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Full text of "Graphical methods in applied mathematics; a course of work in mensuration and statics for engineering and other students"

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Graphical methods in applied mathematics 

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G. C. TURNER, B.Sc.(Lond.) 

(university of LONDON) 




First published in 1908, under the title of " Graphics.' 
Beprinted as "Graphical Methods," 1909. 



The importance of Graphics in modern mathematical training, 
and its numerous uses in practical work, render unnecessary 
any excuse for the publication of an elementary account of 
some of its applications, provided these applications are chosen 
with discretion and treated with clearness. 

The author is hopeful that competent judges will consider 
that the present book fulfils these requirements. It has not 
been written with a view to any particular examination ; but the 
easier parts will be found to meet the needs of secondary schools 
and of candidates in military and naval examinations; while 
students in technical colleges and candidates in the examinations 
of the University of London will, it is believed, find most of 
the chapters of definite use to them. 

All sections and exercises marked with an asterisk should be 
omitted in a first reading of the volume ; students who wish 
further to curtail the course of work will find an easy First 
Course mapped out on page ix. 

Special attention is directed to the large number of concrete 
examples, worked out in detail, which are supplied in the 
various chapters. It is essential that the student should himself 
work out the graphical constructions according to the instruc- 
tions given, and afterwards compare his results with those 
obtainable by measurement of the figures in the text. To 
avoid the tendency to produce very small figures, which 
characterise the work of almost all students, the instructions 
supplied will be found to determine large drawings in nearly 
all cases. An endeavour should be made so to construct the 
diagrams that all lengths are correct to at least three numerical 
figures ; it is hoped that this degree of accuracy has been attained 
in the answers given at the end of the book. Owing to slight. 


perhaps very slight, errors in construction the final result, 
obtained by measurement, will often be slightly incorrect in 
the third figure.. 

The student is strongly urged not to confine himself to 
graphical methods only in statics and mensuration. The 
employment of 'calculation and graphics may be likened to 
the use of our two hands; no matter how highly developed 
one instrument may be, much more can be done with the two 
conjointly than with one alone. Of necessity, in this book 
analytical methods and calculations are only incidentally 
touched upon, but students with a knowledge of Trigonometry 
will see that even roughly drawn vector polygons can easily 
be used for purposes of calculation. 

This opportunity is gladly taken to acknowledge a debt 
of gratitude to Prof. Henrici, F.E S., of the Central Technical 
College, London to whom the author's first knowledge of the 
true value of Graphics is due. His teaching showed Statics 
and Dynamics not merely as a branch of somewhat unsatisfying 
Mathematics, but as a real and interesting subject with important 
applications. Those acquainted with Prof. Henrici's work and 
lectures will appreciate the author's obligation to him. 

Thanks are also due to Mr. E. F. Witchell of the Central 
Technical and Goldsmiths' Colleges for reading most of the 
proof sheets, suggesting improvements, and correcting some of 
the answers; to Prof. E. A. Gregory and Mr. A. T. Simmons 
for their unsparing trouble during the preparation of the MSS. 
and while the book was passing through the press ; and finally 
to the Senate of the University of London and the Controller of 
H.M. Stationery Ofiice for permission to make use of problems 
set in various University, Civil Service, Naval, Military, and 
Board of Education examinations, The source of each such 
problem, and the date when subsequent to 1902, has been 
given after the question. 


SiDcrrp, November, 1907. 




Graphical Arithmetic,- 1 

Miscellaneous Examples I., - 41 

Graphical Mensuration, 43 

Miscellaneous Examples II., - 65 


Vectors and their Application to Velocities, 

Accelerations and Mass-Centres, 69 

Miscella/neous Examples III., 115 

chapter iv. 
Concurrent Forces, 119 

Miscellaneous Examples IF., 166 

The Link Polygon, 173 

Miscellaneous Examples V., 208 




Stress Diagrams, 210 

Miscellaneous Examples VI., 252 


Friction, 256 

Miscellaneous Examples VII., - 281 


Moments, 284 

Miscellaneovs Examples VIII, 305 


Bending Moment and Shearing Force, 307 

Miscellaneous Examples IX., 335 


Stress Diagrams (cmtinued), 337 

Miscellaneous Examples X., - 353 


Work, . 354 

Miscellaneous Examples XL, 367 

Appendix, Experiments on Moments, 368 


For the construction of the figures required in this book a set square 
with a 3-inch side is useless. The side of the 45° set square should be at 
least 6 or 7 inches. 

The standard scale used should be flat on one side and bevelled on 
the other and the scale divisions should reach to the edge. One edge 
should be divided into fiftieths of an inch and the other into millimetres 
or half-millimetres. Scales of this description can be obtained from 
Messrs. Aston & Mander, Old Compton Street, London, W., and other 
makers, at Is. 6d. each. 

An angle is best set off or measured by means of its tangent or by a 
scale of chords. If a protractor is used it should be a large semicircular 
one of transparent material. 

Hard chisel-pointed pencils should be used for all the constructions. 


Ch. I., pp. 1-17, 28-30, 33-35, 37-40. 

Ch. II., pp. 43-48, 50, 53-59. 

Ch. III., pp. 69-78, 84-92, 95-111. 

Ch. IV., pp. 119-134, 137-162. 

Ch. v., pp. 172-200. 

Ch. VI., pp. 210-222, 2.36-245. 

Ch. VII., pp. 256-264. 

Ch. VIII., pp. 284-303. 

Ch. XI., pp. 354-367. 



Scalar Quantities. In Mechanics and Physics, quantities 
such as numbers, volumes, masses, time, temperature, dis- 
placement, velocity and force are dealt with. Some of these 
quantities are related to direction in space and cannot be defined 
without reference to direction, others have no such relation to 

Mass, time, temperature, volume and number are examples 
of quantities which are completely given when we know the 
kind of quantity and how much there is of it; they are called 
Scalar Quantities. 

To specify the amount needs reference to some unit, a gramme, 
a degree centigrade, a cubic centimetre, the number 1 . . . , so 
that Scalar Quantities are specified by giving 

(1) the unit quantity, (2) the number of units. 

Vector Quantities. Those quantities which require for their 
specification some reference to direction in space are called 
Vector Quantities. Examples of these are displacement, velo 
city, acceleration, force, .... 

An hour differs from a minute only in amount, but the 
pull of the earth on a book differs from the pull of a locomotive 
on a train not only in amount but also in direction. 

Time is a scalar quantity and force a vector quantity. 

Quantities to Scale. The word scalar is used because these 
quantities can be graphically represented to scale by lengths 
(Latin scalae — a ladder —divided into equal parts by the rungs). 

Thus, if we agree to represent unity by a length of 3 cms. then 
the number 3 would be represented by a line 9 cms. long, and a 
line of length 10'5 cms. would represent the number 3'5. 


In all cases of the representation of physical quantities by 
lengths, the scale of the representation, i.e. the length repre- 
senting the unit quantity, must be given either directly or by 

Masses to Scale. 

Example. To construci a scale of masses so that the mass 
corresponding to any length, and the length corresponding to any 
mass, can be read off at once. 

The given line u (Fig. 1) represents 1 lb. mass. Transfer this 
length to your drawing paper, by pricking through with needle 
points or by the aid of dividers (having fine adjustment), and 
mark the end points (left) and 1 (right). Mark off on this 
line produced, lengths giving 2, 3, 4, ... 10 lbs., as follows : 

In the figure 01 is (intentionally) not the same length as u. 

(i) With dividers accurately adjusted to the length u, and with 
the right-hand point as centre (marked 1 in figure) describe, a 

Fig. 1 

semicircle clockwise, pricking a slight mark at the point (marked 
2 in figure) where the semicircle cuts the line. With 2 as 
centre describe a semicircle contraclockwise, pricking through 
at 3, and so on by alternate clock- and contraclockwise half 


revolutions, pricking through points 4, 5, ... 10. With a properly 
adjusted straight edge and set square draw fine sharp, short 
lines perpendicular to 01 through the points marked. 

(ii) Draw a straight line through making some angle 
between 20° and 60° with 01, and mark off from inches 
r, 2', 3', ... 10' along it. 

Adjust a straight edge and set square with one edge of the 
latter passing through 1 and I', so that when the set square 
is moved parallel to itself along the straight edge to 10' it 
still intersects 01 produced. Mark the points on 01 produced 
when the set square passes through 2', 3', ... 10' by short, sharp, 
fine lines. 

These points so determined should coincide with the points 
already marked on 01 produced ; why ? 

We have now 01 representing 1 lb. mass, and 07 a mass of 
7 lbs., etc. 

(iii) To obtain, by method (ii), the division marks perpendicular 
to 01. 

Draw a fresh straight line and mark off 01 = m on it. Place 
the inch scale and set square so that 1' 1 is perpendicular to 01 
when the scale edge passes through 0, and mark off the points 
2, 3, ... as before. 

Example. To find the length which represents B-7 lbs. 

(a) With a scale, adjusted at as before, mark the point 
3-7" from along the scale, and with set square adjusted at 
this point parallel to 3 3', mark a point on 01 produced 3-7, 
then the length from to 3'7 represents 3'7 lbs. 

(5) Produce 10 and I'O backwards through 0, and with an 
inch scale mark tenths of inches along the latter up to 1 inch, 
and from these points draw parallels to 3 3' cutting 01 produced 
in points marked 0-1, 0-2, 0-3, ... 0-9. Then the distance 
between 0-7 and 3 represents 3-7 lbs. 

The final result in (b) is a scale of masses from which the 
length corresponding to any mass between and 11 lbs. or the 
mass corresponding to any length may be found. 


(1) With squared paper or straight edge ruled in mms. or 2 rams, find the 
number represented by the line a, if (i) 1 cm. (ii) 2 cms. represents unity. 


Via. 2. 

(2) Make a scale for numbers from to 10 on squared paper, the length 
representing unity being u. 

Fio. 3. 

(3) On a plan of a house J inch represents 3 feet. Draw a scale giving 
feet and J feet. What length represents 7 ft. 6 in., and what length is 
represented by 3 '2 ins., and oy the line a ? 

Fro. 4. 

(4) The areas of certain fields are represented by lengths to the seaie 
of 6 cms. to an acre. Draw a scale giving 1 to 5 acres, tenths of an acre 
and hundredths of an acre. Read off from your scale the area represented 
by 17'3 cms. and the length which represents 4'25 acres. 


Example. The lines a, b, c, d, represent numbers to the scale of 
I an, inch to unity. Find the sum of the numbers. 

c - 


Pio. 6. 

Take a strip of paper with a straight edge and apply in turn to 
the lines, marking with a fine sharp line the beginnings and ends 
of the segments so that the segment OA is equal to a, AB is 
equal to h and so on. 

The edge, then, is marked OABCD as in Fig. 5. 

In Fig. 5, OD is one-half the true length. 


Measure OD in half inches (or in inches and multiply mentally 
by 2), this number of half inches is the required sum. 
Notice that the order of addition is immaterial. 

(5) A scale pan is suspended from the hook of a spring balance, and it is 
loaded with small shot. The shot is put in by means of a small scoop. 
The weight of shot added each time is given by the lines a, b, c, d, e, and 
the line u represents 1 oz. 

Pro. 6. 

Find graphically the reading of the spring balance at each addition to 
the load. 

(Add the lengths as above and then draw the u scale along the straight 

(6) A weight of shot given by the line in Fig. 7 is taken out of the 
scale pan ; what is the reading of the balance ? 

(7) What is the peri- ^ 
meter of the room of which 
the accompanying figure is 
the plan, drawn to a scale "s. 
of 0-6" to lift. ^ 

Fig. 8. 


Example. The lines a, b, c, d, (Fig. 9) represent numbers to the 
scale of r5 cms. to unity. Find the difference between the second 
Tw/mker and the sum of the rest. 

Add the lengths a + c + d as before and obtain OD on the 
straight edge, cut off from D to the left DB=b, then OB is 


the length representing the required number. (In Fig. 9, 
OJ, ... are half their true lengths.) Eead oiF the length of 
OB on the 1'5 cm. scale. 


Pio. 9. 

Notice that since addition is performed as a continuous process 
by adding lengths from left to right, subtraction must be 
performed by setting off distances from right to left, if we wish 
to measure our result from 0. 

Example. Required the rmmier equal to the sum of the first cmd 
third nv/mhers minus the sum of the second and fowth. 

Mark, as before, on a straight edge, OA = a, AC=c, then to 
the left, OD = d and DB = h. The point B comes to the left of 

I 1 1 I I 


Fio. 10. 

the starting point (the origin), and the length OB, measured 
to the left instead of the right, corresponds to the fact that the 
required difference is negative. Measure OB on the proper 
scale and prefix a negative sign to the number. 

If distances to the right of represent positive numbers, 
distances to the left must represent negative numbers. 

Scale of Numbers. Such a line as BOD AC (Fig. 10) when 
produced both ways represents numbers to the scale of 1-5 cms. 
to unity. Every distance to the right of represents some 


definite positive number, every distance to the left represents 
some definite negative number; conversely, to every number 
corresponds a definite point in the line. 

(8) Find the sum of the numbers represented by a, b, c, d, the scale 
being 0'4 inches to unity. 

(9) Knd the algebraic sum corresponding toa + h-c + d. 

( 10) Find the algebraic sum corresponding to a -h - c - d. 

(11) Shew by actual measurement that 

a + b-c + d^a + d-c + h, 
and that a-b-c-d= -b~c + a-d. 

Similar Triangles. The construction on page 3 depended 
for its validity on a property of similar triangles, viz. the ratios 
of the sides, taken in order, about the eaual angles are equal. 
For triangles we can always ensure similarity by making them 
equiangular. Crenerally, one figure is similar to another when 
it is a copy of the second drawn to the same or a difierent 
scale (in the first case the figures are congruent, i.e. identically 

(12) Draw any triangle ABG and by the aid of the right angle of a set 
square and a straight edge construct another triangle A-fi-fii, whose sides 
are perpendicular to those of the first. Scale the sides and calculate the 

'■^**°^ AB BG_ GA_ 

A^B^ B^Ci C^A{ 

(13) By aid of the 30° set squaTe construct .^jSjCj such that A^.2 is 
turned clockwise through 30° from AB, and so on for the other sides. 
Verify again that the triangles are similar. 

A property of similar triangles often useful in graphical work 
is that the ratio of their altitudes is equal to that of their bases. 

(14) Verify this fact for the triangles drawn in the last exercise. 


The graphical constructions for multiplication, division, etc., 
depend on these properties of similar triangles. It should be 
borne in mind that if the only object is to obtain the product, 
quotient, root, or power of numbers, the graphical constructions 
are but poor substitutes for abridged arithmetic, the slide rule 
and logarithms ; it is only when in the course of other graphical 
work it is found necessary to obtain, say, the product of two 
numbers represented by lengths that the full advantage of the 
methods becomes apparent. 

Notation. To avoid circumlocutions and the constant repeti- 
tion of ' the number represented by the length,' it is convenient 
to use small letters a, b, c, ... for the lengths of lines, the numbers 
represented by these lines being denoted by the corresponding 
capitals A, B, C, — When the lengths a, b, ... are set off from 
an origin or U, they will be lettered OJ, OB, ... or UA, UB, .... 
The line representing unity is designated by u, unless some 
measure in inches or centimetres is given. 


Example. The lengths a (5-98 cms.) amd b (8-84 cms.) represent 
numbers to the scale 1-5" to unity. Find, (i) the length which gives 
the product of the numbers, (ii) the product itself. 

(i) Draw any two intersecting lines (Fig. 12). From the point 
of intersection set off OU=l-b" and OB = h along one, and on 
the other set off OA=a. Place a set square along AU and 
move it parallel to itself until it passes through B, mark C 
on OA where the set square cuts it. 

OC is the required length, measure it by setting off the u scale 
along OG and obtain the product. 

^^°°^- OA ^ W *°^' "®^"^ ^' ^' ^ ^^^ ^ *® numbers, 

| = |, or C=A.B. 


Fig. 12. 



(ii) The construction given involves the transfer of lengths 
from the given to the drawn intersecting lines. If the lines 
a and b be already on the drawing paper this can be avoided. 

JflG. 13. 

From, one extremity of a draw u perpendicular to a (Fig. 13). 
From one extremity of 6 draw a line c perpendicular to b, and 
from the other a line perpendicular to the hypotenuse of the first 


right angle constructed. Then two similar triangles have been 
drawn, the sides of the one being perpendicular to those of the 

Construct the u scale along c and measure c on that scale ; it 
gives the product required. 

Proof. From Fig. 13 ~ = ~, or ^ = 4, and .-. C=J.B. 
° u B \ 

If the lines a and h are not parallel, draw u at one end of a 
parallel to h, and complete the triangle ; then from the extremities 
of h draw lines parallel to a and to the third side of the first 

The two triangles are similar (since they are drawn equi- 
angular) and the line c giving the product is parallel to a. 

For - = 1, or ah = cu, and A . B=0. 


Measure c on the « scale and compare with the previous 

*(15) Vary the construction in the case where a is parallel to 6, by 
drawing u at an angle of 60° with a. 

(16) Draw two lines of lengths 7 "2 and .3 '9 cms. Let these represent 
numbers to the scale of 0'7" to unity. Find the product by the methods 
given. If unity be represented by 1"1", find the product of the new 
numbers represented by the old lengths "'2 and 3 '9 cms. 



Multiplication on Squared Paper. 

Example. 7/ u = 2", a = 8-38 cms , b = 6-82 cms., find the product 

Take a sheet of ordinary squared .paper (inches and tenths). 
Mark off as indicated in Fig. 15, OA = a, OU=u, and UB = b. 
Join OB and produce. Read off at once by the aid of the ruled 
lines the length oi AG {AC being parallel to UB) on the 2 inch 
scale ; it measures the product of A and B. 

TL -7- 

^ <E 


2 -/X- 

1 X- 

i r 

-7 '<- 

IS Z ;_ 

a/- 1- 

Qf- \- 

7 r 

Z r 

1 ^ i^ 


z: r 


js ^ - i- 

Y ' 

z ~ ^ 

/ r 

r 1 

Ai" 7 r X 

-5 /O S >/l 1L 1-5A 2 



' t 


t ^ (I _ _ 

^ 0- 

1 ' .__ 

^ -j- A- 

Flo. 15. 

The side of each small square represents the number 0'05. 
With a little practice a fifth of this, or the number 0-01, can be 
estimated by the eye. To render the figure clearer in its 
reduced size, the side of the smallest square shewn represents 
0-1 and not 0-05. 


Mark the points on OA and OA produced corresponding to 
the numbers, 0'5, 1, r5, 2, 2-5, 3, 3-5 and 4, and to - 1 and - 2. 
On the line through perpendicular to OA mark off the 
points corresponding to the same numbers. 

This method is exceedingly convenient when more than one 
number has to be multiplied by the same factor. Any other 
number being given by a length a,, we set off OA-^ = a-^, and then 
read off the length of the corresponding perpendicular A-fi-^, 
which is the product A^^x B. 

(17) Read off the products of B and 2'7, 3'1 and 0-6. 

(18) What number is represented by 6? Read oflf the products of this 
number and 1'4, 2'3, 2'38and compare the results with those obtained by 
actual multiplication. 

(19) Multiply graphically 1-75 by 1-16, 2-35, 4-64, 3-88 and 5-26, using a 
scale of 2" to unity. 

(20) Multiply graphically 0-18 by 5-6, 2-4, 7'8, 6-9, using a scale of 
1" to unity horizontally, and 10" to unity vertically. Read the products off 
on the vertical scale. 

Equation to a Straig^ht Line. Let any distance OM along 

the line OA (Fig. 15) be x, and the corresponding perpendicular 

distance PM be y. Then, wherever M may be along OA or OA 

produced, y b , 

- = - always 

= 1-34 

= tangent of the angle OP makes with OM 
(called the slope of the line). 

The equation y = 1 '340; is called the equation to the straight line 
OP. X and y are called the coordinates of the point P, and the 
lines OA and its perpendicular through (lettered Ox and Oy in 
Fig. 15) are called the axes of coordinates. PM or y is called the 
ordinate, OM or x the abscissa of the point P. is the origin. 

The straight line is called the graph of the corresponding 
equation y=l-3ix, and any number of points on it could have 
been obtained by giving x values 1, 2, 3, ... , and calculating the 
corresponding values of y and marking* the points having these 

* The points should be marked with a x , the two limbs of which must be fine 
and sharp and intersect at the point. 


coordinates, or at once by drawing a straight line through 
at a slope = 1 ■34. 

Take any point A^ on OA produced to the left, then OA^ 
represents a negative number {A^. Read off what this number 
is. Produce OB backwards through the origin and read off the 
length on the 2" scale of the perpendicular line A^G^. This 
number is the product B x A^. How does the figure shew that 
the product is negative 1 

(21) Find the product of 5 and -O'S, -1-5, -2-3. 

(22) Find the product of --B and 0-8, 1-6, 2-3 directly from a figure, 
(set off 6 downwards). 

Since distances upwards along Oy represent positive numbers, 

distances downwards along Oy produced must be considered 


Note also that since — ^ = -, the equation -= 1 'Si represents 

-X XX 

the line POC2 produced indefinitely both ways. 

(23) Draw the straight lines whose equations are 





i.e. draw lines through the origin the tangent of whose angles with the 
axis of X are 3, 1, ... . 

(24) In the third equation of the last exercise suppose x to have values 
-2, - 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, in turn; calculate the corresponding values of y, and 
shew that the points having these numbers as coordinates lie on the line 
already drawn. 

Notice that y = 0-lx, y = 0-Q\x, y = Q-QO\x, y = Q-QOQ\x are 
successively nearer to the axis of x, and hence y = 0.x ov y = 
must be the axis Qx itself. Similarly x=Q must be the axis of y. 

(25) The lines o and 6 represent numbers to the scale u to unity. 

Fio. 16. 

Find by method (ii) the product of the corresponding numbers, con- 
structing the u scale along c. 


(26) Find the product by method (i). 

(27) Using paper divided into mras. or 2 mms., find the product of 
1-74 and 082, 1-67, 2-31, 0-63, -1-31 and -2-36. 

Different Scales. It is not necessary to use the same scale 
horizontally and vertically. Suppose we wish to multiply 0'27 
by 6-6 ; it would be better to represent the first number to a 
scale 10 inches to unity, and the latter to a scale 1 inch to unity, 
than to take the same scale and have lines differing greatly in 
length. If the vertical scale be chosen as 10" to unity, then 
the product must be read on that scale, for 


and if OA and fZ be measured on the same scale so must CA 
and BU. 

Perform this multiplication graphically ; mark points V where 
0U=\', and A where 0A = &-&' ; set up, perpendicular to OA, 
UB^ 2-7", i.e. 0-27 of ten inches ; join OB and produce and read 
off on the ten inch scale the length of A C. 

(28) Multiply 0-037 by 8-1, 7-3, 5-6, 2-9 and 10-3. 

Division. If C=A.B then — = — ; and, therefore, to find 

1 B 

the quotient -g, we have to make but a slight modification in 

our construction for multiplication. 
Example, a and b represent niimbers to the scale 2 cms. to unity. 

Find the line representing the quotient = and the number itself. 

a =3-92", b=l-34". 

Notice that if we do not wish to find the line representing the 

quotient, but only the number itself, we may take any length 

whatsoever to represent unity. This follows from the fact that 

a A 

=- = ^ whatever the scale may be. 

IB ^ 

(i) Draw any two intersecting lines (Fig. 17), from the point 

of intersection set off 011=2 cms. along one, and 0A = a and 



0B = 1} along the other. Mark the point C on OU produced 

where the line through A 

parallel to BU cuts it. Then 

OC is the required length c; 

read the length on the 2 cm. 

scale and the required quotient 

2'93 is obtained. 

Fio. 17. 

(ii) Draw m (Fig. 18) perpendicular to 6 at its extremity. On 
a construct a triangle similar to the one on 6 having its sides 

Pio. 18. 



parallel to those of the first. 
Then c being the side corre- 
sponding to u we have 

a h . A B n -^ 

- = -, i.e. -n = Y- or C=^- 
c u 6 1 is 

(iii) On squared paper 

(mm.) take two axes at right 

angles. Set oS0U=2 cms. 

(Fig. 19) and 05 = 6 along 

the axis Ox (the axis of x), 

BA = a parallel to the axis 

Oy (the axis of y). Finally, 

UC, perpendicular to Ox, 

cutting OA in C, is the 

length representing the 

quotient. Read this length 

oflF on the 2 cm. scale and 

obtain the quotient C 

(29) Using squared paper find 
the quotient corresponding to 


^ and 5 (Fig. 20), 

where 5 cms. represents unity. 

(30) Find by aid of squared 
paper the quotients of 5 '6, 4 '7, 
2-8, 1-8, -2-6 and -1-5 by 26. 
(The negative os's must be set off 
downwards. ) 

(31) What are the equations 
to the sloping lines used in the 
two previous exercises ? 



Fig. 19. 


Fici. S 



(32) Find by method (ii) the quotient representing ~ where u represents 




FiQ. 21. 

unity. Change the length of u to 2" and 
see that the quotient is the same, but 
that the line representing it is altered. 
(33) Find by direct graphical con- 
struction the quotients of 2'8, 5*7, 4'5, 
3-7, -21 and -1-8 by -33. 

Combined Multiplication 
and Division. 

Example, a, b and c represent 
three numbers wnd u represents 
unity. Find the line which b. 



and the nwnier 

Fig. 28, 



(i) Draw two intersecting lines and set off along one OU—u 
(Fig. 22), OA=a, and along the other OB = h and OC=c. Mark 
the point D on OA where BD, parallel to AO, cuts it, then OD is 
the required length. 


OD OB , ^ A.B 
^=^and2) = -^. 

Construct the u scale along OD and read off the number D. 
(ii) Multiply the ratio — by a set of numbers B.^, B^, B^, ... , 

unity being represented by 0-5 inches. 

On squared paper mark two axes Ox and Oy (Fig. 23) ; set off 
along Ox the distance c and draw CA == a parallel to Oy. 






























































































\ 1 

Fig. 23. 

Join OA and mark the points on it where the y ordinates through 
^1, ^2, ^3, ... , cut it, viz. Dj, D^, Dg. Then B^D^, BJ}^, B^D^ 
are the required lengths. Read off the corresponding numbers. 


(34) Draw four lines of lengths 7'8, 2-6 and 3'1 cms. and 0-4 inch. If 
the last represents unity, find the product of the numbers represented by 
the third and the ratio of the first to the second. 

Continued Multiplication. 

EXAMPUE 1. FiThd a line representing the product A.B.C.D 
where u represents unity, the numbers being given by the lines a, b, c, d. 

Set off along any line OU=u (Fig. 24), 




and along an intersecting line OB = d. 

Mark X-^ where AX-^, parallel to UD, cuts OD produced. 
„ Xg „ BX^ „ UX-^ „ OD. 

„ Xg „ CXg „ UX2 „ OD produced. 

Then OX^ is the length required. Measure OX^ on the u scale 
and obtain the product A.B.C.D. 

Proof. ^> = ^, 




Multiply these ratios together and obtain 



or X^ = A.B.C.D. 

Example 2. The scale being 1 inch to unity, find, on squared paper, 
the continued product of the nwnbers represented by a,,h, c and d. 



Fio. 24. 


Mark positions for U, A, G and D along Ox (Fig 25), and 
set up UB^ = b, parallel to the axis of y. 

Joini OB^ and produce. Mark the point A^ on O^j where the 
ordinate at A. cuts it. Mark the point A^ where A-^A2, parallel 
to Ox, cuts UB-^. Joini OA^ and produce and mark orj it G^ 
where the ordinate at G cuts it. Join" OC'g and mark Gg on 
UB where C^Cg, parallel to Ox, cuts it. If OCg be joined, the 
ordinate at D would not intersect it on the paper, so mark G^ 
on the ordinate a,t 2U and join 00^, marking Dg where the 
ordinate at D cuts it. Then 2DD^ gives the product required. 
Measure this on the u scale and write down the product. 
. OA _0U OG _0U_ OP -20 U , 
. OA.OG.OD 20m 

■ " AA-^ . GG^ . DBf UB^ . UA^ . UG^ 

But A A^=UA 2, GG^=UGg; 

. A.G.D 2. 
DDg B' 
:. A.B.G.D = '2DD^. 
Do the multiplication again, taking A, B, G, on Ox and UB-^ 
vertically. When the construction lines go off the paper use 
the 2m line instead of the u line. 

Change of Scale. When the lengths a, b, c, etc., are long 
compared with u, or when there are many multiplications to be 
performed, the lines 00^ OD^ ... in (ii) become so steep that their 
intersections with the verticals CCj DD^ ... will not be on the 
paper. Similarly in (i) X^, X^, Xg ... get farther and farther 
along OB, and the lines joining them to U become more and 
more nearly parallel to OB. 

When this is the case the triangles become ill-conditioned. 
To avoid this difficulty the scale must be changed. Thus, in 
(i) if OGXg becomes an ill-conditioned triangle in consequence of 
!) being much larger than in Fig. 24, either halve OX^, or double 

I The lines need not actually be drawn, it is sufficient to mark the points. 



Pio. 26. 


OU, and proceed as before; the resulting length OX^ must now 
be measured on the scale of ^u. 

Should OGX^ be still an ill-conditioned triangle, take \ of 
OX^ or quadruple OU; it still ill-conditioned take -^ of OX^ or 
ten times U, and read the answer on ^ or j^ of the u scale. 

A similar change can be made in method (ii) if necessary. 

A B 

(35) Find the value of — ^,— , where 

a = 5-2", 
M = 4 cms. 

(36) Find, on squared paper (mm. ), the value of ^ x ^j . ^3 . -B3, where 

u =1", 
a =57 cms., 
c =6'8 cms., 
61=2-3 cms., 
62=5-6 cms., 
63=9-2 cms. 

(37) Find the value of 6-8x27x1-9x3-4 gr^pjiieaUy. 

(38) Find the value oiA.B.G.D.E, where 

a=6-3 cms., 
5 = 5'1 cms., 
c=2-7 cms., 
d=3-8 cms., 
e=5-9 cms., 
and u=2". 

Continued Product of Ratios. 

Example. Find the line representing to the scale u to unUy ike 

A P "R 
roduct = ■ ^. =, the numbers lemg 

given by the lines 

a =9-9 cms., 

e=10-6 cms., 

6 = 5-52 cms., 

/= 13-05 cms., 

c = 6-3 cms., 

u= 1-65 inches. 

(^=3-46 cms.. 



Set off OA, OB, OC, OD, OE, OF from along any convenient 
line and OCA along an intersecting one (Fig. 26). 

Mark on OU the points Xj, X^, Zg, where AX-^ is parallel to 
BU, CXg is parallel to DX^, EX^ is parallel to FX^. 

Then OX^ gives the required product; measure this on the 
u scale. 

_ . OX, OA 
Proof. — -J - — 

ox^_qc ox^OE . 


qX^OA 00 OE A C_ E 

Oil OD' OD' OF ^^ ^ B'D'E 

(39) Draw lines of lengths 10-3, 7-8, 6-5, 43, 39, 27 cms., and find the 
continued product of the ratios of the first to the second, the third to the 
fourth, etc., if 0'7" represents unity. 

(40) Find the continued product of the first four numbers in Ex. 39 and 
the value of ( -=-^ J . 



Integral Powers (Positive and Negative). Since A^ means 

1 1 

Ax Ax Ax A and A~^ 

means — ; = 

it is evident 

A» Ax Ax A' 

that the constructions already given cover the cases in which 
numbers have to be raised to positive or negative integral 
powers. It is, however, simpler to use the subjoined con- 

Example. Given a (1-62") and the unit line u (3-08 cms.) to 

construct Unes giving A^, A^, A*, ... and _, — ., -^, .... 

A A^ A^ 

Draw any two lines intersecting at right angles. Set off along 
these OU=u and OA=A. 

Join UA, and draw AA2, A^A^. A^A^ ... so that each line is 
perpendicular to the one drawn immediately before it, as in 
Fig. 27. Also, draw UB^, B^B^, 
BJB^ ... where the lines are 
parallel to A A 2, A^A^, 

Pia. 27 


Construct the u scale along a straight-edged piece ot paper. 
Measure 0^^, OA^, OA^ ... on the u scale; they are A^, A^, 
A^ .... 

Measure 0£j, OB^, OB^ ... on the same scale; they are 

1 _L J_ 
A' A^' A^"" 

Proof. All the triangles drawn are similar, and hence 
Multiplying the ratios, we get 

but U represents unity, 

.-. A^ = A^. 

Similarly, m = {mf' """^ 

.'. Ag = A% etc. 
For the reciprocals we have 

OB^OB^ _ OB^ _OBj_OU 

Multiplying together 

OB,~OB,~OBj^ OU OA' 


•■• A = 24- 
Similarly, ' Bg = -jg, etc. 

For positive powers the construction stops aX A^, since A^ 
would not be on the paper. Take, then, ^ of OA^ and proceed 

as before ; then 

OA^ _0A^, 
^OA, OA,' 



'5-10 OA, 


The succeeding intercepts must, therefore, be read on the 
Jjyth u scale. 

Again OB^ is too small to measure accurately, take 10 OB^ 
and read on the 10 m scale. 

The points ... B^, Bg, B^, B^, U, A, A^, Ag, ... are points on 
a curve called the equiangular spiral. The intermediate points 
on this curve would give fractional and decimal powers, and 
would thus enable one to find the values of such expressions 
as A% A'^. It is not difficult to construct such a curve geo- 

Square Roots. 

Example. Find the square root of A, given a and u. 

Set off OA=a (Fig. 28) and OU=u in opposite senses along 

Pio. 28. 

a straight line. On UA describe a semicircle UCA, and measure 
OC where OC is perpendicular to UA. 

Then C = ^fA. 

Proof. Since UA is a diameter of a circle and 00 a semi- 
chord perpendicular to it ; 

00^ = OU.OA; 

:. O^^A or 0=s/A. 

By repeating this process we can find rapidly A^, A^, 

(41) Draw a line 6o cms. long. If unity be represented by 2", find the 
powers of the number up to the 6*, and their reciprocals. 

(42) Draw a line 6-5 cms. long. If unity be represented by 3", find the 
square, cube and 4"' power of the number, and their reciprocals. 

(43) Find the square and 4''> roots of the given numbers in (41) and (42). 



Powers by Squared Paper. 

Example. Construct a curve which gives by inspection the squares 
of all numbers, integral and decimal, from - 3 to +3. 

Take two axes (Fig. 29) along the thick lines of the squared 
paper, the axis of x horizontally and the axis of y vertically. 
Mark the large divisions along the axis of x 0'5, 1, 1-5, 2, ..., 

and those along the axis of y 1, 2, 3, Draw OF through 0, 

and the point x=3, y=S. In Fig. 29 part only of the squared 
paper and the curve is shewn. 



s -3^f--- 


i:i:::::4:i::::: iiiii:::: 2:Z:t::: 



^ — -. , 

3 \ \ ^ ^ Ll 

^ y ; 

V ^ 1-5 

_ ^ ___ _ '^L_ _^ ^,^__ 


T- — -7^-" L — 

1 V j^ 1 ; 

X ^'' Q 0-5 ^P 1 1-5 2 B 2-S 

_,^" :: i ::i :■ : : 

Fig. 29. 

Mark any point ^^ on OP by a sharp short line perpendicular 
to OP. 

From ^1 go horizontally to A2 a point on the ordinate at 1, 
put a straight edge along OA^t ^^^ mark the point A^ where 
it cuts the ordinate through A^. 


Proceed similarly with points B^, Cj, ... , along OP, taking at 
least twelve points. In Fig. 29, to save confusion, the construction 
lines for only 2 points Ag and B^ have been shewn. With a 
little care and practice the points A^, Bg, ... can be marked 
accurately without actually drawing any construction lines 
except OP, the ruled lines in the paper being a sufficient guide 
for the eye. 

Take points also on OP, produced backwards through the 
origin, such as L^, and repeat the construction and find a 
number of points like Z/g. Join all the points so obtained by a 
smooth curve drawn by freehand ; see that it is a smooth curve 
by looking along it, and smooth down any humps and irregu- 
larities that appear on it. 

The curve thus constructed is such that the ordinate for any 
point on it represents the square of the number given by 
the corresponding abscissa. 

Proof. OAAg is similar to 01 A2, and OA = 2AA^^ as lengths ; 
. AA^_OA_AAg 
■■ 1^2 ~ Ol~AAj; 
But AAj^ and OA represent the same number, viz. A, though 
to a different scale ; hence A^ being the number given by AA^, 
Ag = A^, i.e. AAg represents the square of the number A, the 
scale being one half that on which A is measured. 

A similar proof holds for negative numbers, and the construc- 
tion shews that the square of a negative number is positive. 

(44) Read off from the curve as accurately as possible the squares of 0"52, 
0-68, 0-84, 1-75, 1-98, 2-24, 25, 2:85. 

(45) Read off the square roots of 0-55, 0-85, 2-54, 3-8, 3-6, 4-54. 

(46) Find the square's of the numbers given by lengths, 1, 1-8, 2'3, 4-6, 
5, 6 '7 and 7 cm. if unity be represented by 2". 

(47) Find the square roots of the numbers given by the lengths, 2, 3'8, 
4-7, 6-9, 8-5, 10-3, 11-1 cms. if 2" represents unity. 

Evidently the curve as drawn is not adapted for finding the 
squares of numbers much greater than 3. To find the squares of 
greater numbers, the scale of numbers along Oy must be made 
still smaller than that along Ox. Thus for numbers from to 


100 take 1 incK to represent 10 along Ox, but along Oy take 1 in'-h 
to represent 1000. The construction is almost exactly the same ; 
the line OP joining to the point for which x= 100, y= 100. 

(48) Find graphically the squares of 2-7, 3'6, 7"7, 9'8, using a tenth scale 
along the y axis. Find the square roots of 87, 73, 60, 31, 20 and 12. 

(49) Construct a curve giving 7- of the squares of the numbers ranging 
from -4 to +4. (The line OP must now go through the point (7, 1).) 

Equation to Graph. The curve just constructed (p. 30) is 
such that every ordinate like BB^ represents a number which is 
the square of the number represented by the abscissa OB. If, 
then, y and x are these numbers, y = x^, and since this equation 
holds for all points on the curve it is called the equation to the 
curve, and the curve is the graph of the equation. 

It must be clearly understood that the equation y = x^ is only 
true if, by y and x, we mean the numbers represented by the lines 
and not the actual lengths of the lines themselves. 

If y and x denote the lengths representing the number then 
the equation y = x^ is not true. 

Let u be the unit length along Oy, and 2m the unit length along 
Ox, then, referring to Fig. 29, we have OA=x, AA^ = y, and 
since ^^3 _ AA^ 


The last form of the relation brings us back to the original 
equation ; for ^^ is the number represented by the length y, and 

X ^ 

■^ is the number represented by the length x. 

(J50) If the scale along y had been 1" to unity, and 5" to unity along x, 
what would have been the equation connecting the lengths x and y of the 
coordinates of any point on the curve, and what would be the relation 
between corresponding numbers? What length would represent the 
square of the number 3 ? 

(51) If a be the unit of length along x, and h that along y, what is the 
equation connecting the lengths x and y ? If as =2 '3" and 6 = 1 '5", what are 
the lengths representing the squares of 1 and 3 ? 

Another construction for the curve y = x^ follows from the 
geometrical method explained on p. 26, 



Take two axes on squared paper (Fig. 30) ; let unity be repre- 
sented by 1" along Ox and ^" along Oy. 

Take any point A on Ox and 
by the aid of set squares draw 
AA-^ perpendicular to the line 
joining A and - 4 (on Oy). 

Mark on the ordinate at A 
the point A^ where A^A^, 
parallel to Ox, cuts it. 

Eepeat this construction for 
a number of points like A, and 
join the points like A^ by a 
smooth curve ; this is the 
curve of squares. 

Proof. As on p. 28, 

OA^ = OAixO{-4:). 
Taking all measurements 
in inches, we have, if OA = x 
and 0A-^ = y, 

(x and y being in inches). 

Hence, if the axis of y be 
marked J" to unity, we have, 
as nvmbers, 

y = xK 

Via. 30. 

(52) Construct, by a similar method, a curve giving directly 1 '6 times the 
square of numbers from - 3 to + 3. 

Cubes and Cube Roots. 

Example. From the owne y = x^ construct a cv/rve giving the cvhes 
of nmnbers from - 2 to +2. 

First construct the curve of squares, the origin being in the 
centre of the squared paper, and the y scale ^ that of the x. 
Take any point A^ (Fig. 31) on the curve, go horizontally to 


















































A^ on the vertical through 1, mark A^ on AA-^ where OA^ cuts 
it, then AA^ gives the cube of A. 

Proceed similarly with a number of other points like Ay Join 
all the points similar to A^ (for negative as well as positive a;'s) ; 
this is the curve giving the cubes. 


Fio. 31. 

AA^ = OA^ (as numbers) 

= 1^, and^^ = ^3.. 

.'. OA^ — AAg (as numbers). 
If, then, ;/ denote the number corresponding to any ordinate 
AA^, and x the number for the corresponding abscissa, y — x% 
is the equation to the curve. 

Notice that for a negative number x, y is negative. 



(53) Find the_cubes of 0-3, 0-5, 1-4, 1-7, 1-9, 2-1, 2-8 and 31, and the 
values of 4^2, v'3-5, vf^. 

(54) From the curve y = 3? construct the curve giving the fourth powers 
of numbers from - 1 '8 to + 1 ■&. 

(55) Read off from the curve y=x^, the values of 

4/2, V5, VO, (1-22)S (l-85)<. 

(56) Draw a curve by the above construction giving J of the cubes of 
numbers from to 10. What is its equation ? 



^^^^^^ N^ 

r % 

L» 5s^l_I 

L-_ A^-^Z5!__lir 

:; ; : ::::::: t::::i::: ::;-:: :::: ;;t :: :::::::::;-: 

1 A ^ 1 \L 

U Tf--* r —1- 

=2. $---[; % ' A---^ 3- 

:!- = >; ;:::::: !::;:;_"- t- - - - - 

-n •- A 


Pig. 32. 

Curve giving- Reciprocals. Let 1 inch represent unity. 
Take the origin at the centre of the squared paper. Mark any 
point A-i (Fig. 32) on the unit line parallel to Ox, mark also A^ 
where OA^ cuts the unit line parallel to Oy. Go horizontally to 


Ag, the point where A^A^ cuts the ordinate, through Ay Then 
AA^ represents the reciprocal of the number A. 

Eepeat this process for a number of. points like ^j on the 
positive and the negative sides of Oy. Join all the points like 
A^ by a smooth curve. This curve is such that the ordinate at 
any point A^ gives the reciprocal of the corresponding abscissa 

Proof. ^^3 = 1^2 and AA.^ = Ol. 

.'. AAg = jT-j (as numbers). 

(57) Read off from the curve the reoiprooals of 0'35, 0'75, 1'2, 1'85, 2'15, 
2-75, 3-84, -0-65 and -2-78. 

(58) Using a oonstruction similar to that on page 32, draw the curve of 
reciprocals. [Take OA =1 always, make 0( -4)=x, then OAi=y.'\ 

Equation to Curve of Reciprocals. Let y be any ordinate 
number, and x the corresponding abscissa number; then evidently 
from the construction 

i = - or «« = 1, 
1 X 

which is the equation to the curve drawn. 

Since -x.-y = xy=l, 

we see that the two parts drawn by graphical construction are 
really branches of the same curve. 

Notice also that for very big x's the y'& are very small, and 
vice versa, hence as we travel along x in the positive sense the 
curve approaches nearer and nearer to the axis but never crosses 
it. Similarly, for very large negative x's the curve gets very 
near to the axis of x (negative side) but is below it. 

(59) Construct the curve which gives J of the reciprocals of numbers. 
What is its equation ? 

(60) Construct the curve giving 1 '7 times the reciprocals of all numbers 
from 1 to 100. What is its equation ? 


Curve of Reciprocals Squared. From the cmve y = -, 

construct the ewrve y = —^ giving the squares of the reciprocals of 

The construction is very similar to the last. Put a straight 
edge along OA-^ where -4j is any point on the curve •j;y=\, 
mark A^ where the straight edge cuts the ordinate at 1, go 
horizontally to A^ on the ordinate AA-^, then AA^ gives the 
required reciprocal squared. 

How does the construction shew that ( — ] is positive ? 

(61) Oonatruet from the curve ^ = - the curves 

y=^, and y=^, 

(62) Construct from y = ^ the curves 

y=:^ and y=^. 
(6.3) Prom y= 3;^ construct y^=a^, or y=x^. 

So far multiplication, division, etc., have referred to numbers, 
represented by lengths. On page 1 it was pointed out that 
a length may represent any other scalar quantity, the length 
representing the unit quantity being given. 

Areas to Scale. The product of two lengths a and h is 
defined as the area of a rectangle having a and h as adjacent 

The product of two unit lengths is unit area. To represent 
the product of two lengths by a line, we must first choose a line 
to represent unit area. This line may be the unit of length, or, 
if more convenient, some other length. 

The methods, for finding the lines representing areas or volumes, 
are exactly the same as for multiplying numbers together ; it is 
only the interpretation that is different. 



Example. Represent the product 0/ a x b by a line, imit airea 
being represented by u, the unit of length. 

Set off OU==u (Fig. 33), OA = a along any line, and UB = h 
perpendicular to it, tben 

or AC .u = a.b. 

AC is the height of a rect- 
angle having unit length as 
base. Measure this on the 
M scale ; it gives the number 
of unit areas contained in 
a. b. 

Note that although the 

same line u represents unit 

area and unit length, it is not 

correct to say that lengths " 

•' ? fio. 33. 

and areas are represented to 

the same scale. They are different physical quantities, and all 

we can say is that the same length represents the same number of 

units of length as of units of area. 

Example. Lines of lengths 7 and 15 cms. represent the sides of a 
rectangular room to the scale of 1" to 10'. Find a line giving the floor 
area, when the unit area is 

(i) 10 sq. ft., (ii) sq. yds., (iii) 17 sq. ft. 

(i) Draw, as in Fig. 33, 011=1", OA = 15 cms., UB = 7 cms.; 
produce OB to cut AC, the perpendicular at A to OA, in C. 
Then, as before, AG.OU=OA.UB. 

This equation remains true whatever the scale on which we 
measure the lengths. If, then, we measure on the tenth inch 
scale, each tenth represents one ft. (for OU represents 10 ft.), and 
AC represents the height of a rectangle of base 10 ft. and area 
equal to the given floor, i.e. gives the floor area in 10 sq. ft. 
(ii) Set off OU=Q-%" and measure AC in tenths of inches. 

(iii) Setoff 0C/'= 1-7" 


Any Scale. Suppose the given lengths OA and UB repre- 
sented lengths to the scale 1" to x ft. and we want to find the 
area represented by OJ x UB in sq. yds. 

X being a number we can always set oft a line representing 
that number of feet, and - of this will be OU, and AC must be 

measured on the scale (- j to 1 sq. yd. 

Thus, if x=1' we must divide 1" into 7 equal parts (or if 
more convenient 10" into 7 equal parts), 9 of these will equal 
OU. Make the construction as before, and measure AC on the 
scale of J-" to 1 sq. yd. 

(64) Lines of lengths 2-3 and 47 inches represent, to the scale of 10 ems. 
to 7 ft. , the sides of a rectangular room. Find by construction the floor 
area in sq. yds. 

(65) Lines of lengths 1'82 and 3-65 inches represent the altitude and 
base of a rectangle to the scale of 1 inch to 350 cms. , find geometrically the 
area in 100 sq. cms. ' 

*(66) Find a line representing the volume of a rectangular box, in ob. ins. , 
whose edges are 7, 15 and 17 cms. in length, unit volume being represented 
by 0"1 inch. 

*(67) Find graphically the volume of a rectangular room whose dimensions 
are given by lines of 3'2, 5'3 and 6'7 cms., the scale being 1" to 10', 
(1) in cb. yds ; (2) in 10 ob. ft. 

Work done. The work done in lifting a body vertically 
upwards is defined as the product of the weight of the body 
and the vertical distance moved through. If the weight be 
expressed in pounds and the distance in feet, the product is in 
foot-pounds (ft. -lbs.). The work done in lifting a 1 lb. weight 
vertically through 1 ft. is thus 1 ft. -lb., and is the unit of work. 
Obviously the work done in lifting 10 lbs. through 1 ft. is the same 
as that done in lifting 1 lb. through 10 ft. or 1 oz. through 160 ft. 

Example, w represents the weight of a body to the scale n to a lb. 
weight, a represents the vertical distance moved through, to the scale f to 
a ft. ; find graphically the work done in ft.-lhs. 

Notice that mx/ is the area representing a ft. -lb., and wxs 
the area we wish to find in terms of m x/. 



We can most conveniently do this by finding the rectangle 
whose base is m or / and whose area is w x s. 

(i) Set off OU=u (Fig. 34) and OW=w along one axis, and 
OF=f axiA. OS=s along an intersecting one. 

Draw WX parallel to US and measure OX on the / scale. 

This gives the work done in ft. lbs. 


JT - 


Pio. 34. 

OX ow 

or OX.OU=OW.OS; 


.'. ox .u = w.s. 
Hence OX is the altitude of a rectangle whose base is u and 
whose area is w .s; and therefore OX represents the vertical 



distance through which 1 lb. weight must be raised in order that 
the given work may be done. If, then, OX be measured on the 

/ scale the number of units in OX will be the 

number of ft -lbs. represented hj w . s. 

(ii) Set off OF=f (Fig. 35) and OJF^w along 

any line, OS=s along an intersecting line, and 

draw JVX parallel to FS. 

rp, OJF OF 

^^^" ox=-os' 

:. OF. 0X=0W.0S; 
i.e. /. OX=w . 8. 

Fig. 36. 

OX therefore measures the weight which, lifted 
vertically through 1 ft., requires an expenditure 
of work represented by w . s. Hence measure OX 
on the u scale ; it gives the number of ft. -lbs. 
represented by w .s. 

Pio. 36. 

(68) If a is actually 6", which oonstniction, (i) or (ii), 
would be moat convenient ? 

(69) In the CG.s. system the unit of work is an erg=dynex centi- 
metre. If d (Pig. 36) is the weight of a body in dynes and 1,000,000 dynes 
is represented by u, find the work done in lifting the body through the 
distance c. 


*{70) The speed of a body is given by v (Fig. 37), where u represents a 
foot per second. Find the time the body takes to go a distance D, repre- 
sented "by d ; /represents a foot. 


Fig. 3Y. 

(71) The weight of a body is given by a line 4" long, the lb. being 
represented by 1'3 ems. If 1 ft. is represented by a line of length 4", 
find the work done in lifting the body through a distance given by a line 
of length 15". 

(72) Find graphically in ft. -tons the work done in raising a body, weight 
0"75 ton, through a distance of 23 '2 ft. 

Moment of a Force. If a force be applied to the arm of a 
lever, the turning moment or torque of the force about the axis 
(fulcrum) of the lever is measured in magnitude by the product 
of the force and the perpendicular on its line of action from the 
axis. The geometrical representation of a moment is (like that 
of work done) an area. The difference between the two products 
we shall see later. 

(73) A straight bar PQ, 12 ft. long, is hinged at Q, a, force of 13 lbs. Is 
applied at P making an angle of 35° with PQ. If a force of 1 lb. be 
represented by a line 1 cm. long and if 1 ft. be represented by O'l", find in 
two ways a line which represents the moment about Q, and read oflf the 
moment by scale. 


1. Draw the lines a, h and c of lengths 4-7, 3 9, and 5-2 cms. Find 
lines representing :^, A . B, .4^, to the scale of 0-5" to unity, and the 

numerical values of those quantities. 

2. Find a line which represents the fraction ^ to the scale of 9 cms. 
to unity. 

3. Determine graphically the value of ^6 and Vq. 


4. Find a line whose length represents \/7'2 to the scale of 07 inch 
to unity, and read off the value of the square root. 

5. Construct the line whose equation is l-7y = 5'8a;, and from the line 
read off the values of ?l2i^, 5:2^8 ^^^ 4-6x5-8 

1-7 1-7 1-7 

6. Construct geometrically the curve y='2-'lx^ and find the values of 

2-7x4-lS 3-6^ X 2-7 and a/^. 
V .&'7 

7. If a line of length 7 '2 cms. represents unity, find the product of the 
ratio ^ and C, where a = 3-48", 5 = 1-85" and c=l-62", 2-08", 3-55", 4'28" 
in turn. 

8. In constructing the curve of cubes, unity is represented along Ox by 
2" and along Oy by 0'5". What is the relation between the lengths 
X and y for any point on the curve ? 

9. Find the product A . Bin three ways, where a = 8 '7 cms. , 6 = 4 '8 ems. 
and u=l'62". 

10. w -2-3" represents, to the scale 2 cms. to 1 lb., the weight of a body ; 
/i=7'2 cms. represents, to the scale 1 cm. to 1', the vertical distance the 
body is moved through ; find the work done in ft. -lbs. 

11. Construct geometrically the curve xy = 3'2, and find the values of 
3'2 times the reciprocals of 1'3, 2'7, 4'2 and 0'8. 

12. By aid of a straight line divide 2-72, 0-85, 3-64, 1-88 in turn by 1-35. 

*13. The volume of a pyramid being -j base area x height, find graphically 
the volume in cubic feet when the base is a rectangle, the sides of the 
rectangle being given by lines of 7 '2 and 3 '9 ems. and the height by a line 
of 4'3 cms. , the scale being 2" to 1 foot. 

14. To divide a set of numbers by 5 '44 use a straight line graph, taking 
the vertical scale (for the numbers to be divided) as 1 quarter-inch for 10, 
and the horizontal scale (for the quotients) as 1 quarter-inch for 1. Obtain 
from your graph the quotients of 60 and 218 by 5 '44, and verify by 
calculation with the tables. Explain why the graphical method gives the 
result. (Military Entrance Examination, 1905.) 

15. Find graphically the values of 2-38, 18-3, 47 "5 when multiplied by 

5-47 ■ 



The chief problem studied in this chapter may be concisely 
stated as follows : Given an area bownded by straight or curved lines, to 
find a length which will represent to a given scale the magnitude of the 

The process for effecting this is called reducing the given area 
to unit base. The required length is the altitude of a rectangle 
whose base is the unit of length and whose area is equal to the 
given area. 

The Triangle. The area of a triangle being half the pro- 
duct of the base and altitude, if we can find another triangle 
of equal area having one side twice the unit of length the 
altitude of this second triangle measures the area. 

Method I. Transfer ABC (Fig. 38) to drawing paper. Draw 
through A a line 
parallel to BG ; 
with B as centre, 
describe an arc of 
a circle of radius 
2 inches cutting 
AA-^^ at A-^ (or 
put a scale at B 
in such a position 
that BA^ = 2"). 
By the aid of set 
squares, draw CD 
perpendicular to 
BA,. Put the 

1 FlQ. 3S. 

inch scale along 

CD and read off p, the number of square inches in ABC. 


Proof. Since AJ-i is parallel to BC, the area of ^iJC=area 
oiA-^BC; and, since BA-^ = 2 inches, 

the area of ABC=^x 2 xp=p (sq. ins.). 

(1) Draw a triangle having sides 3"7, 2'8 and 4'3 inches, and find a line 
giving its area in sq. ins. (In this case 2 inches is less than anyperpen- 
dioular from a vertex to the opposite side, so take 4 inches for BA^ and 
read p on the J" scale. ) 

(2) Draw a triangle having sides 9, 7'3, 5'6 cms. and find a line giving 
the area in sq. cms. (Take BA^, 10 cms. and read^ in mms.) 

Method II. Since the lengths of BAj^ and CD may be inter- 
changed without altering the area (i.e. we may make CD = 2 
inches or in general = 2m), if BDC be kept a right angle, the 
line from A to the base, parallel to BD, measures the area. 

Transfer ABC (Fig. 39) to drawing paper. With C as centre 
describe an arc of a circle of radius 2 units. Place the set 
squares, in contact along one edge, so that an edge of one going 
through B is perpendicular to an edge of the other going through 
C ; a position can easily be found for the set squares in which 
these edges intersect on the arc at D (say). In this position BD 
is the tangent to the arc at D and CD is the radius to the point 
of contact.* Move the B set square, parallel to itself, until the 
edge passes through A, and draw AE to cut the base in E. 
Measure AE ( =p) ; it gives the area of ABC (3-23 sq. ins.). 

Proof. From (Fig. 39) we see that the areas ABC and A^BG 
are equal, and that the area of the latter is 

iA^C X altitude = ^AE . 2m, 
and hence AE measures the area in sq. units. 

When does this construction fail 1 See that the difficulty can 
be got over by taking u, Jm, ^u, ... instead of 2m. 

(3) Repeat this measurement ■ by describing a semicircle on BC and 
setting off a chord, 0D=2u, in it, and then proceed as before. 

(4) Find the area in sq. inches of the triangle whose sides are 7-5, 6-3 
and 4 "7 cms. 

Method III. Transfer ABC (Fig. 40) to drawing paper. Set 
off along BC, BD^%i. Mark the point E on AB where CE, 

*D could be found with the right angle of one set square only if the corner 
were perfect and not rounded by use. 

A A, 


E --'C 

Fig. 39. 

parallel to AD, cuts it ; measure EF ( =p), where EF is perpen- 
dicular to BO ; p gives the area (1'58 sq. ins.). 



Proof. Join DE ; 

then (as areas) AEG=DEG, :. ABC = EEC + DEC = EBB, 
and the last triangle has 2m for its base. 

(5) Repeat the construction, taking BA and AG as bases. Is this 
construction always possible ? 

Rectangle. Parallelograms and rectangles can be treated by 
the method given for quadrilaterals in the next section ; but the 
following way is a little simpler. 

Draw a rectangle ABCD whose height BA is 8-5 cms. and 
base BG is 3-2 cm. To find its area in sq. inches, set off along 

Fig. 41. 

BA, BU=l" (Fig. 41) and draw AE parallel to UC. Measure 
BE in inches, and the number so obtained is the area of ABGD 
in sq. inches. 

This is like the old construction of pp. 8 and 9 over again 
and needs no further demonstration. 

Quadrilateral. Transfer the quadrilateral ABCl) (Fig. 42) 
to drawing paper. With B as centre, describe an arc of radius 
2m (2"), and draw the tangent DE to it from D (or describe a 
semicircle on BD, and set off BE=2u in it). From A and C 
draw AAj^ and CG-^ parallel to BD, and measure A^C^ which 
gives the area of ABGD (2-57 sq. inches). 

Proof. Join BA-,^ and BG-^ ; then (as areas) ABD = A.^BD and 

2m and base A-fi-^. 

A^BG-^, a triangle whose altitude is 



(6) The sides of n, quadrilateral, taken in the order A BOD A, are 3 "7, 
2, 4 and 2'8 inches, the angle ABC is a right angle ; find the area (i) by 
using the diagonal A O, (ii) by using BD. 

(7) From a point in a field lengths are measured OA =35 f t. , 
OB=72 ft. and 00=51 ft., the angles AOB and BOG being 55° and 50° 
respectively. Draw the figure OABG to scale (2 ems. to 10 ft. say). 
Reduce the figure to unit base, and determine the area marked out on the 
field by the contour OABG. 


Re-entrant Quadrilateral. The construction already given 
holds for a re-entrant quadrilateral. Transfer ABCD (Fig. 43) 
to drawing paper and proceed exactly as before. In this case, 
using the diagonal BD, A^ and Cj are on the same side of E. 

Measure A-fi-^^ in inches, this gives the area in sq. inches (0-97). 
Notice that A-fi-^^ is now the difference between A-J) and C^D 
instead of the sum 

Proof. Join BA■^ and CA-^; ABCD is now the difference between 
the triangles ^52) and GBD, and BAD = BAJ), BCD = BC^D. 
Hence BADC=BA-^D-BOjD = BA^C^, 

a triangle of altitude BE ("2?*) and base A-^Cj^. 



* If C, in Fig. 42, be moved nearer and nearer to BD, BCD 
gets smaller and smaller and vanishes when C is on BD. If be 
moved still further, so that it crosses BD, the triangle becomes 
negative and has to be subtracted from ABD. Corresponding to 
this change of sign of the area, there is a change in the sense of 
the boundary as determined by the order of the letters. In 
Fig. 42 the boundary, in the order of the letters BCD, is described 

FIO. 43. 

clockwise, whereas, in Fig. 43, the boundary, taken in the same 
order, is described contraclockwise. On changing the sense of 
the boundary of an area, we must, therefore, change the sign of 
the area The equation JBCD = ABD + BCD holds, therefore, 
for both Figs. 42 and 43, and since BCD = - CBD, we have 

where the three areas have the same sense to their boundaries. 



It is usual to consider an area, whose boundary is described 

contraclockwise, as positive, one with a clockwise boundary as 

negative. In Fig. 43 ABGD is a negative area, but BADC is 

a positive one. 

(8) Given BAD=m', AB=1-2, AD=6, SG=5 and CD=3-3 cms., find 
the area in sq. inches. 

* Gross Quadrilateral. If is taken on the other side of 
AB or AD the figure is called a cross quadrilateral, and the 
area is still the difference between ABD and CBD. 


Fig. 44. 

Transfer the annexed figure ABGD (Fig. 44) to paper and 
reduce to unit base as before. See that A■fi-^ (0'65") still repre- 
sents the area ABD - the area DOB. Hence the area A BOD is 
that of the triangle AOD - the triangle BOO. On going round the 
figure ABGD in the order of the letters from A back to ^, it is 
seen that AOD is described clockwise and BGO contraclockwise. 



The triangle AOD being greater than BOO, the figure ABGD, 
taken in the order of the letters, is negative, but A DOB is 

(9) Given ^0=1-2, D0=2-l, CO=0i and 50=0-8 inches, and 
OOB=110° ; find the area of the cross quadrilateral in sq. ins. 

Polygons (including the quadrilateral as a particular case). 

Transfer ABODEF (Fig. 45) to drawing paper. Produce 
AB both ways. With set squares mark Cj on AB so that CC^ 
is parallel to DB ; mark D-^ so that DD^ is parallel to G-^E, 

FlO. 46. 

then on the other side mark F^ so that F-yF is parallel to AE ; 
find the area of EF-J).^ by reducing to unit base; this is the 
area of ABODEFA (19 sq. cms.). 

In general, to reduce any polygon to a triangle having its 
base on a side AB of the polygon, put a set square along the 
line joining B to the next but one vertex D, and bring down the 
omitted vertex C to C^ on AB by a parallel to BD. 

Then put the set square along the line joining Cj to the next 
but one vertex E, and bring down D to B^ on AB as before. 
This process is to be continued until only one vertex is left 


above AB. Should the construction lines become awkward, the 
transformation can be transferred to the end A of AB, or a 
new base line may be taken on another side of the polygon. 

Proof. Since BCD = BG^D in area 

the hexagon ^ BGDi/i^^ = the pentagon AC^BEFA. 
Join D^E; then, since C^DE=C^D^E 

the pentagon AC^DE FA = the quadrilateral AD^EFA. 
Join F-^^E; then, since AEF=AEF^ 

the quadrilateral AD-^EFA = the triangle F-J)yE. 

(10) Reduce the same polygon to a triangle having its base (i) on BG, 
(ii) on AD. 

(11) Reduce the re-entrant pentagon AEDCB (Fig. 46) to unit base. 

AB='i-5", BC=2-S8", AE=6-0&', ED=S-8". 

Example. To find the area between a polygon and one enclosed 
mtfdn it. 

Instead of reducing the two polygons separately, the mensur- 
ation may be effected by a continuous process. 

Transfer the figure ABC... (Fig. 47) to drawing paper. 
Produce KH to cut FA at L, then ABCDEFA - HKJJH^the 
re-entrant polygon ABCDEFGHIJKLA when G and L are 

Reduce this polygon to unit base as before (32-3 sq. ems.). 



For many-sided figures the process is tedious and errors may 
easily accumulate unless very great care is taken. In such cases, 
and for curved boundaries, the strip division method (p. 58) may 

Fio. 47. 

be used. The planimeter, where one is obtainable, is, however, 
best for such cases. 

(12) ABODEA is a small pentagonal field, the sides AB, BO and AE 
were measured and found to be 136, 52 and 95 yds. long respectively, and 
the angles ABC, BCD, DEA and EAB had magnitudes 75*, 70°, 60° and 
50°. Draw a plan of the field to a scale of 1 cm. to 10 yds., reduce the area 
to unit base and determine the area of the field in sq. yds. 

Circular Arc. Draw a circular arc AB (Fig. 48) of radius 
3 inches subtending 90° at the centre. Draw the tangent AB-i 
to this at A. Set the dividers so that the distance apart of the 
end points is about 1-5". Step off the arc from B towards A 
with alternate clock- and contraclockwise sweeps, prick a point 
on AB^ where the last semicircular sweep would cut it. From 



this point make as many steps along AB^ as were taken for 

the arc, mark B^ the end of the last step. Then AB^ is very 

roughly the length of AB. 

Adjust the dividers again so that the length of step is about 

I" (roughly), and 

repeat the operation ; 

you will come to a 

point B2 near B^ . 
Which most nearly 

gives the length of 

the arc BA, BA-^ or 

BA^, and why? 
Adjust the dividers 

again so that length 

of step is about ^' 

(roughly). Repeat 

the operation again, 

and find a point B^ 

on AB. Can you "'"' *"' 

distinguish between B^ and Bg ? 

AB^ is approximately the length of the arc AB. 
Professor Eankine gave the following construction for finding 

as a straight line 
the length of a 
circular arc AB. 
Produce the 
chord AB (Fig. 
49) to G making 
BO=^AB. Draw 
the tangent at B, 
and with C as 
centre describe 
*■'«• *»• the arc AD cut- 

ting BD at D, then BD is the length of the arc AB approxi- 



For an angle of 90° the error is about 1 %, so that the method 
should not be used for arcs greater than a quadrant. 

(13) Draw a oireular arc of radius 4" and subtending 50° at the centre. 
Measure the length of the arc in cms. by the two methods given. 

(14) Draw the circular arc whose base is 10'5 cms. and arc length 11 '4 cms. 

In this problem the length AB is given and therefore .4C is known. 
The point £> is therefore given by the intersection of two circles. The 
centre of the circular are AB is therefore found as the point of intersection 
of the perpendicular at .8 to BD, and the perpendicular to AB at its 

For the arc of a semicircle there is a method due to a Polish 
Jesuit, Kochansky (circa 1685). 

Draw a semicircle ABC (Fig. 
50) of radius 3". Draw a tangent 
at one end of the diameter (B) ; 
set off BD so that BOD = 30°. 
From D step off D.E = three 
times the radius, then AE is the 
length of the arc ACS nearly.^ 

Any arc greater than a semi- 
circle can be now found by first 
finding the length of the semi- 
circle by the above construction 
and the remainder by Professor 
Eankine's construction. 

Fig. 50. 

(15) Find the length of a semicircular arc of 4-72" radius and compare 
with twice the length of the corresponding quadrant given by Rankine's 
rule and the length given by stepping oflf the arc along a tangent. 

iThe theory of the construction gives a value of 7r=3-14153 instead of 3-14159. 



Area of Circular Sector. Draw a circular arc AB (Fig. 51) 
of radius 3'5" subtending at the centre an angle of 70°. At any 
point G of the arc draw a tangent, and step off CB^ equal to the 
arc CB, and GA■^ equal to the arc CA. 

Reduce the tri- ^■'- 

angle A-^OB-^ to unit 
base by one of the 
given methods, and 
measure the alti- 
tude in inches. This 
number is the area 
of the sector AOB 
in sq. inches. 

Proof. If the arc 
be supposed divided 
up into a very great 
number of small parts LM (LM as drawn is not very small, but 
this is only because if it were very small the points L and M 
would seem to the eye coincident). LM being very small, it is 
very nearly straight, and its area is therefore approximately 
^LM X the perpendicular (p) from on it. 

In addition, if all the chords like LM are equal, the per- 
pendiculars are all equal, and therefore 

Area of sector AOB is approximately equal to 
^p X (the sum of the steps LM) 
= ^pl.LM. (Read : "the sum of all terms like LM") 

As the number of steps increases indefinitely the length LM 
diminishes without limit; but SLilf approaches and ultimately 
becomes the arc AB, p becomes the radius r of the arc, while 
^p'2LM becomes the area of the sector. 

Hence, area of the sector = area of A-^OB^. 

The formula for the area is : Area = ^rW, 
where r is the radius, 9 the circular measure ^ of the angle, and rO 
the length of the arc. 

1 See Note A, p. 374. 



(16) Draw a circnlar sector of radius 8 cms. such that the base of the 
segment is 9 cms. Find the area in eq. inches. 

(17) Find the area of a, quadrant of a circle of radius 3 '4 inches. 

Area of a Segment of a Circle. 

(i) Segment less than a semicircle. Draw a sector AOBC 
(Fig. 52) of angle 75° and radius 4" ; join AB, cutting oflf the 
segment ABC. Set ofif the arc along the tangent at C, OB^ = CB 
and CA^ = CA. 

Join BBj and draw 
OB^ parallel to it; 
similarly, draw OA2 
parallel to AAj^, then 
A^A^B^^ has the 
same area as ABC. 

Reduce this quad- 
rilateral to unit base, 
and measure the area 
in sq. inches. 

Fig. 52. 

* Proof. Since segment .(4 (7i? 

= sector OACB-A OAB = A OA^B^ - A OAB 
= a0^2-82 + a0^i^2 + aO^^^i -i-^2^i.Biii2 - A0v45 
= A OA^B^ + aOAA^ + a OB^B - A OAB + A^^B^B^ 
.'. segment = A^^B^B^. 

A simplification is effected by taking C at A, so that A^ is at 
A and the quadrilateral reduces to a triangle AB-^B^. Draw the 
figure and make the construction. The proof then simplifies to : 
segment ^5a= sector AOBC- A OBA 

= aA0B^-aA0B2-A OBB^ 
= A AOB^ - A AOB^ - A OBjB^ 
Find the area of this triangle and compare it with the previous 



(18) Take 4 OS = 60°, 0.4 = 3". Eind the area graphically, and com- 
pare with the value of 4'5 j J - — - J. 

(The formula giving the area \s' A = -^(a- sin 2a), where r is the radius 
and .40^= 2a in circular measure.) 

(ii) Segment greater than a semicircle. Draw a segment 
ACB (Fig. 53) of a circle such that AOB= 150°, and repeat the 

A Bj A, B 

Fig. 53. 

previous construction (p. 56). A crossed quadrilateral A^A^B^B^ 
is obtained. Reduce this to unit base. 

Verify, by means of the formula in Ex. 18. 
* Proof. This is very similar to the preceding one. 
Segment ACB = sector OACB + aAOB 

= A^A^B^B^ + AO^B^- OA^A.^ - OB^B^ + AOB 
= a'^A^B^B^ + OA^B^ -OA^A- OBB^ + AOB 
= A^A,B^B,. 
For the same segment, draw the tangent at A and step off the arc 
along it. The area is thus reduced to a triangle ^^j-^i- Find 
the area of this triangle and compare it with the previous result. 

(19) Reduce a semicircle of radius 7'3 cms. to unit base. 

(20) Reduce a segment having three quadrants to its arc to unit base, 
the radius being 3 •2". 

Irregular and Curved Figures. The areas of figures 
bounded by curves or many straight lines are best obtained by a 



planimeter. The method of strip division gives, with care, a 
very good approximation. 

Place a sheet of tracing paper over the accompanying figure 

and draw its outline. Divide the distance between the two 

O, Y 


Plo. 54. 

extreme points and Oj into 12 strips of equal width. To do 
this, set a scale slantwise between two parallel lines drawn at 
and Oj (the whole figure must lie between these parallels), 
in such a position XY that there are 12 equal divisions between 
X and Y. 


Mark the mid-points Xj, X^, ... of these divisions, and 
through these points draw lines parallel to XO. 

Take a long strip of paper with a straight edge and add up 
graphically the segments of the mid-lines intercepted by the curve. 

The given area is approximately that of a rectangle whose 
base is the width of the strips and whose altitude is the length 
on the long strip. Calculate this in sq. cms. (53 '2). 

The approximation made is in the assumption that each strip 
has the area of a rectangle whose height is the line through the 
mid-point (the mid-ordinate) and of the given width, and this, 
again, assumes that the little shaded areas outside the figure are 
just balanced by the shaded areas inside. 

A more accurate value of the area is obtained by using 
Simpson's Rule, viz. 

where the area is divided into an even number of equally wide 
strips of width h; y„ is the length of the first, and y^ the 
length of the second side of the first strip; similarly, 2/1 is 
the length of the first, and y^ the length of the second side 
of the second strip, and so on; shortly put, y^, y.^, yi,---y„ are 
the lengths of the bounding straight lines of the strips. Since 
the number of strips is even, n must be even. The rule only 
holds for an even number of strips. 

Apply the rule to determine the area of Fig. 54. Here, 
taking the strips from bottom to top, yQ = 0, 2/1 is the length of 
the first dotted line within the curve, 1/2 ^^^ second ; the other 
y's are not shewn, but «/j2 = (w=12). Add the ordinates 
according to the rule, and compare the result with that obtained 
by the mid-ordinate rule. 

Place the tracing paper over a sheet of squared mm. paper and 
count up the number of large squares wholly within the curve, 
and then the number of small ones between these squares and 
the curves, estimating for any decimals of a small square. Find 
the area by this means and compare with the previous results. 



(21) Obtain the area of the hexagon on p. 50 by the strip division method. 

(22) Draw a semicircle of radius 3"1" on squared paper. 

Find the area by 

(1) The mid-ordinate rule. (2) Simpson's Rule. 

(3) Counting the squares. (4) Calculating from formula : Area-.^Trr^. 

* Another Method for Figures bounded by Curved Lines. 

For these figures it is usual to assume that the boundary can be 
divided into parabolic arcs. In most elementary text books on 
Geometrical Conies, it 
is shewn that the area 
of any parabolic seg- 
ment, such as AGB 
(Fig. 55), is equal to ^ 
of the triangle having 
as base the base of the 
segment, and having 
its vertex on the tan- 
gent to the curve 
parallel to the base. 
In Fig. 55 ^ of triangle ACB = a,ve& of segment. 

We may, therefore, choose any convenient point P on the 
tangent, divide AP into three equal parts, produce to Q, where 
i'^ = one of these parts, and join QB. Then the area of AQB is 
the parabolic segment area 

(23) Find the area of the circular segment of Exercise (16) by treating it 
a3 a parabolic segment. 

Any curved area such as ABODE A (Fig. 56) may be divided 

into a number of approximately parabolic arcs, AB, BC, 

Each arc must be curved in one way only (i.e. must not contain 
a point of inflexion) and through considerably less than 180° ; 
the procedure is as foUows. Start with the base BC say ; draw 
a tangent parallel to BC and produce AB to cut it at iT; divide 
BK into three equal parts and make BB^ equal to four of these ; 
join CB-^. Then CBBi = given parabolic segment in area. 
Again, produce B-^C to cut the tangent parallel to CJD, and take 
the I point C^ on B-^C and join C^D. Then CC^D = area of corre- 

FlG. 55. 






Fig. 6(1. 

spending segment. Proceed in this way round the curve and 
reduce the curved area to the rectilinear one B^O-^D^E^A^B. 
Reduce this to unit base in the usual way (6-9 s(j. ins.). 


This method is, however, rather tedious, and errors due to want 
of parallelism may, unless very great care be taken, lead to 
considerable final error. It is generally better to use the method 
of strip division and either the mid-ordinate or Simpson's Eule 
for such cases. 

Volumes of Revolution. Any such volume may be found 
by a double reduction. Suppose the given area in Fig. 57 to 
revolve about the line XX; then it will generate a figure called 
a volume of revolution. In particular, if a right-angled triangle 
ABC revolve about its base AB, it will generate a cone ; if a 
semicircle revolve about its diameter, it will generate a sphere; 
a rectangle about its base will generate a cylinder ; any triangle 
about one side will generate a spear-head volume ; a circle about 
an exterior line in its plane will generate an anchor ring ; and a 
rectangle about a line parallel to its base will generate a figure 
like the rim of a fly-wheel. 

The construction to be explained is one, therefore, of great 

Make a tracing of the outline of the given figure. 

Divide the area up into 10 equally- wide strips, parallel to XX, 
and draw the mid-lines for each of these as in Fig. 57. Only 
the mid-lines are shewn. 

Draw a line YF above XX and parallel to it at a distance 

a inches, given by a = — (that in Fig. 57 is purposely not at 
the correct distance). 

Project the end points, like AB of each mid-line up to A'F, 
on YY, AA' and BB' being perpendicular to YY. Join A' and 
B' to any fixed point on XX, cutting AB in A-^ and B-^. 
Connect all the points like Aj^B^ by a curve. The area of this 
curve is proportional to the volume If a planimeter is not 
obtainable, add up all the mid-lines like A^B^ of the new figure 
(called the First Ectuivalent Figure) by the straight-edged paper 
method, and obtain the area approximately in square inches; 
multiply this by 20 ; the result is the volume of revolution in 
cubic inches- 



* Proof. Suppose the area divided up, not into 10 only, but 
into a very great number of equally thin strips, of which AB 
may represent any one. The strip must be considered infinitely 
thin, so that it is all at the same distance from XX. Let x be 

Fig. 67. 

the length AB, and h the width of the strip, then, however small 
A may be, 2te (read : "the sum of all terms like hx") will be the 

Let y be the distance of AB from XX, then when the strip 
revolves round XX, keeping always at the same distance y from 
it, it will generate a very thin hollow cylinder. The height of 
this cylinder is x, its circumference is 27ry and its thickness is h ; 
its volume, therefore, will be 2'n-yxh, 


All the other strips into which the area has been divided, will, 
on revolution about XX, also generate very thin hollow cylinders, 
and the sum of all these hollow cylinders is the volume of 
revolution of the original area. Hence the 

volume of revolution = "S/iTryhx. 

In this sum, x and y change from term to term, but 27rA is the 
same, and is therefore a common factor to all terms in the sum. 
Hence, if V is the volume, 

V= iirh 'Sxy. 

Let a be the distance of YY from XX, then, from the method 
of constructing the First Equivalent Figure, we see that OA-^B-^ 
and OA'E are similar triangles, and therefore 

y a a a! 

hence xy = a. A-^B.^. 

A similar equation holds for all the strips like AB, and hence 

"Shxy = "ZahAjB^ , 

= a'EhA-^By 

But hA-^B-^ is the area of one strip of the Equivalent Figure, 

and IhA-^B-^ is therefore the whole area. 

.'. "Shxy or hlxy^ax area of Equivalent Figure, 

.'. '2-irh "Exy = lira x area, 

i.e. V= 27ra x area of Equivalent Figure. 

If, then, in our special ease 

a = -^, 2;ra = 20" 

and V= 20 x area of Equivalent Figure, 

and is in cubic inches if the area be in square inches. 

(24) Find the volume generated by a right-angled triangle ABC in 
revolving about its base AB, if AB=i", BO=Z" 

*(25) Find the volume of a sphere of radius 1'73". 

*(26) The coordinates of three points A, B, C are, in inches, (0'5, 0'6), 
(1, 2'5), (3'5, 0). Find the volume generated by the revolution of ABC 
about the axis of x. Take point {.3 "5, 0) as 0. 

*(27) Draw a segment of a circle of base 4'4" and height 2'9". Find the 
volume generated by revolving the segment about its base. 




1. Reduce an equilateral triangle of side 9-1 cms. to unit base u= 1" by 
the three methods given, and compare these determinations of the area 
with those obtained by (i) measuring the base and altitude and taking 
half the product, (ii) by calculation from the formula. 

a being the length of a side in inches. (1 inch =2 -54 cms.) 

2. The coordinates of four points A, B, G, D are (2-3, 0), (4-1, 2-1), 
(1 -2, 4-9), (-0-8, 2-2) in inches. Mnd the areas of the quadrilaterals ABGD 
and A OBB. 

3. Find the area of the figure ^BOD^ 
(Fig. 58) in square inches, where AB=5•^ 
cms., BC=9-S cms., and AEZ) is a cir- 
cular arc for which £!F=3 cms. 

Fig. 58. 

4. The coordinates of 5 points A, B, O, D, E are (M, 2'2), (4-9, 0-8), 
• (7-3, 5-8), (5-1, 7-3), (0-8, 5'2) cms. Find the area of ABODE in sq. ins. 

5. Find also the area of 402)^5. 

[If O be the point of intersection oi AC and BE, then 
the difference of the areas OCDE and ABO has to be 
found ; the construction for effecting the reduction to 
unit base is exactly as on p. 50.] 

6, Reduce to unit base the area of the lens section 
shewn (Fig. 59), AB=i", 0E=l-8", ED=l-5", (i) by 
drawing the figure to scale on squared paper and counting 
up the contained squares ; (ii) by reducing the segments 
separately to unit base. 

7, Draw a circular sector of radius 12 cms. and angle 150 degrees. Find 
the area of the segment (i) by the construction given in the text, (ii) by 
treating it as a parabolic segment, (iii) by dividing it up into eight strips 
of equal width and adding the mid-lines. 


*8. The circular segment of question 7 revolves about its base ; find the 
volume of the solid generated. 

9. One side of a field is straight and of length 200 ft. At distances 
increasing by 20 ft. from one end, the width is measured and found to be 
70, 100, 100, 130, 137, 180, 150, 145, 100 ft. Find approximately the area 
of the field. 

10. Reduce to unit base the area A BCD, where .ilS=5'9, AD=S-1 cms. 
and AB is perpendicular to AD, and BOD is » circular arc of 12'5 cms. 
length, convexity outwards. (The arc may be drawn by reversing 
Rankine's construction.) 

11. The comers of a triangular field PQR are determined with reference 
to a base line AB by the dimensions PAB=5T, PBA=94:°, QAB-W, 
QBA = UV,EAB=130°,SBA=iT. 4 Sis 50 feet long. Drawadiagram 
to a scale of an inch to 100 feet, and determine the area of the field. 

(Military Entrance Examination, 1905.) 

12. A triangle has sides of 3 '9, 3"2 and 4-2 inches. Draw the triangle, 
measure each of the angles with a protractor and find the area. 

13. Test or prove geometrically the accuracy of the following graphical 
method of determining the area of a quadrilateral A BCD: "Join BD; 
through C draw CE parallel to BD meeting AB, produced if necessary, 
in E ; with centre E and radius equal to twice the unit of length, describe 
a circle ; from A draw a tangent to this circle, to meet DX, which is 
parallel to .45, in X. Then the number of units of length in j4X is the 
number of units of area in A BCD." Data for the test figure : BD=2 in., 
AB=V6ia., BG=1-Sin., CD=l-6m., DA = l-3in. 

(Military Entrance Examination, 1905.) 

Fig. 60. 

14. In a survey of a field ABODE, of which a sketch is given (Pig. 60), 
the following measurements were made: ^5=84 yards, .4(7=173 yards, 
^i)=175 yards, ^S= 130 yards, LBA0=4r, LCAD^Se', LDAE=9Cf. 
Draw a plan to a scale of an inch to 30 yards, and find the area of the field 
from your plan. (Naval and Engineer Cadets, 1904.) 






Fia. 61. 

15. Above (Fig. 61) is a rough plan of the city of Paris drawn to the 
scale of 1 centimetre to the kilometre. Find the area of the city in square 
kilometres by measuring any lines you like. (Naval Cadets, 1903. ) 



PlO. 62. 

16. In any way you please, find the area of the given figure (Pig. 62) 
to the nearest square inch. State your method. 

(Naval and Engineer Cadets, 1905. ) 



Displacement. If a point moves from to A (Fig. 63) 
along some curved or straight path, the line drawn from to A 
is the displacement of the point. This displacement is inde- 
pendent of the actual path of the point, and depends only 
on the relative positions of the new and the initial points. 

Fig. 63. 

To specify the displacement, there must be given not only 
the magnitude of OA {e.g. 1'32 inches), but the direction or lie 
of the line (e.g. the North-South line) ; and not only the direction 
of the line, but the sense of the motion in that line (e.g. towards 
the North). 

The displacement OAj though equal to OA in magnitude and 
direction is of the opposite sense. 

Displacements may be represented by lines drawn to scale, if 
the lines be placed in the proper directions and given the required 
senses. The sense of the displacement is indicated by an arrow 
head on the line. 

To indicate that the line from to A involves direction and 
sense as well as magnitude, it is convenient to print the letters 
in block type; thus OA means the length OA in its proper 
direction and with its correct sense. 


In writing it is extremely difficult to keep the distinction 
between the block and the ordinary capital, and so^when writing, 
it is better to use a bar over the letters ; thus, OJ (" Maxwell " 
notation) means the same thing as OA. 

Sum of Two Displacements. If the point moves irom 
to ^ and then to B, the final displacement from is OB, 
while the displacement from J is AB and that of J from is 
OA. These f:.cts are symbolised by the equation 
OB = OA + AB. 

Such an equation does not mean that the length OB is the 
sum of the lengths OA and AB ; but simply, that the final 
position of the moving point is the same whether displaced 
directly from to 5, or first to A and then from A to B. 

Sense and Sign. If the second displacement brings the 
point from ^ to (so that B is at 0), then the final displace- 
ment is zero, and 

OA + AO = 0, or 0A= -AO. 

Hence, changing the sense of a displacement changes the sign 
of its symbol. (See also p. 6.) 

Example. A train travels due N. for 20 miles, then N.E. fm 
10 miles, what is its displacement? Another train goes 10 miles 
N.E. and then 20 miles N., show that its total displacement is the 
same as that of the first train. 

Eepresent 10 miles by 0'5 in. 

(i) Set off 0A = 4:" (Fig. 64) vertically upwards and AB = 2" 
making 45° with OA produced. Measure OB in y\j in. and 
divide mentally by 2 ; this gives the magnitude of the displace- 
ment (28). With a good protractor (the vernier protractor is 
best), or by aid of a scale of chords, measure 6 (15°) ; then the 
displacement of the train is 28 miles 15° to the East of North 
(approximately). Measure also by the aid of p and a table of 

Notice that OB itself with the arrow head gives the displace- 
ment, but, if it is necessary to state the di.splacement in words, 



we must give not only its magnitude but also the direction and 
sense compared with some standard direction and sense — in this 
case the line drawn towards the North. 

[It is perhaps as well to notice that, drawing 
OA parallel to the bound edge of the paper 
and towards the top of the page, is only the 
conventional way of representing " towards 
the North." The line OA will only represent 
the true displacement when the book is placed 
so that the arrow head on OA does point 
due North.] 

Fig. 64. 

(ii) Set off OB^ = 2" at 45° with the N. line, then 4" due N. ; 
arrive at B as before, for OB^BA is a parallelogram. 

Order of Addition. The order in which two displacements 
are added is immaterial ; as an equation 

and the displacement BjB is equal to OA and OBj is equal to AB. 

(1) A circus horse trots with uniform speed round a circus of radius 
80 feet in 1 minute. Starting from the south position, give the displace- 
ment in 15, 30, 45 and 60 seconds. Make the drawing to the scale 2 mms. 
to a foot. 

(2) A ring slides 5 ft. along a 7 ft. rod from E. to W. whilst the rod 
moves parallel to itself 7 ft. S. E. Find the total displacement of the ring. 
The rod now rotates through 70° about its West end in a clockwise sense, 
the ring remaining in the same position relatively to the rod ; find the 
total displacement of the ring, if it starts at the E. end of the rod. 



Addition of any number of Displacements. 

Example. A point is displaced successively from to A, from 
A to B, to C aTid to D, the displacements being given in magnitude, 
direction and sense by OiAj, OiBi, OjCi, OjD^. Find the resultant 

O^A.^ = i% 0i5i = 7-92, Oi(7i=10-5, O^Di = i-lcms., 
J^0iBi = 25°, 5iOiCi = 120° and C^O^I\ = 80°. 
From any point draw OA (Fig. 65) equal and parallel to 
OjA^; from A draw ^5 equal and parallel to O-^B-^; from B 

Fio. 65. 

draw 5(7 equal and parallel to OjCj ; and, finally, CD equal and 
parallel to O^D^. Then OD is the sum of the displacements 
OD = OA + AB + BC + CD = OjAj + O^B^ + OjCj + OjDj . 
Measure OD and the angle AOD ; these measurements give 
the displacement in magnitude, direction and sense. 

(3) From the same point" O add the displacements in a, diflferent order, 
e.g. find 

0, Ai + OiCi + OiDi + OiBi 
OiDi + 0]Bi + OiAi + OiCi , 

and shew that the same resultant displacement is obtained. 

(4) Find the sum of the displacements 

OiA,-OBi + OCi-ODi 

and OiCi-OiBi-OiDi + OiA,. 

Since OA=-AO, to subtract a displacement AO we have only to 
change the sense and add. 


Relative Displacement. All displacements are relative, for 
there is no point in space known to be fixed. The earth turns 
on its axis, the axis moves round the sun, and the sun itself is 
moving in space. 

Example Given the displacement of two points A and B relative 
to 0, to find the displacement of B relative to A. 

In Fig. 66 OA and OB are the displacements relative to ; 
then AB is the displacement of B relative to A. 


AB = AO + OB; 
.-. AB = OB-OA, 

Fia. 66. 

and AB is the difference of the displacements of A and B 
relative to 0. 

If the displacement of A relative to B, viz. BA, had been 
required we should have had 

BA = BO + OA = OA-OB. 

Complete the parallelogram OABB^ then 
AB = OB, =OB + BB,. 

The displacement of B relative to A may therefore be regarded 
as follows. Give to both A and B a common displacement 
BBj = AO, making the total displacement of A zero ; then the 
total displacement of B is the relative displacement required. 

Vectors and Vector Quantities. Displacements are 
examples of directed, or vector quantities. The magnitude of 
the quantity — e.g. how many feet displaced — ^being represented 
to scale by a length, then, if this length be placed in the proper 
direction and given the proper sense, we have a complete repre- 
sentation of the vector quantity. Velocities of 20 and 30 miles 
an hour due N. and E. respectively are represented by lines of 


lengths 2 and 3 inches respectively, if the lines be placed in the 
given directions and arrow heads marked on them to give the 
senses : the scale is 1 inch to 10 miles an hour. 

To specify a vector, magnitude, direction and sense must be 
given, and a vector is defined as a geometrical CLuantity {e.g. a 
line) which has magnitude, direction and sense. 

Position. A vector has no definite position, it may be con- 
ceived as occupying any one of an infinite number of parallel 

In Fig. 67 AB and CD are equal vectors, and we write 

AB = CD. 

C D 

Fio. 67. 

But by changing the sense of CD we have 

AB=-CD, or AB + OD = 0. 
The connection between sense in geometry and sign in algebra 
was considered on p. 70. 

Notation. In order to avoid the repetition of the word 
vector, Greek letters will often be used to symbolise them, the 
corresponding English letter denoting the magnitude ; a, b, c, 
d, e denote the magnitudes of a, /8, y, S, e.i Block letters are often 
used in books to denote vectors— A, B, . — this is the " Heavi- 
side" notation. Owing to the difficulty of writing these, small 
■ Greek letters are to be preferred — "Henrici" notation." When 
the vector is denoted by the letters placed at its ends, block 
letters will be used ; in writing, use the Maxwell notation. 

Addition of Vectors. The process is exactly the same as 
for displacements, the formal enunciation is : To add vectors, 
place the first anywhere, at the end of the first place the 
beginning of the second, at the end of the second the beginning 

'For the pronunciation see Note B, p. 374. 


of the third, and so on ; then the vector from the beginning of 
the first to the end of the last is the sum of the given vectors. 

The vector giving the sum is often called the resultant vector, 
and in relation to this the vectors are called the components. 

When the end of the last and the beginning of the first vector 
coincide, the sum is zero and the vectors are said to cancel. 

(5) Draw any five lines and give them senses. Denoting these lines by 
a, |8, 7, S, e prove that 

a + p + y + S + e = p + d + e + y + a = S + y + p + a + e. 

(6) Find the vector sum of 

a--p + y-S + e = y-d-p + e + a. 

(7) The lengths of five vectors are 3-5, 2-6, 47, 6-2 and 7-8 cms. 
re.spectively, and they point N., S.W., 20° S. of E., 25° E. of S. and E. 
Find the resultant vector, taking care to give its magnitude, direction and 

Order of Addition. The order in which vectors are added 
is immaterial. 

In Fig. 68, 

a- = a + j3 + y + S, 

but /^ + y = y + /3, 

:. cr = a + y + P+S. 

PiQ. 68. 

By changing the order two at a time, any desired order may 
be obtained, and hence the theorem is established. 

(8) Draw a regular hexagon OABCDE, find the vector <r such that 
a + (3 + 7+3 + e + (r=0, where o = OA, ;8=0B, 

Average Velocity. When a body moves, its displacement, 
from some standard point or origin, changes witli the time. 

The total displacement in any time divided by the time is 
defined as the average velocity for that time. 

This average velocity is then measured by a displacement and 
is therefore a vector quantity. 



Example. A train at 10 a.m. is 100 miles N.E. oj London, d 
noon it is 80 miles 15° N. of E. WTiat is its average velocity ? 

Draw OP^ (Fig. 69) and OP^ to scale, giving the displacements; 
measure PjPg on same scale and find its direction. Bisect P^P, 

at M. Then PiP2is the total displacement, and P^M gives the 
average velocity in miles per hour. 

It should be evident, that, as nothing is known of the motion 
between 10 a.m. and noon, the displacement in one hour is not 
necessarily ^P^P^. 

The average velocity means only that velocity which, if it 
remained constant, would give the actual displacement in the 
given time. 

The average speed of a point for any interval of time is 

defined as the distance traversed divided by the time. 

(9) A man walks from O towards the S.W. for 4 miles and arrives at 
A in 65 minutes, he then walks for 3 miles W. to S in 40 minutes, then 
6-5 miles due N. to C7 in 105 minutes. What are his average velocities 
from Oto^jOtoB, OtoG, and what are his average speeds? 

(10) A man walks round (clockwise) a rectangular field A BCD in 
27 minutes. Starting at A he is at B (due E. of A), distant 200 yds., 
in 7 minutes ; at C, distant 160 yds. from B, in 16 minutes ; and at D in 
21 minutes. What are his average velocities and speeds from A to B, 
A to G, A to D and irom A oack to A^ 



Speed and Velocity. A point moves on a curve from P 
(Fig. 70) to Pj in time t. Its displacement in that time is the 


chord PPj and its average velocity is — 1. 


During this time it travels over the distance PPj (arc) and 
— - — 1 is defined as Ihe average speed. 


If we take t very small, then the arc, the chord, and the 
tangent at P become indistinguishable 
the one from the other at P. At the 
limit, when Pj approaches nearer and 
nearer and finally comes up to P, the 
chord PjP produced becomes the tangent 
at P, and the magnitude of the velocity 
is the speed at P. The direction of 
motion is therefore always tangential to 
the path. 

At every instant of the motion the 
point is moving with a definite speed in 
a definite direction. 

The smaller the time interval, the 
smaller will be the vector PPj, and the 
more nearly will the average velocity be 
the same as at the beginning or end of 
the time interval. The problem of finding, in particular cases, 
to what fixed value this average velocity tends, as the interval 
of time is taken smaller and smaller without limit, belongs to 
the Calculus and cannot be discussed here. This limiting value 
of the average velocity is evidently the velocity at the instant 
under consideration, and its magnitude is the speed of the point 
at that instant. 

A velocity is specified by giving the speed, the direction and 
the sense of the motion. , 

Speed is constant only when the point passes over equal 
distances in equal times, no matter how small the equal times may 

Pio. 70. 


be, or the average speed is always the same whatever the time 

Velocity is constant only when the speed is constant, and the 
direction and sense of the motion remain unaltered. 

A point moving along a curved path may have constant speed 
but cannot have constant velocity. 

Units. The unit of length being a foot, and the unit of time 
a second, the unit of speed is a ft. per sec. often written 1 ft./sec. 
Other units in common use are 1 mile per hour, or 1 m./hr., and 
1 cm. per sec. or 1 cm./sec. 

Definition. The Velocity of a point is its rate of displace- 
ment and is measured by the displacement in unit time, or the 
displacement that would have taken place if the velocity had 
remained constant. 

Velocity is, therefore, a vector quantity and can be represented 
by a line vector ; the length of the vector represents to scale the 
magnitude of the velocity (the speed), the direction and sense of 
the motion being shown by the direction and sense of the vector. 

Velocities are added or compounded like vectors since they 
are measured by displacements. 

Example. A skip is momng due W. at a speed o/ 15 miles an 
hour ; a passenger runs across the deck from S. to N. at 7 miles an 
hour, find the velocity of the passenger relative to the earth. 

Fig. 71. 

Set off a (Fig. 71) from right to left of length 15 cms. ; add 
P of length 7 cms. drawn vertically upwards ; then y the sum 
(y = a + /?) gives the magnitude, direction and sense of the velocity 
required. Scale y in cms. and measure the angle 6. 


(11) A ship sails N. relative to the water at 5 ft. per sec. whilst a 
current takes it E. at 3 ft. per see. ; what is the velocity of the ship 
relative to the earth ? 

(12) A river current runs at 2 miles an hour ; in what direction should 
a swimmer go, who can swim 2-5 miles an hour, in order to cross the river 
perpendicular to the banks? [Draw the vector of the velocity of the 
current ; through the beginning of this, draw a line perpendicular to it, 
and with the other end as centre, describe a circular arc of radius 2 '5 to 
cut the perpendicular. This construction gives the velocities, of the 
swimmer relative to the water and to the land. There are two solutions, 
giving the directions from both banks.] 

(13) A boat can be rowed at 6 miles an hour in still water, a river 
current flows at 3 miles an hour ; how should the head of the boat be 
pointed if it be desired to cross the river at an angle of 45° up stream ? 

(14) A train travels E. at 65 miles an hour, a shot is projected from the 
train at an angle of 30° with the forward direction and at a speed of 200 miles 
an hour relative to the train ; what is the velocity of the shot relative to the 

(15) A ball is moving at 10 miles an hour S.W. and is struck by a bat 
with a force which would, if the ball had been at rest, have given it a 
speed of 8 miles an hour due S. ; with what velocity does the ball leave 
the bat ? 

* Relative Velocity. A point at any instant can only have 
one definite velocity ; it is impossible to conceive it as moving in 
two diiFerent directions, or with two different speeds, at one and 
the same instant. Relative to other moving points it may have 
all sorts of velocities. 

* Example. A train moves 20° E. of N. at 50 miles an hour ; 
another train is moving TV. at 22 '6 miles an hour, and a third is 
travelling due S. at 35 '2 miles an how. What are the velocities of 
the first and third relative to the second ? 

Notice that the relative motions of two or more bodies are 
unaffected by any motion common to them all ; thus, the relative 
motions of trains, people, ships, etc., are quite independent of the 
motion of the earth round the sun. We may, therefore, suppose 
any common velocity given to the trains. 

In Fig. 72, a represents the velocity of the first train, /8 and y 
those of the second and third. 


Add - /3 to a, then the sum o-j gives the relative velocity of the 
first to the second train, for - (i reduces the second train to rest, 
and then a- (3 is the velocity of the first relative to a supposed 

Pia. 72. 

fixed point. Scale o-j and measure the angle it makes with the 
E. line (61-8 miles an hour 50-3° N. of E.). 

Similarly, add -/8 to y and obtain o-g the relative velocity 
of the third to the second. 

(16) Two cyclists meet on a road, one is going S. at 10 miles an hour, the 
other N. at 12 miles an hour ; what are their relative velocities ? 

(17) A cyclist travels N.W. at 12 miles an hour, the wind is due E. and 
travels at 20 miles an hour ; what is the apparent direction and speed of the 
wind to the cyclist? [Add to the wind velocity one of 12 miles an 
hour S.E.] 

(18) A train travels due W. at 40 miles an hour ; the smoke from its 
funnel makes an angle of 157° with the forward motion ; the wind is 
blowing from the N. , what is its speed ? 

(19) In the last example if the speed of the wind had been 20 miles an 
hour, what are the possiole directions whence it could have come ? 



* Example. Two ships are 20 miles apart, one (A) is then due E. 
of the other (B), and is steaming due N. at 18 miles an hour; B is 
steaming E. at 15 miles an hour. Find when they mil be nearest one 
another, and their distance apart at that time. 

Suppose a speed of 18 miles an hour due S. is given to both, 
then A is reduced to rest, and the relative motion of A and B 

B 15 . A 

Fio. 73. 

is unaltered. Hence, add the vectors (Fig. 73) representing the 
velocities 15 due E. and 18 due S. and obtain a resultant vector 
BC(7). From A drop a perpendicular on BC, and measure its 
length on the scale to which the distance AB was drawn ; it is 
evidently the shortest distance the ships will be apart. BC is 
the relative displacement in one hour ; in order to find the time 
for the relative displacement BD, set oif BC^ = 10 cms. in any 
direction to represent 1 hour ; then, if DDi be drawn parallel to 
OCj, BDj^ gives the time in hours. 

* Example. Find ly construction the actual positions of the two 
steamers, in the last example, when at their shortest distance apart. 
To do this, draw through D a line diie North cutting BA 

T.G, P 



PlO. 74. 

at B-^, then B^ is the required position of B. Through B^ draw 

-Bj^i parallel to DA cutting the N. line at ^ in A^; then A-^ is 

the required position of A. 

(20) Two ships are 11 miles apart, and both are steaming direct towards 
the same point distant 1 1 and 7 miles from them respectively. They both 
travel at 14 miles an hour. Find their shortest distance apart and the 
corresponding time. 

* Total Acceleration. When the velocity of a body changes, 
the motion is said to be accelerated. This acceleration may be 
due to the velocity increasing or 

diminishing (retardation), or to >■ 

the change in the direction of 

the motion or to both. Thus, if 

aj (Fig. 74) gives the velocity 

at one instant and a^ at a subsequent one, the magnitude only 

has changed, and the total acceleration is a^ - a^ and is negative. 

If jSj and /Sg (Fig. 75) denote the velocities at two instants, 
then the change in the velocity is y, where 

/3i + r=^2 or 7 = ^2-^1- 

•y, the change in the velocity, is 
simply the velocity which must be 
added on — as a vector — to the 
initial velocity ^j to give the final 
velocity /Sg. Change in velocity is 
then a vector quantity and must be 
represented by a vector. 

Fig. 76. 

The velocity has changed both in magnitude and in direction 
and y is the total acceleration. 

(21) A cyclist at noon is travelling N. at 12 miles per hour ; at 1 p.m. he 
is travelling 10 miles an hour 75° E. of N. ; what is his total acceleration ? 

* Average Acceleration. Dividing the total acceleration by 
the time we get the average acceleration, 


' * Acceleration. Notice that both total and average accelera- 
tions are vector quantities, and the latter gives the average 
velocity added per unit of time. 

If the acceleration is constant, i.e. if the same velocity be 
added during equal intervals of time, no matter how small the 
latter may be, then the velocity added per second is the 

If the acceleration changes, then the value to v^hich the 
average acceleration approximates, as the time interval becomes 
smaller and smaller without limit, is the acceleration at the 
instant (cf. Velocity, on p. 77). 

* Definition. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, 
and is measured by the velocity added per unit time, or the 
velocity that would have been added if the acceleration had kept 

Acceleration is therefore a vector quantity, and accelerations 
are added (or compounded) as vectors. 

It can be shewn by experiment that bodies falling freely under 
the influence of gravity have a constant acceleration directed 
towards the centre of the earth, and measured by a velocity of 
32"2 ft. per second added per second, or 32'2 ft. per sec. per 
sec. (at Greenwich). This acceleration is usually denoted by the 
letter g. 

(22) A train at noon is moving 35° E. of N. with a speed of 32 m./hr. 
At 12 h. 35 m. p.m. it is moving with a speed of 27 m./hr. 50° E. of N. 
What are its total and average accelerations during this time ? 

(23) A point moves in a horizontal circle of radius 5 '3 ft. in the contra- 
clockwise sense. When at the most northern point its speed is 11 '3 ft. /sec, 
when at the W. point it is 12'7 ft./sec, and when at the S. and E. points 
its speed is 14 '8 and 11 '3 ft./sec. If the time taken to move through each 
quadrant be 1-2 minutes, find the average and total accelerations for 

. 1, 2, 3 and 4 quadrants. 

(24) Two trains are moving towards the same point in directions in- 
clined at 70° with one another. One train is increasing speed at the rate 
of 33 ft. per sec. per sec. ; the other is diminishing its speed at the rate 
of 17 ft. per see. per sec. Find the acceleration of the first relative to the 

Components of a Vector. Finding the sum of a number of 

vectors is a unique process ; i.e. one and only one resultant 



vector is obtained. The converse, i.e. finding the components 
when the resultant is known, is not unique in general. The 
components of a vector in two given directions are, however, 
uniquely determined. 

Example. Find the components of a in the two given directions. 
From the ends of a (Fig. 76), draw lines parallel to the two 
given directions, these determine two vectors Oj and a^ which are 

Fia. 76. 

the components. The construction can be done in two ways 
as indicated, but the component vectors are the same in both 

(25) Draw any vector a and any three lines ; shew that any number of 
components of a can be found in the three directions. 

(26) a represents a velocity of 10 ft. per sec. due N. ; find the component 
velocities N.W. and N.E. 

(27) Find the components of a displacement 15 ft. E. in direction, 
making angles 15° N. and 30° S. respectively with this line. 

* (28) A falling stone has an acceleration of 32'2 ft. per sec. per sec. 
vertically downwards ; find the components along and perpendicular to a 
line making an angle of 60° with the horizontal. 

* (29) A train has an acceleration of 5 ft. per sec. per sec. down an 
incline of 1 in 6 (1 vertical 6 along the incline) ; find the component 
accelerations horizontally and verticafly. 

When only one component is spoken of, the other is supposed 
to be at right angles to the first component. 



(30) A ship journeys 50 miles 20° N. of W. ; what is its displacement 

*(31) A bead slides freely down a straight wire making 65° with the 
horizontal ; what is the acceleration of the Dead down the wire ? 

*(32) A cable car fails to grip • on a down incline of 10 in 73 ; if the 
retardation due to friction be equivalent to a negative acceleration of 
2'8 ft. per sec. per sec, what is the actual acceleration of the oar ? 

*(33) If in question 32 a man jumps vip from his seat so that his body 
has a vertical acceleration (relative to the car) of 1'9 feet per sec. per sec, 
what is the real acceleration of his body ? 

Multiplication of Vectors by Scalars. Multiplying a 
vector by a number merely multiplies the length of that 
vector, thus na means a vector n times as long as a. 

Similarly multiplying a vector by any scalar quantity multiplies 
its length by that quantity. 

OJB (Fig. 77) is any triangle. 
If A^B-^ be drawn parallel to the 
base AB, cutting OA and OB pro- 
duced in Aj^ and Bj, then we know 
that OAB and OA^B^ are similar 
triangles. Hence A-^B-^ is the same 
multiple oi AB that OA-^ is of OA. 

FlQ. 77. 

If OA = a and OB = fi, be the two sides of the triangle, 
then if OAi = wa and 0Bi = m/8 

we have AB = j8-a and AiBj = m(/3-a), 

so that from ^^^l = O^j - OA^, 

we have the vector law, 

m (/3 - a) = w;8 - ma, ( 1 ) 

(34) Establish the equation 7ia + np=n(a + p) by (i) adding to the sum 
of n vectors a the svim of n vectors |8, and (ii) adding ;8 to o and then 
adding n of these vectors together. 

Centre of Mean Position. Given two points A and B, 
the point M bisecting the line AB evidently occupies a mean 
position with regard to A and B. 



Choose any two origins and 0^ (Fig. 78), let OA = a and 
OB = 13, and from 0^ draw a and add ;8 to it, then the sum 

a + l3 = (r; 

Pia. 78. 

from set off Jo- and shew that the point M thus determined 
is the mid-point of JB. (This is also obvious from OAB, for 
AB=j8-a, and, therefore, the vector to the mid-point of ^-8 is 

proving, incidentally, that the diagonals of parallelograms bisect 
one another.) 

Take any three points A, B, C (Fig. 79), and a point of 
reference 0. Find the sum a + ^S+y (=o-) as indicated (away 
from A, B, C). From set off -jO- and determine thus the 
point M, the centre of mean position. 

Instead of take other origins 0-^ and 0^ and shew by a 
similar construction that the same point M is obtained. This 
shews that M depends on A, B and C, and not on the origin 
used to determine it. Draw the medians of ABC and see that 
M is their point of concurrence. 

(35) Draw a regular hexagon, take any origin (not the centre) and find 
in a separate figure the sum of the six position vectors of the vertices. Set 
off from the origin -j- of this sum, and thus find M, the centre of mean 
position of the vertices. 

Perform a siniilar construction when the origin is at the centre. 



(36) Draw a parallelogram and find the centre of mean position of the 
vertices by taking the origin (i) outside, (ii) at the intersection of the 

In each case the centre of mean position is the end point of the 
vector, drawn from the origin, which is ^ of the sum of the position 
vectors of the vertices. 

(37) Take any five points and any origin, find -g of the sum of tlie 
position vectors ; set this ofi' from the origin and determine thus the point 
M. Choose another origin and show, by a similar construction, that the 
same point M is determined. 

Definition. Generally, if there are n points A,B,C, ... whose 
position vectors with reference to some origin are a, (3, y, ... , 

a + /8 + 7+... . 


is the position vector of a point M called 

the centre of mean position. 



Let a, ;S, 7, ... (Fig. 80) be the position vectors of the points 
relative to 0, a^, /8j, yj, ... their position vectors relative to 0^, 
and let p = 00i, then 

OM = ° + ^ + y+- and 0,M' = ^^^±M2l±^. 


Fio. 80. 

.-. OiM' = 

,_a + P + y+... -np 

M' is at M. 


The centre of mean position is thus a point dependent only on the 
relative position of the points themselves and not on the origin used 
to determine it. 

The points A, B, C, ... need not be in a plane. 

(38) The coordinates of five points are (1, 1-2), (-1, 1-5), (2-1, IS), 
(3'3, -1'4) and (-2, -3'4) ; find the centre of mean position. (Add the 
vectors and divide by 5 ; set off this one-fifth vector from the origin, and 
measure the coordinates of its end point M. ) 


Centre of Figure. In the case of a line, curve, area or 
volume, the centre of mean position of all the points in it is 
called the centre of figure or centroid. In many cases we can 
determine the centre of figure by inspection. 

A straight line. Choosing the origin at the point of bisection 
we see that to every point P, having a position vector p, there is 
a point P^, having - p for its vector, hence, '2p = 0, and is the 
centre of mean position. Where is the centre of figure for 
lines bounding a square, a rectangle, a parallelogram, a circle, 
respectively, and why 1 

Area of a Parallelogram. Taking the origin at the intersection 
of the diagonals, to every point P or Q (Fig. 81) there is a corre- 

sponding point Pj or Oi such that OP + OPj or OQ + OQj = 0, and, 
therefore, the centre of mean position of figure is at this point 
of intersection. 

(39) Where is the centre of figure of the area of a rectangle, of a circle, 
of a regular hexagon ? 

(40) Shew that the centre of figure of a regular pentagonal area cannot 
be proved to be at the centre of the circumscribing circle by this argument 

(41) Mark the positions of any seven points on your drawing paper. 
Find the centre of mean position of any four of them and then of the 
remaining three, and mark these two points. Find the centre of mean 
position of these two points, counting the first one four times and the last 
three times. Is this final centre of mean position the same as would be 
determined directly from the position vectors of the seven points ? 


Theorem on Centres of Mean Position. In finding the 
centre of mean position of a system of points, any number oi 
them may be replaced by their centre of mean position, if the 
position vector of that point be multiplied by that number. 

Let there be Wj points whose position vectors are a^, y8j, y^, ... . 
ij j> ^2 " " " " '^2' Pi' y2' ••• • 

» I) '^3 >> » V )) ""si Ps' "Ys! ••■ • 

Then the position vector o- of the centre of mean position for 
the whole 'm^ + 'm,2 + m^ points, is given by 

(wil 4- wig + %) 0- = 2 (oj + a^ + ag) 
= 2aj + Sag + 2og . 

If o-j is the centre of mean position for the m-^ points, a-^ that 
for the mg points and o-g that for the wig points, then 

.'. (TOj + m2 + »lg)<7 = OTjCrj + TO2<''2 + ''*3"'B- 

The nij points may therefore be treated as if concentrated at 
their centre of mean position, provided the position vector of the 
latter be counted m^ times, and so on for the other points. 

Evidently the argument holds however many partial systems 
of points we suppose the whole system divided up into. 

Mass-Centres. Let there be n points having unit mass at 
each point, then the centre of mean position of the points is 
called the mass-centre of the masses. If aj , a, . . . are the position 
vectors of the points, and o- that of the mass-centre, then 

mo" = 2aj . 

Divide the points up into groups, m-y points having mass-centre 
o-j, wig points mass-centre o-^, ... then, since 7i = 2mj, we have 

(miH-mg + mg-i- ...)cr = miO-j-t-TO20-2-i- (1) 

This equation remains unaltered however the jWj points be 
moved, provided that their mass-centre given by o-j remains 
unaltered ; we may, therefore, suppose them to come together and 
coincide at o-j, and so for the other partial systems. 



At the end point of o-j we have now a mass m^ units, at o-j a 
mass mg units.... Moreover, equation (1) remains true when 
multiplied throughout by the same scalar quantity, and hence 
»ij, m^, . . . may be taken as the masses at the points. 

Hence, given a number of points M^, M^, ... having masses 
%, m^, ... concentrated there, and having position vectors o-^, 
o-^, ... the mass centre of the system is given by the position 
vector o", where 

Mass-Points or Particles. We 

have thus arrived at the conception 
of points with masses concentrated 
at them ; such points are called 
mass-points, and have exactly the 
same meaning as the more usual 
term particles. 

To find the Mass-Centre (m.c.) of 
a number of mass-points: Choose 
any convepient origin 0, multiply 
each position vector by the mass at 
its end point, add all these mass- 
vectors,' and divide the resultant 
mass-vector by the sum of the 
masses. Set off from the vector 
so determined; its end point will 
be the M.C. required. 

Example. Find the Mass-centre 
(m.c.) of three particles of masses 1, 2 
and 3 grammes placed at the vertices 
of an equilateral tricmgle. 

Draw any equilateral triangle ABC (Fig. 82). Take any 
origin 0. Draw a equal to OA, add 2/3 (where ^ = 0B), and 
Sy (where 7 = 00). Then, if o- = a -t- 2/3 -)- 3y, set oif ^a- from 0, 
and find M the M.C. required. 

Fig. S2. 



(42) Find the M.c. of four particles of masses 1, 2, 3, 4 grammes, placed 
at equal intervals round a circle of radius 3 inches. 

(43) Find the m.c. of five particles of masses, 2, 3, 1-8, 3-3, and 4-7 lbs. 
aoed in order at the vertices of a regular pentagon of 1 '5" side. 


(44) Take the m.c. as found in Ex. 43 as origin, repeat the construc- 
tion, and show that the vector polygon is closed, i.e. that the origin is 
the M.c. 

Mass-Points in a Line. For two points, A and B, having 
masses 3 and 2 lbs., we have, by takuig the origin in the line 
(Fig. 83), 3Q^ ^ 2Qg ^ gQ]y[ 

If M be now taken as origin, 

3MA + 2MB = 0, 

Fia. 83. 

and therefore M divides AB inversely as the masses. Hence 
the simplest construction would be : Set off BA^ = 3", and AB^ 
parallel to BA^ and of length 2". Put a straight edge along 
A^B.^, and mark the point M where it cuts AB. 

(45) At A and B, distant apart 3", are masses given by lines of length 
71 and 5 '6 cms. Find the M.c. 

(46) If in Ex. 45 the masses at A and B are given by (i) the squares, 
(ii) the cubes of the lengths, determine graphically in each case the position 
of the M.c. 


(47) Draw any line and mark an origin and four points in the line. 
Suppose masses of 2, 3, 1, and 4 grammes to be at the points. Construct 
the position of the M.c, and measure its distance from O. Shew that 
this position could have been calculated by multiplying each mass by its 
distance from (positive if to the right, negative if to the left), adding 
the products together, and dividing by 10, the sum of the masses. 

Formula for the m.c. of Points in a Line. Let Xj, ajg, ^g, ... 

be the distances of. a number of points in a line from an origin 
in that line, and mj, mg, wig, ... the masses at those points. 

Then, all the position vectors being parallel, they are added as 
scalars, one sense giving a positive scalar, the opposite a negative 
one. If, then, x denote the distance of the M.C. from 0, we have 

xS.m-^ = mjXj + mjKg + . . . = "Sm^^ 

If this sum is negative, it shows that the M.c. lies on the 
negative side of the origin. 

(48) Find by calculation the position of the M.c. of masses 2'7, 3"6, 4'7 
and 69 grms. situated at points in a line distant 11-7, 1'6, 1'2 and 9'3 cms. 
from an origin O in the line. 

(49) Calculate the position of the m.c. of masses 10, 5, 3, 8, and 1 lbs. 
situated in a line, the position of the points from a fixed origin in the line 
being 1, 5, -2, - 3, and 4 ft. respectively. 

Graphical Construction. 

Example. Masses given by lines m^, m^, m^ and m^ are concen- 
trated at points Xj, Xj, Xg, X^ in a line, to construct the position of 
the mass-centre. 

Draw OTj, wij, ... and the distances Xj, X^... twice the size of 
those in Fig. 84. 

Through any point in the line draw Oy perpendicular to it, 
set off from along this perpendicular OM^, OM^, OM^, 0M^ 
and OM equal to Mj, m^, m^, m^, and m-^ + m^ + m^ + m^ ( = 2wij). 
OM should be found by the strip method of addition. 
Through M^ draw M-^x^ parallel to MXy 
„ M^ „ M^^ „ MX^. 
„ M^ „ M^x^ „ MX,. 
„ 'Mi „ M^x^ „ MX^. 


By the strip method find the sum of Ox-^ , Ox^ , Ox^ , Ox^ , and set off 
OX equal to this sum, then X is the M.C. of the four mass-points. J ^ 



■1^=*, ^3 X, \ X, X X3 X4 

Fig. 84. 

_ . OM OX. 

^''''- mr-oi' 

:. OM.Ox^ = OM^.OX^. 
Similarly, OM . Ox^ = OM^ . OX^ , 

OM.Ox^ = OM^.OX^; 
:. by addition OM .Wx^^WM^.OX^. 
The right-hand side of this equation is the sum of the products 
of each mass and its distance from 0, the left-hand side is OX 
multiplied by the sum of the masses, henpe OX is the distance 
of the M,o. from 0, 



(50) Repeat the oonstruotion as above, drawing Oy through M-^ , M,^ and 
Mi in turn. Notice that this simplifies the work, since only three 
parallels have to be drawn. 

(51) Masses given by lines of lengths 2'3, 5, 7'8, 8'5 eras., scale 1" to 
5 lbs., are at points (in a straight line) whose distances apart are 0'5, 1, 17, 
0-8 inches taken in order. Find the M.c. graphically, and test by calcu- 
lation from the formula of p. 93. 

Non-CoUinear Mass-Points. For points not in a line and 
having masses given by lines, general constructions are given 
(i) on page 112, (ii) on page 299. 

A few simple cases may be treated by repeated constructions 
similar to tbat on page 92. 

(52) Find the m.c. of three masses given by the lines m^, m^, mj, 
situated at A, B, G respectively, where AJ3=5% £0=1'5 and C.4 = 5"98 
cms. First, find the M.o. G^ of m^ and Wig, and then the m.c. 0^ of m^ at 
C, and mj + m^ at (?i . 

(53) Masses given by lines of lengths 4'7, 2 '3 and 3 "8 ems. are situated at 
points whose coordinates in inches are (1, 0), (2, 3), (3, - 1). Find the 
mass-centre by construction, and give its coordinates. 

Mass-Centre of a figure with an axis of Symmetry. If 

any curved or broken zig-zag line has an axis of symmetry the mass 
centre of the line must lie on that axis. 

For to every point P distant MP from the axis of symmetry 
there is a point P-^ at the same distance 
on the other side of the axis (Fig. 85). 
Choosing any origin 0, then, for two 
such points, 

OP + OP^ = OM+MP + 0M+ MP^ 


and as this holds for every pair of points, 
the M.C. must lie on the axis. 

When the axis of symmetry is per- 
pendicular to the lines joining corre- 
sponding points, it is called an axis of 
right symmetry, otherwise it is an axis of skew symmetry. The 
line joining the mid-points of opposite sides of a rectangle is an 
axis of right symmetry, a similar line in a parallelogram is 
fin axis of skew symmetry. 

PiQ. 85. 



M.O. of any number of equal consecutive lines inscribed 
in a circle. Draw a circle of radius 4" (Fig. 86), and set off in 
it six chords, each of length 1-.5", forming an open polygon 
A-iA^A^A^A^A^A^. Draw the axis of symmetry OA^, being 
the centre of the circle, and join A^A^. 

Bisect ^1^2 ** ^1 ^"•i ®^* off ^^ along the axis of symmetry 
equal to OM^. Draw AB parallel to A-^A,j = \ the sum of the 
sides. Join OB, and draw A^D parallel to OA, and DG parallel 
A-^A^, as in Fig. 86, then the point G so determined is the 
mass-centre of the six lines. 

Proof. Draw through 0, OX parallel to A^A^, and through 
A-^ and A^ lines parallel to OA and OX as in Fig. 86. Through 
the mid-points M^, M^, M^ of the lines draw MjZ,, etc., parallel 
to OA. 

Then, by construction, OM-^X-^ is similar to A^A^C^ ; 
. OM^^A^ 
■ ■ M^X^ A^G-, '' 
M-^X^ = OM^.A^Ci. 


In the same way A^A^ 




But A^A^ = A^Ag = A^J^ and OM^ = OM^=OM^; 
:. by addition A^^A^iM^X^ + M^X^ + M^X^) = ^A^A^ . OM^ . 
Now, for finding the mass-centre, we may suppose the mass of 
each line concentrated at its mid-point, and since OA is the axis 
of symmetry, the pairs of mass-points M-^, M^... have their mass- 
centres on OA, and at distances M^X^, ... from OX. 
But the distance y of the M.c. from is given by 
A^A^{M,X^ + M,X, + M^,) = 3.^1^2 . y ; 

:. 3A^A^.y = ^A,Aj.0M^; (i) 

.-. AB.y=GD.OA, 
y . GD 

°^ 6a~ab' 

and y = OG. 

If there had been eight sides instead of six, equation (i) would 

have been iA^A^ . y - iA^Ag . OM^, 

if 2?i sides, nA^A^ . y = \A-^A^+i. OM-^, 

or semi-perimeter . y = semi-closing chord . perpendicular 

from centre on polygon, 

or perimeter . y = closing chord . perpendicular, (ii) 

(54) Find by this method the M.c. of any six sides of a regular heptagon. 

Mass-Centre of a Circular Arc. The formula embodied 
in equation (ii) is independent of the number of sides to the 
polygon. When the number of sides becomes very large, the 
sides themselves being very small, the polygon becomes nearly the 
same as the circular arc, and the perpendicular Oilfj becomes nearly 
the radius of the circle. The limiting case, when the number of 
sides becomes infinitely large and their size infinitely small, is 
the arc itself, and hence for any circular arc 

perimeter . y = closing chord . radius. 

Construction for the m.c. of a Circular Arc. Draw a 

circular arc BCD (Fig. 87) of radius 4" and angle 135°, and its 

axis of symmetry, OC. Construct the tangent at C, and step ofi' 

CD = axQCD 

T.O. G 



along it. Join OD, and draw DL and LG parallel and per- 
pendicular to 00, then G is the mass-centre. 

^ 7 

Proof. This follows at once from the equation 
y _ closing chord 


From this result a formula for calculation can be deduced, 
for if r = radius and 2a the angle BOD, 

r ra ' 
. _ sin a 

we have 

which, in the case of a semicircular arc, becomes 

_ 2r 


(55) Construct the M.c. of a semicircular arc, and compare the measured 

- 2r 

y with the calculated value — 

(56) Construct the M.c. of a circular arc subtending 270° at the centre. 

(57) Find the M.c. of the lines bounding a circular sector of angle 75°. 

(58) Find the M.c. of a uniform U-rod formed of two parallel pieces, each 
of length 6", connected by a semicircular piece of radius 3". 

Mass-Centres of Areas. If mass be supposed distributed 
uniformly over an area, the preceding processes enable us to find 
the mass-centre (or centroid) in many cases. 

The principles of general use are : 

(i) If the area has an axis of symmetry, the M.O. must lie on 
that axis. 


(ii) If the area can be divided into parts, for each of which 
the M.c. can be seen by inspection or easily found, then the m.c. 
of the whole is found by finding the M.c. of these points, each 
point having a mass proportional to the corresponding area. 

Example. To find the m.c. of a triangular lamina ABC. 

Draw the median AM-^ (Fig. 88) ; 
this bisects all lines parallel to BC, 
i.e. the M.c.'s of all lines (or very 
narrow strips) parallel to £C lie in 
AMj^. Hence to a mass m at Pj 
there is an equal mass m at P, 
where PjOP is parallel to BC and 
OPi + OP = 0. AMj^ is an axis of 
skew symmetry; BC is called the 
conjugate direction. 

Draw a second median BM ; the point of intersection is 

the M.C. 

(59) Shew, from the property of the M.c, that the three medians meet 
in a point. 

(60) Shew that the triangle and three equal masses 
placed at the vertices have the same axes of skew 
symmetry. Hence prove that m.c. of the triangle 
lies on the median M^A, J of the way up from base. 

Example. Find graphically the 
M.c. of the area in Fig. 89. 

Draw the figure to scale. 

Find the mass-centres ffj and G^ 
of the two rectangles as indicated. 

Join G-fi2i ^'^^ divide G-fi^ iii *^^ 
ratio of 16 to 9. 



Example. Find, graphically the m.c. of a quadrilateral. 

Draw any quadrilateral J BCD (Fig. 90) and its diagonals AC 

and BD intersecting in 0. 

Cut off AE = CO. Find the M.C. of BED, it is the same point 

as the M.C. of ABCD. 


y^v — — c 

Proof. Since AE = CO, the medians through D of CAD and 
OED are coincident. But the M.C. of a triangle (Ex. 60) lies \ up 
the median from the base, hence the M.c. of OED is that of CAD. 

Similarly, the M.C. of DEB is that of CBA. Also, the masses 
of AED and BEA, DOC and BOC, DEO and BEO are propor- 
tional to their altitudes, which are proportional to DO and OB, 

"■ ACD~DO~DEff 

hence the M.c. of ABCD is that of BED. 

Example. Find the m.c. of the airea of the re-entrant quadrilateral 
ABED (Fig. 90). 

Set o^AE^^EO along EA produced, and find the M.C. of the 
triangle DE^B ; it is the M.c. of the re-entrant quadrilateral. 

Construct also the M.c. by finding separately the M.O.'s of 
ADE and ABE. 

* Example. Find the m.c. of a cross quadrilateral A BED. 

Draw a cross quadrilateral from the re-entrant quadrilateral 
(Fig. 90) by taking E on the other side of AD, and follow out 
the construction just given ; the M.c. of the triangle DE-^B is the 
M.c. of the cross quadrilateral. 



Proof. The cross quadrilateral has an area ABE - ADE ; 
the M.C. of ABE is that of E-^^BO and the M.C. of ADE is that 
of E^DO. The areas added are in each case proportional to 
the original areas and hence the M.C. of ABE - ADE is that of 
E^BO - E^DO, i.e. is the m.c. of E^DB. 

(61) Find the mass-centres of the areas of the following figures (Figs. 

The figures must be drawn full size according to the dimen- 
sions given. The angle d in Fig. 101 is equal to. the same 
lettered angle in Fig. 100. 





t — r-13"—* 

■* - 0.82"* 

Fig. 91. 

4 3-6 V 








FlG. 92. 



. 1-B- 

T] U-o-65^ 


Fig. 95. 


<- 1.44-'-—* 

« o-e/* 

Fig. 96. 

Fig. 98. 






Fro. 101. 


M.O. of Trapezoidal Area. Draw any trapezium ABGD 
(Fig. 102) where £G and DA are the parallel sides. 

Produce DA to A^ and BG to B-^ in opposite senses, so that 
A A.^ = BC and GB^ = AD. 

D M, A A, 

Find the point of intersection G of the line A-^B-^ and the line 
M^M^ joining the mid-points of the parallel sides AD and BG. 

is the M.C. of the area. 

Proof. The triangles DBG, ABD being of equal altitude have 
areas proportional to their bases BG and AD. We may, there- 


fore, replace the two triangles by mass-points -— at D, B and C 

and —^ at A, D and B. 


.'. in the line A-^D there is a mass given by — — . 


RR AD + 2BC 

But the M.c. must lie on M-^M^, 
.'. G, the mass-centre, must divide M^M^ so that 
GMi_ AD + 2BG _ BG+^AD M^A^ 
GM^ BG+2AD AD + ^BG~ M^B( 
Notice that the distance of the mass-centre of a number of 
points from a given line is unaltered by any movement of the 
points parallel to that line. 

(62) Find the m.c. of the trapezium for which BC=4-3, AD = Ql, 
AB =5-S and Oi)=4'7 cms., (i) by this method and (ii) by the general 
quadrilateral method. 

(63) Divide the trapezium into a triangle and parallelogram, and find the 
M.c. of the whole by finding in what ratio it divides the line joining the 
M.o.'s of the triangle and parallelogram. 



M.C. of a Circular Sector. 

Example. Construct the m.c. of a circular sector of radius 4 
inches and angle 120°. 

Draw the axis of symmetry 00 (Fig. 103). 

Set off 0B■^ = §05 and draw the concentric arc ^iBy 

Step off the arc O^B^ along the tangent Cj^g ; draw B^^B^ 
vertically to cut OB^, and B^G horizontally to cut 00 at G. G is 
the M.c. 

Proof. Suppose the sector divided into a great number of 
very small sectors, of which OLM is a very enlarged copy, then 
OLM is at its limit a triangle, LM being a tangent to the circle, 
the M.C. of this triangle is at g, where Og — ^OL. The sector 
OACB may therefore be replaced, as far as the M.c. is concerned, 
by a circular arc of radius ^OA (p. 97). 

The y for the circular sector is, therefore, given by 

which, in the case of a semicircle, becomes 




(64) Find the M.c. of a semicircle and compare your result with the 
calculated position. 

(65) Construct directly from the semicircle the position of the M.c. of 
a quadrant of a circle, and from that the M.c.'s of i, J and J of a quadrant. 

Negative Mass and Area. 

Example. To find the m.c. of the area ABCDDiCjBjAi, given 
that AB = 6", BC = 8", AA^ = 1", AjBj = 5", BjCj = 5". 

Find the mass-centres G^ and ffg (^i^- ^^'^) °f *^® rectangles 
ABCD and A-^B-JJ-^D-^. Join G1G2 and produce. Set oif along 
parallel lines 6*2^2 proportional to ABCD, and ffjZ, proportional 
to A^B-fi^D-^ both in the same sense. Where K-^K^ cuts G-fi^ is 
the point G, the mass centre of the area. 

Since the given area is the difference between two rectangles, 
the smaller rectangle (a square) must be considered as a negative 
area or as having negative mass, and hence G^K^, G^K^ instead 
of being set off in opposite senses must have the same sense. 



Proof. In order to justify the construction on p. 106 refer to 
Fig. 105. Let M denote the mass of the whole area enclosed by 
the outer boundary, and m the mass of the shaded area enclosed 
by the inner curve. 

Let Gj and G^ be the mass- 
centres of the area between the 
two curves (M-m) and of the 
shaded area. Then, to find G the 
M.C. of the whole area M, we have 
to divide Gj^G^ at G so that 

G^G_ M-m 
G^G~ m ■ 

The Graphical construction for 
effecting this division is indicated 
in Fig. 105. 

Fio. 106. 

On the other hand, if G and G^ be known, G-^ can be deter- 
Add unity to each side of the last equation j then since 

we get 

M-m _M 
m m 

G^G + GGi _ G^Gi _M 
GG^ ~ GG^ ~ m 

This shews that Gjjr has to be divided externally at G-^ in the 

ratio — . 

Hence, from G and G^, set off parallel lines, in the same sense, 

representing the masses to scale. Join their end points and 

produce the line to cut G^ in ffj, the M.O. required. This 

was the construction made in the example. 

Mass-Centre of a Segment of a Circle. Draw a circular 
sector OACB (Fig. 106) of radius 4-5" and angle 150°. Construct 



the M.C. G, of this sector as before. Divide OM (Fig. 106) 
into three equal parts and take OQ^ = §OJf. Through 0^ and ftj 
draw parallels and set off GJi-^ =p, the perpendicular from M on 





G ^\. 

1 ,-"""^^ 

G, \y 

K — ^~~^ 

^^ ' 

i — - A 


Fio. 106. 

OA and G^^ = \!iiQ arc AC* (In Fig. 106 f of these distances 
are set off.) Join K^-^^ cutting 00 at 0, the M.C. of the segment. 

Proof. The problem is to find the M.C. of the sector area and 
the negative area of the triangle OAB. 

The area of the sector = \ radius x arc (p. 55) 

= 0Ax arc AC. 
The area of the triangle = Oilf. MA 

OA 0M\ 

^. ( . OA 0M\ 
= 0^.^; (since -^=—j. 

area of sector arc AC 

area of triangle p 

Since the area of the triangle must be considered as negative, 
p and the arc AC must be set off in the same sense. 

(66) Construct the M.c. of a circular area of radius 3 inches having a 
circular hole of radius 1" cut out, the distance apart of the centres being 
1'5". (Areas are proportional to radii squared.) 

* These distances must be set off very carefully, especially when the angle of 
the sector is very small or nearly 180°. 



(67) Construct the M.c. of the area as above, the radii being if and r, 
and the distance apart of the centres being c. Construct the ratio of the 
squares as in Fig. 107. 


■ c 

Fig. 107. 
(68) Construct the M.c. of the figure shewn (Fig. 108). 

Fig. 108. 

(69) Find the m.c. of a rectangle of sides 5 '64" and 7 '85" with a square of 
side 2-83" cut out, the distance apart of their centres being 1 -5", and the 
line of centres being a diagonal of the rectangle. (Use a similar con- 
struction to that in Ex. 67 for getting lines proportional to areas. ) 

(70) Find the M.C. of a rectangle (5"64" x 4'85"), having a circular hole of 
radius 1 '4" out out, the distance apart of the centres being 1 '5!'. 

(71) Draw a rectangle of sides 4 and 3 inches. On the .S" side as diameter 
describe a semicircle inside the rectangle; now suppose it cut away. 
Find the M.c. of the remaining area. 



Vectors in a Plane. Parallel vectors are said to be like 
vectors, they can all be expressed as multiples of any other 
parallel vector. 

Two non-parallel vectors are independent, i.e. one cannot be 
expressed in terms of the others. 

Draw any two non-parallel vectors a and /3 ; see tljat the sum or 
diiferenoe of any multiples of these is the third side: of a triangle, 
which can only be zero when a and /S have the same direction, or 
the two multiples are zero. If, therefore, we have an equation 
aa = 6/3, where a and ^ are independent, it can only be satisfied 
when a = b = 0. 

Similarly, if 1a + 3/3 = aa + h^, 

then {7-a)a = {b-3)l3, 

and a must be 7 and b must be 3 if the vectors are not parallel. 

Scalar Equations for Mass-Centre. A number of masses 
nij , nig , wig , ... are at points whose position vectors are pitP^tP^, ■■■■ 
Take any two axes through (Fig. 109), and let the 

components of Pj parallel to the axes be a^ and yS^, 
I) ^2 „ » Oj and ^21 


Then Pi = ai + ^i, 

P2 = «2 + /^2' 

Let p be the position vector of the mass-centre and a and j8 
the components of p. 

Then, for the mass-centre, 

.'. (a + P) Swij = (jWjaj + mi/?! + ™2"2 + ™2/^2 + • • • ) 

by rearrangement of the terms. 

But a, Oj, ftg, ... are like vectors, and so are P, p^, ^2) •• > ^^d 
Oj and ySj are independent. 

Hence a2?TCi = 2wiiai and ySSwij = Sm^jSj. 

If, then, jCj is the length of a^, y^ of /Sj, ^ of a, etc., 
iS?ni = Smja;i and ySmi = 2miyi, 
two scalar equations, each of which determines a line on which 
the mass-centre must lie, the point of intersection of the two 
lines being G the mass-centre. 

Generally, it is convenient to take the axes perpendicular, and 
in this case mj/^ is the mass at a point multiplied by the per- 
pendicular distance of the point from the axis of x, and is called 
the mass moment about Ox. 

'Sm-^y.^ is then the sum of the mass moments about the axis of x. 

The whole mass 2»ij, supposed concentrated at the mass 
centre, is called the resultant mass. 

We have then the theorem : 

The sum of the mass moments about any line is equal to the 
moment of the resultant mass. 

Graphical Construction for m.c. The construction given 
on p. 94 for the position of the M.c. of points in a line can be 
applied to points in a plane, the construction being made for two 
intersecting lines. A better method, however, is the link polygon 
construction, given on p. 299. 



Example. Find the m.o. of masses 2, 3, 5, and 1 lis. at points 
whose coordinates are (1, 1), (2, 3), (4, 1) and (3, 2). 

Draw the axes of coordinates (Fig. 110), and mark the co- 
ordinates of the points on each axis; draw a line bisecting the 
angle between them, and set off along this line the masses to any 
convenient scale 



, . 

! ; 

- ■ 


:: : 


I \ 



;: ::: 



3 ' 



!.: :: ^ 
::: :l | 



■ - 

i: :: 


:: ::: 

O «, ^4 X^. 


Fig. 110. 

In Fig. 110, 0X.^=1, OY^ = l and 0M.^ = 2. (on mass scale); 
OZj = 2, Or^ = 3 and OM^ = 3 . . . . (OZ3 = 4 is not shewn.) The 
suffixes indicate the order of the points in the example. 

Join M (Oilf =11, the sum of the masses) to 1, 2, 4, 3 on the 
X axis, and mark the points where parallels to these lines from 
2, 3, 5, 1 on the mass axis respectively cut the z axis, a;,, asj, x^, x^. 


"^=U ., n^=..,. 


Similarly ^ = ^ or 11*2 = 3. 2, 

lla!3 = 5.4, 


Hence ll{Xj^ + x^ + x^ + x^) = 2 .1 + 3. 2 + 5. 4 + 1 . 2 = 2???,ia;j. 

Add by a straight edged strip x^, x^, x^ and x^, the sum is x. 

Make a similar construction on the y axis and obtain y. 

Mark the point whose coordinates are x and y ; it is the mass 
centre, G. 

(72) Masses are given by lines of length 5'1, 2'3, 1'5 and 2'15 cms. ; the 
coordinates in inches of the points are (0, Tl), (2-3, 0), (3-2, 1-7), (2-2, 4-3). 
Find the mass-centre by construction, and test by calculation from the 
. , _ SmiKi _ Sm,«, 
tormula a;=-=-^-^i V= ^ • 

Graphical Construction for the iii.c. of any area, 
irregular or otherwise. Transfer the figure given in Fig. Ill 
to your drawing paper, and draw its axis of symmetry XY. 
Divide it up into strips parallel to the base, and draw the first 
equivalent figure as in the construction on p. 62, only take the 
point in the base and a equal to the height of the figure. 
Divide the height at G so that 

XY~ A ' 
where A and A^ are lines proportional to the areas of the given 
and the equivalent figure. G is the M.C. 

* Proof. This is very similar to the proof on p. 63. 

In Fig. Ill, ^5 is one of the very thin strips, parallel to the 
base, into which the area is supposed to be divided. The mass 
of each of these strips may be supposed concentrated at the 
mid-point, i.e. in the axis of symmetry, XY. 

If m is the mass of any one of these strips and «/ is the distance 
from the base, then, if y is the distance of the m.c. from the base 

y2m = 'Zmy. 
But m is proportional to the area of the strip, hence if AB = x 
and h is the thickness of the strip, m is proportional to hx, and 
therefore y 2A.r = '2,hxy. 

T.e, K 



Now (see Fig. 57) 

- = ^, hence xy = ax, 
a y 

'. y . area of given Fig. = aShx 

= a . area of first equivalent figure, 



11 J- 


Fig. 111. 

If the area has not an axis of symmetry, y only determines the 
distance of the M.c. from XX. The process must therefore be 
repeated for another line which intersects XX (preferably at 
right angles to it), and the distance of the M.C. from this line 
must be determined. From these two distances the M.C. can 
be determined as the intersection of two lines. 

Another method is given on p. 299 in connection with the 
Link Polygon. 



1. Draw a square A BOD of side 3 inches to represent a square field of 
side 300 yards. A man starting at A walks round at 80 yards a minute, 
another man starting at D at the same instant, and walking at 100 yards 
a minute, begins to overtake him. Construct the relative displacements 
at the end of the lat, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 9th, 12th and 15th minutes. 

2. Construct the minimum relative displacements when the men are on 
adjacent sides. 

3. A toy gun is pointed at an elevation of 45° ; on firing it begins to 
recoil with a speed of 5 ft. per sec. (horizontally), the speed of the shot 
relative to the gun is 30 ft. per sec, construct the true velocity of the 

4. A sailing boat is going N.W. at 8 miles an hour, a, sailor moves 
across the deck from the S.W. at 2'7 miles an hour, a current is flowing at 
3-6 miles an hour 15° S. of E. ; what is the velocity of the sailor relative 
to the current ? 

5. Find the centre of mean position of five points whose coordinates 
in cms. are (2-1, 3-3), (4-7, I'S), (2-6, 1-75), (1-95, 4-6), (0-75, 6-25). 

6. Find the mass-centre of the above points supposing masses of 3, 4'1, 
2'8, 7'3 and 4'6 grammes to be concentrated at the points, first by the 
vector polygon method, secondly by the graphical construction of p. 113, 
and finally by calculation. 

7. Find the M.c. of the part of a circular area between two parallel 
lines at distances 3'74 and 2'66 inches from the centre, the radius of the 
circle being 4"5 inches. First treat it as the difference between two 
segments and then by the strip division method. 

8. Find the M.c. of a circular arc and its chord, the arc subtending an 
angle of 135° at the centre of a circle of radius 3'7"- 

9. Masses of 3, 8, 7, 6, 2, 4 grammes are placed at the vertices .4, B, ... 
of a regular hexagon ; construct the position of the M.c. 

10. Draw a circular arc of radius 3" and one of radius 2", the distances 
apart of the centres being 2". Find the M.c. of the lens shaped area between 
the two arcs by the method of strip division. 

11. A horizontal wooden cylinder rests on the top of a rectangular block 
of wood, the radius of the cylinder = width of block =2 '52 ft., the height 
of the block is 7 "86 ft., and the length of the cylinder and depth of block 
are the same. Find the m.c. (Treat as a circle on a rectangle. ) 

12. A steamer which is steaming in still water due S.E. at a speed of 
14 knots enters a current flowing due W. at a speed of 2 knots. Deter- 
mine in any way you please the actual velocity of the steamer when in the 
current and the direction in which she will travel. 

If it is desired to maintain a due S.E. course and to cover exactly as 
much distance per hour in this direction as when in the still water, what 
course would the steamer require to steer, and what must be the speed of 
the ship in regard to still water? (Military Entrance, 1906.) 



13. A uniform iron girder has a cross- 
section of the given form (Fig, 112). 
Determine the position of the centre of 
gravity of the section. 

(Naval Cadets, 1904.) 


■ % wide 


Fio. 112. 

14. Fig. 113 represents a figure formed of a rectangle and an isosceles 
triangle. Find and mark the position of its centre of gravity. 

(Naval and Engineer Cadets March, 1904.) 

Fig. 113. 

Fio. 114. 

15. The letter T in the diagram (Fig. 114) is made of wire of uniform 
thickness. Find its centre of gravity (M.c), stating your method. 

(Naval Cadets, 1903.) 

16. Fig. 115 represents a hexagon 
frame, the length of each side being 
2 inches ; equal masses of 4 pounds each 
are placed at the four corners a, 6, d, e, 
and a mass of 8 pounds is placed at the 
comer c. The mass of each of the six 
sides of the hexagon frame is IJ pounds. 
Find the common centre of gravity (m.c.) 
of the whole system. 

(Military Entrance, 1905.) 

Fja. 115, 


17. A cistern, without lid, -whose thickness may be neglected, measures 
3 ft. 6 in. in height by 2 ft. 3 in. by 3 ft. 3 in. Find the position of its 
centre of gravity. 

18. A and B are two points 20 miles apart. At noon one man starts 
from A to walk to B at the rate of 4 miles an hour, and at 2 p. m. another 
man starts after him on a bicycle at 10 miles an hour. Draw a diagram 
on your ruled paper to show how far they are apart at any given time, 
and at what times they pass any given point between A and B. [Scale to 
be 5 mile = l inch, and 1 hour = l inch.] 

Also, find from your diagram or otherwise when and where the cyclist 
overtakes the man walking. (Engineer Students, Navy, 1903.) 

19. Two small spheres, of weights 4 ounces and 7 ounces, are placed so 
that their centres are 5 inches apart. How far is their centre of gravity 
from the centre of each? (Engineer Students, 1903.) 

20. Given the centre of gravity of a body, and that of one of its parts, 
explain how to find the centre of gravity of the remaining part. 

ABDO is a rectangular lamina of uniform density; E is the middle 
point of AB ; join DE ; find the perpendicular distances of the centre of 
gravity of BGDE from the sides BC and CD. (B. of E. , II. ) 

21. A river which is 2 miles wide is flowing between parallel straight 
banks at the rate of 4 miles an hour. A steamer starts from a point A on 
one bank and 'steers a straight course at 7 miles an hour. Show on a 
graph the distance above orT)elow A of her point of arrival at the other 
bank, as a function of the inclination of her course to the direction of the 
river. (Naval Cadets, 1905.) 

22. Explain the method of determining the motion of one body relative 
to another. To a passenger on a steamer going N. at twelve miles per hr. , 
the clouds appear to travel from the E., at 8 miles per hr. ; find their true 

Two steamers are at a given instant 10 miles apart in an B. and W. 
line ; they are going towards each other, one N. E. at 20 miles per hr. , and 
the other N.W. at 16 miles per hr. Eind how near they approach. 

(Inter. Sci., 1901.) 

23. Find the centre of gravity of a triangular frame formed of three 
uniform bars of equal weight. Where must a mass equal to that of a 
uniform triangular plate be fixed on the plate so that the mass oentro 
of the whole may be at the middle of the line joining a vertex to the point 
of bisection of the opposite side. (Inter. Sci., 1901.) 

24. Explain the phrase "velocity of one body relatively to another 

25. Two level roads are inclined at an angle of 60°. Two motors, each 
half-a-mile from the junction are being driven towards it at speeds 10 
and 1 1 miles an hour. Find the velocity of the first motor relative to the 
second, and the distance the motors are apart after 2 minutes 50 seconds. 

(B. of E., IL, 1904.) 


26. A ship A that steams 23 knots sights another ship B to the N. at a 
distance of 1 '4 sea miles, and steaming E. at 19 knots. In what direction 
must A steam in order that her motion relative to B may be directly 
towards 5? and in what time does she reach B1 A knot is a speed of 1 sea 
inile per hour. 

Shew that if A does not know S's speed she can deduce it from her own 
by steering in such a direction as to keep due S. of B. If this direction 
is 78° E. of N. , and the other data are as already given, what is ^'s speed ? 

(Military Entrance, 1906.) 

27. Eind the position of the centre of gravity of a circular sector. Find 
the distance of the centre of gravity of a circular segment from its chord. 

(B. of E;, II., 1906.) 

28. Ox and Oy are two lines at right angles ; P and Q are points 
moving from O to a; and from O to y, with speeds 7 and 12 respectively. 
At the same instant OP =8 and 0Q = 5. Find the velocity (speed) with 
which they are separating from each other, and explain whether or not the 
velocity of separation is their relative velocity. (B. of E., II., 1903.) 

29. Give an instance of a moving body that is at rest relatively to 
another moving body. State how the relative velocity of one point with 
respect to another point can be found. 

Two points A and B are moving with equal speeds and opposite senses 
round a given circle ; at the instant that the arc between them is a 
quadrant, find the relative velocity of A with respect to B. 

(B. of E., n., 1905.) 




ExPT. I. Lay an envelope or sheet of paper on a fairly smooth table. 
Push it by a pencil parallel to the shorter edge (i) near one corner, 
(ii) near the middle. Notice that the motion is quite different in the two 
cases, even though the push is otherwise the same. Does the effect of a 
force on a body depend on its line of action (axis) ? Think of other simple 
experiments illustrating this point. 

For the remaining experiments the following apparatus is 
necessary : A vertically fixed drawing board and paper ; light 
freely-running pulleys which can be clamped round the board in 
any desired positions ; a set of weights from 5 to 1000 grammes ; 
one or two scale pans of known weight ; some light, tough, stiff 
cardboard ; strong, black, fine thread ; some small polished steel 
rings, about the size of a threepenny piece ; some thin, strong 
wire (for making little hooks) ; and a spring balance. 

ExPT. II. Fasten, by means of loops, two threads to one of the steel 
rings, and attach 100 gramme-weights to the other ends. Put the threads 
over two pulleys as indicated in Fig. 116, and let the whole come to rest. 
Take another piece of thread in the hands, and, stretching tightly, see if 
the two threads are in a straight Une. 

The function of the pulleys is only to change the directions of 
the forces due to the weights; any effect due to their having 
friction may be minimised by good lubrication. 

What are the forces acting on the ring, neglecting its weight, in magni- 
tude, direction and sense ? Draw lines representing these in magnitude, 
direction and sense ; these are the vectors of the forces. Add these 



vectors. What is their sum ? Why may the weight of the ring be left 
out of consideration ? See if equilibrium is possible with different weights 
Wi and W^. 

Fig. 116. 

What is the pull at B on the part BA ? What is the pull at B on the 
part between B and the ring ? In what respect do these pulls differ ? 

BxPT. III. Replace the ring by a- piece of cardboard and attach the 
threads by wire hooks passing through two holes punched in the card. 
See that the sum of the veotprs of the forces is again zero. Mark on the 
card, points A, B, C, in a, line with the threads. Punch holes at these 
points, and insert the lower hook in turn through each of these holes. 
Is equilibrium still maintained ? Does it matter at what point in its axis 
a force may be supposed applied to a rigid body ? 

(1) Pour hooks A, B, C, D are connected together by three strings AB, 
BG, CD, Fig. 117. Weights Wi = V)a grammes, 1^2=50 grammes, #3=150 
grammes are attached by long strings to B, C and D, and the whole is 



suspended from the hook A fixed to a beam or wall. If iWi , M.^ and Jfg 
are points in AB, BO and CD, what is the pull at M^ on O, M^ on B, andi 
at M^Qn A"! 
Verify at M^ by inserting a spring balance there. 

ExPT. IV. Attach three threads by loops to one of the rings and sus- 
pend weights 200, 150, and 100 grammes as indicated (Fig. 118). Let the 
ring take up its position of equilibrium. Mark two points on the drawing 

f Sii 


■ C 



Fig. 117. 


Pig. lis. 

paper under each thread. A set square does very well for this purpose, if 
placed approximately perpendicular to the plane of the board, but a small 
cube or right prism is better. Indicate the sense of each pull on the ring. 
Remove the drawing paper and draw to scale the vectors, o, /3 and y, 
of the forces acting on the ring, and find their sum. 
Are the lines of action of the forces concurrent ? 

Eepeat the experiment and drawing for other weights. 

Is equilibrium possible with 50, 60 and 150 grammes ? 



ExPT. V. Use three pulleys and four threads with attached weights 
of 80, 120, 200 and 120 grammes. Mark the axes and the senses of the 
pulls on the ring as before, and find the sum of the vectors. 

Perform a similar experiment and construction using five 

different weights. Notice in each ease whether the forces are 

concurrent or not. 

ExPT. VI. Draw a triangle ABO (Fig. 119) on cardboard having sides 
3-4, 3-6 and 5-2 inches, and give the boundary a clockwise sense. Draw 
concurrent lines parallel to these sides, indicating the senses as in Kg. 
119. Punch holes on these three Unes and cut away the card as indicated 

Fig. 119. 

by dotted lines. Fix the card, with one axis vertically downwards, on the 
drawing board by pins. Adjust the threads, hooked through the holes, 
so as to lie over the lines and attach weights proportional to the corre- 
sponding sides of the vector triangle. Remove the pins and notice if the 
card remains in position. 

Perform a similar experiment starting (i) with a quadrilateral 
of sides 5, 3, 2 and 6 inches, the senses being the same way round, 
(ii) with a pentagon ; the axes must be concurrent in both cases. 

ExPT. VII. Attach three weights to a card (one thread hanging verti- 
cally and two passing over pulleys). The card will take up some position 
of equilibrium. See if the axes of the forces are concurrent. Attach four 



weights to the card, and after the card has taken up its position of 
equilibrium see if the axes are concurrent. 

Perform a similar experiment with five weights. 

Example. A student repeating Expt. IV. has a vertical pvll of 
40 grms. weight on the ring, the two parts of the left-hand thread 
supporting 25 grms. weight make an angle of 45° mth one another. 
What was the third weight used, and what was the angle between the 
two parts of its thread ? 

Set off OA = i" (Fig. 120) vertically downwards, 05 = 2-5" at 
an angle of 45° with OA. Join AB. Then OAB is thfe vector 
triangle of the forces, and AB = 2-85" gives the third pull on the 
ring of magnitude 28'5 
grms. weight (nearly). The 
direction is given by the 
angle OAB and the sense 
is from A to B. 

Measure OAB (a) with 
a protractor, (&) by a scale 
of chords, (c) by means of 
the tangent of the angle 
{i.e. measure p on the 2-inch 
scale, p being the perpen- 
dicular to AB drawn at 2" 
from A, and find the angle 
from the table of tangents). 
See that these three results 
are approximately 38'7° 

Scale of Forces 


grammes wt. 
Fio. i20. 



Example. Another student used weights 20, 30 wnd 32 grm., 
the last giving the vertical pvll. What were the angles between th 
threads attached to the ring ? 

Set ofF AB (Fig. 121) vertically downwards =3-2"; draw 
circles with A and B as centres and of radii 2 and 3 inches to 
intersect in C. Draw concurrent lines P-fi, P^O^ WO parallel to 
the sides of this triangle. 


lbs. wt. 

Force Scale 
Fig. 121. 

Evidently the angles between the threads are the supplements 
of the angles of the triangle ; measure the angles of ABC by the 
scale of chords. Approximately they are 37 -S", 65-8° and 76'7°. 

Notice that since the construction may be done in two ways, 
viz. the 2" circle from either A or B, it is impossible to say 
which weight was put on the left-hand pulley. 

In all solutions of statical problems by graphical methods it is 
necessary to complete the solution either by drawing out the 
force scale or by giving it in cms. or ins. 



Example. A weight of 20 '6 tons is suspended by ropes of length 
7 and 8 ft. from two hooks in a horizontal line distant apart 5 ft. 
Find the pulls of the ropes on the weight {the tensions in the ropes). 

First draw a figure ABG (Fig. 122) representing the position 

of the ropes to scale (1" to 1'). 

A B 


Fio. 122. 

Then set off OP downwards to represent 20-6 tons weight 
(1 cm. to 1 ton). From the ends of OP draw OQ and PQ, 
parallel to AC and BC, and njeasure PQ and QO on the- ton scale, 



Example. From a telegraph pole radiate five lines {in the same 
horizontal plane). The pulls of fowr of them on the pole are known, 
find the pull of the fifth; given a pull due E. of 30 lbs. weight, one 
due S. of 40, one S. W. of 2.5, one N. W. of U -i. 

Force Scale 

lbs. wt. 
Pia. 123. 

Set off OP (Fig. 123) horizontally to the left = 3", PQ vertically 
downwards = 4", QR = 2-5" so that PQB= 135°, QB perpendicular 
to .B5=4-14", then SO gives (3-2" in length) the fifth pull in 
magnitude, direction and sense. 

(2) In a tug-of-war A, B, G, D are opposed to ^i, B-^, C^, D,, D and 
Z)i being the end men. The pulls oi A, B, G, D are given by lines of lengths 
2'8, 3 "4, 3 '5 and 3 '9 ems. respectively, those ot A-^, B-^ and G^ by 2 '45, 3 '25 
and 3"75 ; scale 1" to 100 lbs. wt. What is the least pull that Z), must 
exert in order that his side may not be beaten ? If D^ exerts this force, 
give the tensions of the rope at points intermediate between the men. 

(3) Three strings are fastened to a ring as in Expt. IV. , two pass over 
smooth pulleys and bear weights P and Q, the third string hangs vertically 
and supports a weight R. If 6 and (p denote the angles between the 
vertical and the threads attached to P and Q, find 

(i) e and 4> when P=Q = 5 lbs. wt. and iJ=8 Its. wt. ; 
(ii) B and <j> when P^Q=5 and 5=30°; 
(iii) and f when P- 4, Q= 5 andi?=7; 


(iv) Q and when P= 7, R= 9 and 9 = 60°; 
(v) P and <t> when Q = 12, R=\\ and 9 = 55°; 
(vi) P and Q when i?= 7, 9 = 35° and = 50° ; 
(vii) e and Q when 7?=13, P= 8 and (^=35°; 
(viii) 9 and P when R=\\, Q= 6 and ^ = 30°; 
(ix) P and Q when i?=14, 9=40° and Q is perp. to P ; 
(x) R and Q when 9 = 35, = 70° and P=5-5. (Notice that 
the angle between P and Q in the vector triangle is 75°. ) 

(4) Three threads fastened to a ring bear weights of 35, 27 and 25 grammes 
as in Expt. IV. ; draw the vector triangle of the forces, and by measure- 
ment determine the angles between the threads. 

(5) Three threads are fastened to a ring, as in Expt. IV., the vertical 
load is 135 grammes weight, the acute angles the sloping strings make with 
the vertical are 25° and 50° ; find the other two weights. 

(6) A load of 27 lbs. is supported by two strings attached to hooks ; 
if the strings make angles of 

(i) 27° and 48° ; (ii) 40° and 70° ; (iii) 50° and 50° ; 

with the vertical, determine the pulls on the hooks. 

(7) To two hooks A and B are fastened ropes which support a load of 
3 cwte. The distance apart of A and 5 is 7 ft. and ^ is 3 ft. higher than 
B ; if the lengths of the ropes attached to A and B are 5 ft. and 4 ft. , what 
are the tensions in the ropes, i.e. what are the pulls of the ropes on the 
load and on the hooks ? 

(8) A weight of 12,000 grammes is supported by strings from two hooks 
A and B in the same horizontal line. The distance apart of A and B is 
15 ft. and the string attached to B is 12"2 ft. Find the pulls on the hooks 
when the length of the string attached to A is 

(i) 15 ; (ii) 14-4 ; (iii) 10 ; (iv) 5 ; (v) 4 ; (vi) 3 ft. 

(9) Draw a graph shewing the relation between the pull on the hook in 
Ex. 8, and the length of the string attached to it, as the string varies 
in length from 3 to 15 ft. 

Take two axes on squared paper and an origin. From the diagrams of 
position and of vectors, the pull corresponding to the string length 3, 4, 5, 
10 and 14 '4 ft. can be found. Plot points having as abscissae the lengths of 
the string and as ordinates the corresponding pulls. Join the points by a 
smooth curve. From the graph read off the pulls corresponding to string 
lengths of 12 ft. and 7 ft. , and the lengths corresponding to pulls of 5000 
and 17,000 grammes weight. 

If the string could stand a pull of 12000 grammes only, what would be 
the least length of string that could be used ? 

(10) Draw a graph shewing the relation between the length of the 
variable string and the pull on the other hook. 

(11) Draw a graph shewing the relation between the two pulls on the hooks, 



(12) In repeating Expt. 
V. a student used five 
weights. The directions 
and magnitudes of four of 
the pulls being as given in 
Fig. 124, what was the 
magnitude of the fifth 
weight, and in what direc- 
tion and sense was the pull 
exerted by it ? 

(13) Four concurrent forces are in 
equilibrium and act in the lines indi- 
cated (Fig. 125). If P= 18 and Q =25 
lbs. weight, find E and /S in magnitude 
and sense. (Find the vector giving the 
sum of the two known vectors, from its 
end points draw parallels to E and 8. 
This can be done in two ways ; but the 
vectors parallel to E and 8 are the same 
in each case. Since the forces are con- 
current and the vector polygon is closed, 
these vectors must give the forces in 
magnitude, direction and sense.) 

(14) A wheel has six central equi-spaced spokes, in four consecutive spokes 
the pushes on the axis are 0-32, 0-72, 1-15 and 0-84 lbs. wt. ; what are the 
actions of the remaining two spokes on the axis ? 

(15) A weight of 10 lbs. hangs vertically by a string from a hook. The 
weight is pulled horizontally so that the string makes an angle of 37° with 
the vertical. What is the magnitude of the horizontal pull and what is 
the pull of the string on the weight ? 

(16) Draw a graph shewing the relation between the pull 8 on the hook 
and the horizontal pull H in Ex. (15) as H increases gradually from 
to 10 W. 

For any given value of H the vectors form a triangle OAB (say), OA 
representing the .weight W, AB the pull P and BO the pull of the string 
on W. At B draw BP perpendicular to ^j8 and of length BO. Go 
through this construction when AB represents 1, 2, ... 10 lbs. weight, and 
join the points P so obtained by a smooth curve. This curve is the one 
required, for A being the origin of coordinates and AB and AO the 
axes, the coordinates of P are the values Qi'H and S necessary to give 



(17) In Fig. 126 A£ is a light rod with 
a weight of 11 lbs. at B ; the rod can turn 
freely round A. £ is pushed perpendicularly 
to AB with a force of 4 lbs. weight. Find 
the position of AB and the pull on A. 

[Since the angle at £ is a right angle, 
describe a semicircle on the vector repre- 
senting 11 lbs. weight, and set off in this 
a line representing a force of 4 lbs. weight ; 
the closing line of the triangle gives the 
direction ot AB and the force it exerts 
on .8]. 


Pig. 126. 

(18) Draw a graph shewing the relation between the push at B (P) and 
the pull SonAia Ex. (17) as P increases from zero to 11 lbs. weight. 

(19) In Fig. 127 ^ is a 
fixed hook and C a smooth 
pulley, B a smooth ring to 
which the threads AB, BG 
and BW are attached. If 

SOD =30°, ABC =85°, find 
the pull on A and the weight 

The angles remaining constant, draw a 
between Q and W. 

Pio. 127. 

shewing the relation 

(20) Two cords are fastened to a ring at G, and, hanging over pulleys at 
A and B, bear weights of 12 and 17 lbs. Find the force in magnitude, 
direction and sense, with which C must be pulled in order that, with AC 
and BG making angles of 60° and 80° with the vertical, there may be 

(21) A load of 5 ewts. is suspended from a crane by a chain of length 
20 f t. ; a doorway is opposite the load and 5 ft. distant ; with what force 
must the load be pulled horizontally to cause it just to enter the doorway ? 

(22) Strings of length 5 and 3 '2 ft. respectively are fastened to a floor 
at points distant 4 '3 ft. apart ; the other ends are attached to a smooth 
ring which is pulled by means of a string making 30° with the vertical 
with a force of 50 lbs. weight. The three strings being in one plane, find 
the other pulls on the ring. 



(23) OA and OB (Pig. 128) are the axes of two forces, a is the vector of 
the force in OA, c is the magnitude of a third force which, acting through 
O, is in equilibrium with the other two forces. Find the vectors of the 

Pig. 128. 

other forces. How many solutions has the problem ? Can you choose a 
magnitude for c, so that there shall be only one solution ? Can you choose 
a magnitude for c so that equilibrium is impossible ? What is the least 
magnitude of c consistent with equilibrium ? 

(24) A weight of 50 lbs. is supported from A and B as in Mg. 129. 


(i) Find the pulls on A 
and B. ■ 

(ii) If a man pulls in the 
direction and sense 
OG with a force of 
10 lbs. weight, find 
the alteration in the 
pulls on A and B. 

(iii) If he pulls in the 
opposite sense, find 
the alteration in the 
pulls on A and B. 

(iv) Find the pull so that 
there may be no 
tension in OB. 


\ SO Ilia. 

FlQ. 129. 


The Foundation of Statics. Such experiments as have 
been performed cannot be considered in themselves as the best 
foundation for the science of mechanics, the true basis for which 
must be sought in far more generalised experience. Such 
generalised experience was summed up by Newton (p. 135). 
Deductions made from such experiments as those detailed must 
consequently be regarded as tentative only. The experiments, 
however, have the great advantage of giving a reality to 
notions concerning the action of forces which descriptive matter 
fails to impart. 

Deductions from Experiments. The experiments now 
performed all relate to the action of forces on rigid bodies. 
Force without some body (mass) acted on is a meaningless term ; 
forces do not act on points but on masses, and such an expression 
as " forces acting at a point " means only that the lines of action 
of the forces are concurrent. 

Expt. I. shewed that a force is determined only when we 
know some point in its line of action in addition to its magni- 
tude, direction and sense 

Expts. II. and III. shewed (i) that a body under the action of 
two forces is in equilibrium when, and only when, the forces 
differ in sense alone ; (ii) a force acting on a rigid body may be 
supposed to act anywhere in its axis. 

By a rigid body is meant one which retains the same relative 

position of its parts under the action of all forces. Any body 

; I which maintains its shape unaltered, or for which the change is 

\ '• I too small to be measurable under the action of certain forces, may 

! be considered as rigid for those forces. The paper in Expt. I. 

■ -^was practically rigid for the forces acting on it; it is, however, 

Iquite easy to apply forces to it that would change its shape. If 

a set of forces deform a body, but after a time the body takes 

up a new shape which does not alter while the forces are 

unchanged, such a body after deformation may be treated as 

rigid for those forces. For non-rigid bodies we must know not 

only the axis of the force, but also its point of application. 


Expts. IV. to VI. shewed that if a rigid body, acted on by 
ooncurrent forces, is in equilibrium, the sum of the vectors of 
the forces is zero ; and conversely, when the sum of the vectors 
of the forces is zero and the axes concurrent, the body is in 

Expt. VII. shewed that when a body is in equilibrium under 
the action of three forces, their axes are concurrent ; but that 
in general for four or more forces the axes are not concurrent 
when there is equilibrium. 

Rotors. Any quantity which, like a force, requires for its 
specification the magnitude, direction, sense and a point on its 
axis, is called a rotor quantity (Clifford). 

Such quantities may be represented geometrically by rotors, 
i.e. vectors localised in definite straight lines. The rotor may 
be specified by giving its vector and a point on its line of 
action. It is, however, usual and convenient to give 

(i) the axis, (ii) the vector, 
so that the direction is given twice over. 

To avoid confusion in graphical work, the axes of the forces 
(rotors) should be drawn on a different part of the paper from 
the vectors giving the magnitudes, direction and senses of the 

Equilibrant. When a body is in equilibrium under the 
action of a number of forces, the forces themselves are, for 
shortness, often spoken of as being in equilibrium. For such 
a system of forces any one may be said to be in equilibrium 
with the rest, and from this point of view is called the eq[iiilibrant 
of the others. 

Resultant. The equilibrant of such a system of forces would 
be in equilibrium with a certain single force differing from it 
only in sense (Expt. II.), and this reversed equilibrant would 
have the same effect, so far as motion is concerned, as all the 
rest of the forces together. The equilibrant reversed in sense 
is called the resultant of the forces. 


It should be noticed that it has not been shewn that any 
system of forces has a resultant, but simply that if a system of 
forces is in equilibrium any one of them reversed in sense is the 
resultant of the rest, and would produce the same effect as 
regards motion as all the rest together. 

Resultant of Concurrent Forces. To find the resultant 
of a number of concurrent forces acting on a body, add their 
vectors to a resultant vector and through the point of con- 
currence draw the axis of the resultant force parallel to its 

Force Scale 
' P ? 8 ? 6 5 4 3 

lbs. wt. I 

Fm. 130. 

Example 1. Find the resultant of two forces of magnitude 9'2 
avd 12'1 lbs. weight acting towards the E. and towards a point 66-5° 

Draw the axes a and i (Fig. 130) and add the vectors a and j8 
of the forces (scale 1" to 5 lb.), a + p = y, then y is the vector of 
the resultant force. Through the point of intersection of a and b 
draw the axis c of the resultant. 


Notice that if y be set off along c and a. and ^ along a and h, 
they form two adjacent sides and the concurrent diagonal of 
a parallelogram. That the magnitude, direction and sense of 
the resultant of two intersecting forces can be found, by adding 
the forces as vectors, is often, but badly, expressed by saying 
that forces are combined by the parallelogram law. 

Example 2. Fvnd the resultant offow forces of Tnagmtvdes 13, 11, 
9, 7 kilogrammes iveight whose axes are the lines joining a point to 
points A, B, C, D, the five points being the vertices in order of a 
regular pentagon, and the senses being from to A, to B, to C 
and D to 0. 

Draw a circle of radius 2", divide the circumference into five 
equal parts with dividers by the method of trial. Mark the five 
points in order 0, A, B, C, D, then draw the vector polygon, 
a. of length 13 cms. parallel to OA, /3 of length 11 cms. parallel 
to OB, y of length 9 cms. parallel to 00, and, finally, S parallel 
to OD, but having a sense from D to 0. The vector o- joining 
the beginning of a to the end of S is the resultant force in magni- 
tude, direction and sense. Finally, draw a line through parallel 
to 0-, this is the axis of the resultant force. 

(2.5) Find the resultant of two forces of magnitudes 16 and 18 kilogrammes 
weight, if they are directed N. and 75° E. of N. 

(26) Three concurrent forces have magnitudes 23, 18, 15 lbs. weight, find 
their resultant in magnitude, direction and sense when the angles between 
them are 120° and 100°, and the forces all act outwards. 

(27) If two forces are equal, shew that the resultant must bisect the angle 
between them. 

(28) If the magnitudes only of 
two forces are given, in what 
relative directions should they 
act so that the resultant is (i) as 
big, (ii) as small as possible. 

(29) a (Fig. 1.31) acts in the axis 
Ox, another force in Oy ; find 

graphically the magnitude and 

sense of this force so that the,0 

resultant may be as small as ■ 

(30) Concurrent forces of magnitudes 12, 17, 10 and 8 lbs. weight are 
directed towards N., N.E., S.E. and 30° W. of S. respectively; fcid the 
resultant in magnitude, direction and sense. 


(31 ) A wheel has six equi-spaoed radial spokes ; four consecutive spokes 
are in tension and pull on the hub with forces of 10, 15, 12 and 7 lbs. 
weight ; find the resultant pull on the hub due to these spokes. 

(32) A string ABO is fastened to a hook at A, passes round a free 
running pulley at B (AB horizontal), and is pulled in the direction BG 
where ABO= 105° with a force equal to the weight of 17 lbs. Find the 
resultant force on the pulley at B. 

(33) ABGD is a square of side 2", a force of 11 lbs. weight acts from A 
to B, one of 7 lbs. from D to A and one of 3 lbs. from G to A ; find the 
resultant force. 


Newton's Laws of Motion. The laws for the combina- 
tion of concurrent forces deduced from Expts. I. to VII. are 
immediate deductions from Newton's famous Second Law of 
Motion. Stated shortly in modern language the law is — a force 
acting on a particle (or body, if the axis passes through the 
M.c), is measured by the product of the mass of the body and 
the acceleration produced. 

Acceleration being a vector quantity, force is a vector quantity, 
and since the force must act on the mass moved, it is a localised 
vector quantity or rotor. 

The effect of two or more concurrent forces is found, therefore, 
by adding the corresponding accelerations as vectors. The single 
force, which would produce this resultant acceleration, is called 
the resultant force, and is measured by the product of the mass 
and this acceleration. To find, then, the resultant of a number of 
concurrent forces, add the forces as vectors ; the sum gives the 
vector of the resultant force, and the axis of the force passes 
through the given point of concurrence. 

A mass being in equilibrium when it has no acceleration, we 
see this will be the case, when, the axes being concurrent, the 
vector sum of the forces is zero, and conversely. 

The equation connecting the three quantities, mass, force and 

acceleration is 

Force = Mass x Acceleration. 


^Mass and Weight. If a foot and a second are units of 
length and time, a foot per second is the unit of speed, and 
a speed of a foot per second added per second (or a ft. per sec. per 
sec.) is the unit of speed acceleration. Further, if the unit of 
mass be a lb. mass, the unit of force must be that force which 
would give a lb. mass a speed acceleration of a ft. per sec. per 
sec. ; or which would increase its speed every second by a ft. 
per sec. This follows at once from the equation : if the mass = 1 
and the acceleration = 1, then the force must = 1. 

We know that a body falling freely has a speed acceleration 
of 32'2 ft. per sec. per sec ; hence if the mass be a lb. mass, the 
force acting on it is the lb. weight and is given by the equation, 

lb.-wt.= force = 1 x 32-2. 

In this system, then, the force on a falling lb. mass would 
be 1 X 32'2 units of force ; this is the weight of a lb. mass 
in these units. For statical purposes it is better, however, not 
to use this system, but to take the weight of the lb. mass as the 
unit of force. 

The expressions lb. weight, force of a lb. weight, and lb. mass 
will often be met with ; the first denotes the force with which 
the earth attracts the lb. mass ; the second a force equal in 
magnitude to the weight of a lb. mass, but usually having a 
different direction. 

In the c.G.S. system, similar double terms occur. The unit of 
mass is here a gramme, and the unit of length and time a 
centimetre and a second. 

Unit force is then = gramme x an acceleration of a centimetre 
per sec. per sec, and is called a dyne. 

The acceleration due to gravity in centimetres per sec. per sec. 
is 981, and, therefore, the weight of a gramme mass is 981 
dynes. In statics, however, it is usual to consider the gramme 
weight as the unit of force, and thus we meet with the terms, 
gramme weight, force of a gramme weight, and gramme (or 
gramme mass). 




Action and Reaction. In Expt. II. (p. 119) the ring was 
found to be in equilibrium under the opposite pulls of the 
threads BA and CD. Consider the bit of thread AB, it is in 
equilibrium under the pull ( = W-^) from A upwards and the pull 
( = ;Fj) from B downwards. At B the action of the thread on 
BO is equal and opposite to that on BA. At every point of the 
thread a similar argument holds, i.e. there are two equal and 
opposite forces pulling away from each other. This double set 
of forces is called a stress, tensile stress in this particular case. 

If a column (Fig. 132) supports a load JV, then the action 
of the upper portion on AP is (neglecting the weight of the 
column itself) a downward push = JV, and the 
upper part is in equilibrium under the load W 
and the reaction of AP. The action at P, 
therefore, on the upper part must consist of 
an upward push = W. Whatever part of the 
column be considered, the result is the same, at 
every point there are two equal and opposite 
pushing forces. This double set of forces is 
called a compressive stress. 

No force can be exerted without the presence 
of an equal and opposite one. If a body be 
pushed, the body will push back with a force (called the resist- 
ance) equal in magnitude and opposite to it in sense. 

If a spiral spring be pulled out beyond its natural length it 
tends to shorten and pulls back with a force of equal magnitude. 
Again, the wind only exerts force in so far as its motion is 
resisted, and the resisting obstacle reacts on the moving air with 
a force of equal magnitude. 

Put shortly as in Newton's Third Law of Motion : the action 
of one body on another (or of one part of a body on another 
part) is equal in magnitude and opposite in sense to that of the 
second body on the first, or still more shortly : action and re- 
action are equal in magnitude, Iiave the same axis, but are of 
opposite sense. 


Fia. 132. 



Example. A hook is in equilibrium on a horizontal table, not 
because there is no force acting on it, but because the pressure of the 
book on the table, due to its weight, is exactly equal in magnitude and 
opposite in sense to the reaction of the table on the book. 






Flo. 133. 

Suppose the table to be tilted ; then if the book still remains in 
equilibrium it must be because the reaction of the table is still 
vertical, and of the same magnitude as before. * The reaction is 
therefore no longer normal to the table, and hence there must 
be some force along the common surface of table and book; in 
fact, there is friction. 

Ideal surfaces between which normal action alone is possible 
are called frictionless or smooth. Smooth as applied to one body 
only is, strictly speaking, meaningless ; it is a term relating to 
the action and reaction of two bodies. If in any problem one 
surface is spoken of as being smooth, it is meant that the action 
between that surface and any other body considered in the 
problem is wholly normal. 

Since the action between any two bodies is never wholly 
normal, problems involving the supposition that certain surfaces 
are smooth are to a great extent academic, and the results 
obtained must be regarded as only first approximations to the 
real state of things. 

Note. In this chapter the weight of a body will be supposed 
to act through its mass-centre. 

*If a body is in equilibrium under two forces— the weight and the table 
reaction— these forces can only differ in sense. 



Example. A body of weight W (2-5 Mlogrms.) is kept in position 
on a smooth plane of inclination 30° by a hmizontal force a. What 
must be the magnitude and sense of a, ami what is the reaction of the 

The body is in equilibrium under the action of three forces,* 
viz. the weight, the force a, and the reaction y of the plane. 
The latter is perpendicular to the plane, since the plane is 

Set oS JB= 2-5" (Fig. 
134) vertically downwards, 
draw through A, AC mak- 
ing 30° with the vertical, 
and through B, BC hori- 


BC measures the pull 
= 1 -44 kilogrms., 

CA measures the reaction 
= 2-89 kilogrms. 

Force Scale 

Kilogrammes wt. 
FlQ. 134. 

* The axes must bo concurrent, p. 132. 


(34) If the plane is inclined at 75°, find a and 7. 

(35) If the plane is inclined at 30° and the direction of a makes 15° above 
the horizontal, find a and 7. 

(36) If the plane is inclined at 30°, and a's direction is 15° below the 
horizontal, find a and 7, 

(37) Shew from the vector polygon that, whatever the inclination of the 
plane, the pull will be a minimum if it be applied parallel to the plane. 

(38) A garden roller of weight 2 cwts. is hauled up a slope inclined 1 in 5 
(1 vertically to 5 horizontally) and. held with the handle horizontal. What 
is the horizontal pull on the handle ? 

(39) A body weighing 7 cwts. is kept in position on a smooth inclined 
plane by a force of 2 cwts. parallel to and up the plane and another force 
inclined at 15° below the horizontal. The ratio of the height and the 
base of the plane being 0'7, find the force inclined at 30° and the reaction 
of the plane. 

Example. A mass of 5 lbs. weight is attached to a string of length 
1 ft. The string is fastened to a point on the circumference of a smooth, 
fixed horizontal cylinder of radius 2 ft. The point of attachment being 
r2 ft. from the top of the cylinder ; find the tension in the string and 
the reaction of the cylinder. 

The direction of the string at C is along the tangent to the 
circle, the string being supposed quite flexible. 

The tension in the string being the same at all points of BC 
(see formal proof on p. 162) it is immaterial at what point we 
suppose it fastened to the cylinder; in fact the length of the 
string may be anything, provided one end is at C and it is 
wound on the cylinder from the fastened end towards C in a 
clockwise sense. 

Draw a circle of radius 2" to represent the vertical section of 
the cylinder containing the weight and string. Step off, from 
the highest point A (Fig. 135), the are ^C=2-2". Join to 
the centre of the circle. Then draw the vector polygon of the 
forces ; a vertically downwards of length 5 cms., y parallel and jS 
perpendicular to 00. Then measure y and /? in cms to obtain 
the reaction of the cylinder and the tension of the string. 



Position Scale 

3' 4' 
I L 

I 1 I 1 1 1_ 

Force Scale 

Pio. 135. 



Example. A body of 15 lbs. weight is sustained on a smooth 

vndined plwne by a horizontal farce of 7-2 lbs. weight and a force 

■parallel to the plane of 3-7 lbs. weight. What is the inclination of tJw 

plane and its reaetim,? „^ ,^. ^„„, 

^ Draw OA (Fig. 136) 

Ok downwards of length 15 

cms., then AB horizontally 

of length 7-2 cms. With B 

as centre, describe a circle 

of radius 3-7 cms., and, 

by the aid of set squares, 

draw a tangent to it from 

; let BD and OD be the 

radius and tangent. 

Fig. 136. 

Measure OD on the cm. scale, this gives the reaction ; measure 
the slope of BB by finding how many inches it rises for 1" 
horizontally, or use a protractor and obtain the angle DBA. 
(Eeaction= 16-25 lbs. and angle of plane 38'2° approximately.) 

(40) A mass of 7 lbs. weight is to be attached to the highest point of a 
smooth horizontal cylinder (radius 2') by a string which can only bear a 
tension of 4 lbs. ; what is the greatest length of string that may be used ? 
(The reaction being perpendicular to the tension, the vector triangle is right- 
angled, and since a is known and the magnitude of /3, y is determined. ) 

(41) Find the inclination of a smooth plane so that a body of 5 kilogrms. 
weight may be supported on it by a horizontal push of 2 kilogrms. weight. 



(42) Knd the inclination of a smooth plane bo 
that a body of 17 lbs. weight may be supported 
on it by a force of 7 lbs. weight applied parallel 
to the plane. (In this case we know the reaction 
of the plane is perpendicular to the applied force 
of 7 Ids., so set off 17 cms. vertically down- 
wards for the weight. From the lower end of 
this line describe an arc of radius 7 cms. as in 
Fig. 137, and draw a tangent to it from the 
upper end. The length of the tangent gives 
the reaction R. The reaction, and therefore 
the normal to the plane, is now known. ) 

Fig. 137. 

(43) A body of weight 15 lbs. is supported on a smooth inclined plane by 
a horizontal force of 7 lbs. weight together with a force of 4 lbs. weight 
acting parallel to and up the plane ; find the inclination of the plane 
and the reaction. 

(44) A truck weighing 15 cwts. is kept at rest on an incline of 1 in 5 (one 
vertical to five horizontal) by a rope 6 ft. long attached to the truck 3 ft. 
above the level of the rails and fastened to a hook midway between them. 
Find the pull on the rope. 

(45) A smooth ring weighing 3 kilogrms. can slide on a vertical circular 
hoop of radius 2 ft. It is attached to the highest point of the hoop by a 
string 3 ft. long. Find the tension in the string and the reaction of the 
hoop on the ring. (The reaction is along a radius of the circle since the 
ring is smooth. ) 

(46) A string with equal weights of 11 lbs. attached to its ends is hung 
over two parallel smooth pegs A and B in the same horizontal line ; find 
the pressures on the pegs. (The tension of the string is the same through- 
out ; the concurrent forces at each peg which are in equilibrium are the 
reaction of the peg and the two pulls of the string, one on each side of 
the peg.) 

(47) If in Ex. 46 the line AB makes an angle of 40° with the horizontal ; 
find the pressures on the pegs. 

(48) A string with equal weights of 750 grms. attached to its ends 
passes round three pegs in a vertical plane at the vertices of an equilateral 
triangle. Find the pressures on the pegs when one side of the triangle is 
horizontal and (i) the third vertex above, (ii) the third vertex below the 
horizontal side, the string passing under this vertex and over the other two. 


Simple Bar Frameworks. In problems on the equilibrium 
of very simple frameworks of rods we suppose at first that 
(i) the weight of the rods may be neglected ; 
(ii) the joint connecting two rods is made by a perfectly 

smooth circular pin ; 
(iii) the loads are applied only at the joints. 
The action of the pin on the rod must then pass through the 
centre of the pin (why T) ; hence, any rod is under the action of 
two forces passing through the centres of the end pins, and for 
equilibrium these forces must be equal and opposite, i.e. in the 
line joining the centres of the pins. The bars may therefore 
be represented by the lines joining the pin centres. 

Example. A wall crane consists of two bars AC and BC pin- 
jointed together at C and to the wall at A and B. (BC is called the 
beam, AC the tie rod.) A load of 4-02 tons is suspended from C. 
Find the stresses in BC and AC and whether they are tensile or 
compressive, given that BC= 10-1 ft., AC= 15/if. 

Since the forces on the pin at C are 4-02 tons downwards and 
pulls or pushes along BO and OA, we have simply to find the 
forces in the directions OA and OB which will be in equilibrium 
with 4'02 tons downwards. 

Draw first the crane to scale and then set off" Of = 4 '02 cms. 
(Fig. 138) vertically downwards and draw PQ horizontally and QO 
parallel to AO. The forces at are given by OP, PQ and QO in 
magnitude, direction and sense. Scale these vectors ; PQ gives 
3-64 tons. Notice that OPQ is similar to ABO, hence, if ABC 
be supposed the vector polygon for the forces at 0, then AB 
represents 4-02 tons. Measure the length of AB, and from this 
determine the forces represented by BO and OA. 

At G the beam BO pushes from left to right, and, therefore, 
since C is in equilibrium, the pin must push the beam from 
right to left and exerts a compressive force on it. Again, the 
beam is in equilibrium and hence the pin at B must also exert a 
force on the beam from left to right. Hence, BO is in a state of 





l' J 
1 1 



Crane Scale 

f ?' 7' ?' 

?' 1°' 

II' 12* 

1 1 






Force Scale 








FlQ. 138. 

compression and the compressive stress is measured simply by 
the force at either end. 

T.6, K 


Again, QO measures the action of the bar AC on C, and since 
it is upwards, the bar evidently pulls at C; and further, since the 
bar is in equilibrium it must also pull the pin at A, and hence 
the bar AC is pulled at C and A with forces tending to lengthen 
it and must therefore be in a state of tensile stress or (shortly) in 

(49) If BG=9 ft. and AG =12 ft., and the load suspended from O is 
3 '78 tons, find the stresses in AC, and BO. 

(50) If ABO=m', BaA=4:5°, and the load is 6-3 tons, find the stresses. 

(51) If BC= 10 ft. and AB= 12 ft., and BO slopes downwards at an 
angle of 30°, find the stresses in AB and BO due to a load of 2 '8 tons wt. 

(52) If BO =10 ft. and is horizontal, find the stresses in BO and AO 
when AB has the following lengths 10, 8, 6, 4 and 3 ft. ; the load is 1'7 
tons wt. Draw a graph shewing the relation between the length oi AB 
and the stress in BO. 

Example. In a wall crane ACB (Fig. 139) the diain hearing the 
load W passes over a smooth pulley at C and is fixed to the wall at E ; 
f/nd the stresses in AC and CB given that AC is horizontal and 
of length 9 ft., BG= 12 ft, AE = 4-4 ft., and W = 3-7 tons. 

Draw the frame to scale, say 1 cm. to a foot. Since the pulley 
is smooth, the pull on E, and therefore the tension in CE, is 
measured by 3'7 tons weight. 

Hence, set oif OF = 3-7" vertically downwards to represent the 
load; then PQ = 3-7" parallel to CE. Through Q draw QR 
parallel to AC, and through draw OR parallel to BC ; then 
OPQR is the vector polygon of the forces keeping the pin in 
equilibrium at C. 

Measure the lines to scale. The senses in which the vectors 
must be taken at are decided by OP and PQ. QE acts from A 
to C, and the bar pushes at C and is therefore in compression. 
RO acts from C to B, and the bar pulls at C and is therefore in 

(53) Mnd the stresses when AE=3 ft. 

(54) Find the stresses if A0=AB = 9 ft., AE=i-5 ft., and AO slopes 
upwards at an angle of 20° with the horizontal. 




























Example. Two equal rods AB and AC are pin-jointed together 
at A and their other ends connected by a cord BC ; the whole rests on a 
smooth table in a vertical plane with a weight W= 29-4 lbs. suspended 
from A. Given AB = AC = 3-2 ft. and BC = 5-9 ft., find the stresses 
in AB, AC and BC. 

First draw the frame ABC (Fig. 140) to scale (1" to 1'), and 
then the vector polygon: OP =5-88 inches, PQ parallel to AB, 
QO parallel to AC. Then these vectors measured on ^" scale 
give the stresses in the bars in lbs. weight. Are the rods AB 
and AC in compression or tension? 

For the joint B the force QP pushes. Draw PiZ parallel to 
BC and QR vertical, then the sense of the vector triangle for 
B is QPJR, and PR measures the tensile (why tensile V) stress in 
BC. Why was RQ drawn vertically upwards, and what does it 
measure 1 

(55) It AB = 3 ft., A0=2 ft., BG=S-5 ft. and W=2-3 kilogrms., find all 
the stresses and the reactions of the table at B and C. 

(56) The Derrick Crane. BC (Fig. 141) is the 
post (kept vertical by some means not shewn), 
AC the jib, AB the tie rod. Given AB = 6 ft., 
A0=13 ft. and BO=10 ft. A load W=7-i tons 
is suspended from A, find the stresses in AB and 

(57) If the supporting chain passes over a smooth 
pulley at A and is fixed at D, where CD =3-5 ft., 
find the stresses in AB and AC. 

(58) Given AB=n It, AC=25 ft., 5C=16 ft., 
GD=5 ft. and H''=14'5 tons", find the stresses in 

(59) A picture weighing 6 '5 lbs. is hung by a 
wire over a smooth nail. If the distance apart of Fia. 141. 
the points AB s.t which the wire is fastened be 

1 ft. 7 in. and the length of the string 2 ft. 3 in. , find the pressure on the 
nail and the tension in the string. 

(60) If the length of the string in Ex. 59 vary, draw a graph shewing 
the relation between the tension of the string and its length. 

(61) Light rods AC, CB, of lengths 7'2 ft. and 5'7 ft. are pin-jointed 
together and to two fixed points A and S distant 6'3 ft. apart. AB is 
incUned to the horizontal at an angle of 25" [A being the higher) a load 
of 4-7 owta. is suspended from the pin joining the two rods ; find the 
stresses in the rods. 



(62) ABC (Fig. 142) is a wall crane pin- 
jointed a,t A, B and O ; a load W oi 5 tons 
is suspended from a pulley D, which is 
attached to the crane at B and Chy a, chain 
BDG. ABD = T2°, AC=1-5 ft., ^.8= 12-9 
ft. ; find the stresses in ^ B and BO. (Notice 
that BD and OB must be equally inclined 
to the vertical, since the tension throughout 
the chain is constant. Hence first draw the 
vector triangle for the forces at D, and 
determine this tension. Knowing the pull 
of the chain at B, the stresses in AB and 
BO can be found. ) 

(63) A picture, of weight 11 lbs., is suspended from a smooth nail by a 
continuous string passing through two smooth rings on the picture frame 
distant apart 1 ft. 7 in. If the height of the nail above the two rings 
be 3 ft., find the tension in the string and the pressures on the nail and 

(64) AB and BO (Fig. 143) are light rods pin-jointed together at B, and 
to fixed points at A and O. A load W 

(7 cwts.) is suspended by a chain which ^B 

passes over a smooth pulley at B and is 

attached to M, the mid-point of AO. The 

load is pulled by a horizontal rope until 

the chain makes an angle of 30° with the 

vertical. Find the stresses in the rods and ^-^ / / iiW 

chain, given that AB= 10 ft., 

BO =5-i ft. and ^C=6-22 ft. 


Fig. 143. 

Components of a Force. In relation to their resultant the 
forces of a given system are called the components. Finding 



the resultant of a set of concurrent forces is a unique process ; 
the converse problem of finding the components when the 
resultant is known is not in general unique. 

A force may be decomposed into two components having 
given directions and passing through any point on the axis, in 
one and one way only. 

The proof is exactly the same as that for the decomposition 
of vectors, on p. 84. 

When the component of a force in a given direction is spoken 
of without reference to the other component, it is always implied 
that the two components are perpendicular. 

Scalar Conditions of Equilibrium for Concurrent Forces. 

For equilibrium under concurrent forces, it is a sufficient and 
necessary condition that the vector polygon of the forces should 
be a closed figure. 


Fia. 144. 

Let the axes of the forces be supposed concurrent, and let 
a, j3, ... cr he their vectors whose sum is zero {i.e. the vector 
polygon is closed). Draw any line XX ; project the vectors on 
to this line by drawing parallels through the end points of 
the vectors. If aj, ;8j, ... be the projections, Fig. 144 shews that 



Similarly project on Yy a line parallel to the former direction 
of projection, and establish a similar theorem for the projection 

on It, VIZ. 

"■2 +1^2 + 7-2 + ^2 + "'2 = 0. 

Then a^ and a^ axe the components of a in the directions XX 
and VY, and so for the other components, and the sum of the 
components in any two directions is zero. 

Conversely, if the sum is zero in any two directions the vector 
polygon is closed, and the forces (if concurrent) are in equi- 
librium. One direction is not sufficient, for it might happen, 
as in Fig. 145, that though the polygon is not closed, the first 
and last points of the projections are coincident 

Fio. US. 

The two directions being at right angles we have the theorem : 
The sum of tW components in any direction of all the forces 
acting on a body in equilibrium is zero. 

Again, - o- is the resultant of a + ;8 + y + 8, and hence we get 
the theorem : The sum of the components in any direction of 
any number of concurrent forces is equal to the component of 
the resultant in that direction. 

(65) Five oonourrent forces in a horizontal plane have components 3 '7, 
2'1, rS, r7 and 2-9 towards the N., and components 1'2, 3'7, 2'4, 3 and 
3 '2 towards the E. Find the resultant in magnitude, direction, sense and 



(66) Mark on squared paper the four points whose ooordinates are (1, 0), 
(17, 2), (2'3, 1), (3'2, 4) inches, and let the lines joining the origin to these 
points represent concurrent forces to the scale of 1 cm. toakilogrm. Find 
the resultant by (i) the vector polygon method, (ii) the component method. 

(67) Forces of magnitude 5, 2'8, 3'1, 4'7 are concurrent and make angles 
of 15°, 30°, 60° and 75° with a line through the point of concurrence. Find 
the forces in this line and a line perpendicular to it which would be in 
equilibrium with the given forces. 

Example 1. A horse begins to pull a small tramcar with a 
force P = 500 lbs. weight. The traces make an angle of 25° with 
the horizontal, find the component of P in the direction of motion. 
If the weight of the car be ^ a ton, what is the reaction of the 
I i {Suppose no friction.) 

Force Scale 

lbs. wt. 
Flo. 146. 

Draw OA = 5" (Fig. 146) making 25° with Ox, and draw AB 
perpendicular to Ox; then, since as vectors OA = OB + BA, OB 
represents the forward pull on the car. 

From B along BA set up 5(7=11-2", then AC gives the 
reaction of the ground, for it represents the weight of the car, 
less the vertically upwards component of the pull of the traces. 


Example 2. The points A and B are 5" apart and distant 1 and 
3-7" respectively frim the line CD, and both on the same side of it. 
Find the components through A and B of a force of 8 lbs. in CD, when 
(i) the component through A is perpendicular to CD ; (ii) the com- 
ponents through A ami B are mutually perpendicular; (iii) the 
components are equal in magnitude. 

(i) Draw, through A, AO perpendicular to CD. Join BO, and 
find the components of the 8 lbs. weight along OA and OB. 

(ii) Draw a semicircle on ^5, cutting CD in and 0^ ; then 
0^, 05, O^A and OjiJ are possible directions for the components. 
There are thus in this particular case two sets of components 
which will satisfy the conditions of the problem. Find these 

(iii) Draw AM perpendicular to CD and produce it to A^, 
where AM=MA-^. Join A^B, cutting CD in N; then AN 
and NB are the required directions. Find the components 
in these directions. 

(68) In the above example, if B is on the opposite side of CD to A, 
determine the components in the three cases (i), (ii) and (iii). 

(69) The pressure of wind on a sail when the sail is perpendicular to the 
wind is 500 lbs. weight ; find the normal pressure on the sail when the wind 
makes angles of 15°, 40°, 65° and 75° respectively with the sail. 

(70) Find the components of a force of 11 lbs. weight making angles of 
30° and 75° with it. 

(71) A force of 17 lbs. weight is directed due N. ; find the components in 
the directions (i) N.E. and N.W., (ii) E. and N.W., (iii) S.E. and 30° 
W. of N. 

(72) Two ropes are attached to the coupling of a railway van and are 
pulled horizontally with forces of 200 lbs. and 270 lbs. weight. The 
lengths of the taut ropes are 18 ft. and 21 ft. and their ends remote from 
the truck are at distances of 10 ft. and 7 ft. respectively from the centre 
Une of the rails. Find the forward puU of the van and the side thrusts 
on the rails when (i) both ropes are on the same side, (ii) on opposite sides 
of the rails. 

(73) On squared paper mark the positions of two points whose coordinates 
are (1, 2) and (2'4, 1'2) inches; find the components through the origin 
and these points of a force of 7 lbs. weight acting (i) along the axis of x, 
(ii) along the axis of y, (iii) along the line bisecting the angle xOy. 

(74) On squared paper mark the point whose coordinates are (2'7, 1"1), 
and draw a Une parallel to Oy and distant 1" from it on the negative side. 
Find the components of a force of 5 lbs. weight, one of which is along this 
parallel and the other passes through the given point when the axis of the 



force is (i) along Ox, (it) along Oy, (iii) a line making 30° with Ox and outs 
Ox at 1 '5" from the origin on the positive side. 

(75) A smooth inclined plane (Fig. 147) rising 1 in 3 has a smoothly 
running pulley at the top. 

A body of weight W (11-6 
lbs.) is kept in equilibrium 
by the pull of a string 
parallel to the plane. The 
pull being produced by a 
freely hanging weight P, 
find P and the reaction of 
the plane. 

What is the component of 
the weight parallel to the 
plane ? What is the vertical 
component of the reaction of 
the plane ? 

(76) A man distant 13"5 ft. from a tree pulls at the upper part of the trunk 
by a rope of length 40 ft. His pull is equal to a weight of 80 lbs. What is 
the horizontal pull on the tree, and what is the force producing compressive 
stress in the trunk ? 

(77) A barge is towed by a horse with a pull P of 152 lbs. weight making 
an angle of 20° with the direction of the bank. What is the force pro- 
ducing forward motion, and what would be the side thrust of the water on 
the barge if there were no side motion ? 

(78) A block is partly supported by a smooth right-angled wedge of 
weight 18 lbs. (as in Fig. 148) the height and base of the wedge being 

Fia. 147. 

Fio. 148. 

3 '2 ft. and 6 ft. respectively. If, to maintain equilibrium, the wedge has 
to be pushed with a horizontal force of 28 lbs. weight, what are the 
reactions of the wedge on the body and on the horizontal table ? 

(79) A uniform cylinder of 
weight 57 lbs. rests on two 
inclined planes as indicated 
in Fig. 149. The planes are 
hinged together at A ; what 
is the tension at A , and what 
is the pressure of each plane 
on the ground, given that the 
wedges are equal in all re- 
spects, each weighing 15 lbs., 
and that 




Example. OF (Fig. 150) represents the crank of an engine, P 
moving in the circle DFE omd being fixed. OF is the connecting rod, 
being the cross head of the piston rod which moves to and fro along AB 
(AB = DE). C is kept in the line AB by guides. The forward 
thrust on C being 5000 lbs. weight, find the force transmitted along 
the connecting rod OF and the side presswe on the guides at C 
(assuming no friction) given that CF = 6-5 ft., DE == 3 ft. and AC = 6" 
the direction of motion F being as indicated. 

Find also the components of the force transmitted, along CF in the 
direction of the forwrnd motion of F and perpendicular to it, (i.e., along 
the tangent and radius at F j. 

First draw the position diagram to scale, say 2 cms. to 1 ft. 
Next construct the vector diagram PQ = 5" to represent 5000 lbs.; 
then QR and PB are perpendicular to AB and parallel to OF 
respectively. QR is the thrust on the guides (and RQ is the 
reaction of the guide on G keeping it in the path ACB) and PR 
is the force transmitted along the connecting rod. 

Draw P8 perpendicular and RS parallel to OF, then PR acting 

along OF is equivalent to PS acting along the tangent at F and 

SR acting from F to 0. PS then gives the forward thrust of F. 

(80) Find the force on F urging it round the circle when AC=(i'2, 0'4, 
0-6 and 0-8 times AB. 

Example. Draw a graph shewing the connection, between the 
position of C (Fig. 150) and the thrust on F wrging it round the circle. 

Divide AB into ten equal parts and draw ordinates at A and B 
and the points of division. Produce Ci^ to cut the ordinate at 
in G. Project Q horizontally on to the ordinate at 0. Do this 
for the eleven marked positions of C and join the points so deter- 
mined by a smooth curve. The force scale for this representation 
is OF to 5000 lbs. 

Compare the results with those obtained by the vector polygon. 

* Proof. 

From the construction of Fig. 150 we have the following 
relations between the angles : 

BPQ= GCO =90° -OGF, PES = GFO, 



and hence ^ = cos RPQ = cos (90° - OGF) = sin OGF, 


^ = sin PRS= sin GFO; 

. PS sin GFO OG 
•• PQ sin OGF~ OF' 


Via. 150. 

Hence, if OF be taken to represent PQ or 5000 lbs. wt., OG 
will represent PS or the forward thrust on the piston, 


* (81) If the force on the piston decreases viniformly from 5000 lbs. at A 
to zero at B, find by a graphical construction the forward thrust on 
^when the cross head is at Oand AO=<i'^AB. 

*(82) Construct the curve giving the relation between the forward 
thrust on F and the displacement of G for the variable force given in 
the last example. Set up, perpendicular ia AB, .4 i4i= radius of crank 
circle and project from G to Gj on AA^ and join O-^B; the point of inter- 
section of &iB and GCj gives the force required for displacement AG. 

Example. AB (Fig. 151) represents a sail of a ship whose keel 
line is as shewn. The thrust a of the wind on AB if perpendicular to 
the mnd would be 500 lbs. weight. If AB makes an angle of 30° mth 
the keel line and the relative velocity of the wind to the ship be in 
direction CM, making 45° with keel line, find the thrust v/rging the ship 

Resolve a into /? and y perpendicular and parallel to the sail 
AB. y has no eifect on the ship's motion. Find the components 
of /8 along and perpendicular to the keel line; the former, S 
(approximately 64-7 lbs. weight) is the thrust urging the ship 
forward, the latter, t, tends to produce lee-way and in good sailers 
is nearly balanced by the resistance of the water to side motion 
and the force of the current on the rudder. 

In the vector diagram, since RPQ is a right angle, a circle 
described on RQ as diameter will pass through P. Draw this 
circle. As the direction of the sail line AB is changed the 
point P will move on this circle. Evidently as P changes, the 
length QT will alter and it will be greatest when PT is a tangent 
to the circle. 

Kow, the radius being perpendicular to the tangent at any 
point, the line joining P (when PT is a tangent) to the mid- 
point S of RQ must be perpendicular to PT and therefore parallel 
to the keel line. Hence, to find the best position for the sail, 
bisect RQ at S and describe a circle of radius SQ ; then draw SP 
parallel to the keel line cutting the circle at P. RP gives the 
direction in which the sail should be set and the greatest 
possible forward thrust is given by QT. Since SRP = \QSP we 
may give this direction as the one bisecting the angle between 
the keel line and the direction of the relative wind. 



No matter how small the angle between the keel line and the 
wind direction, there will always be a force urging the vessel 
on. If there be much lee-way, sailing close to the wind is impossible. 



Fig. 161. 

(83) Draw a figure for the case when the sail is set on the other side of 
the keel line, and shew that this ease is an impossible one. 

(84) The keel line being from W. to E. and the relative wind from the 
N.W. ; find the forward thrust on the ship when the sail is set 25° S. of W. 

(85) Shew from the vector diagram for given directions of the keel line 
and stern wind that the greatest forward thrust would not be obtained 
by putting the sail as nearly perpendicular as possible to the keel line. 

(86) The keel line being from N. to S. and the relative wind from E. to 
W., find the forward thrust when the sail makes an angle of 20° with the 
keel line. Find the angle at which it should be set to give maximum 
forward thrust on the ship. 


(87) The force of a current on a rudder when placed perpendicular to the 
stream is 50 lbs. ; find the retarding force on the ship when the rudder 
makes angles of 20°, 30° and 60° with the keel line. Shew that, in a race, 
the rudder should be used as little as possible. 

(88) Explain how it is that a kite, though fairly heavy, is enabled to rise 
in the air. 

(89) The force of the wind on a kite if placed perpendicular to it would 
be 5 lbs. When the kite makes an angle of 35° with the horizontal, find 
the force due to the wind iirging it upwards. 

(90) In Ex. 89 if the kite be stationary and its weight 10 ozs., what is 
the puU of the string on the kite in magnitude, direction, and sense. 

Body in Equilibrium under Three Non-Parallel Forces. 

Experiment VII. on p. 122 shewed that when a body is in equili- 
brium under three non-parallel forces, the axes of the forces are 
concurrent. The same result follows from the combination of 
concurrent forces, deduced from Newton's Second Law of Motion, 
since equilibrium is only possible under three forces when the 
resultant of any two differs only in sense from the third. 

This consideration enables us to draw the axes of those forces 
in equilibrium when one force is unknown in direction. 

Example. A uniform beam rests vnih rnie end against a smooth 
vertical wall and the other on rough ground. Determine the readions 
of the ground and wall. 

AB (Fig. 152) is the beam of length 25 ft., ABC=&Q° and 
the weight is 0'505 cwt. 

Draw the beam in position (scale 1 in. to 5 ft.), then draw a 
vertical through G the M.C. of beam, and a horizontal through 
A, intersecting in 0. Join OB, then BO is the direction of the 
ground's reaction. 

Construct the vector polygon (scale 10 cms. to \ cwt.). 
Draw P0=10 cms. downwards; then QB horizontal and RP 
parallel to BO. Scale the lengths, QR and PR giving the re- 
actions (Q/i = 0-145 cwt., i2P = 0-525 cwt. approximately). Why 
is AO drawn perpendicular to A CI 

(91) Determine the reactions of the wall and ground if .45 is inclined at 
45° to the horizontal. 

(92) Determine the reaction of the wall and ground ii AB is inclined at 
40° to the horizontal and the mass centre G of the beam is at 9 ft. from 
the ground, reckoned along the beam. 



(93) A uniform beam AB hinged 3.t A, is supported in an inclined 
position to a vertical wall AC hy a, string GB fixed to the wall at O. 
The weight of the beam is 17 kilogrms., AB=iit., AG=2it., BO =5-2 it., 
find the tension in BO and the reaction at A on the beam. 

(94) With dimensions as in Ex. 93, find the stress in BO if the mass- 
centre of the beam he i AB from A. 

(95) Draw a graph shewing the connection between the distance of 
G from B and the tension of the string BO. 

(96) In Ex. 94, if ^£=30 ft. and AB0='16% find the reactions. 

A lO 

Force Scale 




Fia. 162. 

(97) A uniform beam AB of length 25 ft. and weight 70 lbs. is hinged to 
a wall &t A (19 ft. above the ground at 0), the other end B rests on a 
smooth inclined plane OB. Find the reactions at A and B when the 
inclination of the plane is 30°, 15° and 60° respectively. 

(98) Draw the two sides and base of a rectangle, the sides being 3" and 
base 2" ; draw a diagonal and produce it 4'5". Let the two sides of the 
rectangle represent vertical boards securely fixed in the ground (base), and 
the diagonal produced a uniform beam. The beam being smooth, find the 
reactions at its points of contact : weight of beam 2 cwts, 

T.o. L 



(99) A uniform beam of length 3 ft. is hinged at one end to the lowest 
point of a horizontal hollow circular cylinder of inner radius 2-5 ft. The 
other end of the beam rests against the inner smooth surface of the 
cylinder in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder. Find the 
reactions at the two ends of the beam, the weight of the beam being 
530 lbs. 





Fio. 163. 

(100) AB (Fig. 153) is a weightless rod 5 ft. long, which can turn 
about (7 as a fulcrum ; ^C=3-2 f t. ; it is acted on by two forces P 
and y as shewn. P= ICK) lbs. ; find Q and the reaction at C. 

Fig. 154. 

(101) A uniform beam AB (Fig. 154), 13 ft. long and of weight 80 lbs., 
rests against a smooth inclined plane BC (rising 4 ft. vertically to 7 ft. 
horizontally) and is prevented from 
sliding by a peg at .4, AC =9 ft. Find 
the reaction of the plane and the total 
reaction at A. 

The Smooth Pulley. A flex- 
ible string of negligible weight is 
fastened at 5 to a smooth pulley 
(Fig. 155) and passing over it bears 
a load W. Consider the equilibrium 
of any part QP of the string. The 
forces acting are the pulls (tensions) 
at Q and P and the reactions of the 
surface QP. The former are tan- 
gential and their axes intersect at 
G, the latter are normal and have therefore a resultant passing 

Fio. 156. 



through 0. Since three forces in equilibrium must be concurrent, 
the resultant reaction must pass through C as well as 0. But 
CO bisects the angle QCP, and hence, from a trial stress diagram, 
we see that the tensions at Q and P must be equal in magnitude. 
In some problems the axes of one, two, or more of the forces 
are unknown in direction, but other geometrical conditions are 
given which, with the aid of a trial diagram, will enable the 
solution to be found. 

Example 1. A uniform heavy rod, of weight 9 lbs. and length 3ft., 
is suspended from a point hy two strings of length 2 -5 and 2 ft. 
respectively attached to its ends. Find the equilibrium position, and 
the stresses in the strings. 

If AB, AC, BO (Fig. 156) be the two strings and the rod, 
then on the system of strings and rod act two forces, the 
weight of the rod at M, its mid-point, and the reaction at A. 
These must be in a line, since there is equilibrium, and hence 

AM must be vertical. Draw the triangle ABO, in any position, 
and its median AM. Then, if AM be vertical we have the 
required position, and the vector polygon can be drawn. (The 
usual convention in books is to represent the vertical in space 
by a line parallel to the bound edge of the paper; if this 
convention be adhered to, another triangle A-^B-fi^ must be 
drawn with AM vertical, and this can easily be done by con- 
structing a parallelogram, whose diagonal is vertical and equal to 



2AM, and whose adjacent sides are equal to AB and AC.) 
Complete the solution. 

*ExAMPLE 2. A heavy unifmin smooth ring weighing 17 lbs. slides 
on a shing of length 4 '9 2 ft./ the ends of the string are fastened to 
two hooks A and B, whose distance apart is 3-95 //., A being 0'98 ft. 
above B ; find the position of equilibrium and the tension of the string. 

Since the ring is smooth the tension of the string must be the 
same on both sides, and hence from a trial stress diagram we 
see that the two parts of the string must be equally inclined 
to the vertical. Draw ADB (Fig. 157), where AD = 0-98" and 
is vertical, AB= 3-95" and DB is horizontal. With B as centre, 
describe a circular are of radius 4-92" cutting AD produced in E, 
or set an inch scale so that BE = 4:-92". Bisect AE at M and 
draw MN parallel to DB, then ANB is the form assumed by 
the string. 


Fio. 157. 

For AN^EN, and therefore AN + NB = ^-92" , and AN and 
NB make equal angles with the horizontal. To find the tension, 


draw, in the vector diagram, lines parallel to AN and NB from 
the extremities of the vector, giving the load of 17 lbs.; complete 
the solution. 

* Example 3. A uniform beam weighing 105 lbs. rests with one 
end A in contact with a smooth plane of inclination 35°, the other 
end B rests on a smooth plane of inclination 50°. Determine the 
reactions of the supporting planes and the position of the beam. 

Draw first the vector polygon of the forces, PQ representing 
105 lbs. weight to scale, then draw QE and PB making angles of 
31° and 50° with PQ. These lines give the reactions at A and B. 
Draw two lines AC and BC for the planes and at any two points 
A and B, their normals intersecting in 0. Join to the mid- 
point M of AB. Complete the parallelogram OATB of which 
OA and OB are adjacent sides. Then 0TB and OAT should 
be similar to DRQ ; hence if PQ be bisected at S, GB should be 
parallel to SR, hence SB gives the inclination of the beam. 

(102) A rod of length 7" lies in a smooth hollow horizontal cylinder, 
perpendicular to its axis, of radius 9" The maas-oentre of the rod is at a 
point distant 2 '5" from one end ; draw the position of £he rod in the 
bowl when in equilibrium, and measure its slope. 

Note. The m.c. of the rod must be vertically under the axis of the 

* (103) A uniform rod, of weight 7 kilogrms., can turn freely about one 
end in a vertical plane ; it is pulled by a horizontal force of 4"3 kilogrms. 
weight at its free end. Draw the rod in its position of equilibrium, and 
measure its slope. 

Note. Three forces act on the rod and must pass through a point ; 
knowing the vertical and horizontal forces, the reaction at the hinge can 
be found. From any point draw two lines: (i) OB parallel to the 
reaction, and (ii) OA horizontally. Bisect OA at M, and draw verticals 
from M 3jaA A. Where the former cuts OB (at B say) draw BT, cutting 
the vertical through A in 7', then OTis the direction of the beam. Measure 
OT in cms. or inches, and determine the scale to which the figure is drawn. 

* (104) Solve the previous exercise if the rod is not uniform and the 
M.c. is at a distance of J of the length from the lower end. 

* (105) A rod of length 6 ft. has its m.o. at a distance of 2 ft. from the 
end which rests on a smooth plane of inclination 30°, the other end rests 
on another smooth plane whose inclination is 45°. Draw the rod in its 
position of equilibrium ; its weight being 6 cwts. , find the reactions of the 



*(106) A uniform beam AB (Kg. 158), of length 7 ft. and weight 27 
kilogrms., can turn freely, in a vertical plane, about .4 ; to its upper 
extremity B is fastened a cord which runs over a smooth pulley at O, 
9 ft. vertically above A, and carries a, weight of 11 kilogrms. Find the 
position of the beam and the reaction at the hinge. 

Fig. 168. 

Draw a trial figure A BC and a stress diagram PQR, where PQ repre- 
sents the weight of the beam, RP the tension of the cord ( = 11 kilogrms.) 
and QR the reaction at 4. Then PQR should evidently be similar to AOC 
(O being point of concurrence of the axes of the forces). Hence 


and hence 00 and therefore OB {=200) is known, and hence the triangle 
AGB can be conatruoted to scale. Do this construction and determine 


1. With the aid of your instruments find the resultant of the two forces 

represented in magnitude and direction by the straight lines shewn in the 


Pig. 159. 


diagram (Fig. 159). Assuming that one inch represents 10 lbs. weight, 
write down the magnitude of the resultant. Also, express in degrees the 
angle the resultant makes with the greater of the two forces. 

(Engineer Students, 1903.) 

2. Draw diagrams to shew the directions in which each of the following 
sets of forces must act so as to maintain equilibriiim, if they can do so. 

Set A. 3, 4, 5. Set B. 1, 1, 3. Set 0. 4, 1, 3. 

(Naval Cadets, 1904.) 

3. Two men, who are lifting by ropes a block of wood, exert pulls of 
45 lbs. and 65 lbs. respectively. The ropes are in the same^ vertical plane ; 
the rope to which the smaller pull is applied makes an angle of 25° with the 
vertical, and the rope to which the other pull is applied makes an angle of 
33° with the vertical on the opposite side. Determine graphically, or in 
any other way, the actual weight of the block of wood if it is just lifted by 
these two men. (Naval Cadets, 1904. ) 

4. One of two forces, which act at a point, is represented numerically 
by 7 ; the resultant is 14 and makes an angle of 30° with the force of 7 ; 
find graphically the magnitude and line of action of the second force. Also 
calculate the magnitude to two places of decimals, and measure the angle 
between the two forces as accurately as you can. 

5. Three forces, acting in given directions, are in equilibrium at a 
point ; shew how to find the relative magnitudes of the forces. What 
additional information suffices for the determination of the absolute 
magnitudes ? 

Two small equal brass balls, each weighing yij, oz. , are suspended by equal 
silk threads, 12 inches long, from a single point ; the balls being electrified, 
there is a force of repulsion between them so that they separate and remain 
in equilibrium 4 inches apart ; find the force of repulsion and the tension 
of each thread. (B. of E., I., 1904.) 

6. A weight of 1 ton is hung from two hooks 20 ft. apart in a horizontal 
platform by two chains 15 and 10 ft. long ; find by construction and 
measurement the tension in each chain. (B. of E., II., 1903.) 

7. A chain weighing 800 lbs. is hung from its two ends, which are 
inclined to the horizontal at 40° and 60° respectively. What are the forces 
in the chain at the points of suspension? (B. of E., A.M. I., 1903.) 

Fig. 160. 

8. The figure (Fig. 160) shows a bent lever AOB with a frictionless 
fulcrum 0. AO is 12", BO is 24". The force Q of 1000 lbs. acts at A ; 
what force P acting at B will produce balance ? What is the amount 
and direction of the force acting at ? (B. of E., A.M. II., 1904.) 



9. A thread is fastened by one end to a fixed point A, and carries at its 
other end a weight F of 20 lbs. To a point B of the thread a second thread 
BG is fastened and this second thread is pulled at the end C by a force 
equal to the weight of 8 lbs. ; when the system comes to rest it is found that 
BC is horizontal. Shew the system when at rest in a. diagram drawn to 
scale, find the angle which AB makes with the horizon and the tension set 
up in AB. (B. of E., I., 1904.) 

10. Draw two lines OA and OB and let AOB be an angle of 37° ; suppose 
that -R, the resultant of two forces P and Q, is a force of 15 units acting 
from O to B; suppose also that P is a force of 8 units acting from O to .4. 
Find, by a construction drawn to scale, the line 00 along which Q acts, 
and the number of units of force in Q. (B. of E., I., 1904.) 

11. In a common swing gate the weight is borne by the upper hinge. 
The distance between the upper and lower hinges of such a gate is 3 '5 ft. 
If a boy weighing 119 lbs. gets on the gate at a distance of 8 ft. from the 
post, find the magnitude and direction of the pressure he exerts on the 
upper hinge. (B. of E., II., 1905.) 

12. A machine of 5 tons in weight is supported by two chains ; one of 
these goes up to an eyebolt in a wall and is inclined 20° to the horizontal ; 
the other goes up to a roof principal and is inclined 73° to the horizontal ; 
find the pulling forces in the chains. (B. of B., A.M. I., 1907.) 

13. Fig. 161 shows a weight 
of 500 lbs. supported by two 
equally inclined poles. Find 
the thrust on each pole. 

(Naval Cadets, 1903.) 

14. The bracket shewn in the 
sketch (Fig. 162) carries a load of 100 
kilogrammes at O. Find whether the 
stresses in AC and BO are thrusts or 
pulls and the amount. 

(Military Entrance, 1905.) 

Fig 162. 



15. Draw a triangle ABC with AB vertical, and let ^Cand BO repre- 
sent two weightless rods, joined together by a smooth hinge at O and 
fastened by smooth hinges to fixed points at A and B ; a weight W is hung 
from C ; shew that one of the bars is in a state of tension, and the other of 
compression ; also shew how to calculate the stresses. 

Obtain numerical results in the following case : AB=4, BO =3, CA=2, 
and ir= 18 tons. (B of E. , 11. , 1905. ) 

16. In Pig. 163 If is a weight of 170 lbs. 
hanging from a joint at .4 by a chain that 
weighs 20 lbs. The joint is supported by 
rods AB and AG fixed at B and O. Find 
the stress in each rod, and say whether it 
is a thrust or a pull. (Naval Cadets, 1904. ) 

□ W 

Pig. 16 

17. The two bars AG 
and BC (Eig. 164), hinged 
at A and B, and hinged to- 
gether at O, carry a load 
of 170 lbs. at 0. Find the 
stress in each bar. 

(Inspector of Ordnance 
Machinery, 1904.) 

770 lbs. 

Fig. 164. 

18. A body whose mass is 2 cwts. rests on a smooth inclined plane ; it is 
maintained in position by a force of 40 lbs. acting parallel to the surface 
of the plane, and by a horizontal force of 110 lbs. Determine in any way 
the angle of inclination of this plane. (Military Entrance, 1905.) 



19. A weight slides freely on a cord 2-6 metres long, the ends of which 
are attached to fixed pegs P and Q; P is 1-4 metres from the vertical 
through Q and 30 centimetres below the horizontal through Q. Draw to 
a scale of rijth a diagram shewing the position of equilibrium. Determine 
the tension in the cord and the proportion of the weight borne by each 

Denoting the span or horizontal distance between the pegs by S, the 
height of one peg above the other by H, and the length of rope by L, find 
expressions for the horizontal and %'ertical distances of the weight from 
the lower peg. (Military Entrance, 1905.) 

20. A weight is supported by a tie and a horizontal strut ; find how the 
pull in the tie varies as the inclination changes, and plot a curve giving 
the puU as a function of the angle of inclination of the tie. 

(Military Entrance, 1905.) 

21. Mg. 165 represents a vertical section (drawn to the scale of 1 inch 
to a foot) of the roof of a building, A CB being a window which can turn 
about a hinge at A and which is opened by means of a rope tied to the end 
F oi a, light iron bar CF, which is firmly fixed to the window at G. The 

Fia. 165. 

rope from F passes over a smooth pulley at K and is fastened to a hook E 
in the roof. Find the tension in the rope when the position of the window 
is that indicated in the figure. The weight of the window is 30 lbs. and 
may be taken as acting at O. (Military Entrance, 1905.) 

22. A uniform bar AB oi weight W is freely movable round a smooth 
horizontal axis fixed at .4. It is kept at a fixed inclination i to the horizon 
by resting against a peg P whose position along the under surface oi AB 
is varied. Represent in a diagram the various magnitudes and directions 
of the pressures on the peg and the axis ^ as P is moved along the bar. 

(Inter. B.Se. (Eng.), 1906.) 

23. Enunciate the triangle of forces. Shew how to find, by a graphical 
(Jonstruotion, the angle at which two forces, each equal to 50 lbs. weight, 
must act on a point that they may have a resultant equal to 75 lbs. 
weight. (Inter. Soi., 1900.) 

24. Draw a triangle ABC with AB vertical and A above B to represent 
two bars AC and BC freely jointed at G and attached at A and B to 


points of a wall in the same vertical line. A given weight being suspended 
from G, determine the natures and magnitudes of the stresses in ^0 
and BG. (Inter. Soi., 1900.) 

25. Draw a triangle ABC having the vertical angle A large and the 
base BG horizontal ; produce BC to D. Let AB denote a rod connected 
by smooth hinges to a fixed point B and to the end ^ of a rod A G, whose 
other end G can move in a smooth groove BGD ; the weight of the rods 
being negligible, a force F is applied in the plane A BG at right angles to 
AB at A ; find the force transmitted by the rod .4 C along the groove. 

(Inter. Sci., 1900.) 

26. A light cord attached to a fixed point 0, passes over a fixed 
pulley Q at the same level as and at a distance c from it, and supports a 
weight W attached to its end ; another weight w smaller than 2W is 
slung freely over the cord between and Q ; determine the depth below 
OQ at which. this weight will rest in equilibrium. (Inter. Soi., 1900.) 

27. Explain a graphical method of finding the resultant of a number of 

fiven forces acting on a particle. A light string of length I has its ends 
xed at A and .B at a horizontal distance a apart, and a heavy ring of 
weight W can slide along the string. Prove that the ring can rest 

vertically beneath S if a force W^ be applied parallel to AB. 

» (Inter. Soi., 1904.) 

28. A uniform bar A B, 10 ft. long, of weight W is freely movable in a 
vertical plane, about a smooth axis fixed a,t A ; it is sustained at an angle 
tan"' I to the horizon by resting against a fixed (smooth) peg at G, where 
A 0=6 ft. Eind the magnitude and exhibit the lines of action of the 
pressures at A and O. _ (Inter. Sci. , 1904. ) 

29. A man stands on a ladder which leans against a vertical wall. 
Assuming the pressure on the waU to be horizontal, find geometrically the 
horizontal thrust of the foot of the ladder on the ground. Length of 
ladder 15 f t. , foot of ladder 5 ft. from wall, total weight of man and ladder 
3 owts. acting 5 ft. from the ground (reckoned along the ladder). 

(Inter. Soi., 1904.) 

30. A drawbridge AB, hinged at A (the axis of the hinge being hori- 
zontal and perpendicular to AB), is to be raised by a chain attached at B 
and carried over a pulley C fixed vertically over A a,t a, height AG=AB. 
The resultant weight of the bridge acts through the mid-point of AB. 
Shew in a diagram how to find the varying tension in the chain due to the 
weight of the bridge as it is slowly lifted, neglecting the weight of the 
chain and all friction. 

If the bridge weighs 2 owts., find the tension of the chain and the 
direction and magnitude of the reaction of the hinge when the bridge is 
half -open, that is, when .45 is at 45° with the horizontal. 

(Home Civil, I., 1905.) 

31. A light bar AB can move freely about the end A, which is fixed, 
and is supported in a horizontal position by a string GB, G being a fixed 
point vertically above A. If a weight W be suspended from any point P 
of the bar, find geometrically the direction and magnitude of the reaction 
at A and the tension in the stay. W=V>, AB=1S,", AP=12!', AC=9". 

(B.So., 1904.) 



Resultant of three Coplanar Forces (non-parallel). 

Example. Draw a triangle ABC (Fig. 166) whose sides are 3, 4, 
and 6 inches long. Take these as the axes of f wees whose magnitudes 
are 7, 2, .5 lbs. weight, and whose senses are given by AB, BC, and 
CA. To find the resultant of these forces in magnitvde, direction, 
sense i 

Draw the vector polygon for these forces 
a, /3, y, finding 

(r = o-j + y = a + ^ + 7. 

Through B draw BD parallel 
to o-j cutting AG at X>. 
Through D draw DE parallel 
to o- cutting BG in E. 


Then DE is the axis and (t the vector of a force called the 
resultant of the given forces. Measure the magnitude of n- and 
the angle it makes with BC, and. the position of E with reference 
to B and G. 

Note that o- is independent of the order of addition of a, /8, y ; 
it is not evident that E is independent of the order in which we 
suppose the forces combined. 

(1) Combine the forces in two difFerent ord<Jts, viz. (i) a and 7 to a 
resultant through A and combine this resultant with ;S ; (ii) /3 and 7 to 
a resultant through G and then combine this with a. Shew in each ease 
that the resultant always outs BG at E. 

Resultant of any number of Coplanar Forces (non- 
parallel). When there are more than three forces the process 
for finding the resultant, if there is one, is simply a continuation 
of the process explained for three forces, and consists in finding 
the resultant of two intersecting forces, then the resultant of this 
and a third force intersecting it, and so on. The whole con- 
struction is a repetition of that for two concurrent forces ; its 
validity depends on the truth of the assumption that the order, 
in which we suppose the forces combined, is immaterial. 

(2) Draw an equilateral triangle ABG of side 4" ; forces of magnitudes 
2, 5, 1 lbs. weight act in these sides with senses AB, BG, GA. Find the 
resultant in magnitude, direction, sense and position. 

(3) On squared paper take axes Ox a,nd Oy. Mark the points whose 
coordinates are (3, 2), (1, - 1), (2, 3) and ( -4, 2). Forces of 3, 5, 1'54 and 
2 lbs. weight act through these points, their directions and senses being 
in order. 

(i) parallel to Ox and in the positive sense. 

(ii) making 45°, (iii) making 75°, (iv) making 120° with Ox and with 
senses upwards. 

Find the magnitude, direction and sense of the resultant and where it 
outs the axis Ox. 

Resultant by Link Polygon. The construction in the 
previous examples fails altogether for parallel forces and in many 
oases involves finding the point of intersection of lines which 
are nearly parallel. 

These difficulties can be overcome by the introduction of two 
new forces which differ only in sense. 


The construction now to be explained depends for its validity 
on the truth of the suppositions, (i) that such a pair of forces 
will not affect the equilibrium, (ii) the order of the combination 
is immaterial. 

Example. On any straight line mark fou/r points an inch apaii, 
and draw lines a, b, c, d through these as indicated, a, ^, y, S are the 
vectors of the forces acting in these lines of magnitudes r98, 3'3, 4"15, 
and 2 '05 lbs. weight. Find the resultant. 

Draw the vectors, to the scale 2 cms. to 1 lb. weight, and add 
them to a resultant vector o- (Fig. 167). 
a- = a + ^ + y + S. 

Mark a point on the concave side of the vector polygon 
(called the pole). Join this point to the vertices of the vector 
polygon P-^^P^P^P^Pi. The point should be chosen so that 
these joining lines are not nearly parallel to any of the vectors. 
For this reason the concave side is the better position for 0. 

Mark any point A on a and through it draw a line, e, parallel 
to OPj. The latter line is a vector, call it e. 

Through A draw AB (cutting h at B) parallel to 

OP2( = 6 + a). 

Through B draw BO (cutting c at C) parallel to 

OP3( = e + a + y8). 
Through C draw CD (cutting d at D) parallel to 

OP^( = € + a + ^ + y). 
Through D draw BE (cutting e at E) parallel to 

OP5( = £ + a + y8 + y + S). 
Through E draw r parallel to 

PjPj ( = o- = e + a + /) + y + S-€ = o + p + y + S). 

Then r is the axis and o- the vector of the resultant of the 
given forces. 

Proof. Let two forces differing only in sense act in e, and 
suppose their vectors to be e and -e. A.t A there are two 
concurrent forces € and a ; these are combined to e + a acting in 
AB. At B there are two concurrent forces ;8 and e + a ; these 



FIO. 167. 

are combined to e'+ « + /3 acting in BC. At G there are two con- 
current forces y and e + a + jS; these are combined to e + a + ^S + y 


acting in GD. At D there are two concurrent forces S and 
« + a + ^ + y ; these are combined to £ + a + ;8 + y + S acting in 
DE. Finally, at E there are two concurrent forces - e and 
6 + a + ;8 + 7 + 6; these are combined to a force a + |8 + y + 8 
acting in r. Hence r is the axis of the resultant and o- is its 

Note that the construction is always possible and never 
awkward if the pole is chosen properly, for this means that 
AB, BC, ... always intersect b, c, ... at angles never very acute. 

(4) Repeat the construction, using a different pole. Is the same axis r 
obtained ? 

(5) Repeat the construction, choosing a different point A on a. 

(6) Repeat the construction, adding the vectors in the order 

a+7 + S + ^. 

The figure A, B, C, . . . , constructed on the axes a, b, c, . . . , is called 
the link polygon {sometimes the funicular polygon) ; the vector 
polygon is often (but vrrongly) called tlie force polygon. 

(7) Find the resultants in Exx. 2 and 3 by the link polygon method. 

(8) A wheel has eight tangent spokes placed at equal distances round 
the hub. The tensions in five consecutive spokes are 31, 2'7, 3'3, 1'8 and 
2 '4 lbs. weight. Find the magnitude, direction, sense and axis of the 
resultant pull on the hub due to these Ave spokes, the spokes being 
tangents to a circle of radius 2'5". 

Equivalent Forces. Any set of forces wMcli would produce 
the same effect, so far as motion is concerned, as a given system 
of forces is called ecLuivalent to the latter. 

Resultant Force. If a single force would produce the same 
effect as a given system of forces this ectuivalent force is called 
the resultant of the given system. 

Not more than one single force can be equivalent to any given 
set of forces, otherwise forces differing in magnitude or direction 
or sense or position, or in all together, could produce the same 
motion in a body. The latter supposition is inadmissible (see 
Expt. 1, p. 119, and Newton's Second Law of Motion, p. 135). 



Equilibrant. Look at the matter a little differently. Sup- 
pose a set of forces to be in equilibrium, then any one of the 
set may be considered as the ectuilihrant of the rest. A force 
differing only in sense from the equilibrant is the only force that 
could produce equilibrium with it, and hence is the only single 
force equivalent to all the rest (Expt. II., p. 119). 

Unique Resultant. If, then, a set of forces has a resultant, 
it can have one only. 

That any set of forces has a resultant has not been proved; 
as a matter of fact, two forces, which differ only in sense and 
position have no resultant. 

The construction given for finding the resultant of any number 
of copknar forces consists in finding one after another the single 
forces equivalent to 2, 3, 4, ... up to the last of the given set, 
and including in this set two forces differing only in sense. At 
each step of the process we find the resultant in conformity with 
experimental results and with Newton's Second Law of Motion. 
Since there can be one resultant only, the order in which we 
suppose the forces combined is immaterial. 

Expt. VIIL Punch four holes in a piece of cardboard, 
and suspend it as in Expt. "VI. , Chap. IV. Mark the lines 
of the forces and the corresponding magnitude and sense of 
each pull. 

By vector and link polygons construct the resultant of 
three of these, and hence shew graphically that this 
resultant differs only in sense from the fourth force. 

Notation (Bow or Henrici). For graphical 
work it is often (but not always) convenient to 
have a different notation from that used hitherto. 
The axis of the force is indicated by two letters 
(or numbers), one on each side of the force, whilst 
the vector of the force is indicated by the same 
two letters in capitals placed at its ends. Thus ab (Fig. 168) i§ 
the axis, and AB the vector, of a force, 

FlQ. 168. 


Example. Mark five points P, Q, E, S, T 3 cms. apart on a 
straight line, and draw lines through these points at angles 65°, 90°, 
70°, 90° and 65°, as indicated in Fig. 169. Letter the spaces between 
the lin^s a, b, c, d, e, f, as indicated. The forces in these lines are 
given by the vectors AB, BC, CD, DE, EF, and represent 3, 2-15, 
2-08, 2-7, 2-85 lbs. weight respectively. Find the resultant force. 

Choose a convenient pole (Fig. 169). Through the space a 
draw B-^B parallel to OA ; through the space 6 draw^ parallel 
to OB ; through c draw B^B^ parallel to OC ; through d draw iJgi?^ 
parallel to OB ; through e draw B^B^ parallel to OE ; and finally 
through / draw B^^B parallel to OF. The lines through the first 
and last spaces, i.e. B^R and B^B, intersect at B, a point on the 

Draw, then, through B a line parallel to AF ; it is the axis, 
and AF is the vector of the resultant. 

Note that it is not necessary to draw the radial lines 
OA, OB, 00, ... ; in fact it is better not to do so, as the crossing 
of the lines at tends to make the exact position of the pole 

The advantage of the space notation consists in its rendering 
mechanical the order of drawing the lines. A corresponds to a, 
B to 6, and so on. The more important advantage of uniqueness 
of construction will be better seen when stress diagrams are 
under consideration. 

In some cases where the axes of the forces cross, some little 
care is necessary in choosing a good order in which to take the 
lines and a convenient pole, so that the construction lines may 
not intersect ofi' the paper. 

Example. Draw a pa/rallelogram having adjacent sides of 2-76 
and 2'53 inches, the included angles being 75° and 105°. Letter the 
spaces as indicated (i.e. talcing the parallel sides in order and not the 
adjacent sides). The forces acting in the sides are given by the vectors 
AB, BC, CD, DE, and are of magnitudes 10-3, 4-2, 3-1 and 5-6 
kilogrms. weight. Find the resultant. 

Choose a pole somewhere near the position indicated (Fig. 170) 




lbs. wt. 

FlQ. 169. 



and construct the link 
polygon and the axis 
of the resultant as 

In Fig. 170 the lines 
from to ^ and A to 
are the arbitrary 
vectors. The first line 
in the link polygon is 
drawn parallel to OA, 
and the second is drawn 
through the space h 
parallel to OB. AE, 
shewn dotted, is the 
vector of the resultant 
force ; its axis is the 
dotted line in the link 

s \^l 


Fig. 170. 

(9) Take the order in which the forces are combined differently; e.g. 
take the adjacent sides in order contraolookwise. 

(10) Combine the forces directly without using a pole. 

Parallel Forces (Like). Parallel forces are but a particular 
case, and the construction for their resultant does not differ in 
any respect from that given for the general case. 

Parallel forces having the same sense are said to be like; 
if they have opposite senses they are unlike. 

Example. Fig. VI \ is a diagram of the four pairs of driving 
wheels and the trailers of a modern locomotive. The weights borne by 
the wheels, taken in order from left to right, are 15, 17, 17, 17 and 13 
tons weight, their distances a'pairt are 6', 5' 8", 6' and 7' 6". Find 
the axis of the resultcmt thrust on the rail. 

Letter the spaces as indicated, and draw the vector and link 
polygons. Fig. 171 shews B, a point on the axis of the resultant, 
distant 1" to the right of the centre of the third pair of wheels. 




(11) Find the resultant of two weights of 5 and 7 lbs., distant apart 11", 
hung from a horizontal rod. 

(12) Find the resultant of six equal weights (1'23 lbs. each) hung from a 
horizontal rod at distances, from left to right, of 1'7, 1'04, 1'83, 2'02, 0'97 
inches apart. 

(13) Three men pull at parallel ropes attached to a block in a horizontal 
plane with forces 51 '7, 65 2 and 55'4 lbs. weight ; the first two ropes are 
2 ft. 8 in. apart; where should the third rope be so that the resultant 
pull should be in a line midway between the first two ropes. 

(14) Three weights Wi, Wg, Wg are placed in a line on a table, the 
distance apart of Wi and W2 is 2 ft., and of W2 and W^ 3 '2 ft. If W'-i=7 
lbs. and 1^2=* lbs., find W3 if the resultant push is to be midway between 
W2 and Ws. 

Parallel Forces (Unlike). Should some of the parallel 
forces be of opposite sense to the rest, the corresponding vectors 
in the vector polygon must be drawn in their proper sense, the 
construction is otherwise exactly the same. 

Example. Five men pull on a yacht which is stuck on a mud bank 
by parallel ropes {in the same plane). Find the resultant pull on the 
yacht, the distances apart of the ropes in ft. and the magnitudes in lbs. 
weight and senses of the pulls being as given in Fig. 172. 

Set oflf AB = 5-8, 5C=7-1, CD = 7-9 cms. downwards; and 
DE = &-3 and EF= 5-5 cms. upwards. The vector sum is AF 
and represents the resultant in magnitude, direction and sense. 
Draw the link polygon as before, keeping to the order of the 
letters ; finally, P is found as the point of intersection of the first 
and last lines of the link polygon and therefore is a point on 
the axis (r) of the resultant. 

(15) Find the resultant of two parallel forces 10 and - 15 lbs. weight, the 
axes being 3 ft. apart. 

(16) Six parallel forces act on a rod ; the magnitudes are 10, - 15, 8, - 12, 
7 and -20 lbs. weight at distances 2, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15 inches from one raid; 
find the resultant force and where its axis outs the rod. 

(17) PQSS is a square of side 3" ; a force of 15-3 lbs. weight acts along 
PQ, one of 8-2 lbs. weight along QR, one of 9-8 lbs. weight along SR and 
one of 18-4 lbs. weight along SP. Find the resultant in magnitude, direction 
and sense, and the point where its axis outs QR. 



(18) Find the equilibrant of three parallel forces of magnitudes 8,-7 and 
-2 cwts., the distances apart of their axes being 1 and 1'6 yards. 

(19) In a certain locomotive there are four pairs of driving wheels whose 
distances apart are all 5' 8" ; the distance between the last wheel and the 
first wheel of a coupled goods truck is 9' 10". The truck has three pairs 
of wheels whose distances apart, from front to rear, are 6' 3" and 6'. 




Fig. 172. 


The thrusts of the wheels taken in order from the leading driving wheel 
are 12 tons 10 cwts., 14 tons 8 cwts., 12 tons 14 cwts., 9 tons 13 cwts., 9 tons 
12 cwts., 9 tons 15 cwts. and 7 tons 5 cwts. Find the axis of the resultant 
thrust on the rails. 



Vector Polygon Closed. Two Forces. When the vector 
polygon is closed there is evidently no resultant force, but it does 
not follow that the forces are in equilibrium. 

Example. Draw two parallel lines ab and be 3 inches apart, 
and suppose forces of 10 and - 10 lbs. weight to act in these lines ; go 
through the construction for finding the axis of the resultant. 

Draw the vector polygon (Pig. 173), AB= 10 cms. downwards, 
BC= 10 cms. upwards ; it is of course closed, since the starting 
and ending points are the same. Choose a pole and draw 
OA, OB, 00. Through space a draw K-^P^ parallel to OA; 
through h draw P-^P^ parallel to OB ; and through c draw P^K^ 
paraHfel to 00. 

Pio 178. 

The theory of the construction is : in K^P-^ we suppose two 
forces OA, CO differing only in sense ; OA is combined with. AB 
to the resultant OB acting along P^Pj ; then OB is combined with 
Be to the resultant 00 in P^K^; and we have, finally, CO in K^P.^ 
and -CO in PJC^. 

Definition. Two forces which differ only in position and sense are 
called a couple of forces or shortly a couple. 


The construction on p. 184 shews that the given couple is equi- 
valent to the final couple, and, since the pole may be anywhere, 
there is an infinite number of couples equivalent to any one couple. 

To see the connection between the couples, measure the per- 
pendicular distance between the forces. Shew that the product, 
force X the perpendicular distance between the couple, is the 
same, i.e. shew that AB xp = OC xq where p and q, the distances 
between the axes, are called the arms of the couples. 

AB .p measures the area of a parallelogram whose opposite 
sides are AB and -AB, and is called the momental area of 
the couple, if account be taken of the sense of the area. 

An area is considered positive if its boundary is given a 

contraclockwise sense, and negative if the boundary is clockwise. 

Taking the sense of the momental area as given by the sense 

of one of the forces we see that the momental area has the same 

sense in the two oases. 

(20) Use in turn four other poles for the vector polygon, taking at least 
one pole on the opposite side of .45 to that in Fig. 173. Calculate in 
each case the momental area of the equivalent couple, and see that it is 
equal to AB .p, and of the same sense. 

Proof that the construction does give couples of equal 
momental areas. Produce K-^^P^ to cut he in Pg, and K^P^ to 
cut ah in P^. Then P-^P^P^P^ is a parallelogram, and P-^P^P^ and 
PjP^Pj ^^^ similar to the vector triangle OAB. 

The area of P,P,P^P^ = P,P, . q = P.,Ps ■ P ; 

:. pAB = q.OA; 
or, denoting by F and P the magnitudes of the forces represented 
by AB and AO pp^ qp^ 

i.e. the momental areas of the two couples are equal in magni- 
tude. A simple inspection of Fig. 173 shews that the senses are 
the same. 

Unit of Momental Area. This unit has no special name; 
if the force be measured in lbs. weight, and the distance in ft., 


the momental area would be in lbs. ft. (Not ft. lbs. — a term 
which has a totally different meaning.) The units employed 
must always be distinctly stated. 

Vector Polygon Closed (General Case). The vector 
polygon being closed, the first and the last lines of the link 
polygon are of necessity parallel, and the simplest equivalent 
set of forces is a couple (except in the special case when the 
first and last links are coincident). 

Example. Draw a closed vector polygon ABCDEA swch that 
AB = 2-2", BC=l-82", CD = 2-8", DE=1" ard EA = 4" and 
BE =.4-1" arid CE = 3-2". 

Draw any line cd (Fig. 17 i) parallel to CD, and (on the left-hand 
side of the paper) ab parallel to AB cutting cd at P. On cd mark 
points Q, R and S where PQ = 2-64", PR = 4-61" and PS = 5-93". 
Through Q, R and S draw be, de and ef parallel to BC, DE and 
EF respectively. 

Let the vectors represent in magnitude, direction and sense farces 
to the scale of 1 cm. to 1 lb., and let the lines drawn through 
P, Q, R, S be their axes. 

Find the equivalent couple to the forces whose vectors are AB, BC, 
CD, DE and EA, and whose axes are given. 

Choose some convenient pole within the vector polygon. 

Through any point B^ in a6 draw B^R parallel to OA, and 
B^B^ parallel to OB, and proceed as usual with the link polygon 
construction until B^ on ef is reached, and B^B^ is parallel to OE. 
Finally, draw B^R parallel to OJ. 

The theory of the construction is just as before : in B^B we 
suppose two equal and opposite forces OA and AO ; the former 
we combine with AB to a resultant OB in B^B^; OB is combined 
with BC to a resultant OC in B^B^; 00 is combined with CD to 
a resultant OD in B^B^; OD is combined with DE to a resultant 
OE in B^B^; and, finally, OE is combined with EA to a resultant 
OA in B^B. 

The given set of forces has thus been replaced by a force AO 
or - OA in Bj^B and AO in B^B, i.e. by a couple. 



Measure the perpendicular distance between R^R and R^fl in 
inches, and multiply the result by the number of lbs. represented 
by OA (either graphically or by actual multiplication of numbers). 

Pio. 174. 

The product is the momental area of the couple in lbs. and 
inches. Notice that the sense of the couple is contraclockwise 
and therefore the sign of the momental area is positive. 


(21) With the same vector polygon and axes, take a new pole Oj outside 
the vector polygon and shew that the momental area of the couple obtained 
is the same in magnitude and sign to that obtained previously. 

(22) Draw four lines at distances apart of 0'5, 1 and 1 -5 inches, and 
suppose parallel forces of 2-3, 3'7, -1'8 and -4'2 lbs. weight to act in 
them. Go through the process of finding the resultant and shew that the 
given set of forces is equivalent to a couple, and find its momental area. 

Closed Vector Polygon and Couples. Since the pole 
may be taken in any position, OA may have any magnitude and 
direction, and i?j may be any point on ab ; hence the couple 
equivalent to the given set of forces may have any position in 
the plane and the forces constituting it may have any magnitude 
and direction. All the couples found by changing and ^j are 
therefore equivalent, and the connection between the couples is 
that they all have the same momental area. 

Momental Areas are Vector Quantities. Since a 

momental area has no definite position in space, but is fixed 
when its magnitude, direction (or aspect of its plane) and sense 
are given, momental areas are vector quantities. 

For coplanar forces the momental areas are all in one plane, 
and hence they are added by adding their magnitudes alge- 

Addition of Momental Areas. Example. To find a couple 
equivalent to three couples having the same sense. 

The magnitudes of the six forces of the three couple aire given hy 
lines of length 10'7, 8'6.5 wnd 12'8 cms. {to a scale of 1 kilogrm. weight 
to an inch) the perpendicular distance between the farces constituting the 
couples are 12'5, 10'8 and 6'25 cms. The senses of the couples are all 

Mark off along any line on a sheet of squared paper (Fig. 175) 
0^ = 12-5, OB =10-8, 0C= 6-25 cms., 
and on a perpendicular line through 

0^1 = 10-7, 0^1 = 8-65 and 0^1 = 12-8 cms. 
On the former mark off 0?7= 10 cms. 

Draw AA2 parallel to A^U, BB^ parallel to B-^U, and CC^ 
parallel to G^U, cutting the force axis in A^, B^ and C^. Add 
by the strip method OG^ + OB^ + OA^ and scale this with the 



tenth of an inch scale. It is the momental area of the resultant 
couple in kilogrms.-cms. (viz. - 121 approximately). 

Proof. A couple may be supposed to occupy any position in 
the plane, hence all the couples may be supposed placed so that 
one force of each lies along OA-^, the other forces will then be 
parallel to OA^ and pass through A, B and G respectively. 












































Pro. 175. 

U B 

Further, a couple may be replaced by any other of equal 
momental area, hence the couple of force OAj and arm OA 
may be replaced by one of force OAg and arm OU. Similarly, 
the others may be replaced by forces OB^ and OCg and arm U. 

The construction is simply our old construction (p. 46) for 
reducing an area to unit base (in this case 10 unit base). 

Finally, we have forces given by OA^, OB, and OCj along OA-^, 
and parallel forces of opposite sense through U, and the three 
couples have been replaced by one of force given by 
OA2+OB2+OC2 and arm OU (10 cms.). 













Should all the couples not have the same sense, the distances 
OA-^, OB^, ... must be set off from with their proper senses and 
the corresponding subtraction made by the strip method. 

(23) Couples having positive momental areas are 

given by the annexed table ; find the resultant couple 

(i) geometrically by reducing each couple to 

forces distant apart 1", 
(ii) algebraically by adding the momental areas. 

(24) The couple given in the first and last lines of the above table are 
negative. Knd the resultant couple and its momental area in lb. inches. 

Vector and Link Polygons Closed. Refer back to Fig. 
174 on p. 187. Imagine B^Ii^ produced to cut B^B in B^, then 
if ef be supposed moved parallel to itself to cut B^B in B^, B^R 
would be the same line as B^B, and hence the forces OA and AO 
would cancel and there would be equilibrium. 

Example. Parallel forces act in the lines and have magnitudes and 
senses as indicated in Fig. 176. To show graphically that the forces 
are in equilibrium {approximately).* 

Draw the vector polygon starting with the downward forces 
BC, CD, DE, then EF and FB upward-s (Fig. 176). The upward 
force AB is the same as FB. Hence A and F are coincident, 
and a and / must be considered the same space. The vector 
polygon is closed. Choose a convenient pole. 

Draw through the space a P^P^ parallel to OA. 

c P,P, 
d P^P, 


e P^t^i „ 
f a line „ 

The construction (if properly done) gives the first and last 
lines identical, viz. P^P^ and P^P^. But in P^P^ acts the force 

* Graphical work will not as a rule give results correct to more than 3 figures, 
the numbers given in the example are correct to 1 in 1200. 



whose vector is AO, and in P^P^ the force whose vector is - AO. 
Two such forces in the same axis must be in equilibrium, and 
therefore the whole set of forces is in equilibrium. The 
cancelling of the forces in P5P4 is due to the fact that the first 
and last lines of the link polygon are coincident, i.e. the link 
polygon forms, like the vector polygon, a closed figure. 




Fig. 176. 

If both the vector and the link polygons for a set of forces 
are closed, the forces are in equilibrium. 

Proof. The general proof of this theorem is seen easily from 
the construction when the vector polygon is closed. 



Let JBCDEA (Fig. 177) be the closed vector polygon for certain 
forces. Then if be the pole, the first link for the link polygon 
is parallel to OA, and has, 
finally, a force whose vector is 
AO acting in it. The last link 
is also parallel to OA, and has 
a force whose vector is -AO 
acting in it. These form a 
couple (in general), but if the 
first and last links coincide, 
the forces whose vectors are 
AO and OA cancel, and the 
whole set must be in equili- 

Via. m. 

ExPT. IX. Punch four holes in an irregular shaped piece of oardhoard, 
and suspend it in front of a drawing board, as in Expt. VI., p. 122. 

Mark on the card the lines of actions of the forces, and their magnitudes 
and senses. Remove the card, and draw the vector and link polygons. 
Both will be found closed; or as nearly closed as one can expect from 
the errors incidental to the experiment. 

Perform an experiment similar to IX., with five forces. 

Expt. X. Draw a closed four-sided vector polygon on cardboard, the 
sides being of such lengths that they represent to scale obtainable 
weights. Draw on the card four non- concurrent lines parallel to these. 
Fix the card to the drawing board by two pins. Adjust the position of 
the pulleys so that the corresponding weights may pull on the card along 
these hnes. Remove the pins and see if the card moves. 

Expt. XI. Draw on stiff cardboard a closed four-sided vector polygon 
ABGDA (Fig. 178), the sides being of convenient lengths to represent to 
scale obtainable weights. 

Draw three non-concurrent lines ah, he, cd parallel to the corresponding 
vectors. Take a pole O inside the vector polygon (say the point of inter- 
section of the diagonals). 

Mark any point S^ on ctb, and through it draw R^R^ parallel to OA ; 
draw SiR^ parallel to OB, and cutting be in B^ ; draw R^R^ parallel 
to 00, cutting cd in R^; then draw R^R^ parallel to OD, cutting RiRi in 
ifj. Through R^ draw the axis ad parallel to AD. 

Then R^R^ cuts ad at R^, and on drawing through Ri a line parallel to 
OA we come to RiR^ again. Hence the first link R-iRi, in which lies the 
force given by AO, coincides with the last link RiRi, in which lies the 
force given by OA. Hence both the vector and the link polygons are 
closed. Fix the card (with the axes of the forces marked on it) on the 



drawing board by two stout drawing pins, and adjust the pulleys so that 
the threads (with their proper weights attached) lie over the axes. Remove 
the pins, and see that the card doesjiot move. 

Devise an experiment for shewing that couples of equal momental areas 
are equivalent. 


Fig. ire. 

Expt. X. shews that in general there is not equilibrium when 
the vector polygon only is closed. 

Expt. XI. shews that there is equilibrium when the link and 
vector polygons are both closed, and Expt. IX. shews the eon- 



Determination of Reactions. 

Example. A locomotive has three pairs of driving, one pair of 
leading, and one pair of trailing wheels, ami, is stopping on a short 
bridge of 40 ft. span. The centre of the leading wheels is 6' 8" from 
one end of the bridge (the left in Fig. 179) and the distance between 
the centres of the wheels are, from the leading to the trailing wheels, 
8' 9", T, 7' 9" and 8' 3". The load each pair of wheels carries is, in 
the same order, 9 tons, 17 tons 13 cwts., 18 tans 4 ewts., 18 tons 
4 cwts. and 1 1 tons 9 cwts. Determine the reactions of the supports 
(supposed vertical). 

Draw the position diagram (Fig. 179) to scale, say 1 cm. to 20 
inches, with the reaction and load lines, and letter the spaces 
0, a, b, c, d, e, f, o referring to the spaces outside the reaction 
lines. Draw next the load vectors, say to the scale 0-1 inch 
to 1 ton, so that AB is of length 0-9", BO of length 1 -765 inches 
(i.e. nearly 1-77 inches), etc. Choose some convenient pole P and 
draw through the space a a line parallel to PA cutting the 
reaction line oam R^; through the space b draw a link parallel to 
PB, and so on to the link through the space / parallel to PF cut- 
ting the reaction line fo in R^. If the reactions in oa and of to 
maintain equilibrium had been known, the first line of the link 
polygon would have been through R^ and the last through R^, 


and these would have been coincident and therefore would have 
been the line R^R^ itself. 

Hence join R-Jl2y *•*• close the link polygon, and through P 
draw a line parallel to this closing line cutting the load vectors 
in 0; then FO is the reaction in fo and OA that in oa, and these 
are the forces necessary to maintain equilibrium. 

Three cases have now been considered : 

(i) If a set of forces acts on a body, and the vector polygon 
is not closed, there is a resultant force whose vector is the sum 
of the given vectors and whose line of' action is determined by 
the link polygon. 

(ii) If the forces have a closed vector polygon they are (in 
general) equivalent to a couple whose momental area can be 
found from the link polygon. 

(iii) If the forces have both the vector and link polygons 
closed, the body is in equilibrium. 

Incidentally (ii) shewed that all couples which have the same 
momental area are equivalent. 

The third case enables an unknown reaction (or reactions) 
which keeps a body in equilibrium when under the action of 
known forces to be found. 

(25) A horizontal beam 17 ft. long is loaded with weights distributed as 
in the Table. The beam being supported on knife edges* at its ends, to 
find the reaction of these knife edges (neglecting the weight of the beam 

Weight in tons, 





Distance from left end in feet. 





(26) A horizontal beam is supported on knife edges at its ends ; the 
length of the beam is 60 ft. and at distances 7, 20, 25, 32, 40 and 49 ft. 
from the left-hand end are hung weights of 3, 10, 8, 7, 12 and 6 cwts. ; 
find the reactions of the supports. 

(27) A beam loaded as in Ex. 26 is supported at the left end and at a 
point distant 36 ft. from it ; find the reactions due to the loads. 

* The knife edge, shaped like A, is simply to ensure that the end is f eely 
supported at one point only or (taking in,to. account the breadth of the beam) 
on a line perpendicular to the length of the beam. 


(23) The beam, loaded as before, is freely supported at a distance of 
30 ft. from the left end ; can it be supported in equilibrium at the left 
end, and what is the reaction (given by the polygons) there ? 

(29) The centre lines of the wheels of a locomotive and tender are from 
the leading wheel backwards 12', 9', 10' 3-25", 6' 10-5" and 6' 10-5" apart ; 
the loads on the wheels are 20 tons 14 owts., 19 tons 11 owts., 19 tons 
11 owts., 14 tons 5 owts., 14 tons 5 cwts. and 14 tons 8-5 cwts. The engine 
and tender are stopping on a bridge of 60 ft. span and the leading wheel 
is 7 ft. from one support of the bridge ; find the reactions (supposed 
vertical) of the supports of the bridge. 

Non-Parallel Reactions. 

Example. A beam is pin-jointed to a suppm'ting wall. Its 
length is 25 feet and it is swpp&rted at the other end by a chain of 
length 37 ft. attached to a wall hook 21 ft. vertically above the joint. 
Weights of 54, 58-5, amd 45 lbs. are hung from it at points distant 
{along the beam) 7, 12, and 20 ft. from the pin. Find the tension of 
the chain and the reaction of the pin. 

Draw first to scale the position of hook, pin-joint and chain 
Z, X and YZ (Fig. 180). 

Then draw the axes ab, be and cd of the forces; then the vectors 

of the forces AB, BC, CD acting in ab, be, cd, and, finally, the 

link polygon corresponding to any pole 0. The resultant of the 

loads is thus obtained and its axis passes through E. 

In Fig. 180 the line ZX gives the vertical. To obtain the conventional 
position, the book must be turned round. 

Find the point P where this axis cuts the chain ZY. Join 
XP, and in the vector polygon draw AE and DE parallel to 
XP and PY respectively. 

Then DE gives the tension in ZY (why tension and not 
compression ?) and EA the reaction of the hinge. 

Since the force whose vector is AD and axis PB is equivalent 
to the given three loads, the beam may be supposed to be in 
equilibrium under the action of this force, the tension in the 
chain and the reaction at the pin. 

These forces must pass through a point, viz. P, and then the 
necessary and sufiicient condition for their equilibrium is that 
their vector polygon should be closed. Hence DE must give the 
force along YZ, and EA that along XP. 



Find the vertical reactions through X and F that would be in 
equilibrium with the given loads in ab, be and cd. Project E 
horizontally to £j on AB and see that DE, and EjA give these 
vertical reactions. 

Via. isa 

(30) Produce the first and last links to out XP and PY, and hence shew 
that the closing line of the link polygon is parallel to OB. Why is this 



(31) A horizontal beam 45 ft. long is pin-jointed to a supporting pier at 
one end (the left), and rests on a smooth horizontal roUer at the other. 
Forces of 12, 8, 20 and 15 owts. act downwards at points distant 6, 10, 28, 
and 32 ft. from the pinned end and make angles of 30°, 45°, 90° and 60° 
with the beam line from left to right. Find the reactions at the ends. 

Note. The object of the roller is to make the direction of one reaction 
known, viz. vertical ; if neither reaction be known in direction the 
problem is indeterminate. 

First draw the line of the beam and the axes of the known forces, add 
the vectors of the forces, draw the link polygon and obtain the position 
of the resultant force of the given set. Mark the point of intersection of 
the vertical reaction and this resultant, and join this point to the pin. 
The last line gives the direction of the reaction at the pin. The unknown 
reaction may then be found from the vector polygon. 

(32) Solve the problem in Ex. 31 by projecting the vectors on to a 
vertical line and drawing the link polygon for these vertical components. 
Determine thus the reaction of the roller and the vertical component of 
the pin reaction. The latter combined with the reversed horizontal com- 
ponent of the vectors gives the pin reaction. 

(33) A swing gate is hinged at A (Fig. 181) to a post and rests against 
a smooth iron plate &t B. AB = S'5 ft., GD = Q ft. and the gate weighs 
200 lbs. Supposing the weight of the gate to act at the centre of the 
rectangle CD, find the reactions at the hinge and plate. The distance 
between AB and the gate is 3". 

Fio. 181. 

(34) A boy of weight 100 lbs. hangs on the gate at D. Find the total 
reactions at A and B. 

(35) The post AB is not vertical, but inclined at an angle of 15° to the 
vertical, so that CD slopes (i) downwards, (ii) upwards. Find the reaction 
when the boy is on the gate in the two cases, if AC=BE=9'. 

(36) In a wall crane ABG the beam BO is loaded at equal distances as 
in Fig. 182. Find the tension in the tie rod A C and the reaction at A and 
B. (The beam BO and the tie rod ^G are pin-jointed at A, B and C.) 

(37) AB is a uniform beam hinged at A (Fig. 183) and weighing 1 -6 cwts. 
It rests on a smooth fixed cylinder D, and a load of 0-7 cwt. is suspended 
from B. liAE is horizontal and if AB=W, AO=T and DE=2', &id the 
reactions at A and O. 



(38) A uniform ladder rests against a smooth vertical wall at an angle 
of 27° with the vertical. The weight of the ladder is 69 lbs. and may be 
supposed to act at its mid-point. Mnd the reaction of the ground when a 
man weighing 12 stones and a boy weighing 7 stones are § and J up the 
ladder respectively. 


0-1 ton 

0-21 ton 0-363 ton O-t-TSton OSS ton 
Fig. 182. 

Decomposition of Forces. Any force may be decomposed 
along any two given axes if they intersect on the axis of the 
force (see p. 151). Any force may be decomposed into two 
forces parallel to it, having axes in assigned positions. 

Draw any line be (Fig. 184) as the axis of the force, and BC 
its vector. Draw two lines parallel to be, viz. ab and ca, on 



opposite sides of he. Choose any pole 0, and draw through any 
point P of Ic, PP^ and PP^ parallel to OC and OB respectively. 
Join P-^Pi, and in the vector polygon draw OA parallel to P^P^. 
Then BA and AO are the vectors of the required components. 

FlQ. 184. 

Proof. At P, BC may be decomposed into two, BO and 00, 
acting in PP^ and PP^. At P^, 00 may be decomposed into two, 
OA in PjPg ^^^ -A-O in o£- At Pj, BO may be decomposed into 
two, BA in ah and AO in P^P^- OA and AO in P-^P^ cancel, and 
we are left with BA in ah and AO in ca. 

Shortly put, the construction is that for finding the reaction 
in ah and ca which will be in equilibrium with the given force 
in he. These reactions will be the same in magnitude but of 
opposite sense to the components. 

(39) Choose two other poles (one on the side of BO opposite to O) and 
see that the construction gives the same components. 

(40) D .compose a force of given axis and vector into two parallel axes, 
both axes being on the same side of the force. 

(41) Find graphically the components of a force which pass through 
given points, one direction being fixed. 



Example. Find (he components, passing through two given points 
of a force when one of the components has the least possible i 

Let xy (Fig. 185) be the axis and XY the vector of the force, 
and suppose A and 5 to be the given points. Join any point 
P on a^y to A and B. 

Through X and Y draw XO and YO parallel to PA and PB 
respectively. Through 0, the point of intersection, draw OZ 
parallel to AB, cutting XY in Z. 

If the component through B is to be a minimum, draw YT 
perpendicular to 02 and join XT; then XT and TY are the 
required components. 

Proof. To find components through A and B parallel to xy, 
we may, instead of taking any pole for the vector polygon, 
first draw from any point P in xy, PA and PB, and then find 
the corresponding pole 0. The closing line of the link polygon 
is AB ; and hence, on drawing OZ parallel to AB, we get the 
reactions YZ and ZX at B and A in equilibrium with XY in xy. 
These reactions must evidently be independent of the pole 
used to find them, i.e. Z is a. fixed point on XY. If any other 

202 GRAtHICS. 

point P on xy be chosen, then the new pole must be on ZO, for 
Z is fixed, and ZO is a fixed direction parallel to AB. 

Further, XO and YO are two components of XY through 
A and B, hence the smallest component through B will be such 
that it is perpendicular to ZO. 

Note that since ZO is a fixed line, a simple construction will 
give the components through A and B which have any desired 
relation, say that of equality, or the B component twice the 
A component, etc. 

(42) Solve graphically the example on p. 201 when A and B are on the 
same side of xy. 

(43) Find components of a given force such that one has an assigned 
direction and the other is to be aa small as possible. 

(44) Decompose a given force into two forces equal in magnitude passing 
forces through points A and B when A and B are (i) on the same, 
(ii) on opposite sides of the given force. (See also Chap. IV., p. 154.) 
When does the construction fail ? 

(45) Decompose a given force into two passing through two given points, 
the magnitudes of the forces having the ratio of a to h. 

(46) A man carries a pole across his shoulder at an angle of 25° with the 
horizontal. The pole is of length 15 f t. , and the distance of the mid-point 
of the pole from his shoulder is 5 ft. He keeps the pole in position by 
hard pressure on the front end. In what direction should this pressure be 
applied so that it may be as small as possible? What direction would 
make the pressure on his shoulder as small as possible? (Assume that 
there is sulHcient friction at the shoulder to prevent the pole sliding.) 
Find the pressures in the two oases. 

Any force may be decomposed into three forces lying in non- 
concurrent and non-parallel axes. 

Draw any straight line ah (Fig. 186) for the axis and a parallel 
line AB for the vector of a force. Draw any three non-con- 
current lines he, cd and da forming a triangle XYZ. • 

Suppose ab cuts XY in P. Then, at P, AB may be decomposed 
into two, AC and CB, acting along PZ and PF. At Z, AC may 
be decomposed into two,- AD and DC, acting along XZ and YZ. 

Hence, AB has components AD, DC and CB having ad, dc and 
cb as axes. 

Evidently unless ab is parallel to one of the sides of the triangle 
XYZ, we may take as the starting point for the decomposition 



any of the three points in which ah intersects the sides. If the 
decomposition is unique, the components determined in the three 
ways should be the same. 

The proof that the decomposition is unique will be found in 
the Chapter on Moments (p. 297). 

Pio. 186. 

(47) Start the decomposition at (i) Q, (ii) R, the points of intersection of 
ah with TZ and XZ, and shew that the same components are obtained. 

(48) Draw any four non-ooneurrent lines. Assign any value to the force 
in one, and find the forces in the other three so that the four forces may be 
in equilibrium. 



(49) A weight of IQ 
tons is suspended from 
a crane ABGD (Fig. 187) 
at A. Find the com- 
ponents along BG, CD 
and DB ; find also the 
vertical components of 
W through B and G, 
and shew that the com- 
ponent along CD is the 
same as that found by 
the first method. 

Also, resolve the B 
component along BG 
and BD and compare 
with previous results. 

(50) AB, BG, CA (Fig. 188) are three light rods pin-jointed together and 
supported at B and O in a horizontal line. Find graphically the com- 
ponents along the rods due to a load of 1 owt. at D. Find also the 
loads at A and G equivalent to 
that at D, and hence find the ^ 

components along the rods. Com- 
pare the two sets of results. 

(51) ABG (Fig. 189) is a waU 
crane, find the components in A B, 
BG and GA due to a load of 1 ton 
applied at D ; (i) by resolving W 
along AD arid GD and (ii) by 
finding the parallel components 
of W through A and B. , 

Fio. 189. 



(52) In Exercise 51 decompose the load at D into equivalent loads 
at A and B and find the components of the latter along BG and BA, 
Compare with the previous results. 


*(53) ^fi and 40 (Fig. 190) are rafters of 
a roof ; find the total thrust on the ytaWs 
due to loads of 10 tons at the mid-point of 
each rafter. (Eesolve the load at M in 
directions MB and MC, and at O resolve 
the latter along GB and GA. The com- 
ponent along GB gives the outward thrust. 


Pig. 190. 

Example. {The Toggle Joint.) AB isa beam hinged at A to 
fixed masonry. CD is a bar pinrjointed to C {in AB) amd to D. 
D is constrained to move along AD ly means of smooth guides. A 
force P is applied at B perpendicular to AB, and a force Q ai D along 
AD so that there is equilibrium. AB = 3-58", BC = 1-64", CD = 2-7" 
and DA = 3-9". P = 1 lbs. weight. Find the components of P along 
AC, CD and DA. 

Fig. 191. 

The beam AB (Fig. 191) is in equilibrium Uiider P, a force 
along CD, and the reaction at A. The^ must be concurrent; 
find the point of concurrence, and hence, in the vector polygon, 
find the reaction at A and shew that this reaction is the equi- 
librant of the forces at A found by resolving P along AC and 
AD and CD. 

Find the value of Q and the reaction of the guides on the 
slide at D. 



(54) Deoompoae P into parallel forces at G and A. Find the components 
of the former along CD and CA, and the resultant of the latter and the 
force along GA. Compare with the former result. 

(55) AB (Fig. 192) represents an open French window (plan or trace of 
on a horizontal plane). It is kept in position by a bar CZ5, freely jointed 
at G, The bar has a number of holes in it, any one of which can be fitted 
over a peg at D so that the angle BAD may have any value from to 120°. 

The wind is blowing parallel to 
AD and would exert a force of 
30 lbs. weight ii AB were perpen- 
dicular to AD. Suppose the re- 
sultant force of the wind on the 
door to act at the mid-point M oi M,, 


Find the pull in GD, given that 
AB='2.'r, AD=rS-5"=AM, and 
BG= 1 ft. when 

.(a) GAD 

(6) GAD 

(c) GAD= 90' 

{d) CAD = im 



^Theorem. Any force is 
eoLuivaleut to a force through 
any assigned point together 
with a couple, if the forces 
have the same vector. 

If a (Fig. 193) is the axis 
and a the vector of the given 
force, and any assigned 
point, draw through the 
axis aj parallel to a. 

Then we may suppose at 
in dj forces u, and -a, 
i.e. at we have a force a 
which together with the couple a in a and -ain a^ are equivalent 
to a in a. The cmple is called the couple of transference. 

Pro. 193. 



"^ Theorem. Any set of coplanar forces is eoLuivalent to a 
resultant force through some assigned point and a couple. 

By the previous theorem each force of the set may be replaced 
by an equal vectored force through and a couple. The forces, 
being now concurrent, have in general a resultant found by the 
vector polygon. The momental areas of the couples may be 
added to the momental area of a resultant couple, i.e. the couples 
are equivalent to a resultant couple. 

"^Theorem. Any set of forces reduces to 
(i) a single resultant, or 
(ii) a couple, or 
(iii) is in eciuilibrium. 

Since a couple may have any position in its plane and may 
have its forces of any magnitude, provided the momental area is 
constant, we may replace the 
resultant couple of the last 
theorem by an equivalent couple 
having its forces "■ (Fig. 194) 
and - (T, where <r is the resultant 
of the concurrent forces at 0. 

If the arm of the couple is p, 
and S is the magnitude o-, then 

M being the known momental 

If, now, the couple be sup- 
posed placed so that its force 

- 0- passes through and is in a line with the resultant force a- 
there, then a- and - cr cancel, and we have a single resultant 
cr at a distance p from 0. 

Should the resultant of the concurrent forces at be zero, the 
set of forces reduces to the couple of momental area M. 

If M is also zero, there is equilibrium. 

Via. 194. 


These theorems are only what we had before as direct 
deductions from the geometrical constrtictions. The actual 
determination of the resultant, or the resultant couple, should 
be effected by the link polygon construction. 


1. Draw a triangle ABG, having an angle of 45° at B and one of 30° at 
C. Let forces of 9, 7 and 4 units act from A to B, B to G and G to ^ 
respectively. By construction or otherwise, find their resultant com- 
pletely, and shew it in the same diagram as the triangle. 

(B. of E., Stage II.) 

2. Draw a square A BCD and a diagonal AG ; forces of 1, 2, 3, 4 units 
act from A to B, from B to G, from G to D and i> to ^ respectively ; 
find the sum of their components along AC, and also the sum of their 
components at right angles to AG. (B. of B., Stage II.) 

3. Draw a triangle ABG, and take D and E the middle points of BC 
and GA respectively ; if forces P, Q, R act from A to B, A to C and 
G to B respectively, and ate proportional to the lengths of the sides along 
which they act, shew that their resultant acts from E to D, and is equsS 
to2P. (B. of E., Stage II.) 

4. Define a coilple. Explain how to find the resultant of two forces 
which form a couple and a third force. 

Draw a square A BCD; a force of eight units acts from A to B and 
G to D respectively ; find the resultant. Also find what the resultant 
would be if the first force acted from D tx> A. (B. of E. , Stage II. ) 

5. A horizontal beam 20 ft. long is supported at its ends, loads of 
3, 2, 5 and 4 cwts. act at distances 3, 7, 12, 15 ft. from one end. Find, 
by means of a funicular (link) polygon, the pressures on the two ends. 

(Inter. Sci. (Eng.), 1904.) 

6. Find the resultant of two parallel forces by a graphical construction. 
Extend this to find the resultant of three or four parallel forces. 

(Inter. Sci., 1902.) 

7. Find the resultant of three parallel like forces of 2, 4 and 3 lbs. 
weight acting through points in a straight line, distant 1, 3 and 7 ft. 
from an origin in that line. (Inter. Sci. (Eng.), 1905.) 

8. Draw a triangle ^BO, such that ^5= 10 cms., 50= 14 and 0.11=12; 
take B' in AG, such that AB' = Z; and A' in BG, such that BA'=%. A 
force of 20 lbs. weight acts in B'A'; shew how to replace this force by three 
forces acting along the sides of a triangle by simple drawing, without using 
any of the numerical data concerning lengths. (Inter. Sci. (Eng.), 1906.) 

9. ABG is a right-angled triangle, AB=12 and BG=5. Forces of 
52, 24 and 27 lbs. weight act from A to G, B to A and G to B. Find the 
resultant of the forces and exhibit its line of action. (Inter. Sci., 1900.) 


10. ABO is an equilateral triangle, P is the foot of the perpendicular 
from O on AB. Find in magnitude and line of action the resultant of 
forces : 10 from ^ to fi, 8 from B to G, 12 from A to C and 6 from G to P. 

(B.So., 1905.) 

11. A locomotive on a bridge of 40 ft. span has the centre line of its 
leading wheels at a distance of 11 ft. from one abutment, the distance 
between the centre lines of the wheels are, from the leading wheel back- 
wards towards the far abutment, 9' 10", 6' 8" and 6' 8". Find the pres- 
sures on the abutments if the loads on the wheels be 15 tons 10 cwts., 
17 tons 10 cwts., 17 tons 10 cwts. and 16 tons 10 cwts. 

12. State and prove the rule for finding the resultant of two unlike 
parallel forces. 

Given a force of six units, shew how to resolve it into two unlike parallel 
forces, of which the greater is ten units ; and explain whether the resolu- 
tion can be made in more ways than one. (B. of E. , II. , 1904. ) 

13. Let a horizontal line AC represent a rod 12 ft. long, resting on two 
fixed points A and B, 10 ft. apart. Each foot of the length of the rod 
weighs 12 ozs. ; a weight of 16 lbs. is hung from C. Shew that the rod will 
stay at rest, and find the pressure at each of the points of support. 

(B. of E., L, 1904.) 

14. ABG is an equilateral triangle, and forces P, Pj and 2P act from 
B to 0, C to A and A to B respectively. Find their resultant, and shew, 
in a carefully-drawn diagram, its direction and line of action. 

(B. ofE.,L, 1903.) 

15. Forces P, Q and 3R act in order along the sides BO, OA, AB oi a 
given triangle. If P, Q, R are proportional to the sides respectively, find 
completely the force which would balance the three given forces, and shew 
your result in a carefully-drawn diagram. (B. of E., II., 1907.) 




In Chapter IV. the stresses in simple frames, due to loads applied 
at the joints, were considered. The present chapter is a con- 
tinuation of the subject. It is shewn that the vector polygon 
for the forces acting at a point is the stress diagram for the 
bars meeting there, and that the space notation enables us to 
draw in one figure — the stress diagram — lines giving the stresses 
in all the bars of more complicated frames. 

Three Bar Equilateral Frame. 

Example. Three bars, each 3 ft. long, are pin-jointed together to 
form an equilateral triangle. The frarhe is suspended ly one vertex, 
and 5-5 lb. weights are hrnig from the others ; to determine the stresses in 
the bars due to the weights. 

Draw the frame PQB (Fig. 195) to scale (say 1" to 1') and letter 
the spaces as indicated. 

Draw the vectors of the two external forces at B and Q (scale 
say 2 cms. to 1 lb. weight); then, without drawing the link 
polygon, notice that the upward reaction CA at P (=11 lbs. 
weight) will keep the frame in equilibrium. 

Draw AD and BD parallel to ad, bd, then CD is parallel to cd ; 
and AD, DB, and DC measure the magnitudes of the stresses in 
the corresponding bars. Scale these lines and tabulate the 





Stress in lbs. wt. , 




At the point P of the frame act three forces, viz. the reaction 
CA vertically upwards, and the pushes or pulls of the bars ad and 
cd. Hence CADG is the vector polygon for P. The sense of 
the force at P due to cd is given by DC, and hence the bar must 



Fig, 195, 

pull at P. Similarly, 
the sense of the force 
in ad is given by AD, 
and hence this bar 
also pulls at P. 

Now consider the 
equilibrium of B. 
The forces there are 
the weight of 5'5 lbs. 
(AB) downwards and 
the forces due to ad 
and hd. The vector 
polygon is ABDA, 
and, sintie AB is 
downwards, the force 
in bd is given by BD 
and pushes at B; 
similarly, DA pulls at B. 

Thus, in the vector polygon the 
line AD gives the pull at P or at 
B according to the sense it is taken 
in. This is as it should be, for the 
bar ad is in equilibrium and must 
be pulled with equal and opposite 
forces at its ends. The line AD 
thus gives the stress in ad, and the 
figure ABGD is called now, not 
the vector polygon, but the stress 
diagram of the frame PQB and the 
forces acting on it. 

Finally, consider the point Q. It 
is in equilibrium under BO, and the 
forces along cd and dl ; the corre- 
sponding lines in the stress diagram, 
have been already drawn, and it 


only remains to determine the senses of the forces at Q. The 
vector polygon for Q is BCDB, hence a force in cd (CD) pulls at 
Q whilst DB pushes. Hence Id pushes at its two ends, Q and R, 
and is therefore in compression, whilst PQ and RP pull at both 
ends, and are therefore in tension. As vectors, therefore, the 
lines AD, DC and DB should have double arrow heads; this 
may easily lead to confusion, and it is, therefore, better to avoid 
them altogether and to indicate in the frame those bars which 
are in compression by drawing iine lines parallel to them. Mark 
the bar hd as being in compression. 

Change of Shape in Frames under Forces. The simple 
triangular frame, just considered, was treated as a rigid body; 
this was justifiable, since, although some bars may elongate a 
little and others contract, yet the bars will always adjust their 
positions to form a closed triangle, and when once the deformation 
has taken place, the parts retain their relative positions unaltered. 
That is, for the given forces the frame— after the elongations, etc., 
have taken place — is like a rigid body. In nearly all prac- 
tical cases the elongations, etc., are so small that the frame may, 
so far as change of form is concerned, be regarded as unaltered. 

Only frames which have just a sufficient number of bars or 
strings to keep them rigid under the given applied forces will 
be considered, and of these only simple cases which can be solved 
diredtly by vector polygons will be taken. 

The weight of the bars will be neglected unless expressly 
included in the problem. 

Example. Three bars, PQ, QE. and EP, of lengths 4, 7, and 
6 ft, are freely pinpointed together to form a triangular frame and 
the frame is suspended by P. Weights of 4 and 6 lbs. are 
suspended from Q and E. Draw the frame in its position of equi- 
librium and find the stresses in the bars. 

The resultant of the weights 4 and 6 at Q and R (Fig. 196) must 

act through a point .S' such that |p = | ; hence, by construction, 

find the position of S in QB, 



Then, if FS be regarded as vertical, the angles the sides make 
with the vertical or horizontal can be measured. (If the con- 
ventional position be desired, the length PS must be set off 
vertically and then the triangle drawn in.) 


Letter the spaces as in Fig. 196 and draw the vector polygon 
ABD for Q. 

Draw next the vectors for the forces at B ; the vector triangle 
is DBG where DG is parallel to dc. ADC is then the vector 
triangle for the point P. See that GA gives 10 lbs., the reaction 
at P, and that the senses of the forces at the joints are consistent 
with one another. 

Measure the stresses and see which bars are in compression 
and which in tension, and tabulate the results. Measure the 
angle QR makes with the vertical. 

(1) Determine the position of QR (Fig. 196) and the stresses in the 
bars if the weights at Q and B are 7 and 4 lbs. 

(2) An equilateral framework PQE of three bars is suspended by means 
of two vertical strings attached to P and Q so that PQ is horizontal. A 
load of 17 lbs. is suspended from R. Find the stresses in the bars of the 
frame, stating which are in compression and which in tension. 

(3) The equilateral frame of Ex. 2 being suspended from a hook at P 
and a vertical string at Q, so that PQ makes 15° with the horizontal, 
determine, by the link polygon, the reaction at P, the tension in the 
string, and find the stresses in the bars. Determine also the reactions at 
P and Q from the stress diagram. 

Braced Quadrilateral Frame. 

Example. Draw to scale the frame PQRS (Fig. 197), mppmted 
at Q and E in the same horizontal line, given that PQ = 1 '5, PS = 2, 


QE = 3-7 metres, and PS is parallel to QR and PQR = 60°. A load of 
121 lbs. is placed at P ; determine the stresses in the bars due to this load. 
Letter the spaces as indicated and draw in the stress diagram 
AB=\'i\ cms.; then BD and AD are parallel to hd and ad. 
ABDA is the vector polygon for P and gives the stresses in 
the bars hd and ad. BD evidently pushes at P, so that, since 
bd is in equilibrium, it must push at both ends and be in com- 
pression. Similarly, DA pushes at P, and hence ad must also 
be in compression. At iS^ we know the force AD (pushing at S), 
hence we can find the stresses in dc and ca which will give 
equilibrium. Draw DC and AG, parallel to dc and ac, intersecting 
at G; then ADGA is the vector polygon for S, in which we know 
the sense AD of the force in ad at 8. 



Hence, the force DO 
pulls, and the force CA 
pushes at S, and the bars 
dc and ca are consequently 
in tension and compression 

At E, AO pushes and 
the forces in oc and ao 
must, therefore, be given 
by AGOA where 00 is 
parallel to co. 

Hence, CO pulls at R, 
and OA pushes upwards, 
so that CO must be in 
tension, and OA must be 
the reaction at R. 

Finally, at Q we have 
CO pulling, CD pulling, 
DB pushing and the reac- 
tion, which must therefore, 
be BO. 

Pig. 197. 

Notice that given the reaction BO, the senses of all the other 



forces necessary to produce equilibrium are consistent with the 
senses previously obtained. 

Scale all the lines in the stress diagram and tabulate the 







Stress in lbs. wt. 

In the frame diagram mark those bars which are in compression. 

The reactions BO and OA have been obtained, without drawing 

the link polygon, on the supposition that there is equilibrium. 

(4) Find the reactions in ob and oa due to the load in cib by the link 
polygon, i.e. find the components of AB in two parallel lines through 
Q and B, and compare with the previous results. 


Example. PQEST (Fig. 198) represents a cantilever pin-jomted 
to a vertical wall at E and S. ES = 5, ST = 2-25, SP = 8-25, 
PQ = 5-88, QE = 4-4/i!. The loads at T and P are 2300 and 3400 
lbs. weight respectively. Find the stresses m the hwrs. 

Draw the load vectors AB and BC. Then, since there is 
equilibrium at P, draw BD and GD parallel to bd and cd. BGDB 
gives cd in tension and db in compression. 

For Q, draw GE and DE parallel to ce and de. Then, from 
GDEC, we know that DO gives the sense of the force in dc on Q, 
and hence DGED is the correct sense of the diagram, and ce is 
in tension and ed is in compression. 

Finally, for T draw AF and EF parallel to af and ef. We 
may determine the senses of the forces at T either from knowing 
that in ab or that in ed. The vector polygon is ABDEFA in the 
sense given by the letters, and hence ef is in tension and fa in 

Indicate on the frame figure the bars in compression, measure 
the stresses from the stress diagram and tabulate the results. 







Stress in lbs. wt.. 



(5) Four equal bars are pin-jointed together to form a square and a 
fifth bar is introduced diagonally. The frame is suspended by a vertex so 
that the diagonal bar is horizontal, and the three remaining vertices are 
loaded with 7 lbs. weight each. Find the stresses in all the bars. 

(6) As in previous exercise only the diagonal bar is vertical. 

3000 4oqo 

*(7) If the weights at the two vertices, where three bars njeet, be 4 and 
8 lbs., and a third vertex sustain 7 lbs., find the position of equilibrium 
when the frame is suspended by the remaining vertex. Find also the 
stresses in the bars. (Draw the frame with the diagonal bar, find the 
M.c. of the three masses. Join the M.o. to the fourwi vertex, this line 
relatively to the frame is the vertical line. The formal proof for the 
Centre of Parallel Forces is on p. 298.) 

*(8) Five bars of lengths r2, 1 2, I'B, r6 and 2 ft. respectively when 
jointed together form a rectangle PQRS and one diagonal QS. The frame 
is suspended by P and loaded at Q, B, S with weights of 7, 5 and 11 lbs. 
Find the position of the frame and the stresses in the bars. 


(9) Three rods AB, BO, CA of lengths 7, 6-2 and 5-8 ft. respectively are 
pin-jointed together. A is fixed and B rests on a smooth horizontal 
plane so that ^ is 2 ft. above B, and a load of 70 lbs. weight is hung 
from O. Determine the stresses in the bars and the reactions of the 
supports on A and B. 


(10) The frame PQRS (Fig. 199) is 
loaded at Q and R with 100 lbs. weights 
and supported at P and S. If PS= 15, 
QR = 9, and PQ=8R=Q-Q, find the 
stresses in the bars. 

Bridge Girder. 

Example. PQRSTUV (Fig. 200) represents a short N girder, 
the bars forming right-angled isosceles triangles. It is freely supported 
at P and T and loaded at each of the joints Q, E, and S with 1-5 
tons. Determine the reactions at VMnd T and the stresses in the bars. 

The loading being symmetrical, the reactions at P and T must 
each be equal to 2'25 tons and there is no occasion to draw the 
link polygon. 

Letter the spaces as indicated and draw the vectors AB, BC 
and CD of the loads; then, bisecting AD at 0, DO and OA 
must be the reactions at T and P. At P the known force OA 
acts and the forces in aj and oj ; these being in equilibrium 
draw A J parallel to aj and OJ parallel to y ; then OAJ is the 
vector triangle for P. The force AJ pushes P, and JO pulls, 
hence aj is in compression and o? in tension. 

At Q there are three bars with unknown forces, and as 
resolution into three concurrent straight lines is not unique, we 
must try some other point U. At U one known force OJ acts 
and two unknowns ; draw, then, in the stress diagram 01 parallel 
to oi and J I parallel to ji ; then OJI gives the stresses in the bars 
meeting at U. Also OJ gives the sense of the force at U along 
oj ; JI pushes at U and 10 pulls, hence ji is in compression and 
io is in tension. 

Now return to Q, where there are only two unknowns remain- 
ing, and draw the vector polygon ABHIJA (most of it is already 



drawn, IB and BH being the only two lines necessary). See 
from the sense of this polygon that hh and ji must be in 
compression and ih in tension. 



r \ 



\ J 


e / 

S /' 








F } 





Pig. 200. 

Draw the rest of the stress diagram,, noticing, from the 
symmetry of the loads and the frame, that the stress diagram 
must also be symmetrical. In consequence of this symmetry the 
points I and F of the stress diagram are coincident. 

220 CtRAtHlCS. 

However many bars the frame contains, the method of solution 
always follows the same lines. The stress diagram is started by 
drawing the vector triangle for three concurrent forces, of which 
one is known and the directions of the other two are given by 
bars in the frame. Sometimes this start can be made at once, 
but more generally the reactions at the points of support have 
first to be determined, either by drawing the link polygon for the 
external forces or by taking moments. For the latter method 
see Chap. VIII. 

Roof Truss. 

Example. The frame diagram shevm (Fig. 201) represents a 
bowstring roof truss supported freely at P arid T in a horizontal line ; 
PQ = 27', QR=19', PU = 19-4', EV = ll-4' and PT = 63', and the 
ungle UPT = 44°. The loads at Q, R and S are 1-5, 2 and 2-5 
tons; determine the reactions at the supports and the stresses in 

Draw the frame to scale. Set off the vectors of the loads 
AB, BC, CD, and number the spaces of the frame as indicated. 
Choose any pole Oj and through Q^ any point on the vertical 
QQ^, draw Q-^P-^ parallel to O^J, cutting the reaction line in 
Pj. Then draw Q-^R^ parallel to O^^B, B^S^ parallel to OjC, and 
S^T^ parallel to O^^D cutting the reaction line at T-^. Join Pil\, 
thus closing the link polygon, and draw 0^0 in the vector poly- 
gon parallel to P-^T-^. The reactions at P and T are, therefore, 
OA and DO. 

Now draw the stress diagram, starting with the vector 
triangle for the forces at P. The vectors are OA, AJ and JO, 
shewing that the bar aj is in compression and jo in tension. 

At the point Q are three unknown forces ; and since the known 
forces in aj and ab cannot be decomposed in three directions, 
nothing can be done there at present. But at U we have only 
two unknowns ; hence draw 01 parallel to oi and JI parallel to 
ji to determine the point /; and the stresses in oi and ij are 
found. The point Q may now be attacked, for there are now 
only two unknown forces there. 



Fia. 201. 

Complete the stress diagram, mark the bars which are in 
compression, scale the lines in the stress diagrams and make a 
table of the stresses as before. 



(11) The frame PQRST (Fig. 
202) is loaded at T and S with 
1 ton weights and supported at 
P and B. Find the stresses in 
the bars if 

and RPQ=3Q°. 

(12) PQRST (Fig. 203) is a short Warren girder consisting of three 
equilateral triangles. A load of 4 tons is suspended from R and the 
girder is supported at Q and 8. Find all the stresses. 

Fra. 203. 

Fio. 204. 

(13) PQRST (Fig. 204) is a short Warren girder of three equilateral 
triangles supported at P and S, and with loads of 2 tons at Q and R. 
Find the reactions of P and S, and the stresses in the bars. 

Pio. 205. 

(14) The figure PQRST (Fig. 205) represents a king post (roof) truss 
supposed freely jointed at all the points and supported at P and Q. K 



PQ =25 ft. and SPQ = 30°, find the stresses in all the bars when the loads 
at T, S, R, are 3, 4 and 3 tons respectively. 

(15) Find the stresses in the bars of the roof truss shewn in Fig. 206 
when loaded at R, S, and T with 3, 4 and 2 tons respectively. 





(16) Fig. 207 represents a queen post (roof) truss, supposed freely 
jointed at all points, supported at P and /S', and loaded at T, U, V, W and 
X, with 2, 2, 3, 2 and 2 tons. Find the stresses in all the bars if 

PX = XW=WV and VPS=ZQI'. 

Fig. 207. 

(The figure shewn is not rigid for anything but symmetrical loads ; in 
practice the stiffness of the joints prevents distortion when the loading is 
not symmetrical. ) 



(17) PQR8TU (Fig. 208) 
represents a non-syrametrieal 
king post truss loaded at Q, 
8, T, U with 1, 2, 2, 1 tons 
weight. Find, by the link 
polygon, the reactions at the 
points of support P and R, 
and then determine the stresses 
in the bars ; given that PR =19, 
iJ7'=16-6, PTR=^\ and QU 
parallel to RT, QS parallel to 

Pig. 208 







Fio, 209. 

(18) Fig. 209 represents a short N girder consisting of right-angled 
isosceles triangles. Find the stresses in the bars when supported at 
P and T, and loaded at Q, R, S with 2, 3 and 4 tons weight. 

Fra. 210. 

(19) PQRSTUV (Fig. 210) represents a short Warren girder of five 
equilateral triangles, loaded at Q and R with 7 and 10 tons. Find the 
reactions at the points of support P and S, and the stresses in all the bars. 



(20) Find the stresses in the bars 
of the cantilever in Fig. 211, loaded 
at Q and R with 2 and 3 tons, and 
supported by a vertical wall at P 
and U; given 


PQ = 5, 


PE= 8-8 ft. 

(21) The queen post truss of Ex. 
16, with a diagonal bar WB, is 
loaded at T, U, V, rand X with 
2, 3, 3, 1-5 and 1-5 tons; find all 
the stresses. 

Fib. 211. 

Weight of Bars in a Framework. In many engineering 
structures, the weight of the framework is very small compared 
with the loads it has to carry, and in such cases no appreciable 
error is made by neglecting the weights of the various parts. 
If the weights of the bars are not small in comparison with 
the loads, we shall suppose half the total weight of each bar 
concentrated at its ends. 

Every particle of a body is acted on by a vertical downward 
force ; the resultant of all these parallel forces is a parallel force 
through the M.C. of the body equal to the whole weight (see 
Chap. VIII., p. 307). This resultant is merely the single force 
which would produce the same motion as the actual forces on 
the particles, and it by no means follows that the other effects 
produced by it would be the same, e.g. as in bending the body 
or in producing internal stresses. Consider a vertical uniform 
column ; the resultant force is a force through the mid-point of 
the column equal to the total weight. This force, if it acted at 
the M.C., would not produce any stress at all in the upper half, 
and a uniform stress for all sections in the lower half, whereas 


the actual stress must vary gradually from zero at the top to 
the total weight at the bottom. The average value of the 
compressive stress for the whole column would be the same in 
the two cases, viz. half the total weight. 

The simplest way to suppose this average but constant stress 
produced would be to consider half the total weight concentrated 
at the top and half at the bottom, giving a constant stress 
measured by half the total weight and a pressure on the 
supporting ground equal to the total weight. 

This is the approximation we shall adopt : by the stress in a 
bar of a framework, due to its own weight, we shall mean the 
average stress, produced by a load of half the total weight of 
the bar concentrated at each end. 

When the bar is a sloping one, the weights of the various 
particles tend to bend the bar, and thus set up additional stresses. 
Except in Ch. IX. on Bending Moments, the bars of the frame 
will be supposed straight, and these additional stresses neglected. 

A similar supposition will be made as to the effects produced 

by other forces acting on the bars at points other than the ends, 

viz. they will be supposed replaced by parallel and equivalent 

forces at the ends. Such suppositions have the additional 

advantage of making all the forces act at the joints of the 

framework, where they may be combined directly by the vector 

law of addition. 

(22) Find the average stresses due to the weights of the bars set up in 
the Warren girder of Ex. 13, each bar weighing 530 lbs. 

Reactions at Joints (two bars). Consider the simple 
cantilever PQB (Fig. 212), PQ and PR being uniform equally heavy 
rods of equal length. Suppose the weight of each bar to be W 
(15 lbs. weight). Replace the bars by weightless ones, having 
7 '5 lbs. weight concentrated at each end; then at P a verti- 
cally downward force of W {\f> lbs. weight) acts. The average 
stresses BG and CA are obtained in the usual way, and are 
exactly the same as if the bars were weightless and a load BA 
were suspended from P. 



To find the reactions of one body on another we may suppose 
the second body removed ; then the force which has to be applied 
at the old point of contact, to maintain equilibrium, is the reaction 
of the second, body on the first. 

Hence the reaction of cb at F is found by supposing the bar 
cb removed, and seeing what force must be applied at P to keep 
the rest of the frame in equilibrium. 

Pig. 212. 

But if we remove cb we must suppose the load ^Walso removed 
from P, hence we bisect A'B at M, and CB + BM or CM is the 
reaction of cb on the pin at P ; similarly, the reaction of the pin 
on be is MC. 

If the bars had been supposed weightless and a load W lb. 
suspended from P, then the stresses found in be and ca would 
have been the same as before, but the reactions of the pin on 
be and ca would have been quite different. Por, on removing 
be, no weight is taken away from P, and the reaction of cb on 
P would be simply CB. Similarly, on removing ae, the reaction 
on ea is seen to be CA. 



(23) If PQ=--'7-2 ft,, P2?=5-6 ft. and QB=6-3 ft., find the reaction at P 
on PQ if each bar weighs 37 '24 lbs. 

(24) As in the previous question if, in addition, a load of 40 lbs. hangs 
from P. 

Reaction at a Joint (two unequal bars). PQR (Fig. 213) 
is a small wall crane; the bars PQ and QR are uniform and the 
weights are 2 lbs. per foot. Find tlie pin reactions at Q given 
PR = 9', RQ = 3-9' and QP = 7-1'. 

Draw the total load vector AB of length proportional to 
half the weight of PQ and QR, and draw the stress diagram 

ABC as usual. Divide AB at D, so that ^ = ^- Join ^D, 

and measure it by the force scale; it gives the reaction of the pin. 
Suppose the bar PQ removed, then the force that must be 
applied at Q to maintain equilibrium is given by the resultant of 
the force OA and the weight AD (half the weight of PQ), i.e. by 


Fill. 213. 

This vector CD gives, therefore, the reaction of the bar PQ on 
the pin at Q, and DC gives the action of the pin at Q on the 
bar PQ. 

Similarly, if we suppose QB. removed, we must remove the 
forces BC and DB and replace them by their resultant DC. 



Hence DC is the reaction of the bar BQ on Q, and CD is the 
action of tjie pin at Q on the bar. 

Evidently these results are consistent, for, the pin at Q i)eing 
supposed weightless (or so small that its weight may be neglected), 
the total forces acting on it, viz. DC and CD, must be in equi- 

(25) Find the reaction of the pin on be if a load equal to half the total 
weight of the bars be suspended from it. v 

Reactions at a Joint (three bars). If the bars, have no 
weight, the reactions are simply along the bars; if they have, 
then the reactions of the pin on the three bars may be found 
as above by supposing the bars removed one by one, the reaction 
being the sum of the remaining forces, or the sum of the half 
weight of the bar and its force on the joint reversed in sense. 


Fig. 214. 

Thus, suppose be (Fig. 214), cd,-da are the bars, and Wj, w^, Wg 
their half weights, and that the vector polygon for P is as 
shewn, where AM=w^, MN=w^, NB = w.^^. 

To find the reaction of the pin at P on le, suppose ho 
removed, i.e. remove NB and BC in the vector polygon ; then NO 
is their resultant and ON the resultant of the remaining forpes 
and is the reaction of the pin on he. 

Similarly, remove DA and AM (the force in da and half its 
weight) ; the sum of the remaining forces is MD and gives the 
reaction of the pin at P on ad. 


Finally, remove MN and CD and the sum of the remaining 
forces is given by the sum of DM and NC. , 

Hence the sum of the three reactions of the pin is zero as 

it should be. 

(26) Find the reactions of the pin at V, of the girder of Ex. 18, on the 
three bars meeting there, if the bars weigh 25 lbs. each. 

Example. AB and AC (Fig. 215) represent hemy unifm-m beams, 
each 7 ft. long, pin-jointed at A and resting on rough walls at B and 
C in the same horizontal line, i/ BC = 9 ft. and the beams weigh 500 
and 700 lbs., determine the reactions at A, B, and C, and the average 
stresses in AB and AC. 

It is assumed that the walls are sufficiently rough to prevent 
the beams sliding down. 

Suppose the beams replaced by light rods loaded at their ends 
with 250 and 350 lbs. weight respectively. Then at A there is 
a load of 600 lbs. weight, at B 250 and at C 350 lbs. weight. 

Draw the beam diagram to scale and letter the spaces as 
indicated; then draw the vector polygon XYZU for the loads. 
Then for the point A, YVZ is the stress diagram, and VY and 
VZ give the average values of the stresses in AB and AG. For 
B, XYV is the stress diagram. Since XY is the load at B and 
YV the push of the beam there on the wall, therefore VX gives 
the reaction of the wall at B on the beam AB. Similarly, UV 
gives the reaction at C. To find the reaction at A on AB suppose 
AC removed, then we must also suppose a weight of 350 lbs. 
removed from A ; set off then ZM=ZU and the resultant of the 
weight MZ and of the force ZV is the force MV, which is the 
reaction at A on the bar AB. 

Measure the magnitudes of the reactions and the angles they 
make with the horizontal ; measure also the average stresses in 
the beams. 

Find the resultant of the weights of the beams (supposed to act 
through their mid-points) and shew by construction that the re- 
actions at B and C, previously determined, are concurrent with it. 

Of what general theorem is this concurrency an example ? 



If the walls were smooth, and B and G were connected by a 
light rod, what would be the stress in that rod 1 

(27) Find the reaction 
on the bar AC at A. 

(28) Shew (by drawing) 
that the reactions at JB 
and A on AB are eon- 
current with the vertical 
through the M.c. of AB. 


Quadrilateral Frame and Reactions at Joints. 

Example. Fmr equal bars, each of weight 0-5 lb. and length 6", 
are pin-juinted together to form a square. It is suspended by one 
vertex and its form maintained by a light string connecting the upper 
amd lower vertices. Determme the stresses in the string and rods and 
the reactions of the pins on the bars. 

Each bar may be supposed replaced by a weightless rod if 
half the weight be supposed concentrated at its end. This 
reduces the case to a frame loaded at the joints only. Further, 
if the string be supposed cut, the geometrical form will be 
maintained if we suppose a force equal to the tension in the string 
to be applied upwards at the lowest joint and downwards at the 
highest one. Letter the spaces as in the diagram (Fig. 216) and 
draw the vector polygon for the loads at Q, B, S, viz. 0-5 lb. at 
each ; then the reaction, due to these, of the support at P is AB 
or 1'5 lbs. upwards. 

At Q we have a force 0-5 lb. downwards (BO) and the forces 
due to the rods bf and cf. Draw, then, £F and CF (parallel to 
these rods) to intersect in F, the sense of the vectors being 
BGFB. Hence c/is in compression and bf in tension. Similarly, 
at S we get DAED for the vector polygon. 

At a we have then FO, CD, DE and the tension in ef. Join, 
therefore, E and F and CDEFG is the vector polygon for the 
point. The tension in the string is twice the weight of a rod. 

Tabulate the stresses- and mark the bars which are in com- 

(29) Shew that the stress diagram for the point P gives results consistent 
with those already obtained. Find the stresses if PS=2Q8. 

For the reactions of the joints on the bars all we have to do is 
to suppose the corresponding bar removed and find the resultant 
of the forces acting at the joint, or find the force which would 
produce the same action on the joint as the bar, and then change 
its sense. It must be remembered that when a bar is supposed 
removed, we must take away the half load concentrated at the 
end under consideration. 



At Q, suppose the 
bar hf removed, i.e. 
take away the pull 
FB and one half of 
BO ; the resultant of 
the remaining forces 
GO and CF is GF, the 
reaction of the joint 
on the bar If. The 
reaction on cf is simi- 
larly seen to be FG. 

At R, suppose the 
bar de removed ; then, 
in the stress diagram, 
take away DE and 
|CD and there re- 
mains EFCH, the re- 
sultant vector being 
EH. Similarly, the 
reaction one/is found 
by removing FC and 
I CD, and is therefore 

Fig. 216. 


These results contrast with the case in which the joints 
are loaded and the weights of the bars are negligible, for in this 
latter case the action on any bar must be equal and opposite to 
the force of the bar on the joint, and is therefore given by the 
stress in the bar itself. 

* Pentagonal Frame and the Reactions at the Joints. 

Example. A regular pentagonal framework is suspended by one 
vertex, the regular form, being maintained by a light string joining the 
top vertex to the middle point of the opposite side. Each bar weighs 
1 lb. ; find the stresses in the bars and string and the reactions of the 
pins on the bars. 

Proceed as in previous example, but now the pull due to the 
string at the raid-point of the lowest side must be replaced by 
equal upward forces at R and S (see Fig. 217) of magnitude to be 
determined. Letter the spaces as indicated, and draw the vector 
polygon BGBEAB for the external forces. Then draw BOH for 
the point Q and EAF for T, then HGDGH for R. The last 
gives G-H as half the tension in the string. Complete the stress 
diagram and see that the part for the point P gives results con- 
sistent with those obtained before. 

The reaction at Q on ch is HL, where L is the mid-point of BO. 
For the reaction at R on ch we must not only remove half the 
weight of the bar RS and its stress, but also half the tension of 
the string (since the string does not really pull at R) ; the 
reaction is therefore KH on ch, where K is the mid-point of CD. 

Tabulate the stresses as usual. 

(30) Two heavy uniform bars AB and BC are jointed together at B and 
to supports at A and Cin the same horizontal line. If AB=i, BC=i'5 
and AG =T ft., and the bars weigh 7 lbs. per ft. , find the average stresses 

in AB and BC, and the reaction at B, A and C. 

(31) A rectangular framework of four heavy bars is hung by one 
vertex, the rectangular state is maintained by a light non-vertical rod 
joining two vertices. The sides of the frame being 7 and 4'5 ft., and the 
bars weighing 25 and 16 lbs. respectively, find the average stresses in the 
bars and the compressive stress in the light rod. 

(32) AB, BC and CD (Fig. 218) are three uniform heavy iron bars of 
weights 15, 10 and 15 lbs., hinged a,t A, B, G and D, and hung from A 
and D in the same horizontal line. Find the average stresses in the bars 
aiid the reactions at A, B, C and D if the bars weigh 1 lb. per ft. 








Fig. 217. 

B C 

Fig. 218. 


(33) AB = 6, BG = 4-5, GD = 6, 
BD = 9-5 and DAB= 45°. The shape 
in Fig. 219 is maintained by a light 
string BD ; find the average stresses 
and the 'reactions if the bars weigh 
3 lbs. per ft. 

(34) JFive equal bars are freely jointed to form a pentagon, which is 
suspended by one vertex. The frame is maintained in the regular penta- 

fonal form by a light horizontal bar connecting two vertices. If the five 
ars weigh 7 lbs. each, find the stresses and the reactions at the joints. 

(35) As in the previous example, only the bars are light and weights of 
7 lbs. are suspended from the five vertices. 

(36) A heavy triangular framework is suspended by one vertex, the sides 
are 3, 4 and 3 '5 ft. long. The bars are uniform and weigh 0"2 lb. per foot. 
Find the position of equilibrium, and the stresses in the bars and the 
reactions at the joints. 

(37) Three equal rods each weighing 2'5 lbs. are freely jointed together. 
The frame is supported at the mid-point of a horizontal side. Find the 
stresses in the bars and the reactions of the hinges on the bars. 

(38) A regular hexagon of uniform bars, each of weight 3 lbs. , is suspended 
from two vertices in the same horizontal line, the form is maintained by a 
light string connecting the mid-points of the top and bottom bars. Find 
the tension in the string and the reactions at the vertices. 

(39) Find the average stresses in the bars of the king post truss of 
Ex. 13 due to the weight of the bars alone if they weigh 10 lbs. per ft. 

The Funicular Polygon. The link polygon for like parallel 
forces can easily be constructed by means of weights and strings. 
The actual string polygon is called a funicular polygon (funi- 
cula = a little rope), and sometimes the meaning is extended to 
cover all the geometrical figures we have called link polygons. 

Example. BC and CD (Fig. 220) are the vectors of forces whose 
axes are be and cd. Choose omy pole between the perpendiculars at 
B and D to BD. Through the space b draw a line parallel to OB, 
through c a line parallel to OC and through d a line parallel to OD. 

In Fig. 220, PB^RJ^ is the link polygon, P and Q being any 
points on the first and last lines drawn. 

If the paper, on which the drawing has been made, be fixed to a 
vertical drawing board, so that he is vertical, and a string of length 
Pi?i + R1B2 + R2Q be fixed to the board by stout pins at P and Q, 



then if weights proportional to BC a.nd CD be fixed, hung by threads 
knotted to the string at .Bi and R^ the forces acting on the string 
will cause it to be in equilibrium in the given position PB^R^Q. 

To prove this requires merely a statement concerning the 
equilibrium of concurrent forces, ^j is in equilibrium if three 
forces BO, CO and OB act there ; the last two will therefore give 
the pulls which must be exerted on B^ to balance BC and can be 
supplied by the tensions of the strings attached to R-y in the 
positions given. 

On joining PQ the link polygon is closed, and by drawing OA 
parallel to it in the vector polygon we get AB, the vertical 

Plo. 220. 

reaction at P, and DA the vertical reaction at Q ; moreover, 
AO gives the components of the reaction at P and Q along the 
line PQ. Hence, if PQ be a light rod suspended by vertical 
strings at P and Q, then AO would give the stress in PQ. 

Notice carefully that we are able to draw the correct position of 
the funicular polygon corresponding to a certain arbitrary vector 
polygon, we can also, with certain exceptions, do the converse 
construction ; i.e. given an arbitrary form PB^R^Q for the string, 



we can determine the weights BC and CD which will produce 

equilibrium and find the corresponding tensions in the string. 

It is essential that the form of the string polygon assumed be 

such that equilibrium can be obtained by tensile stresses only ; 

hence in the arbitrary vector polygon the angles at B and D must 

be acute. Hence, the limitation as to the position of 0. It is, 

of course, true that an infinite number of weights can be found, 

but the sets will all be proportional; i.e. taking the first, BC, 

arbitrarily, the other, CD, is fixed by the construction. 

We cannot assume both the form of the string and the 

magnitudes of both the weights. 

Example. PQES (Fig. 221) represents a string attached to the 
points P and S, P being 3 ft. above S, and PS = 15 ft., PQ = 5, 
QiEl = 8-5 and, ES = 7 //. At Q is tied a weight of 4-7 lbs.; find 
the weight which must be attached to E so that the angle QES may 
be 120°. 

Draw first the polygon PQES to scale ; to do this construct 
the triangle Q^B^Sj^, where 

Q^R^=QR, Bj^Sj=RS and 0ASi=120°; 
this gives the length of QS, and hence the point Q can be 

Construct next the vector polygon for Q, viz. BCAB. At R 
we know the pull AC in ac, and can therefore complete the 
diagram for that point, viz. ACDA. The weight at R is 
therefore given by CD, the other lines give the tensions in the 
three parts of the string. 

Notice that the horizontal components of all- the tensions are 

(40) PQEST (Fig. 222) is a funicular polygon, PT is horizontal ; a load 
ol 5 lbs. is suspended at Q ; find the loads at E and S necessary to maintain 
the given shape. PQ = ^-5", QR=i-5", RS=&', PT=\r'- 

(41) If the strings PQ and ST be suspended from a light rod PT hung 
by vertical strings, find the tension in the strings and the compression in 
the rod PT. 

(42) The tension in PQ being 18 lbs. , what must be the weights suspended 
from<2, ifandiS? 



Fig. 221. 


Funicular Polygon for Equal Loads, the axes being at 
equal distances. 

Example. P and Q (Fig. 223) are two fixed points in a 
horizontal line, distant apart 2'5 ft. ; a string is to be fixed to P and 
Q, and loaded vnth weights 2, 2 "5, 1'5, 3 lbs., whose axes are 
equidistant {viz. 6"). The pu/i-t of the string attached to P is to 
make 30° with the vertical. Find the length of string necessary, 
the form of the funicular polygon and the points on it where the 
weights have to be fastened. 

Draw first the vector polygon of the weights BGDEF, choose 
a pole A for the vector polygon, and find the position of the 
resultant by the link polygon. Find the point R of intersection 
of the known direction of the string at P and the axis of 
the resultant. Join R to Q; then RQ is the direction of the 
string at Q. Draw, then, BO and FO parallel to PR and QR to 
intersect at 0. is then the pole of the vector polygon, and by 
joining to ODE we get the directions of the remaining segments 
of the string. Draw these directions on the link polygon, and 
measure the segments between the given vertical lines. 

It may appear at first sight that, although we can determine 
the point in the manner given, yet when we come to construct 
the corresponding link polygon — PR^ parallel to OB, R^R^ parallel 
to OC, R^R.^ parallel t« DO, R^R^ parallel to EO — the last link 
through R^ parallel to OF would not necessarily go through Q. 

A little consideration of the properties of the link and vector 
polygons will shew the necessity of this. 

We have a number of parallel forces in be, cd, de and ef, and 
BF is their vector sum; through b draw PR^ parallel to BO, 
and suppose in PR-^ two forces OB and BO, differing only in 
sense, to act. The resultant of OB and BC is 00 along R-^R^, 
and so on to the resultant of OB, BC, CD, DE and EF is OF 
acting along R^Q■^, where Q^ is the point on the vertical through 
Q, where R^Q^, parallel to OF, cuts it. Combine, then, BO in PR-^ 
with OF to a resultant BF acting through the point of intersection 
of PiJj and Q^R^. But the point in PR^^, where this resultant 



cuts it, has been determined already, viz. the point B, and EQ 
is parallel to OF, hence BQ and BQ^ must be both parallel to 
OF, i.e. Q-^ is at Q. 

(43) The distances apart of 
the verticals are 1', 6", 4", 4" 
and 8", PMi is to be inclined 
at 45° to the horizontal, and 
the weights are all equal ; 
find the form of the string 
polygon, the total length of 
string and the tensions. 

(44) The loads being 2'1, 2'2, TS and 2'9 lbs., and the vertical axes 
equidistant (6"), find the form of the link polygon and the total length of 
string necessary if ad is to be horizontal ; Pi?, makes an angle of 45° with 
vertical and Q is fixed only inasmuch as it must lie in a certain vertical. 

(45) As in Ex. 43, but now ac and ae are to be equally inclined at 
45° to the horizontal. 

T.O, Q 


The theory of the funicular polygon is of great practical 
importance, since it is immediately applicable to the deter- 
mination of the form and stresses of suspension bridges. 

Funicular Polygon satisfying prescribed conditions. 
A funicular polygon is to be constructed between two points, 
P and Q, distant 3 ft. apart in a horizontal line. It is to be 
loaded with seven equal weights of 5 lbs., the axes are to be 
equidistant and the lowest vertex, V, \\\ inches below M, the 
mid-point of PQ. 

Since the axes and loads are symmetrical with regard to MV, 
only half the funicular and stress diagrams need be drawn. 

Set offPilf and MV (Fig. 224) to scale (say half full size) and 
letter the spaces. 

Set off to scale AB, BG, CD for the loads in ab, he, cd, and 
DK=^AB ; draw KO perpendicular to AK; then the pole of 
the vector polygon must be in KO. This follows from the 
known symmetry of the funicular polygon. Take any point 
in KO as pole, and proceed to draw the link polygon, starting 
at F, viz. TFi parallel to OB, V^V^ parallel to OC, F^Fg 
parallel to OB and F^F^ parallel to OA. 

If F^ is at P we have solved the problem. 

Evidently by taking different poles along KO, and constructing 
the corresponding link polygons, we should get a series of points 
like F^, and by trial we could find the position of the pole so 
that F^ should be at P. 

Through F draw a line Fmj parallel to PM and produce the 
links FgFj, F^F^, F^F^, to cut it at u^, u^, u^. 

Join P to Mg cutting ah in W^ ; join W^ to u^ cutting he in 
W^ ; join W^ to Mj cutting cd in JV^; and, finally, join JF-^ to F. 
Then PW^W^PF^F is the half funicular polygon required. 

Through A, B, C and D draw lines parallel to PfF^, W^TF^, 
^2^i> ^1^; these should all be concurrent to a point Oj 

Measure AO^^, BO^, 00-^ and DO^ on the force scale; these are 
the tensions in the various parts of the string polygon. 



^ M 


* Proof. Suppose that corresponding to the two poles and 0^ 

there are two link polygons VJV-^ . . . and FF^ Through F 

draw a line Fu^ parallel to OOj, cutting W^W-^, ... in Mj, Mg and Wg. 

Let OOj be the vector of a force in Fu^, then OOj, OJ) and 
DO in Fu^, FW.^ and VF^ are in equilibrium. To OjD add DC 
and to DO add CD, both forces acting in cd, then OOj , OjC and 
CO are in Fmj, W^u^ and F^F-^ are in equilibrium. But three 
forces in equilibrium must be concurrent, hence F^Ft^ must pass 
through u-^. A similar argument shews that F^F^ and FJ''^ 
pass through u^ and Wg respectively. 

Generally, then, we see that wherever the pole of the vector 
polygon be taken in the line KO, the corresponding lines of 
the link polygon must intersect on the line through F parallel 
to 00-^. This is really a special case of a more general theorem : 

Given the axes and vectors of a set of forces, if two link polygons be 
drawn for poles and Oj, then the corresponding sides of the link 
polygons intersect on a line parallel to OOj . 

The Funicular Polygon and Parabola. The vertices V, 
Wj, Wg, Wg, ... , of p. 243, lie on a parabola having V as its 
vertex and VM as its axis of symmetry. Constrwi the links of the 
fwmmilar as follows : 

Fig. 225 shews the right-hand half of the funicular of which 
the left half has already been constructed. PiM^ or ef, P^M^ or 
fg are the load lines on which the vertices are to be found. 

Join FQ and construct the vertices on P^M-,, P,^^, ... of the 
parabola going through Q (see pp. 29-31). 

Curves whose equations are like y = x^, y = 2x^ or y = Ax^ are 
called 'parabolas.' 

Go vertically from M-^ to Q, , horizontally to R^ and mark Pj 
where FR^ cuts M-^P-^ . Similarly, determine the points P^ and Pg. 

Set off the load vectors vertically downwards DE, EF, FG and 
GH, and mark K, the mid-point of DE. Then draw, through E, 
F, G and H, lines parallel to the links of the funicular and see 
that they all intersect (or nearly so) on the line KO perpendicular 



(46) Draw to scale the funicular polygqn joining two points P and Q in 
the same horizontal line, PQ = 2-5 ft. The string is to be loaded with six 
eqiial weights (1-5 lbs. each), and the axes are to be equidistant and the 
lowest link is to be 2 ft. below PQ. Find the tensions in the various string 

(In this case the lowest link is horizontal, and if the pole of the vector 
polygon be chosen on the perpendicular through the mid-point of the 
resultant load vector, the corresponding sides of the two link polygons 
must intersect on the lowest link.) 




:: ::: ::::::;;;; = --;|r¥:: :: : 


f""-- I»??*^"" " 


J ' n ' . if -^ ' 

vr \ 

" ._! J3 

Fig. 225. 

*(47) Draw to scale the funicular polygon joining two points P and Q 
where PQ = 4 f t. , and makes an angle of 30° with the horizontal through' P 
and below it. There are to be six equal loads in equidistant axes, and the 
first link is to make an angle of 40° with the vertical. Find also the 

(In this case, through the beginning of the total load vector draw a 
lino making 40° with the vertical and take the pole on this. Draw the 
first link of the funicular through P, then wherever the pole of the vector 
polygon be taken on the line drawn, the corresponding sides of all funiculars 
starting at P must intersect on the first link. Hence it is easy to draw 
that particular funicular which will pass through Q. ) 

*(48) Funicular as in Exercise 47, but the vertex bearing the middle load 
is to be 2 ft. below the mid-point of PQ. 

*The Funicular Polygon and Parabola. The vertices 
of a funicular polygon for wMcli the loads are all ec[ual and 
at equal distances apart lie on a parabola. 

(a) Suppose the number of loads odd. 

Let w be the load at each vertex, h the distance apart of the 
loads, F the lowest vertex and Q any other, say the m"". Take 
the axes of coordinates as the horizontal and vertical through F 



(Fig. 226) and suppose the coordinates of Q, x and y. Between Q 
and V are «.- 1 loads and n spaces, hence the resultant load is 
n-lw whose axis is mid-way between f^and Q. 

The part of the chain between Fand Q is, in equilibrium under 
the load n- lie and the tensions in the lowest and highest links. 
Hence, since three forces in equilibrium must pass through a 



point, these links must intersect on the axis of the resultant load, 
viz. at M in Fig. 226 whose abscissa is -. 

In the stress diagram T and T-^ are the supposed tensions in 
the links, then T, Tj and w{n-l) form the vector triangle for M. 

For the point V, 7^, w and by symmetry a force of magnitude 
1\ form the vector triangle. Hence T^ denoting the horizontal 
component of all the tensions, we have T-^ equivalent to T^ 
and |mi. 

Comparing the similar triangles of the funicular and vector 
polygons we have at once 


X - To ' 

M.N 2" 

X -T, 


Therefore, by the properties of fractions (adding numerators 
and denominators), 

y icn 

But nh = x; 

w „ 

This is the equation to a parabola, the axis of y being the 
axis «of symmetry. Hence all the vertices lie on the parabola, 
for the equation remains exactly the same whatever particular 
value n may be supposed to have. 

When the dip and span of the funicular and the number of 
loads are known, Tg can be calculated. 

Let 2s = the span, 

d = the dip, 
N= number of loads 


Then d- "" =2_<?y±i> 

or Jo- 4 ^• 

(b) Suppose the number of loads even, then the middle link is 
horizontal. First take the origin at the middle point of this 
link. Then for the equilibrium of the piece between V and Q 
the link through Q must, when produced, pass through M the 
mid-point of the space between the P' and n - 1'" verticals. 



In Fig. 227, 

a; = («.-l)A + H! 



y w{n-\) , 






i = x + 



8T„ 2hT, 


If the origin be taken at a distance ^=- below V, the 



equation becomes y=-^rrrp-x'^, a parabola. 

* Method of Sections. If any closed curve be drawn 
cutting some of the bars of a frame in equilibrium, then the 
part inside the curve may be looked upon as a rigid body 
in equilibrium, under the action of the known external forces 
on that part of the frame, and certain forces acting along the 
bars at the points where the curve cuts them. If the forces 
necessary to produce equilibrium acting along these bars can be 
found, they will give the magnitude of the stresses in those 
bars, and whether the stresses are tensile or compressive can be 
determined by the senses of the forces. 

Fig. 228 represents an ordinary queen post truss. If we 
consider the part enclosed by the dotted curve on the right, it 
will be in equilibrium under the action of the external forces in 


oa, ah and Ic, and certain forces in ch, hi and io. Suppose these 
bars cut; then, to maintain this right-hand portion in equilibrium, 
we must apply to the cut surfaces of the bars forces equal in 
magnitude to the stresses in them before cutting, and of the 
proper sense. For instance, if ch be in compression we must 
take the sense of the force at the cut surface from left to right ; 

Fig. 228. 

if in tension, from right to left. Conversely, if we can find the 
forces in these cut bars which will keep the right-hand portion 
in equilibrium, these forces with their proper senses will give the 
stresses in the bars. 

If the curve can be drawn so as to cut only three non- 
concurrent and non-parallel forces, we can always find by this 
means the stresses in the three bars. (In special cases we may 
be able to find the stresses in one or more bars when more 
than three are supposed cut). 

The method of sections enables us (i) to test the accuracy of 
the stresses already found by independent means ; and (ii) to 
draw stress diagrams for various frames in which the ordinary 
method of procedure fails. 

To determine the stresses, we either use the construction for 
resolving a known force into three components acting in three 
non-concurrent and non-parallel lines, or the construction for 
finding the sum of the moments of a number of forces. The 
latter method will be explained in Chap. X. 


* Example. Determine the stresses in the bars ch, hi and io of the 
queen post truss {Fig. 229) »/ VZ = 40, VW=12, UW=12/i!., the 
loads in ed, dc, cb and ba being 0-5, 0'6, 1"5 and 1 tons. 

Draw the truss to scale and the load and reaction lines. 

Draw the vectors ED, DC, CB and BA of the loads in ed, dc, 
cb and ba. Take any pole P of the vector polygon and construct 
the link polygon in the usual manner. Close the link polygon 
and draw PO in the vector polygon parallel to the closing line. 

Draw any closed curve cutting the bars ch, hi and io. Then 
the forces acting on the enclosed body are OB, ED and DO and 
the forces in the bars supposed cut. For these forces the first 
line of the link polygon drawn is parallel to PO, and the last is 
parallel to PC; these lines intersect (when produced) at R, 
consequently the resultant of OE, ED and DC, viz. DC, acts 
through R parallel to OC. 

Produce io to cut the axis of this resultant in Q. Join Q to U, 
the point of intersection of ih and ch. From C and draw lines 
parallel to io and QU, viz. GX and OX. Then CX and XO are 
in equilibrium with 00, their axes being h, Q U and RQ. 

From and X draw OY parallel to ch and XY parallel to ih ; 
then 00 acting along RQ is in equilibrium with OX, XY and YD 
acting along io, ih and ch respectively. 

Since CX pulls at the cut end of the bar io (enclosed by the 
curve in Fig. 229) io must be in tension. Similarly ih is in 
tension and ch is in compression. 

When the angle is small between the sides of the link 
polygon, for which the point of intersection is required, the 
method becomes untrustworthy. In that case the moment 
method explained in Chap. X. is used. 

Cases in which the method of sections enables us to draw 
stress diagrams for which the ordinary method fails will be 
considered also in Chap. X. 

(49) Draw the frame in Fig. 230 and determine the stresses in hg, 3/ and 
fd by the method of sections. The load at P=\ ton and at Q = 0'5 ton. 
RS=^, RP=2i, RQ = QP = nit. • 



Fio. 229. 

(50) rind the stresses in bj, jk and ko in the queen post truss of 
Fig. 229. 




1. ABC is a triangle having a right angle at B. The sides AB= 12", 
BG= 5". A force of 52 lbs. weight acts from A to C, one of 24 acts from 
B to A and one of 27 from O to B. Find the magnitude and line of action 
of the resultant. Draw the figure to scale and exhibit the resultant. 

(Inter. Soi., 1904.) 

2. ABG is a light frame in the form of a right-angled triangle, A being 
the right angle. It can turn in a vertical plane about a fixed horizontsu 
axis at A ; and, when a. weight W is suspended from C, the corner B 
(which is vertically below A ) presses against a fixed vertical plate. Find 
graphically the stress in each rod and the reactions at A and B. 

(Inter. Sei., 1906.) 

3. The pair of rafters shewn in Fig. 231 carry a load equivalent to 
150 lbs. at the middle of each. Find the direction and magnitude of, the 
thrust on each wall. 

Pig. 231. 

If the walls are relieved of horizontal thrust by a rod joining the lower 
ends of the rafters, what is the pull on the rod ? (War Office, 1904.) 

4. A triangular frame ABC can turn freely in a vertical plane about A 
(the right angle). The side AB is horizontal, and the corner G rests 
against a smooth vertical stop below vl. Find, graphically or otherwise, 
the stresses in the various bars due to a weight W suspended from B. 
AB=3 ft., AG=1 ft., r=50 lbs. weight. (Inter. Sci., 1903.) 

5. The beams AB and AG (Fig. 232) are part of a roof and carry a load 
of 160 kilogrms. at the ridge. The span of the roof is 10 metres, and the 
beams make 28° with the horizontal. Find the thrust this load causes 
on each wall. 

Pig. 232. 

If the walls are relieved of the outward thrust by a rod joining the ends 
B and G of the beams, what is the thrust in this rod, and what thrust do 
the walls still bear ? (Military Entrance, 1906.) 



6. A heavy straight rod AB, 12 ft. long, turns on a pivot at A, and is 
supported in a horizontal position by a vertical force of 15 lbs. weight 
applied at B. If the weight of the rod is known to be 90 lbs. , find the 
pressure on the pivot ajid the position of the centre of gravity. 

(Naval Cadets, 1904.) 

7. A heavy uniform beam AB rests in a vertical plane against a 
smooth horizontal plane CA and a smooth vertical wall GB, the lower 
extremity A being attached to a cord which passes over a smooth pulley 
at O and sustains a given weight P. Find the position of equilibrium. 

(B. of E.,IL) 

8. Find the stresses in the bars of the short Warren girder PQEST 
figured (Ex. 12, p. 222). Loads of 2 and 1 tons act at P and T, and the 
frame is freely supported at Q and jS in same horizontal line. 

(Inter. B.Sc. (Eng.), 1905.) 

9. ABGD is a thread suspended from points A and D, and carrying a 
weight of 10 lbs. at B and a weight W at C ; the inclination to the vertical 
of 2l-B and CD are 45° and 30° respectively, and ABC is an angle of 
165°. Find, by construction or calculation, W and the tension of BC. 

(B. of E., IL) 

10. A uniform bar is bent into the shape of a V with equal arms, and 
hangs freely from one end. Prove that a plumb line suspended from this 
end will cut the lower arm at J of its length from the angle. (B.Sc, 1904.) 

11. Fig. 233 shews (drawn to scale) a rectangular framework of four bars 
freely hinged. It is supposed to lie on a smooth table with AB fixed. 
A piece of elastic cord is stretched, and its ends fastened at E and F. 
For what positions of E and F will the frame remain rectangular, for 
what positions will the frame move to the right and for what positions 
to the left ? Justify your statements. 

Pia. 233. 

If the frame is held rectangular by a pin driven through the comer C, 
and the elastic cord stretched till it exerts a pull of 10 lbs. , and fastened 
to the frame at the corners A and C, what force does the pin at C exert 
on the frame? (Military Entrance, 1905.) 



12. Fig. 234 is a rough 
sketch of a crane. If the 
weight hanging at the point 
A is 1000 lbs. , find, graphic- 
ally or otherwise, the forces 
actipg along the bars AC 
and AB; and if the post 
BC is free to move in the 
vertical plane, find the pull 
in the tie CD which will 
prevent the crane from top- 
pling over. 
(Military Entrance, 1905.) 

Fig. 234. 

13. AB and BO are two uniform rods fastened by smooth joints to each 
other at B, and to fixed points A and C; the point O being vertically 
above A and GA =AB ; given that the weight of BG is twice that of AB, 
find the reaction at G and A by which the rods are supported. 

(B. of E., III., 1904.) 

14. Draw a circle and from a point A outside the circle draw two 
tangents and produce them to B and G. Suppose that AB and BG are 
two equal uniform rods connected by a smooth hinge at A at rest on a 
smooth vertical circle ; find the position of the rods when .4^ is 10 times 
as long as the diameter of the circlfe. (B. of E., III.) 

15. A, B, G are fixed smooth points, such that ABG is an equilateral 
triangle, with BG horizontal and above A. A fine thread is fastened to 
A, passes over B and G and carries a weight of 10 lbs. ; find the pressures 
on B and G produced by the weight. (B. of E. , I. , 1903. ) 

16. A uniform rod AB can turn freely, in a vertical plane, about a 
hinge at A ; the end B is supported by a thread BG fastened to a fixed 
point G; AG is horizontal and equal to AB. Draw a triangle for the 
forces which keep the rod at rest, and shew that in any inclined position 
of ^^ the reaction of the hinge is greater than the tension of the thread. 

(B. of E.,II., 1903.) 

17. A, B, (7 and D are four points in a horizontal line. Two weights, 
P and Q, are to be supported by three strings, AP, PQ and QD, in such 
a way that P is vertically below B and Q below G. Give a construction 
for finding suitable lengths of string for the purpose. 

Also shew that in any configuration in which the stated condition is 
satisfied, the string PQ will intersect AD produced in a fixed point. 

(Patent Office, 1905.) 

18. The outline of a crane is as follows: ABG is a right-angled triangle, 
AB being horizontal and AG vertical, and AB is equal to AG ; on the 
other side of. AG is a, triangle ADG, the angle A being 45° and the angle G 
being 120°. A load of 10 tons hangs from D, and the crane is supported 



at A and anchored at B. Find the reactions at the supports, and the 
stresses in AC, CD and BO. (Patent Office, 1905.) 

19, Draw five parallel lines at distances apart 4, 5, .3 and 6 inches from 
left to right. Construct a funicular polygon for loads 2W, W, ZW, 2W 
and W suspended from vertices on these lines, the sides of the polygon 
which stretch across from the middle line to its neighbours being eaoli 
inclined at 60° to the vertical. . (Inter. Sci. B.Sc. (Eng.), 1904) 

20. Draw the stress diagram for the following truss, Fig. 235, indicating 
which members are in tension and which in compression. Assume equal 
vertical loads. (Admiralty Exam., Assistant Engineer, 1904.) 

Pia. 235. 

21. A king post roof truss is loaded with 1 ton at each of the five joints ; 
find graphically the amount and nature of the force acting in each member. 
Span=30ft., pitch=7' 6". 

22. Draw the stress diagram for the frame shown in Fig. 236, assuming 
the joints to be loaded with equal weights in the directi(m of the arrows. 
The arrows A and B indicate the direction of the reactions. 

(Admiralty, 1905.) 



However carefully the Experiments I.-VI. are performed, there 
are sure to be some slight divergencies from the results stated. 
These discrepancies are chiefly due to the friction at the pulley, 
and but to a very small extent to the weight of the ring or card. 
Resistance to Motion. In all cases where one body slides 
or tends to slide on another, a resisting force called friction is 
called into play. This force has the same direction as that of 
the motion, or attempted motion, but is of the opposite sense. 

ExPT. XII. Apparctlua : A board with a smoothly running pulley 
screwed or clamped on to one end ; an open box with a hook for fastening 
a string a set of weights and a scale pan. A board of varying width is 
best, as this will give different areas of contact between the box and the 

Arrange the board horizontally and the box, etc., as in Fig. 237. See 
that the hook is screwed in ". position so that the pull of the string is 

Pig. 237. 

horizontal. Put a 500 gramme weight in the box and load the scale 
pan 20 grammes at a time until motion ensues. Find the greatest weight 
that can be put into the pan without moving the box. 

Starting with no weights in the box, increase the load by 100 grammes 
at a time up to 800, and find in each case the maximum weight that can 
be placed in the scale pan without moving the box. 


Pull of 


Tabulation of Remits. Add to each load put in the box the 
weight of the box itself, and similarly the 
weight of the scale pan to its load in each 
case, and tabulate the results as indicated. 

Graph. On squared paper take two axes 
Ox and Oy and represent on these, to scale, 
the loads. 

Plot points like P (Fig. 239) where OM 
represents the weight of the box and its load, ^^ ^^ 

and PM the pan weight and its load to scale. 
All the points like P will be found to lie approximately on a 
straight line. 

By aid of a stretched black thread, determine the straight line 
lying most evenly amongst the plotted points, and draw this 
line. From this line find the greatest load that can be placed 
in the pan so that the box will not move when it contains 
270 grammes, and test the result by experiment. 

Deductions. In the first experiment with 500 grammes load 
in the box, at every instant before motion there was equilibrium. 
For equilibrium the vector polygon must be closed, and there- 
fore the sum of the components of the forces in any direction 
must be zero. Hence, the friction resisting the motion of the 
box must have been always equal to the pull of the string on 
the box. Hence, for a given pressure between the box and 
plank, the friction may have any value from zero up to a certain 
maximum value, called the limiting friction. If there was no 
friction at the pulley, the load due to the scale pan and its 
contents would measure the friction; if there was friction at 
the pulley, the pull of the string on the box — which measures the 
friction between the box and the board — would be slightly less 
than the load. If the straight line goes through the origin, it 
shews that the pull necessary to turn the pulley is too small 
to be measurable ; if it does not, then the intercept on the 
y axis gives the friction due to the pulley {OA in Fig. 239). 

Draw through A a line parallel to Ox. 



Distances measured upwards from this line to the sloping one 
give to scale the pull on the box. In Fig. 239 PM-^ is the pull 
on the box for a normal pres- 
sure AM-^, and Pi/j therefore 
measures the limiting friction 
in this case. 

Coefficient of Friction. 

Since AP is a, straight line, the 

PM, limiting friction 

ratio .-' or ^ 

AM^ normal pressure 

is always the same, no matter 
what the pressure. This ratio 
is called the coefficient of fric- 
tion for the two surfaces, and is 
always denoted by the letter /«.. 

ExPT. XIII. Place the box at the narrow end of the board so that it 
overlaps and the area of contact is leas than before ; shew that ix is 

ExPT. XIV. Pin a sheet of paper to the board and shew that /i has a 
different value from that formerly obtained. 

Laws of Statical Friction. The laws thus roughly estab- 
lished are : 

(i) Friction is a passive force, only called into play by the action 
of other forces ; it tends to prevent motion and may have any vahie from 
zero up to a certain maxinmm, depending on the normal pressure and 
the nature of the swrfaces. 

(ii) Limiting friction is independent of the area of contact. 

(iii) Limiting friction is dependent on the nature of the surfaces. 

(iv) Limiting friction is proportional to the normal pressure, 
F = fiW. 

Friction and Stress. If F is the force of friction on the 
box, - i^ is the force on the plank, and friction is therefore of 
the nature of a stress. 

Angle of Friction. Draw PQ (Fig. 240) vertically down- 
wards to represent to scale one of the normal pressures, and QE 
horizontally for the pull on the box (-the limiting friction); 



then, since there is equilibrium, the closing line RP must 

represent in magnitude, direction, and sense, the total reaction 

of the plank on the box. 

The angle e, between RP and 

the normal to the plank, is called 

the angle of friction, and /i = tan€. 

Measure e and /*. £ is always the 

same, no matter what the pressure, 

if the box is on the point of 

moving, for ■=. is constant. 

When there is no pull on the 
box, RP is vertically upwards {QP); 
as the pull increases, RP slopes 
more and more away from the 
normal and away from the sense 
of the attempted motion, until 
the maximum angle e is reached. 
Expressed in slightly different 
words, the total reaction of the surface may be inclined to the 
normal at any angle between zero and «. 

(1) If the box weighs 6 ozs., and it is loaded with 1'5 lbs., and the 
horizontal pull on it when on the point of motion is 15 ozs., find e and /i. 

(2) If the box weighs 10 ozs. and is loaded with 1 lb. , and the ooefKoient 
of friction is J, find the pull on the box and the total reaction of the 
surface of the plank when motion is about to take place. 

(3) If the box weighs 15 lbs. and 11='^, would equilibrium be possible 
with a horizontal pull of (i) 3 lbs. weight, (ii) 6 lbs. weight ? 

(4) A block of stone weighs half a ton and rests on a fixed stone with a 
horizontal top ; a horizontal push of 500 lbs. weight just causes the block 
to be on the point of motion. What is the angle of friction and what is fit 

(6) A 1000 gramme weight rests on a table ; the angle of friction is 25°. 
What is the least horizontal force that will produce motion ? 

(6) A cube of side 2" rests on a, horizontal plane. The weight of the 
cube is 7 lbs., and it is pushed with a horizontal force of 3 lbs. weight 
without producing motion. The line of action of the force passes through 
the centre of the cube and is perpendicular to one face. Draw a diagram 
of the axes of the forces acting on the block (they are concurrent), and find 
the reaction of the surface. 

(7) Draw a diagram of the forces in Ex. 6 when the applied force is 
J of the way up, and find the surface reaction. 

Fig. 240. 



Force not Parallel to the Surface. If the string in the 
friction experiment is not quite horizontal, the normal pressure 
between the surfaces in contact is no longer the weighted box. 
Knowing, however, the slope of the string, the normal pressure 
and the friction can be found. 

Example. The string slopes up- 
wards at an angle of 15° with the 
horizontal, the weight of the box, etc., 
is 17 lbs., and a pull of 5'5 lbs. 
weight causes the box to be on the 
point of motion. Find the angle of 
friction e, and the frictional force 
called into play. 

Draw AB (Fig. 241) vertically 
downwards of length 17 cms., 
BG=5-5 cms. sloping upwards at 
an angle of 15°. Then CA is the 
total reaction of the plank on the 


box, and GAB = e. 


Scale GA, and measure GAB 
by a scale of chords. Set off 
AE =10 cms. along AB, and draw 
EF perpendicular to AE ; then 
EF on the 10 cm. scale measures 
ju ( = tan e). Look up a table of 
tangents, and compare e thus 
determined with the value ob- 
tained by the scale of chords. 

Draw GD perpendicular to 
AB; then BD and DC are the 
vertical and horizontal compon- 
ents of BC ; hence the friction 
on the box is given by CD. ^''' ^"" 

BD is the upward pull on the box, due to the string tending 


to lift it off the plank ; hence the normal reaction of the plank 
is not BA but DA. 

Draw BG perpendicular to AC. If the inclination of the 
string had been that of BQ, the force given by BG- would have 
been the pull that would have caused the box to be on the point 
of motion. 

Evidently, this is the least pull possible when the box is in 
limiting equilibrium. Any force greater than BG, if in the same 
direction, will cause motion ; any force less than BG will not 
cause the box to be on the point of motion. Scale BG and 
measure the angle it makes with the horizontal. 

(8) The box, etc., weighs 11 lbs. ; the coefficient of friotion is 0'4. Find 
the least pull on the box that will cause it to be just on the point of 
motion, and the amount of friction called into play. 

(9) The box, etc. , weighs 21 '5 lbs. ; a pull of 12 lbs. applied at an angle 
of 20° with the horizontal just causes the box to be on the point of motion. 
Find the least force that will move the box, and the corresponding normal 
pressure and friction. 

(10) The box weighs 9 lbs. and /it=0'3. A horizontal force of 27 lbs. is 
applied to the box. Is there equilibrium ; and if so, what is the angle the 
total reaction of the plank makes with the vertical ? 

(11) A harrow weighs 6 cwts., the chains by which a horse can pull it 
along make 20° with the horizontal. If the horse exerts a pull of 2 cwts. 
along the chains, find the total reaction of the ground in lbs. wt., the 
angle it makes with the vertical, and the resistance corresponding to 
■the friotion between harrow and ground. 

(12) A block weighing 37 lbs. is to be pulled along a horizontal plane by 
a rope ; find the least possible pull and its direction if the coefficient of 
friction is 0-37. 

(13) The. least force that will move a chair weighing 10 lbs. along a 
rough floor is 6 lbs. ; find the angle and coefficient of friction and the 
reaction of the ground. 

(14) Two men push a side-board along, the side-board weighs 7'5 cwts. 
and the angle of friotion is 25°. Find the force the men must exert if 
(a) they push horizontally, (6) downwards at an angle of 20° with the hori- 
zontal, (c) upwards at 20° with the horizontal, (d) find the direction in 

' which they must push in order that the force they exert may be as small 
as possible. 

(15) A block weighing 17 kilogrammes rests on a rough horizontal table, 
the angle of friction being 37°. If a horizontal force of 5 kilogrammes 
weight acts on the block, find the least additional force that will cause 
motion. What is the greatest horizontal force that can be applied 
without motion taking place ? 



The Inclined Plane with Friction. 

Example 1. A block rests on a hoard ; the latter is tilted about 
a, horizontal axis through its end. The coefficient of friction being 0% 
find the angle at which the block begins to slide and the greatest friction 
called into play. 

Whilst there is equilibrium, the reaction of the board on the 
block must be equal to the weight of the block and in the same 
line (since these are the only two forces acting). The angle 
between the vertical and the normal to the plane is the same as 
the angle between the plane and the horizontal, and as the 
former is equal to € when the block is on the point of sliding 
the angle of the plane must also be «, and tan£ = 0'19. Draw 
AB (Fig. 242) horizontally of length 10 cms., and BC vertically 
of length 1-9 cms.; then CAB is the angle of the plane. 

Draw any length 
LM vertically 
downwards to re- 
present W, LN at 
an angle £ to LM, 
and MN perpen- 
dicular to LN, as 
indicated in Fig. 
242. MN is the 
friction and NL the 
normal reaction. 
Measure the fric- 
tion as a decimal 
of W. 

To do this, set 
off as indicated 
MW=ML, MI =5 
inches, and draw 
through N a line 
parallel to WL 


Fig. 242. 

Measure the intercept on ML on the |" 



Example 2. A block of weight 10 lbs. is s'wpported on an inclined 
plane by a horizontai force. If 1^ = 0-3, and the plane rises 1 vertically 
in 2 horizontally, find the value of the horizontal force that will just 
cause the block to be on the point of motion, (i) upwards, (ii) downwa/rds. 

First draw the plane 
AG (Fig. 243) by drawing 
AB = i" horizontally, and 
BO =2" vertically, then a 
normal MJV to the plane. 
Set off along the normal 
MN= 2", and (i) NK= 0-6" 
down, and (ii) iVZi = 0-6" 
up the plane. 

When the body is about 
to move up the plane, the 
total reaction of the surface 
has the direction MK, when 
dovm the direction is MKj^. 

Next draw the vector 
polygon, a line FQ verti- 
cally downwards 10 cms. 
long, to represent the 
weight /F of the block, 
then from the two ends of 
PQ, a horizontal line QR 
and one PR parallel to 
KM. Then QR gives the 
horizontal force which will 

just cause the block to be ~ -_ - P 

on the point of motion up fig. 243. 

the plane, and RP is the total reaction of the surface. 

Draw PB^ parallel to MK^. Then QRj measures the horizontal 
force which will just cause the block to be on the point of motion 
down the plane, and R^P the corresponding reaction. Would the 
block rest on the plane if the horizontal force were zero ? 



Example 3. The problem as before, but the slope of the phme 
is now 1 in 8. 

The graphical work is as in the previous example, but notice 
now that iJj comes to the left of /Fand QEj is from right to left, 
shewing that the pull is to be replaced by a push down. 

Notice that whether the force pulls up or pushes down depends 
on the relative magnitudes of e and o, where e is the angle of 
friction and a the inclination of the plane. 

Minimum Force and Inclined Plane. If a>E then the 
body will not rest on the plane without a supporting force. 
(Why ?) This condition being fulfilled, the total reaction QE 
(Fig. 244) of the surface makes an angle of a-e with the 
vertical when sliding down is about to take place; hence the 
least force EP, which will prevent motion down the plane, 
must be perpendicular to BQ or make an angle a-e with the 
horizontal, or e with the plane and below it 

Pig. 244. 

When motion is about to take place up the plane, the total 
reaction makes an angle a + e with the vertical, and the least 
force is perpendicular to this reaction and makes an angle a + 1 
with the horizontal, or e with the plane and above it. 



If a<e (Fig. 245), then, when the body is on the point of 
motion down the plane, the total reaction makes e - a with the 
vertical, and the least force makes e- a with the horizontal, or 
E with the plane downwards but above the plane. 

Fig. 245. 

When motion is about to take place up the plane the least 
force makes e with the plane upwards. 

(16) A gun has to be dragged up a steep hill (slope 1 in 5) ; the surface 
resistance is equivalent to an angle of friction 40°. Find the best angle to 
which the ropes should be adjusted. If the gun weighs 1 ton find the value 
of the least force. What force would have to be applied if the ropes were 
pulled (et) parallel to the ground, (ft) at an angle of 20° with the ground ? 

(17) A weight of 3 kilogrammes is supported on an inclined plane (rising 

I in 4) by a force parallel to plane. Find the greatest and least values this 
force can have so that the weight may not move if /i=0'2. 

(18) A weight of 7 owts. is supported on an inclined plane, risjng 1 in 1 ; 
if /tt=0'3 find the least force that can support the weight. 

(19) In the last example find the least and greatest forces parallel to the 
plane so that the weight may be (i) on the point of moving up, (ii) on 
the point of moving down. 

(20) Find the least horizontal force that can move a block weighing 

II lbs. up an inclined plane of inclination 30°, the angle of friction being 15°. 
Find also the least force that will prevent motion downwards and cause 

motion upwards. 
What are the values of the friction called into play in the three cases ? 


(21) Find the force parallel to a plane of inclination 60° that will 
support a block of weight 15 lbs. on the plane, the coefficient of friction 
being 1/3. Find also the least force that can move the block up the plane.' 

(22) A force of 17 lbs. weight will just support a block of weight 40 lbs. 
on a plane inclined at an angle 55° if applied parallel to the plane. What 
is the greatest force that can be applied parallel to the plane without 
causing motion ? 

(23) What is the inclination of a plane, coefficient of friction J, if the 
minimum force necessary to move a block weighing 25 lbs. up it is 15 lbs. ? 
(Remember the direction of the minimum pull is perpendicular to the 
total reaction of the surface and this makes an angle e with the normal.) 
For this plane what is the force that will just support the block ? 

(24) A block of weight 5 cwts. is kept at rest on a rough inclined plane 
by a rope AB fastened to - point A on the block and to a point on the 
plane. The plane rises 3 vertically to 5 horizontally and /4=0'38. Find 
the length of^the rope AB that will give the least tension if .4 be 1 foot 
distant from the plane. 

(25) Two light rods are pin-jointed together and rest in a vertical plane 
on a rough board (/i=0'4). A weight W=9 lbs. is suspended from the joint ; 
find the greatest angle between the rods consistent with equilibrium. 

(26) In the example on p. 156, if the coefficient of sliding friction for the 
piston be J, find the total reaction of the guides and the force transmitted 
along the connecting rod. Find also the tangential force urging the crank 
forward for the various positions given. 

Harder Problems on Friction. In some cases a little 
ingenuity is necessary to eflfect the graphical construction. 

Example. A uniform beam, of length 11 ft. and weight 3 cwts., rests 
against a smooth vertical wall and a rough floor for which the coefficient 
of friction is 0'4. Find the position of the beam when it is just on the 
point of slipping down, and the friction which prevents the motion. 

Notice first that the reaction at A is horizontal, and that at 
B inclined at « to the vertical. First draw the vector polygon, 
XY (Fig. 247) vertically down, of length 15 cms. ; YZ hori- 
zontally, of length 6 cms.; and join XZ. Join Z to the mid- 
point M of XY. 

From any point A draw AB parallel to MZ (Fig. 246) and of 
length 1-7", AG vertical and GB horizontal. Then AB gives the 
position of the beam relative to the wall AG and the ground CB. 

*Proof. Since -j=p. = yg = 0-4, and YZ is horizontal, .^Z gives 

the direction of the reaction of the ground at B, and XYZ 
must be the vector triangle for the forces on the beam. 


The three forces on the beam, viz. the weight through G (the 
mid-point) and the reaction at A and B, must pass through a 
point 0. Produce OG^ to .K" (as in Fig. 246), then 0KB and XYZ 

are similar; 


^k=yE' ^^' *^^°' "^^ ^^ bisected at M, 


'Yy~K^ *°*^ therefore MZ is parallel to AB. 

Pig. 247. 

A Simpler Proof. Replace the uniform heavy beam by a 
light rod having 1-5 cwts. concentrated at its ends; then for the 
equilibrium at A we have the load given by MY, the reaction 
at ^ given by YZ, and therefore the push of the beam along 
BA must be parallel to ZM the closing line of the vector 
polygon for A. YZ is known because it equals 0-4 XY. 

Similarly, at B we have the load XM, the ground reaction ZZ 
and the push MZ of the beam along AB. 



Example. A uniform ladder rests against a wall at an angle of 
30°. If it he just on the point of slipping down, and the angle 
of friction is the same for wall and ground, find the coefficient of 


Fig. 248. 

JB (Fig. 248) represents the ladder and G its M.c. through 
which its weight is supposed to act. Then, since B is on the 
point of moving to the right, the friction acts from right to left 
and the total reaction at B makes some (unknown) angle with 
the normal, and slopes towards A. At A, the total reaction 
slopes upwards, for the friction acts upwards. Since the angle 
of friction is the same at A and at B, these reactions must 
intersect at right angles ; the point D of intersection, therefore, 
lies on a semicircle having AB as base. For equilibrium, the 
vertical through G must be concurrent with the reactions, hence : 

Describe a semicircle on AB, draw the vertical through G to 

intersect it at D, draw AD and BD the reaction lines, and 

measure ;" ( = tan e). 

(27) As in previous example, only the M.c. of the ladder is J of the way 
up from the bottom. 



(28) Find where the M.c. of the ladder must be if the ooefRoients of 
friction for the wall and ground are 0'3 and 0'5 respectively. 

(29) A uniform bar AB of weight 27 lbs. rests on rough ground at A, 
asid against a smooth bar at O. The inclination of the oar is 30° to the 
horizontal ; AB=i ft., A0=5 ft. ; find the reaction of the ground and the 
coefficient of friction if the bar is about to slip. 

Example. The coefficients of friction for a ladder resting against a 
wall and on the ground are 0-3 and 0'6. Find the limiting "position of 
the ladder supposed imiform, and the friction on the wall, if the ladder 
weighs 120 lbs. 

Draw a vertical line PQ 
(Fig. 249) of length 12 cms. 
to represent the weight, and 
from the ends draw PR and 
QR parallel to the reactions of 
the wall and ground. Bisect 
PQ at S and join RS ; then 
RS is the direction of the 

Proof. Replace the beam 
by a light rod with equal 
loads at the ends. 

In Fig. 249 SQ is the load 
at the bottom, QR the reaction 
of the ground, and, therefore, 
RS must give the push of the 
beam on the ground. Hence 
RS is parallel to the beam. 

Fio. 249. 

(30) Shew, by drawing ST parallel to EQ, and TG parallel to PQ, that 
BS will represent the beam position. Notice that the reactions ET and 
TS are in the right directions, and are concurrent with the vertical through 
G the raid-point of BS. 



* Beam on Two Rough Inclined Planes. 

Example. A beam rests on two planes of inclinations 30° and 45° 
for which the coefficients of friction are 0-12 and 0-2. Find the two 
positions of the beam when in limiting egwilibriv/m, the mass-centre 
of the beam being ^ of its length from, the 30° plane. If the beam 
weigh 700 kilogrammes, find thefrietion on the planes in the two cases. 

(The vertical plane of the beam is supposed to intersect the 
planes in their lines of greatest slope.) 

Suppose the 30° plane to be on the left. 

Set off PQ (Fig. 250) downwards of length 7" and draw PS and 
QS parallel to the normals to the planes, i.e. PS making 30° and QS 
making 45° with the vertical. Mark the point R where PB = 4:" 
and QR = 3". Then set off the friction angle e, where tan e = 0"1 2, 
on both sides of PS, and, similarly, set off tj on both sides of QS. 

When the beam is about to slide down the 45° plane the 
reaction of the plane tends to prevent the sliding and is, there- 
fore, to the right of the normal ; at the same time the reaction of 


the 30° plane tends to prevent sliding up and is, therefore, to the 
right of its normal. For this case then QO^ and POj (Fig. 250) 
are the directions of the reaction lines. 

When the beam is about to slide down the 30° plane the 
reaction lines will be parallel to PO and QO for the 30° and 
the 45° planes respectively. 

Now suppose the beam replaced by a light rod having 400 kilo- 
grammes concentrated at its end A in contact with the 30° 
plane, and 300 kilogrammes at the other end B. Then for 
the equilibrium at A we have PR ( = 400 lbs.), the reaction of 
the 30° plane and the push of the rod. 

When A is about to slide up, the reaction of the plane is OjP, 
and hence ROj gives the push of the rod at A ; therefore the rod 
must be parallel to 0-^R. 

Similarly, when A is about to slide up, PO is the reaction and 
RO must give the push of the beam at A ; hence the beam must 
now be parallel to OR. 

Draw the planes XA of 30° inclination to the left, and XB of 
45° inclination to the right. At any point A on the former, 
draw ^F parallel to PO^, and AB parallel to O^R. From B on 
the plane XB draw .BF parallel to QO-^. Then through Y, the 
point of intersection oi AY and BY, draw a vertical cutting AB 
inZ. Seetha.tAZ/ZB = ^. 

In a similar manner, draw the other limiting position of the 
beam A^B^, and verify the accuracy of the vector polygon 
construction again. 

To determine the friction in the first case, draw Oji'' perpendicular 
to PS; then FP is the normal reaction and OjF the friction at A. 

It is evident that there are not always two positions of 
limiting equilibrium, e.g. if RO is steeper than 45°, or RO^ steeper 
than 30°, there will only be one position ; if both happen together 
there is no position of limiting equilibrium. 

(31) A ladder rests against a vertical wall. The angles of friction for 
the wall and ground with the ladder are 20° and 40°. Find the position of 
the ladder when just on the point of slipping down, if the position of the 
M.c. is J up the ladder from the ground. 


(32) A heavy beam weighing 1000 lbs. rests in limiting equilibrium with 
one end on the ground and the other on a plane of inclination 30°. If the 
ooeifioient of friction =0-4 for both ends, tod the beam be about to slip 
when inclined at 20° to the horizontal, find the position of the M.c. 

(33) As in previous exercise, only li is 0'4 for the ground and 0'3 for the 

(.34) A heavy uniform beam AB weighing 700 lbs. rests with its end A 
on a plane of inclination 30° and coefficient of friction 0'3. The other end 
JS is on a plane of inclination 40° and coefficient of friction 0'4. If the end 
B is about to slide down when the beam is horizontal, find the position of 
its M.c. 

(.35) A uniform rod of length 7" rests inside a vertical rough hoop of 
radius 5". It is found that the greatest inclination that the rod can have 
to the horizontal is 30'. Find the coefficient of friction. 

(If O is the centre of the hoop and AB the rod inclined at 30° to 
horizon, draw the circle circumscribing OAB ; this cuts the vertical 
through M (the mid-point oi AB)m O; then GA and GB are the reaction 
lines at A and B. Measure the tangent of the angle between each of these 
lines and the corresponding radius. ) 

(36) In the previous exercise if the coefficient of friction at the ends are 
0'3 and 0'2 (lower and upper ends), find the position of the M.c. 

(37) The angle of friction being 20° at each end, and the rod uniform, 
find the position of the rod in the loop when on the point of slipping down. 

Draw AB in any position in the circle. Join OA and OB and draw the 
reaction lines at A and B. Join the point of intersection of these lines 
with M the mid-point of AB ; this last line represents the vertical. 
Measure the angle between it and AB ; this gives the position of the beam, 

(38) The angle of friction being 25° at each end, find the limiting position 
of the rod when the mass-centre is distant 2" from the upper end of the 

(39) A heavy beam weighing 1050 lbs. rests in limiting equilibrium with 
one end on the ground and the other on a plane of inclination 60°. If the 
coefficient of friction is 0'4 for both ends, and the M.c. is -^ up from the 
ground, determine the position of equilibrium and the frictions at the ends. 

(40) As in previous case, but the coefficient of friction for the end in 
contact with the inclined plane is 0'25. 

(41) A heavy uniform beam weighing 570 lbs. rests with one end A on 
a plane of inclination 30° and the coefficient of friction 0"2. The other end 
fi is on a plane of inclination 50° and the coefficient of friction is 0*4. If 
the end B is about to slip down, find the position of the beam a'nd the 
friction on the two planes. 

Find if another position of limiting equilibrium is possible. 

Example. Fig. 251 represents part of an ordinary bicycle screw- 
spanner. By means of the screw thread S amd the rack BOj, an 
upward force a is given to the movable piece. If a short rod DE is 
placed between the jaws, required to find the force /? which is exerted on 
the rod when the magnitude of a is 3 lbs. weight, and the coefficient of 



friction between the movable and fixed parts is 0-4. The distance 
between the axes of a and /3 is 1", between A and G 1-5", between B 
and G 0-6". 

The effect of - ^ downwards on the movable piece, is to press 
the latter against the fixed part at A and B, and since the lower 
jaw is tending to move upwards the friction acts downwards, and 
hence the total reactions at A and B slope as in Fig. 251. 

Draw the axes of the four forces, a, ^ and the two reactions, 
the distances being taken double the actual ones. Find the points 

FlQ. 252. 

Fia. 251. 

of intersection and Oj of /3 and the reaction at B, and a and the 
reaction at A. For equilibrium, the resultant of a and the reaction 
at A must balance /8 and the reaction at B, hence this resultant 
must have the direction 00^ . 

Draw a vertically upwards of length 3", and through its end 
points draw <r, and o-^ parallel to AO-^ and OOj respectively. This 





gives a■■^ the reaction at A. From the ends of a-^ draw o- and - ^ 
parallel to OB and P respectively. Then a + a-- P + a■-^ = and 
P is the force of the moving piece on the rod. 

Another, and perhaps slightly simpler, way of solving the 
problem is as follows. Find the point F of intersection of the 
reactions at A and B. Eesolve a acting along BO-^ into two 
parallel forces along ED and the parallel through F. The former 
component is the reaction of the movable piece on the rod. 

Compare the results obtained by the two methods. 

Example. Fig. 253 represents the load stage and part of the 
rack of a screw jack for raising loads eccentrically. AB is the pitch 
line of the rack along which the lifting force 
a acts, the load /i is carried by C. D and 
E are pa/rts of the casing against which the 
rack presses when a load is being raised. 
AD = 0-5", DE = 5" and the distance of 
the load line from AB is 3-5". When the 
load is 2 '6 cwts., fimd the smallest magni- 
tude of a necessary to raise the load if the 
coefficient of friction between the rack and 
casing is OS. 

Draw the axes of the forces u and P 
and the reaction lines of D and E. 
Find the point F of intersection of the 
two latter, and resolve yS through C into 
two parallel forces, one through the 
point F and the other along AB. The 
compoaent along AB is a. 

(42) Find u, also by the method first given for the previous example and 
compare the results. 

(43) Find the least value of a necessary to prevent the load descending. 

Example. ABCD (Fig. 254) represents a horizontal d/rawer. It 
is attempted to pull the drawer out of its case by a non-central handle 
P. Neglecting the friction at the bottom of the drawer, how far may 
the drawer be pulled out before jamming, «/ ju = 0"6 ? 



Fig. 258. 



Suppose the drawer is pulled out a distance AA-^ ; then, owing 
to the pull being non-central, the drawer is pressed at C against 
the right slide, and at A■^ to the left. The reaction at C makes 
angle € with CD (tan e = 0'6 : actually « for motion is a little less 
than £ for rest) ; the axis of the pull meets this reaction line at 
0. At ^j, the reaction is along A-J{, making e with A-^B-^^. 
Neglecting the weight of the drawer there are three forces, and 

Fia. 264. 

three only, acting on it, viz. the pull and the two reactions. 
For equilibrium these must pass through at point. 

Now is fixed relatively to the drawer, hence A^ moves until 
A-^K passes through 0, i.e. the drawer can be pulled out a 
distance AA^, where QA^ makes an angle e with CD. 

Hence to find point A^ : Divide CL into 10 equal parts, set 
ofiF iO=6 of these. Mark N on CD, where LN=LC; join ON, 
cutting AD a,t A^; then the drawer can be pulled out a distance 



(44) Find the farthest distance that the handle may be from the centre 
line in order that the drawer may be pulled out to within a quarter of its 
length, /i=0'6. 

(45) The handle being midway between the centre line and a, side, find 
/i if the drawer jama when pulled out half its length. 

Example. ABC (Fig. 255) represents a wedge, DE a wniform 
iron rod of weight 7-2 lbs., hinged at D and resting on the wedge at E. 
The coefficient affliction between the rod <md wedge is 0"3, and between 
the wedge and ground it is 0'4. The wedge is pushed by a horizontal 
force a so that it is just on the point of motion ; determine a if the 
weight of the wedge may be neglected ; given 

DE = 4-6'/i!., DB = l-9/i(., AC = 3-2ft., BC = 4//. 




/ * 

f ,' 


K -a 


G y/^ 

Pio. 266. 

The line of the reaction at E is known, also the weight of the 
rod acts through its mid-point, and since the rod is in equilibrium 
the direction of the reaction at B is known; hence find the 
forces by the vector polygon. The force at E on the wedge is 
now known, the axis of a. is known, and 'also the angle the 
reaction of the plane makes with the vertical; hence draw the 
vector polygon for the wedge, and determine a. from it. 

(46) The weight of the wedge being 3 lbs. , acting through the m.c. of the 
triangle ABC, determine a. 

(47) Determine a when AC=BO= 1 ft. ; |U is the same for both s^rfaoes, 
and the weight of the wedge is 4 lbs, 



In the problems on friction so far discussed it has been 
supposed that the body considered remains in equilibrium until 
the total reaction of the surface makes the angle of friction with 
the normal. This is not always possible, as the body may begin 
to turn about some point or edge before sliding commences. 

Example. A cube of 2" side' rests on a rough horizontal plane, 
for which jli = 0'6 ; it is acted on ly a horizontal force perpendicular to 
a face and passing through the mid-point of the top face. Shew that, 
however large this force, the cube will not slide, but that equilibrium 
mil be broken by the cube twrning about an edge. 

Draw a square of 2" side to represent the central section of 
the cube containing the axis of the horizontal force. 

While the cube is in equilibrium the three forces — horizontal 
push, weight, and reaction of the plane — pass through a point. 
This point 0, Fig. 256, is determined by the intersection of the 
horizontal axis and the vertical through the M.o. of the cube. 
If about to slide, the reaction of the surface makes an angle with 
the vertical whose tangent is 0'6 ; draw this line OA-^ through 
0; it cuts the plane outside the base of the cube. But 
the plane reaction must act within the base, and hence it is 
impossible for the cube to be on the point of sliding. 

As the push u. increases from zero, the total reaction of the 



surface makes a larger and larger angle with the normal until 
it comes to the position OA. Evidently when the reaction is 
at A, AO must barely touch the ground except at A, and the 
cube must be on the point of rotating about the edge through A. 

Draw the vector polygon of the forces when OA is the line 
of reaction of the ground, and determine the greatest value of a 
consistent with equilibrium. 

Example 2. A cable reel has an outside diameter of i ft. ; the 
radius, from which the cable is un-coiled, is at a certain moment 1-36 
ft. The reel is placed on the ground {coefficient of friction = 0-28) ; 
find the point at which the cable must be taken off, and the direction 
of the cable at that point, so that the reel may be just on the point of 
slipping, and find the force necessary to effect this if the reel and 


Draw (Fig. 257) 
to scale circles 
representing the 
reel AB which 
rests on the 
ground, and the 
layer from which 
the cable is being 
uncoiled. Then, 
since both the 
weight and the 
reaction of the 
ground must act 
through A, so 
must the pull of 
the cable. Draw 
AB^& tangent to 
inner circle, which gives the direction in which the cable is taken 
off, and the point B^ (there are two such points) at which the 
cable leaves. The vector polygon must now be drawn, the three 



sides being parallel to a, (3 and y respectively ; € is the angle of 

Measure the pull of the cable and the reaction of the ground. 

Since for equilibrium the three forces must pass through A if 
the cable be taken off at any other point than B-^ the reel will roll. 

Try an experiment, illustrating this, with a reel of cotton. 

Example. The ground slopes at an angle of 30° and the reel 
is just on the point of sliding doion, find the point at which the 
cable leaves the reel and 
the direction and magni- 
tude of the pull on it. 

Draw (Fig. 258) the 
plane and reel in posi- 
tion as shewn, also 
the vertical through 
the centre G of the 
reel. Since the reel is 
by supposition about 
to slide down the fric- 
tion must act upwards ; 
draw then, at A,& line 
making the angle of 
friction with the nor- 
mal. This line cuts 
the vertical through G 
at a point ; from 
draw tangents to the 
inner circle touching 
it at points B and B^ ; 
these points of contact 
are the points at which 

the cable may leave the reel, and the tangents themselves are the 
directions of the cables. 

Now draw the vector polygons for the two cases and determine 
the senses of the pulls and their magnitudes. 

280 fiRAtHlCS. 

(48) One end of the cotton on a large reel is fixed to a vertical rough 
wall ; if the reel rests in equilibrium against the wall and is just on the 
point of slipping down, find the point at which the cotton must leave 
the reel; given /t=0'6, the outer radius of reel=l", the inner radius at 
which the cotton unrolls =0'45". 

If the reel weigh 7 ozs. find the tension in the cotton. 

(49) One end of the cotton is fastened to a rough plane, /i = 0'3, of 
inclination 45°. Find the inclination of the cotton if the reel is about to 
slide down the plane. 

(50) Why is it not possible to cause the reel to be about to slide up the 
plane by pulling at the cotton. 

(51) Stand a thick book upright on a table and push it, perpendicular 
to the cover, with a pencil, first near the table and gradually increasing 
the distance until the book topples over. Measure the thickness of the 
book and the height of the push and calculate ju. 

(52) Draw a rectangle of height 4" and base 2" to represent the right 
section of a cuboid through its centre, at points distant i, 4, |, ... inches 
from the base ; suppose horizontal forces applied in turn until equilibrium 
is broken. Mark the corresponding pbints on the base where the total 
reaction of the surface cuts it, the coefficient of friction being 0'3. Find 
the highest point at which the force may be applied. 

(53) Draw a square of aide 3" to represent the section of a cube through 
its centre, and a line through a top corner inclined at an angle of 30° with 
the horizontal, to represent the line of action of a pull on the cube. The 
coeificient of friction being 0'4, find the greatest possible pull, if the 
equilibrium remains unbroken. Draw the axis of the total reaction of 
the surface. Weight=10'7 lbs. 

(54) In the last example, if the pull be exerted at an angle below the 
horizontal, find the greatest angle for which sliding is possible and the 
greatest pull possible if the cube does not move. 

(55) ABO (Fig. 259) is the right central section of a triangular prism, 
ABO being a right angle. BO rests on rough horizontal ground. A rope 
is fastened to A and pulled horizontally as indicated parallel to BO. If 
AB=i'l', BO=3'5', and /i4=0"3, determine if sliding is possible. If so, 
find the least value of a that will cause sliding. 

(56) If o be reversed in sense and /t=0-4 will sliding be possible? 
Give reasons. What value of a will cause the equilibrium to be broken 
in this case, and what value of n would cause it to be broken by sliding 
with this value of o ? 

(57) BO (Fig. 260) is part of an inclined plane of inclination 20°. ABGD 
is a cube kept in position by a string parallel to BO and fastened to D. 
What is the greatest value of /u. consistent with equilibrium? If it. has 
this value find the greatest value of the pull in the string consistent with 
equilibrium if the cube weighs 11 lbs. 

(58) As in last example, but let string slope upward at an angle of 45° 
with, horizontal. 

(59) In Fig. 260 make AB=2B0. If fi.=0-3, find the direction of the 
string attached to Z) so that the prism may be on the point of turning 
about the edge at O. 



Fia. 260. 


1. An experiment was performed in which a loaded slider was, by a 
suitable horizontal force P, caused to be just on the point of motion. 

Plot the values of P and the weight of the slider W given in the table on 
squared paper, and determine approximately the value of the coefficient 
of friction. 

P in lbs. wt. 








W in lbs. wt. 









Direction of Motion 

2. In Fig. 261 the circles represent "^ 
the coupled driving wheels of a railway 
engine. If the engine is starting, show 
roughly the direction of the pressure 
between the wheels and the rail. Give 
a reason for your answer. 

(Naval Cadets. ) 

FlQ. 261. 

3. A particle whose weight is 10 lbs. is placed on a rough plane inclined 
at an angle of 30° to the horizon ; it is acted on by a force up the plane 
equal to the weight of 6 lbs. , acting along the plane ; the particle does not 
move ; find the friction between the particle and the plane. 

If the particle is just on the point of sliding, find the coefficient of 
friction. (B. of E., II.) 

4. A uniform rod rests with one end against a smooth vertical wall, 
and the other end on a rough horizontal plane ; it can just stand without 
sliding when its inclination to the horizon is 45° ; find the coefficient of 
friction ; also find the inclination when the friction called into play is one- 
half of the limiting friction. (B. of E. , II. ) 

5. If the angle of friction for an inclined plane be 45°, determine 
completely the least force that will drag a weight of 100 lbs. down a plane 
inclined at 30° to the horizontal. (B. of E., II., 1906.) 

6. Find graphioalliMihe magnitude of the least horizontal force which 

a < tan"' /It. 

(B.So., 1904.) 

7. Define the coefficient and the angle of friction. A body weighing 
600 lbs. is sustained on a rough inclined plane (base twice the height) by a 
rope pulled in a horizontal direction. Prove that the greatest and least 
tensions of this rope consistent with equilibrium are about 389 and 134 
lbs. wt. (Inter. Soi., 1904.) 

8. Find, graphically by .preference, the direction in which a force of 
given magnitude must act if it is just able to move a body of given weight 
up a rough inclined plane, the coefficient of friction being known. 

Shew that when motion is possible there are in general two such 
directions. Hunter. Soi., 1900.) 

9. A beam rests against a smooth vertical wall and a rough inclined 
plane of inclination a passing through the foot of the wall. Determine the 
greatest angle the beam can make with the vertical. 

(Inter. B.So. (Eng.), 1905.) 

10. Define friction and limiting friction. Explain briefly what is 
meant when friction is said to be a passive force. 

.4 B is a uniform rod of weight 10 lbs. ; it lies on a rough horizontal table, 
and is pulled at the end B in the direction of its length by a force of 2 lbs. 
If ^5 stays at rest, how much friction is called into play? 

Everything being as it was, a thread is tied to the end B and is pulled 
vertically upwards by a gradually increasing force P ; find the least 
coefficient of friction for which P will begin to lift the point B. How will 
the rod begin to move if the coefficient of friction equals 0-25 ? (B. of E., II.) 


11. A body is placed on an inclined plane and the coefficient of friction 
is J ; it is acted on by a force along a line of greatest slope ; find the force 
when it is on the point of making the body slide up the plane. 

(B. of E., IL, 1903.) 

12. A ladder A B rests on the ground at A and against a vertical wall at 
B. If AB is inclined to the vertical at an angle less than the angle of 
friction between ladder and ground, shew geometrically that no load, how- 
ever great, suspended from any point in the ladder will cause it to slip. 

(B.Sc., 1905.) 

13. A weight rests on a rough inclined plane, whose inclination (a) 
exceeds the angle (\) of friction, being prevented from sliding by a force P. 
Find (geometrically or otherwise) the direction and magnitude of the 
least force which will suffice for this purpose. (Inter. Sci., 1906.) 

14. A uniform circular hoop is weighted at a point of the circumference 
with a mass equal to its own. Prove that the hoop can hang from a rough 
peg with any point of its circumference in contact with the peg, provided 
the angle of friction exceeds 30°. 

(Relative to the point of support the M.c. of the hoop and particle lies 
on a circle of radius half that of the hoop.) (Inter. Sci., 1905.) 

15. Draw a horizontal line ABO, AB = l" and B0=3". Let ABO 
denote a uniform beam of Weight w resting on a rough prop at B, 4nd 
underneath a rough prop at A . Find the ifirection and magnitude of the 
least force applied at the end which will just begin to draw out the beam 
from between the props. (B. of E., II., 1906.) 

(Draw the reaction lines at the points A and B to intersect in D, 
resolve the weight of the beam acting at its M.c. into two, one passing 
through D and the other through C, the latter component to be the 
least possible. ) 

16. Prove that a sash window of height a, counter-balanced by weights, 
cannot be raised or lowered by a vertical force, unless it is applied within 
a middle distance a cot (0 the angle of friction). 

If the cord of a counter-balance breaks, the window will fall unless the 
width is greater than a cot 0. (B. So. , 1902. ) 

17. A square window sash weighing 30 lbs. slides vertically in grooves. 
From the two upper corners sash cords are carried over pulleys and carry 
two counterpoises each of 15 lbs. Shew in a diagram the forces acting 
on the sash when one of the sash cords breaks, and find the least coefficient 
of friction between sash and grooves that will keep the sash from sliding 
down, if all other friction may be neglected. (C.S., Div. I., 1905.) 

18. If a body having a flat base is placed on a rough inclined plane of 
inclination i and angle of friction X, and the body is pulled by a horizontal 
force P, prove that for equilibrium P must lie between the values 
Wtaa(i + \) and HKtan(j-X) where X= weight of the body. If X > i, 
explain the second case. (Inter. Sci. , 1906. ) 

19. Define the coefficient of friction and the angle of friction for two 
rough bodies. A mass of 500 lbs. on a rough inclined plane for which the 
coefficient of friction is i and whose inclination is tan"' ^ is sustained by a 
rope which is pulled in a horizontal direction ; prove that the greatest and 
least tensions of this rope are about 389 and 136 '4 lbs. wt. respectively. 

(Inter. Sci., 1904.) 



To obtain a real grasp of the theory of moments the experiments 
described in Appendix I. should be performed. It is only by 
actually performing such experiments that the physical meaning 
of turning moment or torque becomes realised. 

Definition. The moment of a force about a point is the 
product of the force and the perpendicular distance of its axis 
from the point. It is positive if the direction and sense of the 
force relative to the point is contraclockwise, negative if clock- 

Geometrical Representation. From the point draw any 
line to the axis, then the area of the parallelogram which has 
this line and the vector of the force as adjacent sides, measures 
the moment. If the sense of the boundary, as given by the 
vector, is contraclockwise, the moment is positive. 

Thus, if (Fig. 262) is the point, a the axis, and a the vector 
of the force, the positive area OABC measures the moment. 

Whatever the direction of 0^, the area and the sense of the 
boundary remain the same. 

For a given force, the moment in general changes when the 
point is changed in position. In Fig. 262 the farther is to 
the left of a the greater the positive moment. When is on a 
the moment vanishes, and on crossing to the right of AB, the 
moment is negative. If, however, moves on a line parallel to a, 
the moment remains unaltered. 


It is important to notice that when the moment of a force is 
zero about a point 0, we may have either OA or AB zero, i.e., 
the force itself may be zero, or it may pass through the point ; 
to decide which alternative is correct further infornfiation is 


Fig. 262. 

Taking account of sense, OABC or an area equivalent to 
it is called the momental area of the force u, in a about the 
point 0. 

Unit Moment. There is no special name in general use for 
the unit moment. If we use a lb. wt. as the unit of force and a 
ft. as the unit of length, then the unit moment may be called 
one lb. ft. moment. This of course might mean a force of 1 lb. wt. 
at a ft. distance, or 2 lbs. wt. at 6" distance, etc. ; later we shall 
see that these are really equivalent. Whatever the units of force 
and length used, it is necessary to specify them in giving a 
number as the measure of a moment. 

Graphical Measurement of a Moment. 

Example, ab (Fig. 263) is the axis, AB the vector of a force. 
Required the measure of the moment of the force about a point O 
{distant p from ab). AB = 2'65", scale \ cm, to \ lb. wt., cmd 
P = 4-36", 



Take a pole P of the vector polygon at a distance h (2") from 
AB. Through draw a line A■^B^ parallel to ah, and through 
any point Q in ah draw Q^^ parallel to PA, and O^i parallel 
to PB, cutting A-yB-^ in ^i and B-^. 

Measure A-^B^ on the \ cm. scale ; it is the moment of the 
force AB about in lbs. inches. 

lbs. inches (moments) 

4 6 8 lo 12 14 i6 i8 

lbs. wt 

Proof. PAB and QA-^B^ are similar triangles, and therefore 
p _ h 
:. 4:-S6AB = 2AyBy. 
From the ratios it is seen that p and h being in inches, A^B-^ 
must be measured on half the AB scale- 


(This is really our old argument of p. 46 ; the moment is represented by 
a rectangle p . AB, or by an equal rectangle AiB^h. If the base h is the 
unit of length then the altitude -4]S] measures the area ; if A be twice the 
unit of length, the altitude is only J what it was before, and to obtain 
the old altitude we must multiply by 2, or use a scale with J the old unit. ) 

Sense of a Moment. If the vector polygon and moment 
diagram be drawn according to rule, an inspection of the latter 
will shew whether the moment is positive or negative. 

The radial lines of the vector polygon are always supposed 
drawn in the order of the vectors, and the link polygon lines in 
the same order. 

Hence the order in which the points A-^, B-^, ... are drawn gives 
the sense of the intercept — downwards in the case considered. 

The force being in ab and downwards, the moment about is 
negative ; hence the rule : if the intercept has a downward sense the 
moment is negative, if upwards, a positive sense. 

(1) Verify this rule by taking on the other side of ab. 

(2) Verify again by taking P on the other side of AB. 

(3) A force is given by a length 3'48 inches (scale 10 lbs. to 1'25 cm.), 
find graphically its moments about points distant 6 '72 ft. from it on 
opposite sides of the force axis. 

(4) Find the moments in Ex. 3 by drawing through O lines parallel to 
PA and PB and measuring the intercept on ab. 

Another Graphical Construction. With as centre — on 
your drawing for Fig. 263 — describe a circle of 1" radius. From 
any point Q on ab draw QO and a tangent QT to this circle. 
Find the components of AB in db along QO and QT. Measure 
the latter component on the cm. scale ; it is the moment of AB 
about in lbs. ft. units. 

Proof. The sum of the moments of the components of a force 
is equal to the moment of the force itself (see p. 296). As one 
component passes through and the other is at unit distance 
from it, the second component must measure the moment. 

Sum of Moments of Like Parallel Forces. 

Example. Draw fow pa/rallel lines distant apart 1'22, 2 '38 and 
1-94 inches, and let downward forces represented by lines of 3, 4, 2 -5 


and 3-7 cms. {scale 1" to 10 lbs. weight) act in these. Take a point 
1-43 inches to the left of the first axis. Find the sum of the moments 
of these forces about 0. 

Add the vectors of the forces, and choose a pole P distant 
3 inches from the vectors (Fig. 264). 

Draw the link polygon R^B^R^R^R in the usual way and 
produce the links to cut the line through parallel to ab in 
Xj, Xj, ..., Z5. 

Measure X-^X^ in inches and multiply by 30 ; the product is the 
sum of tTie moments in lbs. inches. 

Proof. Let x^^, x^, x^ and x^ be the distances of from ab, be, 
ed, de. Since the A PAR is similar to R^X-^X^, 

AB^X^ ._^_ AB.x^ = hX,Xo. 
A Kj 112 

Again, PBC, POD, PDE are similar to R^X^^, B^X^X^, 
R^X^X^, respectively; 

.'. BC .X2 = h.X^g, 

GD.x^ = h.X^X^, 

DE.x^ = h.X^X,. 
Adding, we get 

Sum of the moments of the forces about 

= h{X,X, + X,X, + X,X, + X,X,) 

= hX-^X^. 

And since X-^Xr, is downwards, the sum is negative and the 
moment cloekwise. 

Obviously, for more than four forces we only need to extend 
the construction ; the method will be exactly the same. 

The sum of the moments is thus represented by a rectangle of 
height X-^Xc, and base h. The moment of 1 lb. inch is represented 
by a rectangle of height O'l" and base 1"; hence, since A. = 3", 
to reduce h . X^Xr, to unit base we must treble the altitude, 
i.e. 3 . X-^X^ measured on the tenth inch scale gives the sum of 
the moments in lb. inches, 



The moment of the resultant force AE acting through E is equal to 
the sum of the moments of the components. 

If X is the perpendicular distance from on the axis of JE, 


rM6 = 4^ or JE.x = h.X,X,. 
X h ^ ^ 

30 60 90 120 

lbs. inches (moments) 
Fla. 264. 

If the point about which moments are to be taken is at Oj, in 
the space c, then the moment of AB is h.SjS2 and is positive; the 
moment of- BC is h . S^Sg and is positive ; the moment of CD is 
h . S^^ and is negative ; and the moment of DE is h . SJS^ and 
is negative : the algebraic sum of the moments is thus h . S^S^ or 
the intercept between the first and last lines of the link polygon 
multiplied by h. 

For all positions of then, the intercept, between the first and 
last lines of the link polygon multiplied by h, measures the sum 
of the moments. 

A simple inspection of the figures shews that this sum must 
always be equal to the moment of the resultant. 


Fig. 264 has been drawn for parallel forces having the same 
sense; the conclusion applies to all parallel forces which have' 
a resultant. 

The sum of the moments of a number of parallel coplanar 
forces about any point in their plane is eqtual to the moment 
of the resultant about that point. The algebraic sum of the 
moments is given by the intercept, between the first and last 
lines of the link polygon, on a line drawn through the point 
parallel to the forces. 

Notice that, the sum of the moments about any point in tk 
resultant is zero. 

(5) Find the sum of the moments about points in the spaces a, d and e. 

Sum of Moments of Unlike Parallel Forces. 

Example. Draw six pa/rallel lines ab, be, cd, de, ef (from left to 
right), the spaces b, c, d, e and f being 0-82, 1-2, 1-46, 1-79 and 
ri3 inches wide; forces of 4-6 (down), 1-5 (vp), 5-45 (down), 
2-8 (down), 5 (up) and 3'2 (down) lbs. weight act in these lines. 
Find the sum of the moments about a point distant 1-18 inches to 
the left of ab. 

Take a pole P (Fig. 265) at 2 inches distance from the sum AE 
of the vectors, and proceed exactly as before, the only difiference 
being that the link polygon is now re-entrant. Measure XjJj 
on the force scale and double the number obtained ; the result 
is the sum of the moments in lbs. inches. 

(6) Parallel forces of 3-3, 4-1, 2-3, 1-5 and 2-8 tons weight aot on lines 
distant 7, 8, 4 and 6 ft. apart from left to right, the first and last forces 
being downwards and the rest upwards; find the sum of the moment 
in ton ft. units about the points, 

(i) distant 3 ft. to right of axis on extreme right, 

(ii) distant 4-5 ft. from first and 2-5 from second axis, 

(iii) distant 1-8 ft. from third and 2-2 ft. from fourth axis. 

(7) Find separately in cases (ii) and (iii) the sum of the moments of all 
the forces on the left and on the right of the point. 



(8) The distances apart of the centres of the wheels of an express engine 
and tender are 9' 8", 5' 3", 6' 0", 11' 2-5", 6' 6" and 6' 6" from the leading 
wheels backwards. The loads carried by these wheels are 14 tons 10 ewts., 
17 tons 8 owts., 14 tons, 14 tons 10 ewts., 12 tons 5 ewts., 12 tons 10 ewts. 
and 13 tons 5 ewts. The engine is partly on a bridge, one bridge support 
being mid-way between the centres of the fourth and fifth wheels. Find 
the sum of the moments of the loads about the support. 

r— xp 

6 8 
lbs. inches (moments) 

Pig. 265. 

Sum of the Moments of Parallel Forces in Equilibrium. 
The sum of the moments of such a set of forces is zero for all 
points in their plane, and the sum of the moments of all the 
forces on one side of a point is equal in magnitude — but opposite 
in sense — to the sum of the moments of all the forces on the 
other side. 

Any one force of the given set reversed in sense is the resultant 
of the rest. Its moment, for all points, is minus the moment of 
the resultant and this is equal to the sum of the moments of the 
rest. Hence the sum of the moments of the given set of forces is 
zero. A proof from the link polygon-is given on p. 292. 


Example. A locomotive has the centres of the wheels from front 
to rear at the follomng distances apart, 8' 9", 5' 5", 5' 5", 6' 0". The 
loads borne by these wheels are 6 tons 8 cwts., 14 tons 6 cwts., 14 tons 
8 cwts., 16 tores 7 cwts., 16 fo?is 7 cwjfe.; the engine is on a freely 
supported bridge of length 40 ft., and the leading wheel is at a distance ( 
of 9' from the left-hand pi&r. Find the sum of the moments of all the 
forces to the left of a point mid-way between the third and fowrth 
wheels about that point. 

Draw the reaction and load lines of the bridge to scale (say, 
1 cm. to 1 ft.) ; then set out the load vectors AB, BO, CD, DE and 
EF to a scale of (say) 1 inch to 10 tons (Fig. 266). Take a pole 
P at a distance of 20 cms. from AF, and draw the link polygon 
XR-iR2B^RiR^Y ; X and F being the points on the reaction lines. 

Since there is equilibrium, XY must be the closing line, and 
the reactions are determined by drawing PO in the vector 
polygon parallel to XY. 

Through Z, the mid-point of the space d, draw a line parallel to 
the axes and cutting XY in M and R^R^ in N. 

Measure MN on the force scale and multiply by 20 ; the pro- 
duct is the sum of the moments, about Z, of all the forces to the 
right or left (taking account of sense) of Z. 

Proof. To find the sum of the moments of all the forces to 
the left of Z, we find the intercept between the first and last 
line of the link polygon. The first force (the reaction) has OA 
as its vector, and therefore the first line of the link polygon 
(drawn according to rule) is XY, the second is X^R-^, the third 
i?ii?2, the fourth is R^R^ and the final (taking into account only 
forces to the left of Z) is R^R^. Hence MN gives the sum of the 
moments of all forces to the left of Z, its sense is downwards and 
the moment therefore negative. 

The unit moment of a ton ft. is represented by a rectangle of 
height 0-1 inch and base 1 cm., the sum of the moments is given, 
from the construction made, by a rectangle of height MN and 
base 20 cms. If we measure MN, therefore, on the force scale and 
multiply by 20, we have the sum of the moments in tons ft. 



(20 cm. was taken as h instead of 10 to avoid the lines of the 
link polygon being too steep.) 

For the sum of the moments about Z of all the forces on the 
right we have R^B^ as the first link, and since FO is the last 
force, XY is the last link, and the intercept is now NM. The 
sum of the moments is, therefore, of the same magnitude, but of 
the opposite sense. 

The total sum of the nioments is therefore zero. 

Evidently, the deduction is- true for all parallel forces in equilibrium. 


^-- a 






















Tons wt. 


10 20 30 


200 100 

200 400 600 

Tons ft. (moments) 
Scale of Feet 



?.?.4 . 

Fin. 266. 

(9) The distances apart of the centres of the wheels of an express engine 
and tender are (from the leading wheel backwards) 12' 0", 10' 0", 8' 7'25", 
6' 9" and 6' 9" The loads borne by these wheels are *21 tons 15 owts., 

* This load of 21 tons 15 cwts. is really that borne by the two pairs of bogie 
wheels ; they are taken as one load to make the example simpler. The first 
distance, namely 12' 0", is from the centre of the bogie truck to the front driving 




19 tons, 19 tons, 12 tons, 12 tons 5 cwts., 12 tons 15 owts. The engine 
stands on a bridge, the left-hand support being 11' 6" from the leading 
wheel (centre), and the bridge is 75 ft. long. Find the sum of the moments 
of all the forces to the left of the centre of the bridge about the centre. 

Two Parallel Forces, (i) Of same sense. This is only a 
special case of the general construction, but it is worthy of 
separate consideration. 

Draw (Fig. 267) any two 
parallel lines ah and he, and 
vectors AB, BC of the forces 
supposed to act in those lines. 
Construct the axis of the 
resultant in the usual way 
and mark R^, R^, R and R^ 
where the axes of the forces 
cut the links. R^R x h then 
gives the moment of the force 
in he about any point in axis 
of resultant, and RR^ x h gives the moment of the force in ab. 

From the triangles R-^R^R and R^RR^, which are similar to 
triangles in the vector diagram, we obtain 



-^^ and ^3^2-^^ 

and therefore 



or, the resultant divides the distance between the axes inversely 
as the magnitudes of the forces. 

Notice that iJjiJg i® ^^Y ^^"^^ '> i^> then, the axes turn round any 
points i?i and R^ and remain parallel, the axis of the resultant 
turns round a fixed point in R-^R^, viz. R^. 

(ii) Of opposite senses. Construct as in the previous case ; 
now BG is upwards and the axis of the resultant is external 
to the other axis and nearer the greater force. 

See from the similar triangles that the axis of the resultant 
divides externally the distance between the other axes inversely 
as the magnitude of the forces. 



(iii) Equal in magnitude but opposite in sense. This is the 
case already considered in the chapter on the link polygon (p. 184). 

(10) The axes of a couple are 3 '76" apart, each force is of magnitude 
7 "21 lbs. -vreight. Take the pole at unit distance from the vector line and 
find a line giving the momental area of the couple in lb. inches. 

(11) With the same forces as in Ex. 10 find a line giving the momental 
area of the couple in lb. centimetres. 

(12) If a kilogramme =2 '204 lbs. find the momental area of the couple in 
Ex. 10 in kil-centimetre and kil-inch units. 

Moments of a Couple. — Direct Proof. The sum of the 

moments of a couple of forces is the same for all points in the plane 
and is equal to the momental area of the couple. 

u, and - a being the forces and 
(Fig. 268) any point, the moment 
of a about is given by OABEO, 
that of - a about is given by 
OEGDO. The algebraic sum of 
these is ABCD, which is the mo- 
mental area of the couple, and this 
result is quite independent of 0. 

The moment and the couple are two distinct things. The 
couple is simply the pair of forces, the momental area of the 
couple measures the sum of the moments of the pair of forces 
about every point in the plane. 

Sum of Moments for Concurrent Forces. Draw any 
parallelogram OAGB (Fig. 269) and let 
OA and OB represent concurrent forces, 
then 00 represents their resultant. 
Take points P, P^ and P^ as indicated, 
and measure the perpendiculars from 
them on OA, OB and 00. Find the 
algebraic sum of the moments of OA 
and OB about P, P^ and P^, and com- 
pare with the moments of the res'ultant 00 about those points. 

(13) Draw any three non-concurrent lines and take an arbitrary vector 
polygon for the forces in them. Find the axis of the resultant by the 
link polygon. Measure the forces and resultant to any scale. Mark some 



point on the paper and measure the perpendiculars from the point on the 
four forces and calculate the moments. What is the connection between 
these moments ? 

The algebraic sum of the moments of two concurrent forces 
is equal to the moment of the resultant about all points in 
their plane. 

Proof. Let a, h and c (Fig. 270) be the axes of the two forces 
and their resultant, the senses being as indicated. P is any point 
in their plane. 

Through P draw a 
line parallel to c, cutting 
a and 6 in ^ and B. 

Then AB may be 
taken to represent the 
resultant in magnitude, 
direction and sense, and 
AOB is the vector poly- 
gon for the forces. 

Then the moment of 
AO about P is twice 

AOP and is positive, the moment of OB about P is twice OBP 
and is negative; therefore their algebraic sum = twice AOB and 
is positive. 

(Notice that the sum is the same for all points m AB or AB 
produced, and that, whatever the position of P, it is always twice 
the area of AOB and in the sense of the letters.) 

Draw BO I parallel to AO ; then twice AOB = AOO^B and 
therefore measures the moment of AB in c about A, B or any 
point P in AB. 

It will be seen that the proof is perfectly general for all 
positions of P. 

For any system of coplanar forces the sum of the moments 
of the components is, for all poles, equal to the moment of 
the resultant (if there is one), or to the momental area of 
the resultant couple (if there is one) or is zero. 


Proof. This result follows at once from the link polygon 
construction, which consists in finding the resultant of concurrent 
forces two at a time, and since the theory of moments holds 
at each new composition it must hold at the final step when the 
resultant or resultant couple is found. 

As a particular case consider the decomposition on p. 203. 
Taking moments about X, we have moment of AB = moment 
of AD, and hence AD is uniquely determined. 

Sum of the Moments of any Number of Forces about 
a Point. If the forces have a resultant, take the pole of the 
vector polygon at unit distance (or a simple multiple thereof) 
from the resultant vector. Measure, on the force scale, the 
intercept between the first and last lines of the link polygon 
on a line drawn through the given point parallel to the resultant 

If the forces are equivalent to a couple (the vector polygon 
closed) take a force of unit magnitude (or a simple multiple 
thereof) as the arbitrary force vector and measure, on the 
distance scale, the perpendicular between the first and last lines 
of the link polygon. 

(14) The magnitudes of five forces are given by 3'7, 4:'8, 6'1; 2'8 and 
5'3 cms., the scale being 17 inches to 10 lbs. weight. The coordinates of 
points on their axes are (0, 0), (1, 2), {.S, 2), (1, 4), (2, 3) inches respectively, 
and the forces are directed towards N. (the y axis), N.E., 15° N. of E., 
S.W. and W. Find tlie sum of their moments in lbs. inches about a point 
whose coordinates are (1'5, 27), the coordinates being all measured in 

(15) Choose the magnitudes of the first and last forces in Ex. 14, so 
that the vector polygon is closed. Find the momental area of the 
equivalent couple. 

(16) Find the siim of the moments of three forces of magnitudes 3, 7 '2 
and 5 lbs. weight acting along AB, BC, CA the sides of a triangle about 
a point whose coordinates are (4, 2) inches. The coordinates of the vertices 
A, Band Cof the triangle are (2, 2), (1, 3), (3, 4) inches. 

(17) Draw a triangle ABO of sides AB=3, BC=3-5 and CA =4 inches ; 
through the vertices draw three parallel lines, and suppose forces of 
magnitudes 6"2, 7'4 and 9 lbs. to act in these lines through A, B and G 
and to have the same sense. Construct the line of action of the resultant 
in the usual way. Draw three more parallel lines through A, B, O, making 
45° with the first set, and suppose forces of the same magnitude as before 


to act in them ; construct the new axis of the resultant. Repeat the 
construction for parallel lines which are perpendicular to the first set. 

See that the three axes of the resultants are concurrent. This point of 
concurrence is called the centre of the parallel forces. 

(18) The coordinates of four points are (1, 2), (0, 3), (4, 0) and (2-5, 3-6). 
Parallel forces of like sense act through these points and are of magnitudes 
2 '2, 3 '5, 1'8, 3 lbs. weight. Construct, as in previous example, three link 
polygons, the sides making 45° with each other respectively, and shew that 
the three axes of the respective resultant forces are concurrent. 

(19) Three parallel forces equal in magnitude and of same sense act 
through the vertices of a triangle. Shew by three constructions that the 
resultant passes through the m.c. of the triangle. 

Centre of Parallel Forces. 

A number of parallel forces pass through points A, B, C, ... 
respectively. If the axes turn about these points so as all 
to remain parallel, then the axis of the resultant turns about 
a fixed point in itself, the centre of the parallel forces. 

Suppose masses to be at A, B, C, ..., whose magnitudes have 
the same numerical values as the forces acting through the 
points. The mass-centre of these mass-points must lie on the 
axis of the resultant force, for the sum of the moments of 
the forces and of the masses have exactly the same numerical 
value. Supposing, then, the axes of the forces to have a different 
direction, the M.C. of the mass-points must be at the intersection 
of the axes of the resultants. But the masses can have only one 
M.c, and, therefore, whatever direction the parallel forces may 
have, the resultant must always pass through a fixed point, viz. 
the mass centre of the masses. 

Since the mass-centre theorem remains true if some of the 
points be considered as having negative masses, the above theorem 
remains true if some of the forces have a different sense from 
the rest. 

(20) Parallel forces of like sense and of magnitudes 1-27, 2-18, 3-24, 
4-1 lbs. weight act through the comers ABGD of a square of side 8-35 cms. ; 
find the centre of the parallel forces. 

(21) Find the centre of the parallel forces in the last exercise if the 3-24 
lbs. weight force be reversed in sense. 

(22) Draw a triangle ABC having ^5=10-2, 50= 11 '8, C.4=6-48 cms. 
Parallel forces act through A, B and C of magnitudes (in lbs. weight) given 
by the opposite sides. Find graphically the centre of the parallel forces 
and shew that it is the centre of the circle inscribed in ABC. 



Mass-Centres by Link Polygons. The mass-centres of a 
number of mass-points can be accurately and expeditiously 
found by the aid of the link polygon construction. 

Example. Masses of 1-32, 1-66, 2-15 and 1-67 lbs. are 
concentrated at points whose coordinates in inches are (ri4, 0), 
(2-2, 1-13), (3-36, 2-87), and (4, 2), respectively. Find the position 
of the mass-centre. 

Plot the points on squared paper (Fig. 271), and through them 
draw lines parallel to the axes of coordinates; label those parallel 
to the y axis wij, m^, wig, m^ in order from left to right, then 
those parallel to the x axis from top to bottom must be labelled 
m^, mj, mj, m^. 

?K, m^ Wj m^ 

- - - - - ^ ^ - 

5 " T 

5 It " 

A \- ] ^ -- ^ - . 

"h _ , i^:^ S. X ._..]. .... 

*> , » 

. 1 -- _._ .?•-■,- ^, . 

^ ^ -- - - -^--^ 55 H 

_s__^ _ = s„s,.^ „L_ L = „ = .:„.„ 

„ ::^-:r:::::::::::::S:::?5^::: :i:^:;^'^S 

'"a ^ ^ ^ -5i£^^ S^ V^' Z 

s L _r _ ^^v^^i-'^i- j_- - 

i,^ S 5 v i'/t^ t 

\^ - - \ ^s3,?f » 

^V ^.- ^ ^^ ..Jg^j.-, .. ^ 

'^,5 % _ . _: :ff"_ A 

\ \ ^ .'l%_ 1 

% i+,?^j 

^7 - 7 

m^- -p- ' '_ ' ~_' '_ \' fit'. ;: _ ^ ^ 

\ .. f^ ^ 

,', - -5 . ^ _ __ _ _ 

'' ^ - _t I - '- - 

-± ^ -__-__: . , : 

J - _^_- z 

7 -A-- t 

: I _-Si- -- 

»» y \l 

*"*_ ^'^.I ^-:--± Si = ---.= ± 

- Z _ - - -- ^ ^ 

-7 ^ - _ - X 

y'^ - - ±. _ _ 

7 __ ± 

_ _ -__ , _-_ ±i __ _ _ - 

Set off the masses m. 

Fio. 271. 

( = 1-32), 



( = 1-66), 

( = 167) to scale along a line parallel to the 

Too ( = 2-15), 
axis, and 

choose some convenient pole P for the vector polygon. 

Using one side of a set square bounding a right angle, draw- 
through Pj, any point in the vertical mj line, a link PP^ 
parallel to the first line of the vector polygon. With the other 


edge of the set square draw through any point Q, in the hori- 
zontal line «!, a link QQ-^ perpendicular to the first line of the 
vector polygon. 

In this way it is quite easy to draw correctly and quickly 
two link polygons P-J'^P^P^, Q^Q^Q^Qi whose vertices lie on 
the vertical and horizontal m lines, and whose corresponding 
links are perpendicular. 

The intersection at P of the first and last links of the polygon 
P-^P^PJi'^ gives a line PR, parallel to Oy, on which the M.C. of 
the points must lie, and the intersection at Q of the first and 
last links of the polygon Q^Q^Q^Qi gives a horizontal line QR, 
on which the M.C. must also lie. The point R of the intersection 
of these lines is therefore the M.c. 

Proof. Since the M.c. of a number of masses is the same as 
the centre of the parallel forces whose magnitudes are pro- 
portional to the magnitude of the masses, all we have to do to 
find the former point is to find the axis of the resultant force 
in two cases. This is done most conveniently by supposing the 
forces acting through the mass-points to be (i) parallel to the 
axis of y, (ii) parallel to the axis of x. 

To find the axis in the first case the vectors of the weights 
are drawn parallel to the y axis, and a link polygon constructed, 
and the resultant force has PR as its axis. 

To find the axis in the second case, the vectors of the loads 
may be drawn parallel to the x axis and a second link polygon 
constructed. It is, however, more convenient, instead of drawing 
a fresh vector polygon, to suppose the first one turned through 
a right angle. To construct the second link polygon, therefore, 
we have only to draw links perpendicular to those of the first 
link polygon. There is less chance of error if the two link poly- 
gons be constructed simultaneously, by aid of two perpendicular 
edges of a set square, than if one be drawn completely first. 

To find the m.c. it will, in general, be necessary to draw two 
link polygons, preferably at right angles, each determining a line 
on which the M.C must lie. 


(23) Masses 3, 2-5, 5, 4, 3-7 lbs. are concentrated at points whose co- 
ordinates are (1, 0), (2, ,S), (1, 1), (,3, 2) inches. Draw two link polygons 
at right angles and find the mass-centre. 

Test the accuracy of your results by taking moments about the axes of 

(24) Choose another pole for the vector polygon in the previous question 
and see that the same point is obtained for M.c. 

(25) Masses given by lines of length 2-7, 1-86, 3-1, 1-72, 094 inches are 
concentrated at the vortices, taken in order, of a regular pentagon of side 
3 inches. Find graphically the position of the m.c. and test roughly by 
measurement and by calculating the moments. 

(26) Draw as follows five straight line segments to form a broken or 
zig-zag line: (i) horizontally a length of 4 '8 cms., (ii) sloping upwards at 
45° a length of 3'75 cms., (iii) sloping downwards at 15° a length of 5'3 ems., 
(iv) sloping downwards at 60° a length of 2 '8 cms., (v) horizontally a length 
of 4'25 cms. Find graphically the position of the M.c. of the zig-zag line. 
(Suppose each line to be concentrated at its mid-point.) 

(27) Find graphically the M.c. of six sides of a regular heptagon. (Notice 
there is an axis of symmetry in which the M.c. must lie.) 

M.C. of Areas by the Link Polygon. When the area can 
be divided up into parts for which the M.C.'s are found easily we 
may apply the link polygon to find the M.c. of these mass-points. 

At each of these m.c.'s we must suppose a mass concentrated 
proportional to the corresponding a,rea. 

Example. Find the m.c. nf the area given hy Fig. 272. 

Draw the figure to scale and mark its axis of symmetry. 


Fig. 272. 

Divide the area up into top and bottom rectangles and 
construct their M.c.'s. 

Construct the M.C. of the central trapezium. 

Draw horizontal lines through the M.c.'s of the two rectangles 
and the trapezium. Reduce the areas of the three parts to unit 



base and draw a vector polygon for masses proportional to the 
areas, and finally, by a link polygon, determine the horizontal line 
on which the M.C. of the whole must lie. 

(28) Find the M.C. of the double angled iron in Fig. 273. (Divide up into 
four rectangles and use two link polygons. ) 

(29) Find the mass-centre of the bar shewn in Fig. 274 ; the ends are 
semi-circles of radii 2-9 and 2-1 cms., the distance of the centres apart 
being 12'1 cm. 

(30) Find the M.C. of the area in Ex. 29 when a circular hole of radius 
1 cm. is cut out as indicated by dotted circle. 




Fig. 273. Pio. 274. 

Irregular Areas. When the area is irregular, or cannot be 
divided into parts for which the M.C.'s are known, we may resort 
to the method of strip division. Divide the area up into a 
number of equally narrow strips, take the mid-point of the 
middle line of each of these strips as the m.c. of the strip, and 
draw two link polygons for these mass-points. The masses at 
the points are approximately proportional to the lengths of the 
mid-lines of the strips. If the area has an axis of symmetry 
only one link polygon need be constructed. 

(31) Draw a semi-circle of radius 4", divide up into ten equally wide 
strips parallel to the base, and determine the M.c. of these strips by the 
link polygon method. 

(32) Find the M.c. of the irregular figure given on p. 58. 



Centre of Gravity, Centre of Parallel Forces, Mass- 
Centre, Centroid, Centre of Figure, Centre of Mean 
Position. Every particle of a body near the earth's surface is 
attracted towards the centre of the earth. The body being 
small compared with the earth, the axes of these forces are 
parallel (or nearly so). The centre of these parallel forces is 
called the centre of gravity of the body. The centre of gravity 
as thus defined is the same as the mass-centre of the body. 
Moreover, if the mass be uniformly distributed throughout the 
volume, it is the same as the centroid or centre of figure, and as 
the centre of mean position. 

Centre of gravity is not, however, a good term to use, since it 
denotes a point whose position depends not only on the body 
but on the earth also, whereas the mass-centre depends on the 
body alone and would remain unaltered if the body could be 
taken right away from all external forces. 

Since the mass-centre or centre of gravity of a body is the 
point through which the resultant of the weights of the particles 
always acts no matter what the position of the body (near the 
earth's surface), the body, if supported at that point, would be in 

This consideration leads to an easy experi- 
mental way of finding the M.C. of many 
bodies. Suppose a triangular board ABC 
(Fig. 275) suspended by a string attached 
to any point D oi it ; then, since only two 
forces act on the board, viz., the pull of the 
string and the resultant weight, these must 
be in a line, and therefore if a line is drawn 
on the board in continuation of the string 
it will pass through the M.C. By suspending 
the board from another point D-^ and mark- 
ing the point where the vertical through D-^ cuts the line already 
on the board, the position of the M.C. is determined. 

The M.C. of such bodies as cardboard or wooden triangles. 


quadrilaterals, circular sectors, ... should be determined experi- 
mentally, and the results compared with the graphical deter- 

* Moment and Couple. The moment of a force a in AB 
about a point is the same as the momenta! area of the couple 
u, in AB and - a in CO (where CO is parallel to AB), since both 
are given in magnitude and sense by the parallelogram OABC. 

* Resultant Couple and Moments. Any set of forces 
(coplanar) can be reduced to a resultant force through any 
chosen point and a number of couples whose momental 
areas are added algebraically to the momental area of the 
resultant couple. This couple has therefore a momental area 
given by the sum of the moments of the forces about 0. 

* Moments and Equilibrium. If there is equilibrium, the 
resultant force and the resultant couple must vanish for any 
point 0, hence the sum of the moments about any point must 
be zero. 

^Moments of Resultant and Components. If a system 
of forces has a resultant, this resultant reversed in sense must 
be in equilibrium with the components, and therefore the 
sum of the moments of. the given forces minus the moment 
of the resultant must be zero for every point. Hence, 
2 moments of components = moment of resultant for all points. 

* Theory of three Moments. Any system of coplanar 
forces can be reduced to either 

(i) a resultant force, 
(ii) a resultant couple, 
(iii) or there is equilibrium. 
If, then, the sum of the moments of the forces about one 
point be zero, there is either equilibrium, or there is a resultant 
force passing through the point. (There cannot be a resultant 
couple because the sum of the moments = the momental area 
of the couple.) 



If, then, the sum of the moments is zero for three non- 
coUinear points, the forces are either in equilibrium, or there is 
a resultant passing through three non-collinear points. The 
latter alternative being impossible the forces must be in equili- 


1. A BCD is a rectangle, AB=12, BG=S. At A, B, C and D are 
masaes 8, 10, 6 and 11 lbs. Find the M.c. by the funicular polygon. 

(B.Sc., 1905.) 

2. Prove that the sum of the moments of two forces in a plane about 
any point in their plane is equal to the moment of their resultant about 
that point. Can the conditions of equilibrium of a body acted on by a 
system of forces in one plane be expressed solely by the principle of 
moments? (Inter. Sei., 1906.) 

3. What do you understand by "the moment of a force"? A down- 
ward push of 40 lbs. acts on a 6" bicycle crank which is 50° below the 
horizontal position. What is the magnitude of .the moment produced 
about the axis ? If, by suitable ankle action, a push is produced at right 
angles to the crank in the same position, how great must this be to 
produce the same moment as the downward push of 40 lbs. ? 

(Naval Cadets, 1904.) 

4. Indicate the method of finding the resultant of two parallel, unequal, 
unlike forces acting upon a rigid body. 

A uniform bar 12 feet long, weighing 56 lbs., rests horizontally upon 
two supports, one being under one end A and the other being 5 feet from 
the other end B ; supposing a, weight of 10 lbs. to be hung from the end 
B, find the pressures on the two supports. (B. of E., Stage I., 1904.) 

5. Define the moment of a force about a point and state any theorem 
concerning moments. 

ABG is a triangle with a right angle a,t A, AB is 2 feet and AC ib 
3 feet ; a force of 5 lbs. acts from A to B and 
one of 4 lbs. from .4 to C; find the moment _ 

of the forces about the middle point of BG. M.*' 

If the point in question were fixed, indicate 
on a diagram the direction in which the tri- 
angle (supposed to be a lamina) would revolve. 

6. When a body capable of turning about 
an axis is at rest under the action of two 
forces perpendicular to the axis, what is the 
relation between these forces ? (State the 
relation, no proof is wanted. ) 

The disc in Fig. 276 weighs 2 lbs. and turns 
about the point O. What force P, acting in 
the position shown, is required to hold the 
disc in the position shown ! 

(Naval Cadets, 1903.) 

T,G, V 

Fig. 276, 



7. Fig. 277 represents a form of wheel and 
axle, drawn to the scale of one-tenth. A man 
sits on a platform suspended from the end A and 
raises himself by pulling on the end B. What 
force must he exert to support himself, and how 
much work must he do to raise himself a distance 
of 2 metres? The weight of the man with the 
platform is 100 kilogrammes, and the pull at 
either end of the tackle to raise a given weight 
at the other is twice as much as it would be 
without friction. (Military Entrance, 1905.) 

8. An hexagonal table, diameter 3 ft. and weighing 50 lbs., has weights 
5, 10, 15, 20, 25 lbs. placed in order, etc. at five of the angles. Determine 
the centre of the parallel forces, and its distance from the centre of the 
table. (B. of E., II., 1904.) 

9. Mark five points in a line PQSST, the distances apart representing 
3-2, 4-7, 1-8, and 2-6 ft. from left to right. Through P, Q, JR, S and T 
act forces of magnitude 1510, 2150, 750, 18.30 and 1980 lbs. weight. The 
forces make angles of 15°, 50°, 80°, 140° and 250° with FT reckoned contra- 

Find the sum of their moments in lbs. weight about a point U, distant 
7 ft. to the left of P, (i) by decomposing each force into two components, 
one of which is parallel to PT, and the other passes through the point U ; 
(ii) by finding the resultant force. 

10. On squared paper mark five points whose coordinates are (2'1, 3'3), 
(0-3, 5-2), (3-7, 2-1), (3-9, 4-5), (57, 0-8) inches. Masses given by lines of 
length 2-35, 1-82, 4-16, 3-05, 2-18 centimetres (scale 15 cms. to 10 lbs.) are 
at these points. Find the coordinates of the mass-centre by construction. 


Hooke's Law. If a bar be subjected to tensile or com- 
pressive stress its length changes; the relation between the 
stress and the elongation, or compression, was discovered by 
Hooke, and is usually called Hooke's Law. The law is purely 
an experimental one. 

If I be the original length of the bar, T the force producing 

extension, and e the elongation, then T is proportional to 1 or 


T= X-, (Hooke's Law) 

and A. is called the modulus of the bar. 

If A is the cross sectional area of the bar, then 

T ■ 

—f is the stress per unit area, 

." . 

A T X e 

"^^ ' J = JT 

li -j — E then E is called Young's Modulus for the material 

of which the bar is made. 

An exactly similar law holds for compression. Always, then, 
if a bar is in a state of compressive or tensile stress it is shorter 
or longer than its natural length, and this stress is proportional 
to the compression or extension. 

For very large forces the law ceases to hold and the elastic 
limit of the material is said to have been passed. 


This law is of great importance in many ways; it has 
important bearings on the stresses set up in many frames as 
well as on the bending of beams. 

Simple Cantilever. AB (Fig. 278) represents a horizontal 
beam fixed in a wall at A and loaded at its free end B with a 
weight W. (The weight is supposed so large that the weight of 
the beam itself may be neglected in comparison with it.) Consider 
the equilibrium of the part BP of the beam. It is evident that 


Fio. 278. 

the force or forces which the part AP exerts on PB must be in 
equilibrium with the load W at B. Suppose the beam cut 
vertically through at P, then the forces which we have to apply 
to the cut surface at P to keep PB in equilibrium must be 
equivalent to the reactions of AP on PB. 

No single force at P can be equivalent to ^ at i?; if we 
suppose a force - /F to act at P, then PB is under the action of 
a couple whose momental area is - W. PB (clockwise). Hence 
for the equilibrium of PB, we must apply at P an upward force 
of magnitude W and a couple of momental area }F. PB. The 
reaction forces of AP on PB must therefore be equivalent to 
-Wa,tP and a couple whose momental area is W. PB. 

This is simply another way of looking at the theorem on 
p. 206, viz. a force ^ at ^ is equivalent to a force W a,t P and a 
couple of transference -W.PB\ it is this force and couple 
which are equivalent to the reaction forces of PB on AP. 

This theory can actually be demonstrated by connecting the 
two parts of the beam by a rod EF, hinged at its ends, (see 



Fig. 279) and a horizontal string DC passing over a pulley G and 
bearing a load Q, whilst a vertical string at D passes over another 
pulley and bears a load R. 

When the vertical and horizontal pulls on D are adjusted so 
that BD is horizontal and in a line with C, it is found that the 
vertical pull R is of magnitude W, and the horizontal pull Q 
is such that q ^ j)p^ w x PB. 


C D 




E F 


Fig. 279. 

Since the part PB, under the action of R, W, Q and the force 
in EF, is in equilibrium, and since R and IV constitute a couple, 
Q and the force in EF must also form a couple, and therefore 
EF is in compression and the stress in it is measured by Q. 

The upper fibres of the beam (Fig. 278) must therefore be in 
tension and the lower ones in compression, and hence the upper 
fibres are elongated and the lower ones shortened. The beam 
itself must therefore be bent more or less, the loaded end being 
lower than the fixed one. It is these tensile and compressive 
forces in the fibres of the beam itself that prevent further 
bending, and it is the moment of W about P which tends to 
produce the bending. Hence JVxPB is called the Bending 
Moment at P. 

The upward force W at P, of AP on PB, prevents PB sliding 
downwards relatively to AP, whilst the external load JF tends 
to make it do so, hence W is called the Shearing Force at P. 

For the portion AP on the left the shearing force and bending 
moment at P have the same magnitude but are of opposite senses 
to those on the right. 



Bending Moment and Shearing Force Diagram for a 
Simple Cantilever. 

Example. A horizontal beam is fixed in a wall, the length from 
the wall A to the loaded end B is 19 -4 /if. If the load he 5 -IS tons 
draw diagrams giving the bending moment and shea/riv,g force at every 
point of the beam. 

Draw AB (Fig. 280), of length 3-88", to represent the beam 
(scale 1" to 5 ft.), and then PQ the load vector, of length 
5'18 cms. (scale 1 om. to a ton). 

Fro. 280. 

Through P draw PO, of length 2", perpendicular to PQ. 
Through B draw BG parallel to OQ, and above AB draw a 
rectangle of height PQ (BS in Fig. 280) and base AB. 

The triangle ABC is the bending moment diagram and the 
rectangle RS is the shearing force diagram. 

The bending moment at any point S of the beam is given in 
tons ft. by ST measured on the mm. scale. 


Draw the force and moment scales and measure the bending 
moments at points 5-36 and 10'28 ft. from A. 

Proof. Consider any point S of the beam ; the moment of the 
load W &t B about S is given by (Chap. VIII., p. 288) ST . PO 
where ST is parallel to AG. 

Since PO represents 10 ft., if ST be measured on the force scale, 
i.e. in centimetres, and multiplied by 10 the result will be the 
bending moment at S in tons ft. 

Hence, wherever S may be in AB, the vertical intercept ST 
of ABG gives the bending moment (b.m.) in tons ft. 

Again, since the load to the right of S is always PQ, the 
shearing force (s.F.) is constant and, therefore, the diagram for 
all points is the rectangle BS. 

At S the part on the left tends to slide upwards relatively 
to the part on the right and we may regard SB as being drawn 
upwards to indicate this. If we wished to indicate that the 
part on the right tends to slide downwards relatively to the 
left part then SB would have been drawn downwards. 

Authorities differ in this matter. In Cotterill's Applied 
Mechanics the s.F. ordinate, at any point, is set upwards when 
the part on the left tends to slide upwards relatively to the 
right hand part and is set downwards in the other case. In 
the article " Bridges '' in the Encyclopmdia Britannica, on the other 
hand, the ordinate is set upwards or downwards, at any point, 
according as the right hand portion tends to move upwards or 
downwards relatively to the left. 

Fig. 281 is an example of Cotterill's method of construction. 
Fig. 282 an example of the Encyclopcedia method. With the 
exception of Fig. 282 we shall adhere to the former way, i.e. to 
Cotterill's method. 

B.M. and S.F. diagrams for a beam freely supported 
at the ends and loaded at any one point. 

Example. A beam LM (Fig. 281), of length 21-5 ft., is sup- 
pmied freely at its ends in a horizontal position. It is loaded with 



a weight W (3470 lbs.) at a point distant 13-2 from L. Draw the 
bending moment and shearing force diagrams. 

Draw LM to represent to scale the beam length, and mark the 
point N on it where the load acts. Choose a pole P for the 
vector polygon at 10 units of length from the load vector AB. 








b b 




V. B 

lbs. wt. 


10,000 20,000 30,000 
lbs. ft. (moments) 

Fig. 281. 

40,000 50.000 

Draw the link polygon and close it ; in the vector polygon draw 
PO parallel to the closing line, so that OA is the reaction at L, 
and BO that at M. 

At iVj a point on LM where LN-^ = 7-72 ft., draw a vertical 
cutting the link polygon in S and T. 


Measure ST on the force scale and multiply by 10, this product 
is the bending moment at iV, in lbs. ft. Draw a scale of bending 
moments and measure the moment at a point distant 15-7 ft. 
from L. 

Draw a horizontal line UF between the reaction lines at L and 
M, V being vertically below M. Set downwards VV-^ = OP, and 
upwards UU-^ = OA. 

Complete the rectangle VV-JFXU-^U as indicated; this is the 
shearing force diagram. The shearing force at any section is 
the ordinate of this diagram reckoned from UV. 

Proof. Suppose the beam cut through at iV^j, then the external 
vertical force acting on LN-^ is OA, and on iVjilf it is AO, hence 
the part LK-^ tends to slide upwards relatively to N-^M. 

To keep N-^M in equilibrium, we must replace OA at L by 
OA at JVj (the shearing force at iVj) and a couple whose momental 
area is OA . LN-^ . Since this momental area is measured by the 
moment of OA about iV, it is given by ST and 10 . ST measures 
the moment. 

Similarly, to keep iiV, in equilibrium, we must replace AB at 
N and BO at" Af by AB + BO ( = A0) at iVj, and a couple of 
momental area AB . N^N+ BO . N-iB, i.e. by a couple whose 
momental area is the sum of the moments of AB and BO about 
i\^j, and this moment is measured by 10 . ST. 

Hence, before cutting, the material of the beam at JVj must 
exert shearing stress given hy AO or OA, and stress couples 
whose momental area is measured by 10 . Sl\ 

The shearing stress prevents the shearing of the beam at iVj, 
L2Vj upwards N^M downwards; the stress couples prevent the 
part Nj^M rotating con traelock wise, i.e. prevent N■^ sagging. 
Hence the measure of the momental areas of the stress couples 
at iVj — which prevent the beam bending — is 10 . ST. 

Similarly, the shear stress at iVj is measured by OA. 

The maximum bending moment is at N, where the load is, the 
shearing force is constant from L to N, changes suddenly at N 
and is constant again from N to M. 


However complicated the loading on a beam or girder, the 
process for finding the shearing force and bending moment at 
any section is similar to the above. 

Definition. The shearing force (S.F.) at any section is 
defined as the sum of all the external forces perpendicular to 
the beam on one side of sectionj and is considered positive when 
the right-hand part tends to move upwards relatively to the 
left-hand part. 

Definition. The bending moment (B.M.) is defined as the 
sum of the moments of all the external forces perpendicular to 
the beam on one side of the section, and is considered positive 
when the right-hand part tends to rotate or bend contra- 

B.M. and S.F. Diagrams when there is more than one 

Example. A bridge 80 ft. long is supported freely at its ends. 
The leading pair of wheels {centre line) of a locomotive and tender is 

15 ft. from one support (abutment) of the bridge, the distances apart of 
the centre lines of the wheels are 10' 5", 8' 9", 10' 8", 6' 6" and 6' 6", 
reckoned from the leading wheels. The loads borne by the wheels are 

16 tons, 17 tons, 16 tons, 10 tons 7 cwts., 9 tons, 9 tons. The engine 
a/nd tender being wholly on tlie h'idge, draw the B.M. and s.F. diagrams. 

Set off the load vectors AB, (Fig. 282), BC, CD, DE, BF, FG 
to scale. Choose a convenient pole P and draw the link polygon 
as usual. Close the link polygon and draw FO in the vector 
polygon parallel to the closing line. The intercept on any vertical 
line between the first and last lines of the link polygon gives the 
sum of the moments of all the external forces, including the 
reaction, on either side of the vertical line. 

Hence the link polygon gives the B.M. at any point of the 
bridge. In this connection the closed link polygon is called the 
bending moment diagram. 

In Fig. 282 the pole P is taken as four units of length from 
AG, and hence the B.M. diagram must be measured on the force 


scale and the measurement multiplied by 4 ; this gives the b.m. 
in ton feet. 

Draw a horizontal line XYiov the datum line of the shearing 
force diagram. At Y set YZ upwards (see p. 311), equal to GO ; 
at Y^ on fg set upwards Y^Z^ = F0; at Y^ on ef set upwards 
Y^Z^ = E0; at Tg on dc set upwards Y^Z.^ = D0 ; at Zg on cd set 
downwards X^W^=OC; at Zj on he set downwards X^W^^BO; 
and at X^ on ah set downwards X-^W^ = A0. 

O I00 200 400 600 SOO ICXX3 I200 1400 

Fig. 282. 

Complete the zig-zag ZZ-^Z^Z^X^W^W^W-^JV ; it is the shearing 
force diagram. 

Evidently, for the space g, the shearing force is GO = YZ, for 
the space / the sum of the forces to right is FG + GO, and the 
shearing force is FO, and so on all along the bridge. 

It will be noticed that the maximum bending moment is along 
cd, and the maximum shearing force is through the space a. 

(1) A horizontal beam fixed in a wall projects 12 ft., and it is loaded at 
its far end witli 500 lbs. Draw the b.m. and s.r. diagrams and measure 
the B.M. and s.r. at a point distant 4 ft. from the wall. 

(2) A cantilever, whose horizontal distance between the free end and 
the point of support is 25 ft. , is loaded at distances of 5, 10, 15 and 25 ft. 
from its fixed end with 500, 300, 700 and 1000 lbs. weights. Draw the 
diagrams of b.m. and S.F., and measure these quantities at distances of 8, 
15 and 20 ft. from the fixed end. 


(3) A beam of length 30 ft. is supported freely at its ends in a horizontal 
position. Loads of 1, 2'5, 3, 2 tons weight are applied at distances of 6, 
10, 20, and 25 ft. from the left-hand end ; the beam is propped at the 
centre, the upward thrust there being equal to a force of 1 '8 tons. 

Draw the b.m. and s.r. diagrams and measure the b.m. and s.r. at 
distances of 8 and 20 ft. from the left-hand end. 

Bending Moment for non-parallel Forces. In such cases 
the forces must be resolved into components along and per- 
pendicular to the beam. The former tend to slide the beam 
off the supports, consequently the beam must be fixed at one 
end (say by a pin-joint) and supported at the other. The com- 
ponents perpendicular to the beam are alone considered as 
producing bending moment. 

It is not necessary, before attempting to draw the b.m. diagram, 
to find the reactions at the supports ; the b.m. diagram itself deter- 
mines the components perpendicular to the beam. 

(4) A horizontal beam PQ, of length 25 ft. , is pin-jointed to a support at 
P, and rests freely on the support at Q. Forces of 2500, 2000, 1500 and 
3000 lbs. weight act at points distant 5, 13, 18 and 20 ft. from P, and are 
inclined to the vertical at angles of 15°, 30°, 60° and 45° towards Q. Draw 
the B.M. and s.J. diagrams, and measure their amounts at points distant 
7 and 19 ft. from Q. 

(5) A beam PQ, of length 18 ft., is pin-jointed to a wall at P and 
supported at Q by a chain of length 27 ft. which is fastened to the wall 
at a point E, vertically P, and distant 12 ft. from it. Loads of 1, 1-2, 2-3 
and 1'8 tons are hung at equal intervals along PQ. Draw the b.m. and 
s.F. diagrams. 

Reactions non-terminal. Occasionally it happens that the 
order in which we have to draw the vectors in the vector 
polygon, to determine the reactions of the supports on the 
beam, is different from the order of the points on the beam 
at which the forces are applied. In such problems it is necessary 
to take care that the links of the link polygon, or b.m. diagram, 
are drawn between the proper lines. If the diagram is too com- 
plicated to be read easily the vector polygon must be re-drawn, 
so that the vectors follow in the order of the points. 

Example. PQ (Fig. 283) is a horizontal beam of length 25'3 ft., 
it is pin-jointed at P, and rests on a knife edge at E, and w partly 
suppo^-ted by a rope fastened to it at Q. The rope QU passes over a 



smooth pidley at U, vertically above P, avd a weight W is attached to 
the end. The beam being loaded at S, T and V, required to find the 
bending moment and shearing force at any point. 

Pe=25-3 ft., PU=U-1 ft., ^5=4-36 ft., PT=lO-5 ft., 
PB = 197 ft., PF=2-2-2 ft.; the loads at S, T and V are 1650, 
1890 and 1340 lbs. weight, and the weight suspended at the 
end of the rope is 3740 lbs. 



^"^'^V^ H -^. 


S T 












~~ — —— 5: 










lOOO 2000 3000 

4000 5000 

10,000 o 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 

lbs. ft. (moments) 

Fio. 283, 

Draw the vectors of the loads at S, T and F, viz. AB, BC and 
CD; then DE^ (E^ is not shewn in Fig.) parallel to QU for 
the tension in the rope. Project horizontally E2 to E on AD. 
Notice that the space c in the beam diagram must go from T 
to v. Take the pole of the vector polygon 10 units of length 
from JB. Draw the link polygon P,/S'j parallel to OA, S-^T^ 
parallel to OB, T-^F^ (through whole space c) parallel to OC, 
F■^Q■^ parallel to OD, Qj^R^ parallel to OE (so that the space e 
must be considered as going from QQ^ round the top of the 
beam to the vertical through B). Close the link polygon by 
Pj,Rj and draw OF in vector polygon parallel to it. Then EF 


is the reaction at R, and FA the vertical component of the 
reaction at P. (The space / must be considered as going round 
from PP■^ over the beam to the vertical through B.) 

The vertical intercepts of P^S^T^V^Q^Ji-^ give the bending 
moments in lbs. ft. when measured on the force scale and 
multiplied by 10. 

For the S.F. diagram set downwards from PQ a,t Q a. 
distance = Z)^, at F a distance = C.S, at iJ a distance = i^'C i at 
T set upwards a distance = 5F and at S, at distance AF, 
complete the rectangles as in the figure. The vertical intercept 
at any point between PQ and the thick horizontal lines gives 
the S.F. at that point. 

As regards the b.m. ; the fact that D^^Rj^ is (if we start with 
OF in the vector polygon) the first and the last line of the link 
polygon, and yet for the space RQ we measure intercept from 
i?i4 is perhaps a little diificulty. The difficulty is due to the 
links not being drawn in the order of the points. When we 
come to the right of B the intercept between P^B^ and T-^F-^ 
does not take account of the b.m. due to the reaction at B, but 
the intercept between B^Q^ and PiBj^ (produced) does so, and, 
since, coming backwards from the right, Q^B^^ is before PiBj^, the 
intercepts have to be added. 

It is, however, clearer to redraw the latter part of the Imk 
polygon by taking the forces in order. Letter the spaces 
between B and V, F'and Q, d^ and e.^, respectively, and the space 
c will now end at B. 

In the vector polygon, from C draw GD^ upwards, equal to 
the reaction at B, viz. EF ; from J>j set D-^E^ downwards, equal 
to the load at F ( = CD) ; then E^F is the vertical reaction at Q. 
The vector polygon is now FJ, AB, EG, GV-^, D^E^ and EJ'. 
The link polygon is as before up to the space d-^; T-^V-^ stops at 
B^ ; the next link through the space d^ is .Rg^s parallel to OD^ ; 
and then V^Q^ through ej is parallel to OE-^. P-^Q^ should be the 
same line as Pj^Bi if the construction is accurate. The B.M. 
diagram is now P-^S^T-Ji^V^Q^P-^. 



What are the B.M. and S.F. at distances of 12 and 21 ft. 
from PI 

(6) The span of a roof truss is 40 ft. : three equal loads are placed at 
equal intervals of 10 ft., each load being 1-7 tons weight. The resultant 
wind pressure on the roof ia equal to a force of 1 ton, and makes an angle 
of 45° with the horizontal, and its line of action passes through tiie 
mid-point of the line joining the points of support. The roof being 
supposed pinned at the end facing the wind and freely supported at 
the other, draw the diagram of the b.m. and s.p. for the forces perpen- 
dicular to the line joining the points of support. 


(7) Find the b.m. and s.P. diagrams for the 
vertical post of the derrick orane in Fig. 284, 
due to a load W (3 tons) suspended at A. 
Length of jib AG =IG'8 ft., length of tie rod 
AB^U ft., BO=10 ft., BE=^ ft. The post 
is kept vertical by a smooth collar at D and a 
cup-shaped socket at E, and DE=4: ft. 

Pig. 284. 

(8) Find the b.m. and s.r. diagrams if the chain supporting Wis carried 
over a smooth pulley at A, and is fastened to the post at F the mid-point 
of BO, and the collar at D is replaced by a tie rod at Di, sloping down- 
wards at an incline of 30°, ED^ = 12 f t. 

(9) Find the b.m. diagram in Ex. (8) if the load is suspended from a 
point A^ in BA produced, where fi^i = 17 ft. 

Beam uniformly Loaded. 

Example. A beam 20 ft. long is uniformly loaded with 50 lbs. 
per foot run ; draw the shearing force and bending moment diagrams, 
the beam being supported at its ends. 

Draw a line PQ, 20 cms. long, to represent the beam ; draw a 
vertical upwards from the beam 1" long to represent the load per 
ft. run. Complete the rectangle of base 20 cms. and height 1". 
The area of this represents a load of 20 x 50 lbs. weight. 
Divide the rectangle into ten equal parts. Suppose the load on 
each of these parts concentrated at its M.c. 

The reaction at each end is 500 lbs. weight. 


Draw the link polygon for loads each of 100 lbs. weight 
concentrated at the M.C.'s of the rectangles. 

Then draw the b.m. diagram. This diagram gives only 
approximately the b.m. at the various points, because the real 
loading is uniform and not ten equal detached loads. But, the 
vertices of the diagram are points on the true b.m. diagram. 
For consider any point X on one of the M.C. lines on the beam, 
the bending moment there = moment of reaction at P - 2 moments 
of all the weights along PX. This last quantity is equal to the 
weight of PX multiplied by the distance of its M.C. from X, 
which is the sum of the moments of the partial system ; and 
this difference is exactly what the b.m. diagram does give. On 
the other hand, for points between two of the m.c. lines, the 
diagram is wrong, since it neglects the load between them. The 
true B.M. diagram is a curve passing through all the vertices of 
the constructed diagram. Draw a smooth curve through the 
vertices and measure to scale in lbs. ft. the B.M. at points distant 
3, 11 and 15 ft. from one end of the beam. 

To draw the shearing force diagram. At Q, the right-hand 
end point of the beam, set downwards QQ^ representing 500 lbs. 
to the proper scale. Join Q^ to the mid-point of the beam and 
produce it to cut the vertical through P. This line, with the 
datum line PQ, forms the shearing force diagram ; for the S.F. 
must decrease uniformly from 500 lbs. weight at Q to zero at the 

Beam continuously but not uniformly loaded. The 

method of the previous section applies to this case also. 

Example. A horizontal beam PQ (Fig. 285) supported at the 
ends is continuously loaded, the load per foot run at any point being 
given by the m-dinates of the triangle PQC. Find the s.F. and b.m. 
diagrams — the scale of the figure being horizontally 11" to \0Q ft., and 
vertically 1 cm. to 0-5 tons per ft. run. 

Divide the load curve into eight equal parts; find the 
vertical M.C. line of each part, and the load represented by the 


area of each part. Set these off to scale and draw the vector 
and link polygons as usual. Draw a curve through the vertices 
of the link polygon — this curve will be approximately the B.M. 

Fio. 285 

Draw ordinates for the shearing forces at the end points of 
the sections from right to left, and draw a smooth curve through 
their end points. 

(Eemember that the s.F. diagram is such that the ordinate at 
any point gives the sum of the forces on one side of the beam.) 

(10) Draw the b.m. and s.F. diagrams for a horizontal beam fixed in a 
vertical wall and projecting 25 ft., the load being uniform and 500 H)s. 
per ft. run. 

(11) Draw the b.m. and s.P. diagrams for a, cantilever due to its own 
weight and a load of 3 tons at its end, the length of the cantilever being 
30 ft. and its weight 100 lbs. per ft. run. (Draw the diagrams separately 
and add the ordinate. ) 

(12) The length of a beam is given by PQ (7") (scale 1" to 8') the load 
per J foot run is given by the ordinates from PQ to a circular arc on PQ, 
the maximum ordinate being 4 eras, (scale 1 cm. to 0'5 ton per ft. run). 

Draw the b.m. and S.F. diagrams and measure the b.m. and s.F. at points 
distant 21 and 15 '3 ft. from the centre. 

(13) Draw a right-angled triangle ABG having BC horizontal and 
of length 6 •72", and BA vertical ot length 4-3". Let BO represent the 
length of a cantilever from the fixed end B to the free end C, scale 1" to 
10 ft. Let the ordinate of the triangle at any point M of BC represent, 
to the scale of 1 cm. to 100 lbs. weight, the load per foot run there. Draw 
the diagrams of the bending moment and shearing force. 

Travelling Loads. We have now to consider how the b.m. 
and S.F. at any point of a beam, bridge, or cantilever changes as 
one or more loads travel along it. Many structures of large span 
are now made with cantilevers connected by comparatively short 
girders; perhaps the best example of this kind of bridge is seen 
in the Forth railway. The whole bridge consists of two spans of 
about 1700 ft. each, two of 67&ft. each, fifteen of 168 each and 


five of 25 each. For the main spans there are three double 
cantilevers, like scale beams, on supporting piers, and these 
cantilevers are connected by girders each 350 ft. long ; the 
length of the double cantilever is 1360. For such massive 
cantilevers as those of the Forth bridge, the b.m and S.F. 
due to the travelling train are small compared with those due 
to the weight of the structure itself. 

As the B.M. diagram is more easily constructed for a canti- 
lever than for a girder, it is advisable to commence with the 
consideration of the former. 

B.M. and S.F. Diagrams for a Travelling Load on a 

Example. A ca/rdilever is of length 250 ft. from pier to free end. 
Requi/red diagrams giving the b.m. and S.F. at any point as a load of 
lt"3 tons travels from the free end towards the supported pier. 

In Fig. 286 PQ represents the length of the cantilever, Q 
being the free end, L the given point at a distance of 87 ft. 
from P. 

AB is the load vector. Suppose the load at Q. Choose a pole 
at a convenient distance from AB. Through B, a point on 
the vertical through L, draw BQ^ and BQ2 parallel to OA and 
OB. Then Q-^Q^ gives the moment at L of the load at Q. When 
the load is at S, the intercept S-^S^ on the vertical through S 
gives the b.m. at L; hence, BQ-^Q^ gives the b.m. at L for all 
positions of the load between L and Q. 

When the load passes L the b.m. vanishes. 

The shearing force at L is constant for all positions of the load 
between L and Q; when the load passes L, the s.F. vanishes. 

At all points, therefore, the maximum s.F. is the same and 
is equal tr the load. 

To find the B.M.'s for points other than L we have only to 
notice that moving L to the left is equivalent to moving Q an 
equal distance to the right. Through any point E on the 
vertical through P, draw RP-^ and BP^, parallel to OA and OB 



and cutting the vertical through Q in Pj and Pj- The triangle 
P-fiP^ gives the b.m.'s at P as the load travels from Q up 
to P. For a point L, distant x to the right of P, mark a point 
L', X to the left of Q, and draw the vertical L-^^L'L^ ; then L^RL^ 
is the B.M. diagram for L as the load moves from Q up to X {i.e. 
in new figure from L' to P). 

Pio. 286. 

(14) What are the b.m.'s at points distant 30, 40, 100 and 150 ft. from 
P when the load is 30, 50, 80 and 100 ft. from Q. 

(15) Find the maximum bending moment at ten points between Q 
and P. Set up, at these points, ordinates giving the maximum bending 
moments to seale, and thus find the curve of maximum b.m.'s. 


*B.M. Diagram for Several Travelling Loads on a 

Example. Loads of 3, 5-2, 4-7 and 3-3 tms weight travel along 
a cantilever of length 57 ft.. The distances apart of the loads being 
5-3, 7-7 and 5-3 ft. from the foremost load of 3 tons backwardSy 
determine the b.m. and S.¥. at amy point as the loads travel from the 
free end up to the supporting pier or wall. 

Draw a line PQ (Fig. 287) to represent the length of the 
cantilever having Q for the free end, and mark the point L on 
it where the b.m. is required. PL represents 15 ft. Choose a 
pole at, say, 10 units of distance from the load vectors AB . . . E, 
Draw the axis ab of the load AB in its farthest position from L, 
and then on the other side of L draw axes 6jCj, Cjt^j and d-^e^ at 
the proper distance of the loads apart from the axis through L 
(i.e. draw the axes as if the leading load was at L, and the loads 
were travelling towards Q). 

Through any point ^j on the axis aJj draw A^Xj^ parallel to 
AO, and ^1^2 parallel to £0. Produce the latter line back- 
wards to cut ftjCj in JSj ; from ifj draw i^jXg parallel to CO ; 
produce this line backwards to cut CjCij in Cj and draw ClX^ 
parallel to OD ; produce this line backwards to cut <?j«j in Dj, 
and draw D^X^ parallel to OE. 

Then X-^XJi^^G^yB-^A-^ is the b.m. diagram for L as the leading 
load travels from ilfj(fl6) up to and past L, and the last load 
comes up to L (the first load being then at M^. 

When the leading load is at Afj , the b.m. is given by X-^Xe, ; 
when at M^ it is given by Y^^Yr^ ; when at M^ by Z^Z,^ ; and when 
at 71^4 it is zero. 

Proof. Since A^X^^X^ is similar to OAB, the vertical intercepts 
of the former give (p. 322) the b.m. at L due to the first load as 
it travels from M-^ up to L. 

Again, B^^X^^ is similar to OBC ; and since the distance from 
6jCj to ah is equal to that between L and the second load when 
the first load is at ilfj, the vertical intercepts of B^X^X^ must 
give the b.m. at L due to the second load, as it travels from be 



up to X. A similar argument shews that C-^X^X^ and D^X^X^ 
give the b.m. due to the third and fourth loads, as these loads 
travel from their initial positions up to L. 

M« P Ma 


M, M, 



XO > 












Tons wl. 

? t ^ ^ 7 

100 50 O lOO 300 300 400 500 550 

Tons ft. (moments) 
Fig. 287. 

Since on passing L the load ceases to have any B.M. at L, the 
sum of the vertical intercepts of these triangles must give the 
total B.M. at L as the loads travel. 

(16) Find the bending moment in tons ft. when the leading load is at 
(1)21-5, (2) 11-8 ft. ixoxa.L. 

(17) Shew how to iind the b.m.'s at L aa the leading load travels from Q 
to ilfj (the loads may be supposed travelling from a second cantilever over 
a connecting girder to the one under consideration). Find the e.m. in 
tons ft. when the leading load is 7'2, 14'1 and 16 ft. from Q respectively. 

To find the b.m.'s at points other than L it is not necessary to 

draw a fresh b.m. curve, because the lines A-J^-^, -^1-^2 ••■ ^"^^ ^ 

fixed relatively to one another ; and, therefore, instead of moving 

326 • GRAPHICS. 

L, it is sufficient to move the line X^Zj. Thus, supposing the 
B.M. diagram for the travelling loads are required for a point 
10 ft. to the right of L, then X-^X^ must be drawn 10 ft. to the 
left of Ml ; if for a point 10 ft. to the left of L, X^X^ must be 
drawn 10 ft. to the right of Tlfj, and the lines A■^X^ ... produced 
to cut it. 

The matter is thus mainly one of relettering the diagram 
originally drawn. Change L to P (the fixed end of the canti- 
lever) and move M-^ to the right a distance LP, and change the 
letter to P- Produce all the lines A^X^, B-^X^ ... D^Xg to cut 
the vertical through P in P-^P^ ...P^. Then P-^A.^B^ ...P^is the 
B.M. diagram for P as the last load moves from the free end up 
to the fixed end. For any point L, distant x ft. to the right of 
P, draw a vertical through L, x ft. to left of P' and cutting 
Aj^X^, B^Y^ ... in L.^L^ ... L^ ; then L^A^B^C^D^L^ is the B.M. for 
L (at P) as the last load travels from the free end up to i. 

(18) Find the maximum b.m.'s at points distant 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 
40 and 45 ft. from the pier, and draw the maximum b.m. curve. 

(19) Draw the shearing force diagram for the point L as the loads travel 
up to and past the point. 

(Up to the leading load being at L the s.f. is AE ; immediately it passes 
L, the S.F. drops to BE and so on.) 

(20) Loads of 10 tons 17'5 owts., 10 tons 17"5 ewts., 19 tons, 19 tons, 
12 tons, 12 tons 5 cwts. and 12 tons 15 owts. , due to an engine and tender, 
travel from a girder over a cantilever of length 150 ft. (from free end to 
pier). The distance apart of the loads from the leading one backwards 
are 6' 6", 8' 9", 10', 8' 7-25", 6' 9" and 6' 9" respectively 

Draw the diagram of the b.m. for a point distant 25 feet from the pier as 
the engine and tender travel over the cantilever. 

(21) Alter the lettering so that the diagram will give the b.m's. at any 
point of the cantilever, and determine the b.m. at points distant 50 and 
75 ft. from the pier when the leading wheels of the engine are at 110, 100, 
90, 75, 50, 10 and 5 ft. from the pier. 

Travelling Loads on a freely supported Bridge. 

Example. AB (Fig. 288) is a beam freely supported at its ends. 
A load W travels from A to B ; required the B.M. at any point Q for 
every position P of the load W. 

The reactions Pj and Pg ** ^ ^.nd B, due to W at P, are given 
^y Pi . AB= W. PB and Ii^.AB= W. AP, 



and the bending moment at Q is 

R^.QB = ^.AP.QB. 



> ■ 
Pig. 288. 

Now suppose W at Q, then the reactions R{ and R^ are given 


R-l.AB^W. AB and R^.AB=W. AQ, 

and the bending moment at P is 


Hence the b.m. at Q due to the load W at. P is the same as the b.m. 
at P due to the load W a< Q. 

B.M. and S.F. Diagrams for a Travelling Load on a 
freely supported Bridge. 

Example. A horizontal beam AB (Fig. 289), of length 50 ft., is 
freely supported at its ends; a load of 3 '38 tons travels from, A to B; 
required diagrams giving the b.m. arid S.F. at apoint Q (QB = l&'ift.) 
for all positions of the had. 

Draw the B.M. diagram for a load of 3 '38 tons at Q, and 
through any point P in AB draw a vertical PP2P3 cutting the 
B.M. curve at Pj ^"d P3. Then the intercept Pj^s gi^^s, to 
scale, the b.m. at Q due to the load 3-38 tons at P. 

Set upwards from A, to scale, AG = the load, join BC cutting 
the vertical at Q in Q-^. From A draw AQ2 parallel to BQ^ 
cutting the vertical at Q in Q^. Then AQ^Q^B is the S.F. diagram 
with AB as base line. 

The vertical at P cuts the diagram at Pj , and PPj measures the 
S.F. at Q due to the load at P. 

Proof. That for the b.m. has already been given. 



For the S.F. we notice that when the load at P is between 
A and Q the S.F. at Q is the reaction at B, and when P is between 
, Q and B the s.F. at Q is the reaeMon at A. 

If R■^ is the reaction at A when the load is at some point P' 
between Q and B, then B^.AB^W.PB 

S.F. at Q = i?i = 

^ AB "^ AC 

hence P'P/ measures to scale the S.F. at Q, and therefore the S.F. 
at Q, when the load is between Q and B, is given by the ordinate 
of the diagram BQQ^. 

20 40 60 So 
Tons ft, (mjoments) 

Fio. 289. 

Similarly, if the load is at P between A and Q, and E^ is the 
reaction at B, R^- AB= W . AP; 


:. S.F. at Q = .B2 = ^jjg = ^ -jA, (since ^ Q^ is parallel to BC) ; 

therefore the S.F. at Q, when the load is between A and Q, is 
given by the ordinate of the diagram AQ^Q. 



Immediately before P comes up to Q the S.F. is QQ^, and 
immediately after it is QQ^. 

The maximum s.F. is therefore immediately before the load, 
travelling from A, comes up to Q. 

The maximum b.m. is when the load is at Q. 

<22) What are the b.m. and s.P. at Q when the load is at P and 
(1)4^=25-7 ft., (ii) .4P = 41-6ft. 

Curve of Maximum Bending Moment for a Travelling 
Load. To find the maximum bending moment for other 
positions of Q, it is not necessary to redraw the whole bending 
moment diagram. A new closing line only is wanted. 

Keeping the pole fixed, the lines R-^R.^ and .^2^3 (^ig- 2^*^)' 
being parallel to OX and OY, must always have the same 
directions, and hence, instead of supposing Q moved relatively 
to A and B, we may suppose A and B moved relatively to Q. 
A, A g B, B 

Fig. 290. 

Suppose the maximum bending moment were required at a 
distance x from A. ^e,t o^ QA.^ = x from Q towards A and 
make A^B^ = AB. Mark the points S^ andiSg, where R^R^ and 
R^^ cut the verticals through A-^ and ^j, join S-^S^ cutting 
the vertical through QinS. Then SR^ gives the maximum B.M. 
at a distance x from A. 

(23) Find the maximum bending moment due to the load at points 
distant 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, ... , 45 ft. from A (Fig. 289). Set up at these 
points ordinates giving the maximum b.m.'s to scale and join them by a 
smooth curve, which must evidently pass through A_ and B This curve 
is the maximum b.m. curve for a single travelling load. 


*B.M. due to several Travelling Loads. 

Example. To find the b.m. at any point of a bridge, freely 
supported at its ends, as an engine travels from one end (abutment) 
to the other. 

A bridge is 50 ft. long amd an engine travels over it; draw a 
diagram giving the B.M. at the mid-point oj the beam for all positions 
of the engine whilst wholly on the bridge. The load on the leading 
wheels is 17 tons 18 cwts., and on the following ones 19 tons 16 cwts., 
19 tons 16 cwts. amd 17 tons respectively. The distances between the 
centre lines of the wheels are, from rear to front, 8' 3", 7' 0" and 
9' 0" respectively. 

Draw the bridge length, XY (Fig. 291), to scale and mark the 
load lines when the engine is in one definite position, say with 
the centre of the trailing wheels 2-7' from the left abutment. 
Draw the load vectors ABODE and take a pole P at a convenient 
distance. Construct the link polygon Bf^R-^R^R^R^R^ in the usual 
way, close it by the link R^^, and draw in the vector polygon 
PO parallel to R^R^. Mark the point R where the first and last 
lines of the link polygon intersect. Bisect R^^Rf, at M; mark the 
point M^ on BB^ so that the horizontal distance between R and il/j 
is half the span (25 ft.) ; join M and M^ and produce both ways. 

From the line aJ mark off to the right horizontally a distance = J 
span and determine a point L; similarly, from de mark oif 
horizontally to the left the same distance and determine a point 
K; draw verticals through K and L; then the figure between 
these verticals, MM^ and R^B^...B^, is the bending moment 
diagram for the mid-point of the beam, from the trailing wheel 
leaving X to the leading wheel reaching Y. 

Maximum Bending Moment at the Centre. An in- 
spection of Fig. 291 shews that M^B^. is the greatest value 
of the B.M. and this occurs when the third wheel of the 
engine is just over the mid-point of the bridge. 

When the leading wheel is over the mid-point, the b.m. is 
given by MJS,^■, when the trailing wheel is over the mid-point 
the B.M. is given by M-^R-^ ; and so for all positions of the engine. 

,0. O,. O3 0.0„ 


Fig. 291. 

S32 Graphics. 

(24) Find the b.m. diagram for a point distant 15 ft. from the left 

Mark the point on XT, project vertically to -B0-S5 cutting it at A, trom 
R go horizontally 35' and then vertically to 1S5 on RBs- Join SS^ ; then 
the vertical distances between SSp and i?„2?j...i?5 give the b.m. at the 
point required. The horizontal distances between which this will hold 
are 15 ft. to the right of ab and 35 ft. to the left of de. 

(25) What is the maximum b.m. at this point? 

If the pole P be kept fixed, then, whatever the position of the 
engine on the bridge, the link polygon R^S^B^B^ and the lines 
BB-^ and RB^ will be in exactly the same relative positions. The 
only things. that alter as the engine moves are the reactions at 
the ends, which alter the direction of the closing line R^B^- 

Instead, therefore, of supposing the loads to move, we may 
suppose the supports moved. Thus, to get the second pair of 
wheels cd over a point Q (distant x from Z) of the bridge, we 
have only to set off x to the left and 50 - a; to the right of cd, and 
the points so determined are the new position X^Fj of the 
supports. The verticals through Xj and Y-^ cut R^R and RR^ 
in, say, G^ and Gj, and GqG^ is the closing line. Gfi^ cuts cd in 
(?3, say, then GJR^ gives the B.M. at cd (which is now the 
vertical through Q). 

Now <?3 divides G^^G^ in the ratio a; : 50 - a;. If, therefore, we 
could find the locus of the points dividing the closing chords in 
this ratio, we could read off at once the vertical distances between 
the locus and R^R^ ■■■ R^, giving the b.m. at the point required 
as the pngine travels along the bridge. This locus is a straight line. 

(26) Find the closing lines of the b.m. diagrams for points distant 10, 
20, 30 and 40 ft from X, and measure the maximum b.m. at those points. 

(27) Set up ordinates at points along XT corresponding to the maximum 
B.M.'s determined, and join the end points by a straight line. It is the 
maximum b.m. diagram for all points on the bridge, as the engine, being 
wholly on the bridge, travels from left to right. 

*A straight line of variable length moves so that its end 
points describe straight lines, the ratio of the distances moved 
through by these end points being constant, the locus of the 
point dividing the moving Une in a constant ratio is a straight 


^fliJj and G^G^ (Fig. 292) are any two positions of the moving 

As G^ and G^ move y^ is always the same. 

S divides R^B^ in a given ratio. 

Join (?o^5, and draw SS^ parallel to G^R^ cutting G^R^ in S^, 
then draw S^S^ parallel to R^G^^ cutting GJ}^ in S^. 

Then,™ ^=11=11 

e„ s, R>s 

ElO. 292. 

iSj must divide G^G^ in the given ratio. 

But S/Sj bears a fixed ratio to G^^, 

and S^S^ „ „ ^5-^5 ; 

• • "oV ^^ constant if ^^^ is constant. 
"1*2 ""s-^s 

Also the angle 8,^-^8 is equal to the angle at R, and is there- 
fore constant. Hence, whatever the position of S-^ and S^, the 
triangle SS-^S^ retains the same shape ; the angle S^S-y is 
therefore constant; and since iSS'j is always parallel to RiyR; S^ 
lies in a fixed direction from S, i.e. the locus of S^ is a straight 
line through S. 

Referring back to the b.m. diagram, we see that this locus 
may be drawn by finding out where it cuts R^ or R^E, and 
joining the point so determined to the given point in Rf^R^. 

When (?Q comes to R, then G^ must be 50 ft. horizontally 
to the light of R, and hence where the locus cuts RR^ is deter- 


mined by dividing RQ^ in the given ratio. Since, for the special 
case drawn, the ratio is unity, S is aX, M and S^ is at M^^, where 
the horizontal distance between B and M^ is 25 ft. 

Similarly, if the point for which we want the b.m. is at a 
distance x from the left-hand abutment, then, when G^ comes 
to R, G^ must be 50 ft. horizontally from R, and the point 
required must be x ft. from R (horizontally) ; hence set off x 
ft. horizontally from R, and project vertically down to RR^. 

As regards the limits within which the straight line locus 
is available, we must remember that unless all the loads are 
on the bridge, the link polygon will not be the same. When 
the leading wheels come to the right-hand abutment, i.e. when 
the right-hand abutment is at de, the point distant x from the 
left-hand abutment will be 50 - a; from de, and when the last 
pair of wheels is just on the left-hand abutment {i.e. when the 
left-hand abutment is at ah) the point required is at x ft. to 
the right of ah. 

When only part of the train is on the bridge, only the part 
of the link polygon corresponding to the load actually on the 
bridge must be taken. Thus, if the leading wheels have passed 
the right-hand abutment, R^R^ is the last line of the vector 
polygon, and the line joining i2g to the intersection of R^Ri 
and eo is the closing line. Similarly, if the first two pairs of 
wheels have passed the right-hand abutment, RJi^ is the last 
link, and the line joining ^„ and the point of intersection of 
R^Ri and eo is the closing line. 

By dividing these closing lines in the ratio a; to 50 - a;, points 
on the locus from which the B.M.'s are measured may be found 
for the various cases when all the engine is not on the bridge. 

*S.F. Diagram for more than one Travelling Load. 
The S.F. is determined at any point when we know the closing 
line of the link polygon. 

Take the case of the S.F. at the mid-point. 

When the leading wheel is just coming up to the mid-point, M^ 
is a point on the closing line (Pig. 291) ; draw then in the vector 


polygon PO^ parallel to the closing line through M^ (this closing 
line cuts RR^ at a point distant 25' horizontally from M^. 
The S.F. is then OJi ; immediately the leading wheel passes the 
mid-point, the S.F. drops to 0^D. 

When the second wheel is over the mid-point, M^ is on the 
closing line ; draw theif PO^ parallel to this line. Just before 
the second wheel reaches the mid-point, the s.F. is O^D ; and 
just after passing it the s.F. is OgC and has changed sign. 

Similarly, when the third wheel is just coming to and just 
going from the mid-point, the S.F.'s are O^C and O^B, and when 
the fourth wheel is just going to and from the mid-points, the 
S.F.'s are O^B and O-^A respectively. 

Draw a horizontal datum line A-^E^ for the S.F. perpendicular 
to the load lines «6, be, cd and de. At E-^ (on de) set down- 
wards E-^D-i and E^D^ equal to O^E and O^D respectively, at Cj 
(on cd) set downwards O^D^ = O^D, and upwards G-fi^ = O^C. At 
B^ (on be) set downwards OgC, and upwards O^B. At A-^ (on ab) 
set up A^Bg = Oj^B, and A^A2 = O^A. 

Then E^D-fi^B^C^C^B^B^A^^ is the shearing force diagram 
for the midpoint of the bridge as the engine travels over the 
bridge from left to right, from the moment when the trailing 
wheel is on the left-hand abutment to the moment when the 
leading wheel is on the right-hand abutment. 

The maximum value of the S.F. at the mid-point is seen 
from Fig. 291 to be when the trailing wheel has just passed 
the mid-point. 


1. A beam 30 ft. long, supported at the ends and weighing 1000 lbs., 
carries a load of 1500 lbs. 10 ft. from one end. Shew how "to find the 
moment of the force tending to bend the beam at any point ; shew in a 
graph this moment for all points of the beam and find where the beam 
is likeliest to break. (Home Civil, L, 1905.) 

2. A beam 40 ft. long is loaded with three weights of 5, 15 and 10 tons 
placed 10 ft. apart, the 15 ton weight being at the centre of the span. 
Draw the diagram of the bending moments and the shearing stresses. 

(Admiralty, 1904.) 


3. A beam is in equilibrium under any system of parallel forces, acting 
in a plane which passes through the axis of the beam. Explain what 
is meant by the shearing force and the bending moment at any seotion, 
and shew how to determine their values. 

The beam ^5 is 20 ft. long, and rests horizontally on two supports, 
one at A, the other 5 ft. from B. There is a load of 2 tons midway 
between the supports, and a load of 1 ton at B. Draw a diagram for the 
bending moments along the beam. , (Patent Office, 1905.) 

4. Find the stress diagram of a triangiilar crane A BO, of which AB ia 
the vertical post, AG a, horizontal beam supported by a tie rod BG, due tq 
a load of ff tons carried at a point D of AC. Prove that the bending 

moment at D is W "^^'!"^ - ft. -tons. (Inter. Sci., 1902. ) 


5. Draw a rectangle ABGD and its diagonals AG, BD intersecting at 
E, the lengths ot AB and AG being 6 ft., and let its plane be vertical and 
AB horizontal. Let AG and BD represent two weightless rods, turning 
freely .round a pin at E, with their lower ends A, B connected by a thread, 
and standing on a horizontal plane. If a weight is hung at G, find the 
pressure on the ground, the tension of the thread, the stress on the pin at 
E, and the stresses in the rods themselves. 

How would the results be affected if G and D were connected by a 
thread instead of ^ and .B? (,B. of E.,. 11., 1902.) 

6. BG, GA, AB are three weightless rods formed into a triangular 
frame ; their lengths are respectively 10, 8, 6 ; the frame is hung up by, 
the angular point A ; a weight of 100 lb. is hung from the middle point of 
BG. Eind the stresses in BG. 

Find also what diflferenoe it would make in the stresses if 50 lb. were 
hung at B and 50 lb. at G, instead of 100 lb. at the middle of BO. 

(B. of E., 11., 1903.) 

7. Draw bending moment and shearing force diagrams for a beam 
loaded as follows : 

A uniformly distributed load of 3 cwt. per foot run covers ^ of the span 
from one abutment, and the span is 60 ft. Mark on your drawing the 
position and amount of the maximum bending moment. 

(B. of E., III., Applied Mechanics, 1904.), 

8. A bridge has a span of 72 ft. Draw the bending moment and 
shearing force diagrams for a, . point distant 9 ft. from the right-hand 
abutment as an engine travels from the left to the right-hand abutment. 
The distances apart of the centre lines of the wheels are 7', 5' 6", 7' and 
8' .3" from the leading wheels backwards, whilst the loads on the wheels 
aire 8 tons 19 cwts., 8 tons 19 cwts., 19 tons 16 owts., 19 tons 16 cwts. and 
17 tons cwt. in the same order. 


In designing roof trusses, etc., the engineer has to take into 
account not only the permanent loads but also the pressures due 
to wind and snow. 

Indeterminate Reactions. The wind pressure, being normal 
to the roof, has a horizontal component tending to slide the 
roof off its supports. This is, of course, resisted by the walls, 
but how much is borne by each wall it is generally impossible to 
say, since a given force may be resolved into two passing through 
fixed points (the points of support) in an infinite number of. ways. 
This does not mean that the reactions of the supporting walls are 
indefinite, but simply that further information is necessary to 
determine them. 

A similar difiiculty occurs in the attempt to determine how 
much of the weight of a door is borne by each of the two hinges. 
Here the indeterminateness is due to not knowing the exact 
relation between the parts of the hinges screwed to the door and 
the parts screwed to the door post. 

When the door is put into position, it may happen that the 
upper hinge parts only come into contact, and then the whole 
weight of the door is borne by the upper hinge ; similarly for the 
lower hinge. Again, if the upper hinge parts come into contact 
first, the wood may give slightly, so that finally the lower hinge 
parts come into contact ; in this case we must know a good deal 
about the elastic properties of the wood and hinge before the 
hinge loads can be determined. 

T.G. T 


The hinge parts on the post being at slightly different distances 
apart from the corresponding parts of the hinges on the door, the 
latter may have to be forced into position and any amount of 
compressive or tensile stress may thus be brought into play at 
the hinges. Finally, change of temperature, or accident, may 
alter the initial positions of the various parts. 

Reactions made determinate. In heavy gates it is not 
uncommon to have one hinge only near the top, the lower 
being replaced by a vertical iron plate against which the lower 
part of the gate (or rather a rounded iron fixed to the gate) 
presses. The forces in this case are determinate, since the 
reaction of the plate must be horizontal. 

A similar device is sometimes used for large roof trusses. The 
truss is hinged (pin-jointed) to one wall, the other end of the 
truss forms an iron shoe jointed to the axle of an iron roller, 
which rests on a horizontal iron plate on the top of the wall. 
The reaction of the plate on the truss is therefore vertical and 
the resultant of the external forces being known, the reaction at 
the hinge can be determined, and therefore the stresses in all 
the bars. 

Reactions and Stresses due to Loads and Wind 

Example. PQEST (Fig. 293) represents a roof truss, pin^'mnted 
at P, with an iron roller shoe at Q. The loads at T, S, and B due 
to the roofing and snow are 1, 1-3 and 1-75 tons. The wind pressure 
is equivalent to forces of 0-25, 0-5' and 0-2 tms at S, E «!«<? Q 
perpendicular to the roof. Determim the reactions at P and Q, and 
the stresses in the bars. 

Given PQ = 30 ft., QB==RS=19 ft., and that the base and 
altitude of the central triangle are 11-3 ft. and 8 ft. 

Draw the truss to scale and letter the spaces ; then draw the 
vector polygon AB, BC, CD, DE of the forces to scale. 

Project on to the vertical and obtain ABC-^D^E^ ; then E,E is 
the horizontal force borne by P. 



Take any pole Pj of the vector polygon and draw the link 
polygon for the vertical forces AB, BCj, OjDj. Determine the 
vertical reactions at P and Q due to' these by closing the link 

Fig. 293. 

polygon. In Fig. 293 these are DjOj and O^A. The total 
vertical reaction at Q is EiOj. Draw 00-^ equal and parallel to 
EE,, then OA is the total reaction at P, and EO that at Q. 


The vector polygon for the external forces is now OABCDEO. 

Another way would be to letter the spaces between the 
vertical loads and the wind pressures as indicated, Cg and d^, and 
draw the link polygon for all the forces AB, BOj, O2O, ODj, DjD, 
DE and determine the axis of the resultant. Then find the 
point of intersection of this axis and the known line of reaction 
at Q and join P to this point. The reaction at P is thus 
determined in direction, and the forces at P and Q will be given 
in the vector polygon by drawing lines from A and E parallel to 
the reaction lines. 

Draw now the stress diagrams for the bars in the usual way, 
and tabulate the results. Shew in the frame diagram those bars 
which are in compression. 

(1) Find the stresses in the bars if Q be pin-jointed and P be on a 
roller. Tabulate the results. 

(2) Find the stresses in the bars on the supposition that P and Q each 
bear half the horizontal thrust of the wind. 

(3) Find the stresses on the stipposition that P and Q are fixed and the 
wind pressures at 8 and R can be replaced by forces, through P and Q 
parallel to them. 

(Fixing Q, in addition to P, renders the frame over rigid, and merely 
putting the frame in position may set up large stresses. Again, suppose 
the temperature rises, then the bars tend to elongate whilst the fixed 
points P and Q resist these elongations. Hence, stresses will be set up 
quite independently of the loads. We are, therefore, driven to further 
assumption that the truss can be fixed in position without causing stress, 
and that the temperature does not change. These suppositions are some- 
times made in books dealing with actual engineering structures, but there 
is no real justification for them, see also pp. 337 and 338.) 

(4) Find the stresses in the bars of the queen post truss of Ex. 21, 
Chap. VI. (p. 225), if Q be pin-jointed, and P on rollers, and if the normal 
pressures due to the wind at T, 8, R, Q be 0'25, 0"5, 0'5 and 0'25 tons 

Stresses found by Moments. On p. 248 was given a 
method of sections for finding the stresses in one or more 
particular bars by the resolution of forces into three components 
lying along three non-concurrent lines. A similar method of 
sections combined with the moment construction will also often 
give the stresses in particulars bars. 

For this method to be effectual we must be able as before to 


make an ideal section of the frame cutting the particular bar 
for which stress is wanted, whilst the rest of the cut bars are 

A good example of this moment method is afforded by the 
suspension bridge problem already considered from another point 
of view in Chap. VI., pp. 242-248. 

Suspension Bridges. In suspension bridges, the roadway is 
supported by two sets of equidistant vertical rods (tie-i-ods) which 
are attached, at their upper ends, to the pins of long linked 
chains supported on pillars at the ends of the bridge. The 
pillars are kept vertical either by passing the chains over their 
tops and iixing them to blocks in the ground, or by means of 
separate tie-rods (backstays). 

In Fig. 284, PQ represents the roadway supported by eight 
tie-rods (only a few are taken for the sake of simplicity). PB and 
SQ are the supporting pillars, BT and SU the tie-rods keeping 
the pillars in a vertical position. 

The problem is : Given the span PQ (60 ft.) of the bridge and the 
dip of the chain, i.e. the vertical distance of the lowest point 'L from 
the highest S (15 ft.), tofmd the lengths of the various links, their slopes 
amd the stresses in them. 

If the roadway be uniform, each vertical tie-bar bears an equal 
fraction of the total weight. Let this be w (3'5 tons). 

Since the position of the chain cannot depend on the slope of 
the tie -rods, we may suppose these rods replaced by a light rigid 
strut joining BS. In this case PB and QS must react on B and S 
with equal forces of iw (14 tons). 

Number the spaces as indicated and set out the load vectors 
AB, BC, CD, DB, EF, .... From E draw EO perpendicular to 
JE, and make EO represent 10 ft. to the scale to which the span 
and dip were drawn. 

Draw the link polygon for the pole 0, starting with the first 
link, parallel to OA, through B. The middle link eo will 
evidently from symmetry be horizontal, but in all probability 
will not go through L. 



Through any point Z in the lowest link draw the vertical 
XYZ cutting RS in X and the desired position of the lowest 
link in Y. 

In the vector polygon draw OB, perpendicular to YS, and BO-^ 

perpendicular to ZS. Then 0-^ is the correct position of the pole 

and EO, is the stress in the lowest link. 

¥0 XZ 
This last construction is simply to find EO-^ so that -^^ = -Yy- 

and this is done by making the sides of REO and REO^ 
perpendicular to the sides of XYS and XZS. 




^^ . Tons wt. 

\ A o 1 2 4 6 8 10 T2 14 

--o o, 

Fia. 294. 

Draw the link polygon with Oj as the pole of the vector 
polygon, and see that if the first link be drawn through R the 
middle one will pass through L. 

Now draw to scale the supporting pillars RP and SQ, length, 
say, 18 ft., and the tie-rods RT and SU making 40° with the 
vertical. In the vector polygon AO^ gives the tension in the link 
oa ; hence draw through 0^ a line parallel to RT (link polygon) 
cutting AE in N; then NA is the reaction along PR and O^N is 
the tension in RT. 

Proof. If be the pole giving Z for the lowest link, and 
Oj the pole for Y, then XY. EO-^ measures the sum of the 


moments of all the forces to the right of XY about any point 
in XFZ (Chap. VII., p. 291). Similarly, XZ . EO measures 
the sum of these moments, and, therefore, XY. EO^ = XZ . EO. 
Oj was determined from this equation; therefore EO-^ gives 
the stress in the link LY and the other links must be parallel 
to the corresponding lines of the vector polygon. 

The position of 0^ may also be determined by calculation. 
The distances of the load lines from the middle point of the 
lowest link are all known; the reaction at S is also known, 
viz. half the sum of the loads. Hence, taking moments about 
the middle point of RS, we have the sum of the moments of the 
external forces = stress in the middle link multiplied by XY. 
This stress must be set off from E along EO on the force 
scale ; it should come to Oj . 

Notice also that the horizontal component of all the tensions 
is the same in . magnitude, hence the forces in the cut bars at 
X and Y must form a couple of momental area equal in magni- 
tude and opposite in sense to the couples formed by the reaction 
at S and the resultant of the loads ef, fg, gh and'Ai. 

If the number of the rods be odd no link will be horizontal. 

The construction for finding, the pole of the vector polygon 
is still the same. Z must be taken on the middle load line, 
and on the perpendicular through the mid-point of the 
resultant load vector. 

(5) Draw the stress diagram for the same span, dip and load per 
vertical tie-rod if there be 9 vertical tie-rods and 10 spaces. 

' (6) The span is 100 metres, the dip 8 metres, and there are 12 vertical 
tie-rods each bearing a load of 20,000 kilogrammes. Draw the chain to scale. 

The Suspension Bridge and Parabola. The connection 
between these was given in Chap. VI., p. 247. A much simpler 
proof by moments can now be given. 

Let V (Fig. 295) denote the lowest vertex and Q the w"" one 
from V, so that between V and Q there are m - 1 equal loads each 
of magnitude w. Since the loads are equidistant, the resultant 
load must be vertical and midway between V and Q. Take the 



horizontal and vertical through F as the axes of coordinates. 
Then if x and y are coordinates of Q, the resultant load is at 

a distance - from V. 

Let QM and VM be the 
direction of the links at Q 
and V; then since the chain 
between V and Q is in equili- 
brium under three forces, the 
total load and the tensions 
along VM and MQ, these 
must meet at a point on the 
resultant load, i.e. at M, whose 
abscissa is \x. 

Take moments about Q, then the moment of the total load 
acting through M is equal to the moment of T-^ in VM ; but 

T^ is equivalent to T^ horizontally and - vertically, hence, 
taking account of sense, 

and \ih = distance apart of tie rods 

rih = x. 



-^=T,yory = ^^ 

a parabola. 

To is determined when the span and dip and number of 
spaces are known. Say span= 100 ft., dip = 20, A = 5, 



To = 12-510. 

If the middle link be horizontal (Pig. 296), 




and, taking moments about Q, 

and since re - ^ = (n - 1)^, 

x + ^ = nh; 

n-i ^ 

Fig. 296. 

as on p. 248. 

Links forming a continuous Curve. However large n 
may be (i) will be true always, but both h and w become smaller 
and smaller as the number of links is increased. When the 

loading is continuous, -j- is the load per horizontal unit of 

length (or foot run), and the chain assumes a continuously 
curved form. 

Such a loading and chain cannot be obtained easily but very 
near approximations are possible. Telegraph and telephone 
wires, for which the sag in the middle is small, are cases in 
point. The sag being small, the distance between the points 
of support is approximately the same as the length of the wire, 
and hence the load (which is continuously applied) may be 
taken as constant per ft. run. 

If the wire or cable were of variable section, so that the 

weight per horizontal ft. run was constant, the above supposition 

would hold whatever the sag. 

w W 

It j-=W then y =-^^^- 

The equation to the curve assumed by the chain may also be 
determined directly, as in the following article. 



Uniformly loaded Chain. In this case the number of 
vertical tie-rods is supposed so great that the roadway may 
be regarded as being continuously supported. Let ^= weight 
of roadway per unit length ; then the weight of any length x 
is Wx, and the axis of the resultant weight acts through the 
mid-point of the length x. 








' T„ 




Let V (Fig. 297) be the lowest point of the chain, then the 
chain is horizontal at that point. Let Q be any other point on 
the chain. Take the horizontal and vertical through V as axes 
of coordinates, x 4nd y being the coordinates of Q. Then, for 
the equilibrium of the bit of chain VQ, the tensions at Q and V 
must intersect on the axis of x mid- way between V and N, i.e. 

at 2" 


Draw the vector polygon for M; then, from the similar triangle, 

y Wx ^ 


' T, 





We might have established this by taking moments about Q 


The above construction shews us how to draw a tangent to 
a parabola (for the tension J" at Q is in the direction of the 
tangent at Q), viz. to draw the tangent at Q, first draw the 
ordinate QN, bisect VN at M, and join QtoM; then QM is the 
tangent at Q. 

(7) A cable is to be made so that when erected its span will be 30 ft. 
and dip 15 ft. It is to be of variable section so that the weight per 
horizontal ft. run is constant and equal to 100 lbs. Draw the tangent at 
the highest point, and determine the tension at the highest and at the 
lowest point of the cable. 

(8) The span of a suspension bridge is 100 ft., the dip 20 ft., the 
number of vertical tie-rods for each chain being 8, and the load on each 
5 tons ; determine the stresses in the links and uieir lengths. 

(9) In Ex. 8 if the tie-rods RU a,nA SV be inclined at 45° to the vertical, 
determine the stresses in them, and in the supporting pillars PR and QS. 

(10) The span being 100, the dip 30, and the number of vertical tie-rods 
13 each bearing a load of 4 tons, determine the stresses in them, and the 
lengths of the links. 

(11) Construct the parabola of Ex. 7 and find approximately the ratio of 
the cross sectional areas at the highest and lowest points. (If O is the 
lowest and H the highest point, join OH and take any point Pj on it. 
From Pj go horizontally to P^ on the ordinate at H ; mark P whe«e OPo 
cuts the ordinate at Pi . Then P is a point on the parabola. The ratio of 
a small length of the curve at -ff to its horizontal projection is approximately 
the ratio of the cross sections at O and H). 

(12) The dip being 5 ft. and the span 100, draw the parabola. The 
load being 10 lbs. per horizontal foot, find graphically the stresses at the 
lowest and highest points of the chain. This example is ctpproximately 
the telegraph line problem. 

(13) The span being 50 ft. and the load per horizontal foot run being 
15 lbs. , and the greatest tension allowable being a force of 500 lbs. weight, 
find the dip, tension and lowest point, and draw the curve assumed by 
the chain. 



Stresses in Frames by Moments. 

Example. The frame QKSTUVW (Fig. 298) is freely supported 
at Q and T. The bars QV and UT simply cross at W and are iwt 
pinned there. The loads at R and S are 4-8 and 6-2 tons respectively. 
If qT=^30 ft., QV = 22-5//!., VT = ll-5/i!. and SV = ift.; find the 
stresses in the bars. 

Draw the frame to scale and letter the spaces. Choose a pole 
P and draw the vector and link polygons. Close the link polygon, 
and in the vector polygon draw PO parallel to the closing line. 
In Fig. 298 the reactions at T and Q are CO and OA. 

It will be noticed that at all the points QBSTU and F there 
are three bars meeting (double joints), and that therefore the 
usual method of resolution is not applicable. 

•The construction for determining the stress in bg will first be 
given and then the proof of its correctness. 

Flo. 298. 

Draw a vertical through JV cutting the link polygon and 
US {bg). 

Measure^, the length intercepted on this vertical between W 
and BS, and k, the intercept cut off by the link polygon. 

In the vector polygon draw BG horizontal, and construct (as 

BG h 

in Fig. 298) BG, such that 

k p' 

BG must be drawn from right to left, not from left to right 

as BG, 


Then BG- is the force exerted by hg on R, and GB is the force 
on S. The stresses in the other bars meeting at iJ or iS may- 
new be determined, viz. draw GF parallel to gf, and CF parallel 
to cf, intersecting at F. The vector polygon for S is then BGFQB. 

For the equilibrium at V, draw FH parallel to fh, and GH 
parallel to gh, determining H, and the polygon for F is GFH. 

For the equilibrium at T, we have CO, OH, EF, FG, and since 
H and are already marked we must have HO parallel to ho. 
If it is not so, some mistake must have been made in finding BG. 

Since QV and UT have two pairs of letters to denote them, 
eo and gh and ge and ho, the stresses in these bars will be given 
twice over in the stress diagram. See that the results are 

Proof. Suppose the frame cut through as indicated by the 
dotted curve (Fig. 298). Then any rigid body within may be 
considered as in equilibrium under the action of the load at B, 
the reaction at Q, and forces in the bars RS, UT and QF" applied 
at the cut ends of the bars. The sum of the moments of these 
forces about any point must be zero; hence, taking moments 
about W: 

Moment of force at Q + moment of force at ^ + moment of force 
in RS must be zero. 

The algebraic sum of the first two is given by 

h .h, 
and from Fig. 298 this moment must be negative or clockwise. 
Hence if s denote the magnitude of the force in Ig acting on the 
body hk=p.s, 

and the force must push towards R, since its moment is positive 
or contraclockwise. 

The bar bg or RS must therefore be in compression. If, now, 
we consider the equilibrium at iS*, the force at S must push, and 
therefore, since BG is downward, GB must be from left to right 
as indicated. 

(14) Find the compression in hg by resolving the resultant of the external 
forces at Q and M into three along BS, QF and UT. 


Example. The frams PQRST (Fig. 299) is freely supported at 
P aThd Q, sknd loaded at T, S amd R with 1, 2 and 1-5 tons. Find 
the stresses in the ha/rs. 

PT=.TS=SR = RQ=9 and 7^^ = 45° 
PZ7=10-6 and UPQ=n°, 
5^=6-3 and VSW=iQ°. 

Draw the frame to scale and then determine the reactions 
at P and Q by the link polygon. It will be seen that the 
usual process for determining the stresses stops at T and U, 
since at those points are three bars with unknown stresses in them. 

If we make an ideal section, as in Fig. 299, then any rigid body 
within the dotted curve may be considered as in equilibrium 
under the vertical forces at T and F and forces in the bars 
bj, ji, io, and the sum of their moments about S must be zero. 

The vertical through S cuts the link polygon in M and N; 
and hence the sum of the moments of the vertical forces at F 
and T is given by MN. F^X, where F-^X is the perpendicular from 
F-^, the pole of the vector polygon, on to the load vector AD. 

Also two of the bars hj and ji pass through S ; hence, if s is 
the stress in io and SZ the perpendicular from S on the bar, 
oi the sum of the moments of the stresses in the three bars 
about S is given by s . SZ, and hence 


Construct, then, s = XY, 

'°*^'* XPr^' 

and the stress in io is determined. 

Again, the sum of the moments of the external forces at T 
and F is clockwise or negative, hence the moment of T must 
be contraelockwise, or T must pull on the body enclosed by 
the dotted line and the bar io must be in tension. 

Hence set off 01 parallel to oi and of length XY. 

The point L is determined by drawing AL and OL parallel to 
al and ol. Hence K is determined by drawing LK and IK 
parallel to Ik and ik. Since for the point L the action of the 



bar lo is given by LO {OAL being the vector triangle),, for the 
point U we must have the sense OL, and since oi pulls at ZT,, 
/ must be on the left of o, as in Fig. 299, so that the vector 
polygon for U is lOLKI. 

Fig. 299. 

The point / is determined by KJ and I J parallel to hj and ij. 
Hence B and / are known, and if the drawing has been done 
correctly, BJ will be parallel to Ij. 

Notice that, if a mistake bad been made in deciding, whether 


io is in tension or compression, the direction of BJ would have 
been totally different from Ij ; this, then, gives a test as to the 
correctness of the reasoning and of the drawing. 

For the theory of reciprocal figures as applied to stress diagrams 
the student is referred to Cremona's Graphical Statics,* edited hy 
Professor Beare, and to a very elementary work by Professor 
Henrici and Mr. Turner on Vectors and, Motors, j 

(15) Fig. 300 gives a not unusual form of truss supporting the roof 
shelter on a railway platform. 

The loads at P, Q, S, S, T, U, V due to the roofing and snow are 
0-8, 27, 3'8, 5-2, 5, 4-7, 1-5 owts. Find by moments the stress in WX and 
compare ^ith that obtained by the usual graphical method. ET=5, 
Pr=3-85, SW=2-3. 

(16) Find the stress in SR, of the cantilever (Fig. 301), by the method of 
moments. The load at Q is 3 tons. Test the result by resolving the load 
at Q into three components lying along TV, TQ and SM. jSiJ=5'2, 
EV=5-5, TV=5-25, TS=n, ,S'K=9-4, BQ = 13-5, TQ = ni. Determine 
the stresses in all the other bars. 

(17) As in the previous example, only the load is suspended from a chain 
which passes over a smooth pulley at Q and is fastened to M, the mid- 
point of TS. 


1. Prove that a, chain made of equal links will hang in equilibrium 
in a vertical plane with the links parallel to lines drawn from a point 
to equidistant points on a vertical line ; and determine graphically the 
stress at a joint. (Inter Sci., 1902.) 

2. A heavy chain is supported by its ends A and B, which are 12 ft. 
above the lowest part of the chain. The horizonal distance between 
A and B is 66 ft. and the weight of the chain is 20 lbs. per ft. of its 
horizontal projection. Draw out to scale (10 ft. to an inch) the shape 
of the chain and find the force on the chain at the lowest point. What 
is the maximum force in the chain. (A.M. II., B. of E., 1903.) 

3. A suspension bridge two hundred feet span between the centres of 
the towers has cables having a dip of 30 feet ; the backstays are anchored 
at a distance of 60 feet from the centres of the towers ; the load on each 
cable is 4 tons per foot run. What is the stress on the cables at the centre 
of the bridge, at the towers, and in the backstays ? 

(Admiralty Examination, 1904.) 

4. Find the stresses in the bars of the trusses shewn. Figs. 302 and 308 
for equal loads. 

■ 5. Find the stress in ZT of the French roof truss, Fig. 304, by the 
method of moments and thence the stresses in all the bars. The loads 
at E, 8, T, U, V, W, X being 1500, 2700, 1600, 3400, 1800, 3250, 1750 
lbs. weight respectively, YZ=QZ=ZU=4:-^, QU=S-5, and QE=U, and 
the loads are equidistant. 

* Clarendon Press, t Published by Mr. Edward Arnold, 



A FORCE acting on a body is said to do work when the body is 

The work done by a constant force . acting on a body is 
defined as the product of the displacement of any point on the 
axis of the force, and the force component in the direction of 
the displacement.''^ 

Thus, if in consequence of the motion of the body, the point 
A (Fig. 305) on the axis of the force OF moves from A to A-^, 
the work done by F is the product AA-^ . OF^, where OF^ is 
the force component in the direction of ^j. 

If the force component has the same sense as the displacement, 
work is said to be done hy the force, and it is considered positive. 

If the force component has a sense opposite to that of the 
displacement, work is said to be done against the force, and this 
is considered as negative work done by the force. The reason 
for this sign convention is not difficult to see ; suppose two 
forces differing only in sense act on the body, then, so far as 
motion is concerned, these are equivalent to no force at all, 
and therefore in any displacement no work is done on the whole. 
But the components of the forces in the direction of any dis- 
placement are equal in magnitude, and opposite in sense, hence 
the work done by each force must be equal in magnitude, and 
if one be considered as positive the other must be negative. 

* The other component is supposed perpendicular to the first one. 



Unit of Work. In Statics the unit of work is usually taken 
as the footpound, or the work done by a force of 1 lb. weight 
when the body is moved 1 ft. in the direction of the force. 

If the unit of force be a dyne, the unit of work is called an 
erg, and is the work done by one dyne when the body is dis- 
placed I centimetre in the direction of the force. 

Fro. 305. 

Graphical Representation. Work done is represented 
graphically by the area of a rectangle of which one side represents 
to scale the displacement, and the adjacent side the force com- 
ponent in the direction of the displacement. To measure this area 
the rectangle is reduced to unit base either (i) the unit of length, 
when the altitude is measured on the force scale, or (ii) the unit 
of force, when the altitude is measured on the length scale 
(pp. 38-40). 

Moment of a Force and Work done by a Force. These 
are both represented graphically by an area, but have totally 
different physical interpretations. The moment of a force is a 
vector quantity, its plane is determined by the plane of the force 
and the point, and its sense by the sense of the force. The area 
representing the work done by a force has no special plane, 
and may be supposed anywhere; it is a scalar area though it 
may be positive or negative. 



Example. The shafts of a carriage are inclined at an angle of 
1,5° to the hmizontal. If the pull traiismitted along the shafts from 
the horse he 123 Ihs. weight, fmd the work done ly this force in 
moving the carriage through 137 ft. 

Draw vertically upwards a line OD (Fig. 306), of length 6-85", 
and set up along it 011=5". Through draw (i) a horizontal 
line OFj, and (ii) OF sloping at 15° and of length 12-3 cm. 
Draw FFj^ perpendicular to Oi^,, and mark on OF^ the point 
W, where DIV, parallel to UF^, cuts it. 

Fig. 306. 

Measure OW on the force scale, and multiply by 10 ; this gives 
the number of foot-lbs. in the work done by the horse on the 

Proof. OFj is the component of OF in the direction of the dis- 
placement, and hence the work done is measured by OF^.OD, i.e. by 
the area of the rectangle having OF^ and OD as adjacent sides. 

This rectangle is equal in area to OU. OFT, and OU represents 
10 feet; hence measuring OfF on the force scale gives the work 
done in 10 ft.-lbs., and therefore 10 x OW on the force scale gives 
the work done in ft.-lbs. 



(1) The weight of a bucket of water is given by a line of length 47 cm. 
(scale 1" to 10 lbs.). Find the work done in ft. -lbs. against gravity in 
raising the bucket from the bottom to the top of a well 764 ft. deep. 

(2) A horse pulls a canal boat with a, force of 151 lbs. weight, the tow 
rope makes an angle of 25° with the bank. Find the work done in ft. -lbs. 
on the boat in pulling it along 1 17 ft. 

(3) If a hole is punched through a metal plate 078 inches thick, and 
the average resistance to the force of the punch is of magnitude 23700 lbs. 
weight, find the work done in ft. -lbs. 

(4) A weight of 1720 lbs. by falling through 27 '8 ft. lifts, by means of 
a machine, a weight of 970 lbs. through 47 "3 ft. Find the total work 
done by gravity. 

(5) The inclination of a plane is 25° ; find the work done against gravity 
in pushing a body weighing 7 '3 owts. , 15 '7 ft. up the plane. 

(6) If the body be pushed up the plane by a horizontal force of 8 '2 owts., 
find the work done by this force. 

The work done by a force when a point in its axis is 
displaced, is the product of the force and the component 
displacement in the direction of the force. 

This is really an alternative definition to that given on p. 354. 

Let OB (Fig. 307) represent the displacement, and OF the 
force under consideration ; then, according to the first definition, 
the work done = OF^ . OD, where FF^ is perpendicular to OD. 

Fia. 307. 

According to the alternative definition the work done = OF. OD^, 
where DD^ is perpendicular to ODj . 

But OFj^F and OD-^D are similar triangles, 

and hence ^"5 = ^ °^ ^^ " ^^i = ^^^ ' °^- 


More shortly, if 6 is the angle between the force and the 
displacement, and /and d are their magnitudes, then the 
work done=/. dcos 6 (according to second definition) 
=/cos 6 .d (according to first definition). 

Work and Motion. It should be observed that for a force 
to do work or work to be done against a force, motion is essential. 
Unless some point on the line of action of a force moves, and 
the displacement has a component in the direction of the force, 
no work is done by or against the force. Thus, however great 
the force which a horse exerts on -a cart in trying to start 
it, no work is done by this force on the curt unless the cart 
moves. If by means of a second horse the cart be made to 
move, then the first horse does work on the cart, the amount 
being his pull multiplied by the component displacement. If 
a force acts on a body at right angles to its displacement, no 
work is done by the force; thus in the case of a body pushed 
along the surface of a horizontal table no work is done by the 
weight of the body because its line of action is perpendicular 
to the displacement. 

If, then, we know the work done by a force to be zero, we 
may have either (i) no displacement, or (ii) a displacement 
perpendicular to the force. 

We are not here directly concerned with the force or forces 
to which the motion as such may be due. For instance in 
Exercise 1, the actual work done by the person raising the 
bucket is not the same as the work done against gravity. To 
find the former from the latter we must know the speed of 
the bucket and the work spent in giving it kinetic energy as 
well as the work done against the resistances. 

It is true, of course, that if we knew the force exerted by the 
man the work done would be this force x the displacement. 
The difference between this work, and the work done against 
gravity, gives the energy imparted to the bucket, and the work 
done in overcoming resistances. Similarly, in the example on 
p. 356, we are concerned with the work done by the force 


applied to the carriage ; this may not be the same as the work 
done against the resistances to the carriage motion, because the 
carriage may be going faster at one time than at another. 

Shortly put, we are concerned in Statics only incidentally with 
the forces causing motion; our problem always is to find the 
work done by certain given forces when the body is displaced, 
the work being measured according to the definition on p. 354. 

Displacement and Actual Path. The actual path of the 
displaced point is immaterial; so long as the displacement is 
the same, the work done will be the same. 

Let F be the force and AAj 

the displacement of A, then (Fig. . 

308) the work done is F . AA^. B,^-^^;/^ 

If the displacement had been /\y^ 

first from A to B, and then from //^ 

-B to A^ the work done would /^ IB; 

Ji^^^^een A ^^^^^^ F 

F.AB^ + FB^A^ = F.AA^. 

This decomposition of displacements may be supposed repeated 

without limit, so that A may be supposed to move on any 

curved path from A to A-^, and the work done by F will still 


(7) Draw a circle of 3" radius, and suppose it to represent a vertical 
wheel of radius 6'. Find the work done by gravity when a load of 0'34 
ton is moved round the wheel from the lowest position through one, two, 
three and four quadrants respectively. 

Change of Direction of Force. If the force changes its 
direction as the point on its axis moves, but the angle between 
the force and the direction of the motion remains unaltered, the 
work done, will be the product of the distance moved through 
by the point and the force component in the direction of the 
motion at any instant. 

Thus, if the point move in a circle, and the force is always 
a tangent to the circle, the work done in a complete revolution 
will be the force x the length of the circumference. 


(8) A body is moved through a circular arc, of length 25 ft. and radius 
19 ft., by a force of 34 lbs. weight, which always makes an angle of 70 
with the radius. Find the work done on the body in ft. -lbs. 

(9) A man pushes at a capstan bar with both hands. One hand, at a 
distance of 9 ft. from the axis, pushes perpendicular to the bar with a force 
of 30 lbs. weight, the other pushes with a force of 38 lbs. weight at a 
distance of 7'8 ft. from the axis, and inclined to the bar at an angle of 72°. 
Find the work done in ft. -lbs. during a complete revolution. 

Work done against Friction. In the Chapter on Friction 
it was explained that the coefficient of friction was the ratio 
of the force tending to produce motion to the normal pressure 
when the body was just on the point of motion. Such a 
coefficient of friction is therefore not at once applicable to 
bodies in motion without further experimental evidence. 

Experimental Laws of Friction for Bodies in Motion. 

It has been found for bodies actually sliding one on the other 
that the friction between them is 

(i) proportional to the normal pressure ; 

(ii) independent of the relative speeds of the bodies ; 

(iii) „ „ area in contact ; 

(iv) dependent on the nature of the surfaces ; 
so that for bodies in motion, if F denoted the friction and N 
the normal pressure, F=uN, 

where /j. is constant for any two particular surfaces, but varies 
for different surfaces and is called the coefficient of dynamical 
friction. This coefficient of dynamical friction is slightly less 
than for limiting friction. 

Example. A rough plane w of length 13 ft. and height 7 '8 ft. 
Find- the work done hy the least possible equilibrating fmxe * when the 
body of weight 24-8 lbs. is displaced from the bottom to the top of 
the plane. The angle of friction for the plane and body is 18°. 

Draw the plane ACB (Fig. 309) to scale (AC =13 cm. say), 
and draw OiV perpendicular to AC. 

* A body is not neoessarilj at rest when in equilibrium ; it may be moving 
with constant velocity. 



Set off OfF vertically to represent the load of 24 '8 lbs. weight, 
and draw OP, making 18° with ON, on the side away from OfF, 
and then ^P perpendicular to OP. 

Project ?FP to W-^P^ on 
the plane by lines parallel 
toOiV. Along ^j^ set off 

and JF^U'=lOcm. 
Draw QQj parallel to UP^ . 
Measure JF^^Q^ on the 
force scale, and multiply 
by 10; it gives the num- 
ber of ft. -lbs. of work 
done in sliding the body 
up the plane. 


(10) Find the work done against gravity and also that done against 
friction. What connection is there between these and the work done 
by the equilibrating force? 

(11) Find the work done when the body is displaced up the plane by 
the equilibrant when (i) parallel to the plane, (ii) horizontal. 

Find also the work done against friction. 

(12) A man pushes a roller up a hill rising 1 in 7, and keeps the handle 
horizontal. The resistance is equivalent to a force of 24 lbs. acting down 
the hill. Find the work done on the roller by the man in moving it 123' 
up the hill, if the roller weighs 268 lbs. 

(13) The axle of a fly-wheel has a radius of 2", the weight of the wheel 
is 1780 lbs. and the coeiBoient of friction for the axle and bearing is 0"18. 
Find the work done in ft. -lbs. against the friction per revolution of the 

If a given set of forces acting on a body would keep it in 

equilibrium, then the total work done by all the forces is 

zero during any displacement of the body, the forces being 

supposed constant. 


This is a direct consequence of the fact that the vectors of 
the forces form a closed polygon, and therefore the sum of 
their components in any direction is zero. 

In many cases the forces cannot be supposed constant for 
finite displacements, and we have to consider infinitely small 
displacements. In the case of a beam leaning against a 
smooth wall and kept from sliding down by a peg at its 
foot, the reactions depend on the slope of the beam, and 
we cannot at one and the same time suppose the slope altered 
and the reactions unaltered. 

M.C. and Work Done. The work done against gravity 
in raising a body of weight W is eciual to the work done in 
raising a mass of weight W supposed concentrated at the 
mass-centre of the body. 

Let Wj, Wj, Wg, ... be the weight of the particles of the bodies, 
2/j, y^, i/g, ... their initial vertical distances above some horizontal 
plane, and Pj, Y^, ... their final distances above the same plane. 
Then the work done against gravity is 


But SwjT/j = </Swj where y is the initial vertical distance of the 
M.c. above the plane 

and 2wjFj = 3''Swj where Fis the final vertical distance. 

Therefore, total work done against gra,vity = (Y - y) W the 
work done on a particle of weight W in lifting it through 
the distances Y-y. 

(On each particle of the body other forces than the weight act, 
viz. the pushes and pulls of adjacent particles. These pushes 
and pulls constitute the stress of the body, and since the stress 
consists of equal and opposite pairs of forces, the total work 
done by these is zero.) 

(14) Find by calculation the work done in emptying a cylindrical well 
shaft of diameter 3 ft., the depth of the well being 110 ft. and the top of 
the water being 26 ft. below the surface ; the weight of a cubic foot of 
water is 62*5 lbs. approximately. 



(15) ^BC is a triangular prism weighing 78'3 lbs. It rests on the 
ground with the face BC, of length 2-37 ft., in contact with it. BA is 
vertical and of length 3 '16 ft. Find the work done against gravity in 
turning the prism so that it is about to fall over (i) round the edge at B, 
(ii) rovmd the edge at G. 

(16) Find by calculation the work done against gravity in raising a 
cage of weight 727 lbs. from a depth of 236 ft. by a wire rope of that 
length, the rope weighs 5 '7 lbs. per yard. 

Work done by a Variable Force. 

Example. A force mooes a hody in its line of action; for suc- 
cessive displacements of 1 ft. the magnitude of the force is 5r3, 72-4, 
65-7, 42-6, 31-5, 27-1, 30'3, 39-2, 46-9 lbs. weight. Represent the 
work done graphically and find its amount in ft. -lbs. 




































Displacement in ft 

Fia. 310. 

On squared paper take two axes of co-ordinates, the horizontal 
one to represent displacements to the scale of 1" to a foot and 
the vertical one to represent forces to the scale of 0-1" to a 
lb. weight. 

Plot the points corresponding to the numbers, and complete 
the rectangles as indicated in Fig. 310. Evidently the whole 
area of the figure represents the work done. Find the area 
in sq. inches ; the number of sq. inches multiplied by 10 gives 
the work done in ft. -lbs. 



Suppose we knew that the force changed for every displace- 
ment of 6", being 60, 68, 52, 36, 29, 28, 35, 43 and 47 lbs. weight 
at the intermediate points. Then, plotting these points, we see 
that the total work done is represented by the area of the new 

Further, if the force changed continuously instead of suddenly, 

we should have, instead of a succession of points forming a 

zig-zag line, a continuous smooth curve, and we see that the area 

enclosed by this curve, the axes of coordinates and the ordinate 

at 9 represents the work done. 

(17) The resistance to the motion of a car for various displacements 
is given in the accompanying table. Draw a curve giving the relation 
between the displacement and the resistance. Divide the total displace- 
ment into ten equal parts and erect ordinates at the mid-points. Add the 
mid-ordinates by means of a straight strip and measure on the force scale ; 
multiply by the width of the strips in feet. The product is the work done 
against the resistance in ft. -lbs. 

in ft. 











in lbs. weight 











(18) The force in lbs. weight acting on a body is always twice the 
magnitude of the displacement in feet and acts in the direction of the 
displacement. Find the work done by the force for a total displacement 
of 17-4 feet. 

Work done in Spring Extension or Compression. 

Experiments shew that when a helical spring is extended beyond 

its natural length, the extension is always proportional to the 

force applied (up to the elastic limit of the spring), so that if 

e denote the extension, and W the load, — is, for the same 

spring, always constant (Hooke's Law). 

If the results of an experiment be plotted, say extension in 

cms. horizontally, and load in grms. weight vertically, the points 

will be found to lie approximately in a straight line — as in 

Fig. 311 — passing through the origin of coordinates. From the 

graph we see that — is always constant and is measured by tan a. 



The work done in extending the spring a distance OA is 
therefore given by the area OAB to scale, and is measured 
by ^OA . AB, i.e. \ the product of the maximum extension 
and maximum load. 


















U Extension in cms. = e " 

Fia. 311. 

(19) A spring is found to extend a distance of 12 '7 cms. beyond its 
natural length under a load of 46 '3 lbs. Find the work done in inoh-lbs. in 
gradually extending the spring from its natural length to 8 '7 ems. beyond. 

(Draw the straight line graph by setting off 0.4 = 12-7 ems. horizontally, 
and AB vertically a distance of 4'63 inches, and join OB; OB is the 
graph. Find the area enclosed by OB, OA, and the ordinate at a point 
8-7 from O.) 

(20) A spring is found to extend a distance of 15 cms. under a load of 
17 '6 lbs. Find the work done in gradually extending it from an extension 
of 7"3 cms. to one of 17"4 in ineh-lbs. 

(21) A bar is fixed at one end, and twisted by means of an arm of length 
1 ft. , fixed at right angles to the length, at the other end. To keep the 
free end of the bar twisted through a radian requires a force of 27 lbs. 
weight to be applied to the end of the arm. The force applied being 
proportional to the angle of twist, find the work done in twisting the free 
end from 0'56 to 1"32 radians. 

Work done in compressing Gases. For many gases at 
ordinary temperatures and pressures the relationship between 
the volume they occupy and the pressure to which they are 
subjected is given by the law 

Pressure x volume = C (where is constant) 
(known as Boyle's or Marriotte's Law). 

Example. A gas obeying Boyle's Law is enclosed in a cylinder filled 
with an air-tight piston ; to find the work done in compressing the gas. 

Suppose when the compression starts at the atmospheric 
pressure of 14-3 lbs. per square inch, the volume of the 



enclosed gas is 100 cubic inches, then the constant above is 
14-3x100=1430. Suppose the volume is reduced to 20 cubic 

On squared paper take two axes of coordinates, the vertical 
one for pressures, and the horizontal one for volumes. Along 
the latter set off OM to represent to scale 100 cubic inches, and 
set up vertically MP to represent the pressure of the gas 
(14'3 lbs. per sq. inch). 















s \ 







































40 50 60 

Cubic fhches 

Fio. 312. 


80 90 

Draw a horizontal line through P (Fig. 312), and mark any 
point Fj on it; put a straight edge along OF^, and mark the 
point Tj where it cuts the ordinate PM. From F^ go horizontally 
to Fg on the ordinate FFj through Fj. 

Fg is a point on the curve whose equation is 
P. F=U-3x 100 = 0M. MP. 

Repeat the construction for a number of points like F-^, and 
obtain, say, nine points between F=20, and r= 100. Join the 
points by a smooth curve QF^P. This curve has for its equation 
P. r= 14-3x100. 

Find the area enclosed between the curve, the axis OM, and 
the ordinates QN and PM, by the mid-ordinate method, i.e. add 


the mid-ordinates of a number of equally wide strips between 
JSf and M by the strip method, and multiply by the common 
width of the strips, the former being measured on the pressure 
scale, and the latter on the volume scale. 

The product is the work done in compressing the gas in inch- 

Proof. Pressure meaning force per sq. inch, then if A is the 
area of the piston in square inches, the total force acting when 
the pressure is P is P . A =F say. 

If L is the length of the cylinder in inches, then 

and PV=^.A.L==F.L, 


and we may take the ordinate to represent the force on the 
piston, and the abscissae to represent displacement. 

(22) Find the work done in compressing a gas from a volume of 7 '32 to 
3 '64: ou.-ft. , if the initial pressure of the gas was 5200 lbs. weight per 
sq. ft. 

* (23) The resistance to ithe motion of a body in a liquid varies as the 
square of the speed, find the work done in reducing the speed from 20 to 
11 "5 miles per hour in a distance of 1'6 miles, if the resistance to the 
motion is a force of 12 '3 tons weight, when the speed is 8 '6 miles per 

* (24) If Wo is the weight of a body on the earth's surface, and W the 
weight of the same body at a, distance R from the earth's centre, then 
WR^= WqR^ where i?„ is the radius of the earth. Find the work done 
on a meteorite by the earth's attraction in moving it from iJ=8000 miles, 
to 7?=iJo=4000 miles, if the meteorite weighs J » ton on the earth':: 


1. Explain the term work. 

Find the work done in raising a lift full of people and weighing 2 tons 
through a height of 80 feet. Explain the system of units you use. 

(Engineer Students, 1903.) 

2. A uniform rope hangs by one end, and carries a weight at the other ; 
shew how to draw a diagram to represent the work done in winding up the 
rope, and thereby lifting the weight. (B. of E., II.) 

3. Draw a line Ax, and take in it five equidistant points, B, G, D, E, 
F; suppose a force (P) to act along Ax, and that its value at the points 
B, G, D, E, F are respectively 50, 35, 28, 25, 24 lbs., let the distances 


BC, CD, ... represent 3 ft. apiece ; draw a diagram of the work done by 
the force, and calculate (by Simpson's rule, if you know it) in foot-pounds 
the work done by the force while acting from B to If. (B. of E. , II. ) 

4. Draw a diagram of work in the following case : Six equal weights 
( W) are fastened to a rope in such a way that one follows another at 
distances of a foot. The rope hangs vertically with the lowest weight 
3 ft. above the ground ; if the rope be gradually lowered draw a diagram 
for the work done by gravity on the bodies, when all have come to the 
ground. (B. of E., II., 1903.) 

5. A load of 10 cwts. is raised from the bottom of a shaft 500 feet deep 
by a wire rope weighing 2 lbs. per foot. The rope is wound up on a drum, 
3 feet in diameter. Draw a curve, showing the moment exerted at the 
drum throughout the motion, and find the whole work done during the 
lift. (Patent Office, 1905.) 

6. Shew how to represent in a diagram the work done by a force P o£ 
variable magnitude, which displaces its point of application in its own fixed 
line uf action from A to B. Let P begin with the magnitude 50 lbs. 
weight, and keeping its magnitude constant, displace its point of application 
from .4 to C, a distance of 2 feet ; then from C to D, a distance of 8 ft. , let 
P vary inversely (without discontinuity) as the distance of its point of 
application from A. Draw the work diagram and find the total work done 
from A to B. (Inter. B.Sc. (Engineering), 1906.) 

7. Give the vector definition of the mass-centre of a system of particles. 
Prove that the work done against gravity in moving a system from one 
configuration to another is equal to the work done in lifting a, particle 
equal to the total mass from the first position of the M.c. to the second. 

(Inter. B.Sc. (Engineering), 1905.) 

8. The table below gives the relation between pressure and volume for 
1 lb. of saturated steam, between certain limits of pressure. Plot a graph 
which will show this relation, and by counting squares on the sectional 
paper, determine the area bounded by the curve, the horizontal axis or 
line of zero pressure, and the limiting ordinates (parallel to the line of zero 

If for any small change of volume of the steam the product of pressure 
m lbs. per square foot and the change of volume in cubic feet represents 
the work done in foot-lbs. , find how many foot-lbs. of work will be done in 
compressing the steain from a volume of 4 '29 o. ft. to a volume of 1'53 c. ft. 

Pressure in lbs. per square inch. Volume in cubic feet. 

101-9 4-29 

1151 3-82 

129-8 3-42 

145-8 3-07 

163-3 2-76 

182-4 2-48 

203-3 2-24 

225-9 2-03 

250-3 1-84 

276-9 1-68 

305-5 1-53 

(Military Entrance, 1905.) 



The Lever. A good simple lever can be made from a metre scale. 
Leaving about 3 cms. untouched at the centre, cut away from one edge 
down to the middle line and remove the end portions as in Fig. 313. 
Bore a hole just above the middle line at the mid-point of the length, and 
fix a steel cylindrical peg firmly in the hole so as to protrude about j" 
on both sides. 

FlQ. 313. 

The lever should be supported between two wooden blocks of the same 
height or on a special stand. Weights may be suspended from the lever 
by looped threads, either directly or by scale pans. 



FlQ. 314. 

Stops should be provided to prevent the lever overbalancing when the 
weights are not properly adjusted. 

If the lever is not horizontal when placed on its supports, cut away a- 
little more wood from the heavier side until it is. 

ExPT. I. Suspend, by means of a silk loop, a 100 gramme weight from 
the left-hand side of the lever at 20 cms. from the fulcrum. From the 
right-hand side suspend a weight of 40 grammes and adjust its position 
until the lever is horizontal. 

Do the same with weights of 50, 60, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400 and 
500 grammes on the right-hand side, noting in each case the distance of 
the supporting thread from the fulcrum. 

Tabulate the results thus : 

Weight in grammes = W, 



60 100 


Distance from fulcrum in 
cms. —d, 




On squared paper take a horizontal line to represent distances from the 
fulcrum, scale 1 in. to 5 cms., and vertical distances to represent the weights, 
scale 1 inch to 50 grammes, and mark the divisions as indicated in the 



















10 15 

20 25 30 


Fig. 316. 

35 40 45 

Plot the points whose coordinates are given in your table and draw 
a smooth curve lying as evenly as possible amongst them. 

The curve can be recognised as like the one constructed on p. 34. 
Verify this by multiplying the weights by the distances (take the weights 
from the curve). 

Find that always ^^.^^^ ^ ^^^ distance from fulcrum 
is the same. 

See if this constant product is also the product of the left-hand weight 
and its distance. 

These products are called the momenta or turning moments of the weights 
about the fulcrum, and we have TnomeiU ofweigfit on one side—moTnerd of 
weight on the other. 

From the graph determine 
(i) At what distance from the fulcrum a weight of 120 grammes on 
the right would balance the left-hand weight ? 

(ii) What weight must be placed at 27 '5 cms. on the right to balance the 
left-hand weight ? 

(iii) Suspend a ■^ lb. weight from the right arm and determine by trial 
the point at which it is in equilibrium. Read off from the curve its weight 
in grammes. 



(iv) If all the weights used on the right in the experiment were suspended 
at the same time from their old positions, what weight would have to be 
suspended at 30 cms. from fulcrum on the left ? 

(v) Where would a 500 gramme weight have to be suspended on the left 
to balance all the weights used on the right ? 

ExPT. II. Generalise Expt. I. by taking three weights on one side and 
two on the other at the same time. 

If Mr and Ml mean the moment of a weight on the right and left 
respectively, then the result of this experiment may be symbolised by the 
equation ZJfi- S71fjj=0. 

Notice that the weights on the left tend to produce a oontraolockwise 
rotation of the lever, and those on the right a clockwise, hence if the 
former be reckoned positive and the latter negative, then, as an algebraic 
sum, tilt mim of all the moments ahmit thefvlcrum is zero, or Silf =0. 

Repeat this experiment twice, using different weights, and see if Sif =0 
in these cases. 

(1) Weights 20, 25 and 100 grammes are placed at distances 45, 30 and 
20 cms. to the right of the fulcrum. A weight of 70 grammes is placed at 
10 ems. on the left ; where must 20 grammes be placed to balance the others, 
and what weight must be placed £,t 40 cms. to the left to balance the same 

(2) Would an upward push of 200 grammes at 15 cms. on the right be 
likely to have the same balancing power as 200 grammes hanging at 
15 cms. on the left ? (A 200 grammes upward push at any point would be 
counter-balanced by 200 grammes weight hanging vertically below.) 

(3) AB represents a lever 25 ems. long, the fulcrum being somewhere 
between A and B. A weight of 170 grammes at A balances 60 at ^ ; 
determine graphically the position of the fulcrum. 







Fia. 316. 

ExPT. III. Generalise the results of Expt. II. by applying an upward 
force on the right side by means of a spring balance {Pig. 316). 





Shew in several oases that 

W^.AC=W2xGB-P.GD (where C is the fulcrum), 
P being the upward pull of the spring as registered on the scale. 

(4) Forces in lbs. weight, 






Distances from it in inches. 





The above table gives the parallel forces acting on a lever, and the 
distances of their points of application from fulcrum. Distances to the 
right are given as positive, those to the left as negative ; a - force means 
an upward push. Find the distance of the 20 lbs. weight from the fulcrum 
for equilibrium. On which side must it be placed ? 

(5) Expt. I. Chap. IV. shewed that a force acting on a rigid body 
may be supposed applied at any point in its line of action. Suppose, then, 
a weight on one side of a lever were suspended by a thread cemented on 
to the lower edge (instead of strung from the upper edge), would this make 
any difference in its balancing power ? If not, the moment would in this 
case be expressed by weight x ? 

Expt. IV. A farther generalisation of Expt. III. can be made by 
changing the shape of the lever. 

Fix a cylindrical peg through the centre of a rectangular piece of planed 
wood (say 12" x 10" x J"). Fix two drawing pins firmly near opposite 
edges of the board, leaving sufficient space between the heads of the pins 
and the board to insert a loop of thread. Balance the board by means of a 
peg on two blocks as in the case of the metre scale lever. Hang weights of 
400 and 500 grammes on the pins, and let the lever take up a position of 
equilibrium. Mark the lines of the strings on the board. Measure the 
perpendicular distances of the strings from the fulcrum. See if the moment 
law, S (weight X perpendicular distance from fulcrum) = 0, is true. 

Remove the pins and mark their old positions ; set the pins in other 
positions on the two lines drawn on the board, and suspend the weights 
as before. Is the lever in equilibrium in the same position as before? 
How can you tell that the position is the same ? 

How does the experiment verify the deduction from Expt. III. Chap. IV. 

Notice that when the line joining the two pins is above the fulcrum the 
equilibrium is unstable. 

Expt. V. A final generalisation is efifected by arranging an experiment 
in which the forces have different directions. 

Cut out a piece of irregular shaped cardboard. Punch five holes in it, 
and fix it on the vertical drawing board (Expt. II. Chap. IV.) by means 
of two stout pins. Attach hooks, threads and weights as in Expt. IV. of 
Chap. IV., one weight hanging vertically. Remove one of the pins; tho 
card will probably turn round the remaining pin, and take up some 
position of equilibrium. The card is now a lever in equilibrium, the pin 
being the fulcrum. 

Draw lines on the card shewing the axes of the forces, and indicate on 
the lines the magnitudes and senses of these forces, 


Dismount the card. Measure the perpendiculars from the fulcrum on 
the axes of the forces, and calculate the sum of the moments. 

Find the sum of the vectors of the forces. 

Draw through the fulcrum a line parallel to the sum of the vectors. 
Mark a point on this line, and mark also a point not near the line. 

Calculate the sum of the moments about these two points as if they 
were fulcra. 

If a force equal in magnitude and direction, but opposite in sense, to the 
resultant vector acted in the axis drawn through the fulcrum, what would 
be the sum of the moments of the whole six forces about these three points, 
viz. the original fulcrum, and the two marked points ? 

What was the force acting at the fulcrum on the card, i.e. the reaction 
of the pin ? 

IJxPT. VI. Fix the same card to the drawing board (by two pins) in 
such a position that the axis originally vertical is vertical again. 
Arrange the pulleys so that the same forces may act on the card as in the 
last experiment, and in addition a sixth force given by the reversed 
resultant vector whose line of axis has been already drawn. 

Remove the pins and see if the card is in equilibrium. 

If in equilibrium any point on the card pinned to the board would do 
for a fulcrum. Calculate the sum of the moments of the six forces about 
several points. 

Was the vector polygon closed for all the forces ? 

Would there have been equilibrium if the sixth force had been applied 
in any other line than the one through the fulcrum ? 


(1) If a rigid body is free to turn about an axis (fulcrum) the rotative 
tendency of any force acting on the body is measured by the product of 
the force and the perpendicular on its axis from the fulcrum, and this 
moment is positive or negative according as the rotative tendency is eontra- 
clookwise or clockwise. Expts. I. -VI. 

(2) If a number of ooplanar forces act on a body free to turn about an 
axis, the body will turn until the sum of the moments of the forces about 
the axis is zero. If the body, free to turn about an axis, does not, the sixm 
of the moments of the forces about that axis is zero. Expt. V. 

(3) If the sum of the moments of the forces is zero about three points 
(non-coUinear) in the plane, the body will be in equilibrium (Expts. V. 
and VI.), and if the body is in equilibrium, the sum of the moments 
is zero for all points. Expt. VI. 




Draw a circle of radius 3" and mark by radial lines angles of 30°, 60° and 
90°. Step oflf the arcs, corresponding to these, along a tangent and measure 
their lengths in inches. Divide these lengths by the radius. The numbers 
so obtained are approximately the circular measures of the angles. See 
that the last number is 1 -57 and that the numbers are in the ratio 1:2:3, 
or nearly so. 

Whatever the radius of the circle the circular measure of these angles 
will be the same. 

If an arc be stepped off equal to the radius, the angle at the centre will 
have unity as its circular measure. This angle is called a radian and is the 
unit of circular measure. Construct a radian and see that it is nearly 57 '3°. 

The measure of an angle in radians is always — — — , which being the 
ratio of two lengths is a number. radius 

Mathematicians formerly went to enormous trouble to calculate the 
measure of two right angles in radians ; it has been worked out to 707 
decimal places. The number of radians in two right angles is alwaj's 
denoted by the letter tt. Correct to 5 figures its value is 3'1416 ; the 
fraction -^^ gives tt correct to three figures. Instead of giving the radians 
in an angle as a number, approximately correct, it is sometimes convenient 
to express it as a fraction of t ; thus the number of radians in 15°, 30° and 

45 are ^, ^ and j. 

„. semicircular are ., . „ 

hinoe 7r = ,. , the circumference of a, circle of radius r 

is 2irr. 




o (Alpha). e (Theta). 

j3 (Beta). i- (Pi). 

y (Gamma). p (Rho). 

'irf, :} (Sigma), 

e (Epsilon). SJ * 



Exercises. Paqbs 1-41. 
3. 0-62"; 38-4'. 5. Total' load, 15-1 ozs. 6. 11-3 ozs. 

7. 123. 8. 27-4. 9. 12. 10. -9 7. 

15. Complete the triangle on a, and measure the angle between u and the 

third side. Through the ends of b draw lines making and 60° 
with b, then c is the side bounding the 60° angle. 

16. 8-88. 25. 1-92. 29. 1-36, 1-48, 0-57. 32. 1-47, 0-83. 34. 915. 
35. 6-38. 36. 6-06. 38. 0-575. 39. 288. 40. 225. 
41. 1-28, 1-64, 2-08, 2-67, 3-43, 4-39. 42. 0-73, 0-62, 0-53. 

43. 1-13, 1-06, 0-92, 0-96. 

46. 0-04, 0-13, 0-21, 0'82, 0-97, 1-74, 1-90. 

47. 0-63, 0-87, 0-96, 1-17, 1-30, 1-43, 1-48. 

50. y = ^=—, where M is 1"; y=x^; 9". 

51. f =-t; ; 1'5" and 13'5" and are independent of a. 
b a? 

64. 3-8. 65. 8130. 66. 10-9". 67. 257 ; 694. 

69. 31-2 million ergs. 70. 10-4 sees. 71. 2 94 ft. -lbs. 72. 17 -4 ft. -tons. 

73. A line of length 8 '96 cms., scale 1 cm. to 1 lb. -ft. ; a line of length 
8-96", scale 1" to 1 lb. -ft. 

Miscellaneous Examples I. Pages 41, 42. 

1. 0-6", 1-42", 0-7". 2. 5-14 cms. . 4. 1-88". 

5. 7-85, 12-6, 15-7. 6. 45-3, 35-0, 17. 7. 107, 138, 236, 284. 

8. J/ = j|^, where Mis an inch. 9. 2-47. 10. 21 ft. -lbs. 
11. 2-46, 1'19, 0-76, 4-0. 13. 0-31 cub. ft. 


Ij r\i Ji JT XliOO. 





Exercises. Pages 43-64. 
5-12 sq. ins. 2. 20-4 sq. cms. 
9-1 sq. ins. 7. 2420 sq. ft. 
ABGD is - 1-03 sq. ins. 11. 9 sq. ins. 
8-87. 16. 5-9 sq. ins. 
21-6 cub. ins. 26. 9-75 cub. ins. 





2'28 sq. ins. 
1-67 sq. ins. 
4950 sq. yds. 
37 '6 cub. ins. 


Miscellaneous Examples II. Pages 65, 

12sq. ins., l-2sq. ins. 3. 5'4 sq. ins. 4. 
1-5 sq. ins. 6. 9-9 sq. ins. 7. 
3560 cub. eras. 9. 22200 sq. ft. 10. 


4-1 sq. ins. 
152 sq. ems. 
40 '7 sq. ems. 

12. Area is 5-93 sq. ins., angles are 71-8°, 61-8°, 46-4°. 

Exercises. Pages 69-114. 

1. 113 ft. N.W. ; 160 ft. N. ; 113 ft. N.E. ; 0. 

2. (i) 4-95', 0-6° W. of S. ; (ii) 6-97', 11-4° W. of S. 
7. 14-3 eras., 23-2° S. of E. 

9. 3-69m./hr. S.W.; 3-7m./hr.,25-9° S. of W.; 1-97 m./hr., 32-2°N. of W. 

Speeds 3-69; 4; 3-86 m./hr. 
11. 5-83 ft./see., 31° E. of N. 12. 36-9° with the up-stream line. 

13. 24'3° with the up-stream line. 14. 258 m./hr., 22-8° N. of E. 

15. 16'6 m./hr., 252° W. of S. 17. 14'3 m./hr. from 36-5° N. of E. 

18. 17 m./hr. (nearly). 19. From 28-4° N. of E. and 15-6° W. of N. 

20. 3-3 miles. 81. 13-5 m./hr. 47-5 E. of S. 

88. 9-2 m./hr., 14-7° E. of S. ; 157 m./hr., UT E. of S. 

83. The total accelerations are 17 ft. /sec, 48-3° S. of E., 26-1 ft./seo. E., 

16 ft. /see., 45° N. of E. and 0. 

24. 41 '9 ft. per sec. per sec. at 22'5° with its own direction of motion. 

26. 7-07 ft. each. 27. 10-6 and 5-5 ft. 

28. 27 "9 and 16"1 ft. per see. per see. 

29. 4 '93 and 0'83 ft. per sec. per sec. 

30. 47 miles. 31. 29 '2 ft. per see. per sec. 

32. 1"61 ft. per see. per see. down the incline. 

33. 2'31 ft. per sec. per sec. making 43'4° with the vertical. 
48. 0'85" from the centre. 

43. I'l" and 0'8" from the sides containing the second and third, and the 

third and fourth masses respectively. 
48. 5 '93 cms. from origin. 49. 4" from origin. 

53. 1'92" and 0-29". 57. 0-608 of radius from centre. 



58. 0'84" from centre of circle. 

66. 0'19" from the centre of the 3" circle away from the hole. 

69. 0'33" from the centre of the rectangle away from the hole. 

70. 0'44" from centre of rectangle. 

71. 0-57" from centre of rectangle. ' 

Miscellaneous Examples III. Pases 115, 116. 

3. 26 '8 ft. per see. at 52 -6° with the horizontal. 

4. n-2m./hr., 49-r N. of W. 5. Coordinates are 2-42 and 3-54 cms. 
6. Coordinates are 2-32 and 3 '88 cms. 8. 2-25" from centre. 

9. 0'78 and 0'61 of the radius from AB and £C respectively. 

11. 7 '17 ft. from base of block. 



166 lbs. wt. 

(i) e = = 36-9°. 
(iii) = 34-05°, 9 = 44-4°. 
(v) P=14-21bs. wt. = 76-3°. 
(vii) 9 = .33 -8°, g = 7-76 lbs. wt. 
(ix) P= 10-73, Q = 9. 
9S-5°, 134-7°, 129-8°. 5. 

(i) 12-7 and 20*8 lbs. wt. respectively. 
2-98 cwts. at A and 1 -57 at B. 

Pages 119-166. 

(ii) iJ = 8-7 lbs. wt., = 30°. 

(iv) Q = 8-18 lbs. wt., = 48°. 

(vi) P = 5-38, Q = 4-121bs. wt. 
(viii) P = 6-54. 

(x) i? = 5-66, e = 3-35. 
59 and 107 grms. wt. respectively. 















12. Ill making 112-75° with the 30 force. 

13. JJ=37-4, S=6-3. 14. 0-2 and 1-67 lbs. wt. respectively. 
15. 7-54 and 12-52 lbs. wt. respectively. 

17. AB makes 21-3° with the vertical, the pull on A is 10-25 lbs. wt. 

19. ^r=32-8 lbs. wt. 20. 11 lbs. wt. at 35-3° with the vertical. 

21. 1-29 cwts. 22. 20-5 and 36 lbs. wt. 

23. Through one end of a draw a line parallel to OB, describe a circle 

of radius -c with the other end of a as centre. The circle cuts the 
line drawn parallel to OB in two points, henoe c has one of two 
directions. If c has a direction perpendicular to OB the magnitude 
of c will be the least possible. 

24. (i) 13-4 and 44-8 lbs. wt. (ii) Diminished by 5-3 and 7-3 lbs. wt. 
(iii) Increased by 5-3 and 7-3 lbs. wt. (iv) 18-3 lbs. wt. 


25. 20-7 kilogrms. wt., 40-1° E. of N. 

26. 6-5 lbs. wt. at 67-2° with the 23 force. 

30. 18'2 lbs. wt. towards a point .S3-7° N. of E. 

31. 23-8 lbs. wt. at 79-1° with the 10 lb. wt. force. 

32. 20-7 lbs. wt. bisecting the angle ABC. 

33. 12-7 lbs. wt. at 45-05° with AB. 34. 9-33 and 9-66 kilogrms. wt. 
35. 1-29 and 2-5 kilogrms. wt. 36. 1-77 and 3-42 kilogrms. wt. 

38. 0-4cwts. 

39. First draw the plane. Then set off ^ C vertically downwards for the 

weight of the body and draw A B and BG parallel and perpendicular 
to the plane. Set off ^^ along AB for the pull parallel to the plane, 
and then draw MD at 15° with the horizontal cutting CB at D. 
Scale DE and DO ; they give 10'9 and 14"3 owts. as the required 

40. Braw parallel to 7 a radius of the circle and measure the length of the 

arc to the highest point (1'22'). 

41. The slope is 041 the angle 21-8°. 

42. 24-3°. 43. 39° ; 16-1 lbs. wt. 44. 3 39 cwts. 

45. 4 '5 and 3 kilogrms. wt. 

46. 15'6 lbs. wt. at 45° with the vertical. 

47. 9 3 and 19 '9 lbs. wt. bisecting the angles. 

48. (i) 388,1300 and 388 grms. wt. bisecting the angles, 
(ii) 1449,1299 and 1449 grms. wt. bisecting the angles. 

49. 5-71 tons wt. in AG, 4-28 in BG. 50. 8'61 tons wt. in BC. 
51. 2 '33 tons. wt. in BC, 4-46 in AC. 

53. 6-39 tons wt. in AC, 3-83 in BC. 

54. 4-3 tons wt. in AG, 0-92 in BG. 

55. 1-89 kilogrms. wt. in AC, MQ in AB, 0-98 in BC, 068 kilogrms. wt. 

reaction at B, 1'62 at A. 

56. 4-44 tons wt. in AB, 9-62 in ^C. 

57. 2-8 tons wt. in AB, 15-9 in AC. 

59. Reaction of nail=weight of picture ; tension=4-62 lbs. wt. 

61. 1-72 owts. in BC, 3 5 in AG, G being below AB. 

62. Stress in BA, 529 tons wt. 63. Tension is 15-5 lbs. wt. 

64. First find the tension in the chain by drawing from the ends of the 

vertical load vector a horizontal line and one making 30° with 
the vertical. Find the total pull at B of the two parts of the chain 
and then the forces in ^ S and CB which are in equilibrium with 
this. Stress in AB is 6-6 owts., in CB 17-3 owts. 

65. 18-18, 42-1° N. of E. 67. 10-02 and 9-92. 

69. 129, 321, 453, 483 lbs. wt. respectively. 

70. 11 and 5-69 lbs. wt. respectively. 

72. (i) 421 lbs. wt. along the rail, side thrust 201. 
(ii) 421 lbs. wt. along the rails, side thrust 21. 


tS. (i) 5-3 and 10-55 lbs. wt. (ii) 10-55 and 5-3 lbs. wt. 

(iii) 3-7 lbs. at each. 

75. i'=3-67 lbs. wt., reaotion = ll lbs. wt. Component parallel to 

plane = 3-67 lbs. wt., vertical component of reaotion = 10-4 lbs. wt. 

76. 27 lbs. wt., 75-3 lbs. wt. 77. 132-7 lbs. wt., 55-8 lbs. wt. 

78. The wedge is in equilibrium under the horizontal push of 28 lbs. wt. , 

the reaction of the block and a vertical force equal to the table 
reaction less the weight of the wedge. Draw a horizontal line 
representing to scale the push of 28 lbs. wt. From its end points 
draw lines vertical and perpendicular to face of wedge supporting 
the block, the latter gives 59-6 lbs. wt. as the reaction of the block 
on the wedge. The former gives 52-5 as the vertical force on the 
wedge, and this consists of 18 lbs. downwards and the reaction of 
the table upwards. The table reaction is therefore 70-5 upwards. 

79. 12-2 and 43-5 lbs. wt. respectively. 

84. 199 lbs. wt. 87. 5-85, 12-5, 37-5 lbs. wt. 89. 2-35 lbs. wt. 

90. 2-36 lbs. wt. at 43-7° with the vertical. 

91. 0-252 owts. at wall, 0-564 at ground, making 63-45° with the horizontal. 
98. 0-217 owts. at wall, reaction at ground makes 23-25° with the vertical. 
93. Tension is 221 kilogrms. wt. 

97. For the 60° plane the reaction is 29-9 lbs. wt., the reaction of the 

hinge is 60-8 lbs. wt., making 25-2° with the vertical. 

98. 1 25 cwts. at the top and 1 -66 cwts. at the bottom, the latter making 

51-6° with the horizontal. 

99. 521 lbs. wt. at hinge, making 24° with the beam, and 265 lbs. wt. at 

the top. 

100. Q = 212 lbs. wt., reaction at G 232 lbs. wt. passing through the 

intersection of P and Q. 

101. 42 lbs. wt. at plane and 48 at the peg, making 25-6° with the vertical. 

102. 83-1° with the vertical. 103. 50-8° with the vertical. 

104. 42-7° with the vertical. 

105. 5-1° with the horizontal ; reactions of the planes are 3-66 and 2-59 cwts. 

Exercises. Pages 172-206. 

2. Resultant of magnitude 3-62 lbs. wt. inclined at 13-8° with BC, the 

axis outs A B produced at 1" from B. 

3. Resultant of magnitude 8-99 lbs. wt., making 48-7° with Ox and 

cutting it at - 0-31 units from origin. 
8. Magnitude 6-62 lbs. wt. making 78-3° with the iirst spoke, axis cuts 
first spoke at 4-6" from its point of contact with the hub. 

11. 12 lbs. wt. at 6-42" from the smaller weight. 

12. 3-86" from the left end weight. 

13. First find the resultant of the first two forces and the given equilibrant. 

The third rope is 3 -9" from the mid-point and nearer the smaller weight. 


14. Draw the link polygon for the weights Wj and W^, mark the points 

where the first link cuts the known axis of the resultant, and 
where the last link outs the axis of Wg. A line through the pole of 
the vector polygon parallel to the line joining these two points 
determines the magnitude of W^ (19 '75 lbs. wt.). 

15. - 5 lbs. wt. at 9 ft. from first force and 6 ft. from second. 

16. -22 lbs. wt. at 17-1" from the end. 

17. Magnitude 27 '2 lbs. wt., the axis making 22-1° with PQ and cutting it 

at 0-47" from P. 

18. 1 cwt. at 0"72 yds. from first and 0'28 yds. from second force. 

19. 197" from leading wheel. 25. 4-73 and 5-97 tons. 
26. 23-65 and 22-35 owts. 27. 39-4 and 6-6 cwts. 
28. No ; reaction 1 -3 owts. downwards. 

31. 23-7 owts. at roller, reaction at pin makes 41-6° with beam and is of 
magnitude 31 '5 cwts. 

33. 185 -7 lbs. wt. at plate, 273 lbs. wt. at hinge, making 42-9° with 


34. 364 lbs. wt. at plate, 472 lbs. wt. at hinge, making 50 '5° with 


35. (i) ,327 lbs. wt. at plate, 499 lbs. wt. at hinge, making 54-5° with the 

gate post. 

37. Reaction at cylinder 1-82 owts., reaction at hinge 1-22 cwts., making 

51 -9° with the horizontal. 

38. 348 lbs. wt., making 15-2° with the vertical. 

46. (i) Perpendicular to the pole with a force 1-81 times the weight of the 
pole ; (ii) a force of 1 -86 times the weight of the pole at an angle of 
76-9° with the pole. 

53. 10-3 tons wt., making 16-1° with the vertical. 

Exercises. Pages 210-251. 

2. BQ and PJR in tension ; stress 9-82 lbs. wt. in each. PQ in com- 

pression ; stress 4-91 lbs. wt. 

3. Reaction at P is 12-45 lbs. wt., stress in PO = 3-72 lbs. wt. and at 

QR=5-0S lbs. wt. 

5. A tensile stress of 4-97 lbs. wt. in the lower bars ; a compressive stress 

in the horizontal bar of 14 lbs. wt. 

6. Lower bars have a tensile stress of 4-97 lbs. wt., the vertical bar one 

of 14 lbs. wt. 

7. The diagonal bar makes 4-75° with the horizontal ; the stresses in the 

two lower bars are 4-43 and 5-42 lbs. wt. 
9. The stresses in AB, BO and CA are 21-7, 56-3 and 27-3 lbs. wt. 
11. Tensile stress in PQ of 2 tons wt., compressive stress in PT of 1'73 
tons wt., compressive stress in TS of 1-15 tons wt. 


12. Compressive stress in PQ of 2 'SI tons wt., in QS a tensile stress of 

1 "15 tons wt. 

13. Stress in PQ is 2-31 tons wt. 14. Stress in PU is 8-66 tons wt. 
23. 33'1 lbs. wt. along the line joining P to the mid-point of QS. 

30. Average compressive stress in .4 £ is 3 '93 lbs. wt. 

Exercises. Pages 256-280. 

1. /i = !s, e=26-6°. 

2. Reaction 27"4 ozs., making 18'4° with the vertical. 

3. (i) Yes ; (ii) no. 4. /i=0-447, 6 = 24-1°. 

5. 467grms. wt. 8. 4-09 and 379 lbs. wt. 

9. Least force 11 '7 lbs. wt. at 32 '4° with the horizontal, corresponding 
friction is 0'98 lbs. wt. 

10. Yes ; 15 '5° with the vertical. 

11. 5-64 cwts. at 19-5° with the vertical, horizontal resistance TSS cwts. 

12. Least pull is 12-8 lbs. wt. at 20'3° with the horizontal. 

13. Angle of friction 36 "9°, reaction 8 lbs. wt. 

14. {a) 3-5. (6) 4-14 cwts. (c) 2-98. [d) At 25° with the horizontal. 

15. 6-23 kilogrms. wt. is the least force, 17'81 in the opposite sense to the 

5 force. 

16. 0-78 tons wt., making 38-7° with the vertical; (a) 1-02 tons wt. ; 

(6) 0-83 tons wt. 

17. Greatest force 1 "31 kilogrms. wt. 

18. 3 32 cwts. 19. 6-43, 3-46 cwts. 

20. 11, 2-85 and 7'78 lbs. wt. For the friction in the three cases resolve 

the total reaction of the surface into two components along and 
perpendicular to the plane, the former components give the friction. 

21. 10-5 and 14-7 lbs. wt. 28. 48-5 lbs. wt. 

23. 10'3°. 24. 2-85 ft., least tension 0'896 cwts. 

25. 43-6°. 27- A=0-14. 

28. The M.c. divides ladder in ratio 13/100. 

89. 14-29 lbs. wt. ; ^=0 866. 

31. 8-8° with the horizontal. 

32. The M.c. divides the beam in ratio 342/100. 

33. The M.c. divides the beam in ratio 211/100. 

34. The M.c. divides the beam in ratio 323/100. 
36. The M.c. is nearly at the midpoint. 

38. 63° with the vertical. 

39. 76-7° with the vertical. 

41. 70° with the vertical, no other possible position for limiting equili- 


Exercises. Pages 284-302. 
3. 475 lbs. ft. 

6. (i) -38-7. (ii) 13-7. (hi) -8-5 tons ft. 
8. 5450 tons inches. 9. 13700 tons inches. 

11. Take the pole 10 cms. from the force vector. 

12. Measure the line giving the momental area on the kilogramme weight 


14. 15-7 lbs. inches. 16. - 1 1 -4 lbs. inches. 
80. 2 '67 cms. from CD, 4-2 from AD. 

21. 6-66 cms. from CD, 2-05 from AD outside the square. 

29. 5-4 cms. from lower centre. 30. 5-62 cms. from lower centre. 

Exercises. Pages 315-332. 

1. B.M. is 4000 lbs. ft., s.F. is 500 lbs. wt. 

2. b.m's are 22,500, 10,000 and 5000 lbs. ft. 
s.f's are 2000 lbs. wt. at 8 ft. 

1700 lbs. wt. at just under 15 ft. 
1000 lbs. wt. at just over 15 ft. 
1000 lbs. wt. at 20 ft. 

3. B.M. at 8 ft. is 21-2 tons ft. 
s.F. at 8 ft is ] '9 tons wt. 

4. At 7 ft. from Q the b.m. is 21,100 lbs. ft. and the s.P. is 1500 just 

under, and 750 just over 7 ft. from Q. 



Exercises. Pages 354-367. 
1. 1420 ft. -lbs. 2. 16,000 ft. -lbs. 3. 18,500 inch-lbs. 

4. 1930 ft. -lbs. 5. 48-4 ft.-owts. 6. 117 ft.-owts. 

8. 799ft.-lbs. (independent of the radius). 9. 3470 ft. -lbs. 

10. 193 ft. -lbs. against gravity, 57 against friction, 250 by the equilibrating 

force. Total work is zero. 

11. 278 and 367 ft. -lbs. 12. 765 ft. -lbs. 

13. 335 ft. -lbs. 14. 2,520,000 ft. -lbs. 

15. 207 ft. -lbs. round B and 66-2 round G. 

16. 224,500 ft. -lbs. 18. 303 ft. -lbs. 19. 54-6 inch-lbs. 
20. 57'9 inoh-lbs. 21. 19-3 ft. -lbs. 


Abscissa, 13. 
Acceleration, average, 82. 

definition, 83. 

due to gravity, 83, 116. 

mass and force, 135. 

total, 82. 
Action and reaction, 137. 

examples on, 138-142. 
Addition, graphical, 4. 

of accelerations, 83. 

of displacements, 70-72. 

of momental areas, 188-190. 

of moments, 287-297. 

of velocities, 78. 

of work done, 361. 
Areas, circular sector, 55. 

circular segment, 56-57. 

equivalent figures, 62, 113. 

irregular figures, 58-61. 

mass-centres of, 98, 114. 

mid-ordinate rule for, 58. 

negative, 48, 49, 106, 107. 

parabolic segment, 60. 

polygons, 50-52. 

quadrilateral, 46-48: 
cross, 49. 
re-entrant, 47. 

rectangle, 46. 

Simpson's rule for, 59. 

to scale, 36, 37. 

triangle, 43-45. 
Arm, of a couple, 185, 
Average acceleration, 82. 

speed, 77. 

stress, 226. 

velocity, 77. 

Axes of coordinates, 13. 

Axis of rightand skewsyrametry, 95. 

Backstays, ,341. 

Bending moment, definition, 314. 

diagrams, 314. 

experiment and explanations, 309. 

for cantilever, 310. 

for continuously loaded beam, 

for freely supported bridge, 312. 

for non-parallel forces, 316. 

for several loads, 314. 

for travelling loads, 321-334. 

maximum, 313, 322, 329, 330. 
Bending of beams, 309. 
Bicycle spanner (problem), 273. 
Bow, notation due to, 177. 
l^owstring roof truss, 221. 
Boyle's law, 265. 

Cantilever, 216, 225, 308-311, 322,326. 
Centre of figure, 89, 303. 

of gravity, 303. 

of mean position, 85-90, 303. 

of parallel forces, 298, 303. 
Centrold, 89, 303. 
Chain, uniformly loaded, .346. 

of suspension bridge, 344. 
Circular arc, length of, 53-54. 
M.c. of, 98. 

measure, 374. 

sector, area, 55. 
M.O., 105. 

segment, area, 55. 
M.c, 108. 

The numbers refer to pages. 



Components, vectors, 84. 

forces, 151-154, 199-205. 

parallel forces, 201. 

three non -concurrent forces, 202. 
Composition of forces, 206-208. 
Conjugate direction, 99. 
Continuously loaded beams, 319-321. 

chains, 345, 346. 
Coordinates, rectangular, 13. 
Couples, 184, 207, 304. 

arms of, 185. 

momental areas of, 185. 

of transference, 207. 
Crane, simple wall, 144-147. 

derrick, 149. 
Cremona (Professor), 352. 
Cubes, 33. 
Cube roots, 33, 34. 
Curve of cubes, 33. 

of gas compression, 366. 

of reciprocals, 34. 

of squares, 29. 

of suspension bridge chain, 344. 

Decomposition of forces, 151-160, 

Derrick crane, 149, 204, 319. 
Dip (of a suspension bridge), 341. 
Direction, 1, 69. 
Displacement, 69, 70. 

addition of, 71, 72. 

minimum, 81. 

relative, 73. 
Division, 15, 16, 17. 

and multiplication, 18, 19. 

on squared paper, 17. 
Dyne, 136. 

Ela.stic limit, 305. 
Engine crank, force on, 156. 
Equation, to a straight line, 13. 
to curve of suspension bridge, 248, 
344, 345. 
1 1 

y = x', a;", 

„ 31-36. 

Equilibrant, 132, 177. 
Equilibrium under concurrent forces, 
132, 135. 

under two forces, 118. 

under three forces, 132, 160-165. 

and friction, 257, 258. 

Equilibrium and link 'polygon, 190, 
and vector polygon, 184, 186, 195. 
broken by rotation, 277-279. 
scalar conditions, 151. 
Equivalent figures, 62, 113. 

forces, 176. 
Erg, 40, 355. 

Experiments I. -VII. on concurrent 
forces, 119-122. 
deduction, 131, 132. 
VIII. on link polygon construc- 
tion, 177. 
IX. , X. , XI. on general conditions 
for equilibrium, 192. 
deductions from, 193. 
XII., XIII., XIV. on friction, 
256, 258. 
deductions from, 258. 
with lever, 369-373. 
deductions from, 373. 

Palling bodies, 83. 
Foot-pound, 38, 355. 
Force, components, 151-156, 199- 
equilibrant, 132, 177. 
equivalent, 176. 
mass and acceleration, 135. 
moment of, 41, 284, 370-373. 
on crank, 156. 
on sail, 159. 
polygon, 176. 
unit, magnitude of, 136. 
Forces, concurrent composition of, 
decomposition of , 151. 
examples on, 123-126. 
experiments on, 119-123. 
resultant, 132, 135. 
coplanar composition of, by link 
polygon, 174-176. 
decomposition of, 199-203, 206. 
like and unlike, 180. 
parallel, 180-185. 
reduction of any set, 207. 
resultant, 176, 177. 
Framework, simple bar, 144-149. 

and weight of bars, 225-2.35. 
French window problem, 206. 
roof truss, 353. 

The numbers refer to pages. 



Friction and beams on two planes, 

and bicycle spanner, 273. 
and cube, 277. 
and drawer, 275. 
and inclined plane, 262-265. 
and motion, 360. 
and ladder, 266-269. 
and lifting jack, 274. 
and reel, 278-280. 
and wedge, 276. 
angle of, 259. 
coefficient of, 258. 
laws of, 258, 360. 
minimum force for motion under, 

Funicular polygon, 176, 236-248. 
and parabola, 244-248. 
for equal loads, 240. 

Gas, work done in compression, 366. 
Girder, Warren, 222, 224. 

N, 219. 
Graphical addition, 4. 

subtraction, 5. 
Graphical measure of angles, 374. 

of areas, 36-38, 43-61. 

of bending moments, 310. 

of circular arc, 53. 

of moments, 285. 

of powers, 26. 

of products, 8-13. 

of quotients, 15-17. 

of reciprocals, 35. 

of shearing force, 310. 

of volumes, 62. 

of work done, 38, 355. 
Graphical representation of a 
moment, 285. 

of momental area, 185, 285. 

of work done, 358. 

Graphs of y=mx, 3?, 3?, -, etc., 13, 

31-36. *^ 

of force on engine crank, 156, 

of force on meteorite (problem), 

of friction and normal pressure, 

of gas eompres-sion, ,366. 

Graphs of lengths of ropes support- 
ing loads, 127-129. 
of lever law, 369. 
stresses in simple wall crane, 

of spring extension, 365. 
of work done, 363. 
Gravity, acceleration due to, 83, 136. 
centre of, 303. 

Heaviside, vector notation, 74. 
Henrici (Prof.), notation for graphi- 
cal statics, 177. 

vector notation, 74. 

vectors and rotors, 352. 
Hinge, door, reactions, 335. 

reactions on bars, 226-230. 
Hooke's law, 307, 364. 

Inclined plane and beam in equili- 
brium, 270, 271. 

and coefficient of friction, 262. 

and work done, 361. 

problems on, 139-142. 

and reel, 279. 

with friction problems, 262-265. 
Independent vectors, 110. 
Integral powers, 26. 
Irregular figures, area of, 58, 61. 
M.c. of, 302. 

Joints, pin, 144. 
two bar reactions, 226, 228. 
three bar reactions, 229. 

King post truss, 222, 224. 
Kite problem, 160. 
Knife edge, supports, 195. 

Law, Boyle's or Marriotte's, 365. 

Hooke's, 306, 364. 

Newton's second, 135. 
third, 137. 
Length of circular arc, 53. 
Lever, experiments on, 369-373. 

law of, 373. 

simple, 369. 
Like forces, 180. 

vectors, 110. 
Line, straight, 13. 

M.o. of, 89. 

yAe jiiimbers refer to pages. 



Line in division and multiplication, 

Link, polygon oonstructions, 173- 176, 
closed, 190. 

for parallel forces (like), 180-182. 
(unlike), 182. 
Localised vectors, 132. 

Mass, force and acceleration, 135. 

moments. 111. 

negative, 106, 107. 

points, 91. 

and weight, 136. 
Mass centres and centres of gravity, 

by link polygon, 299-302. 

definition, 91. 

formulae for, 93, 97, 98, 104, 105, 

graphical construction, 91-93, 111, 

of circular arc, 97, 98. 
sector, 105. 
segment, 108. 

of irregular area, 113, 302. 

of lines, 96. 

of points in a line, 92-94. 

of quadrilateral, 100-101. 

of trapezium, 104. 

of triangle, 99. 

scalar equations for, HI. 

and work done, 362. 
Masses to scale, 2. 
Maxwell vector notation, 70. 
Mid-ordinate rule for areas, 58-59. 
Modulus, of a bar, 305. 

Young's, 305. 
Moment, Bending, 309, 314. 

geometrical representation of, 285. 

graphical measure of, 285, 286. 

mass. 111. 

of a force, 284, 290, 370-373. 

sense of, 287. 

unit of, 285. 
Momental areas, 185. 

addition of, 185. 

unit of, 185. 
Moments and couple, 295, 304. 

and equilibrium, 304, 373. 

bending, 308. 

Moments, sum of, 296, 297. 
by link polygon, 287-294. 

theory of, 304. 
Multiplication of lengths, 37. 

of numbers, 8-11, 20. 

of vectors by soalars, 85. 

on squared paper, 12, 22, 23. 

Newton's second law of motion, 

third law of motion, 137. 
Notation for displacements, 70. 

for lines representing numbers, 

for numbers, 8. 

for vectors, 74. 

space for forces and vectors, 177. 
Numbers to scale, 6. 

Ordinates, 13. 

Origin of coordinates, 13. 

Parabola, equation to, 244. 

and funicular polygon, 244-248. 

and suspension bridge, 343. 

and telegraph wire, 345. 
Parallel forces (engine problem), 

like and unlike, 182. 

vectors (like), 74, 1 10. 
Parallelogram, area of, 46. 

centre of figure of, 89. 

law, 134. 
Particles, 91. 
Path and displacement, 69. 

and work done, 359. 
Pentagonal frame stresses, 234. 
Plane, inclined, 139-142. 

and friction, 262-265. 
Polygon, area of 50 

force, 176. 

funicular, 176. 

link, 173-176. 

vector, 176. 
Powers of numbers, 26, 27. 
Product of force and length {see 
work done and moment). 

of two lengths, 36-38. 

of numbers, 8. 

of ratios, 25. 
Pulley, smooth, 119, 162. 

Tlie numbers refer to pages. 



Quadrilateral, area of, 47. 

cross, 48. 

frame, 214, 230. 

M.c. of, 100, 101. 

re-entrant, 47. 
Quantities, scales and vector, 1. 

to scale, 1. 
Queen post truss, 223, 250. 

Radian, 374. 
Rankine, 53. 

Reaction, determination of, 138-142, 

normal, 138. 

of a surface, 138. 
Reaction and action (see Newton). 
Reactions, at joints, 226, 234. 

by link polygon, 194, 196. 

indeterminate, 317. 

made determinate, 338. 

of walls, 205, 230, 337-339. 
Reciprocal figures, 352. 
Reciprocals, 35. 

squared, 36. 
Rectangle reduced to unit base, 46. 
Reduction of a set of forces, 195, 

206, 207. 
Reel, problems on, 278. 
Relative velocity and displacement, 

73, 79-82. 
Resistance, 137. 
Resultant force, 132, 133, 176. 

by link polygon, 173-176. 

examples in concurrent forces, 
133, 134. 

three forces (non-parallel), 172. 

uniqueness of, 177. 
Rigid body, 131. 

frame as a, 212. 
Roots, square, 30. 

cube, 33. 
Rotors, 132. 

Sag, of a telegraph wire, 345. 
Sailing against the wind, 159. 
Scalar quantities, 1. 
Scale, areas to, 36. 

masses to, 2. 

numbers to, 6. 
Scales, change of, 22, 24. 

different, 15. 

Screw jack and friction, 274. 
Second law of motion, 135. 
Sections, method of, 248-250, 340- 

Sense and sign, 70. 
of an area, 49. 
of a line, 68. 
Shearing force (s.F.) definition, 314. 
experiments and explanations, 

for continuously loaded beams, 

for freely supported bridge, 312. 
for several loads, 314. 
for simple cantilever, 310, 326-335. 
for travelling loads, 321-326. 
Similar triangles, 7. 
Simpson's rule for areas, 59. 
Skew symmetry, 95. 
Smooth (bodies), 138. 
Speed, 76, 77. 
Square roots, 29, 30. 
Squared paper and division, 17. 
and multiplication, 12. 
and powers, 29-35. 
Statics, foundation of, 131. 
Straight line, as a vector, 74. 
equation to, 13. 
locus in B.M. diagram, 332. 
M.c. of, 89. 
in division, 17-19. 
in multiplication, 12, 21, 22. 
Stress, compressive, 137. 
diagrams, three bar frame, 210- 
braced quadrilateral, 214-216. 
bridge girder, 218. 
cantilever, 216, 225. 
examples, 221-225. 
pentagonal frame, 234. 
roof truss, 220, 338. 
and vector polygon, 210. 
tensile, 137. 
Stresses by moments, 340-343, 348- 

Strip division method for areas, 

58, 62. 
Subtraction, 5. 
Suspension bridge, 341. 

and parabola, 343. 
Symmetry, right and skew, 95. 

Tlie numbers refer to pages. 



Telegraph wire, 345. 
Three moments, 304, 373. 
Toggle joint, 206. 
Torque, 41. 
Triangle, area of, 43-46. 

M.c. of, 99. 
Triangles, similar, 7. 
Truss and wind pressure, 338. 

bowstring roof, 221. 

French roof, 352, 353. 

king post, 222, 224. 

quadrilateral, 251. 

queen post, 223, 250. 

railway platform, 223. 

simple three bar, 149. 

taking account of weight of bars, 

various examples, 215, 222, 223, 
251, 339, 348, 351, 353. 
Turning moment, 41, 370. 

Unit area, 36. 

base and reduction of areas to, 43. 

force (magnitude), 136. 

length, 78. 

moment (magnitude), 285. 

speed acceleration, 1,36. 

speed, 78, 1.36. 

work, 38. 
Unlike forces, 180. 

Vector addition, 74, 75. 
definition, 74. 
notation, 74. 

polygon, closed, 106, 186, 190. 
quantities, 1. 

Vectors, components, 83, 84. 

independent, 110. 

Uke, 110. 

multiplication by scalars, 85. 

and vector quantities, 73. 
Velocities, addition of, 78. 
Velocity, average, 75. 

definition of, 78. 

relative, 79-82. 

and speed, 77. 

units, 78. 
Volumes, of revolution, 62. 

to scale, 36. 

Wall crane, 198, 204. 

reaction of, 205, 230, 337-339. 
Warren girder, 222, 224. 
Weight and mass, 136. 

of oars in frames, 225-235. 
Wind pressure on roofs, 338. 

on a kite, 160. 

on a sail, 159. 
Work done, 38-40. 

and M.c, 362. 

and friction, 360, 361. 

and motion, 358. 

by component forces, 361, 362. 

by variable force, 363. 

definition, 354, 357. 

graphical representation, 355. 

in compressing a gas, 366. 

in spring extension, 364. 

negative, 354. 

unit of, 38, 354. 

Young's modulus, 305. 

The nwmhera refer to pages.