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ANDREWS      &      LANG 


The  "Bear  and  Billet." 
From  'i  water-colour  painting  by  F.  Harrison  (  omfton. 





The  Feathers  Hotel,1'  Ludlow 








An  attempt  is  made  in  this  work  to  give  descriptive 
and  historical  accounts  of  the  more  important  of 
our  "  Old  English  Towns."  Their  rise  and  the 
chief  buildings  of  past  ages,  remarkable  episodes 
and  phases  of  old-time  social  life,  receive  con- 
sideration. It  will  be  shown  how  towns  have  risen 
under  the  protection  of  castles,  how  others  have 
grown  under  the  care  of  religious  houses,  while 
others  have  advanced  under  royal  patronage.  Old 
customs  linked  with  the  lives  of  the  people  receive 
attention.  The  Cathedrals  of  the  country  are 
fully  dealt  with  in  other  volumes  in  this  series, 
and  are,  therefore,  not  described  at  length. 


- 1 

V-uJ      fl' 



•  '  '■>■■',' fY\ 

Part  I 
By  William  Andrews 






•                      i 



•                      * 









•                       * 










































•  • 








7    54 
7    61 










•   • 







1 88 



.     192 






.     213 



.    219 



.     225 



.    230 

Part  II 
By  Elsie  M.  Lang 


DOVER      . 

.      239 



.      249 



.      26i: 



.      271 



.      28l 


EXETER     . 

,            .      293 



.            .      304 



•      3H 



•      324 


WARWICK           .      . 

•    335 


BOSTON    . 

.    346 



.         •    358 



•    375 



.    389 



.    402 



.    410 
.     429 


Part  I 
*Shrewsbury,  the  "  Bear  and  Billet "  Frontispiece 


Winchester,  the  High  Street  in  1838  .  .  10 
Canterbury,  Westgate,  1828  ....  18 
Bath,  the  Pump  Room,  1801  ...      24 

Gloucester,  the  Old  County  Gaol  and  part  of 

the  ancient  Castle,  18 19     .         .         .         .     30 
Hereford,  North  Transept  and  Tower  of  the 

Cathedral 38 

Ludlow,  the  interior  of  the  Castle,  1852  .  48 
Ludlow,  the  Feathers  Hotel   .         .         .  iii 

Oxford,  south  front  of  All  Souls  College,  1837  72 
Cambridge,  the  Market  Place,  showing  the 

Town  Hall  and  Hobson's  Conduit,  1845  86 
Lincoln,  John  of  Gaunt's  Palace,  1834  •  .114 
Coventry,  a  performance  of  a  Sacred  Play, 
period  about  the  end  of  the  16th  Cen- 
tury, from  an  old  print  ....  126 
Nottingham,  the  Market  Place,  1852  .  .  146 
Manchester,  Market  Street,  at  the  beginning 

of  the  Nineteenth  Century       .        .        .162 

*  From  a  Water  Colour  by  E.  Harrison  Compton. 




Leeds,  the  Central  Market,  1831  .  .  .  168 
Hull,  the  Market  Place,  1831  .         .         .174 

York,  the  Bridge  over  the  Ouse,  18 18  .  .  188 
Durham,  from  the  north-east,  1834  •  .214 
Carlisle,  the  News  Room  and  Library,  1838  .  220 
Monmouth,  the  Church  of  St.  Thomas  and 

part  of  the  Monnow  Bridge,  1801     .         .     226 
■(-Chester,  the  East  Gate         ....     230 

Part  II 

J  Dover,  the  Castle         .... 

J  Norwich,  Bishop  Hall's  Palace    . 

Norwich,  the  Cathedral 

J  Bristol,  the  Temple  Church 

J  Exeter,  the  corner  of  Frog  Street 

Newcastle,  the  interior  of  the  Cathedral 

JSt.  Albans,  the  Market  Place 

JSt.  Albans,  the  Fighting  Cocks    . 

St.  Albans,  the  Cathedral 

Ely,  the  Cathedral  .... 

Ely,  the  interior  of  the  Cathedral 

JChichester,  the  Courtyard  of  the  Dolphin 

^Northampton,  Cromwell's  House 

JTamworth,  the  entrance  to  the  Castle 

t  From  a  Drawing  by  W.  D acres- Adams. 
t  From  Drawings  by  Myra  K.  Hughes. 










(PART  L) 


li  A  city  of  historical  memories "  is  a  modern 
designation  often  applied  to  Winchester,  once  the 
capital  of  England.  It  is  one  of  the  most  delight- 
fully interesting  places  in  the  country,  and  when 
once  seen  can  never  be  forgotten.  Here  the  past 
and  present  meet  without  spoiling  each  other.  The 
city  is  famous  alike  for  its  cathedral,  college, 
castle,  and  other  buildings  of  bygone  times. 

It  is  pleasantly  situated  on  the  Itchen,  and  is 
only  sixty  miles  west-south-west  of  London.  In 
far  distant  times,  it  was  a  tribal  settlement  on  the 
summit  of  the  hill  which  overlooks  the  Winchester 
of  to-day.  As  the  early  settlers  grew  in  strength, 
they  left  St.  Catherine's  Hill  for  the  more  con- 
venient plain  below.  When  the  invading  Romans 
became  a  power  in  the  land  the  ancient  Britons 
were  driven  from  their  strongholds,  and  the 
strangers  occupied  their  chief  towns.  The  settle- 
ment of  the  British  at  Winchester  was  not  given 
up  without  battle  and  bloodshed ;  but  they  had  not 
the  power  to  withstand  the  superior  numbers  of 
the  highly  trained  Roman  men-at-arms. 


The  invaders  reached  the  town  by  the  river,  and 
recognised  the  advantages  of  its  site.  They 
planned  the  place  in  a  rectangular  form,  the  chief 
street  corresponding  with  the  High  Street  of  the 
present  time.  Around  the  town  was  built  a  wall 
for  protection.  Within  were  evidences  of  southern 
civilisation,  and  temples  were  raised  to  Apollo  and 
Concord.  Many  of  the  remains  of  the  Roman 
occupation  of  the  city  may  be  inspected  in  the  local 
museum;  they  consist  of  tesselated  pavements  and 
other  objects,  and  in  the  ruins  of  Wolvesey  are 
examples  of  Roman  bricks. 

One  is  tempted  to  linger  over  the  legendary  lore 
of  pagan  times,  and  the  early  dawn  of  religious 
life  in  the  remote  past.  We  should,  however,  deal 
with  doubtful  topics,  which,  though  not  difficult 
to  state,  are  not  easy  to  prove.  Modern  research 
has  proved  that  many  of  the  older  historians  often 
substituted  fiction  for  fact  in  their  works.  The 
chief  interest  of  the  city  belongs  to  the  five  hundred 
years  when  it  disputed  with  London  the  claim  to 
be  the  capital  of  England.  The  period  covered  the 
last  three  Saxon  and  first  two  Norman  centuries. 

Early  in  the  seventh  century  an  Italian  monk, 
Birinus,  converted  King  Kynegils  to  Christianity. 
It  was  the  King's  intention  to  build  a  large  new 
church  at  Winchester,  then  a  Royal  city.  Within 
six  years  of  his  conversion  the  King  passed  away, 
and  was  laid  to  rest  before  the  altar  of  the  church 
which  was  being  erected.  Kynewald,  his  son,  com- 
pleted the  building.  All  land  within  seven  miles 
round  the  city  was  given  for  its  endowment.  Part 
of  the  land  belonging  to  the  early  sanctuary  is  still 


held  by  the  Dean  and  Chapter.  Birinus  fixed  his 
see  at  Dorchester,  but  it  was  transferred  to 
Winchester  in  676.  Little  is  known  of  the  Saxon 
structure,  but  within  its  walls  the  Saxon  kings 
were  crowned.  William  the  Conqueror,  it  is  true, 
was  first  crowned  at  Westminster  Abbey,  but  on 
the  arrival  of  his  Queen  in  this  country  he  was 
again  crowned  with  greater  ceremonial  display  in 
Winchester  Cathedral.  It  was  at  the  banquet 
which  followed  that  the  Champion  first  comes  on 
the  scene.  He  rode  into  the  hall,  and  challenged 
anyone  to  mortal  combat  who  denied  the  right  of 
the  King  to  the  throne. 

Wolvesey,  near  the  cathedral,  had  long  been  a 
Royal  residence.  Here  lived  the  kings  of  Wessex. 
Alfred  the  Great  was  educated  at  the  Prior's  school, 
his  tutor  being  St.  Swithun,  a  native  of  the  place, 
and  who  in  later  years  became  the  Bishop  of  Win- 
chester. It  was  at  Wolvesey  that  the  first  English 
prose  book  was  compiled — the  "  Anglo-Saxon 
Chronicle.' '  The  scribes  were  assisted  in  their  work 
by  King  Alfred,  and  he  directed  that  the  volume 
should  be  kept  there,  but  in  later  times  it  was 
removed.  In  this  chronicle  was  given  an  annual 
record  of  the  country  from  the  invasion  of  Caesar 
down  to  the  accession  of  Henry  II.  in  the  year 
1 154.  The  Winchester  copy  of  this  great  year 
book,  by  order  of  Alfred,  was  fastened  to  a  chain, 
so  that  all  who  wished  might  read  it. 

SL  Swithun  was  the  King's  Counsellor,  and  it  was 
he  who  recommended  the  erection  of  a  strong  wall 
round  the  precincts  of  the  cathedral.  It  saved  the 
building  when  the  Danes  burnt  Canterbury,  and  in 


vain  attempted  to  destroy  Winchester.  St.  Swithun 
played  an  important  part  in  Saxon  life,  and  the 
story  of  his  career  is  full  of  interest.  He  presided 
over  the  see  for  eleven  years  with  holiness  and 
humility.  He  was  of  noble  parentage.  He  was 
buried,  we  read,  according  to  his  own  request,  in 
a  humble  grave  outside  the  cathedral,  where  the  feet 
of  the  passers-by  might  tread  and  the  rain  of 
heaven  fall.  According  to  the  common  legend,  the 
monks  afterwards  tried  to  remove  his  bones  to  a 
more  fitting  tomb  for  such  a  great  and  good  man, 
but  it  rained  so  incessantly  for  forty  days  that, 
taking  such  a  visitation  as  a  mark  of  the  saint's  dis- 
pleasure, they  were  obliged  to  desist  and  allow  his 
remains  to  continue  in  their  humble  resting-place. 
Such  is  the  story  of  the  popular  superstition  of 
rain  on  St.  Swithun's  Day.  Other  legends  of  Saxon 
times  are  linked  with  the  cathedral,  and  have  come 
down  through  the  ages,  but  their  interest  is  not 
sufficient  to  induce  us  to  linger  over  them. 

The  present  cathedral  was  begun  during  the 
episcopate  of  Bishop  Walkelin  in  1079,  and  is  a 
fine  monument  of  the  skill  of  the  earlier  Norman 
architects.  Within  the  fane  are  the  tombs  of  many 
who  have  added  to  England's  greatness,  kings  and 
princes,  bishops,  soldiers,  men  of  science,  litera- 
ture, and  art.  To  this  cathedral  the  remains  of 
William  II.  were  brought  in  a  charcoal  cart  from 
the  New  Forest,  where  he  had  met  with  a  violent 
death.  He  was  buried  under  the  tower ;  the  record 
adds — "  many  looking  on  and  few  grieving."  A 
number  of  mortuary  chests  contain  the  remains  of 
Canute  and  other  monarchs,   and  form  a  curious 


feature  in  the  church.  There  are  some  chantries; 
the  one  of  William  of  Wykeham,  who  impressed 
on  his  countrymen  for  all  time  that  "  Manners 
Makyth  Man,'1  is  of  considerable  interest.  The 
greater  part  of  a  day  might  be  spent  inspecting  the 
monuments  and  their  inscriptions.  Not  only  are 
they  graven  in  memory  of  famous  men  and  women, 
but  often  expressed  in  excellent  English.  Izaac 
Walton,  the  "  Prince  of  Fishermen, "  is  commemo- 
rated by  a  memorial  slab  in  the  Silkstone  Chapel. 
He  spent  the  last  twenty  years  of  his  life  at  the 
city,  first  with  his  friend  Bishop  Morley  atWolvesey 
Palace  and  later  with  his  son-in-law  Prebendary 
Hawkins,  in  the  Close.  Walton  died  during  a  great 
frost,  and  over  his  remains  is  an  inscription  as 
follows : 

Here  resteth  the  body  of 

Mr.  Izaak  Walton, 

Who  died  the  i5th*of  December,  1683. 

Alas  !     He's  gone  before, 

Gone  to  return  noe  more  ; 

Our  panting  Breasts  aspire 

After  their  aged  Sire, 

Whose  well-spent  life  did  last 

Full  ninety  Years,  and  past. 

But  now  he  hath  begun 

That  which  will  nere  be  done, 

Crown'd  with  eternal  Blisse, 

We  wish  our  Souls  with  his. 
Votis  modestis  sic  flerunt  Uberi. 
Thus  with  modest  vows  his  children  wept. 

The  foregoing  is  ascribed  to  Bishop  Ken.  An 
inscription  of  more  modern  interest  is  one  near  the 
unusually  curious  font;  it  is  to  the  memory  of 
Mrs.  Montagu,  the  founder  of  the  Blue  Stocking 


Club,  a  student  of  Shakespeare  and  the  Chimney 
Sweepers'  Friend: 

Here  lies  the  body  of  Elizbeth  Montagu,  daughter  of 
Matthew  Robinson,  Esq.,  of  West  Layton,  in  the  County  of 
York,  who,  possessing  the  united  advantages  of  beauty,  wit, 
judgment,  reputation,  and  riches,  and  employing  her  talents 
most  uniformly  for  the  benefit  of  mankind,  might  be  justly 
deemed  an  ornament  to  her  country.  She  died  on  the  25th  of 
August,  1800,  aged  81. 

The  greatest  of  English  women  novelists,  Jane 
Austen,  passed  away  in  a  small  house  not  far  distant 
from  the  cathedral  and  near  to  the  college.  A 
memorial  window  and  underneath  it  a  ledger  stone 
bearing  the  following  inscription  will  be  found  in 
the  north  aisle : 

In  memory  of  JANE  AUSTEN,  youngest  daughter  of  the  late 
Rev.  George  Austen,  formerly  Rector  of  Steventon,  in  this 
County.  She  departed  this  life  on  the  18th  of  July,  181 7, 
aged  41,  after  a  long  illness  supported  with  patience  and  the  hope 
of  a  Christian.  The  benevolence  of  her  heart,  the  sweetness 
of  her  temper,  and  the  extraordinary  endowments  of  her  mind 
obtained  the  regard  of  all  who  knew  her,  and  the  warmest 
love  of  her  intimate  connexions.  Their  grief  is  in  proportion 
to  their  affection  :  they  know  their  loss  to  be  irreparable,  but 
in  their  deep  affection  they  are  consoled  by  a  firm,  though 
humble  hope,  that  her  charity,  devotion,  faith,  and  purity  have 
rendered  her  soul  acceptable  in  the  sight  of  her  Redeemer. 

This  gifted  authoress  whose  name  stands  so  high 
in  the  annals  of  literature  had  a  struggle  to  get  her 
books  published.  She  sold  "  Northanger  Abbey  " 
to  a  Bath  bookseller  for  the  insignificant  sum  of  ten 
pounds.  The  manuscript  remained  for  some  time 
in  his  possession  without  being  printed,  he  fearing 
that  if  published  it  would  prove  a  failure.  He  was, 
however,  at  length  induced  to  give  it  to  the  world, 
and  its  merits  caused  it  to  be  extensively  read. 


In  the  popular  mind  these  inscriptions  wane  in 
interest  before  one  in  the  beautifully  kept  burial 
ground  around  the  cathedral.     It  reads  as  follows : 

In  Memory  of 

Thomas  Thetcher, 

A  Grenadier  of  the  North  Reg't  of  the  Hants  Militia, 

who  died  of  a  violent  Fever  contracted  by  drinking 

Small  Beer  when  hot  the  12th  of  May,  1761, 

Aged  26  Years. 

In  grateful  remembrance  of  whose  universal  goodwill  towards 
his  Comrades  this  Stone  is  placed  at  their  expense  as  a  small 
testimony  of  their  regard  and  concern. 

Here  sleeps  in  peace  a  Hampshire  Grenadier, 
Who  caught  his  death  by  drinking  cold  small  beer  ; 
Soldiers,  be  wise  from  his  untimely  fall, 
And  when  ye're  hot,  drink  strong  or  none  at  all. 

This  memorial  being  decayed  was  restored  by  the  Officers  of 
the  Garrison,  a.d.  1781. 

An  honest  soldier  never  is  forgot, 
Whether  he  die  by  musket  or  by  hot. 

This  stone  was  placed  by  the  North  Hants  Militia,  when 
disembodied  at  Winchester  on  26th  April,  1802,  in  consequence 
of  the  original  stone  being  destroyed. 

It  was  at  Winchester  that  the  curfew  bell  was 
first  rung  at  eight  o'clock  at  night  by  order  of 
William  I.  This  was  the  signal  for  putting  out 
lights  and  fires.  Not  until  four  next  morning, 
when  another  bell  was  sounded,  could  the  fires  be 
rekindled.  For  more  than  eight  centuries  the 
curfew  bell  has  been  heard,  and  it  is  still  rung  at 
the  present  time,  but  the  practice  has  long  been 
sentimental.  Another  curious  bell-ringing  custom 
was  instituted  by  Richard  Budd.  He  was  a  native 
of  Winchester,  and  in  1630  left  to  the  Dean  and 


Chapter  £4.0  on  condition  that  the  great  bell  of  the 
cathedral  be  tolled  for  condemned  criminals  before 
their  execution,  and  that  certain  prayers  be  read  on 
their  behalf.  The  usage  was  in  course  of  time 
discontinued,  and  the  money  devoted  to  other 
charitable  objects. 

Not  far  distant  from  the  cathedral  is  Winchester 
College.  The  charter  of  William  of  Wykeham 
incorporating  this  school  bears  the  date  of  October 
20th,  1382,  and  may  still  be  seen  in  the  Muniment- 
room.  Long  prior  to  the  Conquest  the  city  had  its 
grammar  school,  in  which  it  is  asserted  that  King 
Ethelwulf  and  King  Alfred  were  educated,  and  the 
present  college  is  a  continuation  of  the  earlier 
school.  The  school  is  a  noble  pile,  and  has  under- 
gone many  changes  as  time  has  run  its  course,  but 
has  ever  held  its  reputation  for  scholarship.  In 
one  of  the  old  schoolrooms  on  the  western  side  are 
inscriptions  with  emblems : 

Aut  DlSCE — A  mitre   and  crosier,  as  the  expected 

reward  of  learning. 

Aut  Disced e — An  inkhorn  and  sword,  the  emblems 

of  the  civil  and  military  professions. 

Manet  Sors  Tertia  Caedi— A  rod. 

The  first  sentence  may  be  translated  Either  learn, 
and  the  second,  Or  depart  hence,  and  the  third,  Or 
remain  and  be  whipped.  A  good  free  translation 
of  the  whole  is: — Learn,  leave  or  be  licked.  Until 
modern  days  the  drink  at  meals  was  ale,  but  in  a 
great  measure  fea  and  coffee  have  taken  its  place. 
The  visitor  is  shown  as  relics  of  other  days  ancient 
leathern  jacks,  mugs,  trenchers,   and  candlesticks 


which  were  in  use  long  before  gas  and  electric 
light  were  thought  about,  and  when  the  candle  shed 
its  feeble  light.  To-day  the  buildings  remain  about 
the  same  as  when  erected  by  William  of  Wykeham 
at  a  cost  of  ,£1,014,  equal  in  modern  money  to 
£20,000.  They  are  more  solid  in  appearance  than 
rich  in  detail. 

At  Hyde  Abbey  there  is  little  to  arrest  attention, 
but  it  calls  for  inspection  more  for  its  associations 
than  its  remains  of  the  past.  It  was  here  that  Alfred 
the  Great  was  buried,  but  the  site  of  his  grave  is 

The  castle  at  Winchester,  built  by  William  the 
Conqueror,  has  been  swept  away.  It  was  here  that 
the  "  Domesday  Book  "  was  kept  for  some  years. 
During  a  banquet  at  the  castle  Earl  Godwin  died, 
and  his  end  was  regarded  as  a  judgment  for  his  evil 
life.  In  later  times  another  castle  was  built.  It 
was  here  Henry  III.,  "  of  Winchester,"  was  born 
and  resided.  It  is  rich  in  history.  On  its  walls 
have  been  spiked  the  heads  of  warlike  men,  and 
within  its  stately  rooms  parliaments  were  held.  Here 
Raleigh  was  imprisoned.  In  the  hall  may  be  seen 
what  is  called  Arthur's  Round  Table,  but  most 
probably  it  is  part  of  a  gaming  table. 

Not  far  from  the  castle  stood  the  brick  palace  of 
Charles  II.,  which  is  now  used  as  a  barracks.  Con- 
siderably further  away  is  the  City  Cross  in  High 
Street.  It  dates  back  to  the  reign  of  Henry  VI., 
and  it  is  believed  to  have  been  built  by  Cardinal 
Beaufort,  on  the  site  of  an  ancient  market  cross. 
The  present  cross  was  repaired  in  1835,  and  was 
restored  by  Gilbert  Scott  in  1865.    It  is  enriched 


with  saints  and  notable  men.    The  principal  figures 

William  of  Wykeham,  with  his  book  of  statutes  of  his  College 
and  Pastoral  Staff. 

Laurence  de  Anne,  Mayor  of  Winchester. 

King  Alfred  the  Great. 

St.  John  the  Evangelist,  said   to   be  the  only  old  figure 

In  the  top  niches  are  eight  figures  as  follow : 

SS.  Thomas,  Maurice,  John,  Peter,  Laurence,  Bartholomew, 
Swithin,  and  the  Blessed  Virgin. 

The  cross  is  a  reminder  of  olden  days  and  olden 
ways.  We  find  it  stated  in  a  volume  of  "  Tran- 
scripts from  the  Municipal  Archives  of 
Winchester,* '  Compiled  by  Charles  Bailey,  Town 
Clerk,  1856,  "By  an  Ordinance  of  the  4th  of 
August,  in  the  twenty-eight  year  of  the  reign  of 
Elizabeth,  bull-dogs  were  prohibited  running 
through  the  city  unmuzzled.1 


Itm. — That  noe  person  within  this  citie  shall  suffer  or  permit 
any  of  theire  Mastife  Doggs  to  goe  unmusselled  upon  paine  of 
everie  defalte  herein  of  3s.  ^d.  to  be  levied  by  distresse,  to  the 
use  of  the  Poore  people  of  the  citie. 

The  records  contain  many  items  on  the  baiting  of 
animals.  It  is  stated  that  certain  butchers  were 
ordered  to  find  bulls  to  be  baited,  and  the  other 
butchers  were  directed  to  pay  sixpence  each  yearly 
towards  maintaining  the  custom.  The  mayors 
appear  to  have  transferred  the  site  of  the  baiting 
from  tb^  bull-ring  of  the  city  to  the  vicinity  of  their 











own  houses.  The  citizens  felt  that  this  was  an 
infringement  of  their  rights,  and  finally,  on  the 
19th  November,  30th  Henry  VIII.,  the  Corporation 
made  an  order : 

That  from  henceforthe  ther  shal  be  no  bulstake  set  before 
any  Mayor's  doore  to  bayte  any  bull,  but  onlie  at  the  bull-ringe 
within  the  said  cytie. 

Like  other  old  towns  Winchester  attempted  to 
gain  favours  by  bribing  the  palate  of  those  in  high 
places.  The  local  records  include  particulars  of 
many  presents  of  sugar  loaves  and  other  gifts.  On 
March  24th,  1592,  it  was  decided  at  a  meeting  of 
the  municipal  authorities  to  present  the  Lord 
Marquis  of  Winchester  with  a  sugar  loaf  weighing 
five  pounds  and  a  gallon  of  sack  on  his  coming  to 
the  Lent  Assizes.  The  accounts  of  the  city  at  this 
period  contain  entries  of  payments  for  sugar  loaves 
given  to  the  Recorder  for  a  New  Year's  present  and 
for  pottles  of  wine  bestowed  on  distinguished 

The  fair  at  Winchester  was  held  on  St.  Giles's 
Downs,  and  for  centuries  it  was  the  great 
event  of  the  year.  It  ranked  among  the  largest 
fairs  of  Europe.  It  is  about  a  thousand  years  since 
Alfred  the  Great  instituted  fairs  in  England.  They 
were  popular  among  the  Saxons,  and  our  first 
Norman  king  recognised  their  value  as  a  means  of 
extending  commerce.  He  framed  Acts  for  conduct- 
ing trade,  etc.  William  the  Conqueror  established 
the  great  fair  here.  Its  jurisdiction,  we  gather  from 
Brand's  "  Popular  Antiquities,"  extended  seven 
miles  round,  and  comprehended  even  Southampton, 
then  a  trading  town.   If  a  merchant  sold  wares  in  the 


circuit  during  the  fair  he  forfeited  them  to  the  bishop. 
Officers  were  placed  at  a  considerable  distance,  at 
bridges  and  other  avenues  of  access  to  the  fair,  to 
extract  toll  of  all  merchandise  passing  their  way. 
In  the  meantime,  all  the  shops  in  the  city  were 
closed.  A  court  called  the  Pavilion,  composed  of 
the  bishop's  justiciaries  and  other  officers,  had 
power  to  try  causes  of  various  sorts  for  seven 
miles  round.  The  bishop  had  toll  of  every  load  or 
parcel  of  goods  passing  through  the  gates  of  the 

On  the  Eve  of  St.  Giles,  the  mayor,  bailiffs,  and 
citizens  of  Winchester  delivered  the  keys  of  the 
four  gates  to  the  bishop's  officers.  Numerous 
foreign  merchants  attended  this  fair,  and  several 
streets  were  formed  in  it,  and  assigned  to  the  sale 
of  different  commodities.  The  surrounding 
monasteries  had  shops  or  houses  in  the  streets,  used 
only  at  the  fair,  and  held  under  the  bishop,  by 
whom  they  were  let  for  a  term  of  years. 

When  the  fair  was  first  established  it  only  lasted 
three  days.  It  was  in  the  reign  of  Henry  III.  pro- 
longed to  sixteen  days.  Brand  says  in  the  days  of 
William  I.,  the  tolls  were  given  as  a  kind  of  revenue 
to  the  Bishop  of  Winchester.  He  strongly  enforced 
his  privileges,  in  such  a  manner  as  to  obstruct  local 
trade  and  oppress  the  people. 

Of  the  old  gates  of  the  city  Westgate  is  the  only 
one  left,  and  an  interesting  monument  it  is  of  the 
olden  time.  The  date  of  the  exterior  of  this  gate 
dates  back  to  the  fourteenth  century.  It  forms  a 
pleasing  entrance  to  the  city,  and  in  the  past  was  a 
strong    means    of    protection.       In    1558    it    was 


converted  into  a  prison.  Alderman  William  Henry 
Jacob,  in  his  account  of  "  The  Ancient  West  Gate," 
gives  several  interesting  details  drawn  from  the  city 
records  of  some  of  the  prisoners.  We  reproduce 
three  entries: 

161 5. — Robt  Payne,  a  prisoner  for  debt  in  Westgate,  in 
consideration  of  his  decayed  state,  being  a  freeman  and  one  of 
the  twenty-four  (the  Corporation),  and  of  good  behaviour  and 
carriage,  received  a  compromise  with  his  creditors,  ,£6.13.4. 

1723. — Thos.  Elton,  a  prisoner,  died  of  small  pox  in  the  Gate. 

1724. — A  poor  woman  confined  for  debt,  and  likely  to  perish, 
released  with  15*. 

There  are  many  charges  in  the  old  accounts  for 
persons  being  whipped.  Here  was  the  old  whip- 
ping post.     Some  of  the  entries  are  as  follow: 

1555-6. — Whipcord,    to    whip    two    vagabonds 

beyond  the  city  -  ud. 

1556-7. — Whipcord,  to  whip  vagabonds  twice      -  iijd. 

1653. — Thos.  Stone,  punishing  beggars  at  West- 
gate     il.  lis.  Zd. 

To-day  in  this  gate  is  a  small  museum  of  local 
antiquities,  mainly  relating  to  bygone  punishments. 

Just  beyond  the  gate  is  a  reminder  of  the  city 
when  in  sorrow.  Winchester  suffered  much  from 
the  plague  of  1666.  On  the  neighbouring  downs 
are  numerous  curiously-shaped  mounds,  which  are 
said  to  cover  the  pits  into  which  the  dead  were  cast. 
When  the  pestilence  raged  a  primitive  kind  of 
quarantine  was  practised.  The  county  folk  supplied 
food,  which  was  placed  on  a  stone  outside  the  city, 
and  in  exchange  citizens  placed  money  in  a  bowl 


of  water.    The  old  plague  stone  remains,  built  into 
a  memorial  which  bears  the  following  inscription : 

This  monument  is  erected  by  the  Society  of  Natives  on  the 
very  spot  of  ground  to  which  the  markets  were  removed,  and 
whose  basis  is  the  very  stone  on  which  exchanges  were  made 
whilst  the  city  lay  under  the  scourge  of  the  destroying  pestilence 
in  the  year  sixteen  hundred  and  sixty-six.  The  Society  of 
Natives  was  founded  on  the  26th  August,  1669,  for  the  relief  of 
the  widows  and  orphans  of  their  fellow  citizens  who  died  of  the 
great  plague. 

The  old  churches  in  the  city,  and  some  of  the 
modern  buildings,  will  repay  inspection :  such  are 
the  Guildhall,  the  Museum,  and  a  striking  statue  of 
Alfred  the  Great  by  Thorneycroft,  unveiled 
September  20th,  1901. 

About  a  mile  distant  from  the  city  is  the  Hospital 
of  St.  Cross,  where  is  still  maintained  a  curious 
charity,  which  was  founded  by  Henry  de  Blois, 
Bishop  of  Winchester,  in  the  year  1136.  This 
institution  was  established  for  housing,  clothing, 
and  feeding  thirteen  poor  men,  "  feeble  and  so 
reduced  in  strength  that  they  can  hardly  support 
themselves  without  another's  aid."  In  addition 
rooms  were  provided  for  chaplains  and  attendants, 
and  suitable  apartments  for  the  master.  The  thir- 
teen poor  men  on  the  foundation  had  a  daily  allow- 
ance of  three  and  a  half  pounds  of  bread,  a  gallon 
and  a  half  of  beer,  a  modicum  of  mortrel  (a  sort  of 
egg  flip  made  with  milk),  and  wastel  bread.  Twice 
a  day,  at  dinner  and  at  supper,  flesh  or  fish  was 
allowed,  and  dessert  followed  the  former  meal. 
It  has  been  truly  said  the  appetites  of  the  fortunate 
thirteen  were  certainly  not  stinted.  In  addition, 
the  charity  provided   food  for  a  hundred   of  the 


poorest  men  of  good  character  in  Winchester.  Each 
man,  it  is  stated,  was  allowed  two  messes  of  flesh  or 
fish,  according  as  the  day  was  a  fast  or  not,  a  loaf 
of  bread,  and  three  quarts  of  beer ;  and  if  a  man  could 
not  consume  his  allowance  he  might  take  it  home ; 
indeed  it  is  suggested  that  the  lavish  quantity  was 
provided  so  that  the  poor  man's  family  might  share 
in  it.  The  beer  in  these  remote  times  was  very  light 
and  not  of  an  intoxicating  character. 

The  founder  placed  his  hospital  under  the  general 
supervision  of  the  Hospitallers  of  St.  John  of 
Jerusalem,  an  order  that  had  been  established  in 
1 100,  but  the  arrangement  did  not  long  survive  its 
originator.  Henry  de  Blois  was  succeeded  in  his 
bishopric  in  1174  by  Richard  Tochyve,  and  he  and 
the  military  knights  disagreed  over  the  administra- 
tion. The  second  Henry  was  called  upon  to  act  as 
mediator  in  the  quarrel,  with  the  result  that  the 
Hospitallers  retired  and  the  control  passed  into  the 
hands  of  the  bishop,  who,  in  gratitude,  endowed 
dinners  for  another  hundred  men.  Scandals  in  the 
management  were  rife  when  William  of  Wykeham 
came  to  the  episcopal  throne  in  1367,  and  he  cor* 
rected  the  abuses.  In  1405,  Henry,  Cardinal  Beau- 
fort, thoroughly  restored  order,  and  greatly 
enriched  the  charity.  Extensive  enlargements  were 
undertaken,  and  provision  was  made  for  thirty-five 
more  inmates  and  for  additional  priests.  Rooms 
were  built  for  three  nuns  to  attend  to  the  sick 
in  the  infirmary. 

It  had  now  attained  a  large  measure  of  useful- 
ness, and  the  name  given  to  it  was  the  "  Almshouse 
of  Noble  Poverty,"  but  the  older  title  of  St.  Cross 


is  the  one  that  remains.  Henry  VIII.,  at  the  Refor- 
mation, made  no  formal  attack  on  this  house,  but  it 
is  said  he  considerably  reduced  its  revenues. 

From  the  reign  of  King  Stephen  down  to  the 
days  of  Edward  VII.,  this  charity  has  remained, 
and  still  follows  in  many  respects  the  regulations 
and  aims  of  its  founder.  The  residents  have  sunk 
to  the  original  number  of  thirteen,  the  daily  dinners 
for  200  poor  men  have  ceased,  but  a  tradition  of  it 
still  survives  in  the  Wayfarer's  Dole — a  slice  of 
bread  and  a  horn  of  ale  given  to  anyone  who  knocks 
at  the  porter's  lodge  and  asks  at  reasonable  hours. 

When  Emerson  was  in  England  he  called  at 
Si.  Cross  and  received  the  wayfarer's  dole.  He 
triumphantly  related  the  circumstance  as  a  proof  of 
the  majestic  stability  of  English  institutions.  When 
the  late  King  Edward  was  the  Prince  of  Wales 
he  made  application  and  obtained  the  bread  and 
beer.  American  visitors  on  repairing  to  this 
place  usually  ask  for  the  royal  horn.  You  have 
only  to  ask  and  receive,  no  questions  are  put. 


In  distant  times  a  pilgrimage  to  Canterbury 
delighted  our  ancestors,  and  to-day  a  visit  to  the 
ancient  city  is  equally  enjoyable.  It  is  delightfully 
situated  in  a  district  known  as  the  "  Garden  of 
England."  It  is  a  city  full  of  interest  to  the 
student  of  religion,  history,  architecture,  literature, 
and  kindred  subjects.  From  the  dawn  of  the  history 
of  this  country  Canterbury  appears  to  have  been  a 
place  of  importance.  Under  the  Britons  it  was 
known  as  Dur-whern,  and  it  is  supposed  that  Dane 
John  mound  was  one  of  their  works.  Lucius,  a 
mythical  British  king,  is  credited  with  building  the 
first  Christian  church,  a.d.  187,  on  or  about  the  site 
of  the  present  cathedral. 

The  Roman  name  was  Durovenum,  and  is 
specially  marked  on  the  Itinerary  of  Antoninus, 
and  its  importance  may  be  realised  from  the  fact 
that  the  two  great  military  roads,  Watling  Street 
and  Stone  Street,  met  here. 

By  the  Saxons  it  was  designated  Cantwars-byrig, 
the  fortress  of  the  men  of  Kent.  When  Ethelbert, 
in  597,  was  converted  to  Christianity,  this  town  was 
the  capital.  It  was  in  the  Saxon  era  that 
St.  Augustine  and  his  faithful  companions,  bearing 
a  silver  cross  and  chanting  songs  of  praise,  entered 
the  city;  they  found  the  teaching  of  the  Christian 



religion  recognised.  Queen  Bertha  worshipped  in 
the  church  of  St.  Martin,  which  belongs  to  Roman 
times,  and  it  was  here  that  St.  Augustine  started  his 
teaching.  Another  fane  known  later  as  St.  Pancras' 
Church,  which  had  previously  been  used  as  a  place 
of  pagan  worship,  was  given  to  the  Christian  Church. 
Other  favours  were  granted  by  the  King;  certain 
lands  were  given,  and  he  even  retired  from  his 
palace  and  presented  it  to  the  Church.  Thus  arose 
the  new  Archbishopric  of  Canterbury,  and  the  first 
union  of  Church  and  State. 

We  cannot  linger  over  the  first  cathedral,  and  its 
romantic  history,  the  story  of  its  pillage  by  the 
Danes,  and  its  almost  complete  destruction  by  fire. 
The  glory  and  chief  attraction  of  the  city  is  the 
cathedral.  It  and  its  surroundings  are  a  history 
of  England  in  stone.  "  There  is  no  church  or  place 
in  the  kingdom,'*  says  Dean  Stanley,  "  with  the 
exception  of  Westminster  Abbey,  that  is  so  closely 
connected  with  the  history  of  our  country  as  Canter- 
bury Cathedral.  It  is  not  too  much  to  say  that  if 
anyone  were  to  go  through  the  various  spots  of 
interest  in  and  around  and  asked — What  happened 
here?  Who  was  the  man  whose  tomb  we  see? 
Why  was  he  buried  here  ?  What  effect  did  his  life 
or  his  death  have  on  the  world  ? — a  real  knowledge 
of  the  history  of  England  would  be  obtained,  such 
as  the  mere  reading  of  books  or  hearing  lectures 
would  utterly  fail  to  supply. M  The  present  building 
comes  down  to  us  from  1070  to  1495.  It  is  made  up 
of  the  various  styles  of  architecture  which  prevailed 
between  the  times  named.  The  north-west  tower 
is  modern,  and  was  completed  in  1840,  replacing  a 







Norman  tower,  which  was  so  much  decayed  that  it 
could  no  longer  be  preserved. 

It  was  within  the  walls  of  this  cathedral  that 
Becket  was  murdered.  The  tragedy  was  the  out- 
come of  a  contest  between  Church  and  Crown.  An 
overture  was  made  in  11 70  by  Henry  II.  for  the 
banished  prelate  to  return  to  England.  He  came 
back  to  his  diocese,  and  one  of  his  first  acts  was  to 
suspend  the  Archbishop  of  York,  and  excommuni- 
cate two  bishops  who  had  taken  the  King's  side. 
His  Majesty  was  in  France  when  the  news  reached 
him,  and  without  deliberate  thinking  asked  if  some- 
one would  not  rid  him  of  the  pestilent  Becket.  Four 
knights  took  up  the  challenge,  and  made  their  way 
to  his  palace  at  Canterbury.  They  obtained  an 
interview  with  him  in  his  residence;  it  was  of  a 
stormy  character,  but  happily  their  weapons  were 
left  outside  the  house.  He  was  not  dismayed,  and 
boldly  said,  "  You  threaten  me  in  vain.  Were  all 
the  swords  of  England  hanging  over  my  head  you 
could  not  terrify  me  from  obedience  to  God,  and 
my  lord  the  Pope." 

A  terrible  scene  followed.  The  monks  closed  the 
doors  of  the  cathedral,  where  the  Archbishop  had 
repaired  to  evening  prayers,  but  he  bade  them  open 
the  doors,  saying,  "  The  church  must  not  be  turned 
into  a  castle.* '  The  knights  entered  and  slew 
Becket.  Still  is  pointed  out  the  site  of  the  murder, 
but  the  shrine — one  of  the  most  famous  in  the 
Middle  Ages — was  completely  demolished  by 
Henry  VIII. 

Of  the  many  interesting  tombs,  that  of  Edward, 
the  Black  Prince,  receives  the  greatest  attention. 


It  is  covered  with  a  canopy  which  was  once  richly 
painted;  above  it,  suspended  on  a  beam,  are  his 
helmet,  shield,  gauntlets,  surcoat,  and  the  scabbard 
for  his  sword.  It  is  said  that  the  sword  was  there 
until  the  time  of  Cromwell,  and  that  he  took  it 

Another  important  memorial  of  the  past  is  a  stone 
seat  called  St.  Augustine's  Chair,  on  which  have 
been  enthroned  all  the  Archbishops  of  Canterbury. 

The  crypt  is  large,  and  has  a  history  of  interest, 
the  more  important  part  of  which  relates  to  the 
French  and  Flemish  refugees.  Queen  Elizabeth,  in 
1 568,  gave  them  the  use  of  the  crypt  for  their  religious 
services,  conducted  by  their  own  preachers,  and  in 
which  to  set  up  their  silk-looms,  and  to  use  as  a 
residence.  Sunday  services  in  French  are  still  held 
here  for  the  descendants  of  the  Protestant  exiles. 

Both  the  inside  and  outside  of  the  cathedral  are 
extremely  majestic,  but  the  building  forms  only  a 
part  of  the  original  monastic  establishment.  It  is 
difficult  to  leave  the  cathedral  with  its  many  charms, 
but  we  must  remember  that  the  old  city  has  many 
buildings  of  great  interest  which  may  be  seen  in 
almost  every  direction. 

It  is  especially  rich  in  churches.  St.  Martin's  is 
the  mother  church  of  England,  and  draws  many 
people  to  it  on  account  of  its  remote  antiquity,  while 
others  have  special  points  of  interest.  There  are 
the  remains  of  several  monastic  houses,  which  are 
replete  with  historic  stories  of  the  olden  time.  The 
ancient  city  gates  are  very  fine,  more  especially 
the  West  Gate.  Some  of  the  old  city  walls  are  near 
to  the  famous  gate.      The  Royal  Museum  should 


be  visited,  as  it  contains  numerous  objects  of  local 
antiquarian  interest,  including  the  Burghmote  horn, 
with  which  the  Corporation  was  called  together, 
down  to  1835. 

The  old-time  records  of  Canterbury  throw  much 
light  on  the  social  and  domestic  life  of  the  city.     A 
quaint  note  about  lighting  the  place  occurs  in  1544. 
We  find   that    it  was   decided  "  that    during   the 
winter,   every   dark  night  the  aldermen,   common 
council,  and  inn-holders  are  to  find  one  candle,  with 
light,  at  their  doors,  and  the  other  inhabitants  are 
to  do   in   like  fashion  upon    request,   and  if  any 
lantern  be  stolen,  the  offender  shall  be  set  in  the 
pillory  at  the  mayor's  discretion ;  the  candles  are  to 
be  lighted  at  six,  and  continued  until  burnt  out." 
It  will  be  noticed  that  there  is  an  allusion  to  the 
pillory.       At  Canterbury  and  elsewhere  it  was  a 
custom   to  punish    people   at   the   time   of   public 
market.     Here,  in  the  year  1524,  a  man  was  set  up 
in  the  pillory,  which  was  in  the  Market  Place,  bear- 
ing a  paper  on  his  head  inscribed :  "  This  is  a  false, 
perjured,  and  forsworn  man."     He  was  confined 
in  the  pillory  until  the  market  was  over,  and  then 
led  to  the  West  Gate  and  thrust  out  of  the  city 
wearing  the  paper.     "  If  he  be  proud,"  says  an  old 
writer,  "  he  may  go  home  and  show  himself  among 
his  neighbours."    The  ducking  stool  was  frequently 
in  use  for  curing  scolding  women  and  others  guilty 
of  breaches  of  the  national  and  local  laws. 

Henry  VIII.,  in  1535,  ordered  courtiers  to  "  poll 
their  hair,"  and  permit  the  crisp  beard  to  grow. 
Taxing  the  beard  followed.  In  1549  tne  Sheriff  of 
the  city  paid  a  fine  of  3s.  ^d.  for  wearing  his  beard. 


Another  quaint  item  in  the  records  under  the  year 
1556,  is  an  order  directing  the  Mayor  every  year 
before  Christmas  to  provide  for  the  Mayoress,  his 
wife,  to  wear  one  scarlet  gown  and  a  bonnet  of 
velvet.  If  the  Mayor  failed  to  procure  the  fore- 
going he  was  liable  to  be  fined  ;£io. 

During  the  Commonwealth,  when  attempts  were 
made  to  stop  the  celebrations  of  Christmas,  Canter- 
bury was  one  of  the  cities  where  rioting  took  place. 
Those  in  authority  directed  the  holding  of  a  market 
on  Christmas  Day,  and  some  dozen  shopkeepers 
opened  their  premises.  The  populace,  supported 
by  some  of  the  "  classes,"  requested  the  tradesmen 
to  close  their  establishments,  and  on  their  refusing, 
broke  the  windows,  scattered  the  goods,  and 
roughly  treated  the  shopkeepers.  The  leading 
citizens  did  their  utmost  to  stop  the  riot,  promising 
that  if  the  people  would  disperse  no  further  notice 
would  be  taken  of  the  proceedings,  but  the 
authorities  would  not  accept  those  conditions,  and 
attempted  to  punish  the  ringleaders.  This  action 
gave  rise  to  more  rioting,  but  the  Government 
ultimately  dropped  the  matter,  fearing  that  the 
rioting  might  be  taken  up  in  London. 

There  are  several  fine  monuments  in  the  city.  One 
is  to  Marlowe,  a  native  of  Canterbury,  and  another 
is  to  the  memory  of  the  Kentish  martyrs  (thirty  men 
and  eleven  women),  who  suffered  death  under  Queen 
Mary.  The  old  streets  with  their  quaint  houses 
afford  pleasure  to  many,  and  there  are  the  usual 
public  buildings  of  an  old  city  full  of  importance, 
but  too  numerous  to  notice  at  length.  Canterbury 
has  only  to  be  seen  to  be  appreciated. 


The  delightfully  situated  and  well-built  city  of  Bath 
has  many  charms.  It  is  famous  in  legendary  lore, 
history,  literature,  and  fashion. 

We  may  regard  it  as  second  to  no  other  place  in 
the  country  for  chalybeate  springs.  Prosperity  has 
been  obtained  from  them  for  the  inhabitants  from 
an  early  period. 

Some  writers  relate  that  here,  800  years  before 
the  birth  of  Christ,  Prince  Bladud  was  cured  of 
leprosy.  He  was  the  son  of  the  ancient  British 
king,  Lud  Hudibras,  and  father  of  Shakespeare's 
King  Lear.  The  historian  is  on  far  safer  ground 
when  he  starts  with  the  Romans,  for  it  is  quite 
certain  that  in  early  Roman  times  Bath  was  a  place 
ot  importance,  and  that  the  conquerors  fully  recog- 
nised the  healing  properties  of  its  waters.  It  was  a 
Roman  station  called  Aquas  Solis,  and  it  was  here 
that  their  great  roads  from  London  and  from 
Lincoln  to  the  south  coast  intersected. 

The  site  of  the  forum  is  known,  and  from  time  to 
time  the  remains  of  temples,  altars,  and  pavements 
have  been  discovered.  In  1882  a  large  Roman  bath 
was  laid  bare.  This  and  others  were  founded  by 
Vespasian,  or  his  son  and  successor,  Titus, 
between  the  years  a.d.  69  and  81.  The  site  was 
covered  with  houses  and  forgotten,  and  it  was  quite 

23  c 


by  accident  that  it  was  found,  yet  the  large  bath,  in 
which  the  Romans  bathed  in  luxury,  is  82  feet  long, 
40  feet  wide,  and  4J  feet  in  depth.  Now  it  forms 
one  of  the  chief  points  of  interest  in  the  place.  Some 
Roman  baths  were  found  in  1755.  It  is  most  sur- 
prising that  such  important  and  large  baths  should 
be  so  long  lost  to  sight. 

The  Abbey  Church  has  a  long  and  interesting  and 
curious  history.  The  building,  as  we  see  it  to-day, 
is  the  latest  example  of  any  magnitude  erected  in 
this  country  in  the  purely  Gothic  style.  On  account 
of  numerous  and  splendid  windows  it  has  been 
called  the  "  Lantern  of  England.' *  On  a  cross  the 
story  of  the  church  is  told  in  outline,  and  reads  as 
follows : 

In  775  the  first  Cathedral  was  built  by  King  Offa. 

In  973  King  Edgar  was  crowned  therein. 

About  1010  the  church  was  destroyed  by  Sweyne,  the  Dane. 

And  rebuilt  by  John  de  Villula,  1018-1122. 

In  1 137  partly  destroyed  by  fire,  it  was  subsequently  restored 
by  Bishop  Robert,  1136-1166. 

In  1499  the  Cathedral,  then  in  a  ruinous  state,  was  taken 
down,  and  Bishop  King  and  Prior  Bird  began  to  build  the 
present  structure,  which  was  not  completed  for  public  worship 
until  1616. 

In  1834  the  Corporation  of  Bath  carried  out  extensive  repairs, 
and  removed  adjoining  buildings  which  for  many  years  had 
disfigured  the  church. 

In  1864  the  Rev.  Charles  Kemble,  aided  by  public  subscrip- 
tions, began  the  work  of  restoration  under  the  direction  of  Sir 
Gilbert  Scott,  R.A 

The  measurements  of  Bath  Abbey  Church  are  less 
than  half  those  of  York  Minster,  with  which  it  dis- 
putes for  the  title  of  the  "  Lantern  of  England. " 
Both  the  exterior  and  interior  of  the  church  of  Bath 
are  deeply  interesting,  and  the  windows  and  many 












BATH  25 

monuments  are  extremely  fine.  As  we  inspect  the 
monuments  we  are  reminded  of  a  well-known 
couplet : 

These  walls,  so  full  of  monument  and  bust, 
Show  how  Bath  waters  serve  to  lay  the  dust. 

The  poet  and  the  sculptor  have  united  in  lifting 
the  memorials  out  of  the  commonplace.  One  of  the 
best  epitaphs  is  on  Quin,  the  actor,  who  died  in  1766, 
at  the  age  of  73.     It  was  written  by  David  Garrick : 

The  tongue,  which  set  the  table  on  a  roar, 

And  charmed  the  public  ear,  is  heard  no  more  ; 

Closed  are  those  eyes,  the  harbingers  of  wit, 

Which  spake  before  the  tongue  what  Shakespeare  writ. 

Cold  is  the  hand,  which  living  was  stretched  forth 

At  friendship's  call  to  succour  modest  worth. 

Here  lies  James  Quin  ;  deign  reader  to  be  taught, 

Whate'er  thy  strength  of  body,  force  or  thought, 

In  Nature's  happiest  mould  however  cast, 

To  this  complexion  thou  must  come  at  last 

Quin  was  a  somewhat  wayward  man,  and  had  a 
misunderstanding  with  Rich,  the  manager  of 
Covent  Garden  Theatre,  which  resulted  in  the 
former  leaving  in  an  unceremonious  manner.  He 
soon  regretted  the  step  that  he  had  taken,  and  wrote 
to  his  old  friend  and  manager : 

I  am  at  Bath.— QuiN. 

Rich  did  not  deem  such  a  letter  a  sufficient 
apology  for  his  unwarrantable  conduct,  and 
replied : 

Stay  there  and  be  hanged. — Rich. 

There  is  a  monument  to  Beau  Nash,  the  master 
of  ceremonies  at  fashionable  Bath  in  his  day.  In 
Latin  prose  and  English  verse,    we  are  told  the 


virtues  and  power  of  the  man.  As  we  read  the 
pompous  inscription,  we  recall  his  encounter  with 
John  Wesley.  "  Early  in  1739,"  we  read,  Wesley 
*'  was  bold  enough  to  visit  Bath  and  brave  the 
scorn  of  Beau  Nash's  fashionable  throng.  Nash, 
whose  orders  were  obeyed  by  aristocrats,  was  not 
afraid  to  rebuke  the  humble  preacher,  and  in  Avon 
Street,  in  the  hearing  of  the  crowd,  he  plainly  told 
him  that  street  preaching  was  contrary  to  the  law, 
1  Besides,'  he  added,  *  your  words  frighten  people 
out  of  their  wits.'  *  Sir,'  said  Wesley,  '  did  you 
ever  hear  me  preach?  '  '  No,'  said  the  Master  of 
Ceremonies.  *  How  then  can  you  judge  of  what 
you  never  heard?'  *  By  common  report,'  said 
Nash  stoutly.  *  Common  report  is  not  enough. 
Give  me  leave,  sir,  to  ask,  is  not  your  name  Nash  ?  ' 
'  My  name  is  Nash.'  '  Sir,'  replied  Wesley,  '  I 
dare  not  judge  of  you  by  common  report.'  " 

The  witty  retort  greatly  amused  the  crowd,  and 
Nash  beat  a  silent  retreat  to  the  Pump  Room. 

As  we  read  the  inscriptions  we  are  impressed  by 
the  fact  that  within  the  walls  of  the  abbey  many 
find  a  resting-place  far  from  their  homes  situated 
in  distant  parts  of  the  country.  It  is  asserted  that 
no  other  church,  save  Westminster  Abbey, 
has  so  many  memorials  of  the  dead  as  Bath  Abbey 
Church,  which,  it  is  said,  has  more  than  six 
hundred.  There  are  other  interesting  churches  in 
the  city  which  will  well  repay  a  visit.  Some  of  the 
Nonconformist  churches  are  rich  in  associations  as 
well  as  attractive.  The  name  of  Jay,  of  Bath,  is 
important  in  the  annals  of  the  Free  Church,  and 
there  are  others  still  remembered. 

BATH  27 

Many  of  the  baths  and  public  buildings  which 
meet  the  eye  as  we  wander  through  the  streets 
are  of  considerable  interest,  and  display  taste  and 
wealth.  In  recent  times  a  most  important  addition 
has  been  made  to  the  attractions  of  the  town  by  the 
Holbourne  Museum,  which  was  presented  to  Bath 
by  Sir  Thomas  Holbourne,  Bart.,  and  contains  a 
fine  collection  of  pictures,  china,  and  porcelain  and 
other  artistic  treasures.  The  Royal  Literary  and 
Scientific  Institution  has  also  a  museum,  especially 
rich  in  geological  specimens  and  in  examples  of 
birds,  and  eggs,  and  other  natural  history  objects. 
The  gardens  of  the  institution  are  pleasant,  and 
extend  to  the  Avon,  a  river  which  adds  to  the 
charms  of  the  city.  The  parks  and  gardens  of  Bath 
are  pleasantly  situated  and  well  laid  out.  The 
Victoria  Park,  which  was  opened  in  1830  by  the  late 
Queen,  when  Princess  Victoria,  is  the  chief  in  the 
city,  and  contains  memorials  of  her  Majesty. 

The  Botanical  Gardens  are  a  favourite  haunt  of 
the  world  of  fashion.  The  best  of  music  adds  to 
the  attractions  of  Bath,  and  there  are  so  many  forms 
of  diversion  that  one  thinks  that  here  pleasure  is  the 
only  object  of  life. 

The  literary  annals  of  Bath  include  the  names  of 
leading  men-of-letters  of  the  past.  Jane  Austen  is 
in  several  ways  associated  with  the  city.  She  made 
it  her  home  in  the  earlier  years  of  the  nineteenth 
century.  Fanny  Burney  resided  in  the  city  for 
eight  years,  in  Gay  Street.  Sir  Walter  Scott  and 
Southey  spent  some  years  of  their  youth  here. 
Landor,  Wordsworth,  Dickens,  Macaulay,  Lord 
Lytton,  Goldsmith,  Sheridan,  Dr.  Johnson,  James 


Boswell,  and  many  others  have  been  residents  or 
visitors,  and  linked  their  names  with  the  literature 
relating  to  Bath.  In  many  directions  you  see  their 
names  on  the  houses  they  occupied,  or  find  them 
mentioned  in  the  local  guides.  That  benefactor  to 
the  journalistic  profession,  Sir  Isaac  Pitman, 
inventor  of  shorthand,  carried  on  for  many  years 
his  useful  work  in  the  city.  When  Pitman  was 
knighted  he  was  wont  to  say  the  title  was  a  white 
elephant,  but  the  stabling  did  not  cost  much ! 


The  city  of  Gloucester  occupies  a  bold  and  pleasant 
situation  on  the  left  bank  of  the  Severn.  It  is  a 
place  of  great  antiquity,  and  during  British  and 
Roman  ages  was  of  some  importance,  while  Bede 
asserts  that  in  the  Saxon  era,  when  it  was  in  the 
kingdom  of  Mercia,  it  was  one  of  the  noblest  cities 
in  the  kingdom.  The  lives  of  some  of  the  more 
notable  Saxons  are  associated  with  Gloucester. 
Here  in  896  Alfred  the  Great  held  a  Witenagemot. 
A  few  years  later,  if  we  follow  the  stream  of  history 
as  it  flows  through  the  ages,  we  must  record  that  the 
Danes  made  an  attack  on  the  city,  but  were  routed. 
Coming  down  to  940,  we  find  death  closing  the 
career  of  Athelstan.  He  had,  it  has  often  been 
stated,  a  claim  to  be  called  the  King  of  England. 
His  reputation  reached  far  beyond  his  native  shores, 
for  no  fewer  than  five  of  his  sisters  were  united  in 
marriage  to  Continental  princes.  Mr.  F.  A. 
Hyett,  B.A.,  the  author  of  a  capital  little  volume, 
"  Gloucester  in  National  History  "  (1896),  dismisses 
as  fiction  a  statement  which  has  found  its  way  into 
local  history.  "The  story  of  the  mutilation  and 
murder/*  says  Mr.  Hyett,  "of  Queen  JElgifu  at 
Gloucester,  about  the  year  958,  because  she  had 
contracted  an  uncanonical  marriage  with  King 
Eadwig,   was  coined  in   the  brain   of  a  monkish 



writer,  and  must  be  dismissed  as  legendary."  Some 
ten  years  later  King  Edgar  made  his  home  in  the 
city,  but  not  for  an  extended  period.  Early  in  the 
latter  half  of  the  tenth  century  the  Danes  were 
spreading  terror  and  committing  slaughter  in  the 
locality.  They  sailed  up  the  Severn  in  977.  It  is 
recorded  that  they  attacked  the  city,  which  they 
ravaged,  and  it  was  almost  consumed  by  fire. 

Christianity  was  introduced  into  Gloucester 
before  the  seventh  century,  and  has  since  retained 
its  hold  on  the  people  through  the  changes  of 
centuries.  It  has  found  its  way  into  proverbial 
lore.  "  As  sure  as  God's  in  Gloucester,"  is  an  old 
saying,  and  gave  rise  to  Oliver  Cromwell's  retort 
that  "  it  had  more  churches  than  godliness."  Here 
monasteries  and  other  sanctuaries  arose  in  Saxon 
times  for  praise  and  prayer.  In  1022  an  important 
Benedictine  Abbey  was  erected,  and  remained  an 
important  religious  house  until  its  suppression  in 

Our  early  Norman  kings  were  often  at  Gloucester. 

William  I.  and  II.  frequently  kept  their  Christ- 

mases  at  the  abbey.     The  tables  groaned  under  the 

profuse  fare  provided  for  the  feast.     These  ancient 

and  splendid  celebrations  of  the  olden  time  have 

passed  into  history.       It  is  pleasant  to  recall  an 

agreement  of  peace  at   Gloucester  at  one  of   the 

Christmas  festivals.     In  1098  the  second  William 

entertained  Malcolm,  King  of  Scotland,  and  at  the 

high  revels  settled  a  treaty.     Another  king  of  the 

House  of  Normandy  met  his  death  here,  not  on  the 

field    of   battle,    but  from    feasting   at   the   table. 

Henry  I.,  during  his  residence  in  the  city,  acquired 













i— I 









a  passion  for  lampreys,  and  died  of  a  surfeit  of  them 
in  1 135.  We  must  not  forget  that  he  had  attained 
the  age  of  sixty-seven,  and  had  reigned  thirty-five 
years,  much  longer  than  any  other  Norman  king. 

The  Empress  Maud  found  support  in  her 
troubled  career  from  the  citizens  of  Gloucester. 
When  she  escaped  from  the  castle  of  Winchester 
she  found  shelter  and  assistance  at  Gloucester.  The 
first  of  the  Plantagenet  line,  Henry  II.,  called 
together  a  great  council  to  this  city  in  1175.  King 
John  was  frequently  in  residence  at  the  castle  in  the 
city,  and  keenly  enjoyed  hunting  expeditions  in  the 
neighbouring  forest.  In  the  Abbey  of  Gloucester 
was  crowned  Henry  III.,  in  1216,  at  the  tender  age 
of  ten  years.  His  crown  was  merely  a  chaplet  of 
gold,  for  his  father,  King  John,  had  lost  the 
original  crown  of  the  country  when  crossing  the 
Wash.  The  third  Henry's  was  one  of  the  longest 
and  most  inglorious  reigns  in  the  annals  of 
England.  He  was  a  weak  and  vacillating  king, 
and  a  mere  puppet  of  powerful  barons.  It  is  asserted 
that  he  loved  Gloucester  better  than  London.  When 
defeated  at  Lewes  by  his  brother-in-law,  Simon  de 
Montfort,  and  taken  prisoner,  he  passed  his  con- 
finement in  Gloucester. 

It  has  been  an  important  place  of  Parliaments, 
and  among  the  monarchs  who  have  held  them  here 
were  Edward  I.,  Richard  II.,  Henry  IV.,  and 
Henry  V.,  and  even  to-day  some  of  the  statutes 
passed  are  still  in  force,  and  are  known  as  "  the 
Statutes  of  Gloucester."  In  1327,  that  weak 
monarch  Edward  II.  was  barbarously  murdered  at 
Berkeley  Castle,  and  his  remains  were  interred  in 


the  cathedral.  Richard  the  Third  granted  the  city 
a  charter,  but  his  name  does  not  win  any  local 
esteem,  for  it  was  from  Gloucester  that  he  wrote  the 
order  to  Brackenbury  for  the  murder  of  the  princes 
in  the  Tower.  A  warmer  welcome  was  given  to 
Henry  VII.  when  on  his  way  to  Bosworth  Field 
in  1485,  where  Richard,  the  last  of  the  House  of 
York,  was  slain.  It  is  generally  recorded  that 
Henry  VII.,  the  first  of  the  long  line  of  Tudors  to 
occupy  the  throne,  was  crowned  on  the  battlefield 
with  Richard's  diadem,  which  was  found  in  a 
hawthorn  bush  near  the  spot. 

Henry  VIII.  and  James  I.,  during  their  pro- 
gresses through  the  land,  were  warmly  welcomed 
at  Gloucester.  James  I.  lodged  at  the  Deanery, 
and  during  his  stay  touched  for  king's  evil.  The 
service  for  this  superstitious  rite  remained  in  the 
"  Book  of  Common  Prayer  "  as  late  as  1719.  The 
ceremony  had  been  dropped  five  years  earlier  by 
George  I. 

When  the  Civil  War  divided  the  households  of 
England  in  twain,  when  even  father  and  son 
belonged  to  different  parties,  and  brothers  fought 
under  different  banners,  the  city  which  had  so  often 
basked  in  the  sunshine  of  monarchs  threw  in  its  lot 
with  Parliament.  This  was  mainly  brought  about 
by  the  proceedings  of  the  Star  Chamber  and  by 
Archbishop  Laud,  who  had  been  an  unpopular 
Dean  of  Gloucester.  Charles  besieged  the  city, 
and  reduced  the  inhabitants  to  great  straits,  but 
they  were  relieved  by  Lord  Essex.  The  Royalists 
lost  a  thousand  men,  while  only  fifty  citizens  were 


When  the  Stuarts  came  to  their  own  again, 
Charles  II.  had  some  of  the  gates  and  walls  razed 
to  the  ground,  and  does  not  appear  to  have  had  any- 
friendly  feelings  to  the  city;  yet  the  citizens  sent 
him  warm  congratulations  on  his  safe  return  to  the 
throne  of  his  country.  In  later  times  other  royal 
visits  have  been  paid  to  the  city,  but  these  do  not 
relate  so  much  to  the  shaping  of  the  history  of 
England  as  those  of  far  distant  times. 

The  chief  building  in  the  city  is  the  cathedral, 
which  has  a  long  and  interesting  history.  It  is  the 
outcome  of  a  religious  house  founded  in  681,  but 
went  through  many  changes  down  to  1541,  in  which 
year  the  See  of  Gloucester  was  founded,  and  the 
then  abbey  church  became  a  cathedral.  The  tower 
is  very  fine,  and  a  beautiful  example  of  fifteenth 
century  work.  The  whole  of  the  exterior  is  pleas- 
ing, and  the  interior  is  of  great  interest,  and 
includes  many  important  monuments.  The  one 
raised  over  the  remains  of  the  murdered  King 
Edward  II.  brought  much  wealth  to  the  church.  It 
was  visited  by  pilgrims,  who  gave  freely  of  their 
substance.  They  lodged  at  the  New  Inn,  in  North- 
gate  Street,  one  of  the  oldest  houses  in  the  city, 
dating  back  to  1450.  It  is  strong  and  massive,  and 
timber  was  largely  used  in  its  construction.  It  has 
external  galleries  and  courtyard,  and  we  get  from 
it  a  good  idea  of  an  old-time  hostelry.  There  is  a 
curious  monument,  of  Irish  oak,  of  a  chest  on 
wheels,  with  an  effigy  (carved  on  top)  of  Robert 
Curthose,  eldest  son  of  William  the  Conqueror. 
He  was  a  great  benefactor  to  the  church,  and  when 
his  career  ended  after  being  a  prisoner  in  Cardiff 


Castle,  he  was  brought  here  for  interment  before 
the  high  altar.  Numerous  other  monuments  will 
arrest  the  attention  of  the  visitor,  of  men  and  women 
who  in  their  day  played  an  important  part  in  the 
drama  of  life.  Of  those  belonging  to  recent  times 
is  a  monument  in  memory  of  a  famous  Gloucester- 
shire man,  Dr.  Edward  Jenner  (1749 — 1823),  dis- 
coverer of  vaccination.  The  stained  glass  windows 
are  much  admired. 

Just  outside  the  abbey  gate  is  St.  Mary's  Square, 
the  scene  of  the  martyrdom  of  Bishop  Hooper.  A 
Gothic  cross  contains  his  statue.  It  was  erected  by 
public  subscription  in  1864.  This  memorial  recalls 
the  days  of  Queen  Mary,  when  an  attempt  was  made 
to  re-establish  the  Roman  Catholic  power  in 
England,  and  when  the  faithful  would  rather  suffer 
death  than  give  up  the  religion  they  believed  to  be 

A  half-timbered  house  is  still  standing  where 
Robert  Raikes  was  born  in  1735.  He  established 
the  earliest  Sunday  school,  which  was  conducted  in 
St.  Catherine  Street,  Gloucester.  His  father  was 
a  printer,  and  published  the  first  newspaper  issued 
in  the  city. 

Like  all  old  towns,  Ihe  city  has  its  quaint  and 
narrow  streets,  but  generally  speaking  the  thorough- 
fares are  broad  and  well  kept.  The  streets  are 
busy,  and  prosperity  prevails.  It  is  by  no  means 
a  sleepy  city.  There  are  the  usual  public  buildings, 
some  of  which  are  imposing,  for  conducting  the 
business  of  the  city  and  county. 

A  progressive  spirit  prevails  in  every  direction. 
There  is  a  capital  public  library,  well  abreast  of  the 


times.  It  has  a  good  special  collection  of  books 
relating  to  Gloucestershire.  Near  it  is  a  museum 
and  school  of  art,  which,  combined,  must  greatly 
add  to  the  improvement  of  popular  education  in  the 
city.  The  Gloucester  schools  are  both  numerous 
and  excellent. 

Gloucester  is  noted  for  its  love  of  music.  Alter- 
nately with  Worcester  and  Hereford  a  triennial 
musical  festival  is  held  in  the  city.  It  is  an  inland 
port  of  sea-going  ships.  It  was  declared  a  port 
in  1882,  and  the  Severn  is  reached  by  a  ship  canal. 

It  has  been  the  birthplace  of  many  notable  men, 
and  among  the  number  George  Whitfield,  the 
popular  preacher.  It  is  situated  in  a  charming 
district,  making  a  good  headquarters  for  a  holiday. 


This  city  has  a  quiet  charm  of  its  own,  which 
few,  if  any,  English  cities  can  surpass.  One,  it  is 
true,  notices  a  lack  of  the  wealth  which  prevails  in 
a  great  northern  city.  There  is  not  the  rank  and 
fashion  which  makes  an  inland  spa  so  popular. 
Matters  are  made  lively  by  the  motor-car  coming 
along  at  a  rapid  rate,  but  it  does  not  improve  the 
scenery.  It  merely  leaves  a  dust  and  smell  behind. 
The  shops  are  well  stocked,  and  give  an  indication 
that  the  citizens  have  money  and  taste.  There  are 
good  examples  of  architecture  and  important  anti- 
quarian remains,  while  the  annals  are  replete  with 
historical  interest;  and  a  rich  profusion  of  flowers 
in  every  direction  adds  to  the  beauty  of  the  cele- 
brated city  on  the  Wye.  It  has  numerous  quaint 
alleys;  but,  speaking  generally,  the  streets  are 
wide,  and  the  public  buildings  are  seen  to  advantage. 

The  first  view  of  Hereford,  if  it  is  obtained  from 
the  railway  station,  is  by  no  means  pleasing,  but 
as  one  proceeds  to  the  main  part  of  the  city,  having 
passed  the  grim-looking  county  prison,  and  reached 
High  Town,  the  attractiveness  of  the  place  is 

Doubtful  legends  go  back  to  an  early  period,  but 
it  is  not  until  the  Saxon  era  that  the  annals  take 
authentic  form.  It  was  ihe  capital  of  Mercia. 
Queen  Ethelfreda,  daughter  of  Alfred  the  Great, 



directed,  it  is  recorded,  that  a  castle  and  city  walls 
be  built  for  the  protection  of  the  inhabitants  against 
the  inroads  of  the  Welsh.  The  walls  were  raised 
round  three  sides  of  the  city,  and  the  Wye  afforded 
a  natural  protection  from  the  enemy  on  the  fourth. 
Only  a  small  portion  of  the  ancient  walls  remains, 
and  the  six  gates  which  gave  ingress  and  exit  to  the 
town  have  long  been  swept  away. 

When  Edward  the  Confessor  occupied  the 
throne,  history  relates  that  within  the  walls  there 
were  only  103  families,  and  each  citizen  who  took 
up  a  plot  of  land  had  to  pay  a  tax  of  fyd.  per  head, 
and  an  annual  payment  of  4^.  for  the  hiring  of 
horses  for  general  use.  He  had  to  perform  certain 
personal  services  such  as  the  sheriff  might  fix. 
Three  days7  reaping  in  August  was  one  of  the 
services  he  had  to  render.  Mr.  Richard  Johnson, 
a  former  Town  Clerk,  compiled  a  valuable  volume 
on  "  The  Ancient  Customs  of  the  City  of  Here- 
ford," which  presents  a  storehouse  of  local  informa- 
tion. From  its  pages  we  draw  a  few  items  of 
forgotten  lore.  Every  man's  wife,  it  appears,  who 
brewed  either  within  or  without  the  city,  had  to  pay 
a  tax  of  lod.  Brewing  is  one  of  the  most  ancient 
trades,  but  has  long  been  regarded  as  an  inferior 
calling,  and  on  this  account  in  bygone  times  was 
usually  conducted  by  women.  Tradesmen  groaned 
under  taxes  in  the  past  as  they  do  in  the  present. 
The  city  in  early  times  had  six  blacksmiths,  and 
each  had  to  pay  a  penny  for  the  use  of  his  forge, 
besides  making  120  nails  for  the  King.  William  I. 
established  a  mint  in  the  city,  and  the  inhabitants 
had  to  pay  him  £60  a  year  in  silver  money  for  the 


privilege  of  coining.  Every  house  in  the  city  was 
taxed  at  the  rate  of  a  pound  a  year.  In  the  every- 
day life  of  the  people  bells  played  an  important 
part.  The  ringing  of  the  bell  was  the  intimation 
that  vagrants  and  night-walkers  must  leave  the  city. 
When  a  fire  broke  out  of  a  terrible  character,  or 
when  a  coming  enemy  was  announced,  a  bell  was 
rung  which  brought  together  the  citizens.  In  the 
event  of  a  fire,  each  man  came  with  a  leather  bucket 
to  throw  water  on  the  flames;  but  if  foes  were 
approaching  he  responded  to  the  call  armed  with 
weapons  as  fitted  his  degree.  Scolding  women 
could  not  be  tolerated,  and  were  made  to  suffer 
degrading  forms  of  punishment. 

Nearly  all  roads  at  Hereford  lead  to  the  cathedral, 
and  the  visitor  experiences  little  trouble  in  getting 
there.  Its  beautiful  and  massive  tower  at  once 
arrests  attention  from  different  parts  of  the  city.  It 
may  not  be  so  striking  as  the  tall  and  graceful  spire 
of  All  Saints',  Hereford,  but  it  is  far  more  impres- 
sive, and  when  seen  from  the  riverside  at  some  little 
distance,  a  picture  is  presented  which  cannot  be  for- 
gotten. The  cathedral  is  not  a  large  one,  but  it  is 
full  of  architectural  features  of  the  greatest  possible 
interest.  It  is  built  of  a  reddish-coloured  stone, 
which  gives  it  a  warm  and  pleasing  appearance. 
Hereford  is  one  of  the  oldest  sees  in  England, 
dating  from  the  seventh  century.  There  can  be 
little  doubt  that  the  oldest  church  was  a  rude  struc- 
ture of  wood.  We  know  that  the  erection  of  a  stone 
church  was  started  in  830  a.d.,  in  honour  of  Saint 
Ethelbert,  the  King  of  East  Anglia,  who  was 
murdered  by  Offa  near  Hereford.     Miracles  were 


North  Transept  and  Tower 
of  the  Cathedral. 

'  -*' 


said  to  have  been  wrought  at  the  King's  shrine. 
During  the  reign  of  Edward  the  Confessor  the 
church  was  re-built,  but  it  did  not  remain  long  a 
house  of  prayer,  as  the  Irish  and  Welsh  plundered 
it  and  set  it  on  fire. 

The  present  cathedral  was  begun  by  Robert  de 
Losing,  who  was  consecrated  bishop  in  1079  A«D»> 
and  in  11 10  a.d.  the  church  was  consecrated.  Many 
important  additions  were  made,  but  prayer  and 
praise  of  holy  men  were  heard  within  the  sanctuary, 
while  the  sound  of  the  trowel,  hammer,  and  chisel 
was  heard  without.  We  have  here  good  examples 
of  Norman,  Early  English,  Decorated,  Perpen- 
dicular, and  modern  architecture.  A  large  pro- 
fusion of  ball  flower  ornaments  will  be  noticed.  The 
outer  part  of  the  north  porch  is  the  latest  addition 
to  the  mediaeval  church.  On  Easter  Monday,  1786, 
the  west  end  of  the  cathedral  fell,  carrying  away  a 
tower  and  part  of  the  nave.  Wyatt  was  employed 
to  repair  the  church,  and  his  extensive  alterations 
did  not  improve  it ;  indeed,  his  work  may  be  called 
vandalism.  Happily  under  Cottingham  and  Sir 
Gilbert  Scott  many  improvements  have  been 

The  interior  contains  many  interesting  objects 
which  charm  and  detain  the  visitor.  Chantries, 
shrines,  monuments,  crosses,  stained  glass 
windows,  a  remarkable  crypt,  and  other  features 
arrest  attention.  The  organ  was  built  in  1686,  and 
was  a  present  to  the  faithful  city  by  Charles  II.,  in 
gratitude  for  the  aid  of  the  citizens  to  the  Stuart 
cause  in  the  time  of  war.  In  recent  times  it  has 
been  rebuilt  at  a  considerable   cost.    We  cannot 


profess  to  describe  at  length  the  many  objects  of 
interest  in  the  cathedral,  volumes  would  be  required 
for  that  purpose;  but  we  must  not  passa  curious  map 
of  the  world  without  reproducing  a  short  notice  of 
it,  for  it  proves  of  interest  to  most  visitors.     For  a 
long  period  it  was  lost,   but  was  afterwards  dis- 
covered under  the  floor  of  Bishop  Audley's  Chapel. 
It  is  believed  to  date  back  to   1314  a.d.,  and  was 
designed    by    Richard    of    Holdingham    and    of 
Lafford  (Holdingham  and  Sleaford,  Lincolnshire). 
1 '  It  is  believed,"  says  Prebendary  Havergal,  "  to 
be  one  of  the  oldest  maps  in  the  world ;  and  it  is 
full  of  the  deepest  interest.     It  is  founded  on  the 
cosmographical  treatises  of  the  time,  which  gener- 
ally commence  by  stating  that  Augustus  Caesar  sent 
out  three    philosophers,   Nichodoxus,    Theodotus, 
and  Polictitus,  to  measure  and  survey  the  world, 
and  all  geographical  knowledge  was  the  result.     In 
the   left-hand  corner  of  the  map  the   Emperor  is 
delivering  to  the  philosophers  written  orders,  con- 
firmed by  a  handsome  mediaeval  seal.    The  world 
is  here  represented  as  round,  surrounded  by  the 
ocean.     At   the    top    of   the    map    is    represented 
Paradise,  with  rivers  and  trees;  also  the  eating  of 
the  forbidden  fruit  and  the  expulsion  of  the  first 
parents.     Above  is  a  remarkable  representation  of 
the  Day  of  Judgment,  with  the  Virgin  Mary  inter- 
ceding for  the  faithful,  who  are  seen  rising  from 
their  graves   and  being  led  within   the   walls   of 
Heaven.     The  map  is  chiefly  filled  with  ideas  taken 
from  Herodotus,  Solinus,  Isidore,  Pliny,  and  other 
ancient  historians.     There  are  numerous  figures  of 
towns,    animals,   birds,  and  fish,   with    grotesque 


customs,  which  mediaeval  geographers  believed  to 
exist  in  different  parts  of  the  world ;  Babylon,  with 
its  famous  tower ;  Rome,  the  capital  of  the  world, 
bearing  an  inscription :  *  Roma  caput  mundi, 
tenet,  orbis  fiena  rotundi,'  and  Troy  as  *  Civitas 
bellicosissima.'  In  Great  Britain  most  of  the 
cathedrals  are  mentioned;  but. of  Ireland  the  author 
seems  to  have  known  very  little.  Among  the  points 
of  interest  are  the  columns  of  Hercules,  the  Laby- 
rinth of  Crete,  the  Pyramids  of  Egypt,  the  House 
of  Bondage,  the  journeys  of  the  Children  of  Israel, 
the  Red  Sea,  Mount  Sinai,  with  figures  of  Moses 
and  his  supposed  place  of  burial,  the  Phoenician 
Jews  worshipping  the  molten  image,  Lot's  wife, 
etc."  We  must  admit  that  the  foregoing  does  not 
equal  the  rapid  and  racy  description  of  the  map  as 
given  by  the  verger  when  he  hurries  groups  of 
tourists  round  the  building.  His  account  must  be 
heard  to  be  fully  appreciated. 

The  cathedral  library  is  full  of  rare  and  valuable 
works,  the  outcome  of  a  monastic  collection  of 
books.  Many  are  in  chains,  and  without  doubt 
form  the  largest  and  finest  collection  of  books  in 
chains  in  this  country.  The  oldest  volume  is  a 
Latin  version  of  the  Four  Gospels  in  Anglo-Saxon 
characters.  It  is  at  least  a  thousand  years  old,  and 
written  on  stout  vellum.  The  book-lover  will 
experience  some  difficulty  in  tearing  himself  away 
from  this  earthly  paradise. 

Hard  by  the  cathedral  is  the  Episcopal  Palace, 
with  its  beautiful  grounds  near  the  river.  It  is 
formed  almost  entirely  out  of  an  ancient  Norman 
hall,  with  pillars  of  timber.     Here  rich  and  poor 


are  welcomed  to  many  pleasant  functions.  The 
grounds  appear  to  belong  to  the  public  as  much  as 
to  the  kindly  disposed  bishop.  His  lordship  sets 
an  example  which  others  might  follow  with  advan- 
tage. On  a  brass  plate  on  the  bishop's  garden  wall 
in  Gwynne  Street,  is  the  following  inscription  : 

Site  of  the  birthplace  of 

Nell  Gwynne 

Founder  of  Chelsea  Hospital,  and 

Mother  of  first  Duke  of  St.  Albans 

Born  1650 ;   died  1691. 

In  the  "  Story  of  Nell  Gwyn,"  by  Peter 
Cunningham  (second  edition,  London,  1903),  are 
a  couple  of  illustrations  from  photographs  taken 
in  1858,  of  the  humble  home  in  which  this  cele- 
brated woman  was  born. 

Not  far  from  the  cathedral  is  the  Castle  Green, 
tastefully  laid  out  with  public  walks.  The  winding 
Wye  and  the  charming  country  around  may  be 
seen  from  this  elevated  position ;  large  trees  offer 
a  grateful  shelter  in  hot  weather,  and  the  flower 
beds  and  green  grass  delight  the  eye.  In  the  centre 
of  the  ground  is  a  column,  sixty  feet  high,  erected 
in  honour  of  Lord  Nelson.  Here  stood  the  castle, 
pronounced  one  of  the  strongest  and  largest  of 
English  fortresses.  Its  historical  associations  are 
of  national  as  well  as  of  local  importance.  As  we 
sit  to-day  in  the  pleasant  grounds,  pictures  of  the 
past  rise  before  us.  We  see  issue  from  the  strong- 
hold in  1055,  Earl  Ranulph,  the  Norman  nephew  of 
Edward  the  Confessor,  to  meet  on  the  field  of  battle 
Algar,   Earl  of  Chester,  and  Llewellyn,   King  of 


Wales.  The  fortunes  of  war  were  against  Ranulph, 
and  he  was  defeated  and  lost  800  men.  The  Welsh 
invested  the  city,  and  the  cry  of  the  dying  was  heard 
in  a  general  massacre.  In  this  time  of  tribulation 
the  glory  of  the  city  departed ;  but  not  for  ever,  for 
it  had  other  dramas  to  play  in  history.  Soon  after- 
wards Harold  the  Saxon  came  on  the  local  scene. 
He  entertained  his  brother  Tostig,  who  showed  his 
ingratitude  by  attacking  Harold  and  his  followers. 
Coming  down  the  historical  stream  of  time,  we 
find  that  in  1139,  William  Talbot,  a  partisan  of 
Queen  Maud,  captured  the  castle,  and  held  it  for 
three  years,  when  he  was  driven  out  of  the  strong- 
hold by  King  Stephen.  Prince  Edward  came  here 
a  prisoner  after  the  Battle  of  Lewes  (1264),  but 
managed  to  make  his  escape  the  following  May. 
When  the  Wars  of  the  Roses  divided  the  country 
in  twain,  a  tragedy  was  enacted  here.  After  the 
Battle  of  Mortimer  Cross,  Owen  Tudor  and  nine 
other  leading  Lancastrian  officers  were  brought 
here  and  beheaded.  During  the  not  less  severe 
Civil  War,  between  King  and  Parliament,  the 
castle  withstood  three  sieges.  Its  end  came  in  1652, 
when  the  Parliamentary  Commissioners  disposed  of 
the  materials  for  £8$.  To-day  it  is  a  memory  of 
the  past.  As  we  recall  the  scenes  and  lives  of 
bygone  times,  we  feel  thankful  that  our  lot  has  been 
cast  in  happier  days. 

Let  us  wend  our  way  through  the  cathedral  close, 
and  leave  it  to  enter  Broad  Street.  Opposite  us 
is  the  Public  Free  Library  and  Museum.  It  is  a 
building  in  the  Gothic  style,  and  is  an  ornament 
to  the  street  in  which  it  stands.     It  was  given  to  the 


city  by  Sir  James  Rankin,  Bart.  There  is  a  good 
circulating  library  and  a  carefully  selected  and 
valuable  reference  library,  which  is  extremely  rich 
in  Herefordshire  books.  The  museum  includes  a 
fine  collection  of  birds  and  objects  of  local  interest. 
Some  good  pictures  adorn  the  walls.  It  is  the  head- 
quarters of  the  Woolhope  Club.  It  is  a  most  use- 
ful and  popular  institution. 

There  are  several  parish  churches  in  the  city. 
All  Saints'  attracts  the  most  attention,  for  it  has 
many  interesting  features  which  are  not  usually 
met  with  in  a  parish  church.  It  has  undergone  a 
careful  and  somewhat  extensive  restoration,  which 
has  not  destroyed  its  old-time  character.  Its  tower 
and  graceful  spire  is  212  feet  4  inches  from  the 
ground.  We  read  that  in  187 1  the  spire  was 
repaired,  and  the  weather-cock  refixed  by  Mr.  Frith, 
of  Coventry.  His  fearless  and  skilful  operations 
were  watched  with  interest  and  anxiety  by  the 
inhabitants.  As  late  as  1892,  the  whole  church  was 
re-roofed,  and  other  work  carried  out.  It  is  not 
known  when  it  was  built,  but  Henry  III.  gave  it 
to  the  Master  and  Brethren  of  St.  Anthony  of 
Vienna.  There  are  some  finely  carved  stalls  and 
a  remarkable  pulpit.  The  registers  include  the 
names  of  a  large  number  of  famous  men,  including 
the  baptism  of  the  celebrated  actor  David  Garrick. 
A  brass  plate  on  the  wall  near  the  vestry  door  bears 
the  following  inscription : 

In  Memory  of 

David   Garrick 

Who  was  born  in  this  parish,  and  baptised  in  this  church, 

28th  February,  1779, 
and  was  interred  at  Westminster  Abbey. 


A  house  known  as  "  The  Raven  Inn,"  situated 
at  the  junction  of  Widemarsh  and  Manylord 
Streets,  near  the  Market  Place,  is  pointed  out  as 
Garrick's  birthplace.  Near  at  hand  is  the  Garrick 
Theatre.  It  is  asserted  at  Hereford  that  Clive,  Mrs. 
Siddons,  Kemble,  and  Garrick  started  their  stage 
careers  here.  In  the  vestry  of  All  Saints'  Church  is  a 
chained  library,  perhaps  trie  last  formed  in  this 
country.  It  was  not  until  1725  that  William 
Brewster,  M.D.,  bequeathed  the  books  to  the  parish. 
Many  of  the  volumes  are  good,  but  by  no  means 
rare.  No  doubt  the  doctor  got  his  idea  of  a  chained 
library  from  the  one  at  the  cathedral.  After  being 
lost  to  the  church  for  many  years  the  preacher's 
hour-glass  has  been  returned.  It  was  formerly 
placed  near  the  pulpit  in  sight  of  the  preacher  and 
the  people.  The  example  is  one  of  a  type  common 
in  bygone  times,  and  of  which  only  a  few  remain. 
Long  discourses  were  appreciated  by  the  Puritans, 
and  if  a  clergyman  completed  his  sermon  under  an 
hour,  he  was  regarded  as  a  lazy  man,  and  obtained 
little  respect  from  his  critical  congregation. 

In  Wildmarsh  Street  is  the  Coningsby  Hospital, 
better  known  as  the  Red  Coat  Hospital,  on  account 
of  the  colour  of  the  inmates'  coats.  It  dates  back 
to  the  year  1614,  when  it  was  founded  by  Sir 
Thomas  Coningsby,  knight,  for  occupation  by 
eleven  poor  men  and  a  chaplain.  The  inmates  are 
old  sailors,  soldiers,  or  servants  born  in  the  counties 
of  Hereford,  Worcester,  or  Gloucester.  Each  has 
a  home  on  the  foundation,  and  a  sum  of  money 
monthly.  The  chapel  and  homes  are  quaint  and 
well  worth  seeing.    The  founder  directed  that  each 


servitor  on  his  admission  is  to  be  supplied  with  "  a 
fustian  suit  of  ginger  colour,  of  a  soldierlike 
fashion,  and  seemly  laced ;  a  cloak  of  red  cloth  lined 
with  red  baize,  and  reaching  to  the  knee,  to  be 
worn  on  walks  or  journeys,  and  a  gown  of  red  cloth 
reaching  to  the  ankle,  lined  also  with  red  baize  to 
be  worn  within  the  hospital.' '  The  building  was  a 
commandery  belonging  to  the  Knights  of  St.  John 
of  Jerusalem. 

In  the  rear  of  the  hospital  are  the  remains  of  the 
Black  Friars'  Monastery,  founded  in  1276.  There 
is  also  a  preaching  cross,  erected  in  1350,  and 
restored  by  Sir  Gilbert  Scott.  On  the  White  Cross 
Road  was  the  Lazarus  Hospital,  said  to  have  been 
founded  for  persons  afflicted  with  leprosy  and  other 
contagious  diseases.  Near  it  is  the  Lingen's 
Hospital,  instituted  in  1609,  for  the  support  of 
poor  widows.  New  buildings  have  replaced  the 
older  structures,  but  the  charities  remain ;  indeed, 
Hereford  is  a  city  of  charities.  The  White  Cross 
Road  derives  its  name  from  an  ancient  white  stone 
cross,  which  is  said  to  mark  the  site  where  the 
market  was  held  in  1660,  when  the  plague  raged  in 
the  city. 

One  of  the  most  interesting  buildings  in  Hereford 
stands  in  High  Town,  and  is  now  used  as  Lloyd's 
Bank.  It  is  half  timbered,  and  of  the  style  which 
prevailed  in  the  reign  of  Queen  Elizabeth ;  it  was 
restored  in  1882.  The  carving  within  and  without 
is  beautifully  executed.  At  one  period  in  its  history 
it  was  the  Butchers'  Guild  Hall,  and  over  the 
entrance  is  the  old  bull-ring,  which  was  used  when 
animals  were  baited.     A  part  of  the  city  where  the 


sport  took  place  is  known  as  the  Bull  Ring.  In 
1802  a  Bill  to  abolish  bull-baiting  was  thrown  out 
of  the  Commons.  Mr.  Windham  made  a  powerful 
speech  in  favour  of  the  custom.  The  brutal  pastime 
continued  down  to  1835,  when  it  was  made  illegal 
by  Act  of  Parliament. 

Hereford  received  its  first  charter  in  11 17,  and 
since  that  period  others  have  been  granted  which 
have  conduced  to  the  welfare  of  the  inhabitants. 

Charles  I.  recognised  the  loyalty  of  the  citizens 
during  the  siege,  and  augmented  the  city  arms  with 
the  motto :  Invictce  fidelitatis  prcemtum.  The 
public  buildings  for  conducting  the  business  of  the 
city  and  county  include  a  Guild  Hall,  Shire  Hall, 
Town  Hall,  Corn  Exchange,  General  Hospital, 
schools,  etc. 

The  rambles  and  rides  round  Hereford  are 
delightful.  A  long  and  pleasant  holiday  may  be 
spent  in  this  city  on  the  Wye.  The  walks  along  the 
banks  of  the  river  afford  much  pleasure,  and  the 
stream  provides  a  good  opportunity  for  boating. 
It  is  an  ideal  place  for  a  restful  holiday. 


This  Shropshire  town  has  been  extolled  in  poetry 
and  prose,  and  its  charms  entitle  it  to  all  the  praise 
it  has  received.  The  borough  teems  with  places 
of  interest,  and  has  a  long  and  stirring  history. 
For  an  extended  period  it  was  the  home  of  royalty, 
and  associated  with  it  are  some  celebrated  authors. 
As  one  treads  its  wide  but  by  no  means  busy  streets, 
breathing  its  pure  air,  we  are  not  surprised  that  its 
fame  is  widely  known.  To  have  visited  Ludlow  is 
to  remember  its  charms. 

As  we  make  our  way  from  the  station  to  the 
castle,  we  pass  "  The  Feathers,"  which  is  among 
the  more  famous  inns  of  the  country.  It  is  a  fine 
example  of  the  magpie  style  of  architecture.  It  is 
described  in  an  old  deed  in  1656  as  an  inn,  but  most 
probably  it  was  one  before  that  period.  Clear 
proof  has  been  adduced  that  there  was  an 
existing  house  in  1609,  and  it  has  been  suggested 
that  as  in  1616  there  was  a  celebration  at  Ludlow  of 
"  The  Love  of  Wales  to  their  sovereign  Prince," 
from  this  circumstance  it  may  have  been  called 
"  The  Feathers."  There  is  some  excellent  carving 
without  and  within  this  inn,  and  the  finely  studded 
door  is  of  the  same  antiquity  as  the  building. 

The  Castle  of  Ludlow,  the  chief  of  thirty-two  castles 
which  guarded  the  Welsh  border,  was  built  in  its 
commanding  position  on  a  lofty  promontory,  above 
the  meeting  of  the  Teme  and  Carve.     Its  massive 













Norman  keep  is  no  feet  high.  It  dates  back  to  the 
eleventh  century.  We  cannot  here  follow  its  story 
at  any  great  length.  For  an  extended  period  it  was 
a  royal  residence.  It  has  sunny  memories  of 
gladness,  and  of  tragedies  which  cast  a  gloom  over 
the  pages  of  history. 

When  Edward  IV.  was  on  the  throne  he  put  this 
stronghold  in  repair,  and  here  his  eldest  son  was 
brought  up  in  considerable  state.  His  maternal 
uncle,  Lord  Rivers,  and  his  half-brother,  Sir 
Richard  Grey,  had  the  chief  charge  of  him,  and  his 
tutor  was  Bishop  Alcock  of  Worcester.  Shortly 
before  his  death  the  King  drew  up  a  set  of  rules  for 
his  son's  daily  use  at  this  castle.  They  embraced 
orders  for  his  daily  attendance  at  morning  mass, 
his  school  tasks,  his  amusements,  and  for  his  treat- 
ment at  table.  No  man  was  to  sit  with  him  at 
table  without  permission  of  Lord  Rivers.  During 
his  meals  it  was  directed  that  there  should  "  be  read 
before  him  noble  stories  as  behoveth  a  prince  to 
understand;  and  that  the  communication  at  all 
times,  in  his  presence,  be  of  virtue,  honour,  cunning 
(knowledge),  wisdom,  and  deeds  of  worship,  and 
of  nothing  that  should  move  him  to  vice."  The 
Prince  was  only  twelve  when  his  father  died,  and 
at  Ludlow  Castle  he  was  proclaimed  King  as 
Edward  V.  When  a  couple  of  weeks  had  passed 
with  his  guardians  he  set  out  for  London  on  the 
24th  April,  1483,  not  to  sit  on  the  throne,  but  to 
perish  in  the  Tower. 

Henry  VII.  had  his  eldest  son  Arthur,  Prince 
of  Wales,  educated  here,  under  the  guardianship 
of  a  distant  relation,  Sir  Rhys  ap  Thomas,  and  the 


King  frequently  visited  Ludlow.  Before  the  Prince 
was  sixteen  he  married  Catherine  of  Arragon,  aged 
eighteen,  and  he  died  less  than  five  months  after- 
wards, and  in  1502  was  buried  at  Worcester. 

In  the  hall  of  this  castle  was  first  performed,  on 
Midsummer  Night,  1634,  Milton's  masque  of 
"Comus"  (the  god  of  mirth).  It  was  written  to 
commemorate  the  two  sons  and  daughter  of  the 
Earl  of  Bridgwater,  President  of  the  Marches  of 
Wales,  losing  their  way  at  night  in  Heywood 
Forest,  Herefordshire.  They  were  coming  on 
horseback  to  Ludlow  to  witness  their  father's 

Samuel  Butler  visited  the  castle  at  the  Restora- 
tion, when  the  President  was  the  poet's  friend,  the 
Earl  of  Carbenny.  In  a  room  over  the  gateway 
Butler  wrote  part  of  his  *'  Hudibras."  There  are 
other  literary  associations  linked  with  this  strong- 
hold. The  most  interesting  is  the  stay  of  Richard 
Baxter,  as  a  pupil,  with  the  chaplain,  Mr.  Richard 
Wickstead.  "  During  his  short  residence  at 
Ludlow  Castle,"  it  is  related  in  Orme's  life  of  the 
popular  preacher,  "  Baxter  made  a  narrow  escape 
from  acquiring  a  passion  for  gaming,  of  which  he 
gives  a  curious  account.  The  best  gamester  in  the 
house  undertook  to  teach  him  to  play.  The  first 
or  second  game  was  so  nearly  lost  by  Baxter  that 
his  opponent  betted  him  a  hundred  to  one  against 
him,  laying  down  two  pounds  ten  shillings  to  his 
sixpence.  He  told  him  there  was  no  possibility  of 
his  winning  but  by  getting  one  cast  of  the  die  very 
often.  No  sooner  was  the  money  down  than  Baxter 
had  every  cast  tha!  he  wished ;  so  before  a  person 


could  go  three  or  four  times  round  the  room  the 
game  was  won.  This  so  astonished  him  that  he 
believed  the  devil  had  the  command  of  the  dice, 
and  did  it  to  entice  him  to  play ;  in  consequence  of 
which  he  returned  the  two  pounds  ten  shillings, 
and  resolved  never  to  play  more." 

It  is  not  our  desire  to  follow  the  history  of  the 
stronghold  in  the  time  of  war,  for  one  tale  relating 
to  a  castle  is  much  like  others  often  told.  It  was 
dismantled  after  its  surrender  in  the  Parliamentary 
Wars  in  1646,  and  allowed  to  fall  into  decay;  but 
in  its  fallen  glory  it  is  one  of  the  most  picturesque 
ruins  in  the  country. 

An  item  of  folk-lore  may  be  mentioned.  It  is 
believed  that  if  a  child  is  suffering  from  whooping 
cough,  and  taken  to  the  castle,  to  waken  the  echo 
with  these  words,  "  Echo,  please  take  away  my 
child's  cough,"  a  cure  will  be  effected. 

There  are  some  remains  left  of  the  old  town  wall, 
and  one  of  the  ancient  gates  of  Ludlow  still  exists. 
It  nearly  blocks  the  way,  but  we  trust  it  will  long 
remain  as  an  example  of  fourteenth  century  work. 

The  once  Collegiate  Church  of  St.  Lawrence  is  a 
fine  late  Perpendicular  building.  It  is  ranked 
among  the  finest  parish  churches  in  England.  It 
replaces  a  twelfth  century  church,  and  the  building 
of  the  present  church  lasted  into  the  earlier  part 
of  the  thirteentn  century.  Important  additions 
were  made,  early  and  late  in  the  fourteenth  century. 
The  embattled  porch  at  the  south  entrance  is 
extremely  fine.  In  the  church  are  many  monu- 
ments of  those  connected  with  the  castle,  and  not- 
able people  of  the  town  and  district.  The  collegiate 


stalls  of  the  College  of  the  Palmers*  Guild  have 
spirited  and  grotesque  misereres  which  attract  much 
attention.  Stained  glass  windows  add  to  the  beauty 
of  the  sanctuary. 

As  might  be  expected  the  churchyard  has  a 
number  of  curious  epitaphs.  The  following  is 
from  the  tomb  of  John  Abingdon,  "  who  for  forty 
years  drove  the  Ludlow  coach  to  London,  a  trusty 
servant,  a  careful  driver,  and  an  honest  man."  He 
died  in  1827 : 

His  labour's  done,  no  more  to  town 

His  onward  course  he  bends  ; 
His  team's  unshut,*  his  whip  laid  up, 

And  here  his  journey  ends. 
Death  locked  his  wheels  and  gave  him  rest, 

And  never  more  to  move, 
Till  Christ  shall  call  him  with  the  blest 

To  heavenly  realms  above 

In  the  churchyard  is  the  Reader's  residence,  a 
good  half-timbered  house  bearing  the  date  1616. 

Another  place  of  antiquarian  interest  is  the 
Grammar  School,  founded  by  the  Guild  of  Palmers, 
and  refounded  from  its  property  on  its  dissolution 
by  Edward  VI.  There  is  claimed  for  it  the  distinc- 
tion of  being  the  oldest  grammar  school  in 
England.  It  has  had  some  famous  principals  and 
pupils.  Early  in  the  fourteenth  century  Dondonit, 
a  Breton  priest,  was  the  master,  and  while  at 
Ludlow  published  several  books.  He  was  laid  to 
rest  in  the  churchyard  of  St.  Lawrence,  and  it  is 
recorded  that  an  epitaph  as  follows  was  inscribed 
to  his  memory : 

*  (i 

Unshut"  is  a  Shropshire  word  for  unharnessed. 


In  Dunccumb's  grave  John  Dondonit's  body  lies ; 
His  soul,  God's  grace  attend  it  to  the  skies ; 
Though  absent  from  his  native  country  here, 
His  grave  may  still  be  moistened  with  a  tear. 

Thomas  Wright,  M.A.,  F.S.A.,  the  antiquary 
and  historian,  was*  educated  at  this  school,  and 
wrote  a  history  of  the  town. 

There  are,  besides  a  good  museum,  numerous 
public  buildings,  and  historic  sites,  as  well  as  many 
pleasant  walks,  which  render  the  little  town  a  desir- 
able place  for  a  holiday  sojourn; 

;r  r,  '.*; 

c  i . 

v  r 


We  see  at  Ledbury  a  remnant  of  Mediaeval 
England.  Here  we  get  Jacobean  houses  in  their 
more  attractive  style.  Not  only  is  it  a  town  to 
delight  the  tourist,  but  it  is  rich  in  historical  and 
literary  associations.  It  is  situated  within  easy 
distance  of  the  Malvern  Hills,  and  may  be  almost 
said  to  be  sheltered  by  them.  In  the  immediate 
neighbourhood  is  some  charming  scenery,  and  for 
walks  and  drives  it  is  a  good  centre.  The  origin  of 
the  name  of  the  town  is  a  debated  matter;  some 
writers  say  that  it  is  derived  from  the  Welsh 
"  Led,"  a  vale  side,  while  others  affirm  that  it  is 
from  the  river  Leddon,  which  flows  near  the  town. 
It  was  not  until  the  Conquest  that  its  historical 
importance  starts,  and  in  the  Domesday  Book 
it  figures  as  Liedeberge. 

It  was  afterwards  a  borough,  and  sent  two 
members  to  Parliament.  The  stately  parish  church, 
dedicated  to  St.  Michael  and  All  Angels,  is  shown 
by  the  numerous  ancient  remains  found  during  the 
restoration  of  the  fabric,  to  stand  on  the  site  of  a 
Saxon  church.  The  present  building  is  partly 
Norman,  and  has  a  detached  tower  and  spire.  The 
size  and  beauty  of  the  church  are  accounted  for  by 
the  fact  that  in  the  Middle  Ages,  when  Leominster 
wool  reached  a  high  price,  Ledbury  was  the  centre 



of  an  important  clothing  industry.  Wealth  flowed 
into  the  town,  and  the  inhabitants  devoted  much  of 
it  to  the  building  of  a  church  which  is  the  pride  of 
the  place,  and  which  wins  the  admiration  of  those 
who  see  it.  Here  are  numerous  fine  monuments 
and  other  famous  sculptures.  There  are  within  the 
churchyard  and  graveyard  memorials  with  quaint 
epitaphs.  There  are,  it  should  be  noted,  in  Here- 
fordshire, several  places  where  the  towers  are  built 
apart  from  the  church,  most  probably  as  places  of 

In  the  church  is  the  St.  Katherine  Chapel  or 
Chantry.  It  has  been  suggested  that  it  was  the 
Chapter  House,  and  not  a  chapel  or  chantry.  Here 
is  a  very  ancient  figure  resting  on  a  decorated  tomb, 
which  is  said  to  be  "Sainte  Kateryne,"  the 
patron  saint  of  the  town,  of  whom  a 
legend  is  related  as  follows:  "  In  the  reign  of 
Edward  II.,  a  certain  Catherine  Audley,  a  religious 
woman,  had  a  revelation  that  she  should  only 
dwell  in  a  town  where  the  bells  should  ring  of  them- 
selves. She  and  her  maid,  Mabel,  coming  to 
Ledbury  found  the  bells  ringing  without  any 
ringers,  and  here  she  built  a  hermitage  and  dwelt." 
Two  pieces  of  land  near  Ledbury  are  called 
St.  Catherine's  Acre  and  Mabel's  Furlong,  and  are 
linked  in  the  popular  mind  with  the  legend. 
Wordsworth  put  the  story  into  verse : 

When  human  touch,  as  monkish  books  attest, 
Nor  was  applied,  nor  could  be.  Ledbury  bells 
Broke  forth  in  concert  flung  aaown  the  dells 
And  upward,  high  as  Malvern's  cloudy  crest, 
Sweet  tones  caught  by  a  noble  lady  blest 
To  rapture.    Mabel  listened  at  the  side 
Of  her  loved  mistress  ;   soon  the  music  died, 



And  Catherine  said  :    "  Here  I  set  up  my  rest. 

Warned  in  a  dream,  I  wandered,  long  had  sought 

A  home  that  by  such  miracle  of  sound 

Must  be  revealed."     She  heard  it  now,  or  felt 

The  deep,  deep  joy  of  a  confiding  thought ; 

And  there  the  saintly  anchoress  she  dwelt 

Till  she  exchanged  for  heaven  that  happy  ground. 

One  of  the  most  interesting  buildings  in  Ledbury 
is  the  Hospital  of  St.  Katherine,  founded  in  1232 
by  Bishop  Follcott,  which  happily  escaped  the 
general  wreckage  at  the  Reformation.  It  was  re- 
established in  the  reign  of  Queen  Elizabeth.  In 
modern  times  it  has  undergone  various  alterations. 
The  chapel  in  Early  English  style  is  interesting. 
During  the  Civil  War  it  was  used  as  a  stable  by 
Cromweirs  troopers.  In  spite  of  modern  additions, 
which  do  not  harmonise  with  the  past,  it  is  an 
attractive  pile.  After  passing  into  the  hospital 
through  the  central  tower,  we  seem  to  step  into 
mediaeval  times. 

During  the  Civil  War  a  battle  raged  in  the  streets 
of  the  town,  when  the  Cavaliers  gained  the  victory. 
Much  blood  was  shed,  and  to-day  the  marks  of  the 
bullets  still  remain.  Ledbury  Park,  formerly 
called  the  New  House,  the  residence  of  Lord  and 
Lady  Biddulph,  is  a  half-timbered  mansion,  built 
in  1590,  of  extreme  picturesqueness,  at  the  top  of 
the  town,  and  has  charming  gardens  and  a  deer 
park.  Here  Prince  Rupert  stayed  when  he  occupied 
the  town. 

The  Market  House  in  the  High  Street  is  a  half- 
timbered  building  dating  back  fo  the  time  of 
Charles  II.,  said  to  have  been  built  by  John  Abel, 
and  its  rent  to  be  used  in  charity.    The  design  is 


pleasing,  and  the  upper  part  of  the  building  stands 
on  sixteen  pillars  of  Spanish  chestnut  from  Malvern 
Chase.  In  bygone  times  it  was  called  the  Corn 
Market  House.  It  was  used  for  storing  grain  when 
farmers  brought  it  to  the  town  in  bulk.  Subse- 
quently it  was  used  for  housing  wool,  hops,  etc., 
and  the  profits  realised  were  given  towards  a  fund 
for  removing  some  unsightly  houses,  known  as 
Butcher's  Row,  which  stood  in  the  centre  of  High 
Street.  The  Market  House  was  restored  about 
i860,  and  the  upper  part  is  let  for  meetings,  and  the 
butter  and  poultry  market  is  held  in  the  lower  part 
of  the  building. 

John  Abel,  the  architect  of  this  Market  House, 
was  a  man  of  note,  who  planned  some  of  the  finest 
half-timbered  buildings  in  Herefordshire.  Little 
has  been  written  of  his  life  and  work.  The  follow- 
ing particulars  are  drawn  from  Price's  "  Historical 
Account  of  Leominster  "  (1795).  "  The  most  noted 
architect  in  this  country  of  his  time;  he  built  the 
Market  Houses  of  Hereford,  Brecknock,  and  King- 
ton, and  did  the  timber  work  of  the  new  church  at 
Abbey  Dore.  The  said  John  Abel,  being  in  Here- 
ford city  at  the  time  when  the  Scots  besieged  it,  in 
the  year  1645,  made  sort  of  mills  to  grind  corn, 
which  were  of  great  use  to  the  besieged ;  for  which 
•contrivance  and  service  King  Charles  the  First  did 
afterwards  honour  him  with  the  title  of  one  of  His 
Majesty's  carpenters.  This  architect,  after  he  was 
ninety  years  of  age,  made  his  own  monument, 
which  is  in  Sarnesfield  churchyard,  and  engraved 
his  own  effigy,  kneeling  with  his  two  wives,  and  the 


emblems  of  his  occupation,  the  rule,  compass,  and 
square,  and  he  made  the  following  epitaph : 

This  craggy  stone  or  covering  for  an  architect's  bed, 
The  lofty  buildings  raised  high,  yet  now  lyes  down  his  head: 
His  line  and  rule,  so  death  concludes,  are  locked  up  in  store, 
Build  they  who  list,  or  they  who  wist,  for  he  can  build  no  more. 

His  house  of  clay  could  hold  no  longer  ; 

May  Heavens  frame  him  stronger. 

John  Abel 
Vive  ut  vivas  in  vitum  ceternatn." 

Abel  died  in  1674  at  the  age  of  ninety  seven.  He 
had  not  only  a  constructive  capacity,  but  a  fine 
imagination.  His  outlines  are  graceful,  and  his 
details  extremely  good.  Architecture  owes  much 
to  his  ability,  more  especially  the  fine  examples  of 
his  work  in  Herefordshire. 

The  curious  custom  of  sin-eating  lingered  at 
Ledbury  much  later  than  in  other  places  on  the 
Welsh  border.  Mrs.  F.  H.  Leather,  writing  in 
"  Memorials  of  Old  Herefordshire'5  (1904),  deals 
with  the  subject  in  the  "  Folk-lore  of  the  Shire.'* 
She  records  that  on  Palm  Sunday  the  day  is  cele- 
brated in  a  curious  manner  in  Hentland  Church. 
"The  churchwardens,"  writes  Mrs.  Leather, 
"  present  to  the  clergyman  and  each  of  the  congre- 
gation, a  small  cake,  which  is  eaten  within  the 
church,  as  evidence  of  a  desire  to  cease  from  all 
enmities  and  to  prepare  for  the  Easter  festival."  It 
would  be  interesting  to  know  the  connection,  if 
any,  between  this  custom  and  the  ancient  practice 
of  sin-eating.  Formerly  a  cup  of  beer  accompanied 
each  cake,  but  this  part  of  the  ceremony  has  now 
been  abandoned.  This  custom  was  observed  also 
at  Sellack  as  late  as  1867. 


The    practice     of     "  sin-eating "     referred    to, 
peculiar  to  the   Welsh  border,   was  discontinued 
before  the  end  of  the  seventeenth  century.    The 
following    description    of    it,    given    in    Brand's 
"  Popular  Antiquities,' '  is  taken  from  the  Lans- 
downe  Manuscripts :  "  In  the  County  of  Hereford  it 
was  an  old  custom  at  funerals  to  hire  poor  people, 
who  were  to  take  upon  them  the  sins  of  the  party 
deceased.       One  of  them — he  was  a  long,  lean, 
ugly,  lamentably  poor  rascal — I  remember  that  he 
lived    in    a    cottage    on    Rosse    highway.      The 
manner  was  that  when  a  corpse  was  brought  out 
and  laid  on  the  bier,  a  loaf  of  bread  was  brought 
out  and  delivered  to  the  sin-eater  over  the  corpse, 
as  also  a  mazard  bowl  of  maple,  full  of  beer,  which 
was  also  drunk  up,  and  sixpence  in  money.  In  con- 
sideration whereof,  he  took  upon  him  ipso  facto  all 
the  sins  of  the  defunct,  and  freed  him  or  her  from 
walking     after     death.      This     custom     alludes, 
methinks,  to  something  of  the  scapegoat  kind  in 
ithe  Levitical  law,  and  though  rarely  used  in  our 
days,  yet  by  some  people  was  observed  even  in  the 
strictest  time  of  the  Presbyterian  Government.  .  .  . 
The  like  is  done  in  the  city  of  Hereford  in  those 
times,  where  a  woman  kept,  many  years  before  her 
death,  a  mazard  bowl  for  the  sinne  eater." 

Another  account  says  the  sin-eater  "  pronounced 
the  ease  and  rest  of  the  soul  departed,  for  which 
he  would  pawn  his  own  soul." 

Dr.  Schuyler,  in  his  book  on  Turkestan, 
describes  a  corresponding  custom  :  "  In  Ach  Kurgan 
...  he  met  an  old  man  called  an  iskachi,  who 
made    his    living    by    taking    upon    himself    the 


sins  of  the  dead,  and  devoting  his  life  to  prayer  for 
their  souls.' ' 

Until  quite  recent  times  the  ringing  of  the  curfew 
bell  was  kept  up,  and  other  ancient  customs  linger 
in  this  quaint  old  town. 

In  her  childhood  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Barrett  Brown- 
ing was  taken  to  Hope  End,  Ledbury,  and  there 
remained  until  womanhood.  It  was  here  that  she 
embarked  on  a  literary  career,  which  placed  her  in 
the  front  rank  of  women  writers.  In  her  works  are 
tender  and  graceful  allusions  to  her  early  and 
favourite  haunts.  She  thus  wrote  of  the  scenery 
about  her  old  home : 

Hills,  vales,  woods,  nestled  in  silver  mist, 
Farms,  granges,  doubled  up  among  the  hills, 
And  cattle  grazing  in  the  watered  vales, 
And  cottage  chimneys  smoking  from  the  woods, 
And  cottage  gardens  smelling  everywhere, 
Confused  with  smell  of  orchards. 

In  1892  was  erected  in  the  town  the  Barrett 
Browning  Memorial,  consisting  of  a  Clock  Tower, 
Library,  and  Reading  Room.  It  is  an  imposing  as 
well  as  a  useful  monument  to  a  good  and  gifted 


The  old  and  picturesque  market  town  of  Weooley, 
Herefordshire,  is  a  favourite  haunt  of  the  artist, 
and,  like  numerous  other  places,  it  has  been  libelled 
by  a  popular  "  people  and  steeple  "  rhyme : 

Poor  Weobley — proud  People  ; 
Low  Church — high  Steeple. 

It  was  a  pocket  borough,  and  for  a  long  period 
it  returned  two  representatives  to  Parliament.  We 
know  for  certain  that  as  early  as  1295  it  sent 
members  to  the  House  of  Commons,  and  it  may 
have  done  so  from  12 13,  but  it  is  to  be  regretted 
that  the  lists  relating  to  Herefordshire  down  to 
1290  are  lost.  For  some  cause  or  other  no 
members  were  returned  after  1306.  No  reason  of 
a  satisfactory  nature  has  been  given  for  the  repre- 
sentation being  discontinued,  but  it  has  been 
suggested  that  the  trade  of  the  town  decreased  and 
its  importance  declined. 

In  1628  it  regained  its  lost  dignity.  James 
Tomkins,  the  then  member  for  Leominster  and 
Lord  of  the  Manor  of  Weobley,  obtained  a  resolu- 
tion in  the  House  of  Commons  ordering  a  writ  to 
be  issued  for  the  borough  to  return  two  burgesses, 
and  because  "  Weobley  ought  to  send  burgesses, 
and  the  long  discontinuance  was  no  loss  of  its  right, 



for  this  was  no  franchise  which  may  be  lost,  but  a 
service  pro  bono  publico."  On  May  13th,  1628,  it 
once  more  returned  two  members,  and  continued  to 
do  so  until  the  passing  of  the  Reform  Bill  of  1832. 

Although  it  was  a  pocket  borough  it  neverthe- 
less sent  to  Parliament  some  notable  men  who 
figure  in  the  pages  of  national  history.  William 
Gregory,  a  native  of  the  county,  was  a  member  in 
1678-9.  He  ably,  firmly,  and  fairly  discharged 
for  a  short  time  the  position  of  Speaker  in  the 
House  of  Commons.  Next  he  was  made  a  Baron 
of  the  Exchequer  and  knighted.  Colonel  John 
Birch,  a  celebrated  Parliamentarian  General,  sat 
from  1679  to  1681,  and  from  1689  to  his  death  on 
the  10th  May,  1691.  In  the  parish  church  among 
other  interesting  monuments  is  a  life-sized  statue 
of  him  standing  in  a  recess.  At  the  election  which 
followed  the  death  of  Colonel  Birch,  the  nephew  of 
the  late  member  was  elected.  He  did  not  hold  his 
seat  for  long,  for  in  the  November  following,  his 
opponent  at  the  previous  contest,  Thomas  Foley, 
was  declared  elected.  The  result  of  the  polling 

Thomas  Foley,  26  votes. 
John  Birch,  23  votes. 

From  the  number  of  votes  given  it  will  be  seen 
how  few  electors  in  a  town  had  the  privilege  of 
sending  a  member  to  Parliament. 

The  famous  Lord  Eldon,  Lord  Chancellor,  was 
a  member  for  the  borough  from  1783  to  1796,  and 
frequently  visited  the  place.  In  the  High  Street 
of  Weobley  is  a  large  red  brick  house,  in  former 


days  known  as  the  Bear  Inn;  over  the  principal 
entrance  is  a  balcony,  which  was  reached  by  a  door 
from  the  second  story.  It  was  from  here  the 
burgesses  were  addressed  by  those  who  sought  to 
represent  them,  and  those  who  wished  to  speak 
generally  on  matters  concerning  the  county.  This 
and  other  houses  we  are  informed  belonged  to  the 
Marquis  of  Bath,  and  the  tenants  only  paid  a 
nominal  rent  on  condition  that  they  voted  for  their 
landlord's  nominee.  The  rent  appears  to  have  been 
so  small  that  no  trouble  was  taken  to  collect  it.  The 
circumstance  appears  to  have  been  forgotten;  but 
many  years  afterwards,  when  the  agent  tried  to 
enforce  the  payment  of  rent,  as  no  electoral 
service  could  be  rendered,  the  householders  stoutly 
refused,  and  as  they  had  held  undisputed  possession 
for  twenty  years  and  upwards,  claimed  the  property 
as  their  own,  and  retained  it. 

Another  house  still  standing  is  known  as  Thorne 
Farm,  but  in  the  reign  of  the  Stuarts  it  was  the 
Unicorn  Inn,  and  here  Charles  I.  slept  on 
September  5th,  1645.  The  storms  of  the  Great 
Rebellion  had  gathered  about  him.  Later  the 
house  was  called  the  Crown  Inn,  in  honour  of  the 
visit  of  the  King.  When  in  great  trouble,  on  the 
1 8th  day  of  the  same  month,  he  again  visited 
Weobley.  He  was  riding  about  the  neighbour- 
hood from  six  in  the  morning  until  midnight. 

Nearly  opposite  the  house  where  the  King  found 
shelter,  is  the  old  Grammar  School,  which  is  small, 
and  has  an  Elizabethan  porch  of  carved  oak  well 
worthy  of  inspection.  Happily,  it  still  remains  in 
a  fine  state  of  preservation,  although  shorn  of  its 


ancient  glory.  The  fine  old  Timber  Market  and 
Town  Hall,  supported  by  oak  pillars,  has  been 
swept  away.  It  was  in  disrepair  about  half  a 
century  ago  and  was  pulled  down.  The  market 
had  passed  away,  and  the  power  of  the  burgesses  was 
over,  so  there  was  no  further  use  for  the  building 
which  had  been  so  important  in  the  past  in  the  life 
of  the  borough. 

The  town  is  very  rich  in  its  beautiful  houses.  One 
of  the  most  delightful  is  the  Ley,  dating  back  to 
1589.  It  was  the  old  home  of  the  Brydges,  a  not- 
able county  family,  which  became  extinct  in  1704. 
In  this  house  may  still  be  seen  a  Priest's  Hole,  or 
secret  chamber.  Within  living  memory  it  is  said 
that  the  only  entrance  to  the  secret  room  was 
through  a  sliding  panel  in  the  wall  behind  a  mas- 
sive four-post  bed.  It  is  some  little  distance  from 
the  town,  but  it  well  repays  a  visit. 

Weobley  is  full  of  black  and  white  houses,  and 
in  one,  situated  in  the  High  Street,  a  man  named 
Tomkins  became  the  proud  father  of  thirty-two 
children,  all  born  in  the  same  room. 

In  early  times  Weobley  had  its  castle,  and  in  its 
palmy  days  it  played  a  part  in  historic  England; 
but  by  the  time  of  the  Commonwealth  it  was  use- 
less for  defensive  purposes,  and  had  no  concern  in 
the  battles  between  Roundheads  and  Cavaliers;  to- 
day its  site  may  be  traced,  but  no  ruins  are  left  and 
the  moat  has  been  drained.  The  stones  of  its  once 
strong  walls  made  a  convenient  quarry  for  !he 
obtaining  of  materials  for  humbler  dwellings. 

The  fine  parish  church  is  now,  and  long  has  been, 
the  crowning  glory  of  Weobley.     The  spire  is  very 


striking  and  graceful,  and  is  regarded  as  faultless 
in  proportion.  It  has  a  Norman  doorway,  and 
many  interesting  features,  including  monuments 
and  old  stained  glass,  which  delight  the  student 
of  old  churches,  and  charm  the  visitor  in  search  of 
the  curious  and  beautiful  in  art.  Under  the  monu- 
ment of  Colonel  John  Birch  it  is  stated:  "  None 
who  knew  him  denyed  him  ye  character  of  asserting 
and  vindicating  ye  Laws  and  Liberties  of  his 
Country  in  War,  and  of  promoting  its  Welfare  and 
Prosperity  in  Peace."  Over  the  porch  is  a  small 
sundial  with  a  motto:  "  One  day  telleth  another, 
and  one  night  certifieth  another.* ' 

The  place  was  once  famous  for  its  ale,  which 
passed  into  the  proverbial  lore  of  the  land.  It  was 
not  brewed  with  "  the  pernicious  weed  called  the 
hoppe,"  nor  must  it  be  confused  with  beer.  Large 
quantities  were  sold  in  Wales,  but  towards  the  latter 
part  of  the  seventeenth  century  cider  came  into 
favour,  and  the  trade  declined ;  and  to  use  the  words 
of  an  old  writer:  "  Weobley  hath  lost  the  bell  for 
Weobley's  ancient  ale.'' 

In  this  peaceful  place  the  busy  town  toiler  finds 
rest,  and  many  regain  health  in  pleasant  rambles 
along  the  lovely  highways  and  byways  of  the 
district.     The  Rev.  S.  Cornish  Watkins  writes: 

Oh  !    to  be  in  Cider  Land 

Far  from  London's  roar  and  rattle, 
Where  by  gentle  breezes  fanned, 

All  among  the  orchard  stand 
Red-cheeked  maids,  and  white-faced  cattle ; 

Be  the  weather  wet  or  dry, 
April  showers,  or  December  snows, 

Flying  cloud  or  sky, 
Here's  the  place  where  hearts-ease  grows. 


The  historically-interesting  town  of  Chepstow  is 
pleasantly  situated  on  the  Wye,  and  for  variety 
of  charms  few  places  in  England  can  equal  it.  There 
is  an  old-world  look  about  the  town  which  cannot 
fail  to  interest  the  visitor.  In  Roman  times  it 
appears  not  to  have  been  a  place  of  any  importance. 
Its  name  and  rise  belong  to  the  Saxon  era.  It  is 
generally  agreed  that  "  Ceap,M  or  "  Cheap  "  (as  in 
Cheapside,  London),  means  to  buy  or  bargain,  and 
"  Stow  "  a  settlement  or  town ;  so  we  may  readily 
understand  that  the  name  indicated  a  trading-place. 

Two  of  the  more  important  buildings  are  the 
castle  and  the  church.  The  former  stands  on  a  bold, 
rocky  eminence.  It  is  an  Early  English  work. 
On  the  land  side  was  a  deep  ditch,  and  its  strong 
walls  were  also  defended  by  round  towers.  During 
the  Civil  Wars  the  stronghold  was  a  place  of 
importance.  It  was  in  turn  held  by  King  and 
Parliament.  Like  other  castles,  it  was  long  the 
home  of  petty  tyrants.  Castles  are  not  without 
interest  to  visit.  They  show  us  what  the  places 
were  like  when  might  and  not  right  prevailed.  We 
may  regard  them  as  museums,  from  which  we  may 
learn  many  old-time  lessons. 

The  Wye  flows  peacefully  past  Chepstow  Castle. 
When  Shakespeare  lived  and  wrote  his  undying 
contributions  to  English  literature,  salmon  fishing 
was  popular  in  the  Wye.    Then,  as  now,  it  found 



employment  for  many  of  the  townsfolk.    We  are 
told  by  a  local  poet  respecting  it  that — 

Unlike  the  flabby  flesh  in  London  sold, 
A  Chepstow  salmon's  worth  his  weight  in  gold ; 
Crimps  up,  delightful  to  the  taste  and  sight, 
In  flakes  alternate  of  fine  red  and  white. 
Few  other  rivers  such  fine  salmon  feed  : 
Not  Taff,  nor  Tay,  nor  Tyne,  nor  Thames,  nor  Trent 
nor  Tweed. 

St.  Mary's  Parish  Church  is  the  other  building 
of  local  interest.  It  stands  near  the  river  and  is  a 
striking  structure,  and  dates  back  to  early  Norman 
times;  it  is  stated  that  it  was  built  by  a  Lord 
of  the  Castle  at  the  time  of  the  Domesday  Survey, 
while  others  believe  that  it  was  a  priory  in  the 
reign  of  King  Stephen,  and  that  it  was  erected  by 
either  Gilbert  de  Clare  or  Richard  Strongbow.  It 
was  attached  to  the  Abbey  of  Cormeilles  in  Nor- 
mandy. The  building  is  Norman  in  character,  and 
the  western  door  is  a  fine  example  of  that  period. 
It  maybe  fitly  described  as  a  poem  in  stone.  Within 
the  sacred  fane  are  several  interesting  monuments. 
None,  however,  attracts  the  attention  of  the  visitor 
more  than  a  plain  slab  with  a  quaint  inscription 
placed  to  the  memory  of  Henry  Marten,  the 

Marten's  curious  memorial  calls  up  striking 
scenes  in  the  history  of  England  when  King  and 
Parliament  met  in  that  bitter  strife  for  the  mastery 
of  the  land  which  ended  in  Charles  I.  being 
beheaded  before  Whitehall.  In  that  terrible 
drama  Marten  played  an  important  part.  His  life 
story  may  be  briefly  told,  although  it  fills  many 


pages  of  history,  and  nearly  thirteen  columns  to  tell 
it  in  outline  in  the  "  Dictionary  of  National 
Biography.''  He  was  the  eldest  son  of  Sir  Henry 
Marten,  was  born  in  1602,  at  Oxford,  and  educated 
in  his  native  city,  entering  University  College  as 
a  gentleman  commoner,  taking  his  B.A.  degree  in 
1619.  At  an  early  age  he  was  admitted  to  Gray's  Inn. 
He  travelled  for  a  time  in  France,  and  on  his  return, 
much  against  his  inclinations,  but  pressed  by  his 
father,  he  married  a  rich  widow.  It  did  not  prove 
a  happy  union,  for,  as  a  matter  of  fact,  he  was  a 
lover  of  pretty  girls,  on  whom  he  spent  the  greater 
part  of  his  estate.  At  one  period  his  reckless  living 
cost  his  father  a  thousand  a  year. 

It  was  in  1639  tnat  Marten  started  his  political 
career  by  refusing  to  contribute  to  the  general  loan 
raised  for  the  Scottish  war.  This  circumstance 
made  him  popular,  and  in  April,  1640,  and  again  in 
the  following  November,  he  was  returned  to  Parlia- 
ment as  one  of  the  representatives  for  Berkshire. 
He  was  soon  a  notable  figure  in  the  House  of 
Commons,  and  advocated  the  popular  cause  with 

Possibly  he  was  stimulated  by  the  King  publicly 
calling  him  "an  ugly  rascal,"  and  other  offen- 
sive names,  and  directing  that  he  should  be  turned 
out  of  Hyde  Park.  Charles  I.  displayed  great 
bitterness  to  Marten,  and  he  figures  in  the  docu- 
ments issued  by  his  Majesty.  Marten  was  an  active 
member  of  the  Committee  of  Safety.  It  is  said  that 
he  used  to  snarl  at  everybody  in  Parliament.  He 
did  not  merely  confine  himself  to  snarling,  for  he 
suspected  the  fidelity  of  Percy,  the  tenth  Earl  of 


Northumberland,  and  he  opened  a  letter  written 
by  Northumberland  to  his  wife.  The  earl  was 
indignant,  and  caned  Marten.  Both  Houses  com- 
plained of  a  breach  of  privilege,  but  the  quarrel  was 
privately  made  up. 

When  the  war  broke  out  Marten  subscribed 
;£  1,200  to  the  Parliamentary  party,  and  undertook 
to  raise  a  regiment  of  horse.  His  military  career 
was  not  successful,  and  his  real  power  was  in  Parlia- 
ment. He  was  one  of  the  King's  judges,  and 
signed  his  death  warrant.  Marten's  life  was  not 
all  sunshine  during  the  Commonwealth,  but  when 
Charles  II.  was  called  to  the  throne  trouble  gathered 
quickly  round  him.  He  tried  to  fly  from  the 
country,  but  gave  himself  up  on  June  20th,  1660, 
in  compliance  with  a  proclamation  summoning  the 
regicides  to  surrender  "  under  pain  of  being 
excepted  from  any  pardon  or  indemnity  for  their 
respective  lives  and  estates."  His  trial  ended  in 
his  life  being  spared,  but  the  rest  of  his  years  were 
passed  in  prison.  The  latter  part  of  his  career  was 
spent  at  Chepstow  Castle,  and  the  tower  where  he 
was  confined  is  still  shown.  A  good  deal  of  free- 
dom was  permitted  his  wife  and  family,  who  took 
up  their  quarters  with  him,  and  he  was  allowed  to 
visit  the  gentlemen  of  the  district.  He  was  twenty 
years  at  Chepstow.  Southey,  when  he  wrote  the 
following  lines,  was  mistaken  in  the  years  of  con- 
finement and  its  conditions: 

For  thirty  years  secluded  from  mankind, 
Here  Marten  lingered.     Often  have  these  walls 
Echoed  his  footsteps,  as  with  even  tread 
He  paced  around  his  prison  :  not  to  him 
Did  Nature's  fair  varieties  exist ; 


He  never  saw  the  sun's  delightful  beams, 

Save  when  through  yon  high  bars  it  poured  a  sad 

And  broken  splendour.      Dost  thou  ask  his  crime? 

He  had  rebelled  against  the  King,  and  sat 

In  judgment  on  him. 

Death  ended  at  a  good  old  age  Marten's  weary 
captivity.  He  was  buried  in  the  chancel  of  Chep- 
stow Church,  but  his  body  was  not  allowed  to  rest 
there,  for  it  was  removed  to  another  part  of  the 
building  by  order  of  the  Rev.  Thomas  Chest,  who 
was  vicar  from  1701  to  1740.  His  nephew  wrote  on 
him  as  follows : 

Here  lies  at  rest,  I  do  protest,' 
One  Chest  within  another  ; 
The  Chest  of  wood  is  very  good, 
Who  says  so  of  the  other  ? 

Over  the  remains  of  Marten  was  placed  the 
following  curious  inscription  : 

Here,  September  the  Ninth,  in  the  year  of  our  Lord  1680, 

was  buried 
A  True  Englishman, 
Who  in  Berkshire  was  well  known, 
To  love  his  country's  freedom  for  his  own  ; 
Who  being  immured  full  twenty  years 
Had  time  to  write  as  doth  appear. 


H  ere  or  elsewhere  (all's  one  to  you  or  me) 
E  arth,  air,  and  water  gripes  ghostly  dust, 
N  one  knows  how  soon  to  be  by  fire  set  free. 
R  eader,  if  you  an  old  tried  rule  will  trust, 
Y  ou'll  gladly  do  and  suffer  what  you  must. 

M  y  time  was  spent  in  serving  yours  and  you, 

A  nd  death's  my  pay  (it  seems),  and  welcome  too; 

R  evenge  destroying  but  itself,  while  I 

T  o  birds  of  prey  leave  my  old  cage  to  fly. 

E  xamples  preach  to  the  eye.     Care  then  (mine  says) 

N  ot  how  you  end,  but  how  you  spend  your  days. 

Aged  78  years. 


At  the  foot  of  the  stone  it  is  stated : 

This  stone,  which  formerly  marked  the  grave  of  Henry  Marten 
was  recut  during  the  restoration  of  the  church  in  1895. 

It  is  generally  asserted  that  Marten  wrote  the  fore- 
going lines,  but  by  the  better  informed  the  compo- 
sition is  ascribed  to  his  daughter.  It  seems  clear 
that  a  scholar  like  Marten  would  not  have  written 
such  doggerel. 

The  minor  antiquities  of  the  town  are  full  of 
interest,  and  its  walks  are  pleasant.  We  regard  a 
ramble  from  Tintern  Abbey  to  Chepstow  as  one  of 
the  most  enjoyable  walks  in  England. 



It  is  said  that  this  famous  educational  centre  is 
more  noted  for  teaching  manners  than  for  imparting 
knowledge.  There  can  be  little  doubt  about  the 
university  giving  a  polish  to  its  pupils,  and  from 
the  high  places  in  Church,  State,  and  other  liberal 
callings  which  they  have  taken  and  are  still  taking, 
there  cannot  be  any  doubt  that  the  scholastic  train- 
ing is  imparted  on  the  right  lines.  Its  colleges  are 
filled  with  the  most  promising  pupils  from  the 
leading  public  schools  of  the  land.  Education  and 
sport  here  go  hand  in  hand,  and  the  university 
turns  out  good  all  round  men. 

Situated  in  the  centre  of  the  country,  its  water- 
ways have  been  of  vast  importance,  linking  the  city 
with  the  capital  of  England  from  early  times.  The 
name  of  Oxford  is  derived  from  the  Ox-fords  which 
abounded  about  the  place.  Some  of  the  local 
historians  have  spent  much  learning  to  make  the 
statement  clear,  but  to  us  it  seems  simplicity  itself, 
indicating  the  fords  where  the  drovers  drove  their 
cattle  over  the  river.  We  gather  from  the  English 
Chronicle  that  in  912  the  town  was  a  place  of 
importance,  and  it  must  have  taken  some  years  to 
attain  ihat  position.  During  Saxon  times  it  played 
an  important  part  in  the  history  of  the  country. 
Its  historic  story  is  a  blending  of  fact  and  fiction. 


















It  was  strongly  guarded  to  keep  af  bay  the  Danes 
and  other  hostile  forces.  In  Alfred's  reign  much 
fighting  took  place  on  the  Ashdown  ridge  of  Berk- 
shire, opposite  to  Oxford.  We  need  not  linger 
long  among  legendary  lore,  or  doubtful  history, 
as  the  town  does  not  become  a  place  of  leading  rank 
until  the  thirteenth  century. 

Oxford  became  a  public  teaching  centre  in  the 
twelfth  century.  As  time  went  on  teaching  became 
the  profession  of  the  place.  The  towers  and  walls 
of  the  colleges  attract  the  eye;  they  appear  like  a 
series  of  stately  palaces,  the  best  in  architecture 
and  art  combine  to  render  them  pleasing. 
Trees,  lawns,  flowers,  with  the  mellowing  touch  of 
time,  add  to  their  beauty. 

Libraries,  the  result  of  ages  of  careful  selection, 
add  to  the  wealth  of  these  ancient  haunts  of  learning 
and  peace.  Traditions  of  famous  teachers  and  apt 
scholars  linger ;  men  who  have  added  glory  to  the 
colleges,  and  won  world-wide  reputations  as 
scholars  and  men  of  action,  while  others  are 
remembered  for  their  saintly  lives.  It  is  curious  to 
notice  how  some  students  seem  to  carry  all  before 
them,  while  others  toil  to  obtain  a  pass  degree. 

In  later  years  learning  has  been  obtained  under 
pleasant  circumstances,  but  it  was  far  different  in 
mediaeval  times.  The  colleges  were  open  to  edu- 
cate the  poor;  he  that  thirsted  for  knowledge 
obtained  it  here.  The  boys  were  frequently  brought 
to  Oxford  in  carriers'  carts,  and  all  their  expenses, 
including  food  and  bed,  would  be  at  the  rate  of 
fivepence  a  day,  and  if  very  poor  threepence  a  day 
wou4d  discharge  all  expenses.    It  was  a  common 


custom  in  early  times  for  poor  students  to  go  about 
the  country  collecting  money  to  pay  their  university 
charges.  Old  account  books  contain  many  refer- 
ences to  the  practice.  The  disbursements  appear 
to  have  been  small  except  in  cases  where  the 
recipients  were  natives  of  the  parish  where  the 
money  was  given.  The  largest  amount  we  have 
noticed  occurs  in  the  accounts  of  the  burgesses  of 
Sheffield,  and  reads  as  follows : 

1573.  Gave  to  William  Lee,  a  poore  scholler  of 
Sheffield,  towards  the  settynge  him  to  the 
universytie  of  Cambridge,  and  buyinge  him 
bookes  and  other  furnyture  -        -  xij  .  iiij. 

The  Leverton,  Lincolnshire,  churchwardens' 
accounts  state : 

1562.  Gave  to  a  pore  scoller  of  Oxford     -        -        -     28.  od. 

Ten  years  later,  in  the  overseers'  accounts  of  the 
same  parish,  is  an  entry  as  under : 

1572.  Relief  to  Thomas  Berry,  a  pore  scholar  of 

Oxford -         i6d. 

In  the  parish  register  of  Cawthorne,  Yorkshire, 
under  date  of  August  2nd,  1663,  it  is  recorded : 

Cawthorne,  for  Thomas  Carr  a  poor  scholler  who 
was  going  to  Cambridge,  and  borne  in  ye 
parish  of  Ecclesfield    -  -    6«.  6d. 

According  to  the  churchwardens'  accounts  of 
Kirkby  Wharfe,  in  the  year  1697,  two  poor  scholars 
were  presented  with  sixpence.  This  begging 
became  such  a  nuisance,  more  especially  among 
farmers,  that  it  was  found  necessary  to  regulate  it 
by  Parliament;  it  was  enacted  that  no  scholar  shall 
beg  on  the  highways  until  the  chancellor  has  satis- 
fied himself  of  the  merits  of  the  case  and  granted  a 


certificate.  As  an  example,  Bouse,  in  his  "  Historic 
Oxford,11  cites  an  instance  of  Dennis  Burnell  and 
John  Brown,  poor  scholars  of  Aristotle's  Hall  in 
1461,  had  official  testimonials  sealed,  allowing  them 
to  ask  alms. 

We  know  from  many  trustworthy  sources  how 
plain  was  the  fare  at  Oxford  in  early  times,  and 
even  to  pay  for  that  much  consideration  and  often 
humiliation  was  brought  into  play,  but  this  was  not 
peculiar  to  Oxford,  for  the  well-known  figure  of 
Luther,  the  monk  who  shook  the  world,  rises  up 
before  us,  and  in  fancy  we  listen  to  him  singing 
from  door  to  door  to  obtain  bread. 

Early  in  the  history  of  the  colleges,  strife  between 
town  and  students  had  become  a  serious  matter,  and 
a  charter  of  Henry  III.,  in  1248,  was  framed  to 
protect  scholars  from  injury  by  the  burgesses.  In 
the  event  of  the  regulations  not  being  observed  the 
town  authorities  were  liable  to  heavy  penalties. 
Among  the  students  a  strong  feeling  prevailed 
between  those  from  the  north  and  the  south.  From 
each  part  of  the  country  a  proctor  was  chosen  down 
to  1540.  The  riots  between  town  and  gown  were 
frequent  and  often  serious,  and  the  details  add 
largely  to  the  annals  of  the  city.  Both  parties 
appear  to  have  been  ever  ready  for  a  fray. 

Many  old  customs  are  maintained  at  the  colleges. 
At  Queen's,  for  example,  is  the  Boar's  Head  Pro- 
cession, held  in  honour  of  a  student  who,  some  five 
centuries  ago,  was  wandering  in  the  forest  of  Shot- 
over,  conning  his  "  Aristotle,"  and  suddenly  a 
wild  boar  came  springing  from  its  lair  at  him,  with 
open  mouth  ready  ?o  destroy  him,  when,  with  great 


presence  of  mind,  he  thrust  the  tough  tome  down 
his  throat,  with  the  annihilating  words,  "  Grae- 
cumest!"  thus  happily  saving  his  own  life  by 
causing  the  death  of  the  monster. 

The  procession  wends  it  way  into  the  ancient  hall 
headed  by  a  boar's  head,  and  all  present  join  in 
singing  the  following  version  of  a  fifteenth  century 

carol : 

The  Boar's  Head  in  hand  bear  I 
Bedeck'd  with  bays  and  rosemary, 
And  I  pray  you,  Masters,  be  merry, 
Qui  estis  in  convivio. 

The  Boar's  Head,  as  I  understand, 
Is  the  bravest  dish  in  all  the  land, 
When  thus  bedeck'd  with  a  gay  garland, 
Let  us  servire  cantico. 

Our  steward  hath  provided  this, 
In  honour  of  the  King  of  Bliss, 
Which  on  this  to  be  served  is 
In  Reginensi  Atrio. 

The  LaFin  line  of  each  verse  is  sung  to  a  chorus 
with  the  concluding  words: 

Caput  apri  defero 
Reddens  laudes  Domino. 

Not  by  call  of  bell  but  by  sound  of  trumpet  are 
the  diners  brought  together.  It  seems  pretty  clear 
that  this  is  a  survival  of  the  old  Scandinavian 
Yule-tide  festivities,  when  a  boar  was  sacrificed  to 
Freya,  goddess  of  Peace  and  Plenty. 

At  Queers  another  old  custom  lingers  in  memory 
of  Robert  de  Eglesfield,  the  founder.  At  dinner, 
after  the  loving  cup  has  been  passed  round,  the 
College  Bursar  hands  to  those  present  a  needle  and 
thread  with  the  admonition,  "  Take  this  and  be 
thrifty."    The  threads  are  of  three  colours — black, 


blue,  and  red — representing  the  three  more  impor- 
tant faculties  of  Divinity  (black),  Law  (blue),  and 
Medicine  (red).  It  may  happen  that  the  recipient 
is  not  a  graduate  of  either  of  the  faculties,  it  is 
then  assumed  that  he  belongs  to  the  Divinity,  and 
he  receives  a  black  thread. 

"  This  custom,"  we  are  told  in  "Some  Oxford 
Customs, "  "  is  supposed  to  have  been  introduced  as 
a  fanciful  play  upon  the  name  of  the  founder, 
Eglesfeld,  aiquille  et  fil  1  We  are  told  that  when 
Prince  Henry  the  Fifth,  who  was  a  member  of 
Queen's  College,  was  summoned  to  Court  to  clear 
himself  of  'certain  charges  of  disaffection,'  he 
appeared  in  a  gown  embroidered  with  eyelet-holes, 
a  needle  hanging  by  a  silk  thread  from  every  hole !  " 

The  hunting  of  the  Mallard  at  All  Souls  College 
is  a  well-known  Oxford  custom.  Hearne,  in  his 
diary — edited  by  Bliss — thus  refers  to  the  custom  of 
hunting  the  mallard.  "  1722-23,  January  18.  Last 
Monday,  the  14th  inst.  (the  14th  being  always  the 
day),  was  All  Souls  College  Mallard,  at  which  time 
'tis  usual  with  the  Fellows  and  their  friends  to  have 
a  supper,  and  to  sit  up  all  night  drinking  and  sing- 
ing. Their  song  is  the  mallard,  and  formerly  they 
used  to  wander  about  the  college  with  sticks  and 
poles,  etc.,  in  quest  of  the  mallard,  that  had  been 
left  off  many  years.  They  tell  you  the  custom 
arose  from  a  swing(e)ing  old  mallard,  that  had  been 
los?  at  the  foundation  of  the  college  (1437),  and 
found  many  years  after  in  the  sink." 

We  reproduce,  as  an  example  of  the  rest,  three 
verses  of  "  The  Merry  Old  Song  of  the  All  Saints* 
Mallard  " : 


Griffin,  Bustard,  Turkey  Capon, 
Let  other  hungry  mortals  gape  on, 
And  on  the  bones  their  stomachs  fall  hard 
But  let  All  Souls'  men  have  their  Mallard. 

Chorus— O  by  the  blood  of  King  Edward,  O  by  the  blood 
of  King  Edward 
It  was  a  swapping,  swapping  Mallard. 

The  poets  feign  Jove  turned  a  swan, 
But  let  them  prove  it  if  they  can  : 
As  for  our  proof,  'tis  not  at  all  hard. 
For  it  was  a  swapping,  swapping  Mallard. 

Chorus — O  by  the  blood,  etc. 

Therefore  let  us  sing  and  dance  a  galliard 
To  the  remembrance  of  the  Mallard, 
And  as  the  Mallard  dives  in  pool, 
Let  us  dabble,  dive,  and  duck  in  bowl. 

Chorus — O  by  the  blood,  etc. 

The  stranger  in  Oxford  usually  visits  as  many 
of  tEe  colleges  as  time  and  strength  permit,  but  in 
such  a  ramble,  where  one  place  gets  confused  with 
another,  we  must  decline  to  bear  him  company,  as 
we  prefer  to  visit  two  or  three  and  have  them  photo- 
graphed on  the  brain  rather  than  have  blurred  and 
mixed  up  outlines  of  the  larger  number.  The 
Cathedral  Church  of  Christ  first  claims  our  atten- 
tion. It  is  the  chapel  of  Christ  Church  College, 
and  the  chief  church  of  the  diocese  of  Oxford.  Its 
antiquity  is  greater  than  the  collegiate  establish- 
ment which  is  now  associated  with  it.  Its  early 
history  goes  back  to  Saxon  times.  The  cathedral, 
as  we  see  it  at  the  present  day,  is  an  example  of  the 
transition  between  the  Norman  and  Early  English 
types.    A  fine  Early   English  Chapter   House   is 


well  worth  seeing.  We  cannot  designate  the 
college.  Previously  the  pupils  had  lodged  in  the 
college  as  a  "  venerable  pile."  It  only  dates  back 
to  the  sixteenth  century,  and  was  founded  by 
Wolsey  and  Henry  VIII.  We  shall  not  be  far 
wrong  if  we  call  it  in  the  words  of  another,  "  the 
most  magnificent  House  of  Learning  in  Europe." 
Royalty  and  aristocracy  by  their  wealth  and  pre- 
sence, combined  with  men  of  mind,  from  the  time 
of  Sir  Philip  Sidney  to  John  Ruskin  and  W.  E. 
Gladstone,  have  rendered  it  famous  for  its  learning. 
In  all  branches  of  art,  science,  literature,  politics, 
the  Church,  and  in  other  callings  and  studies,  Christ 
Church  men  have  filled  the  foremost  places.  The 
dining  hall  is  the  grandest  of  all  mediaeval  halls  in 
the  kingdom,  save  the  one  at  Westminister.  The 
quadrangle,  the  most  spacious  in  Oxford,  is  part  of 
the  original  plan  of  Cardinal  Wolsey.  Other  points 
of  interest  will  detain  the  visitor  and  afford  enjoy- 
ment as  the  outcome  of  taste  and  wealth. 

Merton  is  in  some  respects  one  of  the  most 
interesting  colleges  in  the  city.  It  is  regarded  as 
the  Mother  of  Colleges  of  Oxford.  It  was  estab- 
lished in  1264,  by  Walter  de  Merton,  at  Maiden,  in 
Surrey.  Ten  years  later  it  was  removed  to  Oxford, 
and  its  constitution  served  as  the  model  of  other 
colleges  which  followed  it.  The  students  were 
lodged  in  suitable  rooms  in  the  college,  and  were 
placed  under  proper  control  of  the  staff  of  the 
inns,  hostels,  etc.,  of  Oxford,  and  were  left  to  their 
own  devices  when  not  attending  classes,  etc.  Here 
was  fitted  up  the  first  common  room,  and  perhaps 
more  important  still  was  established  the  first  College 


Library.  Mr.  J.  W.  Clark,  M.A.,  F.S.A.,  our 
leading  authority  on  the  history  of  libraries  in  the 
Rede  Lecture,  delivered  June  13th,  1894,  has  some 
important  notes  on  the  Merton  Library.  This 
library,  says  Mr.  Clark,  is  attributed  by  tradition 
to  William  Rede,  Bishop  of  Chichester,  1368-85 ; 
and  it  has  been  so  little  altered  that  it  may  be  taken 
as  a  type  of  a  mediaeval  collegiate  or  monastic 
library.  The  room  is  long  and  narrow  as  was 
customary  in  early  libraries.  The  books  were  chained, 
but  the  chains  have  been  removed ;  one  or  two  speci- 
mens, however,  are  left  to  show  the  ancient  method 
of  securing  books  to  the  cases,  and  that  by  the 
provision  of  desks  and  seats  they  might  easily  be 
used.  The  chapel  was  formerly  the  Church  of  St. 
John  the  Baptist,  and  was  built  in  1264-1310,  the 
high  altar  dedicated  1277,  the  transepts  date  back 
to  1414,  while  the  tower  was  built  in  1444.  It  is  a 
striking  structure,  and  the  old  buildings  with 
modern  additions  link  the  past  with  the  present. 

We  get  a  good  idea  of  a  modern  college  in  Keble, 
erected  by  subscription  to  the  memory  of  the  author 
of  the  "  Christian  Year."  It  was  opened  by  the 
Marquis  of  Salisbury,  Chancellor  of  the  University, 
June  23rd,  1870.  Butterfield  designed  a  beautiful 
chapel,  which  cost  the  late  Mr.  W.  Gibbs  over 
;£6o,ooo,  and  was  solemnly  dedicated  on  St.  Mark's 
Day,  25th  April,  1876.  The  college  was  founded 
"for  perpetuating  academical  education  definitely 
based  upon  the  principles  of  the  Church  of 
England,  and  with  the  intention  of  combining  sober 
living  and  high  culture  with  Christian  training." 

Having  drawn  attention  to  the  most  important 


college,  the  first  and  the  latest,  we  must  leave  the 
visitor  to  inspect  the  numerous  colleges  which  can- 
not fail  to  afford  pleasure  and  instruction.  Much 
may  be  learnt  from  their  history,  and  from  their 
impressive  buildings  full  of  beauty  in  form  and 
richness  in  colour. 

The  museums,  picture  galleries,  and  libraries  add 
to  the  attractions  of  the  city.  The  Ashmolean 
Museum  claims  to  be  the  first  public  collection  of 
curiosities  in  this  country.  It  was  given  to  Oxford 
in  1682  by  Elias  Ashmole,  who  had  inherited  the 
nucleus  from  a  popular  show  in  London  called  the 
Ark,  which  existed  in  the  days  of  Charles  I.  Ash- 
mole greatly  added  to  the  collection,  and  when  it 
came  from  London  it  filled  twelve  carts.  It  is  rich 
in  Anglo-Saxon  remains,  including  King  Alfred's 
jewel,  and  among  the  more  modern  relics  Guy 
Fawkes'  lantern.  There  are  interesting  and  impor- 
tant antiquities  from  all  parts  of  the  world,  and  it 
is  a  great  educational  force  in  the  city.  The  picture 
galleries  are  rich  in  works  of  art,  more  especially  by 
modern  painters.  The  University  Museum  was 
opened  in  i860,  and  is  an  institution  for  the  teach- 
ing and  study  of  Natural  Science. 

The  Bodleian  Library  was  founded  by  Sir 
Thomas  Bodley,  a  retired  diplomatist,  a  native  of 
Exeter,  born  1544  and  died  161 2.  It  is  one  of  the 
great  libraries  of  the  world,  and  is  rich  in  manu- 
scripts as  well  as  printed  books.  The  Radcliffe 
Library  is  one  of  the  sights  of  the  city,  as  it  is 
housed  in  a  classical  building,  and  of  its  class  the 
finest  in  Oxford.  Dr.  Radcliffe  was  a  native  of 
Wakefield,  and  a  Court  Doctor  to  William  III. 


and  Queen  Anne.  He  left  ,£40,000  for  the  con- 
struction of  the  library ;  and  smaller  sums  for  a 
librarian,  purchase  of  books,  and  other  purposes. 
At  each  of  the  colleges  are  libraries,  and  in  some 
instances  both  good  and  large. 

The  gardens  are  an  important  feature  of  the  city. 
In  1632  the  Earl  of  Danby  founded  the  Botanic 
Gardens,  with  a  view  of  assisting  those  studying 
medicine.  It  has  a  fine  collection  of  trees  and 
plants,  and  here  one  may  dream  as  well  as  study, 
for  the  natural  beauties  of  the  place  are  soothing. 
The  college  and  other  gardens,  with  their  wealth 
of  flowers  and  greenery,  are  large  and  charming. 

The  city  churches  are  numerous;  not  only  are 
several  of  good  examples  in  architecture,  but 
rich  in  historical  and  religious  associations.  The 
church  of  St.  Mary  the  Virgin,  with  its  striking 
spire,  was  built  as  a  memorial  to  Eleanor  of  Castile. 
Cardinal  Newman  was  incumbent  of  this  church 
from  1834  t0  J843.  It  was  from  its  pulpit  that  he 
preached  his  "  Sermons  on  Subjects  of  the  Day," 
and  an  onslaught  on  them  called  fortfr  his 
"  Apologia.0 

It  is  recorded  that  in  the  chancel  the  Mayor  and 
Corporation,  with  halters  round  their  necks,  were 
long  accustomed  to  do  penance  and  pay  a  fine  on 
St.  Scholastica's  Day  (February  10th),  for  an  out- 
rage committed  in  1354  against  the  university. 
Some  of  the  other  churches  are  almost  as  rich  in 
historical  associations,  and  in  the  past  were  closely 
connected  with  the  social  as  well  as  the  religious  life 
of  the  city.      Those  who  delight  in  visiting  old 


churches  will  find  a  number  here  worthy  of  their 

In  Broad  Street  is  the  Martyrs'  Memorial,  one  of 
earliest  and  best  works  of  Sir  G.  G.  Scott,  R.A. 
It  is  modelled  on  the  Queen  Eleanor  Crosses.  On 
its  base  it  bears  the  following  inscription : 

To  the  Glory  of  God,  and  in  grateful  commemoration  of  His 
servants  Thomas  Cranmer,  Nicholas  Ridley,  Hugh  Latimer, 
Prelates  of  the  Church  of  England,  who,  near  this  spot,  yielded 
their  bodies  to  be  burned  ;  bearing  witness  to  the  sacred  truths 
which  they  had  affirmed  and  maintained  against  the  errors  of 
the  Church  of  Rome  ;  and  rejoicing  that  to  them  it  was  given 
not  only  to  believe  in  Christ,  but  also  to  suffer  for  His  sake  ; 
this  monument  was  erected  by  public  subscription  in  the  year 
of  our  Lord  God  mdcccxli. 

Three  striking  statues  of  the  Martyrs  are  in- 
cluded in  the  memorial.  The  one  of  Cranmer 
represents  him  holding  his  large  Bible  with  May 
1 541  marked  on  the  cover.  The  bailiff's  account 
for  burning  Cranmer  is  as  follows: 

One  hundred  wood  fagots 

One  hundred  and  fifty  furze  fagots  - 

Carriage  of  them 

Two  labourers 
















As  we  look  at  this  memorial  we  sigh  and  reflect 
on  the  wrongs  done  in  the  name  of  religion.  Some 
of  the  darker  pages  of  history  come  within  sight. 
It  is  satisfactory  to  remember  that  our  lot  is  cast  in 
happier  times. 

Long  the  favourite  haunt  of  Royalty,  Oxford  has 
been  on  the  side  of  the  monarchs,  and  shed  its  besf 
blood  for  them.  When  King  and  Commonwealth 
drew  swords,  the  town  fought  for  King  Charles. 


It  was  protected  by  walls  built  in  the  eleventh  cen- 
tury, which  may  be  traced  to  the  present  day.  Some 
of  the  ancient  gates  were  standing  in  1771.  On  a 
high  mound  stands  a  solitary  tower,  the  remains  of 
the  castle  going  back  to  the  reign  of  William 
Rufus,  and  having  a  long  and  stirring  history.  The 
chief  interest  of  Oxford  centres  round  its  colleges. 
They  lift  the  place  from  a  country  town  fo  a  city  of 
culture  famous  in  all  parts  of  the  world. 


Like  Oxford  the  chief  interest  of  Cambridge  centres 
in  its  colleges.  When  we  see  the  stately  hallsof  learn- 
ing, we  almost  forget  the  fact  that  it  is  the  county 
town  where  the  business  of  the  shires  is  trans- 
acted. The  farmers  may  discuss  crops  and  the 
price  of  beasts,  but  this  seems  to  be  in  an  under- 
tone, for  go  where  you  will  the  colleges  and  college- 
life  dominate  the  town  on  the  Cam. 

We  need  not  be  told  that  we  are  in  a  town 
founded  in  the  Middle  Ages,  there  is  so  much  about 
Cambridge  that  indicates  the  fact  to  those  who  have 
made  a  study  of  architecture  and  the  planning  of 
places.  When  railways  were  constructed  the 
authorities  of  the  university  objected  very  strongly 
to  that  link  with  the  outside  world  being 
brought  near  their  abode  of  learning.  They 
feared  it  would  disturb  the  quietness  of  those 
engaged  in  study,  and  the  result  is  that  the  station 
is  some  distance  from  the  colleges.  The  entrance 
to  the  town  from  the  station  is  by  no  means 
pleasing,  and  that  from  the  London  Road,  down 
Trumpington  Street,  is  much  better,  but  if  first  seen 
from  the  Backs,  it  would  be  difficult  to  surpass  the 
panoroma  presented.  Here  are  avenues  of  stately 
trees,  standing  in  well-kept  grounds,  with  charm- 



ing  views  of  the  colleges  in  the  distance.  We  get 
from  the  facile  pen  of  James  Payn,  in  his  poem  of 
"  The  Backs,"  a  pretty  picture  of  the  scene.  It  is 
far  too  long  to  quote,  but  we  venture  to  give  a  few 
of  the  lines : 

Dropping  down  the  river, 
Down  the  glancing  river, 
Through  the  fleet  of  shallops, 
Underneath  the  bridges, 
Carven  stone  and  oaken, 
Carved  with  sphere  and  pillar, 
Linking  lawn  with  lawn, 
Sloping  swards  of  garden, 
Flowering  bank  to  bank  ; 
'Midst  the  golden  noontide 
'Neath  the  stately  trees, 
Reaching  out  their  laden 
Arms  to  overshade  us  ; 
Whilst  the  winds  were  heavy 
With  the  blossoms-odours, 
Whilst  the  birds  were  singing 
From  their  sleepless  nests. 

The  historic  tale  may  soon  be  told.  Some 
historians  attempt  to  place  its  origin  in  the  Roman 
era,  while  others  suggest  that  it  may  be  traced  back 
to  British  times,  but  there  is  little  foundation  for 
their  assertions.  The  castle  hill,  a  curious  mound 
from  which  an  excellent  view  of  the  town  may  be 
obtained,  is  supposed  to  belong  to  Saxon  times. 

The  name  of  the  place  has  gone  through  numerous 
changes.  In  875  it  was  known  as  Grantanbryege ; 
in  the  Domesday  Book  it  was  called  Grentebrige. 
We  do  not  arrive  at  Caumbrege  until  1458,  and  it 
is  not  until  the  sixteenth  century  that  Cam-bridge 
came  into  use. 

Municipal  history  starts  in  Saxon  limes. 






















i— i 





Early  in  the  eleventh  century  the  town  was 
governed  by  twelve  lawmen,  and  its  Thanes  had 
formed  themselves  into  a  Guild.  Its  objects  were 
not  unlike  the  friendly  societies  of  the  present  time. 
It  afforded  mutual  help  for  members  in  distress, 
when  death  took  one  of  the  members  away  the 
brethren  attended  his  funeral.  When  a  member 
was  sick  and  away  from  home,  or  in  the  event  of  his 
death,  he  was  brought  to  Cambridge.  If  a  guild- 
man  killed  another  man  by  accident  his  brother 
members  paid  compensation  to  the  dead  man's 
friends.  If  any  one  killed  a  guild-brother  and 
refused  to  compensate  the  deceased  man's  kindred, 
the  whole  guild  would  be  avenged  on  him.  For 
more  details  of  this  guild  and  its  regulations  con- 
sult Atkinson's  "  Cambridge  "  (1897). 

During  the  Middle  Ages  were  established  a 
number  of  small  religious  houses,  cells,  dependent 
on  the  greater  abbeys,  and  at  these  the  young  men 
from  Crowland  and  elsewhere  were  educated.  The 
origin  of  the  university  is  lost  in  the  mists  of 
history,  but  students  of  the  past  regard  it  as  an 
outcome  of  the  ancient  religious  houses.  One  cir- 
cumstance is  certain — that  it  has  long  been  the 
home  of  learning.  In  the  earlier  times  it  appears 
the  teaching  was  conducted  in  a  primitive  manner. 
The  scholars  started  their  lessons  early  in  the  morn- 
ing. We  have  some  curious  particulars  relating  to 
Cambridge  in  the  reign  of  Henry  I.  At  first,  it  is 
said,  the  sludents  met  in  a  large  barn,  but  in  the 
second  year  each  teacher  had  a  separate  room.  Very 
earty  in  the  morning  one  master  taught  the  rules  of 
grammar ;  at  six  a  second  lectured  on  the  logic  of 


Aristotle ;  at  nine  Cicero  and  Quintilian  were  con- 
strued and  expounded,  and  before  twelve  a  theo- 
logical class  received  an  explanation  of  difficult 
passages  of  Scripture.  Early  teaching  was  not  con- 
fined to  Cambridge,  and  it  was  customary  in  the 
older  grammar  schools.  At  Bewdley,  the  church 
bell  was  rung  at  5  a.m.,  to  call  the  pupils 
to  the  grammar  school,  and  this  continued  till 
The  practice  gave  rise  to  the  following  epigram  : 

Ye  rascally  ringers,  ye  merciless  foes, 
Who  persecute  every  friend  of  repose  : 
I  wish,  for  the  quiet  and  peace  of  the  land, 
You  had  round  your  necks   what  you  hold  in  your 

However  humble  may  have  been  the  commence- 
ment of  many  of  the  colleges,  they  have  grown  in 
wealth,  and  are  now  buildings  of  great  beauty,  and 
the  zealfor  learning  has  been  maintained.  Men  have 
been  students  here  who  have  had  a  foremost  part  in 
the  shaping  of  the  world  in  religion,  politics, 
science,  literature,  and  in  other  directions.  One  is 
amazed  at  the  stately  piles  devoted  to  education 
which  are  to  be  seen  in  every  direction.  There  is 
King's  College  with  its  chapel,  one  of  the  sights  of 
the  world.  Henry  VI.  laid  the  foundation  stone 
on  July  25th,  1446,  and  it  was  not  completed  until 
about  a  century  had  passed.  Edward  IV.  and 
Henry  VII.  gave  largely  to  this  fabric.  The 
beautiful  stained  windows  belong  to  the  earlier 
quarter  (or  a  little  later)  of  the  sixteenth  century. 
The  screen  and  most  of  the  stalls  were  placed  in  the 


chapel  in  1774.  It  is  316  feet  long,  45J  feet  wide,  and 
78  feet  high.  The  service  in  King's  Chapel  is  not 
readily  to  be  forgotten.  As  we  write  a  picture  flits 
before  us:  we  see  in  fancy  Mr.  W.  E.  Gladstone, 
beside  his  daughter,  Miss  Helen  Gladstone, 
principal  of  Newnham ;  the  affection  which  was  so 
strong  in  the  family  brought  father  and  daughter 
frequently  together,  even  when  he  was  guiding  the 
ship  of  state  in  stormy  times. 

Trinity  is  the  largest  of  the  colleges,  and  perhaps 
not  equalled  by  any  other  in  the  world.  Henry 
VIII.  founded  it  by  uniting  two  older  founda- 
tions. As  we  wander  through  the  courts  and 
buildings  of  the  college  we  get  some  idea  of  its  size. 
Since  the  days  of  the  great  patron  of  learning,  its 
royal  founder,  building  after  building  has  been 
added,  designed  by  the  chief  architects  of  the  time, 
from  Wren  down  to  Blomfield.  There  may  not  be  a 
unity  of  design  in  every  respect,  but  on  the  whole  it 
is  most  effective.  Many  of  our  modern  famous  men 
belong  to  Trinity,  we  have  only  to  mention  such 
names  in  literature  as  Wordsworth,  Byron, 
Macaulay,  Tennyson.  This  latter  here  enjoyed 
the  friendship  of  Arthur  Hallam.  The  poet  does 
not  seem  to  have  cherished  any  tender  memories  of 
Trinity,  and  went  down  without  taking  his  degree. 
Thackeray  was  devoted  to  it,  and  in  his  novels 
introduces  it.  We  must  not  forget  that  it  was  the 
college  of  Sir  Isaac  Newton,  but,  says  a  recent 
writer,  the  modern  history  of  Trinity  for  learning 
begins  with  the  mastership  of  William  Whewell, 
from  1841  to  1866.  He  was  famous  as  a  scholar, 
great  as  an  organiser,  and  generous  as  a  benefactor 


to  the  college.  He  was  a  power  in  the  realms  of 

The  chapel,  completed  about  1564,  with  later 
additions  down  to  the  days  of  Blomfield,  includes 
much  that  is  worth  seeing.  The  art  of  our  times 
has  increased  its  charms. 

In  treasures  of  literature  and  art  the  library  built 
by  Wren  is  to  the  visitor  the  chief  attraction  of 
Trinity.  It  is  of  noble  proportions,  200  feet  long, 
42  feet  wide,  and  37  feet  high,  and  is  well  lighted. 
The  carvings  of  the  older  book-cases  are  by 
Grinling  Gibbons,  and  are  much  admired.  Here 
are  manuscripts  in  various  languages,  and  brought 
from  distant  lands,  as  well  as  many  relating  to  this 
country.  The  printed  books  in  many  instances  are 
rare  and  all  are  valuable,  including  several  notable 
collections.  The  Capell  books  relating  to  Shake- 
speare merit  special  mention.  Before  visiting  this 
library  we  strongly  advise  the  reading  of  Dr.  Robert 
Sinker's  admirable  volume  entitled  "  The  Library 
of  Trinity  College,  Cambridge."  It  puts  one  in 
touch  with  the  treasures  of  the  library.  Along  each 
side  of  the  room  on  the  book-cases  are  marble  busts 
of  famous  fellows  of  the  college;  they  include 
among  others  Lord  Bacon,  Isaac  Barrow,  Sir  Isaac 
Newton,  and  Lord  Tennyson.  The  bust  of  Tenny- 
son, by  Woolner,  was  refused  admission  to  the 
library,  because  it  was  held  in  those  days  that  a 
bust  of  a  living  person  might  not  be  placed  in  the 
library,  and  those  in  authority  ordered  it  to  be 
placed  in  the  vestibule.  Tom  Taylor,  for  some  time 
a  Fellow  of  Trinity,  made  it  the  subject  of  some 
verses,   which  appeared  in   Punch    when  he  was 


editor.  The  following  is  an  extract  from  the  poem : 

the  youth 
Who  loved  the  Poet,  hoped  to  see  him  set 
Within  the  Library  of  Trinity, 

One  great  man  more  o*  the  house,  among  the  great 
Who  grace  that  still  Valhalla,  ranged  in  a  row, 
Two  stately  ranks — to  where  the  fragrant  limes 
Look  thro'  the  far  end  window,  cool  and  green. 
A  band  it  is,  of  high  companionship — 
Chief,  Newton,  and  the  brow-bowed  Verulam, 
And  others  only  less  than  these  in  arts 
Or  science ;  names  that  England  holds  on  high. 

The  bust  of  the  greatest  of  our  modern  poets  has 
now  been  placed  within  the  sacred  precincts. 

The  most  striking  monument  is  that  of  Lord 
Byron  by  Thorwaldsen.  This  beautiful  work  of 
art  was  intended  for  Westminster  Abbey,  and  was 
refused  by  the  Dean,  Dr.  Ireland,  on  the  ground 
that  Byron  was  not  a  suitable  man  to  have  a  monu- 
ment there.  On  the  Dean's  death,  in  1842,  Dr. 
Turton,  afterwards  Bishop  of  Ely,  was  approached, 
and  he  declined  the  statue  for  the  abbey.  After 
being  in  the  Custom  House  vaults  for  many  years 
it  was  finally  given  to  Trinity  College.  In  Dr. 
Sinker's  volume  will  be  found  a  detailed  account  of 
the  statue  which  was  modelled  in  Rome  in  183 1.  In 
the  "Life  of  Thorwaldsen  "  it  is  stated:  "The 
poet,  in  modern  costume,  is  seated  upon  the  ruins 
of  some  Greek  columns.  His  head  is  uncovered. 
He  holds  in  his  hand  his  poem,  *  Childe  Harold,' 
and  raises  towards  his  chin  his  left  hand,  holding 
a  pen.  On  one  side  of  the  Greek  fragment  is 
A  O  H  N  H  with  the  owl ;  on  the  other,  Apollo's 
lyre  and  a  gryphon.  A  Death's  head  is  on  the 
broken    column.      The   bas-relief    represents    the 


Genius  of  Poetry,  who  tunes  his  lyre,  and  rests  his 
foot  upon  the  prow  of  a  skiff."  On  a  table  at  the 
back  of  the  statue  is  exhibited  the  first  letter  Byron 
ever  wrote,  and  as  it  is  always  read  with  interest  we 
give  a  copy  of  it : 

Dear  Madam 

My  Mamma  being  unable  to  write  herself  desires  I  will  let 
you  know  that  the  potatoes  are  now  ready  and  you  are  welcome 
to  them  whenever  you  please. 

She  begs  you  will  ask  Mrs  Parkyns  if  she  would  wish  the 
poney  to  go  round  by  Nottingham  or  go  home  the  nearest  way 
as  it  is  quite  well  but  too  small  to  carry  me. 

I  have  sent  a  young  Rabbit  which  I  beg  Miss  Frances  will 
accept  off  and  which  I  promised  to  send  before.  My  Mamma 
desires  her  best  compliments  to  you  all  in  which  I  join. 

I  am, 

Dear  Aunt, 

Yours  sincerely, 
Newstead  Abbey,  Nov.  8,  1798.  Byron. 

I  hope  that  you  will  excuse  blunders  as  it  is  the  first  letter 
I  ever  wrote. 

It  was  Dean  Ireland  that  refused  the  interment  of 
Lord  Byron  in  Westminster  Abbey.  He  was 
laid  to  rest  in  a  churchyard  not  far  distant 
from  Newstead  Abbey.  Many  pilgrims  visit 
his  shrine.  The  library  at  Trinity  contains 
many  manuscripts.  In  a  book  in  the  writing  of 
Milton  is  "  Lycidas,"  "  Comus,"  and  other  poems, 
and  the  first  draft  of  "  Paradise  Lost,"  showing 
that  the  poet  first  intended  to  write  it  in  dramatic 
form.  Here  is  Thackeray's  MS.  of  "  Esmond," 
and  the  MS.  of  Tennyson's  "  In  Memoriam,"  and 
"  Poems  by  Two  Brothers."  There  are  some  cases 
of  antiquarian  relics  and  other  objects  of  interest. 

At  the  Backs,  after  leaving  Trinity,  one  gets  per- 
haps the  most  charming  view  in  Cambridge.    We 


see  in  the  distance  St.  John's  College,  founded  by 
the  Lady  Margaret  Beaufort,  Countess  of  Richmond 
and  Derby,  mother  of  King  Henry  the  Seventh, 
151 1,  on  the  suppression  of  a  hospital  dating  back 
to  1 1 35.  It  is  an  imposing  building  with  a  striking 
entrance  gateway.  Various  architects  have  added 
and  altered  the  pile,  and  many  are  the  celebrated 
scholars  who  have  been  educated  here.  Here  came 
Wordsworth ;  but  he  did  not  take  a  high  degree ;  he 
was  too  much  engaged  with  his  poetry,  which 
placed  him  in  the  first  rank  of  English  poets. 
Wilberforce  and  Clarkson  were  both  at  this  college 
at  the  same  time,  men  who  freed  the  slave.  Another 
poet  must  be  named — Henry  Kirke  White.  His 
poems  are  not  much  read  at  the  present  time,  but 
his  life,  so  full  of  promise,  is  still  an  inspiration. 
Born  in  Nottingham,  the  son  of  a  butcher,  he  often 
carried  meat  to  his  father's  customers.  He  passed 
a  year  at  the  stocking  loom,  then  drifted  into  law ; 
a  strong  religious  feeling  induced  him  to  give  up 
the  legal  profession,  and  prepare  himself  for  the 
Church.  He  had  published  a  volume  of  his  poems, 
which  neither  met  with  praise  from  the  critics  nor 
attained  pecuniary  success,  but  gained  him  the 
friendship  of  Robert  Southey  and  William  Wilber- 
force, M.P.,  who  each  gave  a  hundred  pounds 
towards  his  college  expenses. 

In  October,  1805,  White  entered  St.  John's 
College,  Cambridge,  and  at  once  made  his  mark  in 
classics.  At  the  general  college  examination  at  the 
end  of  the  first  term,  and  again  in  the  summer  term 
of  1806,  he  came  out  the  first  of  his  year.  His 
college  was  anxious  to  help  a  promising  student, 


and  in  the  long  vacation  of  1806  provided  him  with 
a  tutor  for  mathematics.  His  health  was  failing, 
and  he  was  not  equal  to  the  strain ;  consumption  had 
set  in,  and  he  was  cut  down  by  the  hand  of  death 
in  his  rooms  on  the  19th  October,  1806.  He  was 
laid  to  rest  in  All  Saints'  Church,  a  few  paces  from 
his  college.  At  the  expense  of  a  young  American 
admirer,  Francis  Booth,  the  botanist,  a  tablet  was 
placed  above  his  grave  with  a  medallion  by 
Chantry,  and  the  following  lines  by  Professor 
William  Smyth,  one  of  White's  earliest  friends: 

Warm  with  fond  hope  and  learning's  sacred  flame, 

To  Granta's  bowers  the  youthful  poet  came  ; 

Unconquer'd  powers  th'  immortal  mind  display'd 

But,  worn  with  anxious  thought,  the  frame  decay'd  ; 

Pale  o'er  the  lamp,  and  in  his  cell  retired, 

The  martyr  student  faded  and  expired. 

Oh  !   genius  and  piety  sincere, 

Too  early  lost  'midst  studies  too  severe  1 

Foremost  to  mourn,  was  gen'rous  Southey  seen, 

He  told  the  tale,  and  showed  what  White  had  been  ; 

Nor  told  in  vain  :    For  o'er  th'  Atlantic  wave 

A  wanderer  came,  and  sought  the  Poet's  grave ; 

On  yon  lone  stone  he  saw  the  lonely  name, 

And  raised  this  fond  memorial  to  his  fame. 

When  the  church  was  pulled  down  in  which  the 
poet  was  interred,  the  monument  was  removed  to 
St.  John's  College  Chapel,  where  it  attracts  much 
notice.  Southey  collected  his  poems  and  letters 
and  gave  to  the  world  "  The  Remains  of  Henry 
Kirke  White,  of  Nottingham,  late  of  St.  John's 
College,  Cambridge:  with  an  account  of  his  life." 
Many  editions  of  this  popular  work  have  been  pub- 
lished, and  it  is  much  valued  by  lovers  of  good 
books.  When  White  passed  away  many  tributes 
to  his  life  and  labours  were  published.      Byron's 


lines  in  "  English  Bards  and  Scotch  Reviewers  " 
are  the  best  known.    He  says: 

Unhappy  White  !    While  life  was  in  its  spring 
And  thy  young  muse  just  shook  her  joyous  wing, 
The  spoiler  came  ;   and  all  thy  promise  fair 
Has  sought  the  grave,  to  sleep  for  ever  there. 
'Twas  thine  own  genius  gave  the  fatal  blow, 
And  helped  to  plant  the  wound  that  laid  thee  low. 

On  August  27th,  181 1,  Lord  Byron  wrote  to  Dallas 
respecting  White.  "  Setting  aside  his  bigotry," 
said  Byron,  "  he  surely  ranks  next  to  Chatterton. 
It  is  astonishing  how  little  he  was  known ;  and  at 
Cambridge  no  one  thought  or  heard  of  such  a  man, 
till  death  rendered  all  notice  useless.  For  my  own 
part  I  should  have  been  proud  of  such  an  acquaint- 
ance; his  very  prejudices  were  respected. " 

The  beautiful  chapel  designed  by  Sir  Gilbert 
Scott,  and  built  in  1864-9,  contains  much 
that  is  interesting,  numerous  monuments  of  an 
ornate  character,  but  none  attract  the  same  atten- 
tion as  the  monument  placed  to  the  memory  of  the 
young  Nottingham  poet  and  student  of  promise. 
The  general  features  of  the  college  are  good  and 
well  calculated  to  detain  the  visitor. 

Dr.  Hymers,  the  founder  of  Hymers  College, 
Hull,  was  for  a  long  period  the  tutor  of  St.  John's. 
Many  stories  are  told  respecting  him,  some  are 
fiction,  and  handed  down  from  one  tutor  to  another. 
We  have  reason  to  believe  the  following  is  true :  A 
Johnian  undergraduate,  having  brought  himself 
under  the  notice  of  the  police,  was  sent  for  by  Dr. 
Hymers,  who  sternly  rebuked  him  for  his  miscon- 
duct, and  stated  that  the  police  would  shortly  come 


to  the  college  to  identify  the  offender.  "  You  will 
come  here  to-morrow  morning/ '  said  Dr.  Hymers. 
As  the  culprit  was  leaving  the  doctor  remarked, 

"  By  the  way,  Mr.  ,  if  I  were  you  I  should 

shave  off  that  moustache.' '  The  use  of  the  razor 
protected  him  from  identification. 

Another  college  of  interest  is  Magdalen,  and  was 
founded  by  Thomas  Lord  Audley ;  it  is  not  one  of 
the  larger  buildings,  and  would  have  little  interest 
were  it  not  for  the  fact  that  it  contains  the  library 
of  Samuel  Pepys,  which  he  bequeathed  to  his 
college.  The  books  are  in  the  cases  in  which  he 
kept  them.  Here  is  his  diary  in  shorthand,  which 
gives  such  a  graphic  picture  of  the  manners, 
customs,  and  life  of  the  period  in  which  it  was 
written.  Pepys  was  a  great  lover  of  forgotten  lore, 
and  there  is  a  remarkable  collection  of  ballads  and 
other  literary  curiosities.  The  proper  pronuncia- 
tion of  Pepys  is  a  puzzle  to  the  general  public.  Mr. 
J.  Ashby  Sterry  some  years  ago  attempted  to 
enlighten  them  as  follows : 

There  are  people,  I'm  told — some  say  there  are  heaps — 

Who  speak  of  the  talkative  Samuel  as  Peeps; 

And  some,  so  precise  and  pedantic  their  step  is, 

Who  call  the  delightful  old  diarist  Pepys  ; 

But  those  I  think  right,  and  I  follow  their  steps, 

Ever  mention  the  garrulous  gossip  as  Peps. 

Matthew  Parker  was  Master  of  Corpus  Christi 
College  from  1544  to  1553.  It  is  one  of  the  smaller 
colleges,  and  the  students  usually  prepare  for  the 
Church.  Two  dramatists  were  educated  here, 
Christopher  Marlowe  and  Giles  Fletcher,  of  Beau- 
mont and  Fletcher  fame,  but  its  chief  scholars  have 
gained  renown  in  the  religious  world.     Parker  rose 


to  the  proud  position  of  Archbishop  of  Canterbury. 
His  college  holds  his  name  in  great  esteem,  but  he 
was  more  celebrated  as  an  Archbishop  than  as  a 
Don.  In  the  library  is  his  great  collection  of 
manuscripts.  The  bequest  was  made  with  a  curious 
condition.  It  was  to  the  effect  that  if  twenty-five 
of  the  MSS.  are  lost,  the  collection  goes  to  Caius, 
and  if  neglected  there  it  is  to  pass  on  to  Trinity 
Hall.  The  counting  is  conducted  with  great 
ceremony.  One  of  the  most  important  MS.  in  the 
collection  is  the  original  draft  of  the  Thirty-nine 

Milton,  on  February  12th,  1625,  entered  Christ's 
College  as  a  pensioner.  His  name  is  associated 
with  a  bath,  summer-house,  and  mulberry  tree, 
which  are  shown  with  great  pride  to  visitors.  King 
James  I.  brought  into  this  country  in  1609  a  large 
number  of  mulberry  trees  with  a  view  of  cultivating 
them  in  England.  It  has  been  suggested  that  this 
is  a  survival  of  those  planted  at  the  instigation  of 
the  King. 

One  cannot  pass  Peterhouse  without  looking  high 
up  on  the  outside  of  the  college  and  thinking  of  the 
fire-escape  placed  there  by  the  poet  Gray.  He  had 
a  horror  of  fire,  and  in  the  event  of  one  he  planned 
a  means  of  quitting  the  building  by  means  of  a  rope 
tied  to  the  ironwork,  which  remains  to  the  present 
time.  Gray's  manners  by  no  means  made  him 
popular  with  the  undergraduates.  An  alarm  of  fire 
was  raised  by  them,  and  straw  and  paper  were 
ignited  at  his  door.  This  terrified  the  poet,  and  he 
made  his  escape  by  a  rope  only  to  land  at  the  bottom 
in  a  tub  of  water.      The  outrage  caused  him  to 


leave  Peterhouse  and  settle  at  Pembroke,  where  he 
passed  twenty-five  years ;  the  last  three  years  he  was 
Regius  Professor  of  Modern  History. 

Charming  courts,  beautiful  gardens,  and  a  wealth 
of  flowers  add  much  to  the  attractiveness  of  the 
colleges,  which,  in  most  instances,  are  excellent 
examples  of  architecture.  The  rooms  in  the  stately 
halls  are  planned  with  taste,  the  walls  are  adorned 
with  portraits  of  the  men  who  have  made  the 
reputation  of  Cambridge  for  learning.  The  skill  of 
the  sculptor  and  the  carver  has  done  much  to 
increase  its  artistic  glory.  In  recent  times  Ehe 
master  minds  of  Scott,  Blomfield,  Pearson,  Street, 
and  others  have  greatly  added  to  the  architec- 
tural features  of  the  town,  more  especially  that  of 
the  colleges. 

The  educational  facilities  of  Cambridge  do  not 
end  with  the  colleges.  There  are  notable  museums 
for  the  cultivation  of  art,  archaeology,  and  science. 
The  chief  is  the  Fitzwilliam  Museum.  Richard 
Viscount  Fitzwilliam,  of  Trinity  Hall,  who  passed 
away  in  1816,  left  to  the  university  his  books, 
illuminated  manuscripts,  pictures,  and  the  divi- 
dends on  ;£ioo,ooo  for  the  erection  of  a  museum  to 
contain  them.  The  foundation  stone  was  laid 
November  2nd,  1837,  the  architect  being  George 
Basevi,  and  he  carried  on  the  work  until  his  death 
in  1845,  from  a  fall  in  Ely  Cathedral.  Then 
followed  C.  R.  Cockerell  until  operations  were  sus- 
pended for  want  of  funds  in  1847.  The  Entrance 
Hall  was  completed  in  1875  from  designs  by  E.  M. 
Barry,  R.A.,  at  a  cost  of  ^23,000;  the  entire  struc- 
ture cost  about   ,£115,000.     Some   notable  collec- 


tions  of  pictures  have  been  bequeathed  to  the 
institution.  There  are  also  fine  classical  antiquities 
and  objects  of  interest  which  cannot  fail  to  instruct 
and  delight  the  visitor. 

The  University  Library  is  one  of  the  great 
libraries  of  the  country,  and  the  ever-increasing 
additions  of  books  placed  on  its  shelves  have  at 
various  times  outgrown  its  space,  and  important 
enlargements  have  been  made  to  the  building.  Lord 
Acton's  library  was  left  to  John  Morley,  and  he  pre- 
sented it  to  Cambridge.  The  university  is  rich 
in  the  quantity  and  quality  of  its  books.  The 
college  libraries  and  the  one  belonging  to  the 
university  make  ample  provison  for  all  classes  of 
students  and  the  most  bookish  of  people.  Near  the 
university  is  the  Senate  House,  built  in  1722-30 
from  designs  by  James  Gibbs.  Like  most  of  the 
Cambridge  buildings,  statuary  adds  to  its  attrac- 

The  Botanical  Gardens  are  extensive,  and  have 
a  large  glass  house  devoted  to  various  classes 
of  plants,  trees,  etc.,  and  in  the  grounds  are 
trees  from  all  quarters  of  the  globe.  It  is  an  ideal 
place  for  the  advanced  student  of  botany  and  arbori- 
culture. The  gardens  of  the  colleges  are  usually 

Cambridge  churches  do  not  greatly  impress  the 
stranger.  They  yield  in  interest  to  the  college 
chapels,  which,  in  many  instances,  are  extremely 
fine.  Great  St.  Mary's  is  the  parish  church,  the 
largest  and  most  important  in  Cambridge.  Here 
the  university  sermons  are  preached.  On  the  site 
of  the  present  building  a  church  was  consecrated 


in  135 1.  The  present  fabric,  which  is  an  excellent 
specimen  of  Perpendicular  Gothic,  was  started  in 
1478,  but  for  want  of  money  it  made  slow  progress. 
Proctors  of  the  university  on  horseback  rode 
through  England  with  begging  letters.  The  impres- 
sive tower  was  started  in  1491,  and  not  finished  until 

St.  Benedict's  Church  is  pre-Norman,  and 
through  the  changes  of  centuries  has  retained  many 
of  its  original  features.  The  tower  is  divided  into 
three  well-marked  stages,  each  rather  narrower  than 
the  one  below.  The  quoins  are  of  long-and-short 
work,  and  the  whole  tower  is  a  good  example  of 
Saxon  work.  The  other  parts  of  the  building  are 
not  so  satisfactory  on  account  of  the  numerous 

The  Church  of  the  Holy  Sepulchre,  commonly 
called  the  Round  Church,  is  one  of  the  four  old 
circular  churches  left  in  this  country.  Its  founda- 
tion dates  back  towards  the  middle  of  the  twelfth 
century.  It  reminds  one  of  the  days  of  the  Knight 
Templars.  We  need  not  refer  in  detail  to  the  other 
churches,  and  the  many  objects  of  interest  in  this 
old  English  town.  Its  annals  are  full  of  curious 
and  forgotten  lore.  We  may  mention  that  the  duck- 
ing stool  for  punishing  scolds  appears  to  have  been 
frequently  brought  into  use  at  Cambridge.  Cole, 
the  local  antiquary,  collected  numerous  items  bear- 
ing on  this  theme.  In  some  extracts  made  from  the 
proceedings  of  the  Vice-Chancellor's  Court  in  the 
reign  of  Queen  Elizabeth,  it  is  stated:  "  Jane 
Johnson,  adjudged  to  the  ducking  stool  for  scold- 
ing, and  commuted  her  penance."  The  next  person 


appears  not  to  have  been  so  fortunate  as  Jane 
Johnson,  who  avoided  punishment  by  paying  a 
fine  of  about  five  shillings.  It  is  recorded: 
"  Katherine  Saunders,  accused  by  the  church- 
wardens of  Saint  Andrews  for  a  common  scold  and 
slanderer  of  her  neighbours,  was  adjudged  to  the 
ducking  stool. " 

We  get  several  reminders  of  the  olden  time  in  the 
town.  Thomas  Hobson,  the  famous  Cambridge 
carrier,  was  born  about  1544,  and  died  January  1st, 
1630-1,  and  was  honoured  by  two  epitaphs  written 
by  Milton.  Thomas  was  the  son  of  a  carrier,  and 
made  much  money  in  the  same  business.  Consider- 
able profits  were  realised  by  carrying  letters  from 
the  university  to  London.  He  was  the  first  person 
to  let  out  horses  on  hire.  The  horses  were  placed 
in  rotation  in  the  stables,  and  he  would  not  permit 
one  to  be  taken  out  of  its  proper  order.  This  gave 
rise  to  the  popular  saying,  "  Hobson's  Choice. " 
Meaning  the  only  one  to  select  from.  In  1830  his 
visits  to  London  were  stopped  on  account  of  the 
plague  raging  there,  and  his  death  followed  through 
lack  of  his  usual  occupation.  Said  Milton,  "  Death 
would  never  have  hit  him  had  he  continued  dodg- 
ing it  backward  and  forward  between  Cambridge 
and  the  Bell  in  London. " 

Much  more  merits  attention  in  Cambridge,  but 
we  must  close  our  account  with  a  few  details  respect- 
ing an  old  fair.  No  fair  in  England  was  more 
celebrated  than  that  of  Stourbridge.  A  carefully 
compiled  account  of  it  is  given  in  Walford's  "  Fairs 
Past  and  Present."  We  are  told  that  the  first 
trace  of  it  is  found  in  a  charter  granted  about  121 1, 


by  King  John  to  the  Lepers  of  the  Hospital  of  St. 
Mary  Magcialen,  at  Stourbridge,  by  Cambridge,  a 
fair  to  be  held  in  the  close  of  the  hospital  on  the 
Vigil  and  Feast  of  the  Holy  Cross.  Its  history 
shows  how  subsequently  contentions  arose  between 
the  town  and  university  of  Cambridge,  in  respect 
to  the  profits  of  the  fair.  It  was  held  on  a  large 
piece  of  land  near  the  banks  of  the  Cam. 

It  has  been  stated  that  John  Bunyan  viewed  this 
fair,  and  it  suggested  to  him  the  idea  of  Vanity  Fair. 
We  learn  from  the  records  of  this  fair  that  in  1655 
a  crimson  coat,  gaily  decorated  with  taps,  was 
bought  for  the  Lord  of  Taps,  whose  duty  it  was  to 
sample  the  ale  in  any  or  all  of  the  booths  of  the 
fair,  and  see  if  it  was  fit  for  consumption.  This 
office  was  not  formally  abolished  until  1833. 

Down  to  1758  a  great  show  was  made  in  proclaim- 
ing the  fair.  A  procession  as  follows  proceeded 
from  Cambridge  to  the  fair-ground: 

The  Crier  in  scarlet  on  Horseback 

28  Petty  Constables  on  foot 

Three  Drums 

The  Grand  Marshal 

The  Town  Music  (12  in  number) 

The  Bellman  in  state  on  Horseback 

The  Five  Serjeants  at  Mace  on  Horseback 

The  Town  Clerk  on  Horseback 

The  Mayor  in  his  robes  on  a  horse  richly  caparisoned, 

led  by  two  footmen  in  scarlet  with  wands 

The  two  representatives  in  Parliament  on  Horseback 

Twelve  Aldermen  on  Horseback  (three  and  three)  in 

their  robes,  the  six  seniors  each  having  a  Henchman 

in  scarlet 

The  Four-and-twenty  (three  and  three) 

Eight  Dispencers  in  their  gowns  (two  and  two) 

Four  Bailiffs  in  their  habits 

The  Treasurers  in  their  gowns 


The  display  began  to  decline  after  1758,  and  was 
discontinued  in  1790,  when  the  Mayor,  Bailiffs,  and 
Town  Clerk  started  the  practice  of  proclaiming  the 

Defoe  visited  this  fair  in  1723,  and  in  the  follow- 
ing year  published  an  account  of  it.  Referring  to 
the  field  where  it  was  held,  he  states  that  "  if  the 
husbandmen  who  rent  the  land  do  not  get  their  corn 
off  before  a  certain  day  in  August,  the  fair-keepers 
may  trample  it  under  feet  and  spoil  it,  to  build 
their  booths.  On  the  other  hand,  to  balance  that 
severity,  if  the  fair-keepers  have  not  done  their 
business  of  the  fair,  and  removed  and  cleared  the 
field  by  another  certain  day  in  September,  the 
ploughman  may  come  in  again,  with  plough  and 
cart,  and  overthrow  all,  and  trample  it  into  the 
dirt."  The  waterways  to  Lynn  in  bygone  times 
gave  rise  to  its  importance.  The  fair  is  now  shorn 
of  its  ancient  glory.  In  the  past  it  lasted  several 
weeks ;  at  the  present  time  it  is  only  held  for  three 
days.  On  one  of  the  days  a  good  trade  is  done  in 


Charles  Dickens,  in  his  "  Uncommercial 
Traveller,"  speaks  of  Bury  St.  Edmunds  as  a 
bright  little  town.  It  is  a  place  of  considerable 
antiquity,  rich  in  historical  associations  and 
legendary  lore.  Few,  if  any,  English  towns  can 
equal  it  in  its  varied  charms.  It  is  well  planned, 
clean,  and  is  delightfully  situated  in  West  Suffolk. 
Some  attempts  have  been  made  by  antiquaries  to 
link  it  with  Roman  times,  but  their  speculations 
are  of  little  account.  It  is  a  fact  that  a  few  Roman 
coins — and  some  of  them  doubtful — have  been 
found  within  the  town.  The  immediate  district 
has  yielded  evidence  of  Roman  occupation. 

The  early  importance  of  the  town  is  derived  from 
its  famous  abbey,  the  remains  of  which  are  of  great 
interest.  Beodricsweorth,  or  homestead  of  Beodric, 
was  the  name  given  to  the  site  of  the  present  town. 
It  was  here,  about  631,  that  Sigeberht,  the  King 
of  East  Anglia,  is  said  to  have  founded  a  church 
and  monastery  in  honour  of  the  Virgin.  From 
within  the  walls  of  this  religious  house,  where  he 
had  assumed  the  role  of  a  monk,  he  went  forth  to 
battle  with  the  heathen  Penda,  and  was  slain.  We 
do  not  hear  any  more  of  Beodricsweorth  until  the 
days  of  King  Edmund  the  Martyr,  who  was 
crowned  here  on  Christmas  Day,  855.  He  was  a 
brave  and  good  man,  living  in  stirring  times,  when 
might  and  not  right  was  the  order  of  the  day.  After 


BURY   ST.   EDMUNDS  105 

defeat  in  a  battle  with  the  Danes,  he  was  taken 
prisoner.  Then  his  life  and  kingdom  were  offered 
to  him  if  he  would  renounce  Christianity  and 
acknowledge  the  Danish  supremacy.  He  declined 
the  terms,  and  in  870  was  bound  to  a  tree  and  shot 
to  death  with  arrows.  He  was  at  last  laid 
to  rest  at  Beodricsweorth,  which  was  named  St. 
Edmundsbury  in  his  honour.  His  constancy  to  his 
faith  earned  for  him  canonisation.  On  the  20th 
November,  the  day  of  his  martyrdom,  the  English 
Church  keeps  his  name  in  remembrance.  Bury  is 
the  Anglo-Saxon  Byrig,  indicating  a  town  or 
enclosed  place.  We  need  not  repeat  the  idle  stories 
which  have  gathered  round  the  King's  life.  The 
abbey  increased  in  importance,  and  was  ruled  by 
a  mitred  abbot. 

The  shrine  of  St.  Edmund  became  the  chief 
religious  centre  in  Eastern  England.  It  was  visited 
in  large  numbers  by  all  ranks  of  the  people  from 
the  highest  to  the  humblest.  Kings  and  princes 
came  as  pilgrims,  among  them  the  Confessor,  who 
walked  the  last  mile  into  the  town  barefooted. 
When  the  first  Henry  escaped  from  shipwreck,  he 
came  to  this  shrine  to  give  thanks.  Eustace,  the 
son  of  the  Empress  Matilda,  died  at  Bury  in  n 53. 
He  had  been  plundering  the  country  round,  and  the 
convent  had  refused  him  supplies.  In  May,  1157, 
Henry  IT.  was  here  wearing  the  crown  of  St. 
Edmund.  When  the  struggle  between  the  King 
and  his  sons  occurred  Henry  assembled  his  army 
at  Bury;  the  banner  of  St.  Edmund  waved  before 
them,  and  they  won  the  day.  Richard  I.  made 
several  visits  to  the  town.     He  came  hither  as  a 


pilgrim  in  1189,  and  was  hereon  St.  Edmund's  Day 
before  starting  for  Palestine,  and  within  a  few  days 
of  his  return,  in  1194,  he  came  and  offered  at  the 
shrine  a  rich  banner,  taken  from  the  Emperor  of 
Cyprus.  Henry  III.  was  visiting  Bury  in  1273, 
when  seized  with  an  illness  which  proved  fatal. 
Here,  as  a  guest,  Henry  VI.  spent  several  months 
in  1453. 

The  royal  visits  are  of  little  account  in  the  annals 
of  the  abbey  as  compared  with  the  gathering  which 
forced  King  John  to  observe  the  conditions  of  the 
Magna  Charta.  On  a  tablet  in  the  church  of  St. 
Edmund  it  is  stated : 

Near  this  spot 

On  the  20th  of  November  A.D.  121 5, 

Cardinal  Langton  &  the  Barons 

Swore  at  St.  Edmund's  Altar 

That  they  would  obtain  from 

King  John 

The  Ratification  of 

Magna  Charta. 

Where  the  rude  buttress  totters  to  its  fall 

And  Ivy  mantles  o'er  the  crumbling  wall  ; 

Where  e'en  the  skilful  eye  can  scarcely  trace 

The  once  High  Altar's  lowly  resting  place — 

Let  patriotic  fancy  muse  awhile 

Amid  the  ruins  of  this  ancient  pile — 

Six  weary  centuries  have  passed  away ; 

Palace  and  Abbey  moulder  in  decay — 

Could  Death  enshroud  the  learned  and  the  brave— 

Langton — Fitz- Walter — slumber  in  the  grave, 

But  still  we  read  in  deathless  records  how 

The  high-soul'd  Priest  confirmed  the  Barons'  vow 

And  Freedom,  unforgetful  still  recites 

The  second  birthplace  of  our  Native  Rights. 

J.  W.  Donaldson  J.  Muskett 

scripsit.  posuit,  1 847. 

BURY   ST.   EDMUNDS  107 

On  another  tablet  are  the  names  of  the  twenty-five 
barons  appointed  to  enforce  the  observance  of 
Magna  Charta. 

Several  parliaments  were  held  here.  The  most 
notable  was  the  one  in  1446,  when  Henry  VI. 
decreed  the  fall  of  his  uncle,  the  good  Duke 
Humphrey  of  Gloucester,  who  was  forthwith 
arrested  and  imprisoned,  and  in  a  few  days  was 
found  dead,  and  it  is  generally  believed  that  he  had 
been  strangled. 

Down  to  the  days  of  Queen  Elizabeth  many 
monarchs  visited  Bury,  and  were  notably  enter- 
tained. Some  came  here  to  pass  Christmas  and 
other  feasts,  but  in  not  a  few  instances  they  came 
to  perform  religious  duties.  Henry  I.,  after  his 
visit  to  Pope  Innocent  the  Third  in  1132,  on  his 
passage  to  England,  was  overtaken  by  a  violent 
storm,  and  when  death  seemed  near,  he  made  a 
solemn  vow  of  reformation  and  amendment  of  life. 
No  sooner  had  he  arrived  safely  on  land  than  he 
proceeded  to  Bury  to  discharge  his  religious  duties 
at  the  shrine  of  St.  Edmund. 

It  seems  doubtful  if  James  I.  visited  Bury,  but 
an  old  ballad  says : 

King  Jamie  once  in  Suffolk  went 

A-hunting  of  ye  deere 
And  there  he  met  a  Burie  blade 

All  clad  in  finest  gear. 

Lamme  was  the  name  of  the  Bury  blade,  and  on 
learning  this,  the  King  observed:  "I  know  not 
what  kind  of  lamb  he  is,  but  I  am  sure  he  has  a  good 
fleece  upon  his  back." 

To  understand  the  life  and  get  the  true  spirit  of 


Bury  St.  Edmunds  we  must  read  Carlyle's  "  Past 
and  Present."  From  his  graphic  pen-pictures  we 
can  fully  realise  the  important  part  it  played  in  the 
olden  time.  It  is  not  one  of  the  largest,  but  it 
is  one  of  the  best  of  the  author's  books.  Anyone 
visiting  the  place  should  not  fail  to  read  it. 

There  is  not  much  left  of  the  ancient  abbey.  At 
the  dissolution  it  had  a  yearly  income  of 
,£2,366  16s.,  which  does  not  seem  a  large  sum; 
but  the  buying  power  of  money  was  greater  in  the 
past  than  at  the  present  time.  In  bygone  days  for 
a  small  amount  considerable  purchases  might  be 
made.  We  find  it  stated  that  the  manors  which 
then  belonged  to  the  abbey  are  now  worth 
£500,000  per  annum.  We  know  from  old  accounts, 
pictures  and  the  remains  which  have  come  down  to 
us,  how  large  and  stately  was  the  ancient  pile.  The 
Abbey  Gate,  the  chief  entrance  to  the  monastery,  is 
standing,  and  is  a  noble  monument  of  the  past.  It 
replaced  the  gateway  destroyed  by  the  townspeople 
in  1327,  and  was  finished  in  1377.  It  is  a  fine  speci- 
men of  the  Decorated  style  of  pointed  architecture. 
The  visitor  may  enter  the  monastic  grounds  by  this 
gate  and  inspect  the  remains  of  the  abbey.  The 
churches  will  also  repay  careful  study;  these 
include  St.  James's,  dating  from  about  1436.  Next 
to  be  seen  is  St.  Mary's,  Perpendicular  in  style,  and 
erected  at  the  commencement  of  the  fifteenth 
century.  Both  are  full  of  interesting  monuments. 
In  St.  Mary's  is  the  tomb  of  Mary  Tudor,  widow 
of  Louis  XII.  of  France. 

Behind  the  striking  Norman  Tower  (1 121-46), 
forming  part  of  St.  James's  Church,  is  the  church- 

BURY   ST.   EDMUNDS  109 

yard,  known  in  monastic  times  as  the  Cemetery  of 
St.  Edmund.  It  is  full  of  interesting  monuments 
and  curious  epitaphs.  On  entering  this  ancient 
burial  ground  the  first  monument  to  attract  atten- 
tion is  an  obelisk  to  the  memory  of  seventeen 
Protestant  martyrs  who  were  burnt  to  death  during 
the  reign  of  Queen  Mary.  On  a  gravestone  is  an 
inscription  as  follows : 

Here  lies  interred  the  Body  01 

Mary  Haselton 

A  young  maiden  of  this  town, 

Born  of  Roman  Catholic  parents  and  virtuously  brought  up, 

Who  being  in  the  act  of  prayer 

Repeating  her  vespers, 

Was  instantaneously  killed  by  a  flash  of  lightning, 

August  16th,  1785. 

Aged  9  years 

Not  Siloam's  ruinous  tower  the  victims  slew, 
Because  above  the  many  sinn'd  the  few 
Nor  here  the  fatal  lightning  wrecked  its  rage 
By  vengeance  sent  for  crimes  matur'd  by  age. 
For  whilst  the  thunder's  awful  voice  was  heard, 
The  little  suppliant  with  her  hands  uprear'd 
Addressed  her  God  in  prayers  the  priest  had  taught, 
His  mercy  craved,  and  His  protection  sought  ; 
Learn,  reader,  hence  that  wisdom  to  adore. 
Thou  canst  not  scan  and  fear  His  boundless  power; 
Safe  shall  thou  be  if  thou  perform'd  His  will, 
Blest  if  He  spares,  and  more  blest  should  He  kill. 

Another  inscription  tells  the  low  value  human  life 
had  at  the  close  of  the  eighteenth  century.  Great 
efforts  were  made  to  save  the  life  of  the  criminal, 
more  especially  by  Capel  Lofft,  the  poet  and  friend 
of  poets,  and  for  the  part  he  took  in  the  case  on 
behalf  of  the  poor  woman  his  name  was  removed 
from  the  list  of  magistrates. 



Pause  at  this  humble  stone,  it  records  the  fell  of  unguarded 

youti\by  the  allurements  of  vice  and  treacherous 

snares  of  seduction 

Sarah  Lloyd 

On  the  23rd  April  1800  in  the  22nd  year  of  her  age 

Suffered  a  just  and  ignominious  death, 

For  admitting  her  abandoned  seducer  in  the  dwelling-house 

of  her  mistress  on  the  23rd  of  October,  1799?  s^nd 

becoming  the  instrument  in  his  hands  of  the 

crime  of  robbery  and  housebreaking. 

These  were  her  last  words  : 
u  May  my  example  be  a  warning  to  thousands." 

A  number  of  slight  crimes  may  be  cited  which 
brought  criminals  to  the  gallows  at  Bury  in  the 

In  1802  John  Read,  alias  Oxer,  and  Thomas  Keeley  were 
sentenced  to  death  for  burglary  at  Thrandeston,  and  were 

Robert  Clarke,  in  1807,  was  convicted  of  uttering  a  forged 
£1  note  to  the  landlord  of  the  Old  Angel  Inn,  Bury,  and  was 

Two  men,  in  1802,  one  for  stealing  a  sheet  and  the  other 
for  stealing  a  sack  of  wheat,  were  sentenced  to  be  whipped  one 
hundred  yards  in  Bury  market-place,  and  were  afterwards 

In  1804  a  man  was  transported  for  seven  years  to  Botany  Bay 
for  stealing  a  rabbit.  Ten  years  later  a  man  was  imprisoned  for 
six  months  for  perjury,  and  once  within  the  time  had  to  stand  in 
the  pillory  at  Haverhill  on  a  market  day. 

A  memorial  is  placed  to  an  author  who  delighted 
the  reading  public  in  his  day,  but  now  his  books 


are  little  read,   and  gather  dust  as  they  remain 
unopened  on  the  library  shelf.     It  read  as  follows : 

To  the  memory  of 

Henry    Cockton, 

Author  of  "Valentine  Vox,"  "Sylvester  Sound,"  "The  Love 

Match,"  and  other  Works. 

His  remains  were  interred  in  this  Churchyard,  June  30, 1853. 

No  stone  marks  his  resting-place.     A  few  admirers 

of  his  genius  raised  this  tablet  to  his  memory 

A.D.  1884. 
His  Works  are  his  best  Monument 

In  early  times  in  this  churchyard  miracle  plays 
were  performed;  wrestling  and  other  sports  were 
held,  but  in   1197  they  were  forbidden  by  Abbot 
Sampson  on  account  of  the  disturbance  which  took 
place  between  the  townspeople  and  the  servants  of 
the  abbey.     Here  a  chapel  was  founded  in  1301. 
It  passed  through  various  changes,  and  in   1637 
was  a  common  ale-house   and   called   a  common 
nuisance;  later  it  was  used  as  a  blacksmith's  shop. 
Defoe  and  others   have  placed  on   record   par- 
ticulars of  a  brutal  outrage  committed  on  the  path- 
way  running   through    this   churchyard   between 
the  churches  of  St.  James  and  St.  Mary.     "  In  the 
pathway,"    says    Defoe,     "  between     these     two 
churches  ...  a  tragical  and  almost  unheard-of  act 
of  barbarity  was  committed,  which  made  the  place 
less  pleasant  for  some  time  than  it  used  to  be,  when 
Arundel  Coke,  Esq.,  a  barrister-at-law,  of  a  very 
ancient  family,  attempted,  with  the  assistance  of  a 
barbarous  assassin,  to  murder  in  cold  blood,  and 
in  the  arms  of  hospitality,  Edward  Crisp,  Esq.,  his 


brother-in-law,  leading  him  out  from  his  own 
house,  where  he  had  invited  him,  his  wife  and 
children,  to  supper ;  I  say,  leading  him  out  in  the 
night,  on  pretence  of  going  to  see  some  friend 
that  was  known  to  them  both ;  but  in  the  church- 
yard, giving  a  signal  to  the  assassin  he  had  hired, 
he  attacked  him  with  a  hedge-bill,  and  cut  him,  as 
one  might  say,  almost  to  pieces ;  and  when  they  did 
not  doubt  of  his  being  dead  they  left  him.  His 
head  and  face  were  so  mangled  that  it  may  be  said 
to  be  next  to  a  miracle  that  he  was  not  quite  killed; 
yet  so  Providence  directed  for  the  exemplary 
punishment  of  the  assassins,  that  the  gentleman 
recovered  to  detect  them,  who  (though  he  outlived 
the  assault)  were  both  executed  as  they  deserved, 
and  Mr.  Crisp  is  yet  alive.  They  were  condemned 
on  the  statute  for  defacing  and  dismembering, 
called  the  Coventry  Act."  To-day,  as  we  visit  the 
tombs  in  this  historic  burial  ground,  we  can  hardly 
realise  some  of  the  tragic  stories  associated  with  it. 

It  was  at  this  town,  in  1644,  that  forty  persons 
were  hanged  under  the  ban  of  Hopkins,  the  witch- 
finder.  On  the  Northgate  Road  is  an  important 
historical  site.  It  is  called  Thing-hou,  or  "*  the  Hill 
of  the  Council  or  Assembly  "  of  the  Anglo-Saxons, 
and  it  gave  the  name  to  the  Hundred  of  Thingoe. 
In  early  times  the  affairs  of  the  district  were  dis- 
cussed in  the  open  air.  Down  to  1776  it  was  the 
place  of  public  executions,  and  derived  its  more 
popular  name  of  Betty  Burroughs  Hill,  from  the 
last  person  who  suffered  death  there. 

A  plague  of  great  violence  visited  the  town  in 
1636,  and  nearly  depopulated  the  place.     A?  one 

BURY   ST.   EDMUNDS  ;ii3 

time  no  fewer  than  four  hundred  families  were 
sick,  and  were  maintained  at  the  public  charge. 
People  avoided  visiting  Bury,  and  in  its  streets 
grass  grew.  At  the  bottom  of  Risbygate  Street  is 
the  octagonal  base  of  a  cross,  which  was  filled  with 
vinegar  when  the  smallpox  raged  in  the  town  in 
1677,  so  that  people  attending  the  market,  then 
held  outside  the  gate  of  the  town,  might  place  in 
the  vinegar  their  money  to  disinfect  it,  while  others 
would  dip  in  their  handkerchiefs  to  save  themselves 
from  infection. 

The  town  has  many  important  and  interesting 
buildings,  and  flowers  and  trees  add  much  to  its 
beauty.  It  has  charms  for  the  antiquary,  and 
affords  delight  to  the  man-of-the-world,  and  is  by 
no  means  a  sleepy  place;  indeed,  it  is  not  surprising 
that  Dickens  selected  it  for  the  scene  of  some  of  the 
more  diverting  events  in  the  career  of  Mr.  Pickwick. 

•  [ 


It  is  that  poem  in  architecture,  Lincoln  Cathedral, 
which  draws  strangers  to  the  city,  but  there  is  much 
to  interest  and  instruct  those  who  make  a  pilgrim- 
age to  the  place.  Lincolnshire  is  regarded  by  many 
as  a  fenland,  lacking  in  striking  scenery.  As  a 
matter  of  fact,  few  of  our  English  counties  are  more 
varied,  and  have  more  beauty  spots.  It  has  hills 
and  dales,  with  a  wealth  of  trees,  winding  streams, 
dismantled  castles,  ruined  abbeys,  and  pleasant 
towns,  which  make  up  a  delightful  holiday  haunt. 
Its  history  and  more  especially  its  rural  charms 
have  inspired  poets.  The  Tennysons  take  the  lead- 
ing place,  but  others  stand  high  in  the  realms  of 

The  origin  of  the  name  of  the  city  is  of  consider- 
able historical  interest.  It  takes  us  back  to  the  days 
of  the  dim  historic  past.  It  was  called  by  the 
Britons  Caer-lindcoit.  By  the  Celts  it  was  known 
as  Linn-dun,  and  when  the  Romans  subdued  the 
land  the  name  was  Romanised  to  Lindum.  A 
name  identical  with  that  of  London,  meaning  "  the 
hill  fort  of  the  pool."  From  this  we  gather  ihat 
part  of  Ihe  city  below  the  hill  was  a  stagnant  mere, 
of  which,  at  the  present  time,  Brayford  Harbour 
is  almost  the  only  remains.  The  ending  of  the 
Roman  name  Lindum  Colonia  "  proclaims,1 '  says 
Freeman,  "  the  rank  which  Lincoln  held  among 
Roman  cities;  an  ending  which  it  shares  with  no 








other  English  Jown  or  village,  and  with  but  one  other 
spot  (Cologne)  throughout  the  whole  dominion  of 
Rome.  Koln  and  Lincoln  are  cities  kindred  in 
their  origin  and  name,  and  each  proclaims  herself 
simply  as  the  Roman  Colonia;  the  city  by  the 
Witham  keeps  her  earlier  name  as  well  as  the  title 
of  her  Roman  rank,  and  proclaims  herself  through 
her  long  history  as  the  Colony  of  Lindum." 

The  British  settlement  is  generally  assigned  to 
the  enclosed  area  outside  the  Newport  or  North- 
gate.  It  was  left  to  the  Romans  to  utilise  the  steep 
hill  southwards  as  a  means  of  natural  defence,  and 
to  move  their  city  in  that  direction.  The  first 
Roman  city  was  small.  It  measured  about  400 
yards  from  north  to  south  and  500  from  east  to 
west.  There  were  four  gates,  of  which  one  still 
remains,  the  Newport;  this,  with  the  exception  of 
the  one  at  Colchester  called  Balkerne,  is  the  only 
Roman  gate  standing  in  England.  The  site  of  the 
first  Roman  city  may  still  be  traced.  It  soon  out- 
grew its  narrow  boundaries  so  that  it  had  to  be 
greatly  extended,  and  its  extension  was  southwards, 
a  movement  still  followed  at  the  present  time. 

There  cannot  be  any  doubt  of  the  importance  of 
the  city  in  Roman  times,  but  its  historic  story  of  a 
colony  under  Imperial  Rome  is  almost  barren  of 
stirring  events,  and  of  the  shaping  of  history  in  this 
country.  It  must,  however,  have  been  a  busy  city. 
The  stately  tread  of  the  Roman  legions  must  have 
often  echoed  in  the  city.  Ermine  Street,  from 
London  to  the  Humber  and  into  Yorkshire,  ran 
through  it,  and  another  road  crossed  it  in  the  centre 
of  the  city,  running  from  east  to  west.    In  addition 


to  the  roads  named  the  great  Foss  Way  from  Bath 
to  Leicester  and  Newark  joined  Ermine  Street 
at  Swine  Green,  a  mile  south  of  the  city  gate.  In 
627  Blecca,  the  prefect  of  the  city,  was  converted  by 
Paulinus,  Bishop  of  York,  the  famous  Northum- 
brian Apostle.  The  site  of  the  first  Christian 
church  within  the  city  is  known  as  St.  Paul's, 
which  is  a  corrupted  form  of  the  great  apostle's 

A  bishopric  of  Lindsey  was  founded  by  Ecgfrith 
of  Northumbria,  but  Lincoln  was  not  chosen  as  the 
bishop's  seat.  Stow  was  selected,  and  its  venerable 
church  must  be  regarded  as  the  mother-church  of 
Lincoln  Minster;  and  until  the  Norman  Conquest, 
it  remained  the  head  of  the  See. 

When  the  Danes  swept  the  land  with  the  sword 
in  the  ninth  century,  Lincoln  was  one  of  their  five 
great  boroughs  in  this  country.  In  no  other 
county  in  England  have  they  left  more  abiding 
traces,  more  especially  in  the  place-names.  Here, 
as  in  the  other  four  great  towns,  Stamford, 
Leicester,  Nottingham,  and  Derby,  a  patriciate,  and 
twelve  lawmen,  whose  office  was  hereditary,  ruled 
the  town.  It  was  a  sort  of  commonwealth  and 
independent  of  the  Danish  Government.  Eadmund, 
"  the  doer  of  good  deeds,"  was  the  means  of 
winning  the  people  of  this  country  back  to 
Christianity.  In  1013  a  change  took  place  in  the 
Danish  rule  in  England.  The  five  great  boroughs 
submitted  to  Swein,  the  inhabitants  were  treated 
with  respect,  and  remained  independent  com- 

When  William  of  Normandy  won  the  crown  at 


the  battle  of  Hastings  few  changes  were  made  at 
Lincoln.  The  Domesday  Survey  shows  that  the 
old  privileges  were  retained.  The  King  realised 
the  important  position  of  the  place  and  had  the 
future  shaping  of  it  in  his  own  hands.  Where  the 
old  fortress  had  stood  in  1068  he  built  a  castle, 
which  not  only  protected  the  city,  but  was  the  key 
to  the  eastern  counties.  At  the  present  time  the 
castle  is  used  as  assize  courts  and  as  a  county 
prison.  It  has  a  stirring  history,  and  is  one  of  the 
eight  known  to  have  been  founded  by  the  Con- 
queror. There  are  two  mounds  within  the  boundary 
of  the  stronghold,  about  40  feet  high.  On  one 
stands  the  Keep,  and  on  the  other  the  Observatory 
Tower.  When  the  struggle  between  Stephen  and 
Matilda  disturbed  the  peace  of  the  land,  the  Queen 
made  Lincoln  her  headquarters  on  her  retirement 
from  Wallingford.  In  1140  Stephen  pushed  for- 
ward his  troops  and  laid  siege  to  the  castle.  In 
the  battle  of  Lincoln,  which  was  fought  on  the  slope 
below  the  castle,  the  King  was  defeated  and  taken 
prisoner.  Matilda,  commonly  called  the  Empress 
Maud,  assumed  the  throne,  but  her  rule  was  so 
unpopular  that  the  barons  took  up  arms  for 
Stephen.  The  Earl  of  Gloucester  was  taken 
prisoner,  and  exchanged  for  the  King.  Stephen 
was  finally  permitted  under  the  Treaty  of  Walling- 
ford, 1 153,  to  retain  the  crown  during  his  life, 
which  at  his  death  was  to  pass  to  Henry  Planta- 
genet,  Matilda's  son.  Some  historians  designate 
her  queen  regnant.  As  a  matter  of  fact  this  is  a 
mistake,  for  she  was  never  crowned  by  the  Church 
or  the  nation. 


Six  years  later,  in  "the  piping  times  of  peace,  King 
Stephen  spent  Christmas  at  the  castle.  He  wore 
his  crown,  disregarding  the  old  suDerstition : 

The  first  crowned  head  that  enters  Lincoln's  walls, 
His  reign  proves  stormy  and  his  kingdom  falls. 

The  castle  figures  largely  in  the  times  when  civil 
strife  raged  at  Lincoln.  A  notable  battle  occurred 
in  1217,  the  result  of  King  John's  breaking  faith 
with  the  barons  and  violating  the  Magna  Charta. 
He  was  plotting  to  get  Louis,  son  of  Philip,  King 
of  France,  on  the  English  throne.  When  John 
passed  away  Louis  came  to  England,  but  those  who 
had  promised  their  support  deserted  his  cause.  The 
Earl  of  Pembroke,  who  had  been  chosen  Protector 
during  the  minority  of  Henry,  then  only  nine  years 
old,  defeated  Louis  at  Lincoln.  This  engagement 
is  known  as  "  The  Battle  of  Lincoln  Fair."  Our 
first  great  naval  victory  was  gained  at  this  time, 
Louis'  fleet  being  nearly  destroyed  off  the  coast  of 

For  a  long  period  little  fighting  troubled  the 
citizens,  until  the  civil  wars  rent  the  country  in 
twain,  when  father  met  son  on  opposite  sides  and 
when  brothers  were  fighting  under  different 
banners.  At  the  outbreak  of  the  great  struggle 
Charles  I.  visited  Lincoln  and  was  welcomed  by 
60,000  people.  Little  did  he  think  then,  when  the 
air  rang  with  their  hearty  cheers,  that  his  career 
would  end  at  the  hands  of  a  common  headsman  at 
Whitehall.  The  castle  was  held  for  the  King  by 
Sir  Francis  Fane,  who,  however,  was  driven  out 
of  it  by  the  Parliamentary  troops  under  the  Earl  of 
Manchester  in  1644. 


In  later  times  the  castle  became  a  county  prison, 
and  within  its  walls  are  not  only  cells  for  prisoners, 
but  courts  in  which  to  try  them  and  lodgings  for 
the  judges.  Samuel  Bamford,  the  Lancashire  poet 
and  Radical,  for  a  political  offence  was  imprisoned 
here  for  a  year,  and  in  his  "  Passages  in  the  Life 
of  a  Radical  "  is  the  best  account  of  prison  life  of 
the  period  which  has  come  under  our  notice.  Local 
writers  appear  to  have  overlooked  the  graphic 
account,  which  pays  a  warm  tribute  to  the  kindness 
of  justices  and  jailers.  Great  liberty  was  allowed 
him,  which  he  took  care  not  to  abuse,  and  thus 
made  a  great  impression  on  all  who  came  in  contact 
with  him.  His  wife,  who  inspired  his  best  poetry, 
was  permitted  to  live  with  him.  Some  interesting 
glimpses  of  prison  life  in  the  past  occur  in  connec- 
tion with  Lincoln  Castle.  From  the  top  of  Cobb 
Tower,  which  was  roofed  over,  criminals  were 
executed  from  1815  until  the  "  Private  Executions 
Act  "  in  1868.  Prior  to  18 15,  the  place  of  execu- 
tion was  at  the  corner  of  the  road  opposite  the 
north-west  corner  of  the  Castle  Dykings,  and  long 
bore  the  name  of  Hangman's  Ditch.  On  March 
19th,  1785,  some  20,000  people  assembled  to  witness 
the  execution  of  nine  persons,  one  for  highway 
robbery  and  the  rest  for  robbery  of  a  slighter 

Hanging  was  not  the  only  means  of  ending  life 
in  the  eighteenth  century;  the  burning  of  women 
was  practised  long  before  this  period.  There  is 
an  account  of  burning  at  Lincoln  in  1722.  Eleanor 
Elsom  was  condemned  to  death  for  the  murder  of 
her  husband,  and  was  ordered  to  be  burnt  at  the 


stake.  She  was  clothed  in  a  cloth  "  made  like  a 
shift,' '  saturated  with  tar,  and  her  limbs  were  also 
smeared  with  the  same  inflammable  substance,  while 
a  tarred  bonnet  had  been  placed  on  her  head.  She 
was  brought  out  of  the  prison  barefoot,  and,  being 
put  on  the  hurdle,  was  drawn  on  a  sledge  to  the 
place  of  execution  near  the  gallows.  Upon  arrival, 
some  time  was  passed  in  prayer,  after  which  the 
executioner  placed  her  on  a  tar  barrel,  a  height  of 
three  feet,  against  the  stake.  A  rope  ran  through 
a  pulley  in  the  stake,  and  was  placed  round  her 
neck,  she  herself  fixing  it  with  both  hands.  Three 
irons  also  held  her  body  to  the  stake,  and  the  rope 
being  pulled  tight,  the  tar  barrel  was  taken  aside 
and  the  fire  lighted.  The  details  in  the  "  Lincoln 
Date  Book  "  state  that  she  was  probably  quite  dead 
before  the  fire  reached  her,  as  the  executioner  pulled 
upon  the  rope  several  times  whilst  the  irons  were 
being  fixed.  The  body  was  seen  amid  the  flames 
for  nearly  half  an  hour,  though,  through  the  dry- 
ness of  the  wood  and  the  quantity  of  the  tar,  the  fire 
was  exceedingly  fierce. 

Under  the  shadow  of  the  castle  rises  the  cathedral, 
a  building  of  great  architectural  grandeur,  and  one 
which  dominates  the  country  for  many  miles  round. 
The  See  of  Lincoln  dates  back  to  1074,  when  the 
bishop's  seat  was  transferred  from  Dorchester-on- 
Thames  by  Remigius.  The  diocese  covered  much 
ground,  and  its  bishops  played  an  important  part 
in  the  making  of  English  history.  Remigius 
built  a  church,  and  to-day  remains  of  il  may  be  seen 
in  the  central  part  of  the  west  front.  Hugh  of 
Avalon  was  made  bishop  towards  the  close  of  the 


twelfth  century,  and  started  rebuilding  the  church 
in  1 192.  He  commenced  his  operations  at  the  east 
end,  but  died  before  he  had  completed  his  work. 
The  nave  was  finished  by  his  successors,  and  in  the 
latter  half  of  the  twelfth  century  the  apsidal  ending 
of  St.  Hugh's  choir  was  taken  down,  and  the 
presbytery  was  extended  five  bays  eastwards.  The 
extension  forms  a  striking  feature  in  the  cathedral 
and  is  the  celebrated  "Angel  Choir,' '  which  attracts 
world-wide  attention.  It  is  called  the  "  Angel 
Choir  "  from  the  number  of  the  angelic  figures  that 
appear  among  the  carvings.  Here  are  many 
monuments,  including  one  to  Eleanor,  wife  of 
Edward  I.  She  died  five  miles  from  the  city,  and 
her  viscera  were  buried  in  the  cathedral,  her  heart 
was  taken  to  the  church  of  the  Friars  Predicant  in 
London,  and  her  body  was  laid  to  rest  in  West- 
minster Abbey,  not  far  from  the  place  where  her 
husband's  body  was  laid  to  rest  when  death  closed 
his  active  career. 

The  towers  form  a  striking  feature  of  the  cathe- 
dral. The  central  tower  is  much  admired.  "  By 
its  dignity  in  the  mass,"  says  Walcot,  "and  the 
picturesque  combinations  with  the  cathedral 
which  it  forms  from  every  point  of  view,  it  lends 
an  unequalled  majesty  to  the  church.  It  is  the 
finest  central  tower  in  the  world."  It  is  only  sur- 
passed in  height  by  two  cathedral  spires  in 
England,  those  of  Salisbury  and  Norwich.  The 
central  tower  of  Lincoln  carried  a  spire,  but  this  was 
blown  down  in  1547.  Browne  Willis  says:  "The 
disaster  happened  at  a  time  when  faith  and  devotion 
were  at  a  wretchedly  low  ebb,  and  men  were  rather 


occupied  in  unroofing  and  stripping  the  temples 
of  God,  than  raising  spires  to  His  honour;  and  the 
tower  of  Lincoln  has  remained  ever  since  curtailed 
of  its  beautiful  termination.' *  We  might  add  that 
the  worshippers  have  remained  in  safety  and  with- 
out fear  from  the  falling  of  a  steeple.  In  this  tower 
hangs  the  famous  "  Great  Tom  of  Lincoln/ '  a 
giant  among  bells.  In  Macaulay's  spirited  ballad 
on  the  "Spanish  Armada,"  Lincoln  figures  as 
spreading  the  news  with  the  lighted  beacon  of  the 
approach  of  the  foe.     We  read  : 

.    .    .    twelve  fair  counties  saw  the  blaze  on  Malvern's 

lonely  height ; 
Till  streamed  in  crimson  on  the  wind  the  Wrekin's  crest 

of  light ; 
Till  broad  and  fierce  the  star  came  forth  on  Ely's  stately 

And  town  and  hamlet  rose  to  arms  o'er  all  the  boundless 

plain  ; 
Till  Belvoir's  lordly  terraces  the  sign  to  Lincoln  sent, 
And  Lincoln  sped  the  message  on  o'er  the  wide  vale  of 

Trent ; 
Till  Skiddaw  saw  the  fire  that  burned  on   Gaunfs  em- 
battled pile, 
And  the  red  glare  on   Skiddaw  roused  the  burghers  of 


Near  the  cathedral  is  a  fine  statue  to  Alfred,  Lord 
Tennyson,  erected  by  his  admirers  in  his  native 
county.  The  Bishop's  Palace  is  a  modern  build- 
ing on  an  ancient  site.  The  historic  house  of 
Lincoln  is  the  "  House  of  Aaron  the  Jew,"  and  it 
may  safely  be  asserted  to  be  one  of  the  oldest 
inhabited  dwellings  in  this  country.  Here  resided 
Belaset  de  Wallingford,  a  Jewess,  who  was  hanged 
for  debasing  coin  in  1290.  It  was  in  this  year  that 
the    Jews    were   expelled    from     England.       The 


building  has  round  windows,  and  the  usual  features 
of  a  Norman  house. 

Another  interesting  building  is  the  Stone  Bow, 
situated  in  High  Street.  It  is  a  fine  example  of  a 
fifteenth  century  town  gate.  There  is  a  large  upper 
room  with  a  Perpendicular  timber  roof  known  as 
the  Guild  Hall.  Here  are  kept  the  interesting  and 
valuable  regalia.  Here  is  a  bell  set  up  by  William 
Beale,  Mayor,  137 1,  having  an  involved  Latin 
inscription,  which  has  been  translated :  "  When  any 
good  man  hears  the  bell  let  him  open  his  bag  (a 
brief-bag  for  the  court),  and  know  ye  the  hall  will 
clear  when  it  rings  again." 

The  Hall  of  St.  Mary's  Guild  may  be  pro- 
nounced one  of  the  most  valuable  and  extensive 
ranges  of  buildings  of  the  twelfth  century  in 
England.  The  guild  was  the  most  important  in 
the  city.  It  is  called  erroneously  John  o'  Gaunt's 
stables,  and  keeps  alive  the  tradition  that  he  had  a 
palace  nearly  opposite  St.  Mary's  Hall,  being  the 
home  of  his  third  wife,  Katherine  Swynford,  of 
Ketilthorpe,  whom  he  married  in  Lincoln  Minster, 
1386.  She  was  a  fair  widow  with  a  son,  Charles 
Beaufort,  who  became  Bishop  of  Lincoln.  His 
mother  died  during  his  episcopate,  and  he  had  her 
interred  with  her  daughter  near  the  high  altar  of 
the  cathedral. 

There  are  numerous  churches  in  the  city.  Two 
are  especially  interesting.  St.  Peter's  at  Gowts 
was  built  in  Norman  times.  It  is  to  be  regretted 
that  recent  enlargements  have  resulted  in  the  demo- 
lition of  some  of  the  fine  Norman  work.  It  has  a 
striking  tower.     The  other  is  St.  Mary-le-Wigford, 


which  has  a  stately  tower  similar  to  that  of  St. 
Peter-at-Gowts.  In  the  graveyard  of  this  church 
is  a  peculiar  epitaph  as  follows : 

Here  lies,  believe  it  if  you  can, 

Who  though  an  attorney  was  an  honest  man. 

Many  of  the  old  street  names  are  full  of  historical 

interest.    Mint   Street  calls  to  mind  the   minting 

of  coins,  of  which  examples  exist  from  the  age  of 

Alfred  the  Great  to  the  reign  of  Edward  I.    The 

Bull  Ring  recalls  the  days  when   rich  and  poor 

keenly  enjoyed  the  brutal  sport.     The  Corporation 

bye-laws,   like  those  of  other  places,  contained  a 

rule  that  no  butcher  should  offer  for  sale  bull  beef 

unless  the  animal  had  been  baited.       "  On  Guy 

Fawkes  Day,  1802,"  it  is  stated  in  the  "  Lincoln 

Date  Book,"  "  about  eleven  o'clock  in  the  morning 

a  bull  was  dragged  into  the  city  amidst  the  shouts  of 

an  applauding  multitude ;  it  was  taken  to  the  Castle 

Hill,  tied  to  an  iron  ring  with  ropes,  and  then  torn 

and  worried  by  dogs.     The  animal  appeared  to 

possess  great  strength,  and  he  soon  broke  loose, 

running  downhill   into    the  city,  to    the  no  small 

terror  of  the  country  people.     It  being  market  day, 

several  women  with  butter,  geese,  eggs,  etc.,  ran 

into    St.    Peter-at-Arches    Church   during    divine 

service,  their  livestock  making  much  noise  therein. 

The  bull  was  again  secured  and  baited  until  four 

o'clock,  when  it  dropped  down  dead  at  the  stake." 

Another  cruel   sport  was   cock-fighting.       In   the 

"  Reindeer,"  the  Corporation  had  their  cock-pit. 

It  was  here  that  King  James  was  made  merry  by 

watching  two  pairs  of  cocks  being  placed  in  the  pit 

at  the  same  time.     He  attended  two  services  at  the 


minster,  and  after  each  touched  fifty  persons  for 
king's  evil. 

There  are  the  usual  city  and  county  buildings, 
and  an  up-to-date  Public  Free  Library,  with  a  good 
collection  of  local  books,  as  well  as  works  on  the 
various  branches  of  literature  and  science.  There 
is  a  pleasant  and  well  planned  Arboretum,  and  the 
city  has  other  attractions.  There  is  no  missing 
Lincoln,  for  "A  city  that  is  built  on  a  hill  cannot 
be  hid." 


The  Warwickshire  city  of  Coventry  is  a  place  of 
great  antiquarian  interest.  In  spite  of  modern  pro- 
gress it  presents  an  old-fashioned  appearance,  and 
offers  a  marked  contrast  to  its  busy  and  bustling 
neighbour,  Birmingham.  Coventry  has  a  bygone 
look  about  it,  and  in  every  direction  one  seems  to 
come  into  touch  with  history,  while  in  modern 
Birmingham  everything  seems  to  be  given  up  to 

Until  the  introduction  of  the  cycle,  Coventry 
appeared  to  have  retired  from  business.  Ribbon 
making  had  gone,  and  matters  were  at  a  standstill. 
The  new  industry  put  the  place  once  more  on  its 
feet,  and  when  the  motor-car  came  along  it  set  the 
old  borough  humming.  The  new  industries  may 
have  tended  fo  spoil  the  place  in  the  eyes  of  the 
students  of  the  past;  but  they  have  increased  the 
wealth  and  prosperity  of  the  city,  and  placed  it  on 
a  line  with  other  centres  of  trade. 

From  time  to  time  it  is  brought  into  the  public 
eye  by  its  famous  Godiva  Procession,  which  ranks 
among  the  more  important  pageants  of  Merry 
England.  It  is  to  be  feared  that  in  the  popular 
story  of  Lady  Godiva  there  is  little  that  is  reliable, 
but  it  is  quite  clear  that  she  was  a  woman  ever  ready 
to  relieve  those  in  distress,  pious,  and  a  benefactress 



[From  an  old  print. 

A  Performance  of  a  Sacred  Play. 

Period   about  the  end  of  the  Sixteenth  Century. 


to  religious  houses.  Her  lot  was  cast  in  a  time 
when  might  and  not  right  ruled  the  land.  We  have 
no  fewer  than  seventeen  forms  of  the  spelling  of 
her  name,  but  as  they  all  refer  to  the  same  person 
they  need  not  cause  any  serious  consideration.  Her 
brother  was  Bucknall,  Sheriff  of  Lincolnshire. 

Her  first  husband  was  taken  from  her  while  she 
was  still  young,  and  at  an  early  age  she  was 
expected  to  follow  him  to  the  grave.  She  gave  to 
Ely  monastery  extensive  lands  in  Suffolk  and  other 
parts  of  the  country.  We  are  told  that  she  was  a 
woman  of  great  beauty,  and  a  devoted  lover  of  the 
Virgin  Mary.  She  recovered  from  her  illness,  and 
before  1040  was  married  a  second  time  to  Leofric, 
Earl  of  Chester. 

About  this  time  she  interested  and  induced  her 
husband  Leofric  to  help  in  the  erection  of  a  mon- 
astery at  Stow,  Lincolnshire.  The  couple  made 
considerable  benefactions  to  this  religious  house. 

It  is  with  Coventry  that  her  name  is  associated 
in  the  popular  mind.  Here  her  husband  had  a 
villa,  and  here  had  been  a  convent,  but  when  the 
Danes  ravaged  the  district  it  was  destroyed  by  fire. 
Godiva  induced  the  earl  to  found  here  a  Benedictine 
monastery  for  an  abbot  and  twenty-four  monks. 
The  church  was  dedicated  to  St.  Mary,  St.  Peter, 
St.  Osburg  (she  was  the  Abbess  of  the  old  convent), 
and  All  Saints.  The  Archbishop  of  Canterbury 
performed  the  dedication  ceremony.  Husband  and 
wife  joined  in  making  rich  gifts  of  land  to  the  mon- 
astery and  church.  It  is  recorded  that  Godiva  made 
Jie  church  resplendent  with  gold  and  gems,  not 
equalled  in  any  other  sanctuary  in  England  of  that 


time.  William  of  Malmesbury  says  that  the  very 
walls  seemed  too  narrow  for  the  reception  of  its 
treasures.  Cherished  and  important  relics  were 
deposited  here,  and  we  can  readily  realise  that 
pious  pilgrims  would  visit  the  shrine.  Around  this 
famous  religious  house  would  soon  grow  up  a  town 
with  a  market,  and  the  statement  that,  when  Godiva 
performed  the  feat  which  has  given  her  lasting 
fame,  there  was  no  city,  is,  we  think,  a  miscon- 
ception of  facts. 

According  to  an  ancient  tradition,  for  some 
reason  now  lost  in  the  mists  of  antiquity,  Leofric 
at  one  period  greatly  taxed  and  oppressed  the 
people.  His  countess  was  deeply  moved  to  see 
them  suffering,  and  she  determined  if  possible  to 
deliver  them  from  their  oppression.  Says  Tenny- 
son : 

She  sought  her  lord,  and  found  him,  where  he  strode 

About  the  hall,  among  his  dogs  alone, 

His  beard  a  foot  before  him,  and  his  hair 

A  yard  behind.     She  told  him  of  their  tears, 

And  pra/d  him,  "If  they  pay  the  tax  they  starve." 

The  grim  earl  heard  her  words  with  amazement, 
and  cried  in  scorn  : 

"You  would  not  let  your  little  finger  ache  for  such  as  these!" 
"But  I  would  die,"  replied  the  pleading  Godiva. 

Tradition  tells  how  her  husband  laughed,  and  by 
St.  Peter  and  St.  Paul  took  an  oath  exclaiming : 


"  O,  ay,  ay,  ay,  you  talk."    She,  persisting,  said  : 
"  But  prove  me  what  it  is  I  would  not  do." 
And  from  a  heart  as  rough  as  Esau's  hand, 
He  answered,  "  Ride  you  naked  thro'  the  town, 
And  1  repeal  it." 


His  countess  accepted  the  cruel  condition : 

She  sent  a  herald  forth, 

And  bade  him  cry,  with  sound  of  trumpet,  all 
The  hard  condition  ;  but  that  she  would  loose 
The  people  :   therefore,  as  they  loved  her  well, 
From  then  till  noon  no  foot  should  pace  the  street, 
No  eye  look  down,  she  passing  ;  but  that  all 
Should  keep  within,  door  shut,  and  windows  barr'd. 

The  poet  says : 

Then  she  rode  forth,  clothed  on  with  chastity. 
Her  husband's  condition  complied  with, 

She  took  the  tax  away, 

And  built  herself  an  everlasting  name. 

An  old  story  says  that  a  tailor  did  basely  and 
wilfully  bore  a  hole  through  his  shutters  that  he 
might  peep  at  Lady  Godiva  as  she  passed.  He 
suffered  for  the  outrage,  for,  relates  the  poet : 

.     .     .     .     His  eyes  before  they  had  their  will 
Were  shrivelled  into  darkness  in  his  head 
And  dropt  before  him. 

The  earliest  historians  do  not  mention  Peeping 
Tom,  and  his  introduction  into  the  city  legend 
belongs  to  the  reign  of  Charles  II.,  and  was  added 
to  the  attractions  of  the  Godiva  procession  in  cele- 
bration of  the  freedom  of  the  city.  In  the  past  the 
Mayor  and  other  leading  men  joined  in  the  popular 
pageant,  but  now  it  is  mainly  made  up  of  members 
of  friendly  and  trade  societies.  The  city  has  two 
figures  of  Peeping  Tom.  One  was  probably  an 
image  of  St.  George ;  it  was  removed  from  Grey 
Friars  Lane,  and  placed  in  its  present  position, 
at  the  north-west  corner  of  Hertford  Street,  on  the 
formation  of  that  street  in  181 2.  In  quite  recent 
times  a  rival  figure  was  put  up  at  the  south-west 


On  August  31st,  1057,  Leofric  died.  It  is  gener- 
ally supposed  that  Lady  Godiva  passed  away 
shortly  before  the  Domesday  Survey  (1085-6). 

There  is  a  blending  of  fact  and  fiction  in  the  story 
of  Lady  Godiva,  but  little  doubt  exists  that  the  more 
important  part  of  the  story  we  have  brought  before 
our  readers  is  true,  and  she  will  remain  a  noble 
example  to  womankind,  although  in  the  altered 
conditions  of  life  her  sex  will  not  be  called  upon  to 
go  through  such  an  ordeal. 

After  the  Norman  Conquest  the  lordship  by  mar- 
riage passed  to  the  Earls  of  Chester,  under  whom 
the  place  made  rapid  advancement.  Next  came 
the  Montalts  and  the  Arundels,  and  the  failure 
of  heirs  caused  it  to  pass  to  the  Crown.  When 
Edward  III.  made  his  son,  the  Black  Prince,  the 
Duke  of  Cornwall,  he  annexed  the  manor  of  Cov- 
entry to  the  dukedom  for  ever.  This  king  gave  the 
place  its  first  charter  of  incorporation  in  the  year 
1344.  The  great  annual  fair  dates  back  long 
before  the  incorporation  of  the  town,  Henry  III. 
having  permitted  it  in  12 18. 

A  singular  circumstance  stands  boldly  out  in  the 
history  of  the  city.  Here,  in  1398,  Henry  Boling- 
broke,  Duke  of  Hereford  (afterwards  Henry  IV.), 
and  Thomas  de  Mowbray,  Duke  of  Norfolk,  met  to 
decide  a  quarrel  by  Wager  of  Battle.  The  scene  is 
immortalised  by  Shakespeare  in  his  Richard  II. 
The  King  and  many  of  his  nobles  were  present,  and 
when  the  Champions  were  ready  for  the  fray  his 
Majesty  stopped  the  engagement  and  banished  both 
from  England,  Norfolk  for  ten  years  and  Hereford 
for  life. 


A  parliament  was  held  at  Coventry  by  Edward 
IV.,  in  1404,  in  the  great  chamber  of  the  Priory, 
and  a  second  parliament  at  the  same  place  in  1459. 
Henry  V.  was  supported  by  the  town  in  the  struggles 
which  ended  in  his  dethronement  and  death.  When 
Edward  IV.  assumed  the  crown  the  citizens 
were  severely  fined  for  their  loyal  assistance  to  the 
dethroned  king.  When  Richard  III.  was  slain  at 
Bosworth  Field  and  Henry  VII.  ruled  the  land,  he 
was  welcomed  to  the  city  with  joy,  and  a  cup  and 
;£ioo  were  presented  to  him.  In  1565  Queen  Eliza- 
beth visited  the  city  and  was  warmly  welcomed. 
Mary  Queen  of  Scots  spent  some  of  her  weary 
captivity  in  this  city.  In  1616  her  son,  James  I., 
visited  the  city  and  was  entertained  at  a  great  feast. 
The  city  was  surrounded  by  walls,  which  extended 
to  a  circuit  of  three  miles,  their  average  thickness 
being  nine  feet.  Some  remains  of  them  may  still 
be  seen. 

A  couple  of  days  after  Charles  I.  had  raised  his 
standard  at  Nottingham,  he  demanded  admission 
to  Coventry,  but  the  Puritans  of  the  city  refused 
to  admit  the  monarch.  He  then,  without  success, 
attempted  to  take  the  city  by  force.  Royalist 
prisoners  were  sent  here,  and  the  strict  discipline 
gave  rise  to  the  saying  of  being  "sent  to  Coventry.' ' 
Charles  II.  fined  the  citizens  for  closing  the  gates 
of  their  city  against  his  father,  and  dismantled  the 
walls.  For  the  remains  of  old  religious  houses  few, 
if  any,  towns  surpass  Coventry. 

St.  Michael's  vies  with  Holy  Trinity,  Hull,  and 
St.  Nicholas's,  Yarmouth,  in  claiming  to  be  the 
largest  parish  church  in  the  United  Kingdom.     Its 


graceful  spire  is  a  striking  objeci,  rising  nearly  300 
feet.  Two  brothers,  William  and  Adam  Botoner, 
built  the  tower  between  1373  and  1394.  Two 
sisters,  Ann  and  Mary,  added  the  spire  four  years 
later.  It  was  restored  in  1888.  The  church  was 
founded  in  the  reign  of  Henry  I.,  but  little  of  the 
original  building  remains.  The  present  Perpen- 
dicular building  was  erected  towards  the  end  of  the 
fourteenth  century  and  the  commencement  of  the 
fifteenth  century.  The  city  was  rich  in  its  religi- 
ous and  trade  guilds;  formerly  their  chapels  were 
in  this  church,  and  screens  divided  them  from  the 
rest  of  the  building,  but  these  have  been  swept 
away  and  the  area  for  the  worshippers  has  been 
greatly  increased.  The  extreme  length  of  the 
church  is  293  feet,  and  its  greatest  width  is  127  feet. 
A  curious  feature  of  this  church  and  burial  ground 
is  the  number  of  curious  epitaphs.  On  a  brass, 
placed  to  the  memory  of  a  Yorkshireman,  in  this 
church  is  an  inscription  as  follows  : 

Here  lyes  the  Body  of  Captain  Gervase,  of  the  family  o 
Scropes,  of  Bolton,  in  the  County  of  York,  who  departed  thi 
ife  the  26th  day  of  August,  Anno  Domini  1705. 

An  Epitaph  Written  by  Himself  in  the  Agony  and 

Dolorous  Paines  of  the  Gout,  and 

Dyed  soon  after. 

Here  lies  an  Old  Toss'd  Tennis  Ball, 
Was  Racketted  from  Spring  to  Fall 
With  so  much  heat  and  so  much  hast, 
Time's  arm  (for  shame)  grew  tyr'd  at  last, 
Four  Kings  in  Camps  he  truly  serv'd, 
And  from  loyalty  ne'r  swerv'd. 
Father  ruin'd,  the  Son  slighted, 
And  from  the  Crown  ne'r  requited, 
Loss  of  Estate,  Relations,  Blood, 
Was  too  well  Known,  but  did  no  good, 


With  long  Campaigns  and  paines  of  th*  Govt, 

He  could  no  longer  hold  it  out : 

Always  a  restless  life  he  led, 

Never  at  quiet  till  quite  dead, 

He  marryM  in  his  latter  dayes, 

One  who  exceeds  the  com'on  praise, 

But  wanting  breath  still  to  make  Known 

Her  true  Affection  and  his  Own, 

Death  kindly  came,  all  wants  suppl/d 

By  giving  Rest  which  life  denyM. 

A  famous  fencing  master  was  laid  to  rest  in  the 
churchyard,  and  his  memorial  says : 

To  the  memory  of 

Mr.  John  Parkes, 

A  Native  of  this  City. 

He  was  a  man  of  mild  disposition,  a  Gladiator  by  profession; 

Who  having  fought  350  battles, 

In  the  principal  parts  of  Europe, 

With  honour  and  applause, 

At  length  quitted  the  stage,  sheathed  his  sword, 

And  with  Christian  resignation, 

Submitted  to  the  Grand  Victor 

In  the  52nd  year  of  his  age 

Anno  Domini  1733. 

An  old  stone,  bearing  the  foregoing  inscription, 
was  replaced  by  a  new  one  some  years  ago  at  the 
expense  of  the  late  Mr.  S.  Carter,  formerly  Member 
of  Parliament  for  Coventry.  In  the  Spectator, 
honourable  mention  is  made  of  John  Parkes. 

A  typographical  epitaph  is  also  in  the  burial 
ground  to  the  memory  of  a  worthy  printer  who  was 


engaged  over  sixty  years  as  a  compositor  on  the 
Coventry  Mercury  : 

Here  lies  intend  the  mortal  remains  of 

John  Hulm 


Who,  like  an  old,  worn  out  type,  battered  by  frequent  use 

reposes  in  the  grave. 

But  not  without  a  hope  that  at  some  future  time  he  might  be 

cast  in  the  mould  of  righteousness, 

and  safely  locked  up  in  the  chase  of  immortality. 

He  was  distributed  from  the  board  of  life 

on  the  9th  day  of  Sept,  1827, 

Regretted  by  his  employers  and  respected  by 

his  fellow  artists. 

The  general  reader  may  not  grasp  the  technical 
terms  in  the  foregoing  epitaph,  but  they  will  interest 
the  printer  and  the  student  of  typography. 

Another  fine  Perpendicular  church  is  Holy 
Trinity.  It  suffers  much  on  account  of  being  built 
so  near  St.  Michael's.  It  is  on  the  cruciform  plan  ; 
the  greatest  length  is  180  feet,  and  its  greatest  width 
105  feet.  The  tower  and  a  graceful  spire  rise  from 
the  intersection  of  the  chancel,  nave,  and  transepts. 
The  interior  of  the  tower  is  open  to  the  church,  and 
forms  a  lantern.  During  a  terrible  gale  on  the 
24th  January,  1665,  the  spire  was  blown  down,  but 
rebuilt  in  the  two  following  years.  The  church 
stands  on  the  site  of  one  existing  in  the  thirteenth 
century ;  only  a  few  fragments  of  the  older  building 
remain.  An  adjacent  Priory  appropriated  the 
church.  Before  the  Reformation  were  a  number 
of  chapels  and  altars  within  this  fabric,  and  at 
least  two  had  crypts,  St.  Thomas's  Chapel  and  the 


Mercers'  Chapel.  Dugdale  says  that  in  the  time 
of  Richard  II.  a  window  was  put  up  to  represent 
Leofric  holding  in  his  hand  a  charter  with  the 
following  words : 

I  Luriche  for  the  love  of  thee 
Do  make  Coventrie  Tol  free. 

At  this  church  a  couple  were  united  in  marriage 
who  won  fame  on  the  theatrical  stage.  The 
marriage  took  place  by  licence  on  the  25th  Novem- 
ber, 1773.  The  signatures  attached  to  the  registers 
are  as  follows : 

William  Siddons. 
Sarah  Kemble. 

The  witnesses  were  Roger  Kemble  and  Mary  J. 
Godfrey.  Mr.  Siddons  is  described  as  of  the  parish 
of  St.  Michael,  and  Miss  Kemble  of  Trinity  parish. 
The  ceremony  was  performed  by  the  Rev.  George 
Richards,  in  the  absence  of  the  Rev.  Joseph  Rann, 
who  was  vicar  of  Trinity  from  1773  to  181 1.  In 
1776  and  the  four  following  years  Mr.  Rann  pub- 
lished an  edition  of  the  "  Dramatic  Works  of  W. 
Shakespeare  with  Notes,''  in  six  vols.,  8vo.  Miss 
Ellen  Terry,  the  celebrated  actress,  was  born  in 
Market  Street,  Coventry,  27th  February,  1848. 

There  is  much  in  the  church  to  interest  the 
visitor.  In  the  vestry  is  a  portrait  of  Dr.  Hook, 
who  was  the  vicar  of  this  church  before  he  was 
called  to  a  larger  sphere  of  labour  as  vicar  of  Leeds, 
and  his  zeal  for  church  work,  more  especially  for 
building  new  churches,  gained  for  him  the  title  of 



M  The  Apostle  of  the  North."  He  died  Dean  of 

Miracle  plays  were  introduced  into  this  country 
from  the  Continent.  The  earliest  pieces  were 
scriptural  or,  at  all  events,  of  a  pious  character. 
The  earliest  record  of  a  performance  in  England 
was  at  Dunstable,  about  the  year  iuo,  and  it  was 
entitled  the  "  Miracle  of  St.  Catherine. "  They 
were  first  performed  by  the  priests  as  a  part  of  the 
service  of  the  Church,  but  later  by  the  members  of 
religious  and  trade  guilds.  They  retained  their 
popularity  until  the  Reformation. 

Coventry  was  famous  for  its  plays,  indeed  it  has 
long  been  famous  for  its  pageants,  the  chief  being 
the  observance  of  the  feast  of  Corpus  Christi.  The 
chief  feature  of  this  ceremony  was  a  number  of 
persons  in  a  procession  personating  scriptural 
characters.  Different  guilds  performed  the  mystery 
or  miracle  plays  at  Coventry.  A  stage  was  on 
wheels,  and  moved  from  one  part  to  another. 
The  stages  on  which  plays  were  produced  consisted 
of  three  floors,  the  highest  representing  Heaven,  the 
next  Earth,  and  the  bottom  one  Hell.  On  one  occa- 
sion the  lower  region  was  accidently  set  on  fire, 
and,  however  appropriate  the  incident,  great  uneasi- 
ness was  manifested  by  the  occupants.  Such 
disasters  rendered  repairs  necessary.  Here  are  two 
or  three  items  from  the  accounts  of  the  Coventry 
Mysteries : 

Item,  payd  for  mending  hell-mowthe  -        -       \jd. 

Item,  payd  for  makynge  of  the  hell-moth  new   -    xxjd. 
Item  payd  for  kepyng  of  the  fyre  at  hell-mothe  -     iiijd. 


Hell  was  generally  represented  by  the  imitation 
of  a  whale's  open  jaws,  behind  which  a  fire  was 
lighted  in  such  a  manner  as  not  to  injure  the 
damned  who  had  to  pass  into  the  gaping  mouth, 
or  the  actors  personating  the  demons  inside. 
Among  the  chief  pieces  produced  by  the  different 
guilds  were  "  The  Trial  and  Crucifixion  of  Christ," 
by  the  Smiths',  "  The  Doomsday,"  by  the  Drapers', 
"  The  Nativity  and  the  Epiphany,"  by  the  Shear- 
men and  Tailors'.  The  play  of  the  Drapers'  repre- 
sented the  world  in  flames.  In  the  Coventry 
accounts  are  the  following  items : 

1556  payd  to  Crowe  for  makyng  of  iij  worldys  -  ijs. 

1558  payd  for  iij  worldys        ....  ijja.  viijd. 

A  "  world"  was,  of  course,  destroyed  at  each 
•exhibition.     An  entry  states: 

Payd  for  settyng  the  world  on  fyer         -        -  vd. 

It  would  appear  that  setting  one  world  on  fire 
•each  day  was  deemed  sufficient.  The  performers 
were  paid  for  by  the  different  companies. 

Very  rarely  a  new  play  was  put  on  the  stage,  but 
in  1584  the  Smiths'  Company  presented  the 
f '  Destruction  of  Jerusalem  "  (founded  on 
Josephus's  account  of  it).  This  great  effort 
only  took  six  rehearsals  to  perfect  them  for 
the  performance. 

In  the  Middle  Ages  trade  guilds  were  a  great 
institution  in  Coventry,  and  some  have  come  down 
to  the  present  time.  "  One  of  the  earliest  of  these 
trading  guilds,"  says  Mr.  W.  G.  Fretton,  F.S.A., 
4i  was  the  Bakers',  which  dates  back  to  the  sixth 


year  of  King  John,  which  would  be  abou!  150  years 
before  the  incorporation  of  the  city  by  Edward 
III."  Frequently  serious  disputes  and  disturbances 
took  place  between  the  Bakers  and  the  citizens, 
respecting  weight  and  quality  of  bread.  It  is  stated 
in  the  MS.  annals  of  the  city  that,  in  1374,  the 
Commons  arose  and  threw  loaves  of  bread  at 
the  Mayor's  head  as  he  sat  in  St.  Mary's  Hall,  and 
similar  proceedings  occurred  in  1387.  This  was  the 
method  adopted  by  the  inhabitants  for  showing 
their  disapproval  of  bread  which  was  light 
or  of  poor  quality.  It  was  the  Mayor's  duty 
to  attend  to  superintend  the  assize  of  bread, 
and  see  that  it  was  satisfactory  in  weight  and 

Among  the  more  important  buildings  of  the  city 
is  St.  Mary's  Hall,  which  dates  back  to  the  end  of 
the  fourteenth  century.  It  is  the  property  of  the 
Corporation,  and  is  used  for  municipal  purposes. 
Here  trading  companies  have  had  their  head- 
quarters. It  is  a  most  interesting  place,  the  great 
hall  being  especially  fine,  the  oak  roof  being  richly 
carved.  A  fine  window  at  the  end  of  the  hall  is 
filled  with  old  stained  glass,  showing  full  length 
portraits  of  the  Kings  of  England  and  others,  above 
them  being  their  coats-of-arms.  John  Thornton, 
a  native  of  Coventry,  is  said  to  have  executed  the 
work.  He  was  the  same  man  who  designed  the 
east  window  of  York  Minster.  Here  is  some  fine 
Flemish  tapestry,  wrought  about  the  beginning  of 
the  sixteenth  century.  The  old  charters  may  be 
seen  here  in  glass  cases.     In  the  kitchen  is  a  curious 


figure  on   a    buttress.      A   brass   plate   under    it 

This  Knaves'  Post  was  ormerly  affixed  to  the  wall  of  a  house 
in  Much  Park  street  It  was  usual  to  sentence  offenders  to  be 
whipped  at  the  cart  tail  from  the  Mayor's  parlour  in  the  Market- 
place to  the  Knaves'  post  and  back. 

This  Post  was  erected  in  this  place  as  a  relic  of  the  past 

By  order  ot  the  Corporation,  May,  1900. 

The  figure  formerly  stood  in  a  shallow  niche  in 
front  of  a  brick  eighteenth  century  house,  about  550 
yards  from  the  old  magistrates'  court,  so  that  the 
criminal  had  to  walk  1,100  yards  when  undergoing 
the  punishment  of  whipping.  The  last  time  anyone 
was  whipped  at  the  cart's  tail  in  Coventry  was  in 
the  early  years  of  the  nineteenth  century. 

There  is  much  in  St.  Mary's  Hall  to  arrest  the 
attention  of  the  visitor.  It  has  an  old-world  air 
about  it,  which  is  pleasing  and  cannot  be  readily 
forgotten.  Pictures  by  eminent  artists  and  old 
furniture  add  much  to  its  charms.  In  Grey  Friars' 
Lane  is  Ford's  Hospital  for  old  women.  William 
Ford  founded  it  in  1529;  it  is  a  charming  speci- 
men of  a  half-timbered  house,  and  of  its  class  is 
regarded  as  one  of  the  finest  in  the  country. 

As  one  wanders  about  the  old  city,  we  are  con- 
stantly seeing  the  remains  of  bygone  churches  and 
religious  houses  as  well  as  places  of  great  historic 
interest.  Here  we  find  a  city  where  the 
hours  may  be  dreamed  away,  and  in  fancy  the 
past  recalled.    To-day  many  would  be  delighted  if 

sent  to  Coventry." 



Leicester  is  a  place  with  a  past  as  well  as  a  present 
importance.  As  the  visitor  leaves  the  station  for 
the  town  the  fact  is  realised  that  it  is  a  growing 
place,  but  its  progress  has  not  equalled  that  of 
Nottingham,  Bradford,  Sheffield,  Hull,  and  Leeds, 
and  other  towns  which  in  recent  times  have  risen  to 
the  dignity  of  cities, 

Traditional  tales  tell  us  that  eight  centuries  before 
the  birth  of  Christ  the  famous  King  Lear  founded 
the  town.  The  mediaeval  chronicler,  Geoffrey  of 
Monmouth,  relates  the  story;  but  it  is  not  con- 
firmed by  more  discriminating  historians.  Many 
traces  of  British  remains  prove  that  it  was  a  place 
of  some  importance  in  the  days  when  the  ancient 
Britons  ruled  the  land.  Little  is  reliable  that  has 
been  written  about  Leicester  as  it  was  before  Roman 
times.  About  the  year  a.d.  50,  when  the  Emperor 
Claudius  occupied  the  throne  of  Rome,  the  Pro- 
praetor Ostorius  Scapula  pushed  forward  into  the 
Midlands  at  the  head  of  his  famed  Legions,  and 
sweeping  away  the  British  settlement  at  Leicester, 
formed  his  military  camp  on  rising  ground  above 
the  river,  which  now  forms  the  older  part  of  the 
borough.  Soon  an  important  town  arose,  and  its 
site  has  yielded  many  examples  of  urns,  pavements, 
and  other  Roman  remains,  displaying  artistic  faste 
and  refinement.  In  the  town  museum  may  be  seen 
many  of  these  ancient  relics. 



Some  of  the  roads  in  the  town  and  district  were 
constructed  by  the  Romans,  the  greatest  of  road 
makers.  The  Jewry  Wall,  20  feet  high  and  75  feet 
long,  obtained  its  name  from  the  mediaeval  ghetto ; 
it  is  composed  of  Roman  bricks  and  rubble. 

About  the  year  450  the  Roman  forces  were  called 
home  to  protect  their  fatherland,  and  Saxons  and 
Danes  came  on  the  scene  and  dominated  the  place 
down  to  Norman  times.  The  name  of  the  town 
comes  down  from  the  Anglo-Saxon  era.  It  was 
then  known  as  Leirceastre,  or  fortress  of  the  Leire, 
as  the  river  on  which  it  stands  was  named. 

In  the  year  1068  William  the  Conqueror  advanced 
towards  the  Midlands.  On  his  route  he  took 
possession  of  Oxford  and  Warwick.  The  town  of 
Leicester  made  a  bold  stand  against  the  Norman 
king.  It  had  then  a  population  of  about  3,000 
inhabitants,  but  only  sixty-four  heads  of  families 
were  left  when  the  all-conquering  invader  planted 
his  banner  in  triumph  upon  the  walls  of  the  town. 
The  Saxon  castle,  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  and  the 
homestead  and  walls  of  the  town  were  laid  in  ruins. 

A  Norman  castle  was  built  and  stood  until  1645, 
when  it  was  dismantled  by  Charles  I.;  and  a 
modernised  assize  hall,  and  an  artificial  earthwork, 
known  as  Castle  View,  are  all  that  remains  of  the 
ancient  stronghold.  All  that  is  left  might  be  called 
a  shadow  of  the  past.  There  is  an  old-world  appear- 
ance about  the  castle-house  and  gateway  which  is 
very  charming,  with  its  wood  and  plaster  walls  and 
greenery  refreshing  to  the  eye  in  this  busy  hive  of 

A  curious  ceremony  obtained  for  many  years  at 


this  castle.  It  was  customary  for  the  newly-elected 
mayor  of  the  town  to  proceed  thither,  and  in  accord- 
ance with  a  charter  granted  by  James  L,  to  take 
an  oath  before  the  steward  of  the  Duchy  of  Lan- 
caster rt  to  perform  faithfully  and  well  all  and  every 
ancient  custom,  and  so  forth,  according  to  the  best 
of  his  knowledge. "  On  arrival  at  a  certain  place 
within  the  precincts  of  the  stronghold,  the  mayor 
had  the  great  mace  lowered  from  an  upright  posi- 
tion as  a  token  of  acknowledgment  to  the  ancient 
feudal  earls  within  their  castle.  In  1766  Mr. 
Fisher,  a  Jacobite,  was  elected  mayor,  and  like 
others  of  his  class  was  ever  ready  when  opportunity 
offered  to  show  his  aversion  to  the  reigning  dynasty. 
He  purposely  omitted  the  ceremony  of  lowering  the 
mace.  When  the  servant  of  the  mayor  refused  to 
11  slope  the  mace,"  the  constable  of  the  castle  or 
his  deputy  refused  to  admit  the  mayor.  It  is  not 
surprising  to  read  that  the  usage  was  discontinued 
after  this  occurrence,  or  that,  thereafter,  the  mayor 
went  in  private  to  take  the  oath. 

The  old  Town  Hall  is  a  place  full  of  interest  and 
of  historical  echoes.  It  has  a  quaintness  which 
must  be  seen  to  be  fully  appreciated.  It  has  some 
fine  examples  of  carving  and  stained  glass,  dating 
back  to  the  days  of  the  seventh  Henry.  In  the 
large  hall  prisoners  were  tried  and  plays  performed. 
Here  Richard  Burbage,  the  creator  of  Shakespeare's 
Richard  III.,  acted  many  times,  and  the  great 
dramatist,  who  was  a  member  of  the  Earl  of 
Leicester's  Company,  is  believed — and  with  some 
warrant — to  have  taken  part  in  plays  in  this  hall. 

It  was  in  this  old-time  hall  that  the  mayor  held  his 


feasts,  which  were  attended  by  many  of  the  nobility 
and  gentry  of  the  neighbourhood.  The  late  Mr. 
William  Kelly,  F.S.A.,  the  well-known  local  anti- 
quary, gives  some  curious  glimpses  of  the  gather- 
ings which  used  to  take  place  here.  In  the  "  inter- 
lude "  between  the  feast  and  the  banquet  or  the 
dessert,  bears  were  baited  in  the  room.  "  In  the 
summer  of  1589  (probably  at  the  invitation  of  the 
mayor),' '  says  Mr.  Kelly,  "  the  high  sheriff,  Mr. 
Skeppington,  and  *  divers  other  gentlemen  with 
him  '  were  present  at  *  a  great  beare-baiting  '  in  the 
town,  and  were  entertained,  at  the  public  expense, 
with  wine  and  sugar,  and  a  present  of  ten  shillings 
in  gold  was  also  made." 

The  old  town  library,  after  various  changes,  was 
housed  on  the  eastern  side  of  the  Town  Hall.  The 
premises  are  supposed  to  have  been  the  Chantry- 
house  of  the  priests  of  the  Corpus  Christi  Guild. 
The  old  books  in  the  library  are  both  valuable  and 
interesting,  and  are  in  excellent  condition.  The 
place  is  well  worthy-  of  a  visit,  and  may  be  seen  at 
certain  convenient  times  without  payment.  We 
read  that  the  town-preacher  was  the  means  of  get- 
ting the  books  removed  to  the  present  rooms.  The 
appointment  of  the  town-preacher  was  held  in  1632, 
when  the  library  was  housed  here  by  Mr.  John 
Angel.  It  has  been  suggested  that  the  office  of 
town-preacher  was  instituted  as  a  reaction  against 
Jthe  ritual  of  the  day,  but  most  likely  the  eagerness 
of  the  people  to  hear  the  expounding  of  Holy  Writ 
at  a  time  when  comparatively  few  could  read,  had 
more  to  do  with  its  origin.  The  town-preacher,  it 
should  be  remembered,   addressed  the  people  on 


politics  and  social  questions,  as  well  as  on  religious 

The  Blue  Boar  Inn,  where  Richard  III.  slept  the 
night  before  the  battle  of  Bosworth  Field,  in  1485, 
and  where  his  corpse  was  brought  back  for  burial, 
was  pulled  down  as  late  as  1829;  but  a  tavern  bear- 
ing the  old  name  stands  on  the  site. 

Of  Leicester  Abbey,  founded  in  1143,  but  little  is 
left  to  attest  its  ancient  glory.  It  was  here  that 
Cardinal  Wolsey,  on  the  29th  of  November,  1530, 
died.  He  had  risen  from  a  humble  position  to  be 
one  of  the  leaders  of  his  time,  one  of  the  greatest 
of  Englishmen.  He  passed  away  a  prisoner, 
suffering  and  disgraced.  Shakespeare's  picture  of 
the  prelate's  coming  to  the  abbey  in  the  gathering 
gloom  of  a  dull  November  day  is  one  of  the  finest 
passages  in  English  literature.  Eight  years  later 
the  religious  house  was  dissolved.  There  is  little 
to  be  seen  of  the  ancient  fabric,  but  it  is  not  with- 
out interest  to  visit  the  site  of  the  abbey  and  in 
fancy  recall  the  past,  in  which  it  played  so  great  a 

Trinity  Hospital,  founded  in  1331,  is  an  alms- 
house for  the  aged  and  needy,  with  a  chapel,  and 
numerous  olden-time  remains.  There  are  many 
old  houses  worthy  of  careful  study,  which  meet  the 
eye  as  one  wanders  along  the  ancient  streets.  There 
are  five  old  churches  which  may  interest  the 
stranger,  and  are  a  matter  of  great  pride  to  the 
inhabitants  of  the  town.  St.  Martin's  Church  has 
a  graceful  spire  218  feet  high.  In  the  churches  are 
monuments  of  importance.  There  is  a  fine  statue 
to  the  Rev.  Robert  Hall,  a  prince  of  preachers,  who 


was  born  near  the  town,  and  was  for  some  time  the 
eloquent  Baptist  minister  of  Leicester.  He  rose  to 
the  highest  rank  of  pulpit  orators,  with  a  reputation 
which  was  world-wide,  and  he  died  in  1831  in  the 
West  of  England. 

Leicester  has  the  usual  modern  public  buildings 
of  a  progressive  town,  including  a  fine  pile  of 
municipal  buildings,  a  free  public  library,  and  a 
museum  rich  in  local  antiquities.    In  the  centre  of  j 

the  town  is  a  handsome  cross  or  clock  tower  (1868), 
bearing  the  effigies  of  Simon  de  Montfori,  Earl  of 
Leicester,  Sir  Thomas  White,  Alderman  Newton, 
and  William  of  Wyggeston,  notable  men  in  the 
annals  of  Leicester.  The  parks  and  open  spaces  of 
the  borough  form  a  pleasing  feature. 


In  modern  times  Nottingham  has  made  great  pro- 
gress, and  now  takes  its  place  among  the  leading 
English  industrial  cities.  It  is  known  as  "  the 
Queen  of  the  Midlands,*'  and,  situated  on  the  river 
Trent,  is  in  a  picturesque  and  romantic  district. 
The  city  as  well  as  the  county  is  linked  with  ballads 
and  stories  of  far  distant  times.  Some  local 
historians  trace  back  the  foundation  of  the  town  to 
the  days  of  Coelus,  King  of  the  Britons,  and 
assert  that  he  was  buried  here  about  a  thousand 
years  before  the  Christian  era.  His  place  of  inter- 
ment is  a  debated  matter,  as  Coisfield,  Ayrshire, 
and  London  lay  claim  to  the  honour  of  being  his 
resting  place.  He  is  the  "  Old  King  Cole,"  so 
familiar  to  us  in  song,  though  it  is  by  no  means 
easy  to  tell  the  story  of  his  career.  Concerning 
British  and  Romans,  statements  made  about  the 
place  are  of  doubtful  foundation. 

When  the  course  of  history  reaches  Saxon  times 
we  are  on  surer  ground.  It  was  then  a  place  of 
some  importance,  and  known  as  Nottengaham, 
meaning  a  town  of  caves.  During  the  Heptarchy  it 
was  included  in  the  Saxon  kingdom  of  Mercia. 
When  the  Danes  invaded  the  country  in  787  the 
town  was  taken  by  them,  and  so  strongly  was  it 
fortified  that  the  combined  forces  of  Wessex  and 
Mercia  failed  to  drive  them  from  the  stronghold. 






i— i 



We  gather  from  the  annals  of  the  city  that  a  treaty 
was  made,  and  the  Danes  gave  up  possession  of 
the  town  and  advanced  to  York.  When  the  Saxons 
had  to  submit  to  the  suzerainty  of  the  Danes,  and 
during  the  period  the  invaders  reigned  in  Mercia, 
Nottingham  was  one  of  the  five  great  seats  of  the 
Danish  Government.  The  inhabitants  of  Notting- 
ham were  much  averse  to  the  new  rulers.  The 
town  was  held  by  the  Danes,  or  Northmen,  until 
924,  when  they  were  dispossessed  by  Edward  the 
Elder,  who  did  much  for  Nottingham,  including 
the  erection  of  a  bridge  over  the  Trent,  which  was 
in  use  as  late  as  the  seventeenth  century;  he  also 
built  a  wall  round  the  town. 

The  battle  of  Hastings  ended  the  Saxon  rule  in 
England.  Harold,  the  last  of  the  Saxon  kings, 
was  slain  on  the  eventful  14th  day  of  October,  1066, 
and  the  victor  assumed  the  crown  of  England  under 
the  title  of  William  I. 

When  the  Conqueror's  forces  came  into  the 
Midlands  a  bold  stand  was  made  against  them  at 
Nottingham,  but  the  inhabitants  were  quickly  sub- 
dued, and  the  population  of  the  place  decreased.  A 
castle  was  reared  on  the  site  of  the  building  which 
is  now  an  art  gallery.  Much  of  the  tragic  history 
of  the  town  is  connected  with  the  ancient  strong- 
hold. Lenton  Priory,  Nottingham,  dated  back  to 
Norman  times.  After  England  had  thrown  off 
Papal  supremacy  in  1534,  it  survived  only  five  years 
longer  before  it  was  dissolved.  To-day  it  is  a 
distant  echo  in  the  historic  record  of  the  city. 

When  the  struggle  raged  between  Stephen  and 
the  Empress  Maud  the  townsmen   supported   the 


King,  and  he  established  a  mint  here.  Henry,  the 
son  of  Maud,  took  the  town,  and  it  was  greatly 
damaged  by  him.  In  1141  much  suffering  was 
caused  in  the  town  by  fire.  Henry  II.,  the  next  to 
wear  the  crown  in  succession  to  Stephen,  won  the 
affections  of  the  inhabitants  of  Nottingham  by; 
assisting  to  repair  the  town,  which  was  in  ruins.  It 
speedily  rose  to  be  a  place  of  note,  and  here  Parlia- 
ment sometimes  met  and  transacted  important  busi- 

While  Richard  I.  was  engaged  in  the  Crusades, 
John  got  possession  of  the  castle,  and  the  King  had 
to  lay  siege  to  it  to  drive  him  out.  It  is  said  that  in 
the  reign  of  Richard  I.  here  lived  Robin  Hood,  the 
famous  outlaw.  He  is  sometimes  styled  the  Earl 
of  Huntingdon.  When  John  was  on  the  throne  of 
England,  he  frequently  resided  at  the  castle.  It 
was  here  that  he  caused  the  youthful  Welsh 
hostages  to  be  executed. 

Another  dark  page  in  the  history  of  the  castle 
relates  to  the  seizing  of  Mortimer,  Earl  of  March, 
by  Edward  III.  He  was  sent  to  London,  and 
executed  "  for  betraying  his  country  to  the  Scots 
for  money,  and  for  other  mischiefs,  ouf  of  an  extra- 
vagant and  vast  imagination  designed  by  him.'1 
An  entry  was  made  into  the  castle  by  a  passage  107 
yards  in  length,  which  extends  from  the  castle  to 
the  river  below.  It  retains  the  name  of  Mortimer's 
Hole,  but  was  made  long  before  his  time. 

During  the  struggle  between  the  houses  of  York 
and  Lancaster,  the  Yorkists  usually  held  the  town. 
Henry  VII.  held  a  Council  of  War  at  Notting- 
ham Castle,  in  1477,  prior  to  his  engagement  with 

( i 


Lambert  Simnel  at  Stoke  Field,  near  Newark. 
Henry  VIII.  visited  Nottingham  in  the  year  1534, 
when  Papal  supremacy  was  abolished  in  England, 

On  a  hill  to  the  north  of  the  castle,  now  called 
Standard  Hill,  King  Charles  I.  first  unfurled  the 
Royal  Standard  in  1642,  having  previously  sum- 
moned all  good  subjects  able  to  bear  arms  to  attend. 

According   to    proclamation,' *    says  Clarendon, 

upon  the  29th  day  of  August,  the  standard  was 
erected  about  six  of  the  clock  on  a  very  stormy  and 
tempestuous  day.  The  King  himself,  with  a  small 
train,  rode  to  the  top  of  the  Castle  Hill ;  Verney  the 
Marshal,  who  was  standard-bearer,  carrying  the 
standard,  which  was  then  erected  on  that  place,  with 
little  other  ceremony  than  the  sound  of  trumpets 
and  drums.  Melancholy  men  observed  many  ill 
presages  about  that  time.  The  standard  was  blown 
down  the  same  night  as  it  had  been  set  up,  by  a 
very  strong  and  unruly  wind,  and  could  not  be 
fixed  again  till,  in  a  day  or  two,  the  tempest  was 
allayed.  At  the  start  of  the  Civil  War  the  castle 
was  held  for  the  King,  but  soon  was  taken  by  Parlia- 
ment, when  Colonel  Hutchinson  was  appointed 
governor,  and  held  it  against  all  attacks.  He,  in 
165 1,  however,  reduced  it  to  ruins  to  prevent  Crom- 
well from  getting  possession  of  it  and  using  it  for 
his  own  advancement." 

At  the  Restoration  the  site  was  granted  to  the 
Duke  of  Buckingham,  who  soon  sold  it  to  the  Duke 
of  Newcastle,  an  old  Royalist  general.  The  new 
owner  was  eighty  years  of  age,  yet  full  of  energy, 
and  in  1674  started  building  a  new  castle  in  a  heavy 
Italian  style  of  architecture,  from  (it  is  said)  the 


designs  of  Sir  Christopher  Wren.  It  was  finished 
about  1680.  During  the  riots  in  October,  183 1, 
over  the  Reform  Bill,  the  castle  was  burnt  in  the 
daytime  by  a  mob,  because  the  owner  had  taken  an 
active  part  in  opposing  the  measure.  The  Duke  of 
Newcastle  received  from  the  Hundred  ,£21,000 
compensation,  but  fearing  further  mischief,  he 
declined  to  rebuild  the  castle-  In  1878  it  was 
leased  for  500  years  by  the  Corporation,  and  fitted 
up  as  a  museum  and  art  gallery. 

As  one  wanders  round  Nottingham  one  cannot 
fail  to  notice  how  clean  and  wide  are  the  streets  in 
the  newer  parts  of  the  town.  In  the  past  it  had 
numerous  short  and  poorly-built  houses  which  have 
been  swept  away  by  the  march  of  progress.  Historic 
sites  and  not  old  buildings  meet  the  eye.  Churches 
and  chapels  are  seen  in  every  direction,  most  of 
them  of  recent  date.  The  two  older  churches  are 
St.  Mary's,  a  fine  cruciform  Perpendicular  build- 
ing, and  St.  Peter's,  also  Perpendicular  in  style, 
with  a  tower  and  lofty  spire.  Both  contain  monu- 
ments and  other  objects  of  interest  which  well 
repay  careful  study. 

Factories  are  to  be  seen  in  many  directions.  It 
is  here  that  the  lace  trade  is  carried  out  to  perfec- 
tion. The  pride  of  Nottingham  is  its  extensive 
Market  Place,  the  largest  in  the  kingdom,  and 
covering  five  and  a  half  acres.  Around  it  are  rows 
of  shops  giving  indications  of  wealth  and  taste. 

There  are  numerous  public  buildings,  including 
the  University  College  erected  in  1880-1,  contain- 
ing lecture  halls,  classrooms,  etc.,  a  natural  history 
museum,  and  a  free  library,  the  latter  being  one  of 


the  best  in  the  country.  Not  only  does  it  contain 
books  of  general  interest  but  a  fine  collection  of 
local  works  formed  by  Mr.  J.  Potter  Briscoe,  the 
learned  librarian  and  author  of  numerous  local 
historical  works.  To  him  we  must  express  our 
thanks  for  many  facts  in  this  chapter. 

Not  far  from  the  Free  Library  is  the  Arboretum, 
a  beautifully-laid-out  pleasure  ground,  with  a 
wealth  of  trees  and  flowers.  In  the  Church  Ceme- 
tery on  the  Mansfield  Road  are  some  of  the  old  cave 
dwellings,  which  have  been  enlarged  and  serve  for 

There  has  long  been  active  literary  life  in  Notting- 
ham, and  among  the  more  noted  authors,  who  have 
made  their  home  in  the  city  at  one  time  or  another, 
may  be  mentioned  Henry  Kirke  White,  Millhouse, 
the  Howitts,  and  Philip  James  Bailey. 


The  town  of  Derby  is  known  as  "  the  Gateway  of 
the  Peak."  It  is  situated  on  the  Derwent,  and 
although  it  does  not  contain  much  that  is  very 
striking,  it  has  some  places  of  interest  which  repay 
inspection.  As  in  other  busy  centres  of  commerce, 
many  ancient  structures  have  been  removed  to  make 
room  for  modern  buildings  better  adapted  to  the 
increasing  demands  of  trade.  A  progressive  place 
seldom  has  numerous  remains  of  past  times,  and 
this,  the  chief  town  of  one  of  the  most  picturesque 
counties  in  the  kingdom,  is  not  an  exception.  It 
is  a  place  of  memories  and  not  monuments  of 
bygone  times. 

Near  the  town  was  the  Roman  station  Derventroy 
on    the    site   of    Little    Chester,    through    which 
Ryknield  Street  ran,  and  where  Roman   remains 
have  been  found.     It  was  one  of  the  five  burghs  of 
the  Danes,  and  before  the  Norman  Conquest  it  is 
said  to  have  been  held  by  243  burgesses.       The 
number  declined  to  140  at  the  time  of  the  Domes- 
day Survey.    At  the  battle  of  Hastings  the  men  of 
Derby  fought  for  Harold,   and  from   the  reduced 
number  we  know  that  many  of  its  strongest  men 
were  slain.    We  know  that  the  town  was  a  place  of 
importance   in  the  kingdom  of   Mercia   in   Saxon 
times.    The   inhabitants  varied  their  employment 
by  ploughing  the  land  and  carrying  the  sword. 


DERBY  153 

Derby  has  taken  a  distinguished  place  in  arms, 
art,  literature,  and  commerce,  and  is  of  ancient 
origin.  Its  growth  has  not  been  rapid;  until  the 
introduction  of  railways  its  rise  was  distinctly  slow. 
When  Defoe  visited  Derby  he  described  it  as  "a 
town  of  gentry  rather  than  trade/ *  To-day,  if  he 
could  visit  the  place,  he  would  write  differently. 
Here  are  factories,  foundries,  and  much  work  in 
progress  connected  with  railways.  In  1728  the 
population  was  6,000;  in  183 1  it  had  reached  22,637  > 
in  1841  it  had  increased  to  37,431.  The  coming  of 
the  railway  changed  matters;  the  population  has 
gone  up  to  122,000,  and  one  out  of  every  eight  of 
the  inhabitants  finds  employment  on  the  line  or  in 
connection  with  it.  How  different  is  the  Derby  of 
to-day  from  that  of  the  wet  Sunday  when  Washing- 
ton Irving  was  weather-bound  at  the  Bell  Inn,  and 
gazed  through  the  coffee-room  window,  taking  a 
mental  note  of  the  dismal  commonplace  street. 

The  English  kings  have  frequently  visited  Ihe 
old  borough,  and  granted  it  several  charters. 
Richard  I.,  in  the  one  he  gave,  stipulated  that  no 
Jews  were  to  be  allowed  to  reside  in  the  liberty. 
Another  item  of  curious  history  relates  to  the 
Society  of  Friends.  At  an  early  period  they  estab- 
lished a  meeting  house  in  the  town,  and,  according 
to  George  Fox,  were  first  called  Quakers  here  (1650) 
by  Justice  Bennett,  "  because  I  bade  him  quake  at 
the  Word  of  the  Lord." 

All  matters  of  historical  interest  wane  before  the 
invasion  of  Charles  Edward,  the  Young  Pretender, 
and  his  occupation  of  the  town  for  a  few  days.  He 
arrived  in  Derby  on  December  4th,  1745,  with  an 


army  of  about  5,000  men.  The  Prince  took  up  his 
quarters  at  Exeter  House,  a  fine  mansion  near  the 
river,  which  was  pulled  down  in  1854.  It  was  soon 
clear  that  he  was  not  receiving  the  support  antici- 
pated, and  it  was  realised  that  London  could  not 
be  reached.  He  did  not  proceed  further  south,  but 
his  advance-guard  occupied  Swarkstone  Bridge, 
over  the  Trent.  The  day  following  the  arrival  of 
the  invaders  a  stormy  council  of  war  was  held, 
which  occupied  several  hours.  There  were  three 
armies  surrounding  him,  and  in  the  event  of  an 
engagement  there  was  little  or  no  prospect  of  suc- 
cess. Much  against  his  will  Charles  Edward  was 
induced  to  make  a  retreat,  and  decided  next  day  to 
march  towards  Scotland. 

During  their  stay  in  the  town  the  men  composing 
the  army,  on  the  whole  conducted  themselves  well. 
Some  of  the  common  soldiers  attended  church  and 
took  the  Sacrament,  while  others  thronged  the 
cutlers'  shops  to  have  their  swords  sharpened.  A 
contribution  of  ,£3,000  was  levied  on  the  town.  We 
know  how  failure  followed  the  course  of  the  Prince ; 
how  he  met  with  a  disastrous  defeat  at  the  hands 
of  the  Duke  of  Cumberland  at  Culloden,  and  how 
for  five  months  Charles  Edward  wandered  among 
the  mountains  with  a  price  of  ,£30,000  on  his  head, 
finally  escaping  to  France. 

Some  years  before  the  Pretender  reached  Derby, 
an  important  industrial  awakening  had  set  in.  John 
Lombe  discovered  the  Italian  method  of  silk-throw- 
ing, and  introduced  it  into  the  town  in  1718.  The 
Corporation  lent  him  the  Town  Hall  for  his 
machinery,  and  granted  a  long  lease  of  the  island 

DERBY  155 

swamp  in  the  Derwent  at  £%  a  year,  on  which  to 
erect  a  factory.  Piles  were  driven,  and  a  mill  was 
built,  500  feet  long  and  52  feet  wide,  containing 
eight  large  rooms  with  468  windows.  The  build- 
ing cost  ^30,000.  Lombe  was  poisoned  by  an 
Italian  woman,  who  had  furnished  him  with  the 
secrets  of  the  trade.  His  cousin,  Sir  Thomas 
Lombe,  took  up  the  business  and  made  a  fortune 
of  ,£120,000  out  of  the  industry.  In  1736  Jedidiah 
Strutt  invented  a  machine  for  making  ribbed  stock- 
ings, and  found  employment  for  a  large  number  of 
people  in  Derby,  but  the  trade  drifted  to  Leicester. 
A  china  factory  was  established  here  in  1750,  and 
soon  obtained  national  fame.  The  ware  made  there 
found  its  way  to  the  table  of  the  King,  and  was 
popular  in  the  mansions  of  the  nobility.  After  a 
period  of  prosperity  the  factory  waned,  but  in 
modern  times  there  has  been  a  revival  under  the 
Derby  Crown  Porcelain  Company  (Limited).  It  is 
one  of  the  largest  and  most  complete  works  of  its 
kind  in  England.  On  the  payment  of  sixpence  a 
visitor  may  be  taken  over  the  works,  and  may 
inspect  the  choice  examples  of  the  potter's  art  in 
the  extensive  show-rooms. 

Learning  and  trade  have  gone  hand  in  hand.  A 
Philosophical  Society  was  founded  here  in  1772,  , 
and  its  first  meetings  were  held  at  the  residence  of 
Dr.  Erasmus  Darwin,  a  noted  physician,  a  man-of- 
letters,  and  a  student  of  science.  It  formed  a 
library,  and  collected  antiquities  from  Little  Chester 
and  other  places,  which  are  now  in  the  Free  Library, 
an  institution  which  is  a  credit  to  the  borough,  and 
comprises  excellent  lending  and  reference  libraries, 


museum,  picture  gallery,  a  collection  of  Derby 
pottery,  local  antiquities,  and  natural  history  speci- 
mens. Inspecting  the  objects  of  interest  in  the 
museum  we  noticed  a  framed  set  of  rules  which  dis- 
plays the  exclusive  spirit  of  the  town  in  the  middle 
of  the  eighteenth  century. 

Rules  to  be  Observed  in  the  Ladies'  Assembly 

in  Derby. 

1  No  Attorney's  Clerk  will  be  admitted. 

2  No  shopkeeper,  or  any  of  his  or  her  family  be  admitted 

except  Mr  Franceys. 

3  No  lady  shall  be  allowed  to  dance  in  a  long  white  apron. 

4  All  young  ladies  in  Mantuas'  shall  pay  2s.  6d. 

5  No  Miss  in  a  coat  shall  dance  without  the  leave  of  the 

lady  of  the  Assembly  Room. 

6  Whoever  shall  transgress  any  of  these  rules  shall  be 

turned  out  of  the  Assembly  Room. 

Several  of  the  above  mentioned  rules  having  been  broke  through. 
They  are  now  printed  by  order  and  signed  by  us  the 
present  ladies  of  the  Assembly. 

Anne  Barnes 
Dorothy  Evens 
Elizabeth  Eyre 
Bridgett  Baily 
R.  Fitz-Herbert 
Hester  Mundy 

Mr.  Franceys,  alluded  to  in  rule  2,  was  an  apothe- 
cary, carrying  on  business  in  the  Market  Place.  He 
was  an  Alderman,  and  displayed  great  public 
spirit:  he  died  in  1747,  during  the  year  he  was 
Mayor  of  Derby.  In  various  forms  the  apron  has 
come  down  to  us  from  Anglo-Saxon  times.  Beau 
Nash,  King  of  Bath,  made  war  against  this  article 
of  dress.      Charles  Dickens  when  in  the  museum 

DERBY  157 

read  these  rules,  which  amused  him  not  a  little, 
and  he  made  them  the  subject  of  a  magazine  article. 
The  committee-room  of  the  institution  is  lined  with 
oak  panelling  from  Exeter  House,  and  it  contains  a 
collection  of  Stuart  relics,  with  a  letter  written  by 
the  young  Chevalier  to  his  father  from  Edinburgh, 
dated  October  22nd,  1745. 

There  are  several  old  churches  in  Derby, 
The  chief  is  All  Saints*,  having  a  fine  Per- 
pendicular tower  dating  back  to  the  reign 
of  Henry  VII.  It  is  174  feet  in  height; 
and  has  three  stages  surrounded  by  battle- 
ments and  crocketed  pinnacles,  which  are  36 
feet  more.  It  is  a  striking  tower,  and  is  the  pride 
of  the  place.  A  defaced  inscription  has  given  rise 
to  a  curious  story.  The  words  "  young  men  and 
maydens  "  may  still  be  read,  and  it  is  said  that 
bachelors  and  spinsters  of  the  town  built  the  tower. 
When  a  maiden  born  in  the  parish  was  married,  the 
young  bachelors  rang  a  merry  peal.  It  is  more 
likely  that  the  words  formed  part  of  the  verse, 
"  Young  men  and  maidens,  old  men  and  children, 
praise  the  name  of  the  Lord."  This  large  church 
contains  some  striking  monuments,  including  one 
to  the  famous  builder,  Bess  of  Hardwick,  who  passed 
away  in  1607,  and  was  buried  here  with  the  pomp 
and  display  that  was  deemed  befitting  for  one  who 
had  played  a  great  part  in  the  age  in  which  her  lot 
was  cast.  A  tradition  has  come  down  to  us  regard- 
ing her  death,  to  the  effect  that  it  had  been  pro- 
phesied that  immediately  she  ceased  building  she 
would  die;  and  her  death  is  reported  to  have 
occurred  during  a  severe  frost  when  the  workmen 


were  compelled  to  remain  idle,  although  they  tried 
to  mix  their  mortar  with  hot  ale. 

At  St.  Werburgh's  Church  Dr.  Samuel  Johnson 
married  Widow  Porter  on  July  9th,  1735.  When 
the  pair  were  united  he  was  twenty-six  years  of  age, 
and  his  "  darling  Tetty  "  was  forty-nine.  Both 
travelled  to  church  mounted  on  horseback.  The 
doctor  related  to  Boswell  a  battle  between  the  couple 
on  their  way  to  church.  "  Sir,"  said  Johnson, 
"  she  had  read  the  old  romances  and  had  got  into 
her  head  the  fantastical  notion  that  a  woman  of 
spirit  should  use  her  lover  like  a  dog.  So,  sir,  at 
first  she  told  me  I  rode  too  fast,  and  she  could  not 
keep  up  with  me;  and  when  I  rode  a  little  slower 
she  passed  me,  and  complained  that  I  lagged 
behind.  I  was  not  to  be  made  the  slave  of  caprice; 
and  I  resolved  to  begin  as  I  meant  to  end.  I  there- 
fore pushed  on  briskly,  till  I  was  fairly  out  of  sight. 
The  road  lay  between  two  hedges,  so  I  was  sure  she 
could  not  miss  it ;  and  I  contrived  that  she  should 
soon  be  up  with  me.  When  she  did  I  observed 
she  was  in  tears."  It  is  given  to  few  to  become 
master  before  the  nuptial  knot  is  tied ! 

There  are  numerous  old  and  new  churches  in  the 
town  worth  visiting.  It  is  one  of  those  places  where 
church  building  has  made  considerable  progress. 
The  ancient  Bridge  Chapel  of  St.  Mary  is  most 
interesting,  and  dates  back  to  early  times.  The 
nooks  and  corners  of  the  town  are  well  worth 

The  Arboretum  was  given  to  Derby  by  Mr. 
Joseph  Strutt.  It  is  laid  out  in  an  attractive  man- 
ner, and  is  rich  in  trees  and  flowers.    A  relic  of  the 

DERBY  159 

plague  time  may  be  seen  in  the  Arboretum,  and 
bears  on  a  brass  plate  the  following  inscription : 

Market  Stone. 

THIS  STONE  formed  part  of  the  ancient  cross  at  the 
upper  end  of  Friar  Gate  and  was  used  by  the  inhabitants 
of  Derby  as  a  Market  Stone  during  the  visitation  of  die 
Plague,  1665.  It  is  thus  described  by  Hutton  in  his  History 
of  Derby. 

1665,  Derby  was  again  visited  by  the  plague  at  the  same  time 
in  which  London  fell  under  the  severe  calamity.  The  town  was 
forsaken  ;  the  farmers  declined  the  Market-place ;  and  grass 
grew  upon  that  spot  which  had  furnished  the  supports  of  life. 
To  prevent  a  famine,  the  inhabitants  erected  at  the  top  of 
Nun-green,  one  or  two  hundred  yards  from  the  buildings,  now 
Friar-gate,  what  bore  the  name  of  Headless-cross^  consisting  of 
about  four  quadrangular  steps,  covered  in  the  centre  with  one 
large  stone ;  the  whole  near  five  feet  high ;  I  knew  it  in 
perfection.  Hither  the  market  people,  having  their  mouths 
primed  with  tobacco  as  a  preservative,  brought  their  provisions, 
stood  a  distance  from  their  property,  and  at  a  greater  from  the 
townspeople,  with  whom  they  were  to  traffic  The  buyer  was 
not  suffered  to  touch  any  of  the  articles  before  purchase ;  but 
when  the  agreement  was  finished,  he  took  the  goods,  and 
deposited  the  money  in  a  vessel  filled  with  vinegar,  set  for 
that  purpose. 

Derby  includes  the  usual  public  buildings  of  a 
country  town.  It  is  not  a  holiday  haunt,  but  there 
is  much  in  the  place  to  entertain  a  thoughtful 
visitor,  those  who  delight  in  an  unconventional 
holiday  might  do  far  worse  than  spend  a  day  or 
two  in  Derby. 


The  cotton  and  other  industries  connect  Manchester 
with  the  trade  of  the  world.  It  is  a  place  of  con- 
siderable antiquity,  but  is  more  famous  for  its 
commerce  than  its  history.  Towering  warehouses 
are  seen  on  every  hand,  and  the  ruins  of  ancient 
strongholds  and  old  religious  houses  which  we 
usually  associate  with  an  old-time  city  are  missing. 
The  place  seems  wholly  to  be  given  up  to  business, 
but  it  is  by  no  means  lacking  in  culture.  Here 
trade  and  learning  go  hand  in  hand.  Few,  if  any, 
towns  display  greater  public  spirit.  It  has  often 
inspired  the  policy  of  the  country.  Frequently 
what  Manchester  thinks  to-day  England  will  adopt 

Little  is  known  for  certain  of  the  early  history  of 
this  city.  It  is  supposed  that  the  ancient  Britons 
had  a  fortress  here,  which  passed  into  the  posses- 
sion of  the  Romans  under  Agricola.  One  fact  is 
certain,  that  it  was  the  site  of  an  important  Roman 
station.  Many  traces  of  their  occupation  have  been 
unearthed  at  various  periods — not  only  coins,  but 
examples  of  walls,  etc. 

The  story  of  the  town  for  some  time  after  the 
departure  of  the  Romans  is  of  a  legendary  character, 
picturesque,  but  not  reliable  enough  for  the  serious 
student    of   history.       Down    to    the    seventeenth 

1 60 


century  the  tale  was  told  that  Tarquin,  the  enemy  of 
King  Arthur,  kept  the  castle  of  Manchester  and  met 
his  death  at  the  hands  of  Launcelot  of  the  Lake. 
Most  likely  the  place  was  the  scene  of  missionary 
labours  of  Paulinus.  Saxon  kings  and  queens  are 
associated  with  its  history,  but  their  lives  do  not 
materially  add  to  the  importance  of  the  town  or 
district.  It  was  not  a  growing  district,  for  when 
the  Domesday  Survey  was  made,  Manchester, 
Salford,  Rochdale,  and  Radcliffe  were  the  only 
places  mentioned  in  South-east  Lancashire.  The 
sites  to-day  of  many  important  towns,  the  hives  of 
modern  industry  and  progress,  were  put  down  as 
forests  and  waste  land. 

Manchester's  neighbour,  Salford,  was  granted  a 
charter  by  Ranulph  de  Blundevill  in  the  reign  of 
Henry  III.,  which  constituted  it  a  free  borough. 
Towards  the  close  of  the  reign  of  Edward  I.,  in 
1301,  a  similar  charter  was  granted  to  Manchester 
by  its  baron,  Thomas  Gresley.  The  barons  exer- 
cised great  power  over  the  town.  It  was  not  until 
1845  that  the  Town  Council  bought  the  manorial 
rights  of  Manchester  from  Sir  Oswald  Mosley  for 
,£200,000.  The  town  was  granted  a  municipal 
charter  in  1838,  and  raised  to  the  dignity  of  a  city 
in  1847. 

The  Court  Leet,  which  regulated  the  life  of  the 
town  in  the  olden  days,  passed  many  curious  orders. 
Take,  for  example,  the  following  relating  to  bread. 
At  a  meeting  held  October  1st,  1561,  it  was  resolved 
that  no  person  or  persons  be  permitted  to  make  for 
sale  any  kind  of  bread  in  which  butter  is  mixed, 
under  a  fine  of  ten  shillings.    Later,  the  use  of  suet 


was  forbidden.  In  1595  we  are  told  that  the  Court 
Leet  jury  ordered  that  no  person  was  to  be  allowed 
to  use  butter  or  suet  in  cakes  or  bread,  and  that 
offenders  were  to  be  fined  twenty  shillings.  If  a 
person  sold  the  cakes,  etc.,  he  ran  the  risk  of  being 
fined  twenty  shillings.  We  learn  from  another 
order,  passed  on  September  30th,  1596,  that  the 
inhabitants  were  not  permitted  to  eat  flesh  meat  on 
a  Friday  or  Saturday.  In  the  sixteenth  century  a 
single  woman  was  not  allowed  to  keep  a  house  or 
chamber.  Even  wedding  dinners  were  not  to  cost 
more  than  sixpence  a  head. 

Leland,  the  antiquary,  visited  Manchester  in 
1638,  and  he  describes  it  as  being  well  built,  recog- 
nises its  trading  importance,  and  speaks  of  it  as 
being  the  most  populous  town  in  Lancashire.  Man- 
chester was  made  a  sanctuary  town — a  place  where 
transgressors  might  remain  in  safety  under  certain 
conditions.  Henry  VIII.  was  petitioned  to  take 
away  the  rights  "  because  the  sanctuary  men  are 
prejudicial  to  the  wealth,  credit,  great  occupyings, 
and  good  order  of  the  said  town,  by  occasioning 
idleness,  unlawful  games,  unithriftness  and  other 
enormities.,,     The  King  granted  the  request. 

When  the  Civil  War  raged  in  this  country  the 
inhabitants  were  active  in  the  strife.  The  place  was 
garrisoned  in  1642  by  the  Parliamentary  forces, 
and  withstood  a  siege  of  the  King's  soldiers.  At 
the  Rebellion  of  17 15  the  leading  clergymen  threw 
in  their  lot  with  the  Pretender.  The  inhabitants  in 
the  main  supported  Prince  Charles  Edward.  He 
proudly  entered  the  town  at  the  head  of  his  army 
on  November  29th,  1745,  and  took  up  his  residence 


Market  Street  at  the  beginning  of  the  Nineteenth  Century. 


in  Market  Street  Lane,  until  recently  called  the 
Palace.  He  was  proclaimed  in  the  town  as  James 
III.  Many  Lancashire  people  joined  his  forces, 
Colonel  Francis  Townley  and  Captain  James  Daw- 
son among  the  number.  These  were  known  as  the 
Manchester  regiment.  When  it  was  realised  that 
the  Stuarts'  cause  was  doomed  to  failure,  the  regi- 
ment surrendered  to  the  Duke  of  Cumberland,  and 
the  colonel  and  eight  other  officers  were  tried  in 
London,  found  guilty,  and  beheaded  on  Kenning- 
ton  Common.  The  ruthless  conduct  of  the  duke 
gave  rise  to  a  couple  of  local  ballads  which  are  still 
remembered,  called  "  Jemmy  Dawson  "  and 
"Townley*s  Ghost."  The  former  was  written  by 
Shenstone,  and  tells  how  Dawson's  execution  was 
witnessed  by  his  intended  bride,  and  how  she  died 
on  the  spot,  broken-hearted. 

The  dismal  scene  was  o'er  and  past, 
The  lover's  mournful  hearse  retired ; 

The  maid  drew  back  her  languid  head, 
And,  sighing  forth  his  name,  expired. 

Byrom,  a  Manchester  Jacobite  and  a  scholar  and 

poet  of  more  than  local  repute  as  the  author  of 

"Christians,    Awake!"   expressed   himself   in  an 

epigram  as  follows: 

God  bless  the  King !      I  mean  the  faith's  defender ; 
God  bless — no  harm  in  blessing — the  Pretender  ! 
But  who  Pretender  is— or  who  is  King, 
God  bless  us  all — that's  quite  another  thing. 

During  our  troubles  with  America  and  France, 
Manchester  supplied  men  and  money  on  behalf  of 
king  and  country.  In  August,  18 19,  a  large  gather- 
ing of  peaceful  men  met  to  discuss  political  reforms, 
and  by  a  mistaken  policy  on  the  pari  of  the  local 


authorities  the  meeting  was  broken  up  and  several 
people  killed.  It  is  known  as  the  "  Peterloo 

The  Manchester  Ship  Canal,  connecting  the  city 
with  the  sea,  and  making  it  an  inland  port,  is  a 
wonderful  engineering  feat,  and  was  officially 
opened  by  Queen  Victoria  on  May  21st,  1894. 

The  religious  life  of  the  city  has  kept  pace 
with  its  commercial  prosperity.  The  cathedral, 
the  chief  ecclesiastical  building,  is  disappointi  lg, 
and  is  unworthy  of  a  wealthy  diocese.  It  was 
formerly  the  old  parish  church,  and  for  that  purpose 
met  its  requirements,  but  is  not  of  sufficient  dignity 
for  a  cathedral.  The  style  is  Perpendicular  Gothic, 
mainly  dating  back  to  the  fifteenth  century.  It  con- 
tains some  fine  monuments;  and  is  by  no  means 
devoid  of  interesting  features,  which  well  repay 
a  careful  study.  The  See  was  founded  in  1847. 
There  are  many  other  churches  and  Nonconformist 
places  of  worship,  whose  pulpits  have  been  filled 
by  some  of  the  greatest  preachers  of  the  age. 

The  Town  Hall  is  said  to  be  the  finest  municipal 
building  in  Europe,  was  designed  by  Waterhouse, 
and  covers  8,000  square  yards.  It  was  erected  at 
a  cost,  including  interest,  of  ,£1,062,565 ;  on  the 
organ  was  spent  £5,269,  and  the  bells  and  clock 
cost  £6,985.  It  contains  314  rooms,  and  round 
the  great  hall  are  twelve  mural  paintings  by  Ford 
Madox  Brown.  From  its  tower,  which  is  260  feet 
high,  may  be  obtained  extensive  views  of  South 
Lancashire,  the  charming  plains  of  Cheshire,  and 
the  bold  hills  of  Derbyshire.  The  style  of  archi- 
tecture is  Gothic.    It  was  opened  in  1877.    There 


are  numerous  other  public  buildings  displaying 
great  taste,  and  the  same  may  be  said  of  the  great 
warehouses  which  rise  in  every  direction. 

The  scholastic  establishments,  libraries,  and 
parks  are  the  chief  glory  of  Manchester.  Foremost 
is  the  University,  with  its  colleges,  and  the 
Grammar  School,  founded  in  15 19  by  Hugh  Old- 
ham, Bishop  of  Exeter,  and  a  native  of  Lancashire. 
Some  celebrated  men  have  been  educated  there. 
The  most  notable  scholar  is  perhaps  Thomas  De 
Quincey,  a  native  of  Greenheys,  Manchester.  In 
later  times  Harrison  Ainsworth,  the  Lancashire 
novelist,  attended  the  school.  The  Free  Library 
was  opened  in  1852,  and  owes  its  origin  to  Sir 
John  Potter.  Not  only  has  it  one  of  the  finest 
reference  libraries  in  the  provinces,  but  it  has 
branches  in  the  various  parts  of  the  city.  The  Chet- 
ham  library  is  frequently  named  as  the  oldest 
library  in  Europe.  For  more  than  two  centuries  the 
student  has  entered  its  doors  without  let  or 
hindrance.  It  is  rich  in  Lancashire  and  Cheshire 
books  and  manuscripts.  It  is  a  strange  experience 
to  leave  the  busy  streets,  and  retire  into  the  quiet 
library,  which  seems  to  belong  more  to  monastic 
times  in  England  than  to  this  work-a-day  world. 
It  is  really  the  only  remains  of  olden  Manchester. 
Formerly  the  ancient  barons'  hall,  it  was  bought 
by  the  trustees  of  Humphrey  Chetham,  and  devoted 
to  a  blue  coat  school  and  library.  The  John  Rylands 
library  was  founded  by  his  widow  in  memory  of  her 
husband,  a  local  worthy.  It  is  a  library  for  students, 
and  contains  one  of  the  best  collections  of  books 
in     the    country,     brought    together     regardless 


of  cost,  and  the  library  is  housed  in  a  noble 
building.  There  are  other  excellent  libraries  in  the 
city  to  meet  the  requirements  of  all  classes  of 

The  large  and  numerous  parks,  museums,  and 
picture  galleries  afford  endless  pleasure  and 
instruction  to  the  residents  and  visitors.  There  are 
many  statues,  too,  of  local  and  national  worthies. 
The  city  is  rich  in  philanthropic  institutions.  The 
Manchester  man  is  more  noted  for  sound  common 
sense  than  show;  as  a  rule  he  is  a  man  of  culture, 
with  a  strong  bent  for  business.  The  streets  are 
well  kept,  and  in  some  instances  wide.  "What 
art  was  in  the  ancient  world,"  says  D'Israeli, 
"  science  is  in  the  modern — the  distinctive  faculty. 
In  the  minds  of  men  the  useful  has  succeeded  the 
beautiful.  Instead  of  the  city  of  the  violet  crown, 
a  Lancashire  village  has  expanded  into  a  mighty 
region  of  factories  and  warehouses.  Yet,  rightly 
understood,  Manchester  is  as  great  a  human  exploit 
as  Athens.'* 


This  great  Yorkshire  city  is  certainly  not  an  attrac- 
tive place;  it  has  many  fine  buildings,  but  in  not 
a  few  instances  the  mean  surroundings  completely 
mar  their  beauty.  One  of  Leeds'  most  charming 
singers  says,  "  Great  town,  your  smoke  hangs 
low."  No  wonder,  when  we  remember  the  many 
hives  of  industry  in  nearly  all  directions,  which 
give  employment  to  the  sons  of  toil.  It  is  a  city 
of  business  and  not  of  pleasure.  Here  the  worker 
and  not  the  idler  spends  his  days. 

Some  provision  is  made  for  the  enjoyment  of  the 
toiler  by  means  of  parks,  picture  galleries,  public 
libraries,  healthy  outdoor  sports  and  pastimes.  In 
the  immediate  district  round  Leeds  there  is  some 
of  the  finest  scenery  in  Yorkshire. 

If  the  visitor  is  reaching  Leeds  by  rail,  he  will 
be  depressed  by  the  outlook,  but  when  he  reaches 
the  city,  he  will  be  both  surprised  and  pleased  at 
the  wide  streets,  and  the  many  excellent  shops.  He 
will  at  once  realise  that  he  is  in  a  city  of  wealth  and 
taste.  The  business  establishments  are  among  the 
finest  in  the  provinces.  The  city  may  fairly  be 
placed  as  the  best  situated  industrial  centre  in  this 
country.  The  inhabitants  have  long  enjoyed  the 
reputation  of  being  shrewd  and  honest,  and  have 
won  a  world-wide  reputation  for  fair  dealing. 

Leeds  has  a  past  as  well  as  a  modern  glory,  but 
its  early  history  is  lost  in  the  mists  of  antiquity.  At 
the  time  of  the  Domesday  Survey  it  was  a  farming 



village.    William  the  Conqueror  gave  the  manor 
to  Ilbert  de  Laci,  and  he  sublet  it.  Maurice  Paganel 
granted  a  charter,  in  1207,  to  the  place.     This  was 
the   first  charter,   and  proves  that   in  early  times 
Leeds    was    a    growing    town.     It    is    said    that 
Paganel  built  himself  a  castle ;  for  centuries  every 
trace  of  it  has  been  swept  away,  but  its  site  and 
park  to-day  figure  in  the  street  names  of  the  city. 
Another  street   name  of   historical   importance   is 
Swinegate,  which  is  asserted  to  be  derived  from 
Sweyn,  the  father  of  Canute  the  Great.      We  get 
an  echo  to-day  of  feudal  times :  the  inhabitants  were 
compelled,  down  to  1839,  to  have  their  corn  ground 
at  the  King's  mills.     The  custom  of  the  "  Soke  " 
was  only  ended  by  the  Leeds  Corporation  paying 
the  holder  of  the  rights  ,£13,000.     The  town  was 
first  incorporated  in  the  second  year  of  Charles  I. 
From  the  Stuarts,  Leeds  received  marks  of  favour. 
It  was  from  the  first   Charles  that,  in    1626,  the 
earliest  Royal  Charter  was  received,  and  Charles  II. 
granted  two,  one  in  166 1  and  another  in  1684.     To 
this  town  Charles   I.  was  brought    as    a  prisoner 
by  the  Scots,  and  stayed  at  the  Red  Hall,  an  old 
mansion  situated  in  Guildford  Street,  and  the  rear 
of  the  house  is  known  as  King  Charles's  Croft. 
We  are  fold  that  John  Harrison,  a  noted  local  bene- 
factor, repaired  to  the  Red  Hall  and  obtained  per- 
mission from  the  guards  to  present  his  Majesty 
with  a  tankard  of  prime  ale,  which  he  carried  in  his 
hand.  On  Harrison  being  admitted  the  King  raised 
the  cover  of  the  tankard  and  found  it  full  of  gold 
and  not  of  ale.      Charles  quickly  hid  the  money 
about  his  person,  with  feelings  of  gratitude. 








LEEDS  169 

Harrison's  home  was  in  Briggate,  at  the  top  of 
which  stood  the  Moot  Hall,  and  at  the  bottom  Leeds 
Bridge,  which  spanned  the  river  Aire.  On  this 
bridge  the  early  cloth-market  was  held,  and  largely 
attended  by  country  cloth-makers.  We  get  a  curious 
sketch  of  the  olden  days,  written  by  Norrisson  Scat- 
cherd,  the  historian  of  Morley.  In  an  account  of 
John  Jackson,  better  known  as  "Old  Trash,"  poet, 
schoolmaster,  mechanic,  stonecutter,  land-measurer, 
etc.,  who  was  buried  at  Woodkirk,  on  May  19th, 
1764,  "He  constructed  a  clock,"  says  Scatcherd, 
"  and  in  order  to  make  it  useful  to  the  clothiers  who 
attended  Leeds  market  from  Earls  and  Hanging 
Heaton,  Dewsbury,  Chickenley,  etc.,  he  kept  a 
lamp  suspended  near  the  face  of  it,  and  burning 
through  the  winter  nights;  and  he  would  have  no 
shutters  nor  curtains  to  his  window,  so  that  the 
clothiers  had  only  to  stop  and  look  through  it  to 
know  the  time.  Now,  in  our  age  of  luxury  and 
refinement,  the  accommodation  thus  presented  by 
'Old  Trash,'  may  seem  insignificant  and  foolish, 
but  I  assure  the  reader  that  it  was  not.  The  clothiers 
in  the  early  part  of  the  eighteenth  century  were 
obliged  to  be  on  the  bridge  of  Leeds,  where  the 
market  was  held,  by  about  six  o'clock  in  the 
summer,  and  seven  in  the  winter ;  and  hither  they 
were  convened  5y  a  bell  anciently  pertaining  to  a 
Chantry  Chapel  which  was  once  annexed  to  Leeds 
Bridge.  They  did  not  all  ride,  but  most  went  on 
foot.  They  did  not  carry  watches,  for  few  of  them 
had  ever  possessed  such  valuables."  We  are  told 
how  their  wives  would  wrap  up  in  a  little  checked 
handkerchief  their  dinners,  which  usually  consisted 


of  a  small  supply  of  oatcake  and  cheese.  It 
was  men  like  those  we  are  mentioning  who  built 
up  the  wealth  of  Leeds,  and  at  the  same  time  made 
money  for  themselves. 

Such  men,  we  are  told,  seldom  saw  a  watch,  but 
took  much  of  their  intelligence  from  the  note  of 
the  cuckoo. 

As  we  pace  this  famous  highway,  Briggate,  one 
of  the  finest  streets  in  the  provinces,  many  cele- 
brated wayfarers  are  recalled.  Leeds  took  little 
part  in  the  invasion  of  Prince  Charles  in  1745. 
Many  of  the  victims  who  were  involved  in  that 
unfortunate  expedition  were  imprisoned  at  York 
for  a  long  period.  Some,  after  being  there  a  year, 
were  forwarded  to  Liverpool  for  transportation,  and 
on  passing  through  Leeds,  on  April  23rd,  1747, 
sixty-one  men  and  seven  women  were  lodged  in  the 
Moot  Hall  for  the  night.  John  Wesley  paced  this 
street  when  he  preached  in  the  town.  Matters  did 
not  run  smoothly  here.  In  1758,  writing  to  his 
brother,  he  said,  "  From  time  to  time  I  have  had 
more  trouble  with  the  town  than  with  all  the 
societies  in  Yorkshire."  The  first  Wesleyan 
Methodist  Chapel  was  built  in  Leeds  in  1750.  Great 
has  been  the  work  of  the  Wesleyans  since  that  time. 
Their  churches  extend  over  the  city  and  district, 
and  leading  preachers  occupy  the  pulpits. 
Howard's  footsteps  were  heard  in  this  street  in 
1788.  The  philanthropist  visited  the  infirmary, 
the  workhouse,  and  the  prison,  and  expressed  him- 
self pleased  with  the  two  former.  Leeds  has  long 
been  famous  for  its  music.  In  17 14  the  parish 
church  had  an  organ  placed  in  it.     Greatly  has  a 

LEEDS  171 

love  for  musical  performances  increased  since  that 
time.  The  Leeds  Musical  Festivals  are  of  world- 
wide interest,  and  the  greatest  stars  of  the  day  take 
part  in  them .  Echoes  come  to  us  of  many  notable  men 
and  women  who  have  passed  along  this  great  high- 
way ;  they  have  figured  in  local  and  national  history, 
and  make  up  such  a  large  number  that  it  is  impos- 
sible to  find  room  for  even  a  list  of  their  names. 

Kirkgate  is  another  street  of  note  leading  to  St. 
Peter's  Parish  Church,  the  chief  church  in  the  city, 
whence  successive  vicars  of  Leeds  have  in  the  past 
often  been  promoted  to  Bishoprics  or  Deaneries. 
It  was  rebuilt  in  1839-41  by  Dr.  Hook,  "  the 
Apostle  of  the  West  Riding."  He  is  gratefully 
remembered  as  one  of  the  great  and  good  vicars  of 
Leeds,  and  for  collecting  ^30,000  to  carry  out  the 
work.  It  is  to  be  regretted  that  it  is  not  a  fine 
example  of  church  architecture,  but  still  it  contains 
some  interesting  monuments.  St.  John's  is  an 
interesting  church  built  by  John  Harrison,  a 
famous  local  benefactor,  and  near  it  is  the  Harrison 
Hospital.  Several  of  the  modern  churches  of  the 
city  are  fine  examples  of  ecclesiastical  architecture. 
The  Nonconformist  churches  are  both  numerous 
and,  in  many  instances,  an  ornament  to  Leeds. 

Among  the  more  important  public  buildings  is  the 
Town  Hall;  the  foundation  was  laid  in  1853,  and 
the  building  opened  by  Queen  Victoria  in  1858. 
The  architect  was  Cuthbert  Brodrick,  of  Hull ;  it  is 
an  impressive  structure  with  Corinthian  columns, 
and  it  has  a  high  tower  crowned  with  a  dome.  The 
cost  of  the  building  was  about  ^140,000.  It  has 
served  as  a  model  for  several  of  the  smaller  town 


halls  of  the  West  Riding.  Near  the  Leeds  Town 
Hall  are  the  Municipal  Offices.  Part  of  this  struc- 
ture is  devoted  to  an  Art  Gallery  and  Free  Library. 
The  collection  of  books  brought  together  is  in  every 
respect  worthy  of  the  large  city,  but  it  merits  a 
better  position  and  a  more  convenient  building.  It 
may  fairly  be  regarded  as  the  best  public  free  library 
in  the  country,  and  has  important  branches  in  all 
parts  of  the  city.  The  Leeds  Institute  has  done  a 
great  work  for  popular  education,  and  has  a  useful 
library.  The  Leeds  Library,  founded  in  1768,  has 
not  only  a  large  number  of  books,  but  many  which 
are  rare  and  valuable.  There  are  numerous  other 
good  libraries  in  Leeds.  In  the  Philosophical  Hall 
is  a  Museum,  and  here,  during  the  winter  months, 
the  leading  lecturers  of  the  country  appear. 

Educational  matters  have  always  been  kept  well 
to  the  front.  The  Grammar  School  was  founded 
in  1552,  and  in  recent  times  a  University  has  been 
established.  There  is  a  School  of  Medicine,  and  the 
present  Infirmary  was  erected  in  1863,  from  designs 
by  Sir  Gilbert  Scott;  important  additions  have 
been  made  since  that  time. 

We  have  only  mentioned  a  few  of  the  public 
buildings,  but  we  must  in  conclusion  call  attention 
to  the  new  Market  Hall,  built  at  a  cost  of  ,£100,000, 
and  pronounced  one  of  the  finest  in  this  country. 

Within  a  short  tram  ride  from  the  city  are  the 
extensive  ruins  of  Kirkstall  Abbey.  Here  one  may 
study  the  arrangements  of  an  ancient  religious 
house  dating  back  to  1152.  The  greater  part  of  the 
remains  is  Transition  Norman,  and  no  one  should 
visit  Leeds  without  seeing  this  famous  abbey. 


Few  old  buildings  remain  in  Hull,  for  they  have 
been  swept  away  by  the  march  of  progress ;  but  the 
streets  in  the  old  town  retain  their  original  course, 
and  their  arrangement  affords  a  fine  example,  one 
of  the  best  in  England,  of  a  place  founded  in  the 
Middle  Ages.  Edward  I.  recognised  the  important 
position  of  the  port.  It  then  consisted  of  two  places 
near  each  other,  Wyke-upon-Hull  and  the  Manor 
of  Myton.  Wyke  was  a  place  of  some  importance ; 
in  1278  it  was  granted  a  weekly  market  and  an 
annual  fair  lasting  fourteen  days.  At  a  much 
earlier  period  it  had  become  widely  known  for  its 
commerce,  and  in  1198  it  ranked  as  the  sixth  port 
in  the  kingdom,  only  London,  Boston,  Southamp- 
ton, Lincoln,  and  Lynn  having  greater  imports 
and  exports. 

In  1287,  Edward  I.  entered  into  negotiations  with 
the  Abbot  of  Meaux,  the  head  of  a  religious  house 
situated  near  Beverley,  for  the  exchange  of  lands 
elsewhere  of  an  equal  value  to  those  on  which 
Wyke  and  Myton  stood.  In  1293  the  negotiations 
were  concluded.  The  town  of  Wyke  and  the 
Manor  of  Myton  were  conveyed  to  the  King  by  a 
deed  of  feoffment,  dated  from  the  Feast  of  Purifica- 
tion in  that  year,  in  exchange  for  lands  situated  in 



No  sooner  had  the  King  become  the  owner  of  the 
place  than  he  gave  it  the  royal  title  of  Kingston- 
upon-Hull,  which  remained  the  legal  title  down  to 
June  18th,  1897,  when  it  was  made  the  City  of  Hull. 
The  long  title  of  Kingston-upon-Hull  had  for 
many  years  been  shortened  to  Hull  in  com- 
mercial and  other  circles.  Royal  favours  were 
granted  to  the  town.  Its  government  was  placed 
under  a  Warden  (Custos)  and  Bailiffs.  Richard 
Oysel,  a  Court  favourite,  was  the  first  Warden,  and 
most  probably  he  induced  the  King  to  grant  the 
town  its  first  charter,  which  may  still  be  seen  in  the 
Town  Hall.  It  bears  the  date  of  April  1st,  1299, 
and  was  granted  upon  a  petition  of  the  inhabitants 
presented  to  the  King  in  person,  while  keeping 
Christmas  in  1288  with  Lord  Wake  at  Baynard 
Castle,  Cottingham.  The  charter  made  it  a  free 
borough  with  all  the  privileges  of  a  royal  burgh. 
An  improvement  was  made  in  the  harbour,  and  the 
shipping  trade  advanced  rapidly.  The  place  grew 
in  importance  until  it  became  one  of  the  chief  towns 
in  the  kingdom.  To  meet  the  increasing  demand 
for  money  for  commercial  and  other  transactions  a 
mint  was  established.  Hull  had  four  furnaces, 
while  Newcastle-on-Tyne,  Bristol,  and  Exeter  had 
only  two  each. 

Edward,  when  he  visited  the  town  in  1300,  caused 
improvements  to  be  made,  the  chief  being  the  pave- 
ment of  the  streets,  and  to  meet  the  expense  certain 
tolls  were  levied  on  all  goods  coming  into  the  town 
for  sale.  A  little  later,  a  couple  of  burgesses  were 
sent  to  Parliament.  The  citizens  of  Hull  are  able 
to  regard  with  pride    their   long   list  of  members, 





HULL  175 

which  includes  many  famous  townsmen,  including 
Andrew  Marvefl,  the  incorruptible  patriot,  and 
William  Wilberforce,  the  emancipator. 

In  the  reign  of  the  second  Edward,  Scotland  had, 
by  a  splendid  victory  at  Bannockburn,  re-estab- 
lished its  independence,  and  we  can  readily  under- 
stand that  the  northern  towns  of  England  were 
anxious  about  their  safety.  In  1322  a  royal  licence 
was  granted  for  encompassing  the  town  with  ditches 
and  castellated  walls.  In  more  peaceful  times 
these  walls  were  swept  away,  their  site  being  utilised 
for  docks. 

Edward  III.,  in  1332,  on  his  way  to  join  his  army 
in  the  north,  visited  Hull,  when  the  place  far  ex- 
ceeded his  expectations  for  its  situation  and  the 
strength  of  its  fortifications.  The  King  was 
warmly  welcomed  by  the  people,  and  magnificently 
entertained  by  William  De  la  Pole.  The  King 
showed  his  appreciation  by  knighting  his  host,  and 
altering  the  local  governorship  of  the  town  from 
warden  to  mayor.  He  nominated  for  the  first 
mayor  Sir  William  De  la  Pole. 

We  gather  from  some  ancient  bye-laws  how  the 
life  of  the  people  was  regulated  in  the  olden  time. 
The  Mayor  and  Sheriff  in  and  previously  to  1452  in 
the  Market  Place  used  to  proclaim  as  follows : — 

That  all  the  King's  liege  people  keep  his  Majesty's  peace,  and 
that  no  burgess  or  inhabitant  draw  any  knife,  sword,  or  any  other 
offensive  weapon  in  breach  of  the  same  under  a  penalty  of  3*.  4^. 

That  no  man  purchase  any  victuals  coming  to  the  market 
before  they  be  got  thither,  under  a  penalty  of  3s.  4c?. 

That  no  one  offer  to  sell  any  corn,  nor  open  his  sack  before 
nine  o'clock,  nor  continue  it  in  the  market  after  one,  and  that 
no  corn  be  set  up  out  of  the  market,  upon  pain  of  \d.  for  e very- 


That  no  person  dwelling  within  the  town  buy  any  fish,  flesh, 
or  wild  fowl,  to  sell  again  to  another  inhabitant,  under  the 
penalty  of  forfeiting  the  same,  imprisonment  of  body,  and  fine 
to  the  King. 

That  no  man  cast  any  lastage,  straw,  or  muck,  out  of  ships, 
keels  or  boats,  into  the  haven,  under  the  penalty  of  6s.  Zd.  for 
every  ship,  and  is.  8d.  for  every  boat. 

That  no  person  cast  any  ashes,  dust,  muck,  or  filth  down  any 
staiths  under  the  penalty  of  6s.  Sd. 

That  no  tavern  keeper,  victualler,  nor  tipler,  keep  any  guest 
after  the  bell  be  rung,  on  pain  of  3s.  $d. 

That  no  stranger  walk  out  in  the  night,  or  be  then  suffered  to 
wear  offensive  weapons,  on  pain  of  imprisonment. 

That  no  one  sell  or  buy  any  bread  in  the  town,  but  what  is 
made  or  baked  therein. 

That  no  one  presume  to  sell  a  pound  of  candles  for  more  than 
a  penny,  nor  a  gallon  of  small  ale  for  more  than  a  penny. 

That  all  butchers  cut  their  flesh  in  pieces  and  sell  it  by  half- 
penny worths,  two  penny  worths,  or  more  as  the  burgesses  have 
need,  according  to  the  quantity  and  quality. 

On  the  last  day  of  the  year  1460  was  fought  the 
battle  of  Wakefield,  and  among  the  slain  was 
Richard  Hanson,  Mayor  of  Hull,  who  was  on  the 
side  of  the  defeated  House  of  York.  The  head  of 
Hanson  was  spiked,  with  those  of  other  leaders  in 
the  fight,  on  the  gates  of  York. 

An  entry  in  the  annals  of  Hull  states  that  in 
1549  three  of  the  former  sheriffs  of  the  town, 
named  respectively  Johnson,  Jebson,  and  Thorp, 
were  fined  £6  13s.  4^.  each  *'  for  being  deficient  in 
the  elegance  of  their  entertainments,  for  neglecting 
to  wear  scarlet  gowns,  and  for  not*  providing  the 
same  for  their  wives  during  their  shrievalties.' * 
Ten  years  later  a  Mr.  Gregory  was  chosen  sheriff, 
and  he  refused  to  accept  the  office.  The  matter 
was  referred  to  the  Queen  in  Council,  and  he  was 
ordered  to  be  fined  ;£ioo,  to  be  disfranchised  and 
turned  out  of  the  town.     The  order  was  executed. 

HULL  177 

The  gates  of  Hull  were  closed  on  two  critical 
occasions.  On  July  4th,  1399,  Bolingbroke,  Duke 
of  Lancaster,  afterwards  Henry  IV.,  landed  at 
Ravenspurne,  in  Holderness,  a  port  long  since 
washed  away  by  the  sea.  Here  gathered  round  him 
a  number  of  noblemen  who  were  determined  to  de- 
pose the  reigning  monarch,  Richard  II.  When  the 
news  of  warlike  movements  reached  Hull,  John 
Tirtbury,  the  mayor,  placed  the  burgesses  under 
arms,  directed  the  bridges  to  be  drawn  up,  and  the 
gates  closed.  The  inhabitants  were  ready  for 
action.  Soon  the  Duke  and  his  followers  appeared 
before  the  town,  and  demanded  admission.  This 
the  mayor  refused,  saying  that  "  he  had  sworn  to 
be  true  to  the  sovereign,  Richard  II.,  and  faithfully 
keep  the  town  for  his  use,  and  that  he  fully  intended 
to  do  his  duty,  and  never  prove  false  to  his  oath, 
and  a  traitor  to  his  King."  On  hearing  the  firm 
answer  to  his  request,  the  Duke  marched  to  Don- 
caster.  Happily  Henry  IV.  bore  no  resentment 
against  Hull,  and  in  the  first  year  of  his  reign 
renewed  and  confirmed  the  charters  of  the  town. 

A  still  tenser  moment  occurred  in  the  days  of 
Charles  I.  Hull  at  that  time  had  the  best  magazine 
of  munitions  of  war  in  the  country.  The  King 
hoped  to  secure  them,  as  they  would  have  given 
him  a  great  advantage  in  the  struggle.  In  1642  he 
repaired  to  the  royal  borough,  where  he  expected  a 
welcome,  for  it  had  been  greatly  favoured  by  the 
kings  of  England,  but,  to  his  surprise  and  disap- 
pointment, Sir  John  Hotham,  the  governor  of  Ihe 
town,  closed  the  gates  against  him,  and  the  King 
had  to  retire  to  York  in  discomfiture.  Hull  suc- 
cessfully withstood  two  Royalist  sieges. 


Parliament  thanked  Hotham  for  the  bold  stand 
made  on  this  critical  occasion.  His  subsequent 
career  was  very  sad.  He  felt  slighted  when  Lord 
Fairfax  was  entrusted  with  the  generalship  of  the 
North,  believing  that  he  was  entitled  to  the  posi- 
tion. On  refusing  to  obey  the  orders  of  Fairfax, 
he  was  removed  from  his  generalship.  In  a  jealous 
pique  he  decided  to  transfer  his  services  to  the  King 
and  deliver  the  town  into  his  hands.  The  plot  was 
discovered,  and  Sir  John  Hotham  had  to  fly.  On 
reaching  Beverley,  he  was  apprehended  by  his 
nephew,  Captain  Boynton,  and  carried  back  fo 
Hull,  thence  to  London,  where  he  was  tried  with  his 
son  for  * 'traitorously  betraying  the  trust  reposed  in 
them  by  Parliament,' '  found  guilty,  and  beheaded 
on  Tower  Hill. 

We  find  in  the  "  Autobiography  of  George 
Pryme,"  a  note  showing  how  closely  the  town  was 
guarded  in  past  times.  Writing  of  the  years  from 
1 78 1  to  1796,  he  states:  "  Hull  was  formerly  en- 
closed by  water,  and  partly  by  walls.  In  my 
grandfather's  times,  the  gates  were  closed  at  ten 
o'clock  at  night,  and  could  not  be  passed  without 
an  order,  which  rule  was  so  rigidly  enforced  that 
my  great  aunt  (his  sister),  who  resided  a  little  out 
of  the  town,  used  on  evenings  of  the  assemblies  to 
sleep  at  her  brother's  house." 

In  1745  the  gates  and  walls  were  put  in  perfect 
order  in  the  event  of  the  Pretender's  army  taking 
the  eastern  side  of  the  country,  but  as  we  know  the 
west  was  chosen,  and  Hull  escaped  a  siege. 

Later  on  docks  were  built  on  the  site  of  the  old 
wall  and  ditches  which  protected  the  town  in  the 

HULL  179 

past.  How  different  are  the  sights  of  the  city  to- 
day from  what  they  were  in  bygone  times.  Sir 
Robert  Constable  was  gibbeted  above  the  Beverley 
Gate,  in  1537,  for  high  treason.  "  On  Fridaye," 
wrote  the  Duke  of  Norfolk,  "  beying  market  daye 
at  Hull,  suffered  and  dothe  hange  above  the 
highest  gate  of  the  toune  so  trymmed  in  cheynes 
that  I  thinke  his  boones  woll  hang  there  this  hun- 
drethe  yere." 

We  may  enter  the  old  town  over  Monument 
Bridge,  getting  its  name  from  the  Wilberforce 
Monument,  which  occupies  the  site  of  Beverley 
Gate.  We  are  soon  in  Whitefriargate,  which  ob- 
tains its  designation  from  the  extensive  monastery 
which  occupied  the  right-hand  side  of  the  thorough-' 
fare.  At  right  angles  several  streets  lead  out  of  it, 
including  the  Land  of  Green  Ginger,  nearly  at  the 
end  of  which  stood  the  Manor  House  or  Palace  of 
the  King.  In  another  direction  is  Trinity  House 
Lane,  called  after  the  Trinity  House,  a  place  of 
great  historic  interest. 

Guilds  were  popular  in  bygone  times,  and  many 
exist  under  altered  circumstances  in  the  present 
day.  John  Harland,  F.S.A.,  the  historian,  has 
outlined  one  which  still  survives  in  Hull,  his  native 
town.  "  In  the  reign  of  Edward  III.,  in  1369," 
says  Harland,  "  some  forty-six  persons  (one-half  of 
whom  were  wives  or  unmarried  females)  assembled 
in  Hull,  and  founded  a  guild  '  in  honour  of  the 
Holy  Trinity  '  for  the  relief  of  distressed  seamen 
and  their  widows  belonging  to  that  town.  Besides 
burying  their  dead  at  the  guild  cost,  and  making 
the  usual  church-offerings  for  masses,  etc.,  one  of 


their  laws  was  that :  '  If  any  brother  or  sister  lan- 
guish in  a  perpetual  infirmity,  so  that  they  had  not 
their  own  to  support  them  with,  such  infirm  man  or 
woman  shall  take  every  week  of  the  goods  [money] 
of  the  guild  eightpence,  and  at  the  feast  of  St. 
Martin  in  winter  [November  n]  one  tunic  and  a 
little  cap.'  Subsequently  this  association  was 
styled  '  The  Guild  or  Brotherhood  of  Masters  and 
Pilots,  Seamen  of  the  Trinity  House  of  Kingston- 
upon-Hull.'  In  1457,  the  guild  established  alms- 
houses for  the  relief  of  poor  and  impotent  seamen, 
in  support  of  which  the  masters  of  ships,  and 
mariners  generally  belonging  to  the  port,  gave  what 
money  became  due  to  them  in  every  voyage, 
'aslowage  and  stowage.'  In  1442  Henry  VI.,  by 
letters  patent,  made  this  guild  a  body-corporate, 
and  confirmed  the  grant  of  lowage  and  stowage,  to 
be  applied  to  building  a  hospital  (with  chapel  at- 
tached) for  the  sustentation  of  the  relief  of  persons 
who  *  by  the  misfortune  of  the  sea  have  fallen  into 
poverty/  The  masters  of  ships  requested  the  guild 
to  provide  them  with  careful  pilots  for  the  river 
Humber,  and  this  licensing  of  pilots  led  to  consider- 
able yearly  receipts.  It  has  built  several  hospitals 
at  different  times.  It  is  one  of  the  greatest  bene- 
volent institutions  in  the  North  of  England.  The 
house  has  an  old-world  appearance,  and  maintains 
the  customs  of  former  ages.  In  place  of  carpets 
rushes  are  strewn,  and  peats  take  the  place  of  coal.,, 
This  guild  took  the  chief  part  in  the  production 
of  the  Miracle  play  of  "  Noah's  Flood,"  which  used 
to  be  performed  on  Plough  Monday,  and  which 
was  extremely  popular  in  Hull.      A  few  extracts 

HULL  181 

from  a  version  of  this  play  will  serve  to  show  its 
nature.  An  actor  enters  representing  God;  he 
deplores  the  universal  wickedness  of  the  world, 
resolves  to  destroy  it,  and  all  the  "  folke  that  are 
thereon."  Noah  appears,  and  is  directed  by  God 
to  build  an  ark  to  save  himself  and  family.  His 
sons  next  enter,  and,  after  some  conversation,  pre- 
pare to  build  the  ark,  Noah  (the  orthography  is 
somewhat  modernised)  saying — 

O  Lord,  I  thank  Thee,  loud  and  still, 

That  to  me  art  in  such  will, 

And  spares  me  and  my  household  to  spill, 

As  I  now  smoothly  find. 
Thy  bidding,  Lord,  I  shall  fulfil, 
And  never  more  Thee  grieve  nor  grill  (provoke), 
That  such  grace  hath  sent  me  till 

Amongst  all  mankind. 
Have  done,  you  men  and  women  all, 
Go  we  work,  bout  din  (without  noise), 
And  I  am  ready  bound 

Then  follow  a  few  words  from  the  wife  and  sons  of 
Noah  about  the  work  before  them.  Noah  com- 
mences building  the  "shippe,"  and  the  play  pro- 
ceeds^  Noah  speaking — 

Now,  in  the  name  of  God,  I  begin 

To  make  the  ship  that  we  shall  in, 

That  we  may  be  ready  to  swim 

At  the  coming  of  the  flood. 

These  boards  here  I  pin  together, 

To  bear  us  safe  from  the  weather; 

That  we  may  row  hither  and  thither, 

And  safe  be  from  the  flood. 

Of  this  tree  I  will  make  the  mast, 

Tied  with  cables  that  will  last, 

With  a  sail  yard  for  each  blast 

And  each  thing  in  their  kind  ; 

With  topcastle  and  bowsprit, 

Both  cords  and  ropes  I  have  all  mette  (measured), 

To  sail  forth  at  the  next  wet. 

This  ship  is  at  an  end, 

Wife,  we  shall  in  this  vessel  be  kept — 

My  children  and  thou  I  would  ye  in  leapt 


Noah's  wife  replies  to  him  thus : — 

In  faith,  Noah,  I  would  as  lief  thou  slept  1 

For  all  thy  frynish  (nice)  fare, 

I  will  not  do  after  thy  mede  (advice). 

Says  Noah : — 

Good  wife,  do  now  as  I  thee  bid. 

She  replies : — 

I'  faith  I'll  not,  till  I  see  more  need. 
Though  thou  stand  all  day  and  stare. 

Noah  next  laments  the  crabbed  nature  of  woman- 
kind. At  length  the  ark  is  completed,  and  after 
receiving  from  God  a  list  of  animals  which  are  to  go 
into  it,  Noah  and  his  family,  except  his  wife,  enter 
it.  Here  considerable  liberty  is  taken  with  the 
Biblical  story,  and  a  strange  scene  is  presented, 
Noah's  wife  is  a  person  of  whimsical  temper.  In 
reply  to  her  husband's  appeal  to  her  to  enter  the 
ark,  she  gives  vent  to  a  volley  of  strong  language, 
saying  that  unless  her  "  gossips"  are  allowed  to 
go  in  with  her  she  "  wifl  not  out  of  this  town." 
She  tells  him  to  "  Row  where  he  lists,"  and  get  a 
new  wife.  Finally,  the  dutiful  Japhet  compels 
his  mother  to  enter  by  main  force,  and  immediately 
on    her   entrance   she    boxes    Noah's    ears.       He 

observes : — 

Ha,  ha,  marry,  this  is  hot, 

It  is  good  for  to  be  still ; 

Ha,  children,  methinks  my  boat  removes. 

Our  tarrying  here  grieves  me  ill. 

Over  the  land  the  water  spreads, 

God,  do  as  Thou  wilt ; 

Ah,  great  God,  Thou  art  so  good, 

That  (who)  works  not  Thy  will  is  wood  (mad). 

Now  all  this  world  is  one  flood, 

As  I  see  well  in  sight — 

This  window  I  will  shut  anon, 

And  unto  my  chamber  I  will  go, 

Till  the  water  so  great  mowe  (may) 

Be  slackened  through  Thy  might 

HULL  183 

The  window  of  the  ark  is  now  closed  for  a  short 
time,  supposed  to  be  during  the  period  of  the  flood, 
after  which  it  is  opened,  and  Noah  thanks  God  for 
such  grace.  The  Almighty  replies,  and  blesses  the 
patriarch,  the  play  finishing  as  follows : — 

My  bow  between  you  and  me, 

In  the  firmament  shall  be  ; 

By  every  token  that  you  shall  see, 

That  such  vengeance  shall  cease. 

Men  shall  never  more 

Be  wasted  with  water,  as  hath  been  before  ; 

But  for  sin  that  grieveth  me  sore, 

Therefore  this  vengeance. 

.  •  •  •  • 

My  blessing,  Noah,  I  give  thee  here, 
To  thee,  Noah,  my  servant,  dear, 
For  vengeance  shall  no  more  appear ; 
And  now  farewell,  my  darling  dear. 

This  is  an  example  in  outline  of  one  of  the  more 
serious  of  the  religious  plays ;  but  it  includes  not  a 
few  diverting  passages  for  the  entertainment  of  the 
people.  The  nautical  allusions  would  be  much 
appreciated  in  Hull  and  other  seaport  towns,  and 
we  can  readily  understand  such  a  piece  would  be 
popular  in  the  olden  time. 

In  the  books  of  the  Hull  Trinity  House  are  many 
entries  bearing  on  this  play.  A  new  "  shype  " 
was  required  in  142 1,  and  it  was  obtained  at  a  cost 
of  £5  85.  4^.  In  1447  the  wages  of  Robert  Brown, 
who  represented  God,  were  6d.y  and  so  continued 
until  1484,  when  Thomas  Sawyers  played  the  part, 
and  was  paid  8d.y  which  was  increased  in  1487  to 
lod.  In  1520  the  payment  went  up  to  is.,  and  con- 
tinued at  that  rate  until  1529.    We  find  in  1469  the 


1 84  OLD    ENGLISH    TOWNS 

wages  of  Noye  and  his  wyff  were  2 id.;  next  year 
they  were  increased  by  an  additional  twopence.  In 
1485  the  payments  were  separated  and  also  reduced 
— Noye  got  8d.  and  his  wyff  a  shilling.  The  pay- 
ment was  increased  to  Noye  in  1520  to  2s.,  and  his 
wyff  i8<2. 

The  performance  used  to  be  given  in  different 
parts  of  the  town,  and  the  ark  wheeled  from  one 
street  to  another.  On  it  were  painted  different 
sorts  of  animals,  and  when  not  in  use  it  was  sus- 
pended in  the  Holy  Trinity  Church.  This  stately 
church  is  one  of  the  largest  parish  churches  in  the 
country.  It  was  founded  in  1285,  as  a  sort  of 
chapel-of-ease  to  Hessle.  The  dead  were  taken 
along  the  Humber  banks  for  interment  at  Hessle, 
and  it  is  recorded  that  lives  were  lost  and  the 
corpses  washed  away  by  the  river  in  tempestuous 
weather.  An  appeal  to  Archbishop  Corbridge  in 
1301  resulted  in  permission  being  given  for  burials 
to  be  made  in  Hull.  The  transepts  are  the  earliest 
part  of  the  present  building,  and  date  back  to  the 
reign  of  Edward  II.  It  has  a  fine  tower  150  feet 
high.  During  the  Commonwealth  it  was  used  as  a 
house  of  prayer  by  the  Presbyterians  and  Indepen- 
dents, and  so  divided  until  the  Restoration. 

News  reached  Hull  on  the  3rd  July,  1644,  of  the 
victory  of  the  Parliamentary  forces  at  the  Battle  of 
Marston  Moor.  The  inhabitants  were  assembled  in 
the  church  in  prayer  for  the  success  of  their  army 
on  the  field  of  battle,  when  a  letter  was  received  by 
the  Mayor,  by  whom  it  was  hastily  perused  and 
handed  to  the  preacher,  who  read  it  to  the  congre- 
gation.    It  was  as  follows : — 

HULL  [185 

2nd  July,  1644.  Mr.  Mayor.  After  a  dark  cloud  it  hath 
pleased  God  to  show  the  sunshine  of  His  glory  in  victory  over 
his  enemies,  who  are  driven  into  the  walls  of  York,  many  of 
their  chief  officers  slain,  and  all  their  ordnance  and  ammunition 
taken  with  small  loss  (I  praise  God)  on  our  side.  This  is  all  I 
can  now  write  ; 

Resting  Your  Assured 


At  various  times  from  the  third  decade  of  the  last 
century  some  ,£50,000  has  been  spent  in  repairs. 
It  can  seat  2,200  worshippers.  It  contains  many 
beautiful  monuments  and  other  objects  of  interest. 

Near  the  church  is  the  old  Grammar  School 
founded  by  Bishop  Alcock  in  i486.  Here  have 
been  educated  some  famous  men;  Marvell  and 
Wilberforce  are  the  best  remembered.  It  is  now 
used  as  a  clergy  school,  and  the  Grammar  School 
is  in  another  part  of  the  town  in  a  modern  building. 

We  may  proceed  to  the  Victoria  Pier,  named  after 
the  late  Queen  when  she  visited  Hull,  and  watch 
the  ships  on  the  Humber,  which  is  three  miles  wide. 
Matthew  Arnold  was  charmed  with  the  view,  as 
Thomas  Carlyle  and  Alfred  Tennyson  had  been 
before  him.  The  Humber,  when  seen  from  the 
pier,  presents  a  sight  which  cannot  be  forgotten. 

We  have  passed  streets  which  recall  to  mind  the 
old  religious  life  of  Hull,  such  as  Blackfriargate. 
We  may  next  get  into  the  historic  High  Street, 
pass  the  old  site  of  the  home  of  the  De  la  Poles,  see 
some  of  the  old  houses  in  Hull,  and  halt  at  Wilber- 
force House,  a  red-brick  mansion,  and  without 
doubt  the  most  interesting  building  in  Hull.  It 
dates  back  to  Tudor  times;  it  was  here  that 
€harles  I.  was  entertained  by  Sir  John  Lister  in 


1639,  and  here  William  Wilberforce  was  born  in 
1759.  It  was  bought  by  the  town,  and  is  now  a 
museum  mainly  devoted  to  local  antiquities,  includ- 
ing much  that  relates  to  the  slave  trade  and  objects 
relating  to  a  local  pursuit,  the  whaling  trade,  now 
defunct,  but  replaced  by  the  trawling  industry, 
which  affords  support  to  30,000  people.  No  person 
of  taste  should  visit  Wilberforce  House  without 
reading  a  delightful  and  informing  historical  story 
entitled  "Andrew  Marvell  and  His  Friends/ '  as  it 
throws  much  light  on  this  house  and  the  Listers  who 
lived  in  it.  We  may  proceed  to  the  Charter  House, 
founded  by  Sir  Michael  De  la  Pole  in  1384. 
Through  the  changes  of  centuries  it  has  provided  a 
home  for  the  needy.  It  is  an  institution  of  great 
usefulness,  and,  with  its  chapel,  a  place  of  consider- 
able interest. 

St.  Mary's  Church  is  well  worth  visiting.  It 
was  founded  about  1333,  and  restored  by  Sir  Gil- 
bert Scott.  There  are  numerous  modern  churches, 
including  All  Saints',  from  a  design  by  Street.  The 
Nonconformists  have  some  fine  places  of  worship. 
Albion  Church  is  an  impressive  building,  and  its 
first  minister  was  the  Rev.  Newman  Hall.  Fish 
Street  Chapel,  which  has  been  removed  to  another 
part  of  the  city,  has  had  connected  with  it 
several  men  of  more  than  local  reputation.  Here 
the  Rev.  Joseph  Gilbert  was  pastor,  and  it  was  to 
Hull  that  he  brought  his  newly-wedded  wife,  Ann 
Taylor,  one  of  the  authors  of  "  Hymns  for  Infant 
Minds."  Mrs.  Gilbert  wrote  a  charming  descrip- 
tion of  Hull  in  the  first  quarter  of  the  nineteenth 
century.       Wycliffe  Church  is  a  modern   Gothic 

HULL  187 


structure ;  its  pastor  for  a  few  years  was  the  Rev. 
Dr.  John  Hunter,  before  he  received  a  call  to  Glas- 
gow. It  was  in  Hull  that  the  Rev.  John  Pulsford, 
the  author  of  "  Quiet  Hours,"  laboured  for  several 

There  are  many  fine  public  buildings  in  the  city, 
some  of  the  more  important  are  the  Town  Hall, 
Royal  Institution  (with  its  fine  library  of  70,000 
volumes,  museum,  art  gallery,  and  lecture  hall), 
Hymer's  College,  Dock  Office,  Public  Free 
Libraries,  Queen's  Hall,  Royal  Infirmary,  Chil- 
dren's Hospital,  Exchange,  School  of  Art,  Victoria 
Hall,  etc. 

Thanks  to  the  great  ability  and  energy  of  Sir 
Alfred  Gelder,  five  times  Mayor  of  Hull,  the  town 
has  been  transformed,  old  buildings  have  been 
removed,  new  wide  streets  made,  and  attractive 
shops  and  public  offices  erected,  which  renders  Hull 
one  of  the  finest  cities  in  the  country.  It  has  large 
public  parks,  but  the  docks  full  of  ships  are  of  the 
greatest  interest  to  the  visitor.  To-day  Hull  is  the 
same  size  as  London  was  in  the  days  of  Qkieen 
Elizabeth.  In  conclusion,  we  may  describe  the 
transformation  of  Hull  in  modern  times  as  a 
romance  in  bricks  and  mortar. 


The  story  of  York  is  a  miniature  history  of  Eng- 
land. In  the  city  annals  are  included  events  which 
fully  illustrate  the  shaping  of  this  country.  The 
student  of  the  past  may  picture  the  place  in  pre- 
historic times  from  the  numerous  relics  brought  to 
light,  which  enable  him  to  realise  the  story  not 
written  in  words,  but  plain  enough  to  those  versed 
in  the  customs  of  other  days.  The  relics  connect 
the  city  with  the  dawn  of  English  history. 

We  may  study  the  history  of  York  under  the 
Romans  without  the  speculation  we  are  called  upon 
to  exercise  with  regard  to  the  period  when  it  was 
under  early  British  tribal  rule.  During  the  occu- 
pation of  this  country  by  the  Romans,  York  grew 
to  a  place  of  great  importance.  The  remains  of  to- 
day attest  its  greatness  under  Roman  rule.  It  is 
often  asserted  that  it  was  the  birthplace  of  the  Em- 
peror Constantine  the  Great.  He  was  at  ,York 
when  his  father  died  in  306,  and  he  succeeded  to 
the  throne. 

York,  in  the  Anglo-Danish  period,  was  a  place  of 
stirring  events,  not  less  notable  in  the  spread  of  the 
Christian  faith  than  the  terrible  struggles  of  war- 
like peoples.  The  clash  of  arms  often  gave  way  to  the 
song  of  praise.  Here  was  founded  the  famous  school 
in  which  Alcuin  was  taught,  and  of  which  he  rose 
to  the  mastership  before  he  went  in  782  to  the  Court 
of  Charlemagne.     He  was  the  greatest  schoolmaster 








YORK  189 

of  his  time,  and  in  a  dark  age  kept  alight  the  lamp 
of  learning.  York  was  the  home  and  field  of  labour 
of  many  famous  Christian  preachers  and  teachers ; 
it  soon  became  an  archbishopric,  and  its  bishop 
was  Primate  of  the  North.  The  seed  planted  by 
those  early  Christians  has  grown  into  a  city  of 
churches.  A  small  wooden  structure  dedicated  to 
St.  Peter,  where  on  Easter  Day,  April  12,  627, 
King  Edwin  was  baptised  by  Paulinus,  was  the 
commencement  of  the  cathedral.  The  King  began 
the  erection  of  a  stone  structure  on  the  site  of  the 
rudely-constructed  wooden  church,  but  he  fell  in 
battle  before  he  had  completed  it.  King  Oswald 
brought  the  work  to  a  close.  Some  thirty  years 
later  it  was  restored  by  Bishop  Wilfrid. 

Under  the  more  settled  Norman  kings  the  cathe- 
dral rose  in  importance,  and  became  one  of  the 
most  famous  fanes  in  the  land.  We  do  not  pro- 
pose to  linger  over  its  rise ;  it  is  a  building  of  vari- 
ous periods,  but  displays  a  unity  of  design  which 
is  seldom  equalled  and  not  surpassed.  It  has  with- 
stood the  ravages  of  time,  and  twice  within  the  last 
century,  viz.,  February  2,  1829,  and  May  20,  1840, 
survived  extensive  fires.  With  its  lofty  towers  it 
is  one  of  the  most  impressive  cathedrals  in 
this  country.  Within  are  monuments  and  windows 
of  beautiful  stained  glass,  which  add  a  glory  to  the 
church.  Fully  to  realise  its  beauty  it  must  be 
visited.  It  is  a  poem  in  masonry.  The  curiosities 
in  the  fabric  are  numerous,  including  a  chair  in 
which  Saxon  kings  have  sat  at  their  coronation. 
There  is  an  ivory  charter  horn,  known  as  the  Horn 
of  Ulf,   which  was  given  at  the  High  Altar  and 


carried  with  it  his  vast  estates,  an  event  occurring 
shortly  before  the  Norman  Conquest.  The  stone 
screen,  which  divides  the  choir  from  the  nave, 
dates  back  to  the  fifteenth  century,  and  is  enriched 
with  figures  of  the  kings  of  England  from 
William  I.  to  Henry  VI.  One  cannot  even  indi- 
cate the  interesting  features  of  the  cathedral,  for 
they  meet  the  eye  in  every  direction. 

In  the  Chapter  House  the  first  three  Edwards 
held  their  Parliaments.  The  Courts  of  Justice 
were  held  here  from  1298,  when  they  were  removed 
from  London,  and  remained  here  for  seven  years. 
When  money  has  been  wanted  for  the  fabric  it  has 
freely  flowed  in,  not  from  Yorkshiremen  alone,  but 
from  all  parts  of  the  world.  A  world-wide  interest 
is  felt  in  this  stately  pile. 

Under  the  shadow  of  the  cathedral  the  churches 
of  the  city  seem  small,  but  several  are  of  great 
historic  interest  and  architectural  beauty.  Days 
may  be  pleasantly  and  profitably  passed  in  visiting 
the  numerous  churches.  All  seem  to  have  a  story 
for  the  lover  of  the  past,  from  St.  Michael-le-Belfry, 
near  the  minster,  where  Guy  Fawkes,  the  con- 
spirator, was  baptised  on  the  16th  April,  1536,  to 
All  Saints'  on  the  historic  pavement,  with  its 
elegant  octagonal  lantern  tower,  which  used  to  con- 
tain a  lamp  at  night  to  guide  belated  wayfarers 
travelling  through  the  forests  near  the  city. 

The  remains  of  religious  houses  are  of  unusual 
interest,  and  the  ruins  of  St.  Mary's  Abbey  are  the 
most  beautiful  in  the  county,  some  even  say 
in  England.  Its  history  is  of  importance,  and 
linked   with   Whitby   and    Lastingham   of   Saxon 

YORK  191 

times.  The  Abbots  of  St.  Mary's  grew  in  power, 
and  were  mitred  and  sat  with  the  bishops  in  the 
House  of  Lords.  The  touch  of  time  has  made  it  a 
place  of  rare  beauty  in  its  decay. 

A  ramble  along  the  narrow  streets  of  the  city  is 
like  walking  through  a  museum.  The  magic 
power  of  Sir  Walter  Scott  and  other  masters  of  fact 
and  fiction  have  given  life  to  not  a  few  of  the  his- 
toric sites  in  the  city.  Many  of  the  street  names 
are  curious,  telling  their  stories  of  people,  trades, 
and  manners  of  bygone  times.  The  Guild  Hall 
and  the  halls  of  ancient  guilds,  the  remains  of 
monastic  homes,  the  castle,  king's  manor  house, 
walls  and  gates  of  the  city  are  monuments  of  the 
past  replete  with  matters  of  the  greatest  interest. 
We  do  not  know  a  more  enjoyable  walk  than  round 
the  walls  of  York,  stopping  in  our  progress  to 
inspect  the  bars  where  the  chief  gates  secured  the 
town  from  the  invaders.  In  the  olden  time,  on  the 
bars  were  spiked  the  heads  of  fallen  foes,  a  custom 
which  may  be  traced  back  to  early  times,  and 
remained  until  after  the  battle  of  Culloden. 

In  York  all  classes  find  something  to  charm 
them ;  the  lover  of  the  picturesque  may  be  delighted 
with  its  varied  beauties,  the  student  may  recall  the 
past,  and  be  carried  in  fancy  to  distant  times ;  the 
industrial  enthusiast  will  be  pleased  with  railway 
enterprise  and  other  rapid  strides  in  this  age  of 
peace.  Yet  even  the  gigantic  modern  station  occu- 
pies the  site  of  an  ancient  Roman  cemetery,  from 
which  many  strange  relics  of  ancient  days  have 
been  removed  to  the  museum  in  the  Abbey 


If  we  arrive  at  Scarborough  on  a  day  when 
crowds  are  visiting  it,  and  join  in  the  busy  throng 
on  pleasure  bent,  we  shall  proceed  to  the  sands 
along  fashionable  streets,  and  notice  large  and 
modern  hotels  and  many  shops  which  remind  the 
Londoner  of  Regent  Street.  It  well  merits  the 
popular  designation,  "  The  Queen  of  Watering 
Places."  Nature  and  art  have  combined  in 
making  it  a  charming  seaside  resort,  but  we  soon 
realise  that  it  has  a  past  as  well  as  a  present.  On 
the  crown  of  a  bold  hill  stand  the  picturesque  ruins 
of  the  castle,  and  on  a  lower  elevation  is  the  ancient 
parish  church,  both  having  stones  of  more  than 
passing  interest,  which  find  a  place  in  our  national 

At  the  present  time  Scarborough  is  given 
up  to  pleasure,  though  in  distant  days  it  was  a 
thriving  port,  but  as  Hull  advanced  Scarborough 
declined.  To-day,  as  far  as  maritime  matters  are 
concerned,  it  is  mainly  given  up  to  sailing  pleasure 
craft  and  the  fishing  industry.  In  many  of  the 
Yorkshire  towns  a  familiar  cry  in  the  streets  is 
"Scarborough  Herrings,"  or  "  White  Herrings." 
The  grim  fishermen's  homes  are  in  the  older  part 
of  the  place,  and  present  a  curious  contrast  with  the 
pretty  villas  in  the  modern  streets  and  roads  of  the 
borough,  where  grass,  flowers,  and  shrubs  are  to 
be  seen  in  perfection.     Poverty  and  luxury  are  near 



each  other.  Little  sunshine  seems  to  enter  the 
dwelling  of  the  toiler,  while  those  that  are  in  easy 
circumstances  live  in  a  round  of  pleasure. 

The  story  of  old  Scarborough  starts  with  the 
castle;  it  stands  on  a  bold  rock  some  300  feet 
above  the  sea  level  and  commanding  the  harbour, 
which  in  past  times  it  protected.  It  may  have  been 
a  stronghold  of  our  earliest  inhabitants,  though 
in  the  ruins  no  traces  of  British  or  Roman  work 
have  been  found.  The  Earl  of  Albemarle  and 
Holderness,  in  the  reign  of  King  Stephen,  built 
a  castle,  which  appears  to  have  been  little  more 
than  a  wall  round  the  plain  on  the  top  of  the  rock 
and  a  tower  at  its  entrance. 

Henry  II.  commanded  a  brave  and  great  castle 
to  be  built.  It  was  ably  planned,  Well  built,  and 
in  such  an  excellent  position  as  to  render  it  one 
of  the  most  important  fortresses  in  the  north.  In 
13 1 2  Piers  Gaveston,  the  foreign  favourite  of 
Edward  II.,  sought  shelter  here.  The  enemies  of 
Gaveston  laid  siege  to  the  castle,  headed  by  the 
Earl  of  Pembroke,  and  were  several  times  repulsed, 
but  Gaveston  had  in  the  end  fo  surrender  for  want 
of  provisions. 

Let  us  change  the  scene  for  a  few  minutes.  Near 
Guy's  Cliff  near  Warwick,  on  Blacklow  Hill,  is 
a  monument  bearing  an  inscription  by  the  cele- 
brated scholar,  Dr.  Parr,  as  follows: — 

In  the  Hollow  of  this  Rock, 

Was  beheaded 

By  the  Barons  lawless  as  himself, 

Piers  Gaveston,  Earl  of  Cornwall. 

This  Minion  of  a  hateful  King, 

In  Life  and  Death 

A  memorable  instance  of  misrule. 


We  were  alone  when  we  visited  the  memorial, 
but  the  wood  was  alive  with  the  song  of  birds, 
and  the  flowers  growing  in  rich  profusion  added 
a  charm  to  the  scene  not  to  be  easily  forgotten. 
As  we  stood  reading  the  inscription  the  life  story 
of  Gaveston  unfolded  itself  in  our  mind.  He  was 
the  son  of  a  Gascon  knight,  who  had  been  a  servant 
to  one  of  the  greatest  of  our  kings,  the  first  Edward. 
The  son  of  the  serving  knight  was  chosen  by  the 
powerful  monarch  as  the  comrade  of  his  weak  son, 
Prince  Edward.  His  influence  over  the  young  man 
was  great,  and  the  King  realised  that  it  was  bane- 
ful. In  February,  1307,  Gaveston  was  banished, 
and  on  the  death-bed  of  the  King  he  commanded 
his  son  never  to  recall  him.  In  spite  of  this  injunc- 
tion, when  Edward  II.  had  commenced  his  reign, 
Gaveston  speedily  returned  to  this  country,  and 
was  created  Earl  of  Cornwall. 

Gaveston's  rise  was  rapid.  He  was  appointed 
Custos  of  the  Realm  during  the  King's  absence, 
and  other  positions  of  importance  were  given  to 
him.  He  was  a  man  able  to  play  many  parts  well, 
and  was  most  ambitious,  insolent,  and  avaricious. 
The  honours  conferred  upon  him  completely 
turned  his  head.  He  was  unpopular  with  the 
nobles,  mainly  perhaps  on  account  of  the  coarse 
satire  he  indulged  in  at  their  expense.  No  doubt  he 
felt  secure  in  the  smiles  of  his  King  and  the  lawless 
men  he  had  gathered  round  him  for  protection. 
Some  of  his  train  of  retainers,  if  we  are  to 
believe  historical  notices  of  his  time,  were  notorious 
robbers  and  homicides.  The  nobles  compelled  the 
King  to  banish  him  once  more,  and  be  was  sent  to 


Ireland  in  1308  as  an  exile.  Here  the  King  be- 
friended him,  and  he  was  made  Viceroy  of  that 
country.  He  was  credited  with  displaying  courage 
and  skill  in  his  new  position.  His  Majesty  recalled 
him  the  following  year.  Gaveston  was  again 
banished  in  131 1,  but  in  January,  1312,  the  King 
welcomed  him  once  more  to  the  shores.  It 
appeared  as  if  this  monarch  could  not  do  without 
his  favourite. 

The  barons  were  so  enraged  by  the  King's  con- 
duct and  Gaveston's  overbearing  attitude  that  they 
resolved  to  end  his  life.  He  had  sought  protection 
in  Scarborough  Castle,  and  was  besieged  there  by 
the  Earl  of  Pembroke,  to  whom  he  surrendered  on 
condition  that  his  life  was  spared.  The  compact 
was  broken.  He  was  conveyed  to  Deddington 
Castle,  near  Banbury.  But  Guy,  Earl  of  War- 
wick, whom  he  had  mortally  offended  by  calling 
him  "The  Black  Hound  of  Arden,"  seized  him 
and  took  him  to  Warwick  Castle,  and  told  him  he 
should  feel  the  hound's  teeth.  A  mock  trial  was 
held  by  torch-light,  and  the  proud  Gaveston  was 
taken  to  Blacklow  Hill  and  beheaded.  This  story 
has  taken  us  a  long  distance  from  the  stronghold 
of  the  east  coast,  but  as  Gaveston's  name  is  so  often 
recalled  in  speaking  of  the  castle,  we  make  bold 
to  repeat  his  history. 

When  Richard  II.  came  to  the  English  throne 
in  1377,  France  was  making  expeditions  against 
the  coasts  of  England.  Andrew  Mercer,  a  Scottish 
pirate,  was  taken  prisoner  and  shut  up  in  Scar- 
borough Castle.  The  pirate's  son  entered  the 
harbour  with  some  Scottish,  French,  and  Spanish 


ships,  and,  out  of  revenge,  carried  away  vessels. 
A  wealthy  London  alderman,  named  Philpot,  on 
his  own  account  organised  an  armed  fleet  and 
chased  Mercer,  whom  he  overtook,  and  after  an 
encounter  retook  the  Scarborough  vessels,  as  well 
as  fifteen  Spanish  ships,  richly  laden,  and  brought 
them  back  to  the  port.  The  alderman  was  im- 
peached for  raising  a  navy  without  the  consent  of 
the  King,  but  was  honourably  acquitted. 

During  "The  Pilgrimage  of  Grace,"  when  a 
foolish  and  fruitless  attempt  was  made  by  Aske 
and  other  fanatics  to  re-establish  the  old  religion, 
Scarborough  was  besieged  in  1536.  A  passage 
from  Speed  proves  how  powerless  these  fanatics 
were,  although  40,000  met  in  Yorkshire,  ready  to 
take  the  field  and  well  provided  with  the  imple- 
ments of  warfare.  Priests  in  sacerdotal  vestments, 
bearing  crucifixes,  preceded  the  fighting  men. 
Part  of  the  army,  under  trie  command  of  Sir  Robert 
Aske,  attempted  to  take  Scarborough  Castle. 
"The  garrison,"  says  Speed,  "consisted  mostly 
of  the  servants  of  the  governor,  and  were  without 
military  stores,  and  in  such  want  of  provisions  that 
they  were  under  the  necessity  of  sustaining  them- 
selves for  twenty  days  on  bread  and  water  only; 
yet  by  the  great  natural  strength  of  the  castle,  and 
the  skill  and  intrepidity  of  the  governor,  Ralph 
Evers,  or  Eures,  the  assailants  were  obliged  to 
abandon  the  enterprise.  This  insurrection  was 
suppressed  without  much  bloodshed  by  the  Earl 
of  Shrewsbury/' 

The  insurgents  cut  a  sorry  figure  on  ihe  field  of 
battle,   and  suffered  defeat  in  their  engagements. 


Most  of  the  leaders  were  taken  prisoners.  Sir 
Robert  Aske  was  executed  and  hung  in  chains  at 
York,  while  Sir  Robert  Constable,  of  Flam- 
borough,  was  beheaded  at  Hull  and  also  hung  in 

In  !553  a  rebellion  was  caused  by  the  national 
discontent  at  the  contemplated  marriage  of  Mary 
and  Philip  of  Spain.  In  this  insurrection  Sir 
Thomas  Wyatt,  the  son  of  Sir  Thomas  Wyatt, 
the  poet,  took  a  leading  part.  Scarborough 
Castle  was  taken  by  stratagem  by  Thomas 
Stafford,  second  son  of  Lord  Stafford.  He  dis- 
guised his  troop  as  countrymen,  and  on  a  market 
day  strolled  into  the  castle  with  some  thirty  men, 
by  whom  the  sentinels  were  secured,  and  then  the 
rest  of  his  soldiers  were  admitted.  It  was  this  sudden 
and  successful  attack  which  gave  rise  to  the  popu- 
lar saying,  ' '  A  word  and  a  blow,  but  the  blow  first 
— like  a  Scarborough  warning."  In  three  days  the 
castle  was  retaken  by  the  Earl  of  Westmoreland; 
and  Stafford  was  tried  for  high  treason,  convicted, 
and  beheaded  in  London. 

Sir  Hugh  Cholmley,  during  the  struggle 
between  King  and  Parliament,  left  the  side  of  the 
Roundheads  for  the  Cavaliers,  and  held  the  castle 
for  the  King.  It  was  besieged  by  Sir  John  Mel- 
drum,  who  turned  the  parish  church  into  a  battery. 
Firing  had  little  effect  on  the  castle,  but  want  of 
food,  after  withstanding  a  siege  of  six  months,  com- 
pelled the  garrison  to  surrender  in  1645.  Meldrum 
died  of  wounds  received  in  his  attempts  to  take  the 
castle,  and  Sir  Matthew  Boy n ton  took  his  place. 
He  was  appointed  governor  of  the  castle,  and  three 



years  later  declared  for  the  King.  From  i  August  to 
December,  1648,  it  was  under  siege,  and  again 
passed  into  the  power  of  Parliament.  No  wonder, 
with  such  traitors  as  Cholmley  and  Boynton,  the 
Roundheads  deemed  it  the  wisest  course  to  dis- 
mantle the  fortress. 

George  Fox,  the  founder  of  "The  Society  of 
Friends,' '  in  1665  was  a  prisoner  here  for  his  faith. 
At  one  part  of  the  time  he  was  confined  in  a  room 
looking  over  the  sea,  lying  much  open,  and  the  wind 
drove  in  the  rain  so  forcibly  that  the  water  came 
over  his  bed  and  ran  about  the  room,  so  that  he  was 
glad  to  skim  it  up  with  his  platter."  He  seems  to 
have  made  a  profound  impression  on  the  officers  of 
the  garrison,  for  they  declared  "  that  he  was  as  stiff 
as  a  tree  and  pure  as  a  bell,  for  they  could  never 
move  him." 

When  England  was  stirred  by  the  coming  inva- 
sion of  the  country  by  Prince  Charles  Edward,  the 
Young  Pretender,  the  castle  underwent  some  slight 
repairs,  the  cost  being  defrayed  by  private  subscrip- 

The  parish  church  of  St.  Mary's  cannot  be  truth- 
fully described  as  an  imposing  structure,  but  it:  is 
full  of  interest,  and  awakens  echoes  of  distant  times. 
The  first  church  built  on  the  site  was  given  by 
Richard  I.  to  the  monks  of  the  Cistercian  order. 
The  present  church  is  but  a  fragment  of  the  original 
building.  Formerly  there  were  three  towers,  a 
central  one"  and  two  at  the  west  end.  In  the  Parlia- 
mentary War  in  1645  the  Roundheads  found  it  a 
convenient  place  whence  to  direct  their  operations 
during   the    siege    of  the   castle.      The  Cavaliers 


within  the  castle  stormed  the  church  and  destroyed 
the  choir,  which  was  not  rebuilt,  and  the,  present 
chancel  was  formed  out  of  the  central  tower.  Soon 
after  the  siege  the  tower  fell  and  did  much  damage. 
It  was  subsequently  rebuilt.  At  various  times  the 
church  has  undergone  extensive  restorations  and 

Some  curious  historical  and  folklore  items  are 
connected  with  this  church.  In  1694  John  Collings, 
of  Scarborough,  was  executed  at  Tyburn,  without 
Micklegate  Bar,  York,  for  stealing  lead  and  copper 
from  this  church. 

A  pair  of  stocks  used  to  stand  under  the 
church  wall,  and  Sunday  was  generally  the  day 
selected  for  punishing  culprits,  so  that  those  attend- 
ing the  house  of  prayer  might  see  how  wisdom  was 

In  the  olden  time  there  was  a  singular  custom  pre- 
vailing in  the  town  of  inviting  the  people  to  funerals. 
It  was  customary  for  all  burials  to  be  announced  by 
the  bellman,  who  concluded  his  cry  thus:  "  I  am  to 

give  notice  that  Mrs of  

will  be  buried  on  Her  husband 

desires  your  company  at  his  house  at  three  o'clock, 
to  observe  the  time  of  day,  and  so  to  church.*'  In 
the  event  of  the  loss  of  the  husband,  the  wife  would 
issue  the  invitation. 

The  vigil  of  St.  Mark's  Eve  was  kept  in  the  past 
at  Scarborough,  like  many  other  places.  It  was  a 
common  belief  that  if  a  person  watched  in  the 
church  porch,  she  or  he  would  see  those  doomed  to 
die  during  the  year  pass  in  procession  into  the 
church.      About  the  year  1800  an  old  Scarborough 


woman  saw  figure  after  figure  gliding  into  the 
church,  turning  to  her  as  they  glided  in,  so  that  she 
recognised  their  well-known  faces.  At  last,  it  is 
related,  a  figure  turned  and  gazed  at  her ;  she  knew 
it  was  herself,  and,  after  uttering  a  bitter  cry,  she 
fell  to  the  ground.  Next  morning,  says  Hender- 
son, who  relates  this  story  in  his  "  Folklore  of  the 
Northern  Counties/'  her  neighbours  found  her,  and 
carried  her  home,  but  she  did  not  long  survive  the 

Anne  Bronte  passed  away  at  an  early  age  in  Scar- 
borough, where  she  had  come  to  try  and  restore  her 
health,  alas !  in  vain.  Her  grave  is  out  of  harmony 
in  this  busy  town  of  pleasure,  so  far  from  the  old 
home  on  the  quiet  moorlands  which  she  loved  so 
well.  She  had  seldom  been  far  from  home.  Her 
two  novels  were  "  Agnes  Grey  "  and  "  The  Tenant 
of  Wildfell  Hall."  As  a  writer  of  religious  poems 
she  displayed  greater  literary  power  than  as  a 
novelist.  A  simple  tombstone  bears  the  following 
inscription : — 


Lie  the  Remains  of 

Anne  Bronte 

Daughter  of  the 

Rev.  P.  Bronte, 

Incumbent  of  Haworth. 

She  died  aged  28 

May  28,  1849. 

There  is  a  pathetic  interest  in  the  following  lines, 
the  last  she  composed.     After  they  were  written  the 


pen  was  laid  aside  to  rust,  and  her  desk  was  closed 
for  ever : — 

I  hoped,  that  with  the  brave  and  strong, 

My  portioned  task  might  be  ; 
To  toil  amid  the  busy  throng, 

With  purpose  pure  and  high. 

But  God  has  fixed  another  part, 

And  He  has  fixed  it  well ; 
I  said  so  with  my  bleeding  heart, 

When  first  the  anguish  felL 

Thou,  God,  hast  taken  our  delight, 

Our  treasured  hope  away ; 
Thou  bid'st  us  now  weep  through  the  night, 

And  sorrow  through  the  day. 

These  weary  hours  will  not  be  lost, 

These  days  of  misery, 
These  nights  of  darkness,  anguish-tossed, 

Can  I  but  turn  to  Thee : 

With  secret  labour  to  sustain 

In  humble  patience  every  blow ; 
To  gather  fortitude  from  pain, 

And  hope  and  holiness  from  woe. 

Thus  let  me  serve  Thee  from  my  heart, 
Whate'er  may  be  my  written  fete : 

Whether  thus  early  to  depart, 
Or  yet  a  while  to  wait. 

If  Thou  shouldst  bring  me  back  to  life, 

More  humbled  I  should  be ; 
More  wise — more  strengthened  for  the  strife— 

More  apt  to  lean  on  Thee. 

Should  death  be  standing  at  the  gate, 

Thus  should  I  keep  my  vow: 
But,  Lord !  whatever  be  my  fete, 

Oh,  let  me  serve  Thee  now  1 

The  churchyard  is  full  of  gravestones  Hearing 
quaint  inscriptions.    Those  placed  to  the  memory 


of  sailors  are  the  more  interesting.    One  bearing 
the  date  of  1732  bears  the  following  rhyme: — 

Tho'  Boreas'  blast  and  Neptune's  waves 

Have  tost  me  to  and  fro  ; 
Yet  still,  by  God's  divine  decree, 

I  harbour  here  below  ; 
Where  I  do  now  at  anchor  ride, 

With  many  of  our  fleet ; 
But  once  again  I  must  set  sail, 

Our  admiral  Christ  to  meet. 

'Another  epitaph,  dated  1730,  is  as  follows: — 

Awake,  arise,  behold  thou  hast 
Thy  life  a  leaf,  thy  breath  a  blast ; 
At  night  lie  down,  prepared  to  have 
Thy  sleep,  thy  death,  thy  wat'ry  grave. 

The  foundations  of  the  old  town  wall  may  still  be 
traced,  and  one  is  struck  with  the  smallness  of  the 
place  in  the  past. 

A  fine  view  of  Scarborough  is  to  be  obtained  from 
Oliver's  Mount,  five  hundred  feet  above  the  sea 
level.     Ther.e  is  a  well-known  local  sayings — 

When  Oliver's  Mount  puts  on  a  hat, 

Scarbro',  Fals-grave,  and  Scalby  must  pay  for  that 

Clouds  at  the  top  of  this  hill  indicate  wet  weather* 
It  is  a  popular  error  to  suppose  that  Oliver  Crom- 
well battered  Scarborough  Castle  from  the  top  of 
this  knoll. 

The  Spa  is  little  more  than  a  name.  It  is  the 
haunt  of  fashionable  visitors,  yet  it  was  known  as 
far  back  as  1698.  It  has  a  romantic  story ;  storm 
and  fire  have  brought  about  changes.  Sir  Joseph 
Paxton  planned  a  saloon  and  promenade,  but  the 
former  was  consumed  by  fire  in  1876,  and  the  pre- 
sent handsome  pavilion  was  opened  in  1880. 


Near  to  the  Spa  is  the  Aquarium,  an  extensive 
subterranean  building  in  the  Moorish  style,  with  a 
large  concert  room  for  entertainments.  Refresh- 
ments are  provided  in  apartments  planned  on 
Eastern  models. 

The  Museum,  built  in  1828,  in  the  form  of  a 
Rotunda,  has  'been  enlarged  by  the  addition  of  two 
wings.  It  is  close  by  the  Aquarium,  and  is  well 
worth  seeing.  There  is  a  fine  collection  of  fossils 
and  specimens  of  natural  history  objects  found  in 
the  district.  Local  antiquities  find  a  place — in- 
cluding the  ancient  ducking-stool,  used  fox  curing, 
scolding  women .  It  was  formerly  placed  on  the  old 
pier,  and  was  last  used  about  the  year  1795,  when  a 
scold  named  Mrs.  Gamble  was  ducked,  and  with 
this  last  link  with  the  past  we  must  conclude  our 
historic  story  of  old  Scarborough. 


No  North-country  town  has  played  a  more 
important  part  in  the  religious  and  literary  annals 
of  England.  In  maritime  matters  it  also  played  a 
leading  part.  It  is  the  most  picturesque  port  on 
the  East  Coast,  and  in  its  especial  attractions  is  not 
equalled  by  any  other  place  in  Great  Britain.  The 
charming  river  Esk  here  finds  its  way  into 
the  German  Ocean,  and  at  its  mouth,  built 
on  either  side  of  the  stream,  stands  Whitby,  on 
the  right  the  old  town,  and  on  t*he  left  the 
new  watering-place,  where  rank  and  fashion 
spend  their  holidays.  To  the  lover  of  the  past  the 
ancient  portion  has  the  greatest  charm.  The  chief 
glory  of  the  old  town  is  the  ruined  abbey,  which 
crowns  the  hill  overlooking  the  red-roofed  houses. 
In  the  days  of  our  Saxon  ancestors,  on  the  then 
wild  spot,  stood  the  monastery  of  Streoneshalh. 
It  was  here  that  St.  Hilda  ruled.  A  member  of  the 
Royal  Family  of  Northumbria,  she  was  baptised  at 
York,  when  only  thirteen  years  of  age,  with  her 
great  uncle,  Edwin,  by  Paulinus,  who  had  come 
from  Kent.  For  twenty  years  she  led  a  Christian 
life  in  the  Court,  and  then  resolved  to  enter  a 

The  scene  of  her  probation  was  in  East  Anglia, 
but  she  only  spent  twelve  months  there,  for  Bishop 


WHITBY  205 

Aidan  knew  her  worth,  and  bringing  her  back  to 
her  native  North,  presented  to  her  the  site  of  a 
small  monastery  near  to  the  banks  of  the  Wear.  She 
was  not  suffered  to  remain  there  long,  as  she  was 
advanced  to  be  abbess  of  a  larger  house  at  Hartle- 
pool, which  had  been  founded  a  few  years  previously 
by  Bega,  the  first  lady  in  the  North  of  England  to 
take  the  monastic  veil.  Here  the  saintly  Hilda  toiled 
for  about  eight  years.  Then  advancement  came, 
and  she  was  chosen  the  first  abbess  of  Whitby,  and 
entrusted  with  building  and  organising  it.  Oswin, 
it  is  said,  gave  its  site,  with  that  of  eleven  others,  in 
fulfilment  of  a  vow  made  that  if  he  won  the  battle 
of  Winwaed,  in  655,  he  would  show  his  grati- 
tude to  God  by  giving  twelve  sites  for  religious 
houses.  The  one  at  Whitby  soon  grew  in  impor- 

The  wisdom  of  the  abbess  gained  her  great  fame, 
and  the  living  sought  her  advice,  while  the  illustri- 
ous dead  were  interred  within  her  peaceful  walls, 
and  among  the  number  Oswin  and  his  queen, 

It  was  here  the  lamp  of  learning  and  piety  was 
kept  alight  in  the  Dark  Ages.  St.  John  of  Beverley 
was  educated  here,  and  from  this  house  no  fewer 
than  five  monks  were  raised  to  the  Episcopate,  men 
not  less  noted  for  their  merit  than  for  their  sanctity. 
Living  in  a  village  which  arose  round  the  monastery 
was  a  poor  herdsman  called  Caedmon,  who  became 
the  first  English  poet.  He  was  employed  on  the 
monastic  estate,  and  had  reached  an  advanced  age 
before  displaying  any  poetic  power.  He  could  not 
even    sing    a    song.       "  Wherefore,"  says  Bede, 


"  when  all  agreed  for  glee's  sake  to  sing  in  turn,  he 
no  sooner  saw  the  harp  come  -towards  him  than  he 
rose  up  from  the  board  and  went  homewards." 
Once,  when  he  had  done  this,  and  gone  from  the 
feast  to  the  stable,  where  he  had  the  night  charge 
of  the  cattle,  he  lay  down  to  rest  at  the  proper  time, 
and  a  figure  appeared  to  him  in  his  sleep,  and,  call- 
ing him  by  his  name,  said,  "  Csedmon,  sing  some 
song  to  me."  "  I  cannot  sing/'  he  replied,  and 
"for  that  reason  I  left  the  feast,  and  am  come 
hither  because  I  could  not  sing."  He  who  talked 
with  him  answered,  "  However  that  may  be,  you 
shall  sing  to  me."  "  What  shall  I  sing  ?  "  Caed- 
mon  was  told  to  sing  the  beginning  of  created 
things.  Soon  he  praised  God  the  Creator  in  verse 
which  he  had  not  heard  before.  When  he  awoke 
from  his  sleep  he  remembered  the  poetry  he  had 
sung  and  added  more. 

On  meeting  the  steward,  his  superior,  he  related 
his  experiences  and  the  wonderful  gift  which  he  had 
received.  He  was  conducted  to  the  abbess,  by 
whom  he  was  directed,  in  the  presence  of  many 
learned  men,  to  relate  his  dream,  and  repeat  the 
verses,  so  that  they  might  give  judgment  as  to 
whence  his  wonderful  poetical  power  was  obtained. 
They  all  agreed  that  the  Lord  had  conferred  the  gift 
upon  him.  The  following  morning  more  poetry 
was  forthcoming.  The  abbess  realised  that  he 
had  received  a  Divine  inspiration,  and  directed  him 
to  put  aside  the  attire  of  a  herdsman,  assume  that  of 
a  monk,  and  enter  the  monastery.  He  was  taught 
sacred  history,  which  he  put  into  harmonious  verse. 
He   repeated   it,  and   his   hearers  committed  it  to 

WHITBY  207 

memory.  His  poetry,  which  dealt  with  the  chief 
themes  in  (the  Old  and  New  Testaments,  has  come 
down  to  us  through  the  changes  of  centuries.  As 
his  knowledge  of  the  Scriptures  increased,  his 
poetry  greatly  improved. 

It  was  once  thought  that  Milton  read  parts  of 
Csedmon's  poetry,  and  incorporated  some  of  his 
expressions  and  sentiments  in  "  Paradise  Lost  n ; 
but  scholars  now  do  not  regard  Ihe  suggestion  as 
well  founded. 

It  is  not  known  how  long  Caedmon  lived  after  he 
entered  the  monastery ;  but  we  learn  that  he  there 
continued  composing  poetry  to  the  glory  of  God. 
His  exemplary  career  won  for  him  the  esteem  of  his 
brethren.  He  expressed  in  the  every-day  words  of 
the  masses  the  teaching  of  the  Bible,  and  his  life  was 
a  light  in  a  dark  age.  The  lofty  pile  of  which  the 
ruins  remain  was  not  reared  in  his  day ;  no  doubt 
the  monastery  then  consisted  of  a  few  rude  huts 
covered  with  thatch.  One  of  the  dwellings  was 
used  as  a  hospital  for  the  weak  and  dying,  and  when 
the  poet  felt  the  approach  of  death  he  repaired  to  it. 
His  brethren  were  surprised,  for  they  did  not  think 
that  his  end  was  near.  He  cheerfully  conversed 
with  them  during  the  evening.  Then  he  asked  if 
they  had  the  Eucharist;  but  they  asked,  "  What 
occasion  is  there  for  the  Eucharist?  "  They  told 
him  that  death  was  not  near  if  he  could  talk  so  plea- 
santly to  them.  The  elements  were,  however, 
brought,  and,  taking  them  in  his  hands,  he  asked  if 
their  minds  were  at  peace  with  him,  without  any 
ground  of  quarrel  or  enmity.  They  replied  that 
they  were  in  perfect  friendship  with  him.    A  similar 


question  was  put  to  him  in  regard  to  themselves, 
and  he  answered:  "  My  children,  I  am  at  charity 
with  all  the  servants  of  God."  He  then  prepared 
for  the  entrance  to  another  life.  Next,  he  asked 
when  the  brethren  would  be  called  upon  to  sing  the 
midnight  praises  of  the  Lord.  The  time,  he  was 
told,  was  near.  He  said,  "  Let  us  wait  for  that 
hour  " ;  and  signing  himself  with  the  sign  of  the 
Cross,  he  sank  his  head  on  his  pillow  and  passed 
away  in  gentle  slumbers. 

In  the  churchyard  at  Whitby,  in  1898,  a  striking 
memorial  was  erected  to  the  saintly  poet.  It  is  in 
the  form  of  a  Saxon  cross,  and  the  spirit  of  the 
seventh-century  art  is  put  into  nineteenth-century 
sculpture.  The  inscription  on  the  monument  says 
it  was  placed  "  To  the  Glory  of  God,  and  in  memory 
of  His  servant  Caedmon,  fell  asleep  hard  by  a.d. 

In  this  abbey  was  held  the  great  Ecclesiastical 
Council  of  664,  when  the  Northumbrian  Church 
decided  to  adopt  the  customs  of  Rome  and  Canter- 
bury. Hilda  passed  away  in  680,  in  the  abbey 
which  she  had  founded  and  ruled  so  wisely.  Legend 
and  poetry  has  gathered  round  her  saintly  life.  She 
was  succeeded  by  another  member  of  a  royal  family, 
the  Princess  lifted,  but  the  glory  of  the  abbey  was 
fading  fast.  The  Danes  overran  the  country,  and 
in  c.  867-870,  the  abbey  was  laid  in  ruins,  and  for 
two  hundred  years  it  was  a  scene  of  desolation. 
After  the  Norman  Conquest  the  ruined  abbey  of 
Whitby  and  others  in  Northumbria  were  restored, 
and  the  old  home  of  St.  Hilda  attained  an  important 
place  among  English  religious  houses.       Prayer 

WHITBY  209 

and  praise  were  heard  once  more  within  its  walls. 
The  picturesque  ruins  we  see  to-day  mainly  consist 
of  the  abbey  church,  but  no  part  is  earlier  than  the 
twelfth  century. 

In  the  sweeping  days  of  change  in  ihe  reign  of 
Henry  VIII.,  the  house  was  valued  at  ^347  2s.  It 
belonged  to  the  Benedictines,  and  was  surrendered 
on  December  14th,  1540,  by  Henry  Davall,  the  last 

On  a  piece  of  land  known  as  the  Abbey  Plain  isi 
a  tall  cross,  usually  described  by  the  people  as  a 
market  cross,  but  more  learned  authorities  regard  it 
as  a  cross  connected  with  the  burial  ground.  In 
the  district  are  similar  crosses,  but  the  one  near  the 
abbey  is  the  tallest. 

On  the  cliffs  a  little  below  the  ruins  of  the  abbey 
is  the  quaint  parish  church  of  Whitby.  To  reach  it 
from  below  199  steps  have  to  be  climbed.  It  dates 
back  to  the  time  of  Abbot  William  de  Percy,  about 
1  no,  and  was  buili  for  the  use  of  the  dwellers  in 
the  town  and  district.  Many  additions  have  been 
made  from  time  to  time.  It  has  a  three-decker 
pulpit,  old-fashioned  pews,  and  quaint  galleries. 
Words  fail  to  describe  the  curious  aspect  of  the 
church.  II  must  be  seen  to  realise  its  old-world 
appearance.  One  writer  says  that  it  is  suggestive 
of  a  ship's  cabin. 

In  the  graveyard   are   many   curious    epitaphs, 

many  relating  to  loss  of  life  at  sea.      On  a  slab 

affixed  to  the  east  wall  is  an  inscription  containing 

some  remarkable  coincidences : — 

Here  lie  the  bodies  of  Francis  Huntrodds  and  Mary 
his  wife,  who  were  both  born  on  the  same  day  of  the  week 
month  and  year  (viz)  Sep1  ye  19th  1600  marry'd  on  the  day  of 


their  birth,  and  after  having  had  12  children  born  to  them  died 
aged  80  years  on  the  same  day  of  the  year  they  were  born 
September  ye  19th  1680,  the  one  not  above  five  hours  before 
ye  other. 

Husband  and  wife  that  did  twelve  children  bear, 
D/d  the  same  day ;  alike  both  aged  were 
'Bout  eighty  years  they  liVd,  five  hours  did  part 
(Ev'n  on  the  marriage  day)  each  tender  heart. 
So  fit  a  match,  surely  could  never  be, 
Both  in  their  lives,  and  in  their  death  agree. 

Mary  Linskill,  the  novelist,  is  not  buried  in  this 
churchyard,  as  many  suppose,  from  a  misleading 
inscription  on  the  tomb  of  her  kindred  in  this 
graveyard.  After  giving  her  name,  etc.,  it  is  stated, 
■"  She  wrote  for  all  English  readers  of  the  lives  and 
homes  of  fier  own  country-folk,  dwellers  *  Between 
the  Heather  and  the  Northern  Sea.'  "  The  novelist 
was  buried  in  the  cemetery,  where  a  monument  was 
placed  to  her  memory,  the  expense  being  defrayed 
by  public. subscription. 

The  bells  of  this  church  call  to  the  house  of 
prayer  the  many  pleasure  seekers,  those  broken 
down  in  health  and  spirits  and  the  weary  toilers, 
too.    Mrs.  Susan  K.  Phillips  wrote  *— 

The  Whitby  bells,  so  full  and  free 
They  ring  across  the  sunny  sea, 
That  the  great  ocean  god,  who  dwells 
'Mid  coral  groves  and  silvery  shells 
Wakes  to  the  summons,  joyously. 

O'er  purpling  moors  and  fernly  dells 
Sound  the  sweet  chimes,  and  bird  and  bee 
Pause,  hearing  o'er  land  and  lea 
The  Whitby  bells. 

And  as  the  mellow  music  swells, 

One  listener  to  the  Whitby  bells 

Feels  all  the  days  that  used  to  be 

Speak  in  the  blended  harmony; 

They  shrine  life — death — and  their  farewells, 

The  Whitby  bells. 

WHITBY  211 

The  streets  and  yards  of  the  old  town,  mainly  the 
home  of  the  humbler  members  of  the  community, 
are  narrow,  and  the  houses  are  small  and  in  marked 
contrast  to  the  stately  buildings  of  New  Whitby. 
The  dwellings  of  the  old  town  have  given  shelter 
to  famous  men  and  women.  Captain  Cook  was 
closely  connected  with  old  Whitby.  He  was  a 
native  of  Marten,  near  Middlesbrough,  and  was 
born  on  October  27th,  1728,  being  the  son  of  a  day 
labourer.  His  parents  removed  to  Ayton,  and 
there  young  Cook  attended  the  village  school,  and 
during  his  spare  time  assisted  his  father  in  the 
fields.  At  the  age  of  seventeen  he  was  sent  to 
Staithes  to  learn  the  business  of  a  general  shop- 
keeper. Here  he  mixed  with  the  fisherfolk,  and 
became  filled  with  a  desire  to  follow  a  seafaring  life. 
After  being  a  year  and  a  half  at  Staithes,  he  was 
bound  apprentice  to  Mr.  John  Walker,  of  Whitby. 
He  first  sailed  in  the  Freelovef  a  vessel  of  450  tons, 
engaged  in  the  coal  trade.  It  was  not  customary 
for  the  ship  to  sail  in  winter,  and  when  it  was  laid 
up  he  lived  with  his  master,  and  the  long  evenings 
were  devoted  to  study.  Cook  made  great  progress, 
and  in  his  employer's  house  in  Grapes  Lane  laid  the 
foundation  of  his  future  success.  After  being  five 
years  in  the  merchant's  service,  he  entered  the  navy. 
His  first  voyage  round  the  world  was  taken  in  a 
vessel  built  at  Whitby.  On  his  third  trip  round 
the  world  he  was  murdered  by  the  natives  of 
Owlyhee,  one  of  the  Sandwich  Islands,  on  February 

I4>  1777. 
There    are    several    novelists    associated    with 

Whitby,  but  none  equal  in  a  knowledge  of  the  local 


folk,  the  thrilling  stories  of  the  "town,  and  the 
lovely  scenery  of  the  neighbourhood  to  Mary  Lins- 
kill,  a  native  of  the  town,  who  was  born  here  in 
1840,  and  died  in  1891.  Her  birthplace  was  a 
humble  house  in  Blackburn's  Yard.  She  was  the 
daughter  of  the  parish  constable.  At  an  early  age 
she  was  a  milliner,  later  a  teacher,  and  lastly  a 
famous  author,  the  friend  and  companion  of  the 
great  and  gifted,  and,  above  all,  the  gentlest  and 
kindest  of  women.  The  magic  of  her  pen  has 
given  a  world-wide  interest  to  Whitby. 

The  trade  of  the  town  has  nearly  all  gone.  The 
whaling  industry,  for  which  it  was  once  famous,  is 
now  dead,  the  jet  trade  has  decayed,  and  shipbuild- 
ing is  carried  on  only  to  a  limited  extent.  The 
fisherfolk  exercise  their  calling  on  the  mighty  deep, 
and  their  joys  and  sorrows  have  inspired  many 
authors  to  tell  in  poetry  and  prose  the  stories  of 
this  hardy  Northern  race. 


The  cathedral  and  castle  at  Durham  crown  a  hill 
which  takes  the  form  of  a  peninsula  surrounded  on 
three  sides  by  the  river  Wear,  and  in  bygone  times 
on  its  fourth  side  by  a  moat.  The  well-wooded  hill- 
sides add  much  to  the  beauty  of  the  scene.  It  is 
one  of  the  most  pleasing  pictures  in  old  England; 
even  a  hurried  view  of  it  from  the  railway  carriage 
as  the  train  passes  the  city  leaves  a  charming  impres- 
sion on  the  memory. 

Legendary  lore  adds  a  romantic  interest  to  the 
history  of  the  city,  but  unlike  many  ancient  towns 
its  origin  is  not  lost  in  the  mists  of  antiquity.  It 
arose  about  the  year  995,  when  the  bones  of  St. 
Cuthbert  were  brought  hither  by  Bishop  Aldhuin, 
from  Ripon,  and  a  church  was  built  to  enshrine 
them.  We  need  not  linger  over  the  stories  told  of 
the  wanderings  of  the  monks  for  many  weary  miles. 

O'er  northern  mountain,  marsh  and  moor, 
From  sea  to  sea,  from  shore  to  shore, 

they  bore  for  seven  years  the  corpse  of  St.  Culhbert, 
before  a  final  resting  place  was  found  for  it.  The 
Dun  Cow  guided  them  to  the  site  of  the  future 
shrine  of  the  saint.  On  the  cathedral  of  modern 
times    the    circumstance    is    rudely  illustrated    in 



sculpture.  The  monks,  assisted  by  Uthred,  the 
Northumbrian  king,  cleared  the  ground  of  trees  and 
tangled  thickets,  and  a  shelter  was  constructed  of 
boughs  and  wattles  for  the  remains  of  the  saint.  A 
church  was  completed  about  six  years  later,  and 
most  probably  this  was  the  beginning  of  the  city  of 
Durham.  Here  were  brought  the  bones  of  the 
Venerable  Bede,  and  his  last  resting-place  is  the 
Galilee  Chapel  in  the  west  end  of  the  cathedral.  It 
is  more  in  harmony  with  his  life  than  the  busy 
haunts  of  men  engaged  in  industrial  and  commercial 
pursuits  such  as  his  old  monastic  homes  of  Jarrow 
and  Wearmouth  have  become. 

Shortly  after  the  Norman  Conquest  the  bold  sons 
of  the  North  suffered  much  at  the  hands  of  the 
invaders.  The  northern  parts  of  the  country  were 
laid  waste,  and  for  a  time  the  monks  of  Durham  had 
to  flee  for  trieir  lives.  The  church  was  plundered 
and  profaned.  As  soon  as  the  Normans  had  retired 
and  the  monks  had  returned  to  Durham  from  Lin- 
disfarne,  Malcolm,  King  of  Scotland,  invaded 
England,  and  desolation  blighted  the  district. 

The  first  Norman  king  realised  that  the  men  of 
the  North  must  be  kept  in  check.  Durham  was 
raised  to  a  Palatinate,  and  on  Walcher,  the  Norman 
Bishop  of  Durham,  were  conferred  all  the  powers  of 
an  independent  prince.  After  his  officers  had  assas- 
sinated his  friend,  the  great  Saxon  Liulph,  the 
populace  rose  and  murdered  the  bishop.  This 
infuriated  the  King,  who  with  fire  and  sword 
spread  misery  once  more  over  the  North  country. 
A  castle  was  built  at  Durham  to  keep  the  people 
in  submission. 







DURHAM  215 

The  first  church  was  swept  away,  and  on  its  site 
William  de  Carileph  began,  about  1092,  the  erec- 
tion of  the  present  cathedral.  It  is  a  fine  example 
of  Norman  work,  massive,  yet  not  lacking  beauty  of 
design,  and  was  built  for  the  ages.  It  has  been 
happily  described  as  "  half  church  of  God,  half 
castle  'gainst  the  Scot.*'  Under  great  bishops  and 
builders  for  four  hundred  years  the  stately  pile  rose 
in  boldness  and  beauty.  Since  1500  the  fabric  has 
undergone  extensive  renovation.  The  bold  central 
tower  is  214  feet  high,  and  the  two  western  towers 
138  feet.  It  remains  to-day  the  noblest  example  of 
Norman  architecture  in  England.  In  the  past,  pil- 
grims crowded  to  the  shrines  of  St.  Cuthbert 
and  the  Venerable  Bede,  and  their  offerings  greatly 
added  to  the  wealth  of  the  church.  The  See  of 
Durham  increased  its  riches  from  various  sources, 
but  still  the  guiding  animal  which  determined  the 
site  of  the  cathedral  enters  largely  into  its  history. 
A  local  proverb  still  current  says :  "  The  Dun  Cow's 
milk  makes  the  prebends'  wives  go  in  silk." 

On  first  coming  into  his  See  the  Bishop  of 
Durham  used  to  take  part  in  the  observance  of  a 
singular  tenure.  Far  back,  in  the  days  when  the 
first  Richard  occupied  the  throne,  it  is  recorded  that 
Hugh  Pudsey,  "  the  jollye  Bishop  of  Durham," 
bought  from  the  King  the  title  of  Earl  of  Sadberge 
for  himself  and  his  successors.  On  the  arrival  of  a 
newly-appointed  bishop  it  was  the  duty  of  the  Lord 
of  the  Manor  of  Sockburn  or  his  representative  to 
meet  his  grace  at  the  middle  of  Sockburn  Ford,  or 
on  the  Croft  Bridge,  which  spans  the  river  Tees. 
After  hailing  him    Count  Palatine   and    Earl  of 


Sadberge,  he  presented  him  with  a  falchion,  saying 
as  follows : — 

My  Lord  Bishop,  I  here  present  you  with  the  falchion  where- 
with the  champion  Conyers  slew  the  worm,  dragon,  or  fiery 
flying  serpent  which  destroyed  man,  woman  and  child  ;  in 
memory  of  which,  the  king  then  reigning  gave  him  the  manor 
of  Sockburn,  to  hold  by  this  tenure,  that  upon  the  first  entrance 
of  every  bishop  into  the  county  this  falchion  should  be  presented. 

The  bishop,  after  receiving  the  weapon  in  his 
hand,  promptly  and  politely  returned  it,  and  at  the 
same  time  wished  the  lord  of  Sockburn  health  and 
long  enjoyment  of  the  manor.  The  last  time  the 
ceremony  was  performed  was  in  April,  1826,  when 
the  steward  of  Sir  Edward  Blackett,  the  lord  of 
Sockburn  Manor,  met  on  Croft  Bridge,  Dr.  Van 
Mildert,  last  Prince-Bishop  of  Durham. 

A  similar  service  used  to  take  place  when  the 
bishop  took  up  his  residence  at  Auckland  Castle. 
He  was  presented  here  with  a  falchion,  and 
addressed  as  follows : — 

My  Lord,  I,  on  behalf  of  myself,  as  well  as  several  others, 
possessors  of  the  Pollard's  Lands,  do  humbly  present  your 
lordship  with  this  falchion  at  your  first  coming  here,  wherewith, 
as  the  tradition  goeth,  he  slew  of  old  a  mighty  boar  which  did 
harm  to  man  and  beast  And  by  performing  this  service  we 
hold  our  lands. 

The  cathedral  is  not  rich  in  monuments,  but  its 
ancient  associations  are  of  the  greatest  interest.  On 
the  north  door  is  the  grotesque  old  sanctuary 
knocker.  A  ring  is  held  between  a  monster's  teeth. 
The  person  claiming  sanctuary  raised  the  ring  of  the 
knocker,  and  sounded  it  to  obtain  admission  to  the 
church,  where,  for  a  iime,  he  was  out  of  reach  of 
the  avengers.     In  the  sacred  building  were  men  on 

DURHAM  217 

duty  night  and  day,  ever  ready  to  quickly  open  the 
door.  A  bell  was  next  tolled  to  make  known  the 
fact  that  a  man  had  taken  sanctuary.  When  the 
refugee  sought  protection  an  early  intimation  was 
made  to  the  prior,  who  gave  injunctions  that  he  was 
to  keep  within  the  limits  of  the  churchyard,  which 
formed  the  boundaries  of  this  sanctuary.  In  the 
presence  of  a  witness,  a  detailed  account  had  to  be 
given  of  the  crime  committed — dates,  names  of 
persons,  places,  etc.,  were  carefully  noted.  In  cases 
of  murder  and  manslaughter,  the  weapon  employed 
had  to  be  mentioned.  A  gown  of  black  cloth, 
having  on  its  left  shoulder  a  cross,  known  as  the 
Cross  of  St.  Cuthbert,  was  given  him  to  wear.  The 
badge  was,  we  are  told,  "  to  the  intent  that  every- 
one might  see  that  there  was  such  a  freelige  granted 
by  God  unto  St.  Cuthbert's  shrine,  for  every  such 
offender  to  flee  for  succour  and  safeguard  of  their 

The  refugee  at  Durham  was  allowed  protection 
for  thirty-seven  days,  and  provided  with  food  and 
drink  and  bedding  by  the  convent.  If  within  that 
time  he  failed  to  make  peace  with  his  adversaries, 
he  had  to  abjure  the  realm.  He  lost  his  property 
by  the  proceeding,  but  saved  his  life,  or  evaded 
some  barbarous  form  of  punishment  which  often 
resulted  in  mutilation  of  a  most  painful  character. 

Connected  with  the  ringing  of  the  curfew  bell  is 
a  curious  item  of  old-world  lore.  Every  night  of 
the  week  except  Saturday  it  is  rung  at  nine  o'clock. 
On  Saturday  evening  long  ago  a  ringer  went  up  the 
tower,  according  to  custom,  but  disappeared  in  a 
mysterious  manner  and  was  not  seen  any  more. 
Popular  belief  says  the  Evil  One  carried  him  off. 


Since  that  time  the  curfew  bell  has  been  silent  on 
Saturday  night. 

In  bygone  times  acrobatic  performances  were  by 
no  means  uncommon  on  churches.  It  is  related  by 
Raine  that  in  1237,  Prior  Melsonby  was  elected 
Bishop  of  Durham,  and  that  the  mitre  was  taken 
from  him  for  encouraging  a  rope  dancer  to  perform 
his  feats  on  a  cord  stretched  between  the  towers  of 
the  cathedral.    The  man  fell  and  broke  his  neck. 

One  might  linger  longer  over  the  annals  and 
legends  of  the  cathedral,  but  other  places  remain  to 
be  briefly  noticed.  The  castle  occupies  the  site  of 
the  palace  of  the  Saxon  bishops,  and  was  burnti 
down  in  1069,  and  rebuilt  as  a  fortress  by  William 
the  Conqueror  in  1072.  It  suffered  from  fire,  and  in 
1 174  was  rebuilt  by  Bishop  Pudsey.  Since  then 
many  additions  have  been  made,  and  for  a  long 
period  it  was  the  residence  of  the  bishops,  but  is 
now  used  as  a  residence  of  students  at  the  Durham 
University.  A  college  was  founded  here  by  Crom- 
well, but  it  was  suppressed  at  the  Restoration.  It 
was  in  1833  that  the  present  university  was  opened 
for  students.  There  are  many  points  of  interest  in 
the  castle.  The  libraries  connected  with  the  cathe- 
dral and  the  university  are  of  considerable  impor- 


The  Border  city  of  Carlisle  is  richer  in  historical 
memories  than  in  ancient  buildings.  To-day  it  has 
a  modern  appearance,  and  one  looks  in  vain  for  the 
picturesque  remains  of  the  olden  time.  It  is  plea- 
santly situated  on  a  gentle  eminence  in  a  far-reach- 
ing plain,  where  the  Calden  and  Petteril  mingle 
with  the  Eden.  The  strong  walls  which  surrounded 
the  city,  with  its  three  gates  known  as  the  English, 
Irish,  and  Scots  gates,  have  been  swept  away. 

A  cannon  was  formerly  fired  at  night  to  warn 
those  who  desired  to  enter  the  city  that  they  must 
do  so  without  delay,  and  those  who  wished  to  leave 
must  promptly  depart.  The  gates,  once  closed, 
remained  shut  until  sunrise  next  morning.  In  the 
past  few,  if  any,  gates  in  this  country  were  more 
carefully  guarded  than  those  of  Carlisle. 

The  heads  of  the  rebels  were  displayed  over  the 
gates,  and  often  struck  terror  into  the  hearts  of 
Scotsmen  when  they  were  invading  England.  An 
old  lady  from  Dumfriesshire  related  to  Allan  Cun- 
ningham the  terror  felt  in  the  hearts  of  the  Scotch 
at  seeing  the  heads  of  their  countrymen  thus  exposed 
to  view.  Relating  to  one  of  the  heads — that  of  a 
comely  youth,  with  long  yellow  hair — a  pathetic 
story  is  told,  and  it  adds  romance  to  the  history  of 



Carlisle.  "  A  young  and  beautiful  lady,"  so  runs 
the  tale,  "  came  every  morning  at  sunrise  and  every 
evening  at  sunset  to  look  at  the  head  of  the  yellow- 
haired  laddie,  till  at  length  both  the  lady  and  the 
head  disappeared.  The  incident  is  commemorated 
in  a  song,  in  which  the  sick-hearted  damsel  bewails 
the  fate  of  her  lover."  A  couple  of  verses  are  as 
follows : — 

White  was  the  rose  in  my  lover's  hat 

As  he  rowled  me  in  his  Lowland  plaiddie ; 

His  heart  was  true  as  death  in  love, 
His  hand  was  aye  in  the  battle  ready. 

His  long,  long  hair,  in  yellow  hanks, 
Wav'd  o'er  his  cheeks  sae  sweet  and  r.ud-dy ; 

But  now  it  waves  o'e  Carlisle  yetts, 
In  dripping  ringlets  soiled  and  blod-dy. 

At  the  rebellion  of  1745,  when  the  Highland 
soldiers  were  passing  southward,  they  did  not  enter 
the  city  by  the  Scotch-gate,  on  which  "  the  grim 
and  ghastly  heads  of  their  brethren  were  exhibited." 

A  stranger  in  Carlisle  will  first  direct  his  steps  to 
the  castle,  and  as  he  winds  his  way  along,  historic 
ground  will  recall  the  past  to  his  memory.  In 
Roman  times  it  was  a  place  of  some  importance,  but 
beyond  the  relics  which  have  been  found  at  different 
periods,  little  is  left  to  remind  us  of  the  days  when 
the  proud  Romans  were  located  here.  The  great 
wall  in  the  immediate  district  is  a  lasting  monu- 
ment of  their  military  skill  and  industry.  There 
can  be  little  doubt  that  in  Roman  times  the  city  was 
one  of  wealth,  and  that  its  leading  inhabitants  lived 
in  luxury.  The  remains  which  have  come  to  light 
attest  ihe  truth  of  the  assertion.  When  the  Romans 
had    been  withdrawn  from    England  in  the    fifth 












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century,  to  protect  their  crumbling  empire  at  home, 
Carlisle  was  for  centuries  the  scene  of  strife,  and 
among  those  who  fought  for  it  were  the  Pict,  Cale- 
donian, Angle,  and  Celt.  During  the  Roman 
occupation  the  two  former  had  been  kept  at  bay,  but 
when  the  Romans  had  departed  they  swept  south- 
wards, and  their  battle-cry  rent  the  air,  and  cast  a 
terror  over  the  land.  Poetry,  in  its  old  ballad  form, 
connects  the  city  with  King  Arthur  and  his  knights, 
a  connection  which  gave  rise  to  the  title  of  "  Merrie 
Carlisle."  The  designation  seems  out  of  harmony 
with  its  quiet  business  life  at  the  present  day. 

The  site  of  the  castle,  or  castles  (for  here  have 
been  reared  strongholds  at  different  periods  in  the 
annals  of  Carlisle)  stood  on  a  hill  overlooking  the 
Eden.  Here  the  site  was  moated  by  the  Roman 
vallum,  which  cut  across  the  neck  of  the  headland 
on  which  the  stronghold  stands.  In  876  the  Danes 
ruined  the  town,  and  for  over  two  centuries  it  did 
not  regain  its  power,  until  the  reign  of  William 
Rufus.  At  the  point  of  the  sword  he  drove  them 
away,  and  in  1092  built  a  castle  for  the  protection 
of  the  people  who  colonised  the  town  afresh.  In  later 
Norman  and  Edwardian  times  important  additions 
were  made.  Richard  III.  was  constable  while 
Duke  of  Gloucester,  and  he  is  credited  with  the 
erection  of  the  Tile  Tower  in  the  wall  which  runs 
from  the  castle  to  join  the  west  wall  of  the  city.  It 
was  left  for  Henry  VIII.  to  adapt  the  interior  of  the 
building  for  cannon.  At  this  castle  Mary  Queen  of 
Scots  spent  some  time  at  the  commencement  of  her 
long  and  weary  imprisonment.  The  apartments 
she  occupied  here  commanded  a  delightful  view  of 


the  Eden  Valley.  From  the  battlements  she  could 
obtain  a  distant  view  of  her  own  land,  and  dream 
of  the  days  when  she  might  recross  its  border  line 
to  assume  the  rule  of  Scotland — dreams  never  to  be 
realised.  Her  captivity  ended  in  death  at  the  hands 
of  the  headsman  on  a  dull  February  morning,  in 
1587,  in  the  Banqueting  Hall  of  the  Castle  of 

Bonnie  Prince  Charlie  took  up  his  quarters  at  the 
castle,  a  circumstance  which  entailed  terrible 
punishment  on  the  leading  citizens.  The  ravages 
of  time,  and  more  especially  the  hand  of  man, 
altered  and  reduced  the  old  fortress,  and  at  the 
present  time  little  of  its  ancient  grandeur  is  left. 
One  of  the  most  heroic  deeds  of  the  olden  days  is 
still  recalled.  In  1596,  under  cover  of  night, 
Buccleuch  rescued  Kinmont  Willie  from  imprison- 
ment in  this  stronghold. 

The   next  place   of   interest   to   be  visited  is  the 
cathedral,  which  is  replete  with  historic  memories, 
but  by  no  means  impressive  in  appearance.     It  owes 
its    origin    to    William    Rufus.       After    he    had 
re-established  the  town,  he  left  as  governor  when  he 
returned  southwards  a  rich  Norman  priest  called 
Walter,    who    started   building   a   church,    to    be 
dedicated  to  the  Virgin  Mary.     He  did  not  live  to 
see  it  finished,  and  the  first  Henry  had  the  work 
completed.     In  1133  the  King  founded  the  See  of 
Carlisle,  and  the  church  commenced  by  Walter  the 
priest  became  the  cathedral   of    the   newly-formed 
diocese.     It  has  suffered  on  four  occasions  from  fire, 
the  greatest  damage  being  done  in  1292.     All  was 
destroyed   except   the    outer    walls  of   the   aisles, 


including  the  belfry  and  bells.  Here  one  may 
study  every  variety  of  style,  from  Norman  to 
Perpendicular.  The  nave,  long  used  as  a  parish 
church,  is  Norman,  and  it  is  cut  off  from  the  choir, 
which  is  mainly  in  the  Decorated  style,  and  one  of 
the  finest  in  the  country.  The  central  tower  is  by 
no  means  imposing,  being  only  127  feet  high,  and 
formerly  supported  a  spire  of  timber,  but  this  was 
removed  in  the  eighteenth  century.  Many  of  the 
details  of  the  cathedral  are  extremely  fine,  but  the 
chief  glory  is  its  east  window,  which  is  one  of  the 
finest  in  the  kingdom,  perhaps  unsurpassed  in  the 

Some  officers  inspected  the  English  cathedrals  in 
1634,  and  said  that  Carlisle  Cathedral  was  "more 
like  a  great  wide  country  church  than  a  fair  and 
stately  cathedral.' '  Eleven  years  later,  when  the 
Parliamentary  troops  had  captured  the  city,  they 
pulled  down  the  nave  to  repair  the  fortifications. 
It  has  been  pointed  out  that  most  probably  the 
Norman  church  was  partly  built  of  stones  from  the 
Roman  wall,  and  it  is  curious  to  find  six  centuries 
later  the  western  part  of  the  same  church  being 
destroyed  in  order  to  repair  the  city  walls. 

In  the  Journal  of  George  Fox,  founder  of  the 
Society  of  Friends,  is  an  account  of  his  preaching 
in  the  cathedral  in  1653.  He  relates  how  some 
11  heard  him  gladly  "  ;  but  we  are  further  told  "rude 
people  of  the  city  found  their  way  into  the  building, 
and  the  governor  was  obliged  to  quell  the  tumult 
with  musketeers.' ' 

The  cathedral  played  an  important  part  in  the 
time  of  war,  for  its  bells  and  beacons  gave  alarm 


when  the  enemy  was  coming  to  the  city.  When 
the  young  Pretender  was  defeated,  Jacobite  pri- 
soners were  confined  in  the  cathedral,  and  much 
damage  was  done  by  them.  Many  of  the  monu- 
ments, especially  those  of  modern  times,  are  full 
of  interest,  and  repay  careful  inspection. 

The  usual  buildings  of  a  county  town  are  to  be 
seen.  The  more  important  are  the  Redness  Hall, 
which  dates  back  to  Edwardian  times,  and  over- 
looks the  green  market.  It  was  there  animals  were 
baited.  The  hall  has  a  room  for  each  of  the  old 
guilds  of  the  city.  Another  house  belonging  to  the 
same  period  is  in  King's  Arms  Lane.  A  good 
specimen  of  a  seventeenth  century  domestic  build- 
ing is  Tullie  House,  situated  between  the  cathedral 
and  castle.  It  includes  a  public  free  library,  a 
subscription  library,  and  a  reference  library 
extremely  rich  in  local  books.  There  is  also  a 
picture  gallery  and  an  excellent  museum  with  anti- 
quities belonging  to  the  city  and  district,  ranging 
from  Roman  remains  to  the  stocks  and  pillory 
belonging  to  the  not  far  distant  past.  In  all 
respects  the  institution  is  worthy  of  the  city. 


In  Monmouth  there  is  a  feeling  that  we  are  in 
Wales.  It  is  perhaps  an  echo  of  the  past  which 
haunts  us.  Before  the  Principality  was  divided 
into  twelve  counties  by  Henry  VIII.,  Monmouth- 
shire was  a  part  of  Wales,  but  the  King  decided  to 
include  it  among  the  English  counties.  He 
assigned  for  Parliament  two  knights  for  the  shire, 
and  a  burgess  for  the  borough.  A  change  was 
made  in  May,  1895,  when  the  House  of  Commons 
decided  that  the  county  for  civil  purposes  should 
belong  to  England,  and  so  far  as  religious  matters 
and  laws  were  concerned  Monmouth  was  to  belong 
to  Wales. 

The  town  is  delightfully  situated,  with  hills  in 
every  direction ;  and  the  river  Wye,  which  is  here 
augmented  by  two  streams,  the  Monnow  and  the 
Trothy,  adds  a  charm  to  the  scenery.  Monmouth 
is  built  mainly  on  the  old  red  sandstone,  is  clean, 
and  has  many  points  of  interest,  and  the  usual 
offices  of  a  county  town.  There  is  a  pleasant  blend- 
ing of  the  past  and  present  in  the  place.  The  streets 
and  shops  are  lighted  with  electricity. 

In  the  olden  time  the  town  was  protected  by  a 
wall  and  moat,  and  could  be  entered  by  four  gates. 
To-day  only  one  remains,  venerable  with  age,  for  it 
dates  back  to  the  year  1270,  and  is  known  as  Welsh 
Gate  on  Monnow  Bridge.     It  may  be  regarded  as 



a  curiosity  rather  than  a  place  suitable  for  defensive 
purposes,  but  within  living   memory   warlike  pre- 
parations were  made  within  its  walls.     The  western 
side  of  the  gateway  contains  several  rough  holes. 
These,   says    the   late    Mr.    R.   Waugh,  were  for 
musketry  in   anticipation   of   the  advance   of  the 
Chartists  on  Monmouth  County  Gaol,  after  their 
attack  on  Newport  in  1839;  the  gateway  would  then 
have  been  an  effective  military  post,  for  the  river 
was  not  fordable  in  consequence  of  the  heavy  rains 
which  had  delayed  until  daylight  the  entry  of  the 
Chartists  into  Newport,  otherwise  intended  to  have 
been  effected  at  night.    Could  the  old  walls  speak, 
strange  would  be  the  story  we  should  hear  from 
1270  to  1839  J  now  tne  f°e  nad  been  kept  at  bay,  and 
the  town  saved;  tales  would  be  told  how  gallant 
knights  had  left  their  sighing  lady  loves,  as  they 
bravely    rode    under   its   archway  to    war,    never 
to  return,  meeting  death  on  the  field  of  battle,  while 
others  would  come  back  covered  with  glory.      As 
one  gazes  at  this  monument  of  other  days,  many 
pictures  flit  across  the  mind,  more  or  less  pleasing, 
but  all  connected  with  the  heroic  conduct  of  the  men 
of  Monmouth. 

Castles  along  the  Marches  of  Wales  weie  numer- 
ous, and  to-day  one  may  visit  the  ruins  of  not  a  few 
fine  examples  of  the  strongholds  of  bygone  ages. 
Little  is  left  of  Monmouth  Castle ;  it  remains  more  a 
place  of  memories  than  a  specimen  of  a  fortress.  It 
is  stated  that  the  castle  was  reared  on  a  British  fort. 
Here  was  a  Saxon  fortress  to  restrain  the  inroads  of 
the  Welsh.  We  are  told  in  the  Domesday 
Survey  that  the  castle  was  held  for  the  King  by 









William  Fitz-Baron.  Camden  asserts  that  ii  was 
built  by  John  of  Monmouth  in  the  days  of  Henry 
III.  Here  lived  in  splendour  John  of  Gaunt,  and 
his  son  Henry  Bolingbroke,  afterwards  Henry  IV. 
On  August  9th,  1387,  here  was  born  Henry  V.,  that 
same  Harry  of  Monmouth  who,  at  the  battle  of 
Agincourt,  gained  a  glorious  victory  against  great 
odds,  and  established  his  fame  as  a  great  soldier. 
He  was  a  devout  and  just  King,  and  led  a  pure  life, 
yet  he  did  not  display  mercy  to  a  conquered  army. 

Monmouth  stands  in  two  parishes,  one  called  St. 
Mary's  and  the  other  St.  Thomas's,  situated  in 
Overmonnow.  The  graceful  spire  of  St.  Mary's 
Church  is  a  notable  landmark,  being  200  feet  in 
height.  The  present  church  was  erected  in  1736, 
on  the  site  of  an  old  building,  described  by  Speed  as 
a  beautiful  church,  which  statement  is  confirmed  by 
other  writers.  It  was  called  the  Monk's  Church, 
and  here  was  written  the  fabulous  history  of  Great 
Britain,  by  Geoffrey,  surnamed  Monmouth  and  Ap- 
Arthur.  A  curious  story  is  related  of  the  bells  of 
this  church.  When  Henry  V.  had  left  the  harbour 
of  Calais  after  the  wars  with  France,  thus  runs  the 
tale,  the  inhabitants  of  the  town  were  so  delighted 
that  they  started  ringing  the  bells  of  their  church. 
The  King  was  so  much  annoyed  by  their  action  that 
he  put  back  into  the  harbour,  and  brought  the  bells 
to  England,  and  presented  them  to  his  native  town. 
The  church  of  St.  Thomas  is  small,  but  interest- 
ing, and  some  parts  of  it  seem  to  indicate  that  it  was 
built  before  the  Conquest!,  as  it  contains  examples  of 
Saxon  work.  Near  it  in  the  street  was  an  ancient 
cross,  which  in  recent  times  has  been  restored. 


The  sports  and  pastimes  of  the  place  were  varied 
and  popular.  Bull-baiting  was  an  appreciated  form 
of  sport,  and  even  to-day  echoes  of  this  form  of  cruel 
amusement  come  down  in  tales  told  by  sire  to  son. 
Badger-baiting  was  popular.  Archery,  quoits, 
fives,  tennis,  and  bowls  were  favourite  forms  of 
diversion  for  spending  the  evening.  The  leading 
bowling-green  was  on  the  site  of  the  garden  of  the 
Gloucestershire  Banking  Company,  Monnow 
Street,  in  which  is  a  summer  house,  where  Lord 
Nelson  and  a  party  of  friends  on  August  19th,  1802, 
11  took  their  coffee,  and  passed  the  evening  in  high 

Prior  to  the  formation  of  turnpike  roads  in  1755, 
and  for  some  time  afterwards,  Mr.  Waugh  says 
wagons  were  not  in  use  in  Monmouthshire.  Grain 
and  all  other  merchandise  were  brought  to  the  town 
on  the  backs  of  packhorses.  The  grain  was  sold  in 
bulk  and  not  by  samples  as  at  present.  On  a 
market  day  some  500  horses  would  come  into  Mon- 
mouth by  the  Welsh  gate,  each  animal  carrying  five 
imperial  bushels  of  corn.  The  horses  were  per- 
mitted in  front  of  the  houses,  and  wide  sheds  were 
erected  for  them.  It  was  customary  for  pent-houses 
to  be  erected  before  nearly  all  the  residences  in  the 
town,  and  for  farmers  to  place  their  grain  in  them 
till  sold.  The  persons  providing  the  pent-houses 
took  out  of  each  sack  a  small  measure  of  its  contents 
as  payment  for  accommodation. 

After  the  roads  were  made,  stage  coaches  were 
employed,  and  partly  used  for  passengers.  Before 
a  person  ventured  to  undertake  a  journey  to  London 
and  back  he  made  his  will ;  the  road  was  difficult 


to  iravel  along,  and  it  was  beset  by  highwaymen. 
The  start  was  made  at  two  o'clock  on  Monday  morn- 
ing, and  the  traveller  was  timed  to  reach  London  on 
the  following  Saturday  night. 

The  annals  of  peace  are  far  more  entertaining 
reading  than  those  relating  to  war.  The  historic 
story  of  Monmouth  is  full  of  interest,  more  especi- 
ally of  the  times  which  are  so  near  to  us,  but  in  this 
high-pressure  age  appear  so  distant.  Monmouth  is 
a  place  in  which  we  get  into  touch  with  the  olden 


Few  cities  at  home  or  abroad  are  more  picturesque 
and  historically  interesting  than  Chester,  situated 
on  the  Dee^  It  is  well  known  as  the  haunt  of  the 
antiquary,  artist,  and  searcher  for  the  beautiful,  and 
all  must  find  something  to  please  them.  The 
origin  of  the  place  is  lost  in  the  far  distant  past,  and 
round  its  earlier  ages  have  gathered  legends  which 
later  writers  have  linked  with  its  history. 

When  we  deal  with  the  city  in  Roman  times  we 
are  on  surer  ground  than  when  legendary  lore  comes 
under  consideration.  The  many  Roman  remains 
which  come  to  light  from  time  to  time  help  us  to 
realise  its  importance  at  that  period,  and  remind  us 
that  the  name  Chester  is  derived  from  Castra,  a  for- 
tified camp.  The  walls  which  surround  the  city 
and  form  such  a  delightful  promenade  follow  the  old 
lines  of  the  Roman  fortifications.  They  are  kept  in 
an  excellent  state  of  repair,  and  enable  us  to  under- 
stand fully  what  an  old  English  town  was  like 
before  cannon  and  powder  played  their  part  in 
bygone  warfare. 

A  number  of  towers  are  erected  on  the  walls  from 
which  distant  views  of  the  country  may  be  obtained. 
The  county,  which  is  called  the  "  seed-spot  of  Eng- 
lish gentility,"  has  some  stately  halls  and  other 
historic  piles.  One  of  the  towers  is  of  red  sand- 
stone, and  is  called  "  King  Charles's  Tower.' '  The 
unfortunate  Stuart  King  watched  from  this  site  the 
defeat  of  his  troops  on  Rowton  Moor  in  1645.    The 









Parliamentary  forces  completely  put  the  King's 
soldiers  to  roul,  and  when  the  King  saw  the  battle 
was  lost  he  made  his  escape  from  the  city.  He  left 
word  that  if  assistance  did  not  arrive  within  eight 
days  the  city  was  to  surrender,  but  stubborn 
courage  enabled  the  defenders  to  hold  out  for 
twenty  weeks.  No  assistance  came,  and  at  last 
hunger  compelled  the  loyal  citizens  to  open  their 
gates.  The  Water  Tower  is  one  of  the  most  pic- 
turesque bits  of  ancient  Chester.  It  is  supposed  to 
have  derived  its  name  from  the  fact  that,  in  the 
olden  times,  the  Dee  came  up  to  its  walls,  and  the 
water  was  deep  enough  to  enable  vessels  of  a  con- 
siderable size  to  be  moored  to  it.  When  day  is 
drawing  to  its  close,  and  sunset  comes,  the  "  Sands 
of  Dee  "  present  a  remarkable  sight,  which  inspired 
Canon  Kingsley  to  write  his  imperishable  song. 
We  can  picture  Mary  calling  the  cattle  home,  and 
how  she  met  death  when 

The  creeping  tide  came  up  along  the  sand, 

And  o'er  and  o'er  the  sand, 

And  round  and  round  the  sand, 

As  far  as  eye  could  see  ; 
The  blinding  mist  came  down  and  hid  the  land  ; 

And  never  home  came  she. 

What  a  marked  contrast  to  the  escape  of  Charles 
was  the  triumphal  arrival  of  the  Saxon  Edgar.  He 
was  rowed  over  the  Dee  to  St.  John's  by  six  kings, 
and  he  proudly  sat  at  the  stern.  The  annals  of  the 
city  deal  largely  with  Saxon  times,  and  are  replete 
with  interest,  but  our  object  is  more  to  make  a 
survey  than  relate  the  history  of  Chester. 

A  visitor  should  first  walk  round  the  walls,  noting 
the  objects  of  general  interest  in  the  city  and  the 


scenery  of  the  country  around.  Many  objects  of 
minor  interest  will  arrest  his  attention  as  he  strolls 
along  the  path  at  the  top  of  the  walls. 

The  cathedral  should  next  be  visited,  and  we 
doubt  not  that  some  disappointment  will  be  felt.  It 
has  a  plain  and  modern  appearance ;  it  has  little  rich 
ornament  and  appears  more  like  a  parish  church 
than  a  cathedral.  It  is  a  massive  structure  of 
crumbling  red  sandstone,  irregular  in  style,  from 
Norman  to  Late  Perpendicular.  It  has  a  massive 
tower  of  127  feet,  and  this  helps  to  redeem  the  plain- 
ness of  the  structure.  The  interior  contains 
numerous  features  of  interest  which  will  detain  the 
visitor.  If  he  be  a  man  of  literary  taste  he  will  be 
struck  by  the  composition  of  some  of  the  monu- 
mental inscriptions.  Here  is  a  fine  example  copied 
from  a  tablet  near  the  door  :— 

To  the  Memory  of 

John  Moore  Napier, 

Captain  of  Her  Majesty's  62nd  Regiment, 

Who  died  of  Asiatic  Cholera 

in  Scinde 

on  the  7th  of  July,  1846, 

Aged  29  years. 

The  tomb  is  no  record  of  high  lineage ; 

His  may  be  traced  by  his  name ; 

His  race  was  one  of  soldiers. 
Among  soldiers  he  lived ;  among  them  he  died ; 
A  soldier  falling,  where  numbers  fell  with  him, 

In  a  barbarous  land. 
Yet  there  was  none  died  more  generous, 
More  daring,  more  gifted,  or  more  religious, 

On  his  early  grave 
Fell  the  tears  of  stern  and  hardy  men, 

As  his  had  fallen  on  the  graves  of  others. 

"Surely,"  says  Mr.  Francis  Bond,  "one  hears 
the  trumpet  on  the  dusty  field  of  Meeanee,  and  the 


word  of  command  of  the  stern  old  general.  The 
inscription  can  be  by  none  other  than  Sir  Charles 
Napier."  There  is  not  much  in  verse  that  rings 
like  these  few  lines  of  prose. 

The  cathedral  was  formerly  the  church  of  the 
abbey  of  St.  Werburgh,  which  was  for  650  years 
one  of  the  richest  in  England.  After  the  dissolu- 
tion of  the  religious  houses  it  became  the  cathedral 
chyrch.  It  has  undergone  restorations  under  the 
directions  of  Sir  Gilbert  Scott  and  others.  Some 
of  the  details  are  full  of  interest,  but  it  lacks  the 
dignity  which  one  associates  with  the  larger,  and 
even  the  smaller,  cathedrals  of  this  country.  The 
best  of  music  and  a  skilfully-trained  choir  add  a 
charm  to  the  services  which  cannot  easily  be 

Playing  at  ball  in  the  olden  time  used  to  be 
extremely  popular  at  Chester  on  Easter  Monday.  It 
is  said  that  the  ball  was  forced  into  the  cathedral. 
*'  Strange  as  it  may  seem,"  says  the  Rev.  G.  S. 
Tyack,  in  "  Bygone  Cheshire/ '  "  it  is  nevertheless 
asserted  that  the  Bishop  and  Dean  took  the  ball 
into  the  church,  and  it  was  bandied  about  between 
them  and  the  choristers  during  the  singing  of  the 
antiphon,  a  practice  which,  to  say  nothing  of  its 
reverence,  can  scarcely  have  assisted  much  in  the 
rendering  of  the  said  antiphon."  Chester  was  also 
one  of  the  most  famous  places  in  England  for  mys- 
teries, or  miracle  plays — pageants  which  formed 
such  a  curious  feature  in  bygone  religious  life. 

There  are  several  interesting  churches  in  the  city ; 
for  example,  St.  John's  Church.  A  part  of  this 
Tuined  Roman  fabric  has  been  restored.     It  was  a 


cathedral  church  for  some  years  during  the  eleventh 
century,  when  the  See  was  removed  from  Lichfield 
to  Chester.  The  present  bishopric  of  Chester  was 
constituted  in  the  reign  of  Henry  VIII. 

The  Irish  poet,  the  Rev.  Thomas  Parnell,  D.D., 
author  of  "  The  Hermit,"  one  of  the  most  beautiful 
poems  in  the  English  language,  died  at  Chester 
when  on  his  way  from  London  to  Ireland.  His 
mortal  remains  found  a  resting-place  in  Trinity 
Church.  His  ancestors  were  natives  of  Cheshire, 
and  of  long  standing,  at  Congleton.  It  does  not 
seem  out  of  place  for  the  poet  to  be  buried  in  the 
land  of  his  forefathers. 

Near  to  this  church  is  the  Yacht  Inn.  It  is  a 
fine  gabled  house,  and  was  at  one  time  the  leading 
hostelry  of  the  city.  Dean  Swift  invited  the  cathe- 
dral dignitaries  to  supper,  but  they  took  no  notice 
of  his  invitation,  and  he  revenged  himself  by 
scratching  on  the  window  the  contemptuous  lines : 

Rotten  without,  and  mouldering  within, 
The  place  and  its  clergy  are  all  near  akin. 

There  is  little  left  of  the  ancient  castle,  some  part 
of  which  may  have  had  its  origin  in  Roman  times. 
Here  stood  the  fortress  erected  by  the  Saxon  Prin- 
cess El  fleda  in  907.  William  the  Conqueror,  in  1069, 
added  largely  to  the  building,  and  it  is  not  surpris- 
ing that  he  is  credited  with  its  erection.  All  has 
been  swept  away  with  the  exception  of  Caesar's 
Tower.  On  its  site  are  barracks  and  county  build- 
ings. In  1867  there  was  a  Fenian  plot  to  seize 
Chester  Castle.  Some  fifteen  hundred  Fenians 
arrived  in  the  city  on  February  11,  but  towards 
night  it  became  known  that  they  had  been  betrayed 


by  some  of  their  own  brotherhood,  and  they  beat  a 
hasty  and  undignified  retreat. 

The  Rows  are  perhaps  the  chief  charm  of  Chester, 
and  strike  the  stranger  with  surprise  and  pleasure. 
One  has  to  see  them  fully  to  realise  this  curious 
feature  of  Chester  architecture.  It  is  not  easy  to 
trace  their  origin,  nor  yet  to  describe  them.  Quaint 
Thomas  Fuller  spoke  of  them  as  "  galleries  wherein 
passengers  do  go  dry  without  coming  into  the 
street,  having  shops  on  both  sides  and  underneath, 
the  fashion  whereof  is  somewhat  hard  to  conceive. 
It  is  worth  their  pains  who  have  money  and  leisure 
to  make  tHeir  own  eyes  the  expounder  of  the  manner 
thereof,  the  like  being  said  not  to  be  seen  in  all 
England;  no,  nor  in  all  Europe  again."  Camden 
and  other  writers  notice  the  peculiar  style  of  build- 
ing of  these  Rows  at  Chester,  and  some  suggest 
that  they  are  of  Roman  origin.  They  consist  of 
shops  at  the  lower  storey  facing  the  road,  with 
larger  shops  set  well  back  on  the  second  storey, 
having  rooms  over  the  broad  walks.  Steps  from 
the  road  lead  to  the  Rows.  In  these  later  times 
much  rebuilding  has  taken  place  in  Chester,  and 
the  old  style  has  been  retained.  Timber  and  plaster, 
largely  used,  give  a  most  picturesque  appearance 
to  the  houses. 

Many  of  the  old  houses  should  be  carefully  in- 
spected, but  we  can  only  linger  over  a  few 
examples.  The  chief  historic  house  of  bygone 
Chester  is  Derby  House,  or  Stanley  Palace ;  it  is 
known  by  both  these  titles.  The  date  of  the  erec- 
tion is  1591,  according  to  a  carving  in  front  of  the 
palace.     It  is  a  fine  specimen  of  the  architecture  of 


its  period  in  this  country,  with  slight  indications  in 
the  details  of  the  transition  to  the  Italian  style. 
Within  its  walls  the  seventh  earl  spent  the  last 
night  before  he  was  beheaded  in  the  Market  Place 
at  Bolton  on  October  15,  1651.  At  the  outbreak  of 
the  Civil  War  he  was  appointed  by  the  King  lord- 
lieutenant  of  the  counties  of  Chester  and  Derby, 
where  it  was  supposed  he  had  great  influence.  He 
is  said  to  have  shed  the  first  blood  in  the  Civil  War 
in  a  skirmish  at  Manchester  on  July  15,  1642.  His 
influence  and  ability  were  over-estimated.  By  the 
King  he  was  mistrusted,  and  he  was  not  supported 
by  the  people. 

In  Westergate  Street  is  "  God's  Providence 
House,"  originally  built  in  1652,  and  rebuilt  on  the 
old  design  in  1862.  On  the  main  beam  under  the 
gable  is  the  inscription  : — 

God's  Providence  is  Mine  Inheritance, 


From  this  pious  legend  the  house  obtains  its 
name.  It  has  long  puzzled  visitors,  and  even  resi- 
dents. The  generally-accepted  theory,  and,  we 
think,  the  correct  one,  is  that  when  the  plague  in  the 
seventeenth  century  desolated  the  city,  this  was  the 
only  house  in  the  street  that  escaped  the  fearful 

Another  remarkable  dwelling  is  Bishop  Lloyd's 
House.  It  has  been  questioned  if  this  just  bishop 
had  any  connection  with  the  house  that  bears  his 
name.  He  was  Bishop  of  Chester  from  1604  to 
1615,  where  he  died  at  the  early  age  of  fifty-five.  It 
is  recorded  of  him  that  he  treated  the  nonconform- 
ing clergy  with    much   leniency,  protecting    them 


from  persecution  as  much  as  he  could.    There  are 

numerous  other  houses  which  merit  consideration, 

but  we  have  not  space  to  linger  over  their  history. 

The  Dee  Mills  must  be  seen,  and  will  recall  the 

Jolly  Miller  of  the  Dee.     He  and  his  mills  are  linked 

with  story,  proverb,  and  song.      His  well-known 

song  seems  to  be  destined  for  all  time : — 

I  care  for  nobody,  no  not  I, 
And  nobody  cares  for  me. 

Old-world  Chester  favourably  impressed  Wash- 
ington Irving.  He  introduces  it  into  his  "  Sketch 
Book."  "  I  shall  never  forget,"  wrote  the  Ameri- 
can author,  "  the  delight  I  felt  on  first  seeing  a 
May-pole.  It  was  on  the  banks  of  the  Dee,  close 
by  the  picturesque  old  bridge  that  stretches  across 
the  river  from  the  quaint  little  city  of  Chester.  I 
had  already  been  carried  back  into  former  days  by 
the  antiquities  of  the  venerable  place,  the  examina- 
tion of  which  is  equal  to  the  turning  over  the  pages 
of  a  black-letter  volume,  or  gazing  on  the  pictures 
of  Froissart.  The  May-pole  on  the  margin  of  that 
poetic  stream  completed  the  illusion.  My  fancy 
adorned  it  with  wreaths  of  flowers,  and  peopled  the 
green  banks  with  all  the  dancing  revelry  of  May 

The  echo  of  another  old  custom  comes  down  to  us 
which  was  once  common  in  the  city  and  country, 
and  under  slightly  different  forms  still  lingers  in 
the  more  remote  parts  of  the  county.  On  All  Souls' 
eve  it  was  customary  for  both  men  and  children  to 
go  from  door  to  door  a-souling — i.e.,  begging  for 
soul  cakes,  or  anything  else  good-natured  folk  were 
disposed  to  give.    Sometimes  a  play  was  performed, 


but  in  all  instances  the  following  or  a  similar  song 
was  sung : 

You  gentlemen  of  England,  pray  you  now  draw  near 

To  these  few  lines,  and  you  shall  hear 

Sweet  melody  of  music  all  on  this  evening  clear. 

For  we  are  come  a-souling,  for  apples  and  strong  beer. 

Step  down  into  your  cellar,  and  see  what  you  can  find, 
If  your  barrels  are  not  empty,  we  hope  you  will  prove  kind; 
We  hope  you  will  prove  kind  with  your  apples  and  strong 

We'll  come  no  more  a-souling  until  another  year. 

Cold  winter  it  is  coming  on,  dark,  dirty,  wet,  and  cold, 
To  try  your  good  nature,  this  night  we  do  make  bold ; 
This  night  we  do  make  bold  with  your  apples  and  strong 

And  we'll  come  no  more  a-souling  until  another  year. 

All  the  houses  that  we've  been  at  we've  had  both  meat  and 

So  now  we're  dry  with  travelling,  we  hope  you'll  on  us  think; 
We  hope  you'll  on  us  think  with  your  apples  and  strong  beer, 
For  we'll  come  no  more  a-souling  until  another  year. 
God  bless  the  master  of  this  house  and  the  mistress  also, 
And  all  the  little  children  that  round  the  table  go  ; 
Likewise  your  men  and  maidens,  your  cattle  and  your  store 
And  all  that  lies  within  your  gates  we  wish  you  ten  times 

more : 
We  wish  you  ten  times  more  with  your  apples  and  strong 

And  we'll  come  no  more  a-souling  until  another  year. 

Many  public  modern  buildings  are  most  artistic, 
and  are  in  keeping  with  the  ancient  city.  Among 
them  may  be  mentioned  the  Grosvenor  Museum. 
It  merits  a  visit,  for  it  is  rich  in  local  antiquities, 
and  is  a  credit  to  the  taste  and  public  spirit  of 



(PART  II.) 


To  many  of  the  hundreds  of  travellers  who  daily 
pass  through  Dover,  it  is  merely  a  bustling  modern 
port  from  which  they  can  cross  to  France  in  the 
shortest  possible  space  of  time.  Perhaps  they  may 
catch  a  glimpse  of  the  castle,  or  the  cliffs  on  either 
hand  recall  to  their  minds  allusions  to  the  "  white 
cliffs  of  old  England,"  but  that  is  all.  Yet  it  is  a 
place  of  unique  interest,  and  modern  though  its 
present  aspect  is,  dates  back  to  the  days  of  the 
ancient  Britons ;  in  fact,  when  our  first  chronicles 
begin,  it  was  already  an  important  and  strongly 
fortified  port,  and  universally  recognised  as  the  key 
to  England.  Julius  Caesar  sailed  for  Dover  when 
he  set  out  upon  his  great  invasion,  and  although 
prevented  from  landing  by  the  sight  of  "  armed 
forces  .  .  .  stationed  on  all  the  hills,"  he 
returned  immediately  after  his  victorious  attempt  at 
Deal  and  took  the  town  by  storm.  A  hundred  years 
later,  when  the  Romans  renewed  their  conquest, 
their  first  care  was  to  erect  at  Dover  as  a  beacon 
tower  to  guide  their  ships  across  the  Straits,  the 
pharos  which  still  stands  upon  the  castle  heights, 
and  is  undoubtedly  the  oldest  building  in  the 
kingdom.     Dover  can  boast  yet  another  building, 



dating  from  the  first  century,  the  church  of  St. 
Mary-in-the-Castle,  the  tower  and  nave  of  which, 
in  the  opinion  of  archaeologists,  were  erected  by  the 
Romans  as  a  fortification  and  joined  to  the  pharos 
by  an  arched  passage,  concrete  foundations  and 
part  of  the  arch  being  still  in  evidence.  The 
chancel,  transepts,  south  doorway,  and  some  of  the 
windows  appear  to  date  from  the  fourth  century, 
and  probably  the  Romans  transformed  it  into  a 
church  shortly  before  they  quitted  the  country. 
It  bears  traces  of  a  Saxon  restoration,  and  possesses 
a  coffin-lid  belonging  to  the  same  period. 

William  the  Conqueror,  who  came  straight  to 
Dover  from  his  victory  at  Hastings,  found  it  an 
important  and  prosperous  town  with  a  guild-hall, 
a  strongly  fortified  castle,  and  a  great  Benedictine 
monastery,  and  boasting  special  municipal  privileges 
which  had  been  granted  by  Alfred  the  Great  for  a 
successful  repulse  of  the  Danes  : — his  soldiers  left 
it  a  heap  of  blackened  ruins.  For  this  lawless 
act,  however,  they  received  severe  punishment, 
and  the  astute  William,  who  fully  recognised  the 
value  of  the  portsmen's  friendship,  compensated  the 
latter  in  such  royal  fashion  that  the  town  speedily 
rose  like  a  phoenix  from  its  ashes.  The  Benedictine 
monastery  dated  from  Saxon  times,  and  was  known 
as  St.  Martin's-le-Grand ;  its  first  home  had  been 
in  the  castle,  its  second  in  the  market-place,  but  the 
monks  grew  so  lax  and  indifferent  that  in  the  reign 
of  Henry  I.  Archbishop  Corbeuil  turned  most  of 
them  adrift  and  built  a  new  priory  and  church 
called  St.  Mary  and  St.  Martin  Newark  (new  work) 
outside  the  town.    Various  parts  of  these  buildings 

DOVER.     The  Castle. 

DOVER  24  r 

are  still  to  be  seen,  some  in  ruins,  but  others  in  a 
state  of  perfect  preservation,  for  the  site  is  now 
occupied  by  Dover  College,  and  the  beautiful  refec- 
tory, one  of  the  finest  specimens  of  a  Norman 
refectory  in  the  kingdom,  is  used  as  the  college  hall. 

Dover's  wealth  has  from  time  immemorial  been 
drawn  from  two  sources :  traffic  with  the  Continent 
and  the  Norfolk  herring  fisheries ;  the  former,  of 
course,  increased  considerably  under  the  Norman 
kings,  and  as  for  the  latter,  when  their  ships  were 
no  longer  needed  to  keep  the  French  at  bay,  the 
townsmen  were  able  to  send  a  larger  fleet  to  the  fish- 
ing. Thus  Dover  grew  and  prospered  and  was  made 
head  of  the  corporation  known  as  the  Cinque  Ports, 
which  is  still  in  existence,  although  the  other  ports, 
Romney,  Sandwich,  Hastings  and  Hythe,  have 
long  since  sunk  into  decay,  owing  to  the  perpetual 
silting  up  of  their  harbours  by  the  wash  of  the  sea. 
The  installation  of  the  Lord  Warden  of  the  Cinque 
Ports,  an  office  combined  with  that  of  Constable  of 
Dover  Castle,  and  at  present  held  by  Lord  Brassey, 
is  still  conducted  with  the  old-time  pomp  and  cere- 
mony. The  freemen  of  the  Cinque  Ports  were 
advanced  by  the  Conqueror  to  the,  dignity  of 
barons,  and  were  privileged  to  send  four  of  their 
number  to  hold  a  silken  canopy  aloft  upon  four 
spears  over  the  King's  head  at  his  coronation,  and  to 
sit  upon  his  right  hand  at  the  banquet  afterwards. 

It  is  naturally  in  the  castle  that  the  history  of  the 
town  centres.  Of  the  earliest  fortifications,  the 
work  of  Britons,  Romans  and  Saxons,  little  now 
remains  except  the  earthworks  of  the  middle  ward 
and  Earl  Godwin's  Tower  in  the  outer  wall,  and  it 


is  to  the  Normans  that  we  owe  most  of  the  present 
buildings,  with  additions  and  restorations  made  by 
succeeding  generations.  The  ancient  place  of  en- 
trance is  still  in  use,  and  British,  Roman,  Saxon 
and  Norman  feet  have  wended  their  way  up  the  path 
that  leads  to  the  Colt  on  Gate.  The  castle  covers 
about  thirty-five  acres,  and  consists  of  three  wards  ; 
the  wall  surrounding  the  outer  ward  contained 
twenty-seven  towers,  one  of  which,  the  Constable's 
Tower,  with  Norman  drawbridge,  portcullis  and 
gates,  is  now  used  as  the  main  entrance  and  con- 
sidered "  one  of  the  grandest  gateways  in  Eng- 
land." It  was  formerly  known  as  Fiennes  Tower 
after  Sir  John  de  Fiennes,  who,  with  a  band  of  eight 
other  knights,  was  set  to  guard  the  castle  by  the 
Conqueror,  each  receiving  in  return  for  his  service 
certain  manors  or  "  knights'  fees."  Eight  other 
towers  in  the  outer  wall  perpetuate  their  memory, 
Fulbert  de  Dover's,  Arsick,  Crevequer,  Mamignot, 
Fitzwilliam,  Averanche,  Porthes  and  Peverell,  the 
last-named,  containing  a  gateway,  ditch  and  draw- 
bridge, being  the  entrance  to  the  middle  ward.  The 
inner  ward  stands  on  much  higher  ground  and  is 
surrounded  by  a  polygonal  wall  called  the  Curtain, 
which  is  strengthened  by  fourteen  towers  and 
entered  by  two  gates,  the  King's  Gate,  on  the  north, 
leading  from  the  outer  ward,  and  the  Palace,  or 
Duke  of  Suffolk's  Gate,  on  the  south,  from  the  middle 
ward.  In  the  centre  of  the  inner  ward  rises  the 
keep,  a  splendid  square  pile  with  some  of  its  walls 
more  than  twenty  feet  thick  ;  it  was  built  with  the 
curtain  and  towers  in  the  reign  of  Henry  II. 
First  of  the  many  names  connected  with  Dover 

DOVER  243 

Castle  is  that  of  Godwin,  Earl  of  Kent,  father  of 
King  Harold,  to  whom  is  attributed  the  existing 
Saxon  work,  together  with  much  of  which  no  trace 
remains.  He  was  a  sturdy  champion  of  the  towns- 
folks'  rights,  taking  their  part  against  the  King. 
The  first  constable  was  Odo,  Bishop  of  Bayeux, 
half-brother  to  the  Conqueror,  whose  rule  was  one 
of  oppression  and  exaction ;  he  cared  nothing  for 
the  interests  of  the  town,  as  an  entry  in  the  Domesday 
Book  bears  witness  ;  viz.,  "  In  the  entrance  of  the 
port  of  Dover  there  is  a  mill "  (belonging  to  the 
bishop),  "  which  shatters  almost  every  ship  by  the 
great  swell  of  the  sea,  and  does  great  damage  to  the 
King  and  his  men."  The  townsfolk  were  goaded  so 
far  as  to  appeal  to  their  ancient  enemy,  Eustace  of 
Boulogne,  for  help  in  a  vain  attempt  to  take  the 
castle  from  him ;  however,  not  long  after  he  fell 
into  disgrace  with  the  Conqueror  and  had  to  leave 
the  town.  Greatest  of  all  the  early  constables 
was  Hubert  de  Burgh,  the  most  famous  Englishman 
of  his  day,  but  perhaps  best  remembered  now  as  the 
kindly  custodian  of  the  luckless  Prince  Arthur.  He 
held  the  castle  during  the  Barons'  War,  when  the 
Dauphin  of  France,  at  their  invitation,  came  over 
to  seize  the  throne  of  England,  and  began  by  attack- 
ing Dover  Castle.  It  was  the  most  terrible  siege 
the  castle  has  ever  sustained;  the  French  erected 
machines  round  the  walls  for  the  ceaseless  discharge 
of  huge  blocks  of  stone,  and  wooden  towers  on  the 
edge  of  the  ditch  from  which  invisible  soldiers  kept 
up  an  incessant  shower  of  darts,  but  the  besieged, 
encouraged  by  De  Burgh,  met  the  attack  with  a 
dashing  gallantry  which  compelled  the  enemy  to 


fall  back  for  awhile,  though  the  Dauphin  vowed  he 
would  never  leave  the  place  until  he  had  taken  the 
castle  and  hanged  every  man  in  it.  Then  came 
the  news  of  King  John's  death,  but  still  De  Burgh 
held  out,  and  neither  bribes  nor  a  threat  to  hang  his 
brother,  who  had  been  captured  by  the  French, 
before  his  eyes,  could  move  him ;  his  sole  answer 
being  :  "  Let  not  Louis  conceive  at  all  a  hope  that 
I  will  surrender  the  castle.  As  long  as  I  draw 
breath  never  will  I  resign  to  French  aliens  the  castle 
which  is  the  very  key  and  gate  of  England."  The 
attack  was  therefore  renewed  with  greater  fury 
than  ever,  but  without  result,  and  eventually  the 
arrival  of  reinforcements  forced  the  French  to  beat 
an  ignominious  retreat.  The  Dauphin  collected  a 
fleet  for  a  second  attempt,  but  De  Burgh,  with  a 
few  of  the  Cinque  Port  ships,  drove  him  back  before 
he  reached  the  coast.  Directly  peace  was  restored 
De  Burgh  proceeded  to  strengthen  the  castle  and 
built  the  outer  ward  with  its  wall  and  towers,  several 
of  which  are  connected  by  subterranean  passages 
with  other  parts  of  the  castle.  Part  of  this  wall 
and  the  cliff  on  which  it  stood  fell  down  in  an 
earthquake  in  Queen  Elizabeth's  reign.  Dover  also 
owes  to  De  Burgh  its  old  Town  Hall,  formerly  known 
as  the  Maison  Dieu,  which  he  founded  as  a  hospital 
for  the  rest  and  refreshment  of  the  many  pilgrims 
who  were  continually  journeying  backwards  and 
forwards  to  France.  Henry  VIII.  suppressed  the 
hospital,  and  the  building,  fallen  into  decay,  was  used 
as  a  brew-house  or  victualling  yard  until  1852, 
when  it  was  restored  to  all  its  former  beauty  and 
converted  into  a  town  hall.     Its  windows  are  filled 

DOVER  245 

with  stained  glass  after  designs  by  Sir  E.  J.  Poynter, 
P.R.A.,  and  represent  famous  personages  and  events 
in  the  history  of  the  town.  In  1868  a  council 
chamber  was  added  to  it,  and  in  1882  the  Duke  and 
Duchess  of  Connaught  opened  the  adjoining  or  new 
town  hall,  the  windows  of  which  contain  pictures 
of  some  of  the  constables.  Up  to  the  days  of  the 
Tudors  the  castle  was  used  as  a  royal  residence,  and 
many  a  king  has  been  here  on  one  of  the  most 
important  occasions  in  his  career : — Richard  I.  stayed 
in  Dover  Castle  before  setting  out  full  of  gallant 
enthusiasm  for  the  Crusades ;  Henry  III.  after  his 
disastrous  French  campaign,  and  again  when  the 
Barons  had  risen  against  him  ;  Edward  I.  was  con- 
fined in  the  castle  as  Prince  of  Wales  during  the 
same  Civil  War,  and  later  on  met  with  a  very  differ- 
ent reception  when  he  landed  at  Dover  on  his  way 
back  from  the  Crusades  to  receive  the  crown  of 
England.  Edward  II.  brought  his  beautiful  bride 
Isabella  straight  to  Dover  Castle  from  her  French 
home,  current  gossip  proclaiming  them  the  "  hand- 
somest pair  in  the  world."  Henry  V.  landed  at 
Dover  after  his  famous  victory  at  Agincourt,  and 
was  carried  up  to  the  castle  on  the  shoulders  of  the 
enthusiastic  crowds,  who  rushed  into  the  water  to 
meet  him. 

As  for  Dover  harbour,  that  unceasing  anxiety  and 
expense  to  the  good  burgesses  of  Dover,  its  history, 
properly  speaking,  begins  in  the  reign  of  Henry  VII. 
In  early  days  the  river  ran  out  into  the  sea  under 
the  castle  cliff,  and  the  ships,  which  were  then  quite 
small,  could  sail  up  to  Buckland,  where  the  harbour 
apparently  was.    At  the  beginning  of  the  fourteenth 


century  a  great  fall  of  the  cliff  turned  the  course  of 
the  river  westward,  and  the  wash  of  the  sea  having 
built  up  a  pebble  beach  on  the  western  side  of  the 
bay,  the  drift  of  the  current  changed,  and  the  waves, 
of  enormous  strength  during  the  frequent  south- 
easterly gales,  began  to  beat  upon  the  town,  causing 
endless  damage  and  choking  the  mouth  of  the  river 
and  harbour  with  beach.  To  prevent  this  a  strong 
wyke  or  sea  wall  had  been  built  across  the  sea-front, 
but  it  could  not  long  withstand  the  force  of  the 
waves,  and  as  ships  were  now  being  built  on  a  much 
larger  scale  a  stone  pier  was  erected  running  from 
the  western  beach  into  the  sea,  to  protect  the  town 
and  form  a  harbour  for  the  shipping,  and  so  great  a 
boon  did  this  at  first  prove  that  the  seamen  gave  it 
the  name  of  Paradise  Pent.  Before  forty  years 
had  gone  by,  however,  it  was  partially  destroyed, 
and  the  entry  into  the  harbour  so  choked  up  that 
"  horses  and  drags  "  were  required  to  clear  a  passage 
before  any  ship  could  enter  or  leave  the  port,  and  the 
mayor  and  burgesses  in  despair  sent  a  petition  to 
Henry  VIII.  stating  that  "  unless  some  remedy  be 
provided  the  inhabitants,  ship-owners  as  well  as 
others  will  be  forced  to  forsake  the  town."  Luckily 
for  Dover  Henry  fully  recognised  the  great  national 
importance  of  its  harbour,  and  he  came  down  and 
inspected  the  town  himself,  with  the  result  that  a 
great  restoration  and  fortifying  of  both  castle 
and  harbour  was  put  in  hand,  and  a  new  pier  built 
on  a  plan  that  seemed  to  promise  well.  But  Dover 
harbour  has  been  the  grave  of  many  engineering 
reputations,  and  a  source  of  much  quarrelling,  bad 
feeling  and  disappointment.     The  new  works  very 

DOVER  247 

soon  proved  to  be  a  failure,  and  as  no  more  money 
was  forthcoming,  matters  were  soon  as  bad  as  ever, 
and  so  continued  until  Sir  Walter  Raleigh  drew  the 
attention  of  Queen  Elizabeth  to  the  town.    Once 
more  money  was  granted,  all  sorts  of  schemes  were 
suggested,  and  another  pier  built ;    but  a  violent 
storm  spoilt  most  of  the  new  work,  and  for  the  next 
two  centuries  the  pier  was  constantly  in  need  of 
repair  and  the  harbour  entrance  choked  up.    To 
meet  the  heavy  expense  a  harbour  tax  was  imposed 
and  the  ancient  custom  revived  of  a  drum  being 
beaten  by  the  mayor  to  summon  every  householder 
on  pain  of  the  fine  of  one  shilling  to  repair  to  the 
harbour  with  a  shovel  and  clear  away  the  shingle  ; 
and  once  after  a  great  storm  had  done  incalculable 
damage  every  able-bodied  person  had  to  assist  in 
making  a  mud  wall  to  keep  out  the  sea.    A  letter 
is  still  extant,  superscribed  "  in  haste,  post  haste,  or 
all's  lost ;    port,  town  and  people  "  in  which  the 
writer  describes  "  a  fearful  inundation  "  and  begs 
that  a  Commissioner  be  immediately  sent  down  from 
Trinity  House  "  to  see  the  danger  of  desolation." 
At  last,  after  various  other  schemes  had  been  tried, 
the  harbour  was  in  1791  put  into  a  fairly  satisfactory 
condition,  and  ships  drawing  twenty  feet  of  water 
could  enter  it  without  damage.    But  it  was  the 
nineteenth  century  which  assured  the  future  import- 
ance and  usefulness  of  Dover  Harbour.    The  great 
Duke  of  Wellington  strongly  advocated  its  extension 
into  a  National  Harbour  of  Refuge,  and  although 
more  than  sixty  years  went  by  before  money  was 
actually  voted  by  Parliament  for  thte  great  under- 
taking, the  Admiralty  Pier,  which  is  to  form  its 


western  boundary,  was  built  in  1847-71,  and 
various  other  works  carried  out  for  the  improvement 
and  enlargement  of  the  existing  harbour.  The 
memorial  stone  of  the  outer  harbour  was  laid  by  the 
late  King  Edward  when  Prince  of  Wales  in  1893, 
amidst  the  greatest  possible  rejoicing,  and  the 
work  is  now  far  advanced ;  when  it  is  completed 
Dover  will  be  the  proud  possessor  of  a  magnificent 
national  harbour  covering  an  area  of  685  acres  of 
water,  in  which  twenty  of  the  largest  battleships 
and  any  number  of  cruisers  and  smaller  boats  can 
ride  in  safety. 

Meantime,  among  many  other  improvements 
effected  in  the  town,  enormous  care  and  expense 
have  been  lavished  upon  strengthening  and  arming 
its  defences.  It  was  at  the  time  of  the  scare  of  an  in- 
vasion by  Napoleon,  when  William  Pitt  was  Warden, 
that  the  first  earthworks  were  thrown  up  on  the 
Western  Heights  and  armed  with  cannon,  and  forts 
erected  along  the  sea  front  in  which  a  strict  watch 
was  kept  night  and  day.  Since  then  more  than  a 
century  has  elapsed,  and  now  upon  the  Western 
Heights  may  be  seen  the  Citadel,  Grand  Redoubt, 
and  Deep  Redoubt,  splendid  specimens  of  modern 
fortification,  while  in  the  castle  4,000  soldiers  can  be 
assembled,  and,  at  the  end  of  the  Admiralty  Pier, 
in  a  turret  which  no  stranger  is  ever  allowed  to  enter, 
some  heavy  guns  lie  hid  ready  for  immediate 

Truly  Dover  may  be  reckoned  chief  among  our 
fortified  towns. 


The  fair  city  of  Norwich  has  been  variously  called 
the  "  City  in  an  Orchard/'  the  "  City  of  Churches/' 
and  to  those  who  gaze  down  upon  it  from  the  lofty 
battlements  of  the  castle  in  its  centre,  or  the  green 
heights  of  Mousehold  Heath  rising  up  beyond  its 
great  cathedral,  the  reason  for  both  titles  is  clearly 
apparent.  Picturesque  it  is  still  in  many  an  odd 
corner,  and  although  the  march  of  modern  progress 
has  swept  away  much  that  is  old,  we  cannot  but 
rejoice  in  widened  streets  and  well-kept  thorough- 
fares when  we  recall  the  Black  Death  ever  lurking 
in  the  dim  depths  of  the  narrow  mediaeval  streets 
with  their  picturesque  signs  and  house-fronts,  to 
break  out  now  and  again  in  an  epidemic  that  robbed 
the  good  city  of  half  its  population,  and  the  terrible 
skin  diseases  that  necessitated  the  building  of 
innumerable  leper  hospitals. 

The  origins  of  Norwich  are  so  ancient  that  they 
are  lost  in  the  mists  of  time,  but  the  earliest  historians 
inform  us  that  the  invading  Romans  found  a  settle- 
ment here  surrounding  a  fort  which  they  named 
Venta  Icenorum,  held  by  a  tribe  called  the  Iceni, 
who,  led  by  the  heroic  Boadicea,  made  so  stubborn 
a  resistance  that  even  when  they  were  subdued  the 
Romans  had  to  erect  a  strong  camp  at  Caistor,  and 



maintain  a  military  force  there  to  keep  them  under  ; 
it  served,  moreover,  to  help  keep  out  the  fierce 
vikings,  Danes  and  Angles,  who  were  continually 
swooping  down  upon  the  coast  of  Norfolk,  and 
endeavouring  to  effect  a  landing.  When  the 
Romans  at  length,  recalled  by  the  needs  of  their 
own  empire,  left  England  defenceless,  the  Northmen 
overran  the  county  in  such  numbers  that  it  came 
to  be  known  as  Norfolk,  the  land  of  the  North  folk. 
The  Angles  were  the  first ;  under  their  cyning  or 
king,  Offa,  they  settled  at  Cyning's  ford,  now 
Conisford,  the  oldest  part  of  Norwich,  down  by  the 
river  at  the  foot  of  the  Castle  Hill.  Some  anti- 
quaries think  they  raised  the  artificial  mound  on 
which  the  castle  stands,  and  erected  a  stockade ; 
at  any  rate,  the  burgh  in  their  days  grew  into  a 
place  of  considerable  importance ;  it  was  the  seat 
of  a  royal  mint,  and  we  have  coins  that  were  minted 
here  by  King  Athelstan  in  the  tenth  century. 
Then,  says  the  Saxon  Chronicle  in  1002,  "  Swegen 
came  with  his  fleet  to  Northwic  and  wasted  and 
burned  the  burh,"  and  the  Danes  took  possession 
of  the  land ;  antiquaries  assure  us  that  256  out  of 
the  740  Norfolk  parishes  were  settled  by  them,  and 
Christianity,  which  the  Saxons  had  introduced,  had 
to  make  way  for  the  worship  of  Woden  until  the 
time  of  the  converted  Canute.  Tombland  (the 
Danish  tomland  meaning  vacant  land),  was  the 
centre  of  Norwich  in  those  days.  Here  the  market 
was  held,  and  the  citizens  met  to  discuss  the  events 
of  the  day ;  all  the  main  streets  led  up  to  it,  and 
here  were  the  church  of  St.  Michael,  the  principal 
church  in  the  burgh,  and  the  earl's  palace.     By  the 








time  of  the  Conquest  Norwich  had  grown  into  a 
town  containing  1,238  burgesses,  and  was  considered 
one  of  the  most  important  cities  in  England.  One 
of  the  townsmen,  Ralph  de  Guader,  whose  mother 
was  a  Breton,  had  fallen  into  disgrace  shortly 
before,  and  fleeing  the  country,  had  sought  refuge 
in  William's  Norman  Court.  He  managed  to  worm 
his  way  into  the  Conqueror's  favour,  and  following 
in  his  train  when  he  went  to  invade  England,  man- 
aged to  secure  the  earldom  of  East  Anglia,  and  to 
become  lord  of  the  town  out  of  which  he  had  been 
cast.  For  a  time  all  went  well,  and  Guader  was 
very  busy  ;  he  built  a  timber  keep  on  the  top  of  the 
castle  mound,  and  surrounded  it  with  a  deep  ditch. 
He  also  followed  the  example  of  the  Norman  nobles, 
and  established  a  new  burgh  in  which  some  of  the 
Normans,  Bretons  and  Flemings  who  had  come  over 
with  the  Conqueror  took  up  their  abode,  also  a 
number  of  Jews  under  the  special  protection  of  the 
King,  who  found  their  treasure  chests  very  useful. 
But  the  restless  treachery  of  Guader's  ambition  was 
not  satisfied,  and  at  the  magnificent  bride-ale 
which  celebrated  his  union  with  FitzOsbera's 
daughter,  he  hatched  a  plot  against  his  new  King, 
which  led  to  his  undoing  ;  he  was  not  strong  enough 
to  carry  it  through,  and  forced  for  the  second  time 
to  flee  from  Norwich,  he  left  his  brave  bride  to  hold 
the  castle  a  little  longer.  Great  was  William's 
wrath,  and  it  fell  not  only  upon  Guader  and  his 
followers,  but  also  upon  the  innocent  townsfolk, 
particularly  those  who  lived  in  the  old  burgh,  and 
so  many  of  them  were  killed  or  exiled  that  they 
could  no  longer  hold  their  own  against  the  new- 


comers,  and  the  centre  of  the  town  was  removed 
to  Mancroft,  where  the  new  burgh  was. 

William  now  bestowed  the  earldom  of  Norfolk 
upon  Roger  Bigod,  one  of  the  many  bold,  arrogant, 
turbulent  barons  who  thronged  the  Court,  always 
seeking  to  extend  their  power,  always  on  the  eve  of 
rebellion,  and  entrenching  themselves  in  the  massive 
castles  they  built  all  over  the  kingdom.  Bigod  and 
his  sons  erected  the  great  stone  keep  that  dominates 
Norwich,  but  before  it  had  risen  upon  the  castle 
mound  a  yet  greater  edifice  had  grown  up  below. 

Herbert  de  Losinga,  a  brilliant  and  courtly  young 
priest,  high  in  the  favour  of  William  Rufus,  bought 
from  him  the  bishopric  of  East  Anglia,  and  after- 
wards realising  and  repenting  this  act  of  simony, 
determined  to  build  in  expiation  a  great  cathedral. 
He  purchased  the  Cowholm,  a  wide  meadow  east 
of  Tombland,  and  effected  an  exchange  with  Bigod 
by  which  he  obtained  possession  of  St.  Michael's 
church  and  the  earl's  palace,  both  of  which  he 
removed,  and  then  proceeded  to  lay  the  foundation 
stone  of  what  is  still  "  the  most  perfect  of  Anglo- 
Norman  cathedrals,"  and  "  has  come  down  to  our 
own  day  with  nearly  the  entire  shell  of  the  original 
fabric  intact."  The  presbytery  choir,  the  north  and 
south  transepts,  and  the  three  beautiful  chapels, 
St.  Mary's,  St.  Luke's  and  the  Jesus,  are  all  the 
work  of  Losinga,  and  his  effigy  stands  over  the 
outer  door  of  the  north  transept.  The  nave  and 
cloisters,  which  are  the  second  largest  in  England, 
were  not  completed  until  the  twelfth  century,  and 
in  consequence  of  their  slow  construction  we  can 
study  in  them  the  whole  development  of  Gothic 


architecture.  The  nave  is  of  unusual  length.  The 
best  views  of  the  cathedral,  which  is  unfortunately 
situated  on  some  of  the  lowest  ground  in  the  city, 
are  to  be  obtained  from  the  south-west  angle  of  the 
cloisters,  and  from  the  Ethelbert  and  Erpingham 
gates.  Alongside  the  church  Losinga  also  founded 
a  Benedictine  convent  for  sixty  monks,  between 
whom  and  the  townsfolk  there  soon  came  to  be 
perpetual  feuds ;  these  usually  came  to  a  head  on 
Fair  Day,  a  fair  having  been  granted  to  the  town  on 
the  foundation  of  the  priory.  The  monks  were 
frequently  the  aggressors,  and  used  to  shoot  arrows 
and  throw  stones  at  inoffensive  citizens  strolling 
across  Tombland.  On  one  occasion  the  monks 
sallied  forth  from  the  priory,  drank  and  caroused, 
fought  and  plundered,  and  did  so  much  damage 
that  the  townsfolk  in  revenge  burnt  the  close,  the 
gates  and  adjoining  buildings,  and  carried  off 
everything  they  could  lay  hands  on.  Several  monks 
were  killed  and  the  prior  escaped  to  Yarmouth, 
where  he  appealed  to  the  King.  Rough  justice  was 
dealt  out  all  round  :  the  ringleaders  were  executed, 
or  dragged  about  the  city  by  horses  until  they  died  ; 
the  prior  was  imprisoned,  and  the  townsfolk  had  to 
pay  a  heavy  fine  towards  the  restoration  of  the 

The  Jews,  too,  were  seldom  left  in  peace.  They 
were  the  physicians,  pawnbrokers,  and  usurers  of 
the  community,  and  occasionally  became  very  rich, 
but  scandals  were  frequently  got  up  about  them, 
and  every  one  conspired  to  defraud  them.  They 
were  robbed  and  imprisoned,  banished  and  killed. 
The  King  would  remit  debts  to  them  and  extorted 


money  from  them  whenever  he  wanted  it.  King 
John  ordered  the  teeth  of  Isaac  of  Norwich  to  be 
drawn  out  one  by  one  until  he  consented  to  yield 
up  10,000  marks  ;  this  famous  Jew's  house,  once 
known  as  Isaac's  Hall,  is  still  standing  in  King  Street, 
and  in  later  days  passed  through  the  hands  of  the 
Yelvertons,  the  Pastons,  and  Chief  Justice  Coke. 
The  worst  persecution  of  the  Jews  was  in  1144, 
when  they  were  accused  of  crucifying  a  little  Chris- 
tian boy  and  burying  him  in  Thorpe  Wood ;  the 
body  was  exhumed  and  the  child  canonized  as  St. 
William,  Boy  and  Martyr.  A  history  of  the  affair 
was  written  by  a  monk  and  a  shrine  set  up  in  Norwich 
Cathedral,  to  which  numberless  pilgrims  travelled. 
Henry  V.  left  his  coronet  in  pawn  with  the  Jews  of 
Norwich  when  he  went  to  the  French  Wars,  taking 
with  him  amongst  others  the  gallant  Sir  Thomas 
Erpingham,  builder  of  Erpingham  Gate. 

In  1252  the  city  was  enclosed  with  walls  and  a 
ditch.  The  woollen  and  weaving  trades,  upon  which 
the  prosperity  of  Norwich  has  been  chiefly  based, 
were  by  this  time  beginning  to  grow  ;  even  in  the 
twelfth  century  an  old  chronicler  tells  us  the  Norwich 
men  were  "  for  the  most  part  weavers,  they  knew 
not  how  to  bear  arms  in  knightly  wise."  Weaving 
had  been  introduced  into  Flanders  by  the  grandfather 
of  Queen  Matilda,  wife  of  the  Conqueror,  and  was 
brought  into  this  country  by  the  Flemings,  many 
of  whom  had  come  over  to  England  at  the  Conquest, 
while  others  were  included  among  Losinga's  army 
of  foreign  workmen  and  Stephen's  foreign  mercen- 
aries ;  thus  for  more  than  a  century  there  was  a 
constant  influx  of  Flemings  into  England.     By  the 


The  Cathedral. 


end  of  the  thirteenth  century  eight  Cistercian 
convents  were  established  in  or  near  Norwich,  and 
as  this  order  derived  the  greater  part  of  its  income 
from  sheep-breeding  and  wool,  the  woollen  trade 
of  Norwich  increased  by  leaps  and  bounds.  About 
I33°  John  Kempe  came  from  Flanders  with  his 
family  and  servants  and  settled  in  Norwich,  where 
he  taught  his  system  of  weaving.  In  1338  a  further 
number  of  foreigners  settled  in  Norwich,  and  the 
town  began  to  be  very  crowded.  Again  and  again 
the  Black  Death  appeared,  and  in  the  fourteenth 
century  it  carried  off  so  many  of  the  working-class 
that  the  labourers  felt  themselves  in  a  position  to 
insist  on  higher  wages  and  better  conditions.  All 
over  the  country  there  was  great  discontent  and 
rioting,  and  at  Norwich  40,000  malcontents  gathered 
round  John  Littester,  a  dyer,  known  as  the  "  Idol 
of  Norwich."  Their  first  step  was  to  send  for  the 
Governor  of  Norwich,  who  was  one  of  the  hand- 
somest and  bravest  men  of  his  time,  and  having 
by  sheer  force  of  numbers  compelled  him  to  appear 
before  them,  their  leader  thus  addressed  him  : — 
"  Robert,  you  are  a  knight  and  a  man  of  great 
weight  in  this  county,  renowned  for  your  valour ; 
yet,  notwithstanding  all  this  we  know  who  you  are  ; 
you  are  not  a  gentleman,  but  the  son  of  a  poor 
mason,  just  as  ourselves.  Do  you  come  with  us  as 
our  commander,  and  we  will  make  so  great  a  lord 
of  you  that  one-quarter  of  England  shall  be  under 
your  command."  But  Sir  Robert  was  faithful 
to  the  trust  reposed  in  him  by  his  king,  and  indig- 
nantly rejecting  their  proposals  he  set  about  him 
with  his  sword,  and  killed  twelve  of  the  rebels, 


besides  wounding  many  others,  before  he  was 
overpowered  and  cut  into  bits.  Having  wrung  a 
large  amount  of  money  from  the  frightened  towns- 
folk, the  rebels  entrenched  themselves  at  North 
Walsham,  making  their  camp  secure  by  piling  up 
around  it  gates  and  tables,  and  anything  on  which 
they  could  lay  hands,  and  enclosing  it  with  a  deep 
ditch.  Meantime  the  townsfolk  waited  in  fear  and 
trepidation.  When  news  of  the  rising  reached  the 
ears  of  Spencer,  Bishop  of  Norwich,  who  had  been 
away  travelling,  he  clapped  on  a  helmet  and  coat 
of  mail,  and  taking  a  sword  in  his  hand,  called  on 
every  man  able  to  bear  arms  to  follow  him  ;  hundreds 
joined  him  and  they  set  off  hot-foot  for  the  rebel 
camp.  Led  by  the  fiery  bishop,  they  bore  down 
upon  the  unsuspecting  insurgents  with  such  extra- 
ordinary fury  that  in  a  very  short  space  of  time  the 
ringleaders  were  captured  and  the  camp  was  com- 
pletely at  their  mercy.  The  conflict  over,  the 
bishop  resumed  his  episcopal  robes,  heard  the 
confessions  of  the  captives  and  accompanied  them 
to  the  gallows. 

By  the  fifteenth  century  civic  life  in  Norwich  was 
a  gaily-coloured,  flourishing  affair;  the  trades 
had  grouped  themselves  into  guilds,  of  which  the 
first  and  foremost  was  "  The  Gild  of  St.  Mary,  called 
the  Great  Gild  of  Norwich/'  and  on  high  days  and 
holidays  they  had  brilliant  pageants  or  gave  per- 
formances of  quaint  miracle  plays.  All  the  great 
families  of  Norfolk  had  town  houses  in  Norwich, 
the  Fastolfs,  the  Erpinghams,  the  Pastons,  the 
Yelvertons,  and  many  others.  The  Duke  of  Norfolk 
had  his  palace  here,  and  his  son,  the  Earl  of  Surrey, 


a  mansion  both  on  Mousehold  Heath  and  in  Surrey 
Street.  Every  monastic  establishment  in  the  county 
also  had  its  town  house  or  inn.  But  though  the 
town  grew  wealthy  and  the  trades  flourished,  there 
was  much  misery  among  the  poor,  who  were  op- 
pressed by  the  wealthy  landlords,  and  in  1549, 
unable  to  bear  it  any  longer,  a  band  of  peasants 
armed  themselves  with  pikes  and  scythes,  and  swore 
that  their  wrongs  should  be  redressed.  Robert 
Kett,  a  tanner,  was  their  leader,  and  they  encamped 
upon  Mousehold  Heath  in  huts  of  turf,  roofed  with 
boughs.  In  a  few  days  their  numbers  had  reached 
20,000,  and  Kett  felt  emboldened  to  take  possession 
of  the  Earl  of  Surrey's  mansion,  which  he  turned 
into  a  prison,  shutting  up  m  it  all  the  gentlemen  he 
could  capture,  one  of  whom  was  the  mayor.  Every 
day  he  held  a  court  under  a  tree  known  as  the  Oak 
of  Reformation.  There  he  drew  up  a  petition 
containing  a  list  of  grievances  which  he  sent  to  the 
King.  In  it  the  peasants  begged  that  the  lords  of 
the  manor  should  no  longer  be  allowed  to  enclose 
the  common  lands  ;  that  "  prests  or  vicars  that  be 
not  able  to  preche  and  sett  forth  the  woords  of  God 
to  hys  parisheners  may  be  thereby  putt  from  hys 
benyfice ;  that  all  bonde  men  may  be  ffre,  for  God 
made  all  ffre  by  His  precious  blode  sheddynge  ; 
that  all  the  rivers  be  ffre  and  comon  to  all  men  for 
fyshyng  and  passage,  and  that  pore  men's  chyldren 
of  tier  paryshe  should  be  taught  the  boke  called 
the  Cathakysme  and  the  prymer."  This  petition, 
simple  and  pathetic  though  it  was,  left  the  King 
indifferent ;  he  merely  sent  a  herald  to  proclaim 
pardon  to  all  that  "  wolde  humbly  submit  them- 


selves  and  depart  quietly  every  man  to  his  house.1 ' 
Kett  replied :  "  Kings  are  wont  to  pardon  wicked 
persons — not  innocent  and  just  men.  We  have  done 
nothing  to  deserve  such  pardon,  and  have  been 
guilty  of  no  crime.  We  therefore  despise  such 
speeches  as  unprofitable  to  our  purpose."  For  a 
time  they  kept  the  King's  troops  at  bay,  aided  by  the 
secretly  sympathizing  townsfolk,  fighting  being 
confined  to  skirmishes  in  the  streets  and  alleys, 
but  at  length  the  Earl  of  Warwick,  with  a  large 
army  of  Italian  and  German  mercenaries,  drove 
them  forth  to  Mousehold  Heath  and  forced  them  to 
open  battle  at  Dussyn's  Dale.  The  inexperienced 
peasants  had  no  chance  against  the  highly-trained 
mercenaries  in  the  open,  and  they  went  down  like 
grass  before  them,  dying  where  they  stood,  but 
holding  on  undauntedly  until  Warwick,  struck  by 
admiration  and  pity,  promised  the  survivors  pardon 
if  they  would  surrender,  Kett  and  the  ringleaders 
alone  being  hung  on  the  Oak  of  Reformation. 

In  1564  the  trade  in  woollens  and  worsteds 
declined  to  such  an  extent  that  the  workers  were 
sore  put  to  it,  and  Elizabeth,  in  the  hope  of  reviving 
it,  permitted  a  number  of  Dutch  and  Walloons, 
fleeing  from  the  Duke  of  Alva's  persecutions  in  the 
Netherlands,  to  settle  in  the  town,  into  which  they 
introduced  the  making  of  "  bayes,  sayes,  arras, 
mockades  and  such  like,"  to  the  great  advantage 
of  the  city.  On  the  whole  they  lived  peaceably 
with  the  inhabitants,  and  it  was  said  of  them, 
"  They  live  wholly  of  themselves  without  our  charge, 
and  do  beg  of  no  man,  and  do  sustain  all  their  own 
people."     In  1582  their  numbers  had  increased  to 


4,679.  When  Elizabeth  paid  a  visit  to  the  city  one 
of  the  many  pageants  arranged  in  her  honour  was 
called  the  "  Artizan  Strangers'  Pageant/'  which 
included  representatives  of  all  the  various  manu- 
factures of  the  city,  and  had  eight  little  girls  spinning 
worsted  on  one  side  of  the  platform  and  eight 
knitting  on  the  other.  To  them  was  due  the 
introduction  of  printing  into  the  city,  the  first 
Norwich  book  being  printed  by  Anthony  Solen  in 
1570.  Doubtless  it  was  the  memory  of  former 
persecutions  of  the  many  foreign  citizens  that  made 
Norwich  so  zealous  in  the  raising  of  forces  and  money 
to  repel  the  Spanish  Armada. 

The  Howards,  who  were  now  the  Dukes  of 
Norfolk,  attained  great  eminence,  the  Duke  of 
Norfolk  in  Elizabeth's  reign  even  aspiring  to  the 
hand  of  Mary  Queen  of  Scots.  In  1602  he  began  to 
build  a  wonderful  palace  in  Norwich,  which  took 
fifty  years  in  the  making,  and  was  esteemed  one  of 
the  most  magnificent  buildings  in  England ;  it 
had  splendid  gardens  stretching  along  by  the  river, 
with  a  tennis  court  and  walks  twenty  feet  wide, 
and  in  it  the  reigning  duke  feasted  and  entertained 
right  royally ;  here  Charles  II.  was  once  a  guest, 
on  which  occasion  he  knighted  Thomas  Browne,  the 
famous  author  of  the  "  Religio  Medici,"  who  lived 
for  many  years  in  a  house  near  St.  Peter  Mancroft, 
and  was  buried  in  that  church.  Sir  Thomas  was 
one  of  the  most  learned  men  who  ever  lived  in 
Norwich,  the  most  renowned  antiquary  of  the  day, 
interested  specially  in  Roman  remains.  It  was 
the  discovery  of  some  Roman  urns  at  Norwich  that 
was  the  occasion  of  his  writing  "  Urn  Burial." 


Another  most  famous  citizen  of  Norwich  was 
George  Borrow,  who  was  clerk  in  a  lawyer's  office 
in  this  city.  It  was  in  the  cattle  mart  that  he  first 
met  the  gipsies,  whose  wild  free  life  and  strange 
haunting  dialect  appealed  to  him  so  strongly; 
in  the  long  summer  evenings  he  used  to  sit  with 
them  by  their  camp  fires  on  Mousehold  Heath, 
listening  to  the  curious  tales  which  stood  him  in 
such  good  stead  when  he  wrote  "  Lavengro  "  and 
"  Romany  Rye."  His  younger  brother  was  a  pupil 
of  the  famous  artist,  of  whom  Norwich  is  justly 
proud,  "  Old  Crome,"  whose  father  had  been  an 
innkeeper  in  the  worst  part  of  Norwich.  As  a  boy 
he  was  apprenticed  to  a  sign  painter,  and  on  his 
rare  holidays  used  to  wander  over  Mousehold 
Heath  and  drink  in  the  loveliness  which  he  after- 
wards immortalised  in  his  pictures.  He  was  the 
founder  of  the  Norwich  School  of  artists,  one  of 
whom  was  Cotman,  the  son  of  a  Norwich  silk 
mercer.  Crome  lies  buried  in  St.  George,  Colegate, 
where  there  is  a  tablet  to  his  memory. 

For  five  hundred  years  the  great  castle  was  used 
as  a  gaol,  but  it  is  now  the  property  of  the  Corpora- 
tion, who  have  converted  it  into  one  of  the  finest 
museums  in  the  country. 


Bristol  is  a  city  of  merchants,  and  the  churches 
and  charities  they  have  founded.  It  was  the 
Saxons  who  first  discovered  what  an  excellent  har- 
bour was  afforded  by  the  river  Avon  near  its  junction 
with  the  Frome,  and  they  speedily  turned  the  little 
town  that  already  stood  on  the  river  banks  into  a 
port  which  in  after  years  was  rivalled  in  importance 
only  by  London  itself.  The  first  known  date 
connected  with  its  history  is  furnished  by  two  silver 
pennies  of  the  reign  of  Ethelred  the  Unready  (978- 
1016),  which  have  an  inscription  signifying  that  they 
were  struck  at  Bristol.  The  earliest  merchants 
dealt  in  slaves,  young  men  and  girls,  whom  they 
obtained  by  force  and  sold  in  the  market-place  or 
shipped  to  Ireland.  This  traffic  in  human  beings 
was  strictly  forbidden  after  the  introduction  of 
Christianity,  but  the  Bristol  merchants  contrived 
to  evade  all  laws  even  after  the  Conquest.  At  last 
Wulfstan,  bishop  of  Worcester,  came  to  plead,  and 
so  wrought  upon  them  that  with  one  exception 
they  promised  to  give  up  their  wicked  trade,  and 
turning  upon  the  merchant  who  remained  stubborn 
they  put  out  his  eyes  and  drove  him  from  the  town. 
This,  however,  was  by  no  means  the  last  of  the  slave 
trade  in  Bristol ;  centuries  afterwards  it  again  became 
a  source  of  great  profit  to  the  town. 



In  early  days  the  Frome  and  the  Avon  entirely 
surrounded  Bristol  except  for  a  narrow  neck  of  land 
on  the  Gloucestershire  side,  on  which  in  1088  the 
castle  was  built,  and,  being  on  an  eminence,  the 
highest  point  of  the  present  Castle  Street,  it  com- 
manded the  harbour  as  well  as  the  one  approach  by 
land.  A  bridge  spanned  the  Avon  just  where  it 
does  now,  and  beyond  it  the  town  centred  round 
the  carfax  formed  by  Wine  and  Corn  Streets,  and 
High  and  Broad  Streets.  To  render  it  even  more 
secure  it  was  enclosed  by  walls  ;  no  wonder  that  in 
Norman  days  Bristol,  besides  being  one  of  the 
richest,  was  considered  the  most  impregnable  city 
in  England.  Nothing  of  the  castle  now  remains 
except  the  entrance  to  the  banqueting  hall  in  Tower 
Street,  the  sub-structure  of  the  chapel  and  a  large 
room  in  Castle  Street,  while  the  site  of  the  old  draw- 
bridge is  occupied  by  the  tramway  centre,  one  of  the 
busiest  parts  of  the  town. 

After  the  Conquest  all  sorts  of  religious  com- 
munities settled  near  Bristol,  and  among  them 
the  Knights  Templars,  who  lived  for  a  century  or 
more  in  the  present  parish  of  Temple  and  built  the 
Temple  Church.  The  hospital  of  the  Bons  Hommes 
was  also  instituted  about  this  time,  the  beautiful 
chapel  of  which,  recently  restored,  is  now  known  as 
the  Mayor's.  At  the  beginning  of  the  twelfth 
century  the  Abbey  of  St.  Augustine  was  founded, 
and  when  four  hundred  years  later  Henry  VIII. 
suppressed  the  monasteries  and  raised  Bristol  to  the 
dignity  of  a  bishopric,  the  abbey  chapel,  partly 
restored  and  rebuilt,  became  the  cathedral,  although 
it  did  not  attain  its  present  size  and  beauty  until  a 

BRISTOL.     The  Temple  Church. 


generation  or  two  ago.  Nothing  of  the  original 
building  now  remains  except  the  Norman  gateway 
and  the  chapter  house. 

In  the  thirteenth  century  the  channel  was  cut 
through  which  the  Frome  now  flows,  and  the  old  one 
filled  up,  and  a  second  bridge  was  built  over  the  Avon 
to  connect  Redcliff  and  Temple  with  the  town  of 
which  they  soon  became  part.  Bristol  by  this  time 
was  doing  a  thriving  trade  in  wool,  cloth  of  home 
manufacture,  soap  also  made  in  the  town,  fish 
caught  along  the  coast  and  in  great  request  for  fast- 
days,  leather  from  the  tanneries  already  springing 
up  along  the  banks  of  the  Avon,  and  wines  from 
the  south  of  France,  a  branch  of  trade  introduced 
by  Henry  II.  when  he  married  Eleanor  of  Aquitaine. 
By  degrees  the  various  trades  formed  themselves 
into  guilds,  each  having  its  own  district :  the  weavers 
occupied  Temple,  and  numbered  among  them  some 
of  the  wealthiest  citizens  in  Bristol,  one  of  whom, 
Thomas  Blanket,  gave  his  name  to  that  useful 
article  which  he  manufactured  in  great  quantities  ; 
their  guild  chapel,  dedicated  to  St.  Katherine,  still 
stands  near  the  Temple  Church.  The  fullers  or 
tuckers  lived  in  Tucker  Street,  the  corn-dealers  in 
Corn  Street,  and  so  on.  The  chief  guild  was,  oi 
course,  the  merchants',  which  in  the  fifteenth  century 
developed  into  the  famous  corporation  known  as 
the  Merchant  Venturers.  Many  of  the  members 
of  this  guild  lived  magnificently  in  great  houses 
luxuriously  furnished,  but  in  spite  of  their  wealth 
and  splendour  and  the  beautiful  buildings  already 
in  existence,  Bristol  in  mediaeval  days  was  a  dirty 
and  squalid  town.    The  streets,  unsafe  for  vehicles 


on  account  of  the  many  cellars  for  the  storage  of 
merchandise  which  ran  underneath  them,  were  very 
narrow  and  dark,  with  great  bulkheads  over  the 
shops,  stalls  encroaching  upon  the  roadway  and  a 
drain  running  down  the  centre  into  which  the  refuse 
from  all  the  houses  streamed.  It  is  not  surprising 
that  three  leper  hospitals  were  considered  necessary, 
and  that  when  the  Black  Death  came  in  the  four- 
teenth century  it  wrought  so  great  a  destruction 
that  "  the  whole  strength  of  the  town  perished/' 
and  grass  grew  in  the  principal  streets.  But  when 
the  visitation  was  over,  those  who  survived  and 
upon  whom  the  whole  wealth  and  trade  of  the  town 
devolved,  set  to  work  with  the  energy  for  which  the 
men  of  Bristol  have  always  been  renowned  and, 
hiring  a  large  number  of  the  rural  population  to 
come  in  and  work  for  them,  they  gradually  built 
up  the  prosperity  of  the  town  anew  and  by  the  begin- 
ning of  the  fifteenth  century  it  was  more  thriving 
than  ever.  The  trials  through  which  they  had 
passed,  however,  were  not  without  effect  upon  the 
burgesses  of  Bristol :  religion  began  to  occupy  a 
far  more  important  place  in  their  lives,  and  they  de- 
voted great  sums  of  money  to  restoring  and  building 
churches  and  the  relief  of  the  sick  and  poor ;  pil- 
grimages were  frequent,  the  festivals  of  the  Church 
were  observed  with  ceremony  and  rejoicing,  and  no 
new  enterprise  was  undertaken  without  a  priest's 

The  exquisite  upper  stage  which  has  caused  the 
Temple  Church  to  incline  slightly  to  one  side  dates 
from  this  period,  and  so  does  the  restored  fabric  of 
St.  Mary,  Redcliff,  that  thirteenth  century  church 


which  was  afterwards  praised  by  Queen  Elizabeth 
as  "  the  fairest,  the  goodliest  and  most  famous 
parish  church  in  England."  Its  restoration  was  due 
to  the  liberality  of  William  Canynges,  chief  of  the 
merchant  princes  of  that  age,  whose  trade  with 
northern  Europe  far  exceeded  that  of  any  of  his 
contemporaries.  He  was  five  times  mayor  and  twice 
represented  Bristol  in  Parliament ;  his  good  deeds 
were  endless,  and  towards  the  close  of  his  life  he 
retired  from  the  world  and,  taking  Holy  Orders, 
spent  his  last  few  years  at  Westbury-on-Trym. 

During  the  fifteenth  century  there  was  a  great 
revival  of  learning,  and  the  eager  desire  for  know- 
ledge which  was  felt  all  over  England,  took  the  form 
in  Bristol  port  of  attempts  to  discover  the  unknown 
lands  which  it  was  confidently  believed  existed  on 
the  other  side  of  the  Atlantic.  These  attempts  were 
directed  by  John  Cabot,  a  Genoese  merchant,  who, 
after  sundry  visits  to  Bristol,  had  settled  in  the  town 
in  1491.  For  six  successive  years  Bristol  men  sailed 
with  him  in  search  of  the  **  Island  of  Brazil  and  the 
seven  cities,"  and  returned  disappointed.  In  1498 
they  set  out  for  the  seventh  time,  in  five  ships,  and 
accompanied  by  Cabot's  son  Sebastian,  and  after 
a  voyage  of  nearly  two  months,  their  perseverance 
was  rewarded  by  the  first  sight  of  the  new  world, 
and,  landing,  they  planted  the  flag  of  England  on 
the  coast  of  North  America  a  year  before  Columbus 
discovered  the  southern  continent.  After  sailing 
round  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence,  John  Cabot  returned 
to  Bristol,  where  he  met  with  an  enthusiastic  recep- 
tion and  was  hailed  as  the  "  Great  Admiral,"  but 
Sebastian  went  on  further  along  the  coast  of  Labrador 


"  until  seyng  suche  heapes  of  Ise  before  hym,  he 
was  enforced  to  tourne  his  sayles."  He  brought 
back  to  England  as  a  present  to  the  King  three 
savages  who  "  were  clothed  in  beasts'  skins  and 
ate  raw  flesh,  and  were  in  their  demeanour  like  brute 
beasts."  England,  however,  had  few  charms  for 
him,  despite  the  fact  that  Bristol  was  his  birthplace, 
and  he  soon  left  it  to  enter  the  service  of  the  King  of 
Spain.  These  discoveries  were  followed  by  others 
described  by  Richard  Hakluyt,  then  a  canon  of 
Bristol,  in  his  famous  book,  "  Navigations,  Voyages 
and  Discoveries,"  and  enthusiasm  for  foreign  trade 
grew  until  every  one  who  could  scrape  together  a 
little  money  invested  in  some  such  enterprise. 
This  private  trading,  however,  proved  a  great 
hindrance  to  the  Bristol  merchants,  and  they  com- 
plained to  the  King,  who  gave  them  a  charter,  which 
conferred  upon  them  the  title  of  the  Merchant 
Venturers  of  Bristol,  and  forbade  any  one  else  to 
trade  beyond  seas.  Another  great  hindrance  to 
the  merchants  was  the  Spaniards,  who  continually 
attacked  their  ships,  and  great  were  the  rejoicings 
in  Bristol  when  the  Spanish  Armada  was  defeated, 
as  the  Neptune  Fountain  in  Victoria  Street  bears 

By  the  end  of  the  seventeenth  century  trade  with 
the  southern  States  of  America  and  the  West  Indies 
was  thoroughly  established,  and  the  golden  age  of 
Bristol  commerce  had  set  in,  sugar  and  tobacco  were 
at  first  the  chief  imports,  but  the  great  plantations 
in  which  they  were  grown  being  worked  by  negroes, 
the  Bristol  merchants  soon  discovered  that  slaves 
were  more  profitable  still,  and  traffic  in  human  life 


became  for  the  second  time  the  chief  source  of  the 
town's  wealth.  For  bars  of  iron  and  other  manu- 
factured goods  they  purchased  negroes  on  the  coast 
of  Africa,  packed  them  tightly  together  in  the 
holds  of  their  vessels,  and  sailed  for  the  West  Indies, 
or  the  southern  States.  Many  of  the  poor  wretches 
did  not  survive  the  horrors  of  the  voyage,  but  they 
had  cost  little,  and  their  loss  did  not  affect  the  mer- 
chants who,  their  human  freight  disposed  of,  re- 
loaded their  ships  with  sugar  and  tobacco  for  the 
journey  home.  For  more  than  a  century  and  a  half 
the  infamous  trade  went  on,  and  it  only  came  to  an 
end  when  the  noble  efforts  of  Wilberforce  brought 
about  the  abolition  of  slavery.  Meanwhile,  Bristol 
flourished  exceedingly,  the  docks  were  crowded 
with  West  Indiamen,  the  yards  with  vessels  in 
course  of  construction,  the  great  sugar  refineries, 
one  of  the  sights  of  the  city,  were  in  full  swing,  and 
the  whole  town  was  pervaded  with  the  pleasant  hum 
of  bustling  prosperity.  The  merchants'  wealth 
caused  the  King  himself  to  pay  them  court,  and  the 
voices  of  visitors  to  the  town,  among  whom  were  the 
famous  Evelyn  and  still  more  famous  Pepys,  were 
loud  in  its  praise.  Defoe  stayed  in  Bristol  when  he 
was  collecting  material  for  his  "  Tour  Through  the 
Whole  Island,"  but  unfortunately  it  was  when  he 
had  just  been  made  bankrupt  and  he  had  in  conse- 
quence to  spend  most  of  his  time  in  hiding  from  the 
bailiffs,  a  circumstance  which  earned  him  the  title 
of  the  "  Sunday  Gentleman."  It  was  at  Bristol 
that  Defoe  saw  Alexander  Selkirk,  brought  thither 
by  the  sea  captain  who  had  rescued  him  from  his 
uninhabited  island,   and  learnt  the  story  of  his 


adventures  upon  which  he  afterwards  founded 
"  Robinson  Crusoe/' 

Best  and  greatest  of  all  Bristol's  many  merchant 
princes,  the  man  whom  the  town  will  never  grow 
weary  of  honouring,  and  whose  birthday  is  regarded 
as  the  most  important  day  in  the  year,  and  celebrated 
with  prayer  and  feasting,  speechmaking  and  collec- 
tions for  the  poor,  was  Edward  Colston,  whose  chief 
pleasure  lay  in  spending  his  great  wealth  for  the 
benefit  of  his  native  city.  On  all  sides  there  are 
memorials  of  him  :  the  splendid  school  at  Stapleton 
was  his  gift,  so  were  the  almshouses  on  St.  Michael's 
Hill,  the  charity  school  in  Temple  Street,  and  the 
merchants'  almshouses  in  King  Street.  His  statue 
stands  in  the  centre  of  the  gardens  near  the  tramway 
centre  and  a  hall  in  memory  of  him  was  opened  in 
1900  on  the  site  once  occupied  by  a  Carmelite 
monastery.  He  died  in  1721,  in  the  days  when  the 
Hotwells  was  a  fashionable  resort  that  rivalled 
Bath  in  elegance  and  popularity. 

Another  man,  or  rather  youth,  whose  fame  is  now 
world-wide,  did  much,  although  unconsciously,  for 
Bristol,  the  ill-fated  Thomas  Chatterton,  for  it  was 
his  daring  forgeries  which  first  aroused  in  the  town 
an  interest  in  literature.  He  was  born  at  Bristol 
in  1753,  his  family  having  been  connected  with  the 
town  for  centuries,  and  was  educated  at  Colston 
School,  leaving  at  an  early  age  to  be  apprenticed  to  a 
small  solicitor.  He  relieved  the  tedious  drudgery  of 
the  office  by  writing  verse  and  dreaming  of  fame,  but, 
fearing  he  would  never  obtain  a  hearing  for  his  poems, 
he  pretended  they  were  the  work  of  one  Rowley,  an 
imaginary  chaplain  of  Canynges,  and  that  his  father 


had  found  them  in  the  muniment-room  of  St.  Mary, 
Redcliff ,  when  he  was  sexton  there.  His  statements 
were  believed,  and  the  successful  publication  of 
the  poems  tempting  him  to  continue  he  produced  the 
**  Rise  of  Peynctynge  in  England/'  and  had  the 
audacity  to  send  it  to  Horace  Walpole.  That  astute 
authority  was  deceived  for  the  time  being,  although 
he  afterwards  discovered  his  mistake,  and  Chatterton, 
full  of  hope,  came  to  London.  Three  months' 
starvation,  however,  in  an  obscure  lodging  com- 
pletely disillusioned  him,  and  utterly  despairing,  he 
put  an  end  to  himself  at  the  age  of  seventeen.  His 
work  shows  traces  of  great  genius,  and  but  for  his 
unnecessary  and  most  unfortunate  imposture,  he 
might  have  lived  to  enjoy  an  honoured  position  in 
the  world  of  letters.  It  was  soon  after  his  death 
that  Hannah  More,  the  poetess,  began  her  literary 
career.  Her  work,  unlike  his,  was  greatly  appre- 
ciated in  her  lifetime,  but  is  seldom  read  in  the 
present  day.  She  helped  her  sisters  to  keep  a 
select  boarding-school  in  the  town,  and  a  public 
hall  bearing  her  name  now  stands  on  the  site  of  the 
house  and  garden  in  which  they  lived  for  many 
years.  Robert  Southey's  is  another  and  greater 
literary  name  connected  with  Bristol.  He  was  the 
son  of  a  linendraper  in  Wine  Street,  and  went  to 
school  at  the  Fort  on  St.  Michael's  Hill.  One  of  his 
greatest  friends  was  Robert  Lovell,  the  Quaker 
poet,  son  of  a  pin-maker  on  Castle  Green,  and  the 
other  was  Coleridge,  whom  he  first  met  in  Bristol  in 
1794 ;  all  three  were  ardent  Revolutionists,  and 
their  dream  was  to  found  a  settlement  in  the  New 
World  where  all  should  labour  for  the  common  good 


and  live  in  peace  and  harmony.  Fired  with  youthful 
enthusiasm  they  gave  a  series  of  lectures  in  the  town, 
which  were  very  popular,  and  brought  them  a 
publisher,  a  young  man  named  Joseph  Cottle,  who 
issued  from  his  shop  the  early  poems  of  the  three, 
which  included  Coleridge's  "  Ancient  Mariner." 
They  married  the  three  daughters  of  a  Bristol 
tradesman,  and  often  returned  to  the  town  in  latei 

The  trade  of  Bristol  began  to  decline  a  hundred 
years  ago,  largely  owing  to  the  keen  competition 
of  Liverpool,  but  Bristol  men  have  set  to  work 
with  a  will,  and  there  is  every  reason  to  believe  thai 
she  has  a  future  before  her  not  unworthy  of  her  past. 


Rising  from  the  banks  of  the  gently  gliding  Wey 
in  the  heart  of  the  North  Downs,  which,  in  sweeps  of 
moorland,  green  pasturage,  and  wooded  upland  lie 
upstretched  around,  Guildford  is  one  of  the  most 
picturesque  of  our  county  towns.  Cobbett,  writing 
of  it  in  his  "  Rural  Rides,"  in  October,  1825,  says  : 
"  .  .  .  the  town  of  Guildford,  which  (taken  with 
its  environs)  I,  who  have  seen  so  many  many  towns, 
think  the  prettiest,  and  taken  all  together,  the  most 
agreeable  and  happy-looking  that  I  ever  saw  in 
my  life."  The  most  plausible  explanation  of  its 
name  is  that  an  ancient  trade  guild  ruled  the  place, 
and  that  there  was  a  ford  over  the  river  at  the  foot 
of  the  High  Street,  and  certainly  the  story  of  its 
guild,  or  Gild-merchant  as  it  was  called,  is  very 
closely  interwoven  with  the  history  of  the  town. 

The  first  mention  of  Guildford  is  in  the  will  of 
Alfred  the  Great  in  a.d.  900,  wherein  he  bequeathed 
it  to  his  nephew  Ethelwald ;  when  Ethelwald  died 
it  reverted  to  the  Crown,  and  continued  to  be  Crown 
property  and  a  place  of  royal  residence  until  the  time 
of  the  Tudors.  From  the  reign  of  Ethelred  II.  to 
the  reign  of  Henry  I.  it  was  the  seat  of  a  royal 
mint,  the  earliest  coins  bearing  the  name  of  Dunstan, 
evidently  the  famous  Archbishop,  who  is  known  to 
have  been  a  skilled  worker  in  metals.     In  the  Domes- 



day  Survey  is  the  entry  : — "  In  Guildeford  King 
William  possesses  75  tenements  in  which  reside 
175  men."  These  "  tenements  "  were  mostly  down 
on  the  west  side  of  the  river,  and  there  the  wool 
and  cloth  trade  began,  later  to  become  so  important, 
but  when  the  castle  was  built  at  the  beginning  of 
Henry  II.'s  reign,  another  part  of  the  community 
grew  up  under  the  shelter  of  its  walls  on  the  east 
side.  By  the  twelfth  century  the  wool  and  cloth 
trades  were  in  full  swing.  The  reason  Guildford 
was  chosen  to  be  a  seat  of  these  manufactures  was, 
not  only  that  the  water  of  the  river  was  particularly 
good  for  the  fulling,  but  because  in  the  neighbour- 
hood were  to  be  found  three  plants  which  were 
constantly  used  by  the  dyers  :  the  fullers*  teasle, 
the  buckthorn  and  the  woad,  all  of  which  still  flourish 
here.  The  great  day  of  the  year  was  the  Feast  of 
St.  Blaise,  the  patron  of  the  town  and  of  all  wool- 
combers.  On  this  day  no  work  was  done,  High 
Mass  was  observed  in  St.  Mary's,  alms  were  given  to 
the  poor,  the  Gild-merchant  met  for  the  election  of 
officers  and  for  a  banquet,  bonfires  blazed  on  all 
the  hills,  and  early  next  morning  the  new  officers 
made  their  communion  together  "  at  the  Mass  at  the 
church  nigh  unto  the  river,  where  the  fulling  took 
place."  The  church  referred  to  was  the  first  of  the 
four  churches  which  have  stood  on  the  site  of  the 
present  St.  Nicholas.  St.  Mary's,  which,  though 
added  to  and  restored,  dates  back  to  the  eleventh 
century,  is  the  oldest  building  in  Guildford.  By  the 
time  of  Richard  II.  the  cloth  trade  of  Guildford  had 
become  so  important  that  an  Act  of  Parliament  was 
passed  concerning  it,  and  the  ancient  Company 


known  as  the  Merchants  of  the  Staple,  whose  officers 
examined  the  various  cloths  of  the  country  and 
made  reports  thereon,  granted  a  certificate  to  the 
town  in  1482,  stating  that  they  had  no  fault  to  find 
with  the  Guildford  cloth-workers  and  that  their  cloth 
was  "  honest/'  and  accordingly  allowed  their  arms,  a 
woolsack  tied  at  the  four  corners,  to  be  included 
in  the  arms  of  the  town.  Queen  Elizabeth  issued 
an  order  that  every  inn  in  Guildford  was  to  have  a 
sign  with  a  woolsack  painted  upon  it  hung  over  the 
door  on  penalty  of  a  fine  of  six  and  eightpence. 
She  also  bestowed  upon  the  mayor  as  his  staff  of 
office  a  rod  of  the  rare  Campeachy  wood,  which  was 
used  to  dye  objects  of  special  value  and  importance. 
In  the  seventeenth  century  the  trade  had  begun  to 
decline.  This,  according  to  Aubrey,  was  because  of 
the  clothiers'  "  fraudulent  practice  '*  and  "  avaricious 
method  of  stretching  their  cloth  from  18  yds.  to  22 
or  23,  which  being  discovered  abroad  they  returned 
their  commodity  on  their  hands  and  it  would  sell 
in  no  market."  Archbishop  Abbot,  the  town's 
chief  benefactor,  whose  father  had  been  a  Guildford 
clothier,  took  great  interest  in  the  trade  and  did  his 
best  to  revive  it.  He  gave  £100  to  be  distributed  in 
£5  portions  to  every  man  who  would  set  up  a  loom 
in  the  town,  and  later  he  allotted  certain  rents, 
amounting  to  £100  a  year,  for  the  employment  of 
young  persons  in  some  manufacture  to  be  carried 
on  in  the  town.  He  also  required  the  brethren  of 
his  hospital  to  wear  gowns  of  Guildford  blue  cloth 
when  they  attended  Divine  service.  His  efforts, 
however  were  of  only  temporary  avail,  and  by  1755 
the  trade  had  entirely  died  out.    Many  of  Guildford's 


chief  benefactors  had  been  clothiers  or  cloth  manu- 
facturers, and  various  memorials  of  the  trade 
remain ;  the  mill  at  the  foot  of  the  town  is  still 
called  the  Fulling  Mill,  there  is  a  building  in  a 
passage  in  the  High  Street  which  has  always  gone  by 
the  name  of  the  Manufactory,  while  the  approach 
to  the  caverns  near  the  castle  is  known  as  Rack  Close 
because  the  large  wooden  racks  were  set  up  there 
on  which  the  dyed  cloths  were  placed  out  in  the  sun 
to  dry. 

The  story  of  the  birth  of  Archbishop  Abbot, 
most  distinguished  of  Guildford's  sons,  is  an  inter- 
esting one,  as  told  by  Aubrey  : — "  His  father  was  a 
Cloathworker  and  he  was  born  at  the  first  house 
over  the  bridge  in  St.  Nicholas  parish  (now,  1692, 
a  public  house  known  by  the  sign  of  the  Three 
Mariners)  and  his  mother  when  she  was  with  child 
of  him  dreamt,  that  if  she  should  eat  a  jack  or  pike 
the  son  in  her  womb  would  be  a  great  man ;  upon 
this  she  was  indefatigable  to  satisfy  her  longing  as 
well  as  her  dream ;  she  first  enquired  out  for  the 
fish ;  but  accidentally  taking  up  some  of  the  river 
water  (that  runs  close  by  the  house)  in  a  pail 
she  took  up  the  much-desired  banquet,  dress* d  it 
and  devour' d  it  almost  all.  This  odd  affair  made 
no  small  noise  in  the  neighbourhood,  and  the 
curiosity  of  it  made  several  people  of  quality  offer 
themselves  to  be  sponsors  at  the  baptismal  font 
when  she  was  delivered ;  and  three  were  chosen 
who  maintained  him  at  school,  and  at  the  university 
afterwards.  This  dream,  etc.,  was  attested  to  me 
by  the  Minister  and  several  of  the  most  sober  inhabi- 
tants of  the  place."    Abbot  was  educated  at  the 


Free  Grammar  School,  and  at  Balliol  College,  Ox- 
ford ;  in  1597  he  was  elected  Master  of  University 
College  ;  in  1609  he  was  created  Bishop  of  Coventry 
and  Lichfield,  in  1610  Bishop  of  London,  and  in  161 1 
Archbishop  of  Canterbury.  "  He  did  first  creep, 
then  run,  they  fly  into  preferment,  or  rather,  prefer- 
ment did  fly  upon  him  without  his  expectation/' 
wrote  Fuller*  His  last  years  were  saddened  by  an 
unfortunate  accident :  when  deer-shooting  at 
Bramshill  he  unwittingly  killed  a  keeper  who  had 
twice  been  warned  to  keep  out  of  the  way  ;  he  was 
horribly  distressed,  pensioned  the  unfortunate  man's 
widow  and  imposed  upon  himself  several  severe 
penances,  but  this  was  not  the  end  of  the  matter. 
Certain  bishops-elect  who  were  jealous  of  him, 
among  them  Laud,  who  was  afterwards  to  take  his 
place,  refused  to  receive  consecration  at  his  hands. 
A  commission  was  therefore  appointed  to  sit  in  judg- 
ment upon  the  matter  and  foreign  Universities 
were  invited  to  give  their  opinion ;  meantime  he 
retired  to  Guildford  and  stayed  in  the  hospital  he 
had  founded  in  the  High  Street,  busying  himself 
with  its  affairs.  Eventually  it  was  decided  to  go 
through  the  formality  of  giving  him  a  free  pardon, 
and  as  three  of  the  bishops-elect  still  held  back,  they 
were  consecrated  by  the  Bishop  of  London.  As  to 
the  fine  hospital  which  is  still  the  most  important 
building  in  the  High  Street,  he  wrote  in  his  preface 
to  the  statutes  : — "  My  affection  leading  me  to  the 
town  of  Guildford  where  I  was  born,  and  where  my 
aged  parents  lived  many  years  with  good  report  I 
thought  upon  the  erection  of  an  hospital  there  which 
I  have  dedicated  to  the  blessed  Trinity."    The 


inmates  were  to  be  unmarried  persons  not  less  than 
sixty  years  of  age,  inhabitants  of  Guildford  or  resident 
there  twenty  years.  It  is  nearly  three  hundred  years 
since  the  foundation-stone  was  laid,  but  the  institu- 
tion still  flourishes,  the  buildings  are  unchanged, 
the  old  furniture  and  fittings  may  be  seen  in  all  the 
rooms,  and  the  inmates  number  twenty-two.  The 
Archbishop's  coat-of-arms— three  golden  pears — 
most  beautifully  painted,  appear  in  many  of  the 
windows,  frequently  with  the  motto  :  "  Clamamus 
Abba  Pater/'— "We  call  Abbot  our  Father." 
In  the  chapel  which  faces  the  entrance  in  the  extreme 
left  corner  of  the  quadrangle  are  two  very  beautiful 
stained  glass  windows,  part  of  which — containing 
the  stories  of  Isaac  and  his  two  sons — is  believed 
to  have  been  bought  by  the  Archbishop  from  the 
chapel  of  the  old  friary,  a  very  important  Dom- 
inican establishment  in  the  Middle  Ages,  now 
entirely  vanished  except  for  a  memory  in  the  names 
of  Friary  Street  and  Walnut  Street  Close,  where  the 
monks  planted  their  walnut  trees.  In  the  room  over 
the  great  entrance  of  Abbot's  Hospital,  the  window  of 
which  looks  into  the  quadrangle,  the  Duke  of  Mon- 
mouth was  confined  after  the  battle  of  Sedgemoor, 
on  his  way  to  London.  A  portrait  of  the  Arch- 
bishop hangs  in  the  board-room.  On  the  same  side 
of  the  High  Street,  a  little  farther  down,  is  the  town 
hall,  first  mentioned  in  the  thirtieth  year  of  Eliza- 
beth's reign,  when  it  was  enlarged  and  the  "  Queen's 
armes  and  the  armes  of  this  towne  sett  in  the  windows 
at  the  north  end."  In  1683  the  front  was  rebuilt. 
The  fine  clock  has  a  history  :  John  Ay  1  ward,  a 
clockmaker,  came  to  Guildford  with  the  intention  of 


setting  up  in  business,  but  was  forbidden  by  the  Gild- 
merchant  on  the  ground  that  he  was  a  "  foreigner/' 
i.e.,  not  a  native  of  Guildford.  Not  to  be  beaten  he 
set  up  a  workshop  just  outside  the  town,  and  made 
this  clock,  which  he  presented  to  the  borough,  to  the 
admiration  and  delight  of  the  townsfolk,  who 
immediately  granted  him  the  freedom  of  the  town. 
He  settled  in  the  High  Street,  in  the  premises  now 
occupied  by  Mr.  Perkins,  and  worked  there  at  his 
trade  for  many  years. 

There  are  quite  an  unusual  number  of  old  houses 
in  the  High  Street,  some  of  which  were  probably 
built  with  stones  from  the  castle  as  parts  of  it  were 
removed.  No.  25  has  been  called  one  of  the  most 
remarkable  houses  in  England ;  it  has  a  wonderful 
old  staircase,  elaborate  plaster  ceilings  and  marble 
mantelpieces,  and  can  generally  be  seen  on  applica- 
tion by  the  courtesy  of  the  owner.  The  Angel  Inn 
has  a  fine  old  hall,  surrounded  by  a  gallery,  and  a 
clock  dated  1658 ;  underneath  the  Angel  and  the 
Savings  Bank  opposite  are  two  thirteenth  century 
crypts  or  vaults,  which  with  the  castle  and  St. 
Mary's  are  the  only  really  mediaeval  buildings  left  in 
the  town.  They  still  contain  traces  of  ancient  fres- 
coes and  probably  formed  part  of  a  monastery  of 
White  Friars  which  once  stood  here,  the  Angel  Inn 
occupying  the  site  of  the  ancient  guest-house.  In 
Spital  Street  is  the  Royal  Free  Grammar  School, 
founded  in  1507  by  Robert  Beckingham,  a  wealthy 
London  grocer : — 

"  And  benefactor  principall 
Or  more  was  Beckingham  : 
For  first  in  Guildford  by  his  gift 
The  name  of  free-school  came."  :.:- 


The  original  building  was  soon  found  to  be  too 
cramped,  Edward  VI.  made  a  grant  towards  the 
expenses  of  a  larger  site,  and  the  present  schoolhouse 
was  erected  in  1557.  Many  distinguished  men  have 
been  students  in  this  school,  including  an  Archbishop, 
six  Bishops,  a  Speaker,  two  Lord  Mayors  of  London, 
a  great  Greek  scholar  and  a  Colonial  Premier.  A 
treasured  possession  of  the  school  is  the  chained 
library,  containing  eighty-nine  books  ;  there  are 
only  eight  of  these  libraries  in  the  kingdom.  It  is 
also  notable  as  being  the  first  place  in  connection 
with  which  cricket  is  mentioned — in  Elizabeth's 

As  for  Guildford's  churches,  Holy  Trinity  contains 
the  tomb  of  Archbishop  Abbot,  removed  from  an 
earlier  building ;  St.  Nicholas  has  the  beautiful  Losely 
chapel,  which  was  for  more  than  three  centuries  the 
burial-place  of  the  More  family  ;  each  time  that  the 
church  was  rebuilt  it  was  carefully  preserved  and 
connected  with  the  new  building ;  it  contains  the 
finest  collection  of  monuments  in  Guildford ;  St. 
Mary's  has  an  Anglo-Saxon  tower  and  a  Norman 
nave  and  chancel,  the  latter  used  to  be  twelve  feet 
longer ;  but  in  the  days  of  George  IV.,  when  the 
Prince  Regent  used  to  drive  down  to  Brighton 
through  Guildford,  the  lane  outside  the  church  was 
so  narrow  that  his  carriage  had  great  difficulty  in 
passing,  and  in  a  fit  of  irritation  one  day  he 
promised  the  townsfolk  a  handsome  sum  if  they 
would  widen  the  roadway ;  this  they  accordingly 
did,  not  by  curtailing  the  county  gaol  opposite 
as  they  could  easily  have  done,  but  by  sacrificing 
a  portion  of  St.  Mary's  chancel ;   in  spite  of  their 


zeal  no  money  was  ever  forthcoming  from  the 

The  castle  has  not  had  an  eventful  history ;  it 
was  mostly  used  as  a  gaol,  the  royal  residence 
being  a  palace  in  a  park  at  the  north  of  Guildford, 
built  by  Henry  II.,  and  long  since  vanished.  It 
was  taken  by  the  Dauphin  of  France  in  John's 
reign  when  he  invaded  England  at  the  request  of  the 
Barons.  James  I.  granted  it  to  Francis  Carter, 
and  passing  from  hand  to  hand  it  was  eventually 
bought  by  the  Corporation,  and  in  1886  laid  out  as  a 
town  pleasure  ground.  Near  it  are  some  chalk 
caverns,  once  evidently  used  as  quarries  ;  Henry  II. 
converted  them  into  a  storehouse  for  wines  from  his 
vineyards  in  Gascony  and  Poitou,  which  he  used  to 
sell  to  the  people,  forbidding  the  consumption  of  any 
other  wines  until  his  stock  was  disposed  of.  The 
only  occasion  on  which  these  caverns  are  mentioned 
in  history  is  in  1688,  when  the  women  and  children 
of  Guildford  hid  in  them,  fearing  a  civil  war  when 
William  of  Orange  landed  in  England. 

Guildford  has  a  daughter  town  in  the  U.S.A., 
Guilford  in  Connecticut ;  it  came  about  as  follows  : 
in  1639  some  forty  traders  left  England  for  America, 
they  were  "  Congregationalists  and  Puritans,  driven 
from  their  native  land  because  of  their  religion." 
Henry  Whitfield  was  their  leader,  and  when  they 
settled  in  Connecticut  they  "  called  the  place 
Guilford  in  remembrance  of  Guildford,  a  borough 
town,  the  capital  of  Surrey,  where  many  of  them 
had  lived."  Guilford  contains  the  oldest  house  in 
U.S.A.,  built  of  stone  as  a  fortification  against  the 
Indians,  and  in  it  Mr.  Whitfield's  family  lived.    It 


now  belongs  to  the  town,  and  is  used  as  a  museum 
in  which  the  townsfolk  place  every  object  connected 
with  their  early  history  they  can  gather  together. 
Whitfield  was  a  great  friend  of  the  Rev.  John  Wilson, 
at  that  time  Rector  of  St.  Nicholas,  to  whom  Dr. 
Cotton  Mather  alludes  in  one  of  his  works  as 
the  great  Guildford  preacher  from  whose  teachings 
he  derived  his  religious  beliefs. 


This  great  seaport,  which  is  one  of  the  largest  in  the 
world,  and  apparently  a  mere  growth  of  modern 
times  and  centre  of  twentieth  century  commercial 
activity  and  progress,  has  its  mediaeval  memories, 
although  its  antiquities  may  have  been  swept  away 
by  a  practical  and  ruthless  corporation.  It  is  true  it 
cannot  boast,  like  Dover,  of  Roman  remains,  as  vast 
forests  covered  its  site  in  those  ancient  days,  but  as 
far  back  as  the  reign  of  Richard  Cceur-de-Lion, 
when  Chester  harbour  became  too  silted  up  for  the 
approach  of  heavily  laden  vessels,  men  recognised  the 
natural  advantages  of  the  small  inlet  in  the  estuary 
of  the  Mersey  that  went  by  the  name  of  Lithepool, 
or  Liverpool  (Pool  of  the  sea).  Protection  of  course 
in  those  troubled  times  was  essential,  and  it  was 
not  until  they  had  built  a  castle  at  the  top  of  what  is 
now  Lord  Street  that  they  began  upon  the  town.  It 
consisted  at  first  of  the  four  streets,  Castle  Street, 
Dale  Street,  Water  Street  and  High  Street,  with  a 
great  cross,  called  the  High  Cross,  to  mark  their 
meeting-place.  To  this  budding  township  King 
John  granted  a  charter  which,  written  in  a  neat,  clear 
hand  on  a  small  parchment,  is  still  preserved  among 
the  muniments  of  the  city,  inviting  such  of  his 
subjects  as  were  able  to  settle  therein,  and  promising 
them  special  privileges.    The  new  port  was  useful 



for  shipping  troops  and  stores  to  and  from  the 
recently  conquered  Ireland,  but  beyond  that  the 
trade  was  small,  as  it  was  long  before  the  days  of 
manufactures  or  of  commerce  with  distant  lands,  and 
after  the  three  streets  now  known  as  Chapel  Street, 
Tithebarn  Street,  and  Old  Hall  Street  had  been 
added,  the  whole  containing  about  a  hundred  and 
sixty-eight  houses,  the  town  remained  just  as  it  was 
for  at  least  four  centuries.  But  towns  were  small 
in  the  Middle  Ages,  and  it  was  regarded  as  an 
important  place  even  in  the  thirteenth  century,  as 
when  the  first  Parliament  was  held  in  1296  Liver- 
pool furnished  two  members,  paying  their  travelling 
expenses  and  wages  for  their  services.  Two  places  of 
worship  sufficed  until  the  beginning  of  the  eighteenth 
century  ;  indeed,  one  of  these,  St.  Mary  of  the  Quay, 
built  in  1464,  was  turned  into  a  Free  Grammar 
School  in  Elizabeth's  reign ;  the  other,  St.  Nicholas, 
was  built  in  1356  on  the  same  site  as  the  present 

The  Wars  of  the  Roses  left  their  mark  upon  the 
little  town,  its  trade  fell  off,  its  population  decreased, 
and  though  the  burgesses  made  every  effort  to  stay 
the  decline,  it  continued  until  Elizabeth  came  to  the 
throne ;  then,  in  desperation,  they  sent  their  M.P. 
to  her  with  a  petition,  describing  their  troubles 
and  begging  for  aid,  ending  with  the  words :  "  Liver- 
pool is  your  own  town.  Your  Majesty  hath  a 
castle  and  two  chauntries  clear,  the  fee  farms  of  the 
town,  the  ferry  boat,  two  windmills,  the  custom  of 
the  duchy,  the  new  custom  of  the  tonnage  and 
poundage  which  was  never  paid  in  Liverpool  before 
your  time,   and  the   commodity   thereof  is  your 


Majesty's.  For  your  own  sake  suffer  us  not  utterly 
to  be  cast  away  in  your  Grace's  time,  but  relieve  us 
like  a  mother/ '  The  Queen  straightway  sent  down 
Lord  Derby,  attended  by  numerous  lords  and  gentle- 
men, to  enquire  into  the  matter,  and  the  town  re- 
galed them  "  with  a  banquet  of  delicious  delicates 
of  two  courses  of  service."  The  result  was  so 
satisfactory  that  on  the  anniversary  of  the  Queen's 
accession  the  mayor  caused  "  a  great  bonfire  to  be 
made  in  the  market-place,  and  another  anenst  his 
own  door,  giving  warning  that  every  householder 
should  do  the  like  throughout  the  town,  which  was 
done  accordingly.  And  immediately  after  caused 
to  call  together  his  brethren  the  aldermen  and  divers 
others  of  the  burgesses,  and  so  went  all  together 
to  the  house  of  Mr.  Ralph  Burscough,  alderman, 
where  they  banqueted  a  certain  time,  which  done 
Mr.  Mayor  departed  to  his  own  house  accompanied 
of  the  said  aldermen  and  others,  a  great  number, 
upon  whom  he  did  bestow  sack  and  other  white  wine 
and  sugar  liberally,  standing  all  without  the  door, 
lauding  and  praising  God  for  the  most  prosperous 
reign  of  our  said  most  gracious  sovereign  lady  the 
Queen's  most  excellent  Majesty."  Among  her  other 
bounties  the  Queen  made  a  grant  towards  a  Free 
School.  Emboldened  by  her  interest,  the  town 
made  a  final  effort  to  throw  off  the  yoke  of  Chester, 
which  city  had  always  been  jealous  of  the  Port  of 
Liverpool,  claiming  it  "as  a  mere  creek  within  its 
jurisdiction,"  and  of  late  had  been  particularly  arro- 
gant because  it  was  backed  by  a  powerful  company 
of  merchant  adventurers  to  whom  the  Queen  had 
recently  granted  a  monopoly.    The  Mayor  of  Liver- 


pool  went  up  to  London  to  declare  that  "  Liverpoole 
hath  ever  heretofore  been  reputed  and  taken  for 
the  best  port  and  harbour  from  Mylf  orthe  to  Scotland 
and  so  hath  always  been  proved,  with  all  manner  of 
ships  and  barks,  owners,  masters  and  mariners." 
A  long  course  of  litigation  followed,  but  the  good 
burgesses  of  Liverpool  stuck  to  their  guns  with 
indomitable  perseverance  and,  eventually  triumph- 
ing, shewed  their  appreciation  of  the  decision  in  their 
favour  by  sending  a  hogshead  of  wine  to  "  the  right 
Worshipful  the  Master  of  the  Rolls." 

Grateful  though  they  were  to  the  Queen,  the 
burgesses  rebelled  when  her  troops  were  quartered 
upon  them  for  what  they  considered  too  long  a 
period  during  the  Irish  wars.  They  were  wont 
to  stand  upon  their  rights,  but  they  did  not  disdain 
honest  labour,  for  we  are  told  that  when  an  effort  was 
made  to  mend  the  streets  which  were  sadly  in  need 
of  repair,  the  mayor  "in  his  own  proper  person 
laboured  himself."  In  Elizabeth's  reign  Liverpool 
was  represented  in  Parliament  by  the  most  illus- 
trious of  her  M.P.s,  Lord  Bacon.  The  largest  of  the 
ships  which  went  out  of  the  port  at  this  time  was 
forty  tons,  worked  by  twelve  men,  and  the  port 
only  possessed  twelve  vessels ;  sometimes  they 
went  as  far  afield  as  Spain  and  Portugal,  taking  with 
them  herrings  and  salmon,  and  bringing  back  iron 
and  wine,  and  there  is  one  mention  of  a  cargo  of 
Manchester  small  cottons,  showing  that  the  Lanca- 
shire manufactures  were  beginning. 

With  the  dawn  of  the  seventeenth  century  were 
visible  the  first  stirrings  of  the  new  life  that  was  to 
make  Liverpool  one  of  the  first  ports  in  the  world. 


Woollen  manufacture  started  in  the  West  Riding, 
and  the  Manchester  merchants  began  to  buy  yarn 
from  Ireland,  and  to  return  thither  the  manufactured 
article,  all  the  trade,  of  course,  passing  through 
Liverpool*  In  1628  Charles  I.  sold  the  Crown  rights 
in  the  town  and  lordship  of  Liverpool  to  Lord 
Molyneux,  in  whose  family  the  constableship  of  the 
castle  had  been  hereditary  for  many  generations ; 
he  laid  out  Lord  Street,  originally  Lord  Molyneux 
Street,  built  a  bridge  over  the  Pool  brook,  for  which 
he  paid  a  rent  of  2d.  a  year,  and  made  a  road 
(now  Church  Street),  across  the  Common  ;  he  then 
handed  the  lordship  with  all  dues  and  customs 
over  to  the  Corporation  on  a  lease  of  one  thousand 
years  for  the  rent  of  £30  ;  an  agreement  his  descend- 
ants must  have  bitterly  regretted,  as  the  dues  and 
customs  thus  valued  in  1672  produced  in  1886  a  re- 
venue of  £260,698,  and  of  course  in  the  present  day 
are  worth  far  more. 

Richard  Mather,  a  minister  at  the  old  chapel, 
Toxteth  Park,  was  one  of  the  early  upholders  of  the 
Protestant  faith,  and  being  in  consequence  silenced 
by  the  Bishop,  escaped  in  disguise  to  Liverpool,  and 
from  thence  took  ship  to  New  England,  where  he 
became  very  popular  and  distinguished ;  Cotton 
Mather,  the  famous  historian  of  New  England,  was 
his  grandson.  In  those  days  the  Corporation  of 
Liverpool  took  the  greatest  interest  in  all  matters 
connected  with  the  church ;  they  appointed  the 
minister,  paid  his  "  wages/'  and  kept  a  careful  eye 
on  all  his  doings.  He  had  to  "  weare  the  srplus 
ev'y  Sabothe,  and  ev'y  holiday  at  the  tyme  of  Dyvine 
Service,"  and  "  cause  his  haier  to  be  cut  of  a  comly 


and  seemely  length  in  such  decent  manner  as 
best  befitteth  a  man  in  his  place."  Besides  his 
wages  and  his  house  he  was  allowed  "  a  reasonable 
milk  cowe  whilst  he  remaineth  a  preaching  minister 
here  and  shall  have  allowed  yerely  for  her  keepinge 
ov*  his  twenty  pounds  wages  the  sum  of  46s.  6d., 
but  if  the  said  Mr.  Lappage  shall  hereafter  publicly 
murmer  or  sue  for  more  allowance,  then  this  order 
to  be  void."  When  in  1622  the  first  public  clock 
was  placed  in  the  "  Chappel  of  Liv'poole,  to  the 
great  benefitte  and  pleasure  of  the  inhabitants " 
...  the  minister  promised  that  he  would 
"  well  and  duly  dureinge  the  tyme  of  his  ministrie 
at  Liv'poole  keep  and  sett  the  said  clock.  And 
if  he  shall  neglect  the  doeinge  of  the  same,  that 
then  he  is  willinge  that  forth  of  his  wayges  from  the 
towne  of  Liv'poole  soe  much  money  shall  be  abated 
and  defalked  as  the  tendinge  and  keepinge  of  the 
said  clocke  shall  lye  in."  When  the  Commonwealth 
was  instituted  and  Cromwell  issued  an  order  requir- 
ing all  ministers  in  the  presence  of  their  congregations 
to  subscribe  to  an  engagement,  to  be  "  true  and 
faithful  to  the  government  established  without 
king  or  House  of  Peers,"  the  Liverpool  minister 
was  one  of  the  many  who  refused,  and  was  in  con- 
sequence ejected  from  his  position.  However,  he 
afterwards  repented,  and  on  promising  to  "  sub- 
scrybe  to  the  Ingudgment,"  was  reinstated. 

The  town  suffered  several  sieges  during  the  Civil 
War,  and  being  "  in  a  great  p't  destroyed  and  burnt 
downe  by  the  Enemie,"  Parliament  issued  an  order 
that  "  500  tons  of  Tymber  be  allowed  unto  the 
Towne    of    Liverpoole,"    for   its    rebuilding,    and 


"  that  the  said  500  tons  be  felled  in  the  grounds 
and  woods  "  of  certain  Royalist  lords.  A  decree 
also  went  forth  that  the  Castle  was  to  be  dis- 
mantled, the  Corporation  becoming  tenants  under 
the  Crown.  The  streets  were  now  lighted  for  the 
first  time,  it  being  ordered  that  "  Two  Lanthorns 
with  twoe  candles,  burneing  ev'ie  night  in  ye 
dark  moone  be  sett  out  at  the  High  Crosse,  and  at 
Whyte  Crosse,  and  places  p'pared  to  sett  them  in 
ev'ie  night  till  past  eight  of  the  clock  by  ye  Srjant 
and  Water  Ballive.  This  to  be  obs'ved  from  All 
Saints  to  Candlemas/'  The  Civil  War,  of  course, 
had  checked  the  progress  of  the  town,  but  at  the 
Restoration,  when  the  affairs  of  the  kingdom  had 
settled  down  into  their  normal  course,  a  steady  tide 
of  progress  set  in  which  has  gone  on  increasing  right 
up  to  the  present  day ;  the  discovery  of  new  lands 
extended  the  commerce  of  the  port  all  over  the 
world  ;  the  names  of  its  merchants  became  famous, 
and  the  town  itself  began  to  expand  in  all  directions. 
Hitherto  its  limits  had  been  marked  by  the  Pool 
Stream,  which  ran  along  what  are  now  Byrom, 
Whitechapel,  and  Paradise  Streets,  and  was  crossed 
by  three  bridges  ;  the  streets  were  only  seven  or  eight 
yards  wide,  without  footpaths,  and  having  a  gutter 
iruining  down  the  centre  ;  the  roads  leading  out  of 
Liverpool,  even  the  highway  to  London,  had  simply  a 
strip  of  paving  in  the  middle  for  packhorses,  but  were 
impassable  for  carriages  up  to  the  middle  of  the 
eighteenth  century.  The  houses  were  small  and 
mean,  of  wood  or  brick,  and  with  thatched  roofs.  The 
water  of  the  town  was  obtained  from  the  old  Fall 
Well,  which  stood  on  the  Great  Heath,  near  the 


corner  of  what  are  now  St.  John's  Lane  and  Roe 
Street,  and  it  had  to  be  ordered  that  "  Noe  Manner 
of  p'son  shall  wash  either  yarne  or  woole  there  upon 
paine  of  three  shillings  and  four  pence  for  ev'y 
offence."  The  Great  Heath  extended  from  what 
is  now  Whitechapel  to  the  present  Crown  Street, 
and  was  used  for  public  meetings,  demonstrations, 
and  the  practice  of  archery.  The  two  hills  now 
occupied  by  St.  James's  Cemetery  and  University 
College  were  used  as  stone  quarries.  In  1660  the 
common  lands  which  extended  between  what  are 
now  Hanover  Street,  Park  Lane,  and  Wapping  were 
"  taken  inn,  and  inclosed,  at  the  town's  charge,  and 
mannaged  for  ye  best  use  and  benefitt  of  ye  towne." 
In  1673  the  High  Cross  was  pulled  down  to  make 
way  for  the  first  Town-hall  and  Exchange,  "  a 
handsome  building  .  .  .  the  same  sett  upon 
pillars  and  forthwith  sett  out  as  Mr.  Maior  shall 
think  meete."  This  site  is  now  occupied  by  the 
Liverpool  and  London  Insurance  Offices.  As  the 
commerce  of  Liverpool  went  on  increasing,  the 
harbourage  in  the  Pool  was  found  insufficient,  and 
an  act  of  Parliament  was  obtained  authorising  the 
Town  Council  to  borrow  £6,000,  construct  a  dock 
and  levy  dock  dues  on  all  ships  entering  the  harbour, 
and  thus  came  into  being  what  was  afterwards  known 
as  the  Old  Dock,  the  beginning  of  the  largest  system 
of  floating  docks  in  the  world.  The  architect  whose 
idea  it  was,  settled  in  Liverpool  and  had  a  long  and 
prosperous  career ;  he  was  appointed  Harbour 
Master,  chosen  architect  for  St.  George's  Church, 
and  finally  elected  Mayor,  when  he  built  himself  a 
handsome  mansion  in  Hanover  Street.    This  dock 


was  soon  found  to  be  too  small,  and  extended.  At 
the  beginning  of  the  eighteenth  century  Union 
Street  and  Fazakerley  Street  were  made ;  the 
stream  which  fed  the  old  Pool  was  arched  over  and 
Paradise  Street  and  Whitechapel  formed ;  forty-five 
lamps  were  ordered  for  the  lighting  of  the  town ; 
the  ruins  of  the  castle  were  removed,  and  fine 
mansions  began  to  appear  in  various  parts  of  the 
town,  particularly  in  Hanover  and  Paradise  Streets. 
The  most  imposing  building  of  the  time  was  the 
Exchange,  now  the  Town-hall,  which  was  com- 
pleted about  1760.  By  the  middle  of  the  century 
five  large  churches  had  been  built.  In  1796  the 
title  of  Earl  of  Liverpool  was  conferred  upon  Lord 
Hawkesbury,  subsequently  Prime  Minister,  and 
very  proud  the  good  burgesses  were  to  see  the  name 
of  Liverpool  in  the  peerage. 

There  were  two  blots  on  the  fair  name  of  Liverpool 
in  the  nineteenth  century,  privateering  and  the 
slave  trade ;  for  the  former  there  was  excuse,  as 
the  trade  of  the  city  suffered  so  severely  during  the 
seven  years'  war  between  France  and  Spain,  the 
War  of  American  Independence,  and  again  when 
war  with  France  broke  out,  that  little  legitimate 
business  could  be  done,  and  other  countries  having 
set  the  example  Liverpool  did  but  follow  suit. 
Indeed,  when  in  1793  war  was  declared  with  France 
the  commerce  of  Liverpool  was  so  seriously  affected 
that  a  general  panic  set  in,  numerous  mercantile 
houses  of  the  highest  standing  were  ruined,  and  a 
run  on  the  banks  took  place.  After  considerable 
discussion  among  the  merchants,  chief  of  whom  were 
John   Gladstone   and   William   Rathbone,   it  was 


resolved  to  apply  to  the  Bank  of  England  for  a  loan 
and  to  Parliament  for  permission  to  issue  certain 
notes  to  the  value  of  £300,000  for  three  years,  a  wise 
and  public-spirited  measure  that  saved  the  commerce 
of  the  city.  As  for  the  slave  trade,  by  the  middle 
of  the  century  the  majority  of  the  Council  were 
engaged  in  it,  and  in  1771  105  slave  ships  sailed 
from  Liverpool  to  the  West  Indies,  carrying  28,200 
slaves.  William  Roscoe,  attorney,  of  Liverpool, 
published  a  pamphlet,  demonstrating  its  inhumanity 
and  bad  policy  and  urging  its  abolition,  but  the 
Council  strenuously  opposed  him  and  paid  the 
Rev.  Raymond  Harris  £100  to  write  a  reply ;  they 
also  despatched  various  petitions  and  delegates  to 
London  ;  in  fact,  so  deeply  were  they  involved  that 
when  slavery  was  actually  abolished  it  was  three 
years  before  the  town  made  good  its  losses.  Despite 
these  commercial  crises,  however,  many  canals 
were  constructed  towards  the  end  of  the  eighteenth 
century  ;  the  opening  of  trade  with  India,  and  the 
application  of  steam  power  to  locomotion  gave  a 
fresh  impetus  to  progress  ;  in  1817  the  first  steamer 
appeared  on  the  Mersey,  and  in  1830  crossed  the 
Atlantic ;  in  1830  the  Liverpool  and  Manchester 
Railway  was  opened. 

Wonderful  is  the  change  the  last  century  has 
wrought ;  seven  miles  of  docks  now  confront  the 
traveller,  and  every  day  sees  the  arrival  or  departure 
from  the  Prince's  Landing-stage  of  some  of  the  finest 
steamers  in  the  world.  The  streets  have  been 
widened,  and  when  the  traveller  leaves  the  railway 
terminus  in  Lime  Street  he  sees  before  him  a  magni- 
ficent series  of  buildings,  such  as  few  towns  can 

LIVERPOOL  29 1  i 

show :  St.  George's  Hall,  the  Walker  Art  Gallery, 
the  Picton  Reading  Room,  the  William  Brown 
Free  Library  and  Museum,  the  County  Sessions 
Court  and  the  Technical  Instruction  Centre.  Then 
in  Water  Street  and  Chapel  Street  are  the  Town 
Hall  and  Exchange,  in  the  latter,  of  course,  being 
concentrated  the  vast  commercial  life  of  Liverpool. 
Of  the  great  Liverpool  families  I  may  mention 
a  few :  the  Moores,  who  first  appeared  in  the 
thirteenth  century,  and  lived  in  the  Old  Hall,  Old- 
hall  Street,  and  afterwards  in  the  Bank  Hall,  Kirk- 
dale  ;  Edward  Moore,  the  author  of  the  "  Rental " 
was  created  baronet  in  1675.  The  Stanleys  were 
the  ancestors  of  the  present  Earls  of  Derby ;  they 
lived  in  the  Tower  in  Water  Street,  which  was  pulled 
down  in  1819  ;  during  the  eighteenth  century  the 
chair  of  chief  magistrate  was  filled  nine  times  either 
by  the  Earl  of  Derby  or  a  member  of  the  family. 
The  Bootle  family  were  the  ancestors  of  the  Earls  of 
Lathom  ;  Thomas  Bootle,  K.C.,  was  M.P.  for  Liver- 
pool from  1727  to  1735,  Mayor  in  1726,  knighted 
in  1743,  he  then  purchased  the  Lathom  estates  and 
built  the  present  mansion.  Other  names  still 
remain  which  have  been  prominent  in  the  mercantile 
world  for  two  centuries,  e.g.,  Clayton  and  Cleveland, 
after  whom  the  squares  are  named.  John  Glad- 
stone's is  a  name  much  honoured  ;  in  1798  he  built 
a  house  on  the  west  side  of  Rodney  Street,  in  which 
on  the  29th  December  his  famous  son,  the  Rt.  Hon. 
W.  E.  Gladstone,  was  born.  In  1829  he  moved  a 
resolution  for  the  opening  of  China  trade,  and  in 
1829  for  the  removal  of  restrictions  on  India  trade, 
both  of  which  were  successfully  carried. 


In  1880  Liverpool  was  created  both  a  city  and 
a  bishopric  ;  St.  Peter's  in  Church  Street  was  chosen 
as  the  Pro-Cathedral,  but  there  is  now  rising  on  St. 
James*  Mount,  a  splendid  cathedral  which  when 
completed  will  be  worthy  of  the  great  city  in  which  it 
stands ;  the  exquisite  Lady  chapel  is  already 
finished  and  open  for  worship. 


Exeter,  the  city  on  the  Exe,  is  the  capital  not  only 
of  lovely,  leafy  Devon,  but  in  reality  of  the  whole 
of  the  West  Country.  It  is  set  on  a  hill  in  the  green 
valley  of  the  Exe,  with  the  river  flowing  at  its  feet, 
and  all  around  the  softly  wooded  heights  of  other 
hills.  West  Country  folk  love  it  with  a  love  that 
neither  time  nor  distance  can  alter  ;  it  was  enshrined 
in  their  hearts  before  the  making  of  history,  for  it 
is  the  oldest  city  in  Britain,  and,  in  the  words  of 
Professor  Freeman,  "  It  is  the  one  great  English 
city  which  has,  in  a  more  marked  way  than  any  other, 
kept  its  unbroken  being  and  its  unbroken  position 
throughout  all  ages."  Before  Christ  was  born  it 
was  "  a  city  walled  and  suburb  to  the  same,  of  the 
most  reputation,  worship,  defence  and  defensible 
of  all  these  parties."  The  earthworks  on  the 
Castle  Hill  were  made  by  the  ancient  Britons ; 
the  thousands  of  Roman  coins  dating  back  to  Nero 
and  Claudius,  the  pottery  and  other  relics  that 
have  been  dug  up  within  its  walls  prove  the  city  to 
have  been  the  Isca  Damnoniorum  of  the  Romans ; 
and  its  importance  as  the  key  to  the  West  Country 
may  be  gathered  from  the  fact  recorded  in  the  quaint 
old  chronicles  of  Izaacke  : — 

"  In  midst  of  Devon,  Exeter  city,  seated 
Hath  with  ten  sieges  grievously  been  straitned." 



The  first  of  these  sieges  was  in  a.d.  634.  It  was 
twice  besieged  by  the  Danes  in  the  reign  of  Alfred 
the  Great,  and  he  came  anxiously  to  its  assistance. 
An  earthwork  north  of  the  city,  dating  from  this 
period,  is  still  known  as  Danes'  Castle.  Athelstan 
surrounded  it  with  walls  and  towers  and  bestowed 
upon  it  in  926  the  monastery  of  St.  Peter,  the  minster 
church  of  which  was  the  beginning  of  its  great 
cathedral,  and  is  said  to  have  stood  on  the  site  of  the 
present  Lady  chapel.  In  Ethelred's  reign  the 
Danes  made  two  more  attempts  to  take  the  city ; 
on  the  second  occasion,  led  by  Sweyn,  they  succeeded, 
and  in  revenge  for  the  brave  resistance  of  the  towns- 
folk they  pillaged  and  burned  it  to  the  ground.  Not 
long  after,  however,  Canute,  the  Christian  Dane, 
rebuilt  the  minster  church,  and  it  was  the  scene  of  a 
grand  and  imposing  festival  in  the  reign  of  Edward 
the  Confessor.  When  transformed  into  the  cathe- 
dral of  the  new  see  of  Devon  and  Cornwall,  it 
received  Leofric,  the  King's  Chancellor,  as  its  first 
Bishop.  There  he  stood  before  the  high  altar, 
robed  in  splendid  vestments,  in  full  view  of  the 
assembled  multitude,  the  King  holding  his  right 
hand  and  the  Queen  his  left,  while  the  two  Arch- 
bishops invoked  "  blessings  upon  all  who  might 
increase  the  See,"  and  a  "  fearful  and  execrable 
curse  upon  all  who  should  diminish  or  take  aught 
therefrom."  Leofric  was  a  good  and  great  Bishop, 
reverenced  even  by  the  Normans,  and  he  was  left 
undisturbed  in  his  diocese  until  his  death  in  1072. 
Meanwhile  there  had  been  stirring  doings  in  the 
city,  for  Exeter  held  out  long  and  valiantly  against 
the  Conqueror,  and  two  vears  after  the  battle  of 


EXETER.     The  Corner  of  Frog  Street. 



Hastings  was  still  unsubdued.  At  last  the  new 
King  came  in  person  to  demand  submission,  but  he 
found  the  gates  fast  barred,  and  all  the  answer 
made  by  the  townsfolk  to  his  threatenings  was, 
"  We  will  neither  take  any  oath  to  the  King,  nor  allow 
him  to  enter  our  city,  but  the  tribute  which,  following 
ancient  custom,  we  were  wont  to  give  formerly,  the 
same  we  will  give  to  him."  In  great  anger  William 
caused  a  hostage  to  be  brought  forth,  and  his 
eyes  put  out  in  view  of  those  upon  the  walls,  but 
they  remained  obdurate.  Then  he  brought  to  bear 
upon  the  town  all  his  great  military  skill  and  many 
devices  quite  unknown  to  the  Devonians ;  for 
eighteen  days  they  held  out,  and  then  when,  already 
weak  with  hunger,  they  beheld  their  walls  crumbling 
around  them,  they  bowed  their  proud  heads,  and 
came  forth  to  beg  for  mercy.  William,  whose  policy 
was  mercy  to  the  conquered,  received  them  graci- 
ously, and  suffered  them  to  return  to  their  homes 
in  full  security,  but  he  took  the  precaution  to  replace 
the  Saxon  buildings  upon  the  Red  Mount  with  a 
strong  Norman  castle,  and  to  man  it  with  a  sufficient 
garrison  to  keep  the  town  in  check. 

Neither  Leofric  nor  the  Norman  bishops  who 
succeeded  him  touched  the  Saxon  fabric  of  the 
cathedral,  but  with  William  of  Warelwast,  in  Rufus's 
time,  the  rebuilding  began  which  was  to  continue 
for  four  centuries,  and  to  transform  the  simple 
minster,  in  the  words  of  Mr.  Bumpus,  into  "  one  of 
the  finest  examples  of  symmetrical  decorated 
Gothic  in  existence."  Warelwast's  two  vast  towers 
still  stand,  serving  as  transepts,  and  distinguishing 
Exeter  Cathedral  from  every  other  church  in  the 



kingdom.  Nearly  every  bishop  who  followed  him 
added  something  towards  its  perfecting,  many 
expending  vast  sums  and  infinite  pains  upon  it. 
Bishop  Marshall  added  the  Lady  chapel,  Bruere, 
in  the  first  half  of  the  thirteenth  century,  built  the 
chapter  house  and  carved  the  beautiful  misereres — 
the  earliest  now  existing  in  this  country  ;  Grandisson 
completed  the  nave,  Brantyngham  the  wonderful 
west  front  with  its  niched  statues  of  prophets, 
apostles,  martyrs,  saints  and  kings.  These  have 
survived  the  effects  of  weather  and  west  country 
superstition  remarkably  well,  considering  that  even 
now  some  of  the  country  folk  will  surreptitiously 
chip  off  a  fragment  to  pound  into  a  "  Peter  plaster  " 
for  a  sore  that  will  not  heal.  The  choir  screen  and 
the  splendid  episcopal  throne,  with  its  great  carved 
canopy,  were  the  work  of  Bishop  Stapleton,  founder 
of  Exeter  College,  Oxford.  These  are  only  a  few 
out  of  the  many  who  embellished  the  ancient  fane, 
and  by  1320  it  was  completed  much  as  we  see  it 
now.  Many  of  these  early  Bishops  of  Exeter  were 
men  of  great  note  :  two  were  Lord  High  Chancellors, 
two  Lord  High  Treasurers,  one  Lord  High  Privy  Seal, 
three  were  founders  of  colleges  at  Oxford  and 
Cambridge,  and  one  helped  in  the  translation  of  the 

One  of  the  chief  beauties  of  Exeter  Cathedral 
is  the  tracery  of  its  windows,  no  two  of  which  are 
alike,  and  another  is  its  pillars.  The  vaulting  has 
been  declared  to  represent  "  the  high-water  mark 
of  English  vaulting."  In  the  nave  is  the  picturesque 
minstrels'  gallery,  from  which  singers  and  players 
were  wont  to  greet  with  sweet  music  the  entry  of 

EXETER  297 

any  members  of  the  royal  family,  as  when  the 
Black  Prince,  passing  through  Exeter  on  his  way  to 
London,  visited  the  Cathedral  with  his  captives, 
the  French  King  and  the  Dauphin ;  and  in  this 
gallery  the  seven  best  boys  were  stationed  to  sing, 
"  All  glory,  laud  and  honour,"  during  the  pro- 
cession on  Palm  Sunday.  The  beautiful  pulpit 
in  the  nave  was  designed  by  Sir  Gilbert  Scott  in 
memory  of  Bishop  Patteson,  of  Melanesia,  who  was 
killed  by  savages  on  a  South  Pacific  island  twenty- 
two  years  after  his  ordination  as  deacon  in  Exeter 
Cathedral ;  one  of  the  three  principal  compartments 
represents  the  dead  body  of  the  bishop,  wrapped  in 
palm  leaves,  being  borne  to  a  canoe. 

To  go  back  to  the  history  of  the  town.  When 
Matilda  strove  to  wrest  the  throne  of  England  from 
Stephen,  it  was  in  Exeter  she  centred  her  hopes. 
Baldwin,  the  Governor,  was  her  strong  partisan,  and 
cared  so  little  for  the  city  which  had  been  entrusted 
to  his  charge  that,  failing  to  move  the  townsfolk 
from  their  loyalty,  he  began  to  burn  and  destroy ; 
but  a  relieving  force  from  Stephen  quickly  put  a 
stop  to  such  proceedings,  and  Baldwin  and  his 
men  were  forced  to  take  refuge  in  the  castle,  which 
they  held  for  three  months,  thirst  ultimately  driving 
them  to  surrender,  and  thus  ended  all  hope  for 
Matilda  in  the  west. 

Edward  I.  and  his  Queen  spent  a  Christmas  at 
Exeter,  on  which  occasion  the  Bishop  and  Chapter 
were  granted  the  right  to  enclose  the  ecclesiastical 
precincts  with  a  walL  During  the  same  visit  the 
King  interested  himself  in  a  change  in  the  city's 
ground-plan.    The  principal  thoroughfares  no  longer 


conformed  to  those  of  the  Romans,  the  present 
High  Street  being  formed,  and  the  older  streets 
becoming  of  secondary  importance.  Eleven  years 
later  Edward  was  again  in  the  city.  In  consequence 
of  these  visits  a  strange  story  was  circulated  many 
years  afterwards  by  the  son  of  a  tanner  in  the  town, 
who  claimed  the  crown  on  the  plea  that  he  was  the 
true  son  of  King  Edward  and  Queen  Eleanor,  having 
been  changed  at  birth  with  the  present  holder  of  the 
throne.  His  tale  received  no  credit,  and  he  was 
promptly  hanged,  after  a  confession  had  been  ex- 
torted from  him  that  it  was  all  a  falsehood,  his 
excuse  being  that  a  familiar  spirit  who  attended 
him  in  the  shape  of  a  cat  had  put  it  into  his 

In  the  Wars  of  the  Roses  the  town  remained 
staunch  to  the  Lancastrians ;  Henry  VI.  was 
entertained  for  a  week  "  with  the  best  the  church 
and  city  could  afford,  clergy  and  citizens  sharing  the 
cost  "  ;  and  for  twelve  months  the  town  sustained  a 
siege  before  it  finally  surrendered  to  the  Yorkists. 

Exeter  played  a  large  part  in  the  conspiracy  of 
Perkin  Warbeck ;  he  marched  for  it  immediately 
after  landing  in  Cornwall,  but  his  undisciplined  mob 
of  followers  were  no  match  for  the  armed  and  sturdy 
townsfolk,  and  were  driven  off  before  they  effected 
any  mischief  beyond  setting  fire  to  the  gates. 
Exeter,  however,  had  not  seen  the  last  of  them,  but 
next  time  they  came  as  captives,  and  were  conducted 
into  the  presence  of  the  King  in  the  Cathedral  Close, 
"  bareheaded,  in  their  shirts,  with  halters  about 
their  necks  "  ;  the  King,  happening  to  be  in  a  for- 
giving mood,  "  graciously  pardoned  them,  choosing 

EXETER  299 

rather  to  wash  his  hands  in  milk   by  forgiving 
than  in  blood  by  destroying  them." 

Richard  III.  visited  Exeter  for  the  purpose  of 
chastising  certain  rebels,  and  when  this  had  been 
accomplished  he  gave  his  attention  to  the  town. 
The  Castle  met  with  his  entire  approval  until  he 
heard  its  name,  Rougemont,  also  pronounced 
Richmond,  whereupon  he  was,  in  the  words  of  an 
ancient  chronicler,  "  suddenly  fallen  into  a  great 
dump  and  as  it  were  a  man  amazed,"  for,  as  Shakes- 
peare makes  him  say — 

"  Richmond  !  when  I  was  last  at  Exeter 
The  Mayor  in  courtesy  showed  me  the  castle 
And  called  it  Rougemont — at  which  name  I  started ; 
Because  a  bard  of  Ireland  told  me  once 
I  should  not  live  long  after  I  saw  Richmond." 

Nor  did  he  long  survive. 

In  the  time  of  the  Western  Rebellion,  soon  after 
the  Reformation,  when  the  men  of  the  West  Country 
uprose  in  violent  protest  against  the  compulsory 
substitution  of  the  Prayer  Book  service  for  their 
beloved  mass,  Exeter  was  the  stronghold  they 
immediately  tried  to  secure.  Ten  thousand  rebels 
marched  upon  the  town  and  called  upon  it  to 
surrender.  Among  them  was  Welch,  the  vicar  of 
Saint  Thomas  by  Exeter,  who  was  "  in  this  rebellion 
an  arch-captain  and  a  principal  doer."  He  was 
evidently  a  formidable  fighter,  for  we  are  told : 
"  He  was  a  very  good  wrestler,  shot  well  both  in  the 
long  bow  and  also  in  the  cross  bow  ;  he  handled  his 
hand  gun  and  piece  very  well ;  he  was  a  very  good 
woodman  and  a  hardy,  and  such  a  one  as  would  not 
give  his  head  for  the  polling,  nor  his  beard  for  the 


washing.  .  .  ."  But  the  men  of  Exeter  kept 
their  gates  shut  and  stood  firm,  and  the  siege  began. 
After  a  few  weeks  their  supply  of  food  became 
so  low  that  the  "  bakers  and  householders  were 
driven  to  seek  up  their  old  store  of  puffins  and  bran, 
wherewith  they  in  times  past  were  wont  to  make 
horsebread  and  to  feed  their  swine  and  poultry ; 
and  this  they  moulded  up  in  cloths,  for  otherwise 
it  would  not  hold  together,  and  so  did  bake  it  up, 
and  the  people  were  well  contented  therewith  .  .  . 
In  the  end,  for  want  they  were  fed  on  horseflesh, 
which  they  liked,  and  were  well  contented  withal." 
But  they  were  at  length  delivered  by  Lord  John 
Russell  with  an  armed  force,  and  so  great  was  their 
relief  and  thankfulness  that  it  was  determined  the 
anniversary  of  the  day  "in  memorial  for  ever  to 
endure  was  (to  be)  kept  for  a  high  and  holy  feast." 
Most  of  the  ringleaders  of  the  rising  were  sent  to 
London  for  trial  and  execution,  but  the  vicar  of  St. 
Thomas  was  hanged  in  full  canonicals  on  his  own 

The  staple  industry  of  Exeter  in  ancient  days 
was  the  manufacture  of  a  famous  woollen  cloth, 
merchants  coming  from  every  part  of  England  to 
traffic  in  it.  Their  meeting-place  was  in  a  finely 
plastered  chamber,  still  in  existence,  in  what  was 
once  the  "  New  Inn,"  and  is  now  a  draper's  shop, 
in  the  High  Street,  and  while  they  deliberated  in  the 
stately  chamber  above,  the  courtyard  beneath  was 
alive  with  the  bustle  of  the  continual  coming  and 
going  of  the  carriers,  who  brought  in  the  cloth  not 
only  from  the  neighbouring  towns  and  villages, 
but  also  from  the  lonely  farmsteads  and  cottages 

EXETER  301 

on  the  moors  where  it  had  been  woven  by  the 
peasants  during  the  long  winter  evenings.  The 
trade  was  greatly  developed  by  the  "  Society  of 
Marchantes  Adventurers  of  the  Citie  of  Excestre, 
trafiquing  the  Realms  of  Fraunce  and  the  Dominions 
of  the  French  King,"  to  whom  Elizabeth  granted  a 
charter  ;  it  grew  to  such  an  extent  that  goods  to  the 
value  of  half  a  million  were  sent  every  year  to  Spain, 
Portugal,  Italy,  Germany  and  Holland,  and  to 
facilitate  their  export  the  Exeter  Canal  was  con- 
structed, thus  enabling  vessels  to  come  right  up  to 
the  city  quays.  It  was  one  of  the  first  canals  to  be 
opened  in  the  kingdom,  and  so  eager  were  all  the 
members  of  the  community  for  its  completion  that 
even  the  parish  churches  contributed  a  quantity  of 
plate  towards  the  expense.  As  years  went  by  the 
merchant  adventurers  extended  their  trading  over- 
seas, to  the  Indies,  the  New  World,  they  went  with 
Adrian  Gilbert  to  discover  China,  and  helped  Sir 
Humphrey  Gilbert  on  his  last  expedition.  These 
merchants  were  widely  travelled  men,  versed  in  the 
speech  of  many  lands ;  their  "  Society  "  reached  the 
zenith  of  its  prosperity  in  the  reign  of  James  I., 
but  the  Civil  War  of  his  son's  reign  checked  all 
enterprise  for  many  a  year.  When  the  war  first 
began  the  Roundheads  took  possession  of  the  town, 
but  it  was  easily  wrested  from  them  by  the  Cavaliers, 
with  whom  the  townsfolk  were  in  sympathy,  and  it 
was  then  looked  upon  as  one  of  the  chief  Cavalier 
strongholds  in  the  kingdom. 

Charles  I.  took  up  his  abode  for  some  time  at 
Bedford  House  together  with  his  queen,  and  it  was 
there  that  on  the  16th  June,  1644,  Princess  Henrietta 


Anne  was  born  ;  on  the  3rd  July  she  was  baptized 
in  the  cathedral  at  the  font  which  stands  in  the  bay 
at  the  south  side  of  the  nave,  and  was  used  for  the 
purpose  for  the  first  time.  The  princess's  portrait 
by  Sir  Peter  Lely  hangs  in  the  Guildhall,  having 
been  presented  to  the  city  by  Charles  II.  at  his 
Restoration  in  recognition  of  its  kindness  to  his 
sister.  The  days  of  the  Commonwealth  were  sad 
ones  for  Exeter  Cathedral ;  the  Roundheads,  in  the 
course  of  their  usual  work  of  destruction,  "  brake 
down  the  organs  and  taking  two  or  three  hundred 
pipes  with  them,  in  a  most  scornefull,  contemptuous 
manner,  went  up  and  downe  the  streets  piping  with 
them ;  and  meeting  with  some  of  the  choristers  of 
the  church,  whose  surplices  they  had  stolne  before 
and  imployed  them  to  base  servile  offices,  scoffingly 
told  them,  '  Boyes,  we  have  spoyled  your  trade, 
you  must  goe  and  synge,  "  hot  pudding  pyes."  '  " 
The  present  organ  was  put  up  at  the  Restoration, 
when  every  church  was  busy  repairing  the  damage 
wrought,  but  it  has  since  been  rebuilt.  No  city  in 
the  west  welcomed  Charles  II.  more  eagerly  than 
Exeter,  but  its  loyalty  met  with  scant  reward, 
and  as  time  went  on  its  feeling  changed,  so  that 
when  William  of  Orange  came  into  Exeter  four 
days  after  his  landing  at  Brixham,  he  was  heartily 
welcomed  by  a  cheering  multitude,  in  spite  of  the 
torrents  of  rain  that  poured  down  upon  them ; 
the  Bishop  and  the  Dean  alone  refused  to  acknow- 
ledge the  usurper,  and  left  the  town.  The  Prince 
thereupon  took  up  his  residence  in  the  deanery. 
An  immense  crowd  gathered  in  the  cathedral  to 
listen  to  the  Te  Deum  sung  in  celebration  of  his 

EXETER  303 

arrival  in  England,  while  he  took  his  seat  upon  the 
bishop's  throne.  Then  the  Declaration  was  read, 
which  set  forth  the  reasons  for  his  invasion ;  at 
the  first  words  all  the  clergy  left  the  building, 
but  the  crowd  which  remained  endorsed  it  with  a 
loud  "  Amen."  William  stayed  some  time  in 
Exeter  and  received  recruits  from  all  parts  of  the 
country,  and  when  he  left  the  town  his  success  was 
practically  assured.  This  was  the  last  great  his- 
torical event  which  took  place  in  Exeter. 

Though  much  that  was  old  in  the  town  has,  of 
course,  been  swept  away,  there  still  remain  some 
fine  old  timbered  houses  with  elaborately  carved 
gables,  among  them  the  Guildhall,  dating  from  1466, 
the  front  alone  being  late  Elizabethan  ;  it  has  a  fine 
projecting  porch.  Many  parts  of  the  town  walls 
still  remain,  but  all  the  gates  have  gone. 

To  mention  three  out  of  Exeter's  many  famous 
sons  :  Archbishop  Langton,  framer  of  the  Magna 
Charta ;  Sir  Thomas  Bodley,  born  here  in  1544 ; 
and  Matthew  Baring,  who  in  1717  came  to  Exeter 
to  learn  the  serge  manufacture,  and  marrying  the 
daughter  of  a  rich  grocer,  was  enabled  to  set  up  a 
factory,  which  was  the  beginning  of  the  great 
mercantile  fortunes  of  his  family. 


When  any  one  wishes  to  express  the  superfluity 
of  a  gift,  he  says,  "  Why,  it's  like  carrying  coals  to 
Newcastle,"  and  indeed  Newcastle  is  so  much  iden- 
tified nowadays  with  coal  that  its  name  calls  up  a 
vision  of  mines  and  collieries  and  the  town's  romantic 
past  is  in  danger  of  being  forgotten.  Modern  New- 
castle with  its  tall  grimy  houses,  pall  of  smoke  and 
rough  mining  population,  does  not  date  back  more 
than  a  century  and  a  half,  having  come  into  being 
with  the  development  of  the  coal  fields  in  the  south- 
east corner  of  Northumberland  ;  but  old  Newcastle, 
a  fortress  on  the  Border,  that  historic  fighting 
ground  of  Englishman  and  Scot,  has  a  history  that 
goes  back  to  the  days  of  the  ancient  Britons. 

In  prehistoric  times,  possibly  three  or  four  cen- 
turies B.C.,  a  series  of  ditches  and  mounds,  of  which 
a  considerable  number  is  still  intact  and  known  as 
the  Four  Dykes,  stretched  from  the  Tyne  to  the 
Solway,  and  formed  the  boundary  line  between 
Britain  and  Caledonia.  When  the  Romans  came 
they  strengthened  this  boundary  by  building  to 
the  north  of  it  a  stone  wall,  eight  feet  wide  and  six- 
teen feet  high,  with  forts  at  every  mile,  and  extending 
between  what  are  now  Wallsend  and  Bowness.  One 
of  these  forts,  called  the  Pons  Aelius,  from  the  bridge 
across  the  Tyne  which  it  commanded,  was  the  first 












beginning  of  the  ancient  town  of  Newcastle.  A 
stone  slab,  broken  in  half,  which  was  found  in  the 
old  church  at  J  arrow,  records  that  "  troops  sta- 
tioned in  the  province  of  Britain  in  forts  between 
the  two  shores  of  ocean,  were  commended  by  Hadrian 
for  having  under  circumstances  that  tried  the  faith 
and  loyalty  of  all,  preserved  intact  the  boundaries 
of  the  Republic,  being  only  restrained  by  dire 
necessity  from  subduing  the  furthermost  limits  of 
the  known  world."  In  early  days,  therefore,  New- 
castle stood  on  the  Border  line,  in  the  thick  of  the 
never-ending  frays  between  English  and  Scots,  but  up 
to  the  time  of  the  Conquest  it  was  merely  a  fort,  and 
sometimes  a  neglected  one,  for  neither  Britons, 
Saxons  nor  Danes,  as  in  turn  they  occupied  the 
country,  were  capable  of  the  systematic  defence 
practised  by  the  Romans,  although  gradually  they 
pushed  the  boundary  line  a  little  to  the  north. 

A  sturdy,  independent  race  the  men  of  bleak 
Northumberland  were  in  those  days,  impatient  of 
control,  lovers  of  a  fair  fight,  haters  of  shams  and 
double-dealing,  swift  to  avenge  a  wrong  fancied  or 
real,  and  loyal,  chivalrous,  even  romantic  to  the  core, 
characteristics  which  time  has  hardly  obliterated. 
They  were  among  the  first  to  obey  the  call  of  Christi- 
anity, and  the  abbey  church  on  the  Isle  of  Lindis- 
farne,  that  retreat  of  St.  Aidan  and  St.  Cuthbert, 
was  for  many  years  the  most  venerated  shrine  in 
Britain,  the  mother-church  of  more  than  half  Eng- 
land and  Germany.  They  were  always  the  last  to 
submit  to  any  usurper,  and  William  the  Conqueror, 
in  his  efforts  to  subdue  them,  laid  waste  the  country 
from  the  Humber  to  the  Tweed,  turning  it  into  a 


desert  in  which  for  nine  years  no  attempt  at  cultiva- 
tion was  made. 

It  was  William's  son,  Robert,  who  made  a  later 
campaign  famous  by  building  the  New  Castle  upon 
the  site  of  the  old  Pons  Aelius,  his  practised  eye 
having  at  once  perceived  the  advantages  of  its  posi- 
tion. Round  the  castle  a  town  quickly  grew  up,  which 
soon  came  to  be  regarded  as  one  of  the  chief  Border 
strongholds,  and  consequently  of  particular  value 
to  the  English  kings.  William  Rufus  enclosed  it 
with  walls,  strengthened  the  castle,  and  provided 
a  permanent  garrison  in  the  shape  of  twelve  Barons 
with  their  retainers,  whose  services  he  rewarded  with 
the  grant  of  certain  lands.  The  old  church,  dedi- 
cated to  St.  Nicholas,  patron  saint  of  those  "  who  go 
down  to  the  sea  in  ships,  and  occupy  their  business 
in  great  waters/'  was  built  in  his  reign,  and  became 
the  chief  sanctuary  for  Border  fugitives  ;  it  was 
entirely  rebuilt  in  the  fourteenth  century,  and  the 
only  remnant  of  the  ancient  fabric  that  has  come 
to  light  is  a  shaft  and  capital. 

Henry  II.  built  the  square  keep  to  the  castle  as  a 
further  measure  for  defence,  but  he  managed  through- 
out his  reign  to  maintain  friendly  relations  with  the 
Scots,  and,  in  consequence,  Northumberland  pros- 
pered until  "  right  down  to  the  Pyrenees  there  was 
no  country  so  well  provided  with  the  necessaries  of 
life,  nor  inhabited  by  a  race  more  universally  res- 
pected." In  the  early  part  of  Stephen's  reign, 
David  of  Scotland,  following  the  invariable  custom 
of  the  Scotch  kings  when  trouble  in  England  or  war 
abroad  drew  off  the  troops,  advanced  over  the 
Border,  and  forced  the  harassed  King  to  create  his 


son  Earl  of  Northumberland.  Stephen  tried  hard 
to  retain  Newcastle,  but  David  promptly  took 
possession  of  the  town.  He  made  no  attempt,  how- 
ever, to  curb  the  independent  spirit  of  the  burghers, 
but  admiring  their  method  of  government,  caused 
it  to  be  adopted  in  the  various  burghs  he  founded 
north  of  the  Tweed,  and  thus  Newcastle  came  to  be 
regarded  as  the  civic  authority  for  Scotland.  With 
the  death  of  the  Scotch  prince  Northumberland  again 
lapsed  to  England. 

Richard  Cceur-de-Lion,  when  in  urgent  need  of 
money  for  the  Crusades,  tried  to  sell  Northumber- 
land, but  the  negotiations  fell  through  because  he 
would  not  part  with  Newcastle.  Henry  III.  built 
the  Black  Gate  as  main  entrance  to  the  castle,  and 
the  ruin  in  Heaton  Park  is  a  remnant  of  one  of 
the  great  battlemented  houses  he  encouraged  his 
northern  nobles  to  build  for  the  protection  of  the 

During  the  reigns  of  the  first  three  Edwards  there 
was  a  continuous  series  of  Scotch  wars ;  for  years 
Northumberland  lay  waste,  no  one  daring  to  live 
outside  the  walls  of  town  or  castle,  and  when 
Richard  II.  came  to  the  throne  the  famous  feud 
between  Percies  and  Douglases,  celebrated  by  Border 
minstrels  in  the  ballads  of  "  Chevy  Chace  "  and  the 
"  Battle  of  Otterburn,"  was  at  its  height.  One 
encounter  took  place  before  the  gates  of  Newcastle, 
young  Henry  Percy,  surnamed  Hotspur,  the  Earl 
of  Northumberland's  impetuous  heir,  meeting  the 
Earl  of  Douglas  in  single  combat,  amidst  the  Scots 
who  were  besieging  the  town.  Douglas  was  the 
victor,   and   as  he  triumphantly  bore   away   the 


gauntlets,  embroidered  in  pearls  with  the  arms  of  the 
Percies,  which  Hotspur  had  carried  as  a  pennon  at 
his  lance  point,  he  shouted  :  "  This  much  of  your 
finery,  Henry,  I  will  carry  back  with  me  to  Scotland, 
and  set  on  the  highest  point  of  my  castle  at  Dal- 
keith, that  it  may  be  seen  the  farther."  "  Par  Dieu, 
Earl  of  Douglas,"  the  undaunted  Hotspur  replied, 
"  Never  shall  you  carry  it  out  of  Northumberland, 
be  sure  of  that."  True  words,  for  before  the  Scots 
had  crossed  the  Border  the  English  were  upon  them, 
and  in  the  bloody  battle  of  Otterburn  which  followed 
the  Douglas  lost  his  life./ 

In  the  Wars  of  the  Roses  the  men  of  Northumber- 
land were  faithful  to  the  unfortunate  Henry  VI.  to  the 
very  end,  affording  him  and  his  Queen  and  the  little 
Prince  their  last  refuge  on  English  soil. 

When  all  the  country  had  turned  Protestant  the 
Northumbrians  still  clung  to  their  old  faith,  and 
despite  the  persecution  their  steadfastness  brought 
upon  them,  flaunted  it  openly  in  the  sight  of  men. 
At  the  death  of  one  well-known  Roman  Catholic,  who 
had  built  a  house  dedicated  to  Saint  Anthony  on 
the  banks  of  the  river  and  called  every  room  in  it 
after  some  saint,  her  remains  were  brought  on  a 
barge  into  Newcastle  at  night,  the  streets  illumin- 
ated so  brightly  that  "  it  was  as  light  as  if  it  had 
been  noon,"  and  magistrates  and  aldermen  assembled 
on  the  landing-stage  to  meet  the  coffin  and  convey 
it  in  solemn  procession  to  the  church.  Even  when 
Elizabeth  had  reigned  several  years,  there  were,  it 
is  said,  not  three  Protestant  gentlemen  to  be  found 
in  the  whole  of  the  East  Marches,  and  the  Nor- 
thumbrians' love  for  their  ancient  belief,  coupled 


with  the  chivalry  aroused  in  their  breasts  by  the 
beauty  and  sorrows  of  Mary  Queen  of  Scots,  impelled 
them  to  make  an  attempt  to  free  her  from  Bolton 
Castle  and  place  her  on  the  English  throne ;  but 
the  rising  ended  in  disaster,  disgrace  and  death  were 
the  portion  of  the  Earl  of  Northumberland,  and  Mary 
was  removed  to  a  safer  prison  in  the  South.  This 
was  the  beginning  of  the  whole-souled  devotion  to 
the  Stuarts  which  characterised  the  Northumbrians, 
many  of  whom  willingly  sacrificed  everything  in 
their  cause,  and  reverenced  their  memory  long  after 
the  rest  of  the  country  had  practically  forgotten 
them.  Chief  and  most  unfortunate  among  these 
staunch  adherents  were  the  Radcliffes,  Earls  of 
Derwentwater,  who  remained  faithful  to  the  end, 
losing  their  lives  and  the  whole  of  their  estates,  the 
last  young  earl  dying  a  hero's  death  on  Tower  Hill. 
Mary's  son,  when  he  entered  Newcastle  as  the  first 
King  of  Great  Britain,  was  received  with  such 
enthusiastic  joy  that  he  is  said  to  have  remarked  : — 
"  By  ma  saul,  they  are  enough  to  spoil  a  gude  king." 
Charles  I.,  when  discontent  was  stirring  in  the 
country,  and  he  was  obliged  to  proceed  against  the 
rebellious  Scots  with  an  army,  was  "  magnificently 
entertained  at  Newcastle,  and  the  town  seemed 
unanimous  for  him,"  in  spite  of  the  fact  that  Parlia- 
ment had  forbidden  any  to  trade  with  it,  an  injunc- 
tion which  had  speedily  to  be  revoked,  as  lack  of 
coal  caused  distress  all  over  the  country.  Twice  in 
the  following  year  Newcastle  was  besieged  by  the 
Roundheads.  On  the  first  occasion,  when  the  mayor, 
Sir  John  Marley,  and  his  councillors  were  called 
upon  to  surrender  the  town,  they  made  answer  that 


they  would  not  "  betray  the  trust  reposed  in  them, 
or  forfeit  their  allegiance  to  his  Majesty  for  whose 
honour  and  preservation,  together  with  the  Religion 
and  Lawes  of  the  Kingdome,  they  intended  to  hazard 
their  Lives  and  Fortunes."  On  the  second  occasion 
Sir  John  Marley,  with  a  garrison  of  1600  men,  half  of 
whom  were  volunteers,  having  strengthened  the 
fortifications  with  the  utmost  care  and  ingenuity, 
proceeded  to  conduct  the  defence  with  extraordinary 
spirit.  The  enemy  encamped  round  the  town  in 
such  fashion  that  no  provisions  could  be  received 
by  the  besieged  from  the  outside,  and  proceeded  to 
direct  their  batteries  upon  it.  The  upper  stage  of 
the  Carpenter's  Tower  was  first  to  go,  then  part  of 
the  wall  near  St.  Andrew's  Church  was  "  brashed 
down  "  and  a  breach  made  through  which  ten  men 
might  have  entered  abreast  had  it  not  at  once  been 
filled  up  with  timber  and  rubbish.  St.  Andrew's 
Church  suffered  considerably,  and  the  beautiful 
spire  of  St.  Nicholas  would  certainly  have  been 
demolished  if  the  burghers  had  not  discreetly  placed 
their  captives  in  the  lantern.  A  sharp  look-out 
was  kept  for  the  mines  which  the  enemy  persistently 
laid  beneath  the  walls,  and  all  one  night  the  church- 
bells  rang  to  celebrate  the  discovery  and  destruction 
of  three  large  ones.  The  siege  dragged  on  until 
Marley  sent  a  messenger  to  enquire  politely  if  the 
Scotch  general  were  dead,  as  he  had  not  been  seen 
for  some  days,  and  the  angry  Scots  determined  to 
storm  the  town.  Their  preparations  were  rather 
lengthy  and  were  watched  derisively  from  the  ram- 
parts by  the  besieged,  who  repeatedly  urged  them 
to  come  on.     All  being  at  length  in  readiness  the 


batteries  commenced  their  deadly  work  and  four 
great  breaches  were  made  in  the  walls,  but  so  furious 
was  the  fire  kept  up  by  Marley  and  his  garrison  that 
it  was  two  hours  before  the  Scots  managed  to  effect 
an  entry,  and  three  times  they  were  driven  forth 
again.    The  defenders  of  Pilgrim  Street  gate  did  not 
give  in  until  they  were  attacked  in  the  rear,  and  Sir 
John  Marley  with  a  small  but  resolute  following  re- 
treated to  the  castle,  which  they  held  for  yet  another 
three  days.    Then  the  sack  of  the  town  began  and 
lasted  for  a  never-to-be-forgotten  day  and  night. 
At  the  Restoration,  in  memory  of  this  gallant  resist- 
ance, Newcastle  adopted  as  her  motto  the  words, 
"  Fortiter    Defendendo    Triumphat "    (she    glories 
in  her  brave  defence),  afterwards  altered  to  "  Fortiter 
Defendit  Triumphans."    Two  years  after  the  siege 
Charles  I.  was  brought  a  prisoner  to  Newcastle  and 
lodged  at  Anderson  Place.    With  the  aid  of  friends 
he  managed  to  escape  in  disguise,  but  was  discovered 
and  brought  back,  and  his  one  recreation,  that  of 
playing  golf  on  the  Shieldfield,  was  stopped.    That 
he  had  many  sympathisers  in  the  town  is  evident 
from  the  fact  that  on  one  occasion  when  he  was 
attending  Divine  service  in  St.  Nicholas',  and  a  Scotch 
minister  pointedly  gave  out  the  fifty-second  Psalm  : 
"  Why  dost  thou,  tyrant,  boast  thyself,  Thy  wicked 
works  to  praise,"  the  congregation,  at  the  King's 
instigation  sang  instead  the  fifty-sixth  : — "  Have 
mercy,  Lord,  on  me,  I  pray,  For  men  would  me 
devour."    At  length  the  Scotch,  having  sold  him 
to  the  English  Parliament,  evacuated  the  town  and 
returned  home.    Long  after  the  Stuarts  had  for  the 
second  time  been  driven  from  the  kingdom  the  North 


remained  secretly  faithful  and  in  every  Jacobite 
rising  Newcastle  men  played  a  part.  As  late  as 
1750,  five  years  after  the  battle  of  Culloden  had 
extinguished  the  last  hopes  of  the  ill-fated  family, 
the  keelmen,  going  out  on  strike,  proclaimed  Charles 
Edward  king,  in  Elswick  fields ;  and  the  northern 
squires  for  years  and  years  had  a  rose  and  an  oak- 
leaf  engraved  on  their  Venetian  wineglasses  so 
that  they  might  drink  to  the  King  "  over  the  water  " 
and  "  under  the  rose."  With  the  failure  of  the  last 
Jacobite  conspiracy  Border  warfare  came  to  an  end. 
Northumberland  was  no  longer  a  fighting  ground 
and  Newcastle  became  a  quiet  country  town.  Then 
came  the  great  development  of  the  coal-mines,  and 
a  rush  into  the  town  on  the  part  of  the  rural  popula- 
tion, and  Newcastle  grew  and  grew  until  it  merged 
into  Gateshead  and  stretched  down  to  the  mouth 
of  the  Tyne,  a  dense  mass  of  houses.  They  rise  up, 
tier  above  tier,  on  the  hill  crowned  by  the  beautiful 
spire,  upborne  on  flying  buttresses,  of  what  is  now 
the  cathedral  church  of  St.  Nicholas ;  that  spire 
which  is  "  justly  the  pride  of  the  inhabitants,"  the 
only  ancient  landmark  left  untouched  by  the  hands 
of  the  ruthless  utilitarians  of  the  eighteenth  century. 
These  zealots,  in  the  first  rush  of  modern  progress, 
forgot  the  historic  past  and  set  about  re-modelling 
the  town  in  such  reckless  fashion  as  to  give  rise  to 
the  following  satire  : 

"Their  foolish  pride  there's  none  to  stop, 
Improvement's  all  the  go ; 
Unseemly's  everything  that's  old 
So  all  that's  old's  laid  low." 

They  carried  the  East  Coast  railway  right  through 


the  castle,  and  after  advertising  the  ancient  Norman 
keep  as  suitable  for  a  mill,  and  failing  to  dispose  of  it, 
conceived  the  ingenious  idea  of  utilising  it  as  a  signal 
box,  and  were  proceeding  to  carry  out  the  necessary 
alterations  when  the  Society  of  Antiquaries  fortu- 
nately stepped  in  and  took  it  off  their  hands.  The 
Society  also  rescued  the  Black  Gate,  and  after 
judicious  restoration,  placed  therein  the  splendid 
collection  of  Roman  altars  and  other  "  treasures  of 
the  wall,"  which  had  long  been  lost  to  sight  in  the 
dungeons  of  the  castle.  The  utilitarians  meantime 
were  busy,  pulling  down  the  great  town  wall  along 
the  quay,  destroying  the  monuments  in  St.  Nicholas, 
demolishing  All  Saints,  one  of  the  most  interesting 
of  the  old  churches,  depriving  the  Guildhall  of  its 
ancient  features,  and  removing  the  gates  of  the 
town.  But  amidst  the  work  of  devastation  an 
improved  Newcastle  has  gradually  grown  up,  with 
many  modern  buildings  and  thoroughfares  of  which 
it  may  well  be  proud.  To  cite  one  or  two :  Grey 
Street  is  one  of  the  "  finest  streets  in  the  kingdom," 
the  markets  are  of  unusually  excellent  design,  and  the 
portico  of  the  Central  Station  an  admirable  piece  of 


The  neighbourhood  of  St.  Albans  is  singularly 
rich  in  associations  of  ancient  history.  It  is  close 
upon  two  thousand  years  since  the  gleaming  cohorts 
of  Julius  Caesar,  penetrating  the  country,  van- 
quished the  brave  British  Prince  Cassivelaunus 
upon  the  south  slope  of  the  valley  of  the  Ver,  where 
they  subsequently  proceeded  to  build  the  town 
of  Verulam.  Before  long,  Watling  Street,  the 
Romans'  Great  North  Road,  connected  Verulam 
with  the  south,  and  along  it  came  long  trains  of 
merchants,  traders,  artificers  and  workers  of  all 
kinds,  eager  to  participate  in  the  prosperity  diffused 
by  the  conquerors,  and  Verulam  with  its  wide 
streets,  temples,  luxurious  villas,  public  buildings, 
and  theatre — the  only  one  of  which  remains  have  as 
yet  been  discovered  in  this  country — became  the 
splendid  southern  capital  of  England.  Here  Chris- 
tianity was  preached  for  the  first  time  in  Britain, 
persecution  following  hard  upon  it,  and  many  a 
Christian  being  hunted  to  death  in  the  days  of  the 
Emperor  Diocletian.  One  priest  sought  refuge  in 
the  house  of  Albanus,  a  young  patrician,  and  so 
powerfully  moved  him  that  when  the  Roman  guard 
came  to  seize  the  Christian,  Albanus  yielded  himself 
up  instead  and  suffered  the  first  martyrdom  in 
Britain  upon  the  hill  on  the  opposite  side  of  the 


ST.    ALBANS.     The  Market  Place. 

ST.   ALBANS  3*5 

stream.  A  wooden  chapel  marked  the  spot  for  a 
few  years,  and  then  all  traces  of  the  martyr's  grave 
disappeared.  The  Romans  left  the  country,  and 
Verulam  the  magnificent  sank  into  decay,  hastened 
by  fire,  which  left  it  nothing  but  a  desolate  mass  of 
ruins.  Three  centuries  elapsed  and  then  the  Saxon 
king  Offa,  tormented  by  the  memory  of  many  crimes, 
declared  that  in  expiation  he  would  search  for  the 
martyr's  bones  and  build  an  abbey  over  them. 
Accompanied  by  a  band  of  chiefs  he  set  forth  upon 
his  quest ;  at  the  summit  of  Holmhurst  Hill  a  flash 
of  lightning  struck  the  ground  at  their  feet,  and 
digging  eagerly  they  came  upon  the  sainted  relics. 
Offa  conveyed  the  joyful  news  to  the  Pope,  who 
canonized  Albanus,  and  gave  the  King  authority  to 
found  an  abbey  with  whose  privileges  none  could 
interfere  except  the  Holy  Father  himself.  A 
gathering  of  the  noblest  in  the  land  witnessed  the 
laying  of  the  first  stone  of  the  abbey,  which  was 
destined  to  become  the  most  magnificent,  except 
Westminster,  in  the  kingdom. 

Of  the  thirteen  abbots  who  ruled  over  it  from 
its  foundation  to  the  Conquest,  many  were  of  royal 
birth.  The  sixth,  Ulsinus,  encouraged  the  building 
of  a  town  round  the  walls,  bringing  in  folk  from  the 
country-side  to  live  in  it,  and  erecting  for  their 
benefit  three  parish  churches  at  the  three  principal 
entrances,  which  he  dedicated  to  St.  Michael,  first 
among  the  angels,  St.  Stephen,  the  first  martyr,  and 
St.  Peter,  the  first  of  the  Apostles.  He  is  also  said 
to  have  been  the  founder  of  the  Grammar  School, 
the  oldest  in  England,  which  by  the  end  of  the 
eleventh  century  was  a  large  and  flourishing  one, 


ruled  by  the  abbot.  Indeed,  the  abbot  was  lord  of 
the  town ;  it  was  mentioned  in  the  Domesday 
survey  as  a  part  of  his  possessions,  and  the  forty-six 
burgesses  were  termed  "  the  demesne  men  of  the 

By  this  time  the  property  of  the  abbey  had  grown 
to  such  an  extent  that  the  Conqueror,  fearing  its 
power,  distributed  some  of  its  lands  among  his  nobles, 
and  the  Saxon  abbot  protesting,  took  the  oppor- 
tunity to  depose  him,  appointing  in  his  stead  Paul 
de  Caen.  A  wise  and  fortunate  choice,  for  this 
Norman  abbot  was  strong  alike  in  intellect,  character 
and  piety.  His  first  care  was  to  restore  the  Bene- 
dictine  discipline  that  had  grown  lax  under  his 
weaker  predecessors,  and  his  next,  to  rebuild  Offa's 
church,  with  tiles  from  ruined  Verulam,  in  a  style 
that  earned  for  it  a  name  for  being  "  the  vastest 
and  sternest  structure  "  of  that  age ;  it  was  an 
edifice  of  rigid  simplicity,  massive  construction  and 
enormous  size,  so  solidly  built  that  even  now  Paul  de 
Caen's  transepts  and  central  tower  and  twelve 
bays  of  his  nave  may  still  be  seen.  Probably  he 
utilised  some  of  Offa's  work,  for  part  of  the  columns 
in  the  transepts  are  evidently  Saxon. 

The  first  change  in  the  austere  Norman  structure 
was  begun  in  1195  by  Abbot  John  de  Cella.  He 
was  a  man  of  intense  spirituality  and  asceticism, 
whose  one  great  aim  was  to  make  his  beloved  church 
the  most  beautiful  in  Christendom.  He  began 
with  the  west  front,  but  lack  of  money  prevented  the 
realization  of  his  lifelong  dreams,  and  all  he  com- 
pleted was  three  portals  which  must  have  been 
perfect    of    their    kind,    but    unfortunately    were 


The   "Fighting  Cocks. 

ST.   ALBANS  3*7 

obliterated  in  the  restorations  of  recent  years. 
Yet  his  dreams  were  not  wholly  futile,  for  his 
example  fired  his  successors  with  an  enthusiastic 
desire  to  make  their  abbey  more  and  more  mag- 
nificent. William  de  Trumpington  (1215-1235), 
achieved  most ;  he  rebuilt  the  first  nine  bays  at  the 
west  end  of  the  nave  in  the  beautiful  Early  English 
style,  but  each  of  those  who  followed  helped  on  the 
work,  extending  the  aisles  and  chapels,  enriching 
the  architecture,  adorning  the  church  with  lovely 
paintings,  raising  the  magnificent  reredos,  of  which 
the  central  feature — the  great  crucifix — was  cut 
from  a  single  block  of  stone  weighing  seventeen  tons, 
and  heightening  the  splendour  of  the  gorgeous 
ceremonial.  It  was  not  only  the  example  of  those 
who  had  preceded  them  which  inspired  these  later 
abbots,  for  during  the  fourteenth  century,  when 
there  was  the  most  wonderful  revival  of  art  and 
learning  that  the  world  has  ever  seen,  an  immense 
impetus  was  given  to  ecclesiastical  architecture,  and 
all  over  the  country  Early  English  churches  were 
growing  up,  whose  beauty  has  never  been  equalled. 
By  the  end  of  the  century  St.  Albans  possessed  an 
eastern  end  "  which  is  one  of  the  most  perfect  pieces 
of  complete  Gothic  in  the  country,"  and  a  Lady 
chapel,  which  is  a  dream  of  Decorated  work  and 
exquisite  window  tracery.  But  while  they  thus 
strove  to  render  their  church  magnificent,  the 
abbots,  preoccupied,  allowed  the  reins  of  monastic 
discipline  to  slacken,  and,  moreover,  alienated  the 
affections  of  the  townsfolk,  as  enormous  sums  of 
money  being  required  for  all  the  building  and 
beautifying  that  was  going  on,  and  the  funds  of  the 


abbey,  though  very  large,  not  sufficing,  they  cast 
about  for  some  new  method  to  supply  their  needs, 
and  squeezed  money  out  of  their  tenants  in  the 
town.    They  set  up  mills  for  fulling   cloth  and 
grinding  corn,  and  compelled  all  and  sundry  to  bring 
their  cloth  to  be  fulled  and  their  corn  to  be  ground, 
charging  them  high  prices.    The  townsfolk  grumbled 
and  at  length  rebelled,  and  set  up  mills  of  their  own  ; 
the  abbot  tried  force,  but  they  were  desperate  and 
carried    their    complaint    to    Westminster.     "  An 
appeal  from  the  decision  of  their  spiritual  lord  to  a 
secular  judge  appeared  to  the  monks  no  better  than 
sacrilege.    They  tolled  the  great  bell.     They  walked 
in    procession,    singing    their    penitential    psalms 
and  invoking  the  aid  of  the  blessed  Alban."     West- 
minster supported  them,  and  the  monks,  emboldened, 
went  further  still,  enclosing  woods  and  preserving 
fish   streams   hitherto    open   to    all.    The   people 
grumbled  more  than  ever,  but  waited  :  in  the  down- 
fall of  Edward  II.  they  saw  opportunity,  and  again 
appealed  to  Westminster.    This  time  the  decision 
was  in  their  favour  and,  "  mad  with  delight  the  boys 
dashed  off  with  their  nets  and  lines  to  the  ponds. 
The  men  rushed  to  the  woods,  tore  down  the  fences, 
and   marched   back   to   the   town   in   procession, 
carrying  branches  of  the  trees  as  a  symbol  of  their 
victory/'    It  was  short-lived.    They  had  only  had 
to  deal  with  an  old  abbot,  bowed  down  by  debts  and 
worn  with  care,  who  died  soon  after  his  humiliation 
at  their  hands.    The  next  abbot,  Richard  of  Walling- 
ford,  was  of  far  sterner  stuff,  son  of  a  blacksmith, 
who  by  sheer  force  of  character  had  risen  to  the 
position  he  occupied.    He  restored  discipline  among 





ST.   ALBANS  319 

the  monks,  and  watched  for  an  opportunity  to 
subdue  the  townsfolk  to  his  will.  Arrogant  in  their 
new  freedom,  it  was  not  long  before  the  wilder 
spirits  among  them  outraged  the  law,  and  then  the 
abbot,  backed  up  by  the  civil  authorities,  compelled 
the  restitution  of  all  the  privileges  they  had  wrested 
from  his  predecessor,  and  as  an  object  lesson  he 
seized  the  millstones  they  had  set  up  to  grind  their 
own  corn,  and  used  them  for  the  paving  of  the  abbey 
"  parlor."  During  the  next  few  reigns  the  sullen, 
enforced  submission  of  the  townsfolk  continued,  but 
all  the  time  the  gulf  between  abbey  and  town  was 
widening,  and  at  last,  in  the  reign  of  Richard  II., 
when  the  whole  country  seethed  with  revolt  and  the 
peasants'  wars  broke  out,  the  townsmen,  taking 
courage  from  the  example  of  Wat  Tyler  and  Jack 
Straw,  marched  in  a  body  to  the  abbey,  forced  their 
way  in,  compelled  the  abbot  to  sign  a  parchment 
restoring  all  their  privileges,  and  celebrated  the 
occasion  by  tearing  up  the  millstones  from  the 
**  parlor  "  floor,  and  breaking  them  up,  distributed 
the  fragments  around  the  town  as  memorials  of  their 
triumph.  But  again  it  was  short-lived.  Richard 
calmed  rebellion  by  agreeing  to  all  claims,  but  when 
the  insurgents  had  returned  to  their  homes  and  the 
danger  was  over,  he  determined  to  teach  them  a 
lesson.  In  every  part  where  risings  had  taken  place 
assizes  were  held  in  turn,  and  the  ringleaders  tried 
and  hanged.  Hearing  this  the  burgesses  of  St. 
Albans,  in  great  alarm,  came  to  the  abbot  and  begged 
him  to  intercede  for  them,  resigning  their  newly-won 
privileges,  replacing  the  broken  millstones  in  the 
"  parlor  "  floor,  and  even  offering  him  gold.    But 


all  in  vain.  The  King  came  in  person  to  St.  Albans, 
and  held  an  eight  days'  court  in  which  he  sentenced 
fifteen  of  the  leading  townsfolk  to  be  hanged  in  his 
presence.  When  he  had  left  the  town  their  sorrow- 
ing relatives  took  the  bodies  down  and  buried  them, 
but  word  of  this  reaching  the  King,  he  sent  an  order 
back  post  haste  that  the  bodies  were  to  be  dug  up 
and  replaced  upon  the  gallows.  Thus  ended  the 
town's  second  attempt  at  freedom. 

The  first  battle  in  the  Wars  of  the  Roses  took 
place  at  St.  Albans ;  both  sides  fought  bravely, 
but  the  Lancastrians  were  put  to  flight,  and  Henry 
VI.  had  to  take  refuge  in  a  baker's  shop,  where  he 
was  discovered  and  conveyed  a  prisoner  to  the 
Tower.  Later  on  a  second  battle  was  fought  at 
St.  Albans,  the  Yorkists  now  being  in  possession  of 
the  town  and  Henry  a  prisoner  in  their  hands. 
They  were  taken  unawares  by  a  large  Lancastrian 
force,  driven  back  upon  the  market-place,  and 
finally  as  night  came  on,  they  fled  precipitately. 
The  victorious  Lancastrians,  led  by  the  exulting 
Margaret,  took  the  King  from  his  guards,  and 
placing  him  at  their  head  proceeded  to  the  abbey, 
at  the  door  of  which  they  were  met  by  the  abbot 
and  his  monks,  chanting  hymns  of  thanksgiving 
for  the  King's  safe  restoration,  and  a  solemn  service 
was  held.  But  that  night  Margaret's  triumphing 
army  sacked  the  town,  in  spite  of  all  the  abbot's 
earnest  entreaties,  for  the  Queen  could  not  control 
the  rabble  of  forces  she  had  raised.  This  was  fatal 
to  the  cause ;  it  hardened  the  hearts  of  the  Lon- 
doners against  them,  and  soon  Margaret's  brief 
triumph  ended  in  despairing  exile. 

ST.   ALBANS  321 

Cardinal  Wolsey  was  the  thirty-eighth  abbot  of 
St.  Albans.  There  is  no  record  of  his  ever  having 
come  down  to  take  possession,  but  his  influence  was 
exerted  at  least  in  one  direction,  and  that  was  in 
the  stoppage  of  the  printing  press  which  had  been 
brought  to  the  town  by  Caxton,  who  issued  from  it 
the  first  historical  work  printed  in  this  country. 
Wolsey  declared  that  if  the  clergy  did  not 
suppress  the  art  it  would  be  the  ruin  of  the 

The  freedom  for  which  the  townsfolk  of  St. 
Albans  had  striven  so  long  was  at  length  secured 
them  by  Henry  VIII.'s  suppression  of  the  monas- 
teries, and  the  constitution  of  the  town  "  a  free 
borough  corporate  in  deed,  fact  and  name  for  ever." 
But  though  they  had  won  their  freedom,  they  had 
lost  the  abbey,  under  whose  protection  their  town 
had  come  into  being,  and  which  had  been  their  pride 
and  glory  for  eight  hundred  years,  second  only  to 
Westminster  in  dignity  and  magnificence,  whose 
monks  had  visited  them  in  sickness,  relieved  them 
in  poverty,  administered  to  them  the  rites  of  the 
Church  throughout  their  lives,  and  taught  them  in 
youth  ;  for  with  the  fall  of  the  abbey  the  Grammar 
School  ceased  to  be.  The  abbey  church,  too, 
would  have  been  swept  away  had  not  the  townsfolk 
begged  to  be  allowed  to  purchase  it  for  use  as  their 
parish  church,  and  on  payment  of  four  hundred 
pounds  it  was  handed  over  to  them.  Now  that  the 
gorgeous  ceremonial  of  Roman  Catholicism  was 
abolished  the  church  contained  a  great  deal  more 
space  than  was  needed  for  the  services,  therefore  the 
beautiful  eastern  chapels  were  turned  into  a  school- 


house,  and  a  passage-way  was  cut  through  the 
venerable  walls,  dividing  the  fine  old  church  into 
two  parts.  This  arrangement  was  continued  up 
to  comparatively  modern  times,  when  the  abbey 
church  was  transformed  into  a  cathedral,  and  the 
school  was  removed  to  the  great  gatehouse,  a 
picturesque  old  place,  sole  remnant  of  the  mag- 
nificent abbey  buildings  which  had  once  covered  the 
hill  on  the  south  side  of  the  church,  stretching 
down  to  the  river. 

One  of  the  best  known  patrons  of  the  original 
Grammar  School  was  Sir  Nicholas  Bacon,  father  of 
the  famous  Sir  Francis.  His  country  seat  was  at 
Gorhambury,  and  he  took  great  interest  in  the 
school,  used  his  considerable  influence  with  Elizabeth 
to  obtain  a  grant  for  it,  and  drew  up  a  set  of  rules 
for  its  governance.  When  Sir  Francis  succeeded 
to  the  estate  at  Gorhambury  he  spent  much  of  his 
time  there,  particularly  after  he  had  fallen  into 
disgrace.  His  will  contained  the  following  clause  : 
"  For  my  burial  I  desire  it  may  be  in  St.  Michael's 
Church,  St.  Albans ;  there  was  my  mother  buried, 
and  it  is  the  parish  church  of  my  mansion  house  of 
Gorhambury,  and  it  is  the  only  Christian  church 
within  the  walls  of  ancient  Verulam."  His  wishes 
were  carried  out.  The  monument  to  his  memory, 
which  was  erected  in  St.  Michael's,  is  a  most  ex- 
quisitely executed  white  marble  one,  representing 
the  philosopher  sitting  in  a  high-backed  chair, 
arrayed  in  his  Chancellor's  gown  and  apparently 
meditating.  After  a  eulogy  of  his  virtues  and 
attainments,  the  Latin  epitaph,  translated,  reads 
thus  :    M  Of  such  a  man  that  the  memory  might 

ST.   ALBANS  323 

remain,  Thomas  Meautys,  living  his  attendant, 
dead  his  admirer,  placed  this  monument." 

The  new  diocese  of  St.  Albans  was  created  in 
1877,  and  during  the  seventies  the  great  church, 
which  is  one  of  the  largest  and  most  interesting  in 
England,  was  restored  in  a  manner  which  caused 
considerable  controversy.  At  the  same  time  a 
wonderful  archaeological  triumph  was  achieved  in 
the  almost  complete  reconstruction  of  the  shrine  of 
St.  Alban  ;  two  collections  of  fragments  having  been 
discovered  by  accident,  it  was  pieced  together  with 
the  utmost  pains,  and  now  stands  behind  the  great 
reredos,  on  the  spot  it  had  occupied  for  many 
centuries  close  by  the  old  watching  gallery,  from 
which  the  shrine  which  then  contained  the  martyr's 
relics  had  been  watched  night  and  day  in  unbroken 
succession  by  the  monks  of  the  abbey.  South  of  the 
shrine  is  the  chantry,  which  was  erected  in  memory 
of  Humphrey,  the  good  Duke  of  Gloucester. 

Of  ancient  Verulam,  whose  tiles  form  so  large  a 
portion  of  the  fabric  of  the  cathedral,  nothing  can 
now  be  seen  except  two  remnants  of  a  Roman  wall 
in  a  field  near  the  river. 


From  the  broad  walk  that  runs  along  the  top  of 
the  famous  hill  known  as  the  Hoe,  standing  between 
Plymouth  and  the  sea,  a  view  is  obtained  which 
"  has  no  rival  in  England."     In  front,  three  miles 
away,  is  the  great  breakwater  which,  at  the  cost 
of  a  million  and  a  half,  was  built  across  the  mouth 
of  the  Sound  at  the  beginning  of  the  nineteenth 
century,  converting  it  into  one  of  the  finest  natural 
harbours  in  the  kingdom.    On  the  right  are  the 
green  slopes  of  Mount  Edgecumbe,  crowned  by  the 
Earl's   mansion,   the  wide  and  shining   Hamoaze 
into  which  the  Tamar  empties  its  waters,   and, 
beyond,  glimpses  of  the  Cornish  shore.    Beneath, 
in  the  centre  of  the  Sound,  Drake's  Island,  named 
after  Plymouth's  hero,  Sir  Francis,  bristles  with 
fortifications,  on  the  left  lie  outspread  the  broad 
Catwater  and  the  downs  of  Staddon,  while  fourteen 
miles  out  in  the  channel  rises  the  Eddystone  light- 

The  Hoe  is  of  very  ancient  fame  indeed ;  here, 
as  Spenser  tells  us  in  his  "  Faerie  Queene,"  the  giant 
Cormoran,  or  Corineus,  afterwards  done  to  death 
by  Jack  the  Giant-killer,  slew  the  giant  Gogmagog, 
or  Goemot : — 

"  The  Western  Hogh  besprinkled  with  the  gore 
Of  mighty  Goemot,  who  in  stout  fray 
Corineus  conquered  and  cruelly  did  slay." 



Gogmagog's  jawbones  with  the  teeth  still  in  them  are 
said  to  have  been  dug  up  when  the  foundations  of 
the  citadel  at  the  eastern  end  of  the  Hoe  were 
being  laid  in  the  time  of  Charles  II.,  and  in  Spenser's 
time  figures  of  the  two  giants  were  cut  out  of  the 
turf,  an  item  of  8d.  "  for  new  cutting  of  the  Gog- 
magoge  on  the  Howe,"  being  entered  in  the  town 

It  is  to  some  Augustinian  monks  in  the  far-off 
days  of  King  Edgar,  or  possibly  even  earlier,  that 
we  owe  the  beginnings  of  the  present  flourishing 
seaport.  They  lived  in  Plympton  Priory,  and  it 
was  on  some  land  of  theirs  in  Sutton  that  a  few 
fisher  folk  and  small  traders,  encouraged  by  their 
kindly  aid,  began  to  build  the  hamlet  which  by  the 
thirteenth  century  had  developed  into  the  town  of 
Plymouth  and  begun  to  play  a  part  in  the  history  of 

One  of  the  most  romantic  figures  connected  with 
the  town  in  early  days  is  that  boyhood's  hero,  the 
Black  Prince ;  from  Plymouth  he  set  sail  with  a 
fleet  of  three  hundred  ships  to  invade  France, 
and  here  he  landed  in  the  full  flush  of  his  victory, 
both  at  Crecy  and  Poictiers,  bringing  with  him  not 
only  the  flower  of  the  French  nobility,  but  King 
John  and  his  youngest  son,  hostages  for  the  observ- 
ance of  the  treaty  of  Bretigny.  He  treated  his  royal 
captives  with  all  the  chivalry  that  has  made  his 
name  famous.  At  the  banquet  given  by  the  town 
in  his  honour  he  "  stood  at  the  French  King's 
back  .  .  .  constantly  refused  to  take  a  place 
at  table,  and  declared  that,  being  a  subject,  he  was 
too  well  acquainted  with  the  distance  between  his 


own  rank  and  that  of  royal  majesty  to  assume  such 
freedom."  His  fourth  visit  to  the  town  fourteen 
years  later  was  a  sad  contrast ;  his  chivalrous  ex- 
pedition into  Spain  to  restore  the  ungrateful  Pedro 
to  his  throne  had  cost  him  his  health,  and  he  was 
returning  home  to  die,  saddened  by  news  from 
France  that  England  was  losing  all  he  had  fought 
for  there.  He  was  too  ill  to  continue  his  journey 
at  once,  and  lingered  at  the  priory  until  he  was 
able  to  bear  the  journey  to  London,  where  he  died 
soon  after,  leaving  behind  him  "  a  character  illus- 
trious for  every  eminent  virtue,  and  from  his  earliest 
youth  till  the  hour  he  expired,  unstained  by  any 

Plymouth  had  now  become  the  fourth  largest 
town  in  England,  and  as  the  French  had  twice 
descended  upon  and  sacked  it,  the  citizens,  urged 
by  the  Prior  of  Plympton,  decided  on  fortification 
and  built  "  a  strong  castle  quadrate,  having  at  each 
corner  a  great  round  tower  "ona  rocky  point  at  the 
east  end  of  the  Hoe,  commanding  the  Catwater 
and  Sutton  Pool.  Except  for  the  remains  of  a  tower 
in  the  outworks  of  the  citadel,  and  some  fragments 
of  a  gateway  in  Lambhay  Street,  Plymouth  Castle 
has  long  since  disappeared,  the  name  Barbican  alone 
preserving  its  memory.  But  it  was  in  the  days  of 
good  Queen  Bess  that  the  town  reached  the  height 
of  its  glory  and  produced  the  long  series  of  heroes 
the  fame  of  whose  exploits  made  the  name  of  England 
resound  in  every  quarter  of  the  globe.  "  In  the 
latter  part  of  the  sixteenth  century  Devonshire 
was  the  foremost  county  in  England  and  Plymouth 
its  foremost  town.    Elizabeth  called  the  men  of 


Devonshire  her  right  hand."  "  If  any  person  desired 
to  see  her  English  worthies,  Plymouth  was  the 
likeliest  place  to  seek  them.  All  were  in  some 
fashion  associated  with  the  old  town.  "  Per  mare, 
per  terram,"  was  the  motto  of  Elizabeth's  true-born 
Englishmen,  and  familiar  and  dear  to  them  was 
Plymouth  with  its  narrow  streets,  its  dwarfish 
quays,  its  broad  waters  and  its  glorious  Hoe." 
On  the  roll  of  Plymouth's  illustrious  men  the 
Hawkins  family  figures  largely  :  "  For  three  genera- 
tions in  succession  they  were  the  master  spirits 
of  Plymouth  in  its  most  illustrious  days  ;  its  leading 
merchants,  its  bravest  sailors,  serving  oft  and  well 
in  the  civic  chair  and  in  the  Commons  House  of 
Parliament.  For  three  generations  they  were  in 
the  van  of  English  seamanship,  founders  of  England's 
commerce  in  South,  West  and  East,  stout  in  fight, 
of  quenchless  spirit  in  adventure — a  family  of  mer- 
chant statesmen  and  heroes  to  whom  our  country 
affords  no  parallel."  In  1573  Sir  John  Hawkins 
was  chosen  by  the  Queen  "  as  the  fittest  person  in 
her  dominions  to  manage  her  naval  affairs,"  and 
for  twenty-one  years  he  served  her  faithfully  as 
Comptroller  of  the  Navy,  turning  out  her  ships  in 
such  taut  and  trim  condition  that  "  they  had  no 
match  in  the  world." 

Never  was  such  pleasant  bustle  as  at  Plymouth 
in  those  days.  The  very  air  seemed  full  of  the  spirit 
of  enterprise  and  adventure,  and  all  the  gossip  ran 
upon  the  strange  countries  overseas,  the  wonders 
to  be  beheld  there,  and  the  vast  riches  waiting  only 
to  be  gathered.  Now  it  was  Sir  Richard  Hawkins, 
nephew  of  stout  Sir  John,  off  to  the  South  Seas  with 


five  ships ;  and  now  Sir  Humphrey  Gilbert  bound 
for  the  New  World  with  the  "  first  European 
settlers  of  Northern  America  "  ;  or  Sir  Walter  Raleigh 
in  search  of  new  land  to  add  to  his  Queen's  posses- 
sions ;  or  Grenville,  Frobisher,  Cox  and  countless 
others ;  or,  prime  favourite  of  all,  Francis  Drake, 
starting  out  on  his  wonderful  voyage  round  the 
world.  When  he  returned  in  triumph  the  whole 
town  turned  out  to  welcome  him,  and  the  bells 
were  set  a-ringing  in  his  honour ;  with  one  voice 
the  pleased  burgesses  elected  him  mayor,  and  the 
Queen  commanded  him  to  bring  round  his  ship  to 
Greenwich  in  order  that  she  might  knight  him  on 

Then  one  day  came  news  of  a  great  Spanish 
fleet,  named  vaingloriously  the  "  Invincible 
Armada "  setting  sail  from  the  Tagus  to  avenge 
a  long  series  of  harassments  by  Hawkins  and 
Drake,  and  all  the  English  ships  that  could  be 
mustered  assembled  in  Plymouth  harbour,  eager 
for  the  fray.  There  they  waited  and  waited,  day 
after  day,  and  the  captains  and  officers  beguiled 
the  time  with  games  of  bowls  upon  the  Hoe.  They 
were  in  the  midst  of  one  of  these  when  word  was 
at  length  brought  by  a  Scottish  privateer  that  the 
Armada,  ranged  up  in  the  form  of  "  a  crescent,  of 
which  the  horns  were  seven  miles  asunder  "  had  ap- 
peared off  the  Lizard.  At  once  all  was  ardour  and 
bustle;  only  the  imperturbable  Drake  remained 
cool  and  wanted  "  to  finish  the  game  and  beat  the 
Spaniards  afterwards,"  but  for  once  he  was  over- 
ruled, and  all  embarked.  The  history  of  that  day 
is  well  known ;   how,  with  the  aid  of  fireships  and 


tempest  and  their  own  skilful  manoeuvring  and  brave 
right  hands,  the  English  soon  sent  the  Spaniards 
flying,  and  it  was  a  very  battered  Armada,  shorn  of 
ninety-nine  ships  and  many  thousands  of  men,  that 
returned  sadly  to  Corrunna.  And  this  is  not  all  that 
Drake  did  for  Plymouth ;  he  it  was  who  set  on  foot 
the  great  work  for  which  the  town  could  never  be  too 
grateful,  the  bringing  of  an  efficient  water  supply,  by 
means  of  an  artificial  channel,  though  the  poorer  folk 
believed  he  did  it  by  magic,  from  Dartmoor  right  into 
the  town.  On  the  back  of  his  portrait  in  the  Guildhall 
the  burgesses  recorded  their  gratitude  as  follows^ : — 

**  Great  Drake,  whose  shippe  about  the  world's  wide  waste 

In  three  years  did  a  golden  girdle  cast ; 

Who  with  fresh  streams  refresht  this  towne  that  first 

Though  kist  with  waters,  yet  did  pine  with  thirst  * 

Who  both  a  Pilot  and  a  Magistrate 

Steered  in  his  turne  the  Shippe  of  Plymouthe's  state." 

In  1592  Drake  was  elected  M.P.  for  Plymouth ; 
no  wonder  the  town  was  proud  of  him.  A  splendid 
bronze  statue  of  the  hero,  by  Sir  Edgar  Boehm, 
stands  on  the  Hoe,  and  also  a  tercentenary  monument 
in  memory  of  the  Armada.  Drake's  Island  too 
commemorates  the  great  man. 

Now  we  come  to  the  Pilgrim  Fathers  ;  they  were 
a  company  of  Independents  who  had  sought  refuge 
for  a  time  in  Holland  from  religious  persecution,  and 
in  1620,  having  heard  much  talk  of  Raleigh's  dis- 
covery, Virginia,  had  resolved  to  begin  a  new  life 
there.  Returning  to  England  they  embarked  at 
Southampton  in  two  vessels,  the  "  Mayflower " 
and  the  smaller  "  Speedwell "  ;  countless  were  the 
delays  and  difficulties,  chiefly  caused  by  the  poverty 
of  their  resources,  before  they  were  really  off,  but 


at  length,  in  the  words  of  Nicholas  Bradford,  after- 
wards their  first  governor  in  the  New  World,  "  with 
good  hopes  they  put  to  sea,  conceiving  they  should 
go  comfortably  on,  but  it  fell  out  otherwise,  for  after 
they  were  gone  to  sea  again,  about  ioo  leagues 
without  the  Land's  End,  holding  company  together 
all  this  while,  the  captain  of  the  small  ship  com- 
plained his  ship  was  so  leaky  that  he  must  bear  up 
or  sink  at  sea,  for  they  could  scarce  free  her  with 
much  pumping.  So  they  came  to  consultation 
again  and  resolved  both  ships  should  bear  back 
again  and  put  into  Plymouth,  which  accordingly 
was  done."  They  landed  at  the  Barbican  and  were 
so  "  kindly  entertained  and  courteously  used  by 
divers  friends  there  dwelling/'  that  afterwards 
in  grateful  remembrance  when  they  landed  in 
Massachusetts  they  gave  the  name  of  New  Plymouth 
to  their  settlement.  While  they  were  in  Plymouth 
'*  no  special  leak  could  be  found,  but  it  was  judged 
to  be  the  general  weakness  of  the  ship  and  that 
she  would  not  prove  sufficient  for  the  voyage. 
Upon  which  it  was  resolved  to  dismiss  her  and  part 
of  the  companie,  and  proceed  with  the  other  ship. 
The  which,  though  it  was  grievous  and  caused  great 
discouragement,  was  put  in  execution.  So  after 
they  had  taken  out  such  provisions  as  the  other 
ship  could  bestow,  and  concluded  both  what  number 
and  what  persons  to  send  back  they  made  another 
sad  parting,  the  one  ship  going  back  to  London 
and  the  other  proceeded  on  her  voyage." 

Three  times  Plymouth,  which  was  a  Puritan  strong- 
hold, was  besieged  by  the  troops  of  Charles  L,  and 
three  times  it  successfully  withstood  them ;   on  the 


first  occasion  the  Puritans  might  well  think  that 
the  Lord  was  on  their  side,  for  when  they  were  on 
the  verge  of  starvation  a  shoal  of  pilchards  suddenly 
appeared  in  the  harbour  and  Sutton  Pool  in  such 
quantities  that  the  besieged  were  able  to  dip 
buckets  into  the  water  and  draw  them  out. 

Admiral  Blake,  another  of  our  great  naval  heroes, 
died  as  he  was. entering  Plymouth  Sound  on  his 
return  from  a  successful  expedition  against  the 
Spaniards  at  Teneriffe,  and  though  his  body  was 
interred  in  Westminster  Abbey,  his  heart,  at  the 
earnest  wish  of  the  people  of  Plymouth,  was  buried 
in  St.  Andrew's  Church  "  by  the  door  of  the  Mayor's 
pew."  Blake  was  one  of  the  staunchest,  bravest 
and  best  of  England's  many  naval  heroes ;  he 
had  his  work  to  do  and  he  did  it,  regardless  of  any 
man's  opinion.  "  It  is  not  for  us  to  mind  State 
matters,"  he  said,  "  but  to  keep  foreigners  from 
fooling  us."  His  despatches  were  a  marvel  of 
brevity ;  the  following  being  a  typical  example : 
"  Please  your  honours  and  glory,  yesterday  met 
with  the  French  fleet,  beat,  killed,  took,  sunk 
and  burned  as  per  margin."  It  is  to  him  we  owe  the 
long  pennon  that  floats  from  the  mainmast  of  our 
men-of-war.  Van  Tromp  adopted  a  broom  as  a 
token  that  he  would  sweep  the  sea,  Blake  retorted 
by  hoisting  a  horsewhip,  which  we  have  borne  ever 

One  event  in  Plymouth  at  the  beginning  of  the 
nineteenth  century  excited  the  most  extraordinary 
interest,  and  that  was  Napoleon's  arrival  as  a 
prisoner  on  the  "  Bellerophon  "  on  his  way  to  St. 
Helena.     "  The  Sound  was  covered  by  one  entire 


mass  of  boats  filled  with  people.  Every  boat  that 
could  swim  was  there,  from  the  splendid  barge  to 
the  little  cockleshell,  and  so  closely  were  they 
wedged  together  that  no  sea  could  be  seen."  This 
historic  event  was  the  occasion  of  a  young  native 
of  Plymouth  springing  into  fame.  Charles  East- 
lake,  later  to  be  President  of  the  Royal  Academy, 
took  the  sketch  from  which  he  afterwards  painted 
his  great  picture  "  Napoleon  standing  on  the  gang- 
way of  H.M.S.  '  Bellerophon.'  "  Napoleon,  who 
heard  what  the  young  artist  had  done,  courteously 
sent  him  the  clothes  he  had  been  wearing  to  enable 
him  to  complete  his  picture.  Another  great  artist 
connected  with  Plymouth  is  Sir  Joshua  Reynolds, 
who  was  born  at  Plympton  in  a  house  which  is  still 
standing,  as  is  also  the  old  Grammar  School  where 
he  received  his  first  lessons.  In  the  Plymouth 
Library  are  three  portraits  he  painted,  one  of 
himself  and  the  other  two  of  his  father  and  youngest 
sister.  James  Northcote,  Samuel  Prout,  Hay  don 
and  Cook  were  also  natives  of  Plymouth. 

Old  Plymouth  is  almost  a  thing  of  the  past,  and 
has  to  be  searched  for  in  odd  corners  ;  the  present 
town  is  supremely  modern  with  many  Government 
buildings,  and  all  the  hustle  and  bustle  of  modern 
days,  for  Plymouth  is  the  place  of  call  for  all  the 
great  lines  of  steamships  sailing  from  London  or 
Southampton  for  the  east  or  south,  and  vice  versa. 
Next  to  it,  so  close  as  to  appear  from  the  water  all 
one  town,  have,  almost  within  the  last  century, 
grown  up  Stonehouse,  with  its  Naval  Hospital, 
Marine  Barracks  and  Naval  Victualling  Yard,  the 
largest  in  the  kingdom,  and  Devonport  with  its 


dockyard,  seventy  acres  in  extent  and  employing 
3,000  men,  which  turns  out  every  single  requisite 
for  the  building  of  the  largest  battleship.  They 
are  known  as  the  Three  Towns,  and  each  has  its 
separate  governing  body ;  a  line  of  fortifications, 
consisting  of  sixteen  forts,  protect  them,  stretching 
from  Staddon  Heights  on  the  east  to  Tregantle  on  the 
west,  besides  which  there  is  a  great  iron  fort  just 
within  the  Breakwater,  to  say  nothing  of  Drake's 
Island,  which  is  practically  covered  by  batteries, 
and  would  form  a  very  strong  protection  against 
any  attack  from  abroad. 

On  the  Hoe  may  be  seen  a  relic  of  great  interest, 
the  tower  of  Smeaton's  lighthouse,  the  third  erected 
upon  the  dangerous  rocks  upon  which  the  fourth 
Eddystone  now  stands.  The  story  is  a  strange  one. 
The  rocks,  which  are  covered  at  high  water,  had 
been  the  cause  of  so  many  wrecks  and  loss  of  life 
that  Mr.  Winstanley,  a  wealthy  gentleman  with  a 
hobby  for  mechanics,  designed  and  erected  a  light- 
house which  he  frequently  boasted  would  stand  the 
strongest  gale  that  ever  blew,  adding  he  only 
wished  he  might  have  the  opportunity  of  being  in 
at  the  time.  His  wish  was  granted  with  tragic 
results  ;  one  day,  while  he  was  in  it  superintending 
some  repairs,  a  storm  came  on  of  such  extraordinary 
violence  that  in  London  alone  800  houses  were 
destroyed,  315  ships  were  wrecked,  and  in  Kent 
50,000  trees  blown  down.  When  it  was  over  no 
trace  remained  of  Winstanley,  the  men  who  had 
been  with  him,  or  the  lighthouse.  Three  years  later 
a  London  silk  merchant  named  Rudyerd  made 
another  attempt ;   his  structure  also  was  made  of 


wood,  but  circular  instead  of  polygonal,  like  Win- 
Stanley's.  For  fifty  years  it  successfully  weathered 
every  storm,  and  then  in  1755  it  caught  fire  ;  the 
three  keepers  tried  in  vain  to  extinguish  the  flames, 
but  the  lead  with  which  it  was  roofed  spouted  off  in 
molten  streams,  and  they  had  to  take  refuge  in  a 
hole  in  the  rock,  but  not  before  one  of  them  in  look- 
ing up  had  received  a  quantity  down  his  throat ; 
he  died  twelve  days  afterwards.  One  of  his  com- 
panions, when  rescuers  appeared  to  take  them  off 
the  rock,  went  raving  mad,  and  breaking  away 
flung  himself  into  the  sea.  Twelve  months  later 
Mr.  Smeaton  began  to  build  a  third  lighthouse, 
made  of  stone.  We  were  at  war  with  France  at  the 
time,  and  a  privateer  carried  off  the  workmen 
engaged  upon  it  to  a  French  prison.  When  news 
of  their  capture  reached  Louis  XV.  he  was  exceed- 
ingly angry  :  "  I  am  at  war  with  England,  but  not 
with  all  mankind,"  he  said,  and  releasing  the 
workmen  with  a  handsome  present  he  placed  their 
captors  in  prison  instead.  This  lighthouse  might 
have  lasted  to  the  present  day  but  for  the  under- 
mining by  the  waves  of  the  rock  on  which  it  stood ; 
so  123  years  after  its  first  erection  it  was  removed 
to  the  Hoe,  and  the  present  structure  put  up  in  its 
stead  at  a  cost  of  £80,000. 

Plymouth  still  ranks  as  one  of  the  most  important 
towns  in  England,  and  it  may  have  an  even  greater 
future  before  it,  if  the  men  of  Devon,  with  the 
enterprise  which  distinguished  them  in  the  reign  of 
good  Queen  Bess,  profit  by  the  natural  advantages 
of  the  town,  and  erect  docks  which  might  easily 
rival  those  of  Southampton  or  even  Liverpool. 


"  Nothing,"  says  one  chronicler,  "  can  well  be 
imagined  more  happily  chosen  than  the  situation  of 
Warwick " ;  "in  which,"  adds  another,  "  this 
town  may  justly  glory  beyond  any  other."  It 
stands  on  a  gentle  hill  in  the  beautiful  valley  of  the 
Avon,  its  four  main  streets  climbing  up  to  the  fine 
old  church  of  St.  Mary's,  which  towers  above  the 
surrounding  houses.  Lower  down,  yet  rising  high 
above  the  river,  stands  the  splendid  castle,  "  one  of 
the  greatest  and  by  far  the  most  famous  in  the 
Midlands,  famous  not  only  for  its  early  strength  and 
later  magnificence,  but  for  the  long  line  of  powerful 
earls,  culminating  in  the  Kingmaker,  who  possessed 
it  and  bore  its  name."  It  is  one  of  the  very  few 
Norman  castles  now  used  as  a  residence,  and  the 
earl  holds  it,  just  as  he  did  in  Saxon  days  when  it 
consisted  of  a  mere  timber  keep,  erected  by  Ethel- 
fleda  the  warlike  daughter  of  Alfred  the  Great,  and 
surrounded  by  a  deep  fosse  or  ditch. 

Warwick  is  one  of  the  oldest  towns  in  England ; 
its  early  history  is  partly  legendary,  but  Rous,  a 
chantry  priest  at  the  chapel  at  Guy's  Cliff  in  the 
fifteenth  century,  the  most  learned  of  its  first  his- 
torians, declares  it  was  founded  by  an  early  British 
king,  used  as  a  military  station  by  the  Romans, 
created  a  bishop's  see  by  St.  Dubritius,  and  regarded 



as  of  such  importance  that  it  was  six  times  destroyed 
by  invading  enemies  and  as  often  rebuilt  by  the 
surviving  inhabitants  before  the  Conquest.  The 
device  of  a  bear  and  ragged  staff,  which  has  been 
borne  by  the  Earls  of  Warwick  for  many  centuries, 
and  meets  the  eye  continually  in  church  and  town,  is 
said  to  have  had  its  origin  in  the  name  of  one  British 
earl,  Arthal,  signifying  a  bear,  and  the  exploit  of 
another  British  earl  who  vanquished  a  giant  with  a 
young  tree  he  had  plucked  up  by  the  roots. 

Evidently  there  was  a  royal  mint  at  Warwick 
in  the  time  of  Harthacanute,  for  a  genuine  Saxon 
penny  still  exists  bearing  his  name  and  that  of  the 
town.  Rous  gives  a  list  of  eight  Saxon  earls  and 
recites  at  great  length  the  romantic  history  of  the 
famous  Guy  of  Warwick,  whose  humble  birth  had 
been  attended  by  remarkable  portents,  and  who 
dared  to  fall  in  love  with  the  fair  proud  Phyllis, 
daughter  of  Earl  Rohand ;  but  he  had  to  perform 
many  marvellous  feats  before  he  won  her,  the  chief 
of  which  was  the  slaying  of  a  monstrous  dun  cow, 
the  terror  of  the  countryside.  Married  bliss  and 
high  estate,  however,  could  not  long  content  him, 
and  he  returned  to  the  wars,  where  he  soon  became 
known  as  the  most  valiant  of  warriors,  and  the  slayer 
of  a  mighty  Saracen  giant.     Years  passed  and 

"  At  length  to  Warwick  I  did  come, 

Like  Pilgrim  poor  and  was  not  known ; 
And  then  I  lived  a  Hermit  life 

A  mile  and  more  out  of  the  town  (at  Guy's  Cliff). 

And  daily  came  to  beg  my  bread 

Of  Philis  at  my  Castle  gate 
Not  known  unto  my  loving  wife, 

Who  daily  mourned  for  her  mate* 


Till  at  the  last  I  fell  sore  sicke, 
Yes,  sick  so  sore  that  I  must  die. 

I  sent  to  her  a  ringe  of  golde 

By  which  she  knew  me  presentlye. 

Then  she  repairing  to  the  Cave 
Before  that  I  gave  up  the  Ghost, 

Herself  closed  up  my  dying  eyes, 
My  Philis  fair  whom  I  lov'd  most." 

Various  relics  of  this  doughty  champion  are  still 
preserved  and  shown  to  visitors  at  the  castle,  such 
as  his  porridge  pot,  meat  fork  and  sword,  and  in  the 
courtyard  Felyce's  Well  is  still  a  feature. 

At  the  time  of  the  Domesday  Survey  Warwick 
was  evidently  considered  a  town  of  considerable 
importance  and  strength  ;  it  contained  two  hundred 
and  sixty-one  houses  and  two  churches,  St.  Mary's 
and  one  on  the  site  of  the  present  St.  Nicholas'.  The 
earl  was  a  Saxon  named  Turchill,  afterwards 
known  as  the  "  Traitor  Earl/'  because  he  submitted 
to  the  Conqueror,  and  was  in  consequence  allowed 
to  retain  possession  of  his  estates  on  condition  that 
he  fortified  the  town.  This  he  did  by  surrounding 
it  with  strong  walls  and  a  ditch,  and  rebuilding  the 
castle.  When  he  died,  the  Conqueror  bestowed  the 
earldom  upon  his  favourite,  Henry  de  Newburgh. 

In  1268  the  title  passed  by  marriage  into  the 
Beauchamp  family,  in  whose  time  the  present  castle 
was  built,  and  the  importance  and  prosperity  of  the 
town  were  steadily  in  the  ascendant,  as  may  be 
judged  from  the  fact  that  in  Edward  III.'s  reign  it 
contained  at  least  eight  churches.  The  second  of 
the  Beauchamp  earls  was  that  Guy  of  Warwick, 
who,  among  Edward  II.'s  proud  barons,  was  the 
most  incensed  by  the  weak  King's  preference  for  the 


upstart  Piers  Gaveston.  When  he  heard  that  the 
favourite  had  mockingly  nicknamed  him  "  the  black 
hound  of  Ardern,"  he  exclaimed,  "  Let  him  call 
me  hound,  one  day  the  hound  will  bite  him/'  and 
true  enough,  when  the  barons  did  conspire  against 
Gaveston,  it  was  the  earl  who  headed  them  and 
seized  the  wretched  man,  imprisoning  him  for  a 
night  in  a  dungeon  in  Warwick  Castle,  the  entrance 
to  which  is  still  shown,  and  the  next  day  leading 
him  out  to  Blacklow  Hill,  where  they  smote  off  his 
head.  The  name  of  Piers  Gaveston  and  the  date 
of  his  death  may  still  be  seen  cut  in  the  rock  on  the 
brow  of  the  hill.  Soon  after  the  earl  mysteriously 
died.  His  breastplate  and  shield  are  in  the  armoury 
of  the  castle.     He  began  the  fortifications. 

His  son  Thomas,  who  succeeded  him,  became 
Earl  Marshal  of  England,  and  took  a  very  prominent 
part  in  the  French  wars  of  Edward  III.,  displaying 
remarkable  valour ;  he  led  the  van  of  the  English 
army  in  the  battle  of  Crecy  and  greatly  distinguished 
himself  at  Poictiers.  A  piece  of  the  Black  Prince's 
armour,  relic  of  those  days,  is  in  the  castle  armoury. 
This  earl  rebuilt  the  walls  of  the  castle,  erected  the 
fine  tower  in  the  n.e.  corner  named  after  the  Saxon 
Guy,  added  strong  gates,  fortified  the  entrance  with 
embattled  towers,  and  built  the  choir  of  St.  Mary's, 
in  the  centre  of  which  he  lies,  under  a  tomb  bearing 
his  efhgy  and  that  of  his  countess,  beautifully 
carved  in  white  marble.  His  son  Thomas,  the  next 
earl,  was  governor  to  Richard  II.  during  his  minority. 
He  built  Caesar's  Tower,  which  is  considered  one  of 
the  strongest  and  most  graceful  in  England*  He 
was  buried  with  his  countess  in  the  south  part  of 


St.  Mary's,  and  their  portraits,  engraven  on  brass,  are 
still  there. 

His  son  Richard,  who  followed  next,  was  one  of 
the  most  famous  personages  of  his  time,  not  only 
in  his  own  country  but  on  the  Continent.  The 
German  Emperor  declared  "  That  no  Christian 
Prince  hath  such  another  knight  for  Wisdom,  Nur- 
ture and  Manhood,  and  that  if  all  Courtesie  were  lost 
it  might  be  found  again  in  him,"  and  thus  he  came 
to  be  known  as  "  the  Prince  of  Courtesie."  He  was 
concerned  in  all  the  principal  transactions  of  the 
reign,  acted  as  governor  to  Henry  VI.  during  his 
minority,  and  as  Regent  of  France  after  the  Duke 
of  Bedford.  To  him  Warwick  owes  the  exquisite 
Beauchamp  chapel,  a  building  only  surpassed  by 
Henry  VII /s  chapel  at  Westminster,  and  one  of  the 
most  perfect  examples  of  Perpendicular  architecture 
in  the  kingdom.  In  the  centre  of  it  is  his  beautiful 
tomb,  bearing  his  effigy  in  brass  gilt,  larger  than  life 
and  in  full  armour,  around  which  are  carved  four- 
teen figures  of  mourning  relatives,  all  belonging 
to  the  noblest  families  in  England.  Opening  out 
of  the  chapel  is  a  small  chamber  called  the  Oratory, 
remarkable  for  its  fine  fan  tracery  roof.  This  earl 
also  rebuilt  the  chapel  of  St.  Mary  Magdalene  at 
Guy's  Cliff,  established  a  chantry  there,  of  which 
Rous,  the  historian,  was  priest,  and  erected  the  statue 
of  the  Saxon  Guy  which  is  still  there.  His  son 
Henry  was  only  fourteen  when  he  succeeded,  yet 
before  he  died  at  the  early  age  of  twenty-two  he 
had  received  from  the  King  all  the  honours  royalty 
had  to  bestow  and  was  even  declared  and  crowned 
King  of  the  Isle  of  Wight.    His  brother-in-law, 


Richard  Neville,  the  greatest  of  all  the  earls  of  War- 
wick, and  called  the  Kingmaker,  because  he  played 
with  kings  as  if  they  were  pawns,  was  the  next  earl. 
"  He  was  the  greatest  as  well  as  the  last  of  those 
mighty  barons  who  formerly  overawed  the  crown, 
and  rendered  the  people  incapable  of  any  system  of 
government."  It  was  in  the  Wars  of  the  Roses 
that  he  played  his  game  of  kings  ;  first  he  sided  with 
the  Yorkists  and  himself  offered  the  crown  to 
Edward  IV. ;  afterwards  connecting  himself  still 
more  closely  with  the  new  King  by  marrying  his 
two  daughters  to  Edward's  brothers,  the  Duke  of 
Clarence  and  the  Duke  of  York,  later  Richard  III. 
Then  at  some  fancied  slight  he  veered  completely 
round,  and  joining  the  Lancastrians  captured  Ed- 
ward IV.  and  kept  him  prisoner  for  a  month,  part 
of  the  time  at  Warwick  Castle.  His  next  step  was 
to  restore  Henry  VI.  to  the  throne,  but  eventually 
his  plans  failed  and  he  was  defeated  and  killed  at 
the  battle  of  Barnet.  A  mace  and  other  relics  of 
him  are  preserved  at  the  castle.  His  son-in-law, 
the  Duke  of  Clarence,  next  took  the  title,  but  he  soon 
incurred  the  royal  suspicion  and  was  sent  to  the 
Tower,  where  he  was  secretly  murdered,  tradition 
says,  in  a  butt  of  malmsey  wine.  The  story  of  his 
little  son  and  heir  is  most  pathetic  ;  when  only  nine 
years  old  he  was  shut  up  in  the  Tower  by  Henry 
VII.,  for  fear  of  his  claims  to  the  crown.  There  he 
languished  in  secret  for  years,  once  or  twice  when 
impostors,  such  as  Lambert  Simnel,  personated 
him,  being  paraded  through  the  streets  of 
London.  Finally,  on  the  excuse  that  he  was 
concerned  in  the  conspiracy  of  Perkin  Warbeck, 


the  unhappy  young  man  was  beheaded  on  Tower 

The  Dudleys  were  the  next  earls ;  John  Dudley, 
who  was  Duke  of  Northumberland  as  well  as  Earl 
of  Warwick,  rivalled  his  predecessor,  the  Kingmaker, 
by  endeavouring  to  make  a  queen  of  his  daughter- 
in-law,  Lady  Jane  Grey  ;  an  attempt  that  ended  in 
disaster  and  brought  about  his  downfall  and  execu- 
tion. His  son  Ambrose,  who  was  forgiven  his  share 
in  the  conspiracy  by  reason  of  the  gallantry  of  the 
Dudleys  in  the  foreign  wars,  was  known  as  the  "  good 
Earl  of  Warwick,"  and  became  a  great  favourite 
with  Elizabeth.  One  of  the  most  interesting  inci- 
dents in  his  life  was  a  magnificent  reception  he  gave 
her  in  1572,  when  there  were  the  greatest  rejoicings 
and  festivities,  and  "  it  pleased  the  Queen  to  have 
the  country  people  resorting  to  see  the  dance  in  the 
court  of  the  castle,  the  Queen  beholding  them  out  of 
her  chamber  window,"  the  evening  ending  with 
"  a  show  of  fireworks  prepared  for  that  purpose  in 
the  Temple  Fields."  Warwick  is  specially  inter- 
esting as  containing  enough  old  houses  to  show  one 
what  the  town  was  like  in  Elizabethan  days.  The 
East  Gate  with  St.  Peter's  Chapel  and  the  West 
Gate  with  St.  James's  Chapel,  the  beautiful  chancel 
of  St.  Mary's,  the  vestry,  the  chapter  house  and  the 
Beauchamp  Chapel  are  all  untouched.  Mill  Street 
is  full  of  ancient  half-timbered  houses,  and  at  the 
bottom  of  it  are  the  picturesque  remains  of  the  Great 
Bridge  over  which  the  Queen  rode,  when  she  entered 
Warwick.  Then  to  the  north  of  the  town  there  is 
the  Priory,  built  by  a  man  named  Fisher  in  the  time 
of  Henry  VIII.  on  the  site  of  the  ancient  Priory 


of  St.  Sepulchre,  which  was  founded  by  the  first  of 
the  Norman  earls,  and  of  which  two  galleries  are 
included  in  the  newer  building,  while  the  ruined 
chapel  is  still  standing.  Queen  Elizabeth  herself 
visited  this  house  on  the  occasion  of  her  second  visit 
to  Warwick  and  honoured  the  family  by  sitting  down 
to  supper  with  them.  Fisher's  large  fortune  was 
entirely  self-made,  his  father  having  been  a  fish 
seller  in  the  market-place  of  Warwick,  and  when  he 
died  his  riches  were  speedily  dissipated  by  his  son, 
who  perished  miserably  in  the  Fleet  prison.  Last 
but  perhaps  the  most  interesting  of  all  is  the  Leicester 
Hospital,  a  very  old  building  at  the  top  of  the  High 
Street,  and  a  perfect  example  of  a  half-timbered 
house.  The  chapel  and  gateway  date  from  the  reign  of 
Henry  I.,  the  tower  and  hall  from  that  of  Richard  II. 
The  place  having  passed  into  the  possession  of 
Ambrose  Dudley's  younger  brother  Robert,  the  famous 
Earl  of  Leicester,  lover  of  Queen  Elizabeth,  he  founded 
therein  a  hospital  for  a  master  and  twelve  brethren, 
and  it  is  still  maintained  as  such,  the  brethren  wearing 
the  dress  of  the  order  as  commanded  by  the  founder, 
a  blue  gown  with  a  silver  badge  of  the  bear  and 
ragged  staff  on  the  left  sleeve  ;  the  present  badges 
are  the  identical  ones  worn  by  the  first  brethren, 
and  bear  their  names  on  the  back  and  the  date  1571. 
The  Earl  of  Leicester  was  a  great  figure  in  Warwick 
in  his  day  and  accounted  a  considerable  benefactor 
by  the  people.  He  has  a  splendid  tomb  against 
the  north  wall  in  the  Beauchamp  Chapel,  with  statues 
of  himself  and  his  Countess  Letitia,  successor  of  the 
unhappy  Amy  Robsart ;  and  against  the  south  wall 
near  the  altar  is  a  monument  to  his  son  Sir  Robert 


Dudley,  "  The  Noble  Impe,"  a  very  remarkable 
personage,  who  was  never  able  properly  to  establish 
his  legitimacy  and  spent  the  greater  part  of  his  life 
in  Florence. 

The  Dudley  family  having  died  out,  the  title 
passed  into  the  self-made  family  of  Rich,  while  the 
castle  was  granted  by  James  I.  to  Sir  Fulke  Greville, 
whom  he  also  created  Lord  Brooke.  The  castle  at  the 
time  was  terribly  dilapidated,  and  Sir  Fulke  repaired 
and  adorned  it  at  a  cost  of  £20,000.  Sir  Fulke  was 
one  of  the  most  accomplished  men  of  his  day  and 
the  lifelong  friend  of  Sir  Philip  Sidney,  with  whom 
he  was  at  school.  He  was  one  of  the  pall  bearers 
at  Sir  Philip's  funeral  at  St.  Paul's  Cathedral,  and 
wrote  his  life,  and  a  portrait  of  Sir  Philip  hangs  in 
the  castle.  Sir  Fulke's  end  was  a  tragic  one  ;  he 
was  murdered  by  a  servant,  who  immediately  after- 
wards committed  suicide.  He  was  buried  in  the 
chapter-house  north  of  the  choir,  where  his  monu- 
ment, erected  by  himself,  may  still  be  seen. 

Warwick  Castle  underwent  a  great  siege  in  the 
Civil  War,  when  Sir  Fulke's  cousin,  an  ardent  Round- 
head, had  succeeded  to  the  title : — "  Lord  Brooke 
had  gone,  leaving  it  to  be  defended  by  Sir  Edward 
Peyto,  who  was  twice  summoned  to  surrender  by 
an  army  under  Lord  Northampton  but  refused ; 
after  two  days  Sir  Edward  ordered  all  to  leave  the 
town  and  a  red  flag  floated  out  from  Guy's  Tower ; 
the  strong  massive  walls  of  the  castle  were  proof 
against  all  attack  and  the  besiegers  tried  to  starve 
them  out ;  then  Sir  Edward  hoisted  the  quaint  device 
of  a  Bible  and  winding  sheet,  implying  that  as  he 
put  his  faith  in  the  one,  he  was  not  afraid  of  the 


other.  At  last  the  Cavaliers  in  despair  raised  the 
siege  and  joined  the  King's  forces." 

In  1759  the  title  of  Earl  of  Warwick  passed  into 
the  Greville  family  and  is  still  borne  by  them. 

A  great  fire  in  1694  destroyed  a  large  portion  of 
the  town,  as  well  as  the  nave  of  St.  Mary's  Church, 
but  it  was  very  carefully  rebuilt,  subscriptions 
coming  in  from  all  parts  of  the  country.  In  the 
days  of  Catholic  superstition  St.  Mary's  possessed 
a  remarkable  number  of  holy  relics — e.g.,  part  of  the 
chair  of  the  patriarch  Abraham,  part  of  the  burn- 
ing bush  of  Moses,  part  of  the  hair  of  the  Blessed 
Virgin,  part  of  the  manger  in  which  the  infant  Jesus 
was  laid,  part  of  the  pillar  to  which  He  was  fastened 
when  scourged,  part  of  the  crown  of  thorns,  part  of 
the  cross,  part  of  the  towel  in  which  His  body 
was  wrapped  by  Nicodemus,  part  of  the  hair 
of  Mary  Magdalene  and  part  of  the  face  of 

In  1871  there  was  a  terrible  fire  at  the  castle  which 
destroyed  all  the  private  apartments  and  many 
treasures  ;  but  it  still  contains  a  very  large  number 
of  valuable  and  interesting  objects,  such  as  the 
beautiful  portrait  of  Charles  I.  on  horseback  by 
Vandyke,  a  helmet  studded  with  brass  worn  by  Oliver 
Cromwell,  a  magnificent  table  known  as  the  Grimani, 
inlaid  with  precious  stones  and  worth  £10,000,  a  set 
of  bedroom  furniture  which  belonged  to  Queen  Anne ; 
portraits  by  Holbein  of  Henry  VIII.,  Martin  Luther, 
and  Anne  Boleyn  ;  the  beautiful  white  marble  vase 
known  as  the  Warwick  Vase,  five  and  a  half  feet 
high,  which  was  found  in  the  Vale  of  Tempe  by  Sir 
William  Hamilton  in  1770  and  presented  by  him  to 



the  Earl  of  Warwick ;  it  stands  on  a  high  pedestal 
in  a  glass  house  in  the  gardens  overlooking  the  park. 
Izaak  Walton's  marriage  chest  is  another  treasure, 
and  a  travelling  trunk  which  belonged  to  Queen 
Anne,  etc.,  etc.,  etc. 

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Boston,  the  humble  and  primitive  mother  of  the 
great  city  in  the  U.S.A.,  has  a  curious  history, 
reaching  back  to  Roman  times,  though  such  Roman 
remains  as  have  been  found  in  the  neighbourhood 
are  scanty,  and  sometimes  doubtful.  The  Romans 
probably  had  some  sort  of  defensive  post  here  to 
defend  the  builders  of  their  sea-wall. 

Founded  by  a  saint,  and  ruined  by  a  quarrel- 
some brawler,  it  has  recovered  through  the  efforts 
of  its  Corporation.  In  the  middle  of  the  last  century 
it  was  so  decayed  that  the  American  driver  in 
"  Martin  Chuzzlewit  "  was  able  to  say  :  "  It  brought 
Old  (New)  York  home  to  him  quite  wivid,  on  account 
of  it  being  so  exactly  unlike  in  every  respect."  At 
one  time,  not  more  than  a  century  ago,  no  vessel 
of  more  than  150  tons  could  reach  the  town,  and 
matters  had  been  even  worse ;  now  the  docks 
have  quayside  accommodation  for  vessels  of  3,000 
tons'  burden. 

Of  its  origin,  Bede  informs  us  that  St.  Botolph, 
patron  saint  of  mariners,  founded  a  small  monastery 
at  Icanhoe,  which  Leland  and  others  take  to  have 
been  on  the  site  of  the  present  city.  From  its 
foundation  in  a.d.  654,  it  continued  until  the  Danish 
invasion  of  870.  A  village  seems  to  have  grown 
up  beside  the  convent,  to  be  included  in  the  survey 


BOSTON  347. 

of  Skirbeck  by  the  compilers  of  Domesday  Book. 
The  Chronicles  of  Croyland  state  that  after  the 
terrible  conflagration  which  destroyed  that  abbey, 
Fergus,  a  brazier,  of  Botolphstone,  gave  two  skillets 
to  make  good  the  loss  of  their  bells  and  tower. 
This  was  in  1091,  only  five  years  after  the  com- 
pilation of  the  great  survey;  we  must  suppose 
that  the  two  towns  were  returned  under  the  name 
of  Skirbeck,  which  is  mentioned  as  having  two 
churches,  two  priests,  two  fishgarths,  and  the 
equivalent  of  forty  acres  of  meadow. 

Alan  Rufus,  Earl  of  Brittany,  later  of  Britain  and 
Richmond,  became  the  feudal  lord. 

The  rise  of  the  port  under  its  early  Norman  lords 
must  have  been  extremely  rapid,  for  in  1204  we 
hear  of  the  men  of  Boston  paying  £100  and  two 
palfreys  in  order  that  no  sheriff  or  bailiffs  should 
interfere  with  them,  but  that  they  should  choose  a 
bailiff  among  themselves.  Already,  vague  as  history 
is  as  to  the  growth  of  the  port,  it  had  come  to  be  of 
the  greatest  importance ;  for  in  this  very  year  of 
1204  the  quinzaine,  or  tax  of  one-fifteenth,  was 
nearly  as  high  as  that  of  London,  being  no 
less  than  £780,  as  against  £836 ;  moreover,  it 
was  no  poor  community  that  was  in  those  days 
ready  to  pay  £100  for  the  privileges  of  a  primitive 

In  the  reign  of  Edward  I.  the  first  blow  was  struck 
at  the  port's  early  prosperity.  One  Robert  Cham- 
berlain, gentleman,  with  a  number  of  followers, 
came  to  the  annual  fair  at  Boston  disguised  as  monks 
and  canons,  and  set  fire  to  the  town.  While  the 
people    were    fighting   the   fire    the    conspirators 


plundered  the  fair  ;  and  even  after  the  raid  the  fair 
was  so  rich,  and  the  fire  so  fierce,  that  gold  and 
silver  ran  melted  in  the  street.  Chamberlain  was 
hanged,  but  resolutely  refused  to  betray  his  accom- 
plices. Soon  afterwards — in  1285 — there  was  a 
disastrous  flood.  But  prosperous  years  succeeded, 
the  town  was  rebuilt,  and  the  staple  for  wool,  felt, 
leather  and  lead  was  fixed  at  Boston.  Then 
followed  the  great  days  of  the  port.  The  Hansa 
merchants — the  "  Esterlings,"  as  the  men  of  the 
Baltic  provinces  were  called — settled  in  great 
numbers,  and  formed  their  guild  or  "  steelyard." 
In  1336,  Boston  sent  members  to  Parliament,  and 
continued  to  do  so  until  1352. 

Despite  these  advantages,  it  was  natural  for 
Boston  to  suffer  by  the  rise  of  other  ports,  for  the 
estuary  was  swift  and  awkward  to  navigate,  with 
constantly  shifting  channels. 

But  before  speaking  of  decay  we  must  mention 
the  great  glory  of  Boston,  and  one  of  its  greatest 
assets — the  church  of  St.  Botolph.  It  was  not  at 
first  the  parish  church,  but  its  size  and  beauty, 
together  with  the  numerous  religious  houses  and 
guilds  founded  and  flourishing  in  the  town,  brought 
many  pilgrims  and  religious  thither,  Boston  offering 
the  devout  Catholic  very  superior  facilities. 

In  1309  "  the  foundation  of  Boston  steeple  on  the 
next  Monday  after  Palm  Sunday  was  begun  to  be 
digged  by  many  miners,  and  so  continued  till  the 
midsummer  following,  at  which  time  they  were 
deeper  than  the  haven  by  five  foot.  .  .  .  Upon 
the  Monday  .  .  .  was  laid  the  first  stone  by  Dame 
Margery  Tilney,  and  thereupon  she  laid  £5  sterling. 

BOSTON  349 

Sir  John  Truesdale,  then  parson  of  Boston,  gave  also 
£5,  and  Richard  Stephenson  .  .  .  gave  £5  more. 
These  were  all  the  great  gifts  at  that  time."  For  a 
time  the  tower  made  slow  progress,  but  the  rest  of 
the  church  rose  quickly :  about  1450  the  chancel 
was  lengthened,  and  early  in  the  fifteenth  century 
the  beautiful  tower  and  lantern  were  completed. 
Leland  tells  us  that  originally  St.  Botolph's  "  was 
but  a  chapel  to  "  St.  John's.  "  But  now  it  is  so 
risen  and  adornid  that  it  is  the  chiefest  of  the  toune, 
.  .  and  so  served  with  singging,  and  that  of  cun- 
ning men,  as  no  paroche  is  in  all  England.  .  . 
The  society  and  bretherhodde  longging  to  this 
chirch  hath  caussid  this." 

Leland  is  speaking  of  the  guild  of  the  Blessed 
Virgin.  He  relates  a  curious  anecdote  of  one 
enterprise  of  theirs.  It  must  be  understood  that 
the  attractions  of  religion  were  well  nigh  as  profitable 
as  the  famous  fairs.  In  the  year  1510  (Leland  quotes 
from  Fox's  "  Acts  and  Monuments  ")  it  happened 
"  that  the  town  of  Boston  thought  good  to  send 
up  to  Rome  for  renewing  of  their  two  pardons, 
one  called  the  great,  the  other  called  the  lesser 
pardon.  Which  thing,  although  it  should  stand 
them  in  great  expences  of  money  (for  the  Pope's 
merchandize  is  always  deare  ware),  yet  notwith- 
standing such  sweetnesse  they  had  felt  thereof,  and 
such  gain  come  to  their  towne  by  that  Roman 
merchandize,"  that,  to  cut  a  long  story  short,  they 
sent  "  one  Geffrey  Chambers  with  another  cham- 
pion," supplied  with  money  and  all  that  was  fitting, 
'*  who  coming  to  Antwerp,  and  misdoubting  to  be 
too  weak  for  the  compassing  of  such  a  weighty 


piece  of  work,  conferred  and  perswaded  with 
Thomas  Cromwell  ...  to  assist  him  " — to  wit, 
in  making  an  easy  bargain.  Cromwell,  despite  his 
apprehensions  of  "  the  unreasonable  expences  of 
those  greedy  cormorants,",  consented,  and  the  three 
travelled  together  to  Rome.  Pope  Julius  II., 
that  wily  diplomat  and  downright  old  soldier, 
was  on  the  throne.  How  circumvent  him  ?  Crom- 
well inquired  and  meditated,  having  already  dis- 
covered what  served  him  so  well  in  later  life,  that 
great  men  are  to  be  managed  through  their  weak- 
nesses. At  length,  "  having  knowledge  that  the 
Pope's  holy  tooth  greatly  delighted  in  new-fangled, 
strange  delicates  and  dainty  dishes  of  gelly,"  and 
that  his  "  greedy  humour  must  needs  be  served  with 
some  present  or  other  (for  without  rewards  there 
is  no  doing  at  Rome)  "  he  waited  until  a  day  when 
Julius  returned  from  the  chase  to  his  pavilion,  hot 
and  famished ;  when  he  and  his  companions  ap- 
proached with  divers  confections  of  the  "  gelly " 
nature,  "  with  a  three-man's  song."  "  The  Pope 
suddenly  marvelling  at  the  strangenesse  of  the  song, 
and  understanding  that  they  were  Englishmen,  and 
that  they  came  not  empty-handed,  willed  them  to  be 
called  in.  Cromwell  there  shewing  his  obedience 
and  offering  his  gelly  junkets,  "such  as  kings  and 
princes  only,"  said  he,  "did  vie  to  eat  in  England," 
and  which  he  and  his  fellows,  poor  suitors,  had 
brought  as  a  novelty  meet  for  his  recreation,  etc.," 
the  Pope,  after  prudently  getting  a  cardinal  "  to 
take  the  assay,"  presently  ate  of  them  himself,  with 
the  result  that  the  astute  Cromwell  made  a  very 
much  better  bargain  than  was  usual  in  that  city  of 

BOSTON  35* 

"  cormorants,"  getting  both  the  "  jolly  pardons  of 
the  towne  of  Boston  "  stamped  in  return  for  the 
recipes  of  his  "  gelly  junkets." 

The  pardons  were  curious  documents,  giving  the 
brethren  and  sisters  of  the  guild  of  Our  Lady  in  St. 
Botolph's  Church  many  privileges  and  facilities, 
especially  in  respect  of  carrying  a  portable  altar  and 
having  masses  said  in  any  place  and  at  any  time4, 
and  enabling  them  to  bestow  500  years  of  pardon 
upon  any  one  who  subscribed  to  the  guild,  while 
a  visit  to  the  chapel  of  the  guild  on  certain  days 
was  equivalent  to  a  visit  to  all  the  stations  of  Rome. 
All  members  of  the  guild,  moreover,  might  receive 
full  remission  a  poena  et  culpa  once  in  life  or  at  the 
hour  of  death. 

Such  privileges  as  these  were  swept  away  by  the 
Reformation,  and  their  loss  accelerated  the  already 
apparent  decline  of  the  town.  Let  us  hear  Leland 
as  to  its  condition  before  that  change : — 

"  Al  the  buildings  (east  of  the  river)  of  this  side 
of  the  towne  is  fair,  and  marchaunts  dwelle  yn  it ; 
and  a  staple  of  wulle  is  used  there.  ...  A 
gentleman  .  .  .  told  me  that  syns  that  Boston 
of  old  tyme  at  the  great  famose  fair  there  kept  was 
brent,  that  scant  syns  it  ever  came  to  the  old  glory 
and  riches  that  it  had ;  yet  syns  hath  it  beene 
manyfold  richer  than  it  is  now. 

"  The  Staple  and  the  Stiliard  houses  yet  there 
remayne  but  the  stiliard  is  little  or  nothing  at  all 

He  tells  us  further  of  all  the  rich  foundations  of 
friars ;  and  that  there  were  "  I1II  colleges  of 
Freres  Marchaunts  cumming  by  all  parts  by  Este 


were  wont  greatly  to  haunt  Boston ;  and  the 
Grey  Freres  toke  them  in  a  manner  for  founders 
of  their  house,  and  many  Esterlinges  were  buried 
there."  The  Black  Friars  had  a  house  there  since 
before  the  year  1288,  in  which  one  of  the  house  of 
Huntingfield  lay  buried,  and  on  being  exhumed  was 
found  to  have  "  a  leaden  Bulle  of  Innocentius,  Bishop 
of  Rome,  about  his  nek."  This  house  the  Duke  of 
Suffolk  obtained  at  the  Reformation.  The  White 
Friars  were  founded  about  1300,  and  their  property 
was  granted  to  the  Mayor  and  Corporation ;  the  same 
fate  befell  the  Augustines,  founded  by  Edward  II., 
and  the  Grey  Friars,  founded  in  the  reign  of  Edward 
III.  There  were  other  smaller  establishments, 
mostly  founded  by  the  Tilneys,  who  had  a  manor- 
house  in  Boston.  Many  of  these  communities  were  in 
reality  wealthy  corporations  of  farmers  and  wool- 

In  the  hope  of  recovering  some  of  their  former 
greatness  the  Mayor  and  Corporation  applied  to 
Henry  VIII.  for  an  enlarged  charter ;  but  all  in 
vain  ;  they  obtained  the  charter,  but  not  the  results 
they  hoped  for,  in  spite  of  other  charters  and  the 
institution  of  a  Court  of  Admiralty.  But  before 
the  Dissolution  the  end  was  in  sight. 

In  the  reign  of  Edward  IV.,  one  Humphry  Little- 
bury  stabbed  "  an  Esterling,"  i.e.,  a  merchant  of 
the  powerful  Hansa  league,  "  whereupon  rose  so 
much  controversy  that  the  Esterlinges  left  their 
course  of  marchandise  to  Boston."  Before  very 
long  Boston  was  a  mere  fishing  village,  its  harbour 
silted  up,  its  wharves  deserted.  Not  until  the  time 
of  George  III.  did  the  trade  begin  to  return ;  then 

BOSTON  353 

the  harbour  was  improved  and  the  town  largely 
rebuilt,  so  that  it  again  became  the  richest  port  of 
Lincolnshire.  But  the  port  has  grown  to  its  present 
dimensions  only  since  1882,  when  a  new  dock  was 
built,  of  seven  acres  area,  admitting  ships  of  3,000 
tons  to  the  quayside.  The  river  was  deepened  and 
a  new  channel  cut,  giving  a  depth  of  27  feet ;  the 
railway  was  brought  across  the  river  to  the  dock 
by  means  of  a  swing  bridge,  and  building  and  repair- 
ing slips  were  laid  down.  Now  Boston  is  a  model 
of  a  modern  fishing  and  trading  port,  having  a  fleet 
of  deep-sea  trawlers  and  other  fishing  vessels,  with 
fishmarkets  at  the  dock,  granaries,  warehouses, 
timber-yards,  and  all  the  usual  facilities.  The 
trade  is  largely  in  Baltic  produce — grain,  timber, 
pitch,  linseed,  hemp,  cotton,  etc.  It  increased 
eightfold  in  the  first  twelve  years  after  the  improve- 
ments were  instituted.  Oil-cake  and  tobacco  are 
local  manufactures ;  other  industries  are  the 
making  of  sail-cloth,  ropes,  sacking,  engineering 
and  light  foundry-work,  etc. 

The  church — to  speak  of  such  monuments  of  old 
Boston  as  remain — is  of  unusual  size,  with  a  light 
and  spacious  interior.  The  roof  perhaps  is  a  fault, 
being  an  elaborate  imitation  of  stone  vaulting  in 
oak  ;  as  usual,  when  the  natural  genius  of  a  material 
is  violated,  the  result  is  not  satisfactory  to  a  cultured 
eye.  There  is  evidence  that  an  open  timber  roof 
was  intended.  The  tower — now  open  within  to 
the  great  height  of  160  feet,  and  288  feet  in  height 
externally — is  visible  far  out  at  sea,  and  is  a  well- 
known  landmark ;  with  its  lantern  and  flying 
buttresses    it    strongly    resembles    the    tower    of 


Antwerp.  Its  truncated  appearance  from  a  distance 
has  earned  it  the  name  of  "  Boston  Stump." 

The  finest  old  houses  remain  in  Spain  Lane — 
named  after  the  great  trading  family,  the  De 
Spaynes ;  on  the  wall  of  a  house  in  Spain  Court 
is  the  monumental  slab  of  one  Wisselus  de  Smalen- 
burg,  an  "  Esterling,"  showing  a  figure  of  a  man 
with  his  feet  resting  on  a  dog ;  it  is  dated  1340, 
and  was  dug  up  near  the  Grammar  School,  on 
the  site  of  the  Grey  Friars. 

The  house  of  the  Guild  of  the  Virgin  is  still  extant, 
serving  now  as  the  Guildhall ;  it  is  a  fine  red-brick 
building  of  the  fifteenth  century.  The  window  in 
the  west  wall  has  some  remains  of  the  original 
stained  glass.  Near  by  is  the  Grammar  School, 
dating  from  1567,  also  of  red  brick,  with  modern 
glass;  behind  it  is  the  Hussey  Tower,  part  of  the 
dwelling  of  the  Lord  Hussey  who  joined  the  Lincoln- 
shire Catholic  rebellion  in  1537,  and  was  beheaded. 
Near  by  are  the  public  gardens  and  baths,  and 
behind  them  the  docks.  By  the  iron  bridge — a 
single  arch,  by  Rennie  (1803),  is  the  market-place, 
affording  an  excellent  view  of  the  church.  In  one 
corner  stands  a  much-restored  timbered  house 
— Shodfriars  Hall — and,  by  the  river,  the  fish- 

The  famous  chimes  of  Boston,  played  on  thirty-six 
carillons,  are  now  disused,  having  a  poor  tone ; 
they  were  set  up  in  1867.  There  is  included  in  the 
full  list  of  chimes  a  tune  known  as  "  The  Brides 
of  Mavis  Enderby  "  ;  but  at  the  time  when  Miss 
Ingelow  wrote  her  well-known  poem,  "  The  High 
Tide  on  the  Coast  of  Lincolnshire,"  no  such  tune 

BOSTON  355 

existed ;  the  tune  included  among  the  chimes  is 
a  modern  fabrication.  There  is  also  a  peal  of 
eight  bells ;  there  used  to  be  an  unusually  large 
clock  bell,  covered  with  curious  rhyming  inscriptions, 
but  it  was  broken  in  1710,  and  no  record  kept 
of  the  inscriptions. 

A  certain  amount  of  misapprehension  has  existed 
in  England  as  to  the  founding  and  naming  of  the 
American  Boston  ;  the  facts,  which  are  perhaps  not 
yet  quite  generally  known,  are  briefly  these : 
Governor  John  Winthrop,  with  his  followers,  sailed 
from  England  in  the  "  Arbella,"  with  the  King's 
charter  to  establish  a  government,  in  the  year 
1630.  They  settled  temporarily  at  Charleston, 
on  the  Charles.  The  present  site  of  Boston  appeared 
to  them  across  the  water  as  a  hill  with  three  summits, 
which  they  named  Tremont,  or  Trimountain— 
hence  Tremont  Street.  The  one  summit  of  the 
three  to-day  remaining  appeared  to  have  been  used 
as  a  signal-station,  and  became  Beacon  Hill.  It 
seemed  that  a  pestilence  had  removed  the  aboriginal 
inhabitants ;  the  hill  was  tenanted  by  one  white 
man,  the  Rev.  William  Blaxton,  one  of  a  few  isolated 
settlers  about  the  capes  and  islands  of  the  Charles  ; 
he  had  been  there  some  seven  years.  He  invited 
the  new  settlers  to  cross  over,  the  water  being  good. 
A  court  was  held  at  Charleston  on  September  17th 
(N.S.),  at  which  it  was  ordered  "  that  Trimountaine 
should  be  called  Boston.' '  Associated  with  Win- 
throp in  the  settlement  was  Isaac  Johnson,  of 
Boston,  with  his  wife,  Lady  Arbella,  daughter 
of  the  Earl  of  Lincoln  ;  Atherton  Hough,  ex-mayor, 
and    Thomas    Leverett,    ex-alderman    of   Boston. 


Isaac  Johnson  died  in  September,  his  wife  having 
predeceased  him.  In  October  or  thereabouts  the 
settlers  crossed  to  the  peninsula  of  Boston ;  Blaxton, 
not  liking  their  company,  departed  in  search  of  fresh 
fields.  The  first  pastor  was  the  Rev.  John  Wilson, 
of  Sudbury ;  Cotton,  attacked  on  account  of 
Nonconformity  and  administering  the  sacrament 
to  persons  seated,  arrived  in  the  "  Griffin  "  three 
years  later,  accompanied  by  Bellingham,  afterwards 
governor.  A  memorial  of  Cotton  will  be  found  in 
St.  Botolph's  in  the  "  Cotton  Chapel,"  a  Decorated 
structure  now  used  as  vestry  and  morning  chapel ; 
formerly  it  sheltered  a  fire-engine,  but  the  citizens 
of  Boston,  Mass.,  descendants  of  John  Cotton  and 
members  of  his  American  church,  subscribed  toward 
its  restoration,  as  a  memorial  tablet  in  the  chapel 
relates,  Edward  Everett,  then  United  States 
Minister  at  the  Court  of  St.  James,  being  responsible 
for  the  inscription.  The  restoration  was  commenced 
in  1856. 

Certain  of  the  Pilgrim  Fathers  and  other  "  Puritan 
Separatists "  of  Scrooby  and  Gainsborough  had 
an  extremely  unpleasant  experience  at  Boston,  some 
years  before  the  sailing  of  the  "  Mayflower/'  In 
1608  two  parties  of  these  worthies,  intending  to  sail 
for  Holland,  repaired  to  Boston  and  the  Humber 
respectively,  the  Boston  party  including  Bradford 
and  Brewster.  Just  as  their  vessel  was  on  the  point 
of  sailing  the  captain  betrayed  them  to  the  Boston 
magistrates,  with  the  result  that  they  were  at  once 
taken  ashore,  "  not  without  circumstances  of 
contumely,"  which  seem  to  have  included  the 
plundering   of   their  personal   effects.     By   whose 

BOSTON  357 

authority  the  arrest  was  made  is  not  clear ;  how- 
ever, the  emigrants  were  "  put  into  ward  "  and  the 
Lords  in  Council  informed.  After  a  month's 
detention,  robbed  of  their  goods,  they  were  sent 
back  to  their  homes,  there  to  "  endure  the  rigours  of 
ecclesiastical  discipline  "  ;  seven  were  kept  in  prison 
and  bound  over  to  the  assizes.  Brewster  seems  to 
to  have  been  the  chief  sufferer.  Of  the  party  who 
were  to  have  sailed  from  the  Humber  half  were 
served  in  a  similar  manner.  Before  the  lapse  of 
many  months,  however,  the  majority  of  the  Scrooby 
"  separatists "  seem  to  have  arrived  safely  in 
Leyden,  from  which  town  the  "  Mayflower  "  party 
set  out  some  twelve  years  later,  on  the  first  stage 
of  their  memorable  journey. 


Ely  is  best  approached  by  rail ;  the  finest  view 
of  the  city  dawning  on  the  approaching  traveller. 
Like  Venice  it  rose  from  an  inland  sea,  of  waving 
cornfields  now,  but  once  a  vast  reedy  lagoon, 
subject  to  tide  and  flood,  the  haunt  of  beast  and 
fowl  and  fish,  and  the  last  eastern  refuge  of  the 
ancient  British  race. 

Much  of  the  fertile  plain,  sprinkled  with  hamlets 
that  mark  the  islands  of  an  ancient  archipelago,  is 
below  the  level  of  the  sea ;  it  is  drained  by  pumps 
which  pour  the  water  into  M  lodes "  discharging 
into  the  New  Bedford  river.  The  stupendous  task 
of  draining  the  fens  was  commenced  by  a  company 
promoted  by  the  Earl  of  Bedford,  the  engineer 
being  Cornelius  Vermuyden,  a  Dutchman.  The 
scheme  first  saw  the  light  in  the  reign  of  Charles  I., 
but  Cromwell,  who  opposed  it,  preferred  to  flood 
land  rather  than  drain  it,  if  by  so  doing  he  could 
annoy  the  King  and  his  tenants ;  for  Charles  had 
bought  up  the  company.  When  Lord  Protector 
Cromwell  changed  his  tactics,  and  the  New  Bedford 
river  was  cut,  the  drainage  of  the  fens  meant 
ruin  and  a  total  change  of  life  to  the  fenmen,  but 
their  expostulations,  after  many  riots  and  much 
breaking  of  sluices,  were  overcome  by  the  presence 
of  troops ;    and  the  work  was  cheaply  executed 


ELY.     The  Cathedral. 

ELY.     The  Interior  of  the  Cathedral. 

ELY  359 

by  such  Dutch  and  Scottish  prisoners  of  war  as 
Cromwell  did  not  sell  to  the  slave-owners  of  the 
West  Indies  or  the  galleys  of  Venice.  Windmills 
at  first  supplied  the  motive  power,  but  are  now 
superseded  by  steam.  The  whole  scheme  was  not 
fully  completed  until  late  in  the  nineteenth  century. 

The  old  fenmen,  racked  with  ague  and  steeped 
in  opium,  are  gone  ;  and  gone,  too,  is  the  last  corner 
of  primeval  England.  All  but  treeless  now,  the 
fens  were  once  a  vast  forest  of  oak  and  beech, 
willow  and  alder,  forming  part  of  the  great  continent 
now  severed  by  the  North  Sea,  where  elephant  and 
rhinoceros,  elk  and  bison,  lion  and  bear  roamed  at 

Even  in  Roman  days  the  fens,  though  subsiding, 
were  still  mainly  forest ;  but  the  Roman  dykes 
gave  way,  the  land  continued  to  sink,  the  streams 
of  the  forest  delta  became  choked,  and  the  country 
was  gradually  changed  into  a  labyrinth  of  sluggish 
channels,  reedy  broads,  and  impenetrable  bogs. 
Here,  during  the  Saxon  invasion,  the  British,  else- 
where exterminated,  or  absorbed,  or  driven  into  the 
west,  found  a  refuge,  and  lived  a  life  of  their  own 
until  the  Conquest.  They  were  known  as  the 
Girvii  (Welsh,  gwryw,  manly  or  brave),  and  Ely 
itself  is  derived  from  the  Welsh  helig  (willow), 
though  the  Venerable  Bede  naively  suggested  that 
the  derivation  of  the  word  might  be  found  in  the  fact 
that  the  waters  of  the  district  were  eely.  Another 
Welsh  word — basket — has  passed  into  the  English 
as  it  did  into  the  Latin  tongue.  As  early  as  ioo  B.C. 
the  baskets  of  the  fen  district  were  known  to  Europe. 
Posidonius,   the   Rhodian,   mentions   them   as   an 



article  of  export ;  Strabo  tells  us  they  were  used  in 
granaries,  and  Martial  speaks  of  a  gift  contained  in 

"  A  basket  rude,  from  painted  Britons  brought." 

Here  we  may  picture  a  British,  then  a 
Romano-British  people,  busied  in  snaring  fish  and 
fowl,  in  hunting  game,  in  growing  corn  on  the 
uplands,  and  in  their  special  industry  of  basket- 
making,  driven  by  Saxon  invasion  into  the  fastnesses 
of  the  fens,  but  still  surviving  as  a  separate  people 
when  the  Normans  came  upon  the  scene. 

The  nucleus  of  the  present  city  was  the  work  of 
Etheldreda,  daughter  of  Anna,  a  Christian  Saxon 
king,  who  fell  defending  his  country  against  Penda 
the  heathen.  Etheldreda,  who  was  one  of  four 
sisters,  all  queens  and  saints,  was  strongly  influenced 
by  Hilda,  her  aunt,  who  founded  Whitby,  and  that 
bold  and  somewhat  officious  prelate,  Wilfrid. 
Married  to  Tonbert,  a  lord  of  Mercia,  she  refused 
him  the  usual  privileges  of  a  husband,  and  when  a 
widow,  and  remarried  to  Egfrid,  king  of  Northum- 
bria,  she  treated  that  prince  in  the  same  way. 
At  Wilfrid's  instance  she  eventually  left  him,  and 
fled  to  her  own  domains,  Egfrid  in  hot  pursuit. 
We  are  told  that  he  would  have  caught  her,  but 
that  the  waters,  in  defence  of  her  virginity,  rose 
suddenly  and  divided  them,  which  so  impressed 
her  husband  that  he  departed. 

At  Ely  she  founded  a  religious  house  for  monks 
and  nuns;  Peterborough,  Thorney,  Crowland  and 
Ramsey  were  contemporary. 

Etheldreda  died  of  a  quinsy ;  not  unnaturally, 
as  she  used  to  pray  from  midnight  until  daybreak. 

ELY  361 

She  regarded  the  affliction  as  a  special  punishment 
for  the  wearing  of  a  necklace  in  the  past.  It  is 
curious  that  so  austere  a  lady  should  be  immortalised 
in  such  a  word  as  tawdry t  but  so  it  is  ;  the  popular 
form  of  her  name  is  St.  Audrey,  and  St.  Audrey's 
fair,  at  which  all  kinds  of  showy  and  inferior 
trinkets  and  stuffs  were  sold  to  the  primitive  fen- 
folk,  gained  such  a  name  for  the  cheap  and  nasty 
that  the  word  tawdry  resulted  as  a  natural  corrup- 
tion of  the  saint's  name  used  as  an  adjective  (S't 
Awdrey — a   "  s't'awdrey   stuff.") 

Saxon  England  appeared  to  be  quieting  down 
when  in  ySy,  "  first  there  came  three  ships  out  of 
Haeretha-land " — Norway.  In  a  few  years  fire, 
pillage,  and  massacre  followed  Dane  and  Northman 
from  end  to  end  of  England.  In  the  Wash  their 
ships  lay  snug,  their  wives  and  families  often 
aboard,  while  they  raided  inland,  after  a  time 
horsing  themselves  for  their  greater  raids.  Cam- 
bridge was  soon  part  of  the  Danelagh,  abbeys 
and  convents,  and  monkish  learning  were  all  swept 

Not  until  912  did  Edward  the  Elder,  in  con- 
junction with  his  sister,  Ethelfleda,  commence  the 
re-conquest  of  the  Danelagh.  He  brought  up 
fighters  from  all  parts  of  England. 

Alfred  re-established  a  small  religious  foundation 
at  Ely,  which  prospered  awhile ;  but  in  982  the 
Danish  raids  recommenced.  Brithnoth,  a  patron 
of  Ely,  headed  the  heroic  defence,  but  fell  in  battle 
in  991,  as  the  "  Lay  of  Maldon  "  tells  us.  Only 
his  headless  corpse  was  recovered.  The  body,  with 
a  ball  of  wax  in  place  of  the  head,  was  buried  in  the 


abbey  church,  to  be  discovered  rather  more  than  a 
century  ago.  The  Danes,  though  victorious,  were 
so  discomfited  that  they  sailed  away.  But  then 
came  Sweyn,  and  finally  Canute ;  the  Danes  now 
fighting  on  horseback.  Ely,  however,  escaped,  Canute 
being  a  Christian ;  indeed,  he  became  a  notable 
benefactor,  and  paid  frequent  visits  to  the  Abbey. 
An  old  tradition  states  that  it  was  the  singing  of 
the  monks  which  first  brought  him  to  the  spot,  and 
an  old  ballad  says  : 

"  Merrily  sang  the  monks  at  Ely 
When  Cnut  the  king  he  rowed  thereby ; 
Row  to  the  shore,  men,  said  the  king, 
And  let  us  hear  these  monks  to  sing." 

In  his  days  the  Abbot  of  Ely  was  chancellor  of  the 
kingdom  for  four  months  in  each  year  ;  this  was  in 
the  winter,  and  most  of  Canute's  visits  fell  in  that 
season.  A  tradition  tells  of  his  coming  on  a  sledge, 
with  the  heaviest  man  to  be  found — one  Pudding 
— skating  ahead  to  prove  the  ice. 

Emma,  his  wife,  and  widow  of  Ethelred  the 
Unready,  gave  hangings  for  the  church  and  shrine  ; 
and  here  Edward  the  Confessor,  her  younger  son  by 
Ethelred,  was  educated.  Edward,  when  he  came 
to  the  throne,  confirmed  the  charters  of  the  abbey 
and  made  extensive  grants  of  land.  In  his  reign 
there  was  not  in  all  Cambridgeshire  one  gentle  family 
of  English  blood  left,  and  no  free  churls.  But  Ely 
still  prospered. 

In  1069  the  Danes  made  their  last  invasion  in  the 
hope  of  placing  Sweyn,  nephew  of  Canute,  on  the 
throne  of  England.  After  raiding  Yorkshire  they 
came  south  to  Ely;    Christian,  the  bishop,  Earl 

ELY  363 

Osbjorn,  and  the  Danish  house-carles  (Royal  Guard). 
The  remnant  of  the  English  flocked  to  their  standard, 
in  the  hope  of  expelling  the  Normans  ;  the  fenmen 
came  in  under  the  leadership  of  Hereward  the  Wake. 
We  learn  that  Hereward  led  the  Danish  fleet  to 
Peterborough,  then  held  by  the  Normans,  and  ruled 
by  a  Norman  abbot,  in  order  to  rescue  it  from  alien 
hands.  The  rescue  took  the  shape  of  pillage  and  fire, 
after  which  the  Danes,  whose  object  had  been  pillage 
as  much  as  the  hope  of  establishing  Sweyn,  sailed 
away,  leaving  Hereward  to  be  excommunicated. 
It  is  possible  that  Hereward  acted  thus  to  get  the 
Danes  away  from  Ely,  which  he  regarded  as  defen- 
sible ;  at  all  events,  at  Ely  he  established  himself 
as  leader,  in  spite  of  the  ban  of  the  Church,  with  the 
intention  of  defying  the  Conqueror.  At  this  time 
no  causeway  existed,  and  the  game,  fish,  and  fowl  of 
the  fens — stags,  roes,  goats,  hares,  eels,  pike,  perch, 
roach,  burbot,  lamprey,  salmon,  and  sturgeon,  and 
more  birds  than  we  can  mention — would  have 
nourished  the  garrison  indefinitely.  Morkere  of 
Northumbria  broke  prison  at  Winchester  to  join 
Hereward  ;  the  Bishop  of  Durham  left  the  safety  of 
the  Scottish  Court,  and  lesser  nobles  and  leaders 
flocked  thither  by  the  score,  and  monks  and  soldiers 
crowded  the  abbey  halls. 

This  was  a  serious  matter,  that  called  for  the 
presence  of  William  himself.  He  at  once  came 
down  to  Cambridge.  His  plan  of  attack  was  to 
harry  one  side  of  the  island  with  his  fleet,  while 
building  a  causeway  to  the  opposite  side.  When 
the  causeway,  made  of  logs,  bavins,  sacks  of  earth 
and   bundles   of   rushes,   was   all   but   completed, 


Hereward  fired  the  reeds,  and  destroyed  a  column 
of  the  enemy. 

No  general  rising  of  the  English  supported  the 
garrison  of  Ely,  so  one  by  one  the  leaders  surrendered, 
to  be  rewarded  by  imprisonment  for  life.  Not  so 
Hereward  the  "  strenuissimus,"  but  at  length  the 
monks  betrayed  him ;  William  threatening  to 
confiscate  all  the  property  of  the  abbey  outside 
Ely,  they  guided  the  Normans  across  the  Ouse. 
Hereward  escaped,  and  later  obtained  lands  from 
William ;  his  followers  were  brutally  mutilated. 
The  monks,  despite  their  treachery,  were  fined  700 
marks  of  silver.  The  moneyers  who  minted  their 
plate  for  William  at  Cambridge  were  fraudulent, 
so  the  fine  was  increased  to  1000  marks,  or  8000 
ounces-worth,  £20,000  of  our  money. 

William  left  a  garrison  of  forty  knights  quartered 
on  the  monks  ;  one  on  each  monk.  In  the  cathedral 
is  a  most  interesting  relic,  the  "  Tabula  Eliensis,"  on 
which  are  painted  (it  is  a  Tudor  copy  of  the  original) 
the  portraits,  names,  and  arms  of  the  forty  knights, 
and  the  names  of  their  unwilling  hosts.  This  table 
is  valuable  as  demonstrating  the  immense  variety 
and  splendid  organisation  of  William's  army  ;  there 
were  cavalry  and  infantry,  archers  and  spearmen, 
sappers,  seamen,  marines,  commissariat  men,  am- 
bulance men,  and  scouts.  A  few  extracts  may 
interest  the  reader : 

1.  Opsalus,  Miles,  Ballistarum  Dux  (artillery 
captain,  the  artillery  consisting  of  catapults  or 
slings  hurling  great  masses  of  stone  or  ponderous 
javelins),  cum  Godfrido  Monacho. 

ELY  365 

5.  Hastingus,  Miles  Nauttic,  Exercitus  (of  the 
marines),  cum  Nigello  Monacho. 

9.  Bryan  de  Clare,  Veteranus,  cum  Clitone 

Of  these  the  first  was  probably  a  Swede,  and  the 
ninth,  the  veteran,  an  Irish  soldier  of  fortune. 
Among  the  monks'  names  are  Donald,  Duff,  Owen, 
and  David,  all  Celtic  names. 

The  cathedral,  as  we  know  it,  was  commenced  by 
the  first  Norman  abbot,  Simeon,  who  erected  the 
greater  part  of  the  nave ;  it  was  completed  by 
Bishop  Ridel  in  11 89.  We  owe  its  continued  exist- 
ence to  a  squabble  ;  for  as  a  result  of  a  dispute  as  to 
the  right  of  nomination  to  the  post  of  abbot,  the 
crown  was  appealed  to,  and  the  see  of  Ely  in- 
stituted. But  for  this  the  Reformation  would 
have  swept  it  away  with  many  another  noble  fabric. 

Henceforth  the  history  of  Ely  is  the  history  of 
the  cathedral.  Much  of  it  is  written  in  the  stone 
for  all  to  read.  The  Bishop  of  Ely  was  a  Bishop 
Palatine ;  that  is,  he  had  the  prerogatives  of  a 
sovereign  in  the  Isle,  appointing  his  own  justices 
and  police.  His  London  palace  was  in  Holborn. 
Richard  III.  refers  to  the  garden  : 

"  My  Lord  of  Ely,  when  I  was  last  in  Holborn 
I  saw  fine  strawberries  in  your  garden  there/' 

Ely  Place,  being  part  of  his  dominions,  was 
long  a  sanctuary  to  debtors,  the  King's  writ  not 
running  there.  This  condition  of  things  only 
ceased  in  the  nineteenth  century.  All  that  is  left 
of  the  Palace  is  St.  Etheldreda's  Chapel.  Ely 
Place  still  has  its  own  local  government  of  com- 


missioners,  and  a  day  and  a  night  watchman  take 
the  place  of  the  police.  The  later  palace  was  in 
Dover  Street ;  it  was  built  in  1775,  and  is  now  the 
Albemarle  Club.  The  bishop's  mitre  may  be 
seen  on  the  facade. 

Having  admired  the  vast  fabric  of  the  cathedral 
from  the  railway,  the  visitor  leaves  the  station,  and 
proceeds,  passing  a  row  of  old  thatched  cottages, 
to  the  iron  gate  of  the  Cathedral  Park.  Here,  in  the 
midst  of  sixteen  acres  of  undulating  ground,  beyond 
which  the  cathedral  rises,  as  a  modern  writer  has 
noted,  like  a  ship  from  the  waves,  is  an  artificial 
mound,  thickly  wooded,  now  surmounted  by  a 
monument  to  Bentham,  the  historian  of  Ely,  but 
of  old  by  the  abbey  windmill.  This  mill  was  known 
as  one  of  the  four  marvels  of  Alan  de  Walsingham, 
the  others  being  the  octagon  with  its  lantern,  the 
Lady  chapel,  and  the  abbey  vineyard.  Near  the 
Walpole  Gate  (commenced  in  1396  and  completed  by 
Prior  Walpole)  is  the  abbey  tithe-barn,  one  of  the 
largest  known  examples,  with  its  tiled  roof ;  a 
relic  of  the  days  when  rents  were  paid  in  kind. 

The  Walpole  Gate,  or  "  Ely  Porta,"  is  worth 
attention ;  it  bears  the  arms  of  Edward  the  Con- 
fessor and  those  of  the  see,  for  the  upper  chamber 
(used  in  the  past  as  a  chapel,  a  prison,  and  part  of 
a  brewery)  is  now  the  schoolroom  of  the  famous 
choir  school,  at  which  Edward  received  his  educa- 

Near  by,  but  without  the  gate,  is  the  beautiful 
little  building  known  as  Prior  Crauden's  Chapel, 
built,  like  so  much  of  what  is  best  at  Ely,  by  Alan 
de  Walsingham.     Prior  Crauden  "  ruled  the  con- 

ELY  367 

vent  as  a  peaceable  shepherd,  and  was  beloved  by 
God  and  man."  He  was  elected  Bishop  of  Ely  by 
the  monks,  but  the  Pope  refused  to  confirm  the 
election.  This  chapel  he  built  for  private  prayer 
and  meditation.  It  measures  only  fifteen  feet  by 
thirty.  It  is  a  beautiful  example  of  the  Decorated 
style ;  there  is  a  mosaic  pavement  of  Adam  and 
Eve,  and  on  one  wall  the  remains  of  a  fresco  of 
trefoil  and  daisies.  This  beautiful  little  chamber  is 
approached  by  a  spiral  staircase  ;  a  vaulted  chamber 
is  below.  The  chapel  is  now  part  of  the  King's 
Grammar  School,  and  is  in  daily  use. 

Next  to  the  chapel  is  the  priory,  now  the  candn's 
residence.  Here  Crauden  once  entertained  Queen 
Philippa,  wife  of  Edward  III.  Next  we  come  to  the 
deanery,  once  the  dining-hall  of  the  abbey,  and  then 
to  the  fair-hall,  meant  for  large  assemblies,  now 
the  residence  of  the  head-master  of  King's  School. 

Returning  to  the  gate,  passing  through,  and 
turning  to  the  right,  we  find  ourselves  in  a  street 
known  as  the  Gallery,  from  an  overhead  gallery  or 
covered  bridge  which  once  connected  the  palace  and 
cathedral,  spanning  the  roadway.  Opposite  the 
gateway  is  Hereward  Hall,  a  modern  adjunct 
to  the  King's  School.  On  the  left  is  the  wall  of 
the  palace  garden,  with  its  magnificent  old  plane- 
tree,  planted  in  1639. 

The  palace  was  built  by  Bishop  Alcock,  late  in 
the  fifteenth  century ;  it  is  of  red  brick,  faced 
with  stone.  Note  the  punning  coat  of  arms,  all 
cocks,  or  rather  their  heads,  and  the  arms  of  the 
see,  and  the  empty  canopied  niches.  Goodrich 
added  the  west  gallery  with  its  oriel  window.    On 


the  stonework  of  the  window  are  inscribed  Bishop 
Goodrich's  "  Duties,"  the  germ  of  the  catechism ; 
they  are  much  defaced  by  time.  They  end  with  the 
phrase  so  often  misquoted  by  the  smug  in  criticism 
of  the  discontented  poor,  "in  ye  state  of  lyfe  it 
plese  God  to  call  us  on  to."  It  is  interesting  to 
note  that  the  original,  like  the  Catechism,  expresses 
the  idea  of  progress  and  uncertainty,  which  is 
lacking  in  the  popular  ihisquotation — "  to  which  it 
has  pleased  God  to  call  them." 

We  have  now  reached  the  cathedral.  Across 
the  road  is  the  beautiful  Galilee  Porch — nearly  re- 
moved by  Essex,  the  fashionable  "  restorer "  of 
the  time  of  George  III.,  as  «•  neither  useful  nor  orna- 
mental." Its  date  is  probably  about  1200.  It 
acts  as  a  buttress  to  the  great  tower.  The  tower 
was  originally  surmounted  by  a  spire ;  it  was  pro- 
posed to  remove  this  in  1748,  but  the  inhabitants 
protesting  it  was  left  thirty  years  longer,  when  it 
was  demolished  as  unsafe.  This  spire  crowned  the 
octagonal  lantern,  which,  with  four  turrets,  forms 
the  upper  portion  of  the  tower. 

The  splendid  Norman  nave  is  one  of  the  most 
impressive  features  of  the  interior.  The  great 
timber  roof  is  now  hidden  by  a  vaulted  ceiling,  which 
was  beautifully  decorated  in  the  last  century  by 
two  amateurs  ;  the  subject  of  the  decorations  is  the 
Root  of  Jesse.  The  dignity  and  harmony  of  the 
grave  Norman  arches  of  the  supporting  tier,  the 
triforium,  and  the  clerestory,  the  massive  lower 
piers  being  alternately  clustered  and  circular, 
produce  an  impression  of  restful  simplicity  and 

ELY  369 

The  most  remarkable  feature  of  the  building  is  the 
famous  octagon  tower  and  lantern,  erected  by 
Alan  de  Walsingham  to  replace  the  great  Norman 
tower,  which  fell  in  1322,  crushing  the  Norman 
choir.  The  stonework  of  this  daring  structure  was 
completed  in  six  years ;  the  woodwork  took  six- 
teen. To  provide  the  eight  gigantic  balks  of  oak 
that  support  the  roof,  they  are  sixty-eight  feet  in 
length,  was  a  matter  of  no  small  difficulty ;  and 
even  in  our  times,  when  timber  was  needed  for 
repairs,  the  transport  of  such  enormous  beams 
proved  a  most  formidable  difficulty. 

The  windows  contain  modern  glass ;  but  there 
are  ancient  portrait-heads  in  the  mouldings  of  the 
arches,  and  a  series  of  corbels  depicts  incidents  in 
the  life  of  St.  Etheldreda.  It  is  believed  that  the 
builder  lies  here,  under  a  much-worn  slab,  at  the 
commencement  of  the  nave. 

The  transepts  are  earlier  than  the  nave,  being 
the  work  of  the  first  Norman  abbot.  The  presby- 
tery of  Bishop  Northwold,  with  its  three  orders  of 
windows,  is  an  unusually  fine  example  of  the  late 
Decorated  style.  The  beautiful  Lady  chapel  is 
another  example  of  the  same  style.  It  measures 
about  100  feet  by  50,  and  has  a  vaulted  roof  of  a 
single  span.  Canopied  niches  divide  a  stone 
bench*  which  runs  round  the  walls  like  so  much 
mediaeval  and  ancient  sculpture,  the  richly  decorated 
canopies  were  originally  painted ;  traces  of  blue, 
green,  red  and  gold  still  remaining.  The  statues 
are  of  course  gone  ;  and  of  the  stained  glass  only  a 
few  fragments  are  left. 

John  of  Wisbech  built  this  chapel,  to  the  designs 


of  Alan  of  Walsingham.  When  he  was  ready  to 
begin  the  actual  work  of  erection  there  was  a  dearth 
of  funds.  Brother  John  took  to  prayer,  called 
some  monks  and  lay  brethren  to  help  him,  and 
commenced  to  dig  the  foundations  by  night.  While 
digging,  John  found  a  pot  of  ancient  silver  coins, 
but  said  nothing  at  the  time ;  all  night  they  dug, 
until  "  a  small  rain  came  on."  John  hid  the  money 
secretly  under  his  bed,  and  cleaned  the  coins  a  few 
at  a  time,  and  with  them  paid  the  workmen  as  long 
as  the  money  lasted.  John  finished  the  chapel, 
and  a  few  months  later  fell  a  victim  to  the  Black 

The  cloisters,  alas !  are  no  more ;  their  site  is 
now  the  deanery  garden.  They  played  a  dominant 
part  in  the  old  corporate  life  of  the  abbey,  being 
schoolroom,  study,  atelier,  office  and  library  in  one. 
Here  the  clerical,  artistic,  literary  and  educational 
work  of  the  community  was  performed,  as  far  as 
possible  in  silence,  and  not  always  interrupted  by  the 
cold  of  winter.  Many  reference  books  were  kept  in 
the  cloister,  and  here  were  compiled  the  famous  Liber 
Eliensis,  containing  the  history  of  the  abbey  from 
its  foundation  till  the  end  of  the  twelfth  century, 
the  episcopal  rolls  and  registers,  the  account  rolls — 
nearly  300  in  number — the  cellerarius  rolls,  con- 
taining all  the  details  of  housekeeping,  and  many 
others — now  in  the  cathedral  library,  or  at  Lambeth, 
or  in  the  British  Museum.  From  these  records  we 
find  that  the  monk,  who  was  a  gentleman  by  position 
and  usually  by  birth,  cost  the  community  the 
equivalent  of  £4  of  our  money  weekly  in  food  and 
clothing  ;   so  that  apart  from  discomforts  incidental 

ELY  371 

to  the  age — such  as  the  lack  of  windows  and  chim- 
neys— he  lived  in  comfort  and  dignity. 

We  find  in  the  outfit  of  the  monk  such  articles 
as  cowls,  frocks,  winter  and  summer  coats,  wool- 
lined  cassocks,  furred  tunics,  blankets,  counterpanes, 
day  and  night  boots,  gaiters,  and  "  willcocks  " — 
a  species  of  headgear  to  defy  the  wind,  and  possibly 
the  progenitor  of  the  modern  * '  billy-cock. ' '  Novices 
carried  pencils  and  tablets  on  which  to  note  breaches 
of  the  rule,  to  be  referred  to  at  confession.  As  for 
the  pleasures  of  the  table,  we  do  not  find  the  diet 
ascetic.  Five  kinds  of  bread  and  beer  were  supplied, 
beef,  mutton,  venison,  fowls  and  fish — and  of  these 
the  variety  would  be  endless — rice,  sugar,  milk,  and 
vast  quantities  of  eggs,  seem  to  have  formed 
the  staple  diet.  The  vineyard  produced  vinegar 
only,  but  foreign  wines  were  consumed  on  special 

The  rule  of  the  Benedictines  was  fairly  strict. 
The  monk  rose  at  two  in  the  morning — it  is  only 
fair  to  say  that  he  had  had  seven  hours  in  bed — 
and  attended  matins  ;  at  four  he  returned  to  bed  for 
another  hour.  Then  came  prime  and  tirce ;  then 
the  Chapter  met  to  apportion  tasks  for  the  day ; 
then  came  low  and  high  mass.  At  ten  the  monk 
broke  his  fast,  while  a  brother  read  the  scriptures. 
Then  came  study  or  scholastic  or  clerical  work  in 
the  cloisters,  lasting  till  3  p.m. ;  then  vespers,  and 
at  5  supper,  compline,  and  bed.  At  certain  seasons 
games  were  allowed.  Once  in  six  weeks  each  monk 
was  bled,  so  faithfully  as  to  necessitate  a  week  in 
the  infirmary. 

All  this  came  to  an  end  in  1539.    Members  of 


communities  that  made  "  voluntary  surrender " 
were  modestly  provided  for.  The  abbey  became  a 
chapter  of  dean  and  canons. 

Returning  to  the  cathedral,  we  should  especially 
note  Bishop  West's  chapel,  despoiled  by  his  suc- 
cessor, Goodrich,  who  was  bishop  at  the  time  of  the 
Dissolution.  It  is  a  rich  example  of  the  finest 
Perpendicular  style.  Over  two  hundred  stone 
canopies  once  held  statuettes,  broken  by  Goodrich, 
the  last  bishop  to  be  abbot.  Alcock's  chapel  is 
earlier,  but  of  the  same  period  in  style,  and  contains 
some  wonderful  carving  of  grape-vine  ornament ; 
a  curious  boss  seen  from  one  point  of  view  becomes 
a  grinning  demon.  The  bishop's  coat-of-arms  is  a 
frequent  motive. 

The  shrines  of  the  four  saints  and  queens  were 
long  ago  despoiled.  The  shrine  of  Etheldreda  was 
once  rich  in  silver  and  pearls,  emeralds  and  onyx, 
with  crystal  lions  and  ivory  angels.  One  Bishop 
Nigel  robbed  it,  but  others  enriched  it  again.  The 
coffin  was  a  Roman  sarcophagus,  found  soon  after 
her  death  by  a  party  of  monks  on  the  ravaged 
site  of  the  Roman  city  of  Grantchester,  Cambridge. 
The  monument,  by  Alan  de  Walsingham,  still 
survives,  but  the  coffin  was  broken  up  at  the  time 
of  the  Reformation,  and  the  dust  within  it  scattered. 

The  body  of  another  Queen — Witburga — was 
stolen  from  Dereham,  to  make  the  collection  com- 
plete. The  abbot  held  a  Court  of  Justice  at  Dereham 
and  afterwards  feasted  the  inhabitants  royally ; 
in  the  night  he  secretly  dug  up  the  body  of  the  saint, 
and  by  horse  litter  and  boat  conveyed  it  to  Ely,  the 
men  of  Dereham  in  vain  pursuit.     Ely  was  forced 

ELY  373 

on  appeal  to  give  up  the  spoil,  but  revenged  herself 
by  saying  that  she  had  surrendered  only  a  worthless 
skeleton,  and  still  possessed  the  true  relics.  An 
inquiry  forced  the  monks  of  Ely  to  confess  that  this 
was  a  trick  ;  Dereham  had  her  saint  again. 

In  Bishop  West's  chapel  lie  the  remains  of  Brith- 
noth.  His  widow  gave  a  "  curtain  "  depicting  his 
deeds,  possibly  the  Bayeux  tapestry  was  suggested 
by  this. 

Before  leaving  the  cathedral  the  visitor  should 
climb  the  tower,  whence  a  magnificent  view  may  be 
obtained  of  the  fertile  plain,  the  villages  marking  the 
situation  of  the  islands  of  old.  Peterborough  and 
the  spires  of  Cambridge  are  visible  on  the  horizon. 

Leaving  the  cathedral  and  passing  the  palace  we 
come  to  St.  Mary's  Church,  an  interesting  combina- 
tion of  Norman  and  Early  English  architecture. 
Near  it  is  the  present  vicarage.  This  was  once  the 
tithe  house,  attached  to  the  tithe  barn,  and  the 
residence  of  the  hereditary  steward.  Steward 
indeed  became  the  family  name,  and  when  the  last 
of  the  male  line  died  in  1636  Oliver  Cromwell,  who 
was  his  grandson,  stepped  into  his  office.  Here 
he  lived  for  ten  years,  becoming  in  time  Governor 
of  the  Isle  of  Ely.  Here  he  drilled  the  levies  that 
formed  the  nucleus  of  his  Ironsides  ;  and  from  this 
house  he  crossed  to  the  cathedral,  in  January,  1643, 
while  Canon  Hitch  was  conducting  the  choir 
service  after  having  received  and  ignored  a  letter 
from  Cromwell  requiring  him  to  discontinue  that 
"  so  unedifying  and  offensive "  service.  Sword 
in  hand,  hat  on  head,  he  requested  the  canon  to 
"  leave  his  fooling  and  come  down,"  and  drove  the 


people  from  the  building.  In  1648  the  cathedral 
had  a  narrow  escape.  Parliament  made  an  order 
that  it  should  be  examined  with  a  view  to  pulling  it 
down  and  using  the  material  for  a  hospital  for  sick 
and  wounded  soldiers.  It  was  then  in  a  somewhat 
ruinous  condition. 

Not  far  away  is  the  modern  Theological  College. 
St.  John's  Farm  should  be  visited, — the  remains  of 
a  thirteenth  century  hostel  for  such  monks  as  were 
not  of  the  foundation.  To  the  south  of  Ely  is  the 
water  tower.  Before  the  water  supply  was  estab- 
lished water  for  brewing  and  washing  was  brought 
from  the  river  in  great  leather  bags,  slung  one  on 
either  side  of  a  horse  ;  an  arrangement  that  made  a 
livelihood  "  for  many  industrious  poor."  The 
industrious  poor  are  now  largely  occupied  in  fruit- 
picking,  jam-making,  farming,  and  the  making  of 
the  classic  basket. 


If  to  be  happy  is  to  have  no  history,  Chichester 
should  be  accounted  fortunate,  for  it  very  nearly 
fulfils  that  condition.  A  quiet  agricultural  market- 
town,  once  one  of  the  towns  of  the  Staple  and  later 
the  home  of  the  needle-making  industry,  its  existence 
has  for  the  most  part  been  prosperous  and  uneventful 
and  it  has  given  few  hostages  to  fortune  in  the  shape 
of  eminent  sons. 

In  one  respect,  however,  Chichester  is  in  the  proud 
position  of  being  unique  among  English  towns ; 
there  is  good  reason  to  believe  that  two  of  its  early 
inhabitants  are  mentioned  in  the  Bible. 

Chichester  is  ancient  as  English  towns  go.  Below 
it  he  the  remains  of  the  Roman  Regnum,  capital  of 
the  Regni,  a  British  people  friendly  and  subject 
to  Rome  from  an  early  date.  In  the  time  of  Claudius, 
Plautius  was  commissioned  to  subdue  the  Sussex 
coast,  and  the  local  British  ruler,  Cogidubnus, 
became  king  and  imperial  legate.  Of  all  Roman 
relics  found  in  Chichester  the  most  interesting  is  a 
slab  of  Purbeck  marble  now  at  Goodwood,  which 
contains  the  dedicatory  inscription  of  a  temple 
erected  in  the  time  of  Cogidubnus — who,  as  the 
custom  was,  took  the  name  of  his  Roman  suzerain 
— which  reads  as  follows  : 

"  The  temple  of  Neptune  and  Minerva,  erected 

375  2b 


for  the  preservation  of  the  Imperial  house,  by  the 
authority  of  Tiberius  Claudius  Cogidubnus,  the  king 
and  legate  of  the  empire.  The  college  of  artificers 
(the  guild,  probably,  of  shipwrights)  and  those  who 
were  desirous  of  supplying  materials  defrayed 
the  expense ;  Pudens  the  son  of  Pudentinus  gave 
the  site." 

Now  there  are  fairly  good  reasons  for  believing 
that  this  Pudens,  and  Claudia,  the  daughter  of 
Cogidubnus,  are  the  Pudens  and  Claudia  mentioned 
not  only  by  Martial,  but  by  St.  Paul  in  the  second 
epistle  to  Timothy ;  they  having  eventually,  like 
so  many  influential  Britons  of  the  time,  visited  Rome 
and  embraced  Christianity.  Cogidubnus  is  men- 
tioned also  by  Tacitus. 

The  church  of  Roman  Chichester  was  evidently 
on  the  site  of  the  present  St.  Olave's,  both  tiles  and 
urns  having  been  found  in  the  walls  ;  and  one  small 
doorway  is  probably  actually  of  Roman  construction. 

Under  Roman  rule  Chichester  was  evidently  a 
place  of  considerable  importance.  The  walls  fol- 
lowed the  line  of  the  present  city  walls,  indeed  the 
latter  are  largely  Roman,  and  the  town  itself  has 
retained  the  general  plan  of  the  Roman  city.  Not 
only  was  Chichester  a  stronghold,  but  a  considerable 
garrison  seems  to  have  been  maintained  without  the 
walls,  as  the  lands  known  as  the  Broyle  (Latin 
bruillum,  coppice)  show  the  remains  of  a  military 
station.  Relics  of  the  Roman  city  have  been  found 
in  abundance,  and  the  church  and  churchyard  of 
St.  Andrew  conceal  a  large  tesselated  pavement, 
which  lies  at  a  depth  of  four  or  five  feet,  so  that  the 
coffins  in  the  churchyard  actually  rest  upon  it. 

CHICHESTER.     The  Court  Yard  of  the  "Dolphin." 



The  end  of  the  Roman  Regnum  came  in  the  year 
480.  Ella,  the  first  of  the  Saxons  to  invade  Sussex, 
had  landed  three  years  previously,  and  in  the  year 
after  his  landing  had  sent  for  reinforcements.  When 
the  city  was  finally  taken  there  was  the  usual  scene 
of  fire  and  pillage.  Cissa,  who  succeeded  Ella  as 
king  of  the  South  Saxons,  rebuilt  the  town  on  the 
old  ground-plan  and  gave  it  the  name  of  Cissa's 
ceaster  or  camp — Chichester.  He  ruled  about  seven 

Chichester  remained  pagan  until  the  year  650. 
Then  Adelwalch,  king  of  Sussex,  taken  prisoner  by 
the  Christian  king  of  Mercia,  became  a  convert  and 
was  released.  On  returning  to  his  city  he  founded, 
according  to  Bede,  the  church  which  was  the  prede- 
cessor of  the  cathedral  and  also  the  monastery  and 
see  of  Selsea.  Another  tradition,  however,  makes 
Caedwalla  the  founder  of  Selsea;  but  Bede  and 
William  of  Malmesbury  state  that  Adelwalch  was 
the  founder,  Caedwalla  being  an  unruly  person  who 
slew  Adelwach  and  obtained  the  throne  of  Wessex, 
but  was  driven  out  of  Sussex. 

However  this  may  be,  it  is  clear  that  Wilfrid, 
after  being  previously  wrecked  on  the  Frisian  coast, 
was  with  other  Northumbrians  shipwrecked  on 
the  Sussex  coast,  on  his  way  back  from  Rome,  and 
reached  Selsea,  the  "  island  of  seals  "  at  a  time  when 
the  Saxons,  driven  frantic  by  a  three  years'  drought 
followed  by  famine  and  pestilence,  were  chaining 
themselves  together  in  batches  and  casting  them- 
selves into  the  sea.  As  soon  as  Wilfrid  landed  rain  fell 
abundantly,  and  he  was  credited  with  a  miracle 
He  founded  a  monastery  and  an  episcopal  see,  and  is 


said  to  have  taught  the  inhabitants  to  fish.  After 
sojourning  there  some  five  years  he  returned  to  the 
north,  "  and  while  yet  living  did  not  cease  to  per- 
form miracles."  His  church  now  lies  beneath  the 
sea,  and  the  anchorage  off  Selsey,  known  even 
to-day  as  the  Park,  was  in  the  time  of  Henry  VIII. 
a  stretch  of  forest  full  of  deer. 

Thanks  to  Athelwulf,  son  of  Egbert,  Chichester 
seems  to  have  escaped  the  common  fate  of  ravage 
by  the  Danes,  who,  sailing  up  the  muddy  Sussex 
rivers,  devastated  so  many  other  towns  ;  now  and 
again,  however,  coming  off  second  best,  as  is  proved 
in  one  instance  by  fragments  of  the  skin  of  a  flayed 
pirate  still  adhering  under  the  nail-heads  of  a  church 
door.  In  the  time  of  Alfred  the  Danes,  returning 
from  the  sack  of  Exeter,  put  in  to  a  neighbouring 
harbour,  but  the  men  of  Chichester  fared  forth  and 
slew  them  in  hundreds,  taking  or  sinking  several 
vessels  of  the  fleet. 

Just  before  the  Conquest  Chichester  was  a  town 
of  some  importance  for  those  days,  containing 
283  houses,  and  paying  a  yearly  rental  of  £15, 
{to  going  to  the  King  and  100  shillings  to  the  earl 
(Godwin,  father  of  .Harold).  At  the  time  of  the 
Conquest  the  rental  was  £35,  and  Domesday  Book 
informs  us  that  one  Humphry  Flamen  possessed  a 
house  of  10s.  value— perhaps  the  old  Saxon  castle. 
The  Saxon  town  was  divided  into  ten  wards,  each 
having  two  constables,  and  the  whole  presided  over 
by  two  head-boroughs,  each  of  whom  officiated  for 
six  months  in  the  year.  In  the  year  992  a  mint 
was  erected  here.  We  may  picture  the  town  as 
four  streets  of  wooden  houses,  or  houses  of  timber 


framing  filled  with  clay  stiffened  with  twigs  or  reeds, 
and  thatched  roofs ;  probably  only  the  castle  and 
the  abbey  were  of  stone.  Each  house  had  its  garden, 
either  beside  it  or  within  the  walls,  and  a  corre- 
sponding piece  of  pasture  without  the  walls. 

William  the  Conqueror  gave  the  town  to  Roger 
de  Belesme  or  Montgomery,  together  with  the  city 
of  Shrewsbury  and  157  manors.  He  also  removed 
the  see  of  Selsea  to  Chichester.  Probably  the  church 
of  St.  Peter's  Abbey  served  as  the  early  cathedral. 

Roger  had  two  sons ;  Hugh,  the  younger,  inher- 
ited the  English  manors ;  Robert  de  Belesme, 
of  whom  we  shall  hear  in  connection  with  Shrews- 
bury, the  elder,  the  Norman  estates.  Hugh  tried 
to  dethrone  Rufus  and  had  to  pay  a  fine  of  £3,000  ; 
he  died  in  repelling  a  raid  of  Magnus  of  Norway 
upon  Anglesea  and  the  north-west  of  Wales.  Robert 
then  inherited  ;  on  the  death  of  Rufus,  when  Robert 
of  Normandy  was  in  Palestine,  and  Henry  II. 
usurped  the  throne,  Belesme  conspired  to  obtain  the 
crown  for  his  sovereign.  Robert  eventually  "  sold 
out "  his  claim,  on  the  understanding  that  his 
supporters  were  to  be  reinstated  ;  Henry  broke  his 
word.  Belesme  fortified  Arundel,  and  Henry 
besieged  him ;  he  fled  to  Bridgenorth,  and  was 
taken  and  expelled  the  country.  The  lordship  of 
Chichester  and  the  earldom  of  Arundel  were  then 
granted  to  William  de  Albini. 

The  feudal  lord  residing  at  Arundel  or  elsewhere, 
Chichester  was  singularly  free  of  the  usual  feudal 
squabbles,  having  always  been  a  quiet  agricultural 
centre  rather  than  the  stronghold  of  a  few  powerful 


The  first  cathedral  built  as  such  was  the  work  of 
Ralph  Luffa,  and  was  completed  in  1108,  only  to  be 
destroyed  by  fire  in  11 14.  It  was  a  wooden  building, 
and  the  succeeding  fabric  was  partly  of  wood.  In  the 
year  1180  another  fire  destroyed  the  greater  part 
of  the  cathedral,  and  Seffrid,  then  Bishop,  built  the 
cathedral  very  much  as  we  see  it  to-day.  Ralph  II., 
who  followed  him,  built  the  great  central  tower  and 
broadened  the  nave  by  adding  chantries.  Bishop 
Gilbert  of  St.  Leofard  added  the  Lady  chapel,  and 
John  of  Langton  (1305-37)  the  cloisters.  Bishop 
Sherborne  (1508-36)  added  screen  and  stalls,  and 
employed  three  Italians  of  the  name  of  Bernardi 
who  embellished  roofs  and  walls ;  one  of  these  was 
responsible  for  the  curious  pictures  of  English  kings 
and  saints,  Henry  VIII.  appearing  both  as  himself 
and  as  Caedwalla,  and  Sherborne  figuring  as  himself 
and  as  Wilfrid.  Much  of  the  Bernardis'  lace-like 
decoration  was  whitewashed  by  a  vandal  dean  in 
1817,  but  was  to  some  extent  rescued  some  twenty 
years  later. 

The  most  exciting  events  in  the  history  of  the 
cathedral  were  the  irruption  of  the  Parliament  men 
in  1643,  when  Sir  William  Waller  besieged  and  took 
the  city,  and  the  fall  of  the  great  tower.  "  Although 
it  rained  heavily  half  an  hour  after  the  town  was 
taken,  no  rain  had  fallen  while  the  besiegers  were 
lying  abroad/'  so  the  troops  were  well,  and  in  excel- 
lent humour  for  the  cheerful  work  of  destruction. 
They  "  pulled  down  the  idolatrous  images  from  the 
market-cross;  they  brake  down  the  organ  in  the 
cathedral,  and  dashed  the  pipes  with  their  poleaxes, 
crying  in  scoff   '  Hark  how  the  organs  goe  ! '  "  and 


after  the  thanksgiving  service,  held  appropriately 
in  the  cathedral,  they  "  ran  up  and  down  with  their 
swords  drawn,  defacing  the  monuments  of  the  dead 
and  hacking  the  seats  and  stalls." 

On  February  21,  1861,  a  terrible  gale  did  much 
destruction  in  the  southern  counties.  The  cathedral 
was  undergoing  extensive  repairs  at  the  time.  The 
four  great  piers  of  the  tower,  Norman  rubble-work 
cased  in  stone,  were  known  to  be  insecure,  and  the 
superincumbent  arches  were  shored  with  timber. 
Suddenly  cracks  appeared  in  the  piers,  the  dry  rubble 
within  began  to  pour  out  like  sand,  a  fissure  was 
seen  to  run  up  the  spire,  and  suddenly  tower,  spire 
and  all  collapsed  and  sank,  slowly  and  in  a  dignified 
manner,  like  a  telescope  shutting  of  its  own  weight. 
Singularly  little  damage  was  done  to  the  rest  of 
the  building,  and  a  new  tower  and  spire  were  soon 

Of  notable  bishops  of  Chichester  we  may  mention 
St.  Richard  (1245-53)  whose  relics  were  translated 
hither  in  the  presence  of  Edward  I.  and  his  Queen 
in  the  year  1276  ;  and  now  lie  in  a  much-restored 
tomb  in  the  choir  ;  Bishop  Sherborne,  to  whom  the 
cathedral  owes  much  indeed,  and  his  successor,  the 
infamous  Christ opherson,  who  was  jointly  with 
Bonner  responsible  for  the  burning  alive  of  twenty- 
seven  people,  ten  in  one  fire  at  Lewes,  none  of  whom 
were  arrested  upon  a  proper  writ,  but  were  burned 
two  or  three  days  only  after  their  arrest.  Bishop 
Lake  is  famous  as  one  of  the  seven  bishops  who 
protested  against  James  II.'s  declaration  of  the 
liberty  of  conscience,  and  was  therefore  imprisoned, 
but  released,  to  the  joy  of  the  populace.    He  was 


deprived  on  the  accession  of  William  III.,  as  he 
refused  the  oath  of  allegiance. 

It  was  said  of  Christopherson,  who  had  translated 
Eusebius,  the  historian  of  the  martyrs  of  the  early 
Church,  that  he  behaved  "as  if  he  had  studied  the 
arts  of  cruelty  in  the  school  of  the  heathens."  For- 
tunately he  was  not  long  bishop,  being  installed 
only  a  year  before  Mary's  death.  He  was  suc- 
ceeded by  William  Barlow,  Bishop  of  St.  Asaph's 
under  Henry  VIII.,  then  of  St.  David's,  then  of  Bath 
and  Wells.  Barlow  was  deprived  by  Mary,  and  fled 
to  Germany,  but  returned  upon  the  accession  of 
Elizabeth,  and  was  sent  to  Chichester.  He  had  five 
daughters  who  married  five  bishops ;  his  wife's 
tomb  (in  Hampshire)  bears  the  following  epitaph  : 

Hie  Agatha  tumulus  Barloi  Praesulis  inde 
Exulis  inde  ;    iterum  Praesulis,  Uxor  erat ; 
Prole  beata  fuit,  plura  annis,  quinque  suarum 
Praesulibus  vidit,  Praesulis  ipsa,  datas. 

"  The  tomb  of  Agatha,  of  Barlow,  sometime  a  Bishop, 
Sometime  an  exile,  then  Bishop  again,  the  wife  ; 
Full  of  years  and  of  blessings,  five  of  her  daughters 
Saw  she  to  Bishops,  herself  to  a  Bishop,  given." 

The  visitor  to  Chichester  will  obtain  a  handbook 
of  the  cathedral.  Here  it  suffices  to  mention  that 
the  building  is  best  seen  from  East  Street  looking 
west.  Its  central  spire  and  flying  buttresses  give  it  a 
graceful  pyramidal  outline.  Entering  through  the 
west  porch,  the  five-aisled  nave  displays  a  wonderful 
effect  of  light  and  shade.  In  the  nave  are  ten  monu- 
ments by  Flaxman  ;  one  of  the  poet  Collins,  who 
was  born  in  Chichester  on  Christmas  Day,  1719, 
and  died  in  a  house  near  the  cloisters  in  1759.  He 
is  buried  in  St.  Andrew's. 


The  pictures  by  Bemardi  the  elder  are  at  the  back 
of  the  stalls  in  the  south  transept,  and  in  the  north 
transept,  which  for  a  long  time  was  in  use  as  the 
parish  church  of  St.  Peter.  In  the  latter  are  portraits 
of  all  the  Bishops  of  Selsea  and  Chichester  from  the 
foundation  of  the  see  to  the  Reformation ;  the 
companion  portraits  of  the  Kings  of  England  have 
not  all  survived.  The  loss  may  be  regarded  as  less  in 
that  they  all  have  a  very  strong  family  resemblance. 
In  the  south  transept  is  a  picture  representing  Caed- 
walla  bestowing  the  monastery  of  Selsea  on  Wilfrid, 
and  Henry  VIII.  confirming  the  grant  to  Bishop 

The  Lady  chapel  gives  an  unusual  length  to  the 
cathedral ;  it  is  a  prolongation  of  the  retro-choir. 
The  latter  contains  some  splendid  Norman  and 
pointed  arches,  with  Purbeck  marble  shafts  and  foli- 
ated capitals  ;  the  Lady  chapel  is  largely  Decorated. 

On  the  whole  the  cathedral  is  Norman,  with 
Early  English  and  Decorated  additions.  An  unusual 
feature  is  the  separate  campanile — a  squat  tower 
some  120  feet  in  height.  The  stone  of  which  it  is 
built  came  from  the  Isle  of  Wight,  and  was  intended 
by  one  Rimare,  of  Appledram,  for  the  material  of  his 
castle,  but  his  sovereign — Edward  II. — forbade  the 
erection  of  any  such  building,  and  the  stone  was  sold 
to  Bishop  Langton. 

Collins,  the  poet,  has  been  mentioned  as  a  native 
of  Chichester.  He  was  not  its  only  poet,  A 
historian,  writing  of  the  city  early  in  the  nineteenth 
century,  speaks  warmly  of  one  Daniel  Foot;  like 
Collins,  the  son  of  a  Chichester  tradesman,  who 
during  his  minority  wrote  and  published,  "  Poems 


on  Various  Occasions,  and  Three  Letters  on  Moral 
Subjects,"  which  subjects,  we  must  suppose,  did 
not  include  prudence  or  moderation,  since  the 
unfortunate  young  man  died  at  the  age  of  twenty- 
three  "  from  a  surfeit  of  hedge-picks  "  consumed 
during  a  country  walk. 

A  more  eminent  native  was  Bishop  Juxon,  perhaps 
the  best  known  of  Chichester's  sons.  From  Mer- 
chant Taylors'  he  went  to  St.  John's,  Oxford,  and 
followed  Laud  as  president.  He  became  Dean  of 
Worcester,  Prebendary  of  Chichester,  Dean  of  the 
Chapel  Royal,  Bishop  of  London,  and  Lord  High 
Treasurer — the  first  Churchman  to  hold  the  office 
since  the  reign  of  Henry  VIII.  He  advised  Charles  I. 
to  refuse  his  assent  to  the  bill  which  sealed  the  fate 
of  Strafford,  '*  seeing  that  he  knew  his  lordship  to  be 
innocent."  It  was  he,  as  all  will  remember,  who 
attended  Charles  on  the  scaffold.  During  the  Com- 
monwealth he  kept  a  pack  of  hounds  in  Gloucester- 
shire. Charles  II.  created  him  Archbishop  of 

The  bishop's  palace  has  been  in  part  rebuilt,  but 
the  dining-room  ceiling  is  decorated  with  heraldic 
devices  by  Bernard!  The  chapel  is  Early  English, 
and  contains  a  curious  old  fresco.  The  palace  stands 
at  the  west  end  of  the  cloisters  of  the  cathedral ; 
at  the  south-east  corner  is  the  chantry  of  St.  Faith, 
founded  in  the  fourteenth  century,  but  now  a 

An  interesting  old  building  is  St.  Mary's  Hospital, 
which  still  supports  eight  poor  people.  It  was 
founded  as  a  convent  about  the  middle  of  the  twelfth 
century,  by  a  dean  of  Chichester,  but  was  suppressed 


in  1229,  and  the  endowments  applied  to  the  support 
of  thirteen  decayed  persons  and  a  warden.  It  is 
entered  from  the  street  by  an  arched  doorway.  A 
long  refectory  ends  in  a  chapel,  which  is  separated 
from  it  by  an  open  oak  screen.  The  roof  is  very  wide 
in  span,  and  is  supported  by  wooden  standards ; 
the  aisles  at  the  side  contain  the  inmates'  apartments, 
which  consist  each  of  two  rooms.  The  timber  roof 
comes  to  within  six  feet  of  the  ground  on  either 

St.  Olave's  Church  has  already  been  mentioned ; 
it  stands  in  North  Street.  Near  the  end  of  the  same 
street  is  the  Guildhall,  once  the  chapel  of  the  Grey 
Friars.  It  is  Early  English,  and  has  a  very  fine 
window  of  five  lancets ;  the  sedilia  behind  the  mag- 
istrates' bench  are  also  fine.  The  garden,  now  a 
cricket-club  ground,  contains  a  mound  which  is 
probably  the  site  of  the  old  castle  keep. 

St.  Andrew's  Church,  mentioned  in  connection 
with  its  underground  Roman  pavement  and  the 
tomb  of  Collins,  contains  also  the  monument  of 
John  Cawley,  father  of  Cawley  the  "  regicide." 
This  Cawley  founded  almshouses  for  the  poor,  but 
the  endowments  have  been  vested  in  the  Corporation 
and  go  towards  the  upkeep  of  the  workhouse.  The 
almshouses  were  intended  to  support  twelve  poor 
tradesmen.  In  1772  a  tobacconist  of  Fleet  Street 
left  his  estate  "  to  ease  the  inhabitants  in  their 
poor-rates  for  ever." 

The  Canon  Gate,  opening  from  the  close  into  South 
Street,  was  probably  erected  by  Sherborne,  as  it  bears 
his  arms  ;  the  same  street  contains  the  museum,  in 
which  an  excellent  collection  of  local  antiquities 


may  be  seen.  A  curious  exhibit  is  a  vast  lantern, 
known  as  the  moon,  which  used  to  be  borne  in  front 
of  the  Mayor  when  he  went  abroad  at  night.  South 
Street  also  contains  some  interesting  old  houses, 
some  of  which  are  attributed  to  Wren.  Opening 
out  of  South  Street  is  the  Pallant — i.e.,  the  Palatinate 
or  "  Archbishop's  peculiar."  It  forms  a  miniature 
city  in  itself,  with  four  main  streets. 

In  Canon  Lane  is  the  hall  of  the  old  Vicars'  College, 
founded  for  the  vicars  choral  in  the  fourteenth 
century.  It  contains  the  ancient  lavatorium  and 
pulpit.  It  is  now  used  by  the  Theological  Training 

The  old  city  walls  are  fairly  intact,  with  their  semi- 
circular bastions  ;  in  parts  they  form  the  boundaries 
of  the  gardens  of  the  dignitaries  of  the  cathedral ; 
in  several  places  they  have  been  laid  out  as  public 
promenades.  They  are  mostly  of  Roman  flint. 
The  gates  are  not  extant.  They  last  played  a  part 
in  the  defence  of  the  town  during  the  civil  war. 
After  Edgehill,  when  the  King  lay  at  Reading,  the 
gentlemen  of  Sussex  sent  thither  to  ask  his  authority 
to  raise  the  south.  They  assembled  at  Chichester, 
but  the  south  failed  to  rise.  Sussex  is  a  phlegmatic 
county.  Recruits  were  few,  and  the  citizens  none 
too  friendly.  However,  they  repaired  the  walls, 
and  razed  two  churches  that  hampered  their 
artillery ;  but  Waller  had  them  ready  to  surrender 
at  the  end  of  ten  days,  with  no  great  damage 
to  either  side. 

Chichester  has  been  mentioned  as  one  of  the  towns 
of  the  Staple.  The  Staple  was  instituted  for  the 
furtherance  of  trade — and  incidentally  the  filling  of 


the  king's  exchequer — by  Edward  III.  The  object 
of  the  Staple  was  to  collect  all  the  chief  exportable 
produce  of  the  realm — wool,  felt,  lead,  and  tin — and 
to  store  it  in  certain  towns,  from  which  it  could  be 
exported  against  goods  or  bullion,  and  to  which 
foreign  merchants  could  resort.  The  company  of 
merchants  of  the  Staple  formed  an  independent 
commonwealth  within  the  State  ;  there  was  a  mayor 
and  a  constable  of  the  Staple  in  each  Staple  town, 
and  six  mediators — two  Germans,  two  Lombards, 
and  two  Englishmen.  It  is  obvious  that  such  an 
arrangement  greatly  reduced  the  cost  and  difficulty 
of  collecting  taxes  on  produce  and  exports,  and  was 
also  of  assistance  to  commerce.  The  towns  of  the 
Staple  were  originally  Chichester,  London,  York, 
Canterbury,  Winchester,  Bristol,  and  Exeter.  The 
Brotherhood  of  St.  Thomas  a  Becket,  which  was  a 
kind  of  wool  trust,  founded  in  the  reign  of  Henry  IV., 
did  much  to  injure  the  merchants  of  the  Staple.  The 
organisation  of  the  Staple  did  not  prove  successful, 
and  from  1360  to  1558  the  Staple  for  wool — that 
is,  the  trading-town  for  English  wool — was  usually 
fixed  at  Calais.  This  organisation  hardly  affected 
Chichester  as  the  market-town  of  a  wool-producing 

Chichester  was  once  famous  for  its  needles,  and 
also  for  its  malt.  The  malt  was  exported  chiefly 
to  Ireland  (the  port  of  Chichester  is  a  little  to  the 
west  of  the  town)  but  the  quality  of  the  malt  fell  off, 
and  the  trade  decayed.  The  needle  industry  for 
some  reason  never  recovered  from  the  effects  of  the 
civil  war.  It  was  carried  on  chiefly  in  the  suburb 
of  St.  Pancras  without  the  gates,  and  both  church 


and  suburb  were  destroyed  to  clear  the  ground 
adjacent  to  the  walls. 

A  notable  monument  not  yet  described  is  the 
market  cross.  It  was  built  by  Bishop  Story,  about 
1500,  who  left  an  estate  of  £25  to  pay  for  its  upkeep. 
Originally  the  niches  above  each  arch  contained 
figures,  but  Waller's  troops  destroyed  them.  The 
clock  was  given  by  Dame  Elizabeth  Farrington  in 
1733.  The  bronze  bust  of  Charles  I.  on  the  east 
side  is  probably  by  Le  Soeur  or  perhaps  Farrelli. 
The  whole  structure  forms  a  sort  of  open  arcade 
being  octagonal  in  form,  with  buttressed  angles  and 
a  central  pillar  supporting  a  groined  roof.  The 
arches  were  long  filled  in  with  iron  railings ;  the 
stone  seats  are  recent.  The  lantern  surmounting 
the  structure  is  a  doubtful  "  improvement " ; 
the  original  finial  was  probably  a  cross.  Bishop 
Story  was  the  founder  of  the  Grammar  School, 
whose  scholars  wear  upon  their  caps  a  represen- 
tation of  Prester  John,  the  Bishop's  heraldic 

A  good  example  of  a  mediaeval  moated  dwelling- 
house,  though  now  modernised,  is  Kingsham  House, 
now  a  farmhouse,  on  the  south  side  of  the  railway, 
in  St.  Pancras'  parish. 


For  centuries  the  town  of  Northampton  occupied  a 
position,  both  geographical  and  political,  of  peculiar 
importance.  It  is  almost  exactly  in  the  centre  of 
England,  "  so  that  travellers  from  the  remotest  parts 
of  the  land  may  be  said  to  meet  by  the  town  "  ;  it 
was  the  natural  meeting-place  for  north  and  south, 
east  and  west.  Its  surrounding  forests,  rich  in  all 
kinds  of  game,  attracted  monarchs  and  their  courts, 
with  the  result  that  many  councils  and  parliaments 
were  convened  here. 

There  is  no  very  good  evidence  of  its  existence 
during  British  or  Roman  times,  unless  we  may  accept 
the  evidence  of  its  name  in  Saxon  times,  Hamtune, 
which  would  appear  to  be  a  tautological  compound 
of  the  British  and  Saxon  words  for  town — somewhat 
analogous  to  such  names  as  Wickham,  Berwick,  Ham- 
boro,  Burton.  As  Southampton  rose  in  importance 
the  northern  town  naturally  became  Northampton. 

The  county  was  extensively  settled  by  the  Romans 
and  was  crossed  by  Wat  ling  Street  and  Ermine  Street. 
The  town  was  an  important  centre  of  the  Middle 
Angles.  In  the  ninth  century  it  was,  like  so  many 
English  county  towns,  taken  and  occupied  by  the 
Danes,  but  in  921  it  submitted  to  Edward  the  Elder 
as  he  made  his  famous  advance  upon  the  Danelagh. 
In  1010,  however,  the  Danes  returned  and  burned 



the  town,  "  and  took  thereabout  as  much  as  they 
would  "  ;  this  was  in  the  harrying  that  preceded  the 
conquest  of  Sweyn.  In  1063,  when  Northumbria 
deposed  Tostig,  his  successor  Morkere  marched  south 
to  Northampton,  raising  the  country  as  he  went, 
and  made  his  headquarters  in  the  town  ;  and  thence, 
with  his  brother  Edwin,  he  ravaged  the  country  round 
about,  "  slew  men,  burned  houses,  corn,  took  cattle/' 
and  departed  with  a  number  of  slaves,  after  the 
lively  fashion  of  the  day.  Then  a  great  "  gemote  " 
was  convened  in  the  town  by  Harold — perhaps  its 
earliest  Parliament — at  which  Morkere  and  Edward 
the  Confessor  settled  various  points  of  difference. 
The  earldom  of  Northampton  was  severed  from 
that  of  Northumbria — Siward  had  held  both — and 
given  to  Siward' s  son,  Waltheof.  Waltheof  married 
Judith,  niece  to  William  the  Conqueror.  He  was 
beheaded  at  Winchester  in  1076,  and  his  daughter 
brought  the  earldom  in  marriage  to  Simon  of  Senlis, 
the  first  of  the  three  Norman  earls  of  that  name. 
He  it  was  that  built  the  castle  on  the  bank  of  the 
Nene,  and  in  all  probability  the  Church  of  the  Holy 
Sepulchre,  of  which  more  anon. 

The  "  Saxon  Chronicle  "  speaks  of  sixty  burgesses 
and  sixty  houses,  but  at  the  time  of  the  Conquest 
fourteen  of  these  were  waste.  Domesday  Book 
mentions  forty  burgesses. 

With  the  third  Simon,  the  earldom  became 
extinct,  and  the  castle  reverted  to  the  Crown,  in 
1 1 84.  The  second  Simon  built  the  abbey  of  Delapre, 
of  which  nothing  now  remains. 

From  the  time  of  Henry  I.  onwards  we  find  the 
Kings  of  England  constantly  visiting  the  town  for 

-    - 

NORTHAMPTON.     Cromwell's  House. 


sport  or  sterner  reasons.  Here  Henry  kept  Easter 
with  his  court  in  1123  ;  here  in  1131  he  called  the 
barons  together  to  swear  fealty  to  his  daughter 
Maud  or  Matilda,  wife  of  Geoffrey  of  Anjou,  and 
later  of  the  Emperor  Charles  V.  Here  the  barons 
reassembled  to  do  the  same  for  Stephen.  In 
1 144  Stephen  held  his  court  here  ;  and  twenty  years 
later  Northampton  was  the  scene  of  the  famous 
Council  of  Northampton,  when  the  Constitutions  of 
Clarendon,  subjecting  the  Church  to  the  Crown, 
were  ratified.  Becket  had  agreed  at  last  to  the 
proposed  provisions,  but  he  retracted  his  promise, 
and  came  to  Northampton  in  a  mood  of  defiance. 
Taking  his  archiepiscopal  cross  from  Alexander,  the 
Welshman,  he  swept  into  the  presence  of  the 
assembly,  protested  against  the  claim  of  the  nobles 
to  judge  him,  and  appealed  to  the  Pope.  He  was 
followed,  as  he  left,  by  cries  of  "  Traitor  !  "  Henry, 
sulking  in  an  inner  chamber,  would  not  see  him. 
"  A  fool  he  was  and  ever  will  be,"  was  his  comment 
upon  Becket's  somewhat  theatrical  appearance. 
Becket  fled  that  night  in  the  dress  of  a  monk,  and  the 
quarrel  commenced  which  ended  in  his  assassination. 

Ten  years  later  Henry's  sons  were  in  arms  against 
him.  Anketil  Mallory,  supporting  Prince  Henry, 
defeated  the  loyalists  of  the  town,  plundered  it, 
and  returned  to  Leicester  with  booty  and  200 

Ten  years  later  still  the  famous  Assize  of 
Northampton  was  held.  Barons,  prelates,  knights 
and  burgesses  were  called  to  form  a  Parliament, 
which  was  the  first  in  England  to  unite  the  three 
estates  of  the  realm,  and  so  may  be  regarded  in  a 



sense  as  the  parent  of  the  English  Parliament, 
although  many  assemblies  were  held  subsequently 
which  did  not  represent  the  Commons.  This 
assembly  confirmed  the  Constitutions  of  Clarendon, 
and  divided  the  kingdom  into  six  circuits  for  the 
administration  of  justice,  thus  subordinating  both 
the  Church  and  the  Law  to  the  control  of  the 
Crown,  and  admitting  the  right  of  the  Commons  to 
advise  the  Crown.  The  King  and  clergy  of  Scotland 
were  present,  for  the  purpose  of  making  submission 
to  the  English  Church. 

In  1 199  we  find  one  Geoff ry  Fitzwalter  paying  a 
fine  of  40s.  to  be  discharged  from  the  inspection 
of  the  coinage,  which  proves  that  the  town  possessed 
a  mint  at  that  time  ;  it  is  mentioned  in  the  records 
of  the  two  subsequent  reigns.  In  11 84  Richard 
granted  a  charter  which  gave  the  burgesses  the  right 
of  choosing  a  portreeve  and  of  "  holding  the  town  " 
— always  a  somewhat  expensive  privilege.  Kings 
were  accustomed  to  sell  charters  when  impoverished, 
and  if  there  were  none  to  sell  would  "  resume  " 
a  charter  and  charge  a  substantial  sum  for  its 

In  the  same  year,  Richard  being  dead,  the  nobles 
of  the  realm  again  assembled,  and  were  prevailed 
upon  to  accept  John. 

John  was  a  frequent  visitor  to  the  city.  Even 
before  his  time  Northampton  was  famous  for  its 
boots,  and  an  old  record  exists  to  the  effect  that 
King  John  bought  a  pair  of  single-soled  boots  here 
— "  8  tari  botarum  singularum " — at  a  cost  of 
twelve  pence. 

In   1209,   John   having   a    difference   with   the 


burgesses  of  London,  Northampton  was  honoured 
by  the  removal  of  the  Royal  Exchequer  thither. 
In  12 12  he  met  the  Papal  nuncios,  Pandulph  and 
Durand,  who  came  to  demand  the  restoration  of 
property  confiscated  from  the  clergy,  and  upon  his 
refusal  excommunicated  him. 

Henry  III.  also  was  a  frequent  visitor.  In  the 
Barons'  War  both  sides  took  and  lost  the  town. 
We  read  that  he  was  here  when  the  news  of  Fulke 
de  Breaut6's  rebellion  reached  him,  and  his  council 
granted  a  subsidy  for  the  manufacture  of  machines 
to  be  used  in  the  reduction  of  Bedford,  the  forests 
close  at  hand  supplying  abundant  timber  for  such  a 
purpose ;  hides  too,  a  staple  article  of  commerce 
in  Northampton,  were  largely  used  in  the  construc- 
tion of  mediaeval  scaling  towers,  catapults,  and  so 
forth.  We  read  that  he  confirmed  the  charter 
granted  by  Henry  II.  for  a  fee  of  200  marks,  in 
Teturn  for  which  considerable  sum  he  gave  it  new 
liberties  as  ample  as  those  of  London. 

In  1234  tne  disputes  between  "  town  and  gown  " 
at  Oxford  became  acute,  with  the  ultimate  result 
that  the  majority  of  the  students  of  the  University 
removed  to  Northampton.  A  similar  migration 
occurred  from  Cambridge,  and  Northampton  bade 
fair  at  one  time  to  become  the  great  university  town 
of  England.  However,  the  scholars  did  not  con- 
fine themselves  to  the  gentle  paths  of  learning. 
Despite  the  fact  that  in  1261  Henry  bade  the 
mayor  and  bailiffs  and  other  good  men  afford  the 
scholars  every  facility  and  protection,  they  sided 
with  the  barons  in  the  war,  and  in  1264,  fighting 
under  their  own  banner,   "  did  more  with  their 


slings  and  longbows  and  crossbows  to  vex  and  gall 
the  king's  men  than  all  the  forces  of  the  barons 
besides."  "  Henry  swore  to  hang  them,  but  in  the 
end  he  only  packed  them  back  to  Oxford,  making 
an  enactment  prohibiting  Northampton  from  ever 
becoming  a  university  town."  On  this  occasion  the 
King's  men,  who  were  led  by  Prince  Edward,  entered 
the  town  by  undermining  the  wall  of  St.  Andrew's 
convent.  Simon  de  Montfort,  the  younger,  had 
twice  beaten  off  the  attack,  but  the  third  time  was 
taken  prisoner  "  with  all  honour."  The  town  was 
sacked.  Simon  retook  it,  and  held  a  tournament, 
inviting  the  knights  and  barons  of  England  "  to 
give  proof  of  their  manhood." 

By  this  time,  as  in  most  cities  of  England,  there 
was  a  large  and  wealthy  Jewish  community.  For 
a  long  period  the  Jews,  as  almost  the  only  bankers, 
were  protected  by  the  Crown,  but  now  greed  regarded 
persecution  as  a  more  profitable  policy.  In  1278  no 
less  than  300  Jews  were  hanged  for  clipping  money, 
and  in  1279  the  old  cry  was  raised,  just  as  to-day 
it  is  from  time  to  time  raised  in  Russia — the  Jews 
were  accused,  on  Good  Friday,  of  sacrificing  a 
Christian  child.  Thirty  were  dragged  behind  horses 
and  afterwards  hanged.  Ten  years  later  Edward  I. 
expelled  all  the  Jews  from  the  country,  confiscating 
their  property. 

Edward  I.  was  a  constant  visitor.  In  his  reign 
letters  patent  were  issued  permitting  the  burgesses 
to  keep  dogs — previously  forbidden,  perhaps,  by 
reason  of  the  nearness  of  the  royal  hunting-grounds. 
An  old  tapestry  shows  some  five  or  six  different 
breeds  of  dogs  used  in  venery ;  a  long-coated  deer- 


hound,  greyhounds  or  whippets,  something  like  a 
setter,  a  sort  of  spaniel,  and  a  dog  strongly  resembling 
the  modern  bull-dog ;  these  latter  are  in  leash, 
evidently  to  be  slipped  at  the  last  to  pull  down  the 

In  the  year  of  Edward's  death  a  Parliament  met 
to  arrange  for  his  burial,  and  the  marriage  and 
coronation  of  his  successor,  in  whose  reign  one 
John  Poydras,  the  son  of  an  Exeter  tanner,  was 
examined  by  a  Parliament  on  account  of  his  claim 
that  he  was  the  true  son  of  Edward  I.,  the  King  being 
the  child  of  a  carter.  As  he  failed  to  bring  forward 
any  proofs  he  was  hanged.  In  1328  the  Statute  of 
Northampton  confirmed  the  great  constitutional 
charters  and  amended  the  laws.  In  1338  the 
Corporation  obtained  permission  to  hold  an  annual 
fair  of  twenty-eight  days.  In  1380  the  second 
Statute  of  Northampton  was  enacted,  taxing 
foreign  wines.  The  Parliament  responsible  for  this 
measure  did  not  meet  in  the  castle ;  it  is  doubtful  if 
any  did  so  after  the  year  1323,  when  the  great  hall 
was  destroyed  by  fire,  but  in  the  priory  of  St. 
Andrew.  The  last  Parliament  held  here  was  in  1381, 
when  the  poll-tax  was  imposed  that  led  to  the 
rebellion  of  Wat  Tyler.  In  the  reign  of  Edward  III. 
Thomas  Wake,  sheriff,  claimed  the  castle  as  apper- 
taining to  the  county ;  thenceforward  it  was  held 
by  the  sheriffs,  and  later  was  used  as  a  prison. 

So  far  the  history  of  the  castle  has  been  the 
history  of  the  town.  The  next  hostilities  of  note 
in  which  the  castle  was  concerned  were  the  Wars  of 
the  Roses.  In  1410  the  Battle  of  Northampton 
was  fought  on  the  meadows  belonging  to  the  abbey 


of  Delapre\  Margaret  fled  to  Scotland  and  Henry 
VI.  fell  a  prisoner  into  the  hands  of  York.  In  this 
year  the  borough  was  finally  incorporated. 

Northampton  boasted  of  many  guilds  at  this 
period.  When  precisely  the  boot  and  shoe  industry 
was  first  established  we  do  not  know  ;  but  it  existed, 
as  we  have  seen,  in  the  twelfth  century,  and  pro- 
bably centuries  earlier.  Northampton  supplied 
Cromwell's  army,  the  army  sent  to  Ireland  by 
Charles  I.,  the  English  army  in  the  Crimea,  and  the 
French  army  in  the  Franco-Prussian  War.  Spencer 
Perceval,  who  is  chiefly  famous  for  having  been 
assassinated  in  the  lobby  of  the  House  of  Commons 
in  1812,  was  member  for  the  borough,  and  obtained 
valuable  Government  contracts  for  the  town.  The 
old  leather  fair  was  and  is  of  great  importance. 
The  "  leather  bottel "  was  a  local  product. 

Northampton  used  to  be  an  open  borough — that 
is,  every  householder  paying  "  scot  and  lot  "  could 
vote.  In  the  eighteenth  century  the  contests  were 
as  spirited  as  they  were  corrupt.  Pennant  in- 
genuously remarks  that  the  householder's  vote 
"  was  a  cruel  privilege  "  to  such  provincial  magnates 
as  "  were  ambitious  of  recommending  their  own 
representatives  " — in  coarser  language,  of  buying 
the  seat.  Such  ambitious  gentry  certainly  found 
the  privilege  a  very  costly  one  for  them.  In 
1768  the  Earls  of  Halifax  and  Northampton,  and 
Spencer  tried  each  to  return  his  own  member,  and 
materially  impoverished  themselves  in  the  process, 
Spencer  paying  £100,000,  and  the  other  two  £150,000 
apiece.  This  for  1000  voters  ;  many  of  whom,  by 
the  way,  voted  twice,  in  which  case  they  presumably 


sold  themselves  more  than  once.  A  wide-awake 
tradesman,  in  those  days,  might  easily  make  a 
thousand  pounds  at  election  time.  Reform  must 
have  been  a  sad  blow  to  such. 

To  return  for  a  moment  to  the  castle,  and  the 
Wars  of  the  Roses,  we  read  that  the  unfortunate 
Earl  Rivers,  father  of  Elizabeth,  Queen  of  Edward 
IV.,  and  Constable  of  England,  was  seized  and 
beheaded  in  Northampton  in  1469.  During  the 
Civil  War  the  castle  was  seized  by  Lord  Brooke, 
and  a  Parliamentary  garrison  left  in  charge.  The 
battle  of  Naseby  was  fought  only  twelve  miles  away. 
In  1662  the  demolition  of  the  castle  was  ordered, 
and  the  ruins  were  used  as  a  quarry. 

Charles  II.  seems  to  have  been  the  last  king  to 
resume  and  regrant  the  charter  of  the  Corporation. 
The  plague  visited  the  town  in  his  reign,  and  in  1678 
a  great  fire  destroyed  600  to  700  houses.  For  the 
rebuilding  of  the  town  it  is  curious  to  note  that 
£20,000  was  publicly  subscribed,  but  for  the  re- 
building of  London  after  the  Great  Fire  only  £18,000. 

One  of  the  finest  views  of  the  town  may  be 
obtained  from  the  well-known  Eleanor  Cross,  one 
of  the  many  similar  monuments  erected  in  commem- 
oration of  the  sad  journey  of  the  court  from  Harby 
in  Notts  to  Westminster.  Each  night,  when  the 
bier  was  set  down  before  bearing  it  into  the  church 
or  religious  house  that  was  to  give  it  shelter,  "  the 
King's  chancellor  and  the  great  men  "  fixed  upon  a 
suitable  site  for  such  a  memorial.  Two  of  the  three 
remaining  crosses  are  in  Northamptonshire. 

The  Northampton  cross,  actually  a  mile  south  of 
the  town,  is  in  very  fair  preservation,  and  has  on  the 


whole  been  respected  by  the  restorers.  It  consists 
of  an  octagonal  base,  a  lower  stage  of  canopied 
panels  and  shields  of  arms,  a  second  stage  containing 
four  statues  of  Queen  Eleanor,  under  richly  carved 
canopies,  and  a  final  tier  which  presumably  was  once 
surmounted  by  a  cross,  but  which  now  supports  a 
broken  shaft.  Near  by  is  a  causeway  from  the 
town  built  at  a  cost  of  £20  "  for  the  soul  of  the 
Queen."  The  accounts  of  the  payments  made  to 
the  sculptors  and  stonecutters  engaged  on  the  work 
are  still  extant. 

Beloved  as  she  was,  Eleanor  had  some  surprising 
characteristics.  She  acquired  lands  which  the  Jews 
had  extorted  from  Christians,  and  to  such  an  extent 
that  Archbishop  Peckham  informed  her  that  her  "  il- 
licit and  damned  gain  "  had  become  "  a  scandal  and 
byword,"  and  refused  her  absolution.  Carpets  were 
introduced  into  England  by  Eleanor ;  daughter  of 
the  King  of  Castile,  she  would  have  seen  them  at  her 
father's  court,  to  which  the  Spanish  Moors  introduced 

The  popular  tradition  that  her  presence  of  mind 
saved  her  husband's  life  in  Palestine,  appears  to  be 
a  myth.  Knighton  says  that  when  the  wound  had 
to  be  dressed  the  King  had  to  order  her  to  be  carried 
shrieking  from  the  room.  But  of  Edward's  passion- 
ate devotion  to  her  there  can  be  no  doubt. 

From  the  cross  the  city  is  seen  to  cover  a  ridge 
by  the  banks  of  the  Nene.  Delapr6  Abbey,  a  modern 
dwelling,  may  be  seen  on  the  right. 

The  town  contains  no  very  ancient  houses, 
probably  as  a  result  of  the  great  fire.  There  are 
four  principal  streets,  and  a  market  square,  which 


lies  off  the  Drapery.  Here  is  the  Corn  Exchange, 
a  somewhat  unlovely  building. 

Of  the  old  churches  the  most  curious  is  that  of 
the  Holy  Sepulchre,  built,  in  all  probability,  by  the 
first  of  the  Norman  earls.  It  is  one  of  four  English 
churches,  built  after  the  model  of  the  Church  of  the 
Holy  Sepulchre  in  Jerusalem.  The  other  three 
are  the  Temple  Church  in  London,  and  the  churches 
at  Cambridge  and  Maplestead  in  Essex.  The  nave 
is  circular.  The  font  in  the  centre  is  modern.  The 
windows  are  late  Decorated.  The  building  was 
restored  by  Scott  in  i860.  The  tiled  floor  and 
sepulchral  inscriptions  are  worth  noting.  The 
Perpendicular  tower  has  curious  and  unusual  but- 

St.  Peter's  Church  was  probably  built  by  the 
grandson  of  the  first  earl ;  the  date  is  about  1160, 
being  late  Norman  with  Perpendicular  alterations. 
The  north  gate,  the  corbels  under  the  roof,  and  the 
tower  buttresses,  are  interesting.  John  Smith,  the 
mezzotintist,  is  buried  here,  and  Dr.  William  Smith, 
the  "  father  of  English  geology,"  whose  observation 
of  fossil  remains  peculiar  to  different  strata  was  an 
epoch-making  discovery. 

All  Saints'  Church,  in  the  Drapery,  was  burned 
down  in  1675.  Charles  II.,  whose  statue  may  be 
seen  over  the  portico,  gave  "  1000  tun  of  timber  " 
for  the  rebuilding  of  the  church  and  the  town.  The 
tower  and  lantern  are  old,  in  the  Decorated  style. 

The  annual  bills  of  mortality  kept  in  this  parish 
are  famous  as  being  the  basis  of  Dr.  Price's  "  North- 
ampton Tables,"  on  which  all  life  insurance  calcula- 
tions are  founded.     These  bills  used  to  be  posted 


at  the  end  of  each  year,  with  a  suitable  "  copy  of 
verses "  attached.  Cowper,  in  a  letter  to  Lady 
Hesketh,  tells  us  that  the  clerk  of  All  Saints  walked 
over  to  Weston  Underwood  to  speak  to  him,  explain- 
ing that  "  the  verses  had  been  supplied  by  a  gentle- 
man of  so  much  reading  that  the  people  of  our  town 
cannot  understand  him/'  and  begged  that  Cowper 
would  undertake  the  matter ;  which  he  did,  for 
seven  years. 

St.  Giles  (enlarged  1857)  has  a  Norman  west  door, 
but  is  chiefly  Perpendicular ;  a  chapel  contains  a 
tomb  of  the  Gobion  family. 

Northampton  contains  many  new  churches  in 
various  styles,  including  a  Roman  Catholic  cathedral 
and  church. 

Of  the  old  priory  of  St.  Andrew  nothing  is  left ; 
of  the  abbey  of  St.  James  a  wall  remains. 

Another  old  foundation  was  a  college  of  sixteen 
priests,  founded  by  Henry  VI.  to  pray  for  the  souls 
of  Margaret  of  Anjou  and  Prince  Edward.  St. 
Thomas's  Hospital,  founded  in  1450,  the  Bluecoat 
School,  and  the  Free  Grammar  School  still  exist. 
Other  institutions  are  an  orphanage,  an  infirmary, 
an  asylum,  a  corn  exchange,  two  jails,  a  barracks, 
a  theatre,  and  an  opera-house. 

Of  modern  buildings  the  town-hall  is  worth  a 
visit.  On  the  facade  are  statues  of  English  kings, 
incidents  in  the  history  of  the  town,  and  carvings 
illustrative  of  the  trades  of  the  town.  The  great 
hall  and  committee  room  are  good  ;  there  is  a  stained 
glass  window  on  the  staircase,  and  in  the  council 
chamber  Chantrey's  statue  of  Perceval. 

The  county-hall  (seventeenth  century)  contains 


some  royal  portraits  and  two  fine  ceilings  in  high 
relief.  The  museum  and  free  library  were  enlarged 
on  the  fabric  of  the  old  jail. 

Northampton  had  a  notable  citizen  in  Laurence 
Washington,  the  ancestor  of  George.  He  came  of 
the  branch  of  the  family  settled  in  Lancashire,  was 
a  member  of  Gray's  Inn,  and  established  himself  in 
Northampton,  where  he  was  mayor  in  1533  and  1546. 
He  married  a  cousin  of  Spencer  of  Althorp.  At  the 
dissolution  of  the  monasteries  he  received  the  manor 
of  Sulgrave,  and  removed  thither  ;  part  of  the  house 
still  stands.  He  migrated  later  to  Brington,  to  a 
house  still  standing.  His  great  grandson,  Lawrence, 
was  the  father  of  the  John  and  Laurence  Washington 
who  emigrated  to  Virginia,  and  the  great  grand- 
father of  George.  Lawrence  was  buried  at  Sulgrave 
in  1584. 

The  American  Northampton  (Mass.,  co.  Hamp- 
shire) on  the  Connecticut  was  founded  in  1654 
on  lands  bought  from  the  Indians  the  preceding 
year.  Jonathan  Edwards  was  pastor  there  from 
1727  to  1750. 


Tamworth  is  a  pleasant,  prosperous  town,  partly 
dependent  on  the  rich  grazing  grounds  and  market 
gardens  that  surround  it,  and  partly  on  the  numer- 
ous local  industries ;  it  has  a  goodly  number  of 
citizens  in  comfortable  circumstances,  and  therefore 
a  wealth  of  respectable  houses  and  suburbs.  Nearly 
half  way  between  Birmingham  and  Burton-on- 
Trent,  built  on  both  banks  of  the  Teme  at  the 
confluence  of  the  Anker,  it  stands  partly  in  Stafford- 
shire and  partly  in  Warwickshire,  the  two  halves  of 
the  town  being  connected  by  several  bridges. 
The  inhabitants  have  rights  of  pasture  over  two 
large  tracts  of  common  land,  known  respectively 
as  the  Stafford  and  Warwick  "  moors." 

The  surrounding  country  is  mainly  level  meadow- 
land  to  the  south,  rising  a  little  and  more  enclosed 
to  the  north.  Coal,  fireclay,  blue  and  red  brick  clay 
are  found  in  the  district,  and  vegetables  are  grown 
for  the  market ;  the  industries  are  various,  including 
textile  printing  and  weaving,  brewing,  paper- 
making,  etc. ;  Tamworth  used  to  be  famous  for  its 
superfine  narrow  woollen  cloth. 

Leland  the  invaluable,  describing  the  town  as  it 
was  in  the  Tudor  period,  states  that  it  "  was  all 
well  builded  of  tymber,"  which  usually  meant 
what  we  call  a  "frame"  house.     "The  town  of 


TAMWORTH.     The  Entrance  to  the  Castle. 


Tamworth  having  a  celebrated  market  is  of  ancient 
memory,  and  after  the  Danes  had  razed  and  defaced 
it,  Ethelthleda,  lady  of  the  Merches,  and  sister  of 
King  Edward,  sen.,  repayred  it.  ...  I  saw  but 
three  notable  thinges,  the  paroch-church,  the 
castle,  and  the  bridge/ '  To  go  back  to  the  earliest 
times  we  find  that  Watling  Street  ran  near  by,  but 
Tamworth  was  not  a  Roman  settlement.  Precisely 
when  it  was  founded  we  do  not  know,  but  we  may 
judge  that  it  was  of  importance  at  a  very  early 
period,  for  numerous  charters  signed  by  the  Saxon 
Kings  of  Mercia  in  their  palace  of  Tamworth  prove 
that  it  was  long  a  favourite  residence  of  the  Mercian 
house.  The  whole  town  was  then  surrounded  by  a 
great  moat  as  to  three  of  its  sides,  the  river  protecting 
the  fourth  ;  this  moat,  of  which  traces  still  remain, 
and  which  is  known  as  the  King's  Dyke,  was  45  feet 
in  width.  Possibly  it  was  from  this  circumstance 
that  Tamworth  or  Tamanweorthe — the  island  of 
the  Tame — derived  its  name. 

One  such  charter,  granted  to  the  monks  of  Worces- 
ter, bears  the  name  of  Offa,  and  the  date  781.  At 
the  invasion  of  Mercia  by  the  Danes  the  town  was 
completely  destroyed,  but  the  celebrated  Governess 
of  Mercia,  Ethelfleda,  daughter  to  Alfred,  rebuilt 
it  in  913,  after  she  had  expelled  the  invaders.  On 
the  site  of  the  present  castle  she  raised  a  fortress 
and  watch-tower,  and  until  her  death  in  920  was 
frequently  in  the  town. 

The  form  of  military  service  instituted  by  Alfred 
is  well  known ;  the  land  was  divided  into  military 
districts,  each  five  hides  sending  an  armed  man  at 
the  summons  of  the  King,  and  sustaining  him  during 


his  service.  The  army  so  constituted — all  of 
freemen — was  divided  into  two  parts,  one  of  which 
took  the  field  while  the  other  served  as  garrison. 
The  eastern  half  of  Mercia  was  now  the  "  Five 
Boroughs  "  of  the  Danes  :  Derby,  Lincoln,  Stam- 
ford, Nottingham  and  Leicester  being  linked  in  a 
loose  confederacy,  each  ruled  by  an  earl  and  having 
an  army  of  its  own,  with  twelve  "  lawmen '  to 
administer  justice — which  they  found  no  easy  task 
— and  a  supreme  federal  court  over  all.  It  was  not 
leisure  alone  that  brought  Ethelfleda  to  Tamworth  ; 
as  a  stronghold  it  played  a  part  in  her  plan  of 
conquest.  Her  tactics  were  to  lay  siege  and  to  build 
forts.  At  Tamworth,  Stafford  and  Warwick  she 
built  castles,  securing  the  lines  of  the  Trent  and  the 
Avon ;  then,  closing  the  approach  to  Wales,  she 
moved  upon  Derby  and  Leicester,  taking  each  in 
succession.  Before  her  triumph  was  complete  she 
died ;  but  in  the  year  922  Tamworth  saw  the  sub- 
mission of  all  the  tribes  of  Mercia  and  the  Prince  of 
Wales  to  Edward,  her  brother,  who,  attacking  the 
five  boroughs  from  the  south,  reduced  the  Fens, 
the  Ouse,  and  the  Nene,  and  annexed  Wessex  to  his 
dominions.  Then  the  north  suddenly  owned  his 
lordship,  and  for  a  few  years  the  whole  country 
was  at  peace. 

From  the  time  of  Edward  the  Martyr  to  that  of 
Rufus  Tamworth  was  a  royal  mint.  At  the  time  of 
the  Conquest  it  became  a  royal  demesne,  but  after 
a  while  was  leased  to  the  lords  of  the  castle.  The 
castle  itself,  or  the  site  thereof,  William  gave  to 
Robert  Marmion  of  Fontenoy,  in  whose  family  it 
remained  until  1291,  when  a  daughter  of  the  house 


brought  it  to  William  Mortem  ;  thence  it  passed  to 
the  Frevilles,  and  about  1400  to  the  Ferrers  ;  thence 
to  the  Comptons,  and  in  1751  to  the  Townshend 
family.  The  present  building,  surrounded  by  mas- 
sive walls  and  standing  high  on  its  mound,  is  chiefly 
Jacobean ;    by  whom  erected  seems  doubtful. 

Leland  says,  "  The  bare  court  and  the  great  wall 
is  clean  decayed,  and  the  wall  fallen  downe.  .  .  „ 
The  dungeon  yet  standeth  and  a  great  round  tower 
of  stone,  wherein  Mr.  Ferrers  dwelleth,  and  now 
repayreth  it."  We  are  told  that  Earl  Leicester 
thought  of  residing  here,  and  had  Wyatt  survey  the 
fabric,  but  it  was  then  considered  too  far  decayed. 
In  the  early  part  of  the  nineteenth  century  it  was 
used  as  a  factory  ;  it  is  now  in  private  occupation. 
Two  fine  sitting-rooms  are  wainscoted  and  decorated 
with  arms  of  the  Ferrers  family  impaling  the  various 
marriages  contracted.  The  hall  has  an  open  timber 
roof  springing  from  very  low  walls  ;  on  one  wall 
used  to  be  visible  an  uncouth  painting  of  Sir  Launce- 
lot  of  the  Hall  fighting  Sir  Tarquin,  which  incident 
occurred,  so  says  a  legend,  in  the  meads  without 
the  town.  There  is  a  curious  ivy-covered  tower; 
from  this  or  the  leads  of  the  roof  a  very  fine  view 
may  be  obtained. 

To  return  to  Robert  of  Marmion,  who  built  the 
Norman  castle,  we  are  told  that  he  confiscated  all 
the  property  of  Tamworth  church  and  college ; 
whereupon  the  spirit  of  St.  Editha  paid  him  a 
nocturnal  visit,  the  result  of  which  was  that  he  not 
only  returned  the  spoil,  but  endowed  the  church 
with  several  manors. 

The  church  in  question  is  dedicated  to  St.  Editha, 


who  lies  buried  here  ;  the  shrine  and  image  of  the 
saint  were  destroyed  at  the  Reformation.  The 
Marmion  foundation  gave  it  a  dean  and  six  preben- 
daries, each  having  a  vicar  or  substitute.  As  late 
as  1553  the  incumbents  drew  pensions  ;  but  Eliza- 
beth granted  college  and  prebends  to  Edward 
Downing  and  Peter  Ashton.  In  the  eighteenth 
century  the  living  was  only  a  curacy,  but  was 
finally  declared  a  vicarage  by  the  House  of  Lords. 

It  is  a  building  chiefly  of  the  Decorated  and 
Perpendicular  periods,  as  the  Norman  church  was 
burned  in  1345  ;  of  this  two  fine  arches,  with  zig- 
zag mouldings,  remain.  There  is  a  crypt  full  of 
human  bones.  The  tower  is  a  fine  massive  structure ; 
of  the  spire  only  the  base  remains.  The  stairway 
leading  both  to  the  exterior  and  the  interior  of  the 
upper  portion  of  the  tower  is  of  a  rare  and  curious 
type  ;  it  consists  of  two  spiral  staircases  super- 
imposed— in  other  words,  of  a  double  spiral,  like 
a  two-threaded  worm  or  screw — so  that  the  treads 
of  one  staircase  form  the  ceil  of  the  other.  The 
chancel  contains  ancient  monuments  of  Marmions, 
Frevilles,  and  others,  and  the  tower  a  fine  seven- 
teenth century  tomb  with  life-size  kneeling  figures 
of  the  two  last  Ferrers.  It  is  said  that  the  church 
was  founded,  in  connection  with  a  convent,  by  St. 
Editha  herself ;  this  is  doubtful,  but  we  know  it 
was  rebuilt  and  made  collegiate  by  Edgar. 

Tamworth  town  belonged  to  the  Crown  until  the 
reign  of  Henry  III.  It  was  then  declared  a  free 
corporation ;  but  the  charter  was  forfeited,  and 
restored  by  Edward  II.  Edward  III.  granted  a 
fair  and  other  privileges.    At  some  period  the  town 


decayed  and  lost  the  name  of  borough ;  but  Eliza- 
beth granted  a  charter  by  which  it  was  incorporated 
with  a  high  steward,  two  bailiffs,  a  recorder,  a  town 
clerk,  and  twenty-four  burgesses.  The  Elizabethan 
charter  was  superseded  by  one  granted  by  Charles 
II.,  which  was  in  force  until  1885,  and  until  the  latter 
date  the  town  returned  two  members,  all  voting 
who  paid  "  lot  and  scot/' 

The  weekly  market  was  by  prescription  from  the 
days  of  the  Kings  of  Mercia  held  on  Saturdays ; 
Tamworth  also  had  five  fairs :  on  the  Monday 
before  25th  January ;  on  4th  May  (St.  George's 
day,  old  style) ;  on  St.  Swithin's  Day ;  on  the 
26th  July ;  on  the  first  Monday  in  September ; 
and  on  the  feast  of  Edward  the  Confessor — the  24th 
of  October — and  the  four  following  days. 

We  have  heard  Leland ;  Michael  Drayton,  who 
was  born  on  the  banks  of  the  Anker,  apostrophises 
the  stream  and  his  mistress  in  a  well-known 
passage : 

"  Clear  Anker,  on  whose  silver-sanded  shore 
My  soul-shrined  saint,  my  fair  Idea  lies  : 
A  blessed  brook,  whose  milk-white  swans  adore 
The  crystal  stream  refined  by  her  eyes.     .     .     . 
Where  nightingales  in  Arden  sit  an<l  sing 
Among  the  dainty  dew-impearled  flowers, 
Fair  Arden,  thou  my  Tempe  art  alone 
And  thou,  sweet  Anker,  art  my  Helicon." 

The  parish  register  contains  some  significant 
entries : 

Mem.  in  1563  and  1626  the  plague  in  Tamworth. 
Mem.  in  1597  the  blouddie  flixe  (epidemic  dysentery)  at 
which  tyme  the  darthe  of  corne  somewhat  abated  by  reason 

of  deathe. 



1598.  Mem.  that  the  30th  day  of  this  April  Robert  Earl 
of  Essex  went  from  Drayton  Basset  toward  Ireland  to  make 
warre  against  the  Earl  of  Tyroone,  an  Irishman. 

"  Blouddie  warre/ '  the  scribe  might  well  have 
said.  Drayton  Bassett,  or  rather  Drayton  Manor, 
once  the  seat  of  Hugh  Lupus,  Earl  of  Chester,  who 
married  a  Bassett,  passed  to  the  Staff ords  and  was 
forfeited ;  finally  it  became  the  residence  of  Lettice, 
Countess  Essex,  mother  of  Elizabeth's  favourite, 
and  was  visited  by  Elizabeth.  Lady  Essex  after- 
wards married  Dudley,  Earl  of  Leicester.  After 
the  death  of  her  grandson  it  passed  to  the  Thynnes, 
and  the  first  Marquis  of  Bath  sold  it  to  the  great 
Sir  Robert  Peel.  The  parliamentary  interests  of 
the  borough  of  Tamworth  were  formerly  divided 
between  the  Thynnes  and  the  Townshend  family  ; 
but  now  Sir  Robert  Peel  became  one  of  the  members. 
At  Fazely,  about  ij  miles  south  of  Tamworth,  he 
erected  cotton  mills,  and  connected  Fazely  with  the 
great  inland  waterway  of  the  Midlands  and  the 
North.  To  a  certain  extent  Tamworth  lost  by  the 
introduction  of  the  railways ;  of  course,  only  rela- 
tively and  for  a  time. 

To  return  to  the  register  :  we  find  that  during  the 
Civil  War  the  castle  was  taken  and  held  by  the 
Parliamentary  troops.  In  1677  the  free  Grammar 
School  refounded  by  Edward  VI.  was  rebuilt,  as 
it  was  again  in  1867. 

The  Hospital,  or  Guy's  Almshouse,  is  interesting 
as  having  been  founded  in  1678  (for  six  men  and 
six  women)  by  Thomas  Guy,  the  famous  and 
wealthy  bookseller  of  London,  who  founded  Guy's 
Hospital   in   Southwark.    Guy   represented   Tarn- 


worth  in  seven  successive  Parliaments.  He  also 
rebuilt  the  town-hall,  in  front  of  which  is  a  bronze 
statue  of  Sir  Robert  Peel.  The  town  also  boasts 
of  a  swimming-bath,  a  boys'  institute,  etc.,  etc., 
and  is  in  all  ways  a  pleasant  and  well-governed  type 
of  the  lesser  industrial  and  market-town  of  the 

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Shrewsbury,  a  city  that  "  glads  itself  and  beautifies 
the  shire,"  to  quote  the  city's  poet,  Churchyard,  is 
built  on  one  of  two  peninsulas  formed  by  an  S-shaped 
twist  of  the  Severn,  the  neck  of  the  peninsula  being 
only  some  300  yards  wide.  Oliver  Mathews  informs 
us  that  the  site  was  chosen  "  before  the  incarnation 
of  our  Savioure  Christe  438  years."  liolinshed 
states  that  the  "  Brytaynes  "  assembled  here  to 
oppose  the  Romans  in  the  year  a.d.  28,  and  that 
Shrewsbury  was  then  a  town  of  importance. 

Llywarch  the  Old,  the  great  Welsh  bard,  who  is 
said  to  have  reached  the  age  of  145  years — attributed 
the  fortification  of  the  town  to  Cyndelan — "  the 
purple-bearer  of  Powis  " — and  in  his  many  refer- 
ences to  Pengwern — the  city  on  the  hill  of  alders — 
it  figures  as  a  border-town,  for  long  the  capital  of 
the  Princes  of  Powis.  Uriconium  (Wroxeter),  a 
few  miles  distant,  was  a  Roman  city,  but  there  was 
no  Roman  station  at  Shrewsbury.  Uriconium  was 
destroyed  by  fire  about  the  year  570  ;  nothing  is 
left  of  it  to-day  but  a  few  foundations,  some  trifles 
in  a  museum,  and  the  names  of  Wroxeter  and  Wrekin. 
At  its  fall,  it  seems,  the  British  took  refuge  on  "  the 
hill  of  the  alders  "  ;  the  Severn  then  ran  in  many 
channels,  and  the  site  may  have  been  chosen  for 
its  inaccessibility.    However,  the  Saxon  was  not 



long  in  coming ;  Llywarch  speaks  of  a  raider  in 
Powis  by  the  name  of  Twrch,  "  the  hog,"  and  in 
another  passage — either  in  lament  or  prophecy — calls 
on  the  maidens  of  Pengwern  "  to  leave  their  dwel- 
lings and  behold  the  habitation  of  Cyndelan,  the 
royal  palace  of  Pengwern,  wrapped  in  flames;" 
in  prophecy,  perhaps,  for  despite  Saxon  raids 
Pengwern  was  long  the  capital  of  the  Kings  of  Powis. 

In  the  year  780  Offa,  the  Mercian  conqueror, 
crossed  the  Severn,  conquered  a  great  part  of  Powis, 
drove  its  king  from  Shrewsbury,  as  the  Saxons  now 
called  it  (Scrobbesbyrig — the  fenced  town  among 
the  thickets),  and  built  the  great  wall  running  from 
Dee  to  Wye  known  as  Offa's  Dyke  to  this  day. 

Shrewsbury  was  still  a  border-town,  but  henceforth 
in  the  hands  of  the  invader.  The  British  had  long 
relapsed  from  the  civilisation  of  the  Romans  ;  even 
their  native  civilisation,  through  ages  of  almost 
nomadic  war,  had  notably  decayed.  It  is  probable 
that  the  Pengwern  that  fell  into  the  hands  of  the 
Saxons  was  merely  a  collection  of  wattled  huts  with 
roofs  of  turf  or  thatch,  the  whole  enclosed  by  a 
rough  stockade.  Probably  the  general  appearance 
of  the  hill  was  much  the  same  as  when  the  Britons 
first  took  refuge  there ;  the  Saxons  would  hardly 
have  been  content  with  an  exact  translation  of  the 
name  had  it  been  inappropriate. 

Under  Saxon  rule  Shrewsbury  soon  became  a  town 
of  some  importance,  and  comparatively  civilised  in 
character.  Alfred's  daughter,  Ethelfleda,  a  widow 
of  the  Ealderman  of  Mercia,  succeeded  in  the  govern- 
ment, and  founded  at  Shrewsbury  the  collegiate 
church  of  St.  Alcmund,  while  under  Athelstan  the 


town  was  of  sufficient  importance  to  become  the  seat 
of  a  mint,  whose  coins  are  still  extant.  This  was 
after  Athelstan's  invasion  of  Scotland  and  conquest 
of  Cornwall,  as  is  shown  by  the  fact  that  the  super- 
scription is  Rex.  To.  Brit. — King  of  all  Britain. 

Edmund  reformed  St.  Alcmund's  and  founded  the 
abbey  of  St.  Mary.  Ethelred,  pursued  by  the  Danes, 
"  passed  over  Thames  into  Scrobbesbyrigscire,"  and 
there  spent  Christmas  with  his  court.  By  this  time 
Shrewsbury  was  one  of  the  larger  English  towns, 
and  of  increasing  importance  as  a  great  centre  of 
Welsh-English  commerce. 

About  this  time  a  curious  incident  gave  rise  to  a 
still  more  curious  custom.  Edric,  earl  of  Mercia, 
invited  Alfhelm,  a  royal  prince,  to  visit  him  at 
Shrewsbury,  and  after  feasting  him  for  four  days  took 
him  hunting,  when  one  Godwin  Porkhund,  who  is 
variously  stated  to  have  been  a  butcher  and  master 
of  the  earl's  boar-hounds,  came  out  from  a  thicket 
and  slew  him,  as  instructed  by  his  master.  After 
this,  whenever  the  King  was  in  residence  at  Shrews- 
bury, the  citizens  had  to  keep  watch  over  him,  the 
duty  being  shared  by  twelve  of  their  number ; 
when  he  went  hunting  thirty-six  had  to  stand  around 
him  ;  and  when  he  left  the  town  the  sheriff  had  to 
supply  him  with  twenty-four  horses. 

Domesday  Book  mentions  252  houses  of  bur- 
gesses in  the  time  of  Edward  the  Confessor ;  these 
paid  an  annual  rent  to  the  crown.  A  fine  of  100s. 
was  imposed  for  assault  and  50s.  for  burglary. 
Perhaps  these  fines  were  intended  to  intimidate  the 
Welsh  inhabitants  and  visitors  ;  they  were  of  course 
enormous  for  the  times.    We  also  find  marriage 


taxed  for  the  benefit  of  the  king.  The  area  of  the 
town,  when  assessed  for  the  Danegeld,  was  100  hides. 
"  The  bishop  "  had  sixteen  canons  in  the  town,  all 
exempt  from  Danegeld. 

The  area  of  the  town  at  the  end  of  the  Saxon 
period  cannot  have  been  much  less  than  at  present ; 
but  in  those  days  of  frequent  sieges,  and  especially 
in  a  border  town,  situated  in  a  country  infested  by 
raiders,  it  was  customary  to  shelter  and  often  graze 
flocks  and  herds,  and  even  to  grow  a  considerable 
amount  of  corn,  within  the  walls.  As  late  as  1538 
we  read  of  an  order  that  hedges  of  thorns  should  be 
removed  from  the  streets,  and  many  signs  of  agri- 
cultural life  and  relics  of  mediaeval  farms  have  been 

At  the  time  of  the  Conquest  Briton  and  Saxon  once 
more  joined  in  revolt,  laid  siege  to  Scrobbesbyrig,  and 
burned  part  of  the  town.  William  himself  came  down 
to  the  March,  and  having  settled  the  country  left 
Roger  de  Belesme,  or  Montgomery,  earl  of  Shrews- 
bury ;  he  was  also  lord  of  Chichester  and  Arundel, 
and  possessor  of  many  manors.  He  left  his  son-in- 
law,  Warin  the  Bald,  as  governor  of  the  town,  and 
built  the  castle,  which  occupied  the  site  of  51  houses, 
while  50  houses  lay  waste  and  43  were  held  by 
Normans,  yet  Roger  took  £40  rent.  The  burgesses 
were  ruled  by  a  propositus  or  provost,  who  did  little 
but  extort  rent.  Evidently  Roger  chose  to  treat 
Shrewsbury  as  a  conquered  town  ;  like  other  cities, 
it  had  to  win  its  municipal  privileges  gradually,  and 
had  as  a  rule  to  pay  dearly  for  them. 

This  Roger,  it  will  be  remembered,  supported 
Robert  Curthose  in  his  claim  to  the  crown  on  the 


death  of  William,  but  eventually  made  his  peace 
with  the  King  ;  he  died  at  Shrewsbury  a  few  days 
after  taking  the  cowl,  in  the  monastery  of  his  own 
foundation.  The  walls  of  the  town  were  commenced 
by  his  son  Robert,  the  third  earl.  Another  son, 
it  will  be  remembered — the  second  earl — was  killed 
fighting  Magnus  Barefoot  of  Norway,  Robert  was 
taken  by  Henry  I.  and  banished.  The  castle  then 
reverted  to  the  crown,  William  Fitzalan  being 

We  cannot  suppose  that  either  Welsh  or  English 
were  sorry  to  see  the  last  of  the  Belesmes.  "  Robert," 
says  an  old  historian,  "  slew  the  Welsh  like  sheep, 
conquered  them,  enslaved  them,  and  flayed  them 
with  nails  of  iron."  All  the  March  was  a  country  of 
border  baronies  ;  Roger  de  Montgomery  had  sub- 
dued part  of  ancient  Powis  and  given  it  his  name ; 
soldiers  of  fortune  sought  the  royal  licence,  "  to  make 
conquest  on  the  Welsh,"  English  armies  marched 
into  the  heart  of  Wales,  often  to  retire  discomfited. 
And  at  this  very  moment  a  new  life  seemed  to  be 
infused  into  the  Welsh  people ;  under  the  two  Llew- 
elyns a  renaissance  of  literature  and  national 
feeling  took  place  ;  strange  prophecies  were  in  the 
air ;  so  persistent  was  a  report  that  Arthur  was 
living  that  Henry  II.  paid  a  visit  to  his  grave  at 
Glastonbury,  to  dispel  the  legend. 

To  go  back  to  the  reign  of  Henry  I.,  we  find 
Fitzalan  steward  of  Shrewsbury,  and  afterwards 
seeking  to  hold  it  for  Maud,  but  unsuccessfully.  In 
the  reign  of  John,  who,  like  Henry,  led  a  disastrous 
expedition  into  Wales,  some  trouble  with  the  crown 
resulted  in  the  hanging  of  ninety-four  persons  in 


the  town.  In  the  year  1215,  though  he  had  sur- 
rendered to  John  four  years  earlier,  Llewelyn  took 
Shrewsbury  and  regained  the  ancient  kingdom  of 
Powis.  His  triumph  was  not  for  long  ;  in  the  follow- 
ing year  John  retook  the  town.  A  heavy  toll  was 
imposed  upon  the  Welsh — the  Welsh  bridge  was 
long  guarded  by  a  strong  gate-house — and  the  Welsh 
princes  came  in  for  the  adjustment  of  various  differ- 
ences. A  new  charter  was  granted  in  1226,  which 
witnesses  to  the  importance  of  the  guilds  of  the  city  ; 
despite  wars  and  border  raids,  Shrewsbury  was  the 
great  mart  for  Welsh  produce  and  Welsh  necessities, 
and  the  burgesses  seem  to  have  prospered. 

Then  came  the  reign  of  Henry  III.  and  the  Barons' 
War,  and  the  rise  of  the  second  Llewelyn.  In  1264 
Simon  de  Montfort  took  and  held  the  town  for  a 
time.  All  through  this  war  Llewelyn  was  supreme 
in  Wales,  but  Edward  at  last,  after  returning  from 
the  Crusades,  marched  into  Wales,  captured  Lle- 
welyn, and  built  castles  at  Conway  and  Caernarvon. 
It  was  settled  that  the  title  of  Prince  of  Wales  should 
lapse  at  Llewelyn's  death,  and  he  was  married  at  the 
English  court  to  Eleanor  de  Montfort,  daughter  of 
Simon.  Four  years  later  his  brother  David,  who 
had  deserted  the  Welsh  cause  in  the  previous  rising, 
and  accepted  an  English  lordship,  persuaded  him 
to  revolt  once  more.  An  old  prophecy  of  Merlin, 
that  when  money  was  round  a  Prince  of  Wales  should 
be  crowned  in  London,  seemed  near  fulfilment,  for 
copper  coins  were  minted,  and  the  people  forbidden 
to  cut  or  break  the  silver  penny  into  halves  and 
quarters  as  before.  Edward  again  marched  into 
Wales,  bridged  the  Menai  straits,  and  hemmed  in 



the  Welsh  leader,  who  eventually  fell  in  a  petty  raid. 
Six  months  later  David  was  captured,  and  sent 
before  a  Parliament  sitting  in  Shrewsbury  for  judg- 
ment. This  Parliament  is  noteworthy  as  being  the 
first  in  which  knights  and  burgesses  sat  by  legal 
authority.  It  sat,  probably,  in  the  abbey  hall, 
the  three  estates  in  one  assembly  as  yet.  David  was 
dragged  by  horses,  hanged,  disembowelled,  and 
quartered.  After  this  act  of  mediaeval  justice  the 
Parliament  adjourned  to  Acton  Burnell,  where  it 
passed  the  statute  of  that  name. 

In  the  next  reign  we  find  the  burgesses  groaning 
under  excessive  taxation.  The  taxation  roll  of 
Edward  II.  vi.*names  189  persons  as  subject  to  taxa- 
tion, the  tax  being  the  value  of  one-fifteenth  of  all 
their  movables,  down  to  their  malt  and  their  spoons 
and  the  food  in  their  larder.  The  following  entries 
are  of  interest  as  giving  us  some  idea  of  the  standard 
of  living  ;  but  we  must  remember  that  the  burgesses 
would  not  precisely  make  a  display  of  wealth 
before  the  assessor,  so  their  possessions  may  not  have 
been  quite  as  modest  as  appears. 

Wm.  de  Brugg  (probably  of  Bridgenorth)  tanner  ; 
hides,  20s. ;  bark,  5d. ;  cloth,  3d. ;  pledges,  3s. ; 
quarter  of  wheat,  4s. ;  quarter  of  barley,  2s. ;  4  pigs, 
3s. ;   household  utensils,  2d. 

Prior  of  St.  John's,  3  draught  horses,  9s. ;  a  cart 
and  harness,  4s.  3d. ;  a  quarter  and  a  half  of  wheat, 
6s. ;  a  quarter  of  rye,  4od. ;  a  quarter  of  oats,  6s., 
3  bushels  of  pease,  9d. ;  utensils,  8d. 

Roger  le  Parmenter ;  washed  skins,  17s.  4d. ; 
lamb,  fox  and  rabbit  skins,  13s.  4d. ;  furs,  20s. ; 
malt,  6s. ;  wood,  4d. ;  utensils,  3d. 


Six  years  later,  on  the  execution  of  one  Harcla 
for  treachery,  Shrewsbury  was  honoured  by  a  whole 
quarter  of  the  traitor.  This  was  regarded  as  such 
a  mark  of  royal  favour  that  it  encouraged  the 
burgesses  to  petition  the  King.  They  begged  that 
they  might  have  cognisance  of  pleas,  make  engines 
to  grind  grain  and  malt,  hold  a  fair,  and  use  all 
liberties  already  granted,  whether  they  had  hitherto 
been  used  or  not.  Edward  II.  granted  charters 
innumerable,  and  as  he  had  pledged  himself  to  levy 
no  new  taxes  he  took  care  to  sell  them  at  the  highest 
prices  he  could  obtain. 

The  reign  of  Edward  III.  was  uneventful  in  the 
city ;  Wales  was  quiet.  But  in  1349,  the  year  after  the 
appearance  of  the  Black  Death,  a  pestilence  visited 
Shrewsbury ;  the  symptoms  as  recorded  by  local 
chroniclers  appear  to  be  those  of  pneumonic  plague. 
So  terrible  was  the  devastation  caused  by  this  plague 
that  the  mill  at  Shrewsbury,  which  commonly  took 
30s.  in  the  year,  took  only  6s.  8d.  A  murrain  followed 
the  plague — possibly  the  same  disease — and  in  1394 
there  was  a  disastrous  fire. 

In  1397  we  find  Parliament  again  sitting  at  Shrews- 
bury. Thither  came  "  old  John  of  Gaunt,  time- 
honoured  Lancaster/'  and  Henry  of  Hereford,  "  his 
bad  son/'  to  make  good  "  the  boisterous  late  appeal " 
against  the  Duke  of  Norfolk.  This  of  course  meant 
the  presence  of  Richard  II .  and  his  court.  Two  years 
later  Henry  IV.  was  welcomed  by  the  city,  as  he 
entered  it  to  hold  the  first  Parliament  of  his  reign. 

Then  once  more  Shrewsbury  knew  stirring  days 
and  nights.  Glendower,  who  had  been  an  esquire 
of    the    body   to    Richard,    had    commenced   his 


predatory  war,  and  Henry  had  promptly  retaliated 
by  a  statute  forbidding  any  Welshman  to  buy  land 
or  houses  in  any  border  county,  or  to  enfranchise  in 
any  border  city  ;  those  that  were  enfranchised  were 
to  find  sureties.  Henry,  marching  north  to  subdue 
the  Northumberland  revolt,  reached  Shrewsbury 
on  19th  July,  1403.  The  battle  of  Shrewsbury  is 
familiar  to  all ;  how  Sir  John  Falstaff  "  fought  a 
long  hour  by  Shrewsbury  clock  "  ;  how  Hotspur 
believed  he  had  killed  the  King,  and  was  himself 
slain ;  how  in  the  retreat  Douglas  fell  and  was 
taken ;  how  Glendower  watched  the  fortune  of 
battle  from  the  boughs  of  an  oak  tree.  An  extra- 
ordinary scene  took  place  before  the  battle.  First 
Hotspur  addressed  his  followers  :  "  This  day  shall 
promote  us  all  if  we  conquer,  or  deliver  us  from  an 
usurper  if  we  fall,  and  it  is  better  to  die  in  battle 
for  the  common  good  than  after  battle  by  sentence 
of  the  foe."  Then  two  knights  were  sent  forward 
to  defy  the  King  and  charge  him  with  a  heavy  list 
of  crimes,  among  them  the  murder  of  Richard  II. 
(who  probably  died  of  a  hunger  strike).  Then 
follows  an  episode  that  reminds  us  of  the  death  of 
Julian  the  Apostate,  who,  because  it  had  been 
foretold  that  he  should  die  in  Phrygia,  was  so  sure 
of  victory  against  the  Persians  that  he  had  burned 
his  fleet  upon  the  Tigris  to  prevent  retreat ;  and 
who,  when  he  lay  dying  of  a  spear  wound,  asked 
where  it  was  that  he  had  fallen,  and  was  told  that 
the  place  was  called  Phrygia.  Hotspur  had  asked 
for  his  sword,  and  was  told  that  he  had  left  it 
behind  at  Berwick.  Now  he  knew  that  he  had  left 
it  in  the  village  where  he  had  lain  the  previous 


night,  so  that  this  must  be  called  Berwick,  and 
remembered  that  it  had  been  foretold  that  he  should 
die  at  Berwick.  "  Now,"  he  said,  "  I  perceive  that 
my  plough  is  drawing  to  its  last  furrow,  for  a  wizard 
told  me  that  I  should  perish  at  Berwick,  but  I  had 
thought  it  was  Berwick-upon-Tweed." 

Glendower,  watching  the  tide  of  battle,  did  not 
come  to  the  succour  of  the  Northumbrians.  Henry 
was  thrice  unhorsed  by  Douglas.  Hotspur  fell 
by  an  unknown  hand.  Most  of  the  knights  and 
squires  of  Cheshire  were  slain  in  this  battle.  The 
dead  were  buried  in  a  great  pit  at  the  place  now 
called  Battlefield,  and  Henry  founded  a  chapel  with 
two  priests  to  pray  for  the  souls  of  the  dead.  Hot- 
spur's body,  rubbed  in  salt,  was  brought  into  the 
city,  laid  between  two  millstones,  and  cut  into  small 
pieces,  which  were  distributed  to  the  cities  of 

Later  in  this  reign  we  hear  of  the  burgesses 
complaining  to  the  King  that  they  had  fought  in 
all  the  raids  into  Wales — during  the  long  Glendower 
revolt — and  had  borne  all  the  heavy  expenses  of 
service,  never  receiving  any  fee,  We  hear  of  the 
town  being  watched  all  night ;  of  a  flood ;  of 
damaged  walls,  and  heavy  taxes  and  hard  times — 
for  a  general  Welsh  rising  always  struck  a  blow  at 
the  trade  of  Shrewsbury — and  at  last  of  yet  another 
new  charter. 

The  first  English  Prince  of  Wales  was  often  in 
Shrewsbury.  We  read  of  a  pipe  of  wine  at  23s., 
and  bread  to  the  value  of  20s.,  being  given  as 
presents  to  the  Prince — presumably  to  feed  his 


Not  many  years  later  Richard  III.  was  riding 
by  Shrewsbury  when  he  accidentally  met  the 
widowed  Countess  of  Richmond.  This  seems  to 
have  opened  his  eyes  to  what  was  afoot.  Bucking- 
ham was  for  a  short  time  a  prisoner  in  Shrewsbury. 
Later  Richmond  came  to  Shrewsbury  gates,  and 
was  admitted.  Here  he  was  first  proclaimed  King, 
and  here  recruited  his  army. 

Two  years  later  Shrewsbury  was  again  in  the 
grip  of  pestilence — the  sweating  sickness,  which 
was  said  to  have  first  appeared  in  this  city. 

In  the  reign  of  Henry  VIII.  the  great  days  of  the 
castle  were  over.  Leland  says  :  "  The  castle  hath 
beene  a  strong  thing.  It  is  now  much  in  ruin." 
He  mentions  four  churches  :  the  hospital  of  St. 
Chad,  the  collegiate  church  of  St.  Mary,  and  three 
other  monasteries.  At  the  time  of  the  Reformation 
the  abbey  was  dissolved,  and  the  Corporation 
obtained  the  grant  of  Abbey  Foregate  and  the  ham- 
let of  Muryvale.  The  Reformation  commenced  in 
the  year  of  Henry's  death,  and  we  hear  of  pictures 
of  "  Our  Lady  and  Mary  Mawdelen  and  St.  Chadde  " 
being  burned  in  the  corn-market.  In  1551  the 
sweating  sickness  again  visited  the  town. 

Churchyard  gives  us  a  pleasant  picture  of  his 
native  town,  speaking  of  the 

"  buildings  gay  and  gallant  finely  wrought.  .  . 
Some  houses  bare  that  seemed  to  be  worth  naught 
Were  fat  within  that  outward  looked  lean." 

He  speaks  of  the  great  numbers  of  gentlefolk 
and  great  families  settled  or  having  houses  in  the 
town,  and  is  no  less  struck  by  the  manners  of  the 
people  than  by  their  wealth : 


"  These  meeke  folk  that  meetes  you  in  the  streete 

Will  curchie  (curtsey)  make  or  shewes  an  humble  spreete  ; 

•  •         •  •         • 

This  argues  well  they  have  in  Wales  been  bred 

Or  well  brought  up  and  taught  where  now  they  dwell." 

We  read,  too,  of  the  aldermen  going  in  scarlet  on 
all  "  solemn  daies,"  and  learn  that  the  town  had 
its  bull-ring,  cockpit,  and  wrestling  ground. 

At  the  time  of  the  Armada  "  many  gentlemen  " 
gave  £25  for  purposes  of  defence.  In  1595  we  hear 
of  the  plague  once  more,  followed  by  a  dearth. 
In  the  following  year,  dearth  or  no  dearth,  the  town 
has  to  find  £40  ship-money.  In  1600  we  hear  of 
"  a  cryar  for  night-time  "  ;  in  1632  and  1634,  of 
the  plague.  In  1642  Charles  I.  entered  Shrewsbury, 
and  with  the  Princes  Maurice  and  Rupert  stayed 
two  days  at  the  council  house.  Presently  he 
returned,  sent  to  Aberystwith  for  the  mint  that 
was  there  (the  mines  round  about  being  rich  in 
silver  and  lead),  and  commenced  to  coin  the  plate 
given  by  the  Universities  in  order  to  pay  his  troops. 
Sometimes  nearly  £1000  of  silver  was  coined  in  one 
week.  He  also  built  the  Cadogan  tower,  and  a 
press  was  set  up  for  the  printing  of  proclamations. 
He  finally  marched  away,  his  army  of  12,000  the 
richer  by  200  foot  and  60  dragoons  levied  by  the 
Corporation,  leaving  two  cannon  behind  him,  and 
Sir  Francis  Ottley  as  governor  of  the  castle.  He 
was  superseded  by  Sir  Michael  Earnley. 

In  the  winter  of  1644  came  a  Parliament  force 
under  Colonel  Mytton  to  besiege  the  town.  At 
four  o'clock  in  the  morning  carpenters  landed 
under  the  palisade  in  a  quiet  spot  and  made  a 


breach — it  was  said  by  connivance  of  some  within. 
By  noon  the  castle  surrendered,  having  made  terms 
for  themselves.  The  Irish  among  the  garrison  were 
not  included  in  these  terms  by  the  gallant  Cavaliers, 
and  were  one  and  all  hanged ;  but  such  was  the 
custom  of  the  times.  Eight  knights  and  baronets, 
forty  colonels,  majors,  and  captains,  and  200 
privates  were  taken,  with  fourteen  guns  and  much 

In  165 1  Captain  Benbow,  of  a  local  family,  joined 
Charles  II.  on  his  march  south  with  the  Covenanters. 
He  was  taken  at  the  battle  of  Worcester.  He  had 
previously  served  under  Charles  I.,  and  had  then 
been  concerned  in  the  attack  upon  the  town  under 
Colonel  Mytton.  He  was  sent  to  Shrewsbury  and 

About  this  time  tokens  were  in  common  use, 
and  a  large  collection  has  been  preserved.  They 
were  prohibited  in  1672,  but  there  are  Shrewsbury 
tokens  dated  1794. 

In  1684  the  charter  was  surrendered  to  Charles  II. 
A  new  charter  had  to  be  purchased.  In  1687  the 
King  visited  the  town.  The  next  sovereign  also 
paid  Shrewsbury  a  visit,  and  while  there  spoke  on 
his  favourite  subject  of  the  liberty  of  the  conscience. 

The  well-known  play,  "  The  Recruiting  Officer," 
was  written  by  Farquhar  while  stationed  at  Shrews- 
bury, and  is  highly  topical,  all  the  characters  being 
portraits  of  local  worthies.  Farquhar  was  attached 
to  an  artillery  regiment  under  Viscount  Newport, 
which  was  sent  to  defend  the  town. 

The  first  stage  coach  was  seen  in  Shrewsbury 
in  1659.    It  did  not  run  for  long ;   there  was  then 


no  coach  until  1750.  Pack-horses  were  the  usual 
means  of  transport ;  but  in  the  eighteenth  century 
a  stage-wagon  drawn  by  eight  horses  plied  to 
London.  After  a  time,  passengers  wishing  to  make 
use  of  it,  a  great  box  was  suspended  within  the 
wagon  by  means  of  chains,  which  was  known  as 
a  "  Gee-ho."  This  vehicle  made  the  journey  to 
London  in  nine  days.  It  was  superseded  by  a  sort 
of  caravan,  with  benches  for  twelve  persons ;  this 
was  drawn  by  six  horses.  At  last  the  coach  re- 
appeared, and  in  1781  the  Irish  mails  began  to  pass 
through  the  town. 

For  the  preceding  three  centuries  Shrewsbury 
had  held  a  position  of  great  importance  as  the 
market  for  Welsh  flannels  and  woollens.  Every 
Thursday  saw  a  procession  of  ponies  crossing  the 
Welsh  bridge  to  the  woollen  fair,  led  by  straw 
halters  and  bearing  each  two  bales  of  cloth,  slung 
one  on  either  flank  ;  the  Welshmen  leading  them 
dressed  in  their  own  blue  cloth.  From  the  fair 
drays  took  the  bales  to  the  warehouses.  It  was 
no  uncommon  sight  to  see  300  of  these  ponies  cross 
the  bridge  in  a  morning,  representing  600  pieces 
of  web.  The  Welsh  had  long  woven  their  homespun 
stuffs  for  their  own  use,  and  peaceful  times  and  a 
knowledge  of  English  civilization,  together  with 
an  increasing  need  of  money,  had  resulted  in  their 
producing  a  surplus  for  exchange  against  English 
commodities.  As  a  matter  of  fact  ready  money  was 
paid  at  these  fairs,  but  it  was  mostly  expended, 
before  the  ponies  recrossed  the  bridge,  on  malt, 
groceries,  and  other  necessities  or  luxuries.  The 
fair  began  to  decay  after  the  year  1790  ;  doubtless 



travellers  by  the  Irish  mail  had  watched  the  fair 
and  found  food  for  reflection  therein  ;  for  very 
soon  buyers  began  to  travel  through  Wales,  buying 
the  cloth  at  the  cottage  door  or  on  the  loom ;  a 
course  very  welcome  to  the  housewife,  if  less  so  to  her 
husband,  as  not  only  was  a  long  journey  saved,  and 
an  additional  profit,  but  less  of  the  earnings  were 
spent  upon  malt  in  a  liquid  state,  and  the  temptation 
to  scatter  money  inseparable  from  a  fair  day  was 

A  very  great  deal  of  old  Shrewsbury  is  still 
standing.  Perhaps  no  city  in  England  is  richer  in 
beautiful  old  houses ;  timbered  or  half-timbered, 
with  massive  oak  frames  and  projecting  upper 
stories.  Some  of  the  old  streets  in  which  these 
houses  stand  have  most  curious  names,  which  seem 
to  argue  a  Welsh  or  Welsh-speaking  population ; 
Dogpole  is  a  plausible  corruption  of  Duck-pool, 
supposing  the  pool  in  question  to  have  disappeared  ; 
but  how,  on  English  tongues,  could  Hill  Top  become 
Wyle  Cop,  or  Soet  Place,  Shoplatch  ?  Among  the 
finest  of  the  old  houses  may  be  mentioned  the 
Market  House,  with  its  arcade  and  mullioned 
window  (1596)  ;  Ireland's  mansion,  a  half-timbered 
gabled  house ;  Owen's  House  (1592)  ;  Butcher's 
Row,  consisting  of  fifteenth  century  houses,  where 
the  dwellings  of  the  chantry  priests  of  St.  Alcmund's 
are  supposed  to  have  stood  ;  Jones'  mansion,  where 
the  Duke  of  York  and  Prince  Rupert  stayed  awhile  ; 
Lloyd's  House  (1570) ;  Draper's  Hall,  Vaughan's 
Place,  Rowley's  Mansion,  Whitehall,  and  many 
another.  In  Wyle  Cop  stands  the  house  where 
Henry  VII.  stayed  when  Duke  of  Richmond,  on  his 


way  to  Bosworth  Field.  The  Post  Office  is  re- 
markable as  covering  the  site  of  the  Butter  Market, 
where  stood  that  high  cross  below  which  David 
ap  Griffith  was  hanged,  burned,  and  quartered. 

A  pleasanter  monument  of  old  Shrewsbury  exists 
in  the  ale,  cakes,  and  brawn  for  which  the  city  has 
for  centuries  been  famous.  Shenstone  refers  to 
the  cakes  as  "  rendering  through  Britain's  Isle 
Salopia's  praises  known,"  which,  if  sincere,  speaks 
well  for  his  digestion. 

A  notable  date  in  the  annals  of  Shrewsbury  was 
the  Monday  after  the  first  Sunday  in  Trinity,  which 
was  the  day  of  the  pageant  or  annual  "  show,"  when 
the  guilds  and  Corporation  went  in  gay  procession  to 
the  suburb  of  Kingsland,  where  each  guild  had  its 
arbour  erected,  and  where  the  day  was  ended  in 
sports  and  festivities. 

There  is  little  space  to  speak  of  the  more  notable 
buildings  ;  but  mention  must  be  made  of  the  castle, 
which  stands  in  a  conspicuous  position  on  the 
isthmus.  Not  much  of  the  old  Norman  fabric  is 
left ;  indeed  the  building  is  modernized  and  habi- 
table. Built  of  a  deep  red  stone,  with  square  keep 
and  corner  turrets,  it  is  still  imposing  when  seen 
from  a  distance.  The  turret  in  the  garden  was  built 
by  Telford,  the  famous  engineer ;  below  is  the 
garden  which  saw  the  execution  of  Benbow.  A 
magnificent  view  of  the  Welsh  range,  the  Shropshire 
hills,  and  the  Wrekin  may  be  obtained  from  the 
castle  walls. 

St.  Mary's  Church  is  a  noble  example  of  Norman 
and  Early  English  work,  and  contains  some  mag- 
nificent stained  glass.     Some  of  this  is  the  original 


glass ;  some  has  been  brought  from  Flanders  and 
Cologne.  The  ceiling  is  a  beautiful  display  of 
carved  oak,  and  the  old  tombs — many  dating  from 
the  thirteenth  century — are  numerous  and  interest- 
ing. There  is  a  memorial  in  the  tower  which  is 
unintentionally  somewhat  amusing :  a  tablet  to 
the  memory  of  a  youth  who  in  1759  attempted  to 
fly  across  the  river.  The  tragedy  of  the  rash 
inventor  is  simply  told  : 

"  Who  by  an  attempt  to  fly  from  this  high  spire 
Across  the  Sabrine  stream  he  did  acquire 
His  fatal  end.     'Twas  not  for  want  of  skill 
Or  courage  to  perform  the  task  he  fell. 
No,  no,  a  faulty  cord  being  drawn  too  tight 
Hurried  his  soul  on  high  to  take  her  flight/' 

where  we  will  hope  no  further  constriction  caused 
yet  another  hurried  removal. 

Near  by  is  St.  Alcmund's,  founded  as  a  collegiate 
church  by  Ethelfleda,  the  daughter  of  Alfred,  and 
badly  rebuilt,  or  rather  destroyed,  save  for  the  tower, 
in  1794.  Close  by  stood  St.  Julian's,  a  Norman 
building,  also  demolished  in  favour  of  a  polite 
monstrosity  of  the  eighteenth  century. 

St.  Chad's,  near  the  walls,  was  founded  by  a  King 
of  Mercia,  about  780,  on  the  site  of  the  palace  of  the 
Princes  of  Powis.  In  1293  it  was  damaged  by  fire, 
and  in  1788  collapsed.  The  fire  was  due  to  a 
plumber,  who  fled  in  alarm,  fell  into  the  river,  and 
was  drowned.  A  small  portion  of  the  old  church 
remains,  mostly  rebuilt  in  1571,  and  contains  the 
tombs  of  Captain  Benbow  and  of  many  notable 
Shropshire  families.  New  St.  Chad's,  close  above 
the  quarry,  has  a  body  formed  by  the  intersection 


of  two  circles,  and  is  a  particularly  unpleasing 
experiment ;   its  date  is  1792. 

The  abbey  church,  which  was  attached  to  the 
monastery  of  St.  Peter,  has  survived  only  in  part. 
It  is  a  beautiful  building  of  the  red  local  stone. 
It  was  attached  to  the  foundation  of  Roger  de 
Belesme,  who  died  here.  It  was  supported  by  two 
manors,  the  grinding  of  the  whole  city,  and  a  toll 
of  wood.  It  was  restored  in  1814.  There  is  a 
magnificent  west  window,  filled  with  the  arms  of 
kings,  nobles,  and  county  families — the  Dukes  of 
Gloucester,  York  and  Lancaster,  the  Earls  of 
Chester,  March,  Suffolk,  and  many  others.  Relics 
of  St.  Winifred  repose  in  a  shrine  removed  in  1136 
from  Holywell.  The  tomb  of  Roger  de  Montgomery 
or  de  Belesme  is  in  the  south  aisle,  with  many  others. 
The  monastery — the  chapter  house  of  which  was 
the  place  of  assembly  of  the  great  Parliament 
of  1283 — has  vanished ;  but  the  guest  hall  is 
believed  to  survive  in  the  abbey  house,  and  the 
wall  of  the  refectory  still  stands,  with  a  fine  stone 

The  church  of  St.  Giles'  is  the  oldest  in  the  town, 
though  greatly  restored.  It  was  built  early  in  the 
twelfth  century  for  the  use  of  lepers. 

In  the  market  square  is  a  statue  of  Lord  Give, 
three  times  member  for  the  town,  and  whose 
descendants  are  the  modern  Earls  of  Powis.  It  is 
related  of  him  that  when  rebuked  in  the  House  for 
spoiling  the  Indian  princes,  his  rejoinder  was, 
"  Damme,  Mr.  Speaker,  I  wonder  I  did  not  take 
more  !  " 

The  town  is  well  equipped  with  museum,  library, 


assize  courts,  music  and  assembly  rooms,  corn 
exchange,  market,  infirmary,  etc.,  etc.  Notable 
among  the  charitable  foundations  are  the  Drapers 
Almshouses,  founded  by  Diggory  Watur  in  1461 ; 
and  Millington's  Hospital,  for  the  maintenance  of 
fifty  boys  and  girls.  Last  but  not  least  is  Shrews- 
bury School,  founded  by  Edward  VI.  in  1551, 
described  in  the  seventeenth  century  as  "  a  fair  free 
schoole  of  which  there  are  fowr  maisters  and  thir  are 
sometimes  six  hundred  schollers,"  a  disproportion 
not  likely  to  obtain  again.  The  school  is  now  across 
the  river  from  the  Quarry  gardens.  Among  the 
notable  men  here  educated  are  Sir  Philip  Sidney, 
Judge  Jefferies,  Sir  William  Jenner,  and,  most 
famous  of  all,  Charles  Darwin,  whose  statue  in 
bronze  stands  by  the  museum  of  Roman  anti- 
quities. It  should  not  be  forgotten  that  in  his 
younger  days  Coleridge  preached  here  in  the  Uni- 
tarian meeting-house,  which  building  was  once 
wrecked  by  an  enthusiastic  mob  of  muscular  and 
outraged  Christians,  but  by  order  of  George  III. 
was  rebuilt. 

The  council  house,  where  Charles  I.  was  quar- 
tered with  Prince  Rupert,  is  known  as  Lord's  Place, 
and  has  been  converted  into  private  dwellings. 
A  fine  gateway,  dated  1620,  leads  into  the  courtyard. 
It  was  originally  the  hall  of  the  Court  of  the  Marches 
of  Wales. 


ABBOT,  Archbishop,  273-276, 

Abel,'  John,  56,  57,  58. 
Abingdon,  John,  52. 
Acton,  Lord,  99. 
Adelwalch,  King,  139. 
JElfied,  Princess,  208. 
!/Elgifu,  Queen,  29. 
Agincourt,  245. 
Agricola,  160. 
Aidan,  Bishop,  204,  205. 
Ainsworth,  Harrison,  165. 
Albemarle,  Earl  of,  193. 
Albini,  William  de,  379. 
Alcock,   Bishop,   49,   185,  367, 

Alcuin,  188. 
Aldhuin,  Bishop,  213. 
Alexander  the  Welshman,  291. 
Alfhelm,  412. 
Alfred  the  Great,  3-11,  14,  29, 

36,  73,  81,  124,  240,  271,  294, 

335,  378,  403,  411,  426. 
Algar,  Earl  of  Chester,  42. 
Angel,  John,  143. 
Anna,  King,  360. 
Anne,  Lawrence  de,  10. 
Anne,  Queen,  82,  344. 
Apollo,  2. 
Aristotle,  88. 
Armada,    Spanish,    259,    266, 

328,  329,  421. 
Arsick,  242. 
Arthal,     Earl     of     Warwick, 

Arthur,  King,  161,  221,  414. 
Arthur,  Prince,  49,  50,  243. 
Ashmole,  Elias,  81. 
Ashton,  Peter,  406. 
Aske,  Sir  Robert,  196,  197. 
Athelston,  King,  250,  294,  411, 

Athelwulf,  378. 


Atkinson,  historian,  87. 
Aubrey,  273,  274. 
Audley,  Bishop,  40. 
Audley,  Catherine,  55,  56. 
Audley,  Lord  Thomas,  96. 
Austen,  Rev.  George,  6. 
Austen,  Jane,  6,  27. 
Averanche,  242. 
Aylward,  John,  276. 

BACON,  Lord,  90,  284,  322, 

Bacon,  Sir  Nicholas,  322. 
Bailey,  Charles,  10. 
Bailey,  Philip  James,  151. 
Baldwin,  297. 
Bamford,  Samuel,  119. 
Baring,  Matthew,  303. 
Barlow,  Agatha,  382. 
Barlow,  Bishop  William,  382. 
Bath,  Marquis  of,  63. 
Baron,  William  Fitz-,  227. 
Barrow,  Isaac,  90. 
Barry,  E.  M.,  98. 
Basevi,  George,  architect,  98. 
Baxter,  Richard,  50. 
Beale,  William,  123. 
Beauchamps,  the,  337. 
Beaufort,  Bishop,  9,  15,  123. 
Beaufort,  Lady  Margaret,  93. 
Beaumont,  96. 

Becket,  Thomas  a,  19,  387,  391. 
Beckingham,  Robert,  277. 
Bede,     Venerable,     205,     206, 

214,  215,  346,  359,  377. 
Belesme,  Hugh  de,  379,  414. 
Belesme,  Robert  de,  379,  414. 
Belesme,   Roger  de,  379,  413, 

Bellingham,  Governor,  356. 
Benbow,     Captain,    422,     425, 

Bennett,  Justice,  153. 



Bentham,  366. 

Beodric,  104. 

Bernardis,  the,  380,  383,  384. 

Berry,  Thomas,  74. 

Bertha,  Queen,  18. 

Bess  of  Hardwick,  157. 

Biddulph,  Lord  and  Lady,  56. 

Bigod,  Roger,  252. 

Birch,  Colonel  John,  62,  65. 

Bird,  Prior,  24. 

Birinis,  Bishop,  2,  3. 

Black    Death,    275,    264,    370, 

Black    Prince,    19,    130,    277, 

325,  326,  338. 
Blackett,  Sir  Edward,  216. 
Bladud,  Prince,  23. 
Blake,  Admiral,  331. 
Blanket,  Thomas,  263. 
Blaxton,  Rev.  W.,  355,  356. 
Blecca,  116. 
Bliss,  historian,  77. 
Bliss,  Henry  de,  14,  15. 
Blomfield,    architect,    89,    90, 

Blundevill,  Ranulph  de,  161. 
Boadicea,  249. 

Bodley,  Sir  Thomas,  81,  303. 
Boehm,  Sir  Edgar,  329. 
Boleyn,  Anne,  344. 
Bond,  Francis,  232,  233. 
Bonner,  Bishop,  381. 
Booth,  Francis,  94. 
Bootle,  Thomas,  291. 
Booties,  the,  291. 
Borrow,  George,  260. 
Boston  (Mass.),  355,  356. 
Boswell,  James,  27,  158. 
Botovers,  the,  132. 
Boulogne,  Eustace  of,  243. 
Bouse,  historian,  75. 
Boynton,  Captain,  178. 
Boynton,    Sir    Matthew,    197, 

Bradford,  Nicholas,  330,  356. 
Brand,  historian,  11,  12,  59. 
Brantyngham,  Bishop,  296. 
Brassey,  Lord,  241. 
Breaute,  Fulke  de,  393. 
Brewster  of  Boston,  356,  357. 
Brewster,  William,  M.D.,  45. 
Bridgwater,  Earl  of,  50. 
Briscoe,  J.  Potter,  151. 
Brithnoth,  361. 

Brodrick,    Cuthbert,   architect, 

Bronte,  Anne,  200,  201. 
Brooke,  Lord,  343,  397. 
Brown,  Ford  Madox,  164. 
Brown,  John,  75. 
Browne  Sir  Thomas,  259. 
Browning,  Eliz.  Barrett,  60. 
Bruere,  Bishop,  296. 
Brydges,  the,  64. 
Buckingham,  Duke  of,  149. 
Bucknall,  Sheriff,  127. 
Budd,  Richard,  7. 
Bunyan,  John,  102. 
Burbage,  Richard,  142. 
Burgh,  Hubert  de,  243,  244. 
Burnell,  Dennis,  75. 
Burney,  Fanny,  27. 
Burrough,  Betty,  112. 
Burscough,  Ralph,  283. 
Butterfield,  80. 
Byrom,  poet,  163. 
Byron,  Lord,  91,  92,  95. 

CABOT,  John,  265. 

Cabot,  Sebastian,  265. 

Caedmon,  poet,  205-208. 

Caedwalla,  377,  380. 

Caen,  Paul  de,  316. 

Caesar,  Emperor  Augustus,  40. 

Caesar,  Julius,  3,  239,  314. 

Camden,  historian,  227,  235. 

Canute,  4,  168,  256,  294,  362. 

Canynges,  William,  265,  268. 

Carileph,  William  de,  215. 

Carlyle,  Thomas,  108. 

Carr,  Thomas,  74. 

Carter,  S.,  M.P.,  133. 

Cassivelaunus,  314. 

Catherine  of  Arragon,  50. 

Cawley,  John,  385. 

Caxton,  385. 

Cella,  John  de,  316,  317. 

Chamberlain,  Robert,  347,  348. 

Chambers,   Geffrey,   349,   350. 

Champion,  the  King's,  3. 

Chantry,  400. 

Charlemagne,  188. 

Charles  I,  47,  57,  63,  67,  68, 
81,  83,  118,  131,  141,  149,  168, 
177,  185,  230,  231,  236,  285, 
301,  309,  311,  330,  344,  359, 
384,  386,  388,  396,  421,  422, 



Charles  II.,  9,  33,  39,  56,  69, 
129,  131,  168,  259,  302,  325, 
384,  397,  399,  407,  422. 

Charles  V.,  emperor,  391. 

Charleston,  355. 

Chatterton,  Thomas,  95,  268, 

Chest,  Rev.  Thomas,  70. 

Cholmeley,  Sir  Hugh,  197,  198. 

Christian,  Bishop,  362. 

Christopherson,  Bishop,  381, 

Churchyard,  410,  411. 

Cicero,  88. 

Cissa,  377. 

Clare,  Gilbert  de,  67. 

Clarence,  Duke  of,  340. 

Clark,  J.  W.,  80. 

Clarke,  Robert,  110. 

Clarkson,  93. 

Claudia,  376. 

Qaudius,    Emperor,    140,   293, 

Clive,'  Kitty,  44,  45. 
Clive,  Lord,  427. 
Cobbett,  271. 

Cockerell,  C.  R.,  architect,  98. 
Cockton,  Henry,  111. 
Coelus,  King,  146. 
Coke,  Arundel,  111. 
Coke,  Chief -Justice,  254. 
Cole,  antiquary,  100. 
Coleridge,  269,  270,  428. 
Collings,  John,  199. 
Collins,  344,  382,  383. 
Colston,  Edward,  268. 
Comptons,  the,  404. 
Coningsby,  Sir  Thomas,  45. 
Connaught,  Duke  and  Duchess 

of,  245. 
Constable,    Sir    Robert,    179, 

Constantine  the  Great,  188. 
Cook,  Captain,  211,  332. 
Corbeuil,  Archbishop,  240. 
Corbridge,  Archbishop,  184. 
Cotman,  260. 
Cottingham,  39. 
Cottle,  Joseph,  270. 
Cotton,  John,  356. 
Cowper,  400. 
Cranmer,  Thomas,  82. 
Crauden,  Prior,  366,  367. 
Crevequer,  242. 

Crisp,  Edward,  111. 

Crome,  Old,  260. 

Cromwell,  Oliver,  20,  56,  149, 

202,  218,  344,  358,  359,  373, 

Cromwell,  Thomas,  350,  351. 
Cumberland,    Duke    of,     154, 

Cunningham,  Allan,  219,  220. 
Cunningham,  Peter,  42. 
Curthose,  Robert,  33. 
Cyndelan,  410,  411. 
Cyprus,  Emperor  of,  106. 

DALLAS,  95. 

Danby,  Earl  of,  82. 

Darwin,  Charles,  428. 

Darwin,  Dr  Erasmus,  155. 

Davall,  Abbot  Henry,  209. 

David  of  Scotland,  306,  307. 

Dawson,  Captain  James,  163. 

Defoe,  Daniel,  111,  153,  267. 

Derby,  Earl  of,  235,  236. 

Derwentwater,  Earls  of,  309.  * 

De  Spaynes,  the,  354. 

Dickens,  Charles,  27,  104,  113, 

Diocletian,  Emperor,  314. 

DTsraeli,  166. 

Domesday  Book,  243,  271,  316, 
337,  349,  390,  412. 

Donaldson,  J.  W.,  106. 

Dondonit,  John,  52,  53. 

Douglas,  Earl  of,  307,  308, 

Downing,  Edward,  406. 

Drake,  Sir  Francis,  324,  328, 

Drayton,  Michael,  407. 

Dudley,  Ambrose,  Earl  of 
Warwick,  341. 

Dudley,  John,  Duke  of  North- 
umberland, 341. 

Dudley,  Letitia,  Countess  of 
Leicester,  341,  408. 

Dudley,  Robert,  Earl  of  Lei- 
cester, 341,  408. 

Dudley,  Sir  Robert,  342. 

Dugdale,  historian,  135. 

Dunstan,  Archbishop,  271. 

EADWIG,  King,  29,  30. 

Eadmund,  116. 

Earnley,  Sir  Michael,  421. 



Eastlake,  Sir  Charles,  332. 
Ecgfrith  of  Northumbria,  116. 
Edgar,  King,  24,  325. 
Edmund,  104,  105,  412. 
Edric,  412. 
Edward  I,  31,   121,   124,   161, 

173,  174,  190,   194,  245,  297, 

298,  307,  347,  381,  394,  395, 

Edward  II.,  31,  55,   175,  190, 

193,  195,  245,  307,  318,  337, 

352,  383,  406,  416,  417. 
Edward    III.,    130,    138,    148, 

175,  178,  179,  190,  307,  338, 

352,  367,  387,  395,  398,  406. 
Edward  IV.,  49,  88,  131,  340, 

352,  397. 
Edward  V.,  49. 
Edward  VI.,  52,  278,  408,  428. 
Edward  VII.,  16,  33,  248. 
Edward  the  Confessor,  37,  39, 

42,   105,   294,   362,   366,  390, 

403,  404,  407,  412. 
Edward  the   Elder,    147,   361, 

Edwards,  Jonathan,  401. 
Edwin,  King,  189. 
Eglesfield,  Robert  de,  76. 
Eldon,  Lord,  62. 
Eleanor     of     Aquitaine,     245, 

263,  297,  298,  397,  398. 
Eleanor  of  Castile,  82. 
Eleanor,  Queen,  121. 
Elfleda,  Princess,  234. 
Elizabeth,    Queen,    10,   20,   46, 

56,   100,   107,    131,  244,  247, 

258,  259,  267,  273,  276,  282, 

283,  284,  301,  308,  322,  326- 

328,   334,   341,   342,  406-408, 

Elizabeth  Woodville,  397. 
Elsom,  Eleanor,  119. 
Elton,  Thos.,  13. 
Emerson,  R.  W.,  16. 
Erpingham,   Sir  Thomas,  253, 

254,  256. 
Ethelbert,  17. 

Etheldreda,  360,  361,  369,  372. 
Ethelfleda,     Queen,     36,     335, 

361,  403,  404,  411,  426. 
Ethel  red    the    Unready,    261, 

294,  362,  412. 
Ethelred  II,  271. 
Ethelwald,  271. 

Ethelwulf,  King,  8. 
Eustace,  Prince,  105. 
Evelyn,  John,  267. 
Everett,  Edward,  356. 

FAIRFAX,  Lord,  178,  185. 
Falstaff,  Sir  John,  418. 
Falstolfs,  the,  256. 
Farquhar,  422. 
Farrington,    Dame    Elizabeth, 

Ferrers,  the,  404,  405. 
Fiennes,  Sir  John,  242. 
Fisher,  341,  342. 
Fisher,  Mayor,  142. 
Fitzalan,  William,  414. 
FitzOsbern,  251. 
Fitz-Waller,  106. 
Fitzwalter,  Geoffrey,  392. 
Fitzwilliam,  knight,  242. 
Fitzwilliam,  Viscount   Richard, 

Flamen,  Humphrey,  378. 
Flaxman,  382. 
Fletcher,  Giles,  96. 
Foley,  Thomas,  62. 
Follcott,  Bishop,  56. 
Foot,  Daniel,  383. 
Ford,  William,  139. 
Fox,  George,  153,  198,  223. 
France,  Dauphin  of,  243,  244, 

279,  297,  328. 
Franceys,  Mayor,  156. 
Freeman,  historian,   114,   115. 
Fretton,  W.  G.,  137. 
Frevilles,  the,  405,  406. 
Frith  of  Coventry,  44. 
Frobisher,  Martin,  328. 
Fuller,  Thomas,  235. 
Furlong,  Mabel,  55,  56. 

GARRICK,  David,  25,  44,  45. 
Gaunt,  John  o',  123,  227,  417. 
Gaveston,  Piers,  193-195,  338. 
Gelder,  Sir  Alfred,  187. 
Geoffrey  of  Anjou,  391. 
Geoffrey  of  Monmouth,  140. 
George  I.,  32. 
George  III.,  352,  368,  428. 
George  IV.,  278,  279. 
George  V.,  16. 
Gervase,  Captain,  132. 



Gibbons,  Grinling,  90. 

Gibbs,  James,  99. 

Gibbs,  W.,  80. 

Gilbert,  Adrian,  301. 

Gilbert,  Bishop,  380. 

Gilbert,    Sir    Humphrey,    301, 

Gilbert,  Rev.  Joseph,  186. 
Gladstone,  Helen,  89. 
Gladstone,  John,  289,  291. 
Gladstone,  W.  E.,  79,  89,  291. 
Glendower,  417-419. 
Gloucester,  Earl  of,  117. 
Gobions,  the,  400. 
Godfrey,  Mary  J.,  135. 
Godiva,  Lady,  126-130. 
Godwin,  Earl  of,  9,  241,  243, 

Goldsmith,  27. 
Goodrich,    Bishop,    367,    368, 

Grandisson,  Bishop,  296. 
Gray,  97,  98. 
Gregory  of  Hull,  176. 
Gregory,  William,  62. 
Grenville,  328. 
Gresley,  Baron,  161. 
Greville,  Sir  Fulke,  343. 
Grey,  Lady  Jane,  34l. 
Grey,  Sir  Richard,  49. 
Griffith,  David  ap,  425. 
Guader,  Ralph  de,  251. 
Guilford  (Conn.),  279,  280. 
Guy,   Earl  of   Warwick,   195, 
^  336,  339. 
Guy  Beauchamp  of  Warwick, 

337,  338. 
Guy  Fawkes,  81,  190. 
Guy,  Thomas,  408. 

HAKLUYT,  Richard,  266. 
Hall,  Rev.  Newman,  186. 
Hall,  Rev.  Robert,  144. 
Hallam,  Arthur,  89. 
Hamilton,  Sir  William,  344. 
Hansa  Merchants,  343,  352. 
Hanson,  Richard,  176. 
Harland,  John,  historian,  179. 
Harold,    King,    147,    152,    243, 

378,  390. 
Harold  the  Saxon,  43. 
Harris,  Rev.  Raymond,  290. 
Harrison,  John,  168,  169,  171. 

Haselton,  Mary,  109. 
Havergal,  Prebendary,  40. 
Hawkesbury,  Lord,  289. 
Hawkins,  Sir  John,  327,  328. 
Hawkins,  Sir  Richard,  327. 
Hawkins,  Prebendary,  5. 
Haydon,  332. 
Hearne,  diarist,  77. 
Henderson,  historian,  200. 
Henrietta  Anne,  Princess,  300, 

Henrietta  Maria,  301. 
Henry  L,  30,  87,  105,  107,  132, 

222,  240,  271,  390,  391,  414. 
Henry  II,  3,   15,   19,  31,   105, 

148,  193,  242,  263,  272,  306, 

379,  393,  408. 
Henry  III.,  9,  12,  31,  44,  75, 

106,   161,  227,  245,  307,  393, 

394,  406,  415. 
Henry   IV.,   31,   88,    130,    177, 

227,  387,  417,  418. 
Henry  V.,  31,  77f  131,  177,  227, 

245,  254. 
Henry  VI.,   9,    106,    107,    180, 

190,  298,  308,  320,  339,  396, 

Henry  VIL,   32,   88,   93,   131, 

142,  148,  157,  245,  339,  340, 

420  424 
Henry  VIII.,  11,  16,  19,  21,  32, 

49,  50,  79,  89,  149,  162,  209, 

221,  225,  234,  244,  246,  262, 

321,  341,  344,  352,  378,  380, 

382-384,  420. 
Henry     Plantagenet,     Prince, 

Hereward  the  Wake,  363,  364. 
Herodotus,  40. 
Hesketh,  Lady,  400. 
Hitch,  Canon,  373. 
Hobson,  Thomas,  101. 
Holbourne,  Sir  Thomas,  27. 
Hook,  Dr.,  135,  136,  171. 
Hooper,  Bishop,  34. 
Hopkins,  witchfinder,  112. 
Hotham,  Sir  John,  177,  178. 
Hough,  Atherton,  355. 
Howard,  John,  170. 
Howards,  the,  151. 
Hugh  of  Avalon,  Bishop,  120. 
Hulm,  John,  134. 
Humphrey,    Duke    of    Glou- 
cester, 107. 



Hunter,  Dr  John,  187. 
Huntrodds,  Francis  and  Mary, 

Hussey,  Lord,  354.- 
Hutchinson,  Colonel,  149. 
Hutton,  historian,  159. 
Hyett,  F.  A.,  29. 
Hymers,  Dr,  95. 

INGELOW,  Jean,  354. 
Innocent  III,  107. 
Innocentus,  Pope,  352. 
Ireland,  Dean,  91,  92. 
Irving  Washington,  153,  237. 
Isaac  of  Norwich,  254. 
Isabella  of  France,  245. 
Isidore,  40. 
Izaacks,  293. 

JACKSON,  John,  169. 
Jacob,  William  Henry,  13. 
James  I.,  32,  97,  107,  131,  142, 

278,  301,  309. 
James  II.,  381,  424. 
James  III.,  163. 
Jay  of  Bath,  26. 
Jebson  of  Hull,  176. 
Jefferies,  Judge,  428. 
Jenner,  Dr  Edward,  34. 
Jenner,  Sir  William,  428. 
John  of  Langton,  Bishop,  380. 
John,  King,  31,  102,  106,   118, 

138,  148,  244,  254,  279,  281, 

392,  393,  414. 
John  of  Monmouth,  227. 
John  of  Wisbech,  369,  370. 
Johnson,  Dr,  27,  158. 
Johnson,  Isaac,  355,  356. 
Johnson,   Lady  Arabella,   355, 

Johnson,  Jane,  100. 
Johnson,  Richard,  37. 
Johnson,  Sheriff,  176. 
Josephus,  137. 
Judith,  390. 
Julius  II.,  350. 
Juxon,  Bishop,  384. 

KEBLE,  80. 

Kelly,  William,  143. 

Kemble,  45. 

Kemble,  Rev.  Charles,  24. 

Kemble,  Roger,  135. 

Kemble,  Mrs,  135. 

Kempe,  John,  255. 
Ken,  Bishop,  5. 
Kett,  Robert,  257,  258. 
King,  Bishop,  24. 
Kingsley,  Canon,  231. 
Kynegils,  King,  2. 
Kynewald,  King,  2. 

LAKE,  Bishop,  381. 

Lamme,  107. 

Langton,  Archbishop,  106,  303, 

Latimer,  Hugh,  83. 
Laud,  Archbishop,  32,  225. 
Launcelot  of  the  Lake,  161. 
Lear,  King,  140. 
Leather,  Mrs  F.  H.,  58. 
Lee,  William,  74. 
Leland,    antiquary,    162,    346, 

349,  351,  402,  405,  420. 
Lely,  Sir  Peter,  302. 
Leofric,  Bishop,  294,  295. 
Leofric,  Earl,  127-130. 
Leverett,  Thomas,  355. 
Linskill,  Mary,  210,  212. 
Lister,  Sir  John,  185. 
Littester,  John,  255. 
Littlebury,  Humphrey,  382. 
Liulph  the  Saxon,  214. 
Liverpool,  Earl  of,  289. 
Llewelyn,  42,  414,  415. 
Llewelyn,  David,  415,  416. 
Lloyd,  Bishop,  236,  237. 
Lloyd,  Sarah,  110. 
Llywarch  the  Old,  410,  411. 
Lofft,  Capel,  109. 
Lombe,  John,  154,  155. 
Lombe,  Sir  Thomas,  155. 
Losing,  Robert  de,  39. 
Losinga,  Herbert,  252,  253. 
Louis,  Prince,  118. 
Louis  XII.,  108. 
Louis  XV.,  334. 
Lovell,  Robert,  269,  270. 
Lucius,  King,  17. 
Luffa,  Ralph,  380. 
Lupus,  Hugh,  408. 
Luther,  Martin,  75,  344. 
Lytton,  Lord,  27. 

MACAULAY,    Lord,   27,   89, 

Magnus  of  Norway,  379,  414. 
Malcolm,  King,  30,  214. 



Mallory,  Anketil,  391. 
Manchester,  Earl  of,  118. 
March,  Mortimer,  Earl  of,  148. 
Marchantes,    Adventurers    of 

the  Citie  of  Excestre,  301. 
Margaret  of  Anjou,  320,  396, 

Marley,  Sir  John,  309-311. 
Marlowe,  Christopher,  22,  96. 
Marmion,  Robert,  398-406. 
Marshall,  Bishop,  296. 
Marten,  Sir  Henry,  67,  68,  69, 

Marvell,  Andrew,  175,  186. 
Mary,  Queen,  22,  34,  109,  131, 

197,  382. 
Mary,    Queen   of    Scots,    221, 

259  310. 
Mather,  Dr  Cotton,  280,  285. 
Mather,  Richard,  285. 
Mathews,  Oliver,  410. 
Matilda,  Queen,   105,  117,  207, 

254,  391,  414. 
Maud,    Empress,    31,   43,    117, 

"  Mayflower,"  the,  356,  357. 
Meautys,  323. 
Meldrum,  Sir  John,  197. 
Melsonby,  Bishop,  218. 
Mercer,  Andrew,  195,  196. 
Merchant     Adventurers     of 

Bristol,  263,  266. 
Merchants  of  the  Staple,  273, 

386,  387. 
Merton,  Walter  de,  79. 
Mildert,  Bishop  van,  216. 
Millhouse,  151. 
Milton,  John,  50,  92,  97,  101, 

Molyneux,  Lord,  285. 
Monmouth,  Duke  of,  276. 
Monmouth,  Geoffrey,  227. 
Montagu,  Mrs,  5,  6. 
Montfort,  Eleanor  de,  415. 
Montfort,  Simon  de,  31,  145, 

394,  415. 
Moore,  Edward,  391. 
More,  Hannah,  269. 
Moretein,  William,  405. 
Morkere  of  Northumbria,  363, 

Morley,  Bishop,  5. 
Morley,  John,  99. 
Mosley,  Sir  Oswald,  161. 

Muskett,  J.,  106. 

Mytton,  Colonel,  421,  422. 

NAPIER,  Captain,  232. 

Napier,  Sir  Charles,  232,  233. 

Napoleon,  248,  331,  332. 

Nash,  Beau,  25,  26,  156. 

Nell  Gwynne,  42. 

Nelson,  Lord,  42. 

Neville,  Richard,  Earl  of  War- 
wick, 340. 

Newburgh,  Henry  de,  337. 

Newcastle,  Duke  of,  149,  150. 

Newman,  Cardinal,  82. 

Newton,  Alderman,  145. 

Newton,  Sir  Isaac,  89,  90. 

Nichodoxus,  40. 

Nigel,  Bishop,  372. 

Noah  ("Noah's  Flood"),  180- 

Norfolk,  Duke  of,  130,  179. 

Northcote,  James, '332. 

Northwold,  Bishop,  369. 

ODO,  Bishop  of  Bayeux,  243. 
Offa,   King,   24,   38,   250,   315, 

316,  403,  411. 
"  Old  King  Cole,"  146. 
Oldham,  Bishop,  165. 
Orme,  50. 
Osbjorn,  Earl,  363. 
Oswald,  King,  189. 
Ottley,  Sir  Francis,  421. 
Oysel,  Richard,  174. 

PAGANEL,  Maurice,  168. 
Pandulph,  393. 
Parker,  Matthew,  96. 
Parkes,  John,  133. 
Parkyns,  Mrs,  92. 
Parnell,  Rev.  Thomas,  234. 
Parr,  Dr,  193. 
Pastons,  the,  254,  256. 
Patteson,  Bishop,  297. 
Paulinus,  Bishop,  116,  161. 
Paxton,  Sir  Joseph,  202. 
Payn,  James,  86. 
Payne,  Robert,  13. 
Pearson,  98. 

Peckham,  Archbishop,  398. 
Pedro  of  Spain,  326. 



Peel,  Sir  Robert,  408. 
"  Peeping  Tom/'  129. 
Pembroke,   Earl   of,   118,   193, 

Pepys,  Samuel,  96,  267. 
Perceval,  Spencer,  396,  400. 
Percy,  Henry  (Hotspur),   307, 

308,  418,  419. 
Percy,  Abbot  William  de,  209. 
Percy,  Earl,  68,  69. 
Peyto,  Sir  Edward,  343. 
Philip,  King,  118,  197. 
Philippa,  Queen,  367. 
Phillips,  Susan  K.,  210. 
Philpot,  Alderman,  196. 
Pilgrim  Fathers,  329,  330,  356, 

Pitman,  Sir  Isaac,  28. 
Pitt,  William,  248. 
Pliny,  40. 

Pole,  Sir  Michael  De  la,  186. 
Pole,  Sir  William  De  la,  175. 
Poles,  the  De  la,  185. 
Polictitus,  40. 
Potter,  Sir  John,  165. 
Poydras,  John,  298,  395. 
Poynter,    Sir    E.    F.,    P.R.A., 

Pretender,  the  Young,  43,  153, 

154,  162,  170,  178,  198,  222, 

Price,  Dr,  57,  399. 
Prout,  Samuel,  332. 
Pryme,  George,  178. 
Pudens,  376. 

Pudsey,  Bishop,  215,  216,  218. 
Pulsford,  Rev.  John,  187. 

QUIN,  James,  25. 
Quincey,  Thomas  de,  165. 
Quintilian,  88. 

RADCLIFFE,  Dr,  81. 
Radcliffes,  the,  309. 
Raikes,  Robert,  34. 
Raine,  historian,  218. 
Raleigh,    Sir   Walter,   9,    247, 

328,  329. 
Ralph,  Bishop,  380. 
Rankin,  Sir  James,  44. 
Rann,  Rev.  Joseph,  135. 
Ranulph,  Earl,  42,  43. 

Rathbone,  William,  289. 

Read,  Jdhn,  110. 

Rede,  Bishop,  80. 

Remigius,  120. 

Reynolds,  Sir  Joshua,  332. 

Rich  family,  the,  25,  343. 

Richard  I,  105,  148,  153,  198, 

215,  245,  281,  307,  392. 
Richard  II,  31,  130,  135,  177t 

195,  272,  307,  319,  320,  338, 

417,  418. 
Richard  III.,  32,  131,  142,  144, 

221,  299,  340,  365,  420. 
Richard  of  Holdingham,  40. 
Richard  of  Wallingford,  318. 
Richards,  Rev.  George,  135. 
Ridel,  Bishop,  365. 
Ridley,  Nicholas,  83. 
Rivers,  Lord,  49,  397. 
Robert,  Bishop,  24. 
Robert  Curthose,  306,  379,  413. 
Robert  of  Norwich,  255,  256. 
Robin  Hood,  148. 
Robinson,  Matthew,  6. 
Robsart,  Amy,  342. 
Roscoe,  William,  290. 
Rous,  335,  336,  339. 
Rowley,  268. 
Rudyerd,  333,  334. 
Rufus,  Alan,  347. 
Rupert,   Prince,    56,   421,   424, 

Ruskin,  John,  79. 
Rylands,  Mrs,  165. 

ST.  AID  AN,  305. 

St.  Alban,  314,  315. 

St.  Anthony,  44. 

St.  Audrey,  361. 

St.  Augustine,  17,  18. 

St.  Bartholomew,  10. 

St.  Botolph,  346. 

St.    Cuthbert,    213,    215,    217, 

St.  Dubritius,  335. 
St.  Editha,  405,  406. 
St.  Edmund,  105,  106,  107. 
St.  Ethelbert,  38. 
St.  Hilda,  204,  208. 
St.  John,  10. 

St.  John  of  Beverley,  205. 
St.  John  the  Baptist,  80. 
St.  Katherine,  55. 



St.  Laurence,  10,  52. 

St.  Mary,  Abbots  of,  190,  191. 

St.  Maurice,  10. 

St.  Michael,  54. 

St  Paul,  376. 

St.  Peter,  10. 

St.  Richard,  381. 

St.  Swithin,  3,  10. 

St.  Thomas,  10. 

Salisbury,  Marquis  of,  80. 

Sampson,  Abbot,  111. 

Saunders,  Katherine,  101. 

Scapula,    Propraetor    Ostorini. 

Scatcherd,   historian,   169. 
Schuyler,  Dr.,  59. 
Scott,  Sir  Gilbert,  9,  24,  39,  46, 

83,  95,  98,  172,  186,  233,  297. 
Scott,  Sir  Walter,  27,  191. 
Seffrid,  Bishop,  380. 
Selkirk,  Alexander,  267. 
Shakespeare,  66,  90,  130,  142, 

Shenstone,  163. 
Sherborne,    Bishop,    380,    381, 

383,  385. 
Shrewsbury,  Earl  of,  196. 
Siddons,  Mrs.,  45. 
Siddons,  William,  135. 
Sidney,    Sir    Philip,    79,    343, 
„  428. 

Sigeberht,  King,  104. 
Simeon,  Bishop,  365. 
Simnel,  Lambert,  149,  340. 
Simon  of  Senlis,  390. 
Sinker,  Dr.  Robert,  90,  91. 
Skeppington  of  Leicester,  143. 
Smalenburg,  Wisselus  de,  354. 
Smeaton,  333,  334. 
Smith,  John,  399. 
Smith,  Dr.  William,  399. 
Smyth,  Prof.  William,  94. 
Solen,  Anthony,  259. 
Solinus,  40. 

Southey,    Robert,    27,   69,   93, 
^  269,  270. 

Speed,  historian,  196. 
Spencer,  Bishop,  256. 
Spencer,  Earl,  396. 
Spencer  of  Althorp,  401. 
Spenser,  324,  325. 
Stafford,  Lord,  197. 
Stanley,  Dean,  18. 
Stanleys,  the,  291. 

Stapleton,  Bishop,  296. 
Stephen,  King,  16,  43,  67,  117, 

118,  147,  193,  254,  297,  306, 

307,  291. 
Stephenson,  Richard,  349. 
Sterry,  J.  Ashby,  96. 
Stone,  Thomas,  13. 
Story,  Bishop,  388. 
Strafford,  384. 
Straw,  Jack,  319. 
Street,  architect,  98,  186. 
Strongbow,  Richard,  67. 
Strutt,  Joseph,  158. 
Swein,  116. 
Sweyn,  24,  168,  250,  294,  362, 

363,  390. 
Swift,  Dean,  234. 
Swynford,  Katherine,  123. 

TALBOT,  William,  43. 

Tarquin,  161. 

Taylor,  Ann,  186. 

Taylor,  Tom,  90. 

Tennyson,    Lord,    89,    90,    92, 

122,  128. 
Tennysons,  the,  114. 
Terry,  Ellen,  135. 
Thackeray,  W.  M.,  89,  92. 
Theodotus,  40. 
Thetcher,  Thomas,  7. 
Thomas,  Sir  Rhys  ap,  49. 
Thornton,  John,  138. 
Thornycroft,  Hamo,  14. 
Thorp  of  Hull,  176. 
Thorwaldsen,  91. 
Tilneys,  the,  352. 
Tochyve,  Richard,  15. 
Tomkins,  James,  61. 
Tomkins  of  Weobley,  64. 
Tostig  the  Saxon,  43,  390. 
Townley,  Colonel  Francis,  163. 
Truesdale,  Sir  John,  349. 
Trumpington,  William  de,  317. 
Tudor,  Mary,  108. 
Tudor,  Owen,  43. 
Turchill  of  Warwick,  337. 
Turton,  Dr.,  91. 
Tutbury,  John,  of  Hull,  177. 
Tyack,  Rev.  G.  S„  233. 
Tyler,  Wat,  319,  395. 

ULSINUS,  315. 
Uthred,  King,  214. 



VANDYKE,  344. 
Van  Tromp,  331. 
Vermuyden,  Cornelius,  358. 
Verney,  Marshal,  149. 
Victoria,   Queen,  27,   164,   171, 

Virgin  Mary,  40,  104. 

WAKE,  Lord,  174. 
Wake,  Thomas,  395. 
Walcher,  Bishop,  214,  215. 
Walcot,  historian,  121. 
Walford,  historian,  101. 
Walkelin,  Bishop,  4. 
Walker,  John,  211. 
Waller,  Sir  William,  380,  386, 

Wallingford,  Belaset  de,  122. 
Walpole,  Horace,  269. 
Walpole,  Prior,  366. 
Walsingham,  Alan  de,  366,  369, 

370,  372. 
Waterhouse,  164. 
Waltheof,  390. 
Walton,  Isaak,  5,  345. 
Warbeck,  Perkin,  298,  340. 
Warelwast,  William  of,  295. 
Warin  the  Bald,  413. 
Washington,  George,  401. 
Washington,  John,  401. 
Washington,  Laurence,  401. 
Washington,  Lawrence,  401. 
Watkins,  Rev.  S.  C,  65. 
Waugh,  R.,  historian,  226,  228. 
Welch,  299,  300. 
Wellington,  Duke  of,  247. 
Wesley,  John,  26,  170. 
West,  Bishop,  372,  373. 
Westmoreland,  Earl  of,  197. 
Whewell,  William,  89. 
White,    Henry    Kirke,    93-95, 

White,  Sir  Thomas,  145. 
Whitfield,  George,  35. 

Whitfield,  Henry,  279. 
Wickstead,  Richard,  50. 
Wilberforce,  William,  93,  175, 

186,  267. 
Wilfrid,  Bishop,  360,  377,  378, 

380,  383. 
Wilfrid,  King,  189. 
William  I.,  7,  12,  30,  37,  147, 

William  II.,  4,  30. 
William  III.,  81. 
William  the   Conqueror,  3,  9, 

11,  33,  141,  168,  218,  234,  240, 

241,  243,  251,  252,  254,  272, 

294,  295,  305,  306,  316,  337, 

363,  364,  379,  390,  413,  414. 
William  of   Malmesbury,   128, 

William  of  Normandy,  116. 
William  of  Orange,  279,  302, 

303,  382. 
William  of  Wyggeston,  145. 
William  of  Wykeham,  5,  8,  9. 
William   Rufus,    84,    221,   222, 

252,  295,  306,  379,  404. 
William,  St.,  of  Norwich,  254. 
Willis,  Browne,  121. 
Wilson,  Rev.  J.,  280,  356. 
Winchester,  Marquis  of,  11. 
Windham,  M.P.,  47. 
Winstanley,  333,  334. 
Winthrop,  John,  355. 
Witburga,  Queen,  372,  373. 
Wolsey,  Cardinal,  79,  144,  321. 
Woolner,  sculptor,  90. 
Wordsworth,  27,  55,  56,  89. 
Wren,  Sir  Christopher,  89,  90, 

Wright,  Thomas,  53. 
Wulfstan,  Bishop,  261. 
Wyatt,   Sir  Thomas,   39,   197, 


YELVERTONS,  the,  254,  256.