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Among hills and valleys in western China
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Cornell University
The original of this book is in
the Cornell University Library.
There are no known copyright restrictions in
the United States on the use of the text.
' Z will make them and the places round aboub My hill a blessing ;
. . . there shall be showers of blessing."— Ezek. xxxiv. 26.
' The valleys also are covered over with corn ; they shout foi" joy,
they also sing."— Ps. Ixv. 13.
A FEW words of explanation are necessary as a preface to
this book. The letters and journals, from which extracts
are here given, were never intended for print, and were
written to personal friends, generally in haste and often
tinder trying circumstances. It is only in accordance with
the earnest wish of one who has generously supported me
whilst in China, that I have been persuaded now to publish
them. In preparing these letters for print, I have realised
greatly their imperfections and incompleteness ; much has
been curtailed, whilst here and there facts have been sup-
plied from the journals of others.
During the greater part of my seven years in China, it
was my privilege to work with Miss F. M. Williams
at Sin-tien-tsi, a small station in North-east Si-ch'uan,
opened in 1892. Many of my readers will have seen the
interesting account of the beginning of the work there in
"A New Thing," written by Miss F. M. Williams in
1895 ; and I trust that the interest already aroused in
the work will deepen through reading of the " greater
things " which God hath wrought since.
I greatly regret that, throughout these letters, so little
reference is made to my fellow- workers and their work in
other stations. This is owing largely to the fact that they
were personally unknown to those to whom the letters
were written.
And BOW, in committing this book to God, a threefold
desire fills my heart.
In the first place, that it may speak forth God's praise.
" Not unto us, Lord, not unto us, but unto Thy Name
give glory, for Thy mercy, and for Thy truth's sake."
Secondly, that it may call forth prayer for all of whom
I write.
And thirdly, that it may arouse in many hearts a deeper
sense of the great need of China, and that some may
be led to consecrate their lives to God for His service in
that land.
" Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold : them
also I must bring, and they shall hear My voice ; and
there shall be one fold, and one Shepherd." — (John. x. 16.)
H. D.
Llangwstenin Rectoby,
Oct., 1901.
I HAVE much pleasure in writing a few lines of introduction
for this volume. I spent seven months in the great province
of Siech'nan, to which it chiefly refers, where, at Sin-tien-tsi,
I made the acquaintance of Miss Davies in the midst of
her work ; and my memories of that fair upland home and
of Pao-ning-fu are among the most vivid and delightful of
a very delightful journey. I saw the bright, kindly, and
intelligent faces of several of the converts mentioned in these
letters, and those of many others, " whose names are in
the Book of Life," and learned on the spot of their changed
lives, their self-denying liberality, their strong spirit of
brotherhood, and their propagandist zeal.
The volume gives an accurate picture of mission work and
its surroundings ; it is remarkably free from exaggeration ;
and the discouragements, which are many and various, are
told as faithfully as the encouragements. Some of the
sketches of life and character are very beautiful, notably
that of Mrs. Uen, who whitewashed the inside of her house
after she had destroyed her idols, lest her Lord, when He
came, should be grieved by the lingering odour of the incense
which had been burned to them. Among many descriptive
passages which will arrest the attention of the careful reader
is that of the assembly in which Bishop Cassels put before
the people the necessity for a new house of worship, and
the results of his appeal.
The question which will occur naturally to the thoughtful
reader after going through these unaffected pages is : " Are
these Chinese converts, who have but lately emerged from
the thick darkness of heathenism, a whit behind ourselves,
who have a history and heredity of a thousand years of
Christianity ? " And a further question suggests itself to
me, after two years of journeyings in China : " Are not very
many of these Chinese converts in advance of ourselves in
the simple translation of precept into practice, in self-denying
liberality, and in actively making known the Gospel which
they have received ? " The lives of many of these people
bear witness that " if any man be in Christ he is a new
creature," and that the old Gospel is still "the power of
God unto salvation to every one that believeth."
I cordially commend this unpretending book to all who are
interested in the much-discussed subject of Christian missions.
It casts many useful side-lights on the complexities of
Chinese character, and is an instructive contribution to
our knowledge of the Chinese by one who knows their
language and has lived among them, and who possesses
that insight which love alone gives.
Pbteeculter, Abbedbenshibe.
Septembtr 22nd, 1901.
V. " IS IT FOE ME ? "
IX. ta-ku-t'ang
XIV. china's SOEEOW .
XVII. CUE boys' school
"found of him"
seekees aftek god .
"feom strength to strength
through riverside markets
shadows and sunshine .
day by day
" made nigh " .
the opening op the chapel
under his shadow .
the little runaway
" white unto harvest " .
gathered home
" god meant it for good "
signs of blessing .
more baptisms .
trouble in the north
how the promise was fulfilled
r^sum^ of the work of the past year
t'an Rapid, Yang-tsi
F. M. Williams, and H. Davies
The Beitish Settlement, Shang-hai .
Part oj" the China Inland Mission Premises, Shang-hai
Chinese Baeeow : Waiting for Hire .
A Quiet Village Steekt . . ...
Sbdan-ohaie foe Long-distance Jodeneys.
"In Perils of Watbes"
Chinese Eivek-boat . .
The Mi-t'an Goege, Yang-tsi
Wan-hsien Pagoda
Pa-oheo Chueoh ... . .
The Guest-hall, Wan-hs:en Mission House
Lake on Tali, Thibet Eoad . . . .
Heady foe School .
Repeating her Lesson .
Waiting oue Turn to Surmount the SiN'
On the Rapids, Yang-tsi
The Sin-t'an Rapid, Yang-tsi
By Sedan-ohair through Si-oh'dan
A Wayside Inn, SI'-ch'uan .
Map of the North-east Si-ch'uan District .
Mission Home in Pao-nino, Si-ch'uan
Sin-tien-tsi Mission House : Seen from the Road
SiN-TiEN-Tsi; House and Chapel (built 1898) : as Seen from the
Ploughing a Rice-field . . ...
Thrashing Rice .
A Chinese Threshing Flooe
Some of the School-boys, Sin-tikk-tb!£ ...
School-boys at Dinner . . . .
Old Mrs. Li and hee Family
Pao-ning Chuech
Some of the Pao-ning Christians
Chao Ta-niang, the Bible-woman at Sin-tien-tsi
Uen Ta-niang . . . .
An Itinerant Missionaey's Congregation
Chinese Ways of Caerying .
A Lonely Cottage, S'i-oh'uan
U-Li-Tsi, a village Twelve n from Sin-tien-tsi
Ien-lin, Sawing Wood for Fuel
PoROH OF the Church, Sin-tien-tsi
Group of Native Christians and School-boys,
Chang-nu-tsi, the Little Runaway .
Mr. and Mes. Lo and their Grandson
Miss Wheeler's Girls' School, Pao-ning
Scene on a S'i'-ch'uan Road .
Rope Bridge near Ta-tsien-lu
Water Buffalo . . . •
Outer Couetyaed, Sin-tibn-tsT
Little Countey Giels, Sin-tien-tsi .
As Thou hast sent Me into the world, even so have T also sent them
into the world. — John xvii. 18.
" From the brightness of the glorj-,
Go ye forth," He said ;
" Heal the sick, and cleanse the lepers,
Eaise the dead.
Freely give I thee the treasure.
Freely give the same ;
Take no store of gold or silver, —
Take My Name.
Thou shalt tell Me in the glory
All that thou hast done.
Setting forth alone ; returning
Not alone.
Thou shalt bring the ransomed with thee,
They with songs shall come.
As the golden sheaves of harvest
Gathered home."
From "Hymns of Tersteegen."
"For His Name's Sake they went forth."^3 John 7.
S.S. Oceana.
Ootoier 18th, 1893.
It seems moaths since we parted from you all at the Albert
Docks, and yet only five days ago we bid each other
good-bye, with the prayer " God be with you till we meet
again." We were wonderfully lifted above all the pain and
sorrow of parting ! At one time I seemed to feel the
breaking heart, but it was only for a moment. I heard
Christ's words all the clearer : " For Mi/ Sake and the
Gospel's " ; and for nothing else in the wide world would
we leave you all — but for Him, for His Sake ? Our hearts
cry out a joyous " Yes,
Love so amazing, so Divine,
Demands my life, my love, my all."
When the ship slowly moved away and the distance between
us grew greater and greater, and you joined with us in
singing : —
" All hail the power of Jesu's name,"
fresh courage and strength came as the words rang out
upon the waters :
"Crown Him, crown Him, crown Him Lord of all."
Yesterday we reached Gibraltar. We had two hours
ashore, and visited the market-place and Soldiers' Rest.
From the roof of the latter we had an extensive view
of the bay ; and the superintendent of the Institute gave
us an interesting account of Gibraltar and the life there.
He told us also how God has blessed the work being done
among the soldiers.
Now we are steaming quietly along the beautiful
Mediterranean Sea. I have heard that the colour blue in
the Old Testament typifies love. To-day we seem enveloped
in blue — the deep blue of God's unspeakable love. The
broad expanse of unclouded sky above is perfectly blue,
speaking to us of the length and breadth and height of His
great love. "As the heaven is high above the earth, so great
is His mercy toward them that fear Him. As far as the
east is from the west, so far hath He removed our transgres-
sions from us." — (Ps. ciii. 11, 12.)
The sky reflects its glorious blue upon the broad waters
beneath, until " the depths speak forth Thy praise."
And looking across the waters of the sea, away and away
to where they wash the shores of dark, heathen Africa,
I can see the blue grows deeper, intenser, and these wofds
have begun ringing in my heart : " Behold, what manner of
love the Father hath bestowed upon us." " His great love,
wherewith He loved us." " While we were yet sinners, Christ
died for the ungodly." " God so loved the world, that
He gave His only begotten Son." We long to know
more and more of the breadth and length and depth and
height of the love of Christ which passeth knowledge,
so that when we come into the depths of heathenism, and
are face to face with dark Chinese souls, Christ's love and
compassion may be reflected through us, by His Spirit,
upon the sin-bound men and women of China.
# » # * #
We arrived at Malta, October 20th. Soon after we anchored
we went on shore with the Rev. A. Polhill-Turner (C.I.M.)
and Mr. R. Porter, of Ceylon, who very kindly took us for
a drive through the island. We visited many places of
interest, and from the brow of a hill saw the place where
St. Paul was wrecked — " the place where two seas met."
There was something inspiring in seeing a place where
the great apostle had been. Mr. W., one of the Protestant
missionaries in Malta, begged ns to make known the spiritual
needs of the island^ and to pray that more workers might
be sent there.
# * * * ♦
Early on Sunday morning, October 22nd., we anchored at
Brindisi. Soon after breakfast the English mail arrived,
and you can imagine with what joy we each hurried away to
a quiet corner to be alone for awhile with letters from loved
ones far away. Is it to be wondered at that many an eye
was full of tears as we read the last loving messages from
those left behind ? Every letter breathed forth the prayer that
we might realise the presence of God with us. This we
do indeed, and it keeps us above all the loneliness that
otherwise might come. " Alone, yet not alone ; for the
Father is with me."
S.S. Oceana. Suez Canal.
Octoler 2&th, 1893.
On deck last night, about 8 p.m., we watched the lights of
Port Said growing clearer and clearer. Gradually we drew
nearer, passing many large steamers, until at length we
anchored exactly opposite the town.
As soon as we were still the coaling began. Port Said
is said to be the largest coaling-station in the world —
millions of tons of coal being shipped here annually. The
coal-boats were alive with little black-faced Arabs, screaming
and hooting and hopping about, performing all kinds of antics.
Fairly alarmed at their howls and screams, we inquired the
reason of a sailor standing by. " Oh, it is all right," he
answered ; " they are always like this. But they are right-
down quick workers all the same." And so indeed they
proved themselves. We made a very short stay at Port Said,
and about midnight entered the Suez Canal. What a strange
sight met our view on coming on deck this morning ! On
either side nothing but the desert, dry and barren. Moving
very slowly we have plenty of time to examine our sur-
roundings ; but very soon they become monotonous, for
everywhere there is saud — sand, almost nothing but sand.
What a picture of our human heart — without God, a desert ;
with God, " a watered garden ! "
The canal is eighty-seven miles from Port Said to Suez,
and we were about eighteen hours passing through it. Slow
motion is necessary, as in some parts the canal is too narrow,
and the volume of water too small to allow vessels to pass
each other. There are stations situated at certain distances
down the whole length of the canal, forming sidings ; and at
each of these every vessel must stop until notice is received
from the next station that the little run between the two
sidings is clear.
Soon after entering the canal we passed the Kantara
Siding, which is on the old road to Syria — the very route
taken by the Patriarchs when they went down to Egypt.
About 10 a.m. we reached Ismailia. This forms the central
ofiSce of the Canal Company, and we made a slightly longer
stay here, and a few passengers left us.
« # # # *
S.S. Oceana. Aden.
Ootoler 30th.
" The shadow of a great rock in a weary land." — Is. xxxii. 2.
" That Rook was Christ."—! COK. x. i.
For the last three days we have been steaming down
the Red Sea. The heat has been great and has wearied
us much.
Early this morning we watched the rocky coast of Arabia
getting clearer and clearer as we neared Aden. It was all
rock, with no sign of vegetation anywhere — all dry, barren
rock. At 9.30 a.m. we anchored opposite Aden, which is
situated at the base of a high, rugged rock. Our kind friend,
Mr. Porter of Ceylon, again took some of us on shore ;
the time was too short to allow of our going to the far-
famed tanks which most visitors to Aden like to visit ; but
we enjoyed seeing all we could of that part known as " Port
Aden." We stood awhile in the centre of the town and
watched the crowd around us. There were old, rugged-
looking men with bright-coloured cloth wound round their
limbs, and white or scarlet turbans tied on their heads.
Some of them, too, had their hair powdered with lime — this
being considered a mark of distinction and honour. It gives
the hair an unnatural whiteness which contrasts strikingly
with the generally jet-black hair of the Africans. There
were young, intelligent-looking men in the crowd too, and
laughing, happy-faced boys who were rubbing their teeth
with some strange plant. One was selling sandals, and,
seeing we noticed them, at once became eager to dispose
of them, assuring us that " de English put dem on dree
hundred years ago when they were savage ! " Even this,
however, did not induce us to invest in a pair.
We saw very few women, only about half a dozen, crouch-
ing down by a wall, all hidden away in their black shawls.
We heard they were from Zanzibar, indeed, nearly all the
inhabitants of that part of the town are Africans.
An hour or two later the Oceana was again on her
way eastward ; and for awhile we could at the same time
see the coastline of Africa on the one side and that of Arabia
on the other. We prayed that the day may quickly come
when " Ethiopia shall stretch forth her hands unto God,"
and that many more such men as Ion Keith Falconer might
be sent forth to carry on God's work in Arabia. There is
a great need there of men, " strong (Gr., endynamited) in
the Lord " ; for if the rocks around are hard and barren,
the hearts of the people seem so too. But "it is not by
might nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord." Who
will go with the Lord there ? Surely there are His " other
sheep " to be gathered in from Arabia's sandy desert :
"A cry as of pain,
Again and again,
Is borne o'er the deserts and wide-spreading main ;
A cry from the lands that in darkness are lying ;
A cry from the hearts that in sorrow are sighing ;
It comes unto me,
It comes unto thee,
Oh, what ! — oh, what shall the answer be 1 "
It was with much regret that we heard on Saturday
that we were due to arrive at Colombo on Sunday. We
thought of all the extra work it would entail— transhipping
and coaliEg, and the many temptations that always attend
Sunday landing.
We arrived soon after breakfast, and as we could not go
ashore without hiring boatmen, we remained on board.
Ere leaving the Oceana in the afternoon, an opportunity
was given for a little work among the native traders who
came swarming on board, an opportunity which, under other
circumstances, we should probably have missed. As usual,
on anchoring, innumerable small boats came alongside our
vessel, and, in less time than it takes to write, the deck was
crowded with Singalese traders trying to persuade us to
buy their wares. Presently one of them came up to Miss
Tolley and me, and asked us to buy. Deeply interested in
our reply, he squatted down in front of us, saying : " You
Christian, you no buy Sunday — me know Jesus Christ." We
found he was a Mohammedan, and had been to a Mission
School. We had a long talk with him and others who
gathered round.
Later in the afternoon, when we had .transhipped to the
Rosetta, they came again, seven or eight of them, to
hear more, and Miss Tolley taught them to repeat part of
John iii. 16. In the evening, when they had left us and
we stood by the ship's side, watching the setting sun light
up the broad waters with a golden radiance, we prayed to-
gether that we might see those dark Mohammedan faces
again, irradiate with glory in the presence of the King.
Penan ».
Friday, November 10th, 1893.
Since last Sunday we have been journeying due East
across the Indian Ocean. This morning we came within
sight of land. It was Prince of Wales' Island, and as we
drew near Penang we were struck with the dazzling beauty
of the place. It is set in a wondrous setting, with the
mountains behind and the blue sea at its feet.
We anchored at 9.30, and found the landing-stage
thronged with Chinese (who number about one-third of the
population of Penang)— real Chinamen, with their dark,
copper-coloured skin, shaven heads, and pigtails arranged
round their heads in strange style, black shining eyes,
and flat, but kind, faces. How unattractive they are ! And
yet, in spite of it, through God's grace our hearts went out
to them.
From Mr. and Mrs. McD., English missionaries in Penang,
we received much kindness. They took us for a long drive
of six miles through beautiful country, to see the waterfall
for which Penang is famed. On either side were groves of
cocoanut-trees, oleanders, fig, orange and lemon-trees, fine
lace-like acacias with their long black pods just bursting
to scatter their seeds, tall banana-trees laden with heavy
clusters of fruit, and everywhere there was a rich under-
growth indescribably luxuriant.
On the roadside were gorgeous masses of brilliantly
coloured flowers ; and very soon we had gathered beautiful
bunches of ageratum, lobelia, ipecacuanha, white Passion
flowers, rich yellow gloxinias, and the deep crimson " Glory
of the Forest," and mixed with them sprays of beautiful
ferns, creepers, and grasses.
Penang itself seems to be quite a Chinese town, with
narrow, irregular streets, the shops on either side having
long Chinese signboards hanging outside, covered with the
unknown hieroglyphics that we long so much to understand.
Funny little Chinese children swarmed everywhere, with
their small round faces crowned by a small tuft of black
hair sticking up on end at the back. What queer little
mites they were, running hither and thither, their brown
bodies covered only by a tiny garment tied round their
waists ! The Malay children are very pretty, with abun-
dance of curly, black hair and bright, intelligent faces. If
dressed at all, it was in gaily coloured silk scarves, their
small ankles being decked with bangles, and their waists
and necks with silver chains, their noses and ears being
also sometimes adorned with rings. And the Chinese women ?
Yes, we saw them, too ; some were sitting in the sun
making shoes, others were carrying water from the river,
and one we saw was busy washing clothes at a pump,
the clothes on the stone ground, the woman rubbing them
with her feet.
As we thought of the awful darkness of their hearts,
we felt drawn to these poor women in pity and longing.
For Jesus' sake we long to become Chinese unto the
Chinese, that through us He may, by His Grace, save some.
" The love of Christ constraineth me."
"And with a rush the intolerable craving
Shivered throughout me, like a trumpet call ;
Oh, to save these ! or perish for their saving !
Die for their life ! be offered for them all ! "
Passing through the beautiful gardens of Penang, which
are laid out with brightly coloured flowers, we hastened on
to the waterfall and the tropical woods beyond. On either
side of us were shady groves of feathery palms, with here
and there a tall cocoanut-tree stretching up towards the
blue sky. Suddenly we came in sight of the great waterfall
we had come to see. For a few moments we watched the
clear waters dashing and splashing down from one rock
to another. The sun's glory was reflected in rainbow tints
on the water, and the fine crystal spray rose in clouds to
fall again on the lovely graceful trees and ferns that seemed
to vie with each other in nestling closest to the waters.
In the woods and along our path, flowers and ferns, which
we treasure with such care in England, were growing in their
rich, native beauty.
" The earth is one vast temple,
Made for worship everywhere ;
And flowers are the bells in glen and shade
That ring the heart to prayer."
They rang our hearts to thanksgiving and praise as we
reluctantly turned away from the waterfall and slowly wandered
back through the palm-woods to the gardens and our gharries.
We then drove back to Penang, and after tea with Mr. and
Mrs. McD. we returned to the vessel.
"Heaven above is softer blue,
Earth beneath is sweeter green,
Something lives in every hue
Christleas eyes have never seen.
Birds with gladder songs o'erflow,
Flowers witli deeper beauties shine,
Since I know as now I know,
I am His and He is mine."
8.S. RosETTA. Indian Ocean.
One evening lately we stood looking over the sea, talking
of you and of the land to which we are going. Every few
moments the great dark billows would rise higher and higher,
until at length they burst into a sea of phosphorescent light.
It was exquisitely lovely, and seemed as if millions of stars
had fallen round one spot, lighting up the surface of the dark
waters with dazzling beauty.
I thought of the promise of God, that " the knowledge of
the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea."
That time will come, and the darkness of heathenism will
burst into a sea of heavenly light ; and when " the day
breaks and the shadows flee away," and God's children shall
have " gotten the victory " and shall stand upon " the sea
clear as crystal," there will then be millions of precious souls
from China, and India, and Africa, and all heathen lands to
shine as the stars for ever in the presence of God.
China Sea.
Nmewiber lUh, 1893.
Since leaving Singapore last Sunday evening, we have had
very rough weather. The captain had warned us of heavy
seas ahead, but we were hardly prepared for all we have
passed through. On Monday and Tuesday the wind was very
boisterous, and most of us were on the sick list again. The
" Daily Light " texts on Tuesday evening seemed specially
meant for us. " When thou passest through the waters, I
will be with thee ; and through the rivers, they shall not
overflow thee." " Fear not ; I am the first and the last :
I am He that liveth, and was dead ; and, behold, I am alive
for evermore." " I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me."
About midnight the storm broke upon us in all its fury,
and for three or four hours it raged louder and louder. For
some time Miss E. and I, who share a cabin, lay clutching
the rails of our berths and feeling every instant in imminent
danger of being tossed out. One thing I remember of those
hours of peril was the clear view I had of the little storm-
tossed boat on the Sea of Galilee, and of Jesus coming to'
the frightened disciples, in the fourth watch of the night,
walking on the sea. I could almost see the rough, stormy-
waves fall down to quiet, still rest as His feet touched them.
What a calm behind, where His feet have trod ! What a
storm ahead, where as yet He has not been !
About 4 a.m. there came a huge, roaring billow bursting
with a tremendous dash against the vessel. It was followed
by a noisy dash of broken glass and china, and many shouts
and screams from all parts of the ship. We were nearly
thrown out, and could lie still no longer. Turning up the
light, we found our cabin a perfect wreck. Everything
piled in confusion on the floor, our cabin boxes hurled forward,
the water-bottle and washing-basin smashed in pieces.
Wrapping ourselves up, we went into the adjoining cabin
to our friends, Miss Walker and Miss Williams, also
missionaries to China. Outside, the tempest raged, the
wind roared like thunder, the waves tossed high ; but inside
that little cabin as we read together the precious promises
of the 91st Psalm, and in prayer committed ourselves and
all of you afresh into God's keeping, " a great calm " and
" the peace which passeth understanding " flooded our souls.
With you in England it was about 9 or 10 p.m., and we
felt many of you would be praying for us then.
About 5 a.m. there was a slight lull, and we heard that
the ship had been turned round. Having gone back some
distance she was steered forward again, keeping clear of
the storm.
A good deal of damage had been done, and part of the
Hong-kong mail destroyed ; a large amount of china and
glass was smashed, and iron bars on deck were wrenched by
the force of the tempest.
We are tossing about still on a rough sea, and having a
sorry time physically speaking, but our hearts are full of
praise to God for His wonderful deliverance. We have
proved that He is indeed able to make "the depths of the
sea a way for the redeemed to pass over." — (Is. li, 10. EI.V.)
November l^th.
" Then are they glad because they be quiet ; so He bringeth them unto
their desired haven."— Ps. cvii. 30.
Truly we were glad this morning when, after a week
of storm and tempest, we quietly entered the calm of the
beautiful harbour of Hong-kong. Our " desired haven,"
the land where God would have us be, used to seem so far,
far away, but now, there at last is China ! " Bless the
Lord, my soul : and all that is within me, bless His holy
We have had a very happy day at Hong-kong. This
morning we went to the Seamen's Church, and in the
afternoon visited Miss Johnstone's school for Chinese girls.
This morning, as we looked towards our new country for
the first time, we thought of those memorable words of
yearning uttered in his dying hour by Francis Xavier, with
hands outstretched towards the great, closed Empire : "
rock, rock, when wilt thou open to my Master ? "
Thank God for the doors opened there now to the Gospel,
and for the band of missionaries scattered throughout the
land. But how few they are among so many ! With Xavier
we cry: "Yet more, my God, yet more." I do thank
God that it pleased Him "to reveal His Son in me, that
I might preach Him among the heathen " ; and that " unto
me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace
given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the un-
searchable riches of Christ."
" Christ, the Son of God, hath sent me
Through the midnight lands ;
Mine the mighty ordination,
Of His piercfed hands.
Mine the message, grand and glorious.
Strange, unsealed surprise, —
That the goal is God's Belovfed,
Christ in Paradise."
From "Hymns of Tersteegen,"
hy Feanois Sevan.
Think of this Empire o£ the East, stretching its ooast-line three thousand
miles by the Pacific Ocean— four hundred and thirty thousand square miles
larger in area than all Europe — four degrees wider than the whole United
States — including one quarter of the Continent of Asia and one-fourteenth
of the habitable globe within its borders — its circuit half the circumference of
the world in which we live !
China's death-rate would bury all London in seven months, all New York
city in two, all the United States in less than seven years, all the United
Kingdom in four years and a half.
Think of its people, numbering one quarter of the human race — six times
as many as in all the United States — equal to the population of Europe, or
of Africa, North America, South America, and Australasia! Twenty-four
thousand die in China every day I
To reach this inconceivable mass of humanity there are only fifteen
hundred messengers of Christ.
•■ A need, a need known, and the power to meet that need constitute
a call."
From, " Eegions Beyond," 1896.
" The Lord thy God bare thee, as a man doth bear his son, in all the way
that ye went, until ye came unto this place." — Deut. i. 31.
Nmemler, 1893.
We are really in China now — in the land to vehich we know
God has called iis to live and work for Him. May God
grant that our lives may be to His glory, and that in-
creasingly it may be " my earnest expectation and my hope
that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all bold-
ness . . . Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether
it be by life or death."
Our hearts are full of praise and thanksgiving to God
for our safe journey to this far-away land. Through all
the partings, through the loneliness and longings within, and
through many dangers from winds and waves, storm and
tempest without, we have found God to be indeed a very
present help in trouble ; and thus in the calm of a restful
confidence in God, He has brought us to this dark land.
We anchored at Wu-seng on Thursday night, November 23rd ;
it was, however, not until 9.10 the following morning that
we stepped down the gangway of the Rosetta into a small
steam-tender, and quickly moved away from the vessel
which had been our home for three long weeks. We had
learnt many lessons on board, and shall always remember
with much gratitude our varied experiences on the Rosetta ;
and yet it was with real, unmixed joy and thankfulness
that we left her and found ourselves steaming up the
mouth of the Yang-tsi. Through the windows of the
tender we had a good view of the river, and were interested
in the variety of native ships and boats that we passed ;
there were Chinese trading vessels, curious fishing-smacks,
large, awkward-looking junks, little sam-pans, and many-
others. We noticed that on the front of many of the native
boats two large eyes were painted. The Chinese, we were
told, do this in the hope of ensuring a safe course for
their vessels.
Three or four missionary friends met us at the landing-
stage, and how strange it seemed to be talking English to
people in Chinese dress !
A few minutes later we found ourselves being hurried
along in jinrickshas drawn by Chinese coolies through
the rather English-looking streets, until we came to a
sudden stop before a large building, over the front of which
I saw the words : " China Inland Mission." A thrill of
thankful joy filled my heart that God had raised up this
great Mission, and so abundantly blessed its work in this
dark land. We received a warm welcome from Mr. Steven-
son (Deputy Director) and other missionary friends in the
We spent five happy days in Shang-hai, preparing for
going inland to lang-cheo. We met many missionaries,
some fresh from their different spheres of work in the
interior, others living in Shang-hai and pouring out their
lives for God, through their ministry of love on behalf of
their fellow-missionaries in the inland stations. It was a
great joy to meet them, and their kind words very much
encouraged us.
I think you would like our Chinese costume. I am sure
I shall, when more accustomed to it. I am glad my first
Chinese dress is a blue one. It makes me think of the
high priest wearing the blue ephod when ministering before
the people to remind them of God's love. As we go among
these people may God help us, by life and witness, faithfully
to show forth God's great love to them in Christ Jesus 1
We hope to leave Shang-hai to-morrow, travelling by
small steamer to Chin-kiang, and then by native boat up
the Grand Canal to lang-cheo, where we hope to spend a
few months studying the language and learning something
of the manners and customs of the people, before going
^-^- ^ ^
further inland to the station to whichr we shall be appointed
to work permanently. We shall also have the opportunity
of seeing something of the mission work being done among
the people of that great city ; and thus we hope to gain
experience which will help us in time to come.
YUNG-WO. Tano-tsI Eivbb.
Novemher 30th, 1893.
You would be much amused if you were suddenly to come
into our little cabin on board this river-steamer. You would
find me perched up on a ledge, which forms my berth,
with my writing on my knee, and in Chinese dress. If I
look anything like I feel, then I must indeed be a funny
sight 1
Being very cold, we have on a goodly number of garments,
and over them all a thickly wadded coat, so that we look and
feel a most portly size. On our heads, however, we have
nothing but a little black band, and on our feet thin shoes
made of cotton material.
We are a large missionary party on board ; ten of us have
just arrived from England, and are going inland for the first
time with Miss Hanbury, who is in charge of the Ladies'
Missionary Home at lang-cheo. She has been several years
in China, and for the greater part of the time has worked
in North-east Si-ch'uan, the district to which I shall probably
be sent.
She is taking such care of ns, trying, as far as she
is able, to make us quite comfortable, even in these
strange circumstances. Our meals are great fun I We all
(twelve in nnmber) gather together in the largest cabin we
have (made to hold six), and there, seated on the berths, or
on any available box " or basket, using the berths also as
tables, we have, as you may imagine, a merry time. In
addition to all ordinary picnic difficulties of managing with a
limited supply of things, or of adjusting one's cup just where
it is least likely to topple over, we have a still more serious
matter to settle, and that is, how best to manage our long,
wide sleeves I The edges insist on finding their way into our
tea or on to our plates, or, still worse, into some one else's,
and an upset altogether is not unusual. I suppose in
time we shall be as expert and adroit in the management
of them as the natives themselves.
The food supplied for second-class passengers on board these
steamers is, of course, strictly Chinese ; and, as we are not yet
sufficiently naturalised to enjoy Chinese rice and the question-
able and most uninviting oily delicacies that accompany
it. Miss Hanbury brought an abundant supply of English
provisions for the journey with her from Shang-hai, so we
are doing splendidly.
Our journey up the Yang-tsi has been very interesting.
Though the country on the whole in this part of its course is
flat, we have now and again caught glimpses of distant hills.
When near to the banks, the cities and pagodas, the strange
houses and temples, and the funny little children playing
about, have all interested us. The river, the waters of which
are muddy and brown, is in parts very broad, — a mile or
more, I believe, — but the width varies constantly.
Deoemler %tTi, 1893.
We had a bright and happy welcome to Chin-kiang from
Dr. and Mrs. Cox; and the next morning continued our
journey by small native boat to lang-cheo. Though only
fifteen miles distant from Chin-kiang up the Grand Canal,
it took us seven or eight hours to reach the city.
On arriving at the landing-place, near one of the gates
of the city, we left the boat ; and sedan-chairs and wheel-
barrows were called. I mounted one of the latter with
another missionary, and we were pushed or jerked along over
the rough, dirty, winding alleys, thronged with dense crowds
of people. Many a time our coolie had to push us up into
a corner to let another barrow or chair pass, the road being
too narrow to allow of two abreast.
At last we reached the house that is home to us now.
It stands between two large heathen temples in one of the
most wicked cities in China. Humanly speaking, we are
in the midst of dangers ; but the power of God keeps us
in " perfect peace."
It is SO nice to be here at last, after our seven weeks'
journey. Every one is so kind, and the house is homelike
and comfortable. But the reality that we are in China
presses upon us in many ways ; the daily coming in
contact with a heathen teacher, and our earnest longing for
his salvation, coupled with our utter inability to say one
word to him ; the walks through the dense crowds in the
narrow, dirty streets of the city ; the many temples and
shrines ; the opium dens ; the sin and sorrow written on
nearly every face ; the cry of " foreign devil," — all remind
us that we are in China. The stillness of the night is
broken by the sound of the temple gongs or the monotonous
wail of some poor bereaved family, varied by the discordant
chanting of the hired priests. These sounds seem to me
the echo of the exceeding bitter cry, that rises to Heaven
unceasingly from the three hundred thousand inhabitants of
this great city. Thank God, He has heard it : — " I have
heard their cry ... I know their sorrows ; and I am come
down to deliver them."
Our days are quiet, but very busy, being chiefly given
to the study of the language. We study six hours a day,
two of these being spent with the Chinese teacher.
This morning, as I sat with my teacher repeating the
words after him over and over again in their various tones,
the ludicrous side of the whole position struck me very
forcibly. I had, however, to restrain my amusement, as
to show it would have been a dreadful breach of Chinese
etiquette ! The room is almost bare except for two tables,
a form, and a few chairs ; the walls are hung with long
Chinese scrolls ; the window looks out into a courtyard,
where women are washing and working in their strange
Inside the room are two Chinese tutors, one at each table —
untidy-looking men with sun-browned faces and shaven heads
hidden under their black caps, from beneath which hang
their long, black pigtails ; their clothes are well padded and
not over-clean ; their finger-nails are very long, and they
dig them mercilessly into the books, leaving indelible marks.
Opposite each teacher are two figures, which, in spite of
all the Chinese garb, hair-dressing, etc., will persist in
retaining an excessively " foreign look."
The language is difiScuIt, very difficult indeed, and beyond
any ability in us ; bat through Him who is " perfect in
knowledge " we can do all things, and in His own good
time we shall be able to tell forth His salvation to these
dark souls among whom we live.
Whilst I study, I seem to learn more of God than of the
language. His lessons are often hard to learn, but in time
to come we shall be glad we learnt them now, before coming
face to face with the blackness of heathenism. Some words
in a letter from England have helped me so much :
" Fear not the language ; it will be yours before long ; but
there is no need to wait for words to show forth Christ to
the heathen — the life can be fragrant ; it can breathe forth
Jove and sympathy, purity and beauty, holiness, goodness
wherever it goes — it can manifest forth Jesus Christ."
lang-cheo is a large and busy city, with a population
of about three hundred thousand. The missionary workers
are but few. Here, in the Home, assisting Miss Hanbury,
are three ladies, who, besides helping us with our studies, are
doing all they can to reach the people around with the
In another part of the city are two more — Miss Henry and
Miss Box — who have a very interesting work among women
and children. They have asked me to spend an afternoon
with them soon, and I am very much looking forward to
seeing their little Chinese house and something of the work
being done at that end of the city. The evangelist who
helps them is a man full of zeal for God's work. He comes
from the country, and at certain seasons of the year has
to return home to help in the field-work ; but he is always
glad when this is over, and he can again give up his time
entirely to spreading the news of Salvation.
At another house in the city are Mr. and Mrs. Andrew. In
connection with their house there is Miss Murray's boarding-
school for Chinese girls, now in the charge of Miss Meyer
and- Miss Arpiainen, Miss Murray being at home on furlough.
Mr. Andrew superintends all the work at lang-cheo and
at the other four mission stations further north on the
Grand Canal.
Our first Chinese service interested ns very much, and the
singing of Chinese words to the English tunes sounded so
quaint ; it was hearty, though not melodious, and the dear
people seemed to put their whole heart — and body too — into
the singing 1
I am very happy — happier now than ever I was before
coming to China. Not for anything the world could offer
would I be anywhere else. For me the Lord is here, and my
joy is to be with Him. Where He would have us be is where
we realise His nearness most. Nothing but Himself could
draw me now from China. " It is good to be here." " He
hath put gladness in my heart."
" O teach me, Lord, that I may teaoli
The precious things Thou dost impart ;
And wing my words, that they may reach
The hidden depths of many a heart.
O fill me with Thy fulness, Lord,
Until my very heart o'erflow
In kindhng thought and glowing word.
Thy love to tell. Thy praise to show.''
F. K. H.
If you could stand now beneath those, hands, outstretched towards
a tired world ; if you could look Into that face, lit with unutterable love
for the world for which He died ; if you turned from Him with your heart
burning with that same love, would your first glance be towards a land
where one in every five has found the Christ, and the other four have heard
of Him over and over again ? Would you not rather turn to where but one
in every fifteen hundred has found Him, and of the other fourteen hundred
and ninety-nine, but few have ever heard His Name?
Sherwood Eddy.
"Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed." — 1 John ill. 20.
"The Holy Child Jesus."— Acts iv. 27.
December 28tJi, 1893.
Christmas in China ! Two years ago when first I read
" In the Far East," there was a cold, dismal ring in the
thought ; but now it is not so, for I know something of
the joy of being in China for Christ's sake !
"Better than earthly presence, e'en the dearest,
Is the great blessing that our partings bring ;
For in our loneliest moments, God is nearest,
And from our sorrows heavenly comforts spring,
For God is with us."
On Saturday, the 23rd, we decorated this our first Chinese
home with texts and evergreens, and a few of us prepared
a bran-pie as a surprise for the little children of some of
the missionaries. It reminded me of our Christmas prepara-
tions for the little ones at home ; indeed, our hearts were
all the time linked with memories of days gone by. I have
missed you all so much this happy Christmas time, and have
longed that you were here in China too. But this cannot
be, we are henceforth " separate . . . unto the work." On
Christmas Eve we had a praise meeting. One after another
the old Christmas hymns were sung, and never had they
seemed to me more beautiful, or their message sweeter
than then !
Outside, all was quiet except for the sound of a passing
footstep on the rough road, or the sad ring of the temple
gong, which every few moments broke the stillness that
37 3
pervaded this great, heathen city. Inside, our hearts so
hushed seemed almost to catch the sound of the angels'
song : " On earth peace, goodwill towards men."
On Christmas morning we found the dining-room decorated,
the tables bright with flowers, and presents on every plate.
But our Christmas joy seemed full when Miss Hanbury came
in laden with letters from the homeland for all of us.
During the morning we had a bright Chinese service
conducted by Mr. Andrews. The Christians seemed so happy,
and so thoroughly to enjoy the singing, in spite of the
tunes being conspicuous by their absence !
Towards the close of the service, A. and R. were called
out to an opium-case. Oh, how real this made our first
Christmas in China !
They were not away long, for they were called too late !
They arrived to find life passing away. Again, as so often,
it was a young girl — a servant, probably a slave-girl in a
wealthy family. Driven to desperation by some more than
usually cruel treatment, she had that morning taken a large
dose of opium, and in wine, to hasten its effects. Quickly
the poison did its work, and it was only when native remedies
had been tried and failed, that a messenger was sent for
the " foreign doctor."
Too late, too late ! Another precious soul, for whom
Christ died, had gone to its unknown future ! " Redeemed,
and she did not know it." Another precious soul to be
missing in that day when Christ makes up His jewels.
Surely this poor girl was included in the command : " Preach
the Gospel to every creature ! " She never heard it !
These words keep ringing in my mind : " Keep this man ;
if by any means he be missing, then shall thy life be for
his life."
Whom had God made security for this young girl ? Whom
did He call, saying, " The Lord hath need of thee in China,"
and who listened not to His voice ? or, who was commissioned
to prai/ this soul into the Kingdom, and waxed faint at
the throne of grace ? To whom will He sorrowfully utter
the sad, reproachful words : " Inasmnch as ye did it not
unto one of these, ye did it not unto Me ? "
And this is but one of the very many sad, sad lives passing
away into darkness every day. Do our ears not hear
" the cry as of pain " that rises unceasingly from China ? or,
are we accustomed to the fact that a million a month in China
are dying without God, that every hour fourteen hundred
sink into Christless graves, and that every day twenty-four
thousand pass for ever beyond our reach ?
To God, each one of all China's four hundred millions is
infinitely precious. He loves them all, these poor lost ones ;
and loving, He gives : " God so loved the world, that He
gave His only begotten Son " to die for the sins of the whole
world. " Hereby perceive we the love of God, because He
laid down His life for us : and we ought to lay down our
lives for the brethren."
It is this Love, the Love of Calvary, that these perishing
souls around need. Oh, that God would make us channels,
though which this Love might reach hundreds of them !
The time is so short. " Yet a very little while, and He
that shall come will come, and will not tarry." In this
little while let us live and work, and suffer and die, if need
be, for Jesus' sake and the Gospel's.
" A little while !— and then the Hallelujah !
Eternity's long, deep thanksgiving psalm ! "
I saw the stars of the moruing wait
On their lofty towers to watch the land,
As a little child stole up to the Gate,
And knocked with a tiny, trembling hand.
A wreath of flowers on her jet-black hair,
The light of youth In her shining eyes,
And the look of an earnest purpose there,
As of one who must win a place in the skies.
"I am only a little child, dear Lord,
And my feet are stained already with sin,
But they said you had sent the children word
To come to the Gate and enter in."
The Man at the Gate looked up and smiled,
A heavenly smile, and fair to see ;
And He opened, and bent to the pleading child:
" I am willing, with all My heart," said He.
From "Ezekiel," by B. M.
"Jesus called a little child unto Him." — Matt, xviii. 2.
"Is it well with the child?" ... "It is well."— 2 Kings iv. 26.
February 8tk, 1894.
Perhaps some children afc home may like to hear about a
Chinese girl who died a few days ago.
Dear little Siao-mao I She had been ill for weeks and
snfifered much. She was eleven years old, her mother's
treasure, and a favourite with all the children of their
neighbourhood. Before her illness she came here regularly
to Miss Bertha Porter's class for children, and was quick to
learn texts and hymns, and her little heart was full of love
for, and simple trust in, Jesus Christ.
Mrs. Ch'en, the child's mother, has not shown much interest
in the Gospel, though for some time Bertha held a class in
her house every Sunday afternoon. When the child had been
ill some time, I .went with Bertha to see her. The house
was a nice one, much cleaner than any other Chinese house
I have seen. In the centre room were the family idols, and
on the doors were posted ugly, paper gods.
Little Siao-mao was in bed in an inner room. She looked
up as we entered, and I was struck with her sweet face. Her
large, black eyes were shaded by long, dark lashes, a rosy
flush covered her cheeks, and her black hair, roughened by
being in bed, encircled her little face with curls. She held
Bertha's hand, and seemed happy as she spoke of Jesus. Her
mother said it was always the same— that in spite of weakness
and pain the child would repeat texts and hymns, stopping
to pray when the pain was severe, and, as the mother told us
this, the little one looked up, saying, "Jesus always comes
to help me when the pain is very bad."
She had by her an old, white-faced, wax doll, which she
valued greatly, and she was delighted with a new one we
had taken with us that day. Before leaving we knelt at
her bedside and commended the little one to the Good
Shepherd's care.
Days passed by, and the child grew worse. Bertha visited
her often, but each time found her weaker than before ; and
gradually the little life ebbed away. When conscious, she
would still repeat hymns, or just keep saying, " Jesus, Jesus."
At last, the doctors told the mother her child would die.
Oh, how little we can realise the deep, deep sorrow of the
broken heart of a lost soul ! Poor, sorrowing mother ! she
loved her child, she idolised her, lived for her, and now the
child was going — going where ? As far as the poor mother
believed, it was to an unknown eternity of pain and sorrow.
Oh, the agony of that mother's heart ! Her precious little
one going away, and going there !
One morning Bertha was sent for. She found the
child unconscious and very weak. Many idolatrous and
superstitious preparations were being made. As sick people
are generally taken outside the house to die, the child was
no longer in bed ; she was lying on her mother's lap in
the courtyard, dressed in many gay and pretty garments, all
new and fresh. These had been prepared so that she might
be well supplied with clothing in the unknown world !
Around the unconscious child many relatives and friends
were weeping and making much ado. One tall, grown-up
son knelt down by the little one's side and burst into tears.
Dear little Siao-mao, she lay there quite unconscious of the
bright garments with which they had clothed her, or of
the crowd around her. She was nearing the threshold of
Heaven, her feet had nearly reached the heavenly gates, the
Good Shepherd had lifted His little lamb in His loving,
mighty arms, and was carrying her through the valley of the
shadow. . . on and on through the pearly gates to
"The Home for little children
Above the bright blue sky."
And there, — " for ever with the Lord," — clothed ia her
pure white robe and touching her harp of gold, is that little
Chinese girl, joining her praises to those of the angelic host
around the throne of God.
How beautiful to the King of kings, how precious in His
sight must be this little redeemed one, this jewel in His
crown, found amid the dense darkness and wickedness of
China !
^ % if w ''r
But whilst we rejoiced that the little one was " safe in the
arms of Jesus," there was terrible mourning and sorrow in
her home. Her mother seemed well-nigh distracted. Every
possible thing, which, according to their ideas, would relieve
the child's torture in her future life, was done. Priests sang
chants over the little dead body, paper money was burnt, and,
so that the child might have all her favourite playthings with
her in the Great Unknown, the fond-hearted mother burnt
all the child's toys and her two dolls.
Oh, the ignorance and darkness, the sorrow and sin, the
superstition and terror that bind down these poor, dark,
hopeless souls !
What can we in our weakness do against such odds as
these ? Nothing, absolutely nothing, but " with God all
things are possible."
When we remember the diflSonlty of acquiring the Chinese language ;
the dwarfing conservatism and over-running pride of China, which looks
only to her own past for a model ; ancestral worship, with its terrible grip
on man, woman, and child ; Chinese Buddhism, with its ignorant, immoral
priesthood, and gross forms of idolatry ; the thirty million Mohammedans of
the Western provinces ; the universal ignorance which enslaves the people
to a thousand superstitions ; the discouraging prevalence of deception and
falsehood entering into every relation of life ; the wide-spread dishonesty
which is the logical result of the fact that China is the greatest nation
of gamblers in the world ; impurity in all its unnameable forms ; the Opium
curse, which cost last year $220,000,000 — enough, as one has said, to make
ten million opium slaves, and bring want to one hundred million human beings ;
the amount of physical suifering which is incredible and appalling, and the
utter absence of medical science apart from one medical missionary to every
two million people ; the one hundred and eighty million women who are
virtually in slavery ; — when we remember all these things, and the dreadful
fact that here is a country regulated not by the living, but by the dead, can
we question that China presents the greatest combination of difficulties of
any mission field ? We believe that Morrison's prayer before he was
appointed to China was literally answered — the prayer that God would station
him where the difficulties were greatest and to all human appearance the
most insurmountable.
John E. Mott.
" IS IT FOR ME ? "
" Surely He hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows." — -Is. liii. 4.
Ma/rck 30th, 1894.
Fob the last few weeks I have wanted to tell you of my
first visiting experiences, but they filled my heart so full
of yearning towards the perishing millions of dark, sin-bound
China that I have been too sad for writing ; but rest and
comfort came when I cast the burden upon the Lord.
" Peace, perfect peace, with sorrows surging round ? —
On Jesus' bosom nought but calm is found."
Outside the city walls, away in the country, all is beautiful
now, for the trees and flowers are bursting forth into new
life and beauty ; while the bright songs of the birds and
the hum of insects show that summer is nigh, and everything
in Nature speaks of God's love.
Inside the city walls are sin and wickedness, misery and
wretchedness everywhere ; ignorance, sorrow, sin, and pain
on nearly every face, telling of the weary, heavy-laden
hearts and sin-stricken souls. There are idols on every
door and in every house, temples or shrines in every street,
signs everywhere of the iron chains of error and superstition
with which the people are bound. Immediately outside
the city, as far as eye can see, are the graves innumerable
of countless generations of precious souls, redeemed, and they
knew it not, who have passed away — without Christ ! All
this below — and did our eyes see this alone, our hearts would
break, but above it all is God's blue sky, reminding us again
of His love for all these dark, perishing souls.
" Behold, what manner of love ! " " God commendeth His
love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ
died for us."
One bright afternoon lately, I visited some hamlets outside
the city with Miss Bertha Porter, one of the three mission-
aries who live in the Home with Miss Hanbury. We started
about midday, Mrs. Chang, a Chinese Christian, accom-
panying us.
We rode our wheel-barrow through the streets, but as
soon as we got outside the city walls we were glad to walk,
for the roads are rough, and barrow-riding anything but
pleasant. On drawing near a small village, we slackened
our pace and walked (or, rather, crawled at the snail's rate,
correct for Chinese women) along the narrow streets.
Numbers of people followed, but it was some minutes
before we had an opportunity of speaking to any one.
Presently, however, we were given a form to sit on in the
open street, and at once a great crowd gathered round us.
Men, women, and children came out of their houses, some
bringing their work with them, while others, it being dinner-
time, brought their rice and chopsticks, and continued their
meal as we spoke to them. Travellers and heavily laden
coolies stopped as they passed by, the latter laying down
their burdens as they listened. How we did long that
they would as readily lay down their heavy burden of sin
at the Saviour's feet, and go on their way rejoicing I
At first, dozens of funny questions about " foreigners "
had to be answered. " Were we born a hundred years old ? "
is a very ordinary question. They seemed convinced we
were, and on being told our age they added it to a hundred,
so as to know our real age !
Another thing that puzzles them is why we have not black
hair as they all have. Bertha amused them by saying that
if they would tell her why their's was black, she miffkt be
able to explain why ours was not !
At length the questions flagged, and Bertha and Mrs. Chang
spoke to them in turns about Jesus Christ and His love
for them. Everything was still around, the people listened
quietly, and the sun was shining brightly upon us. It was
Photo l)fi
ICaft. Watls-Jones, R.E.
Photo fry] [Mr. Jensen.
"IS IT FOR ME?" 49
the first time 1 had seen a Chinese crowd hearing the Glad
Tidings, and I shall never forget it. I understood almost
nothing of what was said, but I felt it a privilege to be
there to pray for these poor dark souls, as they heard of
God's great love and Jesus Christ Whom He had sent.
We did not stay long, being anxious to reach a more
distant village. They pressed us to stay, but we thought
of regions still beyond, which we longed to reach that day,
not knowing when we might come again. As we turned
from them, a number of people followed us through the
village and some distance beyond ; then they bade us farewell,
entreating us to come again soon and tell them more.
As we came away. Bertha said to me : " It is such a joy
to tell out the Gospel to those who have never heard ;
every time I do so my heart seems to overflow with deep,
deep gladness." Oh, how I longed for the time when
I should know this joy too !
Cutting across a wild waste-ground, we made for some
groups of houses we could see in the far distance. Wandering
slowly past the fir^ of these, Bertha soon got a few
words with a kind-looking woman at her door. After the
usual greeting, " Have you eaten your rice ? " was ex-
changed, she asked where we were going, and what had
brought us out so far. On hearing that we had come from the
city to tell them good news, she at once begged us to sit
down and tell her. Forms were brought, and no sooner
were we seated, than some men, women, and children, who
had been watching us at a respectful distance, flocked around
us, and again we were the centre of a small crowd.
The usual questions had to be answered, and, as most
of these people had never before seen a foreigner, it took
some time to satisfy their curiosity. They thought we
were spirits, and evinced much surprise when they found
that we dress and speak, eat and drink as they do.
Here I think they listened to the Gospel even more
eagerly than the others had done, and their questions showed
an intelligent interest. Then, once more, as we came away,
we were asked " to come again quickly and tell them more."
Alas ! we cannot tell when these will hear again. On
every hand there are open doors for the Gospel, and dark
souls are waiting for Light, athirst for something they know
not what. This is indeed "the day of salvation." "The
fields are white unto harvest, but the labourers are few :
pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send
forth labourers into His harvest."
Wending our way farther across the wide fields, and
walking with some difficulty along the narrow paths,
separating one field from another, we reached a small group
of some six or seven houses. We were invited into one
of these, and immediately there was a hue and cry for
all the neighbours to come and listen. The tiny room was
soon packed as tight as possible, and Bertha was begin-
ning to speak, when there was a sudden stir among the
people and a general rush to the help of an old, infirm
woman — over eighty and quite blind — who wished to hear too.
Dear old woman 1 they all seemed so fond of her, and
made her as comfortable as possible under the circumstances.
Mrs. Chang sat down on a stool at her feet, and began
to speak to her. " You are like yon* bright, setting sun,"
said she ; " you are going down quickly. Do you know
where you are going ? "
" No," answered the woman ; " how should I know ? "
Then Mrs. Chang told her the glad news of Jesus and His
love, and of the Home of many mansions that He has gone
to prepare for those who love Him. Oh, how eagerly
the woman listened ! When Bertha saw her intense hunger-
ing, she beckoned all the others outside, to speak to them
there. I was spell-bound, and felt I must wait and pray.
Again and again Mrs. Chang went over the sweet story
of how Jesus loved and died for sinners. Poor old woman 1
as she listened she kept repeating parts of it to herself,
and occasionally would interrupt Mrs. Chang, asking :
" But is it for me? I never knew before, no one came
to tell me ; I have no time now, I am too old, and I have
never heard before."
Mrs. Chang showed her it was not a case of time, wherein
to accumulate merit through our good works, but simply
of faith in Jesus Christ, Who had died for her ; then the old
"IS IT FOB ME?" 51
wrinkled face became brighter, and my prayer turned to
praise, as I felt instinctively that the Light of the world
was shining into that dark, heathen soul.
" Tell it me all again," she would say, whenever her
teacher paused ; and with loving, gentle patience Mrs. Chang
would repeat what she wanted her especially to remember,
and also taught her the short prayer : " Lord Jesus, wash
away my sins."
But it was getting late, the sun was setting, and we were
far from home. As we left her, she pathetically entreated
us to come again soon : " Very soon," she said, " because
I am going down quickly. Come back very soon, and tell
it me all again."
Reluctantly we moved away, the little crowd of people
watching us until we were out of sight, and calling to us
to come again soon.
V^ T^ TP ^ ^i"
" Going down quickly " — the words ring in my ears. Is
it not the cry of China's four hundred and fifty millions?
It is said that every day in China twenty-four thousand souls
pass away into the dark unknown of a future without Christ.
" Going down quickly," — dear old woman I The Lord
Jesus knows and loves her, and " He satisfieth the longing
soul, and fiUeth the hungry soul with goodness."
I believe the true Light shone into her heart that day,
and that it will go on shining there " more and more unto
the perfect day " when, her sun of time having set, she
will ascend into the glory-land and live for ever in the
light of the Sun of Righteousness Himself With what joy
will the blind eyes be opened to see Him face to face !
One Sunday afternoon lately I went to visit some Chinese
people with Miss Ferriman, another of the missionaries
working in this city. We had had rather a disappointing
time in one house, the people showing no desire to listen
to the Truth, caring only to hear about our foreign manners
and customs, when suddenly, as we were going away, a poor
woman in the crowd asked us if we would come to her house
and tell her the Gospel. Gladly we followed her, and it
was not long before wej [reached her hut, one among the
great number of these wretched hovels that are to be
seen everywhere, both inside and outside the city walls.
On a form outside we sat down, and the woman listened
well, as did also many in the crowd that gradually sur-
rounded us.
One old woman specially interested me. For some time
I had noticed her standing among the people, with a bundle
of incense in her hand, listening attentively. Then, becoming
more and more interested, she elbowed her way through
the crowd, and, sitting down on a stool near us, fixed her
eyes on Miss Terriman as she heard for the first time the
story of how the Lord Jesus died for sinners. His love and
sufferings seemed to touch her heart, and, as we came away,
she said she knew all she had heard was true, but, as she
dared not give up the idols, she would henceforth worship
them and Jesus Christ ; and then she added quietly, " But
I will always worship the Lord Jesus firsts Poor dark
soul ! God grant that very soon the Holy Spirit may
enlighten her darkness, and then it will be " Jesus only ! "
Do pray for this great city with its three hundred thousand
dark, heathen souls. One wonders however they are to be
reached, and individually too, for the command is : " Preach
the Gospel to every creature."
" Oh ! who will come, salvation's story telling.
Looking to Jesus, counting not the cost ? "
" The cost ! Some may ask what is the cost ? Much,
very much, more than words can ever tell I It means
loneliness and sorrow, toil and trouble, weariness and
painfulness, crowdings and riotings, sickness, and it may
mean death for Jesus' sake."
" Sacrifice has its needs be 1 " Surely it is so. There is
a world to save. Life cometh by death. " Except a corn
of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone :
but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit." " I, if I be
lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me." " He
suffered that He might bring us to God."
But we have the infinitely " manifold more " that follows
all sacrifice — the joy of His presence — and the absolute
"IS IT FOR ME?" 53
realised certainty that we are " with the King for His work."
We have, too, the hope set before us, of sharing in the
joy of the great Harvest Home, when " They shall come from
the east and from the west, and from the north, and from
the south, and shall sit down in the Kingdom of God "
(Luke xiii. 29).
" From earth's wide bounds, from ocean's farthest coast,
Through gates of pearl streams in the countless host.
Singing to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, —
Alleluia ! "
China has vast, unreached masses of population in every one of her eighteen
provinces. She still has fourteen hundred cities, with an estimated population
of over one hundred million, without missionaries. It is estimated that she has
over one million unevangelised villages. China not only has the greatest, but
the most vigorous, unreached masses of people in the world. What people
have such remarkable staying power, such large capacity for work, such
patient endurance of hardship and suffering ? Surely God has had a purpose
in preserving the integrity of this nation for four thousand years. Notwith-
standing all that has been said of the evils of China, we have seen no people
which has impressed us as possessing such strength. The qualities which have
made the Chinese such efficient agents of evil, will, under the transforming,
directing, and energising power of the Holy Spirit, make them one of
the mightiest forces for the upbuilding of the Kingdom of God. Their
influence is destined to be increasingly felt far beyond the limits of the
Middle Kingdom, for they are the greatest colonisers of the Orient. The
more we reflect on the strong traits of this people, the more we are impressed
with what Napoleon said : " When China is moved it will change the
face of the globe,"
John E. Mott,
" Thou Shalt speak My words unto them."— EzBK. ii. 7.
February ind, 1895.
The months, that have passed since last I wrote, have
been full of varied experiences in which we have proved
in deeper measure God's love and care for us.
The Japanese War, the want of a good escort, and my
health have all prevented my going further inland yet.
Meanwhile, I am busy here— studying every morning, and
generally visiting in the afternoons, and three evenings a
week I teach one of our house-women to read and repeat
texts and hymns.
Of the study of the language, some one has said : " To
acquire the Chinese language is a work for men with bodies
of brass, lungs of steel, heads of oak, hands of spring steel,
eyes of eagles, hearts of apostles, memories of angels, and
lives of Methuselah 1 "
The Chinese vocabulary consists of forty thousand words,
or, as they are generally called, " characters." Analysing
these " characters," we find each has what we call a " root "
or " radical," termed by the Chinese a " mother character,"
and of these there are as many as two hundred and fourteen,
forming in a way the Chinese alphabet, if we might so call it.
Chinese characters were originally little pictures, resembling
somewhat the old Egyptian hieroglyphics, and intended to
represent ordinary objects around us. For example, the
Chinese idea of " home, " is represented by a pig under a
roof. The character for peace shows a woman extinguished.
55 4
Their idea of a book is most expressive, being " a pencil
that speaks."
Many words in actual pronunciation are the same, but
the tone of the voice in which they are spoken makes all
the difference to the meaning. For instance, " t'ang " in one
tone means " soup " or " gravy " ; in another tone it signifies
" sugar " or " treacle." You will wonder however we can
remember these fine differences in sound, but if once you
experience having meat served up in treacle instead of
gravy you would not forget again ! It is reckoned that, for
ordinary talk, we need to know six thousand characters in
all their varied tones ; so you see we have our work cut
out for some time !
God does not now give " the gift of tongues " as He did
of old, but day by day He helps us as we patiently and
faithfully study " as unto Him " ; and when we come more
into contact with the people we shall, we hope, be able
gradually to speak to them intelligibly.
Since last I wrote, a great sorrow has come to us, for dear
Bertha Porter (mentioned in former letters) has passed away.
She was ill only a few weeks, and then she gladly went to
her eternal rest, and now, with little Siao-mao and the old
woman, who was " going down quickly," and many others
whom she brought to a knowledge of Christ, she sees the
King in His beauty, and serves Him face to face. "We
miss her sadly, but the separation is only for the " very little
while," "till He come."
Miss Hanbury has left us to fill an important post at Chefoo,
and Miss Murray has returned here to the work she was doing
before she went home for furlough. Mr. Andrew, who is in
charge of the work of this station, has had the joy of baptising
three or four men and women, who have shown by their
changed lives and faithful witness that they are true believers
in Jesus Christ and earnest in their desire to serve God.
We do trust that they wUl be strong in the Lord. Mr.
Andrew's earnest, untiring service has been a means of
blessing to many of us. Every morning he goes on to the
streets or into the tea-shops to witness for Christ ; and in the
afternoons, as we sit studying in our little rooms upstairs, we
can hear him preaching the Gospel in the chapel below, the
door of which opens on to the street. Hearing him thus
faithfully proclaiming the Glad Tidings in spite of cold or heat,
opposition, mockery, or hardness of men's hearts, has stimu-
lated us much to work on harder than ever at the language.
May God soon give the increase to the much faithful sowing
of the seed which has for years been going on in lang-cheo,
and may a rich harvest be reaped to His glory here !
The Chinese New Year's Day, which this year fell on
January 26th, is a great day of rejoicing all over China. For
weeks before, we had seen preparations of every description
in progress in the streets and houses of the city. We, too, had
been busy, making preparations for a happy day for all the
native Christians. On the 26th they were here early, offering
us their congratulations for the New Year. This is done, not
by shaking one another's hands, as in England, but by shaking
one's own hands and bowing (ladies slightly, gentlemen very
low). At 11 a.m. a large meeting was held in the chapel,
when Mr. Andrew spoke on the responsibility of another
year begun. Dinner followed — a real Chinese one- which, to
some of us, was anything but an enjoyment !
In the afternoon a Christmas-tree for the children was the
attraction. The tree was prettily decorated and laden with
toys and useful presents, most of them being gifts from kind
English friends, who, if they had seen the bright, happy
faces of these little Chinese children, would have been so
glad that they had remembered them.
Amongst the guests who visited us that day was Mrs. Ch'en,
little Siao-mao's mother. She says she believes the Gospel,
but as yet she takes no decided step, and, I believe, the idols
are still in her house. She cannot come here often, because
the way is long and her feet are very small.
About the New Year time I went to a Chinese feast. Four
of us were invited to dinner by some Christian women at the
West Gate, where two lady-missionaries are working. We
sat down — eight of us — at a square table with no table-cloth,
no knives and forks, no plates or glasses, nothing but a pair
of chopsticks and a small china spoon with ketchup in it, at
each person's place. In the middle of the table was a large
centre bowl containing fowl and sea-slugs ! How well I can
see the disgust on all your faces ! But, after all, it was not
so very bad ; sea-slugs are like small eels, the worst thing
about them (except their taste !) being their extreme slipperi-
ness and jelly-like consistency. Around the centre dish were
eight little saucers, containing salted pork, bacon, black
preserved eggs, minced pork with chopped seaweed, melon
seeds, orange slices, jelly made from hips and haws, and
monkey-nut toffee.
The proceedings began by a piece of paper being handed to
each person. The chief guest, that is, the one in the place of
honour (the order of seats being rigidly observed), is the first
to put her chopsticks into the centre dish, thus giving the
signal to begin operations. At once all set to work, each one
picking out the daintiest morsels with one's own chopsticks
and passing them on to one's neighbour. As our little spoons
were the only receptacles we had for all the food onr kind
neighbours would insist on giving us, you can imagine the
state of the table. The good woman next to me was most
lavish in her attentions, and kept piling one thing after
another on to my small spoon, and when that could hold
no more, nothing daunted, she put them on the bare table
in front of me. I could not keep pace with her generosity,
and found it most convenient to follow the Chinese custom
of passing on to some one else the biggest and daintiest
morsel I had I It was all I could do to keep a straight
face and not to feel queer as the slippery sea-slugs were
hauled out of the centre dish. There certainly was many a
slip between the cup and the lip then ! In fact, my portion
never reached its destination at all. (Chinese dogs are most
convenient animals ; always present under the table at feasts,
they meekly await any discarded delicacy that may fall to
their share.)
That dish being removed, and whilst waiting for the next,
the sweetmeats were distributed, most evenly and exactly !
These were at once wrapped in the paper provided, and put
away in our pockets to take home.
In all, there were six courses, that is, six different dishes
occupied the centre of the table in turn. They were :
\st. Fowl and sea-sings, ^th. Foar centre dishes, viz. :
2nd. Shrimps and garlic. (l) Slices of fat pork.
Zrd. Fish and seaweed. (2) Chicken, etc.
,., txr- 1 1 1 • (3) Pork, prawns, and
Uh. Winkles and onions. ,^bbage.
5;;/^. Sweet chestnuts. (4) One large fish.
I cannot describe how all these mixtures tasted ; suffice
it to say they were not tempting, and every mouthful seemed
worse than the last, and my horror deepened as bowl after
bowl succeeded each other in rapid and awful succession.
With the sixth course each person was given a bowl of dry
rice ; but my neighbour, seeing that I had really come to
the end of my capacities, had already relaxed her persuasive
arguments, and now kindly relieved me of most of the rice,
wondering all the time how it could be that I did not show
my appreciation of such a good feast by keeping up to the
very end !
There was but little conversation ; for one thing we had
no time to talk, for either we had to be on the qui vive
to see what special dainty some kind friend would suddenly
cause to alight in front of us, or our whole attention was
given to frantic attempts to pick up some slippery morsel
with our chopsticks. Then, too, eating is too serious a
matter to the Chinese to allow of much talking during the
The dinner over, a grand iinale took place : a bowl of
boiling water and a questionable-looking towel were brought
in. The towel was dipped in the boiling water, well wrung,
then passed round to each guest in turn, to wipe her hands
and face. No dry towel was provided, the steaming hot
one being considered sufficient.
The whole ceremony now being over, in accordance with
Chinese etiquette we at once left our kind friends, thanking
them enthusiastically in the general Chinese way for their
I sincerely hope my next feast may be long coming ! Still,
older missionaries say that we shall get accustomed even
to Chinese feasts, and that in time we shall probably, to
some degree,! really enjoy them !
A homeless Stranger amongst us came
To this land of death and mourning,
He walked in a path of sorrow and shame,
Through insult, and hate, and scorning.
A Man of Sorrows, of toil and tears,
An outcast Man, and a lonely ;
But He looked on me, and through endless years
Him must I love — Him only !
Then from this sad and sorrowful land, —
From this land of tears He departed ;
But the light of His eyes, and the touch of His hand.
Had left me broken-hearted.
And I clave to Him as He turned His face
From the land that was mine no longer ;
The land I had loved in the ancient days.
Ere I knew the love that was stronger.
And I would abide where He abode.
And follow His steps for ever ;
His people, my people ; His God, my God,
In the land beyond the river.
And where He died would I also die:
Far dearer a grave beside Him,
Than a kingly place among living men,
The place which they denied Him.
From, " Hymns of Tersteegen.'
" Get thee out . . . unto a land that I will show thee . . . and I will bless
thee, . . . and thou shalt be a blessing." — GtHN. xii. 1-2.
" At the command of the Lord they journeyed." — Num. ix. 23.
Native boat. Yakg-tsI River bbyokd I-ch'ang.
May ilst, 1895.
At last I have started on my long jonrney inland to the far
western province of Si-ch'nan, the largest of the eighteen
provinces of China. I am appointed to work in the Pao-ning
district of East Si-ch'uan at a small country station, called
We left lang-cheo on April 22nd, and reached Chin-kiang
that same evening, and Hankow on the 28th. At both places
we were delayed some days, and met with great kindness from
Dr. and Mrs. Cox and Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Broomhall, who
very thoughtfully supplied us with all we shall need for our
journey up river. We are five of us journeying west, the other
four having been but a few months in China. Miss Webster
is on her way to Kuei-iang in the province of Kuei-cheo ;
Miss Roberts and Miss Thomas are bound for Sni-fu, a city
on the Yang-tsi beyond Chung-king in West Si-ch'uan ; and
Miss Drake is going to join her sister, Mrs. A. T. Polhill-Turner,
at Pa-cheo in East Si-ch'uan, four days' journey from my future
station, Sin-tien-tsi. On arriving at I-ch'ang (May 14th) we
were met by Mr. M. Broomhall, who very kindly attended to
our luggage and brought us to this little house-boat, which
has been our home ever since.
He had secured it for us a few days before, and had had
it thoroughly cleaned, divided into three compartments, and
clean, dry planks arranged as bedsteads, so that we need not,
as is usual on these boats, sleep on the floor. We were
delighted with the clean^ fresh, and bright aspect that it
Our half-day at I-ch'ang was a very busy one, spent in
unpacking and settling into the boat, buying food and all
necessaries for the journey, changing our dollars and cents
into shoes (or lumps) of silver and copper cash (one thousand
of the latter equal about two shillings, English money).
For a servant we have a Christian man, Ch'en-si-fu, who
is on his way back to Si-ch'uan, having been down to Hankow
with some missionaries. His mother went with them as
nurse to the children, and they agreed to serve us on their
journey back. We have also with us a Chinaman, named
Hsii, a Christian medical student who has been to Shang-hai
and is now returning to his home in Si-ch'uan. Mr. Stevenson
engaged him to travel with us as escort.
There are thirty boatmen on board, including the trackers,
and they are kind, hard-working men. Alas ! some of them
are opium smokers, and it is sad to see them, already so
wretchedly emaciated, lie down so often for more of the deadly
drug. They smoke far into the night, and the fumes cause
us to sleep heavily and to awake unrefreshed.
At this time of year, and, in greater or less degree, all through
the year, the whirlpools and rapids of the Yang-tsi are
dangerous. There are an innumerable number of small rapids
where the danger is perhaps greater than at the larger ones,
because we come upon them unawares, so no preparation can be
made and we cannot get out and walk as we do when we reach
the bigger rapids. Of these latter, there are three specially
dangerous ones : the Ts'in T'an, the le T'an, and Fu T'an.
We safely passed the first last Saturday, and have now
reached the le T'an (or Wild Eapid) and are awaiting our
turn to go up. Only one boat can go over at a time, and
there are still several to pass through before our turn will
come. Great preparations are being made, and, maybe, we
shall have sixty or one hundred men to drag us up. Loud
screams and noises come from the boats near us ; and every
now and then some big, heavy junk bumps against our
boat, hurling us away suddenly and jerking us mercilessly.
Fiviu plioh by]
[Mrs. I^alvlld /-;/s7io^
The three Christian people from Si-ch'uan help us much
to preach the Gospel at the little hamlets we pass when
we are able to walk a little on the banks.
Almost every day since we left I-ch'ang we have had
an opportunity of telling the Gospel to some one, or of
leaving tracts or portions of Scripture behind. The first
of the latter was given by Ch'en-sii-fu to a young man of
the custom-house at the entrance of the first gorge. It
was a copy of St. Mark's Gospel, and we prayed that it
might be blessed in that little place, just as years ago a
copy of the same Gospel brought the knowledge of Salvation
to two men in Ta-ning in Shan-si, and began that glorious
work which has brought such glory to God ever since. The
following evening, when wandering on the hillside after our
boat had anchored for the night, we met two simple country-
women. One was digging in a small plot of ground, and,
at first, when we drew near, she was frightened, but when
she found she understood what I said, she became more
friendly and asked many questions.
Presently, an old woman came panting up the hill ; she had
small feet, and, even with a crutch, walked with difficulty ;
she had a dear, kind face, and we felt drawn to her at once.
" That's my mother," said the younger woman ; " talk to
her ; she will understand."
And so she did. We told her about the true God, the
God of love, and of Jesus her Saviour, and she listened, and
kept repeating what we said, so that she might not forget.
As she knew some one who could read, we left with her
also a copy of St. Mark's Gospel. When the sun set, we had
to leave them and make our way back to the boat as quickly
as we could over the rocks, ere it was too dark to see.
With stammering lips we had sown the seed, we had
given them the Word, and then we left them. " It is God
that giveth the increase."
May lind,.
I told you yesterday how, at sunset, we were waiting to
go over the le T'an, one of the worst rapids at this time of
year. When our turn came it was dark, and the captain
would not venture; we were therefore the first to go over
this morning. About 6. a.m. we went ashore. We had taken
the precaution of covering our bedding with oil-cloth and
putting our crockery on the floor. At some distance from
the river we sat down on a rock, commended the men and
the boat to God's care, then watched the boat being tugged
up the wild, rushing waters. More than a hundred men
were at work, so you can imagine the force of the rapid.
We saw some boats going down the stream, and they flew
with the current like swift arrows. We hear that sometimes
the joarney down river from Chung-king to I-ch'ang can
be done in as many hours as it takes days to go up !
How thankful we were to God when we saw our boat
come over the rapid in safety, and, going on board again,
found no damage had been done ! Day by day we are
claiming and proving the promise of God : " When thou
passest through the waters, I will be with thee ; and through
the rivers, they shall not overflow thee."
I often wish I could describe to you this wonderfully grand
scenery, or, better still, that you were all here to enjoy it
with us. At first it reminded me of Wales, and Miss
Webster said it was like Scotland, but we have long since
decided that it far exceeds them both in grandeur and
beauty. The great, high mountain peaks tower above us
on either side, thickly wooded everywhere. The huge rocks
are grand and rugged to a degree, and their nooks and
crannies are filled with ferns and greenery.
Then the colouring all around is so striking. The varied
greens of the wooded mountain-sides and the deep brown
tints of the great, overhanging rocks harmonise beautifully
with the soft blue sky above, or with the gold and crimson
hues of the setting sun.
May 227id, 10. p.m.
"I will give thee the treasures of darkness."
It is night, and I am perched up on my " pu-kai " (bedding)
trying to write by the dim light of a lantern suspended
from the roof. On the other side of the thin boards and
curtain, which separate this room from the captain's place,
lies a poor old man, an opium smoker, too tired to-night
to stay long over his poison. From outside comes the
sound of the frogs croaking and the buzz of many insects,
and on each side of us, the enormous rocks and gigantic
mountains stretch ever upward into the bright, star-lit sky.
But what appeals to me most is the sound of a boy's voice
coming to us over the water from a boat anchored near by.
He is reading aloud a tract received from us, and every
now and again 1 catch the words : " God — Jesus — Saviour —
Heavenly Father." I cannot tell you what depths these
words have stirred within me ! Here we are in far inland
China on the great, lone Yang-tsi. It is night, but God's
stars are shining through the darkness — the blacker the
night the brighter they shine.
But there is a darker night around us than this, and it
is darkness that can be felt — the darkness of dark, heathen
souls. Thank God, there are stars — precious, redeemed souls
— lighting up even this darkness ; the Light is breaking
through, and "darkest night shall end in brightest day."
The boyish voice reads on, and the words seem to ring
from rock to rock, from hill to hill, and to re-echo through
the land, bringing love and salvation, joy and peace to
thousands, until the darkness is gone and the true Light
shines — until " the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the
earth as the waters cover the sea."
On anchoring this evening in this wild, rocky place, we
went ashore and climbed up one of the high rocks, to see
if we could get an opportunity of telling the Gospel in the
only two houses visible for miles round. Ch'en-si-fu came
with us, and soon began to talk to men at the first house
while we went on to the further one ; here a woman invited
us to sit down, and a number of women and children gathered
round us, appearing from we knew not where. I spoke to
them of the one true God and His great love ; and when
Ch'en-si-fu joined us, he also very simply told them the
A few were specially interested, and as we came away one
of them said : " No one ever told us before, and to-morrow
you will be going on, and who will come to tell us again,
that we may understand ? "
Oh, how the words ring in our hearts, stirring up deep
longings that we had come years ago !
"Who will come?" "Who will tell ns more?" The
words echo still God's appeal to Isaiah : " Whom shall I
send ? Who will go for us ? "
Oh, that some of God's people would come and take up
work in the villages and hamlets along the Yang-tsi !
If you could visit with us the lonely huts of the poor,
heathen women who live on these great, wild rocks, your
hearts would ache for them, and would be full of longing
to bring the love of Jesus Christ into their lives. Sometimes
we cannot keep back the tears, as these unhappy, unloved,
uncared-for women, old and young, hear for the first time
of Jesus' love and sufferings, and as they ask so often :
"Does He love me'? Did He die for me? Then why did
you not come and tell us sooner ? " Before retracing our
steps to the boat, we left with them Gospels and tracts.
Late this evening, about bed-time, we heard loud, inarti-
culate cries from the rocks, and, looking out, saw five or six
men scrambling down the precipitous hillsides by the light
of flaming torches. When they drew near the boat, we heard,
to our great surprise and joy, that they had come for more
of our "good books." We gave Ch'en-si-fu an assortment
of books and tracts, and then watched the eager faces of
the men as they bent over the precious books, reading their
titles by the torch-light ; more men were waiting on the
bank, and every now and then one would cross over the
plank to have a peep at the books. The boat front was also
a strange sight, with twenty or thirty boatmen stretched in
all directions, most of them asleep, while here and there
some were still smoking the terrible opium. The little crowd
round the books was a scene I shall ever remember with
joy. The torches lit up the bright, eager faces of the men
as they thanked Ch'en-si-fu and told him that, having heard
at the cottages of the good words in the books, they had
come for some for themselves ere we went on our way. We
watched them as they once more climbed the rocks with
their flaming torches, and we thought of what God has said
of His own Word : " It shall not return unto Me void, but
it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper
in the thing whereto I sent it." — (Is. Iv. 11.)
A man from the neighbouring boat had received one of
the books, and, I suppose, it was his that the little lad was
reading just now. The light is still burning there, but the
child's voice has ceased, and now all is still everywhere.
May 23rd.
This morning we passed through another magnificent
gorge, and were sufficiently near the bank to thoroughly
enjoy the beautiful ferns and trees, flowers and grasses.
The boatmen often bring us flowers when they return to the
boat after towing it along by the ropes. We are travelling,
on an average, thirty miles a day. When we think of
English express trains we smile ; but, away from com-
parisons, we are quite content with our daily rate of progress.
The Chinese have a proverb : " Slow is fast ; fast is
slow " ; and they act upon it too !
As a rule, we start each morning, if everything is favour-
able, about 4.30, and continue, with sometimes frequent
delays owing to rapids, currents, rocks, or other boats,
until dusk.
The rope that the men tie on the rocks, by which to pull
up the boat, is apt to break at some critical moment, with
the result that the boat goes whirling down the stream in
imminent danger of dashing against a rock or another boat,
and of being utterly destroyed. But though our ropes have
broken many times, God has preserved us in safety and kept
us restful through every danger.
The boatmen get alarmingly excited, screaming wildly to
each other and making no end of commotion. At first this
used to frighten us, but we are accustomed to it now, and
have learnt it is just their way, and they seem to work
better when able to give vent freely to their feelings.
This afternoon Miss R. and I were busy superintending some
cooking. We have come to the end of our bread ; it lasted
us well, for we got it at I-ch'ang nine days ago. The last
loaves were certainly dry, but still we were thankful to have
them, as we have not yet been able to buy any more along the
banks. We have plenty of other food, however— good soups
and tinned meats, fresh vegetables and rice, condensed milk
and butter ; and we have no difficulty in buying eggs and
fowls, the former being about eight or ten for a penny, the
latter about fivepence halfpenny each. Of course this is
far more in value when counted out in Chinese cash, of
which thirty or forty equal a penny.
But to run out of bread was a serious matter, for we
are generally very hungry, and have not yet got accustomed
to depend entirely upon rice as the Chinese do, therefore we
tried our hands at bread-making. We have flour and all
we need, except proper fire accommodation. Our stove, as
we call it, answers most purposes very well. It is a large,
square paraffin-oil tin, lined throughout with bricks, and we
burn charcoal in it. On this is placed the Chinese "^o,"
or iron pan, in which we can boil or fry whatever we like —
but we were at a loss to know how to bake in it. However,
Ch'en-si-fu said we need not be anxious, he would " devise
a plan " (a thing the Chinese are quick at doing, being
well acquainted with necessity — the mother of invention) ;
and so indeed he did, for a short while after he triumphantly
brought in his production. It looked like a good thick scone,
hut felt like a fair sized stone ! However we did justice to
it, and we hope to be able to buy Chinese steamed bread
May 2ith.
Last night about 6.30 we anchored at the bottom of one
of the very highest rocks we have yet passed. Seeing a
tiny hut built at a great distance up the side of the rock,
we determined to reach it and see if any one lived there
to whom we could speak of Jesus. When, after a good
hard pull, we reached the house, a thin, wrinkled, old woman
brought us stools and asked us to rest awhile.
Through the open door of the hut we could see two men
taking their meal by the dimmest of lights, their lamp being
most primitive, merely the pith of a reed dipped in a saucer
of oil.
The old woman brought us her tobacco-pipe and invited
us to smoke ! On our refusing this, she busied herself
preparing tea for us. But at last I dissuaded her from
doing so by saying we could only stay a few moments and
had come to tell her something. Thereupon she sat down
close to me, and, holding her thin, wrinkled hand in mine,
I again had the great joy of telling the old, old Story to
one who had never heard.
" It seems each time I tell it
More wonderfully sweet."
Mr. Hstl followed us and preached very plainly to them .
The old woman kept turning to me, as she listened, to say
they were " good words." The men, too, listened well ;
they had never seen foreigners before, and the words they
heard were new and strange to them. We left a Gospel
with them, and trust it will be "the power of God unto
salvation" to them. Again came the questions as to how
they were to hear more, and who could come and explain
the good words of the book, and we could answer nothing.
The old woman had a painful, hacking cough. She said
she was seventy-five years of age. Poor old woman, so weak
and ill, so near we could see, to the grave, this was the Jirst^
and probably it wUl be the only time she may ever hear
of the love of Jesus and how He had died for her redemption !
Surely it was not by chance that we had anchored there I
God knows where there are longing souls seeking for Light,
and day by day He is giving us the joy of bringing some
of these into touch with Him. There is no joy on earth to
compare with the joy of bringing a soul to Christ, especially
one who, so far as we can tell, but for our coming out here,
would probably never hear the story of the Cross.
May 25t7i.
Yesterday about midday we anchored in a lovely rocky
place, and were told we could go no further until the wind
changed. The only house to be seen was far above us,
right up an enormous rock, and in the midday heat we
dared not attempt to reach it. We were not a little dis-
appointed, for we long each day to have an opportunity of
leading some one to Christ, for
"At the close of the day it is sweet to say,
'I have brought some lost one home.'"
About 2.30 p.m. a woman walked down the rock to
our boat. I invited her to come in. At first she was
frightened, but when Mrs. Ch'en added her persuasions,
and the boatmen put out the long board for her, she
gathered up courage and came in. She was young and
had a quiet, gentle face.
We gave her some tea, and she soon became friendly
and told us that she lived in the house on the rock. I
tried to find out her name, but she began such a complicated
genealogy as to her family relations that we were rather
mystified in the end as to what her present name may be, but
we think it is Chang. It was a real joy to watch her astonished
face as Mrs. Ch'en told her of the love of Jesus Christ in
His death for us. It was a story she had never heard
before, and as she listened to how Jesus went to Calvary
and died on the Cross, her sad face told us how she felt,
and I believe God opened her heart and shed upon it the
blessed Gospel Light.
When her husband came down to fetch her away, I gave
her a copy of one of the Gospels. She said no one in the
house could read, but asked if she might keep it, saying
perhaps some one would be sent that way by the God of
Heaven to read the precious Word to her. As we sailed
slowly up the river, we could see her standing at her door
waving to us and watching us until we were out of sight.
I can see her still, as I saw her then, far above us on the
rock-side ; and I trust and pray that I may see her again
among those from " the land of Sinim " who shall gather
round the throne of God !
May 25tk
A few moments ago I was called to speak to some women
in a boat anchored near us, and waiting, as we are, to go
over another rapid. I found there were three of them, quite
young women, travelling our way to K'uei-fu with their
brother. We began our acquaintance with the usual questions
as to whether we have eaten our rice, our names, ages, where
we have come from, and where we are going, etc., etc.
The question invariably put, " What have you come for ? "
gives us at once an opportunity of telling them of God and
His Son Jesus Christ. Our time being very short — indeed
it was but a few moments — I called Mrs. Ch'en, knowing
they would understand her so much better than they would
us. We left them some books, which, they said, their brother
would read to them as they journey on. And so we cast
the bread upon the waters, and know that in some way or
another God will give the increase, and we shall find it
again after many days.
June all.
The last few days we have passed through many dangers.
Owing to the force of the down-current we have been obliged
to hug the shore, and this has occasioned much danger from
rocks ; we have had a good many hard bumps, and three or
four times our rope has broken, causing us to slip back a
long way with great rapidity. We have already seen two
sad wrecks, and have realised our danger as we passed over
the wild, surging rapids ; but in the midst of it all, there
has been in our hearts that wonderful " peace of God which
passeth all understanding."
A few days ago, whilst visiting several houses on the
river-bank, a little lad of eleven or twelve followed us from
house to house, listening with interest to all we said. On
hearing that he was quick at learning, and was to be the
scholar of the family, we gave him a Gospel, and told him
that he would find in it all we had been saying and much
more. Very pleased, he thanked us warmly. Who knows
how God may bless the lad through that book, and make
him a blessing in the village ?
"Lord, speak to me, that I may speak
In living echoes of Thy tone ;
As Thou hast sought, so let me seek
Thy erring children, lost and lone."
F. R. H.
Tarry thou the Lord's leisure !
Whilst all day long the soldier warring stands,
Child, I have need of thine uplifted hands ;
Forth to the field some souls I send to-day ;
Low at My feet I keep the rest to pray. ,
Here is thy station, see thou do thy part,
Breathing out incense from thy bruised heart !
"That the trial o£ your faith, being much more precious than of gold
that perisheth, . . . might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the
appearing of Jesus Christ." — 1 Pbtbb. i. 7.
June ISth, 1895.
It seems more like two months than two weeks since I wrote
last, for so much has happened since, and now, instead of
arriving at Chung-king, we are hastening down river again
to Hankow. Whilst at Wan-hsien, we heard of the outbreak
of riots in Ch'en-tn and other cities in Si-ch'uan ; but it
was not until we had been another week on our journey up-
river that a special messenger from Chung-king reached
us, bringing a letter from Mr. Willett, the missionary in
charge of the China Inland Mission work in that city. His
letter ran thus :
" Owing to the spread of the riots, which began at Ch'en-tu
on May 28th, and have now touched several other places,
the Consul orders all ladies from these stations to leave
for down-river. Some of our missionaries leave here to-
morrow morning for I-ch'ang, and we are providing boat
room for your party with them. If the officials thought it
possible to stave off a riot in this place [Chung-king], we
would let you come on here, but they fear trouble is sure
to occur when the approaching yearly examinations begin."
You can imagine our disappointment on the receipt of
this letter, and yet we could not dwell on our own sorrow,
when so many of our fellow-missionaries were in such danger
and suffering ! Two daj^s later we were met by the
friends mentioned by Mr. Willett, and we joined them on
this boat.
The riots began at Ch'en-tu, the capital of the province
of Sif-ch'uan. The cause is not yet exactly known ; there
are secret societies at work everywhere, seeking for plunder,
and the riots may have been instigated by wicked men
belonging to some of these, as the rioters are attacking the
foreigners' houses and carrying away all the booty they
can find.
At Ch'en-tu, the houses of the American, Canadian, China
Inland, and Roman Catholic Missions have been destroyed
and burnt. The missionaries were for some time in the
ia-men (the mandarin's residence) for refuge, but ere now
they will probably have reached Chung-king. There were
twenty-eight foreigners in all housed in the ia-men, ten
or eleven of them being little children.
At Kia-ting, the missionaries are quite safe in fairly com-
fortable quarters provided for them by the native officials,
but their houses have been looted, and almost every thing-
stolen. At Sui-fa, the officials were in readiness to withstand
any attack that should be made, and so Mr. and Mrs. Paers
and their little ones came away safely.
Mrs. Gray Owen and some others of the missionaries, whom
we have joined on this boat, come from Lu-cheo, a city on
the Yang-tsi, between Sui-fu and Chung-king. They left
before the rioters had reached them, and their house was
officially sealed, and soldiers were appointed to guard the place.
This, the mandarin said, would secure the premises until
the yearly examinations began ; but then he could not
guarantee anything. He can restrain his own people, but
finds it difficult to control the students who come in hundreds
into the city from all the surrounding districts.
The missionaries are very disappointed at being obliged to
leave their work just now ; it was all so bright and happy, and
the people were coming regularly to their houses for teaching.
We do trust it will not be long before we are able to
return to Si-ch'uan 1 We have not yet had any news of
disturbances in Pao-ning or the cities of that part of the
Fiom photo hy]
[Mrs. IsahcUa ISisliop.
From photo by]
[M. Bcauchamf).
F) om photo ty] [Mrs. Isnl-ella Bisliop.
province, and we liope that the troubles may not reach the
missionaries there.
We have been advised to keep as quiet and concealed as
possible when nearing cities and villages. The heat is intense
— 96° or 98° on an average, but rising often to 104°. We
feel it much, closed up in this little boat, which is about
the same size as our last one — but there we were only five,
here we are ten. At nights we lie in rows on the floor. The
night before last a heavy thunderstorm came on, and the
rain poured in through the roof and the many side-cracks
of the boat. Some of us took refuge under umbrellas, while
others curled like snails in the only dry places to be found.
We calculated that the journey to Chnng-king would have
taken about six weeks, and we had already been five weeks on
our way when we turned back. The journey down to I-ch'ang
will occupy one week. This will give you some idea of the
force of the currents and rapids. But the down-journey tries
us more, our nerves being ever on the strain. The whirlpools
and rapids are very dangerous, and as we rush along, with the
current, the boat swings and lurches very much.
God knows what it has meant to us to turn away from the
province to which we thought He had called us to serve Him,
and " we know that all things work together for good tothem
that love God." " God's leadings lead to God's glory."
" Father, I come to Thee ; I dare not tread
Upon the unknown way without Thy hand;
I am not strong to go alone, but Thou
Wilt lead me in the path Thyself hast planned.
Thy presence is enough, I do not ask
To understand the many changeful ways ;
This only do I seek — my Lord, my God-
That Thou wilt tune my life to sound Thy praise.
With restful confidence I onward go,
Not knowing what may be in store for me.
But well content, if Thou, dear Lord, dost know,
And I may walk each day and hour with Thee."
E. M. G.
Translated from the Chinese by Prof. Isaac Taylor Headland, Peking University
When the wheel of life's at seven,
You should study woman's ways,
Leave your bed when day is breaking, early thus begin the days.
Comb your tresses smooth and shiny, keep yourself both clean and neat,
Bind your " lilies " * tight and tidy, never go upon the street.
When the wheel's at eight or over.
While you gradually grow,
Both your old and younger brothers you should intimately know,
And while peacefully partaking of the tea and rice and wine.
About eating much or little never quarrel, while you dine.
When the wheel at ten is turning,
You should never idle be.
To the making of their clothing and the mending you should see.
Your position should be daily sitting at your mother's feet,
Nor, excepting on an errand, should you go upon the street.
When the wheel has turned eleven,
You have grown to womanhood,
And all culinary matters should be clearly understood.
If for fancy-work from cooking you can save some precious hours.
You should spend them in embroid'ring ornamental leaves and flowers.
When the wheel has turned to thirteen,
You propriety should prize.
When your presence people enter you politely should arise.
Towards your aunts, your father's sisters and his younger brothers' wives,
You should not neglect your manners from the nearness of your lives.
When the wheel has turned to fifteen,
Or when twenty years have past,
As a girl with home and kindred these will surely be your last.
While expert in all employments that compose a woman's life.
You should study as a daughter all the duties of a wife.
From the CMiiese Secorder, December, 1895.
* The small feet of a Chinese woman.
" Ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye
might receive the promise." — Hbb. x. 36.
Ta-K0-t'ang. KIANG-SI.
Octoher, 1895.
I CAME here in August to spend the few months that must
elapse before our return to Si-ch'uan, in helping in the work
of this place. Ta-ku-t'ang is a small fishing town situated
at the extreme north of the lovely Po-yang Lake in the
province of Kiang-si.
The little place of three thousand five hundred inhabitants
is bailt round the bottom of a hill, which, for some months
in the year, is quite an island. From the position of our
house, near the top of the hill, we look down upon the busy
little town below and command an extensive view of the distant
mountains, which are higher than those of Wales or Scotland.
Between us and the mountains stretch the calm waters of
the lake, studded here and there with pretty little islands.
The sunrises and sunsets have been glorious ; and many are
the precious lessons God has taught me as I watched with
Him at sunrise, or as the rich, golden sunsets reflected their
glory upon our faces. " We all with open face, beholding as
in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same
image from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord."
It was here, in this quiet, beautiful spot, that towards the
beginning of August, the terrible news reached us of the
massacre at Ku-cheng of the Rev. and Mrs. R. Stewart
and their two children, and of the faithfnl missionary ladies
with them. Our hearts sympathise deeply with the dear,
little orphaned children and all the bereaved relatives ; and
we sorrow much for the inestimable loss which the growing
work in Fuh-kien has suffered.
But, whilst we grieve, we cannot but think of the joy in
Heaven over the ten "found faithful unto death" and
"counted worthy" of a martyr's crown.
May the " God of all consolation " comfort the mourners
at home and the dear Chinese Christians, and hasten the
day when His glory shall be revealed through this sorrow,
so that " they may be glad also with exceeding joy ! "
During the last months news has come of risings and riots
in many parts of this dark land. Though the Si-ch'uan riots
have been subdued, the Mohammedan rebellion in Kan-suh
still continues ; and our latest news was that Lan-cheo and
Ts'in-cheo have been threatened with siege.
In Yunnan troubles have begun, and wild reports are
circulated. In this place a riot was feared. Wild rumours
had excited the people against foreigners, and for a few days
it seemed uncertain whether we should remain here or not,
but all is quiet now, and we are able to go on with our work
as usual. China seems on the verge of a great crisis, and
we wonder how it will turn. Whatever happens we feel
sure it will eventually lead to the extension of Christ's
kingdom in this land. It is such a blessed privilege to be
in China at this time !
» * * # *
The Gospel has been preached in Ta-ku-t'ang for many
years, but " the time of harvest is not yet." The people are
friendly, and always ready to welcome us to their houses.
They listen as we tell them the Gospel, but there it seems to
rest with most of them ; they do not grasp that this great
Salvation is for them through faith in Jesus Christ. Others
know the Gospel well, but are hardened in sin and will
not yield. The willing, eager listeners are very few. Still
we must not relax our energies, but rather remember God's
command : " Thou shalt speak My words unto them,
whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear." —
(Ezek. ii. 7.)
" In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening with-
hold not thine hand : for thou knowest not whether shall
Fiom pJwio by Capt. Walts-Jones, R.E.
prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be
alike good."
I often think of 1 Cor. ix. 10. (E,.V.) as I visit these
people. " He that ploweth ought to plow in hope ; and he
that thresheth in the hope of partaking."
In God's own good time the harvest will come, and " He
that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall
doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves
with him."
Of the three thousand five hundred souls in this place, only
seven or eight are baptised Christians. Mrs. Cameron, who
is in charge of the work here, feels convinced there are
many secret believers, afraid of taking a definite stand as
Christians. AVe trust that as they increase in the knowledge
of God, the love of Christ will constrain them to confess
Him before men.
Ta-ku-t'ang people are largely employed in making and
sending away incense, crackers, paper money, and other things
connected with idolatry. The place seems Satan's strong-
hold now, but we believe the day is soon coming when it
will be God's scene of power. His victory ground where He
will show forth His power and glory. If Satan is mighty,
we know God is Almighty.
Out here in China we need, as Miss H. Newcombe said,
" to lay hold on the reality of the words : ' I believe in God,
the Father, Almighty.'"
# « * # *
On first coming here in August the heat was too great
to allow of our doing more than continuing our daily study
of the language ; but, since the cooler weather began, we
have been able to go among the people regularly, and they
have conseq[uently been coming up to see us more frequently.
Sometimes I have gone out with a Chinese Christian
woman only, but more often with Miss Hedlund, a Swedish
missionary, who is soon leaving for work in Shan-si, or
with Mrs. Cameron.
One day lately, when in the town with the latter, we were
invited into a large house and made very welcome.
Numbers of people followed us in without any ceremony,
until, at last, the evangelist, who was with us, was obliged
to take his stand at the door to prevent any more from
crowding in. An unhappy-looking little girl at once attracted
my attention. She was a pretty child, but in her bright,
black eyes there was a frightened, cowed look, that told the
bitter story of an unhappy life. I beckoned to her to come
and sit on a form by me, and she brightened up as I stroked
her hand ; but I had no opportunity of speaking to her then,
for while Mrs. Cameron was speaking the little girl slipped
suddenly away.
Since that day we have seen her often, and have been
able, in a few small ways, to bring a little happiness into
her life. Next year she is to leave her own home to take
up her abode with the parents of the boy to whom she is
betrothed. Though her own home is not a happy one, her
prospects for the future are no brighter. I do hope that
ere she leaves Ta-ku-t'ang she may have learnt to know
and love the Lord Jesus, so that through all the troubles
of her life she may find Him her Friend and Helper.
The first time I went out visiting here was with Mrs.
Ts'ui, a Christian woman. We went to a house across the
lake. In a plot of ground near by was a poor, decrepit, old
woman, wearily gathering vegetables. After some words of
greeting, she sat down beside us on a few planks of wood.
She was thin and ill, very deaf, and altogether miserable.
She told us all her griefs and sorrows, and how she had one
son an inveterate opium-smoker. We tried to tell her of
Jesus her Saviour, Who was touched with the feeling of her
infirmities ; but the story seemed too full of love for her to
understand all at once. Poor, suffering woman ! she knew
nothing of love, and the thought that the Son of God loved
her and died for her was strange indeed to her lonely, unloved
The following day we went again, and found her lying ill
on a heap of straw in her miserable hovel, which was one
small room, with mud floor and walls, no window, no light,
and no outlet for smoke except the door — and this she liked
shut I
She seemed pleased to see us, and was very grateful for
the food Mrs. Cameron had given us for her. Again we
spoke to her of Jesus, and we thought she grasped a little
of the precious message. Her mind was dull and very dark ;
but there are no hearts too dark for " the Light of the world "
to penetrate ! She lingered a few weeks, growing weaker
and weaker. We saw her often, and spoke much to her
of Jesus ; and then one morning we heard she was dead.
And what can we say of her now ? God, " full of com-
passion and plenteous in mercy," had led us to her ; the
message of salvation was His, and we believe He touched
her heart with His love, and that we shall meet her again
in the presence of the King.
# » * # #
Last week, Mrs. Cameron and I, with T'ao Sien-seng, the
evangelist, went into the town to look for " a house to let."
For some time we have wanted to secure a house on the
street to be used for a girls' school in the mornings, women's
work in the afternoons, and for men's meetings at nights,
when T'ao Sien-seng could be there. Up here on the hill-
tops we are too far away from the people for the women
and girls with very small feet to come to ns often. Now
the money needed for a house has been given, and we wish
to put it into use at once.
House-hunting on a Chinese street 1 It was so ridiculous
that I found it difficult to conceal my amusement. A large
and motley crowd followed us everywhere — they always do —
and house-hunting was a special occasion, interesting to every-
body I On arriving at a house to be inspected, the crowd of
people rushed in, and, if the owner were present, at once
began praising and commending his house, each one
screaming its special advantages at the top of his voice, as
if we were stone-deaf.
The house which we finally selected consists of two
rooms about the same size and fairly high, with walls of
very thin planks of wood. There are no windows, bnt two
doors, one opening on to the street and the other facing the
lake. In the inner room — our future schoolroom — there is a
narrow slit in the wall which we hope to enlarge into a nice
window. Hideous idols were pasted on the walls and street
door, but these will easily wash off. It certainly looked a
dismal place, in spite of all the people said in its favour ; but
a thorough cleaning and white-washing, with a few repairs
and alterations, will make a great difference, and we are
looking for good times there !
# * » # *
Every Simday and Wednesday afternoons, while Mrs.
Cameron has classes for men, I have a class for women, and
generally twenty or thirty come. If newcomers predominate,
it is often difficult to gain their attention, and until their
first curiosity is satisfied, it is well to yield to them a
little, and answer their many strange questions. After last
Wednesday's class some women lingered for a talk. Among
them was a woman, bright, careless, and full of fun. She
told me with the utmost indifference that she had had six
little girls, all of whom she had got rid of in their baby-
hood ! As I looked at her, horrified, she said she did
not want them ; they were only girls, and did not all her
neighbours do the same ? Alas, for China's little girls !
for China's women !
I long for an opportunity of doing something for the
children, and shall be so thankful when our school is opened.
It is only too true what the evangelist told me a few days
ago, that numbers of baby-girls " not wanted " have been
cast into the lake !
" Only a little baby-girl dead by the river-side ;
Only a little Chinese child drowned in the floating tide !
If she had only been a boy they would have heard her cry ;
But she was just a baby-g'iW, and so was left to die !
There they have left her little form floating upon the wave ;
She was too young to have a soul ; why should she have a grave %
There's many another little one, perishing every day,
Thrown by the road or the riverside, flung to the beasts of prey.
Is there a mother's heart to-night, clasping her precious child.
Willing to leave these helpless lambs out on the desert wild %
Is there a little Christian girl, happy in love and home,
Living in selfish ease, while they out on the mountains roam %
Think of the little baby-girls over in China's land,
Who seldom know a mother's love, or a father's guiding hand.
Ask if there is not something more that even you can do ;
And if perhaps in China's land Jesus has need of you.
TA-KTJ-T'ANa. 89
Only a little baby-girl, dead by the riverside ;
Only a little Chinese child drowned in the floating tide.
But it has brought a vision vast, dark as a nation's woe.
Oh ! has it left some willing heart, answering : ' I will go ? '"
* * # » #
There are a number of Chinese soldiers here in whom we
are interested. One morning in Jnly, much to Mrs. Cameron's
surprise, a band of them arrived at the house, saying they had
been sent by the Kiu-kiang Mandarin to protect the foreigners !
From what, we did not really know, neither did they !
However, they took up their encampment down the hillside,
and there they have remained ever since.
They come almost daily to Chinese morning prayers, and
some have shown evident signs of interest in the Bible-
teaching they have received from Mrs. Cameron and the
evangelist, T'ao Sien-seng. Not long ago their captain went
for a few days to Kiu-kiang. Before leaving he asked
Mrs. Cameron for some books and Gospels to distribute among
his soldier friends there. T'ao Sien-seng is especially interested
in these men, and very zealous in preaching to them, because
he himself was once in the army. When he became a
" soldier of Jesus Christ " he left it, as he said it was
impossible to serve Christ faithfully there, and at the same
time be obedient to the rules and customs of the Chinese
He has suffered much from persecution and trouble since
then, but through it all he has bravely fought the good
fight of faith, and is doing good work, and witnessing brightly
for his Heavenly Captain in this place.
* « * * #
Soon after my arrival here in August, I heard that a box
of mine, containing warm winter things, had been stolen. I
had left it at one of the river-ports until I should start again
for Si-ch'uan. The loss was a great one, meaning all my
rugs, furs, wadded garments, and, in fact, all I should need
for the cold weather. It was not until the cooler weather of
October set in that I began to realise the loss ; but as the
weeks have gone by, I have seen how God has brought
blessing out of it.
Our hearts had long been sad that Mrs. Cheo, our house-
woman, showed so little interest in the Gospel.
One cold Sunday evening in October, Mrs. Cameron and
I found her in my room weeping, because she thought 1
should be so bitterly cold that night. I tried to console
her ; then we knelt down and asked God to show her His
power to supply all our need of temporal, as well as spiritual,
things. During the following week the post-messenger from
Kiu-kiang brought a big parcel for me. Tearing off a corner,
I saw it contained a rug, and, calling in Mrs. Oheo, we un-
packed it together. Imagine her surprise on seeing a thick,
warm rug issuing forth! She asked from where it had
come. It had been sent anonymously ; so we told her we
did not know, except that God had sent it.
We were very much amused when she looked up to see
if there was a hole in the roof through which it had been
dropped down upon us ! It was with joyful satisfaction that
she spread it on my bed that night, and from that time she
has seemed softened and more interested in the Truth, and
her faith has, we believe, been strengthened.
I am getting quite rich in warm things again, so many
kind friends have helped to supply my needs. It is beautiful
to see how God knits us altogether into one family in this
Mission. " If one member suffer, all the members suffer
with it." I have realised this so much since being in China.
Two warm Jaeger rugs reached me at this time from
England, sent by two friends who had not heard of my
loss, but who wanted to send me something useful for the
winter. Thus God supplied all my needs, until now " I have
all and abound." " Your Father knoweth what things ye
have need of, before ye ask Him."
November Wth.
About the beginning of November, I went down to
Shang-hai for a fortnight. On my return to Ta-ku-t'ang, I
had a very warm welcome from Mrs. Cameron, and found the
little girls' school had begun. The house had been nicely pre-
pared, by which I chiefly mean it is clean — which, I am afraid,
could not be said of another house in the street ! The
wooden planks which form the walls have been papered
to hide the cracks, and are now hung with bright-colonred
Chinese scrolls, on which are written Scripture texts and
The school has begun with twenty little scholars, all more
or less irregular in attendance. They come to, school about
9 a.m., and are taught by a Christian man, named Chang.
Mrs. Cameron and I are often in and out of the schoolroom,
and at one o'clock we give them a Scripture lesson and
dismiss them. Two afternoons in the week they return
after dinner for a sewing-class. They are dear little children,
lovable and clinging. I love them dearly, but often wish
I could give them a nice bath in Eau-de-Cologne !
Little Chinese girls have their hair well oiled, and plaited
down their backs, or put up into a little knob behind, or
often on one side of the head, with fanny, bright ornaments
stuck into it.
The boys have their little heads all shaved, except for
a small tuft of hair, which is the hopeful beginning of the
future pigtail. This little tuft rises erect from the top of
the head until it is long enough to hang down behind, and
it is generally tied with bright-coloured wool or cord.
Just now, because of the cold, the little boys and girls
look more like dirty little bundles of cotton-wool than any-
thing else. Their clothes are so thickly wadded that they
can hardly run about at all, and they have to keep their
arms stretched straight out because they have on so many
Nearly all our little girls have their feet bound tightly,
and find it difficult and painful to walk. We hope that, as
we get to know their parents better, we may be able to
influence them to cease this cruel practice.
A few days ago, as we returned home from school, we
passed the house of one of our school-girls, named U-ri
(= Number five), and saw the little one in such sorrow, crying
piteously, for her grandmother was binding the child's feet,
turning the toes under, and it was such terrible pain.
Mrs. Cameron reproved the woman, but to no avail. Their
argument is that if the girl's feet are big (by which they
mean the natural size) no one will have her for a wife and
" of what use is a girl if she is not married ? " Poor little
girls ! From the begianing they are " not wanted " and
unloved, and their little lives are full of sorrow and pain.
I wish we could do more for them !
For one little child my heart aches much. She is a wee
girlie, named 'D-chen (" Precious jewel "), with a dear,
plaintive, little face and a sweet smile, but the beautiful dark
eyes see nothing. The child is quite blind, and therefore
no one wants her ; no one seems to love her. It is such
a rest to know that to One above this little "jewel" is
exceedingly precious. " He gathereth the lambs with His
arm, and carrieth them in His bosom."
"I long for that blessed and glorious time,
The fairest and brightest and best,
When the dear little children of every clime
Shall crowd to His arms and be bless'd."
A few days ago I went with Mrs. Cameron to see an old
woman, named lang. She has been ill for two or three
months, but that day we found her better, and sitting in the
sun making shoes. She is such a pretty old woman, remind-
ing me of pictures of old French ladies. To-day, she told us
how she had dreamt that a gorgeously decked sedan-chair
had come to take her up to Heaven.
For a long time she has expressed her belief in the Gospel,
and while she was ill the woman who nursed her often heard
her praying.
Leaving Mrs. lang, we visited a lady named Li. The day
before, she had sent to ask Mrs. Cameron to come and see
some one who was ill. We were received with all due
etiquette, and shown into Mrs. Li's room. Delicious, clear
green tea, highly scented with jasmine flowers, was brought
in with cakes and sweetmeats. We found the patient was
her husband, and that he had toothache ! As it was a
decayed tooth needing extraction, we could do nothing for
him. Mrs. Li is a quiet, gentle girl of about nineteen or
twenty. She is the third wife of a rich, influential official,
a rough, cross man, whose temper is embittered through
having no son — a terrible calamity in China, where a man's
TA.KTf-T'ANG. 93
happiness depends greatly on the number of his sons. This
man has six daughters, bat they reckon for very little in
his estimation. A son is needed to carry on the ancestral
worship of the family.
We had very little opportunity of speaking to Mrs. Li
alone, but we hope now to visit her often.
Very soon I must leave all these dear people and start
inland once again. It will be hard to say good-bye, but God's
will is best, and His way perfect ; and He has put in my
heart a great desire towards the people of Sin-tien-tsi, the
place where, I believe, He has called me to work permanently
for Him.
When in Shang-hai I bought a copy of Miss F. M.
Williams' book, " A New Thing," which describes the begin-
ning of God's work in Sin-tien-tsi, and, on November 8th,
when thinking about our future service there, the beauti-
ful promise was flashed into my mind : " Thou shalt see
greater things than these." — (John i. 50.)
In a few weeks time I expect I shall be setting forth on
the journey to Sin-tien-tsi, there to prove the certainty of
God's promise.
" All the promises of God in Him are yea, and in Him
Amen, unto the glory of God by us." — (2 Cor. i. 20.)
There is only one place in the wide world where you can have fulness of
power. That is God's place for you.
Let him lead you tliere, and you will realise the fulness of His power through
you tliere.
Shbrwood Eddy.
" We are journeying unto the place of which the Lord said, I will give it to
you." — Num. x. 29.
Native boat. Yang-tsI eivee, between I-ch'ang and Wan-hsibn.
January, 1896.
Again I write from a house-boat on the Yang-tsi, the mighty
" son of the ocean," for once more I am on my journey west-
wards to Si-ch'uan. It was very hard to leave Ta-ku-t'ang ;
Mrs. Cameron and I had been very happy in the work there,
and I had learnt to know and love many of the women and
children. They are affectionate and loving, and quickly twine
themselves round our hearts and lives.
I was specially sorry to leave Mrs. Cheo, the house-woman.
The last Sunday I was at Ta-ku-t'ang, she told me she
could never again trust in idols, she knew they were false
and useless, and that henceforth she wanted to worship the
one true God. I do trust she will serve Him faithfully I
I left Ta-ku-t'ang on December 16th, and on the 17th, at
Kiu-kiang, joined the party going up-river under the charge
of Bishop and Mrs. Cassels. There are eight of us and two
children. I feel it is a privilege to travel with so many with
whom I am to be associated in work in the North-east Si-ch'uan
district. One of the party is Miss F. M. Williams, with
whom I hope to work at Sin-tien-tsi, a station opened by her
in 1892, before she went home for furlough, after being nearly
six years in the country.
# * # * #
At Hankow we were delayed ten days waiting for a steamer
to I-ch'ang. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Foster (London Missionary
Society) very kindly invited Miss Williams and me to stay with
them. We had a happy time there, and were much interested
in all we saw and heard of the work of the London Missionary
We left Hankow on December 27th, and reached I-ch'ang
late on the last night of the year. In spite of onr uncomfort-
able quarters, Miss Williams and I watched and prayed the
New Year in, committing it to God with all our life and
service at Sin-tien-tsi.
A strong, favourable wind has brought us up at a good rate
through the gorges. These seem to me grander and more
beautiful than ever ; every corner rounded brings some new
and beautiful view to light, and the changing lights and
shades are lovely.
We have passed the worst rapids very successfully. It took
us, however, part of three days to get over the Ts'in T'an,
because at low water it is at its worst. Just as we were
passing through the second stage of the rapid, a big salt
junk, which had gone up before us, broke her rope and came
rushing down in the swift and terrible current. We did not
see her long, for she was quickly borne out of sight by the
force of the water. Before we left the place we heard that the
boat was a complete wreck, but that all the men on board
had been saved.
One evening about sun-down our boat sprang a leak by
scraping against a jagged rock. The men anchored at once,
and most of us got on shore while the water was ladled out
and the leak mended. The crack made was about a yard
long, and it took the men a long time to patch it up. We
heard they would do this with cotton wool, or even with rice,
but eventually they managed to do it with an old garment I
To our surprise it answered very well, enabling us to start
the following morning at the usual time.
I had hoped to see again some of the people I met coming
up the Yang-tsi before, but we have not anchored once at our
last summer's stopping-places ; and, having had such a good
wind nearly all the way, we have travelled much more qiuckly
than we did last year, and, consequently, have not often
been able to visit the houses on the riverside. Occasionally,
^ i 'i
however, we have had opportunities for sowing the " seed "
when walking on the banks.
We expect to reach Wan-hsien this evening. There we
leave the boat, and will travel the remainder of onr journey-
across country by sedan-chair. We do thank God for this safe
and happy journey, throughout which, in the midst of so many
and great dangers, He has watched over and protected us !
We have passed many walled cities and towns, many villages
and hamlets on both sides of this great river, where there is
not one single messenger of the Gospel, where all is dark,
dark as night. How often we have prayed to the Lord of the
harvest for more labourers !
At K'uei-fu, a large city of many thousands of people, there
is just one Christian, a young man, named K'ong. He
says it is so difficult to stand alone there in that great
heathen city, and has written to Hankow, imploring for a
missionary to be sent to K'uei-fu. Oh, that this cry may
reach the ears of many in the homeland, and echo again and
again in their hearts until, obedient to the call of God, they
answer : " Here am I ; send me, send me ! "
" The Master calls ! He calls for thee,
Go forth at His Almighty word,
Obedient to His last command,
And tell to those who never heard,
Who sit in deepest shades of night,
That Christ has come to give them light !
The Master caUs ! Shall not thy heart
In warm responsive love reply :
' Lord, here am I ; send me, send me,
Thy willing slave — to live or die;
An instrument unfit indeed,
Yet Thou wilt give me what I need?'
)! »
One day about noon, the very hottest part of the day, our vessel suddenly
stopped. We soon found out the reason. A few poor Arabs in a small boat
had hoisted their flag of distress. They were very many miles away from land,
and had run out of water. Our huge vessel, going at the rate of sixteen
miles an hour, was iound to stop and supply the need of these few thirsty
men. Bucketful after bucketful of water was let down, and eagerly emptied
into some receptacle in the boat. " How much will you give them 1 " we
asked a quartermaster standing by. " Oh ! as much as they want," was his
answer. And then my thoughts flew to the milliojis perishing for lack of the
" Living Water" in the lands to which our faces are turned, and then back to
the loved homeland where there are, oh I so many of God's children who
might be channels to convey the " Living Water " to some of these millions of
heathen. Then came the prayer, " Father, show them the need of the thirsty
millions, till they too are bound, from a sense of duty as well as compassion,
to place the ' Living Water,' within their reach." Oh, if only our consecration
and surrender of our all to Jesus was more real and more deep, these millions
also might receive " as much as they want " of the Water of Life.
Extract from a letter written by MiSS F. M. Williams en route to Clii)ia,
" Although . . . far off among the heathen, . . . yet will I be to them as a
little sanctuary in the countries where they shall come." — Ezek. xi. 16.
In a Chinese Inn. trBN-PA-i.
Janua/ry 2it?i, 1896.
We have now been three days on our journey from Wan-
hsien, and I am getting quite accustomed to Chinese inns.
As these inns go, our quarters to-night are fairly good.
Our room is of medium size with a small paper window,
high up near the ceiling. On first entering, though it was
broad daylight, being abotit 4.30 p.m., we could distinguish
nothing ; but gradually we saw that standing against the
wall was a square rickety table, and on either side of it a
wooden bed, with a suspicious-looking straw mattress on each.
When a light (the pith of a rush in a saucer of oil) was
brought, we covered the mattresses with oiled-cloths and
spread out our bedding. While the others did that, I attacked
the table, scrubbing it vigorously with the only thing available
— ts'ao-c/ii—a. most useful absorbent paper. To-night we
can boast of a boarded floor, — an unusual luxury, — and that a
more reasonable distance than usual separates us from the
never-to-be-forgotten pigs !
We left Wan-hsien at daybreak on Tuesday, January 21st.
As our party for East Si-ch'uan was so large, it was thought
best to divide it for the overland journey ; Miss F. M.
Williams, Miss Grint, and I have therefore started two days
in advance of the others. We have kind, strong chair-
bearers who have come all the way from Sin-tien-tsi to fetch
us. It was good to see their joy at meeting Miss F. M.
Williams again and their eagerness to tell her all the
Sin-tien-tsi news.
We have each three chair-bearers and two coolies to carry
our boxes and bedding, and a Pao-ning man is acting as oar
escort and servant. Every night in the inn, when the evening
meal is over, they all come into our room for a short Bible-
reading and prayer before going to rest.
Oar three days' journey has been through the most
magnificent scenery. The country is beautiful beyond
description. The valleys are entirely laid out in fields of
different grain and vegetables or in rice-fields, which, at this
time of year, look like lakes.
The name of the province, Si-ch'uan, is made up of two
Chinese characters, meaning "four streams." The name is
given on account of there being four large tributaries of the
river Yang-tsi in this province, which are navigable for
hundreds of miles and form a network of communication all
over the province. Si-ch'aan is the largest of the eighteen
provinces of China and is about as large as Spain or three
times as large as England, and has a population of more than
twenty millions. It gives one an idea of wealth and
prosperity. Not only are the valleys very productive, but the
hills and mountains are so also, being terraced to a great
height and well cultivated. Rice, wheat, barley, sugar-cane,
and a great variety of vegetables are among its products.
The rice-field terraces are very pretty. We saw them
yesterday in the rosy light of the morning, and as, from a
great height, we looked down the mountain-sides upon them
they were a lovely sight, especially in the wooded districts.
We have seen a good deal of sugar-cane and oranges, this
part of the province being noted for both. We have very
much enjoyed the oranges ; they are very cheap, about six or
eight generally for a penny.
The road by which we are travelling is the high road to
Ch'en-tu, and has been most wonderfully cut over the sides
of steep mountains and down into the deep valleys. The
whole country seems most fertile, and we wonder what
mines of mineral wealth lie hidden in these great mountains.
To-day, as we came along, we saw coal lying on the surface
of the ground, just as rocks jut out and fall to pieces on the
roadsides in England. The Chinese are afraid of digging
deep mines for coal or any other mineral, lest they shonld
disturb the spirits, which, they say, inhabit the interior of the
The country is well-wooded, bamboo and fir-trees being the
most usual trees. The ferns are luxuriant and of every
variety. To-day I saw the first bit of ivy that I have seen
in China, and hailed such a faithful old friend with great
delight !
January 2Gth, 1896.
It is Sunday, and we have spent the day here in this
tiny room at the back of a small inn on the outskirts of
a busy, populous town. We have not ventured out at all,
having been advised, before starting on our journey, to keep
as quiet as possible, partly on account of the recent riots in
this province, and partly because this is the time for the
great examinations in the big cities around.
The chief charm of our room is a window looking out over
the river. It is a paper one and will not open ; but through
its many holes and tears, we can see the distant mountains,
and have real fresh air. We have enjoyed the rest and
quiet of this little room ; it has been a little " Bethel," where
we have met with God in the midst of this heathen city.
" ' A little Sanctuary ' art Thou to me
Amongst the heathen where I dwell with Thee.
My heart has found its everlasting home,
Its sure abiding place where'er I roam.
'A httle Sanctuary' art Thou to me;
Thus may I evermore ' dwell deep ' in Thee ;
And daily praise for blessed foretaste given
(In doing of Thy will) of 'days of Heaven.'"
We have met here and there on our way a few who have
listened well, as we sought to be " instant " in sowing " the
seed of the Kingdom " by the wayside.
One old lady specially interested us. We overtook her
one morning as she was slowly climbing a very steep hill,
where she, like ourselves, had been unable to remain in the
chair. Her feet were very small, and every few minutes
she was obliged to rest. We helped her by giving her a
hand, and she was very grateful. She told us she was over
sixty and was on her way to some distant city to find her
only son, who had long ago run away from home. We did
so feel for her in her trouble, and it saddened our hearts to
hear her repeating, as she panted up the hill, the heart-
rending cry : " O-mi-f o-fu " (an appeal to Buddha), varied
at intervals with the name of some special god.
Whilst resting near the mountain-top, M. (Miss F. M.
Williams) told her about the one true God Who loved her as
a Father, and of Jesus Christ Who had died to save her from
her sins, and Who knew her sorrow and could guide her
to find her son. She listened eagerly, but the time was all
too short ; her chair arrived, and she was soon out of sight —
out of ours, but never out of God's sight. The seed was
sown, and we know it will grow up — " the Lord knoweth
January 2Uli, 1896.
We left K'ii-hsien at dawn, and arrived here about four
o'clock, having done a day's stage of ninety " U" equal to
thirty English miles. The average rate of travelling, by
sedan-chair, is ten " li" an hour.
Again to-day we have been passing through the most
beautiful scenery and richly cultivated country. The palm-
trees and ferns are lovely, and the colouring of the bamboos
so varied and pretty. Every here and there this morning
I saw clumps of the pretty Japanese anemone we have in
gardens at home ; the flowers are not in blossom, but I
recognised the leaves.
Another thing that has interested us to-day is, seeing the
young bamboo-shoots lying in tanks soaking, previous to
being made into paper of various kinds.
Every now and again coolies passed us, carrying on their
shoulders large bundles of pith which almost hid them from
sight. This pith, taken from ordinary water-reeds, is used
as lamp-wick, a small piece being placed in a saucer of oil ;
and this is the light used in all Chinese houses.
The coolie-loads that pass us day by day are very interest-
ing. I have seen loads of hats, paper, incense, coal, wood.
vegetables, pigs, oranges, cloth, and medicine. There being
no carts or beasts of burden in this part of China, everything
is carried by men, either on their backs or suspended to
each end of a bamboo-pole carried across the shoulders. In
this way each coolie is supposed to carry ninety "catties,"
equal to one hundred and twenty English pounds.
Our room to-night is indeed a sight I The walls are
falling to pieces and are covered by thick masses of cobwebs
and dust ; the floor full of holes ; the window paper all
blackened and torn, letting in the cold night air ; the table
and forms rickety, being minus their full complement of
legs ; and the inevitable pigs are in close proximity.
Our meals are always a great source of amusement to us,
as well as to the crowds that watch our every movement
through the cracks. Rice is generally to be bought, but
not always ; however " mien" or dough-strips, can be got
anywhere at this time of year, and so we are often to be
seen at the wayside inns, where we stop during the day,
making frantic efforts to get through a basin of " mien "
(something like vermicelli in appearance) with our chopsticks.
It might not pass for a luxury at home, but " circumstances
alter cases " ; being out in the fresh mountain air all day,
we are generally hungry enough to eat it with almost a
In the evenings, at the inns where we put up for the
nights, we have boiled eggs and tea, with some of the good
things our missionary friends at Wan-hsien kindly provided
for our journey.
January 2%tJi.
On arriving at this city, we were refused admission at two
inns. Directly our chairs were put down at the first, there
was some confusion and disturbance in the street, and the
crowd gathered round, trying to get a peep at us through
the closed curtains.
Soon the landlord came out and screamed : "No room for
them." Then our chair-bearers carried us to an inn outside
the city walls ; and there again we heard them say : " We
do not want the foreign devils here."
At last, after being carried about from place to place, the
men fonnd ns a room in this inn, which is evidently a very
poor place, but we are very thankful for it. It took us a long
time to clean up and put things to rights here, for it is quite
the worst room we have been in yet. However, we are fairly
straight now, and have had some food ; and, though only
seven o'clock, we think it best to hasten to bed and put out
the light, then we hope the noisy crowd outside will disperse.
We are safe in God's Almighty keeping, and in spite of
surroundings we shall, I expect, as usual, " sleep like tops."
That " not wanted " rings in my ears still ! It seems to
me that at times like these, one does in some small measure
enter into " the fellowship of His sufferings."
Christ knew what it was to be " not wanted," when " they
besought Him to depart out of their coasts," and He Himself
said : " The Son of Man hath not where to lay His head."
The very name, " foreign devil," by which we are so widely
known, reminds us that "the disciple is not above his
Master," for how often the Jews said of Jesus : " He hath a
devil." "He was despised and rejected of men " ; and " it is
enough for the disciple to be as his Master, and the servant
as his Lord."
" Go, labour on ; spend, and be spent,
Thy joy to do the Father's will ;
It is the way the Master went,
Should not the servant tread it still?"
January 29f7t.
Another night — and again we find ourselves in strange
quarters ! But we have a wonderful tonic ever ready, which
keeps us happy and bright ; it is just the remembrance
of these words : " For Jesus' sake." They lighten every
burden and brighten every cloud.
To-day is the 15th of the Chinese month, and, therefore, a
day of much idol-worship. We have seen incense burning at
the wayside shrines, and men prostrating themselves before
the hideous idols, and offering up fowls to the gods, killing
them there before the idols and putting the blood on the
stand, then taking them home for their own food.
..______ ^7^ "^". "M''^''" OT"li(ii y^<^'^ "^^^t ^1.
These last few days of our journey we have felt the darkness
of heathenism more than ever before. Between Wan-hsien and
Pao-ning, a distance of three hundred English miles or more,
there is not one single missionary station, not one messenger
of the Gospel. How are the millions of people in these many
cities, towns, and villages to be reached ? " He, whom we
love best, our Master and Lord, has bid us carry the Gospel
to every creature ; but we are such a small band of labourers ;
how are we to reach them all ? Oh, that the Christian
Church may see things as He sees them, that we may love as
He loves, give as He gave — all I "
" I gave My life for thee ;
My precious blood I shed,
That thou might'st ransomed be,
And quickened from the dead.
I gave My life for thee :
What hast thou done for Me ? "
Februa/ry 3rd, 1896.
We arrived here on Friday night, January 31st, and had
a most hearty welcome from the missionaries and native
Christians. We were expected earlier in the day, and
many of the school-boys and others had come a long way
to welcome M., and were disappointed at not meeting us.
She is well known and loved here, having worked in this
station for some years before going to Sin-tien-tsi in 1892.
Pao-ning is a large city, situated on the Kia-ling River,
one of the tributaries of the Yang-tsi. It forms the central
station of the Church of England district of the China Inland
Mission. The district is a large one, embracing the whole
of East Si-ch'uan.
The work was begun in this district in 1886, when Pao-ning
was the first station opened. Four other places have since
become centres of work, viz.: Pa-cheo, Wan-hsien, Kuang-
lien, and Sin-tien-tsi. There is work going on also in Shuen-
k'ing, but as yet the missionaries have not been able to get
a house there.
Yesterday, Sunday, we had the joy of meeting many of
the native Christians and of forming some idea of the work
of this station. The morning service was taken by the Eev.
E. 0. Williams. It was preceded by two prayer-meetings for
Christian men and women, and followed by separate classes
for men, women, and children ; all were well attended, as
were also the service and classes in the afternoon.
At these latter a series of lessons on " the Acts of the
Apostles " is now being taught, the same subject being taken
at each class ; after which all the people meet together in
the chapel, and are catechised upon what they have learnt
during the day. I was present at the boys' class, taken by
Miss Ek, one of the workers at this station, and was sur-
prised at the bright, intelligent answers they gave to her
The church (see illustration, p. 163) is a nice light
building, erected two years ago, largely through the contri-
butions of the native Christians. It accommodates two
hundred people. An interesting incident occurred on the day
of the opening of the chapel. In the early morning Bishop
Cassels was there alone, praying. Presently a man came in
and knelt beside him.
On rising from his knees, Bishop Cassels found that the
man had brought with him a basketful of idols, which he
wished to burn that day, as a testimony that he desired
henceforth to serve the one true God.
Since our arrival last Friday we have been very busy with
different things, and a large number of the native Christians
have called to see M. Many of these I knew well by name,
and it was a great pleasure to meet them.
This afternoon we expect the arrival of Bishop and Mrs.
Cassels and their party. The native Christians are preparing
to give them a warm reception.
M. and I leave here at daybreak on Thursday, and expect
to arrive at Sin-tien-tsii about midday on Friday.
Our hearts are filled with praise and thankfulness for all
our Heavenly Father's care of us in the midst of perils by
land and water.
Do pray for us that, as stewards of the Gospel, we may
every day be found faithful!
Bishop Cassels and his party have arrived. They received
a most hearty welcome from the people, several of the
Christian men going about three miles to meet them, while
the women and children assembled at the Mission House to
welcome them. The courtyard was decorated with lanterns,
and looked so pretty when they were lit up in the evening.
Soon after their arrival, a presentation was made to the
Bishop consisting of a big Chinese hat, a pair of boots, a
ham, and two chickens. They were presented to him on
behalf of the Church by one of the older members, who
made a little speech expressing gratitude to God for having
brought their pastor back to them again in safety. We
afterwards had a short thanksgiving service in the church,
when the Bishop gave an address from the words : " Thou
shalt see greater things than these."
This is the promise which, you may remember, was given
to me last November in connection with my coming to
Sin-tien-tsi with M. Since we started on our journey
westward, it has again and again been repeated by God
to one and another of our party ; and in a letter from the
Rev. E. 0. Williams, Bishop Cassels heard that it had been
chosen as this year's motto-text for the whole district.
"I cannot grasp the fulness, Lord, of this Thy word to me ;
I have no line to sound the depths of Love's unfathomed sea,
Yet fain would I let down my net and be full filled by Thee."
The land, whither ye go to possess it, is a land of hills and valleys, and
drinketh water of the rain of heaven : a laud which the Lord thy God oareth
for : the eyes of the Lord thy God are always upon it, from the beginning
of the year even unto the end of the year. — Dbut. xi. 11, 12.
" The Lord hath done great things for us, whereof we are glad."—
Ps. cxxvi. 3.
" Thou shalt see greater things than these." — John i. 50.
February Wth, 1896.
On Thursday, February 6th, M. and I left Pao-ning for
this place. We were surprised on arriving at our resting-
place for the night to find Mrs. Walter Taylor and M.'s old
woman-servant, Ts'ai-ta-sao, had come from Sin-tien-tsi (forty
" li" distant) to meet us. It was very nice to hear from them
that the work had been steadily growing, and was being
more and more blessed by God.
At daybreak, the following morning, we left the inn for
the last stage of our long journey. We had not gone far
before we saw Chao-ta-niang, the Bible-woman, coming to
meet us. She had been visiting the previous day in a village
thirty " li " from Sin-tien-tsi, and had remained there for the
night, so that she might be one of the first to welcome us.
About five English miles from Sin-tien-tsi, we were met
by a small crowd of people — Christians, Inquirers, and school-
boys, led by a band of musicians. The orchestra consisted
of a drum, a big gong, a long whistle, a pair of clappers, and
another instrument of strange appearance and discordant
sound. This latter quality, alas ! characterised them all.
Directly we were within hearing distance, the band began.
On reaching them we got out of our chairs to return the
salutations of the crowd. When we started again, the band
led the way, and at intervals crackers were let off in front
of our chairs.
115 7
As we drew near the top of the hill, a short distance from
tlie house, we saw about eighty or ninety 'men, women, and
children waiting there to welcome us. It was, of course,
all on account of M., whom the people love dearly. Again
we left our chairs and returned their greetings. One old
man, Hstieh-ta-ie, was very much moved, and shed tears of
joy as he welcomed her.
On arriving at the house, we gathered together in the
little chapel for a thanksgiving service. It was a most
touching meeting ; and I saw many men and women crying
for joy as they thanked God for bringing their teacher back
again. They prayed for me, too, that my coming into their
midst might be for blessing, and to God's glory. M. told
them a little about her two years in England, and of the
chastened joy with which her aged mother had again given
her up for further service for God in China. She told them
also of the bright word of promise which has so definitely
and so repeatedly been given us for Sin-tien-tsi and the
whole district : " Thou shalt see greater things than these."
Old Hsiieh-ta-ie, the first man to become a Christian in this
place, said a few touching words in the name of all present,
and presented M. with a silk banner and two scrolls inscribed
with words of welcome.
After the service tea and cakes were handed round, and
then the people dispersed. They seem such simple, loving
people, I long to know them all intimately, and for Jesus'
sake " to spend and be spent " for them.
During the last two years, the work in this place has
greatly increased. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Taylor have been
in charge for the past year, and God has much blessed their
labours. They will be leaving us in a few days to take charge
of the work at Kuang-iien, a station two and a half days'
journey north of us, and then M. and I will take up the
work here.
» * » * #
Sin-tien-tsi is the name of our house, not of any town,
village, or market. It is a large building situated in the
bend of a pretty, well-wooded hill. The house is divided
into two parallel courts — the outer one, nearest to the high
road, being used for the native work, and containing chapel
and guest-rooms, schoolroom, and servants' quarters ; while
the inner courtyard we reserve for ourselves.
Up among the mountains, two thousand nine hundred feet
above sea-level, and away from town and crowds, the house
is admirably suited for a sanitarium, and throughout the
summer is largely used as such for our fellow-missionaries
from the busy cities of the district. To the south of us, the
nearest mission station is Pao-ning, one and a half days'
journey ; while to the north the nearest is Kuang-lien two
and a half days distant ; Pa-cheo on our east is four days
from us ; and to the west, at a distance of five days' journey,
lies Mien-cheo, the nearest station of the Church Missionary
Society in West China.
Since the beginning of the work here in 1892, God has
blessed it abundantly, and it has increased steadily. The
number of those baptised is eighteen, and many more are
under instruction for baptism. The work among the boys
is encouraging, and there are now about fourteen or fifteen
boys in the school.
As we look out upon the work which God has given us
to do, we feel our utter inability for it apart from Him ; but
we have His promise : " My grace is sufficient for thee," and
in His strength and power, we believe to see the "greater
things " that He has promised.
" From glory unto glory 1 " what great things He hath done I
What wonders He hath shown us, what triumphs He hath won I
We marvel at the records of the blessings of the year !
But sweeter still than Christmas bells rings out His promise clear.
That " greater things," far greater, our longing eyes shall see I
We can but wait and wonder what " greater things " shall be ;
But glorious fulfilments rejoicingly we claim.
While pleading in the power of the All-prevailing Name.
The fulness of His blessing encompasseth our way ;
The fulness of His promises crowns every brightening day ;
The fulness of His Glory is beaming from above.
While more and more we realise the fulness of His love.
P. E. H.
" I will make them and the places round about My hill a blessing ; and I
will cause the shower to come down in his season ; there shall be showers
of blessing." — Ezbk. xxxiv. 26.
A2ml, 1896.
Two months have passed since we arrived here and were so
heartily welcomed. During this time I have learnt to know
and love the dear native Christians who form Christ's
Church in this place.
Those of my readers who have read Miss F. M. Williams'
book " A New Thing " will, I am sure, excuse me if, for the
sake of those who have not, I repeat here a few facts about
the beginning of missionary work in this station of Sin-tieu-
tsi. Eeal, definite work was begun in the autumn of 1892,
when M. first came to live and work here. Several mission-
aries had visited the place previous to this time, and a few
itinerations had been made in the neighbourhood.
The first pefson to be influenced by the Holy Spirit to
believe in the one true God and to trust in Jesus Christ, was
an old woman, named Chao, over thirty years of age, living
three and a half miles from here. On her way home from
market one day during the summer of 1892, she rested
awhile in the porch of our house.
A native teacher, named Ho, a Christian man, seeing in
her hand a bundle of incense-sticks, just purchased at market,
told her that burning incense was quite useless, and that the
true God wanted men to worship Him with their hearts and
in their lives. As He went on to tell her the story of God's
love through Jesus Christ, she exclaimed : " 27ns is what
I have sought for — the true doctrine — and the way to obtain
happiness in the future life."
To this end she said she had taken the vegetarian vows
upon her and most assiduously done all in her power to
appease the gods, by constantly burning incense and worship-
ping the idols.
So convinced, however, was she of the truth of all Mr. Ho
told her, that, before leaving, she gave him the bundle of
incense to be destroyed, saying she wished henceforth to
worship the true God only. Day after day she came here
to be taught more, and the following Saturday she brought
her household gods which she had torn down from the walls.
After the Sunday service, M. asked her if she were willing
to burn the idols. Without any hesitation she answered :
" I am willing ; I hate them ; they belong to the devil."
Thereupon, she struck a match and set fire to them herself.
Being old and musty, they did not easily ignite. However,
suddenly disappearing, Chao-ta-niang brought an armful of
straw to her assistance. Throwing this upon the idols, they
soon burnt away to ashes. Whilst they were burning, the
hymn " I will follow Jesus " was sung ; and then the question
was asked : " Who else will follow Jesus ? " An old man,
named Hsiieh (of whom I will tell yon presently), rose and
said : " I and my family will henceforth follow Jesus."
One of the women said to Chao-ta-niang after she had
burnt the idols (among which was one — the god of fire) :
" See, you have burnt the fire-god, and he could not defend
himself ! "
Those were the first idols burnt here, and she was the first
person to publicly confess her trust in God.
From that day she grew in grace and in the knowledge of
Jesus Christ. When M. came to work here in the autumn
of that year, Chao-ta-niang came regularly for teaching, and
was wonderfully quick in learning to repeat hymns and texts,
and also began to learn the Chinese character, so as to be
able in time to read the Testament.
In March, 1893, she and Mr. Hsiieh were baptised. We
often thank God for these " living stones " which form the
foundation of this Church, and which have been so much
used of God to build up "the spiritual Temple" in this
place. — (1 Peter ii. 5.)
In 1895, Chao-ta-niang was set apart as Bible-woman for
this station ; and now the greater part of her time is spent in
preaching the Gospel in the markets and villages around.
Her son is now a Christian, and several of her family are also
interested in the faith.
She is always thanking us for having come so far to preach
the Gospel, and seems as if she could never express her
gratitude sufficiently. The other day she suggested writing
to our Queen to thank her for allowing us to come ! She
cannot believe that the Queen does not know of our existence,
and when we told her the Queen would not be able to read a
Chinese letter, she said resignedly : " Never mind, I shall be
able to pay my greetings to her, and to thank her with my
own mouth in Heaven."
The second family to give up their idols was that of the old
man named Hsueh, who is an influential and a well-to-do
farmer, over sixty years of age, living five " li " from our
house. He first heard the Gospel in 1890, and for two years
he kept coming to hear more, whenever there was a missionary
staying here. From the beginning he showed great interest,
and often shed tears as he listened to the story of our Lord's
sufferings. His faith in idols was shaken, but for a long
time his wife and four sons were all against his doing away
with " the gods of many generations " ; but every evening
when the time came for his sons to worship the idols, old
Hslieh-ta-ie would leave the house for a walk round the
It was in September, 1892, while in conversation with Ho
Sien-seng, the native teacher, that he realised what an awful
thing it is to serve the devil, and then and there he assembled
his family together to choose whom they wonld serve.
Together they agreed to serve the Lord. The sons at once
took down all the family and household gods, and gave
them to Ho Sien-Seng to be burnt.
Soon after they had done this, the Hstieh family met with
severe persecution from their neighbours and friends ; but
the old man and his sons were determined not to be moved
by these things, and since that time they have, by God's
grace, been true and faithful, and have witnessed bravely for
the Truth.
The old man, Hsiieh-ta-ie, was baptised in March, 1893,
and since then his wife, two sons, and a grandson — aged
about eighteen — have also been baptised.
We often visit dear old Mrs. Hsiieh, who has been ill for
a long time ; her eyesight has failed, and she is now almost
blind. As we were sitting with her to-day, she said that
sometimes she dreams she can see, and then comes the
disappointment of waking up to find herself still in darkness.
She loves to hear about the Home above, where her eyes
will be opened and she will see " the King in His beauty."
Last year she was very ill for months, and there seemed
no hope of her recovery. But she prayed earnestly that God
would spare her until M. returned from England; He
graciously answered her prayer, and it was touching to see
her joy when M. visited her for the first time after her
She is so gentle and sweet, and we find her growing
more and more so, as she nears Home. Sometimes she takes
my hand in hers, and stroking it, calls me her mei-mei
i.e. " little sister " — because ker maiden name was the same
as mine (Tai pronounced di/e). In her weakness, she
has become a pillar of strength to this little church through
her prayers.
Mr. and Mrs. Hslieh's youngest son, Hsiieh-lao-iao, is an
earnest Christian man, aged about twenty-four or twenty-
five. He was convinced of the falsity of idols in 1892, when
he helped to destroy the household gods. From that time
he attended the services and meetings regularly, and, being
unable to read, and desiring greatly to read the Bible for
himself, he used to come up here in the evenings, when his
day's work was done, to be taught Chinese characters by
our teacher.
For some time, however, he would not acknowledge himself
a believer, because he longed first to have a tangible proof
through his own personal experience that our God was the
true God, and that He heard and answered prayer. This
was given him one cold wintry day, when he had been
on business across hills and valleys some distance from
his home. Ere he letnrned in the evening a dense mist came
on, and very soon he lost his way on the mountain-side. It
was a dangerous part, and he could see nothing of the path,
and had no stick with which to feel his way ; a false step
might at any instant have hurled him over some steep
precipice. After wandering about in despair for some time,
suddenly he thought of what he had heard of the living God,
and recognised in his circumstances an opportunity of proving
if He really were true and answered prayer. Thereupon,
lifting up his heart for the first time to God in prayer, he
asked God to help him and to lead him safely on his way.
Almost immediately, his foot knocked against something,
which proved to be a big stick, which enabled him to carefully
feel his way, and ere long he had reached home in safety.
From that moment he believed in God and the power of
As Hsiieh-lao-iao told us a few days ago of this experience,
he concluded by saying that since he became a Christian
God has blessed him and his family, and that his farming
has prospered as it had never done before.
Another leading Christian man of this Church is a chair-
bearer, called Uang-lao-ta. He lives in a tiny house in
a beautiful valley at the back of our hill. There are seven
in the family — the old mother, her two sons and their wives,
and two dear little grandchildren.
The two sons first heard the Gospel in 1892 from Bishop
Cassels, and the younger brother would have willingly
destroyed the idols then, but Uang-lao-ta was afraid lest
some calamity might ensue. He knew in his heart that
the Gospel was true, but wished to serve God and keep his
idols too !
Later in the year, when M. began work here, she visited
the family often, and they came regularly to be taught more
of the Truth.
One day, when in their home, she told Uang-lao-ta that
God could not bless him if he still clung to the idols ; and it
was then that he decided to destroy them, and did so at once.
There was one special idol of which they were much afraid,
but that day, the younger brother, seizing a hammer, broke
the idol in pieces, dug a hole in the garden, and buried all
the bits ; and Uang-lao-ta, referring to this a few days ago,
said : " It has not again injured me or any of my family,
and the Lord God Almighty has blessed and protected us
ever since."
Dear old Mrs. Uang understood the plan of Redemption
through having the " Wordless Book " explained to her.
Looking at the white page one day, she said : " I believe
Jesus has changed your heart, but will He change mine ? I
am only an old woman, who works in the fields ! "
How good to know that with God there is no respect of
persons, that all are alike precious in His sight, that every
soul is " of great value " because bought with the precious
blood of Jesus Christ. The other day as we sat with her
in her little house, she said : " I am old and poor, and
have no sense and no memory, but my heart is fall of
peace, because one thing I know, Jesus loved me and gave
Himself for me"
The younger son causes his mother and elder brother much
sorrow and anxiety, because he has become a heavy opium
smoker, and all the attempts made to break him of this
deadly habit have so far failed. Though the first in the
family to be convinced of the truth of the Gospel in 1892,
he has never gone forward, and is now, in 1896, the only one
not baptised. He does but little work, and lives on his poor
little wife's hardly earned wages, and is a continual source
of sorrow to the whole family. The elder brother prays
constantly for him, and longs for his salvation.
I have written thus fully of the beginning of the work here,
because I do want you to thoroughly understand all about
the growth of this little Church, and to be able definitely to
help us by prayer both for the Church as a whole and for
its separate members. Your prayer work is intensely real.
"Prayer moves the Hand that rules the world."
Early in the year we had the great pleasure of a visit
from Mrs. Isabella Bishop, the renowned traveller. She spent
nearly a week with us, and interested us greatly by all she
told US of her travels in missionary lands. She very kindly
took several photographs of the place and people for us,
among them, one of Mrs. Chao, the Bible-woman.
Mrs. Chao had never been photographed before, and, at
the last moment, just as Mrs. Bishop was about to remove
the cap, she was busily engaged in finding No. 77 in the
hymn-book she held in her hand. It is her favourite hymn—
" I'm not ashamed to own my Lord." Mrs. Bishop was
much touched with this little incident, so characteristic of
the old Bible-woman.
While staying at Pao-ning, Mrs. Bishop greatly cheered
the hearts of the missionaries there by her generous gift
of a hospital, to be opened under the name of the " Henrietta
Bird Memorial Hospital " as soon as a doctor and nurse are
The greater part of every morning I am engaged in the
medical work. In fine weather I have an average of about
twenty patients a day. I do trust this part of the work will
be a means of help to many. Chao-ta-niang, the Bible-woman,
is always with me in the guest hall. We try to tell about
the " Good Physician " to each one as they come ; and we
believe that through the medical work many hear the Gospel
who might otherwise never do so.
Every fine afternoon M. and I visit the homes of the
people, taking Mrs. Chao with us. The houses being so
scattered, we are not often able to visit more than one a
day. The distances are great and the roads bad, but the
welcome that always awaits us makes up for all the diffi-
culties of the way. And as we cross the hills, or go down
into the valleys around, a joy deeper than words fills our
hearts with gratitude for the privilege of being Christ's
ambassadors to the heathen. It is good to be allowed to
pass on a word of cheer to some of the Christians, or to
be seeking some of His " other sheep " to bring them into
the fold. " It is good for us to be here."
" Seek the coming of Christ's kingdom,
Seek the souls around to win them,
Seek to Jesus Christ to bring them.
Seek this first."
Assuredly it is not foreign intercourse that is ruining China, but this
dreadful poison [opium]. Oh, the grief and desolation it has brought to
our people 1 In its swift, deadly course it is spreading devastation everywhere,
wrecking the minds and eating away the strength and wealth of its victims.
The ruin of the mind is the most woeful of its many deleterious efEects . . .
in the deadly drug, we are self-steeped, seeking poverty, imbecility, death,
Chang-chIh-tung. Viceroy of Hu-pbh and Hu-nan.
china's soeeow.
June, 1896.
In April, Bishop Cassels held a Confirmation service here,
when eleven men and five women were confirmed. We
helieve that the service, and the special preparation classes
that had previously been held, were times of real blessing to
them all.
It was very sweet to hear their simple words of faith and
trust in Jesus Christ, when, at the service, the Bishop spoke
to them one by one. Old Mrs. Uang said again : " One
thing I know — Jesus is my Saviour," and dear blind old
Mrs. Hstleh said : " Through God's grace my heart is true
and I have but one desire, to get forward on my way to
After the service, a man, who has been attending the
Sunday meetings for some time, burnt his idols, and some
of the natives commended him to God in prayer.
Of course, this was a great step for him to take — the
burning of his idols — but leaving the false gods does not
always mean accepting the true God ; and as yet this man
has not given any evidence of change of heart. But we
trust that his salvation may be one of the " greater things "
which we are looking for.
During the last month we have been asked for medicine
for nine or ten cases of opium poisoning, and in every case
except one the medicine was effectual in restoring life.
In one house we found the patient was a young girl of
seventeen, who had taken the poison because of a quarrel
with her mother-in-law. Our short acquaintance with the
latter drew ont our sympathy for the poor girl, for the
woman was a real " scold." We have since seen the girl
occasionally and she seems grateful now for our having helped
her. She is married to a boy of eleven years of age I
Another day we were asked for medicine for a child of three
years of age ! The child had found some opium on the bed
where his parents had been smoking, and had swallowed it !
Oh, how often we see that the children suffer for the sins of
the parents !
A Chinese lady, named Peh, has been staying with us to
break off the habit of opium smoking. She has taken it
for twenty years. Poor woman, she has a sad story. She
is only thirty years old, and first acquired a taste for the
deadly drug when ten years old, through having to light
her parents' opium-pipes.
Her husband dislikes her very much, saying she is only
an expense and trouble to him, so he has married another
wife, and this poor lady asked us to help her to break off
the opium smoking, hoping thus to win back her husband's
She reads well, which is unusual with Chinese women,
and spent much time every day when with us in reading
the New Testament. She stayed here about six weeks, and
we believe she is now quite cured. A week or two before
she left she expressed her desire to be a Christian. We do
trust that she may find the rest and peace of knowing Jesus
Christ as her own Saviour!
Since she left us we have visited her in her own home
near Huai-shu-pa. She was very pleased to see us, and
welcomed us warmly. We were so glad to hear from the
other members of the family that she had not taken the
opium again, and that she had been teaching them the Bible
truths learnt when with us.
One case of attempted opium suicide which we attended
was that of a man, named Muh, who had taken the poison
because of a quarrel with his wife. This was a difficult case,
the man having taken the poison some hours before. In
time, however, the medicine took effect.
Liu-ta-niang, a Christian woman from Pa-cheo, who had
accompanied ns, spoke very earnestly to the man and his
family, urging them to leave their idols and trust in the
living God. One reason for the number of opium cases we
have had lately is, that the people are now gathering in
the opium from the fields. The poppy-heads are ripe, and
it is sad, indeed, to see the people in the fields among the
poppies, splitting up the capsules.
A writer has said : " You may go through China and find
tens of thousands of towns and villages with no trace of
the Bible or of Christian influence, but you will scarcely find
a hamlet where the opium-pipe does not reign. We have
given China something beside the Gospel, something that,
is doing more harm in a week than the united efforts of
all our Christian missionaries are doing good in a year.
Opium demoralises the people, and makes more slaves than
the slave-trade."
A missionary in China, preaching to a company in the
open air, spoke about hell, when one in the crowd said :
" Yes, we know about hell ; since England sent us opium
China has been a hell."
It is good to know that such a large number of God's
servants in England are banded together to do all in their
power by prayer and witness to remove the terrible curse
of opium from this country.
I have read that a Chinese teacher compared its ravages
with the last plague of Egypt, because there is hardly a family
in China without one victim to this awful scourge.
Our Sunday services are very well attended, between sixty
and eighty generally being present. Many come four or five
miles. If you could see the position of this house, and
look round about on the hills and valleys by which it is
surrounded, with hardly a house to be seen anywhere, you
would wonder, as I did at first and often do still, wherever
they all come from. But they do come and regularly, some
bringing their rice with them, so as to be able to stay for
the afternoon service.
About a month ago we hired a room at a little market,
called U-li-tsi, about four miles from here, and now every
Sunday afternoon a meeting is held there, conducted generally
by our teacher, Sie Sien-seng, with the help of one or two
other Christian men. We do trust that this new branch
of the work may be blessed, and that many men and women
in U-li-tsi may turn to the Lord.
Before M. went home, within a short distance of om*
house, and on the high road, was a small opium-den — a
very den of iniquity. It was her great desire to buy up
the place, and turn it to use in God's service. Kind friends
in England, hearing of this, collected sufficient money for
this to be done on her return. When she came back,
however, she found that the house had been rented to us,
the landlady having given it up of her own free will, because
she has become a believer in the Gospel ! The first Sunday
we were here she broke her opium-pipe and lamp before
the whole congregation, and we hope she will now become
Christ's true disciple. What an abundant answer God had
given to the prayers of His faithful servants in England !
It always cheers us to find proofs like this that the link
of prayer makes you and us fellow-labourers in the same
Some of the money contributed in England has been used
in repairing the broken-down old place, which has been
whitewashed, newly thatched, and nicely fitted up with all
necessary furniture. Tracts are pasted outside and a notice
giving the dates of Sundays. Much to our joy, we have
living in it dear old Mrs. Chao, the Bible-woman ! It has
meant much to her to leave her own comfortable home,
where she dwelt with her only son, adopted grandson, and
daughter, and to live alone in this small two-roomed house
on the high road. But she is glad to do or suffer anything
for Jesus' sake.
We asked her one day if she were ever lonely there by
herself. She answered brightly : " Oh no ! there are always
two of us living there — the Lord Jesus and myself."
Her words echoed those of the Master : " Alone, yet not
alone ; for the Father is with Me."
Living at this little house on the side of the road, she
has very many opportunities of telling passers-by of the true
God, and we hope that the preaching of the Gospel there
may be " the power of God unto salvation to many precious
souls," and that thus " it shall come to pass that in the
place where it was said of them, Ye are not My people,
there it shall be said unto them. Ye are the sons of the
living God."— (Hos. i. 10.)
The Master said unto His servant, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes
of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and
the blind.
The servant said. Lord, it is done as Thou hast commanded, and yet
there is room.
The Lord said unto the servant. Go out into the highways and hedges, and
compel them to come in, that My house may be filled. — Lukb xiv. 21-23.
" Jesus went round about the villages teaching."
Octoler 9th, 1896.
Now that the heat of summer is over, M. and I have been
able to visit some of the more distant villages.
Amongst some of the markets visited lately is Liu-k'i-pa,
a place about six or seven miles from here. It was the first
time that foreigners had ever been seen there, and though
the welcome we received was not so cordial as we generally
have at . other places, where we are better known, still we
had an interested group of listeners as we told the Gospel,
and we quite hope the way is now opened for many future
visits to that place.
On our way home we spent half an hour in a house where
the people were most friendly, and ready to listen to the
Gospel. They had been to me for medicine, and expressed
much gratitude for it.
An old, white-haired man, named Chang, listened as only
those listen who realise that they stand on the brink of a
Christless eternity. He asked searching and intelligent
questions, and was anxious to learn all he could in the short
time we were there. We were sorry to have to come away
so soon, but a long walk lay before us still. Before we left,
a little boy climbed up a tree and picked us some nice, big
pears, which we found most refreshing as we hurried home.
We long to go again to that house, but it means the best
part of a day to do so, and with so many needy ones nearer
us, it is impossible to often visit these more distant places.
We are but two here, very weak and helpless, and all
around us on the mountain sides, and down in the vallej'S,
and far away beyond them, there are thousands of perishing
souls quite unreached as yet.
" How many sheep are straying, far from the Saviour's fold !
Upon the lonely mountains they shiver with the cold ;
Within the tangled thickets, where poisoned vines do creep
And over rocky ledges wander the poor lost sheep.
O come, let us go and find them,
In the paths of death they roam ;
At the close of the day 'twill be sweet to say :
' I have brought some lost one home.' "
Another day we went to U-li-tsii, a market four miles away.
A girl living there had taken opium-poison the day before,
and we had sent her medicine. She was only sixteen and
had taken the poison because she was " tired of living." We
were thankful to find she had recovered. Though the girl
herself was not grateful to us for the medicine, her relatives
were, and offered us the use of a room in their house for
preaching, whenever we liked to go. "We hope, God willing,
to avail ourselves frequently of this offer during the winter.
San-ch'uan-si is another village we have been able to reach
lately. It is ten or twelve miles distant, over a rough,
mountainous road. We had not long arrived at the inn,
where we intended spending the night, and were having a nice
talk with a crowd who had gathered round us, when a little
slave girl from the one wealthy family of the place ran
in, bringing us an invitation to eat the evening meal with
them. Meng Lao-ie, a local mandarin, was away, but his
mother, over seventy years of age, was at home and his
wife and children. They are all opium smokers, and every
now and again one or another would lie down on the couch
where the opium lamp was burning, and smoke, even while
in conversation with us. During the evening they asked us
to read our books and to sing to them. They like to listen,
though as yet they show no real interest in the Gospel. We
were ravenously hungry ere the meal was ready, which was
not until seven o'clock. We had eaten nothing but a few
biscuits since our breakfast, and had had the long mountain
walk since. It was not surprising therefore that we were
ready for anything, even to the hard, nnripe persimmons which
preceded the meal, and the slices of fat bacon which ushered
in the rest of the food !
On our return to the inn we found the landlady waiting
for a chat, and she said that many people had been in and out
during the evening to see if we had returned.
Next morning we had some good talks with those who
came to see us, and one little girl repeated quite correctly
the last verse of a hymn which she had been taught four years
ago by a missionary who visited the place. As we left the
village quite a little crowd of people watched us, waving until
we were out of sight, and calling out to us to " go away
slowly, and come back quickly."
One afternoon, as we were returning home from visiting
one of the Inquirers,* we took a short cut through a beautiful
wood. Suddenly coming in sight of an old house, the Bible-
woman told us a man was lying there very, very ill, all hope
of his recovery having been given up, as for four days, with
the exception of a little opium to ease his pain, he had taken
nothing. As we drew near the house, a son came out and
pressed us to go in and see his father, who, he said, had
given up the worship of idols and was a believer in the
Gospel, having often been to our services. We went in and
sat for a few moments with the old man, who was certainly
very weak. His face brightened as we spoke to him of Jesus,
and said we would pray for him. After this some of the
Christians visited him regularly and took him nourishing
things, but he gradually grew weaker and weaker until he
peacefully passed away. The day before his death he called
his sons around him, and in the presence of the Bible-woman,
told them he was dying a Christian, and wished them to bury
him as such, and exhorted them to put away all idolatry
and serve the true and only God.
After his death the two younger sons would not allow their
elder brother to carry out the father's wishes, and insisted on
following the heathen customs. The elder son attends our
services now, and seems to be seeking after the Truth.
Another day on our return from Liu-k'i-pa we passed the
* Candidates for baptism.
house of Mrs. Long, one of the Inquirers. She was grinding
corn in the courtj'ard. Stopping to speak to her, we found
her in great sorrow. Nine days previously her little boy,
twelve years of age, had gone out to gather firewood, and had
never returned. His father had searched for him everywhere,
but in vain, and they were forced to come to the conclusion
that he had been killed by some wild beast, and had been
carried off to one of the great caves we so often see in these
wild mountains. Poor sorrowing mother ! how could we
comfort her ? We felt unable, face to face with such a
sorrow as hers, to say anything but remind her of " the God
of all comfort."
It is no uncommon thing up in this mountainous country
for little children to be thus attacked and carried off by
leopards, even in broad daylight, and lately we have heard of
several of these sad cases.
The last few weeks have been a very busy time with
the country people, for they have been gathering in the
rice harvest. The different stages in the cultivation of rice
have interested us a great deal. During the winter the
water-fields, which look like lakes among the valleys, lie
fallow, unless drained and used for an early bean-crop.
Early in the spring the fields are ploughed — water-buffaloes
being used for this purpose. Then, after heavy rain has
fallen, the seed, known at this stage as " kuk-ts'i,'" is sown
in small fields, being thrown broadcast upon the water,
illustrating the verse : " Cast thy bread upon the waters,
for thou shalt find it after many days." — (Eccl. xi. 1.)
When the young shoots have grown to a height of six
or seven inches, they are transplanted in rows in larger
fields, and are then called " iang-tsi" In the autumn comes
the ingathering, and this is followed by the threshing and
winnowing of the rice. Now it is known as " mi" and when
cooked and ready for table the rice is called " fan."
Two Sundays ago we had a Harvest-Thanksgiving service.
All Saturday afternoon we had a merry time with our school-
boys, helping to arrange the various offerings, that the people
had willingly brought to the God Who had given them such
an abundant harvest. '
From photo by]
IMi'. 'Jemen.'
When all was arranged it was a wonderful sight indeed !
Many baskets of rice were there, wheat, flour, Indian corn,
turnips, egg-plant, ginger, persimmons, oranges, pears, pome-
granates, marrows of various kinds, beetroot, peas, and many-
other things, the English names of which I do not know.
It was good to see the happiness and pride of the dear
people as they brought in their offerings.
Bishop Cassels was here and preached on the words : " Ye
are God's tilled land."— (1 Cor. iii. 9. E.Y. m.)
" For souls redeemed, for sins forgiven,
For means of grace and hopes of heaven,
What can to Thee, O Lord, be given,
Who givest all ? "
other sheep I have, which are not of this fold ; them also I must bring,
and they shall hear My voice, and there shall be one fold and one Shepherd. —
JOHK X. 16.
The Good Shepherd giveth His life for the sheep. — JOHN x. 11.
Wilt tliou lay down thy life for My sake ?— John xiii. 38.
Saviour, do with me what Thy heart desireth,
For Thine own glory, make the most of me.
Tune Thou my life to all Thy wiU requireth,
Thy 'whatsoever' shall its keynote be.
" The valleys shall abound in corn ; yea, they shall sing." — Ps. Ixv. 13. S.V.
November, 1896.
This bright promise has been in my mind and prayers lately,
and I want to tell you how God is beginning to send " the
springs into the valleys " all around us.
This is, as you know, "a land of valleys and hills," and
looking down from the top of the hill behind our house (which
Mrs. Chao likes to call "the Lord's hill") we have often
pointed to a house here, or another there, where, as yet, the
people are, if not utterly opposed to the Gospel, quite in-
different to it. But we thank God that " the fountains are
opened in the midst of the valleys " and that there are now
a few homes where the true Light has entered, and they
stand out like bright harbour-lights across the dark waters
of heathenism.
One of these, the home of the Christian tailor (see "A
New Thing " ), we visit often to teach his wife, Mrs.
T'ang. When first we visited her, she seemed so dull and
hard, and if we said anything about the Gospel, she would
quickly try to silence us by saying " that was only for the
men " (an idea quite Chinese, for the husbands and eldest
sons perform the idolatrous rites and ancestral worship for
the whole family).
We persevered, however, and went regularly to teach
her, and by degrees she changed completely. The dnlness
and hardness all went, as she slowly took in the sweet
story of the Saviour's love, and when this was spread abroad
in her heart by the Holy Spirit, she became so bright and
loving, and eager to bring others to feel the glow of Divine
love also.
She is making rapid progress with reading, and can
repeat many hymns and Scripture texts. I heard another
woman compliment her one day on the rapidity with which
she learnt. Mrs. T'ang answered :
" Of course, I must be quick. My husband has been walking
this Heavenly road two years ; I want to catch him up, so
that we can go forward together."
Another day, M. remarked to some women, how very well
Mrs. T'ang's fields looked. One of the women said :
" Probably her fields are sheltered from the wind."
"No," replied T'ang-ta-sao, "they are fully exposed to all
the force of the wind ; but when it blows hard, I ask our
Heavenly Father to take care of our crops, and He always
Leaving the valley where Mr. and Mrs. T'ang live we
enter another, in which are two houses only very recently
opened to the Gospel.
At one of these we received a warm welcome lately,
whereas two or three years ago, when M. visited the
same family for the first time, they sent their dogs out
to stop her entering the house. We attribute the change
to the fact that one of their boys has this year attended
our school ; they do not as yet show any interest in the
Gospel, but we hope this will come as we visit them
At the other house in the same valley live people of the
name of Uang. A few days ago their little two-year-old
boy was drowned in a pond near the house ; seeing a buffalo
standing in the pond he had gone in too, and very soon sank
in the mud and was drowned. We went down to express our
sympathy with the poor mother and grandmother, who were
in terrible distress. The latter kept saying : " I used to call
the child and he would come back to me at once, but now
I call and call in vain ; I shall never see him more."
Hers was "sorrow without hope." What a terrible sorrow
it is ! We spoke to her of the Christian's " sure and certain
hope," and longed that she might have the comfort we have
of knowing that death separates only " till He come." We
are praying that through the sorrow this family may obtain
everlasting joy and gladness.
In qnite another valley at the back of our hill are two
houses, very far apart, and in each is an old Christian woman,
named Li. In July they were baptised by Bishop Cassels,
together with Mrs. Sie, our teacher's wife, and his eldest son,
aged thirty.
For a week previous to the baptisms we invited Mrs. Sie
and the two Mrs. Li (one aged eighty and the other sixty-
six) to stay with us for special instruction. It was sweet to
hear the old people repeat what they had been taught, and
to find them so very clear about the plain, essential truths
of the Gospel. The eighty-year old Mrs. Li had her own
version of the lines :
"Jesus loves me, this I know,
For the Bible tells me so" —
for she would say :
"Jesus loves me, this I know.
He has washed me white as snow."
When asked where Jesus Christ was, she answered :
" Where Siao-tsie (their name for us) is, there Jesus is " ;
and the other said : " Jesus is in heaven, but He comes
to Sin-tien-tsi every Sunday." Dear old women ! It was
sweet to know they had realised His presence here. When
the one of sixty-six heard how Jesus was preparing a place
in heaven for her, she said she knew that was because He
loved her, and wanted her with Him in heaven, just as we,
because we loved them, had asked them to stay with us
at Sin-tien-tsi. One of them told us her prayer before
meals was : " My God, food comes from Thee, drink comes
from Thee ; God, I thank Thee."
Belonging to the family of Mrs. Li of sixty-six, is an old
man, who has been a regular comer to all services and
meetings for some time past. He wears a large slouch
hat (of the old cavalier style) and has a beautiful face.
For weeks before we knew his name we called him to each
other, " the man with the angel-face." He is a quiet, simple
man, " full of faith and power," and we believe he will become
a pillar of strength in this little church.
It was a very great joy to us to see these dear people
baptised, and we do pray that they may be kept '•' following
on to know the Lord," and that they may be the first-fruits
of a rich harvest yet to be gathered in from that valley where
they live.
Another valley scene comes before me as I write. At
a house in a well-wooded and beautiful valley, rich in ferns
and flowers, all is sadness and grief, for a little baby-girl
after a long illness has just died. The parents are Inquirers,
and asked that the child might have a Christian burial. It
was conducted by the evangelist. Standing there by the
side of that tiny grave with a little band of native Christians,
our hearts were moved as we sang the hymn, so sweet in
Chinese :
" When He cometh, when He cometh
To make up His jewels."
We were so glad to be able to comfort the mother by
telling her that the little one was " safe in the arms of
In June we spent three days at Ts'ang-k'i, our nearest
city, twenty-three English miles distant. Three of our
chair-bearers were Christians, and we had also with us
Uang-ta-sao, a Christian woman, the wife of one of the
On our way we had opportunities of sowing the seed of
the Kingdom at two market-places — Ch'a-tien-tsi and Huai-
shu-pa. It was sown in weakness, but God can raise it in
At Ts'ang-k'i we had a very hearty welcome from the
people who had gathered around us in the inn. Most of
them recognised M. and were delighted to see her again.
The inn-people entertained us to a small feast in M.'s
honour, but it was very hard to do justice to it. We had
only a very short time for teaching the people, as a heavy
thunderstorm came on, cansing them all to quickly hasten
The following morning we visited Liu Sien-seng, an old
Christian man, living in the city — the only witness there ; we
were glad to hear from many that he is faithful in telling
others of Jesus Christ.
After seeing him, we walked five English miles to the
house of Sie Sien-seng, our teacher and evangelist here.
We had such a warm reception, and were reminded of the
house of Cornelius, when we saw the numbers that were
gathered together to hear the Word of Grod. We were
most encouraged to find how Sie Sien-seng and his sons
had been witnessing for Christ, so that there are now several
people in that neighbourhood seeking after the Truth. We
long for more opportunities of going there to teach them
further. Every Sunday a meeting, conducted by the eldest
son, is held in the house, and is well attended.
That night we had a good time with the people at Ts'ang-
k'i. The landlady of the inn was very kind to us, turning
out of her own room that we might be comfortable.
The following day we returned home, thankful that we
had had the opportunity of speaking to so many of the true
and living God.
Since onr return we have been able to send a copy of the
New Testament to the mandarin at Ts'ang-k'i, and we trust
that God's Word may bring eternal life to his soul.
There is another visit to one of the valleys I must write
about before closing this letter.
M. and I with Chao-ta-niang went to see an old woman,
Ohang-ta-sao, who had come here occasionally and whom
we had not visited before. After a long, pretty and, to us,
a new walk along the hillside, we reached her house. Her
delight at seeing us was genuine. Many neighbours gathered
together, and we had an exceptionally good time with them,
as they listened to the sweet story of Jesus Christ.
Chang-ta-sao is very deaf, and some of her neighbours were
regretting this fact, fearing that she could not hear what
we said. She was sitting close to M. and, taking her hand
in hers and stroking it as she talked, — a habit of tenderness
peculiar to the old woman, — she answered something like
this :
" These words I do hear, though I am deaf and stupid ; and
I know I am a sinner, and that Jesus died to save me from
my sin."
We came away full of thankfulness to God for letting
the Light shine into that dear old woman's heart. She is
very true and faithful, and suffers very severe persecution
and ridicule from her unbelieving relatives, who tell her
they will never let her be baptised.
I am sure there are many like this old woman in China,
true, earnest believers, placed in such circumstances that
they have never been enrolled on any church book, but their
names are written in Heaven.
Many are being gathered into the Kingdom of God, all
unknown to the missionary, but reached, nevertheless, by
the Spirit of God working through the native Christians, or
enlightening the pages of scattered Gospels and tracts.
Another day we spent in visiting a family, named Loh, living
in a valley about twenty miles away. They had pressed us
to come and see their two children, who are both consumptive,
and are the only ones left of a large family.
How we longed to help them ! But with such a disease,
how little we could do 1
Whilst at their house several people came to see us and
heard the Gospel for the first time. We had with us a supply
of Christian books and tracts, and were glad to leave some
with those who could read.
We trust that our visit will result in blessing to some in
that distant valley.
Had I time, there are many others of whom I might also
write, who are coming up from the valleys - around to learn
about the true God.
Returning home from visiting one day, we met a woman
on the hillside. As we passed, she said to Mrs. Chao : " How
happy they look ! "
" Of course they do," said the Bible-woman. " Those who
love Jesus are always happy."
And, indeed, we are very happy in the work here.
" Thou hast put gladness in my heart " is so true, as we
"go forth into the field," and see the springs of Living
Water flowing through the valleys.
We do long to be kept so near to God, praising and trusting
Him, that Ps. Ixxxiv. 6, may be true of us : " Passing
through the valley of weeping they make it a place of
springs ; yea, the early rain covereth it with blessings."
But while we praise God with full hearts for the precious
first-fruits we have been allowed to gather for His glory, we
realise that the valleys are many and broad, and that the
Lord has promised " abundance of corn." " The harvest truly
is great, but the labourers are few."
"He was not willing that any should perish ;
Jesus enthroned in the glory above,
Saw our poor fallen world, pitied our sorrows,
Poured out His Life for us — wonderful Love !
Perishing ! perishing ! thronging our pathway,
Hearts break with burdens too heavy to bear.
Jesus would save, but there's no one to tell them,
No one to lift them from sin and despair.
Perishing ! perishing ! hark how they call us :
' Bring us your Saviour, oh, tell us of Him !
We are so weary, so heavily laden,
And with long weeping our eyes have grown dim.'
Perishing ! perishing ! harvest is passing,
Eeapers are few, and the night draweth near,
Jesus is calling thee, haste to the reaping.
Thou shalt have souls, precious souls for thy hire.''
A. B. S,
Jesus loves you, little children,
And He died as much for you.
As for any grown-up person,
Though He loves them dearly too.
Jesus vratches o'er you, children.
With a Shepherd's tender care ;
While He calls the sheep to follow,
You upon His arms He'll bear.
Jesus calls His little children.
Telling them there's work to do,
That He can't give grown-up people,
But that He can trust to you.
Soon He's coming for the children
Who have loved Him and are His,
And around Him they shall gather,
For of such the Kingdom is.
OUR boys' school.
" Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not :i for of
such is the Kingdom of God." — Mark x. 14.
Beeember, 1896.
OuB boys' school is a source of much pleasure to us. It
was opened in 1893 by M., and is entirely supported (as
well as the Pao-ning Boys' School) by the kind contributions
of her own family friends.
The schoolroom is in our outer courtyard. It is a large
room with four good -sized paper windows and whitewashed
walls, on which are hung brightly coloured scrolls bearing
Scripture texts or hymns.
There are six little low tables in the room, and round
these the boys sit and study, while the teacher has a big
table, so placed that he commands a view of the whole room.
School begins soon after sunrise and, with a short interval
for dinner, lasts until dark.
The way the boys study would very much amuse our
English school-boys, who would think this a queer school
indeed !
As far as possible those studying the same lesson will sit
together at the same table. There is one teacher for them
all, and when the boys are assembled he tells them to begin,
and then — oh ! the hubbab and confusion, the noise and the
bellowing that ensues and continues throughout the day 1
They all learn their lessons together, each one repeating
his at the very top of his voice, all in the room doing the
same thing at the same time, though the lessons may be
all different.
151 9
This is the educational process by which the lessons are
supposed to be transferred to the memory of the learner.
I remarked about it once, but was assured that Chinese
children could not possibly learn in any other way ; that
their ancestors had done so too, and that the greater the
noise the better pleased the teachers would be.
When the lesson is learnt, the boy repeats it to the teacher,
with his back turned to him and the book. This is done
that the teacher may be sure the pupil is not furtively
glancing at the book.
Our school-teacher, Sie Sien-seng, who acts also as our
evangelist, is a good Christian man, not eloquent in preaching,
but living a humble, consistent life ; his influence is bearing
fruit among his scholars and the people around.
He was converted before M. went home for furlough,
being utterly broken down at a little farewell service held
before she left. The Holy Spirit worked in many undecided
hearts that day, and his among them ; and when the meeting
was over, he said : " Up to this time I believed the Doctrine,
but now I believe the Lord Jesus Christ is my own Saviour."
Since that time he has steadfastly gone forward, and has,
we believe, been the means of leading others to know God.
The boys spend half the day at their Scripture lessons,
and the other half at Chinese classics.
The Chinese as a nation have remarkable memories, and
the boys can commit to memory whole books, without
understanding — or ever dreaming of inquiring — the meaning
of a single line.
" Chinese studies have been compared to ' gnawing a
wooden pear.' Tedious and profitless, the learning acquired
with an incredible amount of labour is of no actual value in
after life. The Chinese youth, however, masters two lessons
thoroughly — those of obedience and respect for authority, and
industry. Of independent thought he has no conception. He
does as others do, without asking why, or even imagining
any other way."
We have three Scripture classes a day with our boys.
Two in the morning, M. taking one for the elder lads,
members of the Children's Scripture Union, and I the other
Fiotn pho.o by2 [Miss F. M. Williains.
P'ieh-ua-tsi, one of the school-boys, at the back.
(Sec Chap. xxiii.J
for the smaller boys, and the third in the evening, when
they repeat the lessons learnt during the day.
The number of the boys varies between seventeen and
twenty. They are dear little lads, most of them coming from
very poor homes. We are trying to make their school-days
happy. As a rule a Chinese school-boy's life is dreary and
monotonous in the extreme. They have no Saturdays or any
regular holidays, except a month at the New Year time ;
they come off badly too in the way of amusements, and
know nothing of cricket or football, and " as to climbing,
or running, or jumping, or anything of an athletic nature,
it is not in their line at all."
But they have their games all the same, such as flying
kites, spinning tops, playing shuttle-cock with their heels,
target-shooting with a small stick sharpened at the end, and
a few others.
Once a month we invite them all to a meat dinner. I wish
you could see how they relish it ! Poor little laddies, I expect
it is the only time that some of them get a proper meal, and
can eat as much as they want !
The half-yearly prize-giving is a great stimulus to the boys
and a real delight to us.
M. has a good magic-lantern with a splendid set of
Scripture slides, which she shows every two or three months
to the people. Two of the elder lads manage the lantern
and change the slides, while M. explains them. These
Lantern Meetings are always well attended and much
appreciated, especially by the boys.
We have four boys living here with us. The eldest is
Sie-ii-seng, aged seventeen. He is the teacher's third
son, and is here for study with his father, who is anxious
that he should pass examinations and become a good
The second boy is Heh-ua-tsi from a village one hundred U
from here. He is fourteen years of age and an earnest little
Christian. He was baptised at Pao-ning when the new
church was opened in 1893. At his baptism he gave the
following testimony : — " Some months ago I was in the
fields picking sticks, and near me were some women who
were talking to each, other about the way to Heaven and a
good Lord. I did not understand what they said, so I asked
them, and they told me more ; but as I went home I forgot
what they bad said, and only remembered the one word —
' Lord.' As soon as I could, I went and asked the women
again about tbe good words. They taught me a verse of
' Jesus loves me,' and I went home and told mother ; and
I began to pray. The women asked me to go to their house
on Sundays for worship, and mother and I went. They said
the idol must be destroyed. At first I was afraid of this,
but at last, when we were influenced by the Holy Spirit, we
put them away, and now I only want to be an earnest disciple
of the Lord Jesus." * His influence in the school is helpful.
We trust that before this lad there is a glorious future
of useful service for God.
The third, a dear, quiet little boy, named Tong-ua-tsi
(" the child of winter ") aged ten, has only recently come
to us.
He is the son of our former landlord, who, with his wife
and two elder sons, are inveterate opium smokers. Though
related to the best and wealthiest family in the neighbour-
hood, they are all now practically beggars, having been
reduced to this condition through the opium.
We have long wanted to get Tong-ua-tsi away from the
evil influences of his home, but it was only a few weeks ago
that we saw our way to doing this. His parents left home to
carry on a lawsuit in a neighbouring city ; they shut up the
house, leaving the child to find a home where he could. In
his loneliness, he came to us for refuge, and shyly asked M.
if he might stay here until they returned, saying he would
try and pay back the money for his rice some day !
Dear little fellow ! he did not know that his coming was
an answer to our prayers.
When his parents returned in a few weeks' time they were
only too glad to let him stay on, and now he is quite a
member of our household, going to school all day, and,
whenever free, doing all he can to help every one else.
He is a quiet, thoughtful child, and seems fond of Bible-
* From " A New Thing," by Miss F. M. Williams.
study. We hope that he, too, will become an earnest and
true Christian.
The youngest of our four boarders is Hai-p'ing-tsi, eight
years old. He is a queer little fellow, very amenable to
kindness, but in every possible way the essence of mischief.
He is the terror of the whole establishment, because no one
ever can guess what next piece of mischief his active brain
is planning.
He is always in every one's way, and is perpetually in
trouble with the teacher for running out of school, or for,
in some way, upsetting the equanimity of the other scholars.
His singing very much amuses us. With head thrown
back and face all puckered, and keeping up a swaying motion
all the time, he opens his mouth wide, and out come volumes
of sound, drowning all the fruitless attempts of other boys to
make themselves heard I
He is the grandson of Uang-ts'ong-i, the evangelist who
some years ago voluntarily received one thousand strokes
"for Jesus' sake and the Gospel's," instead of Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Polhill-Turner at Sung-p'an on the borders of
In connection with this, the Bible- woman told us a very
amusing story about Hai-p'ing-tsi. He was going home for
the holidays and Mrs. Chao laughingly said to him :
" Hai-p'ing-tsi, I suppose you will not come back here after
the holidays, as the teacher so often beats you ? "
Drawing himself up to his full height, the little fellow
answered : " Chao-ta-niang, my grandfather was beaten at
Sung-p'an, and he did not mind ; Sie Sien-seng may beat me,
but / will not mind ; for the more bitterness we eat in this
world, the greater will be our happiness in the next ! "
The poor little boy did not distinguish between the causes
of the beatings. He was beaten for his naughtiness, while
his grandfather suifered " for the Gospel's sake."
It brought back to mind our own school-days to see his
excitement at going home for the holidays, and to watch him
pack and unpack his pei-lan-tsi (basket). We gave him
some sweets, dried persimmons, oranges, and monkey-nuts to
* See the booklet " Wang," by Bishop Cassels, China Inland Mission,
take home, but we hear they were nearly all eaten before he
started !
One morning he slipped into the room where I was attend-
ing to the patients, and hearing me speak to one about the
true God, he drew near, and said to her : " All my lifetime I
will not worship these mnd gods."
Another day we asked him what he was going to do when
grown-np. He very quickly answered : " I'm going to serve
So we believe that under his strange and mischievous nature,
there is a deep under-current of good, which will, if guided
aright by God's grace and power, make of this wild little
" pickle " a brave, strong man like his grandfather, full of
zeal in God's service.
A few weeks ago one of our little school-boys died. He
was twelve years old, and had been in this school three years,
and had therefore a good knowledge of Bible truths.
He was ill only a few days, and his early death has made
a deep impression on his school-fellows. One of them,
Heh-ua-tsi, was with him the day before he died, and there,
surrounded by all that was idolatrous, and among people
opposed to the Gospel, the two lads prayed together. How
sweet to God must have been the prayer which that little
lad breathed over the dying boy !
Again and again we find how great a factor the boys'
school is in the spread of the Gospel in this country. The
boys come mostly from heathen homes, hear of the true God
and of the love of Jesus Christ and the only way to be saved,
and repeat all they learn to their parents and friends at home.
Those among the relatives who can read, see the boys' books,
and thus very much interest in the Truth has been aroused. In
the case of one boy, Peh-ua-tsi, this has been very clearly so.
He is a lad of fourteen now, and has been at school two years.
From the beginning he showed great interest in the Gospel,
and there was no doubt that his heart was touched by the
love of Jesus, and that he put his trust in Him. In the
evenings he would teach all he had learnt afresh during the
day to his grandmother and his parents, who had never
heard before. By degrees, they and other relatives became
iaterested and regular attendants at the services and classes ;
and now several members of the family are either baptised
Christians or Inquirers.
This is by no means the only case in which we have proved
the truth of the words : " A little child shall lead them."
A while back in the Canadian woods, a fir-forest was cut down, and the
next spring the ground was covered with seedling oaks, though not an
oak-tree was in sight. Unnumbered years before, there must have been a
struggle between the two trees, in which the firs had gained the day, but the
acorns had kept safe their latent spark of life underground, and it broke out
at the first chance.
If we refuse to stay our faith upon results that we can see and measure, and
fasten it on God, He may be able to keep wonderful surprises wrapped away
in what looks now only waste and loss.
So, no matter if we never see the full up-springing on earth of the
Spirit-seed scattered. It is all the more likely God may trust us with a great
multiplying, if our faith does not need to witness it.
God's possibilities for these germs of Spirit-life are not bound by time.
All that matters is that our part should be done. We are respoiisible for
sowing to the Spirit, responsible like the seed-vessel for fulfilling our
ministry to the last and uttermost.
My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish His work.
From " Parables of the Christ-life." — I. L. Tbottbr.
" Said 1 not nnto thee, that, i£ thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest se^
the glory of God ? " — John xi. 40.
JamuiTy, 1897.
Looking back over the year just gone, we can see how God
has begun in many directions to fulfil the promise with which
we began the year. At Wan-hsien, the most distant station
from Pao-ning in this district, " greater things " have
distinctly been seen.
For eight years the good seed of the Kingdom has been
sown there, with apparently little result ; one woman, living
a long way from the city, being the only person to turn
from idols to serve the true God.
This last year, however, eight have been baptised in
Wan-hsien, and God has richly blessed the work there.
In Pa-cheo, a new church has been opened, and the
missionaries are being much encouraged in the work.
At Kuang-iien, two-and-a-half days' journey to the north
of us, God's blessing has been given, especially in the work
amongst the men. In August, together with several others,
T'ien-ta-ie, the gaoler,* was baptised. He is an earnest,
thoughtful man, and his changed life is already influencing
At Pao-ning and in this place we have had cause to
thank God for purifying the Church, and thus preparing the
hearts of His servants for fresh manifestations of His power.
We go forward into this new year longing to know more
of "the exceeding greatness of His power to usward, who
* See " T'ien : The Converted Gaoler," by Miss F. H. Culverwell.
Our helper and boys' school teacher, Sie Sien-seng, has
lately been to Pao-ning, where a weet's special classes have
been held by Bishop Cassels and Eev. 0. Parsons, for all the
native evangelists, helpers, and leading Christian men in
the district. There was much spiritual and doctrinal teach-
ing ; God greatly blessed this effort, and we believe the
results will be far-reaching.
Old Mrs. Chao, the Bible-woman, has distinctly grown in
faith and love during the past year. She is such a dear old
body, so faithful to her Master and loving to us, and her
intense joy over every one who becomes interested in the
Gospel acts as a continual stimulus to us.
A few days ago, when we were out with her, she told us
about the day when first she understood how God had so
loved the world that He gave His only Son to die for us.
She was thinking about this all alone in her little house, and
her heart went out to God in intense sympathy, for she
thought of how her parents (dead many years now) would
have felt, had they given her up to die, and the dear old
woman added with moistened eyes and quivering voice : " My
heart was sore troubled, and I cried ; I was so sorry for God."
She told us that as she realised it all, she knelt down and
poured out her love and gratitude to God, and freshly
consecrated her life to Him.
She is only a poor, simple country woman, very poor and
insignificant in the eyes of men, but oh, how precious to the
heart of God is the sympathy and love of this dear, earnest,
loving soul ! " Sorry for God." The words cling to me, in
longing and reproach. How few of us have yet felt as she
did the depth of God's love in God's sacrifice ! And having
felt it, dear old Chao-ta-niang goes forth to pour out her life,
a free-will offering unto God, in bringing others to feel His
love also. Her one great desire is to be found busy in
His work when the Master comes ; she wants to " spend and
be spent " in His service.
" Measure thy life by loss instead of gain ;
Not by the wine drunk, but by the wine poured forth ;
For love's strength standeth in love's sacrifice ;
And whoso suffers most hath most to give \ "
At Christmas-time we had a very happy time with the
Christians. Those who live far off spent a few days with
us, and we were glad of this opportunity of learning to know
them better. The day before Christmas we gave a dinner
to all our friends, and M. showed them some magic lantern
views about the birth and life of Jesus Christ.
On Christmas Day the room was well filled for the morning
service. In the afternoon we had a Christmas-tree for the
Christians and school-boys — about forty in all. They were
all delighted with their gifts and were most grateful for
I wished that the kind friends in England, who sent so
many of the things, could have been with us. They would
have been more than repaid, I know, by the bright, happy
faces of the people as they went away with their treasures.
In a former letter I told yon about Mrs. Long, one of the
Inquirers, having lost her little boy, and that it was generally
feared the child had been carried off by some wild beast, and
devoured. Lately, news was brought to the poor, sorrowing
mother that he had been heard of at a place some seven
or eight days' journey to the north of Sin-tien-tsi. The father
of the boy went to look for him, even as far as Si-ngan Fu,
in Shen-si, but could not find him. A boy, answering rather
to the description they had given of their child, had been
carried away by a party of traders, and the father followed
them, hoping it might be his boy ; but he was disappointed,
and returned home alone. The poor distracted mother is
plunged deeper in sorrow than ever, and does so need our
constant prayers.
During these winter months we hold a weekly sewing-class
for women. We find that there are many young, women
in the neighbourhood very hard to reach. They never come
to the Sunday services or week-day classes ; either they do
not care to, or their husbands will not let them do so.
But they gladly come to the sewing-class, as they can
earn a little money thereby. They work from 8"30 a.m.
to 12 '30 at our work, chiefly embroidery ; and we give them
each forty cash = \\d., which is considered good pay 1
Whilst they work, Mrs. Chao sits with them and teaches
them hymns and texts, and M. or I have a short class
with them sometime during the morning. Last winter we
had nineteen regular comers, and some of them manifested
real interest in the Gospel, and most of them now regularly
attend the Sunday services. One woman has been enrolled
as an Inquirer, and two have destroyed their idols.
About six weeks ago we found such a dear little hamlet,
named U-kia-p'ing, away among the hills, about seven miles
from here. It has only about twelve houses altogether, and
the people are all named U.
They welcomed us warmly, and invited us to sit down in
the centre courtyard of the largest house ; and very soon
a kind, friendly crowd gathered round us. When we had
done justice to the basins of sweet potatoes that they brought
us, they asked us to tell them the Gospel, and listened eagerly
for an hour and a half, and when we suggested starting back,
they pressed us to stay the night and teach them more.
Though not able to accept the invitation then, we have done
so this last week.
We left home on Tuesday, taking with us Mrs. Chao and
Hsiieh-lao-iao, a Christian man, to carry our bedding and
to help us in speaking to the men. The first two days we
walked, the road being mountainous and precipitous, with
narrow, winding paths. Many times we thought of that
word : " He sent them two and two before His face into
every city and place, whither He Himself would come " (Luke
X. 1), for everywhere we met so many hearts prepared to
receive the truth.
We reached U-kia-p'ing about three o'clock, and it was
not long before we were sitting in a good-sized room round
a bright log fire, made in a hole in the centre of the mud
floor. The people at once gathered round the fire with us,
until the room was full. There was very little of the ordinary
" small talk," which takes so much time ; they seemed to
come for the Gospel's sake only, and on coming in some
said : " We have come to hear your books and the good
Some children were eager to be taught a hymn, but the
older people said : " No, you can teach one another the
hymn after the teachers have gone, but now let us listen
to their words while they are with us."
This went on until six o'clock, when a tall, young woman
invited us into her house for the evening meal. This we had
in a long, low room, very dark, and full of the smoke coming
from the wood fire, which, in the kindness of their hearts,
they had made for our benefit quite close to the table where
we sat. Our supper consisted of what we know so well in
China, a bowl of mien, that is, dough-strips made of flour
and water, and cut into long, thin strips looking like macaroni
and served up, steaming hot, with vegetables in gravy.
The people were delighted to see how thoroughly we
enjoyed their food, and that we ate it with chopsticks just
as they do.
As soon as the meal was over, we turned to the fire ; and
the crowd that had been waiting patiently for us outside
came in ; and, forming a large circle round the burning log,
there we sat until nine o'clock, telling the " tidings of great
Hsiieh-lao-iao spoke for quite an hour, putting very plainly
before them the wonderful plan of Redemption, and telling
them his own heart's experience, and how he knew God was
the true God. They listened eagerly, and the circle of up-
turned faces, glowing in the firelight and fixed upon the
speaker, showed their intense interest in all they heard.
About 9.30 we left them there, still talking, and went to
the room which had been prepared for us. It was the most
comfortable room in the house ; and though perhaps, to critical
English eyes, there were many things lacking, and many it
would have been better without, we slept well, and woke up
in the early morning to hear people talking in the next room
about God and Jesus Christ. They had come as soon as it
was light, and when we went out to them a little while after,
we found them as ready to listen as they had been the evening
before. Breakfast over, other groups of people came, and we
were able to give medicine to some sick ones among them.
At 10.30 we had to leave this little place. The people
escorted us to the brow of a hill, and then stood and watched
us out of sight, calling to us " to come again soon." We went
on our way, thanking God for having led us to this little
corner of His vineyard, so " white unto harvest." Will you
help us, by " labouring in prayer," to reap these golden sheaves
into His garner ?
Let us ask " great things " of God for U-kia-p'ing. We
know God is able to do far more than we ask or think, but
His word is : " According to your faith, be it unto you." In
some measure, therefore, it rests with us.
Our next stopping-place was San-ch'uan-si, a market twenty
U further on, a place we visited last year. On our way we
had opportunities of speaking to some people, and one man
was specially interested in a talk he had with Hsiieh-lao-iao,
and he seemed moved as he heard the story of the Cross.
We reached the prettily situated market-town about one
o'clock, and some of the women and children came in at
once to see us.
A man, named Uang, sat a long time listening as Hsiieh-
lao-iao explained some of the Truth to him ; and another
man was near by, listening intently, though trying to appear
In the evening we were again invited to the house of
Meng Lao-ie for supper. You will remember we spent an
evening there the last time we visited this place. They are
always very friendly and kind. They know the Gospel well,
but it is always with sad hearts that we come away from
them, because we feel the seed has fallen into stony and
thorny ground, and that there is but little hope of its bringing
forth fruit. They have, I suppose, all they need in this life
and think, as yet, but little of the next.
" How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the
Kingdom of God I " — (Luke xviii. 24.)
Early the following day we started for Shih-men-ch'ang,
about eight miles from San-ch'uan-si. The man who the
previous day had tried to look indifferent as he listened to
Hsiieh-lao-iao preaching the Word, caught us up halfway
to the market and asked for a tract or book to read at home,
and as we all walked on together, he asked Hsiieh-lao-iao to
explain some points that he had not understood the day
before. When we drew near to the village, he left us.
On arrival at Shih-men-ch'ang, we found the market in
fnll swing. A relative of Hsiieli-lao-iao's kindly invited us
into his house to have some tea. He took us into a tiny-
room, where some people were warming themselves at the
fire, and where a person was in bed with thick curtains all
round ! The people in the market had seen us pass through
the streets, and now came crowding from every quarter to
see the " foreigners." Hstieh-lao-iao and Mrs. Chao did all
they could to restrain the crowd and to keep them quiet,
but all to no avail. The poor man, in whose house we were,
was in a most excited state of mind, lest any of his possessions
should be stolen. He shouted and screamed in vain for
the people to go, and said that if any of his things were
lost, he would blame them all and they all would have to
make them good. In desperation, he at last called the
magistrate of the place, who came at once, and, flourishing
a big stick, ordered all the men out of the room. Soon after,
we had forms put outside in the street, where we sat and
spoke to the crowd, who gathered round us.
In the midst of all the excitement and confusion in the
house, Mrs. Uen appeared. She is a dear old woman, lately
interested in the Gospel. She had been marketing in the
village, and hearing we were there, came at once to help us
— which she did by keeping the crowd orderly, while Hsiieh-
lao-iao spoke to them, and we distributed books and leaflets.
Chair-bearers from home met us here with our chairs, and
early in the afternoon we came away. I was greatly relieved
when we did so, and yet at the same time I was very sorry
that the noisy crowd had made me feel thus, and in my
thoughts ever since have run the words : " And Jesus, seeing
the multitudes, was moved with compassion toward them,
because they were as sheep not having a shepherd." I do
long to be more like Christ in seeking these poor lost people
for Him.
Towards evening we reached the next village. Uen-pa-tsi
and the chair-bearers soon found us a comfortable room in
an inn.
A number of nice little children were the first to come
to us, and later they fetched their mothers also.
The people of this little village have always been rather
unfriendly to " foreigners," and are inclined to set afloat all
kinds of evil stories about us.
M. says that, some years ago, they spread the report that
foreigners were hiring beggars to poison their wells, and
taking all their treasures from their hills. Just now the
prevalent story is that the foreigners are buying up all the
rice to send to their land, so that all the Chinese people
may die of starvation ! They were not at all inclined to
believe the true version of the case — that, because of the
famine in south and south-east Si-ch'uan, the mandarins had
been sending up silver to buy rice from the districts where
it is plentiful, in order that the Chinese may not die of
starvation in the famine-stricken districts.
Here I must give an extract from M.'s account of this
journey. " A little boy of sixteen amused us very much.
He said he had seen two kinds of foreigners, and that they
must have come from two different countries.
" ' One kind,' said he, ' are like you. They arrive at an inn
and open their door, invite the people in, show us their books,
and they talk to us and we talk to them ; they eat our
food, and in our way ; their books are written in our character
and contain good words. These foreigners love us, and we
love them ; they would never hurt us, and we would never
hurt them.'
" ' But the other kind of foreigners,' the boy continued,
' are different ; they shut the door on reaching the inn,
and will let no one see them ; they eat their own food that
they bring with them ; their books are written in the char-
acter of their own country ; they do not love us, and we
do not love them. It is they who take our treasures and
want to hart us. But they are the foreigners from the other
foreign country, not yours 1 '
" Whilst this conversation amused us much, we could not
help thinking, too, how very much these people watch us,
and how our daily lives among them will affect them much
more than anything we say."
The following morning after breakfast, among the women
who came in to see us was one over seventy years of age ;
she broke down utterly as she heard of peace and rest through
trusting in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, and, with tears
in her eyes, she told us of her unhappy life, full of misery
and bitterness, and of the longing our words of peace and
comfort had aroused in her heart. For a long time we talked
to her of the love of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ, and
we do trust that she understood something of what she heard.
We hope to see her again when we next come to Uen-pa-tsi.
We had a bitterly cold journey home that day — fourteen
miles through driving mist. At a wayside inn where we
had some tea, Hstieh-lao-iao had a warm discussion on
some points of doctrine with a Roman Catholic, and it
was interesting to see him turn up his Bible to prove the
truth of his argument. He gave the man a Gospel and
some leaflets before they parted, which they did, after all,
on the very best of terms.
We were warmly welcomed home again by all our dear
people, and were very thankful to have had the privilege
of telling of His salvation to hundreds who had never before
heard of Jesus.
Behold, what manner of love.— 1 John iii. 1.
See from His head, His hands. His feet,
Sorrow and love flow mingled down ;
Did e'er such love and sorrow meet.
Or thorns compose so rich a crown ?
Were the whole realm of nature mine,
That were an ofEering far too small ;
Love so amazing, so divine.
Demands my soul, my life, my all.
I. Watts.
"found of him."
" He died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we shonld live together
with Him."— 1 Thbss. v. 10.
April, 1897.
FouK English miles from Sin-tien-tsi is the small market
village called U-li-tsi. The market is held every third day
throughout the year. The days between, the Chinese rightly
call leng-cKang, that is, " cold market," and were you to
visit the village then, you would find everything dreary
and desolate, shops closed and streets almost deserted, the
people being at work in the fields. But go again on a
reh-cKang, or " hot market-day," and you will be surprised
at the change of scene. For miles along the road you would
meet the people hurrying to market laden with farm produce,
and, gathering together from all directions in the one, narrow
street of the village, they form an almost impenetrable crowd.
In front of the shops, stalls are put up, on which travelling
merchants and pedlars exhibit their goods, the tea-shops are
crowded, and the opium dens are also full of smokers. The
streets are in parts lined with rows of men and women
standing by their baskets of vegetables, grain, or rice. The
value of rice is the most important thing of the day, the pivot
upon which the price of nearly everything else turns.
It was on just such a day, in that very place, during last
summer, that a group might be seen in a corner of that busy,
thronged street, gathered round our Bible-woman, Chao-ta-
niang. I can see her now, her dear old wrinkled face all
aglow with Joy and earnestness, as she spoke of the Saviour
she loves so well. She has known Him herself just four
years, and she often says they have . been the happiest years
of her life. How much she rejoiced that day, when she saw
that among her listeners were two old women who drank in
the Word, as those do whose hearts have been prepared by
the Spirit to receive the seed of the Kingdom. One of these
was Uen-ta-niang, aged seventy, and the other, her relative,
Chang-ta-sao, a few years older.
That evening, Mrs. Chao came with me to an opium-
suicide case, and on the way home she told me about
Mrs. Uen and her relative, and it was good to see her intense
desire that they might be saved.
They both came the following Sunday to learn more — and
oh ! the joy of speaking of Jesus to these longing, hungry
souls ! I wish I could tell you what an intense joy this is.
Surely it is part of the "manifold more in this present
time." — (Luke xviii. 30.)
Mrs. Uen and Chang-ta-sao continued to come regularly for
weeks ; then the latter went to live with a nephew, who opposed
her coming to us, and her visits became few and far between.
She was always pleased to see us when we visited her, but
on hearing that the nephew treated her cruelly after our
visits, we discontinued them. Uen-ta-niang has attended
the classes regularly, and every Sunday, no matter what the
weather may be, she is with us. Her little house is three
and a half English miles from us in a lonely but beautiful
When she became a Christian, her only son and his wife
and children, who had been living with her, left her and
took a house further down the valley. This was a cruel
thing to do, and even in the eyes of the heathen was wrong,
because they lay so much stress upon filial piety.
Certainly, old Mrs. Uen had aroused her son's ire many
times before he went, by always going out when he performed
his idolatrous worship, and once, being able no longer to
stand the smell of the incense, she carried all the idols out
into the courtyard, telling him if he wished to worship them
he could do it out there !
When the son and his family went away, they left the
family gods in their place. Mrs. Uen then destroyed them,
but in the centre room was a tablet to " Heaven and Earth,"
Frptn photo by]
IMis, Isabella Bishop.
On being photographed, she insisted on having her hymn-boolc open
at her favourite hymn, " I am not ashamed to own my Lord."
Frmii plioto fry] [Kcv. A. T. PollUll Turner.
which she dared not touch, because it belonged partly to a
nephew, who, though living at some distance from her, had,
through some complicated arrangement, a share in it. Mrs.
Uen longed to be rid of the tablet, but was afraid of offending
this man. After the son had gone, she used the centre room
as little as possible, doing everything in her own little room
which served her as bedroom and kitchen in one.
Thus the winter passed by, and early this year she went
away to visit a married daughter living a long way from
us. How we trembled for her among all that was heathenish
again. We prayed daily together that God would keep her
from the evil, and we rejoiced greatly when, after two months'
absence, she came back to us still bubbling over with joy
as she spoke to us "of things touching the King." She
had found an old unused loft where she had often gone to
talk with Him, and on Sundays she had had a little meeting
alone with Him there, repeating all the texts and hymns
she had learnt. She told us that the magic-lantern picture
of the Crucifixion, seen shortly before going away, had never
left her mind, and it had taught her much of the great love
of Jesus Christ for her.
It was not long after her return home that she had a
striking dream. In the valley opposite she saw a figure,
which she knew was that of the Lord Jesus Christ. She
saw Him coming across the valley, and cried out many
times : " Saviour of the people " (her own name for Him),
" I am a sinner ; come and save me." But though He drew
near her house, it was only to look sadly in, and then He
passed sorrowfully by. She tried to ran out to Him, but
some power restrained her.
Awaking, she felt convinced it was the presence of the
idolatrous tablet that had prevented Him from entering, and
she became more and more determined to get rid of it.
A few weeks later an opportunity arose of speaking to her
nephew and son together about the necessity of destroying
the tahlet, but they would not consent to it. She then told
them she must obey God rather than man, and that if they
would not take it away she would bum it. Finally they
left her to do as she would with it, and the following Sunday
she triumpliantly brought it under her arm to the service
and set fire to it with great delight, and while it Lurnt we
sang the hymn, " I want to follow Jesus."
During the week following the burning of the tablet, she
told us she wanted to have her house white-washed. Knowing
how very poor she is we tried to dissuade her from incurring
this expense, telling her that the burning of the idols was
necessary, whilst the renovating of her house was not.
" But," she answered quickly, " I want my Lord Jesus to
always live with me there, and it must be clean for Him ;
and am I not expecting Him to come back from Heaven at
any moment ? I would not like Him to smell any trace
of the incense."
Of course, as this was her motive, we could say no more.
Would that our Lord's return were such a momentary reality
to all His children as it is to some of these dear people.
From that time Uen-ta-niang's earnestness increased daily.
Much persecution and trouble from unbelieving relatives and
neighbours followed the burning of the idols, but she has
borne all bravely, and has found that " as the sufferings of
Christ abound in us so our consolation also aboundeth in
Christ." This she has experienced in realising the fulfilment
of her one great desire, that her Saviour should dwell with
her. She was quite hurt once when I asked if she were
lonely sometimes in her little house, and answered decisively :
" How can I be lonely when my Lord is always with me ?
I talk to Him and He speaks much to me."
Another thing that has struck us much about Mrs. Uen
is her constant desire to give something to God in return
for all His love to her. The first of all her crops and
vegetables she brings to us. One day, hesitating to take
her first basket of new peas, for she is very poor, I said :
" Why do you give us so much ? " She answered : " Have
you not brought me the Grospel and told me of the love
of Jesus? By giving to you I feel I am giving to God
Dear old woman, her face shines with the joy of her
salvation. She reckons she only began to live in the ninth
month of last year when she first heard the Gospel. All
her life before that was, she says, lived in vain. Thank
God, she now lives in the conscions realisation of His
presence, in the light of His countenance, and His presence
is indeed to her " fulness of joy."
"Still, still with Thee, when purple morning breaketh,
When the bird waketh, and the shadows flee ;
Fairer than morning, lovelier than daylight,
Dawns the sweet consciousness — I am with Thee.
When sinks the soul, subdued by toil, to slumber,
Its closing eye looks up to Thee in prayer ;
Sweet the repose, beneath Thy wings o'ershadowing,
But sweeter still to wake and find Thee ihere^'
Every field has its crises. When the sowing time comes, the seed must
be put into the furrows — it is now or never. When the harvest ripens, the
sickle must be put to work immediately — again it is now or never — ripeness
borders on rottenness, and the crop which is not reaped, is soon not worth
reaping. So the world-field presents its crises. When the soil lies fallow, and
waits for the sower, if he goes not forth with the seed, he loses his chance ;
and when the fields are white unto harvest, to wait is to forfeit both his chance
and his crop. And in some part of the wide field it is always a crisis ; either
the sower or the reaper is in demand, and sometimes both, for sometimes God's
harvests come so fast that the ploughman overtakes the reaper, and the treader
of grapes him that soweth the seed.
Rev. A. T. PiBESON, D.D., in "The Divine Enterprise of Missions."
" White unto harvest."
JuTie, 1897.
This year was begun with special prayer that more souls
might, by God's grace, be reached by the Gospel. An address
of Bishop Cassels', connecting Genesis iv. 9, " Where is
thy brother?" with John i. 41, 42, "Andrew first findeth his
own brother . . . and . . . brought him to Jesus," has greatly
stirred up in oar dear native Christians a desire to bring their
heathen relatives to a knowledge of the truth, and some
have had wonderful experiences of answered prayer.
During the first weeks of the Chinese year, a man, named
Ma, from a village seventy-five U distant, came to inquire
about the Truth, having heard that we spoke of " a way to
escape everlasting punishment." Old Hsiieh-ta-ie was here at
the time and faithfully told the man the Gospel. He stayed
the night in an inn near, and was present the following day
at the Sunday gatherings. Before leaving us on Sunday
afternoon, he fully decided to put away his idols and worship
the living God. He took away with him a Gospel and some
tracts. Do pray for this man ; he lives too far away for us
to see him often, but through prayer both you and we can
help him.
Do you remember my telling you in my last letter of the
great crush of the crowd at Shih-men-ch'ang ? We have been
so delighted at hearing lately that a woman in the crowd, who
heard the Gospel then, has decided to become a Christian ;
her mother, who lives near here and is an earnest Inquirer, is
so thankful to hear this good news about her daughter.
A fortnight ago, two men named Li, from a village a day's
journey from Sin-tien-tsi, came to inquire the way of salva-
tion. They came into the room where I see the sick people
every morning, and I asked them if they wanted medicine.
They said no, they had not come for that, but to hear about
the one true God. You can imagine with what joy we told
them the glad tidings of salvation.
It appears they were first led to think about the Truth by
reading 1 Tim. ii. 4, 5, 6, at the head of a tract that they
somehow got into their possession. One sentence fastened
itself on the men's minds : " God our Saviour, Who will have
all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the
They inquired of many the meaning of the words, but no
one was able to tell them how to obtain this knowledge of
the Truth. They were convinced that the idols were false, and
longed to know the true God.
At last they met some one who suggested they should come
and ask us ; and how glad we were they came !
" Ye shall seek Me and find Me when ye shall search for
Me with all your heart." — (Jer. xxix. 13.)
They listened eagerly to all we said and for hours they
remained here, talking only on the subject of salvation.
They spent the night in the neighbourhood, and the following
day were present at the usual monthly magic-lantern service,
which they much enjoyed — the slides related largely to the
life of Jesus, and we do hope the men were helped and
blessed. Mrs. Chao had sat up late the night before, talking
to them and teaching them. They left us that evening with
Gospels and tracts to read at home. We believe they are
earnest and sincere in their desire to serve God. Do please
pray for them.
The congregations on Sunday are far too large for our little
room, and we are continually bringing before the people the
need of a separate building. Meanwhile we long that the
spiritual Church should be increased and that every member
of it should be " holy unto the Lord."
During the whole of the winter there was much distress
and poverty in the district below Pao-ning, that is in the
south and south-east of this province, through the utter
failure of last year's rice-crops. In some parts the famine
was so severe that hundreds of families have been moving
northward in hope of finding work in some more prosperous
districts. They pass our door day by day, and we have
heard most pathetic stories how whole families have started
out on their way north, and how one and then another has
died of starvation on the roadside, until only two or three,
or even one, remains. We have done what we could to help
them by having large quantities of rice boiled every morning
to be given to those who come in. The little children
specially touch our hearts, and how often we have longed to
be able to open a home of some kind for them 1 Some
of the Christians have taken one or two at a time into their
homes and given them food.
A short time ago, Miss Littler of Wan-hsien spent a few
weeks with us. She had with her a dear little Chinese girl
whom she has adopted. She was found on the hills beyond
Wan-hsien, having been left there to starve. Miss Littler,
hearing of it, took the little mite of three years old until her
friends might claim her. No one has done so, and now Miss
Littler has adopted her as her own, giving her the name of
"En-teh " (" Obtained by grace ").
In connection with this terrible famine I must tell you that
the members of the K'uei-k'i Church in Kiang-si, hearing
of the sufferings of some of the Christians in this province,
collected quite a large sum of money, that rice might be
bought to give them. Does not this remind us of the days
of the early Church ?— (Acts xi. 28-30.)
One wet, windy day in April, about dusk, two lads came
into our porch for shelter from the rain. Old Mrs. Li, one
of our house-servants, asked us to go and see them. Her
eyes were full of tears as we followed her to the doorway.
The two boys were very wet and cold, and crouched together
in a corner of the entry. The younger boy aged fourteen
was pitiably thin, and the elder aged sixteen had what looked
like cataract in one eye. They had the appearance of
belonging to a good family. They said they were orphans,
and that they had walked nearly eighty English miles from
their home, and were going north in search of work.
We felt that food or money might help them for a little
while, bnt in that driving rain we could not let them go on.
As we hesitated a moment, and looked up to God for
guidance, it came through the words : " A stranger, and
ye took Me in." On receiving this word, M. knew what to
do, and it was good to see how the school-boys vied with
each other in their attempts to make the two lads happy.
They took them to the kitchen, and while one brought fire-
baskets, another got them some food, and Heh-ua-tsi put one
of his garments on the younger boy.
That night we decided to keep them a few days to look
after the elder boy's eye. Good food and careful attention
soon made a difference in them both — and their love and
gratitude won our hearts at once. They were with us a month,
every day spending the morning in school and the afternoon
in some manual work outside.
Meanwhile, Mr. W. Taylor kindly arranged that one of the
Pao-ning Christians should go to the boys' home near Lan-p'u
and make all possible inquiries concerning their family.
He was unsuccessful in finding any of their relatives, and on
his return the boys confessed that they had deceived us. Their
parents are both living, and it was on account of ill-treatment
that they had run away from home. They had agreed to say
they were orphans hoping we would pity them, and afterwards
they were afraid to tell us the truth, lest we should send
them away. And when spoken to about the wrong of telling
untruths, the younger lad said : " Before we came here we
did not know it was a sin to tell lies, but now we know it is
a sin against God."
The boys were taken back to their home by a reliable man,
and we do trust that all they heard about Jesus may yet
bring forth blessing for them and their family.
A few weeks after they left us, their father, a native doctor,
came all the way here to thank us for having befriended his
boys. He was most grateful for all we had done. Sie
Sien-seng found him an intelligent and interested listener,
as he told him the Doctrine, and he took a copy of the New
Testament home with him.
This is a family we can only reach by prayer, for they live
SO far away ; and, through prayer, you are as near to them
as we are.
" More things are wrought by prayer,
Than this world dreams of."
In the midst of much that is bright and encouraging in the
work here, one thing has saddened us very much lately. One
of our church members, Cheo-nan-pih, who was an opium
smoker before he became a Christian, has now taken to it
again. This has caused us much sorrow. Just now, he is
ill with a severe attack of influenza. We do trust that while
laid aside he will realise his sin, and that, relying on the
power of God, he will be enabled to again give up this terrible
The medical work continues to increase ; sometimes I have
had as many as thirty patients during one morning, and it is
wonderful what long journeys some of them come. They
seem to think nothing of ten or twelve English miles, and a
few have come forty and even sixty miles, taking two days to
do it. They have the greatest faith in our drugs, and it is
marvellous how our simplest medicines cure some of their
really serious complaints.
During the past two months there has been much sickness
about. An epidemic of fever has raged in the neighbourhood ;
many of the Christians suffered, but we are thankful to say
they are all recovering now.
It is a cruel fever, running its course in fourteen or fifteen
days, and reducing the strongest men to a state of utter help-
lessness and weakness. For some weeks we were very
specially busy, giving out medicine here, or visiting the many
sick ones in the homes around.
One afternoon, on returning from one of these visits, we
saw old Hsueh-ta-ie, the farmer, sitting on a rock, overlooking
his fields. He had seen us come out of a Christian man's
house, and as he watched us wending our way through the
valley, he had been wondering why so many of God's children
should have suffered from this sickness. When we came up
to him, he said : " I seem to understand now that, when we
Christians get ill, it is just as if a man came with an awl, and
bored a hole into this rock to see if it were strong and durable,
and after awhile he came again, and bored a little deeper to
test the durability of the rock still further ; and so God
allows us to suifer, to prove whether we are true and
Another time, speaking on the same subject, he said :
"We farmers dig and plough our fields in order that the
crops may spring up ; and we are God's fields, and He allows
us to have trials and sickness in order to train and enable
us to bring forth more fruit to His glory."
We are so often struck with wonder at the beautiful way
in which the Holy Spirit teaches these simple people deep
lessons, which have taken some of us years to learn.
One of the chair-bearers, Uang-lao-ta, a great strong
man he was, has through this sickness become as frail as a
little child. He told us that during his illness one text
was constantly with him — " Whom the Lord lovetk He
chasteneth " ; so that his sickness seemed to him to be a
shang-tsi — a reward, or prize from God — an opportunity
of learning something he could not learn otherwise, and his
heart was therefore full of peace. He was hardly out of danger
when Kuei-ua ( " Precious child "), his little adopted daughter,
the child of his brother, was taken ill with the same disease.
She is a dear little Christian girl, aged seven, and very
precious to her adopted father. One night, when the fever
was at its height, and he sat with his wife by the side of
the child, who, they feared, was dying, he again turned to
God in his sorrow and prayed : " If, Lord Jesus, Thou art
going to take her, Thy will be done, but if Thou wilt heal
the child, who is so dear to us, she shall be Thine all her
life. Thy will be done. We give her to Thee."
The prayer was heard and the child recovered. As soon
as the little one was well enough, the parents brought her
up to the Sunday service, and when it was over Uang-lao-ta
rose, saying he wished, before the whole Church, to fulfil
the promise he had made to God concerning the child. Some
of the Christians then commended the little one to God in
prayer, and we trust that her life, consecrated thus early
to God, may bring forth abandant fruit to His glory in
this land.
Yon will be glad to hear that during the last few months
a doctor and nurse have been appointed for Mrs. Bishop's
hospital in Pao-ning. Early in the year Dr. Pruen reached
here, and Miss Arnott, a fully trained hospital-nurse, has
arrived since.
Mr. Wrigley, one of our fellow-workers in this district,
died a few weeks ago of typhus fever at Shuen-k'ing.
We thought he could ill be spared, but God knows best.
Much blessing to many in this district must come as a result
of Mr. Wrigley's faithful work for God, and we are praying
that some at home, on hearing of this gap in the ranks, may
be led to offer themselves to fill his place here.
The time is short and the fields are " white unto harvest."
Oh, that God would send forth more labourers — strong,
earnest men, sure of His call and His enabling, and con-
secrated women, constrained by Christ's love and compassion
for the lost — who will be " shepherds after God's own heart,"
to be used of Him to bring many lost ones Home !
And for us, who have the unspeakable privilege of being
here for Jesus' sake, and for all the native Christians, we
do pray that we may each one be filled afresh with His
Spirit, made " vessels meet for the Master's use," and that,
when the Lord of the harvest cometh, we may be found
with Him, " bringing in the sheaves,"
The seed-vessel hopes for nothing again : it seeks only the chance of
shedding itself. Its purpose is fulfilled when the wind shakes forth the
last seed, and the iiower-stalk is beaten low by the autumn storms. It
not only spends, but is " spent out " (R.V.) at last. It is through Christ's
poverty that we are rich ; " as poor," in their turn, " yet making many
rich " is the mark of those who follow His steps.
Are we following His steps — euro we? How the dark places of the earth
are crying out for all the powers of giving and living and loving that are
locked up in hearts at home ! How the waste places are pleading dumbly
for the treasure that lies there in abundance, stored, as it were, in the
seed-vessels of God's garden, that have not been broken, not emptied for
His world, not freed for His use I
Shall we not free it all gladly ? It is not grudgingly or of necessity
that the little caskets break up and scatter the seed, but with the cheerful
giving that God loves.
From " Parables of the Cross." — By I. L. Tsottbr.
"from strength to strength."
" That they might be called . . . the planting o£ the Lord, that He
might be glorified." — ISA. Ixi. 3.
September, 1897.
On Sunday, August 8th, Bishop Cassels baptised five people
in this station — three men and two women. You can imagine,
far better than I can describe, the intense joy it gives us
to see these dear people come forward for baptism. It is
at times like these that we feel how fully the joys of
missionary life compensate for any sacrifice made.
The two women you know well by name — -Mrs. T'ang and
Mrs. Uen. Mrs. T'ang is forty-four years old. Her face
shone with gladness when she knew she was accepted for
baptism. The way she has increased in the knowledge of
God during the past year is simply marvellous. We have
visited her regularly, and always found her ready to put
away all work and bring her books to learn more. She
reads fairly well, but is always anxious to commit to memory
as much as she can of what she reads. " I can think of
it as I work in the fields," she has often said, " if I have
it in my heart as well as in my book."
I once found her grinding corn with a hymn-book on a
stone near by, and, as she watched the buffalo, she was
learning her hymn — " Onward go I "
Dear old Mrs. Uen I You remember how anxious she
was to get rid of the smell of the incense, so that Jesus
might dwell with her ? Since then the keynote of her daily
life has been " with the Lord."
It was hard to restrain one's tears of joy and thankfulness
189 II
as this dear old sonl was baptised, and she herself bubbled
over with joy !
Of the three men baptised, two were chair-bearers. These
need very special prayer, for they are both the first in their
different families to serve God, and are sure to suffer much
persecution. The third man, Li-kueh-ilin, is a carpenter,
and uncle to the school-boy, Peh-ua-tsi, who was the first
to carry the Gospel message to his home. Now, three
members of the family are baptised, and four others are
candidates for baptism.
Dear Mrs. Ghao, the Bible-woman, has been very ill with
bronchitis. We hardly thought she would recover, and
she herself longed "to be with Christ, which is very far
Often as we sat by her, she would say : "I want to work
for Him in Heaven now." But her work on earth is not
finished yet ; the Master needs her still in His vineyard
here. She gradually got better, and one day, meeting us
at her door, she said quite sadly : " After all, I am afraid
I am not going to Heaven yet. I feel so much better
to-day ! " We tried to encourage her to rejoice in being
spared to serve God a little longer down here.
Early in the year one of the Inquirers (Cheo-nan-ii) died
very suddenly. We believe he had turned from idols and
was trusting in Jesus for salvation.
Our dear old house-servant, Li-ta-niang, has also died.
She had gone to her home below Pao-ning for a rest, and
while there became seriously ill. Realising that the end was
near, she begged her relatives to get her a chair and take
her to her missionary friends in Pao-ning, that she might
die among those she loved and who had told her of Jesus.
She passed away joyfully and peacefully a few hours after
she reached them.
" Gone liome ! There is a sound of resting,
As weary lips pronounce the word,
For ever shielded from earth's tumult,
For ever ' present with the Lord.' "
For the past year we have felt that the time has come
to begin building a larger place of worship tlian we bave
at present, which is too small and inconvenient. We have
strongly urged upon the native Christians that this under-
taking must be theirs, so that they may look upon the new
building as their own.
For eighteen months the native collections have been put
aside for this purpose, and when Bishop Cassels was here a
few Sundays ago, the people were asked after the morning
service what they woald "give willingly to the house of
the Lord."
It was simply grand the way, one after another, sometimes
two or three at once, stood up and said what they could give.
A list was made of all the promises. Some promised trees ;
some stone ; some offered ten, twenty, or thirty, amounting
in all to over two hundred, days' free labour ; some of the
women, not having any money, promised rice, wheat, or
One little school-boy stretched across me and, nudging his
mother, said : " I can work, mother ; I can help to carry
things." The mother looked at him doubtfully, for he is
a delicate lad, and the only one left to her now ;. but, before
she could answer him, he stood up and said : "Please put
me down for twenty days' free work."
Another of the boys said he would save up one hundred
cash, so much to him and so much to the Master too, who
looks upon the heart ! It was good to see how willingly
they all offered unto the Lord, and how in so many instances
it was a case of the widow's mite over again.
The week following, the Bishop made contracts with
carpenters and masons, and arranged with the leading
Christians about the buying of timber and stone ; and we
hope that when the rice-harvest is gathered in, the work
will be begun in earnest.
Not very long ago we visited Ch'a-tien-tsi and Huai-shn-
pa, two market-towns not far distant. At the first it was
market-day when we went, and the little place was full of
busy people. One of our chair-bearers found us a little room
opening on to the crowded street, where we were able to
rest while speaking to the numbers of people who came
to see US. They were friendly, and glad to listen to what
we told them, but only two seemed specially interested ;
and these will, I think, come np here sometimes to hear
At the second market-town, Huai-shn-pa, we stayed a
short time in an inn where M. is well known. She
used to visit this place often before her return home,
and it was here that the little cripple boy lived, whose sad
story was mentioned in her book, " A New Thing." We
were sorry to hear that the little boy had died a few months
before we came up here. We saw his father and mother,
and they spoke so gratefully to M. for all she had done
for their child.
Within a radius of fifteen miles of Sin-tien-tsi, there are
numbers of small villages and markets where, as yet, there
are no Christians, no witnesses for the Gospel.
With the daily work of the station we are not able to
visit these places as often as we should like, but Chao-ta-
niang, the Bible-woman, goes regularly to a few of them
on market-days.
As our house is on the high road from Pao-ning to the
North, we have many opportunities of speaking to the passers-
by. The women come into the guest-hall and hear the Gospel,
while Sie Sien-seng speaks to the men in the large porch, and
distributes tracts and portions of Scripture. In this way we
trust that the Word of God is carried to many a distant home,
and that through God's blessing it may bring forth fruit unto
eternal life.
During the summer months we have had several of our
fellow-missionaries from other stations staying with us for
rest. We are always so pleased to welcome them, their stay
here brings help and blessing to us and to the work ; and,
I think, most of them feel refreshed and strengthened by
our fresh, mountain air.
This house is beautifully situated and admirably adapted
for a place of quiet rest to weary workers from the busy
city stations. Close behind the house is a hill, well-wooded,
and traversed by many shady paths. From the top of the
hill we command a good view of the surrounding country.
and even in the hottest weather fiad a fresh breeze blowing
In the towns and cities, ladies cannot venture out without
a woman accompanying them as escort. Here, in this free
country-place, we can wander alone where we will, on the
hills and in the valleys near. Those who know what it means
to be alone with God in the fields and woods, will understand
how refreshing this is to those who come here, after many
long months of work in the busy, crowded cities.
" Come ye yourselves apart and rest awhile,
Weary, I know it, of the press and throng !
Wipe from your brow the sweat and dust of toil.
And in My quiet strength again be strong.
Come, tell Me all that ye have said and done,
Your victories and failures, hopes and fears !
I know how hardly souls are wooed and won :
My choicest wreaths are always wet with tears.
Then, fresh from converse with your Lord, return
And work till daylight softens into even ;
The brief hours are not lost, in which ye learn
More of your Master and His rest in heaven."
The restfulness of waiting God's hour for seed-shedding deepens as we
learn to recognise the outward dealings of the Spirit as well as the inward,
and watch the marked way in which He co-operates with the setting free
of every seed as it ripens ; how He brings across our path the soul who
needs the very lesson He has just been teaching us ; how the chance comes,
with perfect naturalness, of reaching another over whom we have been
longing. If our eyes are up and our hands are off, if we learn to " wait
on our ministering " like the seeds, in utter dependence upon Him, we shaE
be able constantly to trace the Lord's working with us, and we shall have
done with all the old restless striving to make opportunities. " We are
labourers together with God."
It all centres round that question of quietness. Opportunity is given to
every seed in its turn, as they lie in their layers in the capsule or side by
side in the pod. Not one forces its way forward or gets in the way of
another. He who packed them into the seed-vessel can be trusted surely
with the arranging of our lives, that nothing be wasted, for we are " of
more value " to Him than these. If our days are a constant rush and
hurry, there is grave reason to doubt if it is all God-given seed that we
are scattering. He will give us no more to do than can be done with our
spirits kept quiet and ready and free before Him.
From " Parables of the Christ-life." — By I. L. Tbotteb.
" He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless
come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." — Ps. cxxvi. 6.
Ootoler, 1897.
On Monday, September 27th, M. and I left Sin-tien-tsi for
a week's itineration. In order to combine rest with work,
we decided to travel as much as we could by boat. We
had the Christian man, Uang-lao-ta, for one of the chair-
bearers, and Hsiieh-lao-iao as our coolie, and Mrs. Ts'ai,
one of our house-women, also came with us. They were a
great help, and witnessed faithfully for Christ.
We reached Mao-ri-t'iao, where a boat awaited us, about
three o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, and after settling things
on the boat, we went into the village, and 1 should think
everybody in the place must have turned out to see us.
As we walked through the street we seemed like a little
Christian band come to take the village in the name of the
Lord. We were soon invited to sit down in front of a
house, and there were many interested listeners among the
crowd that gathered round us. Among the women there
were some staunch vegetarians. They confessed, however,
to knowing that this way of getting rid of their sins
and escaping punishment was fruitless, and were eager to
understand the true God's way of salvation.
One old woman, when she heard how Jesus had died
to save men from their sins, said : " Oh, do tell me how to
pray to Him who is such a Saviour ! What am I to say ?
I want my sins to be forgiven."
Hsiieh-lao-iao, our Christian coolie, spoke well to the
crowd, but while most of the people seemed interested, there
were some who tried to distract him by ridicule and argu-
ment. He bore it well ; but on our way back to the boat
we noticed he looked downcast, and, supposing he was still
thinking of the unkind words of the people, M.- tried to
cheer him up, and reminded him how Paul, and even the
Lord Jesus Himself, suffered in like manner.
" Oh, it is not that" he said, " which grieves me ! I do
not mind what they say or do to me, but they spoke against
my Lord and doubted His Word ; and it is that which
troubles my heart."
* * » * *
Soon after breakfast the following day we went on shore
again, and were invited into two houses, one at either end
of the village. Crowds gathered at both places, and we had
the joy of telling them the Gospel for the first time.
As we returned to the boat, three women came to see us —
all vegetarians. Neighbours had told them of the " Good
Tidings" we had brought, and they had come to hear for
themselves before the boat started. Mrs. Ts'ai spoke very
plainly, proving to them the uselessness of the vegetarian
vow, and pointing them to Jesus as the Saviour from sin.
On hearing something of Mrs. Ts'ai's own Christian ex-
periences, one of them exclaimed : " "Well, the goddess of
mercy has never done for us what Jesus has done for you ! "
Soon after we left them, praying that the Holy Spirit
would water the seed sown.
Wednesday was "hot market day," as the Chinese say,
at len-k'i-k'eo, our next stopping-place. About 10 a.m. we
were standing armed with Christian books and tracts, with
our backs against the closed shutters of a shop, and all
around us was a dense throng of people, one of the biggest
crowds I have seen in China. By far the greater part had
never seen a " foreigner " before, and we heard all kinds
of funny remarks made about us.
It was a sight we shall never forget — that sea of upturned
faces, all listening intently — as for half an hour Hsueh-lao-iao
held their attention, telling them the origin of sin, its result
and remedy. Above the crowd was a gorgeous temple full
o <
of idols of many kinds and names ; but over the whole was
the bright blue sky, speaking of Him Who reigneth among
the heathen, Who sitteth on high. King for evermore.
Before we left the market we had quiet talks with several
women, some of whom came back with us to the boat, and
remained until we started for Shao-chan-ho. Hearing there
was another small market, named T'ing-tsi-k'eo, on our way,
we. stopped there a short time. Hsileh-lao-iao and Uang-lao-
ta preached to the men while we had a few interested women
round us, and one dear old body, seventy years old, learnt a
short prayer. About 3.30 we were again on our way. We had
not gone far when we heard shouting from the bank behind
us, and saw five or six people hurrying along after us. Soon
we could hear them say they wanted medicine. The captain
was not at all inclined to put in to shore ; but Uang-lao-ta
said : " To help the sick and the poor we must stop," and we
echoed his words, but it was not until the captain saw that
there were two very old women amongst the number that
he gave in, veneration for old age having won the day.
When the poor old bodies of seventy and seventy-four
years of age at last arrived, we found one of them had
actually been carrying a present of eggs for us all along the
rough, stony shore.
We were very thankful that we happened to have what
they needed among our little store of medicines.
Then M. began to tell them about the one true God and
Jesus Christ our Saviour ; but directly the captain heard what
was said, he gave the order to start, and we heard him quietly
remark to one of the men that he knew if we began that,
we should not reach Shao-chan-ho that night.
And so we left the little group on shore — who will go
and tell them more ? It was but a very tiny seed we sowed ;
the growing and the fruiting we leave in the care of Him
Who alone giveth the increase.
At Shao-chan-ho we had a most disheartening time. It
was " cold market day " (no market), and the people seemed
utterly indifferent to us and our message. Several, however,
took books, and we trust that through them blessing may
yet reach that place.
Onr boat was small, but fairly comfortable. The captain
was an agreeable, quiet man, and every evening he and
his men joined onr little company for Chinese prayers. Oar
quarters were very small, — just one room, five and a half
feet square, — and therefore we had to live in a good deal
of muddle, and make shift as best we could under the
circumstances. There being no room for chairs or table,
we sat on the floor in true Japanese fashion !
But we were very happy, and had a very nice journey,
and much to encourage us in the many opportunities we
had of delivering our message ; and if only souls are
saved, we care not how we rough it 1
We reached Ts'ang-K'i about midday on Saturday. This
place, seventy U (twenty-four English miles) distant, is our
nearest city. We visited it last year, and found the people
very willing to be taught. Liu Sien-seng, the only Christian
in the city, visited us on our boat and took us up to his
house, where we had a talk with his poor, sick wife.
Sie Sien-seng's home is near Ts'ang-K'i, so after breakfast
on Sunday morning we started off to attend the service held
there by his eldest son. It was a hard, up-hill walk of
five English miles along a wet, muddy road ; but we were
so glad we went, for on our arrival we found about forty
or fifty people gathered together for the service. I did so
thoroughly enjoy that little gathering. There was such a
true, real ring about it all, and the quiet, reverent attitude
of the people, with their hearty singing, impressed us very
It is encouraging to think of that little Christian band
meeting there every Sunday morning, far removed on that
mountain-side from any missionaries, and to know they are
living consistent, Christian lives, and seeking, by life and
word, to win other precious souls for the Kingdom of God.
This was the first time a missionary had been present at
their little Sunday service. We stayed with them some
time, returning to our boat before dark.
Monday afternoon we returned home, and received a most
loving welcome from all our household, some of whom had
come out to meet us.
One thing touched us very much on our return. When
we paid the young Christian man, Hsiieh-Iao-iao, his money
for carrying our load for six days, he went away, added
more to it, and brought it back for the chapel fund ; and,
in addition, he gave us the money he would have given to
the collection made the Sunday we were away. Things like
these touch us deeply. To those who understand the Chinese
people a little, this is much to be thankful for, and they will
realise, as we do, that it is all of God's grace.
We only wish we could go oftener to these " regions
beyond," but with all the regular, daily routine that centres
round a station in the full swing of work, and all the
unexpected little things that turn up day by day to be
attended to, it is not possible to leave home often.
But we do long to be free to spend more time in these
places where Christ is not named, where thousands lie in
darkness and the shadow of death.
We thank God and take courage, as we remember the words
which came to us afresh as a special message of promise,
before setting out on this journey : " They shall see to
whom no tidings of Him came : and they that have not
heard shall understand." — (Eom. xv. 21 E.V.).
Now — the sowing and the weeping,
Working hard and waiting long ;
Afterward — the golden reaping,
Harvest-home, and grateful song.
Now — the long and toilsome duty,
Stone by stone to carve and bring ;
Afterward — the perfect beauty
Of the palace of the King.
Now — the tuning and the tension,
Wailing minors, discords strong ;
Afterward — the grand ascension
Of the Alleluia song.
F. R. H
"Most blessed for ever . . . exceeding glad with Thy countenanoe." —
Ps. xxi. 6.
November \Uh, 1897.
OuE dear old Mrs. Hsiieh is now " for ever with the Lord."
For months she had been very weak and suifering " until
the day-dawn" of November 1st, when the end of all the
pain came, and she quietly passed away from us, and the
dear old blind eyes were opened to " see the Kicg in His
M. and I visited her often, and each time she seemed
sweeter and her light brighter than before. Often she
would take our hands in hers, and, bending her head, there
and then pray to God to make our ministry in this place
a fruitful one.
For a long time she has been quietly waiting for the
Lord to come for her, and she loved to think that when
her eyes received their sight, the first they would see would
be her Lord Himself. Her death is a very great loss to
her family and to the whole Church ; for though she was
seldom well enough to be with us here, we all felt the
power of her constant remembrance of each Christian in
prayer. Poor old Hsueh-ta-ie, her husband, is heart-broken,
but the Grod of all comfort will fill up the void with His
peace and consolation.
There was some difficulty at first about the funeral. The
old man and his three Christian sons were desirous that
her wishes for a Christian burial should be carried out,
but her own family people objected. In the end, however,
they yielded, Hstieh-ta-ie promising to supply them with
their mourning, which meant a good quantity of white
Mr. Knipe, of the Church Missionary Society, who, with
his wife and children, was staying with us at the time,
kindly conducted the funeral, and spoke to the people
gathered together about life and death. It was a solemn
address, and many seemed impressed.
Now all is over, old Hsileh-ta-ie feels his loss more than
ever. M. invited him up here for a week or two, thinking
that being engaged in a little work for the Master would
comfort him. He sits in the guest-hall, and speaks of the
love of Christ to the men who come in for a rest as they
pass by on the high road.
He was glad to come, for everything in his own house
reminded him of his loss. He said to us about it : " All
is good, for it was God's will that she should go first, and
it is His will that I should serve Him here yet a little
" Praise God, the Shepherd is so sweet !
Praise God, the country is so fair !
We would not hold them from His feet ;
We can but haste to meet them there."
B. M.
# * » * #
" Thou crownest the year with Thy goodness." — Ps. Ixv. 11.
Deoember 29«t, 1897.
Again we have come to the close of another year, and as
we look back, we see that the work has been deepening rather
than increasing. There has been much poverty and sickness
among the Christians, but we are sure that through these,
God has been strengthening their faith and deepening their
true, inner lives.
Many of them, too, have been stirred up to fresh zeal by
having the blessed hope of the Lord's coming brought before
them more frequently ; and some of the heathen, hearing the
Christians talking about it, have come up to ask about the
way of salvation.
Six people have been baptised during the year — one man
on Jannary 4th, and three men and two women on August 8th.
We have now twenty-nine baptised Christians — seventeen
men and twelve women. One of these men had to be
suspended owing to opium smoking. As yet he has shown
no signs of real repentance, nor any willingness to put aside
this curse.
While we sorrow over this Christian man giving way to
sin and long for more souls to be won, still there is much
to encourage us, and as we look forward our hearts leap
for joy, for "there is a sound of abundance of rain."
One of the Christians said to M. lately : " Thank God, we
know He is with us, so our Sin-tien-tsi Church must grow
and flourish ! "
During the summer Bishop Cassels held a very helpful
conference for native Christians at Pao-ning. It was a time
of much blessing to many. Five men were baptised, and
idols destroyed. Among the latter were some belonging to
a well-known scholar in the city. On Christmas Day seven
or eight more were baptised in Pao-ning, among them being
one of the school-boys, son of the school-teacher.
From nearly every station in the district we have had
encouraging reports of many true and earnest Inquirers
being under instruction — and though it has not been a year
of much visible result or many baptisms, we know it lias
been a year of blessing in the sowing of the seed. There-
fore we will not be discouraged. " The seed may be taking
root downwards before bearing fruit upwards."
During the last month the preparations for building
our new chapel have begun in earnest. One hundred and
twenty trees have been bought ; and it is no light work
to carry them fifteen li over rough, mountain paths. In
many parts, before beginning to move them the workmen
had to repair the road, or even make a new road altogether.
Most of the tree-carrying has been voluntarily done. The
foundation stones are being prepared, and the ground cleared.
The people look upon the building as their matter, and are
managing it largely themselves, under the guidance of the
three leading Church-members.
Some of the contributions made lately to the building fund
have been most toncHng. One poor woman bronght two
basins of rice, another a few basins of peas.
Dear old Mrs. Uen had nearly all her winter store of grain
stolen by thieves, but the next day she brought us most of
what remained, saying she was so glad they had not taken
all, she still had something left to give to God, Who had
given so much to her. Dear old soul ! her constant thought
is, " What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits
toward me ? "
One of the Christian men, while cutting down the trees,
said to the owner of the plantation : " We are engaged in
doing a good work, building a place where the people can
worship the true God ; would you not like to have a share
in it ? " The man forthwith told him to cut down an extra
tree, indicating a very fine one, as his contribution to the
Uang-lao-ta, one of the leading Christian men, has been
in charge of the work of tree-carrying. Realising the great
danger which attends this work, he has been constantly
in prayer that God would save the men from injury. Last
Sunday he told us an instance of how God was answering
his prayer.
One day he had been to market to buy rice for the men's
dinner, and, as he returned to them, he saw about a dozen
men labouring up a steep path with a great, heavy tree.
Just as he reached them, one man's foothold gave way, and
they were all in danger of falling and being crushed by
the timber. Uang-lao-ta was just in time to rush forward
and take the place of the man who had slipped, and thus,
through God's goodness, a serious accident was averted. He
spoke most gratefully of God's love in letting him return to
the men just at that critical moment.
The tree-carriers arranged between themselves to bring in
the first tree on Christmas morning, and the stone-masons,
hearing of this, determined not to be out-done, and prepared
a large, long foundation stone to bring in the same day, and
neither carriers nor masons would receive any wages for that
day's work. Christmas morning was bright and sunny, and
with about fifty of the people we went out to meet the tree
and stone. Both were brought in triumphantly, each needing
twelve men to carry it. You can imagine the joy with
which we welcomed them !
There were about one hundred and fifty people present
at the service that morning ; and in the afternoon, when M.
showed the magic-lantern, the room was crowded.
But what gladdened us most that day, was that a man
came up to M. in the afternoon and said that he was going
to destroy his idols, and henceforth he wished to follow Jesus
Christ. He is one of the workmen, and has been hearing
the Gospel from a fellow-workman, who is a Christian.
We are so thankful about this, for we have specially prayed
that the heathen men who are busily building up this little
church may themselves be built into the Temple not made
with hands.
One of our school-boys, Peh-ua-tsi, has lately been married.
It was a happy Christian wedding, conducted by Sie Sien-
seng, the evangelist.
We had been to visit the family a few days before the
event, and M. had taken some material to give them — suffi-
cient to make the boy an outer garment for the wedding.
On giving this to the mother, we were surprised to see
her eyes and those of the boy's grandmother fill with tears.
On inquiring the cause, we heard that the week before
they had decided that, as the rice-harvest had been poor,
they could not afford to give the boy a new garment for
his wedding, but would buy a little material and patch up
the old one. To do this, the father set out one morning and
walked to a market thirty li away, sold some of their precious
rice, and bought a little material. With the stuff under
his arm he started home, but he was scarcely out of the
market when it was suddenly pulled away, and, ere he looked .,
round, the thief was out of sight.
Such occurrences are only too common out here, and the
poor man knew it was of no use to say or do anything
towards recovering the stuff. Very sad and disappointed
he went on his homeward way, but four times he stopped
and prayed to God about it ; and then on reachiug home,
with a quiet heart he told his wife and boy.
We asked them why they had not told ns of their trouble
before, for we had seen them since it occurred. They
answered : " We told God, and was not that enough ? We
knew He would give us what was needful, and has He not
sent us now much more than we lost ? "
Oh, it is good to see how God strengthens the faith and
answers the prayers of these dear simple people who put
their trust in Him !
Amongst my patients lately I have had a poor little baby
of four months old. It had fallen into a fire on the floor,
and its little head was terribly burnt. The first time the
mother brought it to me, she said indifferently : " It is only
a girl, had I not better drown her ? "
I thought her heart must be made of stone, to speak thus
of the dear, little suffering one, whose pathetic little face,
so full of pain, was turned upon her as she spoke. I did
what I could for the child, and day by day the mother
brought it to have the terrible wounds dressed. We gave it
a pretty little garment and a pair of socks, for the woman
is very poor ; the child's garments had been burnt, and it
was just bundled up in a dress of hers.
About ten days after its first visit the child died— whether
from the effects of the burns, or from cold, we do not know.
I am so glad the little one is safe Home now. Jesus loved
her too much to leave her here to the life of suffering which
hers must have been had she lived.
Since her baby's death the mother seems softened, and
she has begun to attend the Sunday services. Her life is
a miserable one, poor girl — both her husband and father-
in-law are inveterate opium smokers, and do not treat her
kindly. We do long that she may know the peace and
joy of believing in Jesus Christ !
"There are lonely hearts to cherish
While the days are going by.
There are weary souls who perish
While the days are going by."
On Tuesday morning, December 14th, I started off with
old Mrs. Chao for a five days' itineration in the same
direction as the one we took in September.
It was snowing heavily when I left, but cleared off before
we reached Shao-chan-ho, our resting-place that night.
On arriving, I went on the street to show the people I
had come, and Mrs. Ohao invited them to come to the inn
to hear the Gospel. Many came and went until very late
that night, but though they listened, it was quite without
interest, and they were ever ready with the general questions
about my age, name, family connections and genealogies,
dress, our country, food, etc. Shao-chan-ho is a small
market-place of which it might be written, " Wholly given
to idolatry." Everywhere there were traces of it— in the
mountains and rocks, which overhang the little place like
huge giants, were shrines of all kinds, a gaily coloured temple
towering down over the whole, from the peak of the highest
mountain near. The streets and houses abound in idols ; and
more than all in the hearts of the people idolatry has taken
deep, deep root.
Last September we felt the deadness of this place, and
again this time I was burdened by the stone-like coldness
and apathy of the people.
But Bunyan says : " Were a man in a mountain of ice,
yet if the Sun of Eighteousness will arise upon him, his
frozen heart shall feel a thaw." And so we trust it may
yet be with the Shao-chan-ho people. The seed of the
Kingdom has again been sown there, and we pray that there
may soon be "joy in the presence of the angels of God"
over souls saved in this place.
len-k'i-k'eo, my next stopping-place, is a larger and more
important market than Shao-chan-ho. I was shown to a
very small, dark, dirty room of an inn, and told there was
not another in the place. I knew that I should not be able
to invite women into this small room to hear the message
I had come to give them, and said so to the line of people
who had followed me, and now filled up the dark, narrow
passage leading to the room. At once, a woman said she
would find a room for me. Thanking her, I followed her
(and so did the long string of people !) to her house.
and soon found myself in very fair quarters. All the after-
noon Mrs. Chao and I were kept busy, talking to the
numbers of people that kept crowding in, among whom were
many earnest listeners.
Not being able to sleep much that night (partly owing
to the close proximity in the room under me of opium
smokers, and partly because of a large, suspicious-looking
opening in the floor under my bed), I was up early next
morning, and, in spite of drizzling rain, the chairmen were
willing to start for the next market, Mao-ri-t'iao. Just as
we were leaving len-k'i-k'eo a little lad came running after
US with a request from some scholars for more books ; they
had seemed interested the day before when the Bible-woman
and chair-bearers had spoken to them.
It was a bitterly cold day, and we had a long and intensely
cold and muddy trudge up, and down, and over great high
mountains covered with snow, and then through deep valleys,
where we lost our way and had to cross ploughed fields. For
quite half the way I walked, as it was not safe in the chair,
and we were all wet through when we reached Mao-rif-t'iao
about dusk. The people pressed in too quickly to allow me
time to dry myself; but I was very glad of some hot tea
and of a basket foot-warmer Mrs. Chao brought me, and then
we had a busy evening with the people, who stayed with us
until late. They were very keen to understand what they
heard, and were grateful for more books — some of the scholars
of the place having read those which we left here in
September, and pronouncing them " very good words." The
following morning a woman invited me to her house. Crowds
followed me, even inside, but the woman was very kind
about it, and the people were quiet and orderly as I told
them again about the one true God and the only true way
of Salvation.
Compared with the deadly coldness and indifference of
the Shao-chan-ho people, these of Mao-rif-t'iao struck me
as being very earnest in their desire to learn as much as
ever I was able to teach them in the short time I could stay.
They put aside their work to come and listen ; and it was with
thankfulness and rejoicing that 1 left them, knowing that
some at least now know that Jesus Christ is their Saviour
and Redeemer.
That night I slept at tlin-lin-p'u, and reached U-li-tsi the
following day about twelve o'clock. Here M. met me, and
we had a busy time in the room we have hired there for
preaching on market-days, with the many women who
gathered round us.
It was very nice to get home again, for travelling and
inn-life is anything but pleasant in inland China. It is the
message that we carry from the King of kings to dying
souls which wings our feet, and fills our hearts with joy and
peace, and keeps us " far above " all surrounding circum-
stances. Once more the Gospel has been preached to some
"afar off" in those riverside markets. What they need is
regular teaching. If only there were more of us here, we
would go oftener ; indeed, we might rent a room in one or
two markets and stay among the people a few weeks at a
time ; then, I think, by God's grace, we should see more
definite results from regular systematic teaching.
To the West Coast, missionaries had come, and the natives had led in
to see them an aged, heathen African chief. His skin was like parchment,
and his nails half-an-inch long ; he was stone blind, and almost deaf.
When his favourite slave shouted in his ear : " The white men salute yon ! "
the queer old figure moved, his hands began to grope about, and, seizing
the hands of the missionary, he said : " White man, I don't know the day
when I have not heard about your power and your learning. Why did
you not come here sooner? You have come now, and these eyes are too
blind to see you, these ears too deaf to hear you. If you have, any message,
take it to the young men ; ymi are too late for -nie,"
" If you have any message . . . ." And have we not a message ? " God
so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Sou to die for the
sins of the whole world."
While we are living for time and self, ignoring the great command of
our Master, shall eight hundred million heathen hearts in our own generation,
sin-stained for lack of that message, hopeless for want of that Love, lie
down amid the awful shadows of a Christless death with on their dying
lips the unspoken accusation: "If yo^b have any message, you are too
late for us."
" I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto Me." — John xii. 32.
June, 1898.
Januaey 23rd was the Chinese New Year's Day — the day
of days in China — a shua-t'ien, or play-day, for everybody.
It is the one, great, yearly holiday, when all work stops for
several days, and great rejoicings are held. For weeks
beforehand the women are busy making new clothes and
shoes for the whole family, and for some days previous a
tremendous cleaning goes on everywhere. As it is only
once a year that the Chinese do really set to work to have
a regular turn out and cleaning up of everything, we take
advantage, as yon may imagine, of their unusual zeal, and
greatly encourage their efforts.
On the last day of the year a new idol takes the place
of the old kitchen-god. This latter is dispatched, through
burning, to the spirit-world to report on the family affairs
and doings of the past year. The day itself is much given
up to idolatry and ancestral worship, an important part of
the latter being the burning of miniature houses, sedan-
chairs, etc. — cut in paper ; also endless strings of silver
paper money, and even food, — all for the use of deceased
relatives in the other world !
On New Year's Day, all put on their best and gayest
clothes, and, after burning incense and worshipping the
ancestral tablets, the fathers and sons set out to visit their
relatives and friends, and are everywhere treated to tea,
cakes, and sweetmeats. The ladies and girls, in all the
splendour of their new clothes, come out on the second or
third day of the New Year.
New Year's Day is every one's birthday in China ! All
reckon to have added a year to their age on that day ; for
instance, a baby only a few weeks old, who is reckoned one
year old when born, is two years old on the first New
Year's Day that follows its birth !
We always try to make New Year's Day a specially happy
one for the native Christians, because it is a day of great
temptation to them in the homes of their heathen relatives.
We began the day with a meeting, at which over two hundred
were present. M. said a few words on the motto we have
chosen for the year : " Said I not unto thee, that, if thou
wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God ? " —
(John xi. 40.)
Several of the Christians spoke of God's faithfulness
to them during the past year, and urged the unbelievers to
turn from idols to serve the true God.
It was an evident proof of the readiness of the people
to hear the truth that such a large number gathered here
that morning, instead of going to the heathen temple near
by, as is the custom on New Year's Day.
We had a large number of presents given ns, — all eatables,
of course, — such as eggs, chickens, flour, cakes, dough-strips,
sweetmeats, dried yellow lilies and other vegetables, pork,
fish, oranges, etc. One little girl came running up to us
with a small leg of pork in each hand, one for each of us !
Of course we had to return to each donor a present, equal
in value, though not the same in kind, to that given to us
— this being the correct thing to do according to Chinese
etiquette !
One touching scene occurred of which I must tell you.
You will remember my writing to you (Chap, xiii.) of
Hstieh-ta-ie, the first man to turn to God in this place,
who, in 1892, when he was convinced that the idols were
false, called his sons around him and told them that the
idols must be destroyed, and that henceforth he would serve
the Lord. This last New Year's Day Hstieh-ta-ie with his
sons and their wives and many grandchildren came up to
M. and me as we talked to the people in the courtyard, and
after the whole family had given ns (all at the same instant)
a low Chinese bow, the dear old man thanked ns most
touchingly for having come " forty thousand li over wide
rivers and deep seas from the far western country, to bring
them the Gospel," and for all the teaching of the past
year. Then, turning to his large family, he said in the spirit
of Joshua : " As for me and my house, we will serve the
Lord." This little incident touched us deeply, and we
thanked God for the way in which His Spirit has worked
in that family.
"fF ^ TP yF ^
In the afternoon we saw a splendid eclipse of the sun.
We first became aware of it by hearing the sound of the
beating of gongs and piercing shrieks and screams rising
from the valleys around us. Running out to inquire the
cause, we were told the heathen people were screaming to
the gods " to save the sun, which was being eaten up by
a heavenly dog ! "
We had a very clear view of the eclipse, and as the sky was
rather cloudy at the time, we could watch the whole without
difficulty. We tried to explain the true cause of the eclipse to
some of our people. One old woman was very much amused
at our explanation, and laughing heartily, said : " Well, to be
sure ; because it was New Year's Day, the sun and the moon
thought they would like to go along together ! " And old
Hsiieh-ta-ie remarked that he thought the moon (a woman,
according to Chinese ideas) had manifested a proud spirit
in getting in front of the sun (a man) 1
This unusual phenomenon, occurring on New Year's Day,
caused much anxiety and terror throughout the land. We
heard that the Emperor was greatly alarmed, and ordered
"that all the ceremonies and respects, usually paid to him
that day in the throne-room, were to be performed this
year in the Penitential Hall, lest there should be no royal
house at the end of the year ! " He thought that perhaps
his errors had caused the eclipse, and consequently resigned
himself to a day of humiliation.
On the 15th of the first moon, there was a general
gathering at a temple near us, to offer incense to the
idols, and thereby to obtain exemption from sickness during
the year.
A man died when in the act of offering incense and pros-
trating himself before the idols. This fact has impressed
many, and has, we believe, shaken the faith of some in the
false gods.
Several of the native Christians remained here all day,
helping us to tell the Gospel to the three or four hundred
people that came in on their way to or from the temple.
On February 8th our boys' school re-opened. Several
of the old boys have left, but eight new ones have come.
Four of the elder boys are members of the " Children's
Scripture Union."
len-lin, the younger of the two lads who came begging
here last year, is now living with us. In return for his food,
he does all kinds of odd jobs about the house, helping
everybody, and is a general favourite. We are very glad to
have him, and we trust he will grow up a true disciple of
Jesus Christ !
Our naughty little " pickle," Hai-p'ing-tsi, has also returned.
While he was away the teacher said that peace reigned in
the schoolroom, but now that he has returned, it is unknown
there !
We are much interested in the boys' school. There are
several who, we believe, are earnest little Christians. One
of the elder lads will, we hope, be baptised soon with his
Last Tuesday, when visiting one of the boy's homes, the
mother told us that her boy had come home one day, and
said he was trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ as his
Saviour, and wished to worship and serve Him all his life.
His parents are not Christians, but they told us they would
not hinder their boy from being one.
Dear old Mrs. Uen I Her love to the Saviour spends itself
in giving. In March she went away to spend a month with
a married daughter who lives a long day's journey from
her house. She came in here on her way to say good-bye
and to bring her collection-money, as she will miss the next
collection Sunday. She really loves " to give to God," as
she puts it, and is always on the look-out for opportunities
of doing something for Him, who did so much for her. She
is very, very poor, and lives on the barest necessities, and
her offerings are very small, just the widow's mite ; but
how infinitely precious they are to Him who is still, as it
were, standing over against the treasury !
If only the Church of Christ, as a whole, had more of the
spirit of this dear Chinese Christian, how the evangelisation
of the world might be hastened !
At Christmas-time we gave Uen-ta-niang a new lock- for
her door, to replace the one which the thieves had stolen.
Soon after, she went out to her fields, having put the new
lock on her door. On her return home she found it very
hard to open, and spent much time and strength over it,
until, she said, the perspiration rolled down her face with
her exertions ! Suddenly it occurred to her she had never
prayed about it. There and then, outside her door, she
knelt down and said : " Lord Jesus, Thou didst put it into
Thy servants' hearts to give me this lock ; wilt Thou now
help me to open it ? " On trying the lock once more, it
opened easily. This has greatly strengthened her faith in
prayer, and when her heathen relatives ridicule her for
trusting in an invisible God, she silences them by relating
the story of the lock.
Mrs. Chao, the Bible-woman, is growing in spiritual power
and zeal through the much persecution she continues to
suffer at the hands of her heathen relatives.
Again this last New Year time she was offered a holiday,
but she refused, saying : " The time is short. I want to
work for my Lord as long as I can. I should like to be
witnessing for Him when He comes." For the same reason
she only takes half-day on Saturdays now, instead of the
whole day as formerly.
I had an amusing conversation with her one day when
out visiting. We had climbed up a long, steep hill together,
and were resting on a stone near the top, when she suddenly
asked me if she might come with M. and me to England,
when we returned home. I laughed, and told her of the
difficulties of the way. She was nothing datinted, however,
by my description of rapids and wrecks, steamers, strange
people, and language. When I spoke of the enormous
expense of the journey, though taken aback, she said at
once : " I have thought of that ; and think I could save up
one teo (= 1 bushel) of rice or perhaps two for the three
months' journey " (equivalent to four shillings in English
money !). Then I dilated largely on the dangers of the sea
and the possibility of her dying in England away from her
home, (a dreadful fate to an ordinary Chinese person,) still
she was unmoved, saying : " Wherever I go, and whatever
dangers I meet, my Heavenly Father will protect me ; and
it does not matter where I die. He will take my soul to
Heaven." I then asked her why she was so anxious to go
to England ?
" There are three reasons," she replied : " First, because
I think your country must be so near to Heaven ; secondly,
I should like to see Miss Williams' mother ; and thirdly, I
want to see your agriculture ! "
We have been very troubled lately over two of the
Christian men. One I have mentioned in earlier letters as
having been led astray through opium smoking ; and the
other is a man, named Chang, who allows his heathen wife
to carry on his business on Sundays when he comes to the
services. We would be so grateful for your prayers for
these men, that God would give them courage to renounce
all sin, and stablish and settle them in the faith !
TflP W TS TP ^
Monday, March 7th, was a great day here, for it was the
day on which the framework of our new chapel was erected.
Bishop and Mrs. Cassels kindly came up for the occasion.
Early in the day we assembled together for a short service,
and the Bishop spoke on :
(1) Building for eternity.
(2) The necessity of counting the cost. — (Luke xiv. 28-30.)
(3) Building on the right foundation. — (Matt. vii. 24-2.5.)
The Chinese way of building is very different from our
English one. The pillars, beams, and cross-pieces were all
fitted together on the ground first, and ropes attached ; then.
by the combined efforts of seventy-five men, the whole frame-
work was raised np into position on the foundation stones.
Twenty-five of the men were workmen, all the rest were
voluntary helpers, more or less known to us.
When raising the framework of ordinary houses, the
Chinese have a custom of attaching to the topmost beam a
paper on which are written characters referring to the idols,
or some lucky proverb. To the centre beam of our new
chapel we attached a large sheet of red paper, on which were
these words in Chinese : " I will fill this house with My
glory, saith the Lord of Hosts."^ — (Hag. ii. 7.) This is what
we long and pray for, that the Lord's name may be glorified
in the salvation of many souls in this place.
Two of the carpenters are Christians. One of them, the
head-workman, has acted splendidly all through the work,
and we trust his influence may tell for good among the
other men. Lately, all his money was stolen from his house.
His heathen relatives tried to urge him to burn incense
to a certain idol, able, they said, to reveal who the thieves
were. This he refused to do, saying : " No, God has some
good purpose in allowing this trial to come to me, and I will
trust Him still, whether I get the money back or not 1 "
The people have contributed liberally to the chapel-building ;
and it is beautiful to witness their love already for the
building, and their pride in it as theirs.
On March 24th, a man, named Hsii, arrived here from
Shao-chan-ho, a market forty-five li distant, to learn the
Way of Truth. He had been two years in a Buddhist
temple, having gone there hoping to ensure the favour
and protection of the gods, and hereafter a happy eternity.
Being young and poor, the priests treated him cruelly, and
gave him all the hard work to do. He zealously off'ered
incense, burnt candles, etc., and implored the idols to protect
him from the cruelty of the priests, but all to no avail.
Gradually he became aware of the utter inability of the idols
to protect him, and by degrees began to hate them and
recognised they were false and useless. He realised also in
some small measure the error, deceit, and superstition that
lay behind idol-worship.
Things reached a climax towards the end of last year,
when he was putting a few finishing touches to an idol
which his own hands had made. A priest, standing by,
ordered him to make it more attractive by painting it with
brighter colours. It was these words that made him decide
to leave the temple : " For what sort of a god is this," he
thought, " that my hands mnst make attractive ? How can
it save and help me now, or give me happiness hereafter ? "
Accordingly he left, and returned to his home at Shao-
chan-ho, determined never again to worship idols, and with
a keen desire to find the Way of Truth.
After a short time at home, he heard that last year we
had visited Shao-chan-ho, and had spoken good words about
a living God and a true way to everlasting happiness.
A few days later he arrived here and spent three days
in the neighbourhood, coming every day to learn more by
conversation with us or the native Christians, or by attend-
ing the various classes, or reading Christian books in the
In the evening he was taught more by Mrs. Chao, the
Bible-woman, and her son, who live next door to the inn
where he stayed.
He returned home fully persuaded, we believe, of the Truth,
and anxious to assure his brothers and relatives of it also.
Will you sometimes remember this man in prayer, that
he may increase in the knowledge of God and believe in
Jesus Christ as his own Saviour R
# #■ ■# #^ ■#
One of the Christian men, T'ang, the tailor (see " A New
Thing," p. 389), has lately been used of God to lead four
people to believe in Jesus Christ. Three of these are his
own relatives, living at Liu-k'i-pa, a place we have often
visited, about seven English miles distant. They are now
fairly regular in attending the services and classes, in spite
of distance and bad roads. The fourth person is a man,
named Li-uen-fuh, who at a recent Sunday afternoon meet-
ing rose and said, that henceforth he wanted to serve
the true God. By degrees we found that formerly he had
had a firm belief in sorcery ; but as a result of a long
talk with T'ang-sii-fu, on their way one day to market,
this belief had been shaken, and Li-uen-fnh determined to
cast aside his idols and his erroneous belief in sorcery, and
to seek " the better way " of which the tailor spoke.
During the week after he had expressed his desire to
serve God we visited his home. Going there, we missed
the right path, and making our way across the valley we
came to huge rocks and projecting boulders, among or over
which we had to scramble as best we could. Half way
there we crossed a big bog, and old Mrs. Chao was very
disappointed we would not let her carry us across ! "We
found some lovely ferns and flowers — orchids and big scarlet
lilies among them. The man and his daughter (his wife
is dead) welcomed us gladly, and presently, as we talked,
he said, pointing to a big rock down the hillside : " Below
that rock is a pile of ashes — all that remains of my idols ! "
As we wended our way homeward, our hearts rose to
God in thanksgiving, and we thought of the day when
every idol shall be utterly abolished and the Lord alone
shall be exalted in this land. — (Isa. ii. 17-21).
Towards the end of May, M. and I with Mrs. Chao took
another few days' itineration to the riverside markets, visiting
four villages and finding many interested hearers. In
describing our visit to one of the markets, M. writes :
" At len-k'i-k'eo eight or nine school-boys came running into
the inn where we were speaking to the women ; and one of
them said, ' We have only got a very little time, but will you
read to us ; we do want to listen to your books ? ' They sat
perfectly quiet for about twenty minutes, listening to the
Gospel, and then left, taking some tracts and booklets with
them. In the afternoon their school-teacher came, saying the
boys had told him what they had heard in the morning, and
that he wanted to see for himself the books that contained
the good news. For about an hour he listened and asked
questions about the Truth. He owned he had no faith in
idols, and that he was an opium smoker. His own words
about it were, ' The habit is binding me down ; I have tried
again and again to break it off, but it is of no use.' Do
let us pray that the Gospel he took away may, through the
Holy Spirit's power, reveal to Mm the Saviour who is able
and willing to set the captives free ! "
Dear old Mrs. Li, eighty-three years of age, has lately
had a severe attack of influenza ! When very weak and in
burning fever, unable to sleep, she would say : " No matter,
no matter, my heart is full of peace, for Jesus is with me all
the time." We visit her often ;»4;hough she cannot see us, for
she is almost totally blind now, she likes to feel us near,
and to be taught some fresh verse of a hymn or a text.
With wonderful quickness, soon after her baptism in 1896, she
learnt to repeat the Communion hymn beginning :
" According to Thy gracious Word " ;
and now as she lies in bed, she loves to say it, repeating
again and again the last line of every verse :
" I will remember Thee."
The whole country is just now in a state of much unrest.
We hear that the tax, levied upon the people in order to
pay ofp the war indemnity given to Japan, has greatly
helped to make them more than usually unfriendly towards
In this part of Si-ch'uan during the last month two riots
have taken place, and others, which were threatened, have
been averted.
At Shuen-k'ing the mission-house was entirely destroyed,
and the Rev. A. Evans and Mr. Jennings were obliged to
escape to the Mandarin's official residence.
At Ing-shan, a station only recently opened, very little
damage was done to mission property, owing to the vigilance
of the Mandarin, who also received Miss Gower into his
house for three days.
At Pao-ning the people certainly intended mischief, but
God signally worked for His servants, and restrained the
wrath of the enemy.
On Sunday, July 3rd, our morning service was just over,
when we were surprised by the arrival of a military Mandarin
from Ts'ang-K'i with sixteen soldiers. He had been sent by
order of the Pao-ning officials to inquire if all was quiet,
and with orders to leave the soldiers if necessary. However,
there was nothing to be feared from the people in this
neighbourhood, and the Mandarin and his retinue left in
about half an hour's time.
God is with us, and we are safe in His keeping. While
" under His shadow we dwell among the heathen," we are
learning :
" The secret of enduring strength,
And peace too deep for speech,
Peace, that no pressure from without,
No strife within can reach."
At midnight, there came tlie voice of one
Who had crept to Heaven's gate through the blinding snow,
And who moaned at the gate, as one undone
Might moan at the sight of the last dread woe.
A woman's voice, and it rose and fell,
On the muffled wind of the snowy night,
With a, trembling knocking which seemed to tell
Of one who was chilled and spent outright.
" I wove the crown for the brow Divine,
I pierced the hand that was stretched to save;
I dare not pray that the moon may shine
To show me the prints of the nails I drave ;
"I beat this night on my sinful breast;
I dare not pray Him to succour me." . . ,
But the Watchman opened the gate of rest, —
'I am willing, with all My heart," said He.
B. M.
"made nigh."
" Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved." — Acts ii. '21.
July, 1898.
One evening in May, on onr way home, after visiting U-kia-
p'ing, Chao-ta-niang took ns to see an old woman, named U.
She was over seventy years old, was totally blind, and lived
all alone in a small, half-burnt-down hovel. We were
horrified at the pitiably neglected state of the poor old body.
She was sick, emaciated, and dirty, had been bedridden for
months, and was dying of slow starvation !
Poor, poor old woman ! Our hearts ached for her, and
she did not see the tears that we could not restrain, as she
told us some of the details of her miserable life — it was one
of darkness, and had no love in it — too unspeakably sad to
relate. She had had one son, at one time her joy and pride,
but alas ! the curse of opium took hold of him, and ten years
ago he left his old mother and young wife, and they have
never seen him since. M. spoke to her of Jesus, Who knew
all her sorrows and was able to comfort and help her ; and,
before leaving, we promised to come again the following day.
We learnt from others later that, soon after her son had
gone, she sold her daughter-in-law to another man, and thus
it was she had no one to care for her in her sickness and
poverty. Being ill and unable to move, and blind, she was
absolutely dependent upon her neighbours for everything.
They did very little for her, saying she " kai-si," (" ought
to die "), because in her younger days she had been notorious
for wickedness, and that therefore it was right she should
die in that state. Occasionally a woman, more kind than
the rest, would take her a basin of food, on an average, one
in three days ! Oh ! that they knew the love of our God ;
a God ready to pardon. Who, while we were yet dead in sin,
spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all !
The following day we went again to her with cooked food,
and fresh straw and a mat for her bed. In the bright light
of a sunny day, the awful and indescribable condition of the
hovel was more palpable than it had been the evening before ;
and it would have been hard to enter, were it not that the
words " For Jesus' sake " were ringing in our hearts all
the time. She told us she had not slept for the joy of the
promise we had given her — that we would come again,
len-lin, the boy we befriended last year, was with us, and
soon lit a fire and warmed up the rice ; and it was good to
see her so thoroughly enjoy it. Miss F. Culverwell, who
was then staying at Sin-tien-tsi, had come with us that
afternoon, and was much touched at the sight of the poor
old woman. We found she was under the impression we
were living idols (and that she had been praying to us as
such), and when we disputed this point, she said we must
then be fairies or good spirits sent from above to help her !
F. told her it was the one, true God who had led us
to her, to tell her of Jesus Christ, Who loved her, and had
died to save her from her sins.
Dear old woman ! that first day she seemed too excited
by our visit and the food to grasp much of what we said ;
but we taught her just to say the Name that is above every
name, the precious Name of Jesus. It was weeks before she
understood anything. We visited her often, and took or
sent her food regularly. She listened eagerly to the Gospel,
and would repeat aloud nearly all we said. By degrees
she learnt the prayer : " Lord Jesus, forgive my sins."
One afternoon, at the time of wheat-harvest, we were
surprised, on drawing near her hut, to see her stretched on
a heap of straw outside ! Inquiring the cause, we heard
that a neighbour (we know not why, unless he was anxious to
accumulate merit !) had brought in a few armsful of wheat,
and, evidently thinking the corn was of more value than
the poor old woman, had piled it up on the bed, turning
from photo by] [Af«. Isabella Bishop.
From photo by] [Miss F. M. Williams.
"MADE NIGH." 229
her off on to the floor of the hut, whence she had crawled
With Chao-ta-niang's help we gradually arranged things
so as to enable her to get back again to bed. There she
lay, in the midst of plenty, and yet dying of starvation ;
for of what use was the wheat to her, when in her weakness
she could not thresh and prepare it ?
I went there again soon afterwards with the Bible-woman,
and as we approached the hut, we heard her speaking to
some one. Wondering who could be with her, we drew
near and listened, and found she was talking to God, and
every now and again' we could catch the words of her prayer,
rising repeatedly to Heaven, " Lord Jesus, forgive my sins."
It was perhaps the last time that any one saw her, for
soon afterwards she was found dead by some chance visitor
to the hut.
And is that the end? No, thank God, it is but the
beginning ! We believe that soul, a few weeks ago so " far
off " in sin and wickedness, was " made nigh " by the blood
of Christ, and that, still breathing her prayer, she passed
into the presence of her Saviour ; and we believe that there,
among the multitude which no man can number, we shall
meet her again with " the beauty of the Lord our God "
upon her.
" Thus day and night they are pressing nigh
With tears and sighs to the heavenly gate,
Where the Watchman stands in His majesty,
With a patience which never has said ' Too late.'
Let the sorrowful children of want and sin
Draw near to the gate whence none depart.
Let the nations arise and enter in,
For the Lord is willing with allHis heart."
B. M.
Now, my God, let, I beseech Thee, Thine eyes be open, and let Thine
ears be attent unto the prayer that is made in this place. Now therefore
arise, Lord God, into Thy resting place. Thou, and the ark of Thy strength :
let Thy priests, O Lord God, be clothed with salvation, and let Thy saints
rejoice in goodness. — 2 Cheon. vi. 40, 41.
And the Lord said unto him, Now Mine eyes shall be open, and Mine
ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place. For now have I
chosen and sanctified this house, that My Name may be there for ever :
and Mine eyes and Mine heart shall be there perpetually. — 2 Chkon.
vii. 12, 15, 16.
"I will fill this house with glory, saith the Lord of Hosts." — Hag. ii. 7.
Auffust 27th, 1898.
On Sunday morning, August 21st, I woke up with this
promise in my mind, together with the words : " Said I
not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest
see the glory of God?" It was a bright, sunshiny day,
and everything seemed to show that God was smiling upon
the opening of our new church.
We feel it is a matter for great rejoicing and deep
thankfulness to God that here, in this isolated country-place,
it has been found necessary to build a place of worship
sufficiently large to accommodate two hundred people. The
new building is simple, bright, and lofty, and well-built
as to sound. No accident has occurred during the eight
months of building, and the workmen have done their work
thoroughly and happily, and have been under the sound of
the Gospel all the time. It has been a time of much extra
strain and work for M., upon whom the responsibility of
the whole rested ; but God's presence has been with us, and
His grace and help sufficient day by day. The church has
been built at a cost of about £68, and to this sum the
native Christians in this and the other stations of the
district have contributed well. Kind gifts of money have
also reached us from our fellow-workers and from several
friends in England.
For the four days of special meetings, in connection with
the opening of the church, we had invited sixteen leading
Christians, representatives of all the Churches that had
contributed to the building. Many of the missionaries of
the district were also present.
The opening service took place on Sunday, August 21st,
when Bishop Cassels dedicated the church to the service of
God, much in the same way as Solomon of old consecrated
the Temple, many of the petitions of Solomon's prayer
forming the keynote of our prayers that day. The building
was crowded, even to the porch. The service was followed
by an evangelistic meeting, held by some of the native
Christians, for the heathen who were present.
At the Communion service we specially realised the presence
of Christ, and our hearts were stirred as we met with such
a large gathering of native Christians to remember His death.
At the eleven o'clock meeting on Monday, seven people
were baptised. Among these were T'ao-kuang-kin and his
wife, whose house was b^rnt down two winters ago. It
was through this trouble we first knew them and told them
the Gospel. From the beginning we felt their hearts were
prepared to receive the Light, and they have gone steadily
forward, being full of simple faith in God. Then there were
Li-kueh-cheo, his wife, and son (Peh-ua-tsi). This last is
the boy who first heard the Gospel at school four years ago,
and took the good news home to his parents. He is now
fourteen years old, and is an earnest, consistent Christian.
The other two baptised were Sie-ii-seng, son of the teacher,
aged twenty, and Long-ta-sao, the woman who lost her boy
two years ago. Through sorrow she grew in grace and the
knowledge of God.
May God keep them each one " steadfast, unmovable,
always abounding in the work of the Lord."
The following morning eleven people were received as
Inquirers, six men, one woman, three school-boys, and one
girl. For some time these have attended the services and
have destroyed their idols, and we have reason to believe
they are true in their desire to serve G*d. Each one was
brought forward at the service by a native Christian, who
undertook, with God's help, to hold himself responsible for
that one during the time he is an Inquirer, and to do all
in his power to help him forward.
From photo 6yl ' IRcv. A. T. Polhill Turn
At the Wednesday meeting the two oldest members of
the Church spoke about the new chapel.
Old Hsiieh-ta-ie's words were full of gratitude to God for
the new building ; and he closed by saying : " This building
does not belong to the foreign teachers, nor does it belong
to us, — the Church members, — but it belongs to God. He
gave it to us and He will constantly manifest His glory to
us in this place."
In the afternoon a magic-lantern service was held by
Ku-ho-lin, a young Christian man, from Pao-ning, formerly
one of M.'s school-boys there. His choice and explanation
of the slides revealed to us his clear apprehension of spiritual
truths. His subject was, " The Forgiveness of Sins," as
illustrated in the stories of the Flood, the Brazen Serpent,
and the Cracifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Of one result of that afternoon's service we have already
heard. A young man who was present, an utter stranger,
who had come to me for medicine, told me a few days
later that as he saw the picture of the Crucifixion and
listened to Ku-ho-lin's words about it he had felt convinced
that Jesus Christ was the true and only Saviour of the
world. We do trust that this young man may be among
the firstfruits of these meetings !
That was the closing meeting of our four quiet days. Will
you join us in praying that the spiritual Church in this
place may be built up, " a glorious Church, not having spot,
or wrinkle, or any such thing ; but that it should be holy
and without blemish ? "
Missionary history abounds in marvels of 2''>'Bservation. God does not
promise, even to the most faithful of His servants, absolute immunity from
disease and death. It may be best that witness should be sealed in blood,
as well as seasoned with suffering. The servant is not above his Master, and
the first martyr may have done more to save souls by his death than Paul
did by his life ; but God has often stayed the hand of man, and many an
imperilled witness to Christ has heard the same voice that Paul heard at
Corinth : " Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace ; for I am with
thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee."
Kbv. a. T. Pieeson, in " The New Acts of the Apostles."
" Stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith
of the Gospel ; and in nothing terrified by your adversaries." — Phil. i. 37, 28.
Beceniber, 1898.
During the last few months we have been proving God's
love and faithfulness through new and strange experiences.
In September M. was seriously ill with an epidemic which
was prevalent in the neighbourhood, and, at one time, we
thought she could not possibly recover. But God remembered
us in our sorrow, and answered the prayer of His servants,
and restored her to health again. The love and sympathy
of the natives at that time were most touching. The
messenger sent to Pao-ning walked one hundred and twenty
li one night to fetch the doctor. The school-boys were very
quiet, and one morning one of them sang hymns very
softly outside M.'s room, thinking they might comfort her.
Numbers of people came every day to inquire how she was,
and to bring their little offerings of eggs, bread, vegetables,
or honey wherewith to tempt her appetite.
Early in October, when she was better, Bishop Cassels
kindly arranged that she should go to Kuang-iien (two and
half days' journey to the north) for a change, and that I
should accompany her ; but our preparations for going were
suddenly stopped by the arrival of twenty soldiers, headed
by a military official. They had been sent by the Mandarin
of Ts'ang-K'i to protect us against a band of lawless men
who were in the neighbourhood, preparing for an attack
upon Sin-tien-tsi. They were supposed to be followers of
the rebel-chief U-man-tsi, who was then in his fortress
near Ta-chu, in the south of the province, doing his utmost
by wicked proclamations and emissaries, scattered through-
out the province, to excite the people to an anti-Christian
rebellion. He has already destroyed a good deal of Roman
Catholic property, and for months has held captive a Romish
priest, for whom he asks a large ransom.
The day following our first intimation of the trouble, we
had serious news from Pao-ning, that Chung-k'ing, Ho-cheo,
and other places, were in an unsettled state, expecting an
invasion from tT-man-tsi and his rebels. Bishop Cassels
urged us to take all possible precautions, as he had heard
from three independent sources that a band of men were
on their way to attack Sin-tien-tsi.
A couple of days later, the local magistrates arrived at
our house to discuss the question of forming a band of
volunteers for our protection. They had previously informed
every family in the neighbourhood to send a representative
to meet them here. You cannot imagine what a motley
gathering assembled. We were amused, and touched also,
by the appearance of such a bodyguard ! There were old,
white-haired men mixed up with young men and lads, and
even little children of eleven or twelve years old, all carrying
horrid, rusty weapons of various shapes and sizes, or old,
ragged flags. Most of our Christian men were there,
ready to do anything on our behalf! They told us
they had come to meet the Mandarin who was "to review
the guards." Though amused at the ludicrous appearance
they presented, we kneio they meant to do all they could
to protect us.
Amongst them was dear old Hsiieh-ta-ie with his strong
sons. Some of you will remember how, in 1895, when riots
took place in many stations in this province, he said that
if any evil men came in at our door to harm God's servants,
they would have to pass over his dead body first ! We feel
that the same spirit still animates our Christian men.
Throughout the whole of this anxious time their love and
devotion have been manifested greatly.
Every night, for about a fortnight or three weeks, men
were appointed by the Mandarin to keep watch, some in the
house, and some outside, where a straw hut had beeu put
up for the purpose.
And every night, also, a band of Christian men came up
of their own accord, to guard the house and to help us, should
any trouble arise. Among themselves they arranged that
three chair-bearers should come up every night, so that if
we were obliged to escape, M. (who was still very weak)
might be carried away in a chair. In things like this the
love and kindness of the people were poured upon us at
this time.
About a week after the iirst alarm, four men belonging
to the rebel band were caught at a place forty-two li
distant, and taken to Ts'ang-k'i ; the rest of the band escaped
to the north.
During this time of trouble and anxiety, the Christians
have suffered a good deal of persecution from their heathen
relatives, who are urging them to return to idolatry, lest
they should suffer with us. Not in a single case, however,
have we found their faith faltering ; and day by day they
are realising, as we do, that God's grace and strength are
sufficient for all our need. He keeps our hearts at rest,
and enables us to go on with the work.
We have had many opportunities of showing the Mandarin
and soldiers that our trust is in the living God, " Who is
able to deliver " His servants from all danger.
They much wished us to leave for Pao-ning, but Bishop
Cassels encouraged us in our resolve not to forsake our
Christian people, but to stand by them to the end.
We long to glorify our Master, be the issue what it may.
We are as safe here in the hand of God as we could be
anywhere ; and with the eye of faith we see, as Elisha did,
the invisible hosts of God surrounding us. Our trust is in
God, " Who worketh all things after the counsel of His
own will," according to His eternal purpose in Christ Jesus
concerning us.
Our last news from Chung-k'ing is more hopeful, and we
trust that the rebellion will soon be quelled.
Our small faith feared lest so much threatened trouble and
persecution for the Christians might hinder the work, and
that whilst causing some to stumble, it might also prevent
others from following at all.
On the contrary, however, their faith has been strengthened,
not one has gone astray, for the Good Shepherd, Who is
" able to keep," has guarded His flock day by day, and kept
their hearts in peace, and, we believe, this little Church will
be purer and stronger for these months of trial !
The last few weeks have been the brightest we have known
for some time, in that the deepest of all joys has been
granted us, that of seeing earnest souls seeking for salva-
tion and finding Jesus Christ their Saviour.
Amongst them is a woman, over fifty years of age, named
" Lo," who lives at Lo-han-si, a place fifty-one U, or seventeen
English miles, from here.
The first time she came, a few weeks ago, was for medicine
for a little nephew. She had been part of two days on
the way, having walked eighty li from her sister's house.
She had never seen " foreigners " before, and had never
heard the Gospel.
Having attended to the child, I told her of the true God
and of Jesus Christ. She listened intently, and with tears
heard the story of His love. She told us that she had
for years been seeking after the Truth, having long been
convinced of the nselessness of the idols and of the vegetarian
vow. In many ways she had sought to accumulate merit, by
which to escape punishment in the future world, but knew
her efforts had all been in vain. " Now," she added, " I
have found the Way of Truth." When at last obliged
to start on her long journey home, we told her of the
Sunday gatherings, but expressed a fear that she would find
the way very long. She answered quickly : " Now that I
have heard of the True Way, I must come and learn more
about my Saviour."
In order to be sure of arriving in time for the Sunday
morning service, she determined to go part of the journey
on Saturday. Her household duties, however, prevented her
leaving before dusk, and her relatives tried to dissuade her
from starting at that time, saying she would surely meet
leopards and other wild animals by the way ; but she assured
them she would not fear, for the Almighty God, Whom she
came to worship, would protect her.
During that long, lonely, dark walk, startled often by
weird sights and sounds around her, and afraid of the wild
animals, which infest the mountains in that region, she
kept lifting up her heart to the God she had just learnt
to trust, and thus she reached here in safety early in the
It gave us real joy to show her the Way of Salvation, for
she was full of longing desire to know how to obtain forgive-
ness of sins, and drank in as a thirsty soul the good news
of a living Saviour.
She spent the whole Sunday with us, Chao-ta-niang enter-
taining her to dinner ; and when she left us in the evening
we felt she had drunk deeply of the Water of Life, and
had been found of Him Who " satisfieth the longing soul
and filleth the hungry soul with goodness."
Nearly every Sunday since she has appeared again, always
so bright and happy ; and has made an arrangement with
the Bible-woman, by which she spends every Saturday
evening with her.
We are astonished at the rapidity with which she grasps
deep, spiritual truths and sees for herself the inner teaching
of the miracles and parables of our Lord. She is indeed
taught by the Holy Spirit, and it gives us intense joy to
talk to her of the things of God.
Mrs. Lo and her husband are wealthy, and have everything
to make them comfortable in this life, but for years, it seems,
she has been trying in various way to prepare for the next
world. How good of God to lead her at last to know Him,
and so fully to satisfy her with His love I
One Sunday her husband came with her. He is a scholar
and a thoughtful man ; and though as yet he has made no
profession, he reads the New Testament diligently.
Another joy was given to us about the same time as
Mrs. Lo first came, when our hearts were failing us for
fear, lest the work should suffer because of the rebellion.
A woman, wife of Hsiieh-ta-ie's second son, asked to be
enrolled as a candidate for baptism. It seems that God
spoke to her through a dream, in which she was reproached
by her deceased heathen relatives for not having followed her
husband and father-in-law on their road to Heaven. "When
the woman awoke she felt God had spoken to her, and she
dare not disregard His voice. Since then she has been
tanght regularlj^, and we believe she is now trusting truly
in Jesus Christ as her Saviour.
The Buddhist priest, Hsil, who came to us last spring to
inquire about the truth, has returned again. We were very
thankful to find he has been serving God in his own home.
He was delayed from coming back sooner through the
illness and death of his second brother. When he returned
home last spring, he burnt the idols, in which he had a share,
in his brother's house. This brought down upon him the
wrath of the family and much persecution, but he remains
firm in his desire to serve the true God.
At present he lives forty li away, and for the last month
has regularly attended the Sunday services. He is trying to
find a lodging nearer here, and to earn his living by selling
thread and other small wares at the surrounding markets.
The native Christians have given him three hundred " cash "
(10(^.) wherewith to buy cotton-wool to spin into thread.
Our opium smoking landlord has been going from bad to
worse, and has reduced himself through opium smoking to
absolute beggary. He steals everything he can lay hands
on, even to his own children's food and clothes, to exchange for
opium. We have given him warm clothing, rice, and food ;
but all goes in the same way, and he shows his gratitude by
stealing all he can find. Quite lately he has stolen two locks
off the chapel doors and a meat hatchet from our kitchen,
and sold them for opium I This will show you how morally
ruined these poor opium smokers become. He gets desperate
when the desire for opium comes on ; he is, as it were, soaked
in opium, utterly wrecked by it ! Nothing but the power
of God can deliver him from this curse I Over and over
again we have proved that good resolutions and outward
reformation, without a change of heart, have been in vain.
Sooner or later the love and awful craving for the opium
will get the mastery. But " our God is able to deliver."
Let US, then, often remember this poor man in prayer, and
hundreds of others, who, like him, are slaves to opium, " upon
whom the craving has so fastened itself that they will
literally sell themselves, soul and body, for the drug."
M. lately thought of another way of helping the landlord.
She has taken his youngest child, a dear little boy, five years
old, and has pat him to board in a Christian family, where he
will have a mother's care and love, and other children to play
with. Up to this time he has followed his wicked parents
about like a little beggar, but now he is bright and happy,
and properly clothed and fed. He is a loving little chap and
every one likes him.
His elder brother, Tong-ua-tsi, has lived with us three years,
and is an earnest Christian lad of fifteen years of age. We hope
that little U-ua-tsi will also grow up to love and serve Jesus.
You will remember the two beggar-lads, len-lin and
Hsi-lin, whom we befriended for a few weeks while seeking
their parents. len-lin is now here, working for us, in return
for food and clothing ; and Hsi-lin, the elder boy, is at one of
the mission houses in Pao-ning ; thus, they are both under
Christian influence, and are, we trust, seeking to serve God.
One of the Pao-ning missionaries lately paid a visit to
their home. He wrote of his visit thus : " I visited Mr.
Chao's home when I was itinerating lately. The mother
prays to God. They have no idols in the house, but plenty
of tracts pasted up by the boys." We are most thankful to
God for this news, and earnestly pray that soon all the family
may become Christians.
Dear old Mrs. Uen is away, staying with her married
daughter again. I miss her very much at the classes. She
is a most interesting listener, and so practical in her applica-
tion of all she learns. One Sunday the subject of the sermon
and of the women's class afterwards was 1 Thess. v. 16-18.
The commands to " rejoice always," and " in everything give
thanks," be our circumstances what they may, very much
struck her.
The week following she told* us the words had helped
her much in a great trouble that had come upon her. She
has only one large rice-field, situated beneath a rocky bank.
One morning, after a night of terrific storm, her neighbours
came to tell her that her rice was nearly all spoilt by the
high bank of rock having fallen daring the night. Running
out to see, she found their words only too true. It was a
very great loss to the poor old woman — the rice would soon
have been ready to gather, and it was what she depended
upon for her winter's food ; now, nearly all was gone !
Her first feeling was one of bitter disappointment, but then
came the words : " Rejoice evermore ; ... in everything
give thanks." She kept repeating them, until she felt at
rest about the loss, knowing that in some way or other God
would provide for her.
When she returned to her house, the neighbours were
surprised at her calm face. They would have screamed and
cried for half a day over such a loss, but she was so quiet
and peaceful ; they could not understand her. She told them :
" The true God knows about it ; and His Book says that
those who serve Him must ' Rejoice evermore, pray without
ceasing ; and in everything give thanks.' "
Another Sunday the subject at the class had been the
necessity of regular daily prayer, and I had told the women
how the Lord Jesus often rose very early in the morning for
communion with God. The following week Mrs. Uen told
me she was trying to do what Jesus did, and got up before
it was light to pray, and she said she found " it was good
to do so."
About the same time she put to practical daily use
another lesson on prayer, which M. had given, speaking
about Daniel's custom of praying morning, noon, and night.
Previous to this lesson she had had her regular seasons
of prayer morning and evening, but since then, no matter
where she is, at home or away in the fields, her noonday
time of communion with God is as sacredly kept as that
of the morning or evening.
During the year just passed we have not been able to
visit the surrounding markets as much as usual, the chapel-
building, M.'s illness, and the U-man-tsif rebellion, having
prevented us.
In the early summer we spent a few days at the riverside
markets, visited last year. At one of the raarkets the chair-
bearers had some difficulty in finding ns a suitable room
where we could sleep that night. The only one to be found
was a small loft-room, abont eight feet by eleven, with a
sloping, thatched roof ; the only opening for light and air was
a hole in the wall, about six inches by seven, and this opened
into one of the rooms of the next house. Knowing that at
night we should have to shut the door, and that there would
be three of us to occupy the room (Mrs. Chao was with
us), we hesitated to engage it. But when the landlord
discovered it was air we wanted, he very soon solved the
difficulty. Seizing a meat-chopper, he went up the ladder
to the loft, saying : " I'll make you a window in a very
little time." And when we went up a short while after,
we found that he had cut another hole in the mud wall —
sixteen inches by seven.
We had a very encouraging time there that afternoon, and
also the next day at T'ing-tsi-k'eo and Shao-chan-ho.
Another time we visited San-ch'uan-si and U-kia-p'ing,
and were again warmly received by our friends at both these
places. M. had taken her magic-lantern with her. The
people had never seen lantern-pictures before, and were
intensely interested as they saw one after another of th6
Bible stories illustrated on the sheet.
What a solemn thing it is, and what a great responsibility
is laid upon us when we meet these dark souls who have
never heard of God, and for whom this may be the only
chance of hearing of Jesus and His love ! May God help
us to " redeem the time," " to buy up the opportunity "
as He sends it.
To every one of the world's one thousand million souls, Jesus has sent us
by the great commission, " Go ye into all the world and preaoh the Gospel
to every creature." Few lands are closed against His message, though many
are as yet unentered by witnesses for Christ. For while the needs are so
vast, the supply which the Church has sent out hitherto is so small that there
are fewer ordained missionaries at work in heathendom than Mr. Whiteley has
employfe in his single West London shop.
"Is it not wTieat-Tiarvest to-day?" And in this time of harvest ought not
we to be up and doing ? Every little counts. Even a child can help most
efEectually by its little efforts — telling the need, interesting others, collecting
mites here and there. Each of us can do something, something which will
not seem small in the sight of Him Who says of all such efforts : " Ye did
it unto Me."
From " Regions Beyond," 1893,
"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or
distress, or persecution, ... or peril, or sword ? Nay, in all these things, we
are more than conquerors through Him that loved us." — KOM. viii. 35, 37.
April, 1899.
These words were chosen whilst the U-man-tsi rebellion still
continued as the Church motto for the year, and we thank
God that through much threatened persecution and trouble
the native Christians have been drawing nearer to Christ
and learning more about His great love.
Early in the year we were all much looking forward to
a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Taylor, but have been
disappointed. They had intended visiting the China Inland
Mission stations in this province after the Chung-k'ing
Missionary Conference, held in January, but were obliged to
relinquish this intention, owing to the dangerous state of the
country through which they would have to pass. Had
Mr. Taylor been able to come, our Christian chair-bearers
would have met him at Pao-ning and brought him up here
free of cost, as a little token of gratitude for all that they
realise he has done for them.
We have heard that U-man-tsi, the rebel-chief, has been
defeated by Chinese troops, and a number of his adherents
put to death and the Romish priest released ; U-man-tsi
himself has fled, it is thought, out of Si-ch'uan. We
hope now that the whole province will soon be quiet and
peaceful again.
At the Chinese New Year time, Mr. and Mrs. Lo and their
little six-year-old grandchild spent three or four days with
our old Bible- woman. We were, therefore, able to teach
them regularly, aud were increasingly surprised at their
quick, spiritual apprehension of the truth. Mr. Lo is of
a reserved, silent turn of mind, but evidently a deep thinker,
and has been exceedingly interested in reading the New
Testament. Mrs. Lo says there is no doubt he is also a
believer, and that at home he reads the Testament to them
by the hour, and is most anxious that the little grandchild,
Lo-ming-chen, should learn Christian books.
Mrs. Lo herself is full of joy, and loves to tell every one
about the Saviour. She used to come into the guest-hall
every morning and speak to the patients ; and only seemed
happy when she was either hearing the old, old Story herself
or telling others of Jesus and His love.
There is a little girl, nearly twelve years of age, who
has, in one way and another, occupied our time and thoughts
lately. She is called Chang-nii-tsi (which is about equivalent
to calling a child in England by her surname, thus : Smith-
girl, or Jones-girl !).
When quite a child she was bought by an old couple,
Mr. and Mrs. T'ao, as a future wife for their son, who is
six years older than the girl. As usual, in these heathen
homes, the child became the slave of the household, and
her many misdemeanours brought down upon her often the
unrestrained wrath of her future parents-in-law.
The old couple being infirm, and their eyesight failing,
and the boy asthmatical and consumptive, and all being poor,
the child's surroundings and prospects were by no means
About two years ago Mr. and Mrs. T'ao heard the Gospel
for the first time, and gradually, through the working of
the Holy Spirit, they became new creatures in Christ Jesus.
Since then, we believe, they have done their best by the
wild, unkempt little gipsy-child whom they had brought into
their home. But the years of unhappiness that went before
have left their mark on the girl, and have made her sullen
and disagreeable to the old man and woman. She does as
little work as possible, and, whenever she can, runs away,
hiding for days on the hills or in the rocks, eating whatever
from photos by']
iMiss F, M. WilVumis.
she finds in the fields. Often the old people have gone to
great trouble and expense seeking her and bringing her back.
One bitterly cold evening in January, I found her crouching
under a tree near our house. I called her, and, after giving
her some food, sent her to her home with one of our servants.
The following evening as M. and I were having our tea,
we heard a low moaning on the hill at the back of the
house. Lanterns were lit, and we went out ; it was not long
before we found this poor child shivering and crying under
a hedge. It was a bitterly cold night, and we brought her
quickly into our warm kitchen. Thinking that perhaps
kindness might touch her, we decided to let her stay a few
days with us, and sent a message to the old people to let
them know she was with us. After her supper we made her
a bed of straw.
Most of the next day she spent in washing — herself and
her clothes ! During the four days she was here we kept
her much with us, teaching her and finding her work to do,
and she became very attached to us. I began teaching her to
read, and found her an apt pupil, with a most vivid imagination,
excited, probably, by the many weird sights she must have
seen during the long nights she had passed out on the hills
and in the rocks.
One day I was speaking to her of Heaven, when suddenly
she exclaimed : " Oh, I know all about Heaven, for I have
seen it ! " Then she explained how, the first night she was
with us, she dreamt she was in Heaven, having gone up by
means of a ladder placed on the top of our hill. Her
description was : " It was just like the new church, so clean
and bright and light, and Jesus Himself was teaching the
people there."
Another day she told me she had seen the devil I I asked,
" Where ? " She answered : " He lives in the temple, but I
saw him one night in a field belonging to the Ho family,
and he was spoiling their crops ! "
After a stay of four days we took her home, and she
promised to try and be good to the old people.
Alas ! she only kept her promise for six weeks ; then she
disappeared again for twenty days, at the end of which time
her own father fonnd her at a market, and brought her back
to Mr. and Mrs. T'ao. Poor little child, we do long for her
to trust the Lord Jesus to change her wild, wayward heart !
For some weeks lafter that, we kept her at home through
promising her little rewards, such as a warm garment, or two
or three days' stay here ; and then we asked Miss Wheeler,
who has a girls' school in Pao-ning, if she would kindly
receive our little " gipsy-child " into her school. She
willingly assented, and now Chang-nii-tsi is there.
Words fail to describe the scrubbings and washings that
went on for two or three days before she left us I
We do hope she will be influenced for good and return
to her parents with the desire to serve God.
For a short time a little while ago we were without a
servant in the kitchen, the cook being away in Shuen-K'ing ;
so we had to do nearly everything ourselves with the help
of one of the school-boys. It made us specially busy,
but I think we managed very well altogether. English
people, accustomed to their spotlessly clean, tiled kitchens,
with all kinds of stove conveniences, have no idea what it
means to cook in a Chinese kitchen, especially in a place
where no coal is to be had. For a stove we have an excellent
arrangement. Two paraffin-oil tins (those exported by
Devoes Oil Company) are placed above each other lengthwise
in an earthen enclosure, with a small grating at the bottom
of each ; the door is movable and is the lid of the tin. We
heat the tins by putting red-hot charcoal on the top and on
the grating beneath, and then the " ovens " are ready for
chicken, bread, cake, or anything we like, provided it is not
too large.
Our butter-making would amuse you too, I think. As
we get only about one pint or one pint and a half of milk
from our cow every morning and evening, there is not much
cream to be had, but what there is we beat up in a bowl with
a fork until it turns, and in this way we try to keep our-
selves supplied with fresh butter.
We are now enjoying the full beauty of a lovely Si-ch'uan
spring, which I do not think can be surpassed anywhere.
The woods, hills, and valleys are lovely, and wild-flowers
of every hue and kind abound everywhere. The hedges are
in some places just a mass of beautiful red and white roses
such as we treasure in our gardens at home ; while in the
woods we find red, golden, or pure white lilies, and every now
and again a rare orchid. The birds, too, are magnificent with
bright, gay plumage and sweet, beautiful songs.
In some of the valleys there are fields and fields full of the
bright poppy flowers. They are so beautiful, and yet our
hearts ache when we see them, for they speak volumes now to
us of the awful ruin which the opium has wrought ! They
always bring to our minds some poor slave to opium, utterly
demoralised and ruined by the deadly drug. In some places
the pods are already ripe, and the black poison is being
gathered in, and therefore, alas ! the time of opium suicides
has already begun.
We thank God that none of the native Christians plant
opium ; they cease to do so naturally when they come to
believe and serve God. They could not recognise the growing
of opium, even for sale only, as a thing " well-pleasing to
God," and in a country where so much evil has been, and is
still being, wrought by it, opium cannot but be repugnant
to God's children.
Already this season I have had several cases of attempted
opium suicides. All have recovered except one man, for
whom they asked medicine too late. He was one " for whom
Christ died," but he died without knowing it. Oh ! for more
workers, that these souls might be reached before it is too
" Go and tell," Jesus said, and we, who are out here, are
learning more and more that " the King's business requireth
Yea, so have I strived to preach
the Gospel, not where CHRIST was
named, lest I should build upon
another marHs foundation : hut, as it
is written —
" Ubeg gbalt gee> to wbom no ttbings
of 1bim came ,
arts tbeg wbo baoe not bear&
sball nnberstan&Z'
Rom. XV. 20-21 {A. &• R. V.).
"white unto haevbst."
" They came to Him from every quarter." — Mabk i. 45.
Jiim 12th, 1899.
In the last two journals I have mentioned a woman, Mrs.
Lo, who is very true and earnest, and who comes fifty li
(seventeen English miles) to the Sunday services. She
first came to us last November for medicine for a small
grandchild, and it was then she heard of Jesus Christ.
Since then she and her husband have attended the services
and classes regularly, and have grown in grace and in the
knowledge of Jesus Christ.
They have often asked us to go to their home at Lo-han-si,
but we found no opportunity of doing so until last week,
when Miss Digby (one of the Church Missionary Society
workers from Shih-ts'lien, who has been staying with us
for a few weeks) and I went there together for a night.
We started on Thursday morning, having one chair between
us, carried by two Christian chair-bearers. Our old Bible-
woman and her son, who is also a Christian, came with us.
We very much enjoyed the journey, though the road was
rough, and the chair, in consequence, of little use. The
country was grand, and the scenery varied. At times we
found ourselves in deep gorges between high, precipitous
rocks. In the gorges and valleys we found beautiful ferns
and flowers nestling along the banks of little mountain
torrents. It was a burning hot day, and we felt the heat
much, especially when, about the middle of the day, we
were climbing up a bare, steep mountain, having left the
cool gorge far beneath us.
Before we reached the top, we were both suffering very
much from thirst — such burning thirst as one seldom knows.
Once we moistened our lips with water from a little pool
at the corner of a rice-field, but we dared not drink the
water, so we plodded on, humming as we went :
"We are feeding on the Living Bread,
We are drinking at the Fountain Head,
And ' he that drinketh,' Jesus said,
'Shall never, never thirst again.'
' What ! never thirst again ? '
' No, never thirst again ; '
For 'he that drinketh,' Jesus said,
'Shall never, never thirst again.'"
We reached Mrs. Lo's house about 3.30 p.m., and had
a marvellous time of blessing there. We felt that God
was answering some one's prayers for us that day, and
blessing us.
The first thing we did was to drink no end of tea to
quench our thirst, and when we had had a little food (bread
and sweetmeats) we found that people were already coming,
and we began at once to tell them about Jesus Christ.
From that time, until eleven o'clock that night, we had a
most interested stream of people around us. They were not
the usual inquisitive set, who ask about everything but the
Gospel. No ; one after another would come up to us with
earnest face, asking about Jesus and the way of salvation ;
and many who came first stayed to the end.
An old, white-haired man of seventy odd years, named
Chu, was most eager to learn, and kept drawing near to
whichever of us was speaking, to drink in the precious Word
of Life. Before we left we had no doubt but that this old
man had received the Word to the saving of his soul.
Surely there is no greater joy than this, the seeing that
the Gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation
to every one that believeth 1
There was an old woman, too, of eighty-four years of
age, to whom every one thought it was useless to tell the
Gospel, thinking she was too stupid to understand ; but she
brightened up at once when I went and sat by her side for
a while and told her simply that she was very precious to
Jesns, that He loved her, and died for her.
Dear old woman 1 I took her hand in mine, and as I
stroked it, a smile came on that sad, wrinkled face. Gradu-
ally she learned a little prayer. It was very short, just this,
" Lord Jesus, forgive my sins " ; but to learn it meant much
to her, and her joy was great when at last she found she
remembered it, after I had repeated it many, many times.
Some years ago, Mr. Hudson Taylor told me how a dear
old Chinese woman had been won for Christ through a
touch of the hand as a missionary spoke to her. They had,
I think, never met before, and at first the woman was cold
and hard, and heeded not the words spoken. Presently, the
missionary, constrained by the love of Christ, took one of
the woman's thin hands in hers and gently stroked it.
Gradually the hard, closed heart opened, and the love of
Jesus poured in, as again the missionary told her of His
death on the Cross for her.
As we come in contact with the women of China, we
realise constantly how we need more of Christ's love in
ourselves so that these dark, unloved hearts around us may
feel its power and receive Him into their lives.
"My God, my Father, let me rest
In the calm sun-glow of Thy face,
Until Thy love in me expressed
Draws others to Thy throne of grace.
O Jesus, Master, let me hold
Such secret fellowship with Thee,
That others, careless once and cold.
Won to my Lord and theirs may be ! "
Soon after a troop of school-boys came rushing in. Miss
Digby was surrounded by a group of women and girls, having
a good time with them, and the Christian chair-bearers were
talking earnestly to Lo-ta-ie and other men ; so I turned
from the dear old woman and talked to the boys about
Dr. Wilson's picture of the Prodigal Son.
One of the boys is Mrs. Lo's grandchild, seven years old.
He lives with her, and is a bright little Christian, with a firm
belief in prayer, asking God for everything and obtaining
beautiful answers.
As we sat there, telling again and again the sweet Story
of old, and watching the sun setting in splendour behind the
hills opposite the house, we could see groups of men and
women hastening to us down the mountain paths. In the
twilight others came, and when it was dark we could trace
more and more coming through the darkness, with flaming
torches waving in the air. They listened as those listen who
have never heard before, and whose hearts have been prepared
by God. It was a solemn time. Precious seed of the King-
dom was sown on all sides, by weak instruments indeed ;
but the seed was the Word, and we believe that in God's own
time He will give the increase.
I would like to tell you of some interesting individual cases,
but am afraid of tiring you with too long a letter. There is
one woman, however, of whom J must write. She came
bustling in, followed by three grandsons, and began by
saying : " I want to hear about Jesus ; tell me slowly and
plainly, for I am very stupid." She went on to tell us
that, as her memory was very bad, she had brought her three
grandsons (thereupon a sharp tap on each boy's head with
her long-nailed finger) and they were to listen to all we
said and repeat it to her at home.
We were very much amused at her, for whenever we ceased
speaking to take breath, she seized the opportunity to call
loudly upon the boys to listen and "to think of nothing
else ! " (One of them was a little fellow only five years old.)
Then if we put down on the table any tract or book from
which we had been teaching her, she would at once lay hold
of it and, flinging it in front of the eldest boy, a nice lad of
thirteen, say : " Read that." At first he obeyed, but when
his grandmother repeated the performance, he refused, where-
upon she said he must take them home and read them to her
there ! But with all her peculiarities she listened well, and
when she reappeared next morning, we found she had under-
stood fairly well, and remembered a good deal.
It was such a joy to tell the Story that we sat on until
eleven o'clock, telling the people more and more about Jesns !
They would have remained longer, and I hardly knew if I
were doing right in suggesting it was time we scattered and
went to rest. But seeing we were tired, they began to go
away. We stood a few moments watching them wend their
way across the rice-fields, away to the valleys and hills
beyond, by the light of their flaming torches ; then, after a
few words with Mrs. Lo, we went to rest.
She had turned out of her room and made it beautifully
clean for us. One thing she regretted, and so did we that
hot summer night, that there was no window, nor any opening
of any kind for air ! But she told us it was her intention to
fit up a room nicely for us with plenty of light and air, and
with a bed, table, and chairs, by the time we came again, and
it was to be used only by us. We were reminded of the
Shunammite woman of old, though I do not think at that
time Mrs. Lo had heard of her. Until nearly 1 a.m. we could
hear the chair-bearers talking of the things of God with Mr.
Lo and others ; and about six next morning the people began
to gather again from the houses near.
We were up early, and had a little time of prayer with the
family and our chair-bearers before the outsiders came in.
Mr. Lo joined us both then and the previous evening.
For this we were most thankful, because, up to that time,
he had refused to join his wife and little grandson at
morning and evening prayers, for, until we went, he did
not understand about prayer ; now, thank God, he is
clearer about this. Mrs. Lo told us on Sunday that
since our visit he has joined them regularly at daily
prayers. It was one of the Christian chair-bearers who
specially helped Mr, Lo on this subject. I saw him often
talking very earnestly to him. I am sure the little grandson
will be glad to have his grandfather one with them in this
matter of prayer, for Mrs. Lo told us that when she is away
from home, the child goes on with the prayer-meeting alone,
singing a hymn and praying as if others were there too.
On one occasion when Mr. and Mrs. Lo and their
grandson were present at Chinese evening prayers in our
house it was very touching as we knelt in prayer to
hear the little fellow lift up his voice in prayer to God ;
the words were very simple, but came straight from a
full heart, and must have been acceptable to his Father
in Heaven.
The boy has taught his grandmother to repeat many
hymns and passages of Scripture while she is busy with her
For some time before Mrs. Lo first came to us, her husband
had been suffering from very painful eyes, and had been
advised to take a little opium every day. This had eased
the pain considerably, and he continued it for some time.
But when his wife came under the influence of the Gospel,
and understood the power of prayer, she persuaded him to
put away the opium, and trust instead in the true and
living God. We are thankful to say that since then his
eyes have been so far healed that he is able to read his
Bible without pain. When first he obtained a complete copy
of the Scriptures, his delight knew no bounds, and Mrs.
Lo says he spends hours poring over the Word.
By his neighbours he is looked upon as a learned man,
and has a considerable amount of influence. We hope that,
as he grows in grace and the knowledge of God, his influence
may be used for God's glory, and that though a man of
few words, the love of Christ may constrain him to preach
the Gospel faithfully in this neighbourhood, and that many
may be saved.
All Friday morning Miss Digby and I were fully occupied ;
new friends arrived, besides those of the night before. They
came in, saying : " Tell us again about Jesus," or " Tell us
more and more," and one woman said : " I want to know
what it is that has so changed Mrs. Lo and made her so
Several sick people came too, and, with my little stock
of medicines, I did what I could to help them, telling them
at the same time about the Great Physician.
The old man of seventy and the old woman of eighty-four
years of age were there, pathetically repeating again and
again the little prayer : " Lord Jesus, forgive my sins " ; and
the grandmother of the three boys sat by, in a quieter frame
of mind, telling us all she remembered of what we had said
the previous night. We were both busy all the time, Miss
Digby on one side and I on the other ; and so were the Bible-
woman and Christian men.
About twelve o'clock we felt we must begin our long
journey home again. It was very hard to leave them, and
I would gladly have stayed with them several days, had
it been possible to leave one's ordinary work for so long.
The people came a little way with us, and watched us away
over the valley and nearest hill, calling out to us to come
again soon and teach them more. The old man of seventy
was among them, and the last I heard him say was,
" Lord Jesus, forgive my sins ! " Then, with thankful hearts,
we left him.
We came away commending them all to God and thanking
Him that so many had heard the Gospel message. Do pray
that the harvest reaped may be an abundant one ! The
message was God's Word which cannot return void, but must
accomplish His purpose and bring forth fruit unto Life
everlasting. It often helps us to remember that so many
in the homeland are " helpers together " with us by prayer
for this work, as we are with them for their work. " Helpers
together " by prayer now, will mean " Reapers together "
when the Lord of the Harvest comes.
" There is always a blessing in believing prayer,
When our Saviour's Name to the Throne we bear,
For a Father's love will receive us there,
There is always a blessing, a blessing in prayer.''
" Lovest thou Me ? "
" Yea, Lord ; Thou knowest that I love Thee."
Jesus saith unto him, " Feed My sheep."
" What is love ? " asked a questioner of a little street arab.
" It's going errands," came the reply, childlike in its simplicity, startling in
its truth.
If ye love Me, keep My commandments.
Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature.
" He sittetb on high, King for evermore."
October dOth, 1899.
It is now nearly four months since last I wrote, and the
summer has come and gone. It was an exceptionally hot
one this year, and for nearly ten weeks no rain fell ! This
severe drought occurred just when the rice-shoots should
have been transplanted, but there was almost no water in
the rice-fields.
The heathen people had recourse to many idolatrous
practices, hoping thereby to frighten the "evil spirit of
drought " and arouse the " god of rain." For some time
we heard they were doing what they could to conciliate the
" god of rain " by performing all kinds of strange, heathen
rites and holding dragon processions and festivities. Then,
exasperated at receiving no response, they took the idol,
known as the " god of rain," from the temple, and set it
in the burning sun to see how it enjoyed the heat that they
were suffering from !
One Sunday morning we heard that a band of nearly one
hundred people were on their way to attack us and the
native Christians for, as they said, restraining the rain,
through not taking part in their idolatrous practices. About
9.30 they arrived, a band of wild, rough men and lads,
headed by one dressed in red, all yelling and shouting, and
letting off crackers as they drew nearer. M. and I, with
two friends belonging to the Church Missionary Society,
who were staying with us, remained inside and continued our
usual Sunday morning prayer-meeting ; while our servants
and those of the Christians who had already arrived for the
service, stationed themselves outside the front door, and
talked to the crowd in a friendly way.
Again God proved Himself strong on behalf of His children,
for very soon, without attempting to enter the house, the
wild crowd passed on towards the river, thirty li away,
to wreak their vengeance on the river-god !
We had been having special times of prayer for rain for
some time, and that morning it was again very specially
remembered. In God's own time. He answered prayer, but
not before many of the idolaters had acknowledged their
devices useless, and had implored the Christians to call
upon their God in mercy to send the rain.
It came — an abundance of rain — and we praised Him
with glad hearts. The faith of the Christians was much
strengthened, and we know of one heathen woman whose
belief in idols was shaken at that time, and who said she
would no longer trust in them, but in the true and living
During last spring we began a fortnightly Sunday meeting
in the house of one of the Inquirers, at Liu-k'i-pa, a hamlet
twenty-one li from here. At a meeting of the leading
Church-members, M. asked them to choose one of their
number to conduct this little service. Unanimously they
selected Hsiieh-lao-iao. On hearing this he was much
moved, and while speaking very humbly about his inefficiency,
he accepted the work gladly, as being, he said, a second
answer to a prayer he had made to God a few weeks
before. At the beginning of the year he had definitely
prayed for some work to do for God on Sundays. Very
soon afterwards, M., not knowing of his prayer, asked him
to teach a class of boys every Sunday morning ; and then
there came this fresh call to work. He took it as God's
appointment, and has done it joyfully and earnestly, going
there in all weathers and witnessing faithfully for his Lord.
The Inquirers at Liu-k'i-pa are relatives of one of the
Christian men, the tailor, named T'ang, of whom, and of his
wife, I have written to you many times. The family consists
of a widow and her two grown-up sons. Some months ago.
' FromJ>hoio by]
{Mrs. Isabella Bishop.
From phoh &y]
[Mrs. hnhi-lla Bisliot:
when convinced of the truth of the Gospel, they burnt the
family idols, and are now, we believe, seeking to serve
the true God.
Mrs. T'ang was very pleased to let her house be used for
the fortnightly service, and we hope that it will become a
centre of blessing in that valley. Already Hsiieh-lao-iao's
ministry there is bearing fruit, and we -have heard of some
who are becoming interested in the Truth through the preach-
ing of the Word. We are hoping that, as the members of
this little Church become more established in the faith, more
rooted and grounded in the Word of God, that we shall be
able to begin work in many of the markets and hamlets around,
in the same way as has been done this year at Liu-k'i-pa.
During the months of May and June we had a dear little
sick child staying with us — a little boy named Teh-shuen,
Sie Sien-seng's grandson ; he was ten years old, but seemed
like six or seven. For more than a year he had been ill
with severe malaria, and was reduced to a mere skeleton.
Miss Arnott, of Pao-ning, had seen him, and had prescribed
the right treatment for him. He was a dear little child,
gentle and sweet. His father is an earnest Christian, and
had taught the boy to love Jesus and to pray to Him. He
got a little better while with us, but we had but small hope
that he would recover. In the beginning of July he went
home for a few weeks, as he had been homesick and wanted
his father. There he grew weaker and weaker, until he
passed away. They say he was at perfect peace, and did not
fear to die, knowing he was going to Jesus.
About the same time, I believe the very same day, as
little Teh-shuen went to the Good Shepherd's fold, Mr. and
Mrs. Beauchamp lost their dear little baby, Victor, after only
a few hours' illness. And so the little Chinese lad and the
sweet little English baby went together through the gates
into the City — " bright gems for His crown."
" The little weary lambs
He gently beareth ;
And on His breast their love
He proudly weareth."
During the summer Liu Sien-seng, one of our Church-
memters, died. He was an old man, living at Ts'ang-k'i,
seventy li distant, and so was not able to come often to
the services and classes. But his last Sunday on earth was
spent with us, and we noticed how heartily he sang the
hymns and enjoyed the meetings that day. On Monday he
became seriously ill, was taken home, and died on Thursday.
Many in Ts'ang-k'i, where he was the only witness for Christ,
have heard the Gospel through him.
Early in September Bishop Cassels arranged that M. and
I should have a few weeks' rest and change. Mrs. E. 0.
Williams and Miss F. Oulverwell very kindly kept on the
work here meanwhile. We visited four of the stations of the
Church Missionary Society — Wei-ch'eng, Mien-cheo, An-hsien,
and Shih-ts'iien — the nearest of them being five days' journey
from us. It was a very great pleasure to meet the missionaries
at these stations, and to thank God with them for the
wonderful blessing that He has poured upon their work
for Him.
We were delighted with the scenery between K'iih-shau
and Shih-ts'iien. It is magnificent. We had heard much
about it, but the descriptions had fallen far short of its
actual grandeur. The mountains are gigantic and precipitous.
Before reaching Shih-ts'iien, we passed through a series of
long, narrow gorges, far grander, we thought, than those
of the Yang-tsi valley. The high road is very dangerous,
being a narrow path cut out of the precipitous mountain-side
at a great height up the cliff; so that above us towered the
rugged peaks of the huge mountain summits, and beneath
was the steep and dangerous precipice reaching down and
down to the roaring river below. In many parts the only
means of crossing these rivers is by the dangerous bamboo-
rope bridges.
We returned in October much rested and refreshed, and
greatly helped by seeing other people's work, and with fresh
energy for our own. We received a very hearty welcome
from our dear people, many of whom came some miles to
meet ns. It is good to be back again in this little corner
of God's vineyard among the people we love so well.
Our hearts were stirred, as we journeyed about, at the
numberless cities and towns, villages and hamlets in this
part of Si-ch'uan where, as yet, there is no messenger of
the Gospel, where the Truth is not known.
" How shall they believe in Him of whom they have not
heard ? and how shall they hear without a preacher ? " —
(Rom. X. 14).
" The heathen perish : day by day
Thousands on thousands pass away !
O Christians, to their rescue fly,
Preach Jesus to them ere they die.
Wealth, labour, talents, freely give,
Yea, life itself, that they may live :
What hath your Saviour done for you?
And what for Him will ye not do 1
Thou Spirit of the Lord, go forth,
Call in the South, wake up the North ;
Of every clime, from sun to sun.
Gather God's children into one."
A Hindu gentleman, after listening to an able address from a native pastor,
made the following comment : " Once a forest was told that a load of axe-
heads had come to cut it down. ' It does not matter in the least,' said the
forest, ' they will never succeed.' When, however, it heard that some of its
own branches had become handles to the axe-heads, it said, ' Now we have
no longer any chance. ' "
" So," said this gentleman, " as long as we only had foreigners to deal with,
we were safe, but now that everywhere our own countrymen are enlisted on
that side, certainly our faiths are doomed."
This utterance is significant as shovring the impression made upon Hindus
when the Gospel is preached to them by converted natives. The same is true
of the Chinese.
Frmi " A New Thing." — By Miss F. M. Williams.
" We know that all things work together for good to them that love God." —
EOM. viii. 28.
Decemler, 1899.
Looking back over the past year, notwithstanding our many
failures and shortcomings, there is very much for which we
have to thank God. There have been more strange leadings
and dangerous experiences for us than in any former year,
and we wondered sometimes why our Heavenly Father allowed
them, but now we see how all things have been working
together for good.
At the end of last year and the beginning of this, there
was the tj-man-tsi rebellion, when Sin-tien-tsi was threatened
for some time and the lives and property of the native
Christians were endangered, but God was with us, as a
wall of fire round about His people. The great enemy of
the Gospel has again outwitted himself. He thought to
hinder the work by this rebellion, but God has been working
out His own purpose through it. A great number of people,
first hearing of us and our teaching through this trouble,
have come to see us and to hear the Gospel. Numbers
more have become friendly neighbours, through having
formed part of the volunteer force called out for our
It was at the time of this trouble and danger, that Mr.
and Mrs. Lo first heard the Gospel and believed in Jesus
Christ. They are now Inquirers and earnestly witnessing
in their own valley to the power of God, and their consistent
lives have led several people in their neighbourhood to inquire
into the Way of truth.
The old man of seventy years of age, named Chu, who
listened so well when we visited Lo-han-si last summer, is
now a regular attendant at the services, and is rejoicing
in the joy of his salvation.
Another trial occurred when, on Easter Sunday, all the
ingots of silver and copper " cash " we had in the house were
stolen. It was a large amount — one hundred and fifty taels,
equal to about £30. This included not only our own personal
money, but funds for Bible-woman, school, etc. By a chain
of circumstances, in which we clearly saw God's hand, the
thief was discovered, and before daylight the following morn-
ing the bulk of the money was restored to us.
The poor thief's trial and sentence of three months' im-
prisonment weighed heavily upon us both, and told more
upon our health and spirits than all the anxious time of the
U-man-tsi rebellion.
But again, as the weeks went by, we saw that even this was
to result in blessing. The brothers of the thief, their wives
and relatives began to attend the services, and though at
first this was done simply out of gratitude to us, for leniency
shown to the thief, still we believe that there is now a true
spirit of inquiry among them, and that some are being
influenced by the Holy Spirit to believe in Jesus Christ.
The family idols have been publicly burnt, and this fact
has a special interest attached to it. For the poor young
thief and his brothers are the sons of that old man whose
house M. and I suddenly came upon in 1896, when out
visiting ; we found the old man dying, but, to our intense
joy, though to us a comparative stranger, he was dying
with the hope of Eternal Life. He had heard the Gospel
here, when he came for medicine, and had attended some
of the meetings. When he lay dying, he called his sons
round him, told them he was dying a believer in Jesus
Christ, and exhorted them to destroy the idols and turn to
the true God. The sons, however, did not fulfil their father's
wishes, and it was not until last spring that the idols
which the old man had rejected were burnt before us all.
But now two of the man's relatives are Inquirers, and his
sons and their wives come regularly to hear the Gospel.
"God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform."
After three months' imprisonment, Uang-ing-ruh returned
here, and the first night came to thank us for sparing his
life ; and then, in a broken voice, assured us we need never
be afraid of his doing the same thing again, and that he
wanted henceforth to lead a new life.
During the months that have intervened since then, he does
seem to have been different, and to be trying to work
honestly for his living. He attends the services and classes
regularly, and is really grateful to us for what we were
able to do for him.
Will you join us in prayer that he may become a true
Christian ? All his lands were given over to us as part-
compensation for the missing money, but we hope, if he
goes on steadily, to be allowed to return them to him next
^ % % % %
Among our present Inquirers are a man, named Li-k'uen,
and his wife. We first became acquainted with them and
told them the Gospel this last summer, when the wife twice
tried to poison herself with opium, being prompted to do
this when suffering from intense internal pains and rheu-
matism. We sent her medicine, and spoke to her of the
sin of trying to take her own life, and told her how ready
God was both to save and heal her. From that time she
began to come up for teaching, and learnt to pray. God
graciously healed her, and she recognised it as His doing,
and believed. So did her husband also, who, it appears,
had said to her when first she came that if she got well
in answer to prayer to this unknown God, then he would
believe Him to be the true and living God and worship
Him also.
It was not long after that that they came to the Sunday
morning service with the family gods in their arms, and
burnt them after the service outside the church. They have
gone on brightly since, learning " more and more about Jesus,"
and growing in grace. They were received as Inquirers, or
candidates for baptism, last Sunday.
We are specially thankful for these two, as being directly
the result of a case of attempted opium suicide ; for we have
so very many of these cases, and though we always send
medicine, and, if possible, follow up the case by visiting,
still, we have rarely seen any become even interested in
the Gospel through this means, as they are generally only
too sorry to come back to their dark, sad lives.
Amongst others received as Inquirers last Sunday was
len-lin, fifteen years old, the younger of the two lads who
came begging to our door one cold winter's day in 1897.
Through the two boys' witness for Christ at home, both their
parents have put away idols, and are serving God. Their
uncle, a man named Chang, has lately been baptised at
Pao-ning ; we feel so thankful now that God inclined us to
receive the two poor shivering lads into our home. His word
to us at the time was : " A stranger, and ye took Me in," —
and truly He has proved it so.
Amongst the ten Inquirers received, there was another
child, a little boy of seven, Mr. and Mrs. Lo's grandchild.
When his grandparents were accepted as candidates for
baptism last autumn and he was not, the child was most
troubled, saying he was afraid they were leaving him behind,
and that he loved the Lord Jesus too, and wanted to walk the
Heavenly road with them ; and one day he said with tears
in his eyes : " If I did not love and trust Jesus, whom should
I trust ? You will both die and go to Heaven, then I will
only have Jesus to love."
Last Sunday, when his grandfather, Chu-ta-ie, came for-
ward at the service to reply to the questions necessary to
be answered before being received as an Inquirer, little
Lo-ming-chen hurriedly left his seat, and stood by the side
of the white-haired old man ; and there was something
very touching in the contrast between the little childish voice
answering up so quickly, and the quivering voice of the
old man.
He is such an earnest little fellow, so qnick with his
books, and has already such a grasp of Scripture truths, that
we look forward to a life of much fruitful service for God
from him. Will you sometimes pray for him, and for many
another little child, whom God is calling out from among the
heathen, to be His little messengers to their own people ?
During November and December we had a visit from a
native Christian, Liu-ta-ie, of Shuen-k'ing. He cannot read,
but is a man " full of faith and of the Holy Ghost," and his
bright, happy face testifies to the joy and peace within. He
uses Dr. Wilson's series of Scripture pictures, preaching from
them in the guest-halls or in the crowded markets, and thus
attracts great numbers to hear the Gospel.
While here he visited many of the surrounding markets,
and one week went with Hstieh-lao-iao to Lo-han-si to see
Mr. and Mrs. Lo, and on from there to Uang-kia-pa and other
places. After commending them to God, we watched them
start on their journey laden with books and tracts, and full
of thankful joy at being " allowed of God " to preach the
glad news of Salvation to their own people.
They returned, radiant with the joy of the Lord, thanking
and praising Him, as they told us what He had done among
the people through them. Many villages and markets had
been visited, and many people interested in the Truth.
Hsiieh-lao-iao has been much encouraged in the work at
Liu-k'i-pa, where, you remember, he holds a fortnightly
Sunday meeting. A few weeks ago a man, named Ch'en,
and his wife, who first heard the Gospel from him, burnt
their idols here, and last Sunday, to Hstieh-lao-iao's great
joy, they were received as Inquirers.
For years Hsiieh-lao-iao has been praying for his wife's
conversion, and he has often asked us and the native Christians
to do so also. During this last year he has had the joy of
seeing these prayers answered ; for the Holy Spirit has been
working in her heart, and now she is trusting in the Lord
Jesus Christ as her Saviour and is seeking to serve God
faithfully. Her face is so changed since she believed. It
used to be so stolid and indifferent, now it is bright and
Lately, there have been a good many thieves in the neigh-
bourhood. Among others who have suffered at their hands
is our dear old Mrs. Uen ; she was away at the time, but
returned to her house to find nearly everything gone. It
is wonderful that her faith does not waver through her many
afflictions. She trusts God's love through everything. She
was very pitiably poor before, but now she has nothing.
We went to see her when we heard of the theft, and found
the dear old woman trying to be bright and to " rejoice ever-
more " in the thought that God knew all about it. " They
have taken away all my things," she said to us, " but
they can never take away my God ; He never leaves me, and
never, never will. I have always got Him with me."
She lives alone, and her cottage is very isolated ; we asked
her if she could not live with one of her married daughters.
She said they would all be willing to receive her, but as
they were not Christians she did not care to live with them,
because in their heathen homes she could not have the
quiet and freedom for prayer that she had in her own house ;
and she added, " I cannot now live without it." She told
us too, how sometimes she gets such a thirst and longing
for God that she has to leave her work and shut herself
in her house, alone with God, until, with the sweetness of
His presence. He satisfieth her longing soul.
" I have seen the face of Jesus — tell me not of aught beside ;
I have heard the voice of Jesus — all my soul is satisfied.
In the radiance of the glory first I saw His blessed face,
And for ever shall that glory be my home, my dwelling-place."
One of our Christian women, Mrs. Li, has lately died. She
was eighty-three years old, and was baptised three and a
half years ago. She passed away on December 19th, very
peacefully and happily. For a long time she had been ill ;
we visited her very often ; there was little we could do for
her, but our being with her seemed to comfort her. We
always found her happy and trusting in Jesus Christ, and
we rejoiced when we heard she had entered into the rest and
calm of His presence.
She had a quiet Christian burial, and though it was a cold,
snowy day, there were a large number of people present and
most of the native Christians among them — some of sixty and
seventy years of age. Old Hstieh-ta-ie spoke a few words
about the death of a Christian and the Life eternal beyond,
and we quietly prayed that some one present, then dead in
sin, might that day find Life everlasting through faith in
How thankful we felt as we stood there in the snow, watch-
ing the grave being dug, that dear old Mrs. Li was safely
gathered Home ! A few days before she died she told us she
hoped it would not be long before we joined her up in Heaven ;
and she said she would be waiting and watching for us, ready
to welcome us there !
" Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered
into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared
for them that love Him."
This year two of our Church-members have died — Mrs. Li,
and Lin Sien-seng, who passed away last spring.
As we look around, and see the awful temptations, trials, and
persecutions that surround the native Christians, we cannot
sorrow when they leave us for the Fold above.
It has been said that the true statistics of missions are the
records of those who die believing in the Lord ; and truly we
feel it to be so too, and we rejoice with joy unspeakable, as
we think of the little band of redeemed souls from Sin-tien-tsi
now " for ever with the Lord."
As another year closes, and we think of all God has wrought
in this district, we praise Him with glad hearts.
Another station, Sui-ting Fu, has been opened. It is a
busy, populous city to the south-east of this province. The
Eev. and Mrs. A. T. Polhill-Turner, Miss Drake, and two
gentlemen have begun work there, and are much encouraged
by the friendliness of the people in that city. In November
a man burnt his idols there, and seven people were received
as Inquirers.
At Shuen-k'ing, where for years there has been much
opposition shown to the foreigner and his teaching, Rev. and
Mrs. A. E. Evans have been cheered by ten people being
baptised on Christmas Day. These are the firstfruits of
Shuen-k'ing. But while we thank God for the triumphs
of the Cross, we realise the work has only begun.
There are many, many more cities, villages, and markets,
and large country districts yet untouched, where work might
be begun if only there were more workers. But we are
such a little band and the people are so many. The Good
Shepherd sought the one lost sheep "until He found it."
There are millions of poor lost sheep around us here. How
can we reach them all ?
Our ranks have been thinned during this last year. The
Home-call of the Rev. E. 0. Williams, of Pa-cheo, on
June 30th, has caused a great blank in this district. To our
small human sight, one such as he could be ill spared from
the work, and specially now at this time of crisis in China.
Rev. and Mrs. Williams had just returned from furlough,
had been two months in Pa-cheo, and were looking forward,
if it were God's will, to a busy, happy time of service
there, when suddenly his earthly career ended and Heavenly
service began.
His last words had been the keynote of his life and work,
" Glory be to God." For him, it is " very far better," but
we sorrow with the widow and six fatherless boys, and we
sorrow, too, with the bereaved Church at Pa-cheo — " a flock
without a shepherd." There is an empty place in the ranks,
and who will fill it ?
" When He saw the multitudes, Jesus was moved with
compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered
abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Then saith He to His
disciples. The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers
are few ; pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that
He will send forth labourers into His harvest." — (Matt.
ix. 36-38.)
During the month of July our hearts were again saddened by
hearing of the death of Miss Acheson of the Church Missionary
Society at Mien-cheo. She had been out only three years, but
had put the work of six into that time, and her young life was
literally " spent out " for the women and children at Mien-
cheo, who were dearer to her than life itself. It was heart-
rending when at Mien-cheo last September, to hear boys and
girls and women, with tears in their eyes, say : " Our Miss
Acheson is gone ; what shall we do ? "
As one and another leave us to be " for ever with the Lord,"
we realise how short is our time of service here. Oh, let us
give ourselves more whole-heartedly to reach the people who
know not God, let us " work while it is called to-day," and
let us pray earnestly for more workers to fill the places of
those who have gone !
We do thank God for the fresh missionaries who, we hear,
are on their way to this district ; we know their coming will
mean more blessing to Si-ch'uan, and we trust that parts
yet unreached may soon be evangelised.
You are all praying, dicing your part faithfully, are you
not ? Do hold the ropes tightly ; we depend upon your
constant prayers for this land, and for all God's servants here.
We know not what lies ahead for any one of us in the
new year that is opening, but we want to be ready and willing
for all God has in store for us. He knows we are His —
all we have and all we are — for this work to which He has
called us, and we trust Him to use us for blessing to all we
can reach.
It is such happy work, surely there is no happier lot
anywhere than to be " with the King for His work." This
verse has been a great help to me since coming to this quiet
country place, where it has literally been — " among plants
and hedges, there they dwelt with the King for His work."
It is true indeed that "the lines are fallen unto me in the
best place" (S.V.). God's presence with us is very real and
His care of us and the native Christians is constant and
tender ; and then there is the joy unspeakable of seeing
souls won for our Master, and the deeper joy still— a joy
too deep for words — the joy of being allowed sometimes to
suffer something " for Jesus' sake." Day by day He gives
us strength, and joy, and peace — yea, Himself!
"Thou, O Christ, art all I want,
More than all in Thee I find ! "
The spirit-seed has been shed; and aj strange waiting-time comes, in which
nothing happens — a silence on God's part, in which death has to be allowed
to reign before it is swallowed up in victory.
But all is on the very verge of a flood-tide of life, for the seed-vessel has
reached its highest ministry now. The last wrappings are torn, and from
every rent and breach the bare grain is shed forth and brought into direct
contact with the soil ; and suddenly, as if by miracle, the quickening comes,
and the emerald shoot is to be seen. Can we read the lesson?
Here, in service, the same goal is reached as in the soul's inner history.
Both end in absolute simplicity, in Christ alone. For the highest aim of
ministry is to bring His immediate presence into contact with others— so to
bring Him and them face to face that He can act on them directly, while we
stand aside, like John the Baptist, rejoicing greatly.
Our inner life is not separate from our service : they merge into One
— Christ — the same Christ, whether folded to our hearts in His secret temple,
like the seed in its husk, or set free in contact with those around to carry
on His quickening work — all and only Christ.
Christ, the beginning, and the end is Christ. Christ fills all the horizon
— everything in us ; everything to us ; everything through us — " To live is
From "Parables of the Christ-life." — By I. L, Teotter.
" Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit." — J AS. v. 7.
April, 1900.
Neaely four months of the New Year have already past —
such busy, happy months they have been, for never before
have we had such joy in the work. There is such a spirit
of inquiry among the people, and many, hitherto unknown
to us, have come from various directions, and some from
great distances, to know the Way of Salvation. The Lord
is working marvellously by His Spirit in the hearts of
men and women around us, convincing them of sin and
leading them to Jesus Christ. Within a few months' time,
eight sets of idols have been burned, and those who have
burnt them seem earnest in their desire to serve God. But
how small is our faith ! Even though our eyes have seen
the wonderful works of God, we still think and speak of
them with trembling.
One special feature we have noticed is that God has, as it
were, jOM^ us aside altogether, and either used the lives and
witness of the native Christians, or has Himself directly been
carrying out this work of blessing. We have just had to
" stand still and see the salvation of the Lord."
" Mine but to be still,
Thine the glorious power,
Thine the mighty will.
Towards the end of March, an old man, T'ao-kuang-ts'iien,
and his wife, both over seventy years old, began attending
the services. After the second Sunday we went in search
of their house. We fonnd it after a long walk through a
beantiful valley, and the dear old people gave us a warm
welcome. The man told us that God Himself had led them
to come and hear the Gospel by a dream, in which his wife
had seen a crowd of people going up from Sin-tien-tsi to
Heaven, and he and his wife were not among them I They
took the dream as a warning from the God we served, and
that night determined" to learn to worship Him. As we spoke
to them of Jesus, the old man said : " Yesterday, at the meet-
ing " (M.'s Sunday class for men), " I decided to trust Him
as my Savioar." When we noticed that the idols were
gone, he said : " When I came home yesterday, I stripped
the house of them, and mean to burn them next Sunday,
that all may know that I will serve the devil no longer."
The following Sunday was a bright, sunny day ; the chapel
was well filled, many people standing about the door and in
the porch. Some of those present came from long distances,
bat seemed to think little of the long, weary road, for the
joy they have in coming to hear more makes the distance
seem less.
Amongst those present was the dear, old white-haired
man, T'ao-kuang-ts'iien. He had brought up the idols, some
of wood and some of paper, and, as the service closed with
the singing of a hymn, he burnt them in the courtyard of the
chapel. I shall never forget him as I saw him that day
gathering sticks to make the fire burn up the false gods
more quickly. They were the family gods of many generations,
the false gods that he had religiously believed were true, and
had diligently worshipped for seventy long years. As we
watched them crackling away, I asked him why he burnt
them. Looking at me across the smoke and shaking his
head, he answered : " They axe false, false, and now I know
the God that is living and true ; henceforth, I serve Him
only." Truly " at evening time it shall be light ! "
Dear old man ! I could have cried for joy that morning as
I stood with him there. Oh ! the joy there must be in the
presence of the angels of God over "these from the land
of Sinim " who are being brought Home to God through
the love of Jesus Christ.
On Thursday, April 12th, I left Sin-tien-tsi with Ghao-
ta-niang, two Christian chair-bearers, and Hsueh-lao-iao for
Lo-han-si, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Lo. I described last year
the lovely country through which we pass to reach Lo-han-si,
but now in the spring everythicg was far more beaatiful
than then. The hedges were one mass of wild lilac and
laurustinus, and in parts the bushes of red and white roses
made long, lovely avenues, while the paths were hedged on
either side by banks of violets, buttercups, and the sweet
little blue speedwell.
We had a bright, hearty welcome from Mr. and Mrs. Lo
and their family, and from the crowd of people that gathered
from all directions when they heard I had come. All the
shyness of last year had gone, and they welcomed me quite as
an old friend, and when the village school closed, the boys
came running in, apparently as glad to see me as I was to see
them again.
I was thankful to find that much of what was taught
last year was remembered, and that the Word of Life was
doing its work in the hearts and lives of some. They were all
eager to learn more, and with a short break for our evening
meal (dough-strips and fried eggs), they remained listening
to the Word spoken till nearly midnight. Hstieh-lao-iao
preached clearly and earnestly to them for a long time, and,
I trust that, through God's blessing, some heard that night,
to the saving of their souls.
I was so glad to see the old woman of eighty years old
again. She sat very close to me and listened eagerly,
though she kept on saying : " But I am nobody, I am of
no importance — a stupid old body."
I felt irresistibly drawn to the poor old woman, so lonely,
unloved, and despised. If I addressed any remark specially
to her as I spoke to the people, a number of voices would
drown mine at once, saying it was no use talking to her,
she was too dull and stupid to understand anything.
At one time, however, seeing her sitting alone on a low
form, I went and sat by her. As I told her of Jesus and His
love, she would say : " Is it for me'i I am only a stupid
woman with no sense."
My heart yearned over her, but, oh, how infinitely more
must the heart of the Good Shepherd long after, this precious
soul !
Again and again I told her that to Jesus she was very
precious, that He loved her and had died for her. I
thought she grasped something of this blessed truth, for the
old wrinkled face brightened as she tried again to learn the
prayer : " Lord Jesus, forgive my sins." I taught it to her
last year, but the only word she remembered was the dear
name of Jesus. How sweet it sounded as we spoke of its
meaning there ! ^
" It tells me of a Saviour's love,
Who died to set me free ;
It tells me of His precious blood,
The sinner's perfect plea.''
Before the people left they asked us to sing to them. It
was close upon midnight as a song of praise rose to God from
the little Christian band among the crowd, and I felt that our
Lord was very near as the wild rocks and valley resounded
with His Name.
Next morning, after breakfast, we started for Lai-ts'eng-pa,
a market sixty-five li, or nearly twenty-two miles, from
Unfortunately, however, it was raining, and had rained
heavily during the night, so that the paths were very muddy ;
and after plodding along through rain and mud till nearly
midday, we missed the path, and got hopelessly lost in a thick
wood ; at last we were obliged to relinquish the idea of going,
and returned to Lo-han-si. I was very disappointed, because
this place, Lai-ts'eng-pa, has been much on my heart, and I
have long desired to preach the Gospel there. I do trust
another opportunity of going may come soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Lo and their friends were very pleased to see
us back again. It was too wet that evening for many from
the houses around to venture out, so we had a very happy
little Christian gathering round God's Word. The following
morning, after breakfast (rice, fat pork, and dried yellow
lilies), we started home again. Before leaving I saw the
dear old woman again, and left her with the name of Jesns
on her lips !
On our way home we stayed awhile at U-li-tsi, a busy
market four miles from here, where a small crowd gathered
round us and listened as we told them the Gospel. I had
ahout half an hour also in the house of the most influential
man of the market, and was received quite enthusiastically
by the ladies of the house ; but their questions on dress and
the customs of our land were so many that I had hardly
any opportunity of deliTcring the message of Salvation.
Mr. and Mrs. Lo need our constant prayers. They are
enduring the most bitter persecution from unbelieving relatives,
some of whom have cut down their best trees, threatened to
take their cow and other things, and even to turn them out
of the valley altogether. We thank God that they are bearing
this persecution in the Spirit of Christ. Do pray that their
faith in God may not waver, and that they may prove Him
to be " a very present help in time of trouble ! "
A few days ago we went to see a woman, named Li, who
has attended the classes a month or more. We had a very
interesting visit, when, at last, we reached her house. It is
situated in a distant valley in a well-wooded spot. We
lost our way among some large boulders, and suddenly came
across a little temple built right under an overhanging
precipice. Being dedicated to the Goddess of Mercy, there
was a spring of water there, and, much to our delight, it
was surrounded by beautiful tufts of maiden-hair ferns.
The Chinese reckon all ferns and wild-flowers in the general
term ts'ao, \ov grass, and Chao-ta-niang was amused at
our excitement over the beautiful sprays of maiden-hair
fern which we gathered.
Li-ta-sao, whom we went to visit, lately burnt her idols,
and is coming regularly to the services and classes. She
is very bright, and will, we hope, soon be received as an
Another woman, named T'ao, who used to live a long
way from here, and found that the distance was too great
to allow her to attend the meetings and classes as often
as she wished, has lately had her old house pulled down.
and is building another one nearer to us (and next door
to a Christian family), so that she may more easily come to
be taught.
At the beginning of the year, before the people began
to be busy in the fields, M. held what, I think, in other
parts of China, are known as " station classes " ; that is,
we invited some of the distant Inquirers to stay in our
house for ten days or a fortnight, for special daily teaching.
First, Mr. and Mrs. Lo and their grandchild came. We
greatly enjoyed their visit, and continually thanked God for
their bright, Christian lives, and their anxiety to lead others
to believe in Christ also. Mrs. Lo told us she was asking
God that this year's harvest might be so good that she
should reap one bushel of rice extra, and this she said
she would put aside, to give to people who would come
to her house to hear the Gospel on the alternate Sundays,
when she was at home and her husband came to the service
We asked her if she did not find the fifty-one li, or seventeen
English miles, very long. She replied that when she came
to market, which is four miles nearer to her, she always
got tired and thought the distance great, but when she
came to the Mission House to hear more about Jesus the
way never seemed long.
After Mr. and Mrs. Lo left us, four men, all Inquirers,
came for ten days' teaching. Every morning M. held special
classes for them, and in the afternoons they were taught
by one of the Christian men.
Among those who attended these classes was Chu-ta-ie
— the old man I met at Lo-han-si.
When the men left us, three women came for ten days.
We find this plan answers very well. Not only is the
regular, consecutive teaching just what they need, but we
also value greatly the opportunity of learning to know them
more intimately.
Every Saturday afternoon I have a class for girls. I
have found it difficult to get many together for this class,
becausethe little country girls are always busy.
To quote from a paper, printed July, 1896 : " Probably
in no country in the world do children work so hard as in
China. . , . The special occnpation of those in the country-
is the collecting of fuel and manure.
"Among these industrious and poverty-stricken people
nothing is wasted — not a stalk, or twig, or leaf.
" Coal is not much worked, and transportation difficult, so
the people depend upon such fuel as may be picked up in
their own particular place, and this forms an occupation only
second in importance to the gathering in of the crops.
" The habit of constantly drinking hot water makes a
great demand upon the supply of fuel, and with the poor
the question of fuel depends upon what the children can
scratch together.
" In this dismal struggle for a basketful of leaves and
weeds, the children of China expend annually incomputable
millenniums of work."
Yes, though the little country girls are more natural and
free than the town children, and are not so oiled, and dressed,
and small-footed as they are, still they have their sorrows
and troubles too ; and the endless toil of gathering fuel,
cutting grass for the pigs and cows, minding the buffaloes
and babies, and many other things keep them always busy.
In the country, children are betrothed even earlier, I
think, than in the cities. Consequently, the little girl
grows up, bearing always the epithet '■'■ Ren-kia-tih ua-ua"
(" Another person's child ") and this becomes the excuse of
the parents for all the ill-treatment or neglect the little
one receives.
In spite of the many difficulties, the number of girls
generally at the Saturday class is twelve. Amongst them
is Chang-nii-tsi, the little " gipsy-girl," as we still call her,
who has returned from Miss Wheeler's school at Pao-ning.
She has lately learnt to make her own shoes, and is very
proud of her first production.
We hear she is to be married next year, but we hope to
persuade Mr. and Mrs. T'ao to put off the marriage for at
least two or three years, as the boy is asthmatical and con-
sumptive. He is a Christian lad, and, though very slow as to
knowledge, he is sincere and true in his desire to serve God.
A few days ago I went to see Mr. and Mrs. T'ao. It
was not a very satisfactory visit, for Mrs. T'ao would talk
of nothing else bat the girl's misdeeds ! She certainly is
naughty and troublesome, but there are, nevertheless, some
good traits in her strange, wild character ; and she is very
amenable to love and kindness, but does not receive much
of either in her home.
Her special misdemeanour that day was that, when on
the hill looking after the buffalo and cutting grass, she had
cut off a good deal of her front hair with the little grass
sickle ! This was a specially mischievous thing to do, because
a girl's front hair must be nicely grown before she is married.
(Up to the age of ten or eleven, the front part of the head
is shaved, leaving only the pigtail.) I expect Chang-nli-tsi
had a hope that in doing this she might delay, for a while,
at least, the restraints of Chinese married life !
One Sunday morning after I had finished the women's
class, a little girl, almost a stranger to me then, came up
shyly and whispered : " I love to hear words about Jesus."
Dear little girl ! she came here often after that, and, 1 think,
learnt to love Jesus Christ as her Saviour. Then there came
a day when she had to leave her home to be married into
a heathen family, living far from here. I missed her very
much, but we trust God will use her, as He did the little
Hebrew maid in the house of Naaman the leper, to bring
the knowledge of the true God to those who know Him not.
Little Kuei-ua, the Christian chair-bearer's child, is another
of the Saturday class girls. She reads well, and has a good
knowledge of Bible history. She amused us very much one
day, when asked if a little strange girl, whom she had brought
to the class, was her friend. " No," she replied, rather hurt
at the question, " only those who love Jesus are my friends ! "
Kin-ua-tsi, another of the girls, is a fatherless bairn, and
her mother's only child. Their love for each other is beautiful,
and grows deeper as the great cloud of separation, which
has loomed before them all the girl's life, comes nearer and
It must break upon them next year, for Kin-ua-tsi must
then leave her mother and go away to the family into which
she was sold when a baby, and to one of the sons of which
she is betrothed. We dread the separation for them ;
they cannot speak of it without tears ; bnt we are glad
they both know what it means to draw near to the God
of all comfort.
There are twenty boys in the school this year. Among
the older lads, two are candidates for baptism, and of former
school-boys, one was baptised last year, while another will,
we hope, be baptised in May.
There are several men and women, now believers in Jesus
Christ, who were first led to inquire into the Truth by the
changed lives and faithful witness of the boys who have
been to school.
One day lately a big leopard was seen on the hill behind our
house. Great excitement at once prevailed among the boys,
and several of them rushed out, armed with sticks and spades,
to see what they could of the leopard. I followed, wondering
what would happen. They wandered cautiously through the
wood regaling me meanwhile with thrilling stories of what
leopards had done. However, we saw nothing of the leopard,
but found a poor dog's mutilated body, and over it great
hungry hawks were hovering. Since then, we have had a
good deal of the brushwood on the hill cut down, to prevent
wild beasts from taking up their abode there.
Defend, Lord, these Thy children with Thy Heavenly grace, that they
may continue Thine for ever ; and daily increase in Thy Holy Spirit more
and more, until they come unto Thine everlasting Kingdom. Amen.
Thine for ever : Saviour keep
These, Thy frail and trembling sheep,
Safe alone beneath Thy care.
Let us all Thy goodness share.
" They shall be Mine, saith the Lord of Hosts, in that day when I make up
My jewels." — Mai., iii. 17.
July, 1900.
June 10th was, to us, a very happy day, for there were
fourteen persons baptised here by Bishop Cassels, and in
some little measure we entered into " the joy in the presence
of the angels of God " as we saw them come forward one by
one to confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Most
of them had been Inquirers, under regular instruction for
some time, and we had no doubt of their sincerity and
Among them were Mr. and Mrs. Lo and the old man,
Chu-ta-ie, who listened so eagerly when Miss Digby and I
were at Lo-han-si last year. Hsueh-lao-iao's young wife was
also among the number, and it was good to see his delight
when she was baptised.
There were also two other married couples, Li-k'uen and
his wife (who, you will remember, first heard the Gospel when
we were called to save her from opium poisoning), and Mr.
and Mrs. Uang, relatives of one of the Christian chair-bearers.
From Liu-k'i-pa, the place where the fortnightly service is
held, there were three baptised — Mrs. T'ang and her two
grown-up sons. The other three were Sie-kin-seng, the
teacher's second son, a widow-woman, named Uang, and
the consumptive lad of whom I have written. His, answers
to the Bishop's questions were very touching, showing how
he is looking for the land, that for him seems not very
far away, where there shall be no more pain.
How very much these fourteen need our prayers now, that
they may be kept by the power of God from all the evil
around them, and that " they may walk worthy of the Lord
unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and
increasing in the knowledge of God ! "
Towards the beginning of the month we had a few days'
visit from Chao Sien-seng, the " people's evangelist." He
is a native of Wan-hsien, and has been this year appointed
visiting-evangelist for the whole diocese of East Si-ch'uan,
both the Church Missionary Society and the China Inland
Mission stations, and is entirely supported, I believe, by the
native Churches. He is a man full of faith and of the Holy
Ghost, and with great gifts, consecrated now to God's service.
He told the people about his wonderful conversion, and that
testimony, together with his stirring words of exhortation,
will, I am sure, not be forgotten by them.
Whilst the Bishop was here he had a very sad thing to
do. You remember my telling you of Cheo-uan-pih, one of
the Christian men, who had taken again to opium smoking ?
This last year he has been employed as keeper of an
opium-den. On this account he has now been excluded
from Church-membership. We are so grieved about it, but
we trust this step may lead to his repentance 1
In the early spring two fresh missionaries — Miss Tucker
and Miss Carver — lately arrived from England, came up here
for a few months' study. Sie Sien-seng helps them with this,
and his son is meanwhile carrying on the boys' school. They
are getting on well with the language, and are very interested
in the native work. They come out visiting with us, and are
already able to take a little children's class on Sundays.
Some of you will be interested to know that Uang-ing-
rnh, the man who stole our money, is now at Sui-t'ing-Fu,
trying to do an honest trade, and attending the Mission
services on Sundays. Rev. A. T. Polhill-Turner, is very
kindly keeping an eye upon him there.
Amongst the Inquirers are two very earnest men. One
is a lame man, named Cheo-uan-li — there is such a true
ring about this man ; and, we believe, that if he is spared,
he will yet be one of God's brightest lights in this place.
On visiting him a few days ago, we were shown into the
gaest-room, where there were idols belonging to the elder
brother. When Cheo-nan-li came in from the fields and
found us sitting there his distress was great. He had learnt
to hate the idols, and always tried to avoid entering the
guest-room. On this occasion he placed forms outside in
the courtyard, where we sat teaching him more about the
trae God. At present his mother and brothers are bitter
opponents to the Gospel, but we trust they may be won
through this man's testimony, who himself became interested
in the Truth through the simple words of a Christian relative.
"A faithful messenger . . . refresheth the soul of his
The other is a blind man, named Chang-hua-ch'en, who
has been coming now for some months to be taught. His
brother's wife is also an Inquirer, and lives in the same
courtyard, but she is not able to come regularly to the
classes. We visited the house lately and found it was
situated in a far-away valley right at the bottom of a
very steep hill. We asked the blind man how he was
able to find his way alone up that rough and rocky path ?
He told us that very soon after he first heard the Gospel,
he was coming to the service one wet and windy Sunday
when he lost his way, and after wandering about feeling
in vain for the path, he stood still and prayed to God to
lead him into the right path and bring him in time for the
service. God answered his prayer ; and he added that since
that day he has needed no other guide but God.
We hope soon to arrange for this blind man to go to
Pao-ning, where a native Christian will be able to teach
him to read books for the blind (Mr. Murray's system).
T'ao-kuang-ts'iien, the dear old man who burnt his idols
in the spring, came up to us this morning with a present
of a basketful of sweet potatoes. He insisted on our accepting
them, and when we hesitated to do so, saying he must not
give us presents, he shook his old head, and said : " Do
not talk of what I give you ; what is it to what you have
done for me ? " meaning our having brought him the news
of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
More than once he has gratefully spoken to us of what
he feels it must have cost us to leave home and loved ones
for the Gospel's sake ; and at such times we love to tell
of the infinitely greater cost borne by Him who " humbled
Himself and became obedient unto death, even the death
of the cross," for our sakes.
We might tell him, too, of the " manifold more " that
keeps our cup ever running over, and our hearts full of thank-
fulness and joy, that we were called of God to this work.
M. and I lately went with Mrs. Chao to Liu-k'i-pa to visit a
Christian woman living there. We walked, and took with
as some food which we ate by the way, in a shady little
nook overhung with white roses. On arriving at Mrs. T'ang's
house we found we were expected, though we had given
them no word of our coming. But Mrs. T'ang had dreamt
the previous night that we would visit her the following day !
They insisted on preparing food for us, though we im-
plored them not to do so, as we had eaten on the road.
It was of no use, however ; for, alas ! we had to put a
cheerful courage on and sit down to a bowl of dough-strips
swimming in the (to us) most unpalatable vegetable oil,
with capsicum sprinkled freely in it.
We generally get on splendidly with most Chinese dishes,
but being prepared with this kind of oil renders them most
distasteful to us. However, we passed the greater part of
our portions on to Mrs. Chao — which was a most Chinese
proceeding ! She was quite pleased to help us out of our
difficulty, though surprised and distressed that we had no
appetite for the food. She certainly is a most convenient
person to have with us on such occasions !
# * * # #
On the high road, a few days ago, Chao-ta-niang and I
met an old woman, named tJen, hurrying along on her way
home. She stopped and spoke to us, and it was not long
before we recognised in her one of those longing souls, seeking
for light and salvation.
Though she had never heard the Gospel before, she seemed
to understand so quickly what we told her, and when she
had listened to the story of Jesus' love for sinners she said
she would love and trust Him too. We taught her a short
pi-ayer ; and then, as the sun was sinking, she had to hurry
on her way. Coming to a bend of the road, the old woman
turned, and called out the prayer to know if she were still
repeating the words aright, then she disappeared.
She lives two days' journey from here. Shall we, or any
of God's servants, ever meet her again ? We cannot tell,
but " God will be mindful of His own."
"I often wonder as, with trembling hand,
I cast the seed along the furrowed ground
If ripened fruit for God will there be found ;
But I can trust."
Dear old Chao-ta-niang, the Bible-woman, has been suffering
a good deal of persecution from her heathen relatives, but
through it all she goes from strength to. strength, from glory
unto glory, and 1 am learning many a deep lesson from her
poured-out life, and earnest, untiring witness for the Master.
She told us the other day that one of her relatives has
lately been disputing her right to part of her land, and
she concluded by saying : " They can take away all these
earthly things, but they cannot touch my treasure which
is in Heaven."
One Saturday evening, after a very wet day, it cleared
up sufficiently in the evening for us to go along the road a
little way. Much to our surprise, we saw Mrs. Chao coming
from the direction of some rocks away on the hillside, and on
asking her where she had been, she said it was so noisy in
her own house, that she had brought her St. John's Gospel
and hymn-book out of doors, and had chosen a quiet place
among the rocks, " To hear," as she expressed it, " what God
would say to me."
The fourteenth chapter of John is specially dear to her,
and she loves to repeat it, finding in it comfort, and peace,
and hope. Dear Chao-ta-niang ! day by day I take know-
ledge of her that she has been with Jesus.
Uen-ta-niang is delighted because she has found a way
by which she too can spread the news of salvation. It
used to trouble her that she could not express herself clearly
enough when telling others of the Way of Truth, and she
is too old to learn to read the Scriptures to them. However,
lately I showed some of Dr. Wilson's pictures to my class
of women, and amongst them was a series illustrating how
a man, with a heavy burden of sin on his back, got rid of
it through faith in the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanseth
us from all sin. Uen-ta-niang asked me for a copy, and
has pasted it on her mud wall, and now, when her relatives
and neighbours come into her house and ask about the picture,
she explains to them the Way of Salvation.
T'ang-ta-so, the tailor's wife, is another, always eager to
lead others to Christ. She often says, when speaking of
those who know not the Gospel : " If one would tell ten,
then ten would tell one hundred, and one hundred would
tell a thousand of Christ, and thus, soon all would have
heard of Him I "
So true ! and yet there are millions still unreached who
know not the Name of Jesus — and still the Lord of the
harvest waits to receive the precious fruit — "long-suffering
to usward, not willing that any should perish."
"God speed the day when those of every nation
' Glory to God,' triumphantly shall sing :
Kansomed, redeemed, rejoicing in salvation,
Shout, ' Hallelujah, for the Lord is King ! ' "
There have been several sad cases of attempted opium
suicides again this spring and summer. Once we had two
or three in one day. As the houses are so far scattered,
it is not often that we can go to these cases, but we
send the medicines, and when possible visit the house as
soon afterwards as we can.
One morning I went to see a young woman, who had
taken the drug to end her miserable life, because her husband
treats her very unkindly, and had that day beaten her
cruelly across the eyes. Poor girl ! for some time she
resisted all attempts to save her life, and it was a long
while before the medicine did her any good. I was most
thankful when I saw she was out of danger, but, I think,
she would have been thankful had I left her alone to die.
Now we know her, we hope that, through the Gospel, we
shall be able to bring hope and comfort into her sad life.
Poor women and girls of China, they have so little love
and joy in their lives, and no hope for this life or the life
to come 1
I have been very much cheered in the medical work lately.
So many of those who have come for medicine have been
interested in the Gospel, and some have begun to come
regularly to the classes. Others, who have come from far
distant places, twenty, thirty, or even forty English miles
away, have taken home books and portions of Scripture, and
in this way the Word is having free course, reaching many
places where perhaps we shall never go, and it will in
God's time bear fruit to His glory.
While Miss Digby (Church Missionary Society) was staying
with us this summer, she came with me to visit a lady, who,
we heard, was ill with a severe attack of influenza.
On arrival at the house, a beautifully-situated old home-
stead, we found, to our surprise, a native doctor there !
From his emaciated frame we knew he was an opium
smoker. At first he glared at us, but gradually became
more friendly when he found he understood our words as
we spoke to the sick lady's husband. Presently he asked
us some questions about our " foreign " medicines ; and, a
little later, when we were sitting with the sick woman, he
came in, and with a low bow and flattering words about
the superiority of our medicines, he deigned to hand over
the case to us, saying he would humbly retire. We hastened
to assure him we had not come with the intention of
undertaking the case, but rather to comfort the woman.
Much relieved, and after more bowings and compliments,
he hurried off to gather his weeds and roots together and
compound his medicine.
The whole situation was awkward, but we got out of the
difficulty without offending any one, and parted on the most
amicable terms. A few days later, the lady sent to us for
medicine, the doctor's skill evidently having failed. She
is well again now, and very grateful to us for our help I
She was the woman whose faith in idols was shaken when
God SO signally answered the prayer for rain last year. Her
husband, too, has shown some interest in the Truth, through
one of his little grandsons attending oar boys' school.
During the last three months we have had a good number
of our fellow-missionaries staying with us for rest. It is
always such a pleasure to see them again, and they always
do us good. This year several stations have been represented
here in this little out-of-the-way corner, for our missionary
friends have come from Ts'in-cheo, Shih-ts'iien, An-hsien,
Kuang-lien, Pa-cheo, Pao-ning, tJin-shan, K'ti-hsien, and
On Sunday evenings in the summer, after the five o'clock
service is over, we all generally spend an hour together
on the hill-top (" the hill of the Lord," as Chao-ta-niang
loves to call it) watching the people as they wend their
ways homeward across the fields and valleys, and softly
we sing hymns and choruses until the sun sets.
To many of us, some of the quiet, shady nooks under the
fir-trees have become " holy ground," where we have met
with God, and He has granted unto us " the rest and the
refreshing " we always need.
About halfway up the hill there is a pretty little terrace,
well shut in by tall fir-trees, and a thick undergrowth of
flowering bushes and shrubs — a quiet little spot — God's acre.
In it is one grave, that of Philip Hannington Williams,
the dear little child of the Rev. and Mrs. B. 0. Williams,
who died in 1894, at the age of seven. Old Hsiieh-ta-ie,
standing by the grave a day or two after the child was buried,
said to the parents : " You have come many thousands of
miles to bring us the Gospel, and now this sorrow has come
to you. I am an old man, but as long as I live, I will take
care of this little grave, and when I am gone, my sons and
grandsons will take care of it " (" A New Thing," p. 403).
I had thought and hoped that I might remain at work here
at least another year, but Bishop Cassels thinks that both
M. and I ought to take our furlough soon, and it is settled,
so far as we know now, that we are to start (D.Y.) from
here towards the end of October.
God only knows what it will cost us to leave these dear
people, as much, and indeed more, than it did to leave all
at home nearly seven years ago. Bat they will he safe in
God's Almighty keeping, and we expect other missionaries
will be appointed to carry on the work. There are now only
three months before we have to leave 1 Oh, that we may
each be filled afresh with His Spirit, that we may be used
mightily of Him in this little time, and that " showers of
blessing " may fall in this place ! I want to thank you all
for your constant and faithful help in this work by prayer.
God knows how much the blessing He has graciously granted
to the work is in answer to your prayers.
" O ye who cannot come, yet ' help by prayer '
To send full life to this far-distant land,
Eemember, ye one day the spoil shall share.
Ye, too, shall have the crown from His pierced hand !
One ' goeth forth,' — perchance ' to sow in tears ' ;
One tarries yet at home — to wait and pray ;
' Together ' they shall joy through endless years
And praise the Lord of Harvest in that day."
B. P.
Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. —
Ebv. ii. 10.
There is singing in the Homeland, canst thou hear it o'er the strife
The welcome of the martyrs into rest and into life.
There is glory in the Homeland, canst thou see it through thy tears ?
For hves laid down, the victor's crown of Life through endless years.
Ex. iii. 7.
There is weeping in the Barthland, dost Thon hear it. Saviour dear ?
'Mid triumph songs, can Earth's deep wrongs now reach Thy listening
Or the gladness of the ransomed, shall it hide Thy children's grief ?
"Ah, nay! I know their sorrows, I am come for their relief."
Phil. iii. 10.
He hath suffered with His people, for His saints and He are one,
Oh, blessed fellowship with Christ, the Father's sufiering Son !
By the golden link of holy pain He draws His chosen nigh
To holy fellowship with God, Who gave His own to die.
Ex. iii. 9.
Never, never shall the notes of praise, that ring through endless years.
Shut out His people's prayers and cries from Jesu's listening ears.
Though their music strangely blendeth with the cry of them that fall.
Yet in the heart and love of God, He iindeth room for all.
F. BnooK.
"In the hand of God." — EcOL. ix. 1.
August 13th, 1900.
How surprised yon will be to see the above heading, and
yet perhaps you have heard already that we have been
ordered to the coast. For some weeks we have been hearing
alarming reports of the troubles in Pekin and the North,
occasioned by the Boxers, and how, from all directions,
missionaries, obliged to leave their stations, were hastening
to the coast. In our district, however, all was quiet, and
we very much hoped we should be able to remain at our
Towards the end of July Bishop Cassels received a tele-
gram from Mr. Stevenson (Deputy Director of the China
Inland Mission in Shang-hai) saying the Viceroy of the
province had agreed to protect all foreigners at Chung-k'ing,
Sui-fu, or Ch'en-tu, and he advised our escaping to one of
these places, if local circumstances so required. But every-
thing being quiet around us, there was no necessity to
take this step.
On Sunday, August 5th, we had a very happy day among
our dear people at Sin-tien-tsi ; the church was quite full,
and we realised God's presence in our midst. As we stood
up at the end of the service and sang : " Praise God from
whom all blessings flow," a presentiment came over me that
it might be for the last time, and at the women's class,
I felt that God helped me to speak as if it would be my
last opportunity for a long, long time. Before the people
left, M. and I told them tliat probably we should be leaving
them in October for furlongh. They were dreadfully dis-
tressed at the news, and we tried to console them by the
thought that others would come to carry on the work. We
little knew how soon we should have to leave them !
On Monday morning we received letters from Bishop
Cassels, telling ns that news had come from the Consul
at Chung-k'ing, enclosing a copy of Lord Salisbury's telegram
asking if West China were clear of British subjects, and
saying he and the other foreigners at Chung-k'ing were
leaving for the coast.
Bishop Cassels had also received a letter from Dr. Parry,
Superintendent of the China Inland Mission in the western
part of Si-ch'uan, giving details of the Pekin troubles, and
strongly urging the Bishop to send away the ladies and
children, as local rebellions might occur, and the Yang-tsi
be closed, making it impossible to escape later.
The Pao-ning Mandarin has also shown Bishop Cassels
an edict from the Empress Dowager, saying that war had
been declared with China by the allies, and commanding all
foreigners out of the country at once. The Chinese officials
at Pao-ning have been calling constantly at the Mission-
house, advising the missionaries to leave, saying that should
trouble break out they would not be able to protect them. In
face of all this pressure, Bishop Cassels dared not delay
He therefore urged us to prepare to leave, as soon as
possible, for Pao-ning, en route for Shang-hai.
At that time, seven of our fellow-missionaries were staying
with us, but they left within the next two days for Pao-ning.
Our house at Sin-tien-tsi is a big place, and we were
very busy those two and a half days not only attending to
our own personal things, but packing away all the furniture
of the house. We managed, however, to get all done by
Wednesday midday, when the Ts'ang-k'i Mandarin arrived
with some forty or more followers to take an inventory of
all that was left behind, and to seal up the rooms in the
inner courtyard where we had stored our things.
M. had also to arrange for the carrying on of the work,
the protection of the house, making np the accounts, and
many other things.
The guest-rooms and bedrooms in the outer courtyard are
all left open so that the work can go on as usual there.
Sie Sien-seng, the evangelist, Li-uan-nien, an old Christian
man who has been our cook for the last few months, and
our two boys, len-lin and Tong-ua-tsi, will live in the house
and look after things. The Ts'ang-k'i Mandarin also told
us that he would appoint four men at his own expense to
protect the chapel and our house and goods.
Those two days the Christian people hardly left us at all,
and we had to be much with them, comforting and cheering
them. On "Wednesday morning we gathered in the chapel
for a little farewell service, when we commended them all
to the God in Whom they believe, and Who, we know, is
able to keep them " until that day." There was hardly
a dry eye amongst us. But with all the sorrow there was
deep joy too, as we heard one and another say, that, by
God's grace, they would be faithful even unto death. Their
hope, too, was that when we returned we should find the
number of Christians doubled ! God grant that it may
be so !
All Wednesday, dear old Chao-ta-niang kept close to us,
and could not control her tears ! When it was dark, and
she had to leave for home, she put her arms around us
and kissed us, sobbing as if her heart would break, and in
between her sobs, she commended us to God. Before leaving
she said : " To-morrow when you start, I shall be here,
and though my heart will be very sad, I will not cry ; my
whole face shall be full of smiles, because I do not want
to make you sad." And, dear old body, she was true to
her word !
Late on Wednesday night Mr. and Mrs. Lo and their
little grandson arrived ! They had only heard about 4 p.m.
that we were leaving, and had run most of the fifty li, or
seventeen English miles, so as to see us once more.
We were so thankful to see them again, and in prayer to
commit them into God's safe keeping. They, like many
others, said that when we were away, they would, with
God's help, serve Him more zealously than when we had
been with them, and Mrs. Lo added : " We live before God,
and not before men."
At early dawn on Thursday morning, the people began
coming to say good-bye, and before we started at five o'clock,
the courtyard was full. Oh, it was so hard to leave them,
our dear, dear people whom we love so much ! God knows
how gladly, had a choice been given us, we would have
remained with them, and, if need be, laid down our lives
for them and our Master there — but the choice was not left
to us. Much pressure from those in authority had been
put upon us, and we were obliged to leave.
We left the house about 5 a.m. ; the people ran along
by our chairs for some way, and dear old Mrs. Uen arrived
just in time from her far-away home to say a last good-bye
to us. The sight of her sorrowful face quite broke me down
again, but I was able to give her a last word of love and
By degrees the chairs got ahead of the people, and they
could keep up no longer, though the school-boys held on
for some distance further.
At last they left us, and now we are every moment getting
further and further away from the place and the people we
love so well. If we see them not again on earth, we shall
meet them " at the brightness of His coming." We leave
them with Him, Who is able to keep them, and " to present
them faultless before the throne of God with exceeding joy."
"They shall be Mine, saith the Lord of Hosts, in that day
when I make up My jewels." " No man is able to plack
them out of My hand."
He will be mindful of His own, and will shepherd the
flock, and lead them on to lean closer and closer upon His
arm alone.
" As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the Lord
is round about His people, from this time forth even for
In many ways, as we look over God's leadings of the
last few months, we see how He has been quietly preparing
the native Churches and ourselves for this sudden separation.
In every station and in our own, there has been so much
teaching lately on the subject of persecution and trouble.
The faith and missionary zeal of the native Christians
has deepened, and so many have undertaken work for the
Lord in neighbouring markets and towns.
In the spring. Bishop Cassels set apart ten of the
leading Christians of the different Churches as evangelists,
catechists, or lay readers ; and now they will naturally be
considered the leaders among the native Christians of their
own districts.
In our station at Sin-tien-tsi, we had just laid in a
large stock of Bibles, Testaments, tracts, and portions of
Scripture. These Sie Sien-seng and Chao-ta-niang will be
able to distribute.
There was money in our station sufficient for us to pro-
vide for the special funds, — schools, Bible-woman, evangelist,
and others, — thus enabling the work to be carried on for
some months.
We know that God is above all this trouble, and are sure
He has a wonderful purpose of blessing to work out through
it for China and His Church. " What I do thou knowest
not now, but thou shalt know hereafter."
Before coming away, arrangements were made that Sie Sien-
seng, the evangelist, should carry on the work, with God's help,
taking the services and meetings on Sundays, and continuing
the boys' school daily ; and Mrs. Chao, the Bible- woman,
will be at the Mission-house every day to see any women
guests who may come, and will visit and teach the people
in the afternoons.
Do pray for the native Christians that, through the teaching
of the Holy Spirit, they may increase in the knowledge of
God, and seek to extend His Kingdom in spite of all
opposition and persecution ! Oar constant prayer for them
is Col. i. 9-12.
" That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing,
being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the
knowledge of God ;
" Strengthened with all might, according to His glorious
power, unto all patience and long-suffering with joyfulness."
We reached Pao-ning, Thursday evening, August 9th,
and started with the Pao-ning missionaries on Saturday,
August 11th, for Chung-k'ing. We are a large party of
eighteen missionaries and two children, and come from the
stations of Pao-ning, Shuen-k'ing, K'ii-hsien, and Sin-tien-tsi.
Those from all the remaining stations of the province have
either already started, or are following us to Shang-hai.
Bishop and Mrs. Cassels, Miss Carver, and Miss Page have
stopped at Pao-ning over Sunday, in the hope that they
may yet be able to remain permanently.
We have four small boats, all crowded. On this one there
are two divisions, each nine feet by six feet, for three of us, and
the thermometer stands at about 98° or 100° throughout the day.
Yesterday we had a narrow escape from wreck. Our boat
stuck on the rocks in a thunder-squall, which arose as we
were passing through a rapid. Our position seemed desperate,
but God delivered us and brought us safely out of danger.
Four lines of a chorus keep running in my head these
days :
"He hideth my soul in the cleft of the Eock,
That covers a dry, thirsty land;
He hideth my life in the depths of His Love,
And covers me there with His hand."
Native boat. Yang-tsI Kivbe.
August 2\st.
We reached Chung-k'ing, August 17th ; there we changed
into three big boats for the whole party, and started on
August 18th for Shang-hai. We heard terrible rumours
from below — heartrending and sad ; we trust they may not
be true. We heard also of threatened danger and trouble
probably ahead for us, but, should anything happen, we know
God's grace and strength will be sufficient for our need, and
He will help us to glorify Him. We are safe in His keeping,
come what will.
"Children whom the Father leadeth,
Ask not where they go."
The last two weeks have abounded for us in proofs of God's
faithfulness ; and the " Eternal Refuge," " the Everlasting
Arms," " the shadow of His wings," and " the peace which
passeth all understanding," have become realities to ns as
never before.
" ' What is it, Lord, Thou sayest unto me ? '
' Fear not, My servant, I will be with thee.'
' Dear Lord, I thank Thee, for that sweet " I will,"
Since Thou art with me, I will fear no ill.'"
Ta-hung Maru. Below Hankow.
August 2%tli, 1900.
On the whole, the Upper Yang-tsi was perhaps not so
perilous as some of us had feared, but still nearly every day
was marked by some special danger, out of which God
delivered us.
The worst accident of all was on Wednesday, August 22nd,
when we were passing through a dangerous whirlpool (formed
by a great rock projecting out of mid-stream at the entrance
of the K'uei-fu gorge). Suddenly one of the other boats,
much larger than ours, came swirling down the same whirl-
pool I Our little boat then got crushed in between the big
boat on the one side and the rock on the other 1 Utter
wreck for ns seemed imminent, and I am afraid most of
us gave up hope then; but God showed those heathen
boatmen and us, also, that His arm is not shortened that it
cannot save. In an instant of time, and as by a miracle,
the house-boat swirled back round the rock. The reaction
made our boat rebound on to the rock causing au utter smash-
up of the back of the boat and breaking the rudder ! Seizing
the oars and rowing hard, the men got us out of the whirlpool
and put in to shore. A few hours' delay enabled them to
mend the rudder, and we came down the rest of our
journey in a broken boat. It appears that at that spot
hundreds of wrecks have occurred, and one of the men said
that if the missionaries had not been on board, the boat must
have gone down — " it is their God Who saved them."
Notwithstanding the perils and dangers of that never-to-
be-forgotten journey, God brought us on our way in peace —
and the conscious presence of " Jesus Himself" was ever
with us.
On the morning before reaching I-ch'ang we suddenly
perceived that a boat, full of Chinese soldiers, seemed trying
to overtake us. Whether the men had any evil intent against
us we could not tell, but at one time they let off a gun and
frightened us a little. However, our boatmen rowed hard
and kept ahead of them, and we reached I-ch'ang in safety.
There we left the boat and came on by the steamer GKang Ho
to Hankow, where we were obliged to change again to this
Japanese steamer, which left two days later for Shang-hai.
We reached Hankow on August 26th, and heard with
the deepest sorrow the terribly sad tidings of the sufferings
of so many of our dear fellow-missionaries in the provinces
of Shan-si, Chih-li, Cheh-kiang, and Ho-nan. Some have
been " counted worthy " to enter deeply into the fellowship
of Christ's sufferings, and have been found "faithful unto
death " ; while to others, who have " escaped the edge of
the sword," it has been given to suffer shame and pain and
sorrow and the loss of all things "for Jesus' sake."
On reaching Hankow most of the escaped party were
too ill to go further, and have remained there under the
care of an English doctor and good nurses. A few were
able to join us on this steamer, and from them we have
heard that some have had forty-five to fifty days of painful
flight — " in perils of robbers, ... in perils by the heathen,
in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, ... in
weariness and painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and
thirst," often ill-treated and beaten by the way, "in stripes
above measure, in prisons frequent, in deaths oft." Some
parents have seen their little ones sicken and die from
exposure and want of food, and three ladies died ere they
reached Hankow.
Such a tale of sufferings the world has never heard. With
sorrowful hearts we wait for God's " hereafter," when we
shall know His wise reasons for allowing this heartrending
sorrow to happen.
We cannot but fear that it will go hard with the native
Christians at this time. God grant that we may be con-
stantly in prayer for them. He is able to keep them
steadfast and true and faithful.
Bnt through the clonds of sorrow, we already catch glimpses
of " the far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory "
that must follow all suffering for Christ.
For the dear sufferers, who have laid down their lives
for Christ and China, there is glory now, and a martyr's
crown of Life ; while many of those who have escaped
will, to the glory of God, bear branded in their bodies " the
marks of the Lord Jesus," until He come.
For these, and for each of us who have in God's purpose
been spared these sufferings, surely these troubles must result
in lives more devoted, more earnest and consecrated, more
glorifying to Him. And for China, it will mean glory too,
for Life everlasting mu&t come to thousands through these
lives laid down.
John xii. 14.
He hath heard the prayers for China, He hath heard its sore
And answered prayers and cryings with the life-blood of His
Shall we say the cost is greater than the end for which we seek ?
Nay, rather let the voices of the dear departed speak —
Eev. iv. 10, 11.
"Christ is worthy, ever worthy, at His feet we cast our crown,
And gladly for our Saviour lay our lives in darkness down ;
What is sown in grief and darkness shall be raised in joy and
God's harvest shall be worth the cost, His victory worth the
F. Beook.
They shall abundantly utter the memory
of Thy great goodness, and shall sing of
Thy righteousness. — Ps. cxlv. 7.
"The Lord hath done great things for ns ; whereof we are glad." —
Ps. oxxvi. 3.
" They rehearsed all that God had done with them, and how He had opened
the door of faith unto the Gentiles." — Acts xiv. 27.
China Inland Mission. Nbwington Gbben, London, N.
June 1901.
Five years have passed since, in the early days of 1896, the
hearts of all God's children in North-east Si-ch'uan were
cheered by receiving the definite promise from God : " Thon
shalt see greater things than these."
We went forth then, a little band of thirty missionaries
(exclnding a few on furlough), weak in ourselves, but " strong
in the Lord and in the power of His might," to prove that
" what He hath promised. He is able also to perform."
Looking back now over those years that are gone, in spite
of there being so much failure in our lives and our work that
we regret, we see how graciously God has been fulfilling His
word to us. The preceding journals will, in some measure,
I trust, have shown forth His faithfulness and power as
manifested in one little station, and I only wish I could tell
you of the " greater things " that He hath done also in the
other stations of this district. For His glory I will write
what I know. " Not unto us, Lord, not unto us, but
unto Thy Name give glory, for Thy mercy, and for Thy
truth's sake."
The China Inland Mission district in North-east Sif-ch'uan is
about as large as England, and in the spring of 1896 there
were only five stations, viz. : Pao-ning, Pa-cheo, Kuang-iien,
Wan-hsien, and Sin-tien-tsi.
313 18
During the four and half years that passed before we were
called away last August, other workers had arrived and four
more stations had been opened, viz. : Shuen-k'ing, K'ii-hsien,
Ing-shan, and Sui-ting. In each of these places God has
greatly encouraged His servants, the " firstfruits " have been
gathered in, and a spiritual Church is being raised up in
each to the Glory of His Name.
At Shuen-K'ing, after years of hard uphill work against
much opposition, the Rev. A. E. Evans had the joy, on
Christmas Day, 1899, of receiving the first ten people into
the Church. Since then the work has gone forward, and
several more have become interested in the Gospel. In
connection with this work there is also an out-station in the
country where there are Christians and Inquirers.
At K'ii-hsien and Ing-shan, converts have been brought
in, and God's blessing has rested on the work. Between
these two places is I-long— a city well known to the members
of a Prayer Union Band in England. Some years ago they
set themselves to definitely pray for this place, where, at
that time, there was no messenger of the Gospel, nor, as
far as they knew, any one who knew of Jesus Christ. Since
that time, itinerations have frequently been made in the
I-long district, and there are now many interested in the
Truth there.
At Sai-ting, the most recently opened station, the mis-
sionaries have been encouraged by seeing some people burn
their idols and come forward as Inquirers.
In the spring of 1900 another house in the city was taken,
and Dr. and Mrs. Wilson arrived to begin medical work.
They had not, however, been there more than a few months
when the order came for all missionaries to leave for the coast.
Included, also, in Bishop Cassels' diocese, are the eight
stations of the Church Missionary ' Society in the west of
the province, the nearest of which, Mien-cheo, is five days'
journey from Pao-ning.
But there are still large tracts of country with many cities,
villages, and hamlets, where, as yet, there is not one witness
for Christ.
In 1894, it was estimated that London had six thousand
two hundred and seventy-five ordained clergy and ministers,
while the district of North-east Si-ch'uan, with twice the
population of London, had thirty-one missionaries all told.
Let us not cease to pray to the Lord of the harvest that He
would send forth more workers from the homelands into
these unevangelised parts, and that more native evangelists
should be called forth to preach the Gospel to their own
people, and that every member of the Christian Church in
China should shine aifd work for God !
In connection with city-work, there are generally several
out-stations in the country round, and in some of these God's
" greater things " have most manifestly been seen in the
consistent lives and fearless witness of many of these simple,
country Christians.
Within fifty miles of Pao-ning there are six or seven
villages, in each of which a little company of Christians
and Inquirers meet every Sabbath day to worship God and
to read His Word together. I was told by Miss F. Lloyd,
who had charge of the Pao-ning out-station work for some
time before we left, that there are sixty-eight Christians
baptised in these villages, and that a large number of Inquirers
are under instruction for baptism.
In nearly every station there have been sorrows and
troubles, disappointments and discouragements, but through
them all God has been with us, working out for us and
the native Churches the purpose of His own will.
In Pao-ning, the central station of the district, the work
has, through God's blessing, grown in many ways. In point
of numbers, the Church, which now has two hundred on its
books, has more than doubled itself during the four and
half years, and this was also the case, both at Pa-cheo and
Mrs. Bishop's hospital, opened at Pao-ning in 1896, has
been in the charge of Dr. Pruen ; but he has now left for
other work, and the hospital is closed until another doctor
is appointed. This is a very great need, and one we must
not fail to constantly remember in prayer. Medical know-
ledge and skill, perhaps more than any other gifts, have been
found to open a way for the Gospel.
Every half-year, gatherings for Bible-study have been held
at Pao-ning, to which the native evangelists, catechists, and
other helpers from all the stations of the district were invited.
These have, I believe, been times of great blessing not only
to themselves, but also to the people of the places to which
these men return to work and witness for God.
Another part of the work which has been owned and
blessed by God is that of the Opium Refuge, which has
been carried on by the Rev. Walter Taylor. Several poor
opium smokers have been received into the Refuge for a
month at a time, and helped to break off the deadly habit.
There, too, they have heard the Gospel, which in some cases
has proved the power of God unto their salvation.
The boys' and girls' schools have formed another important
factor in the work at Pao-ning. In the former, several lads
have been converted, and some have been baptised, and even
since the missionaries were recalled, four more school-boys
have been received as Inquirers. A Mohammedan lad* who
came to the school some nine or ten years ago (when it was
first opened by Miss F. M. Williams) is now one of the
leading Christian workers in the Pao-ning Church.
The girls' school was opened a few years ago by Miss
Wheeler. She fought her way bravely through the initial
difficulties, and established the school on a good foundation.
She poured out her life for the children, and found nothing
too great to sacrifice for them. Under kind Christian influence
the children, who, on first coming, were either disobedient and
unruly, or cowed and frightened through years of ill-treatment
at home, soon changed, and were happy and bright, loving
their teacher dearly. But what she longed and prayed for,
was their salvation. Months went by, and then she saw
that God was gradually manifesting His answer to her prayers,
giving her also to see " greater things." A change came into
the lives of some, for the love of Jesus had come into their
hearts, and last summer, just a few weeks before she left
them, she had the joy of seeing four of them baptised. It cost
her much to part with the children and to send them back
to their homes, when the news came that we must leave.
* See " A New Thing," p. 290.
After a few months at Shang-hai, when things were quieter,
and Bishop and Mrs. Oassels and other workers started inland
again, Miss Wheeler went with them, but the Lord God
now had need of her for higher service. At Liang-shan,
March 26th, 1901, within eight days' journey of Pao-ning,
after five days' illness, she passed quietly away " to be with
And now — who will fill the empty place ? Who will
gather the little ones together ? Who will win them for
the King ?
At Pa-cheo, too, " greater things " have been seen, and the
Name of Christ glorified in the earnest lives of many of His
children there. There also a life has been laid down for
the Gospel's sake, for it was here that the Rev. E. 0. Williams
died in 1899. Surely these lives laid down for Christ and
China must result in Life Everlasting coming to many !
At Kuang-tien, in addition to station-work, much itinerating
has been done, and the Gospel preached far and wide.
It was from among the Christians at Wan-hsien that
Chao Sien-seng was chosen to be an itinerant evangelist for
the district ; he is entirely supported by the native Churches.
In the little station of Sin-tien-tsi, the four and a half
years were years of happiness and blessing, and together
with our fellow-workers in the other stations, we have much
cause for thanksgiving. God's presence has been with us,
showing us His love and power !
In February, 1896, there were eighteen baptised Christians.
Now, there are fifty-two on the Church-books ; of these five
are "with the Lord."
When we came away, there were twenty Inquirers awaiting
baptism, and about thirty others, whom we hoped might
soon be received as Inquirers. Our school-boys numbered
twenty, and of these, two or three were candidates for
There has been so much jo]/ in the work. Through the
many sorrows and dangers, loneliness and troubles that have
come, we have learnt to know our God, and have felt His
conscious nearness and blessing. We thank God for every
precious soul " translated out of darkness into the kingdom
of His dear Son." He is able to keep them " until that
day," and to make them " steadfast, unmovable, always
abounding in the work of the Lord." We praise God with
thankful hearts when we think of Chao Sien-seng going
about among the little Churches exhorting them to be com-
forted and perfected through their afflictions ; of Sie Sien-
seng and others, with God's help bearing the burden of
the care of the Church now ; of old Mrs. Chao, pouring out
her life day by day, in her efforts to make known the
Gospel to others ; of Mrs. Uen telling out the story of Jesus,
the Burden-bearer, and of many more in other stations, who
in simple ways are manifesting Christ to the heathen.
Separated now by thousands of miles, our hearts go out
in longing to Christ's little flock in that far-away corner,
and in prayer we draw near to them through God. I often
think of that passage about Mr. Greatheart in "Pilgrim's
Progress " — " He betook himself to prayer." God may have
called us all away from work that He might teach us to
pray more. The dear native Christians all over China are
in God's care and keeping. He will never leave them nor
forsake them.
Dear old Mrs. Uen's words, " They can't take away my
God," are a continual comfort to us.
The great enemy of the Gospel may seem to some people
to have triumphed now that more than a hundred missionaries
and thousands of native converts have been killed, churches
destroyed, the surviving Christians scattered and persecuted,
and every missionary recalled ; and yet, if we look higher,
we see that the Lord sitteth above the water-floods, King for
evermore ; for the Lord reigneth in the hearts of His people
in China, and thousands of lonely, suffering hearts cry out
to-day : " They have taken all, but they carCt take away
my God!" No, and they never, never can. He will never
leave His people, and in their simple, trustful lives He is
even now triumphing gloriously over all the power of the
enemy. We believe that through these troubles, in God's
own time, the doors will be opened wider than ever in
China, " and the King of Glory shall come in."
And looking onward, and upward into Heaven, we behold
by faith "the great multitude which no man can number
of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, standing
before the throne and before the Lamb." " These are they
which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their
robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb."
And thousands more shall follow them up to the City of
God ; and in that day, when " the kingdoms of this world
shall become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ,"
there will, we believe, be millions from the land of Sinim
to praise Him for evermore.
" Thou art worthy '. . . for Thou wast slain, and hast
redeemed us to God by Thy blood, out of every kindred,
and tongue, and people, and nation."
" Thou art coining, O my Saviour !
Thou art coming, O my King,
In Thy beauty all-resplendent,
In Thy glory all-transcendent ;
Well may we rejoice and sing !
Coming ! — in the opening east
Herald brightness slowly swells :
Coming ! — O my glorious Priest,
Hear we not Thy golden bells?
Thou art coming : we are waiting
With a hope that cannot fail,
Asking not the day or hour.
Resting on Thy word of power,
Anchored safe within the veil.
Time appointed may be long.
But the vision must be sure ;
Certainty shall make us strong,
Joyful patience can endure.
O the joy to see Thee reigning ;
Thee, my own beloved Lord !
Every tongue Thy Name confessing.
Worship, honour, glory, blessing.
Brought to Thee with one accord.
Thee, my Master, and my Friend,
Vindicated and enthroned.
Unto earth's remotest end
Glorified, adored, and owned ! "
F. R. H.
He rehearsed, one by one, the things which God had wrought ; and they,
when they heard it, glorified God. — Acts xxi. 19, 20 (E.V.).
We thank Thee, that Thy Church unsleeping.
While earth rolls onward into light,
Through all the world her watch is keeping,
And rests not now by day or night.
The sun, that bids us rest, is waking
Our brethren 'neath the western sky,
And hour by hour fresh lips are making
Thy wondrous doings heard on high.
So be it. Lord ; Thy throne shall never.
Like earth's proud empires, pass away;
Thy Kingdom stands, and grows for ever.
Till all Thy creatures own Thy sway.
Rev. T. Elleetok.
e:^sum:6 of the woek of the past tear.
" As coljCl waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from ". far country." —
Peov. xxt. 25.
Miss F. M. Williams has written an account of the work
of the last few months at Sin-tien-tsi by gathering together
the various items of news that have reached us from the
people there. The following is quoted from her account.
" Since we left Sin-tien-tsi last August, the work has beea
faithfully and steadily carried on by the evangelist, Sie
Sien-seng, and the Bible-woman, Chao-ta-niang. From
time to time encouraging letters have been received from
the former, telling that the services, classes, and school-
work have gone on as usual, and have been well attended.
The following is a translation of the first letter received
from Sie Sien-seng.
" The Evangelist, Sie-en-kuang, sends greetings.
" To Great England's missionary teachers, Uei Kiao-si and
Tai Kiao-si (Miss Williams and Miss Davies), peace.
" On the 18th of the 7th moon (August 12th), the Sunday
after the teachers left, all the Christians and Inquirers
gathered in the chapel, in number as many as when the
teachers were here.
"On the 20th, when I heard that more than a hundred
bad men were gathered together near here, I assembled
sixty of the volunteers to protect the Mission house, and
gradually the men dispersed.
" On Sunday, the 25th, I counted the Christians and
Inquirers assembled in the chapel and found all were
present. I preached on three ' Fear nots ' — Mark vi. 50,
Matt, xxviii. 5, and 10.
" At every meeting since the teachers left, and at morning
and evening prayers, we have besonght the Triune God to
protect the missionaries in peace. But I do not know after
this long time to what place you have come ; nor do I know
if God has answered our prayers, not to let evil men hurt
you, or the devil tempt you.
" I beg the missionaries soon to send me a letter. We
are awaiting that to have hearts at rest.
"About all the matters connected with this mission-station,
the teachers must not be anxious, but comfort your hearts !
" I, with all my heart and strength, am bearing this heavy
" The four soldiers, whom the district magistrate engaged
to guard the house, day and night walk round the premises,
and there is no trouble.
" The school-boys, big and little, assemble every day and
study as formerly. Chao-ta-niang is constantly in the guest-
hall, preaching the Word and teaching both Christians and
" On Sunday, the 2nd of the 8th moon, again the number
of Christians and Inquirers assembled was complete. I
preached on — ' Ye are the salt of the earth.'
" May God protect you, and His peace keep your hearts
and minds that you may soon return to China and Bin-tien-tsi! !
This is what the whole Church, Christians, and Inquirers, and
I myself earnestly pray for.
" All the Church-members send greetings of peace.
" Written by Sie-en-kuang, 2nd day of 8th moon "
(October 29th, 1900).
On December 15th, 1900, Bishop Cassels and a number
of other missionaries, who had been waiting at Shang-hai,
took advantage of a new German steamer going direct to
Chung-k'ing, to return to their stations. The steamer was,
however, wrecked on December 27th, fifty miles above I-ch'ang.
The missionaries escaped with their lives, but lost all their
things. The vessel sank half an hour after she struck the
rocks, the captain and some of the crew being drowned.
Bishop Cassels returned to Shang-hai, but Mr. Aldis was
able to continue his journey by native boat, and reached
Pao-ning early in February. Writing from there on
March 6th, he says :
" Being alone, I have not been able to visit Sin-tien-tsi
yet, but I have seen several of the Christians and had letters
from Sie Sien-seng, and I judge the Church is in a good
condition. They have been absolutely free from persecution
or trouble. The work in all the stations has gone on
satisfactorily ; and both Hu Sien-seng and Ku-hoh-lin (a
former school-boy) have been a great help as leaders in the
Church. This time of separation has been a blessing to them
and to all. The whole province is, from all accounts, quite
quiet, and travelling perfectly safe. The boys' school has
continued all the time we were away, with an attendance
daily of about twenty boys. Four of them are now being
prepared for baptism."
Bishop and Mrs. Cassels, their children, and four lady-
missionaries, left Shang-hai for the west on February 4th,
and reached Pao-ning on April 4th. A great sorrow came
to them on the overland journey, when Miss A. F. Wheeler
died at Liang-shan after only five days' illness. There, in
a quiet place among fir-trees, on a hill outside the city,
her body was laid to rest "until He come." Her loss
to the work is a very great one. Do pray that God will
soon send forth some one to carry on her work in Pao-ning,
and that, before long, Liang-shan, where her body rests, may
become a centre of Gospel light !
Bishop Cassels visited Sin-tien-tsi on April 13th. Writing
from there on Sunday, the 14th, he says :
" The first to meet me on the road were Hsiieh-an-ren
and Chao-ta-niang, the latter with tears in her eyes. Another
group were at the wayside inn, and the rest at the steps.
We went straight into the chapel for a hymn of praise and
the General Thanksgiving.
"As it was then dusk, the Christians scattered, and I
had my bowl of rice with Sie Sien-seng. We had a good
talk and a Bible-reading and prayer before retiring to rest.
" This morning, at the Communion Service, I gave an
address from the story of the Storm on the Lake, of which
we read that ' it was dark, and Jesus had not yet come unto
them,' rather on the lines of ' For a small moment have I
forsaken thee.'
"At the Morning Service, Hu Sien-seng preached from
Luke viii. 40.
"In the afternoon, after the service, I told the people
what I could of you and Miss Davies, read your two letters
to them, and we had special prayer for you both. Then I
listened to what the Christians had to tell about the past
months. Five spoke, one laying stress on the fact that
whether the attendance was greater or less, there had always
been a service kept up all these months. This is indeed a
matter for gratitude to God in a young Church like this !
" You will be grieved to hear that all over North Si-ch'uan
and further north, a terrible famine is feared. Scarcely any
rain has fallen since we left last year, and the spring crops
are almost a total failure. In addition to this, last year's
rice-crop was bad ; but, worse than all, there is scarcely a
rice-field anywhere with water in it ; they are dry and
cracked, and all this at a time when the rice-seed should
have been sown and the young shoots appearing. At Si-gnan,
last winter, the famine was so severe that human flesh was
eaten. We can hardly fail to take it as a judgment on
North China for the sins of last year."
In a postscript to his letter, written later, the Bishop adds :
" There was a good deal of rain before I left Sin-tien-tsi,
but much more is needed."
From Ing-shan, another of the stations in North-east Si-
ch'uan, Miss Kolkenbeck writes :
"Miss Culverwell and I came overland from Wan-hsien,
and had a quiet and pleasant journey. We arrived here
on April 12th, and found our house perfectly intact. The
caretakers and mandarins have done their work well. We
got our boxes from the ia-men, and found all in good
order. The mandarins have been most kind to us. One
of them called on us the other morning in full dress, and
his wife came the next day. Nothing could exceed their
friendliness. The Christians seem as bright as ever, and
the work has gone on, one or two others have become
interested, and Sunday services have been kept up as usual.
It is nice to be at home again, after all our wanderings,
and to be at work once more."
# * # # #
There is indeed much cause of praise and gratitude to
God that these stations in the far West of China have been
kept, not only free from trouble, but that in them during
these months of suspense, the work has been going forward,
and that now the missionaries have been able to return.
The following is a translation of the most recent letter
received from Sie Sien-seng, June 15th, 1901 :
" To the two missionaries, Uei Kiao-si and Tai Kiao-si,
peace. We thank God for His grace in sending Bishop
Cassels to Sin-tien-tsi on the 26th of the 2nd moon in the
27th year of Kuang-hsti. All the Christians and Inquirers
went forth to meet him. On the 26th day, Sunday, there
was first the Communion Service, after which Hu Sien-seng
preached from Luke viii. 40^' When Jesus returned, all men
welcomed Him, for they were all waiting for His return.'
" The Christians, Inquirers, and school-boys filled the
church. Only Uen-ta-niang was absent, having gone to
tjin-lin-pu. T'ao-kuang-kin and family do not want for
food and clothing ; their consumptive son is at home
making sandals. Chang-nil-tsi (the gipsy-girl) has run away
and has not returned.
" Very few missionaries have returned to Pao-ning, and
no one can be spared for the work here in Sin-tien-tsi, so
Bishop Cassels has appointed me to take charge, and
every Sunday lead the services and preach the Word, every
Wednesday teach the Inquirers, and every Thursday to
prepare the confirmation candidates. Chao-ta-niang is con-
stantly in the guest-hall, preaching the Gospel ; and in the
afternoons she goes into the valleys to teach both Christians
and heathen in their homes.
" Old Mrs. Li is well, and constantly attends the meetings.
The Hstieh and Uang families earnestly (lit., hot-heartedly)
observe the Sabbath, and Mr. and Mrs. T'ang and Li-k'uen
and his wife diligently keep God's laws.
" Since the autumn we have had no heavy rain, and are
without water to drink, and have to carry water from distant
wells, and the rice-fields are dry.
" Whenever we meet together, we pray for the missionaries
who have gone home, also for those who have come back,
and for all the native Christians throughout China, and we
earnestly beseech God to graciously send rain upon all men !
" Early and late, we pray for Uei Kiao-si and Tai Kiao-si,
our teachers. May God give to each member of your families,
old and young, ' the peace that passeth all understanding ! '
Even yet more fervently we pray God to increase your strength
and wisdom, and soon bring you back to China. This is what
my heart wishes. All the Christians and Inquirers with one
accord send greetings.
" Written on the 28th of the 2nd moon (April 16th) from
Sin-tien-tsi, by the Evangelist, Sie-en-kuang."
" Holy Father, keep through Thine own name those whom
Thou hast given Me, that they may be one, as we are." —
(John xvii. 11.)
" Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which
shall believe on Me through their word." — (John xvii. 20.)
" Father, glorify Thy Name. Then came there a voice
from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify
it again." — (John xii. 28.)
Printed hy Hazdl, Watson, and Viney, Ld., Ltmdon and Aylesbury,
Shewing 1 '* '^" '^**f*^"^'*'''^^'°" Stations in China up to June 1866, when the CJ.M.was founded (the> numbered fifteen) These are underlined in black.
= \2. The Stations of the China Inland Mission which(with the exception of Ning-po X Fung-hwa)have been opened sinceJune 1866. These are printed in red.
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lOO" l.un^tmie ''Ja*! of Li f egtiwi ch_ iwr»
(Same Soalo]
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Some who Escaped.
Two Maps. 60 Portraits. 25 Illustrations on Art Paper. 360 Pages. Demy 8vo.
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The Culture and Conversion of a Confucianist.
Crown 8vo. 280 Pages. 13 Illustrations on Art Paper.
Post Free, 2s. Bd.
With Coloured Maps, Portraits and Illustrations, Statistics and Maps brought
up to June, 1900. In Two Volumes. Cloth Extra.
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Re-cast and freshly Illustrated, with additional matter, the latest Statistics,
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