feeder a. "]
Bartholomew de Badelesmere, knight, acknowledges that he owes to
Robert de Uniframvill, earl of Anegos, 2,000 marks ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Kent and Lincoln.
Cancelled on payment.
Enrolment of deed of John de Fresyngfeld, knight, notifying that
whereas his manor of Cukeleye with all his tenements of Buhaghe, co.
Suffolk, was lately delivered to Robert Burdein of London by the king's
writ according to the form of the statute of merchants, until Robert should
have levied thence 169Z., which John acknowledged that he owed him,
and Robert afterwards demised his estate therein to John's lord, Walter de
Norwyco, knight ; the said John hereby grants that the said manor and
tenements shall remain wholly to the said Walter and his heirs in perpetual
inheritance, and he releases his right therein to him. Witnesses : Sir John
de Foxle, Sir John Abel, Sir William Herle, Sir Robert de Malmethorp,
and Sir Walter de Friskeneye, knights ; Geoffrey le Scrop, Robert de Westle.
Dated at London, on the first Sunday of Lent, 14 Edward II.
Memorandum, that John came into chancery, on the said day, and
acknowledged the above deed.
To John de Fienles. At the complaint of Adam Hunteman, citizen of
London, that whereas he caused 13 serplers of wool, price 140Z. sterhng, to
be taken from this realm to St. Omer in order to make his profit thereof,
the said John caused the wool to be taken from him near the town of Gj'nes
by certain of his ministers, and that he still detains the wool from Adam,
the king has frequently requested him to satisfy Adam for the said wool
and his damages; and although Adam has sued him for justice aud the said
John certified the king amongst other things that he understood from the
burgesses of Ypres and elsewhere that the wool in question belonged to
certain men of St. Omer and not to men of this realm, and that he would do
what ought to be done in this matter for Adam, he has nevertheless done
nothing in the matter, as the king learns from Adam's complaint: where-
fore the king requests him to cause restitution or satisfaction to be made to
Adam before the Ascension next for his wool and damages, although the
king might do justice to Adam from the goods and chattels of John in this
realm, which he refrains from doing out of his affection for John. He is
requested to certify the king of his proceedings at the said feast. If he do
not do as requested, the king will be unable to delay doing justice to Adam
within this kingdom. By C.
Edmund Cheyne acknowledges that he owes to Manent Francisci and
John his brother, merchants of Florence, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of
1321. Membrane 8d — cont.
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Derby. — The chancellor received
the acknowledgment.
Thomas de Waudesworth acknowledges that he owes to Adam de
Hyworth, clerk, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Surrey. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
John de Cantuaria acknowledges that he owes to Peter son of John le
Clerk of Bordeaux Abl. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
March 7. To the master of the order of the Friars Preachers and the diffinitores
Fulmer. and brethren about to assemble in their chapter-general at Florence.
Request for their prayers for the good estate of the king and his family and
his realm. By p.s. [5606.]
March 27. To Roger Dammory, lord of Uske and Tregruok. Order to cause the
Gloucester, king's peace to be maintained and observed tliroughout the said lands, and
not to permit any assemblies to be made wliereby the king's peace or the
tranquillity of the king's people of those parts may be disturbed, and pro-
hibiting his making any such assemblies, as complaint has reached the king
that many of Roger's men of the aforesaid lands and of other lands of other
lords in those parts, which lands are held of the king in chief, make
assemblies and musters in warlike manner, whereat the king is astonished,
as it is unknown why such assemblies are made. By K.
[Feeder a.']
The like to the following :
Roger de Mortuo Mari, lord of Wygemor.
John de Hastyng', lord of Bergaveny.
Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex, lord of Bregheuok.
.John de Charleton, lord of Pouwys.
Hugh le Despenser, the younger, lord of Glomorgan. [iiirf.]
March lo. To R. count of Flanders. At the complaint of Gilbert de Mordene,
Wallingford. Henry Gubbe, and Stephen de Oraye, citizens and merchants of London,
that whereas they caused a ship of theiru to be laden with fish, lead, oil, and
other goods to the value of 300/., lately bought at Lenne, in order to carry
the same to London, certain malefactors of the parts of Flanders attacked
the men in the said ship on the coast near Crowemere, co. Norfolk, and took
the said goods, and divided them amongst them, and carried them away
with them to Flanders, as appears by the letters patent of the mayor and
community of London, the king requesteil the count to cause restitution or
satisfaction to be made for the said goods ; but the count has done nothing
in the matter, as Gilbert, Henry and Stephen have given the king to under-
stand; and it is contained in a treaty lately made between the king and his
council and the count's envoys that the king's men and the count's men
wishing to complain of such trespasses s^hall prosecute their affairs this side
(circa) the quinzaiiie of Easter next. The king requests the count to cause
justice to be done to Gilbert, Henry, and Stephen in this matter in
accordance with the said treaty, and that he will certify the king of his
proceedings at the said qiiinzaine.
March 28. To James, king of Aragon. The king acknowledges receipt of his
Gloucester, letters by the king's clerk Master Peter Galicien who has explained to
the king the matters according to the credence committed to him by the
king of Aragon, and the king now certifies to him that, after deliberatiug-
upon the said matters with his magnates who were then present, the king
opened his will concerning these matter to his said clerk, which is to be
explained by mouth by the said clerk to the king of Aragon, to whom the
1321. Membrane 8d — cont.
king requests the king of Aragon to give credence. The king rejoices to
hear of his good estnte, of which the king of Aragon has certified him by
his letters, and hopes that the same may increase, and signifies that at the
time of writing all his afFairs are prosperous. [Fcedera.']
Antliony ITsus Maris, merchant of Genoa, puts in his place Nicholas
Usus Mari^, his brother, and Anthony Citroun, merchant of Genoa, to sue
for the execution of certain recognisances made to him in chancery.
Membrane Id.
March 15. To R. count of Flanders. Upon its being lately found by an inquisition
Wallingforrt. taken by the sheriff of Kent by the king's order that John Crabbe and
many other malefactors of Flanders took a ship called 'Bona Navis' of La
Strode, whereof John Springere was master, together with the chests, beds,
and other small things of the said John Springere, which were appraised by
the jurors of the inquisition at 210 marks sterling, at Le Dunes on the
coast near the Isle of Thanet whilst on her voyage to London, and carried
the same away with them to Flanders, the king requested the count to cause
restitution or satisfaction to be made *o John Springere for the ship, chests,
beds, and other goods; and the count at length replied that he was in
ignorance of the matter, since he was not informed of the said deed or of
those who perpetrated it, adding that he would punish the latter if he could
find them in his jurisdiction ; at which answer the king marvels, especially
as John Crabbe, the principal perpetrator of the above deed, was of tlie
count's land of Flanders and stayed therein when he wished, and it was
moreover testified before the king that there were in the ship wines belong-
ing to certain of the king's merchants of Gascony, which were captured in
like manner by the said malefactors and which came to the count's use, and
that the count gave the ship to the lord of Meldyngham; wherefore the
king again requested him to consider the aforesaid matter and to cause the
said John Spiugere to be satisfied ; but he has done nothing in the matter,
as Stephen Craye, citizen and merchant of London, executor of John's will,
has given the king to understand ; and it was agreed in a treaty lately
concluded between the king and liis council and the count's envoys that tlie
king's men and the count's men wishing to make complaint of such
trespasses should prosecute the said matters this side the quinzaine of
Easter : wherefore the king requests the count to cause justice to be done
to the aforesaid executor according to the treaty aforesaid, certifying the
king of his proceedings at the said quinzaine.
To John de Hastyng'. Order to be at Gloucester on the morrow of
St. Ambrose next, to wit 5 April, to treat with the king anti other magnates
and faithful subjects concerning the assemblies and musters of men-at-arms
in the marches of Wales made by men of Wales, concerning which the king
has taken counsel with the magnates and others of his council, and has
caused certain of his magnates and others of his council to come to him in
this behalf and has caused others to be enjoined to be with him at
Gloucester at the above date. By K.
[^Fcedera; Pari. Writs.']
The like to :
Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex.
Roger de Mortuo Marl of Wyggemore.
Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk, justiciary of Wales.
Hugh le Despenser, the younger.
John GifFord of Brimmesfeld.
Thomas de Berkele.
Maurice de Berkele. \^Ibid.']
March 28
1321. Membrane Id — cont.
March 30. To W. count of Haiaault, Hollauil, and Zeeland (Sela/id), and lord
Gloucester, of Friesland. Request that he will certify the king before the quinzaine of
the Nativity of St. John the Baptist next concerning the obtaining of a
dispensation from the pope for the marriage of Edward, the king's eldest
son, and the count's daughter, and concerning his intention in this matter,
as it was agreed that the count sliould obtain the dispensation with all
due speed, the said son and daughter being related within prohibited
degrees, and the king has frequently written the pope to obtain such
dispensation, and news has not yet reached the king whether the dis-
pensatian has been obtained or refused, and the count has not certified
him concerning the affair. The king makes this request as he wishes to
be assured of this matter, especially as he has been solicited by the king
of Aragon and divers other magnates concerning the marriage of his said
son, to whom he has refused to answer certainly, lest he should seem to
violate in anywise what has been agreed upon between him and the count.
The king does not intend waiting longer than the said quinzaine to dispose
of the said marriage as shall seem fit and expedient. [_I>'oedera2.
March 30. To B. king of Jerusalem and Sicily. Request that ha will induce
Gloucester. John his brother (^gertnanum) to desist from detaining Matilda, princess of
Achaia {Acaye), and to restore her to liberty, so that she may complete her
marriage with Hugh de Falicia, knight, the said John having violently
captured her whilst on her journey to Bellegarde (Bellicardiim) to complete
her marriage. [_jFcedera^.
March 30. To Hugh Daudele, the younger. Order to join the king at Gloucester
Gloucester, on Friday before St. Ambrose, to wit 6 April next, to show cause why
his lands ought not to be taken into the king's hands and the other things
be executed that are contained in his writing binding himself to assist the
king to the extent of his power and to do what the king should enjoin upon
him, as the king has frequently ordered the said Hugh to come to him at
certain dates and places to obey the king's orders and pleasure, and Hugh
has refused to obey such orders. By K.
April 10. John de Ratyngden, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Gloucester. Wyncelade 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Sussex. — The chancellor received the acknowledg uent.
Cancelled on payment.
Stephen de Abyndon acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le Despenser,
the elder, bOl. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in the city of London. — The chancellor received the acknow-
Cancelled on payment.
Enrolment of letters of Peter de Eketon, executor of the will of Margery,
late the wife of Nicholas de Eketon, formerly the executrix of the will of
Nicholas, acknowledging receipt from John de Sancto Johanne, lord of
Basyiig', tenant of the lands that belonged to John de Sancto Johanne,
deceased, of 50Z. I3s. 4d., which the said John de Sancto Johanne,
deceased, acknowledged that he owed to the said Nicholas in the late
king's chancery. Dated at Gloucester, 10 April, 14 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Peter came into chancery at Gloucester, on the
said day, and acknowledged the above deed.
April 11. John de Sancto Johanne of Basyng' acknowledges that he owes to
Gloucester. Peter de Eketon 501. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Southampton. — The chancellor received the acknow-
1321. Membrane Id — cont.
April 13. To Humphrey de Bohuii, earl of Hereford and Rssex, lord of Breghenok.
Gloucester. Order to cause ihe king's peace to be maintained inviolably in the
■ aforesaid land of Breghenok, and not to permit assemblies and demonstra-
tions in warlike manner to be made anywhere within his power, and not
to make sucli assemblies himself, and not to presume to go with armed
power against other persons who are in the king's peace and faith, and
not to permit his men to do so, as the king is and always will be ready
to exhibit justice to him and otlier men of the realm, complaint having
reached the king that many men of Breghenok and of the lands of other
lords in Wales make such .-•.ssemblies and demonstrations, the cause of
the making of such assemblies being unknown. By K.
[Pari. Writs.']
The like to the following :
John de Hastyng', lord of Berganeye.
Roger Dammory, lord of Usk and Tregruok.
Hugh le Despenser, lord of Glomorgan.
John de Cherleton, lord of Powis.
Roger de Mortuo Mari, lord of VVygemore.
John Gytfard of Brymmesfeld, lord [of] Tskennyn.
Thomas de Berkele.
Maurice de Berkele. [Ibid.]
To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to cause proclamation to be made
with all speed forbidding anyone making or attending such assemblies, etc.,
and to inhibit bishops, abbots, priors, earls, barons, knights, and all others
of his bailiwick from harbouring or honr.ing any one making or attending
such assemblies, or from counselling or aiding such assemblies, as the kinf
understands that such assemblies are beins made contrary to his Inhibition.
[Ibid.] " By K.
The like to the sheriffs of the following counties :
Worcester. Salop.
Gloucester. Stafford. [Ibid.]
To Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk, justice of Wales. Order to cause
like proclamation and inhibition to be made. By K.
Memorandum, that on 16 April, 14 Edward IL, the king being at
Gloucester and at the house of the PViars Minors, where J. bishop of
Norwich, his chancellor, was then staying, the chancellor in his chamber
delivered to the king the great seal under his seal in the presence of
Si IS Thomas de Brotherton, earl of Norfolk and marshal of England,
Edmund his brother, Edmund, earl of Arundel, Hugh le Despenser, the
elder, Hugh le Despenser, the younger, and Geoffrey de («c) Scrop; and
the king received the .«eal from him, and forthwith delivered it to Sir
Roger de Northburgh, keeper of the wardrobe, who received it and
carrie<l it away with him thence; and on 18 April, in the king's castle
of Bristol, in the king's presence, the aforesaid Roger and Master
Henry de CI if, and Sir William de Horlaston, clerks of the chancer}',
opened the seal, and sealed writs therewith, and the seal remained after
the sealing under the seals of the said Henry and William in the same
wardrobe in the custody of the aforesaid Roger, and the king ordered
Henry and William to do daily what pertained to the office of the seal.
Afterwards, upon the return of Sir William de Ayremyun from the marches
of Scotland — where he stayed some time by the king's orders for the expe-
dition of matters touching the king and kingdom — to the court on 24 April
at Bath, he put his seal to the great seal together with the aforesaid Master
Henry by the king's order. On 3 May, the king, being at Walyngford,
14 EDWAED II. 367
1321. Membrane Id — cont.
sent the great seal under his privy seal to the said chancellor at London by
the said William de Ayremuyn, ordering him by writ of privy seal to do
therewith what was fitting, and William delivered the great seal thus
sealed to the chancellor in his chamber in his inn at London, in the
presence of the aforesaid Master Henry and of William de Horlastoii,
and of Sir Roger de Sutton, Sir John de Merton, and other clerks of the
chancery, and the chancellor received the seal from William, aud opened
it in his chamber on 6 May, and sealed writs therewith. Afterwards the
king, wishing to relieve the chancellor of labour during his illness, ordered
him by writ of privy seal to deliver the great seal to Sir William de
Ayremynn, to be kept by him under the seals of Sir Robert de IJardelby
and the aforesaid Master Henry. He also ordered by writs of privy seal
the said William, Robert, and Henry separately, to wit William to receive
the seal from the chancellor and to keep it as above eaid, and that he and
Robert and Henry should do therewith wh:it pertained to the office; and
the chancellor, lying in bed in his inn, on 20 May, delivered the writs of privy
seal according to their directions to the aforesaid William and Robert, and
the writ directed to Master Henry he delivered lo Sir Thomas de Evesham,
clerk, for delivery to Master Henry, and delivered the great seal sealed with
his privy seal to the aforesaid William with his own hands, in the presence
of the aforesaid Robert and of Sirs Geoffrey de Welleford, Roger de Sutton,
Adam de Brora, and of many other clerks of the chancery ; and William
[received] the seal thus sealed from the chancellor, and carried it forth-
with with him to Westminster, and there lie and the said Robert and Henry
opened it on the same day at the tbird hour, and sealed writs and cbarter.s
therewith, the aforesaid writ to Henry having been previously delivered
to him by the said Thomas. \^Parl Writs.']
Membrane Id. — Schedule.
April 23. To Humphrey de Bohoun, earl of Hereford and Essex. Whereas the king
Bristol. lately enjoined liim to come to him at Gloucester at a certain day to take
counsel with the king and with the other magnates and others of the king's
council concerning the assemblies of men-at-arms in Wales and the
marches, and the earl did not come at that time, but i^ignified to the king
by John de Somery and Robert de Kendale that he would not come to
the king so long as Hugh le Despenser, the younger, remained in the
king's company ; and the abbot of Dore afterwards came to the king, and
explained, on the earl's behalf, that the earl would willingly come lo the
king by his orders, but that he durst not do so whilst the aforesaid Hugh
was in the king's company, and requested the king to amove Hugh from
his company, and to summon a parliament at a suitable time and place,
where the earl and Hugh might come securely to propound their complaints
and to receive judgment, and thai the king would in the meantime commit
Hugh to the custody of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, stating that Humphrey
would mainpern, under forfeiture of all that he could forfeit, to take Hugh
to the earl of Lancaster and to bring him back to the parliament in safety,
adding that Humphrey would come to tlie king at Gloucester before he
left those parts in hope that the king would grant his aforesaid request ;
and as it was not evident to the king that the abbot vias charged by
Humphrey to propound the premises, because he did not bring with him
any letters from Humphrey, the king sent his clerk William de Leycestre
with his letters to Humphrey, in order that Humphrey might certify the
king by his letters if the premises had been enjoined upon the abbot by
him ; and Humphrey has written that he requested the abbot to tell
the king the premises on Humphrey's behalf; the king, understanding
Humphrey's request, not without great wonder, considers his excuse for
May 1.
May 1.
May 17.
Membrane Td — Schedule — cont.
not coming to the kin^ whilst Hugh is in his company as insufficient,
because Hugh was appointed the king's chamberlain by the counsel of the
prelates, earls, barons, andi procerei of the realm and by Humphrey's counsel
in full parliament at York, and no complaint has been hitherto made
against him afterwards in any other parliament by Humphrey or by others,
and Humphrey cannot be ignorant that the king's orders are a protection
antl defence to all and singular coming to him by such orders, as they
ought to be according to the law and custom of the realm. It would be
unfitting and dishonest to amove Hugh from the king's company, after
assuming such an office, as suddenly as Humphrey desires, and it would
be an unjust nnd pernicious example to other ministers of the king if the
king so amoved him without cause. The king had, before the arrival of
the aforesaid abbot, disposed to have treaty with Humphrey and certain
others of his subjerts at Oxford in three weeks from Easter next, as well
concerning a day and plate for holding a parliament as upon other affairs
of the realm. The king cannot and ought not to commit Hugh or any
other person to custody without cause^ since this would be contrary to
Magna Carta, and the common law of the realm, and also contrary to
the ordinances, which Humphrey is bound by oath to observe, and also
contrary to the king's oath, binding him to exhibit justice to all and
singular; for Hugh has offered himself openly and publicly before the
king to answer in parliament and elsewhere to the complaints of all and
singular making complaints of him, and to stand to right therein, and the
king is and will be always prepared to do justice to Humphrey and to all
others complaining of Hugh or of others, as befits his royal dignity :
wherefore the king orders Humphrey to be with him in person at Oxford
on Sunday in three weeks from Easter aforesaid, putting aside all excuse,
to treat with the king and his other magnates upon the premises and to
give his counsel. [Pari. Writs.~\
The like to Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wygemor. [Ibid.']
To the aforesaid earl of Hereford and Essex. Like order, adding that
as the king's envoys who were sent to the marches of Scotland to treat
with the men of Scotland, as was lately agreed in the parliament at
Westminster, have now returned to the king, and the envoys of the pope and
of the king of France, who were present at the aforesaid treaty, have
likewise returned from the northern parts, and desire to return to parts
beyond sea with all speed, the king, desiring to acquiesce with their desires,
has no^v ordained that the treaty aforesaid, which he proposed should be
held at Oxford at the aforesaid date, shall be held at Westminster on
Sunday in a month from Easter last : wherefore the king orders the earl
te be present at that date and place in person. By K. and C.
[Pari. Writs.']
The like to Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wygemore. [/Ai'rf.]
The the sheriff of Huntingdon. Order to cause proclamation to be
made in the town of St Ives and in other places inhibiting tourneying, etc.,
at St. Ives or elsewhere in the realm without special licence from the king,
as the king understands that certain persons are coming to tourney at
St. Ives in three weeks from Easter, notwithstanding the king's pro-
clamations prohibiting tournaments. By K.
Richard Abbot of Outheby acknowledges that he owes to Roger son of
Geoffrey de Stanerne of Sutton 500/.; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Leicester.
Memorandum, that on 9 March, Sir Hugh le Despenser, the younger, and
Sir John de Crombwell appeared in chancery, and after two deeds enrolled
in chancery had been read in chancery, one granting lands from Hugh to
1321. Membrane Id — Schedule — cont.
John and Idonia his wife, and the other containing a recognisance for
40,000Z. made to John by Hugh, and a recognisance for 6,000/. made by
Hugh and his father Hugh, to be annulled upon certain conditions con-
tained in the said deed, Hugh ofFered to ,Iohn and Idonia the manor of Par-
lington, CO. York, and the manor of Alkeberwe, co. Lincoln, on condition that
if they exceeded the yearly value of 136 marks, then the surplus should
remain to Hugh and his heirs for all the time that John and Idonia hold the
manors, and if the manors do not reach the above value, Hvigh should make
satisfaction for what is wanting out of his lands elsewhere. The aforesaid
Hugh, the younger, also offered to John and. Idonia the advowsons of the
churches of Lammersh and Westhorndon, co. Essex, to be granted to the
master, brethren, and sisters of the hospital of St. Katherine's by the Tower
of London, on condition that if the said churches did not reach the yearly
value of 40/., then Hugh should satisfy John and Idonia for what was
short from his rents in London.
April 22.
April 23.
April 21.
April 21.
April 27.
April 25.
April 26.
Membrane 'Id — Schedule, dorse.
John de Sancto Laudo acknowledges that he owes to Philip de Engelfeld
160 marks ; to be levied, iu default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Somerset. — Master Henry de Clif received the acknowledgment.
Richard Hamund acknowledges that he owes to Walter son of Walter de
Plash 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Salop.
To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Order to take counsel concerning
the spreading of false news throughout the country, and to coerce those
who spread such false news and the inventors of the lies by grievous
censure, as it befits his office to coerce such offenders, for the king hears
daily of the spreading of such false news. By K.
[Feeder a ; Pari. Writs. 1
The like to sixteen other bishops. [^Ibid.^
To Thomas de Berkeleye. Order not to give audience to the relation
of invented news, and to labour by himself and his men to allay the
scandals arising from the spreading of such news, and to refrain from
being present at any assemblies and retentions of men-at-arms, and to give
his counsel and aid to prevent such being held. By K.
\^Foedera ; Pari. Writs.']
The like to eight earls and sixty-two others. \_Ibid.'\
John de Badburgham, who had his maintenance at the late king's request
in the abbey of Kt. Ed[mund], is dead, as the king learns, and Master
Eichard de PeshuU, the king's surgeon, is sent to the abbot and convent by
the king to receive such maintenance for life as John had in their house.
By p.s. [5631.]
Walter son of Roger atte Wode came before the king, on Saturday after
St. George the Martyr, and sought to replevy his land in La Wode near
the forest of Powesham, which was taken into the king's hands for his default
before the justices of the Bench against the prior of Munchenekyngton.
This is signified to the justices.
To Bartholomew de Badelesmere, constable of Dover castle and warden
of the Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place. Order to cau.<o
proclamation to be made in each of the ports and elsewhere in his bailiwick
inhibiting any knight or other man-at-arms from going out of the realm to
parts beyond sea, and inhibiting any person whatsoever taking horses-at-
"1.321. Membrane 7d — Schedule, dorte — cont.
arms or armour out of the renlm, without special licence from the king, and
ordering him not to permit any knight or other man-at-arms to cross to
parts beyond sea, and not to permit any one to take horses-at-arms or
armour to the said parts. By p.s. [5628.]
The like to the following :
The constable of Bamburgh castle.
The bailiffs of Neubiggyng'.
The mayor and baihffs of Scartheburgh.
The bailiffs of Ravenesrodde.
The bailiffs of Kyngeston-on-HuU.
The mayor and bailiffs of York.
The bailiffs of Barton-on-Humber.
The bailiffs of Grymmesby.
The bailiffs of Plymmuth.
The bailiffs of Waymuth.
The mayor and bailiffs of Exeter.
The mayor and bailiffs of Bristol.
The mayor and bailiffs of Lincoln.
The bailiffs of John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, at Boston.
The bailiffs of Orford.
The king's bailiffs at Great Yarmouth.
The baililfs of Little Yarmouth.
The bailiffs of Lenne.
The bailiffs of Blakeneye.
The bailiffs of Ipswich.
The bailiffs of Harwich.
The bailiffs of Exemuth.
The bailiffs of Tengemulh.
The bailiffs of Fouwy.
The bailiffs of Lostwythiel.
The bailiffs of Norwich.
The bailiffs of Colcestre.
The keeper and sheriffs of London.
The bailiffs of Shorham.
The bailiffs of Chichester.
The bailiffs of Lyme.
The bailiffs of Portesmuth.
The bailiffs of Southampton.
The bailiffs of Boaulieu.
The bailiffs of Briggewauter.
The baihffs of Sutton.
The bailiffs of Plymton.
The mayor and bailiffs of Newcastle-cn-Tyne.
The prior of Tynnemuth.
The bailiffs of Hertelpol.
The bailiffs of Jarum.
The bailiffs of Whitby.
The like to the sheriffs of the following counties, ' mutatis competenter
mutandis ' :
Northumberland. Essex.
York. Cornwall.
Lincoln. Sussex.
Devon, Southampton.
Norfolk and Suffolk, Somerset and Dorset,
Kent. Gloucester,
May 4.
May 4.
1321. Membrane 7d — Schedule, dorse — cont.
May 1. John Broun came before the king, on Friday after St. Mark, and sought
Wallingford. to replevy to I.sabella, late the wife of Hugh Broun, William Broun, and
Thomas his brother their land in Horton, which was taken into the king's
hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against John le
Despenser. This is signified to the justices.
May 1. To Humphrey de Bohoun, earl of Hereford and Essex. Order not to
Wallingford. attack Hugh le Despenser, the younger, or his lands in the marches of
Wales, or to do anything in breach of the king's peace, as the king hears
that he is preparing to attack the said Hugh and his lands on account of
certain disputes that have arisen between him and Hugh, and that Hugh
is preparing to attack him. The king has caused like prohibition to be
sent to Hugh. By K. and C.
[Pari. Writs.]
The like to Hugh le Despenser, the younger, and to Roger de Mortuo
Mari of Wygemore. [Ibid.]
Simon de Perepount acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Nerford
20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Norfolk.
Robert le Forester of Stubbenhuth acknowledges that he owes to
Geoffrey atte Legh 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Middlesex.
Alexander de Cheyny acknowledges that he owes to Ralph de Wedon,
knight, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Buckingham.
William Persoun of Sudbury acknowledges that he owes to John de Cove
33 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
cos. Essex and Suffolk.
Brother Thomas, abbot of Bruern (Bruera), acknowledges that he
owes to Bonus Philippi, Dinus Forset', Francis Balduch', Francis Gran-
dony, Loteryngus de Colyne, and their fellows of the society of theBardi of
Florence, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Oxford.
Stephen Craye puts in his place William de Holewell or John de
E[ve]sham to sue the matter of a recognisance in chancery for 50/. made
to him by Laurence son of Laurence de Preston.
May 8. Adam eon of Adam de la Forde, knight, acknowledges that he owes to
Westminster. William de Ayremynn, clerk, 10 marks; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex. — The chancellor received the
Cancelled on payment.
May 9. Ralph le Mareschal and Jordan le Mareschal acknowledge that they
Westminster, owe to Isabella, daughter of Ralph le Mareschal, 100 marks ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of Iheir lands and chattels in cos. Somerset and
May 11. Simon de Everesdon came before the king, on Monday after St. John
Westminster, ante Portam Lntinam, and sought to replevy to the abbot of St. Albans
the abbot's liberty of St. Albans, which was taken into the king's hands
on account of the default that the abbot made before the justices in eyre
at the Tower of London. This is signified to the aforesaid justices.
.John de Sloghtre acknowledges that he owes to Master John Waiewayn
66/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Gloucester.
A A 2
1321 . Membrane Id — Schedule, dorse — cont.
May 13. Robert de TVatevill, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Walter Wal-
Westminster. deshef 80 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. NorfoUc.
Adam son of William de Wylby acknowledges that he owes to John de
Wylby and John de Harwedon 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
May l*?. Richard Abbot of Outheby acknowledges that he owes to Roger son of
Westminster. Geoffrey de Stanerne of Sutton 500/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Leicester.
Cancelled on payment.
Membrane 6d.
Enrolment of release by Amabilia, late the wife of Roger de Huntyng-
feld, to Sir Walter de Huutyngfeld, knight, of her right in the manor of
Westwycham and the advowsou of the church of the same, with all appur-
tenances whatsoever ; and of her right in the manor of Dodemere, in the
town of Meepham, co. Kent. Witnesses : Sir Simon de Northwode, knight ;
Stephen de Chelfeud ; Hugh de Lee ; Henry de Mares ; Hamo Calvel ;
Henry Walkyn ; Benedict de Huntyngfeud ; Rich.ard le Walsshe; William
de Chimbliam, Dated at London, on Wednesday before St. Dunstan,
14 Edward II.
Memorandu7n, that the aforesaid 'ilncomplete.^
May 15. The abbot of Wouburn acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he
WeBtminster. owes to Robert Lovet 80/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their
lands and chattels in cos. Buckingham and Bedford.
Cancelled on payment acknowledged by William de Caldecote, executor
of the said Robert's ivill, before the chancellor on 21 May, in the 18<A year
of the king's reign.
Richard Attehole, parson of the church of Bruitewell Solham, diocese
of Lincoln, and William atte Hole, the younger, his brother, acknowledge
that they owe to Henry de Malyns 100s. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of their lands and chattels in co. Oxford.
James de Shurleye acknowledges that he owes to Ralph son of James
de Shurleye 1,000 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Nottinghiim.
Robert de Maundevill acknowledges that he owes to John de la Beche
200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Somerset.
Adam de Lovetot acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey de la Lee 100/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Cam-
Robert de Wauton acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Bardelby, clerk,
20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Bedford.
May 16. Hugh Matefrey, citizen of London, Adam de Ely, and Simon de Thorn-
Westminster, ham acknowledge that they owe to Edmund, earl of Arundel, 100/. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the city of
1321. Membrane Qd — cont.
Richard de Betoigne, Thomas de Betoigne, and William de Hedreshete
acknowledge that they owe to the said earl 100/. ; to be levied, iu delault
of payment, of their lands and chattels in the city of London.
Cancelled on payment.
May 17. John de Grymstede acknowledges that he owes to William de Staunford,
Westminster, clerk, and William de Dommere, clerk, 1 lOs. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Southampton.
Robert Achard, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de Staun-
ford, clerk, and William de Dummere, clerk, 11 marks 6s. Id. ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in co. Berks.
Enrolment of deed of John son of Martin Schenche, witnessing that
whereas his father purchased from John son of Peter, citizen of London,
100s. of rent issuing from the manor of Dokstede, co. Surrey, of which
rent Martin was seised by the hands of Clarice, Aline, Lucy (Luce), and
Thomasina, who held the manor in succession in inheritance after the death
of Roland Dokstede their father, so that Martin afterwards married Clarice
and afterwards purchased the purparty of Lucy, one of the parceners, from
John Savage and the said Lucy his wife, and the aforesaid Aline purchased
from Thomasina her purparty of the manor, by reason whereof Aline is
bound to the said John son of Martin in 50^. yearly as tenant of a moiety
of the manor, the said John son of Martin hereby releases that sum to
Aline for her life. He also grants that if Clarice, late the wife of Sir
Roger de Welleswoithe, his mother, survive the said Aline her sister, so
that Aline's moiety of the manor come to her, then Clarice shall be quit
of the said 60s. yearly for life. Dated at London, on Saturday the feast of
St. Valentine, 14 Edward II. French.
Memorandum, that John came into chancery, on the said day, and ac-
knowledged the aforesaid deed.
May 21. Robert de Bergham acknowledges that he owes to Elias de Whetley,
Westminster, parson of Hale church, 30 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
To the count of Flanders. Peter Cullul, merchant of Pynchebek, has
shewn to the king that whereas Gilbert Becce and John Foet, burgesses
and merchants of Ypres in Flanders, are bound to him by deed in 63Z.
sterhng, and Robert de Duremund of Ghent is likevrise bound to him in
57/. 10*. Od. sterhng, and although they ought to have paid these sums to
him long ago under a certain penalty contained in the bonds, he has been
unable to obtain payment; whereupon the king requested the eckevins,
consules, and men of the said towns to cause speedy justice to be done to
the said merchant, and the king requests the count to cause justice to be
done to him in case the echevins, consules, and men fail to do so, as the
count would that the king should do to his merchants in like case.
To the echevins [and] consules of Ypres, Order (sic) to cause the
aforesaid merchant to be satisfied for his debts and damages.
Like order(s!c) to the echevins, consules, and men of Ghent.
Like order (sj'c) to the echevins, consules, and men of Malins in Brabant,
to cause the said merchant to be satisfied for 120/. and his damages.
To J. duke of Britanny (sic). Request that he will cause justice to be
done to the said merchant in case the said echevins and consules fail to do
him justice.
To the echevins, consules, and men of Ypres. Request that they will
cause Peter Cullul and Nicholas de Holand, executors of the will of John
Cullul of Pyncebek, to be satisfied for 33/. bs. Od. and for damages.
May 23.
May 23.
May 24.
May 25.
Membrane Qd — cont.
To the count of Flanders. Reque.st that he will cause justice to be done
to the aforesaid executors in case the said echevins, consules, and men fail
to do so.
Roger Lovekyn, rector of Craunford church, diocese of London, acknow-
ledges that he owes to William de Sancto Albano, chaplain, the elder,
20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Middlesex.
Master John de Malraesbury, parson of Gilling church, diocese of
Lincoln, acknowledges that he owes to Aceritus Portunare, merchant of
Florence, 200 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Huntingdon and Sussex.
Thomas de London, parson of the church of Muchelmerssh, diocese of
Winchester, acknowledges that he owes to Aceritus Portunare, merchant
of Florence, 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Southampton.
Thomas de Neuhagh, parson of Haukeswell church, diocese of York,
acknowledges that he owes to Master Henry de Clif and his co-executors
of the will of Adam de Osgodeby 9 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
John de Ditton, canon of St. Paul's, London, acknowledges that he owes
to Augustine le Waleys of Uxebr[igg] 50 marks ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Kent and Essex.
John Randolf of Leddride acknowledges that he owes to William de
Rokesle of La Roperye, London, 15/; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in cos. Surrey and Sussex.
John son of Richard de Sutton, knight, acknowledges that he owes
to Henry de Edenestowe, clerk, and Robert de Edenestowe, his brother,
40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels, in
CO. Nottingham.
Cancelled on payment,
John le Waleys of Waltham acknowledges that he owes to .Tacomina de
Merk 115 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Essex.
Thomas son of Clement de Ponte Fracto acknowledges that he owes to
William do Clif 27 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Henry Husee and Robert de Shepele, parson of the church of Wollavyng-
ton, executor of the will of William Paynel, puts in his place Hugh de
Bewik against John de Sancto Johanne of Basyng' in a plea of debt of s
recognisance in chancery for 105/. 15s. 8<f., concerning which a writ of
scire facias [is returnable] in the octaves of Holy Trinity.
The said Henry and Robert, executors of the will of Thomas Paynel,
put the said Hugh in their place against the said John in a plea of debt of
a recognisance in chancery for 406/. 13i. 8d.
Robert de Schepele, executor of the will of William Paynel, puts in his
place John de Roteham against the said John de Sancto Johanne.
The said Robert, executor of the will of William Paynel, executor of the
will of Thomas Paynel, puts the said .John in his place against the said
John de Sancto Johanne in a plea of debt.
Membrane Gd — cont.
The said Robert, executor of the will of William Paynel, executor of the
wUl of Thomas Paynel, puts the said John in his place against the afore-
said John de Sancto Johanne in a plea of debt.
Membrane 5d.
May 17. Hu>i;h le Despenser, the younger, acknowledges that he owes to John de
Westminster. Eyngeston 400 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Gloucester, Dorset, and Somerset.
Vacated hy consent.
May 20. Bartholomew de Badelesmere, William Baude, knights, and John de
Westminster. Hegham acknowledge that they owe to Robert de Umframvill, earl of
Angus (Anegos), 1,000 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their
lands and chattels in cos. Kent, Essex, and Hertford.
Cancelled on payment acknowledged by Andrew de Linbergh, attorney
of Gilbert de Babyngton, executor of the said Robert's will.
May 20. Brother Robert, prior of the house of Fordham, of the order of Semping-
Westminster. ham, diocese of Norwich, acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he
owes to Manent Francisci and his brother John, merchants of Florence,
24^. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Cambridge.
Richard, parson of the church of Hulcote, acknowledges that he owes to
John de Bloyham 40»-. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Northampton.
John de Lenham, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Thomas Cok of
Abyndon, merchant, 19/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Berks.
Augustine le Waleys of Woxebrugg acknowledges that he owes to
Richard de Rothyn'gg' and Walter BuUok, vintner of London,
159/. 18s. Od. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in the city of London.
May 20. Robert le Longe of Norwich puts in his place John de Yerdhill to pro-
Westminster, secute the matter of a recognisance for 20/. made to him in chancery by
John de Sancto Johanne of Basing.
May 15.
May 15.
To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Summons to attend a parliament to
be held at Westminster in three weeks from Midsummer. By K.
IParl. Writs.]
The like to W. archbishop of York and to seventeen bishops. [Ibid.]
The like to J. bishop of Bath and Wells. [Ibid.]
The like to W. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. [Ibid.]
To the abbot of St. Augustine's Canterbury. Summons to attend the
above parliament. [Ibtd.]
The like to fifty-two abbots and priors, the prior of the Hospital of
St. John of Jerusalem, and the master of the order of Sempyngham.
To Thomas, earl of Lancaster. Summons to attend the above parlia-
ment. By K.
The like to eight earls and ninety others. [Ibid.]
To William de Bereford. Summons to attend the above parliament to
treat with others of the king's counsel. [Ibid.]
The like to thirty-seven others. [Ibid.]
May 15.
May 15.
Membrane bd — cont.
To the sherifE of Hertford and Essex. Order to cause two knights for
each county, two citizens for each city, and two burgesses to be elected for
each borough, and to cause thera to attend the aforesaid parliament. By K.
\_Ibid.] ^
The like to all the sheriffs of England. {Tbid.']
To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Order to cause the deans and priors
of cathedral churches and archdeacons of the whole province to be present
at the above time and place in person, and to cause all the chapters of the
cathedral churches to come by a proctor each and the clergy of each
diocese of the province to come by two proctors, to treat and consent to
what shall be then ordained, as the king does not wish his aifairs in the
said parliament to be delayed on account of the absence of the deans, priors,
and archdeacons, having ordered the bishops of each diocese in that pro-
vince to cause them to be present as above. By K. and C.
\^Parl. Writs.]
Membrane 4:d.
May 24. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause proclamation to be made that all
Westminster, subjects of the king, merchants and mariners and others, who have suffered
damage on land or sea at the hands of the merchants, mariners, and subjects
of the duke of Britanny and who wish to sue for amends, and all who are
charged with inflicting damage upon the duke's merchants, mariners, and
subjects shall be at [Bordeaux] at the feast of St. Andrew next to treat
before the king's seneschal of Gascony and others of the king's council in
those parts, in order to reform a friendly peace and to do what shall be then
ordained, as the king has caused the truce with the duke of Britanny to be
continued for one year from the feast of All Saints next, when it expires.
The like to all the sheriffs of England.
To Thomas son of John, justiciary of Ireland. Order to cause like pro-
clamation to be made in Ireland.
The like to Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk, justice of Wales, ' mutatis
May 24. To the seneschal of Gascony for the time being. Order to induce John,
Westminster, duke of Britanny, to prorogue for a year from All Saints next the truce
between the king's and his subjects, the king having caused the truce to be
thus prorogued, and, if the duke consent, to cause those of the king's
council of Gascony to be assembled at Bordeaux in the feast of St. Andrew
next, the king having caused proclamation to be made that all his subjects
wishing to complain of damages inflicted upon them by the duke's subjects
and that those who are charged with inflicting damages upon the duke's
subjects shall be at Bordeaux at that feast to treat before the seneschal and
council. The seneschal is ordered to hold treaty then with the council upon
the premises. By K.
[Fcedera.] These letters were patent.
May 27. Wilham Dautre, who served the king and his father, is sent to the abbot
Westminster, and convent of St. Benedict of Holme {Hulmo) to receive his maintenance
therein, as Roger Ussher, who long served the king and his father and who
received the necessaries of life from that house, is dead. By K.
John de Yerdhill acknowledges that he owes to John de Stapelton
J 0 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Northumberland.
May 28.
May 30.
June 1.
June 1.
May 28.
Membrane 4d — cont.
John de Lenham, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Cornubia, clerk, 48/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Berks.
To the mayor, bailiffs, and community of Bristol. The king thanks them
for not answering without consulting the king brother Maurice, of the
Priars Minors, coming to them from the earl of Hereford, and because tbey
intend keeping the town safely for the king's use. The king orders them
to keep the town for his use, and not to permit any suspected persons to
enter it, and to aid and counsel those of the castle in guarding it.
William de Melburn acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas de Halleford
40Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Somerset.
John de Hegham of Northampton acknowledges that he owes to Agnes
de Haldenby 8Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Northampton.
Hugh de Grantesete, parson of the church of Ilsington, diocese of
Norwich, acknowledges that he owes to William de Sutton, clerk,
10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
cos. Cambridge and Norfolk.
Thomas de Delewe, Kichard le Botiler, John de Stone, John de
Boklynton, William de Milton, and William Slrugge, acknowledge that
they owe to John de Yerdhill 93^ ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
their lands and chattels in cos. Worcester and Wilts.
Cancelled on payment.
To the sheriff' of Southampton. Order to supersede the king's order to
justice John de Derset, vicar of the church of All Saints, Katcryngton,
diocese of Winchester, by his body until he had satisfied Holy Church for
his contempt and injury, which order was issued at the request of W.
archbishop of Canterbury, signifying by his letters patent that John was
excommunicated for contumacy, as John has appealed against the sentence
to the pope, and is prosecuting his appeal effectually, as appears by papal
letters under bulls and by other instruments exhibited in chancery, and
Richard de Wyndecrot't and Thomas Stak, of the aforesaid county, William
de Norwyco and Robert de Hoo, of co. Sussex, have mainperned to have
him before the king in chancery on the morrow of the Purification next to
do and receive what the king's court shall then consider.
Thomas Pese acknowledges tliat he owes to John de Stone, Richard le
Botiler, John de Bokelynton, and William de Milton 100/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Southampton.
Robert de Helperthorp of Scardeburgh acknowledges that he owes to
Adam de Helperthorp, his brother, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Ralph son of Laurence de Brok acknowledges that he owes to John son
of Robert Pecok of Redeburn, the elder, 15/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Hertford and Buckingham.
Adam de Helpelthorp of Scardeburgh and Robert his brother acknow-
ledge that they owe to the king 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
their lands and chattels in co. York.
Memorandum, that whereas the aforesaid Adam and Robert were
convicted of divers trespasses, etc., against the king before certain of his
May 23.
June 19.
June 20.
June 27.
Membrane 4d — cont.
justices appointed to hear and determine the same, and the king pardoned
them in consideration of the above sums, as contained on the Patent Roll for
this year, the aforesaid Adam and Robert acknowledge that they owe to the
king 2,000 marks under these conditions, that if either of them misconduct
himself against the king hereafter and be convicted thereof, then execu-
tion of this recognisance for 2,()00Z. shall run against him, and the king
grants that execution thereof shall not run against any of them who shall not
be thus convicted.
To R. count of Flanders. The king has received complaint from Gilbert
le Huyrer, citizen and merchant of London, that whereas he lately hired at
Thonrond during the fair there a cart for the purpose of carrying certain of
his goods to Bruges, certain malefactors of the count's power assaulted
Gilbert's men whilst they were taking the cart and goods to Bruges, and
took and carried away certain of his goods from the cart to the value of 76/.,
as in gold florins and groats of Tours, with 6^. 8d. steiling ; wherefore the
king requests the count to cause justice to be done to Gilbert for his goods
and damages, certifying the king of his proceedings.
To the same. The king has received complaint from Henry de Frith,
citizen and merchant of London, that whereas he lately caused ten serplers
of wool, price 150/. sterling, to be loaded in Loudon in a ship called ' La
Blakeship ' of the town of Hulst in Flanders, in order to take the same to the
staple at St. Omer in Artoys to trade there with the same, Walter le
Coupere and William his brother, with other malefactors of the count's
power, took the ship and wool and other goods in her whilst sailing toward
the said staple on the coast of England, and carried the same away with
them into Flanders ; and the said merchant has been unable to obtain resti-
tution or satisfaction, although he has sued for the same, and has therefore
prayed the king to provide him with a remedy ; wherefore the king requests
the count to cause justice to be done to him, and to certify the king of his
proceedings herein by the bearer.
Walter son of Adam de Penres came before the king, on Friday after
SS. Mark and Marcellian, and sought to replevy to Johnde Sutton and Ellen
his wife their land in the parish of St. Clement Danes without the bar of
the New Temple, London, which was taken into the king's hands for their
default before the justices of the Bench against the abbot of Westminster.
This is signified to the justices.
Joan la Porter came before the king, on Saturday after Holy Trinity last,
and sought to replevy his land in Carsford, which was taken into the king's
hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against Richard
Mangge. This is signified to the justices.
Simon le Bokeler, girdler of London, acknowledges that he owes to
Stephen Craye, citizen of London, \0l. • to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in the city of London.
WiUiam Huberd acknowledges that he owes to William de Roderham,
parson of the church of Scurveton, lOOZ. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Membrane 3rf.
June 3. Hugh de Landplogh, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Weitminster. Kaucia, ' cordwaner ' of London, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in England and Wales.
John de C'olumbers acknowledges that he owes to Richard le Botiller of
Thykenapeltre and Peter de Columbers, parson of the church of Chepstede,
16/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
June 20.
June 29.
July 1.
July 3.
Membrane 3d — cont.
John de Colkirk and John de Evre came hel'ore the king, on Saturday
after Holy Trinity, and sought to replevy their land in Hatfeld Regis,
■which wns taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices
of the Bench against "Walter le Seler of Doramawe. This is signified to the
Walter son of Robert de Davyntre puts in his place Hngh de Farndon in
a plea in chancery between Henry de Staunton and him concerning a recog-
nisance in chancery for 40 marks made to Henry by him.
James de Norton puts in his place Thomas de Tochwik or Richard de
Frollebury to prosecute the matter of a recognisance for 401. made to James
by John de Venuz in chancery.
John de Venuz, the elder, and Margery his wife put ia their place
Theobald Polayn in a plea in chancery between James de Norton and the
aforesaid John and Margery concerning a recognisance for 40/. made to
James by John and Margery.
Enrolment of release by John son of Gilbert de Houby, knight, of
CO. Leicester, to Roger Beler of Kyrkehy on Wrethk', near Melton Moubray,
of all his right in all the lands, etc., that Roger had of his grant or demise in
Kjrkeby aforesaid, in demesne or in service, and in the land.s, etc., that
Roger holds or has, in demesne or in service, by any title whatsoever in the
said town. Witnesses: Sir William de Bereford; Sir William de Herle ;
Sir Henry de Scrop, knight ; Geoffrey de Sorop ; Gilbert de Toudeby ; John
de Denoum ; Thomas de Blaston, rector of the church of Cotesbech ; John
de Berle ; and John de Dynglee. Dated at London, on Saturday after
Midsummer, 14 Edward XL
Enrolment of release by John son of Gilbert de Houby, knight, of
CO. Leicester, to the keeper of the chapel of St. Peter of Kyrkeby on Wrethtk,
and the chaplains thereof, of his right in the advowson of the church of that
town, which church is appropi-iated to them, and in all messuages, etc., that
they hold in that town. He warrants to them the advowson and two
messuages on both sides of the ohuich with their crofts, which messuages
with the advowson Roger Beler of Kirkeby had of his gift. Witnesses as
above. In consideration of this release, the keeper and chaplains have
granted that they will be bound for ever to celebrate for the souls of the
said John and of Matilda his mother as they are bound to celebrate for the
souls of others in the foundation. Dated as above.
Memorandum, that John came into chancery at London, on the aforesaid
day, and acknowledged the above deeds.
Robert Alein of Everdon acknowledges that he owes to Peter, parson of
the church of Brochole, 60Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
To the keeper of the port of Dover. Order to permit the abbot of King's
Beaulieu, who is setting out for parts beyond sea by the king's licence, to
cross from that port with his horses and household and with 201. for his
expenses ; provided that he make no appurtum contrary to the form of the
statute. By K. on the information of Roger de Northburgh.
Robert Bendyn acknowledges that he owes to William de Kemel 251. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Devon.
The said Robert acknowledges that he owes to William Berde 35Z. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Devon.
Robert de Wytewell acknowledges that he owes to Matilda, late the wife
of Geoffrey de Wytewell, 60^.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Derby.
Cancelled on payment.
1321. Membrane 3d — cont.
July 4. To the bailiffs, men, and whole community of the city of Canterbury.
Westminster. The king thanks them because certain of their citizens have answered the
request of certain persons to be intendent to them, so that they should be
captains and governors of the citizens, that they were ready for the king's
honour and profit, being unwilling to be intendent to any other without the
king's order, and he orders them, under pain of forfeiture, to cause the city
to be guarded safely for the king's use, so that they be intendent to none
but him, or those having his commission. By K.
July 3. To Lampinus Rogeri, master of the mint of the king's exchange of
VTestminsier. London and Canterbury. Order to come to the exchequer at Westminster
before the treasurer and barons of the exchequer on Wednesday the morrow
of the translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, on account of certain matters
touching his office, to do what he shall be then enjoined. By K. and C.
The like to William de Septem Vallibus, sheriff of Kent, to be at the
exchequer at the aforesaid day, for certain things touching his office.
Assignment of dower to Amice, late the wife of Laurence de Holbech,
made by the escheator on 1 June, 14 Edward II., at Holbech, of Laurence's
lands in co. Lincoln : a third of a chief messuage in Holbech, wherein
Laurence dwelt, whereupon are built a hall with two sellers, a kitchen, a
chamber called ' Burdenchaumbere,' a chamber called ' Nuricechaumbre,'
a ruinous bakehouse, a little stable, a chamber called ' Gerhous,' a chamber
newly constructed and not yet covered or walled, a pig-house, a ruinous
chamber called ' Folcot,' and a decayed (debilis) house of no value with a
kiln (torali), a,nd a ruinous dovecot; with free ingress and egress at all
times of the year by the great gates newly made ; as appears by the metes
and bounds placed in the said chief messuage. There are also assigned to
her a third of a messuage near Holbech church called ' Arneys place,'
whereon three cottages are built ; a third of a cottage called ' Barelsplace,'
as appears by the metes and bounds therein placed ; a third of a messuage
in riete called ' Bromsted,' whereon are built a cowhouse, a ruinous bake-
■ house, and a decayed gate house {doni portarum), as appears by the metes
and bounds therein placed ; a third of a place called ' Blakrichardesplace,'
whereon is built a cottage ; a third of a place called ' iVIareschalplace,' with
a third of a cottage thereon ; a third of a piece of land called ' Stanied ' ; a
third of a piece of land called ' Kayleslond ' ; a third of a piece of land
called ' Castelescroft ' ; a third of a piece of land called ' Matheuscroft' ; at
Holbech, a third of two pieces of land called ' Briddeslant ' ; a third of a
piece of land called ' Milnecroft ' ; a third of a piece of land called ' Boyd-
inslant ' ; a third of a piece of land called ' Chapelcroft,' with a chapel
built upon it, which chapel ought to serve Alice and the heirs of Laurence
in common ; a third of a piece of land called ' Le Groundleswele ' ; a third
of three pieces called ' Baaslant ' ; a third of a piece of land called ' North-
croft ' ; a third of two pieces of land called ' Heghestneulant ' ; a third of a
piece of land near Doddescroft ; a third of three pieces of land called
' Hatesnesse,' with the whole ditch on the south side, and with ingress and
egress at the west end ; a third of a selion of land called ' Boydinsrigg.'
There are also assigned to her a moiety of a piece of land called ' Brounes-
lant ' ; a moiety of a piece of land called ' Doddescroft ' ; a moiety of three
pieces of land called ' Samclehouses ' : because these places are held in
socage. There are also assigned to her a third of a piece of meadow called
' Bulwermedu ' ; a third of a piece of meadow called ' Cadwaldesmedu ' ; a
third of a piece of meadow called ' Bulwerspingle ' ; a third of a piece of
meadow called ' Estmedu ' ; a third of a piece of meadow called ' Seefoules-
land ' ; a third of a piece of meadow called ' Foulmanslant ' ; a third of a
piece of meadow called ' Stiwardesmedu ' ; a third of a piece of pasture
14 EDWARD n.
1321. Membrane 3d — cont.
called ' Chaumpeneysmore ' ; a third of a piece of pasture called ' Whites-
more ' ; a third of a piece of pasture at Brounescote ; a third of two pieces
of pasture in Cakrowe ; a third of a piece of pasture at Cotteshill. There
are also assigned to her a moiety of a piece of pasture called ' Ruschcroft ' ;
a moiety of a piece of pasture called ' Dodelesrigg ' ; a moiety of a piece of
pasture at Mattyhirn : because these pieces are held in socage. There
are also assigned to her a moiety of a sea-marsh called ' Thrilcyngiiam
mersch,' with a moiety of a house there, a moiety of a hoffa and a moiety of
an area of the said hoga ; because they are held in socage. There are also
assigned to her pasture for 99 sheep in Northover, and pasture for 80 sheep
in the marshes of Hathenessemersch and Troidelmersch for lier life, with
the third of a hoga and a moiety of a sheepcot at the west end of Hathenesse.
There are also assigned to her a saltpan (salina), with hoga and area called
' Alverscot'at Hathenesse; a saltpan with hoga and area called 'Littelcot '
there ; an area there called ' Lootham ' ; a saltpan with hoga and area, con-
taining 4 acres and 1 rood of area, at Hirnesflete called ' Bykn . . . cote ' ; a
saltpan with hoga and area called ' Goldyngeshowe ' there ; and a quarter of
a saltpan there with hoga and area called ' Cotelshowe.' There is also as-
signed to her a windmill in Holbech called ' Havercroftmuln,' for a third of
all Laurence's mills in Holbech and Flete. There are also assigned to her
the rents and services of Eoger Wlward, Eborard Kay, Robert le Oxhird,
Peter Oldher, William Wymer, Inuocencia de Karton, John Tayillur,
Simon ad Capellam, and a third of the rents and services of Laurence de
Flete, and I5d. of rent from William Yermanger, free tenants. There are
also assigned to her a moiety of a piece of land at Algerkirk and a moiety
of a piece of land at Kirkton, because these pieces are held in ' sokland.'
Membrane 2d.
June 3. Richard le Botiller of Thykenhapeltre acknowledges that he owes to
Westminster. John de Columbar[iis] 5 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Worcester.
William de Henle acknowledges that he owes to John de Crosseby,
clerk, iOs. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Surrey.
Robert le Keu of Lincoln puts in his place William his brother and
Stephen de Crey, citizen and fishmonger of London, to sue in the king's
court the matter of the levying of a debt due to him from the count of
Holland and Zeeiand.
June 5. Walter de Carleton acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Farnylawe
Hailleigh. 80 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
June 8. John Wygerous of Tilbury and Thomas de Haverhill of Bolewenenne
Faversham. acknowledge that they owe to Roger de Sutton, clerk, 100*. ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co.Essex.
Reginald Pyrot, son of Ralph Pyrot of Herlyngdon, knight, acknowledges
that he owes to John son of Robert Pecok of Redbourne, the elder,
171. 6s. Sd. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Bedford.
June 9. Thomas son of Richard le Palmere of London acknowledges that he owes
Faversham. to the prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England 103*. 4d. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of
X321. Membrane Id — cont.
William de Berdefeld acknowledges that he owes to John de la Chaumbre,
clerk, citizen of London, 16/. 16s. 4rf. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Middlesex.
June 9. Henry de Boudon of Stanes acknowledges that he owes to Robert de
Faversham. Neuwerk 20/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO, Middlesex.
June 11. Adam de Thunderle acknowledges that he owes to Henry Darcy 200/. ;
Sturry. to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of
June 12. Oliver de Ingham, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le
Sturry. Despenser, the younger, 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk.
June 15. John de Burford of Suthampton acknowledges that he owes to William
Slurry. de Middelton, Richard le Botiller, William de Esthall, Adam le Plastrer,
Thomas Pey . . . . , William Strugger, Edmund Cheym, and Roger
de ThornhuU, 160/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Southampton.
June 15. Eichard de Baldok came before the king, on Tuesday after St. Barnabas,
Sandwich. and sought to replevy to William Balle, Alan le Chapelayn, William le
Spycer, and Isabella Page their land in Clothale, taken into the king's hands
for their default before the justices of the Bench against William son of
Hugh le {sic) Bretevill. This is signified to the justices.
Peter le Bailliolf puts in his place Robert son of John de Neuwerk to
sue fbr the execution of a recognisance in chancery for 8/. Is. 0\d., made to
him by John de Crumbwell.
Enrolment of release by Roald de Rychemund, knight, to Geoffrey le
Scrop, of his right in the manor of Burtonounstable and all appurtenances.
Witnesses : Sir Henry le Scrop, Sir William de Herle, Sir Richard de
Bernyngham, knights ; Robert de Eggesclyff ; . . . . de Merkynfeld ;
Henry de Preston ; Geoffrey de Pyngale. Dated at London, Monday after
St. Barnabas, 14 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Roald came into chancery at the house of the Con-
versi, London, on the said day, and acknowledged the above deed.
June 20. John de Warneborn of Sheperton acknowledges that he owes to William
Dover. de Chastel 60 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Middlesex.
Cancelled on payment.
Richard Abbot of Outheby acknowledges that he owes to Robert Cosyn
of Bernewell 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels, in co. Leicester.
William de Hempsted acknowledges that he .owes to William de
Ayremynn, clerk, 100s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels, in co. Sussex. — R. de Bardelby and Master H. de Clif, keepers
of the seal, received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
June 24. William de la Doune acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Bardelby,
Dover. clerk, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
This is the partition made between Robert de Hedon and Joan his wife,
kinswoman and co-heiress of John de Danthorp, knight, and William
1321. Membrane 2d — cont.
Berchand, kinsman and co-heir of the said John, which William is an idiot
in the king's wardship, made on Friday before the Conversion of St. Paul,
14 Edward II., before Gilbert de Stapelton, escheator this side Trent, by
virtue of the king's writ, of the tenement in Skeftlyng : to wit a moiety of
the chief messuage on the north ; 2 selions of land in the east field at
Bonneland, containing two parts of the cultura of Bonneland towards the
north; at Robyngarchird a selion containing a third of the said cultura on
the south ; at Chapelmere a moiety of the same cultura, with a moiety of
the Levedyhuttes on the north; at Billotmar two selions with adjoining
meadow, containing two parts of the same cultura of Billotmar on the
south ; at Swaynkeld a selion containing a third of the same cultura on the
north ; a moiety of the cultura of StokiUi on the south ; a moiety of the
cultura of Heghmeredaill on the north ; at Milnedaile all the cultura ; a
moiety of the cultura at Malkyngarth on the south ; at Akerdik a moiety of
the cultura on the north ; part of Pundaghilaile below the court towards
the south ; a moiety of Stodhaghinar on the north; Le Skotendyk on this
side ; a moiety of the cultura of Heghmerdaile, which moiety Eichard
Hubert holds, on the south; in the west field a moiety of the cultura of
Theflith on the south ; at Batywell a moiety of the c%iltura on the north ;
at Pundaghclot two selions containing two parts of that cultura on the
south, with a moiety of an acre of land butting upon the selion of Richard
atte Grene ; at Skipendaile [a moiety] of a selion containing a thii-d of the
cultura on the north ; all the cultura at the court of Stephen Marchant ;
at Skalburdaile two selions containing two parts of that cultura on the
south; at Utegang ... a selion containing a third of that cultura
on the north; a moiety of the cultura at Toftumdaile on the south; a
moiety of the cultura of Skalburdaile, which Richard Hubert holds, on the
north ; a moiety of the meadow of Fosse on the south ; a moiety of the
pasture of Oxland on the west, together with the breadth of 4 feet on the
east, and in length from a certain ' lydeyate ' on the north to Le Utehenges
on the south ; so that she shall find her parcener and his men free chace
with free ingress and egress with their beasts and carts of the breadth of
16 feet up to Le Utehenges. Also a moiety of the pasture of Le Utehengea
on the west, so that she shall find free ingress and egress as abo\e, beyond
her land of Le Fremanhenges to Le Oxla[nd], and that the west part o±
the pasture of Le Oxland shall find on the east part of the same free chace
with free ingress and egress of the breadth aforesaid at the north end.
Also Stephen Marcrant [sic) and Alice de Suthiby, who hold in bondage on
the north. Also Richard Hubert, cottar, on the north. Also the free tenants,
to wit from Robert de Frebois, l|rf. yearly ; from William atte Lawe, 3s.
yearly ; and from the rent of Richard Styuel, 2\\d. on this side. If any-
thing of the tenement or bondmen (nat'is) pertaining to the heirs he
undivided, it shall be divided between them. Also a wall (m . . . . )
shall be made between the aforesaid parts upon the soil of both, at the
expense of both.
This is the partition made between Robert de Hedon and Joan his wife,
and William Berchand, as above, on the aforesaid day, of the tenement in
Skeftlyng : to wit a moiety of the chief messuage on the south ; in the east
field a selion of land at Bonneland, containing a third of the cultura of
Bonneland on the south ; at Robyngarchird ttvo selions containing two parts
of the cultura on the north ; at Chapelmere a moiety of the same cultura,
with a moiety of Le Levedibuttes on the south, together with a meadow
abutting upon the western end of Personlandes ; at Bjllotesmar a sehon
with adjoining meadow, containing a third of that cultura on the north ; at
Swayn[keld] two selions containing two parts of that cultura on the
south ; a moiety of the cultura of Siokild on the north ; a moiety of the
cultura of Heghmerdale on the south ; at Swynstidore all the cultura :
1321. Membrane 2d — cont.
a moiety of the cullura at Malkyngarth od the north ; at Akerdyk
a moiety of the cultura on the south ; a part of Pundaghdaile below the
court, on the north; a moiety of Stodahaghmar on the south; a plot of
meadow called Le [Cha]pelplat, together with 27 perches of land in
length near the ChapeWat and Therigarth, in allowance for Le Skotendyk
on this side; a moiety of the cultura of Heghmerdaile, which Richard
Hubert holds, on the north ; in the west field a moiety of the ctdttira of
Theflith on the north ; at Batiwell a moiety of the cnltura on the
south; at Pundaglitclot a selion containing a third of that cultura on the
north; at Skipendaille two selions containing two parts of the culttcra on
the south ; at Malkyngarth all the cultura ; at Skalburdaile a selion con-
taining a third of the cultura on the north ; at Le Utegang' two selions
containing two parts of the said cultura on the south ; a moiety of a
. . . . at Toftumdaile on the north ; a moiety of tlie cultura of
Skalburdaile, which Richard Hubert holds, on the south ; a moiety of the
meadow of Fosse on the north ; a moiety of the pasture of Le Oxland on
the east, except the breadth of 4 feet, granted to the other party in length
from a certain ' lydeyate ' on the north to Le Utehenges on the south,
provided that he find his parcener free chace, with free ingress and egress
with her beasts and carts of the breadth of 16 feet to Le Utehenges; a
moiety of the pasture of Le Utehenges on ihe east, provided that he find his
parcener and her tenants free chace as above over his land of Le Freman-
henges to Le Oxland, and that the western part of the pasture of Le Oxlaud
shall find for the eastern part free chace, etc., as above, to the northern end.
Also Alan son of Odo and . . . . , who hold in bondage on the south.
Also Simon Norht and Maurice son of Odo, cottars, on the south. Also
these free tenants: H . . . Broun, \d. yearly; Hugh Smyth, \d.
yearly ; John Bradele, a pound of pepper yearly ; Stephen Buk, Id. yearly ;
the rent of Richard Styuel, 3s. 2,\d. If anything of the tenement or the
bondsmen belonging to the aforesaid heirs be undivided, it shall be divided
between them. Also a wall shall be made between them upon the soil of
both of them at their common cost.
July 2. Simnn de Laweshulle of Northampton acknowledges that he owes tc
Westminster. Stephen Craye, citizen of London, 80/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
June 16. To R. bishop of Winchester. Order to admit the king's clerk Geoffrey
Sandwich, de Welleford to the house of St. Cross near Winchester, and to induct him
him into corporal possession thereof, which he has deferred doing although
he has verbally admitted Geoffrey at the king's presentation to the said
house, pretending that the house is filled by Robert de Maydenstan, the
king having ordered him to admit a suitable person to the said house not-
withstanding the claim of Rigaud, late bishop of Winchester, because the
king recovered the presentation against Rigaud by consideration of his
court on the grounds that the presentation thereto pertained to the king by
reason of the late voidance of that bishopric.
Membrane Id.
July 4. Master Richard Abel, parson of the church of Berkhampstede, diocese of
Westminster. Winchester, acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynne, clerk,
13 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
and ecclesiastical goods in co. Berks. — Master H. de Clif, one of the keepers
of the seal, received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
14 EDWARD II. 385
1321. Membrane \d — cont.
William de Holewelle, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Stephen Craye,
citizen of London, 10/. 5*. Ad. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
Robert Tothe of Killum acknowledges that he owes to Robert de
Scorburgh of Beverley 100*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Hugh le Despenser, the elder, puts in his place Ingelram Berenger,
knight, to sue for the execution of all recognisances made to him in chancery.
June 28. To R. bishop of Winchester. Order to admit the king's clerk GteofErey
Westminster, de WeUeford to the house of St. Cross near Winchester, according to the
above order, and to certify the king by his letters patent and by the bearer
hereof if any resistance be made to the execution of this order, so that the
king may cause any lay force to be amoved from that house, as the king
understands that the bishqp ordered the commissary of his official of
Winchester to induct Geoffrey's proctor by virtue of the king's aforesaid
order, and that the commissary went to the house, and found many persons
therein who resisted the execution of the order, so that he could not execute
the order, and that he certified the bishop of such resistance by his letters,
and that the bishop has taken no steps to provide a remedy therefor.
July 2. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to amove the lay force from the
Westminster, aforesaid house, and to arrest any persons resisting the execution of this
order, taking with him for this purpose a suiEcient ^os^e of his county, and
to certify the king of the names of those thus arrested.
76416. B B
( 386 )
1321. Membrane 35.
July 8. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to release Peter le Louf, William
Westminster. Welre, Nicholas Bollard, and John Liebard, Flemings, from prison at
Norwich, wherein they are detained because they carried, on their voyage
to Scotland, certain Scotch rebels with them, and afforded them counsel and
aid. The king makes this order at the request of certain envoys of Robert,
count of Flanders, although he could proceed to judgment of life and limb
against the said Flemings according to the law and custom of the realm.
By K.
The like in favour of Laurence Coupable, Nicholas son of Nicholas,
Baldinus Schink, Godscalcus Marissak, Flemings.
July 8. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
Westminster, meddle further with a plot of land with the houses thereupon adjoining the
hospital of St. John the Baptist, Lenne, and to restore the issues thereof to
the master of the hospital, the escheater having taken the same into the
king's hands on the grounds that the master acquired it after the publi-
cation of the statute of mortmain without licence from the king, as the
king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that the aforesaid plot,
which formerly belonged to Thomas Ansibel of Lenne, was given by one
John Costyn, sometime a burgess of that town, to one Michael, master of
the aforesaid hospital, five years before the publication of the said statute, to
wit on Thursday the feast of St. Matthias {Mat/iee), 2 Edward I., to have
and to hold to the master and his successors in exchange of the aforesaid
John and his heirs by the service of 7d. yearly.
July 10. To the same. Order to cause the lands that belonged to the prior and
Westminster, convent of Bykenacre in Norton, co. Essex, to be restored, together with
the issues received therefrom, and to deliver to Richer de Refham and John
his son all their goods and chattels found upon the said lands and taken into
the king's hands by the escheator, when he took the said lands into the king's
hands on the grounds that they were held in chief of the king, and that
Richer and John acquired them without licence from the king, although the
king lately confirmed by his letters patent the grant made by Robert Burre,
prioi- of the said house, and the convent to Richer and John of the lands
aforesaid for the term of their lives, as it appears by inquisition taken by
certain of the king's subjects appointed by him that the aforesaid lands are
held of John de Boun by the service of the quarter of a knight's fee and
not of the king. By K.
July 12. To the same. Order to cause the manor of Hanyngfeld to be restored to
Westminster. William de Cj'cestre and Joan his wife, together with the issues received
therefrom since the escheator took it into the king's hands, the king having
ordered him to take the manor into his hands because it was suggested to
him that the manor was held in chief and that the prior and convent of
Bykenacre had demised it in fee from their house without his licence, as
Robert de Blakenham, late prior of Bykenacre, and the convent of the same
demised the manor, except the rent of Walter Sewale, to Peter Burre of
Releye and the aforesaid Joan, then his wife, for their Uves, and afterwards
demised it, after Peter's death, to the said William for his life, and it is
found by an inquisition made by the king's order that the manor is not held
of him in chief and is only demised to William and Joan for their lives.
1321. Membrane 35 — cont.
To the same. Order to cause 10 acres of land in Danewebyry to be
delivered to Walter atte Pyrye, togetlier with the issues received therefrom
since the land was taken into the king's hands, the king having ordered the
escheator to take it into his hands because he was given to understand that
it was held in chief and was alienated without his licence fronn the priory of
Bykenacre, as it appears by inquisition made by the king's order that Walter
had the land of the feoffment of Richard atte Pyrye, who recovered it as his
right by consideration of the king's court against Richard Burre, then prior
of Bykenacre, and that the land is held of Alphonsus de Veer and not in
To the sheriff of Warwick. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of William Blaunchfrount, whom the king has amoved
from office for insufficient qualification.
July 1 1. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to cause a coroner for that county
Westminster, to be elected in place of William ' of the Wode,' who is incapacitated by
age and infirmity.
July 13.
The Tower.
July 14.
July 16.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with a rent of 14s. of John de Lasceles in Swalu, co.
Lincoln, and to restore the issues thereof, which rent was taken into the
king's hands by reason of the alienation that the escheator pretended John
de Bradele, who held the rent in chief as parcel of the manor of Bradele,
had made thereof without the king's licence to Robert de Lasceles, brother
of John de Lasceles aforesaid, of whom John is the heir, as the king learns
by inquisition taken by the escheator that the rent is not held of tlie king
in chief as parcel of the aforesaid manor, but that it is held of John de
Britannia, earl of Richmond, as parcel of the manor of Swalu by the
service of a tenth of a knight's fee.
To the sheriff of Surrey. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of Roland de Wykford, who is insufficiently qualified.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance
to be made to Walter le Sauser of Boxhamstede, in his account at the
exchequer for the time when he had the custody of the manor of La Haye,
for 101. paid by him to Peter de Gavaston, late earl of Cornwall, and for
5 marks paid by him to Ingelard de Warle, the king's clerk, as appears by
their letters of acquittance in his possession. By p.s. [5744.]
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause
20 acres of wood in Wodeliam Ferers and Danwebiri to be delivered to
Thomas son of William de Hanyngfeld, together with the issues received
therefrom since the wood was taken into the king's hands, whereof Robert,
sometime prior of Bykenacre, and the canons of the same enfeoffed William
de Hanyngfeld, the king having ordered the escheator to take it into his
hands because he was given to understand that the wood was held in chief
and that it was alienated from the prior and convent of Bykenacre, which
is founded of the alms of the king's progenitors, without his licence, as it is
found by inquisition taken by the king's order that the wood is held of the
earl of Perrers by the service of Id. for scutage when scutage happens,
and not of the king in chief.
To the same. Like order for restitution of 20 acres of land in Wodeham
Mortymer, whereof Benedict, sometime prior of the aforesaid house, and
the canons thereof enfeoffed William le Clerk of Wodeham, as it is found
by inquisition that the land is held of Isabella la Mortymer by the service
of 6d. yearly and not of the king in chief,
P B 2
Aug. 3.
July 14.
1321. Membrane S 5 — cont.
To the same. Like order for restitution of 33 acres of land in Esthanyng-
feld, whereof Alan, sometime prior of Bykenacre, and the convent of the
same enfeoffed William de Hanyngfeld, as it is found hy inquisition that
the land is held of Robert son of Walter together with other lands in that
town by the service of one and a half knights' fees.
To the same. Like order for restitution of 4:2s. of rent in Wodeham Ferers,
whereof the prior and convent of Bykenacre enfeoffed Master Richard de
Badwe, as it is found by inquisition that the rent is held of the earl of
Ferrers by the service ef Hd. yearly and not of the king.
To the same. Like order foi- restitution of 12 acres of land in Daneweby,
whereof Robert, sometime prior of Bykenacre, and (he canons thereof
enfeofEed Alice de Heyham, as it is found by inquisition that the land is
held of the heirs of Richard Mounfychet by the service of Id. yearly and
not of the king in chief.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with 10 acres of land and an acre of pasture in
Eeweuhale that belonged to Richard Coleman, as the king learns by the
escheator's certificate and by an inquisition afterwards taken by him that
the said Richard held at his death the aforesaid land and pasture of William
son of John Martel by the service of 6s. 6d. yearly and by the service of
finding six men for one day in autumn to cut his corn, and that, during the
time when William, who held a carucate of land in Rewenhale of the king
as of the honour of Boulogne, was a minor in the king's wardship, Richard
died, leaving John his son and heir a minor, and that Richard de Clare,
then escheator this side Trent, pretending that Richard Coleman held the
aforesaid land of the said William by knight service, and that the wardship
thereof ought to pertain to the king by reason of the minority of Richard's
heir, took the said land into the king's hands by virtue of his ofBce and
without warrant.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allowance
to be made to Robert de la Forde and Thomas de la Forde, pledges and
mainpernors of Walter le Sauser of Boxhamstede, and to the said Walter
for 20 marks, in which Robert and Thomas are bound to the king by deed
for the aforesaid Walter for the remainder of Walter's account, which he
lately rendered in the wardrobe, for the time when he was keeper of the
king's manor of La Haye, co. Hertford {sic), of which 20 marks Walter
paid 10/. to Peter de Gavaston, late earl of Cornwall, and 5 marks to
Ingelard de Warle, king's clerk, as he can show before the treasurer and
barons by their letters of acquittance. By p.s. [5744.]
July 22. To the sheriffs of London. Order to deliver to Richard Pylk, the
Westminster, king's waferer {waferar'), goods and chattels to the value of 66s. Id.
forfeited before the king's justices at the Tower, which were in the sheriffs'
custody, and which were found with John de Fulmere of Skreton, who was
convicted before the justices for a robbery from the said Richard, as the
king has granted the said goods and chattels to Richard. By p.s. [5749.]
July 25. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this Trent. Order not to intermeddle
Westminster, further with the lands of William de Cobeham, and to restore the issues
thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that William
held no lands in chief at his death by reason whereof the custody of his
lands ought to pertain to the king.
July 20. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to cause Patrick de Forgrund, a Scotch
Westminster, prisoner in Norwich gaol, to come without delay before the king with his
attachment. By K.
July 31.
Membrane 35 — cont.
To Richard de Eodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause
John de Brom, son and heir of Eoljert de Brom, tenant in chief, to have
seisin of his fatiier's lands, as he has proved his age before the escheator
and the king has taken his homage.
July 12.
July 11.
July 12.
July 16,
July 22.
July 23.
Membrane 34.
To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to deliver to Richard Lovel,
constable of Brustoll castle, all the corn and other victuals that he has
caused to be bought and purveyed by the king's orders for the munition of
the king's castles in Wales, for the munition of Brustoll castle. The king
has ordered the constable to receive the corn from the sheriff.
By K. on the information of Roger de Northburgh.
To the sheriffs of London. Order to cause Henry Basset to be delivered
from Neugate prison, wherein he is detained upon suspicion of stealing a
silver cup* of Queen Isabella's then found in his custody, which cup was de-
livered to him to be kept by one of the queen's household. By p.s. [5742.]
To the sheriff of York. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands
of Mary de Neville, as the king learns by an inquisition taken by Gilbert
de Stapelton, late escheator beyond Trent, that she held nothing in chief at
her death by reason whereof the custody of her lands ought to pertain to
the king, and that Ranulph de NeviU, her son, is her next heir and is of
full age, and it appears by an inquisition taken by Richard de Eodeneye,
escheator this side Trent, that she held nothing in chief at her death except
the manor of Houton, co. Norfolk, which is held in chief by the service of
a moiety of a knight's fee, and that Ranvilph is her next heir and of full age,
and the king has granted licence to Ranulph to enfeoff Ralph de Nevill of
the aforesaid manor, which was taken into the king's hands by reason of
Mary's death.
To the sheriffs of London. Order to pay to the king's serjeant-at-arms
Bertram de la Mose, ten marks for Michaelmas term last out of the ferm of
the city, the king having granted him that sum yearly out of the ferm in
consideration of his good service.
To the collectors of the custom of wool and wool-fells in the port of
Southampton. Order to permit Cambus de Scale, merchant of Florence,
to take thirty sacks of wool out of that port upon payment of the custom,
as he has found the king security by John de Oharleton and John de Triple,
citizens of London, to take thirty sacks of wool now in that port to the
staple of wool and wool-fells at St. Omer in Artoys and not elsewhere in
foreign parts contrary to the charter of the staple.
The like to the collectors of the custom in the port of Boston to permit
Cambus to take sixty sacks of wool thence.
To John de Segrave, constable of Notyngham castle. Order to cause
the castle to be provided sufficiently with victuals.
By K. on the information of Roger de Northburgh.
To the collectors of the custom of wool and wool-fells in the port of
Southampton. Order to discharge native merchants of the securities that
the king ordered them to take from them that they would not take wools
to Flanders, Brabant, or Artoys contrary to the charter of the staple, and
to restore without delay any securities received by them in this behalf.
The like to the collectors in the port of London.
* Called hanap in tlie privy seal.
July 22.
July 28.
July 31.
July 30.
Aug. 3.
Membrane 34 — cont.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
John de Compton, son and heir of Adam de Compton, tenant in chief of
the late king as of the castle of Caresbrok, then in his hands, the lands
that Emma, late the wife of the aforesaid Adam, held in dower of the
aforesaid inheritance of the said castle, which castle the king gave to
Edward, earl of Chester, bis son, before 26 January last, when he ordered
Adam'.s lands, which were in the custody of Walter le Norreys by demise
from Robert le Norreys, to whom the late king pcranted the custody thereof
during John's minority, to be delivered to John, who had proved his age
before the escheator, as John has shewn the king that the lands that Emma
held as above came to the late king's hands upon her death during the time
when John was in his wardship.
To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with 65 acres of land
in Lachyndon in the marsh called ' Litebredeshope,' and to restore the
issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator
that Roger Cok-of Paclesham acquired the aforesaid land from Hugh de
Lachyndon, and that it is held of the abbess of Berkynge by the service
of \d. yearly and not in chief of the king, the escheator having taken the
land into the king's hands pretending that it is held of the king in chief and
that Roger acquired it without the king's licence. By pet. of C. [4916.]
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to discharge
Eleanor, late the wife of Henry de Percy, of 100/. of the arrears of the
yearly ferm of 400/. due from her for the custody of his lands during the
minority of his heirs, as the king has pardoned her this sum because it was
found by inquisition taken by the king's order by Gilbert de Stapeltbn, late
esclieator beyond Trent, and Richard de Bernyngham that the Scotch
rebels, who lately entered the county of York upon several occasions, burnt
certain of the said manors and the lands and tenenuents of the heir's tenants
in the said manors, and the goods and chattels of Eleanor and the aforesaid
tenants, and otherwise did much waste, and slew certain of the said tenants,
and took captive others of the tenants, so that Eleanor was unable for these
reasons to levy 155/. \0s. 3d. of the ferms due from the manors and lands.
To the same. Order to cause assignment of lands or rents to be made to
Queen Isabella to the value of \00s. yearly, during the life of Joan de Vilers,
to whom the king granted that sum yearly for life, from the issues of the
county of Ponthieu, then in the queen's hands, in consideration of her good
service to the queen, for which grant Joan has not yet had the king's letters
patent, as she ought to have had, the king having granted that Joan shall
receive this sum from the receiver of the county. By K.
To the sheriff of Southampton. Whereas the late king, at the frequent
complaint of Peter de Sancto Paulo, that John Pedrogue and other male-
factors of the power of M. countess of Artois (Atrabaten') violently spoiled
him on the sea of his goods to the value of 350/. sterling, and carried the
same to Hauk' in the county of Dreux (Durewe), many times requested the
countess to cause restitution and satisfaction to be made to Peter for his
goods and damages, and he afterwards, because she neglected to exhibit
justice to the aforesaid Peter, requested the king of France to cause justice
to be done to Peter in her default, and although the king of France fre-
quently ordered the countess to cause amends to be made to Peter, she has
done nothing in the matter; wherefore the present king, after his accession,
requested the countess to cause due satisfaction to be made to Peter within
a certain time now past without further delay or excuse, Peter being much
impoverished and aggrieved in sueing for justice, but she did nothing in the
matter, but altogether failed to do him justice, as fully appears by public
instruments and other lawful documents produced by Peter in chancery ;
Aug. 3.
Aug. 4.
Aug. 3.
Aug. 12.
Membrane 34 — cont.
whereupon the king ordered the abbot of Rammeseye's bailiffs of St. Ives
to nrrest goods of the men and meichants of the power of the countess to
the value of 350^., and to cause the same to be kept safely until Peter should
be satisfied for that sum or until otherwise ordered, as appears by the rolls
of chancery; and it is now shewn to the king by the petition of Peter
Norman and Thomas de Langar, executors of Peter's will, exhibited before
the king and his council, that although the said Peter de Sancto Paulo had
the said writ of arrest in his life, he died whilst prosecuting the matter with-
out having any satisfaction, wherefore his executors prayed the king to
provide a remedy : the king therefore orders the aforesaid sheriff to arrest
goods of the men and merchants of the power of the aforesaid countess to
the value of 350Z., and to cause the same to be kept safely until the executors
be satisfied for that sum or until otherwise ordered, certifying the king of
the goods arrested by him. By pet. of C.
To Richard Lovel, constable of Bristol castle. Order to cause the houses,
walls, bridges, and tower of the aforesaid castle to be repaired by the view
of Roger de Clisseby. By p.s. [5758.]
To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to cause a coroner for that county
to be elected in place of Walter de Plumlond, who is insufficiently qualified.
To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of William de la Wode, who is insufiiciently qualified.
To the collectors of the custom of wool and wool-fells in the port of
Boston. Order to desist from making undue exactions from native and
alien merchants beyond the proper custom for their wool, wool-fells, and
hides, and to release any distraint they may have made on this account, as
complaint is niade to the king that they make undue exactions upon the
aforesaid merchants, and take security that they will go with their wool,
wool-fells, and hides to a certain staple beyond sea and not elsewhere, at
which the king is astonished, as no order to make such exactions has been
issued by him.
Membrane 33.
Aug. 4. To the bailiffs of Kyngeston-on-Hull. Order to cause proclamation to be
Westminster, made prohibiting men of that town or men coming thither throwing stones
or other things into the water of that port, whereby the port of that water
may be blocked up or ships be hindered from coming to the port, and to
cause any persons doing so after this proclamation to take out at their own
expense the stones and other things thus thrown in by them, and to punish
them for such trespass, as the king is given to understand that certain men
of that town and certain others coming by water throw stones into the
water of Hull, on which a<'Count it is feared that in process of time the port
of that water will be blocked up, or at least that such peril will threaten
ships coming into that water that merchants will withdraw themselves from
the town.
Aug. 6. To the archbishop of Dublin, collector of a tenth granted to the king in
Westminster, aid of his war in Scotland by the clergy of Ireland, and of another tenth
imposed upon the said clergy by the pope for the king's use. Order to cause
the tenths to be levied of ecclesiastical benefices and temporalities that have
been wasted by the attack of Edward de Brus and his accomplices, Scotch
rebels, to be levied according to the new taxation thereof made by the king's
order, and to answer to the king at his exchequer of Dublin according to
the new taxation, as the clergy have besought the king to cause the said
1321. Membrane 33 — eont.
tenths that still remain unlevied to be levied according t» the new taxation,
because the benefices and temporalities aforesaid are still wasted and im-
poverished. The king has ordered the treasurer and barons of the ex-
chequer to receive the tenth from the archbishop according to the new
Aug. 6. To the collectors of the custom of wool and wool-fells in the port of
Westminstsr. Boston. Order to permit the merchants of the society of the Bardi of
Florence to take wool out of that port without taking any security from them
to answer to the king for any trespass made by them against the charter of
the staple, as the king has pardoned them, in consideration of their good
service to him, the trespass whereof they were indicted before John de
Cherleton, mayor of the staple of wool, and Adam de Brom, the king's
justices to enquire concerning trespasses against the charter of the staple,
when the said merchants wholly submitted themselves to the king'a grace
and acknowledged before him that, after the making of the charter of the
staple, they sent 4,800 sacks of wool from this realm, of which number they
caused 650 sacks to be taken out of the realm contrary to the charter, and
they excused themselves of the residue, asserting that they sent part of them
to Chalouns and part into Lorabardy.
The like to the collectors of the custom in the port of Kyngeston-on-HuU.
Aug. 6. To Richard de Rodeney, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause
WestmiuBter. Geoffrey de Stapelford, son and heir of Kichard de Stapelford, tenant by
knight service of the heir of Richard Heriz, tenant in chief, a minor in
the king's wardship, to have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his
age before the escheator, and the king has taken his fealty.
The like to the sheriff of Nottingham.
Aug. 8.
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to supersede the arrest of Orgar de
Freston, monk of Croilland, who is indicted for assenting to the death of a
certain girl unknown, slain at Sutterton, of whose death Ellen de Utterdyk
and Isabella, wife of Roger Randulf, are indicted but not yet convicted, and
for assenting to the death of Ellen de Utterdyk, slain at Boston, of whose
death Alan Skirwater of Boston and Cicely his wife, and Juliana his
daughter, and Dulcia de Lincoln are indicted but not yet convicted, as Orgar
has found mainpernors before the king, to wit Master Thomas de Langetoft,
Thomas de Derby of Sutterton, Roger del Bedde of Gretford, and Nicholas
de Welton, of that county, and John de Godesfeld of the city of London,
who have mainperned, to have him before the king in fifteen days from
Michaelmas to stand to right concerning the premises.
Aug. 12. To the sheriff of Somerset. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
Westminster, be elected in place of John Florye, whom the king has caused to be amoved
from office for insufficient qualification.
Aug. 17. To the justice of Wales, or to him who supplies his place. Order to
Wertniineter. cause John son and heir of Philip Laundrey, tenant in chief, to have seisin
of his father's lands, as he has proved his age before the justice, and the
king has taken his homage. By p.s.
Aug. 26. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to arrest goods of the men and mer-
Westminster. chants of the power of the count of Flanders and of the community of that
land to the value of 200/., and to keep the same safely until Henry le
Palmer, Alan atte Warf, Thomas Tuk, and the executors of the will of
Robert Youn have been satisfied for that sum, or until otherwise ordered, in
part satisfaction for 418/. 6s. 8d., the value of a ship called ' La Swalewe '
of London and her cargo taken from them by malefactors of the count's
pewer {as at page 172 above), and of 100/. for their damages, the king
1321. Membrane 33 — cont.
having superseded his previous order to the sheriff and otliers to arrest goods
to this amount at the count's request, who sent envoys to treat for concord
between his men and merchants and the men and merchants of this realm,
as such concord has not been concluded because certain of the said envoys,
without whom the others could do nothing, returned home without licence.
The king has ordered the sheriffs of London to arrest goods in like manner
to the value of 118/. 6c?. 8c?., and the sheriff of Kent to arrest goods to the
value of 100/., and the sheriff of Southampton to arrest goods to the value
of 100/. By K. and C.
Membrane 32.
Aug. 3. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
Westminster, be elected in place of William de la Wode, whom the king has caused to be
amoved from office for insufficient quahfication.
Aug. 13. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to supersede the
Westminster, demand upon Robert de Sapy and Alina his wife for a pair of gilt spurs,
and to acquit them of the same from 3 July, in the 10th year of the king's
reign, and to cause the tenor of the king's charter to them of that day to be
cancelled in the estreats of the chancery and in other memoranda of the
exchequer, by which charter the king granted them power to enclose as
much as they could of his marsh of Pevenese, which was flooded by the
reflux of the sea and was in no one's tenancy, and that they might hold of
the king for their lives what they should thus inclose, rendering therefor a
pair of gilt spurs yearly, as they have enclosed nothing of the said marsh by
virtue of the charter, but have delivered the charter into chancery to be
cancelled, for which reason the king has caused it to be cancelled in the rolls
of his chancery.
Aug. 6. To the sheriff of Westmoreland. Order to cause a coroner for that county
Westminster, to be elected in place of Roland de Fatten, whom the king has caused to be
amoved from office for insufficient qualification.
To the sheriff of Devon. Order to expend up to 50/. in repairing the
walls and bridges of the outer bailey of Oxford castle. By C.
Aug. 16. To William de Hanstede, keeper of the king's exchanges of London and
Westminster. Canterbury. Order to cause the houses of the said exchanges to be repaired
where necessary, out of the issues of the exchanges, by the view and testi-
mony of the controller of the exchanges. By C.
To the sheriff of York. Order not to intermeddle further with the manors
of Lounesburgh and Wyverthorp, in that county, and to restore the issues
of the same, as the king learns by inquisition taken by him that Herbert
son of John held the said manors to him and Eleanor his wife and his heirs,
by a fine levied in the king's court, and that Eleanor continued her seisin
thereof jointly with her husband until his death, by which inquisition it
appears that the manors are held of the archbishop of York by knight
To the abbot of St. Mary's York, collector in the diocese of York of the
tenth imposed upon the clergy by the pope for the king's use. Order to
pay 100 marks out of the tenth to the king's clerk Robert de Barton, in
order to do certain works in the castles of Carlisle and Cokermouth, receiv-
ing from him a tally of the exchequer made under the abbot's name for that
sum and his letters patent witnessing the receipt. By C.
1321. Membrnne 32 — cont.
Aug. 18. To the chamberlain of KarnarvaD. Order to inform himself fully concern-
; Westminster, ing the wages and stipends that the clerk of the king's works in the castle
of Karnarvan and the garritor of the same receive yearly from the king,
and if he find that they ought to receive any wages and stipends from the
king, he is then to pay them the arrears of their wages and stipends from
the time of his appointment, and to continue paying the same.
To Henry de Shirokes, late chamberlain of Kaernarvan. Order to pay to
the aforesaid clerk and garritor the arrears of their wages and stipends for
the time of his office.
Aug. 21. To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to release Adam de Weston, servant of
Westminster. Robert Lewer, from the king's prison at Oxford, and to restore to him his
goods and chattels, as the king has remitted to Robert the cause for which
he lately caused Robert's wife and certain of his friends and their goods and
chattels to be taken into his hands.
Aug. 25. To the bailiffs of Kyngeston-on-HuU. Order to arrest goods of the men
Westminster, and merchants of the power of the count of Flanders and of the community
of that land to the value of lOOZ., and to keep the same safely until
Reymund de Brunia, Poncius Lente and Bonetus his brother have been
satisfied for that sum, in part satisfaction for 217^. Is. 8c?., the value of their
goods seized by malefactors of the count's power from a ship called ' Coga
de Valencia' (as in this Calendar, 14 Edward II., page 262), the king's
previous order to the bailiiis (o arrest goods to this value having been super-
seded at the count's request, who sent envoys to treat for concord between
his and the king's men and merchants, as such concord has not been con-
cluded because certain of the count's envoys returned home without licence.
The king has ordered the sheriff of Lincoln to arrest goods in like manner
to the value of 107^ 1«. 8d., except goods going to or returning from Boston
fair. By K. and C.
To the sheriSs of London. Like order to arrest goods of the said men
and merchants to the value of 182/. Is. Od., and to keep the same safely
until Reymund de Bruna and Arnald his brother have been satisfied for that
sum, for the value of 28 tuns of wine, price 168/. sterling, captured in the
above ship, and for 14/. Is. Od. for their damages, the king's previous order
to them to the like effect having been superseded for the reasons above
stated. ' By K. and C.
Aug. 28.
Aug. 26.
Membrane 31.
To the mayor and bailiffs of the city of Canterbury. Order to cause
certain men coming from Philip, king of France, to the king, whom they
have arrested without order from the king, to be released forthwith, and to
come to the king to answer for arresting the said men without his order.
By writ of the secret seal.
To Thomas de Eggefeld. Order to inform himself by inquisitions and
other means what goods and chattels were in the castles, manors, towns,
and hundreds, lands, etc., of Hugh le Despenser on the eve of the Assump-
tion last, as the castles, towns, etc., of the said Hugh ought to be taken
into the king's hands, and the king appointed Thomas to take into his hands
all the said Hugh's castles, lands, etc., in the counties of Surrey, Oxford,
Berks and Buckingham. He is also .to enquire whether any goods were
eloigned from the said castles, lands, etc., after the above date, and to
enquire in whose lands such goods are, and to certify the king of the result
of his enquiries. By writ of the secret seal.
15 EDWAED II. 395
1321. Membrane 31 — cont.
The like to the following :
Gilbert de Bbor[aco] in cos. Essex, Suffolk, and Cambridge.
William de Thunneyk in cos. Gloucester and Worcester.
WiUiam Aylemer, clerk, in cos. Buckingham, Northampton, Oxford,
and Berks.
John Inge in cos. Sussex, Surrey, Oxford, Buckingham, and Berks.
Adam de Brom, clerk, in Glomorgan with Morganno, Wenthelok, and
Aug. 25. To the sheriS of Norfolk and Suffolk. At the complaint of Ranulph de
Westminster. Burgh, Adam le Moigne, John de Ponereth, Waldeve de Berewyco, Adam
de Pontefracto, Ralph de Burton, William de la Sale, John de Corbrigg,
Walter de Swaynby of Jarum, John de Burgh, Thomas de Houeden, and
Richard de Dalton, merchants of this realm, that whereas the burgomasters,
echevins and consules of the town of Bruges caused proclamation to be
made that all persons wishing to exchange gold or silver money in that
town should carry the same to the exchange of that town, and deliver it to
the keeper thereof, and that they should receive good money or silver in mass
in exchange therefor at a certain day to be agreed upon between them and
the keeper of the exchange, and that, if the keeper failed to satisfy them
in this manner, the burgomasters, echevins and consules would cause com-
petent satisfaction to be made, the said merchants delivered 2.200 great florins
to the keeper of the said exchange, on condition that they should receive
the value thereof at a certain day long since elapsed, and the keeper of the
exchange and the burgomasters, echevins, and consules refused to satisfy
the said merchants' at the said day or afterwards for 1,245 J great gold
florins and 28^d. sterling then in arrear of the value of the aforesaid florins,
although the king frequently requested them to satisfy tlie said merchants
for the arrears aforesaid and for their damages, which they did not do, as
appears by the testimony of the bailiffs and community of Newcastle-on-
Tyne under their common seal ; and R. count of Flanders, whom the king
requested to cause justice to be done in this matter, did nothing, excusing
himself by writing back, amongst other things, that his men of Bruges had
not done what they ought to have done in refusing to satisfy the said
merchants ; whereupon the king caused ships and other goods of the men
and merchants of the said town of Bruges and of the towns of Damme,
Hok, Munkerad, Scluse, Arneburgh, Colkerk, Lambeschur, Mouth, Sleper-
damme, Osburgh, Blankebergh, Ostend, Lopham, Riderford, Dugen, and
Torroud, which are within the castelry (castellaniam) of the town of Bruges
and pertain to the same, as was found by inquisition, to be arrested by the
bailiffs of Boston fair to the value of 56^. Os. G^d., and by the bailiffs of
Great Yarmouth to the value of lil., and by the sheriff of Norfolk and
Suffolk to the value of 31/., and by the sheriff of Southampton to the value
of 14/. 9s. Od., and caused the same to be delivered to the said merchants
in part satisfaction of 394/. 10s. &^d., the value of the aforesaid 1,245^ great
florins and '28^d. sterling, each florin being reckoned at 6s. 4(1. ; and the
king ordered goods of the merchants and men of the aforesaid towns to be
arrested to the value of 278/., the balance remaining due to the aforesaid
merchants, which order was delayed by reason of the negociations between
the envoys of the count and the king's council until the present parliament,
when certain of the count's envoys returned home without licence : where-
fore the king orders tlie sheriff to arrest goods of the men and merchants
of the said towns to the value of 278/., and to cause the same to be kept
safely until the aforesaid merchants have been satisfied for that sum, or until
otherwise ordered, certifying the king of his proceedings herein.
By K. and C.
Sept. 2. To the sheriff of Derby. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
Slurry. elected in place of William le Bret, deceased.
1321. Membrane 31 — cont.
Aug. 26. To the bailiffs of the archbishop of York's liberty of the water of Hull.
Westminster. Whereas at the suit of Richard Trunk and John le Stater, burgesses and
merchants of Ravenserodde, that they loaded a ship belonging to the said
Richard called ' La Mariole' of Ravenserodde, at Kyngeston-on-Hull with
80 quarters of wheat, price 6s. a quarter, two lasts of hides, price 2i)l. a last,
4 sacks of wool, price 10 marks a sack, and two weighs (vagis) of tallow,
price 13s. Ad., which belonged to Richard, and 40 quarters of wheat, price
5s. a quarter, a last of hides, price 201., two sacks of wool, price 10 marks
a sack, and a weigh {aga) of tallow, price 13s. 4rf., belonging to John, for
the purpose of sending the same to France, and that certain malefactors of
the power of the count of Hainault and Zeeland took the ship aforesaid and
cargo at Flodegatenesse on the coast near England, and carried the same
with them to the count's power, and imprisoned the men of the ship at
Le Brele in Zeeland for nine weeks, the late king and the present king
frequently 'requested the count to cause justice to be done to the said
merchants; but the count did not do so, as the community of Ravenserodde
have signified to the king by their letters patent : the king therefore orders
the bailiffs to arrest goods of the men and merchants of the count's power
to the value of 132/., tlie value of the ship and cargo, and to cause the same
to be kept safely until the aforesaid merchants have been satisfied for that
sum, or until further orders, certifying the king of their proceedings herein.
By K. and C.
To the bailiffs of Ravenserodde. On the complaint of Peter atte See,
John atte See, Walter de Cakhowe, and John de Bradele, burgesses and
merchants of that town, that they freighted a ship of John Trenchemer,
called ' Le Gerland' of Ravenserodde. and loaded her at Kyngeston-on-Hull
with 13 sacks of wool, price 10 marks a sack, two lasts, three dickers and
four hides, price 201. a last, 20s. a dicker, and 2s. a hide, belonging to Peter,
and with 13 sacks of wool, price 10 marks, 2 lasts of hides, price 20/. a last,
which belonged to John atte See, and with 2^ lasts of hides, price 201. a
last, which belonged to Walter, and with a pocket of wool, price 60s., which
belonged to John de Bradele, for the purpose of taking the same to France,
and that certain malefactors of the power of the count of Hainault and
Zeeland captured the ship and cargo at Flodgatenesse, on the coast of
England, and carried the same with them into the count's power, the late
and the present king requested the count to cause justice to be done, etc.,
as above : the king now orders the bailiffs to arrest goods of the men and
merchants of the count's power to the value of 100/., and to keep the same
safely until the aforesaid merchants be satisfied for that sum, in part
satisfaction of .329/. 14s. M., the value of the ship and cargo, or until
otherwise ordered, certifying the king of their proceedings herein. The
king has ordered the bailiffs of John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, at
Boston to arrest goods in like manner, except in Boston fair, to the value
of 100/., and the bailiffs of the Tollbooth of Bishop's Lenne to arrest goods
to the value of 100/., and the bailiffs of Scardeburgh to arrest goods to the
value of 29/. 14s. 8c/. By K. and 0.
Auo- 24. To the mayor and bailiffs of Sandwich. At the complaint of Robert
Westminster. Noldyn, merchant and baron of the said town, that whereas he sent fifteen
sacks of wool, price 200 marks sterling, to Flanders by John Noldyn, his
servant, and John placed them in a hired house at Bruges in order to
trade with the same, the burgomaster.<< and echevins of that town after-
wards took the wool and carried it away, the king frequently requested
R. count of Flanders to cause justice to be done to Robert or his attorney
for the wool and his damages ; but the count did nothing in the matter,
although frequently requested to do justice by Robert's attorney, as appears
by letters patent under the common seal of the said mayor and bailiffs ;
1321. Membrane 31 — cont.
■wherefore the king orders them to arrest goods of the men and merchants
of the count's power to the value of the said 200 marl<s, and to keep the
same safely until Robert have been satisfied for that sum or until otherwise
ordered, certifying the king of the goods arrested by them.
Membrane 30.
Aug. 26. To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side
Westminster. Trent. Order to cause fat venison, both bucks and harts, to be taken in
the present season of fatness in the king's forest of Essex, reserving his
parks there, and to cause the same to be delivered to the sheriff of Essex
to be salted and delivered to the king's larderer and the clerk of his
kitchen there. By K.
To the sheriff of Essex. Order to receive the above venison, and to
cause it to be salted, placed in barrels, and taken to the king's larder and
there delivered to the clerk of the kitchen.
Aug. 25. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Tient. Order to cause
Westminster. Nicholas de BoleviU, son and heir of Nicholas de Bolevill, tenant in chief
of the late king, to have seisin of his father's lands, as he proved his age
before John Walewayn, late escheator this side Trent, and the king has
taken his homage. By p.s.
Aug. 25. To the bailiffs of Scardeburgh. Order to arrest goods of the men and
Westminster, merchants of the power of Robert, count of Flanders, to the value of 61/.,
and to keep the same safely until Adam Kingesson of York and Thomas de
Whiteby of Beverley have been satisfied for that sum, in part satisfaction
for 193/., the value of their goods captured from a ship called ' La Nicholas'
of Kingeston-on-HuU {as at page 163 above), and for their damages, the
king's previous orders to arrest goods having been delayed by reason of the
negotiations between the count's envoys and the king's council until the
present parliament, when certain of the count's envoys returned home
without licence. The king has ordered the bailiffs of Kavenesrode to
arrest goods to the value of 66/., and the bailiffs of Roger de Clifford at
Hertelpole to arrest goods to the like value. By K. and C.
To the sheriff of York. Like order to arrest goods of the men and
merchants of the said count to the value of 58/. 6j. Vid., and to keep the
same safely until Hugh le Taverner of Kingeston-on-Hull be satisfied for
that sum, for his goods to the value of 48/. 6s. 8rf. taken from a ship called
' La Nicholas ' of Kingeston-on HuU {as at page 169 above) and 10/. for
his share of the said ship. By K. and C.
Aug. 25. To the bailiffs of Scardeburgh. Like order to arrest goods of the
Westminster, aforesaid count's men and merchants to the value of 38/., and to keep the
same safely until William de Brustewyk, Thomas Fraunceys, Nicholas de
Ousflet, and Gilbert VVadiator have been satisfied for that sura, in part
satisfaction for 238/., the value of their goods {as at page 164 above), and
for their damages, the king's previous orders to this effect having been
delayed as above. The king has ordered the bailiffs of John de Britannia,
earl of Richmond, to arrest goods, except in Boston fair, in like manner to
the value of 60/., and the bailiffs of the archbishop of York of the water
of Hull to arrest goods to the value of 80/., and the bailiffs of Ravenserodde
to arrest goods to the value of 60/. By K. and C.
To the bailiffs of the archbishop of York's liberty of the water of Hull.
Like order to arrest goods of the said merchants and men to the value of
50/. and to keep the same safely until William de Wiirton be satisfied for
that sum, in part satisfaction of 154/., the value of 14 sacks and 17 stone
1321. Membrane 30 — cont.
of wool, and 203 wool-fells captured as above, the king's previous orders having
been delayed as above. The king has ordered the bailiffs of Ravenserodde
to arrest goods in like manner to the value of 54/., and the bailiffs of
Scardebnrgh to arrest goods in like manner to the value of 50/.
By K. and C.
To the sheriff of York. Like order to arrest goods of the said men to
the value of 30/., and to keep the same safely until Richard du Gard be
satisfied for that amount, being the value of two sacks and 23 stoue of
wool, captured as above, the king's previous order to this effect to the
bailiffs of Grymesby having been delayed as above. By K. and C.
Membrane 29.
Aug. 25. To the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order to arrest goods of the men
Westminster, and merchants of the power of the count of Flanders to the value of 152/.,
and to keep the same safely until James Beauflour have been satisfied for that
amount for his wine {as at page 256 above) or until otherwise ordered, the
king having superseded his previous order to this effect at the count's request,
who sent envoys to treat for concord between his men and merchants and the
men and merchants of this realm, as such concord has not been concluded
because certain of the said envoys, without whom the others could do
nothing, returned home without licence. The king has ordered the sheriffs
of London to arrest goods in like manner to the value of 150/., and the
bailiffs of the archbishop of York of the water of Hull to arrest goods to
the value of 200/., and the bailiff' of the king's liberty of Holdernesse to
arrest goods to the value of 150/., and Edmund de Wodestok, earl of Kent,
constable of Dover castle and Warden of the Cinque Ports, or him who
supplies his place, to arrest goods to the value of 100/., within their
bailiwicks, excepting the town of Great Yarmouth in the fishery season.
By K. and C.
Aug. 25. To the sheriffs of London. Order to arrest goods of the men and
Westminster, merchants of the power of the count of Flanders to the value of
1,505/, 13*. Ad., and to keep the same safely until Hamo de Chiggewell
and William de Bodele, citizens of London, and the executors of the will
of Elias Petri have been satisfied for that sum, the value of their goods
taken from ' Xa Nicholas' of London {as at page 162 above), the king's
previous orders to the sheriffs and others to arrest goods to this amount
having been delayed for the reason above stated. By K. and C.
To the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order to arrest goods of the
men and merchants of the power of William, count of Hainault, Holland,
and Zeeland, and lord of Friesland, to the value of 100/., and to keep the
same safely until Stephen Aleyn, citizen and merchant of London, have
been satisfied for that sum, in part payment of 200/., the value of his ship
called ' La Margarete ' of London and her cargo of wheat, malt, salt, and
other goods, wherewith he loaded her at Sandwich for the purpose of
taking the same to Berwick-on-Tweed for the mq-intenance of the king's
subjects there, the ship and cargo having been captured on the voyage
thither by malefactors and pirates of the power of the said count on the
sea coast near Ravenesrod opposite the town of Salfleteby, by whom they
were taken to Zeeland, as the count has failed to do justice to Stephen at
the king's request, as the mayor and community of the city of London
have testified by letters under their common seal. The king has ordered
the sheriffs of London to arrest goods to the value of 100/. By K. and G.
Aug. 25. To the bailiffs of Scardeburgh. Order to arrest goods of the men and
Westminster, merchants of the power of the count of Flanders and of the community of
15 EDWAED II. 399
1321. Membrane 29 — cont.
the same to the value of 303/. 14*. Od., and to keep the same until Gaucelin
Pagani and Reymund his brother have been satisfied for that sum, for the
value of their wine captured in a ship called ' La Mariot ' of Goseford (as
at page 168 above) and for their damages, the king's previous order to
arrest goods having been delayed on account of the negotiations between
his council and the envoys of the count. By K. and 0.
To the sheriffs of London. Like order to arrest goods of the aforesaid
men and merchants to the value of 200/., until Grirnoard Cardon have been
satisfied for that amount, in part payment of 413/. I'Js. Od., the value of
his wines captured in the above ship (as at page 259 above), and for his
damages. The king has ordered the sheriff of Southampton to arrest
goods to the value of 100/., and the bailiflfs of Boston to arrest goods to
the value of 113/. I7s. Od. By K. and C.
Membrane 28.
Aug. 25. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to arrest goods of the men and
Westminster, merchants of the power of the count of Flanders to the value of 140/.,
and to keep the same safely until Robert son of Ralph de Burton Stathre
have been satisfied for that sum, for his goods captured by malefactors of
the power of the said count and for his damages (as at page 172 above),
the king's previous orders to this effect having been delayed by reason
of the negotiations between his council and the count's envoys.
By K. and C.
Aug. 25. To the bailiffs of the archbishop of York's liberty of the water of Hull.
Westminster. Like order to arrest goods of the aforesaid men and merchants to the value
of 60/., and to keep the same safely until William de Quixley, citizen of
York, have been satisfied for that sum in part payment of 100/., the value
of his ship called ' La Marie ' of York and of her cargo, and of 20/. for
his damages (as at page 176 above), the king's previous orders to this
effect having been delayed for the above reason. The king has ordered the
bailiffs of the Tollbooth of Bishop's Ijenne to arrest goods in like manner to
the value of 60/. By K. and C.
To the bailiffs of Kyngeston-on-HuU. Like order to arrest goods to the
value of 60/., and to keep the same safely until Ralph de Kyrtelington have
been satisfied for that sum, in part satisfaction for his wool captured in a
ship called ' Crecland' (as at page 164 above), the king's previous orders
to this effect having been delayed for the above reason. The king has
ordered the bailiffs of John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, at Boston, to
arrest goods in like manner to the value of 40/. By K. and C.
To the sheriffs of London. Like order to arrest goods of the said men
and merchants to the value of 921., and to keep the same safely until Arnaid
Dosynghoun, citizen of Bazas (Vasatens'), have been satisfied for that sum,
in part payment of 458/. 13*. 4(/., for his wines captured in a ship called
'Bona Navis' of La Strode (as at page 168 above) and for his damages,
the king's previous orders to this effect having been delayed as above.
The king has ordered the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk to arrest goods in
like man°ner to the value of 366/. \Zs. Ad. By K. and C.
The like in favour of Aymer de Insula to the said sheriffs for goods to
the value of 200/. and to the sheriff of Lincoln for 262/. 13«. Ad., for his
wine captured in the above ship and damages (as at page 168 above).
To Edmund de Wodestok, earl of Kent, constable of Dover castle and
warden of the Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place. Like order
to arrest goods of the aforesaid men and merchants to the value of
82/. 18*. Ad., and to keep the same safely until further orders, being
1321. Membrane 28 — cont.
the balance of 120/. due to Stephen Alard, baron of the town of Wynchelse,
for his goods captured in his ship called ' La Johanette ' {as at page 258
above), Robert de Kendale, constable of Dover castle and warden of the
Cinque Ports, having arrested goods to the value of 37/. 1*. 8c?. at
Wynchelse and Romenhale, which the king caused to be delivered to
Stephen, further execution of the king's previous order having been delayed
for the above reason. - By K. and C.
Sept. 6. To the bailiff of the manor of Teukesbury, which belonged to Hugh le
Minster-in- Despenser, the younger. Order to pay to the parker of the park of the
Thanet. rnanor aforesaid and to the forester of the chace of Cors, which also
belonged to Hugh, such wages as they were wont to receive heretofore
from the issues of that manor until further orders. By p.s. [5797.]
Like order to the bailiff of the manor of Henleye, which belonged to the
said Hugh, to pay the wages of the forester of the chace of Malvern, which
also belonged to Hugh. By p.s. [5797.]
Aug. 26. To the bailiffs of Great Yarmouth. Order to arrest goods of the men
Westminster, and merchants of the power of the count of Flanders to the value of 260/.,
and to keep the same safely until John de Balay, citizen and merchant of
Bayonne, have been satisfied for that amount, for the value of his ship and
goods seized by Philip, late count of Chieti {Thiete) and Loreto {Lanuth'),
the count's brother, when he was governing Flanders {as in this Calendar,
4 Edward II., page 330), which matter was reputed as cletirly established
{clarum reputabatur) in a treaty lately had between the king's council and
the count's envoys, and was deferred from them until the present parliament
summoned at Westminster in three weeks from Midsummer, when certain
of the count's envoys withdrew themselves from the treaty and returned
home. By K. and C.
Aug. 25. To the sheriffs of London. Like order to arrest goods of the aforesaid
Westminster, men and merchants to the value of 400/., and to keep the same safely until
William de Luyton, Robert Person, Roger le Viroler, and Henry de Ardern,
citizens and merchants of London, and the executors of the wills of Richard
de Wandelesworth, William le Folour, William de Kent, Hugh Pour), John
Gumbard, and Peter de Blakeneye, late citizens and merchants of London,
have been satisfied for that sum, in part satisfaction for 1,000/., the value of
their goods seized by the bailiffs and echevins of Ghent {as in this
Calendar, 1 Edward II., page 47), the king's previous order to this effect
having been deferred for the above reason. The king has ordered the
sheriff of Southampton to arrest goods in like manner to the value of 400/.,
and the sheriff of Lincoln to arrest goods to the value of 200/., except in
Boston fair. By K. and C.
fAue.l 25. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Like order to arrest goods of the aforesaid
Westminster, men and merchants, except in Boston fair, to the value of 606/., and to keep
the same until further orders, being the value of the goods of Gerard
Bouche, William Burgoin, and William Briggerak, merchants of Gascony,
captured in a ehip called ' Ea Arunde ' of London by malefactors of the
count's power (as page 257 above), the king's previous order to this effect
having been superseded for the reason above stated. By K. and C.
Oct. 1. To ihe bailiffs of the city of York. Order to pay to WilUam de Ros of
Westminster. Hamelak 60/. out of the ferm of the city for Michaelmas term last, the king
having granted him 120/. yearly from the ferm of that city, and 146/. I3s. 4rf.
yearly from the ferm of the city of Lincoln, to be received from the bailiffs
of those cities until the king provide hjm with 400 marks of land and rent
yearly in suitable places and until the king have enfeoffed him thereof, as
appears by the king's letter.'^ patent, which yearly sum the king promised
15 EDWARD 11.
1321. Membrane 27 — cont.
to graut him in suitable places between the waters of Thames and Tees
(Thaisie) before Midsummer, in the 11th year of his reign, in exchange
for the castle of Werk-on-Tweetl, which William granted to the king on
25 September in the said year, with all appurtenances except the advowson
of the cells pertaining to the priory of Kirkeham and to the hospital of
The like to the bailiffs of the city of Lincoln, to pay him 731. 6s. 8d. for
the above term.
Afterwards, on 15 April following, William had like letters to the bailiffs
of the above cities for Easter term, the king being at Pontefract.
Aug. 25.
Aug. 25.
Sept. 14.
Sept. 26.
Membrane 26.
To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to arrest goods of the men and
merchants of the count of Flanders to the value of 200/., and to cause
tliem to be kept safely until Perota Brune of Solers {de Solariis), citizen of
Bordeaux, or Arnald de Ispan[nia], her proctor, have been satisfied for that
sum, or until otherwise ordered, in part satisfaction for 750/., being 550/.,
the value of 192 tuns of wine taken from her servants in the port of Damme
(del Dam) by the burgomasters, echevins, and consules of the town of
Bruges {as at page 171 above) and 200/. for her damages, the king's
previous orders to arrest goods in this behalf having been delayed by divers
treaties between his council and the envoys of the count, which treaties were
commenced at the count's request and were continued until the present
parliament at Westminster convoked in three weeks from Midsummer, in
which parliament the count's envoys wilfully withdrew from further
treaty and returned to their country. The king has ordered the sheriii of
Lincoln to arrest goods in like manner, except goods in Boston fair and on
their way thither and returning thence, to the value of 300/., and the sheriff
of Norfolk and Suffolk to arrest goods to the value of 250/. By K. and C.
To the sherifis of London. Like order to arrest goods of the aforesaid
men and merchants to the value of 200/., and to cause the same to be kept
safely until Reymund de Brunnia, Aymer de Malinia, Gilbert de Brolio, and
John de Monte Albano have been satisfied for that sura, in part satisfaction
for 328/. 17s. Od., the value of 50 tuns and a pipe of wine captured by male-
factors of the count's power in a ship called ' Coga de Valencia ' and their
damages {as at page 262 above), the king's previous order to this effect having
been deferred for the reason above-stated. By K. and C.
To Thomas de Brotherton, earl of Norfolk and marshal of England.
Order to cause all the prisoners of Scotland and Flanders in his custody to
be delivered, together with their attachments, to the sheriff of Suffolk by
indenture. The king has ordered the sheriff to receive them and cause them
to be taken to the Tower of London, there to be delivered to Eoger de
Swynnerton, constable, whom he has ordered to receive them and to cause
Ihem to be kept safely in the prison of the Tower until further orders.
By p.s. [5807.]
Mandate in pursuance to the sheriff.
Mandate in pursuance to the said constable.
William Broun, 'bercher,' of Bergham, in Cambridge prison for the
death of John Bek of Hildresham, who was slain at Bergham in that
county, has letters to the sheriff of Cambridge to bail him until the first
C 0
Sept. 25.
Sept. 8.
Sept. 28.
Membrane 26 — cont.
To the sheriff of Bedford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of William Bonum, whom the king has amoved from
office, as he is incapacitated by illness and age.
To Thomas, earl of Norfolk, and marshal of England, or to him who
supplies his place in the manor of Leyham. Order to deliver to the king's
clerk Gilbert de Ebor[aco] the said manor, with the goods and chattels
found in the same, to ordain concerning the same as the king has enjoined
upon the said Gilbert, whom the king has appointed to take into his hands
all the castles, lands, goods, etc., that belonged to Hugh le Despenser, the
younger, in the counties of Essex, Suffolk, and Cambridge. By K.
The like to the aforesaid earl, or to him who supplies his place in the
manor of Wykes. \^Ibid.~\
The like to the said earl, or to him who supplies his place in the manor
ofKereseye. \^Ibid.'\
The like to Humphrey de Bohoun, earl of Hereford and Essex, or to
him who supplies his place in the manor of Lammersh. [^Ibid.]
The like to Ed. Pynkeny, or to him who supplies his place in the manor
of Dachet, co. Buckingham, to deliver [the manor] to William Aylemer,
clerk, appointed for the above purpose in the counties of Buckingham,
Northampton, Oxford, and Berks. [/6to?.]
To Henry le Scrop and his fellows, justices appointed to hold pleas before
the king. Order to supersede until further orders the execution of judg-
ment .against the prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, wlio was lately con-
victed before them for prosecuting a plea in Court Christian against the
monks of St. Martin's, Dover, contrary to the king's prohibition, for which
he was adjudged to prison and a writ of judgment to take his body directed
to the sheriff of Kent was issued, as the king has granted to the prior that exe-
cution of judgment shall be respited at the king's pleasure. By p.s. [5817.]
Membrane 25.
Sept. 2.5. To Roger Damory. Order to deliver to Adam de Brom, king's clerk, all
Westminster, the castle?, lands, etc., that belonged to Hugh le Despenser, the younger, in
Glomorgan and Morganno without further delay, putting aside all excuses,
according to the king's previous order, as the king understands that he
delays delivering the lands, etc., to the said clerk upon feigned excuses,
whereat the king is surprised, more especially it was agreed iu the last
parliament at Westminster that Hugh's lands should be taken into the
king's hands and that they should be delivered to the king's ministers
appointed for this purpose. By K.
The like to Hugh Daudele, the younger, concerning the castle and town
of Neuport, with the county and land of Wenthelok and the land of Maghay,
■which belonged to the aforesaid Hugh, together with Hugh's goods and
chattels there, to be delivered to the aforesaid Adam. By K.
Sept. 25. To Adam de Brom. Order to apply all diligence and care in executing
VV'estminster. the king's commission to take the above lands into his hands, etc., and to
certify the king of the names of any persons resisting him in the execution
of his commission, or of any cause preventing his executing the same.
By K.
Sept. 30. To the constable of Tykehull castle. Order not to distrain William de
The Tower. Colne for his homage for the lands that he holds in chief as of the honour
of Tykehull, as the king has taken his homage. By p.s. [5826.]
15 EDWAKD ir.
Oct. i.
The Tower.
Oct. 1.
The Tower.
Sept. 30.
The Tower.
Oct. 1.
The Tower.
Oct. 5.
Oct. 7.
Oct. 10.
Oct. 7.
Oct. 16.
1'he Tower.
Membrane 25 — cont.
To the sheriffs of London. Order to pay to John de Weston, the elder,
2.T marks from the ferra of the city for Michaelmas term, in accordance
'.vith the king's grant iu parliament at York of 50 marks yearly to be
received at Michaelmas and Easter from that ferm until the king should cause
him to be provided with 50 marks of laii<I or rent yearly for life, in
consideration of his good service to the king and his father.
To Kichnrd de Kodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to pay to
Kich.wd le Mareschal 25/. out of the issues of his bailiwick for Michaelmas
term, iu accordance with the king's grant to him of 50/. yearly from the
s.aid issues at Michaelmas and Easter, in aid of his maintenance and in
consideration of his good service, as he has been ruined (totaliter
destructus) by the Scotch rebels.
To the bailiffs of Great Yarmouth. Order not to arrest before St. An-
drew's next merchants bringing herrings or other fish to that town or their
ships for anything whereof they are not principal debtors or sureties, the
king having granted such exemption to them, except from the collection
there made for the use of Robert Elys and his fellows, concerning which
the king wills there shall be done what Walter de Norwico and John de
Mutford have ordained according to the form of his commission.
By p.s. [5829.]
To Geoffrey de Somersete, sub-prior of the priory of Bermundeseye, and
Master William de Hallingeo, parson of the church of Newenton. Order
not to intermeddle further with the custody of the priory, which the king
lately committed to them during pleasure, and to restore to brother Peter
de Sancto Laurencio, the prior, all the goods of the priory in their custody,
as the king has granted, at the request of the mayor and certain citizens of
London, that the said prior shall have again the custody and rule of the
temporalities of the priory, hoping that the prior will henceforth conduct
himself discreetly in the government of the house and that he will ordain
concerning the temporalities for the utility of the house. By p.s. [5830.]
To Ralph de Camoys, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to deliver
to the king's chaplains celebrating in the chapel of the castle bread, wine,
oil, and other small necessaries tor divine service from Michaelmas last until
next Michaelmas.
To the sheriff of Essex. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of
Essex to be elected in place of Geoffrey Morel, deceased.
To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause proclamation to be made
that a market shall be held weekly on Monday at Poroestre, in his county,
and a fair of three days at the same place on the eve, day and morrow of the
Assumption. By p.s. [5843.]
To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this
side Trent. Order to deliver Robert Bukke and Geoffrey le Forestre of
Brampton, imprisoned at Hereford {sic) for trespass of venison in the forest
of Wambergh, each in bail to twelve mainpernors of the county of Hun-
tingdon, who shall undertake to have them before the justices for Forest
pleas when they come to those parts.
To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause
dower to be assigned to Gerard de Seokyndon and Joan his wife, formerly
the wife of Hugh de Garthorp, tenant in chief, in accordance with the king's
previous order, which the king ordered him to supersede at the suit of
Joceus de Spaldyng, to whom the king had committed the custody of two
parts of the lands of the said Hugh, Joceus having appeared in chancery
cc 2
Oct. 12.
Oct. 15.
The Tower.
Oct. 18.
Oct. 24.
Membrane 25 — cont.
and alleged that Joan was never lawfully married to Hugh, so that dower
of his lands ought not to be assigned to her and Gerard, as Joceus did not
appear in chancery in the octaves of Michaelmas last, when the king ordered
him and Gerard and Joan to appear.
To Rnlph de Camoys, constable of Wyndesore castle, or to him who
supplies his place. Order to distrain all those who ought to make wards in
the castle aforesaid to repair their wards well and suitably and to do further
what pertains to them of right. By p.s. [5847.]
To Eichard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with 20 acres of land of Benedict de Bretlis in Bretlis, and
to restore the issues thereof, which land he has taken into the king's hands
under the pretence that it is held of the king in chief, and that John de
Bretles, father of Benedict, of whom Benedict is the heir, acquired the
same without licence from the late or present king, as the king learns by
inquisition taken by the escheator that the land is held of Matilda de Touny
in socage and not of the king in chief.
To the sheriffs of London. Order not to intermeddle further with the
tenements that belonged to John de Wengrave in London, and to remove
the distraint therefrom, as Hervey de Staunton has certified the king that
the said John, late mayor and coroner of the city, made many defaults in
the eyre at the Tower of London before Hervey and liis fellows, justices
in eyre, by reason whereof the sheriffs were several times ordered to distrain
the said John. By C.
To Henry de Cobeham, fermor of the castle and city of Rochester.
Order to cause the gates of the city to be repaired without delay out of his
form. By p.s. [5873.]
Membrane 24.
Oct. 7. To the justiciary of Ireland, or to him who supplies his place. Whereas
Porchester. it lately came to the king's hearing in full parliament that in the abbey of
Mellifont, of the Cistercian order, and in other houses of that order in
Ireland it has become the practice that no one is admitted to the habit of
religion unless oath (Jides) have been first made or unless it appear otherwise
by evidence or by common fume that he is not of English race and is not
related to the English, and the king for this reason wrote to the abbot of
Citeaux to cause such method of admission {acceptacio) to be abolished, since
it appears to be contrived not only in dissolution of charity but also in
contempt of the king, in opprobrium of all his language and in subversion
of his lordship ; and the abbot has written to the king in reply that the king's
letters were admitted in the next chapter-general, and the abbots of Dore
(Doj'ci) and Morgan were commissioned and enjoined by authority of the
chapter to go in person to Ireland and to dispose and ordain concerning the
houses of the order, and to compel the abbots of the said houses to receive
without distinction {indistincte) whosoever wish to enter regular life in
that order without making exception to their persons so long as they be
able and suitable; the king now orders the justiciary to induce the aforesaid
abbots when they arrive in Ireland to prosecute with diligence the mandate
enjoined upon them, and to compel the other abbots of that order in those
parts to obey them and fulfil the injunctions. The justiciary is ordered to
complete these things and to coerce rebels and conspirators in this behalf
when necessary, so far as may be done without offence of right.
Oct. 15. To Richard de Rodeneye, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause
The Tower, dower to be assigned to Sibyl, late the wife of Henry de Uritaco, tenant in
Oct. 28.
1321. Membrane 24 — cont.
cliief, upon her taking oath not to marry, according to the extent made by
the escheator or aceording to a new one to be made, if necessary, in the
presence of John, son and heir of the said Henry, if he choose to attend.
Oct. 23. To the keeper of the office of treasurer and to the barons of the ex-
Rochester, chequer. Order to allow to John de Oddyngseles, son and heir and
executor of Hugh de Oddyngseles, knight, 100 marks, in which he made
fine witli the king for license to enfeoft' Ralph Bygod of his manors of Long
Johyngton and liradewell, with appurtenances and the advowsons of the
churches of those manors, which are held in chief, out of the sum of
21ZI. 14i. bd., the remainder of 233/. 14*. 5d. due to the aforesaid Hugh from
the late king for the wages of himself and his company for the time when
he was in the late king's service in the duchy [of Aquitaine] in the time of
the war, as appears by an account made by Thomas de Canteb[rugge], the
king's late clerk, as contained in the letters of Henry de Laci, late earl of
Lincoln, supplying the late king's place in the duchy aforesaid, which letters
Hugh delivered into the treasury by the hands of John de Sendale, the
king's late clerk, the king having promised to pay the above sum to Hugh
or his attorney bringing the aforesaid letters.
To the sheriff of Essex. At the complaint of Gilbert de Mordon, Henry
Gubbe, and Stephen deCreye, citizens and merchants of London, that whereas
they lately caused certain ships to be laden with fish, lead, oil, hides^aud other
goods to the value of 300/. \0s. lately bought at Lenne for the purpose of
taking the same to London, to wit three thousands three hundreds and forty
fish called 'stokfisshe,' value 16/. 13s. 4rf., price IQs. a hundred; a thousand
of ' lobbes,' value 11. Zs. 4c/., price 14.S. 4rf. a hundred ; six charres (charris)
of lead, value 18/., price 60s. a char, and a barrel of oil, price 7/., belonging
to the aforesaid Gilbert, and three thousands three hundreds and forty fish
called ' stokfisshe,' value 16/. 13s. 4c?. ; a thousand of ' lobbes,' value 71. 3s. 4c/.,
six charres of lead, value 18/., and a barrel of oil, value 7/., belonging
to the said Henry, and with three thousands three hundreds and forty fish
called ' stokfisshe,' value 16/. 13s. 4c/., a thousand of ' lobbes,' value 7/. 3s. 4c/.,
eight charres of lead, value 24/., four and a half lasts of hides, value 13o/.
(.sic), price 30/. a last, half a last of hides, price 10/., a barrel of oil, price 7/.,
and a barrel of sturgeon {sturgionis), price 60s., belonging to the aforesaid
Stephen, certain malefactors of Elanders attacked the men and mariners in
the said ship on the coast near Crowemere, co. Norfolk, and took the said
goods and divided the same amongst them, and carried them to Flanders, as
appears by the letters testimonial of the mayor and community of the afore-
said city, the king frequently requested R. count of Flanders to cause
restitution or satisfaction for their goods and damages to be made to the
said merchants; but the count failed to do them justice, as appears by the
aforesaid letters ; wherefor the aforesaid merchants prayed the king to
provide thera with a remedy, but the matter has been deferred by reason of
the treaty between the king's council and the count's envoys until the
parliament convoked at Westminster in three weeks from Midsummer last,
when certain of the count's envoys withdrew themselves and returned home :
the king, at the request of the aforesaid Stephen, now orders the sheriff to
arrest goods of the men and merchants of the count's power to the value of
100 marks, and to cause the same to be kept safely until Stephen have been
satisfied for that sum, in part satisfaction for 202/. 16s. 8c/., the value of his
goods above specified. The king has ordered the sheriff of Lincoln to
arrest goods in like manner to the value of 103 marks 16s. Sd., and the
bailiffs of the archbishop of York of the water of Hull to arrest goods to
the value of 100 marks. By K. and C.
Oct. 28. To the keeper of the office of treasurer and to the barons of the exchequer.
Leeds. Order to allow to Henry de Cobeham, fermor of the castle and city of
Nov. 3.
Nov. 7.
Nov 5.
Nov. 10.
Nov. 12.
Nov. 13.
Nov. 14.
Membrane 24 — cont.
Eochester, the sum of 201. m his account, which sum he paid by the order
of Edmund, earl of Kent, keeper of the county of Kent, to Robert de
Ecchyngham for certain of the king's affairs in those parts. By K.
To Henry le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the
king. Order to adjourn {continuetis) all matters touching the archdeacons,
deacons, otficials, and other ministers of the clergy who were lately charged
(occasionati) before Harvey de Staunton and his fellows, justices in eyre at
the Tower of London, with divers oppressions and grievances inflicted by them
upon the people, which matters the king caused to conie before the said
Henry and his fellows for certain reasons. By K.
To the keeper of the office of treasurer and to the barons of the
exchequer. Order to allow to Simon Warde, now sheriff of York, 50 marks
for Michaelmas term last out of the issues of his bailiwick, the king having
granted to him, on 3 .June, in the 8th year of his reign, 100 marks yearly, to
be received at the exchequer at Michaelmas and Easter terms until the king
should provide him with 100 marks yearly of land or rent for life, in con-
sideration of his good service to the king past and future.
To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side
Trent. Order to deliver Robert de Croyland, imprisoned at Okham for
trespass of vert and venison in the king's forest of Asloxton, in bail to
twelve mainpernors of the county of Rutland, who shall mainpern to have
him before the justices for Forest pleas when they come to those parts.
To the keeper of the office of treasurer and to the barons of the
exchequer. Order to acquit Henry de Cobeham and the executors of the
will of Master James, his brother, of the issues of the bishopric of Worcester
from 20 November, in the 11th year of the reign, when the king took the
fealty of Thomas, the present bishop, and restored the temporalities to him,
the king having committed the custody of the bishopric, then void, to the
aforesaid Henry and James on 28 May, in the 10th year of his reign.
To the sheriff of Somerset. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of Ralph le flz Ours, deceased.
To Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk, justice of Wales, and to Adam de
Wettenhale, chamberlain of North Wales. Order to cause the bridge of
the great gate of the town of Karnarvan to be repaired without delay, as
Henry de Shirokes, late chamberlain of North Wales, has given the king to
understand that the king ought to repair the bridge, the king having
ordered the said justice and Henry, at the request of the burgesses of
Karnarvan that the king would cause the bridge to be repaired, to inform
themselves by all means whether the king ought, and has been wont, to
repair the said bridge.
To Adam de Wettenhale, chamberlain of Karnarvan. Order to pay to
the clerk of the king's works there and to the garritor of the same castle
the arrears of their wages and stipends from the time of his appointment
as chamberlain, and to continue to pay the same.
To the keeper of the office of treasurer and to the barons of the exche-
quer. Whereas the late bailiffs of Great Yarmouth arrested 24 tuns of wine
belonging to Copinus Martin, a Fleming, in that town as forfeited to the
king, alter the king's proclamation that no Fleming should stay or be
received within this realm, and the king afterwards ordered them to deliver
tlie wine to Walter Waldeshef, his butler, and they delivered the same to
Henry Rose, the attorney of the said Walter, and it subsequently appeared
by the testimony of Sir Walter de Castellion, count of Porcean (Portiens')
Nov. 16.
Oct. 3.
Nov. 10.
Membrane 24 — cont.
and constable of France, by his letters patent that the v^ines aforesaid be-
longed to John Martin of the town of St. John Augelyns, France, and the
said constable prayed the king to cause the wines to be delivered to John
or his attorney in this behalf; the king therefore ordered the aforesaid
Henry to deliver the wines to the said John or to John de Newelond his
attorney, and the bailiffs aforesaid afterwards alleged before the keeper of
the oiEce of treasurer and the barons of the exchequer that they had
delivered the wines to the said Henry ; and the said Henry, -without having
been warned to appear before them to answer for the wines, being suddenly
found and addressed at the bailifFs' suit concerning the receipt of the afore-
said wines, and being ignorant of his attorney's action in the matter of the
receipt, Tvholly denied the receipt thereof, whereupon the parties put them-
selves upon an inquit^ition, whereby it was found that the bailiffs delivered
to Robert Brice, Henry's attorney, 19 tuns and one pipe of the aforesaid
21 tuns, and that the rest had disappeared in waste and oilagef Oj/Z/a^'io) ;
in which matter judgment has not been proceeded with, as the king is given
to understand by Henry ; whereupon the said Henry, being now certified by
his attorney concerning the receipt and delivery of the wines, and fearing that
he may incur damage owing to the above denial, has besought the king to
shew him grace : the king therefore orders the keeper and barons to cause
Henry to be acquitted of the wines aforesaid, receiving from him the king's
letters of warrant for re.storing the wines to John Martin and John's letters
witnessing the receipt thereof, and to refrain from molesting or aggrieving
Henry by reason of the said denial.
To the sheriffs of London. Order to cause the deodands of the last eyre
of the justices at the Tower of London to be levied without delay, accord-
ing to the estreats thereof to be delivered to them by the keeper of the ofBce
of treasurer and the barons of the exchequer, and to deliver the same to
William de Ayremynne, keeper of the house of the Conversi at London, the
king having granted that the said deodands shall be delivered to William for
the repair of the chapel of the said house and of the ornaments of the chapel
and of the buildings of the Conversi there, according to the ordinance and
disposition of the said William. By K.
To John de Wysham, constable of Sknaresburgh* {sic) castle. Order to
cause the houses of the castle, and the pond and mills, and the palings of
the parks there to be repaired.
To Stephen de Abyndon, taker of the wines of the right prise at South-
ampton. Oi'der to deliver to the abbot of St. Edwards, Netley {Lutele), a
tun of wine of the right prise for this year, in accordance with the grants of
Henry III. and Edward I.
Membrane 23.
Nov 16. To the keeper of the office of treasurer and to the barons of the exchequer.
Westminster. Order to cause Ralph de Gorges to have respite until Easter next of the
debts due from him to the exchequer, both his own debts and the debts of
his ancestors, the king having granted him such respite as he wishes to shew
him favour, because he was lately captured whilst in the king's service and
is still imprisoned. By K.
Nov. 18. To the same. Order to acquit John de Rugham, clerk, of 35^. 6d.
Romford. yearly from 26 February {sic), in the 26th year of the late king's reign, for
the custody of two parts of the lands that belonged to Richard le Rus, who
held of William Bardolf, deceased, tenant in chief of the late king, the
* Called Knaresburgh in the margin.
on the
1321. Membrane 23 — cord.
late king having committed, on 11 June, in the 20th year of his reign, the
custody of Richard's lands, which came to him as wardship at the time when
William's lands were in his hands, to John during the heir's minority,
subject to the payment of the above sum yearly, at which the two parts
were extended, the late king having afterwards, on 4 February, in the 26th
year of his reign, restored the said lands to Alan, son and heir of Richard,
because he had proved his age before him, when he ordered Ma^lculin de
Harl[e], then escheator this side Trent, to cause Alan to have seisin of the
said lands.
Nov. 28. To Roger Damory. Order to deliver the castles, lands, goods, etc., that
Broken bridge belonged to Hugh le Despenser, the younger, in Gloumorgan and Morganno,
(^Pountefrait) -^yhich are in his custody, to Master John Walewayn, escheator this side
Trent, Roger having written to the king, in reply to his late orders to
deliver the lands, etc., to Adam de Brom, that the custody of the said la.nds,
etc., were delivered to him by I he magnates of the realm and by the men of
those parts, who would not permit him to make such delivery thereof, and
that if he had done so they would have risen in war, because they under-
stood that the aforesaid Hugh, who was exiled in parliament by the assent
of the magnates, was staying in the realm, stating that he would so answer
to the king for the issues of the said lands that the king should be in no
wise a loser thereby : which answer the king deems altogether insufficient
and derisory. By K.
Mandate in pursuance to the aforesaid escheator. By K.
To Hugh Daudele, the younger. Order to deliver to the aforesaid
escheator the castle and town of Neuport, with the county and land of
Wcnthelok and the land of Maghaghay (sic), together with the goods and
chattels of the aforesaid Hugh le Despenser, the younger, the said Hugh
Daudele having written, in reply to the king's previous order to deliver the
above to Adam de Brom, that he has no lands of Hugh le Despenser, the
younger, in his custody, but that he holds the castle and lands above
specified as the inheritance and purparty of Margaret his wife, which fell to
her in Wales of the lands of Gilbert de Clare, late earl of Gloucester, her
brother, for which reason nothing was delivered to Adam ; which answer
the king reputes as naught, especially as the said Hugh le Despenser was
seised of the castle and lands aforesaid when the aforesaid Hugh Daudele
and others began to prosecute him. By K.
Mandate in pursuance to the escheator. By K.
Nov. 30. To the sheriffs of London. Order not to molest or aggrieve Thomas
Broken bridge. Toltyntrewe, the king's yeoman, for arresting Ralph Cressy within the city,
or for carrying the said Ralph or his goods away, and to deliver the said
goods to Thomas of the king's gift, as the king lately enjoined Thomas to
arrest Ralph wherever found, for certain damages and contempts against the
king. By K.
To John de Bermyngeham, earl of Loueth, justiciary of Ireland. Order
to appoint some of the king's subjects of those parts to make an eyre of
justices for common pleas in the county of Meath {Mid'), as the king wills
that such an eyre shall be there made. By K.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with two messuages and 30 acres of land in Brynghurst
and Drayton, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisi-
tion taken by him that Master Robert de Py[n]cebek, parson of the church
of Brynghurst, holds the above with other tenements in Brynghurst and
Drayton in frankalmoin as of the right of his church, and that he and his
15 EDWARD II. 409
1321. Membrane 23 — cont.
predecessors have held the same heretofore from time out of mind in form
aforesaid withovit making any chantry thrico a week in the chapel of
Drayton and without doing any service therefor, and that all the tenements
that he holds in the aforesaid towns are held of the abbot of Peterborough,
and that neither Robert nor any of his predecessors acquired to them and
their church any lands in the said towns after the publication of the statute
of mortmain.
To Stephen de Abyndon, taker of the wines of the right prise at South-
ampton. Order to deliver to the abbot and convent of King's Beaulieu a
tun of wine of the right prise aforesaid for this year, in accordance with
the grant of Henry III.
To the keeper of the office of treasurer and to the barons of the exche-
quer. Order to restore to Edmund Fychet, clerk, his lands, goods, and
chattels, which were taken into the king's hands by writ of the exchequer
because he was indicted before Henry Spygurnell and bis fellows, justices of
oyer jind terminer in co. Somerset, for the death of Walter de Compton, for
assenting to the said death, and for receiving the perpetrators thereof after
the deed, as he has purged his innocence before John, bishop of Bath and
Wells, the diocesan, to whom he was delivered by the justices according to
the privilege of the clergy.
Membrane 22.
Nov. 16. To William de Bello Campo, keeper of Malverue chace, which belonged to
Westminster. Hugh le Despenser, the younger, or to him who supplies his place. Order to
associate with him one of the king's subjects of those parts, and to inform him-
self by all means concerning the claim of Thomas, bishop of Worcester, who
has shewn the king that, by virtue of a composition made between Godfrey, late
bishop of Worcester, and Gilbert de Clare, late earl of Gloucester and Hert-
ford, and Joan his wife, then lords of the aforesaid ch.ice, for the settlement of
disputes between them, the bishop ought to receive yearly from that chace two
good bucks in the time of fatness in the eve of the Assumption and two good
does in the winter season {ferinisonis) in the eve of Christmas at his manor
of Kemeseye by delivery of the lords of the said chace, and that the bishop
and his predecessors have been wont to receive the said bucks and docs
from that time until the chace came to the king's hands, and if the keeper
find that the bishop ought to receive the said bucks and does, to cause him
to have the arrears of the same since the chace came to the king's hands,
and to deliver the same to him for so long as the chace remain in tlie
king's hands.
To the keeper of the [office of] treasurer and to the barons of the exchequer.
Order to allow to the burgesses of Great Yarmouth, out of the ferm of their
town and out of other debts, the remainder of the wages of certain of their
men, whom they sent with certain ships to Gascony in the late king's service
at the time when Edmund, late earl of Lancaster, Henry de Lacy, late earl of
Lincoln, and John de Britannia went to Gascony, with others of the late
king's subjects, during the war between him and Philip, then king of
France, and for the value of a galley, constructed and prepared at their cost
for the defence of their parts and the security of the sea against the king of
Prance, which the late king gave with the tackle to John Knape, a mariner
(inanerio) of his, without making any satisfaction therefor to them, the
king's previous order to this effect, issued in response to the burgesses'
petition, not having been fully executed, as the king is given to understand
on behalf of the said burgesses.
on Thames.
Dec. C.
X321. Membrane 22 — cont.
Nov. 30. To W. archbisliop of Canterbury, and lo the other prelates of the province
Broken bridge of Canterbury about to assemble at London in prnvinoial council. Order
™ to give credence to what John de Britannia, earl of Kichmond, Edmund,
earl of Arundel, and Master Robert de Biddok, archdeacon of Middlesex,
shall explain to them by word of mouth concerning the king's affairs, and
to conduct themselves so in the said matters that the king may commend
their diligence and affection for him and the profit and honour of his realm
and the peace of the people thereof. By K.
{Pari. Writs.']
To the keeper of the office of treasurer and to the barons of the exche-
quer. Order to aWovi to Richard de Ellesfeld, late constable of Bordeaux,
in his accounts to be rendered before them, for all payments for the rule of
the duchy [of Aquitaine] and the king's affairs made by him, or him who
supplied his place, by any treasurers of the Agcnois, Saintonge, Perigord,
Cahorf3, and Limoges, and other receivers under him by virtue of letters or
orders of the seneschals and regents of the duchy and of those who supplied
their places and of the seneschals of the Agenois, Saintonge, j-'erigord,
Cahors, and Limoges, and those who supplied their places, for the time
when Richard was constable.
Dec. 8. To the sheiiff of York. Order to restore to Richard de Breresdyk,
Westminster, clerk, his lands and goods, which were taken into the king's hands upon his
indictment before John de Donecastre and Alexander de Gave, justices to
deliver York gaol, for robbery and burglary at Neuhagh, as he has purged
bis innocence before W. archbishop of York, the ordinary, to whom he
was delivered by the justices.
Dec. 9. To Thomas Lercedekne, Henry Chaumbernoun, and John Treiagu.
Langlcy Marish. Order not to proceed further without consulting the king with the execution
of their appointment to enquire by the oath of men of Cornwall concerning
the names of the malefactors who, together with Geoffrey Modeford and
John Chanpenes, attacked the ship of Alfonsus Piers and Gonsalvius Piers,
merchants of Portugal, whilst voyaging to England near the port of
Falemuth, in the aforesaid county, and who took and carried away the ship,
with salt and goods and merchandise to the value of 400/., to Peryn, in the
same county, and concerning all the circumstances connected therewith, if
they find that judgment was rendered in this matter at another time before
others, as the king is given to understand that upon another occasion he
appointed certain of his subjects to enquire into this matter, who rendered
judgment, by reason whereof the matter ought iTot to be brought again to
To the bailifTs of Henle. Whereas the king lately ordered them to
deliver to Robert son of Ralph de Burtonstather the three sarplers of
wool-fells of John Birek and Arnald Birek, merchants of Poperyng', of the
power of the count of Flanders, arrested at Robert's suit, and to deliver to
William de Luyton and other merchants of London the other four sarplers
of the said Flemish merchants arrested at their suit, which wool was
arrested by the sheriff of Southampton by the king's order and was after-
wards arrested by the aforesaid bailiffs for certain reasons within their
bailiwick ; and the king afterwards ordered them to keep the wool in their
hands until further orders, because Laurence de Gloucestre asserted that
the above seven sarplers belonged to him at the time of tlie arrest, and
alleged error in the process made by the aforesaid sheriff, and the king
ordered the bailiffs to summon the aforesaid Robert, William, and the other
merchants to appear befoie the king in chancery on Tuesday after
8t. Andrew last, the day given to Laurence ; at which day the parties
appeared before the king, and agreed that an inquisition should be taken
Dec. 2L
1321. Membrane 22 — cont.
njjain ; and it is found by the inquisition talcen by Ralph de Berefoi'd and
Richard de Biflete at Southampton, in the presence of tlie parties, that the
aforesaid three sarplers belonged to Laurence on the day of arrest, to wit
Tuesday after St. G-iles last, and for a month and two days previously, and
that Laurence bought them from divers men in the country with his own
money, and that the four savplers also belonged to Lauienoe on the day of the
arrest, and for a mouth and two days previously, and that ho bought them
from divers merchants before that time : the king therefore orders them to
deliver the said seven sarplers to Laurence without delay.
Dec. 26. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause Henry
Cirencester, de Percy, son and heir of Henry de Percy, tenant in chief, to have seisin
of his father's lands, except tlie knights' fees and advowsons, as the king
has taken his homage and has rendered to him his father's lands, with the
above exceptions, although he has not yet proved his age. By K.
The like to Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. By .K.
Jan. 3. To Robert Lewer, constable of Odyham castle. Order to put thirteen
Worcester, armed footmen and .=even other footmen in the castle at the king's wages,
for the more secure keeping of the same, and to pay to the king's workmen
in tlie castle the arrears of their wages, and to continue to pay their wages
until further orders.
By K. on the information of Richard de Ayrem[ynne].
Jan. 4. To the keeper of the office of treasurer and to the barons of the
Worcester, exchequer. Order to cause R. liishop of Winchester, who is setting out
to parts beyond sea in the king's service, to have respite until Easter next
for all debts due to the exchequer.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
Jan. 10. To Henry le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the
King Swinford. king. Order to adjourn until the quinzaine of Easter next all the matters
touching the bishop of London, the dean and chapter, officials and other
ministers of St. Paul's, London, that were moved in the last eyre at the
Tower of London, which the king afterwards caused to come before him
and vvbich he ordered to be adjourned until the octaves of St. Hilary next.
By K.
J,-, Membrane 21.
Dec. 5. To the sheriff of Middlesex. Order to deliver to Francis Balduch, of the
Westminster, society of the Bardi of Florence, ten pieces of cloth and half a piece, and
to Simon de Swanlond, citizen and merchant of London, eighteen pieces of
cloth and half a piece, which twenty-eight pieces and two half pieces
were seized by the sheriff at Westminster in execution of the king's
order to arrest goods of the men of the count of Flanders to the
value of 300/., in part satisfaction of 497/. lOs. Od., the value of the
goods of Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, captured in his ship called
' Coga de Valencia' {as at page 192 above), as the said Francis has
mainperned, for himself and his fellows, to satisfy the earl for 46/., and
Simon has mainperned to satisfy the earl for 84/., being the value of the
said cloth, which belonged to Robert Legier and John Bel, merchants of
Douai, in case Robert and John be charged therewith, they having alleged
in chancery that their goods ought not be arrested because Douai is of the
power of the king of France and not of the said count, as the king has given
them and the earl a day in chancery in the octaves of St. Hilary to receive
-what his court shall consider.
1321. Membrane 21 — cont.
Dec. 8. To the keeper of the oiRce of the treasurer, and to the barons of the
Westminster, exchequer, and to the chamberlains. Order to cause Edmund de Wodestok,
the king's brother, to h ave in full for Michaelmas term last the ferms
granted to him by the king on July 28 last, when ihe king created him
earl of Kent and granted him 30/. from the issues of that county,
to wit the ferm of the royalty and market of Derteford, co. Kent,
of the Talue of 30/. yearly ; the hundreds of Lutlefeld and Wetlestan,
in the same county, of the value of 10 marks yearly ; 33/. of yearly
ferm that the citizens of the city of Chichester render yearly; 16/. of
yearly ferm from the town of Ormesby, co. Norfolk ; 50/. of yearly ferm
that the aVibot and convent of Ranieseye render for the fair of St. Ives,
CO. Huntingdon ; 60/. of yearly ferm from the town of Aylesbury, co. Buck-
ingham ; 8^. of yearly ferm from the manor of Idene, co. Sussex ; and to
cause any thing that may have been paid into the exchequer of the above
ferms to be restored to the said Edmund, as the king is given to understand
that some of the above sums have been paid into the exchequer for
Michaelmas term last, and that portions of the ferms of the above term
from Easter last until the aforesaid 28 July are being exacted for the king's
use. By K.
To Henry N orman , constable of Berkham stede castle. Order to release James
de la Rokele, .John le Draper of Aylesbury, Richard le Foughler, Richard
de Hawardyn, John de Norfolk, and Eobert de Twywell from that castle,
wherein they are imprisoned upon the appeal made against them in the
county [court] of the sheriff of Hertford by Thomas son of Robert Bener
for the death of the said Robert, his father, upon their finding each su£&-
cient mainpernors to have them before Henry le Scrop and his fellows,
justices to hear pleas before the king, in the octave of Holy Trinity next to
answer concerning the appeal, the king having ordered the said sheriif to
cause them to appear before the king at the said time with the attachments
and all other evidences (adminiculis) touching the appeal. By p.s. [5916.]
Dec. 15. Richard Poteman of Brokedele, imprisoned at Canterbury for the death
Ogbourne of Adam de Hadlegh, has letters to the sheriff of Kent to bail him until the
QOkebomn). grgt assize.
Dec. 13. To the sheriff of Norfolk. At the complaint of Simon de Ediyngton,
Newbury, citizen and merchant of Lincoln, that whereas he lately caused seven sacks
of wool, price 98/., price of a sack 14/., to be put at Boston in a ship of
Sluys {Sclusa) in Flanders, the master whereof was Master Baldwin Skenk
of Sluys, for the purpose of taking the same to parts beyond sea where the
staple was at that time in order to make his profit thereon, certain male-
factors of Flanders, to wit of the towns of Sluys, Slyperdam, Hok, Muth,
Monkerode, and Damme {del Dam), attacked the ship on her voyage,
and wounded, maltreated, and imprisoned the men in her, and carried her
away whither they would, the king wrote to R. count of Flanders to cause
satisfaction to be made therefor to the said merchant ; but although Robert
Deupas, Simon's attorney in this behalf, shewed the king's letter to the
count and prayed for justice, the count did nothing in the matter, as the
mayor and community of the city of Lincoln have testified by their letters
patent to the king : wherefore the king orders the sheriff to arrest goods of
the men and merchants of the count's power to the value of 48/., in part
satisfaction of the aforesaid 98/., and to keep the same safely until Simon
have been satisfied for that sum. The king has ordered the sherifE of
Lincoln to arrest goods in like manner to the value of 50/., the remainder
of the above sum. By p.s. [5920, 5921.]
To the sherifE of Lincoln. Like order to arrest goods to the value of
39/., in part satisfaction of 69/., the value of six sacks of wool loaded in the
above ship by Hugh de Claxby, merchant.
Dec. 26.
Jan. 10.
Membrane 21 — cont.
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Like order to arrest goods to the value of
125/., in part satisfaction for 245/., for ten sacks of wool, value 120/.,
loaded by John de Tumby, merchant, in the aforesaid ship, and for ten
sacks, value 125/., loaded by him in a ship of Antwerp (Anverx) in
Hrabant, whereof Master William Barfot was master. By the same writ.
To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to arrest Bartholomew de Badelesmere,
and to imprison him until furtlier orders, and to cause inquisition to be made
as to those who harboured Bartholomew, and to certify the king of the
names of those who may be indicted for harbouring him and of the time of
Ihe harbouring. By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.]
To Edward, earl of Chester, the king's son, or to his justice in that
King Smaford. county, or to him who supplies the justice's place. Order to cause
500 footmen to be elected without delay in that county, associating with
them in this office John de Wrenbury and John Roher, and to appoint
Robert de Preyers, William de Preyers, David de Beston, Richard de
Morton, and Robert de Wynyngton constables to bring the men to the
king, and to cause the constables and men to come to the king without
delay well found in arms, to go with the king at his wages through divers
parts of his realm to punish the oppressions of his people and to repress
any insurrection. By K.
Membrane 20.
Jan. 20. To Master John Walew[a]yn, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause
Shrewsbury. John de Erie, son and heir of William Erie, tenant in chief, to have seisin of
his father's lands, as he has proved his age before Richard de Bodeneye, late
escheator this side Trent, and the king has taken his homage. By K.
Jan. 18. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to admit John de Ileford
Shrewsbury, to execute the office of coroner in the city, as Stephen de Abyndon, the
king's butler, to whom the office of coroner in the city pertains, is unable
to execute the office personally because he is engaged upon the king's
affairs in divers parts of the kingdom, and has appointed John as his
Jan. 20. To the mayor and burgesses of the town of Oxford. Order not to permit
Shrewsbury, any suspicious person to enter the town, and if any unsuspected person be
permitted by them to stay in the town, they are to cause him to swear
before the chancellor of the university and the sheriff of Oxford, if he be
present, that he will be faithful to the king and that he will defend the
town if it be attacked, as the kiug is given to understand that many mag-
nates and others come to the town daily to stay therein. By K.
Jan. 20. To the sheriff of Cambridge and the coroners of that county. Order to
Shrewsbury, deliver to Fulk fuiz Warin by indenture the jewels and goods in their
custody whereof he was robbed at Boreford, co. Oxford, by William de
Burle and Walter de Novo Castro, who were arrested at Cambridge at the
king's suit with eight silver dishes, a silk girdle, a gold brooch {firmaculo),
and a chest {forcerio) with certain muniments, part of the jewels and goods
whereof Fulli was robbed, the said Walter having been delivered to J. bishop
of Ely, the ordinary, according to the privilege of the clergy, and William
having escaped from Gransete church, whither he had fled, by reason
whereof the jewels and goods were taken into the king's hands as forfeited
to him. By K.
The like to the mayor and bailiffs of Cambridge.
1322. Membrane 20— cont.
Jan. 24. To Henry le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the king.
Shrcwshurj-. Older not to aggrieve certain ministers of St. Paul's church, London, or
their mainpernors if they have not appeared before the king in the octaves
of St. Hilary l.nst, until which day the king adjourned the matter after he
had caused ii to come before him, the s.aid ministers having been impeached
.It the king's suit before Hervey de Staunton and his i'ellows, justices last
in eyre at the Tower of London, for divers oppressions of the people of the
city by the proving of w'ils and other such things, as the king has now
caLl^ed the matter to be adjourned until the quinzaine of Easter. By K.
Geoffrey son of John son of Robert, imprisoned at Aylesbui'y for the
death of John son of Robert, his father, has letters to the sheriff of Bucking-
hnm to ball him until the first assize.
J;in. 24. To the sheriff of .Middlesex. Order to cause the letters oblig-atory of the
Shrewsbury, merchants of the society of the Eiudi of Florence for 461. and of Simon de
Swanlond for 84/. to be restored to them, and to cause ten pieces and half
a piece of cloth to be delivered to Robert Leger by the said merchants, and
eighteen pieces and half a piece of cloth to be delivered to John Bel by the
the said Simon, the said merchants and Simon having mainperned to
answer to Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, for the above sums, the
value of the said cloth, which was arrested in execution of the king's order
to arrest goods of the men of the power of the count of Flandeis in part
satisfaction for the earl's goods taken from his ship called ' Coga de
Valencia' {as at page 411 above), as it now agreed between the earl and
the said Robert and John, merchants of Douay, that the aforesaid cloth
shall be wholly delivered to them. By K.
Jan. 24. To the keeper of the office of treasurer and to the barons of the exche-
Shrewsbury. quer. Order to audit the account of Simon Corp, late mayor of London, of
bis expenditure in execution of the king's order to the mayor, aldermen and
community to cause the sheriffs to have the four gates of the city for the
custody of the Templars, etc., and to cause him to have allowance therefor.
Jan. 22. To the sheriffs of London. At the suit of William de Wyddeslade,
Shrewsbury, citizen of London, that certain goods of his to the value of 300/., laden in a
ship of Laurence Pollesone at Le Sclus in Flanders, had been taken from
the said ship near Wynterton, co. Norfolk, by malefactors of the parts of
Hain.ault, Holland, and Zeeland, and of the towns of Cologne, Dortemutli,
Rikelirighous, Lubyk, Osenbrugge, Menstre, Grippeswald, Sussalt, and
Hamburgh, and elsewhere in Almaiu, the king, after due process In this
matter, ordered the sheriffs to deliver goods of the men and merchants of
the aforesaid towns to the value of 389/. 12s. 4(/. arrested by them to the
aforesaid merchants, in part satisfaction for the above 300/. and of 100/., at
which his damages were then taxed; and afterwards, upon the petition of
the said William shewing that the robbery, and the arrest, and the estima-
tion of the damages had occun ed a long time since, and the execution of
that arrest had been delayed until 22 July, in the I4th year of the king's
reign, by the fault and feigned and undue contradiction of the aforesaid
merchants of Almaiu, and praying the king for greater damages on account
of the long detention of his goods and of his long suit after the aforesaid
estimation, the king ordered the sheriffs to cause his damages beyond the
above sum of 100/. to be taxed by the oath of merchants and others, and it
is found by the said taxation that the said William sustained damages to
the amount of 200/. beyond the above sum : wherefore the king crdei-s the
sheriffs to arrest goods of the men of the power of the said count and of the
aforesaid towns of Almain to the value of the said 200/. and of Is. Sd.,
(sic), the remainder of the aforesaid 300/. and 100/. for damages, and to
keep the same safely until further orders, By p.s,
Jim. 27.
Jan. 23.
Jan. 28.
Jan. 31.
Membrane 20 — cont.
To Edward, earl of Chester, or to his justice in the county of Chester,
or to him who supplies the justice's plnce. Order to cause the manor of
W)benbury, CO. Chester, which was taken into the earl's hands upon the
death of Walter, late bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, to be kept during
the voidance of the see without waste or destruction, so tliat it may be
i-endered to the future bishop, as the kinw is given to understand that,
although the manor at all times past belonged (o the bishopric of Chester,
William de Prayers intruded himself upon the manor when the aforesaid
bishop was dying at London, so that he might defraud the king or the earl of
the custody of the manor during the voidance of the see. Bv p.s. [5039,]
To William de la Beclie, keeper of the castle of Dolvoryn and of the
lands of Kery and Kedewyu. Order to pay to the king's clerk Thomas
de Eggefeld his wages, to wit 2s. a day, out of the issues of his bailiwick
during the time he shall be occupied in going with the said keeper to the
aforesaid castle and lands, and in staying there and returning thence, the
king having appointed him to go thither, and to make an indenture with
the said keeper concerning the goods and chattels of Roger de Mortuo
Mari of Wyggemor found therein, and to certify the king of the value of
the same, as contained in the king's letters patent. By K.
The like for the following :
John de Norton, addressed to Walter le Grras, [keeper] of the castles
(cus/rorum) of Dynelegh and Kevenethes, and of the lands there,
and of the lands of Melenethand Guerthrensh', to receive 2s. a day.
William de Leycestre, addressed to Robert de Morby, keeper of the
castle, town, and land of Breghennogh, to receive 4.«. a day.
William de Holyns, addressed to John de Siggeston, keeper of the
castles and towns of Huntyngton and La Haye, and of the lands
there, to receive I8d. a day.
William de Werdale, addressed to John de Dene, keeper of the castles
and lands oi Bolkedynas, Blenleveny, and Penkethelyn, to receive
lad. a day.
Benedict de Normanton, addressed to Richard le Mareschal, keeper of
the castle and town of Brentheles, and of the lands there, and of the
lands of Cantredesely, to receive 2s. [a day].
William de Kaythorp, addressed to Edmund Gacclyn, keeper of the castle,
town, and lands of Kirkehouwel and Stradieu, to receive 18c?. a day.
Thomas de Brayton, addressed to Gritfin ap Rees, keeper of the castle,
town, and lands of Buelt, to receive 2s. a day.
John de Crosseby, addressed to Humphrey de Litlebury, keeper of the
town, land, and lordship of the land of Radenore, to receive 2^. a day.
John de Merton, addressed to Alan de Cherleton, keeper of the castle
and lordship of Wyggemor, to receive 4s. a day.
Hugh de Burgh, addressed to Ralph le Botyller, keeper of the castle
and town of Lodelowe, and of the manors of Staunton Lacy and
Clebury, to receive 4s. a day.
To the chamberlain of North Wales. Order to pay to the prisoners
from Scotland* in the castle of Beaumaris the arrears of tlieir wages from
tlie time of his appointment, and to continue to pay them the wages that
they have been wont to receive. By p.s. [5941.]
To the same. Order to cause the quay between the castle of Beaumaris
and the sea to be repaired, so that the castle may not be damaged by the
jea. By the same writ. [5941.]
Reginald de Mudle, imprisoned in Shrewsbury gaol for the death of Hugh
le Carter, has a writ to the sheriff of Salop to bail him until the first assize.
* They are called ' hostages from the land of Man ' in the privy seal.
Feb. 7.
Feb. 8.
Membrane 20 — cont.
To the justices of the Bench. Order to proceed to levy a fine between
Thomas de Greiieham and Alice his wife and Henry de Lusseby, chaplain,
concerning the manor of Ketene, co. Eiitland, notwithstanding that the
manor is said to be held of the king in chief, the justices having deferred
levying the fine because it was said before them that the manor was held in
chief. By K.
To the sheriff of York. Order to restore to John de Crumbwell all his
lands that Roger de Clifford occupied in warlike manner, which the sheriff
has taken into the king's hands by virtue of his order to take Roger's lands
into the king's hands until further orders. The king wills that ihe sheriff
shall aid and counsel John and his men and servants in maintaining his
possession of the aforesaid lands, whenever required to do so on John's
behalf. By K.
The like to the sheriff of Nottingham and Derby.
Jan. 6.
Dec. 24.
Jan. 15.
Membrane 19.
To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to take into the king's hands without
delay the priory of Hereford and all its possessions and appurtenances,
moveable and immoveable, as the king tmderstauds that contention has
arisen between brother William de Irby, prior of the aforesaid prior)',
acknowledging the priory to be of the foundation of the alms of the king's
progenitors, and that he holds the priory of the king's advowson, and
brother Thomas de Burghhnll, who has intruded himself into the priory,
which he claims to hold of the advowson and foundation of others than the
king's progenitors, by which contention the priory is so much destroyed
and impoverished that its goods are insufficient to maintain the charges and
works of piety ordained for the souls of the king's ancestors, for which
purposes the priory was founded and annexed to the abbey of Gloucester,
which is of the foundation of the king's ancestors. By K.
To Edmund de Wodestok, earl of Kent, warden of the Cinque Ports, or
to him who supplies his place in the port of Dover. Order to cause watch
and search to be made in the port of Dover to prevent the introduction
into the realm of letters citing the king's clerks engaged in l.is service and
others of the realm to appear in person outside the realm to answer con-
cerning anything touching the king's rights and privileges, or for other
things, the cognisance whereof pertains to the king within the realm, and
to no other, or of any letter otherwise prejudicial to the king, and to arrest
the bearers of sucli letters and to imprison them in Dover castle, and to
cause the letters under whose sea) soever they may be and the instruments
to be sent to the king. By p.s. [5923.]
To John de Insiala, Andrew Payn, and Ralph de Welverton. Order not
to levy anything from the demesnes of John de Crumwcll, who is staying
with the king in his service, and to restore anything that they may have
levied by virtue of the king's appointment of them to levy 200/. upon the
knights and squires of the county of Southampton, both those who lately
came to the king by his order and those who stayed at home, as it is not
the king's intention to that anything shall be levied on this account from
those who are staying with him in his service. By K,
\_Parl. fVrits.']
The like for others in various counties. [76ic?.]
Feb. 8.
Feb. 9.
Feb. 11.
Feb. 10.
Feb. 12.
Feb. 11.
Membrane 19 — cont.
To the sherifi of Cornwall. Order to cause watch and search to be made
in all seaports and elsewhere where he shidl think fit, whether the wives of
any of the king's coutrariants or their children come or stay within his
baihwick, or go on board ship in the ports for the purpose of passing to
any other place, and to arrest any such wives or children found in his
bailiwick, certifying the king of their names. By K.
The like to the sheriffs of Devon, Somerset and Dorset and Gloucester.
To the keeper of the oflBce of treasurer and to the barons of the exchequer.
Order to cause the men of the community of the city of Loudon to have
respite until the quinzaine of Easter next for all debts exacted from them
by the estreats of the justices last in eyre at the Tower. By K.
To Henry le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the king.
Order to adjourn until the quinzaine of Easter next all pleas of quo
ican-anto touching the mayor, aldermen, citizens, and community of the
city of London of the last eyre of the king's justices at London, which the
king afterwards caused to come before him, and which he afterwards
ordered to be continued until the quinzaine of St. Hilary last. By K.
To the keeper of the office of the treasurer and to the barons of the
exchequer. Order to cause the exchequer, together with the rolls, tallies,
memoranda, and all other things touching it, and the rolls of the Bench, to
be transferred to York, so that the exchequer may be held there on the
morrow of the close of Easter. By K.
To the justices of the Bench. Order to adjourn to York the parties
pleading before them, as the king wills that his Bench shall be transferred
to York, so that it be there in the quinzaine of Easter next. By K.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with the lands that John Gernoun held at his death in
Tolshunte Tregoz of John Filiol, and to restore the issues thereof, as it
appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that John Gernoun held at
his death certain lands in Tolshunte Tregoz of the king in chief as of the
honour of Peverel by the service i f a moiety of a knight's fee and by suit
from month to month at the court of Peverel, and that he held certain
lands in the same place of John Filiol by the service of 6s. Sd., and that he
did not hold any lands of the king in chief as of the crown by reason
whereof the custody of all his lands ought to pertain to the king, by which
inquisition it was found that William Gernoun, son of the said John, is
his next heir and is aged seventeen years and a half.
To the same. Order to assign dower to Elizabeth, late the wife of the
said John Gernoun, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's
To the same. Order not to distrain Keymimd, abbot of Cluni, for fealty
for the lands held by him of the king in England, as the king has taken his
Master John de Rosse received the fealty by the king's licence.
To the sherifF of York. Order to cause the houses within the castle of
York last assigned for holding the exchequer and the Bench for common pleas
to be repaired before Easter next, as the king has ordained that the exchequer
shall be held at York on the morrow of the close of Easter and the
Bench in the quinzaine of Easter, the king being about to set out for the
north to lepret^s the invasion of the Scots. The sheriff is to cause proclam-
ation to be made that the king wills that the places aforesaid shall be at
York at the taid times, and that all merchants and others wishing to sell
Membrane 19 — cont. ■
victuals and other things may come to the said city in safety with their said
goods, to recei^'e their due payment for the same.
Feb. 13.
To Roger de Horsle, constable of Bamburgh castle. Order to cause tlie
said castle to be kept safely, and to be found with victuals out of the issues
of his bailiwick. If the issues are insufficient for this purpose, he is to take
victuals elsewhere in the neighbouring parts, according to the tenor of
Magna Carta, causing those from whom he shall take victuals to know
tliat the king is coming to those parts for the protection thereof against the
attacks of the Scots, and that they shall then come to the king to receive
payment for the said victuals. He is to certify the king in his wardrobe of
the victuals thus taken, their price, and the names of those from whom they
shall be taken. By K.
The like to the following :
John de Wysham, constable of Knaresburgh castle, or to him who
supplies his place.
Henry de Percy, constable of Scardeburgh castle.
Wilham Rydol, constable of Bernard's castle, in the king's hands by
reason of the minority of the heir of Guy de Bello Campo, late earl of
William de Anne, constable of TykhuU castle.
John de Segrave, the elder, constable of Notyngham castle, or to him
who supplies his place.
The sheriff of York for York castle.
The sheriff of Northumberland for the castle of Newcastle-on-Tyne.
Feb. 12. To Henry le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the
Gloucester, king. Order to proceed to take the assize of novel disseisin arramed by
Robert de Sapy and Alice his wife before Roger de Chaundos, Adam de
Herewynton, arid John de Bromfiehl against Thomas de Hunteleye and
Isolda his wife, and others named in the original writ, concerning a tene-
ment in Hunteleye, co. Gloucester, notwithstanding the taking of the tene-
ment into the king's hands after the assize was arramed, which assize
remains to be taken before the king because he ordered all assizes, juries,
and certificates arramed before any justices in that county to come before
him on Friday next. By K. on the information of Master Robert Baldok.
Feb 13. To the sherifi of Hereford. Order to cause John de Staple, the king's
Gloucester, approver in Hereford gaol, to be delivered from that gaol in order to set
out with the king in his service. By K.
Membrane 18.
Feb. 8. To the sheriff of Nottingham and Derby. Order to pursue, arrest, and
Gloucester, imprison certain contrariants of the king and rebels who are wandering
about in his bailiwick, taking with him for this purpose the posse of the
county, if necessary. By K.
To the sheriff of Salop. Order to deliver to Constance, late the wife of
Henry de Mortuo Mari, the lands that she holds in dower, and the issues
of the same, which lands the sheriff has taken into the king's hands by
virtue of his order to take into his hands the lands of Huah de Mortuo
Mari. " By K.
To the sheriff of Rutland. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of
Rokyngham to be elected in place of Robert atte Halle, deceased.
Feb. 10.
Feb. 12.
Membrane 18 — cont.
To William de Hamenassh. Order to come to the king without delay to
Feb. 9.
Feb. 14.
Feb. 17.
March 3.
March 8.
do what the king shall enjoin upon him.
iParl. Writs.']
The like to William de Staunton and John le Blak.
To Master John Walewayu, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause
John de Grey of Eotherf'eld, son and heir of John de Grey of Rotherfeld,
tenant in chief, to have seisin of his father's lands, ii.s ho has proved his age
before the escheator and the king has taken his homage. By p.s. [6954.]
The like to Thomas de Burgh, escheator beyond Trent.
To the sheriff of Leicester. Order to cause a coroner for that county
to be elected in place of Ralph de Stanlowe, whom the king has amoved
from office for insufficient qualification.
The like to the same to elect a coroner iu place of Oliver le Waleys, who
is insufficiently qualified.
To Humphrey de Litelbury . Order to deliver to M argaret de Mortimer the
castle, town, and lordship of Radenore, and the issues received therefrom,
and the goods and chattels found therein, which the king ordered him to
take into his hands, as he now understands that Margaret held them in
To William, de Bello Campo, William de Bradewell, and Alexander de
Bosseford. Order to restore to Richard Talbot his lands and goods iu the
county of Worcester, the custody whereof the king lately committed to
them. By K.
The like in favour of the following in co. Worcester :
Henry de Rippeford.
William Blount.
Richard Porter.
Walter le Blount.
John de la Mersh.
John de Hulle.
John Knotte.
Hugh de Cure.
Thomas de Hanley.
William le Walsh.
Thomas le Shephird.
Thomas de Botteleye.
John de la More.
Roger de Estham.
Gilbert Foncel.
John de Hulle.
John Wyard.
Thomas de Berkeleye of Cubberleye.
Thomas de Aston.
Peter de Somervill.
Thomas le Botiller.
Thomas le {sic) Beauchamp.
RoErer de Radenore.
Walter le Blount.
Roger de Wasseburn.
WiUi.im de Bello Oampo.
William de Bradewelle.
William de Besseford.
D D 2
March 25.
Feb. 14.
Feb. 17.
John Rous for his manor
March 3.
Feb. 20.
Teniijle Guiting.
Feb. 14.
Membrane 18 — cont.
William son of William de Leden.
William de la Lynde.
.Tohn le Maunz.
Nicholas de Somery.
William son of William de Lucy.
John son of William de Kyngton.
To Simon de Dryby. Like order in favour of
of Duntesbourn, co. Gloucester. '
The like to the said Simon for the following :
Richard Waryn, for his lands in Dymmok. By K.
John de Wylton, for his lands in Dymmok.
Thomas de Rodberwe, for his lands in Senele.
Thomas de Berkele of Cubberleye, for his lands in Cubherley.
Thomas le Botiller, for his lands in Cubberle.
Peter de Somervill, for his lands in Hunteleye.
Thomas de Aston, for his lands in Leye.
To the sheriff of Hereford. Like order in favour of John Trumwyn for
Feb. 17.
March 1.
Feb. 27.
March 3.
March 18.
Feb. 15.
his lands and goods.
The like to the following :
The sheriff of Hereford, for Thomas Petyt.
The sheriff of Salop, for John Rous.
The sheriff of Stafford, for John Hynkelcye.
The sheriff of Salop, for Ingelram de Frene.
The sheriff of Hereford, for William de la Were.
The sheriff of Warwick, for Thomas de Berkele of Cubberle.
By K.
By K.
The sheriff of Wilts, for Peter de la Mare.
The sheriff of Oxford, for the same.
The sheriff of Hertford, for the same.
The sheriff of Oxford, for Thomas de Berkele of Coberle.
The sheriff of Hereford, for Thomas de Yeddefenne.
The same, for William Broun and Richard de Colynton.
To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to cause coroners for that county to be
elected in place of Walter de Sutton, Nicholas de Wily, and Walter le Gras,
who are insufficiently qualified.
To the sheriff of Salop. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of Peter Gerard, who has no lands in that county or else-
where sufficient to qualify him.
To Richard le Mareschal. Order to restore to Meuric ap Res his lands
and goods in the lands of the castle of Bryntheles and the lands of
Cantredsely, the king having committed the custody of the said castle
and lands, which are in his hands for certain reasons, to Richard during
pleasure. By K.
To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to deliver to Oliver de Ingham his
manors of Estcodeford and Dene, together with his goods and chattels
therein, the manors having been taken into the king's hands with the lands
of John Giffard of Brymmesfeld, who occupied them in warlike manner
during the late disturbances in the realm. By K.
15 EDWAim II.
Feb. 15.
Feb. 14.
Feb. 16.
1322. Membrane 18 — cont.
To the chamboilain of North Wales. Order to meet without delay
Griffiu ap Rees aud Giles de Bello Campo, who are about to briug to the
king in England certain footmen from the lands of the iving and of others
in his hands, in order to set out with him against the Scots, and to pay
to the said footmen their wages out of the issues of his bailiwick. By K.
The like to the chamberlain of South Wales to pay wages to the footmen
whom Walter de Bello Campo and Khys ap GrifFyn are about to bring to
the king.
The like to the chamberlain of Chester for 800 footmen whom Kenewricus
Seys and Blethinus ap Ithel are about to bring to the king from the lands
of Englefeld, Mohautesdale, Hope, and Maillonr Seisenayk.
To the sheriff of Salop and Stafford. Order not to choose any men from
the tenants of John de Somery by virtue of the king's order to choose two
thousand footmen and to bring them to the king, as the king has ordered
John to provide as many men-at-arms and footmen as he can by all means,
and to come with them to the king. By K.
To the sheriff of Nottingham and Derby. Order to pursue, arrest,
and imprison Robert de Perepount, Thomas de Lungevilers, Thomas de
Bekeryng', John de Annesle, and John de Bevercotes, taking with him for
this "purpose the posse of the county, if necessary. By K.
To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to enquire by inquisition and otherwise
of all the footmen of that county who went armed to the king's contrariants
and rebels who lately held the town of Gloucester, and to cause the said
footmen to come to the king, as suitably armed as they were at that time,
at the expense of the county, in order to stay in the king's service, as the
king understands that footmen of that county went to the rebels at
Gloucester at the maintenance (sustentacionem) of that county. By K.
Feb. 16. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to pursue, arrest, and imprison
Gloucester. Gilbert Talebot, William de Wyne, Baldwin de Frevill, Peter do Lymesy,
John Sampson of Estham, Richard le Child, and lialph le Porter, parson
of the church of Estham. By K.
The like to the following :
The sheriff of Gloucester, for Stephen Baret.
The sheriff of Worcester, for the said Stephen.
The sheriff of Hereford, for the same.
The sheriff' of Bedford and Buckingham, for Richard Damory. By K.
The sheriff of Oxford and Berks, for the same.
The sheriff of Gloucester, for Ralph de Middelno, John his brother,
John de Acton, John de Bursy of the Marsh {de Marisco), John
de Bursy of Hamrne, John de Alkeleye of Thornbnry and his two
sons staying with the abbot of St. Augustine's Bristol, and Henry
de Roohull. By K.
March 13. The sheriff of Northumberland, for William Galun, John de Denum,
Derby. and John de Rodom.
March 9. The sheriff of Leicester and Warwick, for Simon de Lyndryk and
Caldwell. John his brother of that county, John Geryn and William his
brother, Edmund Trussel, William son of William Trussel, Robert
son of Simon de Weston, John Curly of Carleton and Robert his
brother, Walter Lalblaster, and Thomas Muchet of Petlyng.
To the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset. Order to make search concern-
ing the coming and staying of the wife of John de Moubray aud certain of
Ie322. Membrane 18 — cont.
his cliiUren in the house of Jolm Truant of Elfrodecoumbe, wherein the
king is given to understand tliey are hiding, or whither they are shortly
coming, or elsewhere where the sheriff shall see fit, and to cause them to be
arrested and kept safely. By K.
Feb. 21. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order not to molest Frisotus de Monte
Temple Guiting. Olaro by virtue of the king's order to cause all the knights, esquires, and
other men-at-arms of his bailiwick to come to the king suitably armed, as
the king has granted him permission to attend to his own affairs, on con-
dition that his men come. By K.
Feb. 22. The like to the said sheriff in favour of John de Sudle and for two of
■Westoii-nader- his veoman whom he shall choose fto be sent to the king!. By K.
Edge. ' ^ bJ }
To the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset. Order to restore to Roger de
Chaundos, sheriff of Hereford, his lands, goods and chattels, which the
sheriff took into the kiug"s hands under the belief that Roger adhered to
the king's contrariants. By K.
Membrane 17.
Feb. 18. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to aid and counsel the citizens of
Gloucester. Hereford in matters concerning the safe custody of that city, whenever he
shall be requested by the citizens to do so. By K.
Feb. 20. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to intermeddle
Cheltenham, further with the lands that belonged to Robert de Grendon and Ellen his
wife in Milneburn and Brampton, co. Westmoreland, as he has certified the
king that John de Evre, late escheator beyond Trent, took the lands, which
were held by Robert of the inheritance of the said Ellen, daughter and one
of the heirs of John Sureys, into the king's hands because Robert adhered
to the Scots, and that Robert died in the aforesaid county on 6 August last.
Feb. 18. To Peter Giffard, constable of Chirk castle, or to him who supplies his
Gloucester, place there. Order to inform himself of the names of those who lately
adhered to the king's contrariants, and of the names of their hostages by
whom the king may best be secured, and to certify the king of the same
without delay. By K.
The like to the following, or to those who supply their places :
William de la Beche^ constable of Dolvoreyn castle.
Walter le Gras, constable of the castles of Dyneneboth and Kevenethes.
Robert de Morby, constable of Breghnok castle.
John de Siggeston, constable of Huntyndon castle.
John de Dene, constable of the castles of Bolkedymas, Blenleveny, and
William le Mareschal, constable of Bryntheles castle.
Griffin ap Res, constable of Buelt castle.
Alan de Cherleton, constable of Wygemor castle.
Ralph le Botiller, conslable of Lodelowe castle.
Robert de Sapy, constable of the castle of La Pole.
Feb. IG. To the sheriff of Worcester. Order to cause a coroner for that county
Gloucester, to be elected in place of Roger de Sheldesley, deceased.
Feb. 20. To Ralph de Camoys, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to pay to
Cheltenham. Edmund de Algate, porter of both gates of the castle, 4t/. a day ; to
Alexander le Peyntour, one of the viewers of the king's works, 2d. a day ;
to Thumas le Rotour, the other viewer, 2d. a day; to Adam the gardener
of the king's garden without the castle, 2^d. a day ; to four watchmen of
1322. Membrane 17 — cont.
the castle, 2d. a day each; to Robert de Wodeham, chief forester of
Wyndesore forest, \2d. a day ; to Ralph de la More, clerk (if the king's
works in the castle, M. a day: to Thomas le Parker, keeper of Kenyngton
park, 1-irf. a day,; being their wages and stipends, from Michaelmas last
until next Michaelmas.
To the mayor and bailiffs of Bristol. Order to aid and counsel the
sheriff of Glamorgan and the treasurer of Kerdyf in buying and purveying
20 tuns of wine and 150 quarters of salt, and other victuals, and arms
and other things for the munition of the king's castles in those parts.
Feb. 21. The like to the constable of Bristol castle, or to him who supplies his
Temple Guiting. place. By K.
Feb. 21. To Simon de Drybi, constable of Gloucester castle. Order to cause the
Temple Guiting. parson of the church of La Musardere and the parker of that place, whom
he lately arrested and imprisoned in that castle by the king's orders, to be
guarded suitably and fitly in the same until further orders. By K.
Feb. 22. To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to cause all the money that can be levied
Weston-under- from the issues of the lands of the king's contrariants and their adherents
Edge. j^jjj of tljeir goods and chattels, underwood, and other things to be levied
without delay, and to cause it and other money that he has in hand to come
into the king's chamber. By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England.
To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause the 103 footmen named in a
schedule enclosed herewith to bo furnished with suitable arms and delivered
to Thomas de Culverden, whom the king has enjoined to bring them to him.
\_Parl. Writs] By K.
Feb, 22. To the mayor and bailiffs of Bristol. Whereas John le Taverner, burgess
Weston-under- of that town, who was indicted before Henry Spygurnel and his fellows,
Edge. fjjg king's justices appointed to hear and determine the felony of the death
of Alexander de Villers, slain in the county of Gloucester, for the death of
the said Alexander, was put in exigent to be outlawed because he did not
appear before the said justices to stand to I'ight, and was afterwards out-
lawed on this account, and the king pai'doned him the outlawry and the
abjuration of the realm that he made by reason of the said death, on con-
dition that he stand to right in the king's court if he or any one will speak
against him concerning the death, and granted him his lands, which per-
tained to the king as escheats by reason of the abjuration and outlawry,
and all liis goods and chattels, which were forfeited to the king; wherefore
the king ordered the mayor and bailiffs to deliver to the said John all his
lands and goods, to hold according to the tenor of the king's letters patent;
and they signified to the king that the said lands were in the hands of John
de Weston, the younger, by the king's gilt, and that certain of his goods
were in the hands of John Frauoceys, the elder, and other meu of that
town, by delivery from Richard de la Byver, late slierifF of Gloucester, who
is charged iherewith at the exchequer, so that the mayor and bailiffs could
nut deliver the lands and goods to John ; wherefore the king orders them to
cause the goods in the hands of John Fraunceys and the aforesaid men to be
delivered to the said John. The king will cause the aforesaid Ricliard,
John Fraunceys, and the other men to be discharged of the said goods at
the exchequer.
The like in favour of Robert le Taverner, burgess of the aforesaid town,
to the aforesaid mayor and bailiffs for his goods in the hands of the afore-
said John Fraunceys and the aforesaid men.
Feb. 22.
Feb. 15.
1322. Membrane 17 — cont.
To Ralph Caraoys, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to cause the
houses, lower, walls, and bridges of the castle, with the stable and wall of
the king's garden without the castle, and the houses and walls of the manor
of Kenyngton, with the paling and wall about the park, to be repaired.
By K.
To Walter le Gras, keeper of the castle of Kevenethles, in the king's
hands for certain reasons. Order to deliver to Richard Talebot of Bletlie-
vagh, who has rendered himself to the king's grace by sufficient security,
bis lands and goods, which were taken into the king's hands by the constable.
By K.
To the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset. Order to restore to Edmund de
Plescy his lands, goods and chattels, which the king lately ordered the
sheriff to take into his hands. By K.
To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order not to molest John le Botiller of
Lanultit by reason of the king's late order to cause all knights, esquires,
and other men-at-arms to come to the kiug at a certain day, as John is
engaged in the king's affairs elsewhere. By K.
The like to the sheriff of Northampton.
To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to cause the 120 armed
footmen, who were wanting of the 500 footmen lately granted to the king
by the community of the city to stay in his service at their cost for forty
days, and after that time at the king's wages, to come to the king without
delay, so that they be with him on the second Sunday of Lent, and to arrest
and imprison all those who have returned and who shall return without the
king's licence, as certain of the 380 footmen who came to the king secretly
left his service after the end of the said forty days, having received his
wages. By K.
IParl. Writs.]
To the dean and chapter of St. Chad's Lichfield, and to the bailiffs and
men of that town. Order to cause the town to be munitioned and kept
securely for the king's use, and especially the enclosure about the monastery,
so that the king's contriiriants may not enter the town or enclosure, or be
received therein, or be comforted by any persons in that town.
To the sheriff of Notingham {sic). Order not to molest the burgesses or
other men of the town of Northampton by virtue of the king's order to
cause all the men, horse and foot, in his bailiwick between the ages of
16 and 00 to come to the king suitably armed prepared to set out against
the Scots, as the king wills that the burgesses shall remain in the said town
for its safe keeping. By K.
[Farl. IVrits.']
To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause all the men-at-arms,
horse and foot, of that county, who came in the king's service upon another
occasion by their own will with Robert Lewer, and who have now withdrawn
themselves from his service, to come to the king without delay, and to
compel and punish any of them who shall be contrary.
Feb. 24. To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side
Weston-under- Trent, or to him who suppHes his place in the forest of La Sause. Order
Edge- to deliver to the men of Northampton as much timber from that forest by
the advice of John de Broghton, steward of that forest, as shall be necessary
for making barriers (barrere) for the gates and other issues of that town.
To the mayor and bailiflfs of the town of Northampton. Order to cause
the yeomen 6f Thomas de Bengham, whom they arrested in that town
Feb. 24.
1322. Membrane 17 — cont.
with his horses because they believed that he adheved to John Giffai'd oF
BryinesfeUl, the kiug's contrariaat, to come to the king at once with the
aforesaid horses.
To Peter Giffard, keeper of the castle of Chirk, in the king's hands for
certain causes. Order to admit the kiug's chaplain Robert de la Ohapeh^
to all things tliat pertain to the custody of the castle jointly with him, and
to communicate with him in all such matters.
Feb. 25. To Richard Lovel. Order to restore to Reginald de Frome all his lands,
Weston-under- goods and chattels, and the issues of the same, and not to molest him, not-
Edge. withstanding the king's appointment of him to follow and arrest Reginald
and to seize his goods into the king's hands, as he has found sufficient main-
pernors to answer to the king for those things for which the king would
speak against him. By K.
By K. and by the mainprise of Hugh le Despenser, the younger, and
William de Aylemer.
March 3. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order not to molest Peter le Pitz Waryn
Westou. by reason of the common summons to come in the king's service, as the
king has granted, at the request of Pulk son of Warin, that Peter may
attend to Fulk's affairs and that he shall not be aggrieved by reason of the
above summons. By K.
Feb. 25. To the keeper of the passage of the port of Dover. Order to permit
Wuston-uuder- brother William de Notyngham, minister-general of the order of Minorites,
Eiige. to cross the sea with four of his brethren of that order and with his train,
as he is going to parts beyond sea to attend the chapter-general of his order
by the king's licence. It is not, however, the king's intention that brother
John de Folkerthorp, of the said order, shall cross the sea with the said
minister or otherwise without the king's special licence.
Feb. 26. To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to deliver the body of Richard
Warwick. Dammory, whom he lately arrested by the king's order, to Robert de
Ardern, constable of Hannebiry castle, to be kept by him according to the
kiug's directions. By K.
Mandate in pursuance to the said constable. By K.
To the said Robert, constable of the aforesaid castle, and keeper of the
lands of the aforesaid Richard in the county of Oxford. Order to cause
Richard to have reasonable maintenance out of the issues of the aforesaid
lands for so long as he shall remain in his custody. By K.
Feb. 27. To the sherill" of Norfolk. Order to follow, arrest, and imprison the
Warwick, wife of Robert Walkefare and his children. By K.
Feb. 28. To Robert de Ardern, keeper of the lands, goods and chattels of Richard
Coventry. Dammory. Order to cause the lands of the said Richard that require
cultivating and sowing to be cultivated and sown out of his goods and
chattels by the view and advice of his men and servants. By K.
Membrane 16.
Feb. 25. To Margaret, late the wife of Robert de Wylughby. Order to pay to the
Wcston-iinder- sheriff of Lincoln all the money due from her to Roger Dammory, as the
Edge, king understands that she owes Roger a great sum of money for the custody
of the lands of Robert, her late husband, which custody Roger sold to her.
Tl)fi king will cause his letters patent .saving her harmless to be made when
Feb. 28.
¥eh. 27.
1322. Membrane 16 — cont.
he is certified concerning the payment. He has ordered the sheriff of
Lincoln to receive the money from her, and to malte for her letters patent
of acquittance. ]3y g;
Mandate in pur,suance to the sheriff of Lincoln.
To the sheriff of Rutland. Order to cause 300 footmen to be chosen
■within his bailiwick, and to bring them to the king in person without delay
well furnished with suitable arms, as the king is about to set out to repre:=s
the malice of the Scots and of other his contrariants in the north. He wills
that the sheriff shall punish all those who are contrary in this matter by
imprisoning them and taking their goods and chattels into his hands.
[Pari. Writs.] By K.
To the sheriff of "Warwick and Leicester. Order to permit the men and
tenants of John de Segrave, the elder, constable of Notingham castle, to be
intendent to the said John in all things pertaining to the safe custody of
that castle and the preservation of the king's peace and the repulse of his
contrariants, notwithstanding any previous order to the sheriff to bring
men-at-arms or footmen out of his bailiwick to the king. By K.
The like to the sheriff of Derby.
Feb. 26. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to imprison the footmen of that county
Weston-imder- who returned home from the king's service, many of the 500 footmen of
Edge. tliat county chosen to come to the king in the Welsh marches having
returned home whilst staying at Oxford, of which number 119 are still
wanting, and to cause 119 other men to be chosen in their places and to
cause them to be brought to the king without delay, so that they be with
him on the second Sunday of Lent well found with suitable arms. The
king wills that the sheriff shall punish those who are contrary in this matter
by imprisoning their bodies and taking their goods into the king's hands.
[Pari. Writs J^ By K.
March ,3. To Humphrey de Bassyngburn, Laurence de Preston, the younger, and
Mererale. .John de Sancto Mauro. Order not to levy anything from the prioress of
Catesby, and to restore anything that they may have levied by virtue of
the king's appointment of them to levy 500 marks from the knights and
squires of the county of Northampton, as it was not his intention that
anything should be levied of the prioress or other religious who hold in frank=
almoin free from aid or tallage with the community of the county. By K.
March 6. To Roger de Swynnerton, constable of Eccleshale castle, in the king's
Elford. hands by reason of the voidance of the bishopric of Coventry and Lichfield,
or to him who supplies his place. Order to cause the said castle to be
provided with victuals by the advice of Stephen le Blount. By K.
To Roger de Peuelesdon, keeper of the castle of Lion in Wales, in the
king's hands for certain reasons. Order to cause the said castle to be
provided with victuals and men. By K.
March 5. To Richard Lovel. Order to restore to Margaret Giffard, mother of
Drayton Basset. John Giffard of Erjmmesfeld, the king's rebel; the manor of Stokegiffard,
with her goods and chattels found therein, if he find that she held the said
manor in dower and that the said John had no possession thereof up to the
time when the king committed to the said Richard the custody of John's
lands in co. Gloucester, by virtue whereof Richard took the manor into the
king's hands. By K.
March 4. To Malculin Musard. Order to restore to Henry de Preiers his lands,
Merevale. goods and chattels, taken by him into the king's hands by virtue of his
appointment by the king to take into his hands all Henry's lands, goods
March 9.
March 9.
1322. Membrane Ifi — cont.
and chattels in the county of Gloucester, so soon as the sheriff of Gloucester
shall inform him that he has received security from Henry to answer to the
king I'or all things that tlie king will say against him. By K.
To the sheriff of Gloncester. Order to certify Malculin if Henry find
him eufficient mainprise for the above purpose.
To the sheriff of Leicester. Order not to molest Hugh de Purle
contrary to the king's grant to him, at the request of John Haraelyn, that
he may attend to the said John's affairs and that he shall not be charged
with coming personally in the pi esent expedition against the king's rebels.
By K.
To the sheriff of Cambridge. Order to arrest and imprison Ralph son
of Ralph de Melreth, to whom the king granted leave to go homo from his
service in the marches of Wales on condition that he returned to the king
at a certain day, now elapsed, as he withdraws himself from the said service.
By K.
The like to the sheriff of Essex to arrest .John de Daggeworth, knight,
William le Rous, and Robert Beckyng for the like cause.
March 9. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to pay to Milicent, wife of John
Caldwell. Mautravers, the jounger, 100s. yearly until further orders in aid of her
maintenance out of the issues of John's lands, which are in the king's
hands in his custody for certain reasons.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
To Simon de Uriby. Like order to pay 100.?. yearly to Isabella, wife of
Henry son of William, out of the issues of Henry's lands.
March 6. To Robert de Sapy, keeper of the land of Powys, in the king's hands
Elford. for certain causes, or to him who supplies' his place. Order to restore to
Sibyl Pauncefot her lands in Powys and her goods and chattels found
therein when her said lands were takeu into the king's hands by his order,
the king then believing that the lands were in the hands of his contrariants,
as he now understands that the lands were assigned in dower to the said Sibyl,
who is faithful to the king. By K.
March 12. To Edmund, earl of Kent, constable of Dover castle and warden of the
Tutbury. Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place in the castle. Order to
deliver to Master Rhys ap Howel, a prisoner in his custody, reasonable
maintenance for himself and a chamberlain. By K.
March 13. To Robert de Sapy, keeper of the land of Powys, or to him who supplies
Derby. his place. Order to deliver to Roger de Trumwyne and Joan his wife, late
the wife of Owen de la Pole, all the lauds that they held of her dower in
Powys, which were taken into the king's hands, as Roger has found the
king security that he will be faithful to him and his heirs. By K.
March 13. To Ralph de Camoys, constable of Wy ndesore castle, or to him who
Derby. supplies his place. Order to cause ten tuns of cider to be bought and
purveyed, and to deliver them to the kiug's clerk Richard de Wygorn[ia],
supervisor of the victuals in certain of the king's ships, for the main-
tenance of the mariners in the ships. By K.
To the keeper of the manor of Suaveton, in the king's hands by the
forfeiture of Thomas, earl of Lancaster. Order to deliver to Robert Darcy,
constable of the bishop of Lincoln's castle of Sleford, in the king's hands
for certain causes, or to him who supplies his place, a sufficient quantity of
corn for the munition of that castle out of the corn and victuals in the said
manor. ■ By K.
1322. Membrane 16— core*.
March 9. To Robert de Moreby, keeper of the land of Breghenock, in the king's
Caldwell. hands for cei'tain reasons. Order to supersede the king's order to arrest
William ap Rees and to take his lands, goods and chattels into tlie king'.s
hands, and to I'elease hiin if he have arrested him, and to restore to him any
goods that he may have seised, as William la Zousclie of Assheby has
mainperned before the king to have the said William ap Rees before the
king to answer to him for what the king shall speak against him for.
March 16. To the sheriff of York. Order to release John son of Ranulph de Nevill,
Warsop. imprisoned at York for certain suspicions against him, upon his finding
mainpernors for his good behaviour to the king and to answer to the king
for what the king will speak against bim for.
By K. on the information of Master Robert Baldok.
To the abbess of Berkyngg'. Order to cause the body of Elizabeth de
Burgo, late the wife of Roger Damory, within her abbey, to be kept safely,
and not to permit her to go out of the abbey gates in any wise until further
To the aforesaid Elizabeth. Order not to go out of the abbey gates or to
marry any one without the king's special licence. By K.
March 15. To the sheiiff of Gloucester. Order to restore to John de Berkele his
Derby. lands, goods and chattels, and the issues of his lands, which the sheriff took
into the king's hands believing that he had not come to the king, as he was
witli the king in his present expedition against his rebels, and is still with
him in the expedition, as John de Weston, one of the king's stewards, has
testified before the king.
The like to the said sheriff in favour of John Spilman, who is with the
king in the present expedition.
March !U. To Robert de Ardern, keeper of the body and lauds, goods and chattels
Warsop. of Richard Dammory. Order to release Richard from custody, and to
restore to him his lands, goods and chattels, and the issues received from
his lands, upon his finding sufficient mainpernors for whom Robert will
answer. By K. on the information of Master R. de Baldok.
March 17. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to pay the
Warsop. arrears of the following wages : to a chaplain celebrating divine service
daily in the chapel of the king's manor of Clipston 5 marks yeai-ly ; to
Thomas atte Merk, bailiff of the same manor and keeper of the king's peel
there, "id. a day ; and to Roger de Warsop, keeper of the paling about the
park there, 2d. a day, from the time of the death of Gilbert de Stapelton,
late esclieator this side Trent; and to continue to pay the earae wages
until further orders.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
To the same. Order to repair the houses within the said manor by the
view and testimony of Thomas atte Merk, bailiff of the manor.
By K. on the above information.
Membrane 15.
March 17. To John de Leek, late steward of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, of
Warsop. Bolyngbrok, and to Geoffrey de Vilers, the earl's late receiver there.
Order to inform themselves fully of the jewels, corn, oxen, horses, cows,
plough-oxen, sheep, plough-horses, foals in store, the money by tale, and
the debts to be levied of the arrears of accounts and otherwise, and of aU
1322, Membrane 15 — cont.
other goods aud chattels that belonged to the earl in the Ciistle and manor
of Bolyugbrok, and to enquire into whose hands they came, and to come
to the king in person when they have done so to inform him concerning the
same. By K.
The like to the following bailiffs of the said Thomas concerning the
following places :
Richard de Rolleston and John de Wadenhou, late bailiffs at Hertham,
Wadenhou, Buckeby, Passenham and Barencestre.
Robert de Huugerford, late bailiff at Colyngburn and Bverle.
Gilbert de Billyng' and William Gentil, late bailiffs in en. Lancaster.
John de Midhop, late steward of Blakeburnshire, and Richard de
Merkelesden, late receiver there.
John de Dalton, late bailiff of the said earl.
Walter de Bredon, late bailiff of the said earl.
March 19. To Roald de Richemund, constable of Horstone castle. Order to pay to
Doncaster. Richard de Mollesworth, knight, whom the king is Rending with the forty
footmen whose names are enclosed herewith to stay in the said castle for its
defence, Hd. a day for himself and 2d. a day for each of the footmen for
their wages, from the time of their entry into the castle for so long as they
shall stay there. By K.
Vacated, because it was not sealed.
March 21. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
Pontetract. intermeddle further with the manor of Horpol and the market of Kegworth,
taken into the king's hands upon (he death of Robert de Hanstede, the
elder, and to restore the issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken by
the escheator that Robert and Margery his wife held the manor jointly at
his deatli of the feoffment of Simon do Thorp by licence of the late king,
and that they also held the said market jointly of the late king's grant.
To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to restore to John de Segre, knight, his
lands and the goods and chattels found therein, which were lately taken into
the king's hands by the sheriff for certain reasons. The king makes this
order at the request of Ralph de Monte Hermerii. By K.
The like to the sheriff of Somerset.
March 26. To Robert de Sapy, keeper of Pevenese castle, co. Sussex, and of the
Pontefract. manor of Esthalesham in Holdernesse. Order to repair the said castle and
the houses therein, the costs whereof the king will cause to be allowed to
him in his account of the issues of the said manor. By K.
To the sheriffs of London. Order to deliver to Michael Campanare and
William de Casse, merchants, the ten tuns and one pipe of wine taken into
the king's hands by Roger de Pal mere, late sheriff of the city, upon
Menandus de la Porte being charged with the death of Alice Ambroys,
as the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriffs and the coroners of
the city that the said wine belonged to Michael and William, and that
Menandus owned nothing thereof, aud that it was worth when arrested
18^ 13*. 4rf. The king makes this order at the request of his yeoman
Oliver de Burdegala. By K.
March 29. To John de Kilvynton. Order not to intermeddle with the castle and
Pontefract. lands in Pikeryng, co. York, although the king committed the custody
thereof to him amongst other lands that belonged to Thomas, earl of
Lancaster, aud other rebels between the waters of Ouse, Teise, and Ned in
the said county, as the king had previously committed the custody of the
aforesaid castle and lands to Thomas de Ugiiti ed. By K.
March 24.
March 24.
March 26.
March 11.
March 26.
April 1.
April 5.
Me?nbrane 15 — cont.
To the colleclors of the custom of wool, hides, and wool-fells in the port
of Kyngeston-on-Hull. Order to pay to William de Burton, controller of
the aforesaid custom, the arrears of his wages from the time of their
appointment, and to continue to pay the same wages.
To William de Bello Campo, William de Bradewell, and Alexander de
Besseford. Order (o restore to William Corbet his lands in co. Worcester,
the custody whereof the king lately committed to them, as he has served the
king well in the prfsent expedition ugainst certain magnates of the realm
opposing the king, and has found surety for his good behaviour and to
answer to the king for what he will ady against him.
By K. on the information of Robert de Welle.
The like in favour of the said William to John de Langeleye, John de
Hampton, and Robert de Aston for his lands, goods and chattels in co.
The like to the aforesaid William, William and Alexander in favour of
Hugh de Cokeseye for his lands, goods and chattels in co. Worcester.
By K. on the information of the said Robert.
To the sheriff of Salop. Like order to restore to the aforesaid William
Corbet his lands, goods and chattels, which the sheriff took into the king's
hands, believing that he adhered to the king's rebels.
By K. on the information of Robert de Welle.
The like to the sheriiF of Devon in favour of Hugh de Cokeseye.
On the information of the said Robert.
To L. Bishop of Durham, or to him who supplies his place in the
bishopric. Order not to molest John Hert, Richard Skynner, Richard de
Thorptheules, Thomas Fox, Geoffrey Ikemund, Thomas de Radyngton,
William de Massam, William de Stapelton, John de Conyngham, Thomas
de Whitton, Richard de Hedleye, William de Huthworth, and Robert de
Corbrigg for beheading .John de Evre when pursuing him as the king's
enemy, until the king shall issue further orders after lie has been certified
of this matter. By K.
To John de Syggeston, keeper of the castles and towns of Huntyngton
and La Hay, and of the lands there. Order to restore to Philip de Clanenowe
his lands and the goods and chattels found therein in the aforesaid lands,
which the said keeper took into the king's hands by virtue of his order to
take into his hands the lands, goods and chattels of his contrariants in the said
lauds. By K.
To the sheriff of Sussex. Order to restore to Walter de Pavely the
younger, his lands, goods and chattels, and the issues thereof, which the
eherifi took into the king's bands believing that Walter was not in the
king's service, as he remained continuously in the king's service in his
expedition and is still with him. By K.
The like to the sheriff of Kent.
To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to release Henry de Sothill, knight,
imprisoned at Notyngham upon a charge of adhering to the king's enemies,
upon his finding mainpernors for whom the sheriff will answer to have him
before the king when the king shall speak against him concerning this
matter, and upon his making obligation for his good behaviour.
By K. on the information of Master R. de Baldok.
To the sheriff of Bedford and Buckingham. Order to deliver to John
Boteturt, the elder, his lands, goods, and chattels, which the king lately
ordered him to take into his hands. By K.
April 3.
1322. Membrane 15 — cont.
The like to the following :
The sheriff of Norfolk aad Suffolk.
The sheriff of Essex.
John du Hansted for the lauds, goods and chattels in his custody.
The said .John to release the aforesaid .lohn Botetnrt and liis goods
and chattels.
To the sheriff of Kefit. Order to pay to the king's clerk Nicholas de
Lyndwode, whom the kiug is sending to supervise and hasten the buying
and purveying of certain victuals in that county, 2s. a day for his wages
from the time when he enters the sheriff's bailiwick until he leaves the
The like for the following :
John de Norton to the sheriff of York, to receive 2s. a day.
Thomas de Eggefeld to the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, to receive
2s. a day.
Robert de Asshou to the sheriff of Lincoln, to receive 2s. a day.
John de Staunford to the sheriff of Cambridge and Huntingdon, to
receive 18rf. a day.
William de Werdale to the sheriff of Southampton, to receive 18fZ. a
Thomas de Gayregrave to the sheriff of Nottingham and Derby, to
receive 18rf. a day.
Roger de Kendale to the sheriff of Lancaster, to receive \Sd. a day.
Hugh de Bewyk to the sheriff of Surrey and Sussex, to receive 18«/. a
John de Percebrigg to the sheriff of Essex and Hertford, to receive
\iid. a day.
April G. To Master .John Walewayn, eschealor beyond Trent. Order not to
Altofts. intermeddle further with the manor of Westgrenewyche, the manor of
Hammes Say, and 19 acres of land, a water-mill and 6/. of yearly rent in
Ewelle, taken into the king's hands by him upon the death of Geoffrey
de Say, and to restore the issues tliereof, as it appears by inquisition taken
by him that Geoffrey and Idonia his wife were jointly enfeoffed of the
manor of Westgrenewyche on the day of Geoffrey's death of the feoffment
of Geoffrey, parson of the church of Oodeham, and of William de Terring',
chaplain, by fine levied in the king's court without the king's licence, and
that the manor is held of the king in chief as parcel of the barony of
Maminot, and that Geoft'rey and Idonia jointly held tlie manor of Hammes
Say on the said day by fine levied between them and Thomas le Gegg in
the king's court in like manner, and that the manor is held of John de
Warenna, earl of Surrey, by knight service, and that Geoffrey and Idonia
jointly held on the said day 19 acres of land, a water-mill, and 6/. of rent in
Ewelle of the bishop of Rochester.
To the same. Like order concerning the manor of Edelmeton, as it
appears by inquisition that the aforesaid Geoffrey and Juliana deLeybourne
jointly held the said manor on the day of Geoffrey's death of the feoffment
of Walter de Leitone and Martin de Erchebaud by fine levied in the king's
court with his licence, and that the manor is lield of the king in chief by
knight service.
To the same. Order to assign dower to Idonia, late the wife of the said
Geoffrey, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence.
April 10. To John de Segrave, constable of Nottingham castle. Order to cause
Pontefract. Richard de Holand, Walter de Kirkebrid, and John his brother, Adam de
Reresby, Gilbert de Haydok and William Tuk, who are imprisoned in his
custody for adhering to certain of the king's enemies, to be taken to
1322. Membrane 16 — cont,
Kenylvvorth castle and there delivered to the constable, whom the king has
ordered to receive them and imprison them in the castle. By K.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with the manor of Hynewyk, 5 virgates of land in Harewod,
the manor of Pabenham, a messuage and a carucate of land in Wylden,
and a messuage and a carucate of land in Polkesworth, taken into the
king's hands by him upon the death of John de Pabenham, the elder, and
to restore the issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken by him that
the said John de Pabenham and Elizabeth his wife jointly held to them-
selves and the heirs of their liodies on the day of John's death the manor
of Hynewyk and 5 virgates of land in Harewod of the surrender of Margery
de Croiir by fine levied between them in the king's court, and the manor
of Pabenham in like manner of the surrender of Alan de Tadlowe, and the
messuage and carucate of land in Wylden by the grant of John Ridel, and
the messuage and carucate of land in Folkesworth to them and Edward,
their son and heir, and that the above manors and lands are held of others
than the king.
To Roger Beler. Order not to intermeddle with the forest of Duffeld
Frith, CO. Derby, until he come to the king, notwithstanding that the king
lately committed it to him amongst other lands that belonged to Thomas,
late earl of Lancaster, and other rebels iu the counties of Stafford, Derby,
and Leicester, as the king had previously committed the custody of the
aforesaid forest to Roald de Eichemund. By K.
To Roger Carles. Like order not to intermeddle with the Red Castle
and the manor of Hodinet, co. Salop, as the king had previously committed
the custody thereof to John de Felton. By K.
April 14. To the justiciary of Ireland. Order to permit Master Walter de Istelep,
Pontefiact. treasurer of Ireland, and the barons of the exchequer of Dublin to dispose
of all the lands in Ireland in the king's hands by reason of wardship or
otherwise, as the king has charged them to demise the said lands for (he
expedition of the Scotch war, so that the issues thereof be levied and paid
to the said exchequer. The iusticiary i.s ordered not to intermeddle hence-
forth with demising such lands at ferm or otherwise. By K.
To A. archbishop of Dublin. Order to pay into the exchequer of Dublin
without delay all the money collected by him of the arrears of tenths of the
clergy .".nd from divers grants and aids to the king or from other sources, to
be delivered to the treasurer and chamberlain of the said exchequer for the
expedition of the Scotch war, for which the king needs much money.
March 20.
Membrane 14.
To William de Staunton of Hereford. Order to restore to Alice,
daughter of William Roculf, the younger, the lands whereof John Iwayn
was seised in his demesne as of fee at the time of his death, which the king
lately caused to be taken into his hands and which are in William's
custody, and to restore the issues thereof to her, as it appears by an inquisi-
tion taken by the sheriff of Hereford that John was seised at his death of a
messuage, 87 acres of land, 4 acres of meadow, and a plot of pasture in
Werbam, and of live messuages, three curtilages, 6 acres and 3 roods of
land, and 15s. 9rf. of rent in Hereford and the suburbs thereof, and of three
messuages, a windmill, 58 acres and two parts of two acres of land, and of
three acres of pasture in Deweswall, and of 46*. 8rf. of rent, and of a moiety
15 EDWARD ir.
March 23.
March 25.
1322. Membrane 14 — cont.
of an acre of land in Weton, by which inquisition it was found (hat four
messuages and \6s. 9d. of rent of the aforesaid lands in Hereford and the
suburbs are held of the king in free burgage, and that the aforesaid Alice
is the kinswoman and heiress of the said John, and is aged five years, and
that she entered the tenements as kinswoman and heiress after John's death
and continued her seisin thereof for some time. By K.
To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to restore to Reginald de la Mare
his lands, goods and chattels, which the king lately ordered the sheriff to
take into his hands. By K.
The like in favour of the following:
The sheriff of Hereford for Peter Hakelut.
The same for John de Penebrugg.
The same for John de Mersheton.
The same for John Peytefyn.
The same for Richard de Middelton.
The same for Roger de Burle.
The same for John Mauns.
The sheriff of Gloucester for Richard Ayhvyn.
The sheriff of Hereford for Roger de la Lowe of Estham.
The same for Philip de Clanenowe.
The sheriff of Oxford for Ralph de Fretewell.
The sheriff of Hereford for Gilbert de la Nasslie.
The same for Walter Overse.
The same for John de Budeneweye.
The same for John de Bradefeld.
The same for John de AUeton.
The same for Thomas de Turpleton.
The same for Thomas de Botteleye.
The 5ame for John de Sarnesfekl.
The same for Giles son of Warin de Upton.
The justiciary of Ireland, or to him who supplies his place, for Henry
de Mortemer.
The escheator of Ireland, or to him who supplies his place, in favour
of the said Henry.
May 6. To John de Langele, John de Hampton, and Robert de Aston. Order
York. to restore to Richard Aylwyn his lands, goods and chattels in co. Gloucester,
the custody whereof the king lately committed to them. By K.
March 25. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to assign dower to
Pontefract. Eleanor, late the wife of Thomas de Multon of Egremound, tenant in chief
of the king, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence.
March 24. To the sheriff of Leicester. Order to restore to John Travers, parson of
Pontefract. the church of Broghton Astele, or to his attorney, his goods and chattels,
which the sheriff took into the king's hands pretending that John was of
the confederation of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, as the said John has
borne and does bear himself faithfully towards the king. By K.
To the sheriS of Lincoln. Order to cause a coi-oner for that county to
be elected in place of John de Bliton of Lincoln, whom the king has
amoved from office because he cannot attend to the office, being a common
merchant and going to divers parts to exercise merchandise.
To the sheriff of Essex. Order to supersede the king's order to arrest
John de Daegeworth, knight, William le Rous, and Robert de Bokkyng',
•which order was issued because they had not returned to the king's service
in the marches of Wales by the day fixed for their return when the kins:
granted ihem licence to return home, as the king learns that they returned
76416. E s
1322. 3Jembrane 14 — cont.
to his sei-vice on the morrow of the said day, and that they have romained
in his service from that time.
By K. on the information of Richard de Ayrem[ynne].
The like to the sheriff of Cambridge in favour of Ralph son of Ralph de
Maich 26. To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of
Poutefract. Shirewode, to be elected in place of John Bitliewater of Edenestowe, who is
incapacitated by ago and infirmity.
To the sheriiT of Stafford. Order to restore to Vivian de Staundon his
lands, goods and chattels, and the issues thereof, which the sheriff took into
the king's hands in the belief that he had not come in the king's service
according to the common summons made by the sheriff, as the king's learns
from the testimony of John de Wareuna, earl of Surrey, that Vivian has
remained continuously in his company in the king's service and that he
has borne himself faithfully to the king.
By K. and by the testimony of the said earl.
The like to the said sheriff in favour of Henry de Kersewell.
To Andrew de Hartcla. Order to restore to Anthony de Lucy his own
lands and those that he held in Penreth and Soureby of the king's assign-
ment, together with the issues thereof, and his goods and chattels, taken into
the king's hands by Andrew under the belief that lie had adhered to the
king's rebels, as he has borne and bears himself faithfully to the king.
To Henry de Cobeham, Edmund de Passele, and William de Dene.
Order to supersede until further orders the exaction to be outlawed of
Walter de Pavely, the younger, as the king learns that he has been put in
exigent to be outlawed by their testimony, by virtue of their appointment,
together with Geoffrey de Say, deceased, as justices of oyer and terminer
in the counties of Kent and Surrey, as Walter was and is still remaining in
the king's service in his expedition.
By K. on the information of Geoffrey le Scrop.
To the sheriff of Kent and the coroners of that county. Order to super-
sede until further orders the putting of the said Walter in exigent for the
above reasons.
The like to the sheriff and coroners of Essex.
By K. on the information of Geoffrey le Scrop.
March 27. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
Poutefract. meddle further with the lands in Blakebrok, Fairfeld, and Hope, co. Derby,
taken by him into the king's hands upon the death of Robert de Hanstede,
the elder, and to restore the issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken
by him that the said Robert and Margery his wife jointly held the said
lands on the day of Robert's death for the term of their lives of the late
king's grant.
To the sheriff of Essex. Order to supersede entirely the king's order
to arrest Thomas Gcbion, as he has hitherto borne himself faithfully to the
To Henry de la Ree, constable of Angre castle, in the king's hands for
certain reasons. Order to restore to the aforesaid Thomas his lands, goods
and chattels, and the issues of his lands, which were taken into the king's
hands because it was believed that he was one of the king's contrariants.
The hke to Humphrey de Waleden.
March 26.
April 13.
March 30.
April 2.
April 3.
March 30.
April 4.
April 2.
Membrane 14 — co7it.
To the mayor and bailiffs of Liiioolu. Order to arrest and imprison
John de Swjnford, who adhered to John de Moubray, a convicted traitor,
and who is staying in that city and who has not yet been punished.
By K.
To Master John Walewayn. Order to arrest Leweliu ap Kenewrek,
and to cause him to be taken to Bristol, and there delivered to the constable
of the castle or to him who supplies his place. By K.
To the sheriff of Salop and Stafford. Order to follow and arrest
Reginald and Thomas, brothers of John de Wylyngton, and to imprison
them until further orders, taking with him for this purpose the posse of the
county if necessary.
To the sheriff of Salop and Stafford. Order to follow and arrest John
de Sutton, and to imprison him until further orders. By K.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to restore
to Amicia de Bluet the lands that she holds in dower, and her goods and
chattels, and the issues of her lands, which the escheator took into the
king's hands under the belief that she had adhered to the king's enemies,
as she has borne and bears herself faithfully to the king. By K.
To the sherifi of Bedford,
of Bedford.
Order to repair the house of the king's gaol
By C.
To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of John de Merlawe, whom the king has amoved from
office because he is incapacitated by age and infirmity.
To the sheriff of Dorset. Order to restore to William de Kaynes his
lands, goods and chattels, which the sheriff took into the king's hands
because he did not come in the king's service, as he has found a man-at-
arms to stay in the king's service at his own expense.
'I'he like to the sheriff of Warwick.
To Humphrey de Waleden. Order to meet John le Bourser and Master
John de Everdon at a day to be fixed by him, and to ordain suitable
keepers for the castles, manors, and lands of all the king's contrariants in the
counties of Cambridge, Huntingdon, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Hertford,
Kent, Surrey, and Sussex, as the king wills that the said castles, etc., shall
be kept by men of whose circumspection and industry the said Humphrey,
John, and John have full knowledge, and to certify the king of the names
of those whom they shall depute. By K.
The like to the said John and John separately.
To the sheriff of Leicester. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of Robert Bnrdet, who cannot execute the office as he is
not continually resident in the county.
To Philip de Aylesbury, sheriff of Bedford and Buckingham. The king
has seen his letters to Masler Robert de Baldok, stating, that the community
of the county of Bedford have granted the king out of courtesy 200 marks
and the community of the county of Buckingham have likewise granted
him 200/. in aid of the expedition of his war of Scotland, for which
the king returns him and the counties many thanks ; but as the king has
ordained by his council to have 600 footmen from those counties suitably
armed to set out shortly against the Scots at the king's wages, it is the
king's intention to have the said 500 men as well as the above sums :
wherefore the king orders the sheriff to explain the premises to the men of
those counties, and to certify him of the names of some persons of those
E E 2
April 1.
April 4.
April 7.
April 12.
April 13.
April 14.
Membrane 14 — cont.
counties ■whom he knows to be fit to collect and levy the said sums. The
king intends to appoint shortly some of his subjects to choose the footmen
in those counties and to bring them to him. By K.
To the sherifl of Gloucester. Order to restore to John Murdac of
Fairford his lands, goods and chattels, together with the issues received
from the lands, which were taken into the king's hands by the sheriff
because he did not come in the king's service against the rebels, as the
king learns upon trustworthy testimony that he was so ill and weak that
he could not come in the aforesaid service. ' By C.
To .John de Mohun. Order to send to the king without delay the
jewels, goods and chattels, to wit silver cups and money by tale, and divers
other things, that belonged to John de Moubray, the king's enemy, which,
the king is given to understand, came to the hands of the said John de
Mohun by the delivery of the wife of the said John de Moubray, and to
send any other goods of the said John de Moubray that have come to his
hands, so that the king may have them before the next parliament, and to
certify the king what the aforesaid goods are, and of the value of the same.
By K.
To "William Grammary. Order to deliver the body of Edmund Peverel,
kinsman and heir of Walter de Langeton, late bishop of Coventry and
Lichfield, to John de Olneye, to be brought by him to the king according
to his instructions. By K.
To the sheriff of York. Order to enter the liberty of the city of York
or any other liberty and to cause the body of the said heir to be delivered
to the aforesaid John, in case William refuse to deliver it to John.
To the sheriffs of London. Order to pay to John de Weston, the elder,
25 marks out of the ferm of the city for Easter term last, in accordance with
the king's grant, made in the parliament at York with the assent of the pre-
lates, earls, barons, and proceres of the realm, to the said John of 50 marks
yearly for life to be received from the ferm of that city in consideration of
his good service to the king and his father, until such time as the king
should provide him with 50 marks of land yearly for life.
To the keeper of the office of treasurer of the exchequer and to the
barons of the same. Order to cause the king's poor men and tenants of
Bamburgh to have respite until Martinmas for all debts due from them and
for the arrears of their rents for the lands held of the king, as the king has
granted them such respite because he learns that their lands, goods and
chattels are wasted and destroyed by divers attacks of the Scotch rebels.
By K.
To Roger de Horsleye, constable of Bamburgh castle. Order to super-
sede until Martinmas the demand from the poor men and tenants of
Sunderland and Shotston for their debts and arrears of their rents, for the
above reason. By K.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to cause
John de Cogan, late treasurer of Ireland, to come before them at the
exchequer without delay to make a view of his account for all his receipts
when he was treasurer, and to cause him to pay the arrears thereof.
By K.
To the aforesaid John. Order to deliver to Master Walter de Istelep,
treasurer of Ireland, without delay, all the king's money in his treasury of
Ireland. By K.
To the same. Order to cause all the king's money in his hands in the
treasury of the exchequer of Dublin to be brought without delay into the
said treasury and delivered lo the king's treasurer. By K.
April 14.
April 13.
Membrane 13.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to
compel the archbishop of Dublin to come before them at the said exchequer
to make view of his account of all his receipts in Ireland of the time when
lie was the king's treasurer there and from other causes whatsoever, and to
compel him to make payment of the arrears, the king having ordered him
to pay into the said exchequer all the money in his hands of the arrears of
tenths of the clergy of Ireland collected by him, and of other grants and
aids to the king in that land, and from other causes whatsoever, as the
king needs much money for the expedition of the Scotch war. By K.
To the keeper of the castle of Kenylworth. Order to amove from that
castle the munition of men that the king lately caused to be put therein by
reason of the late disturbances in the realm, and to keep the castle in the
same way as before the disturbances, and to cause the king's victuals therein
to be kept safely at the keeper's peril, and to cause the victuals that will
not keej) {que se custodire non possunt) to be sold, and to cause others to
be bought in their place, and to cause them to be thus renewed as often as
may be necessary, as the king wills that the victuals to be thus kept and
renewed shall be at the keeper's risk, and he is writing to the treasurer
and barons of the exchequer to cause him to be charged therewith. By K.
The like to the keepers of the following castles :
Hasty ng'.
Shirburu in Dorset.
Red Castle.
Burgh, CO. Norfolk.
High Peak.
St. Briavels.
Newcastle under Lyme.
To Edmund, earl of Arundel, justice of Wales, or to him who supplies his
place. Like order concerning the castles in Wales, the victuals therein to
be at the peril of the keepers of the respective castles. By K.
April 16.
April 13.
April 20.
April 20.
April 19.
Beth well.
April 23.
Membrane 13 — cont.
The like to Master Jolm Walewayn, chief keeper of the castles in
Gloiimorgan and Morgannou and the parts of the marches of "Wales.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to assign
dower to Margaret, late the wife of John de Apelon, tenant in chief, upon
her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence, according to the
extent already made or of another to he made, if necessary, in the presence
of John de Apeton, son and heir of the said John.
To Thomas de Eyvill. Order not to intermeddle with a messuage and
12 acres of lands in Methelay that belonged to Agnes, late the wife of
William de Methelay, and to restore the issues thereof, as it appears by his
certificate to the king that Simon de Dryby took the messuage and land into
the king's hands, and delivered them to him by the king's writ, because
Adam Byset, who was of the household of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster,
married Margaret, daughter of the said Agnes, who was resident with
Agnes, and that Agnes was seised of the messuage and land as of her right
when they were taken into the king's hands and long before, and that
Agnes did not receive Adam after the earl became the king's enemy.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
Ada, late the wife of Gerard de Chancy, tenant in chief, two parts of the
manor of Grameleston, co. Nottingham, which two parts are of the yearly
value of 18?. 5.?. 2\d., the king having assigned the same to her in
Vacated, because otherwise on the Fine Roll.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Like order to
assign to the said Ada 52s. of yearly rent in Screyfeld, co. Lincoln, and a
third of the lands in Wylughton, in the same county, that formerly belonged
to the Teniplais.
[ Vacated as above.^
To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of
Muiton and a third of the manor of Flete, and to restore the issues thereof,
as it appears by inquisition taken by him that Thomas de Muiton of
Egremount and Eleanor his wife jointly held the above on the day when
Thomas died of their acquisition by grant of Everard de Flete and by fine
levied in the king's court, by which inquisition it was found that the manors
are held of others than the king.
To the chamberlain of Caermerdyn. Order to pay to William de
Knovill, constable of the New Castle in Emelyn, the arrears of his fee for
the custody of the said castle, and to continue paying the said fee. By p.s.
To the sheriS of Hereford. Order not to intermeddle further with the
prebeud of Nonynton in the church of St. Ethelbert, Hereford, and to
restore to Richard de Dunre, canon of that church, his goods, which the
sheriff took into the king's hands when the sheriff amoved Richard from the
said prebend, as the king learns by an inquisition taken by the sheriff and
.John de Barewe that Richard demised his aforesaid prebend, on Friday the
feast of St. Peter in Cathedra, in the 13th year of the king's reign, to
William de Feld, clerk, for the term of five years then next following, for a
certain yearly sum and four cartloads of hay, and that Richard entered the
said prebend on Monday before the feast of AH Saints last because 9 marks
of the ferm for the term of St. Peter ad Vincula last were in arrear, and
the aforesaid William was indicted for beinganontrariant of the king before
Robert de Welle and Robert de Egginham, who were appointed by the king
to take inquisitions by the citizens of Hereford concerning the king's
1322. Membrane 13 — cont.
coutrariants, by pretext of which indictment the sheriff amovecl Richard from
his aforesaid prebend, and took into the king's hands his goods and chattels
therein found to the value of 100*., and that Richard entered his prebend
before William opposed the king.
To Roger Carles. Order not to intermeddle with the aforesaid prebend
by virtue of the king's commission to him of the lands of his late coutrariants
in that county, and to restore to the said Richard his goods and chattels,
which were delivered to him by the sheriff.
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to supersede the king's order to arrest
the barons, bannerets, knights, esquires, and other men-at-arms of his
bailiwick who did not come to the king at Coventre at a certain day
according to his summons, and to supersede the taking of their lands, goods,
and chattels into the king's hands, if each of the men-at-arms mainpern to
have another before the king at his order to answer to him for their default
when he will speak against him, and on condition that they send some men
to the next parliament to inform the king concerning their excuses, as the
men-at-arms of that county have shewn by their petition before the king
and his council that they were prepared to come to him from the time of
the summons, and that it is not their fault (in eis non remansii) that they
did not come, and that they were enjoined to stay at home, and they have
accordingly prayed the king to provide a remedy. By pet. of C.
{Pari. Writs.']
April 23. To the sheriffs of London. Order to pay to Hugh de Bungeye 100 marks
Eothwell. in order to repair therewith certain of the king's arms and to buy others for
his use, as enjoined upon him by the king.
By K. on the information of Master R. de Baldok.
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of Thomas Makerel, deceased.
April 20. To John Dufford, escheator of Ireland. Order to deliver to Robert do
Kothwell. Welle and Matilda his wife, aunt and co-heiress of Thomas son of Richard
de Olare, tenant in chief in Ireland, the following of the knights' fees of the
said Thomas, which the king has assigned for Matilda's purparty : a fee in
Blentirlethan, which Richard de Caunton holds, of the yearly value
of 60«. ; three fees in le Ninch, which John son of John le Poer holds, of
the yearly value of 100s. ; a fee and three parts in Raghel, which John
Mautravers holds, of the yearly value of 30/. ; a fee in Corkemoith, which
Robei't Porcel holds, of the yearly value of \0l. ; a fee in Grottolgyn, which
Thomas, son and heir of Robert de Lesse, holds, of the yearly value of 20/. ;
a fee in Oferwes, which James Ketyng holds, of the yearly value of 10/. ;
a moiety of a fee in Matherein, which the heirs of William Coterel holds, of
the yearly value of 10 marks ; a quarter of a fee in Robertes Castel, which
Nesta de Doundeveneld holds, of the yearly value of 10/. ; an eighth of a fee
in Grolhean, which Richard de Angl[ia] holds, of the yearly value of 20«. ;
a fee in Long', which William de Bonevill holds, of the yearly value of
4 marks ; a fee in Domimoun, which Thomas de Multon holds, of the yearly
value of 10 marks; a quarter of a fee in Cathussok, which Philip le Jocue
holds, of the yearly value of 40«. ; a quarter of a fee in the same town,
which Richard son of John holds, of the yearly value of 40*. He is also to
deliver to them the following fees after the death of Joan, late the wife of
Richard de Clare, formerly lord of that inheritance, and of Isabella, late the
wife of Gilbert de Clare, late the other lord thereof, who hold them in
dower : of the fees held by Joan, a fee in Crogh, which Thomas Porcel
holds, of the yearly value of 10/. ; a sixth of a fee in Brounry, which Patrick
de Lescy holds, of the yearly value of 100*. ; a twentieth of a fee in
1322. Membrane 13 — cont.
iShandire, which James Crunipe holds, of the yearly value of IG*. ; a fee in
KilkallaD, which Adam de Goules holds, of the yearly value of 10 marks;
a fee iu Kichardesmorston, which William de Boyvill holds, of the yearly
value of lOOi. ; of the fees that Isabella holds, a fee in Kylt'rusb, which
Johu de Carreu, knight, holds, of the yearly value of 406'. ; a fee of a knight
in Cathercorny, which the heir of Richard de Ralegh holds, of the yearly
value of 100*. By K.
To the same. Order to deliver to the aforesaid Robert and Matilda, the
following of the advowsons of the churches of the said Thomas, which the
king has assigned to them as above : the advowsons of the churches of
Bourat and Conighy, with their chapels, worth in time of peace 10/.
yearly; the advowson of the church of Inskifty, worth 100s. yearly.
By K.
May 3. To the keeper of the park of Kaerlion and the chace of Usk. Order to
York. cause the constable of the castle of Neuport to have 300 oalcs fit for timber
in the park and chace aforesaid, to repair and construct the houses and
foitalices within the said castle. &y K.
Slay 2. To the prior of Sempyngham. Order to admit into their house Margaret,
York. wife of Hugh Daudele, the younger, whom the king is sending to them with
two yeomen and a damsel, and to cause her to be guarded safely, not per-
mitting her to go without the gates of the house. By K.
May 9. To the sheritf of Warwick. Order to deliver to John West of Chel-
York. mundescote, and Richard his brother their sheep, alive and dead, that were
taken into the king's hands because they were found iu the manors of La
Lee and Oldecoteshalle, when the manors were taken into the king's hands,
because Richard de Lymesy, knight, to whom they belonged, i-ebelled
against the king, as the king learns by an inquisition, taken by his order,
that the said John and Richard hired pasture and easemeut of houses
within the said manors for 300 sheep from the bailiffs and servants of the
said Richard de Lymesy, from Martinmas to the Invention of the Holy Cross
last, for 26s. 8d., and . that they bought hay for the said sheep from the
aforesaid bailiffs and from William de Blithe and Reginald Malore, and
placed the hay therein, and that the said .John and Richard were not rebels
and were not consenting to the said Richard or any other rebels.
By pet. of C. [7424.]
May 10. To ihe treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Eulk
Y'ork. Lestraunge, who is going to Gascony on the king's service, to have respite
until Christmas next for all debts due from him to the exchequer.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
Membrane 12.
April 25. To the constable of Gloucester castle, or to him who supplies his place.
Rothivell. Order to deliver the body of Thomas de Usk, clerk, to John Inge, sherifl"of
the land of Gloumorgan, to be taken to the castle of Kaerdif, and there to
be kept, as the king has enjoined upon the sheriff. By p.s.
To the constable of Berkele castle, or to him who supplies his place.
Order to deUver to the said John Inge a springald that was taken away
from the castle of Gloumorgan and is now in Berkele castle, to be taken to
the castle of Kerdif . By p.s.
May 1. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
Y'oik. elected in place of John Saumel, deceased.
15 EDWARD II. 441
1322. Membrane 12 — cont.
To Elias de Stapeltou, parson of the church of Swavetou. Order to pay
to Matilda, wife of Robert de Holand, the 100 marks tliat he is bound to
pay by a recogaisance in chaucery, at the terms of payment contained in
the recognisance, as the king has assigned 100 marks to the said Matilda
for one year in aid of her maintenance. By p.s.
May 2. To Tliomas le Rous, sheriff of Leicester. Order to bring personally to
York. the king all the jewels of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, and of other the
king's coutrariants that were found in his bailiwick, and that came into his
custody by the view of the king's clerk Master Walter de Blida, or in any
other way. By K.
April 30. To the keeper of the office of the treasurer and to the barons of the
York. e-xchecjuer. Order to allow to Master Walter de Istlep, late treasurer of
Ireland, in his account at the exchequer, the sum of 131/. 1,?. Q\d., if they
find that he paid that sum to John de Hothum, bishop of Ely, as he says
that he paid it by virtue of the king's order to pay it to the said John, who
had paid that sum for the king to Peter Michole, John Michole, and
Arnald de Losberk for wines brought from them, to wit 83/. Is. 8c?. to Peter
and John on behalf of Vitalis de Bonas, merchant of wines, for wine
bought from him by Henry de Say, the king's lale buller, in the second
year of the reign, and 47/. lOs. lOjrf. to Arnald de Losberk, burgess and
merchant of Marmand, for wines bought from him at Newcastle-on-Tyne
by Andrew de Lenne, attorney of the said Henry, on 11 July, in the third
year of the reign, as appears by a bill under the seal of John de Drokenes-
ford, bishop of Bath and Wells, then keeper of the wardrobe, for the first-
named sum, and by a bill of Ingelard de Warle, keeper of the wardrobe, for
the second sum.
April 29. To the same. Like order to allow to the aforesaid Walter 12/., if they
York. find that he paid that sum to Duugan Mac Gofferi, knight, by virtue of the
king's order to the treasurer and chamberlains of the exchequer of Dublin
to pay this amount to Dungan, being the remainder of 14/. for the wages of
himself and his men staying on the sea between Ireland and Scotland in the
12th year of the king's reign, as appears by a bill under the seal of Roger
de Northburgh, keeper of the wardrobe.
April .10. To the same. Like order to allow to the aforesaid Walter 201/. \\s. 3d.,
York. if they find that he paid that sum to Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wygemore,
by virtue of the king's order to him to pay Roger 2,000 marks out of the
customs and issues of Ireland, in part payment of 6,000 marks tliat the king
owed to Roger for his stay in his service when he was supplying the king's
place in Ireland.
May 4. To Robert de Stoke, Guy Breton, and William de Sutton. Order not to
York. assess Richard de HerthuU to the tine of 200/. made by knight, squires, and
other men-at-arms in the county of Warwick for permission to attend to
their own affairs, and to be exempt froin the expedition against the king's
enemies, which fine they were appointed by the king to levy, as Richard was
too ill to go in the expedition and sent his son Richard in his place, who
stayed continuously in the expedition with Ralph Basset, as the king learns
from Ralph's testimony. By K.
[Pari. Writs.']
To B umphrey de Bassyngbourne, Laurence de Preston, the younger, and
John de Sancto Mauro. Order not to levy anything from Ralph de
Camoys by virtue of their appointment to levy 500 marks from the knights
and squires of the county of Northampton, as well upon those who lately
come by the king's order as upon those who stayed at home, as Raluh
stayed with the king in his service, and it is not the king's intention lliat
anything sholl be levied of those who stayed in his service. [/6jc?.]
1322. Membrane 12 — cont.
May 7. To Ingelram Berenger and John de Ootesford. Order to deliver to
York. Hugh le Despenser, the elder, all his lands, goods, and chattels, and the
issues received therefirom, the custody whereof the king committed to them
when Hugh was declared to be disinherited and exiled by judgment of
certain magnates of the realm in parliament at Westminster, in three weeks
fi'om Midsummer last, as the king has annulled the judgment as erroneous
in the present parliament at York, and has restored Hugh to the estate he
was in before the said judgment. By K. and C.
May 6. To the sheriff of Buckingham. Order to restore to Richard de Pyryton
York. and Henry le Bonde of Neweport Paynel their goods and chattels, which
were taken into the king's hands upon their imprisonment as rebels, the
king having caused them to be delivered at the request of John Somery, at
whose request the king makes the present order.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok .
May 8. To John de Whityngton. Order to be Intendent and respondent to
York. Robert de Silkeston and Henry de Leycestre, whom the king lately ap-
pointed auditors of the accounts of the lands of Thomas, earl of Lancaster,
and other rebels beyond Trent, to give them information concerning the
lands that belonged to the Templars in co. Lincoln, and other things that
they shall require, and concerning the lands that were in the hands of the
said rebels.
May 9. To John de Crumbwell, keeper of the Forest this side Trent. Order to
York. deliver Robert son of Margery de Edenestowe, imprisoned at Notyngham
for trespass of vert in the forest of Shirewode, in bail to twelve main-
pernors, who shall undertake to have him before the justices for forest
pleas when they come to those parts.
To the sheriff of Surrey (sic). Order to cause verderers for the forest of
Wyndesore to be elected in place of Thomas de la Vine, Walter le Porter,
Richard de Fynghampsted, and John de Aisshesham, deceased.
May 8. To Stephen de Abyndon, the king's butler, or to his attorney in the
York. port of London. Order to deliver to the monks of St. Peter's Westminster
a tun of wine of the right prise, in accordance with the grant of Henry IH.
May 4. To the justices of the Bench. Whereas at the suit of the abbot of Croy-
York. land, shewing that, although he holds no lands by barony or part of a barony
or by any service by reason whereof he ought to be amerced as a baron, he
has been amerced before the aforesaid justices at 40 marks and at another
time at 10 marks, and in the eyre of John de Vallibus and his fellows,
justices of the late king last in eyre at Lincoln as a baron, which amercements
were exacted from hira as a baron by summons of the exchequer, the king
ordered the keeper of the office of treasurer and the barons of the exchequer
to examine the book of fees, rolls, and other memoranda of the exchequer
that ought to be examined in this behalf, and to enquire, if necessary, con-
cerning the abbot's tenancy, and if they found that he did not hold as a
baron and ought not to be amerced as one, and that neither the abbot nor
his predecessors did any service in the armies of the king or of his progeni-
tors, to correct without delay what had been done surreptitiously by the
aforesaid justices, and to cause the abbot to be discharged thereof, provided
the abbot should, in that case, be amerced by his peers according to the
tenor of Magna Carta ; and it appears by the record and process before
the keeper and barons that the abbot did not hold as a baron and ought not
to be amerced as one, whereupon it was considered by them that the abbot
should be discharged of the aforesaid amercements, and should be amerced
according to the form of Magna Carta : the king, wishing to carry that
15 EDWARD II. 44«
1322. Membrane 12 — cant.
consideration into effect, orders the justices to cause the name of the abbot
amerced as a baron iu their rolls {nomen baronis ipsius abbatis in rotulis
vestiis amerciati) to be deleted, amercing him according to the tenor of
3IagHa Carta.
May 10. To the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset. Order to restore to Henry de
York. Glastyngburys bis lands, good,s, and chattels, which the sheriff took into
the king's hands believing that he had adhered to the rebels, as the king
learns upon trustworthy testimony that he has borne and bears himself
faithfully to the king. By K.
The like to Robert de Hungerford for the said Henry's lands in his
custody. By K.
Membrane 11.
May 9. To Master John Waleway[n],escheator beyond Trent. Order to restore
York. to Henry Darcy and John de Poulteneye, citizens of London, the manor of
Stretbale, co. Essex, together with their goods and chattels therein, and the
issues thereof from the time when it was taken into the king's hands, as
the king learns by inquisition that Bartholomew de Badelesmere, to whom
the king committed the custody of the aforesaid manor during the minority
of the heir of Payn de Tibetot, tenant in chief, the owner thereof, gave the
custody to Robert de Watevill, knight, on Thursday before St. Andrew, in the
12th year of the king's reign, and that Robert held the manor by that gift
from then until Wednesday after All Saints, iu the I4th year of the king's
reign, when he sold the custody thereof to the afoi-esaid Henry and John,
aud the escheator has returned that when the king ordered him to take into
his hands the lands, goods, and chattels of the aforesaid Robert, his sub-
escheator in co. Essex took the aforesaid manor into the king's hands
believing that Robert was seised of the custody thereof. By pet. of C.
To Geoffrey Dode and William de Neuport. Like order concerning the
aforesaid manor, taken by them into the king's hands by virtue of the
king's order to them to take into his hands the lands of the aforesaid
Robert. By pet. of C .
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of John son of Thomas, whom the king has amoved for
insufficient qualification.
May 12. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to deliver to Richard de Hertesleye,
York. of CO. Hereford, his lands, goods and chattels, together with the issues
thereof from the time when the sheriff took them into the king's hands
under the belief that Richard was not at that time in the king's service, as
the king learns by the testimony of John de Weston, supplying the place
of the earl of Norfolk, marsh.il of England, that Richard was in his service
with horses and arms at Coventry and elsewhere, tp wit from 2 March last
until 28 March following.
The like in favour of Hugh de Meryngton of Coventry, co. Warwick.
By the testimony of the said John.
May 10. To the sheriff of Dorset. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
York. elected in place of John de Brideport, who is insufficiently qualified.
May 11. To Roger de {sic) Beler. Order to restore to Robert de Tylinton his
York. lands, goods and chattels in Roger's bailiwick, upon his finding mainpernors
to answer to the king at his will for what the king will say against him, the
sheriff of Stafford having certified the king that he took Robert's lands,
1322, Membrane 11 — cont.
goods and chattels iuto the kiufj's hauds because it was said that he wore
(tulisse) the robes of the countess of Lincoln, as Robert has prayed the
king by petition in parliament to restore his lands, goods and chattels.
By pet. of C.
The like in favour of Henry de Kersewell.
May 12. To Master John Walevvayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
York. Ralph Basset, son and heir of Richard Basset of Welledon, tenant in chief,
to have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age before the
escheator and the king has taken his homage. By p.s. [6003.]
To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause 20Z. to be levied of
those who made fine with the king, and to pay that sum to John de
Insula, Andrew Fayn, and Ralph de AVolverton for their expenses and the
carriage of 200Z., which the king appointed them to levy upon the knighls
and esquires of that county.
To Richard de Rodeneye. Order not to intermeddle with the lands that
belonged to Hugh de Audele, the younger, in the county of Devon by
virtue of the king's commission to him of the custody of the lands that
belonged to Thomas, earl of Lancaster, and to other rebels and others in
that county, in the king's hands by forfeiture, as the king had previously
committed the custody of the said Hugh's lauds in that county to Matthew
de Cranthorn.
May 14. To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest beyond
iork. Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Order to deliver John, parson of
the church of Stapelford, imprisoned at Cokham (sic) for trespass of vert and
venison in the forest of Roteland, in bail to twelve mainpernors, who shall
undertake to have him before the justices in eyre for Forest pleas when
they next come to that county.
May 11. To the collectors of the custom of wool, hides, and wool-fells in the port
York. of Newcastle-ou-Tyne. Order to pay to Richard de Horsle 40/. from the
issues of that custom, which sum the king owes him for the wages of him-
self, his men-at-arms, and hobelers staying in the company of Robert de
HumframviU, earl of Angus, for the custody of the castles of Hirbotel and
Prudhou, to wit between I January, in the 9th year of the king's reign,
and the last day of December, in the 10th year of the reign, as appears by
bill under the seal of Henry de Hale, late cofferer of the wardrobe. By K.
May 14. To Robert de Aston. Order to deUver to Henry le Keu of Brokworth
York. his lands, goods and chattels by indenture to be made between him and
Henry, his lands, goods and chattels having been taken into the king's
hands because he was charged with having adhered to John Giflfard or
other rebels, as Thomas son of Thomas de Berkele, Walter de Grloucestre,
Nicholas de Compton, and John Blaketoft, of the county of Gloucester,
have mainperned in chancery to have him before the king to answer when
the king shall speak against him. By pet. of C. [5943.]
To Robert de Aston. Order to deliver to John Chaumpenays his lands,
goods, and chattels in cos. Gloucester and Somerset, which are in Robert's
custody by the king's commission, as he has prayed the king for restitution
of his lands, goods, and chattels, which were taken into the king's hands
because he was said to have adhered to Maurice de Berkele, a contrariant of
the king, and he has shown that he stayed with Maurice only for the pur-
pose of auditing the accounts of his reeves _and bailifls, and prosecuting his
legitimate affairs, and that he never bore arras with him or any other of the
15 EDWARD II. 445
1322. Membrane 11 — cont.
king's coiitrariimts, and Walter de Grloucestre, Thomas son of Thomas de
Berkele, William Damoysele, and Nicholas de Cumpton, of the county of
Gloucester, have mainperned in chancery to liave him before the king to
answer to him when the king shall speak against him. By pet. of C.
The like to Richard Lovel, to restore to the said John his goods and
chattels, which Ricliard took into the king's hands when he was constable
of Bristol castle. By pet. of C.
The like to the aforesaid Robert de Aston in favour of Richard de la
Marche, whose lands, goods, and chattels were taken into the king's hands
for the above reason, as he has shewn by his petition that he stayed with
the aforesaid Maurice only for the purpose of holding his courts and prose-
cuting his lawful affairs. By pet. of C.
The like to the aforesaid Richard Lovel, who took the goods and chattels
of the said Richard de la Marche into the king's hands whilst he was cou-
stable of Bristol castle. By pet. of C.
May 12. To John de Crumbwell, keeper of the Forest this side Trent, or to him
York. who supplies his place. Order to deliver to the prior and convent of
St. Mary's Carlisle the arrears of the tithe of venison taken in Inglewode
forest in the 13th and 14th years of the king's reign, and to cause them to
have a tithe of the same during the present year.
May 14. To Henry le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the king.
York. Order not to molest Walter de Stirkelaud, Richard del Rig', William son of
GeolTrey, Adam del Crag, and Adam his brother, John le Gyuour, Adam
del Shawe, Roger del Crag ,, Laurence lelilz Anneys, William son of Walter,
Roger de Cranford, Adam Crosier, Robert Oaytliird, William de Derwenf,
and Blias de Brisseban for not appearing before the king in a month from
Easter last, the day given to tliem by the king in tlie matter of a trespass
committed by them upon Gilbert de Crakhale, which trespass the king
lately appointed Richard de Bernyngliam and others to hear and determine,
the record and process whereof lie afterwards caused to come before liim
upon the suggestion of the said Walter, Richiird, and the others, that
error intervened in the record and process, as the said [Walter*], Richard,
and the others are in the king's service in the marches of Scotland, so that
they coul I not come on that day; provided that the process herein betore
the said iustices as to other matters touching this aflair be observed.
By K.
May 15. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to restore to William Damysele,
York. clerk, his land.s, goods, and chattels, which were taken into the king's
hands by the sheriff upon his being charged before William Inge and his
fellows, justices to hold pleas before the king, with the death of John de
Asshewell, son of John de Asshewell, brother of John de Prestbury, of that
county, as he has purged his innocence before the abl)ot of Westminster,
t'ne ordinary of the place by reason of his exempt jurisdiction, to whom he
was delivered according to the privilege of the clergy.
Membrane 10.
May 12. To Roger Beler, keeper of the lands in the county of Leicester that be-
York. longed to Thomas, late earl of Lancaster. Order to permit the abbot and
convent of Leycesire to carry away from the woods of Leycestre the
* Walter's name seems to be omitted inaclYertently.
1322. Membrane 10 — cont.
timber and brushwood previously bought by them, if it appear to him that
they have paid for the same, as they have prayed by the king by petition
before him and his council at York for permission to carry away the said
timber and brushwood, alleging that they bought the timber and brushwood
at divers times of sales in the said woods, and that they made full payment
therefor long before the earl's forfeiture. By pet. of C.
May 15. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
York. be elected iu place of Roger de la Haye, who is incapacitated by infirmity
and age.
May 18. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
York. be elected in place of William de Wychyngham, who is incapacitated by
age and infirmity.
To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of Robert le Bore, who is incapacitated by age and
To the sheriff [of Nottingham]. Order to cause a verderer for the
forest of Shirwode to be elected in place of John de Annesleye.
May 12. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to pay to Simon
York. Warde 50 marks for Easter term last, in accordance with the king's grant
of 3 June, in the 8th year of his reign, of 100 marks yearly from the
exchequer until the king .should provide him with 100 marks yearly of land
or rent for the term of his life.
May 20. To Henry le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the king.
York. Order to continue until a month form Michaelmas next all matters touching
the bishop of London, the dean and chapter of St. Paul's, and the officials
and other ministers of that church moved in the last eyre of the justices in
eyre at the Tower, which the king afterwards caused to come before him,
and which he ordered to be continued until the quinzaine of Easter.
By pet. of 0. [2925.]
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to assign
dower to Matilda, late the wife of Jollan Bavent, tenant in chief by reason of
the lands of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, being in the king's hands, upon her
taking oath not to marry without the king's licence.
May 16. To the sherif! of York. Order to cause Robert de Wyrnthorp to have
Y^ork. seisin of a messuage and 3 acres of land iu Erdeslowe, as it appears by
inquisition taken by the sheriff that John Maufesour, who was outlawed
for felony, held the messuage and land of Bobert, and that they have been
in the king's hands for a year and a day, and that Henry Russel of Skipton
had the king's year, day, and waste thereof, for which he ought to answer
to the king.
May 18. To the sheriff of Essex. Order not to molest Master William de Mel-
York, bourn, parson of Melford church, by reason of his having been in the
service of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, the king's enemy, and to release any
distress that he may have levied for this reason, as Edmund Bret and
William de Gildesburgh, of the county of Nottingham {Notynght)' , John
de Thoresby and Nicholas de Thoresby, of the county of Lincoln, John de
Brumle and William de Weston, of the county of Stafford, have mainperned
to have the said Master William before the king if he will speak against him
ior this matter. By pet. of C.
To the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order not to levy anything of
the villeins of John, bishop of Norwich, the chancellor, by reason of the
15 EPWARD II. 447
1322. Membrane 10 — cont.
king's writ to levy expenses for the knights of that county who came to the
parliament at York in three weeks from Easter last, as it was not, and is
not, the king's intention that anything should be levied of the villein -s of
the said bishop, who was present in person at the said parliament. By K.
IParl Writs.']
To John Inge, sheriff of Glamorgan. Order to release John de la More,
John Beneit, and Meuric Kammeys from prison, if they are imprisoned
solely by virtue of the king's order to arrest and keep them until further
orders, provided that they each find sufficient mainpernors to have them
before the king when he shall speak against them.
May IG. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to deliver to John Pypard his lands,
York. goods, and chattels, which the sheriff took into the king's hand believing
that John was not at that time in the king's service, together with the issues
received therefrom, as John de Weston, supplying the place of the earl of
Norfolk, marshal of England, has testified that the said John was in the
king's service from Thursday before Christmas until 28 March following.
May 18. To Robert de Aston, keeper of the forfeited castles and lands of the king's
York. rebels and of others in the county of Gloucester. Order to deliver to John
le Galeys of Pagenhall his lands in that county, upon his finding security to
answer to the king for what he will say against him, as he has shewn by
petition that, although he was despoiled of all his goods and imprisoned in
Gloucester castle during the whole time that John Giffard and other
contrariants of the king held the castle and town of Gloucester against the
king, because he was present at the demolition of Brymmesfeld castle with
other men of that county by the king's order, his lands in that county were
nevertheless taken into the king's hand by the procurement of certain of
his enemies (emulorum) asserting that he was of the said contrariants of the
king, although he was not with them otherwise than in the said prison.
By pet. of 0. [2369].
The above writ was afterwards renewed to Simon de Driby, keeper of
the castles, etc., in the said county, or to him who supplies his place, under
the same date.
May 16. To Robert Lewer. Order to restore to Geoffrey de Brochampton and
York. John Carbonel their lands and the issues thereof, if he took them into the
king's hands because they were in the company of John de Sancto Johanne
of Basyng', keeper of the king's peace in the county of Southampton, for the
preservation of the peace, as they have shewn by their petition before the
king and his council in his parliament at York that Robert took their lands
into the king's hands for the above reason. By pet. of C. [4505.]
May 15. To John de Bermyngeham, earl of Loueth, justiciary of Ireland. Order
York. to deliver to John de Sancto Amando, brother and heir of Alnaaric de Sancto
Amando, the issues of all his brother's lands from the time when it shall
appear to him that John or his attorney delivered to John Wogan, then
justiciary of Ireland, the king's writ of 1 March, in the 4th year of his
reign, to deliver seisin to John of all the lands of the said Almaric iu
May 17. To John Mortein, Peter Lorenge, Henry de Preiers, John de la Penne,
York. Philip de Ilardedeshull, and Matthew de la Vach. Order to super-
sede entirely their appointment by the king to levy 600 marks upon the
communities of the counties of Bedford and Buckingham, which the com-
munities granted to the king to spare them from arming and sending 500
footmen to Newcastle-on-Tyne, as the prelates, earls, barons, and community
of the realm in the present parliament of York have granted the king, in aid
of the Scotch war, one footman armed with aketon, haubergeon or plates,
1322. Membrane 10 — cont.
bascinet, and iron gloves from every town witliin the realm that answers in
the justices' eyre for a township, at the charge of the men of the township
until he come to Newcastle. By K.
IParl. Writs.']
To the keeper of the manor of Gatesden, eo. Hertford, in the king's
hands for certain reasons. Order to permit Alan de Cherleton and Ellen
his wife, one of the daughters and heiresses of Alan la Zousche, to receive a
moiety of the profits of the manor from the time when it was taken into the
king's hands for so long as it shall be in his hands, as they have shewn the
king that they and Robert de Holand and Matilda his wife, the other
daughter and heiress of the said Alan, held the manor jointly and undivided
as of the inheritance of Ellen and Matilda, and that each received a moiety
of the profits thereof until the king caused it to be taken into his hands
with other lands of the said Robert for certain reasons touching Robert, and
that the keeper receives the whole of the profits as if the whole of the
manor had belonged to Robert and Matilda.
May 12. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to release Richard de Westcote,
Yorlj. imprisoned at Winchester by the king's oi'der, upon his finding mainpernors
to answer to the king for what the king will say against him.
By pet. of C. [7529.]
May 20. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause dower
Yorli. to be assigned to Alice, late the vyife of Thomas Folejaumbe, tenant in
chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence.
May 17. To the sheriff of Dorset. Order to restore to Peter de Grymstede his
York. lands, goods and chattels, if thev were taken into the king's hands, as he
alleges in his petition before the king and his council, because he wore a
bendy garment (vestem bendatani) when lately at Westminster in the
company of certain magnates of the realm. By pet. of C. [5668.]
The like to the sheriliFs of Somerset, Wilts, and Southampton.
The like to the sheriff of Wilts for .John de Grimstede.
To the constable of Marlebergh castle. Order to release Peter from
prison in that castle, if he be imprisoned for the above reason.
By pet. of C. [5668.]
Membrane 9.
May 18. To the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset. Order to release John de
VoA. Meriet from prison, and to restore to him his lands and goods, as he has
shewn by his petition in parliament that he is attached by his body and his
lands and chattels taken into the king's hands as one of the adherents of
Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, although he was in no wise of the company
or retainer of the earl or of any other rebel, but that he sent certain of his
men-at-arms with the community of the above counties for the expedition
of the king's affairs against the rebels, and the sheriff has not informed the
king, when addressed in parliament, of any sufficient cause for the arrest of
John or his lands and goods. By pet. of C. [6308.]
To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to restore to the aforesaid .John
his lands and goods in his bailiwick.
The like to the sheriffs of Gloucester, Wilts, and Bedford.
May 21. To Richard dePotesgrave, the king's chaplain. Order to deliver to Thomas
Yorli. Gregory 3| acres of land in Estfarlegh, and the issues received therefrom, as
the king learns by inquisition taken by Ralph Sauvage and Richard Byflet
that the .said Thomas, at Michaelmas, in the 12th year of the king's reign,
15 EDWARD II. 419
1322. Membrane 9 — cont.
pledged the aforesaid land to Walter Culpeper until iVliohaelmafi, in the
14th year of the reign, for 9 marks received from Walter, and that Thomas
satisfied Walter for that sum at Walter's honse in Estfarlegh on the morrow
of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, in the 14th year of the reign, and that
Walter nevertheless detained the said land, which was taken into the king's
hands with Walter's other lands by reason of the felony for which Walter
was hanged.
May 19. To the sheriff of Salop and Stafiord. Order to deliver to John de
York. Stratfeld his lands, goods, and chattels, taken into the king's hands by the
sheriff by virtue of the king's order to take into his hands the lands, goods,
and chattels of the king's contrariants, upon his finding mainpernors to
answer to the king for what the king will say against him, as Jiihn has
shewn the king that he lately had the custody of the castle of Bruggewauter
from Margaret, late the wife of Edmund de Mortuo Marl, and that he
stayed there in the king's service after John de Lorty took the castle into
the king's hands, and that the sheriff has nevertheless taken his lands, goods,
and chattels into the king's hands as if he were one of the king's contrariants.
By pet. of C.
To John de Donecastre, Richard de Bernyngham, and Geoffrey le Scrop,
justices to take assizes in co. York. Order to take as speedily as possible
the assize of novel disseisin prosecuted before them by Thomas de la
Ryvere and Joan his wife against Robert Wawayn of Scardeburgh con-
cerning a messuage in Scardeburgh of .Joan's inheritance, whereof they
had enfeoffed Robert, subject to his rendering them 60i. yearly therefor, of
which i-ent fhey were seised for two years, when Robert disseised them
thereof, the justices, who had considered that the assize should be taken,
having deferred taking the assize by virtue of a writ of privy seal ordering
them not to take it, because the said Robert, fearing that he would lose the
messuage and great damages, had rendered the messuage into the king's
hands ; wherefore Thomas and Joan have petitioned the king to provide
them with a remedy. They are ordered not to render judgment herein
without consulting the king. By pet. of C. [862, 6823.]
May 18. To Roger Belers, keeper of the lands in co. Derby that belonged to Thomas,
York. late earl of Lancaster, and to his adherents. Order to deliver to Nicholas
de Hungerford the custody of the forest of Duffeld, from which Robert has
amoved him, as he has shewn the king that Blanche, sometime queen of
Navarre, committed to him the custody of the said forest, by reason of her
dower of the lands of Edmund, late earl of Leicester and Deiby, for the
term of her life, and that afterwards Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, son
and heir of the said Edmund, committed the said custody to Nicholas for
life, in consideration of his good service to Edmund and Blanche, receiving
the same stipends and wages and other fees as other keepers had been wont
to receive. The king makes this order in consideration of Nicholas's
service to Edmund and Blanche and because he does [not] wish to
cancel the grant of Thomas, which he has seen in chancery.
By pet. of C. [340-344, 9993.]
To the chamberlain of Caernervan. Order to cause the quay of
Caernervan to be repaired, as the king is given to understand that it
is broken down, whereby great peril will, it is feared, arise to the king's
May 20. To the sheriffs of London. Order to supersede until Michaelmas next
York. the demand upon Reginald de Conductu, William Prodhomme, John
Priour, and William de Furneys, late sheriils of that city, by summons of
the exchequer for 201. for each escape of a thief or felon in their times,
upon their finding security to answer for the same in case they be charged
76416. F P
1322. Membrane 9 — cont.
therewith, as the citizens have shewn by their petition before the king and
his council that the sheriffs of that city ought to be amerced at 100s. only
for any such escape, according to the tenor of the charters of the king's
progenitors, which the king has confirmed, just as other sherifEs of the
realm are amerced, and that the justices last in eyre at the Tower amerced
the said Reginald, William, John, and William at 20Z. for each escape ;
whereupon the king caused all pleas before the aforesaid justices touching
the citizens to come before him, which matter still pends undecided.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with certain lands in Tycheseye, Bendestede, Crowe-
hirst, Camerwell, and Pecham and with the advowson of the church of
Tycheseye, and to restore Ihe issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition
taken by him that Thomas de Elyngham and Robert de Bernham granted
the aforesaid lands and advowson to John de Ounedale, now deceased, and
Isabella his wife, by fine levied in the king's court, and that John held
the same on the day of his death, and that they are held of others than
the king.
May 22. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
York, meddle further with the lands of Nicholas de Menill, and to restore the
issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that he
held nothing in chief of the king at bis death by reason whereof the
custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king.
May 20. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to pay to John de Fenwyk
York. 20 marks for Martinmas term, in accordance with the king's grant to him
of 40 marks yearly from the issues of that county, in consideration of
his good service, and so that he may maintain himself more suitably in the
king's service.
May 16. To Donald {Dovenaldo) de Mar, constable of Neuwerk castle, in the
York. king's hands. Order to permit the master and brethren of the hospital
of St. Leonard without Neuwerk to receive 20 quarters of wheat and
20 quarters of rye yearly from the granary of the castle, if it appear to
him that they have been wont to receive such corn, as they have shewn by
petition in the present parliament that the constable hinders their receiving
the same, although they and their predecessors have been wont to receive
it yearly from the granary of the bishop of Lincoln in the castle aforesaid,
in aid of the maintenance of the master and brethren and other poor and
infirm dwelling in the hospital. By pet. of C. [15209.]
To Robert de Aston, keeper of the lands, goods and chattels in the
counties of Somerset and Dorset that belonged to Thomas, earl of Lan-
caster, and to other rebels. Order to deliver to Peter de Grymstede his lands,
goods, and chattels, which were taken into the king's hands by the sheriffs
of those counties and delivered to him by the king's order, if the lands,
goods, and chattels were taken into the king's hands because Peter wore
a bendy garment when he was lately in the company of certain magnates
at Westminster, as the king wishes to assent to his petition for restitution.
By pet. of C. [5668.]
The like to Robert de Hungerford, keeper of the lands, etc., in the
counties of Wilts and Southampton.
The like to the said Robert, keeper of the lands, etc., in cos. Wilts,
Southampton, and Berks, in favour of John de Grimstede.
May 20. To the sheriff of Buckingham. Order to release William Blaket from
York. prison, together with his goods and chattels, as he has shewn, by his
petition before the king and his council, that Philip de Aylesbury, sheriff
of the said county, arrested him and his goods and imprisoned him at Ayles-
bury because one Geofirey de Bolstrode of Aylesbury propounded on the
15 EDWARD II. 451
1322. Membrane 9 — cont.
king's belialf before the said Philip, at the Annunciation last, that William
was an adherent of the rebels, and prayed on the king's behalf that he
should be arrested : the sheriff having certified that he is imprisoned for
this cause, which the king considers insutBoient. By pet. of C. [201.]
To the same. Order to release Andrew de Jarpunvill from prison, together
with his goods and chattels, as he has shewn, by his petition before the king
• and his council, that John de Olneye, who was appointed to arrest all the
king's coiitrariants and their adherents in the sheriff's bailiwick, arrested
the said Andrew at Mentemor in that county together with his goods and
chattels, pretending that he had adhered to Thomas, late earl of Lancaster,
because he wore the earl's robes, which the earl is bound by his letters
patent to deliver to him yearly for life, the sheriff having certified that he
is imprisoned for this cause, which the king considers insufficient.
jBy pet. of C. [198.]
To Robert de Stok. Order to restore to Richard de Cave his lands in
Shiryngton and his goods and chattels, upon his finding security to answer
to the king in case he will speak against him, as the sheriff of Buckingham
has certified the king that he took Richard's lauds, goods, and chattels into
the king's hands because it was said, at the prosecution of certain of his
enemies, that he was in the company of certain of the king's contrariants in
arms at Kyngeston, adding in the return that Richard was at, the time with
the bishop of Ely in the Isle of Ely for the protection thereof, as the king
does not wish to aggrieve him for this reason. By pet. of C. [24G, 294.]
To the sheriff of Buckingham. Order to deliver Roger de Cave from
prison upon his finding security to answer to the king in case he will speak
against him, as the sheriff has returned that Roger was attached by John
de Olneye, by virtue of the king's commission to arrest his contrariants and
their adherents, because he wore the robes of Henry de Burghersh, bishop
of Lincoln : as the king does not wish to aggrieve him on this account.
By pet. of 0. [329.]
May 20. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Robert
York. le Fiz Payn, son and heir of Robert son of Payn, of the term of the manor of
Kyngesbury, with the rent of assise of Mellebourn and with the hundred of
La Horethorne, co. Somerset, which the king committed to him during
pleasure at a ferm of 42/. 14*. \0\d. on 20 May, in the 4th year of his
reign, from 16 September, in the (>th year, when the king granted to him
the aforesaid manor, rent, and hundred for life in recompence for the manor
of Norton Seint Walery, which he previously held of the king's grant,
and which the king then restored to Walter, then bishop of Coventry and
To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to restore to John de Gyse his
lands, goods, and chattels, which the sheriff took into the king's hands under
the belief that John was against the king during the late disturbances, and
to restore the issues received therefrom, as the king learns by the testimony
of John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, that the aforesaid John was in his
company at the time of the disturbances. By testimony of the earl.
May 22. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to
York. Edmund de Dynieton, late chamberlain of North Wales, 100/. in his
account at the exchequer, as Master John Walewayn has acknowledged
before the king in chancery that, when he was treasurer and was in Wales
by the king's order to require a subsidy from the men of those parts for
the expedition of the war of Scotland in the 12th year of the reign, he
ordered Edmund to pay the above sum, out of the fifteenth granted to the
r F 2
1322. Membrane 9 — cont.
king, to Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk, then justice of Wales, for his
wages in coming to the king with men-at-arms to set out in the king's
service against the Scotch rebels, and Edmund has paid that sum to Roger
and has his letters patent for the same. By C.
Membrane 8.
May 14. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Reginald
York. do Conductu and William Prodhome, late sheriffs of London, of 20 marks for
the year and waste of a messuage in Silverstrate, Loudon, and 201. for the year
and waste of a messuage at Billyngesgateward, London, which the treasurer
and barons exact from them by summons of the exchequer by virtue of the
estreats of Hervey de Staunton and his fellows, justices last in eyre at the
Tower of London, the said late sheriffs having been charged with the above
sums because the justices caused enquiry to be made concerning the tene-
ments of Henry son of Hugh de Bramdeston, who was indicted before the
justices for the death of Robert de Brom of Lapworth, and because Henry
was put into exigent to be outlawed for not appearing, as it appears by the
record and process before the king returned into chancery that Giles son of
Hugh de Pakwod appealled the aforesaid Henry of the said death before
the king, and that Giles <lid not prosecute his appeal, and that Henry after-
wards put himself upon the country concerning the said death at the king's
suit, and that it was afterwards found before the king by a jury of the
country that Henry was in no wise guilty of the said death and that he
never withdrew himself for this reason, wherefore it was considered that he
should go quit. The king makes this order because he considers that
Henry's tenements ought not to remain forfeited to him for this reason.
May 20. To the sheriiF of York. Order to pay to T'homas de Grey the arrears
York. for the time of the sherifi's office of 6d. a day, which the king, on 25 Feb-
ruary, in the 14th year of his reign, granted to him by the hands of the
sheritF of York in aid of tlie maintenance of himself and his wife during
pleasure, as appears by the king's letters patent, and to continue to pay him
that daily sum.
May 15. To Robert de Aston. Order to deliver to John de Brokenbergh, of the
York. county of Gloucester, his lands, goods, and chattels, which Robert took into
the king's hands because he did not come in the king's expedition against
certain of his enemies in his realm, as John sent Nicholas Prowet, his
horse Serjeant, well armed to the king at Coventre in his place, and
Nicholas remained continuously in the king's service from 8 March last
until 22 March following, upon which day he returned home by the king's
licence, as appears by the testimony of David de Strabolgi, earl of Athole,
then constable of the king's army, and of Jolin de Weston, supplying
the place of the earl marshal in the aforesaid army. By K.
May 22. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
York. dower to be assigned to Joan, Uite the wife of Philip de Hevenyngham,
tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order not to molest Richard Tochet in any
way contrary to the mainprise of John Waldeshef, Andrew de Norton,
Simon de Graham, Alan Hudleston, and John de Godesfeld, of that county,
who have mainperned before the king in chancery to have him before the
king when ordered to answer to the king if he will speak against him for
15 EDWARD II. 453
1322. Membrane 8 — cont.
his alleged adherence to certain magnates of the realm then rebels against
the king. The sheriff is ordered to release any distress that he may have
levied in this behalf. By pet. of C.
To Robert Darcy. Order not to molest or aggrieve the aforesaid Richard
by reason of the king's commission to Robert; to arrest the rebels and their
adherents, as Richard has found security to answer to the king.
By pet. of 0.
May 18. To Robert de Hungerford. Order to restore to Ralph de Sharpenham
York. his lands in the county of Wilts, together with the goods and chattels found
therein, which are in the king's hands for certain reasons, notwithstanding
that the king lately committed the custody of the said lands to the afore-
said Robert during pleasure. The king will discharge Ralph thereof.
May 20. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to release John de Alkeleye ani
York. Nicholas and John his sons from the king's prison at Gloucester, upon
their finding mainpernors to answer to the king for what he will say against
them. By pet, of C. [4430.]
May 18. To Edmund, earl of Arundel, justice of Wales, or to him who supplies
York. his place. William de Donecastre, Benedict de Staundon, William le Clerk,
Richard Russel, Roger le Blound, Alan de Sraetheton, Thomas le Taverner,
and Roger le Harper, citizens and merchants of Chester, have shewn the
king, by petition before him and his council in the present parliament at
York, that whereas they and certain other citizens of that city lately sent
certain of their men and servants to Gascony to buy wines and other
merchandise for the maintenance of the aforesaid city, and the said men
and servants freighted a ship called ' La Nicholas ' of Lemynton from tho
port of Bordeaux to Chester, and loaded her with 105 tuns and seven pipes
of wine and other goods to the value of 40Z.,* and the ship lay at anchor on
her voyage to Chester in a place called ' Le Stanhous' near Angleseye in
the justice's bailiwick, Walter de Coumbe and Geoffrey de Bonevill, clerka
of Adam de Wetenhale, chamberlain of North Wales, came to the ship in
due manner and entered her, and saw the charter of her freight, and had
a transcript thereof, nevertheless the aforesaid chamberlain with the said
Geoffrey, Robert Nasse, John f Tabard, Stephen le Fevre of Beaumareys,
Alan de Popelton, and other unknown armed men came to the ship in a
boat, and wished to enter the ship by force and arms, for fear whereof the
mariners of the ship hoisted {traxeruni) their cables and anchors and
turned to the high sea, awaiting there for a day and a night, and that the
ship was afterwards driven by tempest back to Stanhous, when the aforesaid
chamberlain with his armed men caused hue and cry of horn and mouth to
be raised upon the ship and mariners and merchants, and, taking with him
the posse of those parts, assaulted the ship, mariners, and men with
springalds {espringaldas), cross-bows, and other arms and engiues, harass-
ing {tractando) them continuously with springalds and cross-bows contrary
to the inhibition of William de Shaldeford, lately supplying the place of ihe
justice of Wales, and sheriff of Augelseye, who was then present, where-
upon the mariners, for fear of death and loss of the goods aforesaid, cut
their cables and permitted the ship to go whither it would towards the high
sea, and the ship in consequence was driven by tempest to parts unknown,
where two mariners of the ship were slain and five wounded to death, and
the boat (navicula) called 'flotebate' and 37 tuns and 5 pipes of the afore-
said wine were lost and the other wine considerably deteriorated ; wherefore
the said citizens and merchants have prayed the king to provide a remedy :
* 400/. in the petition.
f Called Jak' Tabard in the petition.
1322. Membrane 8 — cont.
tlie king therefore orders the justice to hear the complaint of the citizens
and merchants or their attorneys, and to call before him the aforesaid
trespassers and others whom be shall see fit, and to cause due and speedy
com|ilemcnt of justice to be done to the said citizens and merchants for the
aforesaid trespass and their damages, and he is ordered not to permit injury
or hindrance to be done to the citizens and merchants of Chester or to
others coming to that city or returning thence with victuals or other goods
for the maintenance thereof. By pet. of C. [8196.]
May 22. To Roger Beler. Order to certify the king's receiver of the issues of the
York. castles and lands that belonged to Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, and other
the king's enemies, the custody whereof the king committed to the said
Roger, concerning the usual wages heretofore paid for the custody of the said
castles and lands or otherwise concerning reasonable wages to be ordained
by Roger. The king has ordered the receiver to pay the wages according
to such certificate. By K.
Mandate in pursuance to William de Oterhampton, receiver of the afore-
said castles and lands.
To Robert de Silkeston and Henry de Leycestre, auditors of the accounts
of all the receivers, bailiffs, and keepers of the lands aforesaid and of the
lands of other the king's enemies and of others beyond Trent. Order to
allow to the said William the wages thus paid by him.
The like to the following :
John de Kilvyngton to certify the receiver of the wages for the lands
of the aforesaid in his custody.
Henry de Maltou to certify the receiver in like manner.
Richard de Emeldoa in like manner.
Robert de Brompton, receiver of the castles and lands aforesaid, to pay
to the aforesaid John and Henry the wages separately certified by
Simon de Balderston and Henry de Athelardestre, auditors of the
accounts this side Trent, to allow the aforesaid Robert the wages
thus paid by him.
May 28. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver
Hajwra. to Eleanor, late the wife of Thomas de Multon of Egremond, tenant in
chief, a third of a knight's fee in Erankton, co. Lincolo, which part Thomas
son and heir of Thomas de rra[n]kton holds, and whicii part is of the
yearly value of 20/., the king having assigned the same to her as dower of
her husband's knights' fees.
To the same. Order to deliver to the said Eleanor the advowsons of the
church of Hemmyngby, co. Lincoln, of the yearly value of 20 marks,
of the church of Wadyngham with the chapel, of the yearly value of
30 marks, and of St. John's hospital without Bo.ston, which the king
has assigned to her as dower of her husband's advowsons.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to the
aforesaid Eleanor the following of her husband's knights' fees and cornages,
which the king has assigned to her in dower : a sixth of a fee in Mulcastre,
CO. Cumberland, which part John de Penyngton holds, and which is of the
yearly value of 10/. ; a twelfth of a fee in Ravenglasse, in the same county,
which part the said John holds, and which is of the yearly value of 40«. ;
a sixth of a fee in Punchonby, in the same county, which part Alexander de
Punchonby holds, and which is of the yearly value of 20s. ; a tenth of a fee
in Cleterne, in the same county, which part Robert de Cleterne holds, and
which is of the yearly value of 10/. ; and the rents of the following cornages :
6s. 8d. of such rent that Thomas Wack renders yearly for certain lands in
Dregge, in the said county, of the yearly value of 10/. ; 5s. of such rent
til at Robert de Sevenhowes renders yearly fur bnds in Neuton, in the said
15 EDWARD II. 455
1322. Membrane 8 — cont.
county, of the yearly value of 100*. ; 5*. of such rent that John de Kirkeby-
thore renders yearly for lands in Caldre, in the same county, of the yearly
value of 100*. ; 2s. 10c?. of such rent that John de Landplogh renders
yearly for lands in Morton, in the same county, of the yearly value of 20s. ;
10s. of such rent that John son of Stephen de Crofton renders yearly
for lands in Distyngton, in the same county, of the yearly value of 20s. ;
4s. b\d. of such rent that Joan de Mosergh renders yearly for lands in
Mosergh, in the same county, of the yearly value of 10 marks; \Qd. of
such rent that John de Penyngton renders yearly for lands in Braystanes,
in the same county, of the yearly value of 12s.
May 26. To the chamberlain of North Wales. Order to pay Thomas Gaye,
Haywra. constable of Crukith castle, the arrears of his wages from the time of the
chamberlain's appointment, and to continue to pay him the same wages.
To the same. Order to pay to Edmund, earl of Arundel, the arrears of
the fee that he ought to receive for the office of justice of Wales from
5 January last, when the king committed that office to him, and to continue
to pay him such fee.
Membrane 7.
May 28. To the sheriff of Leicester. Order to restore his lands, goods, and chattels
Haywra. to Oliver le Waleys, and to supersede the arrest of his body, upon his
finding mainpernors to have him before the king at his will to answer for
what the king will say against him, the sheriff having certified the king
that he took Oliver's lands, goods, and chattels into the king's hands by
virtue of the king's writ to this eilect, as Oliver has prayed by petition
before the king and his council for restitution of his lands and supersession
of the order to arrest him, because he is prepared to verify that he was
always in the king's peace and faith and was never opposed to the king, nor
adhered to any of the rebels. By pet. of C. [3846, 5378.]
The like to the same sheriff in favour of Ralph de Stanlowe.
By pet. of C. [5377, 8412.]
To Robert de Gatesby, keeper of the lands, goods, and chattels in the
county of Leicester that belonged to the rebels, except the lands that
belonged to Thomas, late earl of Leicester. Order to restore to the aforesaid
Ralph his lands, goods, and chattels, together with the issues thereof, and
not to molest him contrary to the above mainprize.
The like to the said Robert in favour of the aforesaid Oliver.
May 30. To Thomas DeyviU, keeper of the lands beyond the water of Use, co. York,
Eothwell. that belonged to Thomas, earl of Lancaster, and other rebels and to
others. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of William de
Wakefeld at Sutton and Wakefeld and with his goods and chattels therein,
the said keeper having certified the king that William de la Beche took the
said lands and goods into the king's hands when he was keeper of the
honour of Wakefeld, and that he delivered them lo the said Thomas DeyviU,
as William de la Beche has certified the king that the lauds and chattels
at Sutton were not taken into the king's hands by him, and that he took
the said lauds and chattels into the king's hands for the salvation of the
same, because, when the castle of Sandale with appurtenances was delivered to
him for custody, he found the men and servants of .John, earl of Warenne,
and others unknown wasting and destroying the said goods and chattels.
May 28. To the sheriff of Devon. Order to release Reginald de Wylington,
Haywra. parson of the church of Atherington, in that county, from prison, and to
restore to him his goods and chattels, upon his finding mainpernors to
May 18.
May 31.
June 2.
June 3.
June 6.
Membrane 7 — cont.
answer to the king in case the king will speak against him, as he has shewn
by petition that although he was not indicted or guilty of counselling,
aiding, or adhering to any of the king's rebels, as he is prepared to prove,
the sheriff, imputing to him that he adhered to John de Wylington and
Henry de Wylington, his brothers, and to other rebels, took and imprisoned
him and seised into the king's hands his goods and chattels found within
the sanctuary of his said church. By pet. of C. [7398.]
To John Inge, sheriff of Grlamorgan. Order to release John de la More,
John Beneit, and Maurice Kammey from prison, wherein they are detained
by virtue of the king'.s order to the sheriff, upon their finding mainpernors
to have them before the king when he will speak against them.
To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to cause an inquisition to be made
concerning the goods and chattels of John de Cotum, citizen of London,
found in the manor of Oxindon, in that county, when it was taken into
the king's hands because William Tochet, to wiiom it belonged, became a
rebel, and to restore to John such goods and chattels, provided that nothing
be done concerning the manor or the corn growing therein by virtue of this
order, as John has shewn by his petition that he took the manor for a term
not yet completed from the said William, and that the manor and his goods
and chattels therein were taken into the kirg's hands when William became
a rebel. By pet. of C. [2007.]
To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to deliver to Henry de Sothill,
knight, his lands, goods, and chattels, the king having lately ordered the
sheriff to release Henry from the king's prison at Nolyngham, wherein he
was detained upon a charge of adhering to tlie king's rebels, upon his
finding mainpernors to have him before the king at the king's will, as
Henry has found such security and has made an obligation to the king for
his good behaviour, and the names of his mainpernors and the obligation
have been delivered into the wardrobe by Robert de Well, the king's clerk,
as Robert has acknowledged in chancery.
To Thomas Deyvill, keeper of the castle and honour of Pontefract and of
certain lands this side the water of Ouse, co. York, in the king's hands.
Order to deliver to the aforesaid Henry his lands, goods, and chattels,
together with the issues received therefrom.
The like to John de Kilvynton, keeper of certain lands between the waters
of Ouse and These in the king's hands.
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a coroner (sic) for the forest of
Galtres to be elected in place of William Tebaud, whom the king has
amoved from office because he is insufficiently qualified for the office of
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with the custody of the priory of Huntyngdon, and to restore
the issues thereof to the prior, as the king learns, by inquisition taken by
the escheator, that neither Gilbert de Clare, late earl of Gloucester and
Hertford, Hugh Daudele, the younger, and Margaret his wife, one of the
sisters and co-heiresses of the said earl, nor any ot the earl's ancestors were
wont to receive anything from the priory in time of voidance, but had a
porter at the gates thereof in time of voidance, who received his maintenance
from the priory, and that they had no other administration therein, and
H. bishop of Lincoln has confirmed the election of brother Reginald de
Blundesham, canon of that house, as prior, to which the king had previously
given his assent, ag appears by the bishop's letters patent to the king.
15 EDWAED 11.
1322. Membrane 7 — cont.
To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to deliver Thomas de Lodebrok,
William son of John Marky, Thomas de la "Walle, William Whlteman,
William son of Thomas Marky, William de la Hulle, William Bras, John de
Albrighton, John Monjoie, Walter le Wop, Eichard Edi, Geoffrey Frewyne,
John Jurdan, Thomas Godewyne, and John * de Crikkefeld from Gloucester
prison upon their finding mainpernors to have them before the king at his
order to answer to him for their alleged adherence to Eoger Damory and
other the king's contrariants. By pet. of C. [6145.]
To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of Hugh Trone, deceased.
June 8. To Ralph de Camoys, constable of Wyndesore castle, or to him who
Eothwell. supplies his place. Order to cause the abbot of Westminster to have
eight bucks in the forest of Wyndesore, in accordance with the gi'ant by
Henry III. to Eichard, then abbot of Westminster, and his successors of
eight bucks yearly to be taken at the king's expence by the constable of
Wyndesore and delivered by the constable at Westminster in the eve of
St. Peter ad Vincula.
June 10. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
Haddlesej. dower to be assigned to Joan, late the wife ol Eobert de Burgiloun, tenant
(Hathelsey.) jjj chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence.
To Eoger Caerles, keeper of certain lands in the counties of Hereford,
Salop, and Worcester, in the king's hands. Order not to intermeddle further
with the manor of Temedebury, and to restore the issues thereof and the
goods and chattels tlierein, which, it is said, he took into the king's hands
believing that Eobert de Welle was one of the king's contrariants or because
the reversion of the manor, which Eobert and Matilda his wife hold in
dower of the inheritance that belonged to Eoger de Clifford, belonged to
the king after Matilda's death by reason of the rebellion of the said Eoger
de Cliffbrd.
June 10. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to John
HadcUesey. de Wysham, out of the ferm of 800 marks due from him for the ferm of the
castle and honour of Knaresburgh, 200 marks yearly from 6 November, in
the 13th year of the king's reign, when the king committed the custody of
the castle and honour to him for life, until the king shall cause him to be
provided with 200 marks of land yearly, the king having granted that he
should receive that sum yearly, in consideration of his good service to the
king and his father, out of the ferm of the castle of St. Briavels and of the
bailiwick of the forest of Dene until the king should provide him with
200 marks of land yearly for life, as the said John afterwards surrendered
into the king's hands the custody of St. Briavels castle and the bailiwick
of the forest of Dene.
To the sheriff of Herefoid. Order to deliver to Ingelram de Frene of
that county his lands, goods, and chattels, which the sheriff' took into the
king's hands under the belief that Ingelram had not come in the king's
service, against his enemies, as he came to the king at Coventry in the above
service, and remained in his service continuously until 28 March last, when
he returned home by the king's licence, as appears to the king by the
testimony of John de Weston, supplying the place of the earl marshal in
the army at Coventry. By K.
The like to the sheriff of Salop.
The like to the sheriff of Salop in favour of Hugh Godard, of that county,
who stayed in the king's service with Thomas Godard, William de Clifford,
* Called Philip in the petition, which has the additional names of Thomas de
Seynteler, William Waldebeie, and Adam Darras.
June 1.
May 21.
Membrane 7 — cont.
and John de Aston, his yeomen, from 2 March until 28 March following,
when he returned home by the king's licence. By K.
The like to the sheriff of Worcester.
To John Hakelut. Order not to vex, aggrieve, or intermeddle with
Nicholas de Gildeford, parson of the church of Cesterton, by virtue of the
king's commission to arrest the king's contrariants and their adherents, and
to restore to him all his goods and chattels and muniments taken into the
king's hands by John on this behalf and delivered to the abbot of Stonlegh
for custody, and other things arrested by him, as Nicholas has found security
in chancery to answer to the king for his alleged adherence to the rebels.
By pet. of C. [5678.]
To the sheriff of Warwick. Order not to molest or aggrieve the said
Nicholas, as Master Robert de Aylesbury, Master John de Blebury, Roger
de Ryvers, parson of the church of Enedebourn, Walter Beynyne, of the
county of Berks, Alan de Wodelowe, of the county of Warwick, and Henry
Under Wode, of the county of Leicester, have mainperned before the king
in chancery to have Nicholas before the king at his order to answer to
Membrane 6.
May 28. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Michael
Rothwell. the bellfounder (Campanarius) and William de Casse, merchants, to have
ten tuns and one pipe of wine, or the price thereof, as the king learns by
inquisition taken by the sheriffs and coroners of Loudon that the said wine,
wbich was taken into the king's hands by Roger le Palmere, late one of the
sheriffs, by reason of Menandus de la Porte being indicted for the death
of Alice Ambroys, belonged to the said Michael and William, and that
Menandus owned nothing thereof, and that the wine was worth when it was
taken into the king's hands 18/. 13s. 4c?., whereupon the king, at the
request of his yeoman Oliver de Burdegala, ordered the sheriffs of London
to restore the wines or their price to the said Michael and William, but the
sheriffs have hitherto done nothing in the matter.
May 18. To Master John Walewayn and Robert de Morhy. Order to release
York. Richard de BaskerviU, Philip ap Howel, Maurice ap Rees, Howel ap Adam
de Foresta, Philip Hauard, Philip Parpoint, John Hauard, John Parpoint,
John le Receivour, Howel ap David de Knygton, Howel Tal, and Miles
Pichard from prison, upon their finding mainpernors to have them before
the king at his order to answer to him, notwithstanding the king's late
order to the aforesaid Master John and Robert to arrest them. By C.
May 30. To Robert de Aston, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in the
Rothwell. county of Gloucester. Order to restore to Thomas de A.mmundesham his
lands, goods, and chattels, upon his finding mainpernors to have him ^before
the king at his order to answer for his alleged adhesion to the late rebels.
By pet. of C.
The like to Simeon de Dryby, keeper of certain lands, etc., in the said
county, or to him who supplies his place, in favour of Henry Crepet of
Great Shurdyngton. By pet. of C.
The like to the aforesaid Simon in favour of Thomas de Brockeworth.
By pet. of 0.
The like to the sheriff of Gloucester in favour of the said Thomas.
By pet. of C.
The like to the sheriff of Hereford in favour of William de la Pelde of
Nonynton. By pet. of G. [5564.]
15 EDWARll II.
June 1.
1322. Membrane 6 — cont.
May 30. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to deliver to Robert fiz Paen hia
Rothwell. lands, goods, and chattels until the king's return from Scotland or until
otherwise Ordered, the sheriff having taken his lands, goods, and chattels
into the king's hands because Robert did not come to the king at his order
when the king was in the marches of Wales. By p.s. [6025.]
The like to the slieriiJs of Somerset and Dorset, Surrey and Sussex, and
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin. Order to
receive from John de Cogan, late treasurer of Ireland, the king's money in his
hands, without rendering his account in that exchequer, and to permit him
to come to England to render his account in the exchequer of England, as
the king has given him a day, to wit the quinzaine of Michaelmas next, to
render his account at the exchequer of England, notwithstanding his late
order to the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of Dublin to cause John
to come before them to render his account and to compel him to pay any
arrears due from him. By C.
June 3. To Simon de Dryby, keeper of cerfain of the lands that belonged to the
Rothwell. rebels and their adherents in the county of Gloucester, or to him who
supphes his place there. Order to deliver by indenture to Walter de
Wilton his lands, goods, and chattels, and not to molest him by arrest of hia
body or otherwise, the king having caused his lands, goods, and chattels to
be taken into his hands under the belief that he had adhered to the late
rebels, as the said Walter has found mainpernors to have him before the
king to answer for what the king shall say against him.
By pet. of C. [3895.]
The like to Robert de Aston, keeper of certain of the said rebels and
their adherents in the county of Dorset, omitting the clause about arrest.
By pet. of C.
To the sheriff of (-Houcester. Order not to molest the said Walter by
arrest or otherwise. By pet. of C.
The like to the sheriff of Dorset. By pet. of C.
June 7. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
Bothwell. Matilda, late the wife of Richard Danyel of Tiddeswell, tenant in chief,
I 30 acres of land in Wormhill, co. Derby, and 30 acres of land in Tiddes-
welle, in the same county, which the king has assigned to her as dower
with the assent of Thomas Meverel and Elizabeth his wife, one of the
daughters and co-heiresses of the said Richard, and of Katherine and
Joan, the second and thkd daughters and co-heiresses of the aforesaid
To Master John W.alewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver
to Joan, late the wife of Philip de Hevenyngham, certain lands in Estwode,
Rochesford, and Great Sutton, which the escheator took into the king's
hands upon Philip's death, together with the issues received thence since
his death, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that
Philip and Joan held the lands jointly on the day of Philip's death of the
feoffment of Ralph de Cokethorp and Henry de Todenham, to have to them
and the lieirs of Philip, by line levied in the king's court by his licence, and
that the lands are held in chief as of the honour of Relegh by knight
To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands that
Philip de Heveningham held of other lords than the king at his death,
retaining in the king's hands the two parts of the manor of Little Totham,
CO. Essex, as it appears by an inquisition taken by the escheator that Philip
held the said two parts in chief as of the honour of Haulegh by the service
of one knight's fee and by the service of paying 40*. yearly to the ward of
1322. Membrane 6 — cotit.
Dover castle and of doing service to tiie king's court of Haulegh from
moQth to month, and that he did not hold any other lands in chief as of
the crown by reason whereof the cufctody of his lands ought to pertain to
the king, but that he held other lands of divers other lords in the escheator's
bailiwick by divers services, and that John his son is his nearest heir and is
aged eight years.
June 4. To the executors of the will of John de Burford, sometime citizen of
Kothwell. London. Order to cause divers spices (sparie) and other wares that lately
came to the hands of the said John from certain ships called ' di-omondes'
at a small price to be restored to the merchants who own them, upon pay-
ment of the money paid by John, as the merchants assert that the spices
and wares were eloigned from the said ships, and to certify the king of their
proceedings. By K.
To the sheriffs of London. Order to aid the merchants in recovering the
above from the aforesaid executors or others to whose hands they may have
come, and to induce the executors and the others by all means to make
restitution. By K.
June 3. To Humphrey le Littelbury. Order to release from prison Clement son
Kothwell. of Robert de Wylton of Spaldyng', as Humphrey has returned that the
king appointed him to pursue and arrest Bartholomew de Badelesmere and
other rebels and their adherents in the county of Lincoln, and that he
deputed one of his men to execute the premises in the parts of Holand, in
that county, and that Clement was accused by his enemies of adhering to
the king's enemies, by reason whereof Hnmphrey's aforesaid deputy attaclied
Clement, and Humphrey also returned that he afterwards understood that
Clement never came out of those parts to the king's damage : wherefore
the king considers the cause of Clement's arrest as insufficient.
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order not to molest Clement in this behalf.
June 9. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order not to molest John le Tannere of
Haddlesey. Gloucester, if he find mainpernors to have him before the king when the
king will speak against him for his alleged adlierence to the rebels in that
county. By pet. of C. [3716.]
To Simon de Driby, keeper of certain lands, goods, and chattels that
belonged to certain rebels in the county of Gloucester, or to him who
supplies his place there. Order to deliver by indenture to the aforesaid
John his goods and chattels, taking from him security to answer for the
same in case they be adjudged to the king. By pet. of C. [3716.]
June 10. To the sheriff of Leicester. Order to release Gregory de Normanton,
Haddlesey. Gregory Broun, Henry le Mey, William Roger, Richard Roger,* Henry
Roger, William de Snarkeston, Roger fiz Richard, Robert fiz Roger,
William Henk, Robert Cok, Geoffrey le Fevere, Henry de Cateby, Simon
Henri, aiid certain other men of the town of Normanton who were not
found guilty of a trespass committed upon certain of the king's servants
passing through that town with arms and other goods by the inquisition
taken by the sheriff, who went to that town to make inquiry concerning the
said trespasses and to arrest those guilty thereof, in execution of the king's
order, as the men above named have stated in their petition that the sheriff
arrested them although they were not found guilty by the inquisition and
are not guilty, as they are prepared to prove. By pet. of C. [6504.]
To the sheriff of Northumberland. Order to permit the men of that
county who have sustained great damage by the frequent attacks of the
Scots to have respite until All Saints next for all debts due to the king at
the exchequer, and to release any distress that he may have made by reason
of such debts. By K.
* The petition has the additional name of Robert Roger.
Membrane 6 — cont.
To Robert de Ardern. Order to supersede the king's order to attach
Richfird de Louclies, knight, and to restore to him any of his lands that
may be in Robert's bands, the king having lately appointed Robert and the
sheriff of Oxford to attach Richard and to take his lands into his hands, as
the king has now ordered the sheriff to release Richard upon his finding
mainpernors to have him before the king to ans«-er to him for what he will
say against him and to answer to the exchequer for the issues of bis lands.
By p.s.
To Giles de Bello Campo. Order to supersede entirely the king's order
to arrest the said Richard. By p.s.
Membrane 5.
June 10. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver
Haddlesey. to Joan, late the wife of Robert de Burguillon, as nearest (friend) of his
heir, the moiety of the manor of Great Narynges, co. Norfolk, together
with the issues received therefrom since it was taken into the king's hands
upon Robert's death, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator
that Robert held at his death certain lands in Gedeneye, co. Lincoln, in
chief as of the honour of Albemarle by knight service, and that he did not
hold any other lands in chief as of the crown by reason whereof the custody
of his lands ought to pertain to the king, but tliat he held the aforesaid
moiety in socage of Thomas Bardolf by the service of 10.s. yearly for all
service, and that Hugh his son is his next heir and is aged twelve
June 10. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
Haddlesey. meddle further with the manor of Donston, and to restore the issues thereof,
as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that the manor is
not held in chief of the king but of Nicholas de Langeford by the service of
lO.s. yearly, the escheator having lately taken it into the king's hands under
the pretence that it is held in chief and that William Cosyn and Eleanor
his wife acquired it for their lives without the king's licence.
June 17. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
Haddlesey. intermeddle further with the lands that Joceus de Launceies held at his
death, as the king learns by an inquisition taken by Richard de Rodeneye,
late escheator beyond Trent, that Joceus did not hold any lands in chief at
his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the
June 19. To Robert de Leyburn, the king's admiral of certain ships about to come
Haddlesey. in his service in the western sea. Order to go to Ireland with all speed
with all the ships now ready and that he can get ready speedily, in order to
convey by sea to the parts of Carlisle those of the king's subjects who are
about to come from Ireland for the expedition of the Scotch war.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
June 16. To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to cause a verderer for the forest
Haddlesey. of Shirewod to be elected in place of John de Annesley, who is incapa-
citated by infirmity.
To the keeper of the land of Brenlees in Wales. Order to make
inquisition whether Hugh de Chegny was an adherent of Humphrey de
Bohun, late earl of Hereford and Essex, or of any other rebel, and if he
find that Hugh was not an adherent, to restore to him his lands, goods, and
chattels. By p.s. [6058.]
1322. Membrane 5 — cont.
June 15. To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of the lands, goods, and chattels that
Hadtllesey. belonged to Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, and to other rebels in the
county of Wilts. Order to restore to John de Stodelegh, of that county, his
lands, goods, and chattels, the king having previously ordered him to restore
them to the said John because John sent his servant John Betle of Rudestan
well-armed on horseback to Coventre in his place in the king's expedition
against the rebels, and John Bette remained in the king's service from
8 March last until 22 March following, when he returned home by the
king's licence, as appears by the testimony of David de Strabolgi, earl of
Athole, then constable of the army, and of John de Weston, holding the
place of the earl marshal in the said army, which order Robert deferred
executing because the said John de Stodiegh wore a bendy (hendatam)
garment at London and elsewhere ; wherefore John de Stodiegh has prayed
the king to provide him with a remedy.
To the sheriff of Wilts. Order to release the said John de Stodiegh
from prison, as he sent the aforesaid John Bette in his place in the king's
expedition and the king has caused his lands, goods, and chattels to be
restored to him.
June 16. To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
HadcUoscy. the county of Wilts. Order to restore to John Mauger his lands, goods,
and chattels in his custody, if they were taken into the king's hands
because John did not come to the king in his expedition according to the
summons made in that county. The king makes this order of his especial
grace. By C
.Tune 20. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
Bishop Thorpe, meddle further with the manor of Beghton, co. Derby, and to restore the
issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that
■ the manor is held of William de Furneux by the service of \d. yearly for
all service, the escheator having taken it into the king's hands under the
pretence that it is held in chief and that Robert de Furneus acquired it
without the king's licence.
June 21. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to pay to
Bishop Thorpe, the prior of Colne 10s. yearly for so long as the manor of Fordham is
in the king's hands by reason of the minority of the heir of John de
Argentein, tenant in chief, and the arrears of the same of the said
escheator's time, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Richard de
' Rodeuey, late escheator beyond Trent, that the aforesaid prior and his
predecessors were wont to receive the above sum yearly at the time of the
said John's death and for a hundred years and more before then from 30 acres
of land, pasture and alder-holt in Fordham, which are parcels of that manor.
June 25. To the bailiffs of Dunwich. Whereas at the king's request they granted,
York. before J. bishop of Norwich, the chancellor, and Walter de ISTorwicn, who
were appointed by the king to request an aid of ships from them and others
for the army of Scotland, a ship well found with men-at-arms and other
necessaries to stay in the king's service at their charge for eight weeks, for
which the king thanks them; and afterwards the king, being given to
understand that certain evil-wishers of him and them had come out of parts
beyond sea with a multitude of ships for the purpose of inflicting as much
damage as possible upon the king and his people and the merchants wishing
to come to his realm with merchandise and victuals, ordained that all his
subjects of the Cinque Ports and of other towns and ports of the realm
should cause all their ships then in port to be prepared with all speed with
men-atarms of double shipment {dupplici eskippisona) well and sufficiently
found, and that they should cause their other ships then without their ports
1322. Membrane 5 — cont.
to be led back and prepared in like manner, so that all the ships should be
prepared to sail when summoned for this purpose by the admirals deputed
by the king, and the king requested the said bailiffs, by letters under his
privy seal, to cause all their ships to be thus prepared and found to set out
at his charge when summoned by his admirals ; and the king, wishing to
spare them as much as possible without retarding his expedition, so that
their fishermen may not be hindered fi'om fishing in the present season or
their merchants be hindered from trading, now orders them to cause a
strong ship to be prepared and found with men-at-arms, arms, victuals, and
other necessaries under a double shipment at his charges, in addition to the
ship previously granted by them, so that it be ready to set out in his service
at his wages when the bailiffs shall be warned by John Perbroun, admiral
of the king's fleet, and to cause all other ships of that town arrested by
them for the above cause to be released, and to permit their owners to
make their profit thereof. The king will cause satisfaction to be made in
the exchequer or the wardrobe for their charges in finding and sending the
aforesaid ship in his service. By K.
The like to the following :
The bailiffs of Great Yarmouth to prepare eight ships, in addition to
the six granted by them.
The bailiffs of Little Yarmouth and Gorleston to prepare two ships
in addition to the two previously granted by them.
The bailiffs of Orford to prepare a ship, in addition to the one pre-
viously granted by them.
The bailiffs of Ipswich to prepare two ships, in addition to the two
ships previously granted by them.
The mayor and bailiffs of Lenne to prepare one ship, in addition to the
two ships previously granted.
June 25. To the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order reciting the details of
York. above, and that the king has ordained that the ports within the sheriff's
bailiwick shall find twenty ships, in addition to what they previously
granted to him as above, and that he has ordered the mayor and bailiffs of
the above towns to provide fifteen ships as above, and that he wills that the
remaining five ships shall be provided as follows : by the town of Brunham,
one ship ; by the towns of Snyterle, Wyvelon, Cleye, and Salthous, two
ships, in addition to the ship previously granted; by the towns of Baudreseye
and Covehithe, one ship, in addition to the ship previously granted by
the men of Baudreseye ; by the towns of Guston, Waleton, Filthustowe,
and Colneyse, one ship. The king orders the sheriffs to cause the said five
ships to be prepared by the men of the above towns under a double ship-
ment, ready to set out at the king's wages as is aforesaid, and to release all
the ships of those towns arrested for the reason aforesaid. The king will
cause satisfaction to be made to the men of the said towns for their expenses
in connexion with these five ships. By K. and C.
Membrane 4.
June 14. To Richard Sampson. Order to release John de Thorp, whom he has
Haddlesey. arrested and imprisoned by virtue of the king's commission to arrest William
Trussel, a rebel, and his adherents, as John de WoUaston, William de
Segrave, Nicholas de Staunford, and John de Wylde have mainperned in
chancery to have the said John before the king at his order to answer for
the premises when the king will speak against him. By C.
June 10. To the sheriff of Rutland. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
Haddlesey. be elected in place of William de Berugh, deceased.
1322. Membrane 4 — cont.
June 15. To the sheriff of Buckingham. Order to attach John Matheu of Norton,
Haddlesey. whether found within liberties or without, and to imprison him until further
orders, as the king lately ordered Robert de Ardern to attach the said John,
who had received 73/. for the king's use of the goods of Henry Tyes, a late
rebel, by the hands of Walter de SaWord, and retained the said money
in his possession upon his flight, and the said John escaped from Robert's
custody, still retaining the above money, as Robert has given the king to
understand. By p.s. [6055.]
June 18. To Robert de Stok. Order to deliver to John de Handle the manor of
HaddUsey. Stepeleleydou, co. Buckingham, together with his goods and chattels found
therein, as the king learns by inquisition taken by John de Stonore and
Richard de la Bere that Hugh le Despenser, the elder, now earl of Win-
chester, who had the manor of the feoffment of Richard de Burgh, earl of
Ulster, and who was seised of the manor for half a year and more, demised
the manor to the aforesaid John for life, and that John held the manor
peacefully for thirteen years, and that Roger Damory, at the time when he
and other rebels prosecuted [insecuti) the said Hugh and members of his
household, intruded liimself in the aforesaid manor by armed force by
members of his household, about the feast of St. James last, and so occupied
the manor and the goods and chattels therein until the manor was taken
into the king's hands with other lands that belonged to Roger by reason
of his enmity, and that the manor came into the king's hands in this
manner and in no other wise. By K.
June 21. To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Order to cause the body of John son
Bishop Thorpe, of John de Ryvers, in his possession, as the king understands, whose lands
pertain to the king as escheat by his forfeiture, to come to the king without
delay. By K.
June 20. To Richard VVroth, keeper of the land of Gower. Whereas the king
Bishop Thorpe, learns by inquisition taken by the said Richard that John Iwayn died seised
of the castle and town of Locharn and of the lands that formerly belonged
to Grithn Vauhan at Penneden in the hills, and of 12 acres of land at
Gaddele, and of 60 acres of land at Maieles, and of the land of Enesketti, to
wit 12 acres of land, and of the land of Eglestour, and of the land of
Kyltinleauch, and of the land at Vairdre, and of the land of Kiltionnen, and
that the said lands are held of the king in chief as of the land of Gower,
in his hands, in socage, and that William de Brewosa, late lord of Gower,
gave the above lands to John de Moubrai, who entered tliem after the death
of the said John Iwayn, and held them from May, in the 14th year of the
king's reign, until the Purification following, when the king caused the land
of Gower, together with the aforesaid lands that belonged to John Iwayn,
to be taken into his hands by Rhys (Resum) ap Giifiith by reason of the
rebellion of the said John de Moubray, and that the said lands are stiU in
the king's hands, and that Alice daughter of William Roculf, the younger,
kinswoman of the aforesaid John [Iwayn], is the nearest heir of the said
John [Iwayn] and is aged five years : the king orders the aforesaid keeper
to deliver the said castle and lands, together with the issues received there-
from, to the aforesaid William [Roculf] * as nearest (friend) of the heir.
June 24. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
York, meddle further with the lands of Nicholas, abbot of Aumale (Albe Marl'),
taken into the king's hands by reason of the voidance of the abbey by the
cession of Hugh, the late abbot, which the king ordered to be delivered to
Nicholas by mainprize, and to restore the issues thereof, and not to aggrieve
"■ According to the marginal abstract, the order is for William de Brewosa.
15 EDWAED II. 465
1322. Membrane 4 — cont.
the abbot's mainpernors in this behalf, as it appears by the late king's rolls
of chancery that he, on 2 June, in the 13th year of his reign, rendered the
lands of the abbey in England to the aforesaid Hugh, then abbot, as the
right of himself and his church of Aumale, claiming nothing of the issues of
the lands, and that he ordered his escheators to restore all the issues and
profits of the lands to the said abbot without delay, because he learned by
the testimony of Thomas de Normanvill, then escheator this side Trent,
and of Master Henry de Bray, then escheator beyond Trent, that the abbot
of Aumale held his lands in England of the feoffment of the earl of Albe-
marle and not otherwise of the king in chief, which lands had been taken
into the late king's hands upon the death of William, sometime abbot of
The like to Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent.
June 23. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
lork. molest Matilda de Pipe, now abbess of Pollesworth, concerning the issues
of the temporalities of the abbey during the time of voidance caused by the
death of Enerburga {sic) de HardeshuU, the late abbess, concerning which
the king lately ordered him to continue until the quinzaine of St. John the
Baptist next the security made by the nuns of the said house to answer to
the king for the issues thereof during the voidance in case the issues ought
to pertain to him, as it appears by the rolls of the late king's chancery that
he, on 21 May, in the 29th year of his reign, at the suit of the nuns of the
said abbey shewing that he ought not to receive anything of the issues of
the abbey by reason of the voidance thereof, and that neither he nor his
predecessors had received anything during voidance, ordered the treasurer
and barons of his exchequer to examine the rolls of the exchequer con-
cerning this matter and to certify him of what they found, and they signified
to him that, having examined the aforesaid rolls of the time of Master
Richard de Clifford, Master Henry de Bray, and Malculin de Harleye,
sometime escheator beyond Trent, and of the time of Richard de Hellebrok,
sometime the late king's steward beyond Trent, in whose times the abbey
was many times void, they did not find in their accounts that they received
or answered for anything by reason of the voidance of the said abbey, where-
upon the late king ordered Walter de Gloucestre, then escheator beyond
Trent, to restore to Erneburga de HardeshuU, elected abbess of that place,
any issues of the temporalities of the abbey that he might have received,
the late king having taken her fealty and restored to her the temporalities
of the house.
June 25. Tothe mayor of Wynchelse and Robert Bataille, admiral of the fleet of ships
York. from the ports (partibus) and places from the mouth of the Thames to the
south. Whereas the men of Baudeseye have granted to the king, in aid of
the Scotch war, a ship well found with men-at-arms and other necessaries
to stay in his service at their charge for eight weeks, and they have caused
the ship to be assigned to John Perbroun, admiral of the king's fleet of
ships of the ports and places from the mouth of Thames to the north,
because that town is situate on the north side of the Thames ; and the king
understands that the said mayor and Robert endeavour to compel the said
men to find the king another ship to set out with the said mayor and Robert
in the fleet of ships of the south side by seizing their ships and goods, and
that they aggrieve the said men for this reason in many ways, whereby
disputes have arisen between the said mayor and Robert and the said men
and others who are setting out in the fleet of ships of the towns of the
north part: wherefore the king, considering that his expedition may be
hindered or delayed by such disputes, inhibits the said mayor and Robert,
under pain of grievous forfeiture, from inflicting damage upon the said men
of Baudesey by land or by water, or from permitting damage to be Inflicted
76416. Q G
1322. Membrane 4 — cont.
upon them on these grounds, since it is the king's intention that all ships
of the towns and ports on the north side of the Thames granted to him
in aid of his expedition shall obey and be intendent to the aforesaid John
Perbroun as the king's admiral of those ships, and he forbids the said mayor
and Robert presuming to attempt anything against the said men or other
his subjects so setting out in his service whereby contention may arise between
them and the said mayor and Robert or the expedition be in any way delayed.
The king is prepared to exhibit justice to both parties in their complaints.
To John de "Wysham, keeper of the king's castle of Knaresburgh. Order
to pay to Constantine le Harpur his wages in arrear for the custody of the
king's park of Bilton pertaining to the said castle, and to pay him his
wages, to wit 2d. a day, so long as he has that custody.
To the prior of Tynemuth. Order to deliver to the sheriff of North-
umberland William de Middelton to be imprisoned by him as before, as the
king learns that William, who was captured with other malefactors in the
castle of Mitford, then held against the king, and who was imprisoned by
the sheriff in the castle of Newcastle-on-Tyne, and was afterwards delivered
from prison upon mainprize by the sheriff, was captured and carried away
by the Scotch rebels then invading the marches, and that he escaped from
their hands and went to the prior's liberty, wherein he is detained by the
prior, although the sheriff has besought the prior to deliver the said William
to him, for which reason the sheriff has prayed the king to assist him.
June 26. To Arnald Calculi, keeper of the island of Oleron, or to him who supplies
York. his place. Order to restore to Peter de Rabayn his lands, goods, .and
chattels in that island, which the keeper took into the king's hands believing
that Peter adhered to the late rebels, as Peter has hitherto borne himself
faithfully toward the king. By K.
June 24.
June 25.
Oct. 15.
The Tower.
Nov. 5.
Nov. 22.
Jan. 20
Membrane 4 — Schedule.
Warantia dierum.
To the justices of the Bench. Order not to put Walter de Langeton,
bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, in default for his failure to appear before
them on Sunday in three weeks from Easter day last and on the Monday
following in the suit before them between Geoffrey Ridel, demandant, and
the aforesaid Walter, tenant, concerning a messuage and a carunate of land
in Witering', as he was engaged in the king's service on those days.
By p.s. [5852.]
To the same. Order not to put William de la Doune in default for his
failure to appear before them on Monday the morrow of the octaves of
Holy Trinity last in the suit before them between John, abbot of Faversham,
and the aforesaid William for that WilHam made waste, sale, and destruc-
tion of the houses, woods, gardens, and men in Radewinter, as William was
engaged in the king's service on the said day. By K.
To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order not to put Thomas Peverel
of London in default for his failure to appear before them on Monday
before Martinmas last in the suit before them in the busting of London
by writ of right between Juetta de Hakeneye, demandant, and the said
Thomas, tenant, concerning a moiety of a shop and of two sellers in
London, as Thomas was engaged in the king's service on the said day.
By p.s. [5903.]
To the bailiffs of William de Ferar[iis], Robert de Holand, and Henry
de Bello Monte of the honour of Winchester in the county of Leicester.
Feb. 16.
Feb. 14.
1322. • Membrane 4 — Schedule — cont.
Order not to put Robert de Napton in default for his failure to appear
before them on Tuesday after the Circumcision last in the suit before them
in tlie court of the said honour without the king's writ between William de
Nevill and him concerning a trespass committed, as it is said, by Robert
upon William, as Robert was engaged in the king's service on the said day.
By K. on the information of Richard de A3'remynne.
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order not to put William Pesshoun in default
for his failure to appear on Monday after St. Valentine last in the suit
before the sheriff in his county [court] without the king's writ between the
abbot of Neubo and the said William and Walter le Warner concerning the
unjust taking and detinue of a bull of the abbot's, and in another suit between
the same parties for the like cause, as William was engaged in the king's
service on the said day. By p.s. [5955.]
To the justices of the Bench. Order not to put John son of Martin
Senche in default for his failure to appear oa Wednesday the octaves of
Martinmas last iu the suit before them between Joan, late the wife of
Robert de Caievill, demandant, and the said John, tenant, concerning the
manor of Henley near Whitehethe, as the said John was engaged in the
king's service on the said day.
By K. on the information of R. de Ayrem[ynne].
April 6. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order not to put Thomas de
Pontefract. Hockele and Robert and Stephen his brothers in default for their failure
to appear on Monday after St. Gregory the Pope last in the suit before the
mayor and sheriffs in the busting of London by writ of right between
William atte Hulle, Joan his wife, and Adam le Bowyere of London,
demandants, and the aforesaid Thomas, Robert, and Stephen, and Richard
their brother, tenants of a messuage and eleven shops in London, as the said
Thomas, Robert, and Stephen were engaged in the king's service on the
above day. By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
April 29. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order not to put John de Assheby
York. in default for his failure to appear on Monday after St. Outhbert last in the
suit before them in the husting of London without the king's writ between
the said John and the prior of St Bartholomew's Smethefeld concerning the
taking and unjust detinue of John's chattels, and in the suit in the husting
without the king's writ between the aforesaid John and the abbot of West-
minster concerning the taking and unjust detinue of John's chattels, and in
the suit in the husting without the king's writ between the said John and
Henry Nasard concerning the taking and unjust detinue of John's chattels,
as John was engaged in the king's service upon the said day.
By K. on the information of Richard de Ayrem[ynne].
May 4. To the sheriff of Somerset. Order not to put Walter, bishop of Exeter,
York. in default for his failure to appear on Monday the feast of the Invention of
the Holy Cross last in the suit in the county [court] of that county without
the king's writ between the bishop and Hugh de Cortenay, the elder, Peter
Colswayn, Richard Michel, and Robert Tort concerning the taking and
unjust detinue of the bishop's chattels, as the bishop was engaged in the
king's service on that day. By K.
June 26.
Membrane 3.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause dower
to be assigned to Emma, late the wife of Thomas Hildeyard, tenant in chief,
upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence.
G G 2
1322. Membrane 3 — cont.
June 30. To Robert de Burton and Richard de Gretford. Order to supersede the
York. king's order to ordain and array all the horsemen and footmen in the town
and liberty of Kyngeston-on-HulI, in the East Riding of the county of York,
between the ages of sixteen and sixty in twenties and hundreds {in vintenis
et centenis) and in constabularies {constabular'), ■which men the king after-
w.'irds ordered them to have at Malton in Rydale at a certain day to set out
against the Scotch rebels, as the king wills that the aforesaid men shall
remain at home for the safe custody of the town, as it is a seaport and
requires great custody of such men for its security, excepting those of the
said town and liberty who are about to come in ships in the king's service
to Scotland. By K. and C.
[Par/. PFrils.]
June 30. To John de Kilvynton, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands
York. between the waters of These and Quae in the county of York. Whereas the
king learns by inquisition taken by the said John and Richard de Bernyngham
that Agnes, late the wife of John de Evre, was jointly enfeoffed with her
said husband of the manor of Stokisl[ey], with appurtenances and with two
acres of land in Grynhowe, co. York, by fine levied in the late king's court
between her husband and John de Insula, deforciant, and of a messuage, a
mill, and three bovates of land in Eseby in Clyveland, and of two parts of
the manor of that town, in the same county, by fine levied in the late king's
court between her husband and her, demandants, and Walter de Hureword,
deforciant, and of a messuage, a bovate of land, 20 acres of meadow, 6*. 8d.
of rent in Kiklal, in the same county, by William Gra, and that Agnes
continued her seisin of the above from the time of the feoffments with the
said John de Evre until his death, and that the premises are held in chief
of other lords than the king, the king orders the aforesaid keeper not to
intermeddle further with the premises, which he has taken into the king's
hands upon John de Evre's death, and to restore to Agnes any issues received
therefrom. By pet. of C. [276.]
June 26. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to pay to the king's clerk Robert de
Y'ork. Asshou the arrears of his wages, to wit 2s. a day, from the time of the
sherifPs appointment, for so long as Robert is employed in supervising and
hastening the buying and purveying of certain victuals for the king's use
in that county, the king having previously ordered the sheriff to pay the
said wages to Robert whilst so employed.
June 30. To the sheriff of Leicester. Order not to intermeddle further with a
Y'ork. messuage, 40 acres of land, 2 acres of meadow, 3 acres of wood, and 10s. of
rent in Bredon, and to restore any issues received therefrom to Emma, late
the wife of William de Bredon, father of William de Bredon, as the king
learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Emma was dowered of the
premises after the death of her husband, and that they belonged to Emma
and not to the said William son of William on the day when they were
taken into the king's hands, the sheriff having returned that they were
taken into the king's hands by virtue of the king's order to take into his
hands all the lands of the said William son of William, because the sheriff
was given to understand that they belonged to William son of William.
By pet. of C. [1752.]
July 2. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to assign dower
York. to Anilla, late the wife of William de Walton, tenant in chief by reason of
the lands of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, being in the king's hands, upon
her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence.
To William de Anne, constable of Tikhill castle, or to him who supplies
his place there. Order to permit Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side
Trent, to exercise his office without hindrance within the honour of Tikhill
16 EDWAED II. 469
1322. Membrane 3 — cont.
as iu other places in his bailiwick, the king understanding that William
hinders his executing his office in the honour.
July 3. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
Yoik. meddle further with a messuage, 20 acres of land, and 20 acres of meadow
in Akenbei'gh, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator
that William de la Wodhalle and Beatrice his wii'e acquired the said
messuage, etc., for their lives from Peter do Malo Lacu, the elder, and that
they are not held in chief of the king, but of the bishop of Durham by
fealty and the service of Id. yearly for all service, the escheator having
taken them into the king's hands believing that they were held in chief
and that William and Beatrice acquired them from Peter without the
king's licence.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
George de Meriet, son and heir of John de Meriet, tenant in chief, to have
seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age before the said escheator
and the king has taken his homage. By p.s. [6079.]
July 3. To Hugh le Despenser, the younger, constable of Bristol castle, or to
York. him who supplies his place there. Order to cause the houses of the castle
to he repaired where necessary out of his f erm of the castle. By K.
To Alexander de Moubray. Order to come to the king immediately
with horses and arms in as much power {quanta potentius) as possible, to
set out in the king's service against the Scotch rebels. By K.
[Pari. Writs.']
June 27. To Kobert de Bures, keeper of the lands of the rebels in co. Norfolk.
York. Order to pay to Christiana, late the wife of Giles de Montpynzoun,
24/. 13*. 4d. yearly from the time when a third of the manor of Great
Byburgh and the advowson of the church of the same manor were taken
into the king's hands by the sheriff of Norfolk, by virtue of the king's
order to take into his hands the lands of Robert de Walkefare because he
adhered to the rebels, as it appears by an inquisition taken by the sheriff at
the king's order, made in consequence of Christiana's petition, that the said
third part was assigned to Christiana in dower after the death of Giles, and
that she had and held it peacefully long before Robert had anything in the
said manor, and that she afterwards demised at ferm for her life to Kobert
and his wife Margaret all the lands that she held in dower in Great
Eybiirgh, upon payment of the above sum yearly, and that she was peace-
fully seised of that sum until Michaelmas last, and that the above sum is in
arrear for Michaelmas and Easter terms last.
July 1. To the keeper of the king's mine in co. Devon. Order to pay to the
Y'ork. king's clerk John de Kyngeston, controller of the issues of the said mine,
the arrears of his wages from the time of the keeper's appointment, and to
continue paying his wages until further orders.
July 3. To Thomas Ughtred. Order to supersede entirely the supervising, ordain-
York. ing, and arraying all the horsemen and footmen in the town and liberty
of Kyngeston-on-HuU, by virtue of the king's order to levy all the men
between the ages of sixteen and sixty in the wapentakes and liberties of the
East Riding, as the king wills that the said men shall remain at home for
the safe custody of that town, as it is a sea port and needs great custody
for its protection, excepting those of the town and liberty aforesaid who
are coming to Scotland in ships in the king's service. By K.
[Pari. Writs.']
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with the manor of Waleton and to restore the issues thereof.
1322. Membrane 3 — cont.
as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that William de
Waleton held the manor at his death for the term of his life by a fine
levied in the king's court between him and Alan le Norrays, with remainder
after William's death to Simon his eldest son, and that he did not hold any
lands in chief as of the crown by reason whereof the custody of his lands
ought to pertain to the king, and that Simon is his next heir and is aged
sixteen years and three-quarters, and that the manor is held in chief by
reason of the lands of Robert de Holand being in the king's hands by the
free service of 60*. yearly.
July 4. To Blaster John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
York. intermeddle further with an acre of land in Cornwall, which the escheator
took into the king's hands upon the death of Roger de Hurdyn, as it
appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that Roger died at the feast
of St. Luke, in the 8th year of the king's reign, before the king granted
the earldom of Cornwall to Queen Isabella, and that Roger held the said
land at his death in chief in socage by the service of doing suit at the king's
court from three weeks to three weeks at the gate of the castle of Langeston
for all service, and that the heirs of the tenants of that land give 12s. 6d.
relief, whatever the age of the heirs may be, and that Roger did not hold
any lands in chief of the crown by reason whereof the custody of his lands
ought to pertain to the king : saving every one's right and saving the queen
the above relief and service.
Membrane 2.
June 30. To Robert de Bures, keeper of the lands that belonged to the rebels in
York. CO. Norfolk. Ort'.er to pay to Edmund Burgilloun and Eleanor his wife
a third of a rent of 201. from the manor of Great Ry burgh, together
with the arrears of the same from the time when the third of the above rent
was taken into the king's hands by the sherifE of Norfolk by virtue of the
king's order to take into his hands the lands of Robert Walkefare by reason
of his adhesion to the rebels, as, in response to the petition of Edmund and
Eleanor exhibited before him and his council suggesting that Eleanor
recovered a third of the same rent before the justices of the Bench
against the said Robert in the name of her dower of the lands of William
de Mounpynzoun, her former husband, the king ordered William de Bereford
to send to him the record and process of the suit that was before him
and his fellows, justices of the Bench, between the aforesaid Eleanor,
demandant, and the aforesaid Robert, deforciant, concerning her dower in
Great Ryburgh, and it was found by the record and process that Eleanor
recovered the aforesaid third part of the rent against Robert and Margaret
his wife, and as it was found by an inquisition afterwards taken by the
sheriff that Eleanor was seized after the recovery of the said third part in
name of dowei- until Michaelmas last, and that she never afterwards
demised her estate to the said Robert.
To the keeper of the manor of Gatesden, co. Hertford, in the king's
hands. Order to permit Alan de Cherleton and Ellen his wife, one of the
daughters and heiresses of Alan la Zousche, to receive a moiety of the
profits of the manor aforesaid from the time when it was taken into the
king's hands, and for so long as it shall be in his hands, if, as they
assert, they and Robert de Holand and Matilda his wife, the other daughter
and heiress of Alan la Zousche, held the manor together and undivided as
of the inheritance of the said Ellen and Matilda, and that each heiress
15 EDWARD II. 471
1322. Membrane 2 — cont.
and her husband received a moiety of the profits until the manor was
taken into the king's hands with other lands of the said Eobei't, the
aforesaid keeper having received all the profits since then as if the whole
manor had belonged to Eobert. The keeper is inhibited from making sale,
waste, or destruction in the woods or other appurtenances of the manor
without the assent of the aforesaid Alan and Ellen.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with the manor of La Grove, co. Buckingham, and to
restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by
Richard de Eodenaye, late escheator beyond Trent, that Walter de
Langeton, late bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, held the manor at his
death of Robert de Veer, earl of Oxford, by the service of an eighth part
of a knight's fee and by doing suit from three weeks to three weeks at
Robert's court of Hey ham and Clesham {sic), and that he held no lands in
chief as of the crown by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to
pertain to the king, and that Edmund, son of Robert Peverel, is his
nearest heir and is aged fifteen yeais.
To the same. Like order concerning the manor of Eddeworth with a
dovecot, 109 acres and 3 roods of land, the rent of assize of the free tenants,
and the rent of nine bondmen (nativorum), which the bishop held
of the heir of John Bluet, and a homage called ' the great homage ' in
Potton, which the bishop held of John de Claveryng by the service of half
a knight's fee.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this aide Trent. Like order con-
cerning the manor of Knapton, which the said bishop held of Geoffrey
Luterel by knight service.
To Master John Walewayn. Like order concerning the manor of
Akicheseye, co. Bedford, which the said bishop held of Aymer de Valencia,
earl of Pembroke, by the service of half a knight's fee, together with
30 acres of land in the same county.
rluly 3. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause John de Fienles to have
York. seisin of a third of the manor of Gayton, aa the king learns by inquisition
taken by the sheriff that Juliana, late the wife of Thomas Murdak, which
Juliana was hanged for felony, held the said third of the aforesaid John,
and that it has been in the king's hands for a year and a day, and that
Richard de Rodeneye, late escheator beyond Trent, had the king's day and
waste thereof, and ought to answer to the king for the same.
To Henry le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the king.
Order not to amerce John de Fenton, John le fiz Elys de Neuton, Thomas
a la Porte, Thomas de Grenefeld, Robert de Seint Poel, Thomas de .Merston,
Robert de Borlay, John de Lascy, William Outrelewe, Adam Michelfeld,
John de Otlesthorp, John Brounsone, John le Fiz Simond de Tadecastre,
John le Maistresone, Henry Irwys of Seleby, William Ward of Levenaton,
John de Stockbrigg, John le fiz Johan de Milford, John le fiz Robert de
Milford, Henry de la Chaumbre of Fenton, Thomas de Erde ....
Robert Forester of Wixtowe, Henry Spark of Fareburn, Thomas le
Scolmaistre of Milford, John Freman of Hillum, Alexander le Serjaunt
of Si ... , Nicholas atte Tounende, Thomas le Clerk of Lede, William
le Forester of Saxton, John de Hamelton, and John le Fiz William de
Mickelfeld because they did not come before them in inquisitions to be
taken before them on Monday after Midsummer last as they were summoned
to do, and to acquit each of them, and not to cause them to lose any issues,
as they were on the said day before the steward and marshal of the king's
household in divers inquisitions taken before them at York, as the steward
and marshal have testified in chancery. By C.
1322. Membrane 2 — cont.
June 28. To Richard de Rodeneye and Roger Beler. Whereas the king lately
York. appointed Thomas de Rossale to keep the bridge and water of Eoderham,
and to arrest the king's enemies trying to pass the same, together with their
goods and chattels ; and afterwards, upon learning that Thomas had
arrested many goods and chattels of divers men of those parts who had
never adhered to the king's enemies that were found in the hands of divers
evil-doers by way of rapine, the king ordered Thomas to restore all such
goods to their owners so far as they could prove their ownership ; and the
said Richard and Roger, because Thomas showed nothing for himself in his
account before them whether those to whom he had delivered the goods
were rebels or adherents of the rebels or not, charged him in his account
with the goods thus delivered ; whereupon the king, upon the petition of the
said Thomas before him and his council, ordered William de Byngham and
Robert Russel to go in person to Roderham and to make inquisition
concerning this matter : as it now appears by such inquisition that those
to whom Thomas thus delivered the aforesaid goods were not rebels or
adherents of the rebels, the king orders the said Richard and Roger to acquit
Thomas of the said goods.
July 2. To Robert de Aston, keeper of the lands, goods, and chattels in the
York. county of Gloucester that belonged to Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, and
to other rebels. Order to deliver to John de Brokenberewe all his lands,
goods, and chattels, which the king previously ordered Robert to deliver to
him because he sent Nicholas Prowet, his servant, well-armed in his place
to Coventry in the king's service, the said Robert having deferred executing
the said order because John wore at London and elsewhere the robes of
John de Wroxhale, a late rebel, and a bendy garment {vestem bendatam) ;
wherefore John has prayed the king to provide him with a remedy.
June 27. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
York. intermeddle further with the lands of Jollan Bavent, and to restore the
issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that
Jollan held at his death 10 acres of land, 2 acres of meadow, and a rent of
\2d. and of a pound of pepper in the same {sic) town of Roger de Cobeldyk
by the service of an eighth part of a knight's fee, and that he held no other
lands in chief as of the crown by reason whereof the custody of his lands
ought to pertain to the king, by which inquisition it was found that Ralph
his sou is his nearest heir and is aged 16 years.
To Robert Lewer. Order to restore to Robert de Hungerford his lands,
together with the issues thereof, as the king wishes to shew grace to the
said Robert, who has shewn by his petition before the king and his council
that the said Robert Lewer took his lands in the county of Southampton
into the king's hands by virtue of a certain commission from the king
because Robert de Hungerford wore the robes of Thomas, late earl of
Lancaster, and was his bailiff (?) in Colynggebourn and Everle, as it is
testified before the king's council by the earl of Winchester and other trust-
worthy men that the said Robert de Hungerford has always borne himself
faithfully towards the king and is now in his service.
July 5. To the constable of St. Briavels castle, or to him who supplies his place
York. there. Order to deliver to John, bishop of Llandaff, without delay a moiety
of the weir called ' Bikeswere ' in the water of Weye near the said castle,
as the right of himself and of his church, as it appears by inquisition taken
by Thomas de Berkeleye, deceased, and John de Barewe that the said
moiety, which is in the king's hands and in the constable's custody, is the
right of the bishop and of his church of Llandaff, and has pertained to his
bishopric from lime out of mind, and that William de Breosa, late bishop
15 EDWARD II. 473
1322. Membrane 2 — cont.
of that place, predecessor of the said John, was seised of the said moiety
and demised it to William Hathewy for a term of years for 25s. yearly, and
that during that term William Hathewy was constable of the castle, and
immediately after him Grimbald Pauncefot was constable, who occupied
the said moiety because he understood that William Hathewy held it by
reason of his office of constable, and that William de Breosa, the bishop,
died, in Grimbald's time, and that John Botetourt, who was afterwards
constable of the castle, and John de Handlo, John de Wysham, and Roger
Damory, afterwards constables there, occupied the said moiety in their
times, and that the said William Hathewy, Grimbald, John Botetourte,
John de Handlo, John de Wysham, and Roger paid nothing to the king
for the said moiety, but occupied and detained the moiety by colour of their
office, and the king iearns by certificate of the late keeper of the office of
treasurer of the exchequer and of the barons of the exchequer that it is
contained in the taxation rolls at the exchequer of the goods and tempora-
lities of the clergy of the bishopric of Llandatf that the bishop of LlandafE
has the fishery of Bikeswere, which used to be let at ferm yearly toW'ilham
Hathewy for 28*. (sic). By K. and pet. of O.
July 4. To James de Broghton, receiver of the issues of the lands in the county
York. of Gloucester that belonged to the rebels. Order to restore to Robert de
Ruyton of Coue[le], parson of the church of Duntesburn, his lands, goods,
and chattels, and not to intermeddle further therewith, as the king learns
by an inquisition taken by the sheriff of that county that Robert only
served John GifEard, the king's rebel, in the celebration of masses and in
the distribution of alms to the poor, and that in all other things he bore
himself well towards the king and others whomsoever. By pet. of C.
Membrane 1.
July 4. To Alan de Gubbeldyk, keeper of the lands in the county of Lincoln that
York. belonged to Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, and to other rebels, Order to
deliver to John de Hardreshill the manor of North Kelleseye, co. Lincoln,
and to restore to him the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition
taken by the sheriff of Lincoln that the said John lately demised the said
manor to John Haunsard for life, rendering therefor 201. yearly, and that
it was contained in the deed that if John Haunsard failed to pay the said
money within fifteen days after each of the two instalments thereof was
due then John de Hardreshill might enter and hold the said manor without
let of the said John Haunsard, and that, as John Haunsard failed to pay
10/. due for Martinmas term last, John de Hardreshill entered the manor
on Wednesday after St. Andrew, and held the same peacefully until
St. Gregory the Pope last, at which time Robert Breton, then sheriff' of
that county, took the manor into the king's hands and delivered the custody
thereof to the aforesaid Alan because John Haunsard was of the company
of John de Moubray, the king's enemy, and adhered to him.
By pet. of C.
June 30. To Robert de Gaddusby, keeper of certain lands in the county of
York. Leicester that belonged to the rebels. Order not to intermeddle further
with a messuage, 40 acres of land, 2 acres of meadow, 3 acres of wood, and
10s. of rent in Bredon, and to restore any issues received therefrom to
Emma, late the wife of William de Bredon, father of William de Bredon,
as it appears by inquisition taken by the sheriff of that county that she was
dowered of the above messuage, etc., after her husband's death, and that
they belonged to her and not to the aforesaid William son of William on
1322. Membrane 1 — cont.
the rlay when they were taken into the, king's hands, and the sheriff has
returned that they were taken into the king's hands, by virtue of the king's
order to take into his hands all the lands of the said William son of William,
because the sherilF was given to understand that the premises belonged to
the said William son of William. By pet. of C. [1752.]
July 3. To Richard de Emeldon, keeper of the lands in the bishopric of Durham
York. and in the county of Northumberland that belonged to the rebels. Order
to amove the king's hands from the goods that belonged to John de Evre,
and to permit L. bishop of Durham to do without hindrance what pertains
to his office concerning the said goods, as the bishop has shown, by his
petition before the king and his council, that although he ought to sequester
all the goods of men dying within the bishopric until their wills be proved,
the said Richard has taken into the king's hands the goods of the aforesaid
John, asserting that he was the king's enemy, which he was not, and it
appears by the certificate of the bishop and by an inquisition taken by him
at the suit of Peter de Vernon, parson of the church of Stokesleye, made
by another petition before the king and his council, that the said John was
slain at Auklaud, within the bishop's liberty, by certain malefactors, he
being in the king's faith and peace. By pet. of C.
July 6. To Simon de Dryby, keeper of the lands in the county of Gloucester
York. that belonged to the king's enemies, or to him who supplies his place there.
Order to restore to John Mautravers, the elder, his lands and goods at
Wodesestre in that county, together with the issues received therefrom, as
it was not the king's intention that the lands and goods of the said John,
the elder, should be taken into his hands by virtue of his commission to
the aforesaid Simon to take into his hands the lands of certain rebels in
that county, wherein it was contained that he should take into the king's
hands the lands and goods of .John Mautravers, but that he should take
into the king's hands the lands of John Mautravers, the younger, who
adhered to the king's enemies, the said John Mautravers, the elder, having
remained faithful to the king.
July 4. To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain lands in the county of Wilts
York. in the king's hands. Order to inform himself by inquisition or otherwise
of the reason for the lands and goods of John de Stodlegh, of that county,
being taken into the king's hands, and if he find that they were taken into
the king's hands because John did not come in person in the king's service
against the rebels, or because he wore a bendy garment at London and
elsewhere, he is ordered to restore the lands and goods and the issues
thereof to the said John without delay, the said Robert having deferred
executing the king's previous orders to restore the lands and goods,
asserting that he did not know the cause of the taking of the lands and
goods into the king's hands, because they were taken into the king's hands
by the sheriff of that county and not by him.
July 8. To the echevins of the city of Tours. Request that they will hold the
York. king's yeoman John Waleraund, their fellow-citizen, specially commended
to them in making partition of his father's goods between him and certain
others, so that a due proportion may be reserved for him, and that when he
come to them he may feel that the king's prayers to them on his behalf
have been fruitful, and that he may upon his return attest that they have
been so, in order that the king may be bound to show grace to them in
their affairs touching him, as the said John is serving the king usefully day
by day, so that the king is unwilling to lose his service, on which account
John cannot come to them before the Assumption to make the said parti-
tion aocording to their order.
Vacated, because in the sixteenth year, in the same month.
15 EDWARD II. 476
1322. Membrane 1 — cont.
July 6. To John Porter of Stebbyng, keeper of the lands in the county of Essex in
York. the king's hantls. Order to deliver to John son of John de Kelveden his
father's lands, together with the issues thereof from the time of his father's
death, as it appears by inquisition taken by Master John Walewayn, eseheator
beyond Trent, that the lands of the said John de Kelveden vt^ere taken into
the king's hands because he did not come in the king's service to the king
at Aungre in that county, when the king was there, and that the lands are
not held of the king, and that John son of the said John is his next heir.
By pet. of C. [11660.J
July 4. To Richard d^ Potesgrave, keeper of the lands that belonged to Thomas
York. Colpeper in the county of Kent. Order to deliver to Thomas le Botyller
and Alice his wife the arrears of two quarters of wheat and two quarters
of oats yearly from the time of the keeper's appointment, and to deliver
the same to them yearly so long as he has the custody of the said lands,
and to permit them to have pasture for three beasts at La Bayehall, as the
king learns by inquisition taken by Ralph Sauvage and the aforesaid
Richard that the said Thomas Colpeper granted by deed to the said
Thomas and Alice for their lives, in consideration of 18 acres of land in
Pepunbery granted to iiim in fee by them, two quarters of wheat and two
quarters of oats to be received yearly from his lauds in that county at six
terms in the year, and that he granted them pasture for three beasts with
his beasta at La Bayehall.
July 3. To the treasurer and chamberlains of the exchequer. Order to receive
York. the subsidy of 6d. in the mark granted to the king by the clergy of the
provinces of Canterbury and York in aid of the Scotch war, when it has
been collected by the diocesans or others deputed by them, to be paid for
the expenses of the said war as quickly as possible.
July 7. To William Davy, receiver of the issues of the castles of Tuttebury and
York. Meleburne and Donyngtou and of the lands that belonged to Thomas, late
earl of Lancaster, in the counties of Stafford, Derby, and Leicester. Order
to pay the wages of the keepers of the said castles and lands, according to
the certificate that the king has ordered Roger Beler, keeper of the castles
and lands aforesaid, to make to him.
^ „„-. Membrane 35d.
July 10. William Moygne acknowledges that he owes to William de Pyncebek 41. ;
Westminster, to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and cliattels in co.
Cancelled on payment.
. Richard de Badewe, clerk, Thomas de Hanyngfeld, William de Cycestre,
.Walter atte Pirye, and William le Clerk of Wodeham put in their place
John Botiler or Henry de Suanton to sue for the delivery of certain tene-
ments acquired by them from the priory of Bykenacre and taken into the
king's hands by the eseheator.
Robert le Bercher, merchant of Ca«n in Normandy, and his fellows of
the same town put in their place William de Flete, citizen of London, to
prosecute the causes and matters touching them within this realm, and to
defend any arrests made upon them for any cause during the term of the
king's grant to them that they shall not be arrested {aresteiur) within the
1321. Membrane 35d — cont.
Nicholas Cerioli, merchant of Genoa, puts in his place Anthony
Bachimum, merchant, to prosecute the matter of a recognisance for 200^
made in chancery by the prior of Newenham to Nicholas and to Thomas de
July 14. William de Bromwych, the younger, acknowledges that he owes to
Westminster. William de Bromwych, the elder, 4 marks; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Warwick.
.Tune 16. To the abbot of Citeaux and other abbots about to assemble in the
Westminster, chapter-general at Citeaux. The king thanks them for excusing John,
abbot of Thame, from personal attendance at the chapter-general at the
king's request upon another occasion because the abbot was engaged upon
his afiairs, and he now requests them to excuse the abbot from coming in
person to the chapter aforesaid, as he is still engaged upon the king's affairs,
and that they will consider him present although absent, and that they will
make their letters excusing the abbot and transmit them by the bearer of
the presents. By K.
Adam de Hicche acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Asshele
12 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
London and in co. Hertford.
July 16. To the rector and brethren of Assherugg'. Request that they will admit
Westminster, into their house John Mote, the king's serjeant, who has long served the
king and whom the king has caused to be sent to them, and that they will
find him maintenance in all things during his life, in place of John le
Longe, deceased, who had his maintenance in their house at the king's
request, and that they will make him letters patent under their seal granting
him such maintenance, certifying the king in writing by the bearer of their
proceedings herein. By K.
July 18. William de Brettevill acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Kendale,
Westminster, knight, 61. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Bedford.
July 20. Geoffrey de Say, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de Boreford,
Westminster, citizen of London, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Kent.
July 20. John de Mikelham acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Kingesbury
Westminster, and Stephen de Pageham 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Surrey.
John de Daggeworth, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John
.Jordane of Stok Neyland and Richard Child of Debenham 40/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk.
W illiam Bithewode of Wokingham acknowledges that he owes to Rey-
mund de Farges, cardinal deacon of New St. Mary's and dean of St. Mary's
Salisbury, and to Master John de Pinibus 450 marks; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks.
Cancelled on payment.
July 26. Peter de Brixia, parson of the church of Briggeham, diocese of Norwich,
Westminster, and Ambrose de Castello, parson of the church of Springthorp, diocese rf
Lincoln, acknowledge that they owe to John Junctyn and his fellowj,
merchants of the society of the Peruzzi {Peruch') of Florence, 12/.; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Norfolk and
1321. Membrane 35d — cont.
John le Foulere, the younger, acknowledges that he owe3 to Master
John de Blebury, parson of the church of Newenham Corteney, 20/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks.
Roger de Felton, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Godwyn Turk
and John Sterre, citizens of London, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk .
July 25. Giles de Briaunzon, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Robert de
Westminster. Bardelby, clerk, 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
William son of William de Bonevile acknowleges that he owes to William
atte Ram 100.J. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Middlesex.
John de Marisco of Edelmeton and WiUiam de Fourneys of London
acknowledges that they owe to John de Cherleton, citizen of London, 20Z. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co.
July 27. John Charceneys acknowledges that he owes to John de Aulton 60/. ; to
Westminster, be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent.
July 26. To the prior provincial of the order of Friars Preachers and to the friars
Westminster, of the same order about to assemble in their provincial chapter at Ponte-
fract. Request for their prayers for the king and queen and their children.
John de Upton acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Berkeleye of
Cubberleye 60 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Warwick.
Matthew de Cranthorn acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Thorp,
clerk, 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Devon.
Aug. 1. John son of Simon de Childecote acknowledges that he owes to John de
Westminster. Bermyngeham, clerk, a moiety of a sack of wool, price 8 marks ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Derby and
The abbot of Kyngeswode acknowledges, for himself and convent, that
he owes to Master James Sinibaldi, archdeacon of Winchester, 200/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Gloucester.
Aug. 3.
Thomas de Bella Fago, Roger de Bella Fago, and John de Legh acknow-
ledge that they owe to Richard de Chissebech 80/. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Berks and Oxford.
Memorandum, that William de Ayremynne, keeper of the rolls of
chancery, delivered the king's great seal, which he had in his custody under
the seals of Sir Robert de Bardelby and Master Henry de Clif, clerks of the
chancery, to the king under his own seal and those of the aforesaid Robert
and Henry, in the king's white chamber in the palace at Westminster, on
Friday, 24 July, in the 15th year, and the king received the seal into his
hands, and delivered it to Sir Richard Camel to be carried to Queen Isabella,
his consort, in the presence of the aforesaid William, ordering the queen to
keep the seal in her possession and to deliver the seal to the said William daily
when he should go to her for the seal to seal therewith, and to receive the
seal after the sealing, to be kept until the king should cause other order to be
1321. Membrane 35d — cont.
made ; and the queen received the seal into her possession and kept it in form
aforesaid. Afterwards, on 24 August, the king at the Tower of London
ordered the aforesaid seal, which was then in his wardrobe under the
custody of Sir Roger de Northburgh, keeper of the wardrobe, to be
delivered to the said Sir William to be kept as before, and Roger delivered
the seal to William, who received it from him, it being under his own seal
and under those of the aforesaid Robert and Henry, and carried it with him
to his inn of the Conversi, and there he, Robert, and Henry sealed writs with
ifafter dinner, and the seal after the sealing remained as before in William's
custody under the seals of Robert and Henry. Afterwards, on 23 October,
the said William delivered the seal under his seal and those of Robert and
Henry by the king's order to the queen in her chamber in the infirmary of
the priory of Rochester for custody, and she received it from William, and
delivered it to lady Elizabeth de Montibns to be enclosed in a chest, and
from that day William sought the seal from the queen to seal therewith, and
after the sealing he carried the seal back under the aforesaid seals to the
queen to be kept.* On 3 November, to wit the morrow of All Souls, the
aforesaid William, Robert, and Henry came to the king at Ledes by his
order, and then the said seal was in the queen's custody as before. On
5 November at Mallyng' William, Robert, and Henry came to the king, and
the seal was then in the king's custody, who delivered it to them, and they
there sealed with it, and after the sealing they delivered the seal under their
seals to the king. On 14 November the said Robert had licence from the
king to leave the court on account of illness, as is contained in a memorandum
lower down, and from then the seal remained in the king's custody under
the seals of William and Henry. On 14 December following the said
Henry was ill at Thacham and excused himself from going further with the
king against the western parts ; on the morrow the king, at Chilton near
Hungerford, accepted Henry's excusal, and delivered the seal to William to
do what pertained to the oiBce upon this occasion, and William received it
from the king under his own seal and that of Henry, and he opened it in a
chamber in the manor there in the presence of Sir William de Clif, William
de Horlaston, and other clerks of chancery, and sealed a few writs therewith,
and after the sealing he carried the seal back to the king, in whose presence
he put his seal to the said seal by the king's order, and the aforesaid William
de Clyf and William de Horlaston likewise put their seals to it by the king's
order in his presence, and the seal remained in the king's custody under the
seals of the said William, William, and William, until 24 January, when the
king delivered it to William de Ayremynne at Shrewsbury to be kept under
the seals of the said William de Clif and William de Herlaeton as before.
From that time it remained thus in the custody of William, William, and
William until 3 March, when William de Ayremynne delivered it to the king
in the abbey of Merivale closed under the seals of William de Clif and
William de Herlaston and his own, and during all the aforesaid time what
had to be sealed was sealed by the aforesaid William, William, and William
under the aforesaid seal. From 3 March the seal remained in the king's
possession under the seals of the said William, William, and William,
and [writs] were sealed therewith, etc., as above until \^Incomplete^
[Farl. Writs.]
Membrane 34d.
July 12. William Jarpunvill of Woketon acknowledges that he owes to Henry
Westminster. Jarpunvill 500/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Bedford.
* The enrolment is continued upon a schedule.
1321. Membrane 34rf — cont.
Henry Jarpunvill acknowledges that he owes to the aforesaid William
8 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Bedford.
John Russel acknowledges that he owes to Roger de Northburgh 30Z. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. North-
William de Rammeshull acknowledges that he owes to Henry Bateste 20/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Wilts.
William de Alingio, parson of the church of Neuenton near London,
acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas Stolf, merchant of Luca, 20Z. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Surrey.
Nicholas de Hedersete, citizen and spicer {potecar') of London, acknow-
ledges that he owes to Peter Martini and his fellows, merchants of the
society of William Peregrini of Montpellier, Tl. 18*. Qd. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in London.
July 15. To the prior and convent of St. John's Drogheda. Request that they
WeBtminster. will admit into their house Isolds, late the wife of Nicholas de Renty, and
that they will provide her with the necessaries of life for her lifetime, as the
king wishes to provide her with the necessaries of life in consideration of
her husband's laudable service and because he compassionates her great
poverty. By K.
William de Massyngham, merchant of London, puts in his place Edmund
de Brisingham, clerk, to sue the matter of a recognisance for 30/., made to
him by William de Scothwe, clerk.
July 17. John de Beynham acknowledges that he owes to William de Leycestre,
Westminster, parson of Chynnore, VO marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Buckingham.
John de Thunderle, citizen of London, acknowledges that he owes to
Adam de Thunderle, his brother, 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in London and the county of Essex.
John de Leye and Thomas de Bella Fago acknowledge that they owe to
Richard de Chissebech 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their
lands and chattels in cos. Oxford, Buckingham, and Berks {Bark').
July 20. Michael de Wath, parson of the church of Beford, diocese of York,
Westminster, acknowledges that he owes to Master William atte See \00s. ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Humphrey de Northwode acknowledges that he owes to John le Engleys
of Rochester 100 marks ; to de levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Kent.
Cancelled on payment.
The aforesaid John acknowledges that he owes to the aforesaid Hum-
phrey 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Kent.
Cancelled on payment.
July 22. Henry Nasard, merchant of London, acknowledges thai he owes to Hugh
Wnstminster. le Despenser, the elder, 120/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in the city of London.
Membrane 34rf — cont.
John de Ellerker, the elder, acknowledges that he owes to Manent
Fraiicisci 32 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
July 22. Robert Elys son of Elias de Fordele of Great Yarmouth and John Tolle
Westminster, of Bongeye acknowledge that they owe to Stephen Oraye, citizen of London,
40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in
CO. Norfolk.
Master John de Stratford, archdeacon of Lincoln, acknowledges that he
owes to Master Walter de Barton 70 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Adam de Elsefeld acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Rodeneye
501. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Southampton.
July 27.
July 28.
John de Rithre acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynn,
clerk, 91. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York. — R. de Bard[elby], one of the keepers of the seal, received the
Cancelled on payment.
John de Ileford, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Master Geoffrey de
Eyton 2\l. 4.s. Od.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Somerset.
Philip de Beauveys of London acknowledges that he owes to Walter
Waldeshef 261. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in the city of London.
Henry Isaak acknowledges that he owes to Laurence de Rustiton
2 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels iu
CO. Southampton.
William son of Ranulph le Clerk of Harewe acknowledges that he owes
to Walter de Redeswell, ' mercer ' of London, lOZ. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Middlesex.
John de Drokenesford, bishop of Bath and Wells, acknowledges that he
owes to William Peverel 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Somerset.
Cancelled on payment.
The said bishop acknowledges that he owes to the said William 20 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Somerset.
Cancelled on payment.
July 30. John de Siddingbourne came before the king, on Thursday after
Westminster. St. James tbe Apostle, and sought to replevy to Nicholaa, late the wife of
John de Hurtrigg, her land in Yertecumbe, which was taken into the
king's hands for her default before the justices of the Bench against Robert
de Lestre. This is signified to the justices.
July 31. John de Crickelade acknowledges that he owes to William de Rammes-
Westminster. hull 50*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Wilts.
Geoffrey de Cornubia, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de
Sancto Johanne and John de Toucestre of Hynton 60/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
Cancelled on payment.
July 29.
1321. Membrane 34rf — cont.
John son of John de Hynton, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John
de Toucestre of Hynton 50 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
Hugh de Farndon, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Master John le
Mareschal of Wodestrete, citizen of London, 100s. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lauds and chattels in co. Northampton.
Ralph de Northampton acknowledges that he owes to William de
Toucestre, clerk, 11 marks and 10*.; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co, York.
Peter de Salso Marisco, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de
Ellerker, the elder, ICO*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Aug. 1. Robert le Keu of Irstede acknowledges that he owes to Master Simon de
Westminster. Creyk 17/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Norfolk.
William de Glaunvill of Gretford acknowledges that he owes to William
de Pyncebek 105s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Lincoln.
Aug. 1. Denis Alani acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Middelton, the
Westminster, king's pantler, 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Southampton.
Aug. 3. Richard de Arlerford, parson of the church of Hoghton, diocese of
Westminster. Winchester, acknowledges that he owes to John, bishop of Bath and Wells,
500/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Southampton.
Cancelled on ■paym.ent.
Aug. 1. Peter de Malo Lacu, the elder, acknowledges that he owes to Bartholo-
Wcstminster. mew de Badelesmere 20,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Bartholomew de Badelesmere acknowledges that he owes to the said
Peter lOOZ. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Kent.
Roger Gacelyn, lord of Catmere, acknowledges that he owes to Warin de
Insula, knight, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Berks.
John Curzon, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William March of
Stanhowe, 4/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Norfolk.
William de Ferariis acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Kent,
tanner {alutario) of London, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co, Leicester.
Simon de Perpount, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de
Triple 60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
cos. Sussex and Suffolk.
Aug. 5. William de Canefeld acknowledges that he owes to Roger de Northburgh
Westminster. 60s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the
city of London.
1321. Membrane 34rf — cont.
Francis Bacheme acknowledges that he owes to Abel le Botiller 20Z. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
William, abbot of Waverlc, acknowledges, for himself and convent, that
he owes to Hervey de Stanton and John de Brudeford, executors of the
will of Henry de Guldeford, 20Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Surrey.
Membrane 33<Z.
Aug. 6. Ranulph de Dacre, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Manent
Westminster. Fraocisci, merchant of Florence, 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Cumberland and Westmoreland.
Cancelled on payment.
John son of Peter de Draycote acknowledges that he owes to John de
Heronvill 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Somerset.
Nicholas de Marisco acknowledges that he owes to Edmund le Botiller
of Ireland 30Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Lancaster.
John de Enefeld, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de
Greyvile 53/. 6s. Sd. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Middlesex.
Aug. 5. ToH.kingof Almain. The king has received complaint from Hugh deWir-
Westminster. cestre, citizen of London, that whereas he lately sold and delivered to Henry
de Hatthorp and John Sater, Germans (Teutonici), oi the town of Lubyk,
in the king of Almain's power, certain wares for 80/., as appears by their
letters in his possession, the said Henry and John secretly left the realm and
returned to Lubyk without paying him ; and the king frequently requested
the burgomasters, aldermen, and bailiffs of Lubyk to hear Hugh's complaint,
and to cause Henry and John to satisfy him or his attorney for his debt and
damages, but they have not done so : the king therefore requests the king of
Almain to order justice to be done to Hugh, so that it may not behove the
king to provide him with another remedy, certifying the king of his pro-
Aug. 7. William Herlyson acknowledges that he owes to John de Chelmesford,
Westminster, clerk, 80/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Kent.
Enrolment of grant by Robert deNeuwerk to John deEUerker, the elder,
that John may hold for ever all the lands in Staunford, co. Lincoln, and in
Staunford and Bradecroft, co. Rutland, which John has of the demise of
Robert and Matilda his wife, saving to Robert and Matilda, or the survivor,
10 marks of yearly rent to be received from the lands in co. Lincoln and
2 marks from the lands in co. Rutland, which rents John previously granted
them for life. Witnesses : John de Denum ; William de Denum ; William
de Elmeden ; Thomas de Pontefracto ; Nicholas de Staunford. Dated at
London, 4 August, 15 Edward H.
Memorandum, that the aforesaid parties came into chancery at West-
minster, on 7 August, and acknowledged the above deed.
Enrolment of deed of the aforesaid John, witnessing that whereas the
said Robert de Neuwerk and Matilda his wife acknowledged in the king's
court at Westminster, before William de Bereford and his fellows, justices
1321. Membrane 33cf — cont.
of the Bench, in the octaves of Martinmas, 14 Edward IT., that four
messuages, two shops, a garden, 53 acres of land, 6 acres of meadow, and
4 acres of pasture in Staunford, co. Lincoln, and 10 acres of land and 7 acres
of meadow in Staunford and Bradecroft, co. Rutland, were the right of the
aforesaid John, and rendered them to him in the same court, the said John
hereby grants that neither he nor his heirs nor assigns shall vouch Robert
or Matilda to warranty of the above lands, and if it happen that he or his
heirs do so, he grants that Robert or Matilda and their heirs shall not
be bound to warranty in any court by virtue of any charter of liis or of any
fine concerning the said lands previously levied, and he acquits them of any
such warranty. Witnesses : William de Denum ; John de Denum ; Geoffrey
le Scrop ; William de Eimedon ; George de Shupton ; John de Lufwyk ;
Clement de Melton of Staunford; Nicholas de Staunford, clerk. Dated at
Westminster, 10 December, 14 Edward II.
Memorandum, that John came into chancery at Westminster, on 7 August,
and acknowledged the above deed.
Aug. 8. John son of Osbert Giffard acknowledges that he owes to John
Westminster. Mautravers, the younger, 2,000/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Dorset.
Thomas Blount and John de Langethorne acknowledge that they owe to
Master Jordan Moraunt lODA ; to be levied, iu default of payment, of their
lands and chattels in co. Hertford.
Eleanor, late the wife of Henry de Segrave, and executrix of his will,
puts in her place Theobald Poleyn against John de Acree in a plea of debt
acknowledged in chancery.
Aug. 8. John de Clifford, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Westminster. Chissebech 25/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Devon.
Agnes de GrenevUl acknowledges that she owes to William Payen of
Eistanes 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and
chattels io co. Essex.
Robert de Norton, parson of the church of Hemelton, diocese of
Worcester, Richard de Norton, parson of the church of Buckenhale,
diocese of Lincoln, and John de Norton acknowledge that they owe to
Master John de Turleria 280 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of their lands and chattels-in cos. Worcester and Lincoln.
John Pipard acknowledges that he owes to Roger Damory 300/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Gloucester and
Aug. 9. Nicholas Belle of Boston acknowledges that he owes to John de Ryther
Westminster. 5 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Lincoln.
Aug. 9. To E. count of Flanders. The king has received his letters requesting
Westminster, him to restore to Peter Grothost and other burgesses of Bruges a ship
whereof William son of Verbertonden of Sluys was master {nauta), and the
goods and merchandise (mercaturis) found in her, arrested, it is alleged,
without reasonable cause by certain of the king's subjects. The king had,
before receiving the count's letter, ordered certain of his oflScials and
ministers to do justice to the said burgesses and master in this matter, and
he wishes the count to know that he is and will be prepared to exhibit
justice to the count's subjects in this and other matters.
H H 2
1321. Membrane 33d — cont.
William de Marisco of Glinde and William Roce of Totyng', acknowledge
that they owe to the abbot of Bee Hellouin and the prior of Okeburn, his
proctor-general in England, 480/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
their lands and chattels in co. Sussex.
Thomas son of Thomas de Bray, the elder, acknowledges that he owes to
William de Sancto Johanne and John de Toucestre 40/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
Robert de Neuburgh acknowledges that he owes to William son of John
Waldebeef 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Dorset.
The aforesaid William Waldeboef puts in his place Henry de Wenlond to
sue the above recognisance.
Aug. 10. Thomas de Hauvill acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Watevill
Westminster. 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Norfolk.
Simon de Clondoloan acknowledges that he owes to John de Hothum,
bishop of Ely, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in England and Ireland.
Roger Rouaud acknowledges that he owes to Henry Tyeys 30/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Devon and
Aug. 12. William Tankard, parson of the church of Netherhardres, diocese of
Westminster. Canterbury, acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas de Scorby 20 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in co. Kent.
Membrane 32d.
Aug. 3. Brother Thomas Larchier, prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem
Westminster, in England, acknowledges that he owes to Erancis Bacheme and Joan his
wife 322/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of the lands and chattels of
the Hospital in cos. Leicester and Northampton and in the city of London.
Cancelled on payment.
The aforesaid Thomas acknowledges that he owes the aforesaid Francis
100/. ; to be levied as above.
Cancelled on payment.
Enrolment of deed of the aforesaid Francis, witnessing that whereas the
aforesaid prior has acknowledged that he owes to him 100/., and that he owes
to him and Joan his wife 322/., he hereby grants that if the prior pay the
latter sum in the house of Clerkenwell near London at certain terms, the
prior shall be quit of both the above sums. Dated at London, 3 August,
15 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Francis come into chancery at the house of the
Conveni, London, on the said day, and acknowledged the above deed.
The aforesaid brother Thomas Larchier acknowledges that he owes to the
aforesaid Francis and Jonn his wife 120/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of the lands and chattels of the Hospital in cos. Leicester and
Cancelled on payment.
The aforesaid Thomas acknowledges that he owes to the said Francis
20/. ; to be levied as above.
Cancelled on payment.
1321. Membrane 32rf — cont.
Enrolment of deed of the aforesaid Francis witnessing that whereas the
afoi-esaid Thomas has acknowledged that he owes to Francis 20/. and to
Francis and his wife 120/., the said Francis hereby grants that Thomas shall
be quit of both sums upon payment of 120/. Dated at London, 3 August,
15 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Francis came into chancery at the house of the
Conversi, London, on the said day, and acknowledged the above deed.
Enrolment of agreement between the aforesaid prior Thomas and Francis,
whereby Francis demises to the prior the manors of Witham, Cressyng', and
Hanyngfeld, with all appurtenances, which Francis had of the demise of
Anthony Pessaigne for 20 years from Michaelmas, 8 Edward II., who had
them of the demise of brother Albert de Nigro Castro, Philip de Graignana
and Leonard de Tybertis ; to have and to hold to the prior until the end of
the above term, rendering therefor 50/. yearly to Aymer de Valencia, earl of
Pembroke, in acquittance of the said Anthony and Francis, and doing the
services therefor due to the chief lords of the fee. For payment of the
above sum yearly, the prior charges his manors and lands, and he remits to
France any action for waste in the manors hereby demised. Francis has
sold to the prior for a sum of money paid beforehand all the crop of the
said lands and all other goods in the said manors. Dated at London,
2 August, 15 Edward II.
Memorandum, that the prior and Francis came into chancery at the house
of the Conversi, London, on the said day, and acknowledged the above deed.
Aug. 5. Ralph le Taverner of Mallyng' acknowledges that he owes to Walter
Westminster. Oolepeper 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Kent.
Master John de Stratford, archdeacon of Lincoln, Master Robert de
Stratford, parson of Stratford-on-Avon, John de Stratford, parson of the
church of Overbiry, diocese of Worcester, Master William Mees, parson of
the church of St. Mary, Northberkhampstede, and Richard de Ragenhull,
parson of the church of Bernolby, diocese of Lincoln, acknowledge that
they owe to Master Thomas de Luda, Peter de Dalderby, Master Elias de
Muskham, and Master Thomas de Langetoft, canons in St. Mary's Lincoln,
180/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in
cos. Lincoln and Worcester.
Patrick de Suthayk acknowledges that he owes to William de Kirkeby,
clerk, 40*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Cumberland.
William de Kancia acknowledges that he owes to John de la Broke,
clerk, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
July 2. To the sheriff of Stafford. Order to cause regard to be made in the
Westminster, forest of Cannock (de Canoko) before Michaelmas next, before the coming
of the justices of the forest.
Aug. 6. The like to the sheriff of Northampton for regard to be made in the
Westminster, forest of Whitlewod before Michaelmas.
March 6. The like to the sheriff of Northampton for regard to be made in the
Elford. forest of Whitlewod before the quinzaine of Easter.
April 7. The like to the slieriif of Buckingham for regard to be made in the
aforesaid forest before the Ascension.
-1 ooi Membrane 32c? — Schedule.
Aug. 13. To Philip de Aylesbury. Order to come to the chancery upon receipt of
Westminster, this order, to do and to receive what shall be then enjoined upon him.
Aug. 15. To R. count of Flanders. The king has received complaint from Simon
Westminster, de Eldington, citizen and merchant of Lincoln, that whereas he lately
caused seven sacks of his wool, price 14/. a sack, to be put in a ship
of Sluys {Schtsa) in Flanders, whereof Baldwin Skenk of Sluys wag
master, at Boston to take the same to parts beyond sea where the
staple of wool then was, in order to trade therewith, certain malefactors of
Flanders, to wit of the towns of Sluys, Sliperdam, Hok, Muth, Monekrode
and Damme {del Dam), attacked and carried away the said ship upon her
voyage thither ; wherefore the king requests the count to enquire into the
matter and to cause justice to be done to the aforesaid Simon, as he would
wish the king to do in like case for his subjects, so that it may not behove
the king to provide a remedy in the count's default. He is desired to send
an account of his proceedings herein by the bearer herepf.
To the same. Like letter in favour of John Tumby of Boston, who has
complained that whereas he caused ten sacks of his wool, price 12/. 10.?. Od.
a sack, to be loaded at Boston in a ship of Antwerp {Anvers) in Flanders,
whereof the master was William Barfot of Antwerp, to take the same to
parts beyond sea where the staple of wool then was, certain malefactors of
the aforesaid towns attacked and carried away the said ship.
Aug. 14.
Aug. 28.
Aug. 22.
To the same. Like letter in favour of John de Tumby and Hugh de
Claxby of Boston, who have complained that whereas they caused sixteen
sacks of wool, value 189/. sterling, to be loaded at Boston for the above
purpose in a ship of Sluys, whereof Baldwin Skenk was master, ten sacks,
price 12/. a sack, belonging to John, and six sacks, price 1 1 /. 10s. Od.
a sack, belonging to Hugh, certain malefactors of the aforesaid towns
attacked and carried away the said ship.
To Edmund, earl of Kent, constable of Dover castle and warden of the
Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place. Order to cause
proclamation to be made forbidding any person of the aforesaid ports
damaging the men or mariners of the towns of La Pole, Weymouth, Mele-
combe, Lym, and Southampton and other towns of the adjoining parts, by
land or by sea, or attempting anything against them by reason whereof the
king's peace may be injured, under pain of forfeiture of all that they can
forfeit, as the king understands that great dissension has lately arisen
between the barons of the Cinque Ports and the said men and mariners of
the western parts, and that homicides, depredations, and burning of ships
and other damages have resulted. He is ordered to cause six barons of
the aforesaid ports to come before the king and his council at Westminster
in the quinzaine of Michaelmas next with full power to propound any
complaints against the aforesaid men and mariners, and to do what shall be
ordained by the king's council in this behalf. By K. and C.
[^Fcedera; Pari. Writs.']
To the sheriff of York. Order to pay to Henry de Malton and Simon
Lovel, knights of that shire, their expenses for attending the parliament at
Westminster in three weeks from Midsummer last. By K.
\_Parl. Writs.']
The like to the sherifEs of other counties to pay the knights of the
same. \^Ibid.]
15 EDWARD II. 487
1321. Membrane 32d — Schedule — cont.
Aug. 22, To the bailiffs of tlie city of York. Order to pay to Thomas de
Westminster. Pontefracto and Thomas de Preston, burgesses {sic) of the city, their
expenses in attending the aforesaid parliament. By K.
The like for the burgesses of nine other cities and boroughs, [/ijc?.]
Aug. 26. To the mayor, baililFs and men of the city of Lincoln. Order to deliver
Westminster, to the Friars Minors in that city all charters and muniments touching them
and their house that are in the custody of the mayor, bailiff's, and men, as
the friars have shewn the king that they are inconvenienced frequently
because the charters and muniments relating to them and their place of
residence in the city are in the custody of the mayor, bailiffs, and men,
and that they cannot inspect the same when necessary. If there be any
composition previously made or any other cause by reason vrhereof the
charters and muniments ought to remain in the custody of the mayor,
bailiffs, and men, they are then to cause a copy of the charters and
muniments to be made and delivered to the friars, certifying the king of
of their proceedings herein.
To the same. The aforesaid friars have shewn to the king that the said
mayor, bailiffs, and men, for the better protection of the city, have broken
the enclosures of the friars that previously joined to the wall of the city, and
have broken and blocked up certain private chambers contiguous to the said
wall, to the damage and danger of the friars, who have besought the king to
aid them in this matter ; the king therefore orders the said mayor, bailiffs,
and men to cause the enclosures to be re-made and the chambers to be
opened out, provided that suitable gates be made in the enclosures whereby
access may be had to the walls of the city there, certifying the king of their
proceedings herein without delay. By K.
Membrane 32d — Schedule, dorse.
Aug. 11. Ingelram de Caukewell of Vendovre acknowledges that he owes to
Westminster. Robert de Fenelis, knight, 151. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Buckingham.
Aug. 12. -Nicholas Belle of Boston acknowledges that he owes to John de Rithre
Westminster. 6 marks 6t. 8d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Lincoln.
John Moryn puts in his place Theobald Poleyn and John de Evesham,
clerk, to sue for the execution of a recognisance for 16 marks made to him in
chancery by Nicholas de Huntercumbe.
Roger Ruaut acknowledges that he owes to Thomas West 40 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Oxford.
John de Drokenesford, son of Michael de Drokeuesford, acknowledges that
he owes to Nicholas Hastolphi and James Jeoy, merchants of Luca,
24 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Somerset.
John son of Reginald de Walyngford acknowledges that he owes to
James Beauflour, citizen of London, 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks.
William de Weldone acknowledges that he owes to John de Yerdhill
60*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the
city of London.
Aug. 12. Payn de Vilers of Kynalton acknowledges that he owes to Ralph Basset
Westminster, of Drayton 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Nottingham.
The aforesaid Payn acknowledges that he owes to Ralph 801. ; to be
levied as above.
1321. Membrane 32d — Schedule, dorse — cont.
John Mautravers, the younger, puts in his place Thomas de Evesham
and John de Evesham to sue for the execution of a recognisance for 15/.,
made to him by WUliam de Faucumberge and of another for 5001. made to
him by Henry de la Hyde of Pymperne.
John de Cobham, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Robert
Redyngges 22 marks 6s. 8d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
lands and chattels in co. Wilts.
Robert de Gransete acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Scalariis of
Whaddon 30 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Cambridge.
Cancelled on payment.
John Mauduyt, knight, and John Inge, knight, acknowledge that they
owe to Master John Walewayn, clerk, 200 marks ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Oxford and Wilts.
Cancelled on payment.
Aug. 16. Geoffrey de Cornubia, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William
Westminster, de Nevill, knight, 240 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
William de Ferariis, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Michael le
Couper, baker of London, 15/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Leicester.
Robert de Wyboldeston, vicar of the church of Luton, diocese of
Lincoln, acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Walkefare 100/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Bedford.
Richard de Holand, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de
Hustweit, prebendary of Flixton, in the church of Lichefeld, 54 marks ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lancaster.
Richard Wauncy, parson of St. Nicholas, Gildeford, puts in his place
John de Kardoil and Robert de Kirkeby to sue in chancery a writ of
arrest against Thomas Conestable, parson of St. Mary's church, Gildeford.
Aug. 17. Herbert Pouger acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Holand,
Westminster, knight, 10 marks; to be levied in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Northampton.
John de Herlaston, parson of Normanton church, diocese of York,
acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas de Falleye, William de Herlaston,
and Edmund de Breckles, executors of the will of Gilbert de Roubury,
\00s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Cancelled oil payment.
Aug. 20. William le Lou of Hermodesworth acknowledges that he owes to
Westminster. Henry de Ditton 46*. 8rf. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Middlesex.
Walter le Keu of Lincoln acknowledges that he owes to Robert de
Bristoll, citizen of London, 60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in the county {sic) of London.
Simon de Kynardesle, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de
Chiseuhale, clerk, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Essex and London.
Cancelled on payment.
1321. Membrane 32c? — Schedule, dorse — cont.
Aug. 20. Hugh de Lincoln, burgess of York, acknowledges that lie owes to Simon
Westminster, de Eycote, clerk, 40Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Andrew Hod of Stikeney ackuowledges that he owes to the aforesaid
Simon 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Lincoln.
Henry Norman, executor of the will of John Norman of Dunstaple, puts
in his place William de Burgh and John de Evesham to prosecute a recog-
nisance for 300/. made to him by the abbot of Kingeswode.
Enrolment of release by Peter son of John de Poton of Beghenham to
Master Henry de Clif, clerk, of his right in the lands that belonged to the
said John in Beghenham, wliich Peter had of John's gift. Witnesses : Sir
Robert de Bardelby, Geoffrey de Welleford, Adam de Brom, Thomas de
Evesham, clerks ; WiUiam Scot ; Adam de Nova Haia ; Robert de Scarde-
burgh ; Robert de Pontefracto. Dated at Westminster, Thursday after the
Assumption, 15 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Peter came into chancery, on the said day, and
acknowledged the above deed.
Aug. 22. Hugh Bossard of Knottyng' acknowledges that he owes to William de
Westminster. Taken', merchant of Northampton, and Richard his son 60/. ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Bedford.
Matthew de Cranthorne acknowledges that he owes to Hugh de
Waltham SVs. &d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Devon.
John Fleg of London acknowledges that he owes to Thomas Rys, gold-
smith of London, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Middlesex and London.
Adam de Bandon of London, merchant, acknowledges that he owes to
Bartholomew Thomasyn of London, ' spicer,' 64/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London.
Aug. 24. John de Daggeworth, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Westminster. Rothyng", citizen and vintner of London, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk.
John Inge acknowledges that he owes to Richard Damory 100/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in co. Oxford.
Henry, bishop of Lincoln, Elias de Wheteleye, prebendary of Lydington
in St. Mary's church, Lincoln, Master Walter de Maydenstan, parson of
Mersham church, diocese of Canterbury, Alan de Lughton, parson of
Alesby church, diocese of Lincoln, and William Albon, parson of Wodeton
church, diocese of Canterbury, acknowledge that they owe to Manent
Francisci, merchant, 300/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their
lands and chattels in cos. Lincoln and Kent.
Ca7icelled on payment.
The aforesaid bishop acknowledges that he owes to the said Manent 300/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Cancelled on payment.
Aug. 24. John son of Thomas Soundy of Neuham acknowledges that he owes to
Westminster. Master Hugh de Morton 60s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Oxford.
1321. Membrane 32c? — Schedule, dorse — cont.
Aug. 25. Nicholas de la Beche acknowledges that he owes to Philip de la Beche,
Westminster, the younger, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Sussex.
John de Hustwait, parson of the church of Barton in Ridale, acknow-
ledges that he owes to John Gogeon, butcher of London, 10 marks ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Middlesex.
John de Sancto Leodegario acknowledges that he owes to Roger de
Mortuo Mari of Wygemor 30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in cos. Northampton and Berks.
Aug. 26. Ingelram Berenger acknowledges that he owes to John Giffard of
Westminster. Brymmesfeld 100^. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Bedford and Buckingham.
Brother Thomas, abbot of Bruern (Bruera), acknowledges, for himself
and convent, that he owe.s to Wulpinus Johannis and Bancus de Errys,
merchants of Florence, 160/. ; to he levied, in default of payment, of their
lands and chattels in co. Oxford.
Cancelled on payment.
William de Clyf, clerk, and Robert his brother, acknowledge that they
owe to Adam de Brom, clerk, 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Reymund de la Brunye puts in his place John de Boloigne, citizen of
London, and Reymund de Lymoges, merchant of Bordeaux, to prosecute in
chancery a writ of arrest for 82/. 7«. Orf. made to him against the men of
Flanders for robberies committed by them upon him.
Membrane 3ld.
Aug. 18. To Edmund, earl of Kent, constable of Dover castle and warden of the
WestmiiiBter. Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place. Order to cause proclama-
tion to be made in each of the said ports forbidding any person of those
ports damaging the men or mariners of the towns of La Pole, Weymouth,
Melecombe, Lym, and Southampton and towns of the adjoining parts, by
land or by sea, or attempting anything against them by reason whereof the
king's peace may be injured, under pain of forfeiture of all that they can
forfeit, as the king understands that great dissension has lately arisen be-
tween the barons of the Cinque Ports and the said men and mariners of
the western parts, and that homicides, depredations, and burning of ships
and other damages have resulted. He is ordered to cause six barons of the
aforesaid ports to come before the king and his council at Westminster in
the quinzaine of Michaelmas next with full power to propound any com-
plaints against the aforesaid men and mariners, and to do what shall be
ordained by the king's council in this behalf. By K. and C.
{Pari. Writs.]
To the bailiffs and barons of the port of Dover. Order to cause like
proclamation to be made. [Ibid.]
The like to the bailiffs and barons of the following ports :
Hasting". Sandwich.
Eomeneye. Wynchelse. [Ibid.}
1321. Membrane Z\d — cont.
To the bailiffs and men of the town of [La Pole*]. Order to cause like
proclamation to be made forbidding any one inflicting damage upon the
barons or mariners of the Cinque Ports. \_Ibid.~\
The like to the bailiffs and men of the following ports :
Melcombe. Southampton.
"Weymouth. Lym., \_Ihid.']
Aug. 26. Thomas, abbot of Bruern {Buera} acknowledges, for himself and con-
Westminster, vent, that he owes to Peter Caynoly, merchant of Luca, 120 marks; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands aud chattels in co. Oxford.
Walter BuUok acknowledges that he owes to Henry Buscre of Malyns
100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
Cancelled on payment acknowledged by Cicely, late the wife of the said
Henry, and by Alexander de Hitchend', executors of Henry's will.
Thomas, son of Robert de Veer, earl of Oxford, acknowledges that he
owes to Nicholas de Sniton, Henry de Setheford, and John Danyel 160/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
John de Pelham of London, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to "William
de Ayremynn, clerk, lOOi. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in cos. Hertford, Middlesex, and in the city of London.
Cancelled on payment.
James Beauflour of London acknowledges that he owes to William de
Ayremynn, clerk, 91. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Bedford and in London.
Cancelled on payment.
Henry Caleys of Tykesovre acknowledges that he owes to Robert de
"Wodehous, clerk, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Rutland and Northampton.
Cancelled on payment.
Henry Touk of Kelm acknowledges that he owes to Master Edmund de
London 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Nottingham.
Cancelled on payment.
The said Henry acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Edenestowe,
clerk, 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Nottingham.
Cancelled on payment.
The said Henry acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Kelm, clerk,
20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Nottingham.
Edmund de Wynton, citizen of that city, acknowledges that he owes to
Richard atte See, citizen and iishmonger (piscenario) of London, 16 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. South-
To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to take with him sufficient
power of the county, and to go in person to the house of Holy Cross near
Winchester and to the churches annexed thereto, and amove all lay or
armed force from the said house and churches, and to conduct himself in
July 12.
The Tower.
* The name of the town is omitted in the enrolment.
1321. Membrane &\d — cont.
such wise that the execution of the king's orders to put Geoffrey de
Welleford, whom he presented to the aforesaid house, in possession of the
said liouse and churches may not be further delayed, and to imprison any
one resisting the execution of this order, as the king has frequently ordered
him to amove the lay or armed force from the aforesaid houses and churches,
whereby the bishop of Winchester was prevented from inducting Geoffrey
to the said house, and the sheriff has returned that the bailiff of the liberty
of the bishop, whom the sheriff caused to have return of the writ, has
answered that he went to the said house on Friday after the Translation of
St. Thomas last to remove the lay or armed force, and that he found no
force there nor anyone resisting him, for which reason he did nothing more
in the matter, at which answer the king marvels, especially as it is testified
before him by trustworthy men that a lay and armed force was then and is
still in the aforesaid house, and that the bailiff's answer was made frivolously
and derisively. By C.
Membrane ZQd.
Aug. 18. To the keeper of the port of Dover. Order to permit the abbot of
Westminster. Holmcoltran, of the Cistercian order, who is going to his chapter-general at
Citeaux by the king's licence, to cross from that port with 10^. for the
expenses of himself and his train, provided that he make no apportiini con-
trary to the statute, By K. on the information of R. de Northburgh.
Enrolment of process against Hugh le Despenser, the elder, and Hugh le
Despenser, the younger. For the honour of God and of Holy Church and
of the king, and for the profit of him and of his realm, and to maintain peace
and quietness amongst his people, and to maintain the estate of his crown,
the prelates, earls, barons, and other peers of the land, and the commune of
the realm show the king against Sir Hugh le Despenser, the son, and Sir
Hugh le Despenser, the father, that whereas Sir Hugh, the son, was
nominated and agreed upon as king's chamberlain in the parliament at
Y"ork {Everwik), when it was also agreed that certain prelates and other
magnates of the realm should stay near the king by seasons of the year
in order to cciunsel him better, without whom do great affair ought to
be done, the said Hugh, the son, drew to him Sir Hugh, his father, who
was not agreed upon in parliament to stay near the king, and between them
they accroched to themselves royal power over the king, his ministers, and
the guidance of the realm, and committed the evil deeds underwritten,
encompassing the eloigning of the king's heart from the peers of the realm,
in order to have themselves the sole government of the realm. First, that Sir
Hugh, the son, was angered against the king, and made upon this anger a bill,
whereby he would have had in alliance Sir John Giffard of Brymmesfeld and
Sir Richard de Q-ray and others, in order to constrain the king by harsh mea-
sures to do his will, so that it was no fault of his that he did not do so, the
tenor of which bill is here set out : ' Homage and oath of allegiance is
more by reason of the crown than b)' reason of the king's person, and is
more bound to the crown than to the person, and this appears in that before
the estate of the crown be descended, no allegiance is due to the person,
wherefore if the king by chance do not guide himself by reason in right of
the crown, the lieges are bound by oath made to the crown to lead the king
and the estate of the crown back again by reason, and otherwise the oath shall
not be observed. The question now arises how one ought to guide the king,
whether by suit of law or by constraint; by suit of law one cannot have re-
dress, because he will have no judges but the king's, in which case, if the
king's will be not according to reason, he will have nothing but error
maintained and confirmed, wherefore it is needful in order to save the oath
16 EDWARD II. 493
1321. Membrane 30d — cont.
that when the king will not redress or remove a matter that is evil and damag-
ing for the common people and for the crown, it is to be adjudged that
the matter shall be removed by harsh measures, for he is bound by oath to
govern his people and his lieges, and his lieges are bound to govern in his
aid and in his default.' Also by their conspiracy and evil deeds they
guided and counselled the king evilly, so that his presence, which he
ought by his duty to shew to the magnates and his people, and to answer the
favours and right that they ask for, was not so shewn except at the
will and the demand of the said Sir Hugh and Sir Hugh, thus ousting the
king from his duty, contrary to his oath, and the hearts of the magnates
and the people from their liege lord. Also they did not suffer the magnates
of the realm or the good counsellors of the king to speak with the king or to
approach him to give him good counsel, or the king to speak with them
except in the presence and the hearing of Sir Hugh and Sir Hugh, or one of
them, and at their pleasure and according to their demand and desires,
in repelling the magnates and good councillors of the- king from
their good will towards the king, and accroching to themselves royal power,
mastery, and sovereignty over the king's person. Also, in order to attain
their evil and covetous wishes, for the disinheritance of the magnates and
the destruction of the people, they removed the good and suitable ministers
who were appointed by assent, and replaced them by other false and bad
ministers of their conspiracy, who would not suffer right to be done, and
appointed sheriffs, escheators, constables of castles, and others in the king's
offices who were not suitable for the king or his people, and caused judges
who were ignorant of the law of the land to hear and determine matters
touching the magnates and the people, such as Sir Hugh, the father,
Sir Ralph Basset, Sir Ralph de Oamoys, Sir John Inge, and other their
allies and sworn [adherents], and by conspiracy of such ministers and their
false procurers and aiders caused the peers of the land to be falsely
indicted by false jurors of their alliance, to wit the earl of Hereford, Sir
John Giffard of Brymmesfeld, and Sir Robert de Mohaut, and other good
men, coveting their lands, and so converted what ought to be to the main-
tenance of the peace and of good and the punishment of evil to the
disinheritance of the magnates and the destruction of the people. Also they
counselled the king falsely and maliciously to go with horses and arms to
the parts of Gloucester, and caused him to march (chivacher) and his armed
men of those parts to go against his good people, contrary to the form of
Magna Carta and the award of the peers of the land, and so by their false
and malicious counsels they would have caused war in the land for their own
quarrel. Also, whereas the earl of Hereford and the lord of Wygemor were
assigned by the king's order to go in war against Thlewelyn Bren, who had
risen against the king in Glomargan, whilst the lands were in the king's
hands by the death of the earl of Gloucester, the said Thlewelyn rendered
himself to the said lords at the king's will, and the said lords promised him
grace, and received him under such condition and delivered him to the king,
and the king received him in such form, and afterwards, whilst the said lords
were out of the land, the said Hugh and Hugh, who had accroched royal
power as is aforesaid, took the said Thlewelyn and sent him to Kaerdif, after
Sir Hugh, the son, was seized of his purparty there, and, seizing jurisdiction
by their conspiracy where in this case they could have no jurisdiction
according to reason, feloniously caused him to be there drawn, hanged,
beheaded and quartered for a thing done in the king's time, and so seizing
royal power and jurisdiction that pertained to the crown, in disinheritance
of the crown, dishonour pi the king and of the said lords of Hereford and
Mortemer. Also they counselled the king evilly to take into his hands the
lands and chattels of Sir Hugh DaudeJe, the son, and forjudged him of his
lands without process of law, coveting to accroch those lands to Hugh, the son,
1321. Membrane 30d — eont,
and by other false compassings he compassed to have the lands of Sii- Roger
Damary in order to attain the whole of the earldom of Gloucester, in
disinheritance of the peers of the land. Also whereas the king granted, by
letters patent in full parliament at Westminster, to the earl of Warwick that,
if he died, his executors should have his lands during his heir's minority, which
grant the king confirmed after the earl's death in his parliament at Lincoln
at the request and by the assent of the peers of the land ; the said Sir Hugh,
the father, by the maintenance, abetting, and procurement of Sir Hugh, the
son, caused the king to repeal this deed without reason, and to deliver to Hugh,
the father, the wardship of those lands for his own profit, so defeating by
their evil counsel what the king had granted in his parliaments by good
counsel with the assent of the peers of the land. Also they have not
suffered the king to take reasonable fines of the peers of the land and others
who are within his fee, as has been usual heretofore, but, through coveting
to attain such lands by the royal power accroched to them, they have caused
undue hindrances to be put in such matters, expecting the lands to
be forfeited, such as Sir John de Moubray for the lands of Gower, and of
othei's, so making the king deny right in parliament, contrary to his oath.
Also by their evil covetousness and the royal power accroched to them, they
would not suffer the king to hear or do right to the magnates of the land
concerning the representation made by them to him for him and themselves
of the disinheritance of the crown and of them touching the lands that be-
longed to the Templars, and thus, by the royal power accroched to them,
they have led the king, his council, and his prelates (places) so that the
matters touching them or their allies have been undertaken and embraced
by them, so thut right cannot be done except at their will. Also the elect
to bishoprics, abbeys and priories, who ougiit of right to be received by the
king when they have been elected in due form, cannot approach the king
nor speak with him to seek his grace until they have made fine and
payment to Sir Hugh, the son, at his will, and no one who had to seek
grace from the king could attain any grace until he had made fine with him.
Moreover, whereas John de Lacchelegh and others were condemned to
prison for a trespass committed against the lady of Merk, to her damage of
1,100 marks, whereof they were attainted before Sir Robert de Maddyngle
and his fellows, justices to hear and determine this trespass, and the said
John was in prison at Colecestre by the award abovesaid. Sir Hugh, the son,
acoroching to himself royal power, sent the said John out of prison, contrary
to the law of the land, before he had agreed with the said lady for the
damages aforesaid, and caused him to sell his land to him and to levy a fine
of the same. Which evil deeds aforesaid are well known and true, as
is found by examination of the earls, barons, and other peers of the land.
Wherefore we peers of the land, earls and barons, award in the presence of
the king that Sir Hugh le Despenser, the son, and Sir Hugh, the father,
shall be disinherited for ever as disinheritors of the crown and enemies of
the king and his people, and that they shall be exiled from the realm of
England, without returning at any time, except by assent of the king and
of the prelates, earls and barons, given in parliament duly summoned. And
we give them port at Dovre and in no other port to void and pass out of the
realm between now and the feast of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist
next, that day being counted. And if they stay in the realm of England
after that day, or if they return afterwards, they shall be treated as enemies
of the king and of the realm.* French.
Aug. 20. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the above
Westminster, consideration, which the king sends to them sub pede sigilli, to be published
* This is printed, from the recital in the process of annulment, Membrane 13d —
Schedule, in Statutes of the Realm, i. 181.
1321. Membrane 30rf — cont.
before them in the exchequer and to be enrolled in the rolls of the exche-
quer. By K. and C.
The like, 'mutatis competenter mutandis,' to the following :
Henry le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the king.
The justices of the Bench.
Whereas in order to pursue and attaint the evil deeds abovesaid, because
they cannot be attainted by process of law, since the said Hugh le Despenser,
the father, and Hugh le Despenser, the son, had accroched to themselves
royal power, and had at their will the king and his ministers and the
direction of the law, the magnates of the land allied themselves together by
an oath in writing and in other manners without the king's permission, and
afterwards they and others have marched with banners displayed of the
arms of the king and of their arms, and have taken and occupied castles,
towns, manors, lands, goods and chattels of men of the king's allegiance,
and have taken and imprisoned others, and have slain others, and have done
many other things in overthrowing the aforesaid Hugh and Hugh and their
allies and others in England, Wales, and the marches, whereof certain
matters might be called trespasses and others felonies; which matters,
having been done of necessity, ought not to be redressed or punished by
rigour of law, and may not be so done without causing great trouble,
or by chance worse war be in the realm, the said magnates pray
the king, for the good of the peace and to assuage wrath and rancour
(racours) and to make union in the land, and in order that he may have
entirely the hearts and wills of his magnates and of his people to maintain
and defend his lands and to make war upon his enemies, that it may be
agreed in full parliament by the king, prelates, earls, barons, and the
commune of the realm, that no magnate of the realm, earl, baron, knight,
clerk, or esquire shall be impeached, aggrieved, or molested for any of the
above acts from the commencement of the world until this day, and that
other men of any condition whatever shall not be impeached, aggi'ieved, or
molested for the felonies or trespasses aforesaid committed after Candlemas
last until this day, at the suit of the king or others, before all such matters
shall be discharged by such statute and accord, saving to everybody, except
the aforesaid Hugh and Hugh, his reason to demand and recover his free
tenement and his right without punishment on the king's part or rendering
damage to the party, and that it shall also be granted by the king in the
said parUament, by the assent of the prelates, earls, barons, and commune
of the realm, that if any earl, baron, or magnate of the realm, by himself or
by others to be named in his letters to the chancellor, between now and
Michaelmas next wish to have pardon from the king of the suit of his
peace and of what pertains to him of all manners of felonies and trespasses
against his peace or of disobediences, contempts, conspiracies, secret con-
federacies, covenants or obligations made to the king in times past, he shall
have the king's charter of pardon without giving a fee in chancery, and
that all such writings wherever found shall be esteemed null, in order to
have the hearts and wills of the magn;ites and people of his realm more
wholly in his affairs, as is above said. French.
The matters aforesaid were annulled and cancelled by force of an award
made in parUament at York in three weeks from Easter, in the fifteenth
year of the reign, as is contained in a roll sewed pendent to this roll in the
month of May next.
Membrane 29d.
Sept. 5. John le Bakere of Plomstede acknowledges that he owes to John Sterre,
Sandwich, citizen of London, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Kent.
1321. Membrane 29d — cont.
Aug. 25. To Philip, king of France and Navarre. Request that he will cause
NVestmiuster. restitution to be made to Jakeminus de Reco, merchant of Genoa, of his
great ship called ' Dromond,' whereof he was master and owner, and of its
tackle and victuals and merchandise contained in her, or satisfaction for the
same, and that he will cause satisfaction to be made for his damages, in
accordance with the king's previous requests and the promises of the king
of France, the ship and cargo having been seized by Berengar, keeper of the
ships of L[ouis], king of France, brother of the present king, at Les Dounes
within this realm whilst under the king's protection. If such restitution
and satisfaction be not made to the said merchant, the king will be unable
to refrain from providing him with a remedy within this realm. The king
of France is requested to send an account of his proceedings herein by the
bearer. \_Fmdera.'\
John de Rithre, son of William de Rithre, knight, acknowledges that he
owes to William de Ayremynne, clerk, 36 marks ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. — Master Henry de Clif,
one of the keepers of the privy seal, received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
George Salveyn, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de
Ayremynn, clerk, 80 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York. — R, de Bardelby, one of the keepers of the
seal, received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
To the sheriff of Southampton. Whereas the king lately recovered
against Rigaud, then elect of Winchester, the presentation to the house of
the Holy Cross near Winchester, void and pertaining to the king's gift by
reason of the voidance of the bishopric of Winchester, to which house the
king presented his clerk Geoffrey de Welleford, and afterwards being given
to understand— — \Incompleter^
Vacated, because otherwise above.
Sept. 10.
Sept. 11.
Sept. 12.
Membrane 2M.
Thomas de Fumival of Shefeld, the elder, acknowledges that he owes to
Edward de Monte Acuto, son of William de Monte Acuto, 300/. ; to he
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. York,
Nottingham, and Derby.
Cancelled on payment.
The said Thomas acknowledges that he owes to Hawise de Monte Acuto,
daughter of the aforesaid William, 300Z. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, as above.
The said Thomas acknowledges that he owes to Elizabeth de Mont©
Acuto, daughter of the said William, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, as above.
John de Lilleburn, son of Master Laurence de Lilleburn, acknowledges
that he owes to Matthew de Essex, citizen of London, IGOZ. ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Surrey.
John de Yerdhill and Alice his wife, daughter and co-heiress of Isabella,
late the wife of Guichard de Hibburn, tenant in chief, put in their place
John de Evesham to demand and receive in chancery Alice's purpart}' of
the lands of the said Guichard and Isabella.
Sept. 13.
Sept. 18.
Sept. 13.
Sept. 21.
Sept, 21.
Sept. 16.
Sept. 24.
Sept. 24.
Membrane 28d — cont.
Henry Touk of Kelm' acknowledges that he owes to Richard deRothyng*
16 marks; to he levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Nottingham.
Thomas atte Boghe of London acknowledges that he owes to the said
Richard 16 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in the city of London.
Edmund de Cheyny acknowledges that he owes to William Fossard
33*. 4:d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Middlesex.
Cancelled on payment.
W alter de Gosehale came before the king, on Friday after the Exaltation
of the Holy Cross, and sought to replevy to Nicholaa, late the wife of
John de Hurtrugg, her land in Yertecoumbe, which was taken into the
king's hands for her default before the justices of the Bench against Robert
de Lestre. This is signified to the justices.
John de Brenton, citizen of London, acknowledges that he owes to Ralph
de Empyngham, clerk, 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in the city of London and co. Berks.
Thomas de Wambewell of Shefte acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey
Serkon of Wylmereslay 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
William atte Wode of Fancham acknowledges that he owes to Walter le
Bevere, citizen of London, 30Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in cos. Kent and London.
The abbot of Waverle acknowledges that he owes to Vannus Grandonis,
merchant of Florence, 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Surrey.
Cancelled on payment.
Peter de Malo Laou, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas
Crane, citizen of London, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in cos. York and Lincoln.
Cancelled on pat/ment.
Alexander de Ledes came before the king, on Monday in the present
feast of St. Matthew, and sought to replevy his land in Bolton near Wath,
which was taken into the king's hands for his default befo7"e the justices of
the Bench against Constance, late the wife of Robert de Helpergate of
York. This is signified to the justices.
Thomas de Haverhill came before the king, on Wednesday after the
Exaltation of the Holy Cross, and sought to replevy to William le Bakere
and Felicia his wife their land in Westthurrok, which was taken into the
king's hands for their default before the justices of the Bench against
Beatrice, late the wife of William Trewe. This is signified to the justices.
Isabella, late the wife of Geoffrey Tonere, came before the king, on
Thursday after St. Matthew, and sought to replevy her land in Uppecote,
which was taken into the king's hands for her default before the justices
of the Bench against Thomas de Uppecot*. This is signified to the
Roger de Brok acknowledges that he owes to .Tohn de Preston, ropemaker
(cordario) and citizen of London, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Middlesex,
I 1
Sept. 25.
Sept. 26.
Sept. 25.
Sept. 30.
Sept. 30.
The Tower.
Membrane 2Sd — cont.
Robert de Henienhale, who served the king and;his father, is sent to the
prior and convent of Norwich to receive in their house the same main-
tenance as Hugh Holdelond, now deceased, had therein at tlie king's
request. By K.
Richard de, Hangelton came before the king, on Saturday after
St. Matthew the Apostle, and sought to replevy his land in Hangelton,
which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the justices
of the Bench against John de Benefeld. This is signified to the justices.
Elias de Salle of London acknowledges that he owes to William de
Aldenham of London, goldbeater (orbatour), 40*. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London.
John sou of William Syred, ' tannere,' came before the king, on Saturday
after St. Matthew, and sought to replevy his land in Bokenesfeld, which
was taken into the king's hands for his default before the justices of the
Bench against John de Alderigge. This is signified to the aforesaid
Roger de Brok and William his son acknowledge that they owe to John
Joye, citizen and merchant of London, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Hertford and Northampton.
John son of Roger de Muryden came before the king, on Wednesday
after Michaelmas, and sought to replevy his lands in Garston, which was
taken into the king's hands for his default before the justices of the Bench
against Roesia, late the wife of Roger de Muryden. This is signified to
the justices.
Andrew de Pendok of Gloucestre acknowledges that he owes to William
de Thunneyk, clerk, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Gloucester.
Cancelled on payment.
The said Andrew acknowledges that he owes to the said William
15 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, as above.
Cancelled on paym,ent.
Sept. 29.
Membrane 21d,
The abbot of Kyngeswode puts in his place brother William de Wanden,
his fellow monk, in a writ of scire facias concerning the abbot for a debt of
30('/. that the abbot acknowledged in chancery that he owes to John
Norman of Donstaple, deceased.
Brother William de Auraenyl, master of the hospital of Burton St. Lazars,
acknowledges that he owes to Roger Beler of Kirkeby 250/. ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of the hospital lands and chattels in cos. Lincoln,
L'iicester, and Norfolk.
Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by Alice, late the wife of the said
Roger, and his executrix.
The said master acknowledges that he owes to William de Melton,
chaplain, 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, as above.
Cancelled on payment.
Oct. 15. To William de Bevercote. Inhibition of his going out of the realm by
The Tower, virtue of any citation to appear out of the realm to answer concerning the
prebend of Rampton, in the church of St. Mary, Suwell, the i)resentation
Oct. 19.
Oct. 20.
Membrane 27d — cont.
whereto the king recovered by reason of the archbishopric of York, then
void, being in the late king's hands, the king having presented William
thereto, and William havicg been admitted thereto by the ordinary and put
in corporal possession thereof, as the king understands that some persons
have caused William to be cited to appear outside the realm to answer con-
cerning the same, the cognisance of which matter pertains to the king.
He is forbidden to send any attorney (responsalem) without censiilting the
J^ing- By p.s.
To Edmund de Wodestok, earl of Kent, constable of Dover castle and
warden of the Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place in the port of
Dover. Order to arrest the said William in case he attempt to cross the
sea from Dover or any other port in his custody in order to ansvirer beyond
sea in the above matter. By p.s. [5863.]
To the prior and convent of Norwich. Order to grant to the king's
yeoman Robert de Hemenhale the same maintenance in their house for life
as Hugh Holdeland, deceased, had therein at the king's request, in accord-
ance with the king's late request, to which they have replied that they are
unable to do by reason of divers contributions of tithes and procurations
incident to their house and other grievous expenses and unexpected
accidents wherewith they are charged ; which excuses the king regards
as feigned and frivolous and as made in derogation of his right and for the
exclusion of the aforesaid yeoman's maintenance. By p.s. [5866.]
Sept. 26.
Sept. 29.
The Tower.
Membrane 26rf.
Enrolment of release by Peter de Bosoham, son of Peter de Boseham,
skinner and citizen of London, to Sir John de Chelmeresford, clerk, of his
right in the tenement that John has of his gift in the parish of St. Mary
of Bothawe, London. Witnesses : Hamo de Chiggewell, mayor of London ;
William Prodhomme and Reginald de Conductu, sheriffs; John Coton,
then alderman of that ward; Edmund Cosyn, William VValram, Warin
Mingge, and Robert Person, citizens of London. Dated at London, on
Friday before Michaelmas, 1 5 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Peter came into chancery at Westminster, on the
said day, and acknowledged the above deed.
To Edmund de Wodestok, earl of Kent, constable of Dover castle and
warden of the Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place in the port of
Dover. Order to permit the abbot of St. Just, of the Premonstraiensian
order, to return home with his train, upon his finding sufficient mainpernors,
abbots of that order or others within this realm, to answer to the king for
his offences against the statute of Carlisle, provided that he make no
apportum to parts beyond sea contrary to the said statute, the king having
ordered the sheriff of Southampton to attach the abbot so that he have him
before the king in fifteen days from Michaelmas to answer for the said
offences, because the king was given to understand that the abbot, who
came to the realm for the purpose of making a visitation of the monasteries
and houses subjected to that order in this realm, imposed divers tallages
and impositions upon the said houses contrary to the said statute. By K.
Brother Hugh de Belle Campo, prior of Caldewell near Bedford,
acknowledge?, for himself and convent, that he owes to Nicholas Ceriolo,
merchant of Genoa, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands
and chattels in co. Bedford.
II ;:
1321. Membrane 2Qd — cont.
Thomas Halidey of Bedeford acknowledges that he owes to the said
Nicholas lOOl. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Bedford.
Cancelled on payment,
Simon de Duston and Thomas de Duston, his brother, acknowledge that
they owe to William atte Bam of London 60Z. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
Oct. 1. John Bernard came before the king, on Thursday after Michaelmas last,
The Tower, and sought to replevy to William le Soutere the said William's land in
Chalgiave, which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the
justices of the Bench against John son of Richard le Smyth and Roger
Gynful and Agnes his wife. This is signified to the justices.
Adam de Ely, citizen and fishmonger (piscenar') of London, acknow-
ledges that he owes to Henry de Breston, ropemaker of London, 12/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of
John Golde came before the king, on Thursday after Michaelmas, and
sought to replevy his laud in Wyndesore, which was taken into the
king's hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against
Ellen, late the wife of Richard de Langele. This is signified to the
John de Duston of Northampton acknowledges that he owes to Simon
de Duston and Thomas de Duston, his biother, QOl. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
Enrolment of release by Walter de Shorston to Richard, the abbot, and
convent of Cirencestre of his right in a mill and 28 acres of land in Preston,
concerning which he made plaint in the king's court that the jurors of an
inquisition taken between him and Henry, late abbot of Cirencestre, before
the late king's justices at Westminster, had made false oath, and he makes
a general release of all actions. Dated at London, on Thursday after the
feast of St. Faith, 15 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Walter came into chancery, on the said day, and
acknowledged the above deed.
Enrolment of grant by William Box, son of Henry Box, late citizen
of London, to Robert de Neuwerk of 24^. of yearly rent for life from
William's messuage in London called ' Le Wolhous' and from a shop
in front of the same, in the parish of St. Dunstan near the Tower, which
sho|) formerly belonged to Henry Box his father, and lies between the
tenement of Godwin Turk on the west and the tenement of Alexander
Pik on the east, abutting on the south upon the highway leading to the
Tower. Witnesses : Adam Lutekyn ; John de Wrotham ; William
Haunsard ; Alan Gille ; John de Wymundham ; Wymund Brother ; Henry
atte Cros. Dated at London, on Tuesday the eve of Midsummer,
14 Edward II.
Memorandum, that William came into the king's court at Westminster,
on 10 October, in the 15th year of the reign, and acknowledged the above
Enrolment of grant by Richard Austyn of Herlaston to Sir William de
Herlaston, clerk, of 10s. of yearly rent from all his lands in Herlaston and
Haselovre. Witnesses : Sir Richard de Verun, lord of Herlaston ; Richard
de Verun the younger ; William le Curzun of Croxhale ; William de
1321. Membrane 26d — cont.
Stretton of Clif'toa ; John de Penereth of Herlaston. Dated at Herlaston,
on Sunday before Michaelmas, 15 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Richard came into chancery at Westminster, on
15 October, and acicnowledged the above deed.
Bartholomew son of Gilbert de Titinges, Ralph de Mallyng, and Joan his
wife, executors of the will of John de Anne, put in their place Richard de
Welieford and Robert de Kelleseye to prosecute the matter of a recog-
nisance in chancery for 100/. made to John by John de Basyng'.
Oct. 2.
The Tower.
Oct. 3.
Oct. 6.
Oct. 5.
Membrane 25d.
Brother Geoffrey, abbot of Mednieham, acknowledges, for himself and
his convent, thai he owes to William de Leyghton Busard, parson of tl'.e
church of Swathefeld, 30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands
and chattels in co. Buckingham.
John Giffard of Botef ' came before the king, on Saturday after Michael-
mas, and sought to replevy his land in Astwell, which was taken into
the king's hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against
Richard Darsy and Alice his wife. This is signified to the justices.
John Omnibon of Thenford came before the king, on the aforesaid day,
and sought to replevy his land in Thenford, which was taken into the
king's hands for his default before the said justices against the aforesaid
Richard and Alice.
John de Redenesse came before the king, on the aforesaid day, and sought
to replevy to Henry Kixe of Estgate and Agnes his wife their land in the
suburbs of Rochester, which was taken into the king's hands for their
default before the justices of the Bench against Mabel, daughter of Henry
Walter son of John le Moul came before the king, on the aforesaid day,
and sought to replevy his land in Aylberton near Ledeney, which was
taken into the king's hands for his default before the justices of the Bench
against Payn de Norton.
Walter Wolvithe of Bernyngton, parson of the church of Hyneton,
diocese of Winchester, acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Evesham,
clerk, 60 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Gloucester and Oxford.
Cancelled on payment.
Thomas de Evesham, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to the aforesaid
Walter 60 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Northampton and Worcester.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert le Girdelere of Chepyng Barnet came before the king, on Monday
after Michaelmas, and sought to replevy his land in Chepyng Barnet,
which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the justices
of the Bench against Christiana, late the wife of Thomas Bertelmeu,
This is signified to the justices.
Thomas son of Geoffrey Honeman of Asshele acknowledges that he owes
to John son of John de Gynes of Asshele 5 marks ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Cambridge.
1321. Membrane 25d — cont.
Felicia Leschetour of Coggeshale, daughter of Richard Leschetour of
Coggeshale, acknowledges that she owes to Master John de Gloucestre,
clerk, 301. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in
CO. Essex.
Brother Thomas, abbot of Bruern, acknowledges, for himself and
convent, that he owes to Anthony Marocello and John Pizaquile of Genoa
100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and
chattels in co. Oxford.
Cancelled on payment.
William de Merston acknowledges that he owes to William Pavely of
Diryngton 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Lincoln.
Thomas le Riche of LoUeworth acknowledges that he owes to Henry de
Cantebr[ugge] 200Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Cambridge.
Oct. I. To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to arrest and imprison all
The Tower, narrators or inventors of false rumours whereby discord may arise between
the king and his people, according to the late king's statute in his parliament
at Westminster in the third year of his reign. By K.
Oct. 7. Hugh Gamelegeye of Pokerych acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey
Porchester. de Brokhole 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Hertford.
Walter Wace of Agmodesham acknowledges that he owes to John de la
Haye, the elder, and John de la Haye, the younger, parson of the church of
Dachet, 31Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Buckingham.
Oct. 1 1 . Walter de Nevill, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Robert de
Porcliester. Kendale, knight, 25 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Hertford.
William le Carter and Roger Louy, citizen of Worcester, acknowledge
that they owe to Thomas de Evesham, clerk, and Robert his brother, 20Z. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co.
Cancelled on payment.
Roger Louy acknowledges that he owes to William le Carter of Worcester
20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
John Herynglond and Henry Rieheman acknowledge that they owe to
Master Walter de Barton 24 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
their lands and chattels in co. Bedford.
The prior of St. Mary's hospital without Bisshopesgate, London,
acknowledges that he owes to John de Merton, parson of the church of Long
Ditton, 26 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Surrey.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert de Baiocis acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Burgo 11. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
Oct. 15.
The Tower.
Oct. 18.
The Tower.
Nov. 13.
Nov. 11.
Membrane 25d — cont.
Roger son of Gilbert de Istelworth acknowledges that he owes to Stephen
lo Parker of London lOZ. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Middlesex.
Simon Barry of Herdwyk acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de
Evesham, clerk, 40*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Huntingdon.
To the mayor, bailiffs, and whole community of Shrewsbury. Order to
cause the walls, turrets, and other enclosures of the town to be strengthened
and repaired, and the diiches to be cleaned, and to depute some men in whom
they have confidence to keep the gates of the town, and to arrest and imprison
any of the malefactors confederated together in co. Salop and adjoining
parts who may come to the town, as the king is given to understand that
they threaten to enter the town. By K.
William de Hicche, chaplain, and Adam de Hicche, his brother, acknow-
ledge that they owe to Master Adam de Ayremynn, clerk, 40s. ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the city of Londou.
Cancelled on payment.
John son of Albric de Wyttlebury acknowledges that he owes to Richard
de Kaysho of Northampton 40/; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
Laurence de Preston, the younger, acknowledges that he owes to Simon
de Laushull 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Northampton.
To the sheriff of Warwick. Order to take with him John Pecche or
other faithful subjects of that county, and to proceed without delay to the
castle of Warrewyk, and to demand and receive the castle from those who
hold it, and to arrest and imprison all such malefactors found therein, and
to besiege the castle and take it if they refuse to deliver it up, as the king
understands that Thomas Blaunfrounte and other malefactors have lately
entered the castle and expelled the sheriff and his men therefrom. The
king will speedily come to assist him if they refuse to deliver up the castle.
IFcedera.'] By K.
Membrane 24c?.
Memorandum, that Master William de Weston, Master John de Shordich
and Master Richard de Binteworth were sworn of the king's council on
18 October in the Tower of London.
Oct. 19. William son of Walter de la Haye of Greneford acknowledges that he
The Tower, owes to William de Masshebury of Laufare Magdeleyne 100/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
Edmund de Branketre acknowledges that he owes to John de Pulberwe
20*.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Surrey.
Thomas le Ferour of Kyngestone acknowledges that he owes to John
de Pulberwe 20«. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Surrey.
Enrolment of deed witnessing that whereas a plea was moved before
William de Bereford and his fellows, justices of the Bench, concerning the
manor of Derhurst, co. Gloucester, between William son of William de
1321. Membrane 24d — cont.
Derneford, knight, and of Clementia Bluet, late his wife, demandant, and
William de Curlyngton, abbot of Westminster, and the convent of the same,
tenants and impedients, the plea is now settled by the intervention of certain
friends in this manner : that William has released to the abbot and convent
and the church of St. Peter's Westminster his right in the said manor, and
grants that he will warrant the said manor to the abbot and convent ; and
the abbot and convent have granted to him for life 11/. yearly and a robe
yearly, such as the abbot gives to his esquires, or two robes in case the abbot
give two robes yearly to his esquires, to be received from their manors of
Chaddesle, Langedon, and Castelmortou. Dated at Westminster, 17 May,
12 Edward II.
Memorandum, that the abbot come into the chancery at Westminster,
on 20 October, in the 15th year of the reign, and acknowledged the above
deed for himself and his convent.
Oct. 17. Master William de Maldon, clerk, has letters to the abbot and convent of
The Tower. Peterborough to receive the yearly pension that they are bound to find for
one of the king's clerks by reason of the new creation of the abbot. By g^s.
Oct. 16. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to summon all knights and squires of
The Tower, his bailiwick to be with the king at the castle of Ledes, eo. Kent, on Friday
after St. Luke next, with horses and arms in as much power as possible,
as the king proposes going to the said castle with Aymer de Valencia, earl of
Pembroke, and John de Britannia, earl of Kichmond,and other earls and mag-
nates of the realm, in order to punish the disobedience and contempt against
the queen committed by certain members of the household of Bartholomew de
Badelesmere and others staying in the said castle by his precept, in refusing
to allow the queen to enter the castle, and hindering her doing so by armed
force, which Bartholomew afterwards approved by his letters to the queen
to have been done by his knowledge, which familiars afterwards slew certain
men of the queen's household. The sheriff is to cause each of the knights
and squires toknow that the king will have such regard to each of them accord-
ing to his estate that each shall consider himself contented. The sheriff is to
certify the king of the names of those summoned. He is also ordered to
cause 1,000 suitably armed footmen to be chosen within his bailiwick, and to
bring them to the king at tlie said castle in person at the king's wages by
the aforesaid Friday. He is also to cause proclamation to be made that the
king is not going to the said castle by reason of any war or disturbance in
the realm, but in order to punish the disobediences and contempts aforesaid,
and to inhibit any one from attempting anything in breach of the peace, and
to order everyone to maintain the peace to the extent of his power. He is
also to cause proclamation to be made that all persons in his bailiwick
between the ages of sixteen and sixty shall furnish themselves with suitable
arms according to their estate without delay, and that they shall be ready to
come to the king in his service when summoned. By K. and C.
[^Fcedera ; Pari. Writs.~\
The like to the sheriffs of Southampton and Surrey and Sussex. [/6i</.]
To the sheriffs of London. Order to cause proclamation to be made that
the king is not going to the aforesaid castle by reason of any war, etc., as
above, and to cause proclamation to be made as above for the preservation of
the peace. [Ibid.'] By K. and C.
The like to all the sheriffs of England, except the sheriffs of Essex, South-
ampton, Surrey and Sussex. [Ibid.']
Oct. 23. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to summon all the knights and squires of
Kochester. his bailivrick to join the king as above, and to cause 1,000 footmen to be
chosen and brought by him to the king, the sheriff having done nothing as
Nov. 9.
Oct. 20.
Nov. 11.
Nov. 14.
Nov. 16.
Membrane 24<i — cont.
yet in execution of the previous order to this effect. He is to distrain and
compel any any wlio shall be contrariant in this matter as he shall see lit.
ilbid.l By K.
Roger de Southcote of Ijondon acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas
Crane, citizen of London, 60/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in the city of London.
Thomas son of Roger le Despenser of Langtoft acknowledges that he
owes to Richnrd de Plaice and Thomas Brette 40 marks ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
To Robert, king of Sicily and Jerusalem. Letter commending to his
favour brother Geoffrey, prior of Lenton, and requesting him to give
audience to what the prior may have to prosecute before him, and to carry
the same into effect.
The like to Pliilip, king of France and Navarre.
Hugh de Lincoln, citizen of York, and Andrew Hod of Stykeneye acknow-
ledge that they owe to Walter de Karleton 200/. ; to be levied, in deiault
of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Y'ork and Lincoln.
Robert son of Walter de Waloynes acknowledges that he owes to Reginald
de Ardyngton and Petronilla his wife, executrix of the will of John de Aston,
her late husband, 30 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Kent.
Cancelled on payment.
Reginald de Swafham acknowledges that he owes to John Buntyngg' 51/.;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent.
John de Stokston acknowledges that he owes to William Fossard 36*. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of
Sir Robert de Bardelby, clerk, who was for a time one of the keepers of
the great seal together with Sir VN'illiam de Ayremynn and Master Henry
de Clif, had licence from the king on Saturday after Martinmas, to wit,
14 November, to leave the court by reason of his bodily impotence, so that
he shall be discharged from that office from this time.
John de Shirefeld and Roger de Frowyk acknowledge that they owe to
Henry Darcy, citizen of London, 120/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of their lands and chattels in cos. Southampton and Essex.
Stephen de Paris', citizen of London, puts in his place William de
Thunneyk, clerk, to prosecute the matter of a recognisance in chancery for
40/. made to him by the prioress of Lurministre.
Philip de Hamelton, parson of the church of Westmelne, acknowledges
that he owes to Roger de Brom 30 marks ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hertford.
The aforesaid Philip acknowledges that he owes to the aforesaid Roger
10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Hertford.
Nicholas son of Roger de Stevenhache acknowledges that he owes to
Peter de Bedewelle of Stevenhache 20/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hertford.
Membrane 23d.
Nov. 12. To Thomas, earl of Lancaster. Inhibition of his being present at
Westminster. Doncaster on Sunday after the quinzaine of Martinmas next or elsewhere
at any aasemlDly made without the king's authority to treat of matters
Nov. 18.
Nov. 15.
Nov. 30.
Broken Bridge
on Thames.
Nov. 28.
Broken Bridge
on Thames.
Nov. 30.
Broken Bridge
on Thames.
Membrane 23d — cont.
touching the king and his realm, as the king understands that, notwith-
standing the prohibition of holding assemblies without his licence, the earl
has ordained the said day to treat for the reformation of the evils that he
alleges have arisen from the king's evil councillors and for the purpose of
bringing into the realm aliens and rebels from Scotland, and that the earl
has directed letters to many of the king's subjects to attend the aforesaid
treaty, which orders or requests he is forbidden to make without the king's
licence. 3y x.
[Foedera; Pari Writs.']
To Humphrey de Bohoun, earl of Hereford and Essex. Inhibition of his
attending the aforesaid assembly or obeying such mandates and requests of
others than the king. By K
The like to the earls of Arundel, Surrey, Norfolk, and Athole, and to one
hundred and two others. \^Ibid.']
To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order to arrest all and singular
bearing or publishing by writing or otherwise anything to the king's shame
or opprobrium, and to send those thus arrested to the king for punishment,
with the cause of their arrest, as the king learns that certain of his subjects
have fabricated certain things to his shame and opprobrium, and that they
have sent such things by divers writings to be published in the realm.
[^Fcedera.'] By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.]
To the sheriffs of London. Order to cause proclamation to be made that
the king is not going to divers parts of his realm by reason of war or dis-
turbance of the realm, but in order to provide a remedy for divers trespasses
inflicted upon his people in divers counties by malefactors, and they are to
inhibit any one from attempting anything to the breach of the king's peace,
and to cause proclamation to be made that no one shall take or carry away
victuals, goods or chattels without making due payment therefor, under pain
of grievous forfeiture. By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.]
To the mayor of London. Order to guard the city diligently during the
provincial council about to be celebrated there by the prelates of the pro-
vince of Canterbury, as the king understands that certain suspect persons
intend entering the city during the council under feigned pretences. In
case any such suspect enter the city during the council, the mayor is to
punish them as ordered by the king upon another occasion. By K.
[/osffera ; Pari. Writs.]
To Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk, justice of Wales. Order to come
to the king at Cirencester on Sunday the feast of St. Lucy, to inform the
king and his council concerning the state of Wales. By K.
To John de Bello Carapo of Somersets. Order to attack any of the king's
subjects who may rise against the king, taking with him the posse of the
counties of Somerset and Dorset, in which counties the king appointed him
and John Meriet to collect the horsemen and footmen in order to set out
with the king against the insurgents. He is furthermore enjoined to come
to the king with the said horsemen and footmen. By K .
The like to the following :
The said John Meriet in the aforesaid counties.
Andrew de Harcla in the counties of Northumberland, Cumberland
and Westmoreland.
Membrane 23(i — cont.
Simon Warde in co. York.
Thomas Bardolf, Johu de Tliorp, and John Hauward in cos. Norfolk
and Suffolk. •
Hugh de Courteny and William Martyn in cos. Cornwall and Devon.
William de Kyme and Peter le Breton in the parts of Lyndeseye,
CO. Lincoln.
John de Somery, John de Segrave the elder, Ralph Basset, and Peter
de Monte Forti in cos. Warwick, Leicester, and Stafford.
Oliver de Ingham and Robert Lewer in cos. Wilts and Berks.
William Rydel, constable of Bernard's Castle.
Rhys ap GriiEth for the liberties and lands of West Wales and South
Gritfin ap Res, knight, for the parts of North Wales. [iStrf.]
Membrane 22d.
Nov. 16. Richard, abbot of Kyngeswode, acknowledges, for himself and convent,
Westminster, that he owes to Nicholas Sperlyng' of Westhamme 20/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lauds and chattels in co. Gloucester.
Adam de Crossum acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynn,
clerk, 60s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Essex. — Master Henry de Clif, one of the keepers of the seal, received
the acknowledgment.
Nov. 27. William de Briggate of Dilham acknowledges that he owes to Robert de
Stratford- Bardelby, clerk, 38 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
atte-Bow. and chattels in co. Norfolk.
Nov. 18. Geoffrey de Hertepol acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynn,
Komford. clerk, 100*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
the city of London. — Master H. de Clif, one of the keepers of the seal,
received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
Nov. 28. John Gilebert son of William Gilebert acknowledges that he owes to
Broken Bridge William le Taillour of the Isle of Wight 100/. ; to be levied, in default ot
(Pontfret) payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Southampton,
on Thames.
Nov. 27. To the barons and men of the Cinque Ports. Letter thanking them for
Broken Bridge their services to the king and his progenitors and especially for keeping
on Thames. Hugh le Despenser, the younger, amongst them at the king's order from the
manifold toils (insidiis) prepared for him by reason of his service to the
king (occasione nostri) and for honouring the said Hugh in many ways.
By K.
Nov. 30. Richard son of Henry de Boclonde acknowledges that he owes to Walter
Broken Bridge Clement of Alswyk 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
on Thames, ^nd chattels in co. Hertford.
Cancelled on paytnent.
Nov. 30. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause proclamation to be made prohi-
Broken Bridge, biting any one attempting anything contrary to the king's late proclamation
for the preservation of the peace, and to arrest any one doing the contrary,
certifying the king of the names of those thus arrested. By K.
The like to all the sherifEs of England. \_Ibid.'\
1321. Membrane 22d — cont.
Nov. 30. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to warn aud enjoin all knights and squires
Broken Bridge of his bailiwiuk to come to the king with horses and arms at Cirencester on
ou Ihames. Sunday the feast of St. Lucy the Virgin, ready to set out With the king for
the correction of ihe oppressions of his people in divers counties, certifying
the king of the nsimes of those thus warned. He is to inform the knights
and squires that the king will consider as disobedient those who do not
come to him after the warning, and will not number them with his well-
wishers. By K.
[Fosdera; Pari. Writs.']
The like to all the sheriffs of England.
To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to cause all the footmen of his
bailiwick between the ages of sixty aud sixteen to be conducted to the king
at Cirencester, so that they be there suitably armed on Sunday aforesaid,
certifying the king of the names of their conductors. The king gives him
power to punish any who may oppose him in this matter. By K.
The like to the sheriff of Wilts and the sheriff of Oxford and Bucking-
Lam. \^lbid.~\
Enrolment of release by Richard de Wilmeleghton, merchant of Warwick,
to Henry le Palmare of Segge.sbarwe, chaplain, of his right in 4s. of rent
from half a virgate of land in Aldrinton and of his right in the sarne land.
Witnesses : William de Brocworthe ; Robert de Aston ; Richard de Foxcote ;
Thomas de Evesham, clerk ; Simon de Bercheston. Dated at Gloucester,
1 1 February, 15 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Richard came into chancery at Gloucester, on the
aforesaid day, and acknowledged the above deed.
Dec. 3.* To Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wygemor. Order to cause Ralph de
Isleworth. Gorges to be released from the custody wherein he holds him, or to signify
the king his reason for not obeying this order. By p.s. [5911.]
Enrolment of agreement sealed by John, duke of Britanny, between the
king, for all the merchants, mariners and subjects of the realm of England,
and the duke of Britanny, for all the merchants, mariners and subjects of
that duchy, that a truce shall endure between them until All Saints, 1322.
It is also agreed that two men shall be chosen upon each side with the
assent of the parties, who shall have power to enquire or to inform them-
selves, having heard [the complaints] and defences of the parties, who of
the said merchants, mariners and subjects were guilty and the original cause
of the discord between the parties, and to constrain those whom they shall
find guilty to make amends and to render damages for the arrest of body
and goods. They shall also enquire or inform themselves concerning the
arrests improperly made on both sides during the last seven years, and shall
cause restitution to be made without delay of arrests so made. It is agreed
that the compromisaries may prolong the truce if the aforesaid matters are
not concluded within the aforesaid time, and that if the compromisaries, or
any of them, cannot or will not attend to the execution of these matters,
others shall be chosen in their places ; and the matter shall be approved by
the king of France ; and the said compromisaries shall have power on
behalf of the said king to execute all these matters throughout the realm
of France. Dated Monday after [?] the feast of St. Bartholomew, 1321.
Memorandum, that the aforesaid letters were delivered to Sir Richard de
Ayremynne to he kept in the king's wardrobe, [iit'c?.]
* The privy seul is dattd December 4.
1321. Membrane 22d — eont.
Dec. 4. Thomas de Pichesford acknowledges that he owes to Master John
Isleworth. de Malinebery 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Sussex.
Bartholomew de Hakeborne son of Miles de Morton acknowledges that he
owes to John Simeon, citizen of London, 6/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks.
Dec. 5. To Hervey de Staunton. Order to cause all the rolls of himself and his
VVestmiuBter. fellows, late justices in eyre at the Tower of London, to be delivered into
the treasury without delay for custody there.
James Beauflour, citizen of London, acknowledges, that he owes to
William de Ayremynn, clerk, 8 marks Qs. Sd. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in the city of London and co. Bedford.
Cancelled on payment.
Membrane 2ld.
Dec. 7. John de Boyland, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de Vienna,
Westminster, clerk, 120 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in cos. Norfolk and SufEolk.
John de Vienna acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Mollesworth
68 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
cos. Wilts and London.
The said John de Vienna acknowledges that he owes to John Pecok
20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, as above.
Eichard son of Hugh de Molesworth acknowledges that he owes to
Nicholas de Stystede 200/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Huntingdon.
The aforesaid Richard acknowledges that he owes to the said Nicholas
80 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, as above.
Walter son of Hugh de iVIolesworthe acknowledges that he owes to
Nicholas de Stystede 200Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and cliattels in co. Huntingdon.
The afoiesaid Walter acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas 80 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, as above.
Dec. 6. To Edmund, earl of Kent, constable of Dover castle and warden of the
Westminster. Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place. Order to cause tlie
continuation of the truce between the merchants, mariners and others of this
realm and the merchants, mariners and others of the power of the duke of
Britanny, made with the consent of the king and of the duke, from the feast
of All Saints last until the same feast next following to be proclaimed, the
king and the duke having continued the truce until then. By K.
The like to the sheriffs of Lincoln, Kent, Southampton, Gloucester,
Norfolk and Suffolk, Somerset and Dorset, Essex and Hertford, London and
York. [Ibid.'l
Enrolment of letters of David de Strabolgi, earl of Athole {Athetle),
witnessing that whereas the king has granted to him the castle, manor and
honour of Chilham, co. Kent, in consideration of his service to the king, the
said David hereby binds himself to adhere to the king against all men and
to maintain his quarrels against all men, and if he fail to do, the king may
1321. Membrane 21 d — cont.
re-enter the aforesaid castle, manor and honour, and retain them and all
David's goods and chattels found therein without challenge from David.
David has acknowledged this deed in chancery, and prayed that it may be
enrolled therein. Dated at Broken Bridge (Pountefreit) on Thames,
29 November, 15 Edward II. French. [Pari. Writs.']
Memorandum, that David came into chancery at Broken Bridge, on the
said day, and acknowledged the above deed. [Ibid.]
Dec. 1 . To William de Ayremynne, clerk. Inhibition of his going outside the
Westminster, realm to answer any citation concerning the prebend of Leghton Bussard,
in St. Mary's church, Lincoln, or of his sending any attorney (responsalem)
to answer outside the realm, the king having conferred the said prebend
upon him, which pertained to the king's gift by reason of the voidance of
the bishopric of Lincoln. By p.s.
Dec. 8. Geoffrey de la Lee acknowledges that he owes to John de Britannia, earl
Westminster, of Richmond, 500 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Hertford.
Dec. 4. John Bellymont, king's clerk, has letters to the abbot and convent of
Isleworth. Abbotesbury to receive the yearly pension due to one of the king's clerks by
reason of the new creation of the abbot. By p.s. [5912.]
Jan. 3. To the keeper of the port of Dover. Order to cause R. bishop of
Worcester. Winchester, who is going to parts beyond sea in the king's service, to have
safe and speedy passage, and, if necessary, convoy (conductum) in that port
at his charge for himself and his household.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
Jan. 4. To the abbess of Fontevrault. Request that she will admit as a nun of
Worcester, that house Feidita Pelegrina, daughter of Elias Pelegrin[us].
Jan. 4. To the constable of Dover castle and the warden of the Cinque Ports.
Worcester. Order 1o permit John de Uvedale, who is going on pilgrimage to Santiago
by the king's licence, to cross the &ea in that port with his horses and
household. By K.
Jan. 4. To J. Bishop of Norwich. Whereas Hugh le Despenser, the elder, and
Worc(Bter. Hugh le Despenser, the younger, were lately, at the pursuit of certain
magnates of this realm, exiled from the realm and disinherited by a
consideration made by the said magnates, and the said Hugh and Hugh
have suggested by petition before the king that there were many errors in
the aforesaid consideration, by reason whereof it ought to be annulled, and
they have prayed the king to do them justice in this matter, as the king is
bound to do justice by his coronation oath and by Magna Carta and by the
ordinances ; which petition the king caused to be delivered to W. arch-
bishop of Canterbury and the other prelates and clergy of the province of
Canterbury then assembled in provincial council at London, and he enjoined
them to examine its contents and to advise him what he ought to doof right in
the matter ; and they replied that it seemed to them that the consideration
as to the exile and disinheritance ol the said Hugh and Hugh was v?holly
erroneous and unjust, wherefore the said archbishop and bishops, as spiritual
fathers, advised and prayed the king, and consented and agreed, as peers of
the realm, that the king should cause the consideration to be revoked and
annulled, adding that neither they nor any of them ever consented to
the consideration, but that each of them piotested in writing at the time
that they would not and could not consent thereto; and the king afterwards
caused the petition and the above answer to be recited publicly before him
Membrane 2\d — cont.
in the presence of the prelates and clergy aforesaid and of Edmund, earl of
Kent, John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, Aymer do Valencia, earl of
Pembroke, Edmund, earl of Arundel, and of other proceres of the realm by
their assent, and the earls and proceres agreed with the said reply in
all points, and prayed the king, with the aforesaid prelates, to cause the con-
sideration to be revoked and annulled, and consented to this being done, and
the aforesaid earls of Richmond, Pembroke and Arundel asserted that they
gave their consent lo the consideration through fear of the undue pow^r that
the said magnates suddenly caused to be brought without their knowledge ;
and the king likewise having treated of the matter with the justices and
others of his council, the said justices and others asserted that the
consideration had been made contrary to the law and custom of the realm ;
the king, because the bishop of Norwich was absent from the aforesaid
council, wishing to be certified whether it seems to him that the answers,
counsel, request, and consent made by the aforesaid archbishop and preliites
then present in the council and by the aforesaid earls and proceres and
others of the king's council were rightly made, and whether the bishop would
consent to the same, orders the bishop to consider the premises and to write
the king without delay what he thinks of the matter and what he would do
and what he would advise to be done by the king. By K.
[Fcedera ; Pari. Writs.']
The like to the bishops of Lincoln, Bath and Wells, St. Davids, Exeter,
Hereford, Worcester, Llandaff, St. Asaph, and Bangor. [/4it/.]
Membrane 20d.
Jan. 9. William Person of Fallewesle acknowledges that he owes to John
Droitwich. de Baddeby lOOZ. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
iWi/che.) a^^^ chattels in co. Northampton.
John de Baddeby acknowledges that he owes to the aforesaid William
1001. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Jan. 16. Hubert de Sutton, burgess of Walyngford, acknowledges that he owes to
Shrewsbury. John son of Robert Pecok of Redbourn, the elder, lO'Ss. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Kent and Berks.
John Romyn acknowledges that he owes to Richard atte Felde 13 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Thomas son of Roger de Pywelesdon acknowledges that he owes to
Richard de Middelton 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in the city of London.
Jan 15. To Richard Level, constable of Bristol castle, or to him who supplies
Shrewsbury, his place. Order to arrest and imprison Humphrey de Bohun, earl of
Hereford and Essex, Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wygemore, Roo^er de
Mortuo Mari of Chirk, Roger Dammory, Hugh Daudele, the elder, Hugh
Daudele, the younger, Bartholomew de Badelesmere, John Gyffard of
Brymmesfeld, Maurice de Berkeleye, the elder, Henry Tyeys, Roger
de Clifford, John de Wylyngton, John Mautravers, the younger, Henry de
Wylyngton, Robert de Wattevill, Gilbert de Ellesfeld, Gilbert Talebot, and
Richard Talebot, and all in their company, who took by night and burned the
town of Briggenorth, whither the king had sent certain of his servants to
make his purveyances there, and who attacked the king's servants aforesaid
1322. Membrane iOd — cont.
beating and wounding some of them and slaying others, and who afterwards
took in like manner the oastles of Elmele and Henle, which are in the king's
hands, and beat and wounded his men and servants therein, and took and
carried away certa,in of them, and slew others, and burned the gates and
houses of the aforesaid castles, detaining the said town and castles against
the king, and who stole the garments, jewels, beasts, and other goods and
chattels of the king's men and subjects in the surrounding parts, slaying
certain of the said men and detaining others in prison until they made
grievous ransoms. By K.
The like to the mayor and bailiffs of the town aforesaid. [/Sirf.]
Feb. 9. To the sheriff of London. Order to supersede the arrest of the body of
Gloucester. John de Derset, vicar of the church of All Saints, Caterington, diocese of
Winchester, by virtue of the king's order to justice him by his body until
he should satisfy holy church, which order the king issued because W.
archbishop of Canterbury certified that the said John was excommunicated
at the instance of Thomas Cosyn, parson of Chalghton church, by the
authority of the court of Canterbury, and that he would not be justiced by
ecclesiastical censure, as the archbishop has now signified that it appears by
instruments exhibited and examined before him that the cause for which
the said John was excommunicated is pending in the court of Rome.
The like to the sheriff of Southampton.
To the keeper of the office of treasurer and to the barons of the
exchequer. Order to adjourn until the quinzaine of Easter next the
day for John de Bampton, sheriff of Gloucester, to account for the issues of
his bailiwick, as he is now staying with the king, so that he cannot appear
before them to account on the quinzaine of the Purification. By K.
John Sampson acknowledges that he owes to Nigel de Morton 100«. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Gloucester.
To Ed. de Cornubia. Order to come to the king in person forthwith,
laying aside other matters, to do what shall be enjoined upon him. By K.
IParl. Writs.']
The hke to Richard Foussel. [Ibid.'] By K.
To the sheriff of York. Order to raise hue and cry upon all those who
shall appear to him to be contrariants of the king and upon their adherents,
and to pursue and arrest' them, taking with him the posse of the county
if necessary, as certain magnates and others are going about the country
taking the king's castles and towns and the castles and towns of his
faithful subjects, wounding, beating and slaying certain of the king's men
and servants, and stealing the clothing, jewels, beasts, and other goods and
chattels of the king's men and subjects, and slaying certain of the said men
and imprisoning others until they make grievous ransoms, notwithstanding
the king's proclamation for the preservation of the peace. By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.']
Feb. 18. Alan Plokenet, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de Britannia,
Gloucester, earl of Richmond, 1,000 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Somerset.
Peter de Somervill acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Sapy, knight,
20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Gloucester.
Adam de Donyngton of Mitcheldean {Magna Dene) acknowledges that
he owes to Robert de Sapy 1 21. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Gloucester.
Feb. 8.
Feb. 13.
Feb. 15.
Feb. 11.
15 EDWARD II. 513
1322. Mbmbranb \9d.
Enrolment of deed of Thomas son of Roger de Pywelesdon witnessing,
that whereas William de Toppesfeld of Fletestrete, in the suburbs of
London, is bound to find him and his heirs within William's house in
rietestrete the profit or easement of a chamber for two beds, and of a house
tor eating {pro esca nostra reparandd), and of a stable for certain horses as
often as the said Thomas or his heirs shall come to London to stay
there, and if William's houses be for any reason so occupied before the
arrival of Thomas or his heirs so that they cannot have the easement or
profit within his aforesaid house, then William and his heirs are bound
to find them the said easement elsewhere in that suburb or in the city, and
William and his heirs are bound to render to Thomas and his heirs 4 marks
yearly from the said tenements, Thomas hereby grants the above easement
and rent to Richard de Middelton, baker (paneter). Witnesses: Sir
William de Ayremynu, Sir William de Clif, and Sir William de Herlaston,
clerks of chancery ; Stephen de Abyndon of London ; Henry Nasard ; Roger
atte Water; Robert de Horselawe, ' spurier,' of London. Dated at
Shrewsbury, on Sunday after St. Hilary, to wit 17 January, 15 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Thomas came into chancery at Shrewsbury, on the
said day, and acknowledged the above deed.
Jan. 15. To the sheriff of Salop. Whereas the king, after he had caused
Shrewsbury, proclamation to be made prohibiting any one attempting anything to the
breach of the peace, was passing through certain counties towards the
marches of Wales for the purpose of punishing the injuries and oppressions
inflicted upon his people, Humphrey de Bohoun, earl of Hereford and Essex,
Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wygemor, Roger de JMortuo Mari of Chirk,
Roger Danory {sic), Hugh Daudele, the elder, Hugh Daudele, the younger,
Bartholomew de Badelesmere, John Giffard of Brymmesfeld, Maurice de
Berkele, the elder, Henry Tyes, Roger de Clifford, John de Wylyngton,
John Mautravers, the younger, Henry de Wilyngton, Robert de Watevill,
Gilbert de Elsefeld, Gilbert Talebot and Richard Talebot took by night and
burnt the town of Bruggenorth, whither the king had sent certain of his
servants to make purveyances for him, and assaulted the king's men and
servants, wounding certain of them and slaying some of them, and
afterwards took in like manner the castles of Rlmele and Henle, in the king's
hands, and beat and wounded the king's men and servants found therein,
and slew some of them, taking others away with them, and burned the gates
and houses of the aforesaid castles, and stole the clothing, jewels, beasts,
and other goods of the king's men and subjects in the surrounding parts and
in divers other places of the realm, slaying certain of the said men and
imprisoning others until they made grievous ransom. The king, being
unwilling to leave such trespasses unpunished, and wishing to continue his
journey, and that his peace shall be observed, orders the sheriff to cause
proclamation to be made that all men in his bailiwick between the ages of
sixteen and sixty shall provide themselves with suitable arms according to
the statute of Winchester, so that they shall be ready thus ai'med for the de-
fence of themselves and their parts against the aforesaid malefactors, and be
ready to come in the king's service for the punishment of the malefactors and
for the suppression of the rebellion of the Scots when they shall be summoned.
The sheriff is ordered to arrest the aforesaid Humphrey, Roger, and the others
above-named and their followers, and is to cause proclamation to be made that
the king is journeying through the realm in force for the purpose of
punishing such trespasses, and not by reason of any disturbance amongst
the people, or by reason of war to be made in the land, and that all persons
shall maintain the peace. He is also to cause proclamation to be made that
the king will punish all men in his bailiwick who shall neglect to arm
76416. K K
1322. Membrane 19d — cont.
themselves in form aforesaid by imprisonment of their bodies and by taking
their lands and chattels into his hands. By K.
[Pari. Writs.']
The like to all the sheriffs of all England. [Ibid.']
To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Order to cause the matters con-
tained in the preceding order to be published solemnly at suitable times in
cathedral, collegiate, and parish churches and in other public places in
his diocese, so that they may appear more plainly to the king's subjects,
and that the king is going through the realm for the purpose above stated.
He is to cause all his parishioners and subjects to be enjoined to observe
the peace, and to enjoin all ecclesiastics and religious to commend by their
prayers the king and his faithful subjects who are assisting him to God,
and to pray that He may guide the king. By K.
[Feeder a ,- Pari. Writs.]
The like to the archbishop of York, all the bishops of England and Wales,
the keeper of the spiritualities of the bishopric of Coventry and Lichfield,
and to the bishop of Worcester or his vicar-general, the bishop being absent
in remote parts. [Ibid.]
Feb. 7. To W. archbishop of York. Order to provide as many men-at-arms as
Gloucester, he can or other subsidy for repelling the invasion of the Scots ; so that he
have the said men well armed readj' to send to the king at a certain day
and place whereof the king shall inform him, to set out with the king
against his said enemies, or to send the king the said subsidy when
summoned by the king, certifying the king of his proceedings herein.
[ Pari. Writs.] By K.
The like to all the bishops of England and of the marches of Wales, except
the archbishop of Canterbury, A. bishop of Hereford, H. bishop of Lincoln,
R. bishop of Winchester, absent in remote parts, and the bishop of Coventry
and Lichfield, because that see is void. [Ibid.]
Feb. 6. To John de Bello Campo of Somersete. Order to provide as many men-
Gloucester, at-arms and footmen as he can for the above purpose, so that he be ready to
come to the king with the said men at a certain day and place whereof the
king will inform him shortly, certifying the king of the number of men-at-
arms and footmen provided by him. By K.
[Pari. Writs.]
The like to seventy- seven others and to eight earls. [Ibid.]
Feb. 7. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made that all
Gloucester, knights, squires, and other horsemen and all other footmen between the
ages of sixteen and sixty shall provide themselves forthwith with arms
according to the statute of Winchester, and to warn the men strictly to
make such arms, and to cause the footmen to be arranged in twenties,
hundreds, and constabularies, so that the knights, squires, horsemen and
footmen shall be ready to come to the king at a certain day and place
whereof he will inform the sheriff shortly, prepared to set out with the
king against the Scotch rebels when summoned by the king, or at least as
many of the footmen as the king shall require with all the said men-at-
arms. He is to cause proclamation to be made that the king will punish
all who neglect to arm themselves thus and come to him. By K.
The like to the sheriffs of other counties. [Ibid.]
The sheriffs of Essex, Hertford, Buckingham, Bedford, Northampton,
Southampton, and Sussex were not written to in this form, as the king had
Feb. 11.
Membrane \9d — cont.
aid in the aforesaid matter from those counties, and he does not wish to
burden them more at present, [/iirf.]
To Edward, earl of Chester, or to his justice there, or to him who
supplies the justice's place. Order to cause all knights, squires, and other
horsemen and footmen in that county between the ages of sixteen and sixty
to be prepared with suitable arms, and to cause the footmen to be arranged
in twenties, hundreds, and constabularies, so that they be ready to come to
the king at a certain day and place whereof the king will shortly inform
him to set out against "the Scotch rebels, certifying the king of the names
of the men-at-arms and of the number of the footmen. By p.s.
[Pari. Writs.']
The like to the keepers, etc., of various lands and castles in Wales and
the marches. \_Ibid.']
Feb. 8.
Feb. 11.
Feb. 8.
Membrane XM.
To the sheriff of Cambridge and Huntingdon. Order to cause procla-
mation to be made prohibiting any one leading suspected men-at-arms,
horsemen or footmen into the Isle of Ely by land or water, as the king
wills that the Isle shall be kept safely, and to aid J. bishop of Ely with the
posse of those counties, if necessary, in defending the island against such
suspects, when he shall be summoned by the bishop to do so. By K.
[Pari. Writs.]
The like to the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, the sheriff of Northampton,
and the sheriff of Lincoln. [Jbid.]
To the mayor and bailiffs of the town of Cambridge. Order to cause
like proclamation to be made, and not to permit any ships or boats to go
from that town by night to the Isle, and to aid the bishop in defending the
Isle with the posse of the town. By K.
To the abbot of Thorneye. Order to cause like proclamation to be made
within his town of Jakesle and elsewhere, and to aid the bishop with all his
power in defending the Isle. By K.
The like to the abbot of Rammeseye for the town of Kammeseye.
To the keepers of the peace in the parts of Holland. Order to aid the
bishop with the posse of those parts in defending the Isle. [Ibid.]
John de Diggeby acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas de Grey,
knight, 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Leicester.
John de Annesleye of the county of Gloucester acknowledges that he
owes to Edmund, earl of Arundel, 120/. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Gloucester.
John de Aure, the elder, acknowledges that he owes to Walter de
Nasse 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Gloucester.
Richard de Eichemund acknowledges that he owes to John de Ellerker,
the elder, 40*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Cumberland.
To Thomas, earl of Lancaster. Inhibition, under pain of forfeiting all
that he can forfeit, of his adhering to the king's contrariants, or of his
E K 2
1322. Membrane ISd — cont.
cherishing or receivhig them, and ordering him to arrest any of them who
sliall come to him, the king having frequently signified to him by letters
and envoys the grievous oppressions and duresses that certain magnates,
contrariants of the king, have openly committed, coming against the king in
armed force and armed in manner of war in his parliament at Westminster,
causing wrongs to be done by such undue force, and afterwards stealing the
king's goods in his manors, towns, and castles at Kyngeston and elsewhere,
and destroying certain of the king's people and imprisoning others, and
afterwards occupying in manner of war against Edmund, earl of Kent, his
castle and town of Gloucester, and driving away certain of the king's
subjects who were at Cirencester by the king's orders, by force and arms
with banners displayed, and committing other excesses, for the correction
whereof it was necessary for the king to go through the realm in force, and
the king requested the earl to aid him, as he is bound to do, in correcting
the said excesses,, and ordered him not to cherish the said contrariants,
mentioning in the letters certain things previously spoken of between the
king and the earl, whereby the king wished to continue and augment his
affection to the earl ; and afterwards, whilst the king was journeying for
the above purpose in the marches of Wales, the said contrariants committed
great damage upon the king and his people at the town of Brugenorth and
the castles of Henle and Elmeleye and elsewhere in the marches, amongst
other things burning the gates of the town and castles aforesaid and certain
houses therein, and they have ravaged the king's people during their retreat
from Gloucester to the north, and have publicly boasted that they were
going to the earl, and that they would draw him to them in the aforesaid
excesses, and that they were sure of this; which the king is unable to
believe, since if the earl did so, it would not only be to the breach of the
peace and the disturbance of the people, but also against his homage and
the bonds of allegiance and kinship to the king, and would render Ijim
guilty of treason {less majestatis). By K.
[Foedera; Pari. Writs.]
Feb. 13. To John Haword, sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order to cause
Gloucester. 500 footmen to be chosen in his bailiwick without delay, and to cause them
to be armed suitably, and to bring in person the said footmen and all the
knights, squires, and men-at-arms of his bailiwick, so that he have them at
Coventre on the first Sunday in Lent at the latest, to set out with the king
against his enemies, the king having previously ordered him to cause pro-
clamation to be made that all knights, squires, men-at-arms and footmen in
his bailiwick between sixteen and sixty should be ready to come to the king
when summoned to set out with him against the Scotch rebels, as certain
rebel magnates of the realm have gone to the north in great number to the
Scots, and have besieged the king's castle of Tykehill, wherefore the king
has ordained to be at Coventre on the aforesaid day to set out against the
said enemies. By K.
[Pari. Writs.]
The like to the following sheriffs [Incomplete.]
Feb. 28. To the sheriff of Oxford and Berks. Order to pursue, arrest, and
Coventry. imprison all tenants of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, and others whomsoever
making leagues or assemblies in aid of the earl and other contrariants, and
to cause them to be hindered and aggrieved in all manners possible, taking
the advice and information of Thomas le Gay, and making search and
diligent examination by his advice, the king having lately ordered the
sheriff to pursue and arrest all contrariants, and the king now learns
that although many tenants of the said earl in the sheriff's bailiwick make
leagues and assemblies in his biiiiiwick and propose going to the earl to aid
1322. Membrane 18d — cont.
him against the king, the sherifF has hitherto deterred hindering or aggriev-
ing them. He is to certify the king without delay of the names of those
arrested in execution of this order. By K.
March 5. To the sheriff of Stafford. Order to enter the liberty of the town of
DiaytoaBasset.Lychef eld without delay, and to cause all men of that town between the
ages of sixteen and sixty to come to the king, who is going to the north to
restrain the malice of the contrariants, so that they be with the king on
Tuesday next suitably armed, certifying the king of the names of those of
the said town between the aforesaid ages. The king wills that the sheriff
shall cause those who are contrary in this matter to be punished by the
imprisonment of tlieir bodies and by the taking of their lands and goods
into the king's hands. By K.
The like to the sheriff of Leicester for the liberty of the town of Leicester.
March 14. To Thomas de Roshale, Eustace de Burneby, and William le Breton.
Derby. Order superseding the order to choose twelve men-at-arms in the county of
Northampton, to wit one man from each hundred, and a thousand footmen
in the same county, and to cause them to be brought to the king to set out
against his enemies and rebels, as the latter have fled from the king's army
at Burton-on-Trent, so that their rebellion is restrained, wherefore the king
wishes to spare the charge of the aforesaid men, provided that the footmen
be ready to come to the king with the said Thomas, Eustace, and William
in twenties, hundreds, and constabularies when summoned by the king.
By K.
Membrane 17 d.
Feb. 16. Richard de Cammel, king's clerk, has letters to the abbess and convent of
Glouoester. Wylton to receive the yearly pension in which they are bound to one of tlie
king's clerks by reason of the new creation of the abbess. By K.
Feb. 15. To the same abbess and convent. Nomination of Margaret, daughter of
Gloucester. William de Rude, for admission as a nun of that house, they being bound
to admit a nun into their house at the king's nomination by reason of the
new creation of the abbess.
Feb. 12. To John de Hansted, Odo de Secke, and Geoffrey Dode, keepers of the
Gloucester, castles, lands, goods and chattels of Humphrey de Bohoun, earl of Here-
ford and Essex, Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wygemore, Roger de Mortuo
Mari of Chirk, Roger Damori, Hugh Daudele, the elder, Maurice de
Berkele, the elder, Maurice and Thomas his sons, John de Wylyngton,
Henry de Wylyngton, Henry Tyes, Bartholomew de Badelesmere, Robert
de Watevill, Robert de Walkefare, Philip de la Beche, John de la Beche,
Ralph Giffard, John de Chelmesford, Bartholomew de Burghersh, and
Thomas de Aledon, in the county of Essex. Order to cause all money to
be levied that he can of the goods and chattels, underwood and other thiugs
of the aforesaid men, and to cause such money and the money now in hand
from the issues of the said castles and lands, or that he can levy shortly, to
come into the king's chamber. By K.
The like to the following keepers of the lands of the earl and the others
aforesaid :
Richard de Potesgrave, T . tt <■
Gilbert de Risshton, J ^ '
1322. Membrane lid — cont.
Nicholas Gentil of]
Hemelhampsted, J>m cos. Surrey and Sussex.
Edmund Quarel, J
Gilbert de Wyffton, ). ,^. ,„
Roger de Gretford, / i° '=°- Middlesex.
Pete^r de^Pulford, } ^° '=°«- ^^''^"''^ *"d Suffolk.
Hamo de Chieffewell, "I . ^, .^ ^ t j
Gilbert de Wy|ton, j '° ^^^ "'^^ «* I^''^'^""'
John de Stures, 1 . o ^l
William de Kyngeston, ) "^ ^^'^ Southampton.
Nicholas de la Beche, keeper of the manors of Heghester and of
Walthambury, and of all other of the aforesaid earl's lands in co.
William de Bello Campo, William de Bradewell, and John de Besefeld,
keepers of the lands, goods and chattels of William Corbet, Eichard
Talebot, Aymer Pauncefot, Roger de Elmbrigg, William le Blount,
Eobert de Harleye, knight, Henry de Eybbesford, John de Sapy,
Hugh Godard, John de Bisshopesdon, Baldwin de Fryvill, Edmund
Hakelut, Thomas Blaunkfrount, Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk,
Roger de Clifford, Walter le Blount, Thomas de Hanlegh, Richard
le Porter, Roger de Wasshebourn, Roger de Estham, Henry de
PensEX, John Wyard, John de la More, John de Aston, Ralph le
Porter, parson of the church of Estham, John de HuUe, William
de la Lynde, Ed. fitz Waryn, Giles Fitz Waryn, Peter de Ditton,
Thomas de Beauchaump, Nicholas de Somery, Robert de Harley,
Thomas de Newynton, Roger de Bradewardyn, Hugh de Cokeseye,
Thomas de Dounton, Stephen atte Wode of Cokebale, Hugh de Cur,
Gilbert Pouncel, John Knotte, Thomas le Shepeherde, William le
Walshe, Eichard Lygou, John de Kynton, John de Eibbesford,
Thomas atte Mulne of Stoke, Eobert de Stok, John de Bromhulle,
Thomas de Somery, William de Ledene, the younger, William atte
Churche, Adam de Elmeleye, John le Broun of Caldewell, John le
Broun, the younger, Thomas le Porter, Adam atte Forde, William
' le Deye, William Wynegos, John le Persones, John atte Mergh,
William de Pensax, Warin de Lench, chaplain, Eichard de Lench,
Eobert de Eibbesford, Eobert de Wolston, Richard atte Halle,
John de Coston, William de Pyriton, Walter Moraunt, William de
Newenton, Roger de Newenton, and Walter Fouk, in co. Worcester.
Feb. 23. To the bailiffs and men of the city of Canterbury. Order to cause
Westou-under- twenty footmen to be chosen in that city by the view of the king's yeoman
Edge. John de Bisshopesgate, and to cause them to be armed suitably, to wit with
aketons, bascinets, and other suitable arms for footmen, and to deliver them
to the said John to be brought to the king, in order to set out with him
against the Scots and other rebels. By K.
IParl. rVrits.^
To the aforesaid John. Order to receive the above men from the bailiffs,
and to bring them to the king. By K.
Feb. 23. William de Clif, parson of Leyk church, acknowledges that he owes to
Weston-under- John de Dunstaple, parson of Wittelegh church, 41 marks 4«. 8d. : to be
Edge. levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
15 EDWARD U. 519
1322. Membrane l'7d — cont.
i''eb. 16. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to choose Ave hundred footmen iu
Gloucester, hig bailiwick, and to bring them in person to the king suitably armed, so
that they be at Coventre on the first Sunday in Lent, ready to set out with
tlie king against the Scots and the magnates who have become rebels.
[Peer/. JVrits.] By K.
Feb. 22, To the prior and convent of Angleseye. Order to deliver to Thomas de
Wes^n-under- Culverden a bay horse of Thomas Colepeper, a contrariant, in their custody
S®- by the mission of Roger Dammory, also a contrariant, to be brought to the
king by the aforesaid Thomas de Culverden. By K.
Feb. 19. To K. king of France and Navarre. Request that he will cause letters of
Cheltenham, conduct to be made when he shall be required on the king's behalf for the
king's men-at-arms, horsemen, and footmen of the duchy of Aquitaiue who
are about to come to the king in England in aid of his Scotch war through
the realm of the king of France. [Fcedera.]
Feb. 23. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to pursue with hue and cry and
^*^^H *^°'^^'^' *° ^■r''est Humphrey de Boimn, earl of Hereford, Roger Damory, HugU
S*- Daudele, the younger, Bartholomew de Badelesmere, John Giffard of
Brymesfeld, Henry Tyeys, Roger de Clifford, John de Wylyngton, John
Mautravers, the younger, Henry de Wylyngton, Robert de Watevill, and
Gilbert Talebot, and all their adherents whenever they shall happen to be
found in his bailiwick, as the king learns that the aforesaid contrariants
passed through the sheriff's bailiwick in great number, and stayed therein
at their pleasure after the king's late order to the sheriff to pursue and arrest
them, and that the sheriff did not pursue them or raise hue and cry upon
them, but permitted them to go away freely, whereby he has rendered
himself suspected of adhering to tliem. The king wills that the sheriff shall
have spies upon the said contrariants to inform him of their conduct and of
their coming into his bailiwick, and that he shall have certain envoys by
whom he can inform the king of the premises and of his action, and by
whom the king may write back his will. The king has appointed certain
spies to watch the sheriff, and he will cause him to be punished by the same
pain as the contrariants if he be negligent or remiss in executing the
premises. • By K.
[Pari. Writs.']
The like to the sheriffs of the following counties :
Nottingham and Derby. Northumberland.
Lincoln. Cumberland.
Warwick and Leicester. Westmoreland.
Worcester. Lancaster.
Gloucester. Rutland.
York. Bedford and Buckingham.
Feb. 28. Adam de Hudeleston, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John
Coventry, de EUerker, the elder, 6/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Cancelled on payment.
Odo de Acton and Richard de Boys acknowledge that they owe to Simon
son of Robert de Dryby 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their
lands and chattels in co. Gloucester.
To the sheriff of Warwick. Order to cause the issues of the castle of
Kenilworth to be guarded so strictly that no person shall be able to enter the
castle, which is held against the king, and to pursue and imprison any
attempting to enter the castle or coming out of the same, taking with him
for this purpose the whole posse of the county, if necessary. By K,
March 4.
March 4.
March 8.
Membrane 17 d — cont.
To William de Sniton, under-constable of Warwick castle. Order to be
aiding and intendent to the sheriff in executing the above order. By K.
To the prior of Kenilworth. Order to aid and counsel the said under-
constable in the safe keeping of Warwick castle. By K.
The like to the prior of Coventry and the bailiffs and men of the town
of Warwick.
Master Roger de Glisseby, clerk, has letters to the abbot and convent of
Seleby to receive the pension due to one of the king's clerks by reason of
the new creation of the abbot. By K.
Membrane 17rf — Schedule.
Feb. 14. To Peter Corbet, lord of the land of Caus, or to his bailiff there. Order
Gloucester, to cause a hundred footmen to be chosen in his aforesaid land, and to send
them to the king suitably armed, so that they be with the king at Coventre
on Friday after the first Sunday in Lent at the latest, to set out with the
king against the Scots and the contrariauts. The king wills that if any of
the aforesaid footmen are unable to come on the said day, he shall cause
them to come to the king wherever he may be as soon as possible after that
date, and the king will not hold the said Peter excused of the contrary.
[Pari. Writs.'] By K.
The like to the following for various numbers of footmen :
Thomas, earl of Norfolk, marshal of England, lord of Strugul', or to
his bailiff there.
Pulk son of Warin, lord of Whityngton, or to his bailiff there.
William la Zouche of Assheby, lord of Elvayll, or to his baUifl' there.
.John de Hastyng, lord of Quentensco3rt, or to his bailiff there.
Edmund earl of Arundel, lord of the lands of Cloon and Osewaldestrete,
or to his bailiffs there.
Peter Giffard, keeper of the land of Chirk.
Griffin ap Rees, keeper of the castle and land of Buelt, or to him who
supplies his place. [Ibid.]
Feb. 22. The aforesaid Peter Corbet was afterwards ordered to choose two
Weston-under- hundred more men in the aforesaid land, and to deliver them and the
E'ig^. aforesaid hundred suitably armed to David ap Kadwaladre, to be brought
by him to the king at the expense of the community of that land, so that
they be at Coventre on the aforesaid Friday at the latest. By K.
Mandate in pursuance to the aforesaid David. [Ibid.]
Feb. 14. The like to the mayor and bailiffs of the town of Bristol for a hundred
Gloucester, footmen suitably armed with aketons, bascinets, iron gloves, and other arms
to be chosen in Bristol and sent to the said place at the said day. By K.
Feb. 14. To John de Grey, lord of Diffrencloyt, or to his bailiff there. Order to
Glouceoter. cause four hundred footmen to be chosen in the land of Diff[r]encloyt, and
to deliver them suitably armed to Llywelin at Maddok to be brought to the
king, so that they be at Coventre by the aforesaid day. By K.
The like to the following for various numbers of footmen :
Margaret, late the wife of Edmund de Mortuo Mari, or her bailiff in
the land of Radenore, to deliver the men to Walter le Gras
and Cadigan ap Howel.
1322. Membrane Xld — Schedule — cont.
The lady of Knokjn, or her bailiff, to deliver the men to Madoc
de Hinderston.
Oliver de Ingham, keeper of the land of EUesmere, or to him who
supplies his place, to deliver the men to Llywelin Voil.
The steward of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, of Bromfeld and Yale,
to deliver the men to Madoc ap Llywelin and Yarford ap David.
The lady of Audele, or her bailifE of her land, to deliver the men
to Madoc de Hinderston.
Henry de Lancastre, or his bailifPs in the lands of Kedewelly and
Kayrwathelan, to deliver the men to William le Blound and Robert
de Himteleye.
The said Henry, or his bailiff in the land of Monemewe and Three
Castles, to deliver the men to the said William and Robert.
Thomas de Thorn, bailiff of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, of Classe-
bury and Clifiord, to bring the men himself.
Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, or his bailiffs in the land
of Pembrok and the lordship of Haverford, to deliver the men to
Walter de Bello Campo and Rhys ap Griffith. \^Ibid.']
Feb. 13. To the sheriff of Warwick. Order to cause a thousand footmen to be
Gloucester, elected in that county, and to bring them in person to the king, so that he
have them at Coventre on the first Sunday in Lent. By K.
The like to the following :
The sheriff of Cambridge and Huntingdon for a thousand footmen.
The sheriff of Nottingham for a thousand footmen.
The sheriff of Salop and Stafford for a thousand footmen from each
The sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk for five hundred footmen, as else-
where on the dorse.
The sheriff of Hereford for a thousand footmen, to be with the king on
Friday before the said Sunday.
The sheriff of Wilts for five hundred footmen, associating with him
Nicholas de Kyngeston. \_Ibid.']
To the sheriff of Leicester. Order to bring to the king at Coventre by
the said Sunday all horsemen and footmen between the ages of sixteen and
sixty, llbid.-] ByK.
The like to the sheriff of Northampton. \_Ibid.'\
Feb. 15. To the sheriff of Middlesex. Like order to bring all knights, squires and
Gloucester, other horsemen between the aforesaid ages in his bailiwick. By K.
The like to the sheriffs of eleven counties. [Ibid.']
The earls, barons, knights, free men and all others of the aforesaid counties
are ordered singly to be intendent to the sheriffs in the premises, as is con-
tained on the Patent Roll. \_Ibid.']
Feb. 16. To Charles, king of France. Request that he will aid the king with
Gloucester, men-at-arms, horsemen and footmen, against the contrariants, and that he
will certify the king of the number of the men that he wUl send. \_Foedera.'\
The like to W. count of Hainault, Holland, and Zeeland, and lord of
Friesland. [/Sirf.]
The like to the following :
Robert de Artoys, count of Beaumont,
The count of St. Pol, } the king's kinsmen.
John de Pountif, count of Aumale,
March 14.
March 11.
1322. Membrane I7d — Schedule — cont.
J. duke of Brabant,"]
J. count of Bar, >the king's nephews.
The count of Eu, J
Charles, count of Valois, the king's uncle. [Ibid.~\
To Almaric de Credonio, seneschal of Grascony. Order to come to the
king to give his counsel concerning the rebellion of the magnates, and to
bring with him such men-at-arms as he can. By K.
To the sheriff of Glomorgan and Morganno, in the king's hands. Order
to cause Peter de la Bere, Robert de Weston, John de la Mare, and John
Harald, who are imprisoned in the castle of Neth, to be taken at the king's
charge to the castle of Bruggewater, there to be delivered to the constable, .
to be kept by him. By K.
Mandate in pursuance to the constable.
To the sheriff of Nottingham and Derby. Order to pursue with hue and
cry, arrest, and imprison Thomas, earl of Lancaster, Humphrey de Bohun,
earl of Hereford and Essex, Roger Damory, Hugh Daudele the younger,
John de Moubray, Bartholomew de Badelesmere, Roger de Clifford, John
Giffard of Brymesfeld, Henry Tyeys, and all their followers, taking with
him for this purpose the posse of those counties, and to cause proclamation
to be made strictly enjoining all and singular in his bailiwick to pursue and
arrest the said traitors, and to deliver them to the sheriff for custody, and
that those who cannot thus pursue them shall raise hue and cry against
them by hand or by horn, and that the king will punish all who shall be
remiss in the premises as adherents of the said traitors, as the king has
pronounced the aforesaid men traitors after taking counsel with Edmund,
earl of Kent, John de Warenna (sic), earl of Richmond, Aymer de
Valencia, earl of Pembroke, Edmund, earl of Arundel, John de Warenna,
earl of Surrey, and David de Strabolgi, earl of Athole, and with other barons
and magnates, the king having, upon his arrival at Caldewell during his
journey to the north against the said traitors, sent his men and servants
before him to Burton-on -Trent to take lodging for him, whereupon the
aforesaid traitors and other rebels adhering to them kept the bridge of the
said town with armed force, and attacked the king's servants and men afore-
said, wounding and slaying some of them, and kept the bridge against the
king, having made at the end thereof near the town bretasches in manner
of war, the king being unable to pass by the fords for several days by reason
of the great flood in those parts, and they inflicted evil upon the king's
servants, conducting war against the king with banners displayed, and the
king, upon the flood falling, crossed by a ford with his army, whereupon
the rebels left the town and directed themselves against the king divided
into battles {bella) in manner of war in afleldadjoiningthe town, until they
perceived the manner of the king's coming with his following against the
town, when they turned their backs, set fire to the town, and fled. \^Parl.
The like to all the sheriffs of England, the bishop of Durham, and the
justice of Chester. [iSjc?.]
March 12. To the sheriff of Nottingham and Derby. Order to cause proclamation
Tutbury. to be made that all persons shall maintain the peace and obsei've the laws,
statutes, and customs of the realm, provided that if any of the rebels or
their adherents come into that bailiwick, they shall be arrested and
imprisoned without delay, according to the tenor of the king's other orders.
II bid.] By K.
The hke to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.]
1322. Membrane lid — Schedule — cont.
March 18. To the sherifi of Gloucester. Order to restore to William de Grandisono
Blyth. his lands, goods and chattels, which the sheriff took into the king's hands
because he did not come to the king according to the common summons, as
the king wishes to shew special favour to the said William, who is so infirm
that he cannot at present labour without great danger to his body. By K.
[Pari. Writs.]
The like to the sheriffs of Kent, Somerset, Wilts, and Hereford. [Ibid.]
To William de Grandison©. Licence to remain at home for the more
speedy restoration of his health, provided that he send to the king at least
six men-at-arms to stay with him in his expedition. By K.
[Farl. Writs.]
Membrane I7d — Schedule, dorse.
Feb. 14. To John de Bello Campo of Somerset. Order to be at Coventry on the
Gloucester, first Sunday in Lent next with as many men-at-arms and footmen as possible,
the king having ordered him to provide as many men-at-arms and footmen as
possible to be ready to come to the king when summoned in order to set out
against the Scots, as certain rebellious magnates have gone to the north in
great number, and have destroyed tlie people of the realm in many ways, and
have besieged the castle of Tykhull, wherefore the king has ordained to be
at Coventre at the aforesaid day with horses and arms to set out against the
said rebels. [Pari. Writs.] By K.
The like to seventy-two others. [Ibid.]
Feb. 16. To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Order to assist the king with as many
Gloucester, men-at-arms, horsemen and foot, as possible, and to have them at the afore-
said day and place ready to set out for the above purpose, or to aid the king
with some other fitting subsidy. If by chance he cannot do so by the
aforesaid date, he is to do so afterwards speedily. By K.
[Fosdera ; Pari. Writs.]
The like to W. archbishop of York, and to all the bishops of England
and Wales, except H. bishop of Lincoln and A. bishop of Hereford, for
certain causes, and B. bishop of Winchester, absent in parts beyond .lea on
the king's business. The bishop of Chester is not written to because the
see is void. [Ibid.]
The like to one hundred and twenty-four abbots, priors, and abbesses.
Feb. 14. To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest this side
Gloucester. Trent. Order to cause a suitable number, to be fixed by him, of the foresters
to be chosen, and to bring them with him to Coventre suitably armed to
set out in the king's service against the Scots. By K.
Feb. 25. To Henry de Bello Monte. Order to aid and counsel Robert le Bretoun,
Weston-und'er- sheriff of Lincoln, in the matters relating to the keeping of the king's peace
Edge. in that county and adjoining parts and in repelling the king's contrariants,
with horses and arms and all his power, under pain of forfeiting all that he
can forfeit, as often and whenever he shall be summoned by the sheriff,
notwithstanding any previous order of the king to come to him at Coventry
or elsewhere. The king also orders him to come to him at at Burton-on-
Trent on Thursday the first Sunday of Lent with horses and arms. By K.
[Farl. Writs.]
The like to nineteen others. [Ibid.]
Feb. 16.
To Eoger Corbet of Tassele, keeper of the castle of Helegh, in the king's
hands. Order to come to the king at Coventry on the first Sunday in Lent
March 1.
Membrane lid — Schedule, dorse — cont.
next with men-at-arms and footmen in as much force as possible, in order
to set out with the king against the Scots and the rebellious magnates.
The like to the following :
John de Felton, keeper of the Red Castle.
Alan de Cherleton, keeper of Wyggemor castle.
Ralph le Botyller, keeper of Lodelowe castle.
Nicholas de la Beche, keeper of Montgomery castle. [iJid.]
To the barons, bailiffs, and men of the port of Wynchelse. Order to pre-
pare as many of their ships as possible, and to cause them to be provided
with armed men and victuals, and to cause them to be sent to the water of
Humbre with all speed, to set out in the king's service against the Scotch
rebels and certain rebellious magnates of this realm. They are enjoined to
bear in mind how the king began wliat he he has now done in part by their
counsel lately given to the king on the water, when they promised that
they would go by water in the king's assistance whenever he went by land.
They are ordered to certify the king of their proceedings herein by their
letters and by the bearer hereof. By K.
Vacated, because the writ was restored.
The like to the mayors
following ports, without
etc. :
La Pole.
Porte smuth.
, where there are mayors, bailiffs and men of the
the clause ' they are enjoined to bear in mind,'
Great Yarmouth.
Little Yarmouth.
[ Vacated as above.^
Membrane IGd.
March 1. To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order to permit
Coventry. Ida, late the wife of John de Clynton, to have the easement of houses in
the manor of La Grove until further orders, as the king wishes to shew her
special favour. By K.
March 2. To the prior of Coventry. Order to cause proclamation to be made daily
Westminster, in the town of Coventry once before and once after noon (nonam) that all
horsemen and footmen coming to the king in his service shall come to him
with all speed, under pain of forfeiture. By K.
March 3.
March 4.
March 6.
March 1.
Membrane 10d — cont.
To Hervey, master of the order of Friars Preachers, and the priors and
friars of the order about to assemble in chapter-general at Whitsuntide at
Vienna, in the duchy of Austria. Request for their prayers on behalf of the
king and queen and their children. By K.
To the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset. Order to cause proclamation to
be made that all adherents of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, except those
who were with the king's contrariants in the marches of Wales and the
siege of the castle of Tykehill, may come in safety to the king to seek his
grace without incurring imprisonment, disinheritance, or loss of goods and
chattels, provided that they come to the king immediately after the pro-
clamation. By K.
\_Parl. Writs.]
To Robert de Holand. Order to come to the king with all speed with
horses and arms, in order to set out with the king against his contrariants.
He is not to omit coming to the king with all speed if he have not his power
ready, and is to hasten the coming of his power. By K.
To Peter de Monte Forti. Order to aid the sheriff of Warwick with all
his power in keeping the entrance and issue of the castle of Kenilworth,
so that no one shaU enter or leave the castle without being arrested and
imprisoned until the sheriff have done his office concerning certain felonies
lately committed in that castle. By K.
To W. archbishop of Canterbury. The archbishop knows how certain
magnates of the realm have for a long time disturbed the king and his
realm, proclaiming that they did all these things for the honour and profit of
the king, and have now taien to arms and gone to the north and have
leagued themselves against the king with Thomas, earl of Lancaster, and it
appears plainly in a transcript sent to the king of certain letters that have
been found in the north, a copy of which transcript is enclosed herewith,
that [although] the said rebels asserted they had done these things for the
king's honour and the profit of the realm, they liave conspired for the
king's shame and the disinheritance and the destruction of his realm and people,
and that they are hastening a confederacy made by them with the Scotch
rebels, contrary to their allegiance ; wherefore the king is journeying with
horses and arms to the north, where the said rebels aoTf are awaiting the
Scots. The king orders the archbishop to cause the copy aforesaid to be
read and published in the cathedral and collegiate churches and other places
and in public convocations in his diocese as often as he shall see fit, and to
send a copy thereof to all his suffragans, ordering them to publish the same.
By K.
To W. archbishop of York. Like order, substituting for the above letters
found in the north, ' certain letters in the archbishop's possession, a copy
whereof he has sent to the king.'
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause the copy of the aforesaid
transcript to be read and published, enjoining all to aid the king in this
matter. By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England.
Enrolment of letters of Thomas Randolf, earl of Moref, lord of Annan-
dale ( fVaude Demand) and Man, supplying the place of the king of Scot-
land, dated at Corbrigg, on Friday after St. Hilary, 1321, granting safe-
conduct to Sir Richard le Chapeleyn of Toppeclif and a companion and
their grooms to come to speak with him. French. [Feedera.]
1322, Membrane IGrf — cont.
Enrolment of letters of James, lord of Duglas, dated at Etlebredehelys,
Sunday the feast of St. Nicholas, 1321, granting safe-conduct to the said
Richard, a companion, and their grooms to come to Jedd[ewurth]. French.
Enrolment of letters of Thomas Randolf, earl of Morref, lord of Annan
dale {de Wau de Anand), and of Man, lieutenant of the king of Scot-
land, dated at Oaveris, 16 February, in the 16th year of the reign of
the king of Scotland, granting safe-conduct to Sir John de Moubray and
Sir Roger de Clifford and to forty horsemen, their horses, equipments, and
grooms to come to him in Scotland. French. \^Ibid.']
Transcript of a letter close under the seal of Sir James de Duglas
entitled at the tail 'to King Arthur': 'Greeting, as to himself. Sir,
know that the bearer hereof came to the place where he expected to have
found us on 7 February, but he did not find us there, so that an answer
could not be given to him concerning his affairs before the 17 of the same
month for a certain reason of which he can tell, and we send you the letter
of conduct by him, and concerning the place where the conference may be
best held, as appears to us, the bearer hereof can inform you, and if it
please you to come to the said place or elsewhere that pleases you, certify us
six days beforehand. To God, that he may guard you.' French. [Ibid.']
Transcript of a letter close sealed with the seal of James de Duglas,
entitled in the tail ' to Sir Ralph de Nevill ' : ' Greeting. Sir, for certain
matters touching us, [I] pray you to send me Richard de Thurlewall in
such haste as you can [as] he has conduct, and if he cannot come, send me
another certain man whom you can to settle what shall be done in the
matters touching us. Sir, adieu.' French. [Ibid.]
' Sir. Know that the conference that has been between us is now in
train (a la Jin) for performance, because the earl of Her[eford], Sir Roger
Dammory, Sir Hugh Daudele, Sir Bartholomew de Badelesmere, Sir Roger
de Clifford, Sir John Giffard, Sir Henry Tyeys, Sir Thomas Mauduyt, Sir
John de Wylyngton, and I {et moi) and all the others are come to Pount-
freyt, and they are ready to make surety to you that if you complete the
matters spoken of in the conference, to wit to come to our aid and go with
us in England and Wales, we on the other hand pray you to assign us day
and place where we can meet you and complete the matters faith-
fully, and live and die with us in our quarrel, and we pray you to
cause us to have safe-conduct for 30 horsemen to come into your parts.'
French. [Ibid.]
March 9. Thomas de Ver acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Loveyn, knight,
Caldwell. 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
March 13. To Master John Walewayn. Order to execute with all speed the king's
Derby. commission to him and Richard Wroth to throw down the castle of Breghe-
nogh. By K. on the information of Master R. de Baldok.
March 14. William Muchegros and Amice, late the wife of Miles Mnchegros, came be-
Derty. fore the king, on Sunday after St. Gregory, and sought to replevy their land
in Westbury, which was taken into the king's hands for their default before
the king against Roger son of Walter de Baskervil.
March 13. To Thomas de Roshale, Eustace de Burneby, and William le Bretton.
Derby. Whereas the king lately ordered them to cause twelve men-at-arms to be
elected in the county of Northampton, to wit one from each hundred, and a
thousand footmen, and to cause them to be brought to the king suitably armed,
1322. Membrane iQd — cont.
in order to set out in his service against the rebels, and the rebels took the
field in arms against the king at Burton-on-Trent, and persisted until they
perceived the king coming against them vyith his company, vyhen they fled,
so that their rebellion is repressed ; wherefore the king wishes to spare the
expense of the aforesaid men, provided that the footmen be ready to come to
him when summoned in twenties, hundreds, and constabularies : he there-
fore orders them to put them into twenties, hundreds, and constabularies.
By K. on the information of Eoger de Northburgh and Master R. de
IParl. Writs.']
March 14. Roger le Beler acknowledges that he owes to the king 300Z. ; to be levied,
Derby. in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Leicester.
Vacated, because the king pardoned Roger the above sum by his privy
seal, the tenor whereof follows :
Edward, etc., to J. bishop of Norwich, his chancellor. Order to annul
the above recognisance, as the king has pardoned Roger this sum. Dated
under the privy seal at York, 28 June, in the 15th year of the reign.
[P.s. 6072.]
Membrane I5d.
March 18. To the sheriflF of Lincoln. Order to permit the footmen of that county
Blyth. between the ages of sixteen and sixty, whom the king lately ordered him to
cause to be brought to him, to remain at home, provided that they be placed
in twenties, hundreds, and constabularies, suitably armed, and that they be
ready to come in the king's service upon three days' warning. The king
wills that the money assessed upon the community of the county for the
expenses of the aforesaid men shall be levied and put in deposit for the
expenses of the men when the king shall order them to come to him, and
that the sheriff shall certify him of the number of the footmen and of the
sum of the aforesaid money. By K.
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause the passages of the waters
and the sea ports in his bailiwick to be guarded safely, so that none of the
king's enemies, who have now been dispersed, shall pass through those
places, and to pursue with hue and cry and to arrest any of them found in
his bailiwick. By K.
March 18. Richard Lovel, constable of Bristol castle, who is coming to the king, is
Donoaster. ordered to return to his bailiwick and to execute the premises. By K.
The sheriff of Somerset and Dorset has like order.
March 14. To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Summons to attend a parliament to
Derby. be held at York in three weeks from Easter next. By K.
[Par/. Writs.]
The like to the archbishop of York and to seventeen bishops. [Ibid.]
The like to J, bishop of Bath and Weils. [Ibid.]
The bishop of Coventry and Lichfield is not written to because the see is
void. [Ibid.]
To the abbot of St. Augustine's Canterbury. Summons to attend the
above parliament. [Ibid.]
The like to fifty-two abbots and priors, the prior of St. John's hospital,
and the master of the order of Sempyngham. [Ibid.]
March 14. To Edward, earl of Cheater. Summons to attend the above parliament.
Derby. [Ibid.]
The like to eight earls and seventy-two others. [Ibid.]
March 14.
Membrane 15rf — cont.
To William de Bereford. Order to attend at the above day and place to
treat with the king and others of his council. \_Ibid.']
The like to thirty-two others. [^IbidJ]
To the sheriff of Essex and Hertford. Order to cause knights of those
shires, citizens, and burgesses to be elected for the above parliament. By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.']
To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Order to cause the deans and priors
of cathedral churches and the archdeacons of his province to come in person
p,t the aforesaid day and place, and each chapter of a cathedral church to
come by a single proctor, and the clergy of each diocese of his province to
come by two proctors, according to the king's orders to each bishop of his
province. By K.
To Edmund, earl of Kent, constable of Dover castle and warden of the
Cinque Ports. Order to cause two barons to be elected from each of the
said ports, and to cause them to come at the said day and place. By K.
March 23 . Nicholas de Kyngeston, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Pontefract. Castiloun 40Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Wilts.
Thomas Wak of Bliaeworth, knight, and Thomas Wake, lord of
Lydele, acknowledge that they owe to Ralph de Camoys 100 marks ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. North-
March 18. John de la Marche is sent to the abbot and convent of Battle, in considera-
Doncaster. tion of his good service to the king and queen, to receive such maintenance
for life as Robert atte Vanue had in their house by the king's order.
By p.s. [5961.]
March 24. Adam son of Hugh de Hatcote, chaplain, acknowledges that he owes to
Pontefract. John son of Nicholas Trimenel 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Warwick.
John son of Nicholas Trimenel, the elder, acknowledges that he owes to
Nicholas Trimenel, knight, 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in cos. W«.rwick and Northampton.
John son of John Wake ackliOwledges that he owes to Andrew de
Hartcla, knight, 46/. 10s. Od. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Enrolment of grant by Robert de Badingham, chaplain, to Thomas de
Donestable of a messuage, 44 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, all his rent
of Scaftworth, his several and common fishery in the water of Iddel, and
his passage over or within the water, in the town and territory of Scaft-
worth and Marresey near Everton, co. Nottingliam. Witnesses : Sir John
de Charneles, Sir Walter Tonk of Kellom, knights ; Henry de Musters ;
WilHam Sansemer ; John de Bedewyude ; Walter de Harum ; Thomas de
Derby, the king's serjeant-at-arms ; William de Clif, king's clerk; Robert
de Blida ; William son of John de Scaftworth ; Robert de Hoton of the same.
Memorandum, that Robert came into chancery at Pontefract, on
26 March, and acknowledged the above deed.
March 28.
April 1.
April 1.
Membrane I5d — cont,
John Morice acknowledges that he owes to William de la Beche 240/ ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Bedford
and Huntingdon.
Cancelled ore payment.
&uy de Knapton acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Morby 100/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Walter Waldeshef acknowledges that he owes to Edmund Gacelyn,
knight, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in the city of London.
Gilbert de Halughton, parson of Emeldon church, diocese of Durham,
acknowledges that he owes to Robert Lewer 40/. : to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northumberland.
John de Pateshull, of co. Buckingham, and Walter de Pateshull, of
CO. Cambridge, acknowledge that they owe to Hugh le Despenser, the
elder, 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and
chattels in the aforesaid counties.
To Walterottus and DoSus de Bardis and their fellows, merchants of the
society of the Bardi of Florence. Letter commending to them the king's
yeoman Dinus Forcetty, their fellow, as Dinus is going to their parts about
his affairs by licence from the king, and requesting them to treat liira
favourably and send him back to the king as soon as possible.
Membrane 15d— Schedule.
April 3. To Richard de Burgo, earl of Ulster. Request that he will come in the
Altofts. king's service with as many horsemen and footmen as possible, so that he
be at Carlisle in the octaves of Holy Trinity next prepared to set out with
certain of the king's faithful subjects against the Scotch rebels, and that he
will do this at his own charge, certifying the king by the bearer of what he
will do in the premises. By K.
[Pari. Writs.']
April 3. To Thomas son of John, earl of Kildare. Request that he will come in
Altofts. the aforesaid service at the king's wages, so that he be at Carlisle at the afore-
said date, and that he will give credence to what John de Bermyngeham,
earl of Loueth, justiciary of Ireland, shall explain to him by word of mouth.
[md.'] By K.
The like to thirty-three others. [Ibid.~\
To John de Bermyngeham, earl of Loueth, justiciary of Ireland. The
king has ordained to he at Newcastle-on-Tyne in the octaves of Holy
Trinity next with an army to set out against the Scotch rebels, and that the
said justiciary and other of his subjects of his realm and of the aforesaid
land with horses and arms shall be at Carlisle in the said octaves to set out
against the said rebels, and he has, moreover, ordained to have from Ireland
300 men-at-arms, 1,000 hobelers, and 6,000 footmen armed with aketon,
bascinet, and iron gloves at least, to wit the men-at-arms to he chosen
amongst the justiciary and the nobles of that land, except the earl of
Ulster, and the hobelers and footmen to be chosen in the said land and
brought to Carlisle by the justiciary: the king therefore orders the
justiciary to ordain in such manner between himself and the nobles, with
the above exception, that the king may have the said men-atarms from him
76416. ''• L
1322. Membrane \5d — Schedule — cont.
and ttem, the king having written to the nobles to give credence to the
justiciary in this matter, and to cause the hobelers and footmen to be
chosen without delay, and to bring them to Carlisle by the octaves aforesaid.
Tlie king has ordered the treasurer of Ireland to pay the wages of the said
horsemen and footmen out of the issues of that laud, and he is writing to
the prelates and to the communities of the towns of that land requiring aid
from them for this matter and to give credence to the justiciary and the
treasurer concerning the same. The king enjoins the justiciary to shew all
diligence in the premises, and to certify him before the said octaves of his
proceedings, and of what aid he has obtained, and what manner of aid, and
from whom. The king is writing to the earl of Ulster to come in his
service with as much power as possible. The king will send shipping from
the southern parts of his realm to Ireland in aid of the carrying of the said
men from Ireland to Carlisle, as has been usual heretofore. By K.
[Pari. Writs.']
To A. archbishop of Dublin. Request that he will assist the king, who
needs a great amount of money for the above affairs, with money or other
suitable aid of his gift, and with the loan of as much as he can lend. The
king will cause satisfaction to be made for the latter at terms to be appointed
therefor. The archbishop is desired to give credence to what the justiciary
and treasurer of Ireland, or either of them, shall explain to him by word of
mouth. By K.
The like to the following :
The archbishop of Armagh.
The archbishop of Cashel.
The archbishop of Tuam.
The bishop of Ossory.
The bishop of Cork.
The bishop of Lismore.
The bishop of Lymerik.
The bishop of Kildare.
The bishop of Connor (Coyners).
The bishop of Down.
The bishop of Ferns (Fenf)i) .
The bishop of Meath.
The like to the following, with a slight change :
Walter de Cusac.
Robert Russel of Eos.
William Utlawe of Kylkenny.
Matthew de Bath of Droghda.
William de Clebury, parson of the church of Trym.
John Galegre of Cork, "I ^jg^chants
Robert de Notyngham [of] Dublin, /
The like, ' mutatis mutandis,' to the following :
The mayor and bailiffs of Dublin.
The mayor and bailiffs of Drogheda, on the side of Uriel.
The steward and bailiffs of Drogheda, on the side of Meath.
The mayor and bailiffs of Waterford.
The mayor and bailiffs of Eosse.
The mayor and bailiffs of Cork.
The mayor and bailiffs of Lymeryk.
Afterwards, on 14 April following, the letters aforesaid were renewed
under the names of John de Bermyngham, justiciary, and Master Walter
de Istlep, treasurer, the king being at Pontefract.
To the bailiffs and men of Bristol. Order to cause to be prepared
without delay at their expense as many ships and barges as possible for the
15 EDWARD 11.
1322. ^fembrane \hd — Schedule — cont.
king's expedition, and to cause them to be provided with tackle, victuals,
arms, men, and other necessaries, and to send the ships so provided to
Ireland, so that they be at Dublin on the eve of Whitsuntide next, in order to
carry to Carlisle horsemen and footmen from that land, as the justiciary and
treasure!-, to whom the king has written in this behalf, shall ordain. They
are ordered to certify the king in writing by the bearer of the number of
ships and barges they will help the king with and for what time they can
stay in his service at their expense. The king wills that they shall after-
wards remain in his service at his wages.
The like to the following :
The bailiffs and men of Briggewauter.
The bailiffs and men of Lime.
The bailiffs and men of Dertmuth.
The bailiffs and men of Weymuth.
The bailiffs and men of Plimmuth.
The bailiffs and men of Exmuth.
The bailiffs and men of Falemuth.
The baiUffs and men of Sutton.
The bailiffs and men of Melecumbe.
The bailiffs and men of La Pole.
The bailiffs and men of Southampton.
April 2.5. To the abbot of King's Beaulieu. Like request for ships to be sent to
Rothwel). Droghdaby the aforesaid date, certifying the king by the bearer Alexander
le Convers, king's clerk, to whom he is to give credence in what
Alexander shall tell him on the king's behalf.
To the bailiffs and laen of Waynflet. Like order to send ships to
Tynmuth, so that they be there in the octaves of Holy Trinity next, to go
and stay in the king's service.
The like to the mayors, where there are mayors, bailiffs, and men of the
following ports :
Grimesby. Scardeburgh.
Barton-on-Humbre. Whitteby.
Kyngeston-on-Hull. Hertelpol.
Eavenesrodd. Newcastle-on-Tyne.
April 14. To the mayor, bailiffs, and men of Bristol. Order to send to Drogheda
Pontefract. the ships and barges that the king lately ordered them to send to Dublin, as
the king considers Drogheda a more suitable place for assembling shipping.
The king wills that the ships and barges shall after the time previously
mentioned remain in his service at his wages. By K.
The like to the bailiffs and men of the other twelve {sic) southern ports.
April 13. To William Gentyl, late sheriff of Lancaster. Order to meet the king's
Pontefract. clerks Simon de Balderston and Henry de Athelardestre, whom the king
has appointed auditors of the accounts of all the receivers, bailiffs, and
keepers of the lands and goods that belonged to Thomas, late earl of
Lancaster, and to other rebels and to others this side Trent, and of the lands
of Bromfeld, Yale, and Dynebech in Wales, at a day and place to be
appointed by the said auditors, and to deliver to them the rolls, estreats,
memoranda, and other evidences whatsoever in his possession whereby the
said receivers, bailiffs, keepers and others who are bound to render account
may be charged upon their accounts, and to assist the aforesaid auditors in
examining and auditing the said accounts by his counsel and aid when
summoned by them. By K.
The like to the following :
John de Midhop, late steward of Blakeburneshire.
Richard de Killerby, late steward of the earl's lands in the bishopric
of Durham.
L L 2
1322. Membrane \6d — Schedule — cont.
John de Dalton, late steward of Pykeryng'.
Geoffrey de Byngliatii, late steward of the honour of Pontefract.
John de Burton, late steward of Wakefeld and Heitfeld.
John de Lascell', late bailiS of Conyngesburgh.
Robert de Prayers, late steward of Bromfeld and Yale.
William de Monte, late steward of Dynegbegh.
John de Myners, late steward of the honour of Tuttebury and
Richard de Bredon, clerk of William de Bredon, late steward of
Derbyshire in the honour of Tuttebury.
Geoffrey de Werberton, late steward of Halghton.
This is the article concerning prises in the realm made by the late king
amongst other articles so made by him for the amendment of his people in
his parliament at Westminster, in the 28th year of his reign, which article
the king wills shall be observed for the profits of his people, under the
pains contained in the same article : ' Whereas there is great grievance in
this realm [e^c] . . . And if any one shall make prises without warrant
and carry them away against the will of the owner of the goods, he shall be
forthwith arrested by the township where the prise shall be made, and sent
to the nearest gaol, and if he be attainted hereof, [judgment] shall be done
upon him as upon a thief, if the quantity of the goods demand it.' [^Articuli
super Cartas, 28 Edw. I., c. 2.]
April 4. To the bailiffs of the city of York. Order to cause the aforesaid article,
Altofts. which the king sends to him under his seal in patent form, to be published
in that town every market day, and to inhibit any one taking prises contrary
to it, and to cause the article to be observed, and to deliver a transcript of
the article and the present writ to all who wish to have a transcript, so
that everybody may make plaint the more advisedly of things done to
them contrary to the article aforesaid. By K.
The like to the bailiffs of all the cities and boroughs of England.
Membrane \bd — Schedule, dorse.
April G. Brian son of John de Herdeby acknowledges that he owes to Alexander
Altofts. de Hagh 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Lincoln.
The same Brian acknowledges that he owes to Simon de Sibthorp
20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Lincoln.
TLe same Brian acknowledges that he owes to Elizabeth, late the wife
of .John de Hagh, 25 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Elias de Stapelton, parson of the church of Swaveton, diocese of Lincoln,
acknowledges that he owes to the king 100 marks ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Memorandum, that Stephen de Segrave mainperned to lead back to
prison the body of Elias in case Elias failed in the payment of any of the
instalments of the above money.
Afterwards the king, by privy seal dated 23 September, in the X&th year
of his reign, ordered the keepers of his seal to cancel the above recognisance,
as Elias had paid the above sum into his chamber by the hands of
'Thomas de Usjiete, clerk oj the receipt.
March 25. To W. archbishop of York. Order to have all the service due from him
Pontefract. to the king at Newcastle-on-Tyne ready to set out with the king against
1322. Membrane \5d — Schedule, dorse — cont.
the Scotch rebels, the king having ordained to be there with his army in
the octaves of Holy Trinity next. By K.
IParl. Writs.]
The like to sixteen bishops. [Jbid.]
To Edward, earl of Chester. Order to come to the king at the aforesaid
day and place with all the service due from him to the king. By K.
The like to eight earls and seventy-six others. [Tbid.]
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made that all
who owe service to the king shall have their service at the said place on
the aforesaid day. By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.]
To the barons, bailiifs, and men of the port of Wynchelse. Order to
have all the service of ships due from them at Tynemuth in the aforesaid
octaves, with a double equipment (esMppamento) of men and victuals.
The like to the barons, bailiffs, and men of the following ports :
Dover. Hethe.
Sandwich. Hastynges.
Faversham. Romenhale.
To Edward, earl of Chester. Request that he will come to the king at
Newcastle-on-Tyue at the aforesaid date with horses and arms in as much
power as possible, in addition to the service due from him. By K.
[Pari. Writs.]
The like to the earls, barons, and other magnates and nobles above
summoned. [Ibid.]
To the barons, bailiffs, and men of the port of Wynchelse. Request that
they will allow their service of ships to I'eraain in the king's service at their
expense for a suitable time beyond tlie time for which they are bound to
make their service. The king makes this request because when he was
lately with them on the water against the contrariants, he then began by
their counsel then given to him what is now finished to the confusion of the
contrariants and the peace of the realm, when they promised to assist him
powerfully with a naval aid in the said matter and other matters of his.
They are desired to write back what they shall have caused to be done at
the king's request. By K.
To the mayor and whole community of the city of London. Request
that they will help the king with men-at-arms, footmen, or other suitable
aid in liis war against the Scots, certifying the king of their will by the
bearer hereof. By K.
[Pari. Writs.]
The like to the mayor and whole community of the city of Exeter.
[Ibid.] By K.
The like to the mayors and communities and bailiffs and men of thirty-
nine towns. [Ibid.]
April 9. To W. archbishop of York. Request that he will help the king with an
Pontefract. honourable and suitable aid, so that the king's majesty may be honoured
beyond the estate that Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, lately held, when the
archbishop had treaty with him and granted him 2,000 marks from himself
and his clergy for the defence of his church and the people of the marches
of Scotland against the invasion of the Scots. By K.
[Pari. Writi.]
March 26.
March 26.
April 5.
April 25.
Membrane lUd — Schedtile, dorse — cont.
To the bailiffs and meu of Bristol. Order to give credence to what
Alexander le Convers, the king's clerk, shall explain to them by word of
mouth on the king's behalf, and to write back by him what they shall have
caused to be done in aid of the king's expedition, the king having ordered
them to send ships to Ireland to carry men thence to Carlisle. By K.
The like to the bailiffs and men of the foUowing towns :
Tarmuth in Wyght.
La Pole.
March 21.
Membrane Md.
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause proclamation to be made that
all merchants, native and alien, may come safely with their victuals and
other goods for sale to the city of York and to the neighbouring parts in the
north wherever the king may be when he sets out against the Scotch rebels,
and that tliey shall receive due and speedy payment for their victuals, and
that nothing shall be taken from them by anyone against their will.
The like to the sheriffs of the following counties :
York. London.
Lincoln. Southampton.
Norfolk and Sufolk. Somerset and Dorset.
Nottingham and Derby. Devon.
Essex and Hertford. Cornwall.
Kent. Worcester.
Surrey and Sussex. Gloucester.
March 25.
March 21.
The like to the mayor and ua
proclamation to be made in that port,
bailiffs of Newcastle-on-Tyne to cause
To the sheriff of York. Whereas the king lately caused proclamation to
be made for the preservation of the peace and the observation of the statutes
of the realm when he commenced his journey through divers parts of the
realm and of the marches of Wales to repress the rebellion, and now
Thomas, earl of Lancaster, and other rebels, who were defeated at Burton-
on-Trent and fled from the king and his company, have been again beaten
by the king's faithful subjects and have been captured and imprisoned, so
that their malice is no longer to be feared ; the king, to avoid the fear of
disturbances that might arise from such actions, orders the sheriff to cause
proclamation to be made that the king's peace and the statutes, laws, and
customs of the realm shall be maintained and observed uninjured, and to in-
hibit all persons from attempting anything that may be to the breach of the
peace, and from taking any person's goods against his will, under pain of
forfeiture, and [to enjoin] that every one shall maintain the king's peace to
the best of his power; this being always observed, that if any of the rebels
or their adherents be found within his bailiwick, they shall be arrested and
imprisoned without delay, according to the tenor of the king's previous
March 22.
1322. Membrane 14c? — cont.
orders. As the king understands that many of the rebels have put on the
habit of religion and divers other habits in order to leave the realm or to
hide more securely within the realm, the sheriff is ordered to cause the ports
of the sea and of fresh waters and other districts of his bailiwick to be
guarded closely and diligently, so that no one of whom he has not good
knowledge may leave the realm in monastic {regidari) or other habit, and
so that none of the rebels or their adherents may be able to hide within his
bailiwick or pass through the same without being arrested and imprisoned.
The like to all the sheriffs of England.
March 23. To the sheriff of Cornwall. Order to permit the horsemen and footmen
Pontefract. that the king lately ordered him to cause to be chosen in that county and
brought to him to remain at home, provided that they be ordained in
twenties, hundreds, and constabularies and be ready to come in the king's
service upon three days' notice, the king's affairs against the contrariants
having ended prosperously. By K.
[Pari. Writs.^
The like to the sheriff of Devon, llbid.]
To Edmund, earl of Kent, constable of Dover castle and warden of the
Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place. Order to cause the
sea-ports in his bailiwick and other districts of the same to be guarded
closely, so that no one of whom he has not good knowledge may leave the
realm in any way in any of the ports in monastic or other habit, as Thomas,
earl of Lancaster, and other rebels, who were beaten at Burton-on-Trent,
have been again beaten by certain of the king's subjects, and certain of them
are hiding in divers parts of the realm in regular and other feigned habits,
and are striving to leave the realm. By K.
March 26. Boger de Felton, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Gerard Johan,
Pontefract. Bonus Philippi, and Dinus Forcetti, merchants of the society of the Bardi of
Florence, 50 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Norfolk.
March 26. To the abbess of Fontevrault. Request that she will admit Perotta de
Pontefract. Beaumond as a nun of hei' house.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
The like, ' mutatis mutandis,' to the abbot and convent of Caen in Nor-
mandy for Peter de Berowes.
By K. on the information of the said Robert.
March 27. Thomas de Botetourt, knight, acknowledges that he owes to the king
Pontefract. 1,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
March 24. John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, acknowledges that he owes to Edmund,
Pontefract. earl of Arundel, 2,000 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Surrey.
Ralph de Draycote, Peter de Baa, knight, and Elias le Parker acknow-
ledge that they owe to Robert de Sapy 20/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Wilts.
Thomas de Northwode acknowledges that he owes to John de Sancto
Amando 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Bedford.
March 27.
March 28.
March 27.
April 2.
April 1.
Membrane 14t? — cont.
Hugh de Bradeford of Osgodeby acknowledges that he owes to William
(le Clyf, clerk, 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co, York.
Enrolment of deed of the aforesaid William, witnessing that whereas the
aforesaid Hugh has made the above recognisance to him, and John le fiz
Johan Amyes de Hemmyngburgh and Thomas Pertrik of Wodehalle have
brought a writ of ael against Hugh for 8 acres of land in Osgodeby,
concerning which Hugh ought to vouch to warranty Robert de Lathum of
Osgodeby, the said William hereby grants that the recognisance shall be
cancelled if Hugh do not aid or counsel the said Robert to delay the said
John and Thomas in the suit of the said writ. Dated at Bretton near
Brotherton, 28 March, 15 Edward II.
Memorandum, that the aforesaid William came into chancery at
Pontefract, on the aforesaid day, and acknowledged the above deed.
To the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order to attach by their bodies
all barons, bannerets, knights, esquires, and other men-at-arms of his
bailiwick who did not come in the king's expedition when summoned by
the sheriff, in accordance with the king's late orders, so that he have them
before the king and his council in the quinzaine of Easter next to answer to
him concerning the premises. The sheriff is ordered to take their lands and
chattels, which he has attached in this behalf, into the king's hands. By K.
\^Parl. Writs.']
The like to the sheriffs of Lincoln, Rutland, Nottingliam and Derby, Salop,
Wilts, and Lancaster, \_lbid:']
The like to the sheriffs of Cornwall, Devon, Somerset and Dorset, Surrey,
Kent, Middlesex, Gloucester, and Worcester, to have them before the king
and his council in three weeks from Easter. \_IbidJ]
To the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order to punish all persons who
were contrary in the above matter according to his commission, as the king
learns that he defers punishing certain men who were contrary. By K.
Philip de Stradele and Thomas de Bule acknowledge that they owe to
John de Bures of Essex 9/. 26'. Od. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
their lands and chattels in co. Derby.
To the bailiffs and men of the town of Colchester. Order for the bailiffs
and six men of that town to go to Lenne, so that they be there on Thursday
in Easter week at the latest, to treat with .1. bishop of Norwich and Walter
de Norwyco, keeper of the office of treasurer, concerning a suitable subsidy
from them for the war against the Scots, and to give credence to what the
bishop and Walter shall explain to them on the kiug's liehalf, and to
complete effectually what they shall thus explain. [^Parl. Writs.']
The like to the following :
The bailiffs and men of Ipswich.
The bailiffs and men of Dun wich.
The mayor, bailiffs, and men of Norwich.
The bailiffs and men of Goseford and Baudeseye.
The bailiffs and men of Harwich.
The bailiffs and men of Orford.
The mayor, bailiffs, and men of Great Yarmouth, for the mayor and
twelve men.
The bailiffs and men of Little Yarmouth.
The bailiffs and men of Blakeneye.
The bailiffs and men of Brunham,
The mayor, bailiffs, and men of Lenne. \_Ibid.]
April 6.
April 8.
April 6.
April 9.
April 13.
April 20.
Membrane 14rf — cont.
To the btiiliffs and men of Boston. Order to meet tlie said Walter de
Norwijio at a day and place to be appointed by him, and to give credence to
what be shall explain to them concerning the premises. By K.
ilbid.-] ^ ^ ^
To Richard de Whatton, keeper of certain castles and lands that belonged
to Thomas, earl of Lancaster, and to others. Order to cause to be brought
into the king's chamber with all speed all money that he can collect of the
issues of the aforesaid lands and from the recognisances made to the king in
the castles and lands, and from elsewhere. By K.
The like to the following keepers :
Richard de Emeldon.
John de Kilvinton.
Thomas Deyvill.
Henry de Malton.
John Travers.
Alan de Cubbeldik.
Roger Beler.
Robert de Stoke.
Kobert de Hungerford.
Robert de Aston.
Richard de Rodeney.
Roger Carles.
John de Estmar, king's clerk, has letters to the abbot and convent of
Osolveston to receive the pension due to one of the king's clerks by reason
of the new creation of the abbot. By K.
To Humphrey de Bassyngburn, Laurence de Preston, the younger, and
John de Sancto Mauro. Order to cause to be brought into the king's
chamber before the parliament summoned at York in three weeks from
Easter nest the arrears of the 500 marks that the king appointed them to
assess upon the knights and squires of the county of Northampton, which
sum they ought to have paid into the king's chamber on tlie first Sunday of
Lent last, as they have paid only a small portion of the said sum. By K.
The like to the following :
Thomas Golafre and Geoffley de Molsham, appointed to levy 100/. in
CO. Oxford, which they ought to have paid before the Purification last.
Henry de Pentelowe and Geoffrey de la Stane, appointed to levy 100/.
in CO. Berks, which they ought to have paid before the Purification.
John de Boudon, Peter de Worklham, William de Charleton, and
Geoffrey de Ledes, appointed to levy 200/. in co. Sussex, which they
ought to have paid before the Purification.
Richard de Waraberge, parson of the church of Castelford, diocese of
York, acknowledges that he owes to Robert Lewer 20/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
William Spenser of Hedon acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Middelton, the king's pantler, AOs. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. York.
John Darcy le frere acknowledges that he owes to John de Crosseby,
clerk, 22*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Lincoln.
William de Fenton of Cowyk acknowledges that he owes to William
Mens of Cowyk 40j. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
'f Cancelled on payment.
April 9.
April 13.
April 12.
Membrane XZd.
To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Inhibition of his publishing or execut-
ing any process or sentence against Master Robert de Baldok, archdeacon of
Middlesex, by virtue of any commission or mandate made or to be made to
him concerning the prebend of Aylesbury, in the church of Lincoln, or of his
attempting anything to the king's prejudice or the weakening of his colla-
tion of the prebend upon the said Robert, the king having conferred the
prebeud upon him, when the bishopric of Lincoln was in his hands during
voidance, in its entirety as it was before it was divided into portions in the
time of his progenitors without royal assent, as the king recovered and
proved his right in his court against Graillard de Mota, incumbent of the
church of Milton, one of the portions of the aforesaid prebend, and against
others impeding the king's collation, and the king thereupon ordered the
ordinary to admit Robert to the entire prebend, by whom he was admitted
••md instituted into possession of the prebend, and the king now under-
stands that Gaillard has caused Robert to be cited to appear outside the
realm to answer concerning the collation, and has procured grievous pro-
cesses against Robert to be directed to the archbishop for publication and
execution because he did not appear in answer to the citations, which he
was unable to do as he was hindered from doing so by the king. By K.
To Richard Castiloun. Order to come to the king without delay, bringing
with him the king's commission to him to pursue, arrest, and imprison cer-
tain contrariants and to take their lands, goods, and chattels into the king's
hands, in order to inform the king concerning his proceedings herein, super-
seding meanwhile the execution of the commission. By K.
IParl Writs.']
The like to forty-two others. \^Ibid.'\
To the sheritf of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order to certify the king of what
lands, goods, and chattels he has taken into the king's hands by virtue of
the king's late order to take into his hands the lands, goods, and chattels in
his bailiwick that belonged to Thomas, earl of Lancaster, and other rebels,
and to cause to be delivered into the king's chamber all the money that he has
from the issues of the above or from any other such goods and chattels that
he may have sold, so that the king be certified of the premises and the
money be delivered before the Ascension next. By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England.
To Nicholas de la Beche. Like order to certify the king of the lands,
goods, and chattels taken into the king's hands by virlue of the king's com-
mission to him to take into the king's hands the lands, goods, and chattel i
of the contrariants, and to deliver the money as above.
The like to the following, appointed in the following counties :
John de Hanstede,
Odo de Stoke, )■ in co. Essex.
Geoffrey Dode,
Richard de Potesgrave,
Gilbert de Rishton,
Nicholas Gentyl of
Ed. Conarel,
John de Scures,
William de Kyngeston,
William de Bello Campo,
William de Bradewell,
Alexander de Besseford,
Gilbert de Wygeton,
Roger de Gretford,
> in CO. Kent.
? in cos. Surrey and Sussex.
> in CO. Southampton.
in CO. Worcester.
CO. Middlesex.
April 18.
April 12.
Membrane ISd^cont.
> ia COS. Norfolk and SuSolk.
> in the city of Loudon.
John Ha ward,
Peter do Pulford,
Hamo de Chig<j;ewell,
Gilbert de Wygeton,
Richard de Whatton, keeper of certain castles and lands that belonged
to Thomas, earl of Lancaster, and to others.
Richard de Emeldon, keeper, etc., as above.
John de Kilvinton, keeper, etc., as above.
Thomas Deyvill, keeper, etc., as above.
Henry de Calton, keeper, etc., as above.
John Travers, keeper, etc., as above.
Alan de Cubbeldyk, keeper, etc., as above.
Roger Beler, keeper, etc., as above.
Robert de Stoke, keeper, etc., as above.
Robert de Hungerford, keeper, etc., as above.
Robert de Aston, keeper, etc., as above.
Richard de Rodeney, keeper, etc., as above.
Roger Carles, keeper, etc., as above.
To Edmund, earl of Arundel, justice of Wales. Order to cause twenty-
four men of South Wales and a like number from North Wales to come to
the king in the next parliament at York to treat with the prelates and
proceres of the realm upon the king's affairs, the king desiring to have the
counsel of men of Wales in consideration of their good service. By K.
lFcsde?-a; Pari. Writs.']
To the sheriils of London. Order to cause proclamation to be made
that the king has ordained by his council that no arrests shall be made
before Easter next of the victuals or goods of alien merchants, except the
king's enemies of Scotland, and to supersede in the meantime the execution
of all writs granted for such arrests within their bailiwick, and to cause
proclamation to be made that all merchants, except the enemies aforesaid,
may come into the realm in the meanwhile with their victuals and goods
without having arrests made upon them, the king having ordained that
arrests shall not be made during the above time in order that ahen mer-
chants may come into the realm with their victuals and goods more freely
and quietly in aid of the maintenance of the king and his subjects who
are about to set out to repress the rebellion of the Scots. By K. and C.
The like to the sheriffs of the following counties :
Northumberland. Sussex.
York. Southampton.
Lincoln. Somerset.
Norfolk. Dorset.
Suffolk. Cornwall.
Essex. Devon.
Kent. Gloucester.
Enrolment of release by Robert de Morby, chaplain, to Adam de Sutton
of York, brother and heir of William de Sutton, deceased, of all actions
and demands against Adam by reason of any debt of the said WilUam due
to the releasor by recognisance in chancery or otherwise. Witnesses : Sir
William de Ayremynne; Nicholas de Langton, mayor of York; Nicholas le
Sauser, John de Selby, William de Friston, bailiffs of the same ; Roger
Easy, Richard le Toller, Richaid de Duffeld. Dated at York, 20 April,
15 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Robert came into chancery at York, on the aforesaid
day, and acknowledged the above deed.
April 20.
1322. Membrane 13c? — cont.
April 12. To R. couut of Flanders. Many treaties have been had between the
Pontefract. king's council and the count's envoys sent specially to this realm concerning
the damages inflicted upon one another by the king's and the count's
subjects, and the count's envoys at length came to Westminster, and
treated with the king's council, and having arrived at ways of agreement,
related them to the king, and the king accepted them and ordered them to
be confirmed, although they were heavy terms ; whereupon the count's
envoys contemned what they had agreed upon and returned home, because,
as the king suspects, of a disturbance then moved against him in the
realm ; as his rebels have now had justice done upon them, and peace is
now restored in the realm, the king, considering the mutual benefits arising
from communion of his and the count's subjects, sigaifies the premises to
the count, so that the count may do what pertains to mutual peace.
Although the count's envoys contemned what they had previously desired,
the king will be ready [to accept] what pertains to mutual peace if the count
wishes to adhere to his previous requests, and the king has accordingly
inhibited the count's merchants or their goods being molested by arrest.
In order that the premises may be done more graciously, it is expedient
that the king's enemies and rebels of Scotland shall not be cherised by the
count or his subjects, and that arms, victuals, or other aids shall not be
carried or ministered to them from the count's land or by his subjects,
and the king requests that this may be done, and that the count will write
back by the bearer what he will do herein. \_Fcedera.^
To the bailiffs and men of Great Yarmouth. Order to prepare, together
with all others of the ports of Norfolk and Suffolk and of the other ports of
those parts, ships and men-at-arms in as great force as possible, so that they
be ready when summoned by the king to repress the malice of the Flemings
and others, and of other enemies of the king, who understands that the
Flemings and others lie in wait about the coast with a naval force for his
men, and that they pursue the ships of his men and despoil them, and that
they do not fear inflicting the last punishment upon innocent persons,
sparing no man of this realm, and that they do not permit the victuals
ordained for the war in Scotland to be taken to that land, so that it may
be conjectured that they are scheming, as aiders of the Scotch, to carry on
war against the king at his back. By K.
May 1. To Roger Beler, keeper of the castle and honour of Tuttebury, and of
York. all other castles that belonged to Thomas, earl of Lancaster, and to other
rebels in the counties of Stafford, Derby, and Leicester. Order to summon
all those of his bailiwick who ought to do homage and fealty to the king by
reason of the aforesaid lands to come to the king on the morrow of Whit-
suntide to do homage and fealty. By K.
The like to the following keepers in the following counties :
Robert de Stok, in cos. Warwick, Oxford, Bedford, and Buckingham.
Robert de Hungerford, in the city of Loudon, and in cos. Middlesex,
Wilts, Berks, and Southampton.
Robert de Aston, in cos. Somerset, Dorset, and Gloucester.
Richard de Rodeneye, in cos. Devon and Cornwall.
Roger Carles, in cos. Hereford, Worcester, and Salop.
Richard de Whatton, keeper of the manor of Kneeshale and of aU
castles, etc., in cos. Nottingham, Northampton, and Rutland, and of
the Lancaster fees in cos. Lincoln and Nottingham, and behind the
sheriff' {retro vicecom') of Lincoln.
The like to the following to summon such tenants to come to the king on .
the morrow of the Ascension for the above purpose :
15 EDWARD II. 541
1322. Membrane \Zd — cont.
Richard de Emeldon, keeper, etc., in co. Northumberland and the
bishopric of Durham.
John de Kilvynton, keeper, etc., between the waters of These and Use.
Thomas Deyvill, keeper of the castle and honour of Pontefract and of
all castles, etc., in co. York this side the Use, except the manor of
Skipton-in-Oravene. »
Henry de Malton, keeper, etc., in cos. Westmoreland, Cumberland, and
keeper of the castle and manors of Skipton-in-Cravene and Burton
in Lonnesdale.
John Ti'avers, keeper, etc., in cos. Lancaster and Blakeburnshire, and
of Halton, co. Chester.
Gilbert de Sengilton, keeper of the castle of Hanterton and of all the
lands in Congelton, Whitleye, and Longedendale, co. Chester, and
in Vydnes, co. Lancaster, that belonged to Thomas, late earl of
Lancaster, Robert de Holand, and Joan, countess of Lincoln.
Alan de Cubbeldyk, keeper of the castles, etc., in co. Lincoln.
May 8. Thomas ¥0x0, p.arson of the church of Q-illyng in Rydale, diocese of
York. York, acknowledges that he owes to the prior of Boulton in Cravene 40a'. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Membrane 13«? — Schedule.
Whereas in the parliament summoned at Westminster in three weeks
from Midsummer last an award was made against Sir Hugh le Despenser,
the son, and Sir Hugh le Despenser, the father, by certain magnates of the
realm, and afterwards at St. Andrews following a petition was delivered to
the king by Sir Hugh, the son, to this eifect : Hugh le Despenser, the son,
shews the king that many oppressions, grievances, reprises, arsons, and
homicides have been committed against him whilst he was with the king in
his service in the office of chamberlain by appointment in full parliament,
to wit that the earl of Hereford, Sir Roger de Mortimer, the nephew. Sir
Roger de Mortimer, the uncle. Sir Roger Damory, Sir John de Moubray,
Sir Hugh Daudele, the father. Sir Hugh Daudele, the son. Sir Roger de
Clifford, Sir John Giffard of Brymmesfeld, Sir Maurice de Berkele, Sir
Henry le Tyes, Sir John Maltravers, and many others allied themselves
together by oath and writings to pursue and destroy the said Hugh le
Despenser, and upon this their accord they all came with their retinues
(retenaunces) on Wednesday after the Invention of the Holy Cross, in the
14th year of the king's reign, to Neuport in Wales in force and arms, to
wit with eight hundred men-at-arms, with the king's banner of his arms
displayed, and with five hundred hobelers, and 10,000 footmen, in order to
enter the lands that the said Hugh le Despenser, the son, had in Wales to
destroy them, and with the same power and force they besieged his towns
and castles, and took them by force, and slew part of his men, to wit Sir
John Iwayn, Matthew {Mahii) de Gorges, and others to the number of
fifteen Welshmen, and wounded and maimed part of his men, such as Sir
Philip Joce, and took and imprisoned part of them, such as Sir Ralph de
Gorges, who is still in prison, Sir Philip Joce, Sir John de Fresyngfeld,
Sir John de Donestaple, Wilham de Donestaple, and many others who were
afterwards released by ransom, and took and carried away the goods and
chattels of the said Hugh, the son, found in the said towns and castles, to
wit forty destrieis and armour for two hundred men suitably (nettementes)
armed, and other garnistures in the said towns and castles, such as engines,
springalds, cross-bows, lances, quarrels, and other necessaries, and victuals,
such as corn, wine, honey, rye (seel), meat, fish, and divers other necessary
(bosoinables) victuals, amounting to the value of 2,000/., and took and burnt
1322. Membrane XHd — Schedule — cont.
all the charters, remembrances, and muniments of the said Hugh there
found, to his damage of 2,000/., and burnt part of the gates and houses in
the said castles, and took out and carried away the windows, ironwork
[ferures), and lead, and committed many other damages, to the damage of
the castles of 2,000/. The names of the castles thus taken and destroyed
are : Neuport, Kaerdif, Kerfilli, Lantrissane, Talvaii, Lamblethian, Kenefeg,
Neoth, Drusselan, and Dinevor. And with the same power and force they
stayed there in his lands for five days in order to destroy the lands
completely (}ie«eTOe?«<), within which time they made by force all the greater
part of all the country swear to be of their accord, and they imprisoned and
held to ransom those who refused, and burnt their houses and goods. And
during the same time they wasted (estreperent) all his manors there, and
robbed him of all his moveables therein, to wit of 60 great bearing mares
(jmnentz porlauntz) ■with their issue of two years, two st&Uions (estalouns),
160 plough-cattle (qffres), 400 oxen, 500 cows with their issue of two
years, 10,000 sheep, and 400 swine, and of all other necessary things there
found, such as waggons (chars), carts, ploughs, vessels, without leaving
anything, to his damage of 2,000/., and burnt some of his barns there at
Neuport and elsewhere. The names of the manors thus destroyed are :
Neuport, Maghai, Dyueles, Ponkarn, Rempny, Rethery, Kerfilli, Blank-
moster, Kerdif, Raath, Lyquith, Cogau, Cloun, Radour, Talvan, Lamble-
thian, Laneltwyt, Bonyerton, Kenefeg, Lanhari, Neoth, Drusselan, and
Dynevor. And they have since retained all these lands and lordships, such
as Cantresmaur, Glamargan, and Wenlok, with all the commotes of the
Welsh, spoiling and destroying and in Isvying therefrom as much as they
could do, to wit they sowed and carried away their crop (croup) in the
land, to his damage of 2,000/., and they have levied the debts there
due to him by coercion, amounting to 3,000/., together with the rents,
ferms, and other customs amounting to 1,000/., and destroyed the woods,
and have since retained them, doing damage all the time. And from
there with the same power and force they came into England against
the castles, towns, and manors of the said Hugh, the son, and took and
destroyed them, by felling the wood, chasing wild cats (chatz) and parks,
throwing down houses, robbing and spoiling (W^aMMte) what they could find
of his, to his damage of 10,000/. And they afterwards sought out (susquis-
trent) all his friends and men, and took some and put some to ransom, spoiling
some and imprisoning some. And afterwards by the same severities they
raised the greater part of the people against their will to be of their accord
and to be sworn to them, and so with all their force and power they came to
the king's parliament at Westminster, and there upon feigned and untrue
reasons erroneously awarded that the said Hugh should be disinherited and
exiled from the realm, without calling him to answer against reason and
right and the law of the land. Wherefore Hugh prays the king, as he is
bound by right of his crown and by his coronation oath to maintain all
men in their rights, to cause the process of this award to come before him,
and to cause it to be examined, and that Hugh may be received to shew
the errors therein, and that it may please the king to repeal and redress the
errors found therein, and to do moreover what right and reason shall
demand, and Hugh will afterwards be ready to stand to right and to answer
every plaint according to reason.
And the said Hugh, the son, shews the errors in the said process,
inasmuch as the said magnates, in, pursuing and destroying him, prayed for
pardon from the king for all matters that might be denoted as felonies or
trespasses in the pursuit, in taking by their own authority and made
themselves judges upon Hugh wrongfully and wilfully, whereas they could
not and ought not to have been judges, and thus the award was made vrith-
out judge. Also error in that Hugh was not called into court nor to
15 EDWARD II. 543
1322. Membrane 13(i — Schedule — cont.
answer when the award was made. Also error in that the award was made
without the assent of the prelates, who are peers in parliament. Also error
in that the said magnates had no record in their own pursuit upon the
matters contained in their award. Also error in that the award was made
contrary to the forai of Magna. Carta, wherein it is contained that no one
shall be forejudged or destroyed in any manner except by lawful judgment
of his peers or by the law of the land. Also he prays the king to
have regard to the fact that the said magnates, being summoned to come to
the parliament in due manner, came in undue manner with horses and arms
and all their power.
And hereupon the said Hugh, the son, came, and surrendered himself into
the king's wardship as a prisoner, praying that the king would receive him
into his protection to sue the aforesaid complaint, and that right should be
done in the aforesaid matters, and the king thus received him, as he ought
to do, and caused the aforesaid petition to be delivered to the archbishop of
Canterbury, the bishops, and other clergy of the province of Canterbury
then at the provincial council at London, charging them to take counsel con-
cerning the said petition, and to give the king their advice and counsel con-
cerning the same. And they answered that it seemed to them that the award,
so far as concerned the exile and disinheritance of Sir Hugh, the son, and Sir
Hugh, the father, was wrong and was made wrongfully, wherefore they, as
peers of the realm and as the king's councillors, unanimously counselled the
king to repeal and annul the award, and they said moreover that they or
any of them had never assented to the award, but that each of them
protested in writing at the time that they could not assent to it. And
Edmund, earl of Kent, Sir John de Bretaigne, earl of Richmond, Sir Aymer
de Valence, earl of Pembroke, and Edmund, earl of Arundel, before the
king and the said prelates said that the award was wrong and contrary to
law and right, and prayed that the king would cause it to be repealed and
annulled ; and the earls of Richmond, Pembroke, and Arundel said that
their assent to the award was given through fear of the undue force that the
magnates suddenly brought to the parliament without their knowledge, and
they prayed pardon from the king for their offence in then counselling the
king to suffer this award thus unduly made by force.
And afterwards another petition was delivered to the king by
the said Hugh le Despenser, the father, to the following effect : Hugh le
Despenser, the father, shews the king that many oppressions, grievances,
reprises, and arsons have been committed upon him wrongly and
against the peace, to wit that the earl of Hereford, Sir Roger le {sic)
Mortimer, the nephew. Sir Roger de Mortimer, the uncle. Sir Roger
Damory, Sir John de Moubray, Sir Hugli Daudele, the father. Sir Hugh
Daudele, the son, Sir Roger de Clifford, Sir John Giffard, of Brymmesfeld,
Sir Maurice de Berkeleye, Sir Henry Tyeis, Sir John Maltravers, chieftains,
came, with their adherents and allies, on St. Barnabas, in the 14th year of
the king's reign, to the said Hugh's manor of La Fasterne, and entered with
the said force the said manor and the manors of Wotton Basset, Tockenham,
Brotetoune, Compton, Wynterbourne, Berewyk, Send, Uphaven, Merden,
Netheruphaven, Chelesworth, Mersshton, Somerford, Hampton, Eton,
Beamys, and their members and appurtenances, in co. Wilts, the manors
of Wyshangre, Wyneston, Musardrie, Bysele, Fairford, and Lichelade,
CO. Gloucester, Sutton Maundevill, Asshemere, Wynterbourn, Huyton,
CO. Dorset, Asshel', Berton, Bedeliampton, Creuqer, and Mapeldorewelle,
CO. Hants, Spenhenton and Sfaunford, co. Berks, Curtlyngton, Pyriton,
Haseir, Somerton, Asscot, and Dadyngton, co. Oxford, Wycombe, Folmere,
and Dachet, co. Bucks, Wockyng', Sutton, Hok, and Baggeschet, co. Surrey,
Saham, co. Cambridge, Keston and Sutho, co. Huntingdon, Loughteburgh,
Beaumaner, Ernesby, Fritheby, and HucclescotCj co. Leicester, Parlyngton,
1322. Membrane I'id — Schedule — c.ont.
CO. York, Hautebarge, co. Lincoln, Barewe, Thurston, Alstanfeld, Quernes-
ford, and Botesle, co. Chester, Elmele, Salwarp, Spellesbury, Brayles, and
Toneworth, iu the ward {garde) of Warrewyk, and [took and carried away] all
Hugh's goods and chattels, moveable and immoveable, in the said manors, to
wit his corn of two years, being one crop in the barn and the other in the
ground, and 28,000 sheep, 1,000 oxen and plough cattle, 1,200 cows with
their issue of two years, 40 bearing mares with their issue for two years,
1 60 cart-horses, 2,000 swine, 300 goats, 40 tuns of wine, 600 bacon-pigs,
80 carcasses of beef, 600 sheep in the larder, 10 tuns of cider (sithre), arms
for 200 men, and other chattels, such as cross-bows, quarrels, lances,
waggons {chars), carts and their tackle, chess-boards {eschekers) made
partly of nut {noitz muge) and partly of ginger-root with three pairs
of sets {peires meines) of crystal, and tables of ivory with the set
{meisne) of ivory and ebony {de ban), and other necessaries, such as
■fish and other necessary victuals, brasen and lead vessels, and broke
the fish ponds {estau?igs vivers) of the manors, and carried away the
fish without leaving anything, and tore down and carried away doors
(lioeus), locks, bars, windows, and lead from the houses in the manors,
and destroyed all his othei- goods and chattels, and burned and threw
down his houses at Cumpton and elsewhere, and levied by force and carried
away his rents and debts in the said manors, and destroyed his parks and
his hedges in the manors, sold and carried away his felling-wood {copez),
and chased and captured the wild beasts, and sought out his allies
and tenants and men, and imprisoned and spoiled them and held them to
ransom, to the damage of the said Hugh of 30,000/. And at the same time
they entered the abbey of Stanleye, and there broke open his coffers, and
carried away 1,000Z. of his and his charters and muniments and bonds, gold
and silver cups, and other vessels of silver, and other jewels {jueaux), to
his damage of 1,000Z. At the same time they entered the king's castle of
Marlebergh, and took and carried away Hugh's goods there found, to wit
36 sacks of wool, 6 pair of rich vestments, books, and a gold cup {coupe) for
the Host {a mettre einz le corps tiostre Seignur), and a gold cross, another of
ivory and of ebony {iban), and other ornaments of his chapel, gold cloths,
tapets {tapiez), coverlets, and many other things of his wardrobe, and
took and carried away entirely his wardrobe there and elsewhere, to his
damage of 6,000/. And afterwards by such force they caused all the greater
part of the people to be of their accord against their will and to be sworn
to them, and so came with all their force to the parliament at Westminster,
and there erroneously awarded by feigned and untrue reasons that the said
Hugh, the father, should be disinherited and exiled, without calling him to
make answer, against all manner of reason and right and against the law of
the land. Wherefore the said Hugh prays the king to cause the record and
process of the award to come before him [etc., as in the petition of Hugh,
the son~\.
And hereupon the said Hugh, the father, shews the errors in the said
process, inasmuch as \_eic., as above in the case of Hugh, the son].
And hereupon tlie said Hugh, the father, came and surrendered himself
into the king's wardship as prisoner, praying that the king would receive him
into his protection to sue the nforesaid complaint, and that right should be
done in the aforesaid matters, and the king thus received him, as he ought to do.
And the king afterwards, in the parliament summoned at York in three
weeks Irom Easter, in. the loth year of the reign, caused the process ot the
said award to come before him at the suit of the said Hugh, the son, and
Hugh, the father, in the.'re words : ' For the honour of God, etc., the pre-
lates, earls, barons, and other peers of the land [etc., as at page 492 above].
At which parliament at York the said Hugh, the son, and Hugh, the
father, were brought before the king in court, and they pursued their above-
15 EDWARD II. 546
1322. Membrane ISrf- — Schedule — cont.
said plaints, and prayed that the king would do them right in this
behalf, and Hugh, the son, for himself shewed and alleged the errors in the
process of the said a^rord as is aforesaid, and in like manner Hugh, the
father, propounded and alleged the like errors, and the said Hugh and Hugh
severally and jointly prayed that, as the award was made wilfully, erroneously,
and wrongfully conti ary to the laws and customs of the realm and contrary to
common right and reason, the king would annul and cancel the award, and
that they shall be restored and reconciled to the king's faith and to such
estate as they had before the time of the award, according to right and reason.
And hereupon the king, having heard their reasons, caused the process to be
examined in full parliament at York, and he found that the award was made
without calling the said Hugh and Hugh to answer, and that it was made
without the assent of the prelates who are peers of the realm in parliament,
and contrary to the tenor of Magna Carta, and that Hugh and Hugh were
not called into court nor to answer, as is aforesaid, and for the errors afore-
said, and because the matters contained in the award were not duly approved,
and having, moreover, regard to the fact that the king caused the said parlia-
ment to be summoned at Westminster in due form, and ordered the said
magnates by his writs to come duly to such parliament, and has always in times
before then forbidden any alliance or assembly to be made of men-at-arms,
and that the said magnates, having no regard to the king's order, came
armed with horses and arms and all their power to the parliament at West-
minster, as is aforesaid, which the king had not before perceived, and when
the said magnates had come in such manner to London, they held their
council and assembly there without coming to the king at Westminster, as
they were summoned, and the king hereupon ordered them to come to him
at Westminster to the parliament, but they would not come, and did not
signify the king of their will or of the causes of the aforesaid award until the
king had commenced his said parliament, and had held it for fifteen days and
' more, and had caused to come before him prelates and other earls and barons,
knights of the shires, and others who came for the commune of the realm,
and had caused to be published that all having petitions to deliver should
cause them to be delivered, and after proclamation of this had been made no
petition was delivered nor complaint made against the said Hugh and Hugh,
until the said magnates came in manner abovesaid, and concealed their
counsel of the said award from the king entirely until the time when they
came to Westminster with force and arms and unduly, and made their said
award against reason as of a matter treated and agreed upon amongst them-
selves by their own authority in the king's absence, and so the said magnates
encroached upon the king's royal power, jurisdiction, and cognisance of
making process and judgment of matters pertaining to hi.* royal dignity,
wherefiire the king could not then arrest the said award or do right to the
said Hugh and Hugh, as pertained to him ; and moreover having regard to
the fact that the said magnates after the award had been made prayed the
king for pardon and release for having allied themselves together by oath,
writing, or otherwise without the king's leave, and for having in pursuing
the said Hugh and Hugh marched with banners displayed of the king's arms
and of their arms, and for having taken and occupied castles, towns, manors,
lands, goods, and chattels, and for having taken and imprisoned men of the-
king's allegiance and others, and for having released some of them, and for
having slain some of them, and for having done many other things in
England, Wales, and elsewhere, whereof some things might be called tresfiass
and some felonies, and so tlie said magnates shewed {apercerent) that they
were adversaries and evil-wishers of the said Hugh and Hugh at the time of
the said award and before, wherefore they ought not in reason to be judges
of the said Hugh and Hugh upon their own pursuit, nor to have record
7641C. M M
1322, Membrane lid — Schedule — cont.
of the matters of the said award ; and the king is bound by bis coronation
oath to do right to all his subjects, and to redress wronf^s done to them and
to cause them to be amended when he is required to do so, and it is contained
in the said Magna Carta that the king shall not deny or delay right
or justice to any one, and also weighing the counsel and the request of the
said prelates to the king for the health of his soul and to eschew peril, and
also at the request of the said earls, and in order to avoid the evil example
for the future of such emprises and judgments being made in like case
against reason to the blemishment of the king's crown and the great damage
of others ; the king therefore, having viewed the process and award and
knowing that they are to his prejudice and to the blemishment of his crown
and of his royal dignity, against him and his heirs and against the said Hugh
and Hugh, and by many other reasonable causes, does, of his royal power,
in full parliament at York, annul the said award, and does reverse the exile
and disinheritance of the said Hugh and Hugh, and so far as this award
extends, and does admit and reconcile fully the said Hugh and Hugh to liis
faith and peace and to the estate they were in before the said award in all
points, and does award that they shall have again seisin of their lands,
goods, and chattels. And he wills and orders that what is enrolled of the
said award in the places of his court shall be cancelled and annulled for ever.
A transcript of the above judgment was sent sub pede sigilli to the
justices of the Bench, the treasurer and barons of the exchequer, and to
Henry le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the king,
together with the following writ :
May 10. To the justices of the Bench. Order to cause the process of the above
York. judgment to be published in the Bench and to be enrolled in the rolls
of the Bench, and to cause the aforesaid consideration, which the king
lately sent to them sub pede sigilli for publication and enrolment in the
Bench, to be annulled and cancelled. By K. and C.
The like to the treasurer and barons of the exchequer, and to the said
Henry and bis fellows.
Membrane 12d.
April 17. To the bailiffs and men of Ipswich. The king thanks them for their
Eothwell. grant of two ships suitably provided with armed men, victuals, and other
necessaries to set out in his service for the expedition of the Scotch war at
the expense of the bailiffs and men for two months, the king having been
certified of their grant by J. bishop of Norwich, whom he appointed with
Walter de Noiwyco, keeper of the office of treasurer, to expound to them
certain matters touching the subsidy of ships required by the king for the
aforesaid war. The king requests them to send the ships thus provided and
prepared to him at Tynemuth, so that they be there in the octaves of Holy
Trinity next at the latest. By K.
The like to the following :
The bailiffs and men of Little Yarmouth for two ships.
The mayor, bailiffs, and men of Bishop's Lenne for two ships.
The bailiffs and men of Dunwich for one ship.
The bailiffs and men of Oreford for one ship.
The bailiffs and men of Blakeneye for one ship.
The like to the bailiffs and men of Baudeseye and Gosford for one ship,
with this clause at the end : The king has ordered the prior of Buttele and
15 EDWARD II. 647
1322. Membrane \2d^cont.
Robert de Ufford to give their consent to the grant of this ship, as it ia
said that the bailiffs and men cannot grant such a subsidy without their
To the prior of Buttele. Request that he will give his consent to the
grant of the above ship.
The like to Robert de Ufford.
To the bailiffs and men of Harwich. Request that they will consent
that the ship granted by them shall remain in the king's service at
their expense for two months, as others have done who have granted
ships, and that the ship may be at Tynemuth as above.
To the bailiffs and men of Great Yarmouth. Like request concerning the
six ships granted by them for forty days at their expense. In case it be
necessary for the king to have a greater number of ships in this expedition,
he requests them to prepare as many ships as they can, so that they have
them ready to set out in the king's service at his wages when summoned by
him. By K.
Enrolment of indenture witnessing that Sir Gilbert de Yarewell, rector
of Gerford church, and Sir Walter de Yarewell, rector of the church of
St. Michael at Use Bridge, York, have sold to Robert de Scorburgh of
Beverley the custody of all the lands of John son of John Cokerel in
Beverley, Mollescroft, Scrobbes, and Walkyngton, co. York, and inButterwik,
Oxcoumbe, Bliburgh, and Wilingham, in co. Lincoln, with the marriage of
the said John son of John, which custody and marriage Master John de
Nassington, the elder, had of the gift of Edward, son of (he king, during
the minority of the said John son of John Cokerel ; to have and to liold to
the said Robert as fully as the aforesaid Master Jolin had it and as the said
Gilbert and Walter had it by the assignment of the said Master John and
of Robert de Y.irewell; saving to the said Gilbert and Walter the crops of
corn growing in the fields of Mollescroft and Scrobbes of the autumn of the
year 1322, which Robert de Scorburgh grants them permission to mow and
carry away. Dated at Beverley on Quasi modo Sunday 1322.
Memorandum, that the parties came into chancery at York, on 28 April,
and acknowledged the above indenture.
April 28. Robert de Scorburgh acknowledges that he owes to the aforesaid Gilbert
York. and Walter, executors of the will of Master John de Nassyngton, the elder,
20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
John Greyndorge, lord of Flasheby, acknowledges that he owes to
Master Adam de Ayremynne, clerk, 12 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. — William de Harlaslon, one
of the keepers of the great seal, received the acknowledgment.
Nigel the saddler (sellar') of York and William Cok, baker (pestour),
citizen of York, acknowledge that they owe to Simon Gower of York 40Z. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co York.
April 30. Henry de Munketon acknowledges that he owes to John de Bri.'itoll
York. 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
Roger Fraunceys acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Glastingbnrl'y]
30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Wilts.
May 1. To Henry de Percy. Order to cause ordinance to be made by some of
York. his men in whom he can confide that all his men and tenants, horsemen and
M M 2
1322. Membrane \2d — cont.
footmen, this side the water of Trent, between the ages of sixteen and sixty,
shall provide themselves with arms according to the statute of Winchester,
and shall be put into twenties, hundreds, and constabularie?, so that they be
ready to set out against the Scots if they enter the realm. Henry is
ordered to come to the parliament at York notwithstanding. By K.
[^Parl. Writs.']
The like to five earls and nineteen others, the archbishop of York, two
bishops, six abbots, and one prior. [^IbidJ]
May 4. Stephen de Redenesse acknowledges that he owes to John de Graskrik
York. 120/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
The said Stephen acknowledges that he owes to John son of Thomas
de Snayth 120Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
John de Gaskerick of Barton acknowledges that he owes to Thomas
de Holm of Beverley, merchant, 120/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. York.
John de Snayth acknowledges that he owes to the said Thomas 120/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Thomas de Metham acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayreraynn,
clerk, 8/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York. — William de Clyf, one of the keepers of the king's seal, received
the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
May 7. Agnes daughter of Thomas Faderles of Estrington acknowledges that
York. she owes to John de Yakesle, tent-maker (papilionar'), 100/. ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in co. York.
May 6. To the keeper of the port of Dover. Order to cause R. confirmed of
York. Coventry and Lichfield, who is going to parts beyond sea for certain of the
king's affairs enjoined upon him, to have speedy passage in that port at his
expense for himself, his train, horses, and equipments. By K.
May 7. To Thomas Lercedekne and Reginald de Botereux. Order not to choose
York. any men in the maritime towns of the county of Cornwall by virtue of their
appointment to choose five hundred footmen in that county, and to bring
them to the king at Newcastle-on-Tyne in the octaves of Holy Trinity next,
if the king's clerk Alexander le Convers certify that the bailiffs and men
of the said towns have granted the king a naval subsidy, to obtain which
the king has sent him thither. By K.
[Pari. Writs.']
The like to eight others in the counties of Devon, Somerset and Dorset,
Southampton, and Gloucester, [Jbid.]
Membrane lid.
May 10. Isabella, late the wife of William le Veutrer of Wellum, acknowledges
York. that she owes to Master John Bussh, clerk, 6 marks 8s. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of her lands and chattels in co. York.
Thomas atte Rente of Ipswich acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le
Despenser, the younger, 1 53/. 6s. 8d. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk.
15 EDWARD ir. 549
1322. Membrane \\d — cont.
Henry de Birchaweit acknowledges that he owes to Edmund le Boteler
24Z. 13s. 4rf. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
May 6. To the sherifE of Gloucester. Order to pursue and arrest John de
York. Kyngeston, knight, a contrariant, and to cause him to be brought to the
king under safe custody, to be delivered to the king's steward and
marshal. By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England.
May 8. To the bailiffs and men of Spaldyng. The king thanks them for
York. their grant of twenty armed men to be sent to Newcastle-on-Tyne in the
octaves of Holy Trinity next to set out for Scotland at their expense, and
requests them to choose the strongest men that they can and to send them
to him at the said day and place suitably armed. By K.
[^Parl. Writs. ^
May II. John Sibille of West Walton acknowledges that he owes to John, bishop
York. of Norwich, 30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Norfolk.
William de Ilketon of Estkeyswyk acknowledges that he owes to Master
John Bussh 103s. Qd. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
To Eobert Darcy, William de Isny, and Simon de Lunderthorp. Order
not to intermeddle with choosing or assessing any men in the town of
Spaldyng' by virtue of their appointment to choose 4,000 footmen in the
county of Lincoln and to bring them to the king at Newcastle-on-Tyne in
the octaves of Holy Trinity next, as the bailiffs and men of that town have
granted that they -will aid the king with twenty armed men at their
May 6. To R. count of Flanders. Letter partly repeating that of April 12 {page
York. 539 above), and adding that complaint reaches the king that the count first
caused proclamation to be made in his land that all Englishmen should
leave his land within a' certain time, unJer pain of loss of their bodies, limbs,
and goods, and afterwards ordered the bodies and goods of all the king's
subjects in that land to be detained, whence grievous scandal and obloquy
have arisen to the king and matter of discord between his subjects, who are
preparing themselves to resist such grievances, and the count's subjects.
The king signifies the premises to the count, and repeats the requests of his
letter of April 12. By K.
May 12. Thomas de Weston acknowledges that he owes to John de Chiverdon
York. 32 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Southampton.
John de Chyverdon acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Weston
40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Southampton.
Brother Richard de Helmeden, master of St. John's hospital, North-
ampton, acknowledges that he owes to John de Neweland, parson of the
church of Blyseworth, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in cos. Northampton and Buckingham.
Thomas de Leycestre of Northampton acknowledges that he owes to
German de Assheby of Northampton 40.?. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
May 11. To the bailiffs and men of Blakeneye. Order to compel all those of the
York. towns pertaining to that port b the means that shall seem best to them to
1322. Membrane ild — emit.
contribute their proportion to the preparing and provisioning of the ship
provided with armed men and other necessaries that the bailifis and men
granted to the king to go to Scotland at their expense, as the king under-
stands tliat certain men of the adjoining towns pertaining to that port, who
made the said grant with others of the port, refuse to aid them in preparing
the aforesaid ship. By K.
May 13. William son of Roger de Fymmer of Elvyngton acknowledges that he
York. owes to Brian Burdon, knight, 40Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. York.
The abbot of St. Agatha acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he
owes to William de Redenesse, citizen of York, 80/. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Robert son of Thomas de Pounfreit, lord of Wilethorp, acknowledges that
he owes to Walter de Whyten, citizen of York, 100s. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Walter de Busceby of Leicester acknowledges that he owes to John son
of John de Tilton 22 marks 6s. 8c?. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Leicester.
Ralph de CrophuU acknowledges that he owes to Hugh de Herdewyk of
Loughteburgh iOl. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Leicester.
Cancelled on payment.
Gilbert de Welyngton acknowledges that he owes to the abbot of
St. Mary's York 121. 12s. Od. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
May 15. Robert de Swynburn and Henry de Swynburn acknowledge that they owe
York. to Joan, late the wife of Robert de Denton, 20 marks ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Northumberland and
Hugh Madefray of London, fishmonger {pissenar'), acknowledges that he
owes to John le Mareschal of Walebrok, London, and William de Ware,
350/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in the
city of London. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
John de Hunton acknowledges that he owes to Master Michael de Harcla
60 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Robert son of William le Vavasour, knight, acknowledges that he owes
to Thomas de Wyluby, knight, 80 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. — The chancellor received the
May 10. To the barons, bailiffs, and men of the port of Hastinges. Order to cause
York. all their ships wherever they may be to be called back to that port without
delay, and to cause them to be prepared with tackle and other necessaries,
so that they bo ready to set out in the king's service in the said port by the
eve of Holy Trinity next at tlie latest, the king having ordered them to have
all the service of ships due from them at Tynemuth in the octaves of Holy
Trinity next found with an equipment (eskippamento) of men and victuals,
ready to set out against the Scotch rebels, and the king now understands
that their ships are now in divers remote parts for the purpose of exercising
15 EDWARD II, 551
1322. Membrane \\d — cont.
merchandise. The king gives to the bailiffs power to punish all persons
whom they shall find contrary herein. By K.
The like to the following ports :
The mayor and bailiffs of Wynchelse.
The mayor and bailiffs of Eye.
The bailiffs and men of Pevenesse.
The barons, bailiffs, and men of Romenhale.
The barons, bailiffs, and men of Hethe.
The mayor and bailiffs of Dover.
The mayor and bailiffs of Sandwich.
The mayor and bailiffs of Faversham.
May 21. John de Boulton acknowledges that he owes to Master Adam de
York, Ayremynn, clerk, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Robert de Clifford, of the county of Northumberland, acknowledges that
he owes to William de la Beche, knight, 10 marks ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in the same county.
Richard de la Pole and William de la Pole, merchants of Kyngeston-on-
HuU, acknowledge that they owe to Roger Beler 40/.; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
William de Shefeld acknowledges that he owes to John de Croumbwell,
knight, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert de Waltham acknowledges that he owes to Giles Pecche 40 marks;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks.
John de Pabenham acknowledges that he owes to Ralph Basset of
Drayton 35 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Bedford.
Humphrey de Bassyngbourn, knight, acknowledges that he owes to
Robert de Ardern and Simon de Drayton 45/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
Membrane lOrf.
May 10. John de Louthre, parson of the church of Symondesburn, diocese of
York. Durham, acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Leyburn, knight, 40/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
The said John acknowledges that he owes to Patrick de Colewenn 20/.;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
May 15. Robert de Bolton and Thomas de Bolton, knights, acknowledge that they
York. owe to Richard de Averenges, knight, 120 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Thomas de Outhenby acknowledges that he owes to William Gentilcorps
55 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
COS. York and Nottingham.
Cancelled on payment.
May 18. Richard de la Lee acknowledges that he owes to John de Peryby 5 marks;
York. to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
1322. Membrane \0d — cont.
May 16. Thomas Botetourt, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William la
York. Zousche of Assheby 1,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Buckingham.
May 18. To the mayor and bailiffs of Bishop's Lynn. Order to cause to be chosen
York. as many of the strongest men-at-arms, both mariners and others of that
town, as shall be necessary for the munition of the two ships granted by thejii
to the king for two months at their expense, and to cause the ships to be
manned {muniri) by the said men. If any of the mariners or others of that
town be contrary in this matter, they are ordered to certify the king of
their names under their seals, so that he- may order to be done what shall
seem good to him.
Robert de Leybnrne acknowledges that he owes to Robert de la Vale
200 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Lancaster.
Robert de la Vale acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Leyburne
300 maiks ; to be levied, in deiault of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Northumberland.
The said Robert de la Vale acknowledges that he owes to the aforesaid
Robert 1,000 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, as above.
Walter de Gloucestre, knight, acknowledges that he owes to the abbot of
Evesham 200Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Gloucester.
William Hose of Leicester acknowledges that he owes to William son of
Alan de Walkyngton 50*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Leicester.
May 19. To the burgesses of the town of Cirencester. The king thanks them for
York. granting him six armed footmen for service against the Scots for forty days
at their expense, and requests them to cause the men to be chosen from the
strongest men and to send them to Newcastle-on-Tyne in the eve of
St. James the Apostle next. By K.
[Pari. Writs.']
Enrolment of grant by Robert de la Vale to William his eldest son and
Ellen, daughter of Sir Robert de Leybourn, of the manors of Biandon and
Dokesfeld, co. Northumberland, with reversion to the donor and his heirs
in case they die without heirs of their bodies. Dated at York, on Wednesday
before the Ascension, 15 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Robert de la Vale came into chancery at York, on
20 May following, and acknowledged the above deed.
Enrolment of demise by Sir Robert de la Vale to Sir Robert de Leybourn
and Sarah his wife of the manors of Brandon and Dakesfeld, co.
Northumberland, for the term of eleven years from the Ascension, 1322,
subject to their finding during that time maintenance for William, son of
the demisor, and for Ellen, daughter of the said Robert de Leybourn, in
food, clothing, and other necessaries. In case Robert de Leybourn and
Sarah die before the end of the above term, the manors shall remain to
William and Ellen until the end of the term in place of their aforesaid
maintenance. Dated at York, on Wednesday before the Ascension,
15 Edward II.
Enrolment of indenture between the aforesaid Robert de Leybourn and
Robert de la Vale, witnessing that whereas Robert de la Vale is bound to
Robert de Leybourn in 1000 maiks by recognisance in chancery, the latter
grants that Robert de la Vale and his lieirs shall be quit thereof if he retain
without alienation all the Ifinds whereof he was seised on the day when this
15 EDWARD II. 553
1322. Membrane \0d — cont.
indenture was made, so thnt they may descend to William his eldest son
and to his heirs ; provided that nothing shall be levied of the said
recognisance by virtue of any alienation made by Robert de la Vale after
the death of the aforesaid Ellen without issue by the said William. Dated
as above.
Enrolment of indenture between the aforesaid parties,- witnessing that
whereas Robert de la Vale is bound to Robert de Leyboui n in 300 mat ks by
recognisance in chancery, the latter grants that Robert de la Vale and his
heirs shall be quit thereof if Robert de Leybourn receive 300 marks from
40A of land yearly that he shall have in the county of Northumberland for
the term of eleven years by demise from the said Robert de la Vale, subject
to his finding maintenance for William, son of Robert de la Vale, and Ellen,
daughter of Robert de Leybourne, before the end of the aforesaid term.
Dated as above.
Me?norandum, that the aforesaid parties came into chancery at York, on
20 May, and acknowledged the above indentures.
May 21. Robert de Waltham acknowledges that he owes to Giles Pecche
York. 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Berks.
Robert de Kendale, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de
Ayremynu, clerk, 30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Hertford. — Master H. de Cljf received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
Thomas Wak, son of Hugh Wak, knight, acknowledges that he owes to
John de Crumwell, knight, lOOZ. ; to he levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in cos. Lincoln and Northampton.
Cancelled on payment.
Walter de Plassh of Eggerton acknowledges that he owes to Hervey de
Staunton, knight, lOOs. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Salop.
May 20. To the mayor, bailiffs, and men of Oxford. The king thanks them for
York. granting him twenty-five armed footmen to be sent to Newcastle-on-Tyne
in the eve of St. James next, when the king has summoned his army against
the Scots to meet there, and to remain in the king's service for forty days
after that date at their expense, and he oiders them to cause the men to be
chosen from the strongest men of the town, and to cause their expenses in
coming to the king and staying with him to be levied from the community
of the town, and to cause them to come to Newcastle at the said date.
\Parl. Writs.'] By K.
The like to the mayors, where there are mayors, bailiffs and men of the
following towns :
Exeter, for 26 men. Winchester, for 50 men.
Salisbury, for 40 men. Northampton, for 40 men.
Canterbury, for 20 men. Bedford, for 10 men.
Derby, for 4 men. Cambridge, for 20 men. [Ibid.']
Leicester, for 12 men.
Membrane 9rf.
May 24. Richard Tuchet acknowledges that that he owes to William de Ayremynn,
York. clerk, 200/. ; to.be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Lincoln.
Cancelled on payment.
1322. Membrane Qd — cont.
William de Ayremynn, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to the said
Eichard 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Adam Alman acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Neuland and
Henry his brother 2 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels iu co. York.
Richard de Loversale and Robert de Bentelay acknowledge that they owe
to John de Crumbwell, knight, 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
their lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
May 22. Thomas de Halghton, John de Chetewynd, Robert de Button, John de
York. Ipstones, Vivianus de Staundon, Roger, parson of the church of BlumenhuU,
Viviauus de Chetewynd, William de Weston Jones, Robert son of Robert
de Button, Jordan de Puuelesden, and James de Poderaore acknowledge
that they owe to Roger de Swynnerton, knight, 500 marks; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Salop.
Thomas de Wyrthorp acknowledges that he owes to Master Thomas de
Garton 8Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
Ralph Basset of Drayton puts in his place William de Olneye or John de
Assheby to prosecute the execution of a recognisance for 253/. Zs. 3\d.
against Robert de Kendale, and of other recognisances for the like amount
against Roger de Swynnerton and Richard de Perers.
Assignment of dower to Idonia, late the wife of GeofErey de Say, made by
Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent, on 18 April, 15 Edward II.,
by the king's writ. There are assigned to her the manor of Berlynge,
CO. Kent, of the yearly value of 24/. 18s. 8c?., and the following lands and
tenements in the manor of Burgham, in the same county : a barn, a cow-
house and ox-house, of the yearly value of Hd., with free egress and ingress ;
40 acres of arable land, of the yearly value of 6rf. an acre ; 80 acres of
arable land, of the yearly value of Ad. an acre ; and 10 acres of pasture in
the places called ' Landmed,' ' Mellemed,' and ' Stothope,' of the yearly
value of 9>d. an acre. There are assigned of the rent of assize of the tenants
there 39*. 8d. yearly, to wit from Henry Pieres 7s. \\d. yearly, from Henry
atte Bergh Is. 2\d. yearly, from Richard atte Fourde 2s. yearly, from John
atte Broke 5s. yearly, from John Kenep 18rf. yearly, from John Hoppere 20d.
yearly, from the heirs of Alexander Aylewyne 3s. \\d. yearly, from William
Bucher 4s. yearly, from Simon Penkel 9c/., from the heirs of William de
Combe 3s., from Benedict de Combe 22\d., from Alexander Syward 2d.,
from John Robyn ll^d. There are also assigned to her the customs of
the aforesaid tenants of ploughing 16 acres of land yearly, of the yearly
value of 10s. 8c/., to wit each acre 8(/.,and thirty-two hens of the rent of the
said tenants yearly, of the yearly value of 4s., and 160 eggs yearly of the
rent of the said tenants, of the yearly value of Qd. She took oath before
the escheator not to marry without the king's licence.
June 1. Master Robert de Ikelesham, canon of Hereford church, acknowledges
Rothwell. that he owes to John de Weston, the yoimger, 71. 6s. 8c/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hereford.
May 30. To the bailiffs and men of the city of Norwich. The king thanks them
Haywra. for granting him in aid of his Scotch war 200/. or sixty armed footmen at
his option, and orders them to levy the aforesaid sum amongst them as they
shall see lit without, delay, and to send it to the king by one of the bailiffs
15 EDWAED II. 556
1322. Membrane 9d — cottt.
to be delivered into the king's chamber, as the king, having considered the
matter, thinks the money will be more acceptable. By K.
May 15. To John Bustard and Thomas Fairfax. Whereas the king has ordained to
York. set out with his army against the Scotch rebels, and appointed lately, before
he came to the north, Andrew de Hartcla, earl of Carlisle, warden of the
parts of the marches of Scotland in the counties of York, Lancaster,
Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Northumberland, in those things that
pertain to the protection and tranquillity of the people and the repulse of
the aforesaid rebels, and in order that the men of the wapentake of Aynesty,
CO. York, might be the more ready to repel the Scots together with the said
earl in case they should enter the realm, the king appointed the said John
and Thomas to ordain and array all horsemen and footmen of that wapentake
between the ages of sixteen and sixty in twenties, hundreds, and constabu-
laries, and to see that they were armed according to the statute of Winchester,
and to cause them thus armed and arrayed to be levied so that they should
be ready to set out with the earl and the said John and Thomas when the
earl should let them know ; and the king now understands that the said
enemies are preparing to enter the realm : he therefore orders the said
John and Thomas to ordain and array the said men accordingly without
delay, and to cause them to be provided with arms as above, sparing no one
in this behalf, notwithstanding any orders of the king to the contrary, so
that the men be ready to set forth with the king or others to be appointed by
him in case the rebels enter the realm. By K.
[Pari. FFrits.;\
The like to others in the wapentakes, etc., of the three Ridings of the
county. [TSicf.]
Thomas Cok puts in his place John de Eveshnm and John de Norton to
prosecute the matter of a recognisance for 200Z. made to him by Robert de
Monte Alto.
May 15. To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause the victuals that the king
York. ordered him to purvey in his bailiwick and to send to Newcastle-on-Tyne
by the octaves of Holy Trinity to be bought and purveyed with all speed
and sent to the said town according to the king's previous order, notwith-
standing that the king has, at the request of the prelates, earls, barons, and
other proceres of the realm in the parliament at York, prorogued the said
term for being at Newcastle with his army until the eve of St. James the
Apostle next. By K.
The like to the following :
The sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk.
The same sheriff in the town of Great Yarmouth and elsewhere.
The sheriff of Cambridge and Huntingdon.
The sheriff of Nottingham and Derby.
The sheriff of Essex.
The sheriff of Kent.
The sheriff of Southampton.
The sheriff of Surrey and Sussex.
The sheriff of York.
The sheriff of Lancaster to take victuals to Skynburnesse, etc.
Membrane 9d — Schedule.
May 19. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause Thomas Dautri and Thomas Houk,
York. knights of that shire at the parliament at York, to have 5ls. each from the
community of that county for their expenses in staying in the parliament
seventeen days, taking 3s. a day each. By K.
[Fori. Writs.']
1322. Membrane 9d — Schedule — cont.
To the sheriff of Northampton. Like order for payment of 75s. each to
Simon de Drayton and Ralph Bagot for their expenses as above and for
four days coming to the parliament and four days returning. [Ibid.']
The like to the sheriffs of seventeen other counties for the payment of
various sums to the knights of their respective counties. [Ibid.]
To the mayor and bailiffs of Nottingham. Order to pay to Geoffrey le
Flemyng and Simon de Eolevill, burgesses of that town, 38*. each for their
expenses in attending the said parliament and for three days coming and
three days returning, taking 20c?. a day each, [Ibid.~\
The like for the following for various sums from the respective towns
and cities :
John de Wylton and Thomas de Colston, citizens of Carlisle.
Simon de Knythwyk and William Constantyn, burgesses of Bedeford.
William Roculf, the younger, and Richard Coliz, burgesses of Wor-
Adam le Homere and Walter Beynyn, burgesses of Radyng'. [Ibid.]
Membrane Sd.
May 13. To the sub-prior and convent of Abyndon. Order to admit John de
York. Ca[n]yng', their prior, when he comes to the monastery, notwithstanding
any order of the king's to the contrary, as the king does not wish that the
election of an abbot shall be impeded by the absence of the said prior,
who has absented himself from the monastery for some time for certain
May 1 5. To Richard de Burgo, earl of Ulster. Notification that the king in the
York. parliament at York has prorogued the day when he intends being at
Newcastle-on-Tyne with his army from the octaves of Holy Trinity until
the eve of St. James the Apostle. The king requests the earl to be at
Carlisle with an armed force by the latter date, according to his former
request that he should be there in the said octaves. [Pari. Writs.]
May 23. Thomas Fermbaud acknowledges that he owes to Amicabilia, late the
York. wife of Nicholas Fermbaud, 200 marks ; to bp levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in cos. Bedford and Buckingham.
May 17. To Henry le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the
York. kino-. Order to proceed to make allowance [of their liberties] to the
mayor, aldermen, citizens, and community of the city of London and to
proceed to hear and determine the other pleas touching them, the king having
caused all the pleas of quo waranto and all other pleas touching them of the
last eyre of the justices at the Tower, which he caused to come before his
council, to be delivered to the said Henry and his fellows to be
determined. By pet. of C.
May 15. To John de Bermyngham, earl of Loueth, justiciary of Ireland.
York. Notification that the king in the parliament at York has prorogued the
day for setting out against the Scots from the octaves of Holy Trinity
until the eve of St. James the Apostle. The king orders him to send to
Carlisle by the latter date the men-at-arms, hobeiers, and footmen from
that land that he lately ordered him to have there by the said octaves,
repeating the previous order. By K.
[Farl. Writs.]
1322. Membrane 8d — cont.
To Thomas son of John, earl of Kildare. Notificalion of the aforesaid
prorogation, and request that he will come to Carlisle at the king's wages
at the prorogued date, repeating the previous order. By K,
The like to thirty-three others. [Ibid.]
May 15. To Edmund, earl of Arundel, justice of Wales, or to him who supplies his
York. place. Notification of the above prorogation, and ordering him to cause the
3,900 footmen from those parts to be at Newcastle at the prorogued date
instead of at the date mentioned in the king's late order, which order is
repeated. By K.
To the same. Order to have the 500 footmen from his lands of Kery
and Kedewy, Clon, Oswaldestre, and Chirk at Newcastle at the pro-
rogued date instead of at the date mentioned in the king's late order
here repeated. By K.
The like to fourteen others and nine keepers of lands in Wales,
for various numbers of men. [Ibid.]
Membrane 8d — Schedule.
The king in his parliament at York in three weeks from Easter, in the
15th year of his reign, desiring to ordain and establish a matter that
should be to the honour of God and of Holy Church, to the profit of
himself and his realm, the good keeping of his peace and the tranquillity of
his people, made the following establishments by the assent of the arch-
bishops, bishops, abbots, priors, and other prelates, earls, barons, and the
commonalty of his realm, there assembled :
ISn primes, qe seinte eglise eit totes ses dreitures et fraunchises, sicome
est contenue en la Grante Chartre et autres estatutz de ceo fait avaunt
ces houres.
Item, qe la pees le Hoi soit fermement garde par tot son roialme, issint
qe chescun puisse sauvement aler, venir, et demorer, solonc la ley et
I'usage du roialm,e.
Item, qe ceo qe le Roi Edward piere nostre seigmer le Roi q'ore est, a
son parlement a Westm[onstre] en Quarreme, I'an de S07i regne oytisme,
establist des prises, et de la manere et des punissementz de ceux qe
countre vendreient, seit tenuz et garde en toutz pointz, et qe chescun
qe pleindre se vodra de chose faite a lui encountre eel establissement,
eit brief en chauncellerie covenable en son cas.
Item, qe viscountes et hundreders soient mis solonc la fourme del estatut
fait en temps nostre seignur le Roi q'ore est, a son parlement a JS'ichole,
Pan de son regne noejisme.
Item, qe le graunt qe le dit Roi, piere nostre seignur le Roi q'ore est,
fist a Westm[oustre], lexxvij"" jour de Maii, Van de son regne xxxiiij,
tochantz ses forestes et enditemeniz faire de trespas de vert et de
veneisoun, se teigne en touz ses pointz a touz jours. Et qe ceux qi se
sentent greve countre la forme du dit graunt, eit de ceo brief en
Item, qe ceo qe le dit Roi, piere nostre seignur le Roi q'ore est, a son dit
parlement a Westm[oustre'\ en Quarreme, Pan de son regne xxviij,
fist et establist del estat de seneschal et de mareschaux, et des pleez
qe eux deivent tenir, et coment, et de conussances des dettes, et de office
qe apent a coroner defelonie faite deinz la verge, soit teuu et garde
en toutz ses pointz a touz jours. Et qe seneschal et mareschaux
desore en plaitz des trespas, contracts, covenantz, et dettes des quevx
eux deivent conustre solonc la forme dn dit establissement, receivent
1322. Membrane 8d — Schedule — cont.
aturnez auxi bien pur les defendantz come pur les pleintifs. Et si
seneschal ou mareschaux facent countre le dit estahlissement ou cest
estatut, soit lour fait tenu pur nul, et soient puni vers le Roi par
einprisonement et par raunzoun. El ceux qi averount suy le pie,
soient puni vers la partie en damage a double. Et eit chescun qe
pleindre se vodra de chose faite a lui countre le dit establissement ou
cest estatut brief en chaunc[ellerie~\ pledable devant le Roi, auxi bien
countre seneschal et mareschaux come contre la partie.
Item, pur ceo qe multz des gentz du poeple, autres qe marchantz conuz,
sont nirdt grevez et reintz par V estatut de marchant fait a Acton
Burnel, acorde est et establi qe eel estatut ne se /eigne desoremes
forsqe entre marchantz et marchantz conuz marchanz et de marchan-
dises entre eux faites, et qe la reconissance seface sicome est contenu
en le dit estatut et par tesmoignance de quatre prodeshommes et loiaux
conuz, et qe lour nouns soient entrez en la reconissance pur tesmoigner
le fait. Et qe a nuli soient autres terres liverez a tenir en noiin de
fraunh ten[ement^ par vertu del dit estatut, forsqe burgages des
marchantz et lour chateux moebles. Et qe les seals le Roi assignez
pur tesmoigl^n^er les dites reconissances soient en la garde des plus
riches et plus sages des villes ou tieles reconissances se deivent faire,
a ceo esluz par les communaltes de meismes les villes.
Item, pur ceo qe mult des gentz soventefeth par maliciouses appeaux,
sutes, et enditementz des felonies et trespas faites countre la pees, auxi
bien a la suite le Roi come a suite d' autre, sont utlaez et par taunt en
peril de lour vies et desheritance, acorde est et establi qe desoremes
nul homme par tiel maliciouse apel, sute, ou enditement utlae soit, mis
a la mort, ne disherite, par qei q'il se rende a la prison le Roi et se
aquite de la felonie ou trespas pur la quele ilfeust utlae. Et qe
apres q'il est aquite, soit la utlagerie defaite et pronuncie pur mile,
et eit ses terres de la livere le Roi, si le Roi les teigne, et si autre les
teigne, eit brief des justices, devaunt quels la dite utlagerie serra
defaite, de garnir le tenant q'il soit devant meistnes les justices a
certein jour a moustrer s'il sache rien dire pur quei il ne doit reaver
la seisine de sa terre. Et soit outre du proces fait par ineismes les
justices taunt q'il soit reiseisi de sa terre, quele serra occupe par autre
par cause de utlagerie qe issi serra defaite et pronuncie pur nule. Et
en ceo cos, si le tenaunt eit garaunt, sue vers lui par brief de garauntie
de chartre, s'il vodra.
Item, qe appeaux des felonies et de maheyns desoremes ne soient abatuz
par qei qe Vappellour noume la felonie, le jour, le houre. Van, le lieu,
la ville ou le le fait serra fait, et de quele arme il fu tuez, si la appel
soit de mort de homme. Et de quele manei-e des Mens il feu robbez, si
I'appel soit de robberie. \^Rot. Parliament., i. 456.]
Membrane Id.
May 11. To the archbishop of York. Order to have his service at Newcastle-on-
York. Tyiie on the eve of St. James the Apostle, instead of in the octaves of Holy
Trinity as previously ordered, the king having prorogued the day in the
present parliament at York. By K. and C.
\^Fcedera ; Pari, Writs. ~\
The like to sixteen bishops. [Ibid.^
May 11. To Edward, earl of Chester. Order to be at Newcastle-on-Tyne with
York. all his service on the said eve, the king having prorogued the day as
above. By K. and C.
The like to nine earls and seventy -iive others. [Ibid.^
June 1.
June 8.
June 5.
To the sheriff of York
The like to all the sheriffs of England
June 9.
June 10.
Membrane 'Id — cont.
Order to cause the above prorogation to be pro-
By K. and C.
To the bailitfs and men of Eavenserodde. The king thanks them for
their grant of a ship with thirty armed men, victuals, and other necessaries
to be sent to him and to stay in his service for six week.s, and orders
them to cause the ship to be prepared, and the men chosen from the
strongest of the town, and to cause their arms and expenses to be levied
from the community of the town, and to send the ship when thus prepared
to Tynemuth, so that it be there on the eve of St. James the Apostle.
To the mayor, bailiffs, and men of Southampton. Like letter, thanking
them for granting the king two ships with eighty armed men, etc., to stay
in the king's service for two months at their expense. By K.
To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to release Geoffrey de Weston,
Eichard de Heydon, John Boxe, John de Aure, and Hugh Chaunz, esquires
of his bailiwick, if he have attached them by virtue of the king's order to
attach by their bodies all those who did not come in his service by reason
of the common summons, and to restore to them their lands and the issues
thereof until otherwise ordered. By K.
[Farl. Writs.]
The like to the following :
The sheriff of Somerset and Dorset in favour of John de Gouiz, esquire.
The sheriff of Wilts for Geoffrey de Weston.
The sheriffs of Devon, Oxford, and Buckingham in favour of Eoger
Euaut. [Ibid.]
To the sheriff of Devon. Order to supersede the execution of the king's
aforesaid order so far as concerns Eichard de Ohaumbernoun, Baldwin le
Flemyng, Eobert de Cantokishevede, William de Cornubia, John Daumarle,
John Burnel, Hugh de Chaumbernoun, Oliver de Chaumbernoun, Eichard
de Merton, and Eobert Beaupel, and to restore their lands, etc., to them, as
the king learns by the testimony of W. bishop of Exeter, his treasurer, that
they are and were at the time of the common summons of his retinue
(retinencia) and were journeying to the king with the bishop and other
men-at-arms and footmen when the king ordered the bishop not to come.
The like to the sheriff of Gloucester in favour of William Hereward, who
is of the bishop's retinue. [Ibid.]
To Edmund de Hemgrave and John de Welnetham. Order to supersede
the choosing of an armed footman in the town of Baudeseye in execution of
their appointment to choose a footman from every town in co. Suffolk that
answers for a township, to come to the king at Newcastle-on-Tyne, as the
bailiffs and men of Baudeseye have granted the king a ship provided with
men-at-arms, victuals, and other necessaries to stay in his service for a cer-
tain time at their expense, provided that Edmund and John find that they
are preparing the said ship. [Pari. Writs.]
To John de Britannia, earl of Eichmond. Order to prepare as great a
force as possible of horsemen and footmen, so that he be ready to set out with
them at two days' notice against the Scots, who, the king understands, are
preparing to enter the realm before the eve of St. James, when the king
proposed to set out against them. [Ibid.] By K.
The like to four earls and eighteen others. [Ibid.]
May 16.
June 2.
June 7.
June 6.
June 6.
Membbane &d.
To Thomas Lercedekne and Reginald de Botreaux. Order to supersede
entirely the king's order to elect 500 footmen in the county of Cornwall,
and to restore the arms and money levied by them in this behalf, or to
ordain otherwise for the man of each town coming in the king's service by
the assent of the men ef the townships from whom the arms and money
have been levied, as a grant has been made to the king in parliament of an
armed footman from each town in the realm. By K. and C.
\_Parl. Writs.']
The like for otlier counties. \_Ibid.'\
John Mynghot, knight, acknowledges that he owes to "Walter de Carleton
100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands .and chattels in
CO. York.
Walter de Carleton acknowledges that he owes to John Mynghot, knight,
100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
William de Hatfeld of London, ' flsshmongere,' .acknowledges that he
owes to Geoffrey de Hyneton 2Qs. 8d. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
Henry de Valoygnes, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Richard
Couroy 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Kent.
Richard Abbot of Outheby puts in his place William de Wadworth,
clerk, to defend the execution of a recognisance for 500/., made by him in
chancery to Roger son of Geoffrey de Slanerne of Sutton.
To the abbot of Langedon. Inhibition of his leaving the realm or going
to parts beyond sea until further orders from the king, as the king under-
stands that he intends going to parts beyond sea by reason of a citation
made to him by the abbot of Premontre, leaving unfinished certain affairs
of the king. By p.s. [6040.]
To the abbot of Premontre. Request that he will treat the abbot of
Langedon favourably, and that he will desist from molesting him with
citations and processes, and that he will excuse the abbot from coming to
him by virtue of his late citation, as the king has committed certain of his
affairs to the said abbot, the execution whereof requires a long time, and the
king is unable and unwilling to spare the presence of the said abbot in this
realm before the said affairs are completed. He is requested to certify the
king of his will in this matter by the bearer hereof.
To Edmund de Wodestok, earl of Kent, constable of Dover castle, or to
him who supplies his place. Order to inhibit the abbot of Langedon from
going to parts beyond sea before the aforesaid affairs of the king are com-
pleted, and not to permit him to cross until further orders.
To the sheriff of York. Order not to arrest the goods and wares of the
men or subjects of John, duke of Brabant, by virtue of any order of the
king's, sent or to be sent to him for the trespass of any others than the said
men and subjects, or for any debts wherefore they are not sureties or
principal debtors, and not to disquiet or aggrieve them for these reasons
before Easter next, restoring meanwhile any goods arrested on this behalf.
The king makes this order at the duke's request. [Fcedera.]
The like to the sheriffs of Lincoln, Kent, Norfolk and Suffolk, Surrey
and Sussex, Southampton, and London. [Ibid.]
1322. Membrane 6d — cont.
Robert de Pontefraclo of Wyleathorp acknowledges that he owes to the
master and brethren of St. Leonard's hospital, York, 4/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in eo. York.
Enrolment of grant by Robert, son and heir of Thomas de Pontefracto of
Wylesthorp, to Sir Peter de Middelton,-knight, of permission to give to the
master and brethren of the aforesaid hospital in frankalmoin the advowson
of the church of Hoton Wandesleye, which he holds of Robert. WitnesBes :
John de Denom ; Richard de Aldeburgh ; William de Byngham ; Thomas
de Eyvill ; Laurence de Coupmanthorp ; John de (sic) Fox of Angrom ;
William del Dringhouses. Dated at York, 18 May, 1322.
June 4. To John de Warenna, earl of Surrey. Order to cause 400 footmen to be
EothweU. elected in his lands of Bromfeld and Yale, and to cause them to be brought
to the king at Newcastle-on-Tyne on the eve of St. James, according to the
king's late order to the keeper of those lands, the king having now restored
the lands to the earl. [Pari. Writs.J
William de Thedelthorp, parson of the church of Eppeworth, acknowledges
that he owes to William de Popelton, parson of Brafferton church, 29^. 6[.«.] ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln,
June 8. Geoffrey le Scrop acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynne,
Haddlesey. clerk, iOl. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
Cancelled on payment.
June 10. John son of Thomas de Heselarton acknowledges that he owes to Matilda,
Haddlesey. late the wife of Geoffrey de Hothum, 60^ ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Richard de Hothum acknowledges that he owes to John de Heselarton
40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Y''ork.
John son of Thomas de Heselarton acknowledges that he owes to Richard
de Hothum 50 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Membrane 5d.
June 8. To the bailiffs and men of Truru. Request that they will cause two
Eothwell. armed footmen to be elected in that town, in addition to the man from
every town granted to the king in parliament, and that they will send these
three men to the king with their expenses, so that they may be at New-
castle-on-Tyne on the eve of St. James the Apostle dext, certifying the
king of their proceedings herein. By K.
[Pari. Writs."]
The like to the bailiflEa and men of seventy-one other towns for various
numbers of additional men. [Ibid.']
June 16. Master William de Anlaghby acknowledges that he owes to Master Adam
Haddlesey. de Ajremynn, clerk, 20*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
1322. Membrane bd — cont.
John de Dalton of Pykeryng' acknowledges that he owes to the king
100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
Cancelled uprni payment in the king's chamber to William de Lange.leye,
king's clerk, as appears under the privy seal in chancery.
William Moigne, parson of Northferiby church, acknowledges that he
owes to the king 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. — The chancellor received the acknow-
June 15. To L. bishop of Durham, or to him who supplies his place. Order to
Haddlesey. cause all the men of his liberty of Durham, horsemen and footmen, between
the ages of sixteen and sixty to be assembled speedily, suitably armed, so
that they be ready to resist the Scotch rebels, who, the king learns for
certain, have lately entered the realm of England. By K.
[Pari. Writs. 1
To Andrew de Harcla, warden of the Scotch marches in cos. Westmoreland
and Cumberland. Order to labour for the repulse of the said rebels with
all his power, assembling for this purpose all the men of those parts between
the ages of sixteen and sixty. By K.
{Fcedera; Pari. Writs. ^
The like to John de Penereth, warden of the said marches in North-
umberland. By K.
June 15. To the sheriff of Nottingham and Derby. Order to bring to the king
Haddlesey. all the men of his bailiwick between the ages of sixteen and sixty, suitably
armed, according to the king's late order. [Pari. Writs.']
The like to the sheriffs of Lincoln and Lancaster. [Ibid.]
Membrane 4d.
June 11. To John Peverel and John Latymer. Order to supersede entirely the
Haddlesey. choosing of a footman in the town of Melecombe, in execution of their
appointment to choose an armed man from each town in co. Dorset that
answers for a township in justices' eyre, cities and boroughs excepted,
as the bailiffs and men of Melecombe have granted the king a ship with
forty armed men, victuals and other necessaries, to stay in his service for
two months at their expense. By K.
The like in favour of the town of Lym, the bailiffs and men having
granted a ship with thirty armed men as above. By K.
The like to William de Isny and John Darcy the uncle (I' Uncle),
appointed for the above purposes in the parts of Lindeseye, co. Lincoln,
in favour of the town of Waynflet, the bailiffs, men and community thereof
having granted the king a ship, etc., to stay in his service for 40 days.
June 20. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made that
Haddlesey. all bannerets, knights, esquires, and men-at-arms, who are not of the retinue
(reteneticiis) of others, shall come to the king, who proposes to be at New-
castle-on-Tyne on the eve of St. James the Apostle, suitably armed, to set
out at his wages against the Scotch rebels, and to cause as many of them as
he can to be summoned singly, causing them to come before him at a
day to be prefixed by him. He is to cause proclamation to be made that
the king will not count amongst his well-wishers those who neglect or
refuse to come, and he is ordered to certify the king without delay of the
June 22.
June 21.
1322. Membrane 'id — cnnt.
names of those whom he shall have summoned, understanding that if he
conceal the name of anyone from the king or if he spare anyone in this
behalf, the king will punish him for such trespass in retarding his
expedition. By K
[Pari. Writs.']
The like to all the sheriffs of England. {Ibid.l
To the sheriff of Hereford. Like order, substituting for the clause about
neglecting or refusing to come, a clause that the king will reward those
who come willingly in their affairs against him, so that they ought to be
contented. By K
The like to the sheriffs of the following counties :
Gloucester. Nottingham.
Worcester. Salop and Stafford. [Ibid.]
Master John de Wynchelse acknowledges that he owes to Master Robert
de Ayleston, canon of Salisbury, 400 m.arks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Berks and Kent.
William de Bylham of York came before the king, on Monday after
SS. Gervase and Protasius, and sought to replevy his land in York, which
was taken into the king's hands for his default before the justices of the
Bench against Constance, late the wife of Robert de Hertergate. This is
signified to the justices.
Sibyl de NormanvUla, prioress of Appelton, acknowledges, for herself
and convent, that she owes to William, archbishop of York, 20Z. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Robert de Cave, parson of a moiety of the church of Northtudenham,
diocese of Norwich, and John de Marton, parson of Westillebury, diocese
of London, acknowledge that they owe to Master Adam de Ayvemynne,
clerk, lOOi. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels
in cod. Norfolk and Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
Richard Tout of Ireland acknowledges that he owes to John, bishop of
Ely, 200Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in England and Ireland.
June 25. William de North Elmham, king's clerk, has letters to the abbot and
York. convent of Abyndon to receive the pension due to one of the king's clerks
by reason of the new creation of the abbot. By K.
Enrolment of deed of Aymer de Valence, earl of Pembroke, witnessing
that whereas the king was aggrieved against him for certain reasons that
he was given to understand, and could not assure himself of the earl,
wherefore the earl being grieved, especially for ihe great benefits, honours,
and grants made to him by the king, and desiring to obtain the king's
grace and good will, and to do so that the king's heart shall be eased and
appeased against the earl, and that the king may assure himself of the earl
as his faithful and loyal liegeman in all points, the earl has, of his free will
and without coercion, sworn upon the gospels to be obedient, aiding, and
counselling to the king, as his liege lord, in all matters and in all his enter-
prises whatsoever, and to come to him at all times when ordered without
excuse, unless prevented by illness or other sufficient excuse, and to aid
and maintain the king in time of peace and war against all men, and not to
ally himself or make alliance with any one against the king or against any
N N 2
June 24.
1322. Membrane Ad — cont.
one whom the king will maintain, and to repress with all his power any
disobedience or alliance against the king. For greater security, he charges
his body, lands and goods, so that the king may imprison him and treat him
as one attainted of falseness and malice, and may seize his lands and goods
in case he contravene any of the above points, and has moreover found
mainpernors for the observance hereof. Dated at Bisshop Thorp, near
York, 22 June, in the 1.5th year of the king's reign. French.
Memorandum, that the earl came into chancery at the said place, on the
said day, and acknowledged the above deed.
Membrane Sd.
June 25. John son of Matilda atte Halleyate of Shirburn acknowledges that he
York. owes to Alexander Cok of Ravenserodde 50s. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of hia lands and chattels in co. York.
John de Waldeby acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Sapy 281. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
June 24. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to associate with him William
York. la Zouche of Haryngworth, and to cause all the men-at-arms of his baili-
wick to be assembled, and to summon them and induce them by all means
to come to the king with all speed, suitably armed, in order to set out in
his service against the Scotch rebels, who have, as the king learns for cer-
tain, entered his realm, causing them to know that the king will not count
amongst his well-wishers those who neglect or refuse to come in this ser-
vice. He is to certify the king under his seal of the names of those whom
he shall summon in this behalf. The king has ordered William to intend
to the premises together with the sheriff. By K.
IFarl. Writs.^
Mandate in pursuance to the said William, ordering him to come to the
king with all his power. 'ilbid.'\
June 26. Alesia, late the wife of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, daughter and
York. heiress of Henry de Lacy, late earl of Lincoln, acknowledges that she owes
to the king 20,OOOZ. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and
chattels in England and Wales.
Memorandum, that this recognisance was made for a certain cause, con-
cerning which the king made his letters patent to the aforesaid Alesia, as
is contained on the Patent roll.
June 27. Anketin Salvayn, Nicholas de Langeton, and Thomas de Pontefracto
York. acknowledge that they owe to Alexander de NevyU 10 marks ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
William Burdon of Herdeby acknowledges that he owes to William son
of John de Bekingham of Neuwerk 17Z. 10s. Od. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Leicester.
William de Seton of Nunnyngton in Ridale acknowledges that he owes
to Nicholas de Moreby, clerk, and Henry de Moreby QOl. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Brereton acknowledges that he owes to William de Friston,
citizen of York, 20/. ; to be levied in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
15 EDWAKD II. 565
1322. Membrane 3d — cont.
June 29. John son of Richard de Assheby acknowledges that he owes to the prior
Yorh. of Malton 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Leicester.
Eoger de Grymeston, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de
Cravene, clerk, 100*.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
June 30. Peter de Malo Lacu acknowledges that he owes to William, archbishop
York. of York, 300Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
Cancelled on payment.
June 20. To the abbot and convent of Eevesby. Bequest that they will admit
Bishop into their house Eichard de Eedyng, who has long served the king and
Thorpe. jjjg father, and whom the king is again sending to them, and that they will
find him the necessaries of life for two years, the king having previously
requested them to find him such necessaries during his life, to which they
replied that they deferred doing so because their house was in great need
and poverty by reason of the prolonged barrenness of their lands and of
the death (strages) of nearly all their beasts, and other losses, which excuse the
king considers insufficient.
June 30. Walter de Bakhous of Stokesley and John son of Cicely de Stokesley
York. acknowledge that they owe to the master of St. Leonard's hospital, York,
6/. 16*. ?>d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels
in CO. York.
Walter de Cantilapo, parson of the church of Snytenfield, diocese of
Worcester, acknowledges that he owes to John de Hampton 200A ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Gloucester,
Warwick, and Wilts.
The said Walter acknowledges that he owes to Master Eobert le Blound,
clerk, 400Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in cos. Gloucester, Warwick, and Wilts.
Henry de Munketon acknowledges that he owes to Margaret Paitefyn
12 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
July 2. Eichard son of John son of Simon de Newehagh acknowledges that he
York. owes to Eichard de Ayremynne, parson of the church of Elvelay, 18/. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Oxford.
Eichard son of Felicia de Claxton acknowledges that he owes to Perci-
valle Simeon 30/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Leicester.
July 3. Eobert le Conestable of Flainburgh acknowledges that he owes to
York. Thomas de Eise of Beverley 88/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
of his lands and chattels in co. York.
John le Keu of Brampton acknowledges that he owes to William de
Ponte Burgi 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Eichard de Fenton of Pokelyngton, Eobert de Lascy, Eobert de Milyng-
ton, and Eichard de Thorp acknowledge that they owe to Thomas de
Berewyk of Pokelyngton 6/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their
lands and chattels in co. York.
Hugh de Lincoln of York acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas de
Catton of York 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands ao^
chattels in co. York,
1322. Membrane 3d — cont.
Henry de Watrefalle, parson of the church of Malteby, diocese of York,
acknowledges that he owes to John de Crombewelle 40 marks ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Giles son of John de Ferlyngton acknowledges that he owes to Henry
son of John de Ferlington 12/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by Rosa, late the wife of the said
Henry, and his executrix, as appears in a memorandum on the dorse of
the Close Roll of the seventh year of Edward III.
July 4. Peter de Rythre, parson of the church of Rythre, diocese of York,
York. acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Cosyngton 10/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Peter de Malo Lacu acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Grymston,
parson of a third of the church of Guthmundham, 20Z. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
George Salveyn, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Henry le Scrop 10/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
July 5. Peter de Salso Mariaco, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de
York. Cobham, knight, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Norfolk.
Cancelled on payment.
Membrane 2d.
Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent, on 4 April, in the 15th year
of the king's reign, assigned to Eleanor, late the wife of Thomas de Multon
of Egremound, co. Cumberland, the following of her late husband's lauds in
dower : for a third of the chief messuage of the manor of Egremound,
which is a castle, a messuage in Culderton enclosed with an old ditch, a
eheepcote there, with a third of a barn at Le Redeker, a place called
' Le Kilngarth,' as enclosed by an old ditch outside the outer gate of the
aforesaid castle, with the houses and buildings on the said place ; also
the orchard nearest to the park of Egremound, with a third part of a
dovecote ; also 1 72 acres of the demesne lands and 20 acres of the demesne
meadows lying in the field of the manor in divers places towards the south ;
also a third of the corn mills of Egremound, Beckermet, Thoraldwait,
Wastedale, and Eskedale, and a third of the fulling mill (molendinorum
fullareticorum) of Egremound, Thoraldwait and Wastedaile ; also a third
of the park under the said castle nearest the south, with a third of the
fishery in the water of Eygne vrithin the park ; also all her said late
husband's lands in Distington, with the mill there, except a moiety of the
advowson of the church of that town ; also all the land that William de
Rotington formerly held at will in Rotington, and the lands that John son
of Nicholas and John de Winzscales hold at will in Beckermet, and all
the lands that William Tetyng and Adam son of Anabella, held at will
there; also all the lands that Peter the miller {molendinarius),Wi\\\a,m.
son of Ranulph, and Thomas del Hard' hold at will in Oarleton, and all the
lands that Thomas son of John, Williann Punder, David Wodman, Richard
Scot, Richard son of R . . . , and WiUiam de Aldeby hold at will in Blay-
gtanfit, and all the lands that John son of Gilbert and Adam Materfeloun
hold at will in Winzscales, and all the lands that William de Winzscales
held in Winzscales, and IJ acres of land that Nicholas Cint', held at will
15 EDWARD II. 567
1822. Membrane 2d — cont.
there, and the land that Adam Cintyng uow holds there, which Thomas son
of Allot formerly held ; also all the lands that Gilbert Marescal, Robert
Stevenraan, John Paber, Roger de Ponte, and Richard Swan hold at will in
Egremound ; also the lands that Benedict son of Roger holds at will in
Santon ; also a third of the free chace of Coupeland by the following
boundaries, with all the lands within the said boundaries excgpt two parts
of a corn mill and of two lakes there : beginning in the water of Eske at
a place called ' Le Holmheved,' and so by the boundaries of Mulcastre to
the water of Mite, and so ascending that water to Le Merbek, and so by
the boundaries of Santon to Holgil, and so descending by Holgil to the
water of Irte, and so ascending by that water to Waswater, and so by
Waswater to Beutherdalbek, and so by Boutherdalbeck to Le Funfald, and
thence to Le Castok, and so to Le Droppingerag', and so to the height of
Yowberg, and so to Le Mikeldor of Yowberg, and thence to Le Rede Pike,
and so to Le Blackoumbheved, and thence to Le Windjate, and thence
direct to the high Delhertergrene,* and thence to the Le Blacksayl, and so
descending by the brook of Le Blackzol to Lesagh in Eynordale, and so
ascending by the water of Lesagh to Le Brinttenng', and so to Le Bradstarth,
and so into Edderlanghalf, and so into Edderlangtirn, and so into Prenti-
biountern, and thence to the height of Eskhals, and so descending into the
water of Esk. There are also assigned to her all the lands that William
son of Richard, Henry de Scale, and William son of John hold at will in
Wastedale; also a third of the lakes of Eynes .... Wastewater,
Burmeswater, and of the fishpond near the aforesaid castle ; also a third
of the mines of Thirnby and Holgil, and also the fishery in the water of
Eynge near the mere {mare) called ' Eygngarth ' ; also the rents and
services of Henry the smith {Fabri), Alan de Pounsconby, Robert son of
Mitt', Roger Kingeson, Richard S. . . . , John Couper, Richard de Cleter,
Henry son of Jurdan, Thomas le Alblaster, Roger de Ponte, Henry
Marcand, William son of Alan, Nicholas Harper, John son of Michael,
Robert son of Simon, Robert del Stanes, John de Kirkbjthor, Thomas his
brother, Adam Tunnock, Thomas Chappman, Christiana del Mosy . . ,
Adam Doune, Richard del Boure, Agnes Wait', Benedict Gonyot, Mathilda
Punder, Adam le Joung, William de Linthwait, Nicholas de Stanes,
Thomas Weltwayn, William Tunny, John Fraunk, John the smhh (Fabri),
William Giliot', Hauwisa Marscal, and Robert son of John, from the tene-
ments that they hold in free burgage in Egremound ; also the rents
and free services of Robert Harais, Adam Tunnok, John de Kirkbyth',
William Gilyot, John Tailour, John Tirry, Thomas Weltwayn, and
Roger de Irton from the tenements that they hold freely in Egremound ;
also the rents and services of Robert de Layburn, David Harais, the heirs
of Alexander de Hale, and a third of the free ferm of Simon Stotevyl for
Scalgarl ; also the fees and free services of Gilbert de Corwen, and Robert
de Cleter ; also a moiety of the advowson of the church of Gosford ; also
a third of the market of Egremound and of the fairs of Egremound and
Ravenglas, with a third of the tolls and other customs thence arising ; also
a third of wreck and waif and of every other demesne profit by land or by sea
within the said manor ; also a third of all the woods, wastes and pastures lying
undivided, with a third of the due pannage throughout the whole Coupeland ;
also a third of the courts and the perquisites thereof. Dated at Egremont,
the day and year aforesaid.
July 6. Walter del Bakhous of Stokesleye and John his son acknowledge
York. that they owe to John de Billingham 70/. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
* Probably ' to the height of the Hertergrene.'
1322. Membrane 2d — cont.
John de Stotton acknowledges that he owes to William Brinhand of
KnaresburgU 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Ralph de Brok acknowledges that he owes to John de Weston 20/. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hertford.
Cancelled on payment.
July 6. Walter Tolymer and Roger le Graunt acknowledge that they owe to
York. John de Wodford, clerk, 18 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of
their lands and chattels in cos. London and Middlesex.
Membrane \d.
June 28. To Robert Baynard, John Haward, Geoffrey Wyth, and John de Eitton.
York. Order not to assess or levy anything upon the community of the county of
Norfolk for the wages, expenses, or arms of the 600 men of that county,
whom the king lately appointed them to choose and bring to him at
Newcastle in addition to the one man from each township. \^Parl. Writs.']
The like to the persons appointed in like manner in other counties.
July 5, Ralph de Bulmere, Thomas de Manneby, and Geoffrey de Uppesale,
York, knights, Master Michael de Hartcla, John de Denton, Master William de
Bulmere, Master Henry le Flemyng, clerks, Banulph de Manneby, Henry de
Crauncewyk, Peter de Synyngthwayt, and John Gew .... acknowledge
that they owe to John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, 1,000 marks ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Richard de Rodeneye and William de Greyvill acknowledge that they
owe to the king 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and
chattels in co. Somerset.
William de Greyvill acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Rodeneye
200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by Geoffrey Martyn, attorney of
Richard's executors.
Richard de Boys of Useburn acknowledges that he owes to William
Brynhand of Knaresburgh 12/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Nicholas de Karliolo of York acknowledges that he owes to John de
EUerker, the elder, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
July 6. I'o John Bustard and Thomas Fairfax. Order to cause the men of the
York. wapentake of Aynsty, in the West Riding of the county of York, between
the ages of sixteen and sixty to be sent day by day to a place to be assigned
by John de Wysham and John de Rythre, who were appointed by the king
to survey the arraying of the said men, the king having previously ordered
John and Thomas to array the said men, as the Scots have now entered the
realm. They are ordered to be intendent in this behalf to the said John
and John, to whom the king has given power to punish them or others
found contrary in this matter. By K.
[Pari. Writs.]
The like to others in other wapentakes of that county, substituting
Nicholas de Grey as surveyor in the North Biding and Thomas Ughtred
jn the East Riding. [Ibid.]
( 569 )
Membrane 34.
July 8. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to assign
York. dower to Edith, late the wife of John Malewayn of HecheIamto[n], tenant
in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence.
To the sheriff of Kent. Order to deliver to Margery, late the wife of
John de Chaumpaign,* her lands, goods and chattels, and the issues thereof,
upon her finding mainpernors to have her before the king when he will
speak against her, the sheriff having certified the king, in response to his
order, that he took her lands, goods and chattels into the king's hands by
virtue of the king's order to take into his hands the lands, goods and chattels
of the rebels, their adherents and helpers, because he was given to under-
stand that she was consenting and aiding to Bartholomew de Burghersh and
others who were against the king in the castle of Ledes, inasmuch as she
was said to have sent victuals to the castle for their maintenance.
By pet. of C. [264.]
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to assign
dower to Isabella, late the wife of Roger le Somenour, tenant in chief, upon
her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence, according to the
extent made or a new one to be made, if necessary, in the presence of John,
son and heir of Roger.
July 8. To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain lands of certain rebels in
Tork. CO. Wilts. Order to restore to John de Poleaholte his lands, goods and
chattels, and the issues thereof, which were taken into the king's hands by
Nicholas de Kyngeston, by virtue of the king's commission, because John
wore at one time the robes of John de Wylinton, knight, a late rebel, as
appears by an inquisition taken by the said Robert and William de Harden,
whereby it was found that the lands, goods and chattels were delivered to
Robert by the king's writ, and that certain of the goods are still in the
hands of the aforesaid Nicholas, and that John de Polesholte at no time
adhered to the rebels by consent, procuration, or counsel.
By pet. of C. [10113-15.]
July 10. To the treasurer and chamberlains of the exchequer of Dublin. Order
York. to pay to Richard de Exon[ia], chief justice of the Bench of Dublin, the
arrears of the fee of office that the king granted him, according to the king's
writs of liberate in their possession. ''
July 9. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause John
York. son and heir of Joan, late the wife of John de Bek, to have seisin of his
mother's lands, taking from him security for payment of his relief, as the
king has taken his homage for all the lands that his mother held in chief as
of the honour of Tuttebnry. By p.s.
To John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver to Alice,
late the wife of Robert Peverel, mother of Ed[mund], son and heir of Robert,
as nearest [friend] of the heir, a moiety of the manor of Neuboltegrave,
with certain lands in Olthorp, co. Northampton, which Walter de Langeton,
late bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, held of the earl of Lancaster as of
* Called de (sic) Chaumpeneys in the margin.
1322. Membrane 34 — cont.
the honour of Tuttebury in free socage without doing any foreign service
therefor, and certain lauds in La Grove, co. Buckirgham, which the bishop
likewise held of Laurence du Brok in socage by the service of rendering
5s. yearly and suit at the manor of Assheleye, and certain lands there that
the bishop held of Walter de Raanby the service of 2d. and of a pair of gloves,
and certain lands there that the bishop held of the abbot of Leicester in
socage by the service of 12c?. yearly, and certain lands there that he held of
John le Mareschal by the service of \2d. yearly for all services, and
863 acres of land and a marsh in the manor of Elm called ' Coldham,'
CO. Cambridge, that he held of the bishop of Ely by the service of
10 marks yearly, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that
the bishop held the aforesaid lands as above, and that he did not hold any
land in chief at his death as of the crown by reason whereof the custody
of his lands ought to pertain to the king, and the aforesaid Ed[mund] is his
nearest heir, and is aged fifteen years.
July 13. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to receive fines
York. from archbishops, bishops, men of religion, widows and other women who
wish to make fine with the king for their services due to him for the army
of Scotland, to wit at the rate of 40/. for a knight's fee. By K.
\_Feedera; Pari. Writs.'\
July 10. To Roger Beler, keeper of the castle and honour of Tuttebury, which
York. belonged to Thomas, late earl of Lancaster. Order to deliver to William
del Borwes and Margaret his wife, mother of Roger son of Richard
Wyldegos, the bailiwick of the hundred of Appeltre and Sutton, to be
kept by them in the came of the said Roger, a minor in their custody, as
the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff of Derby that Robert
de Ferariis, sometime earl of Derby, granted to Robert son of Gerard
Wyldegos the said bailiwick, to have to him and the heirs of his body,
rendering therefor 6s. Bd. yearly for all services, and that Robert son of
Gerard died seised thereof by the form of the gift, by pretext whereof the
aforesaid Roger son of Richard Wildegos and his ancestors were seised of
the bailiwioli from the time of the grant, and received the profits thereof,
until the bailiwick was taken into the king's hands upon the forfeiture of the
said earl Thomas by the king's steward of the honour aforesaid, and that
the aforesaid William had the custody of the bailiwick and made administra-
tion in the same by reason of Roger's minority at the time of the earl's for-
feiture. By pet. of C. [10123-5.]
July 13. To Alan de Cubbeldyk, keeper of the lands, goods and chattels of certain
York. of the late rebels in co. Lincoln. Order not to intermeddle further with
the lands of William de Cateby, and to restore the issues thereof, which
were taken into the king's hands in the belief that William had adhered to
the rebels and was beheaded for that reason, as the king learns by inquisi-
tion taken by John de Donecastre, Laurence de Cheworth, and Robert
Russel that whereas William, during the late disturbance in the realm, to
wit on Thursday the eve of St. Gregory last, passed through the town of
Warsop, CO. Nottingham, at the ninth hour, John le Fevre of Paltreton,
William de Colley and others unknown arrested and imprisoned him from
then until vespers on Friday following, when they took him outside the
town and beheaded him of their own deed without cause, and that neither
he nor any of his men had done any robbery or trespass in that country
that could be cause of the said arrest, and that he was not a rebel or an enemy
of the king; and it also appears by the certificate of the coroners of the
county of Nottingham that no inquest concerning his death was made before
them, and that tliey did not make any view of his body, and it appears by
an inquisition taken by the aforesaid Alan and by Richard de Naulton that the
16 EDWARD II. 671
1322. Membrane 34 — cont.
lands of the said William in Cateby, Osgodby, Oureaby, Kynyerdby, and
Cavenby, co. Lincoln, are not held in chief. By pet. of C. [1873, 101 79-85.]
To the same. Like order for the lands of Thomas de Ouneby, beheaded
at Warsop as above, as appears by an inquisition taken as above, and it
appears by inquisition that his lands in Ouneby, Calthaneworth,Tetford, and
Wylyngham, co. Lincoln, are not held in chief. By pet. of 0. [10102-7.]
To the same. Order to restore to the executors of the will of the said
Thomas his goods and chattels, taken into the king's hands as above.
By pet. of C.
To the same. Like order in favour of the executors of the will of the
said William de Cateby. By pet. of 0.
July 10. To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Order to cause the body of John son
York. of John de Rivers, who adhered to certain of the rebels, and who is main-
tained (exhibetur) in hiding in divers manors of the archbishop, as the king
understands, to the king's yeoman Giles Pecche, whom the king has enjoined
to bring the body to him. By K.
July 14. To the sheriff of Hertford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
York. be elected in place of Robert Grymbaud, whom the king has amoved from
office because he does not dwell in that county.
July 14. To Roger de Swynnerton, constable of the Tower of London. Order
York. to cause James de Perers, in the Tower for certain causes, to be delivered
to Peter Corbet and Ela his wife, mother of the said James, of the king's
special grace, Peter {iidein) and Ela having mainperned to have his body
before the king when ordered. By K.
July 12. To Robert de Gadesby, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in co.
York. Leicester. Order to deliver to Richard de H oland, knight, his lands, goods,
and chattels, which the king lately caused to he taken info his hands, to-
gether with the issues thereof since they were taken into the king's hands.
By K.
The like in favour of the following to the following keepers :
John Travers, in co. Lancaster, for the said Richard.
Robert de Stok, in co. Warwick, for the said Richard.
Henry de Malton, in co. Cumberland, for John de Kirkebride, knight.
Richard de Whatton, in co. Nottingham, for the said John.
Robert Touk, in co. Derby, for Adam de Reresby, knight.
Thomas Deyvill, in co. York, for the same Adam.
John Travers, in co. Lancaster, for John de Holand.
Henry de Malton, in co. Cumberland, for Walter de Kirkebride, knight.
July 12. To Walter Waldeshef. Order to deliver to Richard de Holand, knight,
York. all his goods and chattels in his custody, which the king lately caused to be
taken into his hands. By K.
The like in favour of the following to the follo^ving :
Oliver de Ingham for the said Richard.
Robert de Toke for the said Richard.
Walter Waldeshef for John de Holand.
Walter Waldeshef for Gilbert de Haydok.
Stephen de Segrave for Walter de Kirkebride, knight.
July 12. To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain forfeited lands. Order not
York. to intermeddle further with the knights' fees pertaining to the earldom of
Salisbury, which are of the inheritance of Alesia, late the wife of Thomas,
late earl'of Lancaster, and which were taken into the king's hands by his
forfeiture, and to restore the issues thereof to Alesia.
The like to Robert de Aston.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to the said
Robert' and Robert the issues of the aforesaid fees.
2322 Membrane 33.
July 13. To Roger de Waltham, keeper of certain rebels' lands in co. Stafford.
York. Order to restore to Thomas Merevel, a late rebel, Ms lands, aa he has made
ransom with the king for his life and lands. By K.
The like for the following to the following keepers :
Thomas de Batesleye to Robert de Stoke, in co. Warwick. By K.
William de Keythorp to the sheriff of Cambridge. By K.
Edward de Norton to Robert de Aston, in co. Gloucester. By K.
Simon de Selers to the same. By K.
Adam Martel to the same. By K.
Richard de Pountfreit to Robert Tok, in co. Derby.
Walter de Mountgombry to Richard de Whatton, in co. Northampton.
Richard de Armeston to Robert de Stoke, in co. Oxford.
The said Richard to Alan de Cubbeldy[k], in co. Lincoln.
John Tempest to John Travers, in the fee of Boghland.
John de Brandeaby to the sheriff of Lincoln.
William de la Wodhalle to Alan de Cubbeldy[k], in co. Lincoln.
John Tempest to Henry de Malton, in the fee of Skipton. By K.
Robert de Brokeneberwe to Robert de Hungerford, in co. Wilts.
Adam Martel to Robert de Aston, in co. Gloucester. By K.
Richard de Hungerford to Robert de Hungerford, in co. Berks.
William Dautri to Thomas Deyvill, beyond the water of Ouse, co.
York. By K.
Thomas de Raytheby to Alan de Cubbeldyk, in co. Lincoln.
The said Thomas to Richard de Whatton, in co. Northampton.
By K.
John de Clif, knight, to Thomas Ughtrede, iu Pikeringlith.
Hugh de la Chaumbre to the keeper beyond the Use, co. York.
Gilbert de Tynden to Robert de Foxcote, in co. Gloucester.
The said Gilbert to Robert de Aston, in co. Gloucester.
Richard Dansy to Roger Careles, in co. Hereford.
Henry de Wynkeburn to Richard de Whatton, in co. Nottingham.
William de Yeland to Thomas Ughtred, in the liberty of Pikering, co.
Gilbert de Tynden to Simon de Dryby, in co. Gloucester.
Simon de Solers to the aforesaid Simon.
Thomas de Wilyngton to the same.
The said Thomas to Robert de Aston, in the same county.
The same Thomas to John Everard, in co. Devon.
Thomas de Harepath to the said John.
Roger de Cuilly to Robert de Gaddesby, in co. Leicester.
The said Roger to Robert Touk, in co. Derby.
The said Roger to Robert de Stoke, in co. Warwick.
Adam Martel to Simon de Driby, in co. Gloucester.
Robert de Sandesby to Thomas Ughtred, in Pikeringlith.
Henry Pykard to Robert de Hungerford, in co. Wilts.
Eichard de Pederton to the keeper of the land of Gouwer.
John de Cuntevill to Robert de Aston, in co. Somerset.
Richard de Whiteacre to Eichard de Whatton, in co. Northampton.
The said Richard to Robert de Stoke, in co. Warwick.
Peter de Notyngham to Alan de Cobbeldyk, in co. Lincoln.
Thomas de Saundeby to William de Anne, constable of Tikhill castle.
The said Thomas to the sheriff of Lincoln.
William de Fisshbourn to Robert de Stok, in co. Oxford.
Walter le Keu to Richard de Byflet, in co. Sussex,
July 21.
Membrane 33 — conl.
Adam de Swilyngton, knight, to Thomas Deyvill, beyond the Use, co.
York. By p.s.
William Whither to Roger Carles, in co. Hereford.
The said Adam to John de Kilvyngton, in co. York.
The said Adam to Alan de Cubbeldyk, in co. Lincoln.
The said Adam to William Polay, in co. Hertford.
The said Adam to Robert de Bures, in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk.
John de Nevill to the said Thomas DayvUl.
The said John to John Travers, in co. Lancaster.
The said John to the said Alan.
John Gerberd to Robert de Hungerford, in co. Wilts.
John de Thornton to Henry de Malton, in the fee of Burton-in-Lones-
dale, CO. York.
Sept. 18.
Sept. 20.
Oct. 4.
Barnard CaBtle.
Nov. 3.
Nov. 4.
Dec. 4.
John de Twyford, knight, to Robert Tok, in co. Derby.
The said John to Roger Beler, in co. Stafford.
The said John to Robert de Stok, in co. Warwick,
The said John to Roger Carles, in co. Hereford.
By p.s.
By p.s.
By p.s.
By p.s.
Baldwin Frivill to Roger Carles, in cos. Hereford and Worcester.
By p.s.
Gerard son of Gerard Salvayn to John de Kylvyngton, in co. York.
By K. on the information of Master R. Baldok.
Richard de Penebrugg to Roger Carles, in co. Hertford.
By K.
July 13.
July 15.
Thomas Whither, knight, to Robert de Tok, in co. Derby.
The said Thomas to Roger Carles, in co. Hereford.
The said Thomas to Roger de Waltham, in co. Stafford.
Ed[mund] Hakelut to Roger Carles, in cos. Worcester and Hereford.
John Pycan to John Everard, in co. Cornwall. By K.
To Thomas Deyvill, keeper of the castle and honour of Pontefract, and
of certain lands in the king's hands beyond the water of Ouse, co. York.
Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of Roger de Novo Mercato
in Wilmersley, and to restore the issues thereof and Roger's goods and
chattels found there, as it appears by certificates of the said keeper that the
lands were taken into the king's hands by Simon de Dryby, by whom they
were delivered to Thomas, and that they were thus taken because Roger
wore the robes of John de Moubray, a late rebel, and that Roger did not
stay in John's company many days, and did not bear arms against the king,
and that he was not consenting or aiding to the said John in anywise, and
the said Simon has said before the king's council that he took the lands
into the king's hands for the above cause only. By C.
To the same. Order to restore to Thomas de Raynvill his lands, goods
and chattels in (e<) Camsale, and the issues thereof, as the king learns by
inquisition taken by the said Thomas Deyvill that they were taken into the
king's hands because Thomas stayed with Robert le Waleys, and that he
never bore arms against the king anywhere, and was not of counsel or
assent with any of the rebels. By C.
To the sheriff of Berks. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of Richard Bisshop, whom the king has amoved from office
for insu£Bcient qualification.
To the sherifi of Devon. Order to restore to Gregory de Brawod his
lands, goods and chattels, to be held by him as he held them before tliey
1322. Membrane 33 — cont.
were taken into the king's hands, as the king has pardoned him what per-
tains to him for adhering to the rebels. Qy K.
To Robert de Ardern, keeper of the body of Henry Pykard. Order
not to intermeddle further with the custody of the body of the said Henry,
as he has made ransom with the king for his life and lands for adhering to
the rebels.
July 17. To the sherifi of Northampton. Order to cause a coroner for that
York. county to be elected in place of Henry de Tichemersh, who is insufficiently
July 16. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
York. . intermeddle further with the Qd. of yearly rent that the abbot of Bordesleye
used to pay to Richard de la Wychhalle for an acre of land called ' La
Wychhalleacre ' in King's Norton, nor with the said acre, as the king
learns by inquisition taken by the said escheator that the abbot did not
acquire a remission or release of the said rent at any time to himself or to
his house, but that he paid that sum yearly to Richard de Haukeslowe by
the assignment of Richard de la Wychhalle, and that Richard de Rodeneye
levied 15*. from the abbot by Robert Squier, his sub-escheator in the
county of Worcester, in this behalf.
July 16. To the keeper of the gaol of Neugate. Order to release Alexander, late
York. porter of Scardeburgh castle, who is imprisoned in that gaol for a trespass
iniiicted by him upon Robert Wawayu, late bailiff of Scardeburgh, whereof
he was convicted in the king's court, as the king wishes to show him favour
at the instance of the queen.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
To the same. Order to release Henry le Carter of Scardeburgh, who is
imprisoned in that gaol for fishing in the king's fishpond at Scardeburgh
and for taking thence a pike {lucium),3a the king wishes to show him favour
at the instance of the queen.
By K. on the information of the aforesaid Robert.
July 16. To Thomas Ughtred, keeper of certain of the rebels' lands in the liberty
York. of Pykering', co. York. Order to restore to Nicholas Haldan all his lands, to
hold them as he held them before they were taken into the king's hands, as
the king has pardoned him what pertains to him for adhering to the rebels.
The like in favour of the following :
Thomas de Somercote to Alan de Cubbeldik, keeper, etc., in co. Lin-
coln. By K.
Henty de Bitering', messenger (messag'), to Robert de Bures, keeper,
etc., in CO. Suffolk. By K.
Membrane 33 — Schedule.
Enrolment of deed of Alesia, late the wife of Thomas, earl of Lancaster,
daughter and heiress of Henry de Lascy, late earl of Lincoln, granting to
the king that the manors of Aumbresbury, Wynterbourn, and Troubrigge,
CO. Wilts, Kaneford, co. Dorset, Hengstrigge and Cherleton, co. Somerset,
with all appurtenances whatsoever, ^vhich John de Warenna, earl of
Surrey, holds for life of her inheritance, and which ought to revert to her
after his death, shall remain to the king and his heirs. Witnesses : John,
bishop of Norwich, the chancellor; Walter, bishop of Exeter, the trea-
surer ; J[ohn], bishop of Ely ; John de Brytannia, earl of Richmond ;
Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke; Edmund, earl of Arundel; John de
Segrave, the elder. Dated at York, 9 July, 16 Edward IL
Enrolment of another form of the above grant Witnesses : Edmund,
earl of Kent ; Sir Hugh le Despenser, earl of Winchester; Sir Aymer de
16 EDWAKD II. 575
1322. ' Membrane 33 — Schedule — cont.
Valence, earl of Pembroke ; Sir Ralph Basset ; Sir Simon Warde. Dated
at York, on Saturday before St. Margaret, 16 Edward II. French.
Enrolment of release by the said Alesia {Aleise) to the king of her right
in the constableship of Lincoln castle and the custody of the prison and
gate of the same, and all appurtenances, with the rents and services, and
suit of court of all the tenant of the bailey {bail), and all other profits,
and of her right in the manors of Saltfleteby and Skarchhou, co. Lincoln,
and all appurtenances. Witnesses : Sir William Motoun, the elder, Sir
William Motoun, the younger, knights ; Ralph Tourvill ; William le Levre ;
Geoffrey de Skeftyngton ; Robert de Champaigne ; Nicholas le Arblaster.
Dated at Shulton, 18 August, 16 Edward II. French.
Membrane 33 — Schedule, dorse.
Enrolment of release by the said Alesia to the king of her right in the
castle, town, manor, and honour of Pontefract and towns, etc., thereto apper-
taining, and in all other castles, towns, etc., in the county of York in the
king's hands pertaining to her by any right or claim. Witnesses : John,
bishop of Norwich, chancellor; Walter, bishop of Exeter, treasurer; John,
bishop of Ely ; John de Brytannia, earl of Richmond ; Aymer de Valencia,
earl of Pembroke ; Henry le Scrop, chief justice ; Walter de Norwyco ;
William de Bereford. Dated at York, 26 June, 15 Edward II.
Enrolment of grant by the said Alesia to the king that all the manors,
towns, etc., knights' fees, advowsons, etc., pertaining to the castle, town,
and honour of Pontefract, and all other castles, manors, etc., in the county
of York, that Joan, late the wife of Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, Alesia's
father, and others hold in dower or otherwise for life or for terras of years,
which ought to revert to Alesia, shall revert to the king after the death of
Joan and the others. Witnesses and dates as above.
Enrolment of release by the said Alesia to the king of her right
in the castles, towns, manors, and honours of Dunyngton, co. Leicester,
Clifford in Wales, and Halton, co. Chester, and in the manors of Colebam,
Woxebrigge, and Eggeswere, co. Middlesex, Halton-on- Trent, Wadyngtoii,
Brittelby, Segbrok, Horblyng, Lutton, and Thorleye, co. Lincoln, Biren-
cestre, and Middelton, co. Oxford, Wadenho, Wardinton, and Buckeby,
CO. Northampton, Grauncestre, co. Cambridge, and in all lands and tene-
ments in the street of Holburn in the suburbs of London, and in the manor
of Glasbury in Wales, and in all the manors, hundreds, wapentakes, knights'
fees, advowsons, etc., pertain to the aforesaid castles, towns, etc., in the
king's hands appertaining to her by any right or claim. Witnesses as
above. Dated at York, 27 June, 15 Edward II.
Enrolment of grant by the said Alesia to the king of reversion of all the
manors, hundreds, etc., pertaining to the castles mentioned in the preceding
release that Joan, late the wife of Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, or others
hold in dower or otherwise for terms of their lives or of years, which ought
to revert to Alesia. Witnesses and date as in preceding release.
Enrolment of release by the said Alesia to the king of her right in the
castle, town, manor, and honour of Dynebegh in Wales, and in all appur-
tenances. Witnesses and dates as above.
Enrolment of grant by the said Alesia to the king of the reversion of all
lands, etc., pertaining to the above, held by the aforesaid Joan or others in
dower or otherwise for terms. Witnesses and dates as above.
Memorandum, that Alesia came into chancery at York, on 1 1 July, and
acknowledged the above deeds.
Enrolment of release by the said Alesia to the king of her right in the
manors of Kamshale, Elmeshale, Roundliaye, Kypax, Ouston and Bradeford
Akeworth and Tanschelf, with the parks of Pountfreyt and Akeworth, and
1322. Membrane 33 — Schedule, dorse — cont.
in all manors, etc., etc., iq co. York, except the manor of Wytegift. Wit-
nessses : Hugh le Despenser, earl of Winchester ; Hugh, his son, knight ;
John de Segrave, the elder, knight; Ralph Basset of Drayton, knight;
Simon de Dryby, the elder, knight, the king's hospicer ; John de Weston,
knight ; Roger Beler. Dated at York, 14 July, 16 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Joan came into chancery at York, on 18 July, and
acknowledged the above deed.
Enrolment of release by the said Alesia to the king of her right in the
castle, manor, honour, and soke of Bolyngbrok, and in Le Frith, and in the
moor (mora) of Wildemore, and in other moors whatsoever in co. Lincoln,
and in the castle, town, and manor of Gliderhou, and in the manors and
towns of Penwortham, Blakebourn, Ightenhull, Standene, and Akeryngton,
with cowsheds (vaccar') and parks, and the chace and forest of Rochesdale
and Blakebourn, co. Lancaster, and in all appurtenances of the premises.
Witnesses: John, bishop of Norwich, chancellor ; W. bishop of Exeter,
treasurer ; J. bishop of Ely ; John de Brytannia, earl of Richmond ; Aymer
de Valencia, earl of Pembroke; Edmund, earl of Arundel ; Hugh le
Despenser, earl of Winchester; John de Segrave, the elder. Dated at
York, 9 July, 16 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Alesia came into chancery at York, on 17 July, and
acknowledged the above deed.
Membrane 32.
July 15. To Thomas Deyvill, keeper of certain lands that belonged to Thomas,
York. late earl of Lancaster, and to other rebels beyond the water of Use in
CO. York. Order to cause all the king's oxen and all those that belonged
to Alesia, late the wife of the said Thomas, in her lands in the king's
hands, to be brought to the king without delay, and to cause the horses,
cows, sheep, and other beasts in the said lands to be put in other near
lands in the king's hands, to be kept there until further orders, provided
that due allowance be made for the grass of the above horses, etc., to those
to whom the keeper has demised the lands according to the king's com-
mission to him. By K.
The like to Alan de Oubbeldyk, keeper, etc., in co. Lincoln.
To Robert de Stok, keeper of lands that belonged to the aforesaid earl
and other rebels in divers counties. Like order to remove the horses, etc.,
from the lands of the said Alesia. By K.
The like to the following keepers:
Richard de Whatton, 1
Robert de Hungerford, 1
Robert de Aston, ) in divers counties.
John Travers,
Roger Belers,
Roger de Waltham, in co. Stafford.
Roger Carles, in cos. Hereford, Salop and Worcester.
Alan de Cobbeldyk, in co. Lincoln.
Henry de Malton, in cos. Westmoreland and Cumberland.
John de Kylvyngton, between the waters of Use and These.
William de PoUeye of Buntyngford, in co. Hertford.
Richard de Emeldon, in co. Northumberland and in the bishopric of
Gilbert de Sengelton, keeper of the castle of Halton and of certain
lands in co. Lancaster.
July 20. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to inter-
York, meddle further with the lands of William de Langeford, and to restore the
issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that
16 EDWARD II. 577
1322. Membrane 32 — cont.
William held nothing at his death in chief by reason whereof the custody
of his lands ought to pertain to the king, but that he held lands of divers
lords by various services.
July 21. To Robert de Stoke, keeper of certain lands in co. Oxford. Order to
York. deliver to Joan, late the wife of Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, her lands
in that county, together with the corn growing therein and the hay of the
present year, notwithstanding the king's late order to take her lands in that
county into his hands ; saving to the king the other goods and chattels in
the said lands. By p.s.
The like to the following keepers :
Richard de Whatton, in co. Nottingham.
Alan de Cubbeldyk, in co. Lincoln.
Robert de Aston, in co. Dorset.
Robert de Hungerford, in co. Wilts.
Roger Carles, in cos. Salop and Hereford.
Roger de Waltham, in co. Staiford.
Roger Corbet of Tassele to deliver to her the castles, lands and corn
in CO. Stafford.
John de Felton, or to him wbo supplies his place, to deliver the castles,
lands and corn in co. Salop.
Gilbert de Singelton to deliver her castles and lands of the inheritance
of Nicholas Daudele in co. Chester. — These three writs were patent.
Griffin ap Rees, keeper of the castle and land of Thlanandevery, or to
him who supplies his place, to deliver her lands of the aforesaid
To Thomas Devill, keeper of certain lands beyond the water of Use in
CO. York. Order to deliver to the aforesaid Joan her manor of Whitegift,
in that county, saving to the king the corn growing therein and the hay
and other goods and chattels in the same.
July 21. To the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Whereas the king is sending
York. Hugh son of Hugh le Despsnser, the younger, with Thomas de Borhunt,
huntsman, Richard de Wygemore, lardener, John Abbot and Peter le Bui,
berners, John de Suthwyk and Stephen de Woxbrigg, veutrers, Hngli
Freest and John Bacun, bercelleter, Richard de Herlyngton, berner of
the king's harriers (bernar' hair' nostris), and twelve greyhounds, five
bercelets, thirty-four buck hounds {canibtis daymericiis), and eight har-
riers {canibus hair') to those counties to take fat venison of this season
in the king's forests, chaces, and parks, as the king has enjoined upon the
aforesaid Hugh ; the king orders the sheriff" to pay Hugh reasonable ex-
penses for himself and household, and 7^d. a day to the huntsman, 4^d. a
day to the lardener, l^d. a day each to the berners, and 2c?. a day each to
tlie veutrer, bercelleter, and berner of the harriers, and Id. a day for
each greyhound, and ^d. a day for each bercelet and hound, for so long as
they shall stay within his bailiwick, and to receive the fat venison taken by
them, and to cause it to be put in barrels and salted, and kept until further
orders. By K. ou the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
The like to the sheriffs of the following counties :
Cambridge. Oxford.
Essex and Hertford. Berks.
Kent. York.
Hereford. Warwick.
vSussex and Surrey. Leicester.
Lancaster. Derby.
Southampton. Nottingham.
Wilts. Bedford and Buckingham.
Somerset and Dorset.
76416. O O
July 21.
July 10.
July 25.
July 25.
July 23.
July 10.
Membrane 32 — cont.
To the sherlflf of Lancaster. Like order in favour of William Twyt,
huntsman, whom the king is sending to take fat venison in the forests,
parks, and chaces of Thomas, late eai'l of Lancaster, in that county, with
Little William the lardener, Gilbert Scot and Richard Blouut, herners,
William de Frith, John Rotur, Roger de Sentele, and Richard de
Berkeswell, veutrers, William Bufiard, page (pagio), and twenty grey-
hounds and forty sfaghounds (cerverectar'), paying to the said huntsman 7\d.
a day for his own wages, 2d. for each of the veutrers and berners. Id. a
day for the page,* and ^d. a day for each greyhound and staghound.
By K. on the information of the said Robert.
The like to the keeper of the land of Brekenok for the forests, chaces,
and parks of the said earl.
The like to the keeper of the land of Blenlevenny and Breghnok for the
forests, chaces, and parks that belonged to Roger de Mortuo Mari of
To Alan de Cubbeldyk. Order not to intermeddle further with the
manors of Waynflet, Wraiigel, Stepyug, Ingeldemeles, Thoresby, Wath,
and Sutton in Holand, co. Lincoln, taken into the king's hands upon the
death of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, and to restore the issues thereof to
Alesia, late the wife of the said earl, as the late king granted these manors
to Henry de Lacy, late earl of Lincoln, for life, with remainder to the said
Thomas and Alesia, daughter of the said Henry, and to the heirs of their
bodies. By K.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
.John de Coggeshale, son and heir of John de Coggeshale, tenant in chief,
to have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age before the
escheator and the king has taken his homage. By p.s. [6113.]
To John Inge. Order to deliver to Elizabeth de Burgo, late the wife of
Roger Damory, the castles of Usk, Tregruk, and Kaerliou, and the land of
Usk, which are of her inheritance notwithstanding the king's late commission
of the custody thereof to John during pleasure. By K.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with 46s. 5d. of rent and 76 acres of land in Tydeswell,
which he took into the king's hands upon the death of Richard Danyel, as
the king learns by an inquisition taken by the escheator that Richard
enfeoffed John le Marchal of the rent and land, and that John was not
fully seised thereof, and that John afterwards enfeoffed Richard Danyel
and Matilda his wife of the same, to them and the heirs of their bodies,
with remainder to the right heirs of Richard, and that Richard's heirs are
of full age, the king having taken the homage and fealty of the heirs,
and caused their purparty of Richard's lands to be assigned to them.
To Roger de Waltham. Order not to intermeddle further with the
castle and borough of Newcastle-under-Lyme and the towns of Penkhill,
Sheprugg, Walstanton and Clayton, and the hamlets and other appurte-
nances thereof, and to restore the issues thereof to Alesia, late the wife of
Thomas, earl of Lancaster, they having been taken into the king's hands
upon the earl's death, as Thomas dowered Alesia of the same at the church
door when he married her with the assent of Edmund his father, who put
Thomas and her in peaceful seisin of the same. By K,
The like to Roger Beler concerning the aforesaid castle, borough, towns
and hamlets in co. Stafford, and the manor of Dersford, with the park and
appurtenances, co. Derby, and the manor of Shelton and Alkebarwe,
CO. Leicester (sic).
* The lardener's wages are not mentioned.
16 EDWARD II. 579
1322. Membrane 32 — cont.
The like to Eobert de Gaddesby concerning the said manor of Shelton,
with the park and other appurtenances.
Tlie like to Robeit Tok, concerning the said manor of Dersford, with the
park and other appurtenances.
The like to Robert de Hungerford, concerning the manors of Hungerford,
Everle, and Colingbourn.
To Alan de Cubbeldyk. Order to deliver to the said Alesia the manors
of Swaveton and Alkebarwe, co. Lincoln, which are of her inheritance,
together with tlie issues received therefrom, as the king has restored the
same to her.
The like to Roger de Waltham, concerning the manor of Caldon,
CO. Stafford.
Tlie like to Alan, concerning the manor of Swaveton.
July 9. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
York. intermeddle further with the lands that John Maleweyn of Heohelhampton
held at his death of the said Alesia's inheritance, and to restore the issues
thereof, as the king has amoved his hand from the lands of her inheritance
and from the lands that she holds for life or otherwise in dower of the
assignment of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, her late husband.
Membrane 31 — Schedule.
July 9. To Almaric la Zusche, keeper of the lanrls of certain of the king's
York. enemies in co. Cambridge. Like order not to intermeddle further with the
manor of Grauncestre, co. Cambridge, and to restore the issues thereof to
the aforesaid Alesia, if it appear to him that the manor is of her
Membrane 31.
July 20. To Robert de Gaddesby, keeper of the lands of certain rebels in
York. CO. Leicester. Order not to intermeddle further with a messuage and u
cai'ucate of land of Robert de Diggeby in Tilton, and to restore the issues
thereof and his goods and chattels to the said Robert, as the aforesaid
keeper has certified the king that the sheriff of the said county took the
messuage and carucate into the king's hands because he charged the said
Robert maliciously and falsely with adhering to Thomas, late earl of
Lancaster, because Robert had not paid him 100*. for a iine made by him
with the sheriff for a mainprize that the sheriff took from him in an appeal
that Margery de Osevill sued against the said Robert.
To Robert de Aston, keeper of certain of the rebels' lands in co. Somerset,
Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Radestoke, and to
restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the
said keeper and William de Bourn that Henry de Monte Forti held the
manor for life by demise from Reginald de Monte Forli, his brother,
rendering therefor 12/. yearly, and that Reginald entered the manor on
Friday before St. Andrew, in the 1 5th year of the reign, because that sum
was in arrear for Easter term in the 14th year of the king's reign and for
Michaelmas term following, in accordance with the conditions of the
demise, and that Reginald held it until the sheriff of Somerset seised it into
the king's hands. By pet. of C. [6296.]
July 21. To Richard de Whatton. Order not to intermeddle further with the
York. manor of Hiclyngg' and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by
July 22.
July 20.
July 24.
July 20.
Membrane 31 — cont.
inquisition taken by Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent, that
Richard de Grey, deceased, held the manor of the earl of Lincoln, in free,
socage, to wit by the service of doing suit to the earl's court of Plumptre
from three weeks to three weeks for all services, and not by knight service,
and that Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, who married the daughter and
heiress of the said earl, entered the manor after Richard's death by reason
of the minority of William, son and heir of Richard, pretending that the
manor was held of iiim by knight service, whereas Richard and all his
ancestors held it in free socage, and he held it unjustly during his life by
lordship, the manor having been taken into the king's hands with other
lands of the said Thomas. By p.s.
To Ingelram de Frene. Order to restore to John de Frene all his lands in
CO. Salop and his goods and chattels therein, and the issues thereof, not-
withstanding the king's late order by writ of privy seal to take John's lands,
goods, and chattels into his hands. By K.
To Alan de Cubbeldyk, keeper of the lands of certain rebels in co. Lincoln.
Order to restore to Richard Daumper his lands and chattels in North-
kelleseye and Beseby, and the issues thereof, upon his finding mainpernors to
have him before the king when ordered to answer for his alleged adherence
to Adam de Swylyngton, whose daughter he married, the aforesaid keeper
having certified the king that the sheriff of that county seised Richard's
lands and chattels in jSTortkelleseye because it was said that he was one
of the adherents of the said Adam, and he delivered them to Alan for
custody, and Alan afterwards took into the king's hands Richard's lands in
Beseby after the death of Richard's mother, who held them in dower,
because his lands in Northkelleseye had been previously taken into the
king's hands.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause John
Chaumberleyn, son and heir of Robert Chaumberleyn, tenant in chief, to
have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age before the
escheator and the king has taken his homage. By p.s. [6110.]
The like to Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent.
To Henry de Percy, constable of Scardeburgh castle. Order to receive
from John de Weston, supplying the place of Thomas, earl of Norfolk,
marshal of England, in the king's household, Robert Walkefare, Henry de
Leyburn, Philip de la Beche, and William Trussel, the king's prisoners,
and to cause them to be kept safely in that castle. By K.
\^Parl. Writs.']
The like to the following to receive the following prisoners :
The sheriff of York to receive John Haunsard, Thomas de Berkele,
Maurice de Berkele, Thomas Bruaunt, John de Louches, Adam de
Wy, Henry Gernet, Thomas de Tunlee, Laurence Hekke, John de
Whitefeld, Adam de Hundele, William de Percy, brother Ralph le
Messager, Roger de Tudemerssh, Walter de Donewych, brother
John de Louth, John de Monemue, John le Fourner, and John
Colpeper, to be kept in York castle.
The same sheriff to receive John de Myners, Thomas de Brewes, John
Gerberd, John de Lymesey, John son of Bernard, Henry de
Thomas Deyvill, constable of Pontefi'act castle, to receive Philip de la
Beche, John de Acton, Robert de Dalton, and John Blaket.
Thomas Ughtred, constable of Pykeryng castle, to receive Robert de
Prestebury, William de Kaerdif, John de Kerdif, William de Side,
to be imprisoned in that castle. [Ibid.']
16 EDWARD II. 581
1322. Membrane 31 — cont.
July 21. To Master Jolin "Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
York. intermeddle further with the manor of Drayton, co. Norfolk, and to
restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the
escheator that Walter de Langeton, late bishop of Coventry and Liclifield,
held at his death the said manor, with the advowsou of the church of Dray-
ton and of a moiety of the church of St. Edward the King, Taverham, of
Robert de Morlee and Hawisia his wife, as of her inheritance, by the
service of two knights' fees and by rendering 7s. 6d. to tliem yearly at the
manor of Hokeryng, and that he held no lands in chief of the crown by
reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king, and
that Edmund son of Robert Pererel is his nearest heir and is aged fifteen.
July 25. To the bailiffs of Yarmouth. Order to release William son of Robert ' of
Tliirsk. the Brigge ' and William Parnyng from prison, as they have found main-
pernors, to wit John de Beverlaco, John de Donecastre, Robert de
Ebor[aco], and Stephen de Kyllum, of co. York, who have mainperned in
chancery to have them before the king to answer to him for their alleged
adhesion to Roger de Clyford if the king will speali against them.
July 16. To Roger de Waltham, keeper of the rebels' lands in co. Stafford, except
York. the lands of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster. Order to sell and make profit
of the stock (instaurum), corn, wool, wood without waste, underwood,
meadows and pastures, and other goods and chattels of the said lands, saving
reasonable maintenance of the same, as shall seem best for the king's profit,
and to pay the money thence received to William Davy, the king's receiver
of Tuttebury, whom the king has ordered to receive the same. By K.
To William Davy, receiver of the issues of the castles of Tuttebury,
Donyngton and Melburn, and of all other castles and lands of Thomas, late
earl of Lancaster, in cos. Leicester, Derby, and Stafford. Mandate in
To the same. Order to pay to Roj^er de Waltham the wages that have
been usually paid heretofore for the custody of the lands, goods, and chattels
of the said earl in co. Stafford.
To Simon de Baldreston and Master Thomas de Cheddeworth, auditors
of the accounts of the receivers, bailiffs, and keepers of the lands, goods,
and chattels of the said earl and of other rebels and of others in cos. Derby,
Stafford, Lancaster, and Chester, and in Wales. Order to allow the afore-
said William for the above wages.
July 20. To the same. Order to allow the aforesaid William for the wages of
York. Roger de Beler, keeper of the castles and lands that belonged to Thomas,
earl of Lancaster, fn cos. Leicester, Derby, and Stafford, for the custody of
the same.
To the aforesaid William Davy. Order to pay to the said Roger the
wages ordained for the above custody.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with the lands of Thomas de Grey, as the king learns
by inquisition taken by the escheator that he held nothing in chief at his
July 20. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the manors of
York. Cau.«, Munsterleye, JokethuU, Worthin, Wentenovre, Shelve, Bynneweston,
Forton, Hemme, Overgorther, Nethergorlher, and Bagheltref, co. Salop,
and with a moiety of the manor of Hirberton and a moiety of the manor of
Brixham, co. Devon, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by
inquisition taken by the escheator that Beatrice, late the wife of Peter
Corbet, tenant in chief, was enfeoffed jointly with the said Peter of the
1322. Membrane 31 — cont.
above manors in co. Salop by Hugh Bergam, chaplain, by the king's licence
and by fine levied before William de Bereford and his fellows, justices of
tha Bench, to them and the heirs of their bodies, and of the said moieties in
CO. Devon in like manner to them and the heirs of Beatrice, and that she
continued her joint-seisin of the said manors and moieties until the day of
Peter's death.
July 21. To Robert de Aston. Order to restore their lands and goods to William
York. de Baysham, Richard Edy, William Stivpard and Nicholas Onyot, upon
their finding mainpernors to have them before the king at his will to answer
for their adhesion to Humphrey de Bohun, Roger Damory, John Giffard,
and other contrariants, for which cause their lauds and goods were taken
into the king's hands by the sheriff of Gloucester.
To Roger Charles. Like order to restore to Philip ap Howel his landu
and goods, the custody whereof was delivered to Roger by the sheriff of
Hereford, by whom they were taken into the king's hands because it was
said that Philip adhered to the said Humphrey de Bohun, and that he wore
Humphrey's robes for a long time.
Membrane 30.
July 30. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to amove
York. the king's hand from the manor of Risbury, co. Hereford, and to restore the
issues thereof to Agnes, late the wife of l-ioger de Elmerugge, as the king
learns by inquisition taken by Adam de Herewynton and John de Barewe
that Roger was seised of the said manor in his demesne as of fee, and that,
on 3 March, in the 13th year of the king's reign, he enfeoffed Richard
Gouche of Sutton, chaplain thereof, by which feoffment Richard was seised
of the same, and that afterwards, upon a writ of covenant that Roger and
Agnes brought against Richard concerning the manor, which was return-
able before the justices of the Bench in fifteen days from Midsummer then
next following, of which writ the abbot of Redyng' had his court by con-
sideration of the aforesaid court upon the claim of his bailiffs of his liberty
of Leoministre, a fine was levied in the abbot's court between Roger, Agnes,
and Richard, whereby Roger acknowledged the manor to be of Richard's
right, for which acknowledgment Richard granted the manor to Roger and
Agnes and Roger's heirs, and that Roger and Agnes were seised thereof by
virtue of the said fine until the manor was taken into the king's hands by
reason of Roger's rebellion. By pet. of C.
July 21. To the same. Order to dehver to William la Zousch of Assheby the
York. manor of Elmeleye Lovet, co. Worcester, as the king learns by inquisition
taken by the escheator that Roger de Mortuo Mari of Chirk, a late rebel,
violently ejected William from the said manor in fifteen days from Mid-
summer, in the 14th year of the king's reign, and took and carried away his
goods found there to the value of 100 marks, and detained the manor thus
occupied until it was taken into the king's hands with Roger's other lands.
By pet. of C. [11682.]
July 21. To the keeper of the manors of Thornbury and Alveston, in the king's
York. hands for certain reasons. Whereas the king learns by inquisition taken by
Richard de Foxcote and John Chaumpeneys that Stephen Beatilbras and
Sibyl his wife held in the town of Thornbury two parts of three virgates of
land, of eight acres of meadow, and of 6s. of rent, and at Alveston two parts of
a virgate of land, of three acres of meadow, and of 5s. of rent, for the term
of their lives, and they demised the same to Hugh Daudele, the younger,
and Margaret his wife for the lives of the demisors, to be held of the chief
16 EDWARD II. 683
1322. Membrane 30 — cont.
lords by the services therefor due and accustomed, and granted that the
third part of the said landa, which Alice Barry holds in dower, and which
ought to remain after her death to Stephen and Sibyl, should remain to the
said Hugh and Margaret after the death of Stephen and Sibyl (sic) for the
term of the lives of Stephen and Sibyl, rendering therefor to Stephen and
Sibyl 4/. yearly and a suitable robe for Stephen or one mark yearly, and that
Stephen and Sibyl were seised of the said 41. and robe yearly from Monday
before Michaelmas, in the 14th year of the king's reign, until Christmas
last, when the lands were taken in the king's hands with other lands of
Hugh and Margaret, and that the lands are worth only 3&s. 8d. yearly ; the
king therefore orders the keeper to pay to Stephen and Sibyl the arrears of
the aforesaid rent and robe, and to continue paying the same rent and robe
out of the issues of the manor during the king's pleasure. If the lands thus
taken into the king's hands are not worth the said rent and robe yearly, he
is ordered to deliver the lands to them for the said rent and robe, to be held
during the king's pleasure. By pet. of C.
To John Everand {sic), keeper of the manor of Lanteglos and Fowyton,
CO. Cornwall, in the king's hands. Order to deliver to Christiana, late the
wife of Ed[mund] de Wylyngton, the said manor and the issues thereof, as
the king learns by inquisition taken in the keeper's presence by Henry de
Campo Arnulphi and John de Treiagu that John de Wylyngton granted by
his deed, in the eighth year of the king's reign, the manor to Henry de
Wylyngton and the aforesaid Christiana for their lives, and that they con-
tinued their seisin thereof jointly until the manor was taken into the king's
hands by Henry's forfeiture. By pet. of C. [7408-9.]
To John Everard. Thomas de Langeton has shewn by his petition
that although he was never a rebel or an adherent of any rebel, as he
is prepared to prove as the king's court shall consider, John Inge, late
sheriff of Devon, by colour of his office and by the envy ihat he bore against
him, took into the king's hands his lands in that county and all his goods
found therein, to the value of 200 marks, charging him with having
adhered to certain of the rebels, and his lands aud goods are still in the
king's hands, for which he has prayed the king to exhibit a remedy ; the
king, as it is testified before him and his council that Thomas has always
been faithful to him, and was never an adherent of the rebels, orders the
aforesaid John to deliver to Thomas his lands and goods by indenture, upon
his finding mainpernors to have him before the king at his pleasure and to
answer for the issues of his lands and the value of his goods in case they
ought to pertain to the king. By pet. of C.
July 25. To John Everard, keeper of the lands that belonged to Henry de
Thirsk. Wylyngton in co. Devon. As the king learns by inquisition taken by John
(2'AreA.) Treiagu and John de Carmino that William le Noreys demised to Henry
de Wylyngton and his heirs a messuage and two ferlings (ferlinc/os) and a
half of land in Norreisheghis, worth 7s. 6d. yearly in all issues, whence he
ought to render to the lord of Lemone 6s. yearly and a boon-work
(precaria) of ploughing in winter, worth 2d. yearly, and to do suit at the
court of the lords of Lemone from three weeks to three weeks, worth 12c?.
yearly, rendering therefor to William for life lO^d. weekly for his table
and a robe, price 8s., yearly, and that William received this maintenance
from Easter, in the 10th year of the king's reign, when the demise was
made, until Wednesday after St. Hilary last, when John Inge, then sheriff
of that county, seised the lands into the king's hands upon Henry's
forfeiture, the king orders the keeper to pay to William iO^d. for each
week from that time and henceforth, and 8*. yearly for his robe, during the
king's pleasure. If the value of the messuage and land be insufficient to
July 3.
Aug. 2.
1322. Membrane 30 — cont.
pay the saiil money and other charges thereupon, as contained in the
inquisition, the keeper is ordered to deliver the messuage and land to
William in place of the aforesaid maintenance, to have during the kind's
pleasure. By pet. of C. [3184, 6529.]
To John de Treiagu. Order to receive oath from William de Milburn
and Richard de Hellaunde for their good behaviour in the oiBce of collectors
of certain customs in all the ports of Coinwall fiom alien merchants coming
thither with goods, to which office the king has appointed them jointly.
[Pari. IVrits.-]
To the treasurer and chamberlains of the exchequer. Order to receive
the subsidy of bd. in the mark granted to the king in aid of the Scotch war
by the prelates and clergy of both provinces when collected by the
diocesans or others appointed by the clergy, to be deUvered as speedily as
possible for the expenses of the said war.
Vacated because in the \5th year under the same date.
To William de Tatham, parson of Haulton church, receiver of the issues
of the lands that belonged to Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, and to other
rebels and others in cos. Westmoreland, Cumberland, and Lancaster,
and in the parts of Skipton-in-Cravene, Burton-in-Lonesdale, Blakeburne-
shire and Halton, Congelton, Whitteleye and Longedendale, co. Chester.
Order to pay the usual wages for the custody of the lands and castles
aforesaid from the time of his appointment, and to continue paying the same
at the usual terms until further order. By K.
To Simon de Baldreston and Master Thomas de Cheddeworth, auditors
of the accounts of all the receivers of the lands that belonged to Thomas,
late earl of Lancaster, and to other rebels, and to others in cos. Derby,
Stafford, Lancaster, Chester and in Wales. Order to allow the above wages
to the aforesaid William in his account. By K.
Aug. 7. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
Morpeth. meddle further with the lauds of John Deyncourt, and to restore the issues
thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that John
held nothing in chief at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands
ought to pertain to the king.
Aug. 7. To John Dufford, escheator in Ireland. Order to cause dower to be
JTewcastle-on- assigned to Eleanor, Late the wife of Thomas de Multoii of Egremond,
Tyie. tenant in chief, of his lands, knight's fees, and advowsons in the escheator's
July 30. To John de Bousser, Ed. de Passele, and Geoffrey de Hertelpol, justices
Durham. to take assizes in co. Sussex. Order to supersede the taking of the assize
of novel disseisen arramed by the prior of Hernyngham before them against
Ralph de Camoys concerning tenements in Sountynge, Launcynge, New
Shorham, Horsham and Stangemerynge, for so long as Ralph remains in
the king's service in the Scotch war, the king having granted, with the
assent of the magnates, that all assizes arramed against those who are in his
service in the above expedition before the commencement of their journey
to the w.ar shall cease whilst they are so engaged. By p.s. [6124.]
The like for Stephen de Estle.
Aug. 3. To John de Brumpton, late sheriff of Oxford. Order to deliver to
Uewcastle-on- Richard de Willamescote the issues received from Richard's lands in
^Tyne. Wyllamescote, Asterleye, and Cudyngton whilst they were in the said
John's hands, and to deliver to him any of his goods and chattels that John
may have taken, notwithstanding that John has certified that he took
Bithard's lands into the king's hands by order of Hugh le Despenser, earl
16 EDWARD 11.
Aug. 4.
Aug. 7.
Membrane 30 — cont.
of Winchester, and tliat he delivered them to Eobert de Stoke for custody
by virtue of the king's writ to deliver to Robert all lands in the king's hands
in his custody.
To Henry de Cobeham, keeper of the castle and honour of Tonebrugg.
Order to pay to Alexander de Moubray 3*. daily from the issues of the said
castle and honour until further orders, the king having granted that sum out
of the aforesaid issues to Alexander in aid of the maintenance of himself
and his vrife, in consideration of his good service. By p.s.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with Pontefract priory, now void, and to deliver any issues
received therefrom to the sub-prior and monks, placing a gatekeeper in the
king's name at the gate of the priory, who shall receive his maintenance as
below, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Eobert
de Laceo, sometime lord of the castle and town of Kirkeby, now called the
town of Pontefract, founded a priory in his demesne there by his charter,
which the king's progenitors confirmed by their charters, which the king
has inspected, and that the sub-priors and monks have had the custody and
administration of the temporalities and spiritualities of the priory upon each
voidance from the time of the foundation, and that neither Robert nor any
other later lords intermeddled with the priory during voidance in any way,
but that they placed a gatekeeper in name of their lordship at the gate of the
priory, who received his maintenance in food only during voidance, and that
the sub-priors and monks have always had such custody and administration
because all things pertaining to the priory were conferred in frankalmoin,
and were confirmed by divers charters of the king's progenitors, and that
Robert and the other lords placed the said gatekeeper there during void-
dance to guard the priory so that it should not be overchai-ged, and so that
the goods therein should not be wasted unthriftily, and that the gate-
keeper was wont to receive one white loaf, a gallon of convent ale, and a
dish from the kitchen, as one of the monks receives, daily during voidance.
Aug. 24. To John de Kylvngton, keeper of the manor of Faxflet.
Melrose. the wears, ditches, and windmill of the manor.
Order to repair
By C.
Membrane 29.
Aug. 5. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
Newcastle-on- intermeddle further with certain lands in Holyngbourn, co. Kent, and to
Tyne. restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the
escheator that Gilbert Pecche and Isolda his wife and their son Simon
acquired the said lands jointly, to them and to Simon's heirs, and that Isolda
and Simon continued their seisin jointly with Gilbert until the day of
Gilbert's death, and that the lands are held of others than the king.
To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with certain lands in
Corby, Swafeld, and Billesfeld, co. Lincoln, and to restore the issues thereof,
as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Gilbert
Pecche and Isolda his wife were jointly enfeoffed of the said lands by
Simon Pecche, to them and the heirs of their bodies, and that Isolda con-
tinued her joint-seisin thereof until the day of Gilbert's death, and that the
lands are held of the bishop of Lincoln by knight service.
To the same. Order to deliver to Isolda, late the wife of Gilbert Pecche,
tenant in chief, the following of his lands, which the king has assigned to
her in dower : certain lands in Saltfletby, co. Lincoln, of the yearly value
of 11. 5s. l^d. ; a third of a chief messuage in Trillawe, co. Suffolk, of the
yearly value of 2s. 2^d. ; 100 acres of araljle land in the same town, of the
July 30.
Aug. 2.
Aug. 2.
Membrane 29 — cont.
yearly value of 33s. 4d., each acre 4rf. ; six acres of meadow in the same
town, of the yearly value of 12s., each acre, 2s. ; and 56s. 3|rf. of yearly
rent in the same town, to be received from the free tenants and villeins
To Richard de JMusle, receiver of the issues of the castle and honour of Ponte-
fract. Whereas Hugh, sometime abbot of Kirkestal, released, for himself and
his convent, to Henry de Lacy, then earl of Lincoln and constable of
Chester, all the lands and rents that the abbot and convent had and held of
the earl in Acrington, Clive, Ather and Hunnecotes, co. Lancaster, and in
La Eoundhaye, Secrol't and Shadewell, co. York, and the earl granted to
them 50 marks yearly for the lands in co. Lancaster, and 30 marks yearly
for the lands in co. York, to be received at his exchequer of Pontefract,
until he or his heirs should grant to them in frankalmoin 50 marks yearly
of lands in co. Lancaster and 30 marks of land yearly in co. York ; and
also granted that the abbot and convent might enter the said lands in case
the above 80 marks yearly were unpaid and they were not satisfied else-
where for the same, and that they might receive the rents thereof until they
should be satisfied according to the agreement, which remission the late
king inspected and confirmed ; and lately, at the suit of the abbot of Kirke-
stal, suggesting that he and his predecessors were wont to receive the said
80 marks yearly from the time of the grant until Martinmas last, no lands
having being granted to them in lieu thereof by the earl or his heirs, and
praying the king to cause him to be satisfied for the above yearly sum from
the time when the lands of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, who succeeded
the said Henry in the above recognisance, came to the king's hands, the
king ordered Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent, to take with
him Thomas Dayvill, keeper of the aforesaid castle and honour, and to
make inquisition concerning the premises ; by whose inquisition it appears
that the abbot and convent were seised of the aforesaid 50 marks yearly, as
above stated, and that they received them until Martinmas last, and that
they received of tliat term 100.?., in part payment of 25 marks, and that
17 marks ds. 8d. are in arrear of the aforesaid 50 marks, and that 45 marks
are in arrears of the said 30 marks yearly, and that no lands have been
assigned to them in lieu of the said 80 marks yearly ; the king therefore
orders the said receiver to pay to the abbot and convent the arrears of the
said 80 marks yearly from the time when the lands came to the king's
hands, and to continue to pay that sum at the terms when due.
To the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset. Order to pursue, arrest, and
imprison William Trussel, John Mautravers, the younger, John de
Kyngeston, Matthew de Clyveden and Nicholas de Percy, rebels, who
wandering about in his bailiwick, committing intolerable damage in con-
tempt of the kmg and in breach of his peace, and to cause proclamation to
be made that all and singular shall pursue the aforesaid rebels with hue
and cry if they enter those counties. By K.
[Par/. fVrits.]
The like to the sheriff of Warwick and Leicester and the sheriff of
Wilts. \_Ibid.]
To Ranulph de Charroun, constable of Kenylworth castle. Order to
deliver to Richard de Thweites the goods that he had in that castle when
it was taken into the king's hands by the forfeiture of Thomas, earl of
Lancaster, as the king learns by an inquisition taken by the sheriff of
Warwick that Richard had in the castle at the said time a quarter of wheat,
price 16s., 15 quarters of draget, price 10s. a quarter, 3 quarters of oats,
price 6s. a quarter, 8 quarters of malt, price 10s. a quarter, an ox, price
12s., a cow, price 12s., and twenty salted oxhides, price 6d. a hide, and
that Richard was a mason in the castle with the said earl to make a chapel
Aug. 9.
July 25.
Aug. 13.
Aug. 14.
Membrane 29 — cont.
therein, and that he had the aforesaid goods therein foi- the maintenance of
himself and his fellow masons engaged upon the chapel. By pet. of G.
To Robert de GaJdesViy, keeper of certain lands that belonged to Hugh
de Cuilly in co. Leicester. Order to deliver to Joan, late the wife of the
said Hugh, 16 messuages, a mill, and 16 virgates of land in Gyldene-
morton, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by
inquisition taken by Robert de Stok and Roger Hillary that Joan was
dowered of the above at the door of the church of Gyldenemorton by
William Trussel, her first husband, when he married her, and that she was
seised thereof for thirty-two years and more after his death, and that
Thomas le Rous, sheriff of that county, seized the tenements into the king's
hands on 20 March, in the 15th year of the king's reign, because the said
Hugh was the constable of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, of his castle
of Kenilworth, Hugh having now died in the king's prison of Pontefract
castle. By pet. of C.
To John Everard, keeper of the lands that belonged to Henry de
Wylyngton, in co. Devon. As the king learns by inquisition taken by
John Tresiagu and John de Carmino that Adam de Morlegh demised to
the aforesaid Henry a messuage and 5 ferlings of land in Morlegh, worth
Vis. yearly in all issues at their true value, from which he ought to render
12c?. yearly to Elias son of Payn, the chief lord of the fee, 6^. Od. yearly
to Simon de Sampford, 2s. yearly to the church of Lomene, Qd. yearly to
the lords of Lomene, and suit at the hundred (court) of Hugh de Curteney
at Tyverton from three weeks to three weeks, which suit is worth
2s. yearly, and also a mill in the same town, worth 6s. 8d. yearly, render-
ing therefor to Adam 18rf. weekly for his table, and 13s. 4rf. yearly for his
clothing for his life ; and that Adam received the said maintenance from
Wednesday before the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, in the 11th year
of the king's reign, until Wednesday after St. Hilary last, when John
Inge, sheriff of the county, seized the lands and mill into the king's hands
upon Henry's forfeiture, the king orders the keeper to pay Adam the said
18cZ. weekly from the time of the seizure into the king's hands, and to pay
that sum weekly, and 13s. 4rf. yearly henceforth during the king's pleasure.
If the lands and mill are of insufficient value to pay this money and the
other charges thereon, he is ordered to deliver them to Adam in lieu of the
above maintenance, to hold during the king's pleasure.
By pet. ofC. [3030, 3079.]
To William de Cheyllowe and Hugh Sampson, collectors of the custom
of wool, hides, and wool-fells in the port of Southampton. Order to
deliver to Queen Isabella the issues of the custom from the time of the
king's order to them to collect a subsidy granted (o the king for a certain
time in addition to the old custom, and to deliver the same to her hence-
forth, according to the form of the king's assignment thereof to her.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to assign dower
to Joan, late the wife of John de Belewe, tenant by knight service of the
heir of Payn de Tibetoft, tenant in chief, a minor in the king's wardship,
upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence.
To the same. As the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator
that John de Belewe held at his death the manor of Boulton-upon-Dyrnne of
the heir of Payn de Tybitot by the service of a quarter of a knight's fee, and
that he held no lands of the king in chief as of the crown by reason where-
of the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king, but that he held
divers lands of other lords by divers services, and that John, his son, is his
next heir, and is aged one year and a half \_Incom.plete'].
Vacated, because otherioise on the Fine Roll.
Aug. 5.
Gos forth.
Aug. 19.
Membrane 29 — cont.
To John de Kilvyngton, keepei- of Lhe lands that belonged to John
Moubray in co. York. As the king learns by inquisition taken by William
de Herlaston and Richard de Aldeburgh that Roger de Moubray granted
by his charter to the prior of Newburgh and his successors in frankalmoiu
20*. yej,rly from his mill of Malsard, and that this grant was made in
the time of King Richard or before then, and that the present prior and his
predecessors were seised of the rent from that time until the death of John
de Moubray, who last died seised of the mill, after whose death Thomas de
Burgo, escheator this side Trent, took the mill into the king's hands
together with John's lands, upon his forfeiture, the king orders the keeper
to pay the arrears of the rent from the time when the mill was taken into
the king's hands, and to continue to pay the same rent henceforth.
By pet. of C. [277.]
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with the lands of John de Marmyon, and to restore the
issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that he
held nothing in chief at his death by reason whereof the custody of his
lands ought to pertain to the king.
The like to Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent.
The like to the said Master John for the lands of William son of Alan
de Huntyngton.
Membrane 28.
Aug. 9. To John de Kilvyngton, keeper of the forest of Midelmore in Niderdale.
Aln-nick. As the king learns by inquisition taken by William de Herlaston and
Richard de Aldeburgh that Henry, sometime abbot of Byland {de Bella
I^anda) was seised of the said forest at the time of the levying of a fine
concerning the forest between him, demandant, and Roger de Moubray,
deforciant, and also of free cbace in the same for all beasts whatsoever, and
of a forester to keep the venison there together with Roger's forester, and
that the said abbot and his successors were seised thereof continuously
from that time, to wit the 33rd year of Henry III., until after the death of
John de Moubray, when the forest was taken into the king's hands with
other lands of John upon his forfeiture, and the king learns by the certificate
of the aforesaid keeper that Thomas de Burgo, escheator this side Trent,
seised the forest into the king's hands because he was given to understand
that it was the right of the said John, the king orders the keeper to deliver
the said forest of iMidelesmorand all appurtenances to the abbot of Byland,
to hold according to the said fine, permitting him to have his chace and
forester there. By pet. of C. [10190-96.]
July 31. To Robert de Stok, keeper of certain lands that belonged to the rebels in
Chester. co. Warwick. As the king learns by inquisition taken by the sheriff of
that county that John de Moubray sold to Robert de Saxton aU the trees
growing in his pai k of Fennypark and in his wood called ' Le Merewod '
near Baleshale, long before John's death, to wit on 7 November, in the
14th year of the king's reign, for 200Z. paid beforehand, so that Robert
should clear (deliberari) the park and wood of the trees by the end of four
years from that date, and that Robert felled many trees in the park and
wood before John's death, to wit between the Annunciation and Midsummer
in the aforesaid year, and left certain of the felled trees in the park and
wood, and that the trees thus left are worth 100«., and that he sold certain
of the trees thus felled, and that the greater part of the money from the
sale remains in the hands of the purchasers by reason of the said keeper's
inhibition, and that the sheriff seized into the king's hands the felled trees
Aug. 7.
1322. Membrane 2S—cont.
in the park and wood and delivered them to the aforesaid keeper by virtue
of the king's order, the king orders the keeper to amove the king's
hand from the trees felled in the park and wood by Robert, and to restore
them to Robert, and not to intermeddle with the aforesaid money in tho
hands of the purchasers.
To Alan de Cubbeldyk, keeper of certain lands in co. Lincoln. Order
to deliver to Alesia de Lascy, late the wife of Thomas, earl of Lancaster,
the advowson of the church of the manor of Swaveton, the king having
lately ordered him to deliver the manor to her, and having lately granted her
licence to assign the manor and advowson to the abbot and convent of
Barlynges in fraakalmoin, and having granted the abbot and convent licence
to receive the same.
Aug. 8. To Robert Tok and William de Bircheovre, keeper of certain goods that
Felton. belonged to Richard le Foun in the king's hands. As the king learns by
inquisition taken by Richard de Wylughby and Henry de Hambury that
Fulk de Penebrugge, John de Chetewynde, Walter de Hugeford, and
others unknown, on Sunday after St. Gregory last, took Richard le Foun
at Bradeburne, co. Derby, and carried him thence to the castle of Careswell,
CO. Stafford, and there detained him until Friday the feast of St. George
following, when he died a natural death, and that he was not convicted of
any trespass, felony, or rebellion, and was not an adherent of Thomas, late
earl of Lancaster, except that he was his steward of Leicester, and that in
his lifetime he made his wiU, whereof he appointed Joan his wife and
Richard her brother his executors, and that Roger Reler, on Wednesday
before Palm Sunday last, took certain of the said Richard's goods into the
king's hands, to wit two plough-oxen, price ISs. 4rf. ; a plough-beast
(jvmentum), price 20*. ; three foals, price 10s. each ; 10 oxen, price 13s. 4d.
each ; 3 cows, price 13s. 4d. each ; two young heifers, price 6s 8d. each ; a
calf, price 2s. ; 200 wool-bearing sheep, price 2s. Gd. each ; 30 lambs,
price 16c?. each ; 6 quarters of wheat, price 13s. 4d. a quarter; 45 quarters
of oats, price 4s. a quarter ; the king orders the said Robert and William to
deliver the aforesaid goods to the executors for the execution of the said
Richard's will. By pet. of C. [1 1674-6.]
To Thomas de Dunstaple, keeper of certain goods that belonged to
Richard le Feoun in the king's hands. Like recital and order concerning
a woman's saddle, price 10 marks; six robes for the said Richard, price 61. ;
two robes foi the aforesaid Joan, price 6/. ; six beds, price 12/. ; four beds,
price 41. ; twelve cloths (mappas) and towels (manutergiis), price 100s. ; a
forcer, with divers jewels, to the value of lOZ., which belonged to the said
Richard, and which he took into the king's hands on Saturday the morrow
of St. Gregory last. By pet. of C.
To Robert Tok, keeper of the lands of the aforesaid Richard. Order to
deliver to Joan, late the wife of the said Richard, the manor of Caldelowe
and the mill of Edrichelay, co. Derby, as the king learns by inquisition
taken by Richard de Wylughby and Henry de Hambury that John de
la Launde, Joan's first husband, enfeoifed Henry de Bradebourn of the
said manor and mill, and that Henry, having had seisin thereof, granted
them to Joan for life, with reversion to John son of the said John
de la Launde and Joan, and that Joan continued her seisin thereof for
twenty years and more, until Roger Beler took the manor and mill into
the king's hands because the aforesaid Richard was the steward of Thomas,
late earl of Lancaster. By pet. of C.
To the same. As the king lenrns by the aforesaid inquisition that the
said Richard was seised in his demesne as of fee at his death of a messuage
and a carucate of land in Yeveley, co. Derby, and iield them of Hugh son of
Aug. 13.
Aug. 18.
Aug. 9.
1322. Membrane 28 — cont.
Hugh de Menill by tbe service of 1 2d. yearly for all service, that Richard, son
of the said Richard, is his next heir and is aged six years, and that the
custody of the lands pertains to Joan, late the wife of Richard, the elder,
mother of Richard, the younger, by reason of the socage aforesaid, and that
Richard, the elder, died at Careswell, as above, and that the lands were
taken into the king's hands by Roger Beler, the king orders the keeper
to deliver the lands and the issues thereof to the aforesaid Joan as nearest
[friend] of the heir. By pet. of C.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
aggrieve the convent of Llanthony Prima, in the king's hands by reason of
the last voidance of the priory, and not to intermeddle with the priory or
anything pertaining thereto, and to restore to the prior and convent any
issues received therefrom during the voidance, as tlie king learns by inqui-
sition taken by the escheator that the convent of the priory have always
elected their priors without asking licence from the founders, and they did
not present the priors thus elected to any one but the diocesan of the place,
and that the convent had the temporalities during voidance without their
being taken into the hands of any founder of the house, and that the
convent has enjoyed such liberty from its foundation by virtue of a deed of
Walter de Lacy, founder thereof.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to assign dower
to Joan, late the wife of Richard son of Richard de Tange, tenant in chief
as of the honour of Pontefract, upon her taking oath not to marry without
the king's licence.
To brother John de Redmere, keeper of the king's stud in the park of
Reylegh. Order to pay to William de Rothewell, parson of the church of
Estwode, a tithe of the foals foaled in that park henceforth, as he has shewn
by his petition that the park is within his parish, and a tithe of the foals
has been given to his predecessors from time out of mind, as well in the
time of the earls of Kent, when the manor was in their hands, as in the
times of the king's progenitors, and that John de Herlaston, the late parson
of the said church, received a tithe of the king's foals in that park by the
king's order. By pet. of C.
Aug. 8. To Thomas Deyvill, keeper of the manor of Manston, in the king's
Felton. hands. Order not to intermeddle further with the said manor, and to
restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Adam
de Hoperton that Alfred de Manston and Matilda his wife held for their
lives the aforesaid manor, except two tofts, 25 acres of land, 2 acres of
meadow, and 4 bovates of land, by fine levied between William le Wayte
of Ledes and them before the justices of the Bench, in the sixth year of the
king's reign, with reversion to John de Manston and Matilda his wife and
the heirs of their body, and that Alfred and Matilda did not afterwards
change their estate in the manor, but continued their estate until Alfred
died in the king's prison, after he had been delivered to the ordinary of the
place as a clerk, upon his conviction before the steward and marslials of
the king's household for a burglary of the house of Thomas Person of
Haulton and for stealing his goods, and Matilda was convicted before the
fteward and marshals and hanged upon the same charge, and that the manor
is held of Richard le Waleys by homage and fealty and by the service of a
quarter of a knight's fee, the said Thomas having taken the manor into the
king's hands by reason of the felony aforesaid.
Aug. 7. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent, or to his sub-
ITelton. eschealor in co. Lincoln. Order to permit Master William de Chausi and
William de Witham to have the custody of the manor of Swynhope, in that
16 EDWARD ri.
Aug. 25.
(^Meuros) .
Aug. 26.
Aug. 9.
Aug. 26.
Membrane 28 — cont.
county, which the king committed to them on 20 May, in the 15 th year of
his reign, during the minority of the heir of Gerard de Chauncy, tenant in
chief, rendering therefor yearly 32/., to wit the extent of the manor and
11/. \s. 5d. oi increment, and to resume the manor into the liing's hands
and to restore it to thera with the issues, in case he have delivered it to
Bertram de Mountbocher, to whom the king, on 18 July last, granted the
wardship of Gerard's lands and the marriase of his heir, as it was not the
king's intention that the said William and William should be amoved from
the wardship by reason of the grant to Bertram.
To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of John de
WyviU, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition
taken by the escheator that he held nothing in chief of the king at his
death by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the
To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the manors of
Pappeworth and Croxfcon, and to restore the issues thereof to the prior and
convent of Huntyngdon, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the
escheator that the prior and convent demised the manors to John de
Ohelmesford for seven years from Michaelmas, in the ninth year of the king's
reign, rendering therefor 36 marks yearly, and that John held them for six
years, and that he rendered them to the prior and convent at Michaelmas
last, the manors having been taken into the king's hands by the escheator
because of John's adhesion to certain rebels.
To the sheriS of Northampton. Order to pay to John de Fenwyk
20 marks for Whitsun term last, the king having granted to him 40 marks
yearly from the issues of that county in aid of his maintenance.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with the lands of the abbot of Stonleye, which he took
into the king's hands because the abbot ceased for two years to find a
chantry in the chapel of Wynfreton, and to restore to the abbot any issues
received by him, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator
that the abbot is not bound to find such chantry, and that neither he nor
his predecessors have been wont to find such chantry, and that neither ha
nor his predecessors had any land in that town or elsewhere by reason
whereof they ought to be bound to find such chantry.
Membrane 27.
Aug. 8. To B. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, late keeper of the king's ward-
Felton. robe. As the king learns by inquisition taken by William de Eoston and
Robert de Scorburgh that Nicholas de Acton, king's clerk, placed
860 quarters of wheat, received by him from Anthony Pessaigne of Genoa
in the port (porticu) of Sandwich, in the ships called La Blithe of
Hamelhok and La Blithe of Dertemuth and La Messenger of Sandwich to
be carried to Newcastle-on-Tyne and Berwick-on-Tweed, there to be
delivered to the receivers of the king's victuals, and that Robert de Saxton,
late constable of Soardeburgh castle, took 160 quarters of wheat from La
Blithe of Hamelhok, price 10*. a quarter, and from La Blithe of Derte-
muth 160 quarters of dry wheat, price 10*. a quarter, and 200 quarters of
wheat made damp by the sea, price 6*. a quarter, and that La Messenger
was wrecked at Scardeburgh, and her contents lost, the king orders the
bishop to acquit Nicholas in his account of the said 620 quarters of wheat
Aug. 9.
Aug. 26.
Aug. 25.
Membrane 27 — cont.
and for all the corn loaded in La Messenger, according to the indenture
made between Nicholas and the master of that ship, and of the cost and
freight (freciagiis) of the ships.
To William Prodhomme and James Beauflour. Order not to levy the
increment upon the old custom of wool, hides, and wool-fells, except in
places where there is a coket, and not to aggrieve the merchants contrary to
this order, the king having appointed them to levy the increment in the
port of London and in all places on both sides of the Thames to Graves-
hende. By K,
[Farl. Writs.']
The like to Eobert Wawayn and Reginald le Carter for the ports of
Scardeburgh and Whiteby, and John de Gastrik and William de Gastrik,
for the ports of Barton-on-Humber and Grymesby and in all places thence
to Boston. [/Airf.]
To John de Kilvinton, keeper of the lands of certain of the rebels in
CO. York. As the king learns by inquisition taken by William de Ayremynn
and Master John de Blebury that Emma, late the wife of Bartholomew
Bakoun, was enfeoffed jointly with him by Thomas de Helperby of
19^ acres and a rood of land, with meadows and other appurtenances, and
of a fifth of a windmill, and of 21s. 4:d. of rent in Huntington near York,
and that these lands are worth 30s. yearly, and are held of Peter de Male
Lacu by knight service, but by how much it is unknown ; and by Michael
de Norhampton of 2 bovates, 3 acres, and 4 selions of land in the same
town, and that these lands are worth one mark yearly, and are held of the
said Peter by knight service, but by how much it is unknown ; and by
Richard son of Peter de Tadecastre of Ethercewyk of a toft with croft
in the town of Ethercewyk, and of a messuage, 4 tofts, 2 crofts, six
bovates of land, 4rf. of rent, and the rent of a pound of cumin in the
same town, and of the demesne of a moiety of the same town, and of
the homages and services of the following free tenants : Henry atte
Water for a bovate of land, William de Wyginton for a bovate of land,
Roger de Touthorp for 3 acres of land, and with the reversion of five tofts
and four bovates of land in the same town that Walter de Wynostowe
and Juliana his wife held, and that these lands, etc., are worth 40s.
yearly, and are held of Banulph de Nevill by knight service, but by how
much it is unknown; and of a messuage, two tofts, 10s. of rent, and
8 bovates of land, except 7 acres, in Huntington by John Reyner of
York, with reversion in case Bartholomew and Emma died to John
Bakoun, son of the snid Bartholomew, with remainder in default of issue
to the right heirs of Bartholomew, and that these lands are worth 40s.
yearly, and are held of the aforesaid Peter by knight service, but by how
much is unknown ; and 30c?. of rent in Huntington by John de Okeles-
thorp, and that this is held of the said Peter, but by what service it is
unknown, and that Emma continued her joint-seisin thereof from the times
of the feoffments until the time when the premises were taken into the
king's hands by reason of Bartholomew's trespass, who adhered to the
rebels ; the king therefore orders the keeper not to intermeddle further
with the above. By C.
To Robert de Bures, keeper of the castle, manor, and honour of Clare,
in various counties of England, and of the manors of Berdefeld and
Thaxstede, co. Essex, and of the lands that belonged to Thomas, late earl of
Lancaster, and other rebels in cos. Norfolk and Suffolk. Order to deliver
at the exchequer at York on the morrow of Michaelmas next all the money
that he can collect from the above, and to be there himself to render
account for all the time that he has been keeper.
Aug. 26.
Aug. 24.
Sept. 2.
Aug. 24.
Aug. 24.
Membrane 27 — cont.
To Robert Tok, keeper of certain lands that belonged to the rebels and
others in eo. Derby. Order to restore to Roger de Acore his lands and
goods, and the issues thereof, as Ralph Basset of Drayton has certified the
king that Roger was taken because he arrested sheep that belonged to
Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, in the High Peak, and for a trespass in the
park of Loughteburgh, and Ralph delivered all the prisoners in his custody
to Roger Beler by indenture with the causes of their arrest, and Roger
Beler has certified the king that Roger de Acore was arrested by the said
Ralph for the above causes, and that his lands and goods were taken into
the king's hands by John de Dene, supplying the place of Ralph, because of
his arrest, and the said Roger de Acore is indicted before certain justices of
oyer and terminer for the above matters. The king wills that Roger de
Acore shall answer before the said justices.
The like to Roger de Waltham, keeper, etc., in co. Stafford.
To William Prodhome and James Beauflour. Francis de Ostrein, William
le Cok, John Bertelmeus, and William Rogge, merchants of Loveyngne,
have shewn the king that the said William and James have collected and
levied payments and customs from their goods brought into and taken out
of the realm before the date of their commission to levy such payments and
customs, and they have besought the king to provide a remedy ; he there-
fore orders the said William and James to desist fiom inflicting such
grievances upon the said merchants, and to restore to them without delay
anything they may have levied from them in this behalf, as it was not the
king's intention that such payments and customs should be levied upon
goods brought into or taken out of the realm before the date of the said
The like in favour of the following merchants of Malyns to John de
Tumby and Geoffrey de Sutton in the port of Boston : Geoffrey de Bylie of
Loveigne, Henry de Lonedale of Loveigne, John Fox, Walter Pyfler,
Solomon Marchant, John Scof, Ernald de Muse, and John de Steker.
To Thomas Deyvill, keeper of the castle and honour of Pontefract.
Order to permit William de Ayketon, parson of the church of Berwyk-in-
Elmet, to have the profits and other things that he and his predecessors
have been wont to have in the wood called ' Le Roundhaye,' as the king
learns by inquisition taken by Adam de Hoperton that William and his
predecessors, parsons of the said church, have received reasonable estover
in the said wood from time out of mind, both before and after the wood was
enclosed, to wit dead wood lying therein and branches of dry wood to burn
in their chief messuage of Berwyk, by the view and delivery of the forester
of the wood, and that they have had their swine and the swine of their
tenants of their church in the wood quit of pannage, and their plough-oxen
feeding with the lord's oxen in his several pasture, and a court of their
men and tenants, and their amercements imposed upon them therein for
assize of ale and other things whatsoever, and whenever their men and
tenants have been attached at the court of the lords of Berewyk, they or
their proctors have sought and always obtained their court of the same men
and tenants.
To Roger Carles, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in cos. Salop,
Hereford, and Worcester. Order to restore to Ingelram de Frene his lands
and goods, as he has shewn to the king that Roger has taken them into the
king's hands again for the reasons for which the king lately ordered the
sheriffs of those counties to take Ingelram's lands and goods into his hands,
the king having afterwards ordered them to restore the same to Ingelram.
To the same. Like order in favour of Hugh Godard, whose lands were
taken into the king's hands when he was charged with adhering to the
Sept. 18.
Membrane 27 — cont.
rebels, the king having oi-dered restitution thereof on 14 February last
because Hugh had found security for his good behaviour.
To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to release John de Bromfeld from
Winchester castle, wherein he is imprisoned for adhering to Roger de
Mortuo Man of Chirk and Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wygemor and other
rebels, as John de Handlo has mainperned to have the said John's body
before the king upon three weeks summons under pain of 500 marks.
[Pm'I. m-its^ By p.s. [6215.]
Sept. 1.
Aug 24.
Aug. 23.
Sept. 2.
Sept. 16.
Newcastle- on-
Membrane 26.
To Roger Beler, keeper of certain goods that belonged to Richard le Foun.
Order to deliver to Joan, late the wife of the said Richard, and to Richard
her brother, executors of the will of the said Richard, 200 wool sheep, price
\Zs. 6d. each, 30 lambs, price 1 Qd. each, together with the wool of the same,
or the price thereof, as the said sheep and lambs, which belonged to the said
Richard le Ponn, and which were taken into the king's hands (as stated at
page 589 above) are still in hia custody. By pet. of C.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with the manor of Kyngesworde, co. Southampton, the manor
of Alfithelegh, co. Suffolk, a third of the manor of Milton, co. Oxford,
5 messuages, 280 acres of land, 4 acres of meadow, 60 acres of wood, and
4:0s. of yearly rent in Whathamsted and Eedboupn, co. Hertford, the manor
of Eghteham, and a moiety of the manor of Eneford, co. Kent, and the
manor of Weston, co. Bedford, as the king learns by inquisition taken by
the escheator that William Inge and Isolda his wife were jointly enfeoffed
thereof by Master Robert Inge by fine levied in the king's court between
the said William, Isolda, and Fremund Inge and the said Robert, and that
Isolda continued her joint-seisin of the same until William's death, and that
the manor of Weston is held in chief of the king by fealty and by the
service of appearing before the justices in eyre in co. Bedford, and the
manors of Kyngesword and Alfithelegh, the third of the manor of Milton,
and the other lands and rent are held of other lords than the king, and it
appears by the aforesaid fine concerning the manor of Weston that the fine
was levied by the king's licence.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
brother Stephen de Cherobles the temporalities of the priory of Pontefract,
as the king has accepted the presentation of the said Stephen to that priory
made by Peter, prior of La Charite, whereof the priory of Pontefract is a
cell, and the king has taken Stephen's fealty. He is ordered to amove the
gate-keeper whom the king ordered him to place at the door of the priory,
and not to intermeddle further with the priory.
To Roger Beler, keeper of the lands that belonged to certain rebels in
CO. Leicester. Order to restore to Robert de Raygate, knight, his lands,
which were taken into the king's hands by reason of his adherence to the
rebels, as he has sati.sfied the king for 200 marks, his ransom for his life
and lands. By K.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with the lands that Thomas de Hildeyard held of other lords
than the king, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by in-
quisition taken by the escheator that Thomas held at his death certain lands
in Eeston and Skipseburgh of the king in chief as of the honour of Albe-
marle by knight service, and that he did not hold any lands by reason
whereof the custody of his other lands ought to pertain to the king, and
that Robert, his son, is his next heir, and is aged three years.
Aug. 16.
Sept. 13.
Sept. 15.
Sept. 17.
Aug. 16.
Sept. 13.
Membrane 26 — cont.
To Alan de Cubbeldyk, keeper of the lands that belonged to certain
rebels in co. Lincoln. Order to deliver to Philip Darcy, knight, his lands,
which were taken into the king's hands because he adhered to the rebels,
as the king has pardoned him, and he has found the king security for his
good behaviour and for the payment of his ransom. By p.s. [6173.]
The like to Thom.as Ughtred, keeper of the castle and honour of
Pjkeryng. By the same writ.
To John le Porter, keeper of certain of the rebels' lands in co. Essex.
Order to deliver to Richard de Messing' of London the manor called ' Le
Rynggers,' in the town of Terlyng', and the manor of Little Badewe,
together with his goods and chattels found therein and the issues received
therefrom, as the king learns by inquisition taken by John de Bousser and
Nicholas Dengayne that John de Goldyngton, on Wednesday the Nativity
of St. John the Baptist, in the 14th year of the king's reign, demised the
said manors to Richard for the life of .Joan, late the wife of John de Tany,
as the demisor previously held them, and that Richard continued his seisin
thereof from the said day until Friday after St. Katherine next following,
when Geoffrey Dode entered the manors and ejected Richard therefrom,
saying that they belonged to the said John de Goldyngton, and that he had
a commission from the king to take into his hands the lands of contrariants
in that county, and it appears by the said inquisition that the manors are
not held in chief, and that Geoffrey found when he entered them goods of
the said Richard in the manor of Rynggers to the value of 201., and in the
manor of Badewe to the value of 10/. By pet. of 0. [270, 674, 6335.]
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
James de Ros, son and heir of Robert de Ros, tenant in chief, to have seisin
of his father's lands, as he has proved his age before the escheator, and the
king has taken his homage. By p.s. [6211.]
The like to Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent.
By the same writ.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Peter
Barde to have respite until the exchequer of Easter next for the arrears of
105/. of the ferm of the bailiwick of Sandwich, the king having granted him
such respite in consideration of his good service.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok
To Richard de Rodeneye, constable of Bristol ca,stle, or to him who
supplies his place. Order to release Aymer Pauncefot, a late contrariant,
from prison in that castle, as he has found security for his good behaviour,
so that he may come to the king to make ransom. The king wills that his
lands shall remain in his hands until he have satisfied the king for his
ransom or until further orders. By p.s.
To Richard de Musle, receiver of the issues of the castle and honour of
Pontefract. As the king learns by inquisition taken by Richard de
Aldeburgh and Adam de Hoperton that Stephen, the abbot, and the
convent of Sallay a hundred years ago demised at ferm for ever to Alan
Martel, then master, and to the brethren of the order of the Temple in
England 5 carucates of land and 5 parts of the wood of Halton, and relensed
to them 5 bovates of land in the same town, rendering therefor to the abbot
and convent 10 marks yearly, and that the abbot and convent were seised
continuously of that rent thenceforth during the existence of the said order,
and that after the condemnation of the order they received the rent as well
when the lands were in the king's hands as when they were in the hands of
Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, who entered the lands as lord of the fee
when the king's hand was amoved, until the death of the said earl, and that
p p 2
Sept. 20.
Sept. 7.
Sept. 20.
Sept. 20.
Newcastle- on-
Membrane 26 — cont.
the lands then came to the king's hands, and that 5 marks of the rent are in
arrear, the king orders the receiver to pay that sum to the abbot and con-
vent, and to pay the rent yearly so long as he shall be receiver of the said
issues. By C.
To the sheriff of York. Order not to molest Gerard Salvayn for having
adhered to Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, and other rebels, as he has made
ransom with the king for such adherence. By K.
To Roger de Horsleye, constable of Bamburgh castle. Order to acquit
the king's tenants of the towns of Sunderland and Shoston, which pertain
to the lordship of the said castle, of their ferms and other charges that
they ought to make to the king from Martinmas next until Martinmas
following, as the king has pardoned them the same on condition that when-
ever be sends victuals there they shall cause them to be carried from the
water to the castle. By p.s. [6186.]
To Robert de Stoke. Order to deliver to Richard Damory the manor of
Blechesdon, co. Oxford, with the park, a certain house near the court, and
4 acres of meadow in the heath in the same manor, together with the issues
thereof and the goods in the same, as the king learns by inquisition taken
by Richard de Bere and John de Trillowe that Richard Damory, on Monday
after St. Peter ad Vincula, in the sixth year of the reign, granted to Roger
Damory, his brother, for life, the manor aforesaid with the exception of the
park, house, and meadow aforesaid, and that Richard did not afterwards make
any change in his estate in the said manor, and that Roger held the manor
from the Monday aforesaid for 10 years continnously until the sheriff of that
county seised the manor, park, house, and meadow into the king's hands with
other lands that belonged to Roger. Bypet. of C. [2053] and by p.s. [6217.]
To Thomas de Eyvill, keeper of the castle and honour of Pontefract.
Order to deliver to William de CruU' of Swynflet his goods and chattels,
which the 3aid keeper took into the king's hands because it was found by an
inquisition that William had fled, upon his finding surety to answer to the
king for his goods and chattels in case they be adjudged to the king, as the
king lately ordered the steward and marshals of his household to send into
chancery the record and process of an inquisition taken before t'nem in the
court of the marshalsea concerning the death of William son of James de
Swynflet, William his son, and Thomas son of William le Littester of
Houeden, wherewith the said William de CruU' was charged, in order that
the king might be certified by the said record and process whether William
de Cruli' fled by reason of the said death or not, the steward and marshals
having certified the king that the record and process are not in their custody,
but in the custody of the coroners of the household and of the executors of
Simon de Driby, late steward of the household. By p.s.
To Alan de Cubbeldyk, keeper of the lands that belonged to certain
rebels in co. Lincoln. Order to deliver to Alesia, daughter and heiress of
Henry de Lacy, late earl of Lincoln, the court of the fee of La Haye,
the bailey {ballium) before the gate of Lincoln castle, 20/. for the third
[penny] of the county of Lincoln, which belonged to her father, and which
were taken into the king's hands upon the forfeiture of Thomas, late earl of
Lancaster, her husband, as the king has granted her the same for life.
By K. on the information of Master R. de Baldok.
To William de Paunton, constable of Lincoln castle. Like order to
deliver to Alesia the constableship of that castle.
On the information of the said Robert.
Like order to the aforesaid Alan to dehver to Alesia the said court.
Like order to the sheriff of Lincoln to deliver to her the said 20/. of the
issues of his bailiwick.
16 EDWARD II. 597
1322. Membrane 26—cont.
Sept. 23. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to admit, in place
Newoaetle-on- of Nicliolas de la Beche, an attorney to be appointed by his letters to render
y®" account before them on the morrow of Michaelmas next of the issues of the
rebels' lands in the custody of Nicholas, and to pay to them the money
levied therefrom, because Nicholas cannot appear on that day, as he is stay-
ing with the king in the marches of Scotland. By K.
Sept. 27. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to arrest Thomas de Valoniis and
Durham. Stephen de la More, and to cause them to be brought to the castle of
Wyndesore and there delivered to the constable, whom the king has ordered
to receive them, as Henry de Oranebrok has given the king to understand
that Thomas, who was taken for holding the castle of Ledes against the
king with Bartholomew de Badelesmere, a late rebel, is permitted to walk
where he will from the prison, having been delivered to the prior of Can-
terbury for imprisonment, and the said Stephen, who was attached by the
. king's order for the like cause and for other felonies committed in that
county and was delivered to the sheriff by the marshal of the king's house-
hold for imprisonment, has been delivered from prison by the sheriff.
[Pari. Writs.'] By K.
Mandate in pursuance to the constable of Wyndesore castle. By K.
Membrane 25.
Sept. 18. To Roger de Horseleye, constable of Baumburgh castle. Order to take
Newcastle-on- security from certain men in that castle who lately, with the assent of all
Tyne. jj^g others in the castle, had colloquy, without the king's licence, with the
Scotch rebels lately in the parts about the castle, for the purpose of saving
their houses, corn, and other goods, and who made line with the said rebels,
and the constable is ordered not to aggrieve them in this respect, and to
permit them to stay in the castle and to save their bodies, corn, and goods
henceforth by the best means as they have been accustomed to do hereto-
fore, notwithstanding their aforesaid excess, as the king, pitying their
estate, has respited punishment of the said excess on condition that each of
them shall mainpern another of them to answer to the king when he will
speak against them. By K.
Sept. 20. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to arrest Robert Lewer, and to
Newcastle-on- cause him to be guarded safely until further orders, as he withdrew himself
Tyne. secretly from the king's presence when staying in the king's company after
the king had returned from Scotland, and as he has not come to the king or
sent lawful excuse in response to the king's order to come to him to
explain the cause of his withdrawal. By K.
[Pari. Writs.]
Sept. 16. To Robert Lewer. Order to come to the king forthwith to explain the
Newcastle-on- above withdrawal from the king's presence. By K.
Tyne. \_Ibid.]
Sept. 22. To Robert de Aston, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in co. Glou-
Newcastle-on- cester. Order to deliver to William de Benetham his lands in Benetham,
Tyne. upon his finding mainpernors to answer to the king for the same when the
king will speak against him, the sheriff of that county having returned that
the lands were taken into the king's hands because William adhered to John
Giffard of Brymesfeld, a late contrariant.
To Robert de Gaddesby. As the king learns by inquisition taken by
Roger Beler and the said Robert that Ralph son of Godfrey de North-
kenelyngworth and Aubrey his wife acquired a messuage and 30 acres of
land in Northkenelyngworth to them aud the heirs of Ralph, and that
1322. Membrane 25 — cont.
Aubrey, after Ralph's death, demised the messuage and land to Richard
her son for her lite, and that Ricliard was seised thereof for two years by
virtue of such demise, and that Aubrey is still living, and that the tenements
are not held of the king ; the king orders the said Robert to deliver the
tenements to Richard, together with the issues thereof from the time when
they were taken into the king's hands because Thomas son of Ralph and
brother of Richard was an adherent of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster.
To Master Walter de Istlep, treasurer of Ireland. Order to cause the
castle of Crakfergus, which is in the custody of John de Athi by the king's
commission, to be furnished with necessary victuals without delay, and to
cause the arrears of 100 marks yearly for the custody of the said castle to be
paid to the said John. If he have not sufficient money ready to pay the
arrears, he is to certify the king of the amount in arrear. By K.
Sept. 26. To Richard de Emeldon, keeper of certain lands of the rebels in the
Durham. bishopric of Durham. Ordet to deliver to Eleanor, wife of Richard
Waleys, knight, the lands that she and he held as her dower of the assign-
ment of Robert de Brus, her former husband, which lands were taken into
the king's hands with the lands of the aforesaid Richard because he adhered
to the rebels, as the king has granted the said lands to Eleanor of his
especial grace in aid of her maintenance. By p.s. [6221.]
The like to John le Porter of Stebbyng', keeper of certain lands of the
rebels in co. Essex.
The like to Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent.
Oct. 1. To the sheriffs of London. Order to pay to John de Weston, the elder,
Barnard Oastle. 25 marks for Michaelmas term out of the ferm of the city, in accordance
with the king's grant to him of 50 marks yearly therefrom for life.
Oct. 1. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
Barnard Castle, meddle further with the manor of Middelton, which he has taken into the
king's hands by reason of the death of Roger de Middelton, and to restore
the issues thereof, saving the rights of the king and of others, and saving
to the king homage and fealty and other services therefor due, as the king
learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that the said Roger and Agnes
his wife held the manor jointly to themseh'es and the heirs male ot their
bodies by fines levied in the king's court, and that the manor is held of the
king as of the lordship (deminio) of Totynton, in the king's hands, by
homage and the service of a knight's fee and by suit to the county [court] of
Lancaster from six weeks to six weeks, and to the wapentake of Salford
from three weeks to three weeks, and to the court of Totyngton from three
weeks to three weeks, and by IDs. yearly at Midsummer to the ward of the
castle of Lancaster, and by 13s. 4d. yearly for ' sacfe.'
Sept. 28. To John Inge, keeper of the king's mine in co. Devon, or to him who
Durham. supplies his place. Order to pay to Simon Velde, controller of that mine,
the arrears of his wages for the time that John has had the custody aforesaid,
and to continue to pay the same wages out of the issues of the mine until
further orders.
Oct. 2. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to pay
Barnard Castle, to Richard le Mareschal 251. for Michaelmas term last, in accordance
with the king's grant to him of 50Z. yearly from the issues of the
escheator's bailiwick until the king should cause him to be provided with
his maintenance elsewhere, or until he can have again his lands, which have
been destroyed by the Scotch rebels.
To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of the lands of the rebels in co. Wilts.
Order to deliver to John de Farlegh his lands, upon his finding mainpernors
1322. Membrane 25 — cont,
to have him before the king at the king's will if he will speak against him,
certifying the names of his mainpernors into chancery, as the said keeper
has certified the king that John's lands were taken into the king's hands
by John de Ticheburn, when he was sheriff of that county, because the said
John wore at one time the robes of John de Mautravers, the younger, a
late rebel.
Oct. 2. To Richard de Emeldon, keeper of certain lands of the rebels in eo. North-
Barnard Castle, umberland and in the bishopric of Durham. Order not to intermeddle
further with two parts of the manor of Lynmuth. co. Northumberland, and
with the manors of Hopiland and Rotiford, in the aforesaid bishopric,
which were taken into the king's hands with the other lands of John de
Evre, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition
taken by the keeper and Bartholomew Benet that Agnes, late the wife of
the said John, was enfeoffed jointly with him of the said two parts with the
reversion of the third part, which Florence, late the wife of Robert de Riewe,
holds in dower, and of the said manors by William de Biewe, and that the
manors are not held in chief, and that Agnes continued her joint-seisin
thereof from Whitsuntide, in the 10th year of the king's reign, until the day
of John's death.
Sept. 28. To the same. Order to cause assignment to be made to Richard Benet
Durham. and the aforesaid Agnes, his wife, for her dower of the lands of the aforesaid
John, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that John
died seised in his demesne as of fee of the manors of Crikkelawe and
Throppel, together with the wood of Le Fense, and of six messuages and
40 acres of land in Mitford, with the park and mill of that town, and of
20s. of yearly rent in Ydenton, and of the manor of Neuton Underwood
{subbosco), and of two messuages and 70 acres of land and meadow in Benei'yg,
and of 92 acres of land and meadow in Berewyk, and of 5 marks of yearly
rent from the mill of Corbrigg, and of a messuage and 30 acres of land and
meadow in Hnyden, and of two burgages in the town of Newcastle-on-Tyne,
and of the town of Wotton, within the bishopric of Durham, and of
29 acres of land and meadow in Sonnyside and Wolsyngham, and of the
manor of Bradeleye ; and it appears by the certificate of L. bishop of
Durham and by inquisition made by him, at the suit of Peter de Vernoun,
parson of Stokesleye church, that the aforesaid John was slain at Auke-
lande, within the bishop's liberty, by certain malefactors, John being in the
king's faith and peace.
Oct. 3. To Thomas de Eyvill, keeper of the lands of certain rebels in co. York.
Auckland. Order to restore to John de Eland his lands in Eland and the issues thereof
since his lands were taken into the king's hands, upon his finding main-
pernors to answer to the king, as the said keeper has certified that Simon
de Dryby took John's lands into the king's hands, pretending that he was an
adherent of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, and of other rebels, and that
John was not an adherent of the said earl or of other rebels.
Oct. 5. Koger le Leche of Warrewyk, imprisoned in Lincoln castle for the death
Forcett. of Walter de Barewe, has letters to the sheriff of Lincoln to bail him.
Oct. 7. To the sherifi" of Wilts and Robert de Hungerford, keepers of the lands
Tann. of certain of the king's enemies in that county. Order to amove the king's
hands from two carucates of land in Lye and Bisshopestre, in that county,
which John de Bradeford, chaplain, acquired for life of the prior of Farlegh
and of the abbess of Lacok for a fixed yearly rent (cerfo), and which were
taken into the king's hands because he adhered to Thomas Mauduyt, a late
rebel, and to permit him to hold the same until further orders.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
Oct. 10.
Oct. 8.
Oct. 10.
Membrane 25 — cont.
To Richard de Emeldon, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands
in the bishopric of Durham and in co. Northumberland. Order not to
distrain Ida, late the wife of John Marmeduk, for her fealty for a third of
the manor of Silkesworth and Horden, in the bishopric aforesaid, which she
holds in dower of the inheritance that belonged to Thomas, late earl of
Lancaster, the reversion of which third pertains to the king by the forfeiture
of the said earl, and to restore to her any of her lands and goods and the
issues thereof that he may have taken into the king's hands by reason of
the premises, as she has made her fealty. By p.s.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to amove the
king's hands from certain lands of Richard Bowet of Souleby in Dolfanby,
and to deliver them to Richard, together with the issues thereof, the king
having pardoned him the suit of his peace for the death of Nicholas son of
Nicholas de Musgrave of Souleby, whereof he is indicted, and having after-
wards ordered the said escheator to enquire whether or not the said Richard
was outlawed by reason of this felony, because the aforesaid lands had been
taken into the king's hands by Gilbert de Stapelton, late escheator this side
Trent, and it appears by the present escheator's inquisition that he was not
outlawed or convicted for the said death in any way.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with a messuage and 30 acres of land in Lockesleye,
and to restore the issues thereof to Margaret, late the wife oi* Richard son
of John Simond, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator
that Richard held at his death the said messuage and land in socage, by
the service of rendering 40«?. yearly, of the heir of Thomas de Ferrariis, a
minor then in the wardship of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, and that the
aforesaid Margaret, mother of Richard, son and heir of the said Richard,
held the messuage and land as nearest [friend] of the heir when they were
taken into the king's hands by the escheator, who took them into the king's
hands because he was given to understand that the said Richardson of John
held them of the said heir by knight service, and that the heir was aged
seven at Easter last.
Membrane 24.
Oct. 11. To Ralph de Cammoys, constable of Wyndesore castle. Order to deliver
Yarm. to the king's chaplains celebrating divine service in the chapel of the castle
bread, wine, oil, and other small necessaries for the celebration of divine
service, from Michaelmas last until Michaelmas next.
Oct. 11. To the same. Order to repair the houses, tower, walls and bridges of
Yarm. the castle, with the stable and wall of the garden without the castle, and
the houses and walls of the manor of Kenyngton, with the paling and wall
about the park.
Oct. 11. To the same. Order to pay to Edmund de Algate, porter of both gates
Yarm. of the castle, 4c?. a day ; to Alexander le Peyntour, one of the viewers of
the king's works, 2d. a day ; to Thomas le Rotour, the other viewer, 2(/. a
day ; to Adam, the gardener of the garden without the castle, 2\d. a day ;
to four watchmen of the castle, 2d. a day each ; to Robert de Wodeham,
chief forester of Wyndesore forest, I2d. a day ; to Ralph de la More, clerk
of the king's works in the castle, 2d. a day ; and to Thomas le Parker,
keeper of Kenyngton park, \\d. a day : being their wages and stipends
from Michaelmas last until Michaelmas next.
Oct. 11. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the grant
Yarm. of 600 marks to the king by the communities of the counties of Bedford
16 EDWARD II. 601
1322. Membrane 24 — cont.
and Buckingham to be cancelled and annulled in the estreats of tho
rolls of the chancery, and to supersede the demand for the same, and for
queen gold for the same, as the king has remitted the grant upon the grant
in the parliament at York of an armed footman from every town that
answers for a township in the justices' eyres. \^Parl. WritsJ]
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with the lands of Robert le Fauconer, and to restore the
issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that
Robert held nothing in chief at his death by reason whereof the custody of
his lands ought to pertain to the king.
Oct. 28. William Stor and Adam Scarlet, imprisoned at Launceveton for the
York. death of Nicholas Furbard, have letters to the sheriff of Cornwall to bail
them until the first assize.
Oct. 27. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
York. intermeddle further with the manor of Grymston, co. Suffolk, the manor of
Everton, co. Huntingdon, and the manor of Eddeworth with a dovecot, co.
Bedford, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition
taken by Richard de Rodeneye, late escheator beyond Trent, that Waiter
de Langeton, late bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, held at his death the
manor of Grymston of the earl marshal as of the manor of Dovercourt by
the service of the moiety of a knight's fee, the manor of Everton of the said
earl by homage and scutage and the service of a knight's fee, and the manor
of Eddeworth and the dovecot of the heirs of John BlHe[t] as of the manor
of Lakham by the service of a moiety of a knight's fee, and that he did not
hold any lands in chief as of the crown by reason whereof the custody of
his lands ought to pertain to the king, and that Ed[mund] son of Robert
Peverel, kinsman of the said Walter, is his nearest heir and is aged fifteen
To the sheriff of Devon. Order to expend up to 20/. in repairing the
houses within Exeter castle. By C.
John son of John del Bury, imprisoned at Lancaster for the death of
Bichard son of Roger del Welfal, has letters to the sheriff of Lancaster to
bail him until the first assize.
Oct. 24. To Roger de Waltham, keeper of. certain lands of the rebels in co.
York. Stafford. Order to restore to Nicholas de Langeford, knight, his lands,
which were taken into the king's hands because he was a rebel, as he has
made ransom with the king for his life and lands, and has found main-
pernors for his good behaviour and security for payment ©f his ransom, to
wit William de Baggeleye and John de Ardern, knights of co. Chester,
Richard de Hoyland, knight, of co. Lancaster, and Thomas de Barynton, of
CO. Stafford. By p.s. [6251.]
Tlie like to the following keepers of rebels' land : Robert Tok in co.
Derby, etc., John Travers in co. Lancaster, and Roger Beler in co. Stafford.
Oct. 30. To Walter de Istlep, treasurer of Ireland. Order to cause the castle of
York. Crakfergus, in the custody of John de Athi, to be provided with necessary
victuals without delay, and to make account with John of the arrears of
100 marks that he ought to receive yearly for the custody of the castle,
and to pay him such arrears, and to pay him that sum yearly for so long as
he have the custody. If he have not sufficient money ready to pay the
arrears, he is to certify of the king of the amount of the arrears. By K.
Oct. 28. To William de Bereford and his fellows, justices of the Bench. Order
York. to supersede entirely the execution of the judgment in the Bench against
Roger, bishop of Salisbury, to admit a parson to the prebend of Bere and
1322. Membrane 24 — cont.
Chermynstre in St. Mary's church, Salisbury, as George de Saluciis, the
king's kinsman, prebendary of the said prebend, by whose death or priva-
tion the king believed the prebend to be void, has come to the king in
person, in good health, asserting that he had not been amoved from the
prebend by Court Christian and that he had not even been impleaded.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
To B. bishop of Salisbury. Order to supersede entirely the king's order
to admit Master John de Stretford, archdeacon of Lincoln, to the aforesaid
prebend, the collation v^hereto the king believed to belong to him upon the
death of the aforesaid George by reason of the temporalities of the see being
formerly in his hands. By K. on the information aforesaid.
To H. bishop of Lincoln. Like order concerning the king's collation
upon Roger de Waltham of the archdeaconry of Buckingham, which he
believed to pertain to him upon the death of the said George by reason of
the temporalities of that see being formerly in his hands.
The like, ' mutatis mutandis,' to W. archbishop of York, concerning
the said George's prebend of Massara in York church, conferred by the king
upon W. de Ayremynne. By K. on the information aforesaid.
Oct. 30. To Robert de Aston, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
York. CO. Gloucester. Order to deliver to John le Fremon of Tiderinton his
lands and goods in Tyderinton and Ichynton, upon his finding mainpernors
to answer to the king if the king will speak against him, as Robert has
certified that John's lands and goods were taken into the king's hands
because he was the bailiff of Hugh Daudele, the younger, a late 'rebel, of
the hundred of Thornebury, and thus adhered to the said Hugh, as Robert
was certified by the sheriff of Gloucester.
Oct. 31. To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain of the rebels' lands in
York. CO. Wilts. Order to deliver to Christina Pruet a messuage and three
virgates of land in West Cyngton, in the said countv, to hold at the king's
pleasure in recompence for her rent therefrom and for the maintenance of
Nicholas Prouet her son, as the king learns by an inquisition taken by the
said Robert and William de Harden that Christina, at Midsummer, in the
10th year of the king's reign, granted to Roger de Bodeston the said
messuage and land, to him and his heirs for ever, rendering to her yearly
for life 40s., and finding the said Nicholas his maintenance in food, cloth-
ing, and horses (equitatura) during Roger's life, and that Christina and
Nicholas were seised of the rent and maintenance from the time of the
grant until the tenements were taken into the king's hands with Roger's
other lands upon his forfeiture, and that the lands are held of John de Bello
Campo, and are worth 40*. yearly.
Oct. 30. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause a coroner for that
York. county to be elected in place of Nicholas de Odiham, who is insuficiently
Oct. 31. To Robert de Bures, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
York. COS. Norfolk, Suffolk, and Cambridge. Order to deliver to Robert de
Watevill, knight, his lands and goods, as the king, at the request of Hugh
le Despenser, the younger, has pardoned him the suit of his peace, etc., for
adhering to Roger de CHfford and other rebels, and has restored to him his
lands quit of all. By p.s. [6264.]
Oct. 25. To John le Porter, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
York. CO. Essex. Order to deliver to Adam Russel his lands and goods, and the
issues thereof, upon his finding mainpernors to have him before the king at
16 EDWARD II. 603
1322. Membrane 24 — cont.
his pleasure, as the aforesaid keeper has certified the king that Adam's
lands and goods were taken into the king's hands because he married the
daughter of John Joce, knight, which John was said to have adhered to
Bartholomew de Badelesmere, a late rebel. By pet. of C.
Membrane 23.
Oct. 31. To Alan de Cubbeldyk, keeper of certain of the rebels' lands in
York. CO. Lincoln. Order to deliver to Norman Darcy all his lands in Kalkewelle,
in that county, which were taken into the king's hands because he adhered
to Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, and other rebels, as the king has granted
that he shall have his lands again wholly quit. By p.s.
{Pari. Writs.']
Oct. 28. To Edmund de "Wodestok, constable of Dover castle and warden of the
York. Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place, and to the mayor and
bailiffs of Dover. Whereas lately at the prosecution of the abbot of
Langedon and the prior of Dover, executors of the will of William Archer,
sugggesting that the constable, mayor and bailiffs took into the king's hands
all the goods of William Archer after bis death, retarding the execution of
his will and contrary to the custom of those parts, the king ordered the
constable, mayor and bailiffs to deliver the said goods to the executors if it
was so, and they returned that the aforesaid William and Simon Giles of
Dover quarrelled on Monday the eve of St. Laurence last, so that they slew
one another, both dying without awaiting judgment, for which reason the
constable, mayor and bailiffs took their lands and goods into the king's
hand; the king now orders them not to intermeddle further with the said
lands and goods, and to permit the executors to have free administration of
the goods for the execution of the said will .
Oct. 30. To the sheriff of York. Order to deliver Thomas de Bruosa, who is
York. imprisoned at York for adhering to the rebels, to Ralph de Cobham, as Ralph
has mainperned to have Thomas in the same state as he now is within three
weeks from the king's summons to him.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
Oct. 25. To John le Porter, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
York. CO. Essex. Order to deliver to Richard de Norton his lands and goods, and
the issues thereof, upon his finding mainpernors to have him before the king
at his pleasure, as the said keeper has certified the king that Richard's lands
were taken into the king's hands because he was with Henry Gernet at his
robes and of his household.
To the same. Like order in favour of Benedict de Ditton, the keeper
having certified that he was arrested by William de Neuport at Ileford at
the time when the king was there, and that his lands and goods were taken
into the king's hands because he was with John Joce, knight, and at his
robes and of his household, which John was said to have adhered to
Bartholomew de Badelesmere, then a rebel.
Nov. 2. To Robert de Aston, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
York. CO. Gloucester. Order to deliver to Elizabeth de Burgo, late the wife of
Roger Daumory, a late rebel, all her lands, which were taken into the king's
hand upon his forfeiture. By K.
The like to the following keepers :
Robert de Aston, in cos. Somerset and Dorset.
Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent.
John de Toucestre, in co. Buckingham.
John le Botiller, in co. Dorset.
1322. Membrane 23 — cont.
Robert de Bures, for the castle and honour of Clare.
John de Kilvyngton, keeper between the Teise and Use in co. York.
Alan de Cubbeldyk, in co. Lincoln.
Richard de Potesgrave, in co. Kent.
Robert de Gaddesby, in co. Leicester.
Robert de Hungerford, in the cities of London, Middlesex, Berks, Wilts,
and Southampton.
Robert de Stok, in cos. Warwick and Oxford, Bedford and Bucks.
Thomas de Eyvill, in co. York.
Roger atte Bed, in co. Surrey.
John de Bermyngeham, justiciary of Ireland.
Master Walter de Istelep, treasurer of Ireland.
John de Tunstal, escheator of Ireland.
Robert de Insula.
Oct. 3. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
Tork. intermeddle further with the manor of Gretham, which Joan, late the wife
of Henry de Lacy, late earl of Lincoln, held for her life of the inheritance
of Alesia, late the wife of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, daughter and
heiress of the said Henry, which ought to remain after Joan's decease to
Hugh le Despenser, the younger, by the assignment of Alesia made by the
king's licence, the escheator having taken the manor into the king's hands,
it is said, by reason of Joan's death.
Nov. 3. To Roger de Swynnerton, keeper of the Tower of London, or to him
York. -who suppUes his place. Order to deliver from the Tower Margaret, late
the wife of Bartholomew de Badelesmere, a late rebel, as William de Roos
of Hamelak, Henry de Percy, William le Latymer, Peter de Malo Lacu,
the elder, John de Crumbwell, and Robert de Welle, knight, have main-
perned to have her before the king in tliree weeks from the time of
summons in the same state as she is in now. By K.
Nov. 4. To Henry le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the king.
Tork. Order to continue until a month from Easter next all matters touching the
bishop of London, the dean and chapter, officials and other ministers of
St. Paul's church, London, moved in the last eyre of the justices at the
Tower, which the king afterwards caused to come before him and which he
ordered to be continued to the octaves of St. Hilary last and from then to
divers terms. By K.
Afterwards, on 18 April following, the said matters were continued until
All Saints.
Nov. 2. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause a coroner for that county
York. to be elected in place of John le Waydour of Northampton, who cannot
attend to the duties of the office, as he has been elected mayor of North-
Nov. 4. To Roger Carles, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
York. cos. Worcester and Heretbrd. Order to restore to Aymer Pauncefot,
knight, his lands, which were taken into the king's hands because he was
a rebel, as he has made fine with the king in 200 marks to save his life and
lands. By K.
The like to Richard Wroth for Aymer's lands in his custody.
Nov. 2. To Robert de Aston, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
York. CO. Somerset. Order to restore to Matthew de Clyveden, knight, his lands,
which were taken into the king's hands because he was a rebel, as he has
made fine with the king in 400 marks to save his life and lands, ou condition
16 EDWARD II. 605
1322. Membrane 23 — cont.
that his lands shall be resumed into the king's hands if he fail in the
payment of any of the instalments of that sum when due.
The like to Thomas de Marlebergh in favour of the said Matthew.
To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order not to molest the aforesaid Matthew
by reason of his rebellion, and not to permit him to be aggrieved by any
others, as he has made ransom with the king. By C.
Oct. 26. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to release Benedict de Ditton from prison
York. upon his finding mainpernors to have him before tlie king at his pleasure
to answer for being with John Joce, knight, who was said to have adhered
to Bartholomew de Badelesmere, the king having ordered John le Porter to
restore to Benedict his lands and goods upon his finding mainpernors as above.
Nov. 4. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the
York. manors of Alwarthorp and Wythele, co. York, which belonged to John de
Moubray, a late rebel, and which came to the king's hands as escheats by
his forfeiture, to be extended, and if they find by such extent that they reach
the value of 50 marks yearly, they are to cause Thomas Broun to have them,
to hold during the king's pleasure, provided that he answer to the exchequer
for any excess over that value, the king having granted to him, in con-
sideration of his good service, 50 marks of rent yearly during pleasure, for
the maintenance of himself and hia wife and their children and the cliildren
of his brother. By K.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause dower
to be assigned to Agnes, late the wife of Thomas de Ireby, tenant in chief,
upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence.
Oct. 31. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
York. assignment to be made to Roger le Poer and Lettice his wife for her dower
of the lands of John le Fauconer, her late husband, tenant in chief, she
having married Roger by the king's licence.
Nov. 4. To the same. Order to deliver to Alesia de Jjacy, countess of Lincoln
York. and Sahsbury, the manors of Horblyng, co. Lincoln, and of Grauncestre,
CO. Cambridge, which were taken into the king's hands upon the death of
Joan, late the wife of Henry de Lacy, late earl of Lincoln, who held them
in dower, and to deliver to Alesia the issues thereof from the time of Joan's
death, as the king has granted that the manors, which ought to revert to
him after Joan's death by virtue of Alesia's grant, shall remain to Alesia
for life after Joan's death.
Nov. 2. To Robert de Aston, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in co.
York. Gloucester. Order to pay to Thomas, bishop of Worcester, the arrears of
a yearly rent of five marks yearly from the manors of Yate and Ablyngton
from the time when the manors came to the king's hands, and to pay him
the said rent henceforth until further orders, as he has shewn the king that
the manors, which are in the king's hands by the forfeiture of John de
Wylyngton, a late rebel, are held of him as of the right of his cliurch of
Worcester by homage and fealty and suit at his court of Saltmarsh twice
a year, and by the service of 5 marks, and that the aforesaid keeper has
deferred paying him the said rent, although he and his predecessors were
seised of it by the hands of the said John and of olher lords of the manors
from time out of mind.
To the same. Like order concerning a rent of 40*. yearly from the manor
of Berewyk near Hambury in Saltmarsh, the bishop having shewn that the
manor, which came into the king's hands by the forfeiture of Roger son of
Peter Crok, a late rebel, is held of the bishop as above by socage and suit
1322. Membrane 23 — cont.
to his hundred of Hambury twice a year, and suit at his court there from
three weeks to three weeks, and by the service of 40s. yearly.
To Roger Carles, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in co.
Worcester. Like order concerning a rent of 32s. Qd. from certain lauds
that belonged to Thomas Blankfront, a late rebel, the bishop having shewn
that they are held of him as above by socage and suit at his hundred of
Alvechirche twice a year and at his court there from three weeks to three
weeks, and by the service of 32s. 66?. yearly.
Membrane 22.
Nov. 4. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this .side Trent. Order not to inter-
York, meddle further with the manors of Wilthorp and Swynton, and to restore
the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator
that John de Belewe and Joan his wife were jointly enfeoffed thereof in fee
tail, and that they continued their seisin until John's death, and that the
manors are held of the heir of Payn Tybetoft, tenant in chief, a minor in
the king's wardship, the manor of Wilthorp by the service of a quarter of
a knight's fee and suit of court to the manor of Benteley from three weeks
to three weeks, and the manor of Swynton by the service of a quarter of a
knight's fee.
Nov. 3. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause allow-
York. auce to be made to the prior and convent of Newburgh, in the payment of
18/. due from them to the king for the corn that belonged to Richard le
Waleys at Dunsford, which they bought of Thomas de Eyvill and Adam de
Hoperton, who were appointed by the king to sell the corn, for 20 marks,
which the prior and convent paid, on 23 October, in the 7th year of the
king's reign, to William de Melton as a loan to the king, and which William
paid to Master John de Weston, late chamberlain of Scotland, by the king's
order, the king having then granted that allowance should be made therefor
to the prior and convent in the next payments due from them to him. They
are ordered to charge the executors of the said John with this sum, and to
allow it to the said Thomas and Adam. By C.
Nov. 4. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
York. Agnes, late the wife of Thomas de Ireby, mother of his heir, as next
[friend] of the heir, two parts of the manor of Embelton, co. Cumberland,
which he took into the king's hands upon the death of Thomas, and to
restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the
escheator that Thomas held at his death the said two parts of the king in
chief as of the honour of Cokermuth by fealty and suit at the court of
Cokermuth from tliree weeks to three weeks for all services, and that he
held no lands in chief as of the crown by reason whereof the custody of
his lands ought to pertain to the king, and that Wilham, his son, is his next
heir and is aged six years at Martinmas.
Nov. 2. To James de Broughton, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
York. CO. Gloucester. Order to pay to Thomas, bishop of Worcester, the arrears
of a yearly rent of 16s. \\d., called ' Peterpenyes,' from the tenants of the
manor of Berkeleye, from the time when tho manor was taken into the
king's hands, and to cause the same rent to be levied and paid to him until
further orders, as the bishop has shewn the king ihat he ought to receive
the said rent, and that he and his predecessors have been wont to receive
it from time out of mind from the tenants by the hands of the lord
of the manor, and that the said James has deferred paying him the
Nov. 6.
Nov. 4.
1322. Membrane 22—cont.
rent since he has had the custody of the manor, Maurice de Berkeleye, the
lord of the manor, having surrendered himself to the king's grace by reason
of his rebellion.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with the lands of Walter de Buckton, and to restore the
issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that
Walter held nothing in chief at his death by reason whereof the custody of
his lands ought to pertain to the king.
To Roger Carles, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in co. Salop.
Order not to intermeddle further with a messuage and a carucate of land
in Cheseworthyn and Westanescote, and to restore the issues thereof to
Sibyl, late the wife of Roger son of Thomas Gerveys of Podemore, as the
king learns by inquisition taken by the said keeper and Robert Touk that
Sibyl and her said husband were jointly enfeoffed of the messuage and land
by Thomas sou of William de Strcngeford, to them and to Roger's heirs,
and that the messuage and land are held of John le Straunge by the service
of Id. and two capons yearly for all services, and that Sibyl continued her
joint-seisin thereof until the messuage and land were taken into the king's
hands because Roger was said to have adhered to the rebels. By 0.
To Roger de Swynnerton, constable of the Tower of London. Order
to release Hugh de Mortuo Mari, knight, a late contrariant, from prison in
the Tower, so that he may come to the king to make ransom, as he has
found security for his good behaviour. By p.s. [6172.]
To the sheriffs of London. Order to deliver John Pope, ' portour,' im-
prisoned in Neugate for the death of Robert Curteis, in bail to twelve
mainpernors who shall undertake to have him before the king's justices at
the first assize, as the king learns by the record and process of Henry
Spigurnel and his fellows, justices to deliver Neugate gaol, that John slew
the said Robert in self-defence and not by felony or malice aforethought.
Nov. 12. To the collectors of the custom of wool, hides, and wool-fells in the port
Tutbury. of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Order to pay to Robert de Raymes the arrears of
10/. yearly from that custom, in accordance with the king's grant to him on
26 September, in the 11th year of his reign. By C.
Nov. 6. To Mast<^r John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
Campsall. intermeddle with the abbey of Thorneton-on-Humbre, void by the cession
of Thomas, the late abbot, in accordance with the late king's grant of 7 June,
in the 12th year of his reign, that he would claim nothing upon voidance
of the abbey beyond what William de Fortibus, late earl of Albemarle, and
his ancestors, founders and patrons of the abbey, and Edmund, the late
king's brother, and Avelina his wife claimed during voidance, because it
was found by an inquisition taken by Thomas de Normanvill, his escheator
this side Trent, that the said earls and Edmund and Avelina received no
profit from the abbey during voidance except putting a serjeant to keep the
door and another to keep the guests' hall. The escheator is to put two
Serjeants there accordingly.
Nov. 7- To the treasurer and barons (^f the exchequer. Order to allow to Master
Conisbrough. John Walewayn, escheator beyond Treut, in his account at the exchequer,
the sum of 251., paid by him to Richard le Mareschal, in execution of the
king's order to pay Richard that sum for Easter term last, the king having
granted him 50/. yearly until he should cause him to be provided with
maintenance elsewhere, or until he could have his lands again, which were
destroyed by the Scotch rebels.
Aug. 16.
Nov. 6.
1322. Membrane 22 — cont.
To the same. Order to cause allowance to be made to the said John for
10 marks for Easter term and 10 marks for Michaelmas term last, paid by
him to Joan de Torthorald in execution of the king' order, the king having
granted her 20 marks yearly in aid of her maintenance out of the issues of
the escheatry beyond Trent.
To the same. Order to allow to the said Master John for 73/. Os. 8c?.,
received in the king's chamber on 3 May last by the hands of Thomas de
Usflet, king's clerk, from the said John, keeper of the temporalities of the
bishopric of Coventry and Lichfield, by the hands of John de Bury there
paying the money out of the issues of the bishopric, by virtue of the king's
letters patent under his privy seal in Master John's possession.
Nov. 3. To the same. Order to cause the men of the county of Northumberland
York. to have respite until Michaelmas next for all debts due from them, the king
having granted them such respite in consideration of the damages inflicted
upon them by the Scotch rebels. By K.
Nov. 12. To Robert Touk, keeper of certain lapds in the king's hands in
Tutbury. co. Derby. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Yevele,
and to restore the issues thereof, as it appears to the king by the tenor of
a foot of a fine lately levied before the justices of the Bench between Hugh
son of Hugh de Meignill and Joan his wife, demandants, and Hugh de
Meignill, deforciant, which the king has caused to come into chancery, that
the said Hugh de Meignill granted that the manor, which Richard Foun
then held for life of the said Hugh's inheritance, should remain after Richard's
death to the said Hugh son of Hugh and Joan his wife and the heirs of
their bodies, with remainder in default of heirs to Giles son of Hugh de
Meignill, and that this concord was made in Richard's presence and with his
consent, and that Richard made fealty in court to the said Hugh son of Hugh
and Joan, and it appears by an inquisition taken by Thomas de Burgo,
escheator this side Trent, that Richard held the manor for life, and that
he continued his seisin thereof until his death without changing his estate,
and that the manor was taken into the king's hands because it was said
that Richard adhered to Thomas, late earl of Lancaster. By pet. of C.
Membrane 21.
Oct. 28. To Roger Carles and Alexander de Besford. Order not to intermeddle
York. further with the manor of Ruggehale, and to restore the issues thereof to
Alexander de Frivill, as it appears by inquisition taken by them that
Alexander de Frivill demised the manor to his son Baldwin for the
maintenance of himself, his wife and their children, during Alexander's
pleasure, and that Alexander seised the manor into his own hands on the
day of the Exaltation of the Cross last, and that the manor is not held in
chief, Adam de Herewynton and Roger Golafre, appointed to extend the
lands in the king's hands in co. Worcester by the forfeiture of certain
rebels, having returned, in response to the king's order issued at the suit of
the said Alexander, that it was testified before them by the sheriff of that
county that the manor was taken into the king's hands by reason of the
rebellion of the said Baldwin.
Nov. 7. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver
Haddlesey. to Scolastica, late the wife of Godfrey de Meaux, sister and co-heiress of
Theobald de Gayton, tenant in chief, the advowson of the church of Creton,
CO. Northampton, of the yearly value of 6/., the king having assigned the
same to her as her purparty of the said Theobald's advowsons of churches.
1322. Membrane 2\^^cont.
Nov. 7. To the same. Order to deliver to the said Scolastica a knight's fee in
Haddlesey. MiddeitoD and Colintre, co. Northampton, which John de Pateshull holds,
of the yearly value of 40*., the king having assigned the sume to her as her
purparty of Theobald's knights' fees.
Nov. 6. To Eobert de Holden and Robert de Micheldevre, keeper of the lands of
CampsaU. John de Somery, tenant in chief. Order not to intermeddle further with
the manors of Warsop and Ekering, co. Nottingham, and to restore the issues
thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Thomas de Burgh,
esclieator this side Trent, that the said John held the aforesaid manors, with
the exception of the advowsons of the churches, for life by demise from
John de Sutton.
To the same. Like order concerning the manor of Dunchirche, co.
Warwick, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Master John Walewayn,
escheator beyond Trent, that the said John de Somery held the manor for
life of the inheritance of John Dunheved, and that the manor is held of tlie
honour of Richard's Castle by knight service.
To the same. Like order concerning 10/. of yearly rent in Great Barre,
as it appears by inquisition taken as above that John lield the rent for life
by demise from Robert de Stepelton.
To the same. Like order concerning certain lands in Blakeleye, as it
appears bylinquisition that John held them for life, by demise from the abbot
of Ales Owayn.
Nov. 10. To Stephen de Abyngdon, the king's butler, or his attorney in the port of
Tutbury. London. Order to deliver to the monks of St. Peter's Westminster a tun
of wine of the right prise for this year, in accordance with the grant of
Henry III.
Nov. 2. To the bailiffs of the city of York. Order to pay out of the ferm of the
York. city to William de Eos of Hamelak 75 marks for Michaelmas term last, iu
accordance with the king's grant to him and his heirs of 150 marks yearly
from the ferm of that city and 150 marks from the ferm of the city of
The like to the baiHffs of the city of Lincoln.
Nov. 10. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to the
Tutbury. sheriff of Lincoln 11^. 5s. 4c?., paid by him to Hugh son of Hugh le
Despenser, the younger, to wit 9/. for the expenses of himself and household
from 17 October last until 25 of the same month, to wit for nine days, and
45s. 4]^d. for the wages of Thomas de Borhunt, Richard de Wygemor,
John Abbot, Peter le Bule, John de Suthwyk, John de Woxebrugge,
Hugh Preest, John Bacon, and Richard de Herlyngton, whom the king
lately sent with the aforesaid Hugh to the county of Lincoln to take fat
■ venison during the season last past, and for the wages (szc) of the hounds
sent with them.
Nov. 12. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
Tutbury. Margaret de Bilton a messuage, 80 acres of land, 2 acres of wood, and 14s.
of rent in Northdighton, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Richard
de Aldeburgh and Adam de Hoperton that William de Bilton, her late
husband, demised the tenements aforesaid to the master of the military
order of the Temple in England and to the brethren of the order at
Michaelmas, 29 Edward I., for the term of 24 years, of which terra 21 years
are elapsed, and that the tenements are of Margaret's inheritance, and that
William had nothing therein except as her husband, and that they are held
of Isabella de Bello Monte, lady de Vescy, by fealty and the service of \4s. Gd.
76416. Q Q
Nov. 11.
Nov. 17.
Nov. 8.
Nov. 13.
Membrane 21 — cont.
yearly and by doing suit at her court of Northdighton from three weeks to
three weeks, and that the tenements are worth 30^. yearly in all issues.
By C.
To John Travers, king's clerk, keeper of the lands that belonged to
certain rebels in co. Lancaster. Order to restore to John de Eland his
lands and goods in Rachedale, upon his finding mainpernors to answer to
the king at his pleasure, the said keeper having certified the king that he
took the said lands into the king's hands because it was rumoured that
John was an adherent of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, and of other
enemies of the king.
To John le Porter of Stebbyng', keeper of certain lands in the king's
hands in co. Essex. Order to pay to Henry de Leyc[estre] and William de
Oterhampton, auditors of the accounts of the receivers, bailiffs, and keepers
of the lands and goods of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, and of other rebels,
10/. each for Michaelmas term last, the king having granted that they
should receive 201. each yearly during their time of office from the issues of
the rebels' lands.
To the sheriff of Essex. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of William le Botyller, who is incapacitated by infirmity.
To A. archbishop of Dublin and his fellows, justices in eyre in county
Meath {Mid'). Order to supersede holding their eyre until further orders,
as the men of that county, and especially the burgesses of Droghda on the
side of Meath, will be necessarily so occupied about the pleas summoned in
the eyre that they will be unable to attend to the king's affairs, or to
their own affairs and merchandise. By p.s. [6280, 6281.]
To John Travers, keeper of certain of the rebels' lands in co. Lancaster.
Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Pilkyngton and
Chetham, a sixth of the manor of Barton, a seventh of the manor of
Crompton, and with the undermentioned messuages, etc., in Farneword,
Great Lcvre, Hunnersfeld, and Spotlond, and to restore the issues thereof
to Margery, late the wife of Roger de Pilkyngton, as the king learns by
inquisition taken by John de Lancastre and Gilbert de Sengleton that
Margery was enfeoffed jointly with her said husband, by a fine levied
before the justices of the Bench in the octaves of the Purification, in the
13th year of the king's reign, between Adam Broun of Pilkyngton and them,
of two parts of the manors of Pilkyngton and Chetham, to them and the
heirs of their bodies, and by another fine levied in fifteen days from Michael-
mas, in the same year, between John son of Thomas de Parva Preston and
them of a third of the aforesaid manors, and of a sixth of the manor of
Barton, and of a seventh of the manor of Crompton, to them and the heirs
of their bodies, and that the said Margery was enfeoffed jointly with her
husband of 20 acres of land in Farneword by John son of John de Levre in
the 10th year of the king's reign, and of a messuage, 10 acres of land, and a
moiety of a waste in Great Levre by Robert son of Roger de Middelton in
the fourth year of the reign, and of a messuage and an acre of land in
Hunnersfeld by Robert le Litster of Miinehouse in the 10th year of the
reign, and of a messuage and five acres of land in Spotlond by William
del Greoebothes in the 8th year of the reign, and that Margery continued
her seisin of the above from the time of the feoffments until the day when
Roger was captured for his alleged adhesion to certain of the rebels, without
changing her estate, and that the premises are held of others than the king.
To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause a coroner for that
county to be elected in place of William le Keu of Winchester, who is
incapacitated by age and infirmity.
10 EDWARD 11.
Nov. 22,
Nov. 17.
Nov. 12.
Nov. 23.
Nov. 22.
Nov. 24.
Nov. 22.
Membrane 20.
To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of William le Botiller, whom the king has amoved from
office, as he is incapacitated by infirmity.
To Robert de Holden and Robert de Micheldevre, keeper of the lands of
John de Somery, tenant in chief. Order not to intermeddle further with
the manor of Little Lynford, co. Buckingham, and to restore the issues
thereof, as Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent, has certified
the king that his sub-escheator in that county took the manor into the king's
hands, believing that the said John de Somery held it in his demesne as
of fee, whereas he held for life by demise from Thomas de Hauvill.
To Robert de Aston, keeper of certain of the rebels' lands in co. Somerset.
Order not to intermeddle further with the hundred of Fiome and with a
plot of pasture called 'Bolgh,' in that county, and to restore the issues
thereof, as Robert has certified the king that the hundred and pasture
were in the seisin of Nicholas Braunch, who enfeoffed Andrew Braunch,
his son, and Joan, his wife, daughter of John de Kyugeston, who arc both
under age, thereof, and the said John, by the consent of Nicholas, held the
hundred and pasture in his hand as bailiff of Andrew and Joan, and that he
took the esplees thereof, and that the sheriff of that county took the hundred
and pasture into the king's hand by reason of the said John's rebellion,
and it appears by inquisition taken by the sheriff that Nicholas enfeoffed
Andrew and Joan, as above stated, by the king's licence in the 1 Ith year
of the reign, and that John had no other estate therein except that of
bailiff of Andrew and Joan, and that the hundred and pasture with the
manor of Frome Braunch are held in chief by the service of a knight's fee,
and that they were taken into the king's hands as above stated.
To the sheriff of Derby. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of Roger le Breton, deceased.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with 21 acres of land in Middelton, co. Kent, and to
restore the issues thereof, as he has certified the king that Master Thomas
de Foughleston of Sydyngbourn, clerk, gave by charter to Walter ilokele
and Beatrice his sister the said land and a garden in Middelton and
Sydyngbourn, so that they might maintain a chantry of one chaplain cele-
brating in the king's chapel of Shamele in Sydyngbourn for the souls of the
kings of England and of John, clerk, of Middelton and of Petronilla his
wife, and of the faithful dead, and that the land and garden were taken
into the king's hands because Walter and Beatrice ceased to maintain the
chantry for some time; which the king does not deem a sufficient reason.
To the sheriffs of London. As the king granted to John Launge and
Joan his wife, then damsel to queen Isabella, 80/. yearly for their lives from
the ferm of the city of London, because John brought him news of the birth
of Edward, his eldest son, and they have not obtained payment thereof
since the grant was made, and the king, on 2 June last, ordered Richard de
Hakeneye and Richard de Constantyn, then sheriffs of London, to pay to
the said John and Joan 40/. at Michaelmas following and 40/. at Easter
following, and so yearly out of the ferm of the city, and the said Richard
and Richard paid them 20/. only at Michaelmas lust, the king therefore
orders the sheriffs to pay to John and Joan the remaining 20/. for that
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver
to Lucy, late the wife of John de Somery, tenant in chief, the following of
QQ 2
1322. Membrane 20 — cont.
his lands, which the kiug has assigned to her in dower by the assent of John
de Sutton and Margaret his wife, the eldest sister, and of Joan, late the wife
of Thomas Botetourt, the other sister, heiresses of the said John de Soraery :
the manor of Neuport Paynel, co. Buckingham, of the yearly value of
bGl. 18s. ^\d. ; the manor of Bradefeld, co. Berks, of the yearly value of
40/. 10s. lO^rf. ; the manor of Soleham, in the same county, of the yearly
value of 4Z. 9s. Q\d. ; certain lands in Bastendon, in the same county, of
tlie yearly value of 6/. 10s. Od. ; the manor of Old Swyneford, co. Wor-
cester, of the yearly value of 9/. 18s. M. ; certain lands in Rouleye Somery,
CO. Stafford, of the yearly value of 75s. Gd. ; certain lands in Prestwode in
the forest of Kynefare, in the same county, of the yearly value of 31s. Qd.
The like to Robert de Holden and Robert de Mucheldevre, keeper of the
lands of the said John in the king's hands.
To John de Kylvyngton, keeper of the castle and honour of Pykeryng.
Order to pay the usual wages for the custodies of the forest and lands per-
taining to the castle and honour.
Nov. 26. To John de Wisham, constable of Knaresburgh castle. Order to cause
York. the houses of the castle and the pool and mills and palings of the parks there
to be repaired out of his ferm of the castle.
Nov. 10. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
Tutbury. intermeddle further with a messuage and two virgates of land that William
Hughes held in Schulton, a messuage and 5 acres of land that Agnes and
Eustace atte Grove held, a messuage that John le Mustarder held, two
cottages that Gilbert Matyn held, a messuage that .John Motesfonte held,
a messuage that Ralph le Rok held, a messuage that John le Fevre held,
a messuage that John Talebot held, a messuage that William de Culnham
held, a messuage that William Hamond held, a messuage that Thomas
Hamond held, a messuage that Henry Bonefaunt held, a messuage that
William le White lield, 2 acres that Henry Chape held, a messuage that
Henry Odam held, a messuage that Robert le Prest held, a messuage that
John Ernelyn held, and a messuage that Juliana Goldhord held in
Farendon, as it was found by an inquisition taken by Richard de Rodeneye,
late escheator beyond Trent, that the aforesaid tenants left the above tene-
ments on account of the great arrears of services therefor due, and that the
abbot of King's Beaulieu, of whom they were held, entered them as chief
lord and not in fraud of the statute of mortmain, and the king ordered the
said Richard not to intermeddle further with the tenements, which he had
taken into the king's hands believing that the abbot had acquired them
after the publication of the said statute, the present escheator having since
taken them into the king's hands upon the like grounds.
Nov. 29. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
York, meddle further with a bovate of land in Overthorp near Warsop, co. Not-
tingham, and with a messuage and bovate of land, as the king learns by
inquisition taken by the escheator that Hugh Stufiyn held at his death in
his demesne as of fee of the king in chief the aforesaid bovate of the manor
of Maumesfeld as of ancient demesne by the service of 6s. 8rf. yearly, and
that he held the said messuage and bovate of the inheritance of his wife by
the courtesy of England of Henry de Musters by the service of 2d. The
king wills that what has been usual according to the custom of the manor
shall be done by the keeper of the manor concerning the land and
Nov. 26. To Richard de Mo.sleye, the king's leceiver of Pontefract. Order to
York. allow to the prior and convent of Newburgh, in the payment of 18/. due
from them for corn that belonged to Richard le Waleys at Uuusford,
Nov. 27.
Nov. 8.
Nov. 1.
Nov. 29.
Dec. 1.
Nov. 3.
Membrane 20 — cont.
20 marks, which they paid to William de Melton as a loan to tlio liiug \_as
at page 606 above.']
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow the
aforesaid sum to the said receiver, and to charge the executors of Johrt
de Weston with it.
To A. archbishop of Dublin and his fellows, justices in eyre in county
Meath. Order to allow to the burgesses of Droghda on the side of Meath
respite until Midsummer for fines and amercements made before the said
justices, and to replevy to them until then the liberty of the town, and to
certify the king before Midsummer of the cause for taking the liberty into
his hands, and of the causes and amounts of the said fines and amercements,
the burgesses having prayed the king to pardon the fines and amercements
and to restore the liberty to them, as they have expended great sums
in enclosing their town and in making and repairing turrets in the wall
thereof for the protection of the town against the Scotch rebels and against
the Irish at war with the king, and for the expenses of armed men in the
king's service in Scotland and the land of Man. By p.s. [6280, 6281.]
To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to cause a verderer for the forest
of Shirwode to be chosen in place of Robert de Rodmerthwayt, deceased.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
Walter de Trailli, son and heir of John de Trailli, tenant in chief of the
late king, to have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age before
the escheator, and the king has taken his homage. By p.s.
To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of Thomas
de Botetourt, and to restore the issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition
taken by the escheator that he held nothing in chief at his death by reason
whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king.
To Walter de Norwyco, one of the barons of the exchequer. As the
king has granted licence to W. bishop of Exeter, his treasurer, to go to
divers parts of the realm for his and the king's affairs, the king wills that
Walter shall hold the treasurer's place during his absence from the
exchequer. By K.
\_Parl. Writs.']
Membrane 19.
Dec. 1. To Robert de Aston, keeper of certain of the rebels' lands in co. Glou-
York. cester. Order to deliver to Henry de Lancastre a yearly rent of 71. Qs. 9d.
in the manor of Munstreworth, together with the issues received therefrom
from the death of Rogo Gascelyn, as the king learns by inquisition, taken
by Adam de Herwynton and William de Bradewell and the said Robert,
that Henry granted the aforesaid rent to Rogo to hold for life for his service,
and that Rogo was seised thereof for ten years before his lands were seised
into the king's hands by reason of his forfeiture, and that Henry afterwards
made no release or other estate of the said rent to Eogo.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with a rent of 5 marks from certain tenements in the
city of Worcester, and to restore the issues thereof to John de Newenton,
chaplain, now celebrating daily for the souls of Stephen Spagard, sometime
a citizen of Worcester, and of Matilda his wife in St. Helen's, Worcester, as
the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Stephen, five years
before the publication of the statute of mortmain, bequeathed the said
rent by his will to William de Coderugg, chaplain, predecessor of the said
John, to have to him and his successors, chaplains thus celebrating, and
1322. Membrane 19 — cont.
that the rent is held of the prior of Worcester without doing any service
therefor, and that the esclieator took the rent into the king's hands, pre-
tending that the will had been made and the rent appropriated to the
chaplain after the publication of the said statute.
Nov. 3. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to supersede until
York. Easter next the demand upon Henry de Lancastre for scutage for the army
of Scotland of the 28th, 31st, and 34th years of the late king's reign.
Dec, 3. To Thomas Deyvill, keeper of certain of the rebels' lands in co. York.
York. Order to cause William, son and heir of Andrew de Kyrkeby, to have seisin
of a messuage and a carucate of land in Tochewyk, as the king learns by
inquisition taken by Richard de Aldeburgh and Adam de Hoperton that the
said Andrew held the messuage and carucate at his death of Nicholas de
Stapelton by the service of an eighth of a knight's fee, and that Nicholas
seised and held the same in wardship after Andrew's death by reason of
William's minority, and so held them until they were taken into the king's
hands with his other lauds because he adhered to the rebels, and that William
is the next heir of Andrew and is of full age, the king having taken his fealty.
To Richard de Emeldon, keeper of the lands of certain rebels in
CO. Northumberland. Order to cause the aforesaid William to have seisin
of the manors of Little Berwyk and Pykeden, as the king learns by
inquisition taken by John de Vallibus and the said Richard that Andrew de
Kyrkeby aforesaid held the manors at his death in fee of John de Evre by
the service of one knight's fee, and that John seised the manors after
Andrew's death in name of wardship by reason of William's minority,
together with the service of a rose that John de Kyrkeby ought to render
yearly to the said William for the manor ol' Identon, which he holds of him
by that service, and that William is the son and heir of Andrew, and is of
full age, the king having taken William's fealty for the manors and the said
Dec. 2. To Master John de Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. As the king
York. learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that John de Tytheby of
Clifton acquired a messuage and a virgate of land in Clifton, Gilbert
Batenoan two messuages and two virgates of land in the same town and in
Wilford, Robert le Fisshere a messuage and a virgate of land in Wilford,
Robert le Serjaunt a messuage and a bovate of land in the same town, and
Simon le Fisshere a messuage and a bovate of land in the same town, from
Gervase de Clifton in fee, as parcels of the manor of Clifton and Wilford,
and that Gervase holds the manor of Thomas de Veer and Agnes his wife
as of the honour of Peverel and not of the king in chief, the king orders the
escheator not to intermeddle further with the said tenements, and to restore
the issues thereof, the escheator having taken them into the king's hands
under the belief that Gervase held the manor in chief, and that the tenements
' had been acquired from Gervase without the king's licence.
Nov. 16. To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the following tene-
York. ments in Parendon, which the king ordered Richard de Rodeneye, late
escheator beyond Trent, not to intermeddle further with, as it was found
by inquisition taken by him that they had been acquired long before the
publication of the state of mortmain from the persons named below by
the predecessors of the abbot of King's Beaulieu : 5 messuages and an
acre of land from Henry Wale ; 6 acres of land from William Manyman ;
2 messuages, 2 virgates of land, and 12s. of rent from Robert atte Cote ;
2 messuages and 2 acres of land from William le Golsmyt ; 2 acres from
Richard le Walkare ; a messuage and 2s. of rent from Ralph atte Forde ;
2 acres from Henry de Stanford ; a messuage from Richard and Nicholas
Membrane 19 — cont.
Nov. 30.
Dec. 11.
Dec. 10.
Dec. 12.
Dec. 4.
Dec. 11.
atte Gayliole; a messnage and an
les Carpenters ; a messuage from
le Goldsmyth ; a messuage and
suage from Walter de Ruycote
messuage from Robert Pynchon ;
from William de Chiselden ; the
the king's hands under the belief
cation of the said statute.
acre of land from Laurence and Felicia
Adam le FuUare ; a messuage from Ralph
30 cottages from John Ciffred ; a mes-
; a messuage from John de Auyce ; a
a messuage from John Crips ; a messuage
present escheator having taken them into
that they were acquired after the publi-
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
Brian, brother of John de ThornhuU, a messuage in Thor[n]hull, and
the issues thereof from the time when it was taken into the king's hands
by reason of John's death, taking Brian's fealty for the same, as the king
learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that John at his death held tho
messuage in fee tail to him and Brian and to the heirs of John, as of the
honour of Pontefract by the service of an eighth of a knight's fee and the
service of As. of yearly rent, and by suit at the court of the honour from
three weeks to three weeks.
To Thomas de Eyvill, keeper of the contrariants' lands in co. York,
Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Hornyngton, and to
restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by John
de Donecastre and Adam de Hoperton that Peter de Rither gave the manor
to Robert de Either, deceased, and Matilda, hia wife, and that they con-
tinued their seisin thereof until it was taken into the king's hands because
Robert adhered to certain contrariants, and that it is not held of the king.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. As the escheator
has certified the king that his sub-escheator in co. Worcester, by virtue
of the king's writ to take into his hands the lands of rebels, believing
that Eoger de Mortuo Mari of Wygemor, who then held a part of the
manors of Norton and Bremesgrave, was seised of these manors entirely,
■whereas Margaret, late the wife of Edmund de Mortuo Mari, held 100/. of
yearly rent thereof in name of dower of the dotation of the said Edmund,
impeded Margaret concerning the receipt of that rent, but did not amove
her therefrom, the king orders the escheator to amove such impediment.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with two parts of the manor of Bustard Thorp and with
two parts of a messuage and four bovates of land in Middelthorp, and to
restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the
escheator that John Bustard and Matilda his wife were enfeoffed jointly
of the above, to them and the heirs of their bodies, and that Matilda con-
tinued her seisin jointly with John until his death, and that the premises
are held of others than the king.
To John le Porter, keeper of the lauds of certain rebels in co. Essex.
Order to deliver to William Gernet his lands and goods in Haveryng, in
that county, upon his finding security to answer to the king if the king v^ill
speak against him, as the keeper has certified the king that William's lands
and goods were taken into the king's hands by Geoffrey Dode because
William is the brother of Henry Gernet, who adhered to John Joce, knight,
an adherent of Bartholomew de Badelesmere.
To the chancellor and treasurer of Ireland. Order to cause the payment
and customs levied on foreign merchants in the late king's time and in the
present king's time, a list whereof is given, to be levied as they were
before they ceased by virtue of certain ordinances, which ordinances are
now annulled, and to cause answer to be made to the king at the exchequer's
of Dublin for the money thence received. By K,
IParl. Writs.]
1322. Membrane 19 — cont.
Dec. 16. To Nicholas de Wedergrave, keeper of the temporalities of the abbey of
Haddlesey. Glastonbury. Order to caufe the monks, ministers, and other servants of
the abbey to have their due maintenance and yearly allowances, and to
cause men having corrodies in the abbey to receive their corrodies out of
the issues of the abbey during the voidauce. ■ By C.
Membrane 18.
Dec. 1. To Robert de Aston, keeper of certain lands in the king's hailds in co.
York. Gloucester. Order not to intermeddle further with a messuage and a
carucate of land in Acton Turvill, in that county, and to restore the issues
thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by John de Hampion and
William de Brocworth, that Richard de Turbevill granted the messuage and
carucate to William de Arches and Amice his wife, and to the heirs of their
bodies, on 20 September, in the 20th year of the late king's reign, and that
Amice was seised from thai time with the aforesaid William for three years,
and that she continued her seisin thereof after William's death until
28 December, in the 15th year of the king's reign, when the messuage and
land was taken into the king's hands by the forfeiture of Rogo Gacelyn,
her second husband, and that the messuage and land are held of Edmund,
earl of Arundel, by knight service, and are worth 4/. 13s. \d. yearly, and
that they have been in the king's hands from the said 28 September {sic),
and that Rogo had nothing therein except as husband of Amice.
To Robert de Hungerford, keeper, etc., in co. Berks, etc. Like order
concerning a messuage and a carucate of land in Esthenrethe, in the said
county, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition
taken by Master Robert de Ayleston, the said keeper, and Master Elias de
Sancto Albano, that Rogo Gacelyn and Amice his wife were enfeoffed of the
messuage and carucate jointly by William Gacelyn and by fine levied in the
king's court, in the second year of the king's reign, to them and the heirs of
their bodies, with remainder to William de Arches and the heirs of his body,
and that the messuage and land are held of Henry Husee by the service of
half a knight's fee, and are worth yearly 9/., and that Amice continued her
seisin thereof with Rogo until 10 March, in the 15th year of the king's
reign, when the messuage and land was taken into the king's hands fur
Rogo's rebellion.
Dec. 13. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
Haddlesey. elected in place of William de PIou, deceased.
Dec. 15. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit John de
Haddlesey. Cherleton, citizen of London, of an amercement of 20*'. because he did not
come before the justices in eyre at the Tower of London by reason of the
common summons then made before the justices in the eyre, as he was
engaged in the king's service on the morrow of St. Hilary, in the lith year
of the king's reign, so that he could not appear before the justices on that
day. By K.
Dec. 15. To Walter de Norwyco. Whereas the king is bound to Siglaf Suysse,
JIaddlesey. burgess and merchant of Lynn, for 20 lasts of Norway herrings, price
1'is. 'id. a last, bought from him for the munition of the king's castles and
towns in Scotland, amounting to 1'6l. Gs. 8d., as appears by a bill under the
seal of the office of chamberlain of Scotlaud made on 2 April, in the third
year of the king's reign, and Siglaf lately suggested to the king that certain
sub-taxors and collectors of the eighteenth from laymen in the county of
Norfolk had concealed a considerable sum of the said eighteenth, and
1322. Membrane 18 — cont.
besought the king that if they were convicted of such concealment at his
prosecution in the king's name, the king would cause payment to be made
to him of the above sum out of the money coming to the king in this behalf,
and he has now given the king to understand that the said sub-collectors
and collectors have been convicted before the said Walter and his fellows,
the king's late j'lstices to enquire into this matter, of concealing b2l., and
that they ought to pay to the king for their fines and amercements in this
behalf 201. ; the king, at the request of Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pem-
broke, orders Walter to pay Siglaf the said 73Z. 6s. iid. out of the above
52Z. and 20/. By K.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause all those
who are charged in the estreats with the said 52Z. and 20/. to he discharged
of the aforesaid 731. 6s. Sd. By K.
Dec. 10. To William David, receiver of the issues of certain castles and lands in
Haddlesey. the king's hands. Order to pay to Simon de Balderston, one of tlie auditors
of the accounts of the receivers, bailiffs, and keepers of the lands and goods
that belonged to Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, and to other rebels and to
others in divers counties and in Wales, 12 marks 6s. 8d. for Michaelmas
term last, the king having granted him 25 marks yearly for so long as he
shall have the aforesaid office.
Nov. 4. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
York. intermeddle further with a messuage and 10 acres of land in Asshele, co.
Stafford, and to restore the issues thereof to Sibyl, late the wife of Roger
son of Thomas Gerveys, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Robert
Touk and Roger Carles that Sibyl was enfeoffed jointly with her said
husband of the said messuage and land, with the reversion of a moiety of a
messuage that Richard le Coupare and Emma his wife hold for life in that town,
by Thomas Gerveys of Podemor, to have and to hold to them and to Roger's
heirs, and that the messuage and land are held of Walter de Beysyn by the
service of I2d. yearly, and that Sibyl continued her joint seisin of the mes-
suage and land until they were taken into the kmg's hands by reason of the
alleged adherence of Roger to certain rebels.
Dec. 19. To John le Porter, keeper of the lands that belonged to certain rebels in
Haddlesey. co. Essex. As the king learns by inquisition taken by John de Uovre and
the said keeper that Elizabeth, late the wife of John Breaunzoun, was
enfeoffed jointly with her said husband of the manor of Westthurrok, in the
said county, by fine levied before the justices of the Bench, and that she
continued her joint-seisin thereof with the aforesaid John until his death,
and after his death until she was married to John Joce, deceased, and
afterwards with him until the king caused his lands and goods to be
taken into his hands because he was said to have adhered to certain rebels,
and that the manor is held of the earl of Richmoud by kniglit service, and
that Elizabeth held in dower of the king's assignment a thiid of the manor
of Alvithele and a third of the manor of Westthorndon of the inheritance
of John de Breaunzoun, and that the manor aforesaid together with the
dower above-named were taken into the king's hands by reason of the said
trespass of John Joce, the king orders the keeper not to intermeddle further
with the manor and dower, and to restore to Elizabeth any issues received
therefrom since the death of John Joce.
Dec. 4. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver
Yorlt. to Hugh le Despenser, the younger, the king's stud and all the king's stock
(instaurum) and all other goods in the castles, manors, and lands of Breg-
henen, Haye, Huntyngton, Cantrecelyf, Talgarth, Bleneleveny, and Pen-
1322. Membrane 18 — cont.
kethelyn, so that Hugh may answer therefor to the king, the king having
committed to Hugh the custody of the aforesaid castles, manors, and lands.
IParl. Writs.'] By K.
To John de Sygeston. Order to deliver to Hugh the king's stud, stock,
and goods in the castles and towns of Huntyngton and La Haye. [/6j(/.]
To Richard le Mareschal. Order to deliver to Hugh the king's stud,
Btock, and goods in the lands of Caiitrecelyf and Talgarth. \_Ibid.']
To John de Dene. Order to deliver to Hugh the king's stud, etc., in
the castles and lands of Blenleveny and Penkethely. [^Ibid.]
To Robert de Moreby. Order to deliver to Hugh the king's stud, etc.,
in the castle, town, and lands of Breghenen. \^Ibid.~\
Dec. 20. To Roger Carles, keeper of the manor of Whelbatch, or to him who
Haddlesey. supplies his place. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor, and
to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by
Philip de Say and Henry de Hambury that the manor is of the inheritance
of Matilda, late the wife of William Wyne, and that it was taken into his
hands because William adhered to the rebels, and that William died in the
king's faith and peace, and that the manor is not held of the king, and that
William and Matilda held the manor when it was taken into the king's
hands of her inheritance and not otherwise.
To John de Felton, keeper of the manor of Hodynet and of the town of
Moston, or to him who supplies his place. Like order concerning the said
manor and town, the manor being, according to the inquisition, held of the
Dec. 20. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
Baddlesey. meddle further with a messuage, 13 carucates and 2 bovates of land of the
prior of Bridelington in Bridelington and Eston, and with the prior's
manors of Skyrlington and Little Kelk, and with the site of the priory,
taking from the prior security to answer to the king before Easter next for
what pertains to the king by reason of the late voidance of the priory, the
escheator having certified the king that the said manors are held of the king
in chief as of the honour of Albemarle, and that the site of the monastery
with the messuage and land aforesaid are held of the heir of Thomas de
Caylli, a minor in the king's wardship, and that the priory is void by the
cession of brother Peter de Wyverthorp, the late prior, and that brother
Robert de Scardeburgh is now appointed prior, and that the escheator took
a simple seisin in the king's name in the manors, site, messuage, and lands
aforesaid until the prior should do what is due to the king for the premises.
The king makes this order as the prior holds the lands aforesaid in frank-
almoiu, as appears by the deeds of the feoffors and the king's confirmation
thereof, and the prior has asserted that the patron of the priory has nothing
in the priory in time of voidance.
To the sheriff of Essex. Order to cause a verderer for the forest of
Essex to be elected in place of Walter de Halifeld, deceased.
To the sheriff of Buckingham. Order to release Henry de Exminstre
and William atte Burgh from prison at Aylesbury upon their finding main-
pernors to answer to the king, the sheriff having certified that they were
taken by Phihp de Aylesbury, the late sheriff, and were imprisoned because
they acknowledged that they were with Otto de Bodrigan, knight, an
adherent of the late rebels, as the king does not wish to keep them in prison
any longer, especially as he has remitted to Otto all actions by reasons of
his adherence to the rebels and has restored his lands to him.
Dec. 28.
Membrane 18 — com.
To Jnmes de Brougliton, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
CO. Gloucester. Order to deliver to Adam Martel, a late rebel, his lands
and the issues thereof, as Simon de Dryby, formerly keeper of the aforesaid
lands, died before he had executed the king's order of 13 July last to this
Membrane 17.
Dec. 20. To the bailiff of Penreth. Order to deliver to Adam le fitz Brice de
Haddlesey. Neuby a messuage, a toft, and 2 bovates of land in Penreth, and the issues
of the same, the bailiff having certified that the lauds were taken into the
king's hands because Adam slew Thomas del Grene, of whose death he was
accused, as Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent, has found by
inquisition taken by order of the king, who had pardoned Adam the suit of
his peace for the said death, that Adam was not outlawed or convicted in
any other manner by reason of the aforesaid felony.
Dec. 27. To Master John' Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
York. intermeddle further with the custody of the gate of the abbey of Tborneton -
ou-Humbre and of the guests' hall there, for which the king lately ordered
him to appoint two men during the late voidance of the abbey by the
cession of Thomas, the late abbot, as the king has taken the fealty of
brother William de Gresseby, canon of the same house, elected abbot of the
same, and confirmed by H. bishop of Lincoln, the diocesan. By K.
Dec. 22. To William Davy, the king's receiver of Leicester. Order to pay to the
Haddlesey. abbess and convent of Preaux (de PratelV) in Normandy the aiTears of
100«. and 20d. from the time when the town of Leicester was taken into
the king's hands, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Roger Beier
that the abbess and convent and their predecessors have been wont to
receive the above rent from the time when the charter of Edmund, late earl
of Leicester, was made to them for payment of that sum for a yearly alms
by the reeve or receiver of Leicester, until the town of Leicester came to
the king's hands by the forfeiture of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster.
By pet. of C.
Dec. 30. To John de Kilvyngton, keeper of the castle of Pikeriug. Order to
York. cause the houses within the castle to be repaired.
Dec. 17. To Edmund, earl of Arundel, justice of Wales, or to him who supplies
Haddlesey. his place. Order to call before him Adam de Whetenhale, chamberlain of
ISTorth Wales, and Eygnon ap Yevan Birias of Beaumaris, in case the
chamberlain refuse to execute the king's late order to restore to Eygnon his
goods, or to make due compensation to him for the same, and to hear their
reasons, and to cause justice to be done to Eygnon in this behalf, the king
having made the said order because he learned by inquisition taken by the
justice that Eygnon has been faithful to the king at all times, and that he
never adhered to the king's contrariants in North Wales or elsewhere, and
that when be was lately arrested and imprisoned at the procurement of
certain of his euemies, the aforesaid chamberlain caused goods and chattels
of his to the value of 232^. \6s. Id. to be taken and eloigned, and that the
chamberlain sold them, and it is unknown in whose hands they are.
By p.s. [6314.]
Dec. 30. To the chamberlain of Kaernarvan. Whereas the king, on 20 April, in the
York. 15th year of his reign, granted to iVIaster Robert de Glasham, in considera-
tion of his good service, the lands that belonged to Yerward de la Chaumbre,
a rebel, in Dynbegh in Wales, which Yerward had of the gift of Thomas,
late earl of Lancaster, and which came to the king's hands as escheats by
Yerward's forfeiture, to have and to hold to Robert for life by the same
1322. Membrane 17 — cont.
services as the lands were held by before they came to the king's hands, as
of the value of 10^ of land yearly, with provision that Robert should pay
any excess over that value into the king's exchequer at Caeruarvan yearly, as
contained in the king's letters patent, and afterwards, on 9 July following, the
king granted to Hugh le Despenser, earl of Winchester, the castle, town,
manor, and honour of Denebegh, and the cantreds of Ros and Reyewynok, and
the commote of Dynmael in Wales, which belonged to Henry de Lacy, late earl
of Lincoln, and which came to the king's hands by the death of Thomas, late
earl of Lancaster, tenant thereof, and which Alesia de Lacy, daughter and
heiress of Henry and wife of Thomas, released to the king ; the king there-
fore orders the chamberlain to receive fi-om Robert such excess, if there be
any, from the said 20 April until 9 July, and to discharge him thereof from
the latter date, as the king wills that Robert shall be iutendent to the
said Hugh from that date for all services and other things due from the
said lands.
Dec. 27. To Gilbert Talebot. Order not to molest or aggrieve Aymer de Valencia,
York. earl of Pembroke, or those who were with him when he caused victuals aud
other goods found in certain of Gilbert's manors in cos. Gloucester and
Hereford, and certain goods of Gilbert's tenants of the same manors adhering
to Gilbert when he adhered to the contrariants, which the earl of Pembroke
caused to be taken to Goodrich Castle {^Castrum Godriz) for the munition
of the same against the contrariants, and when the earl caused Gilbert's
fish-ponds in the said manors to be fished, by reason of the acts aforesaid,
the king understanding that Gilbert is endeavouring to cause some of the
men who were with the earl to be indicted for the above acts and to be taken
and imprisoned by the sheriffs of those counties and their bailiffs, as the
king wills that those who were with him in restraining the malice of the
contrariants ought not to be aggrieved for the grievances inflicted by them
upon the contrariants. By K.
To the sheriff of Gloucester and Hereford. Order not to molest or
aggrieve the earl or his men by reason of the aforesaid acts. By K.
Dee. 30. To Thomas Deyvill, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in co. York.
York. Order to cause dower to be assigned of the king's grace to Matilda, late the
wife of Robert de Ryther, of the said Robert's lands which were taken into
the king's hands because he adhered to the rebels, and which are still in the
king's hands because the ransom for his life and lands made with the king
is unpaid. By p.s.
To Robert de Stok, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
CO. Oxford. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of Broghton,
and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by
Richard Daraory, Adam de Brom, and John de Trillowe, that John de
Broghton held the manor at his death in socage of Robert de Wykham, to
wit by the service of Id. yearly, and not of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, and
that the said earl, claiming the custody of the manor by reason of the
minority of John, sou and heir of the said John, unjustly entered the manor
by force and arms by Robert de Holand and others appointed for this
purpose by the earl's letters at Michaelmas, in the 9th year of the king's
reign, and thus occupied the manor until Thursday after St. Gregory, in the
15th year, when it was taken into the king's hands by John de Brompton,
then sheriff of that county, by the forfeiture of the earl, and that the manor
is in the king's hands for this reason and for no other, and that it is worth
yearly in all issues 60/.
Dec. 31. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to receive an
— attorney of Roger de Chaundos, sheriif of Hereford, to make account for him
16 EDWARD ir. 621
1322. Membrane 17 — cont.
before them for the issues of his bailiwick on the morrow of the Purification,
as Eoger cannot come to them on that day, because it will be necessary for
him to intend the bringing of meu-at-arms to be chosen in that county at
the said feast to the king at York.
Dec. 20. To Robert de Aston, keeper of certain lands in the king's bauds in the
Uaddlesey. county of Gloucester. Order to amove the king's hands from Peter de
Monte Forti's manor of Hildesleye in that county, and to restore the issues
thereof to him, the said Robert having certified the king that the sheriff of
Gloucester took the manor into the king's hands and delivered it by the
king's order to John de Langeley, John de Hampton, and the said Robert,
as the sheriff has now certified that the manor belonged to the said Peter
by the gift of John Lynet, and that it was taken into the king's hands
because Henry Lynet, a contrariant and an adherent of Roger Damory,
entered the manor by force and arms at the time of the disturbance between
the king and certain men of the realm, because Peter would not adhere to
him and other rebels in their rebellion, and that Henry held the manor thus
occupied until the sheriff took it into the king's hands.
Dec. 31. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to assign to
York. Walter de Osgodeby and Matilda his wife, late the wife of John de Ebor[aco],
tenant in chief, her dower of the lands of the said John.
Dee. 30. To Thomas de Eyvylle, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
York. CO. York. Order to restore to Roger Cursoun, a late adherent of Thomas,
earl of Lancaster, and of other rebels, his lands, as he has made fine with the
king for his ransom, and has found security for payment of the fine at
Whitsuntide next, and for his good beharviour. By p.s. [6328.]
To Robert de Stok, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
CO. Bedford. Order to restore to Hugh de Mortuo Mari, knight, a late
rebel, his lands, as he has made fine with the king to save his life and lands,
and has found security for payment of the fine and for his good behaviour.
[Par/. Writs.] By p.s. [6321.]
The like to Robert de Hungerford, keeper, etc., in co. Berks; Roger
Carles, keeper, etc., in cos. Salop and Worcester ; the justiciary of Ireland,
or him who supplies his place ; and Walter de la Pulle, escheator of Ireland.
Membrane 16.
Dec. 30. To the prior of Tynemuth. Order to cause a suflScient garrison of
York. fencible men, both men-at-arms and footmen, to be retained in the priory
for the protection thereof, not permitting the garrison to leave the priory
or any of them to go outside the same, as the prior has the keeping of the
priory at his peril.
To David de Strabolgi, earl of Athole. Order not to cause any of the
garrison of the aforesaid priory to come before him outside the priory by
reason of his appointment to array all the fencible horsemen and footmen
in CO. Northumberland between sixteen and sixty years of age, and to
permit the prior and others of the garrison to leave the priory to make
provision of victuals and other necessaries and to return to the same with-
out molestation, and to counsel and aid the prior in keeping the priory.
By C.
To the sheriff of Northumberland. Order not to molest the prior and
garrison aforesaid by virtue of the order of the said David to take the prior
and others of the garrison and to arrest the prior's liberty and lands and
goods and the lands and goods of the others, as the king learns from the
Jan. 6.
Jan. 8.
Dec. 20.
Jan. 6.
Co wick.
Jan. 6.
Jan. 2.
Jan. 12.
Membrane 16 — cont.
prior that David has given the sheriff orders to this effect without ex-
pressing any reason for the same ; taking from the prior and the others
security to answer to the king if the said David or others will speak against
them in the king's name for any disobedience in this behalf.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
dower to be assigned to Margery, late the wife of John Ohaunceux, tenant
in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence.
To the sherifl' of Worcester. Order to cause a coroner for that county
to be elected in place of John de Middelton, who is insufficiently qualified.
To the king's receiver of Cliderhou. Order to pay to the abbot and
convent of Sallay the arrears of half a mark yearly from the time when the
manor was taken into the king's hands upon the forfeiture of Thomas,
late earl of Lancaster, and to pay that sum yearly henceforth, as the king
learns by inquisition taken by Robert de Cliderhou and John Travers that
Johu de Lacy, sometime constable of Chester, being seised of the said manor,
gave, in the time of Henry III., to the monks of St. Mary's Sallay half
a mark yearly to be paid at Cliderhou to find a light in their church, and
that the abbot and convent and their predecessors have received that sum
from the manor from the time of the grant until the manor was taken into
the king's hands.
To the sherifi of Oxford. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of Geoffrey de Molsham, deceased.
To the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset. Order not to molest or aggrieve
William de Braybrok by virtue of any order from the king or from him
whom the king appointed to pursue and take Robert Lewer and his
adherents and to take their lands and goods into the king's hands, as it
appears to the king that William stayed for a long time and is still staying
in the king's service in the land of Breghenok in Wales, and that he did
not adhere to Robert Lewer in any wise in his rebellion. By C.
\_Parl. Writs.']
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with five messuages and 9 acres of land in Seleby, and to
restore the issues thereof to the abbot of Seleby, as the king learns by
inquisition taken by the escheator that William de Denerne held them of the
abbot by fealty and the service of 4s. yearly, and that William died without
an heir, and that the abbot entered the messuages and lands after William's
death as his escheat, the escheator having taken them into the king's hands,
pretending that the abbot had entered them in fraud of the statute of mortmain.
To William Davy, receiver of Tuttebury and Leicester. Order to pay
to the brethren of St. Leonard's hospital, Leicester, the arrears of
71. I9s. l^d. from the time when the lands of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster
and Leicester were taken into the king's hands, and to pay them that sum
hereafter yearly, as the king learns by inquisition taken by Hugh de
Prestwold and Robert de Gaddesby that Simon de Monte Forti, sometime
earl of Leicester, granted to the brethren of the said hospital the above
sum yearly from the reeveship of Leicester, and that, in consideration of
this grant, the brethren released to him 60s. that they used to receive
[yearly] in his reeveship of Hynkele, and that the brethren have been
always seised of the former sum from that time by the hand of the earl of
Leicester's receiver of Leicester until the lands of earl Thomas were taken
into the king's hands. By pet. of C. [200.]
1323. Membrane 16 — cont.
Jan. 8. To the sheriff of Surrey. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
Haddlesey. be elected in place of Walter le Porter, deceased.
Jan. 17. To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands
Cowick. in CO. Berks. Order not to intermeddle further with a messuage and two
carucates of land in Shryvenham, and to restore to Ealph fon of John
de Wylyngton his goods found in the same or the value thereof, as the
king learns by inquisition taken by John de Stonore, Master John de
Blebury, and Master Blias de Sancto Albano, that Halph was seised of
the messuage and land aforesaid by the feoffment of John, his father,
who enfeoffed him thereof on Monday after St. Margaret, in the 15th
year of the king's reign, and that he continued his seisin thereof from that
day until Epiphany following, when they were seized into the king's hands
by John de Bromptou, then sheriif of that county, because John, father of
Ralph, was an adherent of certain rebels, and that Ralph did not adhere to
the rebels and was not an adherent in John's rebellion, and that the
escheator, by virtue of the king's order, afterwni'ds took into the king's
hands the lands, together with the goods and chattels found in the same, to
wit wheat and hay growing thereon, price 8/. 13s. Ad. By pet. of C. [7294.]
Jan. 11. Richard Alayn, imprisoned at Maidenstan for the death of John Wygayn,
Co-wiok. has letters to the sheriff of Kent to bail him.
Jan. 20. To Peter Corbet, keeper of the forest of Kynefare, or to him who supplies
Stow Park, his place. Order to deliver to Lucy, late the wife of John de Somery,
tenant in chief, the bailiwick of the Hay of Asshewode in that forest,
together with the issues thereof from 22 November > last, when the king
assigned dower to her, in case the bailiwick aforesaid pertain to the lands
in Prestwod in that forest that were then assigned to her.
Jan. 15. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver
Co-vfiok. to Lucy the following of the said John's knights' fees, which the king has
assigned to her in dower : a fee in Engelfeld, co. Berks, which Philip de
Engelfeld holds, of the yearly value of 40.$. ; a fee in Hoddecote and Ildesle,
in the same county, which Alice, late the wife of Walter de la Pule holds,
of the yearly value of 40j. ; a fee in Compton near Le Whitehors, in the
same county, which Peter de Eketon holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; a
fee in the manor of Yatenden, in the same county, in the king's hands, of
the yearly value of 40j. ; two parts of a fee in Stanford, in the same county,
which Reginald son of Ralph holds, of the yearly value of 26s. %d. ; a third
of a fee in Stanford, in the same county, which Robert Ponchard holds, of
the yearly value of 13s. 4d. ; a moiety of a fee in Often, in the same county,
which William de Ofton holds, of the yearly value of 20s. ; a moiety of a
fee in Inkepenn, in the same county, which Margaret de Inkepenn holds, of
the yearly value of 20s. ; a fee in Emberton, co. Bucks, which Thomas de
Forneux holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; a fee in Checcheleye, in the
same county, which William Mordaunt holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; a
quarter of a fee in Ekeneye, in the same county, which Robert de Ekeneye
holds, of the yearly value of 10s. ; a moiety of a fee in Astwode, in the
same county, which Robert de la Rokele holds, of the yearly value of 20s. ;
a quarter of a fee in Little Craulei, in the same county, which John de
Pateshull holds, of the yearly value of 10s. ; a moiety of a fee in Mersshgibe-
wyne, in the same county, which William de Bledeloue holds, of the yearly
value of 20s. ; two fees in Ovynk and Mershton, in the same county, which
William de Penros hold, of the yearly value of Al. ; a quarter of a fee in
Caldecote, in the same county, which Nicholas de Evre holds, of the yearly
value of 10s. ; two fees in Stoke Ditton and Cheselhampton, in the same
county, which Robert de Pogeis holds, of the yearly value of 4/. ; a quarter
of a fee in Wolieston and Neuport Payuel, in the same county, which
1323. Membrane 16 — cont.
Richard de Tours holds, of the yearly value of 10s. ; a fee in Abbyngworth,
CO. Surrey, -which Eoger de Gargunvill holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ;
and a moiety of a fee in Middelton, in the same county, which the prioress
of Kilburn holds, of the yearly value of 20s.
By the assent of the heirs and parceners of the inheritance.
To the same. Order to deliver to the said Lucy the following of the said
John's advowsons, assigned to her in dower : the advowson of the church
of Clent and Rouleye, co. Stafford, of the yearly value of 40 marks ; the
advowson of the church of Bradefeld, co. IJerks, of the yearly value of
25 marks. By the assent of the heirs and parceners.
Jan. 22. To John de Kilvyngton, keeper of the castle and honour of Pykeryng.
Newark. Order to buy and provide and place in the castle a springald,
100 quarrels for the same, 8 cross-bows and 1,000 quarrels for the same, and
40 lances ilanceas), for the munition of the castle. By K.
Jan. 7. To the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order to cause all the castles and
Cowick. fortlfts of Elizabeth, late the wife of Roger Damory, the king's niece, in
his bailiwick to be taken into the king's hands and kept safely until further
orders, as Elizabeth has gone away from the king without his hcence.
By p.s. [6337.]
The like to the sheriffs of Essex and Hertford, Somerset and Dorset.
Jan. 22. To John de Kilvyngton, keeper of the castle and honour of Pykeryng.
Newark. Older to cause a new gate with drawbridge {ponte versatili) and a chamber
over the said gate to be made in that castle, and to cause the chamber to be
covered with lead, as the king has enjoined upon him by word of mouth.
By K.
Membrane 15.
Jan. 20. To Thomas Deyvill, keeper of certain of the late rebels' lands in co. York.
Stow Park. Order to deliver to John de la Wodehalle, son of John de la Wodehalle, his
father's lands in Wombewelle, Wodehalle, Wath, and Derfeld, together with
the issues from the time of his father's death, as the said keeper has certified
the king that Simon de Dryby, late keeper of the lands that belonged to
Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, took the above lands into the king's hands
because he understood that John de la Wodehalle, the elder, was an
adherent of the said earl, and the king afterwards, at the suit of the son,
ordered John de Mauleverer, William Clarell, and Richard de Moseleye to
enquire concerning the premises, and it appears by their inquisition that
Joiin de Wodehalle, the elder, was never an adherent of the rebels, and
that he died in the king's peace and faith at Stubbum in the wapentake of
Clarehowe on Thursday after St. Wilfrid last, and that the lands are not
held in chief, and that John, his son, is his next heir and is aged sixteen
years. By C.
Jan. 12. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trout. Order not to
Cowick. intermeddle further with two messuages and 6 acres of land, a water-mill
and an acre of alder-holt in Stowemarket, and to restore the issues thereof
to the abbot of St. Osyth's, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the
escheator that Adam de Mynton of Stowemarket formerly held the messuages
and land of the said abbot in fee to himself and his heirs by the service of
4d. yearly, and that a certain abbot of St. Osyth's acquired the messuages and
land from Adam sixty years or more ago, before the publication of the
statute of mortmain, and that the abbot deniLsed them to Adam for life, and
that the abbot and his predecessors were seised from time out of mind of a
water-mill and an acre of alder-holt in the same town, and that he demised
them to Adam for life at a yearly rent of 20s., and that the abbot entered
Jan. 25.
Jan. 30.
Feb. 1.
Membrane 13 — cont.
the tenements aforesaid after Adam's death, the escheator having taken
them into the king's hands, pretending that the abbot had acquired them
after the publication of the aforesaid statute.
To Robert Tok, keeper of certain of the rebels' lands in co. Derby. Aa
the king learns by inquisition taken by Roger Beler, John Cheynel, aud
Walter Waldeshef that Henry de Bradebourn, son and heir of Roger de
Bradebourn, dowered his mother Philippa with all the lands in co. Derby
whereof his father was seised when he married her, to wit the manor
of Bradebourn, except two paits of the services of the tenants of the
manor, in allowance of her dower of that manor, and of two carucates of
land ' en Les Borwes,' and of a carucate of land in the manor of Le Howe,
and of a third of the same manor, and of a third of the remainder of all
his inheritance in the said county, at St. Hilary, in the 13th year of the
king's reign, and that he afterwards enfeoffed her of the whole residue of
his inheritance, to have with her dower to her and lier heirs, and that he
delivered in person to her at Bradebourn seisin of that manor on Friday
after the Translation of St. Thomas, in the 15th year of the king's reign,
and appointed Master John de Bradeburn his attorney to deliver to her in
his name seisin of all the residue of his lands, and that Master John de-
livered seisin to her on Monday after the aforesaid feast, and that Philippa
continued her seisin of all the manors and lands aforesaid from the said
Friday and Monday until Saturday before the Annunciation next following,
when the manors and lands were taken into the king's hands upon the for-
feiture of the said Henry as if he had been then seised thereof, and it
appears by another inquisition taken by the aforesaid keeper and Richard de
Wylughby that the manors and lands aforesaid are not held of the king,
the king therefore orders the keeper not to intermeddle further with the
manors and lands, and to restore the issues thereof.
By pet. of C. [396, 7879.]
To Henry le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before the king.
Order to enquire in all places through which they pass concerning prises of
corn, victuals and other goods of the king's subjects against their will, and
concerning conspirators, trespassers, false informers, unlawful conventicles
and confederacies, and to punish oSenders according to the form of the
statutes and articles concerning the same, as the king is astonished that
Henry, who holds the king's place, and ought to supply the king's presence
in the premises in the places through which he goes, does not enquire con-
cerning the above matters or do what he ought to do therein. By K.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas lately at the
suit of Robert de Lenne, Ralph Sporoun, John de Rothyng, John de SuflFolk,
John Hardel, Richard de Clodeshale, Stephen de Creye, John Flegge
Cossoun, Thomas Dieu, John Claket, Richard le Chaundeler, and Henry
atte More, suggesting that John Fort, late parson of the church of Holy
Trinity the Little, London, was indicted of the death of Simon the baker
(^Pistons) of Tilteye, and that it was afterwards found by an inquisition of
the country taken before Henry Spigurnel and his fellows, justices to de-
liver Neugate gaol, that the said John Fort slew Simon in self-defence, and
not by felony or malice aforethought, and that John Port was afterwards
delivered in bail by the king's writ to the aforesaid Robert, Ralph, and the
others above-named until the next eyre of the justices at the Tower of
London, Hervey de Staunton and his fellows, justices in eyre at the Tower,
amerced each of the aforesaid men in 100^. because they had not the said
John Fort before the justices in the eyre, although he died long before the
eyre, the king ordered the said Henry Spignrnel to certify the king of the
record and process of the aforesaid inquisition taken before him and hia
Jan. 30.
Jan. 18.
Stow Park.
1823. Membrane 16 — cont.
fellows, and it appears thereby that John Fort slew the said Simon in self-
defence, and it is found by an inquisition taken by John de Everdou and
Geoffrey de Hertilpole that John Fort died at the house of Alice atte Cokke
by St. Thomas' Hospital, Suwerk, of an illness from which he suffered,
on the morrow of the Nativity of St. Mary, in the 13th year of the reign,
to wit before the said eyre; the king therefore orders the treasurer and
barons to acquit the aforesaid men of the said amercements.
To Stephen de Abyngdon, taker of the wines of the right prise at South-
ampton. Order to deliver to the abbot and convent of St. Edward's Netley
i^Lutele) a tun of wine of the right prise for the present year, in accordance
with the grants of Henry III. and Edward I.
To Roger de Waltham, keeper of the wardrobe. Order to cause a bill
of the wardrobe to be made for Richard Colle for 26 quarters and six
bushels of wheat, price 20.«. a quarter, and 14 quarters and four bushels of
mixed corn {mixtil''), price 16.S. a quarter, and 20 quarters of barley, price
13s. 4d. a quarter, as "William Ridel, constable of Bernard's Castle, has cer-
tiiied the king that he took the aforesaid corn from Richard for the muni-
tion of tbe castle on 25 May, in the 15th year of the reign, by virtue of the
king's order of 13 February, in the same year, the king having ordered him
on 5 November, in the 16th year, to certify him concerning the corn taken
from the said Richard and other men of those parts, as they complained to
the king that they had not been paid at the wardrobe for the corn so taken.
The like in favour of the abbot of St. Mary's York, for 64 quarters and
two bushels of wheat, price 20*. a quarter, 64 quarters and four bushels
of barley, price I3s. 4J. a quarter, and 80 quarters and seven bushels of
oats, price 6s. 8d. a quarter, taken from him on 28 May, in the 15th
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with the manors of Dillyngton, co. Huntingdon, and
\\hite Nottele, co. Essex, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king
learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that John Dengayn and Ellen
his wife were enfeofied jointly of the manor of Dillyngton by Humphrey
de Waleden and Nicholas de Longetoft and of the manor of White Nottele
by Nicholas de Ambreden and the aforesaid Nicholas de Langestok (sic)
by fines levied in the late king's court, to them and the heirs of John, and
that the manors are held of others than the king, and that Ellen continued
her seisin thereof jointly with John until his death, when they were taken
into the king's hands with the other lands that John held in chief
To the same. Like order concerning a messuage and 16 bovates of
land in Laxton, and a messuage and 16 bovates of land in Pitchesleye, and a
messuage and 9 bovates of land in Bollewyk, co. Northampton, as the
king learns by inquisition that the aforesaid John and Ellen were enfeoffed
thereof for their lives by Thomas de Ardern and Henry de Stradbrok
by the king's licence, with remainder after their deaths to the right heirs of
John, and that the messuages and lands in Laxton and Pitchesle are held of
the king in chief by serjeanty, to wit finding running dogs to destroy wolves,
foxes, cats (murelegos), and other vermin in divers counties at their charge,
within and without parks, and that the messuage and land in Bollewyk are
held in chief by knight services
Feb. 4. To the same. Like order concerning the manor of Blatherwyk, co.
Norwell. Northampton, and 33s. 6d. and a pound of pepper, price 12rf., of yearly
rent in Pitchesleye, in the same county, as the king learns by inquisition
that the said John and Ellen held jointly on the day of John's death for
their lives the said manor and rent of the feoffment of Roger de Stokes
Feb. 4.
1323. Membrane 15 — cont.
and Thomas de Arderne by fine levied in the king's court, with remainder
to John Dengayn, son and heir of Nicholas Deiigayn, and that the manor
and rent are held of others than the kins.
Feb. 7. To John Travers, king's clerk, keeper of certain lands in the king's
Doncaster. hands. Order to cause the walls, towers, houses and gates of Liverpol
castle to be repaired, and to cause the castle to be furnished sufficiently
with victuals. By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
Feb. 12. To Stephen de Abyndon, taker of the wines of the right prise at South-
Pontefract. nmpton. Order to deliver to the abbot and monks of King's Beaulieu a tun
of vv'ine for this year, in accordance with the grant of Henry III.
Feb. 11. To the constable of the Tower of London, or to him who supplies his
Pontefract place. Order to permit Robert de Shirlond, knight, imprisoned in the
Tower, to leave the same and come to the king, upon his finding main-
perners for coming to the king according to the king's orders to Robert by
letters of privy seal. By K. on the information of R. de Baldok.
Feb. 12. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to permit John de
Pontefract. Nevill to have respite during the king's pleasure for the 100?. that he ought
to pay at the Easter and Michaelmas exchequers next, in accordance with
the king's grant that he should pay his fine of 500/. for his life and lands,
because he adhered to the rebels, by yearly instalments of 100^.
By K. oa the information of Master R. de Baldok.
Membrane 14.
Feb. 7. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
Doncafiter. elected in place of William de Chymbeham, who is insufiiciently qualified.
Like order for the election of a coroner for the same county in place of
Geoffrey atte Bokelond, who is incapacitated by infirmity.
Feb. 12. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to take John de Staunford and
Pontefract. to cause him to be brought to the king under safe-conduct without delay.
Feb. 13. To the sheriff of Essex. Order to pay to Margaret, late the wife of
Pontefract. Bartholomew de Badelesmere, who is staying at the house of the Minori-
ties sisters without Algate, London, 2s. daily for her maintenance until
further orders. By K. on the information of Master R. de Baldok.
Feb. 12. To the taxors and collectors of the tenth and si.x.th in co. Oxford. Order
Pontefract. to tax the tenants of Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, in that county
according to the goods that each of them had at St. Andrew's last, having
no regard to any old taxation, as the king learns that they are endeavouring
to tax the said tenants to the tenth according to the rolls of old taxations,
although it is contained in the form of the taxation delivered to them that
the goods that each person had at the said feast shall be taxed to the tenth
and sixth. By K.
To the abbot of Furneys. Order to deliver his peel near the abbey to
John Darcy, sheriff of Lancaster, when required to do so by him, and to
cause the peel to be provisioned and guarded whilst in his custody, accord-
ing to the directions of the said John. By K.
Feb. 18. To Robert de Aston, keeper of certain of the rebels' lands in co. Somer-
Pontefract. set. Order to restore to John de Ralegh of Nettelcombe, in that county,
a late rebel, his lands, as he has made ransom with the king for his life and
lands. By K.
RE 2
Feb. 10.
Feb. 16.
Feb. 16.
Feb. 18.
Feb. 18.
Feb. 20.
Feb. 17.
Feb. 20.
Feb. 10.
Membrane 14 — cont.
To the sherifl of Middlesex. Order to cause a coroner for that county
to be elected in place of Peter le Botiller, deceased.
To the sheriif of Northumberland. Order to permit victuals, arms, and
other such goods to be taken from his bailiwick to the king's castle of
Appelby and other places in the king's hands and occupied by men in his
faith, not-withstandiag the king's late order not to permit victuals, arms, and
other such goods to be taken to the parts of Carlisle. By K.
The like to the mayor of Newcastle-on-Tyne.
To Henry de Cobham, keeper of the castle and honour of Tonebrugg.
Order to cause the palisade round the chace of that honour to be repaired.
To the justiciaiy of Ireland, or to him who supplies his place. Order to
restore to Henry de Mortimer his lands and goods, notwithstanding the
king's late order to take his goods into his hands. Dated at Pontefract,
23 March, in the 15th year. _ By K.
To the same. Order to restore to the aforesaid Henry the issues re-
ceived from his lands since the date of the preceding order.
The like to the escheator of Ireland or to him who supplies his place.
To the keeper of the forest of Dene, or to him who supplies his place.
Order to cause Gilbert Talbot, keeper of Gloucester castle and of the king's
weirs in the Severn there, to have six oaks fit for timber for repairing the
houses within the castle and the said weirs.
To the aforesaid Gilbert. Order to expend up to 20 marks in the above
repairs, and to certify the treasurer and barons of the exchequer of the state
of the same after they have been repaired.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
dower to be assigned to Dionisia, late the wife of Thomas de Hykelyng,
tenant in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's
To the same. Like order in favour of Emma, late the wife of John de
Blyton, which dower the king ordered to be saved for her.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit William
de Ayremynne, now tenant of three bovates of laud in Folquardby, co. York
{as described at page 155 above), of 20s. yearly from 8 January, in
the 11th year of the reign, when the king granted them to Richard de
Insula, until 18 August, in the 13r,h year (the date of the order at page
155, which is recited) charging Richard with the same.
To the sherifi of Leicester. Order to supersede entirely the king's order
to arrest Edmund Trussel, as Richard de Eggebaston, knight, of that
county, and John de Twyford, knight, of co. Warwick, and Richard de
Bercheston of the same county, have mainperned to have him before the
king or elsewhere upon reasonable summons. By C.
■The like to the sheriff of Northampton.
The like to Robert de Diggeby, whom the king lately ordered to arrest
the said Edmund. By C.
To the keeper of the prison of Gloucester castle. Order to permit the
sheriff of Gloucester to release from that prison Geoffrey Frowyne, called
' le Walsh,' Philip de Crikkefeld, and John de la Chaumbre, or to signify
to the king the reason for not obeying the king's former order, the king
having ordered the sheriff to cause the said men to be released upon their
finding mainpernors to have them before the king to answer for their
alleged adherence to Roger Damoiy and other contrariants. By pet. of C
Feb. 20.
Feb. 23.
Feb. 22.
Feb. 20.
Feb. 21.
Feb. 21.
Membrane 14 — cont.
To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to pay to Master John de
Hildesle, king's clerk, whom the king is sending to that county to purvey
certain victuals for the Scotch war, 5 marks for his expenses in this
matter. By K.
The like in favour of the following :
John de Crosseby to the sheriff of Essex for 5 marks.
William de Leycestre to the sheriff of Cambridge and Huntingdon for
5 marks.
Gilbert de Ebor[aco] to the sheriff of Lincoln for 40«.
Thomas de Eggefeld to the sheriff of Norfolk for 40«.
Thomas de Gayregrave to the sheriff of Southampton for 40*.
William de Holyns to the sheriff of Surrey and Sussex for 40s.
To the treasurer, or to him who supplies his place, and to the barons
of the exchequer. As Peter de Lekeburn, Henry de Halton, John son of
Baldwin Pygot, .Tohn de Wynceby, William de Paunton, Robert Tours, and
Eudo de Billesby acknowledged in chancery, on 20 July, in the 13th year
of the king's reign, that they owed to Roger Damory 2,420Z., to be paid
quarterly at the rate of 440Z. yearly, and the aforesaid Roger was lately in
rebellion against the king, by reason whereof this debt together with
his lands and goods have been forfeited to the king, the king therefore
orders them to levy the arrears of the aforesaid debt from the time of
Roger's rebellion, and to levy the instalments hereafter as they fall due.
To Ralph Caumoys, constable of Wyndesore castle, or to him who
supplies his place. Order not to distrain Richard Cifrewas, the younger, for
his homage for the manor of Cliwere, co. Berks, which is held in chief, as
the king has taken his homage. By p.s. [6408.]
To the bailiffs of Shrewsbiiry. Order to deliver Roger de la Sale from
the prison of that town, upon his finding mainpernors to have him before the
king when ordered, as Roger Corbet has certified the king that he lately
arrested the jsaid Roger and committed him to that prison by virtue of
his appointment to arrest certain contrariants, because the said Roger was
indicted before him for adhering to Robert Lewer in his rebellion.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
William de Monte Acuto, son and heir of William de Monte Acuto, tenant
in chief, to have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age
before the escheator and the king has taken his homage. By p.s. [6407.]
To the treasurer, or to him who supplies his place, and to the barons of the
exchequer. Qrder to cause John de Nevill to have respite for payment of
the 100/. for the first year of his fine for adhering to Thomas, late earl of
Lancaster. By p.s. [6406.]
Membrane 13.
Feb. 20. To the taxors and collectors of the tenth and sixth in co. Nottingham.
Pontefract. Order to tax the goods that the men and tenants of that county had
at St. Andrew's last, according to the form of the taxation delivered to them,
having no regard to the rolls of old taxations, as the king understands that
they are endeavouring to tax the men and tenants according to the rolls of
the old taxation. [Pari. Writs.']
The like to the taxors and collectors in cos. Derby and Leicester and in
CO. Oxford, llbid.']
1323. Membrane 13 — cont.
Feb. 26. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver
Aberford. to John de Sutton and Margaret his wile, eldest sister and co-heiress
of John de Somery, tenant in chief, the following of the said John de
Somery's knights' fees, which the king has assigned to them as her purparty
with the assent of Joan, late the wife of Thomas Botetourt, the second
sister and heiress of the said John : a fee in Evenefeld, co. Stafford, which
William de Birmyngham holds, of tlie yearly value of 40s. ; a moiety of a
fee in Morf, in the same county, which the said William holds, of the yearly
value of 20s. ; a fee and a half in Overpenne, Eushale, and Bissebury,
in the sanie county, which the said William holds, of the yearly value
of 60s. ; a moiety of a fee in Little Barre, in the same county, which
the said William holds, of the yearly value of 20s. ; a fee in Pyrye, in the
same county, which the said William holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ;
a moiety of a fee in Amelecote, in the same county, which the said William
holds, of the yearly value o£ 20s. ; a third of a fee in Wonere, in the same
county, which William de Wonere holds, of the yearly value of 13s. 4rf. ;
a fee in Tresel, in the same county, which the heirs of Robert Walrand
hold, of the yearly value of 40s. ; a moiety of a fee in Seyseden, in the same
county, which Thomas de Bradleye holds, of the yearly value of 20s, j a fee
in Netherepenn, in the same county, which Robert Buffri holds, of the
yearly value of 40s. ; a fee in Esyuton, in the same county, which Robert
de Esynton holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; a fee in Humeleye, in
the same county, which William de Bereford holds, of the yearly value
of 40s. ; a fee in Great Barre, in the same county, which Hugh de Plecy
holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; a fee in Patyngham, in the same county,
which Ralph Basset holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; a quarter of a
fee in Lutteleye, in the same county, which Edmund de Haggeley holds, of
the yearly value of 10s. ; two fees in Overetou and Wombourn, in the same
county, which Thomas de Overeton holds, of the yearly value of 4:1. ; a fee
in Birmyngham, co. Warwick, which William de Birmyngham holds, to-
gether with the marriage of William's heir, of the yearly value of 40s. ;
a fee in Kyngeston, co. Oxford, which the said William holds, of the yearly
value of 40s. He is also to cause to be assigned to them the reversion of
the following fees, which Lucy, late the wife of the said John de Somery,
holds in dower: a fee in Abbyngworth, co. Surrey, which Roger Jargunvill
{sic) holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; a moiety of a fee in Middelton, in
the same county, which the prioress of Kylbourn holds, of the yearly value
of 20s. ; a moiety of a fee in Inggepenne, co. Berks, which the lady of
Inggepenne holds, of the yearly value of 20s. ; a fee in Engelfeld, in
the same county, which Philip de Engelfeld holds, of the yearly value
of 40s. ; a fee in Hodecote and Hildesleye, in the same county, which Alice,
late the wife of "William de la Poyle, holds, of the yearly value of 40s.;
a fee in Compton neai Le Whitehors, in the same county, which Peter de
Eketon holds, of the yearly value of 4()s. ; a fee in Yatynden, in the same
county, which Jolin de la Beche held, of the yearly value of 40s. ; two parts
of a fee in Stanford, in the same county, which Reginald son of Herbert
holds, of the yearly value of 26s. Sd. ; a third of a fee in Stanford, in the
same county, which Robert Pounchard holds, of the yearly value of 13s. ^d. ;
a moiety of a fee in Ofton, in the same county, which William de Ofton
holds, of the yearly value of 20s.
To the same. Order to deliver to the aforesaid John and Margaret
the following of the said John de Somery's advowsons, which the king has
assigned to them as above : the advowson of the priory of Duddeleye,
CO. Statford, of the yearly value of 40 marks ; the advowson of the free
chapel of the castle of Duddeleye, of the yearly value of 6s. ^d. ; the
advowson of the church of Kynggesswynford, in the same county, of the
yearly value of 'ZOl. He is also ordered to assign to them the reversion of
16 EDWARD II. 631
1323. Membrane 13 — cont.
the advowson of the church of Bradef'eld, co. Berks, which Lucy, late the
wife of tlie said John de Somery, holds in dower, of the yearly value
of 25 marlcs.
To the same. Order to deliver to the aforesaid Joan, late the wife
of Thomas Botetourt, the following of the said John de Somery's knights'
fees, which the king has assigned to her as her purparty with the consent of
the said John de Sutton and Margery his wife : a moiety of a fee in West
Bromwych, co. Stafford, which Richard de Marham holds, of the yearly value
of 20s. ; a moiety of a fee in the same town, which Stephen Deveros holds,
of the yearly value of 20s. ; a moiety of a fee in Egebaston, co. Warwick,
which William de Birmyngham holds, of the yearly value of 20s. ; a fifth
of a fee in Salteleye, in the same county, which John Gobaut holds, of the
yearly value of R*. ; a thirt3'-second part of a fee in Necheles, in the same
county, which William de Castello holds, of the yearly value of 15rf. ; an
eighth of a fee in Bromwych, in the same county, which Henry son of
Robert holds, of the yearly value of 5«. ; a fifth of a fee in Castel Bromwych,
in the same county, which Ancelin de Bromwych holds, of the yearly value
of 8*. ; a thirty-second part of a fee in Bromwych, in the same county,
which Henry son of Robert holds, of the yearly value of \6d. ; a thirty-
second part of a fee, in the same town, which Thomas de Castello holds, of
the yearly value of 1 bd. ; a thirty-second part of a fee, in the same town,
which Walter de Clodsale holds, of the yearly value of 15rf. ; a tenth
of a fee in the same town, which John de Bradwell holds, of the yearly
value of 4s. ; a fee in Erdynton, in the same county, which Henry de
Erdynton, Roger Illory, and Richard de Pype hold, of the yearly value
of 40s. ; a thirty-second part of a fee in Dodyston, in the same county,
which Roger de Alesbury holds, of the yearly value of \5d. ; an eighth of a
fee in Wytton, in the same county, which John de Dixie holds, of the yearly
value of 5s. ; a tenth of a fee in Aston and Dodiston, in the same county,
which Henry de Er<iynton holds, of the yearly value of 4s. ; a fee in
Haggele, co. Worcester, which Edmund de Haggele holds, together with
the marriage of Edmund's heir, of the yearly value of 40s. ; a moiety
of a fee in Pebmore, in the same county, which Sarah de Pabmore holds, of
the yearly value of 20s. ; a moiety of a fee in Praunkele, in the same county,
which Adam de Herewynton holds, of the yearly value of 20s. ; a quarter
of a fee in Chirchehill, in the same county, which the prior of Dudle holds,
of the yearly value of IDs.; a fee in Belvebrotton, in the same county,
which Guy de Bello Campo, late earl of Warwick, held, of the yearly value
of 40s. ; a twenty-third of a fee in Selley, in the same county, which
Geoffrey de Selley holds, of the yearly value of 17<f. ; a quarter of a
fee in Northfeld, in the same county, which John de Middelton holds,
of the yearly value of 10s. ; a fee in Bernak, co. Northampton, which
Geoffrey de Selley holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; a fee in Teryiigham,
Filgrave, and Astwode, co. Buckingham, which Roger de Tyringham holds,
of the yearly value of 40s.; four fees in Hoggeston and Dortou, in the same
county, which William de Birmyngham holds, of the yearly value of 8^ ;
a moiety of a fee in Eseleberewe, in the same county, which Nicholas
de Cantilupo holds, of the yearly value of 20s. ; a fee in Tholthorp, co. Rut-
land, which William de Tolthorp holds, of the yearly value of -10s. ; a fee in
Werseleye, co. Buckingham, which Richard de Engeyne holds, of the yearly
value of 40s. He is also ordered to assign to the said Joan the reversion of
the following fees, which Lucy, late the wife of the aforesaid John de
Somery, holds in dower: a fee in Emberton, co. Buckingham, which
Thomas de Furneux holds, of the yearly value of 40s. ; a fee in Chiccheleye,
in the same county, which William Mordaunt holds, of the yearly value of
40s. ; a quarter of a fee in Ekeneye, in the same county, which Robert
de Ekeaeje holds, of the yearly value of 10s. ; a moiety of a fee in Astwode,
1323. Membrane 13 — cont.
in the same county, which Robert de la Rokele holds, of the yearly value of
20s. ; a quarter of a fee in Little Croule, in the same county, which John
de FateshuUe holds, of the yearly value of 10^. ; a moiety of a fee in
Merschabewyne, in the same county, which William de Bledelowe holds, of
the yearly value of 20*. ; two fees in Ovyng' and Mershton, in the same
county, which William de Peneros holds, of the yearly value of 4/. ; a
quarter of a fee in Caldecote, in the same county, which Nicholas de Evre
holds, of the yearly value of 10*. ; two fees in Stoke Ditton and Chisel-
bampton, in the same county, which Robert Pogays holds, of the yearly
value of 41. ; a quarter of a fee in Wolston and Neuport Paynel, in the same
county, which Richard de Tours holds, of the yearly value of 10s.
To the same. Order to deliver to the aforesaid Joan the following
of the said John de Somery's advowsons, assigned to her as above : the
advowson of the church of Mere in Forton, co. btafford, of the yearly value
of 201. ; the advowson of the church of Honesworth, in the same county,
presenting upon alternative occasions, of the yearly value of 40 marks ; the
advowson of the church of Old Swynford, co. Worcester, of the yearly value
of lOZ. He is also ordered to assign to her the reversion of the advowson
of the church of Clent, co Stafford, which Lucy, late the wife of the
said John de Somery, holds in dower, of the yearly value of 40 marks.
Feb. 30. To the treasurer, or to him who supplies his place, and to the barons of
Knaresborough. the exchequer. Order to discharge William de Lillebon, knight, of the
issues of a messuage and a virgate and a half of land in Burbache, which
belonged to William son of Peter de Ijillebon, deceased, an idiot, whose
lands were in the king's hands by reason of his idiocy, from 14 November,
in the 10th year of the king's reign, when the king ordered Master John
Walewayn, then escheator beyond Trent, to deliver the messuage and lands
to the said knight, because it was found by an inquisition taken by the
escheator that they were in the king's hands for the above reason, and that
the said knight was the next heir of the said William son of Peter and was
of full age.
Feb. 27. To James de Broghton, keeper of certain of the rebels' lands in co.
Knaresborough. Gloucester. Order to deliver to Thomas de Bradeston, a late reliel, his
lands and goods, as he has made ransom with the king for his life and
lands. By p.s. [6424.]
March 12. To the sheriff of Nottingham. Order to restore to Andrew le Botiller,
Knaresborough. clerk, his lands and goods, which were taken into the king's hands when
he was accused of the homicide of Thomas de Holm before Henry le Scrop
and his fellows, justices to hold picas before the king, as he has purged his
innocence before the archbishop of York, the ordinary, to whom he was
delivered according to the privilege of the clergy.
Membrane 12.
March 4. To Robert de Huugerford, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands
Knaresborough. in co. Wilts. Order to deliver to William Chiper his lands, upon his find-
ing mainpernors to have him before the king when ordered, as John de
Tycheburn, late sheriff of that county, has certified the king that William's
lands and goods were taken into the king's hands because he wore the
robes of John de Wylyngton, a late rebel, and was his bailiff in divers of
his manors in co. Gloucester.
To Thomas de Marlebergh. Order to deliver to Matthew de Cliveden,
knight, a late contrariant, all his lands in the custody of the said Thomas,
together with the issues thereof from 2 November last, notwithstanding the
16 EDWARD II. 633
1323. Membrane 12 — cont,
demise of the said lands to Thomas, the king having on the said day
ordered Thomas to deliver the lands to Matthew, vrho had made fine with
the king for his life and lands, and Thomas having signified to the king
that he had not executed the above order because Robert do Aston and
Kichard de Loveny, who were appointed to demise the lands of con-
trariants at ferm for three years, had demised Matthew's lands in Aire to
him before 2 November for three years by indenture, whereby he is bound
to answer to Robert and Richard for the ferm of the said lands.
March 6. To Thomas Wake and William Latimer. Whereas the king lately
Knaresborough. appointed them to array all the fencible men, horsemen and footmen, in the
East Riding of co. York between the ages of sixteen and sixty, and to cause
them to be armed according to a form aent to them sub pede sigilli, wherein
it is contained that the names of the sufficient men shall be put in one roll
by themselves, and the names of those who are insufBcient in body in
another roll by themselves, and the king afterwards frequently ordered the
said Thomas and William to cause the said men to be arrayed and armed,
so that they should be ready to come to him when summoned to set out
against the Scots, and that they should send the names of the men in two
roUs, and they have done nothing in the matter ; the king now orders them
to certify him in his wardrobe before Palm Sunday next concerning the
premises in two rolls. By K.
The like to the men appointed in the following counties [^Tncomplete.^
Vacated because on the dorse.
Feb. 26. To the taxors and collectors of the tenth and sixth in co. Somerset.
Pontefract. Order to supersede the taxation and levy of the said tenth and sixth
of the goods of William de Monto Acuto, son and heir of William
de Monte Acuto, tenant in chief, in two parts of his father's lauds,
as the king, on 3 May, in the 14th year of his reign, granted to
the said William, a minor in his wardship, the custody of the said two
parts to have, with the issues received thence from Michaelmas then last
past, during his minority, rendering therefor yearly the extent of the lands
made after his father's death, as William has complained to the king that
they intend taxing the goods on the said two parts to the tenth and sixth.
March 8. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
Knaresborough. Henry de Percy, son and heir of Henry de Percy, tenant in chief, his
knights' fees and advowsons of churches, which were retained in the king's
hands when he took Henry's homage and rendered to him his father's lands,
although he had not then proved his age, as he has now proved his age
before the escheator. By K.
The like to Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. By K.
To the same. Order to assign dower to Matilda, late the wife of Peter
son of Reginald, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's
March 9. To Robert de Hungreford, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
Knaresborough. co. Wilts. Order to deliver to Nicholas le fiz Waryn his lands and the
issues thereof from the time when they were taken into the king's hands,
upon his finding mainpernors to have him before the king when ordered,
John de Tycheburn, late sheriff of (hat county, having certified that he took
the said lands into the king's hand and delivered them to Robert because
Nicholas wore the robes of William son of Warin, then a rebel. By C.
March 4. To John de Donecastre. Order to deliver to John de Burgh, son and
Knaresborough. heir of Thomas de Burgh, the manors of Calthorn and Walton, which are
in his custody, as tlie king has taken the said heir's homage for his father's
lands. By p.s. [6428.]
1323. Membrane 12 — cont.
March 19. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause a verderer for the forest
Doncaster. of Everesby {sic) to be elected in place of John de Seint Manifeu, deceased.
To the sacae. Order to cause a verderer for the said forest to be elected
in place of John de Heryerd, who is incapacitated by age.
March 16. Margaret, daughter of Gilbert de Milford, imprisoned in Poutefract
Knaresborough. castle for the death of Idonia, daughter of Eobert de Milford, has letters to
the sheriff of York to bail her until the first assize.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order not to distrain
Eoald de Riohemund, late keeper of UufEeldfrith and other lands there, to
render his account for the time of his custody, as John de Hardeshuli,
Richard de Denton, Walter de Kirkebride, Bernard le Poller, Alan de
Grendeshale, and Robert de Grendesdale have mainperned to liave the said
Roald before the treasurer and barons at the exchequer in the quinzaine
of Easter next to render his account. By K.
March 21. To Robert de Waltham, keeper of the wardrobe. Order to make account
Lenton. with Elias de Joneston, king's clerk, who was lately appointed by the
council for the prosecution of certain affairs touching the duchy of Aqui-
taiiie, concerning his wages appointed in this behalf, as he shall find was
accounted with Elias in the same wardrobe, and to pay him 40*. on account
of his wages in this behalf. By K.
M<arch 18. To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest beyond
Doncaster. Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Order to resume into the forest
all the king's demesne woods that it shall seem to him were afforested at
the time of the charter of the forest of Henry III., and that have been put
out of the forest contrary to the tenor of the charter, and to keep them as
forest until further orders, notwithstanding any perambulation made in
the late king's time or during the present king's time. By K.
March 20. To Roger de Waltham, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in co.
Lenton. Stafford. Order to deliver to Robert de Whitefeld his lands in Adgarsleye
and Uttokesather, upon his finding mainpernors to have him before the king
when ordered, as the said keeper has certified that the lands were tak.en
into the king's hands because Eobert wore the robes of Thomas, late earl of
Lancaster, and for no other reason.
The like to Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain lands in the king's
hands in co. Middlesex, concerning the said Robert's lauds in his custody.
March 18. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause Roger
Blytb. Coilly to have respite during the king's pleasure for the fine made with the
king for adhering to Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, and other rebels.
By p.s. [6454.]
March 19. To Roger de Waltham, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in co.
Warsop. Stafford. Order to deliver to William de Stafford, knight, his lands and
the issues thereof from the time when they were taken into the king's hands,
as the king has pardoned him the suit of his peace for adhering to certain
rebels, and has restored to him his lands and the issues as above for a fine
made with him by the said William.
By p.s. and by K. as to delivering the issues.
To Thomas de Pype. Order to deliver the said William from prison.
To John do Swynnerton, late sheriff of Stafford. Order to deliver to the
said William the issues received by him from the aforesaid lands.
March 21. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver
Leicester. to Edmund Bacun the manor of Hatfeld Peverel, in accordance with the
king's grant to him, on 1 October, in the third year of his reign, of the
reversion of the same after the death of Alexander Quyntyn, who then held
1323. Membrane 12 — cont.
it of the king for life, as it appears by an inquisition taken by the escheator
that he took the manor into tho king's hands on Alexander's death, and
that noone claims anything therein except the said Edmund, and that the
manor is held of the king in chief as of the manor of Writele, in tlie king's
hands, by the service of two pairs of gilt spnrs or \'2d. yearly, the king
having taken Edmund's fealty for the same.
March 21. To the sheriff of Gloucester. Order to release Roger son of John
Lenton. Burden from prison at Gloucester, upon his finding mainpernors to have
him before the king, as the sheriff has certified that Roger was arrested
because he was the groom of John Cokerel, a member of the household of
John GiSard of Brynimesfeld, a late contrariant, and kept John Cokerel's
horse when lie was at Gloucester in John GifEard's company.
March 23. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to repair divers parcels of the walls
Sulby. and palings about the king's park of Northampton, which the king ought
to repair at his cost.
March 15. To the treasurer, or to him who supplies his place, and to the barons of
Knaresborough. the exchequer. Order to acquit the citizens of Carlisle of their ferm for
the city this year, as the king has pardoned them the same in aid of their
expenses about the safe-keeping of the city. By K.
March 30. To the sheriffs of London. Order to pay to John de Weston, the elder,
Langley. 25 marks for Easter term last out of the ferm of the city, in accordance
with the king's grant to him of 50 marks yearly from that ferm.
April 4. To the bailiffs of York. Order to pay to William de Roos of Hamelak
Westminster. 75 marks out of the ferm of the city for Easter term last, in accordance
with the king's grant to him of 150 marks from the ferm of that city and
of 150 marks from the ferm of the city of Lincoln.
The like to the bailiffs of the city of Lincoln.
April 6. To the sheriff of Kent. Order to pay to Nicholas de Acton, king's
The Tower, clerk, who is staying in that county in order to purvey certain victuals for
the Scotch war, 4Z. towards his expenses in that matter.
April 6. To the sheriffs of London. Order to receive from Manent Francisci all
Westminster, the corn and victuals that he or his men will deliver to them, as Manent
will cause corn and other victuals to be provided in divers parts of tho
realm for the Scotch war, and to cause all the wheat to be ground and
boulted (iw/eiteW), and to cause the flour thereof to be put into barrels, and
to cause all the corn and victuals and the flour to be carried to Newcastle-
on-Tyne, to be delivered to the receiver of the king's victuals. By K.
The like to the sheriffs of Kent and Sussex.
April 7. To the sheriffs of London. Order to buy and purvey 4C0 empty wine-
Ihe Tower, barrels for carrying the above flour to Newcastle. The king has ordered
Stephen de Abyndon, his butler, or him who supplies his place in the
port of London, to aid them in providing the said barrels. By K.
Mandate in pursuance to the said Stephen, or to him who supplies his
place. By K.
April 8. To William de Poloye, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in oo.
The Tower. Hertford. Order to deliver to Richard son of Henry de Boclond the manor
of Boclond, in that county, as it appears by the foot of a fine levied before
the justices of the Bench between the said Henry and Alice his wife, de-
mandants, and Master Stephen de Gledeseye, deforciants, concerning tho
1323. Membrane 11 — cont.
said manor, the tenor whereof the king has caused to come before him in
chancery, that Simon granted the said manor to Henry and Alice, and
rendered it to them in court, to have and to hold to them for their lives,
with remainder to Reginald, Henry's son, and to the heirs of his body, with
remainder, in default of such heirs, to the said Richard, Reginald's brother,
and to the heirs of his body, with remainder, in default of such heirs, to
Eleanor, Richard's sister, and the heirs of her body, with remainder to the
right heirs of the said Henry, and it appears by an inquisition taken by
Walrau de Rocheford and Geoffrey de la Lee, at the suit of the said Richard,
that Henry and Alice were seised of the manor jointly for six years and
more by virtue of the aforesaid fine, and that Reginald died without an heir
of his body during the lives of Henry and Alice, and that after Henry's
death, Alice, who thus held the manor for life, granted it by deed indented,
which was shewn in chancery, to Bartholomew de Badlesmere during her
life at a yearly rent of 201., and that the manor was taken into the king's
hands with the other lands of Bartholomew during Alice's life, and that
Alice has now died, by reason whereof the manor ought to remain to
Richard according to the form of the fine. By 0.
April 8. To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
The Tower, co. Wilts. Order to deliver to John le Spicer of Kyngeston 52*. of yearly
rent in Nation and Derneford, co. Wilts, the king having ordered Robert
to certify him of the cause for taking into his hands 12s. of yearly rent of
the said John's in Templeton, Natton, Portesheved, and Derneford, and
Robert has certified that he took the aforesaid 52*. of rent and 2s. of rent
in Templeton, co. Berks, which belonged to the said John of the grant of
the earl of Lancaster for life, into the king's hands because he understood
from many persons that John, who was a member of the earl's household,
had died, and that the reversion of the rent pertained to the king by the
earl's forfeiture, as John, who has appeared personally in chancery, has
prayed the king for remedy.
April 13. To the sheriffs of London. Order to receive from Hamo de Chiggewell,
The Tower. Master Robert de Haselschawe, provost of Wells, and Reginald de Conductu
all the corn and victuals that they shall deliver to them for the Scotch war,
and to cause all the wheat to be ground and boulted (bulettari) and the
flour thereof to be placed in barrels, and to cause all the corn, victuals and
flour to be carried to Newcastle-on-Tyne and there delivered to the
receiver of the king's victuals.
To Manent Francisci. Order to deliver to the aforesaid sheriffs all the
corn and other victuals provided by him in the city of London for the
Scotch war, to be ground, boulted, etc., by them as above.
Mandate in pursuance to the sheriflTs.
April 13. John Pentyn, 'neylere,' imprisoned in Neugate for the death of John de
The Tower. Chiggewell, ' copersmyth,' has letters to the sheriffs of London to bail him.
April 12. To Robert de Hungerford, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
The Tower, co. Wilts. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of Thomas
son of William Mauduyt in Tydecoumbe and Wermiuistre, and to restore
the issues thereof, as Robert has certified that the lands were taken into the
king's hands by John de Ticheburn, late sheriff of Wilts, because the said
Thomas, together with Thomas Mauduyt, knight, a late rebel, took and
carried away the cattle of Hugh le Despenser, the elder, in his manor of
Ashemere, and because the said Thomas son of William did not come to
the king at Coventre, as it appears by the letters of the said Hugh sent into
chancery that the said Thomas son of William has satisfied him for the
aforesaid trespass, and the king learns upon trustworthy evidence that
April 15.
April 18.
The Tower.
April 16.
The Tower.
April 14.
The Tower.
April 18.
April 17.
Membrane 11 — cont.
Thomas was so ill and infirm when the king was at Coventre, and for a long
time afterwards, that he could not labour.
To the taker of the wines of the right prise at Southampton. Order to
deliver to the abbot and monks of King'.s Beaulieu a tun of wine for this
year, in accordance with the grant of Henry III.
To Henry de Cobham, keeper of the castle and honour of Tonebrigge.
Order to cause the palings about the chaoe of Tonebrigg to be repaired.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order to cause
John de Wodhull, son and heir of Thomas de Wodhull, tenant in chief of
the late king, to have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age
before the escheator, and the king has taken his homage. By K.
To John le Porter, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in eo.
Essex. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands ami goods of John
Gyneye of Little Berdefeld, and to restore the issues thereof, as the said
keeper has certified the king that they were taken into the king's hands by
Geoffrey Dode, and that the said John married Agatha, filiastra of
Peter de Dernardeston, knight, which Peter was of the robes and household
of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, and that the lands and goods of the said
John were taken into the king's hands for that reason.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver
to Hugh le Despenser, the younger, the manor of Gla[tton], co. Hunting-
don, which belonged to Edmund, late earl of Cornwall, and which came to
the late king upon his death, and to deliver to Hugh the issues received there-
from since the manor was taken into the king's hands upon the death of the
abbot of Thorney, who held it for life of the king's commission, the king
having granted the manor to Hugh.
To the same. Order to cause dower to be assigned to Cicely, late the
wife of John de Penedok, tenant by knight service of the lands that be-
longed to Geoffrey Daptot, in the king's hands.
To Roger Carles, keeper of certain of the late rebels' lands in co. Hereford.
Order to pay to Giles de Bello Campo the 15/. that he caused to be levied
for the king's use of the issues of the manor of Mawardyn, which the king
lately committed to Giles, of the king's gift.
By K. on the information of Master R. de Baldok.
To Hugh le Despenser, the younger, constable of Bristol castle, or to
him who supplies his place. Order to expend up to 20/. in repairing the
houses, towers, and other buildings of the castle. By K.
Dec. 12.
April 1.
Membrane 11 — Schedule.
To the justices of the Bench. Order not to put John Cosyn in default
for not appearing before them on Thursday the octaves of St. John the
Baptist last in the suit before them between Richard Martyn, demandant,
and the said John, tenant, concerning 12A acres of land and 2s. 4:d. of rent
in Harewe, as John was engaged in the king's service on that day.
By K.
To the same. Order not to put Richard de Cornubia in default for not
Westminster, appearing before them on Friday the morrow of Martinmas in the suit before
them between Robert de Beyvill, demandant, and the said Richard, tenant.
April 12.
April 15.
Feb. 4.
Membrane 11 — Schedule— cont.
concerning 22 messuages, 140 {centum et qvaquaginta) acres of land,
30 acres of meadow, 6 acres of wood, and 2s. of rent in Wode Walton, as
he was engaged in the king's service on that day. By p.s.
To the same. Signification that Agnep, daughter of Thomas Richard,
came before the king, on Tuesday after St. Guthlac last, and sought to
replevy her land in Lyde, which was taken into the king's hands for her
default before them against Constance, late the wife of Luke Crede.
To the same. Order not to put John Cosyn in default for not appearing
before them on Thursday the quinzaine of Martinmas last in the aforesaid
suit between him and Richard Martyn, as he was engaged in the king's
service. By K.
To the mayor and sheriffs of London. Order not to put Robert de
Kelleseye in ilefault for not appearing before them on Monday after the
Conversion of St Paul in the suit by writ of right between William Cros,
demandant, and the aforesaid Robert, deforciant, concerning a messuage in
London, as he was engaged in the king's service. By K. and C.
Membrane 10.
March 28. To the sheriff of Devon. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
Laagley. elected in place of Baldwin de Wyndesore, who is incapacitated by illness
and infirmity.
The like to the same to elect a coroner in place of Oliver de la Spyne,
incapacitated in like manner.
April 2. To Gilbert de Ryssheton, keeper of the lands of certain contrariants in
Westminster, co. Kent. Order to deliver to Bona, late the wife of Thomas le fitz Bernard,
the manor of Kyngesdon, to be held by her for life, as it is found by a part
of a fine levied before the justices of the Bench between the said Thomas
and Bona, demandants, and John de Northewod, the elder, deforciant, con-
cerning the said manor, and by the king's letters patent exhibited in chan-
cery, that John granted the manor to Tliomas and Bona, to hold to them
and their heirs of the king, with reversion, in default of heirs of the body
of Thomas, to Bartholomew de Badlesmere, and it is found by an inquisi-
tion taken by John Bousser and Robert de Assbele in the presence of the
said keeper that Thomas and Bona were seibed jointly of the manor by
virtue of the said fine, and continued their seisin without change for two
years, and that at the end of that time Thomas, whom Bona was unable to
contradict, rendered the manor to the said Bartholomew, and that Thomas
and Bona never during Thomas's life, nor Bona after his death, changed
Bona's estate therein in any way, and that the manor is held in chief.
By C.
April 2. To the same. Order to deliver to the said Bona for life the manor of
Westminster. Tonge near Sidyugburn and the advowson of the church of that manor, as
it appears by part of a fine levied before the late king's justices of the
Bench, in the 32nd year of his reign, between Ralph le fltz Bernard, de-
mandant, and Edmund le fitz Bernard, deforciant, concerning the said
manor and advowson that Edmund granted the manor and advowson
to Ralph for his life, with reversion to the said Thomas and Bona and the
heirs of Thomas, and it appears by an inquisition taken by John de Bousser
and Robert de Asshele that Ralph was seised of the manor and advowson
bv virtue of the said fine, and held it peacefully for two years, and died
seised (hereof as tenant for life, and that after his death Thomas and Bona
entered Ihem by virtue of the fine, and held them jointly in peace for five
16 EDWARD ir.
April 3.
April 5.
April 5.
April 6.
Membrane 10 — cont.
years, and that at the end of that time Thomas, whom Bona could not con-
tradict, demised them to Bartholomew de Badlesmere, and that Thomas
and Bona never changed Bona's estate therein, the manor and advowson
having been taken into the Ising's hands by Bartholomew's forfeiture.
By 0.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Master
John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent, the 95/. that he and John de
Donstaple, king's clerk, provided between them for the wages of the footmen
who came to the king from Glamorgan, the king having ordered the said
escheator by letters of privy seal to levy that sum from the issues of his
bailiwick, and to pay it to those from whom it was borrowed.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Whereas it was
found by an inquisition taken by Thomas de Burgh, escheator beyond
Trent, that Robert le Vavasour held at his death certain lands in Cokesford,
and the manor of Pristou, co. York, of the king in chief as of the honour of
Pontefract by homage and fealty and scutage when it runs and by knight
service, and that he held no lands in chief as of the crown, and the king
has taken the homage of Henry le Vavasour, his brother and heir, and [has
restored] the manors to him together with 'ihtcoin]}lete.'\
To the sheriff of Cambridge and Huntingdon. Order to pay to Williiim
de Leycestre, king's clerk, who is staying in those counties to purvey
certain provisions for the Scotch war, 5 marks towards his expenses, in
addition to the 5 marks that the king lately ordered him to pay to the
said clerk.
The like to the sheriff of Essex in favour of John de Orosseby, for
5 marks.
The like to the sheriff of Southampton in favour of Thomas de
Ueyrgrave, for iOs.
To Roger Beler and his fellows, justices to hear and determine certain
trespasses committed in the king's parks and chaces in cos. Derby and
Stafford. Order to deliver from prison all who are indicted before them
for vert or venison or other trespasses in the said parks and chaces, upon
their finding mainprize at the king's will. By p.s. [6481.]
To Robert de Aston, keeper of certain lands of the late contrariants in
CO. Gloucester. Order to cause a yearly rent of 12/. from the manor of
Norton, in that county, to be paid to Walter Pikerell from the time when
the manor was taken into the king's hands for so long as it shall remain
in the king's hands, as it is found by a part of fine levied before the late
king's justices of the Bench, in the 33rd year of his reign, between John
Giffard, demandant, and the said Walter, deforciant, concerning a mefsuage,
three carucates of land, two mills, and 50s. of yearly rent in Sherston Parva,
that Walter acknowledged the said lands and rent to be the right of the
said John, and rendered them to him in court, and that John granted that
he would render Walter 12/. yearly during Walter's life ; and it appears by
inquisition taken by the said keeper and by John de Peytou, that the said
John Giffard, on Monday the eve of the Purification, in the aforesaid year,
granted to Walter 12/. of yearly rent for life from his manor of Norton,
in that county, and that Walter was seised of that rent from that time
until the manor was taken into the king's hands by reason of the rebellion
of John, son and heir of the said John, without changing his estate therein,
the manor being held of the king in chief, as Walter has made a fine with
the king for tlie trespass committed in this behalf.
By C. and by a fine of 20s.
April 6.
April 6.
The Tower.
April 6.
[The Tower.
1323. Membrane 10 — cont.
April 4. To Master John Walewayn, esoheator this side Trent. Order not to
We.stminster. intermeddle further with the lands of Robert le Vavasour, and to restore
the issues thereof, as it was found by an inquisition taken by Thomas de
Burgh, escheator beyond Trent, that Robert held at his death certain lands
in Cokesford and the manor of Fryston, co. York, of the king in chief as
of the honour of Pontefract by homage and fealty and scutage when it
runs and by knight service, and that he did not hold any lands in chief as
of the crown, the king having taken the homage of Henry le Vavasour,
brother and heir of the said Robert, and it appears by an inquisition
taken by the said John that Robert held no lands in chief in his
To the sheriff of Middlesex. Order to cause a coroner for that county
to be elected in place of Peter le Botiller, deceased.
To the sheriff of Buckingham. Order to cause a verderer for the
forest of Bernewode to be elected in place of Peter Carbonel, whom the
king has amoved from office for insufficiency.
Like order for the election of a verderer in place of John Darches,
amoved for the like reason.
To John de Wylghby, John de Hildesle, and Eustace de Bouvneby.
Order to supersede entirely the buying and purveying of 1,000 quarters of
wheat and 1,000 quarters of barley in co. Northampton, in accordance
with the king's commission to them, and to cause any corn they may have
bought or purveyed to be restored. By K.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver
to Ellen, late the wife of John Dengayne, tenant in chief, the following of his
lands, which the king has assigned to her as dower : a third of the manor
of Great Gyddyng', co. Huntingdon, of the yearly value of 33*. ; a third of
40 acres of land there, which are not extended ; a third of certain lands in
Estpyrye, in the same county, of the yearly value of 23s. M. ; a third of
certain lands in Laxton, co. Northampton, of the yearly value of 69i. 4(?. ;
a third of 40 acres of wood there, which are not extended ; a third of
certain lands in Pitthesle, in the same county, of the yearly value of 23s. ;
a third of certain lands in Bulwyk, in the same county, of the yearly
value of 22s. ; and a third of certain lands in Haryngworth, in the same
county, of the yearly value of Is.
To the same. Order to deliver to the aforesaid Ellen the following of
the said John's knights' fees, which the king has assigned to her as dower :
a tenth of a fee in Smalelohd, co. Essex, which part is of the yearly value
of 4s. ; a quarter of a fee in Giddyng', Salue, and LuUyngton, in the same
county {sic), which William de Salue, William de Estlullyngton, Ellen his
sister, and Robert de Donetoun of G-iddyng' hold, which quarter is of the
yearly value of 40c?. ; a moiety of a fee in Multon, co. Northampton, which
John de Crumbwell holds, which moiety is of the yearly value of 20s.
To the same. Order not to intermeddle further with the manor of
Grafham, co. Huntingdon, and the advowsons of the church of that manor
and of Holy Trinity church, Blatherwych, co. Northampton, and to restore
the issues thereof, as it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that
John Dengayne and Ellen his wife held them jointly at the time of John's
death by fines levied in the king's court, and that they are held of others
than the king.
April 9. To the collectors in the port of London of the custom of wool, hides, and
Westminster, wool-fells, and of the subsidy granted to the king by the merchants. Order
to pay 521. 18s. Od. out of the said subsidy to those from whom
1(50 quarters of salt have been bought by James Beauflour and Andrew
April 7.
_April 18.
Tlie Tower.
April 18.
Membrane 10 — cont.
Eosekyii, the king's mariner, and delivered to John Bertelmeu of Grene-
wyche, master of the ship called ' La Blyth ' of Westminster, for conveyance
to Newcastle-on-Tyne, for the expedition of the Scotch war. By C.
To the taxors and collectors of the tenth and sixth in co. Southampton.
Order to pay to the sheriff of that county 20/., as the issues of his bailiwick
do not at present suffice for the carriage of the victuals that the king ordered
him to send to Newcastle-on-Tyne. By C.
To the sheriff of Kent. Order to restore to Peter de Grandisono,
knight, a late contrariant, all his lands, as he has made ransom with the king
for his life and lands.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
The like to Roger Carles, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
CO. Hereford.
To the sheriff of Oxford. Order to supersede entirely the demand for
40/. from Thomas de Saunford of the county of Southampton, for saving his
life and lands, as the said Thomas has always been faithful to the king, and
the said fine was made with the king by another Thomas de Saunford of
the county of Oxford, a late contrariant.
To Alan de Cubbeldyk, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
CO. Lincoln. Order not to disquiet Alesia de Lacy, countess of Lincoln and
Salisbury, for the costs about the sowing and mowing of the hay and the
value of the seed of the corn growing in the manors of Halton-ou-Trent,
Wadyngton, Lutton, Thorleye, Bolyngbrok, Wayniiet, VVrangel, Stepyng',
Ingoidemeles, Thoresby, Wath, Sutton-in-Holand, Swaveton, and Alke-
barowe, and in the moors of Wildemore and Le Frith, in co. Lincoln, on
16 July last, when the king granted to her all the corn, hay, and grass
therein, as Alesia has shown the king that the keeper intends charging
her with the above.
Membrane 9.
April 7. To the abbot of Citeaux, the diffinitores and abbots about to assemble
Westminster, in chapter-<;eneral at Citeaux. Request for their prayers on behalf of the
king and queen, Edward, earl of Chester, their eldest son, and their other
children, and for the realm.
Vacated because on the dorse.
April 16.
The Tower.
April 16.
The Tower.
April 18.
To Richard de Potesgrave, keeper of certain rebels' lanas in co. Kent.
Order not to intermeddle further with 12 acres of meadow in Tonebrigg,
CO. Kent, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inqui.'iition
taken by John de Ifeld and the keeper that William de Stuperesheld
demised the meadow to Thomas Colepeper for one year to receive the crop
for one year only, and not in fee or otherwise, and that the meadow is held
of the manor of Tonebrigg ; the keeper having taken the meadow inio the
king's hands, pretending that Thomas held it in fee on the day when he
rebelled against the king.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cancel and
annul the recognisance for 15/, to Ingelram Bevenger, knight, made by
George de Thorp, knight, before them in Easter term, in the 15th year of
the king's reign, as Ingelram has appeared in chancery and acknowledged
that George has satisfied him for the same.
To the same. Order to account with Robert de Ardern, keeper of the
castle and honour of Bannebnry, for the expenses and wages paid by him
about the custody of the above since his appointment, and to allow him for
the same in his account at the exchequer. By K.
]^323. Membrane 9 — eont.
April 18. To the taxoi-s and collectors of the sixth in the city of London. Order to
Westminster, permit John de Triple, citizen of London, to be quit according to the king's
grant to him, an 1 not to molest him contrary to tlie same, the king having,
on 12 March, in the tliird year of his reign, granted to him for life that he
should be quit of tallages, aids, watches, and contributions whatsoever by
reason of his lands, or rents, or goods, or merchandise, within or without
the city, saving the Icing's prises, and that he should not l)e put on assizes,
juries, etc., in the city, and should not be made mayor, escbeator, coroner,
reeve, alderman, or otiier minister there against his will, and that his goods
should not be taxed by reason of any grant from the community of the city
to the king or by reason of any tallage, the king having, on 15 July following,
granted that he should enjoy these liberties for life, because he had not
obtained {asseciUiis) tlie king's letters patent of this grant.
April 18. To the sheriff of Essex and Hertford. Order to supersede entirely the
Westminster, proceeding to the outlawry of John son of Nicholas de Stebbyng at the king's
suit by reason of the trespass committed by him upon Master Jordan
Moraunt, deceased, at Sabricheworth, the king having, on 15 June,
in the Itth year of his reign, ordered the sheriff of Hertford not to
proceed to the outlawry of the said John, because lie was given to under-
stand that Jordan had remitted his suit to John, as the king now under-
stands that John is newly put in exigent to be outlawed in the said county
on Thursday next by reason of the above trespass.
April 16. To the mayor of London. Whereas at the suit of Acheritus de Portinariis,
The Tower, an alien merchant dwelling within the realm, suggesting that at all times
past it was the custom amongst alien and strange merchants dwelling within
the realm that memoranda should be made in their papers (papiris) of the
days fixed for payment of loans or other payments of money amongst
them without making any other obligation, and Acheritus lately delivered
264Z. I2s. 8d. sterling to Thomas Henry, merchant of the society of the
Scali of Florence, at London for a mercantile cause, which sum Thomas
ought to have paid to Acheritus at the Purification last, whereof memoranda
were made in the papers of Acheritus and Thomas, and the said Thomas,
endeavouring to defraud Acheritus of the said sum, asserted that he had
paid it to Acheritus, adding that it was written in Thomas's paper that
payment thereof had been made, although nothing had been paid and the
day of the payment aforesaid had not arrived, the king ordered the mayor to
take with him Roger de Swynnerton, then constable of the Tower, or him
who supplied his place, or some other faithful subject, and to call before
him Acheritus and Thomas and other merchants of the said society, and
merchants of the society of the Bardi, Peruzzi, and Spini, and other alien
merchants at London, and to hear the reasons of Acheritus and Thomas, and
their fellows of the said society, and to examine the papers of Acheritus and
Thomas, and to obtain information herein by inquisition or by other means
according to the law merchant, and if he found that this fraud had been done
by Thomas, to arrest him and the goods of the said merchants of the Scala,
and to keep them safely until further orders, and the king ordered him to
arrest Thomas because it was said that he was hastening to leave the realm
secretly, and the mayor signified that it was found by the process in this
matter that Thomas had made the said fraud, for whic'n reason he is com-
mitted to Neugate prison, and that no fellow of the said society of the Scali
was consenting in any wise to the fraud, and that Thomas was not a fellow
of the society, but a paid servant (stipendiarius et famulus) of the merchants
of the aforesaid society ; as Acheritus has been satisfied for the said sum,
as he has acknowledged in chancery, the king orders the mayor to release
Thomas from prison. By K.
April 16.
April 18.
April 28.
April 25.
Membrane 9 — cont.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Wliereas the king on
18 May, in the 12th year of his reign, committed to Joceus de Spaldyng' the
custody of a messuage, 65 acres of land, 12 acres of meadow, and 14f. Td. of
rent in Wyverton and Bernyston, co. Nottingham, which belonged to Hugh
de Garthorp, tenant in chief, of the yearly value of 44.s. M., to have from
the morrow of the Close of Easter then last past during the minority of
William son and heir of the said Hugh, on condition that Joceiis maintained
the heir suitably, rendering therefor SOi. yearly to the exchequer, and after-
wards, on 2 July, in the 14th year of hi.s reign, the king, in consideration of
a tine made with him by Gerard de Sekynton, pardoned the said Geoffrey
and Joan his wife, late the wife of the said Hugh, their trespass in marrying
without his licence, and ordered Kichard de Rodeneye, late escheator this
side Trent, to assign to them her dower of Hugh's lands, the king orders
the treasurer and barons to discharge Joceus of the issues of the lands
assigned to Gerard and Joan from the aforesaid 2 July.
To the collectors of the custom of wool, hides^, and wool-fells in the port
of London. Order to pay to Hugh de Bungey, the king's armourer,
69/. 15s. '2\d., the remainder of 132/. lis. Qd. that the king lately owed him
for divers arms and other things touching his office, to wit 24/. 9s. Od. for
divers expenses for arming the king's body with divers arms in the late king's
time, as appears by a bill of J. bishop of Bath and Wells, then keeper of the
late king's wardrobe ; 47/. 8s. 4c?. for the making of the king's arms and for
other small costs about the same in the fourth year of his reign ; 18/. I7s. 9d.
for the making of arms, banners, pennons (baneriorum, penncellorum) and
other things touching his office for the whole of the fifth year; 14/. 9s. 9c?.
for the like in the sixth year, as appears by three bills under the seal of
Ingelard de Warle, then keeper of the wardrobe ; 76s. 0\d. for divers arms
and other things touching his office during the seventh year; 19/. Cs. 9c?.
for the like from the beginning of the eighth year until 1 December in the
same year; 75s. 7c?. for the like from the said day until the end of the same
year; 14s. 2\d. for the making of arms and other things by the king's
order between 7 July, in the 9th year of the reign, and 1 February, in the
same year, as appears by four bills under the seal of Ralph de Stokes, then
clerk of the great wardrobe, Hugh having received 62/. 16s. Z\d. at the
exchequer in the 10th and 14th years by the hands of the treasurer and
chamberlain, as appears by the entry (intitulacionem) on two bills under the
said Ingelard's seal. By p.s. [6502.]
To the same. Order to pay to Gilbert de Taunton, the king's saddler,
42/., which the king owes him for saddles, reins, and other things touching
his office, bought from him for the king's use from the beginning to the end
of the 12th year, as appears by a bill under the seal of Ralph de Stokes, then
clerk of the great wardrobe. By p.s.
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause verderers for the forest of
Pykeryng, which has come to the king's hands as escheat by the for-
feiture of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, to be elected in place of those
who were there in the earl's time, the king ha\ang amoved them from office.
To John de Kilvynton, keeper of the castle and honour of Pykeryng, co.
Tork. Order to expend up to 20/. in repairing the king's mills at Pykeryng
and the pond of the same, which, the king understands, have been broken
down by ice and floods, the pond being almost entirely carried away. By K.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit John de
Sancto Phileberto of 29/. 18s. Qd., which are exacted from him for his
father's debts at the exchequer, as the king has pardoned him the aforesaid
sum in payment of the debts due from the king to him for the arrears of his
fee and wages for the time when he stayed with the king and was of the
king's retinue (retinencia). By p.s. [6512.]
s s 2
April 15.
April 14.
The Tower.
April 28.
April 29.
Membrane 8.
To the sheriffs of London. Order to permit Hugh Copyn, Peter Toys,
Matthew son of Walter, Mundekyn son of Lambert, Peter Moyte, John le
Brun, and Arnold le Clouer, Flemings, to return home, provided that one
of them shall stay in the city for the others until the king learns that the
prisoners of his realm and power have been released from prison within the
dominion of the count of Flanders, or until further orders, the king haviug
lately ordered the sheriffs to release the Flemings aforesaid from Neugate,
wherein they were imprisoned by reason of the dissensions between the
subjects of the king and of the count, upon condition that each of them
mainperned for another not to leave the city without the king's licence.
The king makes the present order at the request of Totto Gidi. By K.
To John Poleyn, fermer of the manor of Merdele, in the king's hands.
Order to pay to Roger de Luda 40s. yearly from the time when the manor
was taken into the king's hands for so long as it shall be in John's custody,
as the king's learns by inquisition taken by Robert de Assliele and Geoffrey
de la Lee that Walter de Twynham, knight, was seised of the manor in his
demesne as of fee, and on Saturday after St. Margaret, in the 10th year of
the king's reign, charged the manor to the said Roger with a robe, price
20s., yearly, during Roger's life, and that Roger was seised thereof for two
years after the grant, and that Walter afterwards enfeoffed Adam de
Eglesfeld of the said manor in fee, who held it for 12 weeks and died siesed
thereof in his demesne as of fee, after whose death John de Eglesfeld,
brother and heir of Adam, entered the manor, and, having had seisin
thereof, charged it with 20s. yearly to the said Roger for life, whereof
Roger was seised for a year whilst John held the manor, and that John
afterwards enfeoffed John de Sandale of the said manor, by whose
hands Roger was .seised of 20s. for half a year, and the said .John de Sandale
died seised of the manor in his demesne as of fee, after whose death
John de Sandale, his kinsman and heir, entered the manor, and forthwith
enfeoffed Bartholomew de Badlesmere thereof, by whose forfeiture the
manor came to the king's hands, and that Roger made no estate of the said
rent to the said Walter, John, or Bartholomew, or to any other, and did not
release it to anyone, and that the manor is held, of .John Poleyn, Henry
Melksop, and the abbot of Redyng', and that it is worth lU/. yearly in all
issues besides the services due to the chief lords and the 40s. due to Roger.
By pet. of C. [2942.]
To the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset. Order to cause the victuals that
the king lately ordered to be provided in those counties for the Scotch war
to be sent to Skymburnesse, as Walter, bishop of Exeter, the treasurer, has
enjoined upon him, the king having appointed certain of his subjects to buy
and purvey in that bailiwick 1,000 quarters of wheat, 1,000 quarters of
beans, and 500 quarters of barley, and to deliver the same to the sheriff,
whom the king ordered to receive it, and to cause as much of the wheat as
possible to be ground, boulted {btilettari), and put in barrels, and to cause
the other victuals to be kept safely in suitable places until further orders.
To the keeper of the manor of Cyppenham. Order to pay to the abbot
of Westminster the arrears of the yearly rent of 50.5. from that manor, from
the time when the manor came to the king's hands, and to pay the same
hereafter, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the keeper that the
abbot ought to receive the said rent because the manor is held of him as
chief lord by that rent, and that the abbot and his predecessors were seised
of the said rent from time out of mind by the hands of the earl of Cornwall
and other tenants of the manor until the Annunciation, in the sixth year of
the king's reign, Avhen the manor came to the king's- haads, since which
time nothing has been paid to the abbot. By p.s.
16 EDWARD II. 645
1323. Membrane 8 — cont.
April 30. To Edward, earl of Chester, or to him who supplies his place in the Isle
Croxton. of Wight. Order to cause all the prisoners in the kiug's prison in the
island to be kept safely.
April 29. To Thomas de Burgh, escheiitor this side Trent. Order not to inter-
Neivark. meddle further with the lands of Nicholas de Cave of Beverley, and to
restore the issues thereof, as the kiug learns by inquisition taken by the
escheator that he held nothing in chief of the king at his death by reason
whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king.
May 3. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
York. dower to be assigned to Isabella, late the wife of Peter de Hamme, tenant
in chief, according to the extent made by Richard do Rodeneye, late
escheator beyond Trent, or according to another to he made if necessary,
upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence.
May 5. To the sheriff of Huntingdon. Order to cause a verderer for the forest
York. of Wanberge to be elected in place of Giles de Haliwell, deceased.
May 5. To the treasurer, barons, and chamberlains of the exchequer. Order to
Y'ork. ordain for the payment of the wages of the following footmen, archers, and
other armed men, whom the king has ordered to be chosen in the following
counties and in Wales and to be brought to him for the Scotch war, he having
ordained to be at Newcastle-on-Tyne in the octaves of .Midsummer next with
his army to set out against the Scotch rebels : from cos. Somerset, Dorset and
Wilts, .500 archers ; from co. Southampton, 600 archers ; from co. Sussex and
the Weald {valdis) of Kent, 500 archers ; from cos. Essex and Hertford,
300 archers ; from cos. Salop and Stafford, 500 archers; from co. Lancaster,
400 archers ; from the High Peak in co. Derby, 300 archers ; from cos.
Gloucester and Hereford and the forest of Dene, 1,000 archers ; from co.
Cornwall, 200 footmen armed with aketons, bascinets, or palets {palettis)
at least, and other suitable arms ; from co. York, 4,500 footmen armed ia
like manner ; from cos. Nottingham and Derby, except the parts of the
Peak, 1,500 footmen armed in like manner ; from cos. Cumberland and
Westmoreland, 2,000 footmem armed in like manner ; from cos. North-
umberland, 500 footmen armed in like manner ; from co. Lancaster,
1,000 footmen, except the 400 archers aforesaid ; from co. Kent, except the
Weald ( Valdis), 400 footmen ; from co. Suri'ey, 100 footmen ; from cos,
Bedford and Buckingham, 300 footmen ; from cos. Oxford and Berks,
300 footmen ; from cos. Warwick and Leicester, 300 footmen ; from co.
Worcester, 200 footmen ; from cos. Cambridge and Huntingdon, 400 foot-
men ; from cos. Norfolk and Suffolk, 700 footmen ; from co. Northampton,
500 footmen ; from co. Rutland, 100 footmen ; from co. Lincoln, 2,000 foot-
men; from CO. Devon, oOO footmen; from co. Middlesex, 100 footmen, and
in the city of London, 200 footmen ; from Wales the following footmen
suitably armed : from the king's lands between North Wales and South
Wales, 4,000 ; from the lands of Edmund, earl of Arundel, of Kery, Kedewy,
Clou, Oswaldestre and Chirk, 500 ; from the lands of Edmund, earl of Kent,
of Melenyth, 300; from John de Grey's land of Dryffyncloyt {sic), 200 ;
from Henry de Lancastre's land of Menemowe, Kedcwelly and Carwathlan,
300 ; from the lands of Thomas, earl of Norfolk, of Strogoyl and Nether-
went 100 ; from John de Hastyng's lands of Bergaveny and Went, 300 ;
from Robert de Monte Alto's lands of Estradlon and Hawardin, 100; from
Eulk son of Warin's lands of Whitynton, 50; from the lands of William
la Zousche of Assheby of Elvayl Ughmenyth and Elvayl Ismeuyth, 200;
from the lands of Hugh le Despenser, the younger, of Morgannou and
Glamorgan, 1,000 ; from the land of queen Isabella of Mellorseisenek, 100 ;
from Elizabeth de Burgo's lands of Gower, 200; from the lands of Hugh
le Despenser, earl of Winchester, of Dynetaegh aud Eowynnok and Kem-
1323. Membrane 8 — cont.
merich, 500; from the lands of John de Warenna, earl of Surrey, of
Bromfeld and Yale, 400 ; from John de Charleton's land of Powys, 500 ;
from the lands of Audele and Cantrebaghan in the marches, 100; from the
lands of Bregheneu, 200 ; from the land of Buelt, 100; from the lands of
Penkethely, Blenlevony, Bolkedynas and Brentles, 400; and from the land
of Hope, 50. By K. and C.
April 23. To Roger Carles. Order to deliver to Alesia de Lacy, countess of
Langley. Lincoln and Salisbury, the manor of Upleden, co. Hereford, and the issues
tliereof from 12 July last, if it appear to him that it pertains to the castle
and honour of Clifford in Wales, which the king granted to her for life on
said day.
May 7. To William Davy, receiver of the issues of tlie castles of Tuttebury,
York. Melebourn, and Donyngton, and of the lands that belonged to Thomas, late
earl of Lancaster, in cos. Stafford, Derby and Leicester. Order to pay the
vyages for the custody of the castles and lands according to the certificate of
Roger Beler, keeper of the said castles and lands, whom the king has
ordered to certify the receiver concerning the same.
May 6. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order to deliver to
York. Loretta, late the wife of Alan de Caterhal, as nearest [friendj of his heir,
the lands that Alan held in socage in Gosenargh and the issues received
therefrom, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Alan
held at his death no lands in chief as of the crown by reason whereof the
custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king, but that he held certain
lands in Gosenargh of the king in chief as of the honour of Lancaster by
the service of 5s. yearly for all service, and that Richard de Caterhal, his
eldest son, is his next heir and is .aged thirteen. He is ordered not to inter-
meddle further with Alan's other lands, and to restore the issues thereof.
May 8. To John le Porter, keeper of certain of the king's enemies' lands in co.
York. Essex. As it appears by the second part of a fine levied in the 19th year
of the late king's reign before John de Metyngham and his fellows, justices
of the Bench, between Nicholas Permbaud and Amicabilia his wife,
demandants, and Isolda, late the wife of Henry de Norwioo, deforciant,
concerning a messuage, 90 acres of land, 12 acres of meadow, 6 acres of
wood and 30s. of rent in Westhorrok, Dongessell and Stanford, thatNicholas
and Amicabilia held the said land, etc., to them and the heirs of their bodies,
and itappearsby an inquisition taken by the escheator and by John de Dovorr',
that Amicabilia after the death of Nicholas, in the 13th year of the king's
reign, demised the said lands, etc., to Henry Gernet to hold at her will
without any deed being made between them, rendering to her therefor
13 marks yearly, and that she did not demise them to Henry in any other
way, and that the lands, etc., were taken into the king's hands with Henry's
other lands by reason of his trespass, and Henry afterwards acknowledged
in chanoery that he held the said lands, etc., as above, the king orders the
said keeper not to intermeddle further with the said lands, etc., and to
restore to Amicabilia the issues thereof from the time when they were
taken into the king's hands.
May 11. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
Cowick. meddle further with the manor of Bolton, co. Westmoreland, and to restore
the issues thereof, as the king learns bj' inquisition taken by the escheator
that John de Derwentwater, the elder, on 11 September, in the 10th year
of the king's reign, enfeotfed John de Derwentwater, his younger brother,
of the said manor, and that the said John, the younger, continued his seisin
thereof until 1 May following, when John, the elder, died, and that the
manor was then taken into the king's hands by Robert de Sapy, then
16 EDWARD II. 647
1323. Membrane 8 — cont.
Cscheator this side Trent, because it was held by knight service of Ralph de
Craystiik, lately a minor in the king's wardship, as if John, the elder, had
been seised thereof at his death.
The like to Anthony de Lusci, in whose custody the manor is.
May 6. ^ To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to
\ork. intermeddle further with a messuage, a croft, and 2 acres of land in
Roderhame, and to restore the issues thereof, the escheator having certified the
king, in response to his order to certify him of the cause of the taking into
his hands of the lands that belonged to Peter del Rodes and Idonia hiswife
in Roderhame, that he had not taken into the king's hands any of their
lands in Roderhame, but that the executors of the will of Gilbert de
Stapelton, late escheator this side Trent, had delivered to him the said
messuage, croft and land, which belonged to Peter and Idonia, asserting
that they had been taken into the king's hands because Hugh Longeto, who
held certain lands in Weteley in socage as of the honour of Tykehill, had
enfeoffed Peter and Idonia of tlie said messuage, croft, and land, which are
held of the abbot of Rufford and not of the king in chief.
To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay to the executors of the
will of Henry le Caukour the arrears nf the sum of 53i. 15s. 8c/., which the
king lately ordered them to pay to him for divers goods taken from him by
Walter de Wynton[ia] for the works at Beaumaris castle in the late king's
time, according to the tenor of the king's writ of liberate at the exchequer,
as Henry died before he had been paid in full.
May 4. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. William, archbishop of
York. York, has shown to the king that, althougli all the spiritual and temporal
goods pertaining to the archbishopric in the province of York and iu the
dioceses of Lincoln and Winchester and elsewhere in the realm had been
taxed at 2,000 marks by the bishops of Lincoln and Winchester, collectors
of the tenth for six years imposed upon the English church by pope
Nicholas IV., and the archbishop and his predecessors have paid according
to that taxation to tenths and other quotas touching the goods of the clergy,
as well in aid of the Holy Land as for the use of the late and the present
kings, the treasurer and barons, because they found in the account of the
prior of Thurgarton, collector in the archdeaconry of Nottingham of a
moiety granted to the late king by {et) the clergy in the 23rd year of his
reign, after the sum total wherewith the collector is charged according to the
particulars delivered by him, an annotation that ' besides the 8/. for a
moiety of the church of Kynaldestowe, in the deanery of Byngham, which
belongs to the archbishop of York, and the moiety whereof is not contained
within the sum total aforesaid by the ordinance made by the bishops of
Lincoln and London {sic), wherefore the archbishop ought to answer ;' and
because they found in the account of the abbot and convent of St. Peter's
Gloucester, collectors of the said moiety in the diocese of Worcester,
a similar note that ' besides 18/. 13*. 2\d. for a moiety of the temporalities
of the archbishop of York in the manor of Chirchedone with its members,
the taxation whereof is not contained in the rolls of particulars,' and
because the said abbot and convent, collectors in the said diocese of
the tenth of the clergy granted to the late king in the 24th year of his reign,
charged themselves in their account with 74*. 7f f/. for a tenth of the
temporal goods of the archbishop iu the manor of Chirchedone and its
members, the taxation whereof is not contained in the rolls of particulars ;
1323. Membrane 7 — cont.
and because in the rolls of particulars of tiie taxation of the spiritual ami
temporal goods of the clergy in the archdeaconries of Lincoln, Stowe, and
Leicester and the deanery of Rutland, delivered to the exchequer by the prior
and convent of St. Katherine vpithout Lincoln, collectors of the aforesaid
moiety and tenth in the said archdeaconries and deanery, it is contaiued,as it i.i
said, that the archbishop has temporalities in the deaneries of Langhowe Boby,
Helpeslawe (sic), and Wraghowe, which are taxed at 19/. 14s. 4(i.; and because
in the rolls of the particulars of the taxation of spiritual and temporal goods
of the clergy of the archdeaconries of York, Clyveland, the East Riding, the
cathedral church of York, the collegiate church of Beverley, the spirituality
of Houedenshireand Alvertonshire, delivered to the exchequer by the abbot
of St. Mary's York, collector of the aforesaid moiety and tenth in the above
archdeaconries, etc., it is found that the portion cf Walter le Botiller, who
has the archbishop's corrody in the hospital (bedernci) of Beverley is taxed
at 10 marks, the treasurer and barons exact from the archbishop by summons
of the exchequer the aforesaid 8/., 18/. 13s. 1\d., 74s. 7frf., and 9/. I7s. Id.
for a moiety of the said 19Z. 13s. A.d. (sic), and 39s. 5d. for the said lenth in
the 24th year aforesaid, although these amounts had been inserted erron-
eously in the particulars and accounts aforesaid, and also exact divers sums
for the other tenths and quotas of the clergy granted to the late and the
present kings according to the said rolls and particulars, to the great
damage of the archbishop, especially as the said Walter le Botiller had the
corrody in the hospital of Beverley by demise from the archbishop of York
for the time being, and the other temporalities and churches are and have
been from time out of mind parcels of the possessions pertaining to the
archbishopric and are included in the taxation of the aforesaid 2,000 marks,
for which the late and present kings were fnlly satisfied for the tenths and
other quotas ; the king therefore orders the treasurer and barons to
discharge the archbishop of the afoi'esaid sums, if they find by the original
register of the taxations of goods of the clergy made by the said bishops of
Lincoln and Winchester or by inquisition or otherwise that the aforesaid
sums are contained in the taxation of the said 2,000 marks, and to cause the
particulars aforesaid to be corrected.
May 11. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
Cowick. meddle further with a bovate of land and certain tenements in Kynthorp,
and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by
the escheator that Roger Mansergh and Petronilla his wife held the bovate
jointly on the day of Roger's death of the king in chief as of the honour of
Pykeryng by the serjeanty of beiug the king's forester in the forest of
Pykeryng and by the service of 20s. yearly, and that Roger held on the said
day certain tenements in the aforesaid town of Petronilla's inheritance of the
king in chief as of the honour aforesaid by the aforesaid service, and that
Alice, Roger's daughter, is his next heir, and is aged eleven, and that Roger
held no lands in chief as of the crown at his death by reason whereof the
custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king.
May 9. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Whereas lately, upon its
Cowick. being found by inquisition taken by John de Lancastre and Gilbert de
X Syngelton, that Margery, late the wife of Roger de Pylkynton, was
enfeoffed jointly with the said Roger, by a fine levied before the justices of
the Bench in the octaves of the Purification, in the 1 3th year of the king's
reign, between Adam Broun of Pylkynton and the aforesaid Roger and
Margery, of two parts of the manors of Ptlkynton and Chetham, to have
to them and the heirs of their bodies, and by another fine levied in like
manner in fifteen days from Michaelmas, in the aforesaid year, between John
son of Tliomas de Parva Preston and the aforesaid Roger and Margery of
a third of the manors aforesaid, and of a sixth of the manor of Barton, and
1323. Membrane 7 — cont.
of a seventli of the manor of Crompton, to have to them and the heirs of their
bodies, and that Margaret •^^'aR enfeoffed jointly with Roger of 20 acres of land
in Faruewodeby John sou of John le(4'!c)Levre,in the lOthyear of the king's
reign, and of a messuage and 10 aeres of land and a moiety of a waste in Gi'eat
Levre by Robert son of Roger de Middeltou, in the fourth year of the king's
reign, and of a messuage and an acre of land in Humersfeld by Robert le
Lyster of Milnehouse, in the lOih year of the reign, and of a messuage and
five acres of land in Spotlond by AVilliani del Grenebotlies, in the 8th year
of the king's reigu, and that Margaret continued her joint seisin of the
manors and lands from the time of the feoii'ments until Roger was taken for
bis alleged adherence to certain rebels, without any change of her estate,
and that the manors and lands arc held of others than the king, the king
ordered John Travers, keeper of the lands of certain rebels in co. Lancaster,
not to intermeddle further with the aforesaid manors and lands, and to
restore the issues thereof to Margery ; and the king now,learns from the com-
plaint of Adam de Swylinton, who has married the said Margery, and of
Margery, that although the said keeper amoved the king's hand from the
manors aud lands aforesaid and delivered the issues to Margery, the sherifE
of that county distrains Adam and Margery in the said manors and lands l)y
reason of a fine of 200/. that lloger made with the king for his trespass
aforesaid after the levying of the fines and feofi'ments 'aforesaid ; the king
therefore orders the treasurer and barons to cause the demand for the said
sum upon Adam and Margery from the said manors and lands to be super-
seded entirely, provided that the money be levied from the other lands that
beloaged to R,oger on the day when he adhered to the rebels.
May 12. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. As the king wills that all
Cowick. his bailiwicks and lands and other things whatsoever in North Wales that
ought to be let at ferm, and for which the chamberlain of North Wales
ought to answer in his account, siiall be demised at the exchequer of
Kaernarvan and not elsewhere, in the presence of the justice of Wales, or
him who supplies his place in North Wales, and of the chamberlain of
North Wales, and of the king's controller there, and that the securities
for the ferms shall be admitted at the exchequer of Kaernarvan aud there
enrolled, and the king has ordered Edmund, earl of Arundel, justice of
Wales, or him who supplies his place in North Wales, and Robert Peer,
the chamberlain, to cause the premises to be observed so far as pertains to
them, the king signifies the same to the treasurer and barons, so that they,
having consideration thereof, may cause what ought to be done in this
behalf for the king's profit to be done the more circumspectly. By C.
|May 13. To the sheriff of Essex, Order to cause a coroner for that county to
Bothwell. be elected in place of Ralph Paynel, deceased.
May 11. To Edmund, earl of Arundel, justice of Wales, or to him who supplies
Cowick. his place. Order to cause Robert Power, whom the king has appointed
chamberlain of North Wales, to have the keys, rolls, and other things
touching his office, together with the money and other things of the king
in the custody of Adam de Wetenhale, late chamberlain, by the view and
testimony of men of those parts by indenture, the king having ordered
the said Adam, or him who supplies his place, to dehver the keys, rolls,
etc., to Robert, as the king understands that the said Adam, or he who
supplies his place in that office, is not found in those parts to deliver the
office to Robert. By K. on the information of the treasurer.
May 12. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyoud Tient. Order not to
Cowick. intermeddle further with a messuage and four shops in London that be-
longed to Master Jordan Moraunt, and to restore the issues thereof, as
the escheator has returned that Jordan was seised thereof at his death in
■[323. Membrane 7 — cont.
liis demesue as of fee, and tliat the esclieator took them into the king's
hands because he understood that Jordan held other lands in chief by
reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to have pertained to the
king, and it appears by a subsequent inquisition that Jordan held the
messuage and shops of the king as a burgage of the city aforesaid without
doing anything therefor, and that he held no other lands of the king or of
any inheritance in the king's hands.
May 17. To Robert de Huugerford, keeper of certain of the rebels' lands' in
Eothwell. CO. Oxford. Order to restore to John Mauduyt his lands, which were taken
into the king's hands upon his late rebellion, as the king has, at the request
of Hugh le Despenser, earl of Winche.ster, and Hugh \e Despenser, the
younger, pardoned the said John 600 marks of the 1,000 marks in which he
made fine with the king for his life and lands, and John has found security
to pay the remaining 500 marks to the king at his will, as the earl has
signified to the king.
June 4. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit John of
Bishopthorpe. the said 500 marks thus pardoned to him. By p.s.
May 15. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to distrain
Rothwell. William de Tweng, son of Marmaduke de Tweng, for his homage, and
not to intermeddle further with the fojlowing lands, which he has taken
into the king's hands by reason of Marmaduke's death, and to restore the
issues thereof, the king learning by inquisition taken by the escheator that
Marmaduke long before his death granted to William for life, by the king's
licence, certain lands in Helsj'ngton and Kyrkeby in Keudale, Warton
and Kerneforth Hell . . ., Katerhale, Esseton, Stodehagh, Tyrom, and
Eotheclif, which Marmaduke formerly held in chief by knight service,
and that William was seised thereof long before Marmaduke's death, and
that Marmaduke held in his demesne as of fee the manor of Holm in
Holderuesse of the chapter of St. John's Beverley, and that he did not
hold any lands of the king at his death by reason whereof the custody of
his lands ought to pertain to the king, and that VvlUiam is his son and
heir and is of full age, as the king has taken William's homage for the
lands that Marmaduke formerly held of the king.
May 9. To the sheriffs of London. Order to arrest the goods and merchandise
Cowick. of the men of the town of St. Omer to the value of 200/., and to keep
the same safely until Hugh le Tygheler of Lincoln, merchant, have been
satisfied for that sum, or until further orders, certifying the king of the
goods arrested by them, the king having frequently written to the
mayor and echevins of that town to cause payment of the above sum to
be made to Hugh, who complained to the king that he delivered 200/.
sterling to William Bondeleti, changer of that town, to exchange, so that
William should pay them to Hugh at London in like money at Whitsuntide,
in the I5th year of the king's reign, and that the mayor and echevins of that
town mainperned for William for all things touching the exchange, and that
William secretly left the town without satisfying Hugh ; to which the
mayor and echevins replied that Hugh had delivered the said money to the
said William their changer, and that they were bound to Hugh for payment
thereof, and that they would pay him the same together with his damages in
honour of the king ; but, as they desired to defer payment for a long time,
the king afterwards requested them to satisfy Hugh for the said sum and
his damages without delay, so that it might not behove the king to provide
another remedy for Hugh; and the letters containing this request were
delivered to the mayor and echevins by Walter le Taverner of Lincoln, by
whom Hugh sent the letters, when the mayor and echevins scorned and tore
the said letters, and did nothing in response, as appears by the letters
1323. Membrane 7 — cont.
testimouial of (he mayor and community of Lincoln ; wherefore Hugli has
prayed the king to provide him with a remedy. By C.
May 17. To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to cause a verderer for the
Eothwell. forest of Whitlewode to be elected in place of Simon de Falewesle, who is
incapacitated by illness and infirmity.
May 12. Walter son of John le Barboiir of Dene, imprisoned at Kyngeston-on-HuU
Cowick. for the death of Richard de Bolton near Wy, slain at Kyngeston, has letters
to the sheriff of York to bail him until the first assize.
May 17.
May 20.
May 24.
Membrane 6.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to tlio
executors of the will of Nicholas Dengayne, late sheriff of Essex, what
Nicholas paid out of the issues of his bailiwick to Elizabeth, late the wife
of Roger Daumori, whilst she was staying iu the abbey of Berkyng' by the
king's ordinance, by virtue of the king's letters of privy seal addressed to
him, the executors having shewn the king tliat the treasurer and barons
defer allowing them in their account 74/., which Nicholas paid to the said
To Master John Walewan (sic), escheater beyond Trent. Order to cause
John de Bohun, son and heir of James de Bohun, tenant in chief, to have
seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age before the escheator
and the king has taken his homage. By p.s. [6533.]
The like to Waiter de la Pull, escheator of Ireland.
To William de Barton, the elder. Order not to intermeddle with the
office of controller of the custom in the towns and ports of Kyngeston-on-
Hull and Ravenser, wliich the king lately granted to him, and to return his
commission to chancery to be cancelled, as the king had previously granted
the office to Hamo Quarel.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Simon
Warde, out of the debts due from him for the time when he was sheriff
of York, 100 marks in arrear for Michaelmas and Easter terms last of the
100 marks yearly from the exchequer granted to him by the king on 3 July,
in the 8th year of the reign.
To the sheriff of Northampton. Order to pay to John de Feuwyk
40 marks for Martinmas and Whitsun terms last of the 40 marks yearly
from the issues of that county granted to him by the king.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with 6 acres of meadow in Haughele called ' Le Pissh-
pondmede,' and to restore the issues thereof to the abbot of Hayles, as the
king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Edmund, late earl of
Cornwall, enfeoffed the abbot's predecessor thereof in frankalmoin long
before the publication of the statute of mortmain, and that the abbot and
convent of that place have hitherto continued their seisin thereof from the
time of the feoffment, and that the earl at the time of the feoffment held the
meadow of the earl marshal, the escheator having taken the meadow into
the king's hands under the pretence that the abbot had acquired it after the
publication of the said statute.
May 2S. To James de Broghton, keeper of the lands of certain rebels in
Bishopthorpe. co. Gloucester. Order to deliver to Avelina, late the wife of John Griffard
of Brimmesfeld, the manor of King's Stanleye in that county, and the
issues thereof, together with the advowson of the church, taking from her
May 28.
3^323. Membrane 6 — cont.
the fealty due to tlie king, saving to the king the reversion of the manor
and advowson after her death, as the king, on 18 April, in the 8th year of
his reign, in consideration of a fine made by the aforesaid John, pardoned
him and the said Avelina their trespass in acquiring the manor and
advowson from Almaric le Despenser, who held them in chief, without the
king's licence, and he granted that they should have the manor and advowson
to them and the heirs of John, and it is found by an inquisition taken by
John de Hampton and John de Fosse that Avelina was enfeoffed thereof
jointly with the aforesaid Jolin by the said Almaric at the feast of
St. Leonard, in the fifth 5'ear of the king's reign, and that she continued
her seisin jointly with John until the king caused the manor and advowson
to be taken into his hands by reason of John's rebellion, and that John and
Avelina did not change their estate therein at any time, and that the manor
and advowson are held in chief by the service of a moiety of a knight's fee.
June 5. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. The proctor of the abbot
Bishopihorpe. and convent of Citeaux has shewn to the king certain of the pope's letters
under bulls containing that, at the suit of the abbot and convent, suggesting
that the rents and profits of the parish churcli of Soardeburgh, which is
appropriated to them, do not exceed the yearly value of 60 marks, and
tliat the church has been taxed immoderately in the payment of tenths and
the like imposed upon the English churches, as if the rents and profits
amounted to the yearly value of 160 marks, the pope ordered certain persons
to ascertain the true value of the yearly rents of the church, and to cause a
moderate taxation to be made accoi-dingly, and to ordain that the church or
the abbot and convent or their proctors shall be bound to pay to tenths or
the like according to such taxation, and that they shall not be henceforth
compelled to pay according to the previous immoderate taxation ; and the
executor of the pope's letters has ascertained by inquisition that the fruits,
rents, and profits of the church have decayed from many causes, that they
did not then and had not for a long time exceeded the yearly value of
60 marks, and has accordingly taxed the church and its fruits at 60 marks
sterling, and has ordained under certain pains that the church or abbot and
convent or their proctors shall be bound to pay to tenths and the like
according to such taxation, as is contained by the process in the matter
sealed by Eigaud, late bishop of Winchester, who was deputed with others
by the pope for this matter; the king orders the treasurer and barons to
cause the old taxation of 160 marks to be extracted from the rolls of
taxation, and to cause the taxation of 60 marks to be enrolled, and to
receive from the abbot and convent the tenth for two years imposed upon
the clergy and other tenths, contributions, and impositions touching that
church according to the taxation of 60 marks.
To Thomas Deyvill, keeper of the castle and honour of Pontefract.
Order not to molest William de Crull of Swyntiet by reason of the security
that the king lately ordered the keeper to take from him to answer for the
value of his goods and chattels in case they were adjudged to the king, and
to acquit him and his pledges, as it appears by the record of the process
before the steward and marshals of the king's household concernmg the
death of William son of James de Swynflet, WiUiam his son, and Thomas
son of William le Littester of Iloueden, wherewith William de Crull was
charged, that the said William did not make flight.
June 8. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to release from prison John
Cowick. Clyve, parson of the church of Warneford, Eleanor la Rous of Shirfeld,
John Gille of Alleresford, clerk, John atte Dene, and Henry de la Wodecote,
and to restore to them their goods, upon their finding mainpernors to have
them before the king to answer to him, the king having frequently ordered
1323. ' Membrane 6 — cont.
the sheriff to cause them to be replevied unless they had been taken by
special order from the king or his chief justice, or for the death of a man,
or for a forest offence, or for any other charge {retto) for which they are
not repleviable, and the sheriff has returned that John, Eleanor, John and
John were indicted before John de Sancto Johanne, keeper of the peace in
that county, for aiding and counselling the assault upon Odyham castle, and
that Henry was indicted for the assault thereof, and that they were therefore
taken and imprisoned by order of the said John de Sancto Johanne, as it
has been shewn to the king on their behalf that they were indicted of the
premises maliciously, and that they are prepared to stand to right concerning
all these matters, and they have prayed the king to provide them with a
remedy. By C.
To John de Sancto Johanne, keeper of the peace in the said county.
Order to deliver to the aforesaid John, Eleanor, John, John and Henry,
all their goods, taken into the king's hands by him and his ministers for the
above reasons, so soon as ihe sheriff have certified hina that they have found
mainprize. By C.
June 9. To Thomas Deyvill, keeper of the honour of Pontefract and of other lands
Cowick, in CO. York. Order not to intermeddle with the church of Cameshale or its
appurtenances, and to restore the issues thereof to Michael de Meldi>n,
parson of the same, as it was not the king's intention that the church, which
is a eurated ecclesiastical benefice, should be taken into his hands when he
ordered the keeper to take into his hands the lands and goods of the said
Michael for certain trespasses. By C.
To Richard de Muscle, receiver of the castle and honour of Pontefract.
Order to restore to the aforesaid Michael the issues received by him from
the said church. By C.
.June 3. To the sheriff of Lancaster. Order to restore the victuals provided by
Bishopthorpe. Robert de Leyburn, late sheriff of that county, in e;ecution of the king's order
to provide victuals for the Scotch war, to the men from whom the victuals
were taken, by the view of Roger de Kendale, king's clerk, as Robert pro-
vided a great part of the victuals that he was ordered to provide and carry
to Skynburnese, and the victuals are in the custody of certain men of tliat
county at Weryngton, Hoton, Graunge, and Liverpol castle, the king
learning from the men that they have not been satisfied for the victuals thus
taken, and a truce with the Scots having been agreed upon until 12 June
next and from then for thirteen years. By C.
Membrane 5.
May 18. To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
Rothwell. meddle further with the lands of Simon, now abbot of Aumale, and to restnrc
the issues thereof, which he has taken into the king's liands by reason of the
voidance of the abbey by the death of Nicholas, the last abbot, as it appears
by the late king's rolls of chancery that he, on 2 June, in the 13th year of
his reign, rendered the lands of the abbey in England to Hugh, then abbot
of Aumale, claiming nothing of the issues uf the lands, and ordered Thomas
de Normanvill, then escheator this side Trent, and Master Henry de Bray,
then escheator beyond Trent, to restore all the issues of the lands to the
abbot without delay, because he learned by the testimony of the said
escheators that the abbot held his lands in England of the feoffment of the
earl of Albemarle and not otherwise of the king in chief, which lands had
been taken Into his hands upon the death of William, sometime abbot of
The like to Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent.
May 18.
May 23.
May 21.
May 16.
Membrane 5 — cont. v
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to pay to Selivus
Suusse, burgess and merchant of Lenne, or William March, his attorney,
73/. Qs. 8d., which the king owes to him for 20 lasts of Norway herrings,
price 734-. 4d. a last, bought from him for the munition of the king's castles
and towns in Scotland, as appears by a bill under the seal of the chamberlain
of Scotland, dated 2 April, in the third year of the reign, out of 52Z. 19s. 7d.,
which certain sub-taxors and collectors iu the parts of Merskland, co. Norfolk,
of the eighteenth were convicted of concealing at the suit of the said attorney,
who was prosecuting at the cost of Selivus, before Walter de Norwioo and
his fellows, the justices appointed to enquire into the premises, and out of
32/. 6s. 8d. imposed upon the said sub-taxors and collectors for their fines
and amercements, the said Selivus having requested the king to cause him
to be satisfied from the said money if the sub-taxors and collectors were con-
victed upon his prosecution in the king's name. The king makes this order
at the request of Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke. By K.
To the sheriflF of Cumberland. Order to cause a coroner for that county
to be elected in place of John de Laton, deceased.
To the same. Order to cause a coroner to be elected in place of John de
Warewyk, who is incapacitated by illness and age.
To the sheriff of York. Order to deliver John de Apelton, imprisoned at
York for the death of Thomas de Hodeswell, in bail to twelve mainpernors
who shall undertake to have him before the justices at the first assize in
those parts if any one will speak against him, as the king learns by the
record of John de Donecastre and his fellows, justices to deliver York
gaol, that John slew the said Thomas in self-defence.
To Robert de Gaddesby, keeper of forfeited and other lands in the king's
hands in co. Leicester. Whereas the king lately ordered the keeper to cer-
tify him of the reason for taking the hamlets of Glen, Bhikfordeby, and
Assheby in the manor of Assheby-la-Zousche into the king's hands, and the
keeper has certified that he took the service of certain free tenants of the
hamlets aforesaid, which pertain to the said manor, into the king's hands
because he was given to understand that Robert de Holand had the said
services on the day of his forfeiture, and that William la Zousche said, at
the time when they were taken into the king's hands, that he was seised of
the services of the said tenants ; whereupon the king appointed certain of
his subjects to make enquiry in the keeper's presence concerning this
matter, by whose inquisition it is found that Alan la Zousche was formerly
seised of the aforesaid manor with all appurtenances, and that he after-
wards granted it to William Por, chaplain, by virtue of which grant the
said William Por was seised of the manor and the services of all ttie
free tenants of the hamlets of Glen, Blakfordeby, Alton, Overton, Ravenes-
ton and Assheby, as pertaining to the aforesaid manor, and that the said
William Por afterwards granted the manor and appurtenances to the afore-
said Alan by fine levied in the king'; court, to hold ibr life, with remainder
to William la Zousche and the heirs of his body, with remainder, in default
of heirs, to the right heirs of Alan, and that Alan was seised all his life of
the manor with the services of all the free tenants of the aforesaid hamlets,
as pertaining to the said manor, and after his death William la Zousche
entered the manor by virtue of the said fine, and all the free tenants of the
aforesaid hamlets attorned themselves to William for the fealties and services
pertaining to the aforesaid manor, and lie was seised thereof at the time
of the said Robert de Holand's forfeiture, to wit 20 December last, upon
Avhich day the keeper took into the king's hands the services of certain free
tenants of the manor, to wit William Truan, William Grunnesone, and
Robert Persone and Edith his wife for certain lands in the hamlets afore-
said, and also took into the king's hands three virgates of land, 40s. of rent,
X323. Membrane 5 — cont.
and a sixth of a mill in Glen in name of wardship by reason of the
minority of Reginald son of Herbert, whose service pertains to the manor
aforesaid, and it is found by the aforesaid inquisition that at the time when
William la Zousche was in seisin of the manor aforesaid and of the services
of all the tenants of the aforesaid hamlets, as pertaining to the manor, the
aforesaid Robert de Holand distrained the aforesaid William, William,
Robert Person and Edith until they had likewise made fealty to him, but
that he carried away no profit from their services, and that the said tenants
did not cease doing their services to the said William la Zousche by reason
of the fealty made to Robert de Holand ; the king therefore orders the
keeper not to intermeddle further with the aforesaid services or with the
custody of the said heir, and to permit William la Zousche to have such
estate in the premises as he had in the time of the aforesaid Robert de
Holand from the time when they were taken into the king's hands.
May 27. To the collectors in co. York of the scntage of the army of Scotland for
Bishopthorpe. the fourth year of the king's reign. Order to supersede the demand made
upon Thomas Ughtred in the manor of Bentle, which belonged to Payn de
Tybetot,, tenant in chief, by reason of the minority of Payn's heir, whose
custody the king committed to Thomas, for the scutage for the army afore-
said during the said custody ; provided that the scutage of the knights' fees
held of the heir be levied for the king's use.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
dower to he assigned to Idonia, late the wife of John Gerund, tenant in
chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence.
To John le Porter, keep(^r of the lands of certain rebels in co. Essex.
As it is found by an inquisition taken by John de Liston and Robert de
Assheleye that William de la Haye demised to Hugh Daudele, the
younger, his manor of Grenestede, in the aforesaid county, and the advow-
son of that manor, excepting a soUer over the gate and a chamber with a
stable of the same manor, for the term of three years from Michaelmas, in
the 14th year of the king's reign, on condition that Hugh paid him 12d. a
day whenever he was attending to his own affairs, and if he stayed with
Hugh, that Hugh should find him suitable food in his house, together with
the maintenauce of two grooms and the allowance for two horses in hay, shoes
(/erar'), and a bushel of oats uightly for the said horses, and two suitable
robes for William yearly, and candle and drink for his chamber nightly, and
that William received the premises from Hugh from Michaelmas aforesaid
until St. James the Apostle following, and that the manor and advowson
are held of the honour of Gloucester by the service of a quarter of a
knisht's fee, and that William made no other estate to Hugh or to any one
else of the aforesaid manor and advowson, and that the manor and advow-
son, with the above exceptions, were taken into the king's hands by reason
of Hugh's rebellion, the king orders the keeper to pay to William the
arrears of the said 12d. daily and two robes yearly for the time that he
has had the custody of the manor. If the issues of the manor are insuf-
ficient to pay the above, he is ordered to deliver the manor to William
to be held by him until the king shall otherwise order.
June 3. To the sheriff of York; Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
Bishopthorpe. elected in place of Robert de Waddcslee, deceased.
June 1.
May 28.
June 5. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to pay to Aymer de Valencia
Bishopthorpe. earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest beyond Trent, 1501., to wit 100/.
for Michaelmas and Easter terms in the 14th year of the king's reio-n and
.50/. for Michaelmas term then next following, for his yearly fee of 100/. for
that office.
1323. Membrane 5 — cont.
The like in the earl's favour for 50/. for Easter term, in the 15th year.
The like for 100/. for Michaelmas and Easter terms last.
May 1 . To the treasurer and barons. Order to allow to Master John Walewayn,
Eothwell. escheator beyond Trt-nt, in his account 25/., which he paid to Richard le
Mareschal, in accordance with the king's order of 3 April last to pay
Richard, who had been ruined {totaliter destructus) by the Scots, tliat sum
for Michaelmas term last, the king having granted Richai'd 50/. yearly from
the issues of the escheatorship beyond Trent.
Like order to allow the escheator 25/., paid by him to Richard for Easter
term last.
June 5. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
Bishopthorpe. dower to be assigned to Cicely, late the wife of Richard le Botyller, tenant
in chief, upon her taking oath not to marry without the king's licence.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with a bovate of land of Walter de Harum in Hornese-
burton, and to restore the issues thereof, the escheator having returned that
Walter, who held the land of the king as of the honour of Albemarle,
alienated it to Richard de Pouell for the term of Richard's life without the
king's licence, and that Richard was lately beheaded for felony, when the
escheator took the land into the king's hajids, as the king does not consider
it consonant with right that the land should be taken into his hand aftei-
Richard's death by reason of the latter's trespass.
To Roger Carles, keeper of certain lands in co. Hereford. Order to
deliver to Alesia, late the wife of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster"; all the
corn, hay, and grass growing in the manor of Upleden, the king having, on
10 July last, granted to her all the corn, hay, and grass growing in the
manor of Clifford in Wales, which manor he had rendered to her after it
had been taken into his hands after the earl's death, and the king having
afterwards ordered the keeper to deliver to her the manor of Upleden upon
her shewing that it was appurtenant to the said manor of Clifford, as the
king now understands that the manor of Upleden pertains to the manor of
Clifford, and has been delivered to Alesia by the keeper.
To the chamberlain of North Wales. Order to pay to Giles de Bello
Campo, constable of Beaumaris castle and sheriff of Kaernarvan, the arrears
of his fee from the time of the chamberlain's appointment, and to continue
paying the same.
To the same. Order to pay to the Scotch prisoners in the castle the
arrears of their wages from the time of his appointment, and to continue
paying the same.
Membrane 4.
June 6. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Drogo
Bishopthorpe. Barentyn, sheriff of Oxford and Berks, his expenses up to 7/. 6.«. ?>d., which
he expended by order of Edmund, earl of Kent, Hugh, earl of Winchester,
and Richard Damory. steward of the king's household, whom the king
appointed to take into his hands Walyngford castle, which was lately held
against the king, and by the view and testimony of the said steward, to wit
on 27 January last 14rf. for the wages of seven footmen sta3-ing in the
castle with the said steward, each taking 2d. a day ; 4/. 19*. Qd. from the
said day until 14- Febi-uary, being eighteen days, for the wages of twenty-
three footmen staying in the same castle ; 19*. Qd. from 11 February to
16 EDWAED 11.
1323. Membrane 4 — cont.
23 of the same month, being nine days, for the wages of thirteen footmen
staying in the castle ; and Qs. 4d. for the wages of four men for seven days
bringing Thomas de Fencote, a prisoner, from the castle to the king, each
taking 4d. a day ; 6s. for the hire of a horse for the said prisoner ; 4s. 4d. for
the maintenance of the prisoner and horse for the said seven days ; 6s. 8d. for
the wages of the said four men returning home for five days; and 20c?.
for the expenses of the horse returning for the same time.
June 10. To Robert de Stok, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
Cowick. CO. Warwick. Order to restore to Saer de Eocheford his lands, which were
taken into tlie king's hands for his adherence to the rebels, as he has made
fine with the king in 200 marks to save his life and lands, to be paid at the
exchequer on the morrow of Michaelmas next, on condition that if he do not
pay the fine then, his lands shall be resumed into the king's hands. By K.
The like to Alan de Cubledyk, keeper, etc., in co. Lincoln.
June 6. To Robert de Stok, keeper of the lands of certain rebels in co. Oxford.
Bishopthorpe. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of John de Scalbrok in
Little Hesele, and to restore the issues thereof to him, as John de Brumpton,
late sheriff of that county, has returned that he took the said lands into the
king's hands by the order of Hugh le Despenser, earl of Winchester, for a
trespass committed against the earl by the said John, the king not wishing
to do wrong to John in this behalf.
By the counsel and assent of the said earl.
June 10. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the
Cowick. exchequer to be transferred to Westminster, together with the rolls, tallies,
memoranda and all other things touching it, as the king wishes that it shall
be transferred thither, so that it be held there on the morrow of Michaelmas
next. They are ordered to cause all pleas touching the exchequer to be
attermined until the said morrow and afterwards, according to their
exigence. By K.
To the justices of the Bench. As the king wills that the Bench shall be
transferred to Westminster, so that it be held there in the octaves of
St. Hilary next, he orders the justices to hold and continue their sessions
in the present Trinity term and in Michaelmas term next at York, and to
adjourn the parties pleading before them, and who ought to be adjourned
after Michaelmas term, until the said octaves at Westminster and afterwards,
and to cause the premises to be proclaimed in the Bench. By K.
,Tnne 9. To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to pay to Katherinede Audele, recluse
Cowick. of Ledebury, 22^., the arrears of 30Z. yearly that the king ordered the
sheriflF, on 16 February, in the 15th year of his reign, to pay to her from
the issues of the lands that were in the custody of Peter de Lymesy in
Moninton and Dilewe, the sheriff having certified the king that he has paid
her 8/. only, and to pay to her the above sum yearly out of the said issues.
To the sheriff of Kent. Order to cause a coroner for that county to be
elected in place of William de Chimbeham, who is insufiiciently qualified.
June 18. To the sheriff of Devon. Order to release Eobert de Beaupel, the
Cowick. younger, knight, from prison at Exeter, as William Here ward, of that
county, and John de la Slo, of co. Somerset, have mainperned to have him
before the king when ordered to answer for his adherence to certain
To John Everard, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in co. Devon.
Order to deliver to the aforesaid Eobert his lands and goods, which were
taken into the king's hands for the above reason.
76416, T T
June 15.
June 14.
June 18.
June 12.
June 18.
June 13.
Membrane 4 — cont.
To Robert de Bures, keeper of the lands of certain rebels in co, Norfolk.
As it appears to the king by a transcript of a fine levied before William de
Bereford and his fellows, justices of the Bench, in the seventh year of his
reign, between Michael de Meledon, demandant, and John de Gyse and
Isabella his wife, deforciants, concernino- the manor of Tunstede and the
advowsons of the churches of that manor and of Rushtoii, and 80 acres of
pasture and 10s. lie?, of rent in Great Yarmouth and Goteshurde in
Frethorp near Okie, that John and Isabella acknowledged the tenements
and advowsons to be the right of Michael and released them to him, and
that Michael, in consideration of such release, granted them 20/. yearly
for their lives from the tenements, and Michael has acknowledged in chancery
that he paid the said 20/. yearly until the manor and lands were taken into
the king's hands ; the king therefore orders the keeper to pay the aforesaid
rent to John, together with the arrears thereof from the time when the
tenements were taken into the king's hands by Michael's forfeiture, and to
pay the rent so long as the tenements are in his hands. By C.
To Richard de Emeldon, mayor of Newcastle-on-Tyne, one of the keepers
in CO. Northumberland of the truce with the Scots. Order to permit John
de Walton of Baumburgh and William de Hevedrawe of Baumburgh to
buy 20 chaldrons {celdras) of sea-coal in Newcastle, and to carry them into
Scotland for the delivery of Roger son of the said John, and William son of
the said William, who were lately delivered as hostages to the Scots for certain
reasons, making letters patent of conduct for the said John and William.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Robert
Darcy 80 marks out of the issues of the bishop of Lincoln's castle and
manor of Sleford, in the king's hands for certain reasons and in Robert's
custody, the king having granted him that sum in consideration of his good
service. i By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to cause a coroner for that county
to be elected in place of Alexander de Ribbeton, lately elected, whom the
king has amoved from office for insufiicient qualification and unfitness.
To Robert de Leyburn. Order to pay to Anthony de Lucy 4/. yearly
from the mill of Egremound from the time when the mill was taken into
the king's hands upon the death of Thomas de Multon, and for so long as it
shall remain in Robert's custody, as the king learns by inquisition taken by
Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent, that Richard de Lucy was
seised in the time of Henry III. of the manors of Egremound, Aspatrik,
Caldebek, Brayquat, and Husacre, co. Cumberland, and that the inheritance
descended to Amabilla and Alice as his daughters and heiresses, and was
divided between them in the said king's court, and that the said 4/. yearly
were assigned to Alice, ancestor of the said Anthony, of whom he is the heir,
until exchange should be made with her or her heirs of land or rent to that
value by the said Amabilla, ancestor of John de Multon, son of the said
Thomas, a minor in the king's wardship, or by her heirs, and that Anthony
and his ancestors were seised of the rent from the time of the partition until
the day of Thomas's death.
To John de Donecastre, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
Wakefeld. ' As it is found by an inquisition taken before Richard de
Musele by the king's order that the priors of Lewes and the convent of the
same place were wont to receive from time out of mind a rent of 21/. yearly
for a tithe of the earl "Warenne's rents from his lands in co. York by the
hands of his receiver at Wakefeld, by grant from the earl, and that the
present prior of Lewes and the convent of the .'^arae received the aforesaid
rent all the time when it and the aforesaid lands were in the hands of
Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, by the hands of William de Acworth, the
Membrane 4 — cont.
late receiver of the said earl Thomas at Wakefeld, until the lands came to
the king's hands by the earl's forfeiture, and that the present prior and
convent granted to Master Albertinus Eogerii de Pistor[iis]. and John de
Tryple for five years their manors, churches and lands of Halyfax,
Conynggesburgh, and Braythewell, in the diocese of York, with all fruits,
rents, Terms, tithes, pensions of churches and vicars, etc., and all other
appurtenances pertaining to the prior and convent in that diocese : the king
orders the keeper to pay to Albertinus and John the arrears of the afore-
said rent from the time of the keeper's appointment, and to pay them the
same rent henceforth until further orders. By C.
The like to the aforesaid Eichard, the king's late receiver, to pay the rent
for the time of his office.
June 15. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to
Cowick. Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent, for the money paid by him to
Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, by virtue of the king's order of
25 April, in the 15th year of his reign, to pay to the earl the portion due
from the lands of the heir of Gerard Salvayn, tenant in chief, a minor in
the king's wardship, of the yearly rent of 30/. that the earl ought to
receive, as the heir of Dionisia de IMonte Caniso, by virtue of a fine levied
before Ralph de Heifgham and his fellows, then justices of the Bench,
between the said Gerard and Hugh de Veer and the said Dionisia, his wife,
concerning 38 tofts, 39 bovates of land, 22 acres of meadow, 100 acres of
pasture, 60 acres of marsh, 'S9s. 4(1. of rent, and the rent of 1-^ lbs. of
pepper, and concerning an . eighth of five mills in 'Sixindale, Alburn,
Fosseton, Scoureburgh, Erghum, Beverley, Fyvele, Besewyk, Nafferton,
Luthorp, and Twyng, except the advowson of the church of Fosseton,
and from the manors of Killum and Bruuneby.
June 16. To the same. Order to allow to the aforesaid escheator 41. Os. 3d.,
Cowick. which the king, on 17 May, in the 15th year of his reign, received from
him in his chamber by the hands of Thomas de Usflet, king's clerk, for the
goods of certain contrariants sold by him.
Membrane 3.
June 4. To the sheriff of Buckingham. Order to cause a coroner for that
Bishopthorpe. county to be elected in place of Eichard de Kynebell, whom the king has
amoved from office for unfitness.
June 1 2. To the sheriif of Northampton, Order to expend up to 20/. in repairing
Cowick. the houses and other buildings within Northampton castle.
To Stephen de Segrave, constable of the Tower of London. Order to
deliver Alma, late the wife of John de Moubray, a late rebel, to Hugh le
Despenser, earl of Winchester, she being in the constable's custody in the
Tower, as the earl has mainperned to have her before the king at his
pleasure. By p.g.
June 10. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to restore
Cowick. to John Pippard the manors of Twyford and Lynford, taken into the king's
hands by him upon the death of Edmund le Boteler, as it appears by fines
levied before the justices of the Bench, in the third year of the king's reign,
between the said John and Edmund concerning the said manors that John
acknowledged the paanors to be the right of Edmund, and that Edmund, for
this acknowledgment, granted the manors to John for life, to wit to hold
the manor of Twyford of the king and the manor of Lynford of the chief
lords, which fines were shewn in chancery, and John afterwards demised
T T 2
1323. Membrane 3 — cont.
the manors to Edmund for a term of years for a yearly ferm, with power
for John to enter them and hold them for life in case Edmund failed to pay
the ferm, in exercise of which power John entered the manors long before
Edmund's death, and it appears by inquisition taken by the escheator that
John demised the manors as above to Edmund for a term of years at a
yearly rent of 40/., and that Edmund ceased to pay the rent for two years,
for which reason John entered the manors at the feast of St. Barnabas, in
the eighth year of the king's reign, and held them for seven years before
Edmund's death and until Martinmas, in the 15th year of the king's reign,
to wit for eight weeks after Edmund's death.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with four messuages, 5 tofts, and 20 bovates of land in
Hunmanby and Fulthorp, which Adam de Gaunt lately acquired from
Gilbert de Gaunt for life, and with 4 tofts and 10 bovates of land in the
same towns, which Adam and Agnes his wife lately acquired to them and
the heirs of their bodies from Juliana de Gaunt, sister and co-heiress of the
said Gilbert, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by
inquisition taken by the escheator that the tenements that Adam acquired
from Gilbert de Gaunt as above are held of Robert Marmyon by the service
of two ounces of silk yearly for all service and not of the king in chief, and
that the tenements that Adam and Agnes acquired from Juliana as above
are held of the said Eobert by the service of 2d. yearly for all services and
not of the king in chief, the escheator haviug taken the premises into the
king's hands because it was found by an inquisition of office taken by him
that they were held of the king in chief.
June 5. To E. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, late keeper of the king's
Bishopthorpe. wardrobe. Order to discharge Nicholas de Acton, king's clerk, in his
account to be rendered to the bishop, of 366 quarters and 3 bushels of
wheat and 26| pipes of wine of the corn and victuals that the king lately
caused to be provided for his use by Anthony Pessaigne of Genoa, which
Anthony caused to be brought to Sandwich, and which Nicholas received
from him by virtue of the king's commission and delivered to divers ships
to be taken to Berwick-on-Tweed and Newcastle-on-Tyne. as the king
learns by inquisition taken by Nicholas Kyryel, supplving the place of
Edmund, earl of Kent, constable of Dover castle and warden of the Cinque
Ports, that they were lost and disposed of as follows : to wit 8 quarters of
the 168 quarters of wheat loaded in Henry Dele's ship called ' ia Blith'
or Hamelhok were taken by the constable of Scardeburgh castle ; 7 quarters
of the 168 quarters of wheat loaded in William Hillary's ship called
' La Mariole ' of Sandwich were thrown into the sea by tempest ;
14^ quarters of the 132 quarters of wheat loaded in William Quinterel's
ship called ' La. Christine ' of Heth were thrown into the sea in like manner,
and one pipe of the 23 pipes of wines loaded in the said ship was expended
(posita) in oilage of the said pipes by reason of leakage (curisonem) ;
2 quarters and 6 bushels of the 227 quarters and 6 bushels of wheat loaded
in Henry Broun's ship called ' Zo Annate' of London, were rotten and
thrown into the sea, and one of the 17 pipes of wine loaded in the same
was expended in oilage and leakage ; 4 pipes of the 70 pipes of wines
loaded in William Cristemesse's ship called ' La Edmund ' of Heth were
expended in oilage and leakage by reason of tempest; 42 quarters of the
233 quarters of wheat loaded in Alexander Petismyth's ship called 'La
Seinte Mar^ielshipp' of Neuheth, which ship was driven to Denmark and
F'landers and returned to Sandwich, were thrown into the sea by the
aforesaid tempe.st ; the ship of Henry de Heth called 'La Seinte Mariesldpp '
of Heth was wrecked (periclitata) near Kyrkeley by storm, and of the
195 quarters of wheat and 14 pipes of wine loaded in her only 10^ quarters
June 11.
June 14.
1323. Membrane 3 — cont.
of ^heat and 12 pipes of wine were saved ; of the 100 pipes of wine loaded
in Peter Shipman's ship called ' La Seinte Marieshipp ' of Faversham six
pipes were expended in oilage and leakage by reason of the tempest ;
of 147 quarters of wheat loaded in Ealph le Palmer's ship called
' Xa Welywone' of Westminster, 23^ quarters of wheat were thrown into
the sea by reason of tempest; 45 quarters of the 263 quarters of wheat
loaded in Robert le Coteler's ship called 'Zo Blith' of Westminster were
thrown into the sea by tempest near Theshop ; of 95 quarters of wheat
loaded in John Payn's ship called ' La Palmere' of Wynchelse, 22 quarters
were thrown into the sea by tempest, and of the 22 pipes of wine loaded in
the same ship, 3 pipes were expended in oilage and leakage; of 80 quarters
of wheat loaded in John de Bredstr[ete]'s ship called ^ La Isabel' of London,
16^ quarters were thrown into the sea, and of the two pipes of wine loaded
in the same ship, two parts of a pipe were expended in oilage and leakage ;
of 60 pipes of wine loaded in John Stacy's ship called ' La Swalue ' of
Dover, four pipes were expended in oilage and leakage by the fury of the
sea; of 86 pipes of wiue loaded in John Lucas's ship called 'La Godyer'
of Westminster, 5 pipes of wine were expended in oilage and leakage by the
fury of the sea. He is also ordered to discharge Nicholas of the costs and
the freightages of the aforesaid ships. By 0.
To the chamberlain of Caernarvan. Order to repair the quay of Caer-
narvan, as the king is given to understand that it is broken down, to the
danger of the castle, and that the king is bound to repair and maintain it.
By C.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with the manor of Sutton-on-Derwent, which he has taken
into the kind's hands by reason of the death of Robert de Percy, and to
restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the
escheator that the said Robert and Beatrice his wife, who still survives,
held the manor jointly on the day of Robert's death by virtue of a fine
levied in the king's court, and it appears by inspection of the said fine made
in chancery that William de Ripon', chaplain, acknowledged the manor to
be Beatrice's right, and rendered it to Robert and her in court, to have to
them and to her heirs, .and that the manor is not held of the king.
June 12. To the same. Order to deliver to A^nes, late the wife of Thomas de
Cowick. Irby, the hamlets of Shaton and Stanger, parcels of the manor of Embel-
ton, which is held of the king in chief as of the honour of Cokermuth, and
to deliver to her the issues received therefrom since they were taken into
the king's hands by the escheator upon Thomas's death, as the king learns
by inquisition taken by the escheator that Thomas and Agnes acquired the
hamlets jointly from John de Kirkby, to them and the heirs of their bodies,
with remainder to the right heirs of Thomas, to hold of the king by fealty
and suit at the court of the honour, the king having pardoned Agnes her
trespass in acquiring the same without his licence, in consideration of a fine
made with hjm by her. By fine of 40s.
May 20. To Richard de Ehieldon, keeper of certain lands in the king's hands in
Bishopthorpe. the bishopric of Durham. Order not to intermeddle further with a
messuage in Durham, taken into the king's hands by reason of John Page's
rebellion, and to restore the issues received therefrom since John's death to
Dionisia, late the wife of the said John, as the king learns by inquisition
taken by the keeper that John de Colecestre, chaplain, Dionisia's father,
granted the messuage to John and Dionisia jointly, to them and her heirs,
and that the said John Page had no right in the messuage except for life,
and that the messuage is held of the bishop of Durham by the service of
20d. yearly, and by suit at the court of the borough of Durham. By C.
Vacated, because [the letters] were restored.
June 12.
June 16.
June 9.
June 14.
June 13.
June 20.
June 19.
June 12.
Co wick.
Membrane 3 — cont.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow the men
of Baamburgh, who have suffered many damages for some time by the
frequent comings of the Scots into those parts, respite until All Saints next
for all the debts due from them to the king. By C.
To Roger do Horsleye, constable of Baumburgh castle. Order to permit
the men of those parts lately staying in the castle for the protection of their
l)ydies and goods against the attacks of the Scots, to take and carry whither
they list the timber of their lodges (lor/iis) and their goods and chattels and
victuals in the castle and in the ditch and moat of the same. By C.
To Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with the manor of Ellerton, co. York, which he has taken
into the king's hands by reason of the death of Isabella de Lauceles, and to
restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken by the
escheator that Isabella held the manor at her death for life in fee-tail of the
inheritance of Avice, w;ire of Robert le Conestable, one of the daughters and
heirs of Roger de Lauceles, Isabella's late husband, and of Isabella, and of
the inheritance of Matilda, late the wife of Robert Tilliol, the second
daughter and heiress of Roger and Isabella, and of Ralph de Lauceles, kins-
man and third heir of Roger and Isabella, and that nothing of the manor
pertains to the king on this occasion by reason of the acquisition by Roger
Damory, a late rebel, of certain lands that Isabella held for life of the afore-
said inheritance, and that the manor is held of Ralph de Greystok.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
John Uengayne, son of Nicholas Dengayne, and kinsman and heir of John
Dengayne, tenant in chief, to have seisin of the land of the said John
his uncle, as he has proved his age before the escheator and the king
has taken his homage. By p.s. [6549.]
To the treasurer, barons, and chamberlains of the exchequer. Order to
cause to be enrolled in the rolls of the exchequer a roll containing divers
things concerning the state of the exchequer, which the king sends here-
with sub pede sigilli, and to cause them to be observed, the king and hi.s
council having ordained tbat they shall be observed in the exchequer and
outside it in matters touching the exchequer. The treasurer and chamber-
lains are ordered to pay the expenses in connexion therewith, such as shall
seem fit to them. By p.s.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to John
le Gras and Robert de Cliderhou, late keepers of the bishopric of Durham,
100^., which the king, on March 3, in the seventh year of his reign, ordered
them to pay out of the issues of the bishopric to W. late bishop of Wor-
cester, the king having granted that sum to him.
To the sheriiFof Devon. Order to expend up to 20/. in repairing the
chambers, houses and walls of Exeter castle, by the view and testimony of
Master Thomas de Witteneye and John de Shireford, parson of the church
of Mewy, viewers of the king's works there. By bill.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
intermeddle further with the lands of Richard son of Richard de Vernoun,
and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisition taken
by the escheator that he held nothing in chief of the king at his death
by reason whereof the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king.
The like to Thomas de Burgh, escheator this side Trent.
To the sheriif of Lincoln. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of Alan son of GeoiFrey de Pyncebek, whom the king
has amoved from office as he is incapacitated by age and illness.
June 20.
June 12.
June 26.
June 28.
June 28.
June 29.
June 29.
Membrane 2.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to
William de Hedersete and William de Rede, collectors of the custom in
the port of London, in their account for 21 6Z. 6s. Bd., which Henry Nasard
retained of the custom on his wool sent to parts beyond sea and of the loan
that he ought to have made thereon to the king, in execution of the king's
order to the collectors to allow Henry to retain money to this amount in
accordance with the king's grant of 4 June, in the 11th year of his reign,
in payment of 114/. 6s. 5d. for Henry's wages and robes of the time of
John de Drokenesford, keeper of the late king's wardrobe, and for cloth
bought from him for the use of Margaret, then queen of England, at
Boulton, in the 32nd year of the said king's reign, due to hira by an
account made with him in the wardrobe in February, in the 10th year of the
king's reign, and 102/. for cloth bought from him for the king's use, in the
9th year of the reign, by Ralph de Stokes, late keeper of the great ward-
robe, as appears by a bill of the said Ralph's.
To the same. Like order to allow to the said collectors 42/., paid by
them to Gilbert de Taunton, the king's saddler, in execution of the king's
order of 18 April last, for saddles, reins, and other things touching Gilbert's
office bought from him for the king's use during the 12th year of the reign,
as appears by a bill under the seal of Ralph de Stokes, then clerk of the
great wardrobe.
To L. bishop of Durham. Order to cause his castles of Norham and
Durham to be provisioned and guarded safely, as the king wills that the
castles in the marches of Scotlnnd shall be provisioned and guarded against
all contingencies, notwithstanding the conclusion of the truce with the
Scots. By K.
The like to the following :
Robert de XJmframvill, earl of Anegos, for his castle of Prodhou.
John de Claveryng' for his castle of Werkeworth.
Henry de Percy for his castle of Alnewyk.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to cause
John Byset, son and heir of John Byset, tenant in chief of the late king, to
have seisin of his father's lands, as he has proved his age before the
escheator and the king has taken his homage. By p.s. [6560.]
To all to whom, etc. Grant of licence to William de Rednesse of York
to give to John de Harpham, parson of the church of St. Denis in Walme-
gate, York, and to his successors, a messuage in York, which is held of the
king as a free burgage of the city of York by- the service of 2d. yearly for
gavel {gabulagium) and by rendering 6s. 8</. yearly to the prioress of
Wilberfo[sse] for all service, notwithstanding the statute of mortmain.
By a line of half [a mark].
Vacated, because on the Patent Roll.
To Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, keeper of the Forest beyond
Trent, or to him who supplies his place. Order to deliver the abbot of
Croyland, who is attached for trespass of vert in the king's wood of Gotesle
within the forest of Rokingham, upon his finding mainprize to have him
before the king at his pleasure. By K.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit Hugh de
Louthre of the 100s. due from him at Michaelmas next for the manor
of Harcla, co. Westmoreland, which belonged to Andrew de Harcla, a
late rebel, and which the king granted to Hugh for life for his good
service past and future, to be held of the king by the service of one knight's
1323. Membrane 2 — cont.
fee, to wit scutage when it runs, without doing any bodily service
therefor, and rendering yearly lOQs. at Michaelmas to the exchequer, as
the king has pardoned him the 100s. for Michaelmas next. By K.
July 3. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to acquit W.
York. archbishop of York of 100 marks received by him from the abbot and
convent of St. [Mary's] York as a loan to the king, and of 20 marks
received by him from the abbot and convent of Roche for a loan to the king,
and of 10 marks received by him from the abbot and convent of Jervaux
for a loan to the king, as the archbishop has shewn to the king that tliey
exact these sums from him by summons of the exchequer, although lie paid
them by the king's order to Gilbert de Bromle, then receiver of the king's
victuals at Carlisle, for the expedition of certain of the king's affairs, and
although John de Okham, cofferer of the wardrobe, who intermeddled by
the king's orders with the account of Ingelard de Warle, deceased, then
keeper of the wardrobe, certified the treasurer and barons that the said
Gilbert's executors had charged themselves with the above sums in their
account in the wardrobe.
July 4. To Adam de Stirkeland, keeper of the manor of Hathelsay, in the king's
York. hands. Order to repair the banks of the water of Aere in that manor.
July 2. To the same. Order to pay to brolher John de Rievall[e], a monk stay-
York, ing at the manor by the king's order, o\ marks yearly for his maintenance
for so long as he shall be there. By K.
July 3. To John Travers, keeper of certain contrariants' lands in co. Lancaster.
York. As the king learns by inquisition taken by the keeper and by John de
Lancastre that William de Hoton, at Martinmas, in the 1 1th year of the
king's reign, demised to Robert de Dalton for life 3 messuages and 60 acre.s
of land in Mundesleye, rendering therefor 6 marks yearly, and that the
messuages and land were seised into the king's hands on Saturday before
the Annimciation, in the 15th year of the reign, and that WilHam held them
of John Flemyng by homage and fealty and the service of 2s. yearly, and
that they are worth 4:1. in. Qd. yearly in all issues, and that they were seised
into the king's hands because Richard was with Thomas, late earl of Lan-
caster, and adhered to him, and that William was seised of the rent afore-
said without changing his estate tiierein from the time of the demise until
the aforesaid Saturday ; the king orders the keeper to satisfy William for
the arrears of the rent from the time when the tenements were taken into the
king's bauds, and to pay him the same whilst they remain in the king's hands.
.Julv 3. William Serle, imprisoned at Exeter for the death of David de Romlegh,
York. has letters to the sheriff of Devon to bail him until the first assize.
June 3. To John de Kelvyngton, keeper of the manor of Kyrkeby in Alsard {sic),
York. in the king's hands. Order to repair the houses of the manor.
July 3. To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to
York. intermeddle further with the following rents of the dean and chapter of
St. Andrew's Wells, which he has taken into the king's hands pretending that
the dean and chapter acquired them after the publication of the statute of
mortmain, and to restore the issues thereof, as the king learns by inquisi-
tion taken by the escheator that the dean and chapter acquired them at the
following periods before the said publication, and that they are not held in
chief : Q>s. of rent in Wells acquired from John de Watelegh, canon of that
church, two years before the publication; 13s. Ad. of rent in the same town
acquired from William de Pulton, canon of the same church, three years
before the publication ; 22s. of rent in the same town acquired from Roger
16 EDWARD II. 665
1323. Membrane 2 — cont.
de Cruk two years before the publication ; 10*. of rent in the same town
acquired from Thomas de Mere twelve years before the publication ; 6*. 8rf.
of rent in the same town acquired from Stephen de Cicestre two years
before the publication ; 8«. of rent in the same town acquired from John de
Ho , . . six years before the publication ; 10s. of rent in the same town
acquired from Walter Burnel three years before the publication ; Is. of rent
in the same town acquired from John de la Pole eight years before the
publication; 6*. 8cf. of rent in the same town acquired from David de
Welweton two years before the publication; 13*. 4c?. of rent from Gilbert
de Sar[um], 5s. of rent from Elias Wellard, 7s. of rent from Hugh
Dichesyate, and 12s. of rent in the same town from John H . . rd acquired
six years before the publication ; 5s. of rent from Isaac de Mertol^e and
\2d. of rent in the same town from Thomas de Wodeford acquired seven
years before the publication.
To the dean and chapter of St. Patrick's Dublin. E. bishop of Coventry
and Lichfield, principal collector of the tenth for two years imposed upon
the clergy of Ireland and granted to the king by pope John XXII., has
intimated to the king that whereas he, by apostolic authority, sent to the
dean and chapter his letters executory to exact and receive the tenth from
the prelates and clergy of Ireland, the dean and chapter have written back
to him that the prelates and clergy, having heard and understood his letters,
alleged that they were not bound to obey his letters unless the original bull
was shewn to them, and that they had appealed frivolously to the pope
lest anything should be done herein by the dean and chapter, who had
superseded the exaction of the tenth for that reason, in contempt of the
apostolic order and to the king's astonishment, especially as canon law
(^jura) does not admit such allegation or excuse ; the king therefore, con-
sidering the excuse or allegation as frivolous, and willing that the apostolic
order shall be executed, transmits by the bearer to the dean and chapter
the original bull of the imposition of the tenth, which is to be brought back
after it has been inspected, and he orders the dean and chaptei' to execute
the matter aforesaid with such diligence and care that their filial obedience
may be evident to the pope, and that the king may command them.
July 3. Nicholas Uttyng of Neuton Flotman, in Estderham gaol for the death of
York. Eichard i'ithion of North tudenham, has letters to the sheriff of Norfolk to
bail him until the first assize.
July 2. To Henry le Scrop and his fellows, justices to hold pleas before tiie kinw.
York. Order to maintain the liberties of the church of Bosham as the king's free
chapel in all pleas pending before them concerning that church.
By p.s. [6567.]
June 30. To Edmund, earl of Arundel, justice of Wales, or to him who supplies
York. his place. Order to deliver to Eoger Trumwyne and Joan his wife, late
the wife of Owen de la Pole, all the lands that they held as her dower in
the land of Powys, together with Roger's goods therein, and the issues
received by the justice therefrom, the king having lately ordered Robert de
Sapy, then keeper of the land of Powys, in the king's hands, to deliver the
said lands, etc., to Eoger and Joan, because Eoger had found the king
security for his fidelity, as it appears by the certificate of the keeper that
certain malefactors and disturbers of the king's peace of those parts hindered
his delivering the lands and goods to Eoger and Joan, so that he was unable
to execute the king's order, as the king learns from the complaint of Roger
and Joan.
June 10. To the treasurer and chamberlains. Order to transfer to Westminster
Cowiok. with the exchequer the king's treasure, now at York. By ;g_
June 16.
June 22.
June 22.
June 18.
June 26.
June 24.
June 28.
Membrane 1.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to Thomas
de Burgh, escheator this side Trent, 10/. expended by him in repairing the
houses within the manor of Clipston, in execution of the king's order of
17 March, in the lotli year of his reign.
To the same. Order to allow to the said escheator what he has paid to
Alice, late the wife of Warin de Insula, and Margaret, late the wife of
Henry Tyeis, in execution of the king's order of G April, in the 15th year
of his reign, by letters of privy seal, to pay to Alice and Margaret 200 . . .
each yearly for their maintenance until otherwise ordered.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver
to Ellen, late the wife of John Dengayne, tenant in chief, the advowson of
the church of Cotes, co. Cambridge, of the yearly value of 10 marks, which
the king has assigned to her as dower of her husband's advowsons.
To Thomas de Bargh, escheator this side Trent. Order not to inter-
meddle further with the lands that Richard le Botiller held in Great Merlon
of William le Botiller of Weryngton, and to restore the issues thereof, as
the king learns by inquisition taken by the escheator that Richard held
nothing in chief at his death, but that he held certain lands in Great Merton
of Nicholas, son and heir of William le Botiller of R . . . . clif, a minor in
the king's wardship, by knight service, which lands the king lately ordered
the escheator to retain in his hands, and that he held certain other lands in
Great Merton of William le Botiller of Weryngton by knight service.
The like to the said escheator for the following :
Nicholas de Oxeclif for 10 acres of land in Stalmyn, which are held of
him by knight service.
Richard de Hoghton for 7 acres of land in Rouhale, which are held of
him by knight service.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to allow to William
de Hedersete and William de Rede, collectors of the custom in the port of
London, 69/. 15s. 2^d., paid by them to Hugh de Bungay, the king's
armoui'er, for the balance of 132/. lis. 6d. for divers arms bought from
him for the king's use, in execution of the king's order of 18 April last to
the said collectors.
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to cause a coroner for that county to
be elected in place of John Pynsun, whom the king has amoved from office
because he is disqualified by illness and infirmity.
To Edmund, earl of Kent, constable of Dover castle and warden of the
Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place. Order to permit the
escheator beyond Trent and his sub-escheators to execute their ofiice in that
bailiwick, and to inhibit any one impeding them in the execution of their
office, and to deliver to the escheator or his sub-escheator any manors or
lands in that bailiwick that may be in the earl's hands whereof the custody
• pertains to the king.
To Thomas Deyvill, keeper
to deliver to Adam de Ever
which were taken into the kin
the king has granted that he
fine with the king to save his
25 marks, and John de Walky
hill, knights, and Simon de la
the above sum for Adam.
of certain forfeited lands in co. York. Order
yngham of Birkin, in that county, his lands,
g's hands because he adhered to the rebels, as
shall pay the 400 marks, in which he made
hfe and lands, by half-yearly instalments of
ngham, Adam de Sumervill, Warin de Skarg-
Roohe, of CO. York, have mainperned to pay
16 EDWARD II. 667)
1323. Membrane 1 — cont.
June 27. To Robert cle Aston, keeper of certain of the contrariants' lands in
York. CO. Gloucester. As the king learns by inquisition taken by William <le
Bourae and John de Hampton that the prior and convent of Bath and their
predecessors have been wont to receive from time out of mind 6/. of yearly
rent from the lands of Roger Crok and Henry son of William, both now
deceased, in Olveston, as the right of their church, as well by the hands of
the said Roger and Henry as by the hands of other tenants of those lands,
and that the aforesaid keeper took the lands into the king's hands because
Roger and Henry were said to have adhered to the rebels, and has withheld
the rent aforesaid from the prior and convent since that time ; the king
orders him to pay the said rent to them for the time that the lands have
been in his custody.
June 28. To W. bishop of Exeter, the treasurer. Order to pay the above rent to
York. the said prior and convent from the time when the lands came into his pos-
session and henceforth, the king having, on 6 May last, granted to the
bishop for life the lands of Peter Crok in co. Gloucester, which came to his
hands by the forfeiture of the aforesaid Roger Crok, son and heir of Peter,
and the lands that Isabella, late the wife of Peter, held in dower of that
inheritance in the same county, which were taken into the king's hands
because she adhered to the rebels, as it appears by the aforesaid inquisition
that the prior and convent were wont to receive the rent from the lands
that belonged to Roger Crok and the lands that Henry son of William held
as Isabella's dower in Olveston.
July 3. To Henry de Shirokes. Order to retain in his hands until the transla-
York. tion of St. Thomas next the king's victuals and all other things touching
the oifice of keeper and receiver of the king's victuals in the castle of
iNewcastle-on-Tyne and the northern parts, and to execute the said office
in the meantime, notwithstanding the king's late order to deliver to .John
de Polhou, whom he had appointed keeper and receiver, all the victuals and
things touching that office. He is ordered to deliver the victuals and things
aforesaid to the said John on the day of the translation aforesaid.
June 2,'^. To the sheriff of Cumberland. Order to deliver to John de Louthre,
Y'ork. keeper of the king's victuals at Carlisle and the adjoining parts, carriage
to bring the king's victuals at Skymburnesse thence to Carlisle at the
king's cost.
July 3. To Adam de Stirkelond, keeper of the manor of Hathelsey. Order to
York. pay to Henry Pledour, the king's carter staying at that manor with a cart
and six horses of the king's, his wages for himself and his groom, to wit
4:\d. a day, and to find maintenance in hay and oats for the horses, and
other necessaries for the repair of the cart, from Whitsuntide last for so
long as he shall stay there.
July 4. To the sheriff of Devon. Order to expend up to 40/. in repairing the
York. houses within Exeter castle, in addition to the expenses already incurred
by the king's [order], by the view and testimony of Master Thomas de
Whitteney. By bill of the treasurer.
July 6. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to deliver to
Faxiieet. L. bishop of Durham three dies {cuneos) for making sterlings, with all
things pertaining thereto, as he and his predecessors have been wont to have
in times past.
July 2. To Anthony de Lucy, sheriff of Cumberland. Order to pay to John de
York. Ispannia, the elder, to whom the king has granted the custody of the gate of
Carlisle castle for life, the arrears of 4.d. a day for that custody for the time
of the sheriff's office.
-1 Qoo Membrane 34c?.
July 8. William de la Twyer acknowledges that he owes to Ellen, late the wife
York. of Alan de Folifait, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Ellen, late the wife of Alan Folifait, acknowledges that she owes to
Aucher son of Henry, knight, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of her lands and chattels in oo. York.
Peter de Malo Liicu, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de
Eamton and William de Watford, executois of the will of Eichard Squier,
60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
July 9. The said executors put John de Evesham and John de Briggewater in
York. their places to prosecute the above recognisance.
John Myniot acknowledges that he owes to Anketin Salvayn and Isolda
his wife 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Hugh de Bradeford acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynne,
clerk, 100s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
Cancelled on payment.
July 8. To the echevins of the city of Tours (^Turenen'). John Waleraund, the
York. king's yeoman and their fellow-citizen, has suggested to the king that a
partition of his father's and mother's goods is to be made between him and
others ; and as the king is unwilling to lose John's useful services, so that
John cannot come to them according to their order before the feast of the
Assumption next to make such partition, the king requests them to conduct
themselves so in making the partition that a due proportion of the goods be
reserved for John, and that when John comes to them, he may feel that the
king's prayers on his behalf have been effectual, and that he may on his
return to the king report that they have been effectual.
July 10. William Hestyng, the elder, acknowledges that he owes to Eobert de
York. CoUeville, knight, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
July 12. John de Brereton acknowledges that he owes to William de Burghbrigg'
York. 8 marks 6s. 8d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Walter de Carleton near Thresk acknowledges that he owes to William
Copyn of Aghton 100s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Thomas de Askeby, parson of Frithyngdon church, diocese of Canter-
bury, acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynne, clerk, 40s. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent.
William le Cok of Etton and Thomas de Heselarton of Lunde acknowledge
that they owe lo W^illiam de Buttercromb 6/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in oo. York.
July 10. To the echevins and burgesses of St. Omer. Eequest that they will
York. cause satisfaction to be made to Hugh le Tygheler, citizen and merchant of
Lincoln, for 200?. sterling delivered by Mm, as he alleges in his complaint
16 EDWAED II. 669
1322. Membrane Z4.d — cont.
to the king, to "William Bouddelot, then the changer {camsori) of the said
echevins and burgesses in that town, which sura William ought to have paid
to him at Whitsuntide last, the said "William having been amoved from his
otSce of changer when he had rendered his account after "Whitsuntide.
Eiciiard de Hungerford acknowledges that he owes to Walter Beuyn
10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Berks.
July 15. John de Merkyngfeld, canon of St. Peter's York, acknowledges that he
York. owes to Eobert Meek of York 100/.; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. York.
July 16. Saer de Rocheford, Alan de "Wodelowe, and John de Beaurepeyr
York. acknowledge that they owe to Roger de Swynnerton 300 marks ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Warwick
and Lincoln.
Richard son of Richard de Ryboef, lord of Stratton in Scarvesdale,
acknowledges that he owes to Robert Ingram of Notingham 200 marks ; to
be levied, iu default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Derby.
John Pecche and William de Wauton, knights, acknowledge that they
owe to John de Ellerker, the elder, 11 marks 5s. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels ia co. "Warwick.
Cancelled on payment.
July 23. John de G-oldington, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Overton. Ayi'emynn, clerk, lOOZ. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Essex.
Cancelled on payment, achnowledged by Michael de Wath, attorney of
the said Richard.
Enrolment of agreement whereby Richard grants that the above re-
cognisance shall be cancelled if John do, the first quarter of the year after
he have deliverance of his lands out of the king's hands, find security to
dame Joan, late the wife of Sir John Tauny, to pay her 10/. yearly, which
is due to her for certain matters that the aforesaid Johu shall hold, and
to pay her bl. yearly in addition until she have been paid the arrears of the
above sum. Dated at York, 22 July, 16 Edward II. French.
Memorandum, that the parties came into chancery at York, on the said
day, and acknowledged the above.
Membrane 33d.
July 15. Master Richard de Haveryng acknowledges that he owes to Master
York. Eobert de Baldok 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
July 14. To the abbot and convent of Certeseye. Bequest that they will admit
York. into their house .John de Ardern of Chabeham, who has long served the king,
and Agnes his wife, whom the king is sending to them, and that tliey will
administer to them the necessaries of life during their lives, to wit as much
as Gunnora de Wyndesore, now deceased, who had her maintenance in their
house at the late king's request, was wont to receive.
By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
July 15. Richard son of "Walter do Gayton acknowledges that he owes to Richard
York. Blundel of Bradden 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Northamptoh.
Cancelled on payment.
1322. Membrane 33d— cont.
John do Athy, knight, and Thomas de Neubigging, clerk, acknowledge
that they owe to John de Ellerker, the elder, 4 marks ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Enrolment of grant by Eobert son of Sir William le Wavassour, knight,
to Alice, daughter of Laurence de Preston, knight, of his manor of
Cokerington in Lyndeseye, co. Lincoln, for life, doing the service therefor
due to the chief lords. Witnesses: Geoffrey de {sic) Scrop; Thomas de
Eyvill ; John Ithon. Dated at York, Monday befoi'e St. jVIargaret,
16 Edward IL
Memora,ndum, that Robert came into chancery at York, on 21 July, and
acknowledged the above.
July 21. The said Robert acknowledges that he owes to the aforesaid Alice
York. 1,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
July 20. To the sheriff of Westmoreland. Order to cause proclamation to be
York. made in all cities, boroughs, and other market towns and other places that
all persons of the said places shall bake, brew, and provide victuals without
delay against the king's arrival in the north, whither he is journeying from
Yorkshire to repress the rebellion of the Scots, for which victuals they shall
receive due payment, and that no person whatsoever shall take any of the
bread, beer, or victuals from their owners against their -will. By K.
The like to the sheriffs of York, Cumberland, and Northumberland.
July 24. To the mayor, sheriffs, bailiffs, and whole community of the city of
Aldwark. Loudon. Order to cause to be sent to the king in the north new and old
corn and other victuals from time to time with all possible speed, and not to
permit any ships coming from anywhere to the port of their city with
victuals to discharge there partly or wholly, and to enjoin the governors of
the ships on the king's behalf to bring the victuals to the king in the north,
there to be exposed for sale. They are to know and to cause others to
know that all persons bringing corn and victuals to the king may sell them
freely to whomsoever they will at a price to be agreed upon between buyer
and seller, and that nothing shall be taken from their corn or victuals
without their consent. By p.s.
The like to the following places :
Eaveneserod. Maldon.
Saltfleteby. Faversham.
Grymmesby. Geynesburgh.
Spaldyng'. Sandwiz.
Melecombe. Dover.
Peterborough. Hethe.
Jakesle. Wynchelse. ■
Huntyngdon. Roucestre.
St. Ives. Romeneye.
Sutton. Peveneseye.
Cambridge. Brembre.
Lenne. Shorham.
Norwiz. Chichester.
Yarmouth. Portesmuth.
Henle. Porchester.
Blakeney. Southampton.
Brunham. Waymouth.
Orford. Excestre.
Ipswich. ,. Plumuth.
Newerk. Bodemynne.
Donewych. Brugge^vater.
Colecestre. Somerton.
-1 322 Membrane 32d.
July 30. Richard de Grey of Codeuovre acknowledges that he owes to John de
Newcastle-on- Somery, lord of Dodele, 80 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of
lyne. j,is lanjjg ^nd chattels in cos. Leicester, Nottingham, and Derby.
July 25. To the abbot and convent of Waleden. Request that they will admit into
Thirsk. their house Hugh de Beaurepeir, who has long served tlie king, and that
(lAcosft.) fjjgy .yyjjj dellvcr to him sucli maintenance for life as Huward, now
deceased, had in their house at the request of Humphrey, late earl of
Hereford, by whose death the advowson of that house came to the king.
By p.s. [6116.]
July 21.
July 23.
July 25.
Membrane 31 d.
JMaster John de Depyng', clerk, has letters to R. bishop of Coventry and
Lichfield to receive the pension due to one of the king's clerks by reason of
the bishop's new creation. By p.s. [6100.]
Richard Waleys, knight, and Master John Waleys, knight, parson of the
church of Melsamby, diocese of York, acknowledge that they owe to
William de Ayremynne, clerk, 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Richard son of William le Waryner of Lychefeld acknowledges that he
owes to Robert le Moyne 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Staflford.
Peter Eskydemor acknowledges that he owes to Thomas West 200Z. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Wiit.s.
John de Broclosby and William de Broclosby, clerk, acknowledge that
they owe to Hugh le Despenser, the younger, 40/. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Lincoln. — The chancellor
received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
.lohn son of Robert le Chaumberleyn of Drax acknowledges that he owes
to William de Ayremynn, clerk, 127/. 6s. 8c?.; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lauds and chattels in cos. York and Lincoln. — The chan-
cellor received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
Richard Sampson of Staunford acknowledges that he owes to Wi'liam de
Burgo, c'erk, 6/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Lincoln.
Adam Cussyng' of Blactoft and Hugh his son acknowledge that they owe
to John de Ellerker, the elder, 32 marks ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Thomas de Filingham of Faxflet, Richard de Besewyk of Blactoft, and
Stephen Lucyen of Yuktlet acknowledge that they owe to John de
Ellerker, the elder, 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their
lands and chattels in the aforesaid county.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Goldiugton, knight, and Thomas de Cornerde acknowledge that
they owe to Ambrose de Novo Burgo, clerk, 50 marks; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chatte's in cos. Essex, Suffolk
Hertford, and Buckingham.
1322. Membrane 31d — cont.
July 2f>. Robert son of Ralph de Ripplingham acknowledges that he owes to
Thirsk. Master Robert de Ripplingham, chancellor of St. Peter's church, York,
8 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Thomas de Outheneby acknowledges that he owes to Master Simon de
Stanes 240/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
John son of William de Erdeslawe acknowledges that he owes to the
master and brethren of St. Leonard's hospital, York, 13 marks ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
July 30, "William de Hornese of Beverley acknowledges that he owes to John de
Newcastle-on- Lund of Beverley 33?. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
Tyae. chattels in CO. York.
William de Fishburne, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Markham, clerk, 22s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Oxford.
Thomas de Weston, parson of Addewell church, acknowledges that he
owes to John de Scorby, clerk, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Oxford.
Master Richard de Clare, clerk, and Robert de Pencryche acknowledge
that they owe to John de Ellerker, the elder, 12 marks ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Henry Dod of Swynton and Robert Dod acknowledge that they owe to
John de Wodeford, parson of the church of Appelton-in-Rydale, 28 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Richard de Lynbergh acknowledges that he owes to the aforesaid John
15 marks \0s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
Au". 1. John de Wykham, king's clerk, has letters to the abbot and convent of
NeTFcastle-on- "Whiteby to receive the pension due to one of the king's clerks by reason of
Tjne. tijQ new creation of the abbot. By p.s.
Aug. 2. Roger Deyvill acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynn,
Newcastle-on- clerk, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
Tyne. chattels in co. York. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Robert, prior of Marton-in-Galtres, and Thomas Howell of Creyk
acknowledge that they owe to William do la Rivere of Brandesby 20 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Robert de Mekesburgh of Blaktoft and John le Chapman of Blaktoft
acknowledge that they owe to John de Ellerker, the elder, 20''marks ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Peter de Luttreworth, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Henry de
Edenestowe, clerk, 5 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Northampton.
July 4. John de Coston, parson of the church of Baudrip, diocese of Bath and
Newcastle-on- Wells, acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynn, clerk, 40s. ; to
Tyne. i;,e levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co, Somerset, —
The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
16 EDWARD 11.
1322. Memhrane Sld—cont.
Aug. 4. To Roger de Swynnerton. Order to certify the king of the tenor of the
Newcastle-on- record and process and the pronunciation of judgment at the Tower upon
Henry Tyes, the king's enemy and traitor, by him and others appointed by
the king for this purpose, and of all things touching the same, and of the
day of the pronunciation of judgment. By K.
The like to Ralph Sauvage to certify the king of the record and process
and judgment upon Bartholomew de Assliburnham at Canterbury.
The like to Nicholas Kyriel concerning the judgment, etc., upon Thomas
Colpeper at Wynchelse.
The like to Ralph Cammoys concerning the judgment, etc., upon Francis
de Aldeham at Wyndesore.
The like to John Inge concerning the judgment, etc., upon William le
Flemyng at Kaerdif.
The like to Henry de Cobham concerning the judgment, etc., upon
Bartholomew de Badelesmere at Canterbury.
The like to Richard Lovel concerning the judgment, etc., upon Henry de
Wylyngton and Henry de Monte Forti at Bristol.
The like to John Inge concerning the judgment, etc., upon Stephen Baret
at Swyneseye.
The like to Peter de Helion concerning the judgment upon John Giffard
of Brymesfeld at Gloucester.
Membrane ZOd.
Enrolment of grant from John de Hunton, son and heir of John de
Hunton, to Geoffrey le Scrop of his manor of Hunton and all his lands in
Ergthorne and Heselton pertaining to the said manor. He also grants to
him the homages and services of the master of the hospital of St. Leonard,
York, the abbot of Jervaux, the abbot of St. Agatha, the prioress of
Marrigg", and their successors, and the service of Simon de Uckerby and
his heirs, and all other services of freemen of all the lands held of him by
the said master, abbots, prioress, and Simon, and all other free tenants of
his in any place whatsoever, by reason of the said manor or in the towns of
Hunton, Ergthorn, and Heselton. Witnesses : Sir Henry le Scrop, knight;
Sir Richard de Bernyngham, knight ; Sir Richard de Moseley, rector of
Fryston church ; Sir William de Oteryngton, rector of Suthtoteryng-
ton church ; Thomas Dayvill, Reginald de Clifton, Nicholas de Akelthorp,
Geoffrey de Pynghale. Dated at York, Wednesday after St. Peter ad
Vincula, 16 Edward II.
Memorandum, that John came into chancery at York, on the said day,
and acknowledged the above deed.
Aug. 4. Geoffrey le Scrop acknowledges that he owes to John son of John de
Newcastle-on- Hunton 500 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
Tyne- chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on -payment.
Hugh de Lincoln of York acknowledges that he owes to Thomas son of
Clement de Poutet'racto 12 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. fork.
John de Woderysingg' acknowledges that he owes to the said Thomas
12 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Norfolk. — The chancellor received the acknowledgmtnt.
Aug. 7. Robert Power, parson of the church of Killaban, in the county of
Newcastle-on- Catherlagh, Ireland, acknowledges that he owes to John de Hastyngg', lord
Tyne. of Bergeveny, 160/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels and ecclesiastical goods in Iieland. — The chancellor received the
76^16. u u
Aug. 5.
Aug. 12.
Aug. 16.
Aug. 18.
Membrane 30d — cont.
Geoffrey, prior of Holy Trinity, York, acknowledges, for himself and
convent, that he owes to Robert de Morby, chaplain, 17 marks ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Note of payment of%\ marks.
To the sheriiFof York. Order to appoint spies upon all the armed foot-
men of the towns in his bailiwick that answer for townships in the eyre of
justices, and upon others chosen for the expedition of the Scotch war,
whose names the sheriff ought to know, appointing for this purpose as well
constables of the said towns as others specially sworn for this purpose, and
to arrest and imprison all those who have returned home without licence
from the king, the constable, or marshals of his army aforesaid, certifying
the king of the names of those arrested in execution of this order, as many
of the men have eloigned themselves from the king's service after receiving
their wages and have, it is believed, returned home. By p.s. [6155.]
[Pari. Writs.']
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.]
Robert son of Thomas de Pontefracto of Wyvelesthorp acknowledges
that he owes to Hervey de EUerker 10 marks; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Master Theobald de Trois, parson of Cotingham church, puts in his place
Thomas de Cotingham, clerk, and Richard le Flemyug to prosecute a
recognisance of 630 marks made to him in chancery by Robert son of
Nicholas de Cotingham, John Takel, and Walter de Weel.
Nicholas de Stapelton, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de
Ayremynn, clerk, 40«. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Alice, late the wife of Guichard de Charrum, acknowledges that she owes
to Robert son of Henry le Tannoar of York 100*. j to be levied, in default
of payment, of her lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Thomas Roscelyn, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John, bishop
of Norwich, 100*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Norfolk.
John de Butterwyk acknowledges that he owes to William de Boulton,
parson of the church of Barkeby Misperton, 12 marks ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels. in co. York. — The chancellor
received the acknowledgment.
John de Grantham acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Allerton of
York 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
William de Holtby acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le Taillour and
Robert de Neweby 40s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Enrolment of letters of John de Garenna, earl of Surrey, acknowledging
receipt by the hands of Henry de Thiapeston, king's clerk, of the king's
letters directed to him to this effect : Edward, etc., to John de Warenna,
earl of Surrey. Whereas Alesia, late the wife of Thomas, late earl of
Lancaster, daughter and heiress of Henry de Lascy, late earl of Lincoln,
has granted to us that the manors of Troubrigg, Wynterbourn, Aumbres-
bury, Caiieford, Henkstrugg, and Cherleton, which you hold for life of her
inheritance, shall remain to us after your death, we order you to make
Aug. 20.
Aug. 8.
1322. Membrane 30d — cont.
your fealty to Henry de Thrapston, our clerk, whom we have appointed to
receive your fealty in our name, making your letters of fealty to us to be
brought to us by him. Witness myself, at York, 10 July, in the 16th year
of our reign. By K.' By pretext of which letter the earl has made his
fealty due to the king for the said manors, in which the earl claims nothing
except for the term of his life, to the king before the said clerk in the
presence of Sir Ralph de Cobham and Richard de Hakelut, knights, at
N"ewcastle-on-Tyne. Dated at Newcastle-ou-Tyne, 3 August, in the
16th year of the king's reign.
Peter del Hill of Norton acknowledges that he owes to the master and
brethren of St. Leonard's hospital, York, 14/. 6s. 8d. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
To Edmund de Wodestok, earl of Kent, constable of Dover castle and
warden of the Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place there. Order
to permit Robert de Watervill, who is going to parts beyond sea for certain
of his affairs, to cross from any of the said ports with his horses and house-
hold, notwithstanding the king's previous inhibition. By p.s. [6162.]
William de Lynton of Harwode acknowledges that he owes to the abbot
of St. Mary's York 5 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Aug. 24. To the collectors of the custom of hides, wool, and wool fells in the port
Leith. of Boston. Order to permit the merchants of the society of the Bardi of
Florence and their servants to carry their wool from that port by land
whither they wish without hindrance, as the said merchants have shewn
the king that the collectors impede them and their servants carrying their
wool from that port by land to London, and endeavour to force them to
load their wool in ships in that port and to pay custom for the same, as it
is not the king's intention that any merchants shall be hindered from
carrying their wool whither they wish by land within the realm, or that they
shall be compelled to load it in ships or pay custom thereon except in the
ports where they cause the wool to be loaded in ships.
The like in favour of the following :
Thomas Henrici, Vulpinus Johannis, and Giles deVulpe, merchants of
Vannus Grrandonis and Gerard Renuncie, merchants of Florence.
Membrane 2,9d.
Aug. 12. To Master John Luterel. Prohibition of his going beyond sea, or of his
Felton. sending thither anything touching the disputes that arose between him,
when he was chancellor of the university of Oxford, and the masters and
scholars of the university, or of his causing anything concerning the
same to be published anywhere, until the king, having had information
from both sides, shall order to be done what he shall see fit, as, if the dis-
putes be divulged in parts beyond sea, to wit in universities and other
public places, scandals and other dangers may arise, not only to the said
Master John and the masters and scholars, but also to the realm and its
inhabitants. He is ordered to be before the king's council at York in three
weeks from Michaelmas next to inform the king and his council concerning
the disputes. The king has ordered the masters and scholars to send some
of them to him at the same time. [Fcedera; Pari. Writs. '[
u u 2
Aug. 25.
Membrane 28d.
Eobert de Neuby, parson of Merston church, diocese of York, William
del Thwayt of Hoton Wandesleye, and John de Bedale, chaplain, acknow-
ledge that they owe to Master Henry de Clif, clerk, 201. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Alice, late the wife of John Eish of York, and John King' of York ack-
nowledge that they owe to the master and brethren of St. Leonard's hospital,
York, 18Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels
in CO. York.
Cancelled on ■payment.
Peter de Hamby acknowledges that he owes to Luke, parson of the
church of Danby-on-Wisk, 18/. 13s. 4<Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Thomas de Heworth and Roger le Graunt of York acknowledge that they
owe to Henry de Merton, clerk, 33s. 4rf. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Sept. 2.
Membrane 21d.
Matilda, late the wife of John de Ebor[aco], tenant in chief, puts in her
place Peter de la Haye to seek and receive her dower in chancery.
Robert de Raygate, knight, John de Lascy of Gaitford, John Freman of
Ledsam, Robert de Bretton, Thomas de Grenefeld of Shirboum, and John
de la Sale of Hamelton acknowledge that they owe to William, archbishop
of York, 200Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and
chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
The king sent his letters under his privy seal [6181] to this effect : Edward,
etc., to William de Ayremynne, Master Henry de Clif, and William de Clif.
Whereas we have given to the bishop of Norwich, our chancellor, at his
request, permission to make a tour in his bishopric and lo stay there some
time, and we will that our great seal shall remain in your custody to do
what pertains to the office during the chancellor's absence, as you have done
heretofore, we order you to receive and keep our great seal in form afore-
said, and to come with our chancery to Newcastle-on-Tyne so soon as 3'ou
have seen these letters, with as much haste as possible, and to stay there
until further orders, doing what pertains to the office. Given under our
privy seal, at Fenham, 2 September, in the 16th year of our reign.' By
pretext whereof the chancellor, on Sunday, 12 September, after he had
sealed [writs], delivered the seal under his seal to the aforesaid William de
Ayremynne in the oratory before the door of his chamber in St. Mary's
abbey, York, to be kept under the seal of the said Master Henry and of Sir
William de Herlaston, clerk, until the arrival of the said William de Clif,
who was then absent, and the said William de Ayremynne received the
seal, and on Monday the morrow William de Ayremynne, Henry, and
William de Herlaston opened the seal, and sealed writs therewith, and after
the sealing, William de Ayremynne retained the seal to be kept as is afore-
said. Afterwards, on 28 October, the aforesaid William de Clif came into
chancery at York, and William de Ayremynn, Henry, and William de
1322. Membrane 27e? — cont.
Herlaston opened the said seal sealed under their seals in the lodgings of
William de Ayremynn in the aforesaid abbey in the presence of William
de Clif, and they sealed writs therewith, and after the sealing Henry and
William de Clif put their seals to the said great seals, and the seal
remained thus sealed in the custody of William de Ayremynn as before.
Afterwards, on 17 November, upon the chancellor coming to the king at
York, William de Ayremynn, after the sealing of the writs of the same day,
by his own hand delivered the great seal, under the seals of Henry and
William de Herlaston, to the chancellor in his chamber in St. Mary's
abbey, in the presence of the said Henry and of William de Herlaston, and of
other clerks of the chancery, and the chancellor received it from him, and
on the morrow sealed writs with it in his said chamber, and the seal there-
after remained in his custody. [Pari. Writs.]
Sept. 19. Richard Daunper acknowledges that he owes to John de HardeshuU,
Newcastle-on- knight, lOOl. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
Tjne. jj) gQ_ Lincoln.
John de Cherleton, knight, acknowledges that he owes Johnde Ellerker,
the elder, 8/. 7s. Od. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Salop and in England and Wales.
Henry son of Hugh acknowledges that he owes to John de Brytannia,
earl of Richmond, 1,000 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
This recognisance was made for 200 marks, which ought to have been
paid at Martinmas last, and the said recognisance was cancelled for the
same 200 marks paid into chancery under date of 22 December, in the
\-Qth year, and the cause of the cancelling is contained in those letters,
remaining among the writs of privy seal for the same year. Afterwards,
on 26 December, the chancellor, in St. Mary's abbey, York, delivered the
said 200 marks to Sir Thomas de Colevill, knight, the earl's steward, by
the king's order.
Enrolment of bond of John de Styrchesleye, knight, to John de Molyns
of Aulton for payment of 40s. yearly for the life of John de Molyns from
the manors of Scheldyngthorp, co. Lincoln, and Ekerynge, co. Nottingham,
or from other lands of John de Sthyrchesleye in other counties if these
manors be insufficient for payment of the above sum. Dated at Newcastle,
on Sunday before St. Matthew, 1322, 16 Edward II.
Memorandum, that John de Styrchesleye came into chancery at New-
castle-on-Tyne, on the same day, and acknowledged the above deed.
Sept. 20. Robert de Eocheford, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Newcastle-on- Emeldou, burgess of Newcastle-on-Tyne, 300/. ; to be levied, in default of
Tyne. payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
Thomas Ughred (sic), knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de
Ellerker, the elder, 12 marks 7*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Sept. 2. To brother Leo de Villa Nova, master of the Hospital of St. John of
Eeaham. Jerusalem. Notification that Thomas Larcher, prior of the said Hospital
in England, and William de Rambureles, presented to the king, whilst he
was lately engaged upon the disposition of his progress to the war against
the Scots, certain papal letters under bulls and also lettero from the said Leo
touching the lands that formerly belonged to the Templars in this realm,
Sept. 24.
Sept. 18.
Membrane 27c? — cont.
and the king, having examined the said letters, assigned a day to the said
prior and William in his next parliament, because the wisest men of his
council were not at that time assisting him, many of them being absent in
remote parts, in which parliament he will cause such ordinance to be made
with the counsel of the magnates and proceres of the realm as ought to be
satisfactory to the said master. The king commends the prior to the
master, and prays that the master will hold the matters touching the prior
before him as specially commended.
To the sheriff of York. Order not to molest the footmen who have
returned home from the king's service without permission, upon their
finding mainprize to answer to the king when he will speak against them for
their trespass and contempt. By K.
[Far!. Writs.]
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.]
To the warden of the Cinque Ports, or to him who supplies his place.
Order to cause proclamation to be made of the prorogation for two years of
the truce between the king and the duke of Britanny for the merchants,
mariners and others of the realm and of the duchy. By K.
The like to the following :
The justice of Wales, or to him who supplies his place.
The justiciary of Ireland, or to him who supplies his place.
The like to the sheriffs of the following counties, etc. :
Essex and Hertford. Surrey and Sussex.
Norfolk and Suffolk. Kent.
Lincoln. Devon.
Tork. Cornwall.
London. Southampton. [Ibid.]
Enrolment of grant from Robert de (sic) Surreys to Geoffrey de Edenham,
vicar of Wodehorne church, of a messuage in Newcastle-on-Tyne in the
POgrim Street {in vico Peregrinorum), between the land of Nicholas de
Carliolo on the north and Robert de Haliwell on the south, extending from
the king's highway on the west to Ayrykeborne on the east. Dated at
Newcastle-on-Tyne, Friday before Michaelmas, 16 Edward II. Witnesses :
Sir Nicholas Scot, then mayor of that town ; Thomas Daulyn, Gilbert
Hankyn, William de Bumeton, and Robert de Angreton, then bailiffs of the
same town; Robert le Keu; Alan PuUore ; John Patoun.
Sept. 21.
Membrane 2Qd.
Richard de Kent, tanner {alutarius) of London, puts Master Adam de
Ayremyun in his place to prosecute a recognisance for 201, made to him in
chancery by William de Ferariis.
The said Richard puts the aforesaid Adam in his place to prosecute a
recognisance of 40Z. made to him in chancery by Hugh de Lampion.
Robert Byllyng ' offe Rouwardyn ' acknowledges that he owes to Robert
Sapy, knight, 5 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Gloucester.
Henry de Ebor[aco] of Newcastle-on-Tyne acknowledges that he owes
to Thomas Ughtred, knight,' 18/; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in eo. Northumberland.
16 EDWAED II. 679
1322. Membrane 26d — cont.
Sept. 20. To John de Britannia, earl of Richmond. Order to come with horses
Newcastle-on- and arms and footmen in as much power as possible to the king at
Tyne. Newcastle on the eve of St. Luke next, to set out with the king against
the Scotch rebels, who have entered the realm and besieged Norham castle.
[Foedera; Pari. IVrits.] By K.
The like to eight earls and thirty-three others. [/6«e?.]
To L. bishop of Durham. Order to be at Newcastle in the said feast
with horses and arms and footmen of hia bishopric and other relations and
friends of his. [Ibid.~\
Sept. 18. To W. archbishop of York. Order to be present at Rippon on Sunday
Newoastle-on- after Martinmas to treat with the king and the other prelates, magnates, and
Tyne. proceres of the realm concerning the repression of the Scotch rebellion and
other matters. By K.
\^Fcedera ; Pari. Writs.']
The like to W. archbishop of Canterbury and to nineteen bishops.
To the abbot of St. Augustine's Canterbury. Like summons. \^Ibid.']
The like to thirty abbots and priors and to the prior of the Hospital of
St. John in England. \_Ibid.']
To Edward, earl of Chester. Summons to attend the above colloquium.
The like to nine earls and to fifty-two others. \^Ibid.']
To William de Bereford. Summons to attend the above colloquium to
treat with the king and the others of his council. By K.
The like to twenty-two others. [/6irf.]
Sept. 18. To the sheriif of Hertford and Essex. Order to cause knights of the
Newcastle-on- shire, citizens, and burgesses to be elected to attend the above colloquium.
Tyne. [Ihid.-] By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [/6icf.]
Membrane 25d.
Sept. 28. Geoffrey de Edenham, vicar of Wodhorn church, William, vicar of
Durham. St. Nicholas, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and William Denum acknowledge that
that they owe to Robert Sureys of Newcastle-on-Tyne 201. ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Northumberland.
Cancelled on payment.
Sept. 20. To OHvcrde. Ingham. Order to come to the iing at Newcastle on the
Newcastle-on- eve of St. Luke next with all the fencible horsemen and footmen, suitably
Tyiie- armed, of the county of Chester, of the lands of Flynt and Ingelfeld, of the
counties of Salop and Stafford, and of the parts of the Peak, co. Derby,
whom the king lately appointed him to array and exercise, in order to set
out with the king against the Scotch rebels, who have entered the realm
and are besieging Norham castle. By K.
l^Parl. Writs.']
The like to the following :
Andrew de Hartcla, earl of Carlisle, in cos. Cumberland, Westmoreland,
and Lancaster, and in the parts of Cravene, Rychemundshire and the
wapentake of Youkrosse, co. York.
Simon Warde, John de Sutton, and John de Rithre in co. York,
except the aforesaid parts and wapentake.
John Darcy ' le neveu ' and William de Anne in cos. Nottingham and
Derby, except the parts of the Peak, co. Derby.
Sept. 27.
Sept. 27.
1322. Membrane 25d — coni,
John Darcy ' le uncle ' in the parts of Lyndeseye, co. Lincoln.
John de Ro.s in the parts of Holand, eo. Lincoln.
William de Kyme in the parts of Kestevene, co. Lincoln. [Ibid.'\
To Oliver de Ingham. Order to array and exercise the aforesaid men,
so that they be ready to come to the king for the repulse of the Scots when
summoned, and to come to the king according to the preceding order unless
otherwise ordered. By K.
The like to the aforesaid men in the above counties and parts. [Ibid.]
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made
prohibiting any from damaging or annoying the men fleeing with their
beasts and other goods from the Scots, enjoining them to give aid to the
fugitives, and to permit the fugitives' beasts to depasture in their pastures
without taking anything from them therefor, the king having ordered that
the like shall be done in his forests, chaces, and other pastures. By K.
[Fcedera ; Pari. Writs.]
To John de Crumwell, keeper of the Forest this side Trent, or to him
who suppHes his place. Order to permit such fugitives from the Scots as
shall come to his bailiwick with their beasts and others goods to be received
therein, and to stay there, and to permit their beasts to pasture within the
king's forests, chaces, and pastures without taking anything from them
therefor, inhibiting any one from injuring or aggrieving the said fugitives.
The like, ' mutatis mutandis,' to the following :
Tliomas Ughtred, constable of the castle and honour of Pykeryng.
John de Wysham, constable of Knaresburgh castle. [Ibid.]
To Simon Warde. Order to bring to the king at Blakhoumor with all
Barnard Castle, speed possible all the horsemen and footmen, suitably armed, from the
places wherein he was lately appointed to array and exercise the men
iaetween the ages of sixteen and sixty, the king proposing to collect his
army at Blakhoumor to repel the Scotch rebels, who have entered the realm
in the marches of Carlisle. He is ordered to cause all persons disobeying
him in this behalf to bo punished as rebels and aiders of the Scots, for
which purpose the king commits to him full power. By K.
[Fcedera ; Pari. Writs.]
The like to the following :
Oliver de Ingham.
Andrew de Hartcla, earl of Carlisle.
John de Sutton.
John de Rithre.
John Darcy ' le neveu.'
William de Aune.
John Darcy ' le uncle.'
John de Ros.
William de Kyme. [Ibid.]
To L. bishop of Durham, or to him who supplies his place in that
bishopric, or to his steward. Order that the steward shall bring to
Blakhoumor in person all the horsemen and footmen of the bishopric
between the ages of sixteen and sixty. By K.
Memorandum, that these letters were patent, as appears on the Patent
Roll, but they are enrolled here through negligence. [Ibid.]
Oct. 6. Robert son of Robert de Rihill acknowledges that he owes to John de
Barnard Castle. Crokedayk b marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Northumberland.
Oct. 2.
16 EDWARD II. 081
1322. Membrane 25d — eont.
Oct. 5. To the sheriS of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made that all
forset. lords of towns and half-towns, hamlets, and parts of towns of his bailiwick,
except the parts of Cravene, Kichemundshire, and the wapentake of
Youckrosse, who are able to labour, shall help Simon Warde, Jolm de
Sutton, and John de Kithre, and that the lords of towns, etc., in the
excepted parts shall aid Andrew de Hartcla, earl of Carlisle, to levy all the
fencible men of their demesnes between the ages oi sixteen and sixty, and
that the said lords shall come in person, suitably armed, with their aforesaid
men, likewise armed, in the companies of the said Simon, John, and John,
and of the earl aforesaid to the places assigned to the said subjects, in aid of
the repulse of the Scotch rebels, and that each lord shall bring with him in
writing the names of his men who refuse to come, so that punishment may
be ordained for those who refuse to come, and that the lords who are
infirm may depute others in their places for this purpose. By K.
[Pari. Writs.]
The like to the following :
The justice of Chester, or to him who supplies his place, and to the
sheriff of Salop and Stafford, to be intendent to Oliver de Ingham.
The sheriffs of Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Lancaster, to be inten-
dent to Andrew de Hartcla, earl of Carlisle.
The sheriff of Nottingham and Derby, to be intendent to John Darcy
' le neveu ' and Wilham de Aune.
The sheriff of Northumberland, to be intendent to David de Strabolgy,
earl of Athole. •
The sheriff of Lincoln, to be intendent to John Darcy ' le uncle ' in the
parts of Lyndeseye, John de Ros in the parts of Holand, and
Wilham de Kyme in the parts of Kesteven. [Ibid.]
To L. bishop of Durham, or to him who supplies his place, the bishop
being in remote parts, or to his steward. Order to cause like proclamation
to be made that the lords of the bishopric, etc., shall be intendent to the
said steward, etc. By K.
[Ibid.] n
Oct. 6. To the bishop of London. Onrer to send to the exchequer without
Tarm. delay, there to be delivered to the treasurer and barons, a copy of the
principal register of taxations of ecclesiastical benefices and of the tempor-
alities annexed thereto of the collection of the tenth committed to the
bishop's predecessor and to the bishop of Lincoln of that time, and the form
of the collection and levy of the said tenth for the use of the pope, as
complaint is frequently made to the king by beneficed clerks that certain
sub-collectors of the tenths of the clergy levy the said tenths unduly
according to divers particulars of the taxations of benefices delivered to
them or fabricated by them. [Foedera.]
The like to H. bishop of Lincoln. [Ibid.]
Memorandum, that Ida, late the wife of John Marmeduk, appeared in
chancery at Newcastle-on-Tyne, on 10 October, and acknowledged that she
held a third of the manors of Silkesworth and Horden, in the bishopric of
Durham, in dower of the assignment of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, to
whom the reversion pertained, which manors came to the king by the earl's
forfeiture, and the reversion thereof pertains to him ; wherefore she made
fealty to the king.
Membrane 24d.
Opt. 12. To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to adjourn the day
yann. given by them to the prior of Durham for him to come before them to render
account of certain tenths collected by certain of his predecessors for the
1322. Membrane 2Ad — cont.
king's use, as the prior cannot now come to the exchequer with the rolls,
tallies, and memoranda touching the account because the Scotch rebels are
now in Yorkshire.
Oct. 15. To the sheriff of Southampton. Order not to give credence to any letters
Bridlington, under the privy seal lately used by the king, as the seal is lost, and to
cause proclamation to this effect to be made in such places as he shall
think fit. By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England, and to the constables of the follow-
ing castles, except that they are not ordered to make proclamation :
Knaresburgh. Alnewyk.
Scardeburgh. Norham.
Dunstanburgh. Bernard's Castle. [/6ic?.]
Oct. 27. To the sheriff of York. Order to give credence to letters under the
York. aforesaid privy seal, which has now come to the king's hands and has been
all the time in safe custody, and to cause proclamation to be made to this
effect. By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England.
The like to the constables of the aforesaid castles. [Ibid.']
Oct. 30. William Soot acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Bardelby, clerk,
York. 80 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
Richard son of Richard de Riboef of Stretton acknowledges that he owes
to Robert Ingram of Notingham lOZ. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Derby.
Lucy, late the wife of John de Somery, tenant in chief, puts in her place
Clement de Hampton and Walter de Northfeld to demand and receive in
chancery her dower of the said John's knights' fees and advowsons.
Nov. 1. Thomas de Furnivall, knight, the younger, acknowledges that he owes to
York. GOes Pecche 17 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Staffdra.
Oct. 29. Simon Warde, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de
York. Ayremynn, clerk, 40 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York. — William de Horlastou, one of the keepers
of the seal, received the acknowledgment.
Note of payment of 20 marks.
Oct. 30. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made that
York. all prelates, earls, magnates and proceres, knights of that shire, citizens and
burgesses of the cities and boroughs of the same county who have been
summoned to be at Rippon on Sunday after Martinmas to have a collo-
quium, shall be at York on that day for the above purpose. By K.
[Fcedera ; Pari. Writs.']
The like to the sheriffs of Nottingham and Derby, Lincoln, Lancaster,
Westmoreland, Cumberland, and Northumberland. \_Ibid.]
Nov. 3. John Pecche, the elder, acknowledges that he owes to William de
York. Esthall and EUen his wife 3007. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Warwick.
The said John acknowledges that he owes to the aforesaid William
70 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Warwick.
Aymer Pauncefot, knight, acknowledges that he owes to the aforesaid
John 300 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Hereford and Worcester.
16 EDWARD IT. 683
1322. Membrane 2id — cont.
Robert de Welle, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de
Ayremynn, clerk, 60s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Westmoreland.
Cancelled on payment.
William Benet of Boston acknowledges that he owes to Luke de Colevill,
clerk, 251. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Lincoln.
Stephen de Kenerthorp, Thomas Wacelyn of Briddesale, William de
Lelum, Peter Wyles, William son of Thomas de Egeton, and Hugh de
Haghton acknowledge that they owe to Thomas de Burgh, clerk, 100/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Nov. 4. Hugh Spendelove of Northtudenham and Walter de Eykynghale, chap-
York, lain, acknowledge that they oive to Robert de Cave, parson of a moiety of
the church of Northtudenham, 40s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
their lands and chattels in co. Norfolk.
John de Pelham acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynn,
clerk, 40s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Hertford.
Cancelled on payment.
William son of John de Warrewyk acknowledges that he owes to John
son of William de Wetewang 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Oct. 18. Benedict Payek of Mendham acknowledges that he owes to John de
York. Sutton, parson of Baketon church, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. Suffolk. — The chancellor received
the acknowledgment.
Membrane 23d.
Scolastica, late the wife of Geoffrey de Melsa, puts in her place John de
Sancto Paulo and John de Bernevill to sue in chancery for her purparty of
the advowsons of the churches of Creton and Gayton and of the services of
the free tenants in Middelton, Colyngetre, and Creton.
Nov. 3. To the prior and convent of Bemewell. Request that they will admit
York. brother Thomas de Ulveston, canon of Newburgh priory, to dwell amongst
them until the latter priory be relieved, and to cause all necessaries to be
administered to him as to one of their brethren, as the priory of Newburgh
is so destroyed and oppressed by the Scotch rebels that the canons cannot
dwell there together now. By K.
The like to the following for the canons of Newburgh mentioned below ;
The prior and convent of Newenham for brother John de Ebor[aco].
The prior and convent of Drax for brother Hugh de Aldefeld.
The prior and convent of Thurgarton for brother John de Oterington.
The prior and convent of Wirkesop for brother John de Thresk.
The abbot and convent of Thorn ton-on-Humbre for brothers Edmund
de Burton and Walter de Wynestowe.
The prior and convent of Elsham for brother Lambert de Bovynton.
The prior and convent of Thornholm for brother William de Braken-
The prior and convent of Markeby for brother Thomas de Nafferton.
The prior and convent of Grymesby for brother William de Langeton.
1322. Membrane 23d — cont.
Nov. 1 1. .John de Redinges ackno\vrledges that he owes to Gilbert de Risshtoii 10/. ;
Conisbrough. to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hertford.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert del Cley of Blyth (Blit/ia) acknowledges that he owes to the
aforesaid Gilbert 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Nottingham.
Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by Thomas de Brayton, clerk,
Gilbert's attorney.
Nov. 4. To W. archbishop of York. Order not to molest the archbishop of Can-
York, terbury or the men of his household during his journey to York to treat
with the king and other prelates or magnates, or during his return thence,
disputes having heretofore arisen concerning the carrying of his cross in the
province of the archbishop of York. The king wills that the archbishop of
York shall in like wise go to such treaties in the province of Canterbury
without impediment. By K. on the information of Master R. de Baldok.
[Fcedera ; Pari. Writs.']
To the sheriff of York. Order to meet the archbishop of Canterbury
when he comes into the sheriff's bailiwick, and to conduct him to the city
of York, not permitting wrong or grievance to be done to him or any of his
household there. \_Ibid.'\
The like to the sheriff of Nottingham, ' mutatis mutandis.' [/6«(f.]
Membrane 2\d.
Nov. 1.5. Adam de Knousale acknowledges that he owes to Master Robert de
Tatbury. Ayleston, clerk, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Leicester.
Nov. 11.
Nov. 14.
Joan, late the wife of Thomas Botetourt, sister and co-heiress of John de
Somery, tenant in chief, puts in her place Alan de Wodelowe to seek in
chancery her purparty of the knights' fees and advowsons of churches of the
aforesaid John.
John de Sutton, who married Margaret, one of the sisters and co-heiresses
of the aforesaid John, puts in his place Henry de Edenestowe, clerk, and
"William de Duddele, and Margaret puts in her place the said William, to
receive her purparty of the knights' fees and advowsons of the churches of
the aforesaid John de Somery.
Robert, prior of Bryddelyngton, acknowledges, for himself and convent,
that he owes to Thomas, son of Thomas de Outhenby, 120/. ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of their lands and chattels ancl ecclesiastical goods in
CO. York.
Cancelled on payment.
The aforesaid prior acknowledges that he owes to the said Thomas
40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, as above.
Cancelled on payment.
To the sheriff of York. Whereas the king lately sent to him in patent
form an article concerning the making of prises in this realm, made by the
late king and approved by the king, and enjoined him to publish the same in
York and elsewhere, and to inhibit anyone taking prises contrary to the form
thereof, and the king now learns from the frequent complaints of divers
men that many persons, feigning to be ministers of the king and of other
magnates, have presumsd to make divers prises of corn, beasts, and other
1322. Membrane 2ld — cotit.
sorts of victuals in divers places in the sheriff's bailivpick, contrary to the
aforesaid article, lieating the men wishing to complain thereof and despoiling
them of their goods ; the king, for the protection and quiet of his people, and
in order that the magnates and others of his faithful subjects coming to him
■ from day to day may be able to find victuals for their maintenance, and the
vendors thereof be able to expose them for sale at their will, has caused the
said article to be transmitted again to the sheriff in patent form ; and he
orders the sheriff to cause it to be read and proclaimed in the aforesaid city
and in every market-town and elsewhere where the sheriff shall think fit,
and to enjoin all of his bailiwick to pursue with hue and cry any person
making prises contrary to the aforesaid article, and to arrest any so doing,
and to take them to the nearest gaol, there to remain until they be delivered
thence according to the law and custom of the land and the form of the
aforesaid article, warning all and singular of his bailiwick who wish to
complain of such prises to come to the chancery or the exchequer, if they
will, to propound their complaints and to receive remedy. By K. and C.
The like to the mayor and bailiffs of the city of York.
Nov. 16. Thomas de Rok acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Karliolo of
Tutbury. Newcastle-on-Tyne 300/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Northumberland.
Andrew de Harcla, earl of Carlisle, puts in his place Robert de Saunford
to prosecute a recognisance of 406/. 10*. Od., made to him in chancery by
John de Wake.
Henry de Sibthorp, parson of a moiety of tlie church of Ekeryng',
acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Sibthorp, clerk, 10 marks ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels and ecclesiastical
goods in CO. Nottingham.
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause all and singular of his bailiwick
to be raised whenever Robert Lewer, John Wyard, John du Chastel,
Richard and Robert de Harle, and their confederates, or any of them, come
to his bailiwick, and to pursue them with hue and cry until they be taken
dead or alive. Unless the said men be pursued and taken if they enter his
bailiwick, the king will punish him and the men of the places where the
aforesaid malefactors shall come or be received, the king being given to
understand that the said Robert and the others have risen against him, and
have set out for the woods in the sheriff's bailiwick. By p.s. [6284.1
[Pari. Writs.']
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.']
Nov. 24. John de Munketon, chaplain, acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de
York. la Ryver, knight, 1,000/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert de Plumton, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas de
Colonia, citizen and merchant of York, 22/. ISs.'kd.; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
William Byset acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Morby, knight
10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
Nov. 30. Thomas son of Richard de Dene of Hothum acknowledges that he owes
Tork. to John, bishop of Ely, 200 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. York.
Nov. 16.
Nov. 11.
Dec. 1.
Nov. 26.
Nov. 10.
Nov. 27.
Dec. 1.
Dec. 3.
Membrane 2\d — cont.
To the treasurer and barons of the exchequer. Order to cause the men
of the county of Lancaster to have respite until Michaelmas next for all
debts due to the exchequer for the king's time and of the time of his pro-
genitors, the king having granted them such re.«pite, as they have suffered
great damages for some time by the frequent comings of the Scotch rebels.
By K.
The like in favour of the men of Cumberland and the men of Westmore-
land. By K.
Membrane 20d.
Thomas de Evesham, parson of the church of Baddeby, diocese of
Lincoln, acknowledges that he owes to Master Richard de SnoweshuU
10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Lincoln.
Cancelled on paytnent.
William Scot of Birthwait acknowledges that he owes to Robert de
Bardelby, clerk, 16/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Stephen de Kelleseye acknowledges that he owes to John de Wodeford,
clerk, 8Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in the city of London.
John de Grantham, citizen of York, acknowledges that he owes to
Thomas de Burgh, clerk, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. York.
To John de Hanstede, supplying the place of marshal in the king's
household. Order to cause proclamation to be made in the city of York,
whither the prelates, earls, barons, proceres, and communities of the realm
are coming to treat of the affairs of the realm, that all wishing to sell
victuals and other goods may come to the city with their victuals and goods
safely and securely, and that nothing shall be taken of their victuals and
goods against their will. The said John is ordered to prosecute and punish,
at the suit of any complaining of them or otherwise, any who have made any
prises in the city contrary to the late king's articles concerning prises, which
articles the king lately caused to be published. By K. and the whole 0.
\_Parl. Writs.']
To W. archbishop of Canterbury. Order to convoke a provincial council
of the prelates and clergy of the province at Lincoln as speedily as possible,
and to seek a suitable aid from them from their ecclesiastical goods and
other things annexed thereto, as the king needs a great amount of money for
the war against the Scots, the prelates, proceres, and community of the
realm having granted the king a tenth of the goods of the community of the
realm and a sixth of the cities, boroughs, and ancient demesnes of the king.
IFcedera ; Pari. Writs.'\ _ By K.
The like to W. archbishop of York to assemble the clergy of his province
at York. By K.
John Morice, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de Wolaston
100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
cos. Bedford and Northampton.
Cancelled on payment.
Henry de Lancastre acknowledges that he owes to Thomas le Blount,
knight, 660/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Gloucester.
Cancelled on payment.
16 EDWARD II. 687
1322. Membrane 20c? — cont.
The aforesaid Henry acknowledges that he owes to the said Thomas
and to Richard de Rivera, executors of the will of Matilda, late the wife of
the aforesaid Henry, 400Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Gloucester.
Constantino de Mortuo Mari, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John,
bishop of Norwich, lOOs. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Norfolk.
The abbot of Vaudey acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he owes
to Acheritus Johan de Portenar[iis] of Floience 200/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Luke de Colleville, parson of the church of Daneby-on-Wisk, puts in
his place Hugh de Colleville to sue for execution of a recognisance for
18/. 13*. 4:d. made to him in chancery by Peter de Hanby.
The aforesaid Luke puts the said Hugh in his place to prosecute the
execution of a recognisance for 251. maiie to him by William Benet of
Nov. 27. To Thomas, earl of Norfolk, and marshal of England. Order to provide
York. himself with men-at-arms beyond his accustomed household with all speed,
and to come to one of his manors nearest to Yorkshire, so that he can come
to the king with the said men-at-arms thence at a day and place to be
appointed by the king in case the Scotch rebels enter the realm, it having been
agreed in the treaty at York by the king and the prelates, earls, barons, and
other proceres of the realm that the king shall stay in the north this winter
with a force, and that the earls, barons, and other proceres shall provide them-
selves with as many men-at-arms as possible, so that they may come to
the king to repel the Scotch. The king wiUs that the aforesaid men-at-
arms shall be at his wages from the day when the earl comes to the king
by his order for so long as they shall be in the king's service, since the
tenth and sixth granted in the above treaty were granted for this purpose,
and in aid of other expenses about the war. The earl is ordered to certify
the king by the bearer of his proceedings herein, of the number of men-at-
arms that he will bring, and of the manor wherein he will stay. By K.
[Pari. Writs.']
The like to five earls and forty-seven others, [/iic?.]
The like to three earls and fifteen others, omitting the mention of staying
at a manor. \^Ibid.'\
To the abbot of Waltham Holy Cross. Order to go to the provincial
council that Walter, archbishop of Canterbury, will shortly convoke at
Lincoln, to treat with the prelates and clergy of that province concerning
the grant of a suitable subsidy to the king for the prosecution of the Scotch
war, and he is enjoined to grant a suitable aid and procure the grant
thereof from others to the best of his powers. By K.
The like to forty-four abbots, the prior of Lewes, the prior of St. John of
Jerusalem, and the master of the order of Semplingham. [/6ic?.]
Membrane \Qd.
Dec. 6. Master Richard de Haveryng', clerk, acknowledges that he owes to John
Selby. de Waterton and Henry de Belton, citizens and merchants of York, 80/. •
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Peter de Malo Lacu, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de
Furnivall, the younger, 1,000/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
1322. Membrane 19rf — cont.
William de Alta Kipa of Holbek acknowledges that he owes to Thomas
de la Eivere 4/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Dec. 3. To the treasurer and chamberlains. As the king wills that all papal
York. bulls and all other charters, deeds, and memoranda touching him and his
estate and liberties in England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and Fonthieu in
the treasury under their custody and in the wardrobe and elsewhere shall
be put into a calendar, and shall be arrayed by certain sufficient persons to
be appointed by the treasurer and chamberlains at the king's expense, as
the king has enjoined upon the treasurer, the king orders them to cause
these things to be done as conveniently as they can be, and to pay the
wages of those deputed for this purpose. By K.
Dec. 6. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made that all
York. those who have been appointed justices to take assizes, juries, and certi-
ficates, or inquisitions, to deliver gaols, or to hear and determine felonies,
or other such like things in that county since the king's accession, shall send
to the exchequer at the quinzaine of Easter next estreats of their rolls of
lines, ransoms, amercements, forfeited issues, and all other things touching
the king's profit in this behalf that have not yet been sent to the exchequer,
under pain of forfeiture, in order that the fines, etc., may be levied for the
king's use, and that they shall have then their rolls of all such things as
have been finally determined before them to be delivered to the treasurer
and chamberlains. He is also to cause proclamation to be made that the
heirs and executors of the wills of all such justices as are dead shall have
all the rolls of the said justices in their custody at the exchequer on the
said day, there to be delivered to the treasurer and chamberlains. The
sheriff is to inform himself, and, if need be, to make enquiry of the names
of such as have been appointed for the above purposes since the king's
accession, and to certify the treasurer and barons of the names at the said
day. By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England.
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made that
all those who have goods of the contrariants who have not yet been admitted
to the king's grace, or who owe them debts, shall deliver such goods and
pay the debts within a month from the time of proclamation to those who
have been appointed by the king for the custody of such goods in those
parts, causing them to know that the king will repute as adherents of the
rebels all who do not execute the premises. He is ordered to certify
the treasurer and barons of the exchequer at the quinzaine of Easter how
he has executed this order. By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England.
Nov. 29. To the sheriff of York. Order to cause Gregory de Thorneton and
Yorli. Henry de Malton, knights of that shire, to have nine marks from the
community of the county for their expenses in coming to the king at York
for the community of the county, staying there for fifteen days, each of
them taking 4«. a day. By K.
IParl. Writs.']
Nov. 29. To the sheriff of Norfolk. Like order for payment of 100*. to Walter de
York. Holwell, knight of that county, staying at. York fifteen days and being five
days coming and five days returning. By K.
The like for various sums for the knights of other counties. \^Ibid.'\
To the bailiffs of Norwich. Order to cause John de Morle, the younger,
and Peter de Hakeford, burgesses of that city, to have 100*. from the
16 EDWARD II. 689
1322. Sfembrane 19d — cont.
community thereof for their expenses in coming to York as above, each of
them taking 2s. a dav.
The like in favour of the following :
Godfrey de Colneye, burgess of Great Yarmouth, for 50*.
Richard de Cave and Simon de Knyghtwyk, burgesses of Bedford,
■for 100«.
John de Norhampton, burgess of Northampton, for 46*; [/5irf.]
Enrolment of letters of John, duke of Britanny, vicomte of Limoges,
dated at his castle of Gaunre, on Thursday after St. Luke, 1322, witnessing
that whereas on 24 November, 1305, an accord was made between him, for
all the merchants, mariners (mareanz), and subjects of his dnchy, and the
king of England, lord of Ireland and Wales, and duke of Aquitaiue, and the
merchants, mariners, and subjects of his said realm and lands, that a truce
should be taken and affirmed between the parties, which endured, according
to the form of the accord, until the feast of All Saints last upon certain
conditions expressly stated (pallees) in the said truce and prises ; because
these matters were not furnished for certain causes, the duke has prolonged
the said truce thus taken and affirmed for a year beyond the said feast, and
meanwhile the conditions shall be again furnished ; the duke, willing that
the matters agreed upon shall be done as aforesaid as pertains to him and
his subjects, prolongs the said truce so taken and affirmed and after-
wards prolonged by him, as aforesaid, for two years from All Saints next,
and he wills that the matters spoken of and moved at another time in the
said truce shall be done and furnished fully in suitable manner during the
prolongation of this truce, if bj' chance duj-ing that time a friendly composi-
tion or reformation of the accord may not be procured or made between
the parlies concerning the discords upon both sides. The duke has received
the letters of the king of England under the great seal concerning the
prolongation of the truce ; wherefore he has caused it to be published and
ordered throughout his duchy that the truce shall be kept. French.
To William de Ayremynne, Master Henry de Clyf, William de Clyf, and
WilUam de Herlaston. As the king wills that the bishop of Norwich, the
chancellor, shall come to him at the next convocation to be held at Lincoln,
he has charged him to deliver the great seal to William de Ayremynne to
keep under the seals of the aforesaid Henry, William de Clyf, and William de
Herlaston, or two of them ; the king therefore charges William de
Ayremynne to receive the said seal to be kept as above, and he and the
said Henry, William and William are to cause to be done what pertains
to the office of chancellor until the chancellor's return. Given under the
privy seal at York, 30 December, in the 16th year of the reign.
Afterwards, on 10 January following, the chancellor delivered the said
seal in the morning under his seal to the aforesaid William de Ayremynne
within the chancellor's chamber in St. Mary's abbey, York, in the presence
of the aforesaid Henry, William and William, and of other clerks of the
chancery; and William de Ayremynne received the seal, and opened it on
the same day before dinner, in the church of the abbey, in the presence of
Henry, William and William, and writs were sealed therewith, and after
the sealing the seal remained in the custody of William de Ayremynne
under the seals of the said Henry, William and William.
Afterwards, on Monday, May 2, William de Ayremynne delivered the
seal under the aforesaid seals to the chancellor in his chamber in the afore-
said abbey, at the hour after dinner, in the presence of W. bishop'of Exeter,
Walter de Norwico, Roger Beler, barons of the exchequer, and others, and
the chancellor received the seal into his own hands from the said William de
Ayremynne, and sealed writs with it on the morrow. \_Parl. Writs.']
76416. X X
Dec. 4.
Deo. 12.
Dec. 8.
Dec. 10.
Dec. 20.
Dec. 18.
Membrane I8d.
To Louis, count, of Flanders. The king learns from his letters that he
desires that a truce shall be made for the avoidance of the discords
between his subjects and the king's subjects; the king informs him that
Robert, late count of Flanders, grandfather of Louis, and his subjects,
atfordbd the material and occasion of the said dissensions ; but if the count
will cause the giving of aid to the Scotch rebels by him or by his subjects
and the making of communion with them to cease whilst they are rebels,
it will please the king if the count will send some of his subjects into the
realm to treat upon the said article and other things necessary for the said
truce, for whom the king will grant safe-conduct when apprised of their
names. The count is desired to write his will in the matter. \_Fcedera.'\
John de Warthill of York acknowledges that he owes to "Walter de.
Whiteby of York 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
To Richard de Burgo, earl of Ulster. Order to prepare himself with
horses and arms in as much power as possible, and to come at the king's
wages to Carlisle on 1 June next, ready to set out with certain of the
king's faithful subjects whom he is about to send thither against the Scotch
rebels. By K.
[Fcedera ; Pari. Writs.]
The like to twelve others, [/iirf.]
To Thomas, earl of Norfolk, and marshal of England. Order to be at
York at the Purification with horses and arms in as much power as possible,
ready to set out against the Scotch rebels, who, as the king learns, are pre-
paring to enter the realm about the Purification. He is ordered to certify
the king as speedily as possible of the number of men-at-arms that he will
bring with him, in accordance with the king's late order to bring as many
men-at-arms in addition to his usual household as possible, which men-at-
arms shall be at the king's wages from the day they come to York. By K.
[Pari. Writs.']
The like to five earls and forty-five others. [^Ibid.]
To Thomas Wake. Like order. By K.
The like to eleven others. [Ibid.]
The like to three earls and three others, ordering them to provide them-
selves with as many men-at-arms as possible, so that they may be ready to
come with them to a certain place to be appointed by the king. \^Ibid.]
Reginald le Carter of Scardeburgh acknowledges that he owes to John
Moryn 401. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
Laurence Chaumpeneys, parson of the church of Naileston, acknowledges
that he owes to Manent Prancisci, merchant of Florence, 201. ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Leicester.
To the mayor and echevins of St. Omar. Request that they will satisfy
Hugh le Tigheler of London without delay for 200Z. sterling delivered by
him to William Boudelut, their changer in that town, and for his damages
in this behalf, which amount to 401., and that they will so conduct them-
selves in the matter that further complaint shall not come to the king,
whereby it would behove him to provide Hugh with another remedy, they
having promised, in reply to the king's former request, to satisfy Hugh for
the above sum and his damages, but they desire to defer payment to a dis-
tant date. They are requested to write back by the bearer an account of
their proceedings.
1322. Membrane Xid — cont.
Dec. 20. Brother Thomas Larchier, prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem
Haddlesey. in England, acknowledges that he owes to Ralph Basset of Drayton 1,0C0
marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Northampton.
Cancelled on payment.
William de Stoweford, parson of Lyfton church, diocese of Exeter,
acknowledges that he owes to Henry de Thrapston, clerk, 13s. 4<£. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Devon.
Cancelled on payment.
Dec. 26. John de Rithre acknowledges that he owes to Master Adam de Ayremynn,
York. clerk, 50/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co.
York. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
Almaric de Triwe, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de EUerker,
the elder, 9 marks 6s. 8(/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Dec. 29. To the prior and convent of Worcester. Request that they will deliver
York. to Alice Conan, for her good service to the queen, such maintenance, for
life, as Peter Davilier^s, deceased, had from their house by the king's order.
By p.s. [6319.]
William de la Twyer, knight, John de Sourdewall, and Robert Coroner of
Scardeburgh acknowledge that they owe to Henry de Malton, knight,
60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in
CO. York.
Robert de Pontefracto of Wyvelesthorp acknowledges that he owes to
John de EUerker, the elder, 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Dec. 31. William de Septem Vannis acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de
York. Garton, clerk, 10/. 10s. Od. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Kent.
Dec. 28.
Jan. 6.
Membrane 17 d.
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made
prohibiting any native or alien merchant taking any corn out of the realm
without the king's order or licence, under pain of forfeiture of such corn, as
corn is now dear in the realm, and it is feared that it will be dearer in future
if it be permitted to be taken out of the realm, and it is necessary to have a
great abundance of corn and other victuals for the maintenance of the king
and his subjects about to set out for Scotland in the coming summer.
By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England.
Ellen, late the wife of Henry de Byngham of Milford, acknowledges that
she owes to the master and brethren of St. Leonard's hospital, York,
56s. 8d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and chattels in
CO. York.
Adam Fauvel acknowledges that he owes to Master Adam de Ayremynn,
clerk, 1 1 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
X X 2
Jan. 20.
Membrane 17 d — cont.
William Cruel, son of John Cruel of Wrelton, acknowledges that he owes
to Master Robert de Pykeryng', dean of St. Peter's York, 10 marks; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
John de Cailly of Metheley acknowledges that he owes to the master
and brethren of St. Leonard's hospital, York, 32^. 1 Id. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York,
Cancelled on payment, acknowledged hy brother Attgustine, the sacri-
stan, and Robert de Leyburn, receiver of the hospital.
To Charles, king of France and Navarre. Request that he will cause
satisfaction to be made to Jakeminus de Recto, merchant of Genoa, for his
gi-eat ship commonly called ' Dromundus ' and her cargo, of the value of
5,716Z. Is. Od., which were taken at Les Dunes near Sandwich by Berenger
Blank, keeper or admiral of certain ships of Louis, late king of France, the
king having requested the said king Louis and Philip, king of France, to
cause satisfaction to be made to the aforesaid merchant, who has been
unable to procure satisfaction notwithstanding the promise of king Philip,
wherefore he has again prayed the king to cause justice to be done to him.
The king requests that justice may be done to the said merchant, so that
the king may not be further solicited, in which case he will be unable to
refrain from providing him with the remedy usual in such cases. The king
of France is desired to write back by the bearer an account of his proceed-
ings herein. [Fcedera.]
Jan. 13.
Jan. 8.
Membrane 16d.
William de Ulseby came before the king, on Thursday after Epiphany,
and sought to replevy to the prior of Ormesby the said prior's land in
Foterby, which was taken into the king's hands for the prior's default
before the justices of the Bench against Jordan de Foterby. This is signi-
fied to the justices.
To Andrew de Harcla, earl of Carlisle. Order to come to the king at
once, leaving in the castle and town of Carlisle a sufficient guard, in order
to inform the king concerning the treaties that are being held, as the king
is given to understand, between his subjects and the Scots for the granting
of a truce, which are being held with the earl's knowledge and without his
withstanding them, the king having inhibited the earls, barons, knights, and
others of the marches from holding any such treaties with the Scots, and or
from confirming anything that may have been treated of, until the king be
informed of the conditions of the truce. By K.
Jan. 15. Robert de Neuby, parson of (he church of Hoton Wandesleye, acknow-
Cowick. ledges that he owes to the master and brethren of St. Leonard's hospital,
York, 12 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Isolda, late the wife of Peter de Fymmer, and John and Peter, her sons,
acknowledge that they owe to Robert son of Peter de Fymmer 30 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Walter Clement of Alswyk acknowledges that he owes to William de
Ayremynn, clerk, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Hertford.
Ca)icelled on payment.
16 EDWARD ir.
Jan 22.
Stow Park.
Jan. 23.
Stow Park.
1323. Membrane \Qd — cont.
Roger de Morteyn, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de
Ayremynn, clerk, 100*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Lincoln. — William de Herlaston, one of the keepers of
the seal, received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Thornton of Skuseby acknowledges that he owes to Ralph son of
Elias de Skuseby 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Robert Tuchet acknowledges that he owes to Roger Beler 150/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Derby and
Cancelled on payment.
Peter de Malo Lacu, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William, arch-
bishop of York, 300/.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Alexander de Ledes acknowledges that he owes to Richard de Thorp of
York 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Jan. 24. John Sleght, parson of Richmond church, and Joan, late the wife of John
Stow Park. Sampson of York, acknowledge that they owe to William de Ayremynn,
clerk, 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and
chattels in co. York. — Master Henry de Clif received the acknowledgment.
Feb. 12. To the sheriif of York. Order to cause a regard to be made in the forest
Pontefract. of Galtres before Easter next, before the coming of the justices of the
March 3. Like order to the sheriff of Stafford for a regard in the forest of Kynfare,
Knaresborough. to be made before the Ascension next.
April 23. The like to the sheriff of York for a regard in the forest of Pykeryng', to
Langley. be made before Holy Trinity next.
Enrolment of release by Richard, son and heir of Peter de Tadeeastre of
I Etherswyk, to Emma, late the wife of Bartholomew Bacoun, of his right in
a chief messuage, 4 tofts and buildings, 2 crofts, and 6 bovates of land in
the town of Etherswyk, together with a yearly rent of Ad. in the windmill
of that town, and in a rent of a pound of cumin, which Juliana, late the
wife of the aforesaid Peter, used to render to the releasor, and in the toft
and croft that Adam Scot holds of the releasor in the same town, and
in the demesne of a moiety of the said town, with the homages and services
of the free tenants there, to wit from Henry atte Water Id. yearly for a
bovate of land, from William de Wygynton \d. for a bovate, from Roger de
Touthorp \d. for 3 acres of land in Etherswyk, together with the reversion
of 5 tofts and 4 bovates that Walter de Wynestowe and the aforesaid
Juliana, his wife, hold of 'the releasor's inheritance in the aforesaid town;
to wit all the lands, rents, reversions, etc., pertaining to the releasor by in-
heritance or otherwise in the said town, which Bartholomew Bacoun and
the said Emma previously had of the releasor's grant. Witnesses : Nicholas
de Langeton, William Gra, Robert de Bouthum, Thomas Durant, Roger
Easy, and Thomas de Helperby. Dated at York, on Tuesday the feast of
St. Peter in Cathedra, 16 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Richard came into chancery at York, on the afore-
said day, and acknowledged the above deed.
1323. Membrane 16cf — cont.
Feb. 22. Richard son of Peter de Tadecastre of Etherswyk acknowledges that he
Pontefract. owes to Emma, late the wife of Bartholomew Bacun, 100/. ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Jan. 27.
Stow Park.
Jan. 26.
Feb. 2.
Feb. 8.
Feb. 15.
Feb. 15.
Membrane 15c?.
Roger Grendelyng* of Thresk and John de Bella Landa of Souroby
acknowledge that they owe to the master and brethren of St. Leonard's
hospital, York, 56s. 4J. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands
and chattels in co. York.
Henry son of Thomas de Touleston, Hugh his brother, and John de
Lindessey acknowledge that they owe to Thomas de Boterwyk 40s. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
To the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London. Request that they
will grant to WiUiam de Lughteburgh, the king's envoy, for life such main-
tenance as Simon le Keu, deceased, had in their house at the request of the
late king. By p.s. [6368.]
John son of John de Kirnesale acknowledges that he owes to Richard
son of John de Kirnesale lOOZ. j to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Nottingham.
To the abbot and convent of Byrton-on-Trent. Request that they will
grant to John le Nakerer,* who has long served the king, such maintenance
for life in their house as John le Triour, deceased, had therein at the late
king's request. By p.s. [6371.]
Enrolment of release by John son of Richard le Taverner of Newerk,
chaplain, to Walter his younger brother of his right in the lands in Newerk,
Kelum, Houton, and Northgate near Newerk that Walter had of their
father's gift and also in all the lands in the same towns whereof their father
was seised at his death. Dated at Newerk, on the morrow of St. Katherine,
16 Edward II. Witnesses: William Duraunt; JohnBick; William Asse-
ballock ; Henry Mous ; John de Bekyngham ; William de Barneby ; Henry
de Sancto Lycio ; Hugh de Graveley ; Philip de Swafeld ; Henry le Porter
of Codyngton ; Robert son of John son of Peter, clerk.
Memorandum, that John came into chancery at Newerk, on February 3,
and acknowledged the above deed.
Oliver de Foston, executor of the will of Hugh de Foston, puts in his
place Theobald Polayn and Henry Chaufsir to sue for the execution of a
recognisance for 200 marks made to Hugh in chancery by John Tuke, the
John de Chaumpayne acknowledges that he owes to John de Molyns
10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
cos. Southampton and Oxford.
To the sheriff of Northumberland. Order not to permit victuals, armour,
or other goods to be carried from his bailiwick to the parts of Carlisle, as
the king understands that, notwithstanding his late orders to this effect by
writ of privy seal, victuals, arms, and goods are being taken daily to Carlisle
from the sheriff's bailiwick, understanding that if the contrary be done by
his default, the king will punish (capiemus) him grievously. By K.
The like to the mayor of Newcastle-on-Tyne.
The prior of Holy Trinity, York, acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas
de Colonya 1 1 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Described as Janyn nostre Nakerer in the privy seal.
Feb. 17.
Feb. 21.
Feb. 13.
Feb. 21.
Feb. 26.
Membrane 15d — cont.
Eichard de Thorp acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Coygners,
knight, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. "Y^rk.
John de Ellerker, the elder, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Master
Robert de Ripplyngham, chancellor of St. Peter's York, 40 marks ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on 'payment.
Robert de Watevill and William de Criketot, knights, acknowledge that
they owe to William de Ayremynn, clerk, 20 marks; to be levied, in default
of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. — Master H. de Clyf
and W. de Clyf, keepers of the seal, received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
John son of Thomas de Burgh, knight, acknowledges that he owes to
Alexander de Monte Forti and Elizabeth his wife 50/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. York, Suffolk, and
William de Barneby, canon of Suthwell church, and Thomas de Arcubus
of London, executors of the will of Master Peter de Askern, put in their
places John de Morton, clerk, to sue the matter of a recognisance for 70/.
made to Peter in chancery by the abbot of Certeseye.
To Thomas de Furnival, the elder. Order to go with horses and arms
in as much power as possible to Lancashire without delay, and to be in-
tendent to John Darcy ' le neveu,' whom the king has appointed sheriff of
Lancaster and keeper of the castle of Horneby and of those parts in what
pertains to the protection of those parts and tlie people thereof against the
attacks of the Scots, in what pertains to the protection aforesaid until
further orders, notwithstanding the king's late order to come to him at
TTork with horses and arms. By K.
{^Parl. Writs. '\
To Henry son of John de Grey. Order to go to the above county with
horses and arms and all his company, Henry having now come with horses
and arms to York to set out in the king's service in his father's place, and
to be intendent to the aforesaid sheriff in the above matters. \lhid.'\
By K.
William de Bruys, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Richard de
Grymston, parson of the church of Styvelyngflet, 200/. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Enrolment of deed of the aforesaid Eichard granting that the above
recognisance sliall be annulled if the said William, kinsman and heir of
Master Robert de Pykeryng, dean of St. Peter's York, permit him to
possess the aforesaid church, which he has of the presentation of the
aforesaid Robert, without molestation. Dated at York, 21 February,
16 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Eichard came into chancery at York, on the afore-
said day, and acknowledged the above deed.
William de Tweng acknowledges that he owes to the prior of Watton
40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
The said William acknowledges that he owes to Patrick de Langedale
8/. 10.9. Orf. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
Cancelled on ■payment.
1323. Membrane I6d — cont.
William de Salvynhaco, parson of the church of Wynterburn St. Martin,
diocese of Salisbury, acknowledges that he owes to Bernard Pelegrini
25 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his»lands and chattels in
CO. Dorset.
John de Langele acknowledges that he owes to John de Ellerker, the
elder, 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
cos. Oxford and Derby.
Cancelled on payment.
Enrolment of deed of John de Isle de Wight, knight, witnessing that
whereas five galleys of the city of Venyse loaded with merchandise were
lately sent to Southampton, and at that time disputes arose between the*
captains (patrones), merchants, masters, and mariners of the said galleys
and John's men, servants, free-tenants, and others, in which dispute men
slain on both sides, and John's goods and the goods of his men, servants,
and free tenants were taken, carried away, and lost in divers manners, by
reason whereof action of felony and trespass has accrued to him, his ser-
vants and free tenants aforesaid ; the said John, in consideration of a sum
of goods (avoir) received by him from the merchants of Venyse, has
released to the commonalty of the town of Venyse, and to every merchant
and inhabitant thereof, and to all their faithful subjects all manner of
action or suit of felony or trespass against them, so that none of them shall
be arrested, impeached, or molested by him or his heirs. Moreover, he
undertakes, for all his servants and tenants who were thus slain, and for all
who could have suit against the Venetians by reason of the said deaths,
robbery, or wasting of goods and chattels, that none of them shall bring
action against the Venetians for the deaths or other matters aforesaid, and
to cause damages to be awarded to the Venetians against his said servants
and tenants and the heirs and executors of those who were slain, and for all
those who might have suit or appeal against the Venetians by reason of
these matters. For the execution of these things, he charges himself, his
heirs and executors, upon all his goods. Witnesses : Sir William
Dayremynne, Master Henry de Clif, Sir William de Herlaston, keepers of
the king's great seal ; Elias de Cherleton, Walter le Noreys, and Eicher
Seles. Dated at London, 10 April, 1323, in the 16th year of Edward II.
Memorandum, that the said John came into chancery at the House of
the Conversi, London, on the aforesaid day, and acknowledged the above
deed. [jFbedera.]
Membrane lid.
Eeb. 12. Eichard de Walton, parson of Penyston church, acknowledges that he
Pontefract. owes to William son of Margaret de Nevill 70 marks ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Enrolment of deed of the aforesaid William, lord of Farnelay, acknow-
ledging receipt from the said Eichard of all arrears of a yearly pension or
rent of 20/., which Richard is bound to pay him by bond and by the ordi-
nance of William, late archbishop of York. Dated at York, on Wednesday
the feast of the Purification, 1322, 16 Edward II.
Memorandum, that William came into chancery at York, on 13 February,
and acknowledged the above deed.
Feb. 13. Thomas de Burel acknowledges that he owes to John de Burel and
Pontefract. John de Askbam, son of the said John, 9 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Y''ork.
Feb. 19.
Feb. 10.
Feb. 20.
Feb. 25.
Feb. 18.
Membrane 14cf — cont.
William de Alta Eipa acknowledges that he owes to the prior of Holy
Trinity, York, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
The prior of Holy Trinity, York, acknowledges, for himself and con-
vent, that he owes to the aforesaid William 20 marks; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the aforesaid county.
Simon Kosze of Beverley acknowledges that he owes to William de Ros
of Hamelak 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Wendesley acknowledges that he owes to the master and
brethren of St. Leonard's hospital, York, 46s. 8rf. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
John de Langele acknowledges that he owes to Thomas West
300Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Oxford.
To L. bishop of Durham. Order to prepare the aid of his friends and
relations in as much force as possible, and to go to his bishopric with them
without delay to aid in defending it and the adjacent parts against the
Scotch rebels, and to stay continuously in those parts with the said force
until it shall be otherwise ordered, writing back by the bearer what he will
cause to be done in this matter. The king remembers that Richard, the
bishop's predecessor, was frequently reproached by Henry de Bello Monte,
the present bishop's brother, and other friends and relations for causing by
his negligence the wasting of the bishopric by the Scotch rebels, saying
that if the present bishop or another person of noble origin had the rule of
the church of Durham a defence like a stone wall would be provided for
those parts by the presidency of the present bishop or other noble person
and by the power of his friends and noble relations, but the king knows
actually that greater damage is done in the bishopric by the bishop's
default, negligence, and laziness than in the time of his predecessor, neither
the bishop, nor his friends or relations giving counsel or aid according to
their promises. By K.
l^Fcedera ; Pari. Writs.']
John son of William de Erdeslowe acknowledges that he owes to the
prior of St. Oswald's Nostel 10^. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. York.
Ellen, late the wife of Peter de Skurveton, acknowledges that she owes
to John de Denum 4.0s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands
and chattels in co. York.
John Pecche, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Robert de Sancto
Odowino 85/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Warwick and York.
Cancelled on payment.
To Robert, king of Jerusalem and Sicily. Request that he will restore
to the king amicably the portions of the inheritance of Berengar, sometime
count of Provence and Forcalquier (Folcatarii), that fall to the king by
inheritance, one of Berengar's four daughters having married the king's
grandfather, Henry III., and another daughter having married Richard,
King of the Romans, earl of Cornwall. He is requested to give credence
in this matter to E. bishop of Winchester and Master John de Stratford,
archdeacon of Lincoln, the king's ambassadors in the Roman Court, and to
write back by them, if he please, his will in this matter. \Fcedera\
1323. Membrane lid — cont.
Feb. 26. Robert de Eston, clerk, came before the kino;, on Saturday after
Knaresborough. St Matthias, and sought to replevy to William de Wyllardeby and Margaret
his wife their land in Scardeburgh, which was taken into the king's hands
for their default before the justices of the Bench against Roger de Hake-
nesse. — This is signified to the justices.
Feb. 26. To Guy de Flandr[ia], lord of Rykenburgh, and Ottobon de Carecto,
Knaresborough. provost of the church of St. Donatus, Bruges, chancellor of Flanders,
supplying in Flanders the place of Louis, count of Flanders and the
Nevers (Nivernen'), and to the echevins, councillor."!, and universitates
of Ghent, Bruges, and Ypres. The king lately wrote to the count that it
pleased him that the count should send some of his subjects into this realm
to treat for a truce, provided that he would cause his subjects to desist from
aiding the Scotch rebels ; the count is now staying in France; they have
requested the king, by the count's order, with the counsel and consent of
the whole country of Flanders, to grant a truce between his subjects and
the count .and his subjects to endure for a certain time to be fixed by the
king, and that the king would assign a certain day and place within that
time for the count to send his envoys to treat for peace, praying that the
king would make letters of conduct for the said proctors, and promising to
desist from aiding the Scots during such truce ; the king has caused a truce
to be granted until Michaelmas next, on condition that the count will accept
it before Easter and cause it to be published in Flanders, their proctor
having refused to confirm or accept the truce with the condition about not
aiding the Scots. The king has ordered the constable of Dover castle and
warden of the Cinque Ports, by his letters delivered to the aforesaid proctor,
to cause the truce to be proclaimed and observed so soon as he have ascer-
tained that it has been published in Flanders, and that aiding and com-
municating with the Scots have been inhibited, and the king will cause it
to be proclaimed and observed elsewhere in the realm. The king wills that
envoys shall be sent to him at York before Midsummer, having sufficient
power from the count and the communities of the good towns of Flanders
to confirm the truce and other things touching it, and to prorogue the
same, for which envoys he has caused letters of safe-conduct to be made
and delivered to their said proctor. \_Foedera.'\
Feb. 28. To Edmund, earl of Kent, constable of Dover castle and warden of the
Knaresborough. Cinque Forts, or to him who supplies his place. Order to cause the afore-
said truce to be proclaimed and observed, if it appear to him before
Easter next that the count or those who supply his place have caused the
aforesaid proclamation and inhibition to be made in Flanders. He is to
certify the king when he have made such proclamation, so that the king
may cause the truce to be published elsewhere in the realm. By K. & C.
The like to the following :
The sheriff of Norfolk and SuflTolk.
The mayor and bailifis of Lenne.
The baiiifFs of Great Yarmouth. [/6tc?.]
Enrolment of grant by John de Langele to Thomas West of the bailiwick
of the forestry of Whicchewode, co. Oxford. Witnesses : William Lovel
and John de Stapelton, knights ; Sir William de Aj'remynne and Master
Henry de Clvf, clerks of the chancery ; Nicholas de Langeton, mayor of
York. Dated at York, on Monday after St. Matthias, to wit the last day
of February, 16 Edward II.
Memorandum, that John came into chancery at York, on the aforesaid
day, and acknowledged the above deed.
16 EDWARD II. 699
1323. Membrane lAd—cont.
Feb. 29. William <le Screvyn of York, ' tannour,' acknowledges that he owes to
Knarosborough. Nicholas Fouk, citizen of York, 40/.; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Alan de Wodelowe and William Dodele acknowledge that they owe to
Thomas de Evesham, clerk, 10s. ; be levied, in default of payment, of their
lands and chattels in co. Stafford.
Cancelled on payment.
Feb. 28. Peter Sampson of York and John de Lyndesay of Touleston acknowledge
Knaresborough.that they owe to Simon de Wakefeld 40s.; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
Adam de Ukerby acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Fen cotes
10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
Feb. 26. To the master of the order of Friars Preachers and to the friars of the
KBaresborough. order about to assemble in chapter-general at Barcelona {Barchinonarti) in
Spain at Whitsuntide next. Request for their prayers on behalf of the
king, queen, and their children. By p.s.
March 2. John de Eyvill of Athelyngflete, knight, acknowledges that he owes to
Knaresborough. John de Ellerker, the elder, 40/. ; be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
March 4. Thomas de la Garderobe is sent to the master and brethren of the
Knaresborough. hospital of St. John, Brackele, in consideration of his long service to the
king, in which service he was maimed, in place of Russellus del Aumoneri,
deceased, to receive for life such maintenance in the hospital as Russellus
received. By K.
William Bale, who has long served the king, is sent to the prior and
convent of Bermundeseye in place of William de Topclif, deceased, to receive
for life such maintenance as the latter received in their house at the king's
March 9. William de Foston, yeoman of the almonry, who has long served the king,
Knaresborough. is sent to the abbot and convent of Stanlay to receive such maintenance as
Henry Bussard, deceased, had in their house.
Membrane I3d.
Feb. 23. To W. archbishop of York. Order to have all his service due to the
i'ontefract. king at Newcastle-on-Tyne in the octaves of Midsummer, as the king pro-
poses to be there at that date to set out with his army against the Scotch
rebels. By K.
\_Farl. Writs.]
The like to nineteen bishops and to twenty-four abbots and abbesses and
the prior of Coventry. \_Ibid.]
To Edward, earl of Chester. Order to be at Newcastle at the said date
with all his service. By K
The like to eight earls and to seventy -two others. [Ibid.]
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made that all
persons owing service to the king shall have their service at Newcastle by
the above date. By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.]
1323. Membrane IM — cont.
Feb. 23. To Edward, earl of Chester. Request that he will go to Newcastle at the
Pontefract. aforesaid date with horses and aruia in as much power as possible, iu addi-
tion to the service due from him. By K.
The like to the earls, barons, and other magnates aforesaid. \_Tbid.']
March 9. To Thomas, earl of Norfolk, marshal of England. Order to prepare
Knaresborough. himself with horses and arms in as much force as possible, so that he be
with the king at York within a month of Easter next to set out against the
Scotch rebels, who, the king understands, are preparing to enter the realm
after Easter. The king wills that the earl shall nevertheless be at New-
castle in the octaves of Midsummer, in accordance with his order. By K.
The like to the earls, barons, and other magnates aforesaid, except the
earl of Chester and Thomas son of Bernard, who are not written to in this
behalf. \_Ibid.'\
March 2. Walter de Insula, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de
Knaresborough. Ayremynn, clerk, 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York. — Master Henry de Clyf, one of the keepers
of the seal, received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
Bernard de Eothewell of Panhale acknowledges that he owes to William
Brinhand of Knaresburgh 5 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co York.
March 4. John le Keu of Brampton acknowledges that he owes to William
Knaresborough. Wylymot of Burghbrig 70.!. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
March 10. To R. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, principal collector of the tenth
Knaresborough. imposed upon the clergy by the pope for the king's use, and to his sub-
collector in the diocese of Bath and Wells. Order to cause the exaction
made upon the prior and convent of the abbey of Glastonbury, which is in
the king's hands, for the first term of the payment to be superseded until
the morrow of the Ascension, in order that it may be determined then by
the king's council whether the abbot who shall then be and the convent
ought to be charged therewith.
March 14. Walter de Insula, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de
Knaresborough. Ayreroynn, clerk, 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York. — Master H. de Clyf, one of the keepers of
the seal, received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
Enrolment of release by Ellen de Eameseye to James Beauflour, citizen
and vintner of London, of her right in all the tenements, etc., and 12 acres
of arable land that James has and holds in {et) the town of Stebenhuthe, in
the parish of St. Mary of Matefeloun without the bar of AJegate, London,
which ought to descend to her in inheritance, releasing to him all actions
against him. Witnesses : Walter Crepyn ; John de Mundene ; John
Morice ; Henry le Gauger ; Robert de Lenne ; William de Flete ; Robert
de Barsham, clerk. Dated at Stebenhuthe, 5 April, 16 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Ellen came into chancery at Westminster, on the
aforesaid day, and acknowledged the above deed.
ig9Q Membrane \2d.
March 7. Bernard Pelegrini puts in liis place "William de Norfhwell, clerk, to sue
Knaresborough. for execution of a recognisance for 25 marks made to him in chancery by
William de Salvynhaco, parson of the church of Wynterburn St. Martin, in
the diocese of Salisbury.
The aforesaid Bernard puts the said William in his place to sue the exe-
cution of a recognisance for 60Z. made to him in chancery by William de
March 7. Thomas Ughtred, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de
Knaresborough. Waghire of Beverley 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Richard du Boys acknowledges that he owes to John de Scorby, parson
of the church of Great Useburn, 40Z. ; to be levied in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co York .
The aforesaid John acknowledges that he owes to the said Richard 40/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
March 6, To Edmund, earl of Kent. Order to certify the king in the wardrobe
Knaresborough. before Palm Sunday in two rolls of the number of horsemen and footmen
between the ages of sixteen and sixty that the king can have in the counties
of Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Lancaster, and in the parts of Craven,
CO. York, the king having lately appointed him to array the men of those
counties, and of what number of the said footmen will be armed. By K.
[Parl. Writs.']
The like to those appointed for the above purpose in other counties, etc.
March 8. John de Greyndorge acknowledges that he owes to Master Adam de
Knaresborough. Ayremynn, clerk, 42*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Ralph Basset of Drayton puts in his place Robert de Kendale to prosecute
a recognisance for 250/. made to him in chancery by Richard de Perers.
March 9. Richard de Bokland acknowledges that he owes to Roger atte Water
Knaresborough. 500/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. Hertford.
To Hervey, master of the order of Friars Preachers. As the king pro-
poses to found a house of the sisters of the order of St. Dominic within his
realm, he requests the master to cause four devout sisters of the order to be
chosen from the monastery of Montargis {de Monte Argii), or of Poissy
{de Pussiaco), or of Rouen, and to be prepared to come to this realm at the
king's pleasure, in order to instruct the women to be placed in the aforesaid
house with good precedents concerning the observance of the regular
discipline. By K.
March 10. To Edmund, earl of Kent, constable of Dover castle and warden of the
Knaresborough. Cinque Ports, or to him who suppHes his place. Charles, king of France
and Navarre, has signified to the king by his letters patent that complaint
has reached him from the merchants of his city of Amiens who frequent
this realm that whereas certain of them lately at the port of Southampton
placed salmons, cheeses, cloth, and wool, together with 60/. sterling in money
by tale in a little ship that belonged to Thomas de Pinu, for the purpose of
going to France with the same, certain mariners of the port of Wynchelse
1323. Membrane I2d — coiU.
attacked the said merchants in the little ship aforesaid with many ships
of that port on the eve of Epiphany last, and robbed them of 7 sacks and a
pocket of wool, 22 dozen of salmon, 2 barrels of cheese, and all the cloth
aforesaid, which amount to the value of 160/. sterling, carrying the same
and the said 601. away with them ; wherefore the king of France has prayed
the king to cause restitution to be made : the king therefore orders the earl
or him who supplies his place to enquire the names of the trespassers
aforesaid, and concerning the trespass, the value of the goods stolen, and
into whose hands they came, and to cause restitution thereof or of their
value to be made to the aforesaid merchants without delay. By K.
March 13. To David de Strabolgi, earl' of Athole. Order to supersede the king's
Knaresborough. order to bring to a certain place all the horsemen and footmen of the parts
committed to him, in order to set out against the Scots, provided that the
men be arrayed and armed and be ready to come to the king upon three days'
summons. He is ordered to certify the king in his wardrobe before Palm
Sunday of the names of the sufficient men in the said parts in one roll, and of
the names of those who are bodily insufficient in another, according to the
previous order. By K.
[Pari Writs.']
The like to seventeen others. \_Ibid.'\
March 16.* Robert de Tonge, king's clerk, has letters to the prior and convent of
Aberford. Pontefract to receive the pension due to one of the king's clerks by reason
of the new creation of the prior. By p.s. [6453.]
March 23. To the sheriff of Warwick and Leicester. Order to notify Richard de
Sulby. Eggebaston of co. Leicester, knight, John de Twyford of co. Warwick,
knight, and Richard de Bercheston, of the same county, to have Edmund
Trussel, whom they mainperned, before the king in fifteen days from Easter
next. By p.s. [6459.]
April 6. John Pollard of Donemowe acknowledges that he owes to John de
Westminster. Weston, the elder, 12Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in county Essex.
Enrolment of release by Henry le Scrop, knight, to Walter de Insula,
knight, of the 40/. of yearly rent lately granted to him and his heirs by
Walter from his lands in the bishopric of Durham, and acknowledging
receipt of 40/. due to him from Walter by his bond. Witnesses : Master
Henry de Clif, William de Herlaston, Adam de Brom, Hugh de Burgh,
clerks of the chancery ; Geoffrey le Scrop ; John de Derlyngton ; William
de Thunneyk. Dated at London, 4 April, 16 Edward II.
Memorandum that Henry came into chancery at Westminster, on the
said day, and acknowledged the above deed.
John Buntyng puts in his place John de Braye, clerk, to prosecute a
recognisance for 51/. made to him in chancery by Reginald de Swafham.
Membrane \ld.
April 3. To Thomas, earl of Norfolk, marshal of England. Order to come with
Westminster, horses and arms in as much power as possible to the king at York at Holy
Trinity next, to set out against the Scots, who, as the king understands, are
preparing to enter the realm after Holy Trinity next. The king wills
nevertheless that the earl shall be at Newcastle-on-Tyne in the octaves of
the Nativity of St. John the Baptist with all his service and in addition with
The privy seal is dated 18 March.
April 8.
The Tower.
April 8.
April 5.
The Tower.
April 6.
Membrane lid — cont.
horses and arms in as much power as possible, prepared to set out against
the said rebels, according to his previous order. By K.
\Fcedera ; Pari. Writs. ~\ '
The like to seven earls and seventy-one others. \_Ibid.'\
John Malmeyns of Waldvvaresshare, knight, acknowledges that he owes
to William, abbot of Langedon, 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Kent.
Cancelled on payment.
The aforesaid John acknowledges that he owes to the said abbot 40 marks;
to be levied as above.
Cancelled on payment.
The aforesaid John acknowledges that he owes to the said abbot
40 marks ; to be levied as above.
Cancelled on payment.
Percival Simeon acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey de la Lee 40/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hertford.
John Pecche, knight, lord of Hampton, acknowledges that he owes to
Simon de Swanlunde and John de Swanlunde 84/. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Warwick.
John de Mikelham acknowledges that he owes to Richard Denys, gold-
smith of London, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Surrey,
Richard de Welleford came before the king, on Friday after St. Ambrose,
and sought to replevy to Adam le Carpenter and Alice his wife and
Margaret, late the wife of John Feryng', their land in Chale, which was
taken into the king's hands for their default before the justices of the
Bench against Henry atte Hale and Matilda his wife. — This is signified to
the justices.
Enrolment of grant by William le Lokyer of Hertefeld to Master
William Bachiler, clerk, of all his land."! in the parish of Hertefeld.
Witnesses : Gilbert de Boys ; John de Hodlegh ; John Arnold ; Laurence
le Bedel ; Richard de Gravehurst ; Robert le Ber. Dated at Hertefeld, on
Tuesday after St. Ambrose, 16 Edward II.
Memorandum that William le Lokyer came into chancery at the chapel
of the Conversi, London, on the aforesaid day, and acknowledged the above
Richard de Hereford of London acknowledges that he owes to Henry de
Malynes 71. \6s. 8d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in the city of London.
To the sheriffs of London. Order to release from Neugate gaol Hugh
Copyn, Peter Toys, Matthew son of Walter, Mundekin son of Lambert,
Peter Mot, John le Brun, and Arnold le Clouer, Flemings, who were taken
and imprisoned by reason of the dissensions between the subjects of the
king ami of the count of Flanders, provided that each of them mainpern
another not to leave the city of London until it be otherwise ordained con-
cerning them, as a truce has been entered into between the subjects of the
king and of the count to endure until Michaelmas. By K,
Master John Walewayn, clerk, and Thomas le Blunt, knight, acknow-
ledge that they owe to Hugh le Despenser, the younger, 100 marks ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in England and
Cancelled on payment.
1323. Membrane \\d — cont.
The abbot of Vaudey acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he
owes to Ascelin Simonet, merchant of Luca, and Jakettus Toty of Luca
1 13/. 6*. 8c?. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and
chattels in co. Lincoln.
Cancelled on payment.
The aforesaid abbot^acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he owes
to Arnald Caylou, burgess of Bordeaux, and Assencius Arnaud of Casteyloun,
merchant of Bordeaux, 150/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their
lands and chattels in the aforesaid county.'
The aforesaid abbot acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he owes
to Asselin Simonet and Gydenellua, merchants of Luca, 60/. ; to be levied,
in default of payment, as above.
Cancelled on payment.
Richard de Radmeld, parson of the church of Kynge.ston-near-Shoram,
acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Neubigging, clerk, 5 marks ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Sussex.
The aforesaid Thomas puts in his place Thomas de Brayton, clerk, to
prosecute the above recognisance.
A.pril 15. Bona, late the wife of Thomas le fitz Bernard, acknowledges that she
The Tower, owes to William de Gosfeld 400/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
her lands and chattels in co Kent.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert Dod of Faveresham and Peter Hanyn of Faveresham acknowledge
that they owe to Nicholas Dummynges of Lissebon, merchant, 50/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Kent.
John le Baker of St. Albans acknowledges that he owes to John de
Newebury, citizen of London, 52/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Hertford.
Cancelled on payment.
Thomas de Coudrey, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de
Foxle, knight, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in cos. Southampton and Berks.
April 16. Stephen de Braye acknowledges that he owes to William de Colby,
Westminster, clerk, 5 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in the city of London.
Membrane \0d.
April 1. William de Brettevill came before the king, on Friday after Easter last,
Westminster, and sought to replevy to himself Thomas de Melbourne's land in Tybourne,
which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the justices of
the Bench against Cicely, late the wife of Richard de Meldebourne. — This
is signified to the justices.
March 24. Menandus de Fonte, yeoman of the king's chamber, who has long served
HortoD. the king, is sent to the prior and convent of St. Swithin's Winchester
to receive such maintenance as John Spark, deceased, used to receive
William de la Beche, knight, puts in his place John de Cavenham,
chaplain, to prosecute a recognisance for 240/. made to him in chancery by
John Moryz, knight.
16 EDWARD ir.
1323. Membrane lOd — cont.
April 2. Thomas West, Robert Bendyn, knight, Master John do Rodiswell,
Westminster. Herman de Brykendon, John de Burton, and Robert de Caar acknowledge
that they owe to Margaret, late the wife of Fulk son of Warin, and Mabel
her daughter 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands
and chattels in cos. Worcester and Oxford.
Peter Caynoli, merchant of Luoa, puts in his place Master Pancius de
Controne to prosecute a recognisance for 120 marks made to him in chancery
by the abbot of Bruern.
April 4. William le Granger of Henle and Richard Heyne of Henle acknowledge
Westminster, that they owe to Michael de Sandwico, ' vyniter ' of London, 4/. 9s. 8c?. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Oxford.
Robert Vaillaunt of Westminster acknowledges that he owes to John de
Shawe and Agnes his wife 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Middlesex.
April 3.
April 5.
April 5.
Walter de Insula, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de
Ayremynn, clerk, lOOZ. : to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Northumberland. — Master Henry de Clyf, one of the
keepers of the seal, received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
Agnes de Teresersh, John de Teresersh, and John de Stafford acknow-
ledge that they owe to Roger de Presthope, Nicholas de Kertlyng, William
de Castre, Adam de Dun, William de Fynchingfeld, and Thomas le Barber
of Middlesex 400Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and
chattels in cos. Surrey and Sussex.
Richard de Louth, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le
Despenser, earl of Winchester, 100/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Oxford.
The abbot of Wardone acknowledges, for himself and convent, that he
owes to Boneface de Peruch', John Junctyn, and their fellows, merchants
of the society of the Peruzzi {Peruchorum) of Florence, 1,330/. 6s. 8d.; to
be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Bedford.
Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by Peter Diny and Henry Accurst,
merchants of the aforesaid society.
Thomas le Fisshere came before the king, on Tuesday after St. Ambrose,
and sought to replevy to Richard de Chastillon the said Richard's land io
Abbodesbourton, which was taken into the king's hands for his default
before the justices of the Bench against William de Worth and Margery
his wife. This is signified to the justices.
Brother Thomas Larcher, prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem
in England, acknowledges that he owes to Aymer de Valencia, earl of
Pembroke, 550/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in cos. Norfolk and Essex.
Henry Nasard, citizen of London, acknowledges that he ewes' to Aymer
de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in the city of London.
John de Sutton of Dudle, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Henry
de Malynes 300/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Northampton.
Robert son of Richard de Bleccheleye came before the king, on Tuesday
after St. Ambrose, and sought to replevy his land in Bleccheleye, which
was taken into the king's hands for his default before the justices of the
Bench against Robert son of Robert de Bleccheleye. This is signified to
the justices.
1323. Membrane lOd — cont. ,
April 5. Agnes, late the wife of Richard de Bleccheleye, came before the king,
Westminster, on Tuesday after St. Ambrose last, and sought to replevy her land in
Bleccheleye, which was taken into the king's hands for her default before
the justices of the Bench against Robert son of Robert. This is signified
to the justices.
—^— Alfonsus de Ispannia, who has long served the king, is sent to the prior
— — and convent of St. Michael's Mount in Cornwall to receive the same
maintenance as Alan Danuek had in his lifetime in that house at the king's
William le Taillour of Craneslee, the elder, acknowledges that he owes to
John de Harwedon, parson of Stokebruere church, 51*.; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
April 5. To the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order to cause the truce until
Westminster. Michaelmas granted by the king at the request of Louis, count of Flanders,
to be proclaimed and observed, as the king understands that the count has
caused it to be proclaimed in Flanders and the Scots to be amoved from
that country, and has ordered his subjects to desist from aiding the Scots.
The king wills that all persons of the count's power may come into the
realm securely, and that their goods shall not be arrested during the truce
for the trespasses of others, or for any debts whereof they are not principal
debtors or sureties, or for any trespass heretofore committed contrary to the
charter of the staple of wool and wool-fells. By K.
The like to twelve sheriffs, the warden of the Cinque Ports, and the
mayor and baihffs of Exeter, [/fo'rf.]
Petronilla de Wyncestre Selde of London and Amald de Lovelane
acknowledge that they owe to Master Henry de Clif, clerk, 6 marks ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the city of
Cancelled on payment.
Hugh de Bosy, clerk, has letters to the abbot and convent of Thorneye to
receive the pension due to one of the king's clerks by reason of the new
creation of the abbot. By K.
Henry de Fuleham, parson of the church of Burworthescote, acknow-
ledges that he owes to John Rofot 10 marks ; to be levied, in defaiilt of
payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Berks.
Giles de Briaunzon, knight, Robert de Briaunzon of Reylegh, and
Thomas atte Gate of Canewedon acknowledge that they owe to John
Coleman of Pryterwell 60^. 16*. Od. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of their lands and chattels in co. Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
April 16. Richard de Perers, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Simon de
Westminster. Eycote 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Hertford.
Thomas de Bretaygne acknowledges that he owes to Sir William de Clif,
clerk, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Lincoln.
William Bacoun and William Lithfot of Loudon, 'seler,' acknowledge
that they owe to Hugh le Brendon 8i. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of their lands and chattels in co, Hertford.
April 13.
The Tower.
April 13.
1323. Membrane lOrf — cont.
Robert le Wolf of Northmerston acknowledges that he owes to Stephen
le Blount, parson of Westhorsele church, 30 marks ; to be levied in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Buckingham.
Robert son of William Grymbaud acknowledges that he owes to Nicholas
Touke of Eton 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in cos. Northampton, Bedford and Hertford.
Stephen de Cobham, knight, the elder, acknowledges that he owes to
John de Braydeston 200 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Kent.
April 18. John Merlin acknowledges that he owes to Aymer de Valencia, earl of
Westminster. Pembroke, lOOZ. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Bedford.
Cancelled on payment, acknowledged by John de Hasting', one of the
executors of the earl's will.
Master Henry de Clif, canon of York, acknowledges that he owes to
William de Ayremynne, clerk, 25 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels and ecclesiastical goods. — William de Herlaston,
one of the keepers of the seal, received this acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
Giles de Wachesham acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le Despenser,
earl of Winchester, 551. 7s. 5d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. Suffolk.
Cancelled on payment.
Oto son of William de Grandisono and Baldwin de Frevill acknowledge
that they owe to Hugh le Despenser, earl of Winchester, 1,000/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Kent and
Cancelled on payment.
Matthew de Bassyngbourn acknowledges that he owes to Hugh le Des-
penser, earl of Winchester, 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Kent.
Walter de Insula, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de
Ayremynn, clerk, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Northumberland. — Master H. de Clyf, one of the keepers of
the seal, received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
To the abbot of Citeaux, the diffinitores and all tlie abbots about to
assemble in chapter general at Citeaux. Request for their prayers on
behalf of the king and queen, Edward, earl of Chester, and their other
children. [^Fcedera.']
John de LafPord of Wrotham puts in his place Benedict de Norman tou
and John de Lympol to prosecute a recognisance for 100/. made to him in
chancery by Geoffrey de Say.
April 18. Roger de Thornhill came before the king, on Monday after SS. Tiburtius
Westminster, and Valerian, and sought to replevy to the master of the Hospital of St. John
the Baptist, Walingford, the master's land in Nywenham, which was taken
into the king's hands by reason of his default before the justices of the
Bench against Thomas de Esthall. This is signified to the justices.
Y Y 2
April 21.
April 7.
April 18.
April 17.
April 18.
April 23.
Membrane 9d.
Robert Sely of London acknowledges that he owes to John de Stistede
[of] London 221. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in the city of London.
Hugh, abbot of St. Albans, acknowledges that he owes to Master Robert
de Baldok, archdeacon of Middlesex, 40A ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels and ecclesiastical goods in co. Hertford.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert de Welle, knight, acknowledges that he owes to William de
Ayremynn, clerk, 6 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Westmoreland. — Master Henry de Clyf, one of the
keepers of the seal, received the acknowledgment.
Elias le Keller of London acknowledges that he owes to Giles de Tolouse
and John de Tolouse 200/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in the city of London.
Vacated, because otherwise below.
Elias de KaUer {sic) of London and Elias Burel of London acknowledge
that they owe to the aforesaid Giles and John 200/. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of their lands and chattels in the city of London.
To the mayor, barons, and bailiffs of the port of Dover. Order to have
at Dalkeye near Dublin all the service of ships due from them on 1 June
next at the latest, ready and prepared and well found, to carry horsemen and
footmen and victuals thence to Skymburnesse, and to set out from Skym-
burnesse against the Scotch rebels. The king, wishing to spare them as
much as possible, is pleased that the service of fifty-seven ships due from
them and their com-barons of the Cinque Ports shall be made with twenty-
seven on this occasion, provided that the ships be well found with as many
sailors and fencible men as the fifty-seven ships should have, and shall con-
tain the same equipment {skipiamentum) in the number of men. By K.
The like to the mayor, barons, and bailiffs of La Rye, Sandwich, Faver-
sham, Wynchelse, Romenhale, Hethe, Hastinges, and Pevenese. \_Ibid.'\
To Edward, earl of Kent, warden of the Cinque Ports, or to him who
supplies his place. Order to go in person to each of the ports, and to
induce the barons, bailiffs, and men thereof to fulfil the preceding order to
the best of their power. By K.
To Edward, earl of Chester. Order to provide and bring with him on
his journey to Newcaatle-on-Tyne with his service as many saddles for
sumpter-horses as shall be necessary for him and those coming with him,
besides the carriages of cars and carts that have been usually brought in
such armies, whereby divers impediments are sometimes caused ; so that if
it be agreed by the common assent of the earl and the magnates coming
thither that, for the easier expedition of the war, the king ought to go
against his enemies with sumpter-horses, leaving behind the cars and carts,
then the earl may be ready to set forth with the king. By K.
iFcedera ; Pari. Writs.']
The like to seven earls and to seventy-one others. [/5«c?.]
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made that all
persons coming to the king with their service shall provide themselves with
saddles for sumpter-horses as above. By K.
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [Ibid.]
Thomas Freyn, who has long served the king, is sent to the abbot and
convent of Eynesham, to receive such maintenance in their house as Roger
Blobre, deceased, had therein at the late king's request. By p.s.[6503.]
1823. Membrane 9d — cont.
John Mallesours of Lobynham and Ralph his son, of Middelton, acknow-
that they owe to Philip de Caysho, burgess of Northampton, lOOZ. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. North-
April 29. Robert de Napton, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John de
Newark. Longevyle, knight, 60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Warwick.
Memorandum, that I, John Walewayn, escheator this side Trent, have re^
ceived the king's writ, dated at Pontefract, 18 February, in the 16th year of his
reign, a copy of which is here given, ordering me to assign dower to Dionisia,
late the wife of Thomas de Hikelyng, tenant in chief, upon her taking oath
not to marry without the king's licence; by virtue whereof I have received
her oath to that effect, and have assigned dower to her as follows, by the
view and oath of Elias Shotynhayt, William de Cofhole, Thomas Waryn,
Richard Matheu, John Wannok, and John Whale, jurors, on 18 March,
in the aforesaid year : in the manor of Rishangles, the great chamber at
the head of the hall within the moat (motam) on the east, and the kitchen
within the moat, and the chapel within the moat, in common with the heir,
with free ingress and egress to the same, and with a third of the profit of the
moat and pond around the moat; a barn near the gate on the south, and a
cow-house on the south, extending from the high wall in the cow-house to
pigsty (porcher') on the west, together with the said pigsty and with a third
of the easement and profit within the court in all things, with free ingress
and egress in the site of the manor to her wood, lands, meadows and
pastures ; a curtilage on the site of the manor on the north of a way leading
to Ravenescroft, containing a rood and 14 perches of land ; 20 acres of land
in the cultura called ' Hallecrof t,' under the park at Netherefeld; 3 acres
2^ roods and 6 perches in the cultura called ' Waterescrcf t ' on the east
of the church of Rishangles ; 5 acres of land in the cultura called
' Milnereslond ' on the east of the way to the church ; 5^ acres of land in
the cultura called ' Sywardescroft ' on the east of Stokisfeld ; 2 acres
in the cultura called 'Brocklond,' on the soutli of the brook {dil brock) ;
4 acres in the cultura called ' Le Tuft,' on the south of the highway ; a
moiety of 3 acres of land held in socage in the cnltura called ' Hayewod-
lond,' in two pieces (pedis) ; a moiety of an acre held in socage in the
cultura called ' Haghelond ' ; a moiety of 3 acres held in socage ia
Tydonefeld in the middle piece of that cultura ; a moiety of an acre held in
socage in the cultura called ' Brounesacre ' ; a moiety of 10 acres held in
socage in the cultura called ' Ravenescroft ' ; a moiety of 2 acres held
in socage in the cultura called ' Cristemessislond ' ; 2 acres J a rood and
16 perches of meadow in the meadow called ' Shypenescroft ' on the south,
for her third in that meadow and in the meadow called ' Stokismedewe ' ; a
moiety of 3 roods of meadow held in socage in Haghemedewe ; a moiety of
half an acre of meadow held in socage in the meadow called ' Shotynhayt-
medewe'; an acre of marsh, for her third of 3 acres in Akoltfen, on the
west near the marsh of Elias Medlen;; a several way called ' Le Melneweye,'
for a third of the several pasture ; 1 acre 3| roods and 4 perches of pasture
for a third of the pasture in Le Innome, at the gate of the manor on the
east at the head of Eavenescroft ; 9 acres 3^ roods and 4 perches of wood on
the south of the wood for her thkd of the whole wood pertaining to the
manor, with free ingress and egress with the heir ; a third of the windmill
in common with the heir ; her turn of presenting to the church of
Rishangles ; the fealties and services of Philip le Stafarch, chaplain, Walter
the cook (coci), Robert de Kypenham, Thomas de Kypenham, Roger
Blome, Nicholas de Storteforde, William Welond, Richard de Heywode, and
Robert de Deen, for a third of the free tenants ; also William de Coffole,
1323. Membrane Qd — cont.
Elias Shotynhayt, John le Webbere, Eoger Waryn, and Thomas, heir of
John Shotinhayt, with their services and customs, for her third of the bond-
men {nativi). In witness whereof Dionisia's seal is appended to this part
of the indenture. Dated the year and day aforesaid.
Membrane Sd.
April 19. To K. king of France and Navarre. The king of France has written to
Westminster, the king that whereas Philip, late king of France, bound himself to pay
2,000 marks sterling to certain merchants of this realm, by reason of a ship
loaded with wool that was taken on the sea by Berenger Blaunk, the king
of France's admiral, which ship and wool the merchants asserted to belong
to them ; and the said bond was said to be invalid, because the ship and
wool did not belong to merchants of this realm, but to men of Flanders,
who were then at war with king Philip, as the men of the king of France's
accounts have informed the king, after they had enquired into the matter ;
and the aforesaid merchants caused goods of the merchants of Amiens to
the value of 174/. 8s. Od. to be arrested and sold for this reason; and the
king of France has requested the king to cause the said goods to be restored
to his merchants of Amiens, asserting that neither he nor they are bound
to the king's merchants in any way by reason of the bond aforesaid, and
requesting that, if the king's merchants affirm the contrary, the truth
may be known and justice may be done to the parties. The king informs him
that king Philip, before he bound himself in the aforesaid sum, caused
enquiry to be made at Calais by the constable of France concerning the
capture of the ship and wool aforesaid, when it was declared that king
Philip, to whose hands the ship and goods had come, was bound to make
restoration thereof to the aforesaid merchants ; and king Philip thereupon
promised to make payment of the above sum to the merchants, and frequently
solicited the king by his letters and envoys to defer payment of the money
from time to time, and the king granted such delays, sometimes with the
consent of the aforesaid merchants, and the present king of France has
likewise solicited such delay, which the king granted; and afterwards
Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, at the instance of the king of France
and of the magnates of his council, obtained from the king delay of pay-
ment of the said sum first until All Saints last, and afterwards until Easter
last, upon condition that unless the merchants were satisfied for the sum
before Easter, the earl should be bound therefor to the king and the
merchants ; the king therefore requests the king of France not to be
aggrieved because the king cannot acquiesce with his request, since what
has been declared by the authority of king Philip and has passed into an
adjudged thing, and has been confirmed by king Philip and the present
king, by the delays in payment desired and granted, ought not now to be
called in doubt. [Fosdera.l
April 20. To the same. The king has received letters from the king of France
Westminster, stating that the merchants of the city of Amiens frequenting this realm have
often complained to the king of France that certain customs have been exacted
from them that were not usual when articles of peace were concluded
between the progenitors of the two kings, one of which articles contains
that the men and merchants of one realm might go into the other realm
freely and without impediment, and might trade and take their goods and
merchandise safely and securely therein, upon paying the due customs, and
the king of France has prayed the king to cause the first-mentioned customs
to be revoked. The king informs him that certain of the customs in
question were granted to the late king by the alien merchants for certain
16 EDWARD II. 711
1323. Membrane 8d — cont.
liberties and immunities granted to them within the realm at their instance,
and certain of them were granted to the present king for a short time, now
nearly elapsed, to support certain charges incumbent upon him, since it
befits a king to augment his profit and to support the necessities of the
common wealoh with the consent of his subjects and of others conversant with
precedents of the realm, and such actions cannot be noted as offences of the
peace aforesaid. The king therefore requests the king of France to give
no credence to such complaints of the merchants of Amiens. [/6irf.]
April 12. To the same. The king is much troubled when he considers the oppres-
The Tower, sions and undue innovations (novitates) and the numerous other grievances
daUy inflicted upon the king, his officials, ministers, and subjects of the
said duchy [of Aquitaine] by the officials and ministers of the king of
France, without the knowledge of the king of France, as the king believes,
and when he considers how he has appealed to the king of France for
reformation of the premises, from which no remedy has followed, but a
multiplication of the grievances has resulted ; and whereas lately the fee
of Feugeriac {Feugeriaeo), in the aforesaid duchy, which the abbot of
Cherros and his predecessors have held immediately of the king and his
progenitors from time out of mind, has been sold to the king of France by
the malice aforethought of the abbot and at the instigation of the officials
of the king of France, contrary to the form of the peaces concluded between
the progenitors of the two kings ; and in the matter in dispute in the court
of the king of France between the king and the abbess of Saintes, the
commissaries of the said court deputed to examine witnesses have heretofore
proceeded unjustly in the matter ; and certain officials and ministers of the
king of France have inflicted and do daily inflict undue innovations and
oppressions in the king's island of Oleron. The king requests the king of
France to cause the above matters to be corrected, and to give credence
upon these matters and others touching the king and the state of the said
duchy to J. bishop of Ely. {_Ibid.]
May 3. Eoger Deyvill of Suthcave acknowledges that he owes to William de
York. Ajnremynn, clerk, 1,000 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York. — The chancellor received the acknow-
William de Alta Eipa acknowledges that he owes to the prior of
St. Oswald's Nostel 55*. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Simon Bele of Langton acknowledges that he owes to Isabella, daughter
of Thomas de Lokton of Maltou, 7 marks ; to be levied, in default of pay-
ment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
May 6. Peter de Nerford acknowledges that he owes to John Sturmy 10/. ; to be
York. levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk.
Eobert de WeUiolm acknowledges that he owes to John Sturmy lOZ. ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk. —
The chancellor received these two acknowledgments.
Henry de Lancastre puts in his place Thomas le Blount and Eichard de
Eivers, knights, to prosecute his petitions before the king and his council
for the earldoms of Lancaster and Leicester and other lands contained in the
said petitions exhibited in parliament.
May 5- Simon Broun of Osberneby acknowledges that he owes to William de
York. Parys 46s. 8d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Lincoln. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
1323. Membrane 8d — cont.
John de Toynton of Handesworth acknowledges that he owes to the
master and brethren of St. Leonard's hospital, Tork, 56*. Sd. ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York. — The chan-
cellor received the acknowledgment.
Enrolment of grant by John son of William de Tranholme to Sir John de
Marton, clerk, of two mes-iuages with gardens and crofts on the west of the
town of Tranholra, and 2 bovates and 13 acres of land and a piece of land
called ' Pedderflat,' together with all his other lands, etc., that he has in
Tranholm by inheritance or that he acquired from Richard le Laverd of
Granholm {sic), grandfather of the said Sir John, and which William son of
Richard de Tranholme, father of the donor, acquired to him and his heirs
from the said Richard, from Robert son of William de Tranholme, and
from Richard de Marton and Alice his wife, Ellen, Emma, and Joan,
daughters and heiresses of Richard le Laverd. Witnesses: Sir Robert de
Colvill, knight ; Simon de Menyle of Rungton ; Thomas de Salcok ; John
Gower of Seshow ; William son of William Clerk of Hoton ; John son of
Robert de Tranholme. Dated at Tranholme, on Monday the eve of SS. Peter
and Paul, 1322, in the 15th year of the reign of Edward II.
Memorandum, that the grantor came into chancery at York, on 6 May,
and acknowledged the above deed.
May 11. William de Swynton acknowledges that he owes to Hugh de Ricale of
York. York 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York. — The chancellor received the acknowledgment.
May 15. To Robert de Malberthorp. Order to come with all speed by day and
Eothwell. night to York, there to await the coming of the king, who desires to have
counsel and treaty with Robert and others of his council. By p.s. [6527.]
{Farl. Writs.]
The hke to Henry de (sic) Scrop, John de Stonore, John de Mutford,
John de Bousser, and Gilbert de Toudeby. [Ibid.l
May 16. John son of John Bonlot of Wycum acknowledges that he owes to John
Eothwell. Moryn 12Z. lOjr. Od. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Peter de Cravenn of Beverley acknowledges that he owes to Master
Stephen de Coton, clerk, 201. ; to be leviedj in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Brother Geoffrey, prior of Holy Trinity, York, acknowledges that he
owes to Richard de Alvertou 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. York.
May 20. Richard de Baumford came before the king, on Friday after Whitsuntide,
Rothwell. and sought to replevy his land in Spotlond, which was taken into the king's
hands for his default before the justices of the Bench against John Cropholyn.
This is signified to the justices.
May 20. Roger son of Hugh de Fymmer acknowledges that he owes to William
fork. son of Hugh de Fymmer 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
May 21. To Robert de Malberthorp. Order to come to York witliout delay, so
Eothwell; that he be there on Monday the morrow of Holy Trinity next in the early
morning, as the king desires to have conference and treaty with him and
others of his council. By p.s. [6534.}
[Pari. Writs.]
The like to fourteen others. [Ibid.]
1323. Membrane 8d — eont.
May 22. John son of Peter de Fymmer acknowledges that he owes to Peter de
Kothwell. Fymraer, his brother, 60Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in eo. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Membrane Id.
May 7. To Louis, count of Flanders. At the complaint of John, son of Walter
York. Cantel of Creyk and William Andreu of Walton, merchants, that they
/ loaded at Lenne a ship called ' Cleyskalant ' of Gerflet with 1 3 sarplers of
wool and other goods, to the value of 150Z. sterling, in order to take the
same to St. Omer to make their profit thereof, and that the ship on her
voyage was driven by storm to the port of Slujs, and that John Gherlof
and other malefactors of the count's power entered the ship in that port by
armed force, and took and carried away the wool and goods in the same,
the king wrote specially to Robert, late count of Flanders, for restitution ;
but they have not had any restitution of the premises, and have accordingly
prayed the king for a remedy ; the king therefore requests the count to
hear their complaint, and to cause restitution of the said goods to be made
to them, or at least satisfaction therefor, together with their damages, and
that he will certify the king by the bearer of his proceedings herein.
May 1 2. Adam del Polles acknowledges that he owes to Thomas le Mareschal of
York. Walmegate 405. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Assignment of dower to Emma, late the wife of John de Blyton, tenant
in chief, of her late husband's lands in my (sic) bailiwick, with the excep-
tion of the manor of Herlakston, made on Saturday after the Ascension,
16 Edward [II.]. There are assigned to her, by the consent of John son
and heir of the said John, 55s. of yearly rent from the following tene-
ments in the city and suburbs of Lincoln : the tenement that belonged to
Thomas de Blyton, the tenement that belonged to William le Payntour, the
tenement that belonged to Peter le Carter, the tenement that belonged to
Eobert de Lutheburgh, the tenement called ' le Marihalle,' and the tenement
that Joan le Barbour now holds, together with a moiety of the profit of the
Tyghelhouses : to have and hold in dower for a moiety of the said John's
lands in the city and suburbs of Lincoln, according to the custom of that
city. There are also assigned to her, with the heir's assent, all the lands
of the said John in Canewyk, Braunceton, Whassinburgh, except 10 acres
of land lying in Le Suthfeld of Canewyk, which remain in the heir's hands.
There are also assigned to her 10 acres of land in Le Northf eld of Ledenham,
according to the metes and bounds there placed, as her dower of John's
lands in Ledenham and Wellinghover.
May 16. To the bailiffs and men of Great Yarmouth. Order to cause twenty of
Eothwell. the best and strongest ships of that town to be prepared with all speed, and
to be well and sufliciently found, so that they be ready to set out in the
king's service when summoned, as it seems expedient to him and his council
that the number of thirteen ships, which he lately ordered them to prepare,
shall be augmented, for the carriage of victuals and other things of the king
and others going in his service against the Scotch rebels. By p.s. [6531.]
June 6. To Charles, count of Valoyes. The king has heard the things explained
Bishopthorpe. to him by Master John de Porta concerning a marriage between Edward,
his eldest son, and the count's daughter, according to the credence delivered
to the said John by the count, and the king has deliberated upon the same
1323. Membrane 7d — cont.
with some of his council ; but, as it seems to him and to them that it is not
expedient or fitting that such contract should be confirmed without requiring
the consent of the prelates and magnates of the realm in parliament, he
intimates to the count that he proposes to convoke a parliament soon after
Michaelmas, and he wiU then ordain by the common counsel in the matter
what shall be agreeable to the count and useful to this realm. \^Fcedera.^
To Charles, king of France and Navarre. Letter to the like effect.
Membrane 6rf.
June i. To Sancho, king of Majorca, count of Eoussillon and La Cerdana
Bishopthorpe. I^Cirilanie), and lord of Montpellier (Montph'). The king has received
Sancho's letters, which Albert Sacortada, knight, Bernard Guillielmi Soryn,
burgess, and Peter de Planesio, learned in the law, Sancho's envoys, have
presented to him, concerning a robbery committed on the sea by the king's
subjects upon Sancho's men of his realm of Majorca, and the king has had full
treaty of the contents with his council ; and although it would be difficult,
according to the law of this realm, to prove these evil deeds, because those
who suffered the damages refused to press for justice in this behalf, alleging
certain causes before the king, the king has, however, ordained a special
process to discover the truth in the matter, whereby the said deeds may be
proved and punished, and he therefore signifies to Sancho that he will
always be found ready to do speedy justice to Sancho's subjects coming into
this realm. \^Fcede7-a.~\
June 1. William de CriiU and John son of William de CruU acknowledge that
Cowick. they owe to William de Ayremynne, clerk, 10/. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York. — Master H. de Clif, one of
the keepers of the seal, received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
June 9. John Campioun of Stokesley acknowledges that he owes to Thomas,
Cowick. parson of Euddeby church, 6 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. York.
Enrolment of writ of privy sear to William de Ayremynne, Master Henry
de Clyf , and William de Herlaxton, ordering them to receive the great seal
from J. bishop of Norwich, the chancellor, and to keep it as they have done
heretofore until further orders, the king having been informed of the
bishop's illness. Dated at Bysshopthorp, 4 June.
On the morrow, to wit 5 June, the bishop, lying on his bed in his
chamber in St. Mary's abbey, York, delivered the seal, at the hour imme-
diately after dinner, with his own hands to the said William, Henry, and
William, and William de Ayremynne received it from him in the presence
of Sir William de Clyf, Master Edmund de London, and other clerks of the
chancery, and the said William de Ayremynne, Henry, and William de
Herlaston opened the seal in the abbey at the hour of vespers, and caused
writs to be sealed with it, and the seal after the sealing remained in the
custody of the said Sir William de Ayremynne. [Pari. Writs.']
June 9. Saer, son and heir of Ralph de Eocheford, acknowledges that he owes to
Cowick. Hugh le Despenser, earl of Winchester, 2,000Z. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Warwick and Lincoln.
June 10. John son of Henry de Sturmy acknowledges that he owes to the said
Cowick. Hugh 1,000 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Wilts. ,
June 10.
1323. Membrane 6d — cont.
John de Scalebrok of Hasele acknowledges that he owes to the said
Hugh 100 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Oxford.
The said John acknowledges that he owes to John de Hanlo 40 marks ;
to be levied as above.
Cancelled on payment.
Henry de Sothill, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Walter de
Whitene of York 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
John de Graas acknowledges that he owes to Matilda, daughter of
William Patefyn, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Walter de PateshuU and Joan his wife, eldest daughter and co-heiress of
Joan, late the wife of Richard de Rokesle, tenant in chief, put in their
places John de Percebrigg and John de Holton to seek and receive her
purparty of her mother's lands.
Eobert de Kisshton, parson of Westrasen, diocese of Lincoln, acknow-
ledges that he owes to Henry de Metheley, clerk, 20 marks ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
John de Karethorp acknowledges that he owes to the dean and chapter
of St. Peter's York Ql. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
Thomas Barre acknowledges that he owes to Eichard Bloundell of
Bradden 60s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Northampton.
June 10. William de Grenefeld acknowledges that he owes to Ralph Chopcok 10^. ;
Cowick. to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
The aforesaid Ralph puts in his place Gilbert de Shirburn and Henry de
Holm to prosecute the execution of the above recognisance.
Enrolment of deed of the aforesaid Ralph granting that the above recog-
nisance shall be cancelled if the aforesaid William pay him 10 marks at
Midsummer next. Dated at York, on Saturday the feast of St. Barnabas,
16 Edward II.
Memorandum, that Ralph came into chancery at York, on the said day,
and acknowledged the above.
Enrolment of release by the said Ralph to the aforesaid William of his
right in the lands that William has of the gift of Robert de Rithre, knight,
or of any other in the town of Outhethorp near Schadewell. Witnesses :
John de Rithie; Thomas de EyviU; John Ythoun ; William de Leysing-
crof t ; John de Shireburne; Hugh de Aberford ; Simon de la Roche.
Dated as above.
Memorandum, that Ralph came into chancery at York, on the said day,
and acknowledged the above.
June 10. To the abbot of Cluny. The king, upon being lately given to under-
Cowick. stand that the prior of the abbot's cell of St. Eustrepius in Saintonge had
moved a question against the king in the court of the king of France by
frivolous actions, and had afterwards by the abbot's order procured sentence
to be pronounced against the king in the same court, by which sentence the
king was condemned in 2,500/., wrote to the abbot requesting him to compel
the prior to desist from attempting such wrongs against the king and to
cause what had been attempted to be revoked, and desiring the abbot to
certify him of his pleasure herein by his letters ; but the abbot has not yet
1323. Membrane 6d — cont.
done anything in the matter ; wherefore the king repeats his request, and
gives the abbot to understand that if he do not accede to the king's request,
the king will repay him and his people in this realm for the grievances
inflicted upon the king by him and his people. The king sends to him
Simon de Drayton, so that the king may ascertain finally what the abbot
will do herein, and the abbot is enjoined to give him credence in what he
shall explain to the abbot by word of mouth, and to send by him a vvritten
Membrane bd.
May 21. Master Eichard de Insula, parson of Langeneuton church, and Kobert de
Kothwell. Insula acknowledge that they owe to William de Ayreminne 40 marks ; to
be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in the bishopric
of Durham.
Adam de Staynlay acknowledges that he owes to Simon Grower, citizen of
York, 100s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
John Aleyn of Stytenham acknowledges that he owes to Anketin
Salvayn 20Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York. •
May 24. Baldwin de Hanfeld of Northcarleton near Sutton-on-Trent acknow-
Bishopthorpe. ledges that he owes to William de l^ortwell, clerk, 10 marks ; to be levied,
in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Nottingham.
May 26. Hughde Leventhorp acknowledges that he owes to Stephen de Oxon[ia],
Bishopthorpe. clerk, lOZ, 18*. Od.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Walter son of John de Carleton acknowledges that he owes to John de
Amias, citizen of York, 4 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
William de Masshebery acknowledges that he owes to Theobald Polayn of
Loketon 40«. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Essex.
Constance, late the wife of William de Byngham, acknowledges that she
owes to Roger de Ledes and William de Ayketon, parson of the church of
Berewyk, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands and
chattels in co. York.
May 31. John de EUerker, the younger, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to
Bishopthorpe. William de Melton, archbishop of York, 34 marks ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Yeer of Sprotle acknowledges that he owes to Robert Norman
of Hedon 10^ ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
June 3. Fulk son of Warin acknowledges that he owes to John de Colne 20/. ;
Bishopthorpe. to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Berks
and Somerset.
Cancelled on payment.
Hugh de Walton, citizen of London, acknowledges that he owes to
Thomas de Seint Leger 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. London.
1323. Membrane 5d — cont.
Walter de Carleton acknowledges that he owes to Master Simon de
Stanes 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
June 3. To the abbot and convent of Kirkestede in Lyndeseye. Order to send
Bishopthorpe. to the chancery without delay a strong horse (fortem et ron euitum), so that it
be there by St. Barnabas, to be delivered to William de Ayremynne, keeper
of the rolls of chancery, as the king needs a horse to carry the said rolls.
Thomas de Mounceux acknowledges that he owes to Walter de Pokethorp
30 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York.
June 5. John Moigne of Hesel-on-Humbre acknowledges that he owes to John
Bishopthorpe. del Scurth 10 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
John Loveday, Richard de Bikerton, Alexander de Middelton, Hugh de la
Hull, Thomas de ^ryton, and Richard, parson of Butterley church, acknow-
ledge that they owe to Aymer de Valencia, earl of Pembroke, 100/. ; to be
levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in cos. Oxford,
Hereford, Worcester, and Salop.
The king, being at Bisshopthorp, near York, on 30 May, caused W. arch-
bishop of York, J. bishop of Norwich, his chancellor, W. bishop of Exeter,
his treasurer, Edmund, earl of Kent, his brother, Aymer de Valencia,
earl of Pembroke, Hugh le Despenser, earl of Winchester, David de
Strabolgy, earl of Athole, Hugh le Despenser, the younger, William le {sic)
Ros of Hamelak, and other barons and nobles of the realm, and the justices
of both Benches, the barons of the exchequer, and others of his council to
be called before him to his council, to treat of confirming or refusing a truce
between him and Robert de Brus and his aiders, amongst whom Henry de
Eello Monte, baron, sworn of the king's great and secret council, was
called and came there. And when the king enjoined each of those present
singly, including Henry, to give their advice, the said Henry, with an
excessive motion and irreverent mind, answered the king frequently that he
would not counsel him in this behalf. The king, being moved by such an
answer, ordered him to leave his council, and Henry in leaving the council
said as he had said before, and that it would please him more to be absent
from the council than to be present. Whereupon the king ordered the
magnates and others of his council to advise him concerning doing judgment
on Henry in this behalf, especially as Henry was his liege man and Won
and was sworn of his secret council, and was required to advise the king
upon such an arduous matter specially touching the king and his realm.
After the magnates and others of the council had deliberated hereupon, and
Henry had been called again before the king, the magnates, and others
aforesaid on the following day, it was considered by the magnates and
others of the council that Henry should be committed to prison for the
contempt and disobedience aforesaid.
Afterwards Henry de Percy, Ralph de Nevill, Simon Warde, Henry son
of Hugh, Roger de Somervill, and Thomas Ughtred, of the county of York,
and William Ridel and Thomas Grey, of the county of Northumberland,
mainperned to have the said Henry before the king in the same state as he
is now in when summoned to do so. \^F(edera ; Pari. Writs.']
June 6. Henry son of Robert Hode acknowledges that he owes to Thomas son of
Bishopthorpe. Robert Hode of Houeden 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
May 30.
Thorpe near
Membrane Sd — cont.
William Darreynes, clerk, of Dreuton acknowledges that he owes to
William son of Nicholas de Cliff 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in the aforesaid county.
Robert de Plumpton, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Robert de
Flasceby, chaplain, 20Z. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in the aforesaid county.
Richard de Bykerton, clerk, and Edmund de Eyte acknowledge that they
owe to John de Ellerker, the elder, 12 marks 7s. Od. ; to be levied, in
default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Worcester.
Cancelled on payment.
To the sheriff of Northumberland. Order to cause the truce concluded
with the Scots to be proclaimed and observed. French. [Fcedera.']
The like to fifteen sheriffs and to the warden of the Cinque Ports.
Membrane 4d.
June 13. Henry son of Hugh acknowledges that he owes to William de Melton,
Cowick. archbishop of York, 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. York.
June 14. Walter de Ebor[aoo] of Lincoln acknowledges that he owes to Alice
Co-mok. Fisshe and William her son 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Thomas Lane of Batherisby acknowledges that he owes to John de Percy
of Kyldal 4 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
June 17. Michael de Watb, parson of Beford church, diocese of York, acknow-
Haddlescy. ledges that he owes to Thomas de Evesham, John de Marton, and John de
Scorby, clerks, 40 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels and ecclesiastical goods in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
June 2. To Walter de Pavel ey and the sheriff of Wilts, appointed to cause the
Bishopthorpe. men-at-arms and other men, both horsemen and footmen, in that county to
be arrayed and armed for the repulse of ihe Scotch rebels. Order to
supersede the arraying of the aforesaid men, as a truce has been concluded
between the king and the Scots to last until 12 June next and for thirteen
years from then. By K. and C.
\_Parl. Writs.']
The like to those appointed in other counties for this purpose under date
1 5 March last, the king being at Knaresburgh, as contained on the Patent
RolL [Ibid.']
To Thomas Lercedekyn and Reginald de Botereux. Order to supersede
the king's order to choose certain footmen in co. Cornwall, by reason of the
conclusion of the truce aforesaid. [Ibid.]
The like to those appointed in other counties of England on 5 April last,
as on the Patent Roll. [Ibid.]
The like to those appointed in divers counties to choose footmen and
archers on 9 March last, as on the Patent RoU. [Ibid.]
To Edmund, earl of Arundel, justice of Wales, or to him who supplies his
place. Order to supersede the king's order to choose footmen in North and
South Wales. [Ibid.]
16 EDWARD II. yi9
1323. Membrane id—cont.
To the same, lord of the lands of Kery, Kedewy, Clon, Oswaldestre, and
Chirk, or to his bailiffs there. Order to supersede the king's order to
choose footmen in those lands, [/ijrf.]
The like to the lords of Wales -who were written to on 12 April last.
To Simon de Lunderthorp, Gilbert de Ebor[aco], and Alan de Cubbeldyk.
Order to supersede the king's order to purvey certain victuals in co. Lincoln
for the Scotch war, and to restore the victuals already purveyed as far as
The like to those appointed in divers counties on 19 February last, the
king being at Pontefract, as is contained on the Patent EoU.
To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to restore all victuals purveyed by
him in execution of the king's order to purvey certain victuals for the Scotch
war, and to cause all the victuals purveyed and in his possession to be sold.
By K. and C.
The like to the sheriff of Surrey and Sussex, and to the sheriff of
Norfolk and Suffolk, as ordered on 19 February last, as contained on the
Patent Roll.
To the sheriff of Lincoln. Order to restore the victuals received by him
from Simon de Lunderthorpe, Gilbert de Ebor[aco], and Alan de Cubbeldyk,
which have not yet been paid for, and to sell those that have been paid for.
The like to certain sheriffs of England, referring to the orders of
20 February last on the Patent Roll.
To Thomas, earl of Norfolk, marshal of England. Notification that it is
not necessary for him to come to the king at Newcastle-on-Tyne in the
octaves of Midsummer, as lately ordered by the king. [Pari. Writs.'}
The like to all the magnates who were written to on 23 I'ebruary
last. [Ibid.l
The like, ' mutatis mutandis,' to the archbishops, bishops, and other
ecclesiastical prelates as appears above in the said month. [Jbid.]
To the sheriff of York. Order to cause proclamation to be made that
those who owe service to the king need not have their service at Newcastle
as previously ordered. \^Ibid.']
The like to all the sheriffs of England. [/5irf.]
June 2. To Fulk Lestraunge, seneschal of Gascony. Order to supersede the
Bishopthorpe. king's order to request the nobles of the duchy [of Aquitaine] and others to
come to the king with horses and arms in order to set out against the Scots^
and to supersede the order to make purveyance of wine and other victuals
for the expedition, disposing of such wine and victuals as have not yet been
sent to England as shall seem best to him for the king's profit. [Fcedera.']
To Adam de Lymbergh, constable of Bordeaux. Order to supersede the
king's order to request the nobles of the duchy and others to come to the
king as above, and the king's order to make purveyance of wine and
victuals, provided that the aid granted to the king in the duchy be levied
for the king's use with all speed possible. [Ibid.'j
To Almaric de Credonio. Order to supersede the king's order to request
certain nobles of the duchy [of Aquitaine] to come to the king with horses
and arms for the above purpose. [Ibid.]
To John de Berm3Tigham, earl of Louthe, justiciary of Ireland. Order to
supersede the providing of men-at-arms for the Scotch war. [ParZ. IVrits.]
To Master Walter de Istlep, treasurer of Ireland. Order to supersede
the king's order to make purveyance of victuals for the Scotch war, and to
sell for the king's profit any of the victuals already purveyed that may be
in his hands. [Ibid.^
June 1. To Richard de Burgo, earl of 'Ulster. Notification that he need not
Bishopthorpe. come in the king's service for the Scotch war as previously ordered.
[Foedera ; Pari. Writs.'] ' By K.
1323. Membrane id — cont.
The like to ten others. \_Ibid.'\
To the barons and bailiffs of the port of Favresham. Notification tha^
they need not send the service of ships due from them for the Scotch war,
as lately ordered by the king.
The Mke to the mayor, barons, and bailiffs of the following ports :
La Eye. Eomenhale.
Sandwich. Hethe.
Dover. Hastinges.
Wynchelse. Pevenese.
June 14. To Robert de Bures and Benedict de Cokefeld. Order to supersede the
Cowick. purveyance of victuals for the Scotch war that they were lately ordered to
make in co. Suffolk, and to sell for the king's profit any victuals that they
may have purveyed. By K.
Membrane 3d.
June 13. William son of William de Ros of Hamelak acknowledges that he owes
Cowick. to. John de Heselarton, knight, James de Houton, Alan de Waybred, and
William de Brakenholm, executors of the will of William de Eos of
Hamelak, 400 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
John de la Launde of Miklefeld acknowledges that he owes to Isabella,
late the wife of John de Bellewe, knight, lOZ. ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of his lands and cliattels in co. York.
June 13. Robert de Bretton acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynne,
Cowick. clerk, 40s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
CO. York. — William de Herlaston, one of the keepers of the great seal,
received the acknowledgment.
Cancelled on payment.
June 17. Dionisia Page of Durham acknowledges that she owes to William de
Cowick. Ayremynne, clerk, 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of her lands
and chattels in co. Northumberland. — The aforesaid WiUiam de Herlaston
received the acknowledgment.
June 19. Richard son of John Abel came before the king, on Sunday after
Cowick. SS. Mark and Marcellian, and sought to replevy his land in Southwerk, which
was taken into the king's hands for his default before' the justices of the Bench
against Walter, prior of Bermondeseye. This is signified to the justices.
The said Eichard came before the king, on the same day, and sought to
replevy his land in Southwerk as above.
The said Eichard came before the king, on the same day, and sought to
replevy his land in Southwerk as above.
Gilbert de Eysshton puts in his place Thomas de Brayton, clerk, and
Edmund de Caldecote to prosecute a recognisance for lOZ. made to him by
Jolin de Eedyngges in chancery.
The said Gilbert puts Thomas and Edmund in his place to prosecute a
recognisance for 10/. made to him by Eobert del Cley of Blyth.
June 17. Eichard du Boys, son and heir of Henry du Boys, deceased, acknowledges
Cowick. that he owes to Thomas de Burgh, parson of Brigham church, 10 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
June 20. Eobert de Tymparon came before the king, on Monday the morrow of
Haddlesey. SS. Gervasius and Protasius, and sought to replevy to John son of
Geoffrey de Silkeby the said John's land in Wylugh[by] near Lafford,
which was taken into the king's hands for his default before the justices of
the Bench against William son of John de Calwarthorp. This is signified
to the justices.
June 20.
June 25.
June 29.
June 28.
Membrane 2>d — cont.
Eogei" de Grymston, knight, acknowledges that he owes to WilliLim de
Melton, archbishop of York, 201. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Thomas del Nesse acknowledges that he owes to William de Ayremynne,
clerk, 4Z. 4*. Ilfrf. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York. — William de Herlaston, one of the keepers of the
great seal, received the acknowledgment.
Marmaduke son of William Basset acknowledges that he owes to William
de Ayremynne, clerk, 40/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Northumberland. — The said William de Herlaston
received the acknowledgment.
William son of Alan le Chareter of Scardebnrgh acknowledges that lie
owes to Henry de Malton 10 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. York.
Robert son of Oliver de Punchardon acknowledges that he owes to
Robert de Watevill, knight, 80/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co. Southampton. — William de Herlaston, one of
the keepers of the great seal, received the acknowledgment.
To James, king of Aragon, Valencia, Sardinia, and Corsica, count of
Barcelona (Barch'u), and standard-bearer, admiral and captain-general of
the Roman church. The king has received bis letters replying to the
king's, and has understood those things whereof Master Peter de Galiciano,
his treasurer of the Agenois, has informed him concerning this matter, and
he intends to act in such wise in the matter, when further treaty of the said
matter ought to be made, as ought to content the king of Aragon. Bv K.
To Master Peter de Galiciano, treasurer of the Agenois. The king has
received the letters of the king of Aragon that Peter has sent to him, and
has sent an answer thereto, the tenor whereof he sends enclosed in the
presents, and he orders Peter to cause the letters to be sent to the king of
Aragon, and he enjoins him to conduct himself in the matter as he shall
think most agreeable to the king's wishes, which were fully expressed to
him upon another occasion. By K.
To Peter, abbot of Cluny. The king understands the abbot's request that
the king would shew him grace by permitting him to make the fealty due
to the king, which he ought to make in person, to some one in France, and
by allowing an imposition imposed by the abbot, in relief of certain charges
incumbent upon him, on the king's subjects in this realm, and the king
informs him that he frequently requested the abbot's predecessor to compel
the prior of St. Eustropius in Saintonge, a cell of the abbey of Cluny, to
desist from certain grievances inflicted upon the king by his procurement in
the court of France and elsewhere, and the king has now specially prayed
the present abbot by Simon de Drayton to do the like, and he signifies to
the abbot that he does not intend to shew any grace or favour to the abbot
in this or other matters or to his people within this realm until the aforesaid
grievances have been revoked, and he enjoins the abbot to remove the cause
of his displeasure.
Jure 26.
June 20.
Membrane 2d.
Ranulph Sket of Shotesham aeknowledgps that he owes to John Sturmy,
knight, 20/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. Norfolk.
Robert de Tymparon came before the king, on Monday the morrow of
SS. Gervasius and Protasius, and sought to replevy to .John son of Geoffrey
1323. Membrane 2d — cont.
his land in Silkcby near Wilughby, which -was taken into the king's hands
for his default before the justices of the Bench against William son of
John son of William de Calwerthorp. This is signified to the justices.
Juno 27. Peter de Escudemor acknowledges that he owes to John Inge 200 marks ;
Haddlesey. to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in CO. Wilts.
The said Peter acknowledges that he owes to Roger de Seymor
200 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in
the aforesaid county.
Cancelled on payment.
July 1. .Tohn de Skipton, John de Boulton, William de Haukeswyk, Robert Buk,
York. Robert de Earnhill, Robert Crokbayn, William de Kyghelay, Adam Fauvel,
Thomas Revel, and Robert son of William de Carleton acknowledge that
they owe to Master Adam de Ayremynn, clerk, 10/. ; to be levied, in default
of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. York.
June 28. To the abbot of Cluny. The king has frequently written to the abbot's
York. predecessor and to the abbot requesting them to cause the wrongs inflicted
upon the king and his subjects in the court of the king of France by the
priors of St. Estropius in Saintonge and the prior of the cell of the abbot's
house of Abbeville, in the king'searldomofPonthieu, and by other ministers
and proctors of the abbot to be redressed ; but no remedy has resulted, the
grievances having rather increased, the prior of the cell of Abbeville more
especially daily, by himself and his proctors and ministers, not only abolishing
the king's rights and jurisdictions in his town of Abbeville and the rights
and jurisdictions of the chapter of St. Auftren of the same town, which
belongs and belonged to the king and his predece.^sors as counts of Ponthieu,
by means of special safeguards {gardia), and of other subjects of the king, but
also inflict as much damage as possible in the king's forests of those parts :
wherefore the king again requests the abbot to cause the aforesaid priors to
desist from inflicting such grievances upon the king and his subjects, and
to induce them to make satisfaction for the damages committed by them, as
otherwise the kings will not be slow in applying a heavier hand for the
preservation of the right of him and his subjects. The abbot is desired to
write an account of his proceedings herein by the bearer.
July 3. Robert le Conestable of Flaynburgh acknowledges that he owes to the prior
York. of Watton 60/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels
in CO. York.
July 3. Margaret, late the wife of Robert de Wylughby, Thomas de Wylughby,
York. knight, Gilbert de Toutheby, and Roger, parson of Spillesby church,
acknowledge that they owe to William la Zouche of Haryngworth
171/. 16«. \\d.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and
chattels in co. Lincoln.
Cancelled on payment.
The aforesaid Margaret, Thomas, Gilbert, and Roger acknowledge that
they owe to the said William 1,000 marks ; to be levied, in default of
payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Lincoln.
Cancelled on payment.
July 4. Hugh le Despenser, the younger, acknowledges that he owes to Peter de
Kingston-on- Malo Lacu, the elder, 1,000/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
^"l'- lands and chattels in cos. Gloucester and Wilts.
Cancelled on payment.
Enrolment of deed of Peter de Maulay, lord of Mulgreve, granting that
the aforesaid recognisance shall remain in suspense unless Sir Thomas de
Fournival to whom Peter has made a recognisance in 1,000/., shall cause
16 EDWARD II. 723
1323. Metnh-ane 2d — cont.
Peter's lands to be seised or his chattels to be sold by force of the said
recognisance, and granting that Hugh's recognisance shall be cancelled if
he cause Peter to be discharged of the recognisance to Sir Thomas. Dated
at York, the day of the Translation of St. Thomas, at the commencement
of the 17th year of the reign of Edward II.
Memorandum, that Peter came into chancery at York, and acknowledged
the above deed.
Eni'olment of agreement between Hugh le Despenser, the son, and
Peter Maule witnessing that Peter has granted to Hugh for life the manor
of Thurmanhalle and all appurtenances, rendering therefor to Peter a rose
yearly during the life of Eleanor, Peter's wife, and after her death 20/.
yearly, and doing therefor the services due to the chief lords of the fee.
Dated at York, 3 July.
Memorandum, that Hugh and Peter came into chancery at York and
acknowledged the above indenture.
June 28. To Stephen, bishop of London. Order to prevent the people going to a
York. certain tablet {tabula) in St. Paul's, London, whereon are depicted
statues, sculpture, or images of divers persons, and amongst others the
effigy of Thomas, late earl of Lancaster, or from offering prayers, making
offerings, or doing other things there without the authority of the church of
Rome, as the king learns with displeasure that many of the people go to the
said tablet and worship it as a holy thing without the authority of the
church of Rome, asserting that miracles are done there, and the king learns
that the bishop connives at these practices for the sake of gain, whereas he
ought to protect the king's honour. He is to certify the king in writing of
his proceedings without delay. [^Fcedera.']
The like, ' mutatis mutandis,' to the dean and chapter of London.
Membrane \d.
June 30. Richard de Wigornia, parson of Brecheham church, diocese of Norwich,
York. acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de Useflet, clerk, 8 marks; to be
levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Ralph de Brok of Shephale acknowledges that he owes to John de
Hegham, clerk, 50«. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. Hertford.
John Rouiand of Gothmundham acknowledges that he owes to Richard
de Q-rymston, parson of a third of the church of Gothmundham, 20 marks ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. York.
July 2. Thomas de Wake, lord of Lydel, acknowledges that he owes to William
York. de Melton, archbishop of York, J 00/.; to be levied, in default of payment,
of his lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
July 4. Richard de Hulton acknowledges that he owes to Margaret, daughter of
York. William de Atherton, 200 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of
his lands and chattels in co, Lancaster.
William Takel of Cotyngham acknowledges that he owes to Master
Richard de Erium, clerk 17/. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
July 6. John Inge, Oliver de Ingham, and Robert de Swynburn, knights, and
Hull. Reginald de Frome acknowledge that they owe to Hugh le Despenser, the
younger, 236/. 15*. Qd.; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands
and chattels in cos. Wilts and Somerset.
Cancelled on payment.
z z 2
1323. Membrane Id — cont.
John Inge, knight, acknowledges that he owes to the said Hugh 400/. ;
to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Wilts.
Cancelled on payment.
William de Cusancia, clerk, acknowledges that he owes to Master Henry
de Clif, clerk, 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands
and chattels in co. Essex.
Cancelled on payment.
John de Dockewra of Cottyngwith acknowledges that he owes to Robert
de Haliwell, clerk, 2Qs. 8d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
de Cresacre and John de Burton of Kynnesley acknow-
ledge that they owe to Master Adam de Ayremynne, parson of Gayrgrave
church, 100s. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels
in CO. York.
Cancelled on payment.
Robert Danyel acknowledges that he owes to William de Burton of
Beverley 20 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and
chattels in co. York.
Enrolment of deed of Margaret, daughter of William de Athelton, wit-
nessing that whereas Richard de Hilton is bound to her in the sum of
200 marks by recognisance in chancery, she grants that the recognisance
shall be annulled if Richard pay her 100 marks by instalments at certain
terms. Dated at York, the eve of the translation of St. Thomas.
Memorandum, that the said Richard (sic) came into chancery at York, on
the said day, and acknowledged the above.
John de Aulton puts in his place John atte Halle to prosecute a
recognisance for 60/. made to him in chancery by John Chartenye.
July 8. John le Flemyng, knight, acknowledges that he owes to John Giffard,
Faxfleet, canon of St. Peter's York, lOOZ. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his
lands and chattels in co. York.
Cancelled on payment.
July 4. To the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. Order to cause proclamation to
York. be made that it is not the king's intention to levy the subsidy granted to him
by the merchants beyond the year for which it was granted, the year having
already elapsed, as the king is given to understand that certain persons
have caused it to be published in divers parts of the realm that the king
intends levyiiag the subsidy beyond the said year. [i^ar/. Writs.'\
The Hke to all the sheriffs of England. \^Ibid.']
July 4. To the count of Savoy. The king has carefully understood the count's
York. letters of credence exhibited to him by Aymo de Juveuciano, the count's
clerk, concerning the nomination by the king of the count's nephew, Thomas
de Sabaudia, to the bishopric of Winchester, the count believing that the
pope, to whom the king wrote on behalf of Thomas, would not accept
Thomas. The king informs him that, upon the voidance of the see, he
requested the pope to appoint as bishop Master Robert de Baldok, arch-
deacon of Middlesex, from which request the king cannot and does not
intend to withdraw, so that he cannot accede to the count's request in this
matter, but he will do in other things what shall be agreeable to the count
if consonant with the king's honour. \_Fcedera.~\
The like to Sir Luke, cardinal, kinsman of Thomas. \^Ibid.']
The like to the archbishop of Lyons, the brother of Thomas, omitting
the clause about the pope not accepting Thomas. [/6trf.]
( 725 )
Aamund, Erling son of, treasurer of the king
of Norway, 144.
Aardenberg, Arneburgh [Zeeland], 395.
Abbe, Richard, 353.
Abbeville, France, 326, 722.
priory, 722.
.chapter of St. Auftren (Wolfram?)
of, 723.
Abbodesbourton. See Abbot Burton.
Abbot, John, 577, 609.
, Richard, 368, 372, 382, 560.
Abbot Burton, Abbodesbourton, co. Oxford,
Abbotsbury Abbey [co. Dorset], 510.
Abbyngworth. See Abinger.
Abel, John, 211, 352.
, , knt., 13, 105,362.
, , escheator south of Trent, 86,
253, 306.
, Julia wife of John, 352.
, Richard, 384.
, , son of John, 720.
, William, 227.
Aberconewey. See Conway.
Aberdeen, Scotland, 20, 47, 83, 170.
Aberford, co. York, letters close dated at, 630,
631, 697, 702.
Aberford, Hugh de, 715.
, WiUiam de, 315,
Abergavenny, Bergaveny [co. Monmouth],
645, 673.
, , lord of, 363, 366. See also Has-
Abersychan [co. Monmouth], 542.
Talvan castle [co. Monmouth], 542.
Abingdon, co. Berks, 228, 279, 316, 319, 351,
abbey, 226, 239, 556, 563.
, dissensions in, 350, 351.
, John, abbot of, 228.
Abinger, Abbyngworth, co. Surrey, 624, 630.
Ablington, co. Gloucester, 605,
Abyndon, Richard de, 349.
:..., Simon de, 9, 13, 52, '63, 259.
, Stephen de, 54, 166, 254, 286, 320,
365, 407, 409, 513, 626, 627.
, , king's butler, 28, 33, 67, 186,
249, 262, 296, 301, 413, 442, 609, 635.
Abyndon, Stephen de, king's butler — cont.
, , , coroner in the city of
London, 276.
, Thomas de, 9, 13, 52, 259.
Abytou, Roger de, 230.
Acclum, Acklom, Peter de, 107.
Accrington, Akeryngton, co. Lancaster, 576,
Accursi, Henry, 705.
Achaia, Matilda princess of, 365.
Achard, Joan wife of WiUiam, 124, 135.
, Robert, knt., 231, 233, 373.
, WiUiam, 135.
Acheholt, Lawrence de, 152.
Acklom. See Acclum.
Ackworth, Akeworth, co. Tork, 575.
Acle, Okie, co. Norfolk, 658.
Acore, Roger de, 593.
Acre, John de, 239, 360.
Acree, John de, 483.
Acton BurneU [co. Salop], 558.
Round [co. Salop], 343.
Tui'vill, eo. Gloucester, 616.
Acton, John de, 206, 421, 58Q.
, Nicholas de, 591, 635, 660.
Odo de, 519.
, Roger de, king's lardener, 23.
, , , king's sergeant, 10.
Acworth, WUliam de, 658.
Adam, Adam son of, dela Forde, knt., 371.
, Edmund son of de Eipplyngham,
, John son of, 227.
, , , WiUiam son of, de Gray-
stock, 266.
, Richard son of, deBoryngham, 146.
, Walter son of Walter, de Penres, 378.
, William son of, de Saxelby, 198.
Adber, Ateaber [parish of Trent, co. Somer-
set], 294.
AddeweU. See Adwell.
Adelneye. See Athelney.
Adgarsleye. See Agardsley.
Adlingfleet, Athelyngflete [co. York], 699.
AdweU, AddeweU, co. Oxford, 672.
Acre. See Ayre river.
Act, John de, 162.
Agardsley, Adgarsleye [parish of Hanburyl,
CO. Stafford, 634.
Agenois, isle of. See St. Agnes,
Agenois the, treasurer of, 721. See also Gali-
ciano de.
, treasurers and seneschals of, 410.
Agguiller. See Aguiller.
Aghton. See Augliton.
Agmodesham. See AmerBham.
Agniodesham, Thomas de, 229.
Aguiller, Agguiller, Thomas le, 104, 206.
Ainderhy, Aynderby, co. York, 167.
Ainsty, Aynesty, the, co. York, wapentake of,
555, 568.
Aisshesham, Jolin de, 442.
Ak, Matilda de, 227.
, Thomas de, 227.
Akdon, Henry de, 148.
Akelthorp, Nicholas de, 673.
Akenbergh, 469.
Akeryngton. See Aecrington.
Aketon, Hugh de, 58.
Akeworth. See Ackwortb.
Akle. SeeOaldey.
AJan, Agnes daughter of Simon son of, do
Gousle, 253.
, John son of, de Barowe, 253.
, Robert son of, de Seton, 148.
, William son of, 567.
, , de Huntyngton, 588.
, , de Walkyngton, 552.
Alani, Denis, 481.
Alard, Stephen, 258, 283, 400.
Alayn, Richard, 623.
, Stephen, 263.
Albemarle, honour of, 17,62,306,461, 594,
618, 656. _
, earl of. See Fortibus.
Albiniaco, Elias de, 296.
Alblaster, Alice wife of Richard le, 45, 320.
, Thomas le, 567.
, Lalblaster, Walter, 421.
Walter eon of Richard le, 45.
Albo Monasterio, Richard de, 109.
Albon, William, 489.
Albric, John son of, de Wyttlebury, 503.
Albrighton [co. Salop], 166.
Albrighton, John de, 457.
Alburn. See Auboin.
Albury, Aldebury, co. Herts, 14.
Albus, John, 47, 290. See also White.
Alhyn, Lawrence, 283.
Aldborough, Aldeburgh. co, York, 58, 124,
271, 320.
Aldeburgh in Denmark. See Oldenburg.
Aldeburgh, Ivo de, constable of Oakham castle
and sheriff of Rutland, 303.
, Richard de, 6i, 124, 160, 214, 271,
274, 561, 588, 595, 609, 614.
Aldebury. See Albury.
Aldeby, William de, 566.
Aldefeld, Hugh de, 683.
Aldeham, Francis de, 673,
Aldenby, Agnes de, 327.
Aldenham, William de, 498.
Alderford, co. Norfolk, 68.
Alderigge, John de, 498.
Aldington, Aldrintou [co. Worcester], 508.
Aldithele. See Audele.
Aldrede, Richard, 274.
Aldrinton. See Aldington.
Aldwark, co. York, letters close dated at, 580,
Ale, measures of, 362.
Aledon, Thomas de, 517.
Alegate. See London, Aldgate.
Alein, Robert, 379.
Alesbury, Roger de, 631.
Alesby. See Aylesby.
Ales Owayn. See Halesowen.
Alet [co. Cornwall], 28, 309.
manor, 28.
Alet, Eleanor daughter of Walter de, 28.
, and Margery daughters of
Walter son of John de, 309.
, John de, 28, 309.
, Margery daughter of Walter de, 28.
, Walter son of John de, 28, 309.
Alexander, pope, 351.
, Baldwin son of, de TriyiU, 608.
, John son of, de Beyntour. 159.
Aleyn, John, 716.
, Robert son of Hugh, 207.
, Stephen, 259, 329, 398.
, Thomas, 207.
Alfithelegh. See Aveley.
Alfonso v., king of Castile, 123.
Alfred, Matilda wife of, de Manston, 590.
Algate, Edmund de, 600.
, , porter of both gates of Windsor
castle, 422.
Algerkirk [co. Lincoln], 381.
Alice, Thomas son of, de Wadeford, 314.
Alien merchants, 642, 691.
Alingio. See Halingio.
Alisaundre, Nicholas, 9, 13, 52, 259.
Alkborough, Alkeberwe, Hautebarge, co. Lin-
coln, 369, 544, 578, 579, 641.
Alkeleye, John de, 421, 453.
Nicholas and John sons of John de,
Aller, Aire [co. Somerset], 633.
Alleresford. See Alresford.
AUerton, North. See Northallerton.
Allerton, Richard de, 674.
AUertonshire, Alvertonshire [co. York], 648.
AUeton, John de, 433.
Allot, Thomas son of, 567.
Almain, 46, 89, 106, 155, 158, 183, 184, 284.
...merchants of the Hanse of, 46, 47,
106, 155, 158, 170, 171, 244, 248, 251,
290, 297, 414.
See also Hanse.
Alman, Adam, 554.
Almonry, the, 699.
Alne, CO. Warwick, 312.
Alnwick, Aluewyk, co. Northumberland, 123.
, , letters close dated at, 587, ."iSS,
590, 591, 592, 674.
castle, 663.
, constable of, 682.
Aire. See AUer.
Alresford, Alleresford, co. Hants, 218, 652.
Alresford, Richard de, 115.
Alricheseye. See Arlcsey.
Alstonefield, Alstanfeld [co. Stafford], 544.
Alswiok [near Buntingford], co. Herts, 507,
Alta Ripa, John son of William de, 132.
, William de, 688, 696, 711.
Althorp, Olthorp, co. Northants, 569.
Altofts [co. York], letters close dated at, 430,
431, 435, 436, 529, 532, 533, 536, 537.
Alton, Aulton, 677.
, CO. Hants, 57, 150, 169.
, .hundred of, 57, 150, 169.
[co. Leicester], 654.
, Alveton, castle, co. Stafford, 10.
Alvechurch, Alveohirche, co. Worcester, 606.
Alverton, North. See Northallerton.
Alrerton, Richard de, 9, 712.
, keeper of the fish-pond of
Fosse, 18.
Alvertonshire. See Allertonshire.
Alreston, Olveston, co. Gloucester, 582, 667.
Alveton castle. See Alton.
Alvithele. See Aveley.
Alwarthorp, co. York, 605.
Alyngton, Gilbert de, 71, 84.
Amble, Anebell, co. Northumberland, 153,
, , letters close dated at, 153, 155,
156, 208, 209.
Amblecote, Amelecote, co. Stafford, 630.
Ambredon, Nicholas de, 626.
Ambroys, Alice, 429, 458.
Amcotes, Robert de, 120.
Amelecote. See Amblecote.
Amersham, Agmodesham [co. Buckingham],
Amesbory, Aumbresbury, Aumbrusbury, co.
Wilts, 574, 674.
, mmnery, 296. .
Amias, John de, 716.
Amiens, France, 13, 14, 52, 102, 103, 187,
198, 259,318, 70i, 710.
, letters close dated at, 318.
, merchants of, 710, 711.
Amlax, 84.
Ammundesham, Thomas de, 458.
Amy, John, 320.
Amyas, Philip de, 236.
, Robert de, 211.
Amyes, John le fitz Johau, de Hammyng-
burgh, 536.
Amys, John, 328.
Anabella, Adam sou of, 566.
Anand- John de, 284.
Ancaster, Anecastre [co. Lincoln], 153.
Ancholme, Ancoln river [co. Lincoln], 99.
Audevre. See Andover.
Andlo, Handle (Audio ? Haudlo ?). See Han-
Andover, Andevre, co. Hants, 57, 150, 233,
, letters close dated at, 326.
, ferm of, 150.
hundred of, 150.
Andrea, Anthony de, 251.
Andreu, William, 713.
Andrew, William son of, dc Kyrkcby, 614.
Anecastre. See Ancaster.
Anegos. See Angus.
Anel, Roger, 275.
, Thomas, 275.
Angerton, co. Northumberland, 41.
.iVnglesea priory [co. Cambridge], 519.
Anglesey, isle of, 27, 189, 453.
.sheriff of, 453.
Anglia, Richard de, 439.
Angram, Angraham, Angreham, Angrom,
CO. York, 217, 239, 561.
Angre castle. See Ongar.
Angreham. See Angram.
Angretoa, Robert de, bailiff of Newcastle-on-
Tyne, 678.
Angrom. See Angram.
Angus, earl of. See Umframvill, Robert de.
Anian Sais, bishop of Bangor, 103.
Anlaghby, William de, 561.
Annandale and Man, lord of. See Randolf.
Anne, John de, 501.
, William de, constable of Tickhill
castle, 418, 468, 572.
See also Aune.
Annesle, John de, 421.
Annesleye, Annesley, John de, 446, 461, 515.
Anneys, Lawrence le filz, 445.
Anseliu, Aunselm, David, 231. 233.
Ansibel, Thomas, 386.
Anstey [co. Wilts], 245.
Antwerp, Brabant, 9, 13, 257, 413, 486.
Anyce, John de, 615.
Apelton, John de, 654.
Apethorp, William de, 289.
Apeton, Margaret wife of John de, 438.
Appelby. See Appleby.
Appelby, Alan de. 183. 184.
Appelgarth, John de, 164.
Appelton. See Appleton.
Appeltre, hundred of [co. Derby], 570.
Appleby, Appelby, castle [co. Westmore-
land], 628.
Appleton, Appelton, priory [co. Y'ork], 563.
AppIeton-le-Street, Appelton-in-Eydale [co.
York], 672.
Aptot, Alexander, 189.
Aquitaiop, duchy of, 5, 30, 63, 183, 237, 247,
319, 40.5, 410, 519, 634, 711, 719.
, merchant vintners of, 144.
, records of, 5.
, , seneschal of, 85, 183.
-See also Berkele ; Pessaigne.
, duke of, 689.
Aragon, king of. See James II.
Arblaster, Nicholas le, 575.
Arhury, Ertheburgh, co. Warwick, 199.
Archer, John, 98.
, William, 603.
Arches, dean of, 166.
Arches, Amice wife of William de, 616.
, William de, 616.
Arouhus, Thomas de, 695.
Ardern, Agnes wife of John de, 669.
, Henry de, 400.
, John de, 669.
, , knt., 601.
, Nicholas de, 95.
, Ealph son of Thomas de, 95.
,Eichard de, 352.
, Robert de, 21, 428, 461, 464, 551,
, , keeper of the castle and honour
ofBanbury, 425, 641.
, Thomas de, 626, 627.
William de, 352.
Ardingelli, Roger, 21, 84, 94, 101, 124, 183,
215, 222, 322.
Ardsley, Erdeslowe, co. York, 446.
Ardyngellis, James de, 5.
Ardyngton, Petronilla wife of Reginald de,
, Reginald de, 505.
Argam, Ergham, Ergom, co. Y^ork, 25, 659.
Argenteiu, Dargeutein, Agnes wife of John
de, 50, 119.
, John de, 462.
Arksey, co. York, 354.
Arlerford, Richard de, 481.
Arlingbam, Erlyngham, co. Gloucester, 227,
Arlsey, Alricheseye, co. Bedford, 471.
Armagh, archbishop of, 530.
Armeston, Richard de, 572.
Armures, Philip des, 246.
Arnal, Nicholas de, 207.
Arnald, Stephen, 130, 227.
Amaldi de Portau, William, 33, 104, 111,294.
Anialdi de Vico, Peter, 48.
Arnaud, Assencius, 704.
Arnebuvgh. See Aardenberg.
Arnesby, Ernesby, co. Leicester, 543.
Arnington. See Arrington.
Arnold, Ed. son of John, 78.
, Henry, 267.
, .John, 703.
Arrathorne, Ergthorne [co. York], 673.
Arrington, Aroington, co. Cambridge, 223.
Arsom. See Eryholme.
Arthur, King, 526.
Artois, 186, 187, 234, 244, 246, 250-252, 256,
318, 378.
, wool staple in, 234, 235, 244, 246,
254, 256, 261, 389.
, M. countess of, 390.
Artoys, Robert de, count of Beaumont, 521.
Arundel, Edmund, earl of. See Fitz Alan.
Ascot, AiStkote, co. Oxford, 255, 543.
Ashby, CO. Leicester, 582, 645, 654.
, Magna, co. Leicester, 265.
-de-la Zouche, co. Leicester, 428, 520,
552, C54.
Ashemere. See Ashmore.
Ashfield, Esschefeld, 281.
Asbington, Asshington, Esshington [co. Sus-
sex], 75.
Ashley, Asshele, Assheleye, co. Cambridge,
501, 570.
, , CO. Devon, 216.
, (Green) [co. Buckingham], 570,
, Asshel, CO. Hants, 543.
, Asshele, co. Stafford, 617.
Ashmore, Asbmere, Asshemere, co. Dorset,
86, 543.
, Ashemere, co. Wilts, 636.
Ashreigny, As.se Eeigny, co. Devon, 27.
Ashridge, Assherugge, Assberugg, Ashe-
rigge, CO. Bedford, 100, 208.
, , college, 476.
Ashschebi, Robert de, 336.
Ashton with Stodday, Esseton Stodehagh
[co. Lancaster], 650.
Askam, Peter de, 355.
Askeby, Robert de, knt., 94, 136.
, Thomas de, 668.
Askebrymer, Robert son of Walter de, 273.
Askelby, Thomas de, 92.
Askelok, Ector, 321.
Askern, Peter de, 695.
Askham, John de, 696.
Aslackby, co. Lincoln, 140.
Aslakton, William de, 221.
Asloxton, forest of, 406.
Aspatria, Aspatrik, co. Cumberland, 658.
Aspelay, Juliana wife of Roger de, 57.
, Roger de, 57.
Aspbale, Sir Robert de, knt., 139.
Aspbull, Henry de, 110, 338.
Asse Reigny. See Ashreigny.
Asseballock, William, 694.
Assele, Robert de, 476.
Asseman, William le, 117.
Asserio, Asser, Eigaud de, bishop of Win-
chester, 384, 385,411, 492,510,514,
523, 652, 697.
J canon of Orleans, nuncio and com-
missary of the pope, 26, 27, 37, 81, 108.
Assh', Thomas de, 121.
Asshburnham, Bartholomevr de, 673.
Asshebourne, Hugh sou of Robert de, 3J2.
Assheburu, Elias de, 126.
Assheby. See Ashby.
Assheby, German de, 549.
, John de, 467, 554.
, John son of Richard de, 565.
, William de, 266.
Assheford, John de, 235.
Asshel'. See Ashley.
Asshele. See Ashley.
Asshele, Asshelegh, Robert de, 638, 644,655.
Assheleye, John de, 108.
Assheleye. See Ashley.
Asshemere. See Ashmore.
See Ashmere.
Asshenell, John de, 279.
Assherigge. See Ashridge.
Assherugg. See Ashridge.
Assherugeshede, in Windsor forest, 311.
Assheshe, Isle of Wight, 289.
Asshewell, John de, 445.
Simon de, 181.
Asshewode Hay [co. Stafford], 623.
Asshington. See Ashington.
Asshou, Robert de, 431, 468.
Assize roUs, 145, 240.
Ast, Asti, Italy, 251.
Astenby, co. York, 167.
Asterleigh, Asterleye, co. Oxford, 584.
Astkote. See Ascot.
Astolf, Nicholas, 95.
Aston Clinton, co. Bucks, 191, 192, 194, 294.
Aston, CO. Warwick, 631.
Aston, John de, 458, 505, 518.
, Robert de, 430, 433, 444, 445, 477,
450, 452, 458, 459, 472, 508, 537, 539,
540, 571, 572, 576, 577, 579, 582, 597,
602, 603-605, 611, 613, 616, 621, 627,
633, 639, 667.
, Thomas de, 419, 420.
Astwell [co. Northampton], 501.
Astwood, CO. Bucks, 623, 631.
Ateaber. See Adber.
Athelardestre, Henry de, 454, 531.
Atheles, Donald de, the king's envoy, 117.
Athelney, Adelneye, abbey [co. Somerset],
Athelton, Margaret daughter of William de,
Athelyngflete. See Adlingfleet.
Ather, co. Lancaster, 586.
Atherington, co. Devon, 455.
Atherton, Margaret daughter of William de,
Athol, earl of. See Strabolgy.
Athy, Athi, Dathy, John de, 59, 70, 72, 127,
, , admiral of the king's ships in
Ireland, 59.
, , constable of Carrickfergus
castle, 55, 58, 59, 165, 598.
, knt., 670.
Aton, Gilbert de, 8, 32, 65, 74.
, , knt., 104,206.
, Johnde, 183.
Atre, Nicholas del, 91.
Attedenes, Emma wife of Henry, 104.
Attehole, Richard, 372.
Attendern', Henry, 66.
Atteponde de Olaveryng, Edmund, 336.
Attleborough, co. Norfolk, 228.
Aubrey, John son of, de Wutlebury, 343.
Auburn, Alburn [co. York], 659.
Auckland, Aukelande [co. Durham], 474, 599.
, , letters close dated at, 599.
Audele. See Audley.
Audele, Aldithele, Daudele, Daudeleye, Hugh
de, 71, 81, 84, 93,96, HO, 270,303,
444, 493, 511, 513, 517, 519, 522, 526,
541, 543, 582,602, 655.
, , justice of Chester, 178.
, , keeper of the castle and honour
of Montgomery, 37.
, the younger, 3, 34, 138, 143,
234, 312, 323, 341, 365, 408, 456.
knt, 138.
, Hugh son of Hugh de, 95.
, James, 36, 266.
, Joan wife of Nicholas, 314.
, Katherine de, recluse of Ledbury, 657.
, Margaret wife of Hugh de, 34,81,
143, 270, 440, 456, 582.
, , wife of James, 266.
, Nicholas de, 72, 147,577.
William de, 192.
Audley, Audele [oo. Salop], 646.
Audley, the lady of, 521.
Aughton, Aghton, co. York, 131, 212, 233,
242, 668.
Augustinian order, friars of the, 90, 125.
, prior-general of, 129.
Aukelande. See Auckland.
Aulton. See Alton.
Aulton, Johnde, 477, 724.
Aumale Abbey (Seine Inferieure), France,
465, 653.
, Nicholas, abbot of, 464.
, William, abbot of, 653.
Aumale, count of. See Pountif.
Aumbresbury. See Amesbury.
Aumbrusbury. See Amesbury.
Aumeuyl, William de, master of the hospital
of Burton St. Lazars, 498.
Aumoner, Matilda wife of Michael le, 313.
, William son of Michael le, 312.
Aumoneri, Russellus del, 699.
Aundel, William, 102.
Aune, William de, 679-681.
See also Anne.
AuDgevyn, John son of John, 189.
, Richard, 198.
Aungre, See Ongar.
Aungre, Adam de, 308.
Aure, John de, 515, 559.
Aurifaber, Robert sou of Adam, 129.
See also Goldsmith.
Austewik. See Austwick.
Austria, duchy of, 525.
Austwick, Austewik, co. York, 167.
Austyn, Richard, 600.
Aveley, Aldithelegh, Alfithelegh, Alvithele,
CO. Essex, 224, 256, 278, 594, 617.
Averenges, Richard de, knt., 551.
Avernaz, William de, a monk of the order
of Cluoy, prior of Prittlewell, 8, 29,
Avon Derset. See Dasset Avon.
Axholme, Haxiholm, isle of [co. Lincoln],
Ayette, Edmund de, 221.
Ayken, Arnald Reymundi, 33, 294.
Aykescard. See Aysgarth.
Ayketon, William de, 593, 716.
Aylberton. See Elberton.
Aylemer, Aylmere, William, 395, 402.
de, 246, 425.
Aylesbury, CO. Bucks, 158, 194, 412, 414, 450,
......... gaol, 158, 618.
, prebend of, in Lincoln cathedral,
Aylesbury, Philip de, 486, 618.
, , sheriff of cos. Bedford and
Buckingham, 435, 450.
, Robert de, 458.
Aylesby, Alesby, co. Lincoln, 489.
Aylesham. See Aylsham.
Ayleston, Robert de, 616, 684.
, , canon of Salisbury, 563.
Aylewyne, Alexander, 554.
Aylmere. See Aylemer.
Aylmerton, Aylraerston, co. Norfolk, 68.
Aylsham, Aylesham, co. Norfolk, 34, 35,
Ayl-wyn, Richard, 433.
Aymundeston [co. Durham], 343.
Aynderby. See Ainderby.
Aynesty. See Ainsty.
Ayre, Aere, river [co. York], 664.
Ayremyrme, Dayremynne, Adam de, 130,
503, 547, 551, 561, 563, 678, 691, 701,
722, 724,
, Richard de, 114, 140,148,211, 216,
411, 434, 467, 508, 565, 669.
Ayremyune, Dayremynne — cont.
, William de, 11, 69, 92, 94, 106, 109,
114, 118, 119, 122, 126, 127, 129, 130,
142, 146, 205, 207, 208, 218, 219, 229,
230, 316, 317, 324, 330, 332, 343, 353,
366, 367, 371, 382, 384, 478, 480, 491,
496, 507, 509, 510, 513, 539, 548, 553,
554, 561, 592, 602, 628, 668, 671, 672,
674, 676, 677, 68i, 683, 689, 692, 693,
695, 696, 700, 705, 707, 708, 711, 714,
716, 720, 721.
, , clerk of the chancery, 698.
, , keeper of the great seal, 505,
, , keeper of the rolls of chancery,
103, 106, 238, 313, 323, 477, 717.
, , keeper of the house of Conversi
in London, 407.
Ayseworthe near Holy Island, 195.
Aysgarth, Aykescard [co. York], 246.
Baa, Adam, servant of Peter de, 260, 264.
, Peter de, 260, 264, 358.
, , knt., 535.
Babethorp, Robert de, 213.
Babyngton, Gilbert de, 375.
Bachampton, Bakhampton, Richard de, 329,
Bache. See Bacheme.
Bacheldre, Bagheltref [co. Monmouth], 581.
Bacheme, Bache, Bachennis, Francis, 136,
225, 232, 482, 484.
Joan wife of Francis, 484.
Bachennis. See Bacheme.
Bachiler, William, 703.
Bachimum, Anthony, 476.
See also Bathymon.
Bacon, Bacun, John, 577, 609.
Bacoun, WiUiam, 706.
Bacton, Baketon [co. Suffolk], 683.
Bacun, Bakoun, Sir Adam, 332.
, Edmund, 634.
, , knt., 91, 96, 206, 332.
, , constable of Wallingford castle,
, Bacoun, Emma wife of Bartholomew,
592, 693, 694.
, John son of Bartholomew, 592.
, Thomas, 221.
Badburgham, I-Iugh de, 97.
, John de, 369.
Badby, Baddeby, co. Lincoln, 686.
Baddeby, John de, 511.
Baddow, Great, Badewe, Badwe [co. Essex],
240, 329.
, Little, 595.
Badelesmere, Bartholomew de, knt., 7, 14, 21,
78, 79, 81, 112, 113, 138, 139, 219, 220,
225, 228, 267, 296, 328, 333, 336, 339,
351, 362, 375, 413, 443, 460, 481, 604,
511, 513, 517, 519, 522, 526, 597, 603,
605, 615, 636, 638, 639, 644, 673.
, constable of Bristol castle, 159,
, , constable of Dover castle and
■warden of the Cinque Ports, 283, 287,
347, 369.
, steward of the household, 234.
, (Juucelin de, 154.
.Margaret wife of Bartholomew de,
267, 604, 627.
Badesleye, Thomas de, 138.
Badewe. See Baddow.
Badewe, Badwe, Edmund de, 329.
, Eichard de, 383,475.
, William de, 329.
Badiugham, Robert de, 528.
Badwe. See Baddow.
Badwe. See Badewe.
Bagge, Richard, 209.
Baggeleje, William de, knt., 601.
Baggesohet. See Bagshot.
Baggesouere, Eichard, 281.
Bagheltref. See Baoheldre.
Bagot, Ralph, 556.
, Thomas, 341.
, William, 266.
Bagshot, Baggeschet, co. Surrey, 543.
Bailliolf, Peter le, 138, 382.
Baillol. See Balliolo.
Baiocis, Catherine wife of Richard de, 163,
, Richard de, 163,336.
, Robert de, 502.
, knt., 336.
, Stephen de, 174.
Bakelare, Richard son of Nicholas le, 182.
Baker, Bakere, John le, 495, 704.
, Simon the, 625, 626.
, Felicia wife of William le, 497.
, William le, 497.
Baketon. See Bacton.
Bakhampton. See Bachampton.
Bakehous, Margaret wife of Walter de, 104.
, Stephen atte, 320.
, Walter de, 104, 565, 567.
, Walter son of John del, 567.
Bakoun. See Bacun.
Balay, John de, 400.
Baldan, William, 320.
Balderdeleye. See Balterley.
Balderston, Baldreston, Simon de, 454, 531,
581, 584, 617.
Balderton, Paltreton [co. Nottingham], 570.
Baldese, Turrini, 250.
Baldok, Henry de, 268.
Richard de, 330, 382.
.Robert de, 194, 264, 265, 273, 296,
297, 299, 304, 307, 310, 343, 344, 352,
411, 418, 427, 428, 430, 435, 439, 440,
442, 461, 467, 510, 526, 527, 535, 573,
574, 577, 595, 596, 599, 602, 603, 627,
637, 641, 658, 669, 684.
, , archdeacon of Middlesex, 328,
330, 358, 410, 538, 708, 724.
, , keeper of the privy seal, 237.
Baldouche. See Balduch'.
Baldreston, Simon de. See Balderston.
Balduch', Baldouche, Francis, 84, 94, 215,
324, 335, 339, 359, 371, 411.
Bale, William, 699.
Baleshale. See Balsall.
Balle, Henry de, 227.
John, 101.
.William, 382.
Balliolo, Baillol, Edward de, 26, 140.
Balnayr, Andrew. Richard and Peter sons of
John. 134.
, Joan daughter of John, 134.
Balsall, Baleshale, co. Warwick, 588.
Balscote, Balsocote, John de, 273.
, Nicholas de, 5, 273.
Ralph de, 273.
Balsham, Gilbert de, 224, 335.
Balterley, Balderdeleye, co. Stafford, 10.
Balykeryn, co. Waterford, 177.
Bamburgh, co. Lincoln. See Baumber.
, Baumburgh, CO. Northumberland, 186,
436, 658. 662.
, ferm of, 40, 186.
castle, 39, 40, 167.
, constable of, 39, 40, 167, 370,
418, 436, 596. 597, 662.
See a?so Horsleye.
Bamburgh, Thomas de, 118, 127, 163, 219,
Bampton, co. Cumberland, 285.
Bampton Patrick, co. Westmoreland, 19.
Bampton, John de, sheriff of Gloucester, 612,
, Robert de, 339.
Banbury, co. Oxford, 641.
jBannebury, castle, 641.
, , constable of, 425, 437.
See also Ardern.
Bandini, Nicholas, de Fauconer. 351.
Bandon, Adam de, 356, 489.
Bangor, bishop of. See Auian.
, diocese of, 34, 70,71, 103.
dean and chapter of, 70.
Bannebury. See Banbury.
Banstead, Bendcstede, co. Surrey, 57, 149
Banyard. See Baygnard.
Barat, Richard. 260, 264,
William, 260, 264.
Barbast. See Barbost.
Barber, Hamo le, 230.
, James le, 345.
, John le, 312.
, Simon le, 90.
, Thomas le, 705.
Barbost, Barbast, Adam, verderer of Saver-
nake forest, 166, 265.
Barbour, Joan le, 713.
, Walter sou of John le, 651.
Barcelona, Spain, 699.
, chapter general of the Friars
Preachers at, 699.
, count of. See James.
Barcher, William son of Eobert, 313.
Bard, Barde, Joan wife of Nicholas, 321.
, Nicholas, 321.
.Peter, 187, 191, 595.
, , bailifi of Sandwich, 39.
, Eobert, 102.
Bardelby. See Barlby.
Bardelby, Hugh de, 329.
.Robert de, 98, 104, 105, 109, 124,
126, 130-132, 135, 210, 212, 213, 215-
217, 219,229, 242, 315-317, 334, 352,
357, 367, 372, 477, 480, 489, 496, 507,
682, 686.
, canon of St. Peter's, York, 92.
, , clerk of the chancery, 238, 477.
, .keeper of the great seal, 382,
Bardfield, Berdefeld, co. Essex, 592.
Little, CO. Essex, 637.
Bardi of Elorence, merchants of the society of
the, 21, 79, 84, 94, 101, 124, 159, 183,
21.5, 222, 234, 246, 252, 255, 322, 324,
335, 339, 346, 359, 371, 392, 411, 414,
529, 535. 642, 675.
Bardis, Doffus de, 322, 529.
Walterottus, 332.
, de, 529.
Bardney abbey [co. Lincoln], 91.
Bardolf, Thomas, 461, 507.
, William, 407.
, the younger, 243.
Bare, Whittemann, 21.
Barel, Kobert, 270.
Barentyn, Drogo, sheriff of cos. Oxford and
Berks, 656.
Baret, Reginald, 189.
, Stephen, 421, 673.
Barewe. See Barrow.
Barewe, John de, 438, 472, 582.
, Richard de, 275.
, Walter de, 599.
Barford St. Martin, Bereford, co. Wilts, 180.
Barfot, William, 413.
Baril, Walter, 235.
Barkeworth, Robert de, 296.
, William de, 296.
Barking, Berkyng', co. Essex, 230.
nunnery of, 428, 651.
, , abbess of, 390.
Barkston, CO. [Leicester], 354.
Barkwith, Barkworth [co. Lincoln], 296.
Barlby, Bardelby, co. York, 206.
Barlinge, Barlynges abbey, co. Lincoln, 117,
Barlyng, Adam son of Simon de, 324.
Barlynges. See Barlinge.
Barmoor [co. Northumberland], letters close
dated at, 153, 157, 209.
Barnack, Bernak, co. Northampton, 631.
Barnard Castle, Bernard's Castle [co. Dur-
ham] , 626.
, constable of, 302, 304. 418, 507, 692 ;
and see Eydel.
, letters close dated at, 573, 598,599.
Barnby-on-Don, Barneby-on-Done, co. York,
Barneby, Robert de, 124, 135, 220, 334.
', William de, 694.
, canon of Southwell, 695.
Barnet, Chipping, Chepyng [co. Hertford], 501.
Barningham, Little, co. Norfolk, 312.
Barnoldby, Bernolby, co. Lincoln, 485.
Barnstaple, Bartestaple [co. Devon], 534.
Barnston, Bernyston, co. Nottingham, 643.
Barnwell, BernewiiU [co. Northampton], 382.
,Bemewelle priory, co. Cambridge, 355,
, , Fulk, prior of, 322, 324.
Baron, John, 101.
Baroni, Donatus, 251.
Baroun, Ralph, 24.
Barowe, John son of Alan de, 253.
Barowe. See Barrow.
Barr, Great, co. Stafford, 609, 630.
, Little. See Perry Barr.
Barre, Thomas, 715.
Barri, , 225.
Barrington, Bernyngton [co. Gloucester] , 501 .
Barrow, Barewe, co. Chester, 544.
, , CO. Suffolk, 138, 139,236, 336.
, Barowe [co. Lincoln], 253.
Barrowby. See Borrowby.
Barrowden, Berewedon [co. Rutland], 57.
Barry, Alice, 583.
, John de, lord of Olethan, 339. 340.
, Margaret de, 227.
, Richard, 274.
, de, 339.
, Simon, 503.
, Thomas, 231,358.
Barsham, co. Norfolk, 68.
Barsham, Hamo de, 334.
, Robert de, 700.
Barston, Joan wife of Richard de, 109.
, Richard de, 109.
Bartestaple. See Barnstaple.
Barthelot, Simon, 338.
Barton, co. Lancaster, 610.
, CO. Northumberland, 300.
, King's, CO. Gloucester, 182.
, Bertou, co. Hants, 343.
[co. Lancaster], 648.
on-Humber, co. Lincoln, 108, 592.
, , bailiffs of, 370.
, , port of, 524, 5111.
in Rydal [co. Westmoreland], 135,
490, 548.
in Rydale, co. York, 343.
Barton, John de, knt., 109.
, knight of the shire for co.
York, 116.
Robert de, 78, 111, 118, 161, 305,
843, 393.
, keeper of the king's vicluals in
the parts of Carhsle, 1, 2, 6, 8, 43, 45,
85, 176, 178, 199,200.
, Theobald de, 90.
, Walter de, 480, 502.
, William de, 170, 180, 651.
Barwe, John de, 37.
Barwick, Berewyk, co. Norfolk, 68.
,co. York, 142, 605, 716.
Baryngton, Philip de, 33.
, Thomas de, 601.
Bascote, Laurence de, 239.
Basildon [Bastendon ?] , co. Berks, 612.
Basing, Basyng', co. Hants, 333, 365, 374,
375, 447.
Basingstoke, co. Hants, 57, 150.
hundred of, 150.
Baskervil, Roger son of Walter de, 526.
Baskervill, John de, king's Serjeant, 93.
, Richard de, 458.
Bassel, William, 184.
Basset, Christina wife of Robert, 316.
, Henry, 389.
, Marmaduke son of William, 721.
, Ralph, knt., 40, 95,96, 112, 113, 232,
302, 441, 487, 493, 507, 551, 554, 575,
576, 593, 6S0, 691, 701.
, , justice, 71.
, son of Richard, 444.
, Robert, 316.
, Williamson of William, 247.
Bassingburn. See Bassyngbarn.
Bassingham, co. Lincoln, 221.
Bassyngburn, Bassyngbourne, Humphjrey de,
426, 441, 537.
, , knt., 551.
, Matthew de, 707.
, Nicholas de, 317.
, Richard de, 230.
, Stephen de, 279.
, Warin de, 223, 279, 332.
Bastendon. See Ba.-^ildon.
Basy, Roger, 120, 126, 130, 539, 693.
Basyng'. See Basing.
Basyng', John de, 501.
Bataille, John, 317.
, Robert, 58.
, , admiral of the fleet, 465.
Batecok, John, 267.
Bateley, Adam son of William de, 220.
Bateman, Gilbert, 614.
Batesford, John de, 240.
Batesleye, Thomas de, 572.
Bateste, Henry, 348, 479.
Bath [co. Somerset], 366.
Bath and Wells, bishop of. See Drokensford.
, diocese of, 34, 103, 293, 672, 700.
priory, 667.
Bath, Matthew de, 530.
Batherisby. See Battersby.
Bathymon, Anthony, 350. See also Bachimum.
Battersby, Batherisby, co. York, 718.
Battle Abbey [co. Sussex], 528.
Baud, Baude, Robert le, 14.
, William le, knt., 336, 375.
Baudeseye. See Bawdsey.
Baudreseye. See Bawdsey.
Baudrip. See Bawdrip.
Baumber, Bamburgh, co. Lincoln, 191.
Baumburgh. See Bamburgh.
Blumburgh, Nicholas de, 6.
, Thomas de, 98, 129, 219.
Baumford, Richard de, 712.
Bauseye. See Bawsey.
Bautre. See Bawtrey.
Bavent, Jollan, 472.
Matilda wife of Jollan, 446.
Baverton, John de, 229.
Bawdrip, Baudrip [co. Somerset], 672.
Bawdsey, Baudeseye, Baudreseye, co. Suffolk,
463, 465, 536, 559.
, bailiffs of, 536, 546, 559.
Bawsey, Bauseye, co. Norfolk, 190, 199.
Bawtrey, Bautre [co. York], 137, 287.
Baxman, Nicholas, 267.
Bayehall, la. See Bayhall.
Bayeux, barony of, 174.
Baygnard, Banyard, Baynard, Robert, 79, 333,
, sheriff of cos. Norfolk and Suffolk, 6 5 .
Bayhall, La Bayehall, in Pembury, co. Kent,
Bayhous, John de, 215.
, , lord of Helperby, 130.
Bayldon, Henry de, 204.
Baynard. See Baygnard.
Bayonne, in Aquitaine, 47, 4S, 340, 400.
, mayor and community of, 47.
Bayous, John de, 137, 207.
Baysham, William de, 582.
Bazas [Gironde], 168, 399.
Boachey Head, Beauchey [co. Sussex], 258.
Beaconsfield, Bekenesfeld [co. Buckingham],
Beamys, co. Wilts, 543.
BeatUbras, Sibyl wife of Stephen, 582.
, Stephen, 582.
Beatrice, Roger son of Richard son of, 42.
Beauchamp, Beauchaump, Thomas de, 419,
Beauchef. See Beachy Head.
Beaufai, William, 342.
Beaufiz, Henry, 14.
Beauflour, James, 50, 94, 119, 229, 256, 328,
333, 336, 398, 487, 491, 509, 592, 593,
640, 700.
, Joan, 327.
, Thomas, 9,13,52, 235, 238, 259, 221.
Beaufoy, John de, 221.
Beaulieu abbey [King's Beaulieu], co. Hants,
54, 166, 287, 299, 379,409,531,612,
614, 627, 637.
, , bailiffs of, 370.
Beaumanor, co. Leicester, 543.
Beaumaris, Anglesey, 71, 453, 619.
castle, 27, 189, 249, 291, 415, 647,
, , Scotch prisoners in, 656.
i , , the Iring's works at, 301.
Beaumond, Perotta de, 535.
Beaumont, count of. See Artoys, Robert de.
Beaumound, William, 267.
Beaumount, Sir Henry de, 1 13.
, Robert de, knt., 220.
Beaupel, Robert, 559.
, de, 657.
Beauregard, co. Meath, 360.
Beaurepeir, Hugh de, 671.
Beaurepeyr, John de, 669.
Beausamis, Richard, 95.
Beauveisyn, Henry, 96.
BeauTer, Ingleram, de, 134.
BeauTeys, Philip de, 353, 480.
Beauxamis, William, keeper of the king's
stud, 148.
Beo-Hellouin, abbey, Normandy, 10, 133, 151,
359, 484.
Becce, Gilbert, 373.
Beche, John de la, 372, 517, 630.
, , keeper of the bishopric of Win-
chester, 54.
, Nicholas de la, 490, 518, 538, 597.
, knt., 93.
, , keeper of Montgomery castle,
, Philip de la, 490, 517, 580.
, the younger, 225.
, William de la, 455, .529.
, ,knt., 93, 551,704.
, , keeper of the castle of Dol-
f orwyn, and of the lands of Ceri and
Cedewain, 415, 422.
Beehiek, isles of Scilly [oo. Cornwall], 162.
Beckenham, Beghenham [co. Kent], 146, 489.
Beckermet, oo. Cumberland, 566.
Beckyng, Robert, 427.
Becok, William, 97.
Bed, Bedde, Roger atte, 604.
, , del, 392.
Bedale, John de, 676.
Beddington, Bedington, co. Surrey, 248.
Beddyk. See Bedyk.
Bedeford, Alice wife of John son of William
son of Henry de, 227.
, John de, 171.
, John son of William son of Henry de,
Bedel, Laurence le, 703.
Bedenhal, Hugh de, 123.
Bedenhale, William de, 123.
BedeweUe, Peter de, 505.
Bedewynde, John de, 341, 528.
, Walter de, 45, 333.
Bedford, 227, 289, 500, 556, 689.
gaol, 435.
mayor of, 553.
, church of St. Cuthbert, 336.
Bedford, coimty of, 91, 92, 118, 137, 141, 221,
223, 232-234, 236, 237, 241, 317, 327,
329, 341, 343, 347, 356, 372, 435, 447,
476, 478, 479, 489, 490, 491, 499, 502,
509, 529, 535, 540, 551, 556, 600, 604,
621, 645, 686, 705, 707.
, , justices in, 302.
, , in eyre in, 594.
, sheriff of, 1, 16, 35, 60, 74, 91,
120, 136, 151, 166, 189, 198, 219, 252,
256, 289, 313, 318, 402, 421, 430, 435,
448, 514, 519, 577.
Bedhampton, co. Hants, 543.
Bedington. See Beddington.
Bedyk, Beddyk, William, 14.
, , de, 347.
Beedon, Budene [oo. Berks], 260, 264.
Beeford, Beford, co. York, 17, 350, 479, 718.
Beek, John, 6, 138.
Robert de, 228.
, Stephen de, 91.
Beesby, Beseby, co. Lincoln, 580.
Beeston, Boston, co. Norfolk, 68.
castle [co. Chester], keeper of, 437.
Beford. See Beeford.
Beghenham. See Beckenham.
Beighton, Beghton, co. Derby, 462.
Bek, Anthony, bishop of Durham, 37, 266.
, , patriarch of Jerusalem, 37, 81.
, , lord of Man, 63, 64.
, John, 401.
, , son of Joan wifeof John de, 569.
, Margery wife of Ralph, 264.
, Robert le, 234, 333.
Bek.ard, Peter, 176.
Bekenesfeld. See Beaconsfield.
Bekeryng', Bekering', Thomas de, 421.
, knt., 105.
Bekingham, William son of John de, 564.
Bckyngham, John de, 694.
Bel, John, 411, 414.
Belbrougliton, BcWehrotton, co. Worcester,
Eele, Simon, 711.
Beleby. See Bielby.
Beleohose, Adam sou of Cicely, 214.
Belehache, Isabella, 305.
Beler, Alice wife of Roger, 498.
,Ealph, 245.
Belers, Roger, 138, 357, 379, 433,
443, 445, 449, 454, 472, 475, 498, 527,
537, 539, 551, 573, 676, 578, 581, 589,
590, 593, 594, 597, 601, 619, 625, 646,
, , baron of the exchequer, 689.
, , justice, 639.
, keeper of the castle and honour
of Tutbury, 540, 570.
, de, 443,581.
, le, 527.
Belers. See Beler.
Bclesone, Stephen, 82.
Belewe. See Bellewe.
Beley [co. Gloucester ?], 227.
Belhous, Richard de, 36.
, , knt., 341.
, Richard son of Thomas de, 36.
Bella Fago, Roger de, 477.
, Thomas de, 477, 479.
, Thomas son of Roger de, 334.
, William de. 111.
Bella Landa, John de, 694.
Bellard, Peter, 112, 164, 172.
, Vannus, 108.
, William, 116.
Belle, John, 67, 85.
, Michael, 181, 222, 324, 337, 347,
Nicholas, 340, 483, 487.
Bellegarde [France], 365.
. Bellewe, Belewe, John de, 587, 606.
Joan wife of John de, 606.
, Isabella wife of John de, knt, 720.
BeUeyetere, Robert le, 264.
Bellfounder, Michael, the, 458 ; and see Cam-
Bello Campo, Alice wife of Guy de, earl of
Warwick, 68, 302.
, Cicely wife of John de, 327.
, Giles de, 140, 421, 461, 637.
, , constable of Beaumaris castle,
, keeper of the castle and town
of DrysUwyn, 11.
, Guy de, earl of Warwick, 21, 57, 90,
Bello Campo — cont.
, Hawysia wife of Walter de, 140.
, Hughde, 115.
, prior of Caldwell, 499.
, John de, 329, 506, 514, 523, 603.
, Thomas son of Guy de, earl of War-
wick, 68, 311.
, Walter de, 140, 421, 521.
, , keeper of Warwick castle, 285.
, William de, 419, 430, 618, 538.
, , keeper of Malvern chace, 409.
Bello Monte, Alice wife of Henry de, 174.
.Henryde, 6, 63, 174, 220, 466,523,
697, 717.
, Isabella de, lady de Vescy, 609.
, Louis de, bishop of Durham, 2, 27,
52, 53, 62, 69, 79, 101, 125, 127, 279-
281, 304, 430, 469, 474, 522, 523, 562,
599, 661, 663, 667, 679, 680, 681, 697.
, dean of the free chapel of
Stafford, 52.
Bellymont, John, 510.
Beltislawe [Helpeslawe ?, co. Lincoln],
deanery of, 648.
Belton, Henry de, 204, 687.
Belvebrotton. See Belbroughton.
BemfJete. See Benfleet.
Bencelyn, Thomas, 77.
Bench, Common, 76, 114, 143, 266.
, , justices of, 21, 25, 26, 36, 52,
57, 68, 76, 78, 100, 102, 104, 105, 107,
109, 121, 126, 134, 135, 138, 141, 142,
144, 175, 178, 189, 198, 207, 227, 234,
237, 243, 245, 250, 266, 269, 272, 283,
298, 307-809, 327, 347, 349, 350, 352,
369, 371, 378, 379, 382, 402, 406, 407,
411, 412, 414, 416, 417, 442, 466, 467,
470, 480, 483, 495, 497, 498, 500, 501,
503, 546, 563, 582, 590, 601, 608, 610,
617, 635, 637-639, 646, 648, 657, 658,
692, 698, 703, 705-707, 712, 717, 720,
, , chief justice of, 26, 32, 237.
See also Bereford., Brabazou. Scrop.
, , order to transfer to York, 76.
replevies in, 98, 100-103,105,'
107, 109, 121, 126, 134, 135, 138, 141,
142, 327, 347, 349, 350, 353, 369, 371,
378, 379, 382, 497, 498, 500, 501, 638,
692, 698, 703-707, 712, 720-722.
, , rolls of, 175,417.
Bench, King's, 76, 143.
, , justices of, 234, 237.
Bendestede. See Banstead.
Bendy, garment a, 462.
Bendyn, Robert, 379.
, knt., 705.
Benedicite, Robert, 58.
Benefeld, John de, 498.
Beneit, John, 447, 456.
Bener, Thomas son of Robert, 412.
Beneryg. See Benridge.
Benet, Bartholomew, 599.
.Richard, 559.
WiUiam, 683, 687.
Benetham, WiUiam de, 597.
Benfleet, Little, Bemflete, co. Essex, 266, 269,
273, 288.
Bengham, Thomas de, 424.
Beugho, John de, 235.
Bennington, Benyngton, Bynyngton [co. Lin-
coln], 210.
, Long, CO. Lincoln, 57, 149.
Beiiridge, Beneryg [co. Northumberland],
Bensted, Benstede, John de, 330.
, keeper of the wardrobe, 278.
Bensyngton, Richard de, 283.
Bentelay, Bentle, Robert de, 130, 552.
Benteley, Bentle, co. York, 606, 655.
Bentham [co. Gloucester], 597.
, CO. York, 167.
Bentle. See Bentelay.
Bentley, Bintteley abbey [co. Middlesex],
Benton, Great [co. Northumberland], 127.
Benyngton. See Bennington.
Beole}', Beoylay, co. Worcester, 68.
Ber, Robert le, 703.
Bercarius, Elias, 123 i and see Shepherd.
Berchand, Berchant, William, 282, 383.
Berfther, Robert le, 475.
Bercheston, Richard de, 628, 702.
, Simon de, 508.
Berclem, Matilda de, 255, 330.
, Walter, 255.
Bercleye. See Berkeleye,
Berd, William, 308.
Berde, William, 379.
Berdefeld. See Bardfield.
Berdefeld, William de, 382.
Bere, co. Dorset, the prebend of, in Salisbury
Cathedral, 601.
Bere, Geoffrey, 222.
, le, 235.
, Peter de la, 522.
, Richard de la, 596, 464.
Bereford, St. Martin. See Barford.
Ralph de, 411.
, William de, 351, 375, 379, 528, 575,
630, 679.
, justice, 309, 328, 470, 482, 503,
582, 601, 658.
, chief justice of the Common
Bench, 26, 94, 237.
Berengar, count of Provence and Forcalquier,
, keeper of the ships of Louis, king of
France, 496.
Berenger, Bernger, Ingelram, 109, 305, 319,
385, 442, 490.
, knt., 641.
, John son of Ingelram, 150.
Berethorp, Walter de, 341.
Berwedon. See Barrowden.
Berewick. See Berwick.
Berewik, co. Hereford, 51.
Berewyco, Berewyk, Gilbert de, 317, 349
, Thomas de, 565.
, Waldeve de, 395.
Berewyk. See Berwick Hill.
Berewyk. See Barwick, Berwick.
Berewyk. See Berewyco de.
Berfray, cantred (commote) of (Powys), 73.
Bergam, Hugh, 582.
Bergavenj. See Abergavenny.
Bergen, Northbergen, Nonvay, 144.
Berhamstede. See Berkhampstead.
Bergh [Apton?], co. Norfolk, 68.
Bergh, Alexander de, knt., 140.
, knight of the shire for co.
York, 139.
, Henry atte, 554.
, Warkin de, 21.
, William de, 187, 191.
BergKam, co. Cambridge, 401.
Bergham, Robert de, 373.
Berghby. See Borrowby.
Berghefeld [co. Kent], 154.
Berghton. See Broughtou.
Berkeley, co. Gloucester, 605.
castle, constable of, 440.
Berkeleye,BerkeIe,Bercleye, John de,313, 428.
, Maurice de, 183, 364, 366, 444,511,
513, 517,541, 543,580, 607.
, Maurice son of Maurice de, 222.
, son of Thomas de, 222.
, , justice, 28.
, , seneschal of the Duchy of
Aquitaine, 183.
, Thomas de, 364, 366, 369, 419,420,
472, 477, 580.
, Thomas son of Giles de, 168.
, son of Maurice de, 517.
, son of Robert de, 227.
, son of Thomas de, 444, 445.
Berkeswell, Richard de, 578.
Berkhampstead, Berhamstede, co. Hertford,
9, 13, 52, 57, 149, 223, 259, 262, 324,
354, 384.
castle, constable of, 412; and see
, North [co. Hertford], St. Mary's
church, 485.
Berks, county of, 9, 222, 223, 226, 228, 229,
231, 232, 316, 319, 342, 344, 346, 354,
373, 375, 377, 384, 394, 395, 402, 45ii,
476, 477, 479, 487, 490, 497, 507, 509,
SI], 537, 540, 551, 553, 563, 572, 604,
616, 621, 623, 645, 669, 704, 706, 716.
forest pleas in, 160, 313.
, scutage in, 128,
, sheriff of, 161, 184, 185, 191, 244,
259, 264, 298, 318, 421, 516, 573, 577,
Berkyng. See Barking.
Berlay, Henry de, 141.
Berle, John de, 379.
Berlyngc. See Birling.
Bermer, Heryey de, 228.
Bermondsey priory, co. Surrey, 222, 269, 344,
345, 358, 403, 699, 720.
, John de Cusancia, prior of, 358.
Bermyngeham, Birmyngham, John de, 477.
, earl of Louth, 139, 175, 217, 310.
> , justiciary of Ireland, 408, 447,
529, 630, 556, 604, 719.
, John son of Peter de, 135.
William de, 630, 631.
Bernak. See Barnack.
Bernak, William de, 339, 354.
Bernard, John, 168, 169, 500.
, John son of, 580.
.Robert, 333.
, Thomas son of, 700.
WoUenus, 255.
Bernard's castle. See Barnard castle.
Bernefeld, William de, 192.
Eernevill, John de, 191, 216, 293, 294, 683.
Bemewelle. See Barnwell.
Bernewode. See Bernwood.
Bemeye, Bartholomew de, 271.
Bemger. See Berenger.
Bernham, Eobert de, 450.
Bemolby. See Barnoldby.
Bernwood, Bernewode, Forest, co. Bucking-
ham, 189, 194, 640.
Bernyngham. See Barningham.
Bernyngham, Eiehard de, 66, 274, 390, 445,
, , knt., 382, 673.
, justice, 449.
Bernyngton. See Barrington.
Bernyston. See Bamston.
Berowes, Peter de, 535.
Bertelmeu, Christiana wife of Thomas, 501.
John, 641.
Bertelmeus, John, 593.
Berthorp, Walter de, 334.
Berton. See Barton.
Barton, Thomas de, 218, 316.
, , sheriff of Gloucester, 51.
Ber-rill, Richard de, 121.
Berugh, William de, 463.
Beryill, Richard de, 129.
Berwick, Berewyk [co. Gloucester], 605.
[Basset], Berewyk, co. Wilts, 643.
Hill, Berewyk, Ponteland [co. North-
umberland], 599.
, Little, CO. Northumberland, 614.
Berwick-in-EImet, Berwyk-in-Elmet [co.
York], 593.
Berwick-on-Tweed, 4, 70, 90, 176, 217, 249,
268, 284, 297, 349, 398, 591, 660.
, garrison of, 43, 53, 100, 163.
Berwick-on Tweed — cont.
hostages delivered to the king for'
list of, 148.
letters close dated at, 158.
, siege of, letters clo.s© dated at, 158.
castle, 101, 249.
, lords of, 593.
Berwyk-in-Elmet. See Berwick-in-Elmet.
Beseby. See Beesby.
Besefeld, John de, 518.
Besevill, John de, 24~(), 362.
Besewyk. See Beswick.
Besewyk, Richard de, 671.
Besford, Besseford, Alexander de, 430, 538,
William de, 419.
Besson, Amanieu de, 33, 294.
Bestaynmor [co. York], 271.
Beston. See Beeston.
Beston, David de, 413.
Beswick, Besewyk [co. York], 659.
Bethayt, Stephen, 3.
Bethon, David de, 44.
Betoun, Thomas, 238.
Betoyne, Betoigne, Botaigne, Richard de, 181,
337, 360, 373.
, Thomas de, 360, 373.
Bette, John, 462.
Beutherdalbek. See Bowtherdale Beck.
Beuyn. See Beynyue.
Bevercote, William de, 498.
, , prebendary of Rampton in
St. Mary's Church, Southwell, 159.
Beverootes, John de, 421.
Severe, Walter le, 328, 497.
Beverlaco, John de, 581.
, Richard de, 100.
, Thomas de, 119.
Beverle, Robert de, 288.
Beverley, co. York, 82-84, 103, 119, 145, 163,
164, 183, 216, 241, 385, 397, 547, 548,
565, 645, 659, 672, 697, 701, 712, 724.
, community of, 164.
gaol, 82.
hospital, 87, 648.
, letters close dated at, 48-51, 119, 120.
the collegiate church of St. John, 88,
648, 650.
, Pers, cloth of, 164.
Bevre, Henry de, 46, 47, 89, 106.
Bewyk, Bewik, Hugh de, 229, 374, 431.
Johnde, 123.
Beynyne, Beynyn, Beuyn, Walter, 458, 456,
Beysyn, Walter de, 617.
Beyvill, Eobert de, 637.
Bicester, Birencestre, Burencestre, co. Oxford,
429, 575.
Bick, John, 694.
Bickereton [par. of Barnham Broom], co.
Norfolk, 68.
Bicknacre priory. See Bykenacre.
Biddik, Byddyk, William, 9, 13, 52.
Bidik, Anthony de, 353.
Bidyk, William, 259.
Bielby, Beleby, co. York, 175, 176.
Biflele. See Byflet, Richard de.
Bigod, Bigot, Bygod, Bygot, John, 15, 106.
, , knt., 106, 225, 232.
, , lord of Scttrington, 236.
Ealph, 220, 241, 405.
, , knt., 209, 229.
Bigot, Ralph.
Bigswear, Bikeswere, on the Wye [cos. Here-
ford and Gloucester], 472, 473.
Bikedon, Thomas de, 331.
Bikerston. See Bickerston.
Bikerton, Richard de, 717, 718.
Bikesivere. See Bigswear.
Billesby, Eudo de, 202.
Billesfeld, co. Lincoln, 585.
Billesley, Eudo de, 629.
Billing, Little, co. Northampton, 229, 354.
Billingham, John de, 567.
Billon, John, 317, 318.
Billyng', Gilbert de, 429.
Bilney, co. Norfolk, 68.
Bilneye, Roger de, 19.
Bilsington priory [co. Kent], Simon, prior of,
Bilton [co. York], 53, 466.
Bilton, John de, 51, 227.
, Margaret de, 609.
, William de, 609.
Binbury, Byngebury [co. Kent], 154.
, park of, 154.
Bindon, Bynedon abbey, co. Somerset [^7-ectius
Dorset], 192, 194.
Bingham, Byngham, deanery of, co. Notting-
ham, 647.
Bingham. See Byngham.
Binham, Byngham, Bynham, priory, co. Nor-
folk, 117, 140, 270, 271.
Binteworth, Richard de, 503.
Bintteley abbey. See Bentley.
Biuwestou, Bynneweston, co. Salop, 581.
Bircham, Brecheham [co. Norfolk], 723.
Birchaweit. See Birchwayt.
Bircheovre, William de, 589.
Birchwayt, Birchaweit, Henry de, 124, 549.
Birdbrook, Bridebrok [co. Essex], 243.
Birdsall, Briddesale [co. York], 683.
Birek, Arnald, 410.
, John, 410.
Birencestre. See Bicester.
Birkin, co. York, 666.
Birkyng', Richard de, 100.
Birling, Beilynge, co. Kent, 554.
Birmingham, co. Warwick, 630.
Birmyngham. See Bermyngeham.
Birstall, Bristall [oo. York], 53.
Bii-stoll. See Bristol.
Birthwait. See Braithwaite.
Birthwayt, Birthwait, Henry de, 135, 220.
Birton, William de, controller of customs at
Kingston-ou-HuH, 85.
Bishop's Canning, Bishop's Kanynges [co.
Wilts], 347.
Bishopeselere [Burghclere, co. Hants ?] , letters
close dated at, 269.
Bishop's Kanynges. See Bishop's Canning.
Bishopsthorp, Bvsshopthorpe, Tlioip, co. York,
125, 564; 714, 717.
letters close dated at, 462,464,563,
565, 6.00-657, 659, 660, 661, 713, 714,
Bishopstrow, Bisshopestre [co. Wilts], 599.
Bisley, Bysele, co. Gloucester, 543.
Bissebury. See Bushbury.
Bissebyry, Bisshebury, Henry de, constable
of Conway castle, 186, 291.
Bisshop, Bysshop, Richard, 191, 573.
Bisshope, John son of Roger, 148.
Bisshopesdon, John de, 518.
Bisshopesgate, John de, 518.
Bisshopestre. See Bishopstrow.
Bitering, Byteringg', Henry de, 230, 574.
Bis, Botolv, the king of Norway's treasurer in
the town of Bergen, 144.
Blaekbrook, Blakebrok, co. Derby, 434.
Blackburn, Blakebourn, co. Lancaster, 576.
Blackburnshire, Blakeburnshire [co. Lan-
caster], 429, 531, 541, 584.
Blackford, Blakfordeby [co. Leicester], 654.
Blackhale [co. Cumberland], 31.
Blackhow Moor, Blakoumor [near Pickering,
CO. York], 680.
Blackley, Blakeleye [par. of Womboucne],
CO. Stafford, 609.
Blackoumbheved, le, co. Cumberland, 567.
Blackrod, Blakerode [co. Lancaster], 8.
Blacktoft, Blaketoft, CO. York, 111, 671, 672.
Blackzol, Blacksayl, co. Cumberland, 567.
Blacolvesle, Roger de, 215.
Bladon, Bladen, co. Oxford, 272.
Blaenliyfiii, Blenleveuny [co. Brecknock],
415, 578, 617, 618, 646.
castle, constable of, 422.
Blak, John le, 419.
Blake, John le, envoy of Edward I., 207.
Robert le, 181.
Blakebourn. See Blackburn.
Blakebrok. See Blaekbrook.
Blakeburn, John son of John de, 214.
Blakeburnshire. See Blackburnshire.
Blakeleye. See Blackley.
Blakemor, John, 316.
Blakemore, forest of, co. Dorset, 305.
Blabeney, co. Norfolk, 20, 47, 83, 170, 249,
524, 670.
bailiffs of, 370, 536, 546, 549.
Elakeneye, Peter de, 400.
, Richard de, 241.
Blakenham, Robert de, prior of Byoknacre,
Blakerode. See Blackrod.
Blaket, John, 580.
, knt., 239.
.William, 450.
Blaketoft. See Blacktoft.
Blaketoft, John, 444.
.Roger son of William de. 111.
Blakfordeby. See Blackford.
Blakhoumor. See Blackhow Moor.
Blaktoft, Stephen son of William de, 109.
Blanche, queen of Navarre, 449.
Blanford, Blaneford, William de, 191, 293,
Blank, Berenger. See Blauuk.
Blankenberghe, Planders, 395.
Blankfrnnt, Blaunchfrount, Blaunfrounte,
Blaunkfrount, Thomas, 503, 518. 606.
William, 387.
Blankmoster. See Whitchurch.
Blaston, Geofirey de, 4.
.Thomas de, 379.
Blatherwick, co. Northampton, 356, 626, 640.
Holy Trinity church, 640.
Blaunk, Blank, Berenger, admiral of the king
of France, 692, 710.
, Gregory, 33.294.
Blaunchfrount. See Blankfront.
Blaunfrounte, Blaunkfrount. See Blankfront.
Blaystanfit, co. Cumberland, 566.
Blebory, John de, 146, 213,218,222,231,232,
458, 477, 592, 623.
Bleccheleye, Agnes wife of Richard de, 706.
, Robert son of Richard de, 705.
, son of Robert de, 705.
Blechemore [co. Devon ?], 245.
Blechesdon. See Bletchingdon.
Bledd Fa, Blethevagh [co. Radnor], 424.
Bledeloue, William de, 623, 632.
Bledey. Hugh, 189.
Blenlevenny. Bleneleveny. See Blaenllyfni.
Blentirlethan, Ireland, 439.
Bletchingdon, Blechesdon, co. Oxford, 596.
Bletchingley. co. Surrey, 312.
Bletchley, Bleccheleye [co. Bucks], 705, 706.
Blethevagh. See Bledd Fa.
Blethinus ap Ithel, 421.
Bliburgh. See Blyborough.
Blida, John de, 332.
, Robert de. 528.
Walter de, 441.
Blithe, Ralph de, 334.
, William de, 440.
Blithewater, John, 434.
Blithewode, William, 476.
Bliton, John de, 433.
Blisworth, Blyseworth, co. Northampton, 528,
Blobre, Roger, 708.
Bloghere, Ralph le, 105.
Blokesham. See Bloxham.
Blokesworth, Roger de, 138.
Blorne, Roger, 709.
Blound, Blund, John le, 305.
, Robert le, 565.
, Roger le, 453.
, Stephen le, 249.
, , receiver of the king's stores
at Newcastle-on-Tyne, 58, 148.
, Thomas le, keeper of the castle and
town of Droslan, 1 1 .
William le, 521.
Bloundell. See Blundel.
Blount, Blunt, Richard, 578.
, St^ihenle, 436, 707.
, Thomas, 483.
, le, knt., 686,703,711.
, Walter le, 419, 518.
, William, 419.
, , le, 518.
Bloxham. Blokesham, co. Oxford, 57, 149.
Bloyham, John de, 375.
Bloyhou, Ralph de, son of Alan de, 65.
Bluet, Amicia de, 435.
, Clementina, 504.
, Eleanor wife of John, 63.
, John, 471, 601.
BlumenhuU. See Blymhill.
Blund. See Blound.
Blundel, Bloundell, Richard, 669, 715.
Blundesham, Reginald de, prior elect of
Huntingdon priory, 456.
Blunt. See Blount.
Blunteshall, co. Essex, 24, 25.
Blyborough, Bliburgh, co. Lincoln, 547.
Blymhill, BlumenhuU [co. Stafifordj, 554.
Blyseworth. See Blisworth.
Blyth [co. Notts], 684, 720.
letters close dated at, 98, 523, 527,
priory, 152.
Blythebury, William de, 90.
Blyton, Emma wife of John de, 628, 713.
John de, 221.
, Thomas de, 713.
Bocham. See Bookham.
'Bocbolt wood, in Clarendon forest, 309.
Bochurst, Geoffrey de, 313.
Bockhampton, Bokhaunton [co. Berks], 231,
Boclond. See Buckland.
3 A 2
Boclond, Alice wife of Henry de, 635.
, John de, 3,56.
, Kichard son of Henry de, 507, 635.
, Stephen de, 77.
Bodeham, near Petworth, co. Sussex, 168,
Bodele, William de, 162, 398.
Bodemynne. See Bodmin.
Bodeston, Roger de, 602.
Bodiam [co, Sussex], 75.
Bodmin, Bodemynne [co. Cornwall], 670.
priory, 59.
Bodolo, Walter, 300.
William, 300.
Bodrigau, Otto de, knt., 618.
Boerleke, John, 222.
Boghan. See Buchan.
Boghe, Thomas atte, 497.
Boghere, Gilbert le, king's Serjeant, 39.
, Thomas, king's Serjeant, 39.
Bogheles, John de, 11.
Boghland. See BowJand.
Bohun, Elizabeth dq, countess of Hereford, 44.
, Humphrey de, earl of Hereford and
Essex, 15, 36, 112, 113, 114, 132, 237,
238, 355, 364, 3S7, 368, 371, 377, 402,
461, 493, 506, 5U, 513, 517, 519, 522,
526, 541, 543, 582, 671.
, , constable of England, 118.
, , lord of Brecknock, 363,366.
, John de, son of James de, 651.
son of John de, 334.
Boillet, John, 322.
Bokeler, Richard le, 130, 267.
, Simon le, 378.
Bokelond. See Buckland.
Bokelond, Geoffrey atte, 627.
Bokelyngton, Bokelynton, Boklynton, John
de, 359, 377.
Bokerel, Henry de, justice, 282.
Bokhanuton. See Bockhampton.
Bokkyng', Ralph de, 168, 169.
, Robert de, 433.
Bokland, Richard de, 701.
Boklond, John son of Ralph de, 78.
Boklynton. See Bokelyngton.
BoldB, Robert de, 210.
Boleton, Thomas de, knt., 120.
Bolevill, Nicholas de, son of Nicholas de, 397.
Bolewenenne [Bulphan ?], co. Essex, 381.
Bolgh pasture, co. Somerset, 611.
Bolingbroke, Bolyngbrok, co. Lincoln, 428,
429, 576, 641.
castle, keeper of, 437.
Bolkedynas. See Bwlch-y-dinas.
Bolkestrode, Henry, 352.
Matilda wife of Henry de, 350, 352.
Bollard, Nicholas, 386.
Bolle, Giles atte, 265.
.Walter, 316.
Bollesdon, Robert de, 1 48.
BoUewyk. See Bullwick.
Bolnhurst [co. Bedford], 185.
Boloigne, John de, 183, 490.
....,...., Robert son of William de, 298.
, William de, 298.
Bolsover castle [co. Derby], keeper of, 437.
Bolstrode, Geoffrey de, 263, 450.
Bolton, Boulton, 281, 663.
, hospital, CO. Northumberland,
18,294, 401,
, CO. Westmoreland, 646.
-in-Craven priory [co. York], 130, 146,
-upon-Dearne, Boulton-upon-Dyrnne,
CO. York, 587.
, near Wath, co. York, 497.
Bolton, Boulton, John de, 551, 722.
Richard de, 651.
, Robert de, 61.
, , knt., 145, 551.
, Thomas de, 101.
, , knt., 15,551.
, Thomas son of Robert de, 216.
, William de, 674.
Bolton near Wy, Richard de, 651.
Bolyngbrok. See Bolingbroke.
Bolyngbrok, Agnes wife of Andrew de, 122.
Bomstede. See Bumstede.
Bonas, Vitalis de, 441 .
Bonaventura, Gnyot, 142.
Bonby, Bondby, Bondeby, co. Lincoln, 11, 12,
39, 353.
Bond, William, 218.
Bondbrustwyk. See Burstwick.
Bondby. See Bonby.
Bonde, Henry le, 442.
, Nicholas le, 185.
Bondeby. See Bonby.
Bondel, William, 33.
Bondeleti, William, 650.
See ako Bouddelot ; Boudelut.
Bondou, Henry de, 382.
Bone, Ingelram de, 266.
Bonefaunt, Henry, 612.
Bonet, Hamo, 185.
Bonevile, William son of William de, 477.
Bonevill, Geoffrey de, 453.
William de, 439.
Bongeye. See Bungay.
Boniface VIIL, pope, 37, 81, 166.
Bonkede, Robert le, 344.
Bonseigniir, More, 251.
Bonnm, William, 166, 289, 402.
Bonyerton, 542.
Bonyngton, John de, 353,
Bookham, Bocham [co. Surrey], 185.
Bootham, co. York, 109.
Boolhby, Botheby, co. Lincoln, 102.
Bordeaux, in Aquitaine, 168, 171, 181, 192,
256, 258, 262, 337, 363, 376, 401, 410,
453, 490, 704.
constable of, 49, 85, 247, 319, 410.
See also EUesfeld. Haveryng. Ly m-
castle, 319.
, controller of, 85 ; and see
money, 49.
Bordel, Ralph son of Roger, 283.
Bordesden, John son of John de, 136.
Bordsley abbey [co. Warwick], 116, 574.
Bore, Robert le, 446.
Boreham, co. Essex, 221.
Boreford. See Burford.
Boreford, John de, 235, 476,
Borewaghs. See Burgherssh.
Borghwardesley, William de, 90.
Borhunt, Gilbert son of Henry de, 276.
, Thomas de, 577, 609.
Borlay, Robert de, 471.
Boron, Ralph, 302.
Borough Bridge, Burbrigg, Burghbrig, co.
York, 53, 58, 66, 177, 700.
, the king's granary at, 66.
Boroy, Beaux, 340.
Borrowby, Barrowby, Berghby, co. York, 167.
Borughdon, Gilbert de, 187, 191.
Borwes, les [Borrowash?], co. Derby, 625.
Borwes, Margaret wife of William del, 570.
, WiUiam del, 570.
Boryngham, Richard son of Adam de, 146.
Bosco, Henry de, knt., 105, 207.
Philip de, 3.
, Walter de, 2.
See a/so Boys.
Bosecombe, Adam de, 193.
Boseham. See Bosham.
Boseham, Peter de, 499,
Boseley [par. of Westbury-on-Severn] , co.
Gloucester, 295.
Boselyngthorp, Roger de, 230.
Bosham [co. Sussex], 277, 665.
Bosley, Botesle, co. Chester, 544.
Bossard, Hugh, 489.
Bosseford, Alexander de, 419.
Boston, CO. Lincoln, 4, 33, 47, 83, 89, 124,
125, 221, 250, 252, 290, 340, 370, 392,
396, 397, 412, 483, 486, 487, 592, 683,
, oailifFs of, 395, 399, 537.
.bridge of, 89.
, fair at, 3,168, 172, 257, 258, 259,
394, 396, 397, 400, 401.
, , bailiffs of, 395.
, port of, 16, 45, 318, 524, 593, 675.
, , customs in, 244, 246, 250, 251,
255,391, 392.
, St. John's hospital without, 454.
Bosy, Hugh de, 706.
Botef, 501.
Boteland, Thomas de, 58.
Boteler. See Botiller.
Botereux. See Botreaux.
Boterwyk, Thomas de, 694.
Botesle. See Bosley.
Botetourt, Boteturt, Buteturte, Joan wife of
Thomas, 612, 630,631, 684.
, John, 112,430, 431.
, , constable of St. Briavel'e castle,
, de, 105.
, Thomas, 353,612.
, , knt., 552.
, Thomas de, 613.
, knt., 535.
Botheby. See Eoothby.
Bothum, near York, 109.
Botiller, Boteler, Botiler, Bjtyller, Abel le,
Alexander le, 130.
Alice wife of Thomas le, 475.
, Andrew le, 632.
, Bertram le, 287.
Cicely wife of Richard le, 656.
, Clement le, 208.
Edmund le, 359, 360, 481, 549,659.
, , justiciary of Ireland, 66.
, Geoffrey le, 109, 128, 235.
John, 475.
le, 424, 603.
, Nicholas son of WiUiam le, 666.
, Peter le, 628, 640.
, Ralph le, constable of Ludlow castle,
415, 422, 524.
, Richard le, 359, 377,378, 381,382
, Robert le, 180.
Roger le, 315.
, Thomas le, 419, 420, 475,
, Walter le, 88, 648.
, , sheriff of Limerick, 80.
, WiUiam le, 23, 94, 610, 611, 666.
Botlesford, Robert de, lord of Stodham, 223.
Botoigne. See Betoigne.
Botreaux, Botereux, Reginald de, 548, 560,
Botteleye, Thomas de, 419, 433.
Botun, William, 94.
Boty, Adam, 354.
Botyller. See Botiller.
Bouche, Patrick, 23.
Bouddelot, William, 669.
Boudelut, William, 690.
See also Bondeleti.
Boudon. See Bowden.
Boudon, John de, 537.
Boulogne, the honour of, 388.
Boulot, John son of John, 712.
Boulton. See Bolton.
-upon-Dyrnne. See Bolton-upon-
Boulton. See Bolton.
Bonn, John de, 386.
Bound, John le, 184.
Bourat, Ireland, 440.
Boure, Richard del, 567
Boureke, John, 348.
Bourle, Thomas de, 259.
Bourn, Kiohard de, 215.
, Thomas atte, 262.
, William de, 579, 667.
Bournehy. See Burnehy, Eustace de, 640.
Bourser, John le, 435.
Bousser, John, 638.
de, 351, 595, 712.
justice, 147, 302,584.
, le, 249.
Bouthum, Peter do, 236.
, Kohert de, 693.
Bovingdon, Bovendon, co. Herts, 262.
Bovill, Boyyll, Joan wife of William son of
William de, 190, 199.
, WiUiam son of William de, 190, 199.
Bovyngton, John de, 236.
Bovynton, Lambert de, 683.
Bowden, Boudon, co. Leicester, 57, 150.
Bowe, Roger atte, 336.
BoTveland, Henry de, 205.
Bowet, Richard, 600.
Bowland, Boghland, co. York, 572.
Bowtherdale Beck, Beutherdalhek, co. Cum-
berland, 567.
BoTvyere, Adam le, 467.
Bjx, Henry, 227, 500.
, William son of Henry, 500.
Boxe, John, 559.
Boxhamsted, [oo. ], 387, 388.
Boxley [co. Kent], letters close dated at, 404.
Bcxwelle, William de, 332.
Boylaud, John de, 141.
, , knt., 509.
Boynhale, Richard, 255.
Boys, Gilbert de, 703.
, Henry du, knt., 203, 720.
, James du, 231.
, John de, 299.
.Nicholas de, knt., 208.
Richard de, 519, 568.
du, 701,720.
. , See also Bosco, de.
Boyton [co. Suffolk], 139.
Boyvill, Edmund de, 275, 343, 346.
..,.' , John de, 175,275.
, William de, 440.
Brabant, 9, 13, 46, 50, 52, 89, 119, 155, 158,
186, 234, 244, 246, 250, 251, 252, 255,
256, 259, 318, 330, 373, 413.
..., Duchy of, 560.
Brabant — cont.
, duke of . See John.
, merchants of, 255.
, wool staple in, 234, 235, 244, 246,
254, 256, 261, 389.
Brabazon, Roger le, 240.
, , justice, 320.
, , chief justice of the Bench, 32.
Bracebrugg [co. Sussex], 185.
Brackele. See Brackley.
Brackele, Ralph de, 230.
Bracklesham, Braclesham [co. Sussex], 75.
Brackley, Brackele, [co. Northants], 95.
, , St. John's hospital, 699.
Braclesham. See Bracklesham.
Bradbourne, Bradeburne, oo. Derby, 589, 625.
Bradden [co. Northampton], 669, 715.
Bradebourn, Henry de, 589, 625.
, John de, 625.
, Philippade, 625.
, Roger de, 625.
Bradeburne. See Bradbourne.
Bradecroft, co. Rutland, 482, 483.
Bradefeld. See Bradfield.
Bradefeld, John de, 433.
, Peter de, 109.
, Robert de, the younger, 243.
Bradeford. See Bradford.
Bradeford, Adam de, 123.
, Annabilla wife of Thomas de, 43.
..., Hugh de, 134, 210, 336, 668.
, John de, 599.
, Thomas de, 163.
Bradele, John, 384.
, de, 387, 396.
Bradeleye. See Bradley.
, Nicholas de, 194.
Bradenaoh. See Bradninch.
Bradenstoke, Bradenestok, co. Wilts, 99.
Bradeshaghe, William de, 8.
Bradestede. See Brasted.
Bradeston, Thomas de, 632.
Bradestone, Thomas son of Robert de, 222.
Bradewardyn, Roger de, 518.
Bradewell, William de, 419, 430, 518, 538,
Bradfield, Bradefeld, co, Berks, 612, 624, 631.
, CO. Norfolk, 68.
Bradford, Bradeford, 163.
, CO. York, 575.
Bradley, Bradeleye [co. Durham], 599.
[co. Lincoln], 387.
, Bredeleye, co. Stafford, 10.
[co. Suffolk], 146.
Bradleye, Thomas de, 630.
Bradninch, Bradenach manor [co. Devon] ,
Bradon, North, Northbraden, co. Somerset,
, South, Suthbraden, CO. Somerset,293.
Bradstarth le, 567.
Bradwell [co. Cumberland], 405; and see
Broad well.
Bradwell, John de, 631.
Braer. See Bryer.
BrafFerton, co. York, 561.
Braghyng, John de, 262.
Braibrok, Robert de, 326.
Brailes, Brayles [co. Warwick], 544.
Braithwaite, Brayquat, co. Cumberland, 658.
, Birthwait [co. York], 220, 334, 686.
Braithwell, Braythewell, co. York, 659.
Brakanhil, Laurence de, 3.
Brakele. See Brackley.
Brakenbergh, William de, 683.
Brakeuholm, William de, 107, 720.
Bramber, Brember, Brembre [co. Sussex],
185, 670.
, court of, 185.
Bramdeston, Henry son of Hugh de, 452.
Brampton [co. Huntingdon], 403.
, CO. Westmoreland, 422.
, CO. York, 110, 565, 700.
Brampton, Alice wife of John son of Robert
de, 110.
, Geoffrey de, 91.
John son of Robert de, 110.
Bramston, Hugh de, 287.
Bramtone, Geoffrey de, 335.
Brand, Thoma.s, 241.
Brandsburton [co. York], 125.
Brandesby. See Brandsby.
Brandesby, John de, 572.
Brandon, eo. Northumberland, 552.
Brandsby, Brandesby, co. York, 672.
Braneis, co. Devon, 230.
Branketre, Edmund de, 503.
Branston, Braunceton, co. Lincoln, 713.
Branstone, Braunceton, Braunstone, co.
Leicester, 137, 235.
Brant Broughton, Brendebroghtoa, co. Lin-
coln, 234.
Bras, William, 457.
Brasted, Bradestede, co. Kent, 312.
Brattleby, Brittelby, co. Lincoln, 575.
Brauncestre, Thomas de, 317.
Braunceton. See Branston.
Braunch, Andrew, 611.
, Joan wife of Andrew, 611.
, Nicholas, 611.
Braunston, See Branstone.
Brawod, Gregory de, 573.
Bray, co. Berks, 183.
Bray, Braye, Henry de, 196.
, escheator south of Trent, 465,
, John de, 329, 702.
, Mabel wife of Henry dc, 196.
, Ralph de, 94.
Bray, Braye — cont.
, Stephen de, 704.
, Thomas, son of Thomas de, 484.
, William de, 235, 261.
Braybrok, William de, 336, 622.
Braydeston, John de, 707.
Brayles. See Brailes.
Brayquat. See Braithwaite.
Braystanes, co. Cumberland, 455.
Braythewell. See Braithwell.
Brayton [co. York] , 146.
Brayton, Thomas de, 127, 128, 206, 243, 325,
415, 684, 704,720.
Breaunzoun, See Briaunzon.
Brecenileston, Ireland, 162.
Brecheham. See Bii'cham.
Brecknock, Breghennogh, Breghnok, Breg-
henen, Bregheneu, Brekenock, Wales,
366, 415, 578, 617, 618, 622, 646.
, castle, 415, 526.
, , constable of, 422.
See also Morby.
lord of, 363, 366.
, See also Bohun.
, land of, keeper of, 428.
See also Moreby.
Breckles, Edmund de, 488.
Bredeleye. See Bradley.
Bredon, co. Leicester, 473.
[co. Worcester], 468.
Bredon, Emma wife of William de, 468, 473.
, John de, 129.
Richard de, 532.
, Walter de, 68, 429.
, WilKam de, 468.
, , steward of Derbyshire, 532.
, William son of William de, 473.
Bredstrete, John de, 661.
Breghenen, Bregheneu, Breghenogh, Breghe-
nok, Breghnok. See Brecknock.
Brehull. See Brill.
Brekenock. See Brecknock.
Brele, le, in Zeeland, 396.
Brembre. See Bramber.
Bremesgrave. See Bromsgrova.
Brendebroghton. See Brant Broughton.
Brendon, Hugh le, 706.
Brenhand. See Brinhand.
Brenlees. See Bronllys.
Brenn, John, 212.
Brentheles. See Bronllys.
Brentles. See Bronllys.
Brenton, John de, 497.
.William de, 316.
Breosa, William de, bishop of Llaudaff, 472,
Breresdyk, Richard de, 410.
Brereton, John de, 564, 668.
Breston, Henry de, 500.
Bret, Edmund, 446.'
, Johnle, 197, 205.
, Simon le, son of Robert le, 196.
Thomas le, 336.
, William le, 395.
, William son of Richard, 128.
Brefaygne, Thomas de, 706.
Bretayn, John le, 91.
Bretanby, Joan daughter of Conan de, 142.
Bretby, Bretteby, co. York, 167.
Bretevill, William son of Hugh le, 382.
Bretles, John de, 404.
Bretlis. See Brettles.
Bretlis, Benedict de, 404.
Breton, Bretoun, Adam, 70.
, de, steward of the county of
Catherlagh [Carlow], 80.
, le, 72.
, Alice wife of John, 25.
, (luy, 441.
, Henry de, 218.
Hugh, 90.
, John, 23.
, Peter, 105.
le, 507.
, Robert, 105.
, knt., 105.
, , sheriff of co. Lincoln, 473, 523.
, Roger le, 611.
, Thomas le, 91.
, William le, 517,526.
Brett, Richard le, 3.
Brette, Thomas, 505.
Bretteby. See Bretby.
Brettels, Bretlis [co. Stafford], 404.
Brettevill, William de, 476, 704.
Bretton [co. York], 536.
, West [co. York], 124, 135.
Bretton, Robert de, 676, 720,
, William le, 526.
See aZ^o Breton.
Breuosa, Brewosa, Walter de, 96, 343.
Breuse, Mary de, 185.
, Mary wife of William de, 185.
, William son of William de, 185.
Brewer, Brewere, Isabella le, la, 361, 36.2.
Brewes, Mary de, 288.
, Thomas de, 680.
Brewosa, Breuosa, William de, 96, 842.
, , lord of Gower, 464.
Breydeston, John de, 322.
Briaun?on, Brianzon, Breaunzoun, Elizabeth
wife of John, 617.
, John de, 256, 278, 295, 617.
, Giles de, knt., 477, 706,
, Robert de, 706.
Brice, Robert, 407.
Briddesale. See Birdsall.
Bridebrok. See Birdbrook.
Bridelington. See Bridlington.
Brideport, John de, 443.
Brider, John, 21.
Bridgford [co. Nottingham], letters close
dated at, 145.
Bridgham, Briggeham [co. Norfolk], 476.
Bridgnorth, Briggenorth, Bruggenorth [co.
Salop], 511, 513, 516.
castle, keeper of, 437.
Bridgwater, Briggewauter [co. Somerset], 670.
.., , bailiffs of, 370, 531, 534.
, Bruggewauter, castle, 449, 522.
, , keeper of, 437.
, port of, 524.
Bridlington [co. York], 618.
, letters close dated at, 682.
, Bryddelyngton, priory, 107, 357, 618,
Brigerak, Briggerak, William, 257, 400.
Briggate, William de, 104, 213, 242, 507.
Brigge, Adam atte, 51.
, Nicholas de, 212.
, William atte, 313.
son of Robert of the, 581.
Briggeham. Sec Bridgham.
Briggenorth. See Bridgnorth.
Briggerak. See Brigerak.
Briggesherth, Thomas de, 140.
Briggestoke. See Brigstock.
Briggestowe. See Brigstock.
Briggewater, Bruggewautier, John de, 243, 668.
Briggewauter. See Bridgwater.
Brigham, co. York, 720.
Brightwalton, Agnes wife of Geoffrey de, 94.
Brigstock, Briggestoke, Briggestowe, co.
Northampton, 1, 80.
Brill, Brehull [co. Bucks], 7.
Brimesdon, Robert de, 329.
Brimpsfield, Brimesfeld, Erymesfeld, co.
Gloucester, 20, 27, 28, 51, 72, 138,203,
326, 364, 420, 425, 426, 490, 492, 493,
511, 513, 519, 522, 541, 543, 597, 635,
651, 673.
castle, 447.
Bringhurst [co, Leicester], 408.
Brinhand, Brenhand, Brunhand, Brynhand,
William, 31, 220, 568, 700.
Brinton, Brynton [co. Norfolk], 91
Brinttung, Brinttenng, co. Cumberland, 567.
Brisingham, Edmund de, 110, 232,479.
Brisley, Bryseley, co. Norfolk, 68.
Brisseban, Elias de, 445.
Bristall. See Birstall.
Bristol, Birstoll, 15, 16, 136, 159, 292, 393,
295, 360, 435, 520, 673.
, bailiffs of, 530, 534.
castle, 366, 389.
, constable of, 159, 267, 292, 295,
297, 389, 391, 423, 437, 445, 469, 511,
627, 595, 637.
See also Badelesmere;
Despenser ; Level ; Rodeney.
Bristol, BirstoU — cont.
, Lawfortl, Lafford Gate, 159.
, letters close dated at, 295-297, 367,
, major of, 295.
mayor and bailiffs of, 293, 370, 377,
423, 520, 531.
, mayor and community of, 2B8.
, mayor, bailiffs and community of,
.port of, 16, 524.
, St. Augustine's abbey, 421.
Bristoll, John de, 46, 89, 547.
, Robert de, 346, 488.
Bristollia, Robert de, 224.
Brisyngliam. See Brisingham.
Brit, William son of Richard, 146.
Britannia, Bretaigne, John de, earl of Rich-
mond, 3, 47,49, 83, 112, 113, 125, 133,
133, 137, 138, 181, 217, 221, 272, 290,
340, 349, 35.% 387, 396, 399, 409, 410,
504, 510-512, 543, .'i59, 568, 574-576,
617, 677, 679.
, , , bailiffs of, 370, 397.
Britanny, the duchy of, 209, 329, 331, 345,
cloth, 192.
Britanny and Poitou, duke of. See John.
Brittelby. See Brattleby.
Britwell Salome, Bruitewell Solhatu [co. Ox-
ford], 372.
Brixham, co. Devon, 581.
Brixia, Peter de, 476.
Broadwell, Bradwell [co. Oxford] , 405.
Brochampton, Geoffrey de, 447.
Brochole. See Brookhall.
Brockeworth, Thomas de, 458.
Brockhall, Brochole, co. Northants, 379.
Brockworth [co. Gloucester], 434.
Broclosby, John de, 671.
, William de, 671.
Brocworth, Henry de, 215.
, Thomas de, 223.
William de, 508, 616.
Brodestrode, la, in Windsor forest, 311.
Brodye, John son of Ralph, 128.
Broghton. See Broughton.
Broghton Astele. See Broughton Astley.
Broghton, James de, 473, 632, 651.
, John dc, 223, 620.
, , steward of Salcey forest, 424.
, Yevande, 91.
Brok, Conrad atte, 158, 248.
, Lawrence du, 570.
Ralph de, 568, 723.
, son of Laurence de, 377.
, Richard son of Richard atte, 286.
Roger atte, 181.
, de, 354, 497, 498.
Brok — cont.
, Thurstaa de, 185.
, .William son of.Roger de, 498.
Broke, John atte, 554.
, de la, 485.
Brokedele [? Brockleye, co. Kent], 412.
Brokenberewe, Brokeabergh, John de, 452,
Brokenbridge-ou-Thames, 510.
, letters close dated at, 408, 410, 506-
508, 510.
Brokeneberwe, Robert de, 572.
Brokenholm, William de, 187.
Brokhole, Geoffrey de, 502.
Brokhols, John de, 328.
BrokhuU, la, in Windsor forest, 311.
Brokston, Constancius de, 262.
Brokworth. See Brockworth.
Brolio, Gilbert de, 262, 401.
Brom, Adam de, 98, 130, 137. 209, 217, 241,
269, 322, 350, 354, 402, 408, 489, 490,
620, 702.
, , clerk of the chancery, 367.
, , justice, 254, 308, 392.
, Henry de, 99.
, John de, son of Robert de, 389,
, Robert de, 452.
, Roger de, 505.
Bromfeld, Bromfleld, John de, 14, 37, 65, 418,
, , justice, 133.
, William de, monk of Holme Cultram
abbey, 208.
Bromfield, Bromfeld [co. Denbigh], 521, 531,
532, 561, 646.
Bromholm priory [co. Norfolk], 128.
Bromholm, Geoffrey de, 141.
BromhuUe, John de, 518.
Bromle, Bromleye, Gilbert de, 654.
, , keeper of the king's stores in
the parts of Carlisle, 41, 63, 64.
, William de, son of Roger de, 50.
Bromley, Brumleye, Great, co. Essex, 231.
Brompton, co. Salop, 37.
, Broumpton, co. York, 167.
Brompton, Edmund de, lord of Esylynghame,
, John de, 623.
, sheriff of CO. Oxford, 620.
Robert de, 454.
Bromsgrove, Bremesgrave, Brymesgrave, co.
Worcester, 117, 615.
Bromwich, West, co. Stafford, 631.
Bromwych, Aucelin de, 631.
, William de, 476.
Brond, John, 46, 89, 180, 290.
Bronfeld [? co. Lincoln], 100.
Bronllys, Bryntheles, Breutles castle [co.
Brecknock], 415, 420, 461.
, constable of, 422.
See also Marescbal.
Brotetoune. See Broughton,
Brotbercross hundred, co. Norfolk, 68.
Brother, Wymond, Wy;nuiid, 23,5, 500.
Brotherton [co. York], 536.
Brotherton, Thomas de, earl of Norfolk and
Snflfolk, marshal of Enirland, 14, 26, 80,
132, 352, 366, 401, 402, 443, 447, 506,
580,645, 687, 690, 700, 702, 719.
, , lord of Strugal [Chep-
stow], 520.
Broue, Arnald de la, 261.
Brough - under - Stainmore, Burgh - under-
Stayumore [co. Westmoreland], 48,
Broughton, Berghton [co. Hants], letters
close dated at, 326.
Broghton, co. Oxford, 620.
, Asiley, Broghton Astele [co. Lei-
cester], 433.
Brotetoune, co. Wilts, 543.
-in-Craven [co. York], 100.
Broughton, James de, fi06, 619.
Broumpton. See Brompton.
Broun, Adam, 610, 648.
, Gregory, 460.
H 384.
, Henry, 660.
, Isabella wife of Hugh, 371.
, John, 371.
le, 518.
Matthew, 25.
, , suh-esoheator in CO. Lincoln, 64.
Eobert, 33.
, Simon, 128, 711.
..Thomas, 371, 605.
, Walter, 275.
, William, 20, 171, 371, 401, 420.
Broundishe, Benedict de, 173.
Brounehy, Robert de, 129.
Brounry, Ireland, 439.
Brounsone, John, 471.
Brounyng, Brunyng, Nicholas, 316.
Biuaunt, Thomas, 580.
Brudeford, John de, 482.
Bruera. See Bruern.
Bruern, Bruera, abbey [co. Oxford], 117, 490,
491, 705.
, .Thomas, abbot of, 241, 371, 502.
Bruges. Flanders, 187, 217, 347, 378,395, 483.
.burgomasters and ichevins of. 221,
and consules of, 171, 181, 258,
337, 395, 401.
^cAeyms,! councillors and universitaa
of, 698.
English merchants in, 186.
St. Donatus church, 698.
Bruggenorth. See Bridgnorth.
Bruggewater, Bruggewauter. See Bridgwater.
Bruggewautier. See Briggewater. John de,
Bruitewell Solham. See Britwell Salome.
Bruma. See Bruna.
Bruuile, John de, 446.
Brumleye. See Bromley.
Brumpton, John de, 584.
, sheriff of co. Oxford, 657.
William de, 82.
Brun, John le, 329, 644, 703.
, Maurice le, 358.
, Eobert, 358.
Bruna, Bruma, Brunia, Brunnia, Brunye,
Arnald de, 394.
, Eeymund de, 262, 394, 401, 490.
Brandish, Burnedissh [co. Suffolk], 358.
Brune, Perotta, Perota, 171, 181, 258, 337,
Brunelisk, Bankinus, 234.
Brtmesby in Gilsland, co. Cumberland, 285.
Brunham. See Burnham.
Brunhand. See Brinhand.
Brunia. See Bruna.
Bruolisk, "V annus, 251, 272.
Brunne, Simon de, 324.
Brunneby. See Burnby.
Brunnesleye, John de, 235.
Brunnia. See Bruna.
Bruntoft, Nicholas de, 67.
Bruuum. See Nunburnholme.
Brunye. See Bruna.
Brunyng. See Brounyng.
Bruosa, Thomas de, 603.
, William de, 268.
See also Breuosa, Brewosa.
Brus, Brays, Bernard de, 328.
, son of Bernard de, 328, 353.
, son of John de, 127, 328, 353.
, Edward de, 175, 391.
, Eobert de, king of Scotland, 37, 196,
280, 282, 284, 328, 598, 717, 525, 526.
, William de, knt., 695.
Brustewik, Brustewyk, WiUiam de. 164, 397.
Brut, Guicard de la, archdeacon of Canter-
bury, 41.
Bruwosa, Beatrice wife of Giles de, 304.
, Brewosa, Giles de, 304.
See also Breuosa, Brewosa.
Bruys. See Brus.
Bryan, Guy de, 338, 339.
Bryddelyngton. See Bridlington.
Bryer, Braer, islesof Scilly [co. Cornwall], 162.
Brykendon, Herman de, 705.
Brylleye, Robert de, 260, 264.
Brymesfeld. See Brimpsfleld.
Brymesgrave. See Bromsgrove.
Brymmesfeld. See Brimpsiield.
Brynhand. See Brinhand.
Brynkhill, Eobert de, 157.
Brynkle, John de, 6.
Bryntheles. See Bronllys.
Brynton. See Brinton.
Bryseley. See Brisley.
Bryton, Thomas de, 717.
Buchau, Boghan, Scotland, 74.
Buoher, Williiun, 55-1.
Buckby, co. Northants, 429, 575.
Buclvden, co. York, 178.
Buckenhale. See Bucknall.
Buckestanes, William de, 3.
Buckfastleigh, Bukfast, abbey [co. Devon],
Buckingham, Bukyngham, 66, 359.
, archdeaconry of, 602.
.count} of, 92, 94, 95, 223, 226, 229,
231, 239, 261, 305, 331, 358, 359, 361,
371, 372, 377, 394, 395, 402, 435, 447,
479, 487, 490, 501, 502, 529, 540, 549,
556, 562, 601, 603, 604, 645, 671, 707.
, , justices in, 802.
, , sheriff of, 35, 60, 66, 120, 158,
189, 219, 244, 252, 256, 318, 414, 421,
430, 442, 450, 451, 464, 485, 508, 514,
519, 559, 577, 618, 640, 659.
Buckland, Bokelond [co. Berks], 265.
abbey [co. Devon], 59.
, East, CO. Devon, 231, 233.
, Boclond, CO. Hertford, 635.
Bucknall, Buckenhale, co. Lincoln, 483.
, CO. Staflford, 10.
Buckton, Walter de, 607.
Bucton, William son of William de, 137.
Bucy, Robert de, 185.
Buddeford, Eobert de, 122.
Budene. SeeBeedon [co. Berks], 260, 264.
Budeneweye, John de, 433.
Buelt. See Builth.
Buffard, Henry, 116.
.William, 578.
Buffri, Kobert, 630.
Bugeye, Bugge, bales of, 20, 47, 67, 83, 170.
Builth, Buelt, castle [co. Brecon], 77, 415,
520, 646.
, , constable of, 422; and see
Griffin ap Kes.
Buk, Eobert, 722.
, Stephen, 384.
Bukfast. See Buckfastleigh.
Bukke, Robert, 403.
Bukskyn, Gilbert, 329.
Bukton, Eobert de, 109.
Bukyngham. See Buckingham.
Bule, Bui, Peter le, 577, 609.
Thomas de, 536.
Bulhay [? co. Northants], 71.
Bullok, Walter, 375, 491.
BuUwick, Bollewyk, co. Northants, 626.
Bulmer [co. Tork], 128, 201.
Bulmer, Alice -wife of Ralph de, 61, 163.
, Ralph de, 61, 163.
, knt., 135, 203, 568.
, WiUiam de, 568.
Bnlmershire, co. York, 133.
Bulwell, CO. Nottingham, 280, 291.
Bulwick, Bulwyk, co. Northants, 640.
Bumstede, Bomstedc, William de, 2^4.
WilUam sou of William de, 238.
Buncton, Bungeton, co. Sussex, 185.
Bundel, William, 294.
Bungay, Bongeye, Bungeye [co. Suffolk], 111,
Bungay. See Bungeye.
Bungeton. See Buncton.
Bungeye. See Bungay.
Bungeye, Bungay, Hugh de, 439.
, , the king's armourer, 643, 666.
Buntingford, Buntyngford, co. Hertford, 576.
Buntyug, John, 702.
Buntyngford. See Buntingford.
Buntyngg', John, 505.
Burbache [co. Leicester?], 632.
Burbage, Burbachesauvage [co. Wilts], 312.
Burbrigg. See Borough Bridge.
Burdegala, Matilda wife of Oliver de, 311.
, Oliver de, 22, 303, 311, 429, 458.
, , constable of Guildford castle, 1 1 .
, , constable of Windsor castle, 158,
159,173, 182, 183.
Burdein, Burdeyn, Robert, 362.
, sheriff of London, 263.
Burdeleys, Geoffrey de, 356.
, John de, 356.
Burden, Roger son of John, 635.
Burdet, John son of WiUiam, 265.
Eobert, 435.
Burdeux, John de, 268.
Bm-deyn. See Burdein.
Burden, Brian, 219.
, knt., 550.
, John de, 210.
, William, 564.
Burel, Burell, Elias, 708.
, Henry, 122, 241.
, Joan wife of William, 347.
, John, 157.
, de, 696.
Thomas de, 696.
William, 347.
Burencestre. See Bicester.
Bures, John de, 329, 536.
, Robert de, 469-471, 573, 574, 602,
604, 658, 720.
, , knt., 139, 336.
, keeper of Clare castle, 592.
Burford, Boreford, co. Oxford, 413.
Burford, John de, 382, 460.
Burgh, CO. Cambridge, 236.
castle, CO. Norfolk, keeper of, 437.
Burgh-under-Staynmore. See Brough-under-
Burgh, H. de, 357.
Hugh de, 61, 114, 173, 189, 415, 702.
John de, 108, 112, 395.
Burgh — cont.
John son of Thomas de, 633.
, kDt., 695.
Ranulph de, 395.
, Richard de, earl of Ulster, 464.
Thomas de, 215,342,502, 683, 686,
, , escheator north of Trent, 411,
419, 422, 428, 433, 434, 43P, 448, 450,
454, 459, 461, 462, 464, 467-469, 471,
566, 569, 578, 580, 584-588, 590, 594,
595, 598, 600, 601, 605-609, 612, 615,
618, 619, 622, 638, 639, 640, 645-648,
650, 653, 656, 658-662, 666.
kr.t., 236.
, Thomas son of Adamde, 137.
William atte, 618.
de, 489.
, See also Bargo de.
Burgh near Asshele, John de, 216.
Burgham. See Burham.
Burghbrig. See Borough Bridge.
Barghbrigg, William de, 668.
Burghdon, Gilbert de, 285.
, William de, 325.
Burgherssh, Borewaghs, Bartholomew de, knt.,
139, 241,319,336, 517,569.
,,., Elizabeth wife of Bartholomew de,
, Henry de, bishop of Lincoln, 302, 324,
325, 339, 427, 451, 456, 489, 514, 623,
602, 619, 658, 681.
BurghhuU, Thomas de, 416.
Burghton, Thomas de, 58.
Burghwell wood [Wychwood Forest, co.
Oxford], 271.
Bargilloun, Edmund, 470.
Eleanor wife of Edmund, 470.
Borgilon, Geoffrey, 275.
Burgiloun, Burguillon, Joan wife of Robert de,
Burgo, Elizaheth de, 428, 578, 603, 645.
, Hugh de, 114.
, Lucy wife of Thomas de, knt., 236.
, Richard de, earl of Ulster, 55, 90, 113,
464, 529, 530, 556, 690, 719.
, Thomas de, 502.
knt., 236.
, William de, 137, 328, 489, 671.
See o/so Burgh.
Burgoyn, Burgoin, William, 257, 400.
Burguillon. See Burgiloun.
Burham, Burgham, eo. Kent, 554.
Burle, Roger de, 433.
, Thomas de, 264.
William de, 413.
Burlegh, John de, 324.
Burmeswater lake, co. Cumberland, 567.
Burn, Richard de, 141.
Burnby, Brunneby, oo. York, 130, 659.
Burneby, Boumehy, Eustace de, 517, .526,640.
Burnedissh. See Brandish.
Buruel, John, 559.
Walter, 665.
Burneton, William de, bailiff ofiSewcastle-on-
Tyne, 678.
Burnham, Brunham, co. Norfolk, 463, 524,
536, 670.
.bailiffs of, 536.
Burre, Joan wife of Peter, 254, 386.
Peter, 254,386.
, Richard, prior of Bykenacre, 387.
, Rohert, prior of Bykenacre, 386, 388.
Burstowe, William de, chamberlain of Chester,
Burstwick, Bondbrastwyk [co. York], 313.
, letters close dated at, 20, 21, 25, 103,
104, 217, 218.
Bursy, John de, 421.
Burton, 78.
Burton St. Lazars, hospital of [co. Leicester] ,
Burton, co. Nottingham, 140.
Burton-upon Trent [co. Stafford], 103, 322,
517, 522, 523, 527, 534, 535.
, priory, 103, 116, 694.
Burton, co. Warwick, 33.
, CO. York, 135, 167, 246.
Constable, co. York, 213, 382.
, North, near Beverley, co. York, 145.
, South, Suthburtou [co. York], 119.;
Burton-in-Lonsdale, Burton-in-Lonesdale [co.
York], 541, 573, 584.
Burton, Edmund de, 683.
.Geoffrey de, 361.
, John de, 23, 705, 724.
, steward of Wakefield and
Hatfield, 532.
, Ralph de, 395.
Richard de, 13, 302.
, Richard son of Simon de, 78.
, Robert de, 468.
, Thomas de, 58, 137.
, Walter de, 83.
, William de, 241, 430, 724.
Stathre, Robert son of Ralph de, 112,
172, 399, 410.
Burworthescote. See Busoot.
Bury St. Edmunds, co. Suffolk, 139.
abbey, 112, 117, 121, 369.
, liberty of, 34.
Bury, Henry de, 329.
, Hervey de, 226, 248.
John de, 316, 608.
, John son of John del, 601.
Busceby, Walter de, 550.
Buscot, Burworthescote, co. Berks, 706.
Buscre, Cicely wife of Henry, 491.
, Henry, 357, 491.
Bushbury, Bissebury, co. Stafford, 630.
Bussard, Henry, 699.
Pussh, John, 548, 549.
Bussy, Hugh de, 301.
Bustard Thorp, 615.
Bustard, John, 555, 568, 615.
Matilda wife of John, 615.
, Kiohard, 114, 211.
Bustlere, Margaret wife of William le, 230.
, William le, 229, 230.
But, Richard, 122, 320, 360.
Buteturte. See Boteturte.
Butler, the king's. See Abyndon.
Butley, Buttele priory, co. Suffolk, 546, 547.
Buttercromb, William de, 668.
Butterley, co. Salop, 717.
Butterwiok, co. Lincoln, 547.
Butterwyk, John de, 674.
Buttrewyk, Richard son of Richard de, 110.
Bwlch-y-dinas, Bolkedynas [co. Brecknock],
415, 646.
Castle, constable of 422.
Bycknacre, Bykenacre, Bicknacre, priory
[co. Essex], 116, 254,386, 387, 475.
, prior of, 386-388; and see Burre,
, Alan, prior of, 388.
, Benedict, prior of, 387.
Byflet, Byflete, Richard, 448.
, -, de, 353, 354, 441, 572.
Byginderm, William de, 225.
Bygod, Bygot. See Bigod.
Bykebury, Bykehery, John de, 175.
knt., 331.
, , sheriff of co. Devon, 75.
, WiUiam son of John de, 331.
Bykerstath, Bykirstath, Adam de, 110, 338.
Bykertou. See Bikerton.
Byland abbey, oo. York, 43, 63, 202, 207, 220,
Bylaund, Richard de, justice, 195.
Bylham, William de, 563.
Byhe, Geoffrey de, 593.
Byllyng, Robert, 678.
Byndelowys, Nicholas, 274.
Bynedon. See Bindon.
Bynedon, Thomas de, 339.
Byngebnry. See Binbury.
Byngham. See Bingham ; Binham.
Byngham, BiDgham, Constance wife of
William de, 716.
Eleanor wife of Henry de, 691.
Geoffrey de, 100, 532.
, Henry de, 115.
Richard son of Ralph de, 100.
William de, 133,346, 472, 561.
Bynham. See Binham.
Bynham, Simon de, 271.
Bynneweston. See Binweston.
Bynteworth, William de, 208.
Byntre, Hugh son of Robert de, 263.
Bynyngton. See Bennington.
Byron, Richard, 99.
Byrun, Richard de, 339.
Bysele. See Bisley.
Byset, Adam, 438.
, John sou of John, 663.
, Richard, 215.
William, 284, 686.
Bysshop. See Bisshop.
Bysshopthorp. See Bishopsthorpe.
Byteringg'. See Bitering.
Bythario, John Tronkard, 159.
Bywell [co. Northumberland], 39.
Caar, Robert de, 705.
Cadamo, John de, dean of the free chapel of
Stafford, 52, 53.
Cadeby, Cateby, co. Lincoln, 571.
[co. York], 279.
Cadenay. See Cadney.
Cadigan ap Howel, 520.
Cadle, Gaddele [Swansea], 464.
Cadney, Cadenay, co. Lincoln, 99, 119.
Cady, WiUiam, 275.
Caen, in Normandy, 475.
abbey, 535.
Caenby, Cavenby, co. Lincoln, 571.
Caerleon, Kaerlion, castle [co. Monmouth],
park, 440.
Caerles. See Carles.
Caermartheu. See Carmarthen.
Caernarvon. See Carnarvon.
Caerphilly, Kerfilli [co. Glamorgan], 542.
castle, 542.
Cahors, treasurer and seneschal of, 410.
Caignes, John de, 326.
Caili. See CayUi.
Caillau, Forcius, king's serjeant-at-arms, 74.
Caiser, John son of Nicholas, 287.
CaisoU, Almarious, 252.
Caistor, Twancastre, co. Lincoln, 1.
Cakebole, Cokebale [Chaddesley Corbet, co.
Worcester], 518.
Cakhowe, Walter de, 396.
Calais, Caleys, Cayles, 83, 265, 710.
, the admiral of, 9, 13, 52, 259.
, captain of, 84; and see Mauveysyn.
, echevins of, 84.
Calculi, Arnold, keeper of the Isle of Oleron,
Caldbeck, Caldebek, co. Cumberland, 658.
Caldcot, Caldecote, co. Bucks, 313, 623, 632.
Caldecote, Edmund de, 720.
, John de, 62.
, William de, 372.
Caldelowe, co. Derby, 589.
Calder, co. CumberlaBd, 455.
Caldewell, William de, 148.
CaldoD, CO. Stafford, 579.
Caldwell [co. Derby], .'522.
[co. Leicester] , letters close dated at,
419, 421, 427, 428, 520, 526.
[co. Worcester], 518.
Caleys, Henry, 491.
, Jobn, 70.
Caller, John le, 122.
Callere, Elias le, 2.35.
, Robert le, 235,330.
Calneton, William de, 345.
Caluoly, Peter, 491.
Calthanewortli. See Cold Hanworth.
Calthorn. See CaAvthorn.
Calton, Henry de, 539.
Calvehurd, Henry le, 214.
Calvel, Hamo, 357, 372.
Calwarthorp, Calwerthorp, William son of
John de, 720.
, , son of William de, 722.
Camberwell, Camerwell [co. Surrey] , 450.
Cambhou, Isabella de, 229.
Cambridge, Cantebrigg, 101, 413, 515, 670.
castle, keeper of, 437.
, mayor of, 553.
, and bailifis of, 413.
gaol, 401.
Cambridge, county of, 99, 101, 112, 126, 215,
219, 223, 226, 229, 230, 232, 236, 279,
315, 316, 322, 324, 335, 336, 341, 34.5,
351, 355, 372, 375, 377, 395, 402, 435,
488, 501, 502, 526, 529,579, 602, 645,
670, 695.
, justices of assize in, 156.
sheriff of, 24, 90, 134, 160, 161, 170,
244,279, 318, 401, 413, 427, 431, 434,
515, 521, 555, 572, 577, 629, 639.
Camel, lliehard, 4V7.
Camerwell. See Camberwell.
Cameshale. Sec Camjisall.
Cammel, Richard de, 517.
Camoys, Cammoys, Caumoys, Ralph de, 221,
302,441, 493, 528, 584, 673.
, constable of Windsor castle,
182, 184, 185, 188, 189, 193, 264, 278,
310, 403, 404, 422, 424, 427, 457, 600,
, , justice, 150.
, ,knt., 221, 493.
Campanare, Michael, 429.
Campanarius, Michael, 468. .
See also Bellfounder, the.
Campioun, John, 714.
Campo Arnulphi de. See Chaumbernoun.
Campsall, Cameshale, Camsale, Kamshale, co.
York, 573, 676, 653.
, letters close dated at, 607, 609.
Camsale. See Campsall.
Canbourn [co. Dorset] , letters close dated at,
Caneteld. See Canfield.
Canefeld, William de, 481.
Caneford. See Canford.
Caneford, John de, 250.
Canewdon, Cauewedon, co. Essex, 295, 706.
Canewyk. See Canwick.
Canfeld, Ludolph, 170, 180.
Canfield, Canefeld [co. Essex], 68.
Canford, Caneford, Kaneford, co. Dorset, 574,
, , letters close dated at, 263, 263.
Cannock Forest [co. Stafford], 485.
Canon, Henry, 15.
Canouleigh, nunnery [co. Devon], 38.
Canons Ashhy, co. Northants, 329.
Cantebrigg'. See Cambridge.
Cantebrigg', Cantebrigge, Geoffrey de, 335.
John de, 161.
Cantebrngge, Henry de, 502.
John de, 342.
, Thomas de, 95, 405.
, king's clerk, 247.
, William de, 26.
Cantel, John son of Walter, 713.
, Walter, 126.
Canterbury, 36, 305, 346, 412, 673.
, archbishop of. See Reynolds.
, archdeacon of. See Brut.
,..., archdeaconry of, 41.
bailiffs of, 87, 303, 380, 518.
castle, 51, 286.
, court of, 351, 512.
the king's exchange of, 300,303,380.
, , keeper of, 393; and see Hau-
, ferm of, 87.
, mayor of, 553.
, mayor and bailiffs of, 139, 338, 394.
, mayor, bailiffs, and community of, 204.
, letters close dated at, 183, 184, 197,
198, 224, 238, 240, 247, 248.
, Christchurch, or Holy Trinitj", priory,
195, l.i4, 203, 247, 352, 402, 597.
, St. Augustine's abbey, 99, 103, 112,'
121, 131, 214, 267, 304, 375, 527, 679.
, , abbot of, 323.
, diocese of, 34, 103, 668.
, province of, 2, 22, 28, 30, 60, 79, 112,
121, 156, 203, 271, 410, 475, 510, 543,
684, 686.
, the prelates of, 506.
Cantilupo, Nicholas de, 631.
, Roger de, 72.
, Walter de, 238, 565.
Cantokishevede, Robert de, 559.
Cantrebaghan. See Cantref Bychan.
Cantrecelyf. See Cantref Selyf.
Cantref Bychan, Cantrebaghan [oo. Carmar-
then] , 646.
Cantref Selyf, Cantreoelyf, Cantredsely, Can-
tredesely [co. Brecknock], 415,420,
617, 618.
Cantref Mawr, Cantresmaur [co. Carmar-
then], 042.
Cantresmaur. See Cantref Mawr.
Cantuaria, Henry de, 5, 319, 324, 336, 338,
, John de, 363.
Canvill, Gregory de, 4.
Canivick, Canewyk, co. Lincoln, 713.
Canyng', John de, prior of Abingdon, 556.
Canynges, John de, 351.
Capellam, Simon ad, 381.
Caperigge, William de, verderer of Savernake
forest, 152.
Caperon, John, 212, 333.
Caperygg', Henry son of John de, 239, 240.
Caperynge, William de, 265.
Capon, John, 94.
, Robert, knt., 135.
Carald, Henry, 123.
Carbonel, Adam, 107.
, John, 447.
, Peter, 189, 640.
Cardiff [co. Glamorgan], 493, 542, 673.
, treasurer of, 423.
, Kaerdif, castle, 440, 542.
Cardigan, Gardigan, in Wales, 294.
castle, 291.
Cardoil, William de, 282.
Cardoun, Cardon, Grimoard, 259, 325, 399.
Careby, Kereby [co. Lincoln], 309.
Carectarius, Aldhelm, 305 ; anrf see Carter.
Carecto, Ottobon de, provost of the church of
St. Donatus, Bruges, chancellor of
Flanders, 698.
Careles. See Carles.
Careswell. See Caverswall.
Carevill, Joan wife of Robert de, 467.
, Robert de, 467.
Carisbrook castle. Isle of Wight, 287, 390.
Carleford, John de, 120.
Carles, Caerles, Careles, Roger 245, 432, 439,
457, 537, 539, 540, 572, 573, 576, 577,
593, 604, 606-608, 617, 618, 621, 637,
641, 646, 656.
Carleton. See Carlton.
Carleton, Aymer son of Gilbert de, 314.
, Geoffrey de, 247.
John de, 114.
Robert de,210.
Robert son of William de, 722.
Walter de, 381, 560, 717.
, Walter son of John de, 716.
near Thresk, Waller de, 668.
Carliolo. See Karlislo.
Carlisle, co. Cumberland, 1, 2, 6, 8, 38, 40,
41,43,45,48,85, 153, 176, 178, 189,
193, 199, 200, 273, 285, 328, 461, 529-
531, 534, 556, 557, 628, 664, 667, 690,
692, 694.
bailiffs of, 43, 2.54.
, bishop of. See Halton.
castle, 1, 2, 15, 48, 159, 176, 189, 199,
200, 266, 305, 393, 692.
constable of, 2, 18, 161.
See a/so Castre ; Harcla ; Lacy.
, gate of, 667.
, keeper of, 86; and see
, diocese of, 2, 24,34,41,153,200,273.
, earl of. See Harcla.
, ferra of, 38, 43, 254, 635.
garrison of, 178.
the king's stores in, 63.
, marches of, 680.
, priory of St. Mary, 35, 41, 160, 200,
273, 279, 445.
, St. Nicholas's hospital without,
master of, 148 ; and see Crosseby.
, statute of, 499.
Carlow, Catherlagh, Catherlegh, county of,
Ireland, 80, 673.
Carlton, Carleton, co. Cumberland, 566.
[co. Leicester], 421.
, CO. York, 167, 246.
North, Northcarleton, CO. Nottingham,
Carlton, Adam de, 58.
Carmarthen, Caermarthen, 59.
, chamberlain of, 11, 12, 38, 59, 77, 438.
, prior of, chamberlain of, 59, 179.
, sheriff of, 179; and see Iweyn.
castle, 38, 291.
Carmelite friars, the, 314.
Carmine, John de, 583, 587.
Carnarvon, Caernarvon, Kaernarvan, 77, 165,
291, 293-295, 406.
castle of, 394, 406, 449, 661.
and town, keeper of, 290; and
see Mortuo Mari.
, exchequer at, 620, 649.
, great gate of, 165.
, chamberlain of, 19, 27, 61, 77,82, 153,
160, 165, 179, 182, 189, 190, 200, 249,
308, 394, 449, 619, 661.
, See also Dynveton, Shirokes.
gaol, 200.
, king's works at, master of, 160.
, quay of, 449, 661.
sheriff of, 656.
Carnforth, Keruetord, co. Lancaster, 650.
Carnwyllon, Carwathlan, Kayrwathelan com-
mote [co. Carmarthen], 52), 6-15.
Carp, Walter, 116.
Carpentarius Bridarum, Bernard, 247.
Carpenter, Adam le, 703.
, Alice wife of Adam le, 703.
, Ellen wife of William son of John le,
, John, 227.
Carpenter of Military Engines,Bernardthe,247.
Carpenters, Felicia les, 015.
, Laurence les, 615.
Carreu, Beatrice daughter of Nicholas de, 339.
, John de, knt., 339, 440.
, Sir Nicholas de, 339.
Carrickfergus, Cracfergus, Cragfergus, Crak-
fergus, Cnokfergus, Knockfergus [co.
Antrim], 55, 127, 165.
castle, 55, 5f(, 59, 127, 598, 601.
constable of, 55, 165 ; and see
Aihy J Dathy.
Carsford, 378.
Carter Aldelm, the, 305.
Hugh le, 415.
, Henry le, 574.
Feterle, 713.
, Eeginald le, 204-206, 592, 690.
, Richard (or Eobert) le, 71, 84.
Cartere, William le, 204-206, 502.
, Adam le, 204, 205; and see Carec-
Carthusian order, the, 60.
Cartmel, Certemel, co. Lancaster, 200.
Carwathlan. See Carnwyllon.
Carycastel. See Castle Cary.
Casewick, co. Lincoln, 51.
Cashel cathedral, prehend of Fynmore in, 66.
, William, archbishop of, chancellor of,
Lreland, 5, 55, 360, 530.
Cassallo. Vitalis de, 33, 294.
Casse, William de, 429, 458.
Castellay, Casteley, William de, 9.
, .keeper of the fish pond of
Fosse, 18. ,
Castellion, Sir Walter de, count of Porcean,
constable of France, 13, 406.
CasteBo, Chestel, Ambrose de, 476.
, Johudu, 5, 685.
, Thomas de, 631.
, constable of Cardigan castle, 291..
, W'alter de, 210.
, William de, 101, 382, 631.
Castelloun, Peter de, 33, 294.
Castelmorton. See Castle Morton.
Castelrigg'. See Castle Eigg.
Casteyloun. See Castillon.
Castile, 48.
, king of. See Saucho.
and Leon, king of. See Ferdinand.
CastiUon, Casteyloun, [Dordogne], France.
Castiloun, Chastillon, Chastilain, ChastiUoun,
Eichard, 334, 538.
, de, 528, 705.
Ealphde, 162, 182.
Castle Acre [co. Norfolk], honour of, 254.
priory [co. Norfolk], Peter, prior of,
Castle Bromwich, co. Warwick, 631.
Castle Cary, Carycastel, co. Somerset, 138.
Casfleford [co. York], 537.
Castle Morton, Castelmorton, co. Worcester,
Castle Eigg, Castelrigg, co. Cumberland, 24.
Castok le, co. Cumberland, 567.
Castre, John de, 1.
, , keeper of Carlisle castle, 161.
, William de, 705.
Castro, John son of Henry de, 148.
, Nicholas de, 319.
Castrum Leonis, Ireland [Castle Lyons, co.
Cork?], 60.
Cat, Eobert le, 275.
Cateby. See Cadeby.
Cateby, Henry de, 460.
William de, 36, 155, 207, 570, 571.
son of William de, 155, 208.
Catefeld, Adam de, 333.
Caterhal, Loretta wife of Alan de, 646.
, Eichard de, 646.
Catesby nunnery [co. Northants], 426.
Catfeld, John de, 199.
Cathercorny, Ireland, 440.
Catherlagh, county. See Carlow.
Catherlegh. See Carlow.
Catherington, Kateryngton, co. Hants, 377.
, All Saints church, 512.
Cathorp. See Caythorpe.
Cathussok, Ireland, 439.
Catmore, lord of, 481.
See also Gacelyn.
Catone, Wallettus de, 251.
Catterall, Katerhale [co. Lancaster], 650.
Catton, Nicholas de, 170, 180, 565.
Catworth, Little, co. Huntingdon, 354.
Caukewell, Ingelram de, 487.
Caukour, Henry le, 647.
Cauldwell priory, co. Bedford, 499.
Caumoys. See Camoys.
Caumvill, Jordan de, 239.
Caunton, John de, 360.
, Eichard de, 439.
Caus, CO. Salop, 581.
land of, 520.
Causton, Cawston, co. Norfolk, 34, 35.
Causton, John de, 235.
, Nicholas de, 346.
, William de, 122.
Caux, Caus, Normandy, 259.
Cave, North, Northcase, co. York, 119, 125,
South, CO. York, 127.
Cave, Alexander de, knt., 119, 120, 125, 129
130,215, 216.
justice, 410.
> knight of the shire for eo.
York, 116.
Geoffrey de, 138.
, John de, 119, 125.
■ ■■• son of Sir Robert de, 119.
, Nicholas de, 645.
, Eichard de, 95, 126, 451, 689.
.Robert de, 114, 202, 332, 335,563,
Roger de, 451.
, Thomas de, 134.
Caveford, John son of Michael de, 61.
Cavenard, Henry, 71, 84.
Cavenby. See Caenby.
Cavenham, co. Suffolk, 312.
Cavenham, John de, 704.
Caveresham, William de, steward of the land
of Gower, 283.
Cavers, Caveris [co. Roxburgh], 526.
Caverswall, Careswell, co. Stafford, 590.
castle, 589.
Cawkwell, Kalkeirelle, co. Lincoln, 603.
Cavrston. See Causton.
Cawthorn, Calthorn [co. York], 633.
Caylli, Caili, Thonaas de, 75, 618.
Caylou, Arnald, 704.
Caynoli, Peter, 705.
Cayrou, Peter de, 33, 294.
Caysho, Philip de, 709.
, , mayor of Northampton, 137.
Cayt, Hugh le, 326.
Caythorpe, Cathorp Kaylesthorpe [co. Lin-
coln], 173,174.
Cedewain [Bettws], Kedewyn, Kedewy [co.
Montgomery], 415, 557, 645, 719.
Cefnllys, Kevenethes, castle [co. Radnor],
, , constable of, 422, 424.
, See also Gras.
Celer, Robert du, 58.
Celle, Albred de, 170, 180.
, Christian de, 170, 180.
Cerdana La, count of. See Sancho.
Ceri, Kery [co. Montgomery], 415, 557, 645,
Cerioli, Ceriolo, Nicholas, 322, 324, 327, 347,
476, 499.
Cerne, John de, 237.
Certeden, co. Worcester, 334.
Certemel. See Cartmel.
Certeseye. See Chertsey.
Cerziaus, Richard de, 248.
Cesterfeld, William de, bailiff of Nottingham,
Ceeterton. See Chesterton.
Ceszay. See Sessay.
Cetrounni, Anthony, 350.
Chabeham. See Chobham.
Chaopmbe priory. See Chalcombe.
Chaddesden, Ralph de, 239.
Chaddesley, Chaddesle [co. Worcester], 504.
Chahull, Robert de, 71.
Chalcombe, Chacombe, priory [co. Northants] ,
Chale [Isle of Wight], 708.
Chalghton. See Chaltou.
Chalgrave, 500.
Chalk, CO. Kent, 218.
Chalons, 392.
Chalton, Chalghton [co. Hants], 512.
Chambarde, John, 19.
Chamber, the king's, 704.
Chamberleyn. See Chaumberleyn.
Champaigne, Robert de, 575.
Champenas, Laurence, 212.
Chancellor, the, 15, 689.
Chancery, 7, 9-12, 21, 29, 35, 42, 46, 47, 51,
52,58,67,77,91,94-99, 103, lOfi, 108,
114, 119, 121, 122, 124-127, 129, 130,
135, 137-139, 242, 143, 146, 148, 156.
159, 170, 177, 180, 181, 207,210, 213-
215, 218, 223, 229-232, 236, 238, 239,
243, 245, 247, 248, 253, 257, 263, 279,
282, 283, 290, 302, 305, 320-323, 325,
328, 329, 332-334, 336, 337, 340-342,
344-346, 3+9, 350, 356-360, 362, 364,
365, 371, 373-375, 377, 379, 382, 385,
390, 403, 404, 410, 411, 441, 444, 445,
449, 451, 452, 456, 458, 463, 476, 482-
484, 486, 488-490, 495, 496, 498-501,
504, 505, 510, 513, 528, 536, 539, 547,
552, 565, 576, 596, 598, 608, 629, 636,
641, 642, 646, 658, 659, 661, 674, 676,
678, 682-684, 687, 693-696, 698, 700-
702, 704, 705, 707, 712, 715, 717, 720,
723, 724.
, clerks of, 103, 219, 238, 323, 366,
367,478,714. .
, estreats of, 393.
hanaper, keeper of, the, 106, 305.
, See also EUerkerj Thorntoft.
, memoranda of, 305.
, rolls of, 88, 209, 272, 305, 313, 318,
323, 391, 393, 465, 601, 652, 653, 717.
, , keeper of, 103, 106, 238, 477.
, See a/«o Ayremynne.
of Edward L, 48.
Chancy. See Chauncy.
Changeton, 185.
Chanpenes, John, 410.
Chanturel, Thomas, 223.
Chape, Henry, 612.
Chapelayn, Alan le, 382.
Chapele, Robert de la, 116.
, the king's chaplain, 425.
Chapeleyn, Sir Richard le, 525.
Chapman, John le, 672.
, Thomas, 320.
Warin le, 205.
Chappe, Henry, 299,
Chappmau, Thomas, 567.
Char, John du, 64.
Charceneye, John, 477.
Charer, William le, 207.
Chareter, William son of Alan le, 721.
Charite-8ur-Loire, La, priory, 146, 344, 345.
, prior of, 368.
Chark, John de, 340.
Charlemayn, Richard, 97.
Charles, Agnes, 207.
, Eoger, 582.
See also Carles.
Charles IV., king of France and Navarre, 519,
621, 692, 701, 710, 711, 714, 716, 722.
Charles, count of Valois, 622, 713.
Charleton. See Cherleton.
Charlton, Cherleton [oo. Somerset], 674.
Cliarminster, Chermynstre [co. Dorset], the
prebend of in Salisbury cathedral, 602.
Charneles, John de, knt, 528.
William de, 218.
Charroun, Arnulph le, 291.
, Eanulph de, 219.
.constable of Kenilworth castle,
Charrum, Alice wife of Gnichard de, 674.
Chartenye, John, 724.
Chartre, Gerard de, 95.
Charwelton, co. Northampton, 239.
Chastel. See Castello.
Chastillon, Chastiloun, Chastilloun. See
Chatham, Chetham, co. Kent, 286.
Chaucoumbe, Cicely wife of John de, 1 74.
, John de, son of Thomas de, 180.
Chaufsir, Henry, 694.
Chaumberlayn, John, 160, 175.
Chaumberleyn, Chamberleyn, John son of
Robert, 680.
le, 671.
John le, 165.
son of Eobertle, 201.
Simon le, justice, 89.
William le, 272.
Chaumbernoun, Campo Arnulphi, de, Henry,
, , de, 583.
, Hughde, 559.
, Oliver de, 559.
, Richard de, 33, 331, 559.
Chaumbre, Henry de la, 471.
,Hugh de la, 572.
Joan wife of John de la, 101.
, John de, 342.
, de la, 327, 382, 628.
..,., Yerward de la, 619.
Chaumpaign, Chaumpayne, J ohn de, 353, 694,
, Margery wife of John de, 56.
Margery wife of John son of Robert
de, 352.
, Robert de, 352.
Chaumpayne. See Chaumpaign.
Chaumpenays, Chaumpeneys, John, 444, 682.
, Laurence, 690.
Chaunceux, John, 622.
, Margery wife of John, 622.
Chauncy, Chancy, Ada wife of Gerard de,438.
, Gerard de, 591.
, William, 219.
de, 204.
Chaundeler, Richard le, 626.
, William le, 336.
Chaundos, Eoger de, 418.
, , sheriff of Hereford, 422, 620.
Chaunge, Lapinus atte, 139.
Chauntecler, John, 237.
Chaunterel, Chauntiel, Thomas, 344, 364.
Chaunz, Hugh, 559.
Chauseye. See Chawsey.
Chausi, William de, 590.
Chavent, John de, 335.
Chawsey, Chauseye, co. Oxford, 94.
Chaworth, Thomas de, son of William de,
knt., 94.
William de, knt., 94.
Chay, Roger, 183.
Checoheleye. See Chicheley.
Cheddeworth, Thomas de, 581, 584.
Chedzoy, Chedeseye, co. Somerset, 192, 194.
Cheetham, Chetham, co. Lancaster, 610, 648.
Chegny, Hugh de, 461.
Cheigny, Edmund, 230.
Chelesworth. See Chelworth.
Chelfeud, Stephen de, 372.
Chelmersford, Chelmesford, Gilbert de, 329.
John de, 86, 240, 329, 482, 499, 517,
Chelmscote, Chelmundescote [of Brailes, co.
Warwick], 400.
Chelmundescote. See Chelmscote.
Chelsham, Roger de, 231.
Cheltenham [co. Gloucester], letters close
dated at, 422, 519.
Chelworth, Chelesworth, co. Wilts, 543.
Chemington, Roger de, 148.
Chenereston, William de, 59.
Chepstede. See Chipstead.
Chepstow, Strugal [co. Monmouth], 520.
Chepyng Barnet. See Barnet, Chipping.
Cherbury, Chirbury [co. Salop], 37, 38.
, , hundred of, 37.
Cherleton. See Charlton ; Chorlton.
Cherleton, Charleton, Alan de, 30, 123, 131,
136, 448,470.
, , constableof Montgomery castle,
, constable of Wigmore castle,
415, 422, 524.
, Elias de, 696.
, Ellen wife of Alan de, 30, 123, 131,
448, 470.
Cherleton, Churleton — cont.
John de, 235, 261, 4T7, 616, 646.
justice, 392.
, ,knt., 677.
lord of Powys, 363, 366.
., , mayor of the merchants of the
woolstaple, 110, 186, 234, 254, 261, 392.
, Thomas de, 5, 7, 28, 96, 100, 128.
, , dean of the free chapel of
Stafford, 53.
, Walter de, 320.
William de, 537.
Chermynstre. See Charminster,
Cherohles, Stephen de, 594.
Cherros abbey, France, 711.
Chertsey, Certesye abbey, co. Surrey, 231,
669, 695.
, , John, abbot of, 355.
Cheselhampton. .See Chislehampton.
Cheseworthyn. See Cheswardine.
Chesham, Clesham, co. Bucks, 471.
Cheshunt, co. Hertford, 130, 267.
Chester, 12, 23, 254, 453, 454.
, biehopric of, 415.
, bishop of . See Coventry and Lichfield.
, chamberlain of, 178, 421.
, constable of, 586, 622.
, See a?«o Bnrstowe ; Lacy.
, earl of. See Edward.
, justice of, 178, 291, 307, 522, 681.
, See also Audele.
, letters close dated at, 588.
, port of, 16.
, steward of, 342.
See also Monte Alto.
, St. Werburgh's abbey, 254.
Chester county of, 12, 91, 301, 415, 577, 581,
584, 601, 679.
Chesterton, Cesterton, 458.
Chestre, Richard de, 102.
Chestrefeld, William de, 61 .
Cheswardine, Chesewarthyn, co. Salop, 607.
Chetewynd, John de, 554, 589.
, Vivianus de, 554.
, William de, 246.
Chethara. See Chatham ; Cheetham.
Chetyngdone, Bobert son of Robert de, 232.
Chetyngton, Thomas de, 261.
Chevelyngham, Isabella wife of Roger de, 11.
, Roger de, 11.
Chevington, Chyvyngton, East, co. North-
umberland, 314.
, West, 314.
Cheworth, Laurence de, 570.
Cheygny. See Cheyny.
Cheyllowe, William de, 587.
Cheym, Edmund, 382.
Cheyn, Nicholas, 329.
Cheyne, Edmund, 362.
Cheynel, John, 625.
Cheyny, Cheygny, Alexander de, 371.
, Edmund de, 497.
Nicholas de, 182,293.
Chicheley, Checcheleye, Chiccheleye, co,
Bucks, 623.
Chichester, co. Sussex, 49, 168, 412, 670.
, All Saint's church, 75.
, bailiffs of, 370.
bishop of. See Langton.
cathedral church of the Holy Trinity,
dean and chapter of, 74.
ferm of, 49.
gaol, 150.
port of, customs in, 49.
, diocese of, taxation rolls of, 74, 75.
Chicksands priory [co. Bedford], John, prior
of, 233.
Chidham, Chudeham [co. Sussex], 350, 352.
Chieti QThiete) and Loreto {Lanuth'), Philip,
count of, 400.
Chiggewell, Hamo de, 162, 301, 398, 518, 539,
, mayor of London, 499.
John de, 636.
Chigwell, CO. Essex, 355.
Chilboum [Sills Burn ?], co. Northumberland
Child, Richard, 476.
Richard le, 421.
, William le, 185.
Childecote, John son of Simon de, 477.
Chilham, co. Kent, 509.
Chilton [co. Berks], 478.
[co. Wilts], letters close dated at,
Chitnbbam, Chimbeham, Chymbeham, Wil-
liam de, 372, 627, 657.
Chinnok, East, Estchynnok, co. Somerset, 138.
Chinnor, Chynnore, co. Oxford, 331, 479.
Chiper, William, 632.
Chippenham, Cyppenham, Shippenham, co.
Wilts, 57, 149, 644.
forest, 253.
, park and forest, 149.
Chipping Norton, co. Oxford, 168.
Chipstead, Chepstede [co. Surrey], 378.
Chirbury. See Cherbury.
Chirchedone. See Churchdown.
Chirchegate, Thomas atte, 231.
Chirchehill. See Churchill.
Chirk, CO. Denbigh, 18, 19, 38, 77, 138, 194,
200, 290-292, 364, 366, 376, 406, 452,
506, 511, 513, 517, 518, 520, 557, 578,
582, 594, 645, 719.
, constable of, 422, 425.
See also GifFard.
Chirsford, Bobert de, 269.
Chiselden, William de, 615.
Chiselhampton, Chislehampton, co. Oxford,
623, 632.
Chisenhale, John de, 488.
3 B 2
Chisewell, John son of Richard de, 245.
Chislehampton. Sec Chiselhampton.
Chissebeeh, Eichard de, 218, 477, 47^ 483.
Chist, Vatinns, 319.
Chittlehampton, Chitelhampton, co. Devon,
Chiverdon, John de, 549.
Chobham, Chabeham [co. Surrey], 197, 669.
Chopcok, Ralph, 715.
Chorlton, Cherleton, co. Somerset, 574.
Christchuvch Twinham, co. Hants, 57, 150.
castle, 57, 150.
, honour of, 304.
, hundred of, 57, 150.
Chudeham. See Chidham.
Chuldrenlangele. See Langley.
Church, John atte, 1 10.
, Robert atte, 115.
Churchdown, Chirchedone [co. Gloucester],
Churche, William atte, 518.
Churchill, Chirchehill, co. Worcester, 631.
Chute forest [co. Wilts], 195.
Chjmheham. See Chimbhara.
Chynnore. See Chinnor.
Chyvyngton. See CheTington.
Cicely, John son of, de Stokesley, 565.
, John and Williamsons of,de Stokes-
leye, 139.
, William son of, de Stokesleye, 19.
Cieestre, Joan wife of William de, 254.
, Stephen de, 665.
, William de, 254.
Cider, 427.
CifEred, John, 615.
Cifrewas, Richard, 629.
Cinmerch, Kemmerich, [commote, co. Den-
bigh], 645, 645.
Cinque Ports, the, 142, 462, 708.
, barons of, 142, 486, 490, 491, 507.
constable of, 486, 490.
, mayor, baiUffs and barons of, 287.
, warden of, 48, 93, 97, 134, 140, 145,
226, 233, 238, 258, 262, 283, 287, 349,
369, 398-400, 427, 499, 509, 510, 528,
534, 535, 603, 660, 666, 675, 678, 698,
701, 706, 718.
See also Badelesmere de ; Pen-
cestre de ; Wodestock de.
Cint', Nicholas, 566.
Cintyng, Adam, 567.
Cirencester [co. Gloucester], 506, 508, 516,
, letters close dated at, 411, 413, 416.
abbey, 117,247, 343.
..., , Henry, abbot of, 500.
Cissor, Richard, 260, 264.
Cistercian order, the. See Citeaux.
Clteaux, abbey of, 95, 476, 641, 652, 70»'.
, abbot of, 404.
, chapter general at, 95, 206, 476, 492,
641, 707.
, chapter general of the Pr^monstra-
tensian order at, 209.
, order of, 206, 404, 492.
Citron, Citrouu, Citrous, Anthony, 232, 251,
ClahuU, Robert de, 70.
Claket, John, 625.
Clanenowe, Philip de, 430, 433.
Clapham, Clopham [co. Surrey], 185.
, Glapham, co. York, 167.
Clare [co. Sufiolk], 592.
castle, 592, 604.
keeper of, 437.
Clare, Gilbert de, earl of Gloucester and
Hertford, 38, 78, 86, 246, 408, 409,
456, 493,494.
, Isabella wife of Gilbert de, 439.
, Joan wife of Gilbert de, 409.
, wife of Richard de, 439.
Matilda de, countess of Gloucester
and Hertford, 34, 139, 159, 323.
, Richard de, 80, 84, 90, 138, 824, 672.
, , esoheator south of Trent, 2, 3,
6, 8, 10, 14, 15, 22-29, 33, 35, 37-39,
43, 49-51, 56, 60-62, 64, 65, 67, "0, 77,
86, 87, 90, 96, 99, 147, 148, 151, 152,
154, 158, 160, 168, 173, 174, 177, 179,
180, 182-186, 196, 197, 248, 270, 272,
281, 289, 388.
, Thomas son of Richard de, 439.
Clarehowe. See Claro.
Clarell, William, 624.
Clarendon, co. Wilts, 89.
, letters close dated at, 249, 260-262,
.forest of, 193, 195, 309.
Claris Vallibus, Robert de, 126.
Robert son of John de, 201.
Claro, Clarehowe, wapentake of, co. York,
Classebury. See Glasbury.
Clatford Upper, Upclatford [co. Hants], 246.
Claveri, Claverie, William Raymundi, Rey-
mundi de, 219.
, king's serjeant-at-arms, 73.
Claverie, Henry, 356.
Claveryng, Edmund Atte ponde de, 336.
, Johnde, 105, 138, 199,220,335,471,
Claxby, Hugh de, 412, 486.
Claxton, Eichard son of Felicia de, 565.
Claydon East, Estcleiden [co. Buckingham],
Steeple, Stepelcleydon, co. Buckiug-
ham, 464.
Clayton, co. Stafford, 578.
Clayton, Robert de, 102, 112.
Cleator, Cleterne, co. Cumberland, 454.
Clebnry. See Cleobnry.
Clebury, WiUiara de, 360, 530.
Cleeve, Clive, abbey [co. Somerset], 59.
Clement, Thomas son of, de Pontefracto, 207,
874, 673.
Clement, Walter, 507, 692.
William, 240.
Clement V. pope, 2, 22, 37, CO, 75, 81, 166.
Clench, Thomas, 243.
Clenhull, Thomas de, 148.
Clent, CO. Stafford, 624, 632.
Cleobury, Clebury [co. Salop], 415.
Clapton. See Clopton.
Clerk, Adam le, 20, 47, 67, 83, 98, 137, 144,
170, 180, 216, 289, 344.
, Clarice wife of Gilbert le, 126.
, Elias son of Thomas le, 92.
, Gilbert le, 126.
, Hughle, 267.
, John, 611.
, son of Henry le, 342.
, Peter son of John le, 363.
, Petronilla wife of John, 611.
, Eeginald le, 100, 230.
, Boger the, 330.
, Stephen le, 261.
, Thomas le, 471.
Walter the, 316.
, William le, 235, 387, 453, 475.
, the, 129.
, son of Eanulph le, 480.
, son of William, 712.
Cleseby, Harsculf de, 213.
Clesham. See Chesham.
Cleter, Eichard de, 567.
, Eobert de, 567.
Cleterne. See Cleator.
Cleteme, Eobert de, 454.
Cleveland, archdeaconry of, 265, 648.
Clewer, Cliwere, co. Berks, 629.
Cley [co. Norfolk], 463.
Cley, Robert del, 684, 720.
Cley don, William de, 14, 79.
Cleyton, Eobert de, 107.
CUderhou. See Clitheroe.
Cliderhou, Eobert de, 107, 118, 214, 622.
, , escheator north of Trent, 28,
31, 42, 84, 269.
, , keeper of the bishopric of Dur-
ham, 662.
Clif, Clyf, Clyff, Geoffrey de, 323.
, Henry de, 91, 94, 111, 135, 146, 210,
212, 213, 215, 216, 219, 222, 225, 235,
269, 322, 823, 352, 356, 369, 374, 489,
496, 553, 676, 677, 689, 693, 702, 705-
708, 724.
, , canon of York, 707.
, , clerk of the chancery, 366, 477,
, , keeper of the great seal, 382,
384, 505, 507, 695, 696, 700, 714.
CUf, Clyf, Clyff— conf.
, John de, knt., 572.
, sou of Richard de, 210, 220.
, Eobert de, 490.
, William de, 145, 146, 201, 211, 213,
216, 217, 221, 239, 244, 317, 323, 325,
374, 490, 513, 518, 528, 536, 548, 676,
677, 689, 706, 714.
, , clerk of the chancery, 238, 478.
, , one of the keepers of the king's
seal, 324.
, keeper of the seal, 695.
WiUiam son of Nicholas de, 107, 718.
Cliffe, Clyve [co. Sussex], 75.
(King's), Clive, co. Northampton, 1.
, , forest of, 17.
, South, Suthclif, CO. York, 132.
, West, West CUve, West Clyve, co.
Keut, 57, 149.
CUfford [co. Hereford], 521, 575, 656.
castle, 646.
Clifford, Clyford, John de, knt, 483.
, Matilda wife of Robert de, 84, 269.
, Eichard de, 465.
, Eobert de, 21, 84, 551.
, Eoger de, 397, 416, 457, 511, 513,
518, 519, 522, 526, 541, 543, 581, 602.
Eoger son of Robert de, 21.
, de, son of Eobert de, 269.
William de, 457.
Clifton, 239.
, CO. Notts, 264, 614.
[cos. Stafford and Derby], 501.
[co. York], 53.
Clifton, Gervase de, 614.
, Eeginald de, 673.
Clint, Clynt [co. York], 53.
Clipping', Albert, 260.
, Hermann, 260.
.Tidmerus, 260.
Clipston, CO. Notts, 270, 428, 666.
letters close dated at, 8-15, 97, 98,
175, 176,221.
Clisseby, Eoger de, 391, 520.
Clitheroe, Chderhou [co. Lancaster], 214, 576,
castle, 576.
Clive, CO. Lancaster, 586.
See Cleeve.
West. See Cliff West ; WestcUff.
Clive abbey. See Cleeve.
Cliveden. See Cliveden.
Cliver, John, 130.
Cliwere. See Clewer.
Clodeshale, Richard de, 625.
Clodsale, Walter de, 631.
Clon. See Clun.
Clonam, Ireland, 70. -r
Clondolcan, Simon de, 484.
Cloon. See Clun.
Clopham. See Clapham.
Clopton, Clepton, co. Cambridge, 341.
, CO. Norfolk,. 68.
Clothall, Clothale [co. Hertford], 382.
Cloubek, Margery wife of Thomas de, 142.
.Thomas de, 142.
Ciouer, Arnold le, 644, r03.
Cloun. See Cluu.
CloviU, WiUiam de, 329.
Clun, Cloon, Clouu, co. Salop, 520, 542, 557,
645, 719.
Cluny abbey. Burgundy (Sa6ne-et-Loire),
, Peter, abbot, 721.
, Reymund, abbot of, 417.
, the order of, 8, 29, 52, 96, 358.
Clyford. See Clifford.
Clynt. See Clint.
Clynton, Ida wife of John de, 524.
Clyre. See Cliffe.
Clyve, John, 652.
, William de, 217.
Clyveden, Clivedon, Matthew de, 586, 632.
, knt., 604.
, , sheriff of Devon, 6.
Clyveland. See Clereland.
Gnoel, Robert de, 318.
Cnokfergus castle. See Carrickfergus.
Coal (sea-coal), 658.
Coates, Cotes, co. Cambridge, 666.
Coatham, Cotum near Kirkleatham [co.
York], 62.
Cobbe, Nicholas, 1 19.
Cobbeham. See Cobeham.
Gobbold, Sir Roger de, 125.
Cobeham, Cobham, Cobbeham, Henry de, 49,
168, 406, 673.
, , justice, 145, 434.
, , knt., 328.
, , , fermor of the castle and city of
Rochester, 404-6.
„ , , keeper of the castle and honour
of Tunbridge, 585, 628, 637.
, James de, 406.
, John de, knt., 488.
, Ralph de, 603.
knt., 315, 675.
, Stephen de, knt., 340, 707.
, Thomas bishop of Worcester, 26, 28,
112, 113, 190, 339, 406, 409, 511, 514,
, Thomas de, knt., 566.
William de, 319, 388.
Cobeldyk, Alan de, 125.
, Roger de, 472.
See also Cubbeldyk.
Cock, Thomas, 34.5, 346.
Cockermouth, Cokermuth, co. Cumberland,
bailififsof, 275.
castle, 305, 393.
, the honour of, 24, 661.
Cookersand, Cokersaud abbey [co. Lancas-
ter], 17.
Cockley, Cokeley [co. Norfolk], 354.
Coddington, Codyngton [co. Notts], 694.
Codeham. See Cndham.
Codenovre. See Codnor.
Coderugge. See Cotheridge.
Coderugg, William de, 613.
Codford, East, Estcodeford, co. Wilts, 420.
Codlyng', John, 70.
Codnor, Codenovre [co. Derby], 671,
Codyngton. See Coddington.
Coffole, Cofhole, William de, 709.
Coffyn, John del, 294.
, Peter del, 294.
Cofhole. See Coffole.
Cofin, Philip, 184.
Cogan [co. Glamorgan], 542.
Cogan, John de, treasurer of Ireland, 310,
436, 459.
, Richard de, son of Thomas de, 275.
Cogerel, Roger, 71, 84.
Coggeshall [co. Essex], 502.
Coggeshale, John de, 266, 269, 272, 288, 295.
, John son of John de, 139, 578.
Cogh, David, king's serjeant, 76.
Coilly, Roger, 634.
Coinage, 34,279-81,303, 667.
, chpped and counterfeit money, 198.
, , proclamation concerning, 123.
Cok, Alexander, 564.
, Robert, 460.
, Roger, 390.
, Thomas, 228, 23£, 252,316, 319,320,
334, 338, 342, 356, 375, 555.
, William, 547.
, le, 593,668.
Cokebale. See Cakebole.
Cokedon, Robert, 224.
Cokefeld, Benedict de, 246, 720.
Cokefeud, John de, knt., 231.
Cokeley. See Cockley.
Cokerel, John, 635.
, son of John, 547.
Cokerham, William de, 141.
Cokerington in Lindsey, oo. Lincoln, 670.
Cokermuth. See Cockermouth.
Cokermuth, John de, 107, 218, 294.
Cokersand. See Cockersand.
Cokeseye, Hugh de, 430, 518.
Cokestord, co. York, 639, 640.
Coket seal, the, 44, 49, 255, 274, 275, 284,
Cokeydane [co. Kent], 154,
Cokham. See Oakham.
Cokke, Alice atte, 626.
Colby, William de, 704.
Colchester, Colcc8tre, co. Essex, 200, 494,
bailiffs of, 370, 536.
castle, keeper of, 437.
, port of, 524.
Coldbam in the manor of Elm, eo. Cambridge,
Cold Hanworth, Calthaneworth, co. Lincoln,
Coldon, Great [co. York], 142.
Colecestre, John de, 661.
Cole de Lapide, Nicholas called, 227.
Coleham. See Colham Green.
Coleman, John, 706.
, son of Bichard, 388.
, Richard, 388.
, Thomas, 237.
Colevill, Colleville, Colvill, Colrylle, Luke
de, 683, 687.
.Hugh de, 687.
, Robert de, knt., 106, 122, 668, 712.
.Thomas de, 107.
, , knt., 126, 217, 677.
Colewenn, Patrick de, 551.
Colewych, William de, 159.
Colham Green, Coleham, co. Middlesex. 575.
Colintre. See Collingtree.
Coliz, Richard, 556.
Colkirk, Colkerk [co. Norfolk], 395.
Colkirk, John de, 379.
CoUe, Richard, 626.
CoUeby, John son of John de. 136.
ColleTiUe. See Colevill.
CoUey, William de, 570.
Collingbonrne, Colyngburn [co. Wilts], 429,
472, 579.
Collingham, co. Notts, 126.
Collingtree, Colintre, Colyngetre, co. North-
ampton, 609, 683.
Colman, William, 354.
Colne, Colney, co. Huntingdon, 50.
priory [co. Essex], 462.
Cohie, Hugh, 265.
, John de, 716.
, William de, 402.
Colneye. See Colne.
Colneye, Godfrey de, 689.
Cologne, 46, 89, 155, 158, 248, 414.
Colon', John de, 66.
Colonia, Colonya, Nicholas de, 685, 694.
Coloyne, Nicholas de, 104.
Colpek, Richard, 288.
Colpeper, Colepeper, Culpeper, John, 580.
, Thomas, 475, 519, 641, 673.
Walter, 449,485.
ColshuU, William de. 137.
Colston, Thomas de, 556.
Colswayn, Peter, 467.
Columbariig, Henry de, 256.
Johnde, 381.
, Matthew de, chamberlain of Edward
I.'s wines, 255.
.Philip de, 332.
, Selvana, Salviana, wife of Henry de,
256, 278.
Columbers, John de, 378.
, Peter de, 378.
Columbyn, Nicholas de, 304.
Colvill, Colvylle. See Colevill.
Colyere, Roger le, 267.
Colyn, Roger, 289.
Colyne, Loteryngns de, 371.
Colyngbourne, Robert de, 339.
Colyngburn. See CoUingbourne.
Colyngetre. See Collingtree.
Colynton, Richard de, 420.
Combe Nevill, co. Surrey, 315.
Combe, Benedict de, 554.
, Thomas de, 344.
, William de, 554.
Combes, John de, 276.
Common Pleas. See Bench, Common.
Compton, 00. Berks, 623, 630.
Howey, co. Dorset, 332.
Martin [co. Somerset], 78.
, CumptoQ [co. Warwick], 308, 544.
, CO. Wilts, 543.
Compton, Emma wife of Adam de, 390.
, John de, son of Adam de, 287,390.
Nicholas de, 444.
, Walter de, 299, 409.
Comyn, Joan, 8, 32, 74.
, John, 269.
, Robert son of John, 64.
, Roger, 80.
Conan, Alice, 691.
, Joan daughter of, de Bretanby, 142.
Conarel Ed., 538.
Condovre, Ralph de, 263.
Conductu, Reginald de, 636.
, , sheriff of London, 320, 449,
452, 499.
Conestable, Avice wife of Robert le, 662.
, Robert le, 102, 128, 131, 205, 217,
298, 565, 722.
, , knt., 104.
, , knight of the shire for, co.
York, 139.
(Robert son of William le, 101, 104,
, Thomas, 488.
William son of Theobald le, 217.
Congham, Cungham, co. Norfolk, 68.
Congleton, Congelton [co. Chester], 541, 584
Conighy, Ireland, 440.
Conington, co. Huntingdon, 328,
Conisborough, Conyngesburgh [co. York],
532, 659.
, , letters close dated at, 607, 684.
castle [co. York] , keeper of , 437.
Connor, Ireland, abbot of, 217.
, archdeacon of, 217.
, bishop of, 217, 530.
Conquest, John, 60.
Constable of England. See Bohun.
Constantyn, Richard, 71.
, Richard de, sheriff of London, 611.
.William, 556.
Controne, Pancius de, 195, 255, 705.
, Pelegrinus [son of] Bouoditus de, 60.
CoHTers, Alexander le, 92, 93, 229, 531, 534,
Conversi. See London, house of Conversi.
CoQTOcation, 689.
Conway, Aberconewey, in Wales, 100.
castle, 291.
, constable of, 186.
See also 'Biss&bjry.
Conye. See Ooveney.
Conyngesburgh. See Conisborough.
Conyngham, John de, 430.
Cook, Walter the, 709.
Cookham [co. Berks], 183.
Cookley, Cukeleye, co. Suffolk, 362.
Copegray, Arnulph, 267.
Copeland, Coupeland, co. Cumberland, the
free chace of, 567.
Copendale, Adam de, 183.
Copyn, Hugh, 644, 703.
, William, 128,131, 135,212,233,242,
Corbet, Beatrice wife of Peter, 581.
, Ela wife of Peter, 571.
, Joan wife of Thomas, 340.
, Peter, 571.
, , lord of the land of Caus, 520.
, , keeper of Kinyer forest, 623.
, Roger, 577,629.
, , keeper of Ilelegh castle, 523.
, Thomas, 145,340.
, William, 430, 518.
Corbridge, Corbrigg [co. Northumberland],
148, 525, 599.
Corbrigg, John de, 148, 395.
, Robert de, 430.
Corby, CO. Lincoln, 585.
Corfe castle, co. Dorset, 5, 299.
, , letters close dated at, 262, 329.
Cork, Ireland, 530.
, bishop of, 530.
...., mayor and bailiffs of, 530.
Corkemoith, Ireland, 439.
Cornai, John, 139.
Cornbury, co. Oxford, 60.
park, 60.
Cornerde, Thomas de, 671.
Cornhill, co. Middlesex, 6.
manor, 6.
Corn, 4, 40, 41, 48, 55, 66, 69, 70, 132, 134,
136, 158, 165, 178, 182, 18,3, 189, 192,
212, 216, 249, 262, 293-5, 299, 309,
389, 396, 398, 427, 428, 450, 475, 541,
581, 686, 591, 592, 597, 626, 635, 636,
640, 641, 644, 660, 661, 684, 691.
, London standard of, 280.
measures of, 362.
one measure to be used for selling,
, prices of, 625.
Cornubia, Ed. de, 512.
, Geoffrey de, knt., 480, 488.
John de, 42.
, Richard de, 308, 377, 637.
, William de, 559.
Cornwall county, 233, 254, 258, 302, 317,
318, 331, 410, 470, 507, 540, 548, 560,
573, 645, 718.
, Edward I. 's justices in eyre in, 195.
ports of, 584.
St. Michael's mount priory, 706.
, sheriff of, 93, 111, 162, 176, 254,282,
283, 370, 417, 634-6, 539, 601, 678.
, tin in, 254.
, countess of. See Gavaston.
, earl of, 78, 143, 307, 644.
, Edmund, earl of, 143.
, Richard, earl of, 307.
.See a/so Gavaston.
, earldom of, 150,470.
Coronario, Coronar', Thomas de, 322, 324,
Coroner, Geoffrey le, 117.
Robert, 691.
, William, 123.
Corouner, Geoffrey le, 92.
, Robert le, 119.
Corp, Simon, mayor of London, 414.
Corpusty, Corpesty, co. Norfolk, 314.
Corse, CO. Gloucester, chace of, 400.
Corseley. See Corsley.
Corsica, king of. See James.
Corsley, Corseley [co. Wilts], 27.
Cortenay, Hugh de, 467.
Corton, John son of Richard de, 333.
Corvyser, Thomas le, 310.
Corwen, Gilbert de, 567.
Coshale, Adam de, 107.
Cossoun, John Flegge, 625.
Costantyn, Matilda wife of Richard, 11, 12.
Costard, Alice wife of Richard, 247.
, Richard, 247.
Costera, Reymund Guillelmi de, 34, 294.
Coston, John de, 101, 518, 672.
Costum, Cotoun, John de, 46, 89,
Costyn, John, 886.
Cosyn, Edmund, 499.
, Eleanor wife of William, 451.
, John, 104, 235, 637, 638.
, del, 33, 111.
.Peter del, 33.
, Kobert, 382.
Thomas, 512.
William, 461.
Cosyngton, Thomas de, 566.
Cote, Robert atte, 614.
Coteler, Robert le, 661.
Coten. See Cotton.
Coterel, William, 439.
Cotes. See Coates.
Cotes, John son of Robert de, 101.
, Robert de, 275.
, Sarah wife of William de, 306.
, William de, 139.
Cotesbeoh. See Cottesbach.
Cotesford, John de, 323, 442.
Gotham, John de, 117.
Cotheridge, Coderugge [co. Worcester], 290.
Cotherstock, co. Northants, 215.
Cotinghara, Robert de, 107.
, son of Nicholas de, 213, 674.
, Thomas de, 341, 674.
Cotou, John, 122, 129.
, alderman of London, 499,
Stephen de, 712,
Cotoun, Costum, John de, 46, 89.
Cottelee, Geoffrey de, 353.
, Nicholas son of Geoffrey de, 353.
Cottesbach, Cotesbech [co. Leicester], 379.
Cottesmore [co. Rutland, 328.
Cottingham, Cotyngham, co. York, 213, 674,
Cottingwith, co. York, 724.
Cotton, Coten, Alton, co. Stafford, 10.
Cotum. See Coatham.
Cotum, John de, 456.
Cotyngham. See Cottingham.
Cotyngham, Thomas de, 279.
Co um, Henry de, 138.
Coudray, Coudrey, Thomas, 181.
, de, knt., 704.
Couele. See Cowley.
Coulderton, Culderton, co. Cumberland, 566.
Couleye, William de, 246.
Coumhe, John de, 116.
Martin. See Coumbmartyn.
Walter de, 453.
Coumbmartyn, Combe Martin, William de, 9,
13, 52.
Council, the king's, 4, 5, 27, 39, 51, 66, 80,
108, 110, 112, 141, 145, 155, 164, 171,
186, 198, 202, 234, 235, 256, 259, 263,
268, 274, 277, 280, 283, 285, 300, 317,
319, 345, 347, 349, 351, 358, 364, 395,
397, 399, 400, 405, 503, 573, 710, 714,
Coupable, Laurence, 386.
Coupare, Emma wife of Richard le, 617.
, Richard le, 617.
Coupeland. See Copeland.
Coupeland, John de, 42.
Couper, John, 567.
, Michael le, 488.
Coupere, Adam le, 225.
Thomas le, 125.
, Walter le, 378.
, William, 126.
Coupmanthorp, Lawrence de, 561.
Courcy, Richard, 560.
, Robert son of Richard, 32.
Courteny, Courteney, Curteuey, Hugh de,
349, 507, 587.
, , knt., 112, 138, 351.
Courtray, Flanders, 348.
Courts, Christian, the, 29, 129,331, 402, 602.
Courzoun, John le, knt., 334.
Couton. See Cowton.
Cove, John de, 371.
, , knt., 137, 210.
Covehithe [co. Suffolk], 463.
Coveney, Conye, co. Cambridge, 64, 65.
Coventre. See Coventry.
Coventre, Robert de, 148.
Coventreia, Rose de, 123.
Coventry, Coventre, co. Warwick, 334, 338,
341, 439, 443, 452, 457, 462, 472, 516,
519-521, 523, 524, 636, 637.
, the army at, 457.
, letters close dated at, 425, 426, 516,
519, 524, 525.
.priory, 520, 524, 699.
and Lichfield, diocese of, 21, 34, 103.
166, 239, 426, 514, 608.
, bishop of. See Langton.
Coverham abbey [co. York], 207.
Covert, Roger de, 185.
Cowick [co. York], 537.
, letters close dated at, 622-4, 648-53.
657-9, 661-3, 665, 666, 691. 692, 714,
715, 718,720, 721.
Cowley, Couele [co. Gloucester], 473.
Cowton, Couton, CO. York. 218.
.North, 167.
Coygners, Robert de, knt., 695.
Coynte, William le, 11.
Crabbe, John, 168, 364.
Cracfergus. See Carrickfergus.
Crag, Adam del, 445.
Roger del, 445.
Cragfergus. See Carrickfergus.
Cragge, Richard, 301.
Craike, Creyk, co. York, 672.
Crakehale, John de, 155.
Crakehall, Crakale. co. York, 246.
Crakemar.sh, Crakmarsh, co. Stafford, 33.
Crakfergua. See Carrickfergus.
Crakhale, Gilbert de, 445.
Cram, Peter, 222.
Cramlinton, Richard de, 58.
Crancestre, Ed. de, 123.
Cranden, Walter de, 92.
Crandon, 55, 145.
Crane, Nicholas, 497, 505.
, Siward de, 248.
Cranebrok, Henry de, 597.
Cranesle, Simon de, 166.
Craneslee. See Cransley.
Cranford, Craunford, co. Middlesex, 374.
Cranford, Roger de, 445.
Cransley, Craneslee, co. Northants, 706.
Cranswick, Crauncewyk, co. York, 130.
Cranthorn, Matthew de, 444, 477, 489.
Cras, Roger le, 313.
Craudon, Britanny, 348.
Craulei, Little. See Crawley.
Crauncewyk. See Cranswick.
Crauncewyk, Henry de,568.
, John de, 130.
, Robert de, 82.
William de, 164.
Craunford. See Cranford.
Crauthorn, co. Somerset, 293.
Crauthorn, Matthew de, 293.
, William son of William de, 148.
Craven, co. York, 679, 681. 701.
Cravene, John de, 565.
Cravenn, Peter de, 712.
Crawley, Little, Craulei, Croule, co. Bucks,
623, 632.
Cray, William de, captain and admiral of the
king's fleet setting out for Scotland, 64.
Craye, Cray, Stephen, 230, 352, 361, 363,
364, 371, 378, 384, 385, 480.
Craystok, Ralph de, 48, 647.
, , son of Robert son of Ralph,
257, 264.
See also Graystoek.
Creake, Creyke, co. Norfolk, 68, 240, 713.
Creaton, Creton [co. Northants], 608, 683.
Creckelade. See Cricklade.
Crede, Constance wife of Luke, 638.
Credonio, Almaric de, 310, 719.
, seneschal of Gascony, 522.
Creighton, Creyghton, co. Stafford, 33.
Crek, John de, knt., 236, 336.
Crepet, Henry, 458.
Creppingge, Simon de, 314.
Crepyn, John son of Ralph, 361.
Walter, 700.
Cresacre, de, 724.
Thomas de, 133.
Cressing [co. Essex], 485.
Cressy, Ralph, 408.
de, 265.
, William de, 98.
, son of Roger de, 232.
Creton. See Creaton.
Creuquer, co. Hants, 272, 543.
Crey, Creye, Stephen de, 381, 405, 625.
Creyghton. See Creighton.
Creyk. See Craike.
Creyk, Richard de, 335.
, Simon de, 481.
, William de, 107.
Creyke. See Creake.
Criccieth, Cruk, Crukyn, Crukyth castle [co.
Carnarvon], 77, 160, 291.
constable of, 455.
, See also Gaje.
Crickelade, John de, 480.
Crickhowell, Kirkehouwell [co. Brecon],
Cricklade, Creckelade, co. Wilts, 57, 149,
letters close dated at, 410.
, bundled of, 149.
Crikeledeock, La, in Windsor forest, 311.
Criketot, William de, knt., 695.
Crikkefeld, John de, 457.
, Philip de, 457, 628.
Crikkelawe, co. Northumberland, 599.
Criour, Ellen wife of Robert le, 153.
Robert le, 153.
Crips, John, 615.
Cristemesse, William, 660.
Cristwayt. See Crossthwaite.
Croft', Hugh de, sheriff of cos. Salop and
Stafford, 86.
, Pernia wife of Hugh de, 86.
Crofton, John son of Stephen de, 455.
Crogh, Ireland, 439.
Croiir, Margery de, 432.
Croilonde, Robert de, 117.
Crok, Isabella wife of Peter, 667.
Isolda wife of Richard, 275.
, Peter, 667.
Reginald, 335.
, son of Richard, 275.
, Richard, 275.
, Roger, 667.
, son of Peter, 605,667.
Crokbayn, Robert, 722.
Crokedayk, John de, 680.
Crokedhaik, Michael del, 124.
Crokesden priory. See Croxden.
Crombwell. See Crumbwell.
Cromelyn. See Crumlin.
Cromer, Crowemere, co. Norfolk, 363, 405.
Cromery, Lucy wife of Richard le, 14.
, Richard le, 14.
Crompton, co. Lancaster, 610, 649.
Crookham, co. Berks, 333.
, letters close dated at, 252, 326.
Cropholyn, John, 712.
CrophuU, Crophill, Ealph de, 550.
escheator North of Trent, 30-
32, 38, 41-5, 56, 60, 62, 69, 72, 74, 75,
84, 99, 123, 147, 151, 1.55, 161, 175,
176, 179, 268, 276, 296, 320.
knt., 11, 107, 130.
Cros, Henry atte, 500.
, Thomas, 340.
, William, 638.
Crosier, Adam, 445.
Crosseby near the Water, co. Cumherland,
Crosseby, John de, 95, 152, 231, 344, 381,415,
537, 629, 639.
, master of the hospital of St.
Nicholas -without Carlisle, 148.
Crossthwaite, Cristwayt, co. York, 167.
Crossum, Adam de, 507.
Croule, Little. See Crawley.
Croumbwell. See Crumbwell.
Crowehirst. See Crowhurst.
Crewel, CO. Oxford, 304.
Crowemere. See Cromer.
Crowhurst, Crowehirst [co. Surrey], 450.
Croxall, Croxhale [co. Stafford], 500.
Croxden, Crokesden priory [co. Stafford],
Croxford, John de, 191, 223.
, sub-escheator in co. Oxford,
Croxhale. See Croxall.
Croxton [co. Cambridge], 591.
CO. Norfolk, 68.
[Kerrial, co. Leicester], letters close
dated at, 643.
Croxton, WiUiam de, 58.
Croyland abbey, co. Lincoln, 306, 392, 442,
Croyland, Robert de, 406.
Cruel, John, 692.
.William, 692.
Cruk castle. See Criccieth.
Cmk, Eoger de, 665.
Crukyn, Crukyth. See Criccieth.
Crul, Richard, 233.
Crull, John son of William de, 714.
William de, 596, 652,714.
Crumbwell, Crombwell, Croumbwell, Idonia
wife of John de, 358.
, Johnde, 342,344,358,359, 368,382,
416, 551, 566, 604, 640.
, knt., 138, 324, 346, 553, 554.
, , constable of the Tower of
London, 261, 267, 268.
, , keeper of the forest north of
Trent, 35, 59, 80, 147,148, 149,151,
159, 160, 173, 188, 194, 197, 266, 273,
279, 282, 442, 445, 680.
Crnmlin, Cromelyn, co. Dublin, 60.
Crumpe, James, 440.
Cryel, Eleanor de, 306.
Cubbel, Edward, 160,
Cubbeldyk, Cobeldyk, Alan de, 125, 473, 537,
539, 541, 570, 572-574, 576-580, 589,
595, 596, 603, 604, 641, 657, 719.
Cubberley [co. Gloucester], 419, 420, 477.
Cube, Richard, 1 80, 290.
Cubebs (quibibes), 46.
Cudham, Codeham [co. Kent], 431.
Cudworth, Cutheworth [co. York], 220.
Cudyngton. See Kiddington.
Cnilly, Hugh de, 587.
, Joan wife of Hugh de, 587.
Eoger de, 572.
Cukeleye. See Cookley.
Culderton. See Coulderton.
Cullul, John, 373.
, Peter, 373.
, William, 305.
Culnham, William de, 299, 612.
Culpeper. See Colpeper.
Culverden, Thomas de, 423, 519.
Cumbe, Eoger atte, 268.
Cumberland, county of, 1, 101, 114, 140, 190,
214, 222, 233, 239, 255, 266, 307, 333,
338, 339, 343, 346, 482, 485, 506, 515,
541, 550, 551, 555, 562, 571, 576, 584,
645, 679, 686, 701.
.sheriff of, 15, 41, 43, 62, 67, 72,
86, 102, HI, 159, 335,356,391,519,
654, 658, 667, 670, 681, 682.
Cumcedieu, John, 62.
Cumpton. See Compton.
Cumpton, Nicholas de, 445.
, Richard de, 169.
Cumwhinton, Cunquyntyn, co. Cumberland,
Cungham. See Congham.
Cunquyntyn. See Cumwhinton.
Cuntevill, John de, 572.
Cupale, John, 85.
Cur, Hugh de, 518.
Cure, Hermann, 21.
, Hugh de, 419.
Curlu, Richard, 81.
Curly, John, 421.
, Robert son of John, 421.
Curlyngton, William de, abbot of Westminster,
Cursou. See Curzon.
Cursoun, Roger, 621.
Cartels, Robert, 607.
Curteney. See Courteny.
Curteys, Simon, 277.
Curtlyngton. See Kirtlington.
Curzon, Curson, John, knt., 333, 481.
, William le, 500.
Cusaak, Cusae, Walter de, 72, 530.
Cusance. See Cusancia.
Cusancia, Cusance, James de, prior of Prittle-
well, 8, 29, 52, 96.
, William de, 335, 724.
Cusinton, John de, 317.
Cussyng', Adam, 671.
, Hugh son of Adam, 671.
, William, 118.
Customs, 10, 17, 39, 44, 45, 49, 60, 65, 84, 85,
195, 235, 243, 246, 250-252, 255, 272,
274, 280, 231, 318, 389, 391, 392, 430,
584, 587, 592, 593, 607, 643, 663, 675.
Cut, Robert, 204, 205.
, William, 204, 205.
Cutheworth. See Cudworth.
Cycestre, Joan wife of William de, 386.
, William de, 386, 475.
Cydemuth. See Sidmouth.
Cyugton West. See Kington, West.
Cyppenham. See Chippenham.
Cyprus, king of, 326.
Dachet. See Datchet.
Dacre, Edmund de, 339.
, , knt, 346.
, Eanulph de, 222, 239, 333, 338.
, ,'knt., 482.
, Eanulph son of William de, 222.
Dadyngton. See Deddington.
Dagenhale, Adam de, 71, 84.
, Joan wife of Adam de, 71, 84.
Daggenhale, Joan wife of Thomas de, 84.
Thomas de, 84.
Daggeworth, Dageworth, John de, knt., 361,
Dakeny, Eoger son of Eohert, 185.
Dakers of hides, 66.
Dalderhy, John, bishop of Lincoln, 2, 22,
75, 89, 226, 303, 339.
, Peter de, 485.
Dale, Alice sister of William de, 264.
, William de, 264.
Dalizon, William, 115.
Dalkey, co. Dublin, 708.
Dalle, near Thornton [co. York], 88.
Dallington, Dalyngton [co. Sussex], 75.
Dallyng, John de, 346.
, , sheriff of London, 122.
Dalton-in-Furness, Dalton-in-FournejB, co.
Lancaster, 141.
Dalton, John de, 429, 562.
, , bailiff of the earl of Lancaster,
, steward of Pykeryng', 632,
, Eichard de, 395.
Eohert de, 580, 664.
Dalyngton. See Dallington.
Damesele. See Damoysele.
Damme, Dam, Flanders, 171, 181, 39.5, 412,
, port of (del Dam), 258, 337, 401.
Dammory, Damory, Daumori, Daumory,
Elizabeth wife of Eoger, 34, 624, 651.
, Eichard, 290, 291, 421, 425, 428,489,
596, 620.
, , knt., 231, 235.
, , steward of the king's house-
hold, 656.
, Eoger, 5, 10, 25, 34, 61, 105, 109,
114, 129, 154, 202, 339, 402, 408, 428,
457, 464, 483, 511, 513, 517, 519, 522,
526, 541, 543, 578, 582, 596, 603, 621,
628, 629, 662.
, , keeper of theforestof Dean, 127.
, keeper of the castle and honour
of Knaresborough, 31, 66, 160, 177,
268, 270.
, , constable of St. Briavel's castle,
199, 473.
, , lord of Usk Tregruok (Llan-
gibby), 363, 366.
, , knt, 138,494.
Damoysele, Damesele, Damysele, William,
340, 445.
Damyot, Beatrice wife of John, 105.
, John son of Adam, 44, 72, 75.
.Ralph, 44, 72, 75.
Damysele. See Damoysele.
Danbury, Danewebyry [co. Essex], 387, 388.
Danby Wiske, Danby-on-Wisk [co. York],
676, 687.
Danewebyry. See Danbury.
Daneys, Robert, 339.
Dannek, Alan, 706.
Dannyles, Peter de, 345.
See also Daviliers.
Dansy, Richard, 572.
Danthorp, John de, knt., 382.
, Katherine wife of John de, 282.
, William de, 119, 125, 126.
Danvers, Edmund, 229.
, Simon, 322.
Danyel, Elizabeth, Katherine and Joan
daughters of Richard, 459.
, John, 491.
, Matilda wife of Eichard, 459.
, Eichard, 578.
, Robert, 133, 724.
Daperdeley, John, 34.
Daptot, Geoffrey, 637.
Darches, John, 640.
, Simon, 70.
Darcy,DarBy, Alice wife of Richard, 308, 501.
, Henry, 235, 382, 443, 505.
John, 15, 105, 201, 537, 562.
, , ' le neveu," 679, 680, 681, 695.
, , le uncle, 680, 681.
, , sheriff of co. Lancaster, 627.
, John son of Eoger, 218.
Darcy, Darsy — cont.
Norman, 603.
Philip, knt., 595.
, Kiohard, 308, 501.
, Eotert, 453, 549, 658.
, , constable of Sleaford castle, 427.
Dardir, John, 47.
Darel, Edmund, knt., 179.
William, 130.
Darell, Edmund, 227.
Darfield, co. York, 624.
Dargentein. See Argentein.
Darley, Derleye, Dorle, abbey [co. Derby],
97, 116.
Darlington, Dernyugton [co. Durham], 64.
letters close dated at, 203.
Darras, Adam, 457.
Darrein presentment^ assizes of, 7, 53.
Darreynes, William, 718.
Dartford, Dertford, co. Kent, 412.
.bailiwick of, 262.
Dartmoor chace [co. Devon], 3.
Dartmouth, co. Devon, 273, 591.
, bailiffs of, 531, 534.
port of, 524.
Dasset Avon, Avon Derset [co. Warwick],
Datchet, Dachet [co. Bucks], 402, 502, 543.
Dathy. See Athey, de.
Daubeney, John, lord of Brant Braughton
[Brendebroghton], 234.
, , knt., 210.
Daubernoun, John, knt., 340.
Daudele, Daudeleye. See Audele.
Daulyn, Thomas, bailiff of Newoastle-on-
Tyne, 678.
Daumarle, John, 559.
Daumori, Daumory. See Damory.
Daumper, Kichard, 580.
Daunay. See Dauney.
Daunce, Aamund, knight of the king of Nor*
way, 144.
Dauney, Daunay, Matthew, 136, 141.
, Thomas, 108.
Daunper, Richard, 677.
Daunteseye, William, 316.
Dautre, WiUiam, 376.
Dautri, Thomas, knight of the shire for co.
York, 555.
, William, 572.
Daventre, John son of John de, 92.
Daventry, lord of, 92.
See also Robert.
David ap Blethyn, bishop of St. Asaph, 511.
ap Kadwaladre, 520.
, Robert son of, 175.
William, 617.
Daviliers, Peter, 691.
See also Dannyles.
Davy, William, 475, 581, 622, 646.
, , king's receiver of Leicester,
Davyntre, Robert sou of Walter son of Robert
de, 221.
, Walter son of Robert de, 221, 379.
Dayremynne. See Ayremynne.
Dayvill. See Deyvill.
Dean, Dene, co. Bedford, 341.
[co. Gloucester], 420.
, Forest of, co. Gloucester, 278, 295,
457, 628, 645.
...,„..., keeper of, 127.
, See a/50 Damory.
Little, CO. Gloucester, 87, 173.
Deanham, Denum, co. Northumberland, 148.
Debenham, co. Suffolk, 476.
Debts, of the king, 56.
, due to foreign merchants, 21, 33.
Deddington, Dadyngton, co. Oxford, 543.
Deen, Richard de, 125.
, Robert de, 709.
, William and Roger eons of John de,
Deerhurst, Derhurst [co. Gloucester], 503.
priory, 302.
Deighton, Northdighton [co. York], 609, 610.
Dele, Henry, 660.
Delewe, Thomas de, 377.
Delham, Stephen de, 328.
Delhertergrene. See Hertergrene.
Demardeston, Denardeston, Peter de, 334.
Denbigh, Dynebech, Dynebeth, Dynelegh,
Dynegbegh, Wales, 531, 532, 619, 645.
castle, 415, 575, 620.
, , constable of, 422, 437.
See aiso Gras.
Denby, Denyngby, co. York, 140.
Dene, 651.
See Dean.
Dene, Adam de, 15.
, Isabella wife of William de, 87, 174.
, Joan and Isabella daughters of
William de, 173.
John atte, 652.
, de, 593, 618.
, constable of the castle of
Bolkedymas, Blenleveny, and Pen-
kethely, 415, 422.
, de la, 353.
, le, 231.
, called ' Gumbard,' John de, 128.
, Thomas de, 238.
, son of Robert de, 685.
William de, 173.
, , justice, 434.
Denebegh. See Denbigh.
Deneby, John de, 144.
Deneford. See Denford.
Denerne, William de, 622.
Denford, Deneford [co. Northants], 353.
Dengayn, Engaine, Ellen wife of John, 626,
640, 666.
, John, 356, 626, 662.
son of Nicholas, 627, 662.
, Nicholas, 595, 627, 662.
, , sheriff of Essex, 651.
See also Engaine.
Denis, Nicholas son of, de Lynton, 211.
Denmark, 309, 660.
Denom, Denoum. See Denum.
Denstone Alton, co. Stafford, 10.
Denton, Joan wife of Eobert de, 550.
, John de, 568.
Richard de, 634.
Denum. See Deanham.
Denum, Denom, Denoum, John de, 214, 328,
343, 346, 379, 421, 482, 483, 561, 697-
, William, 679.
de, 214, 328, 344, 482, 483.
, , iustice, 82.
Denyngby. See Den by.
Denys, Richard, 703.
Deptford [co. Kent], 431.
Depyng', John de, 671.
Derby, 338.
, letters close dated at, 421,427,428,
517, 522, 526-528.
, mayor of, 553.
Derby, comity of, 220, 223, 342, 363, 379,
432, 449, 475, 477, 496, 536, 540, 571-
573, 581, 584, 593, 601, 608, 625, 629,
645, 646, 671, 679, 682, 693, 696.
, , the king's parks and chaces in,
, , mines in, 212.
, earl of. See Ferariis, de.
, , sheriff of, 134,158,212,395,
416, 418, 421, 426, 431, 519, 522, 534,
636, 555, 562, 570, 577, 611, 681, 682.
Derby, Robert de, 116.
, Thomas de, 392.
, , the king's serjeant-at-arms, 528.
Dereham, East, Estderham, co. Norfolk, 665.
, gaol, 665.
Derhurst. See Deerhurst.
Derley abbey. See Darley.
Derlyngton, John de, 702.
Dernardeston, Agatha filiastra of Peter de,
knt, 637.
, Peter de, knt., 637.
Derneford. See Durnford.
Derneford, Nicholas de, master of the king's
■works in Beaumaris castle, 27, 189,
, William son of William de, knt., 504.
Dernyngton. See Darlington.
Derrington, Diryngton [co. Stafford], 502.
Derset, John de, 377, 512.
Dersford, co. Derby, [? Desford, co. Leicester],
578, 579.
Dertford, John de, 58.
Dertford. See Dartford.
Derwent, William de, 445.
Derwentewatre, Derwentwater, John de, 24,
Deseorce, Peter, 340.
Desford, co. Leicester. See Dersford.
Desnyng. See Disning.
Despenser, Almaric le, 652.
, Eleanor wife of Hugh le, 34.
, Hugh le, the elder, earl of Winchester,
57, 68, 123, 225, 234, 253, 283, 296,
311, 319, 333, 342, 344, 350, 351, 358,
365, 366, 385, 394, 442, 464, 472, 479,
492, 493, 495, 510, 529, 541, 543-546,
574, 576, 584, 585, 620, 636, 645, 650,
656, 657, 659, 703, 705, 707, 714, 717.
, , justice, 285.
, , , justice of the forest south
of Trent, 240.
, , , enrolment of process
against, 492-495.
, , the younger, 1, 34, 79, 80, 96,
113, 122, 132, 133, 218-220, 231, 234,
237, 238, 312, 328, 333, 336, 342, 344,
346, 358, 364, 366-368, 371, 375, 382,
400, 402, 408, 409, 425, 492-495, 507,
510, 541, 543-546, 548, 576, 602, 604,
617, 637, 645, 650, 671, 717, 722, 723.
, , keeper of the castle and
town of Bristol, 267, 292, 293, 469,
, , the king's chamberlain,
492, 493.
, , , lord of Glamorgan, 127,
, , , enrolment of process
against, 492-495.
, Hugh son of Hugh le, the younger,
577, 609.
, John le, 371.
, , verderer of Windsor forest, 298.
Margaret wife of Hugh le, the younger,
, Thomas son of Roger le, 505.
Deupas, Robert, 412.
Deveneys, Thomas, 117.
Deveros, Stephen, 631.
Devill, John son of Almaric, 135.
, Thomas, 577. See also Dey-vill.
Devizes, Dyvises, co. Wilts, 57, 149, 347.
, letters close dated at, 369.
castle, 57, 149, 169.
, , constable of, 437.
Devon, county of, 93, 108, 110, 212, 216, 230,
231, 302, 318, 331, 332, 338, 354, 359,
379, 444, 477, 483, 484, 489, 607, 540,
548, 572, 587, 645, 657, 691.
, assizes in, 27.
, mines in, 59, 134.
, the king's mine in, 212, 469, 598.
Devon — cont.
, sheriff of, 6, 59, 75, 93, 111, 115, 127,
134, 175, 176, 193, 245, 312, 370, 393,
417, 430, 455, 534-536, 539, 559, 573,
583, 601, 638, 657, 662, 664, 667, 678.
Deweswall. See Dewsall.
Dewsall, Deweswell, co. Hereford, 432.
Deye, William le, 518.
Deyen, William de, (chevin of Bruges, 347,
Deyncourt, Edmmid, justice, 157.
John, 584.
Deyvill, Dayvill, John, 210, 253.
, Peter, knt., 119.
.Roger, 672, 711.
, Thomas, 455, 537, 539, 541, 571-573,
576, 577, 590, 614, 620, 624, 666, 673.
, , keeper of the castle and honour
of Pontefract, 456, 573, 580, 586, 593,
596, 652, 653.
See also Ey vill, de.
Dichesyate, Hugh, 665.
Dieppe, in Normandy, 298.
Dieu, Thomas, 625.
Dif&encloyt. See Dyflren Clwyd.
Diggeby, John de, 515.
, Kobert de, 579, 628.
Dilewe. See Dilwyn.
Dilham, co. Norfolk, 213, 242, 507.
DUlington, co. Huntingdon, 625.
Dilwyn, Dilewe, co. Hereford, 657.
Dinevor. See Dynevor.
Dinmael, Dynmael, commote of [cos. Denbigh
and Merioneth], 620.
Diny, Peter, 705.
Diryngton. See Derrington.
Dishford, Disford, Dishforth, co. York, 167.
Disning, Desnyng, co. Sufl'olk, 312.
Distington, co. Cumberland, 455, 566.
Ditton, CO. Bucks, 632.
, Stoke Ditton, co. Bucks, 623.
Long, CO. Surrey, 357, 502.
Ditton, Benedict de, 603, 605.
, Henry de, 488.
, John de, 152.
, , canon of St. Paul's London,
, Peter de, 518.
Robert de, 340.
Dixie, John de, 631.
Dockewra, John de, 724.
Dod, Henry, 672.
Robert, 672, 704.
Doddeford. See Dodford.
Doddeker, Thomas de, 110.
Doddenham, Walter de, king's chaplain, 121.
Doddington, co. Northumberland, 41.
, Dodyngton, co. Lincoln, 173, 210.
Dode, Geoffrey, 443. 517, 538, 595, 615, 637.
, , king's sergeant, 14.
Dodeford, Robert de, 46, 89.
Dodele. See Dudley.
Dodele, William, 699.
Dodemere. See Dodmore.
Dodewelle, William de, 193.
Dodford, Doddeford priory [co. Worcester],
Dodhou, Richard de, 148.
Dodmore, Dodmere, in Meopham, co. Kent,
Dodyngho. See Duddenhoe.
Dodyngton. See Doddington.
Dodyston, co. Warwick, 631.
Doilly, John, verderer of Rockingham forest,
Dokesfeld, co. Northumberland, 552.
Dokesworth, John de, 209.
Dokstede, co. Surrey, 373.
Dokstede, Clarice, Aline, Lucy and Thomasina
daughters of Roland, 373.
, Roland, 373.
Dolfanby [co. Westmoreland] , 600.
DoUyng, John, 209.
Dolforwyn, Dolvereyn, castle [co. Mont-
' gomery],415.
, constable of, 422.
See a^so Beche.
Dolvereyn. See Dolforwyn.
Domby, Nicholas, 126.
, de, 119.
Domesday book, 277.
Domimoun, in Ireland, 439.
Dommawe. See Dunmow.
Dommer, Richard de, 214.
Dommere, William de, 373.
Doncaster, Donecastre, CO. York, 321, 505.
, chancery at, 321.
letters close dated at, 429, 527, 528,
627, 634.
Doncastre. See Doncaster.
Donecastre, John de, 570, 581, 615, 633, 654,
justice, 45, 81, 82, 149, 266,
410, 449, 654.
.William de, 453.
Donemowe. See Dunmow.
Donestaple, Sir John de, 541.
, Thomas de, 528.
William de, 541.
Donetoun, Robert de, 640.
Donewico. Walter de, 249.
Donewych. See Dunwich.
Donewych. Walter de. 580.
Donges, Thybaut, sire of Rochefort, vicomte
de, 329.
Dongessell, Dengie [co. Essex ?], 646.
Donington, Danyngtou. See Donnington.
Donnedale, John, 57.
Donnington castle [co. Berks], 475.
, Donyngton, Dunyngton castle [co.
Leicester], 575. 581, 646.
, keeper of, 437.
Donnyg, John, 298.
Donstou. See Dunston.
Donyngton. See Donnington.
Donyngton, Adam de, 512.
Dorcestre. See Dorchester.
Dorchester, Dorcestre [co. Dorset], 193, 270.
Dore ahbey [oo. Hereford], 367, 404.
Dore, Mikeldor of Yewbarrow, le, co. Cumber-
land, 567.
Dorem, Thomas de, 322.
Dorking [oo. Surrey], 231.
Dorle abbey. See Darley.
Dorset, county of, 174, 212, 214, 222, 235,
314, 315, 332, 342, 344, 346, 353, 375,
450, 459, 483, 484, 506, 540, 548, 577,
603, 645, 696.
, justices in, 302.
, sheriff of, 5, 41, 93, 111, 115, 134,
182, 193, 244, 292-294, 297, 299, 304,
305, 318, 331, 370, 417, 421, 422, 424,
435, 443, 448, 459, 509, 525, 527, 534,
536, 539, 559, 577, 586, 622, 624, 644,
Dorsington [Little, par. of Welford], co.
Warwick, 33.
Dortmund, Dorteinounde, Germany, 46, 89,
155, 158, 248, 414.
Dorton, co. Bucks, 631.
Dosynghon, Dosyngboun, Arnald, 168, 399.
Douai, 411, 414.
Douedyk. See Dowdyke.
Doundeveneld, Nesta de, 439.
Doune, Adam, 567.
David de, 126.
, William de la, 323, 382, 466.
Dounton, Thomas de, 518.
Dousinghon, Dousynghon, John, 33, 294.
Doustaple. See Dunstable.
Donstaple, John de, 639.
Douvedale, John, 149.
Dover, co. Kent, 317, 499, 603, 661, 670.
castle, 266, 416, 460.
, constable of, 48, 97, 140, 145,
221, 226, 233, 238, 258, 262, 283, 331,
347, 369, 398-400, 427, 437, 486, 490,
499, 509, 510, 528, 534, 535, 560, 603,
660, 666, 675, 698, 701.
See also Badelesmere ; Kendale;
Pencestre ; Wodestock.
, letters close dated at, 198, 199,240-
243, 247, 309, 313, 317, 378, 379, 382.
, mayor and bailiffs of, 551, 603.
, , barons and bailiffs of, 708, 720.
, port of, 97, 140, 162, 209, 226, 416,
425, 490, 494, 499, 533, 548, 708.
, , keeper of, 146, 206, 379, 492,
, St. Martin's priory, 195, 402, 603.
, , Robert, prior of, 195.
Dovercourt, co. Essex, 601.
Dovorr, John de, 646.
Dovre, John de, 617.
Dowdyke, Douedyk, Sutterton Tco. Lincoln],
Dower, assignments of, 45, 50, 68, 123, 320,
380, 554, 590, 599, 709, 713.
of queen Margaret, 57.
Dowlais, Dyueles [co. Glamorgan], 542.
Down, bishop of, 530.
Downs, the, Les Dunes, 162, 168, 192, 262,
364, 496, 692.
Doylly, John, 8.
Draicote. See Draycote.
Draper, John le, 412.
Drax, CO. York, 128, 671.
priory, 683.
Draycote, Draicote, Dreycote, John son of
Peter de, 482.
, Eiohard de, 234, 333.
, ,knt., 238.
, , sheriff of oo. Lincoln, temp.
Edward I., 17, 18.
, Ralph de, 535.
, William de, verderer of Shotover
forest, 189.
Drayton, co. Leicester, 408, 409.
, 00. Norfolk, 68, 681.
, Basset [co. Stafford], 40, 95, 96, 232,
487, 551, 554, 576, 593, 691, 701.
, , letters close dated at, 426, 517.
Drayton, Henry de, 71, 84.
, Ralph de, 327.
Simon de, 71, 84, 551, 556, 716, 721.
Dregge. See Drigg.
Dreu, Geoffrey, 144.
Dreuton. See Drewton.
Dreuton, John de, 126.
, Simon de, 119.
Drewton, Dreuton, co. York, 119, 718.
Dreycote. See Draycote.
Driby. See Dryby.
Driestok. See Stoke, Dry.
Drigg, Dregge, co. Cumberland, 454.
Dringhouses, William del, 561.
Drogheda [co. Louth], 530, 531, 610, 613.
mayor and bailiffs of, on the side of
Yriel, 530.
, steward and bailiffs of, on the side of
Meath, 530.
, St. John's priory, 479.
Droitwich [co. Worcester], letters close dated
at, 511.
Drokensford, John de, bishop of Bath and
Wells, 41, 99, 111, 131,238,278,299,
311, 375, 409, 480, 481, 487, 511, 527,
.., , keeper of the wardrobe,
45,281, 441, 663.
, Michael de, 487.
Dromondes, ships called, 460.
Drone, Henry, 21.
Droppingerag', le, co. Cumberland, 567.
Droslan. See Drysllwyn.
DruEselan. See Drysllwyn.
Dryby, Driby, Hugh son of Ealpli de, 102.
, Simon de, 1, 25, 60, 93, 306, 311, 420,
427, 438, 447, 458-460, 474, 572, 573,
599, 619, 624.
, constable of Gloucester castle,
, , knt., king's hospicer, 576.
, steward of the household, 596.
Simon son of Kobert de, 519.
Dryffvncloyt. See DyfEryn Clwyd.
DrysUwyn, Droslan [oo. Carmarthen], 542.
, Drusselan, castle, 11, 542.
Dubel, Roger, 111.
Dublin, Duveline, Dyveline, 7, 19, 60, 80, 84,
87, 117, 154, 161, 165, 176, 194, 200,
273, 277, 360, 391, 432, 436, 441, 459,
530, 531.
, Alexander archbishop of, 7, 10, 99,
112, 113, 194, 391, 432, 437, 530.
, , justiciary of Ireland, 10,
55, 5i?, 70, 72, 610, 613.
, Bench of . See Ireland.
castle, 90.
, exchequer of. See Ireland.
, the king's justices of, 339.
, mayor and bailiffs of, 530.
, St. Mary del Dam, church of, adjoin-
ing Dublin castle, 20.
, St. Patrick's cathedral church, 665.
, , chancery and prebend of Fin-
glas in, 5.
, , dean and chapter of, 665.
, St. Thomas the Martyr, abbey of,
near, 117.
Duddele, William de, 684.
Duddeleye. See Dudley.
Duddenhoe End, Dodyngho [parish of Elm-
don], CO. Essex, 288.
Dudley, Dodele [co. Northampton?], 705.
[co. Stafford], 671.
castle, CO. Stafford, the free chapel of,
, Duddeleye priory, co. Stafford, 630,
Dufield, Richard de, 539.
, Roger de, 204.
Duffield Frith, Duffeldfrith, co. Derby, 432,
, North, Northduffeld [oo. York], 201.
, forest of [co. York], 449.
Dufford, John de, 81.
, , knt., 342.
, , escheator in Ireland, 87, 439,
Dugen, Flanders, 395.
Duglas, Sir James de, lord of Duglas, 526.
Dummynges, Nicholas, 704.
Dun, Adam de, 705.
, John de, knt., .345.
Dunbar, in Scotland, 267.
Dunchuroh, co. Warwick, 609.
Dunes, les. See Downs.
Dunhevcd, John, 609.
Dunmow, Donemowe, Dommawe, Duumawo,
CO. Essex, 34, 35, 141, 379, 702.
Dunolm[ia], John de, 3.
Dunre, Richard de, canon of Hereford
cathedral, 438.
Drmrugge in Aston, co. Buckingham, 1 92,
Dunsel, John, 118.
Dunselm. See Auselin.
Dunsforth, Dunsford [co. York], 606, 612.
, Lower, Netherdunsford, 110.
Dunstall, Nicholas de, 114.
Dunstanburgh castle [co. Northumberland] ,
, constable of, 682.
Dunstaple, Donstaple, co. Bedford, 198, 219,
336, 489, 498.
Dunstaple, John de, 518.
, Stephen de, 271.
, Thomas de, 589.
Dunston, Donston, 461.
Duntsbourne, co. Gloucester, 420, 473.
Dunton [co. Essfx], 194.
, letters close dated at, 194, 238.
Dunwich, Donewych [co. Suffolk], 249, 286,
bailiffs of, 462, 536, 546.
, port of, 524.
Duuyngton. See Donington.
Durant, Thomas, 693.
Duraunt, Eleanor wife of Michael, 28, 309.
Michael, 28, 309.
, William, 694.
Duremund, Robert de, 373.
Durham, 16, 125, 562, 661, 720.
, bishop of. See Bek ; Bello Monte.
cathedral church of St. Cuthbert, 16,
, diocese of, 1, 16, 26, 34, 79, 103, 151,
199, 239, 269, 277, 474, 531, 541, 576,
598-600, 661, 662, 681, 697, 702, 716.
, borough of, 661.
castle, 663.
, letters close dated at, 152, 205, 206,
584, 597-99, 679, 680.
.priory of St. Cuthbert, 69, 79, 103,
199,269, 681.
Durham, Thomas de, 331.
Durnel, John, 27.
Durnford, Derneford, co. Wilts, 636.
Dusford, John de, 239.
Duston, John de, 500.
, Simon de, 500.
, Thomas do, 500.
Button, Robert de, 554.
, Robert son of Robert de, 554.
Duveline. See Dublin.
3 C
Dycton, John de, 253.
, Ralph de, 253.
Dyer, Richard le, 283.
Dyffryn Clwyd, Diffrencloyt [cantred, co.
Denbigh], 520, 645.
Dymock, Dymmok [co. Gloncester], 420.
Dynebech, Dynbegh, Dyneheth, Dynelegh,
Dj'neneboth. Sec Denbigh.
Dynevor [co. Carmarthen], 1, 542.
castle, 1, 542.
Dynglee, John de, 379.
Dynham, Joceus de, 248.
Dynieton. See Dynynton.
Dynmael. .See Dinmael.
Dynnand, Ito de, 297.
Dynynton, Dynieton, Dynyeton, Edmund de,
chamberlain of North Wales [Carnar-
von], 19, 190, 194, 451.
Dyveles. See Dowlais.
Dyveline. See Dublin.
Dvrises, Dyvjses. See Devizes.
Eakring, Ekering, Ekerynge, co. Nottingham,
609, 677, 685.
Earswick, Ethercewyk, Etherswyk, co. York,
592, 693, 694.
Easby, Eseby [co. York], 218, 468.
, St. Agatha's abbey, 207, 550, 673.
Easingwold, Esingwold [co. York], 194.
Easter, High, Heghester, co. Essex, 518.
Eastham, Estham, co. Worcester, 421, 438,
East, hundred of, Estweveleschire, co. Corn-
wall, 283.
Easthampatead, Yashampstead, Yeshampstead,
CO. Berks, 238.
, letters close dated at, 285, 286, 352.
Easton, Eistanes, co. Essex 483.
, Eyston atte Mount [co. Essex], 68.
, Eston, CO. Northampton, 57, 90, 149.
[co. York], 618.
Eastrington, Estrington, co. York, 548.
Eastwood, Estwode [co. Essex], 590.
Eaton, Eton [co. Bedford], 707.
Eboraco, Gilbert de, 7, 395, 402, 629, 719.
, Henry de, 678.
John de, 319, 621, 683.
, Matilda wife of John de, 676.
, Robert de, 581.
, Walter de, 126, 212, 718.
, William de, 146, 320.
Ecchyngham, Robert de, 406.
Ecclesden. See Egdean.
Eccleshale castle [co. Stafford], constable of,
See also Swynnerton.
Echewyk, William de, 148.
Eckebokelond. See Egg Buckland.
Eckington, co. Derby, letters close dated at,
610, 613.
Edderlanghalf, co. Cumherland, 567.
Edderlangtirn, CO. Cumberland, 567.
Eddeworth. See Edworth.
Ede, Margaret wife of William, 85.
, William, 85.
Edelmeton. See Edmonton.
Edeuestowe. See Edwinstowe.
Edenestowe, Henry de, 11, 146, 210, 226, 231,
332, 358, 374, 491, 672, 684.
, Robert de, 226, 231, 374.
, son of Margery de, 442.
Edenham, Geoffrey de, 678, 679.
Edesburge, John son of Nicholas de, 361.
Edgbaston, Egebaston, co. Warwick, 631.
Edgware, Eggeswere, co. Middlesex, 675.
Edi. See Edy.
Edingthorp, Edithorp, Edyesthorp, co. Nor-
folk, 6, 68.
Edlyngton, Simon de, 412.
Edmonton, Edelmeton, co. Middlesex, 230,
431, 477.
Edmound, Thomas, 356.
Edmund, son of Henry III., 310, 607.
, earl of Cornwall, 208, 637, 651.
of Wodestok, the king's brother.
See Wodestok.
, John son of, de Nastoke, 325.
Edrichelay. See Idridgehay, co. Derby, 589.
Edrop [co. Bucks], 70.
Edusa, John son of, 124.
Edward I., king of England, 30, 34, 36, 38, 42,
47, 53, 56, 63, 71, 76, 88, 89, 176, 186,
209, 235, 286, 320, 407, 626.
, armies of, in Scotland, 128.
, chancery of, 300.
, , roUs of, 48.
, debts of, 50.
, exchequer of, 65, 76.
, wardrobe of, 41, 45.
Edward II., safe-conduct to, from the king of
France, 225.
Edward III., king of England, 566.
Edward, earl of Chester, the king's son, 12,
23, 178, 193, 254, 291, 308, 323, 365,
390, 413, 415, 515, 527, 533, 558, 611,
641, 645, 679, 699, 700, 707, 708, 71 3.
Edwardston, co. Suffolk, 187, 191.
Edwinstow, Edenestowe, co. Nottingham, 433.
Edworth, Eddeworth [co. Bedford], 91, 471,
Edy, Edi, Richard, 457, 582.
Edyesthorp. See Edingthorp.
Effingham, co. Surrey, 342.
Egdean, or Eggleden, Ecclesden, co. Sussex,
Egebaston. See Edgbaston.
Egebaston, Richard de, 7.
Kgetou, William son of Thomas de, 683.
Egg Buckland, Eckebokelond [oo. Devon],
Eggebaston, Richard de, knt., 628, 702.
Eggefeld, co. Northants, 2U.
Eggefeld, Thomas de, 394, 415, 431, 629.
Eggerton, co. Salop, 5.53.
Eggesclyff, Robert de, 382.
Eggeswere. See Edgware.
Egginham, Robert de, 438.
Egglestone, Egleston abbey [Startforth
parish, co. York], 17, 207.
Egham [co. Surrey], 331.
Eghteham. See Ightham.
Egleclive, Sir Adam de, 95.
Eglemont quarry, co. Bedford, 16.
Eglesfeld, Adam de, f 44.
John de, C44.
Egleston. See Egglestone.
Eglestour, land of Gower, 464.
Egmanton, co. Nottingham, 137.
Egmanton, John son of, William son of Ma-
tilda de, 137.
Egremont, Egremouud, co. Cumberland, 433,
438, 454, 566, 567, 584, 658.
castle, 566.
Ehen, lakes of, co. Cumberland, 567.
, Eygne, the river, CO. Cumberland, 566,
Eistanes. See Eastou.
Ekeley, Ekeneye, co. Bucks, 623, 631.
Ekeneye, Robert de, 623, 631.
Ekering. See Eakring.
Ekerjnge. See Eakring.
Eketon, Margery wife of Nicholas de, 365.
, Peter de, 365, 623, 630,
Eland. See Elland.
Eland, John de, 599, 610.
Nicholas de, 148.
Elberton, Aylberton [co. Gloucester], 501.
Eldington, Simon de, 486.
Eleanor, queen, wife of Edward I., 44.
Elesfeld. See Ellesfeld.
Elewyn, Robert, 102.
, Sarah wife of Robert, 102.
Elfael, Elvayll [cantred, co. Radnor], 520.
Elfael Ts Mjnydd, Elvayl Ismenyth [can-
tred, CO. Radnor], 645.
Elfael Uwch Mynydd, Elvayl Ughmenyth
[cantred, co. Radnor], 645.
Elford [co. Stafford], letters close dated at,
426, 427, 48.5, 525.
Elfrodecoumbe. See Ilfraoombe.
Elkeston, John de, 241.
Elland, Eland, co. York, 599.
EUerdine, Ellewardyn [co. Salop], 15.
EUerker [co. York], 107.
Ellerker, Hervey de, 126, 674.
John de, 103, 118,121,129,136,317,
335, 338, 342, 347, 480-482, 515, 568,
069-672, 677, 691, 695, 696, 699, 716,
, ,the elder, 212, 213, 215, 228,
231, 236.
, keeper of the hanaper of chan-
cery, 106, 305.
EUerton, co. York, 663.
priory, 202.
Ellerton, Henry de, master of the king's
works at Carnarvon, 160.
Ellesborough, Eseleberewe, co. Bucks, 631.
Ellesfeld, Elsefeld, Elesfeld, Adam de, 480.
Gilbert de, 229, 359, 511, 513.
, Richard de, constable of Bordeaux,
319, 410.
Ellesmere, co. Salop, 150, 521.
Ellewardyn. See EUerdine.
EUyngham, Adam de, 123.
EUj'ngton, Ralph de, 129.
Elmbrigg, Roger de, 518.
Elmeden, William de, 482, 483.
Elmeley Lovett. See Elmley.
Elmeleye, Adam de, 518.
Elmersh [Isle of Elmley, co. Kent ?], 154.
Elmeriigge, Agnes wife of Roger de, 582.
Elmeshale. See Elmsall [co. York], 575.
Elmham, Laurence de, 222.
Elmley Lovett, Elmele, Elmeleye Lovet, co.
Worcester, 14, 544, 582.
castle, 311, 512, 513, 516.
, constable of, 437.
Elmsall, Elmeshale [co. York], 575.
Elne, archdeacon of. See Guirardi.
Elnestowe. See Elstow.
Elsdon, Elvedon, co. Northumberland, 288.
Elsefeld. See Ellesfeld.
Elsham priory [co. Lincoln], 683.
Elsing, CO. Norfolk, 68.
Elstow, Elnestowe, co. Bedford, 118, 129.
nunnery^ 119.
Eltham, CO. Kent, letters close dated at, 181,
185, 186, 189, 225, 226, 406, 499, 505.
Elvayl Ismenyth. See Elfael Ys Mynydd.
Elvayl Ughmenyth. See Elfael Uwch My-
Elvayll. See Elfael.
Elvedon. See Elsdon.
Elvelay. See Kirk Ella.
Elvertecombe. See Ilfracombe.
Elvington, co. York, 550.
Ely, CO. Cambridge, 160, 165, 175.
, bishop of. SeeHothum; Keton.
, diocese of, 70.
, Isle of, 451,515.
Ely, Adam de, 372, 500.
, Robert de, 356.
Elyngham, Thomas de, 450.
3 C 2
Elys, Ellen wife of Thomas, 142.
John, 192.
, Eobert, 9, 13, 52, 259, 326, 341, 403,
, Eoger, 208.
, Thomas, 142.
Embelton. Sec Embleton.
Emberton, co. Bucks, 623, 631.
Embledon, Emeldon, co. Northumherland, 529.
, ErabeltOD, co. Cumberland, 606, 661.
Emeldon, Richard de, 58, 454, 474, 637, .039,
541, 576, 598-600, 614, 661, 677.
, , maj'or of Newcastle-on-Tyne,
148, 196, 658.
Emelyn castle. See Neivcastle-in-Emlyn.
Emelyn, John, 299.
Emmyngo, Kiehard, 119.
Empingham, Empyngham, Ralph de, 326, 497.
Euborne, Enedebourn [co. Berks], 458.
Enedebourn. See Enborne.
Eneford. See Eynesford.
Enefeld, Johu de, knt., 482.
, Thomas de, 235.
Euesketti, land of Goiver, 464.
Engaine. See Dengayn.
Engelfeld. See Englefield.
Engelfeld, Philip de, 369, 623, 630.
Engeyne, Richard de, 631.
Englefield,. Engelfeld, co. Berks, 421, 623, 630.
Eugleys, John le, 479.
Ennerdale, Eynordale, CO. Cumberland, 567.
Enor, isles of Scilly [oo. Cornwall], 162.
EnTille, [Evenefeld?] oo. Staflord, 630.
Epworth, Eppeworth, CO. Lincoln, 561.
Erchebaud, Martin de,431.
Enle, Thomas de, 471.
Erdeslawe, Erdeslowe, Johu son of WiUiam
de, 672, 697.
Erdeslowe. See Ardsley.
ICrdynton, co. W'arwick, 031.
Erdynton, Henry de, 631.
Eresdon, Adam de, 58.
Ergayl, John de, 63, 64.
Erghum, Ergom See Argam.
Ergthorne. See Arrathorne.
Erington, Alan de, 148.
Erium, Richard de, 723.
Erkeden, co. York, 219.
Erie, John son of Geoffrey de, 359.
, John de, son of William, 413.
, Nicholas de, 359.
Walter, 198.
Erleye, John de, knt., 339.
Erlynghara. See Arlingham.
Ernelyn, John, 612.
Ernesby. See Arnesby.
Ernesfasf, Henry de, 340.
Ernygton, Anthony de, 58.
Erpyngham, Robert de, knt., 333, 331.
Errys, Bancus de, 490.
Ertheburgh. See Arhury.
Eryholme, Arsom, Eryiun, co. York, 141, 167.
Esburn, John de, 116.
Eschet, John de, 163.
Eschifford. See Shefford, East.
Escrik, Richard de, 201.
Escudemor, Eskydemor, Peter de, 671, 722.
Escuser, Arnald del, 33, 294.
Esdene, Richard de, 323.
Eseleberewe. See EUesborough.
Eseby. See Easby.
Esingwold. See Easingwold.
Esk, river, co. Cumberland, 567.
Eskdale, Eskedale, co. Cumberland, 566.
Eskhals, co. Cumberland, 567.
Eskydemor. See Escudemor.
Eslingham, Esylynghame, parish of Frinds-
bury, CO. Kent, 241, 316, 327.
, lord of, 241.
Esschefeld. See Ashfield.
Esseton Stodehagh. See Ashton-with-Stod-
Essex, county of, 105, 109, 136, 137, 198, 223-
225, 229, 231, 232, 234, 236, 238, 240,
261, 279, 283, 317, 319, 323-325, 329,
339, 341, 344, 347, 354-356, 358, 361,
363, 371, 374, 375, 381, 382, 395, 402,
435, 475, 477, 479, 482, 483, 485, 488,
491, 502, 505, 507, 517, 535, 536, 538,
551, 560, 563, 595, 602, 603, 615, 617,
637, 645, 646, 655, 669, 671, 677, 702,
705, 724.
, assizes in, 14, 308.
, coast of, 249.
, forest of, 200, 397, 403, 618.
, justices in, 302.
, sheriff of, 4, 10, 15, 17, 51, 58, 60, 74,
93,97,99, 111,131, 134, 150, ;!09, 244,
299, 312, 318, 324, 331, 370, 376, 397,
403, 405, 427, 431, 433, 434, 440, 446,
504, 509, 514, 528, 534, 539, 555, 577,
605, 610, 618, 624, 627, 629, 639, 642,
649, 651, 678, 679.
, See also T>engayne.
Essex, Geoffrey de, 243.
, Matthew de, 360, 496.
Essh, Eoger de, 343.
Esshe, Adam de, 62.
Esshewell, William de, 180.
Esshington. See Asshington.
Essington, Esyngdon, Esynton, co. Stafford,
332, 630.
Est, Richer, 20.
Estchynnok. See Chinnock, East.
Estcleiden. See Claydon, East.
Estcodeford. .See Codford, East.
Estderham. See Dereham, East.
Estesham near Wimmcring [co. Hants], 262.
Estfarlegh. See Farleigh, East.
Estfeld, Richard de, 98.
Estgevcldale. See Givendale, East.
Esthalesham. See Halsham, East.
Esthall, Esthalle, Ellen wife of William de,
, John de, 329.
, Richard de, 329.
Thomas de, 707, 382, 682.
Estbam. See Eastham.
Estham, Eoger de, 419, 518.
Esthamme. See Ham, Bast.
Esthauyngfeld. See Hanningfield, East.
Estheurethe. See Hendred, East.
Estkeyswyk. See Keswick, East.
Estland, 309.
Estle, Stephen de, 584.
EstluUyngton, Ellen de, 640.
, William de, 640.
Estmar, John de, 637.
Estmarkham. See Markham, East.
Estoft, John son of William, son of Geoffrey
de, 215.
, M'illiam de, 220.
Eston. See Easton.
Eston, Bartholomew de, 333.
, Geoffrey de, 213.
, Robert de, 698.
Estpecham. See Peckham, East.
EstpjTye. See Perry, East.
Estradlon. See Ystrad Alun.
Estrington. See Eastrington.
Estweveleschire hundred. See East, hmidred
Estwode. See Eastwood.
Estwyk, John de, prior of Newenham, 347.
Esylynghame. See Eslingham.
Esyugdon. See Essington.
Esyngwald, Lawrence de, 219,
, Walter son of Lawrence de, 207.
Esyuton. See Essington.
Esynton, Robert de, 630.
Etchilhamptoo, Hechelamton, Hechelhampton,
CO. Wilts, 569, 579.
Ethercewyk, Etherswyk. See Earswick.
Etlebredeheljs, Scotland, 526.
Eton, CO. Wilts, 543.
See Eaton.
Eton, Nicholas de, 342.
Etton, CO. York, 140, 668.
Eu, Joan wife of Ralph de, 7, 91.
, Ralph de, count of Eu, 7, 91, 522.
Eustace, Amice wife of Thomas son of, 51,
Evenefeld. See Enville.
Everard, Everand, John, 572, 573, 583, 587,
657. ■«
Everdon, co. Northants, 379.
Everdon, John de, 211, 435, 626.
, , dean of the free chapel of
Wolverhampton, 4.
Evere. See Evre.
Everesby. See Eversley.
Everesdon, Simon de, 371.
Everle. See Everley.
Everle, John de, 194.
Everley, Everle [co. Wilts], 429, 472, 579.
Eversden, co. Cambridge, 219.
Eversley, Everesby forest, co. Hants, 634.
Everthorpe, Iverthorpe, co. York, 119.
Everton, co. Huntingdon, 601.
[co. Nottingham], 72, 73, 528.
Everton, William de, 141.
Everyngham, Adam de, 666.
, ,knt., 208.
, Adam son of Robert de, 242.
, Sibyl daughter of Adam son-of Robert
de, 242.
, Thomas de, 105.
Evesham abbey, co. Worcester, 108, 112, 116,
121, 153, 552.
, John, abbot of, 153.
Evesham, John de, 215, 230,232,340,371,
487-489, 496, 555, 668.
, Robert de, 502.
, Thomas de, 108, 146, 206, 212, 216,
231, 241, 243, S16, 334, 367, 488, 489,
501-503, 508, 699, 718.
Evre, Evere, Agnes wife of John de, 468, 599.
John de, 379, 430, 468, 474,599, 614.
, , escheator north of Trent, 151,
179, 422.
, Nicholas de, 623, 632.
Ewcross, Youkrosse, wapentake of, co. York,
679, 681.
Ewell [CO. Kent?], 431.
Ewer, Ewere, Robert le, 260, 326.
constable of Odiham castle, 179.
Ewes, John, 275.
Ewhurst, Iwhurst [co. Sussex], 185.
Ewyas, Philip de, 219.
Exchequer, the, 2, 4, 11, 21-23,26, 36, 41,
42,66,60, 63, 64, 68, C9, 74, 79-81,
83, 86, 114, 129, 131, 132, 134, 136,
143, 145, 149, 150, 154, 155, 161, 163,
166, 173, 181, 190, 193-198, 203, 211,
233, 240, 241, 252, 255, 266, 270, 271,
277, 278, 284, 286, 287, 293, 299, 301-
303, 305, 307, 309, 311, 317, 345, 380,
387, 393, 411, 412, 423, 440, 449, 452,
459-461, 463, 592, 613, 641, 643, 647,
648, 651, 664, 665, 681, 686, 688.
.barons of, 41, 42, 76,234,235,237,
351, 689, 717.
chief baron of, 237, 317.
, See a?so Norwico, de.
, barons and chamberlains of, 162.
, chamberlains of, 5, 22, 176.
, chancellor of, 50.
, See also Staunton.
, treasurer of, 162.
, treasurer and barons of, 4, 7, 15-17,
19, 21, 23, 25, 26, 28, 30-32,34-36,
38-44, 49, 50, 54, 56, 57, 60-65, 70-72,
74-77, 79-81, 84-88, 115, 116, 123,
Exchequer, the, treasurer and barons of — cont.
129, 131, 132, 143, 147, 148-150, 153,
155. 157, 159-161, 1C6, 168, 172, 175,
177-179, 181, 186. 188, 190, 193- 200,
208, 209, 233, 245, 246, 249, 254, 255,
258, 262, 263, 265-271, 273-277, 279-
281, 285, 287, 288, 291, 294, 295, 299,
301-303,305,307,309-311, 326, 380,
387, 388-390, 392, 393, 405-410, 440-
442, 446, 451, 452, 457, 458, 465, 473,
494, 512, 546, 570, 571, 584, 595, 597,
600, 605-607, 609, 613, 614, 616, 617,
620, 625, 627-629, 632, 634, 639, 641,
643, 645, 647, 648, 650-652, 654, 656-
659, 662-664, 666, 667, 681, 686.
, treasurer and chamberlains of, 15,38,
41, 44, 53, 67, 90, 91, 137, 163, 174,
178, 247, 268, 293, 310, 319, 320, 330,
475, 688.
, treasurer, barons, and chamberlains of,
21, 258, 266, 267, 645, 662.
, keeper of the office of treasurer, and
barons, 405, 406, 409, 411,412,414,
417, 436, 437.
, "Domesday " book, 277.
estreats of, 150.
, order to transfer to Westminster, 175.
, order to transfer to York, 76.
pleas, 175.
, rolls, tallies, memoranda, Ssc, of, 32,
33, 76, 88, 131, 166, 175, 249, 258, 393,
417, 442, 465, 473, 495, 657, 662, 682,
, seal, 35, 37, 50, 56, 79, 81, 85, 137,
203, 255, 273.
, tallies, 42, 50, 63, 64.
, writs, 42.
, of Chester, 254.
of Edward I., 32, 65, 76, 177.
Exemuth. See Exmouth.
Exeter, 27, 193, 245, 664, 670, 691.
, bishop of. See Stapledon.
castle, 601, 662, 667.
, keeper of, 437.
, diocese of, 34, 108, 231.
gaol, 27, 159, 657.
, mayor of, 533, 553.
, mayor and bailiffs of, 370, 706.
Exminstre, Henry de, 618.
Exmouth, Exemuth [co. Devon], 524.
, bailiffs of, 370, 531, 534.
Exonia, Eichard de, chief justice of the Bench
at Dublin, 569.
Exton, CO. Rutland, 328.
Eycote, Simon de, 343, 489, 706.
Eye castle, co. Suffolk, 3.
, , and manor, 3.
honour of, 187, 190, 191, 199.
Eygne. See Ehea.
Eygnon ap Yevan Birias, 619.
Eynesford, Eueford, co. Kent, 594.
Eynesbam abbey [co. Oxford], 708.
Eynordale. See Enncrdale.
Eyston atte Mount. See Easton.
Eyte, Edmund de, 718.
Eyton, Geoffrey de, 480.
, Thomas de, 304.
son of Thomas de, 308.
, William de, 96.
Eyvill, John de, knt, 699.
, Nicholaa wife of Eoger son of Peter
de, 127.
, Peter de, knt., 129.
, Roger de, 242.
, son of Peter de, knt., 127.
Thomas de, 66, 438, 561, 599,604,
606, 615, 621, 670, 715.
, keeper of Pontefract castle, 596.
See oko Deyvill.
Eaber, John, 567.
Faderles, Agnes daughter of Thomas, 548.
Fagherwald [co. York], 246.
Eairburn, Fareburn [co. York], 471.
Fairfax, Feirfax, Thomas, 215, 555, 568.
Fairfield, co. Derby, 434.
Fairford, co. Gloucester, 436, 543.
Fairford, Nicholas de, 3.
Fairs, 3, 108, 133, 166, 168, 172, 173, 257,
258, 259, 394, 395, 396, 397, 400, 401,
Fairstede, Thomas de, 305.
Eakenham, Fakenhamdam, co. Norfolk, 34,
Fakenham, Nicholas de, 160, 165.
Fakenhamdam. See Fakenham.
Falconer, Peter, 251.
Falewesle, Simon de, 651.
Fallewesle. See Fawsley.
Falleye, Nicholas de, 488.
Fallynwell, Ralph, 361.
Falmouth [co. Cornwall], 410.
bailiffs of, 531, 534.
, port of. 524.
Falwesle. See Fawsley.
Fancham. See Fawkham.
Fandonne, John de, 110.
Fanecourt, Elias de, 130.
, John son of John, ! 30.
Fangfoss, co. York, 211.
Fareburn. See Eairburn.
Fareham, co. Hants, 356.
Farendon. See Farringdon.
Farendon, Nicholas de, mayor of London, 320.
Farges, Reymuud de, cardinal deacon of St.
Mary Nova, and dean of St. Mary's
BaUsbury, 188, 476.
Farlegh. See Farleigh Monkton.
Farlegh, John de, 598.
Farleish, East, Estfarlegh [co. Kent], 448,
Monktou, Farlegh priory [co. Wilts],
Farley, Alton, co. Stafford, 10.
Farlington, co. Hants, 272.
Farlyngton. See Ferlington.
Farndon. See Farringdon.
Farndon, Faryndon, Hughde, 121, 137, 215,
379, 431.
Farnelay. See Farnley.
Farnewode, Farneword. See Farnworth.
Farnham, co. Essex, 334.
, CO. Suffolk, 14.
Farnham, Mar^jaret wife of Ealph de, 334.
, Eohert, 33.
Stephen de, 333.
, son of Ralph de, 333.
Farnhill, Eobert de, 722.
Farnley, Farnelay, co. York, 63, 126, 696.
Farnworth, Farnewode, Farneword, co. Lan-
caster, 610, 649.
Farnylawe, Farnylowe, Kobert de, 110, 381.
Farringdon, Farendon, Farndon [co. Berks] ,
299, 612, 614.
Faryndon, Hugh de. See Farndon.
Fastern, La. See Vastern.
Fastolf, Nicholas, 228.
Faucham. See Fawkham.
Faucomberge, Faucumberge, Alice wife of
Walter de, 61, 163.
, Johnson of Walter de, 135, 138.
, Walter de, 163.
.William, 232,488.
de, 210.
Fauconer, Faucuner, Henry, 322.
John le, 288, 605.
, Lettice, wife of John le, 274, 2S8.
, Nicholas Bandini de, 351.
Eobert le, 185, 601.
, William, 73.
Faukes, Adam, 138.
, Cicely, wife of Adam, 307.
Fauvel, Adam, 691, 722.
, Ealph, 104.
Faversham [co. Kent], 661, 670, 704.
, barons and bailiffs of, 720.
, mayor and bailiffs of, 551, 708.
bailiffs, men, and community of,
port of, 533, 720.
, letters close dated at, 312, 381, 382.
abbey, 466.
, John, abbot of, 323.
Fawkham, Faucham, co. Kent, 497.
Fawsley, Falwesle, FaUewesle, co. North-
ampton, 511.
.hundred of, 57, 149.
Faxfleet. co. York, 115, 585, 671.
letters close dated at, 667, 724.
Featherstanhalgh, Thomas de, 328.
Fecamp abbey, Normandy, 96, 259, 263, 329.
Feckenham, co. Worcester, 196.
forest of, 191, 196.
Feckenham, John de, 290.
Feirfax. See Fairfax.
Feld, Felde, Geoffrey atte, 20, 170.
Richard atte, 511.
,, William de, 438.
de la, 458.
Felesclif. See Felliscliffe.
Felghonis, John de, 21.
Felicia, Richard son of, de Claxton, 565.
Felixstowe, Filthustowe [co. Suffolk], 463.
Felliscliffe, Felesclif [co. York], 53.
Felton [co. Northumberland], letters close
dated at, 589, 590, 591, 675.
Felton, John de, 432, 577, 618.
knt., 219.
, keeper of the Red castle,
, Eobert de. 70.
, Eoger de, knt., 477, 535,
Feltwell, CO. Norfolk, 68.
Fence Houses, Fense le [co. Durham], 599.
Fencote, Fencotes, Thomas de, 122, 657, 699.
Fenelis, Eobert de, knt., 487.
Fenham [co. Northumberland], 676.
letters close dated at, 152, 153, 157,
593, 594, 676, 677.
Fenne, Roger of the, 249.
Fennypark, co. Warwick, 588.
Fenrother, Eobert de, 58.
Fense, le. See Fence Houses.
Fenton, co. Stafford, 10.
[co. York], 471.
Fenton, Henry de, 210.
, John de, 471.
, Eichard de, 565.
, William de, 537.
Fenwik, Fenwyk, John de, 23, 177, 214, 256,
276,450, 591, 651.
, , knt., 338.
Feoun. See Foun.
Ferandus. See Ferdinand.
Ferariis. See Ferrariis.
Ferdinand IV., Ferandus, king of Castile and
Leon, 48.
Fereby. See Feriby.
Ferendraght, Margaret de, 80 ; and tee
Feriby, Fereby, Feryby, John de, 551.
, Eichard de, 18, 74, 280, 291.
Feriington, Ferlyngton, FarUngton, Giles son
of John de, knt., 100,314, 317, 566.
Henry sou of John de. 566.
rerlington, JTerlyngton, Farlington — cont.
, John de, kut., 103, 120.
Rosa wife of Henry son of John de,
Fermbaud, Amicabilia wife of Nicholas, 556,
, John, 231.
, Nicholas, 646.
, Thomas, 556.
Ferns, Ireland, bishop of, 530.
Ferrariis, Ferariis, Robert de, earl of Derby,
, Thomas de, 600.
, William de, 466,678,481.
, , knt,, 4«8.
Ferrers, earl of, 387, 388.
Ferriby, North, Northferiby [co. Lincoln],
Ferrour, Ferour, Adam le, 109.
, Thomas le, 503.
, William de,-117.
Fertlyng, John, 181.
Feryby. See Feriby.
Feryng, John, 703.
Fesaunt, Walter, 355.
Fcugeriac in Aquitaine, 711.
Fevere, Geoffrey le, 460.
Fevre, Agnes wife of John le, 102.
Alice daughter of Kichard le, 184.
John le, 299, 570, 612.
, Stephen le, 453.
Fewston, Foston [co. York], 53.
Fienles, John de, U8, 362, 471.
Fikeys, Eobert le, 324.
Filby, Fileby [co. Norfolk], 199.
Filey, Fyyele, Fyveleye [co. York], 4,659.
Filgrare, co. Bucks, 631.
Filingh.im, Filyngham, Thomas de, 115, 671.
Filiol, John, 417.
I'illol, Thomas, 221.
Fillye, John de, 175.
Filthustowe. See Felixstowe.
Filtou, Ralph de, 227.
Filyngham. See Filingham.
Filz Anneys, Laurence le, 445.
I'incham, Fyncham, co. Norfolk, 68.
Finedon, Thingden, co. Northampton, 289,
, letters close dated at, 643.
Finglas, chancery and prebend of, in St.
Patrick's church, Dublin, 5.
Finmere, Fynmere [co. Oxford], 102.
Fish, Alice wife of John, 676.
Fishacre, JMartin de, knt., 326.
Fishburue, William de, knt., 672.
Fisher, John son of Robert, called the, 11, 12 ;
and see Piscator.
Fisshbourn, William de, 572.
Fissbe, Alice, 718.
, William son of Alice, 718.
Fisshero, Robert le, 614.
, Simon le, 614.
, Thomas le, 705.
Fithion, Fithyan, Richard, 3, 665.
Fitlyng, Walter de, 320.
Fiton, Richard, 275.
Fitton, John de, 558.
Fitz Alan, Edmimd, earl of Arundel, 112, 113,
227, 236, 356, 360, 366, 372, 410, 506,
511, 515, 535, 543, 574, 576, 616, 645.
, , justice of Wales, 437, 453,
455, 539, 557, 619, 649, 665, 718.
, , lord of Clun and Oswestry,
520, 522.
, Richard, earl of Arundel, 289.
Fitz Bernard, Bona wife of Thomas le, 638,704.
Ralph le, 638.
Fitz Brice, Adam le, de Neuby, 619.
Fitz Waryn, Ed., 518.
, Giles, 518.
, Peter le, 425.
Fivele, Joan wife of William de, 149.
Fiz Elj's, John le, de Neuton, 471.
Fiz Johan, Amyes.de Ilemmyngburgh, 536.
, John le, deMilford, 471.
Fiz Ours, Ralph le, 406.
Fiz Paen, Robert, 459.
Fiz Payn, Fuiz Payn, Robert, 240.
, le, 451.
Fiz Richard, Roger, 460.
Fiz Robert, John le, de Milford, 471.
Fiz Roger, Robert, 460.
Fiz Simond, John le, de Tadecastre, 471.
Fiz Warin, Fuiz Warin, Fulk, 413.
, Nicholas le, 633.
Fiz Waryn, Peter, 98.
, William, 98.
Fiz William, John le, de Mickelfeld, 471.
Flainburgh. See Flamborough.
Flamavill, Roger de, 300.
, William .son of Roger de, 300.
ITamfcorongh, Flainburgh, Flaynburgh,
Fleynburgh, co. York, 101, i02, 104,
128, 131, 205, 206, 217, 565, 722.
Flanders, 4, 46, 55, 83, 89, 98, 110, 112, 126,
155, 158, 164, 165, 168, 169, 171, 172,
181, 186, 192, 221, 224, 234, 237, 239,
244, 246, 250-252, 256-259, 262, 263,
284, 318, 337, 345, 348, 349, 363, 364,
373,378, 386, 396, 400, 405, 406, 410,
412, 414, 486, 490, 540, 644, 660, 698,
703, 706, 710.
, chancellor of, 698.
, See also Carecto.
.merchants of, 163, 164, 172, 297.
, , attacks on, 9, 13, 46, 52,55,83,
89, 112, 126, 145, 155, 158, 163, 164,
165, 172, 181,221,337,348.
.., , protection to, 93.
, prisoners of, 401.
, staple of wool in, 110, 234, 235, 244,
Flandors, Robert, count of, 44, 55, 92, 93,
110, 112, 118, 145, 162, 153, 164, 165,
168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 176, 181, 192,
201, 217, 233, 238, 239, 258, 324, 325,
S92, 304, 401, 644, 703.
■ , Sir Kobert son of, 118.
Flandr', Sir Heary de, 1 1 8.
Flaudiia, Guy de, lord of Rykenburgh,
Flanders, 698.
Flasby, Flasheby, co. York, 547.
lord of, 547.
Flasoeby, Eobert de, 718.
Flasheby. See Flasby.
Flaynburgb. See Flamborough.
F'leet, Flete [co. Lincoln], 381, 438.
Fleet, the king's, admiral of, 463 ; and see
Flegg, hundred of, co. Norfolk, 140.
Flegge, Fleg, John, 489, 625.
Flekmaker, Hugh le, 161.
Flemyng, Baldwin le, 559.
Geoffrey le, 556.
, Henry le, 568.
, John, 664.
le, knt., 724.
Nicholas, 131.
... , le, 104, 106, 114, 115, 133, 208.
, Richard le, 674.
, William, knt., 341.
; , le, 285, 296. 352, 673.
, .keeper of the land of Gower,
283, 285.
Flete. .See Fleet.
Flete, Everard de, 438.
, Laurence de, 381.
, William de, 475, 700.
Fletham, John de, 159.
Fleynburgh. See Flamborough.
Flint, the land of, 679.
Flissing. See Flushing.
Flixton [co. Lancaster], the prebend of in
Lichfield cathedral, 488.
Flodegatenesse, Flotegatenes?, 325, 396.
Flore, Thomas de, 238.
Florekyn, Bernard, 47, 290.
Florence, 79, 84, 94, 101, 124, 159, 183, 222,
223, 225, 255, 340, 341, 351, 362, 374,
375, 482, 490, 497, 675, 687, 690.
, chapter general of the Friars
Preachers at, 363.
.merchants of, 233, 234,237,241, 250,
, merchants of the society of the Bardi
of, 21, 79, 84, 94, 101, 124, 159, 183,
215, 222, 234, 246, 252. 255, 322, 324,
335, 339, 346, 359, 371, 392, 411, 414,
529, 535, 642, 675.
, merchants of the society of the
Peruzzi of, 242, 303, 361, 476, 642, 705.
merchants of the society of the Scali
of, 252, 642.
Florence — cont.
, merchants of the society of the Spini
of, 95, 642.
Florye, John, 392.
Flotegateness, Flodegatenesse, 325, 396.
Flourkyu, Flurkyn, Bernard, 170, 180.
Flushing, Flissing, Zeeland, 309.
Flyuton, Alan de, 320.
Cicely wife of Herbert de, 100.
, Herbert de, 100.
Fockerby, Folquardby, co. York, 36, 155, 628.
Foet, John, 373.
Folde, Nicholas de la, 208.
Folejaumbe, Alice wife of Thomas, 448.
Folevill, Simon de, 556.
Foleye, John, 300.
Folham, Eobert de, 354.
Folic Johan. See Folly John.
Folifait, Alan, 668.
, Ellen wife of Alan de, 668.
Folkerthorp, John de, 425.
Folkestone [co. Kent], 309.
Folkesworth [co. Huntingdon], 432.
Folketou, Simon de, 70.
Folkton, Folketon, co. York, 122, 125.
Folly John (Park), Folye, Folic Johan, in
Windsor forest, co. Berks, 41, 311.
Folmere. See Fulmer.
Folour, William le, 400.
Folquardby. See Fockerby.
Folquardby, Thomas de, 94.
Folye Johan. See Folly John.
Foncel. See Founcel.
Fonte, Meiiandus de, yeoman of the king's
chamber, 704.
Fontevrault abbey [Maine et Loire], France,
510, 535.
Forcalquier, count of. See Berenger.
Forcett [co. York], letters close dated at,
Forcetti. Forsetti, Dinus, one of the Bardi, 84,
94, 183, 215, 222, 234. 322. 324, 335,
339, 359. 371, 529. 535.
.Ford abbey, La Ford [co. Dorset], 59, U7.
Ford, John de, 197.
, Thomas de, 193.
Forda, Geoffrey de, 243.
Forde, 314.
Forde, Adam atte, 518.
, Adam son of Adam de la, knt., 371,
, John sou of John dela, 147.
, Ralph atte, 614.
, Robert de la, 388.
, Thomas dela, 388.
> William atte, verderer of Windsor
forest, 164.
Fordele, Elias de, 480.
Fordestaple, co. Hants, 272.
Fordham [co. Essex], 462.
priory [co, Cambridge], Kobert, prior
of, 375.
Fordham, William de, 225.
Fordington, co. Dorset, 3, 61, 263, 270.
Foreman, Thomas le, 331.
Foremark, Fornwerk, co. Stafford [rectius co.
Derby], 33.
Forest, charter of the, 634.
Forest pleas, justices of, 60, 80, 97, 150, 159,
160, 197, 200, 245, 255, 266, 274, 275,
287, 292, 301, 313, 335, 403, 406, 442,
444, 485, 693.
, north of Trent, the, 442, 445.
, , justice of, 65, 241.
, See also Vescy.
keeper of, 35, 50, 59, 80,
147, 148, 149, 151, 159, 160, 173, 194,
197, 266, 278, 279, 282.
See aZjo Crumbwell ; Monte Hermerii.
south of Trent, the, 292, 354, 397,
444, 523, 663.
justice of, 240; see also
, keeper of, 159, 160, 161,
180, 194, 195, 196, 200, 253, 254, 255,
274, 275, 287.
Sec aZso Monte Hermerii J Valencia.
rolLs, 240, 241.
Forest, Long, co. Salop, 813.
Foresta, Howel ap Adam de, 458.
Forester, Henry le, 71, 84.
, Eobert, 471.
, le, 230, 232, 353, 371.
, William le, 471.
, atte Milende, Kobert le, 342.
Forestre, Geoffrey le, 403.
Forests, 197, 305.
between the bridges of Oxford and
Stamford, the, 302.
Forgrund, Patrick de, 388.
Forneux, Thomas de, 623.
Fornsete, Peter de, 309.
Fornwerk. See Foremark.
Forset, Thomas de, 141.
Forsetti. See Foreetti.
Fort, John, 625, 626.
William le, 340.
Fortibus, William de, earl of Albemarle, 465,
607, 653.
Forton [co. Stafford?], 581.
Fortune, Peter de, 33, 294.
Fospey, Fospaye, Arnald, 33, 294.
Fossard, William, 497, 505.
Fosse, CO. York, the king's fishp(md of, 9, 18.
, , , keeper of, 175.
, , See also Sambuce.
, water of, co. York, 175.
Fosse, John de, 652.
, Roger, 103.
Foston, Fosseton [oo. York], 659.
See Fewston.
Foston, Hugh de, 130, 210, 694.
, John de, 101.
Oliver de, 347, 694.
, William de, yeoman of the almonry,
Foston, near Bulmer, John de, 128.
Fot, John, 301.
Foterby. See Fotherby.
Foterby, Jordan de, 692.
Fotherby, Foterby [oo. Lincoln] , 692.
Fotour, Roger, 19.
Foughler, Richard le, 412.
Foughleston, Thomas de, 611.
Fouk, Fouke, Fuke, Nicholas, 131, 699,707.
, Walter, 518.
, knt., 528.
Foulere, Hugh le, 162.
, John le, 477.
Foullere, Stephen le, 9, 13, 52.
Foulsham (?), Fraulesham, co. Norfolk, 68.
Foun, Feoun, Joan wife of Richard le, 589,
, Peter, 140.
Richard, 608.
, le, 589, 594.
Fouucel, Foncel, Gilbert, 419, 518.
Foundour, Walter le, 240.
Fountains abbey, co. York, 167.
Fourdc, Richard atte, 554.
Fourner, John le, 580.
Fourneux. See Furneux.
Fourneys. See Furness.
Fourneys. See Furneys.
Fournivall. See Furnival.
Foussel, Richard, 512.
Fowey, Fouwy, Fowyton, co. Cornwall, 370,
Fox, John, 593.
de, 561.
, Reginald, 314.
Thomas, 134, 430, 541.
Foxcote, Richard de, 223, 285, 508, 582.
, Eobert de, 572.
Foxholes, Robert de, 75, 130.
Foxle, John de, 81, 161.
, justice, 9, 27, 192, 247, 308.
, .,..., knt., 315, 362, 704.
Frampton, Frankton, co. Lincoln, 454.
France, 237, 298, 396, 508, 698, 701, 721.
, constable of, 13, 407, 710.
, See also Castellion.
, court of, 721,722.
, king of, 9, 30, 52, 63, 76, 83,237,
259, 261, 266, 298, 300, 303, 368, 390.
, See a/so Philip j Charles.
, parliament of, 319.
Franceis, Roger le, 230.
, Thomas, 164.
Francisci, John, 222, 223, 233, 234, 362,
, Manent, Mauenttus, Mannus, 22'3,
223, 233, 234, 237, 241, 333, 340,
341, 362, 375, 480, 482, 489, 635,
636, 690.
Fraukley, Fraunkele, co. Worcester, 631.
Frankton. See Frampton.
Frapayl, Ralph, 85.
Fraulesham [Foulsham ?], oo. Norfolk, 68.
Fraimoeys, Hugh, 4.
John, 223.
, , the elder, 423.
Nicholas, 99.
.., Robert son of John, 135.
, Roger, 547.
Thomas, 397.
, William, 267.
Fraunk, John, 567.
Thomas, 267.
, Warin son of Geoffrey, 6.
Fraunkele. See Frankley.
Fraunkeleyn, Henry, 268.
Frebois, Robert de, 383.
Freeby, Fritheby, co. Leicester, 543.
Freethorpe, Frethorp, co. Norfolk, 658.
Freke, William le, 268.
Freman, Fremon, John, 471, 676.
, le, 602.
, Wilham, 90.
, le, 98.
Frend, William le, 99.
Frendesbiry, Adam de, 328.
Frendraght, Margery wife of Duncan de, 1 ;
and see Ferendraght.
Frene, Ingelram de, 420, 457, 580, 593.
, John de, 580.
Frere, William, 275.
Freser, Wilham, 148.
Frespayn, Gerard, 28.
Freston, Orgar de, monk of Croyland, 392.
Fresyngfeld, John de, knt., 330, 362, 541.
Fretewell, Ralph de, 433.
Frethorp. See Freethorpe.
Frevill. See Trivill.
Frewyne, Geofirey, 457.
Freyn, Thomas, 708.
Friscobaldis, Peter de, 142.
Friars Mmors, order of, 188, 219, 220, 377,
425, 487.
, , brother Maurice of the, 377.
, , chapter general of, 425.
, , , at Marseilles, 122.
Preachers, order of, 161,165, 174, 187,
217,326,477, 699.
..,, master of, .'.63, 525.
, , Hervey, master of, 701.
, .,,..., master, diffinitores, and brethren
of, 187.
Friars Minors, order of — cont.
, , chapter general of, 525.
, , , at Barcelona, 699.
, , at Florence, 363.
, , at Rouen, 187.
Friesland, lord of. See William.
Frileford, Reginald de, 226.
Frindsbury, co. Kent, 327.
Friscobaldis, Emericus de, 142.
Friskenay, Friskencye, Walter de, 302.
, , knt., 362.
Fristou. See Frystone.
Friston, WiUiara de, 539, 564.
Frith, le, co. Lincoln, 576, 641.
, Windsor forest, 303.
Frith, Henry de, 378.
.., William de, 117, 578.
Fritheby. See Freeby.
Frithindenne. See Fritteuden.
Frithyngdon. See Frittenden.
Friton [co. York], 116.
Frittenden, Frithindenne, Frithyngdon, co.
Kent, 92, 668.
Frivill, Frevill, Fryvill, Alexander de, 608.
, Baldwin, 573.
de, 138,421, 518,707.
son of Alexander de, 608.
, Richard de, son of, John de, 152.
Frodsham, Frodesham [co. Chester], 273.
Frollebury, Richard de, 379.
Frome, co. Somerset, 611.
Braunch, co. Somerset, 611.
Frome, Reginald de, 425, 723.
Frowyk, Frouwyk, Frowyk, Roger de, 300,
303, 505.
FroTvyne, Geoffrey, called ' le Walsh,' 628.
Frugerii, Magnus, 222.
Frystone, Friston [co. York], 639, 640, 673.
Fryth, Robert atte, 261.
Fryvill. See Frivill.
Fuentarrabia (^Fons Rabidas), Spain, 48.
Fuiz Payn. .See Fiz Payn.
Fuiz Warin. See Fitz Waryn, Fiz Wariu.
Fuke. See Fouk.
Fulberti, Cambinus, 106.
Fulconis, Robert, justice, 195.
Fulebam, Henry de, 706.
Fulham [co. Middlesex], letters close dated at,
288, 3.54, 355.
Fullare, Adam le, 615.
FuUere, Stephen le, 14, 63, 259, 265.
Full Sutton, Fulsutton, co. York, 132.
Fulmer, Folmere [co. Buckingham], 190, 543.
.letters close dated at, 190, 229, 256,
260, 293, 324, 363.
Fulmer, John de, 128, 388.
Fulsutton. See Full Sutton.
Fulthorp, CO. York, 660.
Furbard, Nicholas, 601.
Fnmays. See Furneys.
Furneaus, John do, knt,, 230.
Furness, co. Lancaster, 200.
, Fourneys, abbey, oo. Lancaster, 141,
Furneux, Fourneux, Richard de, 145.
, Eobert de, 462.
, Thomas de, 631.
William de, 324, 452, 462.
Furneys. See Furness.
Furneys, Fourneys, Furnays, Richard de, 230.
William de, 221,230, 261,347,357,
361, 477.
, sheriff of London, 449.
Furnival, Fournivall, Foiirny val, Joan "wife of
Thomas de, 10, 33, 96.
, Thomas de, 10, 105, 111, 319,356,
496, 687, 695.
, ,knt., 11,682,722.
Furrettour, Walter le, 97.
Fychet, Edmund, 409.
Fyleby. See Filhy.
Fylel, Geoffrey, 289.
Fymmer, Isolda wife of Peter de, 692.
, John son of Peter de, 713.
Peter de, 713.
, Roger de, 220.
, son of Hugh de, 712.
, William son of Hugh de, 712.
, son of Roger de, 550.
Fynamour, William, 268.
Fyncham. See Flncham.
Fynche, John, 57, 173.
I'ynchyngfeld, Fynchingfeld, Petronilla wife
of Walter de, 231.
, Walter de, 100, 105, 211, 231.
William de, 705.
Fyngal, Fyngale, Geoffrey de, 341, 382.
Fyngalleston, in Ireland, 91.
Fynghale, Geoffrey de, 673.
Fynghampsted, Richard de, 442.
Fynglas. See Fiaglas.
Fynmer. See Finmere.
Fynmer, William de, 146.
Fynmore, prebend of, in Cashel cathedral, 66.
Fynnor, Richard, 219.
Fytel, Richard, 94.
Fyveleye. See Filey.
Gacelyn, Gascelyn, Amice wife of Rogo, 616.
, Edmund, 529.
, , keeper of Crickhowel and
Tstrad Yw, 415.
.., Roger, lord of Catmere, 481.
, Rogo, 613, 616.
, William, 616.
Gaddele. See Cadle.
Gaddesby, Gadesby, Gaddusby, Robert de,
473, 571, 572, 579, 587, 597, 604, 622,
Gaddesden, Gatesden, co. Herts, 448, 470.
Gainford, Gayneford, co. Durham, 302.
Gainsborough, Geynesburgh [co. Lincoln],
, , letters close dated at, 213.
Gaitford. See Gateforth.
Galays, Yorwerth ( Yaretoaidus') le, 274.
Galegre, John, 530.
Galewy, John, 179.
Galeys, John le, 447.
Galhou. See Gallow.
Galiciano, Galicien', Peter, 363.
, de, treasurer of the Agenois, 721.
Galileie, John de, 163.
Gallow, Galhou, hundred, co. Norfolk, 68.
Galmeton, John de, 110.
Galon, Galun, John, 98.
, William, 219, 421.
Galtres forest, co. York, 55, 60, 147, 150, 188,
191, 192, 194, 211, 282, 456, 693.
Galun. See Galon.
Gamel, Thomas, 116.
, Ughtred son of, 300.
Gamelegeye, Hugh, 502.
Gameleston. Sec Gamston.
Gamma. See Genoa.
Gamston, Gameleston, co. Nottingham, 438.
Gauge, Richard de, 141.
Garcie, Peter, 283.
Gard, Richard du, 164, 165, 398.
Gardener, Adam le, 278.
, the, 185, 188, 422, 600.
Garderobe, Thomas de la, 669.
Gardigan. See Cardigan.
Garembal, Gaillard de, 33.
, Gerald de, 294.
Garenna. See Warenna.
Garet, Muncius, 251.
Garetta, Manfrediuus, 251.
Garforth, Gcrford [co. York], 547.
Gargevill, Roger, 160.
Gargrave, Gayrgrave, co. York, 724.
Gargunvill, Roger de, 624.
Garligmonger, Heury le, 104.
Garsington, Karsyngton, co. Oxford, 192, 193.
Garston [Garsington? co. Oxford], 498.
Garth, Roger in the, 107.
Garthorp, Hugh de, 313, 403, 643.
, William son of Hugh de, 643.
Garton, co. York, 320.
Garton, Hugh de, 233.
, , sheriff of London, 263.
, Thomas de, 554,691.
, William de, 261.
Garway, Garwy [co. Hereford], 50.
Gascelyn. See Gacelyn.
Gascony, duchy of, 10, 38, 42, 49, 76, 100,
216, 257, 364, 4t)0, 409, 440, 453, 719.
, merchants of, 30, 104, 111.
keeper of, 76.
* See also Lacy.
receiver for Edward 1. in, 76.
, seneschEil of, 85, 376, 522.
See a/so Credonio ; Lestraunge.
Gastrik, Gaskeriok, Gaskrik, John de, 548,
, William de, 592.
Gate, Gilbert afte, 31.
, Henry atte, 219.
, John atte, 268.
Robert atte, 267.
Thomas atte, 706 ; and see Portam ad.
Gateforth, Gaitford [co. York], 676.
Gatesbury, Gatesbyry, Richard de, 319, 330.
Gatesby, Robert de, 455.
Gatesden. See Gaddesden.
Gaucelin Johannis, cardinal priest of SS. Mar-
cellinus and Peter, 97, 188, 275.
Ganger, Henry le, 330, 700.
, Stephen son of Peter le, 146.
William le, 236.
Gaunt, Adam de, 660.
Gilbert de, 660.
Juliana de, 660.
Gaume, castle of Britanny, 689.
Gautier, Eanulph, 296.
Gavaston, Gaveston, Margaret wife of Peter
de, countess of Cornwall, 143.
Peter de, earl of Cornwall, 78, 143,
275, 387, 388.
Gat-el, 663.
Gavelebrugge [co. Somerset], 334.
Gay, Gaye, Thomas le, 516.
, , constable of Criccieth castle,
Gayhole, Nicholas atte, 615.
, Richard atte, 615.
Gayneford. See Gainford.
Gayregraye, Geyrgrve, Thomas de, 224, 431,
629, 639.
Gayrgrave. See Gargrare.
GaythiU, Avice wife of Robert de, 137.
Gaythird, Robert, 445.
Gayton, co. Northampton, 471, 683.
Gayton, Richard son of Walter de, 669.
, Theobald de, 608.
Gedney, Gedeneye [co. Lincoln], 213, 461.
Gegg, Thomas le, 431.
Gelding', Geldyng, Geoffrey, 45, 81.
Gelly, John, 282.
Gellyfaelog, Kyltvileauch [Merthyr Tydfil, co.
Glamorgan], 464.
Gellyonen, Kiltionnen [Llydach, co. Gla-
morgan], 464.
Gelous, Walter, 140.
Genoa, Gannua, Ganua, 2, 85, 136, 223,
225, 232, 347, 350, 364, 476, 496, 499,
502, 591, 660, 692.
merchants of, 251, 322, 324, 327.
Gentil, Gentyl, Nicholas, 518, 538.
, , knt., 221.
.William, 429.
, sheriff of co. Lancaster, 531.
Gentilcorps, Gentycors, William, 114, 262,
358, 551.
Geoffrey, Alan son of, de Pyncebek, 662.
John son of, 125, 721, 722.
, , de Coxton, 333.
, , deErle, 359.
de Silkeby, 720.
, de Stokbrigg', 210.
, John son of William son of, deEatoft,
, Michael son of, 31.
Richard son of, de Hothum, 126.
, Roger son of, de Stanerne, 560.
, William son of, 445.
Gerald, Edward, 182.
, , keeper of the park at Kenning-
ton, 185, 188.
Gerard, Nicholas, 91.
, Peter, 420.
Geraud, Denis, 286.
Gerberd, John, 573, 580.
, Robert, 314.
William and Robert sons of Robert,
Gerberge, Thomas, knt., 107.
, William, son of Thomas, 107.
Gerflet. See Gervliet.
Gerford. See Garforth.
German Hanse. See Hanse.
merchants. See Almain, merchants
Germany, 482.
Gernemuth, Robert de, 271.
, Thomas de, 136.
Gemot, Henry, 580, 603, 615, 646.
William, 615.
Gernethorp. See Grainthorpe.
Gernoun, Elizabeth wife of John, 417.
, John, 235, 417.
William, 417.
Gerount, John son of Hugh, 148.
Gersyngham. See Gressingham.
Gerund, Idonia wife of John, 655.
Gerunde, Richard, 230.
Gerveys, Ralph, 314.
, Sibyl wife of Roger son of Thomas,
607, 617.
Thomas, 617.
Gervliet, Gerflet, in Brabant, 713.
Geryn, John, 421.
, William brother of John, 421,
Gesi. See Jecy.
Gesors, Anketin de, 330.
, John de, 330.
Gesy. See Jecy.
Getour. See Jetour.
Gevel, Simon, 282.
Gew, John, 568.
Geyneshurgh. See Gainsborough.
Goyrgrave. See Gayregrave.
Ghent, in Flanders, bailifEs and (chevina of,
, ^chevins of, 221.
, , consuUs and men of, 373.
, , councillors and universitas of,
Ghent, Simon of, bishop of Salisbury, 300.
Gherlof, John, 713.
Gidding, co. Huntingdon, 640.
Great, Gyddyng, co. Huntingdon,
Gidi, Totto, 644.
Giflard, Avelina wife of John, 651.
Hugh, 236.
, son of William, knt., 139.
, John, 20, 28, 51, 72, 93, 99, 101, 133,
139, 197, 203, 215, 235, 364, 420, 425,
426, 444, 447, 473, 490, 492, 493, 501,
511, 513, 519, 522, 526, 541, 543, 582,
597, 635, 639, 673.
, , lord of Iskennyn, 366.
, canon of St. Peter's, York, 724.
John son of John, 196.
, son of Osbert, 483.
, Katherino wife of Sir William, 139,
, Margaret, 426.
, Teter, of Chirk, 520.
, , constable of Chirk castls, 422,
, Ealph, 517.
.,, , Walter, archbishop of York, 88.
, William, knt., 336.
Giggleswick, Gikelswik, co. York, 166.
Gilbert, Bartholomew son of, de Titinges, 501.
, John son of, 566.
, son of, de Houby, knt., 379.
., , son of, de Paghel, 119.
Roger son of, de Istelworth, 503.
, Walter son of, de Mapelton, 142.
Gildeford, Nicholas de, 458.
Gildesburgh, William de, 446.
Gileberd, John son of William, 268.
Gilebert, John son of William, 507.
Giles, Balph, 229.
, Simon, 603.
, Thomas son of, de Berkele, 168.
Gilibrond, Henry, 214.
Giliot, Gilyot, William, 567.
Gill, Gille, Alan, 261, ,500.
, John, 652.
Gilling, Gillyng, co. York, 125, 342, 374.
in Eydale [co. York], 541.
Gillingham, co. Dorset, 57, 150.
, , barton and forest of, 57.
, , forest, 150, 253.
Gilmorton, Gyldeuemorton, co. Leicester, 587.
Gilpyn, Richard de, 42.
, Robert de, 42.
Gimingham, Gymmyngham, co. Norfolk, 68.
Ginge Mounteny. See Mountnessing.
Gippeswyk. See Ipswich.
Girdelere, Robert le, 501.
Girlington [co. York], 104.
Gisburn-in Craven, co. York, 166.
Gissingges, Alan de, 353.
Givendale, co. York, 111.
East, Estgeveldale [co. York], 220.
, North, Northgeveldale [co. York], 45,
Glamorgan, land of, 96, 127, 39.5, 402, 408,
493, 542, 639, 645.
castle, 440.
, castles in, 438.
iron mines in, 127.
, lord of, 127,366.
, See also Despenser.
, sheriff of, 423, 440, 447, 456, 522.
Glanton, Whittingham, co Northumberland,
Glapham. See Clapham.
Glasbury, Classebury [co. Radnor], 521, 575.
Glasham, Robert de, 619.
Glastingbiiry, Glastyngburys, Henry de, 443,
Glastonbury abbey, co. Somerset, 103, 616,
, abbot of, 293.
Glasgow, diocese of, 50.
, J. bishop of, 50.
Glatton, CO. Huntingdon, 637.
Glaunvill, William de, 481.
Glede, William le, 268.
Gledeseye, Stephen de, 635.
Glen [co. Leicester], 654, 655.
Glencham, Alan de, 91.
Gleynfeyl, Ireland, 2.
Glosthorp, CO. Norfolk, 190, 199.
Gloucester, 182, 364, 365, 367, 421, 447, 460,
493, 498, 516, 635, 673.
, baihffs of, 295.
castle, 447, 516.
, constable of, 291, 423, 437, 440,
, -SeeatoDriby; Talbot.
, , prison in, 453, 457, 628, 635.
, chancery at, 508.
Gloucester — cont.
, the Friars Minors house at, 366.
honour of, 655.
, letters close dated at, 292, 294-296,
303, 363-366, 416-422, 434, 467, 512,
514-517, 519-521, 523.
, St. Peter's abbey, 41fi, 647.
Gloucester, county of, 96, 136, 138, 203, 222-
224, 227, 228, 930, 234, 241, 268, 285,
295, 332, 340-342, 344, 346, 359, 371,
375, 395, 423, 426, 427, 430, 433, 444,
445, 447, 452, 458, 459, 472-474, 477,
483, 498, 501, 507, 512, 515, 519, 540,
548, 552, 565, 572, 597, 602, 603, 605,
606, 613, 616, 619-621, 632, 639, 645,
651,667, 678, 686, 687, 722.
, , justices in, 302.
, , lands of the archbishopric of
York in, 88.
, sherife of, 5, 20, 24, 40, 51, 60,
111, 154, 157, 159, 169, 244, 268, 284,
288, 293, 295, 302, 318, 331, 366, 370,
389, 413, 421-424, 427, 428, 433, 436,
443, 445. 447, 448, 451, 453, 456-460,
473, 508, 509, 519, 523, 534, 536, 539,
549, 559, 563, 582, 602, 605, 620, 621,
628, 635.
See also Bampton.
and Hertford, earl of. See Clare.
, countess of . S«c Clare.
Gloucestre, Alexander de, 348.
, John de, 502.
, Laurence de, 410.
, Walter de, 250, 444, 445.
, , knt., 552.
, escheator south of Trent, 271,
296,304, 465.
Glynde, co. Sussex, 484.
Gnypton. See Knipton.
GoathiU, GothuU, co. Somerset, 192, 193, 294.
Gobaut, John, 631.
Gobel, Gaillard, 33, 294.
Gobelcote. See Gubblecot.
Gobion, Thotaas, 434.
Goceler, John, 284.
Godard, Hugh, 457, 518, 593.
Richard, 134.
, Thomas, 457.
Godardi, Edmund, 226.
Godchep, Hamo, 235.
, Thomas, 346.
Gode, Hugh, 230.
Goderyk, William, 284.
Godesfeld, John de, 157, 392, 452.
, Roger de, 331.
Godeshalve, John, 204, 205.
Godewyne, Thomas, 457.
Godeyman, Godeyoman, Adam, 276, 357.
Godfrey, Ralph son of de Northkenelyng-
worth, 597.
Godlisford, Roger de, 36.
Godstowe nunnery [co. Oxford], 271.
Gogeon, John 490.
Gogh, Gouch, David, 97, 100.
Golafre, John son of TLomas, 334.
, Roger, 608.
, Thomas, 537.
Goldbeter, Alexander le, 242.
Goldcliff, Goldeclive, priory [co. Monmouth],
10, 151, 332.
Golde, John, 500.
Goldeclive priory. See Goldcliff.
Goldene, William le, 231.
Goldesburgh, Joan wife of Richard son of
Richard de, 137.
, Richard son of Richard de, knt.,
Goldhord, Juliana, 299, 612.
Goldingtou, Goldyngton, John de, 139, 595.
, ,kiit., 669, 671.
, Theobald de, 239.
William de, 240.
Goldryng, Alice daughter of John, 279.
Goldsmith, Goldsmyth, Ralph le, 615.
the, 298.
, Robert son of Adam the, 129; and
see Aurifaber.
Goldyngton. See Goldington.
Golsmyt, Wdliam le, 614.
Goynot, Benedict, 567.
Goodmanham, Guthmundham, Guthmunham,
CO. York, 101, 566, 723.
Goodrich castle [co. Moumouth], 620.
Goosnargh, Go.'ienargh [co Lancaster], 646.
Gorges, Matthew de, 331, 541.
Ralph de, 235, 294, 315, 831, 407, 508,
, , justiciary of Ireland, 293, 295.
Gorleston [co. Suffolk], 100.
, bailiffs of, 463.
Gorst, Walter, 235.
Gosefeld, Gosfeld, Gossefeld, William de, 249,
336, 704.
, , justice, 308.
Goseford. See Gosforth.
Goseford, John son of Simon de, 282.
Gosehale, Walter de, 497.
Gosenargh. See Goosnargh.
Gosewyk, John son of Roger de, 148.
, Walter de, 79.
Gosfeld. See Gosefeld.
Gosforth, Goseford [co. Northumberland],
168, 259, 399, 567.
, South, Southgoseford, 307.
, bailiffs of, 536,546.
, letters close dated at, 152, 154, 157,
206-208, 585, 588, 589, 674.
Gossefeld. See Gosefeld.
Gosteven or Gosthenen, Daniel de, 47, 290.
Gosthenen or Gosteven, Daniel do, 47, 290.
Gotere, Andrew son of Rotert atte, 124.
, John de la, 125.
Koger de la, 12.5.
Gotcshurde, Freethorpe, co. Norfolk, 658.
Gotesle wood, in Rockingham forest, 663.
Gothmundham. See Goodmanham.
Gothull. See Goathill.
Gouch. See Gogh.
Gouche, Richard, 582.
Gouer, William, 128.
(lOuiz, John de, 559.
Goules, Adam de, 440.
Goushill. See Goxhill.
Goushull, William de, 144.
Gousle, Agnes daughter of Simon son of Alan
de, 253.
Gouteby, Hugh de, 141.
, Matilda wife of Hugh de, 141.
Gower, in Wales, land of, 96, 268, 283, 285,
296, 342, 464, 494, 572, 645.
, keeper of, 283, 285, 464.
, See also Flemyng ; Wroth.
, lord of, 464.
, See also Brewosa.
.steward of, 283.
See a?so Caveresham.
Gower, John, 712.
.., Simou, 547, 716.
, William, 111, 125, 206, 219.
Goxhill, Gcushill [co. Lincoln], 253.
Goyton, Richard de, 223.
Gra, William, 130, 468, 693.
Graas. See Gras.
Grace Dieu priory [co. Leicester], 35.
Grace, Alice wife of William, 91.
Grailham, Grafham, co. Huntingdon, 640.
Grafton, co. Northampton, 64.
[co. York], 110.
Graham, John de, 136.
, Simon de, 452.
Graignana, Philip de, 485.
Grainthorpe, Gernethorp [co. Lincoln], 4.
Grammary, William, 436.
Grandisono, Grandi Sono, Grandissono, Oto
son of William de, 707.
, Otto de, keeper of the islands of
Guernsey and Jersey, 296.
, Peter de, knt., 641.
.William de, 36, 523.
Grandonis, Grandon', Vannus, 95, 497, 675.
Grandony, Grandoui, Francis, 339, 371.
Grandoun, Francis, 335.
Grange, Graunge, co. Lancaster, 653.
Granger, William le, 705.
Grangia, John de, 303.
Granholm, 712.
Gransete. See Grantchester.
Gransete, Robert de, 488.
Grantchester, Gransete, Grantesote, Graun-
cestre [co. Cambridge], 101, 413, 575,
579, 605.
Grantesete. See Grantchester.
Grantesete, Hugh de, 377.
Grantham [co. Lincoln], 97.
Grantham, John de, 235, 674, 68S.
Grapenel, Walter, 239.
Gras, Graas, John de, 715.
le, keeper of the bishopric of
Durham, 662.
, Roger le, 284.
, Walter le, 420, 520.
, , constable of the castles of
Denbigh and Cefnllys, 415, 422, 424.
Graston, co. York, 167.
Grauncestre. See Grantchester.
Graunge. See Grange.
Graunt, Roger le, 568, 676.
Grave, William de la, son of William de la,
Gravehurst, Richard de, 703.
Gravele, William de, 211.
Graveley forest. See Groveley.
Graveley, Hugh de, 694.
Gravesend [co. Kent], 592.
, the king's rabbit-warren at, 298.
Gravesend, Stephen de, bishop of London, 121,
183, 194, 197, 237, 238, 307, 309, 322,
349, 351, 411, 446, 604, 647, 681, 723.
Gravesende, Stephen de, knt., 328.
Gray, Isabella wife of Richard de, 130.
, Sir Richard de, 492.
, Robert de, knt., 90.
, Thomas de, constable of Norham
castle, 196.
, William, 148.
Grayby, William de, 116.
Graystok, John son of William, son of Adjm
de, 266.
Greatford, Gretford, co. Lincoln, 392, 481.
Great seal. See Seal.
Greenfield, William de, archbishop of York,
, , , keeper of the wardrobe,
Greenford, Greneford, co. Middlesex, 503.
Little, 6.
Greenhoe, North, Northgrenet, hundred, co.
Norfolk, 7.
Greenhow, Grynhowe, co. York, 468.
Greensted, Grenestede, co. Esses, 200, 655.
Greenwich, Grenewyche, co. Kent, 357, C41.
, West, West Grenewyche [co. Kent],
Greetwell, Grettewell [co. Lincoln], 40.
Gregge, Grigge, John, 172, 257.
Gregory, Thomas, 448.
Greifswald, Griefswald, Grippeswald, ia Ger-
many, 20, 46, 47, 66, 83, 89, 98, 155,
158, 170, 180, 348, 290, 414.
Grendelyng', Roger, 694.
Grendenham, John de, 306.
Grendeshale, Alan de, 634.
Grendou, Ellen wife of Robert de, 422.
, Ralph de, knt., 335.
Robert de, 422.
, , knt., 233.
Grene, John atte, 100.
, Margery wife of John atte, 100.
Ralph de, 136.
, Richard atte, 383.
, Thomas del, 619.
Grenebothes, William del, 610, 649.
Grenefeld. See Greenfield.
Grenefeia, Thomas de, 471, 876.
, William de, 715.
Greneford. See Greenford.
Greneford, Little. See Greenford.
Greneham, Alice wife of Thomas de, 416.
, Thomas de, 416.
Grenessone, Hugh de, 314.
Grenestede. See Greenstead.
Grenevill, Agnes de, 483.
Grenewyche. See Greenwich.
Grenham, John de, 231.
Grenoardi, Bartholomew, 218.
Grenolf, Adam son of Gilbert, 209.
, Adam son of William, 156.
Grenstede. See Greensted.
Gresham, eo. Norfolk, 68.
Gresseby, William de, abbot of Thornton, 619.
Gressenhall, co. IN'orfolk, 68.
Gressingbam, Gersyngham, co. Lancaster, 137.
Gretford. See Greatford.
Gretford, Richard de, 468.
, Roger de, 518, 538.
Gretham. See Greetham.
Grettewell. See Greet well.
Gretton, co. Northauts, 149.
Grey, Henry son of John de, 695.
, Joan de, 252, 253.
John, 58.
, de, 12, 24, 112, 113,. 301, 333,
419, 645.
, .....'., lord of Dyffrenclwyd, 520.
, Margaret daughter of Joan de, 252.
, Nicholas de, 515, 568.
, sheriff of York, 19.
Richard de, 113, 134, 142, 580, 671.
, , knt., 113, 323.
Robert de, sheriff of Lanark and con-
stable of Rotherglen castle, 53.
, Thomas, 717.
, de, 253,452, 581.
, ,knt., 43, 139, 336.
, William le, 335,
Greylond, Agnes de, 358.
Greyndorge, John de, 701.
, , John, lord of Flashy, co. York, .'547.
Greystok, Ralph de, 662.
, Richard de, 107.
Greyvile, Greyvill, William de, 482, 568.
Griefswald. See Greifswald.
Griffin ap Rees, 421, 577.
, knt., 507.
, constable of Bailth castle, 415, 422,
brother of Rhys, 65.
dela Pole, 18.
son of Madoc ap Griffyn, 290.
, Vauhan, 464.
Griffyn, Hugh, 121.
Grigge. See Gregge.
Grimbaud. See Grymbaud.
Grimsby, Grymmesby, co. Lincoln, 1, 2, 25,
1 19, 592, 670.
, bailiffs of, 164, 165, 370, 398.
port of, 524, 531.
priory, 683.
Grimstede. See Grymstede.
Grimston, Grymston, co. Norfolk, 68.
CO. Suffolk, 661.
Gringley, Gryngeleye [co. Notts], 44, 50, 73,
75, 161, 162.
Grippeswald. See Greifswald.
Grippeswold. See Greifswald.
Grisby, co. York, 167.
Gromond priory. See Grosmont.
Grontswele, Walter, 211.
Grosmont, Gromond priory, co. York, 106.
, , Reginald prior of, 106.
Grothean, Ireland, 439.
Grothost, Peter, 483.
Grottolgyn, Ireland, 439.
Grove la, co. Buckingham, 471, 524, 570.
Grove, Agnes atte, 299, 612.
, Eustace atte, 299, 612.
Groveley, Graveley forest [co. Wilts], 180.
Grymbaud, Grimbaud, Robert, 571.
, Robert son of William, 707.
Vitalis, 33,294.
Grymmesby. See Grimsby.
Grymmesby, Edmund de, 220.
Grymstede, Grimstede, John de, 373, 448, 450.
, John son of John de, 332.
, Peter de, 448, 450.
Grymston, See Grimston.
Grymston, Richard de, 566, 695, 723.
, Roger de, knt., 129, 130, 565, 721.
Gryngeleye. See Gringley.
Grynhowe. See Greenhow.
Gubbe, Henry, 363, 405.
3 D
Gubblecot, Gobelcote, co. Hertford, 232,
Guch, Galvanus, 251.
Guernsey aud Jersey, islands of, teeper of,
, See also Grandissono.
Guerthrengh'. See Gwrtheyrnion.
Guicardi, John, controller of the castle of
Bordeaux, 85.
Poncius, 33, 294.
Guidi, Simon, 62, 63.
Guildford, Guldeford [co. Surrey], 11, 182.
castle, 22.
, , constable of, 11.
See afeo Burdegala.
, St. Mary's Church, 488.
, St. Nicholas, 488.
Guilham, Bumettus, 218.
, Nicholas, 218.
Guillelmi, Eeymund, de Costera, 34, 394.
Guines, Gynes, 362.
Guirardi, Aymericus, archdeacon of Elue, 98.
Guisbrough, Gyseburgh, co. York, 135.
Guiting, Temple. See Guyting.
Guldeford. See Guildford.
Guldeford, Henry de, 482.
, Eobert de, 57, 173.
Gumbard, John, 400.
, John de Dene called, 128.
Gunfleet Sandbank, Gunfletsond, coast of
Essex, 249.
Gunnesone, William, 654.
Gurdon, Adam, knt., 208.
Gusselare, John de, 297.
Guston [co. Suffolk], 463.
Guthmundham. See Goodmauham.
Guyduch', Nicholas, 340.
Guyscard, Master, 123.
Guyting Temple, Temple Guiting [co. Glou-
cester], letters close dated at, 420, 422,
Gwent, Went, Wales, 645.
Is Coed, Quentenscoyt, Netherwent
[oantred, co. Glamorgan], 520, 645.
Gwrtheyrnion, Guerthrengh' [commote, co.
Radnor], 415.
Gwynnllywg, Wenthelok, Wentlooge, Wenlok
[cautred, co. Monmouth], 395, 402,
408, 542.
Gyand, John le, 266.
Gyddyng, Great. See Gidding Great.
Gyldenemorton. See Gilmorton.
Gymmyngham. See Gimingham.
Gynes. See Guines.
Gynes, John son of John de, 501.
Gyneye, John, 637.
Gynful, Agnes wife of Roger, 500.
, Roger, 500.
Gynour, John le, 445.
Gyse, Isabella wife of John de, 658.
, John de, 451, 658.
Gyseburgh. See Gujsborongh.
Gyeeburn, Beatrice wife of John de, 178.
John de, 178.
Gysors, John, 231.
Gyyendale. See Givendale.
Haakon, king of Norway, 141, 144, 145, 171.
Hacford, William de, 235.
Hackney, Hakeney, co. Middlesex, 340,
Haclut. See Hakelut.
Haddlesey, Hathelsay [co. York], 664, 667.
, , letters close dated at, 457, 460-
464, 559, .'561, 562, 608, 609, 615-619,
621-623, 658, 662-666, 690, 691, 718,
720, 721, 732.
Hadelem in Staynton, Geoffrey son of Simon
de, 304.
Hadenham, Laurence de, 116.
Hadersbam, John de, 160.
Hadinton, William de, 261.
Hadlegh, Adamde, 412.
Hadleigh [co. Essex], letters close dated at,
247-249, 253, 312, 317-319, 381, 496,
Hadlow. See Handle.
Hadresham, John de, 315, 316.
, Nicholaa wife of John de, 315, 316.
Hadyngton, Ivo de, 298.
Haggeley, Haggele, Edmund de, 630, 631 .
Hagh, Alexander de, 532.
, Elizabeth, wife of John de, 532.
, Henry de, 220.
, del, 124,135.
Haghe, Mabel de, 8.
Haghe. See Haigh.
Haghthorn, Gerkin, 66.
Haghton, Hugh de, 683.
Hagley, Haggele, co. Worcester, 631.
Haidock, Matthew (Maheu) de, 210.
Haigh, Haghe [co. Lancaster], 7.
, West, Westhagh [co. York], 124,
Hailes, Hayles, abbey [co. Gloucester] , 307,
Haiuault, 46, 89, 414.
, Holland and Zeeland, count of. See
Hakeborne, Hakebum, Bartholomew de, 282,
Hakeford, Peter de, 688.
, William de, 145, 248, 320.
Hakelut, Haclut, Edmund, 1, 518, 573.
, John, 104,458.
.Peter, 433.
, Richard de, knt., 675.
Hakenay, Hakene, Hakeneye, Juetta de, 466.
, Richard de, 235.
sheriff of London, 611.
, Robert de, 261.
, Simon de, 261.
, Wymond de, his brother Richard,
Hakenesse, Roger de, 698.
Hakeney. See Hackney.
Hakeneye. See Hakenay.
Hakethorn, Henry de, 330.
Hakford, William de, 356.
Hakoun, Anna wife of Richard, 101.
Hakun, John, 83.
Haldan, Nicholas, 574.
Haldenby, Haudenby, Agnes de, 71, 84, 377.
Hale [co. Lincoln], 373.
Hale, Alexander de, 567.
, Henry atte, 703.
de, 215.
, cofferer of the wardrobe, 444.
, Matilda, wife of Henry atte, 703.
, William atte, 231.
, in the, 278.
Hales, John de, 189.
, Thomas de, 261.
Halesowen, Ales Owayn abbey [co. Worces-
ter], 609.
Halesworth, co. Suffolk, 50.
Halghton. See Halton.
Halghton, Thomas de, 554.
Halidey, Thomas, 500. «
Halifax, Halyfax, co. York, 659.
Halifeld, Walter de, 618.
Halingio, Alingio, HaUingeo, William de, 232,
403, 479.
Hahs, Roger de, 268.
HaliweU. See Holywell.
nunnery [co. Middlesex], 227.
Hahwell, Giles de, 645.
Robert de, 678, 724.
Halle, Hughe atte, 231.
, John atte, 724.
, son of Robert atte, 227.
, Richard atte, 518.
, Robert atte, 418.
, del, 335.
.William del, 117.
Halleford, Nicholas de, 377.
Halleyate, John son of Matilda atte, 564.
Hailing', William de, 248.
Hallingeo. See Halingio.
Halsetene [co. Salop], 37, 38.
Halsham, East, Esthalesham [co. York],
Halton, Halghton, co. Chester, 532, 541, 575,
castle, 576.
, Haulton [co. York], 590, 595.
-on-Trent, co. Lincoln, 575, 641.
Halton, Henry de, 202.
, John de, bishop of Carlisle, 24, 54,
112, 136, 149, 151, 153, 193, 283, 321,
, William de, 136.
Halughton, Gilbert de, 529.
Halyfax. See Hahfax.
Ham [co. Gloucester], 421.
, East, Esthamme [co. Essex], 308.
, West, Westhamme [co. Essex], 308.
, [co. Somerset], 507.
Hambleton, Hamelton [co. York], 676.
Hambuk, Richard de, 258.
Hamburgh, in Germany, 46, 89, 155, 158,
Hambury in the Saltmarsh. See Henbury.
Hambury, Henry de, 589, 618.
Hamby, Peter de, 676.
Hamelak. See Helmsley.
Hamelhok. See Hook.
Hamelton. See Hambleton.
Hamelton, John de, 471.
, Philip de, 505.
, William de, 141.
Hamelyn, John, 268, 342, 427.
Hamenassh, William de, 419.
Hamme. See Ham.
Hamme, Hermann de, 170, 180.
, Isabella wife of Peter de, 645.
Hammes Say, in Deptford [co. Kent], 431.
Hamond, Thomas, 299, 612.
, William, 299. 612.
Hampstead Marshall [co. Berks], letters close
dated at, 352.
Hampsthwaite, Hamsthwayt, Heyntwaj'th,
CO. York, 53, 214.
Hampton, co. Warwick, 703.
,00. Wilts, 543.
Hampton-in-Arden, Haunton-in-Arderne, co.
Warwick, 228, 703.
Hampton, Clement de, 682.
, John de, 430, 433, 565, 616, 621,
652, 667.
, Robert de, 228, 262, 317.
Hamptonet, co. Sussex, 168, 169.
Hamptworth, Hanteworth, co. Wilts, 57, 149.
, hundred of, 149,
Hamsthwayt. See Hampsthwaite.
Hamund, Richard, 369.
Hanaper of Chancery. See Chancery.
Hanby, Peter de, 687.
Handlo, Hanlo, Andlo [Hadlow?], co. Kent,
247, 340.
Handlo, Hanlo, John de, 33, 221, 253, 308,
464, 694, 715.
, , constable of St. Briavels
castle, 473.
, Matilda wife of John de, 221, 308.
, Nicholas de, 305.
Handsworth, Honesworth, co. Stafford, 632,
, CO. York, 350, 712.
3 D 2
Hanety, John de, 167.
Hanechaoh, Thomas de, 230.
Haneknoll. See Hanicknoll.
Hanfeld, Baldwin de, 716.
Hangandhogton. See Hanging Houghton.
Hangeltou [co. Sussex], 498.
Hangelton, Richard de, 498.
Hanging Houghton, Hangandhogton [co.
Northants], 93.
Hanicknoll, Haneknoll [co. Devon], 308.
Hauingfield, Hanyngfeld [co. Essex], 485.
Hankere, John de, 115.
Hankyn, Gilhert, bailiff of Newcastle-on-
Tyne, 678.
Hanlegh. See Haughley.
Hanlegh, Thomas de, 518.
Haaley, Henle castle [co. Worcester], 512,
, keeper of, 437.
Hanley, Thomas de, 419.
Hanleye, William de, 295.
Hanlo. See Handlo.
Hanlo, John de. See Handlo.
Hanningfield, Hanyngfeld [co. Essex], 254,
, East, Esthanyugfeld [co. Essex], 388.
Hanse of Almain, the merchants of the, 83,
89, 155, 158, 170, 171,290.
Hunstanton, Honestanston [co. Norfolk], 333.
Hanstede, John de, 20, 431. 517, 538, 686.
, Margery wife of Robert de, 429, 484.
, Robert de, 429, 434.
William de, keeper of the king*s ex-
changes of London and Canterbury,
300, 303, 393.
Hanterton castle [co. Chester], 541.
Hanteworth. See Hamptwortb.
Hantyntot, Thomas de, 185.
Hanworth, Cold, Calthaneworth, co. Lincoln,
Hanwyk, Walter de, 58.
Hanyn, Peter, 704.
Hanyngfeld. See Haninglield.
Hanyngfeld, Thomas de, 475.
, Thomas son of William de, 387.
, William de, 387, 388.
Harais, David, 567.
Robert, 567.
Harald, John, 522.
Harberton, Hirberton, co. Devon, 581.
Harborough, Haverherge, co. Leicester, 57,
Harbottle, Hirbotel castle [co. Northumber-
land], 444.
Harbridge, Hardebrugge [co. Hants], 246.
Harby, Herdehy, co. Leicester, 564.
Harcla. See Hartley.
Harcla, Andrew de. See Hartcla.
Hard, Thomas del, 566,
Hardebrugge. See Harbridge.
Hardedeshull, Philip de, 447.
Hardel, John, 625.
Hardelagh. See Harlech.
Harden, William de, 669, 602.
HardeshuU, Hardreshill, Erneburga de, abbess
of Pollesworth, 465.
, John de, 473, 634.
, , knt., 677.
Philip de, 92.
Hardham, Hernyngham priory [co. Sussex],
Hardres, Lower, Netherhardres, co. Kent,
Hardreshill. See Hardeshull.
Hardwick, Hordwyk [co. Huntingdon], 503.
Hare, Richard, 210.
Harepath, Thomas de, 572.
Harestan castle. See Horstone.
Harewe. See Harrow.
HareweU. See Harwell.
Harewod. See Harrold.
Haringel, Robert, 279.
Harlaston, Herlaston [co. Stafford], 500, 501.
lord of, 500.
, See aZso Verun.
Harlaston. See Herlaston.
Harlaxton, Herlakston, co. Lincoln, 713.
Harle. See Harley.
Harlech, Hardelagh castle [co. Merioneth],
19, 291, 296.
Harley, Harle, Richard de, 685.
, Robert de, 518, 685.
, , knt., 518.
Malculin de, escheator south of
Trent, 408, 465.
Harlington, Herlyngdon, co. Bedford, 343,
Harlsey, Herlesay, co. York, 45, 81.
Harmondsworth, Harmodesworth, co. Middle-
sex, 488.
Harneis, Philip, 36.
Harpeden, Thomas de, 229.
Harper, Nicholas, 567.
, Roger le, 453.
Harpham, John de, 663.
Harpole, Horpol [co. Northants], 429.
Harper, John le, 211.
Harpour, Henry le, 121.
Harpur, Constantine le, 466.
, William le, 230.
Harringworth, Haryngworth [co. Northants],
190, 356, 564, 640, 722.
Harrold, Harewod [co. Bedford], 432.
Harrow, Harewe, Harwe, co. Middlesex, 6,
480, 637.
Harsik, Harsyk, John de, 81.
, John son of John, knt., 359.
Harstan, William son of John de, 78.
Hartcla, Harcla, Andrew de, 1, 102, 220, 254,
283, 305, 318, 338, 343, 434. 506. 663.
, knt., 528.
, earl of Carlisle, 679,080,681,
685, 692.
, , warden of the marches of
Scotland, and keeper of Carlisle
castle, 18, 555, 562.
, Michael de, 122, 142, 550, 558.
Hartfield, Hertefold, co. Sussex, 703.
Hartford Bridge, Herefordbrigge, co. North-
umberland, 155.
, letters close dated at, 155, 156.
Hartland, Herteland priory [co. Devon], 59.
Hartlepool, Hertelpol [co. Durham] , 62, 67,
90, 201, 397.
., bailiffs of, 370.
, bailiffs and community of, 90.
, port of, 16, 524, 531.
Hartley, Hertlegh, co. Dorset, 61.
, Harcla, co. Westmoreland, 663.
Hartshome, ^erteshom, co. Stafford [rectius
CO. Derby], 33.
Harum, Walter de, 528, 656,
Harvest, John, 248.
Harwe. See Harrow.
Harwe, Richard. 116.
Harwedon, John de, 317, 372, 706.
Harwell, Harewell, co. Berks, 3.
Harwich [co. Essex], bailiffs of, 370, 536, 547.
.port of, 524.
letters close dated at, 497.
Harwood [co. York], 675.
Haryngton, John de, 321.
Haryngworth. See Harringworth.
Haselbury, honour of Wallingford, 275.
Haseley, Hasell', co. Oxford, 543, 715.
Little, Hesele, co. Oxford, 657.
Hasell. See Haseley.
Haselor, Haselovre [co. Stafford], 500.
Haselschawe, Eobert de, provost of Wells,
Hasseneye, Richard de, 240.
Hastang. Hastangg, Bobert, 65, 334.
,de, 17.
, , keeper of Kingston-ou-Hull, 67.
, Thomas, knt., 209.
Hasthorp, Stephen de, 108.
Hastings, co. Sussex, 242.
, bailiffs of, 550.
, port of, bailiffs and barons of, 490.
, , bailiffs men and community of,
, mayor and bailiffs of, 708.
." , , barons, and bailiffs of, 720.
castle, keeper of, 437.
, the king's free chapel in, 242.
, port of, 533, 550.
Hastolphi, Nicholas, 487.
Hastynges, Hastyngges, Hastyng, Edmund de,
Hastynges, Hastyngges, Hastyng — cont.
.John de. 42, 79, 91, 113, 227, 233,
237, 277,338, 364, 645, 707.
, lord of Bergaveny, 363, 366,
lord of Quentenscoyt, 520.
Hatcote, Adam son of Hugh de, 528.
Hatfeld. William de, knt., 560.
Hatfield, Heithfield [co. York], 632.
Peverel, co. Essex, 221, 634.
Kegis [co. Essex], 379.
Hathelessey, William de, 210.
Hathelsay. See Haddlesey.
Hathelsay. John de, 131.
Hathewy, William, 473.
, constable of St. Briavels castle,
Hattecoumbe, Bobert de, 326.
Hattefeld, Clement de, 301.
Hatthorp, Henry de, 482.
Hatton, Overheiton, Overhattou [co. Salop],
Hauard. See Haward.
Hauberger, John le, king's Serjeant, 39.
Hauberier, John, 246.
Haudenby. See Haldenby.
Haughele [co. Stafford], 651.
Haughley, Haulegh, co. Suffolk, 3.
, honour of, 459, 460.
Hauk, county of Dreux, 390.
Hanker, John le, 230.
Haukesgarth, William de, 217.
Haukeslawe, John de, 67.
Haukeswell. See Hauxwell.
Haukesworth, Walter de. 111.
Haukeswyk, William de, 722.
Haukewell, Eobert de. 58.
Haukier of St. Ives, John le, 226,
Haulegh. See Haughley.
Haulton. See Halton.
Haunsard, John, 473, 580.
, William, 500.
Haunton - in - Arderne. See Hampton-in-
Hautebarge. See Alkborough.
Hautot. Henry de, 116.
Hauvill, Paulinus de, 308.
, Thomas de, 484, 611,
Hauville, Christiana de, 116.
Hauward. See Haward.
Hauxwell, Haukeswell, co. York, 374.
Haverberge. See Harborough.
Haverfordwest, Haverford [c^. Pembroke],
Haverhill, Thomas de, 381, 497.
Havering-atte-Bower, co. Essex, 57, 149, 194,
329, 615.
park and forest of, 57, 149, 253.
Havering-atte-Bower — cont.
.letters close dated at, 194, 196,237,
239, 249, 289, 356.
Havering'. See Haveryug'.
Haveringland, Heveringlond, co. Norfolk, 19.
Haveriugton, Michael de, 339.
Haveryng', Luke de, 46, 50, 89, 119.
, Eichard de, 669, 687,
, , constalile of Bordeaux, 49.
HaveryugtoD, John de, 328.
Haward, Haword, Hauard, Hauward, John,
458, 507, 518, 539, 568.
, , knt., 210, 229.
, , sheriH of Norfolk and Suffolk,
73, 516.
.Philip, 458.
Hawarden, Hawai-din [eo. Flint], 645.
Hawardyn, Eichard de, 412.
Haword. See Haward.
Hawton, Honton, co. Nottingham, 694.
Haxiholm. See Axholme.
Hay. Haye, La [co. Hereford], 387, 388, 617,
, , castle, 415, 430, 618.
, forest of, 289.
, CO. Lincoln, 596.
Haydok, Gilbert de, 431, 571.
Haydon Bridge [co. Northumberland], 599.
Haye, Adam de la, 66.
, Joan wife of John de la, 70.
John de la, 50, 70, 147, 502.
, , sheriff of Bedford, 16.
, Peter de la, 676.
, Eoger de la, 446.
, Thomas de la, 230.
, del, 307.
, Walter de la, 177.
, William de la, 200, 655.
, son of Walter de la, 503.
Hayles abbey. See Hailes.
Hayward, John, 222.
Haywode, William de, 212.
Haywra [co. York], letters close dated at,
45+, 455, 554.
Headlam, Hedelem [co. Durham], 302.
Healaugh, Helaghpark [co. York], 202.
, priory, 202.
Hebbedene, William de, knt., 357.
Hecche, Thomas atte, 231.
Hecham, Eobert de, 144.
Hechelamton. See Etchilhampton.
Heddon-ou-the-Wall, Hedouu-on-the-Wall,
CO. Northumberland, 41.
Hedelem. See Headlam.
Hedelem, Simon de, 302.
Hedersete, Hederset, Hedreshete, Nicholas de,
Simon de, 55,281.
, William de, 122, 280, 281, 360, 373,
663, 666.
..., , alderman of London, 320.
Hedleye, Eichard de, 430.
Hedon, co. York, 537. 716.
Hedon, Joan wife of Robert de, 282, 382,
, John de, 207.
, Eobert de, 282, 382, 383.
Hedoun-on-the-Wall. See Heddon.
Hedreshete. See Hedersete.
Hegham Ferers. See Higham Ferrers.
Hegham, Heghham, John de, 71, 84, 236,
341, 368, 375, 377, 723.
Heghester. See Easter, High.
Heighton, Heghton, co. Sussex, 356.
Heitfield. See Hatfield.
Hekke, Lawrence de, 580.
Helagh park. See Healaugh.
Helegh castle [co. Stafford], 523.
Heighton. See Helhoughton.
Helhoughton, Heighton, co. Norfolk, 68.
Hel[hale] [co. Lancaster?], 650.
Helion, Peter de, 673.
HeUaunde, Eichard de, 584.
Hellebrok, Eichard de, steward of Edward I.
south of Trent, 465.
Hellineley, Hillinglegh [co. Sussex], 75.
Helmedou Eichard de, master of St. John's
hospital, Northampton, 549.
Helmsley, Hamelak, co. York, 18, 24, 89, 107,
187, 294, 400. 604, 609, 635, 697, 717,
Helperby, co. York, 130, 137, 207, 215.
Helperby, Thomas de, 592, 693.
Helpergate, Constance wife of Eobert de, 497.
Helperthorp, Adam de, 377.
, Robert de. 377.
, Thomas de, 204.
Helpeslawe. See Beltislawe.
Helpryngham, Eudo de, 316,
Helsington, Helsyngton [co. Westmoreland] ,
42, 650.
Helwedon, John de, 347.
Helyoun, Godman, 314.
Hem, Hemme, co. Salop, 581.
Hemel Hempstead, co. Herts, 518, 538.
Hemelsey, Eobert de, 352.
Hemelton. See Himbleton.
Hemenhale, Eobert de, 319, 498, 499.
Hemgrave, Edmund de, 559.
Heniingborough, Hemmyngburgh fco. York],
140, 536.
Hemingby, co. Lincoln, 454.
Hemley, Heule, port [co. Suffolk], 670.
Hemrae. See Hem.
Hemmingborough. See Hemingborough.
Hemmyngburgh, Henry de, 242.
John de, 1 L4.
, John le fiz Johan Amyes de, 536.
Hemmyngford, Thomas de, 317.
Hempsted, William de, 382.
Henbury in the Saltmarsh, Hambury, co.
Worcester, 605, 606.
Henderskelf, Hilderskelf [co. York], 15, 16.
Heudred East, Esthenrethe, co. Berks, 616.
Hengham, Halph de, 240.
, , justice, 659.
Hengstrigge. See Henstridge.
Henk, William, 460.
Henkstrugg. See Henstridge.
Henlay, Conan de, 123.
, Walter de, 123.
Henle. See Hanley ; Hemley j Henley.
Heule, William de, 381.
knt., 221.
Henley, Henle, co. Oxford, 3, 400, 705.
.bailiffs of, 410.
letters close dated at, 361, 362.
,neat Whitehethe, 467.
Henri, Simon, 460.
Henrici, Thomas, 675.
Henry III., king of England, 54, 67, 69, 108,
155, 166, 186, 193, 235, 261, 266, 271,
272, 281, 286, 287, 300, 301, 310, 337,
407, 409, 442, 457, 588, 609, 622, 626,
627, 634, 637, 658, 697.
, king of Almain, 482.
Henry, Aucher son of, knt., 668.
, Gilbert son of, de Borhunt, 276.
, John son of, de Castro, 148.
, , son of, de Sturmy, 714.
, eon of William son of,de Bede-
ford, 227.
, Richard son of, de Boclonde, 507,
, Eobert son of, 73.
, Thomas, 642.
.William, 245.
Henstridge, Hengstrigge, Henkstrugg, co.
Somerset, 574, 674.
Henton. See Hinton.
Hepescotes, Alan de, 58.
Hepham, Joan wife of Hugh de, 217.
Hepp' abbey. See Shap.
Herbert, Reginald son of, 630, 655.
Eobert son of, de Saltfleteby, 226.
Herdeby. See Harby.
Herdeby, Brian de, 101.
, , lord of Thurleby, 234.
, Brian son of John de, 532.
Herdewyk, Hugh de, 550.
Herdwyk. See Hardwick.
Hereford, 174, 274, 403, 422, 432, 433, 438.
, bishop of. See Orleton.
castle, keeper of, 437.
, Friars Preachers of, 174.
gaol, 418.
priory, 416.
William de Irby, prior of, 416.
, St. Ethelbert's cathedral church,
438, 554.
., , dean and chapter of, 103.
, prebend of Wellington in, 101.
, letters close dated at, 415.
Hereford, county of, 101, 223, 229, 241, 819,
836, 343, 443, 457, 540, 554, 572. 573.
576, 577, 593, 604, 620, 637, 641, 645,
656, 682, 707, 717.
, sheriflf of, 174, 209, 244, 269, 287,
289, 295, 318, 366, 387, 391, 393, 416,
418, 420-422, 432, 433, 438, 446, 457,
458, 521, 563, 577, 582, 620, 657.
, diocese of, 34, 103, 121.
Hereford, Elizabeth, countess of, the king's
sister, 44.
and Essex, earl of. See Bohun.
Hereford, Richard de, 703.
Herefordbrigge. See Hartford Bridge.
Hereward, Roger, 268.
, William, 308, 559, 657.
Herewynton, Henvyuton, Adam de. 65, 197,
418, 582, 608, 613, 631.
, justice, 133.
Heriz, Richard, 392.
Herlakstou. See Harlaxton.
Herlaston. See Harlaston.
Herlaston, Harlaston, Herlaxton, Horlaston,
John de, 212, 488, 590.
, William de, 11, S8, 218, 323, 488,
500, 513, 588, 676, 677, 689, 702, 707,
clerk of the chancery, 103,866,
367, 478.
, , keeper of the great seal, 547,
682, 693, 696, 720, 721.
Herle, William de, 148, 214.
, , knt., 362, 379. 382.
Herlesay. See Harlsey.
Herlisun, William, 240, 482.
Herlyngdon. See Harlington.
Herlyngton, Richard de, 577, 609.
Herlyson. See Herlisun.
Hermodesworth. See Harmondsworth.
Heme, Roger atte, 260. 264.
Hernyngham priory. See Hardham.
Heronvill, John de, 482.
Herpeswell, WiUiam de. 124.
Hert, John, 430.
le, 225.
Hertebergh. Giles de, 92, 93.
Hertefeld. See Hartfield.
Herteland priory. See Hartland.
Hertelpol. See Hartlepool.
Hertelpol, Geoffrey de, 507, 584.
Hertergate, Constance wife of Robert de,
Robert de, 133.
Hertergrene, Delhertergrene, co. Cumberland,
Herteshorn. See Hartshorne.
Hertesleye, Richard de, 443.
Hertford, 128.
gaol, 15, 267.
, St. Mary's priory, 360.
Hertford, county of, 93, 114, 118, 130,231-
235, 279, 315, 317, 322, 330-332, 355,
358, 360, 371, 375, 377, 435, 476, 483,
491, 498, 502, 505, 507, 510, 553, 568,
573, 635, 645, 671, 683, 684, 692, 701,
703, 704, 706-708, 723.
, assizes in, 14.
, justices in, 302.
, sheriff of, 15, 17, 58, 74, 77, 99, 111,
131, 134, 177, 244, 267, 310, 312, 318,
324, 331, 376, 412, 420, 431, 509, 514,
528, 534, 571, 577, 624, 642, 678, 679.
Hertford, John de, 135.
Hertham [co. Northants], 429.
HerthuU, Richard de, 441.
Hertilpole, Geoffrey de, 626.
Hertlegh. See Hartley.
Hervy, John, 267.
Herwardestok, John de, 332.
Herwynton. See Herewynton.
Heryerd, John de, 634.
Herynglond, John, 502.
Heselarton, Heslarton, John de, 104, 107, 109,
121, 187,561.
, knt., 215, 216, 720.
, John son of Thomas de, 561.
Thomas de, 140, 668.
Hesele, Little. See Haseley Little.
Hesel-on-Humber, co. York, 717.
Heselton. See Heslerton.
Heslarton. See Heselarton.
Heslerton, Heselton [co. York], 673.
Hessey, Stephen de, 202.
Hestyng, WiUiam, 668.
Heth, Hethe. See Hythe.
Heth, Henry de, 660.
Heagh in Stamfordham, Le Hogh in Staun-
f ordham [co. Northumberland] ,38.
Heuse, Nicholas de la, 224.
Hevede, Nicholas, 284.
Hevedrawe, William de, 658.
, WiUiam son of WilMam, 658.
Hevenyngham, Joan wife of Philip de, 452,
Heveringlond. See Haveringland.
Hewell, William de, 263.
Heworth, Thomas de, 676.
Heydon, co. Norfolk, 68.
Heydon, Heyden, John de, 107, 218, 230,
, Eichard de, 559.
Heyham [co. Buckingham], 471.
Heyham, Alice de, 388.
Heyle, Robert de, 237.
Heyman, John, 284.
Heyne, Richard, 705.
Heyntwayth. See Hampsthwttite.
HeyroD, Mary, 118, 129.
Heyst, Hulst, in Flanders, 378.
Heywode, Richard de, 709.
Hibburn, Isabella wife of Guichard de, 496.
Hicche, Adam de, 476, 503.
William de, 503.
Hickling, Hiolyngg [co. Nottingham], 579.
Hiclyngg. See Hickling.
Hide, Hyde, Henry de la, 314, 315.
Hides, 10, 16, 17, 21, 39,44, 45, 49, 60, 65,
84, 85, 164, 170, 19.5, 196, 280, 396,
405, 430, 444, 587, 592, 607, 640, 643,
Higeley, Galiana wife of Stephen de, 98.
High Peak, co. Derby, 593, 645, 679.
,, castle, keeper of, 437.
, chaoe of, 253.
, forest of [co. Derby], 148.
Higham Ferrers, Hegham Ferers [co. North-
ants], 236.
Hikelyng, Dionisia wife of Thomas de, 709.
Hildersham [co. Cambridge], 229, 401.
Hilderskelf. See Henderskelf.
Hildesle, John de, 343, 345, 629, 640.
Robert de, 260, 265.
Hildesley. See HiUesley.
Hildesleye. See Ilsley.
Hildeyard, Emma wife of Thomas, 467.
, Thomas de, 594.
Hill, Peter del, 675.
Hillam, Hillum [co. York], 471.
Hillar', Roger, 119.
Hillary, Roger, 587.
William, 660.
HiUesley, Hildesley, co. Gloucester, 621.
Hillinglegh. See Hellingley.
Hillum. See Hillam.
Hiltoft, Richard de, 124.
Hilton, Margaret wife of Robert de, 31.
, Richard de, 724.
, Robert de, 31, 101, 298.
Himbleton, Hemelton, co. Worcester, 483.
Himley, Humeleye, co. Stafford, 630.
Hinckley, Hynkele [co. Leicester], 622,
Hinderston, Madoc de, 521.
Hinton, Huyton, co. Dorset, 543.
CO. Northants, 480, 481.
, Henton priory [co. Somerset], 60.
Hinwick, Hynewyk [co. Bedford], 432.
Hirberton. See Harberton.
Hirbotel castle. See Harbottle.
Hiremere, Hyremere, in Windsor forest, co.
Berks, 41, 311.
Hirst, John son of John of the, 212.
Ho, John de, 665.
Hockele, Robert de, 467.
, Stephen de, 467.
, Thomas de, 467.
Hookering, Hokeryng, co. Norfolk, 581.
Hod, Andrew, 489, 505.
Hodcott, Hodcote, Hoddecote, co. Berks, 623,
Hoddesak. See Hodsack.
Hode, Henry son of Robert, 717.
, John, 314.
Thomas son of Robert, 717.
Hodecote. See Hedcott.
Hodere, William le, 357.
Hodeswell, Thomas de, 654.
Hodinet, Hodeuet. See Hodnet.
Hodlegh, John de, 703.
Hodnet, Hodenet, Hodinet, Hodynet, co.
Salop, 29, 246, 432, 618.
castle, keeper of, 437.
Hodsoot, Hoddesak [co. Notts], 98.
Hodynet. See Hodnet.
Hoggeston, co. Bucks, 631.
Hogh, le, in Staunfordham, See Heugh in
Hogh, William, 207.
Hoghton. See Houghton.
Hoghton, Hugh de, 163.
, Richard de, 666.
Hoilland, Great. See Holland.
Hoilland. See Holland.
Hok. See Hook j Houcke.
Hokeryng, See Hockering,
Holand, dean of, 107.
Poland, Holland, Holond, Hoilland, Hoyland,
James, 261.
, Johnde, 329, 571.
, , knt., 49.
, Matilda wife of Robert de, 441, 448,
, Nicholas de, 373.
.Richard de, 431.
, , knt, 488, 571, 601.
, Robert de, 8, 73, 138, 210, 448, 466,
470, 525, 541, 620, 654, 655.
, , prior of Stodleye, 190.
.Simon de, 210.
Holaym, Isabella wife of John de, 2.
, Ralph son of John, 2.
Holbeach, co. Lincoln, 308, 380. 381.
Holbeche. See Holebech.
Holbeck. Holbek, co. York, 688.
Holbek, Simon de. 164.
Holcoltram abbey. See Holme Cultram.
Holdelond, Hugh, 498, 499.
Holden, Robert de, 609, 611, 612.
Holderness [co. York], 439.
, liberty of, 398.
Holdeward, John son of Robert, 91.
Hole, William atte, the younger, 372.
Holebech, Holbeche, Amice wife of Laurence
de, 306, 308, 311, 380.
Christiana daughter of Laurence de,
306, 311.
, Laurence de, 308, 311.
, Margaret daughter of Laurence de.
, wife of Laurence de, 311.
, Richard son of WiUiam de, 141.
Holecroft, in Windsor forest, 311.
Holewell, Holewelle, William de, 371, 385.
Holgil [co. Westmoreland], 567.
, mines of, 567.
Holland, 46, 89, 248, 414.
and Zeeland, count of. See William.
Holland, co. Lincoln, 460, 515, 680, 681.
, dean of, 107.
See also Sandbache.
, Hoilland, Great [co. Essex], 308.
Holland. See Holand.
HoUingbourue, Holyngborn, co. Kent, 585.
floUym, Holm in Holderness, co. York, 650.
Holm, Henry de. 715.
Gilbert de, 3.
John de, 343.
Thomas de, 548.
, justice, 632.
Holme Cultram, Holcoltram abbey [co.
Cumberland], 117, 208, 492.
, St. Benedict's, abbey [co. Norfolk],
Holond. See Holland.
Holt castle [co. Denbigh], keeper of, 437.
, Lion castle [co. Flint], 426.
Holt, Hugh, 225.
, Petronilla wife of Hugh, 225.
, William, 295.
Holtby, William de, 674.
Holte, Alice wife of John de, 229.
John de, 296.
Holton, John de, 715.
Holwell, Walter de. knt.. 688.
Holy Island [co. Northumberland], 195.
Holy Land. the. 37. 71. 75, 81, 647.
Holyk, Adelard, 21.
Holyngbourn. See Hollingboume.
Holyns, William de. 415, 629.
Holywell, Haliwell, by Warwick, 275.
Honeden. See Hundon.
Honeman, Tliomas son of Geoffrey, 501.
Honestanton. See Hunstanton.
Honesworth. See Handsworth.
Honey, 50, 291,293.
Hongrave. See Sutton Howgrave.
Honsom, Robert de, 205.
Ho, John de, 665.
Hoo, CO. Norfolk. 68.
, [co. Kent] 298.
Hoo, Ralph de, verderer of Windsor Forest
, Robert de, 377.
, William de, 93.
Hook, in Holland, 412, 486.
, Hamelhok [co. Hants]. 591. 660.
, Hok, CO. Surrey, 543.
Hope, CO. Derby, 421, 434.
[co. Flint] 153, 646.
Hoperton, Adam de, 61, 66, 590, 593, 595,
606, 609, 614, 615.
Hopiland, bishopric of Durham, 599.
Hoppere, John, 554.
Hopton, Walter de, justice, 195.
, Walter son of Walter de, 289.
Horbling, Horblyng, co. Lincoln, 575, 605.
Horden [co. Durham], 600, 681.
Here, John le, 154.
Horethorn, La Horethorne, hundred of, co.
Somerset, 451.
Horford, William de, 23.
Horlaston. See Herlaston.
Horn, John, 320.
Hornby, co. York, 167.
castle [co. Lancaster], 695.
Hornby, John de, 328.
Horncastle, Horncastre [co. Lincoln], 157.
Horndon West, Westhorudon, oo. Essex, 369,
Horneby, John de, 214.
Hornere, Adam le, 556.
Hornese, William de, 672.
Horneseburton. See Hornsea Burton.
Horningtoft, Horyngetoft [co. Norfolk], 319.
Eornington, Hornyngton, co. York, 615.
Hornley, co. Warwick [rectius Oxford], 33.
Hornsea, CO. York, 107.
Burton, Horneseburton, co. York, 656.
Hornton, co. Warwick [rectius Oxford], 33.
Hornyngton. See Hornington.
Eorpol. See Harpole.
Horselawe, Eohert de, 513.
Horses, 10, 17, 35, 43, 45, 58, 60, 63, 73, 74,
90, 123, 147, 192, 291, 618.
, keeper of the king's, 45.
Horsham [co. Sussex], 584.
Horsle, Eichard de, 444.
, Horsele, Horsleye, Roger de, 187,
191, 282, 283, 285, 291, 325.
, , constable of Bamburgh castle,
39, 40, 167, 418, 436, 596, 697, 662.
Horsley West, Westhorsele [co. Surrey],
Horstone, Horestan, castle [Horsley, co.
Derby], 429, 437.
Eorton, co. Kent, 36, 371.
, letters close dated at, 704.
Horyngetoft. See Horningtoft.
Hose, William, 552.
Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. See
St. John.
Hotham, Hothum, co. Y'ork, 119, 125, 126,
Hothham, Alice wife of Hugh de, 305.
Hothum, Hotham, Geoffrey de, knt,, 127.
, Johnde, 90, 227.
, , bishop of Ely, 11, 12, 39,45,
69, 79,80, 107, 109, 111-113, 115,119,
125-127, 130, 135, 189, 197, 203, 216,
218, 220, 328, 352, 413, 441, 451, 484,
515, 563, 570, 574-576, 711.
, , abbot of St. Mary's York, 215.
Hothum, Hotham, John de — cont.
, chancellor, 64, 102-108, 111,
114, 119, 120, 125, 129, 130, 132, 137,
152, 207, 211, 216, 219.
,knt., 119, 125.
, John de, the elder, knt., 129, 130.
, Matilda wife of Geoffrey de, 561.
, Nicholas de, 125.
, Eichard de, 561.
, Eichard son of Geoffrey de, 126.
, , knt., 130.
Hoton. See Button.
, Wandesleye. See Huttou Wandesley.
Hoton, Agnes, wife of Thomas de, 147.
, Henry de, 266.
, Hugh de, 163.
, Robert de, 528.
, Thomas de, 268.
, William de, 664.
Hoton near Gyseburgh, John son of Hugh
de, 135.
Hon, WiUiam de, 616.
Houby, John de, 7, 15, 21,214,215, 318, 332.
, John son of Gilbert de, knt., 379.
Houoke, Hok, Elanders, 395.
Houeden. See Howden.
Houeden, Stephen son of Stephen, 136.
, Thomas de, 395.
, William de, 201, 212.
Houedenshire. See Howdenshire.
Houghton, 187.
, Hoghton, CO. Hants, 481.
Houton, CO. Norfolk, 68, 302, 305,
Houghton, Richard de, 23.
Houk, Huk, Thomas, knight of the shire for
CO. York, 555.
, William de, 149, 201.
Houndsborough, Hundesbergh, hundred, co.
Somerset, 138.
Houndslow, Houneslawe [co. Middlesex],
Holy Trinity priory, 329.
Houseby, Suar de, knt., 171.
Household, the, 10, 23, 37, 39, 40, 44, 50, 63,
67, 234, 596, 686.
, steward of, 234, 656.
, See'aZso Badelesmere ; Damory.
, steward and marshal of, 16, 471, 590.
Houton. See Hawton ; Houghton.
Houton, James de, 107, 720.
, Johnde, 119.
Howden, Houeden [co. York], 596, 652, 717.
Howdenshire, Houedenshire, co. York, 648.
Howe, Le, 625.
Howe, Robert del, 19.
Howel ap Adam de Foresta, 458.
ap David de Knygton, 458.
Howel Tal, 458.
Howell, Thomas, 672.
Hoyland. See Holland.
Huberd, Williatn, 378.
Hubert, John, 181.
, Richard, 383, 384.
Hucolescote. See Uugglescote.
Huchend', Alexander de, 491.
Hudeleston, Adam de, knt., 519.
Hudleston, Alan, 452.
HugefoTd, Walter de, 589.
Huggleseote, Hucolescote, co. Leicester, 543.
Hugh, Adam son of, de Hatcote, 528.
, Giles son of, de Meignill, 608.
.Henry son of. 111, 677, 717, 718.
..., , knt., 121.
.,., , de Bramdeston, 452.
, Henry son of John son of, 300.
, Hugh son of, de Meignill, 608.
, Isabella, wife of John son of, 300.
, John son of, 205, 206.
, John son of, de Hotou neai' Gyse-
burgh, 135.
, Eichard sou of, de Molesworth, 509.
Roger son of, de Fymmer, 712.
, deLanum, 140.
, Walter son of, de Molesworthe, 509.
, William son of, de Fymmer, 713.
Hughes, William, 299, 612.
Huk. See Houk.
Hulcote, [co. Northants], 375.
Hull. See Kingston-upon-HulL
HuU, Geoffrey de, bailiff of the liberty of
Kingston-upon-Hull, 181,337.
, Hughdela, 717.
Hulle, Joan wife of William atte, 467.
, John de, 419, 518.
William atte, 467.
, William de la, 37, 457.
Hulst. See Heyst.
Hulton, Richard de, 723.
Humber, the river, 125, 524.
Humbercolt, Geoffrey de, 164.
Humeleye. See Himley.
Humersfeld. See Hundersfield.
Humframvill. See Umframville.
Huncoat, Hunnecotes, co. Lancaster, 586.
Hundele, Adam de, 580.
Hundersfield, Hunnersfeld, Humersfeld, co.
Lancaster, 610, 649.
Hundesbergh. See Houudsborough.
Hundmanby. See Hunmanby.
Hundon, Honeden, co. Suffolk, 34, 35.
Hungary, 284.
Hungerford, [co. Berks], 329, 842, 478.
, [co. Wilts], 579.
Hungerford, Eliae de, 341.
...., Nicholas de,449.
, Richard de, 358, 572, 669.
, Robert de, 300, 306, 429, 443,450,
453, 462, 472, 474, 537, 539, 540, 569,
571-573, 576, 577, 579, 598, 599, 602,
604, 616, 621, 623, 632-634, 636, 650.
Hvvngri, John, 85.
Hunmanby, Hundmanby, co. York, 104, 660.
Hunmersfeld. See Hundersfield.
Hunnecotes. See Huncoat.
Hunteleye, Isolda wife of Thomas de, 418.
, Robert de, 521.
, Thomas de, 418.
Hunteman, Adam, 362.
Huntercumbe, Nicholas de, 235, 487.
Huntingdon, 207, 301, 415, 430, 670.
, priory, 456, 591.
Huntingdon, county of, 96, 212,223, 279, 317,
324, 338, 353, 356, 374, 403, 435, 503,
509, 529, 645.
, , forest pleas in, 301.
, , sheriff of, 69, 72, 134, 244, 818,
368, 431, 515, 521, 555, 629, 639, 645.
, the honour of, 26.
Huntingdon, Henry de, 230.
Huntington [co. Hereford], 617, 618.
castle, 415, 430, 618.
, , constable of, 422.
, ...... See also Siggeston.
, CO. York, 207, 592.
Huntley, oo. Gloucester, 418, 420.
Hunton, [co. York], 673.
Hunton, John de, 550.
, son of John de, 673.
William de, 122.
Hantyngdon, Richard de, 104, 146, 206.
, Robert, 279.
Huntyngfeld, Amabilia wife of Roger de,
, Walter de, knt., 357, 372.
, William de, 42.
Huutyngfeud, Benedict de, 372.
Huntyngton, Richard de, 123, 128.
, William son of Alan de, 588.
Huplay, Robert, 176.
Hurant, Andrew, 10.
Hurdyn, Roger de, 470.
Hureword, Walter de, 468.
Hurtequarter, Alice wife of Roger, 102.
, Roger, 102.
Hurtrigg, Hurtrugg, Nicholaa, wife of John
de, 480, 497.
Hurworth, co. Durham, 343.
Husacre, co. Cumberland, 658.
Huse, John, 35.
, the younger, 245.
, Matilda wife of John, 35.
William- de, 340.
Husee, Henry, 374, 616.
Huseye, Hubert, 27.
, , James, 27.
Husthwayt, John son of Stephen de, 315.
Hustwait, Hustweit, John de, 343, 488, 490.
, clerk of the great wardrobe,
Hueum, Alice daughter of John de, 119.
, Robert, son of John de, 119.
Huthworth, William de, 430.
Hutton, Hoton, co. Lancaster, 653.
CO. York, 130, 167.
near Guisborough [co. York], 135.
, Longvylers [co. York], 69.
, [Eudby, CO. York], 712.
Wandesley, Hoton Wandesleye, co.
York, 561 676, 692.
Huward, 671.
Huyrer, Gilbert le, 378.
Hujton. See Hinton.
Hyde abbey, co. Hants, 206.
Hyde, Andrew de la, 218.
, Henry de la, 488.
, Eichard de la, 336.
Hykelyng, Dionisia wife of Thomas de, 628.
Hylderwell, Robert de, 152.
Hytnbercy, John, 251.
Hyneton. See Hinton.
Hyneton, Geoffrey de, 560.
Hynewyk. See Hinwick.
Hynkele. See Hinckley.
Hynkeleye, John, 420.
Hynton, John son of John de, knt., 481.
Hyremere. See Hiremere.
Hythe, Heth, Hethe [co. Kent], 660, 670.
, bailifis of, 551.
, bailiffs, men and community of, 143.
, mayor and bailifis of, 708.
, mayor, barons and bailiffs of, 720.
, port of, 533.
, New, Neuheth, 660,
Hythe, Hamo de, bishop of Rochester, 351,
Hyworth, Adam de, 363.
Ibstock [co. Leicester], 98.
Ichynton. See Itohington.
Ickelay. See Ilkley.
Idanie, John son of John, 213.
Iddel. See Idle.
Iden, CO. Sussex, 412.
Identon, co. Northumberland, 614.
Ideshale, Eichard de, 329.
Idle, Iddel, river [co. Nottingham], 528.
Idridgehay, Edrichelay, co. Derby, 589.
Ifeld, John de, 641.
Ighten Hill, IghtenhaU, co. Lancaster, 576.
Ightham, Eghteham, co. Kent, 594.
Ikelesham, Robert de, canon of Hereford
cathedral, 554.
Ikemund, Geoffrey, 430.
Ikene, Richard de, 70.
Udesle. See llsley.
Ildesle, John de, 215.
Ileford. See Ilford.
Ileford, John de, 413, 480.
, coroner in the city of London,
Ilford, Ileford, co. Essex, 603.
Ilfraoombe, Elfrodecombe, Elvertecombe [co.
Devon], 422, 534.
Ilketon, William de, 549.
Ilkley, Ickelay, co. York, 166.
Ulory, Roger, 631.
llsiugton. See Islington,
llsley, Hildesleye, Ildesle, co. Berks, 623, 630.
Immeworth, Robert de, 331.
Inge, Eremund, 594.
Isolda wife of William, 594.
, John, 395, 489, 493, 578, 583, 673,
, knt., 488, 723, 724.
, , keeper of the king's mine, co.
Devon, 598.
sheriff of the land of Glamor-
gan, 440, 447, 456.
, Robert, 594.
, William, 145, 594.
, justice, 455.
Ingeldemeles. See Ingoldmells.
Ingeldesthorp. See Ingoldisthorp.
Ingelfeld. See Tegeingl.
Ingelhard, John, 343.
, Richard, 343.
Ingelton. See Ingleton.
Ingelton, Richard de, 314.
Ingelwood forest. See Inglewood.
Ingelwyne, John, 177.
Inggepenne. See Inkpen.
Ingham, Oliver de, 7, 132, 245, 360, 420, 507,
571, 679-681.
, , knt, 382, 723.
, keeper of the land of EUesmere,
Inghowe, Inghou, William de, 148, 267.
Ingleton, Ingelton, co. York, 167.
Inglewood, Ingelwood forest, co. Cumberland,
35, 62, 67, 148, 149, 151, 160, 173, 266,
273, 279,335, 445.
, agistors of, 45.
, pannage in, 45.
, the king's lake of Ternwathelan
in, 149.
Ingmanthorp [co. York], 104, 108, 109, 115,
215, 340.
Ingoldemeles. See Ingoldmells.
Ingoldisthorpe, Ingeldesthorp, co. Norfolk, 68.
Ingoldmells, Ingeldemeles, co. Lincoln, 578,
Ingrais, William, 125.
Ingram, Robert, 669, 682.
Inkepenn, Margaret de, 623.
, , lady of, 630.
Inkpen, Inkepenn, Inggepenne, co. Berks, 623,
Inskifty, Ireland, 440.
Insula, Alice wife of Warin de, 666.
Aymcr de, 168, 399.
, John de, 240, 307,416, 444, 468.
, , justice, 6.
, Richard de, 36, 1.55, 361, 628, 716.
Robert de, 604, 716.
.Walter de, 135.
., , , knt, 700, 702, 705, 707.
, Warin de, 244, 346.
, ,knt., 260, 264.
..T , , constable of Windsor castle, 30,
39, 54, 91, 303.
Insula Veeta, Robert de, 246.
Ipre, Henry de, 274.
, Philip de, 274.
Ipstones, John de, 554.
Ipswich, Gippeswyk [co. Suffolk], 143, 181,
548, 670.
bailiffs of, 9, 192, 370, 463, 536, 546.
, bailiifs, men and community of, 143.
.port of, 16,318,524.
, , customs in, 10, 244, 255.
Irby. Ireby, Agues wife of Thomas de, 605,
606, 661.
Ireby, John de, 95.
, Nicholaa wife of Robert de, 23.
Ireland, 2, 5, 7, 8, 10, 19, 33, 55, 58, 59, 61,
65, 70-74, 80-82, 84, 86, 87, 90-92,
96, 127, 129, 135, 139, 162, 165, 175,
179, 182, 194. 200, 217, 273, 277, 293,
294, 339, 359, 360, 376, 404, 408, 432?
436, 437, 439, 441, 447, 459, 461, 482,
484, 529-531, 534, 563, 584, 610, 613,
673, 688, 689.
, army of, 55.
Bench of Dublin, chief justice of,
, chancellor of, 5, 33, 55, 189.
See also Cashel, archbishop of.
chancellor and treasurer of, 615.
, clergy of, 194, 391, 665.
customs in, 60.
, ecclesiastical benefices in, 73.
, escheator in, 7, 87, 433, 439, 604, 621.
628, 651.
- See a/so DufEord ; Pulle ; Tun-
, escheats in, 91.
, exchequer of, 84, 188, 194, 200, 273,
277, 391, 432, 436, 437, 441. 569, 615.
, , barons of, 339.
, , treasurer of, 165.
, , treasurer and barons of, 2, 10,
19, 60, 80, 87, 154, 176, 436, 437, 459,
, treasurer and chamberlains of,
80, 161, 165, 188, 441.
Ireland — cont.
invasion of, 175.
, justiciary of, 10, 55, 58, 61, 65, 66,
70-72, 80, 84, 90, 91, 139, 162, 177,
200, 277, 293, 295, 360, 376, 404, 408,
432, 433, 447, 529, 530, 556, 604, 621,
628, 678, 719.
, See fflZso Bermyngham ; Botil-
ler ; Dublin, archbishop of ; Gorges ;
John son of ; Mortuo Mari ; Ufiord ;
Vescy ; Wogan.
, justiciary of Edward I. in, 176.
, , See also Tuam. arch-
bishop of.
, justiciaries in, 2.
, keeper of, 8.
, See also Mortuo Mari. Roger
de, of Wigmore.
, the king's council of, 161, 165.
, the great seal of, 55, 70.
, the king's ships in, admiral of, 59.
See also Athy.
, rebels of, 80, 90.
sea of, 64.
treasurer of, 5, 58, 80, 87, 90,162,
310, 432, 436, 441, 459, 530, 598, 601,
604. 719.
, See also Cogsin; Islep.
, war in, 113, 613.
Irenmangere, Thomas son of David le, bailiff
of York, 122.
Irewys, Irwys, Henry, 215, 471.
Ireys, Elias le, 130.
Irnham, co. Lincoln, 102.
Irstead, co. Norfolk, 481.
Irt river, co. Cumberland, 567.
Irton, Roger de, 567.
Isaak, Henry, 480.
Isabella, queen, 22, 57, 77, 78, 116, 122, 148,
149, 154, 161, 173, 207, 212, 253, 255.
308, 389, 390, 470, 477, 504, 587, 611,
641. 645.
, , chamber of, 18, 19.
, , household of, 389.
, lands, Ssc. assigned in dower of,
149. 150.
Is Cennen, Iskenuyn [commote co. Carmar-
then], 366.
Isham, Thomas de, 324.
Iskennyn. See Is Cennen.
Isle de Wight, John de, knt., 696.
, cf. Insula Vecta.
Islep, Istelep, Walter de. 139.
, , treasurer of Ireland, 5, 58, 80,
87, 90, 432, 436, 441, 530, 598. 601.
604, 719.
Isleworth, Thistelworth [co. Middlesex] , letters
close dated at, 352, 508-510.
Islington, Ilsington [co. Norfolk], 377.
Isny, William de, 549, 562.
, , justice, 89.
lepannia, Alfonsus de, 706.
Ispannia — cont.
Arnald de, 171, 181,222,258,337,
, John de, 667.
, keeper of the gate of Carlisle
castle, 86, 1.59.
Isplyngrade, Wyger de, 248.
Istelworth, Roger son of Gilhert de, 503.
Istlepe. See Islip.
Itchington, Ichynton [par. of Tytherington] ,
CO. Gloucester, 602.
, Long, Johyngton [for Ichyngton,
CO. Warwick], 405.
Ithon, Ythoun, John, 670, 715.
Ive, John, 236.
, Reginald, 263.
Iverthorp. See Everthorpe.
Ives, Richard de, 210.
Ivethorn, Richard de, 234.
Iwayn, John, 432, 464, 541.
, , sheriff of Carmarthen, 179.
Iwhurst. See Ewhurst.
Jacobyn, Jacop, Bonseiguur, 242, 361.
Jacop. See Jacobyn.
Jakesle. See Yaxley.
Jakesle, John de, 5.
James II., king of Arragon, Valencia, Sar-
dinia, and Corsica, Count of Barcelona,
standard bearer. Admiral, and Captain-
General of the Roman Church, 363-
365, 721.
James, John, 294.
, Ralph son of, de Thurleye, 372.
, William son of, de Swynflet, 596,652.
Jammor, Francis, 242.
, de, 251.
Jargunvill, Roger, 630.
Jarpumvill, JarpenviU, Andrew de, 261, 359,
, Edmund son of Andrew de, 359.
, Henry, 478, 479.
, Ralph son of Andrew de, 359.
, Roger de, 185, 630.
, William, 478.
Jarnm. See Yarm.
Jecy, Gesi, James, 250, 487.
Jedburgh, Jeddeworth [co. Roxburgh], 50,
abbey, William abbot of, 50.
Jememuth. See Yarmouth.
Jememuth, Thomas de, 105.
Jersey, island of, keeper of, 296.
, See also Grandissono, de.
and Guernsey, the king's court of, 297.
Jernsalem and Sicily, king of. See Robert.
, patriarch of. See Bek,
Jervaulx Abbey [co. York], 207, 664, 673.
Jetour, Getour, William, 67, 249.
Jeudewyne, Jeudewyn, Richard, 350, 352.
Jooe, John, knt., 229, 230, 603, 605, 615, 617.
, Philip, 541.
Joene, Philip le, 439.
Johan, Gerard, 535.
Johannis Gauoelin. See Gancelin.
, Vulpinus, Wlpinus, Wulpinus, 322,
490, 675.
John, king of England, 300, 676.
, count of Bar, 522.
, duke of Brabant. See John, duke of
Lower Lorraine.
, duke of Britanny and Poitou, 95, 209,
329, 331, 345, 357, 373, 376, 508, 509,
678, 689.
, duke of [Lower] Lorraine and Bra-
bant, and count of Limburg, 128, 255,
522, 560.
John XXII., Pope, 1, 2, 6-8, 18, 22, 24, 26,
33,37, 41, 43, 46, 60,63,69,73,81,
85, 98, 103, 156, 183, 194, 197, 199,
200, 203, 225, 269, 273, 293, 302, 305,
365, 368, 377, 391, 393, 652, 665, 700,
John, Brian son of, de Herdeby, 532.
, Eleanor wife of Herbert son of, 393.
, Giles son of, de Farlyngton, Ferling-
ton, Feryngton, 317, 566.
, , knt, 100.
, Henry son of, de Caperygg', 239,240.
, , de Ferlington, 566.
, , de Grey, 695.
, Herbert son of, 333, 393.
, Joan wife of Richard son of, de
Rokeslee, 306.
, John son of, 713.
, , de Blakeburn, 214.
de Bohun, 334.
, , de Coggeshale, 139.
, de CoUeby, 136.
, , de Daventre, 92.
, , de Grymstede, 332.
, , de Kelvedon, 475.
, , de Kirnesale, 694.
, , de Laysymgby, 218.
de Levre, 610.
de Luscote, 78.
, de Ryvers, 464, 571.
, , de Tilton, 550.
, de la Wodehalle, 624.
, Roger, son of Roger son of, 283,
, Oliver son of, de Nantoil, usher of
queen Isabella's chamber, 18, 19.
, Ralph son of, de Wylington, 623.
, Richard son of, 439.
, , de Kirnesale, 694.
John, Kichard son of — coiit.
, , de Pederton, 265.
, , de Rokesle, 228.
Robert son of, 567.
, , de Claris Vallibus, 201.
, de Husum, 119.
, , de Neuwerk, 382.
Thomas son of, 205, 206, 566.
V ,earl of KUdare, 80, 90, 139, 1?5,
529, 557.
, justiciary of Ireland, 376.
, Walter son of, de Carleton, 716.
, William son of, 567.
, , de Calwarthorp, 720.
, , de Harstan, 78.
, , de Scaftworth, 528.
, de Slengesby, 213.
, , de Warrewjk, 683.
, William and Roger sons of, de Ween,
of the Hirst of Colyngham, John son
of, 126.
Johyngton, Long. See Itchington.
Jokethull. See Tockleton.
Johf, Richard, 268.
Joneby, Robert de, 58.
Jonestou, EliaS de, 39, 634.
Jorce, John, 339.
Jordan, Jurdan, Henry son of, 567.
, John, 216, 256, 278, 284, 457, 476.
Joye, John, 498.
Juncty. See Jnnctyn.
Junotyn, Juncty, John, 361, 476, 705.
Jurdan. See Jordan.
Jurors, statute of, 157.
JuTenoiano, Aymo de, 724.
Kaerdif. See Cardiff.
Kaerdif, William de, 580.
Kaerlion. See Caerleon.
Kaermerdyn. See Carmarthen.
Kaernarvan. See Carnarvon.
Kalkewelle. See Cawkwell.
KaUer, Elias de, 708.
Kammey, Kammeys, Maurice, Meuric, 447,
Kamshale. -See Campsall.
Kaucia, Richard de, 378.
, William de, 485.
See also Cancia.
Kaneford, See Canford.
Kardoil, John de, 488.
Karethorp, John de, 715.
Karleton. See Carleton.
Karliolo, Carliolo, John de, 148.
, Nicholas do, 236, 568, 678.
, Thomas de, 148, 218, 685.
, William de, 285.
Karsyngton. See Garsington.
Karton, Innocencia de, 381.
Katerhale. See Catterall.
Kateryngton. See Catherington.
Kau un, John, 103.
Kay, Eborard, 381.
Kaylesthorpe. See Caythorpe.
Kaynes, William de, 435.
Kaynton, William de, 275.
Kayrwathelan. See Carnwyllon.
Kaysho, Richard de, 503.
Kaythorp, William de, 415.
Keatre, Gerard de, 250.
Kedewelly. See Kidwelly.
Keds'wy. See Cedewain.
Kedewyn. See Cedewain.
Kegworth [co. Leicester], 429.
Kelchou. See Kelso.
Kelene, Amadeus (Homodeo), 225.
Kelesey. See Kilnsea.
Kelesey, Robert of, his man Thomas de
Mathefen, 30.
Kelham, Kellom, Kelm, Kelum, co. Notting-
ham, 130, 491, 497, 528, 694.
Kelk, Little [co. York], 618.
Kelk, Walter de, 101.
, William de, 48.
Kellawe, Richard, bishop of Durham, 151.
Keller, Elias de, 708.
Kellesey, Robert de, 30, 338, 501.
, Stephen de, 686.
Kelleseye. See Kelsey.
KelleshuU, Richard de, 279.
Kellom. See Kelham.
KeUyboUok Park [co. Cornwall], 284.
Kelm. See Kelham.
Kelm, Kelum, Robert de, 146, 231, 346, 491.
Kelsey, Kelleseye, North, co. Lincoln, 473,
Kelso, Kelchou [Roxburghshire], 163.
Kelstern, co. Lincoln, 115.
Kelstern, Henry de, 115.
Kelsterne, Walter de, 164.
Kelum. See Kelham.
Kelum. See Kelm.
Kelveden, John son of John de, 475.
Kelvyngton, John de, 664.
Kelwedon, John de, 347.
Kelyngwyk, Richard de, 202.
Kernel, William de, 379.
Kemeleseye, Robert de, 129.
Kemeseye. See Kemsey.
Kemeston. See Kempston.
Kemesyng', John de, keeper of Lawford gate,
Bristol, 159.
Kemmerich. See Ciumerch.
KempstoD, Kemeston, co. Bedford, 91.
Kempton, Kenyngton [co. Middlesex], 30.
, letters close dated at, 232.
Park, 158, 182, 185, 188, 189, 278,
423, 424.
Kemsey, Kemeseye [co. Worcester], 409.
Kemsing, co. Kent, 229.
Kendale, Andrew de, 70, 223, 307.
Anna wife of Andrew de, 308.
Robert de, 102, 192, 266, 301,367,
knt, 232, 233, 235, 476, 502,
553, 554.
, jnstioe, 71.
, , constable of Dorer castle and
warden of tbe Cinque Porta, 97, 140,
145, 221, 226, 233, 238, 258, 262, 266,
331, 400.
Roger de, 431, 553.
Kane, Thomas, 260, 264.
le, 313.
Kenefeg. See Kenfig.
Kenep, John, 554.
Kenerthorp, Stephen de, 683.
Kenewarton. See Kinwarton.
Kenewricus Seya, 421.
Kenfig, Kenefeg castle [co. Glamorgan], 542.
Kenilworth castle [co. Warwick], 432,519,
525, 587.
, constable of, 437, 586.
See also Charroun.
priory, 520.
Kenilworth, William de, 16.
Kennington, co. Surrey, 2.
Kensington, co. Middlesex, 241.
Kent, county of, 92, 100, 110, 138, 145, 156,
168, 183,218, 225, 227-229, 231-234,
236, 237, 240-242, 316, 317, 319, 323-
325, 329, 335, 339-341, 346, 352, 353,
355-357, 359, 362, 374, 375, 435, 475-
477, 479, 481, 482, 485, 489, 495, 497,
505, 511, 517, 538, 560, 563, 604,
638, 641, 645, 691, 703, 704, 707.
, sheriff of, 39, 51, 77, 85, 93, 111, 134,
152, 172, 173, 183, 188, 189, 233, 238,
257, 286, 298, 301, 312, 331, 357, 364,
370, 376, 380, 393, 402, 412, 423,
426, 430, 431, 434, 507-509, 534, 536,
539, 555, 560, 569, 577, 597, 611, 623,
627, 635, 641, 657, 678.
, earl of. See Wodestok.
, justices in, 36, 267, 434.
, keeper of, 406.
See also Wodestock.
, men of, 192.
, weald of, 645.
Kent, Ralph de, 89.
, Richard de, 481, 678.
, Robert de, 267.
, Thomas de, 355.
, William de, 400.
Kenyan, Adam de, 210.
Kenylworth. See Kenilworth.
Kenyugton. See Kempton.
Kepier, Kypier, hospital, co. Durham, 343.
Kerby. See Kirby.
Kerdif, John de, 580.
Kerdiston, co. Norfolk, 68.
Kerdyf, William sou of Pauliu de, 341.
William son of William de, 341.
Kereby. See Careby.
Kereby, Richard de, 128.
Kereseye. See Kersey.
Kerfilli. See Caerphilly.
Kerleton, William de, 248.
Kerneford. See Carnforth.
Kernek, Ralph de, 176.
Kernetby, Norman de, 132.
Kersebrok, Robert de, 355.
Kersewell, Kerswall, Henry de, 194, 434,
Kersey, Kereseye [co. Suffolk], 402.
Kerswall. See Kersewell.
Kertlyng, Nicholas de, 705.
Kery. See Ceri.
Kesseburgh. See Kexborough.
Kesteven, co. Lincoln, 680, 681.
Keston. See Keyston.
Keswick East, Estkeyswyk, co. York, 549.
Ketene. See Ketton.
Ketene, John de, bishop of Ely, 15, 70, 685.
Ketleston, Geoffrey de, 174.
Ketton, Ketene, co. Rutland, 416.
Ketyng, James, 439.
Keu, Henry le, 444.
, Hughle, 117.
, John le, 565, 700.
, Robert le, 381, 481, 678.
, Robert son of Walter le, 140.
Simon le, 694.
, Walter le, 248, 488, 572.
, William le, 71, 84, 610.
, William son of Walter, 140.
Kevenethes castle. See Cefnllys.
Kexborough, Kesseburgh [co. York], 124,
135, 220.
Keyhaven, Kykaven [co. Hants], 534.
Keyston, Keston [co. Huntingdon], 71, 84,
Keythorp, William de, 572.
Riddington, Cudyngton, co. Oxford, 584.
Kidwelly, Kedewelly [commote, co. Carmar-
then], 521, 645.
Kilburn, Kylbourn, priory, co. Middlesex,
624, C30.
Kildale, Kyldal, co. York, 468, 718.
Kildare, Ireland, 32.
, castle, manor, and county of, 65.
, bishop of, 530.
, earl of. See John, Thomas son of.
Kilham, Killutn [co. York], 142, 385, 659.
Kilkallan, Ireland, 440.
Kilkenny, Ireland, 530.
Killabban [Queen's County, Ireland], 673,
Killerby, Kiqhard de, 531.
Killinghall [co. York], 53.
Killum. See Kilham.
Kilnsea, Kelesey, co. York, 30.
Kiltionnen. See Gellyonen.
Kilvington, North, co. York, 167.
.South, 167.
Kilvyngton, Kilvinton, Kylvyngton, John de,
167, 429, 451, 456, 468, 537, 539, 541,
573, 576, 585, 588, 592, 604, 619.
, keeper of the castle and honour of
Pickering, 612, 624, 643.
Kilworth, North, Northkevelyngworth [co.
Leicester], 597.
Kimble, Great, Kynebell Graunt [co. Buck-
ingham], 356.
Kimbolton, Kynebauton, castle [co. Hunting-
don], 437.
Kinbreslye, Ireland, 127.
, duke of. 5ee Megulhan.
Kinfare, Kynfare, Kynver, Kinver, forest,
CO. Stafiord, 612, 623, 693.
Kingerby, Kynyerdby, co. Lincoln, 571.
Kingesbury, Robert de, 476.
Kingeson, Roger, 567.
Kingesson, Adam, 397.
Kingeston, John de, 27.
, William de, 236.
King's Barton, co. Gloucester, 182.
King's Beaulieu' abbey. See Beaulieu.
Kingsbury, co. Somerset, 451.
King's butler. See Abyndou.
Kingsdown, Kynggesdoune, Kyngesdon [co.
Kent], 162, 638.
Kingsteignton [? Suth Tenge co. Devon], 3.
Kingsthorpe, co. Northampton, 57, 149.
Kingston, 451, 516.
Deverill, co. Wilts, 35.
, Kyngeston, co. Oxford, 630.
,00. Wilts, 636.
, Kyngestone [co. Surrey], 357, 503.
-by-sea, Kyngeston-near-Shoram, co.
Sussex, 185, 704.
-upon-Hull, CO. York, 24, 58, 112, 146,
153, 163-165, 169-172, 180, 181, 183,
396-399, 468, 469, 551, 651.
, bailiffs of, 61, 221, 257, 370, 391,
community of 165, 171, 172.
, keeper of, 67.
,, See also Hastang.
.......... letters close dated at, 722, 723.
.liberty of, 337.
, port of, 16, 318, 524, 531.
, customs in, 17, 65, 85, 244,
246, 255, 257, 392, 430.
, the water of, 259, 405.
Kingstone Lisle, Kyngeston, co. Berka, 260.
Kingswinford, Kynggesswynford, co. Stafford,
, letters close dated at 411, 413.
Kingswood, Kyngeswode, abbey [co. Wilts],
332, 477, 489, 498.
Richard, abbot of, 507.
forest [co. Essex], 161.
Kingthorpe, Kynthorp [co. York], 648.
Kington, West, West Cyngton, co. Wilts, 602.
, St. Michael, Munchenekyngton. nun-
nery [co. Wilts], 369.
Kinoulton, Kynaldestowe, Kynalton, co. Not-
tingham, 88, 487, 647.
Kinver. See Kinfare.
Kinwarton. Kenewarton [co. Warwick], 312.
Kippax, Kypax, co. York, 575.
Kirby, Kerby, co. York. 166.
castle, 585.
Wifke, K'rkebywysk, co. York, 167.
on-the-Moor, Kirkby, co. York, 167.
Kirk Ella, Elvelay [co. York], 565.
Kirkbride, Kirkebride [co. Cumberland], 31.
Kirkby Bellars, Kyrkeby-on-Wrethk', co. Lei-
cester, 879, 498.
, St. Peter's chapel, 379.
in Kendal [co. Westmoreland], 650.
in Cleveland, co. York, 19.
Malseard, Malsard, Kyrkeby in
Alsard, co. York, 588, 664.
Misperton [co. York], 674.
Moorside, Kirkeby Moresset [co.
York], 211.
-on - the - Moor. See Kirby- on - the-
Kirkby, John de, 661.
Kirkbyth'. See Kirkbythor.
Kirkbythor, Kirkebythore, Kirkbyth', John
de, 455, 567.
, Thomas de, 567.
Kirkebride. See Kirkbride.
Kirkebride, John de, 431.
, knt.. 571.
, Richard de, 167.
.Walter, 321.
, ,,..,. de, 321,431, 634.
de, knt., 571.
son of Richard de, knt., 101.
Kirkeby. See Kirby.
Moresset. See Kirkby Moorside.
Kirkeby, Richard de, 140.
, Robert de, 488.
, William de, 127,342, 343, 485.
Kirkebywysk. See Kirby Wiske.
Kirkeby-on-Bayn, William de, 198.
Kirkebythore. Sie Kirkbythor.
Kirkeham. See Kirkham.
Kirkehouwel. See Crickhowel.
Kirkelevyngton. See Kirkleavington.
Kirkestal. See Kirkstall.
Kirkestede. See Kirkstead.
Kirkham [co. York], letters close dated at,
65, 132-134.
priory, 18, 202, 294, 401.
Kirkleatham, T.athum [co. York], 62.
Kirk Leavington, KirkelevyngtoD, Kyrlevyng-
t(in, CO. York, 26, 167, 179, 227,
Kirkley, Kyrkeley [co. Suffolk] , 660.
Kirklington, Kirtelyngton, co. York, 167,
Kirkstall, Kirkestal, abbey [co. York], 202,
Kirkstead-in-Lindsey, Kirkestede, abbey, co.
Lincoln, 116, 717.
Kirkton. See Kirton.
Kirnesale, or Kirvesale, John de, 98.
, , son of John de, 694.
, Richard son of John de, 694.
Kirtelyngton. See Kirklington.
Kirtillington, Ralph de, 164.
Kirtlington, Curtlyngton, co. Oxford, 543.
Kirton, Kirkton, Kyrketon, co. Lincoln, 3.
Kirvesale. See Kirnesale.
Kiselyngbury, Thomas de, 105.
Kislingbury, co. Northampton, 238.
Kist, John, 275.
, Nicholas, 275.
Kitchen, the king's, 345.
Kixe, Agnes wife of Henry, 501.
Henry, 501.
Knape, John, 409.
Knapton [co. York], 471.
Knapton, Guy de, 529.
, Richard son of William de, 98.
, William son of Walter de, 148.
Knaresborough, Knaresburgh, co. York, 31,
53, 220, 271, 568, 700, 718.
, the king's iron mine in, 171.
, letters close dated at, 218, 632-635,
•693, 695, 698, 699,-700-702.
, St. Robert's priory, 214.
castle, 31, 58, 169, 171,268,269, 271,
constable of, 11, 31, 43, 53, 61,
66, 124, 160, 169, 177, 268-270, 407,
418, 437, 466, 612, 680, 682.
5ee a/so Damory ; Wysham.
, ferm of, 61.
, honour of, 31, 43, 53, 58, 66, 124,
160, 169, 177, 268, 270.
, , cbace of, 43, 171.
Knaresburgh, Robert, son of Thomas de, 81.
Knaresburgh. See Knaresburgh.
Kneesall, Kneeshale [co. Nottingham], 540.
Knighton, Knyhteton, Knytteton, co. Wilts,
168, 169.
Knipton, Gnypton [co. Leicester], 78.
Knockfergus. See Carrickfergus.
Knockin, Knokyn [co. Salop], 250, 304, 333.
, lady of, 521.
Knoky, John de, 270.
Knokyn, John, 150.
de, 245, 304.
Knoll, Rayner de, 178.
Knossington, Knoston [co. Leicester], 245.
Knotte, John, 419, 518.
Knotting, co. Bedford, 489.
Knousale, Adam de, 684.
Knovill, Alice de, 332.
, Alice, wife of John de, 332.
John de, 332.
, WiUiam de, constable of Newcastle-
in-Emlyn castle [co. Carmarthen], 291,
Knyght, John le, 326.
Knyghtwyk, Knythwyk, Simon de, 556, 689.
Knygton, Howel ap David de, 458.
Knyhteton, Knytteton. See Knighton.
Knythwyk. See Knyghtwyk.
Kutay, Richard, 256.
Kyghelay, John de, 110.
, William de, 722.
Kykaven. See Keyhaven.
Kylbourn. See Kilbum.
Kyldal. See Kildale.
Kylfrush, Ireland, 440.
KyUum, Stephen de, 581.
Kyltinleauch. See Gellyfaellog.
Kylvyngton. See Kilvyngtou.
Kymberle, Richard son of John de, 101.
Kyme, Robert, 68.
.Philip de,76.
, WiUiam de, 507, 680, 681.
Kynaldestowe, Kynaldstowe, Kynalton. See
Kynardeseye, John de, 138.
Kynardesle, Simon de, knt., 488.
Kynbauton, Roger de, 320.
, William de, 320.
Kynebauton castle. See Kimbolton.
Kynebell, Graunt. See Kimble, Great.
Kynebell, Richard de, 659.
Kynefare. See Kinfare.
Kyng, Adamle, 281.
, William 360.
, le, 281.
Kyngesbury, Robert de, 239.
Kyngescote, Nigel de, 241.
Kyngesdou. See Kingsdown.
Kyngesmede, co. Oxford, 149.
Kyngesson, Adam, 122, 163.
Kyngesthorp. See Kingsthorpe.
Kyngeston. See Kingston.
See Kingestone Lisle.
Kyngeston-near-Shoram. See Kingston-by-
Kyngeston, Deveril. See Kingston.
Kyngeston, John de, 375, 469, 586, 611.
, , knt., 549.
Kyngeston — cont.
, Nicholas de, 521, 569.
, knt., 528.
, William de, 91, 518, 538.
Kyugeswode. See Kingswood.
Kyngesworde. See Worthy, King's.
KyDggesdoune. See KiDgsdown.
Kynggesswynford. See Kingswinford.
Kyngho, John de, 140.
Kyngton, ,Tohn de, 58.
, John son of William de, 420.
Kynnesley, oo, York, 724.
Kynthorp. See Kingthorpe.
Kynton, John de, 148, 518.
Kynver, Kynfare. See Kinfare.
Kynyerdby. See Kingerby.
Kynyngham, Thomiis de, 248.
Kypax. See Kippax.
Kypax, William son of Reginald de, 201.
Kypenham, Robert de, 709.
, Thomas de, 709.
Kypier. See Kepier.
Kyrdyn, Thomas, son of Roger de, 102.
Kyriel, Nicholas, 673.
Kyrkeby in Alsard. See Kirkby Malseard.
Kyrkeby-on-Wrethk'. See Kirkby Bellars.
Kyrkeby, Andrew de, 614.
John de, 230, 614.
, William de, 230.
, William son of Andrew d(>, 614.
Kyrkelevyngton. See Kirk Leavington.
Kyrkeley. See Kirkley.
Kyrketon. See Kirton.
Kyrtelington, Ralph de, 399.
Kyryel, Nicholas, 660.
La Baye, Britanny, 209,
La Charite, priory of, 146, 594.
La Ford. See Ford.
La Grove. See Grove.
La Rye. See Rye. ^
Lacatour, Roger, 90.
Lacchelegh. See Lachele.
Laceby, Layseby [co. Lincoln], 100.
Laceo, Robert de, lord of the castle and town
of Kirkby (Pontefraot), 585.
Lachele, Lacchelegh, John de, 147, 494.
Lachyndon. See Latchingdon.
Lachyndon, Hugh de, 390.
Lacock, Lacok, Laycock, nunnery [co. Wilts] ,
Lacy, Alesia de, 620.
, countess of Lincoln and Salis-
bury, 605, 641, 646.
, Alesia, daughter of Henry de, earl of
Lincoln, 564, 589, 596, 674.
Lacy — cont.
, Anthony de, constable of Carlisle
castle, 2.
Henry de, earl of Lincoln, 24, 25,
247, 405, 409, 564, 574, 578, 580, 604,
630, 674.
, , constable of Chester, 586.
, , , keeper of Gascony, 76.
,Hugh de, 91.
, Joan, wife of Henry de, earl of Lin-
coln, 444, 541, 575, 577, 604, 605.
John de, 471, 676.
, , constable of Chester, 622.
Richard, 122, 125.
, Robert de, 110,565.
Walter de, 590.
Lafford, Sleaford [co. Lincoln], 720.
, Lawford, gate, Bristol, 159.
Lafford, John de, 707.
Lagham, Lageham, in Godstone [co. Surrey],
317, 331.
Lagheles, Elias, 65.
Laghton. See Laughton.
Laguler, Thomas, 208.
L'Aigle, honour of, 57, 149.
Lakham [co. Bedford], 601.
Lalblaster, Walter, 421.
LaUeford, Robert de, 212.
Lamarsh, Lammersh, co. Essex, 336, 369,
Lamas church. See Llanfaes.
Lamberd, Alexander, 201.
Lamberdenue, John de, 51.
Lambert, Mundekin, Mundekyn son of, 644,
Lambeschur. See Lapseheure.
Lambeth, Lamhethe [co. Surrey], 2.
letters close dated at, 188, 230, 231.
Lamblethian. See Llanblethian.
Lamhourn, Uplamburn [co. Berks], 344.
Lambyn, Edmund, 231.
Lammersh. See Lamarsh.
Lampadern. See Llanbadarn Fawr.
Lamplou, Hugh de, 678.
See also Landplogh.
Lanark, county, sheriff of, Ji3 ; and see Grey.
Lancaster, 209, 601.
castle, 598.
, keeper of, 437.
gaol, 156.
Lancaster, county of, 94, 102, 107, 109, 110
118, 137, 141, 162, 200. 222, 338, 339*
346, 359, 429, 482, 488, 541, 552, 555^
571, 573, 576, 581. .584, 598, 601, 610,
645, 649, 664, 679, 686, 695, 701, 723.
, , forest of, 23.
, .honour of, 646.
, sheriff of, 8, 12, 23, 42, 51
111, 286, 431, 519, ,531, 536, 555, 562,
577, 578, 601, 627, 653, 681, 682, 695.
earldom of, 711.
3 E 2
Lancaster, Alcsi.i wife of Thomas do, earl of,
24, 564, 571, 574, 578, 604, 656, 674.
, Edmund, earl of, 409.
, Thomas, earl of, 14,17, 23,24,62,68,
78, 94, 99, 109, 110,112-114, 131,138,
141, 211, 214, 238, 366, 284, 310, 367,
349, 375, 427-429, 432, 433, 438, 441,
442, 444-446, 448-451, 454, 455, 462,
468, 472, 473, 475, 505, 515, 516, 521,
522, 525, 531, 533-535, 537-540, 669,
570, 576, 578-581, 587, 584, 586, 589,
592, 593, 595, 596, 598-600, 603, 608,
610, 617, 619, 620-622, 624, 629, 634,
637, 643, 646, 658, 664, 681, 723.
, , inhibition to, 505.
Lancastre, Elizabeth, wife of John de, 42.
Henry de, 521, 613, 614, 645, 686,
John de, 42, 138, 222, 239, 308, 610,
648, 664.
, , knt., 229, 338, 345.
, John, son of Eobert de, 289.
, Roger de, 289.
...c , MatUda, wife of Henry de, 687.
Lancing, Launcynge [co. Sussex], 185, 584.
Landplogh, Hugh de, knt., 378.
, John de, 455.
See also Lamplou.
Lane, Richard atte, 140.
, Thomas, 718.
Lanehende, Henry atte, 263.
Laneltwyt. See Llantwit.
Ijangan, Thomas de, 391.
Langcliffe, co. York, 166.
Langdon West, abbey, Langedon [co. Kent],
560, 603.
, William abbot of, 703.
Lange, Eobert, 284.
Langedale, Patrick de, 322, 695.
Langedon. See Longdon.
See Langdon, West.
Langeford, Adam de, 284.
, Nicholas de, 461.
, , knt., 601.
, William de, 576.
Langele. See Langley.
Langele, Ellen wife of Richard de, 500.
, Gilbert dp, 239.
, Langeleye, John de, 430, 433, 621,
, William de, 562.
Langeneuton. See Long Newton.
Langestok, Nicholas de, 626.
Langeston. See Langston.
Langethorne, John de, 483.
Langetoft, Ralph de, 226.
, Thomas de, 339, 392, 485.
Langeton. See Langton.
Langeton, Nicholas de, 214, 315, 564, 693.
, , mayor of York, 698.
, Thomas de, 583.
, William de, 122, 683.
Laugetost, Ralph do, 340.
Langewath. See Langwith.
Langford, .John de, 93.
Langgeton, Henry de, 199.
Langhowe Boby. See Longoboby.
Langley, Langele, co. Herts, 16.
, Chiltern [or Abbots'], Chuldrenlau-
gele [co. Herts], 269.
[King's, CO. Hertford], letters close
dated at, 179, 187, 189-191, 228, 251,
252, 255, 256, 323-325, 635, 638, 646,
693, 708.
, friars preachers of, 70, 84.
,,., Marish [co. Buckingham], letters
close dated at, 410.
Langneuton. See Long Newton.
Langsett, Langside [co. York], 220.
Langston, Langeston castle [co. Devon],
Langtoft, CO. York, 215, 505.
Langton, Langeton [co. York], 115, 711.
Langton, John de, bishop of Chichester, 96,
150, 317,349.
, Nicholas de, mayor of York, 539.
.Walter de, bishop of Coventry and
Lichfield, 6, 32, 113, 131, 166, 237,
375, 415, 436, 451, 466, 471, 523, 569,
581, 601.
Langwith, Langewath, co. York, 141.
Lanhari. See Llan Hary.
Lanneye, Geoffrey de, sheriff of co. Meath,
Lanpadervaur. See Llanbadarn Vaur.
Lanteglos, co. Cornwall, 583.
Lanton' [co. York], 210.
Lantrissant Castle [co. Glamorgan], 542.
Lanultit. See Llanilltyd.
Lanum, Roger son of Hugh de, 140.
, Thomas de, 50.
Lanwart, Sir Eustace, knt., 347.
Lapide, Nicholas de, 227.
, Nicholas, called " Cole," son of
Nicholas de, 227.
Lapscheure, Lambeschur, Flanders, 395.
Lapworth [co. Warwick], 452.
Larcher, Larchier, Thomas prior of the hospital
of St. John of Jerusalem, 484, 677,
, William son of Nicholas, 186.
Lardener, Thomas de, 282.
, Little William the, 578.
Lardiner, Roger le, 39.
Lasceles, John de, 387.
, Ralph de, 137.
, Robert de, 387.
See a/«o Lauceles.
Lasceir, John de, bailiff of Conyngesbnrgh,
Lascy. See Lacy.
Latchingdon, Lachyndon [co. Essex], 390.
Latham, co. Lancaster, 42.
Lathum. See Kirkleatham.
Lathum, Robert de, 210, 536.
Latimer, Latymer, John, 562.
, Thomas le, 199.
, Thomas sou of William le, 93.
William, 633.
, le, 135, 604.
, , knt., 107, 111, 135, 138.
, , lord of SeamstOD, 104, 106.
Laton, John de, 654.
, Roger de, 43.
Lauceles, Isabella de, 662.
, Ralph de, 662.
, Roger de, 662.
See also Laseeles.
Laufare, Magdeleyne. SeeLaver Magdalen.
Laugh ton, Laghton, co. Lincoln, 115.
, CO. Sussex, 57, 149.
Launeeles, Joceus de, 461.
Launceston, Launceveton [oo. Cornwall], 601.
gaol, 282.
priory, 59.
Launcynge. See Lancing.
Laande, Joan wife of John de la, 589.
, John de la, 589, 720.
, John son of John de la, 589.
Laundrey, John son of Philip, 392.
Launge, Joan wife of John, 611.
, John, 611.
Laurence, Lawrence, Laurence son of, de
Preston, 95, 354, 371.
, Ralph son of, de Brok, 377.
Richard son of, de Lodelawe, 333.
Laushull, Simon de, 343, 503.
Larant, Mid, MidlOTente, co. Sussex, 273.
Laventon, Robert de, 252.
Laver Magdalen, Laufare Magdeleyne [co.
Essex], 503.
Laverd, Ellen daughter of Richard le, 712.
, Joan daughter of Richard le, 712.
, Richard le, 712.
Lavington, co. Lincoln, 102.
Law merchant, the, 55.
Lawe, William atte, 383.
Laweshulle, Simon de, 384.
Lawford, LaflFord, Gate, Bristol, 159.
Lawrence. See Laurence.
Laxton, co. Northampton, 626, 640.
Laxton, William de, 117.
Layburn, Robert de, 567.
Layham, co. Suffolk, 402.
Layseby. See Laceby.
Laysymgby, John son of John de, 218.
Layton, John de, bishop of Chichester, 112,
Layvill, Gasset de, 91.
Leadenham, Ledenham, co. Lincoln, 713.
Leake, Leek, Lek, Leyk, co. York, 113, 146,
213, 518.
letters close dated at, 7, 8, 96.
Leamus, Alan de, 340.
Leaume, Alan de, 104, 215.
Leatherhead, Leddride [co. Surrey], 229, 374.
Leavington. See Kirk Levington.
, Levenaton [co. York], 471.
Lebberston, Liberston Clif [co. York], 297.
LebbertoD, Ledbreston [co. York], 284.
Lebret, lord of, 49.
Leche, Roger le, 599.
, Simon le, 126.
Lechlade, Lichelade, co. Gloucester, 543.
Leekonfield, Leqenfeld [co. York], 25.
Leokwith, Lyquith [co. Glamorgan], 542.
Le Conquet, Le Conket, Brittany, 209.
Ledbreston. See Lebberton.
Ledbury, co. Hereford, 657.
Leddride. See Leatherhead.
Lede. See Leeds.
Leden, William son of WilUam de, 420.
Ledene, William de, 518.
Ledeney. See Lydney.
Ledenham. See Levdenham.
Ledes. See Leeds.
Ledes, Alexander de, 497, 693.
, Geoffrey de, 537.
Roger de, 716.
Ledrede, John de, 223.
Ledsham, Ledsam [co. York], 676.
Lee, La [co. Warwick], 440.
Lee, Geoffrey atte, 332.
, de la, 336, 358, 372, 510, 636,
644, 703.
, Hugh de, 372.
, de la, 298.
, John de la, 10.
Richard de la, 354, 551.
Robert de la, 105.
Leeds, Ledes, castle, co. Kent, 478, 504, 569,
, keeper of, 437.
, letters close dated at, 405, 406.
Leeds, Lede, Ledes, oo. York, 471, 590.
Leek. See Leake.
Leek, John de, 428.
, Nicholas de, 125.
Leenham, Margaret de, 237.
Lees, Leghes, Lighes, priory [oo. Essex],
Leger, Robert, 414.
Legh, La. See Leigh.
Legh, Adam atte, 94.
, Geoffrey atte, 371.
John de, 100, 477.
John son of William de la, 342.
, Juliana wife of John de la, 274.
, Richard son of William atte, 357.
Leghes. See Lees.
Leghton Bussard. See Leightou Buzzard.
Leghton, Philip de, 117.
Legier, Eobert, 411.
Le Hogh in Stannfordham. See Heugli in
Le, Hugh de, 357.
Leicester, 237, 310, 353, 517, 550, 552, 589,
ei9, 622.
abbey, 445, 570.
, archdeaconry of, 648.
castle, 310.
, letters close dated at, 94, 634.
mayor of, 553.
, St. Leonard's Hospital, 622.
, tourney at, 237.
woods, 445.
Leicester, county of, 104, 107, 114, 212, 214,
215, 218, 223, 232, 235, 237, 239, 275,
340, 353, 357, 360, 368, 372, 379, 382,
432, 445, 455, 466, 473, 475, 481, 484,
488, 498, 507, 515, 527, 540, 550, 552,
564, 565, 571, 573, 579, 581, 587, 594,
C04, 639, 645, 646, 654, 671, 684, 690.
, , sheriff of, 57, 60, 134, 158, 188,
237, 344, 245, 312, 318, 419, 421, 426,
427, 433, 435, 441, 455, 460, 468, 517,
519, 521, 577, 586, 587, 628, 702.
, honour of, 310.
Leicester, earl of. See Monte Forti.
, Thomas earl of, 455.
and Derby, Edmund earl of, 449, 619.
, earldom of, 711.
Leigh, Leye [co. Gloucester] , 420.
, Legh, La [co. Surrey], 343.
Lye, CO. Wilts, 599.
Leighton Buzzard, Leghton Bussard [co. Bed-
ford], prebend of, in Lincoln cathedral,
Leinster, LejTiester, Ireland, 2.
Leith, Scotland, letters close dated at, 593,
594, 675.
Leitone, Walter de, 431.
Lok. See Leake.
Lekeburu, Peter de, 202, 639.
Lelum, William de, 683.
Lemone. See Lomena.
Lemynton. See Lymington.
Leno', Poncius, 345.
Leneh, Richard de, 518.
, Warin de, 518.
Lena, Eobert, 353.
, Thomas, 353.
Lenfaunt, John, 123.
Peter, 123.
Lengynour, William, 296.
Lenharo, Alexander de, 331.
, John de, 265, 316.
knt., 375, 377.
Lenne. See Lynn.
lienne, Andrew de, 441.
Robert de, 625, 700.
, Wilham de, 106.
Lente, Bonettus, 263, 394.
Poncius, 263, 394.
Lenton [co. Notts], 45.
, letters close dated at, 634, 635.
, See Llanthony.
priory [co. Notts], 95, 228.
, Geoffrey prior of, 505.
Lenveyse, Walter, 330.
Lenys, Kobert, 85.
Leominster, co. Hereford, 582.
, letters close dated at, 415.
, Lurministre, nunnery [co, Sussex],
, Omelina prioress of, 225.
Leqenfeld. See Leckonfield.
Lercedekne, Lercedekyn, Thomas, 410, 548,
560, 718.
Lesagh. See Liza.
Leschetour, Felicia, 502,
, Richard, 502.
Le Solus. See Sluys.
Lescy, Patrick de, 439.
Les Dunes. See Downs.
Lespicer, Laurence, 90.
Lesse, Thomas son of Robert de, 439.
Lessudden, Lesydewyn, Roxburghshire, letters
close dated at, 595, 607.
Lestraunge, Fulk, 440.
, , seneschal of Gascony, 719.
, Isolda wife of John, 333.
, John, 304.
...., sou of John, 250.
Margaret wife of Hamo, 333.
, Roger, 70.
Lestre, Robert de, 480, 497.
Lethelay, co. York, 166.
Leukenore, Roger son of Thomas de, 315.
, Sibyl wife of Thomas de, 315.
Thomas de, 315.
Leveaaton. See Leavington.
Leventhorp, Hugh de, 716.
Leventhorpe, Levynthorp [co. York], 141.
Lever Great, Levre, co. Lancaster, 610, 649.
Levre, Great. See Lever.
I^evre, John son of John de, 610.
, le, 649.
, William le, 575.
Levyngton, William de, 19.
Levynthorp. See Leventhorpe.
Lewelin ap Kenewrek, 435.
Lewer, Henry, 345.
Robert, 285, 312, 394, 424, 447, 472,
507, 529, 537, 597, 622, 629, 685.
, constable of Odiham castle,
Lewes, co. Sussex, 236.
priory, 8, 29, 52, 95, 96, 116, 358,
658, 687.
Lowjs, William, 184.
Lexedene, John de, 336.
Lexfiam [East], co. Norfolk, 68.
, West, 68.
Leybourn, Leybourue, Leyburne, Ellen daugh-
ter of Sir Uobert de, .'>52, 553.
, Henry de, 580.
, Juliana de, 309, 481.
, wife of William de, 278,309,431.
Robert de, 658, 692,
, , the king's admiral, 461.
, sheriff of Lancaster, 653.
, , knt., 551-553.
, Sai-ah wife of Sir Bobert de, 552.
, William de, 278.
Leyburu. See Libourne.
Leycestre, Henry de, 442, 454, 610.
, John de, king's serjeant-at-arms, 270.
, Thomas de, 549.
William de, 118, 331,367,415,479,
629, 639.
Leye. See Leigh.
Leye, John de, 479.
, Roger de, 184.
dela, 184.
Leyghton Busard, William de, 501.
Leygrave, Alice de, 1 74.
Leyk. See Leake.
Leykere, Peter le, 355.
Leynester. See Leinster.
Leynster, Robert de, 3.
Leysingoroft, William de, 715.
Liberate, writs of, 569, 647.
Liberston Clif. See Lebberston.
Libourne, Leyburn, Gascony (Giroude), 172,
Lichelade. See Lecblade.
Lichfield [co. Stafford], 338, 517, 671.
, bailiffs of, 424.
, St. Chad's cathedral church, dean and
chapter of, 424.
, , the prebend of Plixton in, 488.
diocese of. See Coventry and Lichfield.
Liddington [co. Rutland], the prebend of in
Lincoln cathedral, 489.
Lidford, Lydford [co. Devon], 3.
Liebard, John, 386.
Lifton, Lyfton [co. Devon], 691.
Lillebon, William, 166.
de, knt , 632.
, son of Peter de, 632.
Lilleburn, John de, 61, 160, 271, 496.
, Lawrence de, 496.
LiUing, John son of Simon de, 215.
Limbury, Lymbory, co. Bedford, 189.
Limburg, count of. See John.
, duke of. See John.
Limerick, bishop of, 530.
, mayor and bailiffs of, 530.
, sheriff of, 80.
See also Botiller.
Limesy. See Lymesy,
Limoges, treasurer and seneschal of, 410.
, vicomt^of 329, 689.
See aho John, duke of Brittany.
Linbergh, Andrew de, 375.
Lincoln, city, 2, 6, 22, 23, 97, 126, 183, 193,
198, 212, 241, 248, 294, 330, 381, 400,
401, 412, 433, 442, 486, 488, 602, 609,
650, 668, 686, 713, 718.
, archdeacon of, 480, 602.
See also Stratford.
, archdeaconry of, 648.
, bailiffs of, 18, 19, 609, 635.
, bishop of, 450, 585, 647, 648, 681.
aScc afeo Burghersh ; Dalderby.
castle, 183, 575, 596, 599.
, constable of, 437, 596.
, See also Paunton.
, cathedral church of St. Mary, 124,
485, 510.
, prebend of Aylesbury in, 538.
, , prebend of Liddington in, 489.
convocation at, 689.
, diocese of, 2, 7, 22, 85, 108. 197, 212,
226, 231, 237, 238, 302, 303, 340, 372,
510, 538, 647.
, fermof, 18,400,635.
friars minors in, 487.
gaol, 6, 83, 89, 173, 301.
, the king's free court in, 174.
, le Marihalle, 713.
, mayor and bailiffs of, 116, 370, 435,
, mayor of, 651.
, parliament at, 494.
, provincial council at, 686, 687.
, St. Katherine's priory without, 2, 22,
85, 108, 116, 176, 648.
, the Tyghel houses, 713.
Lincoln, county of, 96, 98, 99, 101, 102, 104,
105, 107, 112, 115, 119, 122, 124, 128,
140, 142, 146, 153, 202, 207, 208, 210,
211, 220, 221, 224, 226, 231, 232, 234,
239 240-242, 261, 324, 332, 335, 339,
340, 347, 352, 353, 362, 380, 442, 446,
460, 473, 476, 480, 481, 485, 487, 489,
497, 498, 502, 505, 519, 532, 537, 540,
541, 550, 553, 570, 572-574, 576, 577,
580, 589, 595, 596, 603, 604, 609, 641,
645, 657, 669, 671, 677, 683, 686, 687,
691, 693, 704, 706, 711, 714, 718, 719,
, lands of the archbishopric of
York in, 88.
, , oppressions in, 82, 83.
, , sheriff of, 3, 4, 6, 21, 40, 51,63,
69, 71, 72, 77, 82, 89, 93, 111, 134, 147,
157, 158, 168, 172, 173, 181, 183, 198,
233, 238, 256-259, 261, 265, 289, 301,
318, 331, 347, 370, 394, 399-401, 405,
412, 413, 425, 426, 431, 433, 439, 443,
452, 460, 467, 468, 473, 509, 515, 519,
523, 525, 527, 534, 536, 539, .540, SS.":,
560, 562, 572, 596, 599, 609, 629, 663,
666, 678; 681, 682, 719.
Lincoln, county of — cont.
, , sub-escheator ip, 64.
, Sec also Bvoun.
, , the Templars lands in, 442.
Lincoln, earl of. See Lacy.
, countess of. See Lacy.
Lincoln, Dulcia de, 392,
, Gilbert de, 202.
, Got de, his ' neve ' Nicholas Watbyn,
.Hugh de, 212, 332, 335, 489, 505,
Se.'j, 673.
, John de, 193.
son of Richard de, 140.
, Richard de, 122.
, Simon de, 144.
, Walter de, 326, 341.
, mayor of Nottingham, 129.
Lindessey. See Lyndesay.
Lindsey, Lyndeseye, eo. Lincoln, 112, 172,
207, 507, 562, 680, 681.
Linford, Lynforl, co. Bucks, 659.
Little, 611.
Linmouth, Lynmuth, co. Northumberland,
Linthwaite, William de, 567.
Linton, Lynton, co. York, 166.
, Great, 230.
Linwood, Lyndewode, co. Lincoln, 174.
Lion castle. See Holt castle.
Lisbon, 704.
Lisiniaco, Petronilla wife of Geoffrey de, 295.
Liskeret, Henry de, 215.
Lismore, bishop of, 530.
Liston, Lyston, John de, 243, 655.
Litelbury. See Littlebury.
Litelbury, Humphrey de, 419.
Litester, Thomas the, 135.
Lith. See Lythe.
Lithfot, William, 706.
Litlebury, Littelbury, Humphrey de, 460.
, keeper of Radnor, 415.
Litster, Robert le, 610.
Littelbury. See Litlebury.
Littester, Richard le, 118.
, Thomas son of James le, 596.
, son of William le, 652.
Littestere, Beatrice wife of Geoffrey le, 103.
, Geofii-ey le, 103.
Littlebury, Litlebury, parish of Stanford
Rivers [co. Essex], 330.
Littlefield, Lutlefeld, hundred, co. Kent, 412.
Littleton, Lutleton, co. Wilts, 168, 169.
Littlington [co. Cambridge], 42.
Liverpool castle [co. Lancaster], 627, 653.
Liza, Lesagh, the river, co. Cumberland, 567.
Llanbadarn Fawr, Vaur, Lampadern, castle
[co. Cardigan], 291, 296,
Llanblethian, Lamblethian castle [co. Gla-
morgan], 542.
Llandaff, bishop of. See Monmouth, John of.
, cathedral church of, 472.
, diocese of, 34, 103, 473.
Llandovery, Thlanandevery [co. Carmarthen],
72, 577.
Llanfaes, Lamas, church [Anglesea], 71.
Llangibby castle, Tregruck castle [co. Mon-
mouth], 578.
, lord of, 363, 366.
See alto Dammory.
Llan Hary, Lanhari [co. Glamorgan], 542.
Llanthony, Lenton, co. Gloucester, 103.
priory, co. Gloucester, 103, 182.
Prima priory [co. Monmouth], 590.
Llantwit, Laneltwyt [co. Glamorgan], 424,
Llywelyn, Thlywelin, Bren, 493.
..., apMaddok, 520.
, ap Kenewrek, 435.
Voil, 521.
Lobynham. See Lubenham.
Lochen, Locharn, castle [co. Glamorgan],
Lockesley. See Loxley.
Lodebrok, Thomas de, 275, 457.
Lodelawe. See Ludlow.
, Matilda wife of William de, 15, 29.
, Richard son of Lawrence de, 333.
, William de, 15.
Lodelowe, Richard de, 5.
, William de, 29.
Loden, Thomas de, 261.
Loef, Perottus, 224.
Lofthouses, Richard de, 110.
Lok, Roger, 227.
Loker, Robert le, 137.
Lnketon. See Loughton.
Lokton, Isabella daughter of Thomas de, 711.
Lokyer, William le, 703.
Lollesworth. See Lulworth.
Lollingeston. See Lullingstone.
Lolworth, Lolleworlh [co. Cambridge], 502.
Lombardy, 272, 392.
Lomena, Lemone, co. Devon, 583, 587.
Lomynhou, Garsias de, 33.
See also Lounhou, Lubynhou.
Lonay, John, 227.
Londesborough, Lounesburgh, eo. York, 393.
London, 2, 9, 13, 30, .36, 45, 46, 52, 67, 83,
84, 89, 93, 94, 102, 109, 110, 120-122,
137, 145, 155, 158, 162, 172, 180, 181,
193, 202, 211, 212, 217, 218, 221-234,
236, 238-242, 24 8-250, 252, 253, 256,
257, 259, 261-263, 265, 266, 283, 285,
290, 298, 300, 301, 305, 307, 309, 310,
315, 319, 322, 324-340, 342-348, 352,
353, 355-365, 367, 372, 373, 375, 378,
379, 381, 382, 384, 385, 392, 398, 404,
405, 410, 411, 414, 415, 417, 442, 443,
456, 460, 462, 466, 467, 472, 474-477,
479-4S2, 484, 485, 487-491, 495-500,
503, 605, 507, 503, 511, 513, 518, 529,
London — cont,
539, 540, 545, 550, 560, 568, 595, 604,
611, 616, 638, 642, 644, 645, 649, 650,
660, 675, 678, 686, 690, 695, 696, 700,
702-706, 708, 716.
... , aldermen and sheriffs of, 362.
, Algate, Aldgate, Alegate, 166,
, , convent of minoresses without,
, AU Saints, Barking church, 329.
, AU Saints near the wall, 314.
, Almain Hanse of, 83, 170, 171.
, Arches court, dean of, 166.
, Billingsgate, 320.
ward, 452.
, Ealph, hishop of, 85.
hishop of. See Gravesend.
, CarmeUte friars of, 313, 314.
Cheap, le Brodeselde in, 122.
, Clerkenwell, Hospital of St. John of
Jerusalem, 484.
, community of, 21, 47, 170.
, corn measure of, 280.
, coroner of, 276.
, council at, 145.
, court at, 323.
, diocese of, 85, 231, 239, 241, 322,
344, 374.
..jDomus Conversorum, 382,407, 478,
484, 485, 696.
, , chapel of, 243, 323.
, king's exchange of, 300, 303, 380.
, , keeper of, 393.
, ferm of, 24, 86, 87, 263, 389, 436,
Elect Street, 513.
free cu.stoms of, 298.
, friars preachers of, 313.
, Holborn, 230, 329, 575.
Holy Trinity priory, 694.
, the Little, 625.
, husting of, 298, 467.
, keeper of the city of, 362.
,, and sheriffs of, 370.
, letters close dated at, 389, 404, 637,
638, 644, 706.
, marshalsea, 596.
, mayor of, 122, 245, 248, 305, 320,
414, 499, 506, 533, 556, 642.
, See also Chiggewelle ; Wen-
mayoralty of, 301.
mayor and aldermen of, 417.
, , aldermen, and community of,
, and community of, 46, 173,
and sheriffs of, 9, 102, 144,
192, 248, 276, 413, 424, 465, 467, 502,
506, 638, 670.
, merchants of, 250, 251, 405.
mint, 300.
London — cont. -
Newgate gaol, 189, 283, 309, 389,
574, 607, 635, 636, 642, 644, 703.
port of, 16, 67, 186,255, 261,301,
524, 592, 609, 635, 640, 643, 661, 663,
, , customs in, 44, 84, 243, 251,
252, 280, 281, 318, 389.
, provincial coancil at, 410, 506, 510,
511, 543.
Queenhithe, the ferm of, 263.
La Koperye, 374.
, St. Augustine, friars of, 314.
, St. Bartholomew's priory, Smithfield,
, John, prior of, 288, 355.
, St. Benedict, Woodwharf, 288.
, St. Bride's church, 309.
, St. Clare without Alegate, nunnery
of, 166.
St. Clement Danes, 378.
, St. Dunstan near the Tower, 500.
, in the West, 314.
, St. Martin-le-Grand, the free chapel
of, 4.
, St. Mary Bothawe, 499,
, St. M.ary at Hill, 320.
, St. Mary Matfelou without Aldgate,
St. Mary's hospital without. Bishops-
gate, 357, 502.
, St. Michael's, Coruhill, 336. '
St. Nicholas Cole abbey, 324.
, St. Paul's cathedral, 132, 223, 225,
374, 411, 414, 604, 723.
, , dean and chapter of, 85, 307,
411,446, 723.
, St. Peter's, Bread Street, 314.
, Comhill, 298.
, standards of, 362.
, sheriffs of, 4, 24, 45,46, 51, 52,68,
87, 93, 111, 122, 155, 168, 162, 163,
168, 171-173, 186, 187, 211, 221, 224,
233, 238, 244, 245, 248, 253, 256-258,
263, 276, 281, 283, 298, 300, 303, 309,
314, 318, 320, 330, 331, 344, 347, 388,
389, 393, 394, 398, 399, 400-404, 407,
408, 414, 429, 436, 439, 449, 452, 458,
460, 504, 506, 5li9, 512, 534, 539, 560,
598, 607, 611, 635, 636, 644, 650, 678,
, coroners of, 458.
, Silver Street, 452.
, the New Temple, 378.
Tower of, 258, 261, 281, 319, 344,
404, 406, 407, 411, 414, 478, 500, 571,
607, 627, 659, 673.
, , constable of, 267, 268, 571,
604, 607, 627, 642, 659.
See also Crombwell; Segrave;
De Swynnerton.
... , , council in, 503.
London, Tower of — cont.
, justice in eyre at, 285,286, 287,
298, 301, 305, 306, 310, 314, 349, 351,
371, 388, 406, 414, 417, 446, 450, 452,
509, 556, 604, 616, 625.
the king's leopard in, 24, 163,
) , letters close dated at, 273, 387,
402-404, 466, 491,498-504, 635-637,
640-642, 644, 703, 704, 706, 711.
, prisoners in, 401 .
, , rolls of chancery in, 313.
, , hospital of St. Katherine by,
359, 369.
, Walbrook, 550.
, Westminster, St. Peter's abbey, 609.
, Wood Street, 481.
London, Edmnnd de, 323, 343, 357, 491, 714.
, canon of the king's free chapel
in Hastings castle, 242.
, John de, 217, 272, 303.
Thomas de, 374.
William de, 71, 84, 218.
Lonedale, Henry de, 593.
Loneford, co. Dorset, 294.
Lonesdale, co. York, 167.
Long', 439.
Long, John le, 180.
, Kobert de, 333.
Longden Dale, Longedendale [co. Chester] ,
541, 584.
Longdon, Langedon, co. Worcester, 504.
Longe, John le, 47, 212, 289, 290, 476.
, alderman of the merchants of
the Hause in England, 158.
, Lutekyn de, 248.
Robert le, 375.
Longedendale. See Longden Dale.
Longeleye, William de, 230.
Longeto, Hugh, 647.
Longetoft, Nicholas de, 626.
Longevill, John de, 229, 354.
Longeville, Longueville, Giffard, priory, Nor-
mandy, Philip, prior of, 250, 325.
Longevyle, John de, knt., 709.
Long Newton, Langeneuton, co. Durham, 716.
Longoboby, Langbowe Boby, deanery of [co.
Lincoln], 648.
Longueville Giffard. See Longeville.
Lonsdale, co. Lancaster, 200.
Looe [co. Cornwall], 534.
Lopen, Lopne [co. Somerset], 270.
Fair, 270.
Loppewell, Thomas and Eobert, brothers of
William de, 96.
, William de, 96.
Lopton, Henry de, 263.
Lorbatour, John, 136.
Lorenge, Peter, 447.
Lorraine, dnke of. See John.
Lorty, John de, 449.
Losberk, Arnald de, 441.
Lostiller, Luke, 103.
Lostwithiel, Lostwythiel [co. Cornwall],
bailiffs of, 370.
Loteryngton, John de, 220.
Lou, William le, 488.
Louches, John de, 580.
, Eichardde, knt., 461.
Loudham, Alice wife of John de, 25 .
, John de, 8, 25.
, , son of John de, 25.
Louesby. See Lowesby.
Loueth. See Louth.
Louf, Peter le, 386.
Loughborough, Loughteburgh, co. Leicester,
543, 550, 593.
Loughton, Loketon, co. Essex, 716.
Louis, count of Flanders, 690, 698, 706, 713.
Louis X., king of France and Navarre, 13, 83,
Lound. See Lund.
Lound, Richard de, 309.
Loundres, Adam de, 282.
, Edmund de, 94.
Lounesburgh. See Londesborough.
Lounhou, Garsias de, 294.
See also Lomynhou, Lubynhou.
Louth, Loueth, earl of. See Bermyngham.
Louth, John de, 580.
, Richard de, knt, 705.
Louthre, Loutre. See Lowther.
Louthre, Hugh de, 78, 274, 663.
, , knt., 338.
, Johnde, 41, 551, 667.
, , keeper of the king's victuals in
the parts of Carlisle, 40, 41, 153, 200.
Loutre. See Louthre.
Louvaine, Loveyne, Loveyngne, Brabant, 252,
merchants of, 255.
Louy, Roger, 502.
Lovayn, Loveyne, Thomas de, knt., 526.
.., , Thomas son of Matthew de, 265.
Loveday, Anna sister of Richard, 101.
John, 717.
, John son of Ralph, 229.
, Ralph son of William, 229.
, William, 160, 161, 170.
Lovekyn, Robert, 340.
Lovel, Muriel wife of Richard, 138.
, Richard, 137,425, 426, 673.
, constable of Bristol castle, 389,
391, 445,511, 527.
, , constable of Gloucester castle,
, , lord of Castle Cary [Cary-
castel], 138.
Roger, 120.
Simon, knight of the shire for co,
York, 486.
Lore! — cont.
, Thomas, 282.
, Thomas son of Eogev, 282.
, William, knt., 698.
Lovelaue, Arnold de, 706.
Lovenech, John, 261.
Loveny, Richard de, 633.
Loversale, Eichard de, 554.
Lovet, Robert, 373.
Lovetot, Adam de, 315, 372.
, John de, 69.
, son of Thomas de, 158.
Loveyngne. See Louvaine.
Loveyn. See Lovayn.
liOveyne. See Louvaine.
Lowe, Roger de la, 433.
Lowesby, Louesby [co. Leicester], 265.
Lowick, LufEewyk, co. Northants, 71, 84, 121.
Lowther, Louthre [co. Westmoreland], 78.
Lowthorpe, Luthorp [co. York], 659.
Loxley, Lockesley [co. Warwick], 600.
Lilbeck, Lubyk, Germany, 20, 21, 46, 47, 66,
83, 89, 98, 155, 158, 170, 180, 289, 290,
414, 482.
, bailiffs of, 482.
Lnbenham, Lobynham [co. Leicester], 709.
Lubyk. See Liibeck.
Lnbyk, John de, 47, 289.
Lubynhou, Gareias de, lU.
See a/50 Lomynhou ; Lounhou.
Luca. See Luk.
Lucas, John, 661.
, Philip, 180, 290.
Lucca, in Italy, 95, 108, 218, 233, 479, 487,
491, 704, 705.
, merchants of, 250, 252.
Lucy, Alice daughter of Eichard de, 658.
,Amabilla, daughter of Eichard de, 658.
, Anthony de, 288, 307, 434, 658.
, , knt., 114.
sheriff of Cumberland, 667.
, Richard de, 658.
, Robert de, 27.
William son of William de, 420.
Lucyen, Steplien, 671.
Luda, Elizabeth wife of John de, 326.
, Eoger de, 644.
, Thomas de, 485.
Luddington, Lullyngton [co. Huntingdon] j
Ludham, John de, 24.
Ludlow, Lodelawe, co. Salop, 340, 415.
letters close dated at, 415.
castle, 415.
constable of, 422, 437, 524.
, See a'so BotUler.
LufEewyk. See Lowick.
LuflSeld in Windsor forest, 311.
Lufwyk. See Lowick.
Lniwyk, John de, 483.
Lnggore, Robert de, 237.
Lughteburgh, William de, the king's envoy,
Lughton, Alan de, 489.
Luk, Luca, Arnald de, 33, 294.
, Francis de, 240.
, , canon of York, 354.
, Thomas de, 240.
Luke, Cardinal, 724.
LuUingstone, LoUingeston, co. Kent, 231.
Lullington, Lullyngton. See Luddington.
Lulworth, Ldllesworth, co. Dorset, 192, 194.
Lumbard, Adam, 128.
, Eichard, 283.
Lund, Lound, Lunde, co. York, 140, 6G8.
Lund, Adam de, 45.
, Henry de, 201.
John de, 164,672.
Nicholas de, 44, 81, 201.
Lunde. See Lund.
Londerthorp, Simon de, 549, 719.
Lungespe, Emmelina, 356.
Lungevilers, Thomas de, 421.
Lungevill, John de, knt., 209.
Lurministre. See Leominster.
Lusci, Anthony de, 647.
Luscote, John son of John de, 78.
Lusseby, Henry de, 416.
Lutekyn, Adam, 500.
Lutele priory. See Netley.
Luterel, Geoffrey, 471.
, John, chancellor of the University of
Oxford, 675.
, Eobert, 102.
Luteshull, William de, 334.
Lutheburgh, Robert de, 713.
Luthorp. See Lowthorpe.
Lutlebiiry, John de, 328.
Lutlefeld. See Littlefield.
Lutleton. See Littleton.
Lutley, Lutteleye, co. Stafford, 630.
Luton, CO. Bedford, 488.
Luton, Thomas de, 236.
, William de, 235.
Lutteley, Philip de, 188.
Lutteleye. See Lutley.
Lutterworth, Luttreworth, Peter de, 332, 672.
Lutton, CO. Lincoln, 575, 641.
Luttreworth. See Lutterworth.
Luyton, William de, 400, 410.
Lydd, Lyde [co. Kent], 638.
Lydeford. See Lidford.
Lydel, Lydele [co. Cumberland], 528, 723.
Lydington. See Liddington.
Lydney, Ledeney [co. Gloucester], 501.
Lye. See Leigh.
Lyfton. See Lifton.
Lyggeard, Laurence, 161.
Lygon, Eichard, 518.
Lyllyng, Cicely wife of William de, 102.
Lylyc, Henry, 189.
Lymbergh, Adam de, 65, 74.
, , constable of Bordeaux, 719.
Lymbery, John de, knt., 230.
Lymbrennere, Robert le, 204, 205.
Lymbury. See Limburg.
Lyme Eegis [co. Dorset], 486, 490, 562.
bailiffs of, 370, 531, -534.
port of, 491, 524.
Lymesy, Lymsey, Limesy, Jobn de, 580.
, Peter de, 3, 8, 194, 421, 657.
, Richard de, knt., 440.
Lymington, Lemynton [co. Hants], 453.
, port of, 5,34.
Lymoges, Eeymund de, 490.
Lympol, John de, 707.
Lymsey. See Lymesy.
Lynbergh, Richard de, 672.
Lynde, Amice daughter of Walter de la, 100.
,Bdith de la, 61.
, Geoffrey de la, 61.
, Isabella daughter of Walter de la,
William de la, 61, 420, 518.
Lyndesay, Lindessay, John de, 699.
Walter de, 212.
Lyndesele [co. York], 147.
Lyndewode. See Linwood.
Lyndhurst, co. Hants, 57, 150.
Lyndryk, John brother of Simon de, 421.
Simon de, 421,
Lyndwode, Nicholas de, 431.
Lyneford. See Lyngfcrd.
Lynes, Roger de, 130.
Lynet, Henry, 621.
, John, 621.
Lynford. See Linford.
Lyrigford, Lyneford, co. Norfolk, 68.
Lynmuth. See Linmouth.
Lynn, Bishop's Lynn, Lenne, co. Norfolk, 10,
20, 47, 83, 98, 105, 136, 137, 142, 144,
160, 165, 170, 179, 180, 201, 216, 236,
249, 289, 290, 344, 363, 386, 405, 536,
616, 654, 670, 713.
, bailiffs of, 175, 370, 463, 536.
, bailiiis, men and community of, 143.
, hospital of St. John the Baptist,
Michael master of, 386.
, mayor and bailiffs of, 546, 552, 598.
, port of, le, 318, 524.
, , customs in, 10, 49, 244.
, Tolbooth of, 24.9, 396, 399.
, bailiffs of, 132, 136, 160, 165,
174, 179.
Lynthwayt, Richard de, 3.
LyntoU, William de, 267.
Lynton. See Linton.
Lynton, Nicholas son of Denis de, 211.
, Robert de, 230.
.William de, 675.
Lyons, archbishop of, 724.
Lyquith. See Leckwith.
Lysberet [? Liskerret, co. Cornwall], 284.
Lyspochau, co. Waterford, 177.
Lyssecassel, co. Waterford, 177.
Lyster, Robert le, 649.
Lyston. See Liston,
Lyt, William le, 349.
Lythe, Lith, co. York, 134.
Lywordy, Lywordi, Richard, 72, 147.
Macgoffri, Mac Gofferi, Duncan, knt., con-
stable of Mackynegan castle, Ireland,
162, 165, 441.
Machen, Maghaghay, Maghai, Maghay [co.
Monmouth], 395, 402, 408, 542.
Mackynegau castle, Ireland, 162.
Maddingle, Robert de, 226.
, , justice, 71, 147, 302, 494.
Madefray, Madefrey, Hugh, 315, 316, 343,
360, 550.
Maderseye. See Mattersey.
Madingle, Robert de, 355.
Madoc Apelewelyn, 71.
ap Griffyn, Griffin son of, 290.
ap Llywelin, 521.
de Hinderston, 521.
Mael, Robert, 182.
Maelienydd,Meleneth, Melenyth [cos. Radnor
and Montgomery], 415, 645.
Maelor Seisueg, Mellor.seisenek, Maillour
Seisenayk [co. Flint], 421, 645.
Maenan, Maynan, abbey [co. Carnarvon],
Maggelworth [co. Kent], 154.
Maghaghay. See Machen.
Maghai, Maghay. Sen Machen.
Magna Carta, 143, 233, 280, 362, 368, 418,
442, 443, 493, 510, 543, 545-547.
Maheu, William, 215.
Maidstone, Maydenstane, co. Kent, 152, 623.
prison, 152.
Maidstone, Walter, 28.
, , bishop of Worcester, 662.
Maieles, Gower, 464.
Maikyn, Hugh, 183, 184.
Maillour Seisenayk. See Maelor Seisneg.
Maistresone, John le, 471.
Majorca, 714.
..., king of. See Sancho.
Makaskel, Mnkasky, Gilbert, steward of the
Isle of Man, 41, 42.
constable of the castle, and
keeper of the Isle of Man, 63.
Makerel, Thomas, 439.
Malberthorp, Robert de, 302, 712.
Maldegem, Meldyugham, Flanders, 364.
Maldou [co. Essex], 670.
Maldon, William de, 504.
Malemeius, Malmeyns, John, knt., 328, "03.
Malemeyns, Nicholas, 25.
Malenia, Maliniii, Aymer de, 262, 401.
Malewayn, Edith wife of John, 569.
, John, 569.
Malghnm, Thomas de, 224.
Malgon, brother of Rhys, 65.
Malines, Malyns, 357, 491, 593.
, echevins, cojisttles, and men of, 373.
, masters, ^rAcwi'iis (scabmi) and bailiffs
of, 50, 119.
Malinia. See Malenia.
Mallesours, John, 709.
, Ralph son of John, 709.
Malleye, Robert de, 291.
Mailing [co. Kent], 478, 485.
, letters close dated at, 466.
Mallyng, Joan wife of Ralph de, 501.
Ralph de, 501.
Malmehery, John de, 509.
Malmethorp, Robert de, knt., 362.
Malmeyns, John, knt., 703.
Malo Lacu, Peter de, 123, 130, 220, 469, 481,
565, 566, 592, 604.
, , knt., 497, 668, 687, 693.
, , the elder, 216, 722.
See oZso Maulay.
Malore, Reginald, 440.
Malsard. See Kirkby Malseard.
Maltak, Alan, 7.
Maltby, Malteby, co. York, 98, 566.
Malton, CO. York, 7, 8, 32, 74, 711.
m Rydale [co. York], 74, 468.
priory, co. York, 202, 207, 268, 277,
Malton, Henry de, 454, 537, 541, 571-573,
576, 721.
, knt., 691.
, , knight of the shire for CO. York,
486, 688.
, Stephen de, 130.
Maltravers, Sir John, 541, 543.
Malvern [co. Worcester], chace of, 400, 409.
Malyn, John, 103.
Malynes, Henry de, 228, 324, 352, 353, 358,
372, 703, 705.
Malyns. See Malines.
Maminot, barony of, in Deptford [co. Kent],
Man, Isle of, 41, 42, 63, 64, 415, 613.
, , castle of, keeper of, 63.
See a/«o Makasky.
, , lord of, 63.
See a/so Bek.
, , steward of, 41.
, See aZso Makasky.
Man, Lambert, 284.
Manby, William de, 21.
Maners, Maneres, Maneriis, Robert de, 100,
103, 117, 120, 296.
, William son of Robert de, 211.
Manetti, Maneiti, Achiritus, 237, 340.
Manewden [co. Essex], 317, 334.
Maugge, Richard, 378.
Manneby, John de, 164.
, Ranulph de, 568.
, Thomas de, knt., 568.
Mansergh, Alice daughter of Roger, 648.
, Petronilla wife ot Roger, 648.
, Roger, 648.
, lie, 101.
Mansfield, Maumesfeld [co. Notts], 612.
Mansion [co. York], 590.
Mansion, Alfred de, 590.
John de, 590.
, Matilda wife of Alfred de, 590.
Mantel in Lo Frith, Windsor forest, 303.
Manyman, William, 614.
Mapelderham [co. Hants], 246.
Mapeldorerugge, in Windsor forest, 311.
Mapeldorewelle. See Maplederwell.
Mapelton, Walter son of Gilbert de, 142.
Maplederwell, Mapeldorewelle, co. Hants, 543.
Mar, Donald de, constable of Newark castle,
Hawisia de, 112.
Marcand, Henry, 567.
March, William, 481, 654.
Marchal. See Mareschal.
Marchamley, co. Salop, 98.
Marchaund, John, 179.
Marchant, Solomon, 593.
, Stephen, 383.
Marche, John de la, 528.
....„..., Richard de la, 445.
, Walter de la, 117.
, William de la, 308.
Marches of Scotland. See Scotland.
Marchnmley, Marchimleye, Robert de, 21, 98,
Marchys, WiUiam, 341.
Marcle, Markeleye, co. Hereford, 15, 29, 37.
Marden, Mawardyn, co. Hereford, 637.
Mardon, Merdon, co. Wilts, 543.
Mare, John de la, 522.
, Peter de la, 420.
Reginald de la, 433.
Richard de la, 338.
, William de la, 117, 125.
Maregny, Jakenettus de, 64.
Mareis, Marrigg, Little, priory [parish of
Yedingham], co. York, 673.
Mares, Geoffrey de la, 268.
.Henry de, 372.
Marescal, Gilbert, 567.
MareBchal, Marchal, Hugh le, 356.
, Isabella daughter of Ralph le, 371.
, John le, 329, 481, 550, 570, 578.
, Jordan le, 356, 371.
, Peter le, 217,233, 358.
, Ralph le, 356, 371.
Richard le, 44, 147, 403, 420, 598,
607, 618, 656.
....,.,.., ,knt., 219.
, keeper of Brentheles and Can-
tredesely, 415.
Thomas le, 713.
, William le, 218.
, constable of Bryntheles castle,
, William son of William le, 360.
Margan, Mergan, abbey [co. Glamorgan],
Margaret, countess of Cornwall, the king's
niece, 3, 4.
Margaret, queen of Edward I., 25, 281, 663.
, places held in dower by, 57.
Margaret, William son of, de Nevill, 696.
Margate, Mergate, co. Kent, 13, 172, 239, 257.
Margery, Robert son of, de Edenestowe, 442.
Maiham, Marnham, co. Norfolk, 68.
abbey 68.
Marham, Richard de, 631.
Marisco, John de, 230, 352, 477.
, Nicholas de, 482.
, William de, 484.
Marissak, Godscalcus, 386.
Markander, Eeymund le, 33, 294.
Markhy priory [co. Ijiucoln], 683.
Markeleye. See Marcle.
Markham East, Estmarkham [co. Notts], 210.
Markham, Richard de, 672.
Markleye. See Marcle.
Marky, William, 275.
, son of John, 457.
, son of Thomas, 457.
Marlborough, Marlebergh, co. Wilts, 57, 147,
149, 348.
castle, 57, 149, 544.
, constable of, 448.
, keeper of 437.
.letters close dated at, 283-285,297,
Marleberewe, Richard de, 261.
Marlebergh, Thomas de, 605, 632.
, , sheriff of cos. Somerset and
Dorset, 182.
Marlow [co. Buckingham], letters close dated
at, 360, 361.
Marmand, 44 ] .
Martueduk, Ida wife of John, 600, 681.
Marmyon, John de, 588.
, Manser, 27.
, Robert, 660.
Marnham. See Marham.
Marny, William, 339.
, de, 147.
Marocello, Anthony, 502.
Marre, Ralph de, 110.
Marresey. See Mattersey.
Marrigg. See Mareis.
Marscal, Hauwisa, 567.
Marseilles, France, chapter-general of the
Friars Miaors at, 122.
Marsepeny, Marsopyoi, John, 237, 241.
Marsh, the, co. Gloucester, 421.
Marshal of England, the, 80, 113, 132,452,
457, 462, 651, 687.
See also Brgtherton.
, Edmund his brother, 113.
Marshal in the king's household, 686.
Marshalsea, court of the, 596.
, clerk of the, 40.
prison, 91, 245, 275.
, keeper of, 261.
See also Weldou.
, rolls of, 74, 182, 185, 190, 265.
, , of Edward I., 89.
Marsh Gibbon, Mersshgibewyne, Merscha-
hewyne, co. Bucks, 632.
Marshland, Mershland, co. Norfolk, 654.
Marsopyni. See Marsepeny.
Marston, Merston, 184.
, Mershton, co. Bucks, 623, 632.
, North, Northmerston, co. Bucks, 707.
, Mersshton, co. V/ilts, 543.
[co. York], 676.
Martel, Adam, 572, 619.
, Alan, 595.
, William, 333.
son of John, 388.
Martin, Copinus, 406.
, John, 407.
, son of, 373.
, William, 339.
, , justice, 283.
Martini, Gundissalvius, 47.
Peter, 479.
Marton, Great, Merton [co. Lancaster], 666.
in the Forest, Marton - in - Galtres,
priory, co. York, 672.
Marton, Ahce wife of Richard de, 712.
, John de, 355, 563, 712, 718.
, Richard de, 712.
Martyn, David, bishop of St. Davids, 59, 112,
, Geoffrey, 568.
, Gilbert, 299.
, , Peter, 361.
, Richard, 637, 638.
, William, 78, 1 15, 354, 507.
, , justice, 28.
le Clerck, Robert, 14.
Mary, daughter of Edward I., the king's
sister, 296.
Maryns, Thomas, 336.
, de, 228.
Mashaiu, Massam, prebend of, in York
cathedral, 602.
Mason, Simon de Trosk le, 09.
Massa, Francis de, 272.
, Titrus de, 272.
Massam. See Masham.
Massam, William de, 430.
Massang', Peter, 33, 294.
Masshebury, Adam de, 242.
, William de, 503, 716.
Massingham, Ivo de, 144.
Massyngham, William de, 479.
Mat, John, 231.
Matefray, Matefrey, Hugh, 332, 372.
Materfeloun, Adam, 566.
Matfen, John de, 58.
Matliefen, Thomas de, Robert of Kelsey's
man, 30.
Mathelay, Margaret wife of Robert de, 321.
, Robert de, 321.
Matherein, Ireland, 439.
Matheu, John, 464.
.Richard, 709.
Matilda, John son of William son of, de
Egmanton, 137.
, Thomas son of, 98.
Mattersey, Maderseye, Marresey priory [co.
Notts], 152, 528.
Matthew, Robert son of, de Spaldyng, 307.
Matyn, Gilbert, 612.
Mauduyt, John, 650.
, , knt., 488.
, Thomas, 526, 599.
, , knt., 636.
, souof WiUiam, 636.
Maufesour, John, 446.
Mauger, John, 462.
Maulay, Peter de, lord of Mulgrave, 722.
5ce a/so Malo Lacu ; Mauley.
Maule, Eleanor wife of Peter, 723.
Henry, 319.
, Peter, 723.
Mauleverer, John, 160, 271.
de, 624.
Mauley, Peter de, 322.
Maulovel, John son of Ralph, 141.
, Matilda wife of Ralph, 141.
Ralph, 141.
Maumesfeld. See Mansfield.
Maunby, co. York, 167.
Maundevill, Richard de, 127.
, Robert de, 372.
Maimer, Unricus le, 103.
Mauns, le Mauuz, John, 420, 4,53.
Maunsel, John, founder of Bilsington priory,
Maunz. See Mauns.
Maure, Adam, 31.
Maurice ap Rees, 458.
, Maurice son of, de Bercleye, 222.
Mautravers, John, 314, 315, 439, 474, 483,
488, 511, 513, 519,586.
, de, 599.
, son of John, 210, 222, 232.
, Milicent wife of John, 427.
Mauveysyn, John, captain of Calais, 84.
Mawardyn. See Marden.
May, John le, 229.
Maydenach, Isabella de, 6.
Maydenhide, William de, 184.
Maydenstan, Robert de, 384.
, Walter de, 489.
Maydenstane. See Maidstone.
Mayel, Lucy, 310.
, Matthew, 310.
Maynan abbey. See Maenan.
Measures, reference to, 362.
Meath, county in Ireland, 360, 408, 530, 613.
, bishop of, 530.
, justices in, 610.
, sheriff of, 19.
Meaux abbey [co. York], 201, 207, 277.
, Adam abbot of, 201.
Meaux, Scolastica wife of Godfrey de, 608,
See also Melsa.
Meavy, Mewy [co. Devon], 662.
Mechain, Meghyn Iscoyt [co. Monmouth], 18.
Mechlin, 6chevins and consules of, 227.
Medburn, John de, 141.
Medeburn, Alexander de, 318.
, Peter de, 124.
Medlem, Elias, 709.
Medmenham, Medmeham abbey [co. Bucks] ,
Meek, Robert, 175, 669.
, , mayor of York, 214.
, le, 146.
Meepham. See Meopham.
Meerton Forton, Mere in Forton, co. Stafford,
Mees, William, 485.
Megheyn Iscoyt. See Mechain.
Megulhan, Colman, duke of Kiubreslye, 127.
Meigiiill, Giles son of Hugh de, 608.
, Hughde, 608.
, son of Hugh de, 608.
, Joan wife of Hugh son of Hugh de,
See also Menill ; Menyle.
Mekesburgh, Robert de, 672.
Mel, Lucy wife of William le, 14.
William le, 14.
Melbourn, Meldeburn, co. Cambridge, 50.
Melbourne, Melebourn castle [co. Derby],
475, 581, 646.
(keeper of, 437.
Melbourne, Thomas de, 704.
, William de, 446.
Melburn, Richard de, 3.
.William de, 377.
Melcheburn, Thomas de, 216.
Melchet, Milchet [co. Wilts], 195.
, wood, in Clarendon forest, 195.
Melcombe, Melecombe, co. Dorset, 16, 486,
490, 562, 670.
, bailiffs of, 531,534.
, port of, 16, 491, 524.
Meldebourne, Cicely wife of Eichard de, 704.
Meldeburn. See Melbourn.
Meldeburn, Geoffrey de, 122.
Meldon, Michael de, 653.
Meldyngham. See Maldegem.
Melebourn. See Melbourne,
Melecomb, Melecombe. See Melcombe.
Meledon, Michael de, 138, 653.
Meleneth, Melenyth. See Maelienydd.
Melford [co. Suffolk], 446,
Melford, Gilbert de, dean of Repps, 341.
Melksham, co. Wilts, 57, 149, 316.
, park and forest, 149.
forest, 253,284.
Melksop, Henry, 644.
Mellebourn. See Milborne port.
Mellifout abbey, in Ireland, 404.
Mello, Drogo de, 310.
Mellorseisenek. See Maelor Seisneg.
Melmerby, co. York, 167.
Melreth, Ralph son of Ralph de, 427, 434.
Melrose, Scotland, letters close dated at, 585,
591-594, 675, 676.
Melsa, Scolastica wife of Geoifrey de, 683.
See also Meaux.
Melsonby, Melsamby [co. York], 135, 671.
Melton, CO. Suffolk, 314.
[co. York], 125.
-on-tbe-Hill [co. York], 279.
Mowbray [co. Leicester], 379.
Melton, Clement de, 352, 483.
, Philip de, proclaimer before the chief
justice in the Bench, 32.
Richard de, 125.
, Robert de, 140, 205, 227.
, William de, 498, 606, 613.
, , archbishop of York, 18, 19, 21,
24, 27, 30, 38, 41, 43, 45, 81, 82, 87,
88, 94, 99, 125, 131, 182, 197, 206,
214, 259, 265, 283, 323, 328, 349, 375,
396-399, 410, 514, 52.), 525, 527, 532,
533, 548, 558, 563, 565, 602, 632, 647,
648, 664, 676, 679, 684, 686, 693, 696,
699, 716-718,721, 723.
, , , keeper of the wardrobe,
Mendbam [co. Suffolk], 683.
Menemowe. See Moumouth.
Menewith. See Menwith.
Menill, Hugh son of Hugh de, 590.
, Nicholas de, 450.
See also Meignill ; Meuy le.
Meustre. See Munster.
Menstreworth. See Minsterworth.
Mentmore [co. Buckingham], 451.
Menwith, Menewith [co. York], 53.
Menyle, Simon de, 712.
See also Meignill ; Menill.
Meoles, Elizabeth, Felicia, Thomasia and
Margaret daughters of John de, 313.
, John de, 313.
Meopham, Meepham, co. Kent, 372.
Mepeham, Mepham, Edmund de, 317, 353.
, Simon de, 353.
Meperteshale. See Meppershall.
Meperteshale, Robert son of Nicholas de, 92.
Mepham. See Mepeham.
Meppen, Herman, 120.
Meppershall, Meperteshall, co. Bedford, 92.
Merall [co. Northumberland], 123.
Merchants, attacks on, 4, 9, 13, 20, 21, 46,
47, 52, 67, 83, 89, 95, 112, 126, 155,
158, 162-165, 168-173, 176, 181, 183,
184, 192, 209, 216, 217, 256-259, 262,
263, 290, 309, 325, 348, 363, 364, 376,
378, 390, 392, 394, 396-399, 405, 410,
412, 414, 453, 486, 496, 508, 509, 692,
702, 713.
,alieu,234, 303, 539,584, 615,642,691.
, , order concerning, 244.
of England, mayor of, 110.
, See also Cherleton.
, statute of, 136, 362.
Merconaldi, Chatus, de Sene, 251.
Merdele [co. Hertford], 644.
Merden, William de, 14.
Merdon. See Mardon.
Mere, co. Wilts, 57, 149.
castle, 149.
in Forton. See Meertown Forton.
Mere, John de, 249.
, Thomas de, 665.
Merevale [cos. Leicester and Warwick],
letters close dated at, 419, 420, 426,
, Merivale, abbey, 478.
, letters close dated at, 525.
Merevel, Thomas, 572.
Merewode, co. Warwick, 588.
Mereworth, Joan de, 43, 44.
John de, knt., 314, 334.
Mergan abbey. See Margan.
Mergate. See Margate.
in Flanders (sic), 239.
Mergh, John atte, 518.
Meriet, George de sou of, John de, 469.
, John, 506.
de, 448, 469.
Merington, Robert de, 148.
Merivale abbey. See Merevale.
Merk, Jacomina de, 147, 374.
, lady of, 494.
, Thomas atte, 428.
Merkelesden, Richard de, 429.
Merltynfeld, Eichard de, 382.
Merkyngfeld, John de, 1 11, 126, 141, 167.
, , canon of St. Peter's, York, 669.
Merlawe, Drogo de, 7, 91.
, Joan daughter of Drogo de, 7.
, John de, 260, 264, 266, 435.
, Margaret daughter of Drogo de, 7.
Roger de, 260, 264.
Merlin, John, 707.
Merlouwe, John de, 66.
Merschahewyne. See Marsh Gibbon.
Merseye, Nicholas de, 230.
Mersh, John de la, 4 1 9.
Mersham [eo. Kent], 489.
Mersheton, John de, 433.
Mershton. See Marston.
Mershton, Annora de, 184.
, Thomas de, 316.
Merskland. See Marshland.
Merssh, Stephen atte, 85.
Mersshgibewyne. See Marsh Gibbon.
Mersshton. See Marston.
Merston. See Marston.
Merston, Thomas de, 471.
, "William de, 210, 502.
Mertoke, Isaac de, 665.
Merton, Great. 5ce Marton.
Merton priory [co. Surrey], 117.
Merton, Henry de, 676.
, John de, 11, 109, 166, 323, 357, 415,
, , clerk of the Chancery, 367.
, Richard de, 559.
, Walter de, 57, 150.
Me«yngton, Hugh de, 338, 443.
Messager, Bonus le, 116.
, Ralph le, 580.
Messenden. See Missendon.
Messing', Richard de, 230, 595.
Metham, Nicholas de, knt., 220.
son of Thomas de, 206.
, Thomas de, 548.
Methelay. See Methley.
Methelay, Agnes wife of William de, 438.
Metheley, Henry de, 715.
Methewold. See Methwold.
Methley, Methelay, co. York, 438.
Methwold, Methewold, co. Norfolk, 68.
Metyngham, John de, justice, 646.
Menrio Kammeys, 447.
ap Res, 420.
Meverel, Elizabeth wife of Thomas, 459.
, Thomas, 459.
Mewy. See Meavy.
Mey, Henry le, 460.
Michael, John son of, 567.
, son of, de Caveford, 61.
Michel, Eicfa-d, 467.
Micheldevre, Robert de, 609, 611, 612.
Michelfeld, Adam, 471.
Michelgrene. See Michelgrove.
Michelgrove, Muchelegrave, Michelgrene
[parish of Clapham], oo. Sussex, 185,
Miohole, Micol, John, 441.
, Peter, 33, 294, 441.
Mickelfeld, John le Fiz William de, 471.
Micklefield, Miklefeld, co. York, 720.
Micol. See Michole.
Middelbourgh, Avelina wife of John de, 122.
, John de, 122.
Middelburgh in Zeeland, 183.
Midelmore. See Middlesmoor.
Middelneye, Ralph de, 332, 334.
Middelno, John brother of Ralph de, 42 1 .
Ralph de, 421.
Middelthorp [co. York], 6\S.
Middelton. See Middleton.
[co. Kent] . See Milton.
Middelton, Adam de, 107.
, Agnes wife of Roger de, 598.
, Alexander de, 717.
, Gilbert de, official of the Court of
Canterbury, 351.
, Johnde, 622,631.
, Peter de, knt., 561.
, Peter son of William de, 202.
, Richard de, 341, 433, 511, 513.
, , the king's pantler, 226, 346,
481, 537.
Robert son of Roger de, 610, 649.
, Roger de, 598.
, William de, 382, 466.
Middleham [co. York], 246.
Middlesex, county, 221, 225, 227, 229, 230,
232, 241, 244, 279, 283, 324, 326, 329,
331, 340, 342, 343, 352-354, 357, 35.'^,
361, 371, 374, 382, 477, 480, 482, 488-
491, 497, 503, 518, 538, 540, 568, 604,
634, 64.5, 705.
, , archdeacon of, 328, 330, 358,
410, 538, 724.
, See a/so Baldok.
, , justices of assize in, 106.
, sheriff of, 189, 411, 414, 521,
536, 628, 640.
Middlesmoor, Midelmore forest [parish of
Kirkby Malseard, co. York], 588.
Middleton, Middelton, 22.
, CO. Kent. See Milton.
, CO. Lancaster, 598.
, CO. Norfolk, 68.
, CO. Northants, 609, 683, 709.
, CO. Oxford, 575.
, CO. Surrey, 624, 630.
, CO. York, 68, 130, 228, 317.
Midhop, John de, steward of Blaokburnshire,
Midlovente. See Lavant, Mid.
Migelay, Miwgelay, WiUiam de, 214, 346.
Mignot, Mich.ael, 145.
Mikeldor of Yewbarrow, le. See Dore.
Mikeleye, Adam de, 58.
Mikelham, Johnde, 476, 703.
Miklefeld. See Micklefield.
MUborne Port, Mellebourn [co. Somerset],
Milbiirn, William de, 584.
Milcbet, Milchete. See Melchet.
Mildenbale, Geoffrey de, 107.
Mile Ead, co. Middlesex, 342.
Milford [co. York], 471, 691.
Milford, Idonia daughter of Robert de, 634.
, John le Fiz Johan de, 471.
, Robert de, 471.
, Margaret daughter of Gilbert de,
, Robert de, 634.
Miliugton, John son of James de, 134.
, Matilda wife of James de, 134.
Milkestrete, Adam de, 288.
Miller, Adam the, 123.
, Peter the, 566.
See a/so Molendinarius.
Miloeburn, co. Westmoreland, 422.
Milueburn, Robert de, 148.
Milnehouse [co. Lancaster], 610, 649.
Milton [co. Bucks], 538.
abbey, co. Dorset, 116.
,Middelton, Middleton, co. Kent, 57,
149, 154, 611.
, fair and market at, 173.
, hundred of, 149.
, CO. Oxford, 594.
Milton, William de, 377.
Milyngton, Robert de, 565.
Minchinhampton, Mynchenhampton, co. Glou-
cester, 241.
Mines, 43, 59, 134, 1 71, 212, 469, 567.
, iron, in Glamorgan, 127.
, lead, 127.
Mingge, Warin, 499.
Miningsby, Mithyngesby [co. Lincoln], 202.
Minskipp [co. York], 53, 124.
Minster-in Thanet [co. Kent], letters close
dated at, 312,400, 496.
Minsterley, Munsterleye, eo. Salop, 581.
Minsterworth, Munstreworth, co. Gloucester,
122, 613.
Minstre, Minster, Simon de, 170, 180.
Mint, the, 300.
Mirth, William, 118.
Miserden, JIusardrie, co. Gloucester, 543.
Missendon, Messenden abbey [co. Bucking-
ham], 116.
Misterton, Mistreton [co. Notts], 44, 72, 75,
138, 162,207.
Misterton, Robert de, 206.
, Roger son of Nicholas de, 206.
Mistreton. See Misterton.
Mitcheldean, co. Gloucester, 87, 512.
Mitchelmarsh, Muchelmerssh, co. Hants, 374.
Mite, river, co. Cumberland, 567.
Mitford, CO. Norfolk, the hundred and half of,
[co. Northumberland] ,599.
castle, 466.
See Mutford.
Mithyngesby. See Miningsby.
Miton. See Myton.
Miton, Hngh de, 167.
Mitt', Robert son of, 567.
Modeford, Geoffrey, 410.
Mohaut, Danz Hugh de, 343.
, Robert de, 113,493.
Mohautesdale. See Mold.
Mohun, Geoffrey de, 294.
, Johnde, 331,436.
, , the elder, 352.
, , the younger, 352.
Moigne, Adam le, 395.
John, 717.
, le, 353.
, son of Alexander le, 279.
Muriel wife of Thomas le, 279.
, Thomas le, 279.
, William, 328, 562.
Mokele, Beatrice, 611.
, Walter, 611.
Mold Dale, Mohautesdale [co. Flint], 421.
Molendino, John de, 290.
Molendinarius, Adam, 123.
See also Miller.
Molescroft, Mollescroft, co. York. 547.
Mollesworth, Molesworth, Catberina wife of
Walter de, 1 63.
, Richard de, knt., 429.
, son of Hugh de, 354, 509.
, Walter de, 26, 65, 86, 163.
, son of Hugh de, 509.
Molsham, Geoffrey de, 53?, 622.
Molyns, Jobn de, 677, 694.
Monasterio, Tidmann, Tideman de, 47, 290.
Monboucher, Mountboucher, Bertram de, 212,
Mone, William le, 268.
Monek, Reginald son of Adam le, 182.
Monekes, Thomas atte, 310.
Moneketnn nunnery. See Nun Monkton.
Monekrode. See Monkerode.
Monemewe. See Monmouth.
Monemue, John de, 580.
Monewade, John de, 267.
Moufort, Robert, 268.
Moninton. See Monnington.
MoDJoie, John, 457.
Monkelane, John de, 223.
Monkerode, Monekrode, Munkerad, in Tlan-
ders, 395, 412, 486.-
Monketon, William de, 1 46.
Monkton Farleigh, priory [co. Wilts] , 98.
Monmouth, Menemowe, Monemewe, 521, 645.
Monmouth, John of, bishop of Llandaff, 11,
133, 278,279,472, 511.
Monnington, Moninton, co. Hereford, 657.
Monpynzon, Munpynzon, Montpynzoun,
Mounpynzoun, Mountpynzoun, Alice
and Joan daughters of Giles de, 137. -
, Christiana wife of Giles de, 469.
, Oliver de, 228.
, William de, 470.
Mons, William, 537.
Montacute priory, co. Somerset, 106, 117, 138.
Montargis monastery, France, 701.
Monte, William de, steward of Denbigh, 532.
Monte Acuto, Edward de, 496.
Elizabeth de, 496.
, Elizabeth, wife of William de, 192,
194, 230, 293, 342.
, Hawise de, 496.
, Simon de, 240.
William de, 49, 110, 111, 168,191,
193, 194, 240, 285, 293, 294, 356, 496.
, son of William de, 287, 629,
Monte Albano, John de, 262, 401.
Monte Alto, Robert de, 555, 645.
, , steward of Chester, 342,
Monte Caniso, Dionisia de, 659.
, William de, 187, 191.
Monte Claro, Francis de, 325.
, Erisottus de, 325, 422.
Monte Forti, Alexander de, 695.
, Elizabeth wife of Alexander de, 695.
, Henry de, 579, 673.
, Peter de, 507, 525, 621.
, Reginald de, 579.
Simon de, earl of Leicester, 310, 622.
, , rebellion of, 310.
Monte Hermerii, Ralph de, 349, 429.
, , keeper of the forest south of
Trent, 50, 159-161, 180.
Monte I'essulano, Richard de, 129.
Montgomery in Wales, castle and honour of,
29, 37, 65.
, , constable of, 312, 524.
Montibus, Lady EUzabeth de, 478.
Montpellier, Languedoc ("department of He-
rault), France, 129, 261, 361, 479.
, lord of. See Sancho.
Montpynzoun. See Monpynzon.
Monyton, John de, 237.
Morand. See Morant.
Morant, Morand, Moraunt, John son of,
Walter, 252.
, Jordan, 95, 312, 483, 642, 649.
, justice, 145.
, Walter, 252, 518.
Morby, Robert de, 214, 458, 529, 539, 674. .
, knt., 685.
, constable of Brecknock castle,
, , keeper of the land of Breck-
nock, 415, 428.
, William de, 214.
See also Moreby.
Mordaunt, William, 151, 623, 631.
Mordon, Mordene, Gilbert de, 180, 261, 290,
328, 363, 405.
Moredon, Walter de, 261, 361.
More, Bertram de la, kiag's serjeant-at-arms,
See also Mose.
Henry atte, 360, 625.
, , de la, 357.
, John de la, 419, 447, 456, 518.
, Ralph de la, clerk of the works in
Windsor Castle, 54, 158, 185, 188, 278,
423, 600.
, Robert de la, 220.
, Stephen de la, 597.
Moreby, Henry de, 564.
Nicholas de, 564.
, Robert de, 618.
See also Morby.
Moredon. See Mordon.
Moref, earl of. See Randolf.
Morel, Geoffrey, 403.
Moreton, co, Northampton, 329.
South [co. Berks], 316.
Morewode. See Morwode.
Morfe, Morf, co. Stafford, 630.
, forest of, 50.
Morganwg, Morganno, Morgannou [cantref],
Wales, 395, 402, 408, 645.
, castles in, 438.
.sheriff of, 522.
Morice, Moryz, John, 529, 700.
, , knt, 686, 704.
Morle, John de, 688.
Morlee, 185.
Morlee, Hawisia wife of Robert de, 581.
Robert de, 581.
Morlegh, See Morley.
Morlegh, Adam de, 587.
Morley, Morlegh, co, Devon, 587.
Morpath, John de, 58.
Morpeth [co. Northumberland], letters close
dated at, .=,84.
Morston, Hamo de, 319.
Morteho, Roger de, 326.
Mart d'ancestor, assizes of, 78, 307, 308.
Mortein, John, 447.
3 F 2
Morteyn, Roger de, 224.
, , lint., 226,693.
William son of Roger de, knt., 107.
Mortimer, Morlemer, Mortymer, Constantiue,
Henry de, 433, 628.
Isabella la, 3«7.
, Joan wife of Roger de, 360.
, Margaret de, 419.
, Roger de, 112, 113, 541, 543.
, , lord of Trim, 360.
, son of Roger de, 360.
See also Mortuo Mari.
Mortival, Roger, bishop of Salisbury, 112,
113, 239, 306, 349-351, 601, 602.
Mortmain, statute of, 92, 245, 247, 264, 288,
289, 298, 299, 304, 306, 307, 312, 386,
409, 612-614, 622, 624, 651, 663, 664.
Morton, co. Cumberland, 455.
Morton, Mortone, Hugh de, 489.
John de, 695.
.Miles de, 316,509.
, Nigel de, 512.
Richard de, 413.
, Thomas de, 316.
Mortonne, John de, 60.
Mortuo Mari, Constance wife of Henry de,418.
, Constantiue de, 79.
, , knt., 687.
Hugh de, 418,
, knt, 607, 621.
Margaret wife of Edmund de, 449,
520, 615.
, Roger de, lord of Chirk,77, 138, 511,
513, 517, 518, 578, 582, 594.
, justice of Wales, 1, 12, 18, 19,
23, 38, 71, 73, 77, 165, 190, 194, 200,
285, 290-292, 358, 364, 366,376, 406,
452, 506.
, , keeper of the town and castle of
Carnarvon, 290.
lord of Wigmore, 82, 86, 129,
179, 182, 192, 359, 360, 363, 364, 366,
368, 371, 415, 441, 490, 493, 508, 511,
513, 517, 594, 615.
, supplying the king's place in
Ireland, 2, 5, 8, 70, 72, 82.
, justiciary of Ireland, 61, 65, 70,
71, 80, 84, 90, 91, 139, 162, 200, 277.
See also Mortimer.
Morwode, Morewode, Roger de, 275, 335, 354.
William de, 322, 332.
Moryn, John, 129, 487, 690, 712.
, Robert, sub-escheator in co .Warwick,
Moryz. SceMoiice.
Mose, Bertram, de la, the king's serjeant-at-
arms, 389.
See also More.
Moseleye, Mosleye, Musele, Musle, Richard
de, 586, 595, 612, 624, 653, 658, 673.
Mosergh, co. Cumberland [rectius \vestmore-
land?], 455.
Mosergh, Joan de, 455.
Mosewell. See Muswell.
Mosleye. See Moseleye.
Mostyn, Moston [co. Salop], 618.
Mosy, Christiana del, 567.
Mot, Peter, 703.
Mota, Gaillard de, 538.
Mote, John, 476.
Motesfonte, Muttesfunte, John, 299, 612.
Moteston. See Mottistone.
Motoun, Arnald, 33, 294.
William, knt., 575.
Mottistone, Moteston [co. Hants], 267.
Moubray, Alexander de, 469, 585.
, knt., 291.
, Alma wife of John de, 659.
, John, 588.
, de, 62, 129, 136, 220, 268, 342,
421, 435, 436, 464, 473, 494, 522, 526,
541, 543, 573, 605.
, , lord of the Isle of Axholme,
, Roger de, 588.
, Thomas de, 218.
Moul, Walter son of John le, 501.
Moulton, Multon [co. Lincoln], 141, 438.
, CO. Northampton, 640.
Mounceux, Thomas de, 717.
Mouner, Henry le, 184.
Mounfychet, Richard, 388.
Mounpynzoun. See Monpynzon.
Mounselowe, Ralph de, 353.
Mountanser, Reymund, or Reymou Arnaud
de, receiver of the custom of wool, &c.,
in the port of Ipswich, 10.
Mounlbocher. See Monboucher,
Mounteny, Mounteneye, Arnulph de, 330.
John de, 330.
Mountgombry, Walter de, 572.
Mountnessing, Ginge Mounteny foo. Essex],
Mountpynzoun. See Monpynzon.
Mous, Henry, 694.
Mouth, Muth, in Flanders, 395, 412, 48G.
Moyue, Robert le, 671.
, William, 475.
Moyte, Peter, 644.
Muchegros, Amice wife of Miles, 526.
, William, 526.
Muchelegrave. See Michelgrove.
Muchelmerssh. See Mitchelmarsh.
Muchet, Thomas, 421.
Mudle, Reginald de, 415.
Mulcastre, Sec Muncaster.
Mulc.Tstre, Robert de, 43, 72.
Mulfen Manor [co. Northumberland], 40,
Mulften, Sampson de, 39, 40.
Mulgrave, Mulgreve [co. York], 722.
Mulne, Thoma6 atte, 518.
Mulsam, Nicholas de, 225.
Multon. See Moulton.
Multon, Eleanor wife of Thomas de, 433, 438,
454, 566, 584.
.John de, 658.
, Thomas de, 438, 439, 658.
Muncaster, Muncastre, co. Cumberland, 454,
Munchenekyngton. See Kington.
Muncketon, Eleanor de, 66.
Mundene, John de, 700.
Mundesleye, co. Lancaster, 664.
Mundsley, Mundesley, Munnesleye, co. Nor-
folk, 68.
Mvmemuwe, John de, 132.
Munkerad. See Monkerode.
Munketon, Eleanor de, 177.
Henry de, 547, 565.
, John de, 685.
Munnesleye. See Mundsley.
Munpynzon. See MonpjTizon.
Miiuster, Menstre, in Germany, 46, 89, 155,
Munsterleye. See Minsterley.
Munstre, John, 66.
Munstreworth. .See Minsterworth.
Mvirdac, John, 436.
Murdak, Juliana wife of Thomas, 471.
Murreth, John de, 102.
Muryden, Eociiia wife of Roger de, 498.
John son of Roger de, 498.
Musard, Malculin, 426.
Musardere, La [Miserden, co. Gloucester?],
Masardrie. See Miserden.
Muscardi, Bartholomew, 322.
Muschet, Agnes, 95.
Muse, Ernald de, 593.
Musele. See Moseleye.
Musgrave, Nicholas sou of Nicholas de, 600.
Maskham South, Suthmuskham, [co. Notts],
Mnskham, Elias de, 485.
Isabella wife of Thomas de, 226, 358.
, Walter de, 226, 358.
Mnsle. See Moseleye.
Mustarder, John le, 299, 612.
Musters, Henry de, 528, 612.
Mustlewyk, Richard de, chamberlain of South
Wales, 28.
Muswell, Mosewell [co. Middlesex], 326.
Mutford, Mitford, hundred [co. Suflfolk], 69.
Mutford, John de, 281, 282, 403, 712.
justice, 14, 19, 20, 308.
Math. See Mouth.
Muttesfunte. See Motesfoute.
MyncheuhamptoQ. See Miacbinhampton.
Myners, John de, 580.
, steward of the honour of Tut-
hury and Staffordshire, 532.
Mynghot, John, knt., 560.
Myniot, John, 668.
Mynton, Adam de, 624.
Mysone, John, 267.
Myton, Miton, co. York, 167.
Naburgh, William de, 239.
Naburn, co. York, 136.
Nafferton, co York, 151, 659.
Nafforton, Thomas de, 683.
Nailstone, Nailestoue [co. Leicester], 212,
Nakerer, John or Janyn le, 694.
NaTy, Richard, 31.
Naltou. See Nelton.
JVamium vetitum, pleas of, 26.
Namur and Rotheis, John, count of, 118.
Nansladron, Serlo de, 28, 309.
Nantes, France, 20, 47, 67, 83, 170.
Nautoil, Oliver son of John de, usher of
Queen Isabella's chamber, 18, 19, 308.
Napton, Robert de, 467.
,knt., 709.
Narynges, Great, See Snoring.
Nasard, Henry, 181, 228, 335, 236, 253, 281,
337, 340, 343, 345, 360, 467, 479, 513,
663, 705.
Nasse, Robert, 453.
, Walter de, 515.
Nasshe, Gilbert de la, 433.
Roger de la, 184.
Nassington, John de, 547.
Nassyngton, Robert de, 121, 211.
Nastoke. See Navestock.
Nastoke, John son of Edmund de, 325.
Naulton, Richard de, 570.
Navarre, queen of. See Blanche.
Navestock, Nastoke [co. Essex], 240.
Navyngton, co. York, 167.
Nayland, La Neilond, Neyland [co. Suffolk],
57, 149.
Neath, Neolh, Neth [co. Glamorgan], 542.
castle, 522, 542.
Nebbeleye, John de, 241.
Nechells, Necheles, co. Warwick, 631.
Ned. See Nid.
Nedham, John de, 116.
Neilond La. See Nayland.
Neirford, Neyrford, Edmund de, 110, 232.
, Petronilla de, 249.
NeiviU. See Nevill.
Nelton, Naltou, co. Wilts, 636.
Neoth. See 'Sea.th.
Kerford, Peter de, 711.
, Thomas de, 371.
Nesebet, William de, 284.
Ness manor, co. Salop, 304.
Nesse, Thomas del, 721.
Nesum, John de, 146.
Neth. See Neath.
Netberavou, Netheruphaven, co. Wilts, 543.
Netherdunsford. See Dunsfortb, Lower.
Netherepenn. See Penn, Lower.
Nethergorther [co. Montgomery], 581.
Netherhardres. See Hardres, Lower.
Netheruphaven. See Netheravon.
Netherwent. See G went Is Coed.
Netley, Lutele, St. Edward's abbey, co. Hants,
54, 186, 286,407,626.
Nettlecombe, Nettelcombe, co. Somerset, 627.
Neubiggiog, John de, 58.
, Thomas de, 55, 670, 704.
Neubiggyng. See Newbiggin.
Neubo abbey, See Newbo.
Neubnld, Neuboltegrave, co. Northampton,
Neuburgh, Robert de, 484.
Neuburi, William de la, 184.
Neuby-on-Wysk. See Newby Wislte.
Neuby, Adam le Fitz Briee de, 619.
, Robert de, 676, 692.
Neucomen, John, 124.
, John son of Geoffrey, 125.
Neudegate. See Newdigate.
Neuenton. See Newington.
Neubagh. See Newhagh.
Neuhagb, Thomas de, 374.
Neuhall. See Newhall.
Neuham. See Newnham.
Neuheth. See Hythe.
Neuland, Henry de, 554.
, Kobert de, 554.
Neunam Curtenay. See Nuneham Courtney.
Neuport. See Newport.
Paj'nel. See Newport Pagnel.
Neupoirt, Peter de, 342.
, William de, 137, 223, 443, 603.
Neusom. See Newsome.
Netiton. See Newton.
Neuton, John le Fiz Elys de, 471.
Nenweman, John, 240.
Neuwerlt. See Newark.
Keuwerk, Matilda wife of Robert de, 482.
, Robert de, 352, 382, 482, 500.
Robert son of John le, 382.
Neve, John le, 262.
Nevers, Louis, count of, 118, 698.
NeviU, Neville, Nevyll, Neivill, Alexander de,
., Alice daughter of William de, 247.
Nevill, Neville, Nevyll, Neivill — cont.
, Edmund de, 69.
, Geoffrey de, 69.
, John de, 107, 119, 132, 573, 627,
, , sheriff of co. Lincoln, 4, 157.
, John son of Eanulph de, 428.
JoUan de, 300.
, Margaret de, 60, 62, 69.
, Mary de, 246, 301, 305,389.
, Nicholaa daughter of William de,
, Ralph de, 106, 246, 302, 389,526,
, Eanulph de, 246, 302, 305, 389, 592.
, Robert de, 69, 246.
.Walter de, knt., 502.
, William de, 62, 160, 315, 316, 467.
, ,knt., 488.
, , son of Margaret de, 606.
Newark, Neuwerk, co. Notts, 221, 564, 670,
castle, constable of, 437, 450.
See a/so Mar.
, chancery at, 694.
, hospital of St. Leonard without, 450.
.letters close dated at, 166, 624-626.
638, 645, 694, 709.
, Noitbgate, 694.
Newbiggin, Neubiggyng, co. Northumberland,
.bailiefs of, 370.
, letters close dated at, 155, 208.
Newbo, Neubo, abbey [co. Lincoln], 467.
Newbourn, Neweburn, co. Suffolk, 314.
Newburgh priory [co. York], 202, 588, 606,
612, 683.
, canons of, 6S3.
Newbury [co. Berks], letters close dated at,
Newby Wiske, co. York, 138, 167, 297.
Newcastle-in-Emlyn, Emelyn castle [co. Car-
marthen], 291.
, constable of, 438.
Ncwcastle-under-Lyme, co. Stafford, 578.
castle, keeper of, 437
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, co. Northumberland, 4,
20, 30, 38, 58, 69, 132, 141, 148, 171,
196, 201, 216, 218, 249, 441, 447, 448,
529, 532, 533, 548,549, 552, 553, 55.5-
559, 561, 562, 568, 591, 599, 607, 635,
636, 641, 645, 660, 667, 675, 677-679,
685, 699, 700, 708, 719.
, bailiffs and community of, 395,
castle, 157, 304, 314,418,466,667.
, chancery at, 676, 677, 681.
, exchequer of, 302.
, fermof, 38.
, garrison of, 44.
, letters close dated at, 152, 156, 158,
206, 209, 573, 584-586, 594-597, 671-
673, 677-679.
ITewcastle-upon-Tyne — cont.
mayor of, 148, 196, 628, 658, 694.
, See also Emeldon.
, mayor and bailiffs of, 54, 187, 191,
195, 196, 370, 534.
, Pilgrim street, 678.
, port of, 16, 318, 524, 531.
, , customs in, 244, 444.
, St. Nicholas, 679.
Newdigate, Neudegatt, co. Surrey, 231.
Newebigging', Thomas de, 59.
Newebuxn. See Newbourn.
Newebury, John de, 704.
Neweby, Robert de, 674,
Newehagh, John de, 213.
....I...., Richard son of John, son of Simon
de, 565.
Neweinton. See Newington.
Neweland, Newelond, John de, 407, 549.
Newenham. .See Newnham.
Courtenay. See Nuneham.
Newenham, John de, verderer of Windsor
forest, 184, 185.
, Juliana de, 96.
wife of Philip de, 106.
Newenton. See Newington.
, Neuton. See Newtou-on-Sea.
Newenton, John de, 613.
Roger de, 518.
.William de, 518.
Newerk. See Newark.
New Forest, co. Hants, 57, 150, 253.
Newhagh, Neuhagh [co. York], 410.
Newhall, Neuhall, co. StaflFord, 33.
Newingham, Newenham, priory. See Newn-
Newington, Neuenton, Newenton, Neweinton,
CO. Surrey, 232, 403, 479.
Newland [co. Gloucester], 278.
Newnham, Newenham, priory [parish of
Goldington], CO. Bedford, 97, 223, 327,
329, 347, 350, 476, 683.
, Newenham [co. Gloucester], 173.
, letters close dated at, 643.
Newport, Neuport, co. Essex, 3.
Pagnel, Neuport Paynel, co. Backs,
442, 612, 623, 632.
[co. Monmouth], 402,408,541,542.
castle, 408.
, constable of, 440.
New Shorham. See Shoreham, New.
Newsome, Neusom, co. York, 107, 167.
Newstead-on-Anchohne priory [co. Lincoln],
99, 119.
Newstead-in-Shirwood priory [co. Notting-
ham], 152.
Newton, Neuton, co. Cumberland, 454.
^.., Long, Langneuton [co. Durham], 27,
Flotman, co. Norfolk, 665.
Newton — con*.
-on-Sea, Neuton, Newenton, co.
Northumberland, 123.
Underwood [co. Northumberland],
,co. York, 206.
-in-HoIderness [co. York], 99.
, hospital of, 99, 116.
-on-Swale, co. York, 167.
Newynton, Thomas de, 518.
Neyland, Neilond. See Nayland.
Neyrford. See Neirford.
Nicholas IV., Pope, 37, 81, 647.
Nicholas, Geoftey son of, de Stokewell, 194.
, John son of, 566.
, .,...., de Edesburge, 361.
, ,de Stebbyng', 312, 642.
, ,de Yucflet, 125.
Nicholas son of, 386.
, Robert son of, de Cotingham, 213,
, , de Meperteshall, 92.
, Roger son of, de Misterton, 206.
, Roger and William sons of, de Seleby,
, Thomas son of, de Northfolk, 216.
, William son of, de Clif, 107, 718.
Nidd [co. York], 53.
Ned, river, co. York, 271, 429.
Nidderdale, Niderdale, co. York, 588.
Nigel, John son of, 332.
NigTO Castro, Albert de, 485.
Ninch, le, Ireland, 439.
Ninfield, Nymmesfield [co. Sussex], 75.
Nivernen' (the Nivernais). See Nevers.*
Noble, John le, 332.
Nodariis, John sou of Oliver de, 71, 84.
, Oliver de, 71, 84.
, Robert de, 245.
Noere, Noweres, Robert de, 292.
, ,knt., 334.
Noldyn, John, 396.
, Robert, 396.
Nonynton. See Nunnington.
Norbury, Northbury, co. Stafford, 33.
Noreys, Robert le, 287.
, Walter le, 287, 696.
, William le, 583.
Norfolk, county of, 55, 91, 104, 105, 109, 111,
114, 136, 137, 140-142, 146, 201, 202,
207, 209-211, 313, 216, 218-230, 223,
225, 228-231, 240-242, 314, 319, 333,
333, 335, 339, 341, 342, 344, 355-357,
359, 360, 371, 372, 377, 382, 435, 469,
470, 476, 477, 480, 481, 484, 498, 507,
509, 535, 540, 549, 563, 566, 568, 573,
593, 602, 616, 645, 658, 673, 674, 683,
687, 695, 705, 711, 721.
, , assizes in, 19.
rebels' lands in, 470.
Norfolk, county of — cont.
, .sheiiffof, 6,23, 24, 52,58,63, 65,
66,69,73,81,93, 100, 111, 134, 140, 156,
162, 168, 172, 186, 211, 221, 244, 257,
258, 263, 26fi, 268, 271, 290, 302, 309,
312, 318, 331, 370, 386, 388, 392, 395,
398, 399,401,412, 425,431,435, 446,
463, 469, 470, 509, 515, 521, 534, 536,
• 538, 539, 555, 560, 577, 624, 629, 665,
678, 688, 698, 706, 719, 724.
Norfolk, earl of. See Brotherton.
Norfolk, .lohn de, 412.
, Thomas de, 136.
Norham castle [co. Northumberland], 663,
, , constable of, 196, 682.
, , See also Gray.
liberty of, 195.
Norhampton, Agnes wife of Michael de, 207.
, John de, 089,
, Michael de, 592.
Norht, Simon, 384.
Norman, Henry, 223, 261, 354, 489.
, , constable of Berkhampstead
castle, 412.
John, 489, 498.
, Peter, 391.
Robert, 716.
Normanby, oo. York, 133.
Normandy, 187, 259, 475.
Normanton [co. Leicester], 460.
[co. Notts], 146.
...., CO. York, 488.
Normanton, Benedict de, 146, 216, 415, 707.
^..., Gregory de, 460.
, Isabella wife of Eichard de, 146.
, John son of Richard de, 146.
Normanvil, John de, 148.
NormanviU, Thomas de, 148.
, , escheator north of Trent, 465,
607, 653.
Normanvilla, Sibyl de, prioress of Appelton,
Norrays, Alan le, 470.
NoiTeishegbis, co. Devon, 583.
Norreys, Robert le, 390.
, Walter le, 390.
Norridge, Northrugge [Upton Scudamore, co.
Wilts], 306.
North, Walter, 232.
Northallerton, co. York, 115, 167.
Northampton, 71, 84, 93, 94, 104, 121, 137,
190, 215, 261, 271, 343, 377, 384, 424,
489, 500, 503, 549, 604, 689, 691, 709.
castle, 264, 659.
, keeper of, 437.
the king's council at, 112.
, the king's park of, 635.
_,, .,,, hospital of St. John, 549.
, letters close dated at, 1-7, 91-96.
Northampton — cont.
, mayor of, 137, 553, 604.
, See also Caysho.
, mayor and bailifis of, 424.
, priory of St. Andrew, 146, 236.
, statute merchant recognisances at,
Northampton, county of, 9^-96, 126, 174, 209,
212, 221, 229, 233, 235-239, 241, 314,
315, 317, 327, 329, 336, 338, 339, 341,
343, 346, 354-356, 372, 375, 377, 378,
385, 395, 402, 441, 479-481, 484, 488,
490, 491, 498, 500, 501, 503, 511, 517,
526, 528, 537, 540, 551, 553, 572, 640,
645, 672, 686, 705, 707, 715.
, , knights and squires of, 426.
, prisons in, 84.
, , sheriff of, 8, 17, 28, 68, 71, 84,
94, 134, 159, 166, 177, 190, 196, 244,
252, 256, 264, 276, 318, 335, 424, 425,
450, 471, 485, 514, 615, 519, 521, 556,
564, 574, 591, 604, 628, 629, 635, 651,
Northampton, Ralph de, 481.
Northbergen. See Bergen.
Northbraden. See Bradon, North.
Northhurgh, Roger de, 5, 10, 31, 35, 39-41,
43, 45, 61, 109, 216, 219, 296, 328, 379,
389, 479, 481, 492, 527.
, , archdeacon of Richmond, 202,
, bishop of Coventry and Lich-
field, 548, 591, 660, 665, 671, 700.
, , keeper of the wardrobe, 5, 7,
17, 33, 39,41, 48, 63, 66, 72, 74, 77,
165, 189, 249, 262, 273, 366, 441, 478,
591, 660.
Northburton, near Beverley, 145.
Northbury. See Norbury.
Northcarleton. See Carlton North.
Northcave. See Cave, North.
Northcott [co. Somerset], 356.
North Cowton, Northcouton, co. Y'ork, 167.
Northdighton. See Deighton.
Northduffeld. See Duffield, North.
North Elkyngton, William son of Robert de,'
North Elmham, William de, 563.
Northewod, John de, 638.
Northlield, Northfeld, co. Worcester, 631.
Northfeld, Walter de, 682.
Northferiby. iSee Ferriby, North.
Northfolk, Thomas de, 124.
, Thomas son of Nicholas de, 216.
Northgate, co. Nottingham, 694.
Northgeveldale. See Givendale.
Northgrave, Alfred de, 22.
, Elizabeth wife of John de, 250.
, John son of Alfred de, 22.
Northgrenet hundred. See Greenhoe, North.
Northhalle, Robert son of Roger de, 245.
Northill, Northyevel, co. Bedford, 64, 65.
Nortlikelleseye. See Kelsey, North.
Northkeuelyngworth. See Kilworth, North.
Northkenelvngworth, Aubrey wife of Kalph
de, 597.
Ralph sou of Godfrey de, 597.
Northnierston. .See Marston, North.
Northo, \Yilliam de, 302.
Northotrington. See Otteringtou, North.
Northrepps [co. Norfolk], 68.
Nortlirngge. See Norridge.
Northtudenham. See Tuddenhain, North.
Northumberland, county of, 58, 107, 110, 119,
148, 157, 187, 190, 191, 218-230, 233,
235, 255, 299, 307, 325, 343, 360, 376
474, 506, 541, 550-553, 555, 576, 599,
600, 608, 614, 621, 645, 658, 678-680,
685, 705, 707, 717, 720, 721.
.sheriff of, 40, 54, 111, 157, 195, 244,
267, 286, 288, 289, 314, 318, 356, 370,
418, 421, 460, 466, 519, 539, 621, 628,
670, 681, 683, 694, 718.
Northurst, in Windsor forest, 311.
Northwell, William de, 701.
Northwode, Henry de, 186.
, Humphrey de, 154, 479.
, Joan wife of Johu de, 81, 154, 179.
John de, 81, 154.
, Richard de, 154.
Roger son of John de, 154.
, Simon de, 154.
, knt, 372.
, Thomas de, 154, 535.
Northwold, co. Norfolk, 68.
Northivood in Sheppey [co. Kent], 154.
N orthy evel. See Northill.
Norton, 196, 197.
[co. Buckingham], 464.
priory [co. Chester], 228.
, CO. Essex, 386.
[co. Gloucester], 196, 639. ■
CO. Norfolk, 240.
, CO. Worcester, 615.
, King's [co. Worcester], 574.
, CO. York, 301, 675.
, Seint Walery, 451.
Norton, ilan do, 150.
, Andrew de, 452
, Edward de, 572.
Henry de, 218.
James de, 379.
John de, 1 15, 415, 431, 483, 555.
, Payn de, 501.
, Richard de, 137, 483, 603.
, Robert de, 483.
, Thomas de, 332.
Nortwell, William de, 716.
Norway, 30, 58, 144, 171.
herrings, 616, 654.
, king of . See Haakon.
Norwell, co. Notts, letters close dated at, 626.
Norwich, 19, 20, 105, 333, 335, 375, 670.
, bailiffs of, 370, 554, 688.
, bishop of. See Salmon.
castle, 65, 156, 186, 263, 290, 309.
, keeper of, 437.
, diocese of, 236, 323, 375, 723.
gaol, 6, 224, 386, 388.
mayor and bailiffs of, 536.
, priory of the Holy Trinity, 498, 499.
Norwico, Norwyco, Isolda wife of Henry de,
, Ralph de, 336.
, Norwicz, Walter de, 55, 79, 113, 162,
214,403,462, 575, 616.
, baron of the exchequer, 76, 351,
613, 689.
chief baron of the exchequer,
, justice, 654.
, , knt., 362.
, , treasurer, 41, 70.
, , keeper of the office of treasurer,
536, 537, 546.
, William de, 251, 377.
Norwicz. See Norwico de.
Norwyk, William de, 263.
Nostell, St. Oswald's priory, co. York, 207,
Nosterfield [co. York], 246.
Notaries, order concerning, 186.
Notley, Nuttele priory [co. Buckingham],
White, Nottele, co. Essex, 626.
Notre Dame I'^a Roial, abbey, near Pon-
toise, 225.
Nottele. See Notley, White.
Nottingham, 29, 52, 97,128,129, 159, 197,
236, 264, 430, 442, 669, 682.
, archdeaconry of, 647.
, bailiffs of, 10, 129.
castle, 10, 158, 426.
, constable of, 418, 431, 437.
, See also Segrave.
, the king's council at, 29.
, Houndegate, 129.
letters close dated at, 8-10, 78,95,
97, 99, 142, 177.
, mayor of, 129.
, See also Lincoln.
, mayor and bailiffs of, 310, 556.
prison, 456.
St. Mary of Mount Carmel of, order
of, 128.
Nottingham, county of, 94, 95, 98, 100, 106
107, 126, 130, 137, 140, 141, 205, 206,
208, 221, 223, 226, 231, 232, 236, 242,
324, 346, 354, 372, 374, 446, 475, 487*
491, 496, 497, 540, 551, 570-572, 577^
620, 645, 671, 679, 684, 685, 694, 716.
... , forest pleas in, 159.
Nottingham — cont,
, sheriff of, 8, 40, 45, 97, 134,158,264,
335, 392, 416, 418, 421, 424, 430, 431,
434, 446, 456, 461, 519, 521, 522, 534,
535, 555, 562, 563, 577, 613, 632, 681,
682, 684.
Nottingham, earl of, 266.
Notyngham, Peter de, 572.
, Robert de, 530.
, William de, minister-general of the
Friars Minors, 425.
Nova Haia, Adam de, 489.
Novel disseisin, assizes of, 14, 19, 20, 27, 36,
53, 156, 157,227,279,281,308, 418,
Novers, Eobert de, knt., 333.
NoTO Burgo, Aiobrose de, 671.
Novo Castro, Henry de, 204, 320, 345.
, Peter de, 122, 232.
, Walter de, 413.
Novo Slercato, Roger de, 573.
Noweres. See Noeres.
NoTvet, Geoffrey, 151, 155.
Nunburnholme, Brunum, co. York, 175.
Nun Monkton, Moneketon, nunnery [co.
York], 122.
Nuneham, Neuham, Nywenham, co. Oxford,
489, 707.
Courtney, Ne"wenhani, Neunam
Curtenay [co. Oxford], 222, 232, 477.
Nunnington- in-Kydale, Nonyntou [co.York],
458, 564.
, prebend of in Hereford cathedral, 438.
Nuttele priory. See Notley.
Nymmesfield. See Ninfield.
Nywenham. See Nuneham.
Oadby, Outheby, co. Leicester, 353, 368, 372,
382, 560.
Oakham, Okham, co. Rutland, 345, 406, 444.
castle, 3.
, constable of, 303, 437.
, , letters close dated at, 644.
Oakhangpr, Okhangre, co. Hants, 168, 169.
Ockham, Ooham, co. Surrey, 312.
Oclesthorp. See Okelesthoi-p.
Odam, Odom, Henry, 299, 612.
Oddy, Doffus, 233.
Oddyngseles, John son of Hugh de, knt., 405.
Ode, Thomas, 218.
Odecombe, Nicholas de, 341.
Odeson, Roger, 141.
Odiham castle, co. Hants, 179, 653.
, constable of, 179, 411, 437.
See also Ewere de ; Lewer.
Odiham — cont.
.letters close dated at, 187, 191, 192,
193, 194, 197, 229, 230, 257-259, 325,
park, 60, 179.
Odiham, Nicholas de, 602.
Odo, Alan son of, 384.
, Maurice son of, 384.
Odom. See Odam.
Odonys, Clement, 298.
Oferwes, Ireland, 439.
Offton, Robert de, baiUff of Nottingham, 129.
Ofton. See Ufton.
Ofton, WilHam de, 623, 630.
Ogbourne, Okebourne [co. Wilts], letters
close dated at, 412.
priory, 132, 359, 484.
, prior of, 132, 133.
See also Ponte Episcopi.
Oggel, Oggil, Henry de, 118, 129, 163.
, Richard de, 58.
Oisel, Richard, 300.
Okebourne. See Ogbourn.
Okeham, Okham, John de, cofferer of the
wardrobe, 74, 115, 664.
Okehangre, Geoffrey de, 9.
Okelesthorp, Oclesthorp, John de, 471, 592.
Okham. See Oakham ; Okeham.
Okham. See Okeham.
Okhangre. See Oakhanger.
Okie. See Acle.
Okstede. See Oxted.
Oldecoteshalle [co. Warwick], 440.
Oldher, Peter, 381.
Oldington, Henry de, 117.
Old Swyneford. See Swinford, Old.
Oleron, Isle of, 466, 711.
Olethan, Ireland, lord of, 339.
Ohver, John son of, 84.
, , de Nodariis, 71, 84.
, Peter, 284.
, Robert son of, de Punchardon, 721.
Olneye, John de, 106, 436, 451.
, , knt., 96.
William de, 554.
Olthorp. See Althorp.
Olveston. See Alveston.
Olveswyk, Alexander de, 239.
Olyver, John, 227.
, Eobert, 78.
Omnibon, John, 501.
Ongar, Augre, Aungre, co. Essex, 312, 475.
castle, 434.
, letters close dated at, 466.
Onyot, Nicholas, 582.
Oostburg, Osburgh, [Zeeland], 395.
Opmanton, John and Stephen sons of Walter
de, 228.
Ore, CO. Kent, 335.
Ore, Isabella wife of WilUam de, 343.
Orel', 210.
Orewell. See Orwell.
Orford, co. Suffolk, 143, 524, 670.
, bailiffs of, 370, 463, 546.
, men and community of, 143.
Orleans, France, 26, 108.
Orletou, Adam de, bishop of Hereford, 112,
113, 121,302, 511, 514,523.
Ormesby, co. Norfolk, 412.
Ormesby, William de, justice, 19.
Ormsby, Ormesby, priory [co. Lincoln], 692.
Orpedeman, Robert, 361.
Orsett, Orseth [co. Essex], 322.
Orton, Overton [co. Leicester], 654.
Orwell, Orewell, port of, co. Suffolk, 524.
Osbern, llichard, 85.
, William, the king's shearman, 280.
Osbournby, Osberneby, co. Lincoln, 128, 711.
Osburgh. See Oostburg.
Osenbrugg. See Osuabriick.
Osevill, Margery de, 579.
Osewaldestrete. See Oswestry.
Osgodby, CO. Lincoln, 571.
[co. York], 126, 210, 536.
Osgodby, Osgodeby, Adam de, 213, 220, 374.
, Isabella de, 220.
, Matilda wife of Walter de, 621.
, Richard de, 213.
, Robert de, 215.
, Waher de, 213, 621.
Osles . . . ., abbey [Owston, co. Leicester?],
Osmotherley, Osmunderlaie, co. York, 167.
Osmunderlawe, Osmonderlawe, William de,
, , verderer of Ingelwood forest,
Osnabriick, Osenbrugg, Germany, 46, 89,
155, 158, 414.
Osnej abbey, 22.
Osolveston. See Owston.
Ospringe, co. Kent, 57, 149.
, letters close dated at, 182, 224.
, St. Mary's hospital, 62.
Ossory, bishop of, 530.
Ostende, Flanders, 395.
Ostrein, Francis de, 593.
Oswestry, Osewaldestrete [co. Salop], 520,
557, 645, 719.
Oterhampton, W^iiliam de, 454, 610.
Oterington, Oteryngton, John de, 683.
, William de, 673.
Otham [co. Kent], 154.
Otlesthorp. See Okelesthorp.
Otley, Ottelay [co. York], 126.
Otterington, North, Northotrington, co. York,
South, Suthotrington, Suthtoteryng-
ton, CO. York, 167, 673.
Oughterby, Ughtreby, co. Cumberland, 285.
Ouneby. .See Owmby.
Ouneby, Thomas de, 571.
Ounedale, Isabella wife of John de, 450.
John de, 450.
Ouresby. .See Owersby.
Ouse, Use, the river, oo. York, 429, 455, 456,
468, 541, 572, 573, 576, 577, 604.
Ousebouru, Usseburn, William de, 114, 118.
Ouseburn, Great, Useburn, co. York, 146,
Ouseflet, Nicholas de, 164, 397.
See a/50 Useflet.
Ousthorp, John de, 117, 118, 123, 146, 201,
, Thomas de, 100, 140, 211.
, son of Richard de, 209.
Ouston. See Owston.
Outheby. 5ee Oadby.
Outhenby, Outheneby, Thomas de, 551, 672.
, Thomas son of Thomas de, 684.
Outhethorpe [co. York], 715.
Outrelewe, William, 471.
Overbury, co. Worcester, 485.
Overdunsford, Simon de, 110.
Overeton. See Overton.
Overeton, Thomas de, 630.
Overgorther [co. Montgomery], 581.
Overheiton. See Overton.
Overhetton. See Overton.
Overpenne. See Penn, Upper.
Overse, Walter, 433.
Overthorp, near Worksop, co. Notts, 612.
Overheiton, Overhetton. See Hatton.
Overton, Overeton, co. Stafford, 630.
, letters close dated at, 669.
See also Orton.
Maddok, co. Flint, 308.
Oving, Ovynk, co. Bucks, 623, 632.
Ovre, Luke de, 90.
Ovynk. See Oving.
Owayu ap David, 267.
Owersby, Ouresby, co. Lincoln, 571.
Owhalton, John de, 123.
Owmby, Ouneby, co. Lincoln, 571.
Owston, Osolveston, abbey [co. Leicester],
See also Osles ....
Ouston, CO. York, 575.
Oxcombe, co. Lincoln, 547.
Oxeclif, Nicholas de, 666.
Oxentou, Oxindon, ca. Gloucester, 456,
Oxford, 31, 149, 255, 313, 368, 426.
bridge, 302.
castle, 290, 393.
, , keeper of, 437.
, Friars Preachers of, 31.
hospital of St. John without the East
Gate, 226.
, mayor of, 413.
:, and bailiffs of, 32, 75, 553.
priory, co. Berks, 194.
Oxford— cont.
prison, 394.
university of, 31, 413, 675.
, chancellor of, 31, 75, 413.
, See also Luterel.
, , chancellor, proctors, masters,
and scholars of, 121.
, , masters and scholars of, 76.
Oxford, county of, 102, 162,223,228,238,241,
244, 322, 324, 331, 334, 341, 356, 359,
371, 372, 394, 395, 402, 425, 477, 479,
484, 487-491, 501, 502, 537, 540, 565,
572, 577, 604, 620, 627, 629, 645, 650,
657, 672, 694, 696, 697, 705, 717.
, assizes in, 308.
sheriff of, 31, 60, 166, 168, 180, 181,
189, 244, 256, 263, 290, 298, 318, 394,
413, 420, 421, 425, 433, 461, 508, 516,
559, 577, 584, 622, 641, 656.
, earl of. See Veer.
Oxhird, Kobert le, 381.
Oxindon. See Osenton.
Oxonia, John de, 298.
, Stephen de, 716.
Oxted, Okstede [co. Surrey], 357.
Oxwyk, Richard de, 213, 239.
Patenham. See Pavenham.
Pabenham, Edward son of John de, 432.
, Elizabeth wife of John de, 432.
, Johnde, 432, 551.
Pabmore, Sarah de, 631.
Paclesham. See Paglesham.
Pagani, Gaucehn, 168, 399.
, Reymund, 168, 399.
Page, Dionisia, 720.
, wife of John, 661.
Isabella, 382.
, John, 661.
son of John, 268.
Thomas, 111, 126,210.
Pageham, Stephen de, 476.
Pagenhall. See Pakenhill.
Paghel. See PauU.
Paghel, John son of Gilbert de, 119.
Paglesham, Paclesham [co. Essex], 390.
Painswick, Payneswyk, co. Gloucester, 155,
Paitefyn, Margaret, 565.
See also Patef yn.
Pakenhill, Pagenhall, co. Gloucester, 447.
Pakwod, Hugh de, 452.
Palicia, Hugh de, knt., 365.
Palmare, Henry le, 508.
Palmer, Henry le, 1 72, 392.
, Ralph le, 661.
Palmere, Adam, 58.
, Roger de, sheriff of London, 429.
, le, sheriff of London, 458.
, Thomas son of Richard le, 381.
Paltreton. See Balderton.
Pamber, Pamberge, forest [co. Hants], 279,
Panhale. See Paunel.
Pannebury, Adam de, 101.
Pannel, Panhale, co. York, 700.
Pantry, the king's, yeoman of, 117.
Panyfadre, William, 9, 13, 52.
See also Paynfader.
Papal bulls, 677, 688.
nuncio, the, 108.
Pape, Everard, 170, 180.
Pappeworth. See Papworth.
Pappeworth, John de son of William de, 306.
William de, 306.
Papworth, Pappeworth [cos. Cambridge and
Huntingdon], 591.
Paris, 225.
Paris, Stephen de, 505.
Park priory, 207.
Parker, Elias le, 535.
Stephen le, 503.
, Perker, Thomas le, keeper of Ken-
nington park, 189, 278, 423, 600.
, William le, 334.
Parlement, Albert, 47, 290.
Parliament, the, 678, 711, 714.
, rolls of, 143.
Parlington, Parlyngton, co. York, 369, 543.
Parnyng, Pernyng, Robert, 222, 328.
.William, 581.
Parpoint, John, 458.
, Philip, 458.
Parva Preston, John son of Thomas de, 610,
Parys, Stephen de, 225.
, William de, 711.
Passeleye, Passele, Edmund de, 137.
, justice, 434, 584.
Passelewe, Nicholas son of John de, 269.
, Robert de, 155.
Passenham [co. Northants], 429.
Paston, CO. Norfolk, 6.
Pastyn, John, 1 3.
Patefyn, Matilda daughter of William, 715.
Sec aZso Paitefyn.
Patemere, Henry de, 580.
Patent Rolls, the, 22, 125, 137, 145, 205, 378,
521, 564,680, 718, 719.
PateshuU, Joan wife of Walter de, 715.
, John de, 529, 609, 623, 632.
, Walter de, 190, 529, 715.
Patoun, John, 678.
Patrick Brompton, co. York, 220.
Pattingham, Patyngham, co. Stafford, 630.
Patton, Roland de, 393.
Fatyngham. See Fattiagham.
Fauhal. See Paull.
Paulin, William son of, de Kerdyf, 341.
Paulinescrey. See Paul's Cray.
Paull or Paghill, Paghel, Pauhal [co. York],
119, 142.
Paul's Cray, Paulinescrey [co. Kent], 352.
Pauncefot, Aymer, 518, 595.
knt., 604, 681.
, Grimbald, constable of St. Briavel's
castle, 473.
, Sibyl, 427.
Paunton, William de, 105, 202, 629.
, , constable of Lincoln castle, 596.
Pavely, Walter de, 430, 434, 718.
, William, 502.
Pavenham, Pabenham [co. Bedford], 432.
Paxton, Little [co. Huntingdon], 338.
Payek, Benedict, 683.
Payen, William, 483.
Paylleue, William, 51.
Payn, Andrew, 416, 444.
, Elias son of, 587.
, John, 216, 350, 352, 661.
, Matilda wife of John, 350, 352.
, Richard, 230.
, Robert fuiz, 240.
son of, 451.
, son of Robert son of, 270.
Paynel, John, 56, 102, 168, 169, 321.
son of Philip, 119.
, Matilda daughter of John, 169.
Philip, 56.
, Ralph, 92, 649.
.Thomas, 374, 375.
J , knt., 208.
, Wilham, 374,375.
I'ayneswyk. See Painswick.
..'aynfader, William, 259.
See also Panyfadre.
Paynswayn, Richard, 168.
Payntour, William le, 713.
Peak, High. See High Peak.
Peasemore, Pesemere, co. Berks, 260, 265.
Peatling, Petlyng [co. Leicester], 421.
Pebmore. See Pedmore.
Pecche, Gilbert, 79, 141, 338, 585.
, , knt., 315.
, Giles, 105, 551, 553, 571, 682.
, Lsolda wife of Gilbert, 585.
, John, 333, 360, 503, 682.
, , knt., 669, 697.
, , the elder, knt., lord of Hamp-
ton-in-Arden, 228, 703.
, Simon son of Gilbert, 585.
Pecham, John de, 340.
Peckham, East, Estpecham [co. Kent], 247.
[co. Surrey], 450.
Peook, John, 104, 509.
the elder, 254.
, son of Robert, 343, 354, 359,
377, 381, 511.
Pecquigni, Picardy (Somme), the vicomte of,
Pederton, Richard de, 572.
, son of John de,~265.
Pedmore, Pebmore, co. Worcester, 631.
Pedrogue, John, 390.
Pek, John du, 262.
Pelegrina, Feidita, 510.
Pelegrini, Bernard, 210, 229, 696, 701.
, king's serjeant-at-arms, 121.
Pelegrinus, Elias, 510.
Pelham, John de, 232, 491, 683.
Thomas de, 189.
Felice, Domangus, 261.
, Dominic, 262.
Pembroke, earl of. See Valencia.
Pembury, Pepunbery, co. Kent, 475.
, Bayhall in, 475.
Penbrugge, Fulk de, 353.
Penoestre, Stephen de, constable of Dover
castle and warden of the Cinque Forts,
Pencryche, Robert de, 672.
Pendine, Penneden [co. Carmarthen], 464.
Pendok, Andrew de, 498.
Penebrugg, John de, 433.
, Richard de, 573.
,Fulkde, 589.
Penedok, Cicelj- wife of John de, 637.
Penereth, John de, 191, 332, 395, 501.
, , warden of the marches in
Northumberland, 562.
Peneros, William de, 632.
Penestrini, Gerald, papal legate, 37, 81.
, Simon, papal legate, 37, 81.
Penistone, Penyston, co. York, 696.
Penkel, Simon, 554.
Penkelly, Penkelli, Penkethelyn [co. Brecon],
415, 617, 618, 646.
castle, constable of, 422.
PenkhuU, Penkhill, co. Stafford, 578.
Fenn, Lower, Netherepenn, co. Stafford, 630.
, Upper, Overpenne, co. Stafford, 630.
Fenne, John de la, 447.
Penneden. See Pendine.
Penres, Walter son of Adam de, 378.
Fenreth. See Penrith.
Fenreth, John de, 187, 282, 283, 285, 291, 325.
, , knt., 140.
Penrith [co. Cumberland], 29, 307, 434, 619.
.bailiffs of, 29, 619.
Penros, WiUiam de, 623.
Pensax, Henry de, 518.
, William de, 518.
Fentelowe, Henry de, 537.
Pontyn, John, 636.
Penwortham, co. Lancaster, 576.
Penyngton, John de, 454, 455.
Penysale [co. York], 220.
Penj'sthorp [co. York], 2.
Penyston. See Penistone.
Pepe, Gerus, 255.
Pepunberj. See Pemt)ur3\
JPeoule, Alice wife of Walter de la, 231.
Perariis, John de, 333.
, Richard de, sherifi of cos. Essex and
Hertford, 74.
See also Perers.
Perbroun, John, admiral of the king's fleet,
463, 465, 466.
Percebrigg, John de, 431, 715.
Perch, John de, 140.
Percy, Agnes de, 25.
, Beatrice wife of Robert de, 661.
, Eleanor wife of Henry de, 23, 25,
104, 151, 155, 166, 167, 178, 193, 227,
, Elizabeth wife of John de, 151.
, George de, 151, 342.
Henry de, 21, 193, 179, 274, 547,
604, 662, 717.
, supplying the king's place in
the bishopric of Durham, 151.
, , constable of Scarborough castle,
418, 580.
, Henry son of Henry de, 178, 201,
411, 633.
, John de, 718.
Nicholas de, 586.
, Robert de, 661.
, William de, 580.
Peregrini, William, 361, 479.
Perepount, Robert de, 421.
, Simon de, 371.
Perere, John, 262.
Perers, James de, 571.
, Richard de, 554, 701.
, ". , sheriff of cos. Essex and Hert-
ford, 15.
, knt., 232, 233, 236, 706.
See also Perariis.
Peret, Reginald son of Ralph, 343.
Perham, Ralph de, 230.
Perigord, treasurer and seneschal of, 410.
Perker. See Parker.
Pernecote, Thomas, 263.
Pernyng. See Parning.
Perot, Simon, 67.
Perott, William, 227.
Perpount, Simon de, knt., 481.
Perran, Peryn, co. Cornwall, 410.
Perry Barr, Barre Little, Pyrye, co. Stafford,
, East, Estpyrye, co. Huntingdon, 640.
Pers cloth of Beverley, 164.
Pershore, abbey, co. Worcester, 94.
Pershut, Nicholas de, 354.
Persoue, Edith wife of Robert, 654, 655.
Persoun, Person, Persone, Robert, 46, 89,
320, 330, 400, 499, 654, 655.
, Thomas, 590.
William, 106, 371, 511.
Persones, John le, 518.
Persshet, Nicholas de, knt., 206.
Pertenhale, Richard de, 141.
Perth, St. Johnstown of, Scotland, 20, 47, 67,
83, 170.
, garrison of, 20, 47.
Pertrik, Thomas, 536.
Pertynges [co. Sussex ?], 350.
Peruch', Boneface de, 705.
Peruzzi, merchants of the society of the, at
Florence, 242, 303, 361, 476, 642, 705.
Peryn. See Perran.
Pese, Thomas, 377.
Pesemere. See Peasemore.
Peshull, John, 181.
, Richard de, the king's surgeon, 369.
Pessaign, Anthony, 2, 485, 591, 660.
, , seneschal of the duchy of
Aquitaioe, 85.
Pesshoner, John le, 74.
Pesshoun, William, 467.
Peter, Alice daughter of, de Rockelay, 220.
John son of, 373.
, son of, de Bermyngham, 135.
, son of, de Draycote, 482.
, son of, de Fymmer, 713.
Jordan son of, 214.
, Richard son of, de Tadecastre, 592.
, Robert sou of John son of, 694.
, William son of, 125.
, son of, de Lilleborn, 632.
Peterborough [co. Northants], 670.
abbey, 349, 409, 504.
Petersfield, Petresfeld [co. Hants], 246.
Peterson, William, 112.
Peter's pence, Peterpenyes, 606.
Petewyll, Thomas son of Roger, 277.
Petirson, WiUiam, 164.
Petismyth, Alexander, 660.
Petit, Robert, 107.
PetiweU, Thomas son of Roger, 268.
Petlyng. See Peatling.
Petresfeld. See Petersfield.
Petreson, William, 164, 172.
Petri, Elias, 162, 398.
Petworth, co. Sussex, 168.
Petyt, Thomas, 420.
Petyte, Evelina la, 92.
Peuelesdon, Roger de, keeper of Holt castle
in Wales, 426.
See also Puulesden, Py^welesden.
Pevensey, Peveueseie [co. Sussex], 149, 393,
, bailiffs of, 551.
Pevensey, Peveneseie — cont.
, mayor and bailiffs of, 708.
, , barons and bailiffs of, 720.
castle, 57, 149, 276.
, keeper of, 429.
See a/so Sapy.
Peveneseyc, Elias de, 277.
Pevere, Edmund, 336.
Peverel, the honour of, 25, 417, 614.
Peverel, Alice wife of Robert, 569.
, Edmund, 436.
, sou of Robert, 471, 569, 581,
, Uamo, 329.
Hugh, 284.
, John, 562.
Thomas, 185, 466.
, William, 480.
Pewsham, co. Wilts, 57, 149.
, Powesham, forest, co. Wilts, 66, 253,
284, 369.
park and forest, co. Wilts, 149.
Pey .... Thomas, 382.
Peykoo, Walter, 322.
Peyntour, Alexander le, 276, 278, 422, 600.
, viewer of the king's works in
Windsor castle, 30, 173, 185, 188.
John son of Alexander de, 159.
Peytefyn, John, 433.
Peytou, John de, 639.
Peyvre, John, 218.
, Paulinas, 94.
Philip ap Howel, 458, 582.
Philip IV. (and V.), kings of France, 13, 14,
84, 102, 103, 120, 171, 181, 187, 198,
225, 394, 409, 411, 496, 505, 508, 692,
Philip, prior of Longueville GifEord, Nor-
mandy, 325.
Philippi, Bonus, 84, 103, 215,222,234,324,
335, 339, 359, 371, 535.
, Eusticus, 250.
Piacenza, Italy, 252.
Pice Aquile. See Pisaqnile.
Pichard, Miles, 458.
Picheford, John de, 149, 227.
Pichesford, Thomas de, 509.
Pickbourne, co. York, 220.
Pickering, Pykeryng, co. York, 297, 429, 532,
562, 574, 643.
castle, 580, 595, 619, 624, 643.
...: , constable of, 437, 612, 68U.
See also Kylvyngton.
forest, 17, 643, 648, 693.
, honour of, 648.
Pickering Lith, Pikeringlith [co. York], 572.
PickhiU, Pikal, co. York, 167.
Picthesle. See Fytohley.
Piddle, Pudle, co. Dorset, 174.
Pieres, Henry, 554.
Piers, Alphonsus, 410.
, Gonsalvius, 410.
Pigdon, Pykeden, co. Northumberland, 614.
Piggesflessh, Keyner, 235.
Pigod, William son of Hugh, 19.
Pik, Alexander, 500.
Pikal. See Pickhill.
Pikard, John, 233.
Pike, Red, Le Rede Pike, co. Cumberland,
Pikerell, Walter, 639.
Pikeringlith. See Pickering Lith.
Pikering. See Pikeryng.
Pikeryng. See Pickering.
Pikeryng', Pikering, Pykering, Robert de,
dean of St. Peter's, ^ork, 45, 99, 131,
202, 350, 692, 695.
, William de, dean of St. Peter's
church, York, 45.
Pikeworth, Pyckeworth, William de, 21, 98.
Pikok, William son of Hugh, 139.
Pikworth, William de, 67.
Pilkington, Pilkyngton, co. Lancaster, 610,
Pilkyngton, Margery wife of Roger de, 610,
Pimperne, co. Dorset, 314, 315, 488.
Pinchbeck, Pyncbebek [co. Lincoln], 373.
Pinibus, John de, 476.
Pinkhurst, Pynghurst, co. Sussex, 168, 169.
Pinu, Thomas de, 701.
Pipard, Pippard, John, 447, 483, 659.
Pipe, Matilda de, abbess of Pollesworth, 465.
Pipewell, Pypwelle, abbey, co. Northants, 94,
, Thomas, abbot of, 94.
Pippard. See Pipard.
Pirie, John de, 353.
Pirye, Walter atte, 475.
Pitchesleye. See Pytchley.
Pitthesle. See Pytchley.
Pisaquile, Piza Aquile, Pizaquile, Pice AquiEe,
John, 226, 251, 347, 502.
Piscator, John son of Robert called, 11, 12;
and see Fisher.
Pistoia (Pistorio), in Italy, 225.
Pistorio, Pistoriis, Albertinus Rogeri, Rogerii
de, 324, 659.
Piza Aquile, Pizaquile. See Pisaquile.
Plaice, Richard, 213, 505.
, William de, knt., 109.
Plaiz, Richard, 124, 135.
.,. , , knt., 218.
, William, 120.
, de, knt., 109.
See also Playce.
Plane, Simon, 93.
Planesio Peter de, 714.
Plash, Walter son of Walter de, 369.
Plassh, Walter de, 553.
Pkstrer, Adam le, 382.
Playce, Richard son of William de, 206.
See also Plaice.
Plecy, Hugh de, C30.
Pledour, Henry, king's carter, 667.
Plescy, Edmund de, 424.
Pleshey caslle [co. Essex], keeper of, 437.
Plessys, John de, 58.
Pleyndamour, Philip, 268.
Plimpton, Plympton [co. Devon], 370.
Plokenet, Alan, knt., 512.
, William son of William, 70.
Plomer, Plommer, William le, 200, 261.
Plomland. See Plumbland.
Plommer. See Plomer.
Plumbland, Plomland [co. Cumberland], 105.
Plumland, Plumlond, Walter de, 105, 391.
Plumpton, Robert de, knt., 718.
Plumptre. See Plumtree.
Plumstead [co. Kent], 495.
, Plumpstede, co. Norfolk, 341.
Plumsted, Alan de, 152.
Plumpstede. See Plumstead,
Plumpton priory, 59.
Plumpton, Robert de, 160.
Plumton, Robert de, knt., 685.
Plumtree, Plumptre [co. Nottingham], 580.
Plymouth [co. Devon], 670.
, bailiffs of, 370, 531, 534.
, port of, 524.
Plympton. See Plimpton.
Pocklington, Pokelyngton, co. York, 134, 565.
Podemore. See Podmore.
Podemore, James de, 554.
Podifat, Roger, 34 i .
Podmore, Podemor [co. Stafford], 607, 617.
Podyngnorton. See Puddingnorton.
Poer, Arnald le, 139, 175.
, John son of John le, 439.
, Lattice wife of Roger le, 605.
Robert, 215.
, , chamberlain of North Wales,
, Roger le, 605.
, Stephen, 263.
Pof, Adam, 324.
Pogays, Robert, 631.
Pogeis, Robert de, 623.
Poissy, monastery of, France (Seine-et-Oise),
Poitou in France, 20, 47, 67, 83, 170.
, duke of. See John.
Pokelyngton. See Pocklington.
Pokerych. See Puckeridge.
Pokethorp, Walter de, 145, 717.
Polasaco, Polasacus, Anthony, 329, 350.
Polay, William, 573.
Polayn. See Poleyn.
Pule La, castle. See Welshpool.
Pole, Griffin de la, 18, 86.
son of William de la, 86.
, John de la, 136, 361, 665.
, Owen de la, 427, 665.
, Richard de la, 67, 136, 170, 180, 334.
551. •
, William de la, 136, 551.
Polesholte, John de, 569.
Polesputte, Roger, 267.
Poleyn, Polayn, Amice wife of John, 289.
, John, 289, 644.
, Theobald, 230, 232, 340, 353, 379,
483, 487, 694, 716.
Polhou, John de, 667.
Pollard, John, 702.
, Walter, 116.
Polles, Adam de, 101, 713.
Polleson, Laurence, 46, 8!l, l.i5, 158, 414.
PolIesTTorth nunnery [co. Warwick], 465.
PoUeye, William de, 576.
Poloye, William de, 635.
Polter, Bernard le, 634.
Pomeray, Henry de la, 110.
John, 231.
, de la, 326.
Ponchard, Robert, 623.
Ponkarn, 543.
Ponsonby, Punchonby, co. Cumberland, 454.
Ponsin, William, knt., 336.
Ponte, Roger de, 567.
Burgi, Robert de, 217.
William de, 271, 565.
Episcopi, William de, prior of Oke-
burne, 132, 133.
Pontefract, Pountfreyt, co. York, 136, 210,
220, 401, 526, 530, 575, 535, 590, 612,
615, 628,709, 719.
, castle and honour of, 456.
castle, 541, 573, 575, 580, 586, 587,
593, 595, 596, 634, 652, 653.
, keeper of, 437.
, castle manor and honour of, 575.
, chancery at, 528, 536.
, Exchequer at, 586.
honour of, 62, 456, 532, 639, 640.
letters close dated at, 420, 429-438,
467, 528, 529, 531-540, 627-629, 633,
693-697, 699, 700.
priory, 585, 594, 702.
provincial chapter of Friars Preachers
at, 477.
Pontefracto, Adam de, 395.
, Robert de, 489, 561, 691.
Robert son of Thomas de, 118, 202,
207, 208, 561, 674.
, Thomas de, 127, 482, 487, 564.
son of Clement de, 207, 374,
, son of Richard de, 207.
Pountefreit on Thames. See Broken Bridge.
Ponthieu, in Fiance, 390, 688.
, counts of, V2a.
, earldom of, 722.
Pontoise [Seine-et-Oise, France], 225.
Pontoyse, John de, 358.
Pontyn, William, knt., 334.
Poole, La Pole [co. Dorset], 486, 490.
, bailiffs of, 531, 534.
.- , port of, 524.
Poolhampton [co. Hants], letters close dated
at, 326.
Pope, the. See John.
, legates of, in England, 81.
See also Peuestriui.
Pope, Adam, 182.
, John, 607.
, Lucy wife of Adam, 182.
Poppleton, Popelton, co. York, 218.
Popelton, Alan de, 453.
, William de, 561.
Poperinghe, Poperyng', Flanders, 410.
Poperyng'. See Poperinghe.
For, William, 654.
Forcean, Portiens' (Ardennes), count of. See
Porcel, Robert, 439.
, Thomas, 439.
Porchester, co. Hants, 403, 670.
, letters close dated at, 403, 404, 502.
Porker, John, 233.
Porret, William de, 240.
Port, Henry de la, 261.
Porta, Bernard Eeymundi de, king's serjeant-
at-arms, 73.
, John de, 713.
Portam ad, Gilbert, 31.
jSee aZso Gate, atte.
Portau, Gascony, 111.
Portau, William Arnaldi de, 33, 104, 111,
Porte, Menandus de la, 429, 458.
, Thomas a la, 471.
Portenariis, Portinariis, Portunare, Aoherittus
de, 351, 374, 642.
, Acheritus Johan de, 687.
Porter, Henry le, 694.
, Joan la, 378.
, John, 475.
, le, 595, 598, 602, 603, 605, 610,
615, 617, 637, 646, 655.
, Ealph le, 421, 518.
Eichard, 419.
le, 518.
, Thomas le, 518.
, Walter le, 442, 623.
Portesheved. See Portishead.
Portiens'. See Porcean.
Portinariis. See Portenariis.
Portishead, Portesheved [co. Somerset], 636.
Portlek, CO. Meath, 91.
Portsmouth [co. Hants], 670.
, bailiffs of, 370.
, port of, 524.
Portugal, merchants of, attack on, 410.
Portunare. See Portenariis.
Postwick, Possewyk, co. Norfolk, 199.
Poteman, Eichard, 412.
Potesgrave, Eichard de, 448, 475, 517, 538,
604, 641.
Pothowe, 00. York, 19.
Pothowe, Eoger de, 19.
Poton, John de, 146.
, Peter son of John de, 489.
Potteresherdwyk. See Puttock's Hardwick,
Potton [co. Bedford], 471.
Pouell, Richard de, 656.
Pouer, Alice wife of Nicholas, 201.
Pouger, Herbert, 488.
Poulteneye, John de, 443.
Pounchard, Robert, 630.
Pounfreit, Robert son of Thomas de, lord of
Wilethorp, 550.
Pounsbourn, Agnes wife of Robert de, 14.
Robert de, 14.
Pounscomby, Alan de, 567.
Pountfreit, Eichard de, 572.
Thomas de, 91.
Pountfreyt. See Pontefract.
Pountif, John de, count of Aumale, 521.
Pourt, Hugh, 400.
Pourte, Henry, 355.
Pouwya. See Powys.
Power, Robert, 673.
, chamberlain of North Wales,
Powesham. See Pewsham.
Powys, Pouwys, Wales, land of, 427, 646,
, lord of, 363, 366.
See also Charleton.
Povre, Walter le, knt., son of William le,
Poyle, Alice wife of William de la, 630.
, Mabel wife of John de, 182.
Poyntel, John, sheriff of London, 122.
Praiers, Prayers. See Preiers.
Preachers, order of. See Friars Preachers.
Preaux abbey (Calvados), Normandy, 619.
Freest, Hugh, 577, 609.
Preiers, Praiers, Prayers, Preyers, Henrv de,
33, 426, 447.
, Eobert de, 413.
, steward of Bromfeld and Y'ale,
, William de, 413, 415.
Premontr^ abbey, France (Aisne), 560.
order of, 209, 499.
Frentibiountern, co. Cumberland, 567.
Prentiz, Thomas, 9, 13, 52, 235, 259.
Prest, Robert le, 399, 612.
Prestbury, John de, 445.
Prestebury, Robert de, 580.
, William de, 241.
Presthope, Roger de, 705.
Prestman, John, 327.
Preston [co. Gloucester], 500.
Preston, Alice daughter of Laurence de, knt.,
, Henry de, 382.
, John de, 497.
, Laurence de, 149, 426, 441, 503, 537.
, sou of Laurence de, 95, 354,
, Roger de, 328.
, Stephen de, 46, 89, 330.
, Thomas de, 487.
Prestivode. See Prestwood.
Prestwold, Hugh de, 622.
Prest-n-ood, Prestwode, co. Stafford, 612, 623.
Preyers. See Preiers.
Pridy, Thomas, 275.
Priour, Prior, John, 9, 13, 52, 128, 235, 259,
300, 331.
, sheriff of London, 449.
, , the younger, 235.
Prises, regulations concerning, 68.5.
Prittlewell, Priterwell, Pryterwell, co. Essex,
priory, 8, 29, 51, 96, 97.
, , James de Cusancia, prior of,
Privy seal, the, 50, 147, 193, 199, 211, 216,
237, 238, 270, 317, 318, 328, 867, 449,
463, 527, 532, 627, 639, 651, 666, 676,
682, 689, 694.
, keeper of, 237.
See also Baldok.
Prodhomme, Prodhome, William, 592, 593.
, sheriff of London, 320, 449,
452, 499.
Prodhou. See Prudhoe.
Prouet, Prowet, Nicholas, 452, 472, 602.
Provence and Forcalquier, count of. See
Prowet. See Prouet.
Prudhoe, Prodhou castle [co. Northumber-
land], 444, 663.
Pruet, Christina, 602.
Pruzel, James, 103.
Pryterwell. See Prittlewell.
Puckeridge, Pokerych [co. Hertford], 502.
Pudding Norton, Podyngnorton, co. Norfolk,
Puddyng', Gilbert, 275.
Pudle. See Piddle.
Pudele, Alice wife of John, 134.
Puff, Puf, Adam, 9, 13, 52, 259, 262.
Pugeys, Thomas, 324.
Pulberwe John de, 503.
Pulche, Nicholas, 268.
Pule, Alice wife of Walter de la, 623.
Pulford, Peter de, 236, 518, 539.
Pull, PuUe, Walter de la, 162.
, , escheator of Ireland, 621, 651.
Pullehare, Adam, 128.
PuUore, Alan, 678.
Pulton, Agnes wife of Richard de, 95.
, John de, 95.
, Richard de, 95.
, son of Richard de, 95.
, William de, canon of Wells, 664.
Punchardon, Robert son of Oliver de, 721.
Punohonby. See Ponsonby.
Pander, Mathilda, 567.
William, 566.
Punfald, Le, co. Cumberland, 567.
Punfreit-on-Thames. See Broken Bridge.
Purcel, Ela wife of Philip, 189.
Philip, 189.
Purle, Hugh de, 427.
Puttock's Hardwick, Potteresherdwyk, Eynes-
bury, CO. Huntingdon, 26, 163.
Puuelesden, Jordan de, 554.
See ako Peuelesden J Pywelosdon.
Pycan, John, 573.
Pycard, Hugh, 241.
Pj'cheford. See Picheford.
Pychley. See Pytchley.
Pyfler, Walter, 593.
Pygot, John son of Baldowyn, 202, 629.
, Robert, 350.
Pykard, Henry, 572, 574.
Pykeden. See Pigdon.
Pykehale, Geoffrey de, 142.
Pykeryng. See Pickering ; Pikeryng.
Pyl, Robert le, 338.
Pylk, Richard, 388.
Pylkyugton. See Pilkington.
Pylkynton. See Pilkington.
Pymod, Francis, 268.
Pympe, Philip, 189.
Pynchebek. See Pinchbeck.
Pyncebek, Alan son of Geoffrey de, 662.
, Robert de, 408.
, William de, 475, 481.
Pynohon, Robert, 615.
Pynder, Henry le, 253.
Pynkneghe, William sou of Robert, 329.
Pynkeny, Ed., 402.
Pynnore, William de, 354.
Pynsun, John, 666.
Pynynton [co. York], 210.
Pypard. See Pipard.
Pype, Richard de, 631.
, Thomas de, 634.
Pyper, William le, 267.
Pyriton. See Pyrton.
Pyriton, William de, 518,
Pyrot, Ralph, knt., 381.
, Reginald son of Ralph, 381.
Pyrton, Pyriton, co. Oxford, 543.
Pyrye. See Perry Barr.
Pyrye, Richard atte, 387.
Walter atte, 387.
PjTyton, Richard de, 442.
Pytchley, Picthesle, Pitchesleye, Pittheslo,
Pychley, oo. Northants, 626, 640.
Pywelesdon, Thomas son of Roger de, 511,
See also Peuelesden ; Puuelesdon.
Qiiappelad, Qaappelade, Adam de, 333.
.Alfred de, 141.
Qiiare impe.dit, pleas of, 53.
Quarel, Edmund, 312, 518.
Hamo, 651.
Quarnford, Qnernesford, oo. Stafford, 544.
Quarry, reference to a, 16.
Quatermeyns, William, 271.
Queenhithe. See London.
Quent, John le, 268.
Quentenscoyt. See Gwent Ts Coed.
Quemesford. See Quarnford.
Quinterel, William, 660.
Quixelay. See Whixley.
Quixley, William de, 176, 399.
Quo warranto, pleas of, 298.
Quyntyn, Alexander, 634.
Quyterigg', Rohert de, one of the agistors of
Ingelwood forest, 45.
Eaan, Walter de, 570.
Eaath. See Roath.
Rabayn, Matilda de, 174.
, Peter de, 174, 466.
Rabaz, Margaret wife of Robert, 212.
Eachedale._ See Rochdale.
Radclive-on-Sore. See Ratcliffe.
Eadeburgh, Thomas de, 241.
Kadenore, Roger de, 419.
Radestoke. See Radstock.
Eadingden, Radyngden, Eatyngdene, John
de, knt., 223, 224, 365.
Radmeld, Richard de, 704.
Radnor, 415, 419.
castle, 419.
, land of, 520.
, lordship of, 419.
Radour. See Radyr.
Radstock, Radestoke, oo. Somerset, 579.
Radyng'. See Reading.
Radyngdene. See Radingden.
Eadyngton, Thomas de, 430.
Eadwinter [co. Essex], 466.
Eadyr, Radour [co. Glamorgan], 542.
Rageuliull, Richard de, 485.
Eaghel, in Ireland, 439.
Raghton, John de, 31.
Rainton, Ranyngton, Raynyngton, Renynglon,
CO. York, 167.
Ralegh, John de, 326, 627.
, Richard de, 440.
Ralph, Aubrey wife of, de Northkenelyng-
worth, 597.
, Elizabeth wife of Robert son of, 41.
, John son of, de Yerdhill, 98.
, Ralph son of, de Melreth, 427, 434.
, Eanulph son of, 137.
, Eeginald son of, 623.
, Eichard son of, de Bynghauj, 100.
, Eobert son of, 176, 257, 264.
, son of, de Burton Stathre, 172.
^99, 410,
, son of, de Ripplingham, 672.
, Saer son of, de Eocheford, 714.
, Stephen son of, de Farnham, 333.
William son of, 77.
Ram, William atte, 477, 500.
Rambureles, William de, 677.
Rameseye, Ellen de, 700.
Rameshull, William de, 348.
Eamis, Gerard. 319,
Eamme, William atte, 261.
Eammeseye. See Eamscy.
Eammeshull, William de, 479, 480.
Eampton, co. Notts,, 141, 159.
prebend of, in St. Mary's church,
Southwell, 159, 498.
Eampton, William de, yeoman of the king's
pantry, 94, 117.
Ramsey abbey [co. Huntingdon], 233, 349,
391, 412, 515.
, Simon, abbot of, 271.
Eamton, William de, 668.
Randolf, Isabella wife of Roger, 392.
, John, 374.
._ Thomas, earl of Moref, lord of
Annandale and Man, 525, 526
Ranulph, John son of, de Nevill, 428.
William son of, 566.
Ranyngton. See Rainton.
Rasen, West, Westrasen, co. Lincoln, 306,
Rastel, John, 218.
Ratcliffe-upon-Soar, Radeclive, Radcliffe, co.
Nottingham, 40, 107, 228.
Ratyngden. See Radingden.
Raven, Ehas, 123.
3 ti 2
Eavene, William, 320.
Ravenser Odd, Ravenesrod, Ravenesrodde
[co. York], 51, 60, 83, 107, 111, 112,
161, 163, 172, 176, 180, 290, 298, 309,
325, 396, 398, 564, 651, 670.
bailiffs of, 83, 163, 164, 170, 171, 176,
180, 259, 297, 370, 378, 396-398, 559.
, liberty of, 20, 66.
, port of [CO. York], 524, 531.
prison, 30, 60.
Kavenestone [co. Leicester], 654.
Eavenglass, co. Cumberland, 454, 567.
Eavenmonge, Gerard, 47.
Eavenoge, Gerard, 290.
Kaventhorp, William de, 227.
Eay, Robert, 320.
Eaydon, Eeydon [co. Suffolk], 199.
Eaygate, Joan daughter of Joan de, 321.
, Robert de, knt., 594, 676.
Eayleigh, Relegh, Eeylegh, Releye, co.
Essex, 50, 386, 706.
, honour of, 266, 269, 273, 288, 295.
, park, 60, 590.
Eaymes, Robert de, 607.
Eaymundi, William, de Claveri, 219.
Eaynvill, Thomas de, 573.
Eaynygton. See Rainton.
Eaytheby, Thomas de, 572.
Eaz, Gilbert, 284.
Beading, Redynges [co. Berks], 307, 556.
abbey, 150, 245, 351, 582, 644.
letters close dated at, 187, 191.
EeceiTOur, John le, 458.
Eeco, Recto, Jakeminus de, 496, 692.
Eeculver, Recolvre, co. Kent, 172, 257.
Heeto. See Eeco.
Eedbourn, Redburn, Redeburn [co. Hertford],
343, 354, 359, 377, 381, 511, 594.
Eedbridge, Rudberge, co. Hants, 57.
, hundred, 150.
Bedburn. See Redboum.
Bedburn, Walter de, 119.
Eeddenes, Thomas de, mayor of York, 122.
Eed Castle [Hawkstone Park], co. Salop, 432.
keeper of, 437, 524.
See alsii Felton.
Eede, laolda daughter of John le, 264.
, William de, 663, 656, 701.
, le, 46, 89, 106.
Jop, William le, 248.
Bedeburn. See Eedbourn.
Eedenesse, John de, 501.
.Stephen de, 548.
, Thomas de, 206.
, William de, 114, 550.
Eedesdale [co. Northumberland], 14S.
Eedeswell, Walter de, 480.
Bedford, Rotiford [co. Durham], S99.
Redinges. See Redyngges.
Rediswell, John de, 705.
Redmane, Adam de, 42.
, Matthew de, 42, 51.
, William de, 42.
Redmere, John de, 590.
Rednesse, William de, 663.
Redyng', Redynges. See Reading.
Redyngges, Redyngg, Redinges, John de,
684, 720.
, Philip de, 345.
Richard de, 212, 565.
Robert de, 488.
Ree, Henry de la, constable of Ongar castle,
Reepham, Refham, co. Norfolk, 68.
Rees ap Howel, 287.
, William ap, 428.
Refham, .See Reepham.
Refham, John son of Richer de, 330, 386.
, Richer de, 330, 386.
knt., 319,
, , mayor of London, 305.
Beginald, John son of, de Eisshendon, 315.
, , de Walyngford, 487.
, Matilda wife of Peter son of, 633.
, Peter son of, 315.
, William son of, de Kypax, 201.
Eeginaldi. See Eeynolds.
Releye, Relegh. See Eayleigh.
Rempny. See Rhymney.
Renuncie, Gerard, 675.
Renyngton. See Eainton.
Rente, Thomas atte, 548.
Renty, Isolda wife of Nicholas de, 479.
Rentyn, Nicholas de, 92.
Reppes, Richard de, 333.
, Thomas de, 213.
Repps, Eeppes, co. Norfolk, 341.
, North, 68.
, South, Suthreppes, 68.
Reresby, Adam de, 431.
, knt., 571.
Restewall, Eestwold, Ralph de, 333, 545.
Reston. See Riston.
Restwold. See Restewall.
Eethery, Wales, 542.
Beve, Walter le, 316.
Revel, Thomas, 722.
Eevesby abbey [co. Lincoln], 117, 212, 565.
Eeweuhale. See Rownall.
Reydon. See Raydon.
Eeyewynok. See Rhufoniog.
Reygate, Joan de, 321.
Reylegh. See Rayleigh.
Reymundi Ayken, Arnald, 33, 294.
, Bernard, de Porta, king's serjeant-at-
arms, 73.
William, de Claverie, king's serjeant-
at-arms, 73,
Reyn, William, 268.
Eeynald, Ralph, G.
Eeynbaud, Henry, 338, 341.
Eeyndon, See Eoydon.
Eeyner, John, 592.
Eeynham, John de, 331, 358, 479.
Eeynolds, Regiualdi, Walter, archbishop of
Canterbury, 26, 29, 30, 99, 112, 113,
129, 131, 133, 154, 178, 183, 186, 194,
195, 197, 203, 206, 226, 234, 237, 238,
323, 333, 352, 369, 375-377, 410, 464,
510, 512, 514, 523, 525, 527, 528, 538,
543, 571, 679, 684, 686, 687.
, bishop of Worcester, 26.
Bhfis, Eos [cantred, cos. Denbigh and Car-
narvon], 620.
Khufoniog, Beyewynok, Eowynnok [cantred,
CO. Denbigh], 620, 645.
Ehymney, Rempny [co. Monmouth], 542.
Ehys, brother of Malgon, 65.
ap Griffith, 256, 464, 507, 521.
ap Griffyn, 421.
ap Gryffyth, bailiff of the forestry of
Snowdon in Wales, 308.
ap Howel, 285, 427.
ap Mereduk, 65.
son of Ehys ap Mereduk, 156, 186,
Eibbesford, John de, 518.
, Eobert de, 518.
See a/so Eybbesford.
Eibbeton, Alexander de, 105, 658.
Eiboef, Eyboef, Eichard son of Eichard de,
669, 682.
Eicale, Hugh de, 712.
Eichard I., king of England, 588.
, king of the Eomans, earl of Cornwall,
Eichard, Agnes daughter of Thomas, 638.
Joan wife of Eichard son of, de
Tange, 590.
, John son of, de Assheby, 565.
, de Chisewell, 245.
, de Clif, 210, 220.
, de Lincoln, 140.
, de Sutton, knt., 332, 374.
, , de Tenham, 352.
, Peter, 218, 231.
, Eichard son of, de Buttrewyk, 110.
, , deGoldesburgh, knt., 210.
, , de Vernoun, 662.
, Eobert son of, de Bleccheleye, 705.
, Thomas son of, 320.
, de Clare, 439.
, , de Ousthorp, 209.
, , de Pontefracto, 207.
, , de Walsyngham, 357.
Walter son of, de Kirkebride, knt.,
William son of, 567.
de Tranholme, 712.
EichardesmorstoD, Ireland, 440.
Eiohard'a Castle [co. Hereford], 609.
Eiche, Eichard le, 117.
, Thomas le, 502.
Eicheman, Henry, 502.
Eichemond, Joan de, mother of Eoald de,
Eiohemund, Eychemund, Eichard de, 515.
, Eoald de, 214, 432, 634.
, , knt., 382.
, , constable of Horstone castle,
, Eoald son of Sir Thomas de, 213.
Eichmond, co. York, 693.
, archdeacon of, 16, 202, 218.
See a?so Northburgh.
, archdeaconry of, 16.
Eichmond, earl of. See Britannia.
Eichmondshire, Rychemundshire, co. York,
679, 681.
Eickling, Eikelynghous, Holstein, 46, 89,
155, 158, 414.
Kidel, Eydcl, Geoffrey, 466.
, Hugh, 93.
John, 432.
, Mary, 117.
William, 58, 187, 191, 218, 244, 282,
283,285, 291, 325, 717.
, , constable of Barnard Castle,
302, 304, 418, 507, 626.
Eiderford. See Euddervoorde.
Eidford, Henry de, 99.
Eievalle, John de, 664.
Eievaulx abbey, co. York, 43, 104.
Eiewe, ITloreQce wife of Eobert de, 599.
, William de, 599.
Big", Eichard del, 445.
Eigaud, bishop of Winchester. See Asserio.
Eiggesby, Ealph, 223.
Eighton, EiggetOQ, Rigton, co. York, 167.
Eihale, Eichard de, 124, 135, 220.
Eihill, Eobert son of Eobert de, 680.
Eikelynghous. See Eickling.
Eikelynghous, Eekelynghous, Eykelynghous,
Henry de, 20, 47, 67, 83, 98, 170, 290.
Eileye, Walter de, 193.
Eingborough, E)'ngburgh [co. York], 161,
Ringwood, co. Hants, 57, 150.
Eipley, Eippelay, co. York, 167.
Eipon, Eippon [co. York], 88, 183, 274, 679,
, hospital of St. Mary Magdalene, 349.
Ripon, Robert de, 200.
, William de, 136, 661.
Rippeford, Henry de, 419.
Rippelay. See Ripley.
Ripple, 00. Kent, 154.
Ripplingham, Ripplyngham, Edmund son of
Adam do, 100.
Ripplingham, Eipplyngham — cont.
, Robert de, 108, 695.
, , channellor of St. Mary's,
York, 207.
, , chancellor of St. Peter's,
York, 137, 217,672, 696.
, Robert son of Ralph do, 672.
Ripton, near Thornton [co. Y'ork] , 88.
Risborough, Risbergh, Riseberge, Riseburi,
CO. Buckingham, 60, 147, 184.
park, 60.
Risbury, co. Hereford, 582.
Rise, Ryse [co. York], 61, 163, 284.
Rise, Thomas de, 565.
Riseberge. See Risborough.
Riseburi. See Risborough.
Rishangles [co. Suffolk], 709.
Risshendon, John son of Reginald de, 315.
Risshton, Ryssheton, Gilbert de, 517, 538,
638, 684, 720.
, Robert de, 715.
Riston, Ruston, co. Salop, 37.
, Long, Reston, co. l''ork, 594.
Risyng, Nicholas de, 279,
Rither, Rithre, Rythre, John de, 100, 111,
130, 325, 340, 343, 480, 487, 496, 568,
679-681, 691, 715.
, constable of Gorfe castle, 299.
, , constable of Skipton-in-Craven
castle, 5, 7.
, Matilda wife of Robert de, 615, 620.
, Peter de, 566, 615.
, Robert de, 615.
, ,knt., 13.5, 715.
William de, knt., 496.
Kiver, Rivere, Ryver, Ryvere, John de la,
269, 260, 264.
Joan, wife of Thomas de la, 449.
Richard de la, 215, 218, 227, 231,
, , knt., 223, 227.
sheriii of co. Gloucester, 288,
Thomas de la, 449, 688.
knt., 120, 685.
William de la, 672.
Rivers, Ryvers, Edmund de, knt., 115.
, John, son of John de, 464, 571.
., , Richard de, 687.
, ..,..., kut., 711.
, Roger de, 458.
R-xton, Alan de, 210.
Roath, Raath [co. Glamorgan], 542.
Roherd, John, 267.
.. , , knt., 13.
Robert, count of Flanders, 221, 224, 257-259,
262, 283, 347, 349, 363, 364, 373, 374,
378,386, 395-400, 405,410-412,483,
486. 540, .549, 690, 713.
.king of Sicily and Jerusalem, 98,
365, 505, 697.
Robert, Adam eon of, de Everyngham, 242,
, Geoffrey son of John son of, 441.
Henry son of, 631.
, Hugh son of, de Asshebourne, 342.
, , de Byntre, 263.
James son of, de Ros, 595.
, John son of, 320, 414.
, , de Lancastre, 289.
, , de Shupton, verderer of
Galtres forest, 150.
, , de Tranholme, 712.
Robert son of, 706.
, de Bleccheleye, 705.
de Ghetyngdone, 232.
, , de Button, 554.
, , de Rihill, 680.
, Simon son of, de Dryby, 519.
, Thomas son of, de Boulton, 216.
, , de Bradestone, 222.
, , de Lesse, 439.
, Walter son of, de Davyntre, 379.
, , lord of Daventry, 92.
, William son of, of the Brigge, 581.
Robcrtshridge abbey, co. Sussex, 319.
Robert's Castle, in Ireland, 439.
Robyn, John, 268, 554.
, Mabel daughter of Henry, 501.
Rocc, William, 344, 484.
Roeelyn, John, 90.
Rocester abbey, Roucestre, co. Stafford, 275.
Rochdale, Eachedale, Rochesdale, co. Lancas-
ter, 576,610.
Roche abbey [co. York], 116, 664.
Roche, Simon de la, 137, 666, 715.
Rocheford, Joan wife of John de, 253.
, John de, 253.
, Maurice de, 84.
, Robert de, knt., 232, 677.
Saer de, 657, 669.
, son of Ralph de, 714.
, Walran de, 636.
Rochefort, Thybaut sire of, vicomte de
Donges, 329.
Roches, John de, 214.
, knight of the shire for co.
Southampton, 338.
Rochesdale. See Rochdale.
Rochester, co. Kent, 168, 338, 404, 406, 479,
castle, 49, 168, 404, 406.
, , keeper of, 437.
, diocese of, 21 8.
, East gate, 501.
,fermof,49, 168.
, letters close dated at, 224, 405, 504,
priory, 478.
Eochford, hundred [co. Essex], 295.
Rochull, Henry de, 421.
Rockelay, Alice daughter of Peter de, 220.
Eockingham, Rokyngham [oo. Northants],
287, 292.
castle, constable of, 302, 437.
, letters close dated at, 644.
forest, 8, 166, 418, 6G3.
Eockland, Eokeland, Eokelound, co. Norfolk,
Booulf, Alice daughter of William, 432, 464.
, William, 556.
Eoeiimbe in Blakemore forest, co. Dorset,
Eodebergh, Rodberwe, Matilda -wife of Miles
de, 224.
Thomas de, 241.
, son of Matilda de, 224.
Eodberwe. See Eodebergh.
Eodeney, Eichard de, 229, 246, 340-342, 444,
472, 480, 537, 539, 540, 568.
, , escheator south of Trent, 180,
182-188, 190-194, 196, 197, 199,201,
223, 245, 247, 248, 250, 252-255, 257,
261, 262, 264-270, 272-276, 278, 281,
283, 287-290, 293, 293, 296, 298, 299,
302, 304-313, 336, 342, 386-390, 392,
397, 403, 404, 413, 461, 462, 471, 601,
612, 614, 643, 645.
, , constable of Bristol castle, 595.
, , justice, 302.
Eoderham. See Eotherham.
Eoderham, Robert de, 95.
, William de, 378.
Eodes, Idonia wife of Peter del, 647.
, Peter de, 91.
del, 647.
, Thomas de, 90.
Eodestan, William de, 101.
Eodmerthwayt, Eobert de, 613.
Eodom, John de, 421.
Eodston, Walter de, 236.
Eodye, William the, 14.
Eoecliffe, Eouclyf, Eoutheclif, Eotheclif, co.
York, 58, 271, 650.
Eoeston, Eoston, Henry de, 205, 206.
EoflP, Solomon de, justice, 195.
Eofot, John, 706.
Eogelou, Ragelou, of cantred of Berfray (an
officer), 73.
Eoger, Benedict son of, 567.
, Agnes wife of, de Elraerugge, 582.
, Henry, 460.
, John son of, de Gosewyk, 148.
, , de Lancastre, 289.
, ..,..., de Westratford, 239.
, Nicholas son of, de Stevenhache, 505 .
, Eichard, 460.
, Eichard son of, de la Wodehalle, 133.
, Eobert, 460.
, son of, de Thometon, 207.
, , de Thorneton in Bulmershlre,
Eoger, Eobert — cotit.
, , de Thornton near Bulmere, 201.
, de Middelton, 611), 649.
, Thomas son of, de Kyrdyn, 102.
, , de Pywelesdon, 511, 513.
, William, 460.
son of, de Cressy, 232.
, , de Fymmer, 550.
, , de Morteyn, knt., 107.
, , de Slene, 137.
, de Wanstede, 254.
Eogeri, Eugeri, Albertinus, de Pistorio, 225,
Lapinus, master of the Mint, 300,303.
, of the king's exchange of
London and Canterbury, 380.
Bogge, William, 593.
Eohaut. See Euaut.
Eoher, John, 413.
Rok, Ralph le, 299, 612.
, Thomas de, 685.
Eokeby, Eukeby, co. York, 167.
Eokeland. See Eockland.
Eokele, James de la, 412.
, Eobert de la, 336, 623, 632.
Eokenesford, de. See Drokensford.
Eokelound. See Eockland.
Eokesburgh, Eowlaud son of William de, 148.
Eokesle, Eokeslee, Adam de, 229.
Joan wife of Eichard de, 715.
, wife of Eichard son of John de,
306, 310.
, Eichard de, 715.
, son of John de, 228, 310.
William de, 374.
Eokkele, Henry de, 124, 135.
, Johnde, 124,135.
Eokyngham. See Eockingham.
Eolaud, John, 101.
EoUesdon, John de, 148.
EoUeston, Eoulton, co. Salop, 15.
Eolleston, John de, keeper of the town of
S;arborongh, 149.
, Eichard de, 429.
Eomanby, Eomundeby, co. York, 167.
Eomayn, John, archbishop of York, 73.
, , keeper of the wardrobe,
Rome, church of, 75, 723.
, , admiral and captain-general of.
See James, king of Arragon, &c.
, St. Adrian's, Neapolius, cardinal dea-
con of, 263.
, St. Eustace's, Arnold, cardinal deacon
of, 263.
, SS. Marcellinus and Peter, Gaucelin
Johannis, cardinal priest of, 275.
, St. Mary's in Via Latd, cardinal dea-
con of, 97.
Rome — cont.
, court of, 90, 97, 98, 121, 129, 165,
225,283, 512, 697.
, , the king's ambassadors in, 697.
Romenay, John de, 46, 89.
Romenhale. See Romney.
Romeseye, John de, 271.
Eomeyu, Juliana mfe of Thomas, 355.
Romford [co. Essex], letters close dated at,
407, 506, 507.
Eomlegh, David de, 664.
Eomney, Romenhale, Romunhale [co. Kent],
143, 400, 670.
, bailiffs of, 551.
, and barons of, 490.
, bailiffs, men, and commanity of, 143.
, mayor and bailifis of, 708.
, mayor, barons, and bailiffs of, 720.
, port of, 533.
Eomuudeby. See Eomanby.
Romunhale. See Romuey.
Romyn, John, 511.
Roncivall, Ralph de, 10.
See also Rouncevill.
Eonekyn, Hanekynn, 284.
Roos. See Ros.
Eophair. See Rosfair.
Eos. See Rhds.
[co. Meath], 530.
Ros, Cassandra wife of Walter de, 99.
James son of Robert de, 595.
de, son of Robert de, 187.
, John de, 107, 680, 681.
Margery wife of John de, 161, 320.
Thomas de, knt., 127.
Roos, William de, 42, 215, 249, 294,
340, 604, 635, 697.
, -verderer in Galtres forest, 55,
, , of Haraelak, 18. 24, 89, 107,
187,400, 609,717, 720.
William son of William de, of Hame-
lak, 720.
, , of Ingmanthorp, 104, 108, 109,
, ,of Yolton, 89.
See also Rous.
Roscelyn, Thomas, knt., 674.
Rose, la, manor, near Rose (Castle) [co. Cum-
berland], 149, 151.
Rose, Christian, 21.
, Henry, 406.
Eosekyn, Andrew, 62.
, , king's mariner, 641.
Rosfair, Rophair [diocese of Bangor], 71.
Roshale, Rossale, Thomas de, 472, 517, 526.
, , knt., 115, 206.
Roshirst [co. York], 53.
Ross, in Ireland, mayor and bailiffs of, 530.
Eossale. See Roshale.
Rosse, John de, 417.
Rosteleye, William de, 223.
Eoston, Eoeston, Henry de, 205, 206.
, William de, 591.
Rosze, Simon, 697.
Rotehara, John de, 374.
Roteland forest. See Rutland.
Rotenheryng, John, 170, 180.
Rothechf. See RoeclifEe.
Rotherfield [Greys, co. Oxford], 419.
Rotherglen. See Rutherglen.
Rotherham, Roderham [co. York], 346, 472,
, letters close dated at, 537.
, water of, 472.
Rotheric, Thomas son of, de Tatelesfeld, 224.
Rothewell, Alan de, 211.
, Bernard de, 700.
, William de, 590.
Eothwell, Routhewell, co. York, 166.
, letters close dated at, 438-440, 456-
460, 531, 534, 539, 540, 546, 554, 559-
561, 649-651, 653, 654, 656, 712, 713,
Eothyng', John de, 326, 625.
, Richard de, 361, 375, 489, 497.
Eothyngges, John de, 133.
Rotiford. See Redford.
Rotington, William de, 566.
Eotour, Thomas le, 278, 422, 600.
, , viewer of the king's works at
Windsor, 185.
Eottington, co, Cumberland, 566,
Eotur, John, 578.
Rouaud. See Ruaut.
Roubury, Gilbert de, 488.
, , justice, 156.
Roucestre. See Rocester.
Eouche, Gerard, 257, 400.
Rouclyf. See Roecliffe.
Rouclyf, John son of William de, 106.
, William de, 176.
Roude. See Rowde.
Rouen, Normandy, 52, 102, 103, 187, 259.
, archbishopric of, 250.
, monastery of, 701.
Rougham, Rugham, co. Norfolk, 68.
Rouhale [co. Lancaster], 665.
Rouland, John, 723.
Roule, Adam de, 284.
Rouleye Somery. See Rowley.
Roulok, John, 283.
Roulton. See EoUeston.
Rouncevill, Ralph de, a monk of the house of
Bec-Hellouin, 133, 151.
See ato Roncivall.
Eounday, Roundhaye La, Leeds, co. Y'ork,
575, 586.
wood, 593,
Eounson, Tiddemann, 66.
Eounton, Rungton [oo. York], 712.
Ecus, Eleanor la, 652.
, John, 420.
, le, 304.
, , knt, 241.
, Mabel, wife of John le, 304.
Thomas le, sheriff of Leicester, 441,
, William le, 427, 433.
See also Eos.
Roussillon, count of. See Sancho.
Eouth, Ruda, oo. York, 320.
, Gerard, 239.
Eouthecleve, Hugh de, 3.
Eoutheclif. See EoecUffe.
Eouthewell. See Eothwell.
Eouwardyn. See Euardean.
RoTvde, Roude, co. Wilts, 57, 149.
Kowley, Eouleye Somery, co. Stafford, 612,
Eouwell, Eichard de, 124.
Eownall, Rewenhale [co. Stafford], 388.
Eowynnok. See Ehufoniog.
Roydon, Reyndon, co. Essex, 105.
Eoyston [cos. Cambridge and Hertford], 42.
Roxburgh, Scotland, letters close dated at,
Buda. See Eouth.
Euda, Amandus de, 164.
Euardean, Rouwardyn [co. Gloucester], 678.
Kuaut, Rouaud, Eohaut, Eoger, 324, 484, 487,
Eudlierge. See Eedbridge.
Rudby, Euddeby, co. York, 714.
Eudby, Peter de, 145.
Euddeby. See Eudby.
EudderToorde, Eiderford, Flanders, 395.
Rude, Margaret, daughter of Wilham de,
, William de, 236, 280, 281.
de la, 120, 236.
Rudestan. See Rudston.
Rudham, East, co. Norfolk, 68.
West, CO. Norfolk, 68.
Rudston, Rudestan [co. York], 462.
Rudynge, Thomas atte, 232.
Ruefraunk, Euefrank, John de, 33, 294.
Eues, Gilbert de, 223.
Eufford abbey, co. Nottingham, 647.
, Elias, abbot of, 346.
Eugeri. See Eogeri.
Ruggehale, 608.
Rugham. See Rougham.
Rugham, John de, 407.
Ruhaghe (in Cookley ?), co. Suffolk, 362.
Eukeby. See Eokeby.
Eungton. See Eounton.
Rus, Alan, son of Richard le, 408.
, Eichard le, 407.
Rushsll, CO. Stafford, 630.
Eushbury, Eusshebury, co. Salop, 33.
Kushton. See Euston.
Russel, Adam, 602.
, Henry, 446.
, John, 99, 316,479.
, Eichard, 453.
, Eobert, 346, 472, 530, 570.
William, 71, 84.
Eusshebury. See Eushbury.
Eussinol, Nicholas, 103.
Eustiton, Laurence de, 317, 480.
Euston. See Eiston.
, Rushton, eo. Norfolk, 658.
Eutherglen, Eotherglen [co. Lanark], 53.
castle, constable of, 53.
See also Grey.
Rutland, Eoteland, county, 96, 110, 335, 406,
491, 540, 645, 693,
, deanery of, 648.
forest of, 245, 275, 292,354, 444.
, forest pleas in, 287.
, sheriff of, 62, 187, 191, 303, 418, 426,
463, 519, 536.
Euycote, Fulk de, 316, 341.
Walter de,615.
Ruyton, Eobert de, 473.
Eybbesford, Henry de, 518.
See also Ribbesford.
Ryboef. See Biboef.
Rybold, Matilda wife of Gilbert, 14],
Ryburgh, co. Norfolk, 333.
, Great, 469, 470.
Rycheman, Roger, 353.
Rychemundshire. See Eichmondshire.
Rychemund. See Richemund.
Eydale [co. York], 74.
Eydale, John de, 316.
Rydel. See Ridel.
Rye, La Rye [co. Sussex], 256.
, , bailiffs, men and community of,
, , mayor and bailiffs of, 551, 708.
, , mayor, barons and bailiffs of,
Rykelynghous. See Rikelyughous.
Rykeiiburgh, Flanders, 698.
Rykynghale, Walter de, 683.
Ryngburgh. See Kingborough.
Ryngeresbourn, Amice, wife of Eichard de,
, Richard de, 347.
Eynggers, Le, in Terling [co. Essex], 595.
Rys, Thomas, 336, 489.
Ryse. See Rise.
Ryssheton. See Risshton.
Rysum, Herbert dc, 60.
William sou of John de, knt., 60.
Eythor, Eyfhro, co. York, 566.
Kythre. See Rithre.
Ryver, Ej'vere. See River.
Ryvcrs. See Rivers.
R clif. 6C6.
Sabaudia, Thomas de, 724.
Sabrichewortb. See Sawbridgeworth.
Sabricbwortb, Isabella, wife of John de, 327.
Sabright, Sabritb, Giles, 240, 329.
, Giles, son of Peter, 276.
, Margaret, wife of Peter, 276.
Sabyncroft, co. Kent, 154.
Sacortada, Albert, knt, 714.
Saddler, Nigel the, 547.
Saddok. See Shaddek.
Saer, Margaret, 167.
SafEraus, John, 46.
Safran, John, 106.
Sage, Nichase le, 347.
Sahara. See Soham.
Saintes abbey, France [Chareute-Inferieure],
Saintonge, treasurer and seneschal of, 410.
, St. Eustrophius priory, 715, 721, 722.
St. Adrian's, Neapolius, cardinal deacon of,
St. Agatha's abbey. See Easby abbey.
St. Agnes, Agenois, isles of Scilly [co. Corn-
wall], 162.
St. Albans, co. Herts, 271, 360, 371, 704.
abbey, 35, 93, 112, 121, 140, 191, 226,
271, 352, 371.
, Hugh, abbot of, 708.
, St. Juliana's hospital, near, 116.
St. Andrews [Fifeshire], 541.
St. Asaph, diocese of, 34.
, bishop of. See David ap Blethyn.
St. Benedict, chapter-general of the order of,
, rule of, 271.
Holme, abbey of, 117.
St. Briavels, co. Gloucester, 5.
castle, 457, 473.
, constable of, 173, 199, 437, 472,
See also Damary; Handle;
St. Cross, hospital of. See Winchester.
St. Davids, diocese of, 34, 103.
, bishop of. See Martyn.
St. Denis, near Southampton, letters close
dated at, 263.
priory, 117.
St. Dominic, order of, 701.
St. Edmund, liberty of. See Bury St. Ed-
St. Ellen, 290.
St. Eustace's, Arnold, cardinal deacon of,
St. Eutropius' priory, Saintonge, 715, 721,
St. Ives, CO. HimtingdoD, 226, 227, 233, 368,
412, 670.
, bailiffs of, 391.
, fair at, 412.
St. Jean-d'Angely, St. John Augelyns
(Charente-Inferieure), France, 407.
St. John of Jerusalem, hospital of, 25, 197,
198, 214, 245, 264, 323, 346, 484, 687,
691, 705,
, grand master of, 34G, 347, 677.
, See also Villa Nova.
, prior of, 99, 112, 121, 131, 200,
349, 375, 381, 527, 679.
St. Johnstown. See Perth.
St. Juliana, near St. Albans, hospital of, 116.
St. Just abbey [Picardy (Oise)], 499.
St. Lazarus of Jerusalem, order of, master
and brethren of, 71.
St. Marcellinus and St. Peter, cardinal priest
of. See Gaucelin.
St. Marcellus, Bertrand, cardinal priest of,
St. Mary Nova, cardinal deacon of, 188.
St. Mary's in Aquiro, Bertrand, cardinal
deacon of, 263.
St. Mary's in via Lata, cardinal deacon of,
St. Matthieu, in Britanny, 209.
St. Michael's Mount priory, co. Cornwall, 706.
St. Neots, CO. Huntingdon, 338.
St. Nicholas, the island of, 162.
St. Oditha, abbey of. See St. Osyth.
St. Omer, in Artois (Pas de Calais), 187, 250,
251, 300, 862, 378, 650, 713.
, ^chevins of, 668.
, mayor and (chevins of, 650, 690
, wool staple at, 187, 250.
St. Oswalds priory. See Nostell.
St. Osyth, St. Oditha, abbey [co. Essex], 117,
St. Patrick's priory, Ireland, 217.
St. Peter Port, Guernsey, 296.
St. Pol, count of, 521.
St. Thomas the Martyr, near StalFord, priory
of, 21.
St. Valery-eu-Caux, Normandy (Seine In-
ferieure), 259.
, a cell of Fecamp abbey, 263.
, honour of, 149.
Saiour, R , 305.
Sais, Anian, bishop of Bangor, 511.
Sakevill, Andrew de, 55.
Sakvill, Thomas de, knt, 261.
Salaman, Saleman, John, 231, 346.
Salcey, Sause la, forest, co. Northants, 335,
Salcok, Thomas de, 130, 712.
Sale, Haketus de la, steward of the king's
demesne lands of Castrum Leonis,
Tassagard and Cromelyn, Ireland, 60.
, Henry de la, 177.
, John de la, 676.
Peter, son of Henry de la, knt., 93.
, Richard de la, 342.
, Roger de la, 639.
, William de la, 341, 395.
son of Robert dela, 344.
Saleman. See Salaman.
Salfleteby. See Saltfleethy.
Salford [co. Lancaster], 598.
Salford, Walter de, 464.
, William de, 325.
Salisbury New, Sarum, eo. Wilts, 300, 306,
bishop of. See Mortival,
castle, the king's mill near, 193-195.
cathedral church of St. Mary, 476,
563, 602.
,., dean of, 476.
See ato Farges.
, , diocese of, 326, 332.
, oarl of, 571.
, mayor of, 553.
Sail, Salle, co. Norfolk, 68.
SaUay, Salley. See Sawley.
Sallei, port of, in Norway, 171.
Salmon, John, bishop of Norwich, 112, 113,
142, 143, 225, 326, 333, 344, 357, 510,
511, 536, 546, 549, 674, 687.
, , chancellor, 219, 234, 237,
238, 317,318, 323, 351, 346, 366, 446,
462, 574-576, 676, 677, 689, 714, 717.
, , , treasurer, 527.
Salop castle, keeper of, 437.
Salop, county of, 38, 65, 96, 98, 133, 138,
206, 209, 340, 353, 369, 457, 503, 540,
554, 576, 577, 5S0, 593, 607, 621, 645,
677, 679,717.
, sheriff of, 12, 86, 133, 189, 275,
312, 366, 415, 418, 420, 421, 430, 435,
449, 457, 513, 521, 536, 563, 581.
Salop, Thomas de, 136.
Salso Marisco, Arnold de, 88.
....,...., Peter de, knt., 481, 566.
Salt, 209, 248.
Salteleye. See Saltley.
Salter, Saltere, William le, 235, 352.
Saltfleetby, Salfleteby, co. Lincoln, 398, 575,
585, 670.
Sallfleteby, Saltfledby, Robert, son of Herbert
de, 183, 226.
Saltford, near Chipping Norton, co. Oxford,
Salthouse, co. Norfolk, 68, 463.
Saltley, Salteleye, co. Warwick, 631.
Saltmarsh [co. Worcester], 605.
Saluciia, George do, 602.
Salue. See Solom.
Salue, William de, 640.
Salvayn, Salveyn, Anketin, 203, 564, 668,
, ,knt., 135.
, George, knt., 496, 566.
, Gerard, 104, 109, 138, 201, 596, 659.
son of Gerard, 673.
, George and Gerard sons of Gerard,
, Isolda, wife of Anketin, 668.
Salvynhaco, William de, 696, 701.
Salwarpe, co. Worcester, 544.
Sambuce, Oliver de, keeper of the king's pond
of Fosse, 175.
, , yeoman of the king's chamber,
Sampford, Simon de, 587.
Sampson, Hugh, 587.
, Joan wife of John, 693.
John, 421, 512.
, Jollan, 274.
, Peter, 699.
,R,ilph, 274.
, Richard, 463, 671.
, William, 210.
, son of John, 353.
Samuel, John, 30r>, 440.
Sancho, king of Majorca, count of Roussillon
and La Cerdana, and lord of Mont-
pellier, 714.
Sancho IV. king of Castile, 47, 48.
Sancto Albauo, Ellas de, 230,342, 616, 623.
, Guy de, 233.
, John de, 223.
, Ralph de, 271.
, Robert de, Augustinian friar, 125.
, Thomas de, 88.
William de, 342, 374.
Sauoto Albino, William de, monk of Bee
Hellouin, 151.
, , prior of Goldcliff, 10, 332.
Sancto Amando, Almaric de, 200, 447.
John de, 200, 332, 447, 535.
Sancto Audoeno, John de, 185.
, Robert de, 110.
Sancto Claro, Edmuud de, 225, 316, 324.
, , lord of Eslingham, 327.
See also Scyntcler.
Sancto Clemente, Ileymund de, 261.
Sancto Edmundo, Hervey de, 357.
Sancto Georgio, William de, 273.
Sancto Johanne, John de, 317, 333. 374, 375,
447, 653.
, , lord of Basing, 365.
, Nicholas son of John de, 331.
, William de, 480, 484. [
Sancto Laudo, friar Adam de, 217.
, John de, 369.
Sancto LauTencio, John de, 231, 232.
, Peter de, prior of Bermondsey, 403.
, Ealph de, 231, 232.
Sancto Leodegario, John de, 490.
See also Seintleger.
Sancto Lycio, Henry de, 694.
Sancto Mamfeo, John de, 279.
"See also Seint Manifeu.
Sancto Mauro, Alice, wife of Ralph de, 289.
, Ellen, -wife of Nicholas de, 30, 123,
, John de, 221, 426, 441, 537.
, Ealph de, 250.
Sancto Nicholao, John de, 301.
Sancto Odowino, Rohert de, 697.
Sancto Omero, Thomas de, 94.
Sancto Paulo, Gaillard de, knt., lord of Seres,
John de, 106, 683.
, Peter de, 390, 391.
See ako Seint Poel.
Sancto Petro, Urian, son of Urian de, 301.
Sancto Philberto, Phileberto, Hugh de, 311.
, John de, 643.
Sancto Qailiano, Berengar de, 99.
Sandal, Sandhall [co. York], letters close
dated at, 560.
castle, 455.
, keeper of, 437.
Sandale, John de, 9, 13, 52, 247, 259, 295,
405, 644.
, , bishop of Winchester, 1, 5-8,
18,24,26,33,41,43, 45, 63, 69, 73, 75,
76,79,85,107,113, 197, 199, 200, 259,
, chancellor, 321.
, , king's chamberlain in Scotland,
, , receiver for Edward I. in Gas-
cony, 76.
, , treasurer, 36,44, 50, 60, 90, 176.
, Eobert de, 110.
, , dean of the free chapel of Staf-
ford, 52.
, Thomas de, 361.
Sandbache, Ralph de, dean of Holland, 107.
Sandeford, John de, 321.
, Robert de, 321.
Sandesby, Robert de, 572.
Sandewiche, Eobert de, 332.
Sandhall. See Sandal.
Sandhoton. See Sand Hutton.
Sandhoton, Roger de, 230.
Siindhurst, co. Kent, 242.
Sand Hutton, Sandhoton, co. York, 167.
Sandivich, co. Rent, port of, 16, 48, 162, 168,
192, 262, 398, 533, 591, 592, 660, 670,
, bailiff of, 39.
, See also Bard.
bailiffs and barons of, 490.
, bailiwick of, 595.
Sandwich, co. Kent — coni.
.letters close dated at, 378, 382, 384,
402, 495.
, mayor and bailiffs of, 221, 396, 551,
, mayor, barons and bailiffs of, 720.
mayor, bailiffs, men and community
of, 143.
Sandwico, Michael de, 705.
Sansemer, John, 334.
, William, 528.
Sanseite, or Sauseto, Stephen de, 261, 361.
Santander (Seint Ander), Spain, 283.
Santiago, in Spain, 510.
Santon, co. Cumberland, 567.
Sap', Sir William de, 223.
Sapy, Alice wife of Robert, 418.
, Alina wife of Robert de, 393.,
, John de, 77, 518.
, , constable of Beaumaris castle,
, Robert de, 53, 393, 418, 535, 564.
, , knt., 124, 512, 678.
, (Constable of Welshpool (La
Pole"), castle, 422.
, keeper of Pevensey castle, 429.
, , keeper of the land of Powye,
427, 665.
, , escheator north of Trent, 2, 8,
15, 17, 22-24, 32, 37, 38, 42, 44, 48,
276, 646.
Saracens, the, 326.
Sardinia, king of. See James.
Sarnesfeld, John de, 433.
Sarum, New. See Salisbury.
Old [co. Wilts], 180.
, , castle, 180, 193.
, , the king's water mills of, 309.
Sarum, Gilbert de, 665.
Sater, Johu, 482.
Saundeby, Thomas de, 572.
Saunford, Robert de, 685.
, Thomas de, 262.
, of Oxford CO., 641.
, of Southampton co., 641.
Sause, La, forest of. See Salcey.
Sausemere. See Sansemer.
Sauser, Nicholas, 175.
le, 539.
, Richard, 95.
, Walter de, 388.
, le, 387.
Sausery, John de la, 97.
Sauseto, or Sansette, Stephen de, 261, 361.
Sautre. See Sawtry.
Sauutre, Hugh de, 279.
Sauvage, John le, knt., 325.
, Jordan, bailiff of York, 122.
, Ralph, 448,475, 673.
, Roger, 240.
, Simon, 154.
Savage, John, 373.
, Lucy wife of John, 373.
, Roger le, 246.
Savekyn, John, 234.
Savemake forest, co. Wilts, 152, 166, 253,
Saviguy abbey, Normandy (Manche), 163.
, abbot of, 163.
Savoy, count of, 724.
Sawbridgeworth, Sabricheivorth, co. Herts,
312, 642.
Sawley, Sallay, abbey [co. York], 595, 622.
, , John abbot of, 106.
Sawtry, Sautre, abbey [co. Huntingdon], 116.
, , Eoger, abbot of, 324.
Saxelby, co. Lincoln, 198.
Saxelby, William son of Adam de, 198.
Saxlingham, co. Norfolk, 191.
, Nethergate, 282.
, Thorpe [co. Norfolk], 282.
Saxlingham, Peter de, 218.
Saxthorpe, co. Norfolk, 314.
Saxton [co. York], 471.
Saxton, Eobert de, 588.
, , constable of Scarborough castle,
Say in Deptford [co. Kent], 431.
Say, Geoffrey de, 431, 707.
, , justice, 434.
knt, 357,476.
, Henry de, 441.
, , the king's butler, 77.
, Idonia wife of Geoffrey de, 431, 554.
, Philip de, 148, 618.
Scaftworth [co. Nottingham], 528.
Scaftworth, William son of John de, 528.
Scala, Scali, of Florence, merchants of the
society of, 252, 642.
Scalariis, Thomas de, 488.
Scalbrok, Scalebrok, John de, 657, 715.
Scale, Cambus de, 389.
, Henry de, 567.
Scalgarl, co. Cumberland, 567.
Scali. See Scala.
Scampston, Scamston, co. York, 104, 106.
, lord of, 104.
See also Laty mer.
Scarborough, Scardeburgh, Scartheburgh, co.
York, 4, 149, 178, 268, 277, 377, 449,
574, 591, 592, 652, 690, 691, 698, 721.
bailiffs of, 149, 164, 176,309,396-
398, 574.
castle, 574, 580.
constable of, 418, 437, 591,660,
, See also Percy ; Saxton.
gaol, 149.
, mayor and bailiffs of, 370.
port of, 524, 531.
, , customs in, 274.
Scardeburgh, John de, 204.
, Robert de, 489, 618.
, Roger de, 116.
, Thomas son of John son of Hugh de,
Scargill, John de, 106.
Scarlet, Adam, 601.
Seaming, Skernyng, co. Norfolk, 68.
Scartheburgh. See Scarborough.
Scartho, Skarthhou, co. Lincoln, 575.
Schadewell. See Shadwell.
Scharp, Eoger, 260.
, William, 260.
Scheldt, the river, 164.
Scheldyngthorp. See Skellingthorpe.
Schenche. See Senche.
Schink, Baldinus, 386.
See also Skenk.
Schulton. See Shilton.
Scilly, Sully, isles of [co. Cornwall], 162.
Scire facias, plea of, 237.
, writs of, 374, 498.
Sclus, le, Scluse. See Sluys.
Scof, John, 593.
Scoland, Franco de, 36.
Soolmaistre, Thomas le, 471.
Scorborough, Scoureburgh, Shourburgh,
Skourburgh, co. York, 178, 201, 227,
Scorburgh, Robert de, 241, 385, 547, 591.
Scorburgh. See Scorborough.
Scorby, John de, 672, 701, 718.
Nicholas de, 484.
, Walter de, 146.
Scot, Adam, 693.
, Alice wife of William, 220.
, Gilbert, 578.
,* John le, 160.
, Nicholas, mayor of Newcastle-on-
Tyne, 678.
, Richard, 566.
Simon, 64.
, William, 98, 124, 135, 220, 283, 334,
489, 682, 686.
Scotdorp, John, 47.
Scoter. See Scotter.
Scothou, William de, 287.
Scothowe, John son of William de, 148.
Scothwe, William de, 479.
Scotland and the Scots, 7, 10, 15, 17, 20, 24,
35, 43, 44, 53, 58, 59, 63, 64, 66, 69,
83, 97, 100, 101, 132, 133, 144, 148,
151, 165, 170, 187, 191, 193, 196, 200,
201,203,206,212, 217,280-282, 284,
288, 291, 297-299, 307, 328, 345, 349,
868, 386, 418, 421, 422, 424, 441, 459,
460, 468, 469, 514, 520, 523-526, 539,
548, 554, 556, 568, 597, 613, 653, 654,
656, 658, 662, 663, 680, 686, 688, 691,
692, 695, 698, 702, 706, 718, 719.
■Scotland — cont.
, the king's army in, 181, 185, 190,209,
309, 462, 570, 614, 655.
, armies of Edward I. in, 128.
, castles and towns in, 281.
the king's castles in, 64, 281, 616, 654.
, chamberlain of, 17, 43,53,90,163,
281, 606, 61C, 654.
, See also Weston.
king's chamberlain in, 53.
, See a/so Sandale.
, invasions from, 14, 58, 417, 418.
, king of. See Brus.
, the king's fleet setting out for, 64.
, marches of, S6, 64, 115,136, 285,
366, 368, 445, 533, 555, 597, 663.
the king's castles in, 64.
, , ■warden of, 562.
, See also Jiarda.
.prisoners from, 77, 388, 401,415,656.
, rebels of,2, 16, 17, 24, 27, 30, 31, 38-
41, 43, 44, 53-55, 59, 61-63, 66, 67,
73, 80, 90, 91, 93, 94, 100, 101, 116,
127, 182-134, 136, 156, 157, 160, 162,
165-167, 175, 177, 179, 186, 193, 194,
200, 203, 208, 224, 233, 255, 268, 269,
273, 274, 283, 285, 288, 386, 390 391,
403, 436, 452, 466, 468, 469, 506, 513-
516, 518, 519, 524, 529, 533, 534, 540,
550, 555, 562, 564, 597, 598, 607, 608,
613, 645, 670, 679-683, 686, 687, 690,
697-700,708, 713, 718.
truce ■with, 698, 717, 718.
.the -war in, 2, 8, 22, 27. 45, 50, 77,79,
82, 87, 112, 113, lis, 142, 152, 182,
189, 190, 200, 207, 211, 224, 235, 255,
265, 268, 269, 277, 391, 426, 432, 435,
437, 447, 451, 461, 465, 475, 519, 533,
536, 540, 546, 549, 550, 552-554. 559.
584, 629, 635, 636, 639, 641, 644, 645,
653, 674, 677, 687, 719,720.
Scotre. John de, 112.
Scotter [co. Lincoln], 104.
Scourehnrgh. See Scorborough.
Scrayfield, Screyfeld, co. Lincoln, 438.
Screoumbek [Starbeck ?], co. York, 211.
Serene, Robert de, 346.
Screvyn, Scryveyn, William de, 699.
Screyfeld. See Scrayfield.
Scriptor, Odbert, 47. 289.
See also Writer.
Scrivelsby [co. Lincoln]. 25.
Sctiven. Skrevyn [co. York], 53.
Scrobhes, co. York, 547.
Scrop, Scrope, Geoffrey le, 214, 274, 328,
333, 344, 346, 362, 366, 379, 382, 434,
449,483, 561, 670, 673, 702.
Henry le, 78, 214. 240. 566. 712.
.justice, 7,20, 36, 71, 90, 98,
138, 144, 153, 243. 245. 269, 402, 406,
411, 412, 414, 417, 418, 445, 446, 471,
495, 546, 556, 604, 625, 632, 665.
Scrop, Scrope, Henry le — cont.
, chief justice of the Bench, 32,
351, 575.
, , knt., 213, 379, 382, 673, 702.
Soruton, Scurveton, co. York, 136. 167, 378.
Scryveyn. See Screvyn.
Scares, John de, 538.
See also Stares.
Scurveton. See Scruton.
Seacroft, Secroft, co. York, 586.
Seal, the chancellor's, 237.
the coket, 255, 274, 275, 284, 331.
, the great, 79, 103, 152, 21 1, 216, 219,
237, 323, 366, 367, 477, 505, 547, 677,
689, 714, 720.
, of Ireland. See Ireland.
, the privy. See Privy.
Secchcvill, Balph de, 357.
Secke, Odode, 517.
Seckyndon, Sekynton, Gerard de, 313, 403,
Joan wife of Gerard de, 313, 403.
Secroft. See Seacroft.
Sedbergh in Lonsdale, co, York, 167.
Sedgeberrow, Seggesbarwe [co. Worcester],
508. .
Sedgebrook, Segbrok, co. Lincoln, 575.
Sedlescombe, Sedolscombe, co. Sussex, 75.
Sedwer, Elricus. 284.
See, Alice wife of Walter son of Peter atte,
, John atte, 396.
, Peter atte, 325, 396.
, Richard atte, 491.
Walter son of Peter atte, 62, 163.
William atte, 479.
William son of Peter atte, 60.
Seend, Send, co. Wilts, 543.
Sefoul, John, 281.
Segbrok. See Sedgebrook.
Seggesbarwe. See Sedgeberrow.
Segrave, Eleanor wife of Henry de, 239, 483.
, John de, 27, 57, 309, .507, 574,576.
, , knt., 112, 113, 576.
, the elder, constable of Notting-
ham castle, 418, 426, 431.
, , supplying the king's place in
Scotland, 43, 53.
, Juliana wife of John de, 309.
, Nicholas de, 14, 105, 138, 238.
Simon de,knt., 11.
, Stephen de, 109, 532, 571.
, constable of the Tower of Lon-
don, 659.
, William de, 122, 320, 463.
Segre, John de, knt., 429.
Seignour, Alan le, 104.
Seint Leger, Thomas de, 716
See also Sancto Leodegario de.
Seint Manlfeu, John de, 634.
See also Sancto Mamfeo.
Seint Poel, Eobert de, 471.
See also Sancto Paulo.
Seisdon, Seyseden, co. Stafford, 630.
Sekyntou. See Sekymion.
Seland. See Zeland.
Selborne [co. Hants], letters elose dated at,
Selby, Seleby, co. York, 102, 215, 471, 622.
, letters close dated at, 687.
abbey, 7, 16, 17, 32, 103, 117, l.'J2,
153, 2u2, 207, 520, 622.
, Simon, abbot of, 104, 111.
Selby, John de, 539.
Selde Wyncestre, Potronilla de, 706.
Seleby. See Selby.
Seleby, Emma wife of Eobert de, 140.
, Eobert de, 140.
, Eoger de, 101, 205, 215.
, Eoger son of Nicholas de, 130.
, Eoger and William sons of Nicholas
de, 145.
, William and Eoger sons of Nicholas
de, 118.
, WiUiam son of Nicholas de, 125, 128.
Seler, Walter le, 141,379.
Selere, Ealph le, 312.
Selers, Simon de, 572.
Seles, Eicher, 696.
Selkley, co. Wilts, 149.
hundred, 57.
,., barton and hundred of, oo. Wilts, 57,
Selley, co. Worcester, 631.
Selley, Geoffrey de, 631.
Sellyng', Henry de, 358.
, John, 345.
Sely, Eobert, 708.
Selyman, Eobert, 335.
Semer, Semere, Adam de, 205, 274.
Sempringham, Sympingham, the order of,
214, 323, 375, 527.
, master of, 99, 112, 121, 131,
20.% 375, 687.
, [co. Lincoln], priory of, 326, 335,
Senohe, Schenche, John eon of Martin, 373,
Seucle [in Minchinhampton, co. Gloucester],
Send. See Seend.
Sendale. See Sandale.
Sene, Blasius de, 251, 340.
, Chatus Merconaldi de, 251.
Henry de, 17.
Sengelton, Sengleton, Sengilton, Gilbert de,
541, 576, 610.
Sengham, William son of William de, 101.
Sentele, Eoger de, 578.
Septem Vallibus, William de, sheriff of Kent,
Septem Vannis, William de, knt., 359, 691.
Serell, William, 227.
Seres, lord of, 48.
See also Sancto Paulo, de.
Serich, Hamon, 91,
Ser jaunt, Alexander le, 471.
, Henry le, 194.
, Eobert le, 614.
Serkon, Geoffrey, 497.
Serle'; WiUiam, 664.
Serlo, Agnes wife of Ealph son of, 126.
, Ealph son of, 126.
Sernande, Thomas de, 212.
Serton, Geoffrey, 121.
Servat, William, 2, 330,
, de, 49.
Servyngton, David de, 38.
Sessay, Ceszay [oo. York], 130.
Setewalle, Ulric, 297.
Setheford, Henry de, 491.
Setil. See Settle.
Seton, John de, 58.
, Eobert de, 58.
, Eohert son of Alan de, 148.
, Eoger de, 134.
, William de, 564.
Setteseyl, John, 85.
Settle, Setil, co. York, 166.
Settrington, co. York, 236.
Seube, Vitalis de la, 33, 294.
SeTenhampton, co. Wilts, 67, 149.
Sevenhowes, Eobert de, 454.
Severn, the river, 628.
Sewale, John, 230.
Walter, 386.
Sexhcw [parish of Eounton, co. York], 712.
Seybrock, William de, 361.
Seymor, Eoger de, 722.
Seynt Crik, Johnde, 47.
Seyut Michel, Margaret de, 330.
Seyntcler, Thomas de, 457.
Seyseden. See Seisdon.
Shackerstone, Shakeleston, co. Leicester, 237,
Shaddek, Saddok, Gilbert, verderer of Wind-
sor forest, 184, 185.
Shadwell, Schadewell, Shadewell, co. York,
586, 715.
Shafthowe, William de, 148.
Shall, Eobert, 135.
Shakeleston. See Shackerstone.
Shaldeilet. See Shalfleet.
Shaldeford, William de, sheriff of Anglesey,
Shalden. See Shaldon.
Shaldeswell. See Shelswell.
Shaldon, Shalden, co. Hants, 208, 266.
Shalfleet, Shaldeflet [Isle of Wight], 215.
Shamele in Sittingbourne, 611.
, the king's chapel of, 611.
Shandire, Ireland, 440.
Shap, Hepp, abbey, co. Westmoreland, 19.
Shardolowe, John de, 342.
Sharp, Adam, 98.
, Roger, 264.
.William, 264.
Sharpenham, Ralph de, 317, 349, 453.
Shaton [co. Cumberland], 661.
Shawe, in Windsor forest, 303. ■
Shawe, Adam del, 445.
, Agnes wife of John de, 705.
, John de, 705.
Sheen, Shene [co. Surrey], 50.
, letters close dated at, 188, 189, 231,
273,282,283,292,343-347, 349, 362,
403, 501.
Shefeld. See Sheffield.
Shefeld, William de, 59, 220, 551.
Sheffeld, Richard de, 356.
Sheffield, Shefeld, co. York, 496.
Shefford, East, Eschifford, co. Berks, 9.
Shefte. See Shelfe.
Shelde la. See Scheldt.
Sheldesley, Roger de, 422.
Shelfe, Shefte, co. York, 497.
Shelford [co. Notts], 165.
, letters close dated at, 165, 166, 214,
Shelswell, Shaldeswell, co. Oxford, 308.
Shelton. See Shilton.
Shelve, co. Salop, ."581.
Shenche, Roland son of Marenus, 357.
Shene. See Sheen.
Shenley, Shenle [co. Herts], 118,230.
Shepele, Schepele, Robert de, 374, 375.
Shepeswaye. See Shepway.
Shephall, Shephale, co. Herts, 723.
Shepherd, Elias the, 123.
See aZso Bercarius.
Shephird, Shepherde, Thomas le, 419, 518.
Shepperton, co. Middlesex, 382.
Sbeppey, isle of [co. Kent], 154.
Sheprugg, [co. Wilts], 578.
Shepway, Shepeswaye [co. Kent], the king's
great court of, 287.
Sherborne abbey, co. Dorset, 95.
, Shirboiirn, castle, 297.
, , keeper of, 437.
Sherburn, Shirburn, hospital [co. Durham],
, CO. York, 564, 676.
Sherewynd, Thomas, 109.
Shermanbury, Shiremanbyre [co. Sussex],
Sherringham, Shiryngham, co. Norfolk, 217.
Sherrington, Shiiyngton [co. Bucks], 451.
Sherston Magna, co. Wilts, 218.
Parva, 639.
Sherthales, John de, 33.
Sherwood forest, co. Notts, 8, 97, 159, 197,
335, 434, 442, 446, 461, 613.
, , verderers of, 80.
Shilton, Shelton, co. Leicester, 578, 679.
, Schulton, 00. Berks [now co. Ox-
ford], 299, 612.
Shipman, Peter, 661.
Shippenham. See Chippenham.
Ships, names of :
Annate, la, 660.
Arunde, la, 257, 400.
Blakeship, la, 378.
Blithe, Blyth, la, le, 4, 591, 641, 661.
of Hamelak, 660.
Bona Navis of La Strode, 168, 399.
Christine, la, 660.
Cleyskalantf 713.
Coga, 262.
Cogge Beate Marie, la, 256.
Coga de Valencia, 192, 394, 401,411,
Crecland, 399.
Cretland, 164.
Dromond, 496.
Dromundus, 692.
Edmund, la, 660.
Gerland, le, 396.
Godier, Godyer, la, 216,661.
Godier, le, 171.
Isabel, la, 661.
Johavette, la, 258, 400.
Margarete, la, 259, 398.
Marie, la, 176, 399.
Mariole, la, 396, 660.
Mariote, la, 168, 259.
Mariot, Za, 399.
Messenger, la, 591, 592.
Nicholas, la, 162, 163, 169, 397, 398,
Palmere, la, 661.
Petite Bayard, la, 9, 13, 52, 259.
Plente, la, 20, 47, 67, 83, 170, 180, 290.
Seint Denis, la, 209.
Seinte Marieshipp, la, 660, 661.
Swalewe, Swalue, la, 172, 392, 661.
Swetmund, la, 21.
Trinite, la, 249.
Welywone, la, 661.
Ships of the Cinque Ports, 708.
Shipton-in-Craven, castle [co. York] , keeper
of, 437.
Shirbourn. See Sherborne.
Shirburn. See Sherburn.
Shirburn, Gilbert de, 715.
, Roger de, 98.
Shirch in Windsor forest, 303.
Shireburne, John de, 715.
Shirefeld, John de, 505.
Shireford, John de, 663.
, Simon de, 312.
Shiremanbyre. See Shermanbury.
Shirewode, William do, 282, 342.
Shirfeld, co. Hants, 652.
Shirlande. See Shurlaud.
SMrlande, Shirlond, Robert de, 1 54.
bnt., 627.
Shirokes, Shiroks, Shyroks, Henry de, 293-
295, 667.
, chamberlain of Carnarvon, 77,
160, 165, 200,249,292,293,394,406.
Shirwode, William de, 183.
Shiryngham. See Sherringham.
Shiryngton. See Sherrington.
Shobdon, Walter de, 37, 51.
Shordich, Henry de, 267.
John de, 503.
Shoreham [co. Sussex] , 670.
, New, New Shorham, 581.
, Old, 3.
, bailiffs of, 370.
port of, 524.
Shorham, Cicely wife of Ralph de, 307.
, Ralph de, 307.
Shorston, Walter de, 500.
Shoston, Shotston [co. Northumberland], 39,
40, 167, 436, 596.
Shotesham. See Shottisham.
Shotewyk. See Shotwick.
Shotinhayt, Shotynhayt, Elias, 709, 710.
, Thomas, heir of John, 710.
Shotley [co. Suffolk], letters close dated at,
Shotover forest [co. Oxford], 189.
Shotston. See Shoston.
Shott, John, 227.
Shottisham, Shotesham [co. Suffolk], 721.
Shotwell, Simon de, 316.
Shotwick, Shotewyk [co. Chester], 69, 70.
Shotynhayt. See Shotinhayt.
Shourburgh. See Scorborough.
Shrewsbury, co. Salop, 331, 478.
, bailiffs of, 629.
castle, 189.
, chancery at, 513.
gaol, 182,415, 629.
letters close dated at, 413-416, 466,
511, 513.
, mayor and bailiffs of, 503.
Slirivenham, Shryvenham, co. Berks, 623.
Shrouesbury, Henry de, 71, 84.
Shuckborough, Shughteburgh, co. Warwick,
71, 84.
Shulton, 575.
Shupton, Agnes wife of John de, 128.
, George de, 483.
, John de, 128, 148.
, John son of Robert de, verderer of
Galtres forest, 150.
, William de, 282.
Shurdington, Great, co. Gloucester, 458.
Shurland, Shirlande in Sheppey [co. Kent],
Shurleye, James de, 372.
Ralph son of James de, 372.
Shutkyngdon, Robert de, chief chaplain of
St. Edward's chapel in Windsor castle,
Shyns, John, 179.
Shyroks. See Shirokes.
Sibille, John, 649.
Sibthorp, Henry de, 685.
, Simon de, 532.
, Thomas de, 106, 118,202,221,230,
332, 685.
Sicily (and Jerusalem), king of. See Robert.
Siddingbourne, John de, 480.
Side, William de, 580.
Sidestem. See Syderstone.
Sidmouth, Cydemuth [co. Devon], 534.
Sidyngburn. See Sittingbourne.
Siena (Senis) in Italy, 324, 340.
Sigelesthorn, John de, 164.
Siggeston, Sygeston, John de, 618.
John de, keeper of Huntington and
La Haye, 415, 430.
, , constable of Huntington castle,
Sigston, CO. York, 167.
Silkeby near Wilughby. See Silk Wil-
Silkeby, John sou of Geoffrey de, 720.
Silkeston, Robert de, 442, 454.
Silkesworth. See Silksworth.
Silk Willoughby, Wylughby, Silkeby near
Wilughby [co. Lincoln], 720, 722.
Silksworth, Silkesworth [co. Durham], 600,
Sillyngton. See SuUington.
Silver, regulations as to coinage of, 303.
Simeon, .John, 235, 319, 509.
, Percival, 211, 565, 703.
Simon, Adam son of, de Barlyng, 324.
, James, 324.
, John son of, de Childecot, 477.
, , de Dreuton, 119.
, , de Goseford, 282.
,de Lining, 215.
, Richard son of, de Burton, 78.
John son of, de Newehagh, 565.
, Robert son of, 567.
, de Weston, 421.
, Thomas son of Elichard son of, de
Suthflet, 100.
Simond, Margaret wife of Richard, son of
John, 600.
, Robert, 333.
Simonel, Asselin, Ascelin, 704.
Simounbourne, Roger de, 148.
Simonburn, Symondesburn [co. Northumber-
land], 551.
Singelton, Gilbert de, 78, 577.
Sinibaldi, Jameg, archdeacon of Winchester,
Sinyer, William de, 227.
SittiDgbnurne, Sydynghourn, co. Kent, 611,
the king's chapel of Shamele in, 611.
Siwardby, Siwardeby, Walter de, 17, 137.
Sixindale. See Thixendale.
Skarghill, Wariu de, knt, 666.
Skarthhou. See Scartho.
Skayl, John, 120.
Skeffling, Skeftlyng, co. York, 383.
Skeftyngton, Geoffrey de, 575.
Skelthorp, Thomas de, 142,
Skelton, co. Cumberland, 84, 269.
[co. York], 120, 138,282.
Skelton, Adam de, 78, 114, 161.
, Hugh de, 117.
, William de, 3.
Skellingthorpe, Scheldyngthorp, co. Lincoln,
Skenk, Baldwin, 412, 486.
...r See also Schink.
Skernyng. See Scarning.
Sket, Ranulph, 721.
Skewsby, Skaseby, co. York, 693.
Skidemor, John de, constable of Llanbadarn
Fa-wr castle, 296.
SkimburnesB, Skinbumess, Skymburnesse
[co. Cumberland], 6, 87, 555, 644, 653,
667, 708.
Skippere, Hermann le, 46, 89, 106, 155, 158.
Skipsea, Skipseburgh [co. York], 594.
Skipton [co. York], 446, 572.
Skipton-in- Craven [co. York], 541, 584.
castle, constable of, 5, 7.
See a/so Eithre.
Skipton-on-Swale, co. York, 167.
Skipton, John de, 722.
Skirbeck, co. Lincoln, 125.
Skirlington [co. York], 618.
Skirwater, Alan, 392.
Cicely wife of Alan, 392.
, Juliana daughter of Alan, 392.
Skourburgh. See Scorborough.
Skot, William, 331.
Skreton [co. York], 388.
Skrevyn. See Scriven.
Skurveton, Ellen wife of Peter de, 697.
Skuseby. See Skewsby.
Skuseby, Elias de, 693.
Skydemor, John de, constable of Llanbadarn
Fawr castle [co. Cardigan], 291.
Skymburnesse. See Skinburness.
Skynner, Richard, 430.
, William, 123.
Slabard, John, 222.
Slane, Philip de, of the order of Friare
Preachers, 161, 165.
Sleaford, Sleford [co. Lincoln], 658.
castle [co. Lincoln], constable of,
427, 437.
See also Darcy.
Sleght, John, 693.
Slene, William son of Roger de, 137.
Slengesby, William de, 120.
, William son of John de, 213.
Sliperdam, Slipedham, in Flanders, 164,217,
395, 412, 486.
Slo, John atte, 302.
, dela, 250, 657.
Sloghtre, John de 218, 316, 371.
Sluys, Le Sclus, Lescluse, Flanders, 46, 89,
155, 158, 163, 169, 217, 224, 297, 395,
412, 414, 483, 486.
, port of, 713.
Slyght, Peter, 320.
Smale, .John le, 275.
, William le, 201.
Smalelond, co. Essex, 640.
Smeaton, Smytheton, Little, co. York, 167.
Smelt, Richard, 331.
Smerdale, William de, 344.
Smetheton, Alan de, 453.
Smith. See Smyth.
Smyht, Robert le, 185.
Smyth, Andrew le, 327.
, Christina wife of Andrew le, 327.
, Henry the, 567.
, Hugh, 384.
, John de, 267.
, le, 142.
, the, 567.
, son of Richard le, 500.
, Richard the, 316.
.., Stephen le, 249.
Smythessone, Hugh le, 314.
Smytheton, Little. See Smeaton.
Snailwell [co. Cambridge], 70.
Snaiuton, Snaynton, co. York, 106.
Snaith, Snayth, co. York, 155.
, serjeanty of , 155.
Snape [co. York], 246.
Snarestone, Snarkeston, co. Leicester, 218.
Snarkestou. See Snarestone.
Snarkeston, William de, 460.
Snaynton. See Snaiuton.
Snayth. See Snaith.
Snayth, John de, 548.
, son of Thomas de, 548.
Sniton, Nicholas de, 491.
, William de, under constable of War-
wick castle, 520.
Snitterfield, Snytenfeld, Snytenfield, co. War-
wick, 238, 565.
Snitterley, Snyterle, co. Norfolk, 68, 463.
Snoring, Narynges, Great, co, Norfolk, 461.
Snoudon in Windsor forest, 303.
Snowdon, forest of, 256, 308.
SnoweshuU, Richard de, 686.
Snytenfcld. See Snitterfield.
Snyterle. See Snitterley.
Sobyoun, Thomas, 334.
Soham, Saham, co. Cambridge, 23, 543.
Solbergh, co. York, 167.
Solers in Gascony, 171, 181, 258, 337, 401.
Solers, Simon de, 572.
Solham. See Sulham.
Solihull [co. Warwick], 189.
Solom, Salue [parish of Leighton Bromeswold,
CO. Huntingdon], 640.
Somenour, Isabella wife of Roger le, 569.
, John son of Roger le, 569.
Somerbury, Richard de, 288.
Somercote, Thomas de, 574.
Somerford, co. Wilts, 543.
Somerset,countyof,106,110, 111,115, 174,210,
222, 225, 229, 234-236, 240, 329, 331,
332, 334, 339, 342, 344, 346, 352, 3.66,
359, 369, 371, 372, 375, 377, 444, 450,
480, 482, 487, 506, 512, 514, 523, 540,
548, 568, 572, 579, 603, 604, 611, 627,
633, 645, 657, 716, 723.
, justices in, 302, 409,
, sheriff of, 41, 93, 111, 115, 127,
134, 174, 182, 244, 288, 292-295, 299,
306, 318, 331, 370, 392, 406, 417, 421,
422, 424, 429, 443, 448, 459, 467, 509,
525, 527, 534, 536, 539, 559, 577, 579,
586, 622, 624, 644.
Somersete, Geoffrey de, 403.
Somerton. See Summerton.
[co. Somerset], 670.
castle, 437.
Somerton, Robert de, 334.
William de, 271.
Somerrill, Ed. de, 127.
Peter de, 419, 420, 512.
, Phihpde, 105.
knt., lord of Wichnor, 324.
, Roger de, 127, 717.
Somery, Someri, John de, 24, 112, 113, 333,
367, 421, 442, 507, 609, 611, 612, 630-
632, 684.
, , lord of Dudley, 671.
, Lucy wife of John de, 611, 623, 630-
632, 682.
, Nicholas de, 420, 518.
, Thomas de, 518.
Sompting, Sountynge, Suntinges, co. Sussex,
185, 584.
Sonnyside. See Sunniside.
Soryn, Bernard Guillielmi, 714.
Soterton. See Sutterton.
Sothill, Henry de, knt., 430, 456, 715.
, William de, 111,315.
Soton-ou-Derwent. See Sutton-upon-Der-
Soulby, Souleby [co. Westmoreland], 600.
Soules, Alice wife of Thomas de, 38, 39.
, Thomas de, 38.
William de, 38.
Soundy, John son of Thomas, 489.
Sountynge. See Sompting.
Sourdewall, John de, 691.
Soureby. See Sowerby.
Sousche. See Zouch.
Souter, Roger le, 267.
Soutere, William le, 500.
South, Dionisia wife of Richard, 316.
, Richard, 316.
Soatham [co. Warwick], 237.
Southampton, 54, 57, 134, 166, 186, 209, 233,
266, 286, 287, 345, 382, 407, 409, 411,
486, 490, 626, 627, 637, 670. 696, 701.
, bailiffs of, 9, 52, 63, 259, 265,266,
370, 531, 534.
castle, 57, 150.
, ferm of, 57, 69, 150.
, mayor of, 209.
, mayor and bailiffs of, 258, 559.
, mayor, bailiffs, and community of, 159.
,port of, 16, 28, 209, 251, 296, 318,
491, 524,587.
, , customs in, 195,244,246,250,
251, 255, 272, 389.
, St. Denis priory, 117.
Southampton, county of, 93, 120, 141, 145, 150,
178, 181, 209, 214, 216, 223, 220, 233,
263, 315, 329, 333, 339-341, 353, 354,
356, 365, 3T3, 374, 377, 382, 385, 416,
447, 450, 472, 480, 481, 491, 605, 507,
511, 518, 538, 540, 548, 549, 604, 641,
645, 694, 704, 721.
, keepers of the peace in, 260.
, knights and squires of, 416.
, sheriff of, 47, 60, 69, 93, HI,
134, 173, 244, 251, 256, 260, 262, 267,
299-301, 312, 318, 326, 331, 335, 338,
347, 370, 377, 385, 390, 393, 395, 399
401, 403, 410, 424, 431, 444, 448, 491,
496, 499, 504, 509, fil2, 514, 519, 634,
539, 555, 5C0, 577, 594, 597, 602, 610,
627, 629, 634, 639, 652, 678, 682, 719.
South Cave, Suthcave, co. York, 711.
Southcote, Roger de, 505.
Southgoseford. See Gosford South.
Southoe, Sntbo, co. Huntingdon, 543.
Southorpe, Suthrop [co. York], 107, 163.
Southwark [co. Surrey], 227, 720.
, St. Mary's priory, 212, 237.
, St. Thomas's hospital, 626.
Southwell, Suthwell, Suwell, co. Notts, 146,
, collegiate chui-ch of St. Mary, 498,
, prebend of Rampton in, 159.
Suuthwick, Suwyk [eo. Sussex], 185.
Sowerby, Suoreby [co. Cumberland], 307,
, Soureby, co. York, 167, 694.
3h 2
Spagard, Matilda Tvife of Stephen, 613.
Stephen, 613.
Spain, 123.
Spalding, eo. Lincoln, 307, 460, 549, 670.
bailiffs of, 549.
, priory of, 307.
, John, prior of, 307.
Spaldyng, Joeeus de, 313, 403, 643.
, Robert sou of Matthew de, 307.
Spaldjngton, Henry de, 233.
Spanneby, .John de, 128.
Spark, Henry, 471.
, John, 196,704.
, , keeper of the manor and pond
of Feckenham, 191.
Nicholas, 271.
Spayn, Thomas de, 330.
Speen, Speuhenton, co. Berks, 543.
Spelsbury, Spellesbury [co. Oxford] , 544.
Spendelove, Hugh, 683.
Spenhenton. See Speen.
Spenser, William, 537.
Sperlyng', Nicholas, 507.
Speryz, Sir Andrew, 123.
Spicer, Burnetus le, 250.
, Edmund le, 346.
, John le, 636.
Robert le, 236.
Spigurnel, Spygurncll, Godfrey, 275.
, Henry, justice, 6, 14, 45, 81, 288,
295, 299, 300, 302, 306, 336, 351, 409,
423, 607, 625.
, Richard, 340.
Spilman, John, 428.
Spilsby, Spillesby, co. Lincoln, 722.
Spinl of Florence, merchants of the society of,
95, 642.
Spofforth, SpofEord, co. York, 166.
Sporoun, Ralph, 625.
Spotland, Spotlond, "CO. Lancaster, 610, 649,
Spray, Ralph, 63.
Springere, John, 364.
Springthorpe, co, Lincoln, 476.
Springwell, Roger de, 122.
Sproatley, Sprotle, co. York, 716.
Sprot, Thomas, 28.3.
Sprotburgh, Adam de, 123.
Sprotle. See Sproatley.
Sprottcley, Geoffrey de, 169.
Sprowston [co. Norfolk], 65.
Spryng, Robert, 135.
Spycer, W illiam le, 382.
Spygesworthe, John de, clerk of the works in
Windsor castle, 54, 158.
Spygnrnell. See Spigurnel.
Spyne, Oliver de la, 638.
Squier, Richard, 668.
, Robert, 223, 574.
Stabler, Adam le, 130.
Stacy, John, 661.
.Robert, 262.
Stafarch, Philip le, 709.
Stafford, 42, 52, 117, 338.
castle, 52.
, free chapel of, dean of, 52, 53.
, See also Bello Monte ; Cadamo ;
Cherleton ; Sandale.
, priory of St. Thomas the Martyr,
near, 21, 117.
Stafford, county of, 96, 105, 133, 222, 228, 232-
235, 239, 319, 324, 335, 352, 432, 446,
475, 477, 507, 532, 540, 572, 573, 576-
578, 581, 584, 601, 634, 645, 646, 671,
679, 682, 699.
, the king's parks and chaces in, 639.
, sheriff of, 12, 86, 133, 188, 189, 194,
270, 312, 366, 420, 421, 434, 435, 443,
449, 485, 517, 521, 563, 634, 681, 693.
See also Swynnerton.
Stafford, John de, 705.
, William de, knt., 634.
Stainbrough, Staynburgh, co. York, 167.
Stainbum, co. York, 167.
Stainby, Styaudeby, eo. Lincoln, 102.
Staines, Stanes, eo. Middlesex, 382.
Stainfield, Staynfeld nunnery [co. Lincoln],
Stainforth, Staynford, co. York, 116.
Stainton, Staynton [near Penrith, co. Cum-
berland], 31.
, Barnard castle [co. Durham], 304.
, Staynton [with Hellaby, co. York],
Stak, Thomas, 377.
Stalmine, Stalmyn [co. Lancaster], 666.
Stalyngburgh, John de, 204.
Stamford, Staunford, co. Lincoln, 102, 326,
352, 482, 483, 671.
, bailiffs of, 221.
bridge, 302.
, letters close dated at, 596.
, CO. Rutland, 482.
Stamfordham, Staunfordham [co. Northum-
berland], 38.
Standene, co. Lancaster, 576.
Standlake, Stanlak [co. Oxford], 231.
Staudon. See Staundon.
Stane, Geoffrey de la, 537.
Stanefeld. See Stanfield.
Staneghyndenn, John de, 357.
Stanerue, Roger son of Geoffrey de, 368, 372,
Stanes. See Staines.
Stanes, John de, 329.
, Nicholas de, 567.
, Robert del, 567.
, Simon de, 672, 717.
Stanfield, Stanefeld, co. Norfolk, 68.
Stanford, Staunford, co. Berks, 543, 623, 630.
[co. Essex], 646.
Rivers [co. Essex], 330.
Stanford, Henry de, 614.
Stangemerynge. See Stanmer.
Stanger [co. Cumberland], 661.
Stanhoe, co. Norfolk], 481.
Stanhou, Stanhowe, Bartholomew de, 231,
, Eiohard de, 94, 333.
Stanhous, le, near Anglesey, 453.
Stanlak. See Standlake.
Stanley, King's, co. Gloucester, 651.
Stanley abbey [co. Warwick]. See Stone-
abbey [co. Wilts], 699.
, Eobert, abbot of, 318.
Stanlowe, Ealph de, 419, 455.
Stanmer, Stangemerynge [co. Sussex], 584.
Stannary, the king's, in co. Devon, 273.
Stanstead, co. Hertford, 231.
Stausted Mountfichet [co. Essex], 308.
Stanton, Staunton, co. Stafford, 10.
, Staunton, Lacy [co. Salop], 415.
Stanton. See Staunton.
Stapelford. See Stapleford.
Stapelford, Geoffrey de, son of Kicbard de,
Stapelfordtany. See Stapleford Tawney.
Stapelhoe. See Staplehoe.
Stapelton, Stapcldon, Stapledon, AnabiUa wife
of Walter de, 104.
, Elias de, 441, 532.
, Gilbert de, escheator north of Trent,
176, 179, 201, 213, 227, 246, 250, 257,
264, 268-270, 272, 274, 277, 282, 285,
287, 295, 297, 300, 301, 306, 313, 383,
389, 428, 600, 647.
, John de, 376.
, , knt., 218, 698.
, son of Eobert de, 177.
, Nicholas de, 614.
, , knt, 674.
, Eiohard de, 318.
, , knt., 326.
, Eobert de, 177.
, Walter de, bishop of Exeter, 7, 36,
69, 78, 104, 118, 132, 140, 250, 282,
325,333, 467,511, 667, 689.
, , treasurer, 234, 237, 238, 274,
277, 345, 559, 574-576, 613, 644, 717.
, WiUiam de, 430.
Staple, John de, 418.
Stapleford Tawney, Stapelfordtany, co. Essex,
[co. Leicester], 444.
, Stapelford, co. Jjincoln, 211.
, CO. Wilts, 300.
Staplehoe, Stapelhoe, co. Bedford, 92.
Stater, John, 325.
, le, 396.
Stathe, CO. Somerset, 313.
Statine. See Stettin.
Statute of merchants. See Merchants.
Staundon, Standon, Benedict de, 453.
, Peter de, 261.
, Eichard de, 340.
, Vivian, Vivianus de, 434, 554.
, , constable of Harlech castle,
Staunford. See Stamford.
See Stanford.
Staunford, John de, 431, 627'.
, Nicholas de, 463, 482, 483.
, William de, 341, 373.
Staunfordham. See Stamfordham.
Staunton, Staunton Lacy. See Stanton.
Staunton, Stanton, Henry de, 102, 379.
, Hervey de, 55, 287, 482.
, — :., chancellor of the exchequer,
, justice, 36, 267, 305, 306, 344,
404, 406,414,452, 509, 625.
, , knt., 553.
, Lettice wife of William de, 122.
, Eoger de, 293.
, son of WiUiam de, 245.
, William de, 419, 432.
Staynburgh. See Stainbrough.
Staynfeld. See Stainfield.
Staynford. See Stainforth.
Staynlay, Adam de, 716,
Staynton. See Stainton.
Staynton, Godfrey de, 124, 140, 220.
Stebbenhith. See Stepney.
Stebbing, co. Essex, 475, 598, 610.
Stebbyng', John son of Nicholas de, 312, 642.
Stebenhuthe, Stebynhethe. See Stepney.
Stedeman, Henry le, 116.
Steeping, Stepyng, co. Lincoln, 578, 641.
Steker, John de, 593.
Stepelcleydon. See Claydon.
Stepelton, Eobert de, 609.
Stepham, William son of William de, 270',
Stephen, John son of, de Crofton, 455.
, , de Husthwayt, 315.
, Stephen son of, de Houeden, 136.
Stepney, Stebbenhith, Stebbenhuth, Steben-
huthe, Stebynhethe, co. Middlesex,
230, 232, 353, 371, 700.
Stepyng. See Steeping.
Sterre, John, 477, 495.
Stettin, Statine, 120.
Stevenage, Stevenhache, co. Hertford, 505.
Stevenhache, Nicholas son of Eoger de, 505.
Stevcnman, Eobert, 567.
Stewton, Styveton, co. Lincoln, 174.
Steynton, Godfrey de, 135.
Stibba, John, 159.
Stickney, Stikeney, Stykeneye, co. Lincoln,
489, 505.
Stiford, CO. Northumberland, 41.
Stikeney. See Stickney.
Stikeneye, John de, steward of the earl of
Kichmond, 125.
Stikeswald. See Stixwould.
Stile, 'I'hcmas de la, 331.
Stillingfleet, Styvelyngflet, co. York, 695.
Stirap, t^imon de, 98.
Stirchesleye, Walter de, justice, 195.
Stirkelaud, Stirkelond, Adam de, 664, 667.
, , king's Serjeant, 39.
, Walter de, 78,445.
Stirling, Stryvelyn, Scotland, 73.
Stistede, John de, 708.
Stittenham, Stitlom, StiteUim, Stitnom, Styten-
ham [co. York], 100, 103, 111, 125,
128, 2116, 211, 217, 219, 716.
Stiuecle, Nicholas, 356.
, de, 336.
Stiveton, Robert de, knt., 122.
Stiward, William, 582.
Stixwould, Stikeswald [co. Lincoln], 157.
Stocheye, Eohert de, justice, 75.
Stockbrigg, John de, 471.
Stocke, Roger dc, 99, 101.
Stockelegh, .John de, 349.
, Eobert de, 349.
Stockbeye, Bobert de, 176.
Stodehagb. See Asliton-with-Stodday.
Stodelegh, Stodleye, Stodlegh, John de, 326,
462, 474.
Stoder, John, 289.
Stodham. See Studham.
Stodbam, Robert de, 223.
Stodlcy. See Studley.
Stoil. See Stoyl.
Stok, Richard de, 306.
, Robert de, 451, 464, 518, 571, 573,
576, 587, 588, 604, 620, 621, 657.
, perpetual dean of Rockland
[Rokeloaud], 228.
William de, 271, 349.
Stokbrigg', John son of Geoffrey de, 210.
Stoke, 107, 518.
, CO. Lincoln, 4, 119.
Brueru, Stokebruere, Stokebruerne,
CO. Northants, 317, 706.
Dry, Driestok, wood, co. Rutland,
Ditton. See Ditton.
GifEord [co. Gloucester], 426.
, near Guildford [co. Surrey], 182.
-by-Nayland, Stok Neylaund [co. Suf-
folk], 161, 476.
Say, CO. Salop, 15.
Stoke, Matilda wife of William de, 35.
, Odo de, 538.
, Ralph de, 101.
, Robert de, 441, 537, 539, 540, 572,
577, 585, 596.
, WiUiam de, 35.
Stokebruere, Stokebruerne. See Stoke
Stokes, Geoffrey de, knt., 238, 322, 331.
, Ralph de, keeper of the great ward-
robe, 280, 643, 663.
Roger de, 626.
Stokesby in I'legg, co. Norfolk, 140.
Stokesley, co. York, 104, 139, 468, 474, 565,
567,599, 714.
Stokesleye, John de, 104.
, John son of Cicely de, 565.
, Walter de. 111, 135.
John and William sons of Cicely de,
, William, John and Adam sons of
Cicely de, 19.
Stoketon, John de, 330.
Stokette, John atte, 357.
, Simon atte, 357.
Stokewell, Geoffrey son of Nicholas de, 194.
Stokheye, Eobert de, justice, 282.
Stokke, Richard de, 360.
Stok Neylaund. See Stoke-by-Nayland.
Stokston, John de, 505.
Stokton, John de, 199.
Stokton-near-These, Nicholas de, 151.
Stolf, Nicholas, 479.
Stone priory [co. Stafford], 52.
Stone, John de, 326, 377.
Stoneleigh, Stanley, Stonleye abbey [co. War-
wick], 458, 544, 591.
Stonford, 78.
Stonore, John de, 712, 464, 623.
Stor, William, 601.
Storemy. See Sturmy.
Stork in Sheppey [co. Kent], 154.
Stort, Roger, 320.
Storteforde, Nicholas de, 709.
Stortford, co. Essex, 334.
StotCYyl, Simon, 567.
Stotton, John de, 568.
Stour. See West Stour.
Stow Park [co. Cambs], letters close dated
at, 623, 624, 626, 693, 694.
Stowe, archdeaconry of [co. Lincoln], 648.
, diocese of Coventry, 21.
, CO. Nortbants, 339.
Siowe, Philip de, 223.
Stoweford, William de, 691.
Stowmarket, co. Suffolk, 624.
Stoyl, Stoil, Henry, 116.
, John, 222, 344.
Strabolgi, Strabolgy, David de, earl of Athole,
34, 159, 280, 282, 291, 462, 506, 509,
510, 522, 621, 681,702, 717.
, , constable of the king's army,
Stradbrok, Henry de, 626.
Stradele, Philip de, 536.
Stradieu. See Ystrad Yw.
Stralsunii, Strallesound, Strillesound, in Ger-
many, 20, 47, 66, 83, 98, 119, 120, 155,
170, 180,290.
, masters, consules, schoflen, &c., of,
119, 120.
Stramshall, Streingesliall, co. Stafford, 10.
Stransale, William de, 204.
Stratfeld, John de, 449.
Stratfield Mortimer, Stretfeld Mortymer [oo.
Berks], 193.
Stratford-on-Avou [co. Warwick], 485.
at Bow, letters close dated at, 245,
246, 251, 253, 254, 255, 261, 316, 322,
323, 357, 507.
Stratford, Stretford, John de, 485.
J , archdeacon of Lincoln, 480,
485, 602, 697.
Robert de, 485.
.William de, 230.
Stratton, co. Wilts, 57, 149.
in Scarvesdale. See Stretton.
Stratton, Richard de, 233.
, Roger de, 335, 336, 340.
Straunge, Sir Fulk le, 138.
, John le, 607.
, , knt., 246.
Streethall, Strethale, co. Essex, 443.
Streingeshall. See Stramshall.
Strenglayer, William le, 204, 205.
Stretfeld Mortymer. See Stratfield Mortimer.
Stretford. See Stratford.
Strethale. See Streethall.
Stretle, Richard de, 229.
Stretton, Stratton in Scarvesdale, co. Derby,
669, 682.
Stretton, Adam de, 51.
, Roger de, 342.
, William de, 501.
Strigoil, Strogoyl [co. Monmouth], 645.
See abo Chepstow.
Strillesound. See Stralsund.
Strixton, William de, 353.
Strode, la. See Strood.
Strogoyl. See Strigoil.
Strongeford, Thomas son of William de, 607.
Strood, Strode, la [co. Kent], 168, 364, 399.
Strugal. See Chepstow.
Strugge, William, 377.
Strugger, William, 382.
Stryvelyn. See Stirling.
Stubbenbuth. See Stepney.
Stubbum, CO. York, 624.
Studham, Stodham, co. Bedford, 223.
Studley, Stodley priory, co. Warwick [rectius
Oxford], 190.
Staffyn, Hugh, 612.
Stuperesheld, William de, 641.
Stures, John de, 518.
See also Scures.
Sturmy, Storemy, Henry, 27, 300.
John, 711.
, knt., 721.
son of Henry de, 714.
Margaret, 27.
, Roger, 153, 155.
Starry, co. Kent, 185, 225.
, bridge of, 267.
letters close dated at, 185, 196-198,
225, 309, 312, 313, 382, 395.
Stut, Richard, 207.
, William son of Robert, 211.
Styandeby. See Staiuby.
Sty ford, co. Northumberland, 41.
Stykeneye. See Stickney.
Styrchesleye, John de, knt., 677.
Stystede, Nicholas de, 509.
Stytelum, Stytenham. See Stittenham.
Styuel, Richard, 383, 384.
Styvelyngflet. See Stillingfleet.
Styveton. See Stewton,
Suauton, Henry de, 475.
Suaveton. See Swaton.
Suberseintz, Garcias de, king's porter, 74.
Subtus Moutem, John, 296.
Sudbury [co. Suffolk], 371.
Sudbury, John de, knt., 317.
Sudle, John de, 422.
Sudyngton, Thomas de, justice, 195.
Suffolk, county of, 55, 93, 109, 111, 141, 209-
211, 220, 222, 225, 229, 230, 236, 243,
314, 323, 334, 335, 338, 353-355, 359,
360, 371, 395, 402, 435, 476, 481, 489,
507, 509, 510, 548, 573, 574, 592, 602,
645, 671, 683, 695, 707, 720.
justices of assize in, 14.
, sheriff of, 23, 52, 63, 65, 73, 93, 100,
105, 111, 134, 153, 155, 162, 168, 172,
173, 187, 211, 221, 244, 257, 258, 312,
318, 331, 370, 395, 398, 399, 401, 431,
446, 463, 509, 513, 521, 534, 536, 538,
539, 555, 560, 577, 624, 678, 698, 706,
Suffolk, John de, 625.
Sugbrok, 354.
Sulby [co Northants] , letters close dated at,
Sulham, Solham, Soleham, co. Berks, 128,
SuUington, Sillyngton, co. Sussex, 185.
Sully. See Scilly.
Sully, John de, 27.
Suman, John, 356.
Sumeri, John de, 128.
Sumervill, Adam de, knt., 666.
Summerton, Somerton, co. Oxford, 543.
Sunderland [co. Northumberland], 39, 40,
167, 436, 596.
[North], 39.
Sunniside, Sonnyside [co. Durham], 599.
Sunthorpe [oo. York], 62.
Sunthous, Christian, 248.
Suntingei. See Sompting.
Suorety. See Sowerby.
Surejs, Surrej'S, Ellen, daughter of John, 422.
, Kobei-t, 678, 679.
Surraie, Roger son of Eobert, 148.
Surrey, county of, 145, 209, 218, 222, 224, 226,
227, 229, 231, 232, 237, 242, 263, 317,
331, 344, 355, 336, 357, 359, 363, 374,
381, 394, 395, 435, 476, 479, 482, 496,
497, 503, 518, 535, 538, 604, 645, 703,
, , forest pleas in, justices for, 197.
, , justices in, 434.
, , sheriff of 22, 34, 93, 111, 134,
160, 184, 185, 188, 244, 312, 318, 331,
387, 431, 442, 459, 504, 534, 536, 539,
555, 560, 577, 623, 629, 678, 719.
Surrey, earl of. See Warenna.
Surreys. See Sureys.
Surteys, Isabella wife of Nicholas de, 30.
Siisel, Sussalt, in Holstein, 46, 89, 155, 158,
Sussex, cmmty of, 95, 145, 178, 223, 225, 227,
236, 242, 263, 287, 315, 318, 319, 322,
324, 332, 356, 359, 365, 374, 377, 382,
395, 435, 481, 484, 490, 509, 518, 537,
538, 572, 584, 645, 705.
, sherifEof, 93, 111, 134, 185, 189,
244, 259, 263, 318, 331, 370, 430, 431,
459, 504, 514, 534, 539, 555, 560, 577,
629, 635, 678, 719.
Sussoun, Gaillard de, 104.
Suter, John, 123.
Suthayk, Sutheyk, Patrick de, 4S5.
, Patrick son of Gilbert de, 272.
Suthbraden. See Bradon, South.
Suth Burton. See Burton South.
Suthcave. See South Cave.
SuthcUf. See Cliff, South.
Suthcote, Roger de, 224, 226, 239, 361.
Suthcuton. See Tawton, South.
Sutheyk. See Suthayk.
Suthflet, Thomas son of Richard son of Simon
de, 100.
Suthiby, Alice de, 383.
Suthkilvyngton. See KiWington, South.
Suthmorton. See Moreton, South.
Suthmuskham. See Muskhara, South.
Sutho. See Southoe.
Suthotriugton. See Ottrington, South.
Suthreppes. See Reppes, South.
Suth Tenge. See Kingsteiguton.
Suththorp, Alan de, 107,
Suththrop. See Southorpe.
Suthtoteryngton. See Otterington, South.
Suthtutton. See Tawton, South.
Suthwell. See Southwell.
Suthwrth, Gilbert de, 210.
Suthwj-k, John de, 577, 609.
Suthyby, Roger de, 132.
Sutterton, Soterton [co. Lincolu], 306, 392.
Sutton, 157, 201, 231, 308, 560, 582.
, hundred of [co. Derby], 570.
[co. Leicester], 368, 372.
[co. Lincoln], 157.
, CO. Salop, 33.
, CO. Suffolk, 314.
, CO. Surrey, 543.
, CO. Wilts, 99.
, CO. York, 135, 167, 455.
[Bridge], [co. Lincoln], 670.
-upon-Derwent, Soton-on-Derwent, co.
York, 208, 661.
-in-Holland, co. Lincoln, 578, 641.
-at-Hone [co. Kent], 264.
, , Hospital of St. John of Jerusa-
lem, the prior's court at, 264.
Howgrave, Hongrave, co. York, 167.
Maundeville, co. Wilts, 543.
, port of [Plymouth, co. Devon], 524.
, , bailiffs of, 370, 531, 534.
-on-Trent, co. Nottingham, 716.
Sutton, Adam de, 210, 539.
, Ellen wife of John de, 378.
, Geoffrey de, 125, 593.
, Hubert de, 511.
, John de, 378, 435, 609, 612, 630, 631,
679, 680, 681, 683, 684.
, , abbot of Abingdon, 351.
, , knt., 705.
, John son of Richard de, knt, 332,
, Margaret wife of John de, 612,630,
, Richard de, 33, 233.
, Robert de, 332,334.
Roger de, 11, 146, 210, 323, 339,
, , clerk of the chancery, 367.
, Walter de, 420.
, William de, 135, 377,441, 539.
Suusse, Suysse, Siglaf, Selivus, 616, 654.
Suwell. See Southwell.
Suwerk. See Southwark.
Suwyk. See Southwick.
Suysse. See Suusse.
Swaby, Swafeld, co. Lincoln, 585.
Swaf, Henry, 284.
Swafeld. See Swaby.
Swafeld, Philip de, 694.
Swafield, Swathefeld, co. Norfolk, 68.
Swafifham, co. Cambridge, 236.
Swafham, Reginald de, 316, 505, 702.
, Richard de, 239.
Swalclive, Robert de, 353.
Swallow, Swalu, co. Lincoln, 387.
Swallowcliff, Swalweclyve [co. Wilts], 245.
Swalu. See Swallow.
Swan, Richard, 567.
, Roger, 14.
Swsmecote [eo. Derby], 14.
Swaniugton, Swenyugton, m. Noifollc, G8.
Swanlond, Swanloude, SwanUind, Simon de,
235, 354, 856, 411, 414, 703.
, John de, 703.
Swansea, Swyneseye [co. Glamorgan], 673.
Swarland [co. Northumberland], 148.
Swart, Conrad le, 46, 106.
, Hermann le, 158.
Swathefeld. See Swafield.
SwatOD, Suaveton, co. Lincoln, 427, 441, 532,
578, 589, 641.
Swayfield, Swathefeld [co. Lincoln], 68, 501.
Swaynby, Walter de, 395.
Swell [co. Gloucester], 307.
Swelteuham, John de, 237.
Sweltesham, John de, 340.
Swenyngton. See Swanington.
Swethehop, Thomas de, 148.
Swilyngton, Adam de, Itnt., 573.
Swinbrook, Swynebrok [co. Oxford], 349.
Swinderby, Swynderby [co. Lincoln], 126.
Swine, Swyn le, port of, Flanders, 169, 172,
173, 251,253, 257, 262.
Swine [co. York], 297.
Swinefleet, Swynflet [co. York], 596, 652.
Swineshead, Swynesheved, abbey [co. Lin-
coln], 206.
Smnford, Old, Old Swyneford, co. Worcester,
612, 632.
Swinhope, Swynhope, co. Lincoln, 590.
Swinton, Swynton, co. York, 128, 146, 606,
Swylynton, Swylyngton, Swylinton, Adam
de, 105, 580, 649.
Swyn. See Swine.
Swynbnrn, Heni'y de, 550.
Robert de, 335, 550.
, , knt., 723.
Swynderby. See Swinderby.
Swynebrok. See Swinbrook.
S\fyneford, John de, 328.
Swynerton, Roger de, 232, 233.
Swyneseye. See Swansea.
Swynesheved. See Swineshead.
Swynflet. See Swinefleet.
Swynflet, William son of James de, 596, 652.
Swynford, John de, 435.
Swynhope. See Swinhope.
Swynnerton, John de, sheriff of Stafford, 634.
, Roger de, 554, 669, 673.
, , constable of Eccleshale castle,
, , constable of Harlech castle, 296.
, , constable of the Tower of
London, 401, 571, 604, 607, 642.
, , knt., 554.
Swynnythuayt, William de, 214.
Swynton, See Swinton.
Swynton, William de, 211, 713.
Sycard, John, 261.
Sydenham, Matilda de, 344.
Syderstone, Sidestern, co. Norfolk, 68.
Sydyugbourn. See Sittiugbourne.
Sygeston. See Siggeston.
Sylveyn, John, 288.
Symondesburn. See Simonhurn.
Sympingham. See Sempringham.
Synard, Stephen, 261.
Syndlesham, Robert de, 161.
Syngelton, (lilbert de, 648.
Synyngthwayt, Peter de, 568.
Syred, John son of William, 498.
Syward, Alexander, 554.
, Thomas, 195.
Sywardby, Robert de, knt., 202.
Tabard, John (Jak'), 453.
Tachewych, Thomas de, 352.
Tadcaster, co. York, letters close dated at,
Tadecastre, John le Fiz Simond de, 471.
, Juliana wife of Peter de, 693.
, Richard son of Peter de, 592, 693,
Tadlowe, Alan de, 482.
Tagh . . . breghcok, 91.
Tailor, Taillour, Tailour, Taillur, Adam le,
, Hughle, 674.
, John, 567.
, Richard le, 260.
the, 260, 264.
, Roger le, 267.
, William le, 507, 706.
Take, Walter, 284.
Takel, John, 213, 674.
William, 723.
Takeley, co. Essex, 317.
Talbot, Talebot, Gilbert, 421, 511,513,519,
, , keeper of Gloucester castle, 628.
, John, 299, 334, 612.
Richard, 419,424, 511, 513,518.
Talentire. See Tallantire.
Talere, Peter de, 41.
Taleworth. See Tal worth.
Talgarth [co. Brecon], 617, 618.
Tallantire, Talentire, co. Cumberland, 24.
TalTan. See Abersychan.
Talworth, Taleworth [co. Surrey], 340.
, letters close dated at, 281, 345, 346.
Talyfer, Alexander, 109.
Tumworth, co. Stafford, 222, 235, 352.
Tange, Joan wife of Eichard son of Richard
de, 590.
Tangelegh, William de, 248.
Tankard, William, 146, 201.
Tannere, John le, 460.
Tannour, Robert son of Henry le, 674.
Tanshelf, Tanschelf, eo. York, 575.
Tanworth, Toneworth [co. Warwick], 544.
Tany, Joan wife of John de, 595.
Tarn Wadling, Ternwathelan [co. Cumber-
land], 149.
, the king's lake of, in Ingelwood
forest, 149.
Tasley, Tassele [co. Salop], 533, 577.
Tassagard, in Ireland, £0.
Tassele. See Tasley.
Tatelesfeld, Thomas son of Rotheric de, 224.
Tatham, William de, 584.
Tatsfield, Tatlesfeld, co. Surrey, 357.
Taunt, Nicholas, 116.
Taunton, Gilbert de, the king's saddler, 643,
Robert de, 122.
Walter de, 134.
Tauny, Joan wife of Sir John, 669.
Taverham, co. Norfolk, 68, 581.
, St. Edward's church, 581.
Taverner, Hugh le, 169, 397.
, John le, 15, 423.
, son of Richard le, 694.
Ralph le, 485.
, Robert le, 423.
Thomas le, 453.
Walter le, 650,
, son of Richard le, 694.
Tavistock abbey [co. Devon], 59, 134, 273.
Tavystok, Hervey de, 212.
Tayillur, John, 381.
Tebaud, AVilliam, 456.
Teddeswode, co. Hereford, 15, 37.
wood of, 37.
Tees, These, Teise, the river [co. Northum-
berland], 16, 18, 294, 401, 429, 456,
468, 541, 576, 604.
Tefford. See Thetford.
Tegeingl, Ingelfeld [cantred, co. Flint], 679.
Teignmouth, Tynmuth, port of [co. Devon],
bailiffs of, 370.
Teise. See Tees.
Teken', Richard son of William de, 489.
, William de, 489.
Temedebury. See Tenbury.
Tempest, John, 572.
, Nicholas, 321.
Temple Guiting [co. Gloucester], 420, 422,
Temple of Solomon [Knights Templars],
order of, 23, 25, 50, 193, 414, 438, 443,
494, 677.
, master of, 595, 609.
Templeton, co. Berks, 636.
Tenbury, Temedebury, co. Worcester, 457.
Tengemuth. See Teignmouth.
Tenge, Suth. See Kingsteignton.
Tenham, Henry de, 62.
, John son of Richard de, 352.
Tents, the king's keeper of, 57 ; and see
Teresersh, Agnes de, 705.
, John de, 705.
Terhyngham. See Terlingham.
Terling, Terlyng', co. Essex, 595.
Terlingham, Terhyngham [parish of Folke-
stone, CO. Kent], 306, 310.
Terlyng'. See Terling.
Ternwathelan. See Tarn Wadling.
Terring, William de, 431.
Teryngham. See Tyringham.
Test, Geoffrey, 252.
Tetbury [co. Gloucester], 332.
Tetford, co. Lincoln, 571.
Tetyng, William, 566.
Tewkesbury [co. Gloucester], 400.
Textor, Baudric, 181.
Teye, Walter de, 17.
Teyle, Talifer de, keeper of the town of Sear-
borough, 149.
Teynturer, John le, 352,
Thame [co. Oxford], 9, 13, 52, 259.
abbey, 95, 476.
Thames, the river, 18, 183, 184, 294, 401,
465, 466, 592.
Thanet, the isle of [co. Kent], 9, 13, 52, 168,
259, 364.
Thatcham [co, Berks], 478.
Thasted, Thaxstede, co. Essex, 592.
Thcathaldi, Guido, 101, 124.
Thedelthorp, William de, 561.
Theford. See Thetford.
Theford Wei, William de, 99.
Thenford [co. Northants], 501.
Thersk, Stephen de, 309.
These, the river. See Tees.
Theshop [co. Durham ?], 661.
Thetford, Theford, Tefford, co, Norfolk, 68,
hospital of God's House, 68.
, hospitals of St. Mary Magdalene and
St. John, 68.
priory, 68.
, Peter, prior of, 99.
Theydene, Gilbert de, 243.
Thikenappeltre, Thykenapeltre [co. Worces-
ter?], 359,381.
Thimbleby, Thymelby, 167.
Thingden. See Finedon.
Thirnby, mines of, 567.
Thirsk, Thresk, co. York, 135, 668, 694.
letters close dated at, 578, 581, 583,
587, 671, 672.
Thistelworth. See IsleTTorth.
Thixendale, Sixindale [co. York], 659.
Thianandevery. See Llandovery.
Thlewelyn Breu. See Llyweliu.
Tholosa, Tolouse, Giles de, king's Serjeant,
keeper of certain of the king's great
horses, 17, 35, 45, 58, 708.
John de, 239, 708.
Tholthorp. See Tolthorp.
Thomas, Henry sou of John son of, 125.
, Henry and Hugh sons of, de Toule-
ston, 694.
John son of de Heselarton, 443, 561.
, , de Parra Preston, 610, 648.
, de Snayth, 548.
, Maurice son of, de Bercleye, 222.
, Nicholas son of, de Metham, 206.
Ealph son of, de Ardern, 95.
, Rohert son of, de Knaresburgh, 31.
, de Pontefracto, 561, 674.
, , de Pounfreit, 550.
, de Wylesthorp, 145.
, Thomas son of, 31.
, de Berkele, 444, 445.
, , de Bray, 484.
, , de Eyton, 308.
, de Outhenby, 684.
, William son of, de Egeton, 683.
Thomasyn, Bartholomew, 489,
Thomme, John, 259.
Thonrond, near Bruges, Flanders, 378.
Thoralby, Thoraldeby [co. York], 246.
Thorald, Eobert son of Peter, 125.
Thoraldwait, co. Cumberland, 566.
Thoren Gumbaud. See Thorugumbald.
Thoresby, co. Lincoln, 578, 641.
Thoresby, Nicholas de, 446,
, John de, 446.
Thoresweye, co. Lincoln, 174.
Thorlebere. See Thurlbear.
Thorlej'e. See Thurlby.
Thorn, Thomas de, 521.
Thornbury, co. Gloucester, 308, 421, 582, 602.
Thorne, Geoffrey de, 117.
Thornegge, John de, 216.
Thornene, William, 106.
Thornetoft, William de, 98.
Thorneton, Gregory de, knight of the shire
for CO. York, 688.
, Peter de, 140.
, Robert son of Roger de, 207.
, Roger de, 122.
Thorneton in Bulmershire, Robert son of
Roger de, 133, 201.
Thorney abbey [co. Cambridge], 515, 637,
West, Westthornye [co. Sussex],
350, 352.
Thorngumbald, Thoren Gumbaud [parish of
Paull], CO. York, 306.
Thornham, Simon de, 372.
Thornhill [co. York], 615.
Thornhill, Roger de, 707.
Thornholm priory, co. Lincoln, 124, 683.
Thornhull, Brian de, 615.
, John de, 615.
, Roger de, 382.
Thornover, co. York, 201.
Thorntoft, Thomas de, 349.
, WiUiam de, 11, 99, 101, 107, 109.
, keeper of the hanaper of chan-
cery, 106.
Thornton, co. York, 88, 167.
-on-H umber abbey [co. Lincoln], 50,
116, 220, 253, 607, 619, 683.
-le- Beans, T'hornton - in -the -Benes,
CO. York, 201.
-le- Moor, Thornton - on - the - Moor
CO. York, 167.
- le - Street, Thornton - in - the • Strede,
CO. York, 167.
in Vivario, co. Y'ork, 167.
Thornton, Gregory de, 279.
, John de, 130, 227, 573, 693.
, , verderer of Galtres forest, 192.
Thornton near Bulmere, Robert son of Roger
de, 133, 201.
Thorp [CO. Lincoln], 210.
, CO. York, 125.
See Bishopthorp.
Thorp, Alice wife of John de, 289.
, wife of Richard de, 105, 128.
, Geoffrey de, 117.
, George de, knt., 641.
, Henry de, 215.
, John de, 55, 289, 463, 507.
, Reginald de, 261.
, Richard de, 105, 128, 141, 206, 565,
693, 695.
Robert de, 289,477.
, Simon de, 429.
, Thomas de, 131, 135.
Thorp near Newerk, Richard de, 106.
Thorpbasset, co. Y'ork, 48.
Thorplond, John de, 232.
Thorpthenles, Richard de, 430.
Thorrok, Agnes de, 345.
Thorsoros. See Thruscross.
Thoryn, John de, 164.
Thourout, Torroud, Flanders, 395.
Thrapston, Thrapeston, Henry de, 674, 675,
Thrapston, co. Northants, 71, 84.
, St. James's church, 328.
Threckingham, Thrikyngham [co. Lincoln],
Three Castles. See Trecastle.
Threlkeld, Henry de, 105, 106.
Thresk. See Thirsk.
Thresk, John de, 683.
Thrikyngham. See Threckingham.
Throcking, Throckyngg', co. Herts, 50.
Throphill, Throppel [co. Northumberland],
Thropton, Robert de, 148.
Thruuden, Thomas de, 30.
Thruscross, Thorsorns [co. York], 53.
Thnnderle, Adam de, 382, 479.
John de, 479.
Thunderley [oo. Essex], 194, 318.
, letters close dated at, 194, 195, 238,
239, 247-250, 252, 317, 318.
Thnnneyk, William de, 121, 122, 395, 498,
505, 702.
Thurgarton priory [co. Notts], 103, 116, 152,
153, 647, 683.
Thurkilby, Thomas de, 164.
Thurlbear, Thorlebere, co. Somerset, 192,
Thurlby, Thorloye, co. Lincoln, 234, 575, 641.
Thurlbear, Thorlebere, co. Somerset, 294.
Thurlewall, Richard de, S26.
Thurlow, Trillawe, co. Suffolk, 585.
Thurmanhalle manor [co. York], 723.
Thurrock, West, Westhurrok [oo. Essex],
295, 497, 617, 6J6.
Thurrok, Agnes de, 320.
Thurstan, co. Chester, 544.
Thwayt, William del, 676.
Thweites, Richard de, 586.
Thweyt, John de, 148.
Thwing, Twyng [co. York], 659.
Thykenapeltre. See Thikeuappeltre.
Thymelby. See Thimbleby.
Tibetot. See Tybetoft.
Ticheburn, Tychebourn, John de, 599.
, , knight of the shire for co.
Southampton, 338.
, , sheriff of co. Wilts, 632, 633,
, Katherine wife of Roger de, 101.
, Roger de, 101.
Tichemersh. See Tychemerssh.
Tickhill, Tikehull, TykehuU [co. York], 98.
castle, 402, 516, 523, 525.
, , constable of, 50, 162, 279, 287,
402,418,437, 468, 572.
, See also Anne.
, honour of, 279, 402, 468, 647.
Tidcombe, Tydecoumbe, co. Wilts, 636.
Tidde. See Tydd.
Tiddeswell. See Tideswell.
Tiderinton. See Tytherington.
Tiderle, John de, 334.
Tideswell, Tiddeswell [co. Derby], 459, 578.
Tidlcshale. See Tittleshall.
Tigheler, Hugh le, 690.
Tighelere, Roger le, 181.
, William le, 181.
TikhUl, John de, 333.
Tikehull. .5 ;e Tickhill.
Tilbury, co. Essex, 381.
, West, Westillebury, 563.
Tildeslegh, Hugh de, 109.
TLU', Fortenerius de, or Fortener Burgeys de
Tille, 10.
Tillebury, John de, 190.
, John son of John de, 35.
Tilleknave, Thomas, 156, 209.
Tillingdon, co. Surrey, 312.
Tilliol, Matilda wife of Robert, 662.
Tiltey, co. Essex, 625.
Tilton, CO. Leicester, 579.
Tilton, John son of John de, 550.
Timble, Tymble [co. York], 53.
Tin, 245, 273.
Tingewyk. See Tyngewyk.
Tinteru abbey [co. Monmouth], 103, 208.
Tintinhull, Tyntenhull, CO. Somerset, 138.
, fairs and markets of, 138.
, hundred of, 138.
Tirry, John, 567.
Titchfield abbey, Tychefeld [co. Hants], 276,
Titiuges, Bartholomew son of Gilbert de, 501.
Titsey, Tycheseye [co. Surrey], 86, 450.
Tittleshall, Tidleshale, co. Norfolk, 68.
Tiverton, Tyverton, co. Devon, 587.
Tixover, Tykesovre, co. Rutland, 491.
Tochet, Richard, 452.
William, 456.
, , knt., 114, 356.
Tochewyk. See Tockwith.
Tochwik, Thomas de, 379.
Tockenham, co. Wilts, 543.
Tockwith, Tochewyk, co. York, 614.
Tofts, CO. Norfolk, 68.
Tok, Robert, 572, 573, 579, 589, 593, 601,
, de, 571, 573.
Tolle, John, 480.
Toller, John le, 230.
, Richard le, 539.
ToUesbnry, co. Essex, 344.
Tolleshunt Tregoz, Tolshunte, 417.
Tolouse. See Tholosa.
Tolshunte. See Tolleshunte.
Tolthorp, Tbolthorpe, co. Rutland, 631.
Tolthorp, Thomas de, knt., 109.
, William de, 631.
Toltyntrewe, Thomas, 408.
Tolymer, Walter, 568.
Tonbridge. See Tunbridge.
Toneworth. See Tanworth.
Tong, Tonge, co. Kent, 638.
Tonge, Robert de, 702.
Tooting, Totyng' [co. Surrey], 484.
Topclif, William de, 699.
Topcliff, Toppeclif [co. York], 167, 525.
Toppesfeld, William de, 513.
Torel, Gilbert, 357.
Torksey, co. Lincoln, 181.
Toruy, John, 20G.
.William, 130.
Torpel, CO. Northauts, 149.
Torre abbey [oo. Devon], 59.
Torring", William de, 239.
Torrond. See Thorout.
Torryng', John de, 263.
Tort, Robert, 467.
Torthorald, Joan de, 188, 267, 299, 60S.
Tosse, Auger de, 33, 294.
Totham, Little, co. Essex, 45S.
Tothe, Agnes wife of Eobert son of Robert,
, Alexander, 22.
, James, 22.
, John, 119, 125.
, Eobert, 885.
, son of Robert, 142.
Tottebury. See Tutbury.
Tottenham [co. Middlesex], 37.
, letters close dated at, 236.
Tottington, Totynton [par. of Leominster],
[co. Lancaster], 598.
Toty, Jakettus, 704.
Totyng'. See Tooting.
Totynton. See Tottington.
Toucestre, John de, 480, 481, 484, 603.
, WiUiamde, 481.
Toudeby. See Toutheby.
Touere, Isabella wife of Geoffrey, 497.
Touk, Henry, 491, 497.
, John son of Walter, knt., 130.
Robert, 571, 572, 607, 608, 617.
Touleslond, Philip de, 229.
Touleston, Henry and Hugh sons of Thomas
de, 694.
Toulston, Touleston [par. of Newton Kyme],
CO. York, 699.
Tounende, Nicholas atte, 471.
Touny, Matilda de, 404.
Toure, Bernard de la, 33, 294.
, John de la, 33, 294.
Tournaments, orders prohibiting, 211, 219,
224, 237, 243, 368.
Tourney, William de, 142.
Tours, France, 378.
, echevins of, 474, 668
Tours, Nicholas, 135.
, de, 124.
, Richard de, 623, 632
Robert, 202, 629.
Tourvill, Ralph, 575.
Tout, Richard, 563.
Toutheby, Toudeby, Gilbert de, 379, 712,722.
, Walter de, 105.
Tonthorp, Roger de, 592, 693.
Toynton [co. Lincoln], 2.5.
Toynton, John de, 712.
Toys, Peter, 644, 703.
TraiUi, John de, 613.
, Walter de, 613.
Trailly, Eleanor wife of Walter de, 64.
, Walter son of John de, 64.
Tranholm. See Trenholm.
Tranholme, John son of Robert de, 712.
William de, 712.
, Eobert son of William de, 712.
, William sou of Richard de, 712.
TraTanon, John, 294.
Travers, John, 210, 433, 537, 539, 541, 571-
573, 576, 601, 610, 622, 627, 649, 664.
Travez, Thomas, 304.
Traylweng, John son of Thomas, 209.
Treasure, the king's, 665.
Treasurer, the, 41, 70.
See afoo Norwico ; Walewayn.
Treasury, the, 5, 225, 240, 247, 251, 258, 284,
317, 319,405, 509, 688.
keeper of, 176.
Treaties, 283, 355, 363, 364, 368, 687, 692.
Trecastle, Three Castles [oo. Brecon], 521.
Tregruck. See Llaugibby.
Treiagu, John, 318, 410, 583, 584, 587.
, , justice, 282.
, , knt., 302.
See also Tresiagu.
Trenchelace, Benedict, 30^
Trenchemer, John, 325, 396.
Trenholm, Tranholm, near Ingleby [co. York],
Trent, the river, 277, 531, 548.
Trente, William de, 77.
Treour. See Triour.
Tresel. See Trysull.
Tresiagu, John, 587.
See also Treiagu.
Trethewell, Trethiwl [par. of St. Just-in-Eose-
land, CO. Cornwall], 317, 318.
Trethiwl. See Trethewell.
Tretis, Theobald de, 213.
Trewe, Beatrice wife of William, 497.
, William, 497.
Trewenton, co. Northumberland, 300.
Trewyk, Adam de, 123.
, Henry de, 58.
, John de, 58.
Trigge, William, 283.
Trikyngham, Lambert de, 82, 83.
, , justice, 6, 157.
, Eoger de, 158.
Trillawe. See Thurlow.
Trillowe, John de, 596, 620.
Trim [co. Meath], 530.
, lord of, 360.
See also Mortuo Mari.
Trimenel, John son of Nicholas, 528.
Nicholas, 528.
Trimingham, Trymyngham, co. Norfolk, 68.
Triour, Treour, John le, 116, 694.
Triple, Tryple, John, 318.
, de, 250, 251, 317, 324,481, 642,
Triwe, Almaric de, knt., 691.
Trois, Theobald de, 674.
Trone, Hugh, 457.
Tronkard Bythario, John, 159.
Trost, Simon de, le Mason, 99.
Troubrigge. .See Trowbridge.
Trouk, Richard, 325.
Trowbridge, Troubrigge, co. Wilts, 574, 674.
Truan, "William, 654.
Truant, John, 422.
Truce, with Robert de Brus, 717.
Trufle, Hugh, 100.
Trumwyne, Joan wife of Roger de, 427, 655.
, John, 420.
, Roger, 665.
, sheriif of cos. Salop and Staf-
ford, 133.
de, 427.
Trunk, Richard, 396.
Truro, Truru [co. Cornwall], 561.
Trussel, Edmund, 431, 638, 702.
, Thomas, 580.
, William, 138, 463, 586, 587.
knt., 107.
son of William, 421.
Trymyngham. See Trimingham.
Tryple. See Triple.
TrysuU, Tresel, co. Stafford, 630.
Tuam, archbishop of, 530.
, S. archbishop of, justiciary of Ed-
ward I. in Ireland, 176.
Tubbel, Robert, 51.
Tuchet, Richard, 553, 554.
Robert, 693.
, William, 138.
Tuck, Thomas, 257.
Tuckere, Adam le, 204, 205.
, Robert le, 204,205.
Tudemerssh, Roger de, 580.
Tuddenham, North, Northtudenham, co.
Norfolk, 202, 563, 665, 683.
Tudenham, Henry de, 232.
John de, 361.
Tughal, Henry de, 123.
Tuk, Thomas, 172, 392.
.William, 431.
Tuke, John, 694.
Tulet, William, 148.
Tumby, John, 486.
, de, 125, 413, 593.
Tunbridge, Tonbridge, Tonebrigg, Tonebrugg
[co. Kent], 86, 637, 641.
castle, 585, 628.
, keeper of, 637.
See a^so Cobham.
, chace of, 637.
, letters close dated at, 406.
Tunlee, Thomas de, 580.
Tunnock, Tunnok, Adam, 567.
Richard, 136.
Tunny, William, 567.
Tunstal, John de, escheator of Ireland, 604.
Tunstead, Tunstede, co. Norfolk, 658.
Turbevill, Richard de, 616.
Turk, Godwin, 361, 477, 500.
Paulin, 353.
Turleria, John de, 483.
Turpleton, Thomas de, 433.
Turpyn, John, 148.
, Robert, 123.
Turry, Robert, 211.
Turtois, John son of Richard, 153.
Turtoys, Ellen wife of Richard, 153.
Richard, 153.
Turvill, Robert de, master of the order of the
Temple in England, 23, 25.
Tutbury [co. Stafford], 569, 570, 581, 622.
Tottebury, castle, 475, 570, 581, 646.
, keeper of, 437, 540.
See a/so Beler.
, honour of, 532, 570.
letters close dated at, 427, 522, 607-
612, 637, 684,685.
Twancastre. See Caistor.
Tweedmouth, Twedemuth [co. Northumber-
land], 196.
treaty at, 196.
Tweng, Marmaduke de, 101, 131.
, knt., 104.
, William de, 695.
son of Marmaduke de, 6 50.
Twistleton, Twysilton, co. York, 167.
Twyer, William de la, 668.
, , knt., 691.
Twyford [eo. Bucks], 659.
John de, knt., 573, 628, 702.
Twyng. See Thwing.
Twynham, Walter de, 215.
, knt., 105, 268, 644.
Twysilton. See Twistleton.
Twyt, Wilham, 578.
Twywell, Robert de, 412, 443.
Tybertis, Leonard de, 485.
Tyberton, Hugh de, 289.
Tybetoft, Tibetot, Payn de, 587, 606, 655.
Tybourne [co. Middlesex], 704.
Tycheboarn, See Ticheburn.
Tychefeld. See Titchfield.
Tychemerssh, Tiohemershe, Henry de, 71, 574.
Tycheseye. See Titsey.
Tydd, Tidde [co. Lincoln], 107.
Tydecoumbe. See Tidcombe.
Tyderleghe, John de, 334.
Tydeswell. See Tideswell.
T^'eys, Tyes, Henry, 464, 484, 511, 513, 517,
519, 522, 526, 673.
, Henry le, 541, 543.
Tyeis, Mnrgaretwife of Henry, 666.
Tygheler, Hugh Ic, 650, 668.
TykehuU. Sea Tiekhill.
Tykesovre. See Tixover.
Tykyngkote, Eeymund son of Alexander de,
Tylinton, Robert de, 443.
Tyliol, Matilda wife of Kobert de, 297.
Tymble. See Timble.
Tymparon, Robert, 146.
de, 129,720, 721.
Tynden, Gilbert de, 572.
Tyne, the river, 16, 20.
Tynege-wyk, Tingewyk, Alice wife of Elias de,
, William de, 259, 264.
Tynemouth [co. Northumberland], 531, 533,
546, 547, 550, 559.
priory, 370, 466, 621.
Tynhid, John de, 284.
Tynmuth. See Teignmouth.
Tynteuhull. See TintinhuU.
Tynton, John de, 157.
Margaret wife of John de, 157.
Tyrel, Ralph, 185.
Tyringham, Teryngham, co. Bucks, 631.
Tyrom, 650.
Tyryngham, Roger de, 239, 631.
Tytheby, John de, 614.
Tytherington, Tiderinton, co. Gloucester, 602.
Tyverton. See Tiverton.
Tywardreath, Tywardray, priory, co. Corn-
wall, 59.
Uckerby, Simon de, 673.
Ufford, John de, 74, 1 39.
, Robert de, 240, 547.
, justiciary of Ireland, 177.
Ufton, OftoE, CO. Berks, 623, 630.
ITghtreby. See Oughterby.
XJghtred, Utghred, John, master of St. John's
hospital, Wycombe, 181.
.., , Roger, 205, 206.
, Thomas, 218, 469, 568, 572, 574, 655,
, knt., 114, 677, 678, 701.
Ughtred, Utghred, Thomas — cont.
, constable of Pickering castle,
580, 594, 680.
, , his man Richard, 282.
, Thomas de, 429.
Ughtrethsat, John de, 105.
Ukerby, Adam de, 699.
Ulceby, Ulsehy [co. Lincoln], 64.
Ulseby, William de, 692.
Ulster, in Ireland, 55, 59, 90, 165.
earl of. See Burgo, de.
Ulvesby [co. Cumberland], 23.
Ulveston, Thomas de, canon of Newburgh
priory, 683.
Ulveton [co. Cumberland], 31.
Ulveton, Walter de, 31.
Umframvill, Humframvill, Ingelram de, 288.
, Robert de, earl of Angus (Danegos),
113, 220, 282, 291, 362, 375, 444, 663.
Unde nihil habet, pleas of, 53.
Undele, Laurence de, 125.
Underway, William, 91.
Under Wode, Henry, 458.
Upclatford. See Clatford, Upper.
Upcot, Uppecote [co. Somerset], 497.
Uphaven, co. Wilts, 543.
Uplamburn. See Lambourn.
Upleadon, Upledcn, Upledon [parish of Bos-
bury], CO. Hereford, 646, 656.
Uppecote. See Upcot.
Uppecote, Thomas de, 497.
Uppesale, Geoffrey de, knt., 568.
Upton, CO. Northants, 149.
Upton, Giles son of Warin de, 433.
, John de, 477.
Matilda wife of Nicholas de, 169i.
, Stephen de, 243, 244, 325.
William de, 94, 305.
Urde, Peter de, 148.
Uriel. See Yriel ; Oirghiallii.
Urtiaco, John son of Henry de, 405.
, Sibyl wife of Henry de, 404.
Use. See Ouse.
Useburn. See Ouseburn.
Useflet, Thomas de, 532, 608, 659, 723.
See also Ouseflet.
Usk castle [co. Monmouth], 578.
, chace of, 440.
, lord of 363, 366.
See also Tiammoiy.
Usk, Thomas de, 440.
Usseburn. See Ouseburn.
Ussher, Roger, 376.
le, 117.
Usus Maris, Anthony, 136, 225, 232, 236,
251, 347, 364.
Lanfrancus, 136.
Nicholas, 225, 364.
Utghred. See Ughtred.
Utlawe, William, 530.
Utterby, John de, 221.
Utterdyk, Ellen de, 392.
Uttokesather. .See Uttoxeter.
Uttoxeter, Uttokesather, co. Stafford, 634.
Uttyng, Nicholas, 665.
Uvedale, John de, 510.
, Peter de, knt, 109.
Uxbridge, Woxebrigge, Woxebrugg, co. Mid-
dlesex, 874, 375, 575.
Vach, Matthew de le, 447.
VaiUaunt, Kobert, 705.
Vairdre [co. Glamorgan], 464.
Val, Eobert dii, 288.
Vale Eobert de la, 552, 553.
, William son of Robert de la, 552,
Valencia, Spain, 262.
, king of. See James.
Valencia, AjTner de, earl of Pembroke, 14, 17,
36, 79, 80, 112, 113, 141, 154, 157, 163,
192, 198-201, 219, 220, 222-224, 227,
234, 237, 238, 241, 242, 244-246, 265,
328, 411, 414, 471, 485, 504, 511, 543,
563, 574-576, 617, 620, 627, 654, 659,
, , , lord of Haverford, 521-
, , constable of Rockingham
castle, 302.
, , keeper of the forest south of
Trent, 194-197, 200, 245, 253-255,
274, 275, 292, 301, 309, 313, 314, 316,
354, 397, 403, 406, 424, 444, 523, 634,
655, 663.
, , keeper of the forests between
the bridges of Oxford and Stamford,
, , keeper of the realm, 238.
Valle Crucis priory [co. Denbigh], 103.
Valle Torta, Sir John de, knt., 208.
Vallibus, John de, 133, 614.
, , justice, 442.
Valois, count of See Charles.
Valoniis, Valoyns, Thomas de, 188, 597.
Valoygnes, Henry de, knt., 560.
Valoynes, Basilia wife of John de, 86.
Valoyns. See Valoniis.
Vanlenne, Peter, 21.
Vanne, John, 137.
, Eobert atte, 528.
Varman, Joan wife of John, 85.
, John, 85.
Vaspal, Eobert, knt., 336.
Vastern, Pastern, La [par. of Wotton Bassett,
CO. Wilts], 543.
Vans, Burgia wife of William de, 225.
, John son of John de, knt., 225.
Vaudey abbey, co. Lincoln, 361, 687, 704.
Vavasour, Vavassour, WaTassour, Henry le,
639, 640.
, Jeramus le, 124.
, Eobert le, 639, 640.
, Eobert son of William le, 98, 111,
145, 202, 315, 670.
, , , knt., 550.
, William le, 140.
Veer, Agnes wife of Thomas de, 614.
, Alphonsus de, 387.
, Hugh de, 659.
, John de, 137, 716.
Eobert de, earl of Oxford, 471.
, Thomas de, 209, 526, 614.
, , knt, 229.
, son of the earl of Oxford, 102.
, son of Robert de, earl of Oxford,
Velde, Simon, 598.
Vendour, Thomas le, 146, 188.
Vendovre. See Wendover.
Venice, 159, 251, 252, 696.
, galleys of, 251, 252.
Venour, Walter le, 3.
Vento, Leonard, 223, 232, 324.
Ventus, Leonard, 251.
Venuz, Margery wife of John de, 379.
, John de, 379.
, , the elder, 379.
Richard de, 77.
Ver, Thomas de, 526.
/See aZio Veer.
Verbertonden, William son of, 483.
Verdon, Verdoun, Elizabeth daughter of
Theobald do, 241.
, Joan daughter of Theobald de, 33.
, John de, 33.
Robert de, 33.
, Theobald de, 10, 33, 35, 96, 241, 356.
.Walter de, 33.
Verduno, Nicholas de, 277.
, Theobald de, 277.
Vernon, Vernouu, Peter de, 474, 599.
Vernoun, Richard de, regent in canon law in
Oxford Uniyersity, 121.
, custodian of the spiritualities of
the diocese of Hereford, 121.
, Richard son of Richard de, 662.
Verun, Richard de, 500.
, , lord of Herlaston, 500.
Vescy, Clemencia wife of John de, 65.
, Isabella de, 174.
, wife of John de, 65.
John de, 65, 191.
, lady de, 609.
, See also BcUo Monte.
Vescy — cent.
, William de, 8, 32, 65.
, justiciary of Ireland, 65.
, , justice of the forest north of
Treut, 65, 241.
> William soq of William de, 107.
Veutrer, Isabella wife of William le, 548.
■Vice, Peter Arnaldi de, 48.
Vienna, 525.
Vienna, John de, 222, 239, 341, 509.
Vienne, in France, council of, 2, 22.
Vienne, John de, 231.
, Luke brother of Peter de, 197.
Vilers, Geoffrey de, 428.
, Joan de, 390.
, Payn de, 487.
Vileston, Hamo de, 159.
Villa Nova, Leo de, master of the hospital of
St. John of Jerusalem, 677.
Villar', Arnald de, 47.
Villers, Alexander de, 423.
, Firmin de, 103.
Vine, John atte, 9, 13, 52, 259.
Thomas de la, 442.
Viroler, Eoger le, 400.
Visson, Geoffrey de. 111.
Vivian, John, 329, 330.
Voute, Alice wife of Roger del, 189.
Richard son of Roger del, 189.
Roger del, 189.
, Stephen son of Roger del, 189.
Vulpe, Giles de, 675.
Vydnes. See Widnes.
Wace, Walter, 502.
Wacelyn, Thomas, 683.
Wachesham, Giles de, 707.
Wack, Thomas, 454.
Waddeslee, Robert de, 655.
Waddingham [co. Lincoln], 454.
Waddington, Wadyngton, co. Lincoln, 575,
Wade, John, 313.
Wadenhoe, Wadenhou, co. Northants, 429,
Wadenhou, John de, 429.
Wadesmulne, Walter de, 231.
Wadiator, Gilbert, 164, 397.
Wadworth, William de, 560.
Wadyngton. .See Waddington.
Waghire, Thomas de, 701.
Wainfleet, Waynflet [eo. Lincoln], 119, 524,
631,562, 578,641.
, port of, 624.
Wait', Agnes, 567.
Wak, Hugh, knt., 553.
, Joan wife of John, 78.
> Thomas, 528.
sou of Hugh, knt., 553.
son of John, 78.
Wake, Edmund, 126.
John, 78, 299.
de, 865.
, son of John, 528.
, Thomas, 633, 690.
, lord of, 528.
, de, lord of Lydel, 723.
Wakefeld, John de, 206.
Simon de, 857, 699.
, William de, 455.
Wakefield, co. York, 455, 658, 659.
, honour of, 455.
Walcheren, Walkere, the isle of, Holland, 257 .
Walcote, Ralph de, 9, 13, 52.
Waldeboef , William son of J ohn, 484.
Waldebefe, William, 457.
Waldeby, John de, 564.
, Simon de, 110.
Walden, Humphrey de, 349.
Waldeschef, Waldeshef, John de, 47, 95, 106,
338, 452.
Walter, 320, 340, 353, 360, 372, 480,
529, 571, 625.
, , the king's butler, 406.
, de, 148.
Waldershare, Waldwaresshare, co. Kent, 703.
Wale, Henry, 614.
Walecote, Ralph de, 259.
Waledeu abbey [co. Essex], 671.
Waleden, Humphrey de, 226, 245, 434, 435)
.justice, 147, 298.
Waleraund, John, 474, 668.
W^les, 1, 7,37, 38, 65, 77, 88, 100, 133, 150,
152, 156, 186, 194, 200, 267, 290, 293,
295, 296, 308, 342, 364, 366, 367, 378,
408, 451, 461, 464, 495, 506, 526, 531,
541, 545, 557, 564, 581, 584, 617, 645,
646, 677, 688, 689, 703.
, armies in, 265.
, bishops in, 514.
castles in, 292, 389, 437.
, Edward the l.'s armies of, 88.
, footmen of, 152.
Gower in, 296.
, justice of, 1, 12, 18, 19, 23, 24,38,
71, 73, 77, 165, 190, 194, 200, 285,
291, 292, 358, 364, 366, 376, 392, 406,
437, 452, 453, 455, 506, 539, 557, 619,
649, 665, 678, 718.
See a/so Arundel ; Mortuo Mari.
, lords of, 719.
, marches of, 72, 223, 268, 283, 285,
364, 367, 426, 427, 433, 438, 459, 495*
513, 515, 516,525, 534.
statute of, 200.
Wales — coiit.
war in, 72.
., North, 19, 179, 182, 507, 539,619,
645, 649, 718.
, , castles of, 77, 292, 293, 295.
chamberlain of, 19, 55,76,77,
165, 186, 194,256,276,291-293,295,
296, 301, 406, 415, 421, 451, 453, 455,
619, 649.
, See a&o Dynieton ; Pynj-ngton ;
Power ; Shyroks ; Weteuhale.
knights, men, and community
of, 82, 179, 182.
, South, 507, 539, 645, 718.
, , castles in, 293.
, , chamberlain of, 19, 28, 291,
292, 296, 421.
, See a/so Mustlewyk.
West, 607.
Walet, Gilbert, 242.
Waleton. See Wallington.
See Walton.
Waleton, William de, 470.
Walewayn, John, 44, 65, 94, 96, 323, 336,
342, 371, 435, 458, 488, 526, 703.
, canon of St. Paul's, London,
, D.C.L., 118.
, , escheator south of Trent, 4, 6,
9, 10, 22, 25, 28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 44, 96,
178, 180, 182, 185, 256, 264, 309, 397,
408, 411, 413, 417, 419, 429, 431, 432,
488, 443, 444, 446, 450, 452, 454, 456,
457, 459, 461, 462, 465, 469-472, 475,
524, 554, 569, 574, 576, 578-582, 588,
590, 591, 594, 595, 598, 600, 601, 603,
604, 607-609, 611-615, 617, 619, 621-
624, 626, 628-630, 632-634, 637, 639,
640, 645, 649, 651, 654-656, 659, 662-
664, 666, 709.
, , justice, 133.
, , keeper of the castles in Gla-
morgan and Morgannou, 438.
, .treasurer, ), 12,22,30,37,99,
Waleys, Augustine le, 374, 375.
, Eleanor wife of Richard, knt., 598.
, Johnle, 147,374.
, , knt., 671.
Oliver le, 57, 188, 419, 455.
Philii) le, 174.
, Richard, knt., 671.
, le, 590, 606, 612.
Robert le, 573.
Walingford. See Wallingford.
Walirothory, in Ireland, 71.
Walkefare, Robert, 425, 580.
, ,knt., 333, 335.
, de, 99, 335, 469, 470, 488, 517.
,knt., 333.
, Richard le, 614.
Walkere. See Walcherea.
Walkere, John le, 168.
Walkeringham, Walkryngham, co. Notts, 105.
Walkington, co. York, 547.
Walkryngham. See Walkeringham.
Walkyn, Henry, 372.
Walkyngham, John de, knt., 666.
, John son of Adam de, knt., 137.
, William de, 137.
, son of Alan de, 652.
Walle, John atte, 275.
, Thomas de la, 457.
Wallingford, Walyngford [co. Berks], 149,
338,366,511, 707.
castle, 22, 149, 656.
constable of, 39, 437.
See a/so Bacun.
, honour of, 22, 149, 253, 275.
hospital of St. John the Baptist, 707.
.letters close dated at, 293,298,299,
363, 364, 368, 371.
priory, 342.
Wallington, Waleton, co. Surrey, 344.
Wallop, Wollop [co. Hants], 78.
Walmegate. See Walmgate.
Walmere, Ralph de, sub-prior of Dover
priory, 195.
Walmgate, Walmegate, York, 713.
Waloynes, Robert son of Walter de, 505.
Walram, William, 499.
Walrand, Robert, 630.
Walsh, Walshe, Walsshe, David le, 90.
, Geoffrey de, 628.
, Richard le, 372.
William le, 419, 518.
Walsingham priory, co. Norfolk, 19.
Walsoken, Sir Peter de, 125.
Walstantou. See Wolstanton.
Walsyngham, Richard de, 240.
Walter, Adam son of, 31.
John son of, de Faucomberge, 135.
, and Stephen sons of, de Op-
manton, 228.
, son of, de Stokesleye, 111, 135.
, Juliana wife of, de Wynestowe, 592.
Matthew son of, 644, 703.
, Richard son of, de Gayton, 669.
, Robertson of, 289, 388.
, , de Waloynes, 506.
, Roger son of, de Baskervil, 526.
, Walter son of, de Plash, 369.
, Wilham son of, 445.
, son of, de Knapton, 148.
Waltham [co. Essex], 374.
, letters close dated at, 236.
, Holy Cross abbey, 112, 121, 687.
Waltham, Adam de, 71, 84.
, his woman Olive, 71, 84.
, his man Richard, 71, 84.
, Alice wife of Adam de, 71, 84.
Waltham — cont.
, Hugh de, 4S9.
, Robert de, 551, 553.
, Roger de, 572, 573, 576-579, 581,
593, 601, 602, 634.
keeper of the wardrobe, 626.
, Williftm de, 212, 353.
Walthambury, co. Essex, 518.
"Walton [co. Norfolk], 713.
, West, 549.
Waleton [co. Suffolk], 463.
CO. York, 104, 220, 469, 633.
Walton, Anilla wife of William de, 468.
, Hughde, 716.
, John de, 658.
, , Agnes his wife, 349.
, Richard de, 696.
Robert de, 23, 25.
, Roger son of John de, 658.
, William de, 468.
Walyngford. See Wallingford.
Walyngford, Alan de, 212, 231.
, John de, 259, 264.
son of Reginald de, 487.
Wambergh, Wanberge, forest, co. Hunting-
don, 301, 403, 645.
Wamberge, Richard de, 537.
Wambewell, Thomas de, 497.
Wanberg forest. See Wambergh.
Wandelesworth, Richard de, 400.
Wanden, William de, 498.
Wandesford, Hugh de, 204, 205.
Wandesworth, Thomas de, 363.
Wannok, John, 709.
Waustead, Wanstede, co. Essex, 329.
Wanstede, William son of Roger de,'254.
Wanstrow, Wondestre, co. Somerset, 313.
Warbeton, Thomas de, knt., 208.
Warde, 130.
Warde, John, 210.
la, 298.
, Richard, 110.
, Robert la, 33.
, Simon, 111, 114, 446,507,679-681,
, knt., 12S, 575,682.
, sheriff of co. York, 19, 172, 273,
406, 651.
.Thomas, 126.
William, 471.
Wardeboys, John de, 328.
Warden, Warden [co. Bedford], 11.
abbey, 317, 705.
Warderobe, Alice atte, 230.
WardingtoD, Wardinton, co. Northanfs [rec-
lius Oxford], 575.
Warden. See Warden.
Wardrobe, the great, 5, 7, 10, 18, 33, 41, 42,
45, 60, 61, 64, 65, 74, 189, 249, 255,
274, 277, 278, 281, 291, 319, 388, 418,
444, 456, 463, 508, 591, 626, 633, 634,
643, 660, 663, 664, 688, 701, 702.
.bills of, 255.
, cofferer of, 74, 115.
, See also Okeham ; Wodehous.
, controller of, 152.
See afco AVygeton.
, of Edward I., 41, 45, 76, 330.
, , keeper of, 281.
See also Drokenesford.
, keeper of, 48, 63, 66, 72, 74, 77, 165,
262, 273, 278, 280, 319, 366, 441, 478.
, See also Benstedo ; Drokens-
ford ; Northburgh ; Stokes ; Warle ;
Ware [co. Hertford], 77, 331.
Ware, Cicely wife of Richard de, 316.
John de, 230, 232.
... , Peter de, 262.
.William de, 550.
Wareham [co. Dorset], 524, 534.
Warenna, Warenne, Garenna, John de, earl
of Surrey, 12, 68, 113,431,433,434,
451, 455, 506. 522, 535, 561, 574, 646,
658, 674.
Waresley, Weresley, co. Bucks [rectius co.
Huntington], 631.
Warewyk. See Warrewyk.
Warf, ^lan atte, 172, 392.
Warin, Eulk son of, 138, 425, 645, 716.
, , lord of Whityngton, 520.
, Giles son of, de Upton, 433.
, Margaret wife of Fulk son of, 705.
, William son of, 633.
Wark-onTweed, Werk, castle [co. Northum-
berland], 18, 294, 401.
Warkworth, Werkeworth, castle [co. North-
umberland] , 662.
Warle, Ingelard de, 387, 388.
, , keeper of the wardrobe, 63, 74,
115, 441, 643, 664.
Warminghurst, Wermeret [co. Sussex], 168.
Warminster, Wermiuistre, Wermynstre, hun-
dred, CO. Wilts, 636.
hundred of, 306.
Warneborn, John de, 382.
Warner, John le, 173.
WiUiam le, 467.
Warnford, co. Hants, 652.
Warre, John la, 166.
Warrener, Richard le, 42.
Warrewyk. See Warwick.
Warrewyk, Warewyk, John de, 654.
, Richard de, 9, 13, 52, 259.
, William son of John de, 683.
Warrington, Weryngton, Werynton, co. Lan-
caster, 94, 653, 660.
Warsham, Robert de, coroner in the city 'of
London, 276.
3 I 2
Warsop, CO. Notts, 570, 5?1, 609, 612.
, letters close dated at, 428, 634.
Warsop, Eoger de, 428.
Warter, co. York, 108.
Warthill, Johu de, 690.
Warton. See Wharton.
Warton, Robert de, 121.
William de, 119, 164, 397.
Waiter, Wartre [co. York], 108.
, fair at, 108.
priory, 108, 202.
, William de Wellewyk, prior of,
Warwick, Warreivyk, 14, 264, 508, 520, 599.
castle, 50.% 520.
, keeper of, 285, 437.
, earl of. See BeUo Campo.
gaol, 264.
, letters close dated at, 420, 425, 426.
ward of, 544.
Warwick, county of, 94, 96, 140, 209, 212, 223,
228, 238, 263, 27.5, 334, 338, 341, 359,
860, 441, 476, 477, 483, 507, 528, 540,
565, 571-573, 588, 604, 628, 645, 657,
669, 682, 697, 703, 709, 714.
, assizes in, 14.
, sheriff of, 244, 264, 288, 318,
387, 420, 421, 426, 435, 440, 458, 503,
519, 521, 525, 563, 577, 586, 588, 702.
, , sub-eseheator in 190.
, See ahoMoryn.
Waryn, Richard, 420.
Roger, 710.
, Thomas, 709.
Waryner, Richard son of William le, 671.
Wasdale, Wastedale, parish of St. Bees, co.
Cumberland, 566, 567.
Washingborough, Wassinburgh, co. Lincoln,
Washlingstone, Weclestan, hundred, co. Kent,
Wasseburn, Wasshebourn,Roger de, 419, 518.
Wassyngle, Robert de son of Robert de, 180.
Wastedale. See Wasdale.
Wastwater, Waswater, co. Cumberland, 567.
Watelegh, John de, canon of Wells, 664.
Water, Henry atte, 592, 693.
Roger atte, 513, 701.
Waterbalgh, James, 222.
Waterden, co. Norfolk, 68.
Waterfal, Watrefalle, Henry de, 98, 566.
Waterford iu Ireland, Friars Minors of, 188.
, mayor and bailiffs of, 530.
Waterton, John de, 687.
WaterviU, Robert de, 675.
, Walter de, knt, 212.
WateTiU, Wateville, Wattevill, Peter de, 200.
, Robert de, 484, 513, 517, 519.
, knt., 139, 336, 372, 443, 602,
695, 721.
Watford, CO. Herts, 232.
Watford, William de, 668.
Wath, CO. Lincoln, 578, 641.
, CO. York, 350, 497, 624.
Wath, Michael de, 217, 239, 350, 356, 479,
669, 718.
Watbsand, John de, 141.
Watkyn, Nicholas neve Got de Lincoln, 146.
Watlington, Wattlyngton, co. Oxford, 149.
Watrefalle. See Waterfall.
Wattevill. See Watevill.
Wattlyngton. See Watlington.
Watton priory, co. York, 130, 202, 207, 322,
695, 723.
Wauncy, Richard, 488.
Wauton, John de, 71, 84, 223, 224, 345.
, Robert de, 372.
, William de, knt., 669.
Wavassour. See Vavassour.
Wavendene, John de, 329.
Waverley abbey, co. Surrey, 242, 482, 497.
Waway, Wawayn, Robert, 274, 449, 574, 592.
Wawere, Robert de, 275. "
Waybred, Alan de, 720.
Waydour, John le, 604.
Waye Bayhous, co. Dorset, 174.
Waye, Tidemann atte, 158.
Waymuth. See Weymouth.
Wayne, William, 240.
Waynflet. See Wainfleet.
Waynflet, Nicholas de, 236.
Wayte, Alice wife of Richard le, 315, 316.
, Ralph le, 350.
Richard le, 315, 316.
, William le, 245, 590.
Weald, the, co. Kent, 645.
Weasenham, Wesinham, co. Norfolk, 68.
Weaver, Baudric the, 181.
Weaverthorp, Wyverthorp, co. York, 393.
Webbere, John le, 710.
Wedergrave, Nicholas de, 314, 616.
Wedon, Ralph de, knt., 333, 37] .
Weel, Wei, Walter de, 213, 674.
Weeting, co. Norfolk, 68.
Wei. See Weel.
Welbatch, Whelbatch, 618.
Welbeck abbey [co. Notts], 152.
Welbury, Wellebury, co. York, 167.
Welde, John atte, 247, 248.
, William and Nicholas sons of John
atte, 247, 248.
Welden, Simon de, 58.
Weldon, Welledou [co. Northants] , 444.
Weldon, Thomas de, 121.
, William de, 228,487.
, keeper of the Marshalsea
prison, 261.
Welewyk, Peter de, 325.
Welfal, Richard son of Roger del, 601.
Welholm, Robert de, 711.
Well [co. York], 246.
Wellaid, Elias, 665.
Welle, Well, Adam de, 49, 272.
, Ivo de, king's serjeant-at-arms, 87.
, Joan wife of Adam de, 49.
, John de, 272.
, Matilda wife of Robert de, 84, 269,
, Robert de, 84, 269, 272, 306, 332,
430, 438, 439, 456, 457.
, , knt., 318, 338, 604, 683, 708.
, , son of Adamde, 56.
, Robert, Adam and John sons of
Adam de, 49.
Wellebury. See Welbury.
Welledon. See Weldon.
Welledou, William de, 231.
Welleford, Geoffrey de, 216, 323, 384, 385,
489, 492, 49fi.
, , clerk of the chancery, 103, 367.
, Richard de, 501, 703.
Welles, Oylard de, constable of Criccieth
ca.stle, 291.
Wellesburn, William de, 68.
Wellesworth, Clarice wife of Roger de, 318,
Roger de, 373.
WeUewyk, Peter de, 309.
, William de, prior of Wartre, 108.
Wellingore, Wellinghover, co. Lincoln, 713.
Wellington, co. Hereford, prebend of, in
Hereford cathedral, 101.
Wells, CO. Norfolk, 312.
[co. Somerset], 664.
, cathedral church of St. Andrew, 664.
, dean and chapter of, 664.
Wells, provost of, 636.
See also Haselschawe.
Wellum, CO. York, 548.
WeUum, John de, 75.
;.., Robert de, 75.
Welnetham, John de, 559.
Welond, WiUiam, 709.
Weke, William, 386.
Welshpool, La Pole, castle [co. Montgomery],
constable of, 422.
See also Sapy.
Welton, Nicholas de, 392.
Weltwayn, Thomas, 567.
Welverton. See Wolverton.
Welweton, David de, 605.
Welynghovere, William de, 211.
Welyngton, Gilbert de, 550.
, John de, 341.
Wendesley, John de, 697.
Wendout, Robert, 123.
Wendover, Vendovre, co. Buckingham, 192,
194, 487.
Wenefaunt, Henry, 299.
Wengrave. See Wingrave.
Wengrave, John de, 404.
, justice, 156.
, , mayor of London, 122.
Wenlock priory [co. Salop], 93.
Wenlok. See Wentlooge and Gwynnllywg.
Wenlond, Henry de, 238, 484.
Went. See Gwent.
Went, Henry de, 184.
WentenoTre. See Wentnor.
Wenthelok. See Gwynnllywg ; Wentloog.
Wentleye, Nicholas de, 3,';3.
Wentloog, Gwynnllywg, 395, 402, 408, 542.
Wentnor, Wentenovre, co. Salop, 581.
Wentworth, Wynteworth [co. York], 91.
Werberton, Geoffrey de, steward of Halton,
Werche, Thomas de, 242.
Werdale, William de, 415, 431.
Were, William de la, 420.
Werham, co. Hereford, 432.
Werk. See Wark.
Werkeworth. See Warkworth.
Wermeret. See Warminghurst.
Werministre. See Warminster.
Wermyngton, John de, 71.
Wermynstre. See Warminster.
Werseleye. See Waresley.
Wertisers, Gervase, 85.
Weryngton. See Warrington.
Wesinham. See Weasenham.
West, Geoffrey son of Ralph, 239, 240.
John, 265, 440.
, Richard, 440.
, Thomas, 329,487, 671,697,698,705.
Westanesoote, co. Salop, 607.
Westborough, Westburgh [co. Lincoln], 210.
West Bretton. See Bretton, West.
Westburgh. See Westborough.
Westbury [oo. Wilts?], 98, 526.
Westby, co. York, 166.
Westoliff, Westclyve, Clive West, co. Kent,
57, 149.
Westcote, John de, 240.
, Richard de, 448.
Westerfeld, Robert, de, 271.
Westevere. See West Stour.
Westgate, Matilda de, 270.
Westgrenewyche. See Greenwich, West.
Westhagh. See Haigh, West.
West Ham. See Ham.
Westhomdon. See Horndon, West.
Westhorrok, Westburrok. See Thurrock,
Westhorsele. See Horsley, West.
Westillebury. See Tilbury, West.
Westland, John, 164.
Westlexham. See Lexham, West.
Westle, Robert de, 105, 362.
We.stmill, Westmelnc, co. Hertford, 505.
Westminster, 15, 55, 95, 175, 193, 221, 238,
239, 253, 283, 317, 320, 326, 328, 333,
342, 344, 346, 348, 349, 357, 359, 367,
368, 411, 448, 460, 489, 499, 501, 504,
545, 641, 657, 661, 665, 705.
, chancery at, 221, 321, 328, 333, 336,
340, 344, 346, 349, 357, 482, 483, 700,
, council at, 164, 256,257,285,486,
490, 540.
, exchequer at, 345.
, justices at, 500.
, king's court at, 500.
letters close dated at, 95, 177-184,
186-190, 193-195, 199-201, 221-224,
226-228, 230, 232, 233, 235-238, 241-
245, 250-254, 258, 263-281, 286-292,
294, 298-316, 318, 319, 322-325, 329-
335, 338-345, 349, 350, 352-359, 362,
368, 371-381, 384-402, 406, 407, 409-
412, 475-499, 503, 505-507, 509, 510,
524, 635, 637-643, 702-708, 710.
, order to transfer the exchequer to,
, palace at, 237, 477.
, , the green chamber in, 234, 237.
, parliament at, 171,181, 257, 277,286,
303, 323, 337, 338, 348, 350, 368, 375,
400-402, 405, 442, 486, 487, 494, 502,
516, 532, 541, 542, 544, 545, 557.
, recognisances at, 305.
, abhey of St. Peter, 67, 112, 117, 121,
186, 193, 301, 349, 378, 442, 445, 457,
467,504, 644.
, Richard, abbot of (t. Henry
III.), 193, 457.
o , the second statute of, 143.
, county of, 118.
Westmoreland, county of, 21, 105, 108, 111,
136, 222, 239, 318, 332, 338, 482, 506,
541, 565, 562, 576, 584, 645, 679, 683,
686, 701, 708.
, sheriff of, 19, 21, 45, 102, 356, 393,
519, 670, 681, 682.
Weston, 138.
, CO. Northants, 121.
-under-Edge, Weston-Underegge [oo.
Gloucester], 138, 196, 197.
, letters close dated at, 422-426,
518-S20, 523.
-on-Trent [co. Derby], letters close
dated at, 611, 685-687.
See Westoning.
Weston, Adam de, 394.
, Geoffrey de, 559.
, John de, 15, 86, 263, 310, 348, 403,
428, 436, 44.'5, 447, 4.52, 457, 462, 554,
568, 580, 598, 613, 635, 702.
, chamberlain of Scotland, 17,
281, 606.
, knt.-, 576.
, , the 3'ounger, 423.
, , Richard de, 350, 352.
Weston — cont.
, Robert de, 522.
, son of Simon de, 421.
, Roger de, 123.
, Thomas de, 549, 672.
, William de, 446, 503.
Weston Jones, William de, 554.
Westouing, Weston, co. Bedford, 594.
Weston-under-Egge, Eva wife of John de,
knt., 345.
, John de, knt., 217, 238, 239.
Westover. See West Stour.
Westrasen. See Rasen, West.
Westratford, John son of Roger de, 239.
West Stour, Westevere, Westovere, co. Hants,
57, 75, 150.
Westthorndon. See Horndon, West.
Westthornye. See Thorney, West.
Westthurrock, Westthurruk. See Thurrock,
Westwhitfenham. See Wittenham.
Westwick [co. York], 270.
Westwittenham. See Wittenham.
Westworldham. See Worldham.
Westwycham. See Witcham.
Westwytenham. See Wittenham.
Wetely. See Wheatley.
Wetenhale, Wettenhale, Whetenhale, Adam
de, chamberlain of North Wales, 276,
292, 301, 406, 453, 619, 649.
Wetewang, John son of William de, 683.
Wetherby, co. York, 23, 25, 166.
Wetheryngsete, William de, 271.
Wetlestan. See Washlingstone.
Weton, CO. Hereford, 433.
Wettenhale. See Wetenhale.
Wetynge. See Weetiug.
Wexoombe [co. Wilts], 312.
Wey, the river. See Wye.
Weybrede, Alan de, 107, 187.
Weyland, Richard de, 188.
Weymouth, Waymuth [oo. Dorset], 486, 490,
, bailiffs of, 370, 531, 534.
, port of, 318, 491, 524.
, , customs in, 244,
Whaddon, oo. Cambridge, 488.
, CO. Wilts, 229.
Whaddon, Michael de, lord of Whaddon, 229.
Whale, John, 709.
Wharf, Alan atte, 257.
Wharton, Warton, 650.
Whassinburgh. See Washingborough.
Whaleman, Sarah wife of William, 350, 352.
.William, 350, 352.
Whathamsted. See Wheathampstead.
Whathamstede, John de, 271.
Whatton, Richard de, 537 539, 540, 571, 572,
576, 577, 579.
Whayto, Alice wife of Richard le, 247.
, Whayt, Richard le, 209, 247.
Wheat. See. Corn.
Wheatley, Weteley [co. Notts], 647.
Wheathampstead, Whcthamsted [co. Herts"],
Whelbateh. See Welbach.
Whelpeshaven, near Scarborough [co. York] ,
Wherwell nunnery [co. Hants], 289.
Whetacre, Whetaor', William de, 105, 136.
Wheteleye, Elias de, 489.
A\Tietenhale. See Wetenhale.
Whetley, Elias de, 373.
Whicchenore. See Wichnor.
Whicchewode, Whichwood. See Wychwood.
Whitby, Wyteby [co. York], 119, 592.
abbey, 207, 672.
, , abbot of, bailiffs of, 57.
, bailif&of. 164, 370.
gaol, 189.
, port of, 57, 524, 531.
Whitchurch, Blankmoster [co. Glamorgan],
Whitcott, Wychecote, co. Salop, 33.
White, George le, 136.
, John de, 290.
, tbe, 47.
le, 46, 78, 106, 198.
.Thomas le, 267.
, William le, 299, 612.
See aZso Albus.
Whiteacre, Richard de, 572.
Whiteby, John de, 58.
Thomas de, 163, 397.
, Walter de, 690.
Whitefeld, John de, 294, 580.
, Robert de, 634.
.William de, 222.
Whitehethe, 467.
White Horse, Vale of, Whitehors le, co. Berks,
623, 630.
Whiteman, William, 457.
Whitemon, WilUam, 275.
Whitemore, co. York, 210.
Whitene, Walter de, 715.
Whitewell, co. Dorset, 3.
Whitewell, Harsculph, Harsculphus de, 110,
Whitgift, Wytegift, co. York, 576, 577.
Whither, Thomas, knt., 573.
, William, 573.
Whitlewode. See Whittlewood.
Whitley, Whitteleye [co. Chester], 541.
, Witlay [co. York], 220.
Wittelegh, co. York, 518.
Whitteleye. See Whitley.
Whitteney, Thomas de, 667.
Whittingham, Whytyngham, co. Northumber-
land, 3O0.
Whittington, Whytyngton [co. Salop], 520,
Whittlewood, Whitlewode, forest [co. North-
ants], 180, 181, 485, 651.
Whitton, Thomas de, 430.
Whityngton, John de, 442.
Whityuton. See Whittington.
Whixley, Quixelay [co. York], 110.
Whychewode. See Wychwood,
Whyte, Nicholas, 267.
William le, 267.
Whyten, William de, 550.
Whytewell Manor, co. Northants, 8.
Whytyngham. See Whittingham.
Wiberton. See Wyberton.
Wich. See Wick.
Wichard, Stephen, 338.
Wichnor, Whicchenore, co. Stafford, 324.
Wick, Wich, Wych, Wyke, co. Worcester,
57, 150, 208,290.
, ferm of, 150.
Wickes, Wykes [co. Essex], 402.
Widdeslade. See Wyddeslade.
Widnes, Wydnes [co. Lancaster], 541. ^
Wigan [co. Lancaster], 118.
Wiggeston, William de, 65.
Wighill, Wychele, co. York, 605.
Wight, Isle of, 507, 645.
Wight, Adam, 320.
Wighton [co. Norfolk], 7.
Wigmore [co. Hereford], 61, 80, 83, 86, 129,
179, 182, 192, 200, 359, 360, 363, 366,
368, 371, 415, 441, 490, 508, 511, 513,
517, 594, 615.
castle, constable of, 422.
See also Cherleton.
, castle and lordship of, 415.
, lord of, 493.
See afeo Mnrtuo Mari.
Wigornia, Wygornia, Richard de, 427, 723.
Wigton, Wygeton [co. Cumberland], 31.
WUberfoss priory [co. York], 663.
Wildemore Moor. See Wildmoor.
Wilden, Wyldeu [co. Bedford], 185, 432.
Wildmoor, Wildemore, co. Lincoln, 576, 641.
Wilethorp. See Wilsthorpe.
Wilford [co. Notts], 614.
Wilghby. See Wylughby.
Willamescote, Richard de, 5S4.
Willesthorp. See Wilstlorp.
William, count of Hainault, Holland, and Zee-
land, lord of Eriesland, 46, 89, 118,
126, 132, 155, 158, 309, 325, 327, 337,
341, 365, 381, 396, 398, 521.
William, Adam son of, 31.
, , de Wylby, 372.
Henry son of, 667.
, Isabella ■wife of Henry, son of, 427.
, J ohn son of, de Erdeslawe, Erdeslowe,
William, John son of — cont.
, , de Kyngton, 420.
, deRouolyf, 106.
, , de Scothowe, 148.
, , de Tranholiue, 712.
, , de Wetewang, 683.
, Oto son of, de Grandisono, 707.
, Peter son of, de Middelton, 202.
, Ralph son of, 15, 48, 101, 257, 264.
, Eanulph son of, de Daere, 222.|
, Richard son of, de Knapton, 98.
, William de, 141.
, Robert son of John, 329.
, , de Carleton, 722.
, , de Trauholme, 712.
, Roger son of, de Blaketoft, 111.
, , de Staunton, 245.
, Rowland son of, de Rokesburgh, 148.
■ , Stephen son of, de Blaktoft, 109.
, Thomas son of, de Strongeford, 607.
, William son of, 333.
, , the elder, 234.
, , de Bonevill, 477.
, , de Boyvill, 190.
, de Eucton, 137.
, , de Bumstede, 238.
, , de Cateby, 208.
, de Crauthorn, 148.
, , de Kerdyf, 341.
, , de Leden, 420.
, , , de Lucy, 420.
, , de Speton, 148.
, de Stepham, 270.
, John son of, de Calwerthorp,
ap Rees,428.
Williamscote, Wyllamescote, co. Oxford, 584.
Willingham, Wylyngham, co. Lincoln, 547,
Willoughton, Wylughton, co. Lincoln, 438.
Wilmersley. See Womersley.
Wilmington, Wylmyngton [co. Sussex], 75.
'^ilmundele. See Wymondley.
Wilsthorpe, Wilethorp, WiUesthorp, Wilthorp,
Wylesthorp, Wyvelesthorp, co. York,
118, 202, 207, 208, 550, 561, 606, 674,
Wilton, Wylton abbey [co. Wilts], 517.
Wilton, Alan de, 58.
, Roger de, 31.
, Walter de, 459.
Wilts, county of, 99, 101, 109, 132, 212, 218,
222, 229, 300, 314, 317, 318, 326, 332,
334, 335, 342, 344-346, 348, 359, 377,
450, 453, 462, 474, 479, 480, 488, 507,
509, 528, 535, 540, 547, 565, 569, 572,
573, 577, 598, 602, 604, 032, 633, 636,
645, 671, 714, 722, 724.
, justices in, 302.
Wilts, county of — cont.
, sheriff of, 66, 89, 147, 150, 152, 166,
193-195, 265, 284, 300, 306, 309, 312,
430, 423, 429, 446, 448, 459, 462, 508,
521, 536, 559, 577, 586, 599, 632, 633,
See also Ticheburn.
Wily, Nicholas de, 420.
Wilyngton. See Wylynton.
Wimbisch, Richard de, 336.
Wimmering, Wymeryng [co. Hants], 262.
Wimpole, Wynepol [co. Cambridge], 332.
Wineheombe, Wyucheoombe, abbey [co.
Gloucester], 208, 312, 344.
Winchelsea, Wynchelse, Wynclesse, co. Sus-
sex, 236, 256, 258, 283, 324, 400, 524,
661, 670, 673, 701.
, bailiffs of, 533.
, and barons of, 490.
, mayor of, 465.
, and bailiffs of, 551, 708.
, , bailiffs, men and community of,
, , and barons of, 258.
, barons and bailiffs of, 720.
Winchester, 206, 323, 355, 385, 448, 610.
, archdeacon of, 477.
See a?so Sinibaldi.
, bishop of. SeeAsserio; Sandale.
, bishopric of, 64, 215, 218,229,374,
377, 384,496, 647, 724.
castle, 268, 301, 594.
, honour of, 466.
mayor of, 553.
, and bailiffs of, 69.
.hospital of St. Cross, 384, 385,491,
, priory of St. Swithin, 704.
, St. Giles's fair, 259.
, statute of, 325, 513, 514, 548, 555.
Winchester, earl of. See Despenser.
Windsor [co. Berks], 197, 313, 500, 673.
castle, 39, 54, 159, 173, 184, 185, 310,
597, 600.
, chapel of, 91, 159, 264, 600.
St. Edward in, 15.
, constable of, 30, 39, 54, 91,158,
159, 173, 182, 184, 185, 188, 193, 264,
278. 303, 403, 404, 432, 424, 427, 437,
457, 597, 600, 629.
, See also Burdegala ; Camoys.
, gates of, 185.
, order to repair, 158.
, the king's works at, 173,185,
188, 423.
., , clerk of, 158, 278.
, , See also More; Spyges-
, the king's garden without, 278,
prison, 160.
Windsor [co. Berks] — conf,
forest, 54, 158-160, 184, 185, 188,
193, 197, 298, 303, 311, 313, 423, 442,
457, 600.
chief forester of, 188, 278.
See also Wodeham.
, verderers of , 185.
, letters close dated at, 187, 191,233,
251, 256, 257, 282, 283, 286, 290, 293,
325, 347, 349, 359, 360, 362.
New, 303.
, Old, 303.
Windyate, le [co. Cumberland], 567.
Wines, 28, 33, 34, 40, 50, 54, 55, 58, 67, 85,
87, 119, 144, 148, 166, 168, 171-174,
176, 178, 181, 186, 192, 249,255-259,
262, 263, 283, 286, 287, 291, 293, 294,
296, 301, 337, 348, 364, 394, 398, 399,
401, 406, 407, 409, 423, 429, 441, 443,
453, 458, 541, 600, 626, 627, 637, 660,
661, 719.
.......... measures of, 362.
Winforton, Wynfretou, co. Hereford, 591.
WingraTe, Wengrave [oo. Buckingham], 333.
Winscales, Winzscales, co. Cumberland, 566.
Winston, Wyneston, oo. Gloucester, 543.
Winterbourne, co. Dorset, 543.
St. Martin [oo. Dorset], 695, 701.
, Wynterbourne [co. Wilts], 332, 574.
[Basset], co. Wilts, 543.
, Earl's [co. Wilts], 674.
Winterton, co. Lincoln, 24.
, 00. Norfolk, 46, 89, 158, 414.
Wintringham [co York], 125.
Winzscales. See Winscales.
Winzscales, John de, 566.
Wircestre, Hugh de, 482.
Wirkesop, Robert de, S.T.D., friar of tlie order
of St. Augustine, 129.
Wirksop. See Worksop.
Wirsop. See Wirksop.
Wirsop, Robert de, friar of the Augustinian
order, envoy to the court of Rome, 90.
Wirsshop. See Worksop.
Wisborough (Green), Wysebergh, co. Sussex,
Wisham. See Wysham.
Wistowe, Wistowe [co. Tork], 471.
Witcham, Westwycham, co. Cambridge, 372.
Witering. See Wittering.
Witham [co. Essex], 485.
priory [co. Somerset], 60.
Witham, William de, 590.
Withcall, Wythkal [co. Lincoln], 6.
Witlay. See Whitley.
Witone, Wy tton, co. Warwick, 631.
Wittelegh. See Whitley.
Witteneye, Thomas de, 662.
Wittenham, West, Westwhittenham, Westy-
tenham, co. Berks, 222, 3.50, 326, 344,
Wittering, Witering [oo. Northants], 466.
Witton, Wotton [co. Durham], 599.
Witton, Thomas de, 58, 261.
Wiverton, Wyverton, co. Nottingham, 643.
Wiyeton, Wyveton, co. Norfolk, 68, 463.
Wix, Wykes [co. Essex], letters close dated
at, 196.
Wixtowe. See Wistowe.
Wlward, Roger, 381.
Wlfhagen, V\filliam, 297.
Woad, 266.
Woburn, Wouburn, abbey, co. Bedford, 373.
Wockyng'. See Woking.
Wode, La, near Pewsham forest, co. Wilts,
Wode, Adam son of Robert de, 131.
, Cicely wife of Robert del, 135.
, Henry under, 458.
John son of William atte, 247.
, Stephen atte, 518.
, Walter son of Roger atte, 369.
, William atte, 497.
of the, 387.
, dela, 391, 393.
Wodeburgh [oo. Cumberland] , 274.
Wodeburn. See Woodburn.
Wodeoote, Henry de la, 653.
Wodedallyng. See Wood Dalliug.
Wodeford, Wodford, John de, 568, 672, 686.
, Luke de, 97.
, Thomas de, 665.
, son of Alice de, 814.
Wodehalle. See Woodhall.
Wodehalle, John de la, 634.
, son of John de la, 624.
, Richard son of Roger de la, 133.
Wodeham. See Woodham.
Wodeham, Wodehem, Robert de, 54, 158.
, , chief forester of Windsor forest,
185, 188, 278, 423, 600.
, Walter de, 54, 158.
Wodehem. See Woodham.
Wodehorne. See Woodhorn.
Wodehous, Wodhous, Isabella wife of William
de, 208.
, Robert de, 18, 74, 280, 291-293, 296j
324, 491.
, , cofferer of the wardrobe, 115.
, William de, 208.
Wodehull, Richard de, 121.
Wodehus. See Wodehous.
Wodelowe, Alan de, 458, 669, 684, 699,
Wodemancote. See Woodmanoote,
Wodemersthorn. See Woodmansterne.
Woderowe. See Woodrow.
Woderysingg', John de, 673.
Wodesestre. See Woodchester,
Wodeslade, John de, 58.
Wodesom. See Woodsome.
Wodestoke, Edmund de, the king's brother,
58, 266, 295, 320, 352, 412.
, earl of Kent, 58, 266, 412, 511,
516, 522, 574, 590, 645, 656, 701, 717.
, constable of Dover castle and
warden of the Cinque Ports, 398, 399,
416, 427, 486, 490, 499, 509, 528, 535,
543, 560, 603, 660, 666, 675, 698, 701,
, keeper of the co. of Kent, 406.
Wodford. See Wodeford.
Wodhalle, Beatrice wife of William de la,
, William de la, 469, 572.
Wodhorn. See Woodhom.
Wodhous. See Wodehous.
Wodhull, John de, 333.
son of Thomas de, 637.
, Robert de, 39.
Wodman, David, 566.
Wodeton. See Wotton.
Wogan, John, 139, 175.
, , justiciary of Ireland, 200, 447.
, Walter, 2.
Woghewod [near Leominster, co. Sussex],
Woketon. See Woughton.
Woking, Wockyng', co. Surrey, 543.
, letters close dated at, 329.
Wokingham, co. Berks, 476.
Wokyngham, John de, 102.
Wolaston, John de, 686.
Wolbedyng'. See Woolheding,
Wolf, Robert le, 707.
Wolfay, William, 284.
Wolferton, Alan de, 144.
Wolfhall, Great Bedwyn [co. Wilts], 300,
Wolk'. See Wulpen.
WoUaston, John de, 218, 463.
Wollavyngton. See WooUavingtou.
WoUe, Walter, 316.
Wolleston. See Wolston.
Wollop. See Wallop.
Wollovr'. See Wooler.
Wolp'. See Wulpen.
Wolsingham, Wolsyngham [co. Durham],
Wolstanton, Walstanton, co. Stafford, 578.
Wolsthorp, Robert de, 78.
Wolston, Wolleston, co. Bucks, 623, 631.
Wolston, Robert de, 518.
Wolton. See Wilton.
Wolverhampton, Wolvemehampton [co. Staf-
ford], 4.
, the free chapel of, 4.
, , prebend of Wybaston in, 4.
Wolvemehampton, Clement de, 215.
Wolverton, Welverton, John de, 94.
, Ralph de, 416, 444.
Wolvestou, John de, 340.
Wolvel, John, 233.
Wolvith, William, 318.
Wolvithe, Walter, 501.
Wolvreton, John de, knt., 92.
Wolyngham, John de, 102.
Wombewell, Robert de, 217.
Wombourne, co. Stafford, 630.
Wombwell, co. York, 624.
Womersley, Wilmersley, Wylmerslay, Wyl-
mereslay [co. York], 121, 497, 573.
Wonaatow, Wonewarstowe, co. Monmouth,
99, 101, 203.
Wondestre. See Wanstrow.
Wone Warstowe. See Wouastow.
Wonere, co. Stafford, 630.
Wonere, William de, 630.
Wonewardstowe, Wonewarstowe. See Wona-
Woodburn, Wodeburn [co. Northumberland],
Woodchester, Wodesestre, co. Gloucester,
Wood Dalling, Wodedallyng, co. Norfolk, 68.
Wood Walton, co. Huntingdon, 638.
Woodham Ferris [co. Essex], 387, 388.
Mortimer [co. Essex], 387.
, Wodeham [co. Essex], 475.
Woodhall, WodehaUe [co. York], 536, 624.
Woodhay (East), Wydehaye [co. Hants],
Woodhorn, Wodehorne, Wodhorn [co. North-
umberland], 678, 679.
Woodmancote, Wodemancote [co. Sussex],
Woodmausterne,Wodemersthorn [co. Surrey],
Woodrow, Woderowe, co. Wilts, 57, 149.
Woodsome, Wodesom [co. York], 124, 131,
^ 135.
Woodstock, CO. Oxford, 149, 166.
.fairs at, 166.
, letters close dated at, 3, 5, 94-96.
park, 60.
Wool, 9, 10, 13, 16, 17, 39, 44, 45, 49, 60, 65,
84, 85, 112, 128, 158, 164, 165, 172,
181, 186, 187, 193, 195, 196, 234, 2315,
243, 244, 246, 250-252, 254-256, 259,
261, 272, 274, 275, 280, 281, 818, 327,
337, 338, 362, 378, 389, 391, 392, 396,
398, 410, 412, 413, 430, 444, 486, 544,
587, 592, 594, 607, 640, 643, 675, 701,
702, 706, 710, 713.
customs, 235, 391, 392, 663.
merchants, mayor of, 254, 392.
See ako Cherleton.
, Pers cloth of Beverley, 164.
staple of, 186, 187, 254, 303, 391,
, ....,., charter of, 234, 235, 246, 389,
Wool, staple of — cont.
, in Flanders, 110.
, , at St. Omer, 250, 251.
, , regulations ooncerniug, 234,
Woolbeding, Wolbedyng [oo. Sussex], 168,
Wooler, Wollovr' [eo. Northumberland], 98.
Wooley, Wulvelay [oo. York], 220.
Woollavington, WoUavington [co. Sussex],
Wootton, Wodeton, co. Kent, 489.
Wotton, CO. StaHord, 10.
Bassett [co. Wilts], 543.
Wop, Walter le, 457.
Worcester, 238, 483, 485, 502, 556, 613.
bishop of, 409, 514, 605, 606.
, See also Cohham ; Maidstone.
cathedral, 605.
, diocese of, 34, 103, 108, 238, 241,
406, 647.
, letters close dated at, 411, 416, 510.
, priory, 92, 103, 345, 614, 691.
, St. Helen's church, 613.
Worcester, county of, 107, 207, 217, 223, 231,
239, 263, 333, 334, 339, 341, 342, 359,
377, 381, 395, 419, 430, 457, 485, 501,
502, 518, 538, 540, 573, 574, 576, 593,
604, 606, 608, 615, 621, 645, 682, 705,
718, 717.
, the earl of Warwick's lands in, 68.
, justices of assize in, 156.
, sheriff of, 74, 194, 311, 366, 421, 422,
458, 519, 534, 536, 563, 622.
Workelegh, Margaret wife of Henry de, 109.
Worksop, Wirksop,Wirsop [co. Nottingham],
11, 12.
, chancery at, 321.
, priory, 97, 152, 683.
Worldham West, co. Hants, 168, 169.
Worldham, Peter de, 537.
Worlington, Wyrdlyngton, co. Cambridge
[rectius Suffolk], 99.
Wormherde, John de, 218.
Wormhill, co. Derby, 459.
Worstead, Worthstede [co. Norfolk], cloth
of, 216.
Worstede, John de, 232.
Worth, Margery wife of WilUam de, 705.
, William de, 705.
Worthen, Worthin, co. Salop, 681.
Worthin. See Worthen.
Worthstede. See Worstead.
Worthy, King's, Kyngesworde [co. South-
ampton], 594.
Wothale, Hugh, 274.
Wotriugbury, Wotryngbory, John de, 325,
Wotton. See Wootton.
, Wodeton, co. Surrey, 231.
Wotton, John de, 1, 313.
Wouburn. See Woburu.
Woughton, Woketon, co. Bedford [rectius
Bucks], 478.
Woxebrigge. See Uxbridge.
Woxbrigg, Stephen de, 577.
Woxebrugge, John de, 609.
Wraggoe, Wraghowe, deanery, co. Lincoln,
Wrangle, Wrangel, co. Lincoln, 578, 641.
Wreak, Wrethk, river, co. Leicester, 379.
Wrelton [co. York], 692.
Wrenbury, John de, 413.
Wrethk. See Wreak.
Wright, Simon le, 71, 84.
Writele. See Writtle.
Writer, Odbert the, 47, 289 ; and see Scriptor.
Writtle, Writele [co. Essex], 635.
Wroth, Richard, 526, 604.
, , keeper of the land of Gower,
Wrotham [co. Kent], 707.
Wrotham, John de, 46, 89, 261, 500.
, William de, 7.
Wroxhale, John de, 472.
Wroxton priory [co. Oxford], 116.
Wryght, Roger le, 320.
Wuchewode. See Wychwood.
Wulpen, Wolp, Wolk', Flanders, 257, 309.
Wulvelay. See Wooley.
Wntlebury, John son of Aubrey de, 343.
Wy, 651.
Wy, Adam de, 5S0.
, Walter, 227.
Wyard, John, 419, 518, 685.
, Nicholas, 208.
Wybaston, prebend of, in the free chapel of
Wolverhampton, 4.
Wyberton, Wiberton, co. Lincoln, 49, 272.
Wyboldeston, Robert de, 488.
Wybunbury, co. Chester, 415.
Wych. See Wick.
Wych', Michael de, 146.
Wychecote. See Whitcott.
Wychhalle, Richard de la, 574.
Wychit, Robert atte, 267.
Wychwood, Whicchewode, Whichwode,
Whychewode, Wicchewode, Wuche-
wode, forest, CO. Oxford, 162, 255, 698.
Wychyngham, WUliam de, 446.
Wyckerslaye, Roberl; de, 90.
Wycliffe, Wycleve, co. York, 104.
Wycombe [co. Bucks], 180, 543.
, St. John's hospital, master of, 181.
See also Ughtred.
Wycum See Wykeham.
Wyddeslade, Wydeslade, VViddeslade, William
de, 45, 46, 47, 89, 106, 155, 158, 217,
248, 414.
Wydehaye. See Woodhay.
Wye, Wey, the river, 472.
Wyerne, Robert de, 17.
Wygayn, John, 623.
Wygemore. See Wigmore.
Wygemore, Kichard de, 577, 609.
Wygerous, John, 381.
Wygeton. See Wigton.
Wygeton, Dionisia wife of John de, 321.
, Elizabeth de, 101, 321.
, Florence de, 321.
, Gilbert de, 53, 518, 538, 539.
, , controller of the king's ward-
robe, 152.
, John de, 321, 322.
, Margaret daughter of John de, S21,
, wife of John de, 31.
Wyginton, Ralph de, 126.
, William de, 592.
Wygoruia. See Wigornia.
Wygynton, Ralph de, 104.
, William de, 693.
Wyke [co. Devon], 3.
Wyke, Long [co. Buckingham?], 331.
[co. Worcester]. See Wick.
Wykeham, Wycum, co. York, 712.
Wykes. See Wickes ; Wix.
Wykford, Rowland de, 387.
Wykham, John de, 333, 672.
, Robert de, 620.
Wykkewane, WiUiam de, 221.
Wylby, Adam son of William de, 372.
, John de, 372.
Wyld, Philip le, 184.
Wylde, John de, 463.
Wyldegos, Robert son of Gerard, 570.
, Roger son of Richard, 570.
Wylden. See Wilden.
Wyles, Peter, 683.
Wylesthorp. See Wilsthorpe.
Wylesthorp, Robert son of Thomas de, 145.
Wylghby, John de, 640.
Wylington. See Wylyngton.
Wylinton. See Wylyngton.
Wyllamescote. See WiUiamscote.
Wyllardeby, Margaret wife of William de,
, William de, 698.
Wylmerslay, Wylmereslay. See Womersley.
Wylmy'ngton. See Wilmington.
Wylton. See Wilton.
Wylton, Clement son of Robert de, 460.
, John de, 420, 556.
Wylughby. See Silk Willonghby.
Wylughby, Wilghby, Margaret wife of Robert
de, 425, 722.
, Richard de, 14, 589, 625.
, Robert de, 25.
, Thomas de, 25, 81.
, , kut., 550, 722.
Wylughton. See Willonghton.
Wylymot, William, 700.
Wylyngham. See Willinghara.
Wylyngton, Wylington, Wilyngton, Henry de,
138, 511, 513, 517, 519, 583, 587, 673.
, John de, 435, 456, 511, 513, 517, 519,
526, 583, 605, 632.
, , knt., 569.
, Ralph son of John de, 623.
, Reginald de, 435, 455.
, Thomas de, 435, 572.
Wylynton. See Wylyngton.
Wymer, William, 381.
Wymeryng. See Wimmering.
Wymes, John de, 67.
Wymond, Henry, 235.
Wymondley, Wilmundele, Great and Little,
CO. Hertford, 50.
Wymund, or Wynn, William, 71, 84.
Wymundham, John de, 500.
Wyn, Matilda wife of William, 29.
, William, 29.
Wynceby, John de, 202, 629,
Wyncelade, Richard de, 365.
Wynohecombe. See Winchoombe.
Wynchelse. See Winchelsea.
Wynclielse, John de, 563.
Wynclcsse. See Winchelsea.
Wyncestre Selde, Petronilla de, 706.
Wyndeeroft, Richard de, 377.
Wyndesore, Alexander de, 108.
, Baldwin de, 638.
, Gunnora de, 669.
, Hugh de, 212.
, John de, 229.
, Ralph de, 227.
, Roger de, porter of both gates of
Windsor castle, 30, 173, 185, 188, 278.
, , viewer of the king's works in
Windsor castle, 30, 173.
, Walter de, 229.
Wyndhill, Elias de, 216.
Wyndosme [co. York], 151, 156.
Wyne, Matilda wife of William, 15, 618.
, William, 15.
, de, 421.
Wynegod, Wilham, 193.
Wynegos, William, 518.
Wynepol. See Wimpole.
Wyneston. See Winston.
Wynestowe, Juhana wife of Walter de, 592.
Walter de, 592, 683, 693.
Wynfreton. See Winforton.
Wyngefeld, Roger de, 193.
Wynkeburn, Henry de, 572.
Wynn, or Wymund, William, 71, 84,
Wynterbourn. See Winterbourne.
Wynteworth. See Wentworth.
Wynton, Edmund de, 491.
, Thomas de, 206,
Wyntonia, Walter de, 647.
Wyntryngham. See Wintringham.
WyntryDgham, Philip de, 125.
VVynyngton, Kobert de, 413.
Wyrdlyngtou. See VVorlington.
Wyrecestre, Henry de, 229.
Wyrnthorp, Robert de, 446.
WjTok, Alice wife of William, 107.
Wyrthorp, Thomas de, 554.
Wyse, Serlo son of William, 283.
, Wolfardle, 248.
Wysebergh. .See Wisborough.
Wysham, Wisham, John de, 58, 457, 568.
, , constable of St. Briavel's castle,
constable of Knareeburgh
castle, 11,43,53,61,169, 171, 177,269,
407, 418, 466, 612, 680.
, , keeper of the honour of
Knaresborough, 43, 53, 61, 169.
Wyshangre, co. Gloucester, 543.
Wyteby. See WTiitby.
Wyteby, William, 117.
Wytegift. See Whitgift.
Wytenden, Thomas de, 99.
WyteweU, Matilda wife of Geoffrey de, 379.
, Robert de, 379.
Wytewode, Roger de, 98.
Wyth, GeofErey, .^68.
, Walter, 227, 241.
Wythele. .See Wighill.
Wythkal. See Withcall.
Wytholm island, co. Cumberland, 24.
Wyttenham, Adam de, 271.
Wyttlebury, John son of Albrio de, 503.
Wytton. See Witone.
Wylvesthorpe. See Wilsthorpe.
Wyveton. See Wiveton.
Wyverthorp. See Weaverthorp.
Wyverthorp, Peter de, prior of Bridlington,
Wyrerton. See Wiverton.
Wyreton. See Wiveton.
Wyvill, John de, 591.
, William de, 67.
Yakesle, John de, 548.
, keeper of the king's tents, 57, 178.
Yale [co. Denbigh], 521, 531, 532, 561, 646.
Yarewell, Gilbert de, 122, 547.
Walter de, 122, 547.
YareweUe, William de, 146.
Yarford ap David, 521.
Yarm, Jarum, co. York, 395.
, bailifEs of, 370.
, letters close dated at, 599, 600, 681.
Yarmouth, Great, Jernemuth [co. Norfolk]'
20, 39, 47, 83, 100, 112, 170, 172, 188,
257, 258, 398, 409, 480, 556, 658, 670,
, bailiffs of, 9, 10, 164, 165, 169, 173,
183, 192, 221, 248, 326, 327, 370, 395,
400, 403, 406, 463, 540, 547, 581, 698,
, bailiffs, men, and community of, 100,
, mayor and bailiffs of, 536.
, port of, 16, 318, 524.
, , customs in, 10, 49, 244.
, Little [co. Suffolk], 100.
bailiffs of, 370, 463, 536,546.
bailiffs, men, and community
of, 143.
, port of, 524.
.Isle of Wight, 534.
Yarcombe, Yerteoumbe [co. Devon], 480,
Yashampstead. See Easthampstead.
Yate, CO. Gloucester, 605.
Yatteudon, Yatynden, co. Berks, 623, 630.
Yaxley, Jakesle [co. Huntingdon], 515, 670.
Ydenton. See Edington.
Yeaveley, Yeveley, co. Derby, 589, 608.
Yeddefenne, Thomas de, 420.
Yeland, William de, 572.
Yeonge, John le, 316.
Yelden, Yevelton, Yevelden, co. Bedford, 64,
Yerdhill [co. Northumberland], 98.
Yerdhill, Alice wife of John de, 496.
John de, 118, 215, 340, 375, 377,
487, 496.
, John sou of Ralph de, 98.
Yermanger, William, 381.
Yertecumbe. See Yarcombe.
Yeshampstead. See Easthampstead.
Yevele, Yeveley. See Yeaveley.
Yevelton, Yevelden. See Yelden.
Yewbarrow, Yowberg, co. Cumberland, 567.
Yimme, John, 260.
, Roger, 260.
Ymme, John, 264.
, Roger, 264.
Yockleton, JokethuU, co. Salop, 581.
Yokefleet, Yukfleet, co. York, 209, 671.
Yolton. See Youlton.
Yon, Robert, 257, 361.
Yonge, Philip le, 268.
Yordeburgh, John de, 99.
Yore, water of, 66.
York city of, 15, 17, 80, 40, 59, 62, 67, 72,
76, 90, 94, 97, 98, 101-104, 106, 109,
114, 115, 117, 118, 120, 122-128, 130,
131, 133-136, 138, 139, 142, 146, 152,
160, 163, 164, 170, 175, 176, 180, 183,
188, 194, 202-208, 211, 112, 215-217,
York , city of — cont.
220, 234, 236, 282, 297, 332, 335, 346,
350, 353, 397, 399, 417, 428, 436, 489,
505, 534, 639, 547, 550, 661, 563, 565,
574, 575, 603, 621, 654, 663, 665, 669,
670, 673-677, 682, 684, 686-690, 693,
695, 696, 698-700, 702, 712, 713, 715,
716, 723.
, archbishop of, 73, 88, 393, 405.
, See aZso Greenfield ; Melton;
archdeaconry of, 648.
, bailiffs of, 18, 122, 148, 267, 294, 297,
400, 487, 532, 539, 609, 635.
castle, 5, 76, 150, 156, 175, 417, 418,
, gaol in, 45, 81, 188, 410, 654.
keeper of,437.
tower of, 189.
, the water mills near, 273.
cathedral church of St. Peter, 92,
216, 217, 354, 648, 669, 695, 707, 724.
., chancellor of, 137, 217, 672.
See also Ripplingham.
, dean of, 45, 99, 131, 202, 350,
See also Pikering.
, dean and chapter of, 715.
, prebend of Mashamio, 602.
chancery at, 122, 124, 125, 130, 135,
138, 139, 146, 213, 214, 337, 471, 539,
547, 552, 553, 564, 575, 576, 669, 670,
673, 676, 693, 695, 712, 715, 723, 724.
,, community of, 176.
,, council at, 44, 76, 446, 675, 712.
,, court of King's Bench at, 417.
, court of Common Pleas at, 417.
,, diocese of, 5, 7, 8, 17, 18, 34, 43, 45,
48, 87, 103, 152, 153, 213,273,305,
317, 393, 499, 647.
,, exchequer at, 76, 417, 592.
, ferm of, 18, 267, 400.
,, Friars Minors at, 219, 220.
, letters close dated at, 11, 14-47,
60-64, 66-92, 99-118, 120-151, 153,
159-177, 179-181, 201-204, 206, 209-
221, 226, 295, 433, 440-454, 463-475,
480, 540, 541, 546-568, 660, 663-682,
584, 601-609, 611-617, 619, 620, 621,
646-647, 663, 664, 666-671, 682-688,
690-692, 711-713, 721-724.
, mayor, of, 122, 152, 214, 539, 698.
, See also Langton ; Reddenes.
, mayor and bailiffs of, 284, 370, 685.
, mayor, bailiffs, and community of,
, parliament at, 26, 30, 31, 37, 40, 46,
55, 63, 64, 74, 75, 79, 99, 102, 108, 112,
116, 131, 132, 138, 139, 143, 155, 170,
174, 203, 214, 263, 285, 311, 368, 403,
436, 442, 447, 453, 492, 495, 527, 537,
539, 544-546, 548, 556-558, 601.
York, pariiament at — cont.
, , ordinances made at, 557, 558.
, , summonses to attend, 131.
, order to transfer the exchequer to,
, privy seal at, 527.
, the king's treasure at, 665.
, treaty at, 687.
, abbey of St. Mary, 5, 8, 22,27,48,
103, 106, 108, 118, 147, 152, 153, 189,
202, 207, 216, 218, 219, 265, 273, 305,
334, 393, 550, 626, 648, 664, 675-677,
689, 714.
, , abbot of,215.
, See a&o Hothum.
, , Alan, abbot of, 101,124.
... , , chancellor of, 207.
, See also Eipplyngham.
, church of St. Denis in Walmgate,
church of St. Michael, Ousebridge,
, hospital of St. Leonard, 92, 116, 135.
139, HO, 561, 665, 672, 673, 676, 676,
691, 694, 697, 712.
, priory of St. Andrew, 202.
priory of the Holy Trinity, 202, 207,
674, 694, 696,
, , Geoffrey, prior of, 712.
, Walmgate, 713.
York, county of, 23, 33, 26, 88, 98-103, 105-
111, 114, 115, 117-142, 143-147, 155,
156, 178, 179, 193, 201-220, 222, 228,
232, 233, 236, 242, 245, 314, 317, 325,
332-336, 338, 340, 343, 346, 347, 350,
353, 354, 357, 361, 374, 377, 378, 381,
386, 390, 468, 479-481, 488-490, 496,
497, 505, 507, 518, 528, 529, 536, 537,
548-551, 564, 655, 560-562, 564, 566,
567, 568, 571, 573, 575, 581, 588, 592,
599, 604, 614, 615, 620, 621, 624, 645,
655, 666, 668-677, 679, 682-688, 691-
697, 699-701,711-718,720-724.
community of, 38.
, justices of assize in, 242, 449.
, knights of the shire for, 116, 486,
555, 688.
, lands of the archbishopric in, 88.
, posse of, 612.
, sheriff of,5, 8, 9,17-19,21, 26, 30, 32,
44, 51, 55, 57, 60, 61, 67, 70, 76, 81-83,
89, 92, 93, 108, 110, 116, 134, 139, 150,
152, 156, 159, 172, 173, 175, 178, 181,
189, 191, 192, 202, 203, 207, 211, 218,
242-244, 268, 273, 274, 279, 284, 286,
297, 300, 308, 313, 318, 331, 337, 349,
365, 370, 389, 393, 397, 398, 406, 410,
416-418, 428, 431, 436, 446, 452, 456,
486, 509, 512, 514, 519, 533, 534, 539,
555, 559, 560, 562, 577, 680, 596, 603,
616, 634, 635, 643, 651, 654, 655, 670,
674, 678, 680-682, 684, 685, 688, 691,
693, 708, 719.
East Eiding, 165, 227, 320, 468,469,
568, 633, 648.
York — cont.
.......... North Kiding, 167, 568.
, West Kiding, 166, 167, 568.
province of, 27,30, 88, 152, 153, 189,
203, 207, 265, 475, 647, 684, 686.
Youclsrosse, Youkrosse. See Ewcross.
Youlton, Yolton, co. York, 55, 89, 191.
Yoim, Robert, 172, 392.
Young, Adam le, 567.
Yowberg. See Yewbarrow.
Ypres, in Flanders, 181, 324, 337, 338, 348,
362, 378.
, avocat and ^chevins of, 221.
, 4chevins and consutes of, 373.
,echevins, councillors, and universitas
of, 698.
, merchants of, 44.
Triel, Oirghialla, Uriel, Ireland, 580.
Ystrad Alun, Estradlon [commote, co. Flint],
Ystrad Yw, Stradieu [commote, co. Breck-
nock], 415.
Ythoun. See Ithon.
Yucflete, Joan wife of John de, 22.
, John de, 22.
, son of Nicholas de, 125.
Yukflet. See Yokefleet.
YuBgman, Henry, 221.
Zeeland, Zeland, Seland, 4, 46, 89, 183, 217,
248, 309, 325, 396, 398, 414.
, count of. See William.
, merchants of, 57.
Zierikzee, Zerizee, in Flanders, 126.
Zousche, Sousche, Zouche, Zusche, Alan la,
131, 448, 470, 654.
, Alice wife of William la, 14, 68.
, Almaric la, 9, 302, 579.
, Ellen daughter of Alan la, 131.
, Philip la, 341.
William la, 14, 156, 190, 356,428,
552, 564, 582, 645, 654, 655, 722.
of Assheby and lord of Elvayll,
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As far back as the year 1800, a Committee of the House of Commons
recommended that Indexes and Caleiidars should be made to the Public
Becords, and thirty-six years afterwards another Committee of the House
of Commons reiterated that recommendation in more forcible words ; but
it was not until the incorporation of the State Paper Office with the Public
Record Office that the Master of the Rolls found himself in a position to
take the necessary steps for carrying out the wishes of the House of
On 7 December 185S, he stated to the JiOrds of the Treasury that
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Their Lordships assented to the necessity of having Calendars prepared
and printed, and empowered the Master of the Rolls to take such steps as
might be necessary for this purpose.
The following Works have been already published in this Series : —
Calendakium Genealootcitm ; for the Reigns of Henry III. and Edward I.
Edited hy Charles Roberts, Secretary of the Public Record Office.
2 Vols. 1865.
Syllabus, in English, oe Rymer's Poedera. By Sir Thomas Ddepus Hardy,
D C.L., Deputy Keeper of the Records. Vol. 1.— 1066-1377. (Out of
print.) Vol. II.— 1377-1654. Vol. III., Appendix and Index. 1869-
Descriptive Catalogue oe Ancient Deeds, preserved in the Public Record
Office. Vols. I. and II. 1890-1894.
Calendar oe the Patent Rolls or the Reign oe Edward I., preserved in
the Public Record Office, prepared under the superintendence of the
Deputy Keeper of the Records. Vol. II. 1281-1292. 1893.
Calendar oe the Patent Rolls oe the Reign or Edward II., preserved in
the Public Record Office, prepared under the superintendence of the
Deputy Keeper of the Records. Vol.1. 1307-1313. 1894.
Calendar op the Patent Rolls oe the Reign op Edward III., preserved
in the Public Record Office, prepared under the superintendence of
the Deputy Keeper of the Records. 1891-1893.
Vol. I.— 1827-1330. I Vol. II.-1330-1334.
Calendar op the Close Rolls op the Reign op Edward II., preserved in
the Public Record Office, prepared under the superintendence of tho
Deputy Keeper of the Records. 1892-1894
Vol I.-1307-1313. i Vol. 111.-1318-1323.
Vol. II.— 1313-1318. I
tr 86313. Wt. «>. «2
Calendar of Letteks and Papers, Foeeign and Domestic, or the Beign op
Henry VIII., preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office, the
British Museum, and elsewhere in England. Edited hy J. S. Brewer,
M.A., Professor of English Literature, King's College, London
(Vols. I. -IV.) ; and hy James Gairdner, an Assistant Record Keeper
(Vols. V.-XII.). 1862-I89i..
(Out of
Vol.1.— 1509-1514.
Vol. II. (in two Parts)— 1515-
1518. (Part I. out of print.)
Vol. III. (in two Parts)— 1519-
Vol. IV. — Introduction.
Vol. IV., Part 1.— 1524-1526.
Vol. IV., Part 2.— 1626-l,"-.28.
Vol. IV., Part 3.— 1529-1530.
Vol. v.— 1531-1632.
Vol. VI.— 1533.
Vol. VII.— 1534.
Vol. VIII.— 1535, to July.
Calendar of State Papers, Domestic
VI., Mary, Elizabeth, and James
Office. Edited hy Robert Lemon,
Mary Anne Everett Green (Vols
Vol. I.— 1547-1580.
Vol. 11.— 1581-1590.
Vol. III.— 1591-1594. [Out of
Vol. IV.— 1595-1597,
Yol. v.— 1598-1601.
Vol. VI.— 1601-1603, with
Addenda, 1547-1565.
Vol. IX.— 1535, Aug. to Dec.
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Vol. XII., Part 2.-1537, June to
Vol. XIII., Part 1.-1538, Jan. to
Vol. XIIL,
to Dec.
Vol. XIV.,
Part 2.— 1538, Aug.
Part 1.-1539, Jan. to
Series, of the Reigns of Edward
I., preserved in the Public Record
P.S.A. (Vols. I. and II.), and hi
III.-XII.). 1856-1872.
Vol. VII.— Addenda, ISee-lST'Q.
Vol. VIII.— 1603-1610.
Vol. IX.— 1611-1618.
Vol. X.— 1619-1623.
Vol. XL— 1623-1625, with
Addenda, 1603-1625,
Vol. XII.— Addenda, 1580-162.'^.
Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, of the Reign of Charles L,
preserved in the Public Record Office. Ed.Hed hy John Bruce, F.S.a!
(Vols. I.-XIL); hy John Bruce, F.S.A., and William Douglas
Hamilton, F.S.a. (Vol. XtlL); and ft?/ William Douglas Hamilton
F.S.A. (Vols. XIV.-XXIL). 1858-1893.
Vol. I.—
Vol. 11. —
Vol. III.—
Vol. IV.—
Vol. v.—
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Vol. VIL-
Vol. VIII.-
Vol. IX.—
Vol. X.—
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Vol. XIIL— 16.38-1639.
Vol. XIV.— 1639.
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Vol. XVIIL— 1641-1643.
Vol. XIX.— 1644.
Vol. XX.— 1644-1645.
Vol. XXL— 1645-1647.
Vol. XXIL— 1648-1649.
Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, during the Commonwealth
preserved in the Public Record Office. Edited by Marv Anne" EvrnuTn''
Green. 1875-1886.
Vol. I.— 1649-1650.
Vol. II.— 1650.
VoLIIL— 1661.
Vol. IV.— 1651-1652.
Vol. v.— 1652-1653.
Vol. VI.— 1653-16-54.
Vol. VIL— 1654.
Vol. VIIL— 1655.
Vol. IX.— 1655-1656.
Vol. X.— 1656-1657.
Vol. XL— 1657-1658.
Vol. XIL— 1658-1659.
Vol. XIII.-l 659-1660.
Calendar op State Pai ebs :— Committee for the Advance of Money
1642-1656. Edited hy Mary Anne Everett Green. Parts I -III '
Calendar of State Papers :— Committee jor CoMPooNDiife, &c 1643-
1660. Edited hy Mary Anne Everett Gkeen. Partsl.-V'.' 1889-
Calendar op State PArEus, Domestic Series, op the Beign op Oiiahles II.,
preserved in the Public Record Office. Edited hy Mary Anne
Everett Gkeen, 1860-1894.
Vol. I._ 1660-1661.
Vol. II.— 1661-1662.
Vol. III.— 1663-1664.
Vol. IV.— 1664-1665.
Vol. v.— 1665-1666.
Vol. VI.— 1666-1667.
Vol. VII.— 1667.
Vol. VIII.— 1667-1668.
Vol. IX.— 1668-1669.
Calendab op Home Opfice Papehs op the Eeign op Geokgs III., presorred
in the Public Record Office. Vols. I. and II. Edited by Joseph
Redington, an Assistant Record Keeper, 1878-1879. Vol. III.
Edited hj Richard Arthur Roberts, Barrister-at-Law. 1881.
Vol. I.— 1760 (25 0ct.)-1765.|
Vol. 11.-1766-1769.
Vol. III.— 1770-1772.
Calendar op Treasury Papers, preserved in the Public Record Office.
Edited by Joseph Eedixgton, an Assistant Record Keeper. 1868-
Vol.1.— 1557-1696.
Vol. IT.— 1697-1702.
Vol. Ill— 1702-1707.
Vol. IV.— 17C8-1714.
Vol. v.— 1714-1719.
Vol. VI.— 1720-1728.
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Record Office. .Eciiiei 6?/ Mae kham John Thorpe. 1858.
Vol. I., the Scottislt Series, 1609-1589.
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Scottish Series, 1543-1592 ; and the State Papers relating to
Mary Queen of Scots.
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London. Edited by Henry Savage Sweetman, B.A,, Barrister-at-
La-w (Ireland) ; continued by Gustavus Frederick Handcock. 1875-
Vol. I.-
Vol. IV.— 1293-1301
Vol. II.-
Vol. v.— 1302-1307
Vol. III.-
Calendar or State Papees relating to Ireland, of the Reigns of
Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth, preserved in the
Public Record Office. Edited by Hans Claude Hamilton, F.S.A.
1860-1890, and by E. G. Atkinson, 1893.
Vol. I.—
Vol. TI.-
Vol. III.
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Vol. v.— 1592-1596.
Vol. VI.— 1596-1597.
Calend.vr of State Papers relating to Ireland, op the Reign op James I.,
■'■'"■" ' ""--- -~^ -'' ' Edited by the
Barrister- at-
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Vol. IV.— 1611-1614.
Vol. L— 1603-1606.
Vol. II.— 1606-1608.
Vol. III.— 1608-1610.
Vol. v.— 1615-1625.
Palendar op the Carew Papers, preserved m the Lambeth Libr.ary.
^ Edited hy J S. BiiEWEU, M.A., Professor of English Literature,
King's College, London ; and William Bullen'. 1867-1873.
Veil. IV.— 1601-1603.
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of print.)
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Vol. III.— 1589-1600.
Vol. v.— Book of Howth
Vol. VI.— 1603-1624.
The Carew Papers are of great importance to all stucjept^ of Irish
Oalendaii or State Papeks, Coionial Series. Edited by W, Noel
Sainsbuky, late an Assistant Record Keeper. 1860-1894.
Vol. I.— America and West Indies, 1574-1660.
Yol. II. — Bast Indies, China, and Japan, 1513-1616. (Outof print.)
Vol. III.— ,, ,, „ 1617-1621. {Outof print.)
Vol. IV.— ,, „ „ 1622-1624.
Vol v.— America and West Indies, 1661-1668.
Vol. VI.— East Indies, 1626-1629.
Vol. VII.— America and West Indies, 1669-1674.
Vol. VIII.— East Indies and Persia, 1630-1634.
Vol IX. — America and West Indies, 1675-1676, and Addenda,
1674-1674. '
These volumes deal with Colonial Papers in the Public Record Office,
the India Office, and the British Museum.
Calendae 01 State Papers, Foreign Series, op the Eeign op Edward VI.,
preserved in the Public Record Office. 1547-1553. Edited by
W. B. TuRNBULL, Barrister-at-Law, &c. 1861.
Calendar op State Papers, Foreign Series, op the reign op Mary, pre-
served in the Public Record Office. 1553-1558. Edited by W. B.
Turnbull, Barrister-at-Law, &c. 1861.
Calendar op State Papers, Foreign Series, op the reign op Elizabeth,
preserved in the Public Record Office, &o. Edited by the Rev. Joseph
Stevenson, M.A. (Vols. I.-VIL), and Allan James Crosby, M.A.,
Barrister-at-Law (Vols. VIII.-XI.). 1863-1880.
Vol I.— 1558-1559. ( Vol. VIL— 1564-1665.
Vol. II.— 1559-1560. [ Vol. VIIL— 1566-1568.
Vol. III.— 1560-1561. Vol. IX.— 1669-1571.
Vol. IV.— 1561-1562. Vol. X.— 1572-1574.
Vol. v.— 1562. Vol. XL— 1575-1577.
Vol. VI.— 1563. ,
Calendar op Lbtteks, Despatches, and State Papers, relating to the
Negotiations between England and Spain, preserved in the Archives
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Vol. II.— 1509-1525. A^ol. IV., Part 2.-1531-1533.
Supplement to Vol. I. and continued.
Vol.11. : Vol. v., Parti.— 1534-1535.
Vol. III., Part 1.-1525-1526. ; Vol. V., Part 2.— 1536-1538.
Vol. III., Part 2.— 1627-1529. Vol. VI., Part 1.— 1538-1542.
Vol. IV., Part 1.-1.529-1530. ^
Calendar op Letters and State Papers, relating to English Appairs,
preserved principally in the Archives of Simancas. Edited by
Martin A. S. Hume, F.R.Hist.S. 1892-1894.
Vol. I. 1558-1667. | Vol. II. 1568-1579.
Calendar op St.4.te Papers and Manuscripts, relating to English Appairs,
preserved in the Archives of Venice, &c. Editedby 'Rawso's Brown.
1864^1884, and by Rawdon Brown and the Right Hon. G-. Cavendish
Bentinck, M.P., 1890.
Yol. I.— 1202-1509. I Yol. VL, Part I.— 1565-1556
Yol. II.— 1509-1519. 1 Vol. VL, Part II.— 1656-1657
Vol. III.— 1620-1526. I Yol. YL, Part III.— 1557-1558'
Yol. lY.— 1527-15.33. \ Vol. VIL— 1558-1580
Yol. v.- 1684^1664. |
Calendar of entries m the Papal Registers, illustrating the history of
Great Britain and Ireland. Edited by W. H. Bliss, B.C.L., Papal
Letters. Yol. I.— 1198-1304. 1893.
Report of the Deputy Keeper op the Records and the Rev. J. S. Brewer
upon the Carte and Carew Papers in the Bodleian and Lambeth
Libraries. 1864. Price 2s. 6d,
Eepoki op the Deputy Keeper of the Recokds upon the DooumentB in tlio
Archives and Public Libraries of Venice. 1866. Price 2s. 6d.
Guide to the Pbincipal Classes op Documents in the Public Eeoord
Oppice. By S. R. Scargill Bird, P.S.A. 1891. Price 7s. [Be-
Acts op the Privy Council op England, New Series. Bdited hy John
BocHE Dasent, M.A., Barrister-at-LaTv. 1890-94. Price 10s. each.
Vol. I. —1542-1547. | Vol. VI. —1556-1558.
Vol. II. —1647-1550. I Vol. VII.— 1558-1570.
Vol. III.— 1550-1552. I Vol. VIII.— 1571-1575.
Vol. IV.— 1552-1554. I Vol. IX.— 1575-1577.
Vol. v.— 1554-1556.
In the Press.
Descriptive Oataiogue op Ancient Deeds, preserved in the Public Eecord
Office. Vol. III.
Calendar op the Patent Rolls op the Reign op Bdwam) I. Vol. III.
CAiENDAB OP the Paient Rolls OP THE Reign OP Edward III. Vol. Ill,
1334, &c.
Calendar op the Close Rolls op the Reign op Edwabd II. Vol. IV. 1323-
Calendar of Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign op
Henry VIII., preserved in the Public Record Office, the British
Museum, &c. Edited hy James G-aiedner, late an Assistant Record
Keeper. ' Vol. XIV. Part 2.
Calendar op Letters, Despatches, and State Papers, relating to the nego-
tiations between England and Spain, preserved in the Archives at
Simancas and elsewhere. Edited by Don Pascual be Gayangos.
Vol. VI., 1538-42, Part 2.
r.TTNTi\Ti OP State Papers, relating to English AppAms, preserved in the
Archfves of Venice, &c. Edited by Horatio F. Brown. Vol. VIII.
r»TT.vTiAR of entries in the Papal Registers, illustrating the history of
Gre^ Britain and Ireland. Edited byW. H. Bliss, B.O.L. Papal
Letters. Vol.11. 1305-1341.
Palendar op State Papers relating to Ireland or the Reign op Eliza-
beth. iJiiied 62/ E. G. Atkinson.
n -Ti.Tj nv State Papers, Domestic Series, op the Reign op Charles I.
Vol. XXIII. Addenda.
n T-.^T,iu OP State Papers, Domestic Series, op the Reign op Charles II.
^Td^'S % F. H. Blackburne Daniell.
C lendar op State Papers, Domestic Series, op the Reign of William IIL
^ Edited by W. J. Hardy.
r.r^NDAR of State Papers, Colonial Series. Edited by W. Noel
S !Xtov, late an Assistant Record Keeper.
0,...NDAB OP iNQUismoNEsPos^oHTEM, Henry Vn.
, THP PaivY Council OF England, New Series, Vol. X. Edited by
In Progress.
Calendar op Ancient Correspondence preserved in the Public Record
Office. ^
The object of these publications is to make the contents of the Public
Record Office more easily available. In conjunction with the Calendars,
tbcy will, in course of time, form a catalogue of the National ArchiTes, as
explained in the Fifty-first Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Records
(page 10). , '
No. I. Index of Ancient Petitions of the Chancery and the Exchequer.
1892. 9«. 6a.
No. II. List and Index of the Dholaeed Accounts from the Pipe OflBce
and the Audit Office. 1893. Price 15s.
No. III. List of volumes of State Pafers (Great Britain and Ireland),
Part L, A.D. 1547-1760. 1894. Price 6s. 6^.
No. IV. List of Plea Rolls. 1894. Price 7s.
No. V. List and Index of MiNisTEEs' Accounts. Part I, 1894. Price 16s.
In the Press.
No. VI. List and Index; of Coubt Rolls. Part I.
Index of Ohancekt Phooeedings, Series II., A.D. 1558-1579.
In Progress.
Index of Earw Chanoery Proceedinos.
Liat of Ancient Accounts.
List of Enrolled Accounts.
List of Surveys, Rentals, &c.
List of Sheriffs.
List and Index of Ministers' Accounts. Part II.
List and Index of Court Roils. Part II.
[Royal 8vo. Price 10s. each Volume or Part.]
On 25 July 1822, the House of Commons presented an address to the
Crown, stating that the editions of the 'works of our ancient historians
■were inconvenient and defective ; that many of their writings still
remained in manuscript, and, in some oases, in a single copy only. They
added, "that an uniform and convenient edition of the whole, published
" under His Majesty's royal sanction, would be an undertaking honour-
" able to His Majesty's reign, and conducive to the advancement of
" historical and constitutional knowledge ; that the House therefore
" humbly besought His Majesty, that He would be graciously pleased to
" give such directions as His Majesty, in His wisdom, might think fit,
" for the publication of a complete edition of the ancient historians
" of this realm."
The Master of the Rolls, being very desirous that effect should be given
to the resolution of the Blouse of Commons, submitted to Her Majesty's
Treasury in 1857 a plan for the publication of the ancient chronicles and
memorials of the United Kingdom, and it was adopted accordingly.
Of the Chronicles and Memorials, the following volumes have been
published. They embrace the period from the earliest time of British
history down to the end of the reign of Henry VII.
1. The Chkonicle of England, by John Capgeave. Edited ly the Rev.
¥. 0. HiNGESiON, M.A. 1858.
Capgrave's Chronicle extends from the creation of the world to the year 1417. As
a record of the language spoken in Norfolk (being written in Enghsh), it is of considerable
2. Cheonicon Monastekii db Abingdon. Vols. I. and II. Edited ly the
Rev. Joseph Stevenson, M.A., Vicar of Leighton Buzzard. 1858.
This Chronicle ti*aces the history of the monastery from its foundation by Kin^ Ina
of 'Wessei, to the reign of Uichard I. The author had access to the title deeds of the
house, and incorporates into his history various charters of the Saxon kings, of great im-
portance as illustrating not only the history of the locality but that of the kingdom.
3. Lives op Edwaed the Confessoe. I. — La Estoire de Seint Aedward le
Rei. II. — Vita Beati Edvardi Regis et Confessoris. III. — Vita
.fflduuardi Regis qui apud Westmonasterium reqniescit. Edited by
Heney Richards Luaed, M.A., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity
College, Cambridge. 1858.
The first is a poem in Norman French, probably %yrittRn in 1245. The second is an
anonymous poem, written between 1440 and 1450, which is mainly valuable as a specimen of
the latin poetry of the time. The third, also by an anonymous author, was apparently
written between 1066 and 1074.
4. MoNtTMENTA Feanciscana. Vol. I. — Thomas de Ecoleston de Adventu
Fratmm Minorum in Angliam. Adse de Marisoo EpistolEe. Regis-
trum Fratrum Minorum Londoniffi. Edited by J. S. Beewee, M.A.,
Professor of English Litei'ature, King's College, London. Vol. II. —
De Adventu Minorum ; re-edited, with additions. Chronicle of the
G-rey Friars. The ancient English version of the Rule of St. Francis.
Abbreviatio Statutorum, 1461, &c. Edited by Riohaed Howleit,
Barrister-at-Law. 1858, 1882.
The first volume contains original materials for the history of the settlement of the
order of St. Francis in England, the letters of Adam de Marisoo, and other papers. The
second volume contains materials found since the first volume was published.
5. Fasciculi Zizaniorum Magistri Johannis Wyolif c[jmThitico. Ascribed
to Thomas Nettek, of Walden, Provincial of the Carmelite Order
in EnCTland, and Confessor to King Henry the Fifth. Edited hy the
Eev. W. W. Shibley, M.A., Tutor and late Fellow of Wadham
College, Oxford. 1858.
This work gives the only contemporaneous account of the rise of the Lollards.
6. The Buik or the Choniclis of Scotland ; or, A Metrical Version of the
History of Hector Boece; by William Stewakt. Yols. I., II., and
III. Edited by W. B. Turnbull, Barrister-at-Law. 1858.
This is a metrical translation of a Latin Prose Chronicle, written in the first half of the
IGtli centmy. The narrative begins with the earliest legends and ends with the death of
James I. of Scotland, and the " evil ending of the traitors that slew him." The peculiarities
of the Scottish dialect are well illustrated in this version.
7. Johannis Oapgiia\-e Libek de Illustmbds Heneicis. Edited by the
Eev. F. C. Htngeston, M.A. 1868.
The first part relates only to the history of the Empire from the election of Henry I.
the Fowler, to the end of the reign of the Emperor Henry VI. The second part is devoted
to English history, from the accession of Henry I. in 1100, to 144fi, which was the twenty-
fourth year of the reign of Henry YI, The third part contains the lives of illustrious men
who have borne the name of Henry in various parts of the world.
8. HisTOMA MoNASTERii S. Atjgustini Caniitaeiensis, by Thomas of
Elmham, formerly Monk and Treasurer of that Foundation. Edited
by CuAKLES Hardwick, M.A., Fellow of St. Catharine's Hall, and
Christian Advocate in the University of Cambridge. 1858.
This history extends from the arrival of St. Augustine in Kent until 1191.
9. BuLOGiUM (HisTOEiAEUM sivE Temporis) : Chronicon ab Orbc condito
usque ad Annum Domini 1366 ; a monacho quodam Malmesbiriensi
exaratum. Vols. I., II., and III. Edited hy F. S. Haydon, B.A.
This is a Latin Chronicle extending from the Creation to the latter part of the reign of
Edward III., and written by a monk of Malmesbury, about the year 1367. A continuation
carries the history of England down to the year I'llS.
10. Memorials ' or Henry the Seventh : Bernardi Andreae Tholosatis Yita
E-egis Henrici Septimi ; necnon alia qnasdam ad eundera Hegem
spectantia. Edited hy James Gaiednek. 1858. '
The contents of this volume are— (1) a life of Henry VII., hy his poet Laureate and
Iiistoriographer, Bernard Andre, of Toulouse, with yome compositions in verse, of which ho
is supposed to fiave been the author; (2) the journals of li-oger Machado durinj? certain
eiubassies to Spain and Brittany, the lii'st of which had reference to tlie nuu-riage of the
King's son, Ai-thur, with Catharine of Arragon ; (a) two curious reports by envoys sent to
Spain in 1505 touching the succession to the Crown of Castile, and a project of maa-ria^e
between Henry VII. and the Queen of Naples; and (4) an account of Philip of Castile's
reception in England in 150G. Other documents of interest are given in an appendix.
11. Memorials op Henry the Fieth. I. — Yita Henrici Quinti, Eoberto
Kedmanno auctore. II. — Yexsns Khythmici in laudem Regis Henrici
Quinti. III. — Elrabami Liber Metricus de Henrico Y. Edited hy
Charles A. Cole. 1858.
12. Munimenta Gildhall^ Londonienbis ; Liber Albue, Liber Cuetu-
maram, et Liber Horn, in archivis G-ildhallEe asservati. A^'ol. L,
Liber Albus. Yol. II. (in T-wo Parts), Liber Custumarum. Yol. III.,
Translation of the Anglo-ISTorman Passages in Liber Albas, Grlos-
saries, Appendices, and Index. Edited hy Henry Thomas Kiley,
M.A., Barrister-at-Law. 1859-1862.
The Liber Albus, compiled by John Carpenter, Common Clerk of the City of London ia
the year 1419, gives an account of the laws, regulations, and institutions of that City in the
12th, I3th, 14th, and early part of the 15th centuries. The Liber Custumarum was com-
piled in the early part of the 14th century during the reign of Edward II. It also gives an
account of the laws, regulations, and institutions of the City of London in the 12th, 13th,
and early part of the 14th centuries.
13. Chronica Johannis de Oxenedes. Edited hy Sir Henry Ellis, K.H
Although this Chronicle tells of the arrival of Hengist and Horsa, it subst^antially begins
with the reign of King Alfred, and comes down to 1292. It is particularly valuaule foi
notices of events HI the eastern portions of thd Kingdom.
14. A OoUiEciioN OF Political Poems and Songs relating to English
History, prom the Accession of Bdwmid III. to the Reign of
Henry VIII. Yds, I. and II. iJiZiieti 6« Thomas Wuight, M. A. 1859-
15. The " Opus Tjjrtium," " Opus Minus," &c. of Rogeh Bacon. Edited hy
J. S. Brewer, M.A., Professor of English Literature, King's College,
London. 1859.
16. Bartholom^ei de Cotton, Monachi aSToawioENSis, Histotjia Anglicana;
449-1298; necnon ejusdem Liber de Achiepiscopis et Bpiscopis
Anglise. Edited hy Henry Hichards Luard, M.A., Fellow and
Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1859.
17. Brut y Tywysogion ; or. The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales.
Edited hy the Eev. John Williams ab Itiiel, M.A. 1860.
This work, written in the ancient ^Velsh language, begins with the abdication and
death of Caedwala at Rome, in the year 081, and contmnes the history down to the
subjugation of Wales by Edward I., about the year 1282.
18. A Collection of Royal and Historical Letters during the Reign of
Henry IV. 1399-1404. Edited hy the Rev. E. C. Hingesion, M.A., of
Exeter College, Oxford. 18S0.
19. The Repressor of over much Blaming of the Clergy. B/ Reginald
Pecock, sometime Bishop of Chichester. Vols. I. and II. Edited by
the Rev. Churchill Babington, B.D., Fellow of St. John's College,
Cambridge. 1860.
The " Repressor " may be considered the earliest piece of good theological disquisition
of which our English prose literature can boa.st. The author was born about the end of the
foiu-teenth century, conseci-ated Bishop of St. Asaph in the year 1444, and translated to the
see of Chichester 'in 1450. His worlt is interesting chiefly because it gives a full account of
the views of the Lollards, and it has great value for the philologist,
20. Annales Cambria, Edited hy the Rev. John Williams ab Ithel, M.A.
These annals, which are in Latin, commenced in 41,7, and come down to 1288. The
eaj-lier portion appears to be taken front an Irish Chronicle iii-ed l)y Tigiunach, and by the
compiler of the Annals of Ulster.
21. The Works op Giraldus Cambuensis. Vols. I.-IV, Edited by the
Rev. J. S. Brewer, M.A,, Professor of English Literpturo, King's
College, London. Vols. V.-VII. Edited by the Rev. James E.
DiMOCK, M.A., Rector of Barnburgh, Yorkshire. Vol. VIII. Edited
hy G-EORGE P. Warner, M.A., of the Department of MSS,, British
Museum. 1861-1891.
These volumes contain the historical works of Gerald du B.arry, who lived in the reigns
of Henry 11., Richard I., and John. His works are of a very miscellaneous nature, both
in prose and ver.se, and are remarkaljle for the anecdotes which they contain.
The Topographia Hibernica (in Vol, V,) is the result of Uiraldus' two visits to Ireland,
the first in 1183, the second in 1183-(), when he accompanied Prmce John into that country.
The Expitgnatio Hibernica was written about 1183, and may be regarded rather as a great
epic than a sober reliition of acts occurring in his own days. Vol, \L contains the /^me-
rarinm Kambrice et Vescriptio Kambriie ; and Vol, VII., the lives of S, llemigius and
S HuEh Vol, VIII. contains the Treatise De Principum Instructione, and an Index to
Vols. I.-iv. and VIII.
22. Letters and Papers illustrative of the Wars of the English in
France during the Reign of Henry the Sixth, King of England.
Vol. I., and Vol. II. (in Two Parts). Edited by the Rev. Joseph
Stevenson, M.A., Vicar of Leightcn Buzzard. 1861-1864.
23 The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, according to the several Original
AuTHOKiirES. Vol. I., Original Texts. Vol, II,, Translation, Edited
and translated by Ben.tamin Thorpe, Member oi the Royal Academy of
Sciences at Munich, and of the Society of Netherlandish Literature at
Leyden. It61.
There are at present six independent manuscripts of the Saxon Chronicle, ending in
different years, and written in different parts of the country. In this edition, the text of
each manuscript is printed in columns on the same page, so that the student may see at a
glance thevarious changes which occur in orthography.
24. Lettess and Papers illustsative of the Reigns of Riciiaud III. and
Hekry VII. Vols. I. and II. Edited hy James Q-aibdnee. 1861-
The principal contents of the volumes are some diplomatic Papers of Richard III. ;
correspondence between Henry VII. and Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain; documents
relating to Edmund de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk; and a portion of the correspondence of
James IV. of Scotland.
26. Letters of Bishop G-kosseteste. Bdited hy the Eev. Henrt Richailds
LuARD, M.A., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cam-
bridge. 1861.
The letters of Robert Giosseteste range in date from about 1210 to 1253, and relate to
various matters connected not only with the political history of England diu'ing the reign
of Henry III., but with its ecclesiastical condition. They refer especially to the diocese of
Lincoln, of which Grosseteste was bishop.
26. Descriptive Catalogue oe Manuscripts relating to the History op
Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. I. {in Two Parts) ; Anterior to the
Normau Invasion. Vol. II.; 1066-1200. Vol. III. ; 1200-1327. By
Sir Thomas Duefus Hardy, D.O.L., Deputy Keeper of the Eecords.
The object of this work is to pnbhsh notices of all known sources of British history,
both printed and unprinted, in one continued sequence. The materials, when historical (as
distinguished from biographical) , are arranged under the year in which the latest event is
recorded in the chronicle or history, and not under the period in which its author, real or
supposed, Jlourishcd. Biographies are enumerated imdcr the year in which the person
commemorated died, and not under the year in which the life was written. A brief
analysis of each work has been added when deservinp: it, in which original portions are
distinguished from mere compilations. A biographical sketch of the author of each piece
has been added, and a brief notice of such British authors as have written on historical
Henky ni. Vol. I., 1216-1235. Vol. II., 1236-1272. Selected and
edited by the Eev. W. W. Shikley, D.D., Eegius Professor of Ecclesi-
astical History, and Canon of Christ Church, Oxford. 1862-1866.
28. Cheonica Monastebii S. Albaki. — 1. Thoilb Walsingham Hisiobia
AuGUOANA ; Vol. I., 1272-1381 : Vol. II., 1381-1422. 2. Willelmi
Tbokelowb et Henrici de Blanefoede Cheonica et Annales, 1269-1296 ;
1307-1324; 1392-1406. 4. Gesta Abeatum Monastekii S. Albani, a
Thoma Walsinghaii, eegnante Eioardo Secuhdo, ejosdem EccLESia:
PEa;cENTOEE, commlata; Vol. I., 793-1290: Vol. II., 1290-1349:
S. Albani, ui videtdr, Annales ; Vols. I. and II. 6. Eegistea
Vol.1., Eegistrum Abbati^e Johannis Wiiethamstede, Abbatis Monas-
teeii Sancti Albani, iteeum suscEPTiB ; Eobeeto Blakeney, Oapellano,
"Wjllelmi Albon, et Willelmi Walingpoede, Abbatum Monasteeu
Sancti Albani, cum Appendice, continente quasdam Epistolas, a
Thoma Walsingham, quondam Monacho Monastekii S. Albani,
CONSCEIPTUM. Edited hy Heney Thomas Eiley, M.A., Barriater-at-Law.
In the first two volumes is a History of England, from the death of Henry III. to the
death of Henry V., by Thomas Walsingham, Precentor of St. Albans.
In the 3rd volume is a Chronicle of English History, attributed to William Rishanger,
who lived in the reign of Edward I.; an account of transactions attending the award of
the kingdom of Scotland to John Balliol, 1291-1292, also attributed to 'William Rishanger
but on no sutKcient ground : a short Chronicle of English History, 1292 to 1800, by an
unknown hand : a short Chronicle Willelmi Rishanger (jesta Edwardi Primi, Regis Anglia;,
with Annales Reguni Angliie, pi-obably by the same hand : and fragments of three
Chronicles of English Histoi-y, 128.'i to 1307.
In the 4th volume is a Clu'onicle of English History, 1259 to 1296 : Annals of Edward II.,
1307 to 1323. by John de Trokelowe, a monk of St. Albans, and a continuation of Troke-
lowe's Annals, 1323, Vi2i, by Henry de Blaneforde : a full Chronicle of Enghsh History, 13bl2
to 1406 ; and an account of the Benefactors of St. Albans, written in the early part of the
15th century.
The 6th,. 6th, and 7th volumes contain a history of the Abbots of St. Albans, 793 to
1411, mainly compiled by Thomas Walsingham ; with a Continuation.
The Sthand 9th volumes, in continuation of the Annals, contain a Chronicle, probably
by John Amundesha,m, a monk of St. Albans,
The 10th and 11th vohinu's relate especiiiUy to the nets and iirocuodings ol Abbots
Whethiimsterte, Albon, and Wallingtord.
The lath vohnne contains a compendious History of England to the reiffn of Ilcnvy V.,
and o£ Noriuiindy in early times, also by Thomas Walsingham, and dedicated to Henry V.
1213, UNA CUM CoNTiNUATioNE AD ANNUM 1418. Edited by the Rev.
\V. D.Machay, Bodleian Library, Oxford. 1863.
The Chi-onicle of Evesham illustrates the history of that important monastery from
about G90 to 1418. Its chief feature is an autobiograpliy, which inaltes us accpiainted with
the inner daily life of a great abbey. Interspersed are many notices of general, personal,
and local history.
Anglic. Vol. I., 447-871. Vol. II., 872-1066. Edited hy John E. B.
Mayor, M.A., Fellow of Bt. John's College, Cambridge. 1863-1869.
Uichard of Cireneestev's history, in four boolcs, extends from 447 to 106G. It gives
many charters in favour of "V\^estniiuster Abbey, and a very full account of the lives and
miracles of the saints, especially of Edward the Confessor, whose reign occupies the fourth
book. A treatise on the Coronation, by AVilliam of Sudbury, a monk of AVestminster, tills
book ii. c. 3.
31. Tear Books of the Reign of Edwabd the First. Years 20-21, 21-22,
30-31, 32-33, and 33-35 Bdvv. I ; and 11-12 Edw. III. Edited and
translated by Alfred John Horwood, Barrister-at-Law. Years 12-13,
13-14, 14, 14-15, and 15, Edward III. Edited and translated by Luke
Owen Pike, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. 1863-1891.
The " Tear Books " are the earliest of our Law Reports. They contain matter not
only of practical utility to lawyers in the present day, but also illustrative of almost every
branch of history, while for certain philological pm-poses they hold a position absolutely
32. Narratives of the Expulsion of the English from Normandy, 1449-
145Q. Robei'tuB Blondelli de Kednctiono Normaimias : Lo Recouvre-
meut de Normeudie, par Berry, Hdrault du Roy: Conference.s between
the Ambassadors of France and England. Edited by the Rev. Joseph
Stevenson, M.A. 1863.
33. HisTORiA ET Cartulakium Monasierii S. Petri Gloucesikle. Vols. I.,
II.,andIII. Ji'diierfij/ W. H. Hart, F.S.A., Membrecorrespondantde
la Socie'te des Antiquairos de Normandie. 1863-1867.
34. Alexandbi Neckam de Naturis Rerum libri duo; with Neckam's
Poem, De Laudibus Divinj! Sapienti^. Edited by Thomas Wright.
M.A. 1863.
In the Be Katuris Rerum are to be found what may be called the rudiments
of many sciences mixed up with much error and ignorance. Neckani had his own views in
morals and in giving us a ghmpse of them, as well as of his other opinions, he throws much
light upon the mainers, customs, and general tone ol thought prevalent m the twelfth
35 Leecudojis, Woricunnixg, and Sxarcraft of Early England ; being a
Collection of Documents illustrating the History of Science in this
Country before the Norman Conquest. Vols. 1., II., and III. Gol-
lected and edited by the Rev. T. Oswald Cocicayne, M.A. 1864-1866.
36 Annales Monastici. Vol. I. :— Annales de Margan, 1066-1232;
■ Annales de Theokesberia, 1066-1263 ; Annales de Burton, 1004-1263.
Yol II —Annales Monasterii do Wktonia, 519-1277; Annales
Monasterii de Waverleia, 1-1291. Vol. III. :-Annales Prioratus de
Dunstaplia 1-1297. Annales Monasterii de Bermundeseia, 1042-
1432 Vol iv -—Annales Monasterii deOseneia, 1016-1347 ; Chromcou
Tulgo dictum Chronicon 'J'homte Wykes, 1066-1289 ; Annales Prioratus
de Vieornia, 1-1377. Vol. V. :-Index and Glossary. Edited by
Henry Richards Luard, M.A., Fellow and Assistant lutor of Ttnnity
College, and Registrary of the University, Cambridge. 1864-1869.
The present coUeetion embraces chronicles compiled in religious houses in England
during the thbteenth century. These distinct works are ten in number. The extrem.
penod which they embrace ranges from the year 1 to 1432.
37. Magna Vita S. Hugokis Episcopi Lincolniensis. Edited by the Bev.
James P. Dimook., M.A., Rector of Barnburgh, Torkahire. 1864.
This -work is valuable, not only as a biography of a celebrated ecclesiaatic but as the
work of a man, who, from personal knowledge, gives notices of passing events, as well as of
individuals who were then taking active part in public affairs.
38. Ohkonicles and Memorials oe the Reign op Eiohakd the First.
II. : — Epistol^ Cantuaeienses ; the Letters of the Prior and Convent
of Christ Church, Canterbury; 1187 to 1199. JEdited hy the Rev.
William Siubbs, M.A., Vicar of Navestock, Essex, and Lambeth
Librarian. 1864-1865.
The authorship of the Chronicle in Vol. I., hitherto ascribed to Geoffrey Vinesauf, is
now more correctly ascribed to llichao-d, Canon of the Holy Trinity of London.
In letters in Vol, II., written between 1JS7 and 1199, had their origin in a dispute which
arose from the attempts of Baldwin and Hubert, archbishops of Canterbury, to found a
college of secular canons, a project which gave great umbrage to the monks of Canterbury,
39. Reoueil des Croniqdes et anohiennes Istoeies de la Grant Beetaigne
A present nomme BNQLErBRKE, par Jehan de Wadein. Vol. I. Albina
to 688. Vol. IL, 1399-1422. Vol. III., 1422-1431. Edited by William
Haedy,P.S.A. 1864-1879. Vol. IV., 1431-1447. Vol. V., 1447-1471.
Edited hy Sir William Haedt, P.S.A., and Edward L. 0. P. Haedy,
P.S.A. 1884-1891.
40. A Collection op the Chronicles and ancient Histoeies op G-reat
Britain, now called England, by John de Wauein. Vol. I., Albina
to 668. Vol. II., 1399-1422. Vol. III., 1422-1431. (Translations of
the preceding Vols. I., II., and III.) Edited and trcmslated by Sir
William Haedy, P.S.A., and Edward L. C. P. Haedy, E.S.A. 1864-
41. Polycitronicon Ranulphi Higden, with Trevisa's Translation. Vols. I.
and II. Edited by Chdechill Babington, B.D., Senior Fellow of St.
John's College, Cambridge Vols. III.-IX. Edited by the Rev. Joseph
Rawson Lumby, D.D., Norrisiau Professor of Divinity, Vicar of St.
Edward's, Fellow of St. Catharine's CoUes-e, and late Fellow of
Magdalene College, Cambridge. 1865-1886. "
This chronicle begins with the creation, and is brought do\vn to the reign of
Edwai-d III. It enables us to form a very fair estimate of the knowledge of history and
geography which well-informed readers of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries possessed,
for it was then the standard work on general history.
The two Enghsh translations, which are printed with the original Latin, afford in-
teresting illustrations of the gradual change of our langiiage, for one was made in the
fourteenth century, the other in the lifteenth.
42. Le Livere de Reis de Britianie e Lb Liveee de Reis de Bngleierb.
Edited by the Rev. John Glover, M.A., Vicar of Brading, Isle of
Wight, formerly Librarian of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1865.
These two treaties are valuable as careful abstracts of previous historians. Some
various readings are given which are interesting to the philologist as instances of semi-
Saxonised French.
43. Cheonioa Monastekii de Melsa ab anno 1150 usqde ad annum 1406.
Vols. I., II., and III. Edited by Edwajrd Augustus Bond, Assistant
Keeper of Manuscripts, and Egertou Librarian, British Museum.
The Abbey of Meaux was a Cistercian house, and the work of its abbot is a faithful and
often minute record of the estabhshment of a religious community, of its progress in form-
ing an ample revenue, of its struggles to maintain its acquisitions, and of its relations to
the governing institutions of the country.
44. Matte,* Parisiensis Historia Anglorum, sive, ut vulgo dioitur, His-
toria Minor. Vols. I., II., and III. 1067-125S. Edited by Sir
Febdeeiok Madden, K.H., Keeper of the Mantiscript Department
of British Museum . 1866-1869.
45. Liber Monasteeii de Hyda : a Oheoniclb and Chabtulaey of Esdis
Abbey, Winchester, 455-1023. Edited by Edward Edwards. 1866.
The "Book of Hyde" is a compilation from much earlier sources which are usually
indicated with considerable care and precision. In many cases, however, the Hyde
Clu'oniclei- appears to correct, to qualUy, or to amplify the statements, which, in substance,
ho adopts.
V ''^'i®,^'''^tol'ff'"'°<J."i the "Book of Hyde," much information relating to the reign of
14.mg Alfi-ed which is not known to exist elsewhere. The volnme contains some curious
specimens of Anglo-Saxon and mediseval English.
46. Cheonioon Scotokom : a Chronicle os Irish Aitairs, from the earliest
times to 1135 ; and Supplement, containing tlie Events from 1141 to
1150. Edited, with Translation, by William Maunsbll Hennessy,
M.R.I.A. 1866.
47. The Chkoniclb or Pierre db Langtopt, in French Yerse, from the
earliest Period to the Death op Edward I. Vols. I. and II. Edited
hy Thomas Wright, M.A. 1866-1868.
It is probable that HeiTe de Langtoft was a canon of Bridlington, in Yorkshire, and
lived in the reign of Edward I., and during a portion of the reign of Mdward II. This
chronicle is divided into three parts ; in tho Ih-Bt, is an abridgment of Geoffrey of Mon-
mouth's " Historia Britonnm ; " m the second, a history of the Anglo-Saxon and Norman
kings, to the death of Homy III. ; in the third, a history of the reign of Edward 1. The
language is a curious specimen of tho French of Yorkshire..^
48. The War op the G-aedhil with the Gaill, or Tee Invasions of
Ireland bi the Danes and other Norsemen. Edited, with a Trans-
lation, hy the Eev. James Henthorn Todd, D.D., Senior Fellow of
Trinity College, and EegiuB Professor of Hebrew in the Dniversity of
Dublin. 1867.
The work in its present form, in the editor's opinion, is a comparatively modern version
of an ancient original. The story is told after tho manner of the Scandinavian Sagas.
49. Gesta Regis Henrici Secundi Benedicti Abeatis. Chronicle op the
Eeigns op Henry II. and Eichard I., 1169-1192, known under the
name of Benedict op Peterborough. Vols, I. and II. Edited by the
Eev. William Stubbs, M.A., Eegius Professor of Modern History,
Oxford, and Lambeth Librarian. 1867.
50. Munimenta Academica, or, Documents illustrative op Academical
LiPE AND Studies at Oxpoed (in Two Parts). Edited by the Eev.
Henry Anstey, M.A., Vicar of St. Wendron, Cornwall, and lately
Vice-Principal of St. Mary Hall, Oxford. 1868.
51. Chr,onica Magistri Eogeri de Houedene. Vols. I., II., III., and IV.
Edited by the Eev. William Stubbs, M.A., Eegius Professor of Modern
History, and Fellow of Oriel College , Oxford. 1868-1871 .
The earlier portion, extending from 732 to 1148, appears to he a copy of a compilation
made in Northumbria about 1161, to which Hoveden added little. From 1148 to 1169— a
very valuable port-ion of this work — the matter is derived fi-om another source, to which
Hoveden appears to have supplied little. From 1170 to 1192 is the portion which corre-
sponds to some extent with the Chronicle known under the name of Benedict of Peter-
borough (see No. 49) . From 1192 to 1201 may be said to be wholly Hoveden's work.
52. WiLLBLMi Malmesbiriensis Monachi de Gesiis PoNiipioum Anglorum
LiBRi QuiNQUE. Edited by N. B. S. A. Hamilton, of the Department
of Manuscripts, British Museum. 1870.
53 Historic and Municipai Documents op Ireland, prom the Archives
OP THE City op Dublin, &c. 1172-1320. Edited by John T. Gilbert,
F.S.A., Secretary of the Public Eecord Office of Ireland. 1870.
64 The Aotjals op Loch Gt. A Cheoniole op Irish Appaiks, prom 1041 to
1590. Vols. I. and II. Edited, with a Translation, by William
Madnsell Hennessy, M.E.I.A. 1871.
Appendices, Vols. I.-IV. Edited by Sir Travbbs Twiss, Q.C, D.C.L.
This book contains the ancient ordinances and laws relatmg to the navy.
56 Memorials op the Eeign op Henby VI. :— Oppicial Oorbespondence op
* Thomas Bekxnion, Secretary to Henry VI., and Bishop of Bath and
Wells Edited by the Eev. George Williams. B.D., Vicar of Rmg-
wood, "late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. Vols. I. and II.
57. Mattii/Isi Pawsiensis, Moxaciu Sancti ALJiANi, CiiHONiCA Majoka.
Vol. I. The Creation lo A.D. 1066. Vol. II. A.D. 1067 to A.D. 1216.
Vol. HI. A.D. 1216 to A.D. 1239. Vol. iV. A.D. 1240 to A.D. 1247
Vol. V. A.D. 1248 to A.D. 1259. Vol. VI. Additamenta. Vol. VII.
Index. Edited hy ihe Eev. Henry B.iciiakds Luabd, D.D., Fellow of
Trinity College, Eegistrary of the University, and Vicar of Great St.
Mary's, Cambridge. 1872-1884.
58. Mejiobiale Fratkis Walteri de Coventhia. — The Historical Coilec-
TiONS OP Walter op Coventry. Vols. I. and II. Edited by the Rev.
William Stuebs, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History, and
Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. 1872-1873.
The part relating to the first quarter of tile thirteenth century is the most vahiable.
59. The Akglo-Latin Satirical Poets and Epigrammatists of the Twelfth
Century. Vols. I. and II. Collected and edited hy Thomas Wright,
M.A., Corresponding Member of the National Institute of France
(Aoademie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres). 1872.
60. Materials for a History of the Reign of Henry VII., from original
Documents preserved in the Public Record Office. Vols. I. and II.
Edited hy tue Rev. William Campbell, M.A,, one of Her Majesty's
Inspectors of Schools. 1873-1877.
61. Historical Pavers and Letters from the Northern Registers. Edited
by the Eev. James Raine, M.A., Canon of York, and Secretary of the
Surtees Society. 1873.
62. Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense. The Register of Richard de
Kellawe, Loud Palatine and BrsHOP OF Ddruam ; 1311-1316. Vols.
I. -IV. Edited hy Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy, D.C.L., Deputy KcRper
of the Records. '1873-1878.
03. Memorials of Saint Dunsian, Archbishop of Canterbury. Edited by
the Rev. William Stubbs, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History,
and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. 187-1.
64. Ohbonicon Anglic, ab Anno Domini 1328 usque ad Annum 138S,
Auotorb Monacho quodam Sancti Albani. Edited by Edward Maunde
Thompson, Barrister-at-Law, Assistant Keeper of the Manuscripts in
the British Museum. 1874.
65. Thomas Saga Brkibyskups. A Life of Archbishop Thomas Becket,
IN Icelandic. Vols. I. and II. Edited, with English Translation,
Notes, and Glossary by M. Eirikr MagnijSson, M.A., Sub-Librarian of
the University Library, Cambridge. 1875-1884.
66. Radulphi de Coggesuall Chronicon Anglioanum. Edited hy the Rev.
Joseph Stevenson, M.A. 1875.
67. Materials for the History of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canter-
bury. Vols. I.-VI. Edited hy the Eev. James Oraigie Robertson
M.A,, Canon of Canterbury. 1875-1883. Vol. VII. Edited by Joseph
Brigstocke Sheppaud, LL.D. 1885.
The first volume contains the life of that celebrated man, and the miracles after his
death, hy William, a monlt of Canterbury. The seennd, the life by Benedict of Peter-
borough ; John of Salisbury ; Alan of Tewkesbury ; and lidvvarrt Grim. The third, the 1 ifo
by William Fit/Stephen ; and Herbert of Bosham. The foiu-th, anonymous lives Quadri-
logus, &c. The fifth, sixth, and seventh, the Epistles, and known letters.
68. Radulti de Diceto Decani Lundoniensis Opera Hisiorica. The
Historical Works op Master Ralph de Diceto, Dean of London.
Vols. I. and II. Edited hy the Eev. William Stubbs M.A., Regius
Professor of Modern History, and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford
The abbreviatioues Clirouicorum extend to 1147 and the TmaKines Hisioriarmii
69. Boll or the Pbooeedings op ihe Kino's Council in Ireland, tob a
Edited ly the Rev. James Graves, A.B. 1877.
70. Henrici be Bkacton db Legibus ei Consuetudinibus Anglm Libbi
Qtjinque in Varios Tractatus Bistincti. Yols. I.-YI. Edited hy Sir
Travers Twiss, Q.C, D.C.L. 1878-1883.
71. The Historians op the Church of York, and its Abchbishops. Vols.
I.-III. Edited by the Eev. James Raine, M.A., Canon of York,
and Secretary of the Sui-tees Society. 1879-1894.
72. Registrum Malmesbubiense. The Register op Malmesbury Abbey ;
Preserved in the Public Record Office. Vols. I. and ] I. Edited hy
the Rev. J. S. Brewer, M.A., Preacher at the Rolls, and Rector of
Toppesfield ; and Ghables Trice Martin, B. A. 1879-1880.
73. Historical Works op Gervase op Canterbury. Vols. I. and II. Edited
ly the Rev. William Siubbs, D.D. ; Canon Residentiary of St. Paul's,
London ; Regius Professor of Modern History and Fellow of Oriel
College, Oxford; &c. 1879,1880.
74. Henbioi Archidiaconi Huntendunensis Hisioria Anglobum. The
History of the English, by Hbnby, Archdeacon op Huntingdon, from
A.D. 55 to A.D. 1154, in Bight Books. Edited by Thomas Arnold, M.A.
75. The Historical Works op Symeon op Durham. Vols. I. and II.
Edited hy Thomas Arnold, M.A. 1882-1885.
76. Chronicle op the Reigns op Edward I. and Edward II. Vols. I. and
II. Edited by the Eev. William Stubbs, D.D., Canon Residentiary of
St. Paul's, London ; Regius Professor of Modem History, and Fellow
of Oriel College, Oxford, &c. 1882, 1883.
The first volume of these Chronicles contains the Amiales Zondonienses and the
Annales PatiUni: the second I. — Commendatio LamentabiUs in Transitu inagni Beffis
Edwardi. II. — Gesta Edwardi de Carnarvan Aiictore Canonico Bridlingtoniensi .
Ill.—Monachi cujusdam Malmesberiensis Vita Edwardi II. V< .—Vita et Mors
Edwardi II., conseripta a Tlwma de la Moore.
77. Registrum Epistolarum Featris Johannis Peckham, Arohiepiscopi
Cantuareensis. Vols. I.-III. JBi£iic(? 61/ Charles Trice Martin, B. A.,
F.S.A., 1882-1886.
78. Register op S. Osmund. Edited by the Rev. W. H. Rich Jokes, M.A.,
F S.A., Canon of Salisbury, Vicar of Bradford-on-Avon. Vols. I. and
li. ' 1883, 1884.
This Register derives its namo fi'oni containing the statutes, rules, and orders made or
compiled byS. Osmimd, to be observed in the Cathedral and diocese of Sahsbury.
79 Ohaeiuiary op the Abbey op Ramsey. Yols. I.-III. Edited hy
William Henry Hart, F.S.A.. and the Rev. Ponsonby Anneslei
Lyons. 1884-1893.
80 Chartularies op St. Mahy's Abbey, Dublin, with the Register op its
house at Dunbrody, County op Wexford, and Annals op Ireland,
1162-1370 Edited hy John Thomas Gilbert, F.S.A., M.E.I.A. Vols.
I. andlL 1884,1886.
81 Baimeei Hisioria Novorum in Anglia, et opuscula duo de Vita Sancti
Anselmi et quibusdam Mlracuiis ejus. Edited by the Rev. Mabiin
Rule, M.A. 1884.
82 Chronicles op the Reigns op Stephen, Henry II., and Eichard I.
' Yols. I.-IY. Edited by Richard Howlett, Barristor-at-Law. 3884-
Vol I contains Books I.-IV. of the Hisioria Merum Anglicanm of William of Neiv-
burii Vol II. contains Book V. of that work, the continuation of the same to A.D. 1298
und the Draco Normannicus of Etienne de Kouen.
r 85313. *
Vol. III. oniums the Gesta Stephani Regis, the Uhi-onicle of Uicliard of Hexham, the
Jielatio de Standardo of St. Aelred of RieTaulx, the poem of Jordan Pantosme, and the
Chronicle of Richard of Devizes.
Vol. IV. contains the Chronicle of Robert ol Torigui.
83. Chkoniole op the Abbey of Eamset. Edited hy the Bev. Wiiuam
Dunn Maobay, M.A., F.S.A., Sector of Ducklington, Oxen. 1886.
84. Ohkonioa Eosebi de Wendover, sive Fioees Histobiarum. Vols. I.-
ni. Edited hy Henry Gay Hewlett, Keeper of the Eeeords of the
Land Bevenue. 1886-1889.
This edition gives that portion only of Ro^er of Wendover's Chronicle which can he
accounted an original authority.
85. The Letter Books op the Monastery op Christ Church, CANiERBnKY,
Edited by Joseph Bbigsiooke Shbppaeb, LL.D. Vols. I.-III., 1887-
The Letters printed in these volumes were chiefly written between 1296 and 1333.
86. The Metrical Chronicle op Bobert op G-loucester. Edited hy
William Aldis "Wright, M.A., Senior rellow of Trinity College, Cam-
hridge. Parts I. and II., 1887.
The date of the composition of this Chronicle is placed about the year 1300. The
writer appears to have been an eye witness of many events which he describes. The
language in which it is -written was the dialect of Gloucestershire at that time.
87. Chronicle op Bobert op Brunne. Edited by rEEDEBiCK James
Furotvall, M.A., Barrister-at-Law. Parts I. and II. 1887.
Robert of Brunne, or Bourne, co. Lincoln, was a member of the Gilbertine. Order
established at Serapringham. His Chronicle is described by its editor as a work of fiction, a
contribution not to English history, but to the history of English.
88. Icelandic Sagas and other Histoeical DocnMENTS relating to the
Settlements and Descents of the Northmen on the British Isles.
Vol. I. Orkneyinga Saga, and Magnus Saga. Vol. II. Hakonar
Saga, and Magnns Saga. Edited by Gudbrand Vigpusson, M.A.
1887. Vols. III. and IV. Translations of the above by Sir Geobge
Webbe Dasent, D.C.L.
89. The Tripartite Lipe op St. Patrick, with other documents relating
to that Saint. Edited hy Whitley Stokes, LL.D., D.C.L. , Honorary
Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford ; and Corresponding Member of the
Institute of France. Parts I. and II. 1887.
libbi v. ; ET HisTORLE NovELLiB, LiBRi III. Edited by WrLLIAM
Sutbbs, D.D., Bishop of Oxford. Vols. I. and II. 1887-1889.
91. Lestobie des Engles solum Gepprei Gaimar. Edited hy the late Sir
Thomas Duppus Hardy, D.C.L., Deputy Keeper of the Eecords;
continued amd translated by Charles Tbice Mabiin, B,A., F.S.A.
Vols. I. and II. 1888-1889.
92. Chronicle of Hbnby Knighton, Canon of Leicester. Edited by the
Bev. Joseph Bawson Lumby, D.D., Norrisian Professor of Divinity.
Vol. I. 1889.
93. Chronicle op Adam MuEiMniH, with the Ohboniolb op Eobebt of
Avesbury. Edited by Edward Maunde Thompson, LL.D., F.S.A.
Principal Librarian and Secretary of the British Museum. 1889.
94. Chabtulary op the Abbey op St. Thomas the Martyr, Dnsiiir.
Edited hy John Thomas Gilbert, F.S.A., M.I.E.A. 1889.
95. Floees Histoeiaehm. Edited by the Eev. H. E. Luard, D.D., Fellow
of Trinity College and Eegistrary of the University, Cambridge
Vol. I. The creation to a.d. 1066. Vol. II. a.d. 1067-1264. Vol III'
A.D. 1265-1326. 1890.
96. Memorials op St. Edmund's Abbey. Edited ly Thomas Abnold, M.A,,
Fellow of the Royal University of Ireland. Vols. I. and tl. 1890.—
97. Charters and Doctjments, illustrating the History of the Cathedral
AND City of Sarum, 1100-1300 ; forming an Appendix to the Register
of S. Osmund. Selected by the late Rev. W. H. Rich Jones, M.A,,
F.S.A.. and edited hy the Rev. "W. D. Macrat, M.A., F.S.A., Rector
of Dncklington. 1891.
98. Memoranda db Parliamento, 25 Edward I. 1305. Edited by F. W.
Maitland, M.A. 1893.
In, the Press.
Tear Books of the Reign of Edward III. Edited and translated hy Luke
Owen Pike, M.A., Barrister-at-Law.
Ranulp de Glanvill ; Tractatus de legibus et consuetudinibus Anglic,
&c. Edited and translated hy Sir Travers Twiss, Q.C, D.C.L.
Chronicle or Henry Knighton, Canon of Leicester, to the death of
Richard II. Edited hy the Rev. Joseph Rawson Lumby, D.D.
Vol. II.
The Red Book op the Exchequer. Edited hy Hubert Hall, F.S.A., of
the Public Record Office. Parts I., II., and III.
MuMORiALs OP St. Edmund's Abbey. Edited by Thomas Arnold, M.A.
Vol. III.
[In boards or clotli. Volumes not mentioned in this list are out of print.]
RoTULOKUM Oeioinazium in Cukia Soaccarii Aebreviatio. Hen. III.-
Edw. III. Ediled by Heney Plattord. 2 Vols, folio (1805-1810).
12s. 6rf. each.
Edited by the Kev. T. Hartwell Hokne. ITolio (1812), 18s.
Aebreviatio Placitoeum. Kichard I. — Edivard II. Edited by the Eight Hon.
George Rose and W. Illimgworth. 1 Vol. folio (1811), 18s.
LiBRi Censuali.s Tocati Domesday-Book, Indices. Edited by Sir Henry Ellis.
Folio (1816), (Domesday-Book, Vol. 3). 21s.
LiBRi Censualis vocati Domesday-Book, Additamenia ex Codio. Aktiquiss.
Edited Sy Sir Henry Ellis. Folio (1816), (Domesday-Book, Vol. 4). 21s.
Statutes oe the Realm. Edited by Sir T. E. Tomlins, John Raithby, John
Calev and Wm. Elliott. Vols. 10 and 11, folio (1824-1828). Indices,
30s. each.
Valor Ecclesiasticus, temp. Hen. VIII., Auctoritate Eegia institutus. Edited by
John Caley, Esq., and the Rev. Joseph Hunter. Vols. 5 to 6, folio (1825-
1834). 25s. each. The Introduction, separately, 8vo. 2s. 6d.
Fcedera, Conventiones, LiTTERiE, &c. ; Or, Eymer's Fcedera, New Edition, folio.
Srfifed 6^ John Caley and Fred. Holbrooke. Vol. 4, 1377-1383 (1869). 6s.
DucATUs Lancastri^e Calendarium Inquisitioncm post Mortem, &e. Part 3.
Calendar to Pleadings, &c., Hen. VII. — 13 Eliz. Part 4, Calendar to Pleadings,
to end of Eliz. (1827-1834.) Edited by R. J. Harper, John Caley, and
Wm. Minchin. Folio. Part 4 (or Vol. 3), 21s.
Calendars of the Proceedings in Chancery, Eliz. ; with Examples of Pro-
ceedings from Ric. II. Edited by John Bayley. Vol. 3 (1832), folio, 21s.
(1833, 1844). Edited by Thomas Ddeetjs Hardy, Esq. Vol.2, 1224-1227.
Proceedings and Ordinances oe the Privy Council oe England. 10 Ric. II. —
33 Hen, VIII. Edited by Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas. 7 Vols, royal 8vo.
(1834-1837). 14s. each. {Vol . 1 out of print.)
by T. DuFFCs Hardy. 1 Vol. folio (1835), 31s. 6rf. The Introduction,
separately, 8vc. 9s.
BOTULI CuRiiE Regis. Eolls and Records of the Court held before the King's
Justiciars or Justices. 6 Richard I. — 1 John. Edited by Sir Francis Palgeavk
Vol. 2 royal 8vo. (1835). 14.s.
RoTon Noemanki.e in Tueei Lond. ASSERVATI. 1200-1205 ; 1417-1418. Ediled
6^ Thomas Dc FEUS Hardy. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1835). 12s. Ci
EoTULi DE Oelaiis et Finibus in Tcrei Lond. asseevati, temp. Regis Johannis.
Edited by TnoJiAS Duffhs Hardy. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1835). 18s.
1216-1372. Edited by Charles Eobeets. 2 Vols, royal 8vo. (1835 1836) ■
Vol. 1, 14s. Vol. 2, 185. '
Fines, site Pedes !<" initim : srvE Finales Concokdi^ in Curia Domini Regis.
7 Richard I. — 16 John, 1195 — 1214. Edited by the Rev. Joseph Htjntee. In
Counties. 2 Vols, royal 8vo. (1835-1844) ; Vol. 1, 8s. 6d. ; Vol. 2, 2s. 6d.
A;;cient Kalendars and Inventories of the Treasury op His Majesty's
Exchequer ; with Documents illustrating its History. Edited hy Sir Francis
Palgeave. 3 Vols, royal 8vo. (1836). "42s.
Documents mh) Recoeds illustrating the History of Scotland, and Transactions
between Scotland and England ; preserved in the Treasury of Her Majesty's
Exchequer. Edited by Sir Feancis Palgeave. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1837). '
Rotuli Chaetarum in Turri Londinensi ASSERVATI. 1190-1216. Edited bii
Thomas Dupfus Hardy. 1 Vol. folio (1837). 30s.
Report of the Proceedings of the Record Commissioners, 1831-1837 1 Vol
fol. (1837). 8s.
Registeum vulgariter nuncupafum " The Record of Caernarvon," e codice MS.
Ilarleiano, 696,descriptum. JSrfjVed 6i/ Sir Henry Ellis. 1 Vol folio flSSSl'
31s. 6d. ■ ^'
Ancient Laws and Institutes of England ; comprisiug Laws enacted under the
Anglo-Saxon Kings, with Translation of the Saxon ; the Laws called Edward
Confessor's j the Laws of William the Couqueror, and those ascribed tollcnry I. ;
Mouumenta Ecclesiastiea Anglicana, from 7th to 10th century; and Ancient
Latin Version of the Anglo-Saxon Laws. Edited by Benjamin TaORi-E. 1 Vol.
folio, 40s. 2 Vols, royal 8vo., 30s. {Vol. 1 is out of print.)
Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales ; comprising Laws supposed to be
enacted by Howel the Good, modified by Itegulations prior to the Conquest by
Edward I. ; and anomalous Laws, principally of Institutions which continued in
force. With translation. Also, Latin Transcripts, containing Digests of Laws,
principally of the Dimetian Code. Edited by Aneubin Owen. 1 Vol. folio
(1841), 44s. 2 Vols, royal 8vo., 36s.
KoTULi DE Liberate ac de Misis et Pk.estitis, Eegnante Johanne. Edited bij
Thomas Dueeus H.vkdy. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1844). 6s.
The Great Kolls op the Pipe, 2, 3, 4 Hen. II., 1153-1] 58. Edited by the Eev.
Joseph Hunter. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1844). 4s. Hd.
The Great Roll oe the Pipe, 1 Kic. I., 1189-1190. Edited by the Eev. Joseph
Hunter. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1844). 6s.
Documents Illustrative op English History in' the 13tli and 14th centuries, from
the Eecords of the Queen's Remembrancer in the Exchequer. Edited bu
Henry Cole, 1 Vol. fcp. folio (1844). 45s. 6d.
Modus Tenendi Parliamentum. An Ancient Treatise on the Mode of holding the
Parliament in England. Edited by Thomas Dueeus Hardy. 1 Vol. 8vo.
(1846). 2s. iid.
Registkum Magni Sigilli Eeo. Scot, in Archivis Publicis asservatum. Vol. 1,
1306-1424. {For continuation seep. 33.) Edited by Thomas 'Thomson.
I'olio (1814). 10s. 6rf.
Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland. Folio (1814-1875). Edited by Thomas
Thomson and Cosmo Intjes. Vol. 1, 42s. Vols. 5 and 6 (in three Parts), 21s.
each Part; Vols. 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, 10s. 6d. each; Vol. 12 (Index), 03s. Or,
12 Volumes in 13, 12/. 12s.
Acts of the Lords Auditors of Causes and Complaints (Acta Dominorum
AuDiTOBUM). 1466-1494. £rfi7e(i 6y Thomas Thomson, Eol. 0339). 10s. 6rf.
Acts of the Lords of Council in Civil Causes (Acta Dominorum Concilii).
1478-1495. Edited by Thomas Thomson. Folio (1839). 10s. Gd.
Issue Eoll of Thomas de Brantingham, Bishop of Exeter, Lord High Treasurer,
containing Payments out of the Eevenue, 44 Edw. III., 1370. Edited by
Frederick Devon. 1 Vol. royal 8vo,, 25,«.
Issues of the Exchequer, James I. ; from the Pell Eecords. Edited by
Frederick Devon, Esq, 1 Vol. 4to. (1836), 30s. Or, royal 8vo,, 21s.
Issues of the Exchequer, Henry III. — Henry VI, ; from the Pell Eecords. Edited
by Frederick Devon. 1 Vol. royal 8vo., 30s.
Handbook to the Public Eecords, By F. S. Thom,vs, Secretary of the Public
Record Office. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1853). 12s.
Historical Notes KELATn-E to the History of England. Henry VIII.— Anne
(1509-1714). A Book of EeCerence for ascertaining the Dates of Events. By
F. S. Thomas. 3 Vols. Svo. (1856), 40s,
State Papers, during the Reign of Henry the Eighth : with Indices of Persons
and Places, 11 Vols, 4to. (1830-1852), 10s. 6d. each.
Vol. I. — Domestic Correspondence.
Vols. II. & III.— Correspondence relating to Ireland.
Vols! IV. & V. — Correspondence relating to Scotland.
Vols! VI. to XI. — Correspondence between England and Iforeign Courts,
The ATHANASiAtf Creed in connexion with the Utrecht Psai,ter ; being a
Report to the Eight Honourable Lord EomiUy, Master of the Rolls, on a Manu-
script in the University of Utrecht, by Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy, D.C.L., Deputy
Keeper of the Public Records. 1872. 4to. 44 pp. 2 fac-similes half bound.
Price 20s,
Further Report on the Utrecht Ps.llter ; in answer to the Eight Reports made
to the Trustees of the British Museum, and edited by the Dean of Westminster.
By Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy, D.CL,, Deputy Keeper of the Public Eecords,
1874. 4to. 80 pp. half bound. Frice 10s.
Domesday Book, or the G-keatSitevey op England or William the Conquerok,
1086 ; fao-simile of the Part relating to each county, separately (with a
few exceptions of double counties). Photozincographed at the
Ordinance Survey Office, Southampton, by Colonel Sir Henky James,
E.E., F.R.S., &o., Dikector-Genekal of the Ordnance Survey, under
the Superintendence of W. Basevi Sanders, an Assistant Record
Keeper. 35 Parts, imperial quarto and demy quarto (1861-1863),
Domesday Survey is in two parts or volumes. The first in folio, con-
tains the counties of Bedford, Berks, Bucks, Cambridge, Chester, and
Lancaster, Cornwall, Derby, Devon, Dorset, Gloucester, Hants, Hereford,
Herts, Huntiug-dou, Kent, Leicester and Rutland, Lincoln, Middlesex,
Northampton, Nottingham, Oxford, Salop, Somerset, Stafford, Surrey,
Sussex, Warwick, Wilts, Worcester, and York. The second volume, in
quarto, contains the counties of Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk.
Domesday Book was printed verbatim et literatim during the last century,
in consequence of an address of the House of Lords to King George III,
in 1?67. It was not, however, commenced until 1773, and was completed
early in 1783. In 1860, Her Majesty's Government with the concurrence
of the Master of the Rolls, determined to apply the art of photozincography
to the production of a fac-simile of Domesday Book.
In Great Domesday Book.
Brought forward
s. d.
17 0
Nottinghamshire -
8 0
10 0
Cheshire and Lancashire -
Cornwall - - -
Rutlandshire (bound with
8 0
8 0
Surrey - - -
Sussex - - -
Worcestershire -
8 0
10 0
8 0
Huntingdonshire -
8 0
10 0
8 0
10 0
8 0
1 0
Lancashire (see Cheshire
and Lancashire)
In Little Domesday Book.
Leicestershire and Rut-
Norfolk -
3 0
Suffolk -
2 0
Total -
16 0
Carried forward
3 0
Tag-similes op National Manuscripts, from "William the Conquerob to
Queen Anne, selected under the direction of the Master of the Rolls
and Photozincographed, by Command of Her Majesty, by Colonel
Sir Henry James, R.B., F.R.S., Director-G-eneral of the Ordnance
SuRVDT, and edited by W. Basevi Sanders, an Assistant Record
Keeper. Price, each Part, with translations and notes, double
foolbcap folio, 16s.
Part I. ("William the Conqueror to Henry VII.). 1865. {Out of
Piivt II. (Henry VII. and Edward VI,). 1866,
Part III, (Mary and Blizaboth). 1807.
Port IV. (James I. to Anne). 1868.
The first Part extends from William the Conqueror to Henry VII., and
contains autographs of the kings of England, as well as of many other
illustrious personages famous in history, and some interesting charters,
letters patent, and state papers. The second Part for the reigns of
Henry VIII. and Edward VI., consists principally of holograph letters,
and autographs of kings, princes, statesmen, and other persons of great
historical interest, -who lived during those reigns. The third Part contains
similar documents for the reigns of Mary and Elizabeth, including a
signed bill of Lady Jane Grey. The fourth Part concludes the series,
and comprises a number of documents taken from the originals belonging
to the Constable of the Tower of London ; also several records illustrative
of the Gunpowder Plot, and a woodcut containing portraits of Mary Queen
of Soots and James VI., circulated by their adherents in England, 1580-3.
Fac-simiies of Anglo-Saxon Makusokipts. Photozinoographed, by Com-
mand of Her Majesty, upon the recommendation of the Master of the
Rolls, by the Dikectok-G-enekai of the Oednance StmvEY, Lieut-General
J. Camekon, R.E., C.B., F.B.S., and edited by W. Basevi Sabdees, aii
Assistant Record Keeper. Part I. Price 21. 10s.
The Anglo-Saxon MSS. represented in this volume from the earlier por-
tions of the collection of archives belonging to the Bean and Chapter of
Canterbury, and consist of a series of 25 charters, deeds, and wills, com-
mencing with a record of proceedings at the first Synodal Council of
Clovestho in 742, and terminating with the first part of a tripartite
chirograph of the sixth year of the reign of Edward the Confessor.
Fac-similbs op Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts. Photozinoographed, by Com-
mand of Her Majesty, upon the recommendation of the Master of the
Rolls.by the DmECToa-GENEKAL of the Ordnance STjKVEr,Major-General
A. OooKE, E.B., C.B., and collected and edited by W. Basevi Sandeks,
an Assistant Record Keeper. Part II. Friee 31. 10s.
(Also, separately. Edward the Confessor's Charter. Price 2b.)
The originals of the Fac-similes contained in this volume belong to the
Deans and Chapters of Westminster, Exeter, Wells, Winchester, and
Worcester; the Marquis of Bath, the Earl of Ilchester, Winchester
College, Her Majesty's Public Record Office, Bodleian Library, Somerset-
shire Archaeological and National History Society's Museum in Taunton
Castle, and William Salt Library at Stafford. They consist of charters
and other documents granted by, or during the reigns of, Baldred,
.Slthelred, Offa, and Bm-gred, Kings of Mercia ; Uhtred of the Huiccas,
Ceadwalla and Ini of Wessex ; .ffithelwulf, Eadward the Elder, JJthelstan,
Eadmund the Eirst, Eadred, Eadwig, Eadgar, Eadward the Second,
^thelred the Second, Cunt, Eadward the Confessor, and William the
Conqueror, embracing altogether a period of nearly four hundred years.
Fac-similes op Anglo-Saxon Manusckipis. Photozincographed, by Com-
mand of Her Majesty, upon the recommendation of the Master of the
■Rolls bvtheDmECTOii-GENEiiALoftheORDNAKGE Survey, Colonel E. H.
Stoth'eed E-E., C.B., and collected and edited by W. Basevi Sanders,
an Assistant Keeper of Her Majesty's Eeoords. Part III. Prtce 61. 6s.
This volume contains fac-similes of the Ashburnham collection of
Ano-lo-Saxon Charters, &c., including King Alfred's Will. The MSS.
renresented in it, range from A.D. 697 to A.D. 11 61, being charters, wills,
deeds and reports of Synodal transactions during the reigns of Kings
Wihtred of Kent, Offa, Eardwulf, Coenwulf, Cuthred, Beornwulf,
;ii'tbelwnU jElfred, Eadward the Elder, Eadmund, Eadred, Queen
^deifu and Kings Eadgar, iEthelred the Second, Cnut, Henry the Eirst,
and Hcirythe Second. In addition to these are two belonging to the
Marouis of Anglesey, one of them being the Foundation Chart er ot Burton
Abbi'y by ..Ethelred the Second with the testament of its great ben«,
factor Wulfric.
Puhlic liecord Offi.ce.
October 1894.
First Report, with Appendix -
Contents : —
England. House of Lords ; Cambridge
Colleges ; Abingdon and other Cor-
porations, &c.
Scotland. Advocates' Library, Glas-
gow Corporation, &o.
Ireland. Dublin, Cork, and other Cor-
porations, &c.
Second Eeport, with Appendix and
Index to the First and Second Ee-
FORTS - - - . -
Contents : —
England. House of Lords ; Cam-
bridge Colleges ; Oxford Colleges ;
Monastery of Dominican Friars at
Woodchester, Duke of Bedford,
Earl Spencer, &c.
Scotland. Aberdeen and St. An-
drew's Universities, &c.
Ireland. Marquis of Ormonde ;
Dr. Lyons, &o.
Third Eepokt, with Appendix and
Index . - - . _
Conteots : —
England. House of Lords ; Cam-
bridge Colleges i Stonyhui'st Col-
lege ; Bridgewater and other Cor-
porations; Duke of Northumber-
land, Marquis of Lansdowne, Mar-
quis of Eath, &c.
Scotland. University of Glasgow ;
Duke of Montrose, &c.
Ireland. Marquis of Ormonde;
Black Book of Limerick, &c.
Fourth Report, with Appendix.
Part I. -
Contents -
England. House of Lords ; West-
minster Abbey ; Cambridge and
Oxford Colleges ; Cinque Ports,
Hythe, and other Corporations,
Marquis of Bath, Earl of Denbigh,
Scotland. Duke of Argyll, &c.
Ireland. Trinity College, Dublin;
Marquis of Ormonde.
[C. 55]
s. d.
1 6
[C. 441]
3 10
[C. 673]
[Is be-
ing re-
[0. 857]
6 8
Fifth Repokt, with Appendix. Paux I. -
Coutents : —
England. House of Lords ; Oxford'
aud Cambridge CoUegesj Dean and
Chapter of Canterbury ; Rj'e, Lydd,
aud other Corporatious, Duke of
Sutherland, Marquis of Lansdowne,
Reginald Cholmoudeley, Esq., &c.
Scotland. Earl of Aberdeen, &c.
Ditto. Part II. Index - - -
Sixth Report, with Appendix. Part I. -
Contents : —
England. House of Lords ; Oxford
aud Cambridge Colleges ; Lambeth
Palace ; Black Book of the Arch-
deacon of Canterbury ; Bridport,
Wallingford, and other Corporatious ;
Lord Leconfield, Sir Reginald Graham,
Sir Henry Ingilby, &c.
Scotland. Duke of Argyll, Earl of
Moray, &c.
Ireland. Marquis of Ormonde.
Ditto. Part II. Index (Reprinted 1893)
Seventh Report, with Appendix.
Part I. -
Contents : —
House of Lords ; County of Somerset ;
Earl of Egmont, Sir Frederick
Graham, Sir Harry Vcrncy, &c.
Ditto. P^vrt II. Appendix and Index •
Contents: —
Duke of Athole, Marquis of Ormonde,
S. E. Livingstone, Esq., &c.
Eighth Report, with Appendix and
Index. Part I. " " "
Contents: —
ListofcoUections examined ,1869-1880.
England. House of Lords ;
Duke of Marlborough ; Magdalen
College, Oxford ; Royal College
of Physicians; Queen Anne's
Bounty Office; Corporations of
• Chester, Leicester, &c.
Ireland. Marquis of Ormonde, Lord
Emly, The O'Conor Don, Trinity
College, Dublin, &c.
DiiTO. Part II. Appendix and Index -
Contents: —
Duke of Manchester,
Ditto. Part III. Appendix and Index
Contents: —
Earlof Ashburnham.
[C. 1432
s. d.
2 6
7 0
3 6
8 6
[C. 2340
1 10
[Is be-
ing re-
[Is be-
ing re-
8 6
[C. 3040
1 9
1 4
Ninth Eepokt, -witii Appendix and
Index. Part I. -
Contents: —
St. Paul's and Canterbury Cathedrals ;
Eton College; Carlisle, Yarmouth,
Canterbury, and BarnstapleCorporu-
tions, &c.
DiTfo. Paet II. Appendix and Index -
Contents : —
Kngland. House of Lords, Earl of
Leicester ; C. Pole Cell, Alfred Mor-
rison, Esqs., &c.
Scotland. Lord Elphinstone, H. C.
Maxwell Stuart, Esq., &c.
Ireland. Duke of Leinster, Marquis
of Drogbeda, &o.
Ditto. Part III. Appendix and
Index - - - - -
Contents: —
Mrs. Stopford Sackville.
Calendar of the Manuscripts of the
Marquis op Salisbury, K.G. (or Cecil
MSS.). Part I. -
Ditto. Part II.
Ditto. Part III
Ditto. Part IV.
Ditto. Part V.
Tenth Eeport
This is introductory to the following : —
(1.) Appendix and Index - - -
Earl of Eglinton, Sir J. S. Max-
well, Bart., and C. S. H. D. Moray,
C. F. Weston Underwood, G. W.
Digby, Esqs.
(2.) Appendix and Index
The Family of Gawdy.
(3.) Appendix and Index - - -
Wells Cathedral.
(4.) Appendix and Index
Earl of Westmorland ; Capt. Stewart ;
Lord Stafford ; Sir N. W, Throck-
morton ; Sir P. T. Mainwaring,
Lord Muncaster, M.P., Capt. J. F.
Bagot, Earl of Kilmorey, Earl of
Powis, and others, the Corporations
of Kendal, Wenlock, Bridgnorth,
Eye, Plymouth, and the County of
Essex ; and Stonyhurst College.
(5.) Appendix and Index - - .
The Marquis of Ormonde, Earl of
Eingall, Corporations of Galway,
Waterforil, the Sees of Dublin and
Ossory, the Jesuits in Ireland,
[C. 3773
s. d,
[Is le-
ing rC'
6 3
[C. 3773
[C. 5889
[C. 4576
1 7
[Is be-
ing re-
3 5
2 1
2 11
2 6
0 31
[Is be-
ing re-
1 4
2 0
3 6
[4576 i.]
[Is be-
ing re-
(6.) Appendix and Index
Marquis of Abergavenny, Lord Braye,
G. F. Luttrell, P. P. Bouverie,
W. Bromley Davenport, R. T.
Balfour, Esquires.
Eleventh Repokt - - - -
Tliis is introductory to the following:—
(1.) Appendix and Index
H. D. Skrine, Esq., Salvetti Corre-
(2.) Appendix and Index - - -
House of Lords. 1678-1688.
(3.) Appendix and Index -
Corporations of Southampton and
(4.) Appendix and Index -
Marquess Townshend.
(5.) Appendix and Index - - -
Earl of Dartmouth.
(6.) Appendix and Index - - -
Duke of Hamilton.
(7.) Appendix ant) Index -
Duke of Leeds, Marchioness of
Waterford, Lord Hothfield, &c. ;
Bridgwater Trust Office, Beading
Corporation, Inner Temple Library.
Twelfth Report _ - - -
This is introductory to the following: —
(1.) Appendix . - - -
Earl Cowper, K.G. (Coke MSS., at
Melbourne Hall, Derby). Vol. 1.
(2.) Appendix - - - -
Ditto. Vol. 11.
(3.) Appendix and Index - - -
Ditto. Vol. HI.
(4.) Appendix
The Duke of Rutland, G.CB.
(5.) Appendix and Index - - -
Ditto. Vol. II.
(6.) Appendix and Index - - -
House of Lords, 1689-1690.
(7.) Appendix and Index - - -
S. II. le Fleming, Esq., of Rydal.
(8 ) Appendix and Index - - -
The Duke of Athole, K.T., and the
Earl of Home.
(9 ) Appendix and Index -
The Duke of Beaufort, K.G., the Earl
of Donoughmore, J. H. Gurney, M'.
W. B. Hultoa, R. W. Kettou, G. A.
Aitken, P. V. Smith, Esqs. ; Bishop
of Ely ; Cathedrals of Ely, Glouces-
ter, Lincoln, and Peterborough ;
Corporations of Gloucester, Highani,
Ferrers, and Newark ; Southwell
Minster j Lincoln District Registry.
Vol. I.
[C. 5060
[C. 5060
I i"-]
I iv.]
[C. 5060
i ""^
s. d.
1 7
0 3
1 1
2 0
1 8
2 6
2 8
1 6
2 0
[C. 5889
[C. 5889
[C. 5889
[C. 5889
[C. 6338
2 6
s. d.
(10.) Appendix - - . -
The First Earl of Charlemout. Vol.1.
[C. 6338
1 11
This is introductory to the following : —
0 3
(1.) Appekdix - . _ -
The Duke of Portland. Vol.1.
3 0
(2.) Appendix and Index,
Ditto. Vol. II. - - -
fC. 6827
2 0
(3.) Appendix.
J. B. Fortescue, Esq., of Dropmore.
Vol.1. - . - -
2 7
(4.) Appendix and Index
Corporations of Rje, Hastings, and
Hereford. Capt. F. C. Loder-
Symonds, E. K. VVodehouse, M.P.,
J. Dovaston, Esqs., Sir T. B. Len-
nard, Bart., Rev. W.D. Macray, and
Earl of Dartmouth (Supplementary
2 4
(5.) Appendix and Index.
Ilousecf Lords, 1690-1691 -
2 4
(6.) Appendix and Index.
Sir \V. Eitzherbert, Bart. The Delaval
Family, of Seatou Delaval ; The Earl
of Aneaster ; and General Lyttelton-
1 4
(7.) Appendix and Index.
The Earl of Lonsdale
1 3
(8.) Appendix and Index.
The First Earl of Charleinont. Vol. 11.
This will be introductory to the following : —
(1.) Appendix and Index.
The Duke of Rutland, G.C.B. Vol. III.
In the
1 11
(2.) .Appendix.
The Duke of Portland. Vol. III. -
2 8
(3.) Appendix and Index.
The Duke of Roxburghe ; Sir H. H.
Campbell, Bart.; The Earl of
Strathmore ; and the Countess
Dowager of Seaiield,
1 2
(4.) Appendix and Index.
Lord Kenyon - - - .
2 10
(5.) Appendix.
J. B. Fortescue, Esq., of Dropmore.
Vol. II.
In the
(6.) House of Loeds, 1692, &c. -
In the Press.
(7.) Appendix.
Tte Marquess of Ormonde
In the Press.
Stationery Office,
November 1894.
Chief Contents.
Proceedings - - - -
Proceedings - _ . -
Calendar of Crown Leases, 33-38 Hen.
VIII. — Calendar of Bills and Answers,
&c. , Hen. VIII.-Ph. & Mary, for Cheshire
and Flintshire. — List of Lords High
Treasurers and Chief Commissioners of
the Treasury, from Hen. VII.
List of Plans annexed to Inclosure Awards,
31 Geo. II.-7 Will. IV.— Calendar of
Privy Seals, &c., for Cheshire and
Flintshire, Hen. VI.-Eliz.— Calendar of
Writs of General Livery, &e., for
Cheshire, Eliz.-Charles I. — Calendar
of Deeds, &c., on the Chester Plea
Rolls, Hen. III. and Edw. I.
List of Awards of Inclosure Commis-
sioners.— References to Charters in the
Cartas Antiquse and the ConBrmation
Rolls of Chancery, Ethelbert of Kent-
James I. — Calendar of Deeds, fiC, on
the Chester Plea Rolls, Edw. II.
Calendar of Fines, Cheshire and Flint-
shire, Edw. I. — Calendar of Deeds, &c.,
on the Chester Plea Rolls, Edw. III.
Table of Law Terms, from the Nor-
man Conquest to 1 Will IV.
Calendar of Royal Charters. — Calendar
of Deeds, &c., on the Chester Plea
Rolls Richard II.-Henry ^'II.— Durham
Records, Letter and Report.
Duchy of Lancaster Records, Inventory.
— Durham Records, Inventory. — Calen-
dar of Deeds, &c. on the Chester Plea
Rolls, Hen. VIII.— Calendar of Decrees
of Court of General Surveyors, 34-38
Hen. VIIL— Calendar of Royal Charters.
—State Paper OiEoe, Calendar of Docu-
ments relating to the History of, to
1800. — Tower of London. Index to
Documents in custody of the Constable
of.— Calendar of Dockets, &c., for
Privy Seals, 1634-1711.— Report of the
Commissioners on Carte Papers.—
Venetian Ciphers.
C. 2970
C. 3142
C. 3318
C. 3492
s. d.
0 4
0 7
C. 37i;
C. 3339
C. 4012
C. 4165
1 6
0 lOi
0 9
3 0
Chief Contents.
Duchy of Lancaster Eecords, Calendar of
Soyal Charters. — Durham Kecords,
Calendar of Chancery Enrolments ;
Cursitors' Records. — List of Officers of
Palatinate of Chester, in Cheshire and
Flintshire, and North Wales. — List
of Sheriffs of England, 31 Hen. I. to
4 Edw. III.
Part L — Report of the Commissioners on
Carte Papers. — Calendarium Genea-
logicum, 1 & 2 Edw. II.— Durham
Eecords, Calendar of Cursitor's Records,
Chancery Enrolments. — Duchy of Lan-
caster Records, Calendar of Rolls of the
Chancery of the County Palatine.
Part II. — Charities; Calendar of Trust
Deeds enrolled on the Close Rolls of
Chancery, subsequent to 9 Geo. II.
Duchy of Lancaster Eecords, Calendar of
Rolls of the Chancery of the County
Palatine. — Durham Records, Calendar
of the Cursitor's Records, Chancery
Enrolments. — Report on the Shaftes-
bury Papers. — Venetian Transcripts. —
Greek copies of the Athanasian Creed.
Durham Eecords, Calendar of the
Cursitors' Eecords, Chancery Enrol-
ments.— Supplementary Report on the
Shaftesbury Papers.
Duchy of Lancaster Records, Calendar of
Ancient Charters or Grants. — Palatinate
of Lancaster; Inventory and Lists of
Documents transferred to the Public
Record Office. — Durham Records,
Calendar of Cursitors' Records, Chan-
cery Enrolments. — Second Supplemen-
tary Report on the Shaftesbury Papers.
Durham Records, Calendar of the Cursi-
tor's Records, Chancery Enrolments. —
Duchyof Lancaster Records ; Calendar
of Ancient Charters or Grants. — Report
upon Documents in French Ai'chiTCs
relating to British History. — Calendar
of Recognizance Rolls of the Palatinate
of Chester, to end of reign of Hen. IV.
Fart I. — Durham Records, Calendar of
the Cursitor's Eecords, Chancery Enrol-
ments.— Duchy of Lancaster Records,
Calendar of Ancient RoUs of the Chan-
cery of the County Palatme. — List of
French Ambassadors, &c., in England,
[C. 187]
[C. 374]
[C. 374
[C. 620]
[C. 728]
[C. 1043]
[C. 1301]
[C. 1544]
s. d.
lOut of
2 2
5 6
1 10
1 9
1 6
4 4
1 2
Chief Contents.
Part II. — Calendar of Recognizance Rolls
of the Palatinate of Chester; Hen. V.-
Hen. VII.
Exchequer Records, Catalogue of Special
Commissions, 1 Eliz.to 10 Vict., Calen-
dar of Depositions taken by Commiosion,
I Eliz. to end of James I. — List of Rep-
resentative Peers for Scotland and
Calendar of Recognizance Rolls of the
Palatinate of Chester, 1 Hen. VIII.-
II Geo. IV. — Exchequer Records,
Calendar of Depositions taken by Com-
mission, Charles I. — Duchy of Lancaster
Records ; Calendar of Lancashire I nqui-
sitions post Mortem, & c. — Third Supple-
mentary Report on the Shaftesbury
Papers. — List of Despatches of French
Ambassadors to England, 1509-1714.
Calendar of Depositions taken by Com-
mission, Commonwealth-James II. —
Miscellaneous Records of Queen's
Remembrancer in the Exchequer. —
Durham Records, Calendar of the
Cursitor's Records, Chancery Enrol-
ments.— Calendar of Duchy of Lancas-
ter Patent Rolls, 5 Ric. II.-2 1 Hen. VII.
Calendar of Depositions taken by Com-
mission, William and Mary to George I.
— Calendar of Norman Rolls, Hen. V.,
Part I. — List of Calendars, Indexes,
&c. in the Public Record Office on 31st
December 1879.
Calendar of Depositions taken by Com-
mission, George II. — Calendar of Nor-
man RoUs, Hen. V., Part II. and Glos-
sary.— Calendar of Patent Rolls, lEdw.I.
Transcripts from Paris.
Calendar of Privy Seals,&c., 1-7 Charles I.
— Duchy of Lanca-iter Records, Inven-
tory of Court RoUs, Hen. III.-Geo. IV.,
Calendar of Privy Seals, Ric. II.—
Calendar of Patent Rolls, 2 Edw. I.—
Fourth Supplementary Report on the
Shaftesbury Papers. — Transcripts from
Paris. — Report on Libraries in Sweden.
— Report on Papers relating to English
History in the State Archives, Stock-
holm.— Report on Canadian Archives.
Calendar of Patent Rolls, 3 Edw. I.—
Durham Records, Cursitors' Records,
Inquisitions post Mortem, &c. — Calen-
dar of French Rolls, 1-10 Hen. V.
Beport from Venice. — Transcripts
from Paris. — Report from Rome.
[C. 1544
[C. 1747]
[C. 2123]
[C. 2377]
s. d.
4 4
4 3
3 0
[C. 2658]
[C. 2972]
[C. 3425]
4 8
4 0
3 ID
[0. 3771]
3 6
Chief Contents.
Duchy of Lancaster Records, Inventory of
Ministers' and Receivers' Accounts,
Edw. I.-Geo. III. — Durham Records,
Cursitors' Records, Inquisitions post
Mortem, &c. — Calendar of Diplomatic
Documents. — Transcripts from Paris. —
Reports from Rome and Stockholm. —
Report on Archives of Denmark, &c. —
Transcripts from Venice. — Calendar of
Patent Rolls, 4 Edw. I.
Presentations to Offices on the Patent
Rolls, Charles II. — Transcripts from
Paris. Reports from Rome. — Second
Report on Archives of Denmark, &c. —
Calendar of Patent Rolls, 5 Edw. I.—
Catalogue of Venetian Manuscripts
bequeathed by Mr. Rawdon Brown
to the Public Record Office.
Transcripts from Paris. — Third Report
on Archives of Denmark, &c. — List
of Creations of Peers and Baronets,
148.1-1646.— Calendar of Patent Rolls,
6 Edw. I.
Calendar of Patent Rolls, 7 Edw. I. —
Calendar of French Rolls, Henry VI.
— Calendar of Privy Seals, &c., 8-11
Charles I. — Calendar of Diplomatic
Documents. — Schedules of Valueless
Calendar of Patent Rolls, 8 Edw. I. —
Index to Leases and Pensions (Aug-
mentation Office). — Calendar of Star
Chamber Proceedings.
Calendar of Patent Rolls, 9 Edw. I.
Proceedings . . . _
Proceedings - . - .
Proceedings - , . - '
Proceedings - -
Proceedings - - . _
Indexes to Printed Reports, viz.: —
Reports 1-22 (1840-1861)
23-39 (1862-1878) -
[C. 4425]
[C. 4746]
[C. 4888]
[C. 5234]
[C. 5596]
s. d.
4 3
2 10
3 0
3 3
Public Record Office,
November 1894.
[0th Kii Works relating to Scotlakd win be found amons the Publi-
cations OP THE Record Commissioners, see pp. 21-22.]
1. Chronicles of the Picts and Scots, and other early Memorials of
Scottish History. Eoyal 8vo., lialf bound (1867). Hdited by W am am
F. Skene, LL.D. {Out of print.)
2. Ledger of Andrew Haltburton, Conservator of the Privileges of
the Scotch Nation in the Netherlands (1492-1503) ; together with
THE Books of Customs and Valuation of Merchandises in Scotland,
Edited hy Cosmo Innes. Royal Svo., half bound (1867). Price 10s.
3. Documents illustraiivt; of the History op Scotland from the Death
of King Alexander the Third to the Accession of Robert Bruce,
from original and authentic copies in London, Paris, Brussels, Lille,
and G-hent. In 2 Vols, royal 8vo., half bound (1870). Edited hy the
Kev. Joseph Stevenson. {Out of print.)
4. Accounts of the Lord High Treasurer of Scotland. Vol. 1., A.D.
1473-1498. Edited hy Thomas Dickson. 1877. Price 10s.
5 Register op the Privy Council of Scotland. Edited and arranged hy
J. H. Burton, LL.D. Vol. I., 1545-1569. Vol. II , 1569-1578.
Vol. III., A.D. 1578-1585. Vol. IV., A.D. 1.585-1-592. Vol. V., 1592-
1599. Vol. VL, 1599-1604. Vol. VII., 16U4-1607. Vol. VIII., 1607-
1610. Vol. IX., 1610-1613. Vol. X., 1613-1616. Vol. XL, 1616-1619.
Vol. XII., Vol. XIII. (In the press.) Edited hy David Masson, LL.D.,
1877-1887. Price 15s. each.
6 Rotuli Scaccarii Begum Scotobum. The Exchequer Roils op
Scotland. Vol. I., A.D. 1264-1359. Vol. II., A.D. 1359-1379.
Edited hy John Stuart, LL.D., and George Burnett, Lyon King of
Arms 1878-1880. Vol. III., A.D. 1379-1406. Vol. IV., A.D. 1406-
1436 Vol. v., A.D. 1437-1454. Vol. VL, 1455-1460. Vol. VIL,
1460-1469. Vol. VIII., A.D. 1470-1479. ^'ol. IX., 1480-1487,
Addenda, 1437-1487. Vol. X., 1488-1496. Vol. XL, 1497-1591.
Vol. XII., 1502-1507. Vol. XIIL, 1508-L513. Vol. XIV., 1513-
1522. Edited hy George Bu-rnett, 1878-1893. Price 10s. each. Vol.
XV. (in the press).
1 Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland, preserved m the
Public Record Office. Edited hy Joseph Bain. Vol. I. (1881).
Vol. n., 1272-1307 (1884). Vol. III., 1307-1357 (1887). Vol. IV.,
1357-1509 (1888). Pnce 158. each.
R ■Rtrtsteb op the Great Seal of Scotland. Vol. 1., A.U., 1306-1424
fs/eo 21) Vol. IL,A.D. 1424^1513. Vol. III., A.D. 1513-1546. Vol.
TV A D 1546-1580. Vol. V., A.D. 1580-1593. Vol. VL, A.D. 1593,
1609 'Vol. VIL, A.D. 1609-1620. Vol. VIIL, A.D. 1620-1623. Vol.
IX ' {In the press.) Edited hy James Balfour Paul and J. M.
Thomson, 1882-1890. Prics\hs. each
9 The Hamilton- Papers. Letters and 'Papers illustratmg the Politjcal
Relations of England and Scotland in the XVIth century. Formerly
in the possession of the Duke of Hamilton, now m the British
Museum Edited hy Joseph Bain, F.S.A. Soot. Vol. 1, A.D.1532-
1543(1890). VoL 2, A.D. 1543-1590. Price Ihs. each.
10 Bordebs of England and Scotland. Calendar of. Letters and
Paoers relating to the Affairs of the. Preserved in Her Majesty's Public
Record Office, London. Editedhy Joseph Bain. Vol. I., A.D. 1560-
(Out of print.)
Stationery Office.
November 1894.
V 8.-313.
1, Calendah of the Pate:nt and Close Rolls of Chancery in Ireland.
HxNRY VIII., Bdtvakd VI., Mart, and Elizabeth, and for the 1st to
THE 7th year op Charles I. Edited by James Morrin. Royal 8vo.
,1861-3). Vols. I., II., and III. Friee lis. each.
2. Ancient Laws and Institutes of Ireland.
Senchus Mor. (1865-18S0.) Vols. I., II., III., and IV. Price 10s.
each. Vol. V. and VI. in progress.
4. Abstracts of the Irish Patent Rolls of James I. Unbound. Price 25s.
,, ,, ,, With Supplement.
Half morocco. Price 35s.
5. Annals of Ulster. Otherwise Annals of Senat ; a Chronicle of Irish
Affairs from A.D. 431 to A.D. 1540. With a translation and Notes.
Vol. I., A.D. 431-1056. Vol. II,, A.D. 1057-1131 ; 1155-1378. Half
morocco. Price 10s. each.
6. OHAHT.E, PRn'iLEGiA ET Immunitates, being transcripts of Charters
and Privileges to Cities Towns Abbeys and other Bodies Corporate.
18 Henry II. to 18 Richard IT. (1171 to 1395). Printed by the Irish
Record Commission, 1829-1830. Polio, 92 pp. Boards (1889). Price 5s.
Fac-similes of National Manuscripts op Ireland, from the earliest
EXTANT SPECIMENS TO A.D. 1719. Editedhy JoBn T. Gilbert, P.S.A.,
M.R.I.A. Part I. is out of prird. Parts II. and III, Price 42s. each.
Part IV. 1. Price &l. 5s. Part IV. 2. Price 41. 10s.
This work forms a eompreheDsive Falaeog^raphic Series for Ireland. It
furnishes characteristic specimens of the documents which have come
do^^n from each of the classes which, in past ages, formed principal
elements in the population of Ireland, or exercised an influence in her
affairs. With these reproductions are combined fac-similes of writings
connected with eminent personages or transactions of importance in the
annals of the country to the early part of the eighteenth century.
The specimens have been reproduced as nearly as possible in accord-
ance with the originals, in dimensions, colouring, and general appearance.
Characteristic examples of styles of writing and caligraphic ornamenta-
tion are, so fat as practicable, associated with subjects of historic and
linguistic interest. Descriptions of the various manuscripts are given
hy the Editor in the Introduction. The contents of the specimens are
fully elucidated and printed in the original languages, opposite to
the Fac-similes — line for line — without contractions — thus facilitating
reference and aiding effectively those interested in pateographio i,tudies.
In the work are also printed in full, for the first time, many original
and important historical documents.
Part I. commences with the earliest Irish MSS. extant.
Part II. : From the Twelfth Century to A.D. 1299.
Part III. : From A.D 1300 to end of reign of Henry Vllf.
Part IV. 1. : From reigu of Edward VI. to that of James I.
lu Part IV. 2. — the work is carried down to the early part of the
eighteenth century, with Index to the entire publication.
Account of Pac-Similes op National Manuscripts op Ireland. In one
Volume ; 8vo., with Index. Price 10s. Parts I. and II. too-ether
Price 2s. 6d. Part II. Price Is. 6d. Part III. Price Is. Part°IV 1
Price 2s. Part IV. 2. Price 2s. 6d.
Stidionery Office,
Novcviber 1894.
Chief Contents of Appendices.
«. d.
Contents of the principal Kecord Repositories
of Ireland in 1864. — Notices of Records
transferred from Chancery Offices. — Irish
State Papers presented by Philadelphia
Library Company.
[C. 4157]
2 3
Notices of Records transferred from Chancery,
Queen's Bench, and Exchequer Offices. —
Index to Original Deeds received from
Master Litton's Office.
[C. 127]
1 0
Notices of Records transferred from Queen's
Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer
Offices. — Report on J. F. Furguson's MSS.
— Exchequer Indices, &c.
[C. 329]
2 0
Records of Probate Registries
[C. 515]
0 21
Notices of Records from Queen's Bench
Calendar of Fines and Recoveries of the
Palatinate of Tipperary, 166-1-1715.— Index
to Reports to date.
[C. 760]
0 8
Notices of Records transferred from Chancery,
Queen's Bench, and Common Pleas Offices.
— Report respecting " Facsimiles of
National MSS. of Ireland."— List of
Chancery Pleadings (1662-1690) and
Calendar to Chancery Rolls (1662-1713)
of Palatinate of Tipperary.
[0. 963]
0 11
Notices of Records from Exchequer and
Admiralty Offices.— Calendar aud Index to
Fiants of Henry VIII.
[C. 1175]
0 7
Calendar and Index to Fiants of Edward VI.
[C. 1469]
1 3
Index to the Liber Munerum Publicorum
Hibernise.- Calendar and Index to Fiants
of Philip and Mary.
[C. 1702]
[07lt of
Index to Deputy Keeper's 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th,
and 10th Reports.
[C. 2034]
0 31
Calendar to Fiants of Elizabeth (1558-1570)
[C. 2311]
1 4
Calendar to Fiants of Elizabeth, continued
[C. 2583]
1 3
Calendar to Fiants of Elizabeth, continued
[C. 2929]
Chief Contents of Appendices.
Report of Keeper of State Papers containing
Catalogue of Commonwealth Books trans-
ferred from Bermiugliani Tower.
Calendar to Fiants of Elizabeth, continued
(1583-1586). — Index to Deputy Keeper's
11th, 12th, 13th, Hth, and 15th Reports.
Calendar to Fiants of Elizabeth, continued
Report on Iron Chest of attainders following
after 1641 and 1688. — Queen's Bench
Calendar to Fiants of Elizabeth, continued
Calendar to Fiants of Elizabeth, continued
(1601-1603) Memorandum ou State-
ments (1702) and Declarations (1713-14)
of Huguenot Pensioners.
Notice of Records of Incumbered and Landed
Estates Courts. — Report of Keeper of State
Papers, containing Table of Abstracts of
Decrees of Innocence (1663), with Index.
Calendar to Christ Church Deeds in Novum
Registrum, 1174-1684. Index to Deputy
Keeper's 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, aud 2Uth
Index to Calendars of Fiants of the reign of
Queen Elizabeth. Letters A— C.
Catalogue of Proclamations, 1618-1660
Index to Fiants of EHzabeth. D— Z.
Catalogue of Proclamations, 1661-1767. —
Calendar to Christ Church Deeds, 1177-
1462. — Schedule of Places of Custody of
Parish Registers.
Catalogue of Proclamations, 1767-1875. Con-
tents of the Red Book of the Exchequer.
Calendar to Christ Church Deeds, 1462-
Regulations respecting State Papers. In-
structions for Parochial Custodians. Index
to Twenty-first to Twenty-fifth Reports.
Abstract of Antrim Inquisition, 3 James I.,
Bankiuptcy Records, 1857-1872; Early
Plea Rolls to 51 Edward III.
[C. 3215]
[C. 3676]
[C. 4062]
[C. 4487]
[C. 4755]
[C. 5185]
[C. 5535]
[C. 5835]
[C. 6180]
[C. 6180
[C. 6504]
[C. 6765]
[C. 7170]
[C. 74f
s. d.
0 6i
1 0
1 6
1 6
1 1
0 6
0 8i
1 0
0 2i
2 0
1 1
0 9i
0 3
0 31
2^iMic Record Offi-ce of Ireland,
November 1894.